diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/model/CalloutOrder.java b/base/src/org/compiere/model/CalloutOrder.java
index 622a8bccee..f8a41717ad 100644
--- a/base/src/org/compiere/model/CalloutOrder.java
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/model/CalloutOrder.java
@@ -3,135 +3,135 @@
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
- * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
- * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
- * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
- * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
- * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.compiere.model;
-import java.math.*;
-import java.sql.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.util.logging.*;
-import org.compiere.util.*;
- * Order Callouts.
- *
- * @author Jorg Janke
- * @version $Id: CalloutOrder.java,v 1.5 2006/10/08 06:57:33 comdivision Exp $
- */
-public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
- /** Debug Steps */
- private boolean steps = false;
- /**
- * Order Header Change - DocType.
- * - InvoiceRuld/DeliveryRule/PaymentRule
- * - temporary Document
- * Context:
- * - DocSubTypeSO
- * - HasCharges
- * - (re-sets Business Partner info of required)
- *
- * @param ctx Context
- * @param WindowNo current Window No
- * @param mTab Model Tab
- * @param mField Model Field
- * @param value The new value
- * @return Error message or ""
- */
- public String docType (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, GridTab mTab, GridField mField, Object value)
- {
- Integer C_DocType_ID = (Integer)value; // Actually C_DocTypeTarget_ID
- if (C_DocType_ID == null || C_DocType_ID.intValue() == 0)
- return "";
- // Re-Create new DocNo, if there is a doc number already
- // and the existing source used a different Sequence number
- String oldDocNo = (String)mTab.getValue("DocumentNo");
- boolean newDocNo = (oldDocNo == null);
- if (!newDocNo && oldDocNo.startsWith("<") && oldDocNo.endsWith(">"))
- newDocNo = true;
- Integer oldC_DocType_ID = (Integer)mTab.getValue("C_DocType_ID");
- String sql = "SELECT d.DocSubTypeSO,d.HasCharges,'N'," // 1..3
- + "d.IsDocNoControlled,s.CurrentNext,s.CurrentNextSys," // 4..6
- + "s.AD_Sequence_ID,d.IsSOTrx " // 7..8
- + "FROM C_DocType d, AD_Sequence s "
- + "WHERE C_DocType_ID=?" // #1
- + " AND d.DocNoSequence_ID=s.AD_Sequence_ID(+)";
- try
- {
- int AD_Sequence_ID = 0;
- // Get old AD_SeqNo for comparison
- if (!newDocNo && oldC_DocType_ID.intValue() != 0)
- {
- PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
- pstmt.setInt(1, oldC_DocType_ID.intValue());
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- if (rs.next())
- AD_Sequence_ID = rs.getInt(6);
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- }
- PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
- pstmt.setInt(1, C_DocType_ID.intValue());
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- String DocSubTypeSO = "";
- boolean IsSOTrx = true;
- if (rs.next()) // we found document type
- {
- // Set Context: Document Sub Type for Sales Orders
- DocSubTypeSO = rs.getString(1);
- if (DocSubTypeSO == null)
- DocSubTypeSO = "--";
- Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "OrderType", DocSubTypeSO);
- // No Drop Ship other than Standard
- if (!DocSubTypeSO.equals(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_Standard))
- mTab.setValue ("IsDropShip", "N");
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
+ * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
+ * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
+ * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.model;
+import java.math.*;
+import java.sql.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.logging.*;
+import org.compiere.util.*;
+ * Order Callouts.
+ *
+ * @author Jorg Janke
+ * @version $Id: CalloutOrder.java,v 1.5 2006/10/08 06:57:33 comdivision Exp $
+ */
+public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
+ /** Debug Steps */
+ private boolean steps = false;
+ /**
+ * Order Header Change - DocType.
+ * - InvoiceRuld/DeliveryRule/PaymentRule
+ * - temporary Document
+ * Context:
+ * - DocSubTypeSO
+ * - HasCharges
+ * - (re-sets Business Partner info of required)
+ *
+ * @param ctx Context
+ * @param WindowNo current Window No
+ * @param mTab Model Tab
+ * @param mField Model Field
+ * @param value The new value
+ * @return Error message or ""
+ */
+ public String docType (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, GridTab mTab, GridField mField, Object value)
+ {
+ Integer C_DocType_ID = (Integer)value; // Actually C_DocTypeTarget_ID
+ if (C_DocType_ID == null || C_DocType_ID.intValue() == 0)
+ return "";
+ // Re-Create new DocNo, if there is a doc number already
+ // and the existing source used a different Sequence number
+ String oldDocNo = (String)mTab.getValue("DocumentNo");
+ boolean newDocNo = (oldDocNo == null);
+ if (!newDocNo && oldDocNo.startsWith("<") && oldDocNo.endsWith(">"))
+ newDocNo = true;
+ Integer oldC_DocType_ID = (Integer)mTab.getValue("C_DocType_ID");
+ String sql = "SELECT d.DocSubTypeSO,d.HasCharges,'N'," // 1..3
+ + "d.IsDocNoControlled,s.CurrentNext,s.CurrentNextSys," // 4..6
+ + "s.AD_Sequence_ID,d.IsSOTrx " // 7..8
+ + "FROM C_DocType d, AD_Sequence s "
+ + "WHERE C_DocType_ID=?" // #1
+ + " AND d.DocNoSequence_ID=s.AD_Sequence_ID(+)";
+ try
+ {
+ int AD_Sequence_ID = 0;
+ // Get old AD_SeqNo for comparison
+ if (!newDocNo && oldC_DocType_ID.intValue() != 0)
+ {
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
+ pstmt.setInt(1, oldC_DocType_ID.intValue());
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ if (rs.next())
+ AD_Sequence_ID = rs.getInt(6);
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ }
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
+ pstmt.setInt(1, C_DocType_ID.intValue());
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ String DocSubTypeSO = "";
+ boolean IsSOTrx = true;
+ if (rs.next()) // we found document type
+ {
+ // Set Context: Document Sub Type for Sales Orders
+ DocSubTypeSO = rs.getString(1);
+ if (DocSubTypeSO == null)
+ DocSubTypeSO = "--";
+ Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "OrderType", DocSubTypeSO);
+ // No Drop Ship other than Standard
+ if (!DocSubTypeSO.equals(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_Standard))
+ mTab.setValue ("IsDropShip", "N");
// Delivery Rule
if (DocSubTypeSO.equals(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_POS))
- mTab.setValue ("DeliveryRule", MOrder.DELIVERYRULE_Force);
+ mTab.setValue ("DeliveryRule", X_C_Order.DELIVERYRULE_Force);
else if (DocSubTypeSO.equals(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_Prepay))
- mTab.setValue ("DeliveryRule", MOrder.DELIVERYRULE_AfterReceipt);
+ mTab.setValue ("DeliveryRule", X_C_Order.DELIVERYRULE_AfterReceipt);
- mTab.setValue ("DeliveryRule", MOrder.DELIVERYRULE_Availability);
+ mTab.setValue ("DeliveryRule", X_C_Order.DELIVERYRULE_Availability);
// Invoice Rule
if (DocSubTypeSO.equals(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_POS)
|| DocSubTypeSO.equals(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_Prepay)
|| DocSubTypeSO.equals(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_OnCredit) )
- mTab.setValue ("InvoiceRule", MOrder.INVOICERULE_Immediate);
+ mTab.setValue ("InvoiceRule", X_C_Order.INVOICERULE_Immediate);
- mTab.setValue ("InvoiceRule", MOrder.INVOICERULE_AfterDelivery);
+ mTab.setValue ("InvoiceRule", X_C_Order.INVOICERULE_AfterDelivery);
// Payment Rule - POS Order
if (DocSubTypeSO.equals(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_POS))
- mTab.setValue("PaymentRule", MOrder.PAYMENTRULE_Cash);
+ mTab.setValue("PaymentRule", X_C_Order.PAYMENTRULE_Cash);
- mTab.setValue("PaymentRule", MOrder.PAYMENTRULE_OnCredit);
+ mTab.setValue("PaymentRule", X_C_Order.PAYMENTRULE_OnCredit);
// IsSOTrx
if ("N".equals(rs.getString(8)))
- IsSOTrx = false;
- // Set Context:
- Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "HasCharges", rs.getString(2));
- // DocumentNo
- if (rs.getString(4).equals("Y")) // IsDocNoControlled
- {
+ IsSOTrx = false;
+ // Set Context:
+ Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "HasCharges", rs.getString(2));
+ // DocumentNo
+ if (rs.getString(4).equals("Y")) // IsDocNoControlled
+ {
if (!newDocNo && AD_Sequence_ID != rs.getInt(7))
newDocNo = true;
if (newDocNo)
@@ -139,175 +139,175 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
mTab.setValue("DocumentNo", "<" + rs.getString(6) + ">");
mTab.setValue("DocumentNo", "<" + rs.getString(5) + ">");
- }
- }
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- // When BPartner is changed, the Rules are not set if
- // it is a POS or Credit Order (i.e. defaults from Standard BPartner)
- // This re-reads the Rules and applies them.
- if (DocSubTypeSO.equals(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_POS)
- || DocSubTypeSO.equals(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_Prepay)) // not for POS/PrePay
- ;
- else
- {
- sql = "SELECT PaymentRule,C_PaymentTerm_ID," // 1..2
- + "InvoiceRule,DeliveryRule," // 3..4
- + "FreightCostRule,DeliveryViaRule, " // 5..6
- + "PaymentRulePO,PO_PaymentTerm_ID "
- + "FROM C_BPartner "
- + "WHERE C_BPartner_ID=?"; // #1
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
- int C_BPartner_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "C_BPartner_ID");
- pstmt.setInt(1, C_BPartner_ID);
- //
- rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- if (rs.next())
- {
- // PaymentRule
- String s = rs.getString(IsSOTrx ? "PaymentRule" : "PaymentRulePO");
- if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
- {
- if (IsSOTrx && (s.equals("B") || s.equals("S") || s.equals("U"))) // No Cash/Check/Transfer for SO_Trx
- s = "P"; // Payment Term
- if (!IsSOTrx && (s.equals("B"))) // No Cash for PO_Trx
- s = "P"; // Payment Term
- mTab.setValue("PaymentRule", s);
- }
- // Payment Term
- Integer ii =new Integer(rs.getInt(IsSOTrx ? "C_PaymentTerm_ID" : "PO_PaymentTerm_ID"));
- if (!rs.wasNull())
- mTab.setValue("C_PaymentTerm_ID", ii);
- // InvoiceRule
- s = rs.getString(3);
- if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
- mTab.setValue("InvoiceRule", s);
- // DeliveryRule
- s = rs.getString(4);
- if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
- mTab.setValue("DeliveryRule", s);
- // FreightCostRule
- s = rs.getString(5);
- if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
- mTab.setValue("FreightCostRule", s);
- // DeliveryViaRule
- s = rs.getString(6);
- if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
- mTab.setValue("DeliveryViaRule", s);
- }
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- } // re-read customer rules
- }
- catch (SQLException e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- return e.getLocalizedMessage();
- }
- return "";
- } // docType
- /**
- * Order Header - BPartner.
- * - M_PriceList_ID (+ Context)
- * - C_BPartner_Location_ID
- * - Bill_BPartner_ID/Bill_Location_ID
- * - AD_User_ID
- * - POReference
- * - SO_Description
- * - IsDiscountPrinted
- * - InvoiceRule/DeliveryRule/PaymentRule/FreightCost/DeliveryViaRule
- * - C_PaymentTerm_ID
- * @param ctx Context
- * @param WindowNo current Window No
- * @param mTab Model Tab
- * @param mField Model Field
- * @param value The new value
- * @return Error message or ""
- */
- public String bPartner (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, GridTab mTab, GridField mField, Object value)
- {
- Integer C_BPartner_ID = (Integer)value;
- if (C_BPartner_ID == null || C_BPartner_ID.intValue() == 0)
- return "";
- setCalloutActive(true);
- String sql = "SELECT p.AD_Language,p.C_PaymentTerm_ID,"
- + " COALESCE(p.M_PriceList_ID,g.M_PriceList_ID) AS M_PriceList_ID, p.PaymentRule,p.POReference,"
- + " p.SO_Description,p.IsDiscountPrinted,"
- + " p.InvoiceRule,p.DeliveryRule,p.FreightCostRule,DeliveryViaRule,"
- + " p.SO_CreditLimit, p.SO_CreditLimit-p.SO_CreditUsed AS CreditAvailable,"
- + " lship.C_BPartner_Location_ID,c.AD_User_ID,"
- + " COALESCE(p.PO_PriceList_ID,g.PO_PriceList_ID) AS PO_PriceList_ID, p.PaymentRulePO,p.PO_PaymentTerm_ID,"
- + " lbill.C_BPartner_Location_ID AS Bill_Location_ID, p.SOCreditStatus "
- + "FROM C_BPartner p"
- + " INNER JOIN C_BP_Group g ON (p.C_BP_Group_ID=g.C_BP_Group_ID)"
- + " LEFT OUTER JOIN C_BPartner_Location lbill ON (p.C_BPartner_ID=lbill.C_BPartner_ID AND lbill.IsBillTo='Y' AND lbill.IsActive='Y')"
- + " LEFT OUTER JOIN C_BPartner_Location lship ON (p.C_BPartner_ID=lship.C_BPartner_ID AND lship.IsShipTo='Y' AND lship.IsActive='Y')"
- + " LEFT OUTER JOIN AD_User c ON (p.C_BPartner_ID=c.C_BPartner_ID) "
- + "WHERE p.C_BPartner_ID=? AND p.IsActive='Y'"; // #1
- boolean IsSOTrx = "Y".equals(Env.getContext(ctx, WindowNo, "IsSOTrx"));
- try
- {
- PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
- pstmt.setInt(1, C_BPartner_ID.intValue());
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- if (rs.next())
- {
- // PriceList (indirect: IsTaxIncluded & Currency)
- Integer ii = new Integer(rs.getInt(IsSOTrx ? "M_PriceList_ID" : "PO_PriceList_ID"));
- if (!rs.wasNull())
- mTab.setValue("M_PriceList_ID", ii);
- else
- { // get default PriceList
- int i = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, "#M_PriceList_ID");
- if (i != 0)
- mTab.setValue("M_PriceList_ID", new Integer(i));
- }
- // Bill-To
- mTab.setValue("Bill_BPartner_ID", C_BPartner_ID);
- int bill_Location_ID = rs.getInt("Bill_Location_ID");
- if (bill_Location_ID == 0)
- mTab.setValue("Bill_Location_ID", null);
- else
- mTab.setValue("Bill_Location_ID", new Integer(bill_Location_ID));
- // Ship-To Location
- int shipTo_ID = rs.getInt("C_BPartner_Location_ID");
- // overwritten by InfoBP selection - works only if InfoWindow
- // was used otherwise creates error (uses last value, may belong to differnt BP)
- if (C_BPartner_ID.toString().equals(Env.getContext(ctx, Env.WINDOW_INFO, Env.TAB_INFO, "C_BPartner_ID")))
- {
- String loc = Env.getContext(ctx, Env.WINDOW_INFO, Env.TAB_INFO, "C_BPartner_Location_ID");
- if (loc.length() > 0)
- shipTo_ID = Integer.parseInt(loc);
- }
- if (shipTo_ID == 0)
- mTab.setValue("C_BPartner_Location_ID", null);
- else
- mTab.setValue("C_BPartner_Location_ID", new Integer(shipTo_ID));
- // Contact - overwritten by InfoBP selection
- int contID = rs.getInt("AD_User_ID");
- if (C_BPartner_ID.toString().equals(Env.getContext(ctx, Env.WINDOW_INFO, Env.TAB_INFO, "C_BPartner_ID")))
- {
- String cont = Env.getContext(ctx, Env.WINDOW_INFO, Env.TAB_INFO, "AD_User_ID");
- if (cont.length() > 0)
- contID = Integer.parseInt(cont);
- }
- if (contID == 0)
- mTab.setValue("AD_User_ID", null);
- else
- {
- mTab.setValue("AD_User_ID", new Integer(contID));
- mTab.setValue("Bill_User_ID", new Integer(contID));
- }
- // CreditAvailable
+ }
+ }
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ // When BPartner is changed, the Rules are not set if
+ // it is a POS or Credit Order (i.e. defaults from Standard BPartner)
+ // This re-reads the Rules and applies them.
+ if (DocSubTypeSO.equals(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_POS)
+ || DocSubTypeSO.equals(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_Prepay)) // not for POS/PrePay
+ ;
+ else
+ {
+ sql = "SELECT PaymentRule,C_PaymentTerm_ID," // 1..2
+ + "InvoiceRule,DeliveryRule," // 3..4
+ + "FreightCostRule,DeliveryViaRule, " // 5..6
+ + "PaymentRulePO,PO_PaymentTerm_ID "
+ + "FROM C_BPartner "
+ + "WHERE C_BPartner_ID=?"; // #1
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
+ int C_BPartner_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "C_BPartner_ID");
+ pstmt.setInt(1, C_BPartner_ID);
+ //
+ rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ if (rs.next())
+ {
+ // PaymentRule
+ String s = rs.getString(IsSOTrx ? "PaymentRule" : "PaymentRulePO");
+ if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
+ {
+ if (IsSOTrx && (s.equals("B") || s.equals("S") || s.equals("U"))) // No Cash/Check/Transfer for SO_Trx
+ s = "P"; // Payment Term
+ if (!IsSOTrx && (s.equals("B"))) // No Cash for PO_Trx
+ s = "P"; // Payment Term
+ mTab.setValue("PaymentRule", s);
+ }
+ // Payment Term
+ Integer ii =new Integer(rs.getInt(IsSOTrx ? "C_PaymentTerm_ID" : "PO_PaymentTerm_ID"));
+ if (!rs.wasNull())
+ mTab.setValue("C_PaymentTerm_ID", ii);
+ // InvoiceRule
+ s = rs.getString(3);
+ if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
+ mTab.setValue("InvoiceRule", s);
+ // DeliveryRule
+ s = rs.getString(4);
+ if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
+ mTab.setValue("DeliveryRule", s);
+ // FreightCostRule
+ s = rs.getString(5);
+ if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
+ mTab.setValue("FreightCostRule", s);
+ // DeliveryViaRule
+ s = rs.getString(6);
+ if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
+ mTab.setValue("DeliveryViaRule", s);
+ }
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ } // re-read customer rules
+ }
+ catch (SQLException e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ return e.getLocalizedMessage();
+ }
+ return "";
+ } // docType
+ /**
+ * Order Header - BPartner.
+ * - M_PriceList_ID (+ Context)
+ * - C_BPartner_Location_ID
+ * - Bill_BPartner_ID/Bill_Location_ID
+ * - AD_User_ID
+ * - POReference
+ * - SO_Description
+ * - IsDiscountPrinted
+ * - InvoiceRule/DeliveryRule/PaymentRule/FreightCost/DeliveryViaRule
+ * - C_PaymentTerm_ID
+ * @param ctx Context
+ * @param WindowNo current Window No
+ * @param mTab Model Tab
+ * @param mField Model Field
+ * @param value The new value
+ * @return Error message or ""
+ */
+ public String bPartner (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, GridTab mTab, GridField mField, Object value)
+ {
+ Integer C_BPartner_ID = (Integer)value;
+ if (C_BPartner_ID == null || C_BPartner_ID.intValue() == 0)
+ return "";
+ setCalloutActive(true);
+ String sql = "SELECT p.AD_Language,p.C_PaymentTerm_ID,"
+ + " COALESCE(p.M_PriceList_ID,g.M_PriceList_ID) AS M_PriceList_ID, p.PaymentRule,p.POReference,"
+ + " p.SO_Description,p.IsDiscountPrinted,"
+ + " p.InvoiceRule,p.DeliveryRule,p.FreightCostRule,DeliveryViaRule,"
+ + " p.SO_CreditLimit, p.SO_CreditLimit-p.SO_CreditUsed AS CreditAvailable,"
+ + " lship.C_BPartner_Location_ID,c.AD_User_ID,"
+ + " COALESCE(p.PO_PriceList_ID,g.PO_PriceList_ID) AS PO_PriceList_ID, p.PaymentRulePO,p.PO_PaymentTerm_ID,"
+ + " lbill.C_BPartner_Location_ID AS Bill_Location_ID, p.SOCreditStatus "
+ + "FROM C_BPartner p"
+ + " INNER JOIN C_BP_Group g ON (p.C_BP_Group_ID=g.C_BP_Group_ID)"
+ + " LEFT OUTER JOIN C_BPartner_Location lbill ON (p.C_BPartner_ID=lbill.C_BPartner_ID AND lbill.IsBillTo='Y' AND lbill.IsActive='Y')"
+ + " LEFT OUTER JOIN C_BPartner_Location lship ON (p.C_BPartner_ID=lship.C_BPartner_ID AND lship.IsShipTo='Y' AND lship.IsActive='Y')"
+ + " LEFT OUTER JOIN AD_User c ON (p.C_BPartner_ID=c.C_BPartner_ID) "
+ + "WHERE p.C_BPartner_ID=? AND p.IsActive='Y'"; // #1
+ boolean IsSOTrx = "Y".equals(Env.getContext(ctx, WindowNo, "IsSOTrx"));
+ try
+ {
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
+ pstmt.setInt(1, C_BPartner_ID.intValue());
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ if (rs.next())
+ {
+ // PriceList (indirect: IsTaxIncluded & Currency)
+ Integer ii = new Integer(rs.getInt(IsSOTrx ? "M_PriceList_ID" : "PO_PriceList_ID"));
+ if (!rs.wasNull())
+ mTab.setValue("M_PriceList_ID", ii);
+ else
+ { // get default PriceList
+ int i = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, "#M_PriceList_ID");
+ if (i != 0)
+ mTab.setValue("M_PriceList_ID", new Integer(i));
+ }
+ // Bill-To
+ mTab.setValue("Bill_BPartner_ID", C_BPartner_ID);
+ int bill_Location_ID = rs.getInt("Bill_Location_ID");
+ if (bill_Location_ID == 0)
+ mTab.setValue("Bill_Location_ID", null);
+ else
+ mTab.setValue("Bill_Location_ID", new Integer(bill_Location_ID));
+ // Ship-To Location
+ int shipTo_ID = rs.getInt("C_BPartner_Location_ID");
+ // overwritten by InfoBP selection - works only if InfoWindow
+ // was used otherwise creates error (uses last value, may belong to differnt BP)
+ if (C_BPartner_ID.toString().equals(Env.getContext(ctx, Env.WINDOW_INFO, Env.TAB_INFO, "C_BPartner_ID")))
+ {
+ String loc = Env.getContext(ctx, Env.WINDOW_INFO, Env.TAB_INFO, "C_BPartner_Location_ID");
+ if (loc.length() > 0)
+ shipTo_ID = Integer.parseInt(loc);
+ }
+ if (shipTo_ID == 0)
+ mTab.setValue("C_BPartner_Location_ID", null);
+ else
+ mTab.setValue("C_BPartner_Location_ID", new Integer(shipTo_ID));
+ // Contact - overwritten by InfoBP selection
+ int contID = rs.getInt("AD_User_ID");
+ if (C_BPartner_ID.toString().equals(Env.getContext(ctx, Env.WINDOW_INFO, Env.TAB_INFO, "C_BPartner_ID")))
+ {
+ String cont = Env.getContext(ctx, Env.WINDOW_INFO, Env.TAB_INFO, "AD_User_ID");
+ if (cont.length() > 0)
+ contID = Integer.parseInt(cont);
+ }
+ if (contID == 0)
+ mTab.setValue("AD_User_ID", null);
+ else
+ {
+ mTab.setValue("AD_User_ID", new Integer(contID));
+ mTab.setValue("Bill_User_ID", new Integer(contID));
+ }
+ // CreditAvailable
if (IsSOTrx)
double CreditLimit = rs.getDouble("SO_CreditLimit");
@@ -315,874 +315,874 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
if (CreditLimit != 0)
double CreditAvailable = rs.getDouble("CreditAvailable");
- if (!rs.wasNull() && CreditAvailable < 0)
- mTab.fireDataStatusEEvent("CreditLimitOver",
- DisplayType.getNumberFormat(DisplayType.Amount).format(CreditAvailable),
- false);
- }
- }
- // PO Reference
- String s = rs.getString("POReference");
- if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
- mTab.setValue("POReference", s);
- // should not be reset to null if we entered already value! VHARCQ, accepted YS makes sense that way
- // TODO: should get checked and removed if no longer needed!
- /*else
- mTab.setValue("POReference", null);*/
- // SO Description
- s = rs.getString("SO_Description");
- if (s != null && s.trim().length() != 0)
- mTab.setValue("Description", s);
- // IsDiscountPrinted
- s = rs.getString("IsDiscountPrinted");
- if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
- mTab.setValue("IsDiscountPrinted", s);
- else
- mTab.setValue("IsDiscountPrinted", "N");
+ if (!rs.wasNull() && CreditAvailable < 0)
+ mTab.fireDataStatusEEvent("CreditLimitOver",
+ DisplayType.getNumberFormat(DisplayType.Amount).format(CreditAvailable),
+ false);
+ }
+ }
+ // PO Reference
+ String s = rs.getString("POReference");
+ if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
+ mTab.setValue("POReference", s);
+ // should not be reset to null if we entered already value! VHARCQ, accepted YS makes sense that way
+ // TODO: should get checked and removed if no longer needed!
+ /*else
+ mTab.setValue("POReference", null);*/
+ // SO Description
+ s = rs.getString("SO_Description");
+ if (s != null && s.trim().length() != 0)
+ mTab.setValue("Description", s);
+ // IsDiscountPrinted
+ s = rs.getString("IsDiscountPrinted");
+ if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
+ mTab.setValue("IsDiscountPrinted", s);
+ else
+ mTab.setValue("IsDiscountPrinted", "N");
// Defaults, if not Walkin Receipt or Walkin Invoice
String OrderType = Env.getContext(ctx, WindowNo, "OrderType");
- mTab.setValue("InvoiceRule", MOrder.INVOICERULE_AfterDelivery);
- mTab.setValue("DeliveryRule", MOrder.DELIVERYRULE_Availability);
- mTab.setValue("PaymentRule", MOrder.PAYMENTRULE_OnCredit);
+ mTab.setValue("InvoiceRule", X_C_Order.INVOICERULE_AfterDelivery);
+ mTab.setValue("DeliveryRule", X_C_Order.DELIVERYRULE_Availability);
+ mTab.setValue("PaymentRule", X_C_Order.PAYMENTRULE_OnCredit);
if (OrderType.equals(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_Prepay))
- mTab.setValue("InvoiceRule", MOrder.INVOICERULE_Immediate);
- mTab.setValue("DeliveryRule", MOrder.DELIVERYRULE_AfterReceipt);
+ mTab.setValue("InvoiceRule", X_C_Order.INVOICERULE_Immediate);
+ mTab.setValue("DeliveryRule", X_C_Order.DELIVERYRULE_AfterReceipt);
else if (OrderType.equals(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_POS)) // for POS
- mTab.setValue("PaymentRule", MOrder.PAYMENTRULE_Cash);
+ mTab.setValue("PaymentRule", X_C_Order.PAYMENTRULE_Cash);
// PaymentRule
- s = rs.getString(IsSOTrx ? "PaymentRule" : "PaymentRulePO");
- if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
- {
- if (s.equals("B")) // No Cache in Non POS
- s = "P";
- if (IsSOTrx && (s.equals("S") || s.equals("U"))) // No Check/Transfer for SO_Trx
- s = "P"; // Payment Term
- mTab.setValue("PaymentRule", s);
- }
- // Payment Term
- ii = new Integer(rs.getInt(IsSOTrx ? "C_PaymentTerm_ID" : "PO_PaymentTerm_ID"));
- if (!rs.wasNull())
- mTab.setValue("C_PaymentTerm_ID", ii);
- // InvoiceRule
- s = rs.getString("InvoiceRule");
- if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
- mTab.setValue("InvoiceRule", s);
- // DeliveryRule
- s = rs.getString("DeliveryRule");
- if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
- mTab.setValue("DeliveryRule", s);
- // FreightCostRule
- s = rs.getString("FreightCostRule");
- if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
- mTab.setValue("FreightCostRule", s);
- // DeliveryViaRule
- s = rs.getString("DeliveryViaRule");
- if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
- mTab.setValue("DeliveryViaRule", s);
- }
- }
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- }
- catch (SQLException e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- setCalloutActive(false);
- return e.getLocalizedMessage();
- }
- setCalloutActive(false);
- return "";
- } // bPartner
- /**
- * Order Header - Invoice BPartner.
- * - M_PriceList_ID (+ Context)
- * - Bill_Location_ID
- * - Bill_User_ID
- * - POReference
- * - SO_Description
- * - IsDiscountPrinted
- * - InvoiceRule/PaymentRule
- * - C_PaymentTerm_ID
- * @param ctx Context
- * @param WindowNo current Window No
- * @param mTab Model Tab
- * @param mField Model Field
- * @param value The new value
- * @return Error message or ""
- */
- public String bPartnerBill (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, GridTab mTab, GridField mField, Object value)
- {
- if (isCalloutActive())
- return "";
- Integer bill_BPartner_ID = (Integer)value;
- if (bill_BPartner_ID == null || bill_BPartner_ID.intValue() == 0)
- return "";
- String sql = "SELECT p.AD_Language,p.C_PaymentTerm_ID,"
- + "p.M_PriceList_ID,p.PaymentRule,p.POReference,"
- + "p.SO_Description,p.IsDiscountPrinted,"
- + "p.InvoiceRule,p.DeliveryRule,p.FreightCostRule,DeliveryViaRule,"
- + "p.SO_CreditLimit, p.SO_CreditLimit-p.SO_CreditUsed AS CreditAvailable,"
- + "c.AD_User_ID,"
- + "p.PO_PriceList_ID, p.PaymentRulePO, p.PO_PaymentTerm_ID,"
- + "lbill.C_BPartner_Location_ID AS Bill_Location_ID "
- + "FROM C_BPartner p"
- + " LEFT OUTER JOIN C_BPartner_Location lbill ON (p.C_BPartner_ID=lbill.C_BPartner_ID AND lbill.IsBillTo='Y' AND lbill.IsActive='Y')"
- + " LEFT OUTER JOIN AD_User c ON (p.C_BPartner_ID=c.C_BPartner_ID) "
- + "WHERE p.C_BPartner_ID=? AND p.IsActive='Y'"; // #1
- boolean IsSOTrx = "Y".equals(Env.getContext(ctx, WindowNo, "IsSOTrx"));
- try
- {
- PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
- pstmt.setInt(1, bill_BPartner_ID.intValue());
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- if (rs.next())
- {
- // PriceList (indirect: IsTaxIncluded & Currency)
- Integer ii = new Integer(rs.getInt(IsSOTrx ? "M_PriceList_ID" : "PO_PriceList_ID"));
- if (!rs.wasNull())
- mTab.setValue("M_PriceList_ID", ii);
- else
- { // get default PriceList
- int i = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, "#M_PriceList_ID");
- if (i != 0)
- mTab.setValue("M_PriceList_ID", new Integer(i));
- }
- int bill_Location_ID = rs.getInt("Bill_Location_ID");
- // overwritten by InfoBP selection - works only if InfoWindow
- // was used otherwise creates error (uses last value, may belong to differnt BP)
- if (bill_BPartner_ID.toString().equals(Env.getContext(ctx, Env.WINDOW_INFO, Env.TAB_INFO, "C_BPartner_ID")))
- {
- String loc = Env.getContext(ctx, Env.WINDOW_INFO, Env.TAB_INFO, "C_BPartner_Location_ID");
- if (loc.length() > 0)
- bill_Location_ID = Integer.parseInt(loc);
- }
- if (bill_Location_ID == 0)
- mTab.setValue("Bill_Location_ID", null);
- else
- mTab.setValue("Bill_Location_ID", new Integer(bill_Location_ID));
- // Contact - overwritten by InfoBP selection
- int contID = rs.getInt("AD_User_ID");
- if (bill_BPartner_ID.toString().equals(Env.getContext(ctx, Env.WINDOW_INFO, Env.TAB_INFO, "C_BPartner_ID")))
- {
- String cont = Env.getContext(ctx, Env.WINDOW_INFO, Env.TAB_INFO, "AD_User_ID");
- if (cont.length() > 0)
- contID = Integer.parseInt(cont);
- }
- if (contID == 0)
- mTab.setValue("Bill_User_ID", null);
- else
- mTab.setValue("Bill_User_ID", new Integer(contID));
- // CreditAvailable
- if (IsSOTrx)
- {
- double CreditLimit = rs.getDouble("SO_CreditLimit");
- if (CreditLimit != 0)
- {
- double CreditAvailable = rs.getDouble("CreditAvailable");
- if (!rs.wasNull() && CreditAvailable < 0)
- mTab.fireDataStatusEEvent("CreditLimitOver",
- DisplayType.getNumberFormat(DisplayType.Amount).format(CreditAvailable),
- false);
- }
- }
- // PO Reference
- String s = rs.getString("POReference");
- if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
- mTab.setValue("POReference", s);
- else
- mTab.setValue("POReference", null);
- // SO Description
- s = rs.getString("SO_Description");
- if (s != null && s.trim().length() != 0)
- mTab.setValue("Description", s);
- // IsDiscountPrinted
- s = rs.getString("IsDiscountPrinted");
- if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
- mTab.setValue("IsDiscountPrinted", s);
- else
- mTab.setValue("IsDiscountPrinted", "N");
+ s = rs.getString(IsSOTrx ? "PaymentRule" : "PaymentRulePO");
+ if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
+ {
+ if (s.equals("B")) // No Cache in Non POS
+ s = "P";
+ if (IsSOTrx && (s.equals("S") || s.equals("U"))) // No Check/Transfer for SO_Trx
+ s = "P"; // Payment Term
+ mTab.setValue("PaymentRule", s);
+ }
+ // Payment Term
+ ii = new Integer(rs.getInt(IsSOTrx ? "C_PaymentTerm_ID" : "PO_PaymentTerm_ID"));
+ if (!rs.wasNull())
+ mTab.setValue("C_PaymentTerm_ID", ii);
+ // InvoiceRule
+ s = rs.getString("InvoiceRule");
+ if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
+ mTab.setValue("InvoiceRule", s);
+ // DeliveryRule
+ s = rs.getString("DeliveryRule");
+ if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
+ mTab.setValue("DeliveryRule", s);
+ // FreightCostRule
+ s = rs.getString("FreightCostRule");
+ if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
+ mTab.setValue("FreightCostRule", s);
+ // DeliveryViaRule
+ s = rs.getString("DeliveryViaRule");
+ if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
+ mTab.setValue("DeliveryViaRule", s);
+ }
+ }
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ }
+ catch (SQLException e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ setCalloutActive(false);
+ return e.getLocalizedMessage();
+ }
+ setCalloutActive(false);
+ return "";
+ } // bPartner
+ /**
+ * Order Header - Invoice BPartner.
+ * - M_PriceList_ID (+ Context)
+ * - Bill_Location_ID
+ * - Bill_User_ID
+ * - POReference
+ * - SO_Description
+ * - IsDiscountPrinted
+ * - InvoiceRule/PaymentRule
+ * - C_PaymentTerm_ID
+ * @param ctx Context
+ * @param WindowNo current Window No
+ * @param mTab Model Tab
+ * @param mField Model Field
+ * @param value The new value
+ * @return Error message or ""
+ */
+ public String bPartnerBill (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, GridTab mTab, GridField mField, Object value)
+ {
+ if (isCalloutActive())
+ return "";
+ Integer bill_BPartner_ID = (Integer)value;
+ if (bill_BPartner_ID == null || bill_BPartner_ID.intValue() == 0)
+ return "";
+ String sql = "SELECT p.AD_Language,p.C_PaymentTerm_ID,"
+ + "p.M_PriceList_ID,p.PaymentRule,p.POReference,"
+ + "p.SO_Description,p.IsDiscountPrinted,"
+ + "p.InvoiceRule,p.DeliveryRule,p.FreightCostRule,DeliveryViaRule,"
+ + "p.SO_CreditLimit, p.SO_CreditLimit-p.SO_CreditUsed AS CreditAvailable,"
+ + "c.AD_User_ID,"
+ + "p.PO_PriceList_ID, p.PaymentRulePO, p.PO_PaymentTerm_ID,"
+ + "lbill.C_BPartner_Location_ID AS Bill_Location_ID "
+ + "FROM C_BPartner p"
+ + " LEFT OUTER JOIN C_BPartner_Location lbill ON (p.C_BPartner_ID=lbill.C_BPartner_ID AND lbill.IsBillTo='Y' AND lbill.IsActive='Y')"
+ + " LEFT OUTER JOIN AD_User c ON (p.C_BPartner_ID=c.C_BPartner_ID) "
+ + "WHERE p.C_BPartner_ID=? AND p.IsActive='Y'"; // #1
+ boolean IsSOTrx = "Y".equals(Env.getContext(ctx, WindowNo, "IsSOTrx"));
+ try
+ {
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
+ pstmt.setInt(1, bill_BPartner_ID.intValue());
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ if (rs.next())
+ {
+ // PriceList (indirect: IsTaxIncluded & Currency)
+ Integer ii = new Integer(rs.getInt(IsSOTrx ? "M_PriceList_ID" : "PO_PriceList_ID"));
+ if (!rs.wasNull())
+ mTab.setValue("M_PriceList_ID", ii);
+ else
+ { // get default PriceList
+ int i = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, "#M_PriceList_ID");
+ if (i != 0)
+ mTab.setValue("M_PriceList_ID", new Integer(i));
+ }
+ int bill_Location_ID = rs.getInt("Bill_Location_ID");
+ // overwritten by InfoBP selection - works only if InfoWindow
+ // was used otherwise creates error (uses last value, may belong to differnt BP)
+ if (bill_BPartner_ID.toString().equals(Env.getContext(ctx, Env.WINDOW_INFO, Env.TAB_INFO, "C_BPartner_ID")))
+ {
+ String loc = Env.getContext(ctx, Env.WINDOW_INFO, Env.TAB_INFO, "C_BPartner_Location_ID");
+ if (loc.length() > 0)
+ bill_Location_ID = Integer.parseInt(loc);
+ }
+ if (bill_Location_ID == 0)
+ mTab.setValue("Bill_Location_ID", null);
+ else
+ mTab.setValue("Bill_Location_ID", new Integer(bill_Location_ID));
+ // Contact - overwritten by InfoBP selection
+ int contID = rs.getInt("AD_User_ID");
+ if (bill_BPartner_ID.toString().equals(Env.getContext(ctx, Env.WINDOW_INFO, Env.TAB_INFO, "C_BPartner_ID")))
+ {
+ String cont = Env.getContext(ctx, Env.WINDOW_INFO, Env.TAB_INFO, "AD_User_ID");
+ if (cont.length() > 0)
+ contID = Integer.parseInt(cont);
+ }
+ if (contID == 0)
+ mTab.setValue("Bill_User_ID", null);
+ else
+ mTab.setValue("Bill_User_ID", new Integer(contID));
+ // CreditAvailable
+ if (IsSOTrx)
+ {
+ double CreditLimit = rs.getDouble("SO_CreditLimit");
+ if (CreditLimit != 0)
+ {
+ double CreditAvailable = rs.getDouble("CreditAvailable");
+ if (!rs.wasNull() && CreditAvailable < 0)
+ mTab.fireDataStatusEEvent("CreditLimitOver",
+ DisplayType.getNumberFormat(DisplayType.Amount).format(CreditAvailable),
+ false);
+ }
+ }
+ // PO Reference
+ String s = rs.getString("POReference");
+ if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
+ mTab.setValue("POReference", s);
+ else
+ mTab.setValue("POReference", null);
+ // SO Description
+ s = rs.getString("SO_Description");
+ if (s != null && s.trim().length() != 0)
+ mTab.setValue("Description", s);
+ // IsDiscountPrinted
+ s = rs.getString("IsDiscountPrinted");
+ if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
+ mTab.setValue("IsDiscountPrinted", s);
+ else
+ mTab.setValue("IsDiscountPrinted", "N");
// Defaults, if not Walkin Receipt or Walkin Invoice
String OrderType = Env.getContext(ctx, WindowNo, "OrderType");
- mTab.setValue("InvoiceRule", MOrder.INVOICERULE_AfterDelivery);
- mTab.setValue("PaymentRule", MOrder.PAYMENTRULE_OnCredit);
+ mTab.setValue("InvoiceRule", X_C_Order.INVOICERULE_AfterDelivery);
+ mTab.setValue("PaymentRule", X_C_Order.PAYMENTRULE_OnCredit);
if (OrderType.equals(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_Prepay))
- mTab.setValue("InvoiceRule", MOrder.INVOICERULE_Immediate);
+ mTab.setValue("InvoiceRule", X_C_Order.INVOICERULE_Immediate);
else if (OrderType.equals(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_POS)) // for POS
- mTab.setValue("PaymentRule", MOrder.PAYMENTRULE_Cash);
+ mTab.setValue("PaymentRule", X_C_Order.PAYMENTRULE_Cash);
// PaymentRule
- s = rs.getString(IsSOTrx ? "PaymentRule" : "PaymentRulePO");
- if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
- {
- if (s.equals("B")) // No Cache in Non POS
- s = "P";
- if (IsSOTrx && (s.equals("S") || s.equals("U"))) // No Check/Transfer for SO_Trx
- s = "P"; // Payment Term
- mTab.setValue("PaymentRule", s);
- }
- // Payment Term
- ii = new Integer(rs.getInt(IsSOTrx ? "C_PaymentTerm_ID" : "PO_PaymentTerm_ID"));
- if (!rs.wasNull())
- mTab.setValue("C_PaymentTerm_ID", ii);
- // InvoiceRule
- s = rs.getString("InvoiceRule");
- if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
- mTab.setValue("InvoiceRule", s);
- }
- }
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- }
- catch (SQLException e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "bPartnerBill", e);
- return e.getLocalizedMessage();
- }
- return "";
- } // bPartnerBill
- /**
- * Order Header - PriceList.
- * (used also in Invoice)
- * - C_Currency_ID
- * - IsTaxIncluded
- * Window Context:
- * - EnforcePriceLimit
- * - StdPrecision
- * - M_PriceList_Version_ID
- * @param ctx context
- * @param WindowNo current Window No
- * @param mTab Grid Tab
- * @param mField Grid Field
- * @param value New Value
- * @return null or error message
- */
- public String priceList (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, GridTab mTab, GridField mField, Object value)
- {
- Integer M_PriceList_ID = (Integer)value;
- if (M_PriceList_ID == null || M_PriceList_ID.intValue()== 0)
- return "";
- if (steps) log.warning("init");
- String sql = "SELECT pl.IsTaxIncluded,pl.EnforcePriceLimit,pl.C_Currency_ID,c.StdPrecision,"
- + "plv.M_PriceList_Version_ID,plv.ValidFrom "
- + "FROM M_PriceList pl,C_Currency c,M_PriceList_Version plv "
- + "WHERE pl.C_Currency_ID=c.C_Currency_ID"
- + " AND pl.M_PriceList_ID=plv.M_PriceList_ID"
- + " AND pl.M_PriceList_ID=? " // 1
- + "ORDER BY plv.ValidFrom DESC";
- // Use newest price list - may not be future
- try
- {
- PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
- pstmt.setInt(1, M_PriceList_ID.intValue());
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- if (rs.next())
- {
- // Tax Included
- mTab.setValue("IsTaxIncluded", new Boolean("Y".equals(rs.getString(1))));
- // Price Limit Enforce
- Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "EnforcePriceLimit", rs.getString(2));
- // Currency
- Integer ii = new Integer(rs.getInt(3));
- mTab.setValue("C_Currency_ID", ii);
- // PriceList Version
- Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "M_PriceList_Version_ID", rs.getInt(5));
- }
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- }
- catch (SQLException e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- return e.getLocalizedMessage();
- }
- if (steps) log.warning("fini");
- return "";
- } // priceList
- /*************************************************************************
- * Order Line - Product.
- * - reset C_Charge_ID / M_AttributeSetInstance_ID
- * - PriceList, PriceStd, PriceLimit, C_Currency_ID, EnforcePriceLimit
- * - UOM
- * Calls Tax
- *
- * @param ctx context
- * @param WindowNo current Window No
- * @param mTab Grid Tab
- * @param mField Grid Field
- * @param value New Value
- * @return null or error message
- */
- public String product (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, GridTab mTab, GridField mField, Object value)
- {
- Integer M_Product_ID = (Integer)value;
- if (M_Product_ID == null || M_Product_ID.intValue() == 0)
- return "";
- setCalloutActive(true);
- if (steps) log.warning("init");
- //
- mTab.setValue("C_Charge_ID", null);
- // Set Attribute
- if (Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, Env.WINDOW_INFO, Env.TAB_INFO, "M_Product_ID") == M_Product_ID.intValue()
- && Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, Env.WINDOW_INFO, Env.TAB_INFO, "M_AttributeSetInstance_ID") != 0)
- mTab.setValue("M_AttributeSetInstance_ID", new Integer(Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, Env.WINDOW_INFO, Env.TAB_INFO, "M_AttributeSetInstance_ID")));
- else
- mTab.setValue("M_AttributeSetInstance_ID", null);
- /***** Price Calculation see also qty ****/
- int C_BPartner_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "C_BPartner_ID");
- BigDecimal Qty = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("QtyOrdered");
- boolean IsSOTrx = Env.getContext(ctx, WindowNo, "IsSOTrx").equals("Y");
- MProductPricing pp = new MProductPricing (M_Product_ID.intValue(), C_BPartner_ID, Qty, IsSOTrx);
- //
- int M_PriceList_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_PriceList_ID");
- pp.setM_PriceList_ID(M_PriceList_ID);
- /** PLV is only accurate if PL selected in header */
- int M_PriceList_Version_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_PriceList_Version_ID");
- pp.setM_PriceList_Version_ID(M_PriceList_Version_ID);
- Timestamp orderDate = (Timestamp)mTab.getValue("DateOrdered");
- pp.setPriceDate(orderDate);
- //
- mTab.setValue("PriceList", pp.getPriceList());
- mTab.setValue("PriceLimit", pp.getPriceLimit());
- mTab.setValue("PriceActual", pp.getPriceStd());
- mTab.setValue("PriceEntered", pp.getPriceStd());
- mTab.setValue("C_Currency_ID", new Integer(pp.getC_Currency_ID()));
- mTab.setValue("Discount", pp.getDiscount());
- mTab.setValue("C_UOM_ID", new Integer(pp.getC_UOM_ID()));
- mTab.setValue("QtyOrdered", mTab.getValue("QtyEntered"));
- Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "EnforcePriceLimit", pp.isEnforcePriceLimit() ? "Y" : "N");
- Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "DiscountSchema", pp.isDiscountSchema() ? "Y" : "N");
- // Check/Update Warehouse Setting
- // int M_Warehouse_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, Env.WINDOW_INFO, "M_Warehouse_ID");
- // Integer wh = (Integer)mTab.getValue("M_Warehouse_ID");
- // if (wh.intValue() != M_Warehouse_ID)
- // {
- // mTab.setValue("M_Warehouse_ID", new Integer(M_Warehouse_ID));
- // ADialog.warn(,WindowNo, "WarehouseChanged");
- // }
- if (Env.isSOTrx(ctx, WindowNo))
- {
- MProduct product = MProduct.get (ctx, M_Product_ID.intValue());
- if (product.isStocked())
- {
- BigDecimal QtyOrdered = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("QtyOrdered");
- int M_Warehouse_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_Warehouse_ID");
- int M_AttributeSetInstance_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_AttributeSetInstance_ID");
- BigDecimal available = MStorage.getQtyAvailable
- (M_Warehouse_ID, M_Product_ID.intValue(), M_AttributeSetInstance_ID, null);
- if (available == null)
- available = Env.ZERO;
- if (available.signum() == 0)
- mTab.fireDataStatusEEvent ("NoQtyAvailable", "0", false);
- else if (available.compareTo(QtyOrdered) < 0)
- mTab.fireDataStatusEEvent ("InsufficientQtyAvailable", available.toString(), false);
- else
- {
- Integer C_OrderLine_ID = (Integer)mTab.getValue("C_OrderLine_ID");
- if (C_OrderLine_ID == null)
- C_OrderLine_ID = new Integer(0);
- BigDecimal notReserved = MOrderLine.getNotReserved(ctx,
- M_Warehouse_ID, M_Product_ID, M_AttributeSetInstance_ID,
- C_OrderLine_ID.intValue());
- if (notReserved == null)
- notReserved = Env.ZERO;
- BigDecimal total = available.subtract(notReserved);
- if (total.compareTo(QtyOrdered) < 0)
- {
- String info = Msg.parseTranslation(ctx, "@QtyAvailable@=" + available
- + " - @QtyNotReserved@=" + notReserved + " = " + total);
- mTab.fireDataStatusEEvent ("InsufficientQtyAvailable",
- info, false);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //
- setCalloutActive(false);
- if (steps) log.warning("fini");
- return tax (ctx, WindowNo, mTab, mField, value);
- } // product
- /**
- * Order Line - Charge.
- * - updates PriceActual from Charge
- * - sets PriceLimit, PriceList to zero
- * Calles tax
- * @param ctx context
- * @param WindowNo current Window No
- * @param mTab Grid Tab
- * @param mField Grid Field
- * @param value New Value
- * @return null or error message
- */
- public String charge (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, GridTab mTab, GridField mField, Object value)
- {
- Integer C_Charge_ID = (Integer)value;
- if (C_Charge_ID == null || C_Charge_ID.intValue() == 0)
- return "";
- // No Product defined
- if (mTab.getValue("M_Product_ID") != null)
- {
- mTab.setValue("C_Charge_ID", null);
- return "ChargeExclusively";
- }
- mTab.setValue("M_AttributeSetInstance_ID", null);
- mTab.setValue("S_ResourceAssignment_ID", null);
- mTab.setValue("C_UOM_ID", new Integer(100)); // EA
- Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "DiscountSchema", "N");
- String sql = "SELECT ChargeAmt FROM C_Charge WHERE C_Charge_ID=?";
- try
- {
- PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
- pstmt.setInt(1, C_Charge_ID.intValue());
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- if (rs.next())
- {
- mTab.setValue ("PriceEntered", rs.getBigDecimal (1));
- mTab.setValue ("PriceActual", rs.getBigDecimal (1));
- mTab.setValue ("PriceLimit", Env.ZERO);
- mTab.setValue ("PriceList", Env.ZERO);
- mTab.setValue ("Discount", Env.ZERO);
- }
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- }
- catch (SQLException e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- return e.getLocalizedMessage();
- }
- //
- return tax (ctx, WindowNo, mTab, mField, value);
- } // charge
- /**
- * Order Line - Tax.
- * - basis: Product, Charge, BPartner Location
- * - sets C_Tax_ID
- * Calles Amount
- * @param ctx context
- * @param WindowNo current Window No
- * @param mTab Grid Tab
- * @param mField Grid Field
- * @param value New Value
- * @return null or error message
- */
- public String tax (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, GridTab mTab, GridField mField, Object value)
- {
- String column = mField.getColumnName();
- if (value == null)
- return "";
- if (steps) log.warning("init");
- // Check Product
- int M_Product_ID = 0;
- if (column.equals("M_Product_ID"))
- M_Product_ID = ((Integer)value).intValue();
- else
- M_Product_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_Product_ID");
- int C_Charge_ID = 0;
- if (column.equals("C_Charge_ID"))
- C_Charge_ID = ((Integer)value).intValue();
- else
- C_Charge_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "C_Charge_ID");
- log.fine("Product=" + M_Product_ID + ", C_Charge_ID=" + C_Charge_ID);
- if (M_Product_ID == 0 && C_Charge_ID == 0)
- return amt(ctx, WindowNo, mTab, mField, value); //
- // Check Partner Location
- int shipC_BPartner_Location_ID = 0;
- if (column.equals("C_BPartner_Location_ID"))
- shipC_BPartner_Location_ID = ((Integer)value).intValue();
- else
- shipC_BPartner_Location_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "C_BPartner_Location_ID");
- if (shipC_BPartner_Location_ID == 0)
- return amt(ctx, WindowNo, mTab, mField, value); //
- log.fine("Ship BP_Location=" + shipC_BPartner_Location_ID);
- //
- Timestamp billDate = Env.getContextAsDate(ctx, WindowNo, "DateOrdered");
- log.fine("Bill Date=" + billDate);
- Timestamp shipDate = Env.getContextAsDate(ctx, WindowNo, "DatePromised");
- log.fine("Ship Date=" + shipDate);
- int AD_Org_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "AD_Org_ID");
- log.fine("Org=" + AD_Org_ID);
- int M_Warehouse_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_Warehouse_ID");
- log.fine("Warehouse=" + M_Warehouse_ID);
- int billC_BPartner_Location_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "Bill_Location_ID");
- if (billC_BPartner_Location_ID == 0)
- billC_BPartner_Location_ID = shipC_BPartner_Location_ID;
- log.fine("Bill BP_Location=" + billC_BPartner_Location_ID);
- //
- int C_Tax_ID = Tax.get (ctx, M_Product_ID, C_Charge_ID, billDate, shipDate,
- AD_Org_ID, M_Warehouse_ID, billC_BPartner_Location_ID, shipC_BPartner_Location_ID,
- "Y".equals(Env.getContext(ctx, WindowNo, "IsSOTrx")));
- log.info("Tax ID=" + C_Tax_ID);
- //
- if (C_Tax_ID == 0)
- mTab.fireDataStatusEEvent(CLogger.retrieveError());
- else
- mTab.setValue("C_Tax_ID", new Integer(C_Tax_ID));
- //
- if (steps) log.warning("fini");
- return amt(ctx, WindowNo, mTab, mField, value);
- } // tax
- /**
- * Order Line - Amount.
- * - called from QtyOrdered, Discount and PriceActual
- * - calculates Discount or Actual Amount
- * - calculates LineNetAmt
- * - enforces PriceLimit
- * @param ctx context
- * @param WindowNo current Window No
- * @param mTab Grid Tab
- * @param mField Grid Field
- * @param value New Value
- * @return null or error message
- */
- public String amt (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, GridTab mTab, GridField mField, Object value)
- {
- if (isCalloutActive() || value == null)
- return "";
- setCalloutActive(true);
- if (steps) log.warning("init");
- int C_UOM_To_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "C_UOM_ID");
- int M_Product_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_Product_ID");
- int M_PriceList_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_PriceList_ID");
- int StdPrecision = MPriceList.getStandardPrecision(ctx, M_PriceList_ID);
- BigDecimal QtyEntered, QtyOrdered, PriceEntered, PriceActual, PriceLimit, Discount, PriceList;
- // get values
- QtyEntered = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("QtyEntered");
- QtyOrdered = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("QtyOrdered");
- log.fine("QtyEntered=" + QtyEntered + ", Ordered=" + QtyOrdered + ", UOM=" + C_UOM_To_ID);
- //
- PriceEntered = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("PriceEntered");
- PriceActual = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("PriceActual");
- Discount = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("Discount");
- PriceLimit = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("PriceLimit");
- PriceList = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("PriceList");
- log.fine("PriceList=" + PriceList + ", Limit=" + PriceLimit + ", Precision=" + StdPrecision);
- log.fine("PriceEntered=" + PriceEntered + ", Actual=" + PriceActual + ", Discount=" + Discount);
- // Qty changed - recalc price
- if ((mField.getColumnName().equals("QtyOrdered")
- || mField.getColumnName().equals("QtyEntered")
- || mField.getColumnName().equals("M_Product_ID"))
- && !"N".equals(Env.getContext(ctx, WindowNo, "DiscountSchema")))
- {
- int C_BPartner_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "C_BPartner_ID");
- if (mField.getColumnName().equals("QtyEntered"))
- QtyOrdered = MUOMConversion.convertProductTo (ctx, M_Product_ID,
- C_UOM_To_ID, QtyEntered);
- if (QtyOrdered == null)
- QtyOrdered = QtyEntered;
- boolean IsSOTrx = Env.getContext(ctx, WindowNo, "IsSOTrx").equals("Y");
- MProductPricing pp = new MProductPricing (M_Product_ID, C_BPartner_ID, QtyOrdered, IsSOTrx);
- pp.setM_PriceList_ID(M_PriceList_ID);
- int M_PriceList_Version_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_PriceList_Version_ID");
- pp.setM_PriceList_Version_ID(M_PriceList_Version_ID);
- Timestamp date = (Timestamp)mTab.getValue("DateOrdered");
- pp.setPriceDate(date);
- //
- PriceEntered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
- C_UOM_To_ID, pp.getPriceStd());
- if (PriceEntered == null)
- PriceEntered = pp.getPriceStd();
- //
- log.fine("QtyChanged -> PriceActual=" + pp.getPriceStd()
- + ", PriceEntered=" + PriceEntered + ", Discount=" + pp.getDiscount());
- mTab.setValue("PriceActual", pp.getPriceStd());
- mTab.setValue("Discount", pp.getDiscount());
- mTab.setValue("PriceEntered", PriceEntered);
- Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "DiscountSchema", pp.isDiscountSchema() ? "Y" : "N");
- }
- else if (mField.getColumnName().equals("PriceActual"))
- {
- PriceActual = (BigDecimal)value;
- PriceEntered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
- C_UOM_To_ID, PriceActual);
- if (PriceEntered == null)
- PriceEntered = PriceActual;
- //
- log.fine("PriceActual=" + PriceActual
- + " -> PriceEntered=" + PriceEntered);
- mTab.setValue("PriceEntered", PriceEntered);
- }
- else if (mField.getColumnName().equals("PriceEntered"))
- {
- PriceEntered = (BigDecimal)value;
- PriceActual = MUOMConversion.convertProductTo (ctx, M_Product_ID,
- C_UOM_To_ID, PriceEntered);
- if (PriceActual == null)
- PriceActual = PriceEntered;
- //
- log.fine("PriceEntered=" + PriceEntered
- + " -> PriceActual=" + PriceActual);
- mTab.setValue("PriceActual", PriceActual);
- }
- // Discount entered - Calculate Actual/Entered
- if (mField.getColumnName().equals("Discount"))
- {
- PriceActual = new BigDecimal ((100.0 - Discount.doubleValue()) / 100.0 * PriceList.doubleValue());
- if (PriceActual.scale() > StdPrecision)
- PriceActual = PriceActual.setScale(StdPrecision, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
- PriceEntered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
- C_UOM_To_ID, PriceActual);
- if (PriceEntered == null)
- PriceEntered = PriceActual;
- mTab.setValue("PriceActual", PriceActual);
- mTab.setValue("PriceEntered", PriceEntered);
- }
- // calculate Discount
- else
- {
- if (PriceList.intValue() == 0)
- Discount = Env.ZERO;
- else
- Discount = new BigDecimal ((PriceList.doubleValue() - PriceActual.doubleValue()) / PriceList.doubleValue() * 100.0);
- if (Discount.scale() > 2)
- Discount = Discount.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
- mTab.setValue("Discount", Discount);
- }
- log.fine("PriceEntered=" + PriceEntered + ", Actual=" + PriceActual + ", Discount=" + Discount);
- // Check PriceLimit
- String epl = Env.getContext(ctx, WindowNo, "EnforcePriceLimit");
- boolean enforce = Env.isSOTrx(ctx, WindowNo) && epl != null && epl.equals("Y");
- if (enforce && MRole.getDefault().isOverwritePriceLimit())
- enforce = false;
- // Check Price Limit?
- if (enforce && PriceLimit.doubleValue() != 0.0
- && PriceActual.compareTo(PriceLimit) < 0)
- {
- PriceActual = PriceLimit;
- PriceEntered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
- C_UOM_To_ID, PriceLimit);
- if (PriceEntered == null)
- PriceEntered = PriceLimit;
- log.fine("(under) PriceEntered=" + PriceEntered + ", Actual" + PriceLimit);
- mTab.setValue ("PriceActual", PriceLimit);
- mTab.setValue ("PriceEntered", PriceEntered);
- mTab.fireDataStatusEEvent ("UnderLimitPrice", "", false);
- // Repeat Discount calc
- if (PriceList.intValue() != 0)
- {
- Discount = new BigDecimal ((PriceList.doubleValue () - PriceActual.doubleValue ()) / PriceList.doubleValue () * 100.0);
- if (Discount.scale () > 2)
- Discount = Discount.setScale (2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
- mTab.setValue ("Discount", Discount);
- }
- }
- // Line Net Amt
- BigDecimal LineNetAmt = QtyOrdered.multiply(PriceActual);
- if (LineNetAmt.scale() > StdPrecision)
- LineNetAmt = LineNetAmt.setScale(StdPrecision, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
- log.info("LineNetAmt=" + LineNetAmt);
- mTab.setValue("LineNetAmt", LineNetAmt);
- //
- setCalloutActive(false);
- return "";
- } // amt
- /**
- * Order Line - Quantity.
- * - called from C_UOM_ID, QtyEntered, QtyOrdered
- * - enforces qty UOM relationship
- * @param ctx context
- * @param WindowNo current Window No
- * @param mTab Grid Tab
- * @param mField Grid Field
- * @param value New Value
- * @return null or error message
- */
- public String qty (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, GridTab mTab, GridField mField, Object value)
- {
- if (isCalloutActive() || value == null)
- return "";
- setCalloutActive(true);
- int M_Product_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_Product_ID");
- if (steps) log.warning("init - M_Product_ID=" + M_Product_ID + " - " );
- BigDecimal QtyOrdered = Env.ZERO;
- BigDecimal QtyEntered, PriceActual, PriceEntered;
- // No Product
- if (M_Product_ID == 0)
- {
- QtyEntered = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("QtyEntered");
- QtyOrdered = QtyEntered;
- mTab.setValue("QtyOrdered", QtyOrdered);
- }
- // UOM Changed - convert from Entered -> Product
- else if (mField.getColumnName().equals("C_UOM_ID"))
- {
- int C_UOM_To_ID = ((Integer)value).intValue();
- QtyEntered = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("QtyEntered");
- BigDecimal QtyEntered1 = QtyEntered.setScale(MUOM.getPrecision(ctx, C_UOM_To_ID), BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
- if (QtyEntered.compareTo(QtyEntered1) != 0)
- {
- log.fine("Corrected QtyEntered Scale UOM=" + C_UOM_To_ID
- + "; QtyEntered=" + QtyEntered + "->" + QtyEntered1);
- QtyEntered = QtyEntered1;
- mTab.setValue("QtyEntered", QtyEntered);
- }
- QtyOrdered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
- C_UOM_To_ID, QtyEntered);
- if (QtyOrdered == null)
- QtyOrdered = QtyEntered;
- boolean conversion = QtyEntered.compareTo(QtyOrdered) != 0;
- PriceActual = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("PriceActual");
- PriceEntered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
- C_UOM_To_ID, PriceActual);
- if (PriceEntered == null)
- PriceEntered = PriceActual;
- log.fine("UOM=" + C_UOM_To_ID
- + ", QtyEntered/PriceActual=" + QtyEntered + "/" + PriceActual
- + " -> " + conversion
- + " QtyOrdered/PriceEntered=" + QtyOrdered + "/" + PriceEntered);
- Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "UOMConversion", conversion ? "Y" : "N");
- mTab.setValue("QtyOrdered", QtyOrdered);
- mTab.setValue("PriceEntered", PriceEntered);
- }
- // QtyEntered changed - calculate QtyOrdered
- else if (mField.getColumnName().equals("QtyEntered"))
- {
- int C_UOM_To_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "C_UOM_ID");
- QtyEntered = (BigDecimal)value;
- BigDecimal QtyEntered1 = QtyEntered.setScale(MUOM.getPrecision(ctx, C_UOM_To_ID), BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
- if (QtyEntered.compareTo(QtyEntered1) != 0)
- {
- log.fine("Corrected QtyEntered Scale UOM=" + C_UOM_To_ID
- + "; QtyEntered=" + QtyEntered + "->" + QtyEntered1);
- QtyEntered = QtyEntered1;
- mTab.setValue("QtyEntered", QtyEntered);
- }
- QtyOrdered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
- C_UOM_To_ID, QtyEntered);
- if (QtyOrdered == null)
- QtyOrdered = QtyEntered;
- boolean conversion = QtyEntered.compareTo(QtyOrdered) != 0;
- log.fine("UOM=" + C_UOM_To_ID
- + ", QtyEntered=" + QtyEntered
- + " -> " + conversion
- + " QtyOrdered=" + QtyOrdered);
- Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "UOMConversion", conversion ? "Y" : "N");
- mTab.setValue("QtyOrdered", QtyOrdered);
- }
- // QtyOrdered changed - calculate QtyEntered (should not happen)
- else if (mField.getColumnName().equals("QtyOrdered"))
- {
- int C_UOM_To_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "C_UOM_ID");
- QtyOrdered = (BigDecimal)value;
- int precision = MProduct.get(ctx, M_Product_ID).getUOMPrecision();
- BigDecimal QtyOrdered1 = QtyOrdered.setScale(precision, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
- if (QtyOrdered.compareTo(QtyOrdered1) != 0)
- {
- log.fine("Corrected QtyOrdered Scale "
- + QtyOrdered + "->" + QtyOrdered1);
- QtyOrdered = QtyOrdered1;
- mTab.setValue("QtyOrdered", QtyOrdered);
- }
- QtyEntered = MUOMConversion.convertProductTo (ctx, M_Product_ID,
- C_UOM_To_ID, QtyOrdered);
- if (QtyEntered == null)
- QtyEntered = QtyOrdered;
- boolean conversion = QtyOrdered.compareTo(QtyEntered) != 0;
- log.fine("UOM=" + C_UOM_To_ID
- + ", QtyOrdered=" + QtyOrdered
- + " -> " + conversion
- + " QtyEntered=" + QtyEntered);
- Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "UOMConversion", conversion ? "Y" : "N");
- mTab.setValue("QtyEntered", QtyEntered);
- }
- else
- {
- // QtyEntered = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("QtyEntered");
- QtyOrdered = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("QtyOrdered");
- }
- // Storage
- if (M_Product_ID != 0
- && Env.isSOTrx(ctx, WindowNo)
- && QtyOrdered.signum() > 0) // no negative (returns)
- {
- MProduct product = MProduct.get (ctx, M_Product_ID);
- if (product.isStocked())
- {
- int M_Warehouse_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_Warehouse_ID");
- int M_AttributeSetInstance_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_AttributeSetInstance_ID");
- BigDecimal available = MStorage.getQtyAvailable
- (M_Warehouse_ID, M_Product_ID, M_AttributeSetInstance_ID, null);
- if (available == null)
- available = Env.ZERO;
- if (available.signum() == 0)
- mTab.fireDataStatusEEvent ("NoQtyAvailable", "0", false);
- else if (available.compareTo(QtyOrdered) < 0)
- mTab.fireDataStatusEEvent ("InsufficientQtyAvailable", available.toString(), false);
- else
- {
- Integer C_OrderLine_ID = (Integer)mTab.getValue("C_OrderLine_ID");
- if (C_OrderLine_ID == null)
- C_OrderLine_ID = new Integer(0);
- BigDecimal notReserved = MOrderLine.getNotReserved(ctx,
- M_Warehouse_ID, M_Product_ID, M_AttributeSetInstance_ID,
- C_OrderLine_ID.intValue());
- if (notReserved == null)
- notReserved = Env.ZERO;
- BigDecimal total = available.subtract(notReserved);
- if (total.compareTo(QtyOrdered) < 0)
- {
- String info = Msg.parseTranslation(ctx, "@QtyAvailable@=" + available
- + " - @QtyNotReserved@=" + notReserved + " = " + total);
- mTab.fireDataStatusEEvent ("InsufficientQtyAvailable",
- info, false);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //
- setCalloutActive(false);
- return "";
- } // qty
-} // CalloutOrder
+ s = rs.getString(IsSOTrx ? "PaymentRule" : "PaymentRulePO");
+ if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
+ {
+ if (s.equals("B")) // No Cache in Non POS
+ s = "P";
+ if (IsSOTrx && (s.equals("S") || s.equals("U"))) // No Check/Transfer for SO_Trx
+ s = "P"; // Payment Term
+ mTab.setValue("PaymentRule", s);
+ }
+ // Payment Term
+ ii = new Integer(rs.getInt(IsSOTrx ? "C_PaymentTerm_ID" : "PO_PaymentTerm_ID"));
+ if (!rs.wasNull())
+ mTab.setValue("C_PaymentTerm_ID", ii);
+ // InvoiceRule
+ s = rs.getString("InvoiceRule");
+ if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
+ mTab.setValue("InvoiceRule", s);
+ }
+ }
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ }
+ catch (SQLException e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "bPartnerBill", e);
+ return e.getLocalizedMessage();
+ }
+ return "";
+ } // bPartnerBill
+ /**
+ * Order Header - PriceList.
+ * (used also in Invoice)
+ * - C_Currency_ID
+ * - IsTaxIncluded
+ * Window Context:
+ * - EnforcePriceLimit
+ * - StdPrecision
+ * - M_PriceList_Version_ID
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param WindowNo current Window No
+ * @param mTab Grid Tab
+ * @param mField Grid Field
+ * @param value New Value
+ * @return null or error message
+ */
+ public String priceList (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, GridTab mTab, GridField mField, Object value)
+ {
+ Integer M_PriceList_ID = (Integer)value;
+ if (M_PriceList_ID == null || M_PriceList_ID.intValue()== 0)
+ return "";
+ if (steps) log.warning("init");
+ String sql = "SELECT pl.IsTaxIncluded,pl.EnforcePriceLimit,pl.C_Currency_ID,c.StdPrecision,"
+ + "plv.M_PriceList_Version_ID,plv.ValidFrom "
+ + "FROM M_PriceList pl,C_Currency c,M_PriceList_Version plv "
+ + "WHERE pl.C_Currency_ID=c.C_Currency_ID"
+ + " AND pl.M_PriceList_ID=plv.M_PriceList_ID"
+ + " AND pl.M_PriceList_ID=? " // 1
+ + "ORDER BY plv.ValidFrom DESC";
+ // Use newest price list - may not be future
+ try
+ {
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
+ pstmt.setInt(1, M_PriceList_ID.intValue());
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ if (rs.next())
+ {
+ // Tax Included
+ mTab.setValue("IsTaxIncluded", new Boolean("Y".equals(rs.getString(1))));
+ // Price Limit Enforce
+ Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "EnforcePriceLimit", rs.getString(2));
+ // Currency
+ Integer ii = new Integer(rs.getInt(3));
+ mTab.setValue("C_Currency_ID", ii);
+ // PriceList Version
+ Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "M_PriceList_Version_ID", rs.getInt(5));
+ }
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ }
+ catch (SQLException e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ return e.getLocalizedMessage();
+ }
+ if (steps) log.warning("fini");
+ return "";
+ } // priceList
+ /*************************************************************************
+ * Order Line - Product.
+ * - reset C_Charge_ID / M_AttributeSetInstance_ID
+ * - PriceList, PriceStd, PriceLimit, C_Currency_ID, EnforcePriceLimit
+ * - UOM
+ * Calls Tax
+ *
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param WindowNo current Window No
+ * @param mTab Grid Tab
+ * @param mField Grid Field
+ * @param value New Value
+ * @return null or error message
+ */
+ public String product (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, GridTab mTab, GridField mField, Object value)
+ {
+ Integer M_Product_ID = (Integer)value;
+ if (M_Product_ID == null || M_Product_ID.intValue() == 0)
+ return "";
+ setCalloutActive(true);
+ if (steps) log.warning("init");
+ //
+ mTab.setValue("C_Charge_ID", null);
+ // Set Attribute
+ if (Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, Env.WINDOW_INFO, Env.TAB_INFO, "M_Product_ID") == M_Product_ID.intValue()
+ && Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, Env.WINDOW_INFO, Env.TAB_INFO, "M_AttributeSetInstance_ID") != 0)
+ mTab.setValue("M_AttributeSetInstance_ID", new Integer(Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, Env.WINDOW_INFO, Env.TAB_INFO, "M_AttributeSetInstance_ID")));
+ else
+ mTab.setValue("M_AttributeSetInstance_ID", null);
+ /***** Price Calculation see also qty ****/
+ int C_BPartner_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "C_BPartner_ID");
+ BigDecimal Qty = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("QtyOrdered");
+ boolean IsSOTrx = Env.getContext(ctx, WindowNo, "IsSOTrx").equals("Y");
+ MProductPricing pp = new MProductPricing (M_Product_ID.intValue(), C_BPartner_ID, Qty, IsSOTrx);
+ //
+ int M_PriceList_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_PriceList_ID");
+ pp.setM_PriceList_ID(M_PriceList_ID);
+ /** PLV is only accurate if PL selected in header */
+ int M_PriceList_Version_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_PriceList_Version_ID");
+ pp.setM_PriceList_Version_ID(M_PriceList_Version_ID);
+ Timestamp orderDate = (Timestamp)mTab.getValue("DateOrdered");
+ pp.setPriceDate(orderDate);
+ //
+ mTab.setValue("PriceList", pp.getPriceList());
+ mTab.setValue("PriceLimit", pp.getPriceLimit());
+ mTab.setValue("PriceActual", pp.getPriceStd());
+ mTab.setValue("PriceEntered", pp.getPriceStd());
+ mTab.setValue("C_Currency_ID", new Integer(pp.getC_Currency_ID()));
+ mTab.setValue("Discount", pp.getDiscount());
+ mTab.setValue("C_UOM_ID", new Integer(pp.getC_UOM_ID()));
+ mTab.setValue("QtyOrdered", mTab.getValue("QtyEntered"));
+ Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "EnforcePriceLimit", pp.isEnforcePriceLimit() ? "Y" : "N");
+ Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "DiscountSchema", pp.isDiscountSchema() ? "Y" : "N");
+ // Check/Update Warehouse Setting
+ // int M_Warehouse_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, Env.WINDOW_INFO, "M_Warehouse_ID");
+ // Integer wh = (Integer)mTab.getValue("M_Warehouse_ID");
+ // if (wh.intValue() != M_Warehouse_ID)
+ // {
+ // mTab.setValue("M_Warehouse_ID", new Integer(M_Warehouse_ID));
+ // ADialog.warn(,WindowNo, "WarehouseChanged");
+ // }
+ if (Env.isSOTrx(ctx, WindowNo))
+ {
+ MProduct product = MProduct.get (ctx, M_Product_ID.intValue());
+ if (product.isStocked())
+ {
+ BigDecimal QtyOrdered = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("QtyOrdered");
+ int M_Warehouse_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_Warehouse_ID");
+ int M_AttributeSetInstance_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_AttributeSetInstance_ID");
+ BigDecimal available = MStorage.getQtyAvailable
+ (M_Warehouse_ID, M_Product_ID.intValue(), M_AttributeSetInstance_ID, null);
+ if (available == null)
+ available = Env.ZERO;
+ if (available.signum() == 0)
+ mTab.fireDataStatusEEvent ("NoQtyAvailable", "0", false);
+ else if (available.compareTo(QtyOrdered) < 0)
+ mTab.fireDataStatusEEvent ("InsufficientQtyAvailable", available.toString(), false);
+ else
+ {
+ Integer C_OrderLine_ID = (Integer)mTab.getValue("C_OrderLine_ID");
+ if (C_OrderLine_ID == null)
+ C_OrderLine_ID = new Integer(0);
+ BigDecimal notReserved = MOrderLine.getNotReserved(ctx,
+ M_Warehouse_ID, M_Product_ID, M_AttributeSetInstance_ID,
+ C_OrderLine_ID.intValue());
+ if (notReserved == null)
+ notReserved = Env.ZERO;
+ BigDecimal total = available.subtract(notReserved);
+ if (total.compareTo(QtyOrdered) < 0)
+ {
+ String info = Msg.parseTranslation(ctx, "@QtyAvailable@=" + available
+ + " - @QtyNotReserved@=" + notReserved + " = " + total);
+ mTab.fireDataStatusEEvent ("InsufficientQtyAvailable",
+ info, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ setCalloutActive(false);
+ if (steps) log.warning("fini");
+ return tax (ctx, WindowNo, mTab, mField, value);
+ } // product
+ /**
+ * Order Line - Charge.
+ * - updates PriceActual from Charge
+ * - sets PriceLimit, PriceList to zero
+ * Calles tax
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param WindowNo current Window No
+ * @param mTab Grid Tab
+ * @param mField Grid Field
+ * @param value New Value
+ * @return null or error message
+ */
+ public String charge (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, GridTab mTab, GridField mField, Object value)
+ {
+ Integer C_Charge_ID = (Integer)value;
+ if (C_Charge_ID == null || C_Charge_ID.intValue() == 0)
+ return "";
+ // No Product defined
+ if (mTab.getValue("M_Product_ID") != null)
+ {
+ mTab.setValue("C_Charge_ID", null);
+ return "ChargeExclusively";
+ }
+ mTab.setValue("M_AttributeSetInstance_ID", null);
+ mTab.setValue("S_ResourceAssignment_ID", null);
+ mTab.setValue("C_UOM_ID", new Integer(100)); // EA
+ Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "DiscountSchema", "N");
+ String sql = "SELECT ChargeAmt FROM C_Charge WHERE C_Charge_ID=?";
+ try
+ {
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
+ pstmt.setInt(1, C_Charge_ID.intValue());
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ if (rs.next())
+ {
+ mTab.setValue ("PriceEntered", rs.getBigDecimal (1));
+ mTab.setValue ("PriceActual", rs.getBigDecimal (1));
+ mTab.setValue ("PriceLimit", Env.ZERO);
+ mTab.setValue ("PriceList", Env.ZERO);
+ mTab.setValue ("Discount", Env.ZERO);
+ }
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ }
+ catch (SQLException e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ return e.getLocalizedMessage();
+ }
+ //
+ return tax (ctx, WindowNo, mTab, mField, value);
+ } // charge
+ /**
+ * Order Line - Tax.
+ * - basis: Product, Charge, BPartner Location
+ * - sets C_Tax_ID
+ * Calles Amount
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param WindowNo current Window No
+ * @param mTab Grid Tab
+ * @param mField Grid Field
+ * @param value New Value
+ * @return null or error message
+ */
+ public String tax (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, GridTab mTab, GridField mField, Object value)
+ {
+ String column = mField.getColumnName();
+ if (value == null)
+ return "";
+ if (steps) log.warning("init");
+ // Check Product
+ int M_Product_ID = 0;
+ if (column.equals("M_Product_ID"))
+ M_Product_ID = ((Integer)value).intValue();
+ else
+ M_Product_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_Product_ID");
+ int C_Charge_ID = 0;
+ if (column.equals("C_Charge_ID"))
+ C_Charge_ID = ((Integer)value).intValue();
+ else
+ C_Charge_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "C_Charge_ID");
+ log.fine("Product=" + M_Product_ID + ", C_Charge_ID=" + C_Charge_ID);
+ if (M_Product_ID == 0 && C_Charge_ID == 0)
+ return amt(ctx, WindowNo, mTab, mField, value); //
+ // Check Partner Location
+ int shipC_BPartner_Location_ID = 0;
+ if (column.equals("C_BPartner_Location_ID"))
+ shipC_BPartner_Location_ID = ((Integer)value).intValue();
+ else
+ shipC_BPartner_Location_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "C_BPartner_Location_ID");
+ if (shipC_BPartner_Location_ID == 0)
+ return amt(ctx, WindowNo, mTab, mField, value); //
+ log.fine("Ship BP_Location=" + shipC_BPartner_Location_ID);
+ //
+ Timestamp billDate = Env.getContextAsDate(ctx, WindowNo, "DateOrdered");
+ log.fine("Bill Date=" + billDate);
+ Timestamp shipDate = Env.getContextAsDate(ctx, WindowNo, "DatePromised");
+ log.fine("Ship Date=" + shipDate);
+ int AD_Org_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "AD_Org_ID");
+ log.fine("Org=" + AD_Org_ID);
+ int M_Warehouse_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_Warehouse_ID");
+ log.fine("Warehouse=" + M_Warehouse_ID);
+ int billC_BPartner_Location_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "Bill_Location_ID");
+ if (billC_BPartner_Location_ID == 0)
+ billC_BPartner_Location_ID = shipC_BPartner_Location_ID;
+ log.fine("Bill BP_Location=" + billC_BPartner_Location_ID);
+ //
+ int C_Tax_ID = Tax.get (ctx, M_Product_ID, C_Charge_ID, billDate, shipDate,
+ AD_Org_ID, M_Warehouse_ID, billC_BPartner_Location_ID, shipC_BPartner_Location_ID,
+ "Y".equals(Env.getContext(ctx, WindowNo, "IsSOTrx")));
+ log.info("Tax ID=" + C_Tax_ID);
+ //
+ if (C_Tax_ID == 0)
+ mTab.fireDataStatusEEvent(CLogger.retrieveError());
+ else
+ mTab.setValue("C_Tax_ID", new Integer(C_Tax_ID));
+ //
+ if (steps) log.warning("fini");
+ return amt(ctx, WindowNo, mTab, mField, value);
+ } // tax
+ /**
+ * Order Line - Amount.
+ * - called from QtyOrdered, Discount and PriceActual
+ * - calculates Discount or Actual Amount
+ * - calculates LineNetAmt
+ * - enforces PriceLimit
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param WindowNo current Window No
+ * @param mTab Grid Tab
+ * @param mField Grid Field
+ * @param value New Value
+ * @return null or error message
+ */
+ public String amt (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, GridTab mTab, GridField mField, Object value)
+ {
+ if (isCalloutActive() || value == null)
+ return "";
+ setCalloutActive(true);
+ if (steps) log.warning("init");
+ int C_UOM_To_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "C_UOM_ID");
+ int M_Product_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_Product_ID");
+ int M_PriceList_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_PriceList_ID");
+ int StdPrecision = MPriceList.getStandardPrecision(ctx, M_PriceList_ID);
+ BigDecimal QtyEntered, QtyOrdered, PriceEntered, PriceActual, PriceLimit, Discount, PriceList;
+ // get values
+ QtyEntered = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("QtyEntered");
+ QtyOrdered = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("QtyOrdered");
+ log.fine("QtyEntered=" + QtyEntered + ", Ordered=" + QtyOrdered + ", UOM=" + C_UOM_To_ID);
+ //
+ PriceEntered = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("PriceEntered");
+ PriceActual = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("PriceActual");
+ Discount = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("Discount");
+ PriceLimit = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("PriceLimit");
+ PriceList = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("PriceList");
+ log.fine("PriceList=" + PriceList + ", Limit=" + PriceLimit + ", Precision=" + StdPrecision);
+ log.fine("PriceEntered=" + PriceEntered + ", Actual=" + PriceActual + ", Discount=" + Discount);
+ // Qty changed - recalc price
+ if ((mField.getColumnName().equals("QtyOrdered")
+ || mField.getColumnName().equals("QtyEntered")
+ || mField.getColumnName().equals("M_Product_ID"))
+ && !"N".equals(Env.getContext(ctx, WindowNo, "DiscountSchema")))
+ {
+ int C_BPartner_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "C_BPartner_ID");
+ if (mField.getColumnName().equals("QtyEntered"))
+ QtyOrdered = MUOMConversion.convertProductTo (ctx, M_Product_ID,
+ C_UOM_To_ID, QtyEntered);
+ if (QtyOrdered == null)
+ QtyOrdered = QtyEntered;
+ boolean IsSOTrx = Env.getContext(ctx, WindowNo, "IsSOTrx").equals("Y");
+ MProductPricing pp = new MProductPricing (M_Product_ID, C_BPartner_ID, QtyOrdered, IsSOTrx);
+ pp.setM_PriceList_ID(M_PriceList_ID);
+ int M_PriceList_Version_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_PriceList_Version_ID");
+ pp.setM_PriceList_Version_ID(M_PriceList_Version_ID);
+ Timestamp date = (Timestamp)mTab.getValue("DateOrdered");
+ pp.setPriceDate(date);
+ //
+ PriceEntered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
+ C_UOM_To_ID, pp.getPriceStd());
+ if (PriceEntered == null)
+ PriceEntered = pp.getPriceStd();
+ //
+ log.fine("QtyChanged -> PriceActual=" + pp.getPriceStd()
+ + ", PriceEntered=" + PriceEntered + ", Discount=" + pp.getDiscount());
+ mTab.setValue("PriceActual", pp.getPriceStd());
+ mTab.setValue("Discount", pp.getDiscount());
+ mTab.setValue("PriceEntered", PriceEntered);
+ Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "DiscountSchema", pp.isDiscountSchema() ? "Y" : "N");
+ }
+ else if (mField.getColumnName().equals("PriceActual"))
+ {
+ PriceActual = (BigDecimal)value;
+ PriceEntered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
+ C_UOM_To_ID, PriceActual);
+ if (PriceEntered == null)
+ PriceEntered = PriceActual;
+ //
+ log.fine("PriceActual=" + PriceActual
+ + " -> PriceEntered=" + PriceEntered);
+ mTab.setValue("PriceEntered", PriceEntered);
+ }
+ else if (mField.getColumnName().equals("PriceEntered"))
+ {
+ PriceEntered = (BigDecimal)value;
+ PriceActual = MUOMConversion.convertProductTo (ctx, M_Product_ID,
+ C_UOM_To_ID, PriceEntered);
+ if (PriceActual == null)
+ PriceActual = PriceEntered;
+ //
+ log.fine("PriceEntered=" + PriceEntered
+ + " -> PriceActual=" + PriceActual);
+ mTab.setValue("PriceActual", PriceActual);
+ }
+ // Discount entered - Calculate Actual/Entered
+ if (mField.getColumnName().equals("Discount"))
+ {
+ PriceActual = new BigDecimal ((100.0 - Discount.doubleValue()) / 100.0 * PriceList.doubleValue());
+ if (PriceActual.scale() > StdPrecision)
+ PriceActual = PriceActual.setScale(StdPrecision, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
+ PriceEntered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
+ C_UOM_To_ID, PriceActual);
+ if (PriceEntered == null)
+ PriceEntered = PriceActual;
+ mTab.setValue("PriceActual", PriceActual);
+ mTab.setValue("PriceEntered", PriceEntered);
+ }
+ // calculate Discount
+ else
+ {
+ if (PriceList.intValue() == 0)
+ Discount = Env.ZERO;
+ else
+ Discount = new BigDecimal ((PriceList.doubleValue() - PriceActual.doubleValue()) / PriceList.doubleValue() * 100.0);
+ if (Discount.scale() > 2)
+ Discount = Discount.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
+ mTab.setValue("Discount", Discount);
+ }
+ log.fine("PriceEntered=" + PriceEntered + ", Actual=" + PriceActual + ", Discount=" + Discount);
+ // Check PriceLimit
+ String epl = Env.getContext(ctx, WindowNo, "EnforcePriceLimit");
+ boolean enforce = Env.isSOTrx(ctx, WindowNo) && epl != null && epl.equals("Y");
+ if (enforce && MRole.getDefault().isOverwritePriceLimit())
+ enforce = false;
+ // Check Price Limit?
+ if (enforce && PriceLimit.doubleValue() != 0.0
+ && PriceActual.compareTo(PriceLimit) < 0)
+ {
+ PriceActual = PriceLimit;
+ PriceEntered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
+ C_UOM_To_ID, PriceLimit);
+ if (PriceEntered == null)
+ PriceEntered = PriceLimit;
+ log.fine("(under) PriceEntered=" + PriceEntered + ", Actual" + PriceLimit);
+ mTab.setValue ("PriceActual", PriceLimit);
+ mTab.setValue ("PriceEntered", PriceEntered);
+ mTab.fireDataStatusEEvent ("UnderLimitPrice", "", false);
+ // Repeat Discount calc
+ if (PriceList.intValue() != 0)
+ {
+ Discount = new BigDecimal ((PriceList.doubleValue () - PriceActual.doubleValue ()) / PriceList.doubleValue () * 100.0);
+ if (Discount.scale () > 2)
+ Discount = Discount.setScale (2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
+ mTab.setValue ("Discount", Discount);
+ }
+ }
+ // Line Net Amt
+ BigDecimal LineNetAmt = QtyOrdered.multiply(PriceActual);
+ if (LineNetAmt.scale() > StdPrecision)
+ LineNetAmt = LineNetAmt.setScale(StdPrecision, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
+ log.info("LineNetAmt=" + LineNetAmt);
+ mTab.setValue("LineNetAmt", LineNetAmt);
+ //
+ setCalloutActive(false);
+ return "";
+ } // amt
+ /**
+ * Order Line - Quantity.
+ * - called from C_UOM_ID, QtyEntered, QtyOrdered
+ * - enforces qty UOM relationship
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param WindowNo current Window No
+ * @param mTab Grid Tab
+ * @param mField Grid Field
+ * @param value New Value
+ * @return null or error message
+ */
+ public String qty (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, GridTab mTab, GridField mField, Object value)
+ {
+ if (isCalloutActive() || value == null)
+ return "";
+ setCalloutActive(true);
+ int M_Product_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_Product_ID");
+ if (steps) log.warning("init - M_Product_ID=" + M_Product_ID + " - " );
+ BigDecimal QtyOrdered = Env.ZERO;
+ BigDecimal QtyEntered, PriceActual, PriceEntered;
+ // No Product
+ if (M_Product_ID == 0)
+ {
+ QtyEntered = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("QtyEntered");
+ QtyOrdered = QtyEntered;
+ mTab.setValue("QtyOrdered", QtyOrdered);
+ }
+ // UOM Changed - convert from Entered -> Product
+ else if (mField.getColumnName().equals("C_UOM_ID"))
+ {
+ int C_UOM_To_ID = ((Integer)value).intValue();
+ QtyEntered = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("QtyEntered");
+ BigDecimal QtyEntered1 = QtyEntered.setScale(MUOM.getPrecision(ctx, C_UOM_To_ID), BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
+ if (QtyEntered.compareTo(QtyEntered1) != 0)
+ {
+ log.fine("Corrected QtyEntered Scale UOM=" + C_UOM_To_ID
+ + "; QtyEntered=" + QtyEntered + "->" + QtyEntered1);
+ QtyEntered = QtyEntered1;
+ mTab.setValue("QtyEntered", QtyEntered);
+ }
+ QtyOrdered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
+ C_UOM_To_ID, QtyEntered);
+ if (QtyOrdered == null)
+ QtyOrdered = QtyEntered;
+ boolean conversion = QtyEntered.compareTo(QtyOrdered) != 0;
+ PriceActual = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("PriceActual");
+ PriceEntered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
+ C_UOM_To_ID, PriceActual);
+ if (PriceEntered == null)
+ PriceEntered = PriceActual;
+ log.fine("UOM=" + C_UOM_To_ID
+ + ", QtyEntered/PriceActual=" + QtyEntered + "/" + PriceActual
+ + " -> " + conversion
+ + " QtyOrdered/PriceEntered=" + QtyOrdered + "/" + PriceEntered);
+ Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "UOMConversion", conversion ? "Y" : "N");
+ mTab.setValue("QtyOrdered", QtyOrdered);
+ mTab.setValue("PriceEntered", PriceEntered);
+ }
+ // QtyEntered changed - calculate QtyOrdered
+ else if (mField.getColumnName().equals("QtyEntered"))
+ {
+ int C_UOM_To_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "C_UOM_ID");
+ QtyEntered = (BigDecimal)value;
+ BigDecimal QtyEntered1 = QtyEntered.setScale(MUOM.getPrecision(ctx, C_UOM_To_ID), BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
+ if (QtyEntered.compareTo(QtyEntered1) != 0)
+ {
+ log.fine("Corrected QtyEntered Scale UOM=" + C_UOM_To_ID
+ + "; QtyEntered=" + QtyEntered + "->" + QtyEntered1);
+ QtyEntered = QtyEntered1;
+ mTab.setValue("QtyEntered", QtyEntered);
+ }
+ QtyOrdered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
+ C_UOM_To_ID, QtyEntered);
+ if (QtyOrdered == null)
+ QtyOrdered = QtyEntered;
+ boolean conversion = QtyEntered.compareTo(QtyOrdered) != 0;
+ log.fine("UOM=" + C_UOM_To_ID
+ + ", QtyEntered=" + QtyEntered
+ + " -> " + conversion
+ + " QtyOrdered=" + QtyOrdered);
+ Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "UOMConversion", conversion ? "Y" : "N");
+ mTab.setValue("QtyOrdered", QtyOrdered);
+ }
+ // QtyOrdered changed - calculate QtyEntered (should not happen)
+ else if (mField.getColumnName().equals("QtyOrdered"))
+ {
+ int C_UOM_To_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "C_UOM_ID");
+ QtyOrdered = (BigDecimal)value;
+ int precision = MProduct.get(ctx, M_Product_ID).getUOMPrecision();
+ BigDecimal QtyOrdered1 = QtyOrdered.setScale(precision, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
+ if (QtyOrdered.compareTo(QtyOrdered1) != 0)
+ {
+ log.fine("Corrected QtyOrdered Scale "
+ + QtyOrdered + "->" + QtyOrdered1);
+ QtyOrdered = QtyOrdered1;
+ mTab.setValue("QtyOrdered", QtyOrdered);
+ }
+ QtyEntered = MUOMConversion.convertProductTo (ctx, M_Product_ID,
+ C_UOM_To_ID, QtyOrdered);
+ if (QtyEntered == null)
+ QtyEntered = QtyOrdered;
+ boolean conversion = QtyOrdered.compareTo(QtyEntered) != 0;
+ log.fine("UOM=" + C_UOM_To_ID
+ + ", QtyOrdered=" + QtyOrdered
+ + " -> " + conversion
+ + " QtyEntered=" + QtyEntered);
+ Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "UOMConversion", conversion ? "Y" : "N");
+ mTab.setValue("QtyEntered", QtyEntered);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // QtyEntered = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("QtyEntered");
+ QtyOrdered = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("QtyOrdered");
+ }
+ // Storage
+ if (M_Product_ID != 0
+ && Env.isSOTrx(ctx, WindowNo)
+ && QtyOrdered.signum() > 0) // no negative (returns)
+ {
+ MProduct product = MProduct.get (ctx, M_Product_ID);
+ if (product.isStocked())
+ {
+ int M_Warehouse_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_Warehouse_ID");
+ int M_AttributeSetInstance_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_AttributeSetInstance_ID");
+ BigDecimal available = MStorage.getQtyAvailable
+ (M_Warehouse_ID, M_Product_ID, M_AttributeSetInstance_ID, null);
+ if (available == null)
+ available = Env.ZERO;
+ if (available.signum() == 0)
+ mTab.fireDataStatusEEvent ("NoQtyAvailable", "0", false);
+ else if (available.compareTo(QtyOrdered) < 0)
+ mTab.fireDataStatusEEvent ("InsufficientQtyAvailable", available.toString(), false);
+ else
+ {
+ Integer C_OrderLine_ID = (Integer)mTab.getValue("C_OrderLine_ID");
+ if (C_OrderLine_ID == null)
+ C_OrderLine_ID = new Integer(0);
+ BigDecimal notReserved = MOrderLine.getNotReserved(ctx,
+ M_Warehouse_ID, M_Product_ID, M_AttributeSetInstance_ID,
+ C_OrderLine_ID.intValue());
+ if (notReserved == null)
+ notReserved = Env.ZERO;
+ BigDecimal total = available.subtract(notReserved);
+ if (total.compareTo(QtyOrdered) < 0)
+ {
+ String info = Msg.parseTranslation(ctx, "@QtyAvailable@=" + available
+ + " - @QtyNotReserved@=" + notReserved + " = " + total);
+ mTab.fireDataStatusEEvent ("InsufficientQtyAvailable",
+ info, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ setCalloutActive(false);
+ return "";
+ } // qty
+} // CalloutOrder
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/model/GridTab.java b/base/src/org/compiere/model/GridTab.java
index 41d1fb9295..86227dd778 100644
--- a/base/src/org/compiere/model/GridTab.java
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/model/GridTab.java
@@ -1,2473 +1,2463 @@
- * Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
- * Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
- * under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
- * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
- * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
- * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
- * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
- * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.compiere.model;
-import java.beans.*;
-import java.io.*;
-import java.math.BigDecimal;
-import java.sql.*;
-import java.text.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.util.logging.*;
-import javax.swing.event.*;
-import org.compiere.util.*;
- * Tab Model.
- * - a combination of AD_Tab (the display attributes) and AD_Table information.
- *
- * The Tab owns also it's Table model
- * and listens to data changes to update the Field values.
- *
- *
- * The Tab maintains the bound property: CurrentRow
- *
- *
- * Event Hierarchies:
- * - dataChanged (from MTable)
- * - setCurrentRow
- * - Update all Field Values
- *
- * - setValue
- * - Update Field Value
- * - Callout
- *
- * @author Jorg Janke
- * @version $Id: GridTab.java,v 1.10 2006/10/02 05:18:39 jjanke Exp $
- */
-public class GridTab implements DataStatusListener, Evaluatee, Serializable
- /**
- * Create Tab (Model) from Value Object.
- *
- * MTab provides a property listener for changed rows and a
- * DataStatusListener for communicating changes of the underlying data
- * @param vo Value Object
- */
- public GridTab(GridTabVO vo)
- {
- m_vo = vo;
- // Create MTable
- m_mTable = new GridTable (m_vo.ctx, m_vo.AD_Table_ID, m_vo.TableName, m_vo.WindowNo, m_vo.TabNo, true);
- m_mTable.setReadOnly(m_vo.IsReadOnly || m_vo.IsView);
- m_mTable.setDeleteable(m_vo.IsDeleteable);
- // Load Tab
- // if (vo.TabNo == 0)
- initTab(false);
- // else
- // {
- // m_loader = new Loader();
- // m_loader.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY);
- // m_loader.start();
- // }
- // waitLoadCompete();
- } // GridTab
- /** Value Object */
- private GridTabVO m_vo;
- /** The Table Model for Query */
- private GridTable m_mTable = null;
- private String m_keyColumnName = "";
- private String m_linkColumnName = "";
- private String m_extendedWhere;
- /** Attachments */
- private HashMap m_Attachments = null;
- /** Chats */
- private HashMap m_Chats = null;
- /** Locks */
- private ArrayList m_Lock = null;
- /** Current Row */
- private int m_currentRow = -1;
- /** Property Change */
- private PropertyChangeSupport m_propertyChangeSupport = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
- /** Property Change Type */
- public static final String PROPERTY = "CurrentRow";
- /** A list of event listeners for this component. */
- protected EventListenerList m_listenerList = new EventListenerList();
- /** Current Data Status Event */
- private DataStatusEvent m_DataStatusEvent = null;
- /** Query */
- private MQuery m_query = new MQuery();
- private String m_oldQuery = "0=9";
- private String m_linkValue = "999999";
- /** Order By Array if SortNo 1..3 */
- private String[] m_OrderBys = new String[3];
- /** List of Key Parents */
- private ArrayList m_parents = new ArrayList(2);
- /** Map of ColumnName of source field (key) and the dependant field (value) */
- private MultiMap m_depOnField = new MultiMap();
- /** Async Loader */
- private Loader m_loader = null;
- /** Async Loading complete */
- private volatile boolean m_loadComplete = false;
- /** Is Tab Included in other Tab */
- private boolean m_included = false;
- /** Logger */
- protected CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(getClass());
- private boolean m_parentNeedSave = false;
- /**************************************************************************
- * Tab loader for Tabs > 0
- */
- class Loader extends Thread
- {
- /**
- * Async Loading of Tab > 0
- */
- public void run()
- {
- initTab (true);
- } // run
- } // Loader
- /**
- * Wait until load is complete
- */
- private void waitLoadCompete()
- {
- if (m_loadComplete)
- return;
- //
- m_loader.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY);
- log.config ("");
- while (m_loader.isAlive())
- {
- try
- {
- Thread.sleep(100); // 1/10 sec
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e);
- }
- }
- log.config ("fini");
- } // waitLoadComplete
- /**
- * Initialize Tab with record from AD_Tab_v
- * @param async async
- * @return true, if correctly initialized (ignored)
- */
- protected boolean initTab (boolean async)
- {
- log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo + " - Async=" + async + " - Where=" + m_vo.WhereClause);
- m_extendedWhere = m_vo.WhereClause;
- // Get Field Data
- if (!loadFields())
- {
- m_loadComplete = true;
- return false;
- }
- // Order By
- m_mTable.setOrderClause(getOrderByClause(m_vo.onlyCurrentRows));
- if (async)
- log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo + " - Async=" + async + " - fini");
- m_loadComplete = true;
- return true;
- } // initTab
- /**
- * Dispose - clean up resources
- */
- protected void dispose()
- {
- log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo);
- m_OrderBys = null;
- //
- m_parents.clear();
- m_parents = null;
- //
- m_mTable.close (true); // also disposes Fields
- m_mTable = null;
- //
- m_depOnField.clear();
- m_depOnField = null;
- if (m_Attachments != null)
- m_Attachments.clear();
- m_Attachments = null;
- if (m_Chats != null)
- m_Chats.clear();
- m_Chats = null;
- //
- m_vo.Fields.clear();
- m_vo.Fields = null;
- m_vo = null;
- } // dispose
- /**
- * Get Field data and add to MTable, if it's required or displayed.
- * Reqiored fields are keys, parents, or standard Columns
- * @return true if fields loaded
- */
- private boolean loadFields()
- {
- log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo);
- if (m_vo.Fields == null)
- return false;
- // Add Fields
- for (int f = 0; f < m_vo.Fields.size(); f++)
- {
- GridFieldVO voF = (GridFieldVO)m_vo.Fields.get(f);
- // Add Fields to Table
- if (voF != null)
- {
- GridField field = new GridField (voF);
- String columnName = field.getColumnName();
- // Record Info
- if (field.isKey())
- m_keyColumnName = columnName;
- // Parent Column(s)
- if (field.isParentColumn())
- m_parents.add(columnName);
- // Order By
- int sortNo = field.getSortNo();
- if (sortNo == 0)
- ;
- else if (Math.abs(sortNo) == 1)
- {
- m_OrderBys[0] = columnName;
- if (sortNo < 0)
- m_OrderBys[0] += " DESC";
- }
- else if (Math.abs(sortNo) == 2)
- {
- m_OrderBys[1] = columnName;
- if (sortNo < 0)
- m_OrderBys[1] += " DESC";
- }
- else if (Math.abs(sortNo) == 3)
- {
- m_OrderBys[2] = columnName;
- if (sortNo < 0)
- m_OrderBys[2] += " DESC";
- }
- // Add field
- m_mTable.addField(field);
- // List of ColumnNames, this field is dependent on
- ArrayList list = field.getDependentOn();
- for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
- m_depOnField.put(list.get(i), field); // ColumnName, Field
- // Add fields all fields are dependent on
- if (columnName.equals("IsActive")
- || columnName.equals("Processed")
- || columnName.equals("Processing"))
- m_depOnField.put(columnName, null);
- }
- } // for all fields
- // Add Standard Fields
- if (m_mTable.getField("Created") == null)
- {
- GridField created = new GridField (GridFieldVO.createStdField(m_vo.ctx,
- m_vo.WindowNo, m_vo.TabNo,
- m_vo.AD_Window_ID, m_vo.AD_Tab_ID, false, true, true));
- m_mTable.addField(created);
- }
- if (m_mTable.getField("CreatedBy") == null)
- {
- GridField createdBy = new GridField (GridFieldVO.createStdField(m_vo.ctx,
- m_vo.WindowNo, m_vo.TabNo,
- m_vo.AD_Window_ID, m_vo.AD_Tab_ID, false, true, false));
- m_mTable.addField(createdBy);
- }
- if (m_mTable.getField("Updated") == null)
- {
- GridField updated = new GridField (GridFieldVO.createStdField(m_vo.ctx,
- m_vo.WindowNo, m_vo.TabNo,
- m_vo.AD_Window_ID, m_vo.AD_Tab_ID, false, false, true));
- m_mTable.addField(updated);
- }
- if (m_mTable.getField("UpdatedBy") == null)
- {
- GridField updatedBy = new GridField (GridFieldVO.createStdField(m_vo.ctx,
- m_vo.WindowNo, m_vo.TabNo,
- m_vo.AD_Window_ID, m_vo.AD_Tab_ID, false, false, false));
- m_mTable.addField(updatedBy);
- }
- return true;
- } // loadFields
- /**
- * Get a list of variables, this tab is dependent on.
- * - for display purposes
- * @return ArrayList
- */
- public ArrayList getDependentOn()
- {
- ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
- // Display
- Evaluator.parseDepends(list, m_vo.DisplayLogic);
- //
- if (list.size() > 0 && CLogMgt.isLevelFiner())
- {
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
- for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
- sb.append(list.get(i)).append(" ");
- log.finer("(" + m_vo.Name + ") " + sb.toString());
- }
- return list;
- } // getDependentOn
- /**
- * Get Display Logic
- * @return display logic
- */
- public String getDisplayLogic()
- {
- return m_vo.DisplayLogic;
- } // getDisplayLogic
- /**
- * Get TableModel.
- * Do not directly communicate with the table model,
- * but through the methods of this class
- * @return Table Model
- */
- public GridTable getTableModel()
- {
- return m_mTable;
- } // getTableModel
- /**
- * Get Tab Icon
- * @return Icon
- */
- public javax.swing.Icon getIcon()
- {
- if (m_vo.AD_Image_ID == 0)
- return null;
- //
- /** @todo Load Image */
- return null;
- } // getIcon
- /**************************************************************************
- * Has this field dependents ?
- * @param columnName column name
- * @return true if column has dependent
- */
- public boolean hasDependants (String columnName)
- {
- // m_depOnField.printToLog();
- return m_depOnField.containsKey(columnName);
- } // isDependentOn
- /**
- * Get dependents fields of columnName
- * @param columnName column name
- * @return ArrayList with GridFields dependent on columnName
- */
- public ArrayList getDependantFields (String columnName)
- {
- return m_depOnField.getValues(columnName);
- } // getDependentFields
- /**************************************************************************
- * Set Query
- * @param query query
- */
- public void setQuery(MQuery query)
- {
- if (query == null)
- m_query = new MQuery();
- else
- m_query = query;
- } // setQuery
- /**
- * Get Query
- * @return query
- */
- public MQuery getQuery()
- {
- return m_query;
- } // getQuery
- /**
- * Is Query Active
- * @return true if query active
- */
- public boolean isQueryActive()
- {
- if (m_query != null)
- return m_query.isActive();
- return false;
- } // isQueryActive
- /**
- * Is Query New Record
- * @return true if query active
- */
- public boolean isQueryNewRecord()
- {
- if (m_query != null)
- return m_query.isNewRecordQuery();
- return false;
- } // isQueryNewRecord
- /**
- * Enable Events - enable data events of tabs (add listeners)
- */
- public void enableEvents()
- {
- // Setup Events
- m_mTable.addDataStatusListener(this);
- // m_mTable.addTableModelListener(this);
- } // enableEvents
- /**
- * Assemble whereClause and query MTable and position to row 0.
- *
- * Scenarios:
- * - Never opened (full query)
- * - query changed (full query)
- * - Detail link value changed (full query)
- * - otherwise (refreshAll)
- *
- * @param onlyCurrentRows only current rows (1 day)
- */
- public void query (boolean onlyCurrentRows)
- {
- query (onlyCurrentRows, 0, 0);
- } // query
- /**
- * Assemble whereClause and query MTable and position to row 0.
- *
- * Scenarios:
- * - Never opened (full query)
- * - query changed (full query)
- * - Detail link value changed (full query)
- * - otherwise (refreshAll)
- *
- * @param onlyCurrentRows only current rows
- * @param onlyCurrentDays if only current row, how many days back
- * @param maxRows maximim rows or 0 for all
- */
- public void query (boolean onlyCurrentRows, int onlyCurrentDays, int maxRows)
- {
- log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo
- + " - Only Current Rows=" + onlyCurrentRows
- + ", Days=" + onlyCurrentDays + ", Detail=" + isDetail());
- // is it same query?
- boolean refresh = m_oldQuery.equals(m_query.getWhereClause())
- && m_vo.onlyCurrentRows == onlyCurrentRows && m_vo.onlyCurrentDays == onlyCurrentDays;
- m_oldQuery = m_query.getWhereClause();
- m_vo.onlyCurrentRows = onlyCurrentRows;
- m_vo.onlyCurrentDays = onlyCurrentDays;
- /**
- * Set Where Clause
- */
- // Tab Where Clause
- StringBuffer where = new StringBuffer(m_vo.WhereClause);
- if (m_vo.onlyCurrentDays > 0)
- {
- if (where.length() > 0)
- where.append(" AND ");
- where.append("Created >= ");
- if (DB.isDerby())
- where.append("dateadd(dd,-").append(m_vo.onlyCurrentDays).append(",getdate())");
- else
- where.append("SysDate-").append(m_vo.onlyCurrentDays);
- }
- // Detail Query
- if (isDetail())
- {
- m_parentNeedSave = false;
- String lc = getLinkColumnName();
- if (lc.equals(""))
- log.severe ("No link column");
- else
- {
- String value = Env.getContext(m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, lc);
- // Same link value?
- if (refresh)
- refresh = m_linkValue.equals(value);
- m_linkValue = value;
- // Check validity
- if (value.length() == 0)
- {
- //log.severe ("No value for link column " + lc);
- //parent is new, can't retrieve detail
- m_parentNeedSave = true;
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- // we have column and value
- if (where.length() != 0)
- where.append(" AND ");
- where.append(lc).append("=");
- if (lc.endsWith("_ID"))
- where.append(value);
- else
- where.append("'").append(value).append("'");
- }
- }
- } // isDetail
- m_extendedWhere = where.toString();
- // Final Query
- if (m_query.isActive())
- {
- String q = validateQuery(m_query);
- if (q != null)
- {
- if (where.length() > 0 )
- where.append(" AND ");
- where.append(q);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Query
- */
- log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo + " - " + where);
- if (m_mTable.isOpen())
- {
- if (refresh)
- m_mTable.dataRefreshAll();
- else
- m_mTable.dataRequery(where.toString(), m_vo.onlyCurrentRows && !isDetail(), onlyCurrentDays);
- }
- else
- {
- m_mTable.setSelectWhereClause(where.toString(), m_vo.onlyCurrentRows && !isDetail(), onlyCurrentDays);
- m_mTable.open(maxRows);
- }
- // Go to Record 0
- setCurrentRow(0, true);
- } // query
- /**
- * Validate Query.
- * If query column is not a tab column create EXISTS query
- * @param query query
- * @return where clause
- */
- private String validateQuery (MQuery query)
- {
- if (query == null || query.getRestrictionCount() == 0)
- return null;
- // Check: only one restriction
- if (query.getRestrictionCount() != 1)
- {
- log.fine("Ignored(More than 1 Restriction): " + query);
- return query.getWhereClause();
- }
- String colName = query.getColumnName(0);
- if (colName == null)
- {
- log.fine("Ignored(No Column): " + query);
- return query.getWhereClause();
- }
- // a '(' in the name = function - don't try to resolve
- if (colName.indexOf('(') != -1)
- {
- log.fine("Ignored(Function): " + colName);
- return query.getWhereClause();
- }
- // OK - Query is valid
- // Zooms to the same Window (Parents, ..)
- String refColName = null;
- if (colName.equals("R_RequestRelated_ID"))
- refColName = "R_Request_ID";
- else if (colName.startsWith("C_DocType"))
- refColName = "C_DocType_ID";
- if (refColName != null)
- {
- query.setColumnName(0, refColName);
- if (getField(refColName) != null)
- {
- log.fine("Column " + colName + " replaced with synonym " + refColName);
- return query.getWhereClause();
- }
- refColName = null;
- }
- // Simple Query.
- if (getField(colName) != null)
- {
- log.fine("Field Found: " + colName);
- return query.getWhereClause();
- }
- // Find Refernce Column e.g. BillTo_ID -> C_BPartner_Location_ID
- String sql = "SELECT cc.ColumnName "
- + "FROM AD_Column c"
- + " INNER JOIN AD_Ref_Table r ON (c.AD_Reference_Value_ID=r.AD_Reference_ID)"
- + " INNER JOIN AD_Column cc ON (r.AD_Key=cc.AD_Column_ID) "
- + "WHERE c.AD_Reference_ID IN (18,30)" // Table/Search
- + " AND c.ColumnName=?";
- try
- {
- PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
- pstmt.setString(1, colName);
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- if (rs.next())
- refColName = rs.getString(1);
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- }
- catch (SQLException e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "(ref) - Column=" + colName, e);
- return query.getWhereClause();
- }
- // Reference Column found
- if (refColName != null)
- {
- query.setColumnName(0, refColName);
- if (getField(refColName) != null)
- {
- log.fine("Column " + colName + " replaced with " + refColName);
- return query.getWhereClause();
- }
- colName = refColName;
- }
- // Column NOT in Tab - create EXISTS subquery
- String tableName = null;
- String tabKeyColumn = getKeyColumnName();
- // Column=SalesRep_ID, Key=AD_User_ID, Query=SalesRep_ID=101
- sql = "SELECT t.TableName "
- + "FROM AD_Column c"
- + " INNER JOIN AD_Table t ON (c.AD_Table_ID=t.AD_Table_ID) "
- + "WHERE c.ColumnName=? AND IsKey='Y'" // #1 Link Column
- + " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Column cc"
- + " WHERE cc.AD_Table_ID=t.AD_Table_ID AND cc.ColumnName=?)"; // #2 Tab Key Column
- try
- {
- PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
- pstmt.setString(1, colName);
- pstmt.setString(2, tabKeyColumn);
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- if (rs.next())
- tableName = rs.getString(1);
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- }
- catch (SQLException e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Column=" + colName + ", Key=" + tabKeyColumn, e);
- return null;
- }
- // Special Reference Handling
- if (tabKeyColumn.equals("AD_Reference_ID"))
- {
- // Column=AccessLevel, Key=AD_Reference_ID, Query=AccessLevel='6'
- sql = "SELECT AD_Reference_ID FROM AD_Column WHERE ColumnName=?";
- int AD_Reference_ID = DB.getSQLValue(null, sql, colName);
- return "AD_Reference_ID=" + AD_Reference_ID;
- }
- // Causes could be functions in query
- // e.g. Column=UPPER(Name), Key=AD_Element_ID, Query=UPPER(AD_Element.Name) LIKE '%CUSTOMER%'
- if (tableName == null)
- {
- log.info ("Not successfull - Column="
- + colName + ", Key=" + tabKeyColumn
- + ", Query=" + query);
- return query.getWhereClause();
- }
- query.setTableName("xx");
- StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer ("EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ")
- .append(tableName).append(" xx WHERE ")
- .append(query.getWhereClause(true))
- .append(" AND xx.").append(tabKeyColumn).append("=")
- .append(getTableName()).append(".").append(tabKeyColumn).append(")");
- log.fine(result.toString());
- return result.toString();
- } // validateQuery
- /**************************************************************************
- * Refresh all data
- */
- public void dataRefreshAll ()
- {
- log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo);
- /** @todo does not work with alpha key */
- int keyNo = m_mTable.getKeyID(m_currentRow);
- m_mTable.dataRefreshAll();
- // Should use RowID - not working for tables with multiple keys
- if (keyNo != -1)
- {
- if (keyNo != m_mTable.getKeyID(m_currentRow)) // something changed
- {
- int size = getRowCount();
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
- {
- if (keyNo == m_mTable.getKeyID(i))
- {
- m_currentRow = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- setCurrentRow(m_currentRow, true);
- } // dataRefreshAll
- /**
- * Refresh current row data
- */
- public void dataRefresh ()
- {
- dataRefresh (m_currentRow);
- } // dataRefresh
- /**
- * Refresh row data
- * @param row index
- */
- public void dataRefresh (int row)
- {
- log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo + " - row=" + row);
- m_mTable.dataRefresh(row);
- setCurrentRow(row, true);
- } // dataRefresh
- /**************************************************************************
- * Uncoditionally Save data
- * @param manualCmd if true, no vetoable PropertyChange will be fired for save confirmation from MTable
- * @return true if save complete (or nor required)
- */
- public boolean dataSave(boolean manualCmd)
- {
- log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo + " - row=" + m_currentRow);
- try
- {
- boolean retValue = (m_mTable.dataSave(manualCmd) == GridTable.SAVE_OK);
- if (manualCmd)
- setCurrentRow(m_currentRow, false);
- return retValue;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "#" + m_vo.TabNo + " - row=" + m_currentRow, e);
- }
- return false;
- } // dataSave
- /**
- * Do we need to Save?
- * @param rowChange row change
- * @param onlyRealChange if true the value of a field was actually changed
- * (e.g. for new records, which have not been changed) - default false
- * @return true it needs to be saved
- */
- public boolean needSave (boolean rowChange, boolean onlyRealChange)
- {
- if (rowChange)
- {
- return m_mTable.needSave(-2, onlyRealChange);
- }
- else
- {
- if (onlyRealChange)
- return m_mTable.needSave();
- else
- return m_mTable.needSave(onlyRealChange);
- }
- } // isDataChanged
- /**
- * Ignore data changes
- */
- public void dataIgnore()
- {
- log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo);
- m_mTable.dataIgnore();
- setCurrentRow(m_currentRow, false); // re-load data
- log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo + "- fini");
- } // dataIgnore
- /**
- * Create (copy) new Row
- * and process Callouts
- * @param copy copy
- * @return true if copied/new
- */
- public boolean dataNew (boolean copy)
- {
- log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo);
- if (!isInsertRecord())
- {
- log.warning ("Inset Not allowed in TabNo=" + m_vo.TabNo);
- return false;
- }
- // Prevent New Where Main Record is processed
- if (m_vo.TabNo > 0)
- {
- boolean processed = "Y".equals(Env.getContext(m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, "Processed"));
- // boolean active = "Y".equals(Env.getContext(m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, "IsActive"));
- if (processed)
- {
- log.warning ("Not allowed in TabNo=" + m_vo.TabNo + " -> Processed=" + processed);
- return false;
- }
- log.finest("Processed=" + processed);
- }
- boolean retValue = m_mTable.dataNew (m_currentRow, copy);
- if (!retValue)
- return retValue;
- setCurrentRow(m_currentRow + 1, true);
- // process all Callouts (no dependency check - assumed that settings are valid)
- for (int i = 0; i < getFieldCount(); i++)
- processCallout(getField(i));
- // check validity of defaults
- for (int i = 0; i < getFieldCount(); i++)
- {
- getField(i).refreshLookup();
- getField(i).validateValue();
- }
- m_mTable.setChanged(false);
- return retValue;
- } // dataNew
- /**
- * Delete current Row
- * @return true if deleted
- */
- public boolean dataDelete()
- {
- log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo + " - row=" + m_currentRow);
- boolean retValue = m_mTable.dataDelete(m_currentRow);
- setCurrentRow(m_currentRow, true);
- return retValue;
- } // dataDelete
- /**
- * Get Name of Tab
- * @return name
- */
- public String getName()
- {
- return m_vo.Name;
- } // getName
- /**
- * Get Description of Tab
- * @return description
- */
- public String getDescription()
- {
- return m_vo.Description;
- } // getDescription
- /**
- * Get Help of Tab
- * @return help
- */
- public String getHelp()
- {
- return m_vo.Help;
- } // getHelp
- /**
- * Get Tab Level
- * @return tab level
- */
- public int getTabLevel()
- {
- return m_vo.TabLevel;
- } // getTabLevel
- /**
- * Get Commit Warning
- * @return commit warning
- */
- public String getCommitWarning()
- {
- return m_vo.CommitWarning;
- } // getCommitWarning
- /**
- * Return Table Model
- * @return MTable
- */
- protected GridTable getMTable()
- {
- return m_mTable;
- } // getMTable
- /**
- * Return the name of the key column - may be ""
- * @return key column name
- */
- public String getKeyColumnName()
- {
- return m_keyColumnName;
- } // getKeyColumnName
- /**
- * Return Name of link column
- * @return link column name
- */
- public String getLinkColumnName()
- {
- return m_linkColumnName;
- } // getLinkColumnName
- /**
- * Set Name of link column.
- * Set from MWindow.loadTabData
- * Used in MTab.isCurreny, (.setCurrentRow) .query - APanel.cmd_report
- * and MField.isEditable and .isDefault via context
- * @param linkColumnName name of column - or sets name to AD_Column_ID, if exists
- */
- public void setLinkColumnName (String linkColumnName)
- {
- if (linkColumnName != null)
- m_linkColumnName = linkColumnName;
- else
- {
- if (m_vo.AD_Column_ID == 0)
- return;
- // we have a link column identified (primary parent column)
- else
- {
- String SQL = "SELECT ColumnName FROM AD_Column WHERE AD_Column_ID=?";
- try
- {
- PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(SQL, null);
- pstmt.setInt(1, m_vo.AD_Column_ID); // Parent Link Column
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- if (rs.next())
- m_linkColumnName = rs.getString(1);
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- }
- catch (SQLException e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e);
- }
- log.fine("AD_Column_ID=" + m_vo.AD_Column_ID + " - " + m_linkColumnName);
- }
- }
- Env.setContext(m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, m_vo.TabNo, "LinkColumnName", m_linkColumnName);
- } // setLinkColumnName
- /**
- * Is the tab current?.
- *
- * Yes - Table must be open
- * - Query String is the same
- * - Not Detail
- * - Old link column value is same as current one
- *
- * @return true if current
- */
- public boolean isCurrent()
- {
- // Open?
- if (!m_mTable.isOpen())
- return false;
- // Same Query
- if (!m_oldQuery.equals(m_query.getWhereClause()))
- return false;
- // Detail?
- if (!isDetail())
- return true;
- // Same link column value
- String value = Env.getContext(m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, getLinkColumnName());
- return m_linkValue.equals(value);
- } // isCurrent
- /**
- * Is the tab/table currently open
- * @return true if open
- */
- public boolean isOpen()
- {
- // Open?
- if (m_mTable != null)
- return m_mTable.isOpen();
- return false;
- } // isCurrent
- /**
- * Is Tab Incluced in other Tab
- * @return true if included
- */
- public boolean isIncluded()
- {
- return m_included;
- } // isIncluded
- /**
- * Is Tab Incluced in other Tab
- * @param isIncluded true if included
- */
- public void setIncluded(boolean isIncluded)
- {
- m_included = isIncluded;
- } // setIncluded
- /**
- * Are Only Current Rows displayed
- * @return true if no history
- */
- public boolean isOnlyCurrentRows()
- {
- return m_vo.onlyCurrentRows;
- } // isOnlyCurrentRows
- /**
- * Return Parent ArrayList
- * @return parent column names
- */
- public ArrayList getParentColumnNames()
- {
- return m_parents;
- } // getParentColumnNames
- /**
- * Get Tree ID of this tab
- * @return ID
- */
- private int getTreeID()
- {
- log.fine(m_vo.TableName);
- String SQL = "SELECT * FROM AD_ClientInfo WHERE AD_Client="
- + Env.getContext(m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, "AD_Client_ID")
- + " ORDER BY AD_Org DESC";
- //
- if (m_vo.TableName.equals("AD_Menu"))
- return 10; // MM
- else if (m_vo.TableName.equals("C_ElementValue"))
- return 20; // EV
- else if (m_vo.TableName.equals("M_Product"))
- return 30; // PR
- else if (m_vo.TableName.equals("C_BPartner"))
- return 40; // BP
- else if (m_vo.TableName.equals("AD_Org"))
- return 50; // OO
- else if (m_vo.TableName.equals("C_Project"))
- return 60; // PJ
- return 0;
- } // getTreeID
- /**
- * Returns true if this is a detail record
- * @return true if not parent tab
- */
- public boolean isDetail()
- {
- // We have IsParent columns and/or a link column
- if (m_parents.size() > 0 || m_vo.AD_Column_ID != 0)
- return true;
- return false;
- } // isDetail
- /**
- * Is Printed (Document can be printed)
- * @return true if printing
- */
- public boolean isPrinted()
- {
- return m_vo.AD_Process_ID != 0;
- } // isPrinted
- /**
- * Get WindowNo
- * @return window no
- */
- public int getWindowNo()
- {
- return m_vo.WindowNo;
- } // getWindowNo
- /**
- * Get TabNo
- * @return tab no
- */
- public int getTabNo()
- {
- return m_vo.TabNo;
- } // getTabNo
- /**
- * Get Process ID
- * @return Process ID
- */
- public int getAD_Process_ID()
- {
- return m_vo.AD_Process_ID;
- } // getAD_Process_ID
- /**
- * Is High Volume?
- * @return true if high volumen table
- */
- public boolean isHighVolume()
- {
- return m_vo.IsHighVolume;
- } // isHighVolume
- /**
- * Is Read Only?
- * @return true if read only
- */
- public boolean isReadOnly()
- {
- if (m_vo.IsReadOnly)
- return true;
- // no restrictions
- if (m_vo.ReadOnlyLogic == null || m_vo.ReadOnlyLogic.equals(""))
- return m_vo.IsReadOnly;
- // ** dynamic content ** uses get_ValueAsString
- boolean retValue = Evaluator.evaluateLogic(this, m_vo.ReadOnlyLogic);
- log.finest(m_vo.Name
- + " (" + m_vo.ReadOnlyLogic + ") => " + retValue);
- return retValue;
- } // isReadOnly
- /**
- * Tab contains Always Update Field
- * @return true if field with always updateable
- */
- public boolean isAlwaysUpdateField()
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < m_mTable.getColumnCount(); i++)
- {
- GridField field = m_mTable.getField(i);
- if (field.isAlwaysUpdateable())
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- } // isAlwaysUpdateField
- /**
- * Can we Insert Records?
- * @return true not read only and allowed
- */
- public boolean isInsertRecord()
- {
- if (isReadOnly())
- return false;
- return m_vo.IsInsertRecord;
- } // isInsertRecord
- /**
- * Is the Tab Visible.
- * Called when constructing the window.
- * @return true, if displayed
- */
- public boolean isDisplayed ()
- {
- // no restrictions
- String dl = m_vo.DisplayLogic;
- if (dl == null || dl.equals(""))
- return true;
- // ** dynamic content **
- String parsed = Env.parseContext (m_vo.ctx, 0, dl, false, false).trim();
- if (parsed.length() == 0)
- return true;
- boolean retValue = Evaluator.evaluateLogic(this, dl);
- log.config(m_vo.Name + " (" + dl + ") => " + retValue);
- return retValue;
- } // isDisplayed
- /**
- * Get Variable Value (Evaluatee)
- * @param variableName name
- * @return value
- */
- public String get_ValueAsString (String variableName)
- {
- return Env.getContext (m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, variableName, true);
- } // get_ValueAsString
- /**
- * Is Single Row
- * @return true if single row
- */
- public boolean isSingleRow()
- {
- return m_vo.IsSingleRow;
- } // isSingleRow;
- /**
- * Set Single Row.
- * Temporary store of current value
- * @param isSingleRow toggle
- */
- public void setSingleRow (boolean isSingleRow)
- {
- m_vo.IsSingleRow = isSingleRow;
- } // setSingleRow
- /**
- * Has Tree
- * @return true if tree exists
- */
- public boolean isTreeTab()
- {
- return m_vo.HasTree;
- } // isTreeTab
- /**
- * Get Tab ID
- * @return Tab ID
- */
- public int getAD_Tab_ID()
- {
- return m_vo.AD_Tab_ID;
- } // getAD_Tab_ID
- /**
- * Get Table ID
- * @return Table ID
- */
- public int getAD_Table_ID()
- {
- return m_vo.AD_Table_ID;
- } // getAD_Table_ID
- /**
- * Get Window ID
- * @return Window ID
- */
- public int getAD_Window_ID()
- {
- return m_vo.AD_Window_ID;
- } // getAD_Window_ID
- /**
- * Get Included Tab ID
- * @return Included_Tab_ID
- */
- public int getIncluded_Tab_ID()
- {
- return m_vo.Included_Tab_ID;
- } // getIncluded_Tab_ID
- /**
- * Get TableName
- * @return Table Name
- */
- public String getTableName()
- {
- return m_vo.TableName;
- } // getTableName
- /**
- * Get Tab Where Clause
- * @return where clause
- */
- public String getWhereClause()
- {
- return m_vo.WhereClause;
- } // getWhereClause
- /**
- * Is Sort Tab
- * @return true if sort tab
- */
- public boolean isSortTab()
- {
- return m_vo.IsSortTab;
- } // isSortTab
- /**
- * Get Order column for sort tab
- * @return AD_Column_ID
- */
- public int getAD_ColumnSortOrder_ID()
- {
- return m_vo.AD_ColumnSortOrder_ID;
- } // getAD_ColumnSortOrder_ID
- /**
- * Get Yes/No column for sort tab
- * @return AD_Column_ID
- */
- public int getAD_ColumnSortYesNo_ID()
- {
- return m_vo.AD_ColumnSortYesNo_ID;
- } // getAD_ColumnSortYesNo_ID
- /**************************************************************************
- * Get extended Where Clause (parent link)
- * @return parent link
- */
- public String getWhereExtended()
- {
- return m_extendedWhere;
- } // getWhereExtended
- /**
- * Get Order By Clause
- * @param onlyCurrentRows only current rows
- * @return Order By Clause
- */
- private String getOrderByClause(boolean onlyCurrentRows)
- {
- // First Prio: Tab Order By
- if (m_vo.OrderByClause.length() > 0)
- return m_vo.OrderByClause;
- // Second Prio: Fields (save it)
- m_vo.OrderByClause = "";
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- {
- String order = m_OrderBys[i];
- if (order != null && order.length() > 0)
- {
- if (m_vo.OrderByClause.length() > 0)
- m_vo.OrderByClause += ",";
- m_vo.OrderByClause += order;
- }
- }
- if (m_vo.OrderByClause.length() > 0)
- return m_vo.OrderByClause;
- // Third Prio: onlyCurrentRows
- m_vo.OrderByClause = "Created";
- if (onlyCurrentRows && !isDetail()) // first tab only
- m_vo.OrderByClause += " DESC";
- return m_vo.OrderByClause;
- } // getOrderByClause
- /**************************************************************************
- * Transaction support.
- * Depending on Table returns transaction info
- * @return info
- */
- public String getTrxInfo()
- {
- // InvoiceBatch
- if (m_vo.TableName.startsWith("C_InvoiceBatch"))
- {
- int Record_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, "C_InvoiceBatch_ID");
- log.fine(m_vo.TableName + " - " + Record_ID);
- MessageFormat mf = null;
- try
- {
- mf = new MessageFormat(Msg.getMsg(Env.getAD_Language(m_vo.ctx), "InvoiceBatchSummary"));
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "InvoiceBatchSummary=" + Msg.getMsg(Env.getAD_Language(m_vo.ctx), "InvoiceBatchSummary"), e);
- }
- if (mf == null)
- return " ";
- /**********************************************************************
- * ** Message: ExpenseSummary **
- * {0} Line(s) {1,number,#,##0.00} - Total: {2,number,#,##0.00}
- *
- * {0} - Number of lines
- * {1} - Toral
- * {2} - Currency
- */
- Object[] arguments = new Object[3];
- boolean filled = false;
- //
- String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*), NVL(SUM(LineNetAmt),0), NVL(SUM(LineTotalAmt),0) "
- + "FROM C_InvoiceBatchLine "
- + "WHERE C_InvoiceBatch_ID=? AND IsActive='Y'";
- //
- try
- {
- PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
- pstmt.setInt(1, Record_ID);
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- if (rs.next())
- {
- // {0} - Number of lines
- Integer lines = new Integer(rs.getInt(1));
- arguments[0] = lines;
- // {1} - Line net
- Double net = new Double(rs.getDouble(2));
- arguments[1] = net;
- // {2} - Line net
- Double total = new Double(rs.getDouble(3));
- arguments[2] = total;
- filled = true;
- }
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- }
- catch (SQLException e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, m_vo.TableName + "\nSQL=" + sql, e);
- }
- if (filled)
- return mf.format (arguments);
- return " ";
- } // InvoiceBatch
- // Order || Invoice
- else if (m_vo.TableName.startsWith("C_Order") || m_vo.TableName.startsWith("C_Invoice"))
- {
- int Record_ID;
- boolean isOrder = m_vo.TableName.startsWith("C_Order");
- //
- StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT COUNT(*) AS Lines,c.ISO_Code,o.TotalLines,o.GrandTotal,"
- + "currencyBase(o.GrandTotal,o.C_Currency_ID,o.DateAcct, o.AD_Client_ID,o.AD_Org_ID) AS ConvAmt ");
- if (isOrder)
- {
- Record_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, "C_Order_ID");
- sql.append("FROM C_Order o"
- + " INNER JOIN C_Currency c ON (o.C_Currency_ID=c.C_Currency_ID)"
- + " INNER JOIN C_OrderLine l ON (o.C_Order_ID=l.C_Order_ID) "
- + "WHERE o.C_Order_ID=? ");
- }
- else
- {
- Record_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, "C_Invoice_ID");
- sql.append("FROM C_Invoice o"
- + " INNER JOIN C_Currency c ON (o.C_Currency_ID=c.C_Currency_ID)"
- + " INNER JOIN C_InvoiceLine l ON (o.C_Invoice_ID=l.C_Invoice_ID) "
- + "WHERE o.C_Invoice_ID=? ");
- }
- sql.append("GROUP BY o.C_Currency_ID, c.ISO_Code, o.TotalLines, o.GrandTotal, o.DateAcct, o.AD_Client_ID, o.AD_Org_ID");
- log.fine(m_vo.TableName + " - " + Record_ID);
- MessageFormat mf = null;
- try
- {
- mf = new MessageFormat(Msg.getMsg(Env.getAD_Language(m_vo.ctx), "OrderSummary"));
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "OrderSummary=" + Msg.getMsg(Env.getAD_Language(m_vo.ctx), "OrderSummary"), e);
- }
- if (mf == null)
- return " ";
- /**********************************************************************
- * ** Message: OrderSummary **
- * {0} Line(s) - {1,number,#,##0.00} - Toral: {2,number,#,##0.00} {3} = {4,number,#,##0.00}
- *
- * {0} - Number of lines
- * {1} - Line toral
- * {2} - Grand total (including tax, etc.)
- * {3} - Currency
- * (4) - Grand total converted to local currency
- */
- Object[] arguments = new Object[5];
- boolean filled = false;
- //
- try
- {
- PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql.toString(), null);
- pstmt.setInt(1, Record_ID);
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- if (rs.next())
- {
- // {0} - Number of lines
- Integer lines = new Integer(rs.getInt(1));
- arguments[0] = lines;
- // {1} - Line toral
- Double lineTotal = new Double(rs.getDouble(3));
- arguments[1] = lineTotal;
- // {2} - Grand total (including tax, etc.)
- Double grandTotal = new Double(rs.getDouble(4));
- arguments[2] = grandTotal;
- // {3} - Currency
- String currency = rs.getString(2);
- arguments[3] = currency;
- // (4) - Grand total converted to Euro
- Double grandEuro = new Double(rs.getDouble(5));
- arguments[4] = grandEuro;
- filled = true;
- }
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- }
- catch (SQLException e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, m_vo.TableName + "\nSQL=" + sql, e);
- }
- if (filled)
- return mf.format (arguments);
- return " ";
- } // Order || Invoice
- // Expense Report
- else if (m_vo.TableName.startsWith("S_TimeExpense") && m_vo.TabNo == 0)
- {
- int Record_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, "S_TimeExpense_ID");
- log.fine(m_vo.TableName + " - " + Record_ID);
- MessageFormat mf = null;
- try
- {
- mf = new MessageFormat(Msg.getMsg(Env.getAD_Language(m_vo.ctx), "ExpenseSummary"));
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "ExpenseSummary=" + Msg.getMsg(Env.getAD_Language(m_vo.ctx), "ExpenseSummary"), e);
- }
- if (mf == null)
- return " ";
- /**********************************************************************
- * ** Message: ExpenseSummary **
- * {0} Line(s) - Total: {1,number,#,##0.00} {2}
- *
- * {0} - Number of lines
- * {1} - Toral
- * {2} - Currency
- */
- Object[] arguments = new Object[3];
- boolean filled = false;
- //
- String SQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS Lines, SUM(ConvertedAmt*Qty) "
- + "FROM S_TimeExpenseLine "
- + "WHERE S_TimeExpense_ID=?";
- //
- try
- {
- PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(SQL, null);
- pstmt.setInt(1, Record_ID);
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- if (rs.next())
- {
- // {0} - Number of lines
- Integer lines = new Integer(rs.getInt(1));
- arguments[0] = lines;
- // {1} - Line toral
- Double total = new Double(rs.getDouble(2));
- arguments[1] = total;
- // {3} - Currency
- arguments[2] = " ";
- filled = true;
- }
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- }
- catch (SQLException e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, m_vo.TableName + "\nSQL=" + SQL, e);
- }
- if (filled)
- return mf.format (arguments);
- return " ";
- } // S_TimeExpense
- // Default - No Trx Info
- return null;
- } // getTrxInfo
- /**
- * Load Dependant Information
- */
- private void loadDependentInfo()
- {
- /**
- * Load Order Type from C_DocTypeTarget_ID
- */
- if (m_vo.TableName.equals("C_Order"))
- {
- int C_DocTyp_ID = 0;
- Integer target = (Integer)getValue("C_DocTypeTarget_ID");
- if (target != null)
- C_DocTyp_ID = target.intValue();
- if (C_DocTyp_ID == 0)
- return;
- String sql = "SELECT DocSubTypeSO FROM C_DocType WHERE C_DocType_ID=?";
- try
- {
- PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
- pstmt.setInt(1, C_DocTyp_ID);
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- if (rs.next())
- Env.setContext(m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, "OrderType", rs.getString(1));
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- }
- catch (SQLException e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- } // loadOrderInfo
- } // loadDependentInfo
- /**************************************************************************
- * Load Attachments for this table
- */
- public void loadAttachments()
- {
- log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo);
- if (!canHaveAttachment())
- return;
- String SQL = "SELECT AD_Attachment_ID, Record_ID FROM AD_Attachment "
- + "WHERE AD_Table_ID=?";
- try
- {
- if (m_Attachments == null)
- m_Attachments = new HashMap();
- else
- m_Attachments.clear();
- PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(SQL, null);
- pstmt.setInt(1, m_vo.AD_Table_ID);
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- while (rs.next())
- {
- Integer key = new Integer(rs.getInt(2));
- Integer value = new Integer(rs.getInt(1));
- m_Attachments.put(key, value);
- }
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- }
- catch (SQLException e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "loadAttachments", e);
- }
- log.config("#" + m_Attachments.size());
- } // loadAttachment
- /**
- * Can this tab have Attachments?.
- *
- * It can have an attachment if it has a key column ending with _ID.
- * The key column is empty, if there is no single identifying key.
- * @return true if record can have attachment
- */
- public boolean canHaveAttachment()
- {
- if (getKeyColumnName().endsWith("_ID"))
- return true;
- return false;
- } // canHaveAttachment
- /**
- * Returns true, if current row has an Attachment
- * @return true if record has attchment
- */
- public boolean hasAttachment()
- {
- if (m_Attachments == null)
- loadAttachments();
- if (m_Attachments == null || m_Attachments.isEmpty())
- return false;
- //
- Integer key = new Integer(m_mTable.getKeyID (m_currentRow));
- return m_Attachments.containsKey(key);
- } // hasAttachment
- /**
- * Get Attachment_ID for current record.
- * @return ID or 0, if not found
- */
- public int getAD_AttachmentID()
- {
- if (m_Attachments == null)
- loadAttachments();
- if (m_Attachments.isEmpty())
- return 0;
- //
- Integer key = new Integer(m_mTable.getKeyID (m_currentRow));
- Integer value = (Integer)m_Attachments.get(key);
- if (value == null)
- return 0;
- else
- return value.intValue();
- } // getAttachmentID
- /**************************************************************************
- * Load Chats for this table
- */
- public void loadChats()
- {
- log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo);
- if (!canHaveAttachment())
- return;
- String sql = "SELECT CM_Chat_ID, Record_ID FROM CM_Chat "
- + "WHERE AD_Table_ID=?";
- try
- {
- if (m_Chats == null)
- m_Chats = new HashMap();
- else
- m_Chats.clear();
- PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
- pstmt.setInt(1, m_vo.AD_Table_ID);
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- while (rs.next())
- {
- Integer key = new Integer(rs.getInt(2)); // Record_ID
- Integer value = new Integer(rs.getInt(1)); // CM_Chat_ID
- m_Chats.put(key, value);
- }
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- }
- catch (SQLException e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- log.config("#" + m_Chats.size());
- } // loadChats
- /**
- * Returns true, if current row has a Chat
- * @return true if record has chat
- */
- public boolean hasChat()
- {
- if (m_Chats == null)
- loadChats();
- if (m_Chats == null || m_Chats.isEmpty())
- return false;
- //
- Integer key = new Integer(m_mTable.getKeyID (m_currentRow));
- return m_Chats.containsKey(key);
- } // hasChat
- /**
- * Get Chat_ID for this record.
- * @return ID or 0, if not found
- */
- public int getCM_ChatID()
- {
- if (m_Chats == null)
- loadChats();
- if (m_Chats.isEmpty())
- return 0;
- //
- Integer key = new Integer(m_mTable.getKeyID (m_currentRow));
- Integer value = (Integer)m_Chats.get(key);
- if (value == null)
- return 0;
- else
- return value.intValue();
- } // getCM_ChatID
- /**************************************************************************
- * Load Locks for Table and User
- */
- public void loadLocks()
- {
- int AD_User_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(Env.getCtx(), "#AD_User_ID");
- log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo + " - AD_User_ID=" + AD_User_ID);
- if (!canHaveAttachment())
- return;
- String sql = "SELECT Record_ID "
- + "FROM AD_Private_Access "
- + "WHERE AD_User_ID=? AND AD_Table_ID=? AND IsActive='Y' "
- + "ORDER BY Record_ID";
- try
- {
- if (m_Lock == null)
- m_Lock = new ArrayList();
- else
- m_Lock.clear();
- PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
- pstmt.setInt(1, AD_User_ID);
- pstmt.setInt(2, m_vo.AD_Table_ID);
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- while (rs.next())
- {
- Integer key = new Integer(rs.getInt(1));
- m_Lock.add(key);
- }
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- }
- catch (SQLException e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- log.fine("#" + m_Lock.size());
- } // loadLooks
- /**
- * Record Is Locked
- * @return true if locked
- */
- public boolean isLocked()
- {
- if (!MRole.getDefault(m_vo.ctx, false).isPersonalLock())
- return false;
- if (m_Lock == null)
- loadLocks();
- if (m_Lock == null || m_Lock.isEmpty())
- return false;
- //
- Integer key = new Integer(m_mTable.getKeyID (m_currentRow));
- return m_Lock.contains(key);
- } // isLocked
- /**
- * Lock Record
- * @param ctx context
- * @param Record_ID id
- * @param lock true if lock, otherwise unlock
- */
- public void lock (Properties ctx, int Record_ID, boolean lock)
- {
- int AD_User_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, "#AD_User_ID");
- log.fine("Lock=" + lock + ", AD_User_ID=" + AD_User_ID
- + ", AD_Table_ID=" + m_vo.AD_Table_ID + ", Record_ID=" + Record_ID);
- MPrivateAccess access = MPrivateAccess.get (ctx, AD_User_ID, m_vo.AD_Table_ID, Record_ID);
- if (access == null)
- access = new MPrivateAccess (ctx, AD_User_ID, m_vo.AD_Table_ID, Record_ID);
- access.setIsActive(lock);
- access.save();
- //
- loadLocks();
- } // lock
- /**************************************************************************
- * Data Status Listener from MTable.
- * - get raw info and add current row information
- * - update the current row
- * - redistribute (fire) Data Status event
- * @param e event
- */
- public void dataStatusChanged (DataStatusEvent e)
- {
- log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo + " - " + e.toString());
- int oldCurrentRow = e.getCurrentRow();
- m_DataStatusEvent = e; // save it
- // when sorted set current row to 0
- String msg = m_DataStatusEvent.getAD_Message();
- if (msg != null && msg.equals("Sorted"))
- setCurrentRow(0, true);
- // set current row
- m_DataStatusEvent.setCurrentRow(m_currentRow);
- // Same row - update value
- if (oldCurrentRow == m_currentRow)
- {
- GridField field = m_mTable.getField(e.getChangedColumn());
- if (field != null)
- {
- Object value = m_mTable.getValueAt(m_currentRow, e.getChangedColumn());
- field.setValue(value, m_mTable.isInserting());
- }
- }
- else // Redistribute Info with current row info
- fireDataStatusChanged(m_DataStatusEvent);
- // log.fine("dataStatusChanged #" + m_vo.TabNo + "- fini", e.toString());
- } // dataStatusChanged
- /**
- * Inform Listeners and build WHO info
- * @param e event
- */
- private void fireDataStatusChanged (DataStatusEvent e)
- {
- DataStatusListener[] listeners = m_listenerList.getListeners(DataStatusListener.class);
- if (listeners.length == 0)
- return;
- log.fine(e.toString());
- // WHO Info
- if (e.getCurrentRow() >= 0)
- {
- e.Created = (Timestamp)getValue("Created");
- e.CreatedBy = (Integer)getValue("CreatedBy");
- e.Updated = (Timestamp)getValue("Updated");
- e.UpdatedBy = (Integer)getValue("UpdatedBy");
- e.Record_ID = getValue(m_keyColumnName);
- // Info
- StringBuffer info = new StringBuffer(getTableName());
- // We have a key column
- if (m_keyColumnName != null && m_keyColumnName.length() > 0)
- {
- info.append(" - ")
- .append(m_keyColumnName).append("=").append(e.Record_ID);
- }
- else // we have multiple parents
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < m_parents.size(); i++)
- {
- String keyCol = (String)m_parents.get(i);
- info.append(" - ")
- .append(keyCol).append("=").append(getValue(keyCol));
- }
- }
- e.Info = info.toString();
- }
- e.setInserting(m_mTable.isInserting());
- // Distribute/fire it
- for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++)
- listeners[i].dataStatusChanged(e);
- // log.fine("fini - " + e.toString());
- } // fireDataStatusChanged
- /**
- * Create and fire Data Status Error Event
- * @param AD_Message message
- * @param info info
- * @param isError if not true, it is a Warning
- */
- protected void fireDataStatusEEvent(String AD_Message, String info, boolean isError)
- {
- m_mTable.fireDataStatusEEvent(AD_Message, info, isError);
- } // fireDataStatusEvent
- /**
- * Create and fire Data Status Error Event (from Error Log)
- * @param errorLog log
- */
- protected void fireDataStatusEEvent (ValueNamePair errorLog)
- {
- if (errorLog != null)
- m_mTable.fireDataStatusEEvent(errorLog);
- } // fireDataStatusEvent
- /**
- * Get Current Row
- * @return current row
- */
- public int getCurrentRow()
- {
- if (m_currentRow != verifyRow(m_currentRow))
- setCurrentRow(m_mTable.getRowCount()-1, true);
- return m_currentRow;
- } // getCurrentRow
- /**
- * Get Current Table Key ID
- * @return Record_ID
- */
- public int getRecord_ID()
- {
- return m_mTable.getKeyID(m_currentRow);
- } // getRecord_ID
- /**
- * Get Key ID of row
- * @param row row number
- * @return The Key ID of the row or -1 if not found
- */
- public int getKeyID (int row)
- {
- return m_mTable.getKeyID (row);
- } // getCurrentKeyID
- /**
- * Navigate absolute - goto Row - (zero based).
- * - does nothing, if in current row
- * - saves old row if required
- * @param targetRow target row
- * @return current row
- */
- public int navigate (int targetRow)
- {
- // nothing to do
- if (targetRow == m_currentRow)
- return m_currentRow;
- log.info ("Row=" + targetRow);
- // Row range check
- int newRow = verifyRow(targetRow);
- // Check, if we have old uncommitted data
- m_mTable.dataSave(newRow, false);
- // new position
- return setCurrentRow(newRow, true);
- } // navigate
- /**
- * Navigate relatively - i.e. plus/minus from current position
- * @param rowChange row change
- * @return current row
- */
- public int navigateRelative (int rowChange)
- {
- return navigate (m_currentRow + rowChange);
- } // navigateRelative
- /**
- * Navigate to current now (reload)
- * @return current row
- */
- public int navigateCurrent()
- {
- log.info("Row=" + m_currentRow);
- return setCurrentRow(m_currentRow, true);
- } // navigateCurrent
- /**
- * Row Range check
- * @param targetRow target row
- * @return checked row
- */
- private int verifyRow (int targetRow)
- {
- int newRow = targetRow;
- // Table Open?
- if (!m_mTable.isOpen())
- {
- log.severe ("Table not open");
- return -1;
- }
- // Row Count
- int rows = getRowCount();
- if (rows == 0)
- {
- log.fine("No Rows");
- return -1;
- }
- if (newRow >= rows)
- {
- newRow = rows-1;
- log.fine("Set to max Row: " + newRow);
- }
- else if (newRow < 0)
- {
- newRow = 0;
- log.fine("Set to first Row");
- }
- return newRow;
- } // verifyRow
- /**
- * Set current row and load data into fields.
- * If there is no row - load nulls
- * @param newCurrentRow new current row
- * @param fireEvents fire events
- * @return current row
- */
- private int setCurrentRow (int newCurrentRow, boolean fireEvents)
- {
- int oldCurrentRow = m_currentRow;
- m_currentRow = verifyRow (newCurrentRow);
- log.fine("Row=" + m_currentRow + " - fire=" + fireEvents);
- // Update Field Values
- int size = m_mTable.getColumnCount();
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
- {
- GridField mField = m_mTable.getField(i);
- // get Value from Table
- if (m_currentRow >= 0)
- {
- Object value = m_mTable.getValueAt(m_currentRow, i);
- mField.setValue(value, m_mTable.isInserting());
- if (m_mTable.isInserting()) // set invalid values to null
- mField.validateValue();
- }
- else
- { // no rows - set to a reasonable value - not updateable
-// Object value = null;
-// if (mField.isKey() || mField.isParent() || mField.getColumnName().equals(m_linkColumnName))
-// value = mField.getDefault();
- mField.setValue();
- }
- }
- loadDependentInfo();
- if (!fireEvents) // prevents informing twice
- return m_currentRow;
- // inform VTable/.. -> rowChanged
- m_propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROPERTY, oldCurrentRow, m_currentRow);
- // inform APanel/.. -> dataStatus with row updated
- if (m_DataStatusEvent == null)
- m_DataStatusEvent = new DataStatusEvent(this, getRowCount(),
- m_mTable.isInserting(), // changed
- Env.isAutoCommit(Env.getCtx(), m_vo.WindowNo), m_mTable.isInserting());
- //
- m_DataStatusEvent.setCurrentRow(m_currentRow);
- String status = m_DataStatusEvent.getAD_Message();
- if (status == null || status.length() == 0)
- m_DataStatusEvent.setInfo("NavigateOrUpdate", null, false,false);
- fireDataStatusChanged(m_DataStatusEvent);
- return m_currentRow;
- } // setCurrentRow
- /**
- * Set current row - used for deleteSelection
- * @return current row
- */
- public void setCurrentRow(int row){
- setCurrentRow(row, false);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- * Get RowCount
- * @return row count
- */
- public int getRowCount()
- {
- int count = m_mTable.getRowCount();
- // Wait a bit if currently loading
- if (count == 0 && m_mTable.isLoading())
- {
- try
- {
- Thread.sleep(100); // .1 sec
- }
- catch (Exception e) {}
- count = m_mTable.getRowCount();
- }
- return count;
- } // getRowCount
- /**
- * Get Column/Field Count
- * @return field count
- */
- public int getFieldCount()
- {
- return m_mTable.getColumnCount();
- } // getFieldCount
- /**
- * Get Field by index
- * @param index index
- * @return MField
- */
- public GridField getField (int index)
- {
- return m_mTable.getField(index);
- } // getField
- /**
- * Get Field by DB column name
- * @param columnName column name
- * @return MField
- */
- public GridField getField (String columnName)
- {
- return m_mTable.getField(columnName);
- } // getField
- /**
- * Get all Fields
- * @return MFields
- */
- public GridField[] getFields ()
- {
- return m_mTable.getFields();
- } // getField
- /**
- * Set New Value & call Callout
- * @param columnName database column name
- * @param value value
- * @return error message or ""
- */
- public String setValue (String columnName, Object value)
- {
- if (columnName == null)
- return "NoColumn";
- return setValue(m_mTable.getField(columnName), value);
- } // setValue
- /**
- * Set New Value & call Callout
- * @param field field
- * @param value value
- * @return error message or ""
- */
- public String setValue (GridField field, Object value)
- {
- if (field == null)
- return "NoField";
- log.fine(field.getColumnName() + "=" + value + " - Row=" + m_currentRow);
- int col = m_mTable.findColumn(field.getColumnName());
- m_mTable.setValueAt(value, m_currentRow, col, false);
- //
- return processFieldChange (field);
- } // setValue
- /**
- * Is Processed
- * @return true if current record is processed
- */
- public boolean isProcessed()
- {
- int index = m_mTable.findColumn("Processed");
- if (index != -1)
- {
- Object oo = m_mTable.getValueAt(m_currentRow, index);
- if (oo instanceof String)
- return "Y".equals(oo);
- if (oo instanceof Boolean)
- return ((Boolean)oo).booleanValue();
- }
- return "Y".equals(Env.getContext(m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, "Processed"));
- } // isProcessed
- /**
- * Process Field Change - evaluate Dependencies and process Callouts.
- *
- * called from MTab.setValue or GridController.dataStatusChanged
- * @param changedField changed field
- * @return error message or ""
- */
- public String processFieldChange (GridField changedField)
- {
- processDependencies (changedField);
- return processCallout (changedField);
- } // processFieldChange
- /**
- * Evaluate Dependencies
- * @param changedField changed field
- */
- private void processDependencies (GridField changedField)
- {
- String columnName = changedField.getColumnName();
- // log.trace(log.l4_Data, "Changed Column", columnName);
- // when column name is not in list of DependentOn fields - fini
- if (!hasDependants(columnName))
- return;
- // Get dependent MFields (may be because of display or dynamic lookup)
- ArrayList list = getDependantFields(columnName);
- for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
- {
- GridField dependentField = (GridField)list.get(i);
- // log.trace(log.l5_DData, "Dependent Field", dependentField==null ? "null" : dependentField.getColumnName());
- // if the field has a lookup
- if (dependentField != null && dependentField.getLookup() instanceof MLookup)
- {
- MLookup mLookup = (MLookup)dependentField.getLookup();
- // log.trace(log.l6_Database, "Lookup Validation", mLookup.getValidation());
- // if the lookup is dynamic (i.e. contains this columnName as variable)
- if (mLookup.getValidation().indexOf("@"+columnName+"@") != -1)
- {
- log.fine(columnName + " changed - "
- + dependentField.getColumnName() + " set to null");
- // invalidate current selection
- setValue(dependentField, null);
- }
- }
- } // for all dependent fields
- } // processDependencies
- /**************************************************************************
- * Process Callout(s).
- *
- * The Callout is in the string of
- * "class.method;class.method;"
- * If there is no class name, i.e. only a method name, the class is regarded
- * as CalloutSystem.
- * The class needs to comply with the Interface Callout.
- *
- * For a limited time, the old notation of Sx_matheod / Ux_menthod is maintained.
- *
- * @param field field
- * @return error message or ""
- * @see org.compiere.model.Callout
- */
- private String processCallout (GridField field)
- {
- String callout = field.getCallout();
- if (callout.length() == 0)
- return "";
- //
- if (isProcessed()) // only active records
- return ""; // "DocProcessed";
- Object value = field.getValue();
- Object oldValue = field.getOldValue();
- log.fine(field.getColumnName() + "=" + value
- + " (" + callout + ") - old=" + oldValue);
- StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(callout, ";,", false);
- while (st.hasMoreTokens()) // for each callout
- {
- String cmd = st.nextToken().trim();
- Callout call = null;
- String method = null;
- int methodStart = cmd.lastIndexOf(".");
- try
- {
- if (methodStart != -1) // no class
- {
- Class cClass = Class.forName(cmd.substring(0,methodStart));
- call = (Callout)cClass.newInstance();
- method = cmd.substring(methodStart+1);
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "class", e);
- return "Callout Invalid: " + cmd + " (" + e.toString() + ")";
- }
- if (call == null || method == null || method.length() == 0)
- return "Callout Invalid: " + method;
- String retValue = "";
- try
- {
- retValue = call.start(m_vo.ctx, method, m_vo.WindowNo, this, field, value, oldValue);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "start", e);
- retValue = "Callout Invalid: " + e.toString();
- return retValue;
- }
- if (!retValue.equals("")) // interrupt on first error
- {
- log.severe (retValue);
- return retValue;
- }
- } // for each callout
- return "";
- } // processCallout
- /**
- * Get Value of Field with columnName
- * @param columnName column name
- * @return value
- */
- public Object getValue (String columnName)
- {
- if (columnName == null)
- return null;
- GridField field = m_mTable.getField(columnName);
- return getValue(field);
- } // getValue
- /**
- * Get Value of Field
- * @param field field
- * @return value
- */
- public Object getValue (GridField field)
- {
- if (field == null)
- return null;
- return field.getValue();
- } // getValue
- /**
- * Get Value of Field in row
- * @param row row
- * @param columnName column name
- * @return value
- */
- public Object getValue (int row, String columnName)
- {
- int col = m_mTable.findColumn(columnName);
- if (col == -1)
- return null;
- return m_mTable.getValueAt(row, col);
- } // getValue
- public boolean isNeedToSaveParent()
- {
- if (isDetail())
- return m_parentNeedSave;
- else
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * toString
- * @return String representation
- */
- public String toString()
- {
- String retValue = "MTab #" + m_vo.TabNo;
- if (m_vo != null)
- retValue += " " + m_vo.Name + " (" + m_vo.AD_Tab_ID + ")";
- return retValue;
- } // toString
- /**************************************************************************
- * @param l listener
- */
- public synchronized void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
- {
- m_propertyChangeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener(l);
- }
- /**
- * @param l listener
- */
- public synchronized void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
- {
- m_propertyChangeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(l);
- }
- /**
- * @param l listener
- */
- public synchronized void removeDataStatusListener(DataStatusListener l)
- {
- m_listenerList.remove(DataStatusListener.class, l);
- }
- /**
- * @param l listener
- */
- public synchronized void addDataStatusListener(DataStatusListener l)
- {
- m_listenerList.add(DataStatusListener.class, l);
- }
-} // MTab
+ * Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
+ * Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
+ * under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
+ * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
+ * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
+ * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.model;
+import java.beans.*;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.math.BigDecimal;
+import java.sql.*;
+import java.text.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.logging.*;
+import javax.swing.event.*;
+import org.compiere.util.*;
+ * Tab Model.
+ * - a combination of AD_Tab (the display attributes) and AD_Table information.
+ *
+ * The Tab owns also it's Table model
+ * and listens to data changes to update the Field values.
+ *
+ *
+ * The Tab maintains the bound property: CurrentRow
+ *
+ *
+ * Event Hierarchies:
+ * - dataChanged (from MTable)
+ * - setCurrentRow
+ * - Update all Field Values
+ *
+ * - setValue
+ * - Update Field Value
+ * - Callout
+ *
+ * @author Jorg Janke
+ * @version $Id: GridTab.java,v 1.10 2006/10/02 05:18:39 jjanke Exp $
+ */
+public class GridTab implements DataStatusListener, Evaluatee, Serializable
+ /**
+ * Create Tab (Model) from Value Object.
+ *
+ * MTab provides a property listener for changed rows and a
+ * DataStatusListener for communicating changes of the underlying data
+ * @param vo Value Object
+ */
+ public GridTab(GridTabVO vo)
+ {
+ m_vo = vo;
+ // Create MTable
+ m_mTable = new GridTable (m_vo.ctx, m_vo.AD_Table_ID, m_vo.TableName, m_vo.WindowNo, m_vo.TabNo, true);
+ m_mTable.setReadOnly(m_vo.IsReadOnly || m_vo.IsView);
+ m_mTable.setDeleteable(m_vo.IsDeleteable);
+ // Load Tab
+ // if (vo.TabNo == 0)
+ initTab(false);
+ // else
+ // {
+ // m_loader = new Loader();
+ // m_loader.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY);
+ // m_loader.start();
+ // }
+ // waitLoadCompete();
+ } // GridTab
+ /** Value Object */
+ private GridTabVO m_vo;
+ /** The Table Model for Query */
+ private GridTable m_mTable = null;
+ private String m_keyColumnName = "";
+ private String m_linkColumnName = "";
+ private String m_extendedWhere;
+ /** Attachments */
+ private HashMap m_Attachments = null;
+ /** Chats */
+ private HashMap m_Chats = null;
+ /** Locks */
+ private ArrayList m_Lock = null;
+ /** Current Row */
+ private int m_currentRow = -1;
+ /** Property Change */
+ private PropertyChangeSupport m_propertyChangeSupport = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
+ /** Property Change Type */
+ public static final String PROPERTY = "CurrentRow";
+ /** A list of event listeners for this component. */
+ protected EventListenerList m_listenerList = new EventListenerList();
+ /** Current Data Status Event */
+ private DataStatusEvent m_DataStatusEvent = null;
+ /** Query */
+ private MQuery m_query = new MQuery();
+ private String m_oldQuery = "0=9";
+ private String m_linkValue = "999999";
+ /** Order By Array if SortNo 1..3 */
+ private String[] m_OrderBys = new String[3];
+ /** List of Key Parents */
+ private ArrayList m_parents = new ArrayList(2);
+ /** Map of ColumnName of source field (key) and the dependant field (value) */
+ private MultiMap m_depOnField = new MultiMap();
+ /** Async Loader */
+ private Loader m_loader = null;
+ /** Async Loading complete */
+ private volatile boolean m_loadComplete = false;
+ /** Is Tab Included in other Tab */
+ private boolean m_included = false;
+ /** Logger */
+ protected CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(getClass());
+ private boolean m_parentNeedSave = false;
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Tab loader for Tabs > 0
+ */
+ class Loader extends Thread
+ {
+ /**
+ * Async Loading of Tab > 0
+ */
+ public void run()
+ {
+ initTab (true);
+ } // run
+ } // Loader
+ /**
+ * Wait until load is complete
+ */
+ private void waitLoadCompete()
+ {
+ if (m_loadComplete)
+ return;
+ //
+ m_loader.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY);
+ log.config ("");
+ while (m_loader.isAlive())
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Thread.sleep(100); // 1/10 sec
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e);
+ }
+ }
+ log.config ("fini");
+ } // waitLoadComplete
+ /**
+ * Initialize Tab with record from AD_Tab_v
+ * @param async async
+ * @return true, if correctly initialized (ignored)
+ */
+ protected boolean initTab (boolean async)
+ {
+ log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo + " - Async=" + async + " - Where=" + m_vo.WhereClause);
+ m_extendedWhere = m_vo.WhereClause;
+ // Get Field Data
+ if (!loadFields())
+ {
+ m_loadComplete = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Order By
+ m_mTable.setOrderClause(getOrderByClause(m_vo.onlyCurrentRows));
+ if (async)
+ log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo + " - Async=" + async + " - fini");
+ m_loadComplete = true;
+ return true;
+ } // initTab
+ /**
+ * Dispose - clean up resources
+ */
+ protected void dispose()
+ {
+ log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo);
+ m_OrderBys = null;
+ //
+ m_parents.clear();
+ m_parents = null;
+ //
+ m_mTable.close (true); // also disposes Fields
+ m_mTable = null;
+ //
+ m_depOnField.clear();
+ m_depOnField = null;
+ if (m_Attachments != null)
+ m_Attachments.clear();
+ m_Attachments = null;
+ if (m_Chats != null)
+ m_Chats.clear();
+ m_Chats = null;
+ //
+ m_vo.Fields.clear();
+ m_vo.Fields = null;
+ m_vo = null;
+ } // dispose
+ /**
+ * Get Field data and add to MTable, if it's required or displayed.
+ * Reqiored fields are keys, parents, or standard Columns
+ * @return true if fields loaded
+ */
+ private boolean loadFields()
+ {
+ log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo);
+ if (m_vo.Fields == null)
+ return false;
+ // Add Fields
+ for (int f = 0; f < m_vo.Fields.size(); f++)
+ {
+ GridFieldVO voF = (GridFieldVO)m_vo.Fields.get(f);
+ // Add Fields to Table
+ if (voF != null)
+ {
+ GridField field = new GridField (voF);
+ String columnName = field.getColumnName();
+ // Record Info
+ if (field.isKey())
+ m_keyColumnName = columnName;
+ // Parent Column(s)
+ if (field.isParentColumn())
+ m_parents.add(columnName);
+ // Order By
+ int sortNo = field.getSortNo();
+ if (sortNo == 0)
+ ;
+ else if (Math.abs(sortNo) == 1)
+ {
+ m_OrderBys[0] = columnName;
+ if (sortNo < 0)
+ m_OrderBys[0] += " DESC";
+ }
+ else if (Math.abs(sortNo) == 2)
+ {
+ m_OrderBys[1] = columnName;
+ if (sortNo < 0)
+ m_OrderBys[1] += " DESC";
+ }
+ else if (Math.abs(sortNo) == 3)
+ {
+ m_OrderBys[2] = columnName;
+ if (sortNo < 0)
+ m_OrderBys[2] += " DESC";
+ }
+ // Add field
+ m_mTable.addField(field);
+ // List of ColumnNames, this field is dependent on
+ ArrayList list = field.getDependentOn();
+ for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
+ m_depOnField.put(list.get(i), field); // ColumnName, Field
+ // Add fields all fields are dependent on
+ if (columnName.equals("IsActive")
+ || columnName.equals("Processed")
+ || columnName.equals("Processing"))
+ m_depOnField.put(columnName, null);
+ }
+ } // for all fields
+ // Add Standard Fields
+ if (m_mTable.getField("Created") == null)
+ {
+ GridField created = new GridField (GridFieldVO.createStdField(m_vo.ctx,
+ m_vo.WindowNo, m_vo.TabNo,
+ m_vo.AD_Window_ID, m_vo.AD_Tab_ID, false, true, true));
+ m_mTable.addField(created);
+ }
+ if (m_mTable.getField("CreatedBy") == null)
+ {
+ GridField createdBy = new GridField (GridFieldVO.createStdField(m_vo.ctx,
+ m_vo.WindowNo, m_vo.TabNo,
+ m_vo.AD_Window_ID, m_vo.AD_Tab_ID, false, true, false));
+ m_mTable.addField(createdBy);
+ }
+ if (m_mTable.getField("Updated") == null)
+ {
+ GridField updated = new GridField (GridFieldVO.createStdField(m_vo.ctx,
+ m_vo.WindowNo, m_vo.TabNo,
+ m_vo.AD_Window_ID, m_vo.AD_Tab_ID, false, false, true));
+ m_mTable.addField(updated);
+ }
+ if (m_mTable.getField("UpdatedBy") == null)
+ {
+ GridField updatedBy = new GridField (GridFieldVO.createStdField(m_vo.ctx,
+ m_vo.WindowNo, m_vo.TabNo,
+ m_vo.AD_Window_ID, m_vo.AD_Tab_ID, false, false, false));
+ m_mTable.addField(updatedBy);
+ }
+ return true;
+ } // loadFields
+ /**
+ * Get a list of variables, this tab is dependent on.
+ * - for display purposes
+ * @return ArrayList
+ */
+ public ArrayList getDependentOn()
+ {
+ ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
+ // Display
+ Evaluator.parseDepends(list, m_vo.DisplayLogic);
+ //
+ if (list.size() > 0 && CLogMgt.isLevelFiner())
+ {
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
+ for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
+ sb.append(list.get(i)).append(" ");
+ log.finer("(" + m_vo.Name + ") " + sb.toString());
+ }
+ return list;
+ } // getDependentOn
+ /**
+ * Get Display Logic
+ * @return display logic
+ */
+ public String getDisplayLogic()
+ {
+ return m_vo.DisplayLogic;
+ } // getDisplayLogic
+ /**
+ * Get TableModel.
+ * Do not directly communicate with the table model,
+ * but through the methods of this class
+ * @return Table Model
+ */
+ public GridTable getTableModel()
+ {
+ return m_mTable;
+ } // getTableModel
+ /**
+ * Get Tab Icon
+ * @return Icon
+ */
+ public javax.swing.Icon getIcon()
+ {
+ if (m_vo.AD_Image_ID == 0)
+ return null;
+ //
+ /** @todo Load Image */
+ return null;
+ } // getIcon
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Has this field dependents ?
+ * @param columnName column name
+ * @return true if column has dependent
+ */
+ public boolean hasDependants (String columnName)
+ {
+ // m_depOnField.printToLog();
+ return m_depOnField.containsKey(columnName);
+ } // isDependentOn
+ /**
+ * Get dependents fields of columnName
+ * @param columnName column name
+ * @return ArrayList with GridFields dependent on columnName
+ */
+ public ArrayList getDependantFields (String columnName)
+ {
+ return m_depOnField.getValues(columnName);
+ } // getDependentFields
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Set Query
+ * @param query query
+ */
+ public void setQuery(MQuery query)
+ {
+ if (query == null)
+ m_query = new MQuery();
+ else
+ m_query = query;
+ } // setQuery
+ /**
+ * Get Query
+ * @return query
+ */
+ public MQuery getQuery()
+ {
+ return m_query;
+ } // getQuery
+ /**
+ * Is Query Active
+ * @return true if query active
+ */
+ public boolean isQueryActive()
+ {
+ if (m_query != null)
+ return m_query.isActive();
+ return false;
+ } // isQueryActive
+ /**
+ * Is Query New Record
+ * @return true if query active
+ */
+ public boolean isQueryNewRecord()
+ {
+ if (m_query != null)
+ return m_query.isNewRecordQuery();
+ return false;
+ } // isQueryNewRecord
+ /**
+ * Enable Events - enable data events of tabs (add listeners)
+ */
+ public void enableEvents()
+ {
+ // Setup Events
+ m_mTable.addDataStatusListener(this);
+ // m_mTable.addTableModelListener(this);
+ } // enableEvents
+ /**
+ * Assemble whereClause and query MTable and position to row 0.
+ *
+ * Scenarios:
+ * - Never opened (full query)
+ * - query changed (full query)
+ * - Detail link value changed (full query)
+ * - otherwise (refreshAll)
+ *
+ * @param onlyCurrentRows only current rows (1 day)
+ */
+ public void query (boolean onlyCurrentRows)
+ {
+ query (onlyCurrentRows, 0, 0);
+ } // query
+ /**
+ * Assemble whereClause and query MTable and position to row 0.
+ *
+ * Scenarios:
+ * - Never opened (full query)
+ * - query changed (full query)
+ * - Detail link value changed (full query)
+ * - otherwise (refreshAll)
+ *
+ * @param onlyCurrentRows only current rows
+ * @param onlyCurrentDays if only current row, how many days back
+ * @param maxRows maximim rows or 0 for all
+ */
+ public void query (boolean onlyCurrentRows, int onlyCurrentDays, int maxRows)
+ {
+ log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo
+ + " - Only Current Rows=" + onlyCurrentRows
+ + ", Days=" + onlyCurrentDays + ", Detail=" + isDetail());
+ // is it same query?
+ boolean refresh = m_oldQuery.equals(m_query.getWhereClause())
+ && m_vo.onlyCurrentRows == onlyCurrentRows && m_vo.onlyCurrentDays == onlyCurrentDays;
+ m_oldQuery = m_query.getWhereClause();
+ m_vo.onlyCurrentRows = onlyCurrentRows;
+ m_vo.onlyCurrentDays = onlyCurrentDays;
+ /**
+ * Set Where Clause
+ */
+ // Tab Where Clause
+ StringBuffer where = new StringBuffer(m_vo.WhereClause);
+ if (m_vo.onlyCurrentDays > 0)
+ {
+ if (where.length() > 0)
+ where.append(" AND ");
+ where.append("Created >= ");
+ if (DB.isDerby())
+ where.append("dateadd(dd,-").append(m_vo.onlyCurrentDays).append(",getdate())");
+ else
+ where.append("SysDate-").append(m_vo.onlyCurrentDays);
+ }
+ // Detail Query
+ if (isDetail())
+ {
+ m_parentNeedSave = false;
+ String lc = getLinkColumnName();
+ if (lc.equals(""))
+ log.severe ("No link column");
+ else
+ {
+ String value = Env.getContext(m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, lc);
+ // Same link value?
+ if (refresh)
+ refresh = m_linkValue.equals(value);
+ m_linkValue = value;
+ // Check validity
+ if (value.length() == 0)
+ {
+ //log.severe ("No value for link column " + lc);
+ //parent is new, can't retrieve detail
+ m_parentNeedSave = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // we have column and value
+ if (where.length() != 0)
+ where.append(" AND ");
+ where.append(lc).append("=");
+ if (lc.endsWith("_ID"))
+ where.append(value);
+ else
+ where.append("'").append(value).append("'");
+ }
+ }
+ } // isDetail
+ m_extendedWhere = where.toString();
+ // Final Query
+ if (m_query.isActive())
+ {
+ String q = validateQuery(m_query);
+ if (q != null)
+ {
+ if (where.length() > 0 )
+ where.append(" AND ");
+ where.append(q);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Query
+ */
+ log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo + " - " + where);
+ if (m_mTable.isOpen())
+ {
+ if (refresh)
+ m_mTable.dataRefreshAll();
+ else
+ m_mTable.dataRequery(where.toString(), m_vo.onlyCurrentRows && !isDetail(), onlyCurrentDays);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_mTable.setSelectWhereClause(where.toString(), m_vo.onlyCurrentRows && !isDetail(), onlyCurrentDays);
+ m_mTable.open(maxRows);
+ }
+ // Go to Record 0
+ setCurrentRow(0, true);
+ } // query
+ /**
+ * Validate Query.
+ * If query column is not a tab column create EXISTS query
+ * @param query query
+ * @return where clause
+ */
+ private String validateQuery (MQuery query)
+ {
+ if (query == null || query.getRestrictionCount() == 0)
+ return null;
+ // Check: only one restriction
+ if (query.getRestrictionCount() != 1)
+ {
+ log.fine("Ignored(More than 1 Restriction): " + query);
+ return query.getWhereClause();
+ }
+ String colName = query.getColumnName(0);
+ if (colName == null)
+ {
+ log.fine("Ignored(No Column): " + query);
+ return query.getWhereClause();
+ }
+ // a '(' in the name = function - don't try to resolve
+ if (colName.indexOf('(') != -1)
+ {
+ log.fine("Ignored(Function): " + colName);
+ return query.getWhereClause();
+ }
+ // OK - Query is valid
+ // Zooms to the same Window (Parents, ..)
+ String refColName = null;
+ if (colName.equals("R_RequestRelated_ID"))
+ refColName = "R_Request_ID";
+ else if (colName.startsWith("C_DocType"))
+ refColName = "C_DocType_ID";
+ if (refColName != null)
+ {
+ query.setColumnName(0, refColName);
+ if (getField(refColName) != null)
+ {
+ log.fine("Column " + colName + " replaced with synonym " + refColName);
+ return query.getWhereClause();
+ }
+ refColName = null;
+ }
+ // Simple Query.
+ if (getField(colName) != null)
+ {
+ log.fine("Field Found: " + colName);
+ return query.getWhereClause();
+ }
+ // Find Refernce Column e.g. BillTo_ID -> C_BPartner_Location_ID
+ String sql = "SELECT cc.ColumnName "
+ + "FROM AD_Column c"
+ + " INNER JOIN AD_Ref_Table r ON (c.AD_Reference_Value_ID=r.AD_Reference_ID)"
+ + " INNER JOIN AD_Column cc ON (r.AD_Key=cc.AD_Column_ID) "
+ + "WHERE c.AD_Reference_ID IN (18,30)" // Table/Search
+ + " AND c.ColumnName=?";
+ try
+ {
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
+ pstmt.setString(1, colName);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ if (rs.next())
+ refColName = rs.getString(1);
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ }
+ catch (SQLException e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "(ref) - Column=" + colName, e);
+ return query.getWhereClause();
+ }
+ // Reference Column found
+ if (refColName != null)
+ {
+ query.setColumnName(0, refColName);
+ if (getField(refColName) != null)
+ {
+ log.fine("Column " + colName + " replaced with " + refColName);
+ return query.getWhereClause();
+ }
+ colName = refColName;
+ }
+ // Column NOT in Tab - create EXISTS subquery
+ String tableName = null;
+ String tabKeyColumn = getKeyColumnName();
+ // Column=SalesRep_ID, Key=AD_User_ID, Query=SalesRep_ID=101
+ sql = "SELECT t.TableName "
+ + "FROM AD_Column c"
+ + " INNER JOIN AD_Table t ON (c.AD_Table_ID=t.AD_Table_ID) "
+ + "WHERE c.ColumnName=? AND IsKey='Y'" // #1 Link Column
+ + " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Column cc"
+ + " WHERE cc.AD_Table_ID=t.AD_Table_ID AND cc.ColumnName=?)"; // #2 Tab Key Column
+ try
+ {
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
+ pstmt.setString(1, colName);
+ pstmt.setString(2, tabKeyColumn);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ if (rs.next())
+ tableName = rs.getString(1);
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ }
+ catch (SQLException e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Column=" + colName + ", Key=" + tabKeyColumn, e);
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Special Reference Handling
+ if (tabKeyColumn.equals("AD_Reference_ID"))
+ {
+ // Column=AccessLevel, Key=AD_Reference_ID, Query=AccessLevel='6'
+ sql = "SELECT AD_Reference_ID FROM AD_Column WHERE ColumnName=?";
+ int AD_Reference_ID = DB.getSQLValue(null, sql, colName);
+ return "AD_Reference_ID=" + AD_Reference_ID;
+ }
+ // Causes could be functions in query
+ // e.g. Column=UPPER(Name), Key=AD_Element_ID, Query=UPPER(AD_Element.Name) LIKE '%CUSTOMER%'
+ if (tableName == null)
+ {
+ log.info ("Not successfull - Column="
+ + colName + ", Key=" + tabKeyColumn
+ + ", Query=" + query);
+ return query.getWhereClause();
+ }
+ query.setTableName("xx");
+ StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer ("EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ")
+ .append(tableName).append(" xx WHERE ")
+ .append(query.getWhereClause(true))
+ .append(" AND xx.").append(tabKeyColumn).append("=")
+ .append(getTableName()).append(".").append(tabKeyColumn).append(")");
+ log.fine(result.toString());
+ return result.toString();
+ } // validateQuery
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Refresh all data
+ */
+ public void dataRefreshAll ()
+ {
+ log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo);
+ /** @todo does not work with alpha key */
+ int keyNo = m_mTable.getKeyID(m_currentRow);
+ m_mTable.dataRefreshAll();
+ // Should use RowID - not working for tables with multiple keys
+ if (keyNo != -1)
+ {
+ if (keyNo != m_mTable.getKeyID(m_currentRow)) // something changed
+ {
+ int size = getRowCount();
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ if (keyNo == m_mTable.getKeyID(i))
+ {
+ m_currentRow = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ setCurrentRow(m_currentRow, true);
+ } // dataRefreshAll
+ /**
+ * Refresh current row data
+ */
+ public void dataRefresh ()
+ {
+ dataRefresh (m_currentRow);
+ } // dataRefresh
+ /**
+ * Refresh row data
+ * @param row index
+ */
+ public void dataRefresh (int row)
+ {
+ log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo + " - row=" + row);
+ m_mTable.dataRefresh(row);
+ setCurrentRow(row, true);
+ } // dataRefresh
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Uncoditionally Save data
+ * @param manualCmd if true, no vetoable PropertyChange will be fired for save confirmation from MTable
+ * @return true if save complete (or nor required)
+ */
+ public boolean dataSave(boolean manualCmd)
+ {
+ log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo + " - row=" + m_currentRow);
+ try
+ {
+ boolean retValue = (m_mTable.dataSave(manualCmd) == GridTable.SAVE_OK);
+ if (manualCmd)
+ setCurrentRow(m_currentRow, false);
+ return retValue;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "#" + m_vo.TabNo + " - row=" + m_currentRow, e);
+ }
+ return false;
+ } // dataSave
+ /**
+ * Do we need to Save?
+ * @param rowChange row change
+ * @param onlyRealChange if true the value of a field was actually changed
+ * (e.g. for new records, which have not been changed) - default false
+ * @return true it needs to be saved
+ */
+ public boolean needSave (boolean rowChange, boolean onlyRealChange)
+ {
+ if (rowChange)
+ {
+ return m_mTable.needSave(-2, onlyRealChange);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (onlyRealChange)
+ return m_mTable.needSave();
+ else
+ return m_mTable.needSave(onlyRealChange);
+ }
+ } // isDataChanged
+ /**
+ * Ignore data changes
+ */
+ public void dataIgnore()
+ {
+ log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo);
+ m_mTable.dataIgnore();
+ setCurrentRow(m_currentRow, false); // re-load data
+ log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo + "- fini");
+ } // dataIgnore
+ /**
+ * Create (copy) new Row
+ * and process Callouts
+ * @param copy copy
+ * @return true if copied/new
+ */
+ public boolean dataNew (boolean copy)
+ {
+ log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo);
+ if (!isInsertRecord())
+ {
+ log.warning ("Inset Not allowed in TabNo=" + m_vo.TabNo);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Prevent New Where Main Record is processed
+ if (m_vo.TabNo > 0)
+ {
+ boolean processed = "Y".equals(Env.getContext(m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, "Processed"));
+ // boolean active = "Y".equals(Env.getContext(m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, "IsActive"));
+ if (processed)
+ {
+ log.warning ("Not allowed in TabNo=" + m_vo.TabNo + " -> Processed=" + processed);
+ return false;
+ }
+ log.finest("Processed=" + processed);
+ }
+ boolean retValue = m_mTable.dataNew (m_currentRow, copy);
+ if (!retValue)
+ return retValue;
+ setCurrentRow(m_currentRow + 1, true);
+ // process all Callouts (no dependency check - assumed that settings are valid)
+ for (int i = 0; i < getFieldCount(); i++)
+ processCallout(getField(i));
+ // check validity of defaults
+ for (int i = 0; i < getFieldCount(); i++)
+ {
+ getField(i).refreshLookup();
+ getField(i).validateValue();
+ }
+ m_mTable.setChanged(false);
+ return retValue;
+ } // dataNew
+ /**
+ * Delete current Row
+ * @return true if deleted
+ */
+ public boolean dataDelete()
+ {
+ log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo + " - row=" + m_currentRow);
+ boolean retValue = m_mTable.dataDelete(m_currentRow);
+ setCurrentRow(m_currentRow, true);
+ return retValue;
+ } // dataDelete
+ /**
+ * Get Name of Tab
+ * @return name
+ */
+ public String getName()
+ {
+ return m_vo.Name;
+ } // getName
+ /**
+ * Get Description of Tab
+ * @return description
+ */
+ public String getDescription()
+ {
+ return m_vo.Description;
+ } // getDescription
+ /**
+ * Get Help of Tab
+ * @return help
+ */
+ public String getHelp()
+ {
+ return m_vo.Help;
+ } // getHelp
+ /**
+ * Get Tab Level
+ * @return tab level
+ */
+ public int getTabLevel()
+ {
+ return m_vo.TabLevel;
+ } // getTabLevel
+ /**
+ * Get Commit Warning
+ * @return commit warning
+ */
+ public String getCommitWarning()
+ {
+ return m_vo.CommitWarning;
+ } // getCommitWarning
+ /**
+ * Return Table Model
+ * @return MTable
+ */
+ protected GridTable getMTable()
+ {
+ return m_mTable;
+ } // getMTable
+ /**
+ * Return the name of the key column - may be ""
+ * @return key column name
+ */
+ public String getKeyColumnName()
+ {
+ return m_keyColumnName;
+ } // getKeyColumnName
+ /**
+ * Return Name of link column
+ * @return link column name
+ */
+ public String getLinkColumnName()
+ {
+ return m_linkColumnName;
+ } // getLinkColumnName
+ /**
+ * Set Name of link column.
+ * Set from MWindow.loadTabData
+ * Used in MTab.isCurreny, (.setCurrentRow) .query - APanel.cmd_report
+ * and MField.isEditable and .isDefault via context
+ * @param linkColumnName name of column - or sets name to AD_Column_ID, if exists
+ */
+ public void setLinkColumnName (String linkColumnName)
+ {
+ if (linkColumnName != null)
+ m_linkColumnName = linkColumnName;
+ else
+ {
+ if (m_vo.AD_Column_ID == 0)
+ return;
+ // we have a link column identified (primary parent column)
+ else
+ {
+ String SQL = "SELECT ColumnName FROM AD_Column WHERE AD_Column_ID=?";
+ try
+ {
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(SQL, null);
+ pstmt.setInt(1, m_vo.AD_Column_ID); // Parent Link Column
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ if (rs.next())
+ m_linkColumnName = rs.getString(1);
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ }
+ catch (SQLException e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e);
+ }
+ log.fine("AD_Column_ID=" + m_vo.AD_Column_ID + " - " + m_linkColumnName);
+ }
+ }
+ Env.setContext(m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, m_vo.TabNo, "LinkColumnName", m_linkColumnName);
+ } // setLinkColumnName
+ /**
+ * Is the tab current?.
+ *
+ * Yes - Table must be open
+ * - Query String is the same
+ * - Not Detail
+ * - Old link column value is same as current one
+ *
+ * @return true if current
+ */
+ public boolean isCurrent()
+ {
+ // Open?
+ if (!m_mTable.isOpen())
+ return false;
+ // Same Query
+ if (!m_oldQuery.equals(m_query.getWhereClause()))
+ return false;
+ // Detail?
+ if (!isDetail())
+ return true;
+ // Same link column value
+ String value = Env.getContext(m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, getLinkColumnName());
+ return m_linkValue.equals(value);
+ } // isCurrent
+ /**
+ * Is the tab/table currently open
+ * @return true if open
+ */
+ public boolean isOpen()
+ {
+ // Open?
+ if (m_mTable != null)
+ return m_mTable.isOpen();
+ return false;
+ } // isCurrent
+ /**
+ * Is Tab Incluced in other Tab
+ * @return true if included
+ */
+ public boolean isIncluded()
+ {
+ return m_included;
+ } // isIncluded
+ /**
+ * Is Tab Incluced in other Tab
+ * @param isIncluded true if included
+ */
+ public void setIncluded(boolean isIncluded)
+ {
+ m_included = isIncluded;
+ } // setIncluded
+ /**
+ * Are Only Current Rows displayed
+ * @return true if no history
+ */
+ public boolean isOnlyCurrentRows()
+ {
+ return m_vo.onlyCurrentRows;
+ } // isOnlyCurrentRows
+ /**
+ * Return Parent ArrayList
+ * @return parent column names
+ */
+ public ArrayList getParentColumnNames()
+ {
+ return m_parents;
+ } // getParentColumnNames
+ /**
+ * Get Tree ID of this tab
+ * @return ID
+ */
+ private int getTreeID()
+ {
+ log.fine(m_vo.TableName);
+ String SQL = "SELECT * FROM AD_ClientInfo WHERE AD_Client="
+ + Env.getContext(m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, "AD_Client_ID")
+ + " ORDER BY AD_Org DESC";
+ //
+ if (m_vo.TableName.equals("AD_Menu"))
+ return 10; // MM
+ else if (m_vo.TableName.equals("C_ElementValue"))
+ return 20; // EV
+ else if (m_vo.TableName.equals("M_Product"))
+ return 30; // PR
+ else if (m_vo.TableName.equals("C_BPartner"))
+ return 40; // BP
+ else if (m_vo.TableName.equals("AD_Org"))
+ return 50; // OO
+ else if (m_vo.TableName.equals("C_Project"))
+ return 60; // PJ
+ return 0;
+ } // getTreeID
+ /**
+ * Returns true if this is a detail record
+ * @return true if not parent tab
+ */
+ public boolean isDetail()
+ {
+ // We have IsParent columns and/or a link column
+ if (m_parents.size() > 0 || m_vo.AD_Column_ID != 0)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ } // isDetail
+ /**
+ * Is Printed (Document can be printed)
+ * @return true if printing
+ */
+ public boolean isPrinted()
+ {
+ return m_vo.AD_Process_ID != 0;
+ } // isPrinted
+ /**
+ * Get WindowNo
+ * @return window no
+ */
+ public int getWindowNo()
+ {
+ return m_vo.WindowNo;
+ } // getWindowNo
+ /**
+ * Get TabNo
+ * @return tab no
+ */
+ public int getTabNo()
+ {
+ return m_vo.TabNo;
+ } // getTabNo
+ /**
+ * Get Process ID
+ * @return Process ID
+ */
+ public int getAD_Process_ID()
+ {
+ return m_vo.AD_Process_ID;
+ } // getAD_Process_ID
+ /**
+ * Is High Volume?
+ * @return true if high volumen table
+ */
+ public boolean isHighVolume()
+ {
+ return m_vo.IsHighVolume;
+ } // isHighVolume
+ /**
+ * Is Read Only?
+ * @return true if read only
+ */
+ public boolean isReadOnly()
+ {
+ if (m_vo.IsReadOnly)
+ return true;
+ // no restrictions
+ if (m_vo.ReadOnlyLogic == null || m_vo.ReadOnlyLogic.equals(""))
+ return m_vo.IsReadOnly;
+ // ** dynamic content ** uses get_ValueAsString
+ boolean retValue = Evaluator.evaluateLogic(this, m_vo.ReadOnlyLogic);
+ log.finest(m_vo.Name
+ + " (" + m_vo.ReadOnlyLogic + ") => " + retValue);
+ return retValue;
+ } // isReadOnly
+ /**
+ * Tab contains Always Update Field
+ * @return true if field with always updateable
+ */
+ public boolean isAlwaysUpdateField()
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_mTable.getColumnCount(); i++)
+ {
+ GridField field = m_mTable.getField(i);
+ if (field.isAlwaysUpdateable())
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ } // isAlwaysUpdateField
+ /**
+ * Can we Insert Records?
+ * @return true not read only and allowed
+ */
+ public boolean isInsertRecord()
+ {
+ if (isReadOnly())
+ return false;
+ return m_vo.IsInsertRecord;
+ } // isInsertRecord
+ /**
+ * Is the Tab Visible.
+ * Called when constructing the window.
+ * @return true, if displayed
+ */
+ public boolean isDisplayed ()
+ {
+ // no restrictions
+ String dl = m_vo.DisplayLogic;
+ if (dl == null || dl.equals(""))
+ return true;
+ // ** dynamic content **
+ String parsed = Env.parseContext (m_vo.ctx, 0, dl, false, false).trim();
+ if (parsed.length() == 0)
+ return true;
+ boolean retValue = Evaluator.evaluateLogic(this, dl);
+ log.config(m_vo.Name + " (" + dl + ") => " + retValue);
+ return retValue;
+ } // isDisplayed
+ /**
+ * Get Variable Value (Evaluatee)
+ * @param variableName name
+ * @return value
+ */
+ public String get_ValueAsString (String variableName)
+ {
+ return Env.getContext (m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, variableName, true);
+ } // get_ValueAsString
+ /**
+ * Is Single Row
+ * @return true if single row
+ */
+ public boolean isSingleRow()
+ {
+ return m_vo.IsSingleRow;
+ } // isSingleRow;
+ /**
+ * Set Single Row.
+ * Temporary store of current value
+ * @param isSingleRow toggle
+ */
+ public void setSingleRow (boolean isSingleRow)
+ {
+ m_vo.IsSingleRow = isSingleRow;
+ } // setSingleRow
+ /**
+ * Has Tree
+ * @return true if tree exists
+ */
+ public boolean isTreeTab()
+ {
+ return m_vo.HasTree;
+ } // isTreeTab
+ /**
+ * Get Tab ID
+ * @return Tab ID
+ */
+ public int getAD_Tab_ID()
+ {
+ return m_vo.AD_Tab_ID;
+ } // getAD_Tab_ID
+ /**
+ * Get Table ID
+ * @return Table ID
+ */
+ public int getAD_Table_ID()
+ {
+ return m_vo.AD_Table_ID;
+ } // getAD_Table_ID
+ /**
+ * Get Window ID
+ * @return Window ID
+ */
+ public int getAD_Window_ID()
+ {
+ return m_vo.AD_Window_ID;
+ } // getAD_Window_ID
+ /**
+ * Get Included Tab ID
+ * @return Included_Tab_ID
+ */
+ public int getIncluded_Tab_ID()
+ {
+ return m_vo.Included_Tab_ID;
+ } // getIncluded_Tab_ID
+ /**
+ * Get TableName
+ * @return Table Name
+ */
+ public String getTableName()
+ {
+ return m_vo.TableName;
+ } // getTableName
+ /**
+ * Get Tab Where Clause
+ * @return where clause
+ */
+ public String getWhereClause()
+ {
+ return m_vo.WhereClause;
+ } // getWhereClause
+ /**
+ * Is Sort Tab
+ * @return true if sort tab
+ */
+ public boolean isSortTab()
+ {
+ return m_vo.IsSortTab;
+ } // isSortTab
+ /**
+ * Get Order column for sort tab
+ * @return AD_Column_ID
+ */
+ public int getAD_ColumnSortOrder_ID()
+ {
+ return m_vo.AD_ColumnSortOrder_ID;
+ } // getAD_ColumnSortOrder_ID
+ /**
+ * Get Yes/No column for sort tab
+ * @return AD_Column_ID
+ */
+ public int getAD_ColumnSortYesNo_ID()
+ {
+ return m_vo.AD_ColumnSortYesNo_ID;
+ } // getAD_ColumnSortYesNo_ID
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Get extended Where Clause (parent link)
+ * @return parent link
+ */
+ public String getWhereExtended()
+ {
+ return m_extendedWhere;
+ } // getWhereExtended
+ /**
+ * Get Order By Clause
+ * @param onlyCurrentRows only current rows
+ * @return Order By Clause
+ */
+ private String getOrderByClause(boolean onlyCurrentRows)
+ {
+ // First Prio: Tab Order By
+ if (m_vo.OrderByClause.length() > 0)
+ return m_vo.OrderByClause;
+ // Second Prio: Fields (save it)
+ m_vo.OrderByClause = "";
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ {
+ String order = m_OrderBys[i];
+ if (order != null && order.length() > 0)
+ {
+ if (m_vo.OrderByClause.length() > 0)
+ m_vo.OrderByClause += ",";
+ m_vo.OrderByClause += order;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_vo.OrderByClause.length() > 0)
+ return m_vo.OrderByClause;
+ // Third Prio: onlyCurrentRows
+ m_vo.OrderByClause = "Created";
+ if (onlyCurrentRows && !isDetail()) // first tab only
+ m_vo.OrderByClause += " DESC";
+ return m_vo.OrderByClause;
+ } // getOrderByClause
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Transaction support.
+ * Depending on Table returns transaction info
+ * @return info
+ */
+ public String getTrxInfo()
+ {
+ // InvoiceBatch
+ if (m_vo.TableName.startsWith("C_InvoiceBatch"))
+ {
+ int Record_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, "C_InvoiceBatch_ID");
+ log.fine(m_vo.TableName + " - " + Record_ID);
+ MessageFormat mf = null;
+ try
+ {
+ mf = new MessageFormat(Msg.getMsg(Env.getAD_Language(m_vo.ctx), "InvoiceBatchSummary"));
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "InvoiceBatchSummary=" + Msg.getMsg(Env.getAD_Language(m_vo.ctx), "InvoiceBatchSummary"), e);
+ }
+ if (mf == null)
+ return " ";
+ /**********************************************************************
+ * ** Message: ExpenseSummary **
+ * {0} Line(s) {1,number,#,##0.00} - Total: {2,number,#,##0.00}
+ *
+ * {0} - Number of lines
+ * {1} - Toral
+ * {2} - Currency
+ */
+ Object[] arguments = new Object[3];
+ boolean filled = false;
+ //
+ String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*), NVL(SUM(LineNetAmt),0), NVL(SUM(LineTotalAmt),0) "
+ + "FROM C_InvoiceBatchLine "
+ + "WHERE C_InvoiceBatch_ID=? AND IsActive='Y'";
+ //
+ try
+ {
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
+ pstmt.setInt(1, Record_ID);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ if (rs.next())
+ {
+ // {0} - Number of lines
+ Integer lines = new Integer(rs.getInt(1));
+ arguments[0] = lines;
+ // {1} - Line net
+ Double net = new Double(rs.getDouble(2));
+ arguments[1] = net;
+ // {2} - Line net
+ Double total = new Double(rs.getDouble(3));
+ arguments[2] = total;
+ filled = true;
+ }
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ }
+ catch (SQLException e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, m_vo.TableName + "\nSQL=" + sql, e);
+ }
+ if (filled)
+ return mf.format (arguments);
+ return " ";
+ } // InvoiceBatch
+ // Order || Invoice
+ else if (m_vo.TableName.startsWith("C_Order") || m_vo.TableName.startsWith("C_Invoice"))
+ {
+ int Record_ID;
+ boolean isOrder = m_vo.TableName.startsWith("C_Order");
+ //
+ StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT COUNT(*) AS Lines,c.ISO_Code,o.TotalLines,o.GrandTotal,"
+ + "currencyBase(o.GrandTotal,o.C_Currency_ID,o.DateAcct, o.AD_Client_ID,o.AD_Org_ID) AS ConvAmt ");
+ if (isOrder)
+ {
+ Record_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, "C_Order_ID");
+ sql.append("FROM C_Order o"
+ + " INNER JOIN C_Currency c ON (o.C_Currency_ID=c.C_Currency_ID)"
+ + " INNER JOIN C_OrderLine l ON (o.C_Order_ID=l.C_Order_ID) "
+ + "WHERE o.C_Order_ID=? ");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Record_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, "C_Invoice_ID");
+ sql.append("FROM C_Invoice o"
+ + " INNER JOIN C_Currency c ON (o.C_Currency_ID=c.C_Currency_ID)"
+ + " INNER JOIN C_InvoiceLine l ON (o.C_Invoice_ID=l.C_Invoice_ID) "
+ + "WHERE o.C_Invoice_ID=? ");
+ }
+ sql.append("GROUP BY o.C_Currency_ID, c.ISO_Code, o.TotalLines, o.GrandTotal, o.DateAcct, o.AD_Client_ID, o.AD_Org_ID");
+ log.fine(m_vo.TableName + " - " + Record_ID);
+ MessageFormat mf = null;
+ try
+ {
+ mf = new MessageFormat(Msg.getMsg(Env.getAD_Language(m_vo.ctx), "OrderSummary"));
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "OrderSummary=" + Msg.getMsg(Env.getAD_Language(m_vo.ctx), "OrderSummary"), e);
+ }
+ if (mf == null)
+ return " ";
+ /**********************************************************************
+ * ** Message: OrderSummary **
+ * {0} Line(s) - {1,number,#,##0.00} - Toral: {2,number,#,##0.00} {3} = {4,number,#,##0.00}
+ *
+ * {0} - Number of lines
+ * {1} - Line toral
+ * {2} - Grand total (including tax, etc.)
+ * {3} - Currency
+ * (4) - Grand total converted to local currency
+ */
+ Object[] arguments = new Object[5];
+ boolean filled = false;
+ //
+ try
+ {
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql.toString(), null);
+ pstmt.setInt(1, Record_ID);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ if (rs.next())
+ {
+ // {0} - Number of lines
+ Integer lines = new Integer(rs.getInt(1));
+ arguments[0] = lines;
+ // {1} - Line toral
+ Double lineTotal = new Double(rs.getDouble(3));
+ arguments[1] = lineTotal;
+ // {2} - Grand total (including tax, etc.)
+ Double grandTotal = new Double(rs.getDouble(4));
+ arguments[2] = grandTotal;
+ // {3} - Currency
+ String currency = rs.getString(2);
+ arguments[3] = currency;
+ // (4) - Grand total converted to Euro
+ Double grandEuro = new Double(rs.getDouble(5));
+ arguments[4] = grandEuro;
+ filled = true;
+ }
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ }
+ catch (SQLException e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, m_vo.TableName + "\nSQL=" + sql, e);
+ }
+ if (filled)
+ return mf.format (arguments);
+ return " ";
+ } // Order || Invoice
+ // Expense Report
+ else if (m_vo.TableName.startsWith("S_TimeExpense") && m_vo.TabNo == 0)
+ {
+ int Record_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, "S_TimeExpense_ID");
+ log.fine(m_vo.TableName + " - " + Record_ID);
+ MessageFormat mf = null;
+ try
+ {
+ mf = new MessageFormat(Msg.getMsg(Env.getAD_Language(m_vo.ctx), "ExpenseSummary"));
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "ExpenseSummary=" + Msg.getMsg(Env.getAD_Language(m_vo.ctx), "ExpenseSummary"), e);
+ }
+ if (mf == null)
+ return " ";
+ /**********************************************************************
+ * ** Message: ExpenseSummary **
+ * {0} Line(s) - Total: {1,number,#,##0.00} {2}
+ *
+ * {0} - Number of lines
+ * {1} - Toral
+ * {2} - Currency
+ */
+ Object[] arguments = new Object[3];
+ boolean filled = false;
+ //
+ String SQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS Lines, SUM(ConvertedAmt*Qty) "
+ + "FROM S_TimeExpenseLine "
+ + "WHERE S_TimeExpense_ID=?";
+ //
+ try
+ {
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(SQL, null);
+ pstmt.setInt(1, Record_ID);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ if (rs.next())
+ {
+ // {0} - Number of lines
+ Integer lines = new Integer(rs.getInt(1));
+ arguments[0] = lines;
+ // {1} - Line toral
+ Double total = new Double(rs.getDouble(2));
+ arguments[1] = total;
+ // {3} - Currency
+ arguments[2] = " ";
+ filled = true;
+ }
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ }
+ catch (SQLException e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, m_vo.TableName + "\nSQL=" + SQL, e);
+ }
+ if (filled)
+ return mf.format (arguments);
+ return " ";
+ } // S_TimeExpense
+ // Default - No Trx Info
+ return null;
+ } // getTrxInfo
+ /**
+ * Load Dependant Information
+ */
+ private void loadDependentInfo()
+ {
+ /**
+ * Load Order Type from C_DocTypeTarget_ID
+ */
+ if (m_vo.TableName.equals("C_Order"))
+ {
+ int C_DocTyp_ID = 0;
+ Integer target = (Integer)getValue("C_DocTypeTarget_ID");
+ if (target != null)
+ C_DocTyp_ID = target.intValue();
+ if (C_DocTyp_ID == 0)
+ return;
+ String sql = "SELECT DocSubTypeSO FROM C_DocType WHERE C_DocType_ID=?";
+ try
+ {
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
+ pstmt.setInt(1, C_DocTyp_ID);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ if (rs.next())
+ Env.setContext(m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, "OrderType", rs.getString(1));
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ }
+ catch (SQLException e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ } // loadOrderInfo
+ } // loadDependentInfo
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Load Attachments for this table
+ */
+ public void loadAttachments()
+ {
+ log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo);
+ if (!canHaveAttachment())
+ return;
+ String SQL = "SELECT AD_Attachment_ID, Record_ID FROM AD_Attachment "
+ + "WHERE AD_Table_ID=?";
+ try
+ {
+ if (m_Attachments == null)
+ m_Attachments = new HashMap();
+ else
+ m_Attachments.clear();
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(SQL, null);
+ pstmt.setInt(1, m_vo.AD_Table_ID);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ while (rs.next())
+ {
+ Integer key = new Integer(rs.getInt(2));
+ Integer value = new Integer(rs.getInt(1));
+ m_Attachments.put(key, value);
+ }
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ }
+ catch (SQLException e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "loadAttachments", e);
+ }
+ log.config("#" + m_Attachments.size());
+ } // loadAttachment
+ /**
+ * Can this tab have Attachments?.
+ *
+ * It can have an attachment if it has a key column ending with _ID.
+ * The key column is empty, if there is no single identifying key.
+ * @return true if record can have attachment
+ */
+ public boolean canHaveAttachment()
+ {
+ if (getKeyColumnName().endsWith("_ID"))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ } // canHaveAttachment
+ /**
+ * Returns true, if current row has an Attachment
+ * @return true if record has attchment
+ */
+ public boolean hasAttachment()
+ {
+ if (m_Attachments == null)
+ loadAttachments();
+ if (m_Attachments == null || m_Attachments.isEmpty())
+ return false;
+ //
+ Integer key = new Integer(m_mTable.getKeyID (m_currentRow));
+ return m_Attachments.containsKey(key);
+ } // hasAttachment
+ /**
+ * Get Attachment_ID for current record.
+ * @return ID or 0, if not found
+ */
+ public int getAD_AttachmentID()
+ {
+ if (m_Attachments == null)
+ loadAttachments();
+ if (m_Attachments.isEmpty())
+ return 0;
+ //
+ Integer key = new Integer(m_mTable.getKeyID (m_currentRow));
+ Integer value = (Integer)m_Attachments.get(key);
+ if (value == null)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return value.intValue();
+ } // getAttachmentID
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Load Chats for this table
+ */
+ public void loadChats()
+ {
+ log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo);
+ if (!canHaveAttachment())
+ return;
+ String sql = "SELECT CM_Chat_ID, Record_ID FROM CM_Chat "
+ + "WHERE AD_Table_ID=?";
+ try
+ {
+ if (m_Chats == null)
+ m_Chats = new HashMap();
+ else
+ m_Chats.clear();
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
+ pstmt.setInt(1, m_vo.AD_Table_ID);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ while (rs.next())
+ {
+ Integer key = new Integer(rs.getInt(2)); // Record_ID
+ Integer value = new Integer(rs.getInt(1)); // CM_Chat_ID
+ m_Chats.put(key, value);
+ }
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ }
+ catch (SQLException e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ log.config("#" + m_Chats.size());
+ } // loadChats
+ /**
+ * Returns true, if current row has a Chat
+ * @return true if record has chat
+ */
+ public boolean hasChat()
+ {
+ if (m_Chats == null)
+ loadChats();
+ if (m_Chats == null || m_Chats.isEmpty())
+ return false;
+ //
+ Integer key = new Integer(m_mTable.getKeyID (m_currentRow));
+ return m_Chats.containsKey(key);
+ } // hasChat
+ /**
+ * Get Chat_ID for this record.
+ * @return ID or 0, if not found
+ */
+ public int getCM_ChatID()
+ {
+ if (m_Chats == null)
+ loadChats();
+ if (m_Chats.isEmpty())
+ return 0;
+ //
+ Integer key = new Integer(m_mTable.getKeyID (m_currentRow));
+ Integer value = (Integer)m_Chats.get(key);
+ if (value == null)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return value.intValue();
+ } // getCM_ChatID
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Load Locks for Table and User
+ */
+ public void loadLocks()
+ {
+ int AD_User_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(Env.getCtx(), "#AD_User_ID");
+ log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo + " - AD_User_ID=" + AD_User_ID);
+ if (!canHaveAttachment())
+ return;
+ String sql = "SELECT Record_ID "
+ + "FROM AD_Private_Access "
+ + "WHERE AD_User_ID=? AND AD_Table_ID=? AND IsActive='Y' "
+ + "ORDER BY Record_ID";
+ try
+ {
+ if (m_Lock == null)
+ m_Lock = new ArrayList();
+ else
+ m_Lock.clear();
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
+ pstmt.setInt(1, AD_User_ID);
+ pstmt.setInt(2, m_vo.AD_Table_ID);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ while (rs.next())
+ {
+ Integer key = new Integer(rs.getInt(1));
+ m_Lock.add(key);
+ }
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ }
+ catch (SQLException e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ log.fine("#" + m_Lock.size());
+ } // loadLooks
+ /**
+ * Record Is Locked
+ * @return true if locked
+ */
+ public boolean isLocked()
+ {
+ if (!MRole.getDefault(m_vo.ctx, false).isPersonalLock())
+ return false;
+ if (m_Lock == null)
+ loadLocks();
+ if (m_Lock == null || m_Lock.isEmpty())
+ return false;
+ //
+ Integer key = new Integer(m_mTable.getKeyID (m_currentRow));
+ return m_Lock.contains(key);
+ } // isLocked
+ /**
+ * Lock Record
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param Record_ID id
+ * @param lock true if lock, otherwise unlock
+ */
+ public void lock (Properties ctx, int Record_ID, boolean lock)
+ {
+ int AD_User_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, "#AD_User_ID");
+ log.fine("Lock=" + lock + ", AD_User_ID=" + AD_User_ID
+ + ", AD_Table_ID=" + m_vo.AD_Table_ID + ", Record_ID=" + Record_ID);
+ MPrivateAccess access = MPrivateAccess.get (ctx, AD_User_ID, m_vo.AD_Table_ID, Record_ID);
+ if (access == null)
+ access = new MPrivateAccess (ctx, AD_User_ID, m_vo.AD_Table_ID, Record_ID);
+ access.setIsActive(lock);
+ access.save();
+ //
+ loadLocks();
+ } // lock
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Data Status Listener from MTable.
+ * - get raw info and add current row information
+ * - update the current row
+ * - redistribute (fire) Data Status event
+ * @param e event
+ */
+ public void dataStatusChanged (DataStatusEvent e)
+ {
+ log.fine("#" + m_vo.TabNo + " - " + e.toString());
+ int oldCurrentRow = e.getCurrentRow();
+ m_DataStatusEvent = e; // save it
+ // when sorted set current row to 0
+ String msg = m_DataStatusEvent.getAD_Message();
+ if (msg != null && msg.equals("Sorted"))
+ setCurrentRow(0, true);
+ // set current row
+ m_DataStatusEvent.setCurrentRow(m_currentRow);
+ // Same row - update value
+ if (oldCurrentRow == m_currentRow)
+ {
+ GridField field = m_mTable.getField(e.getChangedColumn());
+ if (field != null)
+ {
+ Object value = m_mTable.getValueAt(m_currentRow, e.getChangedColumn());
+ field.setValue(value, m_mTable.isInserting());
+ }
+ }
+ else // Redistribute Info with current row info
+ fireDataStatusChanged(m_DataStatusEvent);
+ // log.fine("dataStatusChanged #" + m_vo.TabNo + "- fini", e.toString());
+ } // dataStatusChanged
+ /**
+ * Inform Listeners and build WHO info
+ * @param e event
+ */
+ private void fireDataStatusChanged (DataStatusEvent e)
+ {
+ DataStatusListener[] listeners = m_listenerList.getListeners(DataStatusListener.class);
+ if (listeners.length == 0)
+ return;
+ log.fine(e.toString());
+ // WHO Info
+ if (e.getCurrentRow() >= 0)
+ {
+ e.Created = (Timestamp)getValue("Created");
+ e.CreatedBy = (Integer)getValue("CreatedBy");
+ e.Updated = (Timestamp)getValue("Updated");
+ e.UpdatedBy = (Integer)getValue("UpdatedBy");
+ e.Record_ID = getValue(m_keyColumnName);
+ // Info
+ StringBuffer info = new StringBuffer(getTableName());
+ // We have a key column
+ if (m_keyColumnName != null && m_keyColumnName.length() > 0)
+ {
+ info.append(" - ")
+ .append(m_keyColumnName).append("=").append(e.Record_ID);
+ }
+ else // we have multiple parents
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_parents.size(); i++)
+ {
+ String keyCol = (String)m_parents.get(i);
+ info.append(" - ")
+ .append(keyCol).append("=").append(getValue(keyCol));
+ }
+ }
+ e.Info = info.toString();
+ }
+ e.setInserting(m_mTable.isInserting());
+ // Distribute/fire it
+ for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++)
+ listeners[i].dataStatusChanged(e);
+ // log.fine("fini - " + e.toString());
+ } // fireDataStatusChanged
+ /**
+ * Create and fire Data Status Error Event
+ * @param AD_Message message
+ * @param info info
+ * @param isError if not true, it is a Warning
+ */
+ protected void fireDataStatusEEvent(String AD_Message, String info, boolean isError)
+ {
+ m_mTable.fireDataStatusEEvent(AD_Message, info, isError);
+ } // fireDataStatusEvent
+ /**
+ * Create and fire Data Status Error Event (from Error Log)
+ * @param errorLog log
+ */
+ protected void fireDataStatusEEvent (ValueNamePair errorLog)
+ {
+ if (errorLog != null)
+ m_mTable.fireDataStatusEEvent(errorLog);
+ } // fireDataStatusEvent
+ /**
+ * Get Current Row
+ * @return current row
+ */
+ public int getCurrentRow()
+ {
+ if (m_currentRow != verifyRow(m_currentRow))
+ setCurrentRow(m_mTable.getRowCount()-1, true);
+ return m_currentRow;
+ } // getCurrentRow
+ /**
+ * Get Current Table Key ID
+ * @return Record_ID
+ */
+ public int getRecord_ID()
+ {
+ return m_mTable.getKeyID(m_currentRow);
+ } // getRecord_ID
+ /**
+ * Get Key ID of row
+ * @param row row number
+ * @return The Key ID of the row or -1 if not found
+ */
+ public int getKeyID (int row)
+ {
+ return m_mTable.getKeyID (row);
+ } // getCurrentKeyID
+ /**
+ * Navigate absolute - goto Row - (zero based).
+ * - does nothing, if in current row
+ * - saves old row if required
+ * @param targetRow target row
+ * @return current row
+ */
+ public int navigate (int targetRow)
+ {
+ // nothing to do
+ if (targetRow == m_currentRow)
+ return m_currentRow;
+ log.info ("Row=" + targetRow);
+ // Row range check
+ int newRow = verifyRow(targetRow);
+ // Check, if we have old uncommitted data
+ m_mTable.dataSave(newRow, false);
+ // new position
+ return setCurrentRow(newRow, true);
+ } // navigate
+ /**
+ * Navigate relatively - i.e. plus/minus from current position
+ * @param rowChange row change
+ * @return current row
+ */
+ public int navigateRelative (int rowChange)
+ {
+ return navigate (m_currentRow + rowChange);
+ } // navigateRelative
+ /**
+ * Navigate to current now (reload)
+ * @return current row
+ */
+ public int navigateCurrent()
+ {
+ log.info("Row=" + m_currentRow);
+ return setCurrentRow(m_currentRow, true);
+ } // navigateCurrent
+ /**
+ * Row Range check
+ * @param targetRow target row
+ * @return checked row
+ */
+ private int verifyRow (int targetRow)
+ {
+ int newRow = targetRow;
+ // Table Open?
+ if (!m_mTable.isOpen())
+ {
+ log.severe ("Table not open");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // Row Count
+ int rows = getRowCount();
+ if (rows == 0)
+ {
+ log.fine("No Rows");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (newRow >= rows)
+ {
+ newRow = rows-1;
+ log.fine("Set to max Row: " + newRow);
+ }
+ else if (newRow < 0)
+ {
+ newRow = 0;
+ log.fine("Set to first Row");
+ }
+ return newRow;
+ } // verifyRow
+ /**
+ * Set current row and load data into fields.
+ * If there is no row - load nulls
+ * @param newCurrentRow new current row
+ * @param fireEvents fire events
+ * @return current row
+ */
+ private int setCurrentRow (int newCurrentRow, boolean fireEvents)
+ {
+ int oldCurrentRow = m_currentRow;
+ m_currentRow = verifyRow (newCurrentRow);
+ log.fine("Row=" + m_currentRow + " - fire=" + fireEvents);
+ // Update Field Values
+ int size = m_mTable.getColumnCount();
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ GridField mField = m_mTable.getField(i);
+ // get Value from Table
+ if (m_currentRow >= 0)
+ {
+ Object value = m_mTable.getValueAt(m_currentRow, i);
+ mField.setValue(value, m_mTable.isInserting());
+ if (m_mTable.isInserting()) // set invalid values to null
+ mField.validateValue();
+ }
+ else
+ { // no rows - set to a reasonable value - not updateable
+// Object value = null;
+// if (mField.isKey() || mField.isParent() || mField.getColumnName().equals(m_linkColumnName))
+// value = mField.getDefault();
+ mField.setValue();
+ }
+ }
+ loadDependentInfo();
+ if (!fireEvents) // prevents informing twice
+ return m_currentRow;
+ // inform VTable/.. -> rowChanged
+ m_propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROPERTY, oldCurrentRow, m_currentRow);
+ // inform APanel/.. -> dataStatus with row updated
+ if (m_DataStatusEvent == null)
+ m_DataStatusEvent = new DataStatusEvent(this, getRowCount(),
+ m_mTable.isInserting(), // changed
+ Env.isAutoCommit(Env.getCtx(), m_vo.WindowNo), m_mTable.isInserting());
+ //
+ m_DataStatusEvent.setCurrentRow(m_currentRow);
+ String status = m_DataStatusEvent.getAD_Message();
+ if (status == null || status.length() == 0)
+ m_DataStatusEvent.setInfo("NavigateOrUpdate", null, false,false);
+ fireDataStatusChanged(m_DataStatusEvent);
+ return m_currentRow;
+ } // setCurrentRow
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Get RowCount
+ * @return row count
+ */
+ public int getRowCount()
+ {
+ int count = m_mTable.getRowCount();
+ // Wait a bit if currently loading
+ if (count == 0 && m_mTable.isLoading())
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Thread.sleep(100); // .1 sec
+ }
+ catch (Exception e) {}
+ count = m_mTable.getRowCount();
+ }
+ return count;
+ } // getRowCount
+ /**
+ * Get Column/Field Count
+ * @return field count
+ */
+ public int getFieldCount()
+ {
+ return m_mTable.getColumnCount();
+ } // getFieldCount
+ /**
+ * Get Field by index
+ * @param index index
+ * @return MField
+ */
+ public GridField getField (int index)
+ {
+ return m_mTable.getField(index);
+ } // getField
+ /**
+ * Get Field by DB column name
+ * @param columnName column name
+ * @return MField
+ */
+ public GridField getField (String columnName)
+ {
+ return m_mTable.getField(columnName);
+ } // getField
+ /**
+ * Get all Fields
+ * @return MFields
+ */
+ public GridField[] getFields ()
+ {
+ return m_mTable.getFields();
+ } // getField
+ /**
+ * Set New Value & call Callout
+ * @param columnName database column name
+ * @param value value
+ * @return error message or ""
+ */
+ public String setValue (String columnName, Object value)
+ {
+ if (columnName == null)
+ return "NoColumn";
+ return setValue(m_mTable.getField(columnName), value);
+ } // setValue
+ /**
+ * Set New Value & call Callout
+ * @param field field
+ * @param value value
+ * @return error message or ""
+ */
+ public String setValue (GridField field, Object value)
+ {
+ if (field == null)
+ return "NoField";
+ log.fine(field.getColumnName() + "=" + value + " - Row=" + m_currentRow);
+ int col = m_mTable.findColumn(field.getColumnName());
+ m_mTable.setValueAt(value, m_currentRow, col, false);
+ //
+ return processFieldChange (field);
+ } // setValue
+ /**
+ * Is Processed
+ * @return true if current record is processed
+ */
+ public boolean isProcessed()
+ {
+ int index = m_mTable.findColumn("Processed");
+ if (index != -1)
+ {
+ Object oo = m_mTable.getValueAt(m_currentRow, index);
+ if (oo instanceof String)
+ return "Y".equals(oo);
+ if (oo instanceof Boolean)
+ return ((Boolean)oo).booleanValue();
+ }
+ return "Y".equals(Env.getContext(m_vo.ctx, m_vo.WindowNo, "Processed"));
+ } // isProcessed
+ /**
+ * Process Field Change - evaluate Dependencies and process Callouts.
+ *
+ * called from MTab.setValue or GridController.dataStatusChanged
+ * @param changedField changed field
+ * @return error message or ""
+ */
+ public String processFieldChange (GridField changedField)
+ {
+ processDependencies (changedField);
+ return processCallout (changedField);
+ } // processFieldChange
+ /**
+ * Evaluate Dependencies
+ * @param changedField changed field
+ */
+ private void processDependencies (GridField changedField)
+ {
+ String columnName = changedField.getColumnName();
+ // log.trace(log.l4_Data, "Changed Column", columnName);
+ // when column name is not in list of DependentOn fields - fini
+ if (!hasDependants(columnName))
+ return;
+ // Get dependent MFields (may be because of display or dynamic lookup)
+ ArrayList list = getDependantFields(columnName);
+ for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
+ {
+ GridField dependentField = (GridField)list.get(i);
+ // log.trace(log.l5_DData, "Dependent Field", dependentField==null ? "null" : dependentField.getColumnName());
+ // if the field has a lookup
+ if (dependentField != null && dependentField.getLookup() instanceof MLookup)
+ {
+ MLookup mLookup = (MLookup)dependentField.getLookup();
+ // log.trace(log.l6_Database, "Lookup Validation", mLookup.getValidation());
+ // if the lookup is dynamic (i.e. contains this columnName as variable)
+ if (mLookup.getValidation().indexOf("@"+columnName+"@") != -1)
+ {
+ log.fine(columnName + " changed - "
+ + dependentField.getColumnName() + " set to null");
+ // invalidate current selection
+ setValue(dependentField, null);
+ }
+ }
+ } // for all dependent fields
+ } // processDependencies
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Process Callout(s).
+ *
+ * The Callout is in the string of
+ * "class.method;class.method;"
+ * If there is no class name, i.e. only a method name, the class is regarded
+ * as CalloutSystem.
+ * The class needs to comply with the Interface Callout.
+ *
+ * For a limited time, the old notation of Sx_matheod / Ux_menthod is maintained.
+ *
+ * @param field field
+ * @return error message or ""
+ * @see org.compiere.model.Callout
+ */
+ private String processCallout (GridField field)
+ {
+ String callout = field.getCallout();
+ if (callout.length() == 0)
+ return "";
+ //
+ if (isProcessed()) // only active records
+ return ""; // "DocProcessed";
+ Object value = field.getValue();
+ Object oldValue = field.getOldValue();
+ log.fine(field.getColumnName() + "=" + value
+ + " (" + callout + ") - old=" + oldValue);
+ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(callout, ";,", false);
+ while (st.hasMoreTokens()) // for each callout
+ {
+ String cmd = st.nextToken().trim();
+ Callout call = null;
+ String method = null;
+ int methodStart = cmd.lastIndexOf(".");
+ try
+ {
+ if (methodStart != -1) // no class
+ {
+ Class cClass = Class.forName(cmd.substring(0,methodStart));
+ call = (Callout)cClass.newInstance();
+ method = cmd.substring(methodStart+1);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "class", e);
+ return "Callout Invalid: " + cmd + " (" + e.toString() + ")";
+ }
+ if (call == null || method == null || method.length() == 0)
+ return "Callout Invalid: " + method;
+ String retValue = "";
+ try
+ {
+ retValue = call.start(m_vo.ctx, method, m_vo.WindowNo, this, field, value, oldValue);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "start", e);
+ retValue = "Callout Invalid: " + e.toString();
+ return retValue;
+ }
+ if (!retValue.equals("")) // interrupt on first error
+ {
+ log.severe (retValue);
+ return retValue;
+ }
+ } // for each callout
+ return "";
+ } // processCallout
+ /**
+ * Get Value of Field with columnName
+ * @param columnName column name
+ * @return value
+ */
+ public Object getValue (String columnName)
+ {
+ if (columnName == null)
+ return null;
+ GridField field = m_mTable.getField(columnName);
+ return getValue(field);
+ } // getValue
+ /**
+ * Get Value of Field
+ * @param field field
+ * @return value
+ */
+ public Object getValue (GridField field)
+ {
+ if (field == null)
+ return null;
+ return field.getValue();
+ } // getValue
+ /**
+ * Get Value of Field in row
+ * @param row row
+ * @param columnName column name
+ * @return value
+ */
+ public Object getValue (int row, String columnName)
+ {
+ int col = m_mTable.findColumn(columnName);
+ if (col == -1)
+ return null;
+ return m_mTable.getValueAt(row, col);
+ } // getValue
+ public boolean isNeedToSaveParent()
+ {
+ if (isDetail())
+ return m_parentNeedSave;
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * toString
+ * @return String representation
+ */
+ public String toString()
+ {
+ String retValue = "MTab #" + m_vo.TabNo;
+ if (m_vo != null)
+ retValue += " " + m_vo.Name + " (" + m_vo.AD_Tab_ID + ")";
+ return retValue;
+ } // toString
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * @param l listener
+ */
+ public synchronized void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
+ {
+ m_propertyChangeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener(l);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param l listener
+ */
+ public synchronized void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
+ {
+ m_propertyChangeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(l);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param l listener
+ */
+ public synchronized void removeDataStatusListener(DataStatusListener l)
+ {
+ m_listenerList.remove(DataStatusListener.class, l);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param l listener
+ */
+ public synchronized void addDataStatusListener(DataStatusListener l)
+ {
+ m_listenerList.add(DataStatusListener.class, l);
+ }
+} // MTab
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MBPBankAccount.java b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MBPBankAccount.java
index 2d86be58a2..52f61634e9 100644
--- a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MBPBankAccount.java
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MBPBankAccount.java
@@ -3,95 +3,216 @@
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
- * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
- * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
- * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
- * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
- * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.compiere.model;
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
+ * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
+ * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
+ * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.model;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import org.compiere.util.CLogger;
+import org.compiere.util.DB;
* BP Bank Account Model
- *
- * @author Jorg Janke
- * @version $Id: MBPBankAccount.java,v 1.3 2006/07/30 00:51:03 jjanke Exp $
+ *
+ * @author Jorg Janke
+ * @version $Id: MBPBankAccount.java,v 1.3 2006/07/30 00:51:03 jjanke Exp $
public class MBPBankAccount extends X_C_BP_BankAccount
+ * Get Accounst Of BPartner
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param C_BPartner_ID bpartner
+ * @return
+ */
+ public static MBPBankAccount[] getOfBPartner (Properties ctx, int C_BPartner_ID)
+ {
+ String sql = "SELECT * FROM C_BP_BankAccount WHERE C_BPartner_ID=? AND IsActive='Y'";
+ ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
+ pstmt.setInt(1, C_BPartner_ID);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ while (rs.next())
+ {
+ list.add(new MBPBankAccount(ctx, rs, null));
+ }
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ MBPBankAccount[] retValue = new MBPBankAccount[list.size()];
+ list.toArray(retValue);
+ return retValue;
+ } // getOfBPartner
+ /** Logger */
+ private static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger(MBPBankAccount.class);
+ /**************************************************************************
* Constructor
* @param ctx context
* @param C_BP_BankAccount_ID BP bank account
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MBPBankAccount (Properties ctx, int C_BP_BankAccount_ID, String trxName)
- {
- super (ctx, C_BP_BankAccount_ID, trxName);
- if (C_BP_BankAccount_ID == 0)
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MBPBankAccount (Properties ctx, int C_BP_BankAccount_ID, String trxName)
+ {
+ super (ctx, C_BP_BankAccount_ID, trxName);
+ if (C_BP_BankAccount_ID == 0)
// setC_BPartner_ID (0);
setIsACH (false);
+ setBPBankAcctUse(BPBANKACCTUSE_Both);
} // MBP_BankAccount
- /**
- * Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param rs result set
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MBPBankAccount (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
- {
- super(ctx, rs, trxName);
- } // MBP_BankAccount
- /**
- * Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param bp BP
- * @param bpc BP Contact
- * @param location Location
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param rs result set
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MBPBankAccount (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
+ {
+ super(ctx, rs, trxName);
+ } // MBP_BankAccount
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param bp BP
+ * @param bpc BP Contact
+ * @param location Location
public MBPBankAccount (Properties ctx, MBPartner bp, MUser bpc, MLocation location)
- super(ctx, 0, bp.get_TrxName());
+ this(ctx, 0, bp.get_TrxName());
setIsACH (false);
- //
- setA_Name(bpc.getName());
- setA_EMail(bpc.getEMail());
- //
- setA_Street(location.getAddress1());
- setA_City(location.getCity());
- setA_Zip(location.getPostal());
- setA_State(location.getRegionName(true));
+ //
+ setA_Name(bpc.getName());
+ setA_EMail(bpc.getEMail());
+ //
+ setA_Street(location.getAddress1());
+ setA_City(location.getCity());
+ setA_Zip(location.getPostal());
+ setA_State(location.getRegionName(true));
} // MBP_BankAccount
+ /** Bank Link */
+ private MBank m_bank = null;
- /*************************************************************************/
+ /**
+ * Is Direct Deposit
+ * @return true if dd
+ */
+ public boolean isDirectDeposit()
+ {
+ if (!isACH())
+ return false;
+ String s = getBPBankAcctUse();
+ if (s == null)
+ return true;
+ return (s.equals(BPBANKACCTUSE_Both) || s.equals(BPBANKACCTUSE_DirectDeposit));
+ } // isDirectDeposit
+ /**
+ * Is Direct Debit
+ * @return true if dd
+ */
+ public boolean isDirectDebit()
+ {
+ if (!isACH())
+ return false;
+ String s = getBPBankAcctUse();
+ if (s == null)
+ return true;
+ return (s.equals(BPBANKACCTUSE_Both) || s.equals(BPBANKACCTUSE_DirectDebit));
+ } // isDirectDebit
+ /**
+ * Get Bank
+ * @return bank
+ */
+ public MBank getBank()
+ {
+ int C_BP_BankAccount_ID = getC_BP_BankAccount_ID();
+ if (C_BP_BankAccount_ID == 0)
+ return null;
+ if (m_bank == null)
+ m_bank = new MBank (getCtx(), C_BP_BankAccount_ID, get_TrxName());
+ return m_bank;
+ } // getBank
+ /**
+ * Get Routing No
+ * @return routing No
+ */
+ public String getRoutingNo()
+ {
+ MBank bank = getBank();
+ String rt = super.getRoutingNo();
+ if (bank != null)
+ rt = bank.getRoutingNo();
+ return rt;
+ } // getRoutingNo
+ /**
+ * Before Save
+ * @param newRecord new
+ * @return true
+ */
+ protected boolean beforeSave(boolean newRecord)
+ {
+ // maintain routing on bank level
+ if (isACH() && getBank() != null)
+ setRoutingNo(null);
+ //
+ return true;
+ } // beforeSave
* String Representation
* @return info
- public String toString ()
- {
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ("MBP_BankAccount[")
- .append (get_ID ())
- .append(", Name=").append(getA_Name())
- .append ("]");
- return sb.toString ();
- } // toString
-} // MBPBankAccount
+ public String toString ()
+ {
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ("MBP_BankAccount[")
+ .append (get_ID ())
+ .append(", Name=").append(getA_Name())
+ .append ("]");
+ return sb.toString ();
+ } // toString
+} // MBPBankAccount
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MChat.java b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MChat.java
index e483580912..a5a1f5308c 100644
--- a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MChat.java
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MChat.java
@@ -3,237 +3,238 @@
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
- * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
- * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
- * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
- * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
- * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.compiere.model;
-import java.sql.*;
-import java.text.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.util.logging.*;
-import org.apache.ecs.xhtml.*;
-import org.compiere.util.*;
- * Chat Model
- *
- * @author Jorg Janke
- * @version $Id: MChat.java,v 1.4 2006/07/30 00:51:05 jjanke Exp $
- */
-public class MChat extends X_CM_Chat
- /**
- * Get Chats Of Table - of client in context
- * @param ctx context
- * @param AD_Table_ID table
- * @return array of chats
- */
- public static MChat[] getOfTable (Properties ctx, int AD_Table_ID)
- {
- int AD_Client_ID = Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx);
- ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
- //
- String sql = "SELECT * FROM CM_Chat "
- + "WHERE AD_Client_ID=? AND AD_Table_ID=? ORDER BY Record_ID";
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, null);
- pstmt.setInt (1, AD_Client_ID);
- pstmt.setInt (2, AD_Table_ID);
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
- while (rs.next ())
- {
- list.add (new MChat (ctx, rs, null));
- }
- rs.close ();
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- s_log.log (Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- try
- {
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- }
- //
- MChat[] retValue = new MChat[list.size()];
- list.toArray (retValue);
- return retValue;
- } // get
- /** Logger */
- private static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger (MChat.class);
- /**************************************************************************
- * Standard Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param CM_Chat_ID id
- * @param trxName transcation
- */
- public MChat (Properties ctx, int CM_Chat_ID, String trxName)
- {
- super (ctx, CM_Chat_ID, trxName);
- if (CM_Chat_ID == 0)
- {
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
+ * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
+ * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
+ * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.model;
+import java.sql.*;
+import java.text.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.logging.*;
+import org.apache.ecs.xhtml.*;
+import org.compiere.util.*;
+ * Chat Model
+ *
+ * @author Jorg Janke
+ * @version $Id: MChat.java,v 1.4 2006/07/30 00:51:05 jjanke Exp $
+ */
+public class MChat extends X_CM_Chat
+ /**
+ * Get Chats Of Table - of client in context
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param AD_Table_ID table
+ * @return array of chats
+ */
+ public static MChat[] getOfTable (Properties ctx, int AD_Table_ID)
+ {
+ int AD_Client_ID = Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx);
+ ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
+ //
+ String sql = "SELECT * FROM CM_Chat "
+ + "WHERE AD_Client_ID=? AND AD_Table_ID=? ORDER BY Record_ID";
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, null);
+ pstmt.setInt (1, AD_Client_ID);
+ pstmt.setInt (2, AD_Table_ID);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
+ while (rs.next ())
+ {
+ list.add (new MChat (ctx, rs, null));
+ }
+ rs.close ();
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ s_log.log (Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ //
+ MChat[] retValue = new MChat[list.size()];
+ list.toArray (retValue);
+ return retValue;
+ } // get
+ /** Logger */
+ private static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger (MChat.class);
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Standard Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param CM_Chat_ID id
+ * @param trxName transcation
+ */
+ public MChat (Properties ctx, int CM_Chat_ID, String trxName)
+ {
+ super (ctx, CM_Chat_ID, trxName);
+ if (CM_Chat_ID == 0)
+ {
// setAD_Table_ID (0);
// setRecord_ID (0);
setConfidentialType (CONFIDENTIALTYPE_PublicInformation);
+ setModerationType (MODERATIONTYPE_NotModerated);
// setDescription (null);
} // MChat
- /**
- * Full Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param AD_Table_ID table
- * @param Record_ID record
- * @param Description description
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MChat (Properties ctx, int AD_Table_ID, int Record_ID,
- String Description, String trxName)
- {
- this (ctx, 0, trxName);
- setAD_Table_ID (AD_Table_ID);
- setRecord_ID (Record_ID);
- setDescription (Description);
- } // MChat
- /**
- * Load Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param rs result set
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MChat (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
- {
- super (ctx, rs, trxName);
- } // MChat
- /** The Lines */
- private MChatEntry[] m_entries = null;
- /** Date Format */
- private SimpleDateFormat m_format = null;
- /**
- * Get Entries
- * @param reload reload data
- * @return array of lines
- */
- public MChatEntry[] getEntries (boolean reload)
- {
- if (m_entries != null && !reload)
- return m_entries;
- ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
- String sql = "SELECT * FROM CM_ChatEntry WHERE CM_Chat_ID=? ORDER BY Created";
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, null);
- pstmt.setInt (1, getCM_Chat_ID());
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
- while (rs.next ())
- {
- list.add (new MChatEntry (getCtx(), rs, get_TrxName()));
- }
- rs.close ();
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.log (Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- try
- {
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- }
- //
- m_entries = new MChatEntry[list.size ()];
- list.toArray (m_entries);
- return m_entries;
- } // getEntries
- /**
- * Set Description
- *
- * @param Description
- */
- public void setDescription (String Description)
- {
- if (Description != null && Description.length() > 0)
- super.setDescription (Description);
- else
- super.setDescription (getAD_Table_ID() + "#" + getRecord_ID());
- } // setDescription
- /**
- * Get History as htlp paragraph
- * @param ConfidentialType confidentiality
- * @return html paragraph
- */
- public p getHistory (String ConfidentialType)
- {
- p history = new p();
- getEntries(false);
- boolean first = true;
- for (int i = 0; i < m_entries.length; i++)
- {
- MChatEntry entry = m_entries[i];
- if (!entry.isActive() || !entry.isConfidentialType(ConfidentialType))
- continue;
- if (first)
- first = false;
- else
- history.addElement(new hr());
- // User & Date
- b b = new b();
- MUser user = MUser.get(getCtx(), entry.getCreatedBy());
- b.addElement(user.getName());
- b.addElement(" \t");
- Timestamp created = entry.getCreated();
- if (m_format == null)
- m_format = DisplayType.getDateFormat(DisplayType.DateTime);
- b.addElement(m_format.format(created));
- history.addElement(b);
- // history.addElement(new br());
- //
- p p = new p();
- String data = entry.getCharacterData();
- data = Util.maskHTML(data, true);
- p.addElement(data);
- history.addElement(p);
- } // entry
- //
- return history;
- } // getHistory
-} // MChat
+ /**
+ * Full Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param AD_Table_ID table
+ * @param Record_ID record
+ * @param Description description
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MChat (Properties ctx, int AD_Table_ID, int Record_ID,
+ String Description, String trxName)
+ {
+ this (ctx, 0, trxName);
+ setAD_Table_ID (AD_Table_ID);
+ setRecord_ID (Record_ID);
+ setDescription (Description);
+ } // MChat
+ /**
+ * Load Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param rs result set
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MChat (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
+ {
+ super (ctx, rs, trxName);
+ } // MChat
+ /** The Lines */
+ private MChatEntry[] m_entries = null;
+ /** Date Format */
+ private SimpleDateFormat m_format = null;
+ /**
+ * Get Entries
+ * @param reload reload data
+ * @return array of lines
+ */
+ public MChatEntry[] getEntries (boolean reload)
+ {
+ if (m_entries != null && !reload)
+ return m_entries;
+ ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
+ String sql = "SELECT * FROM CM_ChatEntry WHERE CM_Chat_ID=? ORDER BY Created";
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, null);
+ pstmt.setInt (1, getCM_Chat_ID());
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
+ while (rs.next ())
+ {
+ list.add (new MChatEntry (getCtx(), rs, get_TrxName()));
+ }
+ rs.close ();
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log (Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ //
+ m_entries = new MChatEntry[list.size ()];
+ list.toArray (m_entries);
+ return m_entries;
+ } // getEntries
+ /**
+ * Set Description
+ *
+ * @param Description
+ */
+ public void setDescription (String Description)
+ {
+ if (Description != null && Description.length() > 0)
+ super.setDescription (Description);
+ else
+ super.setDescription (getAD_Table_ID() + "#" + getRecord_ID());
+ } // setDescription
+ /**
+ * Get History as htlp paragraph
+ * @param ConfidentialType confidentiality
+ * @return html paragraph
+ */
+ public p getHistory (String ConfidentialType)
+ {
+ p history = new p();
+ getEntries(false);
+ boolean first = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_entries.length; i++)
+ {
+ MChatEntry entry = m_entries[i];
+ if (!entry.isActive() || !entry.isConfidentialType(ConfidentialType))
+ continue;
+ if (first)
+ first = false;
+ else
+ history.addElement(new hr());
+ // User & Date
+ b b = new b();
+ MUser user = MUser.get(getCtx(), entry.getCreatedBy());
+ b.addElement(user.getName());
+ b.addElement(" \t");
+ Timestamp created = entry.getCreated();
+ if (m_format == null)
+ m_format = DisplayType.getDateFormat(DisplayType.DateTime);
+ b.addElement(m_format.format(created));
+ history.addElement(b);
+ // history.addElement(new br());
+ //
+ p p = new p();
+ String data = entry.getCharacterData();
+ data = Util.maskHTML(data, true);
+ p.addElement(data);
+ history.addElement(p);
+ } // entry
+ //
+ return history;
+ } // getHistory
+} // MChat
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MChatEntry.java b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MChatEntry.java
index 1e7055be3d..7b209c7973 100644
--- a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MChatEntry.java
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MChatEntry.java
@@ -3,91 +3,116 @@
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
- * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
- * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
- * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
- * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
- * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.compiere.model;
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
+ * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
+ * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
+ * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.model;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
-import org.compiere.util.*;
* Chat Entry Model
- *
- * @author Jorg Janke
- * @version $Id: MChatEntry.java,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:51:03 jjanke Exp $
- */
-public class MChatEntry extends X_CM_ChatEntry
- /**
- * Standard Constructor
- * @param ctx cintext
- * @param CM_ChatEntry_ID id
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
+ *
+ * @author Jorg Janke
+ * @version $Id: MChatEntry.java,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:51:03 jjanke Exp $
+ */
+public class MChatEntry extends X_CM_ChatEntry
+ /**
+ * Standard Constructor
+ * @param ctx cintext
+ * @param CM_ChatEntry_ID id
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
public MChatEntry (Properties ctx, int CM_ChatEntry_ID, String trxName)
super (ctx, CM_ChatEntry_ID, trxName);
+ if (CM_ChatEntry_ID == 0)
+ {
+ setChatEntryType (CHATENTRYTYPE_NoteFlat); // N
+ setConfidentialType (CONFIDENTIALTYPE_PublicInformation);
+ }
} // MChatEntry
- * Parent Constructor
- * @param chat parent
- * @param data text
- */
- public MChatEntry (MChat chat, String data)
- {
- this (chat.getCtx(), 0, chat.get_TrxName());
+ * Parent Constructor
+ * @param chat parent
+ * @param data text
+ */
+ public MChatEntry (MChat chat, String data)
+ {
+ this (chat.getCtx(), 0, chat.get_TrxName());
+ setChatEntryType (CHATENTRYTYPE_NoteFlat); // N
} // MChatEntry
- * Load Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param rs result set
- * @param trxName transaction
+ * Thread Constructor
+ * @param entry peer
+ * @param data text
- public MChatEntry (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
+ public MChatEntry (MChatEntry peer, String data)
- super (ctx, rs, trxName);
+ this (peer.getCtx(), 0, peer.get_TrxName());
+ setCM_Chat_ID(peer.getCM_Chat_ID());
+ setCM_ChatEntryParent_ID (peer.getCM_ChatEntryParent_ID());
+ // Set GrandParent
+ int id = peer.getCM_ChatEntryGrandParent_ID();
+ if (id == 0)
+ id = peer.getCM_ChatEntryParent_ID();
+ setCM_ChatEntryGrandParent_ID (id);
+ setConfidentialType(peer.getConfidentialType());
+ setCharacterData(data);
+ setChatEntryType (CHATENTRYTYPE_ForumThreaded);
} // MChatEntry
- * Can be published
- * @param ConfidentialType minimum confidential type
- * @return true if withing confidentiality
- */
- public boolean isConfidentialType(String ConfidentialType)
- {
- String ct = getConfidentialType();
- if (ConfidentialType == null
- || CONFIDENTIALTYPE_PublicInformation.equals(ct))
- return true;
- if (CONFIDENTIALTYPE_PartnerConfidential.equals(ct))
- {
- return CONFIDENTIALTYPE_PartnerConfidential.equals(ConfidentialType);
- }
- else if (CONFIDENTIALTYPE_PrivateInformation.equals(ct))
- {
- return CONFIDENTIALTYPE_Internal.equals(ConfidentialType)
- || CONFIDENTIALTYPE_PrivateInformation.equals(ConfidentialType);
- }
- else if (CONFIDENTIALTYPE_Internal.equals(ct))
- {
- return CONFIDENTIALTYPE_Internal.equals(ConfidentialType);
- }
- return false;
- } //
-} // MChatEntry
+ * Load Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param rs result set
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MChatEntry (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
+ {
+ super (ctx, rs, trxName);
+ } // MChatEntry
+ /**
+ * Can be published
+ * @param ConfidentialType minimum confidential type
+ * @return true if withing confidentiality
+ */
+ public boolean isConfidentialType(String ConfidentialType)
+ {
+ String ct = getConfidentialType();
+ if (ConfidentialType == null
+ || CONFIDENTIALTYPE_PublicInformation.equals(ct))
+ return true;
+ if (CONFIDENTIALTYPE_PartnerConfidential.equals(ct))
+ {
+ return CONFIDENTIALTYPE_PartnerConfidential.equals(ConfidentialType);
+ }
+ else if (CONFIDENTIALTYPE_PrivateInformation.equals(ct))
+ {
+ return CONFIDENTIALTYPE_Internal.equals(ConfidentialType)
+ || CONFIDENTIALTYPE_PrivateInformation.equals(ConfidentialType);
+ }
+ else if (CONFIDENTIALTYPE_Internal.equals(ct))
+ {
+ return CONFIDENTIALTYPE_Internal.equals(ConfidentialType);
+ }
+ return false;
+ } //
+} // MChatEntry
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MChatType.java b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MChatType.java
index 25c3ddbb14..5e5c653984 100644
--- a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MChatType.java
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MChatType.java
@@ -3,73 +3,75 @@
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
- * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
- * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
- * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
- * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
- * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.compiere.model;
-import java.sql.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import org.compiere.util.*;
- * Chat Type Model
- *
- * @author Jorg Janke
- * @version $Id: MChatType.java,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:51:03 jjanke Exp $
- */
-public class MChatType extends X_CM_ChatType
- /**
- * Get MChatType from Cache
- * @param ctx context
- * @param CM_ChatType_ID id
- * @return MChatType
- */
- public static MChatType get (Properties ctx, int CM_ChatType_ID)
- {
- Integer key = new Integer (CM_ChatType_ID);
- MChatType retValue = (MChatType)s_cache.get (key);
- if (retValue != null)
- return retValue;
- retValue = new MChatType (ctx, CM_ChatType_ID, null);
- if (retValue.get_ID () != CM_ChatType_ID)
- s_cache.put (key, retValue);
- return retValue;
- } // get
- /** Cache */
- private static CCache s_cache
- = new CCache ("CM_ChatType", 20);
- /**
- * Standard Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param CM_ChatType_ID id
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
+ * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
+ * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
+ * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.model;
+import java.sql.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.compiere.util.*;
+ * Chat Type Model
+ *
+ * @author Jorg Janke
+ * @version $Id: MChatType.java,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:51:03 jjanke Exp $
+ */
+public class MChatType extends X_CM_ChatType
+ /**
+ * Get MChatType from Cache
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param CM_ChatType_ID id
+ * @return MChatType
+ */
+ public static MChatType get (Properties ctx, int CM_ChatType_ID)
+ {
+ Integer key = new Integer (CM_ChatType_ID);
+ MChatType retValue = (MChatType)s_cache.get (key);
+ if (retValue != null)
+ return retValue;
+ retValue = new MChatType (ctx, CM_ChatType_ID, null);
+ if (retValue.get_ID () != CM_ChatType_ID)
+ s_cache.put (key, retValue);
+ return retValue;
+ } // get
+ /** Cache */
+ private static CCache s_cache
+ = new CCache ("CM_ChatType", 20);
+ /**
+ * Standard Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param CM_ChatType_ID id
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
public MChatType (Properties ctx, int CM_ChatType_ID, String trxName)
super (ctx, CM_ChatType_ID, trxName);
+ if (CM_ChatType_ID == 0)
+ setModerationType (MODERATIONTYPE_NotModerated);
} // MChatType
- * Load Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param rs result set
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MChatType (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
- {
- super (ctx, rs, trxName);
- } // MChatType
-} // MChatType
+ * Load Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param rs result set
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MChatType (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
+ {
+ super (ctx, rs, trxName);
+ } // MChatType
+} // MChatType
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MContainer.java b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MContainer.java
index a2acedd8a0..e28e74462b 100644
--- a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MContainer.java
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MContainer.java
@@ -3,530 +3,616 @@
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
- * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
- * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
- * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
- * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
- * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.compiere.model;
-import java.sql.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.util.logging.*;
-import org.compiere.util.*;
- * Container Model
- *
- * @author Yves Sandfort
- * @version $Id: MContainer.java,v 1.20 2006/09/05 23:22:53 comdivision Exp $
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
+ * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
+ * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
+ * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.model;
+import java.sql.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.logging.*;
+import org.compiere.util.*;
+ * Container Model
+ *
+ * @author Yves Sandfort
+ * @version $Id: MContainer.java,v 1.20 2006/09/05 23:22:53 comdivision Exp $
public class MContainer extends X_CM_Container
+ /** serialVersionUID */
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = 395679572291279730L;
+ /**
+ * get Container by Relative URL
+ * @param ctx
+ * @param relURL
+ * @param CM_WebProject_Id
+ * @param trxName
+ * @return Container or null if not found
+ */
+ public static MContainer get(Properties ctx, String relURL, int CM_WebProject_Id, String trxName) {
+ MContainer thisContainer = null;
+ String sql = "SELECT * FROM CM_Container WHERE (RelativeURL LIKE ? OR RelativeURL LIKE ?) AND CM_WebProject_ID=?";
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trxName);
+ pstmt.setString (1,relURL);
+ pstmt.setString (2,relURL+"/");
+ pstmt.setInt(3, CM_WebProject_Id);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ if (rs.next())
+ thisContainer = (new MContainer(ctx, rs, trxName));
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ return thisContainer;
+ }
+ /**
+ * get Container
+ * @param ctx
+ * @param CM_Container_ID
+ * @param CM_WebProject_Id
+ * @param trxName
+ * @return Container or null if not found
+ */
+ public static MContainer get(Properties ctx, int CM_Container_ID, int CM_WebProject_Id, String trxName) {
+ MContainer thisContainer = null;
+ String sql = "SELECT * FROM CM_Container WHERE CM_Container_ID=? AND CM_WebProject_ID=?";
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trxName);
+ pstmt.setInt(1, CM_Container_ID);
+ pstmt.setInt(2, CM_WebProject_Id);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ if (rs.next())
+ thisContainer = (new MContainer(ctx, rs, trxName));
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ return thisContainer;
+ }
* Copy Stage into Container
- * @param project WebProject
- * @param stage Stage to copy from
- * @param path Relative URL to it
- * @return Container
- */
- public static MContainer copy (MWebProject project, MCStage stage,
- String path)
- {
- MContainer cc = getDirect (stage.getCtx(), stage.getCM_CStage_ID (),
- stage.get_TrxName ());
- if (cc == null) // new
- cc = new MContainer (stage.getCtx (), 0, stage.get_TrxName ());
- cc.setStage (project, stage, path);
- cc.save ();
- if (!stage.isSummary ())
- {
- cc.updateElements (project, stage, stage.get_TrxName ());
- cc.updateTTables (project, stage, stage.get_TrxName ());
- }
- return cc;
- } // copy
- /**
- * Get Container directly from DB (not cached)
- *
- * @param ctx context
- * @param CM_Container_ID Container ID
- * @param trxName transaction
- * @return Container or null
- */
- public static MContainer getDirect (Properties ctx, int CM_Container_ID,
- String trxName)
- {
- MContainer cc = null;
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- String sql = "SELECT * FROM CM_Container WHERE CM_Container_ID=?";
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, null);
- pstmt.setInt (1, CM_Container_ID);
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
- if (rs.next ())
- cc = new MContainer (ctx, rs, trxName);
- rs.close ();
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- s_log.log (Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- try
- {
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- }
- return cc;
- } // getDirect
- /**
- * Get Containers
- *
- * @param project
- * Project to use
- * @return stages
- */
- public static MContainer[] getContainers (MWebProject project)
- {
- ArrayList list = new ArrayList ();
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- String sql = "SELECT * FROM CM_Container WHERE CM_WebProject_ID=? ORDER BY CM_Container_ID";
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, project.get_TrxName ());
- pstmt.setInt (1, project.getCM_WebProject_ID ());
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
- while (rs.next ())
- {
- list.add (new MContainer (project.getCtx (), rs, project
- .get_TrxName ()));
- }
- rs.close ();
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- s_log.log (Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- try
- {
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- }
- MContainer[] retValue = new MContainer[list.size ()];
- list.toArray (retValue);
- return retValue;
- } // getContainers
- /** Logger */
- private static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger (MContainer.class);
- /***************************************************************************
- * Standard Constructor
- *
- * @param ctx context
- * @param CM_Container_ID id
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MContainer (Properties ctx, int CM_Container_ID, String trxName)
- {
- super (ctx, CM_Container_ID, trxName);
- if (CM_Container_ID == 0)
- {
- setIsValid(false);
- setIsIndexed(false);
- setIsSecure(false);
- setIsSummary(false);
- }
- } // MContainer
- /**
- * Load Constructor
- *
- * @param ctx
- * context
- * @param rs
- * result set
- * @param trxName
- * transaction
- */
- public MContainer (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
- {
- super (ctx, rs, trxName);
- } // MContainer
- /** Web Project */
- private MWebProject m_project = null;
- /** Stage Source */
- private MCStage m_stage = null;
- /** Template */
- private MTemplate m_template = null;
- /**
- * Get Web Project
- *
- * @return web project
- */
- public MWebProject getWebProject ()
- {
- if (m_project == null)
- m_project = MWebProject.get (getCtx (), getCM_WebProject_ID ());
- return m_project;
- } // getWebProject
- /**
- * Get Template from Cache, or load it
- * @return Template
- */
- public MTemplate getTemplate()
- {
- if (getCM_Template_ID()>0 && m_template==null)
- m_template = MTemplate.get(getCtx(), getCM_Template_ID(), null);
- return m_template;
- } // getTemplate
- /**
- * Get AD_Tree_ID
- *
- * @return tree
- */
- public int getAD_Tree_ID ()
- {
- return getWebProject ().getAD_TreeCMC_ID ();
- } // getAD_Tree_ID;
- /**
- * Set/Copy Stage
- *
- * @param project
- * parent
- * @param stage
- * stage
- * @param path
- * path
- */
- protected void setStage (MWebProject project, MCStage stage, String path)
- {
- m_stage = stage;
- PO.copyValues (stage, this);
- setAD_Client_ID (project.getAD_Client_ID ());
- setAD_Org_ID (project.getAD_Org_ID ());
- setIsActive (stage.isActive ());
- setCM_ContainerLink_ID (stage.getCM_CStageLink_ID ());
- //
- setRelativeURL (path + stage.getRelativeURL ());
- //
- if (getMeta_Author () == null || getMeta_Author ().length () == 0)
- setMeta_Author (project.getMeta_Author ());
- if (getMeta_Content () == null || getMeta_Content ().length () == 0)
- setMeta_Content (project.getMeta_Content ());
- if (getMeta_Copyright () == null || getMeta_Copyright ().length () == 0)
- setMeta_Copyright (project.getMeta_Copyright ());
- if (getMeta_Publisher () == null || getMeta_Publisher ().length () == 0)
- setMeta_Publisher (project.getMeta_Publisher ());
- if (getMeta_RobotsTag () == null || getMeta_RobotsTag ().length () == 0)
- setMeta_RobotsTag (project.getMeta_RobotsTag ());
- } // setStage
- /**
- * Update Elements in Container from Stage
- *
- * @param project
- * project
- * @param stage
- * stage
- * @param trxName
- * Transaction
- */
- protected void updateElements (MWebProject project, MCStage stage,
- String trxName)
- {
- org.compiere.cm.CacheHandler thisHandler = new org.compiere.cm.CacheHandler (
- org.compiere.cm.CacheHandler.convertJNPURLToCacheURL (getCtx ()
- .getProperty ("java.naming.provider.url")), log, getCtx (),
- get_TrxName ());
- // First update the new ones...
- int[] tableKeys = X_CM_CStage_Element.getAllIDs ("CM_CStage_Element",
- "CM_CStage_ID=" + stage.get_ID (), trxName);
- if (tableKeys != null && tableKeys.length > 0)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < tableKeys.length; i++)
- {
- X_CM_CStage_Element thisStageElement = new X_CM_CStage_Element (
- project.getCtx (), tableKeys[i], trxName);
- int[] thisContainerElementKeys = X_CM_Container_Element
- .getAllIDs ("CM_Container_Element", "CM_Container_ID="
- + stage.get_ID () + " AND Name LIKE '"
- + thisStageElement.getName () + "'", trxName);
- X_CM_Container_Element thisContainerElement;
- if (thisContainerElementKeys != null
- && thisContainerElementKeys.length > 0)
- {
- thisContainerElement = new X_CM_Container_Element (project
- .getCtx (), thisContainerElementKeys[0], trxName);
- }
- else
- {
- thisContainerElement = new X_CM_Container_Element (project
- .getCtx (), 0, trxName);
- }
- thisContainerElement.setCM_Container_ID (stage.get_ID ());
- X_CM_CStage_Element stageElement = new X_CM_CStage_Element (
- project.getCtx (), tableKeys[i], trxName);
- thisContainerElement.setName (stageElement.getName ());
- thisContainerElement.setDescription (stageElement.getDescription());
- thisContainerElement.setHelp (stageElement.getHelp ());
- thisContainerElement.setIsActive (stageElement.isActive ());
- thisContainerElement.setIsValid (stageElement.isValid ());
- String contentHTML = thisStageElement.getContentHTML ();
- thisContainerElement.setContentHTML (contentHTML);
- // PO.copyValues(new
- // X_CM_CStage_Element(project.getCtx(),tableKeys[i],trxName),
- // thisContainerElement);
- thisContainerElement.save (trxName);
- // Remove Container from cache
- thisHandler.cleanContainerElement (thisContainerElement
- .get_ID ());
- }
- }
- // Now we are checking the existing ones to delete the unneeded ones...
- tableKeys = X_CM_Container_Element.getAllIDs ("CM_Container_Element",
- "CM_Container_ID=" + stage.get_ID (), trxName);
- if (tableKeys != null && tableKeys.length > 0)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < tableKeys.length; i++)
- {
- X_CM_Container_Element thisContainerElement = new X_CM_Container_Element (
- project.getCtx (), tableKeys[i], trxName);
- int[] thisCStageElementKeys = X_CM_CStage_Element
- .getAllIDs ("CM_CStage_Element", "CM_CStage_ID="
- + stage.get_ID () + " AND Name LIKE '"
- + thisContainerElement.getName () + "'", trxName);
- // If we cannot find a representative in the Stage we will delete from production
- if (thisCStageElementKeys == null
- || thisCStageElementKeys.length < 1)
- {
- // First delete it from cache, then delete the record itself
- thisHandler.cleanContainerElement (thisContainerElement
- .get_ID ());
- thisContainerElement.delete (true);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Update Elements in Container from Stage
- *
- * @param project
- * project
- * @param stage
- * stage
- * @param trxName
- * Transaction
- */
- protected void updateTTables (MWebProject project, MCStage stage,
- String trxName)
- {
- int[] tableKeys = X_CM_CStageTTable.getAllIDs ("CM_CStageTTable",
- "CM_CStage_ID=" + stage.get_ID (), trxName);
- if (tableKeys != null && tableKeys.length > 0)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < tableKeys.length; i++)
- {
- X_CM_CStageTTable thisStageTTable = new X_CM_CStageTTable (
- project.getCtx (), tableKeys[i], trxName);
- int[] thisContainerTTableKeys = X_CM_ContainerTTable.getAllIDs (
- "CM_ContainerTTable", "CM_Container_ID=" + stage.get_ID ()
- + " AND CM_TemplateTable_ID="
- + thisStageTTable.getCM_TemplateTable_ID (), trxName);
- X_CM_ContainerTTable thisContainerTTable;
- if (thisContainerTTableKeys != null
- && thisContainerTTableKeys.length > 0)
- {
- thisContainerTTable = new X_CM_ContainerTTable (project
- .getCtx (), thisContainerTTableKeys[0], trxName);
- }
- else
- {
- thisContainerTTable = new X_CM_ContainerTTable (project
- .getCtx (), 0, trxName);
- }
- thisContainerTTable.setCM_Container_ID (stage.get_ID ());
- PO.copyValues (new X_CM_CStageTTable (project.getCtx (),
- tableKeys[i], trxName), thisContainerTTable);
- thisContainerTTable.save (trxName);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * SaveNew getID
- *
- * @return ID
- */
- protected int saveNew_getID ()
- {
- if (m_stage != null)
- return m_stage.getCM_CStage_ID ();
- return 0;
- } // saveNew_getID
- /**
- * String Representation
- *
- * @return info
- */
- public String toString ()
- {
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ("MContainer[").append (get_ID ())
- .append ("-").append (getName ()).append ("]");
- return sb.toString ();
- } // toString
- /**
- * After Save. Insert - create tree
- *
- * @param newRecord
- * insert
- * @param success
- * save success
- * @return true if saved
- */
- protected boolean afterSave (boolean newRecord, boolean success)
- {
- if (!success)
- return success;
- if (newRecord)
- {
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer (
- + "(AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID, IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy, "
- + "AD_Tree_ID, Node_ID, Parent_ID, SeqNo) " + "VALUES (")
- .append (getAD_Client_ID ()).append (
- ",0, 'Y', SysDate, 0, SysDate, 0,").append (
- getAD_Tree_ID ()).append (",").append (get_ID ()).append (
- ", 0, 999)");
- int no = DB.executeUpdate (sb.toString (), get_TrxName ());
- if (no > 0)
- log.fine ("#" + no + " - TreeType=CMC");
- else
- log.warning ("#" + no + " - TreeType=CMC");
- return no > 0;
- }
- return success;
- } // afterSave
- protected MContainerElement[] getAllElements()
- {
- int elements[] = MContainerElement.getAllIDs("CM_Container_Element", "CM_Container_ID=" + get_ID(), get_TrxName());
- if (elements.length>0)
- {
- MContainerElement[] containerElements = new MContainerElement[elements.length];
- for (int i=0;i 0;
- }
- /**
- * After Delete
- *
- * @param success
- * @return deleted
- */
- protected boolean afterDelete (boolean success)
- {
- if (!success)
- return success;
- //
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ("DELETE FROM AD_TreeNodeCMC ")
- .append (" WHERE Node_ID=").append (get_IDOld ()).append (
- " AND AD_Tree_ID=").append (getAD_Tree_ID ());
- int no = DB.executeUpdate (sb.toString (), get_TrxName ());
- // If 0 than there is nothing to delete which is okay.
- if (no > 0)
- log.fine ("#" + no + " - TreeType=CMC");
- else
- log.warning ("#" + no + " - TreeType=CMC");
- return true;
- } // afterDelete
- /**
- * reIndex
- * @param newRecord
- */
- public void reIndex(boolean newRecord)
- {
- String [] toBeIndexed = new String[8];
- toBeIndexed[0] = this.getName();
- toBeIndexed[1] = this.getDescription();
- toBeIndexed[2] = this.getRelativeURL();
- toBeIndexed[3] = this.getMeta_Author();
- toBeIndexed[4] = this.getMeta_Copyright();
- toBeIndexed[5] = this.getMeta_Description();
- toBeIndexed[6] = this.getMeta_Keywords();
- toBeIndexed[7] = this.getMeta_Publisher();
- MIndex.reIndex (newRecord, toBeIndexed, getCtx(), getAD_Client_ID(), get_Table_ID(), get_ID(), getCM_WebProject_ID(), this.getUpdated());
- MContainerElement[] theseElements = getAllElements();
- if (theseElements!=null)
- for (int i=0;i list = new ArrayList ();
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ String sql = "SELECT * FROM CM_Container WHERE CM_WebProject_ID=? ORDER BY CM_Container_ID";
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, project.get_TrxName ());
+ pstmt.setInt (1, project.getCM_WebProject_ID ());
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
+ while (rs.next ())
+ {
+ list.add (new MContainer (project.getCtx (), rs, project
+ .get_TrxName ()));
+ }
+ rs.close ();
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ s_log.log (Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ MContainer[] retValue = new MContainer[list.size ()];
+ list.toArray (retValue);
+ return retValue;
+ } // getContainers
+ /** Logger */
+ private static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger (MContainer.class);
+ /***************************************************************************
+ * Standard Constructor
+ *
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param CM_Container_ID id
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MContainer (Properties ctx, int CM_Container_ID, String trxName)
+ {
+ super (ctx, CM_Container_ID, trxName);
+ if (CM_Container_ID == 0)
+ {
+ setIsValid(false);
+ setIsIndexed(false);
+ setIsSecure(false);
+ setIsSummary(false);
+ }
+ } // MContainer
+ /**
+ * Load Constructor
+ *
+ * @param ctx
+ * context
+ * @param rs
+ * result set
+ * @param trxName
+ * transaction
+ */
+ public MContainer (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
+ {
+ super (ctx, rs, trxName);
+ } // MContainer
+ /** Web Project */
+ private MWebProject m_project = null;
+ /** Stage Source */
+ private MCStage m_stage = null;
+ /** Template */
+ private MTemplate m_template = null;
+ /**
+ * Get Web Project
+ *
+ * @return web project
+ */
+ public MWebProject getWebProject ()
+ {
+ if (m_project == null)
+ m_project = MWebProject.get (getCtx (), getCM_WebProject_ID ());
+ return m_project;
+ } // getWebProject
+ /**
+ * Get Template from Cache, or load it
+ * @return Template
+ */
+ public MTemplate getTemplate()
+ {
+ if (getCM_Template_ID()>0 && m_template==null)
+ m_template = MTemplate.get(getCtx(), getCM_Template_ID(), null);
+ return m_template;
+ } // getTemplate
+ /**
+ * Get AD_Tree_ID
+ *
+ * @return tree
+ */
+ public int getAD_Tree_ID ()
+ {
+ return getWebProject ().getAD_TreeCMC_ID ();
+ } // getAD_Tree_ID;
+ /**
+ * Set/Copy Stage
+ *
+ * @param project
+ * parent
+ * @param stage
+ * stage
+ * @param path
+ * path
+ */
+ protected void setStage (MWebProject project, MCStage stage, String path)
+ {
+ m_stage = stage;
+ PO.copyValues (stage, this);
+ setAD_Client_ID (project.getAD_Client_ID ());
+ setAD_Org_ID (project.getAD_Org_ID ());
+ setIsActive (stage.isActive ());
+ setCM_ContainerLink_ID (stage.getCM_CStageLink_ID ());
+ //
+ setRelativeURL (path + stage.getRelativeURL ());
+ //
+ if (getMeta_Author () == null || getMeta_Author ().length () == 0)
+ setMeta_Author (project.getMeta_Author ());
+ if (getMeta_Content () == null || getMeta_Content ().length () == 0)
+ setMeta_Content (project.getMeta_Content ());
+ if (getMeta_Copyright () == null || getMeta_Copyright ().length () == 0)
+ setMeta_Copyright (project.getMeta_Copyright ());
+ if (getMeta_Publisher () == null || getMeta_Publisher ().length () == 0)
+ setMeta_Publisher (project.getMeta_Publisher ());
+ if (getMeta_RobotsTag () == null || getMeta_RobotsTag ().length () == 0)
+ setMeta_RobotsTag (project.getMeta_RobotsTag ());
+ } // setStage
+ /**
+ * Update Elements in Container from Stage
+ *
+ * @param project
+ * project
+ * @param stage
+ * stage
+ * @param trxName
+ * Transaction
+ */
+ protected void updateElements (MWebProject project, MCStage stage,
+ String trxName)
+ {
+ org.compiere.cm.CacheHandler thisHandler = new org.compiere.cm.CacheHandler (
+ org.compiere.cm.CacheHandler.convertJNPURLToCacheURL (getCtx ()
+ .getProperty ("java.naming.provider.url")), log, getCtx (),
+ get_TrxName ());
+ // First update the new ones...
+ int[] tableKeys = X_CM_CStage_Element.getAllIDs ("CM_CStage_Element",
+ "CM_CStage_ID=" + stage.get_ID (), trxName);
+ if (tableKeys != null && tableKeys.length > 0)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < tableKeys.length; i++)
+ {
+ X_CM_CStage_Element thisStageElement = new X_CM_CStage_Element (
+ project.getCtx (), tableKeys[i], trxName);
+ int[] thisContainerElementKeys = X_CM_Container_Element
+ .getAllIDs ("CM_Container_Element", "CM_Container_ID="
+ + stage.get_ID () + " AND Name LIKE '"
+ + thisStageElement.getName () + "'", trxName);
+ X_CM_Container_Element thisContainerElement;
+ if (thisContainerElementKeys != null
+ && thisContainerElementKeys.length > 0)
+ {
+ thisContainerElement = new X_CM_Container_Element (project
+ .getCtx (), thisContainerElementKeys[0], trxName);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ thisContainerElement = new X_CM_Container_Element (project
+ .getCtx (), 0, trxName);
+ }
+ thisContainerElement.setCM_Container_ID (stage.get_ID ());
+ X_CM_CStage_Element stageElement = new X_CM_CStage_Element (
+ project.getCtx (), tableKeys[i], trxName);
+ thisContainerElement.setName (stageElement.getName ());
+ thisContainerElement.setDescription (stageElement.getDescription());
+ thisContainerElement.setHelp (stageElement.getHelp ());
+ thisContainerElement.setIsActive (stageElement.isActive ());
+ thisContainerElement.setIsValid (stageElement.isValid ());
+ String contentHTML = thisStageElement.getContentHTML ();
+ thisContainerElement.setContentHTML (contentHTML);
+ // PO.copyValues(new
+ // X_CM_CStage_Element(project.getCtx(),tableKeys[i],trxName),
+ // thisContainerElement);
+ thisContainerElement.save (trxName);
+ // Remove Container from cache
+ thisHandler.cleanContainerElement (thisContainerElement
+ .get_ID ());
+ }
+ }
+ // Now we are checking the existing ones to delete the unneeded ones...
+ tableKeys = X_CM_Container_Element.getAllIDs ("CM_Container_Element",
+ "CM_Container_ID=" + stage.get_ID (), trxName);
+ if (tableKeys != null && tableKeys.length > 0)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < tableKeys.length; i++)
+ {
+ X_CM_Container_Element thisContainerElement = new X_CM_Container_Element (
+ project.getCtx (), tableKeys[i], trxName);
+ int[] thisCStageElementKeys = X_CM_CStage_Element
+ .getAllIDs ("CM_CStage_Element", "CM_CStage_ID="
+ + stage.get_ID () + " AND Name LIKE '"
+ + thisContainerElement.getName () + "'", trxName);
+ // If we cannot find a representative in the Stage we will delete from production
+ if (thisCStageElementKeys == null
+ || thisCStageElementKeys.length < 1)
+ {
+ // First delete it from cache, then delete the record itself
+ thisHandler.cleanContainerElement (thisContainerElement
+ .get_ID ());
+ thisContainerElement.delete (true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update Elements in Container from Stage
+ *
+ * @param project
+ * project
+ * @param stage
+ * stage
+ * @param trxName
+ * Transaction
+ */
+ protected void updateTTables (MWebProject project, MCStage stage,
+ String trxName)
+ {
+ int[] tableKeys = X_CM_CStageTTable.getAllIDs ("CM_CStageTTable",
+ "CM_CStage_ID=" + stage.get_ID (), trxName);
+ if (tableKeys != null && tableKeys.length > 0)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < tableKeys.length; i++)
+ {
+ X_CM_CStageTTable thisStageTTable = new X_CM_CStageTTable (
+ project.getCtx (), tableKeys[i], trxName);
+ int[] thisContainerTTableKeys = X_CM_ContainerTTable.getAllIDs (
+ "CM_ContainerTTable", "CM_Container_ID=" + stage.get_ID ()
+ + " AND CM_TemplateTable_ID="
+ + thisStageTTable.getCM_TemplateTable_ID (), trxName);
+ X_CM_ContainerTTable thisContainerTTable;
+ if (thisContainerTTableKeys != null
+ && thisContainerTTableKeys.length > 0)
+ {
+ thisContainerTTable = new X_CM_ContainerTTable (project
+ .getCtx (), thisContainerTTableKeys[0], trxName);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ thisContainerTTable = new X_CM_ContainerTTable (project
+ .getCtx (), 0, trxName);
+ }
+ thisContainerTTable.setCM_Container_ID (stage.get_ID ());
+ PO.copyValues (new X_CM_CStageTTable (project.getCtx (),
+ tableKeys[i], trxName), thisContainerTTable);
+ thisContainerTTable.save (trxName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * SaveNew getID
+ *
+ * @return ID
+ */
+ protected int saveNew_getID ()
+ {
+ if (m_stage != null)
+ return m_stage.getCM_CStage_ID ();
+ return 0;
+ } // saveNew_getID
+ /**
+ * String Representation
+ *
+ * @return info
+ */
+ public String toString ()
+ {
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ("MContainer[").append (get_ID ())
+ .append ("-").append (getName ()).append ("]");
+ return sb.toString ();
+ } // toString
+ /**
+ * After Save. Insert - create tree
+ *
+ * @param newRecord
+ * insert
+ * @param success
+ * save success
+ * @return true if saved
+ */
+ protected boolean afterSave (boolean newRecord, boolean success)
+ {
+ if (!success)
+ return success;
+ if (newRecord)
+ {
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer (
+ + "(AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID, IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy, "
+ + "AD_Tree_ID, Node_ID, Parent_ID, SeqNo) " + "VALUES (")
+ .append (getAD_Client_ID ()).append (
+ ",0, 'Y', SysDate, 0, SysDate, 0,").append (
+ getAD_Tree_ID ()).append (",").append (get_ID ()).append (
+ ", 0, 999)");
+ int no = DB.executeUpdate (sb.toString (), get_TrxName ());
+ if (no > 0)
+ log.fine ("#" + no + " - TreeType=CMC");
+ else
+ log.warning ("#" + no + " - TreeType=CMC");
+ return no > 0;
+ }
+ return success;
+ } // afterSave
+ protected MContainerElement[] getAllElements()
+ {
+ int elements[] = MContainerElement.getAllIDs("CM_Container_Element", "CM_Container_ID=" + get_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ if (elements.length>0)
+ {
+ MContainerElement[] containerElements = new MContainerElement[elements.length];
+ for (int i=0;i 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * After Delete
+ *
+ * @param success
+ * @return deleted
+ */
+ protected boolean afterDelete (boolean success)
+ {
+ if (!success)
+ return success;
+ //
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ("DELETE FROM AD_TreeNodeCMC ")
+ .append (" WHERE Node_ID=").append (get_IDOld ()).append (
+ " AND AD_Tree_ID=").append (getAD_Tree_ID ());
+ int no = DB.executeUpdate (sb.toString (), get_TrxName ());
+ // If 0 than there is nothing to delete which is okay.
+ if (no > 0)
+ log.fine ("#" + no + " - TreeType=CMC");
+ else
+ log.warning ("#" + no + " - TreeType=CMC");
+ return true;
+ } // afterDelete
+ /**
+ * reIndex
+ * @param newRecord
+ */
+ public void reIndex(boolean newRecord)
+ {
+ String [] toBeIndexed = new String[8];
+ toBeIndexed[0] = this.getName();
+ toBeIndexed[1] = this.getDescription();
+ toBeIndexed[2] = this.getRelativeURL();
+ toBeIndexed[3] = this.getMeta_Author();
+ toBeIndexed[4] = this.getMeta_Copyright();
+ toBeIndexed[5] = this.getMeta_Description();
+ toBeIndexed[6] = this.getMeta_Keywords();
+ toBeIndexed[7] = this.getMeta_Publisher();
+ MIndex.reIndex (newRecord, toBeIndexed, getCtx(), getAD_Client_ID(), get_Table_ID(), get_ID(), getCM_WebProject_ID(), this.getUpdated());
+ MContainerElement[] theseElements = getAllElements();
+ if (theseElements!=null)
+ for (int i=0;i list = new ArrayList();
+ String sql = "SELECT * FROM C_DunningLevel WHERE C_Dunning_ID=? AND DaysAfterDue+DaysBetweenDunning";
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
+ pstmt.setInt(1, getParent().get_ID ());
+ int totalDays = getDaysAfterDue ().intValue ()+getDaysBetweenDunning ();
+ pstmt.setInt(2, totalDays);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ while (rs.next())
+ list.add(new MDunningLevel(getCtx(), rs, get_TrxName()));
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ //
+ MDunningLevel[] retValue = new MDunningLevel[list.size()];
+ list.toArray(retValue);
+ return retValue;
+ }
} // MDunningLevel
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MDunningRunEntry.java b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MDunningRunEntry.java
index c0ae5698d5..8a6f4be3d2 100644
--- a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MDunningRunEntry.java
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MDunningRunEntry.java
@@ -3,134 +3,206 @@
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
- * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
- * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
- * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
- * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
- * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.compiere.model;
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
+ * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
+ * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
+ * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.model;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.compiere.util.*;
- * Dunning Run Entry Model
- *
- * @author Jorg Janke
- * @version $Id: MDunningRunEntry.java,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:51:05 jjanke Exp $
+ * Dunning Run Entry Model
+ *
+ * @author Jorg Janke
+ * @version $Id: MDunningRunEntry.java,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:51:05 jjanke Exp $
public class MDunningRunEntry extends X_C_DunningRunEntry
+ /** Logger */
+ private static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger (MPayment.class);
* Standard Constructor
* @param ctx context
- * @param C_DunningRunEntry_ID id
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MDunningRunEntry (Properties ctx, int C_DunningRunEntry_ID, String trxName)
- {
- super (ctx, C_DunningRunEntry_ID, trxName);
- if (C_DunningRunEntry_ID == 0)
- {
- // setC_BPartner_ID (0);
- // setC_BPartner_Location_ID (0);
- // setAD_User_ID (0);
- // setSalesRep_ID (0);
- // setC_Currency_ID (0);
- setAmt (Env.ZERO);
- setQty (Env.ZERO);
- setProcessed (false);
- }
- } // MDunningRunEntry
- /**
- * Load Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param rs result set
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MDunningRunEntry (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
- {
- super(ctx, rs, trxName);
- } // MDunningRunEntry
- /**
- * Parent Constructor
- * @param parent parent
- */
- public MDunningRunEntry (MDunningRun parent)
- {
- this (parent.getCtx(), 0, parent.get_TrxName());
- setClientOrg(parent);
- setC_DunningRun_ID(parent.getC_DunningRun_ID());
- m_parent = parent;
- } // MDunningRunEntry
- /** Parent */
- private MDunningRun m_parent = null;
- /**
- * Set BPartner
- * @param bp partner
- * @param isSOTrx SO
- */
- public void setBPartner (MBPartner bp, boolean isSOTrx)
- {
- setC_BPartner_ID(bp.getC_BPartner_ID());
- MBPartnerLocation[] locations = bp.getLocations(false);
- // Location
- if (locations.length == 1)
- setC_BPartner_Location_ID (locations[0].getC_BPartner_Location_ID());
- else
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < locations.length; i++)
- {
- MBPartnerLocation location = locations[i];
- if ((location.isPayFrom() && isSOTrx)
- || (location.isRemitTo() && !isSOTrx))
- {
- setC_BPartner_Location_ID (location.getC_BPartner_Location_ID());
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (getC_BPartner_Location_ID() == 0)
- {
- String msg = "@C_BPartner_ID@ " + bp.getName();
- if (isSOTrx)
- msg += " @No@ @IsPayFrom@";
- else
- msg += " @No@ @IsRemitTo@";
- throw new IllegalArgumentException (msg);
- }
- // User with location
- MUser[] users = MUser.getOfBPartner(getCtx(), bp.getC_BPartner_ID());
- if (users.length == 1)
- setAD_User_ID (users[0].getAD_User_ID());
- else
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < users.length; i++)
- {
- MUser user = users[i];
- if (user.getC_BPartner_Location_ID() == getC_BPartner_Location_ID())
- {
- setAD_User_ID (users[i].getAD_User_ID());
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- //
- int SalesRep_ID = bp.getSalesRep_ID();
- if (SalesRep_ID != 0)
+ * @param C_DunningRunEntry_ID id
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MDunningRunEntry (Properties ctx, int C_DunningRunEntry_ID, String trxName)
+ {
+ super (ctx, C_DunningRunEntry_ID, trxName);
+ if (C_DunningRunEntry_ID == 0)
+ {
+ // setC_BPartner_ID (0);
+ // setC_BPartner_Location_ID (0);
+ // setAD_User_ID (0);
+ // setSalesRep_ID (0);
+ // setC_Currency_ID (0);
+ setAmt (Env.ZERO);
+ setQty (Env.ZERO);
+ setProcessed (false);
+ }
+ } // MDunningRunEntry
+ /**
+ * Load Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param rs result set
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MDunningRunEntry (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
+ {
+ super(ctx, rs, trxName);
+ } // MDunningRunEntry
+ /**
+ * Parent Constructor
+ * @param parent parent
+ */
+ public MDunningRunEntry (MDunningRun parent)
+ {
+ this (parent.getCtx(), 0, parent.get_TrxName());
+ setClientOrg(parent);
+ setC_DunningRun_ID(parent.getC_DunningRun_ID());
+ m_parent = parent;
+ } // MDunningRunEntry
+ /** Parent */
+ private MDunningRun m_parent = null;
+ /**
+ * Set BPartner
+ * @param bp partner
+ * @param isSOTrx SO
+ */
+ public void setBPartner (MBPartner bp, boolean isSOTrx)
+ {
+ setC_BPartner_ID(bp.getC_BPartner_ID());
+ MBPartnerLocation[] locations = bp.getLocations(false);
+ // Location
+ if (locations.length == 1)
+ setC_BPartner_Location_ID (locations[0].getC_BPartner_Location_ID());
+ else
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < locations.length; i++)
+ {
+ MBPartnerLocation location = locations[i];
+ if ((location.isPayFrom() && isSOTrx)
+ || (location.isRemitTo() && !isSOTrx))
+ {
+ setC_BPartner_Location_ID (location.getC_BPartner_Location_ID());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (getC_BPartner_Location_ID() == 0)
+ {
+ String msg = "@C_BPartner_ID@ " + bp.getName();
+ if (isSOTrx)
+ msg += " @No@ @IsPayFrom@";
+ else
+ msg += " @No@ @IsRemitTo@";
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException (msg);
+ }
+ // User with location
+ MUser[] users = MUser.getOfBPartner(getCtx(), bp.getC_BPartner_ID());
+ if (users.length == 1)
+ setAD_User_ID (users[0].getAD_User_ID());
+ else
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < users.length; i++)
+ {
+ MUser user = users[i];
+ if (user.getC_BPartner_Location_ID() == getC_BPartner_Location_ID())
+ {
+ setAD_User_ID (users[i].getAD_User_ID());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ int SalesRep_ID = bp.getSalesRep_ID();
+ if (SalesRep_ID != 0)
setSalesRep_ID (SalesRep_ID);
} // setBPartner
+ /**
+ * get Lines
+ * @return Array of all lines for this Run
+ */
+ public MDunningRunLine[] getLines()
+ {
+ ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
+ String sql = "SELECT * FROM C_DunningRunLine WHERE C_DunningRunEntry_ID=?";
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
+ pstmt.setInt(1, get_ID ());
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ while (rs.next())
+ list.add(new MDunningRunLine(getCtx(), rs, get_TrxName()));
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ //
+ MDunningRunLine[] retValue = new MDunningRunLine[list.size()];
+ list.toArray(retValue);
+ return retValue;
+ }
+ protected boolean beforeSave (boolean newRecord)
+ {
+ // Set Amt
+ if (isProcessed ())
+ {
+ MDunningRunLine[] theseLines = getLines();
+ for (int i=0;i s_cache = new CCache("R_InterestArea", 5);
+ private static CCache s_cache =
+ new CCache("R_InterestArea", 5);
+ /** Logger */
+ private static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger (MInterestArea.class);
- * Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param R_InterestArea_ID interest area
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MInterestArea (Properties ctx, int R_InterestArea_ID, String trxName)
- {
- super (ctx, R_InterestArea_ID, trxName);
- if (R_InterestArea_ID == 0)
+ * Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param R_InterestArea_ID interest area
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MInterestArea (Properties ctx, int R_InterestArea_ID, String trxName)
+ {
+ super (ctx, R_InterestArea_ID, trxName);
+ if (R_InterestArea_ID == 0)
// setName (null);
// setR_InterestArea_ID (0);
+ setIsSelfService (false);
} // MInterestArea
- /**
- * Loader Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param rs result set
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MInterestArea (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
- {
+ /**
+ * Loader Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param rs result set
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MInterestArea (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
+ {
super(ctx, rs, trxName);
} // MInterestArea
+ /**
+ * Get Value
+ * @return value
+ */
+ public String getValue()
+ {
+ String s = super.getValue ();
+ if (s != null && s.length () > 0)
+ return s;
+ return super.getName();
+ } // getValue
* String representation
- * @return info
- */
- public String toString ()
- {
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ("MInterestArea[")
+ * @return info
+ */
+ public String toString ()
+ {
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ("MInterestArea[")
.append (get_ID()).append(" - ").append(getName())
.append ("]");
return sb.toString ();
- }
+ } // toString
- private int m_AD_User_ID = -1;
- private MContactInterest m_ci = null;
- /**
- * Set Subscription info "constructor".
- * Create inactive Subscription
- * @param AD_User_ID contact
- */
- public void setSubscriptionInfo (int AD_User_ID)
- {
- m_AD_User_ID = AD_User_ID;
- m_ci = MContactInterest.get(getCtx(), getR_InterestArea_ID(), AD_User_ID,
- false, get_TrxName());
- } // setSubscription
- /**
- * Set AD_User_ID
- * @param AD_User_ID user
- */
- public void setAD_User_ID (int AD_User_ID)
- {
- m_AD_User_ID = AD_User_ID;
- }
- /**
- * Get AD_User_ID
- * @return user
- */
- public int getAD_User_ID ()
- {
- return m_AD_User_ID;
- }
- /**
- * Get Subscribe Date
- * @return subscribe date
- */
- public Timestamp getSubscribeDate ()
- {
- if (m_ci != null)
- return m_ci.getSubscribeDate();
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Get Opt Out Date
- * @return opt-out date
- */
- public Timestamp getOptOutDate ()
- {
- if (m_ci != null)
- return m_ci.getOptOutDate();
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Is Subscribed
- * @return true if sunscribed
- */
- public boolean isSubscribed()
- {
- if (m_AD_User_ID <= 0 || m_ci == null)
- return false;
- // We have a BPartner Contact
- return m_ci.isSubscribed();
- } // isSubscribed
-} // MInterestArea
+ private int m_AD_User_ID = -1;
+ private MContactInterest m_ci = null;
+ /**
+ * Set Subscription info "constructor".
+ * Create inactive Subscription
+ * @param AD_User_ID contact
+ */
+ public void setSubscriptionInfo (int AD_User_ID)
+ {
+ m_AD_User_ID = AD_User_ID;
+ m_ci = MContactInterest.get(getCtx(), getR_InterestArea_ID(), AD_User_ID,
+ false, get_TrxName());
+ } // setSubscription
+ /**
+ * Set AD_User_ID
+ * @param AD_User_ID user
+ */
+ public void setAD_User_ID (int AD_User_ID)
+ {
+ m_AD_User_ID = AD_User_ID;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get AD_User_ID
+ * @return user
+ */
+ public int getAD_User_ID ()
+ {
+ return m_AD_User_ID;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get Subscribe Date
+ * @return subscribe date
+ */
+ public Timestamp getSubscribeDate ()
+ {
+ if (m_ci != null)
+ return m_ci.getSubscribeDate();
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get Opt Out Date
+ * @return opt-out date
+ */
+ public Timestamp getOptOutDate ()
+ {
+ if (m_ci != null)
+ return m_ci.getOptOutDate();
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Is Subscribed
+ * @return true if sunscribed
+ */
+ public boolean isSubscribed()
+ {
+ if (m_AD_User_ID <= 0 || m_ci == null)
+ return false;
+ // We have a BPartner Contact
+ return m_ci.isSubscribed();
+ } // isSubscribed
+} // MInterestArea
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MInventoryLine.java b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MInventoryLine.java
index fdaea9019a..9edd1f9049 100644
--- a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MInventoryLine.java
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MInventoryLine.java
@@ -3,413 +3,413 @@
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
- * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
- * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
- * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
- * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
- * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.compiere.model;
-import java.math.*;
-import java.sql.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.util.logging.*;
-import org.compiere.util.*;
- * Physical Inventory Line Model
- *
- * @author Jorg Janke
- * @version $Id: MInventoryLine.java,v 1.3 2006/07/30 00:51:02 jjanke Exp $
- */
-public class MInventoryLine extends X_M_InventoryLine
- /**
- * Get Inventory Line with parameters
- * @param inventory inventory
- * @param M_Locator_ID locator
- * @param M_Product_ID product
- * @param M_AttributeSetInstance_ID asi
- * @return line or null
- */
- public static MInventoryLine get (MInventory inventory,
- int M_Locator_ID, int M_Product_ID, int M_AttributeSetInstance_ID)
- {
- MInventoryLine retValue = null;
- String sql = "SELECT * FROM M_InventoryLine "
- + "WHERE M_Inventory_ID=? AND M_Locator_ID=?"
- + " AND M_Product_ID=? AND M_AttributeSetInstance_ID=?";
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, inventory.get_TrxName());
- pstmt.setInt (1, inventory.getM_Inventory_ID());
- pstmt.setInt(2, M_Locator_ID);
- pstmt.setInt(3, M_Product_ID);
- pstmt.setInt(4, M_AttributeSetInstance_ID);
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
- if (rs.next ())
- retValue = new MInventoryLine (inventory.getCtx(), rs, inventory.get_TrxName());
- rs.close ();
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- s_log.log (Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- try
- {
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- }
- return retValue;
- } // get
- /** Logger */
- private static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger (MInventoryLine.class);
- /**************************************************************************
- * Default Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param M_InventoryLine_ID line
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MInventoryLine (Properties ctx, int M_InventoryLine_ID, String trxName)
- {
- super (ctx, M_InventoryLine_ID, trxName);
- if (M_InventoryLine_ID == 0)
- {
- // setM_Inventory_ID (0); // Parent
- // setM_InventoryLine_ID (0); // PK
- // setM_Locator_ID (0); // FK
- setLine(0);
- // setM_Product_ID (0); // FK
- setM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(0); // FK
- setInventoryType (INVENTORYTYPE_InventoryDifference);
- setQtyBook (Env.ZERO);
- setQtyCount (Env.ZERO);
- setProcessed(false);
- }
- } // MInventoryLine
- /**
- * Load Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param rs result set
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MInventoryLine (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
- {
- super(ctx, rs, trxName);
- } // MInventoryLine
- /**
- * Detail Constructor.
- * Locator/Product/AttributeSetInstance must be unique
- * @param inventory parent
- * @param M_Locator_ID locator
- * @param M_Product_ID product
- * @param M_AttributeSetInstance_ID instance
- * @param QtyBook book value
- * @param QtyCount count value
- */
- public MInventoryLine (MInventory inventory,
- int M_Locator_ID, int M_Product_ID, int M_AttributeSetInstance_ID,
- BigDecimal QtyBook, BigDecimal QtyCount)
- {
- this (inventory.getCtx(), 0, inventory.get_TrxName());
- if (inventory.get_ID() == 0)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Header not saved");
- m_parent = inventory;
- setM_Inventory_ID (inventory.getM_Inventory_ID()); // Parent
- setClientOrg (inventory.getAD_Client_ID(), inventory.getAD_Org_ID());
- setM_Locator_ID (M_Locator_ID); // FK
- setM_Product_ID (M_Product_ID); // FK
- setM_AttributeSetInstance_ID (M_AttributeSetInstance_ID);
- //
- if (QtyBook != null)
- setQtyBook (QtyBook);
- if (QtyCount != null && QtyCount.signum() != 0)
- setQtyCount (QtyCount);
- m_isManualEntry = false;
- } // MInventoryLine
- /** Manually created */
- private boolean m_isManualEntry = true;
- /** Parent */
- private MInventory m_parent = null;
- /** Product */
- private MProduct m_product = null;
- /**
- * Get Qty Book
- * @return Qty Book
- */
- public BigDecimal getQtyBook ()
- {
- BigDecimal bd = super.getQtyBook ();
- if (bd == null)
- bd = Env.ZERO;
- return bd;
- } // getQtyBook
- /**
- * Get Qty Count
- * @return Qty Count
- */
- public BigDecimal getQtyCount ()
- {
- BigDecimal bd = super.getQtyCount();
- if (bd == null)
- bd = Env.ZERO;
- return bd;
- } // getQtyBook
- /**
- * Get Product
- * @return product or null if not defined
- */
- public MProduct getProduct()
- {
- int M_Product_ID = getM_Product_ID();
- if (M_Product_ID == 0)
- return null;
- if (m_product != null && m_product.getM_Product_ID() != M_Product_ID)
- m_product = null; // reset
- if (m_product == null)
- m_product = MProduct.get(getCtx(), M_Product_ID);
- return m_product;
- } // getProduct
- /**
- * Set Count Qty - enforce UOM
- * @param QtyCount qty
- */
- public void setQtyCount (BigDecimal QtyCount)
- {
- if (QtyCount != null)
- {
- MProduct product = getProduct();
- if (product != null)
- {
- int precision = product.getUOMPrecision();
- QtyCount = QtyCount.setScale(precision, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
- }
- }
- super.setQtyCount(QtyCount);
- } // setQtyCount
- /**
- * Set Internal Use Qty - enforce UOM
- * @param QtyInternalUse qty
- */
- public void setQtyInternalUse (BigDecimal QtyInternalUse)
- {
- if (QtyInternalUse != null)
- {
- MProduct product = getProduct();
- if (product != null)
- {
- int precision = product.getUOMPrecision();
- QtyInternalUse = QtyInternalUse.setScale(precision, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
- }
- }
- super.setQtyInternalUse(QtyInternalUse);
- } // setQtyInternalUse
- /**
- * Add to Description
- * @param description text
- */
- public void addDescription (String description)
- {
- String desc = getDescription();
- if (desc == null)
- setDescription(description);
- else
- setDescription(desc + " | " + description);
- } // addDescription
- /**
- * Get Parent
- * @param parent parent
- */
- protected void setParent(MInventory parent)
- {
- m_parent = parent;
- } // setParent
- /**
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
+ * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
+ * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
+ * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.model;
+import java.math.*;
+import java.sql.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.logging.*;
+import org.compiere.util.*;
+ * Physical Inventory Line Model
+ *
+ * @author Jorg Janke
+ * @version $Id: MInventoryLine.java,v 1.3 2006/07/30 00:51:02 jjanke Exp $
+ */
+public class MInventoryLine extends X_M_InventoryLine
+ /**
+ * Get Inventory Line with parameters
+ * @param inventory inventory
+ * @param M_Locator_ID locator
+ * @param M_Product_ID product
+ * @param M_AttributeSetInstance_ID asi
+ * @return line or null
+ */
+ public static MInventoryLine get (MInventory inventory,
+ int M_Locator_ID, int M_Product_ID, int M_AttributeSetInstance_ID)
+ {
+ MInventoryLine retValue = null;
+ String sql = "SELECT * FROM M_InventoryLine "
+ + "WHERE M_Inventory_ID=? AND M_Locator_ID=?"
+ + " AND M_Product_ID=? AND M_AttributeSetInstance_ID=?";
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, inventory.get_TrxName());
+ pstmt.setInt (1, inventory.getM_Inventory_ID());
+ pstmt.setInt(2, M_Locator_ID);
+ pstmt.setInt(3, M_Product_ID);
+ pstmt.setInt(4, M_AttributeSetInstance_ID);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
+ if (rs.next ())
+ retValue = new MInventoryLine (inventory.getCtx(), rs, inventory.get_TrxName());
+ rs.close ();
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ s_log.log (Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ return retValue;
+ } // get
+ /** Logger */
+ private static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger (MInventoryLine.class);
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Default Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param M_InventoryLine_ID line
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MInventoryLine (Properties ctx, int M_InventoryLine_ID, String trxName)
+ {
+ super (ctx, M_InventoryLine_ID, trxName);
+ if (M_InventoryLine_ID == 0)
+ {
+ // setM_Inventory_ID (0); // Parent
+ // setM_InventoryLine_ID (0); // PK
+ // setM_Locator_ID (0); // FK
+ setLine(0);
+ // setM_Product_ID (0); // FK
+ setM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(0); // FK
+ setInventoryType (INVENTORYTYPE_InventoryDifference);
+ setQtyBook (Env.ZERO);
+ setQtyCount (Env.ZERO);
+ setProcessed(false);
+ }
+ } // MInventoryLine
+ /**
+ * Load Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param rs result set
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MInventoryLine (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
+ {
+ super(ctx, rs, trxName);
+ } // MInventoryLine
+ /**
+ * Detail Constructor.
+ * Locator/Product/AttributeSetInstance must be unique
+ * @param inventory parent
+ * @param M_Locator_ID locator
+ * @param M_Product_ID product
+ * @param M_AttributeSetInstance_ID instance
+ * @param QtyBook book value
+ * @param QtyCount count value
+ */
+ public MInventoryLine (MInventory inventory,
+ int M_Locator_ID, int M_Product_ID, int M_AttributeSetInstance_ID,
+ BigDecimal QtyBook, BigDecimal QtyCount)
+ {
+ this (inventory.getCtx(), 0, inventory.get_TrxName());
+ if (inventory.get_ID() == 0)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Header not saved");
+ m_parent = inventory;
+ setM_Inventory_ID (inventory.getM_Inventory_ID()); // Parent
+ setClientOrg (inventory.getAD_Client_ID(), inventory.getAD_Org_ID());
+ setM_Locator_ID (M_Locator_ID); // FK
+ setM_Product_ID (M_Product_ID); // FK
+ setM_AttributeSetInstance_ID (M_AttributeSetInstance_ID);
+ //
+ if (QtyBook != null)
+ setQtyBook (QtyBook);
+ if (QtyCount != null && QtyCount.signum() != 0)
+ setQtyCount (QtyCount);
+ m_isManualEntry = false;
+ } // MInventoryLine
+ /** Manually created */
+ private boolean m_isManualEntry = true;
+ /** Parent */
+ private MInventory m_parent = null;
+ /** Product */
+ private MProduct m_product = null;
+ /**
+ * Get Qty Book
+ * @return Qty Book
+ */
+ public BigDecimal getQtyBook ()
+ {
+ BigDecimal bd = super.getQtyBook ();
+ if (bd == null)
+ bd = Env.ZERO;
+ return bd;
+ } // getQtyBook
+ /**
+ * Get Qty Count
+ * @return Qty Count
+ */
+ public BigDecimal getQtyCount ()
+ {
+ BigDecimal bd = super.getQtyCount();
+ if (bd == null)
+ bd = Env.ZERO;
+ return bd;
+ } // getQtyBook
+ /**
+ * Get Product
+ * @return product or null if not defined
+ */
+ public MProduct getProduct()
+ {
+ int M_Product_ID = getM_Product_ID();
+ if (M_Product_ID == 0)
+ return null;
+ if (m_product != null && m_product.getM_Product_ID() != M_Product_ID)
+ m_product = null; // reset
+ if (m_product == null)
+ m_product = MProduct.get(getCtx(), M_Product_ID);
+ return m_product;
+ } // getProduct
+ /**
+ * Set Count Qty - enforce UOM
+ * @param QtyCount qty
+ */
+ public void setQtyCount (BigDecimal QtyCount)
+ {
+ if (QtyCount != null)
+ {
+ MProduct product = getProduct();
+ if (product != null)
+ {
+ int precision = product.getUOMPrecision();
+ QtyCount = QtyCount.setScale(precision, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
+ }
+ }
+ super.setQtyCount(QtyCount);
+ } // setQtyCount
+ /**
+ * Set Internal Use Qty - enforce UOM
+ * @param QtyInternalUse qty
+ */
+ public void setQtyInternalUse (BigDecimal QtyInternalUse)
+ {
+ if (QtyInternalUse != null)
+ {
+ MProduct product = getProduct();
+ if (product != null)
+ {
+ int precision = product.getUOMPrecision();
+ QtyInternalUse = QtyInternalUse.setScale(precision, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
+ }
+ }
+ super.setQtyInternalUse(QtyInternalUse);
+ } // setQtyInternalUse
+ /**
+ * Add to Description
+ * @param description text
+ */
+ public void addDescription (String description)
+ {
+ String desc = getDescription();
+ if (desc == null)
+ setDescription(description);
+ else
+ setDescription(desc + " | " + description);
+ } // addDescription
+ /**
+ * Get Parent
+ * @param parent parent
+ */
+ protected void setParent(MInventory parent)
+ {
+ m_parent = parent;
+ } // setParent
+ /**
* Get Parent
* @return parent
- private MInventory getParent()
+ public MInventory getParent()
if (m_parent == null)
m_parent = new MInventory (getCtx(), getM_Inventory_ID(), get_TrxName());
- return m_parent;
- } // getParent
- /**
- * String Representation
- * @return info
- */
- public String toString ()
- {
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ("MInventoryLine[");
- sb.append (get_ID())
- .append("-M_Product_ID=").append (getM_Product_ID())
- .append(",QtyCount=").append(getQtyCount())
- .append(",QtyInternalUse=").append(getQtyInternalUse())
- .append(",QtyBook=").append(getQtyBook())
- .append(",M_AttributeSetInstance_ID=").append(getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID())
- .append("]");
- return sb.toString ();
- } // toString
- /**
- * Before Save
- * @param newRecord new
- * @return true if can be saved
- */
- protected boolean beforeSave (boolean newRecord)
- {
- if (newRecord && m_isManualEntry)
- {
- // Product requires ASI
- if (getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() == 0)
- {
- MProduct product = MProduct.get(getCtx(), getM_Product_ID());
- if (product.getM_AttributeSet_ID() != 0)
- {
- MAttributeSet mas = MAttributeSet.get(getCtx(), product.getM_AttributeSet_ID());
- if (mas.isInstanceAttribute()
- && (mas.isMandatory() || mas.isMandatoryAlways()))
- {
- log.saveError("FillMandatory", Msg.getElement(getCtx(), "M_AttributeSetInstance_ID"));
- return false;
- }
- }
- } // No ASI
- } // new or manual
- // Set Line No
- if (getLine() == 0)
- {
- String sql = "SELECT COALESCE(MAX(Line),0)+10 AS DefaultValue FROM M_InventoryLine WHERE M_Inventory_ID=?";
- int ii = DB.getSQLValue (get_TrxName(), sql, getM_Inventory_ID());
- setLine (ii);
- }
- // Enforce Qty UOM
- if (newRecord || is_ValueChanged("QtyCount"))
- setQtyCount(getQtyCount());
- if (newRecord || is_ValueChanged("QtyInternalUse"))
- setQtyInternalUse(getQtyInternalUse());
- // InternalUse Inventory
- if (getQtyInternalUse().signum() != 0)
- {
- if (!INVENTORYTYPE_ChargeAccount.equals(getInventoryType()))
- setInventoryType(INVENTORYTYPE_ChargeAccount);
- //
- if (getC_Charge_ID() == 0)
- {
- log.saveError("InternalUseNeedsCharge", "");
- return false;
- }
- }
- else if (INVENTORYTYPE_ChargeAccount.equals(getInventoryType()))
- {
- if (getC_Charge_ID() == 0)
- {
- log.saveError("FillMandatory", Msg.getElement(getCtx(), "C_Charge_ID"));
- return false;
- }
- }
- else if (getC_Charge_ID() != 0)
- setC_Charge_ID(0);
- // Set AD_Org to parent if not charge
- if (getC_Charge_ID() == 0)
- setAD_Org_ID(getParent().getAD_Org_ID());
- return true;
- } // beforeSave
- /**
- * After Save
- * @param newRecord new
- * @param success success
- * @return true
- */
- protected boolean afterSave (boolean newRecord, boolean success)
- {
- // Create MA
- if (newRecord && success
- && m_isManualEntry && getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() == 0)
- createMA();
- return true;
- } // afterSave
- /**
- * Create Material Allocations for new Instances
- */
- private void createMA()
- {
- MStorage[] storages = MStorage.getAll(getCtx(), getM_Product_ID(),
- getM_Locator_ID(), get_TrxName());
- boolean allZeroASI = true;
- for (int i = 0; i < storages.length; i++)
- {
- if (storages[i].getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() != 0)
- {
- allZeroASI = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (allZeroASI)
- return;
- MInventoryLineMA ma = null;
- BigDecimal sum = Env.ZERO;
- for (int i = 0; i < storages.length; i++)
- {
- MStorage storage = storages[i];
- if (storage.getQtyOnHand().signum() == 0)
- continue;
- if (ma != null
- && ma.getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() == storage.getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID())
- ma.setMovementQty(ma.getMovementQty().add(storage.getQtyOnHand()));
- else
- ma = new MInventoryLineMA (this,
- storage.getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(), storage.getQtyOnHand());
- if (!ma.save())
- ;
- sum = sum.add(storage.getQtyOnHand());
- }
- if (sum.compareTo(getQtyBook()) != 0)
- {
- log.warning("QtyBook=" + getQtyBook() + " corrected to Sum of MA=" + sum);
- setQtyBook(sum);
- }
- } // createMA
-} // MInventoryLine
+ return m_parent;
+ } // getParent
+ /**
+ * String Representation
+ * @return info
+ */
+ public String toString ()
+ {
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ("MInventoryLine[");
+ sb.append (get_ID())
+ .append("-M_Product_ID=").append (getM_Product_ID())
+ .append(",QtyCount=").append(getQtyCount())
+ .append(",QtyInternalUse=").append(getQtyInternalUse())
+ .append(",QtyBook=").append(getQtyBook())
+ .append(",M_AttributeSetInstance_ID=").append(getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID())
+ .append("]");
+ return sb.toString ();
+ } // toString
+ /**
+ * Before Save
+ * @param newRecord new
+ * @return true if can be saved
+ */
+ protected boolean beforeSave (boolean newRecord)
+ {
+ if (newRecord && m_isManualEntry)
+ {
+ // Product requires ASI
+ if (getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() == 0)
+ {
+ MProduct product = MProduct.get(getCtx(), getM_Product_ID());
+ if (product.getM_AttributeSet_ID() != 0)
+ {
+ MAttributeSet mas = MAttributeSet.get(getCtx(), product.getM_AttributeSet_ID());
+ if (mas.isInstanceAttribute()
+ && (mas.isMandatory() || mas.isMandatoryAlways()))
+ {
+ log.saveError("FillMandatory", Msg.getElement(getCtx(), "M_AttributeSetInstance_ID"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ } // No ASI
+ } // new or manual
+ // Set Line No
+ if (getLine() == 0)
+ {
+ String sql = "SELECT COALESCE(MAX(Line),0)+10 AS DefaultValue FROM M_InventoryLine WHERE M_Inventory_ID=?";
+ int ii = DB.getSQLValue (get_TrxName(), sql, getM_Inventory_ID());
+ setLine (ii);
+ }
+ // Enforce Qty UOM
+ if (newRecord || is_ValueChanged("QtyCount"))
+ setQtyCount(getQtyCount());
+ if (newRecord || is_ValueChanged("QtyInternalUse"))
+ setQtyInternalUse(getQtyInternalUse());
+ // InternalUse Inventory
+ if (getQtyInternalUse().signum() != 0)
+ {
+ if (!INVENTORYTYPE_ChargeAccount.equals(getInventoryType()))
+ setInventoryType(INVENTORYTYPE_ChargeAccount);
+ //
+ if (getC_Charge_ID() == 0)
+ {
+ log.saveError("InternalUseNeedsCharge", "");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (INVENTORYTYPE_ChargeAccount.equals(getInventoryType()))
+ {
+ if (getC_Charge_ID() == 0)
+ {
+ log.saveError("FillMandatory", Msg.getElement(getCtx(), "C_Charge_ID"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (getC_Charge_ID() != 0)
+ setC_Charge_ID(0);
+ // Set AD_Org to parent if not charge
+ if (getC_Charge_ID() == 0)
+ setAD_Org_ID(getParent().getAD_Org_ID());
+ return true;
+ } // beforeSave
+ /**
+ * After Save
+ * @param newRecord new
+ * @param success success
+ * @return true
+ */
+ protected boolean afterSave (boolean newRecord, boolean success)
+ {
+ // Create MA
+ if (newRecord && success
+ && m_isManualEntry && getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() == 0)
+ createMA();
+ return true;
+ } // afterSave
+ /**
+ * Create Material Allocations for new Instances
+ */
+ private void createMA()
+ {
+ MStorage[] storages = MStorage.getAll(getCtx(), getM_Product_ID(),
+ getM_Locator_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ boolean allZeroASI = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < storages.length; i++)
+ {
+ if (storages[i].getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() != 0)
+ {
+ allZeroASI = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (allZeroASI)
+ return;
+ MInventoryLineMA ma = null;
+ BigDecimal sum = Env.ZERO;
+ for (int i = 0; i < storages.length; i++)
+ {
+ MStorage storage = storages[i];
+ if (storage.getQtyOnHand().signum() == 0)
+ continue;
+ if (ma != null
+ && ma.getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() == storage.getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID())
+ ma.setMovementQty(ma.getMovementQty().add(storage.getQtyOnHand()));
+ else
+ ma = new MInventoryLineMA (this,
+ storage.getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(), storage.getQtyOnHand());
+ if (!ma.save())
+ ;
+ sum = sum.add(storage.getQtyOnHand());
+ }
+ if (sum.compareTo(getQtyBook()) != 0)
+ {
+ log.warning("QtyBook=" + getQtyBook() + " corrected to Sum of MA=" + sum);
+ setQtyBook(sum);
+ }
+ } // createMA
+} // MInventoryLine
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MLdapAccess.java b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MLdapAccess.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..1f62ee6ebf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MLdapAccess.java
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ * Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution
+ * Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+ * You may reach us at: ComPiere, Inc. - http://www.compiere.org/license.html
+ * 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA or info@compiere.org
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.model;
+import java.sql.*;
+import java.util.*;
+ * Ldap Access Log
+ *
+ * @author Jorg Janke
+ * @version $Id$
+ */
+public class MLdapAccess extends X_AD_LdapAccess
+ /**
+ * Standard Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param AD_LdapAccess_ID id
+ * @param trxName trx
+ */
+ public MLdapAccess(Properties ctx, int AD_LdapAccess_ID, String trxName)
+ {
+ super (ctx, AD_LdapAccess_ID, trxName);
+ } // MLdapAccess
+ /**
+ * Load Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param rs result set
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MLdapAccess(Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
+ {
+ super (ctx, rs, trxName);
+ } // MLdapAccess
+} // MLdapAccess
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MLdapProcessor.java b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MLdapProcessor.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..2bc7913908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MLdapProcessor.java
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ * Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution
+ * Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+ * You may reach us at: ComPiere, Inc. - http://www.compiere.org/license.html
+ * 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA or info@compiere.org
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.model;
+import java.sql.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.logging.*;
+import org.compiere.util.*;
+ * LDAP Server Model
+ *
+ * @author Jorg Janke
+ * @version $Id$
+ */
+public class MLdapProcessor extends X_AD_LdapProcessor implements AdempiereProcessor
+ /**
+ * Get Active LDAP Server
+ * @return array of Servers
+ */
+ public static MLdapProcessor[] getActive(Properties ctx)
+ {
+ ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
+ String sql = "SELECT * FROM AD_LdapProcessor WHERE IsActive='Y'";
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, null);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
+ while (rs.next ())
+ list.add (new MLdapProcessor (ctx, rs, null));
+ rs.close ();
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log (Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ MLdapProcessor[] retValue = new MLdapProcessor[list.size()];
+ list.toArray(retValue);
+ return retValue;
+ } // getActive
+ /** Logger */
+ private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger (MLdapProcessor.class);
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Ldap Processor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param AD_LdapProcessor_ID id
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MLdapProcessor(Properties ctx, int AD_LdapProcessor_ID, String trxName)
+ {
+ super (ctx, AD_LdapProcessor_ID, trxName);
+ } // MLdapProcessor
+ /**
+ * Ldap Processor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param rs result set
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MLdapProcessor(Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
+ {
+ super (ctx, rs, trxName);
+ } // MLdapProcessor
+ /** Array of Clients */
+ private MClient[] m_clients = null;
+ /** Array of Interest Areas */
+ private MInterestArea[] m_interests = null;
+ private int m_auth = 0;
+ private int m_ok = 0;
+ private int m_error = 0;
+ /**
+ * Get Server ID
+ * @return id
+ */
+ public String getServerID ()
+ {
+ return "Ldap" + get_ID();
+ } // getServerID
+ /**
+ * Get Info
+ * @return info
+ */
+ public String getInfo()
+ {
+ return "Auth=" + m_auth
+ + ", OK=" + m_ok + ", Error=" + m_error;
+ } // getInfo
+ /**
+ * Get Date Next Run
+ * @param requery requery
+ * @return date next run
+ */
+ public Timestamp getDateNextRun (boolean requery)
+ {
+ if (requery)
+ load(get_TrxName());
+ return getDateNextRun();
+ } // getDateNextRun
+ /**
+ * Get Logs
+ * @return logs
+ */
+ public AdempiereProcessorLog[] getLogs ()
+ {
+ ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
+ String sql = "SELECT * "
+ + "FROM AD_LdapProcessorLog "
+ + "WHERE AD_LdapProcessor_ID=? "
+ + "ORDER BY Created DESC";
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, get_TrxName());
+ pstmt.setInt (1, getAD_LdapProcessor_ID());
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
+ while (rs.next ())
+ list.add (new MLdapProcessorLog (getCtx(), rs, get_TrxName()));
+ rs.close ();
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ MLdapProcessorLog[] retValue = new MLdapProcessorLog[list.size ()];
+ list.toArray (retValue);
+ return retValue;
+ } // getLogs
+ /**
+ * Delete old Request Log
+ * @return number of records
+ */
+ public int deleteLog()
+ {
+ if (getKeepLogDays() < 1)
+ return 0;
+ String sql = "DELETE AD_LdapProcessorLog "
+ + "WHERE AD_LdapProcessor_ID=" + getAD_LdapProcessor_ID()
+ + " AND (Created+" + getKeepLogDays() + ") < SysDate";
+ int no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
+ return no;
+ } // deleteLog
+ /**
+ * Get Frequency (n/a)
+ * @return 1
+ */
+ public int getFrequency()
+ {
+ return 1;
+ } // getFrequency
+ /**
+ * Get Frequency Type (n/a)
+ * @return minute
+ */
+ public String getFrequencyType()
+ {
+ return X_R_RequestProcessor.FREQUENCYTYPE_Minute;
+ } // getFrequencyType
+ /**
+ * String Representation
+ * @return info
+ */
+ public String toString()
+ {
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ("MLdapProcessor[");
+ sb.append (get_ID()).append ("-").append (getName())
+ .append (",Port=").append (getLdapPort())
+ .append ("]");
+ return sb.toString ();
+ } // toString
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Authenticate and Authorize
+ * @param ldapUser MLdapUser object
+ * @param usr user name
+ * @param o organization = Client Name
+ * @param ou optional organization unit = Interest Group
+ * @return ldapUser MLdapUser with updated information
+ */
+ public MLdapUser authenticate(MLdapUser ldapUser, String usr, String o, String ou)
+ {
+ // Ensure something to return
+ if (ldapUser == null)
+ ldapUser = new MLdapUser();
+ String error = null;
+ String info = null;
+ // User
+ if (usr == null || usr.trim().length () == 0)
+ {
+ error = "@NotFound@ User";
+ ldapUser.setErrorString(error);
+ m_error++;
+ log.warning (error);
+ return ldapUser;
+ }
+ usr = usr.trim();
+ // Client
+ if (o == null || o.length () == 0)
+ {
+ error = "@NotFound@ O";
+ ldapUser.setErrorString(error);
+ m_error++;
+ log.warning (error);
+ return ldapUser;
+ }
+ int AD_Client_ID = findClient(o);
+ if (AD_Client_ID == 0)
+ {
+ error = "@NotFound@ O=" + o;
+ ldapUser.setErrorString(error);
+ m_error++;
+ log.config (error);
+ return ldapUser;
+ }
+ // Optional Interest Area
+ int R_InterestArea_ID = 0;
+ if (ou != null && ou.length () > 0)
+ {
+ R_InterestArea_ID = findInterestArea (AD_Client_ID, ou);
+ if (R_InterestArea_ID == 0)
+ {
+ error = "@NotFound@ OU=" + ou;
+ ldapUser.setErrorString(error);
+ m_error++;
+ log.config (error);
+ return ldapUser;
+ }
+ }
+ m_auth++;
+ // Query 1 - Validate User
+ int AD_User_ID = 0;
+ String Value = null;
+ String LdapUser = null;
+ String EMail = null;
+ String Name = null;
+ String Password = null;
+ boolean IsActive = false;
+ String EMailVerify = null; // is timestamp
+ boolean isUnique = false;
+ //
+ String sql = "SELECT AD_User_ID, Value, LdapUser, EMail," // 1..4
+ + " Name, Password, IsActive, EMailVerify "
+ + "FROM AD_User "
+ + "WHERE AD_Client_ID=? AND (EMail=? OR Value=? OR LdapUser=?)";
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, null);
+ pstmt.setInt (1, AD_Client_ID);
+ pstmt.setString (2, usr);
+ pstmt.setString (3, usr);
+ pstmt.setString (4, usr);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
+ if (rs.next())
+ {
+ AD_User_ID = rs.getInt (1);
+ Value = rs.getString (2);
+ LdapUser = rs.getString (3);
+ EMail = rs.getString (4);
+ //
+ Name = rs.getString (5);
+ Password = rs.getString (6);
+ IsActive = "Y".equals (rs.getString (7));
+ EMailVerify = rs.getString (8);
+ isUnique = rs.next();
+ }
+ rs.close ();
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log (Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ error = "System Error";
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ if (error != null)
+ {
+ m_error++;
+ ldapUser.setErrorString(error);
+ return ldapUser;
+ }
+ //
+ if (AD_User_ID == 0)
+ {
+ error = "@NotFound@ User=" + usr;
+ info = "User not found - " + usr;
+ }
+ else if (!IsActive)
+ {
+ error = "@NotFound@ User=" + usr;
+ info = "User not active - " + usr;
+ }
+ else if (EMailVerify == null)
+ {
+ error = "@UserNotVerified@ User=" + usr;
+ info = "User EMail not verified - " + usr;
+ }
+ else if (usr.equalsIgnoreCase(LdapUser))
+ info = "User verified - Ldap=" + usr
+ + (isUnique ? "" : " - Not Unique");
+ else if (usr.equalsIgnoreCase(Value))
+ info = "User verified - Value=" + usr
+ + (isUnique ? "" : " - Not Unique");
+ else if (usr.equalsIgnoreCase(EMail))
+ info = "User verified - EMail=" + usr
+ + (isUnique ? "" : " - Not Unique");
+ else
+ info = "User verified ?? " + usr
+ + " - Name=" + Name
+ + ", Ldap=" + LdapUser + ", Value=" + Value
+ + (isUnique ? "" : " - Not Unique");
+ // Error
+ if (error != null) // should use Language of the User
+ {
+ logAccess (AD_Client_ID, AD_User_ID, R_InterestArea_ID, info, error);
+ ldapUser.setErrorString(Msg.translate (getCtx(), error));
+ return ldapUser;
+ }
+ // Done
+ if (R_InterestArea_ID == 0)
+ {
+ logAccess (AD_Client_ID, AD_User_ID, R_InterestArea_ID, info, null);
+ ldapUser.setOrg(o);
+ ldapUser.setOrgUnit(ou);
+ ldapUser.setUserId(usr);
+ ldapUser.setPassword(Password);
+ return ldapUser;
+ }
+ // Query 2 - Validate Subscription
+ String OptOutDate = null;
+ boolean found = false;
+ sql = "SELECT IsActive, OptOutDate "
+ + "FROM R_ContactInterest "
+ + "WHERE R_InterestArea_ID=? AND AD_User_ID=?";
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, null);
+ pstmt.setInt (1, R_InterestArea_ID);
+ pstmt.setInt (2, AD_User_ID);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
+ if (rs.next())
+ {
+ found = true;
+ IsActive = "Y".equals (rs.getString (1));
+ OptOutDate = rs.getString (2);
+ isUnique = rs.next();
+ }
+ rs.close ();
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log (Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ error = "System Error (2)";
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ // System Error
+ if (error != null)
+ {
+ m_error++;
+ ldapUser.setErrorString(error);
+ return ldapUser;
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ {
+ error = "@UserNotSubscribed@ User=" + usr;
+ info = "No User Interest - " + usr
+ + " - R_InterestArea_ID=" + R_InterestArea_ID;
+ }
+ else if (OptOutDate != null)
+ {
+ error = "@UserNotSubscribed@ User=" + usr + " @OptOutDate@=" + OptOutDate;
+ info = "Opted out - " + usr + " - OptOutDate=" + OptOutDate;
+ }
+ else if (!IsActive)
+ {
+ error = "@UserNotSubscribed@ User=" + usr;
+ info = "User Interest Not Active - " + usr;
+ }
+ else
+ info = "User subscribed - " + usr;
+ if (error != null) // should use Language of the User
+ {
+ logAccess (AD_Client_ID, AD_User_ID, R_InterestArea_ID, info, error);
+ ldapUser.setErrorString(Msg.translate (getCtx(), error));
+ return ldapUser;
+ }
+ // Done
+ logAccess (AD_Client_ID, AD_User_ID, R_InterestArea_ID, info, null);
+ ldapUser.setOrg(o);
+ ldapUser.setOrgUnit(ou);
+ ldapUser.setUserId(usr);
+ ldapUser.setPassword(Password);
+ return ldapUser;
+ } // authenticate
+ /**
+ * Find Client
+ * @param client client name
+ * @return AD_Client_ID
+ */
+ private int findClient (String client)
+ {
+ if (m_clients == null)
+ m_clients = MClient.getAll(getCtx());
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_clients.length; i++)
+ {
+ if ((client.equalsIgnoreCase (m_clients[i].getValue())))
+ return m_clients[i].getAD_Client_ID ();
+ }
+ return 0;
+ } // findClient
+ /**
+ * Find Interest Area
+ * @param interset Name client name
+ * @return AD_Client_ID
+ */
+ private int findInterestArea (int AD_Client_ID, String interestArea)
+ {
+ if (m_interests == null)
+ m_interests = MInterestArea.getAll(getCtx());
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_interests.length; i++)
+ {
+ if (AD_Client_ID == m_interests[i].getAD_Client_ID()
+ && interestArea.equalsIgnoreCase (m_interests[i].getValue ()))
+ return m_interests[i].getR_InterestArea_ID();
+ }
+ return 0;
+ } // findInterestArea
+ /**
+ * Log Access
+ * @param AD_Client_ID client
+ * @param AD_User_ID user
+ * @param R_InterestArea_ID interest area
+ * @param info info
+ * @param error error
+ */
+ private void logAccess (int AD_Client_ID,
+ int AD_User_ID, int R_InterestArea_ID,
+ String info, String error)
+ {
+ if (error != null)
+ {
+ log.log (Level.CONFIG, info);
+ m_error++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ log.log (Level.INFO, info);
+ m_ok++;
+ }
+ //
+ MLdapAccess access = new MLdapAccess (getCtx(), 0, null);
+ access.setAD_Client_ID (AD_Client_ID);
+ access.setAD_User_ID (AD_User_ID);
+ access.setR_InterestArea_ID (R_InterestArea_ID);
+ access.setIsError (error != null);
+ access.setSummary (info);
+ access.save ();
+ } // logAccess
+} // MLdapProcessor
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MLdapProcessorLog.java b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MLdapProcessorLog.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..7fcfdd3d5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MLdapProcessorLog.java
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ * Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution
+ * Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+ * You may reach us at: ComPiere, Inc. - http://www.compiere.org/license.html
+ * 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA or info@compiere.org
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.model;
+import java.sql.*;
+import java.util.*;
+ * LDAP Server Log
+ * @author Jorg Janke
+ * @version $Id$
+ */
+public class MLdapProcessorLog extends X_AD_LdapProcessorLog implements AdempiereProcessorLog
+ /**
+ * Standard Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param AD_LdapProcessorLog_ID id
+ * @param trxName trx
+ */
+ public MLdapProcessorLog(Properties ctx, int AD_LdapProcessorLog_ID,
+ String trxName)
+ {
+ super (ctx, AD_LdapProcessorLog_ID, trxName);
+ if (AD_LdapProcessorLog_ID == 0)
+ {
+ // setAD_LdapProcessorLog_ID (0);
+ // setAD_LdapProcessor_ID (0);
+ setIsError (false);
+ }
+ } // MLdapProcessorLog
+ /**
+ * Load Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param rs result set
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MLdapProcessorLog(Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
+ {
+ super (ctx, rs, trxName);
+ } // MLdapProcessorLog
+ /**
+ * Parent Constructor
+ * @param parent parent
+ * @param summary summary
+ */
+ public MLdapProcessorLog(MLdapProcessor parent, String summary)
+ {
+ this (parent.getCtx (), 0, null);
+ setClientOrg (parent);
+ setAD_LdapProcessor_ID (parent.getAD_LdapProcessor_ID());
+ setSummary (summary);
+ } // MLdapProcessorLog
+} // MLdapProcessorLog
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MLdapUser.java b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MLdapUser.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..82ccb1c819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MLdapUser.java
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+ * Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution
+ * Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+ * You may reach us at: ComPiere, Inc. - http://www.compiere.org/license.html
+ * 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA or info@compiere.org
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.model;
+ * MLdapUser, data object stores the user information such as userid,
+ * password, organization and so on.
+ */
+public class MLdapUser
+ /** organization */
+ private String org = null;
+ /** organization unit */
+ private String orgUnit = null;
+ /** user password */
+ private String passwd = null;
+ /** user id */
+ private String userId = null;
+ /** error string */
+ private String errStr = null;
+ public MLdapUser()
+ {
+ }
+ /*
+ * Reset attributes
+ */
+ public void reset()
+ {
+ org = null;
+ orgUnit = null;
+ passwd = null;
+ userId = null;
+ errStr = null;
+ } // reset()
+ /**
+ * Set the organization
+ * @param org organization
+ */
+ public void setOrg(String org)
+ {
+ this.org = org;
+ } // setOrg()
+ /**
+ * Set the organization unit
+ * @param orgUnit organization unit
+ */
+ public void setOrgUnit(String orgUnit)
+ {
+ this.orgUnit = orgUnit;
+ } // setOrg()
+ /**
+ * Set the user password
+ * @param passwd User password string
+ */
+ public void setPassword(String passwd)
+ {
+ this.passwd = passwd;
+ } // setPassword()
+ /**
+ * Set the user id
+ * @param passwd User id string
+ */
+ public void setUserId(String userId)
+ {
+ this.userId = userId;
+ } // setUserId()
+ /**
+ * Set the error String
+ * @param errStr Error String
+ */
+ public void setErrorString(String errStr)
+ {
+ this.errStr = errStr;
+ } // setErrorStr()
+ /**
+ * Get the organization
+ * @return org organization
+ */
+ public String getOrg()
+ {
+ return org;
+ } // getOrg()
+ /**
+ * Get the organization unit
+ * @return orgUnit organization unit
+ */
+ public String getOrgUnit()
+ {
+ return orgUnit;
+ } // getOrgUnit()
+ /**
+ * Get the user password
+ * @return passwd User password string
+ */
+ public String getPassword()
+ {
+ return passwd;
+ } // getPassword()
+ /**
+ * Get the user id
+ * @return User id string
+ */
+ public String getUserId()
+ {
+ return userId;
+ } // getUserId()
+ /**
+ * Get the error string
+ * @return errStr Error String
+ */
+ public String getErrorMsg()
+ {
+ return errStr;
+ } // getErrorString()
+} // MLdapUser
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MMovementLine.java b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MMovementLine.java
index 88a1283b0c..97054d49d1 100644
--- a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MMovementLine.java
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MMovementLine.java
@@ -3,167 +3,181 @@
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
- * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
- * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
- * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
- * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
- * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.compiere.model;
-import java.math.*;
-import java.sql.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import org.compiere.util.*;
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
+ * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
+ * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
+ * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.model;
+import java.math.*;
+import java.sql.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.compiere.util.*;
* Inventory Move Line Model
- *
+ *
* @author Jorg Janke
* @version $Id: MMovementLine.java,v 1.3 2006/07/30 00:51:03 jjanke Exp $
-public class MMovementLine extends X_M_MovementLine
- /**
- * Standard Cosntructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param M_MovementLine_ID id
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MMovementLine (Properties ctx, int M_MovementLine_ID, String trxName)
- {
- super (ctx, M_MovementLine_ID, trxName);
- if (M_MovementLine_ID == 0)
+public class MMovementLine extends X_M_MovementLine
+ /**
+ * Standard Cosntructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param M_MovementLine_ID id
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MMovementLine (Properties ctx, int M_MovementLine_ID, String trxName)
+ {
+ super (ctx, M_MovementLine_ID, trxName);
+ if (M_MovementLine_ID == 0)
// setM_LocatorTo_ID (0); // @M_LocatorTo_ID@
// setM_Locator_ID (0); // @M_Locator_ID@
- // setM_MovementLine_ID (0);
- // setLine (0);
+ // setM_MovementLine_ID (0);
+ // setLine (0);
// setM_Product_ID (0);
setM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(0); // ID
setMovementQty (Env.ZERO); // 1
- setTargetQty (Env.ZERO); // 0
+ setTargetQty (Env.ZERO); // 0
setProcessed (false);
- }
+ }
} // MMovementLine
- * Load Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param rs result set
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MMovementLine (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
- {
- super(ctx, rs, trxName);
- } // MMovementLine
- /**
- * Parent constructor
- * @param parent parent
- */
- public MMovementLine (MMovement parent)
- {
- this (parent.getCtx(), 0, parent.get_TrxName());
+ * Load Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param rs result set
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MMovementLine (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
+ {
+ super(ctx, rs, trxName);
+ } // MMovementLine
+ /**
+ * Parent constructor
+ * @param parent parent
+ */
+ public MMovementLine (MMovement parent)
+ {
+ this (parent.getCtx(), 0, parent.get_TrxName());
} // MMovementLine
* Get AttributeSetInstance To
* @return ASI
- */
- public int getM_AttributeSetInstanceTo_ID ()
- {
- int M_AttributeSetInstanceTo_ID = super.getM_AttributeSetInstanceTo_ID();
- if (M_AttributeSetInstanceTo_ID == 0)
+ */
+ public int getM_AttributeSetInstanceTo_ID ()
+ {
+ int M_AttributeSetInstanceTo_ID = super.getM_AttributeSetInstanceTo_ID();
+ if (M_AttributeSetInstanceTo_ID == 0)
M_AttributeSetInstanceTo_ID = super.getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID();
return M_AttributeSetInstanceTo_ID;
} // getM_AttributeSetInstanceTo_ID
* Add to Description
* @param description text
- */
- public void addDescription (String description)
- {
- String desc = getDescription();
- if (desc == null)
- setDescription(description);
- else
- setDescription(desc + " | " + description);
- } // addDescription
- /**
- * Get Product
- * @return product or null if not defined
- */
- public MProduct getProduct()
- {
- if (getM_Product_ID() != 0)
+ */
+ public void addDescription (String description)
+ {
+ String desc = getDescription();
+ if (desc == null)
+ setDescription(description);
+ else
+ setDescription(desc + " | " + description);
+ } // addDescription
+ /**
+ * Get Product
+ * @return product or null if not defined
+ */
+ public MProduct getProduct()
+ {
+ if (getM_Product_ID() != 0)
return MProduct.get(getCtx(), getM_Product_ID());
return null;
} // getProduct
- * Set Movement Qty - enforce UOM
+ * Set Movement Qty - enforce UOM
* @param MovementQty qty
public void setMovementQty (BigDecimal MovementQty)
- {
- if (MovementQty != null)
- {
+ {
+ if (MovementQty != null)
+ {
MProduct product = getProduct();
if (product != null)
- int precision = product.getUOMPrecision();
+ int precision = product.getUOMPrecision();
MovementQty = MovementQty.setScale(precision, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
} // setMovementQty
+ /** Parent */
+ private MMovement m_parent = null;
+ /**
+ * get Parent
+ * @return Parent Movement
+ */
+ public MMovement getParent()
+ {
+ if (m_parent == null)
+ m_parent = new MMovement (getCtx(), getM_Movement_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ return m_parent;
+ } // getParent
* Before Save
* @param newRecord new
- * @return true
- */
- protected boolean beforeSave (boolean newRecord)
- {
+ * @return true
+ */
+ protected boolean beforeSave (boolean newRecord)
+ {
// Set Line No
if (getLine() == 0)
- String sql = "SELECT COALESCE(MAX(Line),0)+10 AS DefaultValue FROM M_MovementLine WHERE M_Movement_ID=?";
+ String sql = "SELECT COALESCE(MAX(Line),0)+10 AS DefaultValue FROM C_M_MovementLine WHERE M_Movement_ID=?";
int ii = DB.getSQLValue (get_TrxName(), sql, getM_Movement_ID());
setLine (ii);
if (getM_Locator_ID() == getM_LocatorTo_ID())
log.saveError("Error", Msg.parseTranslation(getCtx(), "@M_Locator_ID@ == @M_LocatorTo_ID@"));
- return false;
- }
- if (getMovementQty().signum() == 0)
- {
- log.saveError("FillMandatory", Msg.getElement(getCtx(), "MovementQty"));
- return false;
- }
- // Qty Precision
- if (newRecord || is_ValueChanged("QtyEntered"))
- setMovementQty(getMovementQty());
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (getMovementQty().signum() == 0)
+ {
+ log.saveError("FillMandatory", Msg.getElement(getCtx(), "MovementQty"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Qty Precision
+ if (newRecord || is_ValueChanged("QtyEntered"))
+ setMovementQty(getMovementQty());
return true;
} // beforeSave
} // MMovementLine
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MNewsItem.java b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MNewsItem.java
index 8f7ea0e6d1..9940732a37 100644
--- a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MNewsItem.java
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MNewsItem.java
@@ -3,135 +3,134 @@
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
- * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
- * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
- * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
- * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
- * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.compiere.model;
-import java.sql.*;
-import java.util.*;
- * News ItemModel
- *
- * @author Yves Sandfort
- * @version $Id$
- */
-public class MNewsItem extends X_CM_NewsItem
- /***
- * Standard Constructor
- *
- * @param ctx context
- * @param CM_NewsItem_ID id
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MNewsItem (Properties ctx, int CM_NewsItem_ID, String trxName)
- {
- super (ctx, CM_NewsItem_ID, trxName);
- } // MNewsItem
- /**
- * Load Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param rs result set
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MNewsItem (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
- {
- super (ctx, rs, trxName);
- } // MNewsItem
- /**
- * getNewsChannel
- * @return NewsChannel
- */
- public MNewsChannel getNewsChannel()
- {
- int[] thisNewsChannel = MNewsChannel.getAllIDs("CM_NewsChannel","CM_NewsChannel_ID=" + this.getCM_NewsChannel_ID(), get_TrxName());
- if (thisNewsChannel!=null)
- {
- if (thisNewsChannel.length==1)
- return new MNewsChannel(getCtx(), thisNewsChannel[0], get_TrxName());
- }
- return null;
- } // getNewsChannel
- /**
- * Get rss2 Item Code
- * @param xmlCode xml
- * @param thisChannel channel
- * @return rss item code
- */
- public StringBuffer get_rss2ItemCode(StringBuffer xmlCode, MNewsChannel thisChannel)
- {
- if (this != null) // never null ??
- {
- xmlCode.append ("- ");
- xmlCode.append ("
"+ this.get_ID() + " ");
- xmlCode.append (" ");
- xmlCode.append (" ");
- xmlCode.append (" ");
- xmlCode.append (" "
- + thisChannel.getLink ()
- + "?CM_NewsItem_ID=" + this.get_ID() + "");
- xmlCode.append (" ");
- xmlCode.append (" "
- + this.getPubDate () + " ");
- xmlCode.append (" ");
- }
- return xmlCode;
- }
- /**
- * After Save.
- * Insert
- * - create / update index
- * @param newRecord insert
- * @param success save success
- * @return true if saved
- */
- protected boolean afterSave (boolean newRecord, boolean success)
- {
- if (!success)
- return success;
- if (!newRecord)
- {
- MIndex.cleanUp(get_TrxName(), getAD_Client_ID(), get_Table_ID(), get_ID());
- }
- reIndex(newRecord);
- return success;
- } // afterSave
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
+ * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
+ * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
+ * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.model;
+import java.sql.*;
+import java.util.*;
+ * News ItemModel
+ *
+ * @author Yves Sandfort
+ * @version $Id$
+ */
+public class MNewsItem extends X_CM_NewsItem
+ /***
+ * Standard Constructor
+ *
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param CM_NewsItem_ID id
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MNewsItem (Properties ctx, int CM_NewsItem_ID, String trxName)
+ {
+ super (ctx, CM_NewsItem_ID, trxName);
+ } // MNewsItem
+ /**
+ * Load Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param rs result set
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MNewsItem (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
+ {
+ super (ctx, rs, trxName);
+ } // MNewsItem
+ /**
+ * getNewsChannel
+ * @return NewsChannel
+ */
+ public MNewsChannel getNewsChannel()
+ {
+ int[] thisNewsChannel = MNewsChannel.getAllIDs("CM_NewsChannel","CM_NewsChannel_ID=" + this.getCM_NewsChannel_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ if (thisNewsChannel!=null)
+ {
+ if (thisNewsChannel.length==1)
+ return new MNewsChannel(getCtx(), thisNewsChannel[0], get_TrxName());
+ }
+ return null;
+ } // getNewsChannel
+ /**
+ * Get rss2 Item Code
+ * @param xmlCode xml
+ * @param thisChannel channel
+ * @return rss item code
+ */
+ public StringBuffer get_rss2ItemCode(StringBuffer xmlCode, MNewsChannel thisChannel)
+ {
+ if (this != null) // never null ??
+ {
+ xmlCode.append ("- ");
+ xmlCode.append ("
"+ this.get_ID() + " ");
+ xmlCode.append (" ");
+ xmlCode.append (" ");
+ xmlCode.append (" ");
+ xmlCode.append (" "
+ + thisChannel.getLink ()
+ + "?CM_NewsItem_ID=" + this.get_ID() + "");
+ xmlCode.append (" ");
+ xmlCode.append (" "
+ + this.getPubDate () + " ");
+ xmlCode.append (" ");
+ }
+ return xmlCode;
+ }
+ /**
+ * After Save.
+ * Insert
+ * - create / update index
+ * @param newRecord insert
+ * @param success save success
+ * @return true if saved
+ */
+ protected boolean afterSave (boolean newRecord, boolean success)
+ {
+ if (!success)
+ return success;
+ if (!newRecord)
+ {
+ MIndex.cleanUp(get_TrxName(), getAD_Client_ID(), get_Table_ID(), get_ID());
+ }
+ reIndex(newRecord);
+ return success;
+ } // afterSave
* reIndex
* @param newRecord
- * @throws SQLException
public void reIndex(boolean newRecord)
- int CMWebProjectID = 0;
- if (getNewsChannel()!=null)
- CMWebProjectID = getNewsChannel().getCM_WebProject_ID();
- String [] toBeIndexed = new String[4];
- toBeIndexed[0] = this.getAuthor();
- toBeIndexed[1] = this.getDescription();
- toBeIndexed[2] = this.getTitle();
- toBeIndexed[3] = this.getContentHTML();
- MIndex.reIndex (newRecord, toBeIndexed, getCtx(), getAD_Client_ID(), get_Table_ID(), get_ID(), CMWebProjectID, this.getUpdated());
- } // reIndex
+ int CMWebProjectID = 0;
+ if (getNewsChannel()!=null)
+ CMWebProjectID = getNewsChannel().getCM_WebProject_ID();
+ String [] toBeIndexed = new String[4];
+ toBeIndexed[0] = this.getAuthor();
+ toBeIndexed[1] = this.getDescription();
+ toBeIndexed[2] = this.getTitle();
+ toBeIndexed[3] = this.getContentHTML();
+ MIndex.reIndex (newRecord, toBeIndexed, getCtx(), getAD_Client_ID(), get_Table_ID(), get_ID(), CMWebProjectID, this.getUpdated());
+ } // reIndex
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MOrderLine.java b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MOrderLine.java
index b4d65b7239..bfd45a7013 100644
--- a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MOrderLine.java
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MOrderLine.java
@@ -3,934 +3,937 @@
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
- * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
- * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
- * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
- * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
- * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.compiere.model;
-import java.math.*;
-import java.sql.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.util.logging.*;
-import org.compiere.util.*;
- * Order Line Model.
- *
- * MOrderLine ol = new MOrderLine(m_order);
- ol.setM_Product_ID(wbl.getM_Product_ID());
- ol.setQtyOrdered(wbl.getQuantity());
- ol.setPrice();
- ol.setPriceActual(wbl.getPrice());
- ol.setTax();
- ol.save();
- *
- * @author Jorg Janke
- * @version $Id: MOrderLine.java,v 1.6 2006/10/02 05:18:39 jjanke Exp $
- */
-public class MOrderLine extends X_C_OrderLine
- /**
- * Get Order Unreserved Qty
- * @param ctx context
- * @param M_Warehouse_ID wh
- * @param M_Product_ID product
- * @param M_AttributeSetInstance_ID asi
- * @param excludeC_OrderLine_ID exclude C_OrderLine_ID
- * @return Unreserved Qty
- */
- public static BigDecimal getNotReserved (Properties ctx, int M_Warehouse_ID,
- int M_Product_ID, int M_AttributeSetInstance_ID, int excludeC_OrderLine_ID)
- {
- BigDecimal retValue = Env.ZERO;
- String sql = "SELECT SUM(QtyOrdered-QtyDelivered-QtyReserved) "
- + "FROM C_OrderLine ol"
- + " INNER JOIN C_Order o ON (ol.C_Order_ID=o.C_Order_ID) "
- + "WHERE ol.M_Warehouse_ID=?" // #1
- + " AND M_Product_ID=?" // #2
- + " AND o.IsSOTrx='Y' AND o.DocStatus='DR'"
- + " AND QtyOrdered-QtyDelivered-QtyReserved<>0"
- + " AND ol.C_OrderLine_ID<>?";
- if (M_AttributeSetInstance_ID != 0)
- sql += " AND M_AttributeSetInstance_ID=?";
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, null);
- pstmt.setInt (1, M_Warehouse_ID);
- pstmt.setInt (2, M_Product_ID);
- pstmt.setInt (3, excludeC_OrderLine_ID);
- if (M_AttributeSetInstance_ID != 0)
- pstmt.setInt (4, M_AttributeSetInstance_ID);
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
- if (rs.next ())
- retValue = rs.getBigDecimal(1);
- rs.close ();
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- s_log.log (Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- try
- {
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- }
- if (retValue == null)
- s_log.fine("-");
- else
- s_log.fine(retValue.toString());
- return retValue;
- } // getNotReserved
- /** Logger */
- private static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger (MOrderLine.class);
- /**************************************************************************
- * Default Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param C_OrderLine_ID order line to load
- * @param trxName trx name
- */
- public MOrderLine (Properties ctx, int C_OrderLine_ID, String trxName)
- {
- super (ctx, C_OrderLine_ID, trxName);
- if (C_OrderLine_ID == 0)
- {
- // setC_Order_ID (0);
- // setLine (0);
- // setM_Warehouse_ID (0); // @M_Warehouse_ID@
- // setC_BPartner_ID(0);
- // setC_BPartner_Location_ID (0); // @C_BPartner_Location_ID@
- // setC_Currency_ID (0); // @C_Currency_ID@
- // setDateOrdered (new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); // @DateOrdered@
- //
- // setC_Tax_ID (0);
- // setC_UOM_ID (0);
- //
- setFreightAmt (Env.ZERO);
- setLineNetAmt (Env.ZERO);
- //
- setPriceEntered(Env.ZERO);
- setPriceActual (Env.ZERO);
- setPriceLimit (Env.ZERO);
- setPriceList (Env.ZERO);
- //
- setM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(0);
- //
- setQtyEntered (Env.ZERO);
- setQtyOrdered (Env.ZERO); // 1
- setQtyDelivered (Env.ZERO);
- setQtyInvoiced (Env.ZERO);
- setQtyReserved (Env.ZERO);
- //
- setIsDescription (false); // N
- setProcessed (false);
- setLine (0);
- }
- } // MOrderLine
- /**
- * Parent Constructor.
- ol.setM_Product_ID(wbl.getM_Product_ID());
- ol.setQtyOrdered(wbl.getQuantity());
- ol.setPrice();
- ol.setPriceActual(wbl.getPrice());
- ol.setTax();
- ol.save();
- * @param order parent order
- */
- public MOrderLine (MOrder order)
- {
- this (order.getCtx(), 0, order.get_TrxName());
- if (order.get_ID() == 0)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Header not saved");
- setC_Order_ID (order.getC_Order_ID()); // parent
- setOrder(order);
- } // MOrderLine
- /**
- * Load Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param rs result set record
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MOrderLine (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
- {
- super(ctx, rs, trxName);
- } // MOrderLine
- private int m_M_PriceList_ID = 0;
- //
- private boolean m_IsSOTrx = true;
- // Product Pricing
- private MProductPricing m_productPrice = null;
- /** Cached Currency Precision */
- private Integer m_precision = null;
- /** Product */
- private MProduct m_product = null;
- /** Parent */
- private MOrder m_parent = null;
- /**
- * Set Defaults from Order.
- * Does not set Parent !!
- * @param order order
- */
- public void setOrder (MOrder order)
- {
- setClientOrg(order);
- setC_BPartner_ID(order.getC_BPartner_ID());
- setC_BPartner_Location_ID(order.getC_BPartner_Location_ID());
- setM_Warehouse_ID(order.getM_Warehouse_ID());
- setDateOrdered(order.getDateOrdered());
- setDatePromised(order.getDatePromised());
- setC_Currency_ID(order.getC_Currency_ID());
- //
- setHeaderInfo(order); // sets m_order
- // Don't set Activity, etc as they are overwrites
- } // setOrder
- /**
- * Set Header Info
- * @param order order
- */
- public void setHeaderInfo (MOrder order)
- {
- m_parent = order;
- m_precision = new Integer(order.getPrecision());
- m_M_PriceList_ID = order.getM_PriceList_ID();
- m_IsSOTrx = order.isSOTrx();
- } // setHeaderInfo
- /**
- * Get Parent
- * @return parent
- */
- public MOrder getParent()
- {
- if (m_parent == null)
- m_parent = new MOrder(getCtx(), getC_Order_ID(), get_TrxName());
- return m_parent;
- } // getParent
- /**
- * Set Price Entered/Actual.
- * Use this Method if the Line UOM is the Product UOM
- * @param PriceActual price
- */
- public void setPrice (BigDecimal PriceActual)
- {
- setPriceEntered(PriceActual);
- setPriceActual (PriceActual);
- } // setPrice
- /**
- * Set Price Actual.
- * (actual price is not updateable)
- * @param PriceActual actual price
- */
- public void setPriceActual (BigDecimal PriceActual)
- {
- if (PriceActual == null)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException ("PriceActual is mandatory");
- set_ValueNoCheck("PriceActual", PriceActual);
- } // setPriceActual
- /**
- * Set Price for Product and PriceList.
- * Use only if newly created.
- * Uses standard price list of not set by order constructor
- */
- public void setPrice()
- {
- if (getM_Product_ID() == 0)
- return;
- if (m_M_PriceList_ID == 0)
- throw new IllegalStateException("PriceList unknown!");
- setPrice (m_M_PriceList_ID);
- } // setPrice
- /**
- * Set Price for Product and PriceList
- * @param M_PriceList_ID price list
- */
- public void setPrice (int M_PriceList_ID)
- {
- if (getM_Product_ID() == 0)
- return;
- //
- log.fine(toString() + " - M_PriceList_ID=" + M_PriceList_ID);
- getProductPricing (M_PriceList_ID);
- setPriceActual (m_productPrice.getPriceStd());
- setPriceList (m_productPrice.getPriceList());
- setPriceLimit (m_productPrice.getPriceLimit());
- //
- if (getQtyEntered().compareTo(getQtyOrdered()) == 0)
- setPriceEntered(getPriceActual());
- else
- setPriceEntered(getPriceActual().multiply(getQtyOrdered()
- .divide(getQtyEntered(), 12, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP))); // recision
- // Calculate Discount
- setDiscount(m_productPrice.getDiscount());
- // Set UOM
- setC_UOM_ID(m_productPrice.getC_UOM_ID());
- } // setPrice
- /**
- * Get and calculate Product Pricing
- * @param M_PriceList_ID id
- * @return product pricing
- */
- private MProductPricing getProductPricing (int M_PriceList_ID)
- {
- m_productPrice = new MProductPricing (getM_Product_ID(),
- getC_BPartner_ID(), getQtyOrdered(), m_IsSOTrx);
- m_productPrice.setM_PriceList_ID(M_PriceList_ID);
- m_productPrice.setPriceDate(getDateOrdered());
- //
- m_productPrice.calculatePrice();
- return m_productPrice;
- } // getProductPrice
- /**
- * Set Tax
- * @return true if tax is set
- */
- public boolean setTax()
- {
- int ii = Tax.get(getCtx(), getM_Product_ID(), getC_Charge_ID(), getDateOrdered(), getDateOrdered(),
- getAD_Org_ID(), getM_Warehouse_ID(),
- getC_BPartner_Location_ID(), // should be bill to
- getC_BPartner_Location_ID(), m_IsSOTrx);
- if (ii == 0)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "No Tax found");
- return false;
- }
- setC_Tax_ID (ii);
- return true;
- } // setTax
- /**
- * Calculate Extended Amt.
- * May or may not include tax
- */
- public void setLineNetAmt ()
- {
- BigDecimal bd = getPriceActual().multiply(getQtyOrdered());
- if (bd.scale() > getPrecision())
- bd = bd.setScale(getPrecision(), BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
- super.setLineNetAmt (bd);
- } // setLineNetAmt
- /**
- * Get Currency Precision from Currency
- * @return precision
- */
- public int getPrecision()
- {
- if (m_precision != null)
- return m_precision.intValue();
- //
- if (getC_Currency_ID() == 0)
- {
- setOrder (getParent());
- if (m_precision != null)
- return m_precision.intValue();
- }
- if (getC_Currency_ID() != 0)
- {
- MCurrency cur = MCurrency.get(getCtx(), getC_Currency_ID());
- if (cur.get_ID() != 0)
- {
- m_precision = new Integer (cur.getStdPrecision());
- return m_precision.intValue();
- }
- }
- // Fallback
- String sql = "SELECT c.StdPrecision "
- + "FROM C_Currency c INNER JOIN C_Order x ON (x.C_Currency_ID=c.C_Currency_ID) "
- + "WHERE x.C_Order_ID=?";
- int i = DB.getSQLValue(get_TrxName(), sql, getC_Order_ID());
- m_precision = new Integer(i);
- return m_precision.intValue();
- } // getPrecision
- /**
- * Set Product
- * @param product product
- */
- public void setProduct (MProduct product)
- {
- m_product = product;
- if (m_product != null)
- {
- setM_Product_ID(m_product.getM_Product_ID());
- setC_UOM_ID (m_product.getC_UOM_ID());
- }
- else
- {
- setM_Product_ID(0);
- set_ValueNoCheck ("C_UOM_ID", null);
- }
- setM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(0);
- } // setProduct
- /**
- * Set M_Product_ID
- * @param M_Product_ID product
- * @param setUOM set also UOM
- */
- public void setM_Product_ID (int M_Product_ID, boolean setUOM)
- {
- if (setUOM)
- setProduct(MProduct.get(getCtx(), M_Product_ID));
- else
- super.setM_Product_ID (M_Product_ID);
- setM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(0);
- } // setM_Product_ID
- /**
- * Set Product and UOM
- * @param M_Product_ID product
- * @param C_UOM_ID uom
- */
- public void setM_Product_ID (int M_Product_ID, int C_UOM_ID)
- {
- super.setM_Product_ID (M_Product_ID);
- if (C_UOM_ID != 0)
- super.setC_UOM_ID(C_UOM_ID);
- setM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(0);
- } // setM_Product_ID
- /**
- * Get Product
- * @return product or null
- */
- public MProduct getProduct()
- {
- if (m_product == null && getM_Product_ID() != 0)
- m_product = MProduct.get (getCtx(), getM_Product_ID());
- return m_product;
- } // getProduct
- /**
- * Set M_AttributeSetInstance_ID
- * @param M_AttributeSetInstance_ID id
- */
- public void setM_AttributeSetInstance_ID (int M_AttributeSetInstance_ID)
- {
- if (M_AttributeSetInstance_ID == 0) // 0 is valid ID
- set_Value("M_AttributeSetInstance_ID", new Integer(0));
- else
- super.setM_AttributeSetInstance_ID (M_AttributeSetInstance_ID);
- } // setM_AttributeSetInstance_ID
- /**
- * Set Warehouse
- * @param M_Warehouse_ID warehouse
- */
- public void setM_Warehouse_ID (int M_Warehouse_ID)
- {
- if (getM_Warehouse_ID() > 0
- && getM_Warehouse_ID() != M_Warehouse_ID
- && !canChangeWarehouse())
- log.severe("Ignored - Already Delivered/Invoiced/Reserved");
- else
- super.setM_Warehouse_ID (M_Warehouse_ID);
- } // setM_Warehouse_ID
- /**
- * Can Change Warehouse
- * @return true if warehouse can be changed
- */
- public boolean canChangeWarehouse()
- {
- if (getQtyDelivered().signum() != 0)
- {
- log.saveError("Error", Msg.translate(getCtx(), "QtyDelivered") + "=" + getQtyDelivered());
- return false;
- }
- if (getQtyInvoiced().signum() != 0)
- {
- log.saveError("Error", Msg.translate(getCtx(), "QtyInvoiced") + "=" + getQtyInvoiced());
- return false;
- }
- if (getQtyReserved().signum() != 0)
- {
- log.saveError("Error", Msg.translate(getCtx(), "QtyReserved") + "=" + getQtyReserved());
- return false;
- }
- // We can change
- return true;
- } // canChangeWarehouse
- /**
- * Get C_Project_ID
- * @return project
- */
- public int getC_Project_ID()
- {
- int ii = super.getC_Project_ID ();
- if (ii == 0)
- ii = getParent().getC_Project_ID();
- return ii;
- } // getC_Project_ID
- /**
- * Get C_Activity_ID
- * @return Activity
- */
- public int getC_Activity_ID()
- {
- int ii = super.getC_Activity_ID ();
- if (ii == 0)
- ii = getParent().getC_Activity_ID();
- return ii;
- } // getC_Activity_ID
- /**
- * Get C_Campaign_ID
- * @return Campaign
- */
- public int getC_Campaign_ID()
- {
- int ii = super.getC_Campaign_ID ();
- if (ii == 0)
- ii = getParent().getC_Campaign_ID();
- return ii;
- } // getC_Campaign_ID
- /**
- * Get User2_ID
- * @return User2
- */
- public int getUser1_ID ()
- {
- int ii = super.getUser1_ID ();
- if (ii == 0)
- ii = getParent().getUser1_ID();
- return ii;
- } // getUser1_ID
- /**
- * Get User2_ID
- * @return User2
- */
- public int getUser2_ID ()
- {
- int ii = super.getUser2_ID ();
- if (ii == 0)
- ii = getParent().getUser2_ID();
- return ii;
- } // getUser2_ID
- /**
- * Get AD_OrgTrx_ID
- * @return trx org
- */
- public int getAD_OrgTrx_ID()
- {
- int ii = super.getAD_OrgTrx_ID();
- if (ii == 0)
- ii = getParent().getAD_OrgTrx_ID();
- return ii;
- } // getAD_OrgTrx_ID
- /**************************************************************************
- * String Representation
- * @return info
- */
- public String toString ()
- {
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ("MOrderLine[")
- .append(get_ID()).append(",Line=").append(getLine())
- .append(",Ordered=").append(getQtyOrdered())
- .append(",Delivered=").append(getQtyDelivered())
- .append(",Invoiced=").append(getQtyInvoiced())
- .append(",Reserved=").append(getQtyReserved())
- .append(", LineNet=").append(getLineNetAmt())
- .append ("]");
- return sb.toString ();
- } // toString
- /**
- * Add to Description
- * @param description text
- */
- public void addDescription (String description)
- {
- String desc = getDescription();
- if (desc == null)
- setDescription(description);
- else
- setDescription(desc + " | " + description);
- } // addDescription
- /**
- * Get Description Text.
- * For jsp access (vs. isDescription)
- * @return description
- */
- public String getDescriptionText()
- {
- return super.getDescription();
- } // getDescriptionText
- /**
- * Get Name
- * @return get the name of the line (from Product)
- */
- public String getName()
- {
- getProduct();
- if (m_product != null)
- return m_product.getName();
- if (getC_Charge_ID() != 0)
- {
- MCharge charge = MCharge.get(getCtx(), getC_Charge_ID());
- return charge.getName();
- }
- return "";
- } // getName
- /**
- * Set C_Charge_ID
- * @param C_Charge_ID charge
- */
- public void setC_Charge_ID (int C_Charge_ID)
- {
- super.setC_Charge_ID (C_Charge_ID);
- if (C_Charge_ID > 0)
- set_ValueNoCheck ("C_UOM_ID", null);
- } // setC_Charge_ID
- /**
- * Set Discount
- */
- public void setDiscount()
- {
- BigDecimal list = getPriceList();
- // No List Price
- if (Env.ZERO.compareTo(list) == 0)
- return;
- BigDecimal discount = list.subtract(getPriceActual())
- .multiply(new BigDecimal(100))
- .divide(list, getPrecision(), BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
- setDiscount(discount);
- } // setDiscount
- /**
- * Is Tax Included in Amount
- * @return true if tax calculated
- */
- public boolean isTaxIncluded()
- {
- if (m_M_PriceList_ID == 0)
- {
- m_M_PriceList_ID = DB.getSQLValue(get_TrxName(),
- "SELECT M_PriceList_ID FROM C_Order WHERE C_Order_ID=?",
- getC_Order_ID());
- }
- MPriceList pl = MPriceList.get(getCtx(), m_M_PriceList_ID, get_TrxName());
- return pl.isTaxIncluded();
- } // isTaxIncluded
- /**
- * Set Qty Entered/Ordered.
- * Use this Method if the Line UOM is the Product UOM
- * @param Qty QtyOrdered/Entered
- */
- public void setQty (BigDecimal Qty)
- {
- super.setQtyEntered (Qty);
- super.setQtyOrdered (getQtyEntered());
- } // setQty
- /**
- * Set Qty Entered - enforce entered UOM
- * @param QtyEntered
- */
- public void setQtyEntered (BigDecimal QtyEntered)
- {
- if (QtyEntered != null && getC_UOM_ID() != 0)
- {
- int precision = MUOM.getPrecision(getCtx(), getC_UOM_ID());
- QtyEntered = QtyEntered.setScale(precision, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
- }
- super.setQtyEntered (QtyEntered);
- } // setQtyEntered
- /**
- * Set Qty Ordered - enforce Product UOM
- * @param QtyOrdered
- */
- public void setQtyOrdered (BigDecimal QtyOrdered)
- {
- MProduct product = getProduct();
- if (QtyOrdered != null && product != null)
- {
- int precision = product.getUOMPrecision();
- QtyOrdered = QtyOrdered.setScale(precision, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
- }
- super.setQtyOrdered(QtyOrdered);
- } // setQtyOrdered
- /**************************************************************************
- * Before Save
- * @param newRecord
- * @return true if it can be sabed
- */
- protected boolean beforeSave (boolean newRecord)
- {
- // Get Defaults from Parent
- if (getC_BPartner_ID() == 0 || getC_BPartner_Location_ID() == 0
- || getM_Warehouse_ID() == 0
- || getC_Currency_ID() == 0)
- setOrder (getParent());
- if (m_M_PriceList_ID == 0)
- setHeaderInfo(getParent());
- // R/O Check - Product/Warehouse Change
- if (!newRecord
- && (is_ValueChanged("M_Product_ID") || is_ValueChanged("M_Warehouse_ID")))
- {
- if (!canChangeWarehouse())
- return false;
- } // Product Changed
- // Charge
- if (getC_Charge_ID() != 0 && getM_Product_ID() != 0)
- setM_Product_ID(0);
- // No Product
- if (getM_Product_ID() == 0)
- setM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(0);
- // Product
- else // Set/check Product Price
- {
- // Set Price if Actual = 0
- if (m_productPrice == null
- && Env.ZERO.compareTo(getPriceActual()) == 0
- && Env.ZERO.compareTo(getPriceList()) == 0)
- setPrice();
- // Check if on Price list
- if (m_productPrice == null)
- getProductPricing(m_M_PriceList_ID);
- if (!m_productPrice.isCalculated())
- {
- log.saveError("Error", Msg.getMsg(getCtx(), "ProductNotOnPriceList"));
- return false;
- }
- }
- // UOM
- if (getC_UOM_ID() == 0
- && (getM_Product_ID() != 0
- || getPriceEntered().compareTo(Env.ZERO) != 0
- || getC_Charge_ID() != 0))
- {
- int C_UOM_ID = MUOM.getDefault_UOM_ID(getCtx());
- if (C_UOM_ID > 0)
- setC_UOM_ID (C_UOM_ID);
- }
- // Qty Precision
- if (newRecord || is_ValueChanged("QtyEntered"))
- setQtyEntered(getQtyEntered());
- if (newRecord || is_ValueChanged("QtyOrdered"))
- setQtyOrdered(getQtyOrdered());
- // Qty on instance ASI for SO
- if (m_IsSOTrx
- && getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() != 0
- && (newRecord || is_ValueChanged("M_Product_ID")
- || is_ValueChanged("M_AttributeSetInstance_ID")
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
+ * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
+ * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
+ * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.model;
+import java.math.*;
+import java.sql.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.logging.*;
+import org.compiere.util.*;
+ * Order Line Model.
+ *
+ * MOrderLine ol = new MOrderLine(m_order);
+ ol.setM_Product_ID(wbl.getM_Product_ID());
+ ol.setQtyOrdered(wbl.getQuantity());
+ ol.setPrice();
+ ol.setPriceActual(wbl.getPrice());
+ ol.setTax();
+ ol.save();
+ *
+ * @author Jorg Janke
+ * @version $Id: MOrderLine.java,v 1.6 2006/10/02 05:18:39 jjanke Exp $
+ */
+public class MOrderLine extends X_C_OrderLine
+ /**
+ * Get Order Unreserved Qty
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param M_Warehouse_ID wh
+ * @param M_Product_ID product
+ * @param M_AttributeSetInstance_ID asi
+ * @param excludeC_OrderLine_ID exclude C_OrderLine_ID
+ * @return Unreserved Qty
+ */
+ public static BigDecimal getNotReserved (Properties ctx, int M_Warehouse_ID,
+ int M_Product_ID, int M_AttributeSetInstance_ID, int excludeC_OrderLine_ID)
+ {
+ BigDecimal retValue = Env.ZERO;
+ String sql = "SELECT SUM(QtyOrdered-QtyDelivered-QtyReserved) "
+ + "FROM C_OrderLine ol"
+ + " INNER JOIN C_Order o ON (ol.C_Order_ID=o.C_Order_ID) "
+ + "WHERE ol.M_Warehouse_ID=?" // #1
+ + " AND M_Product_ID=?" // #2
+ + " AND o.IsSOTrx='Y' AND o.DocStatus='DR'"
+ + " AND QtyOrdered-QtyDelivered-QtyReserved<>0"
+ + " AND ol.C_OrderLine_ID<>?";
+ if (M_AttributeSetInstance_ID != 0)
+ sql += " AND M_AttributeSetInstance_ID=?";
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, null);
+ pstmt.setInt (1, M_Warehouse_ID);
+ pstmt.setInt (2, M_Product_ID);
+ pstmt.setInt (3, excludeC_OrderLine_ID);
+ if (M_AttributeSetInstance_ID != 0)
+ pstmt.setInt (4, M_AttributeSetInstance_ID);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
+ if (rs.next ())
+ retValue = rs.getBigDecimal(1);
+ rs.close ();
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ s_log.log (Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ if (retValue == null)
+ s_log.fine("-");
+ else
+ s_log.fine(retValue.toString());
+ return retValue;
+ } // getNotReserved
+ /** Logger */
+ private static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger (MOrderLine.class);
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Default Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param C_OrderLine_ID order line to load
+ * @param trxName trx name
+ */
+ public MOrderLine (Properties ctx, int C_OrderLine_ID, String trxName)
+ {
+ super (ctx, C_OrderLine_ID, trxName);
+ if (C_OrderLine_ID == 0)
+ {
+ // setC_Order_ID (0);
+ // setLine (0);
+ // setM_Warehouse_ID (0); // @M_Warehouse_ID@
+ // setC_BPartner_ID(0);
+ // setC_BPartner_Location_ID (0); // @C_BPartner_Location_ID@
+ // setC_Currency_ID (0); // @C_Currency_ID@
+ // setDateOrdered (new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); // @DateOrdered@
+ //
+ // setC_Tax_ID (0);
+ // setC_UOM_ID (0);
+ //
+ setFreightAmt (Env.ZERO);
+ setLineNetAmt (Env.ZERO);
+ //
+ setPriceEntered(Env.ZERO);
+ setPriceActual (Env.ZERO);
+ setPriceLimit (Env.ZERO);
+ setPriceList (Env.ZERO);
+ //
+ setM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(0);
+ //
+ setQtyEntered (Env.ZERO);
+ setQtyOrdered (Env.ZERO); // 1
+ setQtyDelivered (Env.ZERO);
+ setQtyInvoiced (Env.ZERO);
+ setQtyReserved (Env.ZERO);
+ //
+ setIsDescription (false); // N
+ setProcessed (false);
+ setLine (0);
+ }
+ } // MOrderLine
+ /**
+ * Parent Constructor.
+ ol.setM_Product_ID(wbl.getM_Product_ID());
+ ol.setQtyOrdered(wbl.getQuantity());
+ ol.setPrice();
+ ol.setPriceActual(wbl.getPrice());
+ ol.setTax();
+ ol.save();
+ * @param order parent order
+ */
+ public MOrderLine (MOrder order)
+ {
+ this (order.getCtx(), 0, order.get_TrxName());
+ if (order.get_ID() == 0)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Header not saved");
+ setC_Order_ID (order.getC_Order_ID()); // parent
+ setOrder(order);
+ } // MOrderLine
+ /**
+ * Load Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param rs result set record
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MOrderLine (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
+ {
+ super(ctx, rs, trxName);
+ } // MOrderLine
+ private int m_M_PriceList_ID = 0;
+ //
+ private boolean m_IsSOTrx = true;
+ // Product Pricing
+ private MProductPricing m_productPrice = null;
+ /** Cached Currency Precision */
+ private Integer m_precision = null;
+ /** Product */
+ private MProduct m_product = null;
+ /** Parent */
+ private MOrder m_parent = null;
+ /**
+ * Set Defaults from Order.
+ * Does not set Parent !!
+ * @param order order
+ */
+ public void setOrder (MOrder order)
+ {
+ setClientOrg(order);
+ setC_BPartner_ID(order.getC_BPartner_ID());
+ setC_BPartner_Location_ID(order.getC_BPartner_Location_ID());
+ setM_Warehouse_ID(order.getM_Warehouse_ID());
+ setDateOrdered(order.getDateOrdered());
+ setDatePromised(order.getDatePromised());
+ setC_Currency_ID(order.getC_Currency_ID());
+ //
+ setHeaderInfo(order); // sets m_order
+ // Don't set Activity, etc as they are overwrites
+ } // setOrder
+ /**
+ * Set Header Info
+ * @param order order
+ */
+ public void setHeaderInfo (MOrder order)
+ {
+ m_parent = order;
+ m_precision = new Integer(order.getPrecision());
+ m_M_PriceList_ID = order.getM_PriceList_ID();
+ m_IsSOTrx = order.isSOTrx();
+ } // setHeaderInfo
+ /**
+ * Get Parent
+ * @return parent
+ */
+ public MOrder getParent()
+ {
+ if (m_parent == null)
+ m_parent = new MOrder(getCtx(), getC_Order_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ return m_parent;
+ } // getParent
+ /**
+ * Set Price Entered/Actual.
+ * Use this Method if the Line UOM is the Product UOM
+ * @param PriceActual price
+ */
+ public void setPrice (BigDecimal PriceActual)
+ {
+ setPriceEntered(PriceActual);
+ setPriceActual (PriceActual);
+ } // setPrice
+ /**
+ * Set Price Actual.
+ * (actual price is not updateable)
+ * @param PriceActual actual price
+ */
+ public void setPriceActual (BigDecimal PriceActual)
+ {
+ if (PriceActual == null)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException ("PriceActual is mandatory");
+ set_ValueNoCheck("PriceActual", PriceActual);
+ } // setPriceActual
+ /**
+ * Set Price for Product and PriceList.
+ * Use only if newly created.
+ * Uses standard price list of not set by order constructor
+ */
+ public void setPrice()
+ {
+ if (getM_Product_ID() == 0)
+ return;
+ if (m_M_PriceList_ID == 0)
+ throw new IllegalStateException("PriceList unknown!");
+ setPrice (m_M_PriceList_ID);
+ } // setPrice
+ /**
+ * Set Price for Product and PriceList
+ * @param M_PriceList_ID price list
+ */
+ public void setPrice (int M_PriceList_ID)
+ {
+ if (getM_Product_ID() == 0)
+ return;
+ //
+ log.fine(toString() + " - M_PriceList_ID=" + M_PriceList_ID);
+ getProductPricing (M_PriceList_ID);
+ setPriceActual (m_productPrice.getPriceStd());
+ setPriceList (m_productPrice.getPriceList());
+ setPriceLimit (m_productPrice.getPriceLimit());
+ //
+ if (getQtyEntered().compareTo(getQtyOrdered()) == 0)
+ setPriceEntered(getPriceActual());
+ else
+ setPriceEntered(getPriceActual().multiply(getQtyOrdered()
+ .divide(getQtyEntered(), 12, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP))); // recision
+ // Calculate Discount
+ setDiscount(m_productPrice.getDiscount());
+ // Set UOM
+ setC_UOM_ID(m_productPrice.getC_UOM_ID());
+ } // setPrice
+ /**
+ * Get and calculate Product Pricing
+ * @param M_PriceList_ID id
+ * @return product pricing
+ */
+ private MProductPricing getProductPricing (int M_PriceList_ID)
+ {
+ m_productPrice = new MProductPricing (getM_Product_ID(),
+ getC_BPartner_ID(), getQtyOrdered(), m_IsSOTrx);
+ m_productPrice.setM_PriceList_ID(M_PriceList_ID);
+ m_productPrice.setPriceDate(getDateOrdered());
+ //
+ m_productPrice.calculatePrice();
+ return m_productPrice;
+ } // getProductPrice
+ /**
+ * Set Tax
+ * @return true if tax is set
+ */
+ public boolean setTax()
+ {
+ int ii = Tax.get(getCtx(), getM_Product_ID(), getC_Charge_ID(), getDateOrdered(), getDateOrdered(),
+ getAD_Org_ID(), getM_Warehouse_ID(),
+ getC_BPartner_Location_ID(), // should be bill to
+ getC_BPartner_Location_ID(), m_IsSOTrx);
+ if (ii == 0)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "No Tax found");
+ return false;
+ }
+ setC_Tax_ID (ii);
+ return true;
+ } // setTax
+ /**
+ * Calculate Extended Amt.
+ * May or may not include tax
+ */
+ public void setLineNetAmt ()
+ {
+ BigDecimal bd = getPriceActual().multiply(getQtyOrdered());
+ if (bd.scale() > getPrecision())
+ bd = bd.setScale(getPrecision(), BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
+ super.setLineNetAmt (bd);
+ } // setLineNetAmt
+ /**
+ * Get Currency Precision from Currency
+ * @return precision
+ */
+ public int getPrecision()
+ {
+ if (m_precision != null)
+ return m_precision.intValue();
+ //
+ if (getC_Currency_ID() == 0)
+ {
+ setOrder (getParent());
+ if (m_precision != null)
+ return m_precision.intValue();
+ }
+ if (getC_Currency_ID() != 0)
+ {
+ MCurrency cur = MCurrency.get(getCtx(), getC_Currency_ID());
+ if (cur.get_ID() != 0)
+ {
+ m_precision = new Integer (cur.getStdPrecision());
+ return m_precision.intValue();
+ }
+ }
+ // Fallback
+ String sql = "SELECT c.StdPrecision "
+ + "FROM C_Currency c INNER JOIN C_Order x ON (x.C_Currency_ID=c.C_Currency_ID) "
+ + "WHERE x.C_Order_ID=?";
+ int i = DB.getSQLValue(get_TrxName(), sql, getC_Order_ID());
+ m_precision = new Integer(i);
+ return m_precision.intValue();
+ } // getPrecision
+ /**
+ * Set Product
+ * @param product product
+ */
+ public void setProduct (MProduct product)
+ {
+ m_product = product;
+ if (m_product != null)
+ {
+ setM_Product_ID(m_product.getM_Product_ID());
+ setC_UOM_ID (m_product.getC_UOM_ID());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ setM_Product_ID(0);
+ set_ValueNoCheck ("C_UOM_ID", null);
+ }
+ setM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(0);
+ } // setProduct
+ /**
+ * Set M_Product_ID
+ * @param M_Product_ID product
+ * @param setUOM set also UOM
+ */
+ public void setM_Product_ID (int M_Product_ID, boolean setUOM)
+ {
+ if (setUOM)
+ setProduct(MProduct.get(getCtx(), M_Product_ID));
+ else
+ super.setM_Product_ID (M_Product_ID);
+ setM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(0);
+ } // setM_Product_ID
+ /**
+ * Set Product and UOM
+ * @param M_Product_ID product
+ * @param C_UOM_ID uom
+ */
+ public void setM_Product_ID (int M_Product_ID, int C_UOM_ID)
+ {
+ super.setM_Product_ID (M_Product_ID);
+ if (C_UOM_ID != 0)
+ super.setC_UOM_ID(C_UOM_ID);
+ setM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(0);
+ } // setM_Product_ID
+ /**
+ * Get Product
+ * @return product or null
+ */
+ public MProduct getProduct()
+ {
+ if (m_product == null && getM_Product_ID() != 0)
+ m_product = MProduct.get (getCtx(), getM_Product_ID());
+ return m_product;
+ } // getProduct
+ /**
+ * Set M_AttributeSetInstance_ID
+ * @param M_AttributeSetInstance_ID id
+ */
+ public void setM_AttributeSetInstance_ID (int M_AttributeSetInstance_ID)
+ {
+ if (M_AttributeSetInstance_ID == 0) // 0 is valid ID
+ set_Value("M_AttributeSetInstance_ID", new Integer(0));
+ else
+ super.setM_AttributeSetInstance_ID (M_AttributeSetInstance_ID);
+ } // setM_AttributeSetInstance_ID
+ /**
+ * Set Warehouse
+ * @param M_Warehouse_ID warehouse
+ */
+ public void setM_Warehouse_ID (int M_Warehouse_ID)
+ {
+ if (getM_Warehouse_ID() > 0
+ && getM_Warehouse_ID() != M_Warehouse_ID
+ && !canChangeWarehouse())
+ log.severe("Ignored - Already Delivered/Invoiced/Reserved");
+ else
+ super.setM_Warehouse_ID (M_Warehouse_ID);
+ } // setM_Warehouse_ID
+ /**
+ * Can Change Warehouse
+ * @return true if warehouse can be changed
+ */
+ public boolean canChangeWarehouse()
+ {
+ if (getQtyDelivered().signum() != 0)
+ {
+ log.saveError("Error", Msg.translate(getCtx(), "QtyDelivered") + "=" + getQtyDelivered());
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (getQtyInvoiced().signum() != 0)
+ {
+ log.saveError("Error", Msg.translate(getCtx(), "QtyInvoiced") + "=" + getQtyInvoiced());
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (getQtyReserved().signum() != 0)
+ {
+ log.saveError("Error", Msg.translate(getCtx(), "QtyReserved") + "=" + getQtyReserved());
+ return false;
+ }
+ // We can change
+ return true;
+ } // canChangeWarehouse
+ /**
+ * Get C_Project_ID
+ * @return project
+ */
+ public int getC_Project_ID()
+ {
+ int ii = super.getC_Project_ID ();
+ if (ii == 0)
+ ii = getParent().getC_Project_ID();
+ return ii;
+ } // getC_Project_ID
+ /**
+ * Get C_Activity_ID
+ * @return Activity
+ */
+ public int getC_Activity_ID()
+ {
+ int ii = super.getC_Activity_ID ();
+ if (ii == 0)
+ ii = getParent().getC_Activity_ID();
+ return ii;
+ } // getC_Activity_ID
+ /**
+ * Get C_Campaign_ID
+ * @return Campaign
+ */
+ public int getC_Campaign_ID()
+ {
+ int ii = super.getC_Campaign_ID ();
+ if (ii == 0)
+ ii = getParent().getC_Campaign_ID();
+ return ii;
+ } // getC_Campaign_ID
+ /**
+ * Get User2_ID
+ * @return User2
+ */
+ public int getUser1_ID ()
+ {
+ int ii = super.getUser1_ID ();
+ if (ii == 0)
+ ii = getParent().getUser1_ID();
+ return ii;
+ } // getUser1_ID
+ /**
+ * Get User2_ID
+ * @return User2
+ */
+ public int getUser2_ID ()
+ {
+ int ii = super.getUser2_ID ();
+ if (ii == 0)
+ ii = getParent().getUser2_ID();
+ return ii;
+ } // getUser2_ID
+ /**
+ * Get AD_OrgTrx_ID
+ * @return trx org
+ */
+ public int getAD_OrgTrx_ID()
+ {
+ int ii = super.getAD_OrgTrx_ID();
+ if (ii == 0)
+ ii = getParent().getAD_OrgTrx_ID();
+ return ii;
+ } // getAD_OrgTrx_ID
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * String Representation
+ * @return info
+ */
+ public String toString ()
+ {
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ("MOrderLine[")
+ .append(get_ID()).append(",Line=").append(getLine())
+ .append(",Ordered=").append(getQtyOrdered())
+ .append(",Delivered=").append(getQtyDelivered())
+ .append(",Invoiced=").append(getQtyInvoiced())
+ .append(",Reserved=").append(getQtyReserved())
+ .append(", LineNet=").append(getLineNetAmt())
+ .append ("]");
+ return sb.toString ();
+ } // toString
+ /**
+ * Add to Description
+ * @param description text
+ */
+ public void addDescription (String description)
+ {
+ String desc = getDescription();
+ if (desc == null)
+ setDescription(description);
+ else
+ setDescription(desc + " | " + description);
+ } // addDescription
+ /**
+ * Get Description Text.
+ * For jsp access (vs. isDescription)
+ * @return description
+ */
+ public String getDescriptionText()
+ {
+ return super.getDescription();
+ } // getDescriptionText
+ /**
+ * Get Name
+ * @return get the name of the line (from Product)
+ */
+ public String getName()
+ {
+ getProduct();
+ if (m_product != null)
+ return m_product.getName();
+ if (getC_Charge_ID() != 0)
+ {
+ MCharge charge = MCharge.get(getCtx(), getC_Charge_ID());
+ return charge.getName();
+ }
+ return "";
+ } // getName
+ /**
+ * Set C_Charge_ID
+ * @param C_Charge_ID charge
+ */
+ public void setC_Charge_ID (int C_Charge_ID)
+ {
+ super.setC_Charge_ID (C_Charge_ID);
+ if (C_Charge_ID > 0)
+ set_ValueNoCheck ("C_UOM_ID", null);
+ } // setC_Charge_ID
+ /**
+ * Set Discount
+ */
+ public void setDiscount()
+ {
+ BigDecimal list = getPriceList();
+ // No List Price
+ if (Env.ZERO.compareTo(list) == 0)
+ return;
+ BigDecimal discount = list.subtract(getPriceActual())
+ .multiply(new BigDecimal(100))
+ .divide(list, getPrecision(), BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
+ setDiscount(discount);
+ } // setDiscount
+ /**
+ * Is Tax Included in Amount
+ * @return true if tax calculated
+ */
+ public boolean isTaxIncluded()
+ {
+ if (m_M_PriceList_ID == 0)
+ {
+ m_M_PriceList_ID = DB.getSQLValue(get_TrxName(),
+ "SELECT M_PriceList_ID FROM C_Order WHERE C_Order_ID=?",
+ getC_Order_ID());
+ }
+ MPriceList pl = MPriceList.get(getCtx(), m_M_PriceList_ID, get_TrxName());
+ return pl.isTaxIncluded();
+ } // isTaxIncluded
+ /**
+ * Set Qty Entered/Ordered.
+ * Use this Method if the Line UOM is the Product UOM
+ * @param Qty QtyOrdered/Entered
+ */
+ public void setQty (BigDecimal Qty)
+ {
+ super.setQtyEntered (Qty);
+ super.setQtyOrdered (getQtyEntered());
+ } // setQty
+ /**
+ * Set Qty Entered - enforce entered UOM
+ * @param QtyEntered
+ */
+ public void setQtyEntered (BigDecimal QtyEntered)
+ {
+ if (QtyEntered != null && getC_UOM_ID() != 0)
+ {
+ int precision = MUOM.getPrecision(getCtx(), getC_UOM_ID());
+ QtyEntered = QtyEntered.setScale(precision, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
+ }
+ super.setQtyEntered (QtyEntered);
+ } // setQtyEntered
+ /**
+ * Set Qty Ordered - enforce Product UOM
+ * @param QtyOrdered
+ */
+ public void setQtyOrdered (BigDecimal QtyOrdered)
+ {
+ MProduct product = getProduct();
+ if (QtyOrdered != null && product != null)
+ {
+ int precision = product.getUOMPrecision();
+ QtyOrdered = QtyOrdered.setScale(precision, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
+ }
+ super.setQtyOrdered(QtyOrdered);
+ } // setQtyOrdered
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Before Save
+ * @param newRecord
+ * @return true if it can be sabed
+ */
+ protected boolean beforeSave (boolean newRecord)
+ {
+ // Get Defaults from Parent
+ if (getC_BPartner_ID() == 0 || getC_BPartner_Location_ID() == 0
+ || getM_Warehouse_ID() == 0
+ || getC_Currency_ID() == 0)
+ setOrder (getParent());
+ if (m_M_PriceList_ID == 0)
+ setHeaderInfo(getParent());
+ // R/O Check - Product/Warehouse Change
+ if (!newRecord
+ && (is_ValueChanged("M_Product_ID") || is_ValueChanged("M_Warehouse_ID")))
+ {
+ if (!canChangeWarehouse())
+ return false;
+ } // Product Changed
+ // Charge
+ if (getC_Charge_ID() != 0 && getM_Product_ID() != 0)
+ setM_Product_ID(0);
+ // No Product
+ if (getM_Product_ID() == 0)
+ setM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(0);
+ // Product
+ else // Set/check Product Price
+ {
+ // Set Price if Actual = 0
+ if (m_productPrice == null
+ && Env.ZERO.compareTo(getPriceActual()) == 0
+ && Env.ZERO.compareTo(getPriceList()) == 0)
+ setPrice();
+ // Check if on Price list
+ if (m_productPrice == null)
+ getProductPricing(m_M_PriceList_ID);
+ if (!m_productPrice.isCalculated())
+ {
+ log.saveError("Error", Msg.getMsg(getCtx(), "ProductNotOnPriceList"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // UOM
+ if (getC_UOM_ID() == 0
+ && (getM_Product_ID() != 0
+ || getPriceEntered().compareTo(Env.ZERO) != 0
+ || getC_Charge_ID() != 0))
+ {
+ int C_UOM_ID = MUOM.getDefault_UOM_ID(getCtx());
+ if (C_UOM_ID > 0)
+ setC_UOM_ID (C_UOM_ID);
+ }
+ // Qty Precision
+ if (newRecord || is_ValueChanged("QtyEntered"))
+ setQtyEntered(getQtyEntered());
+ if (newRecord || is_ValueChanged("QtyOrdered"))
+ setQtyOrdered(getQtyOrdered());
+ // Qty on instance ASI for SO
+ if (m_IsSOTrx
+ && getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() != 0
+ && (newRecord || is_ValueChanged("M_Product_ID")
+ || is_ValueChanged("M_AttributeSetInstance_ID")
|| is_ValueChanged("M_Warehouse_ID")))
MProduct product = getProduct();
- int M_AttributeSet_ID = product.getM_AttributeSet_ID();
- boolean isInstance = M_AttributeSet_ID != 0;
- if (isInstance)
+ if (product.isStocked())
- MAttributeSet mas = MAttributeSet.get(getCtx(), M_AttributeSet_ID);
- isInstance = mas.isInstanceAttribute();
- }
- // Max
- if (isInstance)
- {
- MStorage[] storages = MStorage.getWarehouse(getCtx(),
- getM_Warehouse_ID(), getM_Product_ID(), getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(),
- M_AttributeSet_ID, false, null, true, get_TrxName());
- BigDecimal qty = Env.ZERO;
- for (int i = 0; i < storages.length; i++)
+ int M_AttributeSet_ID = product.getM_AttributeSet_ID();
+ boolean isInstance = M_AttributeSet_ID != 0;
+ if (isInstance)
- if (storages[i].getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() == getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID())
- qty = qty.add(storages[i].getQtyOnHand());
+ MAttributeSet mas = MAttributeSet.get(getCtx(), M_AttributeSet_ID);
+ isInstance = mas.isInstanceAttribute();
- if (getQtyOrdered().compareTo(qty) > 0)
+ // Max
+ if (isInstance)
- log.warning("Qty - Stock=" + qty + ", Ordered=" + getQtyOrdered());
- log.saveError("QtyInsufficient", "=" + qty);
- return false;
+ MStorage[] storages = MStorage.getWarehouse(getCtx(),
+ getM_Warehouse_ID(), getM_Product_ID(), getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(),
+ M_AttributeSet_ID, false, null, true, get_TrxName());
+ BigDecimal qty = Env.ZERO;
+ for (int i = 0; i < storages.length; i++)
+ {
+ if (storages[i].getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() == getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID())
+ qty = qty.add(storages[i].getQtyOnHand());
+ }
+ if (getQtyOrdered().compareTo(qty) > 0)
+ {
+ log.warning("Qty - Stock=" + qty + ", Ordered=" + getQtyOrdered());
+ log.saveError("QtyInsufficient", "=" + qty);
+ return false;
+ }
- }
- }
+ } // stocked
+ } // SO instance
// FreightAmt Not used
if (Env.ZERO.compareTo(getFreightAmt()) != 0)
- setFreightAmt(Env.ZERO);
- // Set Tax
- if (getC_Tax_ID() == 0)
- setTax();
- // Get Line No
- if (getLine() == 0)
- {
- String sql = "SELECT COALESCE(MAX(Line),0)+10 FROM C_OrderLine WHERE C_Order_ID=?";
- int ii = DB.getSQLValue (get_TrxName(), sql, getC_Order_ID());
- setLine (ii);
- }
- // Calculations & Rounding
- setLineNetAmt(); // extended Amount with or without tax
- setDiscount();
- return true;
- } // beforeSave
- /**
- * Before Delete
- * @return true if it can be deleted
- */
- protected boolean beforeDelete ()
- {
- // R/O Check - Something delivered. etc.
- if (Env.ZERO.compareTo(getQtyDelivered()) != 0)
- {
- log.saveError("DeleteError", Msg.translate(getCtx(), "QtyDelivered") + "=" + getQtyDelivered());
- return false;
- }
- if (Env.ZERO.compareTo(getQtyInvoiced()) != 0)
- {
- log.saveError("DeleteError", Msg.translate(getCtx(), "QtyInvoiced") + "=" + getQtyInvoiced());
- return false;
- }
- if (Env.ZERO.compareTo(getQtyReserved()) != 0)
- {
- // For PO should be On Order
- log.saveError("DeleteError", Msg.translate(getCtx(), "QtyReserved") + "=" + getQtyReserved());
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- } // beforeDelete
- /**
- * After Save
- * @param newRecord new
- * @param success success
- * @return saved
- */
- protected boolean afterSave (boolean newRecord, boolean success)
- {
- if (!success)
- return success;
- if (!newRecord && is_ValueChanged("C_Tax_ID"))
- {
- // Recalculate Tax for old Tax
- MOrderTax tax = MOrderTax.get (this, getPrecision(),
- true, get_TrxName()); // old Tax
- if (tax != null)
- {
- if (!tax.calculateTaxFromLines())
- return false;
- if (!tax.save(get_TrxName()))
- return false;
- }
- }
- return updateHeaderTax();
- } // afterSave
- /**
- * After Delete
- * @param success success
- * @return deleted
- */
- protected boolean afterDelete (boolean success)
- {
- if (!success)
- return success;
- if (getS_ResourceAssignment_ID() != 0)
- {
- MResourceAssignment ra = new MResourceAssignment(getCtx(), getS_ResourceAssignment_ID(), get_TrxName());
- ra.delete(true);
- }
- return updateHeaderTax();
- } // afterDelete
- /**
- * Update Tax & Header
- * @return true if header updated
- */
- private boolean updateHeaderTax()
- {
- // Recalculate Tax for this Tax
- MOrderTax tax = MOrderTax.get (this, getPrecision(),
- false, get_TrxName()); // current Tax
- if (!tax.calculateTaxFromLines())
- return false;
- if (!tax.save(get_TrxName()))
- return false;
- // Update Order Header
- String sql = "UPDATE C_Order i"
- + " SET TotalLines="
- + "(SELECT COALESCE(SUM(LineNetAmt),0) FROM C_OrderLine il WHERE i.C_Order_ID=il.C_Order_ID) "
- + "WHERE C_Order_ID=" + getC_Order_ID();
- int no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
- if (no != 1)
- log.warning("(1) #" + no);
- if (isTaxIncluded())
- sql = "UPDATE C_Order i "
- + " SET GrandTotal=TotalLines "
- + "WHERE C_Order_ID=" + getC_Order_ID();
- else
- sql = "UPDATE C_Order i "
- + " SET GrandTotal=TotalLines+"
- + "(SELECT COALESCE(SUM(TaxAmt),0) FROM C_OrderTax it WHERE i.C_Order_ID=it.C_Order_ID) "
- + "WHERE C_Order_ID=" + getC_Order_ID();
- no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
- if (no != 1)
- log.warning("(2) #" + no);
- m_parent = null;
- return no == 1;
- } // updateHeaderTax
-} // MOrderLine
+ setFreightAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ // Set Tax
+ if (getC_Tax_ID() == 0)
+ setTax();
+ // Get Line No
+ if (getLine() == 0)
+ {
+ String sql = "SELECT COALESCE(MAX(Line),0)+10 FROM C_OrderLine WHERE C_Order_ID=?";
+ int ii = DB.getSQLValue (get_TrxName(), sql, getC_Order_ID());
+ setLine (ii);
+ }
+ // Calculations & Rounding
+ setLineNetAmt(); // extended Amount with or without tax
+ setDiscount();
+ return true;
+ } // beforeSave
+ /**
+ * Before Delete
+ * @return true if it can be deleted
+ */
+ protected boolean beforeDelete ()
+ {
+ // R/O Check - Something delivered. etc.
+ if (Env.ZERO.compareTo(getQtyDelivered()) != 0)
+ {
+ log.saveError("DeleteError", Msg.translate(getCtx(), "QtyDelivered") + "=" + getQtyDelivered());
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (Env.ZERO.compareTo(getQtyInvoiced()) != 0)
+ {
+ log.saveError("DeleteError", Msg.translate(getCtx(), "QtyInvoiced") + "=" + getQtyInvoiced());
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (Env.ZERO.compareTo(getQtyReserved()) != 0)
+ {
+ // For PO should be On Order
+ log.saveError("DeleteError", Msg.translate(getCtx(), "QtyReserved") + "=" + getQtyReserved());
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ } // beforeDelete
+ /**
+ * After Save
+ * @param newRecord new
+ * @param success success
+ * @return saved
+ */
+ protected boolean afterSave (boolean newRecord, boolean success)
+ {
+ if (!success)
+ return success;
+ if (!newRecord && is_ValueChanged("C_Tax_ID"))
+ {
+ // Recalculate Tax for old Tax
+ MOrderTax tax = MOrderTax.get (this, getPrecision(),
+ true, get_TrxName()); // old Tax
+ if (tax != null)
+ {
+ if (!tax.calculateTaxFromLines())
+ return false;
+ if (!tax.save(get_TrxName()))
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return updateHeaderTax();
+ } // afterSave
+ /**
+ * After Delete
+ * @param success success
+ * @return deleted
+ */
+ protected boolean afterDelete (boolean success)
+ {
+ if (!success)
+ return success;
+ if (getS_ResourceAssignment_ID() != 0)
+ {
+ MResourceAssignment ra = new MResourceAssignment(getCtx(), getS_ResourceAssignment_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ ra.delete(true);
+ }
+ return updateHeaderTax();
+ } // afterDelete
+ /**
+ * Update Tax & Header
+ * @return true if header updated
+ */
+ private boolean updateHeaderTax()
+ {
+ // Recalculate Tax for this Tax
+ MOrderTax tax = MOrderTax.get (this, getPrecision(),
+ false, get_TrxName()); // current Tax
+ if (!tax.calculateTaxFromLines())
+ return false;
+ if (!tax.save(get_TrxName()))
+ return false;
+ // Update Order Header
+ String sql = "UPDATE C_Order i"
+ + " SET TotalLines="
+ + "(SELECT COALESCE(SUM(LineNetAmt),0) FROM C_OrderLine il WHERE i.C_Order_ID=il.C_Order_ID) "
+ + "WHERE C_Order_ID=" + getC_Order_ID();
+ int no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
+ if (no != 1)
+ log.warning("(1) #" + no);
+ if (isTaxIncluded())
+ sql = "UPDATE C_Order i "
+ + " SET GrandTotal=TotalLines "
+ + "WHERE C_Order_ID=" + getC_Order_ID();
+ else
+ sql = "UPDATE C_Order i "
+ + " SET GrandTotal=TotalLines+"
+ + "(SELECT COALESCE(SUM(TaxAmt),0) FROM C_OrderTax it WHERE i.C_Order_ID=it.C_Order_ID) "
+ + "WHERE C_Order_ID=" + getC_Order_ID();
+ no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
+ if (no != 1)
+ log.warning("(2) #" + no);
+ m_parent = null;
+ return no == 1;
+ } // updateHeaderTax
+} // MOrderLine
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MPaySelectionCheck.java b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MPaySelectionCheck.java
index bf2f282560..d8a23325f6 100644
--- a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MPaySelectionCheck.java
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MPaySelectionCheck.java
@@ -3,681 +3,730 @@
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
- * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
- * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
- * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
- * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
- * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.compiere.model;
-import java.io.*;
-import java.math.*;
-import java.sql.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.util.logging.*;
-import org.compiere.process.*;
-import org.compiere.util.*;
- * Payment Print/Export model.
- *
- * @author Jorg Janke
- * @version $Id: MPaySelectionCheck.java,v 1.3 2006/07/30 00:51:02 jjanke Exp $
- */
-public final class MPaySelectionCheck extends X_C_PaySelectionCheck
- /**
- * Get Check for Payment
- * @param ctx context
- * @param C_Payment_ID id
- * @param trxName transaction
- * @return pay selection check for payment or null
- */
- public static MPaySelectionCheck getOfPayment (Properties ctx, int C_Payment_ID, String trxName)
- {
- MPaySelectionCheck retValue = null;
- String sql = "SELECT * FROM C_PaySelectionCheck WHERE C_Payment_ID=?";
- int count = 0;
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, trxName);
- pstmt.setInt (1, C_Payment_ID);
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
- while (rs.next ())
- {
- MPaySelectionCheck psc = new MPaySelectionCheck (ctx, rs, trxName);
- if (retValue == null)
- retValue = psc;
- else if (!retValue.isProcessed() && psc.isProcessed())
- retValue = psc;
- count++;
- }
- rs.close ();
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- try
- {
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- }
- if (count > 1)
- s_log.warning ("More then one for C_Payment_ID=" + C_Payment_ID);
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
+ * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
+ * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
+ * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.model;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.math.*;
+import java.sql.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.logging.*;
+import org.compiere.process.*;
+import org.compiere.util.*;
+ * Payment Print/Export model.
+ *
+ * @author Jorg Janke
+ * @version $Id: MPaySelectionCheck.java,v 1.3 2006/07/30 00:51:02 jjanke Exp $
+ */
+public final class MPaySelectionCheck extends X_C_PaySelectionCheck
+ /**
+ * Get Check for Payment
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param C_Payment_ID id
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ * @return pay selection check for payment or null
+ */
+ public static MPaySelectionCheck getOfPayment (Properties ctx, int C_Payment_ID, String trxName)
+ {
+ MPaySelectionCheck retValue = null;
+ String sql = "SELECT * FROM C_PaySelectionCheck WHERE C_Payment_ID=?";
+ int count = 0;
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, trxName);
+ pstmt.setInt (1, C_Payment_ID);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
+ while (rs.next ())
+ {
+ MPaySelectionCheck psc = new MPaySelectionCheck (ctx, rs, trxName);
+ if (retValue == null)
+ retValue = psc;
+ else if (!retValue.isProcessed() && psc.isProcessed())
+ retValue = psc;
+ count++;
+ }
+ rs.close ();
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ if (count > 1)
+ s_log.warning ("More then one for C_Payment_ID=" + C_Payment_ID);
+ return retValue;
+ } // getOfPayment
+ /**
+ * Create Check for Payment
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param C_Payment_ID id
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ * @return pay selection check for payment or null
+ */
+ public static MPaySelectionCheck createForPayment (Properties ctx, int C_Payment_ID, String trxName)
+ {
+ if (C_Payment_ID == 0)
+ return null;
+ MPayment payment = new MPayment (ctx, C_Payment_ID, null);
+ // Map Payment Rule <- Tender Type
+ String PaymentRule = PAYMENTRULE_Check;
+ if (payment.getTenderType().equals(X_C_Payment.TENDERTYPE_CreditCard))
+ PaymentRule = PAYMENTRULE_CreditCard;
+ else if (payment.getTenderType().equals(X_C_Payment.TENDERTYPE_DirectDebit))
+ PaymentRule = PAYMENTRULE_DirectDebit;
+ else if (payment.getTenderType().equals(X_C_Payment.TENDERTYPE_DirectDeposit))
+ PaymentRule = PAYMENTRULE_DirectDeposit;
+ // else if (payment.getTenderType().equals(MPayment.TENDERTYPE_Check))
+ // PaymentRule = MPaySelectionCheck.PAYMENTRULE_Check;
+ // Create new PaySelection
+ MPaySelection ps = new MPaySelection(ctx, 0, trxName);
+ ps.setC_BankAccount_ID (payment.getC_BankAccount_ID());
+ ps.setName (Msg.translate(ctx, "C_Payment_ID") + ": " + payment.getDocumentNo());
+ ps.setDescription(payment.getDescription());
+ ps.setPayDate (payment.getDateTrx());
+ ps.setTotalAmt (payment.getPayAmt());
+ ps.setIsApproved (true);
+ ps.save();
+ // Create new PaySelection Line
+ MPaySelectionLine psl = null;
+ if (payment.getC_Invoice_ID() != 0)
+ {
+ psl = new MPaySelectionLine (ps, 10, PaymentRule);
+ psl.setC_Invoice_ID(payment.getC_Invoice_ID());
+ psl.setIsSOTrx (payment.isReceipt());
+ psl.setOpenAmt(payment.getPayAmt().add(payment.getDiscountAmt()));
+ psl.setPayAmt (payment.getPayAmt());
+ psl.setDiscountAmt(payment.getDiscountAmt());
+ psl.setDifferenceAmt (Env.ZERO);
+ psl.save();
+ }
+ // Create new PaySelection Check
+ MPaySelectionCheck psc = new MPaySelectionCheck(ps, PaymentRule);
+ psc.setC_BPartner_ID (payment.getC_BPartner_ID());
+ psc.setC_Payment_ID(payment.getC_Payment_ID());
+ psc.setIsReceipt(payment.isReceipt());
+ psc.setPayAmt (payment.getPayAmt());
+ psc.setDiscountAmt(payment.getDiscountAmt());
+ psc.setQty (1);
+ psc.setDocumentNo(payment.getDocumentNo());
+ psc.setProcessed(true);
+ psc.save();
+ // Update optional Line
+ if (psl != null)
+ {
+ psl.setC_PaySelectionCheck_ID(psc.getC_PaySelectionCheck_ID());
+ psl.setProcessed(true);
+ psl.save();
+ }
+ // Indicate Done
+ ps.setProcessed(true);
+ ps.save();
+ return psc;
+ } // createForPayment
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Get Checks of Payment Selection
+ *
+ * @param C_PaySelection_ID Payment Selection
+ * @param PaymentRule Payment Rule
+ * @param startDocumentNo start document no
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ * @return array of checks
+ */
+ static public MPaySelectionCheck[] get (int C_PaySelection_ID,
+ String PaymentRule, int startDocumentNo, String trxName)
+ {
+ s_log.fine("C_PaySelection_ID=" + C_PaySelection_ID
+ + ", PaymentRule=" + PaymentRule + ", startDocumentNo=" + startDocumentNo);
+ ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
+ int docNo = startDocumentNo;
+ String sql = "SELECT * FROM C_PaySelectionCheck "
+ + "WHERE C_PaySelection_ID=? AND PaymentRule=?";
+ try
+ {
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trxName);
+ pstmt.setInt(1, C_PaySelection_ID);
+ pstmt.setString(2, PaymentRule);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ while (rs.next())
+ {
+ MPaySelectionCheck check = new MPaySelectionCheck (Env.getCtx(), rs, trxName);
+ // Set new Check Document No - saved in confirmPrint
+ check.setDocumentNo(String.valueOf(docNo++));
+ list.add(check);
+ }
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ }
+ catch (SQLException e)
+ {
+ s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ // convert to Array
+ MPaySelectionCheck[] retValue = new MPaySelectionCheck[list.size()];
+ list.toArray(retValue);
return retValue;
- } // getOfPayment
- /**
- * Create Check for Payment
- * @param ctx context
- * @param C_Payment_ID id
- * @param trxName transaction
- * @return pay selection check for payment or null
- */
- public static MPaySelectionCheck createForPayment (Properties ctx, int C_Payment_ID, String trxName)
- {
- if (C_Payment_ID == 0)
- return null;
- MPayment payment = new MPayment (ctx, C_Payment_ID, null);
- // Map Payment Rule <- Tender Type
- String PaymentRule = PAYMENTRULE_Check;
- if (payment.getTenderType().equals(X_C_Payment.TENDERTYPE_CreditCard))
- PaymentRule = PAYMENTRULE_CreditCard;
- else if (payment.getTenderType().equals(X_C_Payment.TENDERTYPE_DirectDebit))
- PaymentRule = PAYMENTRULE_DirectDebit;
- else if (payment.getTenderType().equals(X_C_Payment.TENDERTYPE_DirectDeposit))
- PaymentRule = PAYMENTRULE_DirectDeposit;
- // else if (payment.getTenderType().equals(MPayment.TENDERTYPE_Check))
- // PaymentRule = MPaySelectionCheck.PAYMENTRULE_Check;
- // Create new PaySelection
- MPaySelection ps = new MPaySelection(ctx, 0, trxName);
- ps.setC_BankAccount_ID (payment.getC_BankAccount_ID());
- ps.setName (Msg.translate(ctx, "C_Payment_ID") + ": " + payment.getDocumentNo());
- ps.setDescription(payment.getDescription());
- ps.setPayDate (payment.getDateTrx());
- ps.setTotalAmt (payment.getPayAmt());
- ps.setIsApproved (true);
- ps.save();
- // Create new PaySelection Line
- MPaySelectionLine psl = null;
- if (payment.getC_Invoice_ID() != 0)
- {
- psl = new MPaySelectionLine (ps, 10, PaymentRule);
- psl.setC_Invoice_ID(payment.getC_Invoice_ID());
- psl.setIsSOTrx (payment.isReceipt());
- psl.setOpenAmt(payment.getPayAmt().add(payment.getDiscountAmt()));
- psl.setPayAmt (payment.getPayAmt());
- psl.setDiscountAmt(payment.getDiscountAmt());
- psl.setDifferenceAmt (Env.ZERO);
- psl.save();
- }
- // Create new PaySelection Check
- MPaySelectionCheck psc = new MPaySelectionCheck(ps, PaymentRule);
- psc.setC_BPartner_ID (payment.getC_BPartner_ID());
- psc.setC_Payment_ID(payment.getC_Payment_ID());
- psc.setIsReceipt(payment.isReceipt());
- psc.setPayAmt (payment.getPayAmt());
- psc.setDiscountAmt(payment.getDiscountAmt());
- psc.setQty (1);
- psc.setDocumentNo(payment.getDocumentNo());
- psc.setProcessed(true);
- psc.save();
- // Update optional Line
- if (psl != null)
- {
- psl.setC_PaySelectionCheck_ID(psc.getC_PaySelectionCheck_ID());
- psl.setProcessed(true);
- psl.save();
- }
- // Indicate Done
- ps.setProcessed(true);
- ps.save();
- return psc;
- } // createForPayment
+ } // get
- * Get Checks of Payment Selection
- *
- * @param C_PaySelection_ID Payment Selection
- * @param PaymentRule Payment Rule
- * @param startDocumentNo start document no
- * @param trxName transaction
- * @return array of checks
- */
- static public MPaySelectionCheck[] get (int C_PaySelection_ID,
- String PaymentRule, int startDocumentNo, String trxName)
- {
- s_log.fine("C_PaySelection_ID=" + C_PaySelection_ID
- + ", PaymentRule=" + PaymentRule + ", startDocumentNo=" + startDocumentNo);
- ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
- int docNo = startDocumentNo;
- String sql = "SELECT * FROM C_PaySelectionCheck "
- + "WHERE C_PaySelection_ID=? AND PaymentRule=?";
- try
+ * Export to File
+ * @param checks array of checks
+ * @param file file to export checks
+ * @return number of lines
+ */
+ public static int exportToFile (MPaySelectionCheck[] checks, File file)
+ {
+ if (checks == null || checks.length == 0)
+ return 0;
+ // Must be a file
+ if (file.isDirectory())
- PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trxName);
- pstmt.setInt(1, C_PaySelection_ID);
- pstmt.setString(2, PaymentRule);
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- while (rs.next())
- {
- MPaySelectionCheck check = new MPaySelectionCheck (Env.getCtx(), rs, trxName);
- // Set new Check Document No - saved in confirmPrint
- check.setDocumentNo(String.valueOf(docNo++));
- list.add(check);
- }
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
+ s_log.log(Level.WARNING, "File is directory - " + file.getAbsolutePath());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // delete if exists
+ try
+ {
+ if (file.exists())
+ file.delete();
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ s_log.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not delete - " + file.getAbsolutePath(), e);
+ }
+ char x = '"'; // ease
+ int noLines = 0;
+ StringBuffer line = null;
+ try
+ {
+ FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file);
+ // write header
+ line = new StringBuffer();
+ line.append(x).append("Value").append(x).append(",")
+ .append(x).append("Name").append(x).append(",")
+ .append(x).append("Contact").append(x).append(",")
+ .append(x).append("Addr1").append(x).append(",")
+ .append(x).append("Addr2").append(x).append(",")
+ .append(x).append("City").append(x).append(",")
+ .append(x).append("State").append(x).append(",")
+ .append(x).append("ZIP").append(x).append(",")
+ .append(x).append("Country").append(x).append(",")
+ .append(x).append("ReferenceNo").append(x).append(",")
+ .append(x).append("DocumentNo").append(x).append(",")
+ .append(x).append("PayDate").append(x).append(",")
+ .append(x).append("Currency").append(x).append(",")
+ .append(x).append("PayAmount").append(x).append(",")
+ .append(x).append("Comment").append(x)
+ .append(Env.NL);
+ fw.write(line.toString());
+ noLines++;
+ // write lines
+ for (int i = 0; i < checks.length; i++)
+ {
+ MPaySelectionCheck mpp = checks[i];
+ if (mpp == null)
+ continue;
+ // BPartner Info
+ String bp[] = getBPartnerInfo(mpp.getC_BPartner_ID());
+ // Comment - list of invoice document no
+ StringBuffer comment = new StringBuffer();
+ MPaySelectionLine[] psls = mpp.getPaySelectionLines(false);
+ for (int l = 0; l < psls.length; l++)
+ {
+ if (l > 0)
+ comment.append(", ");
+ comment.append(psls[l].getInvoice().getDocumentNo());
+ }
+ line = new StringBuffer();
+ line.append(x).append(bp[BP_VALUE]).append(x).append(",") // Value
+ .append(x).append(bp[BP_NAME]).append(x).append(",") // Name
+ .append(x).append(bp[BP_CONTACT]).append(x).append(",") // Contact
+ .append(x).append(bp[BP_ADDR1]).append(x).append(",") // Addr1
+ .append(x).append(bp[BP_ADDR2]).append(x).append(",") // Addr2
+ .append(x).append(bp[BP_CITY]).append(x).append(",") // City
+ .append(x).append(bp[BP_REGION]).append(x).append(",") // State
+ .append(x).append(bp[BP_POSTAL]).append(x).append(",") // ZIP
+ .append(x).append(bp[BP_COUNTRY]).append(x).append(",") // Country
+ .append(x).append(bp[BP_REFNO]).append(x).append(",") // ReferenceNo
+ // Payment Info
+ .append(x).append(mpp.getDocumentNo()).append(x).append(",") // DocumentNo
+ .append(mpp.getParent().getPayDate()).append(",") // PayDate
+ .append(x).append(MCurrency.getISO_Code(Env.getCtx(), mpp.getParent().getC_Currency_ID())).append(x).append(",") // Currency
+ .append(mpp.getPayAmt()).append(",") // PayAmount
+ .append(x).append(comment.toString()).append(x) // Comment
+ .append(Env.NL);
+ fw.write(line.toString());
+ noLines++;
+ } // write line
+ fw.flush();
+ fw.close();
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e);
+ }
+ return noLines;
+ } // exportToFile
+ /**
+ * Get Customer/Vendor Info.
+ * Based on BP_ static variables
+ * @param C_BPartner_ID BPartner
+ * @return info array
+ */
+ private static String[] getBPartnerInfo (int C_BPartner_ID)
+ {
+ String[] bp = new String[10];
+ String sql = "SELECT bp.Value, bp.Name, c.Name AS Contact, "
+ + "a.Address1, a.Address2, a.City, r.Name AS Region, a.Postal, "
+ + "cc.Name AS Country, bp.ReferenceNo "
+ + "FROM C_BPartner bp, AD_User c, C_BPartner_Location l, C_Location a, C_Region r, C_Country cc "
+ + "WHERE bp.C_BPartner_ID=?" // #1
+ + " AND bp.C_BPartner_ID=c.C_BPartner_ID(+)"
+ + " AND bp.C_BPartner_ID=l.C_BPartner_ID"
+ + " AND l.C_Location_ID=a.C_Location_ID"
+ + " AND a.C_Region_ID=r.C_Region_ID(+)"
+ + " AND a.C_Country_ID=cc.C_Country_ID "
+ + "ORDER BY l.IsBillTo DESC";
+ try
+ {
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
+ pstmt.setInt(1, C_BPartner_ID);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ //
+ if (rs.next())
+ {
+ bp[BP_VALUE] = rs.getString(1);
+ if (bp[BP_VALUE] == null)
+ bp[BP_VALUE] = "";
+ bp[BP_NAME] = rs.getString(2);
+ if (bp[BP_NAME] == null)
+ bp[BP_NAME] = "";
+ bp[BP_CONTACT] = rs.getString(3);
+ if (bp[BP_CONTACT] == null)
+ bp[BP_CONTACT] = "";
+ bp[BP_ADDR1] = rs.getString(4);
+ if (bp[BP_ADDR1] == null)
+ bp[BP_ADDR1] = "";
+ bp[BP_ADDR2] = rs.getString(5);
+ if (bp[BP_ADDR2] == null)
+ bp[BP_ADDR2] = "";
+ bp[BP_CITY] = rs.getString(6);
+ if (bp[BP_CITY] == null)
+ bp[BP_CITY] = "";
+ bp[BP_REGION] = rs.getString(7);
+ if (bp[BP_REGION] == null)
+ bp[BP_REGION] = "";
+ bp[BP_POSTAL] = rs.getString(8);
+ if (bp[BP_POSTAL] == null)
+ bp[BP_POSTAL] = "";
+ bp[BP_COUNTRY] = rs.getString(9);
+ if (bp[BP_COUNTRY] == null)
+ bp[BP_COUNTRY] = "";
+ bp[BP_REFNO] = rs.getString(10);
+ if (bp[BP_REFNO] == null)
+ bp[BP_REFNO] = "";
+ }
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
catch (SQLException e)
s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- // convert to Array
- MPaySelectionCheck[] retValue = new MPaySelectionCheck[list.size()];
- list.toArray(retValue);
- return retValue;
- } // createPayments
- /**************************************************************************
- * Export to File
- * @param checks array of checks
- * @param file file to export checks
- * @return number of lines
- */
- public static int exportToFile (MPaySelectionCheck[] checks, File file)
- {
- if (checks == null || checks.length == 0)
- return 0;
- // Must be a file
- if (file.isDirectory())
- {
- s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "exportToFile - file is directory - " + file.getAbsolutePath());
- return 0;
- }
- // delete if exists
- try
- {
- if (file.exists())
- file.delete();
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "exportToFile - could not delete - " + file.getAbsolutePath(), e);
- }
- char x = '"'; // ease
- int noLines = 0;
- StringBuffer line = null;
- try
- {
- FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file);
- // write header
- line = new StringBuffer();
- line.append(x).append("Value").append(x).append(",")
- .append(x).append("Name").append(x).append(",")
- .append(x).append("Contact").append(x).append(",")
- .append(x).append("Addr1").append(x).append(",")
- .append(x).append("Addr2").append(x).append(",")
- .append(x).append("City").append(x).append(",")
- .append(x).append("State").append(x).append(",")
- .append(x).append("ZIP").append(x).append(",")
- .append(x).append("Country").append(x).append(",")
- .append(x).append("ReferenceNo").append(x).append(",")
- .append(x).append("DocumentNo").append(x).append(",")
- .append(x).append("PayDate").append(x).append(",")
- .append(x).append("Currency").append(x).append(",")
- .append(x).append("PayAmount").append(x).append(",")
- .append(x).append("Comment").append(x)
- .append(Env.NL);
- fw.write(line.toString());
- noLines++;
- // write lines
- for (int i = 0; i < checks.length; i++)
- {
- MPaySelectionCheck mpp = checks[i];
- if (mpp == null)
- continue;
- // BPartner Info
- String bp[] = getBPartnerInfo(mpp.getC_BPartner_ID());
- // Comment - list of invoice document no
- StringBuffer comment = new StringBuffer();
- MPaySelectionLine[] psls = mpp.getPaySelectionLines(false);
- for (int l = 0; l < psls.length; l++)
- {
- if (l > 0)
- comment.append(", ");
- comment.append(psls[l].getInvoice().getDocumentNo());
- }
- line = new StringBuffer();
- line.append(x).append(bp[BP_VALUE]).append(x).append(",") // Value
- .append(x).append(bp[BP_NAME]).append(x).append(",") // Name
- .append(x).append(bp[BP_CONTACT]).append(x).append(",") // Contact
- .append(x).append(bp[BP_ADDR1]).append(x).append(",") // Addr1
- .append(x).append(bp[BP_ADDR2]).append(x).append(",") // Addr2
- .append(x).append(bp[BP_CITY]).append(x).append(",") // City
- .append(x).append(bp[BP_REGION]).append(x).append(",") // State
- .append(x).append(bp[BP_POSTAL]).append(x).append(",") // ZIP
- .append(x).append(bp[BP_COUNTRY]).append(x).append(",") // Country
- .append(x).append(bp[BP_REFNO]).append(x).append(",") // ReferenceNo
- // Payment Info
- .append(x).append(mpp.getDocumentNo()).append(x).append(",") // DocumentNo
- .append(mpp.getParent().getPayDate()).append(",") // PayDate
- .append(x).append(MCurrency.getISO_Code(Env.getCtx(), mpp.getParent().getC_Currency_ID())).append(x).append(",") // Currency
- .append(mpp.getPayAmt()).append(",") // PayAmount
- .append(x).append(comment.toString()).append(x) // Comment
- .append(Env.NL);
- fw.write(line.toString());
- noLines++;
- } // write line
- fw.flush();
- fw.close();
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e);
- }
- return noLines;
- } // exportToFile
- /**
- * Get Customer/Vendor Info.
- * Based on BP_ static variables
- * @param C_BPartner_ID BPartner
- * @return info array
- */
- private static String[] getBPartnerInfo (int C_BPartner_ID)
- {
- String[] bp = new String[10];
- String sql = "SELECT bp.Value, bp.Name, c.Name AS Contact, "
- + "a.Address1, a.Address2, a.City, r.Name AS Region, a.Postal, "
- + "cc.Name AS Country, bp.ReferenceNo "
- + "FROM C_BPartner bp, AD_User c, C_BPartner_Location l, C_Location a, C_Region r, C_Country cc "
- + "WHERE bp.C_BPartner_ID=?" // #1
- + " AND bp.C_BPartner_ID=c.C_BPartner_ID(+)"
- + " AND bp.C_BPartner_ID=l.C_BPartner_ID"
- + " AND l.C_Location_ID=a.C_Location_ID"
- + " AND a.C_Region_ID=r.C_Region_ID(+)"
- + " AND a.C_Country_ID=cc.C_Country_ID "
- + "ORDER BY l.IsBillTo DESC";
- try
- {
- PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
- pstmt.setInt(1, C_BPartner_ID);
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- //
- if (rs.next())
- {
- bp[BP_VALUE] = rs.getString(1);
- if (bp[BP_VALUE] == null)
- bp[BP_VALUE] = "";
- bp[BP_NAME] = rs.getString(2);
- if (bp[BP_NAME] == null)
- bp[BP_NAME] = "";
- bp[BP_CONTACT] = rs.getString(3);
- if (bp[BP_CONTACT] == null)
- bp[BP_CONTACT] = "";
- bp[BP_ADDR1] = rs.getString(4);
- if (bp[BP_ADDR1] == null)
- bp[BP_ADDR1] = "";
- bp[BP_ADDR2] = rs.getString(5);
- if (bp[BP_ADDR2] == null)
- bp[BP_ADDR2] = "";
- bp[BP_CITY] = rs.getString(6);
- if (bp[BP_CITY] == null)
- bp[BP_CITY] = "";
- bp[BP_REGION] = rs.getString(7);
- if (bp[BP_REGION] == null)
- bp[BP_REGION] = "";
- bp[BP_POSTAL] = rs.getString(8);
- if (bp[BP_POSTAL] == null)
- bp[BP_POSTAL] = "";
- bp[BP_COUNTRY] = rs.getString(9);
- if (bp[BP_COUNTRY] == null)
- bp[BP_COUNTRY] = "";
- bp[BP_REFNO] = rs.getString(10);
- if (bp[BP_REFNO] == null)
- bp[BP_REFNO] = "";
- }
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- }
- catch (SQLException e)
- {
- s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "getBPartnerInfo", e);
- }
return bp;
} // getBPartnerInfo
- /**************************************************************************
- * Confirm Print.
- * Create Payments the first time
- * @param checks checks
- * @param batch batch
- * @return last Document number or 0 if nothing printed
- */
- public static int confirmPrint (MPaySelectionCheck[] checks, MPaymentBatch batch)
- {
- int lastDocumentNo = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < checks.length; i++)
- {
- MPaySelectionCheck check = checks[i];
- MPayment payment = new MPayment(check.getCtx(), check.getC_Payment_ID(), null);
- // Existing Payment
- if (check.getC_Payment_ID() != 0)
- {
- // Update check number
- if (check.getPaymentRule().equals(PAYMENTRULE_Check))
- {
- payment.setCheckNo(check.getDocumentNo());
- if (!payment.save())
- s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Payment not saved: " + payment);
- }
- }
- else // New Payment
- {
- payment = new MPayment(check.getCtx(), 0, null);
- payment.setAD_Org_ID(check.getAD_Org_ID());
- //
- if (check.getPaymentRule().equals(PAYMENTRULE_Check))
- payment.setBankCheck (check.getParent().getC_BankAccount_ID(), false, check.getDocumentNo());
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Confirm Print.
+ * Create Payments the first time
+ * @param checks checks
+ * @param batch batch
+ * @return last Document number or 0 if nothing printed
+ */
+ public static int confirmPrint (MPaySelectionCheck[] checks, MPaymentBatch batch)
+ {
+ int lastDocumentNo = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < checks.length; i++)
+ {
+ MPaySelectionCheck check = checks[i];
+ MPayment payment = new MPayment(check.getCtx(), check.getC_Payment_ID(), null);
+ // Existing Payment
+ if (check.getC_Payment_ID() != 0)
+ {
+ // Update check number
+ if (check.getPaymentRule().equals(PAYMENTRULE_Check))
+ {
+ payment.setCheckNo(check.getDocumentNo());
+ if (!payment.save())
+ s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Payment not saved: " + payment);
+ }
+ }
+ else // New Payment
+ {
+ payment = new MPayment(check.getCtx(), 0, null);
+ payment.setAD_Org_ID(check.getAD_Org_ID());
+ //
+ if (check.getPaymentRule().equals(PAYMENTRULE_Check))
+ payment.setBankCheck (check.getParent().getC_BankAccount_ID(), false, check.getDocumentNo());
else if (check.getPaymentRule().equals(PAYMENTRULE_CreditCard))
else if (check.getPaymentRule().equals(PAYMENTRULE_DirectDeposit)
- || check.getPaymentRule().equals(PAYMENTRULE_DirectDeposit))
- payment.setBankACH(check.getParent().getC_BankAccount_ID(), false);
+ || check.getPaymentRule().equals(PAYMENTRULE_DirectDebit))
+ payment.setBankACH(check);
s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unsupported Payment Rule=" + check.getPaymentRule());
- continue;
- }
- payment.setTrxType(X_C_Payment.TRXTYPE_CreditPayment);
- payment.setAmount(check.getParent().getC_Currency_ID(), check.getPayAmt());
- payment.setDiscountAmt(check.getDiscountAmt());
- payment.setDateTrx(check.getParent().getPayDate());
- payment.setC_BPartner_ID(check.getC_BPartner_ID());
- // Link to Batch
- if (batch != null)
- {
- if (batch.getC_PaymentBatch_ID() == 0)
- batch.save(); // new
- payment.setC_PaymentBatch_ID(batch.getC_PaymentBatch_ID());
- }
- // Link to Invoice
- MPaySelectionLine[] psls = check.getPaySelectionLines(false);
- s_log.fine("confirmPrint - " + check + " (#SelectionLines=" + psls.length + ")");
- if (check.getQty() == 1 && psls != null && psls.length == 1)
- {
- MPaySelectionLine psl = psls[0];
- s_log.fine("Map to Invoice " + psl);
- //
- payment.setC_Invoice_ID (psl.getC_Invoice_ID());
- payment.setDiscountAmt (psl.getDiscountAmt());
- payment.setWriteOffAmt(psl.getDifferenceAmt());
- BigDecimal overUnder = psl.getOpenAmt().subtract(psl.getPayAmt())
- .subtract(psl.getDiscountAmt()).subtract(psl.getDifferenceAmt());
- payment.setOverUnderAmt(overUnder);
- }
- else
- payment.setDiscountAmt(Env.ZERO);
- payment.setWriteOffAmt(Env.ZERO);
- if (!payment.save())
- s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Payment not saved: " + payment);
- //
- int C_Payment_ID = payment.get_ID();
- if (C_Payment_ID < 1)
- s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Payment not created=" + check);
- else
- {
- check.setC_Payment_ID (C_Payment_ID);
- check.save(); // Payment process needs it
- // Should start WF
- payment.processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Complete);
- if (!payment.save())
- s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Payment not saved: " + payment);
- }
- } // new Payment
- // Get Check Document No
- try
- {
- int no = Integer.parseInt(check.getDocumentNo());
- if (lastDocumentNo < no)
- lastDocumentNo = no;
- }
- catch (NumberFormatException ex)
- {
- s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "DocumentNo=" + check.getDocumentNo(), ex);
- }
- check.setIsPrinted(true);
- check.setProcessed(true);
- if (!check.save ())
- s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Check not saved: " + check);
- } // all checks
- s_log.fine("Last Document No = " + lastDocumentNo);
- return lastDocumentNo;
- } // confirmPrint
- /** Logger */
- static private CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger (MPaySelectionCheck.class);
- /** BPartner Info Index for Value */
- private static final int BP_VALUE = 0;
- /** BPartner Info Index for Name */
- private static final int BP_NAME = 1;
- /** BPartner Info Index for Contact Name */
- private static final int BP_CONTACT = 2;
- /** BPartner Info Index for Address 1 */
- private static final int BP_ADDR1 = 3;
- /** BPartner Info Index for Address 2 */
- private static final int BP_ADDR2 = 4;
- /** BPartner Info Index for City */
- private static final int BP_CITY = 5;
- /** BPartner Info Index for Region */
- private static final int BP_REGION = 6;
- /** BPartner Info Index for Postal Code */
- private static final int BP_POSTAL = 7;
- /** BPartner Info Index for Country */
- private static final int BP_COUNTRY = 8;
- /** BPartner Info Index for Reference No */
- private static final int BP_REFNO = 9;
- /**************************************************************************
- * Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param C_PaySelectionCheck_ID C_PaySelectionCheck_ID
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MPaySelectionCheck (Properties ctx, int C_PaySelectionCheck_ID, String trxName)
- {
- super(ctx, C_PaySelectionCheck_ID, trxName);
- if (C_PaySelectionCheck_ID == 0)
- {
- // setC_PaySelection_ID (0);
- // setC_BPartner_ID (0);
- // setPaymentRule (null);
- setPayAmt (Env.ZERO);
- setDiscountAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setIsPrinted (false);
- setIsReceipt (false);
- setQty (0);
- }
- } // MPaySelectionCheck
- /**
- * Load Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param rs result set
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MPaySelectionCheck(Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
- {
- super(ctx, rs, trxName);
- } // MPaySelectionCheck
- /**
- * Create from Line
- * @param line payment selection
- * @param PaymentRule payment rule
- */
- public MPaySelectionCheck (MPaySelectionLine line, String PaymentRule)
- {
+ continue;
+ }
+ payment.setTrxType(X_C_Payment.TRXTYPE_CreditPayment);
+ payment.setAmount(check.getParent().getC_Currency_ID(), check.getPayAmt());
+ payment.setDiscountAmt(check.getDiscountAmt());
+ payment.setDateTrx(check.getParent().getPayDate());
+ payment.setC_BPartner_ID(check.getC_BPartner_ID());
+ // Link to Batch
+ if (batch != null)
+ {
+ if (batch.getC_PaymentBatch_ID() == 0)
+ batch.save(); // new
+ payment.setC_PaymentBatch_ID(batch.getC_PaymentBatch_ID());
+ }
+ // Link to Invoice
+ MPaySelectionLine[] psls = check.getPaySelectionLines(false);
+ s_log.fine("confirmPrint - " + check + " (#SelectionLines=" + psls.length + ")");
+ if (check.getQty() == 1 && psls != null && psls.length == 1)
+ {
+ MPaySelectionLine psl = psls[0];
+ s_log.fine("Map to Invoice " + psl);
+ //
+ payment.setC_Invoice_ID (psl.getC_Invoice_ID());
+ payment.setDiscountAmt (psl.getDiscountAmt());
+ payment.setWriteOffAmt(psl.getDifferenceAmt());
+ BigDecimal overUnder = psl.getOpenAmt().subtract(psl.getPayAmt())
+ .subtract(psl.getDiscountAmt()).subtract(psl.getDifferenceAmt());
+ payment.setOverUnderAmt(overUnder);
+ }
+ else
+ payment.setDiscountAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ payment.setWriteOffAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ if (!payment.save())
+ s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Payment not saved: " + payment);
+ //
+ int C_Payment_ID = payment.get_ID();
+ if (C_Payment_ID < 1)
+ s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Payment not created=" + check);
+ else
+ {
+ check.setC_Payment_ID (C_Payment_ID);
+ check.save(); // Payment process needs it
+ // Should start WF
+ payment.processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Complete);
+ if (!payment.save())
+ s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Payment not saved: " + payment);
+ }
+ } // new Payment
+ // Get Check Document No
+ try
+ {
+ int no = Integer.parseInt(check.getDocumentNo());
+ if (lastDocumentNo < no)
+ lastDocumentNo = no;
+ }
+ catch (NumberFormatException ex)
+ {
+ s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "DocumentNo=" + check.getDocumentNo(), ex);
+ }
+ check.setIsPrinted(true);
+ check.setProcessed(true);
+ if (!check.save ())
+ s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Check not saved: " + check);
+ } // all checks
+ s_log.fine("Last Document No = " + lastDocumentNo);
+ return lastDocumentNo;
+ } // confirmPrint
+ /** Logger */
+ static private CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger (MPaySelectionCheck.class);
+ /** BPartner Info Index for Value */
+ private static final int BP_VALUE = 0;
+ /** BPartner Info Index for Name */
+ private static final int BP_NAME = 1;
+ /** BPartner Info Index for Contact Name */
+ private static final int BP_CONTACT = 2;
+ /** BPartner Info Index for Address 1 */
+ private static final int BP_ADDR1 = 3;
+ /** BPartner Info Index for Address 2 */
+ private static final int BP_ADDR2 = 4;
+ /** BPartner Info Index for City */
+ private static final int BP_CITY = 5;
+ /** BPartner Info Index for Region */
+ private static final int BP_REGION = 6;
+ /** BPartner Info Index for Postal Code */
+ private static final int BP_POSTAL = 7;
+ /** BPartner Info Index for Country */
+ private static final int BP_COUNTRY = 8;
+ /** BPartner Info Index for Reference No */
+ private static final int BP_REFNO = 9;
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param C_PaySelectionCheck_ID C_PaySelectionCheck_ID
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MPaySelectionCheck (Properties ctx, int C_PaySelectionCheck_ID, String trxName)
+ {
+ super(ctx, C_PaySelectionCheck_ID, trxName);
+ if (C_PaySelectionCheck_ID == 0)
+ {
+ // setC_PaySelection_ID (0);
+ // setC_BPartner_ID (0);
+ // setPaymentRule (null);
+ setPayAmt (Env.ZERO);
+ setDiscountAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setIsPrinted (false);
+ setIsReceipt (false);
+ setQty (0);
+ }
+ } // MPaySelectionCheck
+ /**
+ * Load Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param rs result set
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MPaySelectionCheck(Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
+ {
+ super(ctx, rs, trxName);
+ } // MPaySelectionCheck
+ /**
+ * Create from Line
+ * @param line payment selection
+ * @param PaymentRule payment rule
+ */
+ public MPaySelectionCheck (MPaySelectionLine line, String PaymentRule)
+ {
this (line.getCtx(), 0, line.get_TrxName());
setC_PaySelection_ID (line.getC_PaySelection_ID());
- setC_BPartner_ID (line.getInvoice().getC_BPartner_ID());
+ int C_BPartner_ID = line.getInvoice().getC_BPartner_ID();
+ setC_BPartner_ID (C_BPartner_ID);
+ //
+ if (X_C_Order.PAYMENTRULE_DirectDebit.equals(PaymentRule))
+ {
+ MBPBankAccount[] bas = MBPBankAccount.getOfBPartner (line.getCtx(), C_BPartner_ID);
+ for (int i = 0; i < bas.length; i++)
+ {
+ MBPBankAccount account = bas[i];
+ if (account.isDirectDebit())
+ {
+ setC_BP_BankAccount_ID(account.getC_BP_BankAccount_ID());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (X_C_Order.PAYMENTRULE_DirectDeposit.equals(PaymentRule))
+ {
+ MBPBankAccount[] bas = MBPBankAccount.getOfBPartner (line.getCtx(), C_BPartner_ID);
+ for (int i = 0; i < bas.length; i++)
+ {
+ MBPBankAccount account = bas[i];
+ if (account.isDirectDeposit())
+ {
+ setC_BP_BankAccount_ID(account.getC_BP_BankAccount_ID());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
setPaymentRule (PaymentRule);
- setPayAmt (line.getPayAmt());
- setDiscountAmt(line.getDiscountAmt());
- setQty (1);
- } // MPaySelectionCheck
- /**
- * Create from Pay Selection
- * @param ps payment selection
- * @param PaymentRule payment rule
- */
- public MPaySelectionCheck (MPaySelection ps, String PaymentRule)
- {
- this (ps.getCtx(), 0, ps.get_TrxName());
- setClientOrg(ps);
- setC_PaySelection_ID (ps.getC_PaySelection_ID());
- setPaymentRule (PaymentRule);
- } // MPaySelectionCheck
- /** Parent */
- private MPaySelection m_parent = null;
- /** Payment Selection lines of this check */
- private MPaySelectionLine[] m_lines = null;
- /**
- * Add Payment Selection Line
- * @param line line
- */
- public void addLine (MPaySelectionLine line)
- {
- if (getC_BPartner_ID() != line.getInvoice().getC_BPartner_ID())
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Line for fifferent BPartner");
- //
- if (isReceipt() == line.isSOTrx())
- {
- setPayAmt (getPayAmt().add(line.getPayAmt()));
- setDiscountAmt(getDiscountAmt().add(line.getDiscountAmt()));
- }
- else
- {
- setPayAmt (getPayAmt().subtract(line.getPayAmt()));
- setDiscountAmt(getDiscountAmt().subtract(line.getDiscountAmt()));
- }
- setQty (getQty()+1);
- } // addLine
- /**
- * Get Parent
- * @return parent
- */
- public MPaySelection getParent()
- {
- if (m_parent == null)
- m_parent = new MPaySelection (getCtx(), getC_PaySelection_ID(), get_TrxName());
- return m_parent;
+ setPayAmt (line.getPayAmt());
+ setDiscountAmt(line.getDiscountAmt());
+ setQty (1);
+ } // MPaySelectionCheck
+ /**
+ * Create from Pay Selection
+ * @param ps payment selection
+ * @param PaymentRule payment rule
+ */
+ public MPaySelectionCheck (MPaySelection ps, String PaymentRule)
+ {
+ this (ps.getCtx(), 0, ps.get_TrxName());
+ setClientOrg(ps);
+ setC_PaySelection_ID (ps.getC_PaySelection_ID());
+ setPaymentRule (PaymentRule);
+ } // MPaySelectionCheck
+ /** Parent */
+ private MPaySelection m_parent = null;
+ /** Payment Selection lines of this check */
+ private MPaySelectionLine[] m_lines = null;
+ /**
+ * Add Payment Selection Line
+ * @param line line
+ */
+ public void addLine (MPaySelectionLine line)
+ {
+ if (getC_BPartner_ID() != line.getInvoice().getC_BPartner_ID())
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Line for fifferent BPartner");
+ //
+ if (isReceipt() == line.isSOTrx())
+ {
+ setPayAmt (getPayAmt().add(line.getPayAmt()));
+ setDiscountAmt(getDiscountAmt().add(line.getDiscountAmt()));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ setPayAmt (getPayAmt().subtract(line.getPayAmt()));
+ setDiscountAmt(getDiscountAmt().subtract(line.getDiscountAmt()));
+ }
+ setQty (getQty()+1);
+ } // addLine
+ /**
+ * Get Parent
+ * @return parent
+ */
+ public MPaySelection getParent()
+ {
+ if (m_parent == null)
+ m_parent = new MPaySelection (getCtx(), getC_PaySelection_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ return m_parent;
} // getParent
+ /**
+ * Is this a valid Prepared Payment
+ * @return true if valid
+ */
+ public boolean isValid()
+ {
+ if (getC_BP_BankAccount_ID() != 0)
+ return true;
+ return !isDirect();
+ } // isValid
+ /**
+ * Is this a direct Debit or Deposit
+ * @return true if direct
+ */
+ public boolean isDirect()
+ {
+ return (X_C_Order.PAYMENTRULE_DirectDeposit.equals(getPaymentRule())
+ || X_C_Order.PAYMENTRULE_DirectDebit.equals(getPaymentRule()));
+ } // isDirect
* String Representation
* @return info
- public String toString()
- {
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("MPaymentCheck[");
- sb.append(get_ID()).append("-").append(getDocumentNo())
- .append("-").append(getPayAmt())
- .append(",PaymetRule=").append(getPaymentRule())
- .append(",Qty=").append(getQty())
- .append("]");
- return sb.toString();
- } // toString
- /**
- * Get Payment Selection Lines of this check
- * @param requery requery
- * @return array of peyment selection lines
- */
- public MPaySelectionLine[] getPaySelectionLines (boolean requery)
- {
- if (m_lines != null && !requery)
- return m_lines;
- ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
- String sql = "SELECT * FROM C_PaySelectionLine WHERE C_PaySelectionCheck_ID=? ORDER BY Line";
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, get_TrxName());
- pstmt.setInt (1, getC_PaySelectionCheck_ID());
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
- while (rs.next ())
- list.add (new MPaySelectionLine(getCtx(), rs, get_TrxName()));
- rs.close ();
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- try
- {
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- }
- //
- m_lines = new MPaySelectionLine[list.size ()];
- list.toArray (m_lines);
- return m_lines;
- } // getPaySelectionLines
-} // MPaySelectionCheck
+ public String toString()
+ {
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("MPaymentCheck[");
+ sb.append(get_ID()).append("-").append(getDocumentNo())
+ .append("-").append(getPayAmt())
+ .append(",PaymetRule=").append(getPaymentRule())
+ .append(",Qty=").append(getQty())
+ .append("]");
+ return sb.toString();
+ } // toString
+ /**
+ * Get Payment Selection Lines of this check
+ * @param requery requery
+ * @return array of peyment selection lines
+ */
+ public MPaySelectionLine[] getPaySelectionLines (boolean requery)
+ {
+ if (m_lines != null && !requery)
+ return m_lines;
+ ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
+ String sql = "SELECT * FROM C_PaySelectionLine WHERE C_PaySelectionCheck_ID=? ORDER BY Line";
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, get_TrxName());
+ pstmt.setInt (1, getC_PaySelectionCheck_ID());
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
+ while (rs.next ())
+ list.add (new MPaySelectionLine(getCtx(), rs, get_TrxName()));
+ rs.close ();
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ //
+ m_lines = new MPaySelectionLine[list.size ()];
+ list.toArray (m_lines);
+ return m_lines;
+ } // getPaySelectionLines
+} // MPaySelectionCheck
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MPaySelectionLine.java b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MPaySelectionLine.java
index 7e4a9eff15..22f6d82da8 100644
--- a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MPaySelectionLine.java
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MPaySelectionLine.java
@@ -3,176 +3,175 @@
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
- * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
- * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
- * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
- * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
- * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.compiere.model;
-import java.math.*;
-import java.sql.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import org.compiere.util.*;
- * Payment Selection Line Model
- *
- * @author Jorg Janke
- * @version $Id: MPaySelectionLine.java,v 1.3 2006/07/30 00:51:03 jjanke Exp $
- */
-public class MPaySelectionLine extends X_C_PaySelectionLine
- /**
- * Standard Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param C_PaySelectionLine_ID id
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MPaySelectionLine (Properties ctx, int C_PaySelectionLine_ID, String trxName)
- {
- super(ctx, C_PaySelectionLine_ID, trxName);
- if (C_PaySelectionLine_ID == 0)
- {
- // setC_PaySelection_ID (0);
- // setPaymentRule (null); // S
- // setLine (0); // @SQL=SELECT NVL(MAX(Line),0)+10 AS DefaultValue FROM C_PaySelectionLine WHERE C_PaySelection_ID=@C_PaySelection_ID@
- // setC_Invoice_ID (0);
- setIsSOTrx (false);
- setOpenAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setPayAmt (Env.ZERO);
- setDiscountAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setDifferenceAmt (Env.ZERO);
- setIsManual (false);
- }
- } // MPaySelectionLine
- /**
- * Load Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param rs result set
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MPaySelectionLine(Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
- {
- super(ctx, rs, trxName);
- } // MPaySelectionLine
- /**
- * Parent Constructor
- * @param ps parent
- * @param Line line
- * @param PaymentRule payment rule
- */
- public MPaySelectionLine (MPaySelection ps, int Line, String PaymentRule)
- {
- this (ps.getCtx(), 0, ps.get_TrxName());
- setClientOrg(ps);
- setC_PaySelection_ID(ps.getC_PaySelection_ID());
- setLine(Line);
- setPaymentRule(PaymentRule);
- } // MPaySelectionLine
- /** Invoice */
- private MInvoice m_invoice = null;
- /**
- * Set Invoice Info
- * @param C_Invoice_ID invoice
- * @param isSOTrx sales trx
- * @param PayAmt payment
- * @param OpenAmt open
- * @param DiscountAmt discount
- */
- public void setInvoice (int C_Invoice_ID, boolean isSOTrx, BigDecimal OpenAmt,
- BigDecimal PayAmt, BigDecimal DiscountAmt)
- {
- setC_Invoice_ID (C_Invoice_ID);
- setIsSOTrx(isSOTrx);
- setOpenAmt(OpenAmt);
- setPayAmt (PayAmt);
- setDiscountAmt(DiscountAmt);
- setDifferenceAmt(OpenAmt.subtract(PayAmt).subtract(DiscountAmt));
- } // setInvoive
- /**
- * Get Invoice
- * @return invoice
- */
- public MInvoice getInvoice()
- {
- if (m_invoice == null)
- m_invoice = new MInvoice (getCtx(), getC_Invoice_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
+ * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
+ * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
+ * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.model;
+import java.math.*;
+import java.sql.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.compiere.util.*;
+ * Payment Selection Line Model
+ *
+ * @author Jorg Janke
+ * @version $Id: MPaySelectionLine.java,v 1.3 2006/07/30 00:51:03 jjanke Exp $
+ */
+public class MPaySelectionLine extends X_C_PaySelectionLine
+ /**
+ * Standard Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param C_PaySelectionLine_ID id
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MPaySelectionLine (Properties ctx, int C_PaySelectionLine_ID, String trxName)
+ {
+ super(ctx, C_PaySelectionLine_ID, trxName);
+ if (C_PaySelectionLine_ID == 0)
+ {
+ // setC_PaySelection_ID (0);
+ // setPaymentRule (null); // S
+ // setLine (0); // @SQL=SELECT NVL(MAX(Line),0)+10 AS DefaultValue FROM C_PaySelectionLine WHERE C_PaySelection_ID=@C_PaySelection_ID@
+ // setC_Invoice_ID (0);
+ setIsSOTrx (false);
+ setOpenAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setPayAmt (Env.ZERO);
+ setDiscountAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setDifferenceAmt (Env.ZERO);
+ setIsManual (false);
+ }
+ } // MPaySelectionLine
+ /**
+ * Load Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param rs result set
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MPaySelectionLine(Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
+ {
+ super(ctx, rs, trxName);
+ } // MPaySelectionLine
+ /**
+ * Parent Constructor
+ * @param ps parent
+ * @param Line line
+ * @param PaymentRule payment rule
+ */
+ public MPaySelectionLine (MPaySelection ps, int Line, String PaymentRule)
+ {
+ this (ps.getCtx(), 0, ps.get_TrxName());
+ setClientOrg(ps);
+ setC_PaySelection_ID(ps.getC_PaySelection_ID());
+ setLine(Line);
+ setPaymentRule(PaymentRule);
+ } // MPaySelectionLine
+ /** Invoice */
+ private MInvoice m_invoice = null;
+ /**
+ * Set Invoice Info
+ * @param C_Invoice_ID invoice
+ * @param isSOTrx sales trx
+ * @param PayAmt payment
+ * @param OpenAmt open
+ * @param DiscountAmt discount
+ */
+ public void setInvoice (int C_Invoice_ID, boolean isSOTrx, BigDecimal OpenAmt,
+ BigDecimal PayAmt, BigDecimal DiscountAmt)
+ {
+ setC_Invoice_ID (C_Invoice_ID);
+ setIsSOTrx(isSOTrx);
+ setOpenAmt(OpenAmt);
+ setPayAmt (PayAmt);
+ setDiscountAmt(DiscountAmt);
+ setDifferenceAmt(OpenAmt.subtract(PayAmt).subtract(DiscountAmt));
+ } // setInvoive
+ /**
+ * Get Invoice
+ * @return invoice
+ */
+ public MInvoice getInvoice()
+ {
+ if (m_invoice == null)
+ m_invoice = new MInvoice (getCtx(), getC_Invoice_ID(), get_TrxName());
return m_invoice;
} // getInvoice
* Before Save
* @param newRecord new
- * @return true
- */
- protected boolean beforeSave (boolean newRecord)
- {
- setDifferenceAmt(getOpenAmt().subtract(getPayAmt()).subtract(getDiscountAmt()));
- return true;
- } // beforeSave
- /**
- * After Save
- * @param newRecord new
- * @param success success
- * @return success
- */
- protected boolean afterSave (boolean newRecord, boolean success)
- {
- setHeader();
- return success;
- } // afterSave
- /**
- * After Delete
- * @param success success
- * @return sucess
- */
- protected boolean afterDelete (boolean success)
- {
- setHeader();
- return success;
- } // afterDelete
- /**
- * Recalculate Header Sum
- */
- private void setHeader()
- {
- // Update Header
- String sql = "UPDATE C_PaySelection ps "
- + "SET TotalAmt = (SELECT COALESCE(SUM(psl.PayAmt),0) "
- + "FROM C_PaySelectionLine psl "
- + "WHERE ps.C_PaySelection_ID=psl.C_PaySelection_ID AND psl.IsActive='Y') "
- + "WHERE C_PaySelection_ID=" + getC_PaySelection_ID();
- DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
- } // setHeader
- /**
- * String Representation
- * @return info
- */
- public String toString()
- {
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("MPaySelectionLine[");
- sb.append(get_ID()).append(",C_Invoice_ID=").append(getC_Invoice_ID())
- .append(",PayAmt=").append(getPayAmt())
- .append(",DifferenceAmt=").append(getDifferenceAmt())
- .append("]");
- return sb.toString();
- } // toString
-} // MPaySelectionLine
+ * @return true
+ */
+ protected boolean beforeSave (boolean newRecord)
+ {
+ setDifferenceAmt(getOpenAmt().subtract(getPayAmt()).subtract(getDiscountAmt()));
+ return true;
+ } // beforeSave
+ /**
+ * After Save
+ * @param newRecord new
+ * @param success success
+ * @return success
+ */
+ protected boolean afterSave (boolean newRecord, boolean success)
+ {
+ setHeader();
+ return success;
+ } // afterSave
+ /**
+ * After Delete
+ * @param success success
+ * @return sucess
+ */
+ protected boolean afterDelete (boolean success)
+ {
+ setHeader();
+ return success;
+ } // afterDelete
+ /**
+ * Recalculate Header Sum
+ */
+ private void setHeader()
+ {
+ // Update Header
+ String sql = "UPDATE C_PaySelection ps "
+ + "SET TotalAmt = (SELECT COALESCE(SUM(psl.PayAmt),0) "
+ + "FROM C_PaySelectionLine psl "
+ + "WHERE ps.C_PaySelection_ID=psl.C_PaySelection_ID AND psl.IsActive='Y') "
+ + "WHERE C_PaySelection_ID=" + getC_PaySelection_ID();
+ DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
+ } // setHeader
+ /**
+ * String Representation
+ * @return info
+ */
+ public String toString()
+ {
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("MPaySelectionLine[");
+ sb.append(get_ID()).append(",C_Invoice_ID=").append(getC_Invoice_ID())
+ .append(",PayAmt=").append(getPayAmt())
+ .append(",DifferenceAmt=").append(getDifferenceAmt())
+ .append("]");
+ return sb.toString();
+ } // toString
+} // MPaySelectionLine
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MPayment.java b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MPayment.java
index c1a4a79b98..ffa43a4456 100644
--- a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MPayment.java
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MPayment.java
@@ -3,2288 +3,2296 @@
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
- * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
- * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
- * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
- * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
- * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.compiere.model;
-import java.io.*;
-import java.math.*;
-import java.rmi.*;
-import java.sql.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.util.logging.*;
-import org.compiere.db.*;
-import org.compiere.interfaces.*;
-import org.compiere.process.*;
-import org.compiere.util.*;
- * Payment Model.
- * - retrieve and create payments for invoice
- *
- * Event chain
- * - Payment inserted
- * C_Payment_Trg fires
- * update DocumentNo with payment summary
- * - Payment posted (C_Payment_Post)
- * create allocation line
- * C_Allocation_Trg fires
- * Update C_BPartner Open Item Amount
- * update invoice (IsPaid)
- * link invoice-payment if batch
- *
- * Lifeline:
- * - Created by VPayment or directly
- * - When changed in VPayment
- * - old payment is reversed
- * - new payment created
- *
- * When Payment is posed, the Allocation is made
- *
- * @author Jorg Janke
- * @version $Id: MPayment.java,v 1.4 2006/10/02 05:18:39 jjanke Exp $
- */
-public final class MPayment extends X_C_Payment
- implements DocAction, ProcessCall
- /**
- * Get Payments Of BPartner
- * @param ctx context
- * @param C_BPartner_ID id
- * @param trxName transaction
- * @return array
- */
- public static MPayment[] getOfBPartner (Properties ctx, int C_BPartner_ID, String trxName)
- {
- ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
- String sql = "SELECT * FROM C_Payment WHERE C_BPartner_ID=?";
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trxName);
- pstmt.setInt(1, C_BPartner_ID);
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- while (rs.next())
- list.add(new MPayment(ctx,rs, trxName));
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- try
- {
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- }
- //
- MPayment[] retValue = new MPayment[list.size()];
- list.toArray(retValue);
- return retValue;
- } // getOfBPartner
- /**************************************************************************
- * Default Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param C_Payment_ID payment to load, (0 create new payment)
- * @param trxName trx name
- */
- public MPayment (Properties ctx, int C_Payment_ID, String trxName)
- {
- super (ctx, C_Payment_ID, trxName);
- // New
- if (C_Payment_ID == 0)
- {
- setDocAction(DOCACTION_Complete);
- setDocStatus(DOCSTATUS_Drafted);
- setTrxType(TRXTYPE_Sales);
- //
- setR_AvsAddr (R_AVSZIP_Unavailable);
- setR_AvsZip (R_AVSZIP_Unavailable);
- //
- setIsReceipt (true);
- setIsApproved (false);
- setIsReconciled (false);
- setIsAllocated(false);
- setIsOnline (false);
- setIsSelfService(false);
- setIsDelayedCapture (false);
- setIsPrepayment(false);
- setProcessed(false);
- setProcessing(false);
- setPosted (false);
- //
- setPayAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setDiscountAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setTaxAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setWriteOffAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setIsOverUnderPayment (false);
- setOverUnderAmt(Env.ZERO);
- //
- setDateTrx (new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));
- setDateAcct (getDateTrx());
- setTenderType(TENDERTYPE_Check);
- }
- } // MPayment
- /**
- * Load Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param rs result set record
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MPayment (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
- {
- super(ctx, rs, trxName);
- } // MPayment
- /** Temporary Payment Processors */
- private MPaymentProcessor[] m_mPaymentProcessors = null;
- /** Temporary Payment Processor */
- private MPaymentProcessor m_mPaymentProcessor = null;
- /** Logger */
- private static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger (MPayment.class);
- /** Error Message */
- private String m_errorMessage = null;
- /** Reversal Indicator */
- public static String REVERSE_INDICATOR = "^";
- /**
- * Reset Payment to new status
- */
- public void resetNew()
- {
- setC_Payment_ID(0); // forces new Record
- set_ValueNoCheck ("DocumentNo", null);
- setDocAction(DOCACTION_Prepare);
- setDocStatus(DOCSTATUS_Drafted);
- setProcessed(false);
- setPosted (false);
- setIsReconciled (false);
- setIsAllocated(false);
- setIsOnline(false);
- setIsDelayedCapture (false);
- // setC_BPartner_ID(0);
- setC_Invoice_ID(0);
- setC_Order_ID(0);
- setC_Charge_ID(0);
- setC_Project_ID(0);
- setIsPrepayment(false);
- } // resetNew
- /**
- * Is Cashbook Transfer Trx
- * @return true if Cash Trx
- */
- public boolean isCashTrx()
- {
- return "X".equals(getTenderType());
- } // isCashTrx
- /**************************************************************************
- * Set Credit Card.
- * Need to set PatmentProcessor after Amount/Currency Set
- *
- * @param TrxType Transaction Type see TRX_
- * @param creditCardType CC type
- * @param creditCardNumber CC number
- * @param creditCardVV CC verification
- * @param creditCardExpMM CC Exp MM
- * @param creditCardExpYY CC Exp YY
- * @return true if valid
- */
- public boolean setCreditCard (String TrxType, String creditCardType, String creditCardNumber,
- String creditCardVV, int creditCardExpMM, int creditCardExpYY)
- {
- setTenderType(TENDERTYPE_CreditCard);
- setTrxType(TrxType);
- //
- setCreditCardType (creditCardType);
- setCreditCardNumber (creditCardNumber);
- setCreditCardVV (creditCardVV);
- setCreditCardExpMM (creditCardExpMM);
- setCreditCardExpYY (creditCardExpYY);
- //
- int check = MPaymentValidate.validateCreditCardNumber(creditCardNumber, creditCardType).length()
- + MPaymentValidate.validateCreditCardExp(creditCardExpMM, creditCardExpYY).length();
- if (creditCardVV.length() > 0)
- check += MPaymentValidate.validateCreditCardVV(creditCardVV, creditCardType).length();
- return check == 0;
- } // setCreditCard
- /**
- * Set Credit Card - Exp.
- * Need to set PatmentProcessor after Amount/Currency Set
- *
- * @param TrxType Transaction Type see TRX_
- * @param creditCardType CC type
- * @param creditCardNumber CC number
- * @param creditCardVV CC verification
- * @param creditCardExp CC Exp
- * @return true if valid
- */
- public boolean setCreditCard (String TrxType, String creditCardType, String creditCardNumber,
- String creditCardVV, String creditCardExp)
- {
- return setCreditCard(TrxType, creditCardType, creditCardNumber,
- creditCardVV, MPaymentValidate.getCreditCardExpMM(creditCardExp),
- MPaymentValidate.getCreditCardExpYY(creditCardExp));
- } // setCreditCard
- /**
- * Set ACH BankAccount Info
- *
- * @param C_BankAccount_ID bank account
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
+ * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
+ * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
+ * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.model;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.math.*;
+import java.rmi.*;
+import java.sql.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.logging.*;
+import org.compiere.db.*;
+import org.compiere.interfaces.*;
+import org.compiere.process.*;
+import org.compiere.util.*;
+ * Payment Model.
+ * - retrieve and create payments for invoice
+ *
+ * Event chain
+ * - Payment inserted
+ * C_Payment_Trg fires
+ * update DocumentNo with payment summary
+ * - Payment posted (C_Payment_Post)
+ * create allocation line
+ * C_Allocation_Trg fires
+ * Update C_BPartner Open Item Amount
+ * update invoice (IsPaid)
+ * link invoice-payment if batch
+ *
+ * Lifeline:
+ * - Created by VPayment or directly
+ * - When changed in VPayment
+ * - old payment is reversed
+ * - new payment created
+ *
+ * When Payment is posed, the Allocation is made
+ *
+ * @author Jorg Janke
+ * @version $Id: MPayment.java,v 1.4 2006/10/02 05:18:39 jjanke Exp $
+ */
+public final class MPayment extends X_C_Payment
+ implements DocAction, ProcessCall
+ /**
+ * Get Payments Of BPartner
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param C_BPartner_ID id
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public static MPayment[] getOfBPartner (Properties ctx, int C_BPartner_ID, String trxName)
+ {
+ ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
+ String sql = "SELECT * FROM C_Payment WHERE C_BPartner_ID=?";
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trxName);
+ pstmt.setInt(1, C_BPartner_ID);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ while (rs.next())
+ list.add(new MPayment(ctx,rs, trxName));
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ //
+ MPayment[] retValue = new MPayment[list.size()];
+ list.toArray(retValue);
+ return retValue;
+ } // getOfBPartner
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Default Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param C_Payment_ID payment to load, (0 create new payment)
+ * @param trxName trx name
+ */
+ public MPayment (Properties ctx, int C_Payment_ID, String trxName)
+ {
+ super (ctx, C_Payment_ID, trxName);
+ // New
+ if (C_Payment_ID == 0)
+ {
+ setDocAction(DOCACTION_Complete);
+ setDocStatus(DOCSTATUS_Drafted);
+ setTrxType(TRXTYPE_Sales);
+ //
+ setR_AvsAddr (R_AVSZIP_Unavailable);
+ setR_AvsZip (R_AVSZIP_Unavailable);
+ //
+ setIsReceipt (true);
+ setIsApproved (false);
+ setIsReconciled (false);
+ setIsAllocated(false);
+ setIsOnline (false);
+ setIsSelfService(false);
+ setIsDelayedCapture (false);
+ setIsPrepayment(false);
+ setProcessed(false);
+ setProcessing(false);
+ setPosted (false);
+ //
+ setPayAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setDiscountAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setTaxAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setWriteOffAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setIsOverUnderPayment (false);
+ setOverUnderAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ //
+ setDateTrx (new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));
+ setDateAcct (getDateTrx());
+ setTenderType(TENDERTYPE_Check);
+ }
+ } // MPayment
+ /**
+ * Load Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param rs result set record
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MPayment (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
+ {
+ super(ctx, rs, trxName);
+ } // MPayment
+ /** Temporary Payment Processors */
+ private MPaymentProcessor[] m_mPaymentProcessors = null;
+ /** Temporary Payment Processor */
+ private MPaymentProcessor m_mPaymentProcessor = null;
+ /** Logger */
+ private static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger (MPayment.class);
+ /** Error Message */
+ private String m_errorMessage = null;
+ /** Reversal Indicator */
+ public static String REVERSE_INDICATOR = "^";
+ /**
+ * Reset Payment to new status
+ */
+ public void resetNew()
+ {
+ setC_Payment_ID(0); // forces new Record
+ set_ValueNoCheck ("DocumentNo", null);
+ setDocAction(DOCACTION_Prepare);
+ setDocStatus(DOCSTATUS_Drafted);
+ setProcessed(false);
+ setPosted (false);
+ setIsReconciled (false);
+ setIsAllocated(false);
+ setIsOnline(false);
+ setIsDelayedCapture (false);
+ // setC_BPartner_ID(0);
+ setC_Invoice_ID(0);
+ setC_Order_ID(0);
+ setC_Charge_ID(0);
+ setC_Project_ID(0);
+ setIsPrepayment(false);
+ } // resetNew
+ /**
+ * Is Cashbook Transfer Trx
+ * @return true if Cash Trx
+ */
+ public boolean isCashTrx()
+ {
+ return "X".equals(getTenderType());
+ } // isCashTrx
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Set Credit Card.
+ * Need to set PatmentProcessor after Amount/Currency Set
+ *
+ * @param TrxType Transaction Type see TRX_
+ * @param creditCardType CC type
+ * @param creditCardNumber CC number
+ * @param creditCardVV CC verification
+ * @param creditCardExpMM CC Exp MM
+ * @param creditCardExpYY CC Exp YY
+ * @return true if valid
+ */
+ public boolean setCreditCard (String TrxType, String creditCardType, String creditCardNumber,
+ String creditCardVV, int creditCardExpMM, int creditCardExpYY)
+ {
+ setTenderType(TENDERTYPE_CreditCard);
+ setTrxType(TrxType);
+ //
+ setCreditCardType (creditCardType);
+ setCreditCardNumber (creditCardNumber);
+ setCreditCardVV (creditCardVV);
+ setCreditCardExpMM (creditCardExpMM);
+ setCreditCardExpYY (creditCardExpYY);
+ //
+ int check = MPaymentValidate.validateCreditCardNumber(creditCardNumber, creditCardType).length()
+ + MPaymentValidate.validateCreditCardExp(creditCardExpMM, creditCardExpYY).length();
+ if (creditCardVV.length() > 0)
+ check += MPaymentValidate.validateCreditCardVV(creditCardVV, creditCardType).length();
+ return check == 0;
+ } // setCreditCard
+ /**
+ * Set Credit Card - Exp.
+ * Need to set PatmentProcessor after Amount/Currency Set
+ *
+ * @param TrxType Transaction Type see TRX_
+ * @param creditCardType CC type
+ * @param creditCardNumber CC number
+ * @param creditCardVV CC verification
+ * @param creditCardExp CC Exp
+ * @return true if valid
+ */
+ public boolean setCreditCard (String TrxType, String creditCardType, String creditCardNumber,
+ String creditCardVV, String creditCardExp)
+ {
+ return setCreditCard(TrxType, creditCardType, creditCardNumber,
+ creditCardVV, MPaymentValidate.getCreditCardExpMM(creditCardExp),
+ MPaymentValidate.getCreditCardExpYY(creditCardExp));
+ } // setCreditCard
+ /**
+ * Set ACH BankAccount Info
+ *
+ * @param C_BankAccount_ID bank account
* @param isReceipt true if receipt
* @return true if valid
- public boolean setBankACH (int C_BankAccount_ID, boolean isReceipt)
+ public boolean setBankACH (MPaySelectionCheck preparedPayment)
- setBankAccountDetails(C_BankAccount_ID);
- setIsReceipt (isReceipt);
+ // Our Bank
+ setC_BankAccount_ID(preparedPayment.getParent().getC_BankAccount_ID());
+ // Target Bank
+ int C_BP_BankAccount_ID = preparedPayment.getC_BP_BankAccount_ID();
+ MBPBankAccount ba = new MBPBankAccount (preparedPayment.getCtx(), C_BP_BankAccount_ID, null);
+ setRoutingNo(ba.getRoutingNo());
+ setAccountNo(ba.getAccountNo());
+ setIsReceipt (X_C_Order.PAYMENTRULE_DirectDebit.equals // AR only
+ (preparedPayment.getPaymentRule()));
int check = MPaymentValidate.validateRoutingNo(getRoutingNo()).length()
+ MPaymentValidate.validateAccountNo(getAccountNo()).length();
- return check == 0;
- } // setBankACH
- /**
- * Set ACH BankAccount Info
- *
- * @param C_BankAccount_ID bank account
- * @param isReceipt true if receipt
- * @param tenderType - Direct Debit or Direct Deposit
- * @param routingNo routing
- * @param accountNo account
- * @return true if valid
- */
- public boolean setBankACH (int C_BankAccount_ID, boolean isReceipt, String tenderType,
- String routingNo, String accountNo)
- {
- setTenderType (tenderType);
- setIsReceipt (isReceipt);
- //
- if (C_BankAccount_ID > 0
- && (routingNo == null || routingNo.length() == 0 || accountNo == null || accountNo.length() == 0))
- setBankAccountDetails(C_BankAccount_ID);
- else
- {
- setC_BankAccount_ID(C_BankAccount_ID);
- setRoutingNo (routingNo);
- setAccountNo (accountNo);
- }
- setCheckNo ("");
- //
- int check = MPaymentValidate.validateRoutingNo(routingNo).length()
- + MPaymentValidate.validateAccountNo(accountNo).length();
- return check == 0;
- } // setBankACH
- /**
- * Set Check BankAccount Info
- *
- * @param C_BankAccount_ID bank account
- * @param isReceipt true if receipt
- * @param checkNo chack no
- * @return true if valid
- */
- public boolean setBankCheck (int C_BankAccount_ID, boolean isReceipt, String checkNo)
- {
- return setBankCheck (C_BankAccount_ID, isReceipt, null, null, checkNo);
- } // setBankCheck
- /**
- * Set Check BankAccount Info
- *
- * @param C_BankAccount_ID bank account
- * @param isReceipt true if receipt
- * @param routingNo routing no
- * @param accountNo account no
- * @param checkNo chack no
- * @return true if valid
- */
- public boolean setBankCheck (int C_BankAccount_ID, boolean isReceipt,
- String routingNo, String accountNo, String checkNo)
- {
- setTenderType (TENDERTYPE_Check);
- setIsReceipt (isReceipt);
- //
- if (C_BankAccount_ID > 0
- && (routingNo == null || routingNo.length() == 0
- || accountNo == null || accountNo.length() == 0))
- setBankAccountDetails(C_BankAccount_ID);
- else
- {
- setC_BankAccount_ID(C_BankAccount_ID);
- setRoutingNo (routingNo);
- setAccountNo (accountNo);
- }
- setCheckNo (checkNo);
- //
- int check = MPaymentValidate.validateRoutingNo(routingNo).length()
- + MPaymentValidate.validateAccountNo(accountNo).length()
- + MPaymentValidate.validateCheckNo(checkNo).length();
- return check == 0; // no error message
- } // setBankCheck
- /**
- * Set Bank Account Details.
- * Look up Routing No & Bank Acct No
- * @param C_BankAccount_ID bank account
- */
- public void setBankAccountDetails (int C_BankAccount_ID)
- {
- if (C_BankAccount_ID == 0)
- return;
- setC_BankAccount_ID(C_BankAccount_ID);
- //
- String sql = "SELECT b.RoutingNo, ba.AccountNo "
- + "FROM C_BankAccount ba"
- + " INNER JOIN C_Bank b ON (ba.C_Bank_ID=b.C_Bank_ID) "
- + "WHERE C_BankAccount_ID=?";
- try
- {
- PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
- pstmt.setInt(1, C_BankAccount_ID);
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- if (rs.next())
- {
- setRoutingNo (rs.getString(1));
- setAccountNo (rs.getString(2));
- }
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- }
- catch (SQLException e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- } // setBankAccountDetails
- /**
- * Set Account Address
- *
- * @param name name
- * @param street street
- * @param city city
- * @param state state
- * @param zip zip
- * @param country country
- */
- public void setAccountAddress (String name, String street,
- String city, String state, String zip, String country)
- {
- setA_Name (name);
- setA_Street (street);
- setA_City (city);
- setA_State (state);
- setA_Zip (zip);
- setA_Country(country);
- } // setAccountAddress
- /**************************************************************************
- * Process Payment
- * @return true if approved
- */
- public boolean processOnline()
- {
- log.info ("Amt=" + getPayAmt());
- //
- setIsOnline(true);
- setErrorMessage(null);
- // prevent charging twice
- if (isApproved())
- {
- log.info("Already processed - " + getR_Result() + " - " + getR_RespMsg());
- setErrorMessage("Payment already Processed");
- return true;
- }
- if (m_mPaymentProcessor == null)
- setPaymentProcessor();
- if (m_mPaymentProcessor == null)
- {
- log.log(Level.WARNING, "No Payment Processor Model");
- setErrorMessage("No Payment Processor Model");
- return false;
- }
- boolean approved = false;
- /** Process Payment on Server */
- if (DB.isRemoteObjects())
- {
- Server server = CConnection.get().getServer();
- try
- {
- if (server != null)
- { // See ServerBean
- String trxName = null; // unconditionally save
- save(trxName); // server reads from disk
- approved = server.paymentOnline (getCtx(), getC_Payment_ID(),
- m_mPaymentProcessor.getC_PaymentProcessor_ID(), trxName);
- if (CLogMgt.isLevelFinest())
- s_log.fine("server => " + approved);
- load(trxName); // server saves to disk
- setIsApproved(approved);
- return approved;
- }
- log.log(Level.WARNING, "AppsServer not found");
- }
- catch (RemoteException ex)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "AppsServer error", ex);
- }
- }
- /** **/
- // Try locally
- try
- {
- PaymentProcessor pp = PaymentProcessor.create(m_mPaymentProcessor, this);
- if (pp == null)
- setErrorMessage("No Payment Processor");
- else
- {
- approved = pp.processCC ();
- if (approved)
- setErrorMessage(null);
- else
- setErrorMessage("From " + getCreditCardName() + ": " + getR_RespMsg());
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "processOnline", e);
- setErrorMessage("Payment Processor Error");
- }
- setIsApproved(approved);
- return approved;
- } // processOnline
- /**
- * Process Online Payment.
- * implements ProcessCall after standard constructor
- * Called when pressing the Process_Online button in C_Payment
- *
- * @param ctx Context
- * @param pi Process Info
- * @param trx transaction
- * @return true if the next process should be performed
- */
- public boolean startProcess (Properties ctx, ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx)
- {
- log.info("startProcess - " + pi.getRecord_ID());
- boolean retValue = false;
- //
- if (pi.getRecord_ID() != get_ID())
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "startProcess - Not same Payment - " + pi.getRecord_ID());
- return false;
- }
- // Process it
- retValue = processOnline();
- save();
- return retValue; // Payment processed
- } // startProcess
- /**
- * Before Save
- * @param newRecord new
- * @return save
- */
- protected boolean beforeSave (boolean newRecord)
- {
- // We have a charge
- if (getC_Charge_ID() != 0)
- {
- if (newRecord || is_ValueChanged("C_Charge_ID"))
- {
- setC_Order_ID(0);
- setC_Invoice_ID(0);
- setWriteOffAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setDiscountAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setIsOverUnderPayment(false);
- setOverUnderAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setIsPrepayment(false);
- }
- }
- // We need a BPartner
- else if (getC_BPartner_ID() == 0 && !isCashTrx())
- {
- if (getC_Invoice_ID() != 0)
- ;
- else if (getC_Order_ID() != 0)
- ;
- else
- {
- log.saveError("Error", Msg.parseTranslation(getCtx(), "@NotFound@: @C_BPartner_ID@"));
- return false;
- }
- }
- // Prepayment: No charge and order or project (not as acct dimension)
- if (newRecord
- || is_ValueChanged("C_Charge_ID") || is_ValueChanged("C_Invoice_ID")
- || is_ValueChanged("C_Order_ID") || is_ValueChanged("C_Project_ID"))
- setIsPrepayment (getC_Charge_ID() == 0
- && getC_BPartner_ID() != 0
- && (getC_Order_ID() != 0
- || (getC_Project_ID() != 0 && getC_Invoice_ID() == 0)));
- if (isPrepayment())
- {
- if (newRecord
- || is_ValueChanged("C_Order_ID") || is_ValueChanged("C_Project_ID"))
- {
- setWriteOffAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setDiscountAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setIsOverUnderPayment(false);
- setOverUnderAmt(Env.ZERO);
- }
- }
- // Document Type/Receipt
- if (getC_DocType_ID() == 0)
- setC_DocType_ID();
- else
- {
- MDocType dt = MDocType.get(getCtx(), getC_DocType_ID());
- setIsReceipt(dt.isSOTrx());
- }
- setDocumentNo();
- //
- if (getDateAcct() == null)
- setDateAcct(getDateTrx());
- //
- if (!isOverUnderPayment())
- setOverUnderAmt(Env.ZERO);
- // Organization
- if ((newRecord || is_ValueChanged("C_BankAccount_ID"))
- && getC_Charge_ID() == 0) // allow different org for charge
- {
- MBankAccount ba = MBankAccount.get(getCtx(), getC_BankAccount_ID());
- if (ba.getAD_Org_ID() != 0)
- setAD_Org_ID(ba.getAD_Org_ID());
- }
- return true;
- } // beforeSave
- /**
- * Get Allocated Amt in Payment Currency
- * @return amount or null
- */
- public BigDecimal getAllocatedAmt ()
- {
- BigDecimal retValue = null;
- if (getC_Charge_ID() != 0)
- return getPayAmt();
- //
- String sql = "SELECT SUM(currencyConvert(al.Amount,"
- + "ah.C_Currency_ID, p.C_Currency_ID,ah.DateTrx,p.C_ConversionType_ID, al.AD_Client_ID,al.AD_Org_ID)) "
- + "FROM C_AllocationLine al"
- + " INNER JOIN C_AllocationHdr ah ON (al.C_AllocationHdr_ID=ah.C_AllocationHdr_ID) "
- + " INNER JOIN C_Payment p ON (al.C_Payment_ID=p.C_Payment_ID) "
- + "WHERE al.C_Payment_ID=?"
- + " AND ah.IsActive='Y' AND al.IsActive='Y'";
- // + " AND al.C_Invoice_ID IS NOT NULL";
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
- pstmt.setInt(1, getC_Payment_ID());
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- if (rs.next())
- retValue = rs.getBigDecimal(1);
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "getAllocatedAmt", e);
- }
- try
- {
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- }
- // log.fine("getAllocatedAmt - " + retValue);
- // ? ROUND(NVL(v_AllocatedAmt,0), 2);
- return retValue;
- } // getAllocatedAmt
- /**
- * Test Allocation (and set allocated flag)
- * @return true if updated
- */
- public boolean testAllocation()
- {
- // Cash Trx always allocated
- if (isCashTrx())
- {
- if (!isAllocated())
- {
- setIsAllocated(true);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- //
- BigDecimal alloc = getAllocatedAmt();
- if (alloc == null)
- alloc = Env.ZERO;
- BigDecimal total = getPayAmt();
- if (!isReceipt())
- total = total.negate();
- boolean test = total.compareTo(alloc) == 0;
- boolean change = test != isAllocated();
- if (change)
- setIsAllocated(test);
- log.fine("Allocated=" + test
- + " (" + alloc + "=" + total + ")");
- return change;
- } // testAllocation
- /**
- * Set Allocated Flag for payments
- * @param ctx context
- * @param C_BPartner_ID if 0 all
- * @param trxName trx
- */
- public static void setIsAllocated (Properties ctx, int C_BPartner_ID, String trxName)
- {
- int counter = 0;
- String sql = "SELECT * FROM C_Payment "
- + "WHERE IsAllocated='N' AND DocStatus IN ('CO','CL')";
- if (C_BPartner_ID > 1)
- sql += " AND C_BPartner_ID=?";
- else
- sql += " AND AD_Client_ID=" + Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx);
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, trxName);
- if (C_BPartner_ID > 1)
- pstmt.setInt (1, C_BPartner_ID);
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
- while (rs.next ())
- {
- MPayment pay = new MPayment (ctx, rs, trxName);
- if (pay.testAllocation())
- if (pay.save())
- counter++;
- }
- rs.close ();
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- try
- {
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- }
- s_log.config("#" + counter);
- } // setIsAllocated
- /**************************************************************************
- * Set Error Message
- * @param errorMessage error message
- */
- public void setErrorMessage(String errorMessage)
- {
- m_errorMessage = errorMessage;
- } // setErrorMessage
- /**
- * Get Error Message
- * @return error message
- */
- public String getErrorMessage()
- {
- return m_errorMessage;
- } // getErrorMessage
- /**
- * Set Bank Account for Payment.
- * @param C_BankAccount_ID C_BankAccount_ID
- */
- public void setC_BankAccount_ID (int C_BankAccount_ID)
- {
- if (C_BankAccount_ID == 0)
- {
- setPaymentProcessor();
- if (getC_BankAccount_ID() == 0)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find Bank Account");
- }
- else
- super.setC_BankAccount_ID(C_BankAccount_ID);
- } // setC_BankAccount_ID
- /**
- * Set BankAccount and PaymentProcessor
- * @return true if found
- */
- public boolean setPaymentProcessor ()
- {
- return setPaymentProcessor (getTenderType(), getCreditCardType());
- } // setPaymentProcessor
- /**
- * Set BankAccount and PaymentProcessor
- * @param tender TenderType see TENDER_
- * @param CCType CC Type see CC_
- * @return true if found
- */
- public boolean setPaymentProcessor (String tender, String CCType)
- {
- m_mPaymentProcessor = null;
- // Get Processor List
- if (m_mPaymentProcessors == null || m_mPaymentProcessors.length == 0)
- m_mPaymentProcessors = MPaymentProcessor.find (getCtx(), tender, CCType, getAD_Client_ID(),
- getC_Currency_ID(), getPayAmt(), get_TrxName());
- // Relax Amount
- if (m_mPaymentProcessors == null || m_mPaymentProcessors.length == 0)
- m_mPaymentProcessors = MPaymentProcessor.find (getCtx(), tender, CCType, getAD_Client_ID(),
- getC_Currency_ID(), Env.ZERO, get_TrxName());
- if (m_mPaymentProcessors == null || m_mPaymentProcessors.length == 0)
- return false;
- // Find the first right one
- for (int i = 0; i < m_mPaymentProcessors.length; i++)
- {
- if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].accepts (tender, CCType))
- {
- m_mPaymentProcessor = m_mPaymentProcessors[i];
- }
- }
- if (m_mPaymentProcessor != null)
- setC_BankAccount_ID (m_mPaymentProcessor.getC_BankAccount_ID());
- //
- return m_mPaymentProcessor != null;
- } // setPaymentProcessor
- /**
- * Get Accepted Credit Cards for PayAmt (default 0)
- * @return credit cards
- */
- public ValueNamePair[] getCreditCards ()
- {
- return getCreditCards(getPayAmt());
- } // getCreditCards
- /**
- * Get Accepted Credit Cards for amount
- * @param amt trx amount
- * @return credit cards
- */
- public ValueNamePair[] getCreditCards (BigDecimal amt)
- {
- try
- {
- if (m_mPaymentProcessors == null || m_mPaymentProcessors.length == 0)
- m_mPaymentProcessors = MPaymentProcessor.find (getCtx (), null, null,
- getAD_Client_ID (), getC_Currency_ID (), amt, get_TrxName());
- //
- HashMap map = new HashMap(); // to eliminate duplicates
- for (int i = 0; i < m_mPaymentProcessors.length; i++)
- {
- if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].isAcceptAMEX ())
- map.put (CREDITCARDTYPE_Amex, getCreditCardPair (CREDITCARDTYPE_Amex));
- if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].isAcceptDiners ())
- map.put (CREDITCARDTYPE_Diners, getCreditCardPair (CREDITCARDTYPE_Diners));
- if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].isAcceptDiscover ())
- map.put (CREDITCARDTYPE_Discover, getCreditCardPair (CREDITCARDTYPE_Discover));
- if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].isAcceptMC ())
- map.put (CREDITCARDTYPE_MasterCard, getCreditCardPair (CREDITCARDTYPE_MasterCard));
- if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].isAcceptCorporate ())
- map.put (CREDITCARDTYPE_PurchaseCard, getCreditCardPair (CREDITCARDTYPE_PurchaseCard));
- if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].isAcceptVisa ())
- map.put (CREDITCARDTYPE_Visa, getCreditCardPair (CREDITCARDTYPE_Visa));
- } // for all payment processors
- //
- ValueNamePair[] retValue = new ValueNamePair[map.size ()];
- map.values ().toArray (retValue);
- log.fine("getCreditCards - #" + retValue.length + " - Processors=" + m_mPaymentProcessors.length);
- return retValue;
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- ex.printStackTrace();
- return null;
- }
- } // getCreditCards
- /**
- * Get Type and name pair
- * @param CreditCardType credit card Type
- * @return pair
- */
- private ValueNamePair getCreditCardPair (String CreditCardType)
- {
- return new ValueNamePair (CreditCardType, getCreditCardName(CreditCardType));
- } // getCreditCardPair
- /**************************************************************************
- * Credit Card Number
- * @param CreditCardNumber CreditCard Number
- */
- public void setCreditCardNumber (String CreditCardNumber)
- {
- super.setCreditCardNumber (MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(CreditCardNumber));
- } // setCreditCardNumber
- /**
- * Verification Code
- * @param newCreditCardVV CC verification
- */
- public void setCreditCardVV(String newCreditCardVV)
- {
- super.setCreditCardVV (MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(newCreditCardVV));
- } // setCreditCardVV
- /**
- * Two Digit CreditCard MM
- * @param CreditCardExpMM Exp month
- */
- public void setCreditCardExpMM (int CreditCardExpMM)
- {
- if (CreditCardExpMM < 1 || CreditCardExpMM > 12)
- ;
- else
- super.setCreditCardExpMM (CreditCardExpMM);
- } // setCreditCardExpMM
- /**
- * Two digit CreditCard YY (til 2020)
- * @param newCreditCardExpYY 2 or 4 digit year
- */
- public void setCreditCardExpYY (int newCreditCardExpYY)
- {
- int CreditCardExpYY = newCreditCardExpYY;
- if (newCreditCardExpYY > 1999)
- CreditCardExpYY = newCreditCardExpYY-2000;
- super.setCreditCardExpYY(CreditCardExpYY);
- } // setCreditCardExpYY
- /**
- * CreditCard Exp MMYY
- * @param mmyy Exp in form of mmyy
- * @return true if valid
- */
- public boolean setCreditCardExp (String mmyy)
- {
- if (MPaymentValidate.validateCreditCardExp(mmyy).length() != 0)
- return false;
- //
- String exp = MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(mmyy);
- String mmStr = exp.substring(0,2);
- String yyStr = exp.substring(2,4);
- setCreditCardExpMM (Integer.parseInt(mmStr));
- setCreditCardExpYY (Integer.parseInt(yyStr));
- return true;
- } // setCreditCardExp
- /**
- * CreditCard Exp MMYY
- * @param delimiter / - or null
- * @return Exp
- */
- public String getCreditCardExp(String delimiter)
- {
- String mm = String.valueOf(getCreditCardExpMM());
- String yy = String.valueOf(getCreditCardExpYY());
- StringBuffer retValue = new StringBuffer();
- if (mm.length() == 1)
- retValue.append("0");
- retValue.append(mm);
- //
- if (delimiter != null)
- retValue.append(delimiter);
- //
- if (yy.length() == 1)
- retValue.append("0");
- retValue.append(yy);
- //
- return (retValue.toString());
- } // getCreditCardExp
- /**
- * MICR
- * @param MICR MICR
- */
- public void setMicr (String MICR)
- {
- super.setMicr (MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(MICR));
- } // setBankMICR
- /**
- * Routing No
- * @param RoutingNo Routing No
- */
- public void setRoutingNo(String RoutingNo)
- {
- super.setRoutingNo (MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(RoutingNo));
- } // setBankRoutingNo
- /**
- * Bank Account No
- * @param AccountNo AccountNo
- */
- public void setAccountNo (String AccountNo)
- {
- super.setAccountNo (MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(AccountNo));
- } // setBankAccountNo
- /**
- * Check No
- * @param CheckNo Check No
- */
- public void setCheckNo(String CheckNo)
- {
- super.setCheckNo(MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(CheckNo));
- } // setBankCheckNo
- /**
- * Set DocumentNo to Payment info.
- * If there is a R_PnRef that is set automatically
- */
- private void setDocumentNo()
- {
- // Cash Transfer
- if ("X".equals(getTenderType()))
- return;
- // Current Document No
- String documentNo = getDocumentNo();
- // Existing reversal
- if (documentNo != null
- && documentNo.indexOf(REVERSE_INDICATOR) >= 0)
- return;
- // If external number exists - enforce it
- if (getR_PnRef() != null && getR_PnRef().length() > 0)
- {
- if (!getR_PnRef().equals(documentNo))
- setDocumentNo(getR_PnRef());
- return;
- }
- documentNo = "";
- // Credit Card
- if (TENDERTYPE_CreditCard.equals(getTenderType()))
- {
- documentNo = getCreditCardType()
- + " " + Obscure.obscure(getCreditCardNumber())
- + " " + getCreditCardExpMM()
- + "/" + getCreditCardExpYY();
- }
- // Own Check No
- else if (TENDERTYPE_Check.equals(getTenderType())
- && !isReceipt()
- && getCheckNo() != null && getCheckNo().length() > 0)
- {
- documentNo = getCheckNo();
- }
- // Customer Check: Routing: Account #Check
- else if (TENDERTYPE_Check.equals(getTenderType())
- && isReceipt())
- {
- if (getRoutingNo() != null)
- documentNo = getRoutingNo() + ": ";
- if (getAccountNo() != null)
- documentNo += getAccountNo();
- if (getCheckNo() != null)
- {
- if (documentNo.length() > 0)
- documentNo += " ";
- documentNo += "#" + getCheckNo();
- }
- }
- // Set Document No
- documentNo = documentNo.trim();
- if (documentNo.length() > 0)
- setDocumentNo(documentNo);
- } // setDocumentNo
- /**
- * Set Refernce No (and Document No)
- * @param R_PnRef reference
- */
- public void setR_PnRef (String R_PnRef)
- {
- super.setR_PnRef (R_PnRef);
- if (R_PnRef != null)
- setDocumentNo (R_PnRef);
- } // setR_PnRef
- // ---------------
- /**
- * Set Payment Amount
- * @param PayAmt Pay Amt
- */
- public void setPayAmt (BigDecimal PayAmt)
- {
- super.setPayAmt(PayAmt == null ? Env.ZERO : PayAmt);
- } // setPayAmt
- /**
- * Set Payment Amount
- *
- * @param C_Currency_ID currency
- * @param payAmt amount
- */
- public void setAmount (int C_Currency_ID, BigDecimal payAmt)
- {
- if (C_Currency_ID == 0)
- C_Currency_ID = MClient.get(getCtx()).getC_Currency_ID();
- setC_Currency_ID(C_Currency_ID);
- setPayAmt(payAmt);
- } // setAmount
- /**
- * Discount Amt
- * @param DiscountAmt Discount
- */
- public void setDiscountAmt (BigDecimal DiscountAmt)
- {
- super.setDiscountAmt (DiscountAmt == null ? Env.ZERO : DiscountAmt);
- } // setDiscountAmt
- /**
- * WriteOff Amt
- * @param WriteOffAmt WriteOff
- */
- public void setWriteOffAmt (BigDecimal WriteOffAmt)
- {
- super.setWriteOffAmt (WriteOffAmt == null ? Env.ZERO : WriteOffAmt);
- } // setWriteOffAmt
- /**
- * OverUnder Amt
- * @param OverUnderAmt OverUnder
- */
- public void setOverUnderAmt (BigDecimal OverUnderAmt)
- {
- super.setOverUnderAmt (OverUnderAmt == null ? Env.ZERO : OverUnderAmt);
- setIsOverUnderPayment(getOverUnderAmt().compareTo(Env.ZERO) != 0);
- } // setOverUnderAmt
- /**
- * Tax Amt
- * @param TaxAmt Tax
- */
- public void setTaxAmt (BigDecimal TaxAmt)
- {
- super.setTaxAmt (TaxAmt == null ? Env.ZERO : TaxAmt);
- } // setTaxAmt
- /**
- * Set Info from BP Bank Account
- * @param ba BP bank account
- */
- public void setBP_BankAccount (MBPBankAccount ba)
- {
- log.fine("" + ba);
- if (ba == null)
- return;
- setC_BPartner_ID(ba.getC_BPartner_ID());
- setAccountAddress(ba.getA_Name(), ba.getA_Street(), ba.getA_City(),
- ba.getA_State(), ba.getA_Zip(), ba.getA_Country());
- setA_EMail(ba.getA_EMail());
- setA_Ident_DL(ba.getA_Ident_DL());
- setA_Ident_SSN(ba.getA_Ident_SSN());
- // CC
- if (ba.getCreditCardType() != null)
- setCreditCardType(ba.getCreditCardType());
- if (ba.getCreditCardNumber() != null)
- setCreditCardNumber(ba.getCreditCardNumber());
- if (ba.getCreditCardExpMM() != 0)
- setCreditCardExpMM(ba.getCreditCardExpMM());
- if (ba.getCreditCardExpYY() != 0)
- setCreditCardExpYY(ba.getCreditCardExpYY());
- if (ba.getCreditCardVV() != null)
- setCreditCardVV(ba.getCreditCardVV());
- // Bank
- if (ba.getAccountNo() != null)
- setAccountNo(ba.getAccountNo());
- if (ba.getRoutingNo() != null)
- setRoutingNo(ba.getRoutingNo());
- } // setBP_BankAccount
- /**
- * Save Info from BP Bank Account
- * @param ba BP bank account
- * @return true if saved
- */
- public boolean saveToBP_BankAccount (MBPBankAccount ba)
- {
- if (ba == null)
- return false;
- ba.setA_Name(getA_Name());
- ba.setA_Street(getA_Street());
- ba.setA_City(getA_City());
- ba.setA_State(getA_State());
- ba.setA_Zip(getA_Zip());
- ba.setA_Country(getA_Country());
- ba.setA_EMail(getA_EMail());
- ba.setA_Ident_DL(getA_Ident_DL());
- ba.setA_Ident_SSN(getA_Ident_SSN());
- // CC
- ba.setCreditCardType(getCreditCardType());
- ba.setCreditCardNumber(getCreditCardNumber());
- ba.setCreditCardExpMM(getCreditCardExpMM());
- ba.setCreditCardExpYY(getCreditCardExpYY());
- ba.setCreditCardVV(getCreditCardVV());
- // Bank
- if (getAccountNo() != null)
- ba.setAccountNo(getAccountNo());
- if (getRoutingNo() != null)
- ba.setRoutingNo(getRoutingNo());
- // Trx
- ba.setR_AvsAddr(getR_AvsAddr());
- ba.setR_AvsZip(getR_AvsZip());
- //
- boolean ok = ba.save(get_TrxName());
- log.fine("saveToBP_BankAccount - " + ba);
- return ok;
- } // setBP_BankAccount
- /**
- * Set Doc Type bases on IsReceipt
- */
- private void setC_DocType_ID ()
- {
- setC_DocType_ID(isReceipt());
- } // setC_DocType_ID
- /**
- * Set Doc Type
- * @param isReceipt is receipt
- */
- public void setC_DocType_ID (boolean isReceipt)
- {
- setIsReceipt(isReceipt);
- String sql = "SELECT C_DocType_ID FROM C_DocType WHERE AD_Client_ID=? AND DocBaseType=? ORDER BY IsDefault DESC";
- try
- {
+ return check == 0;
+ } // setBankACH
+ /**
+ * Set ACH BankAccount Info
+ *
+ * @param C_BankAccount_ID bank account
+ * @param isReceipt true if receipt
+ * @param tenderType - Direct Debit or Direct Deposit
+ * @param routingNo routing
+ * @param accountNo account
+ * @return true if valid
+ */
+ public boolean setBankACH (int C_BankAccount_ID, boolean isReceipt, String tenderType,
+ String routingNo, String accountNo)
+ {
+ setTenderType (tenderType);
+ setIsReceipt (isReceipt);
+ //
+ if (C_BankAccount_ID > 0
+ && (routingNo == null || routingNo.length() == 0 || accountNo == null || accountNo.length() == 0))
+ setBankAccountDetails(C_BankAccount_ID);
+ else
+ {
+ setC_BankAccount_ID(C_BankAccount_ID);
+ setRoutingNo (routingNo);
+ setAccountNo (accountNo);
+ }
+ setCheckNo ("");
+ //
+ int check = MPaymentValidate.validateRoutingNo(routingNo).length()
+ + MPaymentValidate.validateAccountNo(accountNo).length();
+ return check == 0;
+ } // setBankACH
+ /**
+ * Set Check BankAccount Info
+ *
+ * @param C_BankAccount_ID bank account
+ * @param isReceipt true if receipt
+ * @param checkNo chack no
+ * @return true if valid
+ */
+ public boolean setBankCheck (int C_BankAccount_ID, boolean isReceipt, String checkNo)
+ {
+ return setBankCheck (C_BankAccount_ID, isReceipt, null, null, checkNo);
+ } // setBankCheck
+ /**
+ * Set Check BankAccount Info
+ *
+ * @param C_BankAccount_ID bank account
+ * @param isReceipt true if receipt
+ * @param routingNo routing no
+ * @param accountNo account no
+ * @param checkNo chack no
+ * @return true if valid
+ */
+ public boolean setBankCheck (int C_BankAccount_ID, boolean isReceipt,
+ String routingNo, String accountNo, String checkNo)
+ {
+ setTenderType (TENDERTYPE_Check);
+ setIsReceipt (isReceipt);
+ //
+ if (C_BankAccount_ID > 0
+ && (routingNo == null || routingNo.length() == 0
+ || accountNo == null || accountNo.length() == 0))
+ setBankAccountDetails(C_BankAccount_ID);
+ else
+ {
+ setC_BankAccount_ID(C_BankAccount_ID);
+ setRoutingNo (routingNo);
+ setAccountNo (accountNo);
+ }
+ setCheckNo (checkNo);
+ //
+ int check = MPaymentValidate.validateRoutingNo(routingNo).length()
+ + MPaymentValidate.validateAccountNo(accountNo).length()
+ + MPaymentValidate.validateCheckNo(checkNo).length();
+ return check == 0; // no error message
+ } // setBankCheck
+ /**
+ * Set Bank Account Details.
+ * Look up Routing No & Bank Acct No
+ * @param C_BankAccount_ID bank account
+ */
+ public void setBankAccountDetails (int C_BankAccount_ID)
+ {
+ if (C_BankAccount_ID == 0)
+ return;
+ setC_BankAccount_ID(C_BankAccount_ID);
+ //
+ String sql = "SELECT b.RoutingNo, ba.AccountNo "
+ + "FROM C_BankAccount ba"
+ + " INNER JOIN C_Bank b ON (ba.C_Bank_ID=b.C_Bank_ID) "
+ + "WHERE C_BankAccount_ID=?";
+ try
+ {
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
+ pstmt.setInt(1, C_BankAccount_ID);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ if (rs.next())
+ {
+ setRoutingNo (rs.getString(1));
+ setAccountNo (rs.getString(2));
+ }
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ }
+ catch (SQLException e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ } // setBankAccountDetails
+ /**
+ * Set Account Address
+ *
+ * @param name name
+ * @param street street
+ * @param city city
+ * @param state state
+ * @param zip zip
+ * @param country country
+ */
+ public void setAccountAddress (String name, String street,
+ String city, String state, String zip, String country)
+ {
+ setA_Name (name);
+ setA_Street (street);
+ setA_City (city);
+ setA_State (state);
+ setA_Zip (zip);
+ setA_Country(country);
+ } // setAccountAddress
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Process Payment
+ * @return true if approved
+ */
+ public boolean processOnline()
+ {
+ log.info ("Amt=" + getPayAmt());
+ //
+ setIsOnline(true);
+ setErrorMessage(null);
+ // prevent charging twice
+ if (isApproved())
+ {
+ log.info("Already processed - " + getR_Result() + " - " + getR_RespMsg());
+ setErrorMessage("Payment already Processed");
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessor == null)
+ setPaymentProcessor();
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessor == null)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.WARNING, "No Payment Processor Model");
+ setErrorMessage("No Payment Processor Model");
+ return false;
+ }
+ boolean approved = false;
+ /** Process Payment on Server */
+ if (DB.isRemoteObjects())
+ {
+ Server server = CConnection.get().getServer();
+ try
+ {
+ if (server != null)
+ { // See ServerBean
+ String trxName = null; // unconditionally save
+ save(trxName); // server reads from disk
+ approved = server.paymentOnline (getCtx(), getC_Payment_ID(),
+ m_mPaymentProcessor.getC_PaymentProcessor_ID(), trxName);
+ if (CLogMgt.isLevelFinest())
+ s_log.fine("server => " + approved);
+ load(trxName); // server saves to disk
+ setIsApproved(approved);
+ return approved;
+ }
+ log.log(Level.WARNING, "AppsServer not found");
+ }
+ catch (RemoteException ex)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "AppsServer error", ex);
+ }
+ }
+ /** **/
+ // Try locally
+ try
+ {
+ PaymentProcessor pp = PaymentProcessor.create(m_mPaymentProcessor, this);
+ if (pp == null)
+ setErrorMessage("No Payment Processor");
+ else
+ {
+ approved = pp.processCC ();
+ if (approved)
+ setErrorMessage(null);
+ else
+ setErrorMessage("From " + getCreditCardName() + ": " + getR_RespMsg());
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "processOnline", e);
+ setErrorMessage("Payment Processor Error");
+ }
+ setIsApproved(approved);
+ return approved;
+ } // processOnline
+ /**
+ * Process Online Payment.
+ * implements ProcessCall after standard constructor
+ * Called when pressing the Process_Online button in C_Payment
+ *
+ * @param ctx Context
+ * @param pi Process Info
+ * @param trx transaction
+ * @return true if the next process should be performed
+ */
+ public boolean startProcess (Properties ctx, ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx)
+ {
+ log.info("startProcess - " + pi.getRecord_ID());
+ boolean retValue = false;
+ //
+ if (pi.getRecord_ID() != get_ID())
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "startProcess - Not same Payment - " + pi.getRecord_ID());
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Process it
+ retValue = processOnline();
+ save();
+ return retValue; // Payment processed
+ } // startProcess
+ /**
+ * Before Save
+ * @param newRecord new
+ * @return save
+ */
+ protected boolean beforeSave (boolean newRecord)
+ {
+ // We have a charge
+ if (getC_Charge_ID() != 0)
+ {
+ if (newRecord || is_ValueChanged("C_Charge_ID"))
+ {
+ setC_Order_ID(0);
+ setC_Invoice_ID(0);
+ setWriteOffAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setDiscountAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setIsOverUnderPayment(false);
+ setOverUnderAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setIsPrepayment(false);
+ }
+ }
+ // We need a BPartner
+ else if (getC_BPartner_ID() == 0 && !isCashTrx())
+ {
+ if (getC_Invoice_ID() != 0)
+ ;
+ else if (getC_Order_ID() != 0)
+ ;
+ else
+ {
+ log.saveError("Error", Msg.parseTranslation(getCtx(), "@NotFound@: @C_BPartner_ID@"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Prepayment: No charge and order or project (not as acct dimension)
+ if (newRecord
+ || is_ValueChanged("C_Charge_ID") || is_ValueChanged("C_Invoice_ID")
+ || is_ValueChanged("C_Order_ID") || is_ValueChanged("C_Project_ID"))
+ setIsPrepayment (getC_Charge_ID() == 0
+ && getC_BPartner_ID() != 0
+ && (getC_Order_ID() != 0
+ || (getC_Project_ID() != 0 && getC_Invoice_ID() == 0)));
+ if (isPrepayment())
+ {
+ if (newRecord
+ || is_ValueChanged("C_Order_ID") || is_ValueChanged("C_Project_ID"))
+ {
+ setWriteOffAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setDiscountAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setIsOverUnderPayment(false);
+ setOverUnderAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ }
+ }
+ // Document Type/Receipt
+ if (getC_DocType_ID() == 0)
+ setC_DocType_ID();
+ else
+ {
+ MDocType dt = MDocType.get(getCtx(), getC_DocType_ID());
+ setIsReceipt(dt.isSOTrx());
+ }
+ setDocumentNo();
+ //
+ if (getDateAcct() == null)
+ setDateAcct(getDateTrx());
+ //
+ if (!isOverUnderPayment())
+ setOverUnderAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ // Organization
+ if ((newRecord || is_ValueChanged("C_BankAccount_ID"))
+ && getC_Charge_ID() == 0) // allow different org for charge
+ {
+ MBankAccount ba = MBankAccount.get(getCtx(), getC_BankAccount_ID());
+ if (ba.getAD_Org_ID() != 0)
+ setAD_Org_ID(ba.getAD_Org_ID());
+ }
+ return true;
+ } // beforeSave
+ /**
+ * Get Allocated Amt in Payment Currency
+ * @return amount or null
+ */
+ public BigDecimal getAllocatedAmt ()
+ {
+ BigDecimal retValue = null;
+ if (getC_Charge_ID() != 0)
+ return getPayAmt();
+ //
+ String sql = "SELECT SUM(currencyConvert(al.Amount,"
+ + "ah.C_Currency_ID, p.C_Currency_ID,ah.DateTrx,p.C_ConversionType_ID, al.AD_Client_ID,al.AD_Org_ID)) "
+ + "FROM C_AllocationLine al"
+ + " INNER JOIN C_AllocationHdr ah ON (al.C_AllocationHdr_ID=ah.C_AllocationHdr_ID) "
+ + " INNER JOIN C_Payment p ON (al.C_Payment_ID=p.C_Payment_ID) "
+ + "WHERE al.C_Payment_ID=?"
+ + " AND ah.IsActive='Y' AND al.IsActive='Y'";
+ // + " AND al.C_Invoice_ID IS NOT NULL";
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
+ pstmt.setInt(1, getC_Payment_ID());
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ if (rs.next())
+ retValue = rs.getBigDecimal(1);
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "getAllocatedAmt", e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ // log.fine("getAllocatedAmt - " + retValue);
+ // ? ROUND(NVL(v_AllocatedAmt,0), 2);
+ return retValue;
+ } // getAllocatedAmt
+ /**
+ * Test Allocation (and set allocated flag)
+ * @return true if updated
+ */
+ public boolean testAllocation()
+ {
+ // Cash Trx always allocated
+ if (isCashTrx())
+ {
+ if (!isAllocated())
+ {
+ setIsAllocated(true);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ //
+ BigDecimal alloc = getAllocatedAmt();
+ if (alloc == null)
+ alloc = Env.ZERO;
+ BigDecimal total = getPayAmt();
+ if (!isReceipt())
+ total = total.negate();
+ boolean test = total.compareTo(alloc) == 0;
+ boolean change = test != isAllocated();
+ if (change)
+ setIsAllocated(test);
+ log.fine("Allocated=" + test
+ + " (" + alloc + "=" + total + ")");
+ return change;
+ } // testAllocation
+ /**
+ * Set Allocated Flag for payments
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param C_BPartner_ID if 0 all
+ * @param trxName trx
+ */
+ public static void setIsAllocated (Properties ctx, int C_BPartner_ID, String trxName)
+ {
+ int counter = 0;
+ String sql = "SELECT * FROM C_Payment "
+ + "WHERE IsAllocated='N' AND DocStatus IN ('CO','CL')";
+ if (C_BPartner_ID > 1)
+ sql += " AND C_BPartner_ID=?";
+ else
+ sql += " AND AD_Client_ID=" + Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx);
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, trxName);
+ if (C_BPartner_ID > 1)
+ pstmt.setInt (1, C_BPartner_ID);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
+ while (rs.next ())
+ {
+ MPayment pay = new MPayment (ctx, rs, trxName);
+ if (pay.testAllocation())
+ if (pay.save())
+ counter++;
+ }
+ rs.close ();
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ s_log.config("#" + counter);
+ } // setIsAllocated
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Set Error Message
+ * @param errorMessage error message
+ */
+ public void setErrorMessage(String errorMessage)
+ {
+ m_errorMessage = errorMessage;
+ } // setErrorMessage
+ /**
+ * Get Error Message
+ * @return error message
+ */
+ public String getErrorMessage()
+ {
+ return m_errorMessage;
+ } // getErrorMessage
+ /**
+ * Set Bank Account for Payment.
+ * @param C_BankAccount_ID C_BankAccount_ID
+ */
+ public void setC_BankAccount_ID (int C_BankAccount_ID)
+ {
+ if (C_BankAccount_ID == 0)
+ {
+ setPaymentProcessor();
+ if (getC_BankAccount_ID() == 0)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find Bank Account");
+ }
+ else
+ super.setC_BankAccount_ID(C_BankAccount_ID);
+ } // setC_BankAccount_ID
+ /**
+ * Set BankAccount and PaymentProcessor
+ * @return true if found
+ */
+ public boolean setPaymentProcessor ()
+ {
+ return setPaymentProcessor (getTenderType(), getCreditCardType());
+ } // setPaymentProcessor
+ /**
+ * Set BankAccount and PaymentProcessor
+ * @param tender TenderType see TENDER_
+ * @param CCType CC Type see CC_
+ * @return true if found
+ */
+ public boolean setPaymentProcessor (String tender, String CCType)
+ {
+ m_mPaymentProcessor = null;
+ // Get Processor List
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessors == null || m_mPaymentProcessors.length == 0)
+ m_mPaymentProcessors = MPaymentProcessor.find (getCtx(), tender, CCType, getAD_Client_ID(),
+ getC_Currency_ID(), getPayAmt(), get_TrxName());
+ // Relax Amount
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessors == null || m_mPaymentProcessors.length == 0)
+ m_mPaymentProcessors = MPaymentProcessor.find (getCtx(), tender, CCType, getAD_Client_ID(),
+ getC_Currency_ID(), Env.ZERO, get_TrxName());
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessors == null || m_mPaymentProcessors.length == 0)
+ return false;
+ // Find the first right one
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_mPaymentProcessors.length; i++)
+ {
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].accepts (tender, CCType))
+ {
+ m_mPaymentProcessor = m_mPaymentProcessors[i];
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessor != null)
+ setC_BankAccount_ID (m_mPaymentProcessor.getC_BankAccount_ID());
+ //
+ return m_mPaymentProcessor != null;
+ } // setPaymentProcessor
+ /**
+ * Get Accepted Credit Cards for PayAmt (default 0)
+ * @return credit cards
+ */
+ public ValueNamePair[] getCreditCards ()
+ {
+ return getCreditCards(getPayAmt());
+ } // getCreditCards
+ /**
+ * Get Accepted Credit Cards for amount
+ * @param amt trx amount
+ * @return credit cards
+ */
+ public ValueNamePair[] getCreditCards (BigDecimal amt)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessors == null || m_mPaymentProcessors.length == 0)
+ m_mPaymentProcessors = MPaymentProcessor.find (getCtx (), null, null,
+ getAD_Client_ID (), getC_Currency_ID (), amt, get_TrxName());
+ //
+ HashMap map = new HashMap(); // to eliminate duplicates
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_mPaymentProcessors.length; i++)
+ {
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].isAcceptAMEX ())
+ map.put (CREDITCARDTYPE_Amex, getCreditCardPair (CREDITCARDTYPE_Amex));
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].isAcceptDiners ())
+ map.put (CREDITCARDTYPE_Diners, getCreditCardPair (CREDITCARDTYPE_Diners));
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].isAcceptDiscover ())
+ map.put (CREDITCARDTYPE_Discover, getCreditCardPair (CREDITCARDTYPE_Discover));
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].isAcceptMC ())
+ map.put (CREDITCARDTYPE_MasterCard, getCreditCardPair (CREDITCARDTYPE_MasterCard));
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].isAcceptCorporate ())
+ map.put (CREDITCARDTYPE_PurchaseCard, getCreditCardPair (CREDITCARDTYPE_PurchaseCard));
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].isAcceptVisa ())
+ map.put (CREDITCARDTYPE_Visa, getCreditCardPair (CREDITCARDTYPE_Visa));
+ } // for all payment processors
+ //
+ ValueNamePair[] retValue = new ValueNamePair[map.size ()];
+ map.values ().toArray (retValue);
+ log.fine("getCreditCards - #" + retValue.length + " - Processors=" + m_mPaymentProcessors.length);
+ return retValue;
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ ex.printStackTrace();
+ return null;
+ }
+ } // getCreditCards
+ /**
+ * Get Type and name pair
+ * @param CreditCardType credit card Type
+ * @return pair
+ */
+ private ValueNamePair getCreditCardPair (String CreditCardType)
+ {
+ return new ValueNamePair (CreditCardType, getCreditCardName(CreditCardType));
+ } // getCreditCardPair
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Credit Card Number
+ * @param CreditCardNumber CreditCard Number
+ */
+ public void setCreditCardNumber (String CreditCardNumber)
+ {
+ super.setCreditCardNumber (MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(CreditCardNumber));
+ } // setCreditCardNumber
+ /**
+ * Verification Code
+ * @param newCreditCardVV CC verification
+ */
+ public void setCreditCardVV(String newCreditCardVV)
+ {
+ super.setCreditCardVV (MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(newCreditCardVV));
+ } // setCreditCardVV
+ /**
+ * Two Digit CreditCard MM
+ * @param CreditCardExpMM Exp month
+ */
+ public void setCreditCardExpMM (int CreditCardExpMM)
+ {
+ if (CreditCardExpMM < 1 || CreditCardExpMM > 12)
+ ;
+ else
+ super.setCreditCardExpMM (CreditCardExpMM);
+ } // setCreditCardExpMM
+ /**
+ * Two digit CreditCard YY (til 2020)
+ * @param newCreditCardExpYY 2 or 4 digit year
+ */
+ public void setCreditCardExpYY (int newCreditCardExpYY)
+ {
+ int CreditCardExpYY = newCreditCardExpYY;
+ if (newCreditCardExpYY > 1999)
+ CreditCardExpYY = newCreditCardExpYY-2000;
+ super.setCreditCardExpYY(CreditCardExpYY);
+ } // setCreditCardExpYY
+ /**
+ * CreditCard Exp MMYY
+ * @param mmyy Exp in form of mmyy
+ * @return true if valid
+ */
+ public boolean setCreditCardExp (String mmyy)
+ {
+ if (MPaymentValidate.validateCreditCardExp(mmyy).length() != 0)
+ return false;
+ //
+ String exp = MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(mmyy);
+ String mmStr = exp.substring(0,2);
+ String yyStr = exp.substring(2,4);
+ setCreditCardExpMM (Integer.parseInt(mmStr));
+ setCreditCardExpYY (Integer.parseInt(yyStr));
+ return true;
+ } // setCreditCardExp
+ /**
+ * CreditCard Exp MMYY
+ * @param delimiter / - or null
+ * @return Exp
+ */
+ public String getCreditCardExp(String delimiter)
+ {
+ String mm = String.valueOf(getCreditCardExpMM());
+ String yy = String.valueOf(getCreditCardExpYY());
+ StringBuffer retValue = new StringBuffer();
+ if (mm.length() == 1)
+ retValue.append("0");
+ retValue.append(mm);
+ //
+ if (delimiter != null)
+ retValue.append(delimiter);
+ //
+ if (yy.length() == 1)
+ retValue.append("0");
+ retValue.append(yy);
+ //
+ return (retValue.toString());
+ } // getCreditCardExp
+ /**
+ * MICR
+ * @param MICR MICR
+ */
+ public void setMicr (String MICR)
+ {
+ super.setMicr (MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(MICR));
+ } // setBankMICR
+ /**
+ * Routing No
+ * @param RoutingNo Routing No
+ */
+ public void setRoutingNo(String RoutingNo)
+ {
+ super.setRoutingNo (MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(RoutingNo));
+ } // setBankRoutingNo
+ /**
+ * Bank Account No
+ * @param AccountNo AccountNo
+ */
+ public void setAccountNo (String AccountNo)
+ {
+ super.setAccountNo (MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(AccountNo));
+ } // setBankAccountNo
+ /**
+ * Check No
+ * @param CheckNo Check No
+ */
+ public void setCheckNo(String CheckNo)
+ {
+ super.setCheckNo(MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(CheckNo));
+ } // setBankCheckNo
+ /**
+ * Set DocumentNo to Payment info.
+ * If there is a R_PnRef that is set automatically
+ */
+ private void setDocumentNo()
+ {
+ // Cash Transfer
+ if ("X".equals(getTenderType()))
+ return;
+ // Current Document No
+ String documentNo = getDocumentNo();
+ // Existing reversal
+ if (documentNo != null
+ && documentNo.indexOf(REVERSE_INDICATOR) >= 0)
+ return;
+ // If external number exists - enforce it
+ if (getR_PnRef() != null && getR_PnRef().length() > 0)
+ {
+ if (!getR_PnRef().equals(documentNo))
+ setDocumentNo(getR_PnRef());
+ return;
+ }
+ documentNo = "";
+ // Credit Card
+ if (TENDERTYPE_CreditCard.equals(getTenderType()))
+ {
+ documentNo = getCreditCardType()
+ + " " + Obscure.obscure(getCreditCardNumber())
+ + " " + getCreditCardExpMM()
+ + "/" + getCreditCardExpYY();
+ }
+ // Own Check No
+ else if (TENDERTYPE_Check.equals(getTenderType())
+ && !isReceipt()
+ && getCheckNo() != null && getCheckNo().length() > 0)
+ {
+ documentNo = getCheckNo();
+ }
+ // Customer Check: Routing: Account #Check
+ else if (TENDERTYPE_Check.equals(getTenderType())
+ && isReceipt())
+ {
+ if (getRoutingNo() != null)
+ documentNo = getRoutingNo() + ": ";
+ if (getAccountNo() != null)
+ documentNo += getAccountNo();
+ if (getCheckNo() != null)
+ {
+ if (documentNo.length() > 0)
+ documentNo += " ";
+ documentNo += "#" + getCheckNo();
+ }
+ }
+ // Set Document No
+ documentNo = documentNo.trim();
+ if (documentNo.length() > 0)
+ setDocumentNo(documentNo);
+ } // setDocumentNo
+ /**
+ * Set Refernce No (and Document No)
+ * @param R_PnRef reference
+ */
+ public void setR_PnRef (String R_PnRef)
+ {
+ super.setR_PnRef (R_PnRef);
+ if (R_PnRef != null)
+ setDocumentNo (R_PnRef);
+ } // setR_PnRef
+ // ---------------
+ /**
+ * Set Payment Amount
+ * @param PayAmt Pay Amt
+ */
+ public void setPayAmt (BigDecimal PayAmt)
+ {
+ super.setPayAmt(PayAmt == null ? Env.ZERO : PayAmt);
+ } // setPayAmt
+ /**
+ * Set Payment Amount
+ *
+ * @param C_Currency_ID currency
+ * @param payAmt amount
+ */
+ public void setAmount (int C_Currency_ID, BigDecimal payAmt)
+ {
+ if (C_Currency_ID == 0)
+ C_Currency_ID = MClient.get(getCtx()).getC_Currency_ID();
+ setC_Currency_ID(C_Currency_ID);
+ setPayAmt(payAmt);
+ } // setAmount
+ /**
+ * Discount Amt
+ * @param DiscountAmt Discount
+ */
+ public void setDiscountAmt (BigDecimal DiscountAmt)
+ {
+ super.setDiscountAmt (DiscountAmt == null ? Env.ZERO : DiscountAmt);
+ } // setDiscountAmt
+ /**
+ * WriteOff Amt
+ * @param WriteOffAmt WriteOff
+ */
+ public void setWriteOffAmt (BigDecimal WriteOffAmt)
+ {
+ super.setWriteOffAmt (WriteOffAmt == null ? Env.ZERO : WriteOffAmt);
+ } // setWriteOffAmt
+ /**
+ * OverUnder Amt
+ * @param OverUnderAmt OverUnder
+ */
+ public void setOverUnderAmt (BigDecimal OverUnderAmt)
+ {
+ super.setOverUnderAmt (OverUnderAmt == null ? Env.ZERO : OverUnderAmt);
+ setIsOverUnderPayment(getOverUnderAmt().compareTo(Env.ZERO) != 0);
+ } // setOverUnderAmt
+ /**
+ * Tax Amt
+ * @param TaxAmt Tax
+ */
+ public void setTaxAmt (BigDecimal TaxAmt)
+ {
+ super.setTaxAmt (TaxAmt == null ? Env.ZERO : TaxAmt);
+ } // setTaxAmt
+ /**
+ * Set Info from BP Bank Account
+ * @param ba BP bank account
+ */
+ public void setBP_BankAccount (MBPBankAccount ba)
+ {
+ log.fine("" + ba);
+ if (ba == null)
+ return;
+ setC_BPartner_ID(ba.getC_BPartner_ID());
+ setAccountAddress(ba.getA_Name(), ba.getA_Street(), ba.getA_City(),
+ ba.getA_State(), ba.getA_Zip(), ba.getA_Country());
+ setA_EMail(ba.getA_EMail());
+ setA_Ident_DL(ba.getA_Ident_DL());
+ setA_Ident_SSN(ba.getA_Ident_SSN());
+ // CC
+ if (ba.getCreditCardType() != null)
+ setCreditCardType(ba.getCreditCardType());
+ if (ba.getCreditCardNumber() != null)
+ setCreditCardNumber(ba.getCreditCardNumber());
+ if (ba.getCreditCardExpMM() != 0)
+ setCreditCardExpMM(ba.getCreditCardExpMM());
+ if (ba.getCreditCardExpYY() != 0)
+ setCreditCardExpYY(ba.getCreditCardExpYY());
+ if (ba.getCreditCardVV() != null)
+ setCreditCardVV(ba.getCreditCardVV());
+ // Bank
+ if (ba.getAccountNo() != null)
+ setAccountNo(ba.getAccountNo());
+ if (ba.getRoutingNo() != null)
+ setRoutingNo(ba.getRoutingNo());
+ } // setBP_BankAccount
+ /**
+ * Save Info from BP Bank Account
+ * @param ba BP bank account
+ * @return true if saved
+ */
+ public boolean saveToBP_BankAccount (MBPBankAccount ba)
+ {
+ if (ba == null)
+ return false;
+ ba.setA_Name(getA_Name());
+ ba.setA_Street(getA_Street());
+ ba.setA_City(getA_City());
+ ba.setA_State(getA_State());
+ ba.setA_Zip(getA_Zip());
+ ba.setA_Country(getA_Country());
+ ba.setA_EMail(getA_EMail());
+ ba.setA_Ident_DL(getA_Ident_DL());
+ ba.setA_Ident_SSN(getA_Ident_SSN());
+ // CC
+ ba.setCreditCardType(getCreditCardType());
+ ba.setCreditCardNumber(getCreditCardNumber());
+ ba.setCreditCardExpMM(getCreditCardExpMM());
+ ba.setCreditCardExpYY(getCreditCardExpYY());
+ ba.setCreditCardVV(getCreditCardVV());
+ // Bank
+ if (getAccountNo() != null)
+ ba.setAccountNo(getAccountNo());
+ if (getRoutingNo() != null)
+ ba.setRoutingNo(getRoutingNo());
+ // Trx
+ ba.setR_AvsAddr(getR_AvsAddr());
+ ba.setR_AvsZip(getR_AvsZip());
+ //
+ boolean ok = ba.save(get_TrxName());
+ log.fine("saveToBP_BankAccount - " + ba);
+ return ok;
+ } // setBP_BankAccount
+ /**
+ * Set Doc Type bases on IsReceipt
+ */
+ private void setC_DocType_ID ()
+ {
+ setC_DocType_ID(isReceipt());
+ } // setC_DocType_ID
+ /**
+ * Set Doc Type
+ * @param isReceipt is receipt
+ */
+ public void setC_DocType_ID (boolean isReceipt)
+ {
+ setIsReceipt(isReceipt);
+ String sql = "SELECT C_DocType_ID FROM C_DocType WHERE AD_Client_ID=? AND DocBaseType=? ORDER BY IsDefault DESC";
+ try
+ {
PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
pstmt.setInt(1, getAD_Client_ID());
if (isReceipt)
- pstmt.setString(2, MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_ARReceipt);
+ pstmt.setString(2, X_C_DocType.DOCBASETYPE_ARReceipt);
- pstmt.setString(2, MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_APPayment);
+ pstmt.setString(2, X_C_DocType.DOCBASETYPE_APPayment);
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
if (rs.next())
- else
- log.warning ("setDocType - NOT found - isReceipt=" + isReceipt);
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- }
- catch (SQLException e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- } // setC_DocType_ID
- /**
- * Set Document Type
- * @param C_DocType_ID doc type
- */
- public void setC_DocType_ID (int C_DocType_ID)
- {
- // if (getDocumentNo() != null && getC_DocType_ID() != C_DocType_ID)
- // setDocumentNo(null);
- super.setC_DocType_ID(C_DocType_ID);
- } // setC_DocType_ID
- /**
- * Verify Document Type with Invoice
- * @return true if ok
- */
- private boolean verifyDocType()
- {
- if (getC_DocType_ID() == 0)
- return false;
- //
- Boolean invoiceSO = null;
- // Check Invoice First
- if (getC_Invoice_ID() > 0)
- {
- String sql = "SELECT idt.IsSOTrx "
- + "FROM C_Invoice i"
- + " INNER JOIN C_DocType idt ON (i.C_DocType_ID=idt.C_DocType_ID) "
- + "WHERE i.C_Invoice_ID=?";
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
- pstmt.setInt(1, getC_Invoice_ID());
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- if (rs.next())
- invoiceSO = new Boolean ("Y".equals(rs.getString(1)));
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- try
- {
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- }
- } // Invoice
- // DocumentType
- Boolean paymentSO = null;
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- String sql = "SELECT IsSOTrx "
- + "FROM C_DocType "
- + "WHERE C_DocType_ID=?";
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
- pstmt.setInt(1, getC_DocType_ID());
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- if (rs.next())
- paymentSO = new Boolean ("Y".equals(rs.getString(1)));
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- try
- {
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- }
- // No Payment info
- if (paymentSO == null)
- return false;
- setIsReceipt(paymentSO.booleanValue());
- // We have an Invoice .. and it does not match
- if (invoiceSO != null
- && invoiceSO.booleanValue() != paymentSO.booleanValue())
- return false;
- // OK
- return true;
- } // verifyDocType
- /**
- * Get ISO Code of Currency
- * @return Currency ISO
- */
- public String getCurrencyISO()
- {
- return MCurrency.getISO_Code (getCtx(), getC_Currency_ID());
- } // getCurrencyISO
- /**
- * Get Document Status
- * @return Document Status Clear Text
- */
- public String getDocStatusName()
- {
- return MRefList.getListName(getCtx(), 131, getDocStatus());
- } // getDocStatusName
- /**
- * Get Name of Credit Card
- * @return Name
- */
- public String getCreditCardName()
- {
- return getCreditCardName(getCreditCardType());
- } // getCreditCardName
- /**
- * Get Name of Credit Card
- * @param CreditCardType credit card type
- * @return Name
- */
- public String getCreditCardName(String CreditCardType)
- {
- if (CreditCardType == null)
- return "--";
- else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_MasterCard.equals(CreditCardType))
- return "MasterCard";
- else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_Visa.equals(CreditCardType))
- return "Visa";
- else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_Amex.equals(CreditCardType))
- return "Amex";
- else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_ATM.equals(CreditCardType))
- return "ATM";
- else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_Diners.equals(CreditCardType))
- return "Diners";
- else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_Discover.equals(CreditCardType))
- return "Discover";
- else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_PurchaseCard.equals(CreditCardType))
- return "PurchaseCard";
- return "?" + CreditCardType + "?";
- } // getCreditCardName
- /**
- * Add to Description
- * @param description text
- */
- public void addDescription (String description)
- {
- String desc = getDescription();
- if (desc == null)
- setDescription(description);
- else
- setDescription(desc + " | " + description);
- } // addDescription
- /**
- * Get Pay Amt
- * @param absolute if true the absolute amount (i.e. negative if payment)
- * @return amount
- */
- public BigDecimal getPayAmt (boolean absolute)
- {
- if (isReceipt())
- return super.getPayAmt();
- return super.getPayAmt().negate();
- } // getPayAmt
- /**
- * Get Pay Amt in cents
- * @return amount in cents
- */
- public int getPayAmtInCents ()
- {
- BigDecimal bd = super.getPayAmt().multiply(Env.ONEHUNDRED);
- return bd.intValue();
- } // getPayAmtInCents
- /**************************************************************************
- * Process document
- * @param processAction document action
- * @return true if performed
- */
- public boolean processIt (String processAction)
- {
- m_processMsg = null;
- DocumentEngine engine = new DocumentEngine (this, getDocStatus());
- return engine.processIt (processAction, getDocAction());
- } // process
- /** Process Message */
- private String m_processMsg = null;
- /** Just Prepared Flag */
- private boolean m_justPrepared = false;
- /**
- * Unlock Document.
- * @return true if success
+ else
+ log.warning ("setDocType - NOT found - isReceipt=" + isReceipt);
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ }
+ catch (SQLException e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ } // setC_DocType_ID
+ /**
+ * Set Document Type
+ * @param C_DocType_ID doc type
+ */
+ public void setC_DocType_ID (int C_DocType_ID)
+ {
+ // if (getDocumentNo() != null && getC_DocType_ID() != C_DocType_ID)
+ // setDocumentNo(null);
+ super.setC_DocType_ID(C_DocType_ID);
+ } // setC_DocType_ID
+ /**
+ * Verify Document Type with Invoice
+ * @return true if ok
+ */
+ private boolean verifyDocType()
+ {
+ if (getC_DocType_ID() == 0)
+ return false;
+ //
+ Boolean invoiceSO = null;
+ // Check Invoice First
+ if (getC_Invoice_ID() > 0)
+ {
+ String sql = "SELECT idt.IsSOTrx "
+ + "FROM C_Invoice i"
+ + " INNER JOIN C_DocType idt ON (i.C_DocType_ID=idt.C_DocType_ID) "
+ + "WHERE i.C_Invoice_ID=?";
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
+ pstmt.setInt(1, getC_Invoice_ID());
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ if (rs.next())
+ invoiceSO = new Boolean ("Y".equals(rs.getString(1)));
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ } // Invoice
+ // DocumentType
+ Boolean paymentSO = null;
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ String sql = "SELECT IsSOTrx "
+ + "FROM C_DocType "
+ + "WHERE C_DocType_ID=?";
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
+ pstmt.setInt(1, getC_DocType_ID());
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ if (rs.next())
+ paymentSO = new Boolean ("Y".equals(rs.getString(1)));
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ // No Payment info
+ if (paymentSO == null)
+ return false;
+ setIsReceipt(paymentSO.booleanValue());
+ // We have an Invoice .. and it does not match
+ if (invoiceSO != null
+ && invoiceSO.booleanValue() != paymentSO.booleanValue())
+ return false;
+ // OK
+ return true;
+ } // verifyDocType
+ /**
+ * Get ISO Code of Currency
+ * @return Currency ISO
+ */
+ public String getCurrencyISO()
+ {
+ return MCurrency.getISO_Code (getCtx(), getC_Currency_ID());
+ } // getCurrencyISO
+ /**
+ * Get Document Status
+ * @return Document Status Clear Text
+ */
+ public String getDocStatusName()
+ {
+ return MRefList.getListName(getCtx(), 131, getDocStatus());
+ } // getDocStatusName
+ /**
+ * Get Name of Credit Card
+ * @return Name
+ */
+ public String getCreditCardName()
+ {
+ return getCreditCardName(getCreditCardType());
+ } // getCreditCardName
+ /**
+ * Get Name of Credit Card
+ * @param CreditCardType credit card type
+ * @return Name
+ */
+ public String getCreditCardName(String CreditCardType)
+ {
+ if (CreditCardType == null)
+ return "--";
+ else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_MasterCard.equals(CreditCardType))
+ return "MasterCard";
+ else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_Visa.equals(CreditCardType))
+ return "Visa";
+ else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_Amex.equals(CreditCardType))
+ return "Amex";
+ else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_ATM.equals(CreditCardType))
+ return "ATM";
+ else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_Diners.equals(CreditCardType))
+ return "Diners";
+ else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_Discover.equals(CreditCardType))
+ return "Discover";
+ else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_PurchaseCard.equals(CreditCardType))
+ return "PurchaseCard";
+ return "?" + CreditCardType + "?";
+ } // getCreditCardName
+ /**
+ * Add to Description
+ * @param description text
+ */
+ public void addDescription (String description)
+ {
+ String desc = getDescription();
+ if (desc == null)
+ setDescription(description);
+ else
+ setDescription(desc + " | " + description);
+ } // addDescription
+ /**
+ * Get Pay Amt
+ * @param absolute if true the absolute amount (i.e. negative if payment)
+ * @return amount
+ */
+ public BigDecimal getPayAmt (boolean absolute)
+ {
+ if (isReceipt())
+ return super.getPayAmt();
+ return super.getPayAmt().negate();
+ } // getPayAmt
+ /**
+ * Get Pay Amt in cents
+ * @return amount in cents
+ */
+ public int getPayAmtInCents ()
+ {
+ BigDecimal bd = super.getPayAmt().multiply(Env.ONEHUNDRED);
+ return bd.intValue();
+ } // getPayAmtInCents
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Process document
+ * @param processAction document action
+ * @return true if performed
+ */
+ public boolean processIt (String processAction)
+ {
+ m_processMsg = null;
+ DocumentEngine engine = new DocumentEngine (this, getDocStatus());
+ return engine.processIt (processAction, getDocAction());
+ } // process
+ /** Process Message */
+ private String m_processMsg = null;
+ /** Just Prepared Flag */
+ private boolean m_justPrepared = false;
+ /**
+ * Unlock Document.
+ * @return true if success
public boolean unlockIt()
- log.info("unlockIt - " + toString());
+ log.info(toString());
return true;
} // unlockIt
- /**
- * Invalidate Document
- * @return true if success
+ /**
+ * Invalidate Document
+ * @return true if success
public boolean invalidateIt()
- log.info("invalidateIt - " + toString());
+ log.info(toString());
return true;
} // invalidateIt
- /**************************************************************************
- * Prepare Document
- * @return new status (In Progress or Invalid)
- */
- public String prepareIt()
- {
- log.info(toString());
- m_processMsg = ModelValidationEngine.get().fireDocValidate(this, ModelValidator.TIMING_BEFORE_PREPARE);
- if (m_processMsg != null)
- return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Prepare Document
+ * @return new status (In Progress or Invalid)
+ */
+ public String prepareIt()
+ {
+ log.info(toString());
+ m_processMsg = ModelValidationEngine.get().fireDocValidate(this, ModelValidator.TIMING_BEFORE_PREPARE);
+ if (m_processMsg != null)
+ return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
// Std Period open?
if (!MPeriod.isOpen(getCtx(), getDateAcct(),
- isReceipt() ? MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_ARReceipt : MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_APPayment))
+ isReceipt() ? X_C_DocType.DOCBASETYPE_ARReceipt : X_C_DocType.DOCBASETYPE_APPayment))
m_processMsg = "@PeriodClosed@";
return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
- }
- // Unsuccessful Online Payment
- if (isOnline() && !isApproved())
- {
- if (getR_Result() != null)
- m_processMsg = "@OnlinePaymentFailed@";
- else
- m_processMsg = "@PaymentNotProcessed@";
- return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
- }
- // Waiting Payment - Need to create Invoice & Shipment
- if (getC_Order_ID() != 0 && getC_Invoice_ID() == 0)
- { // see WebOrder.process
- MOrder order = new MOrder (getCtx(), getC_Order_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ }
+ // Unsuccessful Online Payment
+ if (isOnline() && !isApproved())
+ {
+ if (getR_Result() != null)
+ m_processMsg = "@OnlinePaymentFailed@";
+ else
+ m_processMsg = "@PaymentNotProcessed@";
+ return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
+ }
+ // Waiting Payment - Need to create Invoice & Shipment
+ if (getC_Order_ID() != 0 && getC_Invoice_ID() == 0)
+ { // see WebOrder.process
+ MOrder order = new MOrder (getCtx(), getC_Order_ID(), get_TrxName());
if (DOCSTATUS_WaitingPayment.equals(order.getDocStatus()))
- order.setDocAction(MOrder.DOCACTION_WaitComplete);
+ order.setDocAction(X_C_Order.DOCACTION_WaitComplete);
- boolean ok = order.processIt (MOrder.DOCACTION_WaitComplete);
+ // boolean ok =
+ order.processIt (X_C_Order.DOCACTION_WaitComplete);
m_processMsg = order.getProcessMsg();
// Set Invoice
- MInvoice[] invoices = order.getInvoices();
- int length = invoices.length;
- if (length > 0) // get last invoice
- setC_Invoice_ID (invoices[length-1].getC_Invoice_ID());
- //
- if (getC_Invoice_ID() == 0)
- {
- m_processMsg = "@NotFound@ @C_Invoice_ID@";
- return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
- }
- } // WaitingPayment
- }
- // Consistency of Invoice / Document Type and IsReceipt
- if (!verifyDocType())
- {
- m_processMsg = "@PaymentDocTypeInvoiceInconsistent@";
- return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
- }
- // Do not pay when Credit Stop/Hold
+ MInvoice[] invoices = order.getInvoices();
+ int length = invoices.length;
+ if (length > 0) // get last invoice
+ setC_Invoice_ID (invoices[length-1].getC_Invoice_ID());
+ //
+ if (getC_Invoice_ID() == 0)
+ {
+ m_processMsg = "@NotFound@ @C_Invoice_ID@";
+ return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
+ }
+ } // WaitingPayment
+ }
+ // Consistency of Invoice / Document Type and IsReceipt
+ if (!verifyDocType())
+ {
+ m_processMsg = "@PaymentDocTypeInvoiceInconsistent@";
+ return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
+ }
+ // Do not pay when Credit Stop/Hold
if (!isReceipt())
MBPartner bp = new MBPartner (getCtx(), getC_BPartner_ID(), get_TrxName());
- if (MBPartner.SOCREDITSTATUS_CreditStop.equals(bp.getSOCreditStatus()))
+ if (X_C_BPartner.SOCREDITSTATUS_CreditStop.equals(bp.getSOCreditStatus()))
m_processMsg = "@BPartnerCreditStop@ - @TotalOpenBalance@="
+ bp.getTotalOpenBalance()
+ ", @SO_CreditLimit@=" + bp.getSO_CreditLimit();
return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
- if (MBPartner.SOCREDITSTATUS_CreditHold.equals(bp.getSOCreditStatus()))
+ if (X_C_BPartner.SOCREDITSTATUS_CreditHold.equals(bp.getSOCreditStatus()))
m_processMsg = "@BPartnerCreditHold@ - @TotalOpenBalance@="
+ bp.getTotalOpenBalance()
- + ", @SO_CreditLimit@=" + bp.getSO_CreditLimit();
- return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
- }
- }
- m_justPrepared = true;
- if (!DOCACTION_Complete.equals(getDocAction()))
- setDocAction(DOCACTION_Complete);
- return DocAction.STATUS_InProgress;
- } // prepareIt
- /**
- * Approve Document
- * @return true if success
- */
- public boolean approveIt()
- {
- log.info(toString());
- setIsApproved(true);
- return true;
- } // approveIt
- /**
- * Reject Approval
- * @return true if success
- */
- public boolean rejectIt()
- {
- log.info(toString());
- setIsApproved(false);
- return true;
- } // rejectIt
- /**************************************************************************
- * Complete Document
- * @return new status (Complete, In Progress, Invalid, Waiting ..)
- */
- public String completeIt()
- {
- // Re-Check
- if (!m_justPrepared)
- {
- String status = prepareIt();
- if (!DocAction.STATUS_InProgress.equals(status))
- return status;
- }
- // Implicit Approval
- if (!isApproved())
- approveIt();
- log.info(toString());
- // Charge Handling
- if (getC_Charge_ID() != 0)
- {
- setIsAllocated(true);
- }
- else
- {
- allocateIt(); // Create Allocation Records
- testAllocation();
- }
- // Project update
- if (getC_Project_ID() != 0)
- {
- // MProject project = new MProject(getCtx(), getC_Project_ID());
- }
- // Update BP for Prepayments
- if (getC_BPartner_ID() != 0 && getC_Invoice_ID() == 0)
- {
- MBPartner bp = new MBPartner (getCtx(), getC_BPartner_ID(), get_TrxName());
- bp.setTotalOpenBalance();
- bp.save();
- }
- // Counter Doc
- MPayment counter = createCounterDoc();
- if (counter != null)
- m_processMsg += " @CounterDoc@: @C_Payment_ID@=" + counter.getDocumentNo();
- // User Validation
- String valid = ModelValidationEngine.get().fireDocValidate(this, ModelValidator.TIMING_AFTER_COMPLETE);
- if (valid != null)
- {
- m_processMsg = valid;
- return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
- }
- //
- setProcessed(true);
- setDocAction(DOCACTION_Close);
- return DocAction.STATUS_Completed;
- } // completeIt
- /**
- * Create Counter Document
- * @return payment
- */
- private MPayment createCounterDoc()
- {
- // Is this a counter doc ?
- if (getRef_Payment_ID() != 0)
- return null;
- // Org Must be linked to BPartner
- MOrg org = MOrg.get(getCtx(), getAD_Org_ID());
- int counterC_BPartner_ID = org.getLinkedC_BPartner_ID();
- if (counterC_BPartner_ID == 0)
- return null;
- // Business Partner needs to be linked to Org
- MBPartner bp = new MBPartner (getCtx(), getC_BPartner_ID(), null);
- int counterAD_Org_ID = bp.getAD_OrgBP_ID_Int();
- if (counterAD_Org_ID == 0)
+ + ", @SO_CreditLimit@=" + bp.getSO_CreditLimit();
+ return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
+ }
+ }
+ m_justPrepared = true;
+ if (!DOCACTION_Complete.equals(getDocAction()))
+ setDocAction(DOCACTION_Complete);
+ return DocAction.STATUS_InProgress;
+ } // prepareIt
+ /**
+ * Approve Document
+ * @return true if success
+ */
+ public boolean approveIt()
+ {
+ log.info(toString());
+ setIsApproved(true);
+ return true;
+ } // approveIt
+ /**
+ * Reject Approval
+ * @return true if success
+ */
+ public boolean rejectIt()
+ {
+ log.info(toString());
+ setIsApproved(false);
+ return true;
+ } // rejectIt
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Complete Document
+ * @return new status (Complete, In Progress, Invalid, Waiting ..)
+ */
+ public String completeIt()
+ {
+ // Re-Check
+ if (!m_justPrepared)
+ {
+ String status = prepareIt();
+ if (!DocAction.STATUS_InProgress.equals(status))
+ return status;
+ }
+ // Implicit Approval
+ if (!isApproved())
+ approveIt();
+ log.info(toString());
+ // Charge Handling
+ if (getC_Charge_ID() != 0)
+ {
+ setIsAllocated(true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ allocateIt(); // Create Allocation Records
+ testAllocation();
+ }
+ // Project update
+ if (getC_Project_ID() != 0)
+ {
+ // MProject project = new MProject(getCtx(), getC_Project_ID());
+ }
+ // Update BP for Prepayments
+ if (getC_BPartner_ID() != 0 && getC_Invoice_ID() == 0)
+ {
+ MBPartner bp = new MBPartner (getCtx(), getC_BPartner_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ bp.setTotalOpenBalance();
+ bp.save();
+ }
+ // Counter Doc
+ MPayment counter = createCounterDoc();
+ if (counter != null)
+ m_processMsg += " @CounterDoc@: @C_Payment_ID@=" + counter.getDocumentNo();
+ // User Validation
+ String valid = ModelValidationEngine.get().fireDocValidate(this, ModelValidator.TIMING_AFTER_COMPLETE);
+ if (valid != null)
+ {
+ m_processMsg = valid;
+ return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
+ }
+ //
+ setProcessed(true);
+ setDocAction(DOCACTION_Close);
+ return DocAction.STATUS_Completed;
+ } // completeIt
+ /**
+ * Create Counter Document
+ * @return payment
+ */
+ private MPayment createCounterDoc()
+ {
+ // Is this a counter doc ?
+ if (getRef_Payment_ID() != 0)
+ return null;
+ // Org Must be linked to BPartner
+ MOrg org = MOrg.get(getCtx(), getAD_Org_ID());
+ int counterC_BPartner_ID = org.getLinkedC_BPartner_ID();
+ if (counterC_BPartner_ID == 0)
+ return null;
+ // Business Partner needs to be linked to Org
+ MBPartner bp = new MBPartner (getCtx(), getC_BPartner_ID(), null);
+ int counterAD_Org_ID = bp.getAD_OrgBP_ID_Int();
+ if (counterAD_Org_ID == 0)
return null;
MBPartner counterBP = new MBPartner (getCtx(), counterC_BPartner_ID, null);
- MOrgInfo counterOrgInfo = MOrgInfo.get(getCtx(), counterAD_Org_ID);
+ // MOrgInfo counterOrgInfo = MOrgInfo.get(getCtx(), counterAD_Org_ID);
log.info("Counter BP=" + counterBP.getName());
// Document Type
- int C_DocTypeTarget_ID = 0;
- MDocTypeCounter counterDT = MDocTypeCounter.getCounterDocType(getCtx(), getC_DocType_ID());
- if (counterDT != null)
- {
- log.fine(counterDT.toString());
- if (!counterDT.isCreateCounter() || !counterDT.isValid())
- return null;
- C_DocTypeTarget_ID = counterDT.getCounter_C_DocType_ID();
- }
- else // indirect
- {
- C_DocTypeTarget_ID = MDocTypeCounter.getCounterDocType_ID(getCtx(), getC_DocType_ID());
- log.fine("Indirect C_DocTypeTarget_ID=" + C_DocTypeTarget_ID);
- if (C_DocTypeTarget_ID <= 0)
- return null;
- }
- // Deep Copy
- MPayment counter = new MPayment (getCtx(), 0, get_TrxName());
- counter.setAD_Org_ID(counterAD_Org_ID);
- counter.setC_BPartner_ID(counterBP.getC_BPartner_ID());
- counter.setIsReceipt(!isReceipt());
- counter.setC_DocType_ID(C_DocTypeTarget_ID);
- counter.setTrxType(getTrxType());
- counter.setTenderType(getTenderType());
- //
- counter.setPayAmt(getPayAmt());
- counter.setDiscountAmt(getDiscountAmt());
- counter.setTaxAmt(getTaxAmt());
- counter.setWriteOffAmt(getWriteOffAmt());
- counter.setIsOverUnderPayment (isOverUnderPayment());
- counter.setOverUnderAmt(getOverUnderAmt());
- counter.setC_Currency_ID(getC_Currency_ID());
- counter.setC_ConversionType_ID(getC_ConversionType_ID());
- //
- counter.setDateTrx (getDateTrx());
- counter.setDateAcct (getDateAcct());
- counter.setRef_Payment_ID(getC_Payment_ID());
- //
- String sql = "SELECT C_BankAccount_ID FROM C_BankAccount "
- + "WHERE C_Currency_ID=? AND AD_Org_ID IN (0,?) AND IsActive='Y' "
- + "ORDER BY IsDefault DESC";
- int C_BankAccount_ID = DB.getSQLValue(get_TrxName(), sql, getC_Currency_ID(), counterAD_Org_ID);
- counter.setC_BankAccount_ID(C_BankAccount_ID);
- // Refernces
- counter.setC_Activity_ID(getC_Activity_ID());
- counter.setC_Campaign_ID(getC_Campaign_ID());
- counter.setC_Project_ID(getC_Project_ID());
- counter.setUser1_ID(getUser1_ID());
- counter.setUser2_ID(getUser2_ID());
- counter.save(get_TrxName());
- log.fine(counter.toString());
- setRef_Payment_ID(counter.getC_Payment_ID());
- // Document Action
- if (counterDT != null)
- {
- if (counterDT.getDocAction() != null)
- {
- counter.setDocAction(counterDT.getDocAction());
- counter.processIt(counterDT.getDocAction());
- counter.save(get_TrxName());
- }
- }
- return counter;
- } // createCounterDoc
- /**
- * Allocate It.
- * Only call when there is NO allocation as it will create duplicates.
- * If an invoice exists, it allocates that
- * otherwise it allocates Payment Selection.
- * @return true if allocated
- */
- public boolean allocateIt()
- {
- // Create invoice Allocation - See also MCash.completeIt
- if (getC_Invoice_ID() != 0)
- return allocateInvoice();
- // Invoices of a AP Payment Selection
- if (allocatePaySelection())
- return true;
- if (getC_Order_ID() != 0)
- return false;
- // Allocate to multiple Payments based on entry
- MPaymentAllocate[] pAllocs = MPaymentAllocate.get(this);
- if (pAllocs.length == 0)
- return false;
- MAllocationHdr alloc = new MAllocationHdr(getCtx(), false,
- getDateTrx(), getC_Currency_ID(),
- Msg.translate(getCtx(), "C_Payment_ID") + ": " + getDocumentNo(),
- get_TrxName());
- alloc.setAD_Org_ID(getAD_Org_ID());
- if (!alloc.save())
- {
- log.severe("P.Allocations not created");
- return false;
- }
- // Lines
- for (int i = 0; i < pAllocs.length; i++)
- {
- MPaymentAllocate pa = pAllocs[i];
- MAllocationLine aLine = null;
- if (isReceipt())
- aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, pa.getAmount(),
- pa.getDiscountAmt(), pa.getWriteOffAmt(), pa.getOverUnderAmt());
- else
- aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, pa.getAmount().negate(),
- pa.getDiscountAmt().negate(), pa.getWriteOffAmt().negate(), pa.getOverUnderAmt().negate());
- aLine.setDocInfo(pa.getC_BPartner_ID(), 0, pa.getC_Invoice_ID());
- aLine.setPaymentInfo(getC_Payment_ID(), 0);
- if (!aLine.save(get_TrxName()))
- log.warning("P.Allocations - line not saved");
- else
- {
- pa.setC_AllocationLine_ID(aLine.getC_AllocationLine_ID());
- pa.save();
- }
- }
- // Should start WF
- alloc.processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Complete);
- m_processMsg = "@C_AllocationHdr_ID@: " + alloc.getDocumentNo();
- return alloc.save(get_TrxName());
- } // allocateIt
- /**
- * Allocate single AP/AR Invoice
- * @return true if allocated
- */
- private boolean allocateInvoice()
- {
- // calculate actual allocation
- BigDecimal allocationAmt = getPayAmt(); // underpayment
- if (getOverUnderAmt().signum() < 0 && getPayAmt().signum() > 0)
- allocationAmt = allocationAmt.add(getOverUnderAmt()); // overpayment (negative)
- MAllocationHdr alloc = new MAllocationHdr(getCtx(), false,
- getDateTrx(), getC_Currency_ID(),
- Msg.translate(getCtx(), "C_Payment_ID") + ": " + getDocumentNo() + " [1]", get_TrxName());
- alloc.setAD_Org_ID(getAD_Org_ID());
- if (!alloc.save())
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not create Allocation Hdr");
- return false;
- }
- MAllocationLine aLine = null;
- if (isReceipt())
- aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, allocationAmt,
- getDiscountAmt(), getWriteOffAmt(), getOverUnderAmt());
- else
- aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, allocationAmt.negate(),
- getDiscountAmt().negate(), getWriteOffAmt().negate(), getOverUnderAmt().negate());
- aLine.setDocInfo(getC_BPartner_ID(), 0, getC_Invoice_ID());
- aLine.setC_Payment_ID(getC_Payment_ID());
- if (!aLine.save(get_TrxName()))
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not create Allocation Line");
- return false;
- }
- // Should start WF
- alloc.processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Complete);
- alloc.save(get_TrxName());
- m_processMsg = "@C_AllocationHdr_ID@: " + alloc.getDocumentNo();
- // Get Project from Invoice
- int C_Project_ID = DB.getSQLValue(get_TrxName(),
- "SELECT MAX(C_Project_ID) FROM C_Invoice WHERE C_Invoice_ID=?", getC_Invoice_ID());
- if (C_Project_ID > 0 && getC_Project_ID() == 0)
- setC_Project_ID(C_Project_ID);
- else if (C_Project_ID > 0 && getC_Project_ID() > 0 && C_Project_ID != getC_Project_ID())
- log.warning("Invoice C_Project_ID=" + C_Project_ID
- + " <> Payment C_Project_ID=" + getC_Project_ID());
- return true;
- } // allocateInvoice
- /**
- * Allocate Payment Selection
- * @return true if allocated
- */
- private boolean allocatePaySelection()
- {
- MAllocationHdr alloc = new MAllocationHdr(getCtx(), false,
- getDateTrx(), getC_Currency_ID(),
- Msg.translate(getCtx(), "C_Payment_ID") + ": " + getDocumentNo() + " [n]", get_TrxName());
- alloc.setAD_Org_ID(getAD_Org_ID());
- String sql = "SELECT psc.C_BPartner_ID, psl.C_Invoice_ID, psl.IsSOTrx, " // 1..3
- + " psl.PayAmt, psl.DiscountAmt, psl.DifferenceAmt, psl.OpenAmt "
- + "FROM C_PaySelectionLine psl"
- + " INNER JOIN C_PaySelectionCheck psc ON (psl.C_PaySelectionCheck_ID=psc.C_PaySelectionCheck_ID) "
- + "WHERE psc.C_Payment_ID=?";
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
- pstmt.setInt(1, getC_Payment_ID());
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- while (rs.next())
- {
- int C_BPartner_ID = rs.getInt(1);
- int C_Invoice_ID = rs.getInt(2);
- if (C_BPartner_ID == 0 && C_Invoice_ID == 0)
- continue;
- boolean isSOTrx = "Y".equals(rs.getString(3));
- BigDecimal PayAmt = rs.getBigDecimal(4);
- BigDecimal DiscountAmt = rs.getBigDecimal(5);
- BigDecimal WriteOffAmt = rs.getBigDecimal(6);
- BigDecimal OpenAmt = rs.getBigDecimal(7);
- BigDecimal OverUnderAmt = OpenAmt.subtract(PayAmt)
- .subtract(DiscountAmt).subtract(WriteOffAmt);
- //
- if (alloc.get_ID() == 0 && !alloc.save(get_TrxName()))
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not create Allocation Hdr");
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- return false;
- }
- MAllocationLine aLine = null;
- if (isSOTrx)
- aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, PayAmt,
- DiscountAmt, WriteOffAmt, OverUnderAmt);
- else
- aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, PayAmt.negate(),
- DiscountAmt.negate(), WriteOffAmt.negate(), OverUnderAmt.negate());
- aLine.setDocInfo(C_BPartner_ID, 0, C_Invoice_ID);
- aLine.setC_Payment_ID(getC_Payment_ID());
- if (!aLine.save(get_TrxName()))
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not create Allocation Line");
- }
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "allocatePaySelection", e);
- }
- try
- {
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- }
- // Should start WF
- boolean ok = true;
- if (alloc.get_ID() == 0)
- {
- log.fine("No Allocation created - C_Payment_ID="
- + getC_Payment_ID());
- ok = false;
- }
- else
- {
- alloc.processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Complete);
- ok = alloc.save(get_TrxName());
- m_processMsg = "@C_AllocationHdr_ID@: " + alloc.getDocumentNo();
- }
- return ok;
- } // allocatePaySelection
- /**
- * De-allocate Payment.
- * Unkink Invoices and Orders and delete Allocations
- */
- private void deAllocate()
- {
- if (getC_Order_ID() != 0)
- setC_Order_ID(0);
- // if (getC_Invoice_ID() == 0)
- // return;
- // De-Allocate all
- MAllocationHdr[] allocations = MAllocationHdr.getOfPayment(getCtx(),
- getC_Payment_ID(), get_TrxName());
- log.fine("#" + allocations.length);
- for (int i = 0; i < allocations.length; i++)
- {
- allocations[i].set_TrxName(get_TrxName());
- allocations[i].setDocAction(DocAction.ACTION_Reverse_Correct);
- allocations[i].processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Reverse_Correct);
- allocations[i].save();
- }
- // Unlink (in case allocation did not get it)
- if (getC_Invoice_ID() != 0)
- {
- // Invoice
- String sql = "UPDATE C_Invoice "
- + "SET C_Payment_ID = NULL, IsPaid='N' "
- + "WHERE C_Invoice_ID=" + getC_Invoice_ID()
- + " AND C_Payment_ID=" + getC_Payment_ID();
- int no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
- if (no != 0)
- log.fine("Unlink Invoice #" + no);
- // Order
- sql = "UPDATE C_Order o "
- + "SET C_Payment_ID = NULL "
- + "WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_Invoice i "
- + "WHERE o.C_Order_ID=i.C_Order_ID AND i.C_Invoice_ID=" + getC_Invoice_ID() + ")"
- + " AND C_Payment_ID=" + getC_Payment_ID();
- no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
- if (no != 0)
- log.fine("Unlink Order #" + no);
- }
- //
- setC_Invoice_ID(0);
- setIsAllocated(false);
- } // deallocate
- /**
- * Void Document.
- * @return true if success
- */
- public boolean voidIt()
- {
- log.info(toString());
- if (DOCSTATUS_Closed.equals(getDocStatus())
- || DOCSTATUS_Reversed.equals(getDocStatus())
- || DOCSTATUS_Voided.equals(getDocStatus()))
- {
- m_processMsg = "Document Closed: " + getDocStatus();
- setDocAction(DOCACTION_None);
- return false;
- }
- // If on Bank Statement, don't void it - reverse it
- if (getC_BankStatementLine_ID() > 0)
- return reverseCorrectIt();
- // Not Processed
- if (DOCSTATUS_Drafted.equals(getDocStatus())
- || DOCSTATUS_Invalid.equals(getDocStatus())
- || DOCSTATUS_InProgress.equals(getDocStatus())
- || DOCSTATUS_Approved.equals(getDocStatus())
- || DOCSTATUS_NotApproved.equals(getDocStatus()) )
- {
- addDescription(Msg.getMsg(getCtx(), "Voided") + " (" + getPayAmt() + ")");
- setPayAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setDiscountAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setWriteOffAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setOverUnderAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setIsAllocated(false);
- // Unlink & De-Allocate
- deAllocate();
- }
- else
- return reverseCorrectIt();
- //
- setProcessed(true);
- setDocAction(DOCACTION_None);
- return true;
- } // voidIt
- /**
- * Close Document.
- * @return true if success
- */
- public boolean closeIt()
- {
- log.info(toString());
- setDocAction(DOCACTION_None);
- return true;
- } // closeIt
- /**
- * Reverse Correction
- * @return true if success
- */
- public boolean reverseCorrectIt()
- {
- log.info(toString());
+ int C_DocTypeTarget_ID = 0;
+ MDocTypeCounter counterDT = MDocTypeCounter.getCounterDocType(getCtx(), getC_DocType_ID());
+ if (counterDT != null)
+ {
+ log.fine(counterDT.toString());
+ if (!counterDT.isCreateCounter() || !counterDT.isValid())
+ return null;
+ C_DocTypeTarget_ID = counterDT.getCounter_C_DocType_ID();
+ }
+ else // indirect
+ {
+ C_DocTypeTarget_ID = MDocTypeCounter.getCounterDocType_ID(getCtx(), getC_DocType_ID());
+ log.fine("Indirect C_DocTypeTarget_ID=" + C_DocTypeTarget_ID);
+ if (C_DocTypeTarget_ID <= 0)
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Deep Copy
+ MPayment counter = new MPayment (getCtx(), 0, get_TrxName());
+ counter.setAD_Org_ID(counterAD_Org_ID);
+ counter.setC_BPartner_ID(counterBP.getC_BPartner_ID());
+ counter.setIsReceipt(!isReceipt());
+ counter.setC_DocType_ID(C_DocTypeTarget_ID);
+ counter.setTrxType(getTrxType());
+ counter.setTenderType(getTenderType());
+ //
+ counter.setPayAmt(getPayAmt());
+ counter.setDiscountAmt(getDiscountAmt());
+ counter.setTaxAmt(getTaxAmt());
+ counter.setWriteOffAmt(getWriteOffAmt());
+ counter.setIsOverUnderPayment (isOverUnderPayment());
+ counter.setOverUnderAmt(getOverUnderAmt());
+ counter.setC_Currency_ID(getC_Currency_ID());
+ counter.setC_ConversionType_ID(getC_ConversionType_ID());
+ //
+ counter.setDateTrx (getDateTrx());
+ counter.setDateAcct (getDateAcct());
+ counter.setRef_Payment_ID(getC_Payment_ID());
+ //
+ String sql = "SELECT C_BankAccount_ID FROM C_BankAccount "
+ + "WHERE C_Currency_ID=? AND AD_Org_ID IN (0,?) AND IsActive='Y' "
+ + "ORDER BY IsDefault DESC";
+ int C_BankAccount_ID = DB.getSQLValue(get_TrxName(), sql, getC_Currency_ID(), counterAD_Org_ID);
+ counter.setC_BankAccount_ID(C_BankAccount_ID);
+ // Refernces
+ counter.setC_Activity_ID(getC_Activity_ID());
+ counter.setC_Campaign_ID(getC_Campaign_ID());
+ counter.setC_Project_ID(getC_Project_ID());
+ counter.setUser1_ID(getUser1_ID());
+ counter.setUser2_ID(getUser2_ID());
+ counter.save(get_TrxName());
+ log.fine(counter.toString());
+ setRef_Payment_ID(counter.getC_Payment_ID());
+ // Document Action
+ if (counterDT != null)
+ {
+ if (counterDT.getDocAction() != null)
+ {
+ counter.setDocAction(counterDT.getDocAction());
+ counter.processIt(counterDT.getDocAction());
+ counter.save(get_TrxName());
+ }
+ }
+ return counter;
+ } // createCounterDoc
+ /**
+ * Allocate It.
+ * Only call when there is NO allocation as it will create duplicates.
+ * If an invoice exists, it allocates that
+ * otherwise it allocates Payment Selection.
+ * @return true if allocated
+ */
+ public boolean allocateIt()
+ {
+ // Create invoice Allocation - See also MCash.completeIt
+ if (getC_Invoice_ID() != 0)
+ return allocateInvoice();
+ // Invoices of a AP Payment Selection
+ if (allocatePaySelection())
+ return true;
+ if (getC_Order_ID() != 0)
+ return false;
+ // Allocate to multiple Payments based on entry
+ MPaymentAllocate[] pAllocs = MPaymentAllocate.get(this);
+ if (pAllocs.length == 0)
+ return false;
+ MAllocationHdr alloc = new MAllocationHdr(getCtx(), false,
+ getDateTrx(), getC_Currency_ID(),
+ Msg.translate(getCtx(), "C_Payment_ID") + ": " + getDocumentNo(),
+ get_TrxName());
+ alloc.setAD_Org_ID(getAD_Org_ID());
+ if (!alloc.save())
+ {
+ log.severe("P.Allocations not created");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Lines
+ for (int i = 0; i < pAllocs.length; i++)
+ {
+ MPaymentAllocate pa = pAllocs[i];
+ MAllocationLine aLine = null;
+ if (isReceipt())
+ aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, pa.getAmount(),
+ pa.getDiscountAmt(), pa.getWriteOffAmt(), pa.getOverUnderAmt());
+ else
+ aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, pa.getAmount().negate(),
+ pa.getDiscountAmt().negate(), pa.getWriteOffAmt().negate(), pa.getOverUnderAmt().negate());
+ aLine.setDocInfo(pa.getC_BPartner_ID(), 0, pa.getC_Invoice_ID());
+ aLine.setPaymentInfo(getC_Payment_ID(), 0);
+ if (!aLine.save(get_TrxName()))
+ log.warning("P.Allocations - line not saved");
+ else
+ {
+ pa.setC_AllocationLine_ID(aLine.getC_AllocationLine_ID());
+ pa.save();
+ }
+ }
+ // Should start WF
+ alloc.processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Complete);
+ m_processMsg = "@C_AllocationHdr_ID@: " + alloc.getDocumentNo();
+ return alloc.save(get_TrxName());
+ } // allocateIt
+ /**
+ * Allocate single AP/AR Invoice
+ * @return true if allocated
+ */
+ private boolean allocateInvoice()
+ {
+ // calculate actual allocation
+ BigDecimal allocationAmt = getPayAmt(); // underpayment
+ if (getOverUnderAmt().signum() < 0 && getPayAmt().signum() > 0)
+ allocationAmt = allocationAmt.add(getOverUnderAmt()); // overpayment (negative)
+ MAllocationHdr alloc = new MAllocationHdr(getCtx(), false,
+ getDateTrx(), getC_Currency_ID(),
+ Msg.translate(getCtx(), "C_Payment_ID") + ": " + getDocumentNo() + " [1]", get_TrxName());
+ alloc.setAD_Org_ID(getAD_Org_ID());
+ if (!alloc.save())
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not create Allocation Hdr");
+ return false;
+ }
+ MAllocationLine aLine = null;
+ if (isReceipt())
+ aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, allocationAmt,
+ getDiscountAmt(), getWriteOffAmt(), getOverUnderAmt());
+ else
+ aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, allocationAmt.negate(),
+ getDiscountAmt().negate(), getWriteOffAmt().negate(), getOverUnderAmt().negate());
+ aLine.setDocInfo(getC_BPartner_ID(), 0, getC_Invoice_ID());
+ aLine.setC_Payment_ID(getC_Payment_ID());
+ if (!aLine.save(get_TrxName()))
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not create Allocation Line");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Should start WF
+ alloc.processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Complete);
+ alloc.save(get_TrxName());
+ m_processMsg = "@C_AllocationHdr_ID@: " + alloc.getDocumentNo();
+ // Get Project from Invoice
+ int C_Project_ID = DB.getSQLValue(get_TrxName(),
+ "SELECT MAX(C_Project_ID) FROM C_Invoice WHERE C_Invoice_ID=?", getC_Invoice_ID());
+ if (C_Project_ID > 0 && getC_Project_ID() == 0)
+ setC_Project_ID(C_Project_ID);
+ else if (C_Project_ID > 0 && getC_Project_ID() > 0 && C_Project_ID != getC_Project_ID())
+ log.warning("Invoice C_Project_ID=" + C_Project_ID
+ + " <> Payment C_Project_ID=" + getC_Project_ID());
+ return true;
+ } // allocateInvoice
+ /**
+ * Allocate Payment Selection
+ * @return true if allocated
+ */
+ private boolean allocatePaySelection()
+ {
+ MAllocationHdr alloc = new MAllocationHdr(getCtx(), false,
+ getDateTrx(), getC_Currency_ID(),
+ Msg.translate(getCtx(), "C_Payment_ID") + ": " + getDocumentNo() + " [n]", get_TrxName());
+ alloc.setAD_Org_ID(getAD_Org_ID());
+ String sql = "SELECT psc.C_BPartner_ID, psl.C_Invoice_ID, psl.IsSOTrx, " // 1..3
+ + " psl.PayAmt, psl.DiscountAmt, psl.DifferenceAmt, psl.OpenAmt "
+ + "FROM C_PaySelectionLine psl"
+ + " INNER JOIN C_PaySelectionCheck psc ON (psl.C_PaySelectionCheck_ID=psc.C_PaySelectionCheck_ID) "
+ + "WHERE psc.C_Payment_ID=?";
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
+ pstmt.setInt(1, getC_Payment_ID());
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ while (rs.next())
+ {
+ int C_BPartner_ID = rs.getInt(1);
+ int C_Invoice_ID = rs.getInt(2);
+ if (C_BPartner_ID == 0 && C_Invoice_ID == 0)
+ continue;
+ boolean isSOTrx = "Y".equals(rs.getString(3));
+ BigDecimal PayAmt = rs.getBigDecimal(4);
+ BigDecimal DiscountAmt = rs.getBigDecimal(5);
+ BigDecimal WriteOffAmt = rs.getBigDecimal(6);
+ BigDecimal OpenAmt = rs.getBigDecimal(7);
+ BigDecimal OverUnderAmt = OpenAmt.subtract(PayAmt)
+ .subtract(DiscountAmt).subtract(WriteOffAmt);
+ //
+ if (alloc.get_ID() == 0 && !alloc.save(get_TrxName()))
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not create Allocation Hdr");
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ return false;
+ }
+ MAllocationLine aLine = null;
+ if (isSOTrx)
+ aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, PayAmt,
+ DiscountAmt, WriteOffAmt, OverUnderAmt);
+ else
+ aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, PayAmt.negate(),
+ DiscountAmt.negate(), WriteOffAmt.negate(), OverUnderAmt.negate());
+ aLine.setDocInfo(C_BPartner_ID, 0, C_Invoice_ID);
+ aLine.setC_Payment_ID(getC_Payment_ID());
+ if (!aLine.save(get_TrxName()))
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not create Allocation Line");
+ }
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "allocatePaySelection", e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ // Should start WF
+ boolean ok = true;
+ if (alloc.get_ID() == 0)
+ {
+ log.fine("No Allocation created - C_Payment_ID="
+ + getC_Payment_ID());
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ alloc.processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Complete);
+ ok = alloc.save(get_TrxName());
+ m_processMsg = "@C_AllocationHdr_ID@: " + alloc.getDocumentNo();
+ }
+ return ok;
+ } // allocatePaySelection
+ /**
+ * De-allocate Payment.
+ * Unkink Invoices and Orders and delete Allocations
+ */
+ private void deAllocate()
+ {
+ if (getC_Order_ID() != 0)
+ setC_Order_ID(0);
+ // if (getC_Invoice_ID() == 0)
+ // return;
+ // De-Allocate all
+ MAllocationHdr[] allocations = MAllocationHdr.getOfPayment(getCtx(),
+ getC_Payment_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ log.fine("#" + allocations.length);
+ for (int i = 0; i < allocations.length; i++)
+ {
+ allocations[i].set_TrxName(get_TrxName());
+ allocations[i].setDocAction(DocAction.ACTION_Reverse_Correct);
+ allocations[i].processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Reverse_Correct);
+ allocations[i].save();
+ }
+ // Unlink (in case allocation did not get it)
+ if (getC_Invoice_ID() != 0)
+ {
+ // Invoice
+ String sql = "UPDATE C_Invoice "
+ + "SET C_Payment_ID = NULL, IsPaid='N' "
+ + "WHERE C_Invoice_ID=" + getC_Invoice_ID()
+ + " AND C_Payment_ID=" + getC_Payment_ID();
+ int no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
+ if (no != 0)
+ log.fine("Unlink Invoice #" + no);
+ // Order
+ sql = "UPDATE C_Order o "
+ + "SET C_Payment_ID = NULL "
+ + "WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_Invoice i "
+ + "WHERE o.C_Order_ID=i.C_Order_ID AND i.C_Invoice_ID=" + getC_Invoice_ID() + ")"
+ + " AND C_Payment_ID=" + getC_Payment_ID();
+ no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
+ if (no != 0)
+ log.fine("Unlink Order #" + no);
+ }
+ //
+ setC_Invoice_ID(0);
+ setIsAllocated(false);
+ } // deallocate
+ /**
+ * Void Document.
+ * @return true if success
+ */
+ public boolean voidIt()
+ {
+ log.info(toString());
+ if (DOCSTATUS_Closed.equals(getDocStatus())
+ || DOCSTATUS_Reversed.equals(getDocStatus())
+ || DOCSTATUS_Voided.equals(getDocStatus()))
+ {
+ m_processMsg = "Document Closed: " + getDocStatus();
+ setDocAction(DOCACTION_None);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If on Bank Statement, don't void it - reverse it
+ if (getC_BankStatementLine_ID() > 0)
+ return reverseCorrectIt();
+ // Not Processed
+ if (DOCSTATUS_Drafted.equals(getDocStatus())
+ || DOCSTATUS_Invalid.equals(getDocStatus())
+ || DOCSTATUS_InProgress.equals(getDocStatus())
+ || DOCSTATUS_Approved.equals(getDocStatus())
+ || DOCSTATUS_NotApproved.equals(getDocStatus()) )
+ {
+ addDescription(Msg.getMsg(getCtx(), "Voided") + " (" + getPayAmt() + ")");
+ setPayAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setDiscountAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setWriteOffAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setOverUnderAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setIsAllocated(false);
+ // Unlink & De-Allocate
+ deAllocate();
+ }
+ else
+ return reverseCorrectIt();
+ //
+ setProcessed(true);
+ setDocAction(DOCACTION_None);
+ return true;
+ } // voidIt
+ /**
+ * Close Document.
+ * @return true if success
+ */
+ public boolean closeIt()
+ {
+ log.info(toString());
+ setDocAction(DOCACTION_None);
+ return true;
+ } // closeIt
+ /**
+ * Reverse Correction
+ * @return true if success
+ */
+ public boolean reverseCorrectIt()
+ {
+ log.info(toString());
// Std Period open?
Timestamp dateAcct = getDateAcct();
if (!MPeriod.isOpen(getCtx(), dateAcct,
- isReceipt() ? MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_ARReceipt : MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_APPayment))
+ isReceipt() ? X_C_DocType.DOCBASETYPE_ARReceipt : X_C_DocType.DOCBASETYPE_APPayment))
dateAcct = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
// Auto Reconcile if not on Bank Statement
- boolean reconciled = false; // getC_BankStatementLine_ID() == 0;
- // Create Reversal
- MPayment reversal = new MPayment (getCtx(), 0, get_TrxName());
- copyValues(this, reversal);
- reversal.setClientOrg(this);
- reversal.setC_Order_ID(0);
- reversal.setC_Invoice_ID(0);
- reversal.setDateAcct(dateAcct);
- //
- reversal.setDocumentNo(getDocumentNo() + REVERSE_INDICATOR); // indicate reversals
- reversal.setDocStatus(DOCSTATUS_Drafted);
- reversal.setDocAction(DOCACTION_Complete);
- //
- reversal.setPayAmt(getPayAmt().negate());
- reversal.setDiscountAmt(getDiscountAmt().negate());
- reversal.setWriteOffAmt(getWriteOffAmt().negate());
- reversal.setOverUnderAmt(getOverUnderAmt().negate());
- //
- reversal.setIsAllocated(true);
- reversal.setIsReconciled(reconciled); // to put on bank statement
- reversal.setIsOnline(false);
- reversal.setIsApproved(true);
- reversal.setR_PnRef(null);
- reversal.setR_Result(null);
- reversal.setR_RespMsg(null);
- reversal.setR_AuthCode(null);
- reversal.setR_Info(null);
- reversal.setProcessing(false);
- reversal.setOProcessing("N");
- reversal.setProcessed(false);
- reversal.setPosted(false);
- reversal.setDescription(getDescription());
- reversal.addDescription("{->" + getDocumentNo() + ")");
- reversal.save(get_TrxName());
- // Post Reversal
- if (!reversal.processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Complete))
- {
- m_processMsg = "Reversal ERROR: " + reversal.getProcessMsg();
- return false;
- }
- reversal.closeIt();
- reversal.setDocStatus(DOCSTATUS_Reversed);
- reversal.setDocAction(DOCACTION_None);
- reversal.save(get_TrxName());
- // Unlink & De-Allocate
- deAllocate();
- setIsReconciled (reconciled);
- setIsAllocated (true); // the allocation below is overwritten
- // Set Status
- addDescription("(" + reversal.getDocumentNo() + "<-)");
- setDocStatus(DOCSTATUS_Reversed);
- setDocAction(DOCACTION_None);
- setProcessed(true);
- // Create automatic Allocation
- MAllocationHdr alloc = new MAllocationHdr (getCtx(), false,
- getDateTrx(), getC_Currency_ID(),
- Msg.translate(getCtx(), "C_Payment_ID") + ": " + reversal.getDocumentNo(), get_TrxName());
- alloc.setAD_Org_ID(getAD_Org_ID());
- if (!alloc.save())
- log.warning("Automatic allocation - hdr not saved");
- else
- {
- // Original Allocation
- MAllocationLine aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, getPayAmt(true),
- Env.ZERO, Env.ZERO, Env.ZERO);
- aLine.setDocInfo(getC_BPartner_ID(), 0, 0);
- aLine.setPaymentInfo(getC_Payment_ID(), 0);
- if (!aLine.save(get_TrxName()))
- log.warning("Automatic allocation - line not saved");
- // Reversal Allocation
- aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, reversal.getPayAmt(true),
- Env.ZERO, Env.ZERO, Env.ZERO);
- aLine.setDocInfo(reversal.getC_BPartner_ID(), 0, 0);
- aLine.setPaymentInfo(reversal.getC_Payment_ID(), 0);
- if (!aLine.save(get_TrxName()))
- log.warning("Automatic allocation - reversal line not saved");
- }
- alloc.processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Complete);
- alloc.save(get_TrxName());
- //
- StringBuffer info = new StringBuffer (reversal.getDocumentNo());
- info.append(" - @C_AllocationHdr_ID@: ").append(alloc.getDocumentNo());
- // Update BPartner
- if (getC_BPartner_ID() != 0)
- {
- MBPartner bp = new MBPartner (getCtx(), getC_BPartner_ID(), get_TrxName());
- bp.setTotalOpenBalance();
- bp.save(get_TrxName());
- }
- m_processMsg = info.toString();
- return true;
- } // reverseCorrectionIt
- /**
- * Get Bank Statement Line of payment or 0
- * @return id or 0
- */
- private int getC_BankStatementLine_ID()
- {
- String sql = "SELECT C_BankStatementLine_ID FROM C_BankStatementLine WHERE C_Payment_ID=?";
- int id = DB.getSQLValue(get_TrxName(), sql, getC_Payment_ID());
- if (id < 0)
- return 0;
- return id;
- } // getC_BankStatementLine_ID
- /**
- * Reverse Accrual - none
- * @return true if success
- */
- public boolean reverseAccrualIt()
- {
- log.info(toString());
- return false;
- } // reverseAccrualIt
- /**
- * Re-activate
- * @return true if success
- */
- public boolean reActivateIt()
- {
- log.info(toString());
- if (reverseCorrectIt())
- return true;
- return false;
- } // reActivateIt
- /**
- * String Representation
- * @return info
- */
- public String toString ()
- {
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ("MPayment[");
- sb.append(get_ID()).append("-").append(getDocumentNo())
- .append(",Receipt=").append(isReceipt())
- .append(",PayAmt=").append(getPayAmt())
- .append(",Discount=").append(getDiscountAmt())
- .append(",WriteOff=").append(getWriteOffAmt())
- .append(",OverUnder=").append(getOverUnderAmt());
- return sb.toString ();
- } // toString
- /**
- * Get Document Info
- * @return document info (untranslated)
- */
- public String getDocumentInfo()
- {
- MDocType dt = MDocType.get(getCtx(), getC_DocType_ID());
- return dt.getName() + " " + getDocumentNo();
- } // getDocumentInfo
- /**
- * Create PDF
- * @return File or null
- */
- public File createPDF ()
- {
- try
- {
- File temp = File.createTempFile(get_TableName()+get_ID()+"_", ".pdf");
- return createPDF (temp);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.severe("Could not create PDF - " + e.getMessage());
- }
- return null;
- } // getPDF
- /**
- * Create PDF file
- * @param file output file
- * @return file if success
- */
- public File createPDF (File file)
- {
- // ReportEngine re = ReportEngine.get (getCtx(), ReportEngine.PAYMENT, getC_Payment_ID());
- // if (re == null)
- return null;
- // return re.getPDF(file);
- } // createPDF
- /*************************************************************************
- * Get Summary
- * @return Summary of Document
- */
- public String getSummary()
- {
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
- sb.append(getDocumentNo());
- // : Total Lines = 123.00 (#1)
- sb.append(": ")
- .append(Msg.translate(getCtx(),"PayAmt")).append("=").append(getPayAmt())
- .append(",").append(Msg.translate(getCtx(),"WriteOffAmt")).append("=").append(getWriteOffAmt());
- // - Description
- if (getDescription() != null && getDescription().length() > 0)
- sb.append(" - ").append(getDescription());
- return sb.toString();
- } // getSummary
- /**
- * Get Process Message
- * @return clear text error message
- */
- public String getProcessMsg()
- {
- return m_processMsg;
- } // getProcessMsg
- /**
- * Get Document Owner (Responsible)
- * @return AD_User_ID
- */
- public int getDoc_User_ID()
- {
- return getCreatedBy();
- } // getDoc_User_ID
- /**
- * Get Document Approval Amount
- * @return amount payment(AP) or write-off(AR)
- */
- public BigDecimal getApprovalAmt()
- {
- if (isReceipt())
- return getWriteOffAmt();
- return getPayAmt();
- } // getApprovalAmt
-} // MPayment
+ boolean reconciled = false; // getC_BankStatementLine_ID() == 0;
+ // Create Reversal
+ MPayment reversal = new MPayment (getCtx(), 0, get_TrxName());
+ copyValues(this, reversal);
+ reversal.setClientOrg(this);
+ reversal.setC_Order_ID(0);
+ reversal.setC_Invoice_ID(0);
+ reversal.setDateAcct(dateAcct);
+ //
+ reversal.setDocumentNo(getDocumentNo() + REVERSE_INDICATOR); // indicate reversals
+ reversal.setDocStatus(DOCSTATUS_Drafted);
+ reversal.setDocAction(DOCACTION_Complete);
+ //
+ reversal.setPayAmt(getPayAmt().negate());
+ reversal.setDiscountAmt(getDiscountAmt().negate());
+ reversal.setWriteOffAmt(getWriteOffAmt().negate());
+ reversal.setOverUnderAmt(getOverUnderAmt().negate());
+ //
+ reversal.setIsAllocated(true);
+ reversal.setIsReconciled(reconciled); // to put on bank statement
+ reversal.setIsOnline(false);
+ reversal.setIsApproved(true);
+ reversal.setR_PnRef(null);
+ reversal.setR_Result(null);
+ reversal.setR_RespMsg(null);
+ reversal.setR_AuthCode(null);
+ reversal.setR_Info(null);
+ reversal.setProcessing(false);
+ reversal.setOProcessing("N");
+ reversal.setProcessed(false);
+ reversal.setPosted(false);
+ reversal.setDescription(getDescription());
+ reversal.addDescription("{->" + getDocumentNo() + ")");
+ reversal.save(get_TrxName());
+ // Post Reversal
+ if (!reversal.processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Complete))
+ {
+ m_processMsg = "Reversal ERROR: " + reversal.getProcessMsg();
+ return false;
+ }
+ reversal.closeIt();
+ reversal.setDocStatus(DOCSTATUS_Reversed);
+ reversal.setDocAction(DOCACTION_None);
+ reversal.save(get_TrxName());
+ // Unlink & De-Allocate
+ deAllocate();
+ setIsReconciled (reconciled);
+ setIsAllocated (true); // the allocation below is overwritten
+ // Set Status
+ addDescription("(" + reversal.getDocumentNo() + "<-)");
+ setDocStatus(DOCSTATUS_Reversed);
+ setDocAction(DOCACTION_None);
+ setProcessed(true);
+ // Create automatic Allocation
+ MAllocationHdr alloc = new MAllocationHdr (getCtx(), false,
+ getDateTrx(), getC_Currency_ID(),
+ Msg.translate(getCtx(), "C_Payment_ID") + ": " + reversal.getDocumentNo(), get_TrxName());
+ alloc.setAD_Org_ID(getAD_Org_ID());
+ if (!alloc.save())
+ log.warning("Automatic allocation - hdr not saved");
+ else
+ {
+ // Original Allocation
+ MAllocationLine aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, getPayAmt(true),
+ Env.ZERO, Env.ZERO, Env.ZERO);
+ aLine.setDocInfo(getC_BPartner_ID(), 0, 0);
+ aLine.setPaymentInfo(getC_Payment_ID(), 0);
+ if (!aLine.save(get_TrxName()))
+ log.warning("Automatic allocation - line not saved");
+ // Reversal Allocation
+ aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, reversal.getPayAmt(true),
+ Env.ZERO, Env.ZERO, Env.ZERO);
+ aLine.setDocInfo(reversal.getC_BPartner_ID(), 0, 0);
+ aLine.setPaymentInfo(reversal.getC_Payment_ID(), 0);
+ if (!aLine.save(get_TrxName()))
+ log.warning("Automatic allocation - reversal line not saved");
+ }
+ alloc.processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Complete);
+ alloc.save(get_TrxName());
+ //
+ StringBuffer info = new StringBuffer (reversal.getDocumentNo());
+ info.append(" - @C_AllocationHdr_ID@: ").append(alloc.getDocumentNo());
+ // Update BPartner
+ if (getC_BPartner_ID() != 0)
+ {
+ MBPartner bp = new MBPartner (getCtx(), getC_BPartner_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ bp.setTotalOpenBalance();
+ bp.save(get_TrxName());
+ }
+ m_processMsg = info.toString();
+ return true;
+ } // reverseCorrectionIt
+ /**
+ * Get Bank Statement Line of payment or 0
+ * @return id or 0
+ */
+ private int getC_BankStatementLine_ID()
+ {
+ String sql = "SELECT C_BankStatementLine_ID FROM C_BankStatementLine WHERE C_Payment_ID=?";
+ int id = DB.getSQLValue(get_TrxName(), sql, getC_Payment_ID());
+ if (id < 0)
+ return 0;
+ return id;
+ } // getC_BankStatementLine_ID
+ /**
+ * Reverse Accrual - none
+ * @return true if success
+ */
+ public boolean reverseAccrualIt()
+ {
+ log.info(toString());
+ return false;
+ } // reverseAccrualIt
+ /**
+ * Re-activate
+ * @return true if success
+ */
+ public boolean reActivateIt()
+ {
+ log.info(toString());
+ if (reverseCorrectIt())
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ } // reActivateIt
+ /**
+ * String Representation
+ * @return info
+ */
+ public String toString ()
+ {
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ("MPayment[");
+ sb.append(get_ID()).append("-").append(getDocumentNo())
+ .append(",Receipt=").append(isReceipt())
+ .append(",PayAmt=").append(getPayAmt())
+ .append(",Discount=").append(getDiscountAmt())
+ .append(",WriteOff=").append(getWriteOffAmt())
+ .append(",OverUnder=").append(getOverUnderAmt());
+ return sb.toString ();
+ } // toString
+ /**
+ * Get Document Info
+ * @return document info (untranslated)
+ */
+ public String getDocumentInfo()
+ {
+ MDocType dt = MDocType.get(getCtx(), getC_DocType_ID());
+ return dt.getName() + " " + getDocumentNo();
+ } // getDocumentInfo
+ /**
+ * Create PDF
+ * @return File or null
+ */
+ public File createPDF ()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ File temp = File.createTempFile(get_TableName()+get_ID()+"_", ".pdf");
+ return createPDF (temp);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.severe("Could not create PDF - " + e.getMessage());
+ }
+ return null;
+ } // getPDF
+ /**
+ * Create PDF file
+ * @param file output file
+ * @return file if success
+ */
+ public File createPDF (File file)
+ {
+ // ReportEngine re = ReportEngine.get (getCtx(), ReportEngine.PAYMENT, getC_Payment_ID());
+ // if (re == null)
+ return null;
+ // return re.getPDF(file);
+ } // createPDF
+ /*************************************************************************
+ * Get Summary
+ * @return Summary of Document
+ */
+ public String getSummary()
+ {
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
+ sb.append(getDocumentNo());
+ // : Total Lines = 123.00 (#1)
+ sb.append(": ")
+ .append(Msg.translate(getCtx(),"PayAmt")).append("=").append(getPayAmt())
+ .append(",").append(Msg.translate(getCtx(),"WriteOffAmt")).append("=").append(getWriteOffAmt());
+ // - Description
+ if (getDescription() != null && getDescription().length() > 0)
+ sb.append(" - ").append(getDescription());
+ return sb.toString();
+ } // getSummary
+ /**
+ * Get Process Message
+ * @return clear text error message
+ */
+ public String getProcessMsg()
+ {
+ return m_processMsg;
+ } // getProcessMsg
+ /**
+ * Get Document Owner (Responsible)
+ * @return AD_User_ID
+ */
+ public int getDoc_User_ID()
+ {
+ return getCreatedBy();
+ } // getDoc_User_ID
+ /**
+ * Get Document Approval Amount
+ * @return amount payment(AP) or write-off(AR)
+ */
+ public BigDecimal getApprovalAmt()
+ {
+ if (isReceipt())
+ return getWriteOffAmt();
+ return getPayAmt();
+ } // getApprovalAmt
+} // MPayment
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MPaymentValidate.java b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MPaymentValidate.java
index 4c37123f32..86e40998a6 100644
--- a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MPaymentValidate.java
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MPaymentValidate.java
@@ -3,436 +3,438 @@
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
- * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
- * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
- * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
- * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
- * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.compiere.model;
-import java.util.*;
-import org.compiere.util.*;
- * Payment Validion Routines
- *
- * @author Jorg Janke
- * @version $Id: MPaymentValidate.java,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:51:05 jjanke Exp $
- */
-public class MPaymentValidate
- /** Static Logger */
- private static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger (MPaymentValidate.class);
- /**
- * Is this a valid Credit Card Exp Date?
- * @param mmyy Exp in form of mmyy
- * @return "" or Error AD_Message
- */
- public static String validateCreditCardExp (String mmyy)
- {
- String exp = checkNumeric(mmyy);
- if (exp.length() != 4)
- return "CreditCardExpFormat";
- //
- String mmStr = exp.substring(0,2);
- String yyStr = exp.substring(2,4);
- //
- int mm = 0;
- int yy = 0;
- try
- {
- mm = Integer.parseInt(mmStr);
- yy = Integer.parseInt(yyStr);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- return "CreditCardExpFormat";
- }
- return validateCreditCardExp(mm,yy);
- } // validateCreditCardExp
- /**
- * Return Month of Exp
- * @param mmyy Exp in form of mmyy
- * @return month
- */
- public static int getCreditCardExpMM (String mmyy)
- {
- String mmStr = mmyy.substring(0,2);
- int mm = 0;
- try
- {
- mm = Integer.parseInt(mmStr);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- }
- return mm;
- } // getCreditCardExpMM
- /**
- * Return Year of Exp
- * @param mmyy Exp in form of mmyy
- * @return year
- */
- public static int getCreditCardExpYY (String mmyy)
- {
- String yyStr = mmyy.substring(2);
- int yy = 0;
- try
- {
- yy = Integer.parseInt(yyStr);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- }
- return yy;
- } // getCreditCardExpYY
- /**
- * Is this a valid Credit Card Exp Date?
- * @param mm month
- * @param yy year
- * @return "" or Error AD_Message
- */
- public static String validateCreditCardExp (int mm, int yy)
- {
- if (mm < 1 || mm > 12)
- return "CreditCardExpMonth";
- // if (yy < 0 || yy > EXP_YEAR)
- // return "CreditCardExpYear";
- // Today's date
- Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
- int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) - 2000; // two digits
- int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; // zero based
- //
- if (yy < year)
- return "CreditCardExpired";
- else if (yy == year && mm < month)
- return "CreditCardExpired";
- return "";
- } // validateCreditCardExp
- /**
- * Validate Credit Card Number.
- * - Based on LUHN formula
- * @param creditCardNumber credit card number
- * @return "" or Error AD_Message
- */
- public static String validateCreditCardNumber (String creditCardNumber)
- {
- if (creditCardNumber == null || creditCardNumber.length() == 0)
- return "CreditCardNumberError";
- /**
- * 1: Double the value of alternate digits beginning with
- * the first right-hand digit (low order).
- * 2: Add the individual digits comprising the products
- * obtained in step 1 to each of the unaffected digits
- * in the original number.
- * 3: Subtract the total obtained in step 2 from the next higher
- * number ending in 0 [this in the equivalent of calculating
- * the "tens complement" of the low order digit (unit digit)
- * of the total].
- * If the total obtained in step 2 is a number ending in zero
- * (30, 40 etc.), the check digit is 0.
- * Example:
- * Account number: 4992 73 9871 6
- *
- * 4 9 9 2 7 3 9 8 7 1 6
- * x2 x2 x2 x2 x2
- * -------------------------------
- * 4 18 9 4 7 6 9 16 7 2 6
- *
- * 4 + 1 + 8 + 9 + 4 + 7 + 6 + 9 + 1 + 6 + 7 + 2 + 6 = 70
- * 70 % 10 = 0
- */
- // Clean up number
- String ccNumber1 = checkNumeric(creditCardNumber);
- int ccLength = ccNumber1.length();
- // Reverse string
- StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
- for (int i = ccLength; i != 0; i--)
- buf.append(ccNumber1.charAt(i-1));
- String ccNumber = buf.toString();
- int sum = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < ccLength; i++)
- {
- int digit = Character.getNumericValue(ccNumber.charAt(i));
- if (i % 2 == 1)
- {
- digit *= 2;
- if (digit > 9)
- digit -= 9;
- }
- sum += digit;
- }
- if (sum % 10 == 0)
- return "";
- s_log.fine("validateCreditCardNumber - " + creditCardNumber + " -> "
- + ccNumber + ", Luhn=" + sum);
- return "CreditCardNumberError";
- } // validateCreditCardNumber
- /**
- * Validate Credit Card Number.
- * - Check Card Type and Length
- * @param creditCardNumber CC Number
- * @param creditCardType CC Type
- * @return "" or Error AD_Message
- */
- public static String validateCreditCardNumber (String creditCardNumber, String creditCardType)
- {
- if (creditCardNumber == null || creditCardType == null)
- return "CreditCardNumberError";
- // http://www.beachnet.com/~hstiles/cardtype.html
- // http://staff.semel.fi/~kribe/document/luhn.htm
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
+ * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
+ * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
+ * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.model;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.compiere.util.*;
+ * Payment Validion Routines
+ *
+ * @author Jorg Janke
+ * @version $Id: MPaymentValidate.java,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:51:05 jjanke Exp $
+ */
+public class MPaymentValidate
+ /** Static Logger */
+ private static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger (MPaymentValidate.class);
+ /**
+ * Is this a valid Credit Card Exp Date?
+ * @param mmyy Exp in form of mmyy
+ * @return "" or Error AD_Message
+ */
+ public static String validateCreditCardExp (String mmyy)
+ {
+ String exp = checkNumeric(mmyy);
+ if (exp.length() != 4)
+ return "CreditCardExpFormat";
+ //
+ String mmStr = exp.substring(0,2);
+ String yyStr = exp.substring(2,4);
+ //
+ int mm = 0;
+ int yy = 0;
+ try
+ {
+ mm = Integer.parseInt(mmStr);
+ yy = Integer.parseInt(yyStr);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ return "CreditCardExpFormat";
+ }
+ return validateCreditCardExp(mm,yy);
+ } // validateCreditCardExp
+ /**
+ * Return Month of Exp
+ * @param mmyy Exp in form of mmyy
+ * @return month
+ */
+ public static int getCreditCardExpMM (String mmyy)
+ {
+ String mmStr = mmyy.substring(0,2);
+ int mm = 0;
+ try
+ {
+ mm = Integer.parseInt(mmStr);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ }
+ return mm;
+ } // getCreditCardExpMM
+ /**
+ * Return Year of Exp
+ * @param mmyy Exp in form of mmyy
+ * @return year
+ */
+ public static int getCreditCardExpYY (String mmyy)
+ {
+ String yyStr = mmyy.substring(2);
+ int yy = 0;
+ try
+ {
+ yy = Integer.parseInt(yyStr);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ }
+ return yy;
+ } // getCreditCardExpYY
+ /**
+ * Is this a valid Credit Card Exp Date?
+ * @param mm month
+ * @param yy year
+ * @return "" or Error AD_Message
+ */
+ public static String validateCreditCardExp (int mm, int yy)
+ {
+ if (mm < 1 || mm > 12)
+ return "CreditCardExpMonth";
+ // if (yy < 0 || yy > EXP_YEAR)
+ // return "CreditCardExpYear";
+ // Today's date
+ Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
+ int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) - 2000; // two digits
+ int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; // zero based
+ //
+ if (yy < year)
+ return "CreditCardExpired";
+ else if (yy == year && mm < month)
+ return "CreditCardExpired";
+ return "";
+ } // validateCreditCardExp
+ /**
+ * Validate Credit Card Number.
+ * - Based on LUHN formula
+ * @param creditCardNumber credit card number
+ * @return "" or Error AD_Message
+ */
+ public static String validateCreditCardNumber (String creditCardNumber)
+ {
+ if (creditCardNumber == null || creditCardNumber.length() == 0)
+ return "CreditCardNumberError";
+ /**
+ * 1: Double the value of alternate digits beginning with
+ * the first right-hand digit (low order).
+ * 2: Add the individual digits comprising the products
+ * obtained in step 1 to each of the unaffected digits
+ * in the original number.
+ * 3: Subtract the total obtained in step 2 from the next higher
+ * number ending in 0 [this in the equivalent of calculating
+ * the "tens complement" of the low order digit (unit digit)
+ * of the total].
+ * If the total obtained in step 2 is a number ending in zero
+ * (30, 40 etc.), the check digit is 0.
+ * Example:
+ * Account number: 4992 73 9871 6
+ *
+ * 4 9 9 2 7 3 9 8 7 1 6
+ * x2 x2 x2 x2 x2
+ * -------------------------------
+ * 4 18 9 4 7 6 9 16 7 2 6
+ *
+ * 4 + 1 + 8 + 9 + 4 + 7 + 6 + 9 + 1 + 6 + 7 + 2 + 6 = 70
+ * 70 % 10 = 0
+ */
+ // Clean up number
+ String ccNumber1 = checkNumeric(creditCardNumber);
+ int ccLength = ccNumber1.length();
+ // Reverse string
+ StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
+ for (int i = ccLength; i != 0; i--)
+ buf.append(ccNumber1.charAt(i-1));
+ String ccNumber = buf.toString();
+ int sum = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ccLength; i++)
+ {
+ int digit = Character.getNumericValue(ccNumber.charAt(i));
+ if (i % 2 == 1)
+ {
+ digit *= 2;
+ if (digit > 9)
+ digit -= 9;
+ }
+ sum += digit;
+ }
+ if (sum % 10 == 0)
+ return "";
+ s_log.fine("validateCreditCardNumber - " + creditCardNumber + " -> "
+ + ccNumber + ", Luhn=" + sum);
+ return "CreditCardNumberError";
+ } // validateCreditCardNumber
+ /**
+ * Validate Credit Card Number.
+ * - Check Card Type and Length
+ * @param creditCardNumber CC Number
+ * @param creditCardType CC Type
+ * @return "" or Error AD_Message
+ */
+ public static String validateCreditCardNumber (String creditCardNumber, String creditCardType)
+ {
+ if (creditCardNumber == null || creditCardType == null)
+ return "CreditCardNumberError";
+ // http://www.beachnet.com/~hstiles/cardtype.html
+ // http://staff.semel.fi/~kribe/document/luhn.htm
String ccStartList = ""; // comma separated list of starting numbers
String ccLengthList = ""; // comma separated list of lengths
- if (creditCardType.equals(MPayment.CREDITCARDTYPE_MasterCard))
+ if (creditCardType.equals(X_C_Payment.CREDITCARDTYPE_MasterCard))
ccStartList = "51,52,53,54,55";
ccLengthList = "16";
- else if (creditCardType.equals(MPayment.CREDITCARDTYPE_Visa))
+ else if (creditCardType.equals(X_C_Payment.CREDITCARDTYPE_Visa))
ccStartList = "4";
ccLengthList = "13,16";
- else if (creditCardType.equals(MPayment.CREDITCARDTYPE_Amex))
+ else if (creditCardType.equals(X_C_Payment.CREDITCARDTYPE_Amex))
ccStartList = "34,37";
ccLengthList = "15";
- else if (creditCardType.equals(MPayment.CREDITCARDTYPE_Discover))
+ else if (creditCardType.equals(X_C_Payment.CREDITCARDTYPE_Discover))
ccStartList = "6011";
ccLengthList = "16";
- else if (creditCardType.equals(MPayment.CREDITCARDTYPE_Diners))
+ else if (creditCardType.equals(X_C_Payment.CREDITCARDTYPE_Diners))
ccStartList = "300,301,302,303,304,305,36,38";
ccLengthList = "14";
- }
- else
- {
- // enRouteCard
- ccStartList = "2014,2149";
- ccLengthList = "15";
- // JCBCard
- ccStartList += ",3088,3096,3112,3158,3337,3528";
- ccLengthList += ",16";
- // JCBCard
- ccStartList += ",2131,1800";
- ccLengthList += ",15";
- }
- // Clean up number
- String ccNumber = checkNumeric(creditCardNumber);
- /**
- * Check Length
- */
- int ccLength = ccNumber.length();
- boolean ccLengthOK = false;
- StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(ccLengthList, ",", false);
- while (st.hasMoreTokens() && !ccLengthOK)
- {
- int l = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
- if (ccLength == l)
- ccLengthOK = true;
- }
- if (!ccLengthOK)
- {
- s_log.fine("validateCreditCardNumber Length="
- + ccLength + " <> " + ccLengthList);
- return "CreditCardNumberError";
- }
- /**
- * Check Start Digits
- */
- boolean ccIdentified = false;
- st = new StringTokenizer(ccStartList, ",", false);
- while (st.hasMoreTokens() && !ccIdentified)
- {
- if (ccNumber.startsWith(st.nextToken()))
- ccIdentified = true;
- }
- if (!ccIdentified)
- s_log.fine("validateCreditCardNumber Type="
- + creditCardType + " <> " + ccStartList);
- //
- String check = validateCreditCardNumber(ccNumber);
- if (check.length() != 0)
- return check;
- if (!ccIdentified)
- return "CreditCardNumberProblem?";
- return "";
- } // validateCreditCardNumber
- /**
- * Validate Validation Code
- * @param creditCardVV CC Verification Code
- * @return "" or Error AD_Message
- */
- public static String validateCreditCardVV (String creditCardVV)
- {
- if (creditCardVV == null)
- return "";
- int length = checkNumeric(creditCardVV).length();
- if (length == 3 || length == 4)
- return "";
- try
- {
- Integer.parseInt (creditCardVV);
- return "";
- }
- catch (NumberFormatException ex)
- {
- s_log.fine("validateCreditCardVV - " + ex);
- }
- s_log.fine("validateCreditCardVV - length=" + length);
- return "CreditCardVVError";
- } // validateCreditCardVV
- /**
- * Validate Validation Code
- * @param creditCardVV CC Verification Code
- * @param creditCardType CC Type see CC_
- * @return "" or Error AD_Message
- */
- public static String validateCreditCardVV (String creditCardVV, String creditCardType)
- {
- // no data
- if (creditCardVV == null || creditCardVV.length() == 0
- || creditCardType == null || creditCardType.length() == 0)
- return "";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // enRouteCard
+ ccStartList = "2014,2149";
+ ccLengthList = "15";
+ // JCBCard
+ ccStartList += ",3088,3096,3112,3158,3337,3528";
+ ccLengthList += ",16";
+ // JCBCard
+ ccStartList += ",2131,1800";
+ ccLengthList += ",15";
+ }
+ // Clean up number
+ String ccNumber = checkNumeric(creditCardNumber);
+ /**
+ * Check Length
+ */
+ int ccLength = ccNumber.length();
+ boolean ccLengthOK = false;
+ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(ccLengthList, ",", false);
+ while (st.hasMoreTokens() && !ccLengthOK)
+ {
+ int l = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
+ if (ccLength == l)
+ ccLengthOK = true;
+ }
+ if (!ccLengthOK)
+ {
+ s_log.fine("validateCreditCardNumber Length="
+ + ccLength + " <> " + ccLengthList);
+ return "CreditCardNumberError";
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check Start Digits
+ */
+ boolean ccIdentified = false;
+ st = new StringTokenizer(ccStartList, ",", false);
+ while (st.hasMoreTokens() && !ccIdentified)
+ {
+ if (ccNumber.startsWith(st.nextToken()))
+ ccIdentified = true;
+ }
+ if (!ccIdentified)
+ s_log.fine("validateCreditCardNumber Type="
+ + creditCardType + " <> " + ccStartList);
+ //
+ String check = validateCreditCardNumber(ccNumber);
+ if (check.length() != 0)
+ return check;
+ if (!ccIdentified)
+ return "CreditCardNumberProblem?";
+ return "";
+ } // validateCreditCardNumber
+ /**
+ * Validate Validation Code
+ * @param creditCardVV CC Verification Code
+ * @return "" or Error AD_Message
+ */
+ public static String validateCreditCardVV (String creditCardVV)
+ {
+ if (creditCardVV == null)
+ return "";
+ int length = checkNumeric(creditCardVV).length();
+ if (length == 3 || length == 4)
+ return "";
+ try
+ {
+ Integer.parseInt (creditCardVV);
+ return "";
+ }
+ catch (NumberFormatException ex)
+ {
+ s_log.fine("validateCreditCardVV - " + ex);
+ }
+ s_log.fine("validateCreditCardVV - length=" + length);
+ return "CreditCardVVError";
+ } // validateCreditCardVV
+ /**
+ * Validate Validation Code
+ * @param creditCardVV CC Verification Code
+ * @param creditCardType CC Type see CC_
+ * @return "" or Error AD_Message
+ */
+ public static String validateCreditCardVV (String creditCardVV, String creditCardType)
+ {
+ // no data
+ if (creditCardVV == null || creditCardVV.length() == 0
+ || creditCardType == null || creditCardType.length() == 0)
+ return "";
int length = checkNumeric(creditCardVV).length();
// Amex = 4 digits
- if (creditCardType.equals(MPayment.CREDITCARDTYPE_Amex))
+ if (creditCardType.equals(X_C_Payment.CREDITCARDTYPE_Amex))
if (length == 4)
- try
- {
- Integer.parseInt (creditCardVV);
- return "";
- }
- catch (NumberFormatException ex)
- {
- s_log.fine("validateCreditCardVV - " + ex);
- }
- }
- s_log.fine("validateCreditCardVV(4) CC=" + creditCardType + ", length=" + length);
+ try
+ {
+ Integer.parseInt (creditCardVV);
+ return "";
+ }
+ catch (NumberFormatException ex)
+ {
+ s_log.fine("validateCreditCardVV - " + ex);
+ }
+ }
+ s_log.fine("validateCreditCardVV(4) CC=" + creditCardType + ", length=" + length);
return "CreditCardVVError";
// Visa & MasterCard - 3 digits
- if (creditCardType.equals(MPayment.CREDITCARDTYPE_Visa)
- || creditCardType.equals(MPayment.CREDITCARDTYPE_MasterCard))
+ if (creditCardType.equals(X_C_Payment.CREDITCARDTYPE_Visa)
+ || creditCardType.equals(X_C_Payment.CREDITCARDTYPE_MasterCard))
if (length == 3)
- try
- {
- Integer.parseInt (creditCardVV);
- return "";
- }
- catch (NumberFormatException ex)
- {
- s_log.fine("validateCreditCardVV - " + ex);
- }
- }
- s_log.fine("validateCreditCardVV(3) CC=" + creditCardType + ", length=" + length);
- return "CreditCardVVError";
- }
- // Other
- return "";
- } // validateCreditCardVV
- /**************************************************************************
- * Validate Routing Number
- * @param routingNo Routing No
- * @return "" or Error AD_Message
- */
- public static String validateRoutingNo (String routingNo)
- {
- int length = checkNumeric(routingNo).length();
+ try
+ {
+ Integer.parseInt (creditCardVV);
+ return "";
+ }
+ catch (NumberFormatException ex)
+ {
+ s_log.fine("validateCreditCardVV - " + ex);
+ }
+ }
+ s_log.fine("validateCreditCardVV(3) CC=" + creditCardType + ", length=" + length);
+ return "CreditCardVVError";
+ }
+ // Other
+ return "";
+ } // validateCreditCardVV
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Validate Routing Number
+ * @param routingNo Routing No
+ * @return "" or Error AD_Message
+ */
+ public static String validateRoutingNo (String routingNo)
+ {
+ int length = checkNumeric(routingNo).length();
// US - length 9
// Germany - length 8
// Japan - 7
- if (length == 7 || length == 8 || length == 9)
+ // CH - 5
+ // Issue: Bank account country
+ if (length > 0)
return "";
return "PaymentBankRoutingNotValid";
} // validateBankRoutingNo
- /**
- * Validate Account No
- * @param AccountNo AccountNo
- * @return "" or Error AD_Message
- */
- public static String validateAccountNo (String AccountNo)
- {
- int length = checkNumeric(AccountNo).length();
- if (length > 0)
- return "";
- return "PaymentBankAccountNotValid";
- } // validateBankAccountNo
- /**
- * Validate Check No
- * @param CheckNo CheckNo
- * @return "" or Error AD_Message
- */
- public static String validateCheckNo (String CheckNo)
- {
- int length = checkNumeric(CheckNo).length();
- if (length > 0)
- return "";
- return "PaymentBankCheckNotValid";
- } // validateBankCheckNo
- /**
- * Check Numeric
- * @param data input
- * @return the digits of the data - ignore the rest
- */
- public static String checkNumeric (String data)
- {
- if (data == null || data.length() == 0)
- return "";
- // Remove all non Digits
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
- for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++)
- {
- if (Character.isDigit(data.charAt(i)))
- sb.append(data.charAt(i));
- }
- return sb.toString();
- } // checkNumeric
-} // MPaymentValidate
+ /**
+ * Validate Account No
+ * @param AccountNo AccountNo
+ * @return "" or Error AD_Message
+ */
+ public static String validateAccountNo (String AccountNo)
+ {
+ int length = checkNumeric(AccountNo).length();
+ if (length > 0)
+ return "";
+ return "PaymentBankAccountNotValid";
+ } // validateBankAccountNo
+ /**
+ * Validate Check No
+ * @param CheckNo CheckNo
+ * @return "" or Error AD_Message
+ */
+ public static String validateCheckNo (String CheckNo)
+ {
+ int length = checkNumeric(CheckNo).length();
+ if (length > 0)
+ return "";
+ return "PaymentBankCheckNotValid";
+ } // validateBankCheckNo
+ /**
+ * Check Numeric
+ * @param data input
+ * @return the digits of the data - ignore the rest
+ */
+ public static String checkNumeric (String data)
+ {
+ if (data == null || data.length() == 0)
+ return "";
+ // Remove all non Digits
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
+ for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++)
+ {
+ if (Character.isDigit(data.charAt(i)))
+ sb.append(data.charAt(i));
+ }
+ return sb.toString();
+ } // checkNumeric
+} // MPaymentValidate
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MProduct.java b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MProduct.java
index b564b0bef3..fdd79a2289 100644
--- a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MProduct.java
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MProduct.java
@@ -3,686 +3,685 @@
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
- * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
- * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
- * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
- * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
- * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.compiere.model;
-import java.math.*;
-import java.sql.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.util.logging.*;
-import org.compiere.util.*;
- * Product Model
- *
- * @author Jorg Janke
- * @version $Id: MProduct.java,v 1.5 2006/07/30 00:51:05 jjanke Exp $
- */
-public class MProduct extends X_M_Product
- /**
- * Get MProduct from Cache
- * @param ctx context
- * @param M_Product_ID id
- * @return MProduct
- */
- public static MProduct get (Properties ctx, int M_Product_ID)
- {
- Integer key = new Integer (M_Product_ID);
- MProduct retValue = (MProduct) s_cache.get (key);
- if (retValue != null)
- return retValue;
- retValue = new MProduct (ctx, M_Product_ID, null);
- if (retValue.get_ID () != 0)
- s_cache.put (key, retValue);
- return retValue;
- } // get
- /**
- * Get MProduct from Cache
- * @param ctx context
- * @param whereClause sql where clause
- * @param trxName trx
- * @return MProduct
- */
- public static MProduct[] get (Properties ctx, String whereClause, String trxName)
- {
- String sql = "SELECT * FROM M_Product";
- if (whereClause != null && whereClause.length() > 0)
- sql += " WHERE AD_Client_ID=? AND " + whereClause;
- ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
- int AD_Client_ID = Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx);
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, trxName);
- pstmt.setInt(1, AD_Client_ID);
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
- while (rs.next ())
- list.add (new MProduct (ctx, rs, trxName));
- rs.close ();
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- try
- {
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- }
- MProduct[] retValue = new MProduct[list.size ()];
- list.toArray (retValue);
- return retValue;
- } // get
- /**
- * Is Product Stocked
- * @param ctx context
- * @param M_Product_ID id
- * @return true if found and stocked - false otherwise
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
+ * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
+ * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
+ * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.model;
+import java.math.*;
+import java.sql.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.logging.*;
+import org.compiere.util.*;
+ * Product Model
+ *
+ * @author Jorg Janke
+ * @version $Id: MProduct.java,v 1.5 2006/07/30 00:51:05 jjanke Exp $
+ */
+public class MProduct extends X_M_Product
+ /**
+ * Get MProduct from Cache
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param M_Product_ID id
+ * @return MProduct
+ */
+ public static MProduct get (Properties ctx, int M_Product_ID)
+ {
+ Integer key = new Integer (M_Product_ID);
+ MProduct retValue = (MProduct) s_cache.get (key);
+ if (retValue != null)
+ return retValue;
+ retValue = new MProduct (ctx, M_Product_ID, null);
+ if (retValue.get_ID () != 0)
+ s_cache.put (key, retValue);
+ return retValue;
+ } // get
+ /**
+ * Get MProduct from Cache
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param whereClause sql where clause
+ * @param trxName trx
+ * @return MProduct
+ */
+ public static MProduct[] get (Properties ctx, String whereClause, String trxName)
+ {
+ String sql = "SELECT * FROM M_Product";
+ if (whereClause != null && whereClause.length() > 0)
+ sql += " WHERE AD_Client_ID=? AND " + whereClause;
+ ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
+ int AD_Client_ID = Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx);
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, trxName);
+ pstmt.setInt(1, AD_Client_ID);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
+ while (rs.next ())
+ list.add (new MProduct (ctx, rs, trxName));
+ rs.close ();
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ MProduct[] retValue = new MProduct[list.size ()];
+ list.toArray (retValue);
+ return retValue;
+ } // get
+ /**
+ * Is Product Stocked
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param M_Product_ID id
+ * @return true if found and stocked - false otherwise
public static boolean isProductStocked (Properties ctx, int M_Product_ID)
- boolean retValue = false;
MProduct product = get (ctx, M_Product_ID);
return product.isStocked();
} // isProductStocked
- /** Cache */
- private static CCache s_cache = new CCache("M_Product", 40, 5); // 5 minutes
- /** Static Logger */
- private static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger (MProduct.class);
- /**************************************************************************
- * Standard Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param M_Product_ID id
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MProduct (Properties ctx, int M_Product_ID, String trxName)
- {
- super (ctx, M_Product_ID, trxName);
- if (M_Product_ID == 0)
- {
- // setValue (null);
- // setName (null);
- // setM_Product_Category_ID (0);
- // setC_TaxCategory_ID (0);
- // setC_UOM_ID (0);
- //
- setProductType (PRODUCTTYPE_Item); // I
- setIsBOM (false); // N
- setIsInvoicePrintDetails (false);
- setIsPickListPrintDetails (false);
- setIsPurchased (true); // Y
- setIsSold (true); // Y
- setIsStocked (true); // Y
- setIsSummary (false);
- setIsVerified (false); // N
- setIsWebStoreFeatured (false);
- setIsSelfService(true);
- setIsExcludeAutoDelivery(false);
- setProcessing (false); // N
- }
- } // MProduct
- /**
- * Load constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param rs result set
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MProduct (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
- {
- super(ctx, rs, trxName);
- } // MProduct
- /**
- * Parent Constructor
- * @param et parent
- */
+ /** Cache */
+ private static CCache s_cache = new CCache("M_Product", 40, 5); // 5 minutes
+ /** Static Logger */
+ private static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger (MProduct.class);
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Standard Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param M_Product_ID id
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MProduct (Properties ctx, int M_Product_ID, String trxName)
+ {
+ super (ctx, M_Product_ID, trxName);
+ if (M_Product_ID == 0)
+ {
+ // setValue (null);
+ // setName (null);
+ // setM_Product_Category_ID (0);
+ // setC_TaxCategory_ID (0);
+ // setC_UOM_ID (0);
+ //
+ setProductType (PRODUCTTYPE_Item); // I
+ setIsBOM (false); // N
+ setIsInvoicePrintDetails (false);
+ setIsPickListPrintDetails (false);
+ setIsPurchased (true); // Y
+ setIsSold (true); // Y
+ setIsStocked (true); // Y
+ setIsSummary (false);
+ setIsVerified (false); // N
+ setIsWebStoreFeatured (false);
+ setIsSelfService(true);
+ setIsExcludeAutoDelivery(false);
+ setProcessing (false); // N
+ }
+ } // MProduct
+ /**
+ * Load constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param rs result set
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MProduct (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
+ {
+ super(ctx, rs, trxName);
+ } // MProduct
+ /**
+ * Parent Constructor
+ * @param et parent
+ */
public MProduct (MExpenseType et)
this (et.getCtx(), 0, et.get_TrxName());
- setProductType(MProduct.PRODUCTTYPE_ExpenseType);
+ setProductType(X_M_Product.PRODUCTTYPE_ExpenseType);
} // MProduct
- /**
- * Parent Constructor
- * @param resource parent
- * @param resourceType resource type
- */
+ /**
+ * Parent Constructor
+ * @param resource parent
+ * @param resourceType resource type
+ */
public MProduct (MResource resource, MResourceType resourceType)
this (resource.getCtx(), 0, resource.get_TrxName());
- setProductType(MProduct.PRODUCTTYPE_Resource);
+ setProductType(X_M_Product.PRODUCTTYPE_Resource);
} // MProduct
- /**
- * Import Constructor
- * @param impP import
- */
- public MProduct (X_I_Product impP)
- {
- this (impP.getCtx(), 0, impP.get_TrxName());
- setClientOrg(impP);
- setUpdatedBy(impP.getUpdatedBy());
- //
- setValue(impP.getValue());
- setName(impP.getName());
- setDescription(impP.getDescription());
- setDocumentNote(impP.getDocumentNote());
- setHelp(impP.getHelp());
- setUPC(impP.getUPC());
- setSKU(impP.getSKU());
- setC_UOM_ID(impP.getC_UOM_ID());
- setM_Product_Category_ID(impP.getM_Product_Category_ID());
- setProductType(impP.getProductType());
- setImageURL(impP.getImageURL());
- setDescriptionURL(impP.getDescriptionURL());
- } // MProduct
- /** Additional Downloads */
- private MProductDownload[] m_downloads = null;
- /**
- * Set Expense Type
- * @param parent expense type
- * @return true if changed
- */
- public boolean setExpenseType (MExpenseType parent)
- {
- boolean changed = false;
- if (!PRODUCTTYPE_ExpenseType.equals(getProductType()))
- {
- setProductType(PRODUCTTYPE_ExpenseType);
- changed = true;
- }
- if (parent.getS_ExpenseType_ID() != getS_ExpenseType_ID())
- {
- setS_ExpenseType_ID(parent.getS_ExpenseType_ID());
- changed = true;
- }
- if (parent.isActive() != isActive())
- {
- setIsActive(parent.isActive());
- changed = true;
- }
- //
- if (!parent.getValue().equals(getValue()))
- {
- setValue(parent.getValue());
- changed = true;
- }
- if (!parent.getName().equals(getName()))
- {
- setName(parent.getName());
- changed = true;
- }
- if ((parent.getDescription() == null && getDescription() != null)
- || (parent.getDescription() != null && !parent.getDescription().equals(getDescription())))
- {
- setDescription(parent.getDescription());
- changed = true;
- }
- if (parent.getC_UOM_ID() != getC_UOM_ID())
- {
- setC_UOM_ID(parent.getC_UOM_ID());
- changed = true;
- }
- if (parent.getM_Product_Category_ID() != getM_Product_Category_ID())
- {
- setM_Product_Category_ID(parent.getM_Product_Category_ID());
- changed = true;
- }
- if (parent.getC_TaxCategory_ID() != getC_TaxCategory_ID())
- {
- setC_TaxCategory_ID(parent.getC_TaxCategory_ID());
- changed = true;
- }
- //
- return changed;
- } // setExpenseType
- /**
- * Set Resource
- * @param parent resource
- * @return true if changed
- */
- public boolean setResource (MResource parent)
- {
- boolean changed = false;
- if (!PRODUCTTYPE_Resource.equals(getProductType()))
- {
- setProductType(PRODUCTTYPE_Resource);
- changed = true;
- }
- if (parent.getS_Resource_ID() != getS_Resource_ID())
- {
- setS_Resource_ID(parent.getS_Resource_ID());
- changed = true;
- }
- if (parent.isActive() != isActive())
- {
- setIsActive(parent.isActive());
- changed = true;
- }
- //
- if (!parent.getValue().equals(getValue()))
- {
- setValue(parent.getValue());
- changed = true;
- }
- if (!parent.getName().equals(getName()))
- {
- setName(parent.getName());
- changed = true;
- }
- if ((parent.getDescription() == null && getDescription() != null)
- || (parent.getDescription() != null && !parent.getDescription().equals(getDescription())))
- {
- setDescription(parent.getDescription());
- changed = true;
- }
- //
- return changed;
- } // setResource
- /**
- * Set Resource Type
- * @param parent resource type
- * @return true if changed
- */
- public boolean setResource (MResourceType parent)
- {
- boolean changed = false;
- if (PRODUCTTYPE_Resource.equals(getProductType()))
- {
- setProductType(PRODUCTTYPE_Resource);
- changed = true;
- }
- //
- if (parent.getC_UOM_ID() != getC_UOM_ID())
- {
- setC_UOM_ID(parent.getC_UOM_ID());
- changed = true;
- }
- if (parent.getM_Product_Category_ID() != getM_Product_Category_ID())
- {
- setM_Product_Category_ID(parent.getM_Product_Category_ID());
- changed = true;
- }
- if (parent.getC_TaxCategory_ID() != getC_TaxCategory_ID())
- {
- setC_TaxCategory_ID(parent.getC_TaxCategory_ID());
- changed = true;
- }
- //
- return changed;
- } // setResource
- /** UOM Precision */
- private Integer m_precision = null;
- /**
- * Get UOM Standard Precision
- * @return UOM Standard Precision
- */
- public int getUOMPrecision()
- {
- if (m_precision == null)
- {
- int C_UOM_ID = getC_UOM_ID();
- if (C_UOM_ID == 0)
- return 0; // EA
- m_precision = new Integer (MUOM.getPrecision(getCtx(), C_UOM_ID));
- }
- return m_precision.intValue();
- } // getUOMPrecision
- /**
- * Create Asset Group for this product
- * @return asset group id
- */
- public int getA_Asset_Group_ID()
- {
- MProductCategory pc = MProductCategory.get(getCtx(), getM_Product_Category_ID());
- return pc.getA_Asset_Group_ID();
- } // getA_Asset_Group_ID
- /**
- * Create Asset for this product
- * @return true if asset is created
- */
- public boolean isCreateAsset()
- {
- MProductCategory pc = MProductCategory.get(getCtx(), getM_Product_Category_ID());
- return pc.getA_Asset_Group_ID() != 0;
- } // isCreated
- /**
- * Get Attribute Set
- * @return set or null
- */
- public MAttributeSet getAttributeSet()
- {
- if (getM_AttributeSet_ID() != 0)
- return MAttributeSet.get(getCtx(), getM_AttributeSet_ID());
- return null;
- } // getAttributeSet
- /**
- * Has the Product Instance Attribute
- * @return true if instance attributes
- */
- public boolean isInstanceAttribute()
- {
- if (getM_AttributeSet_ID() == 0)
- return false;
- MAttributeSet mas = MAttributeSet.get(getCtx(), getM_AttributeSet_ID());
- return mas.isInstanceAttribute();
- } // isInstanceAttribute
- /**
- * Create One Asset Per UOM
- * @return individual asset
- */
- public boolean isOneAssetPerUOM()
- {
- MProductCategory pc = MProductCategory.get(getCtx(), getM_Product_Category_ID());
- if (pc.getA_Asset_Group_ID() == 0)
- return false;
- MAssetGroup ag = MAssetGroup.get(getCtx(), pc.getA_Asset_Group_ID());
- return ag.isOneAssetPerUOM();
- } // isOneAssetPerUOM
- /**
- * Product is Item
- * @return true if item
- */
- public boolean isItem()
- {
- return PRODUCTTYPE_Item.equals(getProductType());
- } // isItem
- /**
- * Product is an Item and Stocked
- * @return true if stocked and item
- */
- public boolean isStocked ()
- {
- return super.isStocked() && isItem();
- } // isStocked
- /**
- * Is Service
- * @return true if service (resource, online)
- */
- public boolean isService()
- {
- return !isItem(); //
- } // isService
- /**
- * Get UOM Symbol
- * @return UOM Symbol
- */
- public String getUOMSymbol()
- {
- int C_UOM_ID = getC_UOM_ID();
- if (C_UOM_ID == 0)
- return "";
- return MUOM.get(getCtx(), C_UOM_ID).getUOMSymbol();
- } // getUOMSymbol
- /**
- * Get Active(!) Product Downloads
- * @param requery requery
- * @return array of downloads
- */
- public MProductDownload[] getProductDownloads (boolean requery)
- {
- if (m_downloads != null && !requery)
- return m_downloads;
- //
- ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
- String sql = "SELECT * FROM M_ProductDownload "
- + "WHERE M_Product_ID=? AND IsActive='Y' ORDER BY Name";
- //
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, get_TrxName());
- pstmt.setInt (1, getM_Product_ID());
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
- while (rs.next ())
- list.add (new MProductDownload (getCtx(), rs, get_TrxName()));
- rs.close ();
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.log (Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- try
- {
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- }
- //
- m_downloads = new MProductDownload[list.size ()];
- list.toArray (m_downloads);
- return m_downloads;
- } // getProductDownloads
- /**
- * Does the product have downloads
- * @return true if downloads exists
- */
- public boolean hasDownloads()
- {
- getProductDownloads(false);
- return m_downloads != null && m_downloads.length > 0;
- } // hasDownloads
- /**
- * String Representation
- * @return info
- */
- public String toString()
- {
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("MProduct[");
- sb.append(get_ID()).append("-").append(getValue())
- .append("]");
- return sb.toString();
- } // toString
- /**
- * Before Save
- * @param newRecord new
- * @return true
- */
- protected boolean beforeSave (boolean newRecord)
- {
- // Check Storage
- if (!newRecord && //
- ((is_ValueChanged("IsActive") && !isActive()) // now not active
- || (is_ValueChanged("IsStocked") && !isStocked()) // now not stocked
- || (is_ValueChanged("ProductType") // from Item
- && PRODUCTTYPE_Item.equals(get_ValueOld("ProductType")))))
- {
- MStorage[] storages = MStorage.getOfProduct(getCtx(), get_ID(), get_TrxName());
- BigDecimal OnHand = Env.ZERO;
- BigDecimal Ordered = Env.ZERO;
- BigDecimal Reserved = Env.ZERO;
- for (int i = 0; i < storages.length; i++)
- {
- OnHand = OnHand.add(storages[i].getQtyOnHand());
- Ordered = OnHand.add(storages[i].getQtyOrdered());
- Reserved = OnHand.add(storages[i].getQtyReserved());
- }
- String errMsg = "";
- if (OnHand.signum() != 0)
- errMsg = "@QtyOnHand@ = " + OnHand;
- if (Ordered.signum() != 0)
- errMsg += " - @QtyOrdered@ = " + Ordered;
- if (Reserved.signum() != 0)
- errMsg += " - @QtyReserved@" + Reserved;
- if (errMsg.length() > 0)
- {
- log.saveError("Error", Msg.parseTranslation(getCtx(), errMsg));
- return false;
- }
- } // storage
- // Reset Stocked if not Item
- if (isStocked() && !PRODUCTTYPE_Item.equals(getProductType()))
- setIsStocked(false);
- // UOM reset
- if (m_precision != null && is_ValueChanged("C_UOM_ID"))
- m_precision = null;
- return true;
- } // beforeSave
- /**
- * After Save
- * @param newRecord new
- * @param success success
- * @return success
- */
- protected boolean afterSave (boolean newRecord, boolean success)
- {
- if (!success)
- return success;
- // Value/Name change in Account
- if (!newRecord && (is_ValueChanged("Value") || is_ValueChanged("Name")))
- MAccount.updateValueDescription(getCtx(), "M_Product_ID=" + getM_Product_ID(), get_TrxName());
- // Name/Description Change in Asset MAsset.setValueNameDescription
- if (!newRecord && (is_ValueChanged("Name") || is_ValueChanged("Description")))
- {
- String sql = "UPDATE A_Asset a "
- + "SET (Name, Description)="
- + "(SELECT SUBSTR(bp.Name || ' - ' || p.Name,1,60), p.Description "
- + "FROM M_Product p, C_BPartner bp "
- + "WHERE p.M_Product_ID=a.M_Product_ID AND bp.C_BPartner_ID=a.C_BPartner_ID) "
- + "WHERE IsActive='Y'"
- // + " AND GuaranteeDate > SysDate"
- + " AND M_Product_ID=" + getM_Product_ID();
- int no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
- log.fine("Asset Description updated #" + no);
- }
- // New - Acct, Tree, Old Costing
- if (newRecord)
+ /**
+ * Import Constructor
+ * @param impP import
+ */
+ public MProduct (X_I_Product impP)
+ {
+ this (impP.getCtx(), 0, impP.get_TrxName());
+ setClientOrg(impP);
+ setUpdatedBy(impP.getUpdatedBy());
+ //
+ setValue(impP.getValue());
+ setName(impP.getName());
+ setDescription(impP.getDescription());
+ setDocumentNote(impP.getDocumentNote());
+ setHelp(impP.getHelp());
+ setUPC(impP.getUPC());
+ setSKU(impP.getSKU());
+ setC_UOM_ID(impP.getC_UOM_ID());
+ setM_Product_Category_ID(impP.getM_Product_Category_ID());
+ setProductType(impP.getProductType());
+ setImageURL(impP.getImageURL());
+ setDescriptionURL(impP.getDescriptionURL());
+ } // MProduct
+ /** Additional Downloads */
+ private MProductDownload[] m_downloads = null;
+ /**
+ * Set Expense Type
+ * @param parent expense type
+ * @return true if changed
+ */
+ public boolean setExpenseType (MExpenseType parent)
+ {
+ boolean changed = false;
+ if (!PRODUCTTYPE_ExpenseType.equals(getProductType()))
+ {
+ setProductType(PRODUCTTYPE_ExpenseType);
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ if (parent.getS_ExpenseType_ID() != getS_ExpenseType_ID())
+ {
+ setS_ExpenseType_ID(parent.getS_ExpenseType_ID());
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ if (parent.isActive() != isActive())
+ {
+ setIsActive(parent.isActive());
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ //
+ if (!parent.getValue().equals(getValue()))
+ {
+ setValue(parent.getValue());
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ if (!parent.getName().equals(getName()))
+ {
+ setName(parent.getName());
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ if ((parent.getDescription() == null && getDescription() != null)
+ || (parent.getDescription() != null && !parent.getDescription().equals(getDescription())))
+ {
+ setDescription(parent.getDescription());
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ if (parent.getC_UOM_ID() != getC_UOM_ID())
+ {
+ setC_UOM_ID(parent.getC_UOM_ID());
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ if (parent.getM_Product_Category_ID() != getM_Product_Category_ID())
+ {
+ setM_Product_Category_ID(parent.getM_Product_Category_ID());
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ if (parent.getC_TaxCategory_ID() != getC_TaxCategory_ID())
+ {
+ setC_TaxCategory_ID(parent.getC_TaxCategory_ID());
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ //
+ return changed;
+ } // setExpenseType
+ /**
+ * Set Resource
+ * @param parent resource
+ * @return true if changed
+ */
+ public boolean setResource (MResource parent)
+ {
+ boolean changed = false;
+ if (!PRODUCTTYPE_Resource.equals(getProductType()))
+ {
+ setProductType(PRODUCTTYPE_Resource);
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ if (parent.getS_Resource_ID() != getS_Resource_ID())
+ {
+ setS_Resource_ID(parent.getS_Resource_ID());
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ if (parent.isActive() != isActive())
+ {
+ setIsActive(parent.isActive());
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ //
+ if (!parent.getValue().equals(getValue()))
+ {
+ setValue(parent.getValue());
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ if (!parent.getName().equals(getName()))
+ {
+ setName(parent.getName());
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ if ((parent.getDescription() == null && getDescription() != null)
+ || (parent.getDescription() != null && !parent.getDescription().equals(getDescription())))
+ {
+ setDescription(parent.getDescription());
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ //
+ return changed;
+ } // setResource
+ /**
+ * Set Resource Type
+ * @param parent resource type
+ * @return true if changed
+ */
+ public boolean setResource (MResourceType parent)
+ {
+ boolean changed = false;
+ if (PRODUCTTYPE_Resource.equals(getProductType()))
+ {
+ setProductType(PRODUCTTYPE_Resource);
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ //
+ if (parent.getC_UOM_ID() != getC_UOM_ID())
+ {
+ setC_UOM_ID(parent.getC_UOM_ID());
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ if (parent.getM_Product_Category_ID() != getM_Product_Category_ID())
+ {
+ setM_Product_Category_ID(parent.getM_Product_Category_ID());
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ if (parent.getC_TaxCategory_ID() != getC_TaxCategory_ID())
+ {
+ setC_TaxCategory_ID(parent.getC_TaxCategory_ID());
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ //
+ return changed;
+ } // setResource
+ /** UOM Precision */
+ private Integer m_precision = null;
+ /**
+ * Get UOM Standard Precision
+ * @return UOM Standard Precision
+ */
+ public int getUOMPrecision()
+ {
+ if (m_precision == null)
+ {
+ int C_UOM_ID = getC_UOM_ID();
+ if (C_UOM_ID == 0)
+ return 0; // EA
+ m_precision = new Integer (MUOM.getPrecision(getCtx(), C_UOM_ID));
+ }
+ return m_precision.intValue();
+ } // getUOMPrecision
+ /**
+ * Create Asset Group for this product
+ * @return asset group id
+ */
+ public int getA_Asset_Group_ID()
+ {
+ MProductCategory pc = MProductCategory.get(getCtx(), getM_Product_Category_ID());
+ return pc.getA_Asset_Group_ID();
+ } // getA_Asset_Group_ID
+ /**
+ * Create Asset for this product
+ * @return true if asset is created
+ */
+ public boolean isCreateAsset()
+ {
+ MProductCategory pc = MProductCategory.get(getCtx(), getM_Product_Category_ID());
+ return pc.getA_Asset_Group_ID() != 0;
+ } // isCreated
+ /**
+ * Get Attribute Set
+ * @return set or null
+ */
+ public MAttributeSet getAttributeSet()
+ {
+ if (getM_AttributeSet_ID() != 0)
+ return MAttributeSet.get(getCtx(), getM_AttributeSet_ID());
+ return null;
+ } // getAttributeSet
+ /**
+ * Has the Product Instance Attribute
+ * @return true if instance attributes
+ */
+ public boolean isInstanceAttribute()
+ {
+ if (getM_AttributeSet_ID() == 0)
+ return false;
+ MAttributeSet mas = MAttributeSet.get(getCtx(), getM_AttributeSet_ID());
+ return mas.isInstanceAttribute();
+ } // isInstanceAttribute
+ /**
+ * Create One Asset Per UOM
+ * @return individual asset
+ */
+ public boolean isOneAssetPerUOM()
+ {
+ MProductCategory pc = MProductCategory.get(getCtx(), getM_Product_Category_ID());
+ if (pc.getA_Asset_Group_ID() == 0)
+ return false;
+ MAssetGroup ag = MAssetGroup.get(getCtx(), pc.getA_Asset_Group_ID());
+ return ag.isOneAssetPerUOM();
+ } // isOneAssetPerUOM
+ /**
+ * Product is Item
+ * @return true if item
+ */
+ public boolean isItem()
+ {
+ return PRODUCTTYPE_Item.equals(getProductType());
+ } // isItem
+ /**
+ * Product is an Item and Stocked
+ * @return true if stocked and item
+ */
+ public boolean isStocked ()
+ {
+ return super.isStocked() && isItem();
+ } // isStocked
+ /**
+ * Is Service
+ * @return true if service (resource, online)
+ */
+ public boolean isService()
+ {
+ return !isItem(); //
+ } // isService
+ /**
+ * Get UOM Symbol
+ * @return UOM Symbol
+ */
+ public String getUOMSymbol()
+ {
+ int C_UOM_ID = getC_UOM_ID();
+ if (C_UOM_ID == 0)
+ return "";
+ return MUOM.get(getCtx(), C_UOM_ID).getUOMSymbol();
+ } // getUOMSymbol
+ /**
+ * Get Active(!) Product Downloads
+ * @param requery requery
+ * @return array of downloads
+ */
+ public MProductDownload[] getProductDownloads (boolean requery)
+ {
+ if (m_downloads != null && !requery)
+ return m_downloads;
+ //
+ ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
+ String sql = "SELECT * FROM M_ProductDownload "
+ + "WHERE M_Product_ID=? AND IsActive='Y' ORDER BY Name";
+ //
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, get_TrxName());
+ pstmt.setInt (1, getM_Product_ID());
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
+ while (rs.next ())
+ list.add (new MProductDownload (getCtx(), rs, get_TrxName()));
+ rs.close ();
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log (Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ //
+ m_downloads = new MProductDownload[list.size ()];
+ list.toArray (m_downloads);
+ return m_downloads;
+ } // getProductDownloads
+ /**
+ * Does the product have downloads
+ * @return true if downloads exists
+ */
+ public boolean hasDownloads()
+ {
+ getProductDownloads(false);
+ return m_downloads != null && m_downloads.length > 0;
+ } // hasDownloads
+ /**
+ * String Representation
+ * @return info
+ */
+ public String toString()
+ {
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("MProduct[");
+ sb.append(get_ID()).append("-").append(getValue())
+ .append("]");
+ return sb.toString();
+ } // toString
+ /**
+ * Before Save
+ * @param newRecord new
+ * @return true
+ */
+ protected boolean beforeSave (boolean newRecord)
+ {
+ // Check Storage
+ if (!newRecord && //
+ ((is_ValueChanged("IsActive") && !isActive()) // now not active
+ || (is_ValueChanged("IsStocked") && !isStocked()) // now not stocked
+ || (is_ValueChanged("ProductType") // from Item
+ && PRODUCTTYPE_Item.equals(get_ValueOld("ProductType")))))
+ {
+ MStorage[] storages = MStorage.getOfProduct(getCtx(), get_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ BigDecimal OnHand = Env.ZERO;
+ BigDecimal Ordered = Env.ZERO;
+ BigDecimal Reserved = Env.ZERO;
+ for (int i = 0; i < storages.length; i++)
+ {
+ OnHand = OnHand.add(storages[i].getQtyOnHand());
+ Ordered = OnHand.add(storages[i].getQtyOrdered());
+ Reserved = OnHand.add(storages[i].getQtyReserved());
+ }
+ String errMsg = "";
+ if (OnHand.signum() != 0)
+ errMsg = "@QtyOnHand@ = " + OnHand;
+ if (Ordered.signum() != 0)
+ errMsg += " - @QtyOrdered@ = " + Ordered;
+ if (Reserved.signum() != 0)
+ errMsg += " - @QtyReserved@" + Reserved;
+ if (errMsg.length() > 0)
+ {
+ log.saveError("Error", Msg.parseTranslation(getCtx(), errMsg));
+ return false;
+ }
+ } // storage
+ // Reset Stocked if not Item
+ if (isStocked() && !PRODUCTTYPE_Item.equals(getProductType()))
+ setIsStocked(false);
+ // UOM reset
+ if (m_precision != null && is_ValueChanged("C_UOM_ID"))
+ m_precision = null;
+ return true;
+ } // beforeSave
+ /**
+ * After Save
+ * @param newRecord new
+ * @param success success
+ * @return success
+ */
+ protected boolean afterSave (boolean newRecord, boolean success)
+ {
+ if (!success)
+ return success;
+ // Value/Name change in Account
+ if (!newRecord && (is_ValueChanged("Value") || is_ValueChanged("Name")))
+ MAccount.updateValueDescription(getCtx(), "M_Product_ID=" + getM_Product_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ // Name/Description Change in Asset MAsset.setValueNameDescription
+ if (!newRecord && (is_ValueChanged("Name") || is_ValueChanged("Description")))
+ {
+ String sql = "UPDATE A_Asset a "
+ + "SET (Name, Description)="
+ + "(SELECT SUBSTR(bp.Name || ' - ' || p.Name,1,60), p.Description "
+ + "FROM M_Product p, C_BPartner bp "
+ + "WHERE p.M_Product_ID=a.M_Product_ID AND bp.C_BPartner_ID=a.C_BPartner_ID) "
+ + "WHERE IsActive='Y'"
+ // + " AND GuaranteeDate > SysDate"
+ + " AND M_Product_ID=" + getM_Product_ID();
+ int no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
+ log.fine("Asset Description updated #" + no);
+ }
+ // New - Acct, Tree, Old Costing
+ if (newRecord)
insert_Accounting("M_Product_Acct", "M_Product_Category_Acct",
"p.M_Product_Category_ID=" + getM_Product_Category_ID());
- insert_Tree(MTree_Base.TREETYPE_Product);
+ insert_Tree(X_AD_Tree.TREETYPE_Product);
MAcctSchema[] mass = MAcctSchema.getClientAcctSchema(getCtx(), getAD_Client_ID(), get_TrxName());
for (int i = 0; i < mass.length; i++)
- {
- // Old
- MProductCosting pcOld = new MProductCosting(this, mass[i].getC_AcctSchema_ID());
- pcOld.save();
- }
+ {
+ // Old
+ MProductCosting pcOld = new MProductCosting(this, mass[i].getC_AcctSchema_ID());
+ pcOld.save();
+ }
// New Costing
- if (newRecord || is_ValueChanged("M_Product_Category"))
+ if (newRecord || is_ValueChanged("M_Product_Category_ID"))
return success;
- } // afterSave
- /**
- * Before Delete
- * @return true if it can be deleted
- */
- protected boolean beforeDelete ()
- {
- // Check Storage
- if (isStocked() || PRODUCTTYPE_Item.equals(getProductType()))
- {
- MStorage[] storages = MStorage.getOfProduct(getCtx(), get_ID(), get_TrxName());
- BigDecimal OnHand = Env.ZERO;
- BigDecimal Ordered = Env.ZERO;
- BigDecimal Reserved = Env.ZERO;
- for (int i = 0; i < storages.length; i++)
- {
- OnHand = OnHand.add(storages[i].getQtyOnHand());
- Ordered = OnHand.add(storages[i].getQtyOrdered());
- Reserved = OnHand.add(storages[i].getQtyReserved());
- }
- String errMsg = "";
- if (OnHand.signum() != 0)
- errMsg = "@QtyOnHand@ = " + OnHand;
- if (Ordered.signum() != 0)
- errMsg += " - @QtyOrdered@ = " + Ordered;
- if (Reserved.signum() != 0)
- errMsg += " - @QtyReserved@" + Reserved;
- if (errMsg.length() > 0)
- {
- log.saveError("Error", Msg.parseTranslation(getCtx(), errMsg));
- return false;
- }
- }
- // delete costing
- MProductCosting[] costings = MProductCosting.getOfProduct(getCtx(), get_ID(), get_TrxName());
- for (int i = 0; i < costings.length; i++)
- costings[i].delete(true, get_TrxName());
- //
- return delete_Accounting("M_Product_Acct");
- } // beforeDelete
- /**
- * After Delete
- * @param success
- * @return deleted
- */
+ } // afterSave
+ /**
+ * Before Delete
+ * @return true if it can be deleted
+ */
+ protected boolean beforeDelete ()
+ {
+ // Check Storage
+ if (isStocked() || PRODUCTTYPE_Item.equals(getProductType()))
+ {
+ MStorage[] storages = MStorage.getOfProduct(getCtx(), get_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ BigDecimal OnHand = Env.ZERO;
+ BigDecimal Ordered = Env.ZERO;
+ BigDecimal Reserved = Env.ZERO;
+ for (int i = 0; i < storages.length; i++)
+ {
+ OnHand = OnHand.add(storages[i].getQtyOnHand());
+ Ordered = OnHand.add(storages[i].getQtyOrdered());
+ Reserved = OnHand.add(storages[i].getQtyReserved());
+ }
+ String errMsg = "";
+ if (OnHand.signum() != 0)
+ errMsg = "@QtyOnHand@ = " + OnHand;
+ if (Ordered.signum() != 0)
+ errMsg += " - @QtyOrdered@ = " + Ordered;
+ if (Reserved.signum() != 0)
+ errMsg += " - @QtyReserved@" + Reserved;
+ if (errMsg.length() > 0)
+ {
+ log.saveError("Error", Msg.parseTranslation(getCtx(), errMsg));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // delete costing
+ MProductCosting[] costings = MProductCosting.getOfProduct(getCtx(), get_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ for (int i = 0; i < costings.length; i++)
+ costings[i].delete(true, get_TrxName());
+ //
+ return delete_Accounting("M_Product_Acct");
+ } // beforeDelete
+ /**
+ * After Delete
+ * @param success
+ * @return deleted
+ */
protected boolean afterDelete (boolean success)
if (success)
- delete_Tree(MTree_Base.TREETYPE_Product);
+ delete_Tree(X_AD_Tree.TREETYPE_Product);
return success;
} // afterDelete
-} // MProduct
+} // MProduct
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MSchedulerLog.java b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MSchedulerLog.java
index 784ffc11f5..bf35df39cc 100644
--- a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MSchedulerLog.java
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MSchedulerLog.java
@@ -3,27 +3,27 @@
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
- * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
- * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
- * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
- * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
- * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.compiere.model;
-import java.sql.*;
-import java.util.*;
- * Scheduler Log
- *
- * @author Jorg Janke
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
+ * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
+ * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
+ * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.model;
+import java.sql.*;
+import java.util.*;
+ * Scheduler Log
+ *
+ * @author Jorg Janke
* @version $Id: MSchedulerLog.java,v 1.3 2006/07/30 00:51:02 jjanke Exp $
public class MSchedulerLog extends X_AD_SchedulerLog
@@ -31,37 +31,39 @@ public class MSchedulerLog extends X_AD_SchedulerLog
* Standard Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param AD_SchedulerLog_ID id
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param AD_SchedulerLog_ID id
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
public MSchedulerLog (Properties ctx, int AD_SchedulerLog_ID, String trxName)
super (ctx, AD_SchedulerLog_ID, trxName);
+ if (AD_SchedulerLog_ID == 0)
+ setIsError(false);
} // MSchedulerLog
- * Load Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param rs result set
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MSchedulerLog (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
- {
- super(ctx, rs, trxName);
- } // MSchedulerLog
- /**
- * Parent Constructor
- * @param parent parent
- * @param summary summary
- */
- public MSchedulerLog (MScheduler parent, String summary)
- {
- this (parent.getCtx(), 0, parent.get_TrxName());
- setClientOrg(parent);
- setAD_Scheduler_ID(parent.getAD_Scheduler_ID());
- setSummary(summary);
- } // MSchedulerLog
-} // MSchedulerLog
+ * Load Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param rs result set
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MSchedulerLog (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
+ {
+ super(ctx, rs, trxName);
+ } // MSchedulerLog
+ /**
+ * Parent Constructor
+ * @param parent parent
+ * @param summary summary
+ */
+ public MSchedulerLog (MScheduler parent, String summary)
+ {
+ this (parent.getCtx(), 0, parent.get_TrxName());
+ setClientOrg(parent);
+ setAD_Scheduler_ID(parent.getAD_Scheduler_ID());
+ setSummary(summary);
+ } // MSchedulerLog
+} // MSchedulerLog
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MWebProjectDomain.java b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MWebProjectDomain.java
index 8c56db29bb..38474bb0bc 100644
--- a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MWebProjectDomain.java
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MWebProjectDomain.java
@@ -3,50 +3,99 @@
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
- * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
- * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
- * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
- * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
- * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.compiere.model;
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
+ * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
+ * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
+ * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.model;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import org.compiere.util.CLogger;
+import org.compiere.util.DB;
* Web Project Domain
- *
- * @author Jorg Janke
- * @version $Id: MWebProjectDomain.java,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:51:02 jjanke Exp $
+ *
+ * @author Jorg Janke
+ * @version $Id: MWebProjectDomain.java,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:51:02 jjanke Exp $
public class MWebProjectDomain extends X_CM_WebProject_Domain
+ /** serialVersionUID */
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = 5134789895039452551L;
+ /** Logger */
+ private static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger (MContainer.class);
* Web Project Domain Constructor
* @param ctx context
- * @param CM_WebProject_Domain_ID id
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MWebProjectDomain (Properties ctx, int CM_WebProject_Domain_ID, String trxName)
- {
- super (ctx, CM_WebProject_Domain_ID, trxName);
- } // MWebProjectDomain
- /**
- * Load Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param rs result set
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MWebProjectDomain (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
+ * @param CM_WebProject_Domain_ID id
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MWebProjectDomain (Properties ctx, int CM_WebProject_Domain_ID, String trxName)
+ {
+ super (ctx, CM_WebProject_Domain_ID, trxName);
+ } // MWebProjectDomain
+ /**
+ * Load Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param rs result set
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MWebProjectDomain (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
super (ctx, rs, trxName);
} // MWebProjectDomain
+ /**
+ * get WebProjectDomain by Name
+ * @param ctx
+ * @param ServerName
+ * @param trxName
+ * @return ContainerElement
+ */
+ public static MWebProjectDomain get(Properties ctx, String ServerName, String trxName) {
+ MWebProjectDomain thisWebProjectDomain = null;
+ String sql = "SELECT * FROM CM_WebProject_Domain WHERE lower(FQDN) LIKE ? ORDER by CM_WebProject_Domain_ID DESC";
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trxName);
+ pstmt.setString(1, ServerName);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ if (rs.next())
+ thisWebProjectDomain = (new MWebProjectDomain(ctx, rs, trxName));
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ return thisWebProjectDomain;
+ }
} // MWebProjectDomain
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/process/DunningPrint.java b/base/src/org/compiere/process/DunningPrint.java
index ad7d405e60..8106836e78 100644
--- a/base/src/org/compiere/process/DunningPrint.java
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/process/DunningPrint.java
@@ -3,78 +3,78 @@
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
- * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
- * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
- * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
- * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
- * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.compiere.process;
-import java.io.*;
-import java.util.logging.*;
-import org.compiere.model.*;
-import org.compiere.print.*;
-import org.compiere.util.*;
- * Dunning Letter Print
- *
- * @author Jorg Janke
- * @version $Id: DunningPrint.java,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:51:02 jjanke Exp $
- */
-public class DunningPrint extends SvrProcess
- /** Mail PDF */
- private boolean p_EMailPDF = false;
- /** Mail Template */
- private int p_R_MailText_ID = 0;
- /** Dunning Run */
- private int p_C_DunningRun_ID = 0;
- /** Print only Outstanding */
- private boolean p_IsOnlyIfBPBalance = true;
- /**
- * Prepare - e.g., get Parameters.
- */
- protected void prepare()
- {
- ProcessInfoParameter[] para = getParameter();
- for (int i = 0; i < para.length; i++)
- {
- String name = para[i].getParameterName();
- if (para[i].getParameter() == null)
- ;
- else if (name.equals("EMailPDF"))
- p_EMailPDF = "Y".equals(para[i].getParameter());
- else if (name.equals("R_MailText_ID"))
- p_R_MailText_ID = para[i].getParameterAsInt();
- else if (name.equals("C_DunningRun_ID"))
- p_C_DunningRun_ID = para[i].getParameterAsInt();
- else if (name.equals("IsOnlyIfBPBalance"))
- p_IsOnlyIfBPBalance = "Y".equals(para[i].getParameter());
- else
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unknown Parameter: " + name);
- }
- } // prepare
- /**
- * Pocess
- * @return info
- * @throws Exception
- */
- protected String doIt () throws Exception
- {
- log.info("C_DunningRun_ID=" + p_C_DunningRun_ID + ",R_MailText_ID=" + p_R_MailText_ID
- + ", EmailPDF=" + p_EMailPDF + ",IsOnlyIfBPBalance=" + p_IsOnlyIfBPBalance);
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
+ * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
+ * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
+ * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.process;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.util.logging.*;
+import org.compiere.model.*;
+import org.compiere.print.*;
+import org.compiere.util.*;
+ * Dunning Letter Print
+ *
+ * @author Jorg Janke
+ * @version $Id: DunningPrint.java,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:51:02 jjanke Exp $
+ */
+public class DunningPrint extends SvrProcess
+ /** Mail PDF */
+ private boolean p_EMailPDF = false;
+ /** Mail Template */
+ private int p_R_MailText_ID = 0;
+ /** Dunning Run */
+ private int p_C_DunningRun_ID = 0;
+ /** Print only Outstanding */
+ private boolean p_IsOnlyIfBPBalance = true;
+ /**
+ * Prepare - e.g., get Parameters.
+ */
+ protected void prepare()
+ {
+ ProcessInfoParameter[] para = getParameter();
+ for (int i = 0; i < para.length; i++)
+ {
+ String name = para[i].getParameterName();
+ if (para[i].getParameter() == null)
+ ;
+ else if (name.equals("EMailPDF"))
+ p_EMailPDF = "Y".equals(para[i].getParameter());
+ else if (name.equals("R_MailText_ID"))
+ p_R_MailText_ID = para[i].getParameterAsInt();
+ else if (name.equals("C_DunningRun_ID"))
+ p_C_DunningRun_ID = para[i].getParameterAsInt();
+ else if (name.equals("IsOnlyIfBPBalance"))
+ p_IsOnlyIfBPBalance = "Y".equals(para[i].getParameter());
+ else
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unknown Parameter: " + name);
+ }
+ } // prepare
+ /**
+ * Pocess
+ * @return info
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ protected String doIt () throws Exception
+ {
+ log.info("C_DunningRun_ID=" + p_C_DunningRun_ID + ",R_MailText_ID=" + p_R_MailText_ID
+ + ", EmailPDF=" + p_EMailPDF + ",IsOnlyIfBPBalance=" + p_IsOnlyIfBPBalance);
// Need to have Template
if (p_EMailPDF && p_R_MailText_ID == 0)
@@ -95,122 +95,127 @@ public class DunningPrint extends SvrProcess
// Print Format on Dunning Level
MDunningLevel level = new MDunningLevel (getCtx(), run.getC_DunningLevel_ID(), get_TrxName());
MPrintFormat format = MPrintFormat.get (getCtx(), level.getDunning_PrintFormat_ID(), false);
- MClient client = MClient.get(getCtx());
- int count = 0;
- int errors = 0;
- MDunningRunEntry[] entries = run.getEntries(false);
- for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++)
- {
- MDunningRunEntry entry = entries[i];
- if (p_IsOnlyIfBPBalance && entry.getAmt().signum() <= 0)
- continue;
- // To BPartner
- MBPartner bp = new MBPartner (getCtx(), entry.getC_BPartner_ID(), get_TrxName());
- if (bp.get_ID() == 0)
- {
- addLog (entry.get_ID(), null, null, "@NotFound@: @C_BPartner_ID@ " + entry.getC_BPartner_ID());
- errors++;
- continue;
- }
- // To User
- MUser to = new MUser (getCtx(), entry.getAD_User_ID(), get_TrxName());
- if (p_EMailPDF)
- {
- if (to.get_ID() == 0)
- {
- addLog (entry.get_ID(), null, null, "@NotFound@: @AD_User_ID@ - " + bp.getName());
- errors++;
- continue;
- }
- else if (to.getEMail() == null || to.getEMail().length() == 0)
- {
- addLog (entry.get_ID(), null, null, "@NotFound@: @EMail@ - " + to.getName());
- errors++;
- continue;
- }
- }
- // BP Language
- Language language = Language.getLoginLanguage(); // Base Language
- String tableName = "C_Dunning_Header_v";
- if (client.isMultiLingualDocument())
- {
- tableName += "t";
- String AD_Language = bp.getAD_Language();
- if (AD_Language != null)
- language = Language.getLanguage(AD_Language);
- }
- format.setLanguage(language);
- format.setTranslationLanguage(language);
- // query
- MQuery query = new MQuery(tableName);
- query.addRestriction("C_DunningRunEntry_ID", MQuery.EQUAL,
- new Integer(entry.getC_DunningRunEntry_ID()));
- // Engine
- PrintInfo info = new PrintInfo(
- bp.getName(),
- X_C_DunningRunEntry.Table_ID,
- entry.getC_DunningRunEntry_ID(),
- entry.getC_BPartner_ID());
- info.setDescription(bp.getName() + ", Amt=" + entry.getAmt());
- ReportEngine re = new ReportEngine(getCtx(), format, query, info);
- boolean printed = false;
- if (p_EMailPDF)
- {
- EMail email = client.createEMail(to.getEMail(), null, null);
- if (!email.isValid())
- {
- addLog (entry.get_ID(), null, null,
- "@RequestActionEMailError@ Invalid EMail: " + to);
- errors++;
- continue;
- }
- mText.setUser(to); // variable context
- mText.setBPartner(bp);
- mText.setPO(entry);
- String message = mText.getMailText(true);
- if (mText.isHtml())
- email.setMessageHTML(mText.getMailHeader(), message);
- else
- {
- email.setSubject (mText.getMailHeader());
- email.setMessageText (message);
- }
- //
- File attachment = re.getPDF(File.createTempFile("Dunning", ".pdf"));
- log.fine(to + " - " + attachment);
- email.addAttachment(attachment);
- //
- String msg = email.send();
- MUserMail um = new MUserMail(mText, entry.getAD_User_ID(), email);
- um.save();
- if (msg.equals(EMail.SENT_OK))
- {
- addLog (entry.get_ID(), null, null,
- bp.getName() + " @RequestActionEMailOK@");
- count++;
- printed = true;
- }
- else
- {
- addLog (entry.get_ID(), null, null,
- bp.getName() + " @RequestActionEMailError@ " + msg);
- errors++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- re.print ();
+ MClient client = MClient.get(getCtx());
+ int count = 0;
+ int errors = 0;
+ MDunningRunEntry[] entries = run.getEntries(false);
+ for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++)
+ {
+ MDunningRunEntry entry = entries[i];
+ if (p_IsOnlyIfBPBalance && entry.getAmt().signum() <= 0)
+ continue;
+ // To BPartner
+ MBPartner bp = new MBPartner (getCtx(), entry.getC_BPartner_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ if (bp.get_ID() == 0)
+ {
+ addLog (entry.get_ID(), null, null, "@NotFound@: @C_BPartner_ID@ " + entry.getC_BPartner_ID());
+ errors++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // To User
+ MUser to = new MUser (getCtx(), entry.getAD_User_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ if (p_EMailPDF)
+ {
+ if (to.get_ID() == 0)
+ {
+ addLog (entry.get_ID(), null, null, "@NotFound@: @AD_User_ID@ - " + bp.getName());
+ errors++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (to.getEMail() == null || to.getEMail().length() == 0)
+ {
+ addLog (entry.get_ID(), null, null, "@NotFound@: @EMail@ - " + to.getName());
+ errors++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // BP Language
+ Language language = Language.getLoginLanguage(); // Base Language
+ String tableName = "C_Dunning_Header_v";
+ if (client.isMultiLingualDocument())
+ {
+ tableName += "t";
+ String AD_Language = bp.getAD_Language();
+ if (AD_Language != null)
+ language = Language.getLanguage(AD_Language);
+ }
+ format.setLanguage(language);
+ format.setTranslationLanguage(language);
+ // query
+ MQuery query = new MQuery(tableName);
+ query.addRestriction("C_DunningRunEntry_ID", MQuery.EQUAL,
+ new Integer(entry.getC_DunningRunEntry_ID()));
+ // Engine
+ PrintInfo info = new PrintInfo(
+ bp.getName(),
+ X_C_DunningRunEntry.Table_ID,
+ entry.getC_DunningRunEntry_ID(),
+ entry.getC_BPartner_ID());
+ info.setDescription(bp.getName() + ", Amt=" + entry.getAmt());
+ ReportEngine re = new ReportEngine(getCtx(), format, query, info);
+ boolean printed = false;
+ if (p_EMailPDF)
+ {
+ EMail email = client.createEMail(to.getEMail(), null, null);
+ if (!email.isValid())
+ {
+ addLog (entry.get_ID(), null, null,
+ "@RequestActionEMailError@ Invalid EMail: " + to);
+ errors++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ mText.setUser(to); // variable context
+ mText.setBPartner(bp);
+ mText.setPO(entry);
+ String message = mText.getMailText(true);
+ if (mText.isHtml())
+ email.setMessageHTML(mText.getMailHeader(), message);
+ else
+ {
+ email.setSubject (mText.getMailHeader());
+ email.setMessageText (message);
+ }
+ //
+ File attachment = re.getPDF(File.createTempFile("Dunning", ".pdf"));
+ log.fine(to + " - " + attachment);
+ email.addAttachment(attachment);
+ //
+ String msg = email.send();
+ MUserMail um = new MUserMail(mText, entry.getAD_User_ID(), email);
+ um.save();
+ if (msg.equals(EMail.SENT_OK))
+ {
+ addLog (entry.get_ID(), null, null,
+ bp.getName() + " @RequestActionEMailOK@");
+ count++;
+ printed = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ addLog (entry.get_ID(), null, null,
+ bp.getName() + " @RequestActionEMailError@ " + msg);
+ errors++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ re.print ();
printed = true;
+ if (printed)
+ {
+ entry.setProcessed (true);
+ entry.save ();
+ }
} // for all dunning letters
if (p_EMailPDF)
- return "@Sent@=" + count + " - @Errors@=" + errors;
- return "@Printed@=" + count;
- } // doIt
-} // DunningPrint
+ return "@Sent@=" + count + " - @Errors@=" + errors;
+ return "@Printed@=" + count;
+ } // doIt
+} // DunningPrint
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/process/DunningRunCreate.java b/base/src/org/compiere/process/DunningRunCreate.java
index 8ba2b57c1b..9d92653bed 100644
--- a/base/src/org/compiere/process/DunningRunCreate.java
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/process/DunningRunCreate.java
@@ -3,350 +3,395 @@
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
- * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
- * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
- * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
- * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
- * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.compiere.process;
-import java.math.*;
-import java.sql.*;
-import java.util.logging.*;
-import org.compiere.model.*;
-import org.compiere.util.*;
- * Create Dunning Run Entries/Lines
- *
- * @author Jorg Janke
- * @version $Id: DunningRunCreate.java,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:51:02 jjanke Exp $
- */
-public class DunningRunCreate extends SvrProcess
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
+ * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
+ * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
+ * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.process;
+import java.math.*;
+import java.sql.*;
+import java.util.logging.*;
+import org.compiere.model.*;
+import org.compiere.util.*;
+ * Create Dunning Run Entries/Lines
+ *
+ * @author Jorg Janke
+ * @version $Id: DunningRunCreate.java,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:51:02 jjanke Exp $
+ */
+public class DunningRunCreate extends SvrProcess
private boolean p_IncludeInDispute = false;
private boolean p_OnlySOTrx = false;
+ private boolean p_IsAllCurrencies = false;
private int p_SalesRep_ID = 0;
private int p_C_Currency_ID = 0;
private int p_C_BPartner_ID = 0;
- private int p_C_BP_Group_ID = 0;
+ private int p_C_BP_Group_ID = 0;
private int p_C_DunningRun_ID = 0;
private MDunningRun m_run = null;
+ private MDunningLevel m_level = null;
* Prepare - e.g., get Parameters.
- */
- protected void prepare()
- {
- ProcessInfoParameter[] para = getParameter();
- for (int i = 0; i < para.length; i++)
- {
- String name = para[i].getParameterName();
- if (para[i].getParameter() == null)
- ;
- else if (name.equals("IncludeInDispute"))
+ */
+ protected void prepare()
+ {
+ ProcessInfoParameter[] para = getParameter();
+ for (int i = 0; i < para.length; i++)
+ {
+ String name = para[i].getParameterName();
+ if (para[i].getParameter() == null)
+ ;
+ else if (name.equals("IncludeInDispute"))
p_IncludeInDispute = "Y".equals(para[i].getParameter());
else if (name.equals("OnlySOTrx"))
p_OnlySOTrx = "Y".equals(para[i].getParameter());
+ else if (name.equals("IsAllCurrencies"))
+ p_IsAllCurrencies = "Y".equals(para[i].getParameter());
else if (name.equals("SalesRep_ID"))
p_SalesRep_ID = para[i].getParameterAsInt();
else if (name.equals("C_Currency_ID"))
- p_C_Currency_ID = para[i].getParameterAsInt();
- else if (name.equals("C_BPartner_ID"))
- p_C_BPartner_ID = para[i].getParameterAsInt();
- else if (name.equals("C_BP_Group_ID"))
- p_C_BP_Group_ID = para[i].getParameterAsInt();
- else
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unknown Parameter: " + name);
- }
- p_C_DunningRun_ID = getRecord_ID();
- } // prepare
- /**
- * Process
- * @return message
- * @throws Exception
- */
- protected String doIt () throws Exception
- {
- log.info("C_DunningRun_ID=" + p_C_DunningRun_ID
- + ", Dispute=" + p_IncludeInDispute
- + ", C_BP_Group_ID=" + p_C_BP_Group_ID
- + ", C_BPartner_ID=" + p_C_BPartner_ID);
- m_run = new MDunningRun (getCtx(),p_C_DunningRun_ID, get_TrxName());
- if (m_run.get_ID() == 0)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Not found MDunningRun");
- if (!m_run.deleteEntries(true))
- throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Cannot delete existing entries");
- if (p_SalesRep_ID == 0)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException ("No SalesRep");
+ p_C_Currency_ID = para[i].getParameterAsInt();
+ else if (name.equals("C_BPartner_ID"))
+ p_C_BPartner_ID = para[i].getParameterAsInt();
+ else if (name.equals("C_BP_Group_ID"))
+ p_C_BP_Group_ID = para[i].getParameterAsInt();
+ else
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unknown Parameter: " + name);
+ }
+ p_C_DunningRun_ID = getRecord_ID();
+ } // prepare
+ /**
+ * Process
+ * @return message
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ protected String doIt () throws Exception
+ {
+ log.info("C_DunningRun_ID=" + p_C_DunningRun_ID
+ + ", Dispute=" + p_IncludeInDispute
+ + ", C_BP_Group_ID=" + p_C_BP_Group_ID
+ + ", C_BPartner_ID=" + p_C_BPartner_ID);
+ m_run = new MDunningRun (getCtx(),p_C_DunningRun_ID, get_TrxName());
+ if (m_run.get_ID() == 0)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Not found MDunningRun");
+ if (!m_run.deleteEntries(true))
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Cannot delete existing entries");
+ if (p_SalesRep_ID == 0)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException ("No SalesRep");
if (p_C_Currency_ID == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("No Currency");
+ m_level = m_run.getLevel ();
int inv = addInvoices();
int pay = addPayments();
+ if (m_level.isChargeFee ())
+ addFees();
return "@C_Invoice_ID@ #" + inv + " - @C_Payment_ID@=" + pay;
} // doIt
- /**************************************************************************
- * Add Invoices to Run
- * @return no of invoices
- */
- private int addInvoices()
- {
- int count = 0;
- String sql = "SELECT i.C_Invoice_ID, i.C_Currency_ID,"
- + " i.GrandTotal*i.MultiplierAP,"
- + " invoiceOpen(i.C_Invoice_ID,i.C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID)*MultiplierAP,"
- + " COALESCE(daysBetween(?,ips.DueDate),paymentTermDueDays(i.C_PaymentTerm_ID,i.DateInvoiced,?))," // ##1/2
- + " i.IsInDispute, i.C_BPartner_ID "
- + "FROM C_Invoice_v i "
- + " LEFT OUTER JOIN C_InvoicePaySchedule ips ON (i.C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID=ips.C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID) "
- + "WHERE i.IsPaid='N' AND i.AD_Client_ID=?" // ##3
- + " AND i.DocStatus IN ('CO','CL')"
- // Only BP(Group) with Dunning defined
- + " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_DunningLevel dl "
- + "WHERE dl.C_DunningLevel_ID=?" // // ##4
- + " AND dl.C_Dunning_ID IN "
- + "(SELECT COALESCE(bp.C_Dunning_ID, bpg.C_Dunning_ID) "
- + "FROM C_BPartner bp"
- + " INNER JOIN C_BP_Group bpg ON (bp.C_BP_Group_ID=bpg.C_BP_Group_ID) "
- + "WHERE i.C_BPartner_ID=bp.C_BPartner_ID))";
- if (p_C_BPartner_ID != 0)
- sql += " AND i.C_BPartner_ID=?"; // ##5
- else if (p_C_BP_Group_ID != 0)
- sql += " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_BPartner bp "
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Add Invoices to Run
+ * @return no of invoices
+ */
+ private int addInvoices()
+ {
+ int count = 0;
+ String sql = "SELECT i.C_Invoice_ID, i.C_Currency_ID,"
+ + " i.GrandTotal*i.MultiplierAP,"
+ + " invoiceOpen(i.C_Invoice_ID,i.C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID)*MultiplierAP,"
+ + " COALESCE(daysBetween(?,ips.DueDate),paymentTermDueDays(i.C_PaymentTerm_ID,i.DateInvoiced,?))," // ##1/2
+ + " i.IsInDispute, i.C_BPartner_ID "
+ + "FROM C_Invoice_v i "
+ + " LEFT OUTER JOIN C_InvoicePaySchedule ips ON (i.C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID=ips.C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID) "
+ + "WHERE i.IsPaid='N' AND i.AD_Client_ID=?" // ##3
+ + " AND i.DocStatus IN ('CO','CL')"
+ // Only BP(Group) with Dunning defined
+ + " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_DunningLevel dl "
+ + "WHERE dl.C_DunningLevel_ID=?" // // ##4
+ + " AND dl.C_Dunning_ID IN "
+ + "(SELECT COALESCE(bp.C_Dunning_ID, bpg.C_Dunning_ID) "
+ + "FROM C_BPartner bp"
+ + " INNER JOIN C_BP_Group bpg ON (bp.C_BP_Group_ID=bpg.C_BP_Group_ID) "
+ + "WHERE i.C_BPartner_ID=bp.C_BPartner_ID))";
+ if (p_C_BPartner_ID != 0)
+ sql += " AND i.C_BPartner_ID=?"; // ##5
+ else if (p_C_BP_Group_ID != 0)
+ sql += " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_BPartner bp "
+ "WHERE i.C_BPartner_ID=bp.C_BPartner_ID AND bp.C_BP_Group_ID=?)"; // ##5
if (p_OnlySOTrx)
sql += " AND i.IsSOTrx='Y'";
+ if (!p_IsAllCurrencies)
+ sql += " AND i.C_Currency_ID=" + p_C_Currency_ID;
// log.info(sql);
- // Sub Query
- String sql2 = "SELECT COUNT(*), COALESCE(TRUNC(SysDate-MAX(dr.DunningDate)),0) "
+ String sql2=null;
+ // if sequentially we must check for other levels with smaller days for
+ // which this invoice is not yet included!
+ if (m_level.getParent ().isCreateLevelsSequentially ()) {
+ // Build a list of all topmost Dunning Levels
+ MDunningLevel[] previousLevels = m_level.getPreviousLevels();
+ if (previousLevels!=null && previousLevels.length>0) {
+ String sqlAppend = "";
+ for (int i=0; i'N')";
+ }
+ sql += sqlAppend;
+ }
+ }
+ sql2 = "SELECT COUNT(*), COALESCE(TRUNC(SysDate-MAX(dr.DunningDate)),0) "
+ "FROM C_DunningRun dr"
+ " INNER JOIN C_DunningRunEntry dre ON (dr.C_DunningRun_ID=dre.C_DunningRun_ID)"
+ " INNER JOIN C_DunningRunLine drl ON (dre.C_DunningRunEntry_ID=drl.C_DunningRunEntry_ID) "
+ "WHERE drl.Processed='Y' AND drl.C_Invoice_ID=?";
BigDecimal DaysAfterDue = m_run.getLevel().getDaysAfterDue();
int DaysBetweenDunning = m_run.getLevel().getDaysBetweenDunning();
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- PreparedStatement pstmt2 = null;
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, get_TrxName());
- pstmt.setTimestamp(1, m_run.getDunningDate());
- pstmt.setTimestamp(2, m_run.getDunningDate());
- pstmt.setInt (3, m_run.getAD_Client_ID());
- pstmt.setInt(4, m_run.getC_DunningLevel_ID());
- if (p_C_BPartner_ID != 0)
- pstmt.setInt (5, p_C_BPartner_ID);
- else if (p_C_BP_Group_ID != 0)
- pstmt.setInt (5, p_C_BP_Group_ID);
- //
- pstmt2 = DB.prepareStatement (sql2, get_TrxName());
- //
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
- while (rs.next ())
- {
- int C_Invoice_ID = rs.getInt(1);
- int C_Currency_ID = rs.getInt(2);
- BigDecimal GrandTotal = rs.getBigDecimal(3);
- BigDecimal Open = rs.getBigDecimal(4);
- int DaysDue = rs.getInt(5);
- boolean IsInDispute = "Y".equals(rs.getString(6));
- int C_BPartner_ID = rs.getInt(7);
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ PreparedStatement pstmt2 = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, get_TrxName());
+ pstmt.setTimestamp(1, m_run.getDunningDate());
+ pstmt.setTimestamp(2, m_run.getDunningDate());
+ pstmt.setInt (3, m_run.getAD_Client_ID());
+ pstmt.setInt(4, m_run.getC_DunningLevel_ID());
+ if (p_C_BPartner_ID != 0)
+ pstmt.setInt (5, p_C_BPartner_ID);
+ else if (p_C_BP_Group_ID != 0)
+ pstmt.setInt (5, p_C_BP_Group_ID);
+ //
+ pstmt2 = DB.prepareStatement (sql2, get_TrxName());
+ //
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
+ while (rs.next ())
+ {
+ int C_Invoice_ID = rs.getInt(1);
+ int C_Currency_ID = rs.getInt(2);
+ BigDecimal GrandTotal = rs.getBigDecimal(3);
+ BigDecimal Open = rs.getBigDecimal(4);
+ int DaysDue = rs.getInt(5);
+ boolean IsInDispute = "Y".equals(rs.getString(6));
+ int C_BPartner_ID = rs.getInt(7);
if (!p_IncludeInDispute && IsInDispute)
- if (DaysDue < DaysAfterDue.intValue())
+ if (DaysDue < DaysAfterDue.intValue() && !m_level.isShowAllDue ())
if (Env.ZERO.compareTo(Open) == 0)
- //
- int TimesDunned = 0;
- int DaysAfterLast = 0;
- // SubQuery
- pstmt2.setInt (1, C_Invoice_ID);
- ResultSet rs2 = pstmt2.executeQuery ();
- if (rs2.next())
- {
- TimesDunned = rs2.getInt(1);
- DaysAfterLast = rs2.getInt(2);
+ //
+ int TimesDunned = 0;
+ int DaysAfterLast = 0;
+ // SubQuery
+ pstmt2.setInt (1, C_Invoice_ID);
+ ResultSet rs2 = pstmt2.executeQuery ();
+ if (rs2.next())
+ {
+ TimesDunned = rs2.getInt(1);
+ DaysAfterLast = rs2.getInt(2);
// SubQuery
- if (DaysBetweenDunning != 0 && DaysAfterLast < DaysBetweenDunning)
+ if (DaysBetweenDunning != 0 && DaysAfterLast < DaysBetweenDunning && !m_level.isShowAllDue () && !m_level.isShowNotDue ())
createInvoiceLine (C_Invoice_ID, C_Currency_ID, GrandTotal, Open,
- DaysDue, IsInDispute, C_BPartner_ID,
- TimesDunned, DaysAfterLast);
- count++;
- }
- rs.close ();
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- pstmt2.close();
- pstmt2 = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "addInvoices", e);
- }
- try
- {
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close ();
- if (pstmt2 != null)
- pstmt2.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- pstmt2 = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- pstmt2 = null;
- }
- return count;
- } // addInvoices
- /**
- * Create Invoice Line
- * @param C_Invoice_ID
- * @param C_Currency_ID
- * @param GrandTotal
- * @param Open
- * @param DaysDue
- * @param IsInDispute
- * @param C_BPartner_ID
- * @param TimesDunned
- * @param DaysAfterLast
- */
- private void createInvoiceLine (int C_Invoice_ID, int C_Currency_ID,
- BigDecimal GrandTotal, BigDecimal Open,
- int DaysDue, boolean IsInDispute,
- int C_BPartner_ID, int TimesDunned, int DaysAfterLast)
- {
- MDunningRunEntry entry = m_run.getEntry (C_BPartner_ID, p_C_Currency_ID, p_SalesRep_ID);
- if (entry.get_ID() == 0)
- if (!entry.save())
- throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot save MDunningRunEntry");
+ DaysDue, IsInDispute, C_BPartner_ID,
+ TimesDunned, DaysAfterLast);
+ count++;
+ }
+ rs.close ();
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ pstmt2.close();
+ pstmt2 = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "addInvoices", e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close ();
+ if (pstmt2 != null)
+ pstmt2.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ pstmt2 = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ pstmt2 = null;
+ }
+ return count;
+ } // addInvoices
+ /**
+ * Create Invoice Line
+ * @param C_Invoice_ID
+ * @param C_Currency_ID
+ * @param GrandTotal
+ * @param Open
+ * @param DaysDue
+ * @param IsInDispute
+ * @param C_BPartner_ID
+ * @param TimesDunned
+ * @param DaysAfterLast
+ */
+ private void createInvoiceLine (int C_Invoice_ID, int C_Currency_ID,
+ BigDecimal GrandTotal, BigDecimal Open,
+ int DaysDue, boolean IsInDispute,
+ int C_BPartner_ID, int TimesDunned, int DaysAfterLast)
+ {
+ MDunningRunEntry entry = m_run.getEntry (C_BPartner_ID, p_C_Currency_ID, p_SalesRep_ID);
+ if (entry.get_ID() == 0)
+ if (!entry.save())
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot save MDunningRunEntry");
MDunningRunLine line = new MDunningRunLine (entry);
line.setInvoice(C_Invoice_ID, C_Currency_ID, GrandTotal, Open,
- DaysDue, IsInDispute, TimesDunned, DaysAfterLast);
+ new BigDecimal(0), DaysDue, IsInDispute, TimesDunned,
+ DaysAfterLast);
if (!line.save())
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot save MDunningRunLine");
} // createInvoiceLine
- /**************************************************************************
- * Add Payments to Run
- * @return no of payments
- */
- private int addPayments()
- {
- String sql = "SELECT C_Payment_ID, C_Currency_ID, PayAmt,"
- + " paymentAvailable(C_Payment_ID), C_BPartner_ID "
- + "FROM C_Payment_v p "
- + "WHERE AD_Client_ID=?" // ##1
- + " AND IsAllocated='N' AND C_BPartner_ID IS NOT NULL"
- + " AND C_Charge_ID IS NULL"
- + " AND DocStatus IN ('CO','CL')"
- // Only BP with Dunning defined
- + " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_BPartner bp "
- + "WHERE p.C_BPartner_ID=bp.C_BPartner_ID"
- + " AND bp.C_Dunning_ID=(SELECT C_Dunning_ID FROM C_DunningLevel WHERE C_DunningLevel_ID=?))"; // ##2
- if (p_C_BPartner_ID != 0)
- sql += " AND C_BPartner_ID=?"; // ##3
- else if (p_C_BP_Group_ID != 0)
- sql += " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_BPartner bp "
- + "WHERE p.C_BPartner_ID=bp.C_BPartner_ID AND bp.C_BP_Group_ID=?)"; // ##3
- if (p_OnlySOTrx)
- sql += " AND IsReceipt='Y'";
- int count = 0;
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, get_TrxName());
- pstmt.setInt (1, getAD_Client_ID());
- pstmt.setInt (2, m_run.getC_DunningLevel_ID());
- if (p_C_BPartner_ID != 0)
- pstmt.setInt (3, p_C_BPartner_ID);
- else if (p_C_BP_Group_ID != 0)
- pstmt.setInt (3, p_C_BP_Group_ID);
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
- while (rs.next ())
- {
- int C_Payment_ID = rs.getInt(1);
- int C_Currency_ID = rs.getInt(2);
- BigDecimal PayAmt = rs.getBigDecimal(3).negate();
- BigDecimal OpenAmt = rs.getBigDecimal(4).negate();
- int C_BPartner_ID = rs.getInt(5);
- //
- if (Env.ZERO.compareTo(OpenAmt) == 0)
- continue;
- //
- createPaymentLine (C_Payment_ID, C_Currency_ID, PayAmt, OpenAmt,
- C_BPartner_ID);
- count++;
- }
- rs.close ();
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- try
- {
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- }
- return count;
- } // addPayments
- /**
- * Create Payment Line
- * @param C_Payment_ID
- * @param C_Currency_ID
- * @param PayAmt
- * @param OpenAmt
- * @param C_BPartner_ID
- */
- private void createPaymentLine (int C_Payment_ID, int C_Currency_ID,
- BigDecimal PayAmt, BigDecimal OpenAmt, int C_BPartner_ID)
- {
- MDunningRunEntry entry = m_run.getEntry (C_BPartner_ID, p_C_Currency_ID, p_SalesRep_ID);
- if (entry.get_ID() == 0)
- if (!entry.save())
- throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot save MDunningRunEntry");
- //
- MDunningRunLine line = new MDunningRunLine (entry);
- line.setPayment(C_Payment_ID, C_Currency_ID, PayAmt, OpenAmt);
- if (!line.save())
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Add Payments to Run
+ * @return no of payments
+ */
+ private int addPayments()
+ {
+ String sql = "SELECT C_Payment_ID, C_Currency_ID, PayAmt,"
+ + " paymentAvailable(C_Payment_ID), C_BPartner_ID "
+ + "FROM C_Payment_v p "
+ + "WHERE AD_Client_ID=?" // ##1
+ + " AND IsAllocated='N' AND C_BPartner_ID IS NOT NULL"
+ + " AND C_Charge_ID IS NULL"
+ + " AND DocStatus IN ('CO','CL')"
+ // Only BP with Dunning defined
+ + " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_BPartner bp "
+ + "WHERE p.C_BPartner_ID=bp.C_BPartner_ID"
+ + " AND bp.C_Dunning_ID=(SELECT C_Dunning_ID FROM C_DunningLevel WHERE C_DunningLevel_ID=?))"; // ##2
+ if (p_C_BPartner_ID != 0)
+ sql += " AND C_BPartner_ID=?"; // ##3
+ else if (p_C_BP_Group_ID != 0)
+ sql += " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_BPartner bp "
+ + "WHERE p.C_BPartner_ID=bp.C_BPartner_ID AND bp.C_BP_Group_ID=?)"; // ##3
+ if (p_OnlySOTrx)
+ sql += " AND IsReceipt='Y'";
+ int count = 0;
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, get_TrxName());
+ pstmt.setInt (1, getAD_Client_ID());
+ pstmt.setInt (2, m_run.getC_DunningLevel_ID());
+ if (p_C_BPartner_ID != 0)
+ pstmt.setInt (3, p_C_BPartner_ID);
+ else if (p_C_BP_Group_ID != 0)
+ pstmt.setInt (3, p_C_BP_Group_ID);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
+ while (rs.next ())
+ {
+ int C_Payment_ID = rs.getInt(1);
+ int C_Currency_ID = rs.getInt(2);
+ BigDecimal PayAmt = rs.getBigDecimal(3).negate();
+ BigDecimal OpenAmt = rs.getBigDecimal(4).negate();
+ int C_BPartner_ID = rs.getInt(5);
+ //
+ if (Env.ZERO.compareTo(OpenAmt) == 0)
+ continue;
+ //
+ createPaymentLine (C_Payment_ID, C_Currency_ID, PayAmt, OpenAmt,
+ C_BPartner_ID);
+ count++;
+ }
+ rs.close ();
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ return count;
+ } // addPayments
+ /**
+ * Create Payment Line
+ * @param C_Payment_ID
+ * @param C_Currency_ID
+ * @param PayAmt
+ * @param OpenAmt
+ * @param C_BPartner_ID
+ */
+ private void createPaymentLine (int C_Payment_ID, int C_Currency_ID,
+ BigDecimal PayAmt, BigDecimal OpenAmt, int C_BPartner_ID)
+ {
+ MDunningRunEntry entry = m_run.getEntry (C_BPartner_ID, p_C_Currency_ID, p_SalesRep_ID);
+ if (entry.get_ID() == 0)
+ if (!entry.save())
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot save MDunningRunEntry");
+ //
+ MDunningRunLine line = new MDunningRunLine (entry);
+ line.setPayment(C_Payment_ID, C_Currency_ID, PayAmt, OpenAmt);
+ if (!line.save())
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot save MDunningRunLine");
} // createPaymentLine
+ private void addFees()
+ {
+ MDunningRunEntry [] entries = m_run.getEntries (true);
+ if (entries!=null && entries.length>0) {
+ for (int i=0;i'Y' OR I_IsImported IS NULL");
- no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- log.fine("Reset=" + no);
- // Set BP_Group
- sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
- + "SET GroupValue=(SELECT Value FROM C_BP_Group g WHERE g.IsDefault='Y'"
- + " AND g.AD_Client_ID=i.AD_Client_ID AND ROWNUM=1) "
- + "WHERE GroupValue IS NULL AND C_BP_Group_ID IS NULL"
- + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
- no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- log.fine("Set Group Default=" + no);
- //
- sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
- + "SET C_BP_Group_ID=(SELECT C_BP_Group_ID FROM C_BP_Group g"
- + " WHERE i.GroupValue=g.Value AND g.AD_Client_ID=i.AD_Client_ID) "
- + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
- no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- log.fine("Set Group=" + no);
- //
- sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner "
- + "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||'ERR=Invalid Group, ' "
- + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
- no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- log.config("Invalid Group=" + no);
- // Set Country
- /**
- sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
- + "SET CountryCode=(SELECT CountryCode FROM C_Country c WHERE c.IsDefault='Y'"
- + " AND c.AD_Client_ID IN (0, i.AD_Client_ID) AND ROWNUM=1) "
- + "WHERE CountryCode IS NULL AND C_Country_ID IS NULL"
- + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
- no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- log.fine("Set Country Default=" + no);
- **/
- //
- sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
- + "SET C_Country_ID=(SELECT C_Country_ID FROM C_Country c"
- + " WHERE i.CountryCode=c.CountryCode AND c.AD_Client_ID IN (0, i.AD_Client_ID)) "
- + "WHERE C_Country_ID IS NULL"
- + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
- no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- log.fine("Set Country=" + no);
- //
- sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner "
- + "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||'ERR=Invalid Country, ' "
- + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
- no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- log.config("Invalid Country=" + no);
- // Set Region
- sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
- + "Set RegionName=(SELECT Name FROM C_Region r"
- + " WHERE r.IsDefault='Y' AND r.C_Country_ID=i.C_Country_ID"
- + " AND r.AD_Client_ID IN (0, i.AD_Client_ID) AND ROWNUM=1) "
- + "WHERE RegionName IS NULL AND C_Region_ID IS NULL"
- + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
- no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- log.fine("Set Region Default=" + no);
- //
- sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
- + "Set C_Region_ID=(SELECT C_Region_ID FROM C_Region r"
- + " WHERE r.Name=i.RegionName AND r.C_Country_ID=i.C_Country_ID"
- + " AND r.AD_Client_ID IN (0, i.AD_Client_ID)) "
- + "WHERE C_Region_ID IS NULL"
- + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
- no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- log.fine("Set Region=" + no);
- //
- sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
- + "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||'ERR=Invalid Region, ' "
- + "WHERE C_Region_ID IS NULL "
- + " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_Country c"
- + " WHERE c.C_Country_ID=i.C_Country_ID AND c.HasRegion='Y')"
- + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
- no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- log.config("Invalid Region=" + no);
- // Set Greeting
- sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
- + "SET C_Greeting_ID=(SELECT C_Greeting_ID FROM C_Greeting g"
- + " WHERE i.BPContactGreeting=g.Name AND g.AD_Client_ID IN (0, i.AD_Client_ID)) "
- + "WHERE C_Greeting_ID IS NULL AND BPContactGreeting IS NOT NULL"
- + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
- no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- log.fine("Set Greeting=" + no);
- //
- sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
- + "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||'ERR=Invalid Greeting, ' "
- + "WHERE C_Greeting_ID IS NULL AND BPContactGreeting IS NOT NULL"
- + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
- no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- log.config("Invalid Greeting=" + no);
- // Existing User ?
- sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
- + "SET (C_BPartner_ID,AD_User_ID)="
- + "(SELECT C_BPartner_ID,AD_User_ID FROM AD_User u "
- + "WHERE i.EMail=u.EMail AND u.AD_Client_ID=i.AD_Client_ID) "
- + "WHERE i.EMail IS NOT NULL AND I_IsImported='N'").append(clientCheck);
- no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- log.fine("Found EMail User=" + no);
- // Existing BPartner ? Match Value
- sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
- + "SET C_BPartner_ID=(SELECT C_BPartner_ID FROM C_BPartner p"
- + " WHERE i.Value=p.Value AND p.AD_Client_ID=i.AD_Client_ID) "
- + " AND I_IsImported='N'").append(clientCheck);
- no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- log.fine("Found BPartner=" + no);
- // Existing Contact ? Match Name
- sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
- + "SET AD_User_ID=(SELECT AD_User_ID FROM AD_User c"
- + " WHERE i.ContactName=c.Name AND i.C_BPartner_ID=c.C_BPartner_ID AND c.AD_Client_ID=i.AD_Client_ID) "
- + " AND I_IsImported='N'").append(clientCheck);
- no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- log.fine("Found Contact=" + no);
- // Existing Location ? Exact Match
- sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
- + "SET C_BPartner_Location_ID=(SELECT C_BPartner_Location_ID"
- + " FROM C_BPartner_Location bpl INNER JOIN C_Location l ON (bpl.C_Location_ID=l.C_Location_ID)"
- + " WHERE i.C_BPartner_ID=bpl.C_BPartner_ID AND bpl.AD_Client_ID=i.AD_Client_ID"
- + " AND DUMP(i.Address1)=DUMP(l.Address1) AND DUMP(i.Address2)=DUMP(l.Address2)"
- + " AND DUMP(i.City)=DUMP(l.City) AND DUMP(i.Postal)=DUMP(l.Postal) AND DUMP(i.Postal_Add)=DUMP(l.Postal_Add)"
- + " AND DUMP(i.C_Region_ID)=DUMP(l.C_Region_ID) AND DUMP(i.C_Country_ID)=DUMP(l.C_Country_ID)) "
- + "WHERE C_BPartner_ID IS NOT NULL AND C_BPartner_Location_ID IS NULL"
- + " AND I_IsImported='N'").append(clientCheck);
- no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- log.fine("Found Location=" + no);
- // Interest Area
- sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
- + "SET R_InterestArea_ID=(SELECT R_InterestArea_ID FROM R_InterestArea ia "
- + "WHERE i.InterestAreaName=ia.Name AND ia.AD_Client_ID=i.AD_Client_ID) "
- + "WHERE R_InterestArea_ID IS NULL AND InterestAreaName IS NOT NULL"
- + " AND I_IsImported='N'").append(clientCheck);
- no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- log.fine("Set Interest Area=" + no);
- commit();
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- int noInsert = 0;
- int noUpdate = 0;
- // Go through Records
- sql = new StringBuffer ("SELECT * FROM I_BPartner "
- + "WHERE I_IsImported='N'").append(clientCheck);
- try
- {
- PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- while (rs.next())
- {
- X_I_BPartner impBP = new X_I_BPartner (getCtx(), rs, get_TrxName());
- log.fine("I_BPartner_ID=" + impBP.getI_BPartner_ID()
- + ", C_BPartner_ID=" + impBP.getC_BPartner_ID()
- + ", C_BPartner_Location_ID=" + impBP.getC_BPartner_Location_ID()
- + ", AD_User_ID=" + impBP.getAD_User_ID());
- // **** Create/Update BPartner ****
- MBPartner bp = null;
- if (impBP.getC_BPartner_ID() == 0) // Insert new BPartner
- {
- bp = new MBPartner(impBP);
- if (bp.save())
- {
- impBP.setC_BPartner_ID(bp.getC_BPartner_ID());
- log.finest("Insert BPartner - " + bp.getC_BPartner_ID());
- noInsert++;
- }
- else
+import java.math.*;
+import java.sql.*;
+import java.util.logging.*;
+import org.compiere.model.*;
+import org.compiere.util.*;
+ * Import BPartners from I_BPartner
+ *
+ * @author Jorg Janke
+ * @version $Id: ImportBPartner.java,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:51:02 jjanke Exp $
+ */
+public class ImportBPartner extends SvrProcess
+ /** Client to be imported to */
+ private int m_AD_Client_ID = 0;
+ /** Delete old Imported */
+ private boolean m_deleteOldImported = false;
+ /** Organization to be imported to */
+ private int m_AD_Org_ID = 0;
+ /** Effective */
+ private Timestamp m_DateValue = null;
+ /**
+ * Prepare - e.g., get Parameters.
+ */
+ protected void prepare()
+ {
+ ProcessInfoParameter[] para = getParameter();
+ for (int i = 0; i < para.length; i++)
+ {
+ String name = para[i].getParameterName();
+ if (name.equals("AD_Client_ID"))
+ m_AD_Client_ID = ((BigDecimal)para[i].getParameter()).intValue();
+ else if (name.equals("DeleteOldImported"))
+ m_deleteOldImported = "Y".equals(para[i].getParameter());
+ else
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unknown Parameter: " + name);
+ }
+ if (m_DateValue == null)
+ m_DateValue = new Timestamp (System.currentTimeMillis());
+ } // prepare
+ /**
+ * Perrform process.
+ * @return Message
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ protected String doIt() throws java.lang.Exception
+ {
+ StringBuffer sql = null;
+ int no = 0;
+ String clientCheck = " AND AD_Client_ID=" + m_AD_Client_ID;
+ // **** Prepare ****
+ // Delete Old Imported
+ if (m_deleteOldImported)
+ {
+ sql = new StringBuffer ("DELETE I_BPartner "
+ + "WHERE I_IsImported='Y'").append(clientCheck);
+ no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
+ log.fine("Delete Old Impored =" + no);
+ }
+ // Set Client, Org, IsActive, Created/Updated
+ sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner "
+ + "SET AD_Client_ID = COALESCE (AD_Client_ID, ").append(m_AD_Client_ID).append("),"
+ + " AD_Org_ID = COALESCE (AD_Org_ID, 0),"
+ + " IsActive = COALESCE (IsActive, 'Y'),"
+ + " Created = COALESCE (Created, SysDate),"
+ + " CreatedBy = COALESCE (CreatedBy, 0),"
+ + " Updated = COALESCE (Updated, SysDate),"
+ + " UpdatedBy = COALESCE (UpdatedBy, 0),"
+ + " I_ErrorMsg = NULL,"
+ + " I_IsImported = 'N' "
+ + "WHERE I_IsImported<>'Y' OR I_IsImported IS NULL");
+ no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
+ log.fine("Reset=" + no);
+ // Set BP_Group
+ sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
+ + "SET GroupValue=(SELECT Value FROM C_BP_Group g WHERE g.IsDefault='Y'"
+ + " AND g.AD_Client_ID=i.AD_Client_ID AND ROWNUM=1) "
+ + "WHERE GroupValue IS NULL AND C_BP_Group_ID IS NULL"
+ + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
+ no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
+ log.fine("Set Group Default=" + no);
+ //
+ sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
+ + "SET C_BP_Group_ID=(SELECT C_BP_Group_ID FROM C_BP_Group g"
+ + " WHERE i.GroupValue=g.Value AND g.AD_Client_ID=i.AD_Client_ID) "
+ + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
+ no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
+ log.fine("Set Group=" + no);
+ //
+ sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner "
+ + "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||'ERR=Invalid Group, ' "
+ + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
+ no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
+ log.config("Invalid Group=" + no);
+ // Set Country
+ /**
+ sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
+ + "SET CountryCode=(SELECT CountryCode FROM C_Country c WHERE c.IsDefault='Y'"
+ + " AND c.AD_Client_ID IN (0, i.AD_Client_ID) AND ROWNUM=1) "
+ + "WHERE CountryCode IS NULL AND C_Country_ID IS NULL"
+ + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
+ no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
+ log.fine("Set Country Default=" + no);
+ **/
+ //
+ sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
+ + "SET C_Country_ID=(SELECT C_Country_ID FROM C_Country c"
+ + " WHERE i.CountryCode=c.CountryCode AND c.AD_Client_ID IN (0, i.AD_Client_ID)) "
+ + "WHERE C_Country_ID IS NULL"
+ + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
+ no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
+ log.fine("Set Country=" + no);
+ //
+ sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner "
+ + "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||'ERR=Invalid Country, ' "
+ + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
+ no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
+ log.config("Invalid Country=" + no);
+ // Set Region
+ sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
+ + "Set RegionName=(SELECT Name FROM C_Region r"
+ + " WHERE r.IsDefault='Y' AND r.C_Country_ID=i.C_Country_ID"
+ + " AND r.AD_Client_ID IN (0, i.AD_Client_ID) AND ROWNUM=1) "
+ + "WHERE RegionName IS NULL AND C_Region_ID IS NULL"
+ + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
+ no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
+ log.fine("Set Region Default=" + no);
+ //
+ sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
+ + "Set C_Region_ID=(SELECT C_Region_ID FROM C_Region r"
+ + " WHERE r.Name=i.RegionName AND r.C_Country_ID=i.C_Country_ID"
+ + " AND r.AD_Client_ID IN (0, i.AD_Client_ID)) "
+ + "WHERE C_Region_ID IS NULL"
+ + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
+ no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
+ log.fine("Set Region=" + no);
+ //
+ sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
+ + "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||'ERR=Invalid Region, ' "
+ + "WHERE C_Region_ID IS NULL "
+ + " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_Country c"
+ + " WHERE c.C_Country_ID=i.C_Country_ID AND c.HasRegion='Y')"
+ + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
+ no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
+ log.config("Invalid Region=" + no);
+ // Set Greeting
+ sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
+ + "SET C_Greeting_ID=(SELECT C_Greeting_ID FROM C_Greeting g"
+ + " WHERE i.BPContactGreeting=g.Name AND g.AD_Client_ID IN (0, i.AD_Client_ID)) "
+ + "WHERE C_Greeting_ID IS NULL AND BPContactGreeting IS NOT NULL"
+ + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
+ no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
+ log.fine("Set Greeting=" + no);
+ //
+ sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
+ + "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||'ERR=Invalid Greeting, ' "
+ + "WHERE C_Greeting_ID IS NULL AND BPContactGreeting IS NOT NULL"
+ + " AND I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
+ no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
+ log.config("Invalid Greeting=" + no);
+ // Existing User ?
+ sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
+ + "SET (C_BPartner_ID,AD_User_ID)="
+ + "(SELECT C_BPartner_ID,AD_User_ID FROM AD_User u "
+ + "WHERE i.EMail=u.EMail AND u.AD_Client_ID=i.AD_Client_ID) "
+ + "WHERE i.EMail IS NOT NULL AND I_IsImported='N'").append(clientCheck);
+ no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
+ log.fine("Found EMail User=" + no);
+ // Existing BPartner ? Match Value
+ sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
+ + "SET C_BPartner_ID=(SELECT C_BPartner_ID FROM C_BPartner p"
+ + " WHERE i.Value=p.Value AND p.AD_Client_ID=i.AD_Client_ID) "
+ + " AND I_IsImported='N'").append(clientCheck);
+ no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
+ log.fine("Found BPartner=" + no);
+ // Existing Contact ? Match Name
+ sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
+ + "SET AD_User_ID=(SELECT AD_User_ID FROM AD_User c"
+ + " WHERE i.ContactName=c.Name AND i.C_BPartner_ID=c.C_BPartner_ID AND c.AD_Client_ID=i.AD_Client_ID) "
+ + " AND I_IsImported='N'").append(clientCheck);
+ no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
+ log.fine("Found Contact=" + no);
+ // Existing Location ? Exact Match
+ sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
+ + "SET C_BPartner_Location_ID=(SELECT C_BPartner_Location_ID"
+ + " FROM C_BPartner_Location bpl INNER JOIN C_Location l ON (bpl.C_Location_ID=l.C_Location_ID)"
+ + " WHERE i.C_BPartner_ID=bpl.C_BPartner_ID AND bpl.AD_Client_ID=i.AD_Client_ID"
+ + " AND DUMP(i.Address1)=DUMP(l.Address1) AND DUMP(i.Address2)=DUMP(l.Address2)"
+ + " AND DUMP(i.City)=DUMP(l.City) AND DUMP(i.Postal)=DUMP(l.Postal) AND DUMP(i.Postal_Add)=DUMP(l.Postal_Add)"
+ + " AND DUMP(i.C_Region_ID)=DUMP(l.C_Region_ID) AND DUMP(i.C_Country_ID)=DUMP(l.C_Country_ID)) "
+ + "WHERE C_BPartner_ID IS NOT NULL AND C_BPartner_Location_ID IS NULL"
+ + " AND I_IsImported='N'").append(clientCheck);
+ no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
+ log.fine("Found Location=" + no);
+ // Interest Area
+ sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
+ + "SET R_InterestArea_ID=(SELECT R_InterestArea_ID FROM R_InterestArea ia "
+ + "WHERE i.InterestAreaName=ia.Name AND ia.AD_Client_ID=i.AD_Client_ID) "
+ + "WHERE R_InterestArea_ID IS NULL AND InterestAreaName IS NOT NULL"
+ + " AND I_IsImported='N'").append(clientCheck);
+ no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
+ log.fine("Set Interest Area=" + no);
+ commit();
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ int noInsert = 0;
+ int noUpdate = 0;
+ // Go through Records
+ sql = new StringBuffer ("SELECT * FROM I_BPartner "
+ + "WHERE I_IsImported='N'").append(clientCheck);
+ try
+ {
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ while (rs.next())
+ {
+ X_I_BPartner impBP = new X_I_BPartner (getCtx(), rs, get_TrxName());
+ log.fine("I_BPartner_ID=" + impBP.getI_BPartner_ID()
+ + ", C_BPartner_ID=" + impBP.getC_BPartner_ID()
+ + ", C_BPartner_Location_ID=" + impBP.getC_BPartner_Location_ID()
+ + ", AD_User_ID=" + impBP.getAD_User_ID());
+ // **** Create/Update BPartner ****
+ MBPartner bp = null;
+ if (impBP.getC_BPartner_ID() == 0) // Insert new BPartner
+ {
+ bp = new MBPartner(impBP);
+ if (bp.save())
+ {
+ impBP.setC_BPartner_ID(bp.getC_BPartner_ID());
+ log.finest("Insert BPartner - " + bp.getC_BPartner_ID());
+ noInsert++;
+ }
+ else
sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
+ "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||")
- .append("'Cannot Insert BPartner, ' ")
+ .append("Cannot Insert BPartner")
.append("WHERE I_BPartner_ID=").append(impBP.getI_BPartner_ID());
DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- }
- }
- else // Update existing BPartner
- {
- bp = new MBPartner(getCtx(), impBP.getC_BPartner_ID(), get_TrxName());
- // if (impBP.getValue() != null) // not to overwite
- // bp.setValue(impBP.getValue());
- if (impBP.getName() != null)
- {
- bp.setName(impBP.getName());
- bp.setName2(impBP.getName2());
- }
- if (impBP.getDUNS() != null)
- bp.setDUNS(impBP.getDUNS());
- if (impBP.getTaxID() != null)
- bp.setTaxID(impBP.getTaxID());
- if (impBP.getNAICS() != null)
- bp.setNAICS(impBP.getNAICS());
- if (impBP.getC_BP_Group_ID() != 0)
- bp.setC_BP_Group_ID(impBP.getC_BP_Group_ID());
- //
- if (bp.save())
- {
- log.finest("Update BPartner - " + bp.getC_BPartner_ID());
- noUpdate++;
- }
- else
+ }
+ }
+ else // Update existing BPartner
+ {
+ bp = new MBPartner(getCtx(), impBP.getC_BPartner_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ // if (impBP.getValue() != null) // not to overwite
+ // bp.setValue(impBP.getValue());
+ if (impBP.getName() != null)
+ {
+ bp.setName(impBP.getName());
+ bp.setName2(impBP.getName2());
+ }
+ if (impBP.getDUNS() != null)
+ bp.setDUNS(impBP.getDUNS());
+ if (impBP.getTaxID() != null)
+ bp.setTaxID(impBP.getTaxID());
+ if (impBP.getNAICS() != null)
+ bp.setNAICS(impBP.getNAICS());
+ if (impBP.getC_BP_Group_ID() != 0)
+ bp.setC_BP_Group_ID(impBP.getC_BP_Group_ID());
+ //
+ if (bp.save())
+ {
+ log.finest("Update BPartner - " + bp.getC_BPartner_ID());
+ noUpdate++;
+ }
+ else
sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
+ "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||")
- .append("'Cannot Update BPartner, ' ")
+ .append("Cannot Update BPartner")
.append("WHERE I_BPartner_ID=").append(impBP.getI_BPartner_ID());
DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- }
- }
- // **** Create/Update BPartner Location ****
- MBPartnerLocation bpl = null;
- if (impBP.getC_BPartner_Location_ID() != 0) // Update Location
- {
- bpl = new MBPartnerLocation(getCtx(), impBP.getC_BPartner_Location_ID(), get_TrxName());
- MLocation location = new MLocation(getCtx(), bpl.getC_Location_ID(), get_TrxName());
- location.setC_Country_ID(impBP.getC_Country_ID());
- location.setC_Region_ID(impBP.getC_Region_ID());
- location.setCity(impBP.getCity());
- location.setAddress1(impBP.getAddress1());
- location.setAddress2(impBP.getAddress2());
- location.setPostal(impBP.getPostal());
- location.setPostal_Add(impBP.getPostal_Add());
- if (!location.save())
- log.warning("Location not updated");
- else
- bpl.setC_Location_ID(location.getC_Location_ID());
- if (impBP.getPhone() != null)
- bpl.setPhone(impBP.getPhone());
- if (impBP.getPhone2() != null)
- bpl.setPhone2(impBP.getPhone2());
- if (impBP.getFax() != null)
- bpl.setFax(impBP.getFax());
- bpl.save();
- }
- else // New Location
- if (impBP.getC_Country_ID() != 0
- && impBP.getAddress1() != null
- && impBP.getCity() != null)
- {
- MLocation location = new MLocation(getCtx(), impBP.getC_Country_ID(),
- impBP.getC_Region_ID(), impBP.getCity(), get_TrxName());
- location.setAddress1(impBP.getAddress1());
- location.setAddress2(impBP.getAddress2());
- location.setPostal(impBP.getPostal());
- location.setPostal_Add(impBP.getPostal_Add());
- if (location.save())
- log.finest("Insert Location - " + location.getC_Location_ID());
- else
- {
- rollback();
+ }
+ }
+ // **** Create/Update BPartner Location ****
+ MBPartnerLocation bpl = null;
+ if (impBP.getC_BPartner_Location_ID() != 0) // Update Location
+ {
+ bpl = new MBPartnerLocation(getCtx(), impBP.getC_BPartner_Location_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ MLocation location = new MLocation(getCtx(), bpl.getC_Location_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ location.setC_Country_ID(impBP.getC_Country_ID());
+ location.setC_Region_ID(impBP.getC_Region_ID());
+ location.setCity(impBP.getCity());
+ location.setAddress1(impBP.getAddress1());
+ location.setAddress2(impBP.getAddress2());
+ location.setPostal(impBP.getPostal());
+ location.setPostal_Add(impBP.getPostal_Add());
+ if (!location.save())
+ log.warning("Location not updated");
+ else
+ bpl.setC_Location_ID(location.getC_Location_ID());
+ if (impBP.getPhone() != null)
+ bpl.setPhone(impBP.getPhone());
+ if (impBP.getPhone2() != null)
+ bpl.setPhone2(impBP.getPhone2());
+ if (impBP.getFax() != null)
+ bpl.setFax(impBP.getFax());
+ bpl.save();
+ }
+ else // New Location
+ if (impBP.getC_Country_ID() != 0
+ && impBP.getAddress1() != null
+ && impBP.getCity() != null)
+ {
+ MLocation location = new MLocation(getCtx(), impBP.getC_Country_ID(),
+ impBP.getC_Region_ID(), impBP.getCity(), get_TrxName());
+ location.setAddress1(impBP.getAddress1());
+ location.setAddress2(impBP.getAddress2());
+ location.setPostal(impBP.getPostal());
+ location.setPostal_Add(impBP.getPostal_Add());
+ if (location.save())
+ log.finest("Insert Location - " + location.getC_Location_ID());
+ else
+ {
+ rollback();
sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
+ "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||")
- .append("'Cannot Insert Location, ' ")
+ .append("Cannot Insert Location")
.append("WHERE I_BPartner_ID=").append(impBP.getI_BPartner_ID());
DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- }
- //
- bpl = new MBPartnerLocation (bp);
- bpl.setC_Location_ID(location.getC_Location_ID());
- bpl.setPhone(impBP.getPhone());
- bpl.setPhone2(impBP.getPhone2());
- bpl.setFax(impBP.getFax());
- if (bpl.save())
- {
- log.finest("Insert BP Location - " + bpl.getC_BPartner_Location_ID());
- impBP.setC_BPartner_Location_ID(bpl.getC_BPartner_Location_ID());
- }
- else
- {
- rollback();
+ }
+ //
+ bpl = new MBPartnerLocation (bp);
+ bpl.setC_Location_ID(location.getC_Location_ID());
+ bpl.setPhone(impBP.getPhone());
+ bpl.setPhone2(impBP.getPhone2());
+ bpl.setFax(impBP.getFax());
+ if (bpl.save())
+ {
+ log.finest("Insert BP Location - " + bpl.getC_BPartner_Location_ID());
+ impBP.setC_BPartner_Location_ID(bpl.getC_BPartner_Location_ID());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rollback();
sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
+ "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||")
- .append("'Cannot Insert BPLocation, ' ")
+ .append("Cannot Insert BPLocation")
.append("WHERE I_BPartner_ID=").append(impBP.getI_BPartner_ID());
DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- }
- }
- // **** Create/Update Contact ****
- MUser user = null;
- if (impBP.getAD_User_ID() != 0)
- {
- user = new MUser (getCtx(), impBP.getAD_User_ID(), get_TrxName());
- if (user.getC_BPartner_ID() == 0)
- user.setC_BPartner_ID(bp.getC_BPartner_ID());
- else if (user.getC_BPartner_ID() != bp.getC_BPartner_ID())
- {
- rollback();
+ }
+ }
+ // **** Create/Update Contact ****
+ MUser user = null;
+ if (impBP.getAD_User_ID() != 0)
+ {
+ user = new MUser (getCtx(), impBP.getAD_User_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ if (user.getC_BPartner_ID() == 0)
+ user.setC_BPartner_ID(bp.getC_BPartner_ID());
+ else if (user.getC_BPartner_ID() != bp.getC_BPartner_ID())
+ {
+ rollback();
sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
+ "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||")
- .append("'BP of User <> BP, ' ")
+ .append("BP of User <> BP")
.append("WHERE I_BPartner_ID=").append(impBP.getI_BPartner_ID());
DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- }
- if (impBP.getC_Greeting_ID() != 0)
- user.setC_Greeting_ID(impBP.getC_Greeting_ID());
- String name = impBP.getContactName();
- if (name == null || name.length() == 0)
- name = impBP.getEMail();
- user.setName(name);
- if (impBP.getTitle() != null)
- user.setTitle(impBP.getTitle());
- if (impBP.getContactDescription() != null)
- user.setDescription(impBP.getContactDescription());
- if (impBP.getComments() != null)
- user.setComments(impBP.getComments());
- if (impBP.getPhone() != null)
- user.setPhone(impBP.getPhone());
- if (impBP.getPhone2() != null)
- user.setPhone(impBP.getPhone2());
- if (impBP.getFax() != null)
- user.setFax(impBP.getFax());
- if (impBP.getEMail() != null)
- user.setEMail(impBP.getEMail());
- if (impBP.getBirthday() != null)
- user.setBirthday(impBP.getBirthday());
- if (bpl != null)
- user.setC_BPartner_Location_ID(bpl.getC_BPartner_Location_ID());
- if (user.save())
- {
- log.finest("Update BP Contact - " + user.getAD_User_ID());
- }
- else
- {
- rollback();
+ }
+ if (impBP.getC_Greeting_ID() != 0)
+ user.setC_Greeting_ID(impBP.getC_Greeting_ID());
+ String name = impBP.getContactName();
+ if (name == null || name.length() == 0)
+ name = impBP.getEMail();
+ user.setName(name);
+ if (impBP.getTitle() != null)
+ user.setTitle(impBP.getTitle());
+ if (impBP.getContactDescription() != null)
+ user.setDescription(impBP.getContactDescription());
+ if (impBP.getComments() != null)
+ user.setComments(impBP.getComments());
+ if (impBP.getPhone() != null)
+ user.setPhone(impBP.getPhone());
+ if (impBP.getPhone2() != null)
+ user.setPhone(impBP.getPhone2());
+ if (impBP.getFax() != null)
+ user.setFax(impBP.getFax());
+ if (impBP.getEMail() != null)
+ user.setEMail(impBP.getEMail());
+ if (impBP.getBirthday() != null)
+ user.setBirthday(impBP.getBirthday());
+ if (bpl != null)
+ user.setC_BPartner_Location_ID(bpl.getC_BPartner_Location_ID());
+ if (user.save())
+ {
+ log.finest("Update BP Contact - " + user.getAD_User_ID());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rollback();
sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
+ "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||")
- .append("'Cannot Update BP Contact, ' ")
+ .append("Cannot Update BP Contact")
.append("WHERE I_BPartner_ID=").append(impBP.getI_BPartner_ID());
DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- }
- }
- else // New Contact
- if (impBP.getContactName() != null || impBP.getEMail() != null)
- {
- user = new MUser (bp);
- if (impBP.getC_Greeting_ID() != 0)
- user.setC_Greeting_ID(impBP.getC_Greeting_ID());
- String name = impBP.getContactName();
- if (name == null || name.length() == 0)
- name = impBP.getEMail();
- user.setName(name);
- user.setTitle(impBP.getTitle());
- user.setDescription(impBP.getContactDescription());
- user.setComments(impBP.getComments());
- user.setPhone(impBP.getPhone());
- user.setPhone(impBP.getPhone2());
- user.setFax(impBP.getFax());
- user.setEMail(impBP.getEMail());
- user.setBirthday(impBP.getBirthday());
- if (bpl != null)
- user.setC_BPartner_Location_ID(bpl.getC_BPartner_Location_ID());
- if (user.save())
- {
- log.finest("Insert BP Contact - " + user.getAD_User_ID());
- impBP.setAD_User_ID(user.getAD_User_ID());
- }
- else
- {
- rollback();
+ }
+ }
+ else // New Contact
+ if (impBP.getContactName() != null || impBP.getEMail() != null)
+ {
+ user = new MUser (bp);
+ if (impBP.getC_Greeting_ID() != 0)
+ user.setC_Greeting_ID(impBP.getC_Greeting_ID());
+ String name = impBP.getContactName();
+ if (name == null || name.length() == 0)
+ name = impBP.getEMail();
+ user.setName(name);
+ user.setTitle(impBP.getTitle());
+ user.setDescription(impBP.getContactDescription());
+ user.setComments(impBP.getComments());
+ user.setPhone(impBP.getPhone());
+ user.setPhone(impBP.getPhone2());
+ user.setFax(impBP.getFax());
+ user.setEMail(impBP.getEMail());
+ user.setBirthday(impBP.getBirthday());
+ if (bpl != null)
+ user.setC_BPartner_Location_ID(bpl.getC_BPartner_Location_ID());
+ if (user.save())
+ {
+ log.finest("Insert BP Contact - " + user.getAD_User_ID());
+ impBP.setAD_User_ID(user.getAD_User_ID());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rollback();
sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner i "
+ "SET I_IsImported='E', I_ErrorMsg=I_ErrorMsg||")
- .append("'Cannot Insert BPContact, ' ")
+ .append("Cannot Insert BPContact")
.append("WHERE I_BPartner_ID=").append(impBP.getI_BPartner_ID());
DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- }
- }
- // Interest Area
- if (impBP.getR_InterestArea_ID() != 0 && user != null)
- {
- MContactInterest ci = MContactInterest.get(getCtx(),
- impBP.getR_InterestArea_ID(), user.getAD_User_ID(),
- true, get_TrxName());
- ci.save(); // don't subscribe or re-activate
- }
- //
- impBP.setI_IsImported(true);
- impBP.setProcessed(true);
- impBP.setProcessing(false);
- impBP.save();
- commit();
- } // for all I_Product
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- }
- catch (SQLException e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e);
- rollback();
- }
- // Set Error to indicator to not imported
- sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner "
- + "SET I_IsImported='N', Updated=SysDate "
- + "WHERE I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
- no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
- addLog (0, null, new BigDecimal (no), "@Errors@");
- addLog (0, null, new BigDecimal (noInsert), "@C_BPartner_ID@: @Inserted@");
- addLog (0, null, new BigDecimal (noUpdate), "@C_BPartner_ID@: @Updated@");
- return "";
- } // doIt
-} // ImportBPartner
+ }
+ }
+ // Interest Area
+ if (impBP.getR_InterestArea_ID() != 0 && user != null)
+ {
+ MContactInterest ci = MContactInterest.get(getCtx(),
+ impBP.getR_InterestArea_ID(), user.getAD_User_ID(),
+ true, get_TrxName());
+ ci.save(); // don't subscribe or re-activate
+ }
+ //
+ impBP.setI_IsImported(true);
+ impBP.setProcessed(true);
+ impBP.setProcessing(false);
+ impBP.save();
+ commit();
+ } // for all I_Product
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ }
+ catch (SQLException e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e);
+ rollback();
+ }
+ // Set Error to indicator to not imported
+ sql = new StringBuffer ("UPDATE I_BPartner "
+ + "SET I_IsImported='N', Updated=SysDate "
+ + "WHERE I_IsImported<>'Y'").append(clientCheck);
+ no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
+ addLog (0, null, new BigDecimal (no), "@Errors@");
+ addLog (0, null, new BigDecimal (noInsert), "@C_BPartner_ID@: @Inserted@");
+ addLog (0, null, new BigDecimal (noUpdate), "@C_BPartner_ID@: @Updated@");
+ return "";
+ } // doIt
+} // ImportBPartner
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/process/InvoiceNGL.java b/base/src/org/compiere/process/InvoiceNGL.java
index 05a436e2ff..1eb1d12848 100644
--- a/base/src/org/compiere/process/InvoiceNGL.java
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/process/InvoiceNGL.java
@@ -3,366 +3,366 @@
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
- * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
- * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
- * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
- * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
- * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.compiere.process;
-import java.sql.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.util.logging.*;
-import java.math.*;
-import org.compiere.model.*;
-import org.compiere.util.*;
- * Invoice Not realized Gain & Loss.
- * The actual data shown is T_InvoiceGL_v
- * @author Jorg Janke
- * @version $Id: InvoiceNGL.java,v 1.3 2006/08/04 03:53:59 jjanke Exp $
- */
-public class InvoiceNGL extends SvrProcess
- /** Mandatory Acct Schema */
- private int p_C_AcctSchema_ID = 0;
- /** Mandatory Conversion Type */
- private int p_C_ConversionTypeReval_ID = 0;
- /** Revaluation Date */
- private Timestamp p_DateReval = null;
- /** Only AP/AR Transactions */
- private String p_APAR = "A";
- private static String ONLY_AP = "P";
- private static String ONLY_AR = "R";
- /** Report all Currencies */
- private boolean p_IsAllCurrencies = false;
- /** Optional Invoice Currency */
- private int p_C_Currency_ID = 0;
- /** GL Document Type */
- private int p_C_DocTypeReval_ID = 0;
- /**
- * Prepare - e.g., get Parameters.
- */
- protected void prepare()
- {
- ProcessInfoParameter[] para = getParameter();
- for (int i = 0; i < para.length; i++)
- {
- String name = para[i].getParameterName();
- if (para[i].getParameter() == null)
- ;
- else if (name.equals("C_AcctSchema_ID"))
- p_C_AcctSchema_ID = para[i].getParameterAsInt();
- else if (name.equals("C_ConversionTypeReval_ID"))
- p_C_ConversionTypeReval_ID = para[i].getParameterAsInt();
- else if (name.equals("DateReval"))
- p_DateReval = (Timestamp)para[i].getParameter();
- else if (name.equals("APAR"))
- p_APAR = (String)para[i].getParameter();
- else if (name.equals("IsAllCurrencies"))
- p_IsAllCurrencies = "Y".equals((String)para[i].getParameter());
- else if (name.equals("C_Currency_ID"))
- p_C_Currency_ID = para[i].getParameterAsInt();
- else if (name.equals("C_DocTypeReval_ID"))
- p_C_DocTypeReval_ID = para[i].getParameterAsInt();
- else
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unknown Parameter: " + name);
- }
- } // prepare
- /**
- * Process
- * @return info
- * @throws Exception
- */
- protected String doIt () throws Exception
- {
- if (p_IsAllCurrencies)
- p_C_Currency_ID = 0;
- log.info("C_AcctSchema_ID=" + p_C_AcctSchema_ID
- + ",C_ConversionTypeReval_ID=" + p_C_ConversionTypeReval_ID
- + ",DateReval=" + p_DateReval
- + ", APAR=" + p_APAR
- + ", IsAllCurrencies=" + p_IsAllCurrencies
- + ",C_Currency_ID=" + p_C_Currency_ID
- + ", C_DocType_ID=" + p_C_DocTypeReval_ID);
- // Parameter
- if (p_DateReval == null)
- p_DateReval = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
- // Delete - just to be sure
- String sql = "DELETE T_InvoiceGL WHERE AD_PInstance_ID=" + getAD_PInstance_ID();
- int no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
- if (no > 0)
- log.info("Deleted #" + no);
- // Insert Trx
- String dateStr = DB.TO_DATE(p_DateReval, true);
- sql = "INSERT INTO T_InvoiceGL (AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created,CreatedBy, Updated,UpdatedBy,"
- + " AD_PInstance_ID, C_Invoice_ID, GrandTotal, OpenAmt, "
- + " Fact_Acct_ID, AmtSourceBalance, AmtAcctBalance, "
- + " AmtRevalDr, AmtRevalCr, C_DocTypeReval_ID, IsAllCurrencies, "
- + " DateReval, C_ConversionTypeReval_ID, AmtRevalDrDiff, AmtRevalCrDiff, APAR) "
- // --
- + "SELECT i.AD_Client_ID, i.AD_Org_ID, i.IsActive, i.Created,i.CreatedBy, i.Updated,i.UpdatedBy,"
- + getAD_PInstance_ID() + ", i.C_Invoice_ID, i.GrandTotal, invoiceOpen(i.C_Invoice_ID, 0), "
- + " fa.Fact_Acct_ID, fa.AmtSourceDr-fa.AmtSourceCr, fa.AmtAcctDr-fa.AmtAcctCr, "
- // AmtRevalDr, AmtRevalCr,
- + " currencyConvert(fa.AmtSourceDr, i.C_Currency_ID, a.C_Currency_ID, " + dateStr + ", " + p_C_ConversionTypeReval_ID + ", i.AD_Client_ID, i.AD_Org_ID),"
- + " currencyConvert(fa.AmtSourceCr, i.C_Currency_ID, a.C_Currency_ID, " + dateStr + ", " + p_C_ConversionTypeReval_ID + ", i.AD_Client_ID, i.AD_Org_ID),"
- + (p_C_DocTypeReval_ID==0 ? "NULL" : String.valueOf(p_C_DocTypeReval_ID)) + ", "
- + (p_IsAllCurrencies ? "'Y'," : "'N',")
- + dateStr + ", " + p_C_ConversionTypeReval_ID + ", 0, 0, '" + p_APAR + "' "
- //
- + "FROM C_Invoice_v i"
- + " INNER JOIN Fact_Acct fa ON (fa.AD_Table_ID=318 AND fa.Record_ID=i.C_Invoice_ID"
- + " AND (i.GrandTotal=fa.AmtSourceDr OR i.GrandTotal=fa.AmtSourceCr))"
- + " INNER JOIN C_AcctSchema a ON (fa.C_AcctSchema_ID=a.C_AcctSchema_ID) "
- + "WHERE i.IsPaid='N'"
- + " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_ElementValue ev "
- + "WHERE ev.C_ElementValue_ID=fa.Account_ID AND (ev.AccountType='A' OR ev.AccountType='L'))"
- + " AND fa.C_AcctSchema_ID=" + p_C_AcctSchema_ID;
- if (!p_IsAllCurrencies)
- sql += " AND i.C_Currency_ID<>a.C_Currency_ID";
- if (ONLY_AR.equals(p_APAR))
- sql += " AND i.IsSOTrx='Y'";
- else if (ONLY_AP.equals(p_APAR))
- sql += " AND i.IsSOTrx='N'";
- if (!p_IsAllCurrencies && p_C_Currency_ID != 0)
- sql += " AND i.C_Currency_ID=" + p_C_Currency_ID;
- no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
- if (no != 0)
- log.info("Inserted #" + no);
- else if (CLogMgt.isLevelFiner())
- log.warning("Inserted #" + no + " - " + sql);
- else
- log.warning("Inserted #" + no);
- // Calculate Difference
- sql = "UPDATE T_InvoiceGL gl "
- + "SET (AmtRevalDrDiff,AmtRevalCrDiff)="
- + "(SELECT gl.AmtRevalDr-fa.AmtAcctDr, gl.AmtRevalCr-fa.AmtAcctCr "
- + "FROM Fact_Acct fa "
- + "WHERE gl.Fact_Acct_ID=fa.Fact_Acct_ID) "
- + "WHERE AD_PInstance_ID=" + getAD_PInstance_ID();
- int noT = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
- if (noT > 0)
- log.config("Difference #" + noT);
- // Percentage
- sql = "UPDATE T_InvoiceGL SET Percent = 100 "
- + "WHERE GrandTotal=OpenAmt AND AD_PInstance_ID=" + getAD_PInstance_ID();
- no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
+ * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
+ * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
+ * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.process;
+import java.sql.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.logging.*;
+import java.math.*;
+import org.compiere.model.*;
+import org.compiere.util.*;
+ * Invoice Not realized Gain & Loss.
+ * The actual data shown is T_InvoiceGL_v
+ * @author Jorg Janke
+ * @version $Id: InvoiceNGL.java,v 1.3 2006/08/04 03:53:59 jjanke Exp $
+ */
+public class InvoiceNGL extends SvrProcess
+ /** Mandatory Acct Schema */
+ private int p_C_AcctSchema_ID = 0;
+ /** Mandatory Conversion Type */
+ private int p_C_ConversionTypeReval_ID = 0;
+ /** Revaluation Date */
+ private Timestamp p_DateReval = null;
+ /** Only AP/AR Transactions */
+ private String p_APAR = "A";
+ private static String ONLY_AP = "P";
+ private static String ONLY_AR = "R";
+ /** Report all Currencies */
+ private boolean p_IsAllCurrencies = false;
+ /** Optional Invoice Currency */
+ private int p_C_Currency_ID = 0;
+ /** GL Document Type */
+ private int p_C_DocTypeReval_ID = 0;
+ /**
+ * Prepare - e.g., get Parameters.
+ */
+ protected void prepare()
+ {
+ ProcessInfoParameter[] para = getParameter();
+ for (int i = 0; i < para.length; i++)
+ {
+ String name = para[i].getParameterName();
+ if (para[i].getParameter() == null)
+ ;
+ else if (name.equals("C_AcctSchema_ID"))
+ p_C_AcctSchema_ID = para[i].getParameterAsInt();
+ else if (name.equals("C_ConversionTypeReval_ID"))
+ p_C_ConversionTypeReval_ID = para[i].getParameterAsInt();
+ else if (name.equals("DateReval"))
+ p_DateReval = (Timestamp)para[i].getParameter();
+ else if (name.equals("APAR"))
+ p_APAR = (String)para[i].getParameter();
+ else if (name.equals("IsAllCurrencies"))
+ p_IsAllCurrencies = "Y".equals((String)para[i].getParameter());
+ else if (name.equals("C_Currency_ID"))
+ p_C_Currency_ID = para[i].getParameterAsInt();
+ else if (name.equals("C_DocTypeReval_ID"))
+ p_C_DocTypeReval_ID = para[i].getParameterAsInt();
+ else
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unknown Parameter: " + name);
+ }
+ } // prepare
+ /**
+ * Process
+ * @return info
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ protected String doIt () throws Exception
+ {
+ if (p_IsAllCurrencies)
+ p_C_Currency_ID = 0;
+ log.info("C_AcctSchema_ID=" + p_C_AcctSchema_ID
+ + ",C_ConversionTypeReval_ID=" + p_C_ConversionTypeReval_ID
+ + ",DateReval=" + p_DateReval
+ + ", APAR=" + p_APAR
+ + ", IsAllCurrencies=" + p_IsAllCurrencies
+ + ",C_Currency_ID=" + p_C_Currency_ID
+ + ", C_DocType_ID=" + p_C_DocTypeReval_ID);
+ // Parameter
+ if (p_DateReval == null)
+ p_DateReval = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
+ // Delete - just to be sure
+ String sql = "DELETE T_InvoiceGL WHERE AD_PInstance_ID=" + getAD_PInstance_ID();
+ int no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
+ if (no > 0)
+ log.info("Deleted #" + no);
+ // Insert Trx
+ String dateStr = DB.TO_DATE(p_DateReval, true);
+ sql = "INSERT INTO T_InvoiceGL (AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created,CreatedBy, Updated,UpdatedBy,"
+ + " AD_PInstance_ID, C_Invoice_ID, GrandTotal, OpenAmt, "
+ + " Fact_Acct_ID, AmtSourceBalance, AmtAcctBalance, "
+ + " AmtRevalDr, AmtRevalCr, C_DocTypeReval_ID, IsAllCurrencies, "
+ + " DateReval, C_ConversionTypeReval_ID, AmtRevalDrDiff, AmtRevalCrDiff, APAR) "
+ // --
+ + "SELECT i.AD_Client_ID, i.AD_Org_ID, i.IsActive, i.Created,i.CreatedBy, i.Updated,i.UpdatedBy,"
+ + getAD_PInstance_ID() + ", i.C_Invoice_ID, i.GrandTotal, invoiceOpen(i.C_Invoice_ID, 0), "
+ + " fa.Fact_Acct_ID, fa.AmtSourceDr-fa.AmtSourceCr, fa.AmtAcctDr-fa.AmtAcctCr, "
+ // AmtRevalDr, AmtRevalCr,
+ + " currencyConvert(fa.AmtSourceDr, i.C_Currency_ID, a.C_Currency_ID, " + dateStr + ", " + p_C_ConversionTypeReval_ID + ", i.AD_Client_ID, i.AD_Org_ID),"
+ + " currencyConvert(fa.AmtSourceCr, i.C_Currency_ID, a.C_Currency_ID, " + dateStr + ", " + p_C_ConversionTypeReval_ID + ", i.AD_Client_ID, i.AD_Org_ID),"
+ + (p_C_DocTypeReval_ID==0 ? "NULL" : String.valueOf(p_C_DocTypeReval_ID)) + ", "
+ + (p_IsAllCurrencies ? "'Y'," : "'N',")
+ + dateStr + ", " + p_C_ConversionTypeReval_ID + ", 0, 0, '" + p_APAR + "' "
+ //
+ + "FROM C_Invoice_v i"
+ + " INNER JOIN Fact_Acct fa ON (fa.AD_Table_ID=318 AND fa.Record_ID=i.C_Invoice_ID"
+ + " AND (i.GrandTotal=fa.AmtSourceDr OR i.GrandTotal=fa.AmtSourceCr))"
+ + " INNER JOIN C_AcctSchema a ON (fa.C_AcctSchema_ID=a.C_AcctSchema_ID) "
+ + "WHERE i.IsPaid='N'"
+ + " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_ElementValue ev "
+ + "WHERE ev.C_ElementValue_ID=fa.Account_ID AND (ev.AccountType='A' OR ev.AccountType='L'))"
+ + " AND fa.C_AcctSchema_ID=" + p_C_AcctSchema_ID;
+ if (!p_IsAllCurrencies)
+ sql += " AND i.C_Currency_ID<>a.C_Currency_ID";
+ if (ONLY_AR.equals(p_APAR))
+ sql += " AND i.IsSOTrx='Y'";
+ else if (ONLY_AP.equals(p_APAR))
+ sql += " AND i.IsSOTrx='N'";
+ if (!p_IsAllCurrencies && p_C_Currency_ID != 0)
+ sql += " AND i.C_Currency_ID=" + p_C_Currency_ID;
+ no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
+ if (no != 0)
+ log.info("Inserted #" + no);
+ else if (CLogMgt.isLevelFiner())
+ log.warning("Inserted #" + no + " - " + sql);
+ else
+ log.warning("Inserted #" + no);
+ // Calculate Difference
+ sql = "UPDATE T_InvoiceGL gl "
+ + "SET (AmtRevalDrDiff,AmtRevalCrDiff)="
+ + "(SELECT gl.AmtRevalDr-fa.AmtAcctDr, gl.AmtRevalCr-fa.AmtAcctCr "
+ + "FROM Fact_Acct fa "
+ + "WHERE gl.Fact_Acct_ID=fa.Fact_Acct_ID) "
+ + "WHERE AD_PInstance_ID=" + getAD_PInstance_ID();
+ int noT = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
+ if (noT > 0)
+ log.config("Difference #" + noT);
+ // Percentage
+ sql = "UPDATE T_InvoiceGL SET Percent = 100 "
+ + "WHERE GrandTotal=OpenAmt AND AD_PInstance_ID=" + getAD_PInstance_ID();
+ no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
if (no > 0)
log.info("Not Paid #" + no);
- sql = "UPDATE T_InvoiceGL SET Percent = ROUND(OpenAmt*100/GrandTotal,4) "
+ sql = "UPDATE T_InvoiceGL SET Percent = ROUND(OpenAmt*100/GrandTotal,6) "
+ "WHERE GrandTotal<>OpenAmt AND GrandTotal <> 0 AND AD_PInstance_ID=" + getAD_PInstance_ID();
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
if (no > 0)
- log.info("Partial Paid #" + no);
- sql = "UPDATE T_InvoiceGL SET AmtRevalDr = AmtRevalDr * Percent/100,"
- + " AmtRevalCr = AmtRevalCr * Percent/100,"
- + " AmtRevalDrDiff = AmtRevalDrDiff * Percent/100,"
- + " AmtRevalCrDiff = AmtRevalCrDiff * Percent/100 "
- + "WHERE Percent <> 100 AND AD_PInstance_ID=" + getAD_PInstance_ID();
- no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
- if (no > 0)
- log.config("Partial Calc #" + no);
- // Create Document
- String info = "";
- if (p_C_DocTypeReval_ID != 0)
- {
- if (p_C_Currency_ID != 0)
- log.warning("Can create Journal only for all currencies");
- else
- info = createGLJournal();
- }
- return "#" + noT + info;
- } // doIt
- /**
- * Create GL Journal
- * @return document info
- */
- private String createGLJournal()
- {
- ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
- String sql = "SELECT * FROM T_InvoiceGL "
- + "WHERE AD_PInstance_ID=" + getAD_PInstance_ID()
- + " ORDER BY AD_Org_ID";
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, get_TrxName());
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
- while (rs.next ())
- {
- list.add (new X_T_InvoiceGL (getCtx(), rs, get_TrxName()));
- }
- rs.close ();
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.log (Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- try
- {
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- }
- if (list.size() == 0)
- return " - No Records found";
- //
- MAcctSchema as = MAcctSchema.get(getCtx(), p_C_AcctSchema_ID);
- MAcctSchemaDefault asDefaultAccts = MAcctSchemaDefault.get(getCtx(), p_C_AcctSchema_ID);
- MGLCategory cat = MGLCategory.getDefaultSystem(getCtx());
- if (cat == null)
- {
- MDocType docType = MDocType.get(getCtx(), p_C_DocTypeReval_ID);
- cat = MGLCategory.get(getCtx(), docType.getGL_Category_ID());
- }
- //
- MJournalBatch batch = new MJournalBatch(getCtx(), 0, get_TrxName());
- batch.setDescription (getName());
- batch.setC_DocType_ID(p_C_DocTypeReval_ID);
- batch.setDateDoc(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));
- batch.setDateAcct(p_DateReval);
- batch.setC_Currency_ID(as.getC_Currency_ID());
- if (!batch.save())
- return " - Could not create Batch";
- //
- MJournal journal = null;
- BigDecimal drTotal = Env.ZERO;
- BigDecimal crTotal = Env.ZERO;
- int AD_Org_ID = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
- {
- X_T_InvoiceGL gl = list.get(i);
- if (gl.getAmtRevalDrDiff().signum() == 0 && gl.getAmtRevalCrDiff().signum() == 0)
- continue;
- MInvoice invoice = new MInvoice(getCtx(), gl.getC_Invoice_ID(), null);
- if (invoice.getC_Currency_ID() == as.getC_Currency_ID())
- continue;
- //
- if (journal == null)
- {
- journal = new MJournal (batch);
- journal.setC_AcctSchema_ID (as.getC_AcctSchema_ID());
- journal.setC_Currency_ID(as.getC_Currency_ID());
- journal.setC_ConversionType_ID(p_C_ConversionTypeReval_ID);
- MOrg org = MOrg.get(getCtx(), gl.getAD_Org_ID());
- journal.setDescription (getName() + " - " + org.getName());
- journal.setGL_Category_ID (cat.getGL_Category_ID());
- if (!journal.save())
- return " - Could not create Journal";
- }
- //
- MJournalLine line = new MJournalLine(journal);
- line.setLine((i+1) * 10);
- line.setDescription(invoice.getSummary());
- //
- MFactAcct fa = new MFactAcct (getCtx(), gl.getFact_Acct_ID(), null);
- line.setC_ValidCombination_ID(MAccount.get(fa));
- BigDecimal dr = gl.getAmtRevalDrDiff();
- BigDecimal cr = gl.getAmtRevalCrDiff();
- drTotal = drTotal.add(dr);
- crTotal = crTotal.add(cr);
- line.setAmtSourceDr (dr);
- line.setAmtAcctDr (dr);
- line.setAmtSourceCr (cr);
- line.setAmtAcctCr (cr);
- line.save();
- //
- if (AD_Org_ID == 0) // invoice org id
- AD_Org_ID = gl.getAD_Org_ID();
- // Change in Org
- if (AD_Org_ID != gl.getAD_Org_ID())
- {
- createBalancing (asDefaultAccts, journal, drTotal, crTotal, AD_Org_ID, (i+1) * 10);
- //
- AD_Org_ID = gl.getAD_Org_ID();
- drTotal = Env.ZERO;
- crTotal = Env.ZERO;
- journal = null;
- }
- }
- createBalancing (asDefaultAccts, journal, drTotal, crTotal, AD_Org_ID, (list.size()+1) * 10);
- return " - " + batch.getDocumentNo() + " #" + list.size();
- } // createGLJournal
- /**
- * Create Balancing Entry
- * @param asDefaultAccts acct schema default accounts
- * @param journal journal
- * @param drTotal dr
- * @param crTotal cr
- * @param AD_Org_ID org
- * @param lineNo base line no
- */
- private void createBalancing (MAcctSchemaDefault asDefaultAccts, MJournal journal,
- BigDecimal drTotal, BigDecimal crTotal, int AD_Org_ID, int lineNo)
- {
- if (journal == null)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Jornal is null");
- // CR Entry = Gain
- if (drTotal.signum() != 0)
- {
- MJournalLine line = new MJournalLine(journal);
- line.setLine(lineNo+1);
- MAccount base = MAccount.get(getCtx(), asDefaultAccts.getUnrealizedGain_Acct());
- MAccount acct = MAccount.get(getCtx(), asDefaultAccts.getAD_Client_ID(), AD_Org_ID,
- asDefaultAccts.getC_AcctSchema_ID(), base.getAccount_ID(), base.getC_SubAcct_ID(),
- base.getM_Product_ID(), base.getC_BPartner_ID(), base.getAD_OrgTrx_ID(),
- base.getC_LocFrom_ID(), base.getC_LocTo_ID(), base.getC_SalesRegion_ID(),
- base.getC_Project_ID(), base.getC_Campaign_ID(), base.getC_Activity_ID(),
- base.getUser1_ID(), base.getUser2_ID(), base.getUserElement1_ID(), base.getUserElement2_ID());
- line.setDescription(Msg.getElement(getCtx(), "UnrealizedGain_Acct"));
- line.setC_ValidCombination_ID(acct.getC_ValidCombination_ID());
- line.setAmtSourceCr (drTotal);
- line.setAmtAcctCr (drTotal);
- line.save();
- }
- // DR Entry = Loss
- if (crTotal.signum() != 0)
- {
- MJournalLine line = new MJournalLine(journal);
- line.setLine(lineNo+2);
- MAccount base = MAccount.get(getCtx(), asDefaultAccts.getUnrealizedLoss_Acct());
- MAccount acct = MAccount.get(getCtx(), asDefaultAccts.getAD_Client_ID(), AD_Org_ID,
- asDefaultAccts.getC_AcctSchema_ID(), base.getAccount_ID(), base.getC_SubAcct_ID(),
- base.getM_Product_ID(), base.getC_BPartner_ID(), base.getAD_OrgTrx_ID(),
- base.getC_LocFrom_ID(), base.getC_LocTo_ID(), base.getC_SalesRegion_ID(),
- base.getC_Project_ID(), base.getC_Campaign_ID(), base.getC_Activity_ID(),
- base.getUser1_ID(), base.getUser2_ID(), base.getUserElement1_ID(), base.getUserElement2_ID());
- line.setDescription(Msg.getElement(getCtx(), "UnrealizedLoss_Acct"));
- line.setC_ValidCombination_ID(acct.getC_ValidCombination_ID());
- line.setAmtSourceDr (crTotal);
- line.setAmtAcctDr (crTotal);
- line.save();
- }
- } // createBalancing
-} // InvoiceNGL
+ log.info("Partial Paid #" + no);
+ sql = "UPDATE T_InvoiceGL SET AmtRevalDr = AmtRevalDr * Percent/100,"
+ + " AmtRevalCr = AmtRevalCr * Percent/100,"
+ + " AmtRevalDrDiff = AmtRevalDrDiff * Percent/100,"
+ + " AmtRevalCrDiff = AmtRevalCrDiff * Percent/100 "
+ + "WHERE Percent <> 100 AND AD_PInstance_ID=" + getAD_PInstance_ID();
+ no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
+ if (no > 0)
+ log.config("Partial Calc #" + no);
+ // Create Document
+ String info = "";
+ if (p_C_DocTypeReval_ID != 0)
+ {
+ if (p_C_Currency_ID != 0)
+ log.warning("Can create Journal only for all currencies");
+ else
+ info = createGLJournal();
+ }
+ return "#" + noT + info;
+ } // doIt
+ /**
+ * Create GL Journal
+ * @return document info
+ */
+ private String createGLJournal()
+ {
+ ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
+ String sql = "SELECT * FROM T_InvoiceGL "
+ + "WHERE AD_PInstance_ID=" + getAD_PInstance_ID()
+ + " ORDER BY AD_Org_ID";
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, get_TrxName());
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
+ while (rs.next ())
+ {
+ list.add (new X_T_InvoiceGL (getCtx(), rs, get_TrxName()));
+ }
+ rs.close ();
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log (Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ if (list.size() == 0)
+ return " - No Records found";
+ //
+ MAcctSchema as = MAcctSchema.get(getCtx(), p_C_AcctSchema_ID);
+ MAcctSchemaDefault asDefaultAccts = MAcctSchemaDefault.get(getCtx(), p_C_AcctSchema_ID);
+ MGLCategory cat = MGLCategory.getDefaultSystem(getCtx());
+ if (cat == null)
+ {
+ MDocType docType = MDocType.get(getCtx(), p_C_DocTypeReval_ID);
+ cat = MGLCategory.get(getCtx(), docType.getGL_Category_ID());
+ }
+ //
+ MJournalBatch batch = new MJournalBatch(getCtx(), 0, get_TrxName());
+ batch.setDescription (getName());
+ batch.setC_DocType_ID(p_C_DocTypeReval_ID);
+ batch.setDateDoc(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));
+ batch.setDateAcct(p_DateReval);
+ batch.setC_Currency_ID(as.getC_Currency_ID());
+ if (!batch.save())
+ return " - Could not create Batch";
+ //
+ MJournal journal = null;
+ BigDecimal drTotal = Env.ZERO;
+ BigDecimal crTotal = Env.ZERO;
+ int AD_Org_ID = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
+ {
+ X_T_InvoiceGL gl = list.get(i);
+ if (gl.getAmtRevalDrDiff().signum() == 0 && gl.getAmtRevalCrDiff().signum() == 0)
+ continue;
+ MInvoice invoice = new MInvoice(getCtx(), gl.getC_Invoice_ID(), null);
+ if (invoice.getC_Currency_ID() == as.getC_Currency_ID())
+ continue;
+ //
+ if (journal == null)
+ {
+ journal = new MJournal (batch);
+ journal.setC_AcctSchema_ID (as.getC_AcctSchema_ID());
+ journal.setC_Currency_ID(as.getC_Currency_ID());
+ journal.setC_ConversionType_ID(p_C_ConversionTypeReval_ID);
+ MOrg org = MOrg.get(getCtx(), gl.getAD_Org_ID());
+ journal.setDescription (getName() + " - " + org.getName());
+ journal.setGL_Category_ID (cat.getGL_Category_ID());
+ if (!journal.save())
+ return " - Could not create Journal";
+ }
+ //
+ MJournalLine line = new MJournalLine(journal);
+ line.setLine((i+1) * 10);
+ line.setDescription(invoice.getSummary());
+ //
+ MFactAcct fa = new MFactAcct (getCtx(), gl.getFact_Acct_ID(), null);
+ line.setC_ValidCombination_ID(MAccount.get(fa));
+ BigDecimal dr = gl.getAmtRevalDrDiff();
+ BigDecimal cr = gl.getAmtRevalCrDiff();
+ drTotal = drTotal.add(dr);
+ crTotal = crTotal.add(cr);
+ line.setAmtSourceDr (dr);
+ line.setAmtAcctDr (dr);
+ line.setAmtSourceCr (cr);
+ line.setAmtAcctCr (cr);
+ line.save();
+ //
+ if (AD_Org_ID == 0) // invoice org id
+ AD_Org_ID = gl.getAD_Org_ID();
+ // Change in Org
+ if (AD_Org_ID != gl.getAD_Org_ID())
+ {
+ createBalancing (asDefaultAccts, journal, drTotal, crTotal, AD_Org_ID, (i+1) * 10);
+ //
+ AD_Org_ID = gl.getAD_Org_ID();
+ drTotal = Env.ZERO;
+ crTotal = Env.ZERO;
+ journal = null;
+ }
+ }
+ createBalancing (asDefaultAccts, journal, drTotal, crTotal, AD_Org_ID, (list.size()+1) * 10);
+ return " - " + batch.getDocumentNo() + " #" + list.size();
+ } // createGLJournal
+ /**
+ * Create Balancing Entry
+ * @param asDefaultAccts acct schema default accounts
+ * @param journal journal
+ * @param drTotal dr
+ * @param crTotal cr
+ * @param AD_Org_ID org
+ * @param lineNo base line no
+ */
+ private void createBalancing (MAcctSchemaDefault asDefaultAccts, MJournal journal,
+ BigDecimal drTotal, BigDecimal crTotal, int AD_Org_ID, int lineNo)
+ {
+ if (journal == null)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Jornal is null");
+ // CR Entry = Gain
+ if (drTotal.signum() != 0)
+ {
+ MJournalLine line = new MJournalLine(journal);
+ line.setLine(lineNo+1);
+ MAccount base = MAccount.get(getCtx(), asDefaultAccts.getUnrealizedGain_Acct());
+ MAccount acct = MAccount.get(getCtx(), asDefaultAccts.getAD_Client_ID(), AD_Org_ID,
+ asDefaultAccts.getC_AcctSchema_ID(), base.getAccount_ID(), base.getC_SubAcct_ID(),
+ base.getM_Product_ID(), base.getC_BPartner_ID(), base.getAD_OrgTrx_ID(),
+ base.getC_LocFrom_ID(), base.getC_LocTo_ID(), base.getC_SalesRegion_ID(),
+ base.getC_Project_ID(), base.getC_Campaign_ID(), base.getC_Activity_ID(),
+ base.getUser1_ID(), base.getUser2_ID(), base.getUserElement1_ID(), base.getUserElement2_ID());
+ line.setDescription(Msg.getElement(getCtx(), "UnrealizedGain_Acct"));
+ line.setC_ValidCombination_ID(acct.getC_ValidCombination_ID());
+ line.setAmtSourceCr (drTotal);
+ line.setAmtAcctCr (drTotal);
+ line.save();
+ }
+ // DR Entry = Loss
+ if (crTotal.signum() != 0)
+ {
+ MJournalLine line = new MJournalLine(journal);
+ line.setLine(lineNo+2);
+ MAccount base = MAccount.get(getCtx(), asDefaultAccts.getUnrealizedLoss_Acct());
+ MAccount acct = MAccount.get(getCtx(), asDefaultAccts.getAD_Client_ID(), AD_Org_ID,
+ asDefaultAccts.getC_AcctSchema_ID(), base.getAccount_ID(), base.getC_SubAcct_ID(),
+ base.getM_Product_ID(), base.getC_BPartner_ID(), base.getAD_OrgTrx_ID(),
+ base.getC_LocFrom_ID(), base.getC_LocTo_ID(), base.getC_SalesRegion_ID(),
+ base.getC_Project_ID(), base.getC_Campaign_ID(), base.getC_Activity_ID(),
+ base.getUser1_ID(), base.getUser2_ID(), base.getUserElement1_ID(), base.getUserElement2_ID());
+ line.setDescription(Msg.getElement(getCtx(), "UnrealizedLoss_Acct"));
+ line.setC_ValidCombination_ID(acct.getC_ValidCombination_ID());
+ line.setAmtSourceDr (crTotal);
+ line.setAmtAcctDr (crTotal);
+ line.save();
+ }
+ } // createBalancing
+} // InvoiceNGL
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/process/PaySelectionCreateCheck.java b/base/src/org/compiere/process/PaySelectionCreateCheck.java
index fe3fd8866e..b2c1307e58 100644
--- a/base/src/org/compiere/process/PaySelectionCreateCheck.java
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/process/PaySelectionCreateCheck.java
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ package org.compiere.process;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.*;
import org.compiere.model.*;
+import org.compiere.util.AdempiereUserError;
@@ -50,9 +51,11 @@ public class PaySelectionCreateCheck extends SvrProcess
else if (name.equals("PaymentRule"))
p_PaymentRule = (String)para[i].getParameter();
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "prepare - Unknown Parameter: " + name);
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unknown Parameter: " + name);
p_C_PaySelection_ID = getRecord_ID();
+ if (p_PaymentRule != null & p_PaymentRule.equals(X_C_Order.PAYMENTRULE_DirectDebit))
+ p_PaymentRule = null;
} // prepare
@@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ public class PaySelectionCreateCheck extends SvrProcess
protected String doIt () throws Exception
- log.info ("doIt - C_PaySelection_ID=" + p_C_PaySelection_ID
+ log.info ("C_PaySelection_ID=" + p_C_PaySelection_ID
+ ", PaymentRule=" + p_PaymentRule);
MPaySelection psel = new MPaySelection (getCtx(), p_C_PaySelection_ID, get_TrxName());
@@ -70,8 +73,6 @@ public class PaySelectionCreateCheck extends SvrProcess
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found C_PaySelection_ID=" + p_C_PaySelection_ID);
if (psel.isProcessed())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("@Processed@");
- if (p_PaymentRule == null)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("No PaymentRule");
MPaySelectionLine[] lines = psel.getLines(false);
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
@@ -91,8 +92,9 @@ public class PaySelectionCreateCheck extends SvrProcess
* Create Check from line
* @param line
+ * @throws Exception for invalid bank accounts
- private void createCheck (MPaySelectionLine line)
+ private void createCheck (MPaySelectionLine line) throws Exception
// Try to find one
for (int i = 0; i < m_list.size(); i++)
@@ -103,22 +105,35 @@ public class PaySelectionCreateCheck extends SvrProcess
if (!check.save())
- throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot Save MPaySelectionCheck");
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot save MPaySelectionCheck");
if (!line.save())
- throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot Save MPaySelectionLine");
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot save MPaySelectionLine");
// Create new
- MPaySelectionCheck check = new MPaySelectionCheck(line, p_PaymentRule);
+ String PaymentRule = line.getPaymentRule();
+ if (p_PaymentRule != null)
+ {
+ if (!X_C_Order.PAYMENTRULE_DirectDebit.equals(PaymentRule))
+ PaymentRule = p_PaymentRule;
+ }
+ MPaySelectionCheck check = new MPaySelectionCheck(line, PaymentRule);
+ if (!check.isValid())
+ {
+ int C_BPartner_ID = check.getC_BPartner_ID();
+ MBPartner bp = MBPartner.get(getCtx(), C_BPartner_ID);
+ String msg = "@NotFound@ @C_BP_BankAccount@: " + bp.getName();
+ throw new AdempiereUserError(msg);
+ }
if (!check.save())
- throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot Save MPaySelectionCheck");
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot save MPaySelectionCheck");
if (!line.save())
- throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot Save MPaySelectionLine");
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot save MPaySelectionLine");
} // createCheck
diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/process/PaySelectionCreateFrom.java b/base/src/org/compiere/process/PaySelectionCreateFrom.java
index b20ce3bd25..5e6dfc00ec 100644
--- a/base/src/org/compiere/process/PaySelectionCreateFrom.java
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/process/PaySelectionCreateFrom.java
@@ -3,236 +3,236 @@
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
- * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
- * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
- * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
- * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
- * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.compiere.process;
-import java.math.*;
-import java.sql.*;
-import java.util.logging.*;
-import org.compiere.model.*;
-import org.compiere.util.*;
- * Create Payment Selection Lines from AP Invoices
- *
- * @author Jorg Janke
- * @version $Id: PaySelectionCreateFrom.java,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:51:02 jjanke Exp $
- */
-public class PaySelectionCreateFrom extends SvrProcess
- /** Only When Discount */
- private boolean p_OnlyDiscount = false;
- /** Only when Due */
- private boolean p_OnlyDue = false;
- /** Include Disputed */
- private boolean p_IncludeInDispute = false;
- /** Match Requirement */
- private String p_MatchRequirement = "N";
- /** Payment Rule */
- private String p_PaymentRule = null;
- /** BPartner */
- private int p_C_BPartner_ID = 0;
- /** BPartner Group */
- private int p_C_BP_Group_ID = 0;
- /** Payment Selection */
- private int p_C_PaySelection_ID = 0;
- /**
- * Prepare - e.g., get Parameters.
- */
- protected void prepare()
- {
- ProcessInfoParameter[] para = getParameter();
- for (int i = 0; i < para.length; i++)
- {
- String name = para[i].getParameterName();
- if (para[i].getParameter() == null)
- ;
- else if (name.equals("OnlyDiscount"))
- p_OnlyDiscount = "Y".equals(para[i].getParameter());
- else if (name.equals("OnlyDue"))
- p_OnlyDue = "Y".equals(para[i].getParameter());
- else if (name.equals("IncludeInDispute"))
- p_IncludeInDispute = "Y".equals(para[i].getParameter());
- else if (name.equals("MatchRequirement"))
- p_MatchRequirement = (String)para[i].getParameter();
- else if (name.equals("PaymentRule"))
- p_PaymentRule = (String)para[i].getParameter();
- else if (name.equals("C_BPartner_ID"))
- p_C_BPartner_ID = para[i].getParameterAsInt();
- else if (name.equals("C_BP_Group_ID"))
- p_C_BP_Group_ID = para[i].getParameterAsInt();
- else
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unknown Parameter: " + name);
- }
- p_C_PaySelection_ID = getRecord_ID();
- } // prepare
- /**
- * Perrform process.
- * @return Message
- * @throws Exception if not successful
- */
- protected String doIt() throws Exception
- {
- log.info ("C_PaySelection_ID=" + p_C_PaySelection_ID
- + ", OnlyDiscount=" + p_OnlyDiscount + ", OnlyDue=" + p_OnlyDue
- + ", IncludeInDispute=" + p_IncludeInDispute
- + ", MatchRequirement=" + p_MatchRequirement
- + ", PaymentRule=" + p_PaymentRule
- + ", C_BP_Group_ID=" + p_C_BP_Group_ID + ", C_BPartner_ID=" + p_C_BPartner_ID);
- MPaySelection psel = new MPaySelection (getCtx(), p_C_PaySelection_ID, get_TrxName());
- if (psel.get_ID() == 0)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found C_PaySelection_ID=" + p_C_PaySelection_ID);
- if (psel.isProcessed())
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("@Processed@");
- // psel.getPayDate();
- String sql = "SELECT C_Invoice_ID,"
- // Open
- + " currencyConvert(invoiceOpen(i.C_Invoice_ID, 0)"
- + ",i.C_Currency_ID, ?,?, i.C_ConversionType_ID,i.AD_Client_ID,i.AD_Org_ID)," // ##1/2 Currency_To,PayDate
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
+ * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
+ * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
+ * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.process;
+import java.math.*;
+import java.sql.*;
+import java.util.logging.*;
+import org.compiere.model.*;
+import org.compiere.util.*;
+ * Create Payment Selection Lines from AP Invoices
+ *
+ * @author Jorg Janke
+ * @version $Id: PaySelectionCreateFrom.java,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:51:02 jjanke Exp $
+ */
+public class PaySelectionCreateFrom extends SvrProcess
+ /** Only When Discount */
+ private boolean p_OnlyDiscount = false;
+ /** Only when Due */
+ private boolean p_OnlyDue = false;
+ /** Include Disputed */
+ private boolean p_IncludeInDispute = false;
+ /** Match Requirement */
+ private String p_MatchRequirement = "N";
+ /** Payment Rule */
+ private String p_PaymentRule = null;
+ /** BPartner */
+ private int p_C_BPartner_ID = 0;
+ /** BPartner Group */
+ private int p_C_BP_Group_ID = 0;
+ /** Payment Selection */
+ private int p_C_PaySelection_ID = 0;
+ /**
+ * Prepare - e.g., get Parameters.
+ */
+ protected void prepare()
+ {
+ ProcessInfoParameter[] para = getParameter();
+ for (int i = 0; i < para.length; i++)
+ {
+ String name = para[i].getParameterName();
+ if (para[i].getParameter() == null)
+ ;
+ else if (name.equals("OnlyDiscount"))
+ p_OnlyDiscount = "Y".equals(para[i].getParameter());
+ else if (name.equals("OnlyDue"))
+ p_OnlyDue = "Y".equals(para[i].getParameter());
+ else if (name.equals("IncludeInDispute"))
+ p_IncludeInDispute = "Y".equals(para[i].getParameter());
+ else if (name.equals("MatchRequirement"))
+ p_MatchRequirement = (String)para[i].getParameter();
+ else if (name.equals("PaymentRule"))
+ p_PaymentRule = (String)para[i].getParameter();
+ else if (name.equals("C_BPartner_ID"))
+ p_C_BPartner_ID = para[i].getParameterAsInt();
+ else if (name.equals("C_BP_Group_ID"))
+ p_C_BP_Group_ID = para[i].getParameterAsInt();
+ else
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unknown Parameter: " + name);
+ }
+ p_C_PaySelection_ID = getRecord_ID();
+ } // prepare
+ /**
+ * Perrform process.
+ * @return Message
+ * @throws Exception if not successful
+ */
+ protected String doIt() throws Exception
+ {
+ log.info ("C_PaySelection_ID=" + p_C_PaySelection_ID
+ + ", OnlyDiscount=" + p_OnlyDiscount + ", OnlyDue=" + p_OnlyDue
+ + ", IncludeInDispute=" + p_IncludeInDispute
+ + ", MatchRequirement=" + p_MatchRequirement
+ + ", PaymentRule=" + p_PaymentRule
+ + ", C_BP_Group_ID=" + p_C_BP_Group_ID + ", C_BPartner_ID=" + p_C_BPartner_ID);
+ MPaySelection psel = new MPaySelection (getCtx(), p_C_PaySelection_ID, get_TrxName());
+ if (psel.get_ID() == 0)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found C_PaySelection_ID=" + p_C_PaySelection_ID);
+ if (psel.isProcessed())
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("@Processed@");
+ // psel.getPayDate();
+ String sql = "SELECT C_Invoice_ID,"
+ // Open
+ + " currencyConvert(invoiceOpen(i.C_Invoice_ID, 0)"
+ + ",i.C_Currency_ID, ?,?, i.C_ConversionType_ID,i.AD_Client_ID,i.AD_Org_ID)," // ##1/2 Currency_To,PayDate
// Discount
+ " currencyConvert(paymentTermDiscount(i.GrandTotal,i.C_Currency_ID,i.C_PaymentTerm_ID,i.DateInvoiced, ?)" // ##3 PayDate
+ ",i.C_Currency_ID, ?,?,i.C_ConversionType_ID,i.AD_Client_ID,i.AD_Org_ID)," // ##4/5 Currency_To,PayDate
- + " PaymentRule, IsSOTrx "
+ + " PaymentRule, IsSOTrx " // 4..6
+ "FROM C_Invoice i "
+ "WHERE IsSOTrx='N' AND IsPaid='N' AND DocStatus IN ('CO','CL')"
+ " AND AD_Client_ID=?" // ##6
- // Existing Payments - Will reselect Invoice if prepared but not paid
- + " AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_PaySelectionLine psl "
- + "WHERE i.C_Invoice_ID=psl.C_Invoice_ID AND psl.IsActive='Y'"
- + " AND psl.C_PaySelectionCheck_ID IS NOT NULL)";
- // Disputed
- if (!p_IncludeInDispute)
- sql += " AND i.IsInDispute='N'";
- // PaymentRule (optional)
- if (p_PaymentRule != null)
- sql += " AND PaymentRule=?"; // ##
- // OnlyDiscount
- if (p_OnlyDiscount)
- {
- if (p_OnlyDue)
- sql += " AND (";
- else
- sql += " AND ";
- sql += "paymentTermDiscount(invoiceOpen(C_Invoice_ID, 0), C_Currency_ID, C_PaymentTerm_ID, DateInvoiced, ?) > 0"; // ##
- }
- // OnlyDue
- if (p_OnlyDue)
- {
- if (p_OnlyDiscount)
- sql += " OR ";
- else
- sql += " AND ";
- sql += "paymentTermDueDays(C_PaymentTerm_ID, DateInvoiced, ?) >= 0"; // ##
- if (p_OnlyDiscount)
- sql += ")";
- }
- // Business Partner
- if (p_C_BPartner_ID != 0)
- sql += " AND C_BPartner_ID=?"; // ##
- // Business Partner Group
- else if (p_C_BP_Group_ID != 0)
- sql += " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_BPartner bp "
- + "WHERE bp.C_BPartner_ID=i.C_BPartner_ID AND bp.C_BP_Group_ID=?)"; // ##
- // PO Matching Requiremnent
- if (p_MatchRequirement.equals("P") || p_MatchRequirement.equals("B"))
- {
- sql += " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_InvoiceLine il "
- + "WHERE i.C_Invoice_ID=il.C_Invoice_ID"
- + " AND QtyInvoiced=(SELECT SUM(Qty) FROM M_MatchPO m "
- + "WHERE il.C_InvoiceLine_ID=m.C_InvoiceLine_ID))";
- }
- // Receipt Matching Requiremnent
- if (p_MatchRequirement.equals("R") || p_MatchRequirement.equals("B"))
- {
- sql += " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_InvoiceLine il "
- + "WHERE i.C_Invoice_ID=il.C_Invoice_ID"
- + " AND QtyInvoiced=(SELECT SUM(Qty) FROM M_MatchInv m "
- + "WHERE il.C_InvoiceLine_ID=m.C_InvoiceLine_ID))";
- }
- //
- int lines = 0;
- int C_CurrencyTo_ID = psel.getC_Currency_ID();
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, get_TrxName());
- int index = 1;
- pstmt.setInt (index++, C_CurrencyTo_ID);
- pstmt.setTimestamp(index++, psel.getPayDate());
- //
- pstmt.setTimestamp(index++, psel.getPayDate());
- pstmt.setInt (index++, C_CurrencyTo_ID);
- pstmt.setTimestamp(index++, psel.getPayDate());
- //
- pstmt.setInt(index++, psel.getAD_Client_ID());
- if (p_PaymentRule != null)
- pstmt.setString(index++, p_PaymentRule);
- if (p_OnlyDiscount)
- pstmt.setTimestamp(index++, psel.getPayDate());
- if (p_OnlyDue)
- pstmt.setTimestamp(index++, psel.getPayDate());
- if (p_C_BPartner_ID != 0)
- pstmt.setInt (index++, p_C_BPartner_ID);
- else if (p_C_BP_Group_ID != 0)
- pstmt.setInt (index++, p_C_BP_Group_ID);
- //
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
- while (rs.next ())
- {
- int C_Invoice_ID = rs.getInt(1);
- BigDecimal PayAmt = rs.getBigDecimal(2);
- if (C_Invoice_ID == 0 || Env.ZERO.compareTo(PayAmt) == 0)
- continue;
- BigDecimal DiscountAmt = rs.getBigDecimal(3);
- String PaymentRule = rs.getString(4);
- boolean isSOTrx = "Y".equals(rs.getString(5));
- //
- lines++;
- MPaySelectionLine pselLine = new MPaySelectionLine (psel, lines*10, PaymentRule);
- pselLine.setInvoice (C_Invoice_ID, isSOTrx,
- PayAmt, PayAmt.subtract(DiscountAmt), DiscountAmt);
- if (!pselLine.save())
- {
- pstmt.close();
- throw new IllegalStateException ("Cannot save MPaySelectionLine");
- }
- }
- rs.close ();
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
+ // Existing Payments - Will reselect Invoice if prepared but not paid
+ + " AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_PaySelectionLine psl "
+ + "WHERE i.C_Invoice_ID=psl.C_Invoice_ID AND psl.IsActive='Y'"
+ + " AND psl.C_PaySelectionCheck_ID IS NOT NULL)";
+ // Disputed
+ if (!p_IncludeInDispute)
+ sql += " AND i.IsInDispute='N'";
+ // PaymentRule (optional)
+ if (p_PaymentRule != null)
+ sql += " AND PaymentRule=?"; // ##
+ // OnlyDiscount
+ if (p_OnlyDiscount)
+ {
+ if (p_OnlyDue)
+ sql += " AND (";
+ else
+ sql += " AND ";
+ sql += "paymentTermDiscount(invoiceOpen(C_Invoice_ID, 0), C_Currency_ID, C_PaymentTerm_ID, DateInvoiced, ?) > 0"; // ##
+ }
+ // OnlyDue
+ if (p_OnlyDue)
+ {
+ if (p_OnlyDiscount)
+ sql += " OR ";
+ else
+ sql += " AND ";
+ sql += "paymentTermDueDays(C_PaymentTerm_ID, DateInvoiced, ?) >= 0"; // ##
+ if (p_OnlyDiscount)
+ sql += ")";
+ }
+ // Business Partner
+ if (p_C_BPartner_ID != 0)
+ sql += " AND C_BPartner_ID=?"; // ##
+ // Business Partner Group
+ else if (p_C_BP_Group_ID != 0)
+ sql += " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_BPartner bp "
+ + "WHERE bp.C_BPartner_ID=i.C_BPartner_ID AND bp.C_BP_Group_ID=?)"; // ##
+ // PO Matching Requiremnent
+ if (p_MatchRequirement.equals("P") || p_MatchRequirement.equals("B"))
+ {
+ sql += " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_InvoiceLine il "
+ + "WHERE i.C_Invoice_ID=il.C_Invoice_ID"
+ + " AND QtyInvoiced=(SELECT SUM(Qty) FROM M_MatchPO m "
+ + "WHERE il.C_InvoiceLine_ID=m.C_InvoiceLine_ID))";
+ }
+ // Receipt Matching Requiremnent
+ if (p_MatchRequirement.equals("R") || p_MatchRequirement.equals("B"))
+ {
+ sql += " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_InvoiceLine il "
+ + "WHERE i.C_Invoice_ID=il.C_Invoice_ID"
+ + " AND QtyInvoiced=(SELECT SUM(Qty) FROM M_MatchInv m "
+ + "WHERE il.C_InvoiceLine_ID=m.C_InvoiceLine_ID))";
+ }
+ //
+ int lines = 0;
+ int C_CurrencyTo_ID = psel.getC_Currency_ID();
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, get_TrxName());
+ int index = 1;
+ pstmt.setInt (index++, C_CurrencyTo_ID);
+ pstmt.setTimestamp(index++, psel.getPayDate());
+ //
+ pstmt.setTimestamp(index++, psel.getPayDate());
+ pstmt.setInt (index++, C_CurrencyTo_ID);
+ pstmt.setTimestamp(index++, psel.getPayDate());
+ //
+ pstmt.setInt(index++, psel.getAD_Client_ID());
+ if (p_PaymentRule != null)
+ pstmt.setString(index++, p_PaymentRule);
+ if (p_OnlyDiscount)
+ pstmt.setTimestamp(index++, psel.getPayDate());
+ if (p_OnlyDue)
+ pstmt.setTimestamp(index++, psel.getPayDate());
+ if (p_C_BPartner_ID != 0)
+ pstmt.setInt (index++, p_C_BPartner_ID);
+ else if (p_C_BP_Group_ID != 0)
+ pstmt.setInt (index++, p_C_BP_Group_ID);
+ //
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
+ while (rs.next ())
+ {
+ int C_Invoice_ID = rs.getInt(1);
+ BigDecimal PayAmt = rs.getBigDecimal(2);
+ if (C_Invoice_ID == 0 || Env.ZERO.compareTo(PayAmt) == 0)
+ continue;
+ BigDecimal DiscountAmt = rs.getBigDecimal(3);
+ String PaymentRule = rs.getString(4);
+ boolean isSOTrx = "Y".equals(rs.getString(5));
+ //
+ lines++;
+ MPaySelectionLine pselLine = new MPaySelectionLine (psel, lines*10, PaymentRule);
+ pselLine.setInvoice (C_Invoice_ID, isSOTrx,
+ PayAmt, PayAmt.subtract(DiscountAmt), DiscountAmt);
+ if (!pselLine.save())
+ {
+ pstmt.close();
+ throw new IllegalStateException ("Cannot save MPaySelectionLine");
+ }
+ }
+ rs.close ();
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
catch (Exception e)
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "doIt - " + sql, e);
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- }
- return "@C_PaySelectionLine_ID@ - #" + lines;
- } // doIt
-} // PaySelectionCreateFrom
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ return "@C_PaySelectionLine_ID@ - #" + lines;
+ } // doIt
+} // PaySelectionCreateFrom