[ 2097563 ] Compatibility with old functionality the production

This commit is contained in:
vpj-cd 2008-09-06 22:03:10 +00:00
parent 505c7bd4ca
commit 5b750b1abe
1 changed files with 168 additions and 434 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
@ -11,25 +10,35 @@
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
* For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
* ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
* or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
* Portions created by Layda Salas are Copyright (C) 2005 QSS Ltda.
* Contributor(s): Layda Salas (globalqss)
* Copyright (C) 2003-2007 e-Evolution,SC. All Rights Reserved. *
* Contributor(s): Victor Perez www.e-evolution.com *
package org.compiere.process;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.logging.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.compiere.model.MLocator;
import org.compiere.model.MProduct;
import org.compiere.model.MSequence;
import org.compiere.util.*;
import org.compiere.model.MStorage;
import org.compiere.model.MTransaction;
import org.compiere.model.Query;
import org.compiere.model.X_M_Production;
import org.compiere.model.X_M_ProductionLine;
import org.compiere.model.X_M_ProductionPlan;
import org.compiere.util.AdempiereUserError;
import org.compiere.util.DB;
import org.compiere.util.Env;
import org.compiere.util.Msg;
import org.eevolution.model.MPPProductBOM;
import org.eevolution.model.MPPProductBOMLine;
* Copy and overwrite Accounts to products of this category
* @author Layda Salas (globalqss)
* @version $Id: M_Production_Run,v 1.0 2005/10/09 22:19:00 globalqss Exp $
* @author victor.perez@e-evolution.com
public class M_Production_Run extends SvrProcess {
@ -37,6 +46,8 @@ public class M_Production_Run extends SvrProcess {
private int p_Record_ID = 0;
private String mustBeStocked;
private int m_level = 0;
* Prepare - e.g., get Parameters.
@ -62,442 +73,165 @@ public class M_Production_Run extends SvrProcess {
* @throws Exception
protected String doIt() throws Exception {
String sql;
String sqlupd;
String sqlins;
String sqldel;
int cntu = 0;
int cntd = 0;
int cnti = 0;
int totu = 0;
int toti = 0;
int totd = 0;
int nextNo;
boolean isCreated = false;
boolean processed = false;
int ad_Client_ID = 0;
int ad_Org_ID = 0;
protected String doIt() throws Exception
log.info("Search fields in M_Production");
* Get Info + Lock
sql = " SELECT IsCreated " + ", Processed " + ", AD_Client_ID "
+ ", AD_Org_ID " + " FROM M_Production "
+ " WHERE M_Production_ID = " + p_Record_ID;
PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while (rs.next()) {
isCreated = rs.getString("IsCreated").equals("Y");
processed = rs.getString("Processed").equals("Y");
ad_Client_ID = rs.getInt("AD_Client_ID");
ad_Org_ID = rs.getInt("AD_Org_ID");
pstmt = null;
X_M_Production production = new X_M_Production(getCtx(), p_Record_ID, get_TrxName());
* No Action
if (processed) {
if (production.isProcessed())
log.info("Already Posted");
return "@AlreadyPosted@";
String whereClause = "M_Production_ID=? ";
List<X_M_ProductionPlan> lines = new Query(getCtx(), X_M_ProductionPlan.Table_Name , whereClause, get_TrxName())
.setParameters(new Object[]{p_Record_ID })
for (X_M_ProductionPlan pp :lines)
* Create Lines
if (!isCreated) {
// For every Production Plan
sql = "SELECT m_productionplan_id " + " ,ad_client_id "
+ " ,ad_org_id " + " ,isactive " + " ,created "
+ " ,createdby " + " ,updated " + " ,updatedby "
+ " ,m_production_id " + " ,line " + " ,m_product_id "
+ " ,productionqty " + " ,m_locator_id "
+ " ,description " + " ,processed "
+ " FROM M_ProductionPlan " + " WHERE M_Production_ID= "
+ p_Record_ID + " ORDER BY Line, M_Product_ID";
PreparedStatement curpp = null;
curpp = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
ResultSet pp = curpp.executeQuery();
while (pp.next()) {
// Delete prior lines
sqldel = "DELETE M_ProductionLine "
+ "WHERE M_ProductionPlan_ID ="
+ pp.getInt("M_ProductionPlan_ID");
cntd = DB.executeUpdate(sqldel, get_TrxName());
if (cntd == -1)
raiseError("Deleting Production Line:ERROR", sqldel);
totd += cntd;
// OriginLine
if (!production.isCreated())
int line = 100;
// Getsequenses
nextNo = MSequence.getNextID(ad_Client_ID, "M_ProductionLine",
// INSERT IN M_ProductionLine
sqlins = "INSERT INTO M_ProductionLine "
+ "(M_ProductionLine_ID " + ", M_ProductionPlan_ID"
+ ", Line " + ", AD_Client_ID " + ", AD_Org_ID "
+ ", IsActive " + ", Created " + ", CreatedBy "
+ ", Updated " + ", UpdatedBy " + ", M_Product_ID "
+ ", MovementQty " + ", M_Locator_ID "
+ ", Description) " + " VALUES ( " + nextNo + ", "
+ pp.getInt("M_ProductionPlan_ID") + ", " + line + ", "
+ pp.getInt("ad_client_id") + ", "
+ pp.getInt("AD_Org_ID") + ", 'Y' " + ", sysdate "
+ ", 0 " + ", sysdate " + ", 0 " + ", "
+ pp.getInt("M_Product_ID") + ", "
+ pp.getInt("ProductionQty") + ", "
+ pp.getInt("M_Locator_ID") + ", '"
+ pp.getString("Description") + "')";
cnti = DB.executeUpdate(sqlins, get_TrxName());
if (cnti == -1)
raiseError("INSERT IN M_ProductionLine", sqlins);
toti += cnti;
// Create First Level
sql = " SELECT m_product_bom_id, " + "ad_client_id, "
+ "ad_org_id, " + "isactive, " + "created, "
+ "createdby, " + "updated, " + "updatedby, "
+ "line, " + "m_product_id, " + "m_productbom_id, "
+ "bomqty, " + "description, " + "bomtype "
+ " FROM M_Product_BOM " + " WHERE M_Product_ID="
+ pp.getInt("M_product_id") + " ORDER BY Line";
PreparedStatement curbom = null;
curbom = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
ResultSet bom = curbom.executeQuery();
while (bom.next()) {
line = line + 100;
nextNo = MSequence.getNextID(pp.getInt("ad_client_id"),
"M_ProductionLine", get_TrxName());
sqlins = "INSERT INTO M_ProductionLine "
+ "(M_ProductionLine_ID, M_ProductionPlan_ID, Line, "
+ "AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy, "
+ "M_Product_ID, MovementQty, M_Locator_ID) "
+ "("
+ nextNo
+ ","
+ pp.getInt("M_ProductionPlan_ID")
+ ","
+ line
+ ","
+ pp.getInt("AD_Client_ID")
+ ","
+ pp.getInt("AD_Org_ID")
+ ",'Y',SysDate,0,SysDate,0"
+ ","
+ bom.getInt("M_ProductBOM_ID")
+ ","
+ (-pp.getInt("ProductionQty") * bom
.getInt("BOMQty")) + ","
+ pp.getInt("M_Locator_ID") + ")";
cnti = DB.executeUpdate(sqlins, get_TrxName());
if (cnti == -1)
raiseError("INSERT IN M_ProductionLine First Level",
toti += cnti;
DB.executeUpdateEx("DELETE M_ProductionLine WHERE M_ProductionPlan_ID = ?", new Object[]{pp.get_ID()},get_TrxName());
MProduct product = MProduct.get(getCtx(), pp.getM_Product_ID());
X_M_ProductionLine pl = new X_M_ProductionLine(getCtx(), 0 , get_TrxName());
if (explosion(pp, product, pp.getProductionQty() , line) > 0 )
curbom = null;
// While we have BOMs
while (true) {
// Are there non-stored BOMs to list details?
sql = " SELECT COUNT(*) " + " FROM M_ProductionLine pl"
+ " , M_Product p "
+ " WHERE pl.M_Product_ID=p.M_Product_ID "
+ " AND pl.M_ProductionPlan_ID="
+ pp.getInt("M_ProductionPlan_ID")
+ " AND pl.Line<>100 " // Origin Line
+ " AND p.IsBOM='Y' AND " + " p.IsStocked='N'";
PreparedStatement cntlp = null;
cntlp = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
ResultSet ct = cntlp.executeQuery();
int countNo = 0;
if (ct.next())
countNo = ct.getInt(1);
cntlp = null;
// Nothing to do
if (countNo == 0)
// Resolve BOMs in ProductLine which are not stocked
sql = " SELECT pl.M_ProductionLine_ID, "
+ " pl.Line, "
+ " pl.M_Product_ID,"
+ " pl.MovementQty "
+ " FROM M_ProductionLine pl, "
+ " M_Product p "
+ " WHERE pl.M_ProductionPlan_ID = "
+ pp.getInt("M_ProductionPlan_ID")
+ " AND pl.M_Product_ID = p.M_Product_ID "
+ " AND pl.Line<>100 " // Origin Line
+ " AND p.IsBOM='Y' AND p.IsStocked='N' ";
PreparedStatement curPLineBOM = null;
curPLineBOM = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
ResultSet pl = curPLineBOM.executeQuery();
while (pl.next()) {
line = pl.getInt("line");
// Resolve BOM Line in product line
sql = " SELECT m_product_bom_id, " + "ad_client_id, "
+ "ad_org_id, " + "isactive, " + "created, "
+ "createdby, " + "updated, " + "updatedby, "
+ "line, " + "m_product_id, "
+ "m_productbom_id, " + "bomqty, "
+ "description, " + "bomtype "
+ " FROM M_Product_BOM "
+ " WHERE M_Product_ID="
+ pl.getInt("M_Product_ID") + " ORDER BY Line";
PreparedStatement curbom1 = null;
curbom1 = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
ResultSet bom1 = curbom1.executeQuery();
while (bom1.next()) {
line = line + 10;
nextNo = MSequence.getNextID(pp
"M_ProductionLine", get_TrxName());
sqlins = " INSERT INTO M_ProductionLine "
+ " (M_ProductionLine_ID, M_ProductionPlan_ID, Line, "
+ "AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy, "
+ " M_Product_ID, MovementQty, M_Locator_ID) "
+ " VALUES "
+ "("
+ nextNo
+ ","
+ pp.getInt("M_ProductionPlan_ID")
+ ","
+ line
+ ","
+ pp.getInt("AD_Client_ID")
+ ","
+ pp.getInt("AD_Org_ID")
+ ",'Y',SysDate,0,SysDate,0"
+ ","
+ bom1.getInt("M_ProductBOM_ID")
+ ","
+ (pl.getInt("MovementQty") * bom1
.getInt("BOMQty")) + ","
+ pp.getInt("M_Locator_ID") + ")";
cnti = DB.executeUpdate(sqlins, get_TrxName());
if (cnti == -1)
"INSERT IN M_ProductionLine For Resolve BOM Line in product line",
toti += cnti;
curbom1 = null;
//Delete BOM line
sqldel = " DELETE M_ProductionLine "
+ " WHERE M_ProductionLine_ID= "
+ pl.getInt("M_ProductionLine_ID");
cntd = DB.executeUpdate(sqldel, get_TrxName());
if (cntd == -1)
raiseError("Delete BOM line", sqldel);
totd += cntd;
curPLineBOM = null;
curpp = null;
// Modifying locator to have sufficient stock
// Indicate that it is Created
sqlupd = " UPDATE M_Production " + " SET IsCreated='Y' "
+ " WHERE M_Production_ID=" + p_Record_ID;
cntu = DB.executeUpdate(sqlupd, get_TrxName());
if (cntu == -1)
raiseError("Modifying locator to have sufficient stock", sqlupd);
totu += cntu;
* Post Lines
} else {
// All Production Lines
sql = " SELECT pl.M_ProductionLine_ID, pl.AD_Client_ID, pl.AD_Org_ID,p.MovementDate, "
+ " pl.M_Product_ID, pl.M_AttributeSetInstance_ID, pl.MovementQty,pl.M_Locator_ID "
+ " FROM M_Production p, M_ProductionLine pl, M_ProductionPlan pp "
+ " WHERE p.M_Production_ID=pp.M_Production_ID "
+ " AND pp.M_ProductionPlan_ID=pl.M_ProductionPlan_ID "
+ " AND pp.M_Production_ID= "
+ p_Record_ID
+ " ORDER BY pp.Line, pl.Line";
PreparedStatement CUR_PL_Post = null;
CUR_PL_Post = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
ResultSet pl = CUR_PL_Post.executeQuery();
while (pl.next()) {
sql = " select bomQtyOnHand (" + pl.getInt("M_Product_ID")
+ ", null," + pl.getInt("M_Locator_ID") + ") FROM DUAL";
PreparedStatement cnsql = null;
cnsql = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
ResultSet cs = cnsql.executeQuery();
int countTo = 0;
if (cs.next())
countTo = cs.getInt(1);
cnsql = null;
// Check Stock levels for reductions
if ((pl.getInt("MovementQty") < 0)
&& ((countTo) + pl.getInt("MovementQty") < 0))
return "Do not exist componets";
whereClause = "M_ProductionPlan_ID= ? ";
List<X_M_ProductionLine> production_lines = new Query(getCtx(), X_M_ProductionLine.Table_Name , whereClause, get_TrxName())
.setParameters(new Object[]{pp.get_ID()})
for (X_M_ProductionLine pline : production_lines)
MLocator locator = MLocator.get(getCtx(), pline.getM_Locator_ID());
String MovementType = MTransaction.MOVEMENTTYPE_ProductionPlus;
BigDecimal MovementQty = pline.getMovementQty();
if (MovementQty.signum() == 0)
continue ;
else if(MovementQty.signum() < 0)
BigDecimal QtyAvailable = MStorage.getQtyAvailable(
if(QtyAvailable.add(MovementQty).signum() < 0)
return Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"NoQtyAvailable");
MovementType = MTransaction.MOVEMENTTYPE_Production_;
if (!MStorage.add(getCtx(), locator.getM_Warehouse_ID(),
pline.getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(), 0 ,
return "Cannot correct Inventory";
//Create Transaction
MTransaction mtrx = new MTransaction (getCtx(), pline.getAD_Org_ID(),
MovementType, locator.getM_Locator_ID(),
pline.getM_Product_ID(), pline.getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(),
MovementQty, production.getMovementDate(), get_TrxName());
} // Production Line
} // Production Plan
return "@OK@";
DB.rollback(true, get_TrxName());
sql = " SELECT '@NotEnoughStocked@: ' || Name "//INTO
// Message
+ " FROM M_Product WHERE M_Product_ID="
+ pl.getInt("M_Product_ID");
PreparedStatement cnMess = null;
cnMess = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
ResultSet cm = cnMess.executeQuery();
String varmess = null;
if (cm.next())
varmess = cm.getString(1);
cnMess = null;
return varmess;
// Adjust Quantity at Location
sqlupd = " UPDATE M_Storage " + " SET QtyOnHand = QtyOnHand + "
+ pl.getInt("MovementQty") + ","
+ " Updated = SysDate " + " WHERE M_Locator_ID = "
+ pl.getInt("M_Locator_ID")
+ " AND M_AttributeSetInstance_ID = COALESCE("
+ pl.getInt("M_AttributeSetInstance_ID") + ",0)"
+ " AND M_Product_ID =" + pl.getInt("M_Product_ID");
cntu = DB.executeUpdate(sqlupd, get_TrxName());
if (cntu == -1)
raiseError("Adjust Quantity at Location", sqlupd);
totu += cntu;
// Product not on Stock yet
if (cntu == 0) {
sqlins = "INSERT INTO M_Storage "
+ " (M_Product_ID, M_Locator_ID, M_AttributeSetInstance_ID, "
+ " AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, CreatedBy, Updated, UpdatedBy, "
+ " QtyOnHand, QtyReserved, QtyOrdered) "
+ " VALUES " + "(" + pl.getInt("M_Product_ID")
+ "," + pl.getInt("M_Locator_ID") + ", COALESCE("
+ pl.getInt("M_AttributeSetInstance_ID") + ",0), "
+ pl.getInt("AD_Client_ID") + ","
+ pl.getInt("AD_Org_ID")
+ ", 'Y', SysDate, 0, SysDate, 0, "
+ pl.getInt("MovementQty") + ", 0, 0)";
cnti = DB.executeUpdate(sqlins, get_TrxName());
if (cnti == -1)
raiseError(" Product not on Stock yet", sqlins);
toti += cnti;
// Create Transaction Entry
nextNo = MSequence.getNextID(pl.getInt("AD_Org_ID"),
"M_Transaction", get_TrxName());
sqlins = " INSERT INTO M_Transaction"
+ " (M_Transaction_ID, M_ProductionLine_ID,"
+ " AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, CreatedBy, Updated, UpdatedBy,"
+ " MovementType, M_Locator_ID, M_Product_ID, M_AttributeSetInstance_ID,"
+ " MovementDate, MovementQty)" + " VALUES "
+ "(?,?,?,?,'Y',SysDate,0,SysDate,0,"
+ "'P+',?,?,COALESCE(?,0)," // not distinguishing
// between
// assemby/disassembly
+ "?,?)";
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sqlins,
ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE, get_TrxName());
pstmt.setInt(1, nextNo);
pstmt.setInt(2, pl.getInt("M_ProductionLine_ID"));
pstmt.setInt(3, pl.getInt("AD_Client_ID"));
pstmt.setInt(4, pl.getInt("AD_Org_ID"));
pstmt.setInt(5, pl.getInt("M_Locator_ID"));
pstmt.setInt(6, pl.getInt("M_Product_ID"));
pstmt.setInt(7, pl.getInt("M_AttributeSetInstance_ID"));
pstmt.setTimestamp(8, pl.getTimestamp("MovementDate"));
pstmt.setDouble(9, pl.getDouble("MovementQty"));
cnti = pstmt.executeUpdate();
if (cnti == -1)
raiseError("Create Transaction Entry", sqlins);
toti += cnti;
// Update M_ProductionLine
sqlupd = " UPDATE M_ProductionLine " + " SET Processed='Y' "
+ " WHERE M_ProductionLine_ID="
+ pl.getInt("M_ProductionLine_ID");
cntu = DB.executeUpdate(sqlupd, get_TrxName());
if (cntu == -1)
raiseError("Update M_ProductionLine ", sqlupd);
totu += cntu;
* Explosion the Production Plan
* @param pp
* @param product
* @param qty
* @throws AdempiereUserError
private int explosion(X_M_ProductionPlan pp , MProduct product , BigDecimal qty , int line) throws AdempiereUserError
MPPProductBOM bom = MPPProductBOM.getDefault(product, get_TrxName());
if(bom == null )
throw new AdempiereUserError ("Do not exist default BOM for this product :"
+ product.getValue() + "-"
+ product.getName());
MPPProductBOMLine[] bom_lines = bom.getLines(new Timestamp (System.currentTimeMillis()));
m_level += 1;
int components = 0;
line = line * m_level;
for(MPPProductBOMLine bomline : bom_lines)
MProduct componet = MProduct.get(getCtx(), bomline.getM_Product_ID());
if(componet.isBOM() && !componet.isStocked())
explosion(pp, componet, bomline.getQtyBOM() , line);
CUR_PL_Post = null;
// Indicate that we are done
sqlupd = "UPDATE M_Production " + "SET Processed='Y' "
+ "WHERE M_Production_ID=" + p_Record_ID;
cntu = DB.executeUpdate(sqlupd, get_TrxName());
if (cntu == -1)
raiseError("Indicate that we are done ", sqlupd);
totu += cntu;
sqlupd = " UPDATE M_ProductionPlan " + " SET Processed='Y' "
+ " WHERE M_Production_ID=" + p_Record_ID;
cntu = DB.executeUpdate(sqlupd, get_TrxName());
if (cntu == -1)
"Update the indicator of Processed in M_ProductionPlan",
totu += cntu;
else if(!componet.isBOM() && componet.isStocked())
line += 1;
X_M_ProductionLine pl = new X_M_ProductionLine(getCtx(), 0 , get_TrxName());
components += 1;
// Only commit when entire job successful
log.fine("Committing ...");
DB.commit(true, get_TrxName());
return "OK";
} // del doIt
private void raiseError(String string, String sql) throws Exception {
DB.rollback(false, get_TrxName());
String msg = string;
ValueNamePair pp = CLogger.retrieveError();
if (pp != null)
msg = pp.getName() + " - ";
msg += sql;
throw new AdempiereUserError(msg);
return components;
} // M_Production_Run