Implement [2690930] Importer for Price List
This commit is contained in:
Carlos Ruiz 2009-03-19 01:27:28 +00:00
parent 6e4e70cc3d
commit 9dccb966fe
11 changed files with 4655 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
* This file is part of Adempiere ERP Bazaar *
* *
* *
* Copyright (C) Contributors *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, *
* MA 02110-1301, USA. *
* *
* Contributors: *
* - Carlos Ruiz - globalqss *
package org.adempiere.process;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.compiere.model.MPriceList;
import org.compiere.model.MPriceListVersion;
import org.compiere.model.MProductPrice;
import org.compiere.model.X_I_PriceList;
import org.compiere.model.X_M_ProductPriceVendorBreak;
import org.compiere.process.ProcessInfoParameter;
import org.compiere.process.SvrProcess;
import org.compiere.util.AdempiereUserError;
import org.compiere.util.DB;
* Import Price Lists from I_PriceList
* @author Carlos Ruiz
public class ImportPriceList extends SvrProcess
/** Client to be imported to */
private int m_AD_Client_ID = 0;
/** Delete old Imported */
private boolean m_deleteOldImported = false;
* Prepare - e.g., get Parameters.
protected void prepare()
ProcessInfoParameter[] para = getParameter();
for (int i = 0; i < para.length; i++)
String name = para[i].getParameterName();
if (name.equals("AD_Client_ID"))
m_AD_Client_ID = ((BigDecimal)para[i].getParameter()).intValue();
else if (name.equals("DeleteOldImported"))
m_deleteOldImported = "Y".equals(para[i].getParameter());
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unknown Parameter: " + name);
} // prepare
* Perform process.
* @return Message
* @throws Exception
protected String doIt() throws Exception
StringBuffer sql = null;
int no = 0;
String clientCheck = " AND AD_Client_ID=" + m_AD_Client_ID;
int m_discountschema_id = DB.getSQLValue(get_TrxName(),
"SELECT MIN(M_DiscountSchema_ID) FROM M_DiscountSchema WHERE DiscountType='P' AND IsActive='Y' AND AD_Client_ID=?",
if (m_discountschema_id <= 0)
throw new AdempiereUserError("Price List Schema not configured");
// **** Prepare ****
// Delete Old Imported
if (m_deleteOldImported)
sql = new StringBuffer ("DELETE I_PriceList "
+ "WHERE I_IsImported='Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());"Delete Old Impored =" + no);
// Set Client, Org, IsActive, Created/Updated, EnforcePriceLimit, IsSOPriceList, IsTaxIncluded, PricePrecision
sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_PriceList "
+ "SET AD_Client_ID = COALESCE (AD_Client_ID, ").append(m_AD_Client_ID).append("),"
+ " AD_Org_ID = COALESCE (AD_Org_ID, 0),"
+ " IsActive = COALESCE (IsActive, 'Y'),"
+ " Created = COALESCE (Created, SysDate),"
+ " CreatedBy = COALESCE (CreatedBy, 0),"
+ " Updated = COALESCE (Updated, SysDate),"
+ " UpdatedBy = COALESCE (UpdatedBy, 0),"
+ " EnforcePriceLimit = COALESCE (EnforcePriceLimit, 'N'),"
+ " IsSOPriceList = COALESCE (IsSOPriceList, 'N'),"
+ " IsTaxIncluded = COALESCE (IsTaxIncluded, 'N'),"
+ " PricePrecision = COALESCE (PricePrecision, 2),"
+ " I_ErrorMsg = ' ',"
+ " I_IsImported = 'N' "
+ "WHERE I_IsImported<>'Y' OR I_IsImported IS NULL");
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());"Reset=" + no);
// Set Optional BPartner
sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_PriceList "
+ "SET C_BPartner_ID=(SELECT C_BPartner_ID FROM C_BPartner p"
+ " WHERE I_PriceList.BPartner_Value=p.Value AND I_PriceList.AD_Client_ID=p.AD_Client_ID) "
+ "WHERE C_BPartner_ID IS NULL AND BPartner_Value IS NOT NULL"
+ " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());"BPartner=" + no);
sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_PriceList "
+ "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||'ERR=Invalid BPartner,' "
+ "WHERE C_BPartner_ID IS NULL AND BPartner_Value IS NOT NULL"
+ " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no != 0)
log.warning("Invalid BPartner=" + no);
// Product
sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_PriceList "
+ "SET M_Product_ID=(SELECT MAX(M_Product_ID) FROM M_Product p"
+ " WHERE I_PriceList.ProductValue=p.Value AND I_PriceList.AD_Client_ID=p.AD_Client_ID) "
+ "WHERE M_Product_ID IS NULL AND ProductValue IS NOT NULL"
+ " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append (clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
log.fine("Set Product from Value=" + no);
sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_PriceList "
+ "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||'ERR=Invalid Product, ' "
+ "WHERE M_Product_ID IS NULL AND (ProductValue IS NOT NULL)"
+ " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append (clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no != 0)
log.warning ("Invalid Product=" + no);
// **** Find Price List
// Name
sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_PriceList "
+ "SET M_PriceList_ID=(SELECT M_PriceList_ID FROM M_PriceList p"
+ " WHERE I_PriceList.Name=p.Name AND I_PriceList.AD_Client_ID=p.AD_Client_ID) "
+ "WHERE M_PriceList_ID IS NULL"
+ " AND I_IsImported='N'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());"Price List Existing Value=" + no);
// **** Find Price List Version
// List Name (ID) + ValidFrom
sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_PriceList "
+ "SET M_PriceList_Version_ID=(SELECT M_PriceList_Version_ID FROM M_PriceList_Version p"
+ " WHERE I_PriceList.ValidFrom=p.ValidFrom AND I_PriceList.M_PriceList_ID=p.M_PriceList_ID) "
+ "WHERE M_PriceList_ID IS NOT NULL AND M_PriceList_Version_ID IS NULL"
+ " AND I_IsImported='N'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());"Price List Version Existing Value=" + no);
/* UOM For Future USE
// Set UOM (System/own)
sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_PriceList "
+ "SET X12DE355 = "
+ "(SELECT MAX(X12DE355) FROM C_UOM u WHERE u.IsDefault='Y' AND u.AD_Client_ID IN (0,I_PriceList.AD_Client_ID)) "
+ " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
log.fine("Set UOM Default=" + no);
sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_PriceList "
+ "SET C_UOM_ID = (SELECT C_UOM_ID FROM C_UOM u WHERE u.X12DE355=I_PriceList.X12DE355 AND u.AD_Client_ID IN (0,I_PriceList.AD_Client_ID)) "
+ " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());"Set UOM=" + no);
sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_PriceList "
+ "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||'ERR=Invalid UOM, ' "
+ " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no != 0)
log.warning("Invalid UOM=" + no);
// Set Currency
sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_PriceList "
+ "SET ISO_Code=(SELECT ISO_Code FROM C_Currency c"
+ " INNER JOIN C_AcctSchema a ON (a.C_Currency_ID=c.C_Currency_ID)"
+ " INNER JOIN AD_ClientInfo ci ON (a.C_AcctSchema_ID=ci.C_AcctSchema1_ID)"
+ " WHERE ci.AD_Client_ID=I_PriceList.AD_Client_ID) "
+ " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
log.fine("Set Currency Default=" + no);
sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_PriceList "
+ "SET C_Currency_ID=(SELECT C_Currency_ID FROM C_Currency c"
+ " WHERE I_PriceList.ISO_Code=c.ISO_Code AND c.AD_Client_ID IN (0,I_PriceList.AD_Client_ID)) "
+ "WHERE C_Currency_ID IS NULL"
+ " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());"doIt- Set Currency=" + no);
sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_PriceList "
+ "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||'ERR=Currency,' "
+ "WHERE C_Currency_ID IS NULL"
+ " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no != 0)
log.warning("Invalid Currency=" + no);
// Mandatory Name
sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_PriceList "
+ "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||'ERR=No Mandatory Name,' "
+ " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no != 0)
log.warning("No Mandatory Name=" + no);
// Mandatory ValidFrom
sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_PriceList "
+ "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||'ERR=No Mandatory ValidFrom,' "
+ "WHERE ValidFrom IS NULL"
+ " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no != 0)
log.warning("No Mandatory ValidFrom=" + no);
// Mandatory BreakValue if BPartner set
sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_PriceList "
+ "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||'ERR=No Mandatory BreakValue,' "
+ "WHERE BreakValue IS NULL AND (C_BPartner_ID IS NOT NULL OR BPartner_Value IS NOT NULL)"
+ " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
if (no != 0)
log.warning("No Mandatory BreakValue=" + no);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
int noInsertpp = 0;
int noUpdatepp = 0;
int noInsertppvb = 0;
int noUpdateppvb = 0;
int noInsertpl = 0;
int noInsertplv = 0;
// Go through Records
log.fine("start inserting/updating ...");
sql = new StringBuffer ("SELECT * FROM I_PriceList WHERE I_IsImported='N'")
PreparedStatement pstmt_setImported = null;
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
// Set Imported = Y
pstmt_setImported = DB.prepareStatement
("UPDATE I_PriceList SET I_IsImported='Y', M_PriceList_ID=?, "
+ "Updated=SysDate, Processed='Y' WHERE I_PriceList_ID=?", get_TrxName());
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while (
X_I_PriceList imp = new X_I_PriceList(getCtx(), rs, get_TrxName());
int I_PriceList_ID = imp.getI_PriceList_ID();
int M_PriceList_ID = imp.getM_PriceList_ID();
if (M_PriceList_ID == 0) {
// try to obtain the ID directly from DB
M_PriceList_ID = DB.getSQLValue(get_TrxName(), "SELECT M_PriceList_ID FROM M_PriceList WHERE Name=?", imp.getName());
if (M_PriceList_ID < 0)
M_PriceList_ID = 0;
boolean newPriceList = M_PriceList_ID == 0;
log.fine("I_PriceList_ID=" + I_PriceList_ID + ", M_PriceList_ID=" + M_PriceList_ID);
MPriceList pricelist = null;
// PriceList
if (newPriceList) // Insert new Price List
pricelist = new MPriceList(imp);
if (
M_PriceList_ID = pricelist.getM_PriceList_ID();
log.finer("Insert Price List");
StringBuffer sql0 = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_PriceList i "
+ "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||").append(DB.TO_STRING("Insert Price List failed"))
.append("WHERE I_PriceList_ID=").append(I_PriceList_ID);
DB.executeUpdate(sql0.toString(), get_TrxName());
} else {
// NOTE no else clause - if the price list already exists it's not updated
pricelist = new MPriceList(getCtx(), M_PriceList_ID, get_TrxName());
int M_PriceList_Version_ID = imp.getM_PriceList_Version_ID();
if (M_PriceList_Version_ID == 0) {
// try to obtain the ID directly from DB
M_PriceList_Version_ID = DB.getSQLValue(get_TrxName(), "SELECT M_PriceList_Version_ID FROM M_PriceList_Version WHERE ValidFrom=? AND M_PriceList_ID=?", new Object[]{imp.getValidFrom(), M_PriceList_ID});
if (M_PriceList_Version_ID < 0)
M_PriceList_Version_ID = 0;
boolean newPriceListVersion = M_PriceList_Version_ID == 0;
log.fine("I_PriceList_ID=" + I_PriceList_ID + ", M_PriceList_Version_ID=" + M_PriceList_Version_ID);
MPriceListVersion pricelistversion = null;
// PriceListVersion
if (newPriceListVersion) // Insert new Price List Version
pricelistversion = new MPriceListVersion(pricelist);
pricelistversion.setName(pricelist.getName() + " " + imp.getValidFrom());
if (
M_PriceList_Version_ID = pricelistversion.getM_PriceList_Version_ID();
log.finer("Insert Price List Version");
StringBuffer sql0 = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_PriceList i "
+ "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||").append(DB.TO_STRING("Insert Price List Version failed"))
.append("WHERE I_PriceList_ID=").append(I_PriceList_ID);
DB.executeUpdate(sql0.toString(), get_TrxName());
} else {
// NOTE no else clause - if the price list version already exists it's not updated
pricelistversion = new MPriceListVersion(getCtx(), M_PriceList_Version_ID, get_TrxName());
// @TODO: C_UOM is intended for future USE - not useful at this moment
// If bpartner then insert/update into M_ProductPriceVendorBreak, otherwise insert/update M_ProductPrice
if (imp.getC_BPartner_ID() > 0) {
// M_ProductPriceVendorBreak
int M_ProductPriceVendorBreak_ID = DB.getSQLValue(get_TrxName(),
"SELECT M_ProductPriceVendorBreak_ID " +
"FROM M_ProductPriceVendorBreak " +
"WHERE M_PriceList_Version_ID=? AND " +
"C_BPartner_ID=? AND " +
"M_Product_ID=? AND " +
new Object[]{pricelistversion.getM_PriceList_Version_ID(), imp.getC_BPartner_ID(), imp.getM_Product_ID(), imp.getBreakValue()});
if (M_ProductPriceVendorBreak_ID < 0)
M_ProductPriceVendorBreak_ID = 0;
X_M_ProductPriceVendorBreak ppvb = new X_M_ProductPriceVendorBreak(getCtx(), M_ProductPriceVendorBreak_ID, get_TrxName());
boolean isInsert = false;
if (M_ProductPriceVendorBreak_ID == 0) {
isInsert = true;
if (
if (isInsert)
log.finer("Insert/Update Product Price Vendor Break");
StringBuffer sql0 = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_PriceList i "
+ "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||").append(DB.TO_STRING("Insert/Update Product Price Vendor Break Version failed"))
.append("WHERE I_PriceList_ID=").append(I_PriceList_ID);
DB.executeUpdate(sql0.toString(), get_TrxName());
} else {
// M_ProductPrice
MProductPrice pp = MProductPrice.get(getCtx(), pricelistversion.getM_PriceList_Version_ID(), imp.getM_Product_ID(), get_TrxName());
boolean isInsert = false;
if (pp != null) {
} else {
pp = new MProductPrice(pricelistversion, imp.getM_Product_ID(), imp.getPriceList(), imp.getPriceStd(), imp.getPriceLimit());
isInsert = true;
if (
log.finer("Insert/Update Product Price");
if (isInsert)
StringBuffer sql0 = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_PriceList i "
+ "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||").append(DB.TO_STRING("Insert/Update Product Price failed"))
.append("WHERE I_PriceList_ID=").append(I_PriceList_ID);
DB.executeUpdate(sql0.toString(), get_TrxName());
// Update I_PriceList
pstmt_setImported.setInt(1, M_PriceList_ID);
pstmt_setImported.setInt(2, I_PriceList_ID);
no = pstmt_setImported.executeUpdate();
} // for all I_PriceList
catch (SQLException e)
DB.close(rs, pstmt);
rs = null;
pstmt = null;
pstmt_setImported = null;
// Set Error to indicator to not imported
sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_PriceList "
+ "SET I_IsImported='N', Updated=SysDate "
+ "WHERE I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
addLog (0, null, new BigDecimal (no), "@Errors@");
addLog (0, null, new BigDecimal (noInsertpl), "@M_PriceList_ID@: @Inserted@");
addLog (0, null, new BigDecimal (noInsertplv), "@M_PriceList_Version_ID@: @Inserted@");
addLog (0, null, new BigDecimal (noInsertpp), "Product Price: @Inserted@");
addLog (0, null, new BigDecimal (noUpdatepp), "Product Price: @Updated@");
addLog (0, null, new BigDecimal (noInsertppvb), "@M_ProductPriceVendorBreak_ID@: @Inserted@");
addLog (0, null, new BigDecimal (noUpdateppvb), "@M_ProductPriceVendorBreak_ID@: @Updated@");
return "";
} // doIt
} // ImportProduct

View File

@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 1999-2007 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program, if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
* For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
* ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
* or via or *
package org.compiere.model;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair;
/** Generated Interface for I_PriceList
* @author Adempiere (generated)
* @version Release 3.5.3a
public interface I_I_PriceList
/** TableName=I_PriceList */
public static final String Table_Name = "I_PriceList";
/** AD_Table_ID=53173 */
public static final int Table_ID = MTable.getTable_ID(Table_Name);
KeyNamePair Model = new KeyNamePair(Table_ID, Table_Name);
/** AccessLevel = 2 - Client
BigDecimal accessLevel = BigDecimal.valueOf(2);
/** Load Meta Data */
/** Column name AD_Client_ID */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Client_ID = "AD_Client_ID";
/** Get Client.
* Client/Tenant for this installation.
public int getAD_Client_ID();
/** Column name AD_Org_ID */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Org_ID = "AD_Org_ID";
/** Set Organization.
* Organizational entity within client
public void setAD_Org_ID (int AD_Org_ID);
/** Get Organization.
* Organizational entity within client
public int getAD_Org_ID();
/** Column name BPartner_Value */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_BPartner_Value = "BPartner_Value";
/** Set Business Partner Key.
* The Key of the Business Partner
public void setBPartner_Value (String BPartner_Value);
/** Get Business Partner Key.
* The Key of the Business Partner
public String getBPartner_Value();
/** Column name BreakValue */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_BreakValue = "BreakValue";
/** Set Break Value.
* Low Value of trade discount break level
public void setBreakValue (BigDecimal BreakValue);
/** Get Break Value.
* Low Value of trade discount break level
public BigDecimal getBreakValue();
/** Column name C_BPartner_ID */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_C_BPartner_ID = "C_BPartner_ID";
/** Set Business Partner .
* Identifies a Business Partner
public void setC_BPartner_ID (int C_BPartner_ID);
/** Get Business Partner .
* Identifies a Business Partner
public int getC_BPartner_ID();
public I_C_BPartner getC_BPartner() throws RuntimeException;
/** Column name C_Currency_ID */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_C_Currency_ID = "C_Currency_ID";
/** Set Currency.
* The Currency for this record
public void setC_Currency_ID (int C_Currency_ID);
/** Get Currency.
* The Currency for this record
public int getC_Currency_ID();
public I_C_Currency getC_Currency() throws RuntimeException;
/** Column name Created */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_Created = "Created";
/** Get Created.
* Date this record was created
public Timestamp getCreated();
/** Column name CreatedBy */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_CreatedBy = "CreatedBy";
/** Get Created By.
* User who created this records
public int getCreatedBy();
/** Column name C_UOM_ID */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_C_UOM_ID = "C_UOM_ID";
/** Set UOM.
* Unit of Measure
public void setC_UOM_ID (int C_UOM_ID);
/** Get UOM.
* Unit of Measure
public int getC_UOM_ID();
public I_C_UOM getC_UOM() throws RuntimeException;
/** Column name Description */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_Description = "Description";
/** Set Description.
* Optional short description of the record
public void setDescription (String Description);
/** Get Description.
* Optional short description of the record
public String getDescription();
/** Column name EnforcePriceLimit */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_EnforcePriceLimit = "EnforcePriceLimit";
/** Set Enforce price limit.
* Do not allow prices below the limit price
public void setEnforcePriceLimit (boolean EnforcePriceLimit);
/** Get Enforce price limit.
* Do not allow prices below the limit price
public boolean isEnforcePriceLimit();
/** Column name I_ErrorMsg */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_I_ErrorMsg = "I_ErrorMsg";
/** Set Import Error Message.
* Messages generated from import process
public void setI_ErrorMsg (String I_ErrorMsg);
/** Get Import Error Message.
* Messages generated from import process
public String getI_ErrorMsg();
/** Column name I_IsImported */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_I_IsImported = "I_IsImported";
/** Set Imported.
* Has this import been processed
public void setI_IsImported (boolean I_IsImported);
/** Get Imported.
* Has this import been processed
public boolean isI_IsImported();
/** Column name I_PriceList_ID */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_I_PriceList_ID = "I_PriceList_ID";
/** Set Import Price List */
public void setI_PriceList_ID (int I_PriceList_ID);
/** Get Import Price List */
public int getI_PriceList_ID();
/** Column name IsActive */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsActive = "IsActive";
/** Set Active.
* The record is active in the system
public void setIsActive (boolean IsActive);
/** Get Active.
* The record is active in the system
public boolean isActive();
/** Column name ISO_Code */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_ISO_Code = "ISO_Code";
/** Set ISO Currency Code.
* Three letter ISO 4217 Code of the Currency
public void setISO_Code (String ISO_Code);
/** Get ISO Currency Code.
* Three letter ISO 4217 Code of the Currency
public String getISO_Code();
/** Column name IsSOPriceList */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsSOPriceList = "IsSOPriceList";
/** Set Sales Price list.
* This is a Sales Price List
public void setIsSOPriceList (boolean IsSOPriceList);
/** Get Sales Price list.
* This is a Sales Price List
public boolean isSOPriceList();
/** Column name IsTaxIncluded */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsTaxIncluded = "IsTaxIncluded";
/** Set Price includes Tax.
* Tax is included in the price
public void setIsTaxIncluded (boolean IsTaxIncluded);
/** Get Price includes Tax.
* Tax is included in the price
public boolean isTaxIncluded();
/** Column name M_PriceList_ID */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_M_PriceList_ID = "M_PriceList_ID";
/** Set Price List.
* Unique identifier of a Price List
public void setM_PriceList_ID (int M_PriceList_ID);
/** Get Price List.
* Unique identifier of a Price List
public int getM_PriceList_ID();
public I_M_PriceList getM_PriceList() throws RuntimeException;
/** Column name M_PriceList_Version_ID */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_M_PriceList_Version_ID = "M_PriceList_Version_ID";
/** Set Price List Version.
* Identifies a unique instance of a Price List
public void setM_PriceList_Version_ID (int M_PriceList_Version_ID);
/** Get Price List Version.
* Identifies a unique instance of a Price List
public int getM_PriceList_Version_ID();
public I_M_PriceList_Version getM_PriceList_Version() throws RuntimeException;
/** Column name M_Product_ID */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_M_Product_ID = "M_Product_ID";
/** Set Product.
* Product, Service, Item
public void setM_Product_ID (int M_Product_ID);
/** Get Product.
* Product, Service, Item
public int getM_Product_ID();
public I_M_Product getM_Product() throws RuntimeException;
/** Column name Name */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_Name = "Name";
/** Set Name.
* Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
public void setName (String Name);
/** Get Name.
* Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
public String getName();
/** Column name PriceLimit */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_PriceLimit = "PriceLimit";
/** Set Limit Price.
* Lowest price for a product
public void setPriceLimit (BigDecimal PriceLimit);
/** Get Limit Price.
* Lowest price for a product
public BigDecimal getPriceLimit();
/** Column name PriceList */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_PriceList = "PriceList";
/** Set List Price.
* List Price
public void setPriceList (BigDecimal PriceList);
/** Get List Price.
* List Price
public BigDecimal getPriceList();
/** Column name PricePrecision */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_PricePrecision = "PricePrecision";
/** Set Price Precision.
* Precision (number of decimals) for the Price
public void setPricePrecision (BigDecimal PricePrecision);
/** Get Price Precision.
* Precision (number of decimals) for the Price
public BigDecimal getPricePrecision();
/** Column name PriceStd */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_PriceStd = "PriceStd";
/** Set Standard Price.
* Standard Price
public void setPriceStd (BigDecimal PriceStd);
/** Get Standard Price.
* Standard Price
public BigDecimal getPriceStd();
/** Column name Processed */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_Processed = "Processed";
/** Set Processed.
* The document has been processed
public void setProcessed (boolean Processed);
/** Get Processed.
* The document has been processed
public boolean isProcessed();
/** Column name Processing */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_Processing = "Processing";
/** Set Process Now */
public void setProcessing (boolean Processing);
/** Get Process Now */
public boolean isProcessing();
/** Column name ProductValue */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_ProductValue = "ProductValue";
/** Set Product Key.
* Key of the Product
public void setProductValue (String ProductValue);
/** Get Product Key.
* Key of the Product
public String getProductValue();
/** Column name Updated */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_Updated = "Updated";
/** Get Updated.
* Date this record was updated
public Timestamp getUpdated();
/** Column name UpdatedBy */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_UpdatedBy = "UpdatedBy";
/** Get Updated By.
* User who updated this records
public int getUpdatedBy();
/** Column name ValidFrom */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_ValidFrom = "ValidFrom";
/** Set Valid from.
* Valid from including this date (first day)
public void setValidFrom (Timestamp ValidFrom);
/** Get Valid from.
* Valid from including this date (first day)
public Timestamp getValidFrom();
/** Column name X12DE355 */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_X12DE355 = "X12DE355";
/** Set UOM Code.
* UOM EDI X12 Code
public void setX12DE355 (String X12DE355);
/** Get UOM Code.
* UOM EDI X12 Code
public String getX12DE355();

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/****************************************************************************** /******************************************************************************
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution * * Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published * * under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
@ -36,7 +36,10 @@ import org.compiere.util.Env;
*/ */
public class MPriceList extends X_M_PriceList public class MPriceList extends X_M_PriceList
{ {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /**
private static final long serialVersionUID = 221716795566010352L;
/** /**
@ -146,7 +149,7 @@ public class MPriceList extends X_M_PriceList
} // MPriceList } // MPriceList
/** /**
* Load Cosntructor * Load Constructor
* @param ctx context * @param ctx context
* @param rs result set * @param rs result set
* @param trxName transaction * @param trxName transaction
@ -156,6 +159,25 @@ public class MPriceList extends X_M_PriceList
super(ctx, rs, trxName); super(ctx, rs, trxName);
} // MPriceList } // MPriceList
* Import Constructor
* @param impPL import
public MPriceList (X_I_PriceList impPL)
this (impPL.getCtx(), 0, impPL.get_TrxName());
} // MPriceList
/** Cached PLV */ /** Cached PLV */
private MPriceListVersion m_plv = null; private MPriceListVersion m_plv = null;
/** Cached Precision */ /** Cached Precision */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 1999-2007 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program, if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
* For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
* ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
* or via or *
/** Generated Model - DO NOT CHANGE */
package org.compiere.model;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.compiere.util.Env;
/** Generated Model for I_PriceList
* @author Adempiere (generated)
* @version Release 3.5.3a - $Id$ */
public class X_I_PriceList extends PO implements I_I_PriceList, I_Persistent
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20081221L;
/** Standard Constructor */
public X_I_PriceList (Properties ctx, int I_PriceList_ID, String trxName)
super (ctx, I_PriceList_ID, trxName);
/** if (I_PriceList_ID == 0)
setI_IsImported (false);
setI_PriceList_ID (0);
} */
/** Load Constructor */
public X_I_PriceList (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
super (ctx, rs, trxName);
/** AccessLevel
* @return 2 - Client
protected int get_AccessLevel()
return accessLevel.intValue();
/** Load Meta Data */
protected POInfo initPO (Properties ctx)
POInfo poi = POInfo.getPOInfo (ctx, Table_ID, get_TrxName());
return poi;
public String toString()
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ("X_I_PriceList[")
return sb.toString();
/** Set Business Partner Key.
@param BPartner_Value
The Key of the Business Partner
public void setBPartner_Value (String BPartner_Value)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_BPartner_Value, BPartner_Value);
/** Get Business Partner Key.
@return The Key of the Business Partner
public String getBPartner_Value ()
return (String)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_BPartner_Value);
/** Set Break Value.
@param BreakValue
Low Value of trade discount break level
public void setBreakValue (BigDecimal BreakValue)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_BreakValue, BreakValue);
/** Get Break Value.
@return Low Value of trade discount break level
public BigDecimal getBreakValue ()
BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_BreakValue);
if (bd == null)
return Env.ZERO;
return bd;
public I_C_BPartner getC_BPartner() throws RuntimeException
Class<?> clazz = MTable.getClass(I_C_BPartner.Table_Name);
I_C_BPartner result = null;
try {
Constructor<?> constructor = null;
constructor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(new Class[]{Properties.class, int.class, String.class});
result = (I_C_BPartner)constructor.newInstance(new Object[] {getCtx(), new Integer(getC_BPartner_ID()), get_TrxName()});
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "(id) - Table=" + Table_Name + ",Class=" + clazz, e);
log.saveError("Error", "Table=" + Table_Name + ",Class=" + clazz);
throw new RuntimeException( e );
return result;
/** Set Business Partner .
@param C_BPartner_ID
Identifies a Business Partner
public void setC_BPartner_ID (int C_BPartner_ID)
if (C_BPartner_ID < 1)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_C_BPartner_ID, null);
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_C_BPartner_ID, Integer.valueOf(C_BPartner_ID));
/** Get Business Partner .
@return Identifies a Business Partner
public int getC_BPartner_ID ()
Integer ii = (Integer)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_C_BPartner_ID);
if (ii == null)
return 0;
return ii.intValue();
public I_C_Currency getC_Currency() throws RuntimeException
Class<?> clazz = MTable.getClass(I_C_Currency.Table_Name);
I_C_Currency result = null;
try {
Constructor<?> constructor = null;
constructor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(new Class[]{Properties.class, int.class, String.class});
result = (I_C_Currency)constructor.newInstance(new Object[] {getCtx(), new Integer(getC_Currency_ID()), get_TrxName()});
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "(id) - Table=" + Table_Name + ",Class=" + clazz, e);
log.saveError("Error", "Table=" + Table_Name + ",Class=" + clazz);
throw new RuntimeException( e );
return result;
/** Set Currency.
@param C_Currency_ID
The Currency for this record
public void setC_Currency_ID (int C_Currency_ID)
if (C_Currency_ID < 1)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_C_Currency_ID, null);
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_C_Currency_ID, Integer.valueOf(C_Currency_ID));
/** Get Currency.
@return The Currency for this record
public int getC_Currency_ID ()
Integer ii = (Integer)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_C_Currency_ID);
if (ii == null)
return 0;
return ii.intValue();
public I_C_UOM getC_UOM() throws RuntimeException
Class<?> clazz = MTable.getClass(I_C_UOM.Table_Name);
I_C_UOM result = null;
try {
Constructor<?> constructor = null;
constructor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(new Class[]{Properties.class, int.class, String.class});
result = (I_C_UOM)constructor.newInstance(new Object[] {getCtx(), new Integer(getC_UOM_ID()), get_TrxName()});
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "(id) - Table=" + Table_Name + ",Class=" + clazz, e);
log.saveError("Error", "Table=" + Table_Name + ",Class=" + clazz);
throw new RuntimeException( e );
return result;
/** Set UOM.
@param C_UOM_ID
Unit of Measure
public void setC_UOM_ID (int C_UOM_ID)
if (C_UOM_ID < 1)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_C_UOM_ID, null);
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_C_UOM_ID, Integer.valueOf(C_UOM_ID));
/** Get UOM.
@return Unit of Measure
public int getC_UOM_ID ()
Integer ii = (Integer)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_C_UOM_ID);
if (ii == null)
return 0;
return ii.intValue();
/** Set Description.
@param Description
Optional short description of the record
public void setDescription (String Description)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_Description, Description);
/** Get Description.
@return Optional short description of the record
public String getDescription ()
return (String)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_Description);
/** Set Enforce price limit.
@param EnforcePriceLimit
Do not allow prices below the limit price
public void setEnforcePriceLimit (boolean EnforcePriceLimit)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_EnforcePriceLimit, Boolean.valueOf(EnforcePriceLimit));
/** Get Enforce price limit.
@return Do not allow prices below the limit price
public boolean isEnforcePriceLimit ()
Object oo = get_Value(COLUMNNAME_EnforcePriceLimit);
if (oo != null)
if (oo instanceof Boolean)
return ((Boolean)oo).booleanValue();
return "Y".equals(oo);
return false;
/** Set Import Error Message.
@param I_ErrorMsg
Messages generated from import process
public void setI_ErrorMsg (String I_ErrorMsg)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_I_ErrorMsg, I_ErrorMsg);
/** Get Import Error Message.
@return Messages generated from import process
public String getI_ErrorMsg ()
return (String)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_I_ErrorMsg);
/** Set Imported.
@param I_IsImported
Has this import been processed
public void setI_IsImported (boolean I_IsImported)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_I_IsImported, Boolean.valueOf(I_IsImported));
/** Get Imported.
@return Has this import been processed
public boolean isI_IsImported ()
Object oo = get_Value(COLUMNNAME_I_IsImported);
if (oo != null)
if (oo instanceof Boolean)
return ((Boolean)oo).booleanValue();
return "Y".equals(oo);
return false;
/** Set Import Price List.
@param I_PriceList_ID Import Price List */
public void setI_PriceList_ID (int I_PriceList_ID)
if (I_PriceList_ID < 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("I_PriceList_ID is mandatory.");
set_ValueNoCheck (COLUMNNAME_I_PriceList_ID, Integer.valueOf(I_PriceList_ID));
/** Get Import Price List.
@return Import Price List */
public int getI_PriceList_ID ()
Integer ii = (Integer)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_I_PriceList_ID);
if (ii == null)
return 0;
return ii.intValue();
/** Set ISO Currency Code.
@param ISO_Code
Three letter ISO 4217 Code of the Currency
public void setISO_Code (String ISO_Code)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_ISO_Code, ISO_Code);
/** Get ISO Currency Code.
@return Three letter ISO 4217 Code of the Currency
public String getISO_Code ()
return (String)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_ISO_Code);
/** Set Sales Price list.
@param IsSOPriceList
This is a Sales Price List
public void setIsSOPriceList (boolean IsSOPriceList)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_IsSOPriceList, Boolean.valueOf(IsSOPriceList));
/** Get Sales Price list.
@return This is a Sales Price List
public boolean isSOPriceList ()
Object oo = get_Value(COLUMNNAME_IsSOPriceList);
if (oo != null)
if (oo instanceof Boolean)
return ((Boolean)oo).booleanValue();
return "Y".equals(oo);
return false;
/** Set Price includes Tax.
@param IsTaxIncluded
Tax is included in the price
public void setIsTaxIncluded (boolean IsTaxIncluded)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_IsTaxIncluded, Boolean.valueOf(IsTaxIncluded));
/** Get Price includes Tax.
@return Tax is included in the price
public boolean isTaxIncluded ()
Object oo = get_Value(COLUMNNAME_IsTaxIncluded);
if (oo != null)
if (oo instanceof Boolean)
return ((Boolean)oo).booleanValue();
return "Y".equals(oo);
return false;
public I_M_PriceList getM_PriceList() throws RuntimeException
Class<?> clazz = MTable.getClass(I_M_PriceList.Table_Name);
I_M_PriceList result = null;
try {
Constructor<?> constructor = null;
constructor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(new Class[]{Properties.class, int.class, String.class});
result = (I_M_PriceList)constructor.newInstance(new Object[] {getCtx(), new Integer(getM_PriceList_ID()), get_TrxName()});
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "(id) - Table=" + Table_Name + ",Class=" + clazz, e);
log.saveError("Error", "Table=" + Table_Name + ",Class=" + clazz);
throw new RuntimeException( e );
return result;
/** Set Price List.
@param M_PriceList_ID
Unique identifier of a Price List
public void setM_PriceList_ID (int M_PriceList_ID)
if (M_PriceList_ID < 1)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_M_PriceList_ID, null);
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_M_PriceList_ID, Integer.valueOf(M_PriceList_ID));
/** Get Price List.
@return Unique identifier of a Price List
public int getM_PriceList_ID ()
Integer ii = (Integer)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_M_PriceList_ID);
if (ii == null)
return 0;
return ii.intValue();
public I_M_PriceList_Version getM_PriceList_Version() throws RuntimeException
Class<?> clazz = MTable.getClass(I_M_PriceList_Version.Table_Name);
I_M_PriceList_Version result = null;
try {
Constructor<?> constructor = null;
constructor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(new Class[]{Properties.class, int.class, String.class});
result = (I_M_PriceList_Version)constructor.newInstance(new Object[] {getCtx(), new Integer(getM_PriceList_Version_ID()), get_TrxName()});
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "(id) - Table=" + Table_Name + ",Class=" + clazz, e);
log.saveError("Error", "Table=" + Table_Name + ",Class=" + clazz);
throw new RuntimeException( e );
return result;
/** Set Price List Version.
@param M_PriceList_Version_ID
Identifies a unique instance of a Price List
public void setM_PriceList_Version_ID (int M_PriceList_Version_ID)
if (M_PriceList_Version_ID < 1)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_M_PriceList_Version_ID, null);
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_M_PriceList_Version_ID, Integer.valueOf(M_PriceList_Version_ID));
/** Get Price List Version.
@return Identifies a unique instance of a Price List
public int getM_PriceList_Version_ID ()
Integer ii = (Integer)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_M_PriceList_Version_ID);
if (ii == null)
return 0;
return ii.intValue();
public I_M_Product getM_Product() throws RuntimeException
Class<?> clazz = MTable.getClass(I_M_Product.Table_Name);
I_M_Product result = null;
try {
Constructor<?> constructor = null;
constructor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(new Class[]{Properties.class, int.class, String.class});
result = (I_M_Product)constructor.newInstance(new Object[] {getCtx(), new Integer(getM_Product_ID()), get_TrxName()});
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "(id) - Table=" + Table_Name + ",Class=" + clazz, e);
log.saveError("Error", "Table=" + Table_Name + ",Class=" + clazz);
throw new RuntimeException( e );
return result;
/** Set Product.
@param M_Product_ID
Product, Service, Item
public void setM_Product_ID (int M_Product_ID)
if (M_Product_ID < 1)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_M_Product_ID, null);
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_M_Product_ID, Integer.valueOf(M_Product_ID));
/** Get Product.
@return Product, Service, Item
public int getM_Product_ID ()
Integer ii = (Integer)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_M_Product_ID);
if (ii == null)
return 0;
return ii.intValue();
/** Set Name.
@param Name
Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
public void setName (String Name)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_Name, Name);
/** Get Name.
@return Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
public String getName ()
return (String)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_Name);
/** Set Limit Price.
@param PriceLimit
Lowest price for a product
public void setPriceLimit (BigDecimal PriceLimit)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_PriceLimit, PriceLimit);
/** Get Limit Price.
@return Lowest price for a product
public BigDecimal getPriceLimit ()
BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_PriceLimit);
if (bd == null)
return Env.ZERO;
return bd;
/** Set List Price.
@param PriceList
List Price
public void setPriceList (BigDecimal PriceList)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_PriceList, PriceList);
/** Get List Price.
@return List Price
public BigDecimal getPriceList ()
BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_PriceList);
if (bd == null)
return Env.ZERO;
return bd;
/** Set Price Precision.
@param PricePrecision
Precision (number of decimals) for the Price
public void setPricePrecision (BigDecimal PricePrecision)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_PricePrecision, PricePrecision);
/** Get Price Precision.
@return Precision (number of decimals) for the Price
public BigDecimal getPricePrecision ()
BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_PricePrecision);
if (bd == null)
return Env.ZERO;
return bd;
/** Set Standard Price.
@param PriceStd
Standard Price
public void setPriceStd (BigDecimal PriceStd)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_PriceStd, PriceStd);
/** Get Standard Price.
@return Standard Price
public BigDecimal getPriceStd ()
BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_PriceStd);
if (bd == null)
return Env.ZERO;
return bd;
/** Set Processed.
@param Processed
The document has been processed
public void setProcessed (boolean Processed)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_Processed, Boolean.valueOf(Processed));
/** Get Processed.
@return The document has been processed
public boolean isProcessed ()
Object oo = get_Value(COLUMNNAME_Processed);
if (oo != null)
if (oo instanceof Boolean)
return ((Boolean)oo).booleanValue();
return "Y".equals(oo);
return false;
/** Set Process Now.
@param Processing Process Now */
public void setProcessing (boolean Processing)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_Processing, Boolean.valueOf(Processing));
/** Get Process Now.
@return Process Now */
public boolean isProcessing ()
Object oo = get_Value(COLUMNNAME_Processing);
if (oo != null)
if (oo instanceof Boolean)
return ((Boolean)oo).booleanValue();
return "Y".equals(oo);
return false;
/** Set Product Key.
@param ProductValue
Key of the Product
public void setProductValue (String ProductValue)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_ProductValue, ProductValue);
/** Get Product Key.
@return Key of the Product
public String getProductValue ()
return (String)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_ProductValue);
/** Set Valid from.
@param ValidFrom
Valid from including this date (first day)
public void setValidFrom (Timestamp ValidFrom)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_ValidFrom, ValidFrom);
/** Get Valid from.
@return Valid from including this date (first day)
public Timestamp getValidFrom ()
return (Timestamp)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_ValidFrom);
/** Set UOM Code.
@param X12DE355
UOM EDI X12 Code
public void setX12DE355 (String X12DE355)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_X12DE355, X12DE355);
/** Get UOM Code.
@return UOM EDI X12 Code
public String getX12DE355 ()
return (String)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_X12DE355);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Special,Y,Y,USD,03182009,Azalea Bush,27.5,26.13,24.75
Special,Y,Y,USD,03182009,Holly Bush,44,41.8,39.6
Special,Y,Y,USD,03182009,Plum Tree,55,52.25,49.5
Special,Y,Y,USD,03182009,Rose Bush,33,31.35,29.7
1 Special Y Y USD 03182009 Azalea Bush 27.5 26.13 24.75
2 Special Y Y USD 03182009 Doc 11 11 11
3 Special Y Y USD 03182009 Elm 66 62.7 59.4
4 Special Y Y USD 03182009 Fertilizer#50 22 22 19.8
5 Special Y Y USD 03182009 Fertilizer#70 38.5 36.3 33
6 Special Y Y USD 03182009 Grass 88 83.6 79.2
7 Special Y Y USD 03182009 Hoe 16.5 14.85 13.2
8 Special Y Y USD 03182009 Holly Bush 44 41.8 39.6
9 Special Y Y USD 03182009 Mary 110 99 88
10 Special Y Y USD 03182009 Mulch 3.3 3.3 2.97
11 Special Y Y USD 03182009 Oak 71.5 67.93 64.35
12 Special Y Y USD 03182009 PatioSet 572 550 545.6
13 Special Y Y USD 03182009 PChair 36.3 37.13 29.7
14 Special Y Y USD 03182009 Planting 49.5 47.03 44.55
15 Special Y Y USD 03182009 Plum Tree 55 52.25 49.5
16 Special Y Y USD 03182009 PTable 72.6 74.25 59.4
17 Special Y Y USD 03182009 Rake-Bamboo 9.9 8.91 7.92
18 Special Y Y USD 03182009 Rake-Metal 13.2 11.88 10.56
19 Special Y Y USD 03182009 Rose Bush 33 31.35 29.7
20 Special Y Y USD 03182009 Screen 24.2 24.75 19.8
21 Special Y Y USD 03182009 Seeder 33 29.7 26.4
22 Special Y Y USD 03182009 Tiller 38.5 34.65 30.8
23 Special Y Y USD 03182009 Transplanter 3.85 3.47 3.08
24 Special Y Y USD 03182009 Travel 55 55 55
25 Special Y Y USD 03182009 TShirt-GL 16.5 16.5 16.5
26 Special Y Y USD 03182009 TShirt-RL 16.5 16.5 16.5
27 Special Y Y USD 03182009 Weeder 3.3 2.97 2.64

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:01:57 AM COT
-- FR [2690930] - Importer for Price List
INSERT INTO AD_Menu (Action,AD_Client_ID,AD_Menu_ID,AD_Org_ID,AD_Window_ID,Created,CreatedBy,EntityType,IsActive,IsReadOnly,IsSOTrx,IsSummary,Name,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES ('W',0,53206,0,53071,TO_DATE('2009-03-18 00:01:33','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'D','Y','N','N','N','Import Price List',TO_DATE('2009-03-18 00:01:33','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:01:57 AM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Menu_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Menu_ID, Description,Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Menu_ID, t.Description,t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l, AD_Menu t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Menu_ID=53206 AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Menu_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language!=l.AD_Language OR tt.AD_Menu_ID!=t.AD_Menu_ID)
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:01:57 AM COT
INSERT INTO AD_TreeNodeMM (AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID, IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy, AD_Tree_ID, Node_ID, Parent_ID, SeqNo) SELECT t.AD_Client_ID,0, 'Y', SysDate, 0, SysDate, 0,t.AD_Tree_ID, 53206, 0, 999 FROM AD_Tree t WHERE t.AD_Client_ID=0 AND t.IsActive='Y' AND t.IsAllNodes='Y' AND t.TreeType='MM' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_TreeNodeMM e WHERE e.AD_Tree_ID=t.AD_Tree_ID AND Node_ID=53206)
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=0, SeqNo=0, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=218
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=0, SeqNo=1, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=153
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=0, SeqNo=2, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=263
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=0, SeqNo=3, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=166
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=0, SeqNo=4, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=203
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=0, SeqNo=5, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=236
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=0, SeqNo=6, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=183
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=0, SeqNo=7, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=160
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=0, SeqNo=8, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=278
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=0, SeqNo=9, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=345
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=0, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=222
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=1, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=223
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=2, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=340
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=3, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=185
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=4, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=53206
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=5, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=339
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=6, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=338
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=7, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=363
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=8, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=376
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=9, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=382
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=10, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=486
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=11, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=425
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=12, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=378
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=13, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=374
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=14, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=423
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=15, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=373
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=16, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=424
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=0, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=222
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=1, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=223
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=2, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=340
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=3, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=53206
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=4, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=185
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=5, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=339
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=6, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=338
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=7, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=363
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=8, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=376
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=9, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=382
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=10, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=486
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=11, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=425
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=12, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=378
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=13, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=374
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=14, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=423
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=15, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=373
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=16, Updated=SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=424

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
-- Mar 18, 2009 6:03:58 PM COT
-- FR [2690930] - Importer for Price List
INSERT INTO AD_ImpFormat (AD_Client_ID,AD_ImpFormat_ID,AD_Org_ID,AD_Table_ID,Created,CreatedBy,Description,FormatType,IsActive,Name,Processing,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (11,50001,0,53173,TO_DATE('2009-03-18 18:03:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'GardenWorld Price Lists','C','Y','Example Price List','N',TO_DATE('2009-03-18 18:03:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Mar 18, 2009 6:04:20 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_ImpFormat_Row (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_ImpFormat_ID,AD_ImpFormat_Row_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,CreatedBy,DataType,DecimalPoint,DivideBy100,EndNo,IsActive,Name,SeqNo,StartNo,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (11,56957,50001,50068,0,TO_DATE('2009-03-18 18:04:15','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'S','.','N',0,'Y','Name',10,1,TO_DATE('2009-03-18 18:04:15','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Mar 18, 2009 6:04:50 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_ImpFormat_Row (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_ImpFormat_ID,AD_ImpFormat_Row_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,CreatedBy,DataType,DecimalPoint,DivideBy100,EndNo,IsActive,Name,SeqNo,StartNo,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (11,56968,50001,50069,0,TO_DATE('2009-03-18 18:04:43','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'S','.','N',0,'Y','Sales Price list',20,2,TO_DATE('2009-03-18 18:04:43','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Mar 18, 2009 6:05:16 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_ImpFormat_Row (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_ImpFormat_ID,AD_ImpFormat_Row_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,CreatedBy,DataType,DecimalPoint,DivideBy100,EndNo,IsActive,Name,SeqNo,StartNo,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (11,56981,50001,50070,0,TO_DATE('2009-03-18 18:05:09','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'S','.','N',0,'Y','Enforce price limit',30,3,TO_DATE('2009-03-18 18:05:09','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Mar 18, 2009 6:05:36 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_ImpFormat_Row (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_ImpFormat_ID,AD_ImpFormat_Row_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,CreatedBy,DataType,DecimalPoint,DivideBy100,EndNo,IsActive,Name,SeqNo,StartNo,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (11,56953,50001,50071,0,TO_DATE('2009-03-18 18:05:28','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'S','.','N',0,'Y','ISO Currency Code',40,4,TO_DATE('2009-03-18 18:05:28','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Mar 18, 2009 6:06:36 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_ImpFormat_Row (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_ImpFormat_ID,AD_ImpFormat_Row_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,CreatedBy,DataFormat,DataType,DecimalPoint,DivideBy100,EndNo,IsActive,Name,SeqNo,StartNo,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (11,56960,50001,50072,0,TO_DATE('2009-03-18 18:06:24','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'MMddyyyy','D','.','N',0,'Y','Valid from',50,5,TO_DATE('2009-03-18 18:06:24','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Mar 18, 2009 6:07:00 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_ImpFormat_Row (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_ImpFormat_ID,AD_ImpFormat_Row_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,CreatedBy,DataType,DecimalPoint,DivideBy100,EndNo,IsActive,Name,SeqNo,StartNo,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (11,56967,50001,50073,0,TO_DATE('2009-03-18 18:06:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'S','.','N',0,'Y','Product Key',60,6,TO_DATE('2009-03-18 18:06:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Mar 18, 2009 6:07:30 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_ImpFormat_Row (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_ImpFormat_ID,AD_ImpFormat_Row_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,CreatedBy,DataType,DecimalPoint,DivideBy100,EndNo,IsActive,Name,SeqNo,StartNo,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (11,56962,50001,50074,0,TO_DATE('2009-03-18 18:07:20','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'N','.','N',0,'Y','List Price',70,7,TO_DATE('2009-03-18 18:07:20','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Mar 18, 2009 6:08:02 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_ImpFormat_Row (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_ImpFormat_ID,AD_ImpFormat_Row_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,CreatedBy,DataType,DecimalPoint,DivideBy100,EndNo,IsActive,Name,SeqNo,StartNo,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (11,56964,50001,50075,0,TO_DATE('2009-03-18 18:07:51','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'N','.','N',0,'Y','Standard Price',80,8,TO_DATE('2009-03-18 18:07:51','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Mar 18, 2009 6:08:23 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_ImpFormat_Row (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_ImpFormat_ID,AD_ImpFormat_Row_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,CreatedBy,DataType,DecimalPoint,DivideBy100,EndNo,IsActive,Name,SeqNo,StartNo,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (11,56961,50001,50076,0,TO_DATE('2009-03-18 18:08:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'N','.','N',0,'Y','Limit Price',90,9,TO_DATE('2009-03-18 18:08:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:01:57 AM COT
-- FR [2690930] - Importer for Price List
INSERT INTO AD_Menu ("action",AD_Client_ID,AD_Menu_ID,AD_Org_ID,AD_Window_ID,Created,CreatedBy,EntityType,IsActive,IsReadOnly,IsSOTrx,IsSummary,Name,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES ('W',0,53206,0,53071,TO_TIMESTAMP('2009-03-18 00:01:33','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'D','Y','N','N','N','Import Price List',TO_TIMESTAMP('2009-03-18 00:01:33','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:01:57 AM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Menu_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Menu_ID, Description,Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Menu_ID, t.Description,t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l, AD_Menu t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Menu_ID=53206 AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Menu_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language!=l.AD_Language OR tt.AD_Menu_ID!=t.AD_Menu_ID)
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:01:57 AM COT
INSERT INTO AD_TreeNodeMM (AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID, IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy, AD_Tree_ID, Node_ID, Parent_ID, SeqNo) SELECT t.AD_Client_ID,0, 'Y', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 0, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 0,t.AD_Tree_ID, 53206, 0, 999 FROM AD_Tree t WHERE t.AD_Client_ID=0 AND t.IsActive='Y' AND t.IsAllNodes='Y' AND t.TreeType='MM' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_TreeNodeMM e WHERE e.AD_Tree_ID=t.AD_Tree_ID AND Node_ID=53206)
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=0, SeqNo=0, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=218
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=0, SeqNo=1, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=153
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=0, SeqNo=2, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=263
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=0, SeqNo=3, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=166
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=0, SeqNo=4, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=203
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=0, SeqNo=5, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=236
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=0, SeqNo=6, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=183
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=0, SeqNo=7, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=160
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=0, SeqNo=8, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=278
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=0, SeqNo=9, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=345
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=0, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=222
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=1, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=223
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=2, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=340
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=3, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=185
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=4, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=53206
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=5, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=339
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=6, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=338
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=7, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=363
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=8, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=376
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=9, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=382
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=10, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=486
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=11, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=425
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=12, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=378
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=13, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=374
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=14, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=423
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=15, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=373
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:13 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=16, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=424
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=0, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=222
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=1, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=223
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=2, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=340
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=3, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=53206
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=4, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=185
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=5, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=339
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=6, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=338
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=7, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=363
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=8, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=376
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=9, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=382
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=10, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=486
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=11, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=425
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=12, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=378
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=13, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=374
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=14, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=423
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=15, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=373
-- Mar 18, 2009 12:02:21 AM COT
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID=163, SeqNo=16, Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE AD_Tree_ID=10 AND Node_ID=424

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
-- Mar 18, 2009 6:03:58 PM COT
-- FR [2690930] - Importer for Price List
INSERT INTO AD_ImpFormat (AD_Client_ID,AD_ImpFormat_ID,AD_Org_ID,AD_Table_ID,Created,CreatedBy,Description,FormatType,IsActive,Name,Processing,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (11,50001,0,53173,TO_TIMESTAMP('2009-03-18 18:03:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'GardenWorld Price Lists','C','Y','Example Price List','N',TO_TIMESTAMP('2009-03-18 18:03:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Mar 18, 2009 6:04:20 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_ImpFormat_Row (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_ImpFormat_ID,AD_ImpFormat_Row_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,CreatedBy,DataType,DecimalPoint,DivideBy100,EndNo,IsActive,Name,SeqNo,StartNo,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (11,56957,50001,50068,0,TO_TIMESTAMP('2009-03-18 18:04:15','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'S','.','N',0,'Y','Name',10,1,TO_TIMESTAMP('2009-03-18 18:04:15','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Mar 18, 2009 6:04:50 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_ImpFormat_Row (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_ImpFormat_ID,AD_ImpFormat_Row_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,CreatedBy,DataType,DecimalPoint,DivideBy100,EndNo,IsActive,Name,SeqNo,StartNo,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (11,56968,50001,50069,0,TO_TIMESTAMP('2009-03-18 18:04:43','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'S','.','N',0,'Y','Sales Price list',20,2,TO_TIMESTAMP('2009-03-18 18:04:43','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Mar 18, 2009 6:05:16 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_ImpFormat_Row (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_ImpFormat_ID,AD_ImpFormat_Row_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,CreatedBy,DataType,DecimalPoint,DivideBy100,EndNo,IsActive,Name,SeqNo,StartNo,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (11,56981,50001,50070,0,TO_TIMESTAMP('2009-03-18 18:05:09','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'S','.','N',0,'Y','Enforce price limit',30,3,TO_TIMESTAMP('2009-03-18 18:05:09','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Mar 18, 2009 6:05:36 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_ImpFormat_Row (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_ImpFormat_ID,AD_ImpFormat_Row_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,CreatedBy,DataType,DecimalPoint,DivideBy100,EndNo,IsActive,Name,SeqNo,StartNo,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (11,56953,50001,50071,0,TO_TIMESTAMP('2009-03-18 18:05:28','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'S','.','N',0,'Y','ISO Currency Code',40,4,TO_TIMESTAMP('2009-03-18 18:05:28','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Mar 18, 2009 6:06:36 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_ImpFormat_Row (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_ImpFormat_ID,AD_ImpFormat_Row_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,CreatedBy,DataFormat,DataType,DecimalPoint,DivideBy100,EndNo,IsActive,Name,SeqNo,StartNo,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (11,56960,50001,50072,0,TO_TIMESTAMP('2009-03-18 18:06:24','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'MMddyyyy','D','.','N',0,'Y','Valid from',50,5,TO_TIMESTAMP('2009-03-18 18:06:24','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Mar 18, 2009 6:07:00 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_ImpFormat_Row (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_ImpFormat_ID,AD_ImpFormat_Row_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,CreatedBy,DataType,DecimalPoint,DivideBy100,EndNo,IsActive,Name,SeqNo,StartNo,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (11,56967,50001,50073,0,TO_TIMESTAMP('2009-03-18 18:06:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'S','.','N',0,'Y','Product Key',60,6,TO_TIMESTAMP('2009-03-18 18:06:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Mar 18, 2009 6:07:30 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_ImpFormat_Row (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_ImpFormat_ID,AD_ImpFormat_Row_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,CreatedBy,DataType,DecimalPoint,DivideBy100,EndNo,IsActive,Name,SeqNo,StartNo,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (11,56962,50001,50074,0,TO_TIMESTAMP('2009-03-18 18:07:20','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'N','.','N',0,'Y','List Price',70,7,TO_TIMESTAMP('2009-03-18 18:07:20','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Mar 18, 2009 6:08:02 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_ImpFormat_Row (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_ImpFormat_ID,AD_ImpFormat_Row_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,CreatedBy,DataType,DecimalPoint,DivideBy100,EndNo,IsActive,Name,SeqNo,StartNo,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (11,56964,50001,50075,0,TO_TIMESTAMP('2009-03-18 18:07:51','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'N','.','N',0,'Y','Standard Price',80,8,TO_TIMESTAMP('2009-03-18 18:07:51','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)
-- Mar 18, 2009 6:08:23 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_ImpFormat_Row (AD_Client_ID,AD_Column_ID,AD_ImpFormat_ID,AD_ImpFormat_Row_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,CreatedBy,DataType,DecimalPoint,DivideBy100,EndNo,IsActive,Name,SeqNo,StartNo,Updated,UpdatedBy) VALUES (11,56961,50001,50076,0,TO_TIMESTAMP('2009-03-18 18:08:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'N','.','N',0,'Y','Limit Price',90,9,TO_TIMESTAMP('2009-03-18 18:08:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100)