Added new functional tests dealing with importing of business partners.

I also modified to set a specific AD_Client_ID through
the properties ctx.
This commit is contained in:
wght 2007-05-22 23:48:11 +00:00
parent 8686e23d3d
commit 8d45259f6d
6 changed files with 2659 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
package test.functional;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.compiere.model.MLocation;
import org.compiere.model.MBPGroup;
import org.compiere.util.CLogMgt;
import org.compiere.util.DB;
import org.compiere.utils.DBUtils;
import org.compiere.util.*;
import java.sql.*;
public class MBPGroupTest extends TestCase {
// Test: General
private Properties testProperties = null;
private Properties m_Ctx = null;
private String fileName_DefaultValue = "J:/Trifon-CD-0.3/workspace/adempiere-trunk/adempiere/Adempiere/";
private String fileName_Key = "AdempiereProperties";
private String fileName_Value = "";
private String isClient_DefaultValue = "Y";
private String isClient_Key = "isClient";
private boolean isClient_Value = true;
private String AD_User_ID_DefaultValue = "0";
private String AD_User_ID_Key = "AD_User_ID";
private int AD_User_ID_Value = 0;
private String AD_Client_ID_DefaultValue = "11";
private String AD_Client_ID_Key = "AD_Client_ID";
private int AD_Client_ID_Value = 11;
// Test: Specific variables
java.sql.Connection c = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating business partners
private MLocation location = null;
private MBPGroup m_group = null; //business partner
private MBPGroupLocation bpl = null; //business partner location
private MUser user = null; //business contact
private MContactInterest ci = null; //contact interest area
// Variables needed for importing/migrating accounts
private MElementValue ev = null; //element value
private MAcctSchema as = null; //account schema
private MAccount acct = null; //account
// Variables needed for importing/migrating bank statements
private MBankStatement statement = null;
private MBankAccount account = null;
private MBankStatementLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating conversion rates
private MConversionRate rate = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating General Ledger Journal
private MJournalBatch batch = null;
private MJournal journal = null;
private MJournalLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating Inventory
private MInventory inventory = null;
private MProduct product = null;
private MAttributeSet mas = null;
private MAttributeSetInstance masi = null;
private MInventoryLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating Invoices
private MInvoice invoice = null;
private MInvoiceLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating orders
private MOrder order = null;
private MOrderLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating payments
private MPayment payment = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating products
private MProduct product = null;
private MProductPrice pp = null;
// Variables needed for mrp
private MCost cost = null;
private MCostElement costElement = null;
private MForecastLine forcastLine = null;
private MOrder order = null;
private MOrderLine line = null;
private MPPCostCollector costCollector = null;
private MPPOrderBOM orderBOM = null;
private MPPOrderBOMLine = null;
private MPPOrderBOMLineMA = null;
private MPPOrderCost = null;
private MPPOrder = null;
private MPPProductBOM = null;
private MPPProductBOMLine = null;
private MPPProductCosting = null;
private MPPProductPlanning = null;
private MPPProfileBOMCost = null;
private MPPProfileBOM = null;
private MPPProfileBOMProduct = null;
private MPPProfileBOMReal = null;
private MPPProfileBOMSelected = null;
private MQMSpecification = null;
private MQMSpecificationLine = null;
private MRequisition = null;
private MRequisitionLine = null;
// other variables that may be needed:
private MAdvertisement = null;
private MAging = null;
private MAlert = null;
private MAlertRecipient = null;
private MAlertRule = null;
private MAllocationHdr = null;
private MAllocationLine = null;
private MAssetDelivery = null;
private MAssetGroup = null;
private MAsset = null;
private MAssignmentSlot = null;
private MAttributeInstance = null;
private MAccessProfile = null;
private MMailText = null;
private MAcctProcessor = null;
private MMatchInv = null;
private MAcctProcessorLog = null;
private MMatchPO = null;
private MAchievement = null;
private MMeasureCalc = null;
private MActivity = null;
private MMeasure = null;
private MAd = null;
private MMediaDeploy = null;
private MAdvertisement = null;
private MMedia = null;
private MAging = null;
private MMediaServer = null;
private MAlert = null;
private MMovementConfirm = null;
private MAlertProcessor = null;
private MMovement = null;
private MAlertProcessorLog = null;
private MMovementLineConfirm = null;
private MAlertRecipient = null;
private MMovementLine = null;
private MAlertRule = null;
private MMovementLineMA = null;
private MAllocationHdr = null;
private MNewsChannel = null;
private MAllocationLine = null;
private MNewsItem = null;
private MAssetDelivery = null;
private MOrder = null;
private MAssetGroup = null;
private MOrderLine = null;
private MAsset = null;
private MOrderTax = null;
private MAssignmentSlot = null;
private MPackage = null;
private MAttributeInstance = null;
private MPackageLine = null;
private MAttribute = null;
private MPaymentAllocate = null;
private MAttributeSetInstance = null;
private MPaymentBatch = null;
private MAttributeSet = null;
private MPayment = null;
private MAttributeUse = null;
private MPaymentProcessor = null;
private MAttributeValue = null;
private MPaymentTerm = null;
private MBankAccount = null;
private MPaymentValidate = null;
private MBank = null;
private MPaySchedule = null;
private MBankStatement = null;
private MPaySelectionCheck = null;
private MBankStatementLine = null;
private MPaySelection = null;
private MBankStatementLoader = null;
private MPaySelectionLine = null;
private MBankStatementMatcher = null;
private MPeriodControl = null;
private MBOM = null;
private MPeriod = null;
private MBOMProduct = null;
private MPOS = null;
private MBPGroupInfo = null;
private MPOSKey = null;
private MPOSKeyLayout = null;
private MPreference = null;
private MBPBankAccount = null;
private MPriceList = null;
private MBPGroup = null;
private MPriceListVersion = null;
private MCalendar = null;
private MProductBOM = null;
private MCampaign = null;
private MProductCategoryAcct = null;
private MCashBook = null;
private MProductCategory = null;
private MCash = null;
private MProductCosting = null;
private MCashLine = null;
private MProductDownload = null;
private MChangeNotice = null;
private MProduct = null;
private MChangeRequest = null;
private MProductPO = null;
private MCharge = null;
private MProductPrice = null;
private MChatEntry = null;
private MProductPricing = null;
private MChat = null;
private MProjectIssue = null;
private MChatType = null;
private MProject = null;
private MClickCount = null;
private MProjectLine = null;
private MClick = null;
private MProjectPhase = null;
private MColor = null;
private MProjectTask = null;
private MColorSchema = null;
private MProjectType = null;
private MCommissionAmt = null;
private MProjectTypePhase = null;
private MCommissionDetail = null;
private MProjectTypeTask = null;
private MCommission = null;
private MRecurring = null;
private MCommissionLine = null;
private MRecurringRun = null;
private MCommissionRun = null;
private MRefTable = null;
private MContactInterest = null;
private MRegistrationAttribute = null;
private MContainerElement = null;
private MRegistration = null;
private MContainer = null;
private MRegistrationValue = null;
private MCostDetail = null;
private MReplication = null;
private MCost = null;
private MReplicationLog = null;
private MCostQueue = null;
private MReplicationRun = null;
private MCounterCount = null;
private MRequestAction = null;
private MCStageElement = null;
private MRequestCategory = null;
private MCStage = null;
private MRequest = null;
private MDesktop = null;
private MRequestProcessor = null;
private MDiscountSchemaBreak = null;
private MRequestProcessorLog = null;
private MDiscountSchema = null;
private MRequestProcessorRoute = null;
private MDiscountSchemaLine = null;
private MRequestType = null;
private MDistribution = null;
private MRequestUpdate = null;
private MDistributionLine = null;
private MRequisition = null;
private MDistributionList = null;
private MRequisitionLine = null;
private MDistributionListLine = null;
private MResolution = null;
private MDistributionRunDetail = null;
private MResourceAssignment = null;
private MDistributionRun = null;
private MResource = null;
private MDistributionRunLine = null;
private MResourceType = null;
private MDocTypeCounter = null;
private MResourceUnAvailable = null;
private MDunning = null;
private MRevenueRecognition = null;
private MDunningLevel = null;
private MRevenueRecognitionPlan = null;
private MDunningRunEntry = null;
private MRfQ = null;
private MDunningRun = null;
private MRfQLine = null;
private MDunningRunLine = null;
private MRfQLineQty = null;
private Measure = null;
private MRfQResponse = null;
private MEntityType = null;
private MRfQResponseLine = null;
private MExpenseType = null;
private MRfQResponseLineQty = null;
private MFactAcct = null;
private MRfQTopic = null;
private MFormAccess = null;
private MRfQTopicSubscriber = null;
private MForm = null;
private MRfQTopicSubscriberOnly = null;
private MGLCategory = null;
private MRMA = null;
private MGoal = null;
private MRMALine = null;
private MGoalRestriction = null;
private MScheduler = null;
private MGroup = null;
private MSchedulerLog = null;
private MHierarchy = null;
private MSchedulerPara = null;
private MIndex = null;
private MSchedulerRecipient = null;
private MIndexStop = null;
private MSerNoCtl = null;
private MInfoColumn = null;
private MSetup = null;
private MInfoWindow = null;
private MShipper = null;
private MInOutConfirm = null;
private MSLACriteria = null;
private MInOut = null;
private MSLAGoal = null;
private MInOutLineConfirm = null;
private MSLAMeasure = null;
private MInOutLine = null;
private MStatusCategory = null;
private MInOutLineMA = null;
private MStatus = null;
private MInterestArea = null;
private MStorage = null;
private MInventory = null;
private MStore = null;
private MInventoryLine = null;
private MTask = null;
private MInventoryLineMA = null;
private MTaxCategory = null;
private MInvoiceBatch = null;
private MTaxDeclarationAcct = null;
private MInvoiceBatchLine = null;
private MTaxDeclaration = null;
private MInvoice = null;
private MTaxDeclarationLine = null;
private MInvoiceLine = null;
private MTax = null;
private MInvoicePaySchedule = null;
private MTaxPostal = null;
private MInvoiceSchedule = null;
private MTemplate = null;
private MInvoiceTax = null;
private MTimeExpense = null;
private MJournalBatch = null;
private MTimeExpenseLine = null;
private MJournal = null;
private MTransaction = null;
private MJournalLine = null;
private MTree = null;
private MKCategory = null;
private MTreeNode = null;
private MLandedCostAllocation = null;
private MultiMap = null;
private MLandedCost = null;
private MUOMConversion = null;
private MLdapAccess = null;
private MUOM = null;
private MLdapProcessor = null;
private MUserMail = null;
private MLdapProcessorLog = null;
private MWarehousePrice = null;
private MLdapUser = null;
private MWebProjectDomain = null;
private MLotCtl = null;
private MWebProject = null;
private MLot = null;
private MWithholding = null;
private MMailMsg = null;
private MYear = null;
// from dbPort/src/org/compiere/model
private MAccessLog = null;
private MIssueProject = null;
private MRecordAccess = null;
private MAccount = null;
private MIssueSystem = null;
private MRefList = null;
private MAccountLookup = null;
private MIssueUser = null;
private MRegion = null;
private MAcctSchemaDefault = null;
private MLanguage = null;
private M_Registration = null;
private MAcctSchemaElement = null;
private MLocation = null;
private MRole = null;
private MAcctSchemaGL = null;
private MLocationLookup = null;
private MRoleOrgAccess = null;
private MAcctSchema = null;
private MLocator = null;
private MRoleTest = null;
private MArchive = null;
private MLocatorLookup = null;
private MSalesRegion = null;
private MAttachmentEntry = null;
private MLookupCache = null;
private MSequence = null;
private MAttachment = null;
private MLookupFactory = null;
private MSession = null;
private MAttachmentNote = null;
private MLookupInfo = null;
private MSysConfig = null;
private MChangeLog = null;
private MLookup = null;
private MSystem = null;
private MClientInfo = null;
private MMenu = null;
private MTab = null;
private MClient = null;
private MMessage = null;
private MTableAccess = null;
private MClientShare = null;
private MNote = null;
private MTable = null;
private MColumnAccess = null;
private ModelValidationEngine = null;
private MTest = null;
private MColumn = null;
private ModelValidator = null;
private MTree_Base = null;
private MConversionRate = null;
private MOrgInfo = null;
private MTree_NodeBP = null;
private MConversionType = null;
private MOrg = null;
private MTree_NodeCMC = null;
private MCostElement = null;
private MPackageExpCommon = null;
private MTree_NodeCMS = null;
private MCostType = null;
private MPackageExpDetail = null;
private MTree_Node = null;
private MCountry = null;
private MPackageExp = null;
private MTree_NodeMM = null;
private MCurrencyAcct = null;
private MPAttributeLookup = null;
private MTree_NodePR = null;
private MCurrency = null;
private MPInstance = null;
private MUser = null;
private MDocType = null;
private MPInstanceLog = null;
private MUserOrgAccess = null;
private M_Element = null;
private MPInstancePara = null;
private MUserRoles = null;
private MElement = null;
private MPrivateAccess = null;
private MWarehouse = null;
private MElementValue = null;
private MProcessAccess = null;
private MWindowAccess = null;
private MField = null;
private MProcess = null;
private MWindow = null;
private MImage = null;
private MProcessPara = null;
private MIssue = null;
private MQuery = null;
private String trxName = "test";
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
testProperties = new Properties();
testProperties.load(new FileInputStream(""));
fileName_Value = testProperties.getProperty(fileName_Key, fileName_DefaultValue);
isClient_Value = "Y".equals( testProperties.getProperty(isClient_Key, isClient_DefaultValue) );
AD_User_ID_Value = Integer.parseInt(testProperties.getProperty(AD_User_ID_Key, AD_User_ID_DefaultValue) );
AD_Client_ID_Value = Integer.parseInt(testProperties.getProperty(AD_Client_ID_Key, AD_Client_ID_DefaultValue) );
m_Ctx = new Properties();
m_Ctx.setProperty("#AD_User_ID", new Integer(AD_User_ID_Value).toString());
m_Ctx.setProperty("#AD_Client_ID", new Integer(AD_Client_ID_Value).toString());
System.out.println("m_Ctx: " + m_Ctx);
if (fileName_Value.length() < 1) {
assertEquals("Please specify path to file!", true, false);
System.setProperty("PropertyFile", fileName_Value);
Ini.setClient (isClient_Value);
// Force connection if there are enough parameters. Else we work with
// if (args.length >= 6) {
// CConnection cc = CConnection.get(Database.DB_ORACLE, args[1], Integer.valueOf(args[2]).intValue(), args[3], args[4], args[5]);
// System.out.println("DB UserID:"+cc.getDbUid());
// DB.setDBTarget(cc);
// }
/* Available levels:
Level.OFF, Level.SEVERE, Level.WARNING, Level.INFO,
Level.CONFIG, Level.FINE, Level.FINER, Level.FINEST, Level.ALL
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
testProperties = null;
m_Ctx = null;
public int getC_Region_ID(String Region) {
System.out.println("In getC_Region_ID");
String sql = "select c_region_id from c_region where name = ?";
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
int C_Region_ID = -1;
try {
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, trxName);
pstmt.setString(1, Region);
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
C_Region_ID = rs.getInt(1);
} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println("Execption; sql = "+sql+"; e.getMessage() = " +e.getMessage());
} finally {
DBUtils.close( rs);
DBUtils.close( pstmt);
System.out.println("C_Region_ID: " + C_Region_ID);
return C_Region_ID;
public int getC_Country_ID(String Country) {
System.out.println("In getC_Country_ID");
String sql = "select c_country_id from c_country where name = ?";
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
int C_Country_ID = -1;
try {
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, trxName);
pstmt.setString(1, Country);
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
C_Country_ID = rs.getInt(1);
} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println("Execption; sql = "+sql+"; e.getMessage() = " +e.getMessage());
} finally {
DBUtils.close( rs);
DBUtils.close( pstmt);
System.out.println("C_Country_ID: " + C_Country_ID);
return C_Country_ID;
public void testCreateMPBGroup()
try {
m_group = new MBPGroup (m_Ctx, 0, "test");
if (m_group != null) {
m_group.setName ("Test Group Name"); // N
m_group.setIsConfidentialInfo (false); // N
m_group.setIsDefault (false);
} else {
System.out.println("m_group is null");
try {
boolean saveResult = DB.commit(true, "test");
assertTrue("DB.commit failed", saveResult);
if( saveResult) {
System.out.println("MBPGroup saved successfully");
//DB.commit(true, "test");
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Location not updated");
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception with MBPGroupTest");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,694 @@
package test.functional;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.compiere.model.*;
import org.compiere.model.MBPartnerLocation;
import org.compiere.util.CLogMgt;
import org.compiere.util.DB;
import org.compiere.utils.DBUtils;
import org.compiere.util.*;
import java.sql.*;
public class MBPartnerLocationTest extends TestCase {
// Test: General
private Properties testProperties = null;
private Properties m_Ctx = null;
private String fileName_DefaultValue = "J:/Trifon-CD-0.3/workspace/adempiere-trunk/adempiere/Adempiere/";
private String fileName_Key = "AdempiereProperties";
private String fileName_Value = "";
private String isClient_DefaultValue = "Y";
private String isClient_Key = "isClient";
private boolean isClient_Value = true;
private String AD_User_ID_DefaultValue = "0";
private String AD_User_ID_Key = "AD_User_ID";
private int AD_User_ID_Value = 0;
private String AD_Client_ID_DefaultValue = "11";
private String AD_Client_ID_Key = "AD_Client_ID";
private int AD_Client_ID_Value = 11;
// Test: Specific variables
java.sql.Connection c = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating business partners
private MBPartner m_partner = null; //business partner
private MLocation location = null;
private MBPartnerLocation bpl = null; //business partner location
private MBPGroup m_group = null;
private MUser user = null; //business contact
private MContactInterest ci = null; //contact interest area
// Variables needed for importing/migrating accounts
private MElementValue ev = null; //element value
private MAcctSchema as = null; //account schema
private MAccount acct = null; //account
// Variables needed for importing/migrating bank statements
private MBankStatement statement = null;
private MBankAccount account = null;
private MBankStatementLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating conversion rates
private MConversionRate rate = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating General Ledger Journal
private MJournalBatch batch = null;
private MJournal journal = null;
private MJournalLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating Inventory
private MInventory inventory = null;
private MProduct product = null;
private MAttributeSet mas = null;
private MAttributeSetInstance masi = null;
private MInventoryLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating Invoices
private MInvoice invoice = null;
private MInvoiceLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating orders
private MOrder order = null;
private MOrderLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating payments
private MPayment payment = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating products
private MProduct product = null;
private MProductPrice pp = null;
// Variables needed for mrp
private MCost cost = null;
private MCostElement costElement = null;
private MForecastLine forcastLine = null;
private MOrder order = null;
private MOrderLine line = null;
private MPPCostCollector costCollector = null;
private MPPOrderBOM orderBOM = null;
private MPPOrderBOMLine = null;
private MPPOrderBOMLineMA = null;
private MPPOrderCost = null;
private MPPOrder = null;
private MPPProductBOM = null;
private MPPProductBOMLine = null;
private MPPProductCosting = null;
private MPPProductPlanning = null;
private MPPProfileBOMCost = null;
private MPPProfileBOM = null;
private MPPProfileBOMProduct = null;
private MPPProfileBOMReal = null;
private MPPProfileBOMSelected = null;
private MQMSpecification = null;
private MQMSpecificationLine = null;
private MRequisition = null;
private MRequisitionLine = null;
// other variables that may be needed:
private MAdvertisement = null;
private MAging = null;
private MAlert = null;
private MAlertRecipient = null;
private MAlertRule = null;
private MAllocationHdr = null;
private MAllocationLine = null;
private MAssetDelivery = null;
private MAssetGroup = null;
private MAsset = null;
private MAssignmentSlot = null;
private MAttributeInstance = null;
private MAccessProfile = null;
private MMailText = null;
private MAcctProcessor = null;
private MMatchInv = null;
private MAcctProcessorLog = null;
private MMatchPO = null;
private MAchievement = null;
private MMeasureCalc = null;
private MActivity = null;
private MMeasure = null;
private MAd = null;
private MMediaDeploy = null;
private MAdvertisement = null;
private MMedia = null;
private MAging = null;
private MMediaServer = null;
private MAlert = null;
private MMovementConfirm = null;
private MAlertProcessor = null;
private MMovement = null;
private MAlertProcessorLog = null;
private MMovementLineConfirm = null;
private MAlertRecipient = null;
private MMovementLine = null;
private MAlertRule = null;
private MMovementLineMA = null;
private MAllocationHdr = null;
private MNewsChannel = null;
private MAllocationLine = null;
private MNewsItem = null;
private MAssetDelivery = null;
private MOrder = null;
private MAssetGroup = null;
private MOrderLine = null;
private MAsset = null;
private MOrderTax = null;
private MAssignmentSlot = null;
private MPackage = null;
private MAttributeInstance = null;
private MPackageLine = null;
private MAttribute = null;
private MPaymentAllocate = null;
private MAttributeSetInstance = null;
private MPaymentBatch = null;
private MAttributeSet = null;
private MPayment = null;
private MAttributeUse = null;
private MPaymentProcessor = null;
private MAttributeValue = null;
private MPaymentTerm = null;
private MBankAccount = null;
private MPaymentValidate = null;
private MBank = null;
private MPaySchedule = null;
private MBankStatement = null;
private MPaySelectionCheck = null;
private MBankStatementLine = null;
private MPaySelection = null;
private MBankStatementLoader = null;
private MPaySelectionLine = null;
private MBankStatementMatcher = null;
private MPeriodControl = null;
private MBOM = null;
private MPeriod = null;
private MBOMProduct = null;
private MPOS = null;
private MBPartnerInfo = null;
private MPOSKey = null;
private MPOSKeyLayout = null;
private MPreference = null;
private MBPBankAccount = null;
private MPriceList = null;
private MBPGroup = null;
private MPriceListVersion = null;
private MCalendar = null;
private MProductBOM = null;
private MCampaign = null;
private MProductCategoryAcct = null;
private MCashBook = null;
private MProductCategory = null;
private MCash = null;
private MProductCosting = null;
private MCashLine = null;
private MProductDownload = null;
private MChangeNotice = null;
private MProduct = null;
private MChangeRequest = null;
private MProductPO = null;
private MCharge = null;
private MProductPrice = null;
private MChatEntry = null;
private MProductPricing = null;
private MChat = null;
private MProjectIssue = null;
private MChatType = null;
private MProject = null;
private MClickCount = null;
private MProjectLine = null;
private MClick = null;
private MProjectPhase = null;
private MColor = null;
private MProjectTask = null;
private MColorSchema = null;
private MProjectType = null;
private MCommissionAmt = null;
private MProjectTypePhase = null;
private MCommissionDetail = null;
private MProjectTypeTask = null;
private MCommission = null;
private MRecurring = null;
private MCommissionLine = null;
private MRecurringRun = null;
private MCommissionRun = null;
private MRefTable = null;
private MContactInterest = null;
private MRegistrationAttribute = null;
private MContainerElement = null;
private MRegistration = null;
private MContainer = null;
private MRegistrationValue = null;
private MCostDetail = null;
private MReplication = null;
private MCost = null;
private MReplicationLog = null;
private MCostQueue = null;
private MReplicationRun = null;
private MCounterCount = null;
private MRequestAction = null;
private MCStageElement = null;
private MRequestCategory = null;
private MCStage = null;
private MRequest = null;
private MDesktop = null;
private MRequestProcessor = null;
private MDiscountSchemaBreak = null;
private MRequestProcessorLog = null;
private MDiscountSchema = null;
private MRequestProcessorRoute = null;
private MDiscountSchemaLine = null;
private MRequestType = null;
private MDistribution = null;
private MRequestUpdate = null;
private MDistributionLine = null;
private MRequisition = null;
private MDistributionList = null;
private MRequisitionLine = null;
private MDistributionListLine = null;
private MResolution = null;
private MDistributionRunDetail = null;
private MResourceAssignment = null;
private MDistributionRun = null;
private MResource = null;
private MDistributionRunLine = null;
private MResourceType = null;
private MDocTypeCounter = null;
private MResourceUnAvailable = null;
private MDunning = null;
private MRevenueRecognition = null;
private MDunningLevel = null;
private MRevenueRecognitionPlan = null;
private MDunningRunEntry = null;
private MRfQ = null;
private MDunningRun = null;
private MRfQLine = null;
private MDunningRunLine = null;
private MRfQLineQty = null;
private Measure = null;
private MRfQResponse = null;
private MEntityType = null;
private MRfQResponseLine = null;
private MExpenseType = null;
private MRfQResponseLineQty = null;
private MFactAcct = null;
private MRfQTopic = null;
private MFormAccess = null;
private MRfQTopicSubscriber = null;
private MForm = null;
private MRfQTopicSubscriberOnly = null;
private MGLCategory = null;
private MRMA = null;
private MGoal = null;
private MRMALine = null;
private MGoalRestriction = null;
private MScheduler = null;
private MGroup = null;
private MSchedulerLog = null;
private MHierarchy = null;
private MSchedulerPara = null;
private MIndex = null;
private MSchedulerRecipient = null;
private MIndexStop = null;
private MSerNoCtl = null;
private MInfoColumn = null;
private MSetup = null;
private MInfoWindow = null;
private MShipper = null;
private MInOutConfirm = null;
private MSLACriteria = null;
private MInOut = null;
private MSLAGoal = null;
private MInOutLineConfirm = null;
private MSLAMeasure = null;
private MInOutLine = null;
private MStatusCategory = null;
private MInOutLineMA = null;
private MStatus = null;
private MInterestArea = null;
private MStorage = null;
private MInventory = null;
private MStore = null;
private MInventoryLine = null;
private MTask = null;
private MInventoryLineMA = null;
private MTaxCategory = null;
private MInvoiceBatch = null;
private MTaxDeclarationAcct = null;
private MInvoiceBatchLine = null;
private MTaxDeclaration = null;
private MInvoice = null;
private MTaxDeclarationLine = null;
private MInvoiceLine = null;
private MTax = null;
private MInvoicePaySchedule = null;
private MTaxPostal = null;
private MInvoiceSchedule = null;
private MTemplate = null;
private MInvoiceTax = null;
private MTimeExpense = null;
private MJournalBatch = null;
private MTimeExpenseLine = null;
private MJournal = null;
private MTransaction = null;
private MJournalLine = null;
private MTree = null;
private MKCategory = null;
private MTreeNode = null;
private MLandedCostAllocation = null;
private MultiMap = null;
private MLandedCost = null;
private MUOMConversion = null;
private MLdapAccess = null;
private MUOM = null;
private MLdapProcessor = null;
private MUserMail = null;
private MLdapProcessorLog = null;
private MWarehousePrice = null;
private MLdapUser = null;
private MWebProjectDomain = null;
private MLotCtl = null;
private MWebProject = null;
private MLot = null;
private MWithholding = null;
private MMailMsg = null;
private MYear = null;
// from dbPort/src/org/compiere/model
private MAccessLog = null;
private MIssueProject = null;
private MRecordAccess = null;
private MAccount = null;
private MIssueSystem = null;
private MRefList = null;
private MAccountLookup = null;
private MIssueUser = null;
private MRegion = null;
private MAcctSchemaDefault = null;
private MLanguage = null;
private M_Registration = null;
private MAcctSchemaElement = null;
private MLocation = null;
private MRole = null;
private MAcctSchemaGL = null;
private MLocationLookup = null;
private MRoleOrgAccess = null;
private MAcctSchema = null;
private MLocator = null;
private MRoleTest = null;
private MArchive = null;
private MLocatorLookup = null;
private MSalesRegion = null;
private MAttachmentEntry = null;
private MLookupCache = null;
private MSequence = null;
private MAttachment = null;
private MLookupFactory = null;
private MSession = null;
private MAttachmentNote = null;
private MLookupInfo = null;
private MSysConfig = null;
private MChangeLog = null;
private MLookup = null;
private MSystem = null;
private MClientInfo = null;
private MMenu = null;
private MTab = null;
private MClient = null;
private MMessage = null;
private MTableAccess = null;
private MClientShare = null;
private MNote = null;
private MTable = null;
private MColumnAccess = null;
private ModelValidationEngine = null;
private MTest = null;
private MColumn = null;
private ModelValidator = null;
private MTree_Base = null;
private MConversionRate = null;
private MOrgInfo = null;
private MTree_NodeBP = null;
private MConversionType = null;
private MOrg = null;
private MTree_NodeCMC = null;
private MCostElement = null;
private MPackageExpCommon = null;
private MTree_NodeCMS = null;
private MCostType = null;
private MPackageExpDetail = null;
private MTree_Node = null;
private MCountry = null;
private MPackageExp = null;
private MTree_NodeMM = null;
private MCurrencyAcct = null;
private MPAttributeLookup = null;
private MTree_NodePR = null;
private MCurrency = null;
private MPInstance = null;
private MUser = null;
private MDocType = null;
private MPInstanceLog = null;
private MUserOrgAccess = null;
private M_Element = null;
private MPInstancePara = null;
private MUserRoles = null;
private MElement = null;
private MPrivateAccess = null;
private MWarehouse = null;
private MElementValue = null;
private MProcessAccess = null;
private MWindowAccess = null;
private MField = null;
private MProcess = null;
private MWindow = null;
private MImage = null;
private MProcessPara = null;
private MIssue = null;
private MQuery = null;
private String trxName = "test";
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
testProperties = new Properties();
testProperties.load(new FileInputStream(""));
fileName_Value = testProperties.getProperty(fileName_Key, fileName_DefaultValue);
isClient_Value = "Y".equals( testProperties.getProperty(isClient_Key, isClient_DefaultValue) );
AD_User_ID_Value = Integer.parseInt(testProperties.getProperty(AD_User_ID_Key, AD_User_ID_DefaultValue) );
AD_Client_ID_Value = Integer.parseInt(testProperties.getProperty(AD_Client_ID_Key, AD_Client_ID_DefaultValue) );
m_Ctx = new Properties();
m_Ctx.setProperty("#AD_User_ID", new Integer(AD_User_ID_Value).toString());
m_Ctx.setProperty("#AD_Client_ID", new Integer(AD_Client_ID_Value).toString());
System.out.println("m_Ctx: " + m_Ctx);
if (fileName_Value.length() < 1) {
assertEquals("Please specify path to file!", true, false);
System.setProperty("PropertyFile", fileName_Value);
Ini.setClient (isClient_Value);
// Force connection if there are enough parameters. Else we work with
// if (args.length >= 6) {
// CConnection cc = CConnection.get(Database.DB_ORACLE, args[1], Integer.valueOf(args[2]).intValue(), args[3], args[4], args[5]);
// System.out.println("DB UserID:"+cc.getDbUid());
// DB.setDBTarget(cc);
// }
/* Available levels:
Level.OFF, Level.SEVERE, Level.WARNING, Level.INFO,
Level.CONFIG, Level.FINE, Level.FINER, Level.FINEST, Level.ALL
try {
if(c == null || c.isClosed()) {
String url = "jdbc:odbc:vfpdsn";
// RMI host will point to local host
String rmiHost = new String( "//" + "");
c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:rmi:" + rmiHost + "/" + url);
} catch(Exception e) {
c = null;
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
testProperties = null;
m_Ctx = null;
public int getC_Region_ID(String Region) {
System.out.println("In getC_Region_ID");
String sql = "select c_region_id from c_region where name = ?";
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
int C_Region_ID = -1;
try {
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, trxName);
pstmt.setString(1, Region);
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
C_Region_ID = rs.getInt(1);
} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println("Execption; sql = "+sql+"; e.getMessage() = " +e.getMessage());
} finally {
DBUtils.close( rs);
DBUtils.close( pstmt);
System.out.println("C_Region_ID: " + C_Region_ID);
return C_Region_ID;
public int getC_Country_ID(String Country) {
System.out.println("In getC_Country_ID");
String sql = "select c_country_id from c_country where name = ?";
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
int C_Country_ID = -1;
try {
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, trxName);
pstmt.setString(1, Country);
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
C_Country_ID = rs.getInt(1);
} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println("Execption; sql = "+sql+"; e.getMessage() = " +e.getMessage());
} finally {
DBUtils.close( rs);
DBUtils.close( pstmt);
System.out.println("C_Country_ID: " + C_Country_ID);
return C_Country_ID;
public void testCreatePartnerLocation()
try {
location = new MLocation(m_Ctx, 0, "test");
location.setC_Country_ID(getC_Country_ID("United States"));
location.setAddress1("Happy Lane");
location.setAddress2("Happy Lane 2");
String zipcode = ("95492");
m_group = new MBPGroup (m_Ctx, 0, "test");
if (m_group != null) {
m_group.setName ("Test Group Name"); // N
m_group.setIsConfidentialInfo (false); // N
m_group.setIsDefault (false);
} else {
System.out.println("m_group is null");
m_partner = new MBPartner (m_Ctx, 0, "test");
if (m_partner != null) {
m_partner.setValue ("");
m_partner.setName ("Test Business Partner Location");
m_partner.setName2 (null);
m_partner.setSO_CreditLimit (Env.ZERO);
m_partner.setSO_CreditUsed (Env.ZERO);
m_partner.setTotalOpenBalance (Env.ZERO);
// s_m_partner.setRating(null);
// Reset Created, Updated to current system time ( teo_sarca )
if( {
bpl = new MBPartnerLocation (m_Ctx, 0, "test");
bpl.setName("Test Business Partner Location");
} else {
System.out.println("m_partner is null");
try {
boolean saveResult = DB.commit(true, "test");
assertTrue("DB.commit failed", saveResult);
if( saveResult) {
System.out.println("Business partner saved successfully");
//DB.commit(true, "test");
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Location not updated");
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("BPL exception");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
package test.functional;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.compiere.model.*;
import org.compiere.util.CLogMgt;
import org.compiere.util.DB;
import org.compiere.utils.DBUtils;
import org.compiere.util.*;
import java.sql.*;
public class MBPartnerTest extends TestCase {
// Test: General
private Properties testProperties = null;
private Properties m_Ctx = null;
private String fileName_DefaultValue = "J:/Trifon-CD-0.3/workspace/adempiere-trunk/adempiere/Adempiere/";
private String fileName_Key = "AdempiereProperties";
private String fileName_Value = "";
private String isClient_DefaultValue = "Y";
private String isClient_Key = "isClient";
private boolean isClient_Value = true;
private String AD_User_ID_DefaultValue = "0";
private String AD_User_ID_Key = "AD_User_ID";
private int AD_User_ID_Value = 0;
private String AD_Client_ID_DefaultValue = "11";
private String AD_Client_ID_Key = "AD_Client_ID";
private int AD_Client_ID_Value = 11;
// Test: Specific variables
java.sql.Connection c = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating business partners
private MLocation location = null;
private MBPartner m_partner = null; //business partner
private MBPartnerLocation bpl = null; //business partner location
private MUser user = null; //business contact
private MContactInterest ci = null; //contact interest area
// Variables needed for importing/migrating accounts
private MElementValue ev = null; //element value
private MAcctSchema as = null; //account schema
private MAccount acct = null; //account
// Variables needed for importing/migrating bank statements
private MBankStatement statement = null;
private MBankAccount account = null;
private MBankStatementLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating conversion rates
private MConversionRate rate = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating General Ledger Journal
private MJournalBatch batch = null;
private MJournal journal = null;
private MJournalLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating Inventory
private MInventory inventory = null;
private MProduct product = null;
private MAttributeSet mas = null;
private MAttributeSetInstance masi = null;
private MInventoryLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating Invoices
private MInvoice invoice = null;
private MInvoiceLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating orders
private MOrder order = null;
private MOrderLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating payments
private MPayment payment = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating products
private MProduct product = null;
private MProductPrice pp = null;
// Variables needed for mrp
private MCost cost = null;
private MCostElement costElement = null;
private MForecastLine forcastLine = null;
private MOrder order = null;
private MOrderLine line = null;
private MPPCostCollector costCollector = null;
private MPPOrderBOM orderBOM = null;
private MPPOrderBOMLine = null;
private MPPOrderBOMLineMA = null;
private MPPOrderCost = null;
private MPPOrder = null;
private MPPProductBOM = null;
private MPPProductBOMLine = null;
private MPPProductCosting = null;
private MPPProductPlanning = null;
private MPPProfileBOMCost = null;
private MPPProfileBOM = null;
private MPPProfileBOMProduct = null;
private MPPProfileBOMReal = null;
private MPPProfileBOMSelected = null;
private MQMSpecification = null;
private MQMSpecificationLine = null;
private MRequisition = null;
private MRequisitionLine = null;
// other variables that may be needed:
private MAdvertisement = null;
private MAging = null;
private MAlert = null;
private MAlertRecipient = null;
private MAlertRule = null;
private MAllocationHdr = null;
private MAllocationLine = null;
private MAssetDelivery = null;
private MAssetGroup = null;
private MAsset = null;
private MAssignmentSlot = null;
private MAttributeInstance = null;
private MAccessProfile = null;
private MMailText = null;
private MAcctProcessor = null;
private MMatchInv = null;
private MAcctProcessorLog = null;
private MMatchPO = null;
private MAchievement = null;
private MMeasureCalc = null;
private MActivity = null;
private MMeasure = null;
private MAd = null;
private MMediaDeploy = null;
private MAdvertisement = null;
private MMedia = null;
private MAging = null;
private MMediaServer = null;
private MAlert = null;
private MMovementConfirm = null;
private MAlertProcessor = null;
private MMovement = null;
private MAlertProcessorLog = null;
private MMovementLineConfirm = null;
private MAlertRecipient = null;
private MMovementLine = null;
private MAlertRule = null;
private MMovementLineMA = null;
private MAllocationHdr = null;
private MNewsChannel = null;
private MAllocationLine = null;
private MNewsItem = null;
private MAssetDelivery = null;
private MOrder = null;
private MAssetGroup = null;
private MOrderLine = null;
private MAsset = null;
private MOrderTax = null;
private MAssignmentSlot = null;
private MPackage = null;
private MAttributeInstance = null;
private MPackageLine = null;
private MAttribute = null;
private MPaymentAllocate = null;
private MAttributeSetInstance = null;
private MPaymentBatch = null;
private MAttributeSet = null;
private MPayment = null;
private MAttributeUse = null;
private MPaymentProcessor = null;
private MAttributeValue = null;
private MPaymentTerm = null;
private MBankAccount = null;
private MPaymentValidate = null;
private MBank = null;
private MPaySchedule = null;
private MBankStatement = null;
private MPaySelectionCheck = null;
private MBankStatementLine = null;
private MPaySelection = null;
private MBankStatementLoader = null;
private MPaySelectionLine = null;
private MBankStatementMatcher = null;
private MPeriodControl = null;
private MBOM = null;
private MPeriod = null;
private MBOMProduct = null;
private MPOS = null;
private MBPartnerInfo = null;
private MPOSKey = null;
private MPOSKeyLayout = null;
private MPreference = null;
private MBPBankAccount = null;
private MPriceList = null;
private MBPGroup = null;
private MPriceListVersion = null;
private MCalendar = null;
private MProductBOM = null;
private MCampaign = null;
private MProductCategoryAcct = null;
private MCashBook = null;
private MProductCategory = null;
private MCash = null;
private MProductCosting = null;
private MCashLine = null;
private MProductDownload = null;
private MChangeNotice = null;
private MProduct = null;
private MChangeRequest = null;
private MProductPO = null;
private MCharge = null;
private MProductPrice = null;
private MChatEntry = null;
private MProductPricing = null;
private MChat = null;
private MProjectIssue = null;
private MChatType = null;
private MProject = null;
private MClickCount = null;
private MProjectLine = null;
private MClick = null;
private MProjectPhase = null;
private MColor = null;
private MProjectTask = null;
private MColorSchema = null;
private MProjectType = null;
private MCommissionAmt = null;
private MProjectTypePhase = null;
private MCommissionDetail = null;
private MProjectTypeTask = null;
private MCommission = null;
private MRecurring = null;
private MCommissionLine = null;
private MRecurringRun = null;
private MCommissionRun = null;
private MRefTable = null;
private MContactInterest = null;
private MRegistrationAttribute = null;
private MContainerElement = null;
private MRegistration = null;
private MContainer = null;
private MRegistrationValue = null;
private MCostDetail = null;
private MReplication = null;
private MCost = null;
private MReplicationLog = null;
private MCostQueue = null;
private MReplicationRun = null;
private MCounterCount = null;
private MRequestAction = null;
private MCStageElement = null;
private MRequestCategory = null;
private MCStage = null;
private MRequest = null;
private MDesktop = null;
private MRequestProcessor = null;
private MDiscountSchemaBreak = null;
private MRequestProcessorLog = null;
private MDiscountSchema = null;
private MRequestProcessorRoute = null;
private MDiscountSchemaLine = null;
private MRequestType = null;
private MDistribution = null;
private MRequestUpdate = null;
private MDistributionLine = null;
private MRequisition = null;
private MDistributionList = null;
private MRequisitionLine = null;
private MDistributionListLine = null;
private MResolution = null;
private MDistributionRunDetail = null;
private MResourceAssignment = null;
private MDistributionRun = null;
private MResource = null;
private MDistributionRunLine = null;
private MResourceType = null;
private MDocTypeCounter = null;
private MResourceUnAvailable = null;
private MDunning = null;
private MRevenueRecognition = null;
private MDunningLevel = null;
private MRevenueRecognitionPlan = null;
private MDunningRunEntry = null;
private MRfQ = null;
private MDunningRun = null;
private MRfQLine = null;
private MDunningRunLine = null;
private MRfQLineQty = null;
private Measure = null;
private MRfQResponse = null;
private MEntityType = null;
private MRfQResponseLine = null;
private MExpenseType = null;
private MRfQResponseLineQty = null;
private MFactAcct = null;
private MRfQTopic = null;
private MFormAccess = null;
private MRfQTopicSubscriber = null;
private MForm = null;
private MRfQTopicSubscriberOnly = null;
private MGLCategory = null;
private MRMA = null;
private MGoal = null;
private MRMALine = null;
private MGoalRestriction = null;
private MScheduler = null;
private MGroup = null;
private MSchedulerLog = null;
private MHierarchy = null;
private MSchedulerPara = null;
private MIndex = null;
private MSchedulerRecipient = null;
private MIndexStop = null;
private MSerNoCtl = null;
private MInfoColumn = null;
private MSetup = null;
private MInfoWindow = null;
private MShipper = null;
private MInOutConfirm = null;
private MSLACriteria = null;
private MInOut = null;
private MSLAGoal = null;
private MInOutLineConfirm = null;
private MSLAMeasure = null;
private MInOutLine = null;
private MStatusCategory = null;
private MInOutLineMA = null;
private MStatus = null;
private MInterestArea = null;
private MStorage = null;
private MInventory = null;
private MStore = null;
private MInventoryLine = null;
private MTask = null;
private MInventoryLineMA = null;
private MTaxCategory = null;
private MInvoiceBatch = null;
private MTaxDeclarationAcct = null;
private MInvoiceBatchLine = null;
private MTaxDeclaration = null;
private MInvoice = null;
private MTaxDeclarationLine = null;
private MInvoiceLine = null;
private MTax = null;
private MInvoicePaySchedule = null;
private MTaxPostal = null;
private MInvoiceSchedule = null;
private MTemplate = null;
private MInvoiceTax = null;
private MTimeExpense = null;
private MJournalBatch = null;
private MTimeExpenseLine = null;
private MJournal = null;
private MTransaction = null;
private MJournalLine = null;
private MTree = null;
private MKCategory = null;
private MTreeNode = null;
private MLandedCostAllocation = null;
private MultiMap = null;
private MLandedCost = null;
private MUOMConversion = null;
private MLdapAccess = null;
private MUOM = null;
private MLdapProcessor = null;
private MUserMail = null;
private MLdapProcessorLog = null;
private MWarehousePrice = null;
private MLdapUser = null;
private MWebProjectDomain = null;
private MLotCtl = null;
private MWebProject = null;
private MLot = null;
private MWithholding = null;
private MMailMsg = null;
private MYear = null;
// from dbPort/src/org/compiere/model
private MAccessLog = null;
private MIssueProject = null;
private MRecordAccess = null;
private MAccount = null;
private MIssueSystem = null;
private MRefList = null;
private MAccountLookup = null;
private MIssueUser = null;
private MRegion = null;
private MAcctSchemaDefault = null;
private MLanguage = null;
private M_Registration = null;
private MAcctSchemaElement = null;
private MLocation = null;
private MRole = null;
private MAcctSchemaGL = null;
private MLocationLookup = null;
private MRoleOrgAccess = null;
private MAcctSchema = null;
private MLocator = null;
private MRoleTest = null;
private MArchive = null;
private MLocatorLookup = null;
private MSalesRegion = null;
private MAttachmentEntry = null;
private MLookupCache = null;
private MSequence = null;
private MAttachment = null;
private MLookupFactory = null;
private MSession = null;
private MAttachmentNote = null;
private MLookupInfo = null;
private MSysConfig = null;
private MChangeLog = null;
private MLookup = null;
private MSystem = null;
private MClientInfo = null;
private MMenu = null;
private MTab = null;
private MClient = null;
private MMessage = null;
private MTableAccess = null;
private MClientShare = null;
private MNote = null;
private MTable = null;
private MColumnAccess = null;
private ModelValidationEngine = null;
private MTest = null;
private MColumn = null;
private ModelValidator = null;
private MTree_Base = null;
private MConversionRate = null;
private MOrgInfo = null;
private MTree_NodeBP = null;
private MConversionType = null;
private MOrg = null;
private MTree_NodeCMC = null;
private MCostElement = null;
private MPackageExpCommon = null;
private MTree_NodeCMS = null;
private MCostType = null;
private MPackageExpDetail = null;
private MTree_Node = null;
private MCountry = null;
private MPackageExp = null;
private MTree_NodeMM = null;
private MCurrencyAcct = null;
private MPAttributeLookup = null;
private MTree_NodePR = null;
private MCurrency = null;
private MPInstance = null;
private MUser = null;
private MDocType = null;
private MPInstanceLog = null;
private MUserOrgAccess = null;
private M_Element = null;
private MPInstancePara = null;
private MUserRoles = null;
private MElement = null;
private MPrivateAccess = null;
private MWarehouse = null;
private MElementValue = null;
private MProcessAccess = null;
private MWindowAccess = null;
private MField = null;
private MProcess = null;
private MWindow = null;
private MImage = null;
private MProcessPara = null;
private MIssue = null;
private MQuery = null;
private String trxName = "test";
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
testProperties = new Properties();
testProperties.load(new FileInputStream(""));
fileName_Value = testProperties.getProperty(fileName_Key, fileName_DefaultValue);
isClient_Value = "Y".equals( testProperties.getProperty(isClient_Key, isClient_DefaultValue) );
AD_User_ID_Value = Integer.parseInt(testProperties.getProperty(AD_User_ID_Key, AD_User_ID_DefaultValue) );
AD_Client_ID_Value = Integer.parseInt(testProperties.getProperty(AD_Client_ID_Key, AD_Client_ID_DefaultValue) );
m_Ctx = new Properties();
m_Ctx.setProperty("#AD_User_ID", new Integer(AD_User_ID_Value).toString());
m_Ctx.setProperty("#AD_Client_ID", new Integer(AD_Client_ID_Value).toString());
System.out.println("m_Ctx: " + m_Ctx);
if (fileName_Value.length() < 1) {
assertEquals("Please specify path to file!", true, false);
System.setProperty("PropertyFile", fileName_Value);
Ini.setClient (isClient_Value);
// Force connection if there are enough parameters. Else we work with
// if (args.length >= 6) {
// CConnection cc = CConnection.get(Database.DB_ORACLE, args[1], Integer.valueOf(args[2]).intValue(), args[3], args[4], args[5]);
// System.out.println("DB UserID:"+cc.getDbUid());
// DB.setDBTarget(cc);
// }
/* Available levels:
Level.OFF, Level.SEVERE, Level.WARNING, Level.INFO,
Level.CONFIG, Level.FINE, Level.FINER, Level.FINEST, Level.ALL
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
testProperties = null;
m_Ctx = null;
public int getC_Region_ID(String Region) {
System.out.println("In getC_Region_ID");
String sql = "select c_region_id from c_region where name = ?";
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
int C_Region_ID = -1;
try {
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, trxName);
pstmt.setString(1, Region);
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
C_Region_ID = rs.getInt(1);
} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println("Execption; sql = "+sql+"; e.getMessage() = " +e.getMessage());
} finally {
DBUtils.close( rs);
DBUtils.close( pstmt);
System.out.println("C_Region_ID: " + C_Region_ID);
return C_Region_ID;
public int getC_Country_ID(String Country) {
System.out.println("In getC_Country_ID");
String sql = "select c_country_id from c_country where name = ?";
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
int C_Country_ID = -1;
try {
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, trxName);
pstmt.setString(1, Country);
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
C_Country_ID = rs.getInt(1);
} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println("Execption; sql = "+sql+"; e.getMessage() = " +e.getMessage());
} finally {
DBUtils.close( rs);
DBUtils.close( pstmt);
System.out.println("C_Country_ID: " + C_Country_ID);
return C_Country_ID;
public void testCreateMPBPartner()
try {
m_partner = new MBPartner (m_Ctx, 0, "test");
if (m_partner != null) {
// FIXME: determine AD_Client_ID correctly
m_partner.setValue ("");
m_partner.setName ("Test MBPartner");
m_partner.setName2 (null);
m_partner.setSO_CreditLimit (Env.ZERO);
m_partner.setSO_CreditUsed (Env.ZERO);
m_partner.setTotalOpenBalance (Env.ZERO);
// s_m_partner.setRating(null);
MBPGroup m_group = new MBPGroup (m_Ctx, 0, "test");
// FIXME: determine AD_Client_ID correctly
m_group.setName ("Test Group Name"); // N
m_group.setIsConfidentialInfo (false); // N
m_group.setIsDefault (false);
// Reset Created, Updated to current system time ( teo_sarca );
} else {
System.out.println("m_partner is null");
try {
boolean saveResult = DB.commit(true, "test");
assertTrue("DB.commit failed", saveResult);
if( saveResult) {
System.out.println("MBPartner saved successfully");
//DB.commit(true, "test");
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Location not updated");
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception with MBPartnerTest");

View File

@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ public class MLocationTest extends TestCase {
private String AD_User_ID_Key = "AD_User_ID";
private int AD_User_ID_Value = 0;
private String AD_Client_ID_DefaultValue = "11";
private String AD_Client_ID_Key = "AD_Client_ID";
private int AD_Client_ID_Value = 11;
// Test: Specific variables
private MLocation location = null;
@ -44,9 +48,12 @@ public class MLocationTest extends TestCase {
fileName_Value = testProperties.getProperty(fileName_Key, fileName_DefaultValue);
isClient_Value = "Y".equals( testProperties.getProperty(isClient_Key, isClient_DefaultValue) );
AD_User_ID_Value = Integer.parseInt(testProperties.getProperty(AD_User_ID_Key, AD_User_ID_DefaultValue) );
AD_Client_ID_Value = Integer.parseInt(testProperties.getProperty(AD_Client_ID_Key, AD_Client_ID_DefaultValue) );
m_Ctx = new Properties();
m_Ctx.setProperty("#AD_User_ID", new Integer(AD_User_ID_Value).toString());
m_Ctx.setProperty("#AD_Client_ID", new Integer(AD_Client_ID_Value).toString());
System.out.println("m_Ctx: " + m_Ctx);
if (fileName_Value.length() < 1) {
@ -106,4 +113,4 @@ public class MLocationTest extends TestCase {
assertTrue("TestExample", true);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
package test.functional;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.compiere.model.*;
import org.compiere.util.CLogMgt;
import org.compiere.util.DB;
import org.compiere.utils.DBUtils;
import org.compiere.util.*;
import java.sql.*;
public class MUserTest extends TestCase {
// Test: General
private Properties testProperties = null;
private Properties m_Ctx = null;
private String fileName_DefaultValue = "J:/Trifon-CD-0.3/workspace/adempiere-trunk/adempiere/Adempiere/";
private String fileName_Key = "AdempiereProperties";
private String fileName_Value = "";
private String isClient_DefaultValue = "Y";
private String isClient_Key = "isClient";
private boolean isClient_Value = true;
private String AD_User_ID_DefaultValue = "0";
private String AD_User_ID_Key = "AD_User_ID";
private int AD_User_ID_Value = 0;
private String AD_Client_ID_DefaultValue = "11";
private String AD_Client_ID_Key = "AD_Client_ID";
private int AD_Client_ID_Value = 11;
// Test: Specific variables
java.sql.Connection c = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating business partners
private MLocation location = null;
private MBPartner m_partner = null; //business partner
private MUser m_contact = null; //business contact
private MBPartnerLocation bpl = null; //business partner location
private MContactInterest ci = null; //contact interest area
// Variables needed for importing/migrating accounts
private MElementValue ev = null; //element value
private MAcctSchema as = null; //account schema
private MAccount acct = null; //account
// Variables needed for importing/migrating bank statements
private MBankStatement statement = null;
private MBankAccount account = null;
private MBankStatementLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating conversion rates
private MConversionRate rate = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating General Ledger Journal
private MJournalBatch batch = null;
private MJournal journal = null;
private MJournalLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating Inventory
private MInventory inventory = null;
private MProduct product = null;
private MAttributeSet mas = null;
private MAttributeSetInstance masi = null;
private MInventoryLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating Invoices
private MInvoice invoice = null;
private MInvoiceLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating orders
private MOrder order = null;
private MOrderLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating payments
private MPayment payment = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating products
private MProduct product = null;
private MProductPrice pp = null;
// Variables needed for mrp
private MCost cost = null;
private MCostElement costElement = null;
private MForecastLine forcastLine = null;
private MOrder order = null;
private MOrderLine line = null;
private MPPCostCollector costCollector = null;
private MPPOrderBOM orderBOM = null;
private MPPOrderBOMLine = null;
private MPPOrderBOMLineMA = null;
private MPPOrderCost = null;
private MPPOrder = null;
private MPPProductBOM = null;
private MPPProductBOMLine = null;
private MPPProductCosting = null;
private MPPProductPlanning = null;
private MPPProfileBOMCost = null;
private MPPProfileBOM = null;
private MPPProfileBOMProduct = null;
private MPPProfileBOMReal = null;
private MPPProfileBOMSelected = null;
private MQMSpecification = null;
private MQMSpecificationLine = null;
private MRequisition = null;
private MRequisitionLine = null;
// other variables that may be needed:
private MAdvertisement = null;
private MAging = null;
private MAlert = null;
private MAlertRecipient = null;
private MAlertRule = null;
private MAllocationHdr = null;
private MAllocationLine = null;
private MAssetDelivery = null;
private MAssetGroup = null;
private MAsset = null;
private MAssignmentSlot = null;
private MAttributeInstance = null;
private MAccessProfile = null;
private MMailText = null;
private MAcctProcessor = null;
private MMatchInv = null;
private MAcctProcessorLog = null;
private MMatchPO = null;
private MAchievement = null;
private MMeasureCalc = null;
private MActivity = null;
private MMeasure = null;
private MAd = null;
private MMediaDeploy = null;
private MAdvertisement = null;
private MMedia = null;
private MAging = null;
private MMediaServer = null;
private MAlert = null;
private MMovementConfirm = null;
private MAlertProcessor = null;
private MMovement = null;
private MAlertProcessorLog = null;
private MMovementLineConfirm = null;
private MAlertRecipient = null;
private MMovementLine = null;
private MAlertRule = null;
private MMovementLineMA = null;
private MAllocationHdr = null;
private MNewsChannel = null;
private MAllocationLine = null;
private MNewsItem = null;
private MAssetDelivery = null;
private MOrder = null;
private MAssetGroup = null;
private MOrderLine = null;
private MAsset = null;
private MOrderTax = null;
private MAssignmentSlot = null;
private MPackage = null;
private MAttributeInstance = null;
private MPackageLine = null;
private MAttribute = null;
private MPaymentAllocate = null;
private MAttributeSetInstance = null;
private MPaymentBatch = null;
private MAttributeSet = null;
private MPayment = null;
private MAttributeUse = null;
private MPaymentProcessor = null;
private MAttributeValue = null;
private MPaymentTerm = null;
private MBankAccount = null;
private MPaymentValidate = null;
private MBank = null;
private MPaySchedule = null;
private MBankStatement = null;
private MPaySelectionCheck = null;
private MBankStatementLine = null;
private MPaySelection = null;
private MBankStatementLoader = null;
private MPaySelectionLine = null;
private MBankStatementMatcher = null;
private MPeriodControl = null;
private MBOM = null;
private MPeriod = null;
private MBOMProduct = null;
private MPOS = null;
private MBPartnerInfo = null;
private MPOSKey = null;
private MPOSKeyLayout = null;
private MPreference = null;
private MBPBankAccount = null;
private MPriceList = null;
private MBPGroup = null;
private MPriceListVersion = null;
private MCalendar = null;
private MProductBOM = null;
private MCampaign = null;
private MProductCategoryAcct = null;
private MCashBook = null;
private MProductCategory = null;
private MCash = null;
private MProductCosting = null;
private MCashLine = null;
private MProductDownload = null;
private MChangeNotice = null;
private MProduct = null;
private MChangeRequest = null;
private MProductPO = null;
private MCharge = null;
private MProductPrice = null;
private MChatEntry = null;
private MProductPricing = null;
private MChat = null;
private MProjectIssue = null;
private MChatType = null;
private MProject = null;
private MClickCount = null;
private MProjectLine = null;
private MClick = null;
private MProjectPhase = null;
private MColor = null;
private MProjectTask = null;
private MColorSchema = null;
private MProjectType = null;
private MCommissionAmt = null;
private MProjectTypePhase = null;
private MCommissionDetail = null;
private MProjectTypeTask = null;
private MCommission = null;
private MRecurring = null;
private MCommissionLine = null;
private MRecurringRun = null;
private MCommissionRun = null;
private MRefTable = null;
private MContactInterest = null;
private MRegistrationAttribute = null;
private MContainerElement = null;
private MRegistration = null;
private MContainer = null;
private MRegistrationValue = null;
private MCostDetail = null;
private MReplication = null;
private MCost = null;
private MReplicationLog = null;
private MCostQueue = null;
private MReplicationRun = null;
private MCounterCount = null;
private MRequestAction = null;
private MCStageElement = null;
private MRequestCategory = null;
private MCStage = null;
private MRequest = null;
private MDesktop = null;
private MRequestProcessor = null;
private MDiscountSchemaBreak = null;
private MRequestProcessorLog = null;
private MDiscountSchema = null;
private MRequestProcessorRoute = null;
private MDiscountSchemaLine = null;
private MRequestType = null;
private MDistribution = null;
private MRequestUpdate = null;
private MDistributionLine = null;
private MRequisition = null;
private MDistributionList = null;
private MRequisitionLine = null;
private MDistributionListLine = null;
private MResolution = null;
private MDistributionRunDetail = null;
private MResourceAssignment = null;
private MDistributionRun = null;
private MResource = null;
private MDistributionRunLine = null;
private MResourceType = null;
private MDocTypeCounter = null;
private MResourceUnAvailable = null;
private MDunning = null;
private MRevenueRecognition = null;
private MDunningLevel = null;
private MRevenueRecognitionPlan = null;
private MDunningRunEntry = null;
private MRfQ = null;
private MDunningRun = null;
private MRfQLine = null;
private MDunningRunLine = null;
private MRfQLineQty = null;
private Measure = null;
private MRfQResponse = null;
private MEntityType = null;
private MRfQResponseLine = null;
private MExpenseType = null;
private MRfQResponseLineQty = null;
private MFactAcct = null;
private MRfQTopic = null;
private MFormAccess = null;
private MRfQTopicSubscriber = null;
private MForm = null;
private MRfQTopicSubscriberOnly = null;
private MGLCategory = null;
private MRMA = null;
private MGoal = null;
private MRMALine = null;
private MGoalRestriction = null;
private MScheduler = null;
private MGroup = null;
private MSchedulerLog = null;
private MHierarchy = null;
private MSchedulerPara = null;
private MIndex = null;
private MSchedulerRecipient = null;
private MIndexStop = null;
private MSerNoCtl = null;
private MInfoColumn = null;
private MSetup = null;
private MInfoWindow = null;
private MShipper = null;
private MInOutConfirm = null;
private MSLACriteria = null;
private MInOut = null;
private MSLAGoal = null;
private MInOutLineConfirm = null;
private MSLAMeasure = null;
private MInOutLine = null;
private MStatusCategory = null;
private MInOutLineMA = null;
private MStatus = null;
private MInterestArea = null;
private MStorage = null;
private MInventory = null;
private MStore = null;
private MInventoryLine = null;
private MTask = null;
private MInventoryLineMA = null;
private MTaxCategory = null;
private MInvoiceBatch = null;
private MTaxDeclarationAcct = null;
private MInvoiceBatchLine = null;
private MTaxDeclaration = null;
private MInvoice = null;
private MTaxDeclarationLine = null;
private MInvoiceLine = null;
private MTax = null;
private MInvoicePaySchedule = null;
private MTaxPostal = null;
private MInvoiceSchedule = null;
private MTemplate = null;
private MInvoiceTax = null;
private MTimeExpense = null;
private MJournalBatch = null;
private MTimeExpenseLine = null;
private MJournal = null;
private MTransaction = null;
private MJournalLine = null;
private MTree = null;
private MKCategory = null;
private MTreeNode = null;
private MLandedCostAllocation = null;
private MultiMap = null;
private MLandedCost = null;
private MUOMConversion = null;
private MLdapAccess = null;
private MUOM = null;
private MLdapProcessor = null;
private MUserMail = null;
private MLdapProcessorLog = null;
private MWarehousePrice = null;
private MLdapUser = null;
private MWebProjectDomain = null;
private MLotCtl = null;
private MWebProject = null;
private MLot = null;
private MWithholding = null;
private MMailMsg = null;
private MYear = null;
// from dbPort/src/org/compiere/model
private MAccessLog = null;
private MIssueProject = null;
private MRecordAccess = null;
private MAccount = null;
private MIssueSystem = null;
private MRefList = null;
private MAccountLookup = null;
private MIssueUser = null;
private MRegion = null;
private MAcctSchemaDefault = null;
private MLanguage = null;
private M_Registration = null;
private MAcctSchemaElement = null;
private MLocation = null;
private MRole = null;
private MAcctSchemaGL = null;
private MLocationLookup = null;
private MRoleOrgAccess = null;
private MAcctSchema = null;
private MLocator = null;
private MRoleTest = null;
private MArchive = null;
private MLocatorLookup = null;
private MSalesRegion = null;
private MAttachmentEntry = null;
private MLookupCache = null;
private MSequence = null;
private MAttachment = null;
private MLookupFactory = null;
private MSession = null;
private MAttachmentNote = null;
private MLookupInfo = null;
private MSysConfig = null;
private MChangeLog = null;
private MLookup = null;
private MSystem = null;
private MClientInfo = null;
private MMenu = null;
private MTab = null;
private MClient = null;
private MMessage = null;
private MTableAccess = null;
private MClientShare = null;
private MNote = null;
private MTable = null;
private MColumnAccess = null;
private ModelValidationEngine = null;
private MTest = null;
private MColumn = null;
private ModelValidator = null;
private MTree_Base = null;
private MConversionRate = null;
private MOrgInfo = null;
private MTree_NodeBP = null;
private MConversionType = null;
private MOrg = null;
private MTree_NodeCMC = null;
private MCostElement = null;
private MPackageExpCommon = null;
private MTree_NodeCMS = null;
private MCostType = null;
private MPackageExpDetail = null;
private MTree_Node = null;
private MCountry = null;
private MPackageExp = null;
private MTree_NodeMM = null;
private MCurrencyAcct = null;
private MPAttributeLookup = null;
private MTree_NodePR = null;
private MCurrency = null;
private MPInstance = null;
private MUser = null;
private MDocType = null;
private MPInstanceLog = null;
private MUserOrgAccess = null;
private M_Element = null;
private MPInstancePara = null;
private MUserRoles = null;
private MElement = null;
private MPrivateAccess = null;
private MWarehouse = null;
private MElementValue = null;
private MProcessAccess = null;
private MWindowAccess = null;
private MField = null;
private MProcess = null;
private MWindow = null;
private MImage = null;
private MProcessPara = null;
private MIssue = null;
private MQuery = null;
private String trxName = "test";
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
testProperties = new Properties();
testProperties.load(new FileInputStream(""));
fileName_Value = testProperties.getProperty(fileName_Key, fileName_DefaultValue);
isClient_Value = "Y".equals( testProperties.getProperty(isClient_Key, isClient_DefaultValue) );
AD_User_ID_Value = Integer.parseInt(testProperties.getProperty(AD_User_ID_Key, AD_User_ID_DefaultValue) );
AD_Client_ID_Value = Integer.parseInt(testProperties.getProperty(AD_Client_ID_Key, AD_Client_ID_DefaultValue) );
m_Ctx = new Properties();
m_Ctx.setProperty("#AD_User_ID", new Integer(AD_User_ID_Value).toString());
m_Ctx.setProperty("#AD_Client_ID", new Integer(AD_Client_ID_Value).toString());
System.out.println("m_Ctx: " + m_Ctx);
if (fileName_Value.length() < 1) {
assertEquals("Please specify path to file!", true, false);
System.setProperty("PropertyFile", fileName_Value);
Ini.setClient (isClient_Value);
// Force connection if there are enough parameters. Else we work with
// if (args.length >= 6) {
// CConnection cc = CConnection.get(Database.DB_ORACLE, args[1], Integer.valueOf(args[2]).intValue(), args[3], args[4], args[5]);
// System.out.println("DB UserID:"+cc.getDbUid());
// DB.setDBTarget(cc);
// }
/* Available levels:
Level.OFF, Level.SEVERE, Level.WARNING, Level.INFO,
Level.CONFIG, Level.FINE, Level.FINER, Level.FINEST, Level.ALL
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
testProperties = null;
m_Ctx = null;
public int getC_Region_ID(String Region) {
System.out.println("In getC_Region_ID");
String sql = "select c_region_id from c_region where name = ?";
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
int C_Region_ID = -1;
try {
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, trxName);
pstmt.setString(1, Region);
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
C_Region_ID = rs.getInt(1);
} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println("Execption; sql = "+sql+"; e.getMessage() = " +e.getMessage());
} finally {
DBUtils.close( rs);
DBUtils.close( pstmt);
System.out.println("C_Region_ID: " + C_Region_ID);
return C_Region_ID;
public int getC_Country_ID(String Country) {
System.out.println("In getC_Country_ID");
String sql = "select c_country_id from c_country where name = ?";
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
int C_Country_ID = -1;
try {
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, trxName);
pstmt.setString(1, Country);
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
C_Country_ID = rs.getInt(1);
} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println("Execption; sql = "+sql+"; e.getMessage() = " +e.getMessage());
} finally {
DBUtils.close( rs);
DBUtils.close( pstmt);
System.out.println("C_Country_ID: " + C_Country_ID);
return C_Country_ID;
public void testCreateMPBPartner()
try {
m_partner = new MBPartner (m_Ctx, 0, "test");
if (m_partner != null) {
// FIXME: determine AD_Client_ID correctly
m_partner.setValue ("");
m_partner.setName ("Test MBPartner with contact");
m_partner.setName2 (null);
m_partner.setSO_CreditLimit (Env.ZERO);
m_partner.setSO_CreditUsed (Env.ZERO);
m_partner.setTotalOpenBalance (Env.ZERO);
// s_m_partner.setRating(null);
MBPGroup m_group = new MBPGroup (m_Ctx, 0, "test");
// FIXME: determine AD_Client_ID correctly
m_group.setName ("Test Group Name"); // N
m_group.setIsConfidentialInfo (false); // N
m_group.setIsDefault (false);
// Reset Created, Updated to current system time ( teo_sarca )
if( {
m_contact = new MUser(m_Ctx, 0, "test2");
m_contact.setName("Test Contact Name");
} else {
System.out.println("m_partner is null");
try {
boolean saveResult = DB.commit(true, "test");
boolean saveResult2 = DB.commit(true, "test2");
assertTrue("DB.commit failed", saveResult);
assertTrue("DB.commit failed", saveResult2);
if( saveResult) {
System.out.println("MBPartner saved successfully");
//DB.commit(true, "test");
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Location not updated");
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception with MBPartnerTest");

extend/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@