Merge with development
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
-- IDEMPIERE-2757 Key for M_Storage wrongly defined on dictionary
-- Aug 6, 2015 5:28:43 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET IsParent='Y', IsUpdateable='N',Updated=TO_DATE('2015-08-06 17:28:43','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=210887
SELECT register_migration_script('201508061729_IDEMPIERE-2757.sql') FROM dual
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
-- IDEMPIERE-2757 Key for M_Storage wrongly defined on dictionary
-- Aug 6, 2015 5:28:43 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET IsParent='Y', IsUpdateable='N',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-08-06 17:28:43','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=210887
SELECT register_migration_script('201508061729_IDEMPIERE-2757.sql') FROM dual
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:47:07 AM IST
INSERT INTO AD_Column (SeqNoSelection,AD_Column_ID,IsAlwaysUpdateable,IsSyncDatabase,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,EntityType,IsSecure,IsEncrypted,IsParent,IsMandatory,IsIdentifier,SeqNo,Help,Version,FieldLength,IsKey,IsTranslated,Created,IsUpdateable,IsAutocomplete,IsAllowLogging,IsAllowCopy,Description,ColumnName,Name,IsSelectionColumn,AD_Column_UU,IsActive,IsToolbarButton,FKConstraintType,AD_Element_ID,AD_Reference_ID,AD_Table_ID) VALUES (0,212212,'N','N',0,0,100,TO_DATE('2015-06-18 10:47:06','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'D','N','N','N','N','N',0,'The Database Table provides the information of the table definition',0,10,'N','N',TO_DATE('2015-06-18 10:47:06','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'Y','N','Y','Y','Database Table information','AD_Table_ID','Table','N','cd639a6d-243f-4737-80b7-e953534cafa6','Y','N','N',126,19,288)
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:47:12 AM IST
UPDATE AD_Column SET FKConstraintType='N', FKConstraintName='ADTable_ADTree',Updated=TO_DATE('2015-06-18 10:47:12','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=212212
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:47:12 AM IST
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:47:12 AM IST
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:47:46 AM IST
INSERT INTO AD_Ref_List (AD_Ref_List_ID,CreatedBy,UpdatedBy,Created,Updated,EntityType,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Description,Value,Name,IsActive,AD_Ref_List_UU,AD_Reference_ID) VALUES (200310,100,100,TO_DATE('2015-06-18 10:47:45','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),TO_DATE('2015-06-18 10:47:45','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'D',0,0,'Custom Table','TL','Custom Table','Y','e3104c45-9a71-4ea1-bd24-9125d33f07db',120)
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:48:11 AM IST
INSERT INTO AD_Field (ColumnSpan,AD_Field_ID,AD_Client_ID,CreatedBy,AD_Org_ID,Updated,UpdatedBy,IsHeading,IsDisplayed,IsFieldOnly,IsSameLine,IsDisplayedGrid,SeqNo,IsReadOnly,IsCentrallyMaintained,Created,EntityType,Name,IsEncrypted,DisplayLength,AD_Field_UU,IsActive,AD_Column_ID,AD_Tab_ID) VALUES (2,203825,0,100,0,TO_DATE('2015-06-18 10:48:05','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'N','N','N','N','N',100,'N','Y',TO_DATE('2015-06-18 10:48:05','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'D','AD_Tree_UU','N',36,'13075486-eba0-4882-8270-9205a2440b6f','Y',60514,243)
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:48:11 AM IST
INSERT INTO AD_Field (ColumnSpan,AD_Field_ID,AD_Client_ID,CreatedBy,AD_Org_ID,Updated,UpdatedBy,IsHeading,Help,IsDisplayed,IsFieldOnly,IsSameLine,SeqNo,IsReadOnly,IsCentrallyMaintained,Created,EntityType,Name,Description,IsEncrypted,DisplayLength,AD_Field_UU,IsActive,AD_Column_ID,AD_Tab_ID) VALUES (2,203826,0,100,0,TO_DATE('2015-06-18 10:48:11','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'N','The Database Table provides the information of the table definition','Y','N','N',110,'N','Y',TO_DATE('2015-06-18 10:48:11','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'D','Table','Database Table information','N',10,'f7ca6a1b-4a96-48fe-938e-6784af276493','Y',212212,243)
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:48:40 AM IST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=0,IsDisplayed='N' WHERE AD_Field_ID=203825
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:48:40 AM IST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=70,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=203826
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:48:40 AM IST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=80,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=5228
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:48:40 AM IST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=90,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=12421
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:48:40 AM IST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=100,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=8371
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:49:23 AM IST
UPDATE AD_Field SET DisplayLogic='@TreeType@=''TL''',Updated=TO_DATE('2015-06-18 10:49:23','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=203826
SELECT register_migration_script('201506241206_IDEMPIERE-2675.sql') FROM dual
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
-- IDEMPIERE-2675 Supporting tree on any custom table
-- Aug 5, 2015 11:07:44 AM COT
UPDATE AD_Ref_List SET IsActive='N',Updated=TO_DATE('2015-08-05 11:07:44','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Ref_List_ID=888
-- Aug 5, 2015 11:07:47 AM COT
UPDATE AD_Ref_List SET IsActive='N',Updated=TO_DATE('2015-08-05 11:07:47','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Ref_List_ID=891
-- Aug 5, 2015 11:07:52 AM COT
UPDATE AD_Ref_List SET IsActive='N',Updated=TO_DATE('2015-08-05 11:07:52','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Ref_List_ID=889
-- Aug 5, 2015 11:07:55 AM COT
UPDATE AD_Ref_List SET IsActive='N',Updated=TO_DATE('2015-08-05 11:07:55','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Ref_List_ID=890
-- Aug 5, 2015 11:15:48 AM COT
UPDATE AD_Tree SET IsActive='N', IsDefault='N',Updated=TO_DATE('2015-08-05 11:15:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Tree_ID=115
-- Aug 5, 2015 11:15:59 AM COT
UPDATE AD_Tree SET IsActive='N', IsDefault='N',Updated=TO_DATE('2015-08-05 11:15:59','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Tree_ID=118
-- Aug 5, 2015 11:16:01 AM COT
UPDATE AD_Tree SET IsActive='N', IsDefault='N',Updated=TO_DATE('2015-08-05 11:16:01','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Tree_ID=116
-- Aug 5, 2015 11:16:04 AM COT
UPDATE AD_Tree SET IsActive='N', IsDefault='N',Updated=TO_DATE('2015-08-05 11:16:04','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Tree_ID=117
-- Aug 5, 2015 11:25:19 AM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET IsUpdateable='N',Updated=TO_DATE('2015-08-05 11:25:19','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=212212
-- Aug 5, 2015 11:25:59 AM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET MandatoryLogic='@TreeType@=''TL''',Updated=TO_DATE('2015-08-05 11:25:59','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=212212
-- Aug 5, 2015 11:29:40 AM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Val_Rule (AD_Val_Rule_ID,Name,Type,Code,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,EntityType,AD_Val_Rule_UU) VALUES (200083,'AD_Table with IsSummary','S','EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Column c WHERE AD_Table.AD_Table_ID=c.AD_Table_ID AND c.ColumnName=''IsSummary'' AND c.IsActive=''Y'') AND AD_Table.IsView=''N''',0,0,'Y',TO_DATE('2015-08-05 11:29:39','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_DATE('2015-08-05 11:29:39','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'D','8a00a911-354b-40c8-9cfa-a40ec65df11d')
-- Aug 5, 2015 11:29:51 AM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET AD_Val_Rule_ID=200083,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-08-05 11:29:51','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=212212
SELECT register_migration_script('201508051109_IDEMPIERE-2675.sql') FROM dual
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:47:07 AM IST
INSERT INTO AD_Column (SeqNoSelection,AD_Column_ID,IsAlwaysUpdateable,IsSyncDatabase,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,EntityType,IsSecure,IsEncrypted,IsParent,IsMandatory,IsIdentifier,SeqNo,Help,Version,FieldLength,IsKey,IsTranslated,Created,IsUpdateable,IsAutocomplete,IsAllowLogging,IsAllowCopy,Description,ColumnName,Name,IsSelectionColumn,AD_Column_UU,IsActive,IsToolbarButton,FKConstraintType,AD_Element_ID,AD_Reference_ID,AD_Table_ID) VALUES (0,212212,'N','N',0,0,100,TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-06-18 10:47:06','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'D','N','N','N','N','N',0,'The Database Table provides the information of the table definition',0,10,'N','N',TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-06-18 10:47:06','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'Y','N','Y','Y','Database Table information','AD_Table_ID','Table','N','cd639a6d-243f-4737-80b7-e953534cafa6','Y','N','N',126,19,288)
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:47:12 AM IST
UPDATE AD_Column SET FKConstraintType='N', FKConstraintName='ADTable_ADTree',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-06-18 10:47:12','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=212212
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:47:12 AM IST
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:47:12 AM IST
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:47:46 AM IST
INSERT INTO AD_Ref_List (AD_Ref_List_ID,CreatedBy,UpdatedBy,Created,Updated,EntityType,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Description,Value,Name,IsActive,AD_Ref_List_UU,AD_Reference_ID) VALUES (200310,100,100,TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-06-18 10:47:45','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-06-18 10:47:45','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'D',0,0,'Custom Table','TL','Custom Table','Y','e3104c45-9a71-4ea1-bd24-9125d33f07db',120)
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:48:11 AM IST
INSERT INTO AD_Field (ColumnSpan,AD_Field_ID,AD_Client_ID,CreatedBy,AD_Org_ID,Updated,UpdatedBy,IsHeading,IsDisplayed,IsFieldOnly,IsSameLine,IsDisplayedGrid,SeqNo,IsReadOnly,IsCentrallyMaintained,Created,EntityType,Name,IsEncrypted,DisplayLength,AD_Field_UU,IsActive,AD_Column_ID,AD_Tab_ID) VALUES (2,203825,0,100,0,TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-06-18 10:48:05','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'N','N','N','N','N',100,'N','Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-06-18 10:48:05','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'D','AD_Tree_UU','N',36,'13075486-eba0-4882-8270-9205a2440b6f','Y',60514,243)
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:48:11 AM IST
INSERT INTO AD_Field (ColumnSpan,AD_Field_ID,AD_Client_ID,CreatedBy,AD_Org_ID,Updated,UpdatedBy,IsHeading,Help,IsDisplayed,IsFieldOnly,IsSameLine,SeqNo,IsReadOnly,IsCentrallyMaintained,Created,EntityType,Name,Description,IsEncrypted,DisplayLength,AD_Field_UU,IsActive,AD_Column_ID,AD_Tab_ID) VALUES (2,203826,0,100,0,TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-06-18 10:48:11','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'N','The Database Table provides the information of the table definition','Y','N','N',110,'N','Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-06-18 10:48:11','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'D','Table','Database Table information','N',10,'f7ca6a1b-4a96-48fe-938e-6784af276493','Y',212212,243)
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:48:40 AM IST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=0,IsDisplayed='N' WHERE AD_Field_ID=203825
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:48:40 AM IST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=70,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=203826
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:48:40 AM IST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=80,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=5228
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:48:40 AM IST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=90,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=12421
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:48:40 AM IST
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=100,IsDisplayed='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=8371
-- Jun 18, 2015 10:49:23 AM IST
UPDATE AD_Field SET DisplayLogic='@TreeType@=''TL''',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-06-18 10:49:23','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=203826
SELECT register_migration_script('201506241206_IDEMPIERE-2675.sql') FROM dual
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
-- IDEMPIERE-2675 Supporting tree on any custom table
-- Aug 5, 2015 11:07:44 AM COT
UPDATE AD_Ref_List SET IsActive='N',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-08-05 11:07:44','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Ref_List_ID=888
-- Aug 5, 2015 11:07:47 AM COT
UPDATE AD_Ref_List SET IsActive='N',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-08-05 11:07:47','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Ref_List_ID=891
-- Aug 5, 2015 11:07:52 AM COT
UPDATE AD_Ref_List SET IsActive='N',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-08-05 11:07:52','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Ref_List_ID=889
-- Aug 5, 2015 11:07:55 AM COT
UPDATE AD_Ref_List SET IsActive='N',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-08-05 11:07:55','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Ref_List_ID=890
-- Aug 5, 2015 11:15:48 AM COT
UPDATE AD_Tree SET IsActive='N', IsDefault='N',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-08-05 11:15:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Tree_ID=115
-- Aug 5, 2015 11:15:59 AM COT
UPDATE AD_Tree SET IsActive='N', IsDefault='N',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-08-05 11:15:59','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Tree_ID=118
-- Aug 5, 2015 11:16:01 AM COT
UPDATE AD_Tree SET IsActive='N', IsDefault='N',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-08-05 11:16:01','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Tree_ID=116
-- Aug 5, 2015 11:16:04 AM COT
UPDATE AD_Tree SET IsActive='N', IsDefault='N',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-08-05 11:16:04','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Tree_ID=117
-- Aug 5, 2015 11:25:19 AM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET IsUpdateable='N',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-08-05 11:25:19','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=212212
-- Aug 5, 2015 11:25:59 AM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET MandatoryLogic='@TreeType@=''TL''',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-08-05 11:25:59','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=212212
-- Aug 5, 2015 11:29:40 AM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Val_Rule (AD_Val_Rule_ID,Name,Type,Code,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,EntityType,AD_Val_Rule_UU) VALUES (200083,'AD_Table with IsSummary','S','EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Column c WHERE AD_Table.AD_Table_ID=c.AD_Table_ID AND c.ColumnName=''IsSummary'' AND c.IsActive=''Y'') AND AD_Table.IsView=''N''',0,0,'Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-08-05 11:29:39','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-08-05 11:29:39','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'D','8a00a911-354b-40c8-9cfa-a40ec65df11d')
-- Aug 5, 2015 11:29:51 AM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET AD_Val_Rule_ID=200083,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-08-05 11:29:51','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=212212
SELECT register_migration_script('201508051109_IDEMPIERE-2675.sql') FROM dual
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ public class CalloutInvoice extends CalloutEngine
+ " p.SO_Description,p.IsDiscountPrinted,"
+ " p.SO_CreditLimit, p.SO_CreditLimit-p.SO_CreditUsed AS CreditAvailable,"
+ " l.C_BPartner_Location_ID,c.AD_User_ID,"
+ " COALESCE(p.PO_PriceList_ID,g.PO_PriceList_ID) AS PO_PriceList_ID, p.PaymentRulePO,p.PO_PaymentTerm_ID "
+ " COALESCE(p.PO_PriceList_ID,g.PO_PriceList_ID) AS PO_PriceList_ID, p.PaymentRulePO,p.PO_PaymentTerm_ID, p.SalesRep_ID "
+ "FROM C_BPartner p"
+ " INNER JOIN C_BP_Group g ON (p.C_BP_Group_ID=g.C_BP_Group_ID)"
+ " LEFT OUTER JOIN C_BPartner_Location l ON (p.C_BPartner_ID=l.C_BPartner_ID AND l.IsBillTo='Y' AND l.IsActive='Y')"
@ -151,6 +151,13 @@ public class CalloutInvoice extends CalloutEngine
if (
// Sales Rep - If BP has a default SalesRep then default it
Integer salesRep = rs.getInt("SalesRep_ID");
if (IsSOTrx && salesRep != 0 )
mTab.setValue("SalesRep_ID", salesRep);
// PriceList & IsTaxIncluded & Currency
Integer ii = new Integer(rs.getInt(IsSOTrx ? "M_PriceList_ID" : "PO_PriceList_ID"));
if (!rs.wasNull())
@ -62,6 +62,21 @@ public interface I_AD_Tree
public int getAD_Org_ID();
/** Column name AD_Table_ID */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Table_ID = "AD_Table_ID";
/** Set Table.
* Database Table information
public void setAD_Table_ID (int AD_Table_ID);
/** Get Table.
* Database Table information
public int getAD_Table_ID();
public org.compiere.model.I_AD_Table getAD_Table() throws RuntimeException;
/** Column name AD_Tree_ID */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Tree_ID = "AD_Tree_ID";
@ -54,8 +54,7 @@ public class MAllocationHdr extends X_C_AllocationHdr implements DocAction
private static final long serialVersionUID = -7787519874581251920L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8726957992840702609L;
/** Tolerance Gain and Loss */
private static final BigDecimal TOLERANCE = BigDecimal.valueOf(0.02);
@ -1265,6 +1264,7 @@ public class MAllocationHdr extends X_C_AllocationHdr implements DocAction
if (sysconfig_desc.contains("@")) {
description = Env.parseVariable(sysconfig_desc, new MBPartner(getCtx(), bpartnerID, null), trxName, true);
description = Env.parseVariable(description, this, trxName, true);
description = Msg.parseTranslation(getCtx(), description);
} else
description = Env.getContext(getCtx(), "#AD_User_Name"); // just to be sure
@ -135,7 +135,6 @@ public class MJournalBatch extends X_GL_JournalBatch implements DocAction
this (original.getCtx(), 0, original.get_TrxName());
// setC_AcctSchema_ID(original.getC_AcctSchema_ID());
// setGL_Budget_ID(original.getGL_Budget_ID());
@ -598,19 +598,31 @@ public class MProduct extends X_M_Product
m_precision = null;
// AttributeSetInstance reset
if (is_ValueChanged(COLUMNNAME_M_AttributeSet_ID))
if (getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() > 0 && is_ValueChanged(COLUMNNAME_M_AttributeSet_ID))
MAttributeSetInstance asi = new MAttributeSetInstance(getCtx(), getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(), get_TrxName());
if (asi.getM_AttributeSet_ID() != getM_AttributeSet_ID())
if (!newRecord && is_ValueChanged(COLUMNNAME_M_AttributeSetInstance_ID))
// IDEMPIERE-2752 check if the ASI is referenced in other products before trying to delete it
int oldasiid = get_ValueOldAsInt(COLUMNNAME_M_AttributeSetInstance_ID);
if (oldasiid > 0) {
MAttributeSetInstance oldasi = new MAttributeSetInstance(getCtx(), get_ValueOldAsInt(COLUMNNAME_M_AttributeSetInstance_ID), get_TrxName());
int cnt = DB.getSQLValueEx(get_TrxName(), "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM M_Product WHERE M_AttributeSetInstance_ID=?", oldasi.getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID());
if (cnt == 1) {
// Delete the old m_attributesetinstance
try {
asi.deleteEx(true, get_TrxName());
oldasi.deleteEx(true, get_TrxName());
} catch (AdempiereException ex)
log.saveError("Error", "Error deleting the AttributeSetInstance");
return false;
return true;
} // beforeSave
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import java.util.logging.Level;
import javax.sql.RowSet;
import org.compiere.print.MPrintColor;
import org.compiere.util.CCache;
import org.compiere.util.CLogMgt;
import org.compiere.util.CLogger;
import org.compiere.util.DB;
@ -111,6 +112,8 @@ public class MTree extends MTree_Base
/** Logger */
private static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger(MTree.class);
/** Cache */
private static CCache<String,Integer> tree_cache = new CCache<String,Integer>("AD_Tree_ID", 5);
* Get default (oldest) complete AD_Tree_ID for KeyColumn.
@ -121,6 +124,10 @@ public class MTree extends MTree_Base
public static int getDefaultAD_Tree_ID (int AD_Client_ID, String keyColumnName)
String key = AD_Client_ID + "|" + keyColumnName;
if (tree_cache.containsKey(key))
return tree_cache.get(key);
if (keyColumnName == null || keyColumnName.length() == 0)
return 0;
@ -159,7 +166,20 @@ public class MTree extends MTree_Base
TreeType = TREETYPE_CMTemplate;
String tableName = keyColumnName.substring(0, keyColumnName.length() - 3);
String query = "SELECT tr.AD_Tree_ID "
+ "FROM AD_Tree tr "
+ "JOIN AD_Table t ON (tr.AD_Table_ID=t.AD_Table_ID) "
+ "WHERE tr.AD_Client_ID=? AND tr.TreeType=? AND tr.IsActive='Y' AND tr.IsAllNodes='Y' AND t.TableName = ? "
+ "ORDER BY tr.AD_Tree_ID";
int treeID = DB.getSQLValueEx(null, query, Env.getAD_Client_ID(Env.getCtx()), TREETYPE_Table, tableName);
if (treeID != -1) {
tree_cache.put(key, treeID);
return treeID;
s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not map " + keyColumnName);
tree_cache.put(key, 0);
return 0;
@ -189,6 +209,7 @@ public class MTree extends MTree_Base
pstmt = null;
tree_cache.put(key, AD_Tree_ID);
return AD_Tree_ID;
} // getDefaultAD_Tree_ID
@ -219,6 +240,11 @@ public class MTree extends MTree_Base
else // IDEMPIERE 329 - nmicoud
String sourceTableName = getSourceTableName(getTreeType());
if (sourceTableName == null)
if (getAD_Table_ID() > 0)
sourceTableName = MTable.getTableName(getCtx(), getAD_Table_ID());
sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT "
+ "tn.Node_ID,tn.Parent_ID,tn.SeqNo,st.IsActive "
+ "FROM ").append(sourceTableName).append(" st "
@ -449,13 +475,27 @@ public class MTree extends MTree_Base
sqlNode.append(" IS NOT NULL))");
}else if(getAD_Table_ID() != 0) {
String tableName =MTable.getTableName(getCtx(), getAD_Table_ID());
sqlNode.append("SELECT t.").append(tableName)
if (isTreeDrivenByValue())
sqlNode.append("t.Value || ' - ' || t.Name,");
.append(" FROM ").append(tableName).append(" t ");
if (!m_editable)
sqlNode.append(" WHERE t.IsActive='Y'");
} else if (isTreeDrivenByValue()) {
sqlNode.append("SELECT t.").append(columnNameX)
.append("_ID, t.Value || ' - ' || t.Name, t.Description, t.IsSummary,").append(color)
.append(" FROM ").append(fromClause);
if (!m_editable)
sqlNode.append(" WHERE t.IsActive='Y'");
} else {
else {
if (columnNameX == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown TreeType=" + getTreeType());
sqlNode.append("SELECT t.").append(columnNameX)
@ -191,10 +191,6 @@ public class MTree_Base extends X_AD_Tree
sourceTable = "C_ElementValue";
// else if (treeType.equals(TREETYPE_User1))
// sourceTable = "??";
// end afalcone
return sourceTable;
} // getSourceTableName
@ -300,6 +296,11 @@ public class MTree_Base extends X_AD_Tree
public String getSourceTableName (boolean tableNameOnly)
String tableName = getSourceTableName(getTreeType());
if (tableName == null)
if (getAD_Table_ID() > 0)
tableName = MTable.getTableName(getCtx(), getAD_Table_ID());
if (tableNameOnly)
return tableName;
if ("M_Product".equals(tableName))
@ -343,18 +344,22 @@ public class MTree_Base extends X_AD_Tree
if (!isActive() || !isAllNodes())
if (isTreeDrivenByValue()) {
String tableName = getSourceTableName(true);
MTable table = MTable.get(getCtx(), tableName);
// Value and IsSummary are mandatory columns to have a tree driven by Value
if ( table.getColumn("Value") == null
|| table.getColumn("IsSummary") == null) {
if (table.getColumnIndex("IsSummary") < 0) {
// IsSummary is mandatory column to have a tree
log.saveError("Error", "IsSummary column required for tree tables");
return false;
if (isTreeDrivenByValue()) {
if (table.getColumnIndex("Value") < 0) {
// Value is mandatory column to have a tree driven by Value
return true;
} // beforeSabe
} // beforeSave
* After Save
@ -1989,6 +1989,7 @@ public abstract class PO
public boolean save()
boolean newRecord = is_new(); // save locally as load resets
if (!newRecord && !is_Changed())
@ -2241,6 +2242,15 @@ public abstract class PO
// table with potential tree
if (get_ColumnIndex("IsSummary") >= 0) {
if (newRecord)
int idxValue = get_ColumnIndex("Value");
if (newRecord || (idxValue >= 0 && is_ValueChanged(idxValue)))
@ -3107,6 +3117,7 @@ public abstract class PO
public boolean delete (boolean force)
if (is_new())
return true;
@ -3250,6 +3261,9 @@ public abstract class PO
if (get_ColumnIndex("IsSummary") >= 0) {
// Delete Cascade AD_Table_ID/Record_ID (Attachments, ..)
PO_Record.deleteCascade(AD_Table_ID, Record_ID, localTrxName);
@ -3859,6 +3873,8 @@ public abstract class PO
.append(C_Element_ID).append(" AND t.AD_Tree_ID=ae.AD_Tree_ID)");
else // std trees
sb.append(" AND t.IsAllNodes='Y' AND t.TreeType='").append(treeType).append("'");
if (MTree_Base.TREETYPE_Table.equals(treeType))
sb.append(" AND t.AD_Table_ID=").append(get_Table_ID());
// Duplicate Check
sb.append(" AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM " + MTree_Base.getNodeTableName(treeType) + " e "
+ "WHERE e.AD_Tree_ID=t.AD_Tree_ID AND Node_ID=").append(get_ID()).append(")");
@ -3895,16 +3911,27 @@ public abstract class PO
String tableName = MTree_Base.getNodeTableName(treeType);
String sourceTableName = MTree_Base.getSourceTableName(treeType);
String sourceTableName;
String whereTree;
Object[] parameters;
if (MTree_Base.TREETYPE_Table.equals(treeType)) {
sourceTableName = this.get_TableName();
whereTree = "TreeType=? AND AD_Table_ID=?";
parameters = new Object[]{treeType, this.get_Table_ID()};
} else {
sourceTableName = MTree_Base.getSourceTableName(treeType);
whereTree = "TreeType=?";
parameters = new Object[]{treeType};
String updateSeqNo = "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET SeqNo=SeqNo+1 WHERE Parent_ID=? AND SeqNo>=? AND AD_Tree_ID=?";
String update = "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET SeqNo=?, Parent_ID=? WHERE Node_ID=? AND AD_Tree_ID=?";
String selMinSeqNo = "SELECT COALESCE(MIN(tn.SeqNo),-1) FROM AD_TreeNode tn JOIN " + sourceTableName + " n ON (tn.Node_ID=n." + sourceTableName + "_ID) WHERE tn.Parent_ID=? AND tn.AD_Tree_ID=? AND n.Value>?";
String selMaxSeqNo = "SELECT COALESCE(MAX(tn.SeqNo)+1,999) FROM AD_TreeNode tn JOIN " + sourceTableName + " n ON (tn.Node_ID=n." + sourceTableName + "_ID) WHERE tn.Parent_ID=? AND tn.AD_Tree_ID=? AND n.Value<?";
List<MTree_Base> trees = new Query(getCtx(), MTree_Base.Table_Name, "TreeType=?", get_TrxName())
List<MTree_Base> trees = new Query(getCtx(), MTree_Base.Table_Name, whereTree, get_TrxName())
for (MTree_Base tree : trees) {
@ -3948,8 +3975,11 @@ public abstract class PO
StringBuilder countSql = new StringBuilder("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ")
.append(" WHERE Parent_ID=?");
int cnt = DB.getSQLValue( get_TrxName(), countSql.toString(), id);
.append(" n JOIN AD_Tree t ON n.AD_Tree_ID=t.AD_Tree_ID")
.append(" WHERE Parent_ID=? AND t.TreeType=?");
if (MTree_Base.TREETYPE_Table.equals(treeType))
countSql.append(" AND t.AD_Table_ID=").append(get_Table_ID());
int cnt = DB.getSQLValueEx( get_TrxName(), countSql.toString(), id, treeType);
if (cnt > 0)
throw new AdempiereException(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(),"NoParentDelete", new Object[] {cnt}));
@ -3958,7 +3988,10 @@ public abstract class PO
.append(" n WHERE Node_ID=").append(id)
.append(" AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Tree t "
+ "WHERE t.AD_Tree_ID=n.AD_Tree_ID AND t.TreeType='")
if (MTree_Base.TREETYPE_Table.equals(treeType))
sb.append(" AND t.AD_Table_ID=").append(get_Table_ID());
int no = DB.executeUpdate(sb.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no > 0) {
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("#" + no + " - TreeType=" + treeType);
@ -4670,4 +4703,10 @@ public abstract class PO
log.saveError(msg, info);
private void checkValidContext() {
if (getCtx().size() == 0)
throw new AdempiereException("Context lost");
} // PO
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ public class SystemIDs
public final static int PROCESS_RPT_C_DUNNING = 159;
public final static int PROCESS_RPT_FINREPORT = 202;
public final static int PROCESS_RPT_FINSTATEMENT = 204;
public final static int PROCESS_RPT_M_INVENTORY = 291;
public final static int REFERENCE_DATATYPE_ACCOUNT = 25;
public final static int REFERENCE_DATATYPE_AMOUNT = 12;
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public class X_AD_Tree extends PO implements I_AD_Tree, I_Persistent
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20150111L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20150618L;
/** Standard Constructor */
public X_AD_Tree (Properties ctx, int AD_Tree_ID, String trxName)
@ -77,6 +77,34 @@ public class X_AD_Tree extends PO implements I_AD_Tree, I_Persistent
return sb.toString();
public org.compiere.model.I_AD_Table getAD_Table() throws RuntimeException
return (org.compiere.model.I_AD_Table)MTable.get(getCtx(), org.compiere.model.I_AD_Table.Table_Name)
.getPO(getAD_Table_ID(), get_TrxName()); }
/** Set Table.
@param AD_Table_ID
Database Table information
public void setAD_Table_ID (int AD_Table_ID)
if (AD_Table_ID < 1)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_AD_Table_ID, null);
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_AD_Table_ID, Integer.valueOf(AD_Table_ID));
/** Get Table.
@return Database Table information
public int getAD_Table_ID ()
Integer ii = (Integer)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_AD_Table_ID);
if (ii == null)
return 0;
return ii.intValue();
/** Set Tree.
@param AD_Tree_ID
Identifies a Tree
@ -286,6 +314,8 @@ public class X_AD_Tree extends PO implements I_AD_Tree, I_Persistent
public static final String TREETYPE_CMTemplate = "CT";
/** CM Media = CM */
public static final String TREETYPE_CMMedia = "CM";
/** Table = TL */
public static final String TREETYPE_Table = "TL";
/** Set Type | Area.
@param TreeType
Element this tree is built on (i.e Product, Business Partner)
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
package org.compiere.print;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.TABLE_AD_TABLE;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_RPT_M_INVENTORY;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
@ -74,9 +75,11 @@ import org.compiere.model.MClient;
import org.compiere.model.MColumn;
import org.compiere.model.MDunningRunEntry;
import org.compiere.model.MInOut;
import org.compiere.model.MInventory;
import org.compiere.model.MInvoice;
import org.compiere.model.MOrder;
import org.compiere.model.MPaySelectionCheck;
import org.compiere.model.MProcess;
import org.compiere.model.MProject;
import org.compiere.model.MQuery;
import org.compiere.model.MRfQResponse;
@ -1398,6 +1401,8 @@ queued-job-count = 0 (class javax.print.attribute.standard.QueuedJobCount)
public static final int MANUFACTURING_ORDER = 8;
/** Distribution Order = 9 */
public static final int DISTRIBUTION_ORDER = 9;
/** Physical Inventory = 10 */
public static final int INVENTORY = 10;
// private static final String[] DOC_TABLES = new String[] {
@ -1409,17 +1414,17 @@ queued-job-count = 0 (class javax.print.attribute.standard.QueuedJobCount)
"C_Order", "M_InOut", "C_Invoice", "C_Project",
"C_PaySelectionCheck", "C_PaySelectionCheck",
"C_DunningRunEntry","PP_Order", "DD_Order"};
"C_DunningRunEntry","PP_Order", "DD_Order", "M_Inventory"};
private static final String[] DOC_IDS = new String[] {
"C_Order_ID", "M_InOut_ID", "C_Invoice_ID", "C_Project_ID",
"C_PaySelectionCheck_ID", "C_PaySelectionCheck_ID",
"C_DunningRunEntry_ID" , "PP_Order_ID" , "DD_Order_ID" };
"C_DunningRunEntry_ID" , "PP_Order_ID" , "DD_Order_ID", "M_Inventory_ID" };
private static final int[] DOC_TABLE_ID = new int[] {
MOrder.Table_ID, MInOut.Table_ID, MInvoice.Table_ID, MProject.Table_ID,
MPaySelectionCheck.Table_ID, MPaySelectionCheck.Table_ID,
MDunningRunEntry.Table_ID, X_PP_Order.Table_ID, MDDOrder.Table_ID };
MDunningRunEntry.Table_ID, X_PP_Order.Table_ID, MDDOrder.Table_ID, MInventory.Table_ID };
* Get Document Print Engine for Document Type.
@ -1555,6 +1560,12 @@ queued-job-count = 0 (class javax.print.attribute.standard.QueuedJobCount)
.append("WHERE d." + DOC_IDS[type] + "=?") // info from PrintForm
.append(" AND pf.AD_Org_ID IN (0,d.AD_Org_ID) ")
.append("ORDER BY pf.AD_Org_ID DESC");
else if (type == INVENTORY)
sql = new StringBuilder("SELECT COALESCE (dt.AD_PrintFormat_ID, 0), 0,") // 1..2
.append(" NULL, 0 , d.DocumentNo ") // 3..5
.append("FROM " + DOC_BASETABLES[type] + " d")
.append(" LEFT OUTER JOIN C_DocType dt ON (d.C_DocType_ID=dt.C_DocType_ID) ")
.append("WHERE d." + DOC_IDS[type] + "=?"); // info from PrintForm
else // Get PrintFormat from Org or 0 of document client
sql = new StringBuilder("SELECT pf.Order_PrintFormat_ID,pf.Shipment_PrintFormat_ID,") // 1..2
// Prio: 1. BPartner 2. DocType, 3. PrintFormat (Org) // see InvoicePrint
@ -1583,7 +1594,8 @@ queued-job-count = 0 (class javax.print.attribute.standard.QueuedJobCount)
if ( // first record only
if (type == CHECK || type == DUNNING || type == REMITTANCE
|| type == PROJECT || type == RFQ || type == MANUFACTURING_ORDER || type == DISTRIBUTION_ORDER)
|| type == PROJECT || type == RFQ || type == MANUFACTURING_ORDER || type == DISTRIBUTION_ORDER
|| type == INVENTORY)
AD_PrintFormat_ID = rs.getInt(1);
copies = 1;
@ -1599,6 +1611,11 @@ queued-job-count = 0 (class javax.print.attribute.standard.QueuedJobCount)
DocumentNo = rs.getString(5);
if(AD_PrintFormat_ID == 0 && type == INVENTORY){
MProcess process = MProcess.get(ctx, PROCESS_RPT_M_INVENTORY);
AD_PrintFormat_ID = process.getAD_PrintFormat_ID();
@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
package org.compiere.print;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_RPT_C_DUNNING;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_RPT_C_INVOICE;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_RPT_C_ORDER;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_RPT_C_PROJECT;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_RPT_C_RFQRESPONSE;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_RPT_FINREPORT;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_RPT_FINSTATEMENT;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_RPT_M_INOUT;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_RPT_M_INVENTORY;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.Level;
@ -182,25 +192,27 @@ public class ServerReportCtl {
* Order Print
if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == 110) // C_Order
if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == PROCESS_RPT_C_ORDER) // C_Order
return startDocumentPrint(ReportEngine.ORDER, null, pi.getRecord_ID(), null, pi);
if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == MProcess.getProcess_ID("Rpt PP_Order", null)) // C_Order
return startDocumentPrint(ReportEngine.MANUFACTURING_ORDER, null, pi.getRecord_ID(), null, pi);
if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == MProcess.getProcess_ID("Rpt DD_Order", null)) // C_Order
return startDocumentPrint(ReportEngine.DISTRIBUTION_ORDER, null, pi.getRecord_ID(), null, pi);
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == 116) // C_Invoice
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == PROCESS_RPT_C_INVOICE) // C_Invoice
return startDocumentPrint(ReportEngine.INVOICE, null, pi.getRecord_ID(), null, pi);
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == 117) // M_InOut
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == PROCESS_RPT_M_INOUT) // M_InOut
return startDocumentPrint(ReportEngine.SHIPMENT, null, pi.getRecord_ID(), null, pi);
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == 217) // C_Project
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == PROCESS_RPT_C_PROJECT) // C_Project
return startDocumentPrint(ReportEngine.PROJECT, null, pi.getRecord_ID(), null, pi);
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == 276) // C_RfQResponse
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == PROCESS_RPT_C_RFQRESPONSE) // C_RfQResponse
return startDocumentPrint(ReportEngine.RFQ, null, pi.getRecord_ID(), null, pi);
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == 159) // Dunning
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == PROCESS_RPT_C_DUNNING) // Dunning
return startDocumentPrint(ReportEngine.DUNNING, null, pi.getRecord_ID(), null, pi);
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == 202 // Financial Report
|| pi.getAD_Process_ID() == 204) // Financial Statement
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == PROCESS_RPT_FINREPORT // Financial Report
|| pi.getAD_Process_ID() == PROCESS_RPT_FINSTATEMENT) // Financial Statement
return startFinReport (pi);
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == PROCESS_RPT_M_INVENTORY) // M_Inventory
return startDocumentPrint(ReportEngine.INVENTORY, null, pi.getRecord_ID(), null, pi);
* Standard Report
@ -1616,7 +1616,7 @@ public final class Env
String foreignTable = colToken.getReferenceTableName();
if (v != null) {
if (format != null && format.length() > 0) {
if (v instanceof Integer && (Integer) v > 0 && token.endsWith("_ID")) {
if (v instanceof Integer && (Integer) v > 0 && !Util.isEmpty(foreignTable)) {
int tblIndex = format.indexOf(".");
String tableName = null;
if (tblIndex > 0)
@ -57,9 +57,17 @@ public class PoFiller{
else if (oldValue != null && oldValue.toString().equals(value))
else {
if (po instanceof MColumn && "IsToolbarButton".equals(columnName)) {
// IDEMPIERE-2064 - backward compatibility with 2packs generated before IDEMPIERE-2477
if ("true".equals(value))
value ="Y";
else if ("false".equals(value))
value ="N";
po.set_ValueNoCheck(columnName, value);
@ -20,12 +20,14 @@ import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.adempiere.util.ServerContext;
import org.compiere.model.AdempiereProcessor;
import org.compiere.model.AdempiereProcessor2;
import org.compiere.model.AdempiereProcessorLog;
import org.compiere.model.MClient;
import org.compiere.model.MSchedule;
import org.compiere.model.MSystem;
import org.compiere.model.PO;
import org.compiere.util.CLogger;
import org.compiere.util.Env;
import org.compiere.util.TimeUtil;
@ -47,11 +49,9 @@ public abstract class AdempiereServer implements Runnable
protected AdempiereServer (AdempiereProcessor model, int initialNap)
p_model = model;
m_ctx = new Properties(model.getCtx());
if (p_system == null)
p_system = MSystem.get(m_ctx);
p_client = MClient.get(m_ctx);
Env.setContext(m_ctx, "#AD_Client_ID", p_client.getAD_Client_ID());
p_system = MSystem.get(model.getCtx());
p_client = MClient.get(model.getCtx(), model.getAD_Client_ID());
m_initialNap = initialNap;
Timestamp dateNextRun = getDateNextRun(true);
@ -89,8 +89,6 @@ public abstract class AdempiereServer implements Runnable
/** Logger */
protected CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(getClass());
/** Context */
private Properties m_ctx = null;
/** System */
protected volatile static MSystem p_system = null;
/** Client */
@ -102,7 +100,7 @@ public abstract class AdempiereServer implements Runnable
public Properties getCtx()
return m_ctx;
return Env.getCtx();
} // getCtx
@ -118,12 +116,35 @@ public abstract class AdempiereServer implements Runnable
return m_initialNap;
public void runNow()
Properties context = new Properties();
Env.setContext(context, "#AD_Client_ID", p_model.getAD_Client_ID());
if (p_model instanceof PO) {
PO po = (PO) p_model;
if (po.get_ColumnIndex("AD_Org_ID") >= 0)
Env.setContext(context, "#AD_Org_ID", po.get_ValueAsInt("AD_Org_ID"));
if (po.get_ColumnIndex("AD_User_ID") >= 0)
Env.setContext(context, "#AD_User_ID", po.get_ValueAsInt("AD_User_ID"));
Properties prevContext = ServerContext.getCurrentInstance();
try {
m_sleeping = false;
} finally {
m_sleeping = true;
* Run Now
public void runNow()
public void doRunNow()
m_sleeping = false;
p_startWork = System.currentTimeMillis();
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
@ -138,12 +159,8 @@ public abstract class AdempiereServer implements Runnable
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
m_sleeping = true;
} // runNow
* Run async
public void run()
final Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
@ -157,7 +174,35 @@ public abstract class AdempiereServer implements Runnable
} catch (SecurityException e) {}
Properties context = new Properties();
Env.setContext(context, "#AD_Client_ID", p_model.getAD_Client_ID());
if (p_model instanceof PO) {
PO po = (PO) p_model;
if (po.get_ColumnIndex("AD_Org_ID") >= 0)
Env.setContext(context, "#AD_Org_ID", po.get_ValueAsInt("AD_Org_ID"));
if (po.get_ColumnIndex("AD_User_ID") >= 0)
Env.setContext(context, "#AD_User_ID", po.get_ValueAsInt("AD_User_ID"));
try {
m_sleeping = false;
} finally {
m_sleeping = true;
if (renamed) {
// Revert the name back if the current thread was renamed.
// We do not check the exception here because we know it works.
* Run async
protected void doRun()
if (m_start == 0)
m_start = System.currentTimeMillis();
@ -192,12 +237,6 @@ public abstract class AdempiereServer implements Runnable
p_model.setDateNextRun(new Timestamp(m_nextWork));
m_sleeping = true;
if (renamed) {
// Revert the name back if the current thread was renamed.
// We do not check the exception here because we know it works.
} // run
@ -27,10 +27,8 @@ import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.adempiere.util.ServerContext;
import org.compiere.model.MAttachment;
import org.compiere.model.MClient;
import org.compiere.model.MMailText;
@ -84,9 +82,6 @@ public class Scheduler extends AdempiereServer
/** Transaction */
protected Trx m_trx = null;
// ctx for the report/process
protected Properties m_schedulerctx = new Properties();
* Work
@ -96,29 +91,27 @@ public class Scheduler extends AdempiereServer
.append(" - ");
// Prepare a ctx for the report/process - BF [1966880]
MClient schedclient = MClient.get(getCtx(), m_model.getAD_Client_ID());
Env.setContext(m_schedulerctx, "#AD_Client_ID", schedclient.getAD_Client_ID());
Env.setContext(m_schedulerctx, "#AD_Language", schedclient.getAD_Language());
Env.setContext(m_schedulerctx, "#AD_Org_ID", m_model.getAD_Org_ID());
Env.setContext(getCtx(), "#AD_Client_ID", schedclient.getAD_Client_ID());
Env.setContext(getCtx(), "#AD_Language", schedclient.getAD_Language());
Env.setContext(getCtx(), "#AD_Org_ID", m_model.getAD_Org_ID());
if (m_model.getAD_Org_ID() != 0) {
MOrgInfo schedorg = MOrgInfo.get(getCtx(), m_model.getAD_Org_ID(), null);
if (schedorg.getM_Warehouse_ID() > 0)
Env.setContext(m_schedulerctx, "#M_Warehouse_ID", schedorg.getM_Warehouse_ID());
Env.setContext(getCtx(), "#M_Warehouse_ID", schedorg.getM_Warehouse_ID());
Env.setContext(m_schedulerctx, "#AD_User_ID", getAD_User_ID());
Env.setContext(m_schedulerctx, "#SalesRep_ID", getAD_User_ID());
Env.setContext(getCtx(), "#AD_User_ID", getAD_User_ID());
Env.setContext(getCtx(), "#SalesRep_ID", getAD_User_ID());
// TODO: It can be convenient to add AD_Scheduler.AD_Role_ID
MUser scheduser = MUser.get(getCtx(), getAD_User_ID());
MRole[] schedroles = scheduser.getRoles(m_model.getAD_Org_ID());
if (schedroles != null && schedroles.length > 0)
Env.setContext(m_schedulerctx, "#AD_Role_ID", schedroles[0].getAD_Role_ID()); // first role, ordered by AD_Role_ID
Env.setContext(getCtx(), "#AD_Role_ID", schedroles[0].getAD_Role_ID()); // first role, ordered by AD_Role_ID
Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat4Timestamp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
Env.setContext(m_schedulerctx, "#Date", dateFormat4Timestamp.format(ts)+" 00:00:00" ); // JDBC format
Env.setContext(getCtx(), "#Date", dateFormat4Timestamp.format(ts)+" 00:00:00" ); // JDBC format
MProcess process = new MProcess(m_schedulerctx, m_model.getAD_Process_ID(), null);
MProcess process = new MProcess(getCtx(), m_model.getAD_Process_ID(), null);
m_trx = Trx.get(Trx.createTrxName("Scheduler"), true);
@ -138,9 +131,6 @@ public class Scheduler extends AdempiereServer
// clear thread local context
int no = m_model.deleteLog();
m_summary.append(" Logs deleted=").append(no);
@ -162,7 +152,7 @@ public class Scheduler extends AdempiereServer
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO));
boolean isReport = (process.isReport() || process.getAD_ReportView_ID() > 0 || process.getJasperReport() != null || process.getAD_PrintFormat_ID() > 0);
String schedulerName = Env.parseContext(m_schedulerctx, -1, m_model.getName(), false, true);
String schedulerName = Env.parseContext(getCtx(), -1, m_model.getName(), false, true);
// Process (see also MWFActivity.performWork
int AD_Table_ID = m_model.getAD_Table_ID();
@ -279,14 +269,14 @@ public class Scheduler extends AdempiereServer
if (email)
MMailText mailTemplate = new MMailText(m_schedulerctx, m_model.getR_MailText_ID(), null);
MMailText mailTemplate = new MMailText(getCtx(), m_model.getR_MailText_ID(), null);
String mailContent = "";
if (mailTemplate.is_new()){
mailContent = m_model.getDescription();
mailTemplate.setLanguage(Env.getContext(m_schedulerctx, "#AD_Language"));
mailTemplate.setLanguage(Env.getContext(getCtx(), "#AD_Language"));
// if user has bpartner link. maybe use language depend user
mailContent = mailTemplate.getMailText(true);
schedulerName = mailTemplate.getMailHeader();
@ -464,7 +454,7 @@ public class Scheduler extends AdempiereServer
String sql = variable.substring(5); // w/o tag
//sql = Env.parseContext(m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, sql, false, true); // replace variables
//hengsin, capture unparseable error to avoid subsequent sql exception
sql = Env.parseContext(m_schedulerctx, 0, sql, false, false); // replace variables
sql = Env.parseContext(getCtx(), 0, sql, false, false); // replace variables
if (sql.equals(""))
log.log(Level.WARNING, "(" + sPara.getColumnName() + ") - Default SQL variable parse failed: " + variable);
else {
@ -508,7 +498,7 @@ public class Scheduler extends AdempiereServer
String tail=index < (columnName.length()-1) ? columnName.substring(index+1) : null;
columnName = columnName.substring(0, index);
// try Env
String env = Env.getContext(m_schedulerctx, columnName);
String env = Env.getContext(getCtx(), columnName);
if (env == null || env.length() == 0)
env = Env.getContext(getCtx(), columnName);
if (env.length() == 0)
@ -66,13 +66,10 @@ public class LoggedSessionListener implements HttpSessionListener, ServletContex
public void removeADSession(String sessionID, String serverName) {
String whereClause = "WebSession=? AND ServerName=? AND Processed='N'";
List<MSession> sessions = new Query(Env.getCtx(), MSession.Table_Name, whereClause, null)
.setParameters(sessionID, serverName)
for (MSession session : sessions) {
String sql = "UPDATE AD_Session SET Processed='Y' WHERE WebSession=? AND ServerName=? AND Processed='N'";
int no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, new Object[] {sessionID, serverName}, false, null);
if (no < 0) {
throw new AdempiereException("UpdateSession: Cannot Destroy Session");
@ -253,7 +253,8 @@ public class WPAttributeDialog extends Window implements EventListener<Event>
MAttributeSet as = null;
if (m_M_Product_ID != 0)
int M_AttributeSet_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(Env.getCtx(), m_WindowNoParent, "M_AttributeSet_ID");
if (m_M_Product_ID != 0 && M_AttributeSet_ID == 0)
// Get Model
m_masi = MAttributeSetInstance.get(Env.getCtx(), m_M_AttributeSetInstance_ID, m_M_Product_ID);
@ -269,7 +270,6 @@ public class WPAttributeDialog extends Window implements EventListener<Event>
int M_AttributeSet_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(Env.getCtx(), m_WindowNoParent, "M_AttributeSet_ID");
m_masi = new MAttributeSetInstance (Env.getCtx(), m_M_AttributeSetInstance_ID, M_AttributeSet_ID, null);
as = m_masi.getMAttributeSet();
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_RPT_C_RFQRESPONSE;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_RPT_FINREPORT;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_RPT_FINSTATEMENT;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_RPT_M_INOUT;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_RPT_M_INVENTORY;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.Level;
@ -155,6 +156,8 @@ public class ReportCtl
return startDocumentPrint(ReportEngine.RFQ, pi.getRecord_ID(), parent, WindowNo, !pi.isPrintPreview());
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == PROCESS_RPT_C_PAYMENT) // C_Payment
return startCheckPrint(pi.getRecord_ID(), !pi.isPrintPreview());
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == PROCESS_RPT_M_INVENTORY) // Physical Inventory
return startDocumentPrint(ReportEngine.INVENTORY, pi.getRecord_ID(), parent, WindowNo, !pi.isPrintPreview());
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == 290) // Movement Submission by VHARCQ
return startDocumentPrint(ReportEngine.MOVEMENT, pi.getRecord_ID(), parent, WindowNo, IsDirectPrint);
@ -1,5 +1,16 @@
package org.idempiere.adinterface;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_RPT_C_DUNNING;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_RPT_C_INVOICE;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_RPT_C_ORDER;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_RPT_C_PAYMENT;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_RPT_C_PROJECT;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_RPT_C_RFQRESPONSE;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_RPT_FINREPORT;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_RPT_FINSTATEMENT;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_RPT_M_INOUT;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_RPT_M_INVENTORY;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
@ -697,28 +708,30 @@ public class Process {
* Order Print
if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == 110) // C_Order
if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == PROCESS_RPT_C_ORDER) // C_Order
return startDocumentPrint(ReportEngine.ORDER, pi.getRecord_ID());
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == 116) // C_Invoice
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == PROCESS_RPT_C_INVOICE) // C_Invoice
return startDocumentPrint(ReportEngine.INVOICE, pi.getRecord_ID());
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == 117) // M_InOut
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == PROCESS_RPT_M_INOUT) // M_InOut
return startDocumentPrint(ReportEngine.SHIPMENT, pi.getRecord_ID());
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == 217) // C_Project
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == PROCESS_RPT_C_PROJECT) // C_Project
return startDocumentPrint(ReportEngine.PROJECT, pi.getRecord_ID());
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == 276) // C_RfQResponse
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == PROCESS_RPT_C_RFQRESPONSE) // C_RfQResponse
return startDocumentPrint(ReportEngine.RFQ, pi.getRecord_ID());
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == 313) // C_Payment
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == PROCESS_RPT_C_PAYMENT) // C_Payment
return startCheckPrint(pi.getRecord_ID());
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == PROCESS_RPT_M_INVENTORY) // Physical Inventory
return startDocumentPrint(ReportEngine.INVENTORY, pi.getRecord_ID());
else if (pi.AD_Process_ID == 9999999) // PaySelection
return startDocumentPrint(CHECK, pi, IsDirectPrint);
else if (pi.AD_Process_ID == 9999999) // PaySelection
return startDocumentPrint(REMITTANCE, pi, IsDirectPrint);
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == 159) // Dunning
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == PROCESS_RPT_C_DUNNING) // Dunning
return startDocumentPrint(ReportEngine.DUNNING, pi.getRecord_ID());
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == 202 // Financial Report
|| pi.getAD_Process_ID() == 204) // Financial Statement
else if (pi.getAD_Process_ID() == PROCESS_RPT_FINREPORT // Financial Report
|| pi.getAD_Process_ID() == PROCESS_RPT_FINSTATEMENT) // Financial Statement
return startFinReport (pi);
* Standard Report
Reference in New Issue