IDEMPIERE-493 Add validation for matching / fix the validation for negative order/receipt/invoice - validation was written just for positive orders and is failing with negative orders (the usual way to process a return when there is no previous receipt)

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Carlos Ruiz 2019-01-23 17:55:22 +01:00
parent bc5a6e6d9c
commit a8c9df56e4
1 changed files with 16 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -230,9 +230,15 @@ public class MMatchInv extends X_M_MatchInv
MInOutLine line = new MInOutLine(getCtx(), getM_InOutLine_ID(), get_TrxName());
BigDecimal matchedQty = DB.getSQLValueBD(get_TrxName(), "SELECT Coalesce(SUM(Qty),0) FROM M_MatchInv WHERE M_InOutLine_ID=?" , getM_InOutLine_ID());
if (matchedQty != null && matchedQty.compareTo(line.getMovementQty()) > 0)
BigDecimal matchedQtyDB = matchedQty;
BigDecimal movementQty = line.getMovementQty();
if (movementQty.signum() < 0) {
movementQty = movementQty.negate();
matchedQty = matchedQty.negate();
if (matchedQty != null && matchedQty.compareTo(movementQty) > 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("Total matched qty > movement qty. MatchedQty="+matchedQty+", MovementQty="+line.getMovementQty()+", Line="+line);
throw new IllegalStateException("Total matched qty > movement qty. MatchedQty="+matchedQtyDB+", MovementQty="+line.getMovementQty()+", Line="+line);
@ -240,9 +246,15 @@ public class MMatchInv extends X_M_MatchInv
MInvoiceLine line = new MInvoiceLine(getCtx(), getC_InvoiceLine_ID(), get_TrxName());
BigDecimal matchedQty = DB.getSQLValueBD(get_TrxName(), "SELECT Coalesce(SUM(Qty),0) FROM M_MatchInv WHERE C_InvoiceLine_ID=?" , getC_InvoiceLine_ID());
if (matchedQty != null && matchedQty.compareTo(line.getQtyInvoiced()) > 0)
BigDecimal matchedQtyDB = matchedQty;
BigDecimal qtyInvoiced = line.getQtyInvoiced();
if (qtyInvoiced.signum() < 0) {
qtyInvoiced = qtyInvoiced.negate();
matchedQty = matchedQty.negate();
if (matchedQty != null && matchedQty.compareTo(qtyInvoiced) > 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("Total matched qty > invoiced qty. MatchedQty="+matchedQty+", InvoicedQty="+line.getQtyInvoiced()+", Line="+line);
throw new IllegalStateException("Total matched qty > invoiced qty. MatchedQty="+matchedQtyDB+", InvoicedQty="+line.getQtyInvoiced()+", Line="+line);
return true;