IDEMPIERE-3046 Add Currency Field to Cost Adjustment Window

Resolve issue Costing-level=batch/lot in the cost adjustment line with error message No costing record.
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Soo Fang Lee 2016-05-05 22:22:50 -07:00
parent f5ab7ac27e
commit d0ef43655e
1 changed files with 35 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -75,29 +75,36 @@ public class CostAdjustmentCalloutFactory implements IColumnCalloutFactory {
} else {
MProduct product = MProduct.get(ctx, (Integer) value);
MClient client = MClient.get(ctx);
Object asiValue = mTab.getValue(I_M_InventoryLine.COLUMNNAME_M_AttributeSetInstance_ID);
int M_ASI_ID = asiValue != null ? (Integer)asiValue : 0;
int AD_Org_ID = inventory.getAD_Org_ID();
int C_Currency_ID = inventory.getC_Currency_ID();
MAcctSchema as = client.getAcctSchema();
if (as.getC_Currency_ID() != C_Currency_ID)
MAcctSchema[] ass = MAcctSchema.getClientAcctSchema(ctx, client.get_ID());
for (int i = 0; i < ass.length ; i ++)
String costingLevel = product.getCostingLevel(as);
if (MAcctSchema.COSTINGLEVEL_BatchLot.equals(costingLevel)) {
mTab.setValue(I_M_InventoryLine.COLUMNNAME_CurrentCostPrice, BigDecimal.ZERO);
mTab.setValue(I_M_InventoryLine.COLUMNNAME_NewCostPrice, BigDecimal.ZERO);
}else {
Object asiValue = mTab.getValue(I_M_InventoryLine.COLUMNNAME_M_AttributeSetInstance_ID);
int M_ASI_ID = asiValue != null ? (Integer)asiValue : 0;
int AD_Org_ID = inventory.getAD_Org_ID();
int C_Currency_ID = inventory.getC_Currency_ID();
if (as.getC_Currency_ID() != C_Currency_ID)
MAcctSchema a = ass[i];
if (a.getC_Currency_ID() == C_Currency_ID)
as = a ;
MAcctSchema[] ass = MAcctSchema.getClientAcctSchema(ctx, client.get_ID());
for (int i = 0; i < ass.length ; i ++)
MAcctSchema a = ass[i];
if (a.getC_Currency_ID() == C_Currency_ID)
as = a ;
MCost cost = product.getCostingRecord(as, AD_Org_ID, M_ASI_ID, costingMethod);
if (cost == null) {
if (!MCostElement.COSTINGMETHOD_StandardCosting.equals(costingMethod)) {
mTab.setValue(mField, null);
return Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "NoCostingRecord");
MCost cost = product.getCostingRecord(as, AD_Org_ID, M_ASI_ID, costingMethod);
if (cost == null) {
if (!MCostElement.COSTINGMETHOD_StandardCosting.equals(costingMethod)) {
mTab.setValue(mField, null);
return Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "NoCostingRecord");
} else {
mTab.setValue(I_M_InventoryLine.COLUMNNAME_CurrentCostPrice, cost.getCurrentCostPrice());
mTab.setValue(I_M_InventoryLine.COLUMNNAME_NewCostPrice, cost.getCurrentCostPrice());
@ -139,6 +146,13 @@ public class CostAdjustmentCalloutFactory implements IColumnCalloutFactory {
MCost cost = product.getCostingRecord(as, AD_Org_ID, M_ASI_ID, costingMethod);
if (cost == null) {
if (!MCostElement.COSTINGMETHOD_StandardCosting.equals(costingMethod)) {
mTab.setValue(mField, null);
return Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "NoCostingRecord");
if (cost != null) {
BigDecimal currentCost = (BigDecimal) mTab.getValue(I_M_InventoryLine.COLUMNNAME_CurrentCostPrice);
if (currentCost == null || currentCost.compareTo(cost.getCurrentCostPrice())==0) return null;
@ -146,6 +160,7 @@ public class CostAdjustmentCalloutFactory implements IColumnCalloutFactory {
mTab.setValue(I_M_InventoryLine.COLUMNNAME_CurrentCostPrice, cost.getCurrentCostPrice());
mTab.setValue(I_M_InventoryLine.COLUMNNAME_NewCostPrice, cost.getCurrentCostPrice());
return null;