IDEMPIERE-308 Performance: Replace with StringBuilder / Thanks to Richard Morales and David Peñuela

This commit is contained in:
Carlos Ruiz 2012-09-26 18:37:43 -05:00
parent 2defc00efb
commit a210231735
20 changed files with 237 additions and 208 deletions

View File

@ -113,71 +113,71 @@ public class PaySelectionCreateFrom extends SvrProcess
// psel.getPayDate();
String sql = "SELECT C_Invoice_ID,"
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("SELECT C_Invoice_ID,")
// Open
+ " currencyConvert(invoiceOpen(i.C_Invoice_ID, 0)"
+ ",i.C_Currency_ID, ?,?, i.C_ConversionType_ID,i.AD_Client_ID,i.AD_Org_ID)," // ##1/2 Currency_To,PayDate
.append(" currencyConvert(invoiceOpen(i.C_Invoice_ID, 0)")
.append(",i.C_Currency_ID, ?,?, i.C_ConversionType_ID,i.AD_Client_ID,i.AD_Org_ID),") // ##1/2 Currency_To,PayDate
// Discount
+ " currencyConvert(paymentTermDiscount(i.GrandTotal,i.C_Currency_ID,i.C_PaymentTerm_ID,i.DateInvoiced, ?)" // ##3 PayDate
+ ",i.C_Currency_ID, ?,?,i.C_ConversionType_ID,i.AD_Client_ID,i.AD_Org_ID)," // ##4/5 Currency_To,PayDate
+ " PaymentRule, IsSOTrx " // 4..6
+ "FROM C_Invoice i "
+ "WHERE IsSOTrx='N' AND IsPaid='N' AND DocStatus IN ('CO','CL')"
+ " AND AD_Client_ID=?" // ##6
.append(" currencyConvert(paymentTermDiscount(i.GrandTotal,i.C_Currency_ID,i.C_PaymentTerm_ID,i.DateInvoiced, ?)") // ##3 PayDate
.append(",i.C_Currency_ID, ?,?,i.C_ConversionType_ID,i.AD_Client_ID,i.AD_Org_ID),") // ##4/5 Currency_To,PayDate
.append(" PaymentRule, IsSOTrx ") // 4..6
.append("FROM C_Invoice i ")
.append("WHERE IsSOTrx='N' AND IsPaid='N' AND DocStatus IN ('CO','CL')")
.append(" AND AD_Client_ID=?") // ##6
// Existing Payments - Will reselect Invoice if prepared but not paid
+ " AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_PaySelectionLine psl"
+ " INNER JOIN C_PaySelectionCheck psc ON (psl.C_PaySelectionCheck_ID=psc.C_PaySelectionCheck_ID)"
+ " LEFT OUTER JOIN C_Payment pmt ON (pmt.C_Payment_ID=psc.C_Payment_ID)"
+ " WHERE i.C_Invoice_ID=psl.C_Invoice_ID AND psl.IsActive='Y'"
+ " AND (pmt.DocStatus IS NULL OR pmt.DocStatus NOT IN ('VO','RE')) )";
.append(" AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_PaySelectionLine psl")
.append(" INNER JOIN C_PaySelectionCheck psc ON (psl.C_PaySelectionCheck_ID=psc.C_PaySelectionCheck_ID)")
.append(" LEFT OUTER JOIN C_Payment pmt ON (pmt.C_Payment_ID=psc.C_Payment_ID)")
.append(" WHERE i.C_Invoice_ID=psl.C_Invoice_ID AND psl.IsActive='Y'")
.append(" AND (pmt.DocStatus IS NULL OR pmt.DocStatus NOT IN ('VO','RE')) )");
// Disputed
if (!p_IncludeInDispute)
sql += " AND i.IsInDispute='N'";
sql.append(" AND i.IsInDispute='N'");
// PaymentRule (optional)
if (p_PaymentRule != null)
sql += " AND PaymentRule=?"; // ##
sql.append(" AND PaymentRule=?"); // ##
// OnlyDiscount
if (p_OnlyDiscount)
if (p_OnlyDue)
sql += " AND (";
sql.append(" AND (");
sql += " AND ";
sql += "paymentTermDiscount(invoiceOpen(C_Invoice_ID, 0), C_Currency_ID, C_PaymentTerm_ID, DateInvoiced, ?) > 0"; // ##
sql.append(" AND ");
sql.append("paymentTermDiscount(invoiceOpen(C_Invoice_ID, 0), C_Currency_ID, C_PaymentTerm_ID, DateInvoiced, ?) > 0"); // ##
// OnlyDue
if (p_OnlyDue)
if (p_OnlyDiscount)
sql += " OR ";
sql.append(" OR ");
sql += " AND ";
sql += "paymentTermDueDays(C_PaymentTerm_ID, DateInvoiced, ?) >= 0"; // ##
sql.append(" AND ");
sql.append("paymentTermDueDays(C_PaymentTerm_ID, DateInvoiced, ?) >= 0"); // ##
if (p_OnlyDiscount)
sql += ")";
// Business Partner
if (p_C_BPartner_ID != 0)
sql += " AND C_BPartner_ID=?"; // ##
sql.append(" AND C_BPartner_ID=?"); // ##
// Business Partner Group
else if (p_C_BP_Group_ID != 0)
sql += " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_BPartner bp "
+ "WHERE bp.C_BPartner_ID=i.C_BPartner_ID AND bp.C_BP_Group_ID=?)"; // ##
sql.append(" AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_BPartner bp ")
.append("WHERE bp.C_BPartner_ID=i.C_BPartner_ID AND bp.C_BP_Group_ID=?)"); // ##
// PO Matching Requirement
if (p_MatchRequirement.equals("P") || p_MatchRequirement.equals("B"))
sql += " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_InvoiceLine il "
+ "WHERE i.C_Invoice_ID=il.C_Invoice_ID"
+ " AND QtyInvoiced=(SELECT SUM(Qty) FROM M_MatchPO m "
+ "WHERE il.C_InvoiceLine_ID=m.C_InvoiceLine_ID))";
sql.append(" AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_InvoiceLine il ")
.append("WHERE i.C_Invoice_ID=il.C_Invoice_ID")
.append(" AND QtyInvoiced=(SELECT SUM(Qty) FROM M_MatchPO m ")
.append("WHERE il.C_InvoiceLine_ID=m.C_InvoiceLine_ID))");
// Receipt Matching Requirement
if (p_MatchRequirement.equals("R") || p_MatchRequirement.equals("B"))
sql += " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_InvoiceLine il "
+ "WHERE i.C_Invoice_ID=il.C_Invoice_ID"
+ " AND QtyInvoiced=(SELECT SUM(Qty) FROM M_MatchInv m "
+ "WHERE il.C_InvoiceLine_ID=m.C_InvoiceLine_ID))";
sql.append(" AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_InvoiceLine il ")
.append("WHERE i.C_Invoice_ID=il.C_Invoice_ID")
.append(" AND QtyInvoiced=(SELECT SUM(Qty) FROM M_MatchInv m ")
.append("WHERE il.C_InvoiceLine_ID=m.C_InvoiceLine_ID))");
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ public class PaySelectionCreateFrom extends SvrProcess
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, get_TrxName());
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
int index = 1;
pstmt.setInt (index++, C_CurrencyTo_ID);
pstmt.setTimestamp(index++, psel.getPayDate());
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ public class PaySelectionCreateFrom extends SvrProcess
catch (Exception e)
log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql.toString(), e);
@ -246,8 +246,8 @@ public class PaySelectionCreateFrom extends SvrProcess
pstmt = null;
return "@C_PaySelectionLine_ID@ - #" + lines;
StringBuilder msgreturn = new StringBuilder("@C_PaySelectionLine_ID@ - #").append(lines);
return msgreturn.toString();
} // doIt
} // PaySelectionCreateFrom

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ public class PeriodStatus extends SvrProcess
if (period.get_ID() == 0)
throw new AdempiereUserError("@NotFound@ @C_Period_ID@=" + p_C_Period_ID);
StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE C_PeriodControl ");
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder ("UPDATE C_PeriodControl ");
sql.append("SET PeriodStatus='");
// Open
if (MPeriodControl.PERIODACTION_OpenPeriod.equals(p_PeriodAction))
@ -93,7 +93,8 @@ public class PeriodStatus extends SvrProcess
CacheMgt.get().reset("C_PeriodControl", 0);
CacheMgt.get().reset("C_Period", p_C_Period_ID);
return "@Updated@ #" + no;
StringBuilder msgreturn = new StringBuilder("@Updated@ #").append(no);
return msgreturn.toString();
} // doIt
} // PeriodStatus

View File

@ -72,55 +72,56 @@ public class ProductCategoryAcctCopy extends SvrProcess
throw new AdempiereSystemError("Not Found - C_AcctSchema_ID=" + p_C_AcctSchema_ID);
// Update
String sql = "UPDATE M_Product_Acct pa "
+ "SET (P_Revenue_Acct,P_Expense_Acct,P_CostAdjustment_Acct,P_InventoryClearing_Acct,P_Asset_Acct,P_COGS_Acct,"
+ " P_PurchasePriceVariance_Acct,P_InvoicePriceVariance_Acct,P_AverageCostVariance_Acct,"
+ " P_TradeDiscountRec_Acct,P_TradeDiscountGrant_Acct,"
+ " P_WIP_Acct,P_FloorStock_Acct,P_MethodChangeVariance_Acct,P_UsageVariance_Acct,P_RateVariance_Acct,"
+ " P_MixVariance_Acct,P_Labor_Acct,P_Burden_Acct,P_CostOfProduction_Acct,P_OutsideProcessing_Acct,P_Overhead_Acct,P_Scrap_Acct)="
+ " (SELECT P_Revenue_Acct,P_Expense_Acct,P_CostAdjustment_Acct,P_InventoryClearing_Acct,P_Asset_Acct,P_COGS_Acct,"
+ " P_PurchasePriceVariance_Acct,P_InvoicePriceVariance_Acct,P_AverageCostVariance_Acct,"
+ " P_TradeDiscountRec_Acct,P_TradeDiscountGrant_Acct,"
+ " P_WIP_Acct,P_FloorStock_Acct,P_MethodChangeVariance_Acct,P_UsageVariance_Acct,P_RateVariance_Acct,"
+ " P_MixVariance_Acct,P_Labor_Acct,P_Burden_Acct,P_CostOfProduction_Acct,P_OutsideProcessing_Acct,P_Overhead_Acct,P_Scrap_Acct"
+ " FROM M_Product_Category_Acct pca"
+ " WHERE pca.M_Product_Category_ID=" + p_M_Product_Category_ID
+ " AND pca.C_AcctSchema_ID=" + p_C_AcctSchema_ID
+ "), Updated=SysDate, UpdatedBy=0 "
+ "WHERE pa.C_AcctSchema_ID=" + p_C_AcctSchema_ID
+ " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM M_Product p "
+ "WHERE p.M_Product_ID=pa.M_Product_ID"
+ " AND p.M_Product_Category_ID=" + p_M_Product_Category_ID + ")";
int updated = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("UPDATE M_Product_Acct pa ")
.append("SET (P_Revenue_Acct,P_Expense_Acct,P_CostAdjustment_Acct,P_InventoryClearing_Acct,P_Asset_Acct,P_COGS_Acct,")
.append(" P_PurchasePriceVariance_Acct,P_InvoicePriceVariance_Acct,P_AverageCostVariance_Acct,")
.append(" P_TradeDiscountRec_Acct,P_TradeDiscountGrant_Acct,")
.append(" P_WIP_Acct,P_FloorStock_Acct,P_MethodChangeVariance_Acct,P_UsageVariance_Acct,P_RateVariance_Acct,")
.append(" P_MixVariance_Acct,P_Labor_Acct,P_Burden_Acct,P_CostOfProduction_Acct,P_OutsideProcessing_Acct,P_Overhead_Acct,P_Scrap_Acct)=")
.append(" (SELECT P_Revenue_Acct,P_Expense_Acct,P_CostAdjustment_Acct,P_InventoryClearing_Acct,P_Asset_Acct,P_COGS_Acct,")
.append(" P_PurchasePriceVariance_Acct,P_InvoicePriceVariance_Acct,P_AverageCostVariance_Acct,")
.append(" P_TradeDiscountRec_Acct,P_TradeDiscountGrant_Acct,")
.append(" P_WIP_Acct,P_FloorStock_Acct,P_MethodChangeVariance_Acct,P_UsageVariance_Acct,P_RateVariance_Acct,")
.append(" P_MixVariance_Acct,P_Labor_Acct,P_Burden_Acct,P_CostOfProduction_Acct,P_OutsideProcessing_Acct,P_Overhead_Acct,P_Scrap_Acct")
.append(" FROM M_Product_Category_Acct pca")
.append(" WHERE pca.M_Product_Category_ID=").append(p_M_Product_Category_ID)
.append(" AND pca.C_AcctSchema_ID=").append(p_C_AcctSchema_ID)
.append("), Updated=SysDate, UpdatedBy=0 ")
.append("WHERE pa.C_AcctSchema_ID=").append(p_C_AcctSchema_ID)
.append(" AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM M_Product p ")
.append("WHERE p.M_Product_ID=pa.M_Product_ID")
.append(" AND p.M_Product_Category_ID=").append(p_M_Product_Category_ID).append(")");
int updated = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
addLog(0, null, new BigDecimal(updated), "@Updated@");
// Insert new Products
sql = "INSERT INTO M_Product_Acct "
+ "(M_Product_ID, C_AcctSchema_ID,"
+ " AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, CreatedBy, Updated, UpdatedBy,"
+ " P_Revenue_Acct, P_Expense_Acct, P_CostAdjustment_Acct, P_InventoryClearing_Acct, P_Asset_Acct, P_CoGs_Acct,"
+ " P_PurchasePriceVariance_Acct, P_InvoicePriceVariance_Acct, P_AverageCostVariance_Acct,"
+ " P_TradeDiscountRec_Acct, P_TradeDiscountGrant_Acct, "
+ " P_WIP_Acct,P_FloorStock_Acct, P_MethodChangeVariance_Acct, P_UsageVariance_Acct, P_RateVariance_Acct,"
+ " P_MixVariance_Acct, P_Labor_Acct, P_Burden_Acct, P_CostOfProduction_Acct, P_OutsideProcessing_Acct, P_Overhead_Acct, P_Scrap_Acct) "
+ "SELECT p.M_Product_ID, acct.C_AcctSchema_ID,"
+ " p.AD_Client_ID, p.AD_Org_ID, 'Y', SysDate, 0, SysDate, 0,"
+ " acct.P_Revenue_Acct, acct.P_Expense_Acct, acct.P_CostAdjustment_Acct, acct.P_InventoryClearing_Acct, acct.P_Asset_Acct, acct.P_CoGs_Acct,"
+ " acct.P_PurchasePriceVariance_Acct, acct.P_InvoicePriceVariance_Acct, acct.P_AverageCostVariance_Acct,"
+ " acct.P_TradeDiscountRec_Acct, acct.P_TradeDiscountGrant_Acct, "
+ " acct.P_WIP_Acct, acct.P_FloorStock_Acct, acct.P_MethodChangeVariance_Acct, acct.P_UsageVariance_Acct, acct.P_RateVariance_Acct,"
+ " acct.P_MixVariance_Acct, acct.P_Labor_Acct, acct.P_Burden_Acct, acct.P_CostOfProduction_Acct, acct.P_OutsideProcessing_Acct, acct.P_Overhead_Acct, acct.P_Scrap_Acct "
+ "FROM M_Product p"
+ " INNER JOIN M_Product_Category_Acct acct ON (acct.M_Product_Category_ID=p.M_Product_Category_ID)"
+ "WHERE acct.C_AcctSchema_ID=" + p_C_AcctSchema_ID // #
+ " AND p.M_Product_Category_ID=" + p_M_Product_Category_ID // #
+ " AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM M_Product_Acct pa "
+ "WHERE pa.M_Product_ID=p.M_Product_ID"
+ " AND pa.C_AcctSchema_ID=acct.C_AcctSchema_ID)";
int created = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
sql = new StringBuilder("INSERT INTO M_Product_Acct ")
.append("(M_Product_ID, C_AcctSchema_ID,")
.append(" AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, CreatedBy, Updated, UpdatedBy,")
.append(" P_Revenue_Acct, P_Expense_Acct, P_CostAdjustment_Acct, P_InventoryClearing_Acct, P_Asset_Acct, P_CoGs_Acct,")
.append(" P_PurchasePriceVariance_Acct, P_InvoicePriceVariance_Acct, P_AverageCostVariance_Acct,")
.append(" P_TradeDiscountRec_Acct, P_TradeDiscountGrant_Acct, ")
.append(" P_WIP_Acct,P_FloorStock_Acct, P_MethodChangeVariance_Acct, P_UsageVariance_Acct, P_RateVariance_Acct,")
.append(" P_MixVariance_Acct, P_Labor_Acct, P_Burden_Acct, P_CostOfProduction_Acct, P_OutsideProcessing_Acct, P_Overhead_Acct, P_Scrap_Acct) ")
.append("SELECT p.M_Product_ID, acct.C_AcctSchema_ID,")
.append(" p.AD_Client_ID, p.AD_Org_ID, 'Y', SysDate, 0, SysDate, 0,")
.append(" acct.P_Revenue_Acct, acct.P_Expense_Acct, acct.P_CostAdjustment_Acct, acct.P_InventoryClearing_Acct, acct.P_Asset_Acct, acct.P_CoGs_Acct,")
.append(" acct.P_PurchasePriceVariance_Acct, acct.P_InvoicePriceVariance_Acct, acct.P_AverageCostVariance_Acct,")
.append(" acct.P_TradeDiscountRec_Acct, acct.P_TradeDiscountGrant_Acct, ")
.append(" acct.P_WIP_Acct, acct.P_FloorStock_Acct, acct.P_MethodChangeVariance_Acct, acct.P_UsageVariance_Acct, acct.P_RateVariance_Acct,")
.append(" acct.P_MixVariance_Acct, acct.P_Labor_Acct, acct.P_Burden_Acct, acct.P_CostOfProduction_Acct, acct.P_OutsideProcessing_Acct, acct.P_Overhead_Acct, acct.P_Scrap_Acct ")
.append("FROM M_Product p")
.append(" INNER JOIN M_Product_Category_Acct acct ON (acct.M_Product_Category_ID=p.M_Product_Category_ID)")
.append("WHERE acct.C_AcctSchema_ID=").append(p_C_AcctSchema_ID) // #
.append(" AND p.M_Product_Category_ID=").append(p_M_Product_Category_ID) // #
.append(" AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM M_Product_Acct pa ")
.append("WHERE pa.M_Product_ID=p.M_Product_ID")
.append(" AND pa.C_AcctSchema_ID=acct.C_AcctSchema_ID)");
int created = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
addLog(0, null, new BigDecimal(created), "@Created@");
return "@Created@=" + created + ", @Updated@=" + updated;
StringBuilder msgreturn = new StringBuilder("@Created@=").append(created).append(", @Updated@=").append(updated);
return msgreturn.toString();
} // doIt
} // ProductCategoryAcctCopy

View File

@ -105,7 +105,8 @@ public class ProductionCreate extends SvrProcess {
return created + " production lines were created";
StringBuilder msgreturn = new StringBuilder(created).append(" production lines were created");
return msgreturn.toString();
protected void isBom(int M_Product_ID) throws Exception

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ public class ProductionProcess extends SvrProcess {
int processed = 0;
MProductionLine[] lines = m_production.getLines();
StringBuffer errors = new StringBuffer();
StringBuilder errors = new StringBuilder();
for ( int i = 0; i<lines.length; i++) {
errors.append( lines[i].createTransactions(m_production.getMovementDate(), mustBeStocked) );
//TODO error handling
@ -84,7 +84,8 @@ public class ProductionProcess extends SvrProcess {
return processed + " production lines were processed";
StringBuilder msgreturn = new StringBuilder(processed).append(" production lines were processed");
return msgreturn.toString();

View File

@ -105,7 +105,8 @@ public class ProjectGenOrder extends SvrProcess
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Lines difference - ProjectLines=" + lines.length + " <> Saved=" + count);
} // Order Lines
return "@C_Order_ID@ " + order.getDocumentNo() + " (" + count + ")";
StringBuilder msgreturn = new StringBuilder("@C_Order_ID@ ").append(order.getDocumentNo()).append(" (").append(count).append(")");
return msgreturn.toString();
} // doIt

View File

@ -196,8 +196,8 @@ public class ProjectIssue extends SvrProcess
addLog(pi.getLine(), pi.getMovementDate(), pi.getMovementQty(), null);
} // all InOutLines
return "@Created@ " + counter;
StringBuilder msgreturn = new StringBuilder("@Created@ ").append(counter);
return msgreturn.toString();
} // issueReceipt
@ -259,7 +259,8 @@ public class ProjectIssue extends SvrProcess
} // allExpenseLines
return "@Created@ " + counter;
StringBuilder msgreturn = new StringBuilder("@Created@ ").append(counter);
return msgreturn.toString();
} // issueExpense

View File

@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ public class ProjectLinePricing extends SvrProcess
String retValue = Msg.getElement(getCtx(), "PriceList") + pp.getPriceList() + " - "
+ Msg.getElement(getCtx(), "PriceStd") + pp.getPriceStd() + " - "
+ Msg.getElement(getCtx(), "PriceLimit") + pp.getPriceLimit();
return retValue;
StringBuilder retValue = new StringBuilder(Msg.getElement(getCtx(), "PriceList")).append(pp.getPriceList()).append(" - ")
.append(Msg.getElement(getCtx(), "PriceStd")).append(pp.getPriceStd()).append(" - ")
.append(Msg.getElement(getCtx(), "PriceLimit")).append(pp.getPriceLimit());
return retValue.toString();
} // doIt
} // ProjectLinePricing

View File

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public class ProjectPhaseGenOrder extends SvrProcess
MOrderLine ol = new MOrderLine(order);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer (fromPhase.getName());
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (fromPhase.getName());
if (fromPhase.getDescription() != null && fromPhase.getDescription().length() > 0)
sb.append(" - ").append(fromPhase.getDescription());
@ -90,7 +90,8 @@ public class ProjectPhaseGenOrder extends SvrProcess
if (!
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "doIt - Lines not generated");
return "@C_Order_ID@ " + order.getDocumentNo() + " (1)";
StringBuilder msgreturn = new StringBuilder("@C_Order_ID@ ").append(order.getDocumentNo()).append(" (1)");
return msgreturn.toString();
// Project Phase Lines
@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ public class ProjectPhaseGenOrder extends SvrProcess
MOrderLine ol = new MOrderLine(order);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer (tasks[i].getName());
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (tasks[i].getName());
if (tasks[i].getDescription() != null && tasks[i].getDescription().length() > 0)
sb.append(" - ").append(tasks[i].getDescription());
@ -136,7 +137,8 @@ public class ProjectPhaseGenOrder extends SvrProcess
if (tasks.length != count - lines.length)
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "doIt - Lines difference - ProjectTasks=" + tasks.length + " <> Saved=" + count);
return "@C_Order_ID@ " + order.getDocumentNo() + " (" + count + ")";
StringBuilder msgreturn = new StringBuilder("@C_Order_ID@ ").append(order.getDocumentNo()).append(" (").append(count).append(")");
return msgreturn.toString();
} // doIt
} // ProjectPhaseGenOrder

View File

@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public class RegisterSystem extends SvrProcess
// Create Query String
String enc = WebEnv.ENCODING;
// Send GET Request
StringBuffer urlString = new StringBuffer ("")
StringBuilder urlString = new StringBuilder ("")
// System Info
urlString.append("Name=").append(URLEncoder.encode(sys.getName(), enc))

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ public class ReplenishReport extends SvrProcess
/** Document Type */
private int p_C_DocType_ID = 0;
/** Return Info */
private String m_info = "";
private StringBuffer m_info = new StringBuffer();
* Prepare - e.g., get Parameters.
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ public class ReplenishReport extends SvrProcess
else if (p_ReplenishmentCreate.equals("DOO"))
return m_info;
return m_info.toString();
} // doIt
@ -435,8 +435,8 @@ public class ReplenishReport extends SvrProcess
m_info = "#" + noOrders + info.toString();;
m_info = new StringBuffer("#").append(noOrders).append(info.toString());;
} // createPO
@ -481,8 +481,8 @@ public class ReplenishReport extends SvrProcess
m_info = "#" + noReqs + info.toString();;
m_info = new StringBuffer("#").append(noReqs).append(info.toString());;
} // createRequisition
@ -567,13 +567,13 @@ public class ReplenishReport extends SvrProcess
if (replenishs.length == 0)
m_info = "No Source Warehouse";
m_info = new StringBuffer("No Source Warehouse");
m_info = "#" + noMoves + info;;
m_info = new StringBuffer("#") .append(noMoves).append(info);;
} // Create Inventory Movements
@ -610,8 +610,9 @@ public class ReplenishReport extends SvrProcess
order = new MDDOrder (getCtx(), 0, get_TrxName());
order.setDescription(Msg.getMsg(getCtx(), "Replenishment")
+ ": " + whSource.getName() + "->" + wh.getName());
StringBuffer msgsd = new StringBuffer(Msg.getMsg(getCtx(), "Replenishment"))
.append(": ").append(whSource.getName()).append("->").append(wh.getName());
// Set Org
// Set Org Trx
@ -714,13 +715,13 @@ public class ReplenishReport extends SvrProcess
if (replenishs.length == 0)
m_info = "No Source Warehouse";
m_info = new StringBuffer("No Source Warehouse");
m_info = "#" + noMoves + info;;
m_info = new StringBuffer("#").append(noMoves).append(info);;
} // create Distribution Order

View File

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public class ReplenishReportProduction extends SvrProcess
/** Document Type */
private int p_C_DocType_ID = 0;
/** Return Info */
private String m_info = "";
private StringBuffer m_info = new StringBuffer();
private int p_M_Product_Category_ID = 0;
private String isKanban = null;
@ -109,11 +109,11 @@ public class ReplenishReportProduction extends SvrProcess
protected String doIt() throws Exception
StringBuilder msglog = new StringBuilder("M_Warehouse_ID=").append(p_M_Warehouse_ID)
.append(", C_BPartner_ID=").append(p_C_BPartner_ID)
.append(" - ReplenishmentCreate=").append(p_ReplenishmentCreate)
.append(", C_DocType_ID=").append(p_C_DocType_ID);;"M_Warehouse_ID=" + p_M_Warehouse_ID
+ ", C_BPartner_ID=" + p_C_BPartner_ID
+" - ReplenishmentCreate=" + p_ReplenishmentCreate
+ ", C_DocType_ID=" + p_C_DocType_ID);
if (p_ReplenishmentCreate != null && p_C_DocType_ID == 0 && !p_ReplenishmentCreate.equals("PRD"))
throw new AdempiereUserError("@FillMandatory@ @C_DocType_ID@");
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ public class ReplenishReportProduction extends SvrProcess
else if (p_ReplenishmentCreate.equals("PRD"))
return m_info;
return m_info.toString();
} // doIt
@ -470,8 +470,8 @@ public class ReplenishReportProduction extends SvrProcess
m_info = "#" + noOrders + info.toString();;
m_info = new StringBuffer("#").append(noOrders).append(info.toString());;
} // createPO
@ -516,8 +516,8 @@ public class ReplenishReportProduction extends SvrProcess
m_info = "#" + noReqs + info.toString();;
m_info = new StringBuffer("#").append(noReqs).append(info.toString());;
} // createRequisition
@ -554,8 +554,9 @@ public class ReplenishReportProduction extends SvrProcess
move = new MMovement (getCtx(), 0, get_TrxName());
move.setDescription(Msg.getMsg(getCtx(), "Replenishment")
+ ": " + whSource.getName() + "->" + wh.getName());
StringBuilder msgsd = new StringBuilder(Msg.getMsg(getCtx(), "Replenishment"))
.append(": ").append(whSource.getName()).append("->").append(wh.getName());
// Set Org
if (!
@ -602,13 +603,13 @@ public class ReplenishReportProduction extends SvrProcess
if (replenishs.length == 0)
m_info = "No Source Warehouse";
m_info = new StringBuffer("No Source Warehouse");
m_info = "#" + noMoves + info.toString();;
m_info = new StringBuffer("#").append(noMoves).append(info.toString());;
} // Create Inventory Movements
@ -645,8 +646,9 @@ public class ReplenishReportProduction extends SvrProcess
order = new MDDOrder (getCtx(), 0, get_TrxName());
order.setDescription(Msg.getMsg(getCtx(), "Replenishment")
+ ": " + whSource.getName() + "->" + wh.getName());
StringBuilder msgsd = new StringBuilder(Msg.getMsg(getCtx(), "Replenishment"))
.append(": ").append(whSource.getName()).append("->").append(wh.getName());
// Set Org
// Set Org Trx
@ -749,13 +751,13 @@ public class ReplenishReportProduction extends SvrProcess
if (replenishs.length == 0)
m_info = "No Source Warehouse";
m_info = new StringBuffer("No Source Warehouse");
m_info = "#" + noMoves + info.toString();;
m_info = new StringBuffer("#").append(noMoves).append(info.toString());;
} // create Distribution Order
@ -820,8 +822,8 @@ public class ReplenishReportProduction extends SvrProcess
m_info = "#" + noProds + info.toString();;
m_info = new StringBuffer("#").append(noProds).append(info.toString());;
} // createRequisition

View File

@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ public class ReplicationLocal extends SvrProcess
data.Test = m_test;
data.TableName = TableName;
// Create SQL
StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT * FROM ")
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("SELECT * FROM ")
.append(" WHERE AD_Client_ID=").append(m_replication.getRemote_Client_ID());
if (m_replication.getRemote_Org_ID() != 0)
@ -289,12 +289,12 @@ public class ReplicationLocal extends SvrProcess
// send it
pi = m_serverRemote.process (new Properties (), pi);
ProcessInfoLog[] logs = pi.getLogs();
String msg = "< ";
StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("< ");
if (logs != null && logs.length > 0)
msg += logs[0].getP_Msg(); // Remote Message
msg.append(logs[0].getP_Msg()); // Remote Message"mergeDataTable - " + pi);
MReplicationLog rLog = new MReplicationLog (getCtx(), m_replicationRun.getAD_Replication_Run_ID(), AD_ReplicationTable_ID, msg, get_TrxName());
MReplicationLog rLog = new MReplicationLog (getCtx(), m_replicationRun.getAD_Replication_Run_ID(), AD_ReplicationTable_ID, msg.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (pi.isError())
log.severe ("mergeDataTable Error - " + pi);
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ public class ReplicationLocal extends SvrProcess
data.Test = m_test;
data.TableName = TableName;
// Create SQL
StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer ("SELECT * FROM ")
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder ("SELECT * FROM ")
.append(" WHERE AD_Client_ID=").append(m_replication.getRemote_Client_ID());
if (m_replication.getRemote_Org_ID() != 0)
@ -488,11 +488,11 @@ public class ReplicationLocal extends SvrProcess
pi = m_serverRemote.process (new Properties (), pi);"sendUpdatesTable - " + pi);
ProcessInfoLog[] logs = pi.getLogs();
String msg = "> ";
StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("> ");
if (logs != null && logs.length > 0)
msg += logs[0].getP_Msg(); // Remote Message
msg.append(logs[0].getP_Msg()); // Remote Message
MReplicationLog rLog = new MReplicationLog (getCtx(), m_replicationRun.getAD_Replication_Run_ID(), AD_ReplicationTable_ID, msg, get_TrxName());
MReplicationLog rLog = new MReplicationLog (getCtx(), m_replicationRun.getAD_Replication_Run_ID(), AD_ReplicationTable_ID, msg.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (pi.isError())
m_replicated = false;

View File

@ -152,21 +152,21 @@ public class ReplicationRemote extends SvrProcess
private void setupRemoteAD_Sequence (BigDecimal IDRangeStart) throws Exception
String sql = "UPDATE AD_Sequence SET StartNo = " + IDRangeStart
+ " WHERE IsTableID='Y' AND StartNo < " + IDRangeStart;
int no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("UPDATE AD_Sequence SET StartNo = ").append(IDRangeStart)
.append(" WHERE IsTableID='Y' AND StartNo < ").append(IDRangeStart);
int no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no == -1)
throw new Exception("setupRemoteAD_Sequence_Start");
sql = "UPDATE AD_Sequence SET CurrentNext = " + IDRangeStart
+ " WHERE IsTableID='Y' AND CurrentNext < " + IDRangeStart;
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
sql = new StringBuilder("UPDATE AD_Sequence SET CurrentNext = ").append(IDRangeStart)
.append(" WHERE IsTableID='Y' AND CurrentNext < ").append(IDRangeStart);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no == -1)
throw new Exception("setupRemoteAD_Sequence_Next");
sql = "UPDATE AD_Sequence SET CurrentNextSys = -1"
+ " WHERE IsTableID='Y' AND CurrentNextSys <> -1";
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
sql = new StringBuilder("UPDATE AD_Sequence SET CurrentNextSys = -1")
.append(" WHERE IsTableID='Y' AND CurrentNextSys <> -1");
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no == -1)
throw new Exception("setupRemoteAD_Sequence_Sys");
} // setupRemoteAD_Sequence
@ -185,17 +185,17 @@ public class ReplicationRemote extends SvrProcess
if (Suffix == null)
Suffix = "";
// DocNoSequence_ID
String sql = "UPDATE AD_Sequence SET Prefix=" + DB.TO_STRING(Prefix) + ", Suffix=" + DB.TO_STRING(Suffix)
+ " WHERE AD_Sequence_ID IN (SELECT DocNoSequence_ID FROM C_DocType"
+ " WHERE AD_Client_ID=" + AD_Client_ID + " AND DocNoSequence_ID IS NOT NULL)";
int no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("UPDATE AD_Sequence SET Prefix=").append(DB.TO_STRING(Prefix)).append(", Suffix=").append(DB.TO_STRING(Suffix))
.append(" WHERE AD_Sequence_ID IN (SELECT DocNoSequence_ID FROM C_DocType")
.append(" WHERE AD_Client_ID=").append(AD_Client_ID).append(" AND DocNoSequence_ID IS NOT NULL)");
int no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no == -1)
throw new Exception("setupRemoteC_DocType_DocNo");
// BatchNoSequence_ID
sql = "UPDATE AD_Sequence SET Prefix=" + DB.TO_STRING(Prefix) + ", Suffix=" + DB.TO_STRING(Suffix)
+ " WHERE AD_Sequence_ID IN (SELECT BatchNoSequence_ID FROM C_DocType"
+ " WHERE AD_Client_ID=" + AD_Client_ID + " AND BatchNoSequence_ID IS NOT NULL)";
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
sql = new StringBuilder("UPDATE AD_Sequence SET Prefix=").append(DB.TO_STRING(Prefix)).append(", Suffix=").append(DB.TO_STRING(Suffix))
.append(" WHERE AD_Sequence_ID IN (SELECT BatchNoSequence_ID FROM C_DocType")
.append(" WHERE AD_Client_ID=").append(AD_Client_ID).append(" AND BatchNoSequence_ID IS NOT NULL)");
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no == -1)
throw new Exception("setupRemoteC_DocType_Batch");
} // setupRemoteC_DocType
@ -208,9 +208,9 @@ public class ReplicationRemote extends SvrProcess
private void setupRemoteAD_Table(String TableName, String ReplicationType) throws Exception
String sql = "UPDATE AD_Table SET ReplicationType = '" + ReplicationType
+ "' WHERE TableName='" + TableName + "' AND ReplicationType <> '" + ReplicationType + "'";
int no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("UPDATE AD_Table SET ReplicationType = '").append(ReplicationType)
.append("' WHERE TableName='").append(TableName).append("' AND ReplicationType <> '").append(ReplicationType).append("'");
int no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no == -1)
throw new Exception("setupRemoteAD_Table");
} // setupRemoteAD_Table

View File

@ -80,7 +80,8 @@ public class ReportColumnSet_Copy extends SvrProcess
// Oper 1/2 were set to Null !
return "@Copied@=" + rcs.length;
StringBuilder msgreturn = new StringBuilder("@Copied@=").append(rcs.length);
return msgreturn.toString();
} // doIt
} // ReportColumnSet_Copy

View File

@ -90,7 +90,8 @@ public class ReportLineSet_Copy extends SvrProcess
// Oper 1/2 were set to Null !
return "@Copied@=" + rls.length;
StringBuilder msgreturn = new StringBuilder("@Copied@=").append(rls.length);
return msgreturn.toString();
} // doIt
} // ReportLineSet_Copy

View File

@ -160,9 +160,10 @@ public class RequestEMailProcessor extends SvrProcess
return "processInBox - Total=" + noProcessed +
" - Requests=" + noRequest +
" - Errors=" + noError;
StringBuilder msgreturn = new StringBuilder("processInBox - Total=").append(noProcessed)
.append(" - Requests=").append(noRequest)
.append(" - Errors=").append(noError);
return msgreturn.toString();
} // doIt
@ -409,9 +410,11 @@ public class RequestEMailProcessor extends SvrProcess
MRequest req = new MRequest(getCtx(), 0, get_TrxName());
// Subject as summary
req.setSummary("FROM: " + fromAddress + "\n" + msg.getSubject());
StringBuilder msgreq = new StringBuilder("FROM: ").append(fromAddress).append("\n").append(msg.getSubject());
// Body as result
req.setResult("FROM: " + from[0].toString() + "\n" + getMessage(msg));
msgreq = new StringBuilder("FROM: ") .append(from[0].toString()).append("\n").append(getMessage(msg));
// Message-ID as documentNo
if (hdrs != null)
@ -534,7 +537,8 @@ public class RequestEMailProcessor extends SvrProcess
MRequest requp = new MRequest(getCtx(), request_upd, get_TrxName());
// Body as result
Address[] from = msg.getFrom();
requp.setResult("FROM: " + from[0].toString() + "\n" + getMessage(msg));
StringBuilder msgreq = new StringBuilder("FROM: ").append(from[0].toString()).append("\n").append(getMessage(msg));
@ -605,7 +609,7 @@ public class RequestEMailProcessor extends SvrProcess
private String getMessage (Part msg)
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// Text
@ -790,30 +794,37 @@ public class RequestEMailProcessor extends SvrProcess
Address[] a;
StringBuilder msgout = new StringBuilder();
if ((a = m.getFrom()) != null)
for (int j = 0; j < a.length; j++)
printOut("FROM: " + a[j].toString());
for (int j = 0; j < a.length; j++){
msgout = new StringBuilder("FROM: ").append(a[j].toString());
// TO
if ((a = m.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO)) != null)
for (int j = 0; j < a.length; j++)
printOut("TO: " + a[j].toString());
for (int j = 0; j < a.length; j++){
msgout = new StringBuilder("TO: ").append(a[j].toString());
printOut("SUBJECT: " + m.getSubject());
msgout = new StringBuilder("SUBJECT: ").append(m.getSubject());
java.util.Date d = m.getSentDate();
printOut("SendDate: " + (d != null ? d.toString() : "UNKNOWN"));
msgout = new StringBuilder("SendDate: ").append((d != null ? d.toString() : "UNKNOWN"));
Flags flags = m.getFlags();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Flags.Flag[] sf = flags.getSystemFlags(); // get the system flags
boolean first = true;
@ -851,13 +862,14 @@ public class RequestEMailProcessor extends SvrProcess
sb.append(' ');
printOut("FLAGS: " + sb.toString());
msgout = new StringBuilder("FLAGS: ").append(sb.toString());
String[] hdrs = m.getHeader("X-Mailer");
if (hdrs != null)
StringBuffer sb1 = new StringBuffer("X-Mailer: ");
StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder("X-Mailer: ");
for (int i = 0; i < hdrs.length; i++)
sb1.append(hdrs[i]).append(" ");
@ -869,7 +881,7 @@ public class RequestEMailProcessor extends SvrProcess
hdrs = m.getHeader("Message-ID");
if (hdrs != null)
StringBuffer sb1 = new StringBuffer("Message-ID: ");
StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder("Message-ID: ");
for (int i = 0; i < hdrs.length; i++)
sb1.append(hdrs[i]).append(" ");
@ -883,7 +895,8 @@ public class RequestEMailProcessor extends SvrProcess
while (en.hasMoreElements())
Header hdr = (Header)en.nextElement();
printOut (" " + hdr.getName() + " = " + hdr.getValue());
msgout = new StringBuilder(" ").append(hdr.getName()).append(" = ").append(hdr.getValue());
printOut (msgout.toString());
@ -899,7 +912,8 @@ public class RequestEMailProcessor extends SvrProcess
printOut("CONTENT-TYPE: " + p.getContentType());
StringBuilder msgout = new StringBuilder("CONTENT-TYPE: ").append(p.getContentType());
Enumeration en = p.getAllHeaders();
while (en.hasMoreElements())

View File

@ -98,26 +98,26 @@ public class RequestInvoice extends SvrProcess
if (!type.isInvoiced())
throw new AdempiereSystemError("@R_RequestType_ID@ <> @IsInvoiced@");
String sql = "SELECT * FROM R_Request r"
+ " INNER JOIN R_Status s ON (r.R_Status_ID=s.R_Status_ID) "
+ "WHERE s.IsClosed='Y'"
+ " AND r.R_RequestType_ID=?";
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("SELECT * FROM R_Request r")
.append(" INNER JOIN R_Status s ON (r.R_Status_ID=s.R_Status_ID) ")
.append("WHERE s.IsClosed='Y'")
.append(" AND r.R_RequestType_ID=?");
// globalqss -- avoid double invoicing
// + " AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM R_RequestUpdate ru " +
// "WHERE ru.R_Request_ID=r.R_Request_ID AND NVL(C_InvoiceLine_ID,0)=0";
if (p_R_Group_ID != 0)
sql += " AND r.R_Group_ID=?";
sql.append(" AND r.R_Group_ID=?");
if (p_R_Category_ID != 0)
sql += " AND r.R_Category_ID=?";
sql.append(" AND r.R_Category_ID=?");
if (p_C_BPartner_ID != 0)
sql += " AND r.C_BPartner_ID=?";
sql += " AND r.IsInvoiced='Y' "
+ "ORDER BY C_BPartner_ID";
sql.append(" AND r.C_BPartner_ID=?");
sql.append(" AND r.IsInvoiced='Y' ")
.append("ORDER BY C_BPartner_ID");
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, get_TrxName());
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
int index = 1;
pstmt.setInt (index++, p_R_RequestType_ID);
if (p_R_Group_ID != 0)
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ public class RequestInvoice extends SvrProcess
catch (Exception e)
log.log (Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
log.log (Level.SEVERE, sql.toString(), e);

View File

@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ public class RequisitionPOCreate extends SvrProcess
+ ", ConsolidateDocument" + p_ConsolidateDocument);
ArrayList<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>();
StringBuffer whereClause = new StringBuffer("C_OrderLine_ID IS NULL");
StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder("C_OrderLine_ID IS NULL");
if (p_AD_Org_ID > 0)
whereClause.append(" AND AD_Org_ID=?");
@ -355,8 +355,9 @@ public class RequisitionPOCreate extends SvrProcess
// default po document type
if (!p_ConsolidateDocument)
m_order.setDescription(Msg.getElement(getCtx(), "M_Requisition_ID")
+ ": " + rLine.getParent().getDocumentNo());
StringBuilder msgsd= new StringBuilder(Msg.getElement(getCtx(), "M_Requisition_ID"))
.append(": ").append(rLine.getParent().getDocumentNo());
// Prepare Save

View File

@ -78,7 +78,8 @@ public class RfQClose extends SvrProcess
return "# " + counter;
StringBuilder msgreturn = new StringBuilder("# ").append(counter);
return msgreturn.toString();
} // doIt
} // RfQClose