fixed Distribution Orders

This commit is contained in:
vpj-cd 2008-11-21 22:31:57 +00:00
parent 23f4b5e5ae
commit c6012ade72
3 changed files with 56 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ public class DistributionRun extends SvrProcess
line.setDescription(Msg.translate(getCtx(), "PlannedQty"));
//addLog(0,null, detail.getActualAllocation(), order.getDocumentNo()

View File

@ -272,19 +272,20 @@ public class MRP extends SvrProcess
private void deleteMRP(int AD_Client_ID, int AD_Org_ID,int S_Resource_ID, int M_Warehouse_ID)
// Delete Manufacturing Order with Close Status from MRP Table
String sql = "DELETE FROM PP_MRP WHERE OrderType = 'MOP' AND DocStatus='CL' AND AD_Client_ID=" + AD_Client_ID + " AND AD_Org_ID=" + AD_Org_ID + " AND M_Warehouse_ID="+M_Warehouse_ID + " AND S_Resource_ID="+S_Resource_ID ;
String sql = "DELETE FROM PP_MRP WHERE OrderType = 'MOP' AND DocStatus ='CL' AND AD_Client_ID=" + AD_Client_ID + " AND AD_Org_ID=" + AD_Org_ID + " AND M_Warehouse_ID="+M_Warehouse_ID + " AND S_Resource_ID="+S_Resource_ID ;
DB.executeUpdateEx(sql, get_TrxName());
//Delete Manufacturing Order with Draft Status
String whereClause = "DocStatus='DR' AND AD_Client_ID=? AND AD_Org_ID=? AND M_Warehouse_ID=? AND S_Resource_ID=?";
deletePO(MPPOrder.Table_Name, whereClause, new Object[]{AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, M_Warehouse_ID, S_Resource_ID});
// Delete Requisition with Status Close from MRP Table
sql = "DELETE FROM PP_MRP WHERE OrderType = 'POR' AND DocStatus IN ('CL','DR') AND AD_Client_ID = " + AD_Client_ID + " AND AD_Org_ID=" + AD_Org_ID+ " AND M_Warehouse_ID="+M_Warehouse_ID;
DB.executeUpdateEx(sql, get_TrxName());
//Delete Requisition with Draft Status
String whereClause = "DocStatus IN ('CL','DR') AND AD_Client_ID=? AND AD_Org_ID=? AND M_Warehouse_ID=?";
whereClause = "DocStatus IN ('CL','DR') AND AD_Client_ID=? AND AD_Org_ID=? AND M_Warehouse_ID=?";
deletePO(MRequisition.Table_Name, whereClause, new Object[]{AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, M_Warehouse_ID});
// Delete Action Notice
sql = "DELETE FROM AD_Note WHERE AD_Table_ID=? AND AD_Client_ID=? AND AD_Org_ID=?";
@ -300,10 +301,6 @@ public class MRP extends SvrProcess
deletePO(MDDOrder.Table_Name, whereClause, new Object[]{AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, M_Warehouse_ID});
//Delete Manufacturing Order with Draft Status
whereClause = "DocStatus='DR' AND AD_Client_ID=? AND AD_Org_ID=? AND M_Warehouse_ID=? AND S_Resource_ID=?";
deletePO(MPPOrder.Table_Name, whereClause, new Object[]{AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, M_Warehouse_ID, S_Resource_ID});
@ -346,6 +343,7 @@ public class MRP extends SvrProcess
+" WHERE mrp.TypeMRP=? AND mrp.AD_Client_ID = ? AND mrp.AD_Org_ID=? "
+ " AND M_Warehouse_ID=? "
+ " AND mrp.DatePromised <= ?"
//+ " AND mrp.M_Product_ID=1004253 "
+ " AND COALESCE(p.LowLevel,0) = ? "
+" ORDER BY mrp.M_Product_ID , mrp.DatePromised ";
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, get_TrxName());
@ -362,9 +360,6 @@ public class MRP extends SvrProcess
String OrderType = rs.getString(MPPMRP.COLUMNNAME_OrderType);
Timestamp DatePromised = rs.getTimestamp(MPPMRP.COLUMNNAME_DatePromised);
Timestamp DateStartSchedule = rs.getTimestamp(MPPMRP.COLUMNNAME_DateStartSchedule);
if(DateStartSchedule != null)
BeforeDateStartSchedule = DateStartSchedule;
// if demand is a forecast and this is minor today then is ignore this QtyGrossReq
if (MPPMRP.TYPEMRP_Demand.equals(TypeMRP)
@ -377,15 +372,24 @@ public class MRP extends SvrProcess
// New Product
if (product == null || product.get_ID() != rs.getInt("M_Product_ID"))
product = MProduct.get(getCtx(), rs.getInt("M_Product_ID"));"Calculte Plan to this Product:" + product.getName());
//if exist QtyGrossReq of last Demand verify plan
if (QtyGrossReqs.signum() != 0)
calculatePlan(AD_Org_ID, BeforePP_MRP_ID, product, QtyGrossReqs ,BeforeDateStartSchedule);
if (MPPProductPlanning.ORDER_POLICY_PeriodOrderQuantity.equals(m_product_planning.getOrder_Policy()) && POQDateStartSchedule.compareTo(Planning_Horizon) < 0)
BeforeDateStartSchedule = POQDateStartSchedule;
calculatePlan(AD_Org_ID,BeforePP_MRP_ID , product, QtyGrossReqs ,BeforeDateStartSchedule);
else if (MPPProductPlanning.ORDER_POLICY_LoteForLote.equals(m_product_planning.getOrder_Policy()) && BeforeDateStartSchedule.compareTo(Planning_Horizon) <= 0 )
calculatePlan(AD_Org_ID,BeforePP_MRP_ID , product, QtyGrossReqs ,BeforeDateStartSchedule );
QtyGrossReqs = Env.ZERO;
product = MProduct.get(getCtx(), rs.getInt("M_Product_ID"));"Calculte Plan to this Product:" + product.getName());
// Define m_product_planning
setProduct(AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID ,S_Resource_ID , M_Warehouse_ID, product);
@ -400,7 +404,8 @@ public class MRP extends SvrProcess
DatePromisedFrom = DatePromised;
DatePromisedTo = TimeUtil.addDays(DatePromised , m_product_planning.getOrder_Period().intValue());
//set the POQDateStartSchedule && POQDateStartSchedule to first period
POQDateStartSchedule = (level == 0 ? DatePromised : DateStartSchedule);
//POQDateStartSchedule = (level == 0 ? DatePromised : DateStartSchedule);
POQDateStartSchedule = DatePromised;
} // new product
@ -442,7 +447,7 @@ public class MRP extends SvrProcess
else if (MPPProductPlanning.ORDER_POLICY_LoteForLote.equals(m_product_planning.getOrder_Policy()))
QtyGrossReqs = rs.getBigDecimal(MPPMRP.COLUMNNAME_Qty);
BeforeDateStartSchedule = rs.getTimestamp(MPPMRP.COLUMNNAME_DateStartSchedule);
BeforeDateStartSchedule = rs.getTimestamp(MPPMRP.COLUMNNAME_DatePromised);
@ -451,14 +456,14 @@ public class MRP extends SvrProcess
//if exist QtyGrossReq of last Demand after finish while verify plan
if (QtyGrossReqs.signum() != 0)
if (MPPProductPlanning.ORDER_POLICY_PeriodOrderQuantity.equals(m_product_planning.getOrder_Policy()))
if (MPPProductPlanning.ORDER_POLICY_PeriodOrderQuantity.equals(m_product_planning.getOrder_Policy()) && POQDateStartSchedule.compareTo(Planning_Horizon) < 0)
BeforeDateStartSchedule = POQDateStartSchedule;
calculatePlan(AD_Org_ID,BeforePP_MRP_ID , product, QtyGrossReqs ,BeforeDateStartSchedule);
else if (MPPProductPlanning.ORDER_POLICY_LoteForLote.equals(m_product_planning.getOrder_Policy()))
else if (MPPProductPlanning.ORDER_POLICY_LoteForLote.equals(m_product_planning.getOrder_Policy()) && BeforeDateStartSchedule.compareTo(Planning_Horizon) <= 0 )
calculatePlan(AD_Org_ID,BeforePP_MRP_ID , product, QtyGrossReqs ,BeforeDateStartSchedule);
calculatePlan(AD_Org_ID,BeforePP_MRP_ID , product, QtyGrossReqs ,BeforeDateStartSchedule );
@ -593,7 +598,7 @@ public class MRP extends SvrProcess
* @param Qty Qty
* @param DemandDateStartSchedule Demand Date Start Schedule
private void calculatePlan(int AD_Org_ID , int PP_MPR_ID , MProduct product , BigDecimal Qty, Timestamp DemandDateStartSchedule)
private void calculatePlan(int AD_Org_ID, int PP_MPR_ID , MProduct product , BigDecimal Qty, Timestamp DemandDateStartSchedule)
if (m_product_planning.isCreatePlan() == false)
@ -679,7 +684,7 @@ public class MRP extends SvrProcess
// Distribution Order
if(p_IsRequiredDRP && m_product_planning.getDD_NetworkDistribution_ID() > 0)
createDDOrder(AD_Org_ID,PP_MPR_ID, product, DemandDateStartSchedule);
createDDOrder(AD_Org_ID, PP_MPR_ID, product, DemandDateStartSchedule);
// Requisition
else if (product.isPurchased()) // then create M_Requisition
@ -689,7 +694,7 @@ public class MRP extends SvrProcess
// Manufacturing Order
else if (product.isBOM())
createPPOrder(AD_Org_ID, PP_MPR_ID, product, DemandDateStartSchedule);
createPPOrder(AD_Org_ID,PP_MPR_ID, product, DemandDateStartSchedule);
} // end for oqf
@ -699,7 +704,7 @@ public class MRP extends SvrProcess
private void createDDOrder(int AD_Org_ID, int PP_MRP_ID, MProduct product, Timestamp DemandDateStartSchedule)
private void createDDOrder(int AD_Org_ID,int PP_MRP_ID, MProduct product, Timestamp DemandDateStartSchedule)
MDDNetworkDistribution network = MDDNetworkDistribution.get(getCtx(),m_product_planning.getDD_NetworkDistribution_ID());
@ -759,7 +764,7 @@ public class MRP extends SvrProcess
MBPartner bp = getBPartner(C_BPartner_ID);
// Try found some order with Shipper , Business Partner and Doc Status = Draft
// Consolidate the demand in a single order for each Shipper , Business Partner , DemandDateStartSchedule
DD_Order_ID = getDDOrder_ID(network_line.getM_Shipper_ID(), bp.getC_BPartner_ID(),DemandDateStartSchedule);
DD_Order_ID = getDDOrder_ID(AD_Org_ID,wsts[0].get_ID(),network_line.getM_Shipper_ID(), bp.getC_BPartner_ID(),DemandDateStartSchedule);
if (DD_Order_ID < 0)
order = new MDDOrder(getCtx() , 0 , get_TrxName());
@ -809,7 +814,7 @@ public class MRP extends SvrProcess
for (MPPMRP mrp : mrpList) {
mrp.setDatePromised(TimeUtil.addDays(DemandDateStartSchedule , (m_product_planning.getDeliveryTime_Promised().add(transfertTime)).negate().intValue()));
@ -859,6 +864,7 @@ public class MRP extends SvrProcess
for (MPPMRP mrp : mrpList) {
@ -958,13 +964,19 @@ public class MRP extends SvrProcess
count_Msg += 1;
private int getDDOrder_ID(int M_Shipper_ID,int C_BPartner_ID, Timestamp DatePromised)
private int getDDOrder_ID(int AD_Org_ID,int M_Warehouse_ID, int M_Shipper_ID,int C_BPartner_ID, Timestamp DatePromised)
String key = M_Shipper_ID+"#"+C_BPartner_ID+"#"+DatePromised+"DR";
String key = AD_Org_ID+"#"+M_Warehouse_ID+"#"+M_Shipper_ID+"#"+C_BPartner_ID+"#"+DatePromised+"DR";
Integer order_id = dd_order_id_cache.get(key.toString());
if ( order_id == null)
order_id = DB.getSQLValue(get_TrxName(), "SELECT DD_Order_ID FROM DD_Order WHERE M_Shipper_ID = ? AND C_BPartner_ID=? AND DatePromised=? AND DocStatus=?", new Object[]{M_Shipper_ID,C_BPartner_ID,DatePromised,"DR"});
order_id = DB.getSQLValue(get_TrxName(), "SELECT DD_Order_ID FROM DD_Order WHERE AD_Org_ID=? AND M_Warehouse_ID=? AND M_Shipper_ID = ? AND C_BPartner_ID=? AND DatePromised=? AND DocStatus=?",
new Object[]{ AD_Org_ID,
if(order_id > 0)

View File

@ -813,12 +813,19 @@ public class VMRPDetailed
StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT ")
.append("bomqtyonhandasi("+M_Product_ID+","+M_AttributeSetInstance_ID+","+M_Warehouse_ID+",0) as qtyonhand, ")
.append("bomqtyreservedasi("+M_Product_ID+","+M_AttributeSetInstance_ID+","+M_Warehouse_ID+",0) as qtyreserved, ")
.append("bomqtyavailableasi("+M_Product_ID+","+M_AttributeSetInstance_ID+","+M_Warehouse_ID+",0) as qtyavailable, ")
.append("bomqtyorderedasi("+M_Product_ID+","+M_AttributeSetInstance_ID+","+M_Warehouse_ID+",0) as qtyordered")
.append(" FROM M_Product WHERE M_Product_ID="+M_Product_ID);
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql.toString(),null);
.append("BOMQtyOnHandASI(M_Product_ID,?,?,?) as qtyonhand, ")
.append("BOMQtyReservedASI(M_Product_ID,?,?,?) as qtyreserved, ")
.append("BOMQtyAvailableASI(M_Product_ID,?,?,?) as qtyavailable, ")
.append("BOMQtyOrderedASI(M_Product_ID,?,?,?) as qtyordered")
.append(" FROM M_Product WHERE M_Product_ID=?");
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql.toString(),null);
DB.setParameters(pstmt, new Object[]{
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while (