IDEMPIERE-1635 Upgrade to zk7. Upgrade to Zk 7.0.1

This commit is contained in:
Heng Sin Low 2014-03-18 10:38:19 +08:00
parent ecefaaa6e7
commit a1bb9643c5
4 changed files with 251 additions and 555 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,17 @@
/* util.js
Tue Sep 30 09:02:06 2008, Created by tomyeh
Copyright (C) 2008 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This program is distributed under LGPL Version 2.1 in the hope that
it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
(function () {
var _decs = {lt: '<', gt: '>', amp: '&', quot: '"'},
_encs = {};
@ -19,7 +32,11 @@
for (var fs = w.frames, j = 0, l = fs.length; j < l; ++j)
_frames(ary, fs[j]);
/* Returns the onSize target of the given widget.
* The following code is dirty since it checks _hflexsz (which is implementation)
* FUTRE: consider to have zk.Widget.beforeSize to clean up _hflexsz and
* this method considers only if _hflex is min
function _onSizeTarget(wgt) {
var r1 = wgt, p1 = r1,
j1 = -1;
@ -27,7 +44,7 @@
delete p1._hflexsz;
r1 = p1;
if (p1.ignoreFlexSize_('w'))
if (p1.ignoreFlexSize_('w')) //p1 will not affect its parent's flex size
@ -37,16 +54,60 @@
delete p2._vflexsz;
r2 = p2;
if (p2.ignoreFlexSize_('h'))
if (p2.ignoreFlexSize_('h')) //p2 will not affect its parent's flex size
return j1 > 0 || j2 > 0 ? j1 > j2 ? r1 : r2: wgt;
zUtl = {
/** @class zUtl
* @import zk.Widget
* @import zk.xml.Utl
* The basic utilties.
* <p>For more utilities, refer to {@link Utl}.
zUtl = { //static methods
* Returns whether the character is according to its opts.
* @param char cc the character
* @param Map opts the options.
<table border="1" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<caption> Allowed Options
<th> Name
</th><th> Allowed Values
</th><th> Description
<td> digit
</td><td> true, false
</td><td> Specifies the character is digit only.
<td> upper
</td><td> true, false
</td><td> Specifies the character is upper case only.
<td> lower
</td><td> true, false
</td><td> Specifies the character is lower case only.
<td> whitespace
</td><td> true, false
</td><td> Specifies the character is whitespace only.
<td> opts[cc]
</td><td> true, false
</td><td> Specifies the character is allowed only.
* @return boolean
isChar: function (cc, opts) {
return (opts.digit && cc >= '0' && cc <= '9')
|| (opts.upper && cc >= 'A' && cc <= 'Z')
@ -55,8 +116,19 @@ zUtl = {
|| opts[cc];
/** Parses the specifie text into a map.
* For example
zUtl.parseMap("a='b c',c=de", ',', "'\"");
* @param String text the text to parse
* @param String separator the separator. If omitted, <code>','</code>
* is assumed
* @param String quote the quote to handle. Ignored if omitted.
* @return Map the map
parseMap: function (text, separator, quote) {
var map = {};
if (text) {
@ -85,7 +157,17 @@ zUtl = {
return map;
/** Encodes the string to a valid XML string.
* Refer to {@link Utl} for more XML utilities.
* @param String txt the text to encode
* @param Map opts [optional] the options. Allowd value:
* <ul>
* <li>pre - whether to replace whitespace with &amp;nbsp;</li>
* <li>multiline - whether to replace linefeed with &lt;br/&gt;</li>
* <li>maxlength - the maximal allowed length of the text</li>
* </ul>
* @return String the encoded text.
encodeXML: function (txt, opts) {
txt = txt != null ? String(txt):'';
var tl = txt.length,
@ -97,7 +179,7 @@ zUtl = {
var j = maxlength;
while (j > 0 && txt.charAt(j - 1) == ' ')
opts.maxlength = 0;
opts.maxlength = 0; //no limit
return zUtl.encodeXML(txt.substring(0, j) + '...', opts);
@ -130,7 +212,11 @@ zUtl = {
return out.join('');
/** Decodes the XML string into a normal string.
* For example, &amp;lt; is convert to &lt;
* @param String txt the text to decode
* @return String the decoded string
decodeXML: function (txt) {
var out = '';
if (!txt) return out;
@ -157,17 +243,39 @@ zUtl = {
k < tl ? out + txt.substring(k): out;
/** A shortcut of <code>' cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"'</code>.
* @type String
cellps0: ' cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"',
/** A shortcut of <code>'&lt;img style="height:0;width:0"/&gt;'</code>.
* @type String
img0: '<img style="height:0;width:0"/>',
/** A shortcut of <code>'&lt;i style="height:0;width:0"/&gt;'</code>.
* @type String
i0: '<i style="height:0;width:0"/>',
/** Returns a long value representing the current time (unit: miliseconds).
* @return long
* @deprecated As of release 5.0.6, replaced with
/** Returns today.
* @param boolean full if true, returns the full time,
* else only returns year, month, and day.
* If omitted, false is assumed
* @return Date
/** Returns today.
* @param String fmt the time format, such as HH:mm:ss.SSS
* If a time element such as seconds not specified in the format, it will
* be considered as 0. For example, if the format is "HH:mm", then
* the returned object will be today, this hour and this minute, but
* the second and milliseconds will be zero.
* @return Date
* @since 5.0.6
today: function (fmt) {
var d = new Date(), hr = 0, min = 0, sec = 0, msec = 0;
if (typeof fmt == 'string') {
@ -182,7 +290,20 @@ zUtl = {
hr, min, sec, msec);
/** Returns if one is ancestor of the other.
* It assumes the object has either a method called <code>getParent</code>
* or a field called <code>parent</code>.
* A typical example is used to test the widgets ({@link Widget}).
* <p>Notice that, if you want to test DOM elements, please use
* {@link jq#isAncestor} instead.
* @param Object p the parent. This method return true if p is null
or p is the same as c
* @param Object c the child
* @return boolean
* @see jq#isAncestor
isAncestor: function (p, c) {
if (!p) return true;
for (; c; c = c.getParent ? c.getParent(): c.parent)
@ -191,8 +312,16 @@ zUtl = {
return false;
/** Creates a message box to indicate something is being processed
* @param String id the ID of the DOM element being created
* @param String msg the message to shown
* @param boolean mask whether to show sem-transparent mask to prevent
* the user from accessing it.
* @param String icon the CSS class used to shown an icon in the box.
* Ignored if not specified.
* @see #destroyProgressbox
progressbox: function (id, msg, mask, icon, _opts) {
if (mask && zk.Page.contained.length) {
for (var c = zk.Page.contained.length, e = zk.Page.contained[--c]; e; e = zk.Page.contained[--c]) {
@ -208,7 +337,7 @@ zUtl = {
if (_opts && _opts.busy) {
jq.focusOut(); //Bug 2912533
var x = jq.innerX(), y = jq.innerY(),
@ -241,7 +370,7 @@ zUtl = {
if (mask && $txt.length) {
if (mask && $txt.length) { //center
st.left = jq.px((jq.innerWidth() - txt.offsetWidth) / 2 + x); = jq.px((jq.innerHeight() - txt.offsetHeight) / 2 + y);
} else {
@ -279,7 +408,9 @@ zUtl = {
/** Removes the message box created by {@link #progressbox}.
* @param String id the ID of the DOM element of the message box
destroyProgressbox: function (id, _opts) {
if (_opts && _opts.busy && --zk.busy < 0)
zk.busy = 0;
@ -296,8 +427,19 @@ zUtl = {
/** Navigates to the specified URL.
* @param String url the URL to go to
* @param Map opts [optional] the options. Allowed values:
* <ul>
* <li>target - the name of the target browser window. The same browswer
* window is assumed if omitted. You can use any value allowed in
* the target attribute of the HTML FORM tag, such as _self, _blank,
* _parent and _top.</li>
* <li>overwrite - whether load a new page in the current browser window.
* If true, the new page replaces the previous page's position in the history list.</li>
* </ul>
go: function (url, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
if ( {
@ -309,7 +451,7 @@ zUtl = {
location.href = url;
var j = url.indexOf('#');
//bug 3363687, only if '#" exist, has to reload()
if(j < 0)
@ -320,20 +462,32 @@ zUtl = {
if (j >= 0) pn = pn.substring(0, j);
if (pn != un)
//fall thru (bug 2882149)
/** Returns all descendant frames of the given window.
* <p>To retrieve all, invoke <code>zUtl.frames(top)</code>.
* Notice: w is included in the returned array.
* If you want to exclude it, invoke <code>zUtl.frames(w).$remove(w)</code>.
* @param Window w the browser window
* @return Array
* @since 5.0.4
frames: function (w) {
var ary = [];
_frames(ary, w);
return ary;
/** Converts an integer array to a string (separated by comma).
* @param int[] ary the integer array to convert.
* If null, an empty string is returned.
* @return String
* @see #stringToInts
intsToString: function (ary) {
if (!ary) return '';
@ -342,7 +496,14 @@ zUtl = {
return sb.join();
/** Converts a string separated by comma to an array of integers.
* @see #intsToString
* @param String text the string to convert.
* If null, null is returned.
* @param int defaultValue the default value used if the value
* is not specified. For example, zUtl.stringToInts("1,,3", 2) returns [1, 2, 3].
* @return int[]
stringToInts: function (text, defaultValue) {
if (text == null)
return null;
@ -362,7 +523,13 @@ zUtl = {
return list;
/** Converts a map to a string
* @see #intsToString
* @param Map map the map to convert
* @param String assign the symbol for assignment. If omitted, '=' is assumed.
* @param String separator the symbol for separator. If omitted, ',' is assumed.
* @return String
mapToString: function (map, assign, separator) {
assign = assign || '=';
separator = separator || ' ';
@ -372,12 +539,38 @@ zUtl = {
out[0] = '';
return out.join('');
/** Appends an attribute.
* Notice that the attribute won't be appended if val is empty or false.
* In other words, it is equivalent to<br/>
* <code>val ? ' ' + nm + '="' + val + '"': ""</code>.
* <p>If you want to generate the attribute no matter what val is, use
* {@link #appendAttr(String, Object, boolean)}.
* @param String nm the name of the attribute
* @param Object val the value of the attribute
* @since 5.0.3
/** Appends an attribute.
* Notice that the attribute won't be appended.
* @param String nm the name of the attribute
* @param Object val the value of the attribute
* @param boolean force whether to append attribute no matter what value it is.
* If false (or omitted), it is the same as {@link #appendAttr(String, Object)}.
* @since 5.0.3
appendAttr: function (nm, val, force) {
return val || force ? ' ' + nm + '="' + val + '"': '';
/** Fires beforeSize, onFitSize and onSize
* @param Widget wgt the widget which the zWatch event will be fired against.
* @param int bfsz the beforeSize mode:
* <ul>
* <li>0 (null/undefined/false): beforeSize sent normally.</li>
* <li>-1: beforeSize won't be sent.</li>
* <li>1: beforeSize will be sent with an additional cleanup option,
* which will clean up the cached minimal size (if flex=min).</li>
* </ul>
* @since 5.0.8
fireSized: function (wgt, bfsz) {
if (zUtl.isImageLoading() || zk.clientinfo) {
var f = arguments.callee;
@ -387,24 +580,42 @@ zUtl = {
wgt = _onSizeTarget(wgt);
if (!(bfsz < 0))
if (!(bfsz < 0)) //don't use >= (because bfsz might be undefined)
zWatch.fireDown('beforeSize', wgt, null, bfsz > 0);
zWatch.fireDown('onFitSize', wgt, {reverse: true});
zWatch.fireDown('onSize', wgt);
/** Fires onBeforeSize, onShow, onFitSize, and onSize
* @param Widget wgt the widget which the zWatch event will be fired against.
* @param int bfsz the beforeSize mode:
* <ul>
* <li>0 (null/undefined/false): beforeSize sent normally.</li>
* <li>-1: beforeSize won't be sent.</li>
* <li>1: beforeSize will be sent with an additional cleanup option,
* which will clean up the cached minimal size (if flex=min).</li>
* </ul>
* @since 5.0.8
fireShown: function (wgt, bfsz) {
zWatch.fireDown('onShow', wgt);
zUtl.fireSized(wgt, bfsz);
* Loads an image before ZK client engine to calculate the widget's layout.
* @param String url the loading image's localation
* @since 6.0.0
loadImage: function (url) {
if (!_imgMap[url]) {
_imgMap[url] = true;
* Checks whether all the loading images are finish.
* @see #loadImage
* @since 6.0.0
isImageLoading: function () {
for (var url in _imgObjectMap) {
var img = _imgObjectMap[url];

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,514 +0,0 @@
(function () {
function _cancel(o, sid, finish) {
var key = o.getKey(sid),
uplder = o.uploaders[key];
if (uplder)
delete o.uploaders[key];
function _initUploader(o, form, val) {
var key = o.getKey(o.sid),
uplder = new zul.Uploader(o, key, form, val);
o.uploaders[key] = uplder;
function _start(o, form, val) {
_initUploader(o, form, val);
function _onchange(evt) {
var n = this,
upload = n._ctrl,
wgt = upload._wgt,
dt = wgt.desktop,
action = zk.ajaxURI('/upload', {desktop:dt,au:true}) + '?uuid=' + wgt.uuid + '&dtid=' + + '&sid=' + upload.sid
+ (upload.maxsize !== '' ? '&maxsize=' + upload.maxsize : '')
+ (upload.isNative ? '&native=true' : ''),
form = n.form;
form.action = action;
var p = form.parentNode;
upload._formDetached = true;
var fileName = !n.files || n.files.length == 1 ? n.value : (function(files){
var fns = [];
for (var len = files.length; len--;)
return fns.join(",");
_start(n._ctrl, form, fileName);
if (zk.opera) {
var _syncQue = [], _syncId;
function _syncNow() {
for (var j = _syncQue.length; j--;)
function _addSyncQue(upld) {
if (!_syncQue.length)
_syncId = setInterval(_syncNow, 1500);
function _rmSyncQue(upld) {
if (_syncId && !_syncQue.length) {
_syncId = null;
zul.Upload = zk.$extends(zk.Object, {
sid: 0,
$init: function(wgt, parent, clsnm) {
this.uploaders = {};
var cls;
for (var attrs = clsnm.split(','), i = 0, len = attrs.length; i < len; i++) {
var attr = attrs[i].trim();
if (attr.startsWith('maxsize='))
this.maxsize = attr.match(new RegExp(/maxsize=([^,]*)/))[1];
else if (attr.startsWith('multiple='))
this.multiple = attr.match(new RegExp(/multiple=([^,]*)/))[1];
else if (attr.startsWith('accept='))
this.accept = attr.match(new RegExp(/accept=([^,]*)/))[1];
else if (attr == 'native')
this.isNative = true;
else if (attr != 'true')
cls = attr;
this._clsnm = cls || '';
this._wgt = wgt;
this._parent = parent;
if (wgt._tooltiptext)
this._tooltiptext = wgt._tooltiptext;
sync: function () {
if (!this._formDetached) {
var wgt = this._wgt,
ref = wgt.$n(),
parent = this._parent,
outer = parent ? parent.lastChild : ref.nextSibling,
inp = outer.firstChild.firstChild,
refof = zk(ref).revisedOffset(),
outerof = jq(outer).css({top: '0', left: '0'}).zk.revisedOffset(),
diff = inp.offsetWidth - ref.offsetWidth,
st =; = (refof[1] - outerof[1]) + "px";
st.left = refof[0] - outerof[0] - diff + "px"; = ref.offsetHeight + 'px'; = 'rect(auto,auto,auto,' + diff + 'px)';
initContent: function () {
var wgt = this._wgt,
parent = this._parent,
ref = wgt.$n(), dt = wgt.desktop,
html = '<span class="z-upload"'
+ (this._tooltiptext? ' title="'+ this._tooltiptext+'"' : '')
+'><form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST">'
+ '<input name="file" type="file"'
+ (this.multiple == 'true' ? ' multiple="" multiple' : '')
+ (this.accept ? ' accept="' + this.accept + '"' : '')
+ ' hidefocus="true" style="height:'
+ ref.offsetHeight + 'px"/></form></span>';
if (parent)
delete this._formDetached;
if (!wgt._autodisable_self)
var outer = this._outer = parent ? parent.lastChild : ref.nextSibling,
inp = outer.firstChild.firstChild;
if (zk.opera) { = 'absolute';
inp.z$proxy = ref;
inp._ctrl = this;
destroy: function () {
if (zk.opera)
this._wgt = this._parent = null;
for (var v in this.uploaders) {
var uplder = this.uploaders[v];
if (uplder) {
delete this.uploaders[v];
getKey: function (sid) {
return (this._wgt ? this._wgt.uuid : '' )+ '_uplder_' + sid;
cancel: function (sid) {
_cancel(this, sid);
finish: function (sid) {
_cancel(this, sid, true);
error: function (msg, uuid, sid) {
var wgt = zk.Widget.$(uuid);
if (wgt) {
jq.alert(msg, {desktop: wgt.desktop, icon: 'ERROR'});
zul.Upload.close(uuid, sid);
close: function (uuid, sid) {
var wgt = zk.Widget.$(uuid);
if (!wgt || !wgt._uplder) return;
sendResult: function (uuid, contentId, sid) {
var wgt = zk.Widget.$(uuid);
if (!wgt || !wgt._uplder) return;
zAu.send(new zk.Event(wgt.desktop, "updateResult", {
contentId: contentId,
wid: wgt.uuid,
sid: sid
isFinish: function (wgt) {
for (var key = (typeof wgt == 'string' ? wgt : wgt.uuid) + '_uplder_',
f = zul.Upload.files, i = f.length; i--;)
if (f[0].id.startsWith(key))
return false;
return true;
start: function (uplder) {
var files = zul.Upload.files;
if (uplder)
if (files[0] && !files[0].isStart) {
files[0].isStart = true;
destroy: function (uplder) {
for (var files = zul.Upload.files, i = files.length; i--;)
if (files[i].id == {
files.splice(i, 1);
files: []
zul.Uploader = zk.$extends(zk.Object, {
$init: function (upload, id, form, flnm) { = id;
this.flnm = flnm;
this._upload = upload;
this._form = form;
this._parent = form.parentNode;
this._sid = upload.sid;
this._wgt = upload._wgt;
var viewer, self = this;
if (!upload._clsnm) viewer = new zul.UploadViewer(this, flnm);
zk.$import(upload._clsnm, function (cls) {
viewer = new cls(self, flnm);
this.viewer = viewer;
getWidget: function () {
return this._wgt;
destroy: function (finish) {
if (this._form) {
jq('#' + + '_ifm').remove();
this._form = this._upload = this._wgt = null;
start: function () {
var wgt = this._wgt,
frameId = + '_ifm';
if (!jq('#' + frameId).length)
jq.newFrame(frameId); = frameId;
this._form.submit(); = "none";
var self = this,
data = 'cmd=uploadInfo&dtid=' +
+ '&wid=' + wgt.uuid + '&sid=' + this._sid;
if (zul.Uploader._tmupload)
function t() {
type: 'POST',
url: zk.ajaxURI('/upload', {desktop: wgt.desktop, au: true}),
data: data,
dataType: 'text',
success: function(data) {
var d = data.split(',');
if (data.startsWith('error:')) {
self._echo = true;
if (wgt) {
zul.Upload.error(data.substring(6, data.length), wgt.uuid, self._sid);
} else if (!self.update(zk.parseInt(d[0]), zk.parseInt(d[1])))
complete: function(req, status) {
var v;
if ((v = req.getResponseHeader("ZK-Error")) == "404"
|| v == "410" || status == 'error'
|| status == 404 || status == 405 || status == 410) {
var wgt = self.getWidget();
if (wgt) {
zul.Upload.error(msgzk.FAILED_TO_RESPONSE, wgt.uuid, self._sid);
} =;
zul.Uploader.clearInterval = function (id) {
if ( == id) {
zul.Uploader._tmupload = undefined;
zul.Uploader._tmupload = setInterval(t, 1000);
cancel: function () {
if (this._upload)
update: function (sent, total) {
var wgt = this.getWidget();
if (!wgt || total <= 0)
if (this._echo)
return true;
else if (zul.Uploader._tmupload) {
this._echo = true;
if (sent >= 0 && sent <= 100)
this.viewer.update(sent, total);
return sent >= 0 && sent < 100;
return false;
end: function (finish) {
this._echo = true;
var wgt, upload, aded, parent;
if ((wgt = this._wgt) && (upload = this._upload) &&
(aded = upload._aded)) {
wgt._uplder = null;
upload._aded = null;
if (wgt._uplder != null)
if ((parent = upload._parent) && !jq(parent).parents('html').length) {
upload._parent = wgt._getUploadRef();
wgt._uplder = upload;
delete wgt._autodisable_self;
function _addUM(uplder, flnm) {
var flman = zul.UploadViewer.flman;
if (!flman || !flman.desktop) {
if (flman) flman.detach();
zul.UploadViewer.flman = flman = new zul.UploadManager();
function _initUM(uplder, flnm) {
if (zul.UploadManager)
return _addUM(uplder, flnm);
zk.load('zul.wgt,', function() {
zul.UploadManager = zk.$extends(zul.wgt.Popup, {
$init: function () {
this.$supers('$init', arguments);
this._files = {};
onFloatUp: function(ctl) {
var wgt = ctl.origin;
if (!this.isVisible())
getFileItem: function(id) {
return this._files[id] || zk.Widget.$(id);
addFile: function(uplder) {
var id =,
flnm = uplder.flnm,
prog = this.getFileItem(id);
if (!prog) {
prog = new zul.wgt.Div({
uuid: id,
children: [new zul.wgt.Label({
value: flnm + ':'
}), new{
mold: 'horizontal',
children: [new zul.wgt.Progressmeter({
id: id,
sclass: 'z-fileupload-progress'
, new zul.wgt.Div({
sclass: 'z-fileupload-remove z-icon-times',
listeners: {
onClick: function () {
var uuid = id.substring(0, id.indexOf('_uplder_'));
var wgt = zk.Widget.$(uuid);
if (wgt) wgt._uplder.cancel(id.substring(id.lastIndexOf('_')+1, id.length));
}), new zul.wgt.Label({id: id + '_total'}), new zul.wgt.Separator()]
try {
} catch (e) {}
this._files[id] = prog;
return prog;
updateFile: function(uplder, val, total) {
var id =,
prog = this.getFileItem(id);
if (!prog) return;
prog.$f(id + '_total').setValue(total);
removeFile: function(uplder) {
var id =,
prog = this.getFileItem(id);
if (prog)
delete this._files[id];
var close = true;
for (var p in this._files)
if (!(close = false))
if (close)
open: function(wgt, position) {
this.$super('open', wgt, null, position || 'after_start', {
sendOnOpen: false,
disableMask: true
_addUM(uplder, flnm);
zul.UploadViewer = zk.$extends(zk.Object, {
$init: function (uplder, flnm) {
this._uplder = uplder;
_initUM(uplder, flnm);
update: function (sent, total) {
var flman = zul.UploadViewer.flman;
if (flman) {
if (!flman.isOpen());
flman.updateFile(this._uplder, sent, msgzk.FILE_SIZE+Math.round(total/1024)+msgzk.KBYTES);
destroy: function () {
var flman = zul.UploadViewer.flman;
if (flman)

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<classpathentry kind="src" path="src"/>
<classpathentry exported="true" kind="lib" path="lib/ckez.jar" sourcepath="lib/src/ckez-sources.jar"/>
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