IDEMPIERE-2064 Implement toolbar+tab button
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
-- Jan 11, 2015 3:18:55 PM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-2064 Implement toolbar+tab button
INSERT INTO AD_Reference (AD_Reference_ID,Name,ValidationType,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,EntityType,IsOrderByValue,AD_Reference_UU) VALUES (200099,'IsToolbarButton','L',0,0,'Y',TO_DATE('2015-01-11 15:18:54','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_DATE('2015-01-11 15:18:54','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'D','N','d90d1cd0-4cf1-41e0-84cb-53600a366a22')
-- Jan 11, 2015 3:19:18 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Ref_List (AD_Ref_List_ID,Name,AD_Reference_ID,Value,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,EntityType,AD_Ref_List_UU) VALUES (200285,'Toolbar',200099,'Y',0,0,'Y',TO_DATE('2015-01-11 15:19:18','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_DATE('2015-01-11 15:19:18','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'D','5803fda0-fda8-4100-85f2-a4fe8142a059')
-- Jan 11, 2015 3:19:35 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Ref_List (AD_Ref_List_ID,Name,AD_Reference_ID,Value,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,EntityType,AD_Ref_List_UU) VALUES (200286,'Window',200099,'N',0,0,'Y',TO_DATE('2015-01-11 15:19:34','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_DATE('2015-01-11 15:19:34','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'D','eb2f6365-a357-4655-9102-d622360aacce')
-- Jan 11, 2015 3:19:45 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Ref_List (AD_Ref_List_ID,Name,AD_Reference_ID,Value,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,EntityType,AD_Ref_List_UU) VALUES (200287,'Both',200099,'B',0,0,'Y',TO_DATE('2015-01-11 15:19:44','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_DATE('2015-01-11 15:19:44','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'D','5b8b7285-d4da-4513-8941-a280d501ea19')
-- Jan 11, 2015 3:20:17 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET AD_Reference_ID=17, AD_Reference_Value_ID=200099,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 15:20:17','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=200703
-- Jan 11, 2015 3:20:18 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET AD_Reference_Value_ID=200099,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 15:20:18','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=200949
-- Jan 11, 2015 3:20:20 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET AD_Reference_Value_ID=200099,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 15:20:20','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=200958
-- Jan 11, 2015 3:20:36 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET IsToolbarButton='Y' WHERE IsToolbarButton IS NULL
-- Jan 11, 2015 3:20:44 PM COT
-- Jan 11, 2015 3:20:50 PM COT
-- to drop the constraint (unknown name)
alter table ad_column add (tmp_istoolbarbutton char(1) null);
update ad_column set tmp_istoolbarbutton=istoolbarbutton;
alter table ad_column drop (istoolbarbutton) cascade constraint;
alter table ad_column rename column tmp_istoolbarbutton to istoolbarbutton;
-- Jan 11, 2015 3:20:35 PM COT
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-2064 Implement toolbar+tab button
UPDATE AD_Field SET IsDisplayed='Y', SeqNo=190, XPosition=4, ColumnSpan=2,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=200648
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=200,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=59619
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=210,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=171
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=220,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=56279
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=230,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=2574
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=240,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=2573
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=250,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=202518
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=260,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=202519
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=270,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=160
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=280,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=161
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=290,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=162
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=300,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=166
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=310,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=5122
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=320,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=169
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=330,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=2370
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=340,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=10128
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=350,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=4941
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=360,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=50188
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=370,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=168
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=380,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=159
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=390,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=4940
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=400,Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=200288
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:55:14 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Element SET Description='Show the button on the toolbar, the window, or both', Help='The IsToolbarButton field indicates if this button is part of the toolbar''s process button popup list, or render as field in window, or both.',Updated=TO_DATE('2015-01-11 16:55:14','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Element_ID=200187
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:55:14 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET ColumnName='IsToolbarButton', Name='Toolbar Button', Description='Show the button on the toolbar, the window, or both', Help='The IsToolbarButton field indicates if this button is part of the toolbar''s process button popup list, or render as field in window, or both.' WHERE AD_Element_ID=200187
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:55:14 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Process_Para SET ColumnName='IsToolbarButton', Name='Toolbar Button', Description='Show the button on the toolbar, the window, or both', Help='The IsToolbarButton field indicates if this button is part of the toolbar''s process button popup list, or render as field in window, or both.', AD_Element_ID=200187 WHERE UPPER(ColumnName)='ISTOOLBARBUTTON' AND IsCentrallyMaintained='Y' AND AD_Element_ID IS NULL
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:55:14 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Process_Para SET ColumnName='IsToolbarButton', Name='Toolbar Button', Description='Show the button on the toolbar, the window, or both', Help='The IsToolbarButton field indicates if this button is part of the toolbar''s process button popup list, or render as field in window, or both.' WHERE AD_Element_ID=200187 AND IsCentrallyMaintained='Y'
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:55:14 PM COT
UPDATE AD_InfoColumn SET ColumnName='IsToolbarButton', Name='Toolbar Button', Description='Show the button on the toolbar, the window, or both', Help='The IsToolbarButton field indicates if this button is part of the toolbar''s process button popup list, or render as field in window, or both.' WHERE AD_Element_ID=200187 AND IsCentrallyMaintained='Y'
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:55:14 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET Name='Toolbar Button', Description='Show the button on the toolbar, the window, or both', Help='The IsToolbarButton field indicates if this button is part of the toolbar''s process button popup list, or render as field in window, or both.' WHERE AD_Column_ID IN (SELECT AD_Column_ID FROM AD_Column WHERE AD_Element_ID=200187) AND IsCentrallyMaintained='Y'
SELECT register_migration_script('201501111521_IDEMPIERE-2064.sql') FROM dual
@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
-- Jan 11, 2015 3:18:55 PM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-2064 Implement toolbar+tab button
INSERT INTO AD_Reference (AD_Reference_ID,Name,ValidationType,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,EntityType,IsOrderByValue,AD_Reference_UU) VALUES (200099,'IsToolbarButton','L',0,0,'Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 15:18:54','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 15:18:54','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'D','N','d90d1cd0-4cf1-41e0-84cb-53600a366a22')
-- Jan 11, 2015 3:19:18 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Ref_List (AD_Ref_List_ID,Name,AD_Reference_ID,Value,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,EntityType,AD_Ref_List_UU) VALUES (200285,'Toolbar',200099,'Y',0,0,'Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 15:19:18','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 15:19:18','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'D','5803fda0-fda8-4100-85f2-a4fe8142a059')
-- Jan 11, 2015 3:19:35 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Ref_List (AD_Ref_List_ID,Name,AD_Reference_ID,Value,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,EntityType,AD_Ref_List_UU) VALUES (200286,'Window',200099,'N',0,0,'Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 15:19:34','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 15:19:34','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'D','eb2f6365-a357-4655-9102-d622360aacce')
-- Jan 11, 2015 3:19:45 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Ref_List (AD_Ref_List_ID,Name,AD_Reference_ID,Value,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,EntityType,AD_Ref_List_UU) VALUES (200287,'Both',200099,'B',0,0,'Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 15:19:44','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 15:19:44','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'D','5b8b7285-d4da-4513-8941-a280d501ea19')
-- Jan 11, 2015 3:20:17 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET AD_Reference_ID=17, AD_Reference_Value_ID=200099,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 15:20:17','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=200703
-- Jan 11, 2015 3:20:18 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET AD_Reference_Value_ID=200099,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 15:20:18','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=200949
-- Jan 11, 2015 3:20:20 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET AD_Reference_Value_ID=200099,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 15:20:20','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=200958
-- Jan 11, 2015 3:20:35 PM COT
INSERT INTO t_alter_column values('ad_column','IsToolbarButton','CHAR(1)',null,'Y')
-- Jan 11, 2015 3:20:36 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET IsToolbarButton='Y' WHERE IsToolbarButton IS NULL
-- Jan 11, 2015 3:20:44 PM COT
INSERT INTO t_alter_column values('ad_field','IsToolbarButton','CHAR(1)',null,'NULL')
-- Jan 11, 2015 3:20:50 PM COT
INSERT INTO t_alter_column values('ad_userdef_field','IsToolbarButton','CHAR(1)',null,'NULL')
ALTER TABLE ad_column DROP CONSTRAINT ad_column_istoolbarbutton_check CASCADE
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET IsDisplayed='Y', SeqNo=190, XPosition=4, ColumnSpan=2,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=200648
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=200,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=59619
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=210,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=171
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=220,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=56279
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=230,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=2574
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=240,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=2573
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=250,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=202518
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=260,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=202519
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=270,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=160
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=280,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=161
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=290,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=162
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=300,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=166
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=310,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=5122
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=320,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=169
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=330,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=2370
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=340,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=10128
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=350,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=4941
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=360,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=50188
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=370,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=168
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=380,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=159
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=390,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=4940
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:53:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=400,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 16:53:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=200288
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:55:14 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Element SET Description='Show the button on the toolbar, the window, or both', Help='The IsToolbarButton field indicates if this button is part of the toolbar''s process button popup list, or render as field in window, or both.',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-01-11 16:55:14','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Element_ID=200187
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:55:14 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET ColumnName='IsToolbarButton', Name='Toolbar Button', Description='Show the button on the toolbar, the window, or both', Help='The IsToolbarButton field indicates if this button is part of the toolbar''s process button popup list, or render as field in window, or both.' WHERE AD_Element_ID=200187
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:55:14 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Process_Para SET ColumnName='IsToolbarButton', Name='Toolbar Button', Description='Show the button on the toolbar, the window, or both', Help='The IsToolbarButton field indicates if this button is part of the toolbar''s process button popup list, or render as field in window, or both.', AD_Element_ID=200187 WHERE UPPER(ColumnName)='ISTOOLBARBUTTON' AND IsCentrallyMaintained='Y' AND AD_Element_ID IS NULL
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:55:14 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Process_Para SET ColumnName='IsToolbarButton', Name='Toolbar Button', Description='Show the button on the toolbar, the window, or both', Help='The IsToolbarButton field indicates if this button is part of the toolbar''s process button popup list, or render as field in window, or both.' WHERE AD_Element_ID=200187 AND IsCentrallyMaintained='Y'
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:55:14 PM COT
UPDATE AD_InfoColumn SET ColumnName='IsToolbarButton', Name='Toolbar Button', Description='Show the button on the toolbar, the window, or both', Help='The IsToolbarButton field indicates if this button is part of the toolbar''s process button popup list, or render as field in window, or both.' WHERE AD_Element_ID=200187 AND IsCentrallyMaintained='Y'
-- Jan 11, 2015 4:55:14 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET Name='Toolbar Button', Description='Show the button on the toolbar, the window, or both', Help='The IsToolbarButton field indicates if this button is part of the toolbar''s process button popup list, or render as field in window, or both.' WHERE AD_Column_ID IN (SELECT AD_Column_ID FROM AD_Column WHERE AD_Element_ID=200187) AND IsCentrallyMaintained='Y'
SELECT register_migration_script('201501111521_IDEMPIERE-2064.sql') FROM dual
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public class GridField
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3759342619253398035L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = -757531553169088955L;
* Field Constructor.
* Field Constructor.
@ -2156,7 +2156,13 @@ public class GridField
public boolean isToolbarButton()
public boolean isToolbarButton()
return m_vo.displayType == DisplayType.Button && m_vo.IsToolbarButton;
return m_vo.displayType == DisplayType.Button &&
(MColumn.ISTOOLBARBUTTON_Toolbar.equals(m_vo.IsToolbarButton) || MColumn.ISTOOLBARBUTTON_Both.equals(m_vo.IsToolbarButton));
public boolean isToolbarOnlyButton()
return m_vo.displayType == DisplayType.Button && MColumn.ISTOOLBARBUTTON_Toolbar.equals(m_vo.IsToolbarButton);
public GridField clone(Properties ctx)
public GridField clone(Properties ctx)
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public class GridFieldVO implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6391887120974125904L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4367399601545064219L;
* Return the SQL statement used for the MFieldVO.create
* Return the SQL statement used for the MFieldVO.create
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ public class GridFieldVO implements Serializable
else if (columnName.equalsIgnoreCase("NumLines"))
else if (columnName.equalsIgnoreCase("NumLines"))
else if (columnName.equalsIgnoreCase("IsToolbarButton"))
else if (columnName.equalsIgnoreCase("IsToolbarButton"))
vo.IsToolbarButton = "Y".equals(rs.getString(i));
vo.IsToolbarButton = rs.getString(i);
else if (columnName.equalsIgnoreCase("AD_Chart_ID"))
else if (columnName.equalsIgnoreCase("AD_Chart_ID"))
vo.AD_Chart_ID = rs.getInt (i);
vo.AD_Chart_ID = rs.getInt (i);
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ public class GridFieldVO implements Serializable
if (userDef.getNumLines() > 0)
if (userDef.getNumLines() > 0)
if (userDef.getIsToolbarButton() != null)
if (userDef.getIsToolbarButton() != null)
vo.IsToolbarButton = "Y".equals(userDef.getIsToolbarButton());
vo.IsToolbarButton = userDef.getIsToolbarButton();
//IDEMPIERE-1120 Implement Field SeqNo customization
//IDEMPIERE-1120 Implement Field SeqNo customization
if (userDef.getSeqNo() > 0)
if (userDef.getSeqNo() > 0)
vo.SeqNo = userDef.getSeqNo();
vo.SeqNo = userDef.getSeqNo();
@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ public class GridFieldVO implements Serializable
/* Allow copy - IDEMPIERE-67 - Carlos Ruiz - globalqss */
/* Allow copy - IDEMPIERE-67 - Carlos Ruiz - globalqss */
public boolean IsAllowCopy = false;
public boolean IsAllowCopy = false;
/** Toolbar Button **/
/** Toolbar Button **/
public boolean IsToolbarButton = false;
public String IsToolbarButton = MColumn.ISTOOLBARBUTTON_Window;
public int AD_Chart_ID = 0;
public int AD_Chart_ID = 0;
@ -3270,7 +3270,7 @@ public class GridTab implements DataStatusListener, Evaluatee, Serializable
int maxcol=0;
int maxcol=0;
for (GridField gridField : getFields())
for (GridField gridField : getFields())
if (!gridField.isDisplayed() || gridField.isToolbarButton())
if (!gridField.isDisplayed() || gridField.isToolbarOnlyButton())
int col = gridField.getXPosition() + gridField.getColumnSpan();
int col = gridField.getXPosition() + gridField.getColumnSpan();
if (gridField.isFieldOnly()
if (gridField.isFieldOnly()
@ -515,12 +515,12 @@ public interface I_AD_Column
/** Set Toolbar Button.
/** Set Toolbar Button.
* Add the column button to the toolbar
* Add the column button to the toolbar
public void setIsToolbarButton (boolean IsToolbarButton);
public void setIsToolbarButton (String IsToolbarButton);
/** Get Toolbar Button.
/** Get Toolbar Button.
* Add the column button to the toolbar
* Add the column button to the toolbar
public boolean isToolbarButton();
public String getIsToolbarButton();
/** Column name IsTranslated */
/** Column name IsTranslated */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsTranslated = "IsTranslated";
public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsTranslated = "IsTranslated";
@ -241,9 +241,9 @@ public class MColumn extends X_AD_Column
if (displayType != DisplayType.Button)
if (displayType != DisplayType.Button)
if (isToolbarButton())
if (! ISTOOLBARBUTTON_Window.equals(getIsToolbarButton()))
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public class X_AD_Column extends PO implements I_AD_Column, I_Persistent
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20141030L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20150111L;
/** Standard Constructor */
/** Standard Constructor */
public X_AD_Column (Properties ctx, int AD_Column_ID, String trxName)
public X_AD_Column (Properties ctx, int AD_Column_ID, String trxName)
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public class X_AD_Column extends PO implements I_AD_Column, I_Persistent
setIsSecure (false);
setIsSecure (false);
// N
// N
setIsSelectionColumn (false);
setIsSelectionColumn (false);
setIsToolbarButton (true);
setIsToolbarButton (null);
// Y
// Y
setIsTranslated (false);
setIsTranslated (false);
setIsUpdateable (true);
setIsUpdateable (true);
@ -819,28 +819,30 @@ public class X_AD_Column extends PO implements I_AD_Column, I_Persistent
return (String)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_IsSyncDatabase);
return (String)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_IsSyncDatabase);
/** IsToolbarButton AD_Reference_ID=200099 */
public static final int ISTOOLBARBUTTON_AD_Reference_ID=200099;
/** Toolbar = Y */
public static final String ISTOOLBARBUTTON_Toolbar = "Y";
/** Window = N */
public static final String ISTOOLBARBUTTON_Window = "N";
/** Both = B */
public static final String ISTOOLBARBUTTON_Both = "B";
/** Set Toolbar Button.
/** Set Toolbar Button.
@param IsToolbarButton
@param IsToolbarButton
Add the column button to the toolbar
Add the column button to the toolbar
public void setIsToolbarButton (boolean IsToolbarButton)
public void setIsToolbarButton (String IsToolbarButton)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_IsToolbarButton, Boolean.valueOf(IsToolbarButton));
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_IsToolbarButton, IsToolbarButton);
/** Get Toolbar Button.
/** Get Toolbar Button.
@return Add the column button to the toolbar
@return Add the column button to the toolbar
public boolean isToolbarButton ()
public String getIsToolbarButton ()
Object oo = get_Value(COLUMNNAME_IsToolbarButton);
return (String)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_IsToolbarButton);
if (oo != null)
if (oo instanceof Boolean)
return ((Boolean)oo).booleanValue();
return "Y".equals(oo);
return false;
/** Set Translated.
/** Set Translated.
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public class X_AD_Field extends PO implements I_AD_Field, I_Persistent
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20141030L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20150111L;
/** Standard Constructor */
/** Standard Constructor */
public X_AD_Field (Properties ctx, int AD_Field_ID, String trxName)
public X_AD_Field (Properties ctx, int AD_Field_ID, String trxName)
@ -775,12 +775,14 @@ public class X_AD_Field extends PO implements I_AD_Field, I_Persistent
return false;
return false;
/** IsToolbarButton AD_Reference_ID=319 */
/** IsToolbarButton AD_Reference_ID=200099 */
public static final int ISTOOLBARBUTTON_AD_Reference_ID=319;
public static final int ISTOOLBARBUTTON_AD_Reference_ID=200099;
/** Yes = Y */
/** Toolbar = Y */
public static final String ISTOOLBARBUTTON_Yes = "Y";
public static final String ISTOOLBARBUTTON_Toolbar = "Y";
/** No = N */
/** Window = N */
public static final String ISTOOLBARBUTTON_No = "N";
public static final String ISTOOLBARBUTTON_Window = "N";
/** Both = B */
public static final String ISTOOLBARBUTTON_Both = "B";
/** Set Toolbar Button.
/** Set Toolbar Button.
@param IsToolbarButton
@param IsToolbarButton
Add the column button to the toolbar
Add the column button to the toolbar
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public class X_AD_UserDef_Field extends PO implements I_AD_UserDef_Field, I_Pers
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20141030L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20150111L;
/** Standard Constructor */
/** Standard Constructor */
public X_AD_UserDef_Field (Properties ctx, int AD_UserDef_Field_ID, String trxName)
public X_AD_UserDef_Field (Properties ctx, int AD_UserDef_Field_ID, String trxName)
@ -481,12 +481,14 @@ public class X_AD_UserDef_Field extends PO implements I_AD_UserDef_Field, I_Pers
return (String)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_IsSameLine);
return (String)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_IsSameLine);
/** IsToolbarButton AD_Reference_ID=319 */
/** IsToolbarButton AD_Reference_ID=200099 */
public static final int ISTOOLBARBUTTON_AD_Reference_ID=319;
public static final int ISTOOLBARBUTTON_AD_Reference_ID=200099;
/** Yes = Y */
/** Toolbar = Y */
public static final String ISTOOLBARBUTTON_Yes = "Y";
public static final String ISTOOLBARBUTTON_Toolbar = "Y";
/** No = N */
/** Window = N */
public static final String ISTOOLBARBUTTON_No = "N";
public static final String ISTOOLBARBUTTON_Window = "N";
/** Both = B */
public static final String ISTOOLBARBUTTON_Both = "B";
/** Set Toolbar Button.
/** Set Toolbar Button.
@param IsToolbarButton
@param IsToolbarButton
Add the column button to the toolbar
Add the column button to the toolbar
@ -158,9 +158,9 @@ public class GridController extends CPanel
VetoableChangeListener, PropertyChangeListener, MouseListener
VetoableChangeListener, PropertyChangeListener, MouseListener
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7308782933999556880L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2830833057882006196L;
* Constructor - you need to call initGrid for instanciation
* Constructor - you need to call initGrid for instanciation
@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ public class GridController extends CPanel
// IDEMPIERE-587 Swing: Toolbar Button to start Process from button fields
// IDEMPIERE-587 Swing: Toolbar Button to start Process from button fields
&& !(
&& !(
&& mField.isToolbarButton())
&& mField.isToolbarOnlyButton())
VEditor vEditor = VEditorFactory.getEditor(m_mTab, mField, false);
VEditor vEditor = VEditorFactory.getEditor(m_mTab, mField, false);
@ -435,8 +435,8 @@ DataStatusListener, IADTabpanel, IdSpace, IFieldEditorContainer
if (field.isToolbarOnlyButton())
@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ public class GridTabRowRenderer implements RowRenderer<Object[]>, RowRendererExt
// IDEMPIERE-2148: when has tab customize, ignore check properties isDisplayedGrid
// IDEMPIERE-2148: when has tab customize, ignore check properties isDisplayedGrid
if ((!isGridViewCustomized && gridPanelFields[i].isDisplayedGrid()) || gridPanelFields[i].isToolbarButton()) {
if ((!isGridViewCustomized && gridPanelFields[i].isDisplayedGrid()) || gridPanelFields[i].isToolbarOnlyButton()) {
colIndex ++;
colIndex ++;
@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ public class GridTabRowRenderer implements RowRenderer<Object[]>, RowRendererExt
//skip selection and indicator column
//skip selection and indicator column
int colIndex = 1;
int colIndex = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
if ((!isGridViewCustomized && !gridPanelFields[i].isDisplayedGrid()) || gridPanelFields[i].isToolbarButton()) {
if ((!isGridViewCustomized && !gridPanelFields[i].isDisplayedGrid()) || gridPanelFields[i].isToolbarOnlyButton()) {
colIndex ++;
colIndex ++;
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ public class GridView extends Vbox implements EventListener<Event>, IdSpace, IFi
for(GridField gridField : tmpFields) {
for(GridField gridField : tmpFields) {
if (gridField.getAD_Field_ID() == AD_Field_ID) {
if (gridField.getAD_Field_ID() == AD_Field_ID) {
// IDEMPIERE-2204 add field in tabCustomization list to display list event this field have showInGrid = false
// IDEMPIERE-2204 add field in tabCustomization list to display list event this field have showInGrid = false
if((gridField.isDisplayedGrid() || gridField.isDisplayed()) && !gridField.isToolbarButton())
if((gridField.isDisplayedGrid() || gridField.isDisplayed()) && !gridField.isToolbarOnlyButton())
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ public class GridView extends Vbox implements EventListener<Event>, IdSpace, IFi
ArrayList<GridField> gridFieldList = new ArrayList<GridField>();
ArrayList<GridField> gridFieldList = new ArrayList<GridField>();
for(GridField field:tmpFields){
for(GridField field:tmpFields){
if(field.isDisplayedGrid() && !field.isToolbarButton()) {
if(field.isDisplayedGrid() && !field.isToolbarOnlyButton()) {
@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ public class GridView extends Vbox implements EventListener<Event>, IdSpace, IFi
for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++)
// IDEMPIERE-2148: when has tab customize, ignore check properties isDisplayedGrid
// IDEMPIERE-2148: when has tab customize, ignore check properties isDisplayedGrid
if ((isHasCustomizeData || gridField[i].isDisplayedGrid()) && !gridField[i].isToolbarButton())
if ((isHasCustomizeData || gridField[i].isDisplayedGrid()) && !gridField[i].isToolbarOnlyButton())
colnames.put(index, gridField[i].getHeader());
colnames.put(index, gridField[i].getHeader());
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ public class WTabEditor extends TabEditor implements IFormController, EventListe
MField field = getMField(gridField.getAD_Field_ID());
MField field = getMField(gridField.getAD_Field_ID());
if (!gridField.isDisplayed() || gridField.isToolbarButton())
if (!gridField.isDisplayed() || gridField.isToolbarOnlyButton())
// field group
// field group
@ -372,11 +372,11 @@ public class WTabEditor extends TabEditor implements IFormController, EventListe
int maxcol=0;
int maxcol=0;
for (GridField gridField : getGridFields())
for (GridField gridField : getGridFields())
if (!gridField.isDisplayed() || gridField.isToolbarButton())
if (!gridField.isDisplayed() || gridField.isToolbarOnlyButton())
int col = gridField.getXPosition() + gridField.getColumnSpan();
int col = gridField.getXPosition() + gridField.getColumnSpan();
if (gridField.isFieldOnly()
if (gridField.isFieldOnly()
|| (gridField.getDisplayType() == DisplayType.Button && !gridField.isToolbarButton())
|| (gridField.getDisplayType() == DisplayType.Button && !gridField.isToolbarOnlyButton())
|| gridField.getDisplayType() == DisplayType.YesNo) {
|| gridField.getDisplayType() == DisplayType.YesNo) {
@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ public class WTabEditor extends TabEditor implements IFormController, EventListe
for (MField field : getMFields())
for (MField field : getMFields())
GridField gridField = getGridField(field);
GridField gridField = getGridField(field);
if (!field.isActive() || gridField.isToolbarButton())
if (!field.isActive() || gridField.isToolbarOnlyButton())
KeyNamePair pair = new KeyNamePair(field.getAD_Field_ID(), field.getName());
KeyNamePair pair = new KeyNamePair(field.getAD_Field_ID(), field.getName());
if (field.isDisplayed()) {
if (field.isDisplayed()) {
Reference in New Issue