* Bug [ 1580231 ]

* Bug [ 1580226 ]
* Added unit testing for Convert_PostgreSQL - Convert_PostgreSQLTest
This commit is contained in:
Heng Sin Low 2006-12-26 02:57:41 +00:00
parent a414cc9c8b
commit 7b295e1c0a
2 changed files with 527 additions and 399 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Adempiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
@ -10,41 +10,28 @@
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
* For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
* ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
* or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
package org.compiere.dbPort;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLWarning;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.compiere.util.CLogger;
import org.compiere.util.DB;
import org.compiere.util.Util;
* Convert SQL to Target DB
* Convert Oracle SQL to PostgreSQL SQL
* @author Jorg Janke, Victor Perez
* @version $Id: Convert.java,v 1.3 2006/07/30 00:55:04 jjanke Exp $
* @author Victor Perez, Low Heng Sin
public class Convert_PostgreSQL extends Convert_SQL92 {
* Cosntructor
* @param type
* Database.DB_
public Convert_PostgreSQL() {
m_map = ConvertMap_PostgreSQL.getConvertMap();
@ -970,7 +957,7 @@ public class Convert_PostgreSQL extends Convert_SQL92 {
// begin vpj-cd e-evolution 02/24/2005 PostgreSQL
* Converts Decode.
* Converts Update.
* <pre>
* UPDATE C_Order i SET
@ -982,71 +969,136 @@ public class Convert_PostgreSQL extends Convert_SQL92 {
private String convertUpdate(String sqlStatement) {
// return sqlStatement;
String targetTable = null;
String targetAlias = null;
String sqlUpdate = sqlStatement;
int index = 0;
int begintable = 0;
int begin = 0;
int end = 0;
String alias = null;
String sqlUpper = sqlStatement.toUpperCase();
StringBuffer token = new StringBuffer();
String previousToken = null;
int charIndex = 0;
int sqlLength = sqlUpper.length();
int cnt = 0;
boolean isUpdate = false;
end = 0;
begin = Util.findIndexOf(sqlUpdate, "SET (");
if (begin != -1) {
if (sqlUpdate.toUpperCase().indexOf("UPDATE ") == 0) {
index = sqlUpdate.toUpperCase().indexOf("UPDATE ");
// String firstPart = statement.substring(0,index);
begintable = sqlUpdate.indexOf(' ', 6);
// begin the opening ' ' begin Alias
begin = sqlUpdate.indexOf(' ', 7);
// statement = statement.substring(begin);
// end Alias
end = sqlUpdate.toUpperCase().indexOf(" SET", 0); // statement.indexOf("SET",
// 0 )
//get target table and alias
while (charIndex < sqlLength)
char c = sqlStatement.charAt(charIndex);
if (Character.isWhitespace(c))
if (token.length() > 0) {
if ( cnt == 1)
isUpdate = "UPDATE".equalsIgnoreCase(token.toString());
else if (cnt == 2)
targetTable = token.toString();
else if (cnt == 3)
targetAlias = token.toString().trim();
if ("SET".equalsIgnoreCase(targetAlias)) //no alias
targetAlias = targetTable;
previousToken = token.toString();
token = new StringBuffer();
if ("SET".equalsIgnoreCase(previousToken))
// String table = sqlUpdate.substring(begintable,begin).trim();
String table = sqlUpdate.substring(begin, end).trim();
if (isUpdate && targetTable != null && sqlUpper.charAt(charIndex) == '(') {
int updateFieldsBegin = charIndex;
String updateFields = null;
String select = "";
begin = Util.findIndexOf(sqlUpdate, " SET (");
end = sqlUpdate.indexOf(")=(");
if (end != -1)
select = sqlUpdate.substring(end + 2);
else {
end = sqlUpdate.indexOf(") = (");
if (end != -1)
select = sqlUpdate.substring(end + 4);
else {
end = sqlUpdate.indexOf(")= (");
if (end != -1)
select = sqlUpdate.substring(end + 3);
else {
end = sqlUpdate.indexOf(") =(");
if (end != -1)
select = sqlUpdate.substring(end + 3);
//get the sub query
String beforePreviousToken = null;
previousToken = null;
token = new StringBuffer();
while (charIndex < sqlLength)
char c = sqlUpper.charAt(charIndex);
if (Character.isWhitespace(c))
if (token.length() > 0)
String currentToken = token.toString();
if ("(".equals(currentToken) || (currentToken != null && currentToken.startsWith("(")))
if (( ")".equals(beforePreviousToken) ||
(beforePreviousToken != null && beforePreviousToken.endsWith(")")) ) &&
select = sqlStatement.substring(charIndex - currentToken.length());
updateFields = sqlStatement.substring(updateFieldsBegin, charIndex);
updateFields = updateFields.substring(0, updateFields.lastIndexOf(")"));
else if (")=".equals(previousToken))
select = sqlStatement.substring(charIndex - currentToken.length());
updateFields = sqlStatement.substring(updateFieldsBegin, charIndex);
updateFields = updateFields.substring(0, updateFields.lastIndexOf(")"));
else if (previousToken != null && previousToken.endsWith(")="))
select = sqlStatement.substring(charIndex - currentToken.length());
updateFields = sqlStatement.substring(updateFieldsBegin, charIndex);
updateFields = updateFields.substring(0, updateFields.lastIndexOf(")"));
if (")=(".equals(currentToken))
select = sqlStatement.substring(charIndex - 1);
updateFields = sqlStatement.substring(updateFieldsBegin, charIndex);
updateFields = updateFields.substring(0, updateFields.lastIndexOf(")"));
else if (currentToken.endsWith(")=(SELECT"))
select = sqlStatement.substring(charIndex - 7);
updateFields = sqlStatement.substring(updateFieldsBegin, charIndex);
updateFields = updateFields.substring(0, updateFields.lastIndexOf(")"));
else if ("=(".equals(currentToken) || (currentToken != null && currentToken.startsWith("=(")))
if (")".equals(previousToken) || (previousToken != null && previousToken.endsWith(")")))
select = sqlStatement.substring(charIndex - currentToken.length());
updateFields = sqlStatement.substring(updateFieldsBegin, charIndex);
updateFields = updateFields.substring(0, updateFields.lastIndexOf(")"));
beforePreviousToken = previousToken;
previousToken = token.toString();
token = new StringBuffer();
if (updateFields != null && updateFields.startsWith("("))
updateFields = updateFields.substring(1);
int where_begin = -1;
String rest = "";
// String select = sqlUpdate.substring(end + 2);
// System.out.println("SELECT ->" + select);
// int s_end = select.indexOf( ")");
int s_end = 0;
int s_start = select.indexOf("(");
String where = null;
int subQueryEnd = 0;
int subQueryStart = select.indexOf("(");
String subWhere = null;
int open = -1;
for (int i = s_start; i < select.length(); i++) {
for (int i = subQueryStart; i < select.length(); i++) {
char c = select.charAt(i);
if (c == '(')
@ -1055,297 +1107,261 @@ public class Convert_PostgreSQL extends Convert_SQL92 {
if (open == -1) {
s_end = i + 1;
subQueryEnd = i + 1;
where = select.substring(s_end);
where = where.substring(where.indexOf(" WHERE ") + 7);
String s = select.substring(s_start, s_end);
// System.out.println("s:"+ s);
// System.out.println("s_end"+ s_end);
// System.out.println("rest: " + rest);
String from = s.substring(s.toUpperCase().indexOf(" FROM ") + 6);
// System.out.println("from"+ from);
// String tablejoin =
// from.substring(0,from.toUpperCase().indexOf(" "));
String tablejoin = from.substring(from.toUpperCase().indexOf(" "),
from.toUpperCase().indexOf(" WHERE "));
// System.out.println("tablejoin"+ tablejoin);
String tablealias = from.substring(0, from.toUpperCase().indexOf(
" WHERE "));
// System.out.println("tablealias"+ tablealias);
// System.out.println("------------------select.toUpperCase().substring(s_end)"
// +select.substring(select.substring(s_end).toUpperCase().indexOf("
// WHERE ")));
String swhere = select.substring(s_end);
// s_end =
// System.out.println();
// /System.out.println("string end" + swhere);
// String s_where = "";
// System.out.println("string end" +
// select.substring(select.substring(s_end).toUpperCase().indexOf("
// WHERE "));
String s_where = s.substring(
s.toUpperCase().indexOf(" WHERE ") + 7, s.length() - 1);
// System.out.println("Where before join" + where);
// System.out.println("s_where:" + s_where);
// System.out.println("where:" + where);
// System.out.println("FROM:" + from);
// System.out.println("Table Join:" + tablejoin);
// System.out.println("Table Alias:" + tablejoin);
String Update = sqlUpdate.substring(0, begin);
Update = Update + " SET ";
int f_begin = begin + 6;
int f_beginjoin = 0;
// System.out.println(" sqlUpdate"+ sqlUpdate);
String fields = sqlUpdate.substring(f_begin, end);
// System.out.println("------fields" + fields);
int beginfrom = select.toUpperCase().indexOf(" FROM ");
String fieldsjoin = select.substring(select.toUpperCase().indexOf(
"(SELECT ") + 8, beginfrom);
// System.out.println("fields"+fields);
// System.out.println("fields Joint"+fieldsjoin);
int f = fields.length();
int fj = fieldsjoin.length();
String field = null;
String fieldjoin = null;
// System.out.println("Update:"+ Update);
while (f > 0) {
f = Util.findIndexOf(fields, ',');// fields.indexOf(',');
// System.out.println("comman" + c);
if (f < 0) {
// System.out.print("fields:"+fields);
field = fields;
fieldjoin = fieldsjoin;
if (fieldjoin.indexOf(".") < 0) {
fieldjoin = tablejoin + "." + fieldjoin;
String mainWhere = "";
String otherUpdateFields = "";
//get update where clause
token = new StringBuffer();
for(int i = subQueryEnd+1; i < select.length(); i++)
char c = select.charAt(i);
if (Character.isWhitespace(c))
if (token.length() > 0)
if ("WHERE".equalsIgnoreCase(token.toString()))
otherUpdateFields = select.substring(subQueryEnd+1, i - 5).trim();
mainWhere = select.substring(i + 1);
token = new StringBuffer();
// System.out.println("f_begin:" + f_begin + " end :" +
// end + " field:" + field);
// Update = Update + field.trim() + "=" + tablejoin +
// "." + field.trim() + rest + " FROM " + tablealias + "
// WHERE " + where ; // + select.substring(s_end + 8);
Update = Update + field.trim() + "=" + fieldjoin.trim()
+ rest + " FROM " + tablealias + " WHERE "
+ s_where; // + select.substring(s_end + 8);
// System.out.println("Last Update" + Update);
// set alias all field before where
String subQuery = select.substring(subQueryStart, subQueryEnd);
if (where != null)
where = " AND " + where;
//get join table and alias
String joinTable = null;
String joinAlias = null;
token = new StringBuffer();
previousToken = null;
int joinFieldsBegin = 0;
String joinFields = null;
String joinFromClause = null;
int joinFromClauseStart = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < subQuery.length(); i++)
char c = subQuery.charAt(i);
if (Character.isWhitespace(c))
if (token.length() > 0)
if ("FROM".equalsIgnoreCase(previousToken))
joinTable = token.toString();
if ("WHERE".equalsIgnoreCase(token.toString()))
subWhere = subQuery.substring(i+1, subQuery.length() - 1);
joinFromClause = subQuery.substring(joinFromClauseStart, i - 5).trim();
if ("FROM".equalsIgnoreCase(token.toString()))
joinFields = subQuery.substring(joinFieldsBegin, i - 4);
joinFromClauseStart = i;
if (previousToken != null && previousToken.equals(joinTable))
joinAlias = token.toString();
previousToken = token.toString();
token = new StringBuffer();
if (joinFieldsBegin == 0)
if (token.length() == 0 &&
( "SELECT".equalsIgnoreCase(previousToken) ||
(previousToken != null && previousToken.toUpperCase().endsWith("SELECT"))))
joinFieldsBegin = i;
if (joinFromClause == null) joinFromClause = subQuery.substring(joinFromClauseStart).trim();
if (joinAlias == null) joinAlias = joinTable;
//construct update clause
StringBuffer Update = new StringBuffer("UPDATE ");
if (!targetAlias.equals(targetTable))
Update.append(" " + targetAlias);
Update.append(" SET ");
int f = updateFields.length();
int fj = joinFields.length();
String updateField = null;
String joinField = null;
while (f > 0) {
f = Util.findIndexOf(updateFields, ',');
if (f < 0) {
updateField = updateFields;
joinField = joinFields.trim();
if (joinField.indexOf(".") < 0) {
joinField = joinAlias + "." + joinField;
Update.append(" FROM ");
Update.append(" WHERE ");
subWhere = addAliasToIdentifier(subWhere, joinAlias);
if (mainWhere != null)
mainWhere = " AND " + mainWhere;
where = "";
mainWhere = "";
mainWhere = addAliasToIdentifier(mainWhere, targetAlias);
} else {
updateField = updateFields.substring(0, f);
fj = Util.findIndexOf(joinFields, ',');
// fieldsjoin.indexOf(',');
joinField = joinFields.substring(0, fj).trim();
if (joinField.indexOf(".") < 0 != joinField
.equals("SysDate")) {
joinField = joinAlias + "." + joinField;
joinFields = joinFields.substring(fj + 1);
updateFields = updateFields.substring(f + 1);
// System.out.println("Update" + Update);
return Update.toString();
// System.out.println("Convert Update:"+sqlUpdate);
return sqlStatement;
} // convertDecode
* Add table alias to identifier in where clause
* @param where
* @param alias
* @return converted where clause
private String addAliasToIdentifier(String where, String alias)
int o = -1;
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(where);
String result = "";
String word = "";
while (true) // make sure there is stuff to get
String token = "";
int o = -1;
while (true)
word = st.nextToken();
// System.out.println("Word:" + word);
if (sqlkey.indexOf(word) == -1) {
token = st.nextToken();
String test = token.startsWith("(") ? token.substring(1) : token;
if (sqlkey.indexOf(test) == -1) {
for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) {
char c = word.charAt(i);
if (o != -1) {
for (int i = 0; i < token.length(); i++) {
char c = token.charAt(i);
if (c == '(')
if (c == ')')
token = token.trim();
//skip subquery, non identifier and fully qualified identifier
if (o == -1
&& (!word.contains(")") | !word
.contains("("))) {
&& (!token.contains(")") || !token
&& isIdentifier(token)
&& token.indexOf(".") == - 1) {
result = result + " " + table + "." + word;
// result = result + " " + word;
// System.out.println("Cadena :" + word);
result = result + " " + alias + "." + token;
} else {
result = result + " " + word;
result = result + " " + token;
} else
result = result + " " + word;
} else {
result = result + " " + token;
if ("SELECT".equalsIgnoreCase(test)) {
o = 0;
if (!st.hasMoreElements())
Update = Update + result;
// System.out.println("UPDATE"+ Update);
} else {
field = fields.substring(0, f);
// System.out.println("Field:"+ field);
// System.out.println("------fieldsjoin"+ fieldsjoin);
fj = Util.findIndexOf(fieldsjoin, ',');// fj =
// fieldsjoin.indexOf(',');
fieldjoin = fieldsjoin.substring(0, fj);
// System.out.println("fields"+ fields);
// System.out.println("fieldsjoin"+ fieldsjoin);
if (fieldjoin.indexOf(".") < 0 != fieldjoin
.equals("SysDate")) {
fieldjoin = tablejoin + "." + fieldjoin;
// System.out.println( " -----> fj" + fj + "fieldjoin "
// + fieldjoin);
// Update = Update + field + "=" + tablejoin + "." +
// field.trim() + ",";
Update = Update + field.trim() + "=" + fieldjoin.trim()
+ ",";
f_beginjoin = fj;
fieldsjoin = fieldsjoin.substring(f_beginjoin + 1);
// System.out.println("fieldsjoin" + fieldsjoin);
f_beginjoin = fj;
return result;
f_begin = f;
fields = fields.substring(f_begin + 1);
// System.out.println("Update" + Update);
sqlUpdate = Update;
// System.out.println("Convert Update:"+sqlUpdate);
return sqlUpdate;
} // convertDecode
// Two regex's used in convertUpdate
* private static final Pattern aliasPatternInUpdate =
* Pattern.compile("(?i)\\s*UPDATE\\s+(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)\\s+SET\\s.*");
* private static final Pattern tupleUpdatePatternInUpdate =
* Pattern.compile("(?i)\\s*UPDATE\\s+(\\S+)\\s+SET\\s+\\(([^\\)]+)\\)\\s*=\\s*\\(\\s*SELECT\\s(.*?)\\s(FROM\\s.*)");
* private String convertUpdate(String sqlStatement) { String
* convertedSqlStatement = sqlStatement; // 1st step: Remove and replace
* alias Matcher aliasMatcher = aliasPatternInUpdate.matcher(sqlStatement);
* if (aliasMatcher.matches()) { // We found an UPDATE-statement with an
* alias => convert // Extract table name and alias String tableName =
* aliasMatcher.group(1); String alias = aliasMatcher.group(2); // remove
* the alias before SET convertedSqlStatement =
* sqlStatement.replaceFirst("\\s+" + alias + "\\s+", " "); // replace the
* alias with the real table name in all other places convertedSqlStatement =
* convertedSqlStatement.replaceAll("\\b" + alias + "\\.", tableName + "."); } //
* End of: Remove and replace alias // 2nd: step: Convert tuple updates with
* inner SELECT Matcher tupleUpdateMatcher =
* tupleUpdatePatternInUpdate.matcher(convertedSqlStatement); if
* (tupleUpdateMatcher.matches()) { // We found an UPDATE-statement with a
* "tuple-update" // of the form UPDATE a SET (b, c) = (SELECT x, y FROM z
* WHERE) WHERE ... // Extract some important parts of the statement String
* tableName = tupleUpdateMatcher.group(1); String columnsTupleString =
* tupleUpdateMatcher.group(2); String innerSelectColumnsTupleString =
* tupleUpdateMatcher.group(3); String innerSelectFromUntilEnd =
* tupleUpdateMatcher.group(4); // columnsArray contains the columns to be
* updated String[] columnsArray = columnsTupleString.split("\\s*,\\s*"); //
* innerSelectColumnsArray contains the corresponding "columns" // of the
* inner SELECT statement String[] innerSelectColumnsArray = new
* String[columnsArray.length]; // split the inner SELECT columns by ',' but
* not within parenthesis char[] innerSelectColumnsCharArray =
* innerSelectColumnsTupleString.toCharArray(); int openParenthesisCount =
* 0; int columnCount = 0; StringBuffer currentInnerSelectColumnSb = new
* StringBuffer(); int innerSelectColumnsCharArrayLength =
* innerSelectColumnsCharArray.length; int
* innerSelectColumnsCharArrayLastIndex= innerSelectColumnsCharArrayLength -
* 1; for (int i=0; i<innerSelectColumnsCharArrayLength; i++) { if
* (openParenthesisCount > 0) { // If inside of a parenthesis pair simply
* append the character
* currentInnerSelectColumnSb.append(innerSelectColumnsCharArray[i]); } else { //
* We're not inside of a parentheses pair if (innerSelectColumnsCharArray[i] ==
* ',') { // A ',' denotes the end of the inner SELECT column
* innerSelectColumnsArray[columnCount] =
* currentInnerSelectColumnSb.toString().trim(); // Start the next "column"
* of the inner SELECT currentInnerSelectColumnSb = new StringBuffer();
* columnCount++; } else if (i == innerSelectColumnsCharArrayLastIndex) { //
* End of String reached => append last character and add last column
* currentInnerSelectColumnSb.append(innerSelectColumnsCharArray[i]);
* innerSelectColumnsArray[columnCount] =
* currentInnerSelectColumnSb.toString().trim(); } else { // We did not find
* a ',' and we did not reach the end of the string // => this is a "normal"
* character; append
* currentInnerSelectColumnSb.append(innerSelectColumnsCharArray[i]); } } //
* Take care of opening and closing parenthesis // to adjust the open
* parenthesis count if (innerSelectColumnsCharArray[i] == '(') {
* openParenthesisCount++; } else if (innerSelectColumnsCharArray[i] == ')') {
* openParenthesisCount--; } } // Split the FROM-until-end-part into // a)
* the inner SELECT FROM-WHERE-Clause (innerSelectFromWhereClauseSb) // b)
* the WHERE-clause of the UPDATE-statement (updateWhereClauseSb) char[]
* innerSelectFromUntilEndCharArray = innerSelectFromUntilEnd.toCharArray();
* openParenthesisCount = 0; int innerSelectFromUntilEndCharArrayLength =
* innerSelectFromUntilEndCharArray.length; StringBuffer
* innerSelectFromWhereClauseSb = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer
* updateWhereClauseSb = new StringBuffer(); boolean
* endOfinnerSelectFromWhereClauseReached = false; for (int i=0; i<innerSelectFromUntilEndCharArrayLength;
* i++) { if (endOfinnerSelectFromWhereClauseReached) { // if the end of the
* inner SELECT FROM-WHERE-Clause has // already been reached: Append the
* rest to the WHERE-clause of // the update statement
* updateWhereClauseSb.append(innerSelectFromUntilEndCharArray[i]); } else { //
* the end of the inner SELECT FROM-WHERE-Clause has NOT been reached if
* (innerSelectFromUntilEndCharArray[i] == ')') { // decrement the open
* parenthesis count if we found a closing parenthesis
* openParenthesisCount--; if (openParenthesisCount < 0) { // if
* decrementing the open parenthesis count // leads to a value below 0 we
* found the // end of the inner SELECT
* endOfinnerSelectFromWhereClauseReached = true; } else { // End of the
* inner SELECT not reached: // Append closing paranthesis
* innerSelectFromWhereClauseSb.append(')'); } } else if
* (innerSelectFromUntilEndCharArray[i] == '(') { // Found an opening
* parenthesis => increment the open parenthesis count
* openParenthesisCount++; innerSelectFromWhereClauseSb.append('('); } else { //
* Append all other characters
* innerSelectFromWhereClauseSb.append(innerSelectFromUntilEndCharArray[i]); } } } //
* assemble the new UPDATE statement int columnsArrayLength =
* columnsArray.length; int columnsArrayLastIndex = columnsArrayLength - 1;
* StringBuffer newUpdateStatementSb = new StringBuffer("UPDATE ");
* newUpdateStatementSb.append(tableName); newUpdateStatementSb.append(" SET
* "); // We now have: "UPDATE tablename SET " // Now iterate over all
* columns to be updated and add // the SELECT clause for (int i=0; i<columnsArrayLength;
* i++) { newUpdateStatementSb.append(columnsArray[i]); if
* (innerSelectColumnsArray[i]==null) { newUpdateStatementSb.append(" =
* NULL"); } else if
* (innerSelectColumnsArray[i].trim().toUpperCase().equals("NULL")) { // If
* the inner SELECT column is NULL, simply set the target // column to NULL,
* avoiding the SELECT statement; // this circumvents problems in Derby
* where SELECT NULL-statements // are not allowed without an explicit type
* cast newUpdateStatementSb.append(" = NULL"); } else { // If the inner
* SELECT column is not NULL, append the // full new inner SELECT clause
* newUpdateStatementSb.append(" = (SELECT ");
* newUpdateStatementSb.append(innerSelectColumnsArray[i]).append(" ");
* newUpdateStatementSb.append(innerSelectFromWhereClauseSb);
* newUpdateStatementSb.append(")"); }
* if (i == columnsArrayLastIndex) { newUpdateStatementSb.append(" "); }
* else { // If the inner SELECT column is not NULL, append the // full new
* inner SELECT clause newUpdateStatementSb.append(" = (SELECT ");
* newUpdateStatementSb.append(innerSelectColumnsArray[i]).append(" ");
* newUpdateStatementSb.append(innerSelectFromWhereClauseSb);
* newUpdateStatementSb.append(")"); }
* if (i == columnsArrayLastIndex) { newUpdateStatementSb.append(" "); }
* else { newUpdateStatementSb.append(", "); } } // After adding the WHERE
* clause of the UPDATE statement we're done
* newUpdateStatementSb.append(updateWhereClauseSb); convertedSqlStatement =
* newUpdateStatementSb.toString(); } // End of: Convert tuple updates with
* inner SELECT
* return convertedSqlStatement; } // convertUpdate
* Check if token is a valid sql identifier
* @param token
* @return True if token is a valid sql identifier, false otherwise
private boolean isIdentifier(String token)
if ("=".equals(token))
return false;
else if ("<>".equals(token))
return false;
else if (">".equals(token))
return false;
else if ("<".equals(token))
return false;
else if ("<=".equals(token))
return false;
else if (">=".equals(token))
return false;
else if ("||".equals(token))
return false;
else if ("+".equals(token))
return false;
else if ("-".equals(token))
return false;
else if ("*".equals(token))
return false;
else if ("/".equals(token))
return false;
else if ("!=".equals(token))
return false;
try {
new BigDecimal(token);
return false;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {}
return true;
* Converts Decode.
* Converts Delete.
* <pre>
@ -1368,52 +1384,43 @@ public class Convert_PostgreSQL extends Convert_SQL92 {
// begin vpj-cd e-evolution 08/02/2005
* convertAlias.
* convertAlias - for compatibility with 8.1
* @param sqlStatement
* @return converted statementf
private String convertAlias(String sqlStatement) {
String[] tokens = sqlStatement.split("\\s");
String table = null;
String alias = null;
if ("UPDATE".equalsIgnoreCase(tokens[0])) {
if ("SET".equalsIgnoreCase(tokens[2])) return sqlStatement;
table = tokens[1];
alias = tokens[2];
} else if ("INSERT".equalsIgnoreCase(tokens[0])) {
if ("VALUES".equalsIgnoreCase(tokens[3]) ||
return sqlStatement;
* String statement = sqlStatement; int index = 0; int begintable = 0;
* int begin = 0; int end = 0; String alias = null;
* if (statement.toUpperCase().indexOf("DELETE FROM ") == 0) { index =
* statement.toUpperCase().indexOf("DELETE FROM "); begintable =
* statement.indexOf(' ', 11 ); // begin the opening ' ' begin Alias
* begin = statement.indexOf(' ', 12 ); // end Alias end =
* statement.toUpperCase().indexOf("WHERE", 0 ); } else if
* (statement.toUpperCase().indexOf("UPDATE ") == 0) { index =
* statement.toUpperCase().indexOf("UPDATE "); //String firstPart =
* statement.substring(0,index);
* begintable = statement.indexOf(' ', 6 ); // begin the opening ' '
* begin Alias begin = statement.indexOf(' ', 7 ); //statement =
* statement.substring(begin); // end Alias
* end = statement.toUpperCase().indexOf(" SET" , 0 );
* //statement.indexOf("SET", 0 ); } else { return statement; }
* String sqlAlias = statement ; if (end > begin) { alias =
* statement.substring(begin,end).trim()+"."; String table =
* statement.substring(begintable,begin).trim();
* //System.out.println("Table" + table); statement =
* statement.substring(0,begin) + " " + statement.substring(end); if
* (!alias.equals(".")) { sqlAlias = Util.replace(statement, " " +alias , " " +
* table + "."); sqlAlias = Util.replace(sqlAlias, "=" +alias , "=" +
* table + "."); sqlAlias = Util.replace(sqlAlias, "(" +alias , "(" +
* table + "."); } }
* //sqlDelete = Util.replace(sqlDelete, "DELETE " , "DELETE FROM ");
* //System.out.println("Convertion Alias:" + statement.substring(0,
* begin ) + " " + statement.substring(end));
* //System.out.println("Statement Convert:" + statement);
* //System.out.println("begin Alias:" + begin + " end Alias:" + end );
* //System.out.println("Alias:" + statement.substring(begin,
* end).trim()); //System.out.println("SQL Alias:"+sqlAlias); return
* sqlAlias;
if (!tokens[3].startsWith("(")) {
table = tokens[2];
alias = tokens[3];
} else {
return sqlStatement;
} else if ("DELETE".equalsIgnoreCase(tokens[0])) {
if (tokens.length < 4) return sqlStatement;
if ("WHERE".equalsIgnoreCase(tokens[3])) return sqlStatement;
table = tokens[2];
alias = tokens[3];
if (table != null && alias != null ) {
String converted = sqlStatement.replaceFirst("\\s"+alias+"\\s", " ");
converted = converted.replaceAll("\\s"+alias+"\\.", " " + table+".");
converted = converted.replaceAll(","+alias+"\\.", "," + table+".");
return converted;
} else {
return sqlStatement;
} // convertDelete
// end vpj-cd e-evolution 02/24/2005 PostgreSQL
@ -1534,27 +1541,4 @@ public class Convert_PostgreSQL extends Convert_SQL92 {
return null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
//financial report, bug [ 1580231 ]
String sql = "UPDATE t_report"
+ " SET (NAME, description) = (SELECT VALUE, NAME "
+ " FROM c_elementvalue"
+ " WHERE c_elementvalue_id = record_id) "
+ " WHERE record_id <> 0 " + " AND ad_pinstance_id = 1000024 "
+ " AND pa_reportline_id = 101 " + " AND fact_acct_id = 0 ";
Convert_PostgreSQL convert = new Convert_PostgreSQL();
String[] r = convert.convert(sql);
//from victor's test
sql = "UPDATE I_Order SET M_Warehouse_ID=(SELECT M_Warehouse_ID FROM M_Warehouse w WHERE ROWNUM=1 AND I_Order.AD_Client_ID=w.AD_Client_ID AND I_Order.AD_Org_ID=w.AD_Org_ID) WHERE M_Warehouse_ID IS NULL AND I_IsImported<>'Y' AND AD_Client_ID=11";
r = convert.convert(sql);
sql = "UPDATE I_Order o SET (C_BPartner_ID,AD_User_ID)=(SELECT C_BPartner_ID,AD_User_ID FROM AD_User u WHERE o.ContactName=u.Name AND o.AD_Client_ID=u.AD_Client_ID AND u.C_BPartner_ID IS NOT NULL) WHERE C_BPartner_ID IS NULL AND ContactName IS NOT NULL AND EXISTS (SELECT Name FROM AD_User u WHERE o.ContactName=u.Name AND o.AD_Client_ID=u.AD_Client_ID AND u.C_BPartner_ID IS NOT NULL GROUP BY Name HAVING COUNT(*)=1) AND I_IsImported<>'Y' AND AD_Client_ID=11";
r = convert.convert(sql);
} // Convert

View File

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Adempiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
package org.compiere.dbPort;
* Unit testing for Convert_PostgreSQL. Not using junit now as I do not want to
* add more dependency to the project at this moment.
* @author Low Heng Sin
* @version 20061225
public final class Convert_PostgreSQLTest {
public Convert_PostgreSQLTest() {}
public void doTest() {
Convert_PostgreSQL convert = new Convert_PostgreSQL();
//financial report, bug [ 1580231 ]
String sql = "UPDATE t_report"
+ " SET (NAME, description) = (SELECT VALUE, NAME "
+ " FROM c_elementvalue"
+ " WHERE c_elementvalue_id = t_report.record_id) "
+ " WHERE record_id <> 0 " + " AND ad_pinstance_id = 1000024 "
+ " AND pa_reportline_id = 101 " + " AND fact_acct_id = 0 ";
String[] r = convert.convert(sql);
verify(sql, r, "UPDATE t_report SET NAME=c_elementvalue.VALUE,description=c_elementvalue.NAME FROM c_elementvalue WHERE c_elementvalue.c_elementvalue_id = t_report.record_id AND t_report.record_id <> 0 AND t_report.ad_pinstance_id = 1000024 AND t_report.pa_reportline_id = 101 AND t_report.fact_acct_id = 0");
//from victor's test
//test limit
sql = "UPDATE I_Order SET M_Warehouse_ID=(SELECT M_Warehouse_ID FROM M_Warehouse w WHERE ROWNUM=1 AND I_Order.AD_Client_ID=w.AD_Client_ID AND I_Order.AD_Org_ID=w.AD_Org_ID) WHERE M_Warehouse_ID IS NULL AND I_IsImported<>'Y' AND AD_Client_ID=11";
r = convert.convert(sql);
verify(sql, r, "UPDATE I_Order SET M_Warehouse_ID=(SELECT M_Warehouse_ID FROM M_Warehouse w WHERE I_Order.AD_Client_ID=w.AD_Client_ID AND I_Order.AD_Org_ID=w.AD_Org_ID LIMIT 1 ) WHERE M_Warehouse_ID IS NULL AND I_IsImported<>'Y' AND AD_Client_ID=11");
//test alias and column list update
sql = "UPDATE I_Order o SET (C_BPartner_ID,AD_User_ID)=(SELECT C_BPartner_ID,AD_User_ID FROM AD_User u WHERE o.ContactName=u.Name AND o.AD_Client_ID=u.AD_Client_ID AND u.C_BPartner_ID IS NOT NULL) WHERE C_BPartner_ID IS NULL AND ContactName IS NOT NULL AND EXISTS (SELECT Name FROM AD_User u WHERE o.ContactName=u.Name AND o.AD_Client_ID=u.AD_Client_ID AND u.C_BPartner_ID IS NOT NULL GROUP BY Name HAVING COUNT(*)=1) AND I_IsImported<>'Y' AND AD_Client_ID=11";
r = convert.convert(sql);
verify(sql, r, "UPDATE I_Order SET C_BPartner_ID=u.C_BPartner_ID,AD_User_ID=u.AD_User_ID FROM AD_User u WHERE I_Order.ContactName=u.Name AND I_Order.AD_Client_ID=u.AD_Client_ID AND u.C_BPartner_ID IS NOT NULL AND I_Order.C_BPartner_ID IS NULL AND I_Order.ContactName IS NOT NULL AND EXISTS (SELECT Name FROM AD_User u WHERE I_Order.ContactName=u.Name AND I_Order.AD_Client_ID=u.AD_Client_ID AND u.C_BPartner_ID IS NOT NULL GROUP BY Name HAVING COUNT(*)=1) AND I_Order.I_IsImported<>'Y' AND I_Order.AD_Client_ID=11");
//from bug [ 1580226 ] - test alias and trunc
sql = "INSERT INTO Fact_Acct_Balance ab "
+ "(AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, C_AcctSchema_ID, DateAcct,"
+ " Account_ID, PostingType, M_Product_ID, C_BPartner_ID,"
+ " C_Project_ID, AD_OrgTrx_ID, C_SalesRegion_ID,C_Activity_ID,"
+ " C_Campaign_ID, C_LocTo_ID, C_LocFrom_ID, User1_ID, User2_ID, GL_Budget_ID,"
+ " AmtAcctDr, AmtAcctCr, Qty) "
+ "SELECT AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, C_AcctSchema_ID, TRUNC(DateAcct),"
+ " Account_ID, PostingType, M_Product_ID, C_BPartner_ID,"
+ " C_Project_ID, AD_OrgTrx_ID, C_SalesRegion_ID,C_Activity_ID,"
+ " C_Campaign_ID, C_LocTo_ID, C_LocFrom_ID, User1_ID, User2_ID, GL_Budget_ID,"
+ " COALESCE(SUM(AmtAcctDr),0), COALESCE(SUM(AmtAcctCr),0), COALESCE(SUM(Qty),0) "
+ "FROM Fact_Acct a "
+ "WHERE C_AcctSchema_ID=0"
+ " GROUP BY AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID, C_AcctSchema_ID, TRUNC(DateAcct),"
+ " Account_ID, PostingType, M_Product_ID, C_BPartner_ID,"
+ " C_Project_ID, AD_OrgTrx_ID, C_SalesRegion_ID, C_Activity_ID,"
+ " C_Campaign_ID, C_LocTo_ID, C_LocFrom_ID, User1_ID, User2_ID, GL_Budget_ID";
String expected = "INSERT INTO Fact_Acct_Balance "
+ "(AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, C_AcctSchema_ID, DateAcct,"
+ " Account_ID, PostingType, M_Product_ID, C_BPartner_ID,"
+ " C_Project_ID, AD_OrgTrx_ID, C_SalesRegion_ID,C_Activity_ID,"
+ " C_Campaign_ID, C_LocTo_ID, C_LocFrom_ID, User1_ID, User2_ID, GL_Budget_ID,"
+ " AmtAcctDr, AmtAcctCr, Qty) "
+ "SELECT AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, C_AcctSchema_ID, DATE_Trunc('day',DateAcct),"
+ " Account_ID, PostingType, M_Product_ID, C_BPartner_ID,"
+ " C_Project_ID, AD_OrgTrx_ID, C_SalesRegion_ID,C_Activity_ID,"
+ " C_Campaign_ID, C_LocTo_ID, C_LocFrom_ID, User1_ID, User2_ID, GL_Budget_ID,"
+ " COALESCE(SUM(AmtAcctDr),0), COALESCE(SUM(AmtAcctCr),0), COALESCE(SUM(Qty),0) "
+ "FROM Fact_Acct a "
+ "WHERE C_AcctSchema_ID=0"
+ " GROUP BY AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID, C_AcctSchema_ID, DATE_Trunc('day',DateAcct),"
+ " Account_ID, PostingType, M_Product_ID, C_BPartner_ID,"
+ " C_Project_ID, AD_OrgTrx_ID, C_SalesRegion_ID, C_Activity_ID,"
+ " C_Campaign_ID, C_LocTo_ID, C_LocFrom_ID, User1_ID, User2_ID, GL_Budget_ID";
r = convert.convert(sql);
verify(sql, r, expected);
sql = "UPDATE M_Product_PO po "
+ "SET PriceLastInv = "
+ "(SELECT currencyConvert(il.PriceActual,i.C_Currency_ID,po.C_Currency_ID,i.DateInvoiced,i.C_ConversionType_ID,i.AD_Client_ID,i.AD_Org_ID) "
+ "FROM C_Invoice i, C_InvoiceLine il "
+ "WHERE i.C_Invoice_ID=il.C_Invoice_ID"
+ " AND po.M_Product_ID=il.M_Product_ID AND po.C_BPartner_ID=i.C_BPartner_ID"
+ " AND ROWNUM=1 AND i.C_Invoice_ID=0) "
+ "FROM C_Invoice i, C_InvoiceLine il "
+ "WHERE i.C_Invoice_ID=il.C_Invoice_ID"
+ " AND po.M_Product_ID=il.M_Product_ID AND po.C_BPartner_ID=i.C_BPartner_ID"
+ " AND i.C_Invoice_ID=0)";
r = convert.convert(sql);
verify(sql,r,"UPDATE M_Product_PO SET PriceLastInv = (SELECT currencyConvert(il.PriceActual,i.C_Currency_ID,M_Product_PO.C_Currency_ID,i.DateInvoiced,i.C_ConversionType_ID,i.AD_Client_ID,i.AD_Org_ID) FROM C_Invoice i, C_InvoiceLine il WHERE i.C_Invoice_ID=il.C_Invoice_ID AND M_Product_PO.M_Product_ID=il.M_Product_ID AND M_Product_PO.C_BPartner_ID=i.C_BPartner_ID AND i.C_Invoice_ID=0 LIMIT 1 ) WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_Invoice i, C_InvoiceLine il WHERE i.C_Invoice_ID=il.C_Invoice_ID AND M_Product_PO.M_Product_ID=il.M_Product_ID AND M_Product_PO.C_BPartner_ID=i.C_BPartner_ID AND i.C_Invoice_ID=0)");
//From bug [ 1576358 ] and [ 1577055 ]
sql = "SELECT TRUNC(TO_DATE('2006-10-13','YYYY-MM-DD'),'Q') FROM DUAL";
r = convert.convert(sql);
verify(sql, r, "SELECT DATE_Trunc('quarter',TO_TIMESTAMP('2006-10-13','YYYY-MM-DD'))");
//FinReport, test inner join in subquery
sql = "UPDATE T_Report r SET (Name,Description)=("
+ "SELECT e.Name, fa.Description "
+ "FROM Fact_Acct fa"
+ " INNER JOIN AD_Table t ON (fa.AD_Table_ID=t.AD_Table_ID)"
+ " INNER JOIN AD_Element e ON (t.TableName||'_ID'=e.ColumnName) "
+ "WHERE r.Fact_Acct_ID=fa.Fact_Acct_ID) "
+ "WHERE Fact_Acct_ID <> 0 AND AD_PInstance_ID=0";
r = convert.convert(sql);
verify(sql, r, "UPDATE T_Report SET Name=e.Name,Description=fa.Description FROM Fact_Acct fa INNER JOIN AD_Table t ON (fa.AD_Table_ID=t.AD_Table_ID) INNER JOIN AD_Element e ON (t.TableName||'_ID'=e.ColumnName) WHERE T_Report.Fact_Acct_ID=fa.Fact_Acct_ID AND T_Report.Fact_Acct_ID <> 0 AND T_Report.AD_PInstance_ID=0");
private void verify(String original, String[] converted, String expected) {
if (converted == null || converted.length != 1) {
System.out.println("Convert test failed for: ");
System.out.println("Reason: Null or empty result.");
} else if (!(converted[0].equals(expected))) {
System.out.println("Convert test failed for: ");
System.out.println("Result: ");
System.out.println("Expected: ");
System.out.println("Reason: Actual result does not match with expected result.");
} else {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Convert_PostgreSQLTest().doTest();