diff --git a/db/ddlutils/oracle/views/C_ORDER_HEADER_VT.sql b/db/ddlutils/oracle/views/C_ORDER_HEADER_VT.sql index b5b269d0a6..0289d08c98 100644 --- a/db/ddlutils/oracle/views/C_ORDER_HEADER_VT.sql +++ b/db/ddlutils/oracle/views/C_ORDER_HEADER_VT.sql @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ AS ubp.numberemployees AS salesrep_bp_numberemployees, ubp.paymentrule AS salesrep_bp_paymentrule, ubp.paymentrulepo AS salesrep_bp_paymentrulepo, - ubp.po_discountschema_id AS salesrep_bp_po_discountsch_id, + ubp.po_discountschema_id AS salesrep_bp_po_discountschm_id, ubp.po_paymentterm_id AS salesrep_bp_po_paymentterm_id, ubp.po_pricelist_id AS salesrep_bp_po_pricelist_id, ubp.poreference AS salesrep_bp_poreference, diff --git a/db/ddlutils/postgresql/views/C_ORDER_HEADER_VT.sql b/db/ddlutils/postgresql/views/C_ORDER_HEADER_VT.sql index b32dbf40f7..aafccd92c7 100644 --- a/db/ddlutils/postgresql/views/C_ORDER_HEADER_VT.sql +++ b/db/ddlutils/postgresql/views/C_ORDER_HEADER_VT.sql @@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ SELECT o.ad_client_id, ubp.numberemployees AS salesrep_bp_numberemployees, ubp.paymentrule AS salesrep_bp_paymentrule, ubp.paymentrulepo AS salesrep_bp_paymentrulepo, - ubp.po_discountschema_id AS salesrep_bp_po_discountsch_id, + ubp.po_discountschema_id AS salesrep_bp_po_discountschm_id, ubp.po_paymentterm_id AS salesrep_bp_po_paymentterm_id, ubp.po_pricelist_id AS salesrep_bp_po_pricelist_id, ubp.poreference AS salesrep_bp_poreference, diff --git a/migration/i3.1/oracle/201601271716_IDEMPIERE-3013.sql b/migration/i3.1/oracle/201601271716_IDEMPIERE-3013.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..299fcf65b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/migration/i3.1/oracle/201601271716_IDEMPIERE-3013.sql @@ -0,0 +1,528 @@ +DROP VIEW c_order_header_vt; + +CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW c_order_header_vt +AS + SELECT o.ad_client_id, + o.ad_org_id, + o.isactive, + o.created, + o.createdby, + o.updated, + o.updatedby, + dt.ad_language, + o.c_order_id, + o.issotrx, + o.documentno, + o.docstatus, + o.c_doctype_id, + o.c_bpartner_id, + bp.value AS bpvalue, + bp.taxid AS bptaxid, + bp.naics, + bp.duns, + oi.c_location_id AS org_location_id, + oi.taxid, + o.m_warehouse_id, + wh.c_location_id AS warehouse_location_id, + dt.printname AS documenttype, + dt.documentnote AS documenttypenote, + o.salesrep_id, + COALESCE(ubp.name, u.name) AS salesrep_name, + o.dateordered, + o.datepromised, + bpgt.greeting AS bpgreeting, + bp.name, + bp.name2, + bpcgt.greeting AS bpcontactgreeting, + bpc.title, + bpc.phone, + NULLIF(bpc.name, bp.name) AS contactname, + bpl.c_location_id, + l.postal + || l.postal_add AS postal, + bp.referenceno, + o.bill_bpartner_id, + o.bill_location_id, + o.bill_user_id, + bbp.value AS bill_bpvalue, + bbp.taxid AS bill_bptaxid, + bbp.name AS bill_name, + bbp.name2 AS bill_name2, + bbpc.title AS bill_title, + bbpc.phone AS bill_phone, + NULLIF(bbpc.name, bbp.name) AS bill_contactname, + bbpl.c_location_id AS bill_c_location_id, + o.description, + o.poreference, + o.c_currency_id, + ptt.name AS paymentterm, + ptt.documentnote AS paymenttermnote, + o.c_charge_id, + o.chargeamt, + o.totallines, + o.grandtotal, + o.grandtotal AS amtinwords, + o.m_pricelist_id, + o.istaxincluded, + o.volume, + o.weight, + o.c_campaign_id, + o.c_project_id, + o.c_activity_id, + o.m_shipper_id, + o.deliveryrule, + o.deliveryviarule, + o.priorityrule, + o.invoicerule, + COALESCE(oi.logo_id, ci.logo_id) AS logo_id, + o.ad_orgtrx_id, + o.ad_user_id, + o.amountrefunded, + o.amounttendered, + o.c_bpartner_location_id, + o.c_cashline_id, + o.c_cashplanline_id, + o.c_conversiontype_id, + o.c_doctypetarget_id, + o.copyfrom, + o.c_payment_id, + o.c_paymentterm_id, + o.c_pos_id, + o.dateacct, + o.dateprinted, + o.docaction, + o.dropship_bpartner_id, + o.dropship_location_id, + o.dropship_user_id, + o.freightamt, + o.freightcostrule, + o.isapproved, + o.iscreditapproved, + o.isdelivered, + o.isdiscountprinted, + o.isdropship, + o.isinvoiced, + o.ispayschedulevalid, + o.isprinted, + o.isselected, + o.isselfservice, + o.istransferred, + o.link_order_id, + o.m_freightcategory_id, + o.ordertype, + o.pay_bpartner_id, + o.pay_location_id, + o.paymentrule, + o.posted, + o.processed, + o.processedon, + o.promotioncode, + o.ref_order_id, + o.sendemail, + o.user1_id, + o.user2_id, + wh.ad_org_id AS m_warehouse_ad_org_id, + wh.description AS m_warehouse_description, + wh.isactive AS m_warehouse_isactive, + wh.isdisallownegativeinv, + wh.isintransit, + wh.m_warehousesource_id, + wh.name AS m_warehouse_name, + wh.replenishmentclass, + wh.separator, + wh.value AS m_warehouse_value, + ptt.ad_org_id AS c_paymentterm_ad_org_id, + pt.afterdelivery, + ptt.description AS c_paymentterm_description, + pt.discount, + pt.discount2, + pt.discountdays, + pt.discountdays2, + pt.fixmonthcutoff, + pt.fixmonthday, + pt.fixmonthoffset, + pt.gracedays, + ptt.isactive AS c_paymentterm_isactive, + pt.isdefault, + pt.isduefixed, + pt.isnextbusinessday, + pt.isvalid, + pt.netday, + pt.netdays, + pt.paymenttermusage, + pt.value AS m_paymentterm_value, + bp.acqusitioncost AS bp_acqusitioncost, + bp.actuallifetimevalue AS bp_actuallifetimevalue, + bp.ad_language AS bp_ad_language, + bp.ad_orgbp_id AS bp_ad_orgbp_id, + bp.ad_org_id AS bp_ad_org_id, + bp.bpartner_parent_id AS bp_bpartner_parent_id, + bp.c_bp_group_id AS bp_c_bp_group_id, + bp.c_dunning_id AS bp_c_dunning_id, + bp.c_greeting_id AS bp_c_greeting_id, + bp.c_invoiceschedule_id AS bp_c_invoiceschedule_id, + bp.c_paymentterm_id AS bp_c_paymentterm_id, + bp.created AS bp_created, + bp.createdby AS bp_createdby, + bp.c_taxgroup_id AS bp_c_taxgroup_id, + bp.deliveryrule AS bp_deliveryrule, + bp.deliveryviarule AS bp_deliveryviarule, + bp.description AS bp_description, + bp.dunninggrace AS bp_dunninggrace, + bp.firstsale AS bp_firstsale, + bp.flatdiscount AS bp_flatdiscount, + bp.freightcostrule AS bp_freightcostrule, + bp.invoicerule AS bp_invoicerule, + bp.isactive AS bp_isactive, + bp.iscustomer AS bp_iscustomer, + bp.isdiscountprinted AS bp_isdiscountprinted, + bp.isemployee AS bp_isemployee, + bp.ismanufacturer AS bp_ismanufacturer, + bp.isonetime AS bp_isonetime, + bp.ispotaxexempt AS bp_ispotaxexempt, + bp.isprospect AS bp_isprospect, + bp.issalesrep AS bp_issalesrep, + bp.issummary AS bp_issummary, + bp.istaxexempt AS bp_istaxexempt, + bp.isvendor AS bp_isvendor, + bp.logo_id AS bp_logo_id, + bp.m_discountschema_id AS bp_m_discountschema_id, + bp.m_pricelist_id AS bp_m_pricelist_id, + bp.numberemployees AS bp_numberemployees, + bp.paymentrule AS bp_paymentrule, + bp.paymentrulepo AS bp_paymentrulepo, + bp.po_discountschema_id AS bp_po_discountschema_id, + bp.po_paymentterm_id AS bp_po_paymentterm_id, + bp.po_pricelist_id AS bp_po_pricelist_id, + bp.poreference AS bp_poreference, + bp.potentiallifetimevalue AS bp_potentiallifetimevalue, + bp.rating AS bp_rating, + bp.salesrep_id AS bp_salesrep_id, + bp.salesvolume AS bp_salesvolume, + bp.sendemail AS bp_sendemail, + bp.shareofcustomer AS bp_shareofcustomer, + bp.shelflifeminpct AS bp_shelflifeminpct, + bp.so_creditlimit AS bp_so_creditlimit, + bp.socreditstatus AS bp_socreditstatus, + bp.so_creditused AS bp_so_creditused, + bp.so_description AS bp_so_description, + bp.totalopenbalance AS bp_totalopenbalance, + bp.updated AS bp_updated, + bp.updatedby AS bp_updatedby, + bp.url AS bp_url, + bpgt.ad_org_id AS c_greeting_ad_org_id, + bpgt.isactive AS c_greeting_isactive, + bpg.isfirstnameonly, + bpgt.name AS c_greeting_name, + bpl.ad_org_id AS bp_location_ad_org_id, + bpl.c_bpartner_id AS bp_location_c_bpartner_id, + bpl.created AS bp_location_created, + bpl.createdby AS bp_location_createdby, + bpl.c_salesregion_id AS bp_location_c_salesregion_id, + bpl.fax AS bp_location_fax, + bpl.isactive AS bp_location_isactive, + bpl.isbillto AS bp_location_isbillto, + bpl.isdn AS bp_location_isdn, + bpl.ispayfrom AS bp_location_ispayfrom, + bpl.isremitto AS bp_location_isremitto, + bpl.isshipto AS bp_location_isshipto, + bpl.name AS bp_location_name, + bpl.phone AS bp_location_phone, + bpl.phone2 AS bp_location_phone2, + bpl.updated AS bp_location_updated, + bpl.updatedby AS bp_location_updatedby, + l.address1, + l.address2, + l.address3, + l.address4, + l.ad_org_id AS c_location_ad_org_id, + l.c_city_id, + l.c_country_id, + l.city, + l.created AS c_location_created, + l.createdby AS c_location_createdby, + l.c_region_id, + l.isactive AS c_location_isactive, + l.regionname, + l.updated AS c_location_updated, + l.updatedby AS c_location_updatedby, + bpc.ad_org_id AS ad_user_ad_org_id, + bpc.ad_orgtrx_id AS ad_user_ad_orgtrx_id, + bpc.birthday AS ad_user_ad_birthday, + bpc.c_bpartner_id AS ad_user_c_bpartner_id, + bpc.c_bpartner_location_id AS ad_user_c_bpartner_location_id, + bpc.c_greeting_id AS ad_user_c_greeting_id, + bpc.comments AS ad_user_comments, + bpc.created AS ad_user_created, + bpc.createdby AS ad_user_createdby, + bpc.description AS ad_user_description, + bpc.email AS ad_user_email, + bpc.fax AS ad_user_fax, + bpc.isactive AS ad_user_isactive, + bpc.lastcontact AS ad_user_lastcontact, + bpc.lastresult AS ad_user_lastresult, + bpc.phone2 AS ad_user_phone2, + bpc.supervisor_id AS ad_user_supervisor_id, + bpc.updated AS ad_user_updated, + bpc.updatedby AS ad_user_updatedby, + bpc.value AS ad_user_value, + bpcgt.ad_org_id AS c_user_greeting_ad_org_id, + bpcgt.isactive AS c_user_greeting_isactive, + bpcg.isfirstnameonly AS c_user_greeting_isfnameonly, + bpcgt.name AS c_user_greeting_name, + oi.ad_org_id AS ad_orginfo_ad_org_id, + oi.ad_orgtype_id, + oi.c_calendar_id, + oi.created AS ad_orginfo_created, + oi.createdby AS ad_orginfo_createdby, + oi.dropship_warehouse_id, + oi.duns AS ad_orginfo_duns, + oi.email AS ad_orginfo_email, + oi.fax AS ad_orginfo_fax, + oi.isactive AS ad_orginfo_isactive, + oi.m_warehouse_id AS ad_orginfo_m_warehouse_id, + oi.parent_org_id, + oi.phone AS ad_orginfo_phone, + oi.phone2 AS ad_orginfo_phone2, + oi.receiptfootermsg, + oi.supervisor_id, + oi.updated AS ad_orginfo_updated, + oi.updatedby AS ad_orginfo_updatedby, + u.ad_org_id AS salesrep_ad_org_id, + u.ad_orgtrx_id AS salesrep_ad_orgtrx_id, + u.birthday AS salesrep_ad_birthday, + u.c_bpartner_id AS salesrep_c_bpartner_id, + u.c_bpartner_location_id AS salesrep_c_bp_location_id, + u.c_greeting_id AS salesrep_c_greeting_id, + u.comments AS salesrep_comments, + u.created AS salesrep_created, + u.createdby AS salesrep_createdby, + u.description AS salesrep_description, + u.email AS salesrep_email, + u.fax AS salesrep_fax, + u.isactive AS salesrep_isactive, + u.lastcontact AS salesrep_lastcontact, + u.lastresult AS salesrep_lastresult, + u.phone AS salesrep_phone, + u.phone2 AS salesrep_phone2, + u.supervisor_id AS salesrep_supervisor_id, + u.title AS salesrep_title, + u.updated AS salesrep_updated, + u.updatedby AS salesrep_updatedby, + u.value AS salesrep_value, + ubp.acqusitioncost AS salesrep_bp_acqusitioncost, + ubp.actuallifetimevalue AS salesrep_bp_actuallifetimeval, + ubp.ad_language AS salesrep_bp_ad_language, + ubp.ad_orgbp_id AS salesrep_bp_ad_orgbp_id, + ubp.ad_org_id AS salesrep_bp_ad_org_id, + ubp.bpartner_parent_id AS salesrep_bp_bpartner_parent_id, + ubp.c_bp_group_id AS salesrep_bp_c_bp_group_id, + ubp.c_dunning_id AS salesrep_bp_c_dunning_id, + ubp.c_greeting_id AS salesrep_bp_c_greeting_id, + ubp.c_invoiceschedule_id AS salesrep_bp_c_invoicesched_id, + ubp.c_paymentterm_id AS salesrep_bp_c_paymentterm_id, + ubp.created AS salesrep_bp_created, + ubp.createdby AS salesrep_bp_createdby, + ubp.c_taxgroup_id AS salesrep_bp_c_taxgroup_id, + ubp.deliveryrule AS salesrep_bp_deliveryrule, + ubp.deliveryviarule AS salesrep_bp_deliveryviarule, + ubp.description AS salesrep_bp_description, + ubp.dunninggrace AS salesrep_bp_dunninggrace, + ubp.duns AS salesrep_bp_duns, + ubp.firstsale AS salesrep_bp_firstsale, + ubp.flatdiscount AS salesrep_bp_flatdiscount, + ubp.freightcostrule AS salesrep_bp_freightcostrule, + ubp.invoicerule AS salesrep_bp_invoicerule, + ubp.isactive AS salesrep_bp_isactive, + ubp.iscustomer AS salesrep_bp_iscustomer, + ubp.isdiscountprinted AS salesrep_bp_isdiscountprinted, + ubp.isemployee AS salesrep_bp_isemployee, + ubp.ismanufacturer AS salesrep_bp_ismanufacturer, + ubp.isonetime AS salesrep_bp_isonetime, + ubp.ispotaxexempt AS salesrep_bp_ispotaxexempt, + ubp.isprospect AS salesrep_bp_isprospect, + ubp.issalesrep AS salesrep_bp_issalesrep, + ubp.issummary AS salesrep_bp_issummary, + ubp.istaxexempt AS salesrep_bp_istaxexempt, + ubp.isvendor AS salesrep_bp_isvendor, + ubp.logo_id AS salesrep_bp_logo_id, + ubp.m_discountschema_id AS salesrep_bp_m_discountschm_id, + ubp.m_pricelist_id AS salesrep_bp_m_pricelist_id, + ubp.naics AS salesrep_bp_naics, + ubp.name2 AS salesrep_bp_name2, + ubp.numberemployees AS salesrep_bp_numberemployees, + ubp.paymentrule AS salesrep_bp_paymentrule, + ubp.paymentrulepo AS salesrep_bp_paymentrulepo, + ubp.po_discountschema_id AS salesrep_bp_po_discountschm_id, + ubp.po_paymentterm_id AS salesrep_bp_po_paymentterm_id, + ubp.po_pricelist_id AS salesrep_bp_po_pricelist_id, + ubp.poreference AS salesrep_bp_poreference, + ubp.potentiallifetimevalue AS salesrep_bp_potentiallifetime, + ubp.rating AS salesrep_bp_rating, + ubp.referenceno AS salesrep_bp_referenceno, + ubp.salesrep_id AS salesrep_bp_salesrep_id, + ubp.salesvolume AS salesrep_bp_salesvolume, + ubp.sendemail AS salesrep_bp_sendemail, + ubp.shareofcustomer AS salesrep_bp_shareofcustomer, + ubp.shelflifeminpct AS salesrep_bp_shelflifeminpct, + ubp.so_creditlimit AS salesrep_bp_so_creditlimit, + ubp.socreditstatus AS salesrep_bp_socreditstatus, + ubp.so_creditused AS salesrep_bp_so_creditused, + ubp.so_description AS salesrep_bp_so_description, + ubp.taxid AS salesrep_bp_taxid, + ubp.totalopenbalance AS salesrep_bp_totalopenbalance, + ubp.updated AS salesrep_bp_updated, + ubp.updatedby AS salesrep_bp_updatedby, + ubp.url AS salesrep_bp_url, + ubp.value AS salesrep_bp_value, + bbp.acqusitioncost AS bill_bp_acqusitioncost, + bbp.actuallifetimevalue AS bill_bp_actuallifetimevalue, + bbp.ad_language AS bill_bp_ad_language, + bbp.ad_orgbp_id AS bill_bp_ad_orgbp_id, + bbp.ad_org_id AS bill_bp_ad_org_id, + bbp.bpartner_parent_id AS bill_bp_bpartner_parent_id, + bbp.c_bp_group_id AS bill_bp_c_bp_group_id, + bbp.c_dunning_id AS bill_bp_c_dunning_id, + bbp.c_greeting_id AS bill_bp_c_greeting_id, + bbp.c_invoiceschedule_id AS bill_bp_c_invoiceschedule_id, + bbp.c_paymentterm_id AS bill_bp_c_paymentterm_id, + bbp.created AS bill_bp_created, + bbp.createdby AS bill_bp_createdby, + bbp.c_taxgroup_id AS bill_bp_c_taxgroup_id, + bbp.deliveryrule AS bill_bp_deliveryrule, + bbp.deliveryviarule AS bill_bp_deliveryviarule, + bbp.description AS bill_bp_description, + bbp.dunninggrace AS bill_bp_dunninggrace, + bbp.duns AS bill_bp_duns, + bbp.firstsale AS bill_bp_firstsale, + bbp.flatdiscount AS bill_bp_flatdiscount, + bbp.freightcostrule AS bill_bp_freightcostrule, + bbp.invoicerule AS bill_bp_invoicerule, + bbp.isactive AS bill_bp_isactive, + bbp.iscustomer AS bill_bp_iscustomer, + bbp.isdiscountprinted AS bill_bp_isdiscountprinted, + bbp.isemployee AS bill_bp_isemployee, + bbp.ismanufacturer AS bill_bp_ismanufacturer, + bbp.isonetime AS bill_bp_isonetime, + bbp.ispotaxexempt AS bill_bp_ispotaxexempt, + bbp.isprospect AS bill_bp_isprospect, + bbp.issalesrep AS bill_bp_issalesrep, + bbp.issummary AS bill_bp_issummary, + bbp.istaxexempt AS bill_bp_istaxexempt, + bbp.isvendor AS bill_bp_isvendor, + bbp.logo_id AS bill_bp_logo_id, + bbp.m_discountschema_id AS bill_bp_m_discountschema_id, + bbp.m_pricelist_id AS bill_bp_m_pricelist_id, + bbp.naics AS bill_bp_naics, + bbp.numberemployees AS bill_bp_numberemployees, + bbp.paymentrule AS bill_bp_paymentrule, + bbp.paymentrulepo AS bill_bp_paymentrulepo, + bbp.po_discountschema_id AS bill_bp_po_discountschema_id, + bbp.po_paymentterm_id AS bill_bp_po_paymentterm_id, + bbp.po_pricelist_id AS bill_bp_po_pricelist_id, + bbp.poreference AS bill_bp_poreference, + bbp.potentiallifetimevalue AS bill_bp_potentiallifetimevalue, + bbp.rating AS bill_bp_rating, + bbp.referenceno AS bill_bp_referenceno, + bbp.salesrep_id AS bill_bp_salesrep_id, + bbp.salesvolume AS bill_bp_salesvolume, + bbp.sendemail AS bill_bp_sendemail, + bbp.shareofcustomer AS bill_bp_shareofcustomer, + bbp.shelflifeminpct AS bill_bp_shelflifeminpct, + bbp.so_creditlimit AS bill_bp_so_creditlimit, + bbp.socreditstatus AS bill_bp_socreditstatus, + bbp.so_creditused AS bill_bp_so_creditused, + bbp.so_description AS bill_bp_so_description, + bbp.totalopenbalance AS bill_bp_totalopenbalance, + bbp.updated AS bill_bp_updated, + bbp.updatedby AS bill_bp_updatedby, + bbp.url AS bill_bp_url, + bbpl.ad_org_id AS bill_bp_location_ad_org_id, + bbpl.c_bpartner_id AS bill_bp_location_c_bpartner_id, + bbpl.created AS bill_bp_location_created, + bbpl.createdby AS bill_bp_location_createdby, + bbpl.c_salesregion_id AS bill_bp_location_c_salesreg_id, + bbpl.fax AS bill_bp_location_fax, + bbpl.isactive AS bill_bp_location_isactive, + bbpl.isbillto AS bill_bp_location_isbillto, + bbpl.isdn AS bill_bp_location_isdn, + bbpl.ispayfrom AS bill_bp_location_ispayfrom, + bbpl.isremitto AS bill_bp_location_isremitto, + bbpl.isshipto AS bill_bp_location_isshipto, + bbpl.name AS bill_bp_location_name, + bbpl.phone AS bill_bp_location_phone, + bbpl.phone2 AS bill_bp_location_phone2, + bbpl.updated AS bill_bp_location_updated, + bbpl.updatedby AS bill_bp_location_updatedby, + bbpc.ad_org_id AS bill_user_ad_org_id, + bbpc.ad_orgtrx_id AS bill_user_ad_orgtrx_id, + bbpc.birthday AS bill_user_ad_birthday, + bbpc.c_bpartner_id AS bill_user_c_bpartner_id, + bbpc.c_bpartner_location_id AS bill_user_c_bp_location_id, + bbpc.c_greeting_id AS bill_user_c_greeting_id, + bbpc.comments AS bill_user_comments, + bbpc.created AS bill_user_created, + bbpc.createdby AS bill_user_createdby, + bbpc.description AS bill_user_description, + bbpc.email AS bill_user_email, + bbpc.fax AS bill_user_fax, + bbpc.isactive AS bill_user_isactive, + bbpc.lastcontact AS bill_user_lastcontact, + bbpc.lastresult AS bill_user_lastresult, + bbpc.phone2 AS bill_user_phone2, + bbpc.supervisor_id AS bill_user_supervisor_id, + bbpc.updated AS bill_user_updated, + bbpc.updatedby AS bill_user_updatedby, + bbpc.value AS bill_user_value, + cur.cursymbol, + cur.description AS cur_description + FROM c_order o + JOIN c_doctype_trl dt + ON o.c_doctype_id = dt.c_doctype_id + JOIN m_warehouse wh + ON o.m_warehouse_id = wh.m_warehouse_id + JOIN c_paymentterm pt + ON o.c_paymentterm_id = pt.c_paymentterm_id + JOIN c_paymentterm_trl ptt + ON o.c_paymentterm_id = ptt.c_paymentterm_id + AND dt.ad_language = ptt.ad_language + JOIN c_bpartner bp + ON o.c_bpartner_id = bp.c_bpartner_id + LEFT JOIN c_greeting bpg + ON bp.c_greeting_id = bpg.c_greeting_id + LEFT JOIN c_greeting_trl bpgt + ON bp.c_greeting_id = bpgt.c_greeting_id + AND dt.ad_language = bpgt.ad_language + JOIN c_bpartner_location bpl + ON o.c_bpartner_location_id = bpl.c_bpartner_location_id + JOIN c_location l + ON bpl.c_location_id = l.c_location_id + LEFT JOIN ad_user bpc + ON o.ad_user_id = bpc.ad_user_id + LEFT JOIN c_greeting bpcg + ON bpc.c_greeting_id = bpcg.c_greeting_id + LEFT JOIN c_greeting_trl bpcgt + ON bpc.c_greeting_id = bpcgt.c_greeting_id + AND dt.ad_language = bpcgt.ad_language + JOIN ad_orginfo oi + ON o.ad_org_id = oi.ad_org_id + JOIN ad_clientinfo ci + ON o.ad_client_id = ci.ad_client_id + LEFT JOIN ad_user u + ON o.salesrep_id = u.ad_user_id + LEFT JOIN c_bpartner ubp + ON u.c_bpartner_id = ubp.c_bpartner_id + JOIN c_bpartner bbp + ON o.bill_bpartner_id = bbp.c_bpartner_id + JOIN c_bpartner_location bbpl + ON o.bill_location_id = bbpl.c_bpartner_location_id + LEFT JOIN ad_user bbpc + ON o.bill_user_id = bbpc.ad_user_id + LEFT JOIN c_currency_trl cur + ON o.c_currency_id = cur.c_currency_id + AND dt.ad_language = cur.ad_language +; + +SELECT register_migration_script('201601271716_IDEMPIERE-3013.sql') FROM dual +; + diff --git a/migration/i3.1/postgresql/201601271716_IDEMPIERE-3013.sql b/migration/i3.1/postgresql/201601271716_IDEMPIERE-3013.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..067aeb6ef8 --- /dev/null +++ b/migration/i3.1/postgresql/201601271716_IDEMPIERE-3013.sql @@ -0,0 +1,521 @@ +DROP VIEW c_order_header_vt; + +CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW c_order_header_vt AS +SELECT o.ad_client_id, + o.ad_org_id, + o.isactive, + o.created, + o.createdby, + o.updated, + o.updatedby, + dt.ad_language, + o.c_order_id, + o.issotrx, + o.documentno, + o.docstatus, + o.c_doctype_id, + o.c_bpartner_id, + bp.value AS bpvalue, + bp.taxid AS bptaxid, + bp.naics, + bp.duns, + oi.c_location_id AS org_location_id, + oi.taxid, + o.m_warehouse_id, + wh.c_location_id AS warehouse_location_id, + dt.printname AS documenttype, + dt.documentnote AS documenttypenote, + o.salesrep_id, + COALESCE(ubp.name, u.name) AS salesrep_name, + o.dateordered, + o.datepromised, + bpgt.greeting AS bpgreeting, + bp.name, + bp.name2, + bpcgt.greeting AS bpcontactgreeting, + bpc.title, + bpc.phone, + NULLIF(bpc.name, bp.name) AS contactname, + bpl.c_location_id, + l.postal || l.postal_add AS postal, + bp.referenceno, + o.bill_bpartner_id, + o.bill_location_id, + o.bill_user_id, + bbp.value AS bill_bpvalue, + bbp.taxid AS bill_bptaxid, + bbp.name AS bill_name, + bbp.name2 AS bill_name2, + bbpc.title AS bill_title, + bbpc.phone AS bill_phone, + NULLIF(bbpc.name, bbp.name) AS bill_contactname, + bbpl.c_location_id AS bill_c_location_id, + o.description, + o.poreference, + o.c_currency_id, + ptt.name AS paymentterm, + ptt.documentnote AS paymenttermnote, + o.c_charge_id, + o.chargeamt, + o.totallines, + o.grandtotal, + o.grandtotal AS amtinwords, + o.m_pricelist_id, + o.istaxincluded, + o.volume, + o.weight, + o.c_campaign_id, + o.c_project_id, + o.c_activity_id, + o.m_shipper_id, + o.deliveryrule, + o.deliveryviarule, + o.priorityrule, + o.invoicerule, + COALESCE(oi.logo_id, ci.logo_id) AS logo_id, + o.ad_orgtrx_id, + o.ad_user_id, + o.amountrefunded, + o.amounttendered, + o.c_bpartner_location_id, + o.c_cashline_id, + o.c_cashplanline_id, + o.c_conversiontype_id, + o.c_doctypetarget_id, + o.copyfrom, + o.c_payment_id, + o.c_paymentterm_id, + o.c_pos_id, + o.dateacct, + o.dateprinted, + o.docaction, + o.dropship_bpartner_id, + o.dropship_location_id, + o.dropship_user_id, + o.freightamt, + o.freightcostrule, + o.isapproved, + o.iscreditapproved, + o.isdelivered, + o.isdiscountprinted, + o.isdropship, + o.isinvoiced, + o.ispayschedulevalid, + o.isprinted, + o.isselected, + o.isselfservice, + o.istransferred, + o.link_order_id, + o.m_freightcategory_id, + o.ordertype, + o.pay_bpartner_id, + o.pay_location_id, + o.paymentrule, + o.posted, + o.processed, + o.processedon, + o.promotioncode, + o.ref_order_id, + o.sendemail, + o.user1_id, + o.user2_id, + wh.ad_org_id AS m_warehouse_ad_org_id, + wh.description AS m_warehouse_description, + wh.isactive AS m_warehouse_isactive, + wh.isdisallownegativeinv, + wh.isintransit, + wh.m_warehousesource_id, + wh.name AS m_warehouse_name, + wh.replenishmentclass, + wh.separator, + wh.value AS m_warehouse_value, + ptt.ad_org_id AS c_paymentterm_ad_org_id, + pt.afterdelivery, + ptt.description AS c_paymentterm_description, + pt.discount, + pt.discount2, + pt.discountdays, + pt.discountdays2, + pt.fixmonthcutoff, + pt.fixmonthday, + pt.fixmonthoffset, + pt.gracedays, + ptt.isactive AS c_paymentterm_isactive, + pt.isdefault, + pt.isduefixed, + pt.isnextbusinessday, + pt.isvalid, + pt.netday, + pt.netdays, + pt.paymenttermusage, + pt.value AS m_paymentterm_value, + bp.acqusitioncost AS bp_acqusitioncost, + bp.actuallifetimevalue AS bp_actuallifetimevalue, + bp.ad_language AS bp_ad_language, + bp.ad_orgbp_id AS bp_ad_orgbp_id, + bp.ad_org_id AS bp_ad_org_id, + bp.bpartner_parent_id AS bp_bpartner_parent_id, + bp.c_bp_group_id AS bp_c_bp_group_id, + bp.c_dunning_id AS bp_c_dunning_id, + bp.c_greeting_id AS bp_c_greeting_id, + bp.c_invoiceschedule_id AS bp_c_invoiceschedule_id, + bp.c_paymentterm_id AS bp_c_paymentterm_id, + bp.created AS bp_created, + bp.createdby AS bp_createdby, + bp.c_taxgroup_id AS bp_c_taxgroup_id, + bp.deliveryrule AS bp_deliveryrule, + bp.deliveryviarule AS bp_deliveryviarule, + bp.description AS bp_description, + bp.dunninggrace AS bp_dunninggrace, + bp.firstsale AS bp_firstsale, + bp.flatdiscount AS bp_flatdiscount, + bp.freightcostrule AS bp_freightcostrule, + bp.invoicerule AS bp_invoicerule, + bp.isactive AS bp_isactive, + bp.iscustomer AS bp_iscustomer, + bp.isdiscountprinted AS bp_isdiscountprinted, + bp.isemployee AS bp_isemployee, + bp.ismanufacturer AS bp_ismanufacturer, + bp.isonetime AS bp_isonetime, + bp.ispotaxexempt AS bp_ispotaxexempt, + bp.isprospect AS bp_isprospect, + bp.issalesrep AS bp_issalesrep, + bp.issummary AS bp_issummary, + bp.istaxexempt AS bp_istaxexempt, + bp.isvendor AS bp_isvendor, + bp.logo_id AS bp_logo_id, + bp.m_discountschema_id AS bp_m_discountschema_id, + bp.m_pricelist_id AS bp_m_pricelist_id, + bp.numberemployees AS bp_numberemployees, + bp.paymentrule AS bp_paymentrule, + bp.paymentrulepo AS bp_paymentrulepo, + bp.po_discountschema_id AS bp_po_discountschema_id, + bp.po_paymentterm_id AS bp_po_paymentterm_id, + bp.po_pricelist_id AS bp_po_pricelist_id, + bp.poreference AS bp_poreference, + bp.potentiallifetimevalue AS bp_potentiallifetimevalue, + bp.rating AS bp_rating, + bp.salesrep_id AS bp_salesrep_id, + bp.salesvolume AS bp_salesvolume, + bp.sendemail AS bp_sendemail, + bp.shareofcustomer AS bp_shareofcustomer, + bp.shelflifeminpct AS bp_shelflifeminpct, + bp.so_creditlimit AS bp_so_creditlimit, + bp.socreditstatus AS bp_socreditstatus, + bp.so_creditused AS bp_so_creditused, + bp.so_description AS bp_so_description, + bp.totalopenbalance AS bp_totalopenbalance, + bp.updated AS bp_updated, + bp.updatedby AS bp_updatedby, + bp.url AS bp_url, + bpgt.ad_org_id AS c_greeting_ad_org_id, + bpgt.isactive AS c_greeting_isactive, + bpg.isfirstnameonly, + bpgt.name AS c_greeting_name, + bpl.ad_org_id AS bp_location_ad_org_id, + bpl.c_bpartner_id AS bp_location_c_bpartner_id, + bpl.created AS bp_location_created, + bpl.createdby AS bp_location_createdby, + bpl.c_salesregion_id AS bp_location_c_salesregion_id, + bpl.fax AS bp_location_fax, + bpl.isactive AS bp_location_isactive, + bpl.isbillto AS bp_location_isbillto, + bpl.isdn AS bp_location_isdn, + bpl.ispayfrom AS bp_location_ispayfrom, + bpl.isremitto AS bp_location_isremitto, + bpl.isshipto AS bp_location_isshipto, + bpl.name AS bp_location_name, + bpl.phone AS bp_location_phone, + bpl.phone2 AS bp_location_phone2, + bpl.updated AS bp_location_updated, + bpl.updatedby AS bp_location_updatedby, + l.address1, + l.address2, + l.address3, + l.address4, + l.ad_org_id AS c_location_ad_org_id, + l.c_city_id, + l.c_country_id, + l.city, + l.created AS c_location_created, + l.createdby AS c_location_createdby, + l.c_region_id, + l.isactive AS c_location_isactive, + l.regionname, + l.updated AS c_location_updated, + l.updatedby AS c_location_updatedby, + bpc.ad_org_id AS ad_user_ad_org_id, + bpc.ad_orgtrx_id AS ad_user_ad_orgtrx_id, + bpc.birthday AS ad_user_ad_birthday, + bpc.c_bpartner_id AS ad_user_c_bpartner_id, + bpc.c_bpartner_location_id AS ad_user_c_bpartner_location_id, + bpc.c_greeting_id AS ad_user_c_greeting_id, + bpc.comments AS ad_user_comments, + bpc.created AS ad_user_created, + bpc.createdby AS ad_user_createdby, + bpc.description AS ad_user_description, + bpc.email AS ad_user_email, + bpc.fax AS ad_user_fax, + bpc.isactive AS ad_user_isactive, + bpc.lastcontact AS ad_user_lastcontact, + bpc.lastresult AS ad_user_lastresult, + bpc.phone2 AS ad_user_phone2, + bpc.supervisor_id AS ad_user_supervisor_id, + bpc.updated AS ad_user_updated, + bpc.updatedby AS ad_user_updatedby, + bpc.value AS ad_user_value, + bpcgt.ad_org_id AS c_user_greeting_ad_org_id, + bpcgt.isactive AS c_user_greeting_isactive, + bpcg.isfirstnameonly AS c_user_greeting_isfnameonly, + bpcgt.name AS c_user_greeting_name, + oi.ad_org_id AS ad_orginfo_ad_org_id, + oi.ad_orgtype_id, + oi.c_calendar_id, + oi.created AS ad_orginfo_created, + oi.createdby AS ad_orginfo_createdby, + oi.dropship_warehouse_id, + oi.duns AS ad_orginfo_duns, + oi.email AS ad_orginfo_email, + oi.fax AS ad_orginfo_fax, + oi.isactive AS ad_orginfo_isactive, + oi.m_warehouse_id AS ad_orginfo_m_warehouse_id, + oi.parent_org_id, + oi.phone AS ad_orginfo_phone, + oi.phone2 AS ad_orginfo_phone2, + oi.receiptfootermsg, + oi.supervisor_id, + oi.updated AS ad_orginfo_updated, + oi.updatedby AS ad_orginfo_updatedby, + u.ad_org_id AS salesrep_ad_org_id, + u.ad_orgtrx_id AS salesrep_ad_orgtrx_id, + u.birthday AS salesrep_ad_birthday, + u.c_bpartner_id AS salesrep_c_bpartner_id, + u.c_bpartner_location_id AS salesrep_c_bp_location_id, + u.c_greeting_id AS salesrep_c_greeting_id, + u.comments AS salesrep_comments, + u.created AS salesrep_created, + u.createdby AS salesrep_createdby, + u.description AS salesrep_description, + u.email AS salesrep_email, + u.fax AS salesrep_fax, + u.isactive AS salesrep_isactive, + u.lastcontact AS salesrep_lastcontact, + u.lastresult AS salesrep_lastresult, + u.phone AS salesrep_phone, + u.phone2 AS salesrep_phone2, + u.supervisor_id AS salesrep_supervisor_id, + u.title AS salesrep_title, + u.updated AS salesrep_updated, + u.updatedby AS salesrep_updatedby, + u.value AS salesrep_value, + ubp.acqusitioncost AS salesrep_bp_acqusitioncost, + ubp.actuallifetimevalue AS salesrep_bp_actuallifetimeval, + ubp.ad_language AS salesrep_bp_ad_language, + ubp.ad_orgbp_id AS salesrep_bp_ad_orgbp_id, + ubp.ad_org_id AS salesrep_bp_ad_org_id, + ubp.bpartner_parent_id AS salesrep_bp_bpartner_parent_id, + ubp.c_bp_group_id AS salesrep_bp_c_bp_group_id, + ubp.c_dunning_id AS salesrep_bp_c_dunning_id, + ubp.c_greeting_id AS salesrep_bp_c_greeting_id, + ubp.c_invoiceschedule_id AS salesrep_bp_c_invoicesched_id, + ubp.c_paymentterm_id AS salesrep_bp_c_paymentterm_id, + ubp.created AS salesrep_bp_created, + ubp.createdby AS salesrep_bp_createdby, + ubp.c_taxgroup_id AS salesrep_bp_c_taxgroup_id, + ubp.deliveryrule AS salesrep_bp_deliveryrule, + ubp.deliveryviarule AS salesrep_bp_deliveryviarule, + ubp.description AS salesrep_bp_description, + ubp.dunninggrace AS salesrep_bp_dunninggrace, + ubp.duns AS salesrep_bp_duns, + ubp.firstsale AS salesrep_bp_firstsale, + ubp.flatdiscount AS salesrep_bp_flatdiscount, + ubp.freightcostrule AS salesrep_bp_freightcostrule, + ubp.invoicerule AS salesrep_bp_invoicerule, + ubp.isactive AS salesrep_bp_isactive, + ubp.iscustomer AS salesrep_bp_iscustomer, + ubp.isdiscountprinted AS salesrep_bp_isdiscountprinted, + ubp.isemployee AS salesrep_bp_isemployee, + ubp.ismanufacturer AS salesrep_bp_ismanufacturer, + ubp.isonetime AS salesrep_bp_isonetime, + ubp.ispotaxexempt AS salesrep_bp_ispotaxexempt, + ubp.isprospect AS salesrep_bp_isprospect, + ubp.issalesrep AS salesrep_bp_issalesrep, + ubp.issummary AS salesrep_bp_issummary, + ubp.istaxexempt AS salesrep_bp_istaxexempt, + ubp.isvendor AS salesrep_bp_isvendor, + ubp.logo_id AS salesrep_bp_logo_id, + ubp.m_discountschema_id AS salesrep_bp_m_discountschm_id, + ubp.m_pricelist_id AS salesrep_bp_m_pricelist_id, + ubp.naics AS salesrep_bp_naics, + ubp.name2 AS salesrep_bp_name2, + ubp.numberemployees AS salesrep_bp_numberemployees, + ubp.paymentrule AS salesrep_bp_paymentrule, + ubp.paymentrulepo AS salesrep_bp_paymentrulepo, + ubp.po_discountschema_id AS salesrep_bp_po_discountschm_id, + ubp.po_paymentterm_id AS salesrep_bp_po_paymentterm_id, + ubp.po_pricelist_id AS salesrep_bp_po_pricelist_id, + ubp.poreference AS salesrep_bp_poreference, + ubp.potentiallifetimevalue AS salesrep_bp_potentiallifetime, + ubp.rating AS salesrep_bp_rating, + ubp.referenceno AS salesrep_bp_referenceno, + ubp.salesrep_id AS salesrep_bp_salesrep_id, + ubp.salesvolume AS salesrep_bp_salesvolume, + ubp.sendemail AS salesrep_bp_sendemail, + ubp.shareofcustomer AS salesrep_bp_shareofcustomer, + ubp.shelflifeminpct AS salesrep_bp_shelflifeminpct, + ubp.so_creditlimit AS salesrep_bp_so_creditlimit, + ubp.socreditstatus AS salesrep_bp_socreditstatus, + ubp.so_creditused AS salesrep_bp_so_creditused, + ubp.so_description AS salesrep_bp_so_description, + ubp.taxid AS salesrep_bp_taxid, + ubp.totalopenbalance AS salesrep_bp_totalopenbalance, + ubp.updated AS salesrep_bp_updated, + ubp.updatedby AS salesrep_bp_updatedby, + ubp.url AS salesrep_bp_url, + ubp.value AS salesrep_bp_value, + bbp.acqusitioncost AS bill_bp_acqusitioncost, + bbp.actuallifetimevalue AS bill_bp_actuallifetimevalue, + bbp.ad_language AS bill_bp_ad_language, + bbp.ad_orgbp_id AS bill_bp_ad_orgbp_id, + bbp.ad_org_id AS bill_bp_ad_org_id, + bbp.bpartner_parent_id AS bill_bp_bpartner_parent_id, + bbp.c_bp_group_id AS bill_bp_c_bp_group_id, + bbp.c_dunning_id AS bill_bp_c_dunning_id, + bbp.c_greeting_id AS bill_bp_c_greeting_id, + bbp.c_invoiceschedule_id AS bill_bp_c_invoiceschedule_id, + bbp.c_paymentterm_id AS bill_bp_c_paymentterm_id, + bbp.created AS bill_bp_created, + bbp.createdby AS bill_bp_createdby, + bbp.c_taxgroup_id AS bill_bp_c_taxgroup_id, + bbp.deliveryrule AS bill_bp_deliveryrule, + bbp.deliveryviarule AS bill_bp_deliveryviarule, + bbp.description AS bill_bp_description, + bbp.dunninggrace AS bill_bp_dunninggrace, + bbp.duns AS bill_bp_duns, + bbp.firstsale AS bill_bp_firstsale, + bbp.flatdiscount AS bill_bp_flatdiscount, + bbp.freightcostrule AS bill_bp_freightcostrule, + bbp.invoicerule AS bill_bp_invoicerule, + bbp.isactive AS bill_bp_isactive, + bbp.iscustomer AS bill_bp_iscustomer, + bbp.isdiscountprinted AS bill_bp_isdiscountprinted, + bbp.isemployee AS bill_bp_isemployee, + bbp.ismanufacturer AS bill_bp_ismanufacturer, + bbp.isonetime AS bill_bp_isonetime, + bbp.ispotaxexempt AS bill_bp_ispotaxexempt, + bbp.isprospect AS bill_bp_isprospect, + bbp.issalesrep AS bill_bp_issalesrep, + bbp.issummary AS bill_bp_issummary, + bbp.istaxexempt AS bill_bp_istaxexempt, + bbp.isvendor AS bill_bp_isvendor, + bbp.logo_id AS bill_bp_logo_id, + bbp.m_discountschema_id AS bill_bp_m_discountschema_id, + bbp.m_pricelist_id AS bill_bp_m_pricelist_id, + bbp.naics AS bill_bp_naics, + bbp.numberemployees AS bill_bp_numberemployees, + bbp.paymentrule AS bill_bp_paymentrule, + bbp.paymentrulepo AS bill_bp_paymentrulepo, + bbp.po_discountschema_id AS bill_bp_po_discountschema_id, + bbp.po_paymentterm_id AS bill_bp_po_paymentterm_id, + bbp.po_pricelist_id AS bill_bp_po_pricelist_id, + bbp.poreference AS bill_bp_poreference, + bbp.potentiallifetimevalue AS bill_bp_potentiallifetimevalue, + bbp.rating AS bill_bp_rating, + bbp.referenceno AS bill_bp_referenceno, + bbp.salesrep_id AS bill_bp_salesrep_id, + bbp.salesvolume AS bill_bp_salesvolume, + bbp.sendemail AS bill_bp_sendemail, + bbp.shareofcustomer AS bill_bp_shareofcustomer, + bbp.shelflifeminpct AS bill_bp_shelflifeminpct, + bbp.so_creditlimit AS bill_bp_so_creditlimit, + bbp.socreditstatus AS bill_bp_socreditstatus, + bbp.so_creditused AS bill_bp_so_creditused, + bbp.so_description AS bill_bp_so_description, + bbp.totalopenbalance AS bill_bp_totalopenbalance, + bbp.updated AS bill_bp_updated, + bbp.updatedby AS bill_bp_updatedby, + bbp.url AS bill_bp_url, + bbpl.ad_org_id AS bill_bp_location_ad_org_id, + bbpl.c_bpartner_id AS bill_bp_location_c_bpartner_id, + bbpl.created AS bill_bp_location_created, + bbpl.createdby AS bill_bp_location_createdby, + bbpl.c_salesregion_id AS bill_bp_location_c_salesreg_id, + bbpl.fax AS bill_bp_location_fax, + bbpl.isactive AS bill_bp_location_isactive, + bbpl.isbillto AS bill_bp_location_isbillto, + bbpl.isdn AS bill_bp_location_isdn, + bbpl.ispayfrom AS bill_bp_location_ispayfrom, + bbpl.isremitto AS bill_bp_location_isremitto, + bbpl.isshipto AS bill_bp_location_isshipto, + bbpl.name AS bill_bp_location_name, + bbpl.phone AS bill_bp_location_phone, + bbpl.phone2 AS bill_bp_location_phone2, + bbpl.updated AS bill_bp_location_updated, + bbpl.updatedby AS bill_bp_location_updatedby, + bbpc.ad_org_id AS bill_user_ad_org_id, + bbpc.ad_orgtrx_id AS bill_user_ad_orgtrx_id, + bbpc.birthday AS bill_user_ad_birthday, + bbpc.c_bpartner_id AS bill_user_c_bpartner_id, + bbpc.c_bpartner_location_id AS bill_user_c_bp_location_id, + bbpc.c_greeting_id AS bill_user_c_greeting_id, + bbpc.comments AS bill_user_comments, + bbpc.created AS bill_user_created, + bbpc.createdby AS bill_user_createdby, + bbpc.description AS bill_user_description, + bbpc.email AS bill_user_email, + bbpc.fax AS bill_user_fax, + bbpc.isactive AS bill_user_isactive, + bbpc.lastcontact AS bill_user_lastcontact, + bbpc.lastresult AS bill_user_lastresult, + bbpc.phone2 AS bill_user_phone2, + bbpc.supervisor_id AS bill_user_supervisor_id, + bbpc.updated AS bill_user_updated, + bbpc.updatedby AS bill_user_updatedby, + bbpc.value AS bill_user_value, + cur.cursymbol, + cur.description AS cur_description +FROM c_order o + JOIN c_doctype_trl dt + ON o.c_doctype_id = dt.c_doctype_id + JOIN m_warehouse wh + ON o.m_warehouse_id = wh.m_warehouse_id + JOIN c_paymentterm pt + ON o.c_paymentterm_id = pt.c_paymentterm_id + JOIN c_paymentterm_trl ptt + ON o.c_paymentterm_id = ptt.c_paymentterm_id AND dt.ad_language = ptt.ad_language + JOIN c_bpartner bp + ON o.c_bpartner_id = bp.c_bpartner_id + LEFT JOIN c_greeting bpg + ON bp.c_greeting_id = bpg.c_greeting_id + LEFT JOIN c_greeting_trl bpgt + ON bp.c_greeting_id = bpgt.c_greeting_id AND dt.ad_language = bpgt.ad_language + JOIN c_bpartner_location bpl + ON o.c_bpartner_location_id = bpl.c_bpartner_location_id + JOIN c_location l + ON bpl.c_location_id = l.c_location_id + LEFT JOIN ad_user bpc + ON o.ad_user_id = bpc.ad_user_id + LEFT JOIN c_greeting bpcg + ON bpc.c_greeting_id = bpcg.c_greeting_id + LEFT JOIN c_greeting_trl bpcgt + ON bpc.c_greeting_id = bpcgt.c_greeting_id AND dt.ad_language = bpcgt.ad_language + JOIN ad_orginfo oi + ON o.ad_org_id = oi.ad_org_id + JOIN ad_clientinfo ci + ON o.ad_client_id = ci.ad_client_id + LEFT JOIN ad_user u + ON o.salesrep_id = u.ad_user_id + LEFT JOIN c_bpartner ubp + ON u.c_bpartner_id = ubp.c_bpartner_id + JOIN c_bpartner bbp + ON o.bill_bpartner_id = bbp.c_bpartner_id + JOIN c_bpartner_location bbpl + ON o.bill_location_id = bbpl.c_bpartner_location_id + LEFT JOIN ad_user bbpc + ON o.bill_user_id = bbpc.ad_user_id + LEFT JOIN c_currency_trl cur + ON o.c_currency_id = cur.c_currency_id AND dt.ad_language = cur.ad_language +; +SELECT register_migration_script('201601271716_IDEMPIERE-3013.sql') FROM dual +; +