@ -1,574 +0,0 @@
package org.compiere.acct;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.compiere.model.MAccount;
import org.compiere.model.MAcctSchema;
import org.compiere.model.MDocType;
public interface IDoc {
/** AR Invoices - ARI */
public static final String DOCTYPE_ARInvoice = MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_ARInvoice;
/** AR Credit Memo */
public static final String DOCTYPE_ARCredit = "ARC";
/** AR Receipt */
public static final String DOCTYPE_ARReceipt = "ARR";
/** AR ProForma */
public static final String DOCTYPE_ARProForma = "ARF";
/** AP Invoices */
public static final String DOCTYPE_APInvoice = "API";
/** AP Credit Memo */
public static final String DOCTYPE_APCredit = "APC";
/** AP Payment */
public static final String DOCTYPE_APPayment = "APP";
/** CashManagement Bank Statement */
public static final String DOCTYPE_BankStatement = "CMB";
/** CashManagement Cash Journals */
public static final String DOCTYPE_CashJournal = "CMC";
/** CashManagement Allocations */
public static final String DOCTYPE_Allocation = "CMA";
/** Material Shipment */
public static final String DOCTYPE_MatShipment = "MMS";
/** Material Receipt */
public static final String DOCTYPE_MatReceipt = "MMR";
/** Material Inventory */
public static final String DOCTYPE_MatInventory = "MMI";
/** Material Movement */
public static final String DOCTYPE_MatMovement = "MMM";
/** Material Production */
public static final String DOCTYPE_MatProduction = "MMP";
/** Match Invoice */
public static final String DOCTYPE_MatMatchInv = "MXI";
/** Match PO */
public static final String DOCTYPE_MatMatchPO = "MXP";
/** GL Journal */
public static final String DOCTYPE_GLJournal = "GLJ";
/** Purchase Order */
public static final String DOCTYPE_POrder = "POO";
/** Sales Order */
public static final String DOCTYPE_SOrder = "SOO";
/** Project Issue */
public static final String DOCTYPE_ProjectIssue = "PJI";
/** Purchase Requisition */
public static final String DOCTYPE_PurchaseRequisition = "POR";
// Posting Status - AD_Reference_ID=234 //
/** Document Status */
public static final String STATUS_NotPosted = "N";
/** Document Status */
public static final String STATUS_NotBalanced = "b";
/** Document Status */
public static final String STATUS_NotConvertible = "c";
/** Document Status */
public static final String STATUS_PeriodClosed = "p";
/** Document Status */
public static final String STATUS_InvalidAccount = "i";
/** Document Status */
public static final String STATUS_PostPrepared = "y";
/** Document Status */
public static final String STATUS_Posted = "Y";
/** Document Status */
public static final String STATUS_Error = "E";
/** No Currency in Document Indicator (-1) */
public static final int NO_CURRENCY = -2;
* Get Table Name
* @return table name
public abstract String get_TableName(); // get_TableName
* Get Table ID
* @return table id
public abstract int get_Table_ID(); // get_Table_ID
* Get Record_ID
* @return record id
public abstract int get_ID(); // get_ID
* Post Document.
* <pre>
* - try to lock document (Processed='Y' (AND Processing='N' AND Posted='N'))
* - if not ok - return false
* - postlogic (for all Accounting Schema)
* - create Fact lines
* - postCommit
* - commits Fact lines and Document & sets Processing = 'N'
* - if error - create Note
* </pre>
* @param force if true ignore that locked
* @param repost if true ignore that already posted
* @return null if posted error otherwise
public abstract String post(boolean force, boolean repost); // post
* Is the Source Document Balanced
* @return true if (source) baanced
public abstract boolean isBalanced(); // isBalanced
* Is Document convertible to currency and Conversion Type
* @param acctSchema accounting schema
* @return true, if vonvertable to accounting currency
public abstract boolean isConvertible(MAcctSchema acctSchema); // isConvertible
* Calculate Period from DateAcct.
* m_C_Period_ID is set to -1 of not open to 0 if not found
public abstract void setPeriod(); // setC_Period_ID
* Get C_Period_ID
* @return period
public abstract int getC_Period_ID(); // getC_Period_ID
* Is Period Open
* @return true if period is open
public abstract boolean isPeriodOpen(); // isPeriodOpen
/** Amount Type - Invoice - Gross */
public static final int AMTTYPE_Gross = 0;
/** Amount Type - Invoice - Net */
public static final int AMTTYPE_Net = 1;
/** Amount Type - Invoice - Charge */
public static final int AMTTYPE_Charge = 2;
* Get the Amount
* (loaded in loadDocumentDetails)
* @param AmtType see AMTTYPE_*
* @return Amount
public abstract BigDecimal getAmount(int AmtType); // getAmount
* Set the Amount
* @param AmtType see AMTTYPE_*
* @param amt Amount
public void setAmount(int AmtType, BigDecimal amt);
* Get Amount with index 0
* @return Amount (primary document amount)
public abstract BigDecimal getAmount(); // getAmount
* Set Quantity
* @param qty Quantity
public void setQty (BigDecimal qty);
* Get Quantity
* @return Quantity
public abstract BigDecimal getQty(); // getQty
/** Account Type - Invoice - Charge */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_Charge = 0;
/** Account Type - Invoice - AR */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_C_Receivable = 1;
/** Account Type - Invoice - AP */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_V_Liability = 2;
/** Account Type - Invoice - AP Service */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_V_Liability_Services = 3;
/** Account Type - Invoice - AR Service */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_C_Receivable_Services = 4;
/** Account Type - Payment - Unallocated */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_UnallocatedCash = 10;
/** Account Type - Payment - Transfer */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_BankInTransit = 11;
/** Account Type - Payment - Selection */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_PaymentSelect = 12;
/** Account Type - Payment - Prepayment */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_C_Prepayment = 13;
/** Account Type - Payment - Prepayment */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_V_Prepayment = 14;
/** Account Type - Cash - Asset */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_CashAsset = 20;
/** Account Type - Cash - Transfer */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_CashTransfer = 21;
/** Account Type - Cash - Expense */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_CashExpense = 22;
/** Account Type - Cash - Receipt */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_CashReceipt = 23;
/** Account Type - Cash - Difference */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_CashDifference = 24;
/** Account Type - Allocation - Discount Expense (AR) */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_DiscountExp = 30;
/** Account Type - Allocation - Discount Revenue (AP) */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_DiscountRev = 31;
/** Account Type - Allocation - Write Off */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_WriteOff = 32;
/** Account Type - Bank Statement - Asset */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_BankAsset = 40;
/** Account Type - Bank Statement - Interest Revenue */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_InterestRev = 41;
/** Account Type - Bank Statement - Interest Exp */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_InterestExp = 42;
/** Inventory Accounts - Differnces */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_InvDifferences = 50;
/** Inventory Accounts - NIR */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_NotInvoicedReceipts = 51;
/** Project Accounts - Assets */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_ProjectAsset = 61;
/** Project Accounts - WIP */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_ProjectWIP = 62;
/** GL Accounts - PPV Offset */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_PPVOffset = 101;
/** GL Accounts - Commitment Offset */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_CommitmentOffset = 111;
* Get the Valid Combination id for Accounting Schema
* @param AcctType see ACCTTYPE_*
* @param as accounting schema
* @return C_ValidCombination_ID
public abstract int getValidCombination_ID(int AcctType, MAcctSchema as); // getAccount_ID
* Get the account for Accounting Schema
* @param AcctType see ACCTTYPE_*
* @param as accounting schema
* @return Account
public abstract MAccount getAccount(int AcctType, MAcctSchema as); // getAccount
* Get DocLine with ID
* @param Record_ID Record ID
* @return DocLine
public abstract IDocLine getDocLine(int Record_ID); // getDocLine
* Get AD_Client_ID
* @return client
public abstract int getAD_Client_ID(); // getAD_Client_ID
* Get AD_Org_ID
* @return org
public abstract int getAD_Org_ID(); // getAD_Org_ID
* Get Document No
* @return document No
public abstract String getDocumentNo(); // getDocumentNo
* Get Description
* @return Description
public abstract String getDescription(); // getDescription
* Get C_Currency_ID
* @return currency
public abstract int getC_Currency_ID(); // getC_Currency_ID
* Set C_Currency_ID
* @param C_Currency_ID id
public abstract void setC_Currency_ID(int C_Currency_ID); // setC_Currency_ID
* Is Multi Currency
* @return mc
public abstract boolean isMultiCurrency(); // isMultiCurrency
* Set Multi Currency
* @param mc multi currency
public void setIsMultiCurrency (boolean mc);
* Is Tax Included
* @return tax incl
public abstract boolean isTaxIncluded(); // isTaxIncluded
* Set Tax Includedy
* @param ti Tax Included
public void setIsTaxIncluded (boolean ti);
* Get C_ConversionType_ID
* @return ConversionType
public abstract int getC_ConversionType_ID(); // getC_ConversionType_ID
* Get GL_Category_ID
* @return categoory
public abstract int getGL_Category_ID(); // getGL_Category_ID
* Get GL_Category_ID
* @return categoory
public abstract int getGL_Budget_ID(); // getGL_Budget_ID
* Get Accounting Date
* @return currency
public abstract Timestamp getDateAcct(); // getDateAcct
* Set Date Acct
* @param da accounting date
public void setDateAcct (Timestamp da);
* Get Document Date
* @return currency
public abstract Timestamp getDateDoc(); // getDateDoc
* Set Date Doc
* @param dd document date
public void setDateDoc (Timestamp dd);
* Is Document Posted
* @return true if posted
public abstract boolean isPosted(); // isPosted
* Is Sales Trx
* @return true if posted
public abstract boolean isSOTrx(); // isSOTrx
* Get C_DocType_ID
* @return DocType
public abstract int getC_DocType_ID(); // getC_DocType_ID
* Get header level C_Charge_ID
* @return Charge
public abstract int getC_Charge_ID(); // getC_Charge_ID
* Get SalesRep_ID
* @return SalesRep
public abstract int getSalesRep_ID(); // getSalesRep_ID
* Get C_BankAccount_ID
* @return BankAccount
public abstract int getC_BankAccount_ID(); // getC_BankAccount_ID
* Set C_BankAccount_ID
* @param C_BankAccount_ID bank acct
public void setC_BankAccount_ID (int C_BankAccount_ID);
* Get C_CashBook_ID
* @return CashBook
public abstract int getC_CashBook_ID(); // getC_CashBook_ID
* Set C_CashBook_ID
* @param C_CashBook_ID cash book
public void setC_CashBook_ID (int C_CashBook_ID);
* Get M_Warehouse_ID
* @return Warehouse
public abstract int getM_Warehouse_ID(); // getM_Warehouse_ID
* Get C_BPartner_ID
* @return BPartner
public abstract int getC_BPartner_ID(); // getC_BPartner_ID
* Set C_BPartner_ID
* @param C_BPartner_ID bp
public void setC_BPartner_ID (int C_BPartner_ID);
* Get C_BPartner_Location_ID
* @return BPartner Location
public abstract int getC_BPartner_Location_ID(); // getC_BPartner_Location_ID
* Get C_Project_ID
* @return Project
public abstract int getC_Project_ID(); // getC_Project_ID
* Get C_SalesRegion_ID
* @return Sales Region
public abstract int getC_SalesRegion_ID(); // getC_SalesRegion_ID
* Get C_SalesRegion_ID
* @return Sales Region
public abstract int getBP_C_SalesRegion_ID(); // getBP_C_SalesRegion_ID
* Get C_Activity_ID
* @return Activity
public abstract int getC_Activity_ID(); // getC_Activity_ID
* Get C_Campaign_ID
* @return Campaign
public abstract int getC_Campaign_ID(); // getC_Campaign_ID
* Get M_Product_ID
* @return Product
public abstract int getM_Product_ID(); // getM_Product_ID
* Get AD_OrgTrx_ID
* @return Trx Org
public abstract int getAD_OrgTrx_ID(); // getAD_OrgTrx_ID
* Get C_LocFrom_ID
* @return loc from
public abstract int getC_LocFrom_ID(); // getC_LocFrom_ID
* Set C_LocFrom_ID
* @param C_LocFrom_ID loc from
public void setC_LocFrom_ID(int C_LocFrom_ID);
* Get C_LocTo_ID
* @return loc to
public abstract int getC_LocTo_ID(); // getC_LocTo_ID
* Set C_LocTo_ID
* @param C_LocTo_ID loc to
public void setC_LocTo_ID(int C_LocTo_ID);
* Get User1_ID
* @return Campaign
public abstract int getUser1_ID(); // getUser1_ID
* Get User2_ID
* @return Campaign
public abstract int getUser2_ID(); // getUser2_ID
* Get User Defined value
* @return User defined
public abstract int getValue(String ColumnName); // getValue
* Get Source Currency Balance - subtracts line (and tax) amounts from total - no rounding
* @return positive amount, if total header is bigger than lines
public abstract BigDecimal getBalance();
* Create Facts (the accounting logic)
* @param as accounting schema
* @return Facts
public abstract ArrayList<Fact> createFacts(MAcctSchema as);
* Get Context
* @return context
public Properties getCtx();
* Load Document Type and GL Info.
* Set p_DocumentType and p_GL_Category_ID
* @return document type
public String getDocumentType();
* Load Document Type and GL Info.
* Set p_DocumentType and p_GL_Category_ID
* @param DocumentType
public void setDocumentType (String DocumentType);
* Set C_SalesRegion_ID
* @param C_SalesRegion_ID id
public void setBP_C_SalesRegion_ID (int C_SalesRegion_ID);
* Get the facts
* @return ArrayList<Fact>
public ArrayList<Fact> getFacts();
@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
package org.compiere.acct;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import org.compiere.model.MAccount;
import org.compiere.model.MAcctSchema;
import org.compiere.model.MProduct;
import org.compiere.model.ProductCost;
public interface IDocLine {
* Get Currency
* @return c_Currency_ID
public abstract int getC_Currency_ID(); // getC_Currency_ID
* Get Conversion Type
* @return C_ConversionType_ID
public abstract int getC_ConversionType_ID(); // getC_ConversionType_ID
* Set Amount (DR)
* @param sourceAmt source amt
public abstract void setAmount(BigDecimal sourceAmt); // setAmounts
* Set Amounts
* @param amtSourceDr source amount dr
* @param amtSourceCr source amount cr
public abstract void setAmount(BigDecimal amtSourceDr,
BigDecimal amtSourceCr); // setAmounts
* Set Converted Amounts
* @param C_AcctSchema_ID acct schema
* @param amtAcctDr acct amount dr
* @param amtAcctCr acct amount cr
public abstract void setConvertedAmt(int C_AcctSchema_ID,
BigDecimal amtAcctDr, BigDecimal amtAcctCr); // setConvertedAmt
* Line Net Amount or Dr-Cr
* @return balance
public abstract BigDecimal getAmtSource(); // getAmount
* Get (Journal) Line Source Dr Amount
* @return DR source amount
public abstract BigDecimal getAmtSourceDr(); // getAmtSourceDr
* Get (Journal) Line Source Cr Amount
* @return CR source amount
public abstract BigDecimal getAmtSourceCr(); // getAmtSourceCr
* Line Journal Accounted Dr Amount
* @return DR accounted amount
public abstract BigDecimal getAmtAcctDr(); // getAmtAcctDr
* Line Journal Accounted Cr Amount
* @return CR accounted amount
public abstract BigDecimal getAmtAcctCr(); // getAmtAccrCr
* Charge Amount
* @return charge amount
public abstract BigDecimal getChargeAmt(); // getChargeAmt
* Set Product Amounts
* @param LineNetAmt Line Net Amt
* @param PriceList Price List
* @param Qty Qty for discount calc
public abstract void setAmount(BigDecimal LineNetAmt, BigDecimal PriceList,
BigDecimal Qty); // setAmounts
* Line Discount
* @return discount amount
public abstract BigDecimal getDiscount(); // getDiscount
* Line List Amount
* @return list amount
public abstract BigDecimal getListAmount(); // getListAmount
* Set Line Net Amt Difference
* @param diff difference (to be subtracted)
public abstract void setLineNetAmtDifference(BigDecimal diff); // setLineNetAmtDifference
* Set Accounting Date
* @param dateAcct acct date
public abstract void setDateAcct(Timestamp dateAcct); // setDateAcct
* Get Accounting Date
* @return accounting date
public abstract Timestamp getDateAcct(); // getDateAcct
* Set Document Date
* @param dateDoc doc date
public abstract void setDateDoc(Timestamp dateDoc); // setDateDoc
* Get Document Date
* @return document date
public abstract Timestamp getDateDoc(); // getDateDoc
* Set GL Journal Account
* @param acct account
public abstract void setAccount(MAccount acct); // setAccount
* Get GL Journal Account
* @return account
public abstract MAccount getAccount(); // getAccount
* Line Account from Product (or Charge).
* @param AcctType see ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_* (0..3)
* @param as Accounting schema
* @return Requested Product Account
public abstract MAccount getAccount(int AcctType, MAcctSchema as); // getAccount
* Get Charge Account
* @param as account schema
* @param amount amount for expense(+)/revenue(-)
* @return Charge Account or null
public abstract MAccount getChargeAccount(MAcctSchema as, BigDecimal amount); // getChargeAccount
* Get (Journal) AcctSchema
* @return C_AcctSchema_ID
public abstract int getC_AcctSchema_ID(); // getC_AcctSchema_ID
* Get Line ID
* @return id
public abstract int get_ID(); // get_ID
* Get AD_Org_ID
* @return org
public abstract int getAD_Org_ID(); // getAD_Org_ID
* Get Order AD_Org_ID
* @return order org if defined
public abstract int getOrder_Org_ID(); // getOrder_Org_ID
* Product
* @return M_Product_ID
public abstract int getM_Product_ID(); // getM_Product_ID
* Is this an Item Product (vs. not a Service, a charge)
* @return true if product
public abstract boolean isItem(); // isItem
* @return M_AttributeSetInstance_ID
public abstract int getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(); // getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID
* Get Warehouse Locator (from)
* @return M_Locator_ID
public abstract int getM_Locator_ID(); // getM_Locator_ID
* Get Warehouse Locator To
* @return M_Locator_ID
public abstract int getM_LocatorTo_ID(); // getM_LocatorTo_ID
* Set Production BOM flag
* @param productionBOM flag
public abstract void setProductionBOM(boolean productionBOM); // setProductionBOM
* Is this the BOM to be produced
* @return true if BOM
public abstract boolean isProductionBOM(); // isProductionBOM
* Get Production Plan
* @return M_ProductionPlan_ID
public abstract int getM_ProductionPlan_ID(); // getM_ProductionPlan_ID
* Get Order Line Reference
* @return C_OrderLine_ID
public abstract int getC_OrderLine_ID(); // getC_OrderLine_ID
* Get C_LocFrom_ID
* @return loc from
public abstract int getC_LocFrom_ID(); // getC_LocFrom_ID
* Set C_LocFrom_ID
* @param C_LocFrom_ID loc from
public abstract void setC_LocFrom_ID(int C_LocFrom_ID); // setC_LocFrom_ID
* Get C_LocTo_ID
* @return loc to
public abstract int getC_LocTo_ID(); // getC_LocTo_ID
* Set C_LocTo_ID
* @param C_LocTo_ID loc to
public abstract void setC_LocTo_ID(int C_LocTo_ID); // setC_LocTo_ID
* Get Product Cost Info
* @return product cost
public abstract ProductCost getProductCost(); // getProductCost
* Get Total Product Costs
* @param as accounting schema
* @param AD_Org_ID trx org
* @param zeroCostsOK zero/no costs are OK
* @return costs
public abstract BigDecimal getProductCosts(MAcctSchema as, int AD_Org_ID,
boolean zeroCostsOK); // getProductCosts
* Get Product
* @return product or null if no product
public abstract MProduct getProduct(); // getProduct
* Get Revenue Recognition
* @return C_RevenueRecognition_ID or 0
public abstract int getC_RevenueRecognition_ID(); // getC_RevenueRecognition_ID
* Quantity UOM
* @return Transaction or Storage M_UOM_ID
public abstract int getC_UOM_ID(); // getC_UOM
* Quantity
* @param qty transaction Qty
* @param isSOTrx SL order trx (i.e. negative qty)
public abstract void setQty(BigDecimal qty, boolean isSOTrx); // setQty
* Quantity
* @return transaction Qty
public abstract BigDecimal getQty(); // getQty
* Description
* @return doc line description
public abstract String getDescription(); // getDescription
* Line Tax
* @return C_Tax_ID
public abstract int getC_Tax_ID(); // getC_Tax_ID
* Get Line Number
* @return line no
public abstract int getLine(); // getLine
* Get BPartner
* @return C_BPartner_ID
public abstract int getC_BPartner_ID(); // getC_BPartner_ID
* Get C_BPartner_Location_ID
* @return BPartner Location
public abstract int getC_BPartner_Location_ID(); // getC_BPartner_Location_ID
* Get TrxOrg
* @return AD_OrgTrx_ID
public abstract int getAD_OrgTrx_ID(); // getAD_OrgTrx_ID
* Get SalesRegion.
* - get Sales Region from BPartner
* @return C_SalesRegion_ID
public abstract int getC_SalesRegion_ID(); // getC_SalesRegion_ID
* Get Project
* @return C_Project_ID
public abstract int getC_Project_ID(); // getC_Project_ID
* Get Campaign
* @return C_Campaign_ID
public abstract int getC_Campaign_ID(); // getC_Campaign_ID
* Get Activity
* @return C_Activity_ID
public abstract int getC_Activity_ID(); // getC_Activity_ID
* Get User 1
* @return user defined 1
public abstract int getUser1_ID(); // getUser1_ID
* Get User 2
* @return user defined 2
public abstract int getUser2_ID(); // getUser2_ID
* Get User Defined Column
* @param ColumnName column name
* @return user defined column value
public abstract int getValue(String ColumnName); // getValue
* Get Period
* @return C_Period_ID
public int getC_Period_ID();
@ -73,10 +73,6 @@ public interface ModelValidator
public static final int TIMING_AFTER_REVERSECORRECT = 13;
public static final int TIMING_AFTER_REVERSECORRECT = 13;
/** Called after document is reverseaccrual */
/** Called after document is reverseaccrual */
public static final int TIMING_AFTER_REVERSEACCRUAL = 14;
public static final int TIMING_AFTER_REVERSEACCRUAL = 14;
/** Called before document is posted */
public static final int TIMING_BEFORE_POST = 15;
/** Called after document is posted */
public static final int TIMING_AFTER_POST = 16;
* Initialize Validation
* Initialize Validation
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ import javax.xml.transform.*;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.*;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.*;
import org.compiere.*;
import org.compiere.*;
import org.compiere.acct.IDoc;
import org.compiere.util.*;
import org.compiere.util.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
@ -3412,23 +3411,4 @@ public abstract class PO
return document;
return document;
} // getDocument
} // getDocument
/* Doc - To be used on ModelValidator to get the corresponding Doc from the PO */
private IDoc m_doc;
* Set the accounting document associated to the PO - for use in POST ModelValidator
* @param doc Document
public void setDoc(IDoc doc) {
m_doc = doc;
* Set the accounting document associated to the PO - for use in POST ModelValidator
* @return Doc Document
public IDoc getDoc() {
return m_doc;
} // PO
} // PO
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ import org.compiere.util.*;
* @author Jorg Janke
* @author Jorg Janke
* @version $Id:,v 1.6 2006/07/30 00:53:33 jjanke Exp $
* @version $Id:,v 1.6 2006/07/30 00:53:33 jjanke Exp $
public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
public abstract class Doc
/** AD_Table_ID's of documents */
/** AD_Table_ID's of documents */
public static int[] documentsTableID = new int[] {
public static int[] documentsTableID = new int[] {
@ -136,6 +136,72 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
* M_Requisition POR
* M_Requisition POR
/** AR Invoices - ARI */
public static final String DOCTYPE_ARInvoice = MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_ARInvoice;
/** AR Credit Memo */
public static final String DOCTYPE_ARCredit = "ARC";
/** AR Receipt */
public static final String DOCTYPE_ARReceipt = "ARR";
/** AR ProForma */
public static final String DOCTYPE_ARProForma = "ARF";
/** AP Invoices */
public static final String DOCTYPE_APInvoice = "API";
/** AP Credit Memo */
public static final String DOCTYPE_APCredit = "APC";
/** AP Payment */
public static final String DOCTYPE_APPayment = "APP";
/** CashManagement Bank Statement */
public static final String DOCTYPE_BankStatement = "CMB";
/** CashManagement Cash Journals */
public static final String DOCTYPE_CashJournal = "CMC";
/** CashManagement Allocations */
public static final String DOCTYPE_Allocation = "CMA";
/** Material Shipment */
public static final String DOCTYPE_MatShipment = "MMS";
/** Material Receipt */
public static final String DOCTYPE_MatReceipt = "MMR";
/** Material Inventory */
public static final String DOCTYPE_MatInventory = "MMI";
/** Material Movement */
public static final String DOCTYPE_MatMovement = "MMM";
/** Material Production */
public static final String DOCTYPE_MatProduction = "MMP";
/** Match Invoice */
public static final String DOCTYPE_MatMatchInv = "MXI";
/** Match PO */
public static final String DOCTYPE_MatMatchPO = "MXP";
/** GL Journal */
public static final String DOCTYPE_GLJournal = "GLJ";
/** Purchase Order */
public static final String DOCTYPE_POrder = "POO";
/** Sales Order */
public static final String DOCTYPE_SOrder = "SOO";
/** Project Issue */
public static final String DOCTYPE_ProjectIssue = "PJI";
/** Purchase Requisition */
public static final String DOCTYPE_PurchaseRequisition = "POR";
// Posting Status - AD_Reference_ID=234 //
/** Document Status */
public static final String STATUS_NotPosted = "N";
/** Document Status */
public static final String STATUS_NotBalanced = "b";
/** Document Status */
public static final String STATUS_NotConvertible = "c";
/** Document Status */
public static final String STATUS_PeriodClosed = "p";
/** Document Status */
public static final String STATUS_InvalidAccount = "i";
/** Document Status */
public static final String STATUS_PostPrepared = "y";
/** Document Status */
public static final String STATUS_Posted = "Y";
/** Document Status */
public static final String STATUS_Error = "E";
* Create Posting document
* Create Posting document
* @param ass accounting schema
* @param ass accounting schema
@ -369,6 +435,9 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
/** Facts */
/** Facts */
private ArrayList<Fact> m_fact = null;
private ArrayList<Fact> m_fact = null;
/** No Currency in Document Indicator (-1) */
protected static final int NO_CURRENCY = -2;
/** Actual Document Status */
/** Actual Document Status */
protected String p_Status = null;
protected String p_Status = null;
/** Error Message */
/** Error Message */
@ -379,29 +448,32 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
* Get Context
* Get Context
* @return context
* @return context
public Properties getCtx()
protected Properties getCtx()
return m_ctx;
return m_ctx;
} // getCtx
} // getCtx
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#get_TableName()
* Get Table Name
* @return table name
public String get_TableName()
public String get_TableName()
return p_po.get_TableName();
return p_po.get_TableName();
} // get_TableName
} // get_TableName
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#get_Table_ID()
* Get Table ID
* @return table id
public int get_Table_ID()
public int get_Table_ID()
return p_po.get_Table_ID();
return p_po.get_Table_ID();
} // get_Table_ID
} // get_Table_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#get_ID()
* Get Record_ID
* @return record id
public int get_ID()
public int get_ID()
@ -417,8 +489,20 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return p_po;
return p_po;
} // getPO
} // getPO
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#post(boolean, boolean)
* Post Document.
* <pre>
* - try to lock document (Processed='Y' (AND Processing='N' AND Posted='N'))
* - if not ok - return false
* - postlogic (for all Accounting Schema)
* - create Fact lines
* - postCommit
* - commits Fact lines and Document & sets Processing = 'N'
* - if error - create Note
* </pre>
* @param force if true ignore that locked
* @param repost if true ignore that already posted
* @return null if posted error otherwise
public final String post (boolean force, boolean repost)
public final String post (boolean force, boolean repost)
@ -533,30 +617,9 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
OK = false;
OK = false;
String validatorMsg = null;
// Call validator on before post
if (!p_Status.equals(STATUS_Error)) {
validatorMsg = ModelValidationEngine.get().fireDocValidate(getPO(), ModelValidator.TIMING_BEFORE_POST);
if (validatorMsg != null) {
p_Status = STATUS_Error;
p_Error = validatorMsg;
OK = false;
// commitFact
// commitFact
p_Status = postCommit (p_Status);
p_Status = postCommit (p_Status);
if (!p_Status.equals(STATUS_Error)) {
validatorMsg = ModelValidationEngine.get().fireDocValidate(getPO(), ModelValidator.TIMING_AFTER_POST);
if (validatorMsg != null) {
p_Status = STATUS_Error;
p_Error = validatorMsg;
OK = false;
// Create Note
// Create Note
if (!p_Status.equals(STATUS_Posted))
if (!p_Status.equals(STATUS_Posted))
@ -776,20 +839,24 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
} // unlock
} // unlock
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getDocumentType()
* Load Document Type and GL Info.
* Set p_DocumentType and p_GL_Category_ID
* @return document type
public String getDocumentType()
protected String getDocumentType()
if (m_DocumentType == null)
if (m_DocumentType == null)
return m_DocumentType;
return m_DocumentType;
} // getDocumentType
} // getDocumentType
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#setDocumentType()
* Load Document Type and GL Info.
* Set p_DocumentType and p_GL_Category_ID
* @param DocumentType
public void setDocumentType (String DocumentType)
protected void setDocumentType (String DocumentType)
if (DocumentType != null)
if (DocumentType != null)
m_DocumentType = DocumentType;
m_DocumentType = DocumentType;
@ -872,8 +939,10 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
throw new IllegalStateException("Document Type not found");
throw new IllegalStateException("Document Type not found");
} // setDocumentType
} // setDocumentType
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#isBalanced()
* Is the Source Document Balanced
* @return true if (source) baanced
public boolean isBalanced()
public boolean isBalanced()
@ -889,8 +958,10 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return retValue;
return retValue;
} // isBalanced
} // isBalanced
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#isConvertible(org.compiere.model.MAcctSchema)
* Is Document convertible to currency and Conversion Type
* @param acctSchema accounting schema
* @return true, if vonvertable to accounting currency
public boolean isConvertible (MAcctSchema acctSchema)
public boolean isConvertible (MAcctSchema acctSchema)
@ -942,8 +1013,9 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return convertible;
return convertible;
} // isConvertible
} // isConvertible
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#setPeriod()
* Calculate Period from DateAcct.
* m_C_Period_ID is set to -1 of not open to 0 if not found
public void setPeriod()
public void setPeriod()
@ -971,8 +1043,9 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
getDateAcct() + " - " + getDocumentType() + " => " + m_C_Period_ID);
getDateAcct() + " - " + getDocumentType() + " => " + m_C_Period_ID);
} // setC_Period_ID
} // setC_Period_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getC_Period_ID()
* Get C_Period_ID
* @return period
public int getC_Period_ID()
public int getC_Period_ID()
@ -981,8 +1054,9 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return m_C_Period_ID;
return m_C_Period_ID;
} // getC_Period_ID
} // getC_Period_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#isPeriodOpen()
* Is Period Open
* @return true if period is open
public boolean isPeriodOpen()
public boolean isPeriodOpen()
@ -997,13 +1071,24 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
/** Amount Type - Invoice - Gross */
public static final int AMTTYPE_Gross = 0;
/** Amount Type - Invoice - Net */
public static final int AMTTYPE_Net = 1;
/** Amount Type - Invoice - Charge */
public static final int AMTTYPE_Charge = 2;
/** Source Amounts (may not all be used) */
/** Source Amounts (may not all be used) */
private BigDecimal[] m_Amounts = new BigDecimal[4];
private BigDecimal[] m_Amounts = new BigDecimal[4];
/** Quantity */
/** Quantity */
private BigDecimal m_qty = null;
private BigDecimal m_qty = null;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getAmount(int)
* Get the Amount
* (loaded in loadDocumentDetails)
* @param AmtType see AMTTYPE_*
* @return Amount
public BigDecimal getAmount(int AmtType)
public BigDecimal getAmount(int AmtType)
@ -1012,10 +1097,12 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return m_Amounts[AmtType];
return m_Amounts[AmtType];
} // getAmount
} // getAmount
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#setAmount(int, BigDecimal)
* Set the Amount
* @param AmtType see AMTTYPE_*
* @param amt Amount
public void setAmount(int AmtType, BigDecimal amt)
protected void setAmount(int AmtType, BigDecimal amt)
if (AmtType < 0 || AmtType >= m_Amounts.length)
if (AmtType < 0 || AmtType >= m_Amounts.length)
@ -1025,24 +1112,27 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
m_Amounts[AmtType] = amt;
m_Amounts[AmtType] = amt;
} // setAmount
} // setAmount
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getAmount()
* Get Amount with index 0
* @return Amount (primary document amount)
public BigDecimal getAmount()
public BigDecimal getAmount()
return m_Amounts[0];
return m_Amounts[0];
} // getAmount
} // getAmount
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#setQty(BigDecimal)
* Set Quantity
* @param qty Quantity
public void setQty (BigDecimal qty)
protected void setQty (BigDecimal qty)
m_qty = qty;
m_qty = qty;
} // setQty
} // setQty
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getQty()
* Get Quantity
* @return Quantity
public BigDecimal getQty()
public BigDecimal getQty()
@ -1059,8 +1149,74 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
/* (non-Javadoc)
/** Account Type - Invoice - Charge */
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getValidCombination_ID(int, org.compiere.model.MAcctSchema)
public static final int ACCTTYPE_Charge = 0;
/** Account Type - Invoice - AR */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_C_Receivable = 1;
/** Account Type - Invoice - AP */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_V_Liability = 2;
/** Account Type - Invoice - AP Service */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_V_Liability_Services = 3;
/** Account Type - Invoice - AR Service */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_C_Receivable_Services = 4;
/** Account Type - Payment - Unallocated */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_UnallocatedCash = 10;
/** Account Type - Payment - Transfer */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_BankInTransit = 11;
/** Account Type - Payment - Selection */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_PaymentSelect = 12;
/** Account Type - Payment - Prepayment */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_C_Prepayment = 13;
/** Account Type - Payment - Prepayment */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_V_Prepayment = 14;
/** Account Type - Cash - Asset */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_CashAsset = 20;
/** Account Type - Cash - Transfer */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_CashTransfer = 21;
/** Account Type - Cash - Expense */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_CashExpense = 22;
/** Account Type - Cash - Receipt */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_CashReceipt = 23;
/** Account Type - Cash - Difference */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_CashDifference = 24;
/** Account Type - Allocation - Discount Expense (AR) */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_DiscountExp = 30;
/** Account Type - Allocation - Discount Revenue (AP) */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_DiscountRev = 31;
/** Account Type - Allocation - Write Off */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_WriteOff = 32;
/** Account Type - Bank Statement - Asset */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_BankAsset = 40;
/** Account Type - Bank Statement - Interest Revenue */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_InterestRev = 41;
/** Account Type - Bank Statement - Interest Exp */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_InterestExp = 42;
/** Inventory Accounts - Differnces */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_InvDifferences = 50;
/** Inventory Accounts - NIR */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_NotInvoicedReceipts = 51;
/** Project Accounts - Assets */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_ProjectAsset = 61;
/** Project Accounts - WIP */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_ProjectWIP = 62;
/** GL Accounts - PPV Offset */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_PPVOffset = 101;
/** GL Accounts - Commitment Offset */
public static final int ACCTTYPE_CommitmentOffset = 111;
* Get the Valid Combination id for Accounting Schema
* @param AcctType see ACCTTYPE_*
* @param as accounting schema
* @return C_ValidCombination_ID
public int getValidCombination_ID (int AcctType, MAcctSchema as)
public int getValidCombination_ID (int AcctType, MAcctSchema as)
@ -1274,8 +1430,11 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return Account_ID;
return Account_ID;
} // getAccount_ID
} // getAccount_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getAccount(int, org.compiere.model.MAcctSchema)
* Get the account for Accounting Schema
* @param AcctType see ACCTTYPE_*
* @param as accounting schema
* @return Account
public final MAccount getAccount (int AcctType, MAcctSchema as)
public final MAccount getAccount (int AcctType, MAcctSchema as)
@ -1306,8 +1465,10 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return no == 1;
return no == 1;
} // save
} // save
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getDocLine(int)
* Get DocLine with ID
* @param Record_ID Record ID
* @return DocLine
public DocLine getDocLine (int Record_ID)
public DocLine getDocLine (int Record_ID)
@ -1332,24 +1493,27 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
} // toString
} // toString
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getAD_Client_ID()
* Get AD_Client_ID
* @return client
public int getAD_Client_ID()
public int getAD_Client_ID()
return p_po.getAD_Client_ID();
return p_po.getAD_Client_ID();
} // getAD_Client_ID
} // getAD_Client_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getAD_Org_ID()
* Get AD_Org_ID
* @return org
public int getAD_Org_ID()
public int getAD_Org_ID()
return p_po.getAD_Org_ID();
return p_po.getAD_Org_ID();
} // getAD_Org_ID
} // getAD_Org_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getDocumentNo()
* Get Document No
* @return document No
public String getDocumentNo()
public String getDocumentNo()
@ -1364,8 +1528,9 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return m_DocumentNo;
return m_DocumentNo;
} // getDocumentNo
} // getDocumentNo
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getDescription()
* Get Description
* @return Description
public String getDescription()
public String getDescription()
@ -1380,8 +1545,9 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return m_Description;
return m_Description;
} // getDescription
} // getDescription
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getC_Currency_ID()
* Get C_Currency_ID
* @return currency
public int getC_Currency_ID()
public int getC_Currency_ID()
@ -1400,48 +1566,54 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return m_C_Currency_ID;
return m_C_Currency_ID;
} // getC_Currency_ID
} // getC_Currency_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#setC_Currency_ID(int)
* Set C_Currency_ID
* @param C_Currency_ID id
public void setC_Currency_ID (int C_Currency_ID)
public void setC_Currency_ID (int C_Currency_ID)
m_C_Currency_ID = C_Currency_ID;
m_C_Currency_ID = C_Currency_ID;
} // setC_Currency_ID
} // setC_Currency_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#isMultiCurrency()
* Is Multi Currency
* @return mc
public boolean isMultiCurrency()
public boolean isMultiCurrency()
return m_MultiCurrency;
return m_MultiCurrency;
} // isMultiCurrency
} // isMultiCurrency
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#setIsMultiCurrency(boolean)
* Set Multi Currency
* @param mc multi currency
public void setIsMultiCurrency (boolean mc)
protected void setIsMultiCurrency (boolean mc)
m_MultiCurrency = mc;
m_MultiCurrency = mc;
} // setIsMultiCurrency
} // setIsMultiCurrency
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#isTaxIncluded()
* Is Tax Included
* @return tax incl
public boolean isTaxIncluded()
public boolean isTaxIncluded()
return m_TaxIncluded;
return m_TaxIncluded;
} // isTaxIncluded
} // isTaxIncluded
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#setIsTaxIncluded(boolean)
* Set Tax Includedy
* @param ti Tax Included
public void setIsTaxIncluded (boolean ti)
protected void setIsTaxIncluded (boolean ti)
m_TaxIncluded = ti;
m_TaxIncluded = ti;
} // setIsTaxIncluded
} // setIsTaxIncluded
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getC_ConversionType_ID()
* Get C_ConversionType_ID
* @return ConversionType
public int getC_ConversionType_ID()
public int getC_ConversionType_ID()
@ -1455,16 +1627,18 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return 0;
return 0;
} // getC_ConversionType_ID
} // getC_ConversionType_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getGL_Category_ID()
* Get GL_Category_ID
* @return categoory
public int getGL_Category_ID()
public int getGL_Category_ID()
return m_GL_Category_ID;
return m_GL_Category_ID;
} // getGL_Category_ID
} // getGL_Category_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getGL_Budget_ID()
* Get GL_Category_ID
* @return categoory
public int getGL_Budget_ID()
public int getGL_Budget_ID()
@ -1478,8 +1652,9 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return 0;
return 0;
} // getGL_Budget_ID
} // getGL_Budget_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getDateAcct()
* Get Accounting Date
* @return currency
public Timestamp getDateAcct()
public Timestamp getDateAcct()
@ -1495,16 +1670,18 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
throw new IllegalStateException("No DateAcct");
throw new IllegalStateException("No DateAcct");
} // getDateAcct
} // getDateAcct
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#setDateAcct(Timestamp)
* Set Date Acct
* @param da accounting date
public void setDateAcct (Timestamp da)
protected void setDateAcct (Timestamp da)
m_DateAcct = da;
m_DateAcct = da;
} // setDateAcct
} // setDateAcct
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getDateDoc()
* Get Document Date
* @return currency
public Timestamp getDateDoc()
public Timestamp getDateDoc()
@ -1522,16 +1699,18 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
throw new IllegalStateException("No DateDoc");
throw new IllegalStateException("No DateDoc");
} // getDateDoc
} // getDateDoc
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#setDateDoc(Timestamp)
* Set Date Doc
* @param dd document date
public void setDateDoc (Timestamp dd)
protected void setDateDoc (Timestamp dd)
m_DateDoc = dd;
m_DateDoc = dd;
} // setDateDoc
} // setDateDoc
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#isPosted()
* Is Document Posted
* @return true if posted
public boolean isPosted()
public boolean isPosted()
@ -1547,8 +1726,9 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
throw new IllegalStateException("No Posted");
throw new IllegalStateException("No Posted");
} // isPosted
} // isPosted
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#isSOTrx()
* Is Sales Trx
* @return true if posted
public boolean isSOTrx()
public boolean isSOTrx()
@ -1566,8 +1746,9 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return false;
return false;
} // isSOTrx
} // isSOTrx
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getC_DocType_ID()
* Get C_DocType_ID
* @return DocType
public int getC_DocType_ID()
public int getC_DocType_ID()
@ -1588,8 +1769,9 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return 0;
return 0;
} // getC_DocType_ID
} // getC_DocType_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getC_Charge_ID()
* Get header level C_Charge_ID
* @return Charge
public int getC_Charge_ID()
public int getC_Charge_ID()
@ -1603,8 +1785,9 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return 0;
return 0;
} // getC_Charge_ID
} // getC_Charge_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getSalesRep_ID()
* Get SalesRep_ID
* @return SalesRep
public int getSalesRep_ID()
public int getSalesRep_ID()
@ -1618,8 +1801,9 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return 0;
return 0;
} // getSalesRep_ID
} // getSalesRep_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getC_BankAccount_ID()
* Get C_BankAccount_ID
* @return BankAccount
public int getC_BankAccount_ID()
public int getC_BankAccount_ID()
@ -1638,16 +1822,18 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return m_C_BankAccount_ID;
return m_C_BankAccount_ID;
} // getC_BankAccount_ID
} // getC_BankAccount_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#setC_BankAccount_ID(int)
* Set C_BankAccount_ID
* @param C_BankAccount_ID bank acct
public void setC_BankAccount_ID (int C_BankAccount_ID)
protected void setC_BankAccount_ID (int C_BankAccount_ID)
m_C_BankAccount_ID = C_BankAccount_ID;
m_C_BankAccount_ID = C_BankAccount_ID;
} // setC_BankAccount_ID
} // setC_BankAccount_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getC_CashBook_ID()
* Get C_CashBook_ID
* @return CashBook
public int getC_CashBook_ID()
public int getC_CashBook_ID()
@ -1666,16 +1852,18 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return m_C_CashBook_ID;
return m_C_CashBook_ID;
} // getC_CashBook_ID
} // getC_CashBook_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#setC_CashBook_ID(int)
* Set C_CashBook_ID
* @param C_CashBook_ID cash book
public void setC_CashBook_ID (int C_CashBook_ID)
protected void setC_CashBook_ID (int C_CashBook_ID)
m_C_CashBook_ID = C_CashBook_ID;
m_C_CashBook_ID = C_CashBook_ID;
} // setC_CashBook_ID
} // setC_CashBook_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getM_Warehouse_ID()
* Get M_Warehouse_ID
* @return Warehouse
public int getM_Warehouse_ID()
public int getM_Warehouse_ID()
@ -1690,8 +1878,9 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
} // getM_Warehouse_ID
} // getM_Warehouse_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getC_BPartner_ID()
* Get C_BPartner_ID
* @return BPartner
public int getC_BPartner_ID()
public int getC_BPartner_ID()
@ -1710,16 +1899,18 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return m_C_BPartner_ID;
return m_C_BPartner_ID;
} // getC_BPartner_ID
} // getC_BPartner_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#setC_BPartner_ID()
* Set C_BPartner_ID
* @param C_BPartner_ID bp
public void setC_BPartner_ID (int C_BPartner_ID)
protected void setC_BPartner_ID (int C_BPartner_ID)
m_C_BPartner_ID = C_BPartner_ID;
m_C_BPartner_ID = C_BPartner_ID;
} // setC_BPartner_ID
} // setC_BPartner_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getC_BPartner_Location_ID()
* Get C_BPartner_Location_ID
* @return BPartner Location
public int getC_BPartner_Location_ID()
public int getC_BPartner_Location_ID()
@ -1733,8 +1924,9 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return 0;
return 0;
} // getC_BPartner_Location_ID
} // getC_BPartner_Location_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getC_Project_ID()
* Get C_Project_ID
* @return Project
public int getC_Project_ID()
public int getC_Project_ID()
@ -1748,8 +1940,9 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return 0;
return 0;
} // getC_Project_ID
} // getC_Project_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getC_SalesRegion_ID()
* Get C_SalesRegion_ID
* @return Sales Region
public int getC_SalesRegion_ID()
public int getC_SalesRegion_ID()
@ -1763,8 +1956,9 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return 0;
return 0;
} // getC_SalesRegion_ID
} // getC_SalesRegion_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getBP_C_SalesRegion_ID()
* Get C_SalesRegion_ID
* @return Sales Region
public int getBP_C_SalesRegion_ID()
public int getBP_C_SalesRegion_ID()
@ -1787,13 +1981,14 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
* Set C_SalesRegion_ID
* Set C_SalesRegion_ID
* @param C_SalesRegion_ID id
* @param C_SalesRegion_ID id
public void setBP_C_SalesRegion_ID (int C_SalesRegion_ID)
protected void setBP_C_SalesRegion_ID (int C_SalesRegion_ID)
m_BP_C_SalesRegion_ID = C_SalesRegion_ID;
m_BP_C_SalesRegion_ID = C_SalesRegion_ID;
} // setBP_C_SalesRegion_ID
} // setBP_C_SalesRegion_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getC_Activity_ID()
* Get C_Activity_ID
* @return Activity
public int getC_Activity_ID()
public int getC_Activity_ID()
@ -1807,8 +2002,9 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return 0;
return 0;
} // getC_Activity_ID
} // getC_Activity_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getC_Campaign_ID()
* Get C_Campaign_ID
* @return Campaign
public int getC_Campaign_ID()
public int getC_Campaign_ID()
@ -1822,8 +2018,9 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return 0;
return 0;
} // getC_Campaign_ID
} // getC_Campaign_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getM_Product_ID()
* Get M_Product_ID
* @return Product
public int getM_Product_ID()
public int getM_Product_ID()
@ -1837,8 +2034,9 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return 0;
return 0;
} // getM_Product_ID
} // getM_Product_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getAD_OrgTrx_ID()
* Get AD_OrgTrx_ID
* @return Trx Org
public int getAD_OrgTrx_ID()
public int getAD_OrgTrx_ID()
@ -1852,40 +2050,45 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return 0;
return 0;
} // getAD_OrgTrx_ID
} // getAD_OrgTrx_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getC_LocFrom_ID()
* Get C_LocFrom_ID
* @return loc from
public int getC_LocFrom_ID()
public int getC_LocFrom_ID()
return m_C_LocFrom_ID;
return m_C_LocFrom_ID;
} // getC_LocFrom_ID
} // getC_LocFrom_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#setC_LocFrom_ID(int)
* Set C_LocFrom_ID
* @param C_LocFrom_ID loc from
public void setC_LocFrom_ID(int C_LocFrom_ID)
protected void setC_LocFrom_ID(int C_LocFrom_ID)
m_C_LocFrom_ID = C_LocFrom_ID;
m_C_LocFrom_ID = C_LocFrom_ID;
} // setC_LocFrom_ID
} // setC_LocFrom_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getC_LocTo_ID()
* Get C_LocTo_ID
* @return loc to
public int getC_LocTo_ID()
public int getC_LocTo_ID()
return m_C_LocTo_ID;
return m_C_LocTo_ID;
} // getC_LocTo_ID
} // getC_LocTo_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#setC_LocTo_ID(int)
* Set C_LocTo_ID
* @param C_LocTo_ID loc to
public void setC_LocTo_ID(int C_LocTo_ID)
protected void setC_LocTo_ID(int C_LocTo_ID)
m_C_LocTo_ID = C_LocTo_ID;
m_C_LocTo_ID = C_LocTo_ID;
} // setC_LocTo_ID
} // setC_LocTo_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getUser1_ID()
* Get User1_ID
* @return Campaign
public int getUser1_ID()
public int getUser1_ID()
@ -1899,8 +2102,9 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return 0;
return 0;
} // getUser1_ID
} // getUser1_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getUser2_ID()
* Get User2_ID
* @return Campaign
public int getUser2_ID()
public int getUser2_ID()
@ -1914,8 +2118,9 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
return 0;
return 0;
} // getUser2_ID
} // getUser2_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getValue(java.lang.String)
* Get User Defined value
* @return User defined
public int getValue (String ColumnName)
public int getValue (String ColumnName)
@ -1939,21 +2144,17 @@ public abstract class Doc implements IDoc
protected abstract String loadDocumentDetails ();
protected abstract String loadDocumentDetails ();
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getBalance()
* Get Source Currency Balance - subtracts line (and tax) amounts from total - no rounding
* @return positive amount, if total header is bigger than lines
public abstract BigDecimal getBalance();
public abstract BigDecimal getBalance();
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#createFacts(org.compiere.model.MAcctSchema)
* Create Facts (the accounting logic)
* @param as accounting schema
* @return Facts
public abstract ArrayList<Fact> createFacts (MAcctSchema as);
public abstract ArrayList<Fact> createFacts (MAcctSchema as);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDoc#getFacts()
public ArrayList<Fact> getFacts() {
return m_fact;
} // Doc
} // Doc
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import org.compiere.util.*;
* @author Jorg Janke
* @author Jorg Janke
* @version $Id:,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:53:33 jjanke Exp $
* @version $Id:,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:53:33 jjanke Exp $
public class DocLine implements IDocLine
public class DocLine
* Create Document Line
* Create Document Line
@ -103,8 +103,9 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
/** Period */
/** Period */
private int m_C_Period_ID = -1;
private int m_C_Period_ID = -1;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getC_Currency_ID()
* Get Currency
* @return c_Currency_ID
public int getC_Currency_ID ()
public int getC_Currency_ID ()
@ -123,8 +124,9 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return m_C_Currency_ID;
return m_C_Currency_ID;
} // getC_Currency_ID
} // getC_Currency_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getC_ConversionType_ID()
* Get Conversion Type
* @return C_ConversionType_ID
public int getC_ConversionType_ID ()
public int getC_ConversionType_ID ()
@ -152,8 +154,9 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
m_C_ConversionType_ID = C_ConversionType_ID;
m_C_ConversionType_ID = C_ConversionType_ID;
} // setC_ConversionType_ID
} // setC_ConversionType_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#setAmount(java.math.BigDecimal)
* Set Amount (DR)
* @param sourceAmt source amt
public void setAmount (BigDecimal sourceAmt)
public void setAmount (BigDecimal sourceAmt)
@ -161,8 +164,10 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
m_AmtSourceCr = Env.ZERO;
m_AmtSourceCr = Env.ZERO;
} // setAmounts
} // setAmounts
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#setAmount(java.math.BigDecimal, java.math.BigDecimal)
* Set Amounts
* @param amtSourceDr source amount dr
* @param amtSourceCr source amount cr
public void setAmount (BigDecimal amtSourceDr, BigDecimal amtSourceCr)
public void setAmount (BigDecimal amtSourceDr, BigDecimal amtSourceCr)
@ -170,8 +175,11 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
m_AmtSourceCr = amtSourceCr == null ? Env.ZERO : amtSourceCr;
m_AmtSourceCr = amtSourceCr == null ? Env.ZERO : amtSourceCr;
} // setAmounts
} // setAmounts
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#setConvertedAmt(int, java.math.BigDecimal, java.math.BigDecimal)
* Set Converted Amounts
* @param C_AcctSchema_ID acct schema
* @param amtAcctDr acct amount dr
* @param amtAcctCr acct amount cr
public void setConvertedAmt (int C_AcctSchema_ID, BigDecimal amtAcctDr, BigDecimal amtAcctCr)
public void setConvertedAmt (int C_AcctSchema_ID, BigDecimal amtAcctDr, BigDecimal amtAcctCr)
@ -180,48 +188,54 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
m_AmtAcctCr = amtAcctCr;
m_AmtAcctCr = amtAcctCr;
} // setConvertedAmt
} // setConvertedAmt
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getAmtSource()
* Line Net Amount or Dr-Cr
* @return balance
public BigDecimal getAmtSource()
public BigDecimal getAmtSource()
return m_AmtSourceDr.subtract(m_AmtSourceCr);
return m_AmtSourceDr.subtract(m_AmtSourceCr);
} // getAmount
} // getAmount
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getAmtSourceDr()
* Get (Journal) Line Source Dr Amount
* @return DR source amount
public BigDecimal getAmtSourceDr()
public BigDecimal getAmtSourceDr()
return m_AmtSourceDr;
return m_AmtSourceDr;
} // getAmtSourceDr
} // getAmtSourceDr
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getAmtSourceCr()
* Get (Journal) Line Source Cr Amount
* @return CR source amount
public BigDecimal getAmtSourceCr()
public BigDecimal getAmtSourceCr()
return m_AmtSourceCr;
return m_AmtSourceCr;
} // getAmtSourceCr
} // getAmtSourceCr
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getAmtAcctDr()
* Line Journal Accounted Dr Amount
* @return DR accounted amount
public BigDecimal getAmtAcctDr()
public BigDecimal getAmtAcctDr()
return m_AmtAcctDr;
return m_AmtAcctDr;
} // getAmtAcctDr
} // getAmtAcctDr
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getAmtAcctCr()
* Line Journal Accounted Cr Amount
* @return CR accounted amount
public BigDecimal getAmtAcctCr()
public BigDecimal getAmtAcctCr()
return m_AmtAcctCr;
return m_AmtAcctCr;
} // getAmtAccrCr
} // getAmtAccrCr
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getChargeAmt()
* Charge Amount
* @return charge amount
public BigDecimal getChargeAmt()
public BigDecimal getChargeAmt()
@ -235,8 +249,11 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return Env.ZERO;
return Env.ZERO;
} // getChargeAmt
} // getChargeAmt
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#setAmount(java.math.BigDecimal, java.math.BigDecimal, java.math.BigDecimal)
* Set Product Amounts
* @param LineNetAmt Line Net Amt
* @param PriceList Price List
* @param Qty Qty for discount calc
public void setAmount (BigDecimal LineNetAmt, BigDecimal PriceList, BigDecimal Qty)
public void setAmount (BigDecimal LineNetAmt, BigDecimal PriceList, BigDecimal Qty)
@ -254,24 +271,27 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
// + " => Amount=" + getAmount());
// + " => Amount=" + getAmount());
} // setAmounts
} // setAmounts
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getDiscount()
* Line Discount
* @return discount amount
public BigDecimal getDiscount()
public BigDecimal getDiscount()
return m_DiscountAmt;
return m_DiscountAmt;
} // getDiscount
} // getDiscount
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getListAmount()
* Line List Amount
* @return list amount
public BigDecimal getListAmount()
public BigDecimal getListAmount()
return m_ListAmt;
return m_ListAmt;
} // getListAmount
} // getListAmount
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#setLineNetAmtDifference(java.math.BigDecimal)
* Set Line Net Amt Difference
* @param diff difference (to be subtracted)
public void setLineNetAmtDifference (BigDecimal diff)
public void setLineNetAmtDifference (BigDecimal diff)
@ -284,16 +304,18 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
} // setLineNetAmtDifference
} // setLineNetAmtDifference
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#setDateAcct(java.sql.Timestamp)
* Set Accounting Date
* @param dateAcct acct date
public void setDateAcct (Timestamp dateAcct)
public void setDateAcct (Timestamp dateAcct)
m_DateAcct = dateAcct;
m_DateAcct = dateAcct;
} // setDateAcct
} // setDateAcct
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getDateAcct()
* Get Accounting Date
* @return accounting date
public Timestamp getDateAcct ()
public Timestamp getDateAcct ()
@ -310,16 +332,18 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return m_DateAcct;
return m_DateAcct;
} // getDateAcct
} // getDateAcct
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#setDateDoc(java.sql.Timestamp)
* Set Document Date
* @param dateDoc doc date
public void setDateDoc (Timestamp dateDoc)
public void setDateDoc (Timestamp dateDoc)
m_DateDoc = dateDoc;
m_DateDoc = dateDoc;
} // setDateDoc
} // setDateDoc
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getDateDoc()
* Get Document Date
* @return document date
public Timestamp getDateDoc ()
public Timestamp getDateDoc ()
@ -337,24 +361,30 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
} // getDateDoc
} // getDateDoc
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#setAccount(org.compiere.model.MAccount)
* Set GL Journal Account
* @param acct account
public void setAccount (MAccount acct)
public void setAccount (MAccount acct)
m_account = acct;
m_account = acct;
} // setAccount
} // setAccount
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getAccount()
* Get GL Journal Account
* @return account
public MAccount getAccount()
public MAccount getAccount()
return m_account;
return m_account;
} // getAccount
} // getAccount
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getAccount(int, org.compiere.model.MAcctSchema)
* Line Account from Product (or Charge).
* @param AcctType see ProductCost.ACCTTYPE_* (0..3)
* @param as Accounting schema
* @return Requested Product Account
public MAccount getAccount (int AcctType, MAcctSchema as)
public MAccount getAccount (int AcctType, MAcctSchema as)
@ -388,8 +418,11 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return 0;
return 0;
} // getC_Charge_ID
} // getC_Charge_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getChargeAccount(org.compiere.model.MAcctSchema, java.math.BigDecimal)
* Get Charge Account
* @param as account schema
* @param amount amount for expense(+)/revenue(-)
* @return Charge Account or null
public MAccount getChargeAccount (MAcctSchema as, BigDecimal amount)
public MAccount getChargeAccount (MAcctSchema as, BigDecimal amount)
@ -403,7 +436,7 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
* Get Period
* Get Period
* @return C_Period_ID
* @return C_Period_ID
public int getC_Period_ID()
protected int getC_Period_ID()
if (m_C_Period_ID == -1)
if (m_C_Period_ID == -1)
@ -429,32 +462,36 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
m_C_Period_ID = C_Period_ID;
m_C_Period_ID = C_Period_ID;
} // setC_Period_ID
} // setC_Period_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getC_AcctSchema_ID()
* Get (Journal) AcctSchema
* @return C_AcctSchema_ID
public int getC_AcctSchema_ID()
public int getC_AcctSchema_ID()
return m_C_AcctSchema_ID;
return m_C_AcctSchema_ID;
} // getC_AcctSchema_ID
} // getC_AcctSchema_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#get_ID()
* Get Line ID
* @return id
public int get_ID()
public int get_ID()
return p_po.get_ID();
return p_po.get_ID();
} // get_ID
} // get_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getAD_Org_ID()
* Get AD_Org_ID
* @return org
public int getAD_Org_ID()
public int getAD_Org_ID()
return p_po.getAD_Org_ID();
return p_po.getAD_Org_ID();
} // getAD_Org_ID
} // getAD_Org_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getOrder_Org_ID()
* Get Order AD_Org_ID
* @return order org if defined
public int getOrder_Org_ID()
public int getOrder_Org_ID()
@ -469,8 +506,9 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return getAD_Org_ID();
return getAD_Org_ID();
} // getOrder_Org_ID
} // getOrder_Org_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getM_Product_ID()
* Product
* @return M_Product_ID
public int getM_Product_ID()
public int getM_Product_ID()
@ -484,8 +522,9 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return 0;
return 0;
} // getM_Product_ID
} // getM_Product_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#isItem()
* Is this an Item Product (vs. not a Service, a charge)
* @return true if product
public boolean isItem()
public boolean isItem()
@ -502,8 +541,9 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return m_isItem.booleanValue();
return m_isItem.booleanValue();
} // isItem
} // isItem
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID()
* @return M_AttributeSetInstance_ID
public int getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID()
public int getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID()
@ -517,8 +557,9 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return 0;
return 0;
} // getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID
} // getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getM_Locator_ID()
* Get Warehouse Locator (from)
* @return M_Locator_ID
public int getM_Locator_ID()
public int getM_Locator_ID()
@ -532,8 +573,9 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return 0;
return 0;
} // getM_Locator_ID
} // getM_Locator_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getM_LocatorTo_ID()
* Get Warehouse Locator To
* @return M_Locator_ID
public int getM_LocatorTo_ID()
public int getM_LocatorTo_ID()
@ -547,24 +589,27 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return 0;
return 0;
} // getM_LocatorTo_ID
} // getM_LocatorTo_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#setProductionBOM(boolean)
* Set Production BOM flag
* @param productionBOM flag
public void setProductionBOM(boolean productionBOM)
public void setProductionBOM(boolean productionBOM)
m_productionBOM = productionBOM;
m_productionBOM = productionBOM;
} // setProductionBOM
} // setProductionBOM
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#isProductionBOM()
* Is this the BOM to be produced
* @return true if BOM
public boolean isProductionBOM()
public boolean isProductionBOM()
return m_productionBOM;
return m_productionBOM;
} // isProductionBOM
} // isProductionBOM
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getM_ProductionPlan_ID()
* Get Production Plan
* @return M_ProductionPlan_ID
public int getM_ProductionPlan_ID()
public int getM_ProductionPlan_ID()
@ -578,8 +623,9 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return 0;
return 0;
} // getM_ProductionPlan_ID
} // getM_ProductionPlan_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getC_OrderLine_ID()
* Get Order Line Reference
* @return C_OrderLine_ID
public int getC_OrderLine_ID()
public int getC_OrderLine_ID()
@ -593,40 +639,45 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return 0;
return 0;
} // getC_OrderLine_ID
} // getC_OrderLine_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getC_LocFrom_ID()
* Get C_LocFrom_ID
* @return loc from
public int getC_LocFrom_ID()
public int getC_LocFrom_ID()
return m_C_LocFrom_ID;
return m_C_LocFrom_ID;
} // getC_LocFrom_ID
} // getC_LocFrom_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#setC_LocFrom_ID(int)
* Set C_LocFrom_ID
* @param C_LocFrom_ID loc from
public void setC_LocFrom_ID(int C_LocFrom_ID)
public void setC_LocFrom_ID(int C_LocFrom_ID)
m_C_LocFrom_ID = C_LocFrom_ID;
m_C_LocFrom_ID = C_LocFrom_ID;
} // setC_LocFrom_ID
} // setC_LocFrom_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getC_LocTo_ID()
* Get C_LocTo_ID
* @return loc to
public int getC_LocTo_ID()
public int getC_LocTo_ID()
return m_C_LocTo_ID;
return m_C_LocTo_ID;
} // getC_LocTo_ID
} // getC_LocTo_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#setC_LocTo_ID(int)
* Set C_LocTo_ID
* @param C_LocTo_ID loc to
public void setC_LocTo_ID(int C_LocTo_ID)
public void setC_LocTo_ID(int C_LocTo_ID)
m_C_LocTo_ID = C_LocTo_ID;
m_C_LocTo_ID = C_LocTo_ID;
} // setC_LocTo_ID
} // setC_LocTo_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getProductCost()
* Get Product Cost Info
* @return product cost
public ProductCost getProductCost()
public ProductCost getProductCost()
@ -636,8 +687,12 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return m_productCost;
return m_productCost;
} // getProductCost
} // getProductCost
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getProductCosts(org.compiere.model.MAcctSchema, int, boolean)
* Get Total Product Costs
* @param as accounting schema
* @param AD_Org_ID trx org
* @param zeroCostsOK zero/no costs are OK
* @return costs
public BigDecimal getProductCosts (MAcctSchema as, int AD_Org_ID, boolean zeroCostsOK)
public BigDecimal getProductCosts (MAcctSchema as, int AD_Org_ID, boolean zeroCostsOK)
@ -651,8 +706,9 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return Env.ZERO;
return Env.ZERO;
} // getProductCosts
} // getProductCosts
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getProduct()
* Get Product
* @return product or null if no product
public MProduct getProduct()
public MProduct getProduct()
@ -664,8 +720,9 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return null;
return null;
} // getProduct
} // getProduct
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getC_RevenueRecognition_ID()
* Get Revenue Recognition
* @return C_RevenueRecognition_ID or 0
public int getC_RevenueRecognition_ID()
public int getC_RevenueRecognition_ID()
@ -675,8 +732,9 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return 0;
return 0;
} // getC_RevenueRecognition_ID
} // getC_RevenueRecognition_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getC_UOM_ID()
* Quantity UOM
* @return Transaction or Storage M_UOM_ID
public int getC_UOM_ID()
public int getC_UOM_ID()
@ -696,8 +754,10 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return 0;
return 0;
} // getC_UOM
} // getC_UOM
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#setQty(java.math.BigDecimal, boolean)
* Quantity
* @param qty transaction Qty
* @param isSOTrx SL order trx (i.e. negative qty)
public void setQty (BigDecimal qty, boolean isSOTrx)
public void setQty (BigDecimal qty, boolean isSOTrx)
@ -710,8 +770,9 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
getProductCost().setQty (qty);
getProductCost().setQty (qty);
} // setQty
} // setQty
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getQty()
* Quantity
* @return transaction Qty
public BigDecimal getQty()
public BigDecimal getQty()
@ -720,8 +781,9 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getDescription()
* Description
* @return doc line description
public String getDescription()
public String getDescription()
@ -731,8 +793,9 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return null;
return null;
} // getDescription
} // getDescription
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getC_Tax_ID()
* Line Tax
* @return C_Tax_ID
public int getC_Tax_ID()
public int getC_Tax_ID()
@ -746,8 +809,9 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return 0;
return 0;
} // getC_Tax_ID
} // getC_Tax_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getLine()
* Get Line Number
* @return line no
public int getLine()
public int getLine()
@ -761,8 +825,9 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return 0;
return 0;
} // getLine
} // getLine
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getC_BPartner_ID()
* Get BPartner
* @return C_BPartner_ID
public int getC_BPartner_ID()
public int getC_BPartner_ID()
@ -791,8 +856,9 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
} // setC_BPartner_ID
} // setC_BPartner_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getC_BPartner_Location_ID()
* Get C_BPartner_Location_ID
* @return BPartner Location
public int getC_BPartner_Location_ID()
public int getC_BPartner_Location_ID()
@ -806,8 +872,9 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return m_doc.getC_BPartner_Location_ID();
return m_doc.getC_BPartner_Location_ID();
} // getC_BPartner_Location_ID
} // getC_BPartner_Location_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getAD_OrgTrx_ID()
* Get TrxOrg
* @return AD_OrgTrx_ID
public int getAD_OrgTrx_ID()
public int getAD_OrgTrx_ID()
@ -821,8 +888,10 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return 0;
return 0;
} // getAD_OrgTrx_ID
} // getAD_OrgTrx_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getC_SalesRegion_ID()
* Get SalesRegion.
* - get Sales Region from BPartner
* @return C_SalesRegion_ID
public int getC_SalesRegion_ID()
public int getC_SalesRegion_ID()
@ -846,8 +915,9 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return m_C_SalesRegion_ID;
return m_C_SalesRegion_ID;
} // getC_SalesRegion_ID
} // getC_SalesRegion_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getC_Project_ID()
* Get Project
* @return C_Project_ID
public int getC_Project_ID()
public int getC_Project_ID()
@ -861,8 +931,9 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return 0;
return 0;
} // getC_Project_ID
} // getC_Project_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getC_Campaign_ID()
* Get Campaign
* @return C_Campaign_ID
public int getC_Campaign_ID()
public int getC_Campaign_ID()
@ -876,8 +947,9 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return 0;
return 0;
} // getC_Campaign_ID
} // getC_Campaign_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getC_Activity_ID()
* Get Activity
* @return C_Activity_ID
public int getC_Activity_ID()
public int getC_Activity_ID()
@ -891,8 +963,9 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return 0;
return 0;
} // getC_Activity_ID
} // getC_Activity_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getUser1_ID()
* Get User 1
* @return user defined 1
public int getUser1_ID()
public int getUser1_ID()
@ -906,8 +979,9 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return 0;
return 0;
} // getUser1_ID
} // getUser1_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getUser2_ID()
* Get User 2
* @return user defined 2
public int getUser2_ID()
public int getUser2_ID()
@ -921,8 +995,10 @@ public class DocLine implements IDocLine
return 0;
return 0;
} // getUser2_ID
} // getUser2_ID
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.compiere.acct.IDocLine#getValue(java.lang.String)
* Get User Defined Column
* @param ColumnName column name
* @return user defined column value
public int getValue(String ColumnName)
public int getValue(String ColumnName)
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public final class Fact
* @param acctSchema Account Schema to create accounts
* @param acctSchema Account Schema to create accounts
* @param defaultPostingType the default Posting type (actual,..) for this posting
* @param defaultPostingType the default Posting type (actual,..) for this posting
public Fact (IDoc document, MAcctSchema acctSchema, String defaultPostingType)
public Fact (Doc document, MAcctSchema acctSchema, String defaultPostingType)
m_doc = document;
m_doc = document;
m_acctSchema = acctSchema;
m_acctSchema = acctSchema;
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ public final class Fact
private CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(getClass());
private CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(getClass());
/** Document */
/** Document */
private IDoc m_doc = null;
private Doc m_doc = null;
/** Accounting Schema */
/** Accounting Schema */
private MAcctSchema m_acctSchema = null;
private MAcctSchema m_acctSchema = null;
/** Transaction */
/** Transaction */
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public final class Fact
* @param creditAmt credit amount, can be null
* @param creditAmt credit amount, can be null
* @return Fact Line
* @return Fact Line
public FactLine createLine (IDocLine docLine, MAccount account,
public FactLine createLine (DocLine docLine, MAccount account,
int C_Currency_ID, BigDecimal debitAmt, BigDecimal creditAmt)
int C_Currency_ID, BigDecimal debitAmt, BigDecimal creditAmt)
// log.fine("createLine - " + account + " - Dr=" + debitAmt + ", Cr=" + creditAmt);
// log.fine("createLine - " + account + " - Dr=" + debitAmt + ", Cr=" + creditAmt);
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ public final class Fact
* @param Amt if negative Cr else Dr
* @param Amt if negative Cr else Dr
* @return FactLine
* @return FactLine
public FactLine createLine (IDocLine docLine, MAccount accountDr, MAccount accountCr,
public FactLine createLine (DocLine docLine, MAccount accountDr, MAccount accountCr,
int C_Currency_ID, BigDecimal Amt)
int C_Currency_ID, BigDecimal Amt)
if (Amt.signum() < 0)
if (Amt.signum() < 0)
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ public final class Fact
* @param Amt if negative Cr else Dr
* @param Amt if negative Cr else Dr
* @return FactLine
* @return FactLine
public FactLine createLine (IDocLine docLine, MAccount account,
public FactLine createLine (DocLine docLine, MAccount account,
int C_Currency_ID, BigDecimal Amt)
int C_Currency_ID, BigDecimal Amt)
if (Amt.signum() < 0)
if (Amt.signum() < 0)
@ -272,15 +272,15 @@ public final class Fact
line.setDocumentInfo(m_doc, null);
line.setDocumentInfo(m_doc, null);
// Account
line.setAccount(m_acctSchema, m_acctSchema.getSuspenseBalancing_Acct());
// Amount
// Amount
if (diff.signum() < 0) // negative balance => DR
if (diff.signum() < 0) // negative balance => DR
line.setAmtSource(m_doc.getC_Currency_ID(), diff.abs(), Env.ZERO);
line.setAmtSource(m_doc.getC_Currency_ID(), diff.abs(), Env.ZERO);
else // positive balance => CR
else // positive balance => CR
line.setAmtSource(m_doc.getC_Currency_ID(), Env.ZERO, diff);
line.setAmtSource(m_doc.getC_Currency_ID(), Env.ZERO, diff);
// Account
line.setAccount(m_acctSchema, m_acctSchema.getSuspenseBalancing_Acct());
// Convert
// Convert
@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ public final class FactLine extends X_Fact_Acct
/** Accounting Schema */
/** Accounting Schema */
private MAcctSchema m_acctSchema = null;
private MAcctSchema m_acctSchema = null;
/** Document Header */
/** Document Header */
private IDoc m_doc = null;
private Doc m_doc = null;
/** Document Line */
/** Document Line */
private IDocLine m_docLine = null;
private DocLine m_docLine = null;
* Create Reversal (negate DR/CR) of the line
* Create Reversal (negate DR/CR) of the line
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ public final class FactLine extends X_Fact_Acct
* @param doc document
* @param doc document
* @param docLine doc line
* @param docLine doc line
public void setDocumentInfo(IDoc doc, IDocLine docLine)
public void setDocumentInfo(Doc doc, DocLine docLine)
m_doc = doc;
m_doc = doc;
m_docLine = docLine;
m_docLine = docLine;
@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ public final class FactLine extends X_Fact_Acct
* Get Document Line
* Get Document Line
* @return doc line
* @return doc line
protected IDocLine getDocLine()
protected DocLine getDocLine()
return m_docLine;
return m_docLine;
} // getDocLine
} // getDocLine
@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ public final class FactLine extends X_Fact_Acct
public boolean convert ()
public boolean convert ()
// Document has no currency
// Document has no currency
if (getC_Currency_ID() == IDoc.NO_CURRENCY)
if (getC_Currency_ID() == Doc.NO_CURRENCY)
setC_Currency_ID (m_acctSchema.getC_Currency_ID());
setC_Currency_ID (m_acctSchema.getC_Currency_ID());
if (m_acctSchema.getC_Currency_ID() == getC_Currency_ID())
if (m_acctSchema.getC_Currency_ID() == getC_Currency_ID())
@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ public final class FactLine extends X_Fact_Acct
// Prio 3 - get from doc - if not GL
// Prio 3 - get from doc - if not GL
if (m_doc != null && super.getAD_Org_ID() == 0)
if (m_doc != null && super.getAD_Org_ID() == 0)
if (IDoc.DOCTYPE_GLJournal.equals (m_doc.getDocumentType()))
if (Doc.DOCTYPE_GLJournal.equals (m_doc.getDocumentType()))
setAD_Org_ID (m_acct.getAD_Org_ID()); // inter-company GL
setAD_Org_ID (m_acct.getAD_Org_ID()); // inter-company GL
log.finer("AD_Org_ID=" + super.getAD_Org_ID() + " (3 from Acct)");
log.finer("AD_Org_ID=" + super.getAD_Org_ID() + " (3 from Acct)");
@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ public final class FactLine extends X_Fact_Acct
// Prio 4 - get from account - if not GL
// Prio 4 - get from account - if not GL
if (m_doc != null && super.getAD_Org_ID() == 0)
if (m_doc != null && super.getAD_Org_ID() == 0)
if (IDoc.DOCTYPE_GLJournal.equals (m_doc.getDocumentType()))
if (Doc.DOCTYPE_GLJournal.equals (m_doc.getDocumentType()))
setAD_Org_ID (m_doc.getAD_Org_ID());
setAD_Org_ID (m_doc.getAD_Org_ID());
log.finer("AD_Org_ID=" + super.getAD_Org_ID() + " (4 from Document)");
log.finer("AD_Org_ID=" + super.getAD_Org_ID() + " (4 from Document)");
@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ public final class FactLine extends X_Fact_Acct
setUser2_ID (m_acct.getUser2_ID());
setUser2_ID (m_acct.getUser2_ID());
// Revenue Recognition for AR Invoices
// Revenue Recognition for AR Invoices
if (m_doc.getDocumentType().equals(IDoc.DOCTYPE_ARInvoice)
if (m_doc.getDocumentType().equals(Doc.DOCTYPE_ARInvoice)
&& m_docLine != null
&& m_docLine != null
&& m_docLine.getC_RevenueRecognition_ID() != 0)
&& m_docLine.getC_RevenueRecognition_ID() != 0)
Reference in New Issue