diff --git a/data/in_ID/AD_Column_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/AD_Column_Trl_in_ID.xml index 433526f282..6d857ed6d6 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/AD_Column_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/AD_Column_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,2 +1,33308 @@ - -TableNamePenjelasanComment/HelpWindowDynamic ValidationDB Table NameSequenceColumnVersionNamePenjelasanComment/HelpTableDynamic ValidationDB Column NameDefault LogicLengthKey columnParent link columnMandatoryTranslatedIdentifierSequenceEncryptedReferenceNamePenjelasanComment/HelpValidation typeReferenceTableKey columnDisplay columnSql WHERESql ORDER BYReference ListNamePenjelasanReferenceValid fromValid toWindowNamePenjelasanComment/HelpTabNamePenjelasanComment/HelpWindowSequenceSingle Row LayoutFieldNamePenjelasanComment/HelpTabColumnDisplayedDisplay LogicDisplay LengthSequenceRecord Sort NoSame LineHeading onlyField OnlyEncryptedDynamic ValidationNamePenjelasanTypeValidation codeMessage TypeMessage TextMessage TipSearch KeyLanguageNameBahasa yang DigunakanActiveClientNamePenjelasanUser/ContactNamePenjelasanNameCurrent NextActivate AuditPrefixSuffixRestart sequence every YearReferenceReference KeyMenuNamePenjelasanActionWindowWorkflowOS TaskNamePenjelasanComment/HelpOS TaskNamePenjelasanComment/HelpMenuLanguageNamePenjelasanTranslatedTableYearCurrent NextTabLanguageNamePenjelasanComment/HelpTranslatedOS TaskLanguageNamePenjelasanComment/HelpTranslatedOS TaskReferenceLanguageNamePenjelasanComment/HelpTranslatedFieldLanguageNamePenjelasanComment/HelpTranslatedNodeNamePenjelasanWorkflowNodeLanguageNamePenjelasanTranslatedNodeWindowLanguagePenjelasanComment/HelpNameTranslatedWorkflowLanguageNamePenjelasanComment/HelpTranslatedTest IDNamePenjelasanComment/HelpIntegerNumberTanggalJumlahCreatedUpdatedActiveReference ListLanguageNamePenjelasanTranslatedLanguageMessage TextMessage TipTranslatedPenjelasanActiveUsed for Record IDWorkflowData Access LevelClientOrganizationClientOrganizationClientOrganizationClientOrganizationClientOrganizationClientOrganizationClientOrganizationClientOrganizationClientOrganizationClientOrganizationClientOrganizationClientOrganizationClientOrganizationOrganizationKata SandiClientOrganizationClientOrganizationClientOrganizationClientOrganizationCalendarNamePenjelasanValid fromValid toMultiply RateDivide RateMata UangISO Currency CodeStandard PrecisionPenjelasanCosting PrecisionEMU Entry DateEMU RateElementNamePenjelasanNatural AccountNameStart DateUOMNamePenjelasanStandard PrecisionCosting PrecisionNamePenjelasanClientOrganizationRoleNamePenjelasanUser LevelClientOrganizationRoleActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated 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ByNamePenjelasanSummary LevelProdukClientOrganizationClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNameDateTimeMata UangUOM CodeDocument ControlledPost EncumbrancePreferenceUser/ContactTipe DokumenClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNamePenjelasanDocument is Number ControlledDocument SequenceGL CategoryGL CategoryClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNamePenjelasanJournalClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByTipe DokumenDocument NoStatus DokumenPrintedPostedPenjelasanPostingTypeAccounting SchemaGL CategoryDocument DateAccount TanggalPeriodMata UangJournal BatchTotal DebitTotal CreditJournal BatchClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByDocument NoPenjelasanPostingTypeGL CategoryPeriodMata UangTotal DebitTotal CreditControl AmountJournal LineClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByJournalLine NoPenjelasanMata UangSource DebitSource CreditAccounted DebitAccounted CreditCalloutAccountUser1User2WindowAttributeUOMStockedPurchasedSoldVolumeWeightClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNamePenjelasanProdukSubstituteDocument ActionTelah DisetujuiRateDocument DateAccount TanggalGeneratedRateClientOrganizationAlamatPeriod ControlClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByPeriodPeriod StatusSales RegionClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNamePenjelasanSummary LevelProdukWarehouseClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByReplenish TypeMinimum LevelMaximum LevelOrganizationClientActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByLocatorProdukPrimary Accounting SchemaOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated BySecond Accounting SchemaThird Accounting SchemaSecond Accounting SchemaThird Accounting SchemaClientActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByRead OnlyRead WriteSearch KeySearch KeyKategori ProdukTax CategoryKategori ProdukSearch KeyKuantitas TersediaReserved QuantityPayment 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RegionProyekUser1User2BudgetCampaignBudgetClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNamePenjelasanPrimaryBudget StatusAccounting SchemaClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByProdukCampaignClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNamePenjelasanChannelStart DateEnd DateCostsChannelClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNamePenjelasanSystem ElementClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByDB Column NameNamePenjelasanComment/HelpSystem ElementSystem LanguageSystem ElementLanguageClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNamePenjelasanComment/HelpTranslatedAcct.Schema ElementAccounting SchemaClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByTypeNameSequenceElementBalancedMandatoryPenjelasanElement SeparatorUse Account AliasUse Account Combination ControlSearch KeyOrganizationProdukAlamatSales RegionProyekCampaignAccount ElementDiscontinuedDiscontinued byPartner BisnisUOMPartner 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ByNamePenjelasanTranslatedProcessLanguageClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNamePenjelasanComment/HelpTranslatedTreeClientOrganizationCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByActiveNamePenjelasanType | AreaClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByTreeNode_IDParentSequencePartner BisnisClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated BySearch KeyNamePenjelasanSales Volume in 1.000Reference NoD-U-N-SEmployeesTax IDNAICS/SICSummary LevelLanguageVendorPelangganInvoice ScheduleActive Prospect/CustomerFirst SaleBatasan KreditKredit yang DigunakanAcquisition CostPotential Life Time ValuePayment TermActual Life Time ValueShareEmployeeSales RepresentativeDaftar HargaPurchase PricelistClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByPartner BisnisAlamatNameTelepon2nd PhoneFaxISDNSales RegionVersi Daftar HargaClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNamePenjelasanDaftar HargaValid fromAccounting FactValue FormatForeign Currency AccountMata UangSearch KeyFixed due dateFix month cutoffFix month dayFix month offsetDiscount Days 2Discount 2 %Search KeyDocument NoteComment/HelpKlasifikasiSearch KeyList PriceLast PO PriceMinimum Order QtyOrder Pack QtyPrint TextDocument BaseTypeDocument NoteList PriceStandard PriceLimit PriceEnforce price limitBankClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNameRouting NoAlamatSwift codeOwn BankOrder ReferenceBebanJumlah BebanFreight AmountBebanDocument LevelValid fromSummary LevelActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByBankMata UangAccount NoSaldo Saat IniBatasan kreditBank AccountClientOrganizationOne time transactionURLTax exemptRatingPayment RuleDunningDocument CopiesInvoice AddressShip AddressPay-From AddressRemit-To AddressPartner Bank AccountClientOrganizationCreatedUpdatedActiveCreated ByUpdated ByPartner BisnisBankRouting NoAccount NoPartner BisnisWithholdingClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByMandatory WithholdingTemporary exemptExempt reasonTipe DokumenLanguageClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByPrint TextDocument NoteTranslatedDunningClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNamePenjelasanSend dunning lettersAccount ElementLanguageClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNameTranslatedPayment TermLanguageClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNamePenjelasanTranslatedWithholdingClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNamePenjelasanPayment TermTax withholdingPajak ProrataPaid to third partyBeneficiaryPercent withholdingPercentFix amountThreshold minThreshold maxMin AmountMax AmountProdukLanguageClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNameDocument NoteTranslatedBebanClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNamePenjelasanJumlah BebanSame TaxTax CategoryClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByOrderTaxUpdateableProcessReportProcessProcessCommit WarningProcessActivityPiutang 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ValueMax. ValueProject AssetSales RepresentativeSO Sub TypeProcess NowProcessedSales RepresentativeCommodity CodePartner BisnisProcessedLokasi PartnerProyekActivityLokasi PartnerProduct RevenueProduct ExpenseProduct AssetHPP ProdukError MsgLokasi PartnerAccounting SchemaClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByWarehouse InventoryWarehouse DifferencesProduct RevenueProduct ExpenseProduct AssetHPP ProdukEmployee ExpenseEmployee PrepaymentPiutang PelangganCustomer PrepaymentVendor LiabilityVendor PrepaymentVendor Service LiabilityProject AssetActivityClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNamePenjelasanSummary LevelInvoiceClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByDocument NoTipe DokumenStatus DokumenDocument ActionProcess NowProcessedPartner BisnisPayment TermLokasi PartnerTelah DisetujuiTransferredMata UangTotal LinesGrand TotalAccount TanggalCampaignProyekActivitySales RepresentativeUser/ContactPenjelasanMovement TypeMovement DateProcessedProcess NowShipment/ReceiptClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByShipment/Receipt LineClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByLocatorShipment/ReceiptProdukMovement QuantityPenjelasanStok OpnameClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByDocument NoPenjelasanMovement DateProcessedProcess NowBaris Stok OpnameClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByStok OpnameLocatorProdukQuantity bookQuantity countPenjelasanInventory MoveClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdated ByUpdatedDocument NoPenjelasanMovement DateProcessedProcess NowMove LineClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByInventory MoveLocatorLocator ToProdukMovement QuantityPenjelasanProduksiClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNamePenjelasanMovement DateProcessedProcess NowBaris ProduksiClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByLocatorProdukMovement QuantityPenjelasanProdukAccounting SchemaClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByStandard CostAverage CostInventory TransactionClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByMovement TypeLocatorProdukMovement DateMovement QuantityBaris Stok OpnameMove LineShipment/Receipt LineBaris ProduksiRateRequires Tax CertificateHarga Termasuk PajakChargesInvoice weekday cutoffInvoice on even weeksInvoice day cut-offDunning LevelClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByDunningPrint TextDays after due dateDays between dunningNoteBeban BungaInterest in percentOngkos BebanFee AmountSales TransactionDate printedAturan PengirimanFreight Cost RuleLine NetTax IndicatorSequenceProcess NumberProcess Number ToDynamic ValidationLengthMandatoryDefault LogicValue FormatMin. ValueMax. ValueComment/HelpCreatePenjelasanDocument NoteTax base AmountTax AmountLanguageDunning LevelClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByPrint TextNoteTranslatedSales TransactionTarget Document TypePenjelasanTanggal DiinvoiceDate printedOrder ReferenceBebanJumlah BebanDaftar HargaSales TransactionDocument NoTipe DokumenPrintedAccount TanggalPartner BisnisLokasi PartnerUser/ContactWarehouseOrder ReferenceAturan PengirimanFreight Cost RuleFreight AmountPengiriman LewatShipperBebanJumlah BebanPriorityDate printedOrderLine NoSales Order LineUOMWarehouseUpdate QuantitiesGenerate ListPerpetual InventoryLine NoLine NoInvoice LineClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByInvoiceSales Order LineLine NoPenjelasanProdukInvoiced QuantityList PriceUnit PriceLine NetBebanUOMTaxTaxInvoiceClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByTax base AmountTax AmountClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByCredit CardNumberExp. MonthExp. YearRouting NoAccount NoTelah DisetujuiProcess NowProcessedReconciledBank AccountProduct for FreightTemplate B.PartnerDate last inventory countDefaultISO Language CodeCurrent Next (System)UOMQtyAlamatAccount_AcctProcess NowProcessedDefaultBank AccountBank AccountDocument NoteNext Business DayMata UangPartner BisnisCommitmentCommitted AmountRevenue RecognitionMata UangPO PricePrice effectivePro forma InvoiceDocument Type for ProFormaDocument Type for ShipmentDocument Type for InvoiceRevenue RecognitionClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNamePenjelasanTime basedNumber of MonthsRecognition frequencyService LevelClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByRevenue Recognition PlanProdukPenjelasanQuantity ProvidedQuantity InvoicedProcess NowService Level LineClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByService LevelPenjelasanQuantity ProvidedService dateUOMLanguageClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated BySymbolNamePenjelasanTranslatedPerpetual InventoryClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNamePenjelasanNumber of Inventory countsNumber of Product countsCount high turnover itemsProcess NowDate last runDate next runNumber of runsKategori ProdukWarehouseDB Column NamePayment RulePayment RulePayment RuleLimit PriceSearch KeyRelative PriorityDiscount %GreetingClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNameGreetingFirst name onlyDefaultLanguageGreetingClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNameGreetingTranslatedTax CategoryLanguageClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNamePenjelasanTranslatedProdukPartner BisnisDefaultDefaultHigh VolumeProcess NowDefaultDocument CopiesDefaultProcess NowDefaultDefaultDefaultParameter NameDirect printOrder ReferenceName 2DefaultOrderTanggal DiorderTanggal DiorderInvoicedShipment/Receipt LineDefaultGreetingCurrent vendorDiscount PrintedPrint TextPrint TextDiscount PrintedOrder DescriptionDiscount PrintedPrintedNameStatus DokumenDocument ActionReport ViewQuality RatingWaktu Pengiriman yang DijanjikanActual Delivery TimeCost per OrderOrdered QuantityReport ViewClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNamePenjelasanTableSql WHERESql ORDER BYClientOrganizationMovement TypeWarehouseLocatorProdukMovement DateMovement QuantityWarehouseProdukClientOrganizationKuantitas TersediaReserved QuantityOrdered QuantityReplenish TypeMinimum LevelMaximum LevelPartner BisnisMinimum Order QtyOrder Pack QtyQuantity to OrderProcess InstanceSequenceMessage TextSales TransactionDaftar Harga PokokSales TransactionInvoice RuleAturan PengirimanSales RepresentativeFreight Cost RulePengiriman LewatLimit PriceFrom EmailFrom Email User IDFrom Email PasswordError EmailSend InfoInfo EmailSend InquiryReceived Inquiry ReplySend OrderReceive Order ReplyEDI DefinitionClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByPartner BisnisWarehouseEDI TypeActivate AuditNo PelangganSequenceTo EmailEDI TransactionClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByEDI DefinitionDocument NoLine NoTransaction TypeEDI StatusWarehouseProdukRequest QtyRequest Ship dateRequest PriceTransaction sentTransaction receivedReply ReceivedReply Qty ConfirmedReply Qty AvailableReply Ship dateReply PriceReply RemarksProcessedEDI LogClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByEDI TransactionInfoClientOrganizationSales RepresentativeTanggal DiinvoiceLine NetLine List AmountLine Limit AmountLine DiscountLine Discount %Gross MarginGross margin %ClientOrganizationSales RepresentativeTanggal DiinvoiceLine NetLine List AmountLine Limit AmountLine DiscountLine Discount %Gross MarginGross margin %ClientOrganizationKategori ProdukTanggal DiinvoiceLine NetLine List AmountLine Limit AmountLine DiscountLine Discount %Gross MarginGross margin %ClientOrganizationKategori ProdukTanggal DiinvoiceLine NetLine List AmountLine Limit AmountLine DiscountLine Discount 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ByUpdatedUpdated ByNameImport FormatSequenceStart NoEnd NoData TypeData FormatDecimal PointDivide by 100SelectedTableColumnProcess NowCalloutConstant ValueDaftar Harga PokokBill of MaterialsPrint detail records on invoice Print detail records on pick listVerifiedProcess NowBOM LineClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByProdukBOM ProductBOM QuantityPenjelasanDefaultTire StorageClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNamePartner BisnisRegistrationVehiclePenjelasanTire typeTire size (L/R)Tire QualityRimTanggal DiterimaMoved to storageLocatorReturnedTanggal DikembalikanTire type BackTire size BackTire Quality BackRim BackRecords createdRencana ProduksiRencana ProduksiClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByProduksiProdukKuantitas ProduksiLocatorPenjelasanElement SeparatorLine NoLine NoLine NoMail HostSearch KeyDefaultUPC/EANClientOrganizationPartner BisnisKategori ProdukTanggal DiinvoiceLine NetLine List AmountLine Limit AmountLine DiscountLine Discount %Gross MarginGross margin %Invoiced QuantityClientOrganizationPartner BisnisVendorTanggal DiinvoiceLine NetLine List AmountLine Limit AmountLine DiscountLine Discount %Gross MarginGross margin %Invoiced QuantityInvoiced QuantityInvoiced QuantityInvoiced QuantityTitlePerhatianClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByCreated ByUpdated ByNot-invoiced RevenueNot-invoiced ReceiptsProcess NowInventory RevaluationPurchase Price VariancePayment Discount ExpenseWrite-offPayment Discount RevenueUnrealized Gain AcctUnrealized Loss AcctRealized Gain AcctRealized Loss AcctWithholdingWork In ProgressTax ExpenseTax LiabilityTax ReceivablesTax DueTax CreditBank In TransitBank AssetBank ExpensePendapatan Bunga BankBiaya Bunga BankBank Unidentified ReceiptsBank Settlement GainBank Settlement LossBank Revaluation GainBank Revaluation LossBiaya BebanBeban PendapatanUnearned RevenueNot-invoiced ReceivablesAlokasiClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByInvoiceOrderPaymentJumlahDiscount AmountWrite-off AmountPostedBank AccountAccounting SchemaClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByBank In TransitBank AssetBank ExpensePendapatan Bunga BankBiaya Bunga BankBank Unidentified ReceiptsBank Settlement GainBank Settlement LossBank Revaluation GainBank Revaluation LossBank StatementClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByBank AccountStatement dateSaldo AwalEnding balancePenjelasanStatement differenceProcess NowProcessedPostedBank statement lineClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByBank StatementPenjelasanPaymentBebanKelompok Partner BisnisKelompok Partner BisnisClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated BySearch KeyNamePenjelasanDefaultAccounting SchemaKelompok Partner BisnisClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByPiutang PelangganCustomer PrepaymentVendor LiabilityVendor Service LiabilityVendor PrepaymentPayment Discount ExpensePayment Discount RevenueWrite-offNot-invoiced ReceiptsUnearned RevenueNot-invoiced RevenueNot-invoiced ReceivablesProcess NowSame CurrencyBebanAccounting SchemaClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByBiaya BebanBeban PendapatanAccounting SchemaOrganizationInter-OrganizationClientActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByIntercompany Due To AcctIntercompany Due From AcctPaidAccount Zip/PostalSIMSocial Security NoAccount EMailVoice authorization codeOriginal Transaction IDPO NumberTax AmountReferenceResultResponse MessageAuthorization CodeAddress verifiedZip verifiedInfoPostedPaymentTransaction TypeTender typeVerification CodeMicrCheck NoAccount NameAccount StreetAccount KotaAccount StatePayment ProcessorNamePenjelasanBank AccountUser IDKata SandiHost AddressHost portProxy addressProxy portProxy logonProxy passwordTerima VisaTerima MasterCardTerima AMEXTerima DinersTerima Deposit LangsungTerima Electronic CheckTerima ATMTerima CorporateWork In ProgressTaxAccounting SchemaClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByTax DueTax LiabilityTax CreditTax ReceivablesTax ExpenseWithholdingAccounting SchemaClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByWithholdingActivityTransaction DateAccount TanggalTableRecord IDTaxPurchase Price VarianceKategori ProdukAccounting SchemaClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByProduct RevenueProduct ExpenseProduct AssetHPP ProdukPurchase Price VarianceProcess NowCurrent Cost PriceFuture Cost PriceInventory RevaluationW_Basket_IDCreatedSession IDPage URLCreatedRemote AddrRemote HostReferrerFindFind_IDAnd/OrColumnOperationSearch KeyValue ToJumlah BebanInterest AmountPaymentClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated BySystem AttributeClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNamePenjelasanComment/HelpTableReferenceReference KeyDynamic ValidationCalloutMin. ValueMax. ValueDefault LogicRead OnlyUpdateableMandatoryEncryptedLengthDisplay LengthSequenceDisplay LogicValue FormatSame LineHeading onlyField OnlyRecord IDSystem AttributeV_NumberV_DateV_StringBuku Kas AsetPerbedaan Buku KasCash Book ExpenseCash Book ReceiptBaris Jurnal KasBank Account TypeManualNameAccount TanggalMata UangReversalLine NoStatement amountTransaction AmountEffective dateVerification CodeUser/ContactACHAddress verifiedZip verifiedAccount KotaAccount EMailSIMSocial Security NoAccount NameAccount StateAccount StreetAccount Zip/PostalBank Account TypeExp. MonthExp. YearNumberCredit CardJurnal KasClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByBuku KasNamePenjelasanStatement dateAccount TanggalSaldo AwalEnding balanceStatement differenceProcess NowProcessedPostedBuku KasClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNamePenjelasanBuku KasAccounting SchemaClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByBuku Kas AsetPerbedaan Buku KasCash Book ExpenseCash Book ReceiptBaris Jurnal KasClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByJurnal KasLine NoPenjelasanTipe KasBank AccountBebanJumlahPartner Bank AccountMata UangPayment BatchDiscount AmountTipe DokumenPayment amountPayment BatchClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNamePayment ProcessorDocument NoProcessing dateProcess NowProcessedSequencePayment Processor ClassSearch KeyBaris Jurnal KasPaymentPaymentBaris Jurnal KasGenerate ToCreate lines fromCreate lines fromGenerate ToInvoiceInvoiceOnline ProcessingTerima DiscoverKomisi %Cost per transactionMata UangRequire CreditCard Verification CodeLocatorField GroupField GroupClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNameField GroupLanguageClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNameTranslatedEmailSupervisorPartner BisnisTransaction DateTelah DialokasikanDocument NoInvoiceMail TemplateClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNameHTMLMail headerMail textPermohonanClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByDocument NoRequest AmountPriorityDue typeSummaryEscalatedDate last actionLast ResultSales RepresentativePartner BisnisUser/ContactCampaignOrderInvoicePaymentProdukMail TemplateResultNext actionDate next actionProcessedRequest actionPermohonanSales RepresentativePartner BisnisUser/ContactOrderInvoicePaymentProdukRequest ProcessorClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByNamePenjelasanFrequencyFrequency TypeDate last runDate next runProcess NowClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByPartner BisnisOnline AccessStatus DokumenDocument ActionRoleOrganizationClientActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated ByCreate lines fromNomor AlokasiMata UangTransaction DateManualMata UangInvoiceClientOrganizationActiveCreatedCreated ByUpdatedUpdated BySales TransactionDocument NoStatus DokumenDocument ActionPrintedDiscount PrintedProcess NowProcessedTransferredPaidTipe DokumenTarget Document TypeOrderPenjelasanTelah DisetujuiSales RepresentativeTanggal DiinvoiceDate printedAccount TanggalPartner BisnisLokasi PartnerUser/ContactKelompok Partner BisnisOrder ReferenceTanggal DiorderMata UangPayment RulePayment TermDaftar HargaCampaignProyekActivityBebanJumlah BebanTotal LinesGrand TotalMultiplierUser/ContactRemarkClientOrganizationInvoice LineInvoiceSales RepresentativePartner BisnisKelompok Partner BisnisProdukKategori ProdukTanggal DiinvoiceAccount TanggalInvoiced QuantityList PriceUnit PriceLimit PriceDiscount %Margin %Line NetLine List AmountLine Limit AmountLine 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AmountOrganizationLocation ToLocation FromCampaignCreatedMata UangProyekAccountCreated ByLine IDUser2Source AmountRateAsetActiveGL CategoryProdukPartner BisnisUpdatedActivityTransaction DateLocatorUpdated ByQuantityClientTrx OrganizationTableAccounting FactPenjelasanSource CreditPostingTypeTipe DokumenAttribute Set InstanceOver/Under PaymentTerima Debit LangsungStatus KreditActivePenjelasanNameCreatedSequenceClientUpdatedActiveOrganizationUpdated ByBank Statement MatcherClassnameCreated ByMatch StatementInvoicePartner BisnisMatch StatementMatch StatementHeader StrokeHeader Stroke TypePaint Header LinesLine Stroke TypeLine StrokeReferenced InvoiceTanggal DiterimaIn TransitReferenced ShipmentConfirmed QuantityPicked QuantityScrapped QuantityTarget QuantityDocument ActionTanggal DiterimaIn TransitStatus DokumenConfirmed QuantityTarget QuantityScrapped QuantityDays to keep LogReferenced Invoice LineText MessageWorkflow ActivityText MessageText MessageReferenceCreatedBinaryDataText 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MessageUpdated ByPrivate NoteWilling to commitTopicBidNameCreatedBuyer FundsClientCreated ByActiveUser/ContactOrganizationUpdatedUpdated ByScheduler LogCreatedPenjelasanText MessageBinaryDataOrganizationCreated ByReferenceErrorSchedulerActiveSummaryClientFrequencyClientSupervisorActiveProcess NowSchedulerProcessCreated ByFrequency TypeUpdatedDate next runPenjelasanOrganizationUpdated ByCreatedNameDays to keep LogDate last runOrganization TypeNameOrganizationCreatedCreated ByClientUpdatedActivePenjelasanUpdated ByDaftar HargaMembershipCreatedComment/HelpOrganizationActiveUpdated ByTopic TypeNamePenjelasanUpdatedCreated ByClientProdukTopic CategoryCreated ByNameOrganizationCreatedClientUpdatedPenjelasanActiveTopic TypeUpdated ByUpdated ByUpdatedErrorCreatedSummaryText MessageAccounting Processor LogCreated ByBinaryDataClientPenjelasanActiveReferenceAccounting ProcessorOrganizationSupervisorFrequencyClientUpdatedActiveCreated ByDate last runDate next runDays to keep LogAccounting 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ToOrganizationProcess NowActivityProdukCampaignAccounting SchemaAccountActivePenjelasanTrx OrganizationOrganizationProyekNameComment/HelpCreatedUpdated ByCreated ByClientLocation FromUser2Sales RegionPartner BisnisPartner BisnisValidSummary LevelDocument ActionWorkflow ProcessTableText MessageNodeRecord IDElapsed Time msInvitedDelivery DaysComment/HelpOrganizationUser/ContactQuote Total AmtRfQ TopicPartner BisnisClientWork StartPenjelasanResponse DateNameRfQ TypeQuote All QuantitiesSales RepresentativeWork CompleteLokasi PartnerResponses AcceptedRfQMata UangComment/HelpLine NoDiscount %Line Work StartRankingHargaPenjelasanQuantity RankingQuantityOrganizationProdukMata UangRfQLine Delivery DaysSelf-ServiceWork StartPartner BisnisResponse DateQuantity PriceDelivery DaysUOMLine DescriptionRfQ ResponseLine Help/CommentRfQ TopicAttribute Set InstanceLine Work CompleteClientUser/ContactLokasi PartnerWork CompleteProcessedRank RfQSearch KeyUpdated ByPriorityCreatedUpdatedQuantityOrganizationTanggal DibutuhkanProdukTelah DisetujuiCreated ByLine NetClientUser/ContactDaftar HargaUnit PriceLine DescriptionLine NoActiveProcessedTotal LinesWarehouseRequisitionDocument ActionStatus DokumenComment/HelpDocument NoRequisition LinePenjelasanSales Order LineEnd WaitLokasi PartnerCreate Single OrderClientPartner BisnisUpdatedPenjelasanOrganizationActiveCreated ByUpdated ByNameCreatedDistribution RunProcess NowDistribution ListActiveOrganizationDistribution Run LineCreatedProdukLine NoClientPenjelasanDistribution RunTotal QuantityMinimum QuantityUpdated ByCreated ByUpdatedQuantityUpdatedDistribution ListMinimum QuantityDistribution List LineDistribution RunCreated ByUpdated ByClientOrganizationCreatedProdukActiveDistribution Run LineLokasi PartnerPartner BisnisStart Implementation/ProductionRatioAllow StatisticsDB Column NameReferenceReference KeySelf-ServiceActiveCreated ByCreatedProdukUpdated ByOrganizationPenjelasanClientUpdatedRegistration AttributeWorkflowVersion NoPenjelasanGuarantee DateNameKelompok HartaCreated ByCreatedIn Service DateUpdatedAsetProdukSearch KeyComment/HelpMovement DateActiveUpdated ByPartner BisnisLot NoDelivery CountOrganizationUser/ContactClientSerial NoAccess LogText MessagePenjelasanColumnCreatedUpdatedCreated ByTableClientRemote HostUpdated ByRemote AddrActiveReplyOrganizationRecord IDTipe DokumenCreated ByCreatedOrganizationNameCounter DocumentCounter Document TypePenjelasanUpdated ByClientUpdatedActiveValidProcess NowPrint ColorPrint ColorPrint ColorPrint ColorCreatedUpdatedDemand LinePermintaanActiveQuantityProdukOrganizationClientUpdated ByPeriodCreated ByUpdated ByComment/HelpCreated ByCreatedNameYearClientPenjelasanCalendarActiveUpdatedDefaultProcess NowOrganizationForecastForecast LineCreated ByUpdatedOrganizationUpdated BySales Order LineCreatedClientRequisition LineDetail PermintaanDemand LineActiveUpdatedCreatedUpdated ByPeriodClientCreated ByOrganizationQuantityForecastActiveProdukForecast LineComment/HelpClientUpdatedCreated ByYearCalendarCreatedPermintaanOrganizationUpdated ByActiveDefaultPenjelasanProcess NowNameCalculated QuantityCalculated QuantityPrint FormatStd User WorkflowInvoice PhoneInvoice Contact NameInvoice PartnerInvoice NameInvoice ContactInvoice TitleInvoice Partner KeyInvoice Tax IDInvoice LocationInvoice AddressInvoice Name2Lokasi PartnerPartner BisnisAlamatBP NameCreated ByClientRfQ LineUpdated ByUPC/EANCreatedAttribute Set InstanceOrganizationNameProduct KeyPenjelasanLine NoUpdatedActiveWork StartDelivery DaysSKUDocument NoteComment/HelpLanguageProdukPartner BisnisWork StartBP Name2BP NameDelivery DaysContact NameOrganizationISO Currency CodeCreated ByUpdated ByClientRfQActiveMata UangLanguagePenjelasanTeleponNameCreatedUser/ContactUpdatedTitleAlamatResponse DateLokasi PartnerComment/HelpRfQ Line QuantityClientOrganizationLanguageUOMUpdated ByCreatedSymbolQuantityCreated ByActiveUpdatedTax IDOrg AddressRfQ Response LineRfQ ResponseRfQ ResponseDiscount %HargaRfQ Response Line QtyRfQ Response LineBest Response AmountOffer AmountSymbolRfQ Response Line QtyQuantityDiscount %UOMRfQ Line QuantityHargaCheck CompleteDocument NoUse Beta FunctionsPrimary Tree CampaignPrimary Tree ActivityProcessedProcessedProcessedProcessedInvoice PartnerInvoice ContactInvoice LocationProcessedProcessedProcessedProcessedProcessedProcessedProcessedDefault Counter DocumentDocument ActionTelah DisetujuiStatus DokumenCreate ConfirmPick/QA ConfirmationShip/Receipt ConfirmationProcess NowOrganizationShip/Receipt ConfirmationCreated ByPenjelasanProcessedUpdatedActiveShipment/ReceiptDocument NoClientTelah DisetujuiUpdated ByCreatedConfirmation TypeProcessedActiveShip/Receipt Confirmation LineCreatedClientPenjelasanShip/Receipt ConfirmationTarget QuantityUpdated ByUpdatedCreated ByConfirmed QuantityShipment/Receipt LineOrganizationDocument ActionIn TransitCreate PackageCreate PackagePerbedaanScrapped QuantityOrderTipe DokumenStatus DokumenDocument ActionSales RepresentativeTelah DisetujuiTelah DisetujuiDocument ActionTelah DisetujuiStatus DokumenPenjelasanAccount TanggalWindow HeightWindow WidthProcessedRMA TypeJumlahShip DateUpdated ByUpdatedOrganizationNameCreated ByClientPenjelasanRMA TypeCreatedActiveComment/HelpComment/HelpDrop ShipmentMata UangPartner BisnisCancelledConfirmation TypeActiveLokasi PartnerPenjelasanUpdatedProcessedTelah DisetujuiShip/Receipt ConfirmationOrderCreated ByShipment/ReceiptClientUpdated ByCancelledOrganizationCreatedWarehouseDocument NoProcess NowPartner BisnisShipment/ReceiptProdukPartner BisnisTarget QuantityLocatorProcessedOrderShip/Receipt ConfirmationShip/Receipt Confirmation LineCancelledOrganizationTelah DisetujuiScrapped QuantityConfirmation TypeUpdatedLokasi PartnerActiveCreatedPerbedaanAttribute Set InstanceConfirmed QuantityUpdated ByClientShipment/Receipt LineDocument NoCreated ByWarehousePenjelasanSales TransactionSales TransactionTipe DokumenTax AmountLine TotalTax IndicatorOrganizationCreated ByWarehouseAttribute SetPenjelasanCreatedSymbolBackorderedBin (Y)Aisle (X)Ship/Receipt ConfirmationShipment/ReceiptLine NoUpdatedScrapped QuantityLanguageLot NoDocument NoteSerial NoAttribute Set InstanceConfirmed QuantityGuarantee DateLevel (Z)Movement QuantityProcessedLotTarget QuantityNameLocatorShip DescriptionProduct KeyShipment/Receipt LineUpdated ByClientUPC/EANPerbedaanShip/Receipt Confirmation LineSKUActiveTelah DisetujuiMovement TypeDocument NoTanggal DiorderAturan PengirimanShip/Receipt ConfirmationClientSales RepresentativeWarehouseLokasi PartnerMovement DateFreight Cost RuleUpdated ByLanguageOrder ReferenceTipe DokumenShip DescriptionOrganizationPengiriman LewatPartner BisnisConfirmation TypeCancelledTipe DokumenShipperCreatedUser/ContactCreated ByPriorityShipment/ReceiptPenjelasanUpdatedActiveProcessedOrderMandatory TypeDocument ActionStatus DokumenProcessedTransaction DateProcessedAlokasiActivePenjelasanPostedProcess NowAccount TanggalMata UangOrganizationManualDocument ActionTelah DisetujuiUpdated ByUpdatedDocument NoStatus DokumenCreated ByCreatedApproval AmountClientStatus DokumenDocument ActionBaris AlokasiAccount TanggalOrganizationCreatedSales TransactionActiveCreated ByDocument NoClientUpdatedRecord IDDocument DateTableUpdated ByJumlah GantungDiscount AmountPay Schedule validPaid AmountInvoiceTanggal DiinvoiceSales TransactionPartner BisnisOrganizationMata UangDiscount DateGrand TotalDocument NoInvoice Payment ScheduleOrderNet DaysDays dueTanggal Jatuh TempoClientTipe Mata UangClientAccount TanggalWrite-off AmountActiveDocument NoJumlahPaymentManualPenjelasanStatus DokumenCreatedApproval AmountDocument ActionAlokasiProcessedUpdated ByOrderMata UangOrganizationDiscount AmountBaris Jurnal KasPartner BisnisTransaction DateOver/Under PaymentCreated ByUpdatedBaris AlokasiInvoiceApproval AmountPrice InvoicedQuantity ReimbursedPrice 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AlignmentMax WidthPrint PaperRunning TotalMax HeightSuppress NullTable BasedDefault Print FontSequenceAreaFormOrder byPrint TextPrint Item NameOne Line OnlyDefault Print ColorActivePrinter NamePrint Table FormatCreatedTableField AlignmentImage URLUpdated ByGraphCalculate Sum (Σ)Dibawah KolomX SpacePage breakNameCalculate Maximim (↑)Set NL PositionReport ViewPrint ColorY SpacePenjelasanCalculate Count (№)Footer MarginImage attachedCreated ByCalculate Mean (μ)Next PageFixed WidthStandard Header/FooterUpdatedHeader MarginY PositionColumnCalculate Deviation (σ)ClientFormat TypePrintedRunning Total LinesCalculate Variance (σ²)Print Label SuffixRecord Sort NoNext LineAlamat 3Alamat 4Print FormatSaldo Mula-MulaPenjelasanShip/Receipt Confirmation Import LineClientUpdated ByShip/Receipt Confirmation LineProcessedPerbedaanActiveUpdatedCreatedConfirmed QuantityCreated ByImport Error MessageScrapped QuantityProcess NowOrganizationImportedConfirmation NoConfirmation NoConfirmation NoProcessedProcessedDays dueJumlahDunning Run EntryConverted AmountInterest AmountProcessedTotal AmountFee AmountTimes DunnedSendProcessedProcess NowSales RepresentativeProcessedLokasi PartnerMata UangUser/ContactNotePrint TextJumlahPartner BisnisDunning DateTax IDReference NoContact NameName 2OrganizationSales RepresentativeUpdatedNamePartner Tax IDClientNoteBP Search KeyTeleponCreated ByUpdated ByBP GreetingAlamatOrg AddressNAICS/SICCreatedDocument NoteSales RepresentativeTitleBP Contact GreetingLanguageActiveD-U-N-SQuantityGrand TotalDunning Run LineProyekTimes DunnedUpdated ByDaftar HargaTotal LinesJumlahClientInvoiceDocument NoOrder ReferenceUpdatedPayment TermCampaignStatus DokumenDays duePenjelasanPaidActivitySales TransactionTipe DokumenTanggal DiorderTanggal DiinvoiceJumlah BebanMata UangTotal AmountOrganizationCreated ByCreatedFee AmountConverted AmountLanguageTipe DokumenBebanInterest AmountDunning Run EntryActiveBenchmark PriceBenchmark DifferenceBenchmark PriceBenchmark 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LineInvoice LineJumlahQuantityPenjelasanProcessedCosting LevelCosting LevelCost DetailProcess NowAttribute Set InstanceBaseLanded Cost AllocationCost ElementAttribute Set InstanceAdjust COGSAttribute Set InstanceAttribute Set InstanceCost PriceCumulated AmtCumulated QtyCost ElementSales Order Line \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + Table + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Window + + + Dynamic Validation + + + DB Table Name + + + Sequence + + + Column + + + Version + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Table + + + Dynamic Validation + + + DB Column Name + + + Default Logic + + + Length + + + Key column + + + Parent link column + + + Mandatory + + + Translated + + + Identifier + + + Sequence + + + Encrypted + + + Reference + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Validation type + + + Reference + + + Table + + + Key column + + + Display column + + + Sql WHERE + + + Sql ORDER BY + + + Reference List + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Reference + + + Valid from + + + Valid to + + + Window + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Tab + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Window + + + Sequence + + + Single Row Layout + + + Field + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Tab + + + Column + + + Displayed + + + Display Logic + + + Display Length + + + Sequence + + + Record Sort No + + + Same Line + + + Heading only + + + Field Only + + + Encrypted + + + Dynamic Validation + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Type + + + Validation code + + + Message Type + + + Message Text + + + Message Tip + + + Search Key + + + Language + + + Name + + + Bahasa yang Digunakan + + + Active + + + Client + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + User/Contact + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Name + + + Current Next + + + Activate Audit + + + Prefix + + + Suffix + + + Restart sequence every Year + + + Reference + + + Reference Key + + + Menu + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Action + + + Window + + + Workflow + + + OS Task + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + OS Task + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Menu + + + Language + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Translated + + + Table + + + Year + + + Current Next + + + Tab + + + Language + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Translated + + + OS Task + + + Language + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Translated + + + OS Task + + + Reference + + + Language + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Translated + + + Field + + + Language + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Translated + + + Node + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Workflow + + + Node + + + Language + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Translated + + + Node + + + Window + + + Language + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Name + + + Translated + + + Workflow + + + Language + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Translated + + + Test ID + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Integer + + + Number + + + Tanggal + + + Jumlah + + + Created + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Reference List + + + Language + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Translated + + + Language + + + Message Text + + + Message Tip + + + Translated + + + Penjelasan + + + Active + + + Used for Record ID + + + Workflow + + + Data Access Level + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Organization + + + Kata Sandi + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Calendar + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Valid from + + + Valid to + + + Multiply Rate + + + Divide Rate + + + Mata Uang + + + ISO Currency Code + + + Standard Precision + + + Penjelasan + + + Costing Precision + + + EMU Entry Date + + + EMU Rate + + + Element + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Natural Account + + + Name + + + Start Date + + + UOM + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Standard Precision + + + Costing Precision + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Role + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + User Level + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Role + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Active + + + Created + + + 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Updated By + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Security enabled + + + Records deleteable + + + WindowType + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Task Instance + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Conversion Rate + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Mata Uang + + + Mata Uang Tujuan + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Symbol + + + The Euro Currency + + + EMU Member + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Type + + + Balancing + + + Alamat + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + 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+ + + Client + + + Organization + + + UOM Conversion + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + UOM + + + UoM To + + + Multiply Rate + + + Divide Rate + + + Combination + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Accounting Schema + + + Year + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Updated By + + + Year + + + Updated + + + Penjelasan + + + Calendar + + + Accounting Schema + + + Accounting Schema + + + Accounting Schema + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Account Element + + + Account Sign + + + Account Type + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Element + + + Valid from + + + Valid to + + + Summary Level + + + Post Actual + + + Post Budget + + + Post Statistical + + + Warehouse + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Alamat + + + Accounting Schema + + + Warehouse + + + Summary Level + + + Value Format + + + Value Format + + + Has Tree + + + Sequence + + + Value Format + + + Auto numbering + + + OS Command + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Sequence + + + Sequence + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Comment/Help + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Next Node + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Format Telepon + + + Postal Code Format + + + Additional Postal code + + + Additional Postal Format + + + Name + + + Search Key + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Search Key + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + OS Task + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Read Write + + + Window + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Read Write + + + Workflow + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Read Write + + + Proyek + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Name + + + Updated By + + + Penjelasan + + + Summary Level + + + Accounting Schema + + + Proyek + + + Locator + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Warehouse + + + Aisle (X) + + + Bin (Y) + + + Level (Z) + + + Produk + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Summary Level + + + Produk + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + DateTime + + + Mata Uang + + + UOM Code + + + Document Controlled + + + Post Encumbrance + + + Preference + + + User/Contact + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Document is Number Controlled + + + Document Sequence + + + GL Category + + + GL Category + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Journal + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Document No + + + Status Dokumen + + + Printed + + + Posted + + + Penjelasan + + + PostingType + + + Accounting Schema + + + GL Category + + + Document Date + + + Account Tanggal + + + Period + + + Mata Uang + + + Journal Batch + + + Total Debit + + + Total Credit + + + Journal Batch + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Document No + + + Penjelasan + + + PostingType + + + GL Category + + + Period + + + Mata Uang + + + Total Debit + + + Total Credit + + + Control Amount + + + Journal Line + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Journal + + + Line No + + + Penjelasan + + + Mata Uang + + + Source Debit + + + Source Credit + + + Accounted Debit + + + Accounted Credit + + + Callout + + + Account + + + User1 + + + User2 + + + Window + + + Attribute + + + UOM + + + Stocked + + + Purchased + + + Sold + + + Volume + + + Weight + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Produk + + + Substitute + + + Document Action + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Rate + + + Document Date + + + Account Tanggal + + + Generated + + + Rate + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Alamat + + + Period Control + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Period + + + Period Status + + + Sales Region + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Summary Level + + + Produk + + + Warehouse + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Replenish Type + + + Minimum Level + + + Maximum Level + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Locator + + + Produk + + + Primary Accounting Schema + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Second Accounting Schema + + + Third Accounting Schema + + + Second Accounting Schema + + + Third Accounting Schema + + + Client + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Read Only + + + Read Write + + + Search Key + + + Search Key + + + Kategori Produk + + + Tax Category + + + Kategori Produk + + + Search Key + + + Kuantitas Tersedia + + + Reserved Quantity + + + Payment Term + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Setelah Dikirim + + + Net Days + + + Discount % + + + Discount Days + + + Accounting Tab + + + TranslationTab + + + Read Only + + + Search Key + + + Mata Uang + + + Approval Amount + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Produk + + + Tax Category + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Shipper + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Attachment + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Table + + + Record ID + + + BinaryData + + + Daftar Harga + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Mata Uang + + + Invoice Schedule + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Batasan Jumlah + + + Jumlah + + + Invoice Frequency + + + Invoice Week Day + + + Invoice Day + + + Order + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Document No + + + Status Dokumen + + + Document Action + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Target Document Type + + + Penjelasan + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Credit Approved + + + Terkirim + + + Invoiced + + + Printed + + + Transferred + + + Tanggal Diorder + + + Tanggal Dijanjikan + + + Account Tanggal + + + Sales Representative + + + Payment Term + + + Mata Uang + + + Invoice Rule + + + Freight Amount + + + Pengiriman Lewat + + + Shipper + + + Priority + + + Total Lines + + + Grand Total + + + Warehouse + + + Daftar Harga + + + Sales Order Line + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Order + + + Line No + + + Tanggal Diorder + + + Tanggal Dijanjikan + + + Tanggal Pengiriman + + + Tanggal Diinvoice + + + Penjelasan + + + Produk + + + UOM + + + Warehouse + + + Ordered Quantity + + + Reserved Quantity + + + Kuantitas Terkirim + + + Invoiced Quantity + + + Shipper + + + Mata Uang + + + List Price + + + Unit Price + + + Tax + + + Tax + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Parent Tax + + + Country + + + Region + + + To + + + To + + + Tax Category + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Action + + + Window + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + UPC/EAN + + + SKU + + + Shelf Width + + + Shelf Height + + + Shelf Depth + + + Units Per Pallet + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Budget + + + Account Tanggal + + + UOM + + + Quantity + + + UOM for Volume + + + UOM for Weight + + + UOM for Length + + + UOM for Time + + + D-U-N-S + + + Tax ID + + + Period Action + + + Process Now + + + Display Value + + + Workflow + + + OS Task + + + Alias + + + Combination + + + Fully Qualified + + + Produk + + + Trx Organization + + + Location From + + + Location To + + + Sales Region + + + Proyek + + + Campaign + + + Process Now + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Process Now + + + Campaign + + + Accounting Schema + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + GAAP + + + Accrual + + + Costing Method + + + Mata Uang + + + Automatic Period Control + + + Period + + + History Days + + + Future Days + + + Accounting Schema + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Use Suspense Balancing + + + Suspense Balancing Acct + + + Use Suspense Error + + + Suspense Error Acct + + + Use Currency Balancing + + + Currency Balancing Acct + + + Retained Earning Acct + + + Income Summary Acct + + + Intercompany Due To Acct + + + Intercompany Due From Acct + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Accounting Schema + + + GL Category + + + Period + + + PostingType + + + Account + + + Mata Uang + + + Source Debit + + + Source Credit + + + Accounted Debit + + + Accounted Credit + + + UOM + + + Quantity + + + Produk + + + Trx Organization + + + Location From + + + Location To + + + Sales Region + + + Proyek + + + User1 + + + User2 + + + Budget + + + Campaign + + + Budget + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Primary + + + Budget Status + + + Accounting Schema + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Produk + + + Campaign + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Channel + + + Start Date + + + End Date + + + Costs + + + Channel + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + System Element + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + DB Column Name + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + System Element + + + System Language + + + System Element + + + Language + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Translated + + + Acct.Schema Element + + + Accounting Schema + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Type + + + Name + + + Sequence + + + Element + + + Balanced + + + Mandatory + + + Penjelasan + + + Element Separator + + + Use Account Alias + + + Use Account Combination Control + + + Search Key + + + Organization + + + Produk + + + Alamat + + + Sales Region + + + Proyek + + + Campaign + + + Account Element + + + Discontinued + + + Discontinued by + + + Partner Bisnis + + + UOM + + + Partner Product No + + + Kategori Partner + + + Discontinued + + + Discontinued by + + + Primary Tree Menu + + + Primary Tree Organization + + + Primary Tree BPartner + + + Primary Tree Project + + + Primary Tree Sales Region + + + Primary Tree Product + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Column + + + Sql WHERE + + + Sql ORDER BY + + + Commit Warning + + + Centrally maintained + + + Start No + + + Increment + + + Tree + + + Additional Tree (2) + + + Additional Tree (1) + + + Summary Level + + + Tanggal + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Versi Daftar Harga + + + Sales Price list + + + Partner Bisnis + + + User/Contact + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Process Instance + + + Process + + + Record ID + + + Processing + + + Created + + + Updated + + + Result + + + Process Instance + + + Process String + + + Process String To + + + Process Date + + + Process Date To + + + Process + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Procedure + + + Process Parameter + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Process + + + Sequence + + + Reference + + + Reference Key + + + Range + + + Process Parameter + + + Language + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Translated + + + Process + + + Language + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Translated + + + Tree + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Active + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Type | Area + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Tree + + + Node_ID + + + Parent + + + Sequence + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Search Key + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Sales Volume in 1.000 + + + Reference No + + + D-U-N-S + + + Employees + + + Tax ID + + + NAICS/SIC + + + Summary Level + + + Language + + + Vendor + + + Pelanggan + + + Invoice Schedule + + + Active Prospect/Customer + + + First Sale + + + Batasan Kredit + + + Kredit yang Digunakan + + + Acquisition Cost + + + Potential Life Time Value + + + Payment Term + + + Actual Life Time Value + + + Share + + + Employee + + + Sales Representative + + + Daftar Harga + + + Purchase Pricelist + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Alamat + + + Name + + + Telepon + + + 2nd Phone + + + Fax + + + ISDN + + + Sales Region + + + Versi Daftar Harga + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Daftar Harga + + + Valid from + + + Accounting Fact + + + Value Format + + + Foreign Currency Account + + + Mata Uang + + + Search Key + + + Fixed due date + + + Fix month cutoff + + + Fix month day + + + Fix month offset + + + Discount Days 2 + + + Discount 2 % + + + Search Key + + + Document Note + + + Comment/Help + + + Klasifikasi + + + Search Key + + + List Price + + + Last PO Price + + + Minimum Order Qty + + + Order Pack Qty + + + Print Text + + + Document BaseType + + + Document Note + + + List Price + + + Standard Price + + + Limit Price + + + Enforce price limit + + + Bank + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Routing No + + + Alamat + + + Swift code + + + Own Bank + + + Order Reference + + + Beban + + + Jumlah Beban + + + Freight Amount + + + Beban + + + Document Level + + + Valid from + + + Summary Level + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Bank + + + Mata Uang + + + Account No + + + Saldo Saat Ini + + + Batasan kredit + + + Bank Account + + + Client + + + Organization + + + One time transaction + + + URL + + + Tax exempt + + + Rating + + + Payment Rule + + + Dunning + + + Document Copies + + + Invoice Address + + + Ship Address + + + Pay-From Address + + + Remit-To Address + + + Partner Bank Account + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Created + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Bank + + + Routing No + + + Account No + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Withholding + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Mandatory Withholding + + + Temporary exempt + + + Exempt reason + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Language + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Print Text + + + Document Note + + + Translated + + + Dunning + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Send dunning letters + + + Account Element + + + Language + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Translated + + + Payment Term + + + Language + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Translated + + + Withholding + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Payment Term + + + Tax withholding + + + Pajak Prorata + + + Paid to third party + + + Beneficiary + + + Percent withholding + + + Percent + + + Fix amount + + + Threshold min + + + Threshold max + + + Min Amount + + + Max Amount + + + Produk + + + Language + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Document Note + + + Translated + + + Beban + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Jumlah Beban + + + Same Tax + + + Tax Category + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Order + + + Tax + + + Updateable + + + Process + + + Report + + + Process + + + Process + + + Commit Warning + + + Process + + + Activity + + + Piutang Pelanggan + + + Customer Prepayment + + + Employee Expense + + + Employee Prepayment + + + Vendor Liability + + + Vendor Service Liability + + + Vendor Prepayment + + + Warehouse Inventory + + + Warehouse Differences + + + Min. Value + + + Max. Value + + + Project Asset + + + Sales Representative + + + SO Sub Type + + + Process Now + + + Processed + + + Sales Representative + + + Commodity Code + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Processed + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Proyek + + + Activity + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Product Revenue + + + Product Expense + + + Product Asset + + + HPP Produk + + + Error Msg + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Accounting Schema + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Warehouse Inventory + + + Warehouse Differences + + + Product Revenue + + + Product Expense + + + Product Asset + + + HPP Produk + + + Employee Expense + + + Employee Prepayment + + + Piutang Pelanggan + + + Customer Prepayment + + + Vendor Liability + + + Vendor Prepayment + + + Vendor Service Liability + + + Project Asset + + + Activity + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Summary Level + + + Invoice + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Document No + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Status Dokumen + + + Document Action + + + Process Now + + + Processed + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Payment Term + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Transferred + + + Mata Uang + + + Total Lines + + + Grand Total + + + Account Tanggal + + + Campaign + + + Proyek + + + Activity + + + Sales Representative + + + User/Contact + + + Penjelasan + + + Movement Type + + + Movement Date + + + Processed + + + Process Now + + + Shipment/Receipt + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Locator + + + Shipment/Receipt + + + Produk + + + Movement Quantity + + + Penjelasan + + + Stok Opname + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Document No + + + Penjelasan + + + Movement Date + + + Processed + + + Process Now + + + Baris Stok Opname + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Stok Opname + + + Locator + + + Produk + + + Quantity book + + + Quantity count + + + Penjelasan + + + Inventory Move + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Document No + + + Penjelasan + + + Movement Date + + + Processed + + + Process Now + + + Move Line + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Inventory Move + + + Locator + + + Locator To + + + Produk + + + Movement Quantity + + + Penjelasan + + + Produksi + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Movement Date + + + Processed + + + Process Now + + + Baris Produksi + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Locator + + + Produk + + + Movement Quantity + + + Penjelasan + + + Produk + + + Accounting Schema + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Standard Cost + + + Average Cost + + + Inventory Transaction + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Movement Type + + + Locator + + + Produk + + + Movement Date + + + Movement Quantity + + + Baris Stok Opname + + + Move Line + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + Baris Produksi + + + Rate + + + Requires Tax Certificate + + + Harga Termasuk Pajak + + + Charges + + + Invoice weekday cutoff + + + Invoice on even weeks + + + Invoice day cut-off + + + Dunning Level + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Dunning + + + Print Text + + + Days after due date + + + Days between dunning + + + Note + + + Beban Bunga + + + Interest in percent + + + Ongkos Beban + + + Fee Amount + + + Sales Transaction + + + Date printed + + + Aturan Pengiriman + + + Freight Cost Rule + + + Line Net + + + Tax Indicator + + + Sequence + + + Process Number + + + Process Number To + + + Dynamic Validation + + + Length + + + Mandatory + + + Default Logic + + + Value Format + + + Min. Value + + + Max. Value + + + Comment/Help + + + Create + + + Penjelasan + + + Document Note + + + Tax base Amount + + + Tax Amount + + + Language + + + Dunning Level + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Print Text + + + Note + + + Translated + + + Sales Transaction + + + Target Document Type + + + Penjelasan + + + Tanggal Diinvoice + + + Date printed + + + Order Reference + + + Beban + + + Jumlah Beban + + + Daftar Harga + + + Sales Transaction + + + Document No + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Printed + + + Account Tanggal + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Lokasi Partner + + + User/Contact + + + Warehouse + + + Order Reference + + + Aturan Pengiriman + + + Freight Cost Rule + + + Freight Amount + + + Pengiriman Lewat + + + Shipper + + + Beban + + + Jumlah Beban + + + Priority + + + Date printed + + + Order + + + Line No + + + Sales Order Line + + + UOM + + + Warehouse + + + Update Quantities + + + Generate List + + + Perpetual Inventory + + + Line No + + + Line No + + + Invoice Line + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Invoice + + + Sales Order Line + + + Line No + + + Penjelasan + + + Produk + + + Invoiced Quantity + + + List Price + + + Unit Price + + + Line Net + + + Beban + + + UOM + + + Tax + + + Tax + + + Invoice + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Tax base Amount + + + Tax Amount + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Credit Card + + + Number + + + Exp. Month + + + Exp. Year + + + Routing No + + + Account No + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Process Now + + + Processed + + + Reconciled + + + Bank Account + + + Product for Freight + + + Template B.Partner + + + Date last inventory count + + + Default + + + ISO Language Code + + + Current Next (System) + + + UOM + + + Qty + + + Alamat + + + Account_Acct + + + Process Now + + + Processed + + + Default + + + Bank Account + + + Bank Account + + + Document Note + + + Next Business Day + + + Mata Uang + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Commitment + + + Committed Amount + + + Revenue Recognition + + + Mata Uang + + + PO Price + + + Price effective + + + Pro forma Invoice + + + Document Type for ProForma + + + Document Type for Shipment + + + Document Type for Invoice + + + Revenue Recognition + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Time based + + + Number of Months + + + Recognition frequency + + + Service Level + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Revenue Recognition Plan + + + Produk + + + Penjelasan + + + Quantity Provided + + + Quantity Invoiced + + + Process Now + + + Service Level Line + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Service Level + + + Penjelasan + + + Quantity Provided + + + Service date + + + UOM + + + Language + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Symbol + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Translated + + + Perpetual Inventory + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Number of Inventory counts + + + Number of Product counts + + + Count high turnover items + + + Process Now + + + Date last run + + + Date next run + + + Number of runs + + + Kategori Produk + + + Warehouse + + + DB Column Name + + + Payment Rule + + + Payment Rule + + + Payment Rule + + + Limit Price + + + Search Key + + + Relative Priority + + + Discount % + + + Greeting + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Greeting + + + First name only + + + Default + + + Language + + + Greeting + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Greeting + + + Translated + + + Tax Category + + + Language + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Translated + + + Produk + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Default + + + Default + + + High Volume + + + Process Now + + + Default + + + Document Copies + + + Default + + + Process Now + + + Default + + + Default + + + Default + + + Parameter Name + + + Direct print + + + Order Reference + + + Name 2 + + + Default + + + Order + + + Tanggal Diorder + + + Tanggal Diorder + + + Invoiced + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + Default + + + Greeting + + + Current vendor + + + Discount Printed + + + Print Text + + + Print Text + + + Discount Printed + + + Order Description + + + Discount Printed + + + Printed + + + Name + + + Status Dokumen + + + Document Action + + + Report View + + + Quality Rating + + + Waktu Pengiriman yang Dijanjikan + + + Actual Delivery Time + + + Cost per Order + + + Ordered Quantity + + + Report View + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Table + + + Sql WHERE + + + Sql ORDER BY + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Movement Type + + + Warehouse + + + Locator + + + Produk + + + Movement Date + + + Movement Quantity + + + Warehouse + + + Produk + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Kuantitas Tersedia + + + Reserved Quantity + + + Ordered Quantity + + + Replenish Type + + + Minimum Level + + + Maximum Level + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Minimum Order Qty + + + Order Pack Qty + + + Quantity to Order + + + Process Instance + + + Sequence + + + Message Text + + + Sales Transaction + + + Daftar Harga Pokok + + + Sales Transaction + + + Invoice Rule + + + Aturan Pengiriman + + + Sales Representative + + + Freight Cost Rule + + + Pengiriman Lewat + + + Limit Price + + + From Email + + + From Email User ID + + + From Email Password + + + Error Email + + + Send Info + + + Info Email + + + Send Inquiry + + + Received Inquiry Reply + + + Send Order + + + Receive Order Reply + + + EDI Definition + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Warehouse + + + EDI Type + + + Activate Audit + + + No Pelanggan + + + Sequence + + + To Email + + + EDI Transaction + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + EDI Definition + + + Document No + + + Line No + + + Transaction Type + + + EDI Status + + + Warehouse + + + Produk + + + Request Qty + + + Request Ship date + + + Request Price + + + Transaction sent + + + Transaction received + + + Reply Received + + + Reply Qty Confirmed + + + Reply Qty Available + + + Reply Ship date + + + Reply Price + + + Reply Remarks + + + Processed + + + EDI Log + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + EDI Transaction + + + Info + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Sales Representative + + + Tanggal Diinvoice + + + Line Net + + + Line List Amount + + + Line Limit Amount + + + Line Discount + + + Line Discount % + + + Gross Margin + + + Gross margin % + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Sales Representative + + + Tanggal Diinvoice + + + Line Net + + + Line List Amount + + + Line Limit Amount + + + Line Discount + + + Line Discount % + + + Gross Margin + + + Gross margin % + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Kategori Produk + + + Tanggal Diinvoice + + + Line Net + + + Line List Amount + + + Line Limit Amount + + + Line Discount + + + Line Discount % + + + Gross Margin + + + Gross margin % + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Kategori Produk + + + Tanggal Diinvoice + + + Line Net + + + Line List Amount + + + Line Limit Amount + + + Line Discount + + + Line Discount % + + + Gross Margin + + + Gross margin % + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Tanggal Diinvoice + + + Line Net + + + Line List Amount + + + Line Limit Amount + + + Line Discount + + + Line Discount % + + + Gross Margin + + + Gross margin % + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Sales Representative + + + Tanggal Diinvoice + + + Line Net + + + Line List Amount + + + Line Limit Amount + + + Line Discount + + + Line Discount % + + + Gross Margin + + + Gross margin % + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Special Form + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Classname + + + Special Form + + + Language + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Translated + + + Special Form + + + Special Form + + + Role + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Read Write + + + Process + + + Role + + + Role + + + Role + + + Role + + + Harga Termasuk Pajak + + + Posted + + + Posted + + + Harga Termasuk Pajak + + + Tipe Kategori + + + Special Form + + + Node + + + Classname + + + Error + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Validation code + + + Language + + + Import Format + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Format + + + Format Field + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Import Format + + + Sequence + + + Start No + + + End No + + + Data Type + + + Data Format + + + Decimal Point + + + Divide by 100 + + + Selected + + + Table + + + Column + + + Process Now + + + Callout + + + Constant Value + + + Daftar Harga Pokok + + + Bill of Materials + + + Print detail records on invoice + + + Print detail records on pick list + + + Verified + + + Process Now + + + BOM Line + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Produk + + + BOM Product + + + BOM Quantity + + + Penjelasan + + + Default + + + Tire Storage + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Registration + + + Vehicle + + + Penjelasan + + + Tire type + + + Tire size (L/R) + + + Tire Quality + + + Rim + + + Tanggal Diterima + + + Moved to storage + + + Locator + + + Returned + + + Tanggal Dikembalikan + + + Tire type Back + + + Tire size Back + + + Tire Quality Back + + + Rim Back + + + Records created + + + Rencana Produksi + + + Rencana Produksi + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Produksi + + + Produk + + + Kuantitas Produksi + + + Locator + + + Penjelasan + + + Element Separator + + + Line No + + + Line No + + + Line No + + + Mail Host + + + Search Key + + + Default + + + UPC/EAN + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Kategori Produk + + + Tanggal Diinvoice + + + Line Net + + + Line List Amount + + + Line Limit Amount + + + Line Discount + + + Line Discount % + + + Gross Margin + + + Gross margin % + + + Invoiced Quantity + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Vendor + + + Tanggal Diinvoice + + + Line Net + + + Line List Amount + + + Line Limit Amount + + + Line Discount + + + Line Discount % + + + Gross Margin + + + Gross margin % + + + Invoiced Quantity + + + Invoiced Quantity + + + Invoiced Quantity + + + Invoiced Quantity + + + Title + + + Perhatian + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + Not-invoiced Revenue + + + Not-invoiced Receipts + + + Process Now + + + Inventory Revaluation + + + Purchase Price Variance + + + Payment Discount Expense + + + Write-off + + + Payment Discount Revenue + + + Unrealized Gain Acct + + + Unrealized Loss Acct + + + Realized Gain Acct + + + Realized Loss Acct + + + Withholding + + + Work In Progress + + + Tax Expense + + + Tax Liability + + + Tax Receivables + + + Tax Due + + + Tax Credit + + + Bank In Transit + + + Bank Asset + + + Bank Expense + + + Pendapatan Bunga Bank + + + Biaya Bunga Bank + + + Bank Unidentified Receipts + + + Bank Settlement Gain + + + Bank Settlement Loss + + + Bank Revaluation Gain + + + Bank Revaluation Loss + + + Biaya Beban + + + Beban Pendapatan + + + Unearned Revenue + + + Not-invoiced Receivables + + + Alokasi + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Invoice + + + Order + + + Payment + + + Jumlah + + + Discount Amount + + + Write-off Amount + + + Posted + + + Bank Account + + + Accounting Schema + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Bank In Transit + + + Bank Asset + + + Bank Expense + + + Pendapatan Bunga Bank + + + Biaya Bunga Bank + + + Bank Unidentified Receipts + + + Bank Settlement Gain + + + Bank Settlement Loss + + + Bank Revaluation Gain + + + Bank Revaluation Loss + + + Bank Statement + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Bank Account + + + Statement date + + + Saldo Awal + + + Ending balance + + + Penjelasan + + + Statement difference + + + Process Now + + + Processed + + + Posted + + + Bank statement line + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Bank Statement + + + Penjelasan + + + Payment + + + Beban + + + Kelompok Partner Bisnis + + + Kelompok Partner Bisnis + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Search Key + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Default + + + Accounting Schema + + + Kelompok Partner Bisnis + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Piutang Pelanggan + + + Customer Prepayment + + + Vendor Liability + + + Vendor Service Liability + + + Vendor Prepayment + + + Payment Discount Expense + + + Payment Discount Revenue + + + Write-off + + + Not-invoiced Receipts + + + Unearned Revenue + + + Not-invoiced Revenue + + + Not-invoiced Receivables + + + Process Now + + + Same Currency + + + Beban + + + Accounting Schema + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Biaya Beban + + + Beban Pendapatan + + + Accounting Schema + + + Organization + + + Inter-Organization + + + Client + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Intercompany Due To Acct + + + Intercompany Due From Acct + + + Paid + + + Account Zip/Postal + + + SIM + + + Social Security No + + + Account EMail + + + Voice authorization code + + + Original Transaction ID + + + PO Number + + + Tax Amount + + + Reference + + + Result + + + Response Message + + + Authorization Code + + + Address verified + + + Zip verified + + + Info + + + Posted + + + Payment + + + Transaction Type + + + Tender type + + + Verification Code + + + Micr + + + Check No + + + Account Name + + + Account Street + + + Account Kota + + + Account State + + + Payment Processor + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Bank Account + + + User ID + + + Kata Sandi + + + Host Address + + + Host port + + + Proxy address + + + Proxy port + + + Proxy logon + + + Proxy password + + + Terima Visa + + + Terima MasterCard + + + Terima AMEX + + + Terima Diners + + + Terima Deposit Langsung + + + Terima Electronic Check + + + Terima ATM + + + Terima Corporate + + + Work In Progress + + + Tax + + + Accounting Schema + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Tax Due + + + Tax Liability + + + Tax Credit + + + Tax Receivables + + + Tax Expense + + + Withholding + + + Accounting Schema + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Withholding + + + Activity + + + Transaction Date + + + Account Tanggal + + + Table + + + Record ID + + + Tax + + + Purchase Price Variance + + + Kategori Produk + + + Accounting Schema + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Product Revenue + + + Product Expense + + + Product Asset + + + HPP Produk + + + Purchase Price Variance + + + Process Now + + + Current Cost Price + + + Future Cost Price + + + Inventory Revaluation + + + W_Basket_ID + + + Created + + + Session ID + + + Page URL + + + Created + + + Remote Addr + + + Remote Host + + + Referrer + + + Find + + + Find_ID + + + And/Or + + + Column + + + Operation + + + Search Key + + + Value To + + + Jumlah Beban + + + Interest Amount + + + Payment + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + System Attribute + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Table + + + Reference + + + Reference Key + + + Dynamic Validation + + + Callout + + + Min. Value + + + Max. Value + + + Default Logic + + + Read Only + + + Updateable + + + Mandatory + + + Encrypted + + + Length + + + Display Length + + + Sequence + + + Display Logic + + + Value Format + + + Same Line + + + Heading only + + + Field Only + + + Record ID + + + System Attribute + + + V_Number + + + V_Date + + + V_String + + + Buku Kas Aset + + + Perbedaan Buku Kas + + + Cash Book Expense + + + Cash Book Receipt + + + Baris Jurnal Kas + + + Bank Account Type + + + Manual + + + Name + + + Account Tanggal + + + Mata Uang + + + Reversal + + + Line No + + + Statement amount + + + Transaction Amount + + + Effective date + + + Verification Code + + + User/Contact + + + ACH + + + Address verified + + + Zip verified + + + Account Kota + + + Account EMail + + + SIM + + + Social Security No + + + Account Name + + + Account State + + + Account Street + + + Account Zip/Postal + + + Bank Account Type + + + Exp. Month + + + Exp. Year + + + Number + + + Credit Card + + + Jurnal Kas + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Buku Kas + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Statement date + + + Account Tanggal + + + Saldo Awal + + + Ending balance + + + Statement difference + + + Process Now + + + Processed + + + Posted + + + Buku Kas + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Buku Kas + + + Accounting Schema + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Buku Kas Aset + + + Perbedaan Buku Kas + + + Cash Book Expense + + + Cash Book Receipt + + + Baris Jurnal Kas + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Jurnal Kas + + + Line No + + + Penjelasan + + + Tipe Kas + + + Bank Account + + + Beban + + + Jumlah + + + Partner Bank Account + + + Mata Uang + + + Payment Batch + + + Discount Amount + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Payment amount + + + Payment Batch + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Payment Processor + + + Document No + + + Processing date + + + Process Now + + + Processed + + + Sequence + + + Payment Processor Class + + + Search Key + + + Baris Jurnal Kas + + + Payment + + + Payment + + + Baris Jurnal Kas + + + Generate To + + + Create lines from + + + Create lines from + + + Generate To + + + Invoice + + + Invoice + + + Online Processing + + + Terima Discover + + + Komisi % + + + Cost per transaction + + + Mata Uang + + + Require CreditCard Verification Code + + + Locator + + + Field Group + + + Field Group + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Field Group + + + Language + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Translated + + + Email + + + Supervisor + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Transaction Date + + + Telah Dialokasikan + + + Document No + + + Invoice + + + Mail Template + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + HTML + + + Mail header + + + Mail text + + + Permohonan + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Document No + + + Request Amount + + + Priority + + + Due type + + + Summary + + + Escalated + + + Date last action + + + Last Result + + + Sales Representative + + + Partner Bisnis + + + User/Contact + + + Campaign + + + Order + + + Invoice + + + Payment + + + Produk + + + Mail Template + + + Result + + + Next action + + + Date next action + + + Processed + + + Request action + + + Permohonan + + + Sales Representative + + + Partner Bisnis + + + User/Contact + + + Order + + + Invoice + + + Payment + + + Produk + + + Request Processor + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Frequency + + + Frequency Type + + + Date last run + + + Date next run + + + Process Now + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Online Access + + + Status Dokumen + + + Document Action + + + Role + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Create lines from + + + Nomor Alokasi + + + Mata Uang + + + Transaction Date + + + Manual + + + Mata Uang + + + Invoice + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Sales Transaction + + + Document No + + + Status Dokumen + + + Document Action + + + Printed + + + Discount Printed + + + Process Now + + + Processed + + + Transferred + + + Paid + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Target Document Type + + + Order + + + Penjelasan + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Sales Representative + + + Tanggal Diinvoice + + + Date printed + + + Account Tanggal + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Lokasi Partner + + + User/Contact + + + Kelompok Partner Bisnis + + + Order Reference + + + Tanggal Diorder + + + Mata Uang + + + Payment Rule + + + Payment Term + + + Daftar Harga + + + Campaign + + + Proyek + + + Activity + + + Beban + + + Jumlah Beban + + + Total Lines + + + Grand Total + + + Multiplier + + + User/Contact + + + Remark + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Invoice Line + + + Invoice + + + Sales Representative + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Kelompok Partner Bisnis + + + Produk + + + Kategori Produk + + + Tanggal Diinvoice + + + Account Tanggal + + + Invoiced Quantity + + + List Price + + + Unit Price + + + Limit Price + + + Discount % + + + Margin % + + + Line Net + + + Line List Amount + + + Line Limit Amount + + + Line Discount + + + Gross Margin + + + Default Logic 2 + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Movement Date + + + Movement Quantity + + + Produk + + + Locator + + + Kategori Produk + + + Search Key + + + Partner Bisnis + + + PO Price + + + Last PO Price + + + List Price + + + Grace Days + + + Payment Selection + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Bank Account + + + Payment date + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Total Amount + + + Process Now + + + Processed + + + Payment Selection Line + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Payment Selection + + + Line No + + + Payment Rule + + + Manual + + + Invoice + + + Payment amount + + + Create lines from + + + Report view Column + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Report View + + + Column + + + Function Column + + + SQL Group Function + + + Info + + + Info To + + + Komisi + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Mata Uang + + + Frequency Type + + + Calculation Basis + + + Date last run + + + Create lines from + + + Process Now + + + Jumlah Komisi + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Baris Komisi + + + Converted Amount + + + Jumlah Aktual + + + Jumlah Komisi + + + Baris Komisi + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Komisi + + + Line No + + + Penjelasan + + + Subtract Amount + + + Multiplier Amount + + + Subtract Quantity + + + Multiplier Quantity + + + Positive only + + + Kategori Produk + + + Produk + + + Kelompok Partner Bisnis + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Sales Region + + + Project Cycle + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Mata Uang + + + Cycle Step + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Contract Date + + + Finish Date + + + Generate To + + + Processed + + + Note + + + Sales Representative + + + Versi Daftar Harga + + + Planned Amount + + + Planned Quantity + + + Planned Margin + + + Project Line + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Proyek + + + Line No + + + Penjelasan + + + Planned Quantity + + + Planned Price + + + Planned Amount + + + Planned Margin + + + Committed Amount + + + Produk + + + Kategori Produk + + + Planned Margin % + + + Data Access Level + + + Data Access Level + + + Data Access Level + + + Order Reference + + + Campaign + + + Payment Term + + + User/Contact + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Proyek + + + Proyek + + + Proses Komisi + + + Proses Komisi + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Document No + + + Penjelasan + + + Komisi + + + Start Date + + + Process Now + + + Processed + + + Grand Total + + + Centrally maintained + + + Centrally maintained + + + Activity + + + List Details + + + Commission only specified Orders + + + Organization + + + PO Payment Term + + + Detil Komisi + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Jumlah Komisi + + + Reference + + + Sales Order Line + + + Invoice Line + + + Info + + + Mata Uang + + + Actual Amount + + + Converted Amount + + + Jumlah Aktual + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Goal + + + Goal + + + Personal Goal + + + Goal + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Penjelasan + + + Achievement + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Note + + + User/Contact + + + Achieved + + + Note + + + Summary Level + + + Parent + + + Sequence + + + Color + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Up to Percent + + + Java Color Class + + + Goal + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Note + + + Relative Weight + + + Summary Level + + + Parent + + + Sequence + + + Measure + + + Measure Target + + + Measure Actual + + + Performance Goal + + + Date last run + + + Measure Calculation + + + Tanggal Dari + + + Tanggal Ke + + + Organization + + + Kelompok Partner Bisnis + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Kategori Produk + + + Produk + + + Measure + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Measure Type + + + Manual Actual + + + Note + + + Achievement + + + Calculation Class + + + Measure Calculation + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Sql SELECT + + + Sql WHERE + + + Kolom Tanggal + + + Org Column + + + B.Partner Column + + + Kolom Produk + + + End Date + + + Process Now + + + Document BaseType + + + User/Contact + + + Processed + + + Reference + + + User/Contact + + + Control Amount + + + Processed + + + Process Now + + + Combination + + + Calendar + + + Table + + + Record ID + + + Revenue Recognition Plan + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Revenue Recognition + + + Invoice Line + + + Unearned Revenue + + + Product Revenue + + + Mata Uang + + + Total Amount + + + Recognized Amount + + + Revenue Recognition Run + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Revenue Recognition Plan + + + Journal + + + Recognized Amount + + + Financial Report + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Report Line Set + + + Report Column Set + + + Process Now + + + Report Column + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Report Column Set + + + Name + + + Sequence + + + Penjelasan + + + Printed + + + PostingType + + + Budget + + + Column Type + + + Relative Period + + + Tipe Mata Uang + + + Calculation + + + Amount Type + + + Mata Uang + + + Adhoc Conversion + + + Operand 1 + + + Operand 2 + + + Type + + + Organization + + + Account Element + + + Proyek + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Produk + + + Campaign + + + Alamat + + + Sales Region + + + Activity + + + Report Column Set + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Process Now + + + Report Line + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Report Line Set + + + Name + + + Sequence + + + Penjelasan + + + Printed + + + Parent + + + Summary Level + + + Line Type + + + Calculation + + + Operand 1 + + + Operand 2 + + + PostingType + + + Budget + + + Report Line Set + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Process Now + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Penjelasan + + + Report Line + + + Type + + + Organization + + + Account Element + + + Proyek + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Produk + + + Campaign + + + Alamat + + + Sales Region + + + Activity + + + Report Source + + + Client + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Web Counter + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Created By + + + Processed + + + Processed + + + Accounting Schema + + + Post Trade Discount + + + Correct tax for Discounts/Charges + + + Invoice Price Variance + + + Trade Discount Received + + + Trade Discount Granted + + + Inventory Adjustment + + + Invoice Price Variance + + + Trade Discount Received + + + Trade Discount Granted + + + Invoice Price Variance + + + Trade Discount Received + + + Trade Discount Granted + + + Inventory Adjustment + + + View + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Tree + + + Node_ID + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Parent + + + Sequence + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Parent + + + Sequence + + + Tree + + + Node_ID + + + Client + + + Tree + + + Node_ID + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Parent + + + Sequence + + + Print Form + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Bank Account Document + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Bank Account + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Current Next + + + Document No + + + Table + + + Record ID + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Tree + + + Node_ID + + + User/Contact + + + Payment Rule + + + Receipt + + + Penjelasan + + + Perbedaan + + + System Color + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Default + + + Color Type + + + Red + + + Green + + + Blue + + + Alpha + + + Image + + + 2nd Red + + + 2nd Green + + + 2nd Blue + + + 2nd Alpha + + + Line Width + + + Line Distance + + + Selection Column + + + Read Only Logic + + + Desktop + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Image + + + System Color + + + Desktop Workbench + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Workbench + + + Desktop + + + Sequence + + + Desktop + + + Language + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Translated + + + PO Description + + + PO Help + + + PO Name + + + PO Print name + + + Image + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + BinaryData + + + Workbench + + + Image + + + Process Now + + + User defined Field + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + User defined Tab + + + Field + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Displayed + + + Display Length + + + Display Logic + + + Read Only + + + Updateable + + + Record Sort No + + + Sequence + + + Same Line + + + User defined Tab + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + User defined Window + + + Tab + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Single Row Layout + + + Read Only + + + User defined Window + + + Client + + + Organization + + + User/Contact + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Window + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Language + + + Default + + + Read Only + + + User updateable + + + System Color + + + Image + + + Workbench + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Column + + + Image + + + System Color + + + Goal + + + Workbench Window + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Workbench + + + Sequence + + + Primary + + + Window + + + Special Form + + + Process + + + OS Task + + + Workbench + + + Language + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Translated + + + PO Description + + + PO Help + + + PO Name + + + PO Print name + + + Jurnal Kas + + + Baris Jurnal Kas + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Buku Kas + + + Name + + + Statement date + + + Processed + + + Posted + + + Line No + + + Penjelasan + + + Tipe Kas + + + Jumlah + + + Bank Account + + + Invoice + + + Beban + + + Data Access Level + + + Write-off Amount + + + Generated + + + Discount Amount + + + Write-off Amount + + + Entity Type + + + Synchronize Database + + + Entity Type + + + Entity Type + + + Entity Type + + + Import Fields + + + Entity Type + + + Import Table + + + Entity Type + + + Payment Selection + + + Unallocated Cash + + + Transfer Kas + + + Payment Selection + + + Unallocated Cash + + + Transfer Kas + + + Match Invoice + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + Invoice Line + + + Produk + + + Transaction Date + + + Process Now + + + Processed + + + Posted + + + Match PO + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + Sales Order Line + + + Produk + + + Transaction Date + + + Process Now + + + Processed + + + Posted + + + Quantity + + + Quantity + + + Locator + + + Document BaseType + + + Default + + + Posted + + + Posted + + + Posted + + + Posted + + + Account Tanggal + + + Date next action + + + Alert after Days Due + + + Escalate after Days Due + + + Request Routing + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Request Processor + + + Sequence + + + Keyword + + + User/Contact + + + Language + + + Request EMail + + + Request Folder + + + Request User + + + Request User Password + + + Supervisor + + + Terima Bahasa + + + Processed + + + User Agent + + + ISO Country Code + + + Process Now + + + Primary Tree Menu + + + All Nodes + + + Discount Schema + + + PO Discount Schema + + + Discount Schema + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Valid from + + + Discount Type + + + Script + + + Flat Discount % + + + Quantity based + + + Level Kumulatif + + + Process Now + + + Discount Schema Break + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Discount Schema + + + Sequence + + + Break Value + + + Break Discount % + + + Kategori Produk + + + Produk + + + Discount Pricelist + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Discount Schema + + + Sequence + + + Kategori Produk + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Produk + + + Conversion Date + + + List price Base + + + List price Surcharge Amount + + + List price Discount % + + + List price Rounding + + + List price min Margin + + + List price max Margin + + + Standard price Base + + + Standard price Surcharge Amount + + + Standard price Discount % + + + Standard price Rounding + + + Standard price min Margin + + + Standard max Margin + + + Limit price Base + + + Limit price Surcharge Amount + + + Limit price Discount % + + + Limit price Rounding + + + Limit price min Margin + + + Limit price max Margin + + + Discount Schema + + + Image Alpha + + + Repeat Distance + + + Start Point + + + Image URL + + + Script + + + Read Only + + + Statistic Count + + + Statistic Seconds + + + Tab Level + + + Default + + + Mata Uang + + + Mata Uang + + + Converted Amount + + + PPV Offset + + + Line ID + + + Std PO Cost Quantity Sum + + + Std PO Cost Amount Sum + + + Std Cost Quantity Sum + + + Std Cost Amount Sum + + + Average Cost Quantity Sum + + + Average Cost Amount Sum + + + Last PO Price + + + Last Invoice Price + + + Total Invoice Quantity + + + Total Invoice Amount + + + Last Invoice Price + + + Fixed Limit Price + + + Fixed List Price + + + Fixed Standard Price + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Warehouse + + + Produk + + + Versi Daftar Harga + + + Valuation Date + + + Mata Uang + + + Kuantitas Tersedia + + + PO Price + + + List Price + + + Standard Price + + + Limit Price + + + Standard Cost + + + PO Price Value + + + List price Value + + + Std Price Value + + + Limit price Value + + + Standard Cost Value + + + Discount calculated from Line Amounts + + + Produk + + + Accounting Schema + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Current Cost Price + + + Future Cost Price + + + Standard Cost + + + Std PO Cost Quantity Sum + + + Std PO Cost Amount Sum + + + Standard Cost PO Difference + + + Std Cost Quantity Sum + + + Std Cost Amount Sum + + + Standard Cost Invoice Difference + + + Average Cost + + + Average Cost Quantity Sum + + + Average Cost Amount Sum + + + Total Invoice Quantity + + + Total Invoice Amount + + + Total Invoice Cost + + + Last PO Price + + + Last Invoice Price + + + Search Key + + + Name + + + Kategori Produk + + + Message + + + Search Key + + + Message + + + Message + + + Sales Transaction + + + Invoice Line + + + Expense Type + + + Resource + + + Resource Assignment + + + Resource Assignment + + + Penjelasan + + + Tanggal Ke + + + Resource + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Resource Unavailability + + + Confirmed + + + Quantity + + + Assign To + + + Assign From + + + Resource + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Resource Assignment + + + Processed + + + Process Now + + + Penjelasan + + + Report Date + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Document No + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Expense Report + + + Available + + + Warehouse + + + Resource Type + + + Penjelasan + + + Name + + + Search Key + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Resource + + + Invoice Line + + + Campaign + + + Activity + + + Proyek + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Invoiced + + + Note + + + Penjelasan + + + Resource Assignment + + + Converted Amount + + + Mata Uang + + + Expense Amount + + + Quantity + + + Produk + + + Expense Date + + + Time Report + + + Line No + + + Expense Report + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Expense Line + + + Resource Type + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Search Key + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + UOM + + + Pecahan UoM Diperbolehkan + + + Expense Type + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Search Key + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Invoiced + + + UOM + + + Tanggal Dari + + + Tuesday + + + Sunday + + + Saturday + + + Time Slot + + + Slot End + + + Friday + + + Single Assignment only + + + Thursday + + + Wednesday + + + Slot Start + + + Monday + + + Day Slot + + + Kategori Produk + + + Tax Category + + + Kategori Produk + + + Tax Category + + + Daftar Harga + + + Search Key + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Sequence + + + Name + + + Created + + + Next Line + + + Client + + + Included Print Format + + + Print Text + + + Y Space + + + Record Sort No + + + Column + + + Page break + + + Relative Position + + + Updated By + + + Max Width + + + Print Format Item + + + Created By + + + Calculate Sum (Σ) + + + Y Position + + + Print Color + + + Updated + + + Print Format + + + Organization + + + X Space + + + Print Font + + + Active + + + One Line Only + + + Max Height + + + X Position + + + Field Alignment + + + Printed + + + Order by + + + Group by + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Client + + + Print Color + + + Organization + + + Default + + + Validation code + + + Name + + + Active + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Name + + + Active + + + Updated By + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Validation code + + + Print Font + + + Created + + + Default + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Client + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Print Paper + + + Penjelasan + + + Created By + + + Name + + + Active + + + Validation code + + + Organization + + + Created + + + Landscape + + + Default + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Table Based + + + Active + + + Standard Header/Footer + + + Print Font + + + Table + + + Form + + + Header Margin + + + Updated By + + + Print Color + + + Created + + + Name + + + Create Copy + + + Footer Margin + + + Client + + + Print Paper + + + Organization + + + Penjelasan + + + Print Format + + + Order Tab + + + Included Column + + + Order Column + + + Line Alignment + + + Format Type + + + Area + + + Invoice Price + + + Over/Under Payment + + + Over/Under Payment + + + Dunning Print Format + + + Shipment Print Format + + + Order Print Format + + + Invoice Print Format + + + Remittance Print Format + + + Check Print Format + + + Process Instance + + + Report View + + + Process Instance + + + Kota + + + Mata Uang + + + Language + + + ZIP + + + Kota + + + Region + + + Locode + + + Kode Area + + + Coordinates + + + Country + + + Image URL + + + Image attached + + + Calculate Count (№) + + + Calculate Mean (μ) + + + Document Note + + + List Price + + + Symbol + + + Created + + + Organization + + + Tax + + + Name + + + Created By + + + Line Net + + + Invoice + + + Line No + + + Client + + + Unit Price + + + Resource Description + + + Invoiced Quantity + + + Discount % + + + Updated By + + + Penjelasan + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Invoice Line + + + Payment Term + + + Jumlah Beban + + + Client + + + Title + + + Order Reference + + + Harga Termasuk Pajak + + + Beban + + + Created By + + + Organization + + + Aturan Pengiriman + + + Status Dokumen + + + Name + + + BP Contact Greeting + + + Grand Total + + + Daftar Harga + + + Document No + + + Invoice Rule + + + BP Greeting + + + Alamat + + + Tanggal Dijanjikan + + + Created + + + Total Lines + + + Order + + + Campaign + + + Penjelasan + + + Active + + + Document Type Note + + + Priority + + + Mata Uang + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Payment Term Note + + + Proyek + + + Activity + + + Updated By + + + Pengiriman Lewat + + + Reference No + + + Sales Representative + + + Shipper + + + Tanggal Diorder + + + Sales Transaction + + + Name 2 + + + Updated + + + Symbol + + + Order + + + Organization + + + Name + + + Ordered Quantity + + + Resource Description + + + Discount % + + + Created + + + Active + + + Client + + + Tax + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Penjelasan + + + Created By + + + Line Net + + + Line No + + + Document Note + + + Unit Price + + + List Price + + + Sales Order Line + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Payment Selection + + + Name + + + Alamat + + + Name 2 + + + Amt in Words + + + Quantity + + + BP Greeting + + + Order Reference + + + Payment date + + + Client + + + Payment amount + + + Organization + + + Reference No + + + Payment Selection + + + Client + + + Line No + + + Payment Rule + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Payment amount + + + Perbedaan + + + Grand Total + + + Document No + + + Organization + + + Tanggal Diinvoice + + + Shipment/Receipt + + + Created + + + BP Contact Greeting + + + Client + + + Name 2 + + + BP Greeting + + + Tanggal Diorder + + + Updated By + + + Movement Type + + + Document No + + + Shipper + + + Document Type Note + + + Contact Name + + + Reference No + + + Movement Date + + + Penjelasan + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Priority + + + Sales Transaction + + + Pengiriman Lewat + + + Title + + + Order Reference + + + Active + + + Order + + + Alamat + + + Aturan Pengiriman + + + Organization + + + Name + + + Status Dokumen + + + Movement Quantity + + + Client + + + Line No + + + Updated + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + Document Note + + + Organization + + + Updated By + + + Serial No + + + Locator + + + Symbol + + + Name + + + Active + + + Lot No + + + Shipment/Receipt + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Penjelasan + + + Alamat + + + Updated By + + + Payment Term Note + + + Document Type Note + + + Reference No + + + BP Contact Greeting + + + Invoice + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Order Reference + + + Jumlah Beban + + + Penjelasan + + + Harga Termasuk Pajak + + + Daftar Harga + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Tanggal Diinvoice + + + Title + + + Organization + + + Order + + + Campaign + + + Contact Name + + + Paid + + + Client + + + Sales Representative + + + Activity + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Name + + + Total Lines + + + Grand Total + + + Name 2 + + + Mata Uang + + + Tanggal Diorder + + + Beban + + + Proyek + + + Document No + + + BP Greeting + + + Sales Transaction + + + Status Dokumen + + + Suppress Null + + + Set NL Position + + + Multi Lingual Documents + + + Contact Name + + + Name + + + Pelanggan + + + Kredit yang Digunakan + + + Revenue + + + Telepon + + + Credit Available + + + Batasan Kredit + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Reference No + + + Client + + + Vendor + + + Contact + + + Kota + + + ZIP + + + Search Key + + + Organization + + + Payment Term + + + Name + + + Data Column + + + Created By + + + Data Column 2 + + + Updated By + + + Active + + + Penjelasan + + + Graph + + + Print Format + + + Data Column 4 + + + Data Column 3 + + + Created + + + Updated + + + Data Column 5 + + + Client + + + Kolom Penjelasan + + + Organization + + + Graph Type + + + Language + + + Updated By + + + Organization + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Translated + + + Client + + + Updated + + + Print Text + + + Active + + + Print Format Item + + + Penjelasan + + + Header Line Color + + + Paint Horizontal Lines + + + Paint Boundary Lines + + + Active + + + Header Row Color + + + Header Row Font + + + Created + + + Function Font + + + Print Table Format + + + Function BG Color + + + Client + + + Function Color + + + Created By + + + Organization + + + Line Color + + + Header Row BG Color + + + Updated + + + Print Function Symbols + + + Paint Vertical Lines + + + Name + + + Updated By + + + Dibawah Kolom + + + Graph + + + Print Table Format + + + Org Address + + + Org Address + + + Org Address + + + Warehouse + + + Warehouse Address + + + Org Address + + + BP Search Key + + + Partner Bisnis + + + BP Search Key + + + BP Search Key + + + Partner Bisnis + + + BP Search Key + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Next Page + + + Fixed Width + + + Payment + + + Updated By + + + Created + + + Updated + + + Organization + + + Created By + + + Active + + + Invoice + + + Client + + + Dunning Run Line + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Payment Selection + + + Updated By + + + Created By + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Active + + + Created + + + Pay Selection Check + + + Quantity + + + Payment amount + + + Updated + + + Dunning Date + + + Dunning Run + + + Updated By + + + Dunning Level + + + Active + + + Created By + + + Client + + + Created + + + Organization + + + Updated + + + Client + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Dunning Run + + + Dunning Run Entry + + + Organization + + + Jumlah + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Quantity + + + Updated By + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Amount Type + + + Entity Type + + + Entity Type + + + Entity Type + + + Entity Type + + + Entity Type + + + Entity Type + + + Entity Type + + + Entity Type + + + Entity Type + + + Printed + + + Payment Rule + + + Payment + + + Document No + + + Entity Type + + + Entity Type + + + Entity Type + + + Y Position + + + Entity Type + + + X Position + + + Aset + + + Entity Type + + + System Element + + + Payment Rule + + + Document No + + + Pay Selection Check + + + Payment Selection Line + + + Aset + + + Pay Selection Check + + + Pay Selection Check + + + Language + + + Sales Representative + + + Language + + + Language + + + Language + + + Language + + + Language + + + Language + + + Sales Representative + + + Language + + + Tax ID + + + Tax ID + + + Tax ID + + + Tax ID + + + Print Format + + + Top Margin + + + Right Margin + + + Left Margin + + + Bottom Margin + + + Process Now + + + Request Type + + + Client + + + Updated + + + User/Contact + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + Organization + + + Opt-out Date + + + Active + + + Created + + + Interest Area + + + Subscribe Date + + + Created By + + + Request Type + + + Organization + + + Updated By + + + Created + + + Penjelasan + + + Name + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Client + + + Updated By + + + Penjelasan + + + Created + + + Interest Area + + + Client + + + Name + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Request Type + + + SMTP Authentification + + + Email User ID + + + Email User Password + + + Product Type + + + Vendor ID + + + Partner ID + + + Created + + + Client + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Name + + + Updated By + + + Registered EMail + + + Info + + + System + + + Created By + + + Default + + + Referenced Order Line + + + Version + + + Client + + + ISO Currency Code + + + Created + + + Document Note + + + Partner Product No + + + Name + + + Import Product + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Price effective + + + Active + + + Processed + + + Product Category Key + + + Import Error Message + + + Order Pack Qty + + + Klasifikasi + + + Waktu Pengiriman yang Dijanjikan + + + Cost per Order + + + Weight + + + Kategori Partner + + + SKU + + + Royalty Amount + + + Discontinued + + + Mata Uang + + + Created By + + + Volume + + + Organization + + + Produk + + + Penjelasan + + + List Price + + + Imported + + + Product Type + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Business Partner Key + + + Shelf Height + + + Manufacturer + + + Shelf Depth + + + Discontinued by + + + Units Per Pallet + + + Shelf Width + + + Process Now + + + Image URL + + + Kategori Produk + + + Minimum Order Qty + + + UPC/EAN + + + Description URL + + + PO Price + + + Comment/Help + + + UOM Code + + + UOM + + + Search Key + + + ISO Country Code + + + BP Contact Greeting + + + Comments + + + Telepon + + + User/Contact + + + 2nd Phone + + + Processed + + + D-U-N-S + + + Created + + + Import Business Partner + + + ZIP + + + Name 2 + + + Title + + + Birthday + + + Updated By + + + Created By + + + NAICS/SIC + + + Active + + + - + + + Greeting + + + Updated + + + Penjelasan + + + Search Key + + + Imported + + + Import Error Message + + + Client + + + Kata Sandi + + + Process Now + + + Organization + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Email + + + Kota + + + Contact Description + + + Alamat 2 + + + Alamat 1 + + + Country + + + Name + + + Region + + + Fax + + + Tax ID + + + Region + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Contact Name + + + Updated By + + + Post Encumbrance + + + Client + + + Import Account + + + Account Element + + + Name + + + Active + + + Post Statistical + + + Post Budget + + + Processed + + + Default Account + + + Account Type + + + Organization + + + Process Now + + + Updated + + + Post Actual + + + Element + + + Account Sign + + + Created + + + Document Controlled + + + Created By + + + Search Key + + + Column + + + Element Name + + + Imported + + + Penjelasan + + + Import Error Message + + + Updated + + + Account Element + + + Active + + + Summary Level + + + Line Type + + + Import Error Message + + + PostingType + + + Report Line Set Name + + + Report Line + + + Updated By + + + Created + + + Calculation + + + Process Now + + + Report Line Set + + + Sequence + + + Client + + + Printed + + + Element Key + + + Imported + + + Amount Type + + + Report Source + + + Organization + + + Name + + + Processed + + + Penjelasan + + + Import Report Line Set + + + Created By + + + Image URL + + + Description URL + + + Royalty Amount + + + Manufacturer + + + Group Key + + + Kelompok Partner Bisnis + + + Parent Account + + + Summary Level + + + Parent Key + + + Tax exempt + + + Mail Template + + + Version No + + + Guarantee Days + + + Kelompok Harta + + + Updated + + + Start Date + + + Organization + + + Created By + + + Training + + + Updated By + + + Produk + + + Training Class + + + End Date + + + Active + + + Client + + + Created + + + UOM + + + Name + + + Tax Category + + + Image URL + + + Description URL + + + Updated By + + + Created By + + + Comment/Help + + + Kategori Produk + + + Document Note + + + Penjelasan + + + Process Now + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Created + + + Training + + + Updated + + + Lot No + + + User/Contact + + + Disposed + + + Locator + + + In Possession + + + Active + + + Tanggal Penyusutan Aset + + + Created By + + + Usable Life - Years + + + Produk + + + Tanggal Pembuangan Aset + + + Alamat + + + Created + + + Kelompok Harta + + + Organization + + + Version No + + + Search Key + + + Owned + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Location comment + + + Depresiasi + + + Life use + + + Process Now + + + Comment/Help + + + Updated By + + + Client + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Guarantee Date + + + Usable Life - Months + + + In Service Date + + + Use units + + + Aset + + + Serial No + + + Updated + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Market value Amount + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Created + + + Invoice Line + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Nilai Aset + + + Updated By + + + Active + + + Aset + + + Asset Retirement + + + Created + + + Lot No + + + Created By + + + Serial No + + + Updated + + + Referrer + + + Client + + + Version No + + + Email + + + Aset + + + Remote Host + + + User/Contact + + + Active + + + Remote Addr + + + Organization + + + Pengiriman Aset + + + Movement Date + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Owned + + + Created By + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Client + + + Kelompok Harta + + + Depresiasi + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Fully depreciated + + + Konfirmasi Pengiriman + + + Message ID + + + URL + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + Send EMail + + + Send EMail + + + Order Mail Text + + + Invoice Mail Text + + + Shipment Mail Text + + + Remittance Mail Text + + + Col_12 + + + Col_10 + + + Col_14 + + + Col_13 + + + Col_16 + + + Col_20 + + + Col_2 + + + Col_5 + + + Col_18 + + + Col_4 + + + Col_8 + + + Col_15 + + + Process Instance + + + Col_6 + + + Col_1 + + + Col_11 + + + Col_3 + + + Col_17 + + + Col_7 + + + Col_9 + + + Report Line + + + Col_19 + + + Send EMail + + + Send EMail + + + Email + + + UOM + + + Sales Order Line + + + Warehouse + + + Accounting Schema + + + Calendar + + + Print Format + + + List Transactions + + + List Sources + + + Penjelasan + + + Name + + + Level no + + + Record ID + + + Col_0 + + + Accounting Fact + + + Sequence + + + Name + + + Level no + + + Accounted Credit + + + Accounted Debit + + + Process Instance + + + Accounting Fact + + + Penjelasan + + + Balance + + + Account Tanggal + + + Quantity + + + Print Label Suffix + + + Print Label Suffix + + + Tax Indicator + + + Updated By + + + Tax + + + Language + + + Penjelasan + + + Translated + + + Created + + + Client + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Name + + + Organization + + + Account Negara + + + Account Negara + + + Region + + + Client + + + Updated By + + + Organization + + + Created By + + + Active + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Active + + + Updated By + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Quantity + + + Accounting Schema + + + Trx Organization + + + Organization + + + PostingType + + + User2 + + + Accounted Debit + + + Accounted Credit + + + Client + + + Proyek + + + Location From + + + User1 + + + Budget + + + Campaign + + + Account Tanggal + + + Activity + + + Sales Region + + + Produk + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Location To + + + Account + + + Net Day + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + Organization + + + Payment Term + + + Created + + + Valid + + + Grace Days + + + Active + + + Updated + + + Net Day + + + Client + + + Percentage + + + Discount Days + + + Payment Schedule + + + Net Days + + + Discount % + + + W_Basket_ID + + + Active + + + Updated By + + + Basket Line + + + Produk + + + Line No + + + Created By + + + Produk + + + Created + + + Quantity + + + Harga + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Updated + + + Penjelasan + + + Web Click + + + Click Count + + + Client + + + Active + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + Created + + + Organization + + + Updated + + + Target URL + + + Terima Bahasa + + + Processed + + + User Agent + + + Remote Addr + + + Remote Host + + + Referrer + + + Created + + + Organization + + + Valid + + + Amount due + + + Tanggal Jatuh Tempo + + + Updated + + + Discount Amount + + + Client + + + Discount Date + + + Updated By + + + Invoice + + + Active + + + Invoice Payment Schedule + + + Payment Schedule + + + Created By + + + Counter + + + Created By + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Updated By + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Created + + + Updated + + + Page URL + + + Penjelasan + + + Counter Count + + + Active + + + Name + + + Click Count + + + Client + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Counter + + + Active + + + Updated + + + Target URL + + + Penjelasan + + + Organization + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Name + + + Updated By + + + Updated By + + + User/Contact + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Daftar Harga + + + Active + + + Email + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Counter Count + + + Tax Amount + + + Document Action + + + Number + + + Original Transaction ID + + + Account Zip/Postal + + + Payment Batch + + + Reference + + + Transaction Type + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Verification Code + + + Updated By + + + Mata Uang + + + Response Message + + + Social Security No + + + Exp. Month + + + Result + + + Check No + + + Over/Under Payment + + + Processed + + + Address verified + + + Reconciled + + + Credit Card + + + PO Number + + + Document No + + + Online Processing + + + Online Access + + + Over/Under Payment + + + Account Name + + + Transaction Date + + + Multiplier AP + + + Account Street + + + Account EMail + + + Account State + + + Posted + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Active + + + Micr + + + Write-off Amount + + + Updated + + + Telah Dialokasikan + + + Created + + + Bank Account + + + Client + + + Invoice + + + Payment amount + + + Status Dokumen + + + Routing No + + + Zip verified + + + Account No + + + Payment + + + Organization + + + Process Now + + + Voice authorization code + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Info + + + Partner Bank Account + + + Authorization Code + + + SIM + + + Account Kota + + + Receipt + + + Created By + + + Exp. Year + + + Discount Amount + + + Tender type + + + Attribute Set + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Updated By + + + Serial No Control + + + Name + + + Current Next + + + Client + + + Suffix + + + Start No + + + Organization + + + Penjelasan + + + Prefix + + + Increment + + + Created + + + Active + + + Created By + + + Prefix + + + Updated By + + + Suffix + + + Organization + + + Current Next + + + Penjelasan + + + Lot Control + + + Name + + + Created + + + Client + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Start No + + + Increment + + + Lot + + + Produk + + + Updated By + + + Created + + + Penjelasan + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Updated + + + Name + + + Created By + + + Organization + + + Search Key + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + Penjelasan + + + Client + + + Updated + + + Attribute + + + Active + + + Name + + + Attribute Value + + + Serial No + + + Guarantee Date + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Lot No + + + Updated + + + Created + + + Active + + + Attribute Set + + + Created By + + + Penjelasan + + + Updated By + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Serial No Control + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Updated + + + Guarantee Date + + + Serial No + + + Name + + + Attribute Set + + + Lot Control + + + Client + + + Penjelasan + + + Lot + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + Created + + + Created + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Client + + + Search Key + + + Created By + + + Organization + + + Attribute Value + + + Active + + + Attribute + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Instance Attribute + + + Updated + + + Attribute + + + Name + + + Updated By + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Active + + + Penjelasan + + + Mandatory + + + Guarantee Days + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Attribute + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Created + + + Updated By + + + Attribute Set + + + Updated + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Active + + + Attribute Search + + + Updated By + + + Penjelasan + + + Created + + + Name + + + Created By + + + Attribute Search + + + Sequence + + + Included Tab + + + Harga Termasuk Pajak + + + Tax Amount + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Proyek + + + BOM Type + + + Standard Phase + + + Invoiced Quantity + + + Committed Quantity + + + Jumlah Yang Telah Di-Invoice + + + Project Mail Text + + + Project Print Format + + + Printer Name + + + Maintain Change Log + + + Created + + + Client + + + Created By + + + Read Only + + + Updated By + + + Active + + + Updated + + + Role + + + Organization + + + Table + + + Client + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Remote Addr + + + Remote Host + + + Created + + + Updated By + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Web Session + + + Session + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Created By + + + Record ID + + + Active + + + Created + + + Role + + + Read Only + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Table + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Created By + + + Active + + + Language + + + Translated + + + Print Label Line + + + Created + + + Print Text + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Client + + + Name + + + Column + + + Active + + + Updated By + + + Y Position + + + Created By + + + Print Label Line + + + Organization + + + Print Label + + + Label Format Type + + + Sequence + + + X Position + + + Print Text + + + Updated + + + Created + + + Organization + + + Landscape + + + Created By + + + Penjelasan + + + Created + + + Active + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Printer Name + + + Table + + + Label Height + + + Client + + + Label Width + + + Updated + + + Print Label + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Role + + + Created By + + + Read Only + + + Client + + + Created + + + Column + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Updated By + + + Active + + + Import Inventory + + + Imported + + + Updated + + + Organization + + + Import Error Message + + + Processed + + + Created By + + + Process Now + + + Created + + + Recurring + + + Created + + + Payment + + + Updated By + + + Order + + + Organization + + + Updated + + + Recurring Run + + + Created By + + + Proyek + + + Invoice + + + Journal Batch + + + Client + + + Active + + + Active + + + Penjelasan + + + Order + + + Created By + + + Journal Batch + + + Frequency Type + + + Organization + + + Name + + + Created + + + Date next run + + + Recurring Type + + + Remaining Runs + + + Maximum Runs + + + Process Now + + + Invoice + + + Proyek + + + Comment/Help + + + Recurring + + + Updated By + + + Date last run + + + Payment + + + Client + + + Updated + + + Created + + + Client + + + Updated + + + Comment/Help + + + Penjelasan + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Organization + + + Created By + + + Active + + + Project Type + + + Updated By + + + Order + + + Unit Price + + + End Date + + + Updated + + + Created + + + Penjelasan + + + Selesai + + + Client + + + Created By + + + Generate Order + + + Standard Phase + + + Active + + + Produk + + + Start Date + + + Proyek + + + Organization + + + Standard Phase + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Standard Quantity + + + Updated + + + Comment/Help + + + Sequence + + + Created + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Updated By + + + Created By + + + Project Type + + + Active + + + Valid + + + Greeting + + + 2nd Phone + + + Birthday + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Telepon + + + Fax + + + Last Result + + + Last Contact + + + Title + + + Comments + + + Jumlah Yang Telah Di-Invoice + + + Copy From + + + Standard Phase + + + Invoiced Quantity + + + Project Type + + + Project Balance + + + Committed Quantity + + + Print Format + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Invoice Contact + + + Invoice Partner + + + Copy From + + + Invoice Location + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Partner Parent + + + Comment/Help + + + Copy From + + + Sales Representative + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Processed + + + Self-Service + + + Self-Service + + + Email + + + User/Contact + + + Process Number + + + Log + + + Process Instance + + + Process Message + + + Process Date + + + Process ID + + + Created By + + + Image URL + + + Name + + + Comment/Help + + + Advertisement + + + Self-Service + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Updated + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Advertisement Text + + + Created + + + Valid to + + + Counter Count + + + Click Count + + + Valid from + + + Penjelasan + + + Updated By + + + User/Contact + + + Client + + + Table + + + New Value + + + Created By + + + Active + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Updated + + + Change Log + + + Updated By + + + Session + + + Column + + + Old Value + + + Created + + + Record ID + + + Lot No + + + Locator + + + Baris Stok Opname + + + Warehouse Key + + + Bin (Y) + + + Quantity count + + + Search Key + + + Quantity book + + + Penjelasan + + + Level (Z) + + + UPC/EAN + + + Aisle (X) + + + Produk + + + Serial No + + + Self-Service + + + Email + + + User/Contact + + + Self-Service + + + Kuantitas yang Dibebankan + + + Telah Disetujui + + + User/Contact + + + Kuantitas yang Dibebankan + + + Time Type + + + Project Phase + + + Project Task + + + Exclude + + + Exclude + + + Exclude + + + Updated By + + + Created By + + + Comment/Help + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Organization + + + Updated + + + Time Type + + + Client + + + Created + + + Active + + + Standard Quantity + + + Comment/Help + + + Created By + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Standard Phase + + + Produk + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Sequence + + + Created + + + Client + + + Standard Task + + + Organization + + + Project Phase + + + Updated + + + Produk + + + Standard Task + + + Active + + + Created By + + + Sequence + + + Updated By + + + Created + + + Comment/Help + + + Client + + + Penjelasan + + + Project Task + + + Quantity + + + Name + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Valid from + + + Valid to + + + Client + + + Active + + + Created + + + Org Assignment + + + Created By + + + Organization + + + User/Contact + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Cost Type + + + Updated + + + Penjelasan + + + Client + + + Name + + + Active + + + Comment/Help + + + Organization + + + Updated By + + + Updated By + + + Created + + + Cycle Step + + + Organization + + + Sequence + + + Client + + + Active + + + Updated + + + Relative Weight + + + Project Cycle + + + Created By + + + Quantity + + + Name + + + Commitment is Ceiling + + + Sequence + + + Project Phase + + + Comment/Help + + + Committed Amount + + + Produk + + + Trx Organization + + + Commitment is Ceiling + + + Delayed Capture + + + Jumlah Beban + + + Authorization Code (DC) + + + CVV Match + + + Reference (DC) + + + Beban + + + Swipe + + + Reference No + + + Memo + + + Table + + + Locator Key + + + Activity + + + Tax Indicator + + + Client + + + UPC/EAN + + + Business Partner Key + + + Sales Representative + + + Imported + + + Unit Price + + + UOM + + + Document No + + + Order + + + Sales Order Line + + + Payment Term Key + + + User/Contact + + + Created By + + + Process Now + + + Created + + + Import Order + + + Produk + + + Mata Uang + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Alamat 1 + + + Proyek + + + Freight Amount + + + Processed + + + Penjelasan + + + Import Error Message + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Daftar Harga + + + Updated By + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Payment Term + + + Tax Amount + + + Email + + + Tax + + + Shipper + + + Warehouse + + + Active + + + Ordered Quantity + + + Line Description + + + Region + + + SKU + + + Trx Organization + + + Alamat 2 + + + Invoice To + + + Organization + + + Document Type Name + + + Product Key + + + Updated + + + ZIP + + + Sales Transaction + + + Name + + + Kota + + + Created By + + + Alert + + + Updated + + + Organization + + + User/Contact + + + Created + + + Client + + + Active + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Created By + + + Alert + + + Updated + + + Organization + + + Sql FROM + + + Sql WHERE + + + Sql SELECT + + + Updated By + + + Alert Rule + + + Pre Processing + + + Post Processing + + + Created + + + Table + + + Active + + + Client + + + Created + + + Enforce Client Security + + + Alert Message + + + Active + + + Client + + + Enforce Role Security + + + Organization + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Alert Subject + + + Updated + + + Name + + + Updated By + + + Created By + + + Alert + + + Organization + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Created + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Updated By + + + Comment/Help + + + Client + + + Search Key + + + Freight Category + + + Active + + + Freight + + + Client + + + Freight Category + + + Created By + + + Region + + + Updated By + + + Created + + + Shipper + + + Mata Uang + + + Updated + + + Freight Amount + + + Active + + + Valid from + + + To + + + Country + + + To + + + Organization + + + Credit Card + + + Exp. Year + + + Account Street + + + Social Security No + + + Receipt + + + Account Name + + + Tender type + + + Created + + + Updated + + + Payment + + + Reference + + + Verification Code + + + Active + + + Result + + + SIM + + + Account Zip/Postal + + + Account EMail + + + Account State + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Mata Uang + + + Created By + + + Check No + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Import Error Message + + + Jumlah Beban + + + PO Number + + + Authorization Code + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Updated By + + + Swipe + + + Info + + + Self-Service + + + Document No + + + Response Message + + + Delayed Capture + + + Processed + + + Over/Under Payment + + + Organization + + + Original Transaction ID + + + Invoice Document No + + + Tax Amount + + + Account No + + + Over/Under Payment + + + Imported + + + Bank Account No + + + Nama Beban + + + Client + + + Import Payment + + + Transaction Type + + + Account Negara + + + Bank Account + + + Beban + + + Voice authorization code + + + Discount Amount + + + Payment amount + + + Transaction Date + + + Write-off Amount + + + Micr + + + Exp. Month + + + Account Kota + + + Number + + + Business Partner Key + + + Invoice + + + Routing No + + + Document Type Name + + + Ordered Quantity + + + Product Key + + + Tax Amount + + + Active + + + Updated + + + Proyek + + + Email + + + Imported + + + Region + + + Tax Indicator + + + Document No + + + Trx Organization + + + Created By + + + Name + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Business Partner Key + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Alamat 1 + + + Mata Uang + + + Processed + + + Kota + + + Client + + + Sales Representative + + + Unit Price + + + Alamat 2 + + + Sales Transaction + + + Import Invoice + + + UPC/EAN + + + SKU + + + Daftar Harga + + + Created + + + ZIP + + + Payment Term Key + + + Activity + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Campaign + + + Produk + + + Line Description + + + Invoice + + + Organization + + + User/Contact + + + Invoice Line + + + Document Type Name + + + Process Now + + + Updated By + + + Penjelasan + + + Payment Term + + + Tax + + + Import Error Message + + + Organization + + + Created + + + Import GL Journal + + + Source Debit + + + Line No + + + Account + + + Combination + + + Account Key + + + Trx Org Key + + + Batch Description + + + Activity + + + Location From + + + Nama Kategori + + + PostingType + + + Proyek + + + Campaign + + + Business Partner Key + + + Updated + + + Product Key + + + User1 + + + Journal Batch + + + GL Category + + + Quantity + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Period + + + Imported + + + Budget + + + Account Tanggal + + + UOM + + + Updated By + + + Accounted Debit + + + Client Key + + + Project Key + + + Import Error Message + + + User2 + + + Document Type Name + + + Location To + + + UPC/EAN + + + Org Key + + + Processed + + + Accounted Credit + + + Process Now + + + Rate + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Account Schema Name + + + Trx Organization + + + ISO Currency Code + + + Batch Document No + + + Active + + + Mata Uang + + + Created By + + + Produk + + + Client + + + SKU + + + Source Credit + + + Accounting Schema + + + Journal + + + Journal Line + + + Penjelasan + + + Sales Region + + + Statement date + + + Bank Account No + + + Reference No + + + Updated By + + + Client + + + Memo + + + Effective date + + + Updated + + + Reversal + + + Bank Account + + + Penjelasan + + + Line Description + + + Processed + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Bank Statement + + + Imported + + + Invoice Document No + + + Jumlah Beban + + + Import Bank Statement + + + Bank statement line + + + Organization + + + Beban + + + Active + + + Nama Beban + + + Routing No + + + Interest Amount + + + Payment + + + Account Tanggal + + + Import Error Message + + + Created + + + Statement amount + + + Invoice + + + Name + + + Transaction Amount + + + Transaction Type + + + Business Partner Key + + + Line No + + + Created By + + + Internal Users + + + Release No + + + Freight Category + + + Tracking URL + + + Trx Organization + + + Invoice Print Format + + + Trx Organization + + + Pick Date + + + Tracking No + + + No Packages + + + Ship Date + + + Self-Service + + + Kata Sandi + + + Replication Type + + + PO Window + + + Entity Type + + + Table + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Replication Strategy + + + Replication Table + + + Client + + + Replication Type + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Updated By + + + Created + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Comment/Help + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Replication Strategy + + + Client + + + Created By + + + Organization + + + Entity Type + + + Penjelasan + + + Replicated + + + Organization + + + Created + + + Client + + + Updated + + + Replication + + + Replication Run + + + Created By + + + Active + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Updated By + + + Replicated + + + Created + + + Updated + + + Organization + + + Replication Table + + + Active + + + Client + + + Replication Run + + + Replication Log + + + Created By + + + Process Message + + + Updated + + + Replication + + + Host Address + + + Comment/Help + + + Penjelasan + + + Created + + + Replication Strategy + + + Name + + + Organization + + + Updated By + + + Client + + + Active + + + Created By + + + Host port + + + Replication Type + + + ISO Country Code + + + Alamat + + + Region + + + Country + + + Contact Name + + + Telepon + + + Country + + + Region + + + Telepon + + + Alamat + + + ISO Country Code + + + Contact Name + + + Locator + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Created + + + Campaign + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Name + + + Comment/Help + + + Penjelasan + + + Updated + + + Client + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Updated By + + + Knowldge Type + + + Public + + + Active + + + Created By + + + Knowldge Type + + + Penjelasan + + + Created + + + Name + + + Comment/Help + + + Public + + + Updated + + + Client + + + Updated By + + + Knowledge Topic + + + Organization + + + Organization + + + Synonym Name + + + Created + + + Updated By + + + Created By + + + Client + + + Active + + + Name + + + Knowledge Synonym + + + Updated + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Description URL + + + Active + + + Updated By + + + Organization + + + Updated + + + Knowledge Source + + + Name + + + Client + + + Updated By + + + Created + + + Updated + + + Client + + + Entry + + + Organization + + + Created By + + + Active + + + Related Entry + + + Name + + + Created By + + + Organization + + + Entry + + + Updated By + + + Nilai Kategori + + + Knowledge Category + + + Active + + + Client + + + Updated + + + Created + + + Name + + + Updated + + + Knowledge Source + + + Created By + + + Public + + + Knowledge Topic + + + Organization + + + Entry + + + Client + + + Rating + + + Description URL + + + Created + + + Active + + + Keywords + + + Updated By + + + Created + + + Entry + + + Updated + + + Entry Comment + + + Created By + + + Client + + + Updated By + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Public + + + Rating + + + Active + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Client + + + Nilai Kategori + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Organization + + + Knowledge Category + + + Updated By + + + Updated By + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Name + + + Comment/Help + + + Updated + + + Penjelasan + + + Knowledge Category + + + Public Write + + + Public Write + + + Valid to + + + Activity + + + User2 + + + User1 + + + Proyek + + + Campaign + + + Trx Organization + + + Proyek + + + Trx Organization + + + User2 + + + Activity + + + Campaign + + + User1 + + + Trx Organization + + + User1 + + + User2 + + + Campaign + + + Proyek + + + Activity + + + User1 + + + Campaign + + + Trx Organization + + + Activity + + + User2 + + + User2 + + + User1 + + + Product Key + + + SKU + + + UPC/EAN + + + Product Key + + + SKU + + + UPC/EAN + + + SKU + + + UPC/EAN + + + Product Key + + + User1 + + + User2 + + + User2 + + + User1 + + + Activity + + + Campaign + + + Proyek + + + Trx Organization + + + User2 + + + User1 + + + Activity + + + Campaign + + + Trx Organization + + + Proyek + + + Manual + + + Tunnel via HTTP + + + Process Now + + + Penjelasan + + + Penjelasan + + + Created + + + Active + + + Updated By + + + Organization + + + Penjelasan + + + Name + + + Translated + + + Language + + + Updated + + + Country + + + Created By + + + Client + + + Region + + + ID Range Start + + + Suffix + + + Remote Organization + + + ID Range End + + + Remote Client + + + Prefix + + + ID Range Start + + + ID Range End + + + Date last run + + + Language ID + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Active + + + Updated + + + Language + + + Translated + + + Penjelasan + + + Updated By + + + Mata Uang + + + Organization + + + Symbol + + + Client + + + Copy From + + + Warehouse + + + Document Date + + + Frequency + + + Name + + + Org Address + + + BP Search Key + + + Updated By + + + Summary Level + + + Campaign + + + Standard Phase + + + Penjelasan + + + Name + + + Project Balance + + + Committed Quantity + + + Project Type + + + Sales Representative + + + Planned Quantity + + + Contract Date + + + Reference No + + + Planned Amount + + + Organization + + + Proyek + + + Invoiced Quantity + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Client + + + Order Reference + + + Jumlah Yang Telah Di-Invoice + + + Sales Representative + + + Created By + + + Name 2 + + + Project Type + + + Commitment + + + Commitment is Ceiling + + + Title + + + BP Contact Greeting + + + Finish Date + + + Versi Daftar Harga + + + Search Key + + + Alamat + + + Contact Name + + + Planned Margin + + + Active + + + Payment Term + + + BP Greeting + + + Note + + + Language + + + Committed Amount + + + Warehouse + + + Project Phase + + + Updated + + + Payment Term Note + + + Created + + + Mata Uang + + + Tax ID + + + Line No + + + Active + + + Planned Price + + + Planned Quantity + + + Produk + + + Jumlah Yang Telah Di-Invoice + + + UPC/EAN + + + Updated + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Created + + + Language + + + Created By + + + Planned Margin + + + Product Key + + + Planned Amount + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Project Line + + + Kategori Produk + + + Committed Quantity + + + Document Note + + + Penjelasan + + + Invoiced Quantity + + + Committed Amount + + + SKU + + + Proyek + + + Project Type + + + Planned Quantity + + + Relative Weight + + + Created + + + Planned Amount + + + Client + + + Project Phase + + + Active + + + Updated + + + Penjelasan + + + Planned Margin + + + Project Balance + + + Order Reference + + + Updated By + + + Cycle Step + + + Warehouse + + + Organization + + + Finish Date + + + Cycle Step Name + + + Proyek + + + Commitment + + + Committed Amount + + + Contract Date + + + Cycle Name + + + Mata Uang + + + Project Type + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Invoiced Quantity + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Note + + + Committed Quantity + + + User/Contact + + + Sequence + + + Project Cycle + + + Commitment is Ceiling + + + Sales Representative + + + Jumlah Yang Telah Di-Invoice + + + Standard Phase + + + Project Key + + + Created By + + + Proyek + + + Stok Opname + + + Movement Date + + + Warehouse + + + Default + + + SO/PO Type + + + Tanggal Ke + + + Tanggal Dari + + + Comment/Help + + + Lot + + + Document Org + + + Journal Document No + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Created By + + + Email + + + Message ID + + + Created + + + Kelompok Harta + + + Aset + + + Lot No + + + In Service Date + + + Pengiriman Aset + + + URL + + + Movement Date + + + Remote Addr + + + Produk + + + Referrer + + + Serial No + + + Konfirmasi Pengiriman + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Updated By + + + Organization + + + Remote Host + + + Penjelasan + + + User/Contact + + + Guarantee Date + + + Client + + + Version No + + + Name + + + Kelompok Harta + + + Search Key + + + Guarantee Date + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Updated By + + + Client + + + Comment/Help + + + Lot No + + + Serial No + + + User/Contact + + + Updated + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Delivery Count + + + In Service Date + + + Created By + + + Version No + + + Aset + + + Produk + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Penjelasan + + + Created + + + Self-Service + + + Minimum Amt + + + Web Parameter 4 + + + Web Parameter 2 + + + Web Parameter 3 + + + Web Parameter 1 + + + Project Category + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Client + + + Proyek + + + Processed + + + Penjelasan + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Movement Quantity + + + Created + + + Posted + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Project Issue + + + Updated By + + + Produk + + + Line No + + + Locator + + + Project Issue + + + Project Category + + + Project Category + + + Project Category + + + Movement Date + + + Project Issue + + + Process Now + + + Status Kredit + + + Expense Line + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + Order Pembelian + + + Order + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Hanya Penjelasan + + + Hanya Penjelasan + + + Hanya Penjelasan + + + Printed + + + Processed + + + Pricing + + + Label printer Function + + + Label printer + + + Tanggal Diorder + + + Account Tanggal + + + Account Tanggal + + + Tanggal Diinvoice + + + Language + + + Session + + + Session + + + Email verification + + + Encryption Key + + + Personal Access + + + Show Accounting + + + Personal Lock + + + Min Guarantee Days + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Client + + + XY Separator + + + Function Prefix + + + Label printer + + + Label printer Function + + + Penjelasan + + + Created + + + XY Position + + + Name + + + Function Suffix + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Updated By + + + Registered + + + Sales Volume in 1.000 + + + System + + + Employees + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Industry Info + + + In Production + + + Updated By + + + Organization + + + Record ID + + + Alamat + + + Platform Info + + + Process Now + + + Active + + + Dapat Dipublikasikan + + + Remote Host + + + Mata Uang + + + Client + + + System Registration + + + Created + + + Remote Addr + + + Penjelasan + + + Name + + + Updated By + + + Label printer + + + Created + + + Client + + + Penjelasan + + + Created By + + + Organization + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Table + + + Organization + + + User/Contact + + + Record ID + + + Created + + + Updated By + + + Active + + + Client + + + Instance Attribute + + + Active + + + Beban + + + Inventory Type + + + Line Total + + + Printed + + + Process Now + + + Header Center + + + Footer Center + + + Image URL + + + Header Right + + + Footer Right + + + Footer Left + + + Header Left + + + Default + + + Image attached + + + Calculate Maximim (↑) + + + Running Total Lines + + + Running Total + + + Calculate Minimum (↓) + + + Default + + + Obscure + + + Can Report + + + Can Export + + + Can Report + + + Can Export + + + Process Now + + + Source Debit + + + Accounted Credit + + + Project Line + + + Accounted Debit + + + Movement Quantity + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + Accounting Schema + + + Created + + + Issue Line + + + Created By + + + Proyek + + + Active + + + Locator + + + Movement Date + + + Planned Amount + + + Account + + + Client + + + Expense Line + + + Produk + + + Updated + + + Planned Margin + + + Updated By + + + Planned Price + + + Organization + + + Source Credit + + + Penjelasan + + + Committed Quantity + + + Line Margin + + + Issue Description + + + Project Issue + + + Line No + + + Planned Quantity + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Lot Control + + + Tipe Akses + + + Dependent Entities + + + BinaryData + + + Character Data + + + Entity Type + + + Create Payment + + + EFT Payee Account + + + EFT Memo + + + EFT Reference + + + EFT Trx Type + + + EFT Payee + + + EFT Trx ID + + + EFT Trx ID + + + Manual + + + EFT Trx Type + + + Create Payment + + + EFT Payee + + + EFT Memo + + + EFT Payee Account + + + Process Now + + + Entity Type + + + Lot No + + + Lot + + + Serial No + + + Guarantee Date + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Attribute Set + + + Warehouse + + + Level (Z) + + + Lot + + + Bin (Y) + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Guarantee Date + + + Attribute Set + + + Aisle (X) + + + Proyek + + + Attribute Set + + + Project Issue + + + Bin (Y) + + + SKU + + + Lot No + + + Movement Date + + + Inventory Move + + + Name + + + Guarantee Date + + + Line No + + + Rencana Produksi + + + Klasifikasi + + + Serial No + + + Move Line + + + Warehouse + + + Lot + + + Level (Z) + + + Inventory Transaction + + + Volume + + + Kategori Produk + + + UOM + + + Movement Type + + + Search Key + + + Baris Stok Opname + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Locator + + + Produksi + + + Weight + + + Baris Produksi + + + Client + + + Version No + + + UPC/EAN + + + Movement Quantity + + + Shipment/Receipt + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + Produk + + + Stok Opname + + + Aisle (X) + + + Penjelasan + + + Organization + + + UOM + + + Client + + + Version No + + + Lot No + + + Aisle (X) + + + Date last inventory count + + + Available Quantity + + + Name + + + Guarantee Days + + + Bin (Y) + + + UPC/EAN + + + Lot + + + Min Guarantee Days + + + Level (Z) + + + Organization + + + Reserved Quantity + + + Kategori Produk + + + Locator + + + Guarantee Date + + + Weight + + + Good for Days + + + Warehouse + + + Penjelasan + + + Attribute Set + + + Kuantitas Tersedia + + + Volume + + + Ordered Quantity + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Search Key + + + Klasifikasi + + + SKU + + + Remaining Shelf Life % + + + Produk + + + Serial No + + + Min Shelf Life % + + + Past Due 31-60 + + + Past Due > 31 + + + Mata Uang + + + Tanggal Jatuh Tempo + + + Past Due > 91 + + + J. Tempo > 91 + + + J. Tempo 61-90 + + + Past Due 1-30 + + + Jatuh Tempo Hari Ini + + + Past Due 1-7 + + + J. Tempo Hari Ini -7 + + + Organization + + + Partner Bisnis + + + J. Tempo 31-60 + + + J. Tempo 8-30 + + + Kelompok Partner Bisnis + + + J. Tempo > 61 + + + Past Due > 61 + + + Invoice + + + Process Instance + + + Past Due 61-90 + + + Sales Transaction + + + Past Due 8-30 + + + J. Tempo 1-7 + + + J. Tempo > 31 + + + J. Tempo Hari Ini -30 + + + Past Due + + + Client + + + Amount due + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Active + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + List Invoices + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Created + + + Organization + + + Min Shelf Life % + + + Penjelasan + + + Updated By + + + Client + + + Active + + + Produk + + + Min Shelf Life Days + + + Mandatory Lot + + + Mandatory Serial No + + + Mandatory Guarantee Date + + + Manufacturer + + + Kategori Partner + + + Quality Rating + + + Partner Product No + + + Shelf Life Days + + + D-U-N-S + + + NAICS/SIC + + + Partner Tax ID + + + Partner Tax ID + + + D-U-N-S + + + NAICS/SIC + + + NAICS/SIC + + + D-U-N-S + + + Partner Tax ID + + + NAICS/SIC + + + D-U-N-S + + + Partner Tax ID + + + D-U-N-S + + + NAICS/SIC + + + Partner Tax ID + + + Backordered + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Created + + + Web Click + + + User/Contact + + + Target URL + + + Referrer + + + Remote Host + + + Terima Bahasa + + + Active + + + Client + + + Created By + + + Processed + + + User Agent + + + Email + + + Organization + + + Click Count + + + Remote Addr + + + Penjelasan + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Counter + + + Organization + + + Target URL + + + Client + + + Created + + + Name + + + Created By + + + Manual + + + Telah Dialokasikan + + + Quantity + + + Active + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Out Transaction + + + Produk + + + Out Production Line + + + Out Inventory Line + + + Client + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + Out Shipment Line + + + Baris Stok Opname + + + Inventory Transaction + + + Strategi Alokasi + + + Organization + + + Baris Produksi + + + Updated By + + + Created + + + Updated + + + Calculate Variance (σ²) + + + Calculate Deviation (σ) + + + Featured in Web Store + + + Self-Service + + + Self-Service + + + Beban + + + Tipe Mata Uang + + + Tipe Mata Uang + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Active + + + Tipe Mata Uang + + + Created By + + + Client + + + Updated + + + Created + + + Penjelasan + + + Organization + + + Default + + + Search Key + + + Created By + + + Unrealized Gain Acct + + + Updated By + + + Client + + + Accounting Schema + + + Active + + + Mata Uang + + + Updated + + + Organization + + + Realized Gain Acct + + + Created + + + Realized Loss Acct + + + Unrealized Loss Acct + + + Tipe Mata Uang + + + Tipe Mata Uang + + + Currency Type Key + + + Tipe Mata Uang + + + Tipe Mata Uang + + + Tipe Mata Uang + + + Tipe Mata Uang + + + Tipe Mata Uang + + + Warehouse + + + Created By + + + Available Quantity + + + Reserved Quantity + + + Warehouse + + + Versi Daftar Harga + + + Created + + + Standard Price + + + Name + + + Ordered Quantity + + + Search Key + + + Instance Attribute + + + Active + + + Organization + + + SKU + + + Limit Price + + + Updated By + + + UPC/EAN + + + Client + + + List Price + + + Kuantitas Tersedia + + + Updated + + + Produk + + + Margin % + + + Process Now + + + Tipe Mata Uang + + + Pay Schedule valid + + + Pay Schedule valid + + + Process Now + + + EFT Statement Date + + + EFT Statement Reference + + + EFT Effective Date + + + Statement Line Date + + + EFT Statement Line Date + + + EFT Reference + + + EFT Amount + + + EFT Currency + + + Proxy port + + + Branch ID + + + Organization + + + PIN + + + Client + + + Bank Statement Loader + + + Financial Institution ID + + + File Name + + + Proxy address + + + Format Tanggal + + + Created + + + Penjelasan + + + Kata Sandi + + + Statement Loader Class + + + Proxy logon + + + Date last run + + + Active + + + Created By + + + User ID + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Updated + + + Bank Account + + + Host Address + + + Host port + + + Proxy password + + + Account No + + + EFT Amount + + + Statement Line Date + + + EFT Check No + + + EFT Effective Date + + + EFT Statement Reference + + + EFT Statement Date + + + EFT Currency + + + EFT Statement Line Date + + + Mata Uang + + + Payment Document No + + + ISO Currency Code + + + EFT Check No + + + Valid from + + + Organization + + + Mata Uang Tujuan + + + Currency Type Key + + + Updated + + + Client + + + Tipe Mata Uang + + + Created By + + + ISO Currency Code + + + Active + + + Valid to + + + Divide Rate + + + Import Conversion Rate + + + Create Reciprocal Rate + + + Multiply Rate + + + Created + + + Conversion Rate + + + ISO Currency To Code + + + Mata Uang + + + Updated By + + + Import Error Message + + + Imported + + + Processed + + + Process Now + + + Process Now + + + Process Now + + + User/Contact + + + Valid to + + + Substitute + + + Client + + + User Substitute + + + Name + + + Updated By + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Penjelasan + + + Valid from + + + Created + + + Organization + + + Supervisor + + + Parent Organization + + + Node + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Penjelasan + + + Attribute Name + + + Workflow Node Parameter + + + Organization + + + Process Parameter + + + Client + + + Updated By + + + Active + + + Updated + + + Node + + + Workflow Responsible + + + Organization + + + Created By + + + User/Contact + + + Workflow Activity + + + Workflow Process + + + Active + + + Processed + + + Process Now + + + Workflow State + + + Created + + + Updated By + + + Client + + + Message + + + Updated + + + Created + + + Process Now + + + Updated + + + Processed + + + Active + + + Workflow + + + Client + + + Created By + + + Organization + + + Workflow State + + + User/Contact + + + Updated By + + + Workflow Responsible + + + Workflow Process + + + Message + + + Active + + + Responsible Type + + + Created By + + + Name + + + Created + + + User/Contact + + + Role + + + Penjelasan + + + Client + + + Updated + + + Organization + + + Workflow Responsible + + + Updated By + + + Penjelasan + + + Client + + + Workflow + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Active + + + Name + + + Created + + + Organization + + + Workflow Block + + + Updated By + + + Workflow Process + + + Attribute Name + + + Active + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + Workflow Process Data + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Updated + + + Attribute Value + + + Created + + + Attribute Name + + + User/Contact + + + Workflow Responsible + + + Client + + + Active + + + Updated By + + + New Value + + + Organization + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Workflow State + + + Created + + + Old Value + + + Workflow Event Audit + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Workflow Activity + + + Attribute Name + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Attribute Value + + + Created + + + Workflow Activity Result + + + Author + + + Priority + + + Working Time + + + Duration Limit + + + Valid from + + + Duration + + + Workflow Responsible + + + Version + + + Cost + + + Valid to + + + Duration Unit + + + Waiting Time + + + Duration Limit + + + Start Mode + + + Workflow Responsible + + + Duration + + + Subflow Execution + + + Cost + + + Waiting Time + + + Working Time + + + Workflow Block + + + Priority + + + Finish Mode + + + Transition Code + + + Supervisor + + + Attribute Value + + + Event Type + + + Entity Type + + + Entity Type + + + Entity Type + + + Processed + + + Join Element + + + Split Element + + + Penjelasan + + + Entity Type + + + Image + + + Sequence + + + Penjelasan + + + Aset + + + Penjelasan + + + Publication Status + + + Version + + + Process Now + + + Publication Status + + + Comment/Help + + + Client + + + Registration + + + Produk + + + Created + + + Updated By + + + User/Contact + + + Remote Addr + + + Remote Host + + + Penjelasan + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Aset + + + Process Now + + + In Production + + + Active + + + Registered + + + Dapat Dipublikasikan + + + Created By + + + Organization + + + Name + + + Updated + + + Organization + + + Name + + + Created + + + Penjelasan + + + Updated + + + Client + + + Updated By + + + Created By + + + Active + + + Registration Attribute + + + Updated By + + + Created By + + + Client + + + Registration Attribute + + + Registration + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Penjelasan + + + Name + + + Updated + + + In Service Date + + + Sequence + + + Note + + + Paid + + + Created + + + Tanggal Diinvoice + + + Created By + + + Tax ID + + + Multiplier + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Document No + + + Invoice + + + Tax + + + Tax exempt + + + Active + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Account Tanggal + + + Tax Line Total + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Tax base Amount + + + Tax Amount + + + Sales Transaction + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Mata Uang + + + Location From + + + Proyek + + + Period + + + User1 + + + Client + + + Budget + + + PostingType + + + Source Amount + + + Accounting Schema + + + Sales Region + + + Source Debit + + + User2 + + + Account + + + Activity + + + Accounted Amount + + + Tax + + + Campaign + + + Location To + + + Produk + + + Accounted Debit + + + Trx Organization + + + Aset + + + Accounted Credit + + + GL Category + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Organization + + + Mata Uang + + + Locator + + + Source Credit + + + Rate + + + PostingType + + + User2 + + + Locator + + + Accounting Schema + + + Accounted Debit + + + Period + + + Source Amount + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Accounted Amount + + + Proyek + + + Organization + + + Sales Region + + + Location From + + + Campaign + + + Rate + + + Produk + + + Source Credit + + + User1 + + + Accounted Credit + + + Client + + + Account + + + Tax + + + Budget + + + Activity + + + Aset + + + Location To + + + Account Tanggal + + + Source Debit + + + Mata Uang + + + Trx Organization + + + GL Category + + + Accounting Schema + + + Budget + + + Period + + + Accounted Debit + + + Accounted Credit + + + Record ID + + + Tax + + + Account Tanggal + + + UOM + + + Sales Region + + + User1 + + + Source Debit + + + Accounted Amount + + + Organization + + + Location To + + + Location From + + + Campaign + + + Created + + + Mata Uang + + + Proyek + + + Account + + + Created By + + + Line ID + + + User2 + + + Source Amount + + + Rate + + + Aset + + + Active + + + GL Category + + + Produk + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Updated + + + Activity + + + Transaction Date + + + Locator + + + Updated By + + + Quantity + + + Client + + + Trx Organization + + + Table + + + Accounting Fact + + + Penjelasan + + + Source Credit + + + PostingType + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Over/Under Payment + + + Terima Debit Langsung + + + Status Kredit + + + Active + + + Penjelasan + + + Name + + + Created + + + Sequence + + + Client + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Updated By + + + Bank Statement Matcher + + + Classname + + + Created By + + + Match Statement + + + Invoice + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Match Statement + + + Match Statement + + + Header Stroke + + + Header Stroke Type + + + Paint Header Lines + + + Line Stroke Type + + + Line Stroke + + + Referenced Invoice + + + Tanggal Diterima + + + In Transit + + + Referenced Shipment + + + Confirmed Quantity + + + Picked Quantity + + + Scrapped Quantity + + + Target Quantity + + + Document Action + + + Tanggal Diterima + + + In Transit + + + Status Dokumen + + + Confirmed Quantity + + + Target Quantity + + + Scrapped Quantity + + + Days to keep Log + + + Referenced Invoice Line + + + Text Message + + + Workflow Activity + + + Text Message + + + Text Message + + + Reference + + + Created + + + BinaryData + + + Text Message + + + Client + + + Active + + + Updated + + + Request Processor Log + + + Summary + + + Organization + + + Error + + + Request Processor + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + Penjelasan + + + Penjelasan + + + Organization + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + Updated By + + + RMA Line + + + RMA + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Quantity + + + Client + + + Active + + + Process Now + + + Client + + + Updated By + + + Document No + + + Shipment/Receipt + + + Name + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Organization + + + RMA + + + Created + + + Processed + + + Penjelasan + + + Updated By + + + Related Product + + + Related Product Type + + + Active + + + Created + + + Penjelasan + + + Produk + + + Created By + + + Organization + + + Updated + + + Name + + + Client + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + Package Line + + + Organization + + + Package + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Penjelasan + + + Quantity + + + Updated By + + + Created + + + Client + + + Penjelasan + + + Shipment/Receipt + + + Client + + + Tanggal Diterima + + + Shipper + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + Info Received + + + Updated + + + Tracking Info + + + Active + + + Created + + + Organization + + + Package + + + Document No + + + Client + + + Created + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Updated By + + + Distribution List Line + + + Minimum Quantity + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Distribution List + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + Distribution List + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Process Now + + + Created + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Updated + + + Client + + + Alert Processor + + + Text Message + + + Text Message + + + Workflow Processor + + + Subscription Type + + + Penjelasan + + + Days to keep Log + + + Warehouse + + + Organization Type + + + Payment Location + + + Payment BPartner + + + Referenced Order + + + Linked Organization + + + Organization + + + Subscription Delivery + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Client + + + Created By + + + Subscription + + + Created + + + Active + + + Frequency + + + Frequency Type + + + Created By + + + Penjelasan + + + Name + + + Client + + + Subscription Type + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Created + + + Organization + + + Updated + + + Subscription Type + + + Created + + + Start Date + + + Created By + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Produk + + + Active + + + Subscription + + + Paid Until + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Updated By + + + Renewal Date + + + Jatuh Tempo + + + Name + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Organization + + + Subscribe Date + + + Opt-out Date + + + Created + + + RfQ Topic + + + User/Contact + + + Active + + + Client + + + Created By + + + Partner Bisnis + + + RfQ Subscriber + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Self-Service + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Penjelasan + + + Created + + + Updated By + + + Active + + + RfQ Topic + + + Organization + + + Name + + + Client + + + Updated By + + + Active + + + Created By + + + RfQ Response Line Qty + + + RfQ Response Line + + + Created + + + Harga + + + Updated + + + Discount % + + + RfQ Line Quantity + + + Client + + + Organization + + + RfQ Response Line + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Active + + + Selected Winner + + + Client + + + Organization + + + RfQ Line + + + Created + + + Updated By + + + Self-Service + + + Response Date + + + Updated By + + + Selected Winner + + + Self-Service + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Mata Uang + + + Delivery Days + + + Created By + + + Harga + + + Order + + + Work Start + + + RfQ + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Penjelasan + + + Selesai + + + User/Contact + + + Name + + + Process Now + + + Comment/Help + + + Updated + + + Work Complete + + + Active + + + Created + + + Quantity + + + RfQ Line + + + Updated + + + Kuantitas Pembelian + + + Margin % + + + Active + + + Client + + + UOM + + + Updated By + + + Created + + + RfQ Line Quantity + + + Organization + + + Kuantitas Ditawarkan + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + Created + + + RfQ Line + + + Line No + + + Comment/Help + + + RfQ + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Created By + + + Penjelasan + + + Active + + + Updated + + + Produk + + + Mata Uang + + + Delivery Days + + + Client + + + Work Complete + + + Penjelasan + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Quote All Quantities + + + Processed + + + RfQ Topic + + + RfQ + + + Comment/Help + + + Create SO + + + Created By + + + Active + + + User/Contact + + + Order + + + Process Now + + + Create PO + + + Margin % + + + Response Date + + + Publish RfQ + + + Self-Service + + + Updated + + + Name + + + Work Start + + + Updated By + + + RfQ Type + + + Responses Accepted + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Organization + + + Invited Vendors Only + + + Quote Total Amt + + + Created + + + Penjelasan + + + Name + + + Client + + + Partner Relation + + + Related Partner Location + + + Ship Address + + + Pay-From Address + + + Updated By + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Invoice Address + + + Created By + + + Related Partner + + + Updated + + + Created + + + Remit-To Address + + + Penjelasan + + + Details + + + Text Message + + + Created By + + + Topic + + + Published + + + Document No + + + Topic Status + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Topic Category + + + Topic Type + + + Topic Action + + + Created + + + Updated By + + + Processed + + + Name + + + Process Now + + + Client + + + Updated By + + + Active + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Committed Amount + + + User/Contact + + + Seller Funds + + + Organization + + + Order + + + Created + + + Payment + + + Not Committed Aount + + + Valid to + + + Internal + + + Updated By + + + Organization + + + Created + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Client + + + Active + + + User/Contact + + + Active + + + Client + + + Topic + + + Created By + + + Offer + + + Text Message + + + Organization + + + Name + + + Private Note + + + Created + + + Updated + + + Willing to commit + + + Seller Funds + + + User/Contact + + + Updated By + + + Committed Amount + + + Active + + + Order + + + Organization + + + Created By + + + Buyer Funds + + + Updated + + + Client + + + Payment + + + Not Committed Aount + + + Updated By + + + User/Contact + + + Created + + + Updated By + + + Organization + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Client + + + Name + + + Valid to + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Penjelasan + + + User/Contact + + + Updated By + + + Active + + + Created By + + + Topic + + + Created + + + Organization + + + Updated + + + User/Contact + + + Client + + + Bid Comment + + + Text Message + + + Updated + + + Text Message + + + Updated By + + + Private Note + + + Willing to commit + + + Topic + + + Bid + + + Name + + + Created + + + Buyer Funds + + + Client + + + Created By + + + Active + + + User/Contact + + + Organization + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Scheduler Log + + + Created + + + Penjelasan + + + Text Message + + + BinaryData + + + Organization + + + Created By + + + Reference + + + Error + + + Scheduler + + + Active + + + Summary + + + Client + + + Frequency + + + Client + + + Supervisor + + + Active + + + Process Now + + + Scheduler + + + Process + + + Created By + + + Frequency Type + + + Updated + + + Date next run + + + Penjelasan + + + Organization + + + Updated By + + + Created + + + Name + + + Days to keep Log + + + Date last run + + + Organization Type + + + Name + + + Organization + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Client + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Penjelasan + + + Updated By + + + Daftar Harga + + + Membership + + + Created + + + Comment/Help + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Updated By + + + Topic Type + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Client + + + Produk + + + Topic Category + + + Created By + + + Name + + + Organization + + + Created + + + Client + + + Updated + + + Penjelasan + + + Active + + + Topic Type + + + Updated By + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Error + + + Created + + + Summary + + + Text Message + + + Accounting Processor Log + + + Created By + + + BinaryData + + + Client + + + Penjelasan + + + Active + + + Reference + + + Accounting Processor + + + Organization + + + Supervisor + + + Frequency + + + Client + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Created By + + + Date last run + + + Date next run + + + Days to keep Log + + + Accounting Processor + + + Penjelasan + + + Organization + + + Frequency Type + + + Name + + + Updated By + + + Created + + + Process Now + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Active + + + Workflow Processor + + + Workflow Processorl Log + + + BinaryData + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Created + + + Summary + + + Text Message + + + Reference + + + Penjelasan + + + Error + + + Created By + + + Date next run + + + Penjelasan + + + Days to keep Log + + + Frequency Type + + + Name + + + Process Now + + + Updated By + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Workflow Processor + + + Active + + + Created By + + + Frequency + + + Updated + + + Created + + + Supervisor + + + Date last run + + + Process Parameter + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + Penjelasan + + + Created + + + Updated + + + Default Parameter + + + Client + + + Scheduler + + + Referenced Shipment Line + + + Decision date + + + Auction Type + + + Reference + + + Created + + + Active + + + Text Message + + + Error + + + Alert Processor Log + + + Client + + + Penjelasan + + + Summary + + + Updated By + + + Organization + + + Updated + + + Alert Processor + + + BinaryData + + + Created By + + + Name + + + Date last run + + + Penjelasan + + + Active + + + Updated By + + + Created By + + + Date next run + + + Alert Processor + + + Organization + + + Supervisor + + + Created + + + Process Now + + + Days to keep Log + + + Updated + + + Frequency Type + + + Frequency + + + Client + + + RfQ Response + + + RfQ Response + + + Telepon + + + Telepon + + + Telepon + + + Country + + + ZIP + + + Region + + + Kota + + + Role + + + Alert Recipient + + + Telepon + + + Client + + + Tax ZIP + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + Organization + + + ZIP To + + + Tax + + + Updated + + + ZIP + + + Daftar Harga + + + Comment/Help + + + Process Now + + + Organization + + + Document No + + + Priority + + + Active + + + Processed + + + Warehouse + + + Client + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Requisition + + + Tanggal Dibutuhkan + + + User/Contact + + + Document Action + + + Updated By + + + Posted + + + Status Dokumen + + + Penjelasan + + + Created + + + Updated + + + Total Lines + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Unit Price + + + Line Net + + + Penjelasan + + + Quantity + + + Organization + + + Requisition Line + + + Updated By + + + Created + + + Client + + + Requisition + + + Line No + + + Produk + + + Created By + + + Active + + + Role + + + Organization + + + Updated + + + Created + + + Client + + + Scheduler + + + Active + + + Created By + + + User/Contact + + + Updated By + + + Scheduler Recipient + + + Ranking + + + Work Start + + + Work Complete + + + Delivery Days + + + Ranking + + + Sales Representative + + + Schedule Type + + + Day of the Week + + + Day of the Month + + + Work Complete + + + Delivery Days + + + Work Start + + + Copy Lines + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Text Message + + + Text Message + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Attachment + + + Active + + + User/Contact + + + Updated By + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Title + + + Created + + + Attachment Note + + + Workflow + + + Priority + + + Record ID + + + Table + + + Table + + + Priority + + + Record ID + + + Penjelasan + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Default + + + Validate Workflow + + + Table + + + Search Key + + + Column + + + Wait Time + + + Attribute Value + + + Attribute Name + + + Node Transition + + + Workflow Key + + + Created By + + + Transition Condition + + + And/Or + + + Created + + + Operation + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Node Transition + + + Sequence + + + Search Key + + + Updated By + + + Active + + + Value To + + + Entity Type + + + Updated + + + Column + + + Drop Shipment + + + Approve own Documents + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Produk + + + Order + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Updated By + + + Document Action + + + Status Dokumen + + + Tanggal Diorder + + + Reserved Quantity + + + Ordered Quantity + + + Qty to invoice + + + Kuantitas Terkirim + + + Updated + + + Warehouse + + + Sales Representative + + + Mata Uang + + + Organization + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Sales Transaction + + + Tanggal Dijanjikan + + + Invoiced Quantity + + + Active + + + Unit Price + + + Created + + + Credit Approved + + + User/Contact + + + Qty to deliver + + + Created By + + + Sales Order Line + + + Client + + + Order Reference + + + UOM + + + Invoice net Amount + + + Selalu Bisa Diperbarui + + + Drop Shipment + + + Penjelasan + + + Ratio + + + Total Ratio + + + Comment/Help + + + Organization + + + Penjelasan + + + GL Distribution Line + + + Produk + + + Active + + + Activity + + + Campaign + + + Location To + + + Location From + + + Proyek + + + User1 + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + Account + + + Trx Organization + + + Created + + + GL Distribution + + + Updated + + + Sales Region + + + Line No + + + User2 + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Updated + + + User1 + + + GL Distribution + + + Location To + + + Organization + + + Process Now + + + Activity + + + Produk + + + Campaign + + + Accounting Schema + + + Account + + + Active + + + Penjelasan + + + Trx Organization + + + Organization + + + Proyek + + + Name + + + Comment/Help + + + Created + + + Updated By + + + Created By + + + Client + + + Location From + + + User2 + + + Sales Region + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Valid + + + Summary Level + + + Document Action + + + Workflow Process + + + Table + + + Text Message + + + Node + + + Record ID + + + Elapsed Time ms + + + Invited + + + Delivery Days + + + Comment/Help + + + Organization + + + User/Contact + + + Quote Total Amt + + + RfQ Topic + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Client + + + Work Start + + + Penjelasan + + + Response Date + + + Name + + + RfQ Type + + + Quote All Quantities + + + Sales Representative + + + Work Complete + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Responses Accepted + + + RfQ + + + Mata Uang + + + Comment/Help + + + Line No + + + Discount % + + + Line Work Start + + + Ranking + + + Harga + + + Penjelasan + + + Quantity Ranking + + + Quantity + + + Organization + + + Produk + + + Mata Uang + + + RfQ + + + Line Delivery Days + + + Self-Service + + + Work Start + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Response Date + + + Quantity Price + + + Delivery Days + + + UOM + + + Line Description + + + RfQ Response + + + Line Help/Comment + + + RfQ Topic + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Line Work Complete + + + Client + + + User/Contact + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Work Complete + + + Processed + + + Rank RfQ + + + Search Key + + + Updated By + + + Priority + + + Created + + + Updated + + + Quantity + + + Organization + + + Tanggal Dibutuhkan + + + Produk + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Created By + + + Line Net + + + Client + + + User/Contact + + + Daftar Harga + + + Unit Price + + + Line Description + + + Line No + + + Active + + + Processed + + + Total Lines + + + Warehouse + + + Requisition + + + Document Action + + + Status Dokumen + + + Comment/Help + + + Document No + + + Requisition Line + + + Penjelasan + + + Sales Order Line + + + End Wait + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Create Single Order + + + Client + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Updated + + + Penjelasan + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Created + + + Distribution Run + + + Process Now + + + Distribution List + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Distribution Run Line + + + Created + + + Produk + + + Line No + + + Client + + + Penjelasan + + + Distribution Run + + + Total Quantity + + + Minimum Quantity + + + Updated By + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Quantity + + + Updated + + + Distribution List + + + Minimum Quantity + + + Distribution List Line + + + Distribution Run + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Created + + + Produk + + + Active + + + Distribution Run Line + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Start Implementation/Production + + + Ratio + + + Allow Statistics + + + DB Column Name + + + Reference + + + Reference Key + + + Self-Service + + + Active + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Produk + + + Updated By + + + Organization + + + Penjelasan + + + Client + + + Updated + + + Registration Attribute + + + Workflow + + + Version No + + + Penjelasan + + + Guarantee Date + + + Name + + + Kelompok Harta + + + Created By + + + Created + + + In Service Date + + + Updated + + + Aset + + + Produk + + + Search Key + + + Comment/Help + + + Movement Date + + + Active + + + Updated By + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Lot No + + + Delivery Count + + + Organization + + + User/Contact + + + Client + + + Serial No + + + Access Log + + + Text Message + + + Penjelasan + + + Column + + + Created + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Table + + + Client + + + Remote Host + + + Updated By + + + Remote Addr + + + Active + + + Reply + + + Organization + + + Record ID + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Organization + + + Name + + + Counter Document + + + Counter Document Type + + + Penjelasan + + + Updated By + + + Client + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Valid + + + Process Now + + + Print Color + + + Print Color + + + Print Color + + + Print Color + + + Created + + + Updated + + + Demand Line + + + Permintaan + + + Active + + + Quantity + + + Produk + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Updated By + + + Period + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + Comment/Help + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Name + + + Year + + + Client + + + Penjelasan + + + Calendar + + + Active + + + Updated + + + Default + + + Process Now + + + Organization + + + Forecast + + + Forecast Line + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Organization + + + Updated By + + + Sales Order Line + + + Created + + + Client + + + Requisition Line + + + Detail Permintaan + + + Demand Line + + + Active + + + Updated + + + Created + + + Updated By + + + Period + + + Client + + + Created By + + + Organization + + + Quantity + + + Forecast + + + Active + + + Produk + + + Forecast Line + + + Comment/Help + + + Client + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Year + + + Calendar + + + Created + + + Permintaan + + + Organization + + + Updated By + + + Active + + + Default + + + Penjelasan + + + Process Now + + + Name + + + Calculated Quantity + + + Calculated Quantity + + + Print Format + + + Std User Workflow + + + Invoice Phone + + + Invoice Contact Name + + + Invoice Partner + + + Invoice Name + + + Invoice Contact + + + Invoice Title + + + Invoice Partner Key + + + Invoice Tax ID + + + Invoice Location + + + Invoice Address + + + Invoice Name2 + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Alamat + + + BP Name + + + Created By + + + Client + + + RfQ Line + + + Updated By + + + UPC/EAN + + + Created + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Organization + + + Name + + + Product Key + + + Penjelasan + + + Line No + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Work Start + + + Delivery Days + + + SKU + + + Document Note + + + Comment/Help + + + Language + + + Produk + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Work Start + + + BP Name2 + + + BP Name + + + Delivery Days + + + Contact Name + + + Organization + + + ISO Currency Code + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + Client + + + RfQ + + + Active + + + Mata Uang + + + Language + + + Penjelasan + + + Telepon + + + Name + + + Created + + + User/Contact + + + Updated + + + Title + + + Alamat + + + Response Date + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Comment/Help + + + RfQ Line Quantity + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Language + + + UOM + + + Updated By + + + Created + + + Symbol + + + Quantity + + + Created By + + + Active + + + Updated + + + Tax ID + + + Org Address + + + RfQ Response Line + + + RfQ Response + + + RfQ Response + + + Discount % + + + Harga + + + RfQ Response Line Qty + + + RfQ Response Line + + + Best Response Amount + + + Offer Amount + + + Symbol + + + RfQ Response Line Qty + + + Quantity + + + Discount % + + + UOM + + + RfQ Line Quantity + + + Harga + + + Check Complete + + + Document No + + + Use Beta Functions + + + Primary Tree Campaign + + + Primary Tree Activity + + + Processed + + + Processed + + + Processed + + + Processed + + + Invoice Partner + + + Invoice Contact + + + Invoice Location + + + Processed + + + Processed + + + Processed + + + Processed + + + Processed + + + Processed + + + Processed + + + Default Counter Document + + + Document Action + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Status Dokumen + + + Create Confirm + + + Pick/QA Confirmation + + + Ship/Receipt Confirmation + + + Process Now + + + Organization + + + Ship/Receipt Confirmation + + + Created By + + + Penjelasan + + + Processed + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Shipment/Receipt + + + Document No + + + Client + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Updated By + + + Created + + + Confirmation Type + + + Processed + + + Active + + + Ship/Receipt Confirmation Line + + + Created + + + Client + + + Penjelasan + + + Ship/Receipt Confirmation + + + Target Quantity + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Confirmed Quantity + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + Organization + + + Document Action + + + In Transit + + + Create Package + + + Create Package + + + Perbedaan + + + Scrapped Quantity + + + Order + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Status Dokumen + + + Document Action + + + Sales Representative + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Document Action + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Status Dokumen + + + Penjelasan + + + Account Tanggal + + + Window Height + + + Window Width + + + Processed + + + RMA Type + + + Jumlah + + + Ship Date + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Organization + + + Name + + + Created By + + + Client + + + Penjelasan + + + RMA Type + + + Created + + + Active + + + Comment/Help + + + Comment/Help + + + Drop Shipment + + + Mata Uang + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Cancelled + + + Confirmation Type + + + Active + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Penjelasan + + + Updated + + + Processed + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Ship/Receipt Confirmation + + + Order + + + Created By + + + Shipment/Receipt + + + Client + + + Updated By + + + Cancelled + + + Organization + + + Created + + + Warehouse + + + Document No + + + Process Now + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Shipment/Receipt + + + Produk + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Target Quantity + + + Locator + + + Processed + + + Order + + + Ship/Receipt Confirmation + + + Ship/Receipt Confirmation Line + + + Cancelled + + + Organization + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Scrapped Quantity + + + Confirmation Type + + + Updated + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Active + + + Created + + + Perbedaan + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Confirmed Quantity + + + Updated By + + + Client + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + Document No + + + Created By + + + Warehouse + + + Penjelasan + + + Sales Transaction + + + Sales Transaction + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Tax Amount + + + Line Total + + + Tax Indicator + + + Organization + + + Created By + + + Warehouse + + + Attribute Set + + + Penjelasan + + + Created + + + Symbol + + + Backordered + + + Bin (Y) + + + Aisle (X) + + + Ship/Receipt Confirmation + + + Shipment/Receipt + + + Line No + + + Updated + + + Scrapped Quantity + + + Language + + + Lot No + + + Document Note + + + Serial No + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Confirmed Quantity + + + Guarantee Date + + + Level (Z) + + + Movement Quantity + + + Processed + + + Lot + + + Target Quantity + + + Name + + + Locator + + + Ship Description + + + Product Key + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + Updated By + + + Client + + + UPC/EAN + + + Perbedaan + + + Ship/Receipt Confirmation Line + + + SKU + + + Active + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Movement Type + + + Document No + + + Tanggal Diorder + + + Aturan Pengiriman + + + Ship/Receipt Confirmation + + + Client + + + Sales Representative + + + Warehouse + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Movement Date + + + Freight Cost Rule + + + Updated By + + + Language + + + Order Reference + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Ship Description + + + Organization + + + Pengiriman Lewat + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Confirmation Type + + + Cancelled + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Shipper + + + Created + + + User/Contact + + + Created By + + + Priority + + + Shipment/Receipt + + + Penjelasan + + + Updated + + + Active + + + Processed + + + Order + + + Mandatory Type + + + Document Action + + + Status Dokumen + + + Processed + + + Transaction Date + + + Processed + + + Alokasi + + + Active + + + Penjelasan + + + Posted + + + Process Now + + + Account Tanggal + + + Mata Uang + + + Organization + + + Manual + + + Document Action + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Document No + + + Status Dokumen + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Approval Amount + + + Client + + + Status Dokumen + + + Document Action + + + Baris Alokasi + + + Account Tanggal + + + Organization + + + Created + + + Sales Transaction + + + Active + + + Created By + + + Document No + + + Client + + + Updated + + + Record ID + + + Document Date + + + Table + + + Updated By + + + Jumlah Gantung + + + Discount Amount + + + Pay Schedule valid + + + Paid Amount + + + Invoice + + + Tanggal Diinvoice + + + Sales Transaction + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Organization + + + Mata Uang + + + Discount Date + + + Grand Total + + + Document No + + + Invoice Payment Schedule + + + Order + + + Net Days + + + Days due + + + Tanggal Jatuh Tempo + + + Client + + + Tipe Mata Uang + + + Client + + + Account Tanggal + + + Write-off Amount + + + Active + + + Document No + + + Jumlah + + + Payment + + + Manual + + + Penjelasan + + + Status Dokumen + + + Created + + + Approval Amount + + + Document Action + + + Alokasi + + + Processed + + + Updated By + + + Order + + + Mata Uang + + + Organization + + + Discount Amount + + + Baris Jurnal Kas + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Transaction Date + + + Over/Under Payment + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Baris Alokasi + + + Invoice + + + Approval Amount + + + Price Invoiced + + + Quantity Reimbursed + + + Price Reimbursed + + + Invoiced Quantity + + + In Dispute + + + B.Partner Flat Discount + + + LDAP Query + + + Authorize via LDAP + + + LDAP Query + + + LDAP Port + + + Difference Document + + + Split when Difference + + + Flat Discount % + + + Create Counter Document + + + In Dispute + + + LDAP Host + + + In Dispute + + + Approval Amount + + + Document Action + + + Status Dokumen + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Approval Amount + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Create Counter Document + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Client + + + Perbedaan + + + Penjelasan + + + Updated + + + Baris Stok Opname + + + Processed + + + Move Confirm + + + Scrapped Quantity + + + Active + + + Updated By + + + Move Line Confirm + + + Confirmed Quantity + + + Organization + + + Target Quantity + + + Move Line + + + Created + + + Client + + + Status Dokumen + + + Move Confirm + + + Stok Opname + + + Inventory Move + + + Active + + + Process Now + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Approval Amount + + + Penjelasan + + + Created By + + + Processed + + + Document Action + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Organization + + + Invoice + + + Approval Amount + + + Stok Opname + + + Invoice Line + + + Baris Stok Opname + + + Beta Functionality + + + Beta Functionality + + + Document No + + + Status Dokumen + + + Document Action + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Processed + + + Relative Position + + + Calculate Minimum (↓) + + + Print Font + + + Organization + + + X Position + + + Default + + + Included Print Format + + + Print Format Item + + + Group by + + + Line Alignment + + + Max Width + + + Print Paper + + + Running Total + + + Max Height + + + Suppress Null + + + Table Based + + + Default Print Font + + + Sequence + + + Area + + + Form + + + Order by + + + Print Text + + + Print Item Name + + + One Line Only + + + Default Print Color + + + Active + + + Printer Name + + + Print Table Format + + + Created + + + Table + + + Field Alignment + + + Image URL + + + Updated By + + + Graph + + + Calculate Sum (Σ) + + + Dibawah Kolom + + + X Space + + + Page break + + + Name + + + Calculate Maximim (↑) + + + Set NL Position + + + Report View + + + Print Color + + + Y Space + + + Penjelasan + + + Calculate Count (№) + + + Footer Margin + + + Image attached + + + Created By + + + Calculate Mean (μ) + + + Next Page + + + Fixed Width + + + Standard Header/Footer + + + Updated + + + Header Margin + + + Y Position + + + Column + + + Calculate Deviation (σ) + + + Client + + + Format Type + + + Printed + + + Running Total Lines + + + Calculate Variance (σ²) + + + Print Label Suffix + + + Record Sort No + + + Next Line + + + Alamat 3 + + + Alamat 4 + + + Print Format + + + Saldo Mula-Mula + + + Penjelasan + + + Ship/Receipt Confirmation Import Line + + + Client + + + Updated By + + + Ship/Receipt Confirmation Line + + + Processed + + + Perbedaan + + + Active + + + Updated + + + Created + + + Confirmed Quantity + + + Created By + + + Import Error Message + + + Scrapped Quantity + + + Process Now + + + Organization + + + Imported + + + Confirmation No + + + Confirmation No + + + Confirmation No + + + Processed + + + Processed + + + Days due + + + Jumlah + + + Dunning Run Entry + + + Converted Amount + + + Interest Amount + + + Processed + + + Total Amount + + + Fee Amount + + + Times Dunned + + + Send + + + Processed + + + Process Now + + + Sales Representative + + + Processed + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Mata Uang + + + User/Contact + + + Note + + + Print Text + + + Jumlah + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Dunning Date + + + Tax ID + + + Reference No + + + Contact Name + + + Name 2 + + + Organization + + + Sales Representative + + + Updated + + + Name + + + Partner Tax ID + + + Client + + + Note + + + BP Search Key + + + Telepon + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + BP Greeting + + + Alamat + + + Org Address + + + NAICS/SIC + + + Created + + + Document Note + + + Sales Representative + + + Title + + + BP Contact Greeting + + + Language + + + Active + + + D-U-N-S + + + Quantity + + + Grand Total + + + Dunning Run Line + + + Proyek + + + Times Dunned + + + Updated By + + + Daftar Harga + + + Total Lines + + + Jumlah + + + Client + + + Invoice + + + Document No + + + Order Reference + + + Updated + + + Payment Term + + + Campaign + + + Status Dokumen + + + Days due + + + Penjelasan + + + Paid + + + Activity + + + Sales Transaction + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Tanggal Diorder + + + Tanggal Diinvoice + + + Jumlah Beban + + + Mata Uang + + + Total Amount + + + Organization + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Fee Amount + + + Converted Amount + + + Language + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Beban + + + Interest Amount + + + Dunning Run Entry + + + Active + + + Benchmark Price + + + Benchmark Difference + + + Benchmark Price + + + Benchmark Price + + + Penjelasan + + + Dunning Run Entry + + + Dunning Run + + + In Dispute + + + In Dispute + + + Jumlah Gantung + + + Discount Amount + + + Discount Amount + + + Jumlah Gantung + + + Jumlah Gantung + + + Discount Amount + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Value + + + Attribute Value Type + + + Table + + + Processed + + + Process Now + + + Record ID + + + Organization + + + Measure Actual + + + Created + + + Client + + + Transaction Date + + + Penjelasan + + + Active + + + SLA Goal + + + SLA Measure + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Created By + + + Active + + + Updated By + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Classname + + + Penjelasan + + + Manual + + + SLA Criteria + + + Organization + + + Name + + + Comment/Help + + + Client + + + Created + + + Updated + + + SLA Goal + + + Created By + + + Date last run + + + Created + + + Name + + + Processed + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Measure Actual + + + Valid to + + + Active + + + Measure Target + + + Updated By + + + Client + + + Comment/Help + + + Valid from + + + Organization + + + Penjelasan + + + SLA Criteria + + + Process Now + + + RfQ Quantity + + + Table + + + Language + + + Name + + + Created By + + + Updated By + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Updated + + + Translated + + + RfQ Subscriber + + + Client + + + RfQ Topic Subscriber Restriction + + + Updated + + + Produk + + + Updated By + + + Organization + + + Created + + + Penjelasan + + + Active + + + Created By + + + Kategori Produk + + + B.Partner Flat Discount + + + Beta Functionality + + + Created + + + Penjelasan + + + Updated By + + + Organization + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + POS Terminal + + + POS Key Layout + + + Client + + + Sales Representative + + + Name + + + Buku Kas + + + Printer Name + + + Warehouse + + + Comment/Help + + + Daftar Harga + + + Active + + + Created By + + + Penjelasan + + + POS Key Layout + + + Comment/Help + + + Active + + + Updated + + + Name + + + Organization + + + Created + + + Client + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Updated + + + Sequence + + + POS Key Layout + + + Client + + + Penjelasan + + + Produk + + + Active + + + Updated By + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Organization + + + POS Key + + + Quantity + + + Symbol + + + UOM + + + Modify Price + + + Print Color + + + Template B.Partner + + + Alamat 2 + + + Saldo Mula-Mula + + + User/Contact + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Country + + + Region + + + Country + + + Alamat 1 + + + Region + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Tax Indicator + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Kuantitas Terkirim + + + Ordered Quantity + + + Akses semua Organisasi + + + Pick Date + + + User1 + + + Movement Date + + + Created + + + Processed + + + Line Description + + + Warehouse + + + Date printed + + + Order Reference + + + Shipment/Receipt + + + Tracking No + + + Sales Order Line + + + Tanggal Diorder + + + Priority + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Updated By + + + Status Dokumen + + + UOM + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Document No + + + Hanya Penjelasan + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + Freight Cost Rule + + + Confirmed Quantity + + + Activity + + + Freight Amount + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Sales Representative + + + Proyek + + + Picked Quantity + + + Scrapped Quantity + + + Campaign + + + Posted + + + Sales Transaction + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Aturan Pengiriman + + + Active + + + Locator + + + Order + + + Updated + + + Produk + + + Client + + + Line No + + + User/Contact + + + Created By + + + Shipper + + + Movement Type + + + Trx Organization + + + Movement Quantity + + + Document Action + + + Pengiriman Lewat + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Penjelasan + + + Account Tanggal + + + Organization + + + Tanggal Diterima + + + In Dispute + + + User2 + + + Ship Date + + + No Packages + + + Target Quantity + + + Bin (Y) + + + Level (Z) + + + Aisle (X) + + + Locator Key + + + Produk + + + Quantity + + + Quantity + + + Quantity + + + Harga + + + Quantity + + + Harga + + + Harga + + + Quantity + + + Harga + + + Quantity + + + Harga + + + Quantity + + + Harga + + + Quantity + + + Quantity + + + List Prive + + + List Prive + + + Custom Prefix + + + Overwrite User1 + + + Overwrite Activity + + + Overwrite Account + + + Overwrite Organization + + + Overwrite Location From + + + Overwrite Campaign + + + Overwrite Location To + + + Overwrite Project + + + Overwrite Bus.Partner + + + Overwrite Trx Organuzation + + + Overwrite Product + + + Overwrite Sales Region + + + Percent + + + Overwrite User2 + + + Semua Account + + + Semua Trx Organisasi + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Semua Pengguna 2 + + + Semua Partner Bis. + + + Semua Produk + + + Total Percent + + + Any Location From + + + Any Location To + + + Semua Proyek + + + Semua Kampanye + + + Any Organization + + + Semua Wilayah Penjualan + + + Semua Aktivitas + + + PostingType + + + Semua Pengguna 1 + + + Reverse Local Address Lines + + + Local Address Format + + + Reverse Address Lines + + + Bank Account No Format + + + Bank Routing No Format + + + Sales Transaction + + + Receipt + + + Workflow Type + + + Document Value Logic + + + Just Migrated + + + Order + + + Create + + + Last Alert + + + Reminder Days + + + Toleransi Jatuh Tempo + + + EMail when Overdue + + + EMail when Due + + + Request Type + + + Inactivity Alert Days + + + Last Alert + + + Inactivity Alert Days + + + Reminder Days + + + Accounting Schema + + + Valid + + + Dyn Priority Start + + + Dynamic Priority Unit + + + Dynamic Priority Change + + + Alert over Priority + + + Address of DB Server + + + Database Name + + + Processors + + + Table + + + Valid + + + Error Msg + + + Valid + + + Other Clause + + + Organization + + + Updated + + + Language + + + Translated + + + Column + + + Created By + + + Name + + + Updated By + + + Active + + + Created + + + Client + + + Undo + + + Redo + + + Customization + + + Penjelasan + + + Aset + + + User2 + + + User1 + + + Activity + + + Campaign + + + Proyek + + + Sales Region + + + Location To + + + Location From + + + Trx Organization + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Produk + + + Quantity + + + UOM + + + Accounted Credit + + + Accounted Debit + + + Source Credit + + + Source Debit + + + Mata Uang + + + PostingType + + + Locator + + + Tax + + + Budget + + + GL Category + + + Line ID + + + Record ID + + + Table + + + Period + + + Transaction Date + + + Account Tanggal + + + Account + + + Accounting Schema + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Accounting Fact + + + Process Instance + + + Accounted Balance + + + Source Balance + + + Penjelasan + + + Penjelasan Produk + + + Penjelasan Produk + + + Penjelasan Produk + + + Transaction Date + + + Discount Amount + + + Tender type + + + Telah Dialokasikan + + + Trx Organization + + + Tipe Mata Uang + + + Account Tanggal + + + User2 + + + User1 + + + jsp URL + + + Internal Use Qty + + + Transaction + + + Maintain Change Log + + + Preference Level + + + Overwrite Price Limit + + + Account Key + + + Org Key + + + Organization Name + + + Account Key + + + Name + + + Account Type + + + Business Partner Key + + + BP Name + + + Kelompok Partner Bisnis + + + Product Key + + + Nama Produk + + + UPC/EAN + + + Kategori Produk + + + Harga Termasuk Pajak + + + Harga Termasuk Pajak + + + Jumlah Yang Telah Di-Invoice + + + Jumlah Gantung + + + Prepayment + + + Prepayment + + + Beban + + + Penjelasan + + + Penjelasan + + + IBAN + + + Price Precision + + + Summary + + + Fill Shape + + + Line Width + + + Arc Diameter + + + Shape Type + + + Model Validation Classes + + + Archive + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Table + + + Record ID + + + Process + + + BinaryData + + + Auto Archive + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Report + + + Invoice Payment Schedule + + + Table + + + Record ID + + + Decimal Point + + + Date Pattern + + + Time Pattern + + + Media Size + + + Document No + + + Document No + + + Kategori Produk + + + Sales Transaction + + + Invoice + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Bank Account + + + Transaction Type + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Receipt + + + Transaction Date + + + Document No + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Payment + + + Posted + + + Processed + + + Online Access + + + Telah Dialokasikan + + + Reconciled + + + Beban + + + Prepayment + + + Document Action + + + Status Dokumen + + + Online Processing + + + Process Now + + + Info + + + Zip verified + + + Address verified + + + Authorization Code + + + Response Message + + + Result + + + Reference + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Over/Under Payment + + + Available Amount + + + Jumlah Yang Dialokasikan + + + Multiplier AP + + + Over/Under Payment + + + Tax Amount + + + Write-off Amount + + + Discount Amount + + + Payment amount + + + Tipe Mata Uang + + + Mata Uang + + + PO Number + + + Original Transaction ID + + + Voice authorization code + + + Account EMail + + + Social Security No + + + SIM + + + Account Zip/Postal + + + Account State + + + Account Kota + + + Account Street + + + Account Name + + + Check No + + + Account No + + + Routing No + + + Micr + + + Exp. Year + + + Exp. Month + + + Verification Code + + + Number + + + Credit Card + + + Tender type + + + Payment Batch + + + Partner Bank Account + + + Sales Transaction + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Status Dokumen + + + Sales Transaction + + + Sales Transaction + + + Sales Transaction + + + Sales Transaction + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Product Attribute + + + Attribute Set + + + Lot + + + Guarantee Date + + + Lot No + + + Serial No + + + Product Attribute + + + Attribute Set + + + Lot + + + Guarantee Date + + + Lot No + + + Serial No + + + Sales Transaction + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Product Attribute + + + Attribute Set + + + Lot + + + Guarantee Date + + + Lot No + + + Serial No + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Mata Uang + + + Jumlah + + + Jumlah Gantung + + + Document Date + + + Days due + + + Account Tanggal + + + Account Tanggal + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + User/Contact + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Produk + + + Document Date + + + Invoice Document No + + + Jumlah Aktual + + + Converted Amount + + + Actual Amount + + + Mata Uang + + + Info + + + Invoice Line + + + Sales Order Line + + + Reference + + + Detil Komisi + + + Jumlah Komisi + + + Qty Komisi + + + Commission Converted Amount + + + Jumlah Komisi + + + Commissioned B.Partner + + + Komisi + + + Processed + + + Grand Total + + + Start Date + + + Penjelasan + + + Document No + + + Proses Komisi + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Centrally maintained + + + Image Field + + + Image URL + + + Image URL + + + Image URL + + + BBAN + + + Material Policy + + + Costing Method + + + Material Policy + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Movement Date + + + Movement Quantity + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + Shipment/Receipt + + + Search Order + + + Search Invoice + + + Move Line + + + Inventory Move + + + Baris Stok Opname + + + Stok Opname + + + Process Instance + + + Inventory Transaction + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Movement Type + + + Locator + + + Produk + + + Movement Quantity + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Project Issue + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Baris Produksi + + + Movement Quantity + + + Landed Cost + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Penjelasan + + + Invoice Line + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + Shipment/Receipt + + + Produk + + + Move Line + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Movement Quantity + + + Invoice Line + + + Produk + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Jumlah + + + Quantity + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Movement Quantity + + + Movement Quantity + + + Baris Stok Opname + + + Stok Opname + + + Move Line + + + Inventory Move + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + Shipment/Receipt + + + Baris Produksi + + + Project Issue + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Inventory Transaction + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Movement Type + + + Locator + + + Produk + + + Movement Date + + + Baris Stok Opname + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Movement Quantity + + + Search Shipment/Receipt + + + Produksi + + + Proyek + + + Baris Produksi + + + Produksi + + + Project Issue + + + Proyek + + + Processed + + + Process Now + + + Document Amt + + + Control Amount + + + Tipe Mata Uang + + + Mata Uang + + + Sales Representative + + + Document Date + + + Penjelasan + + + Document No + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Invoice Batch + + + Invoice Batch Line + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Invoice Batch + + + Line No + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Document No + + + Tanggal Diinvoice + + + Account Tanggal + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Lokasi Partner + + + User/Contact + + + Beban + + + Quantity + + + Harga + + + Tax + + + Tax Amount + + + Proyek + + + Activity + + + User1 + + + User2 + + + Processed + + + Invoice + + + Invoice Line + + + Sales Transaction + + + Line Total + + + Trx Organization + + + Harga Termasuk Pajak + + + Line Net + + + Default Logic + + + Role + + + Multi Row Only + + + Penjelasan + + + Amt in Words + + + Amt in Words + + + Warehouse + + + Warehouse Address + + + Amt in Words + + + Amt in Words + + + Beban + + + Primary Tree Organization + + + Use User Org Access + + + Read Only + + + User/Contact + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Read Only + + + Column SQL + + + Read Only Logic + + + Display Logic + + + Cost Element + + + Cost Element + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Cost Element Type + + + Costing Method + + + Calculated + + + Cost Type + + + Cost Distribution + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Produk + + + Cost Type + + + Accounting Schema + + + Cost Element + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Current Cost Price + + + Future Cost Price + + + Penjelasan + + + Calculated + + + Group + + + Category + + + Status + + + Resolution + + + User Importance + + + Confidentiality + + + Role + + + Invoiced + + + Related Request + + + Entry Confidentiality + + + Standard Response + + + Start Time + + + End Time + + + Quantity Used + + + Invoiced Quantity + + + Product Used + + + Activity + + + Request Invoice + + + Invoiced + + + Role + + + Group + + + Category + + + Status + + + Resolution + + + Escalated + + + Invoiced + + + Confidentiality + + + Self-Service + + + Activity + + + Request Type + + + Penjelasan + + + Name + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Category + + + Comment/Help + + + Response Text + + + Name + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Standard Response + + + Resolution + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Group + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Status + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Shipment/Receipt + + + RMA + + + Start Date + + + Close Date + + + Priority + + + User Importance + + + Summary + + + Aset + + + Shipment/Receipt + + + RMA + + + Default + + + Open Status + + + Closed Status + + + Search Key + + + Auto Due Date Days + + + Product Download + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Produk + + + Name + + + Download URL + + + Product Download + + + EMail Verify + + + Quantity + + + One Asset Per UOM + + + Mail Text 2 + + + Mail Text 3 + + + Web Store + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Web Store EMail + + + WebStore User + + + WebStore Password + + + Web Store Info + + + Web Parameter 1 + + + Web Parameter 2 + + + Web Parameter 3 + + + Web Parameter 4 + + + Web Parameter 5 + + + Web Parameter 6 + + + Menu Assets + + + Menu Orders + + + Menu Invoices + + + Menu Shipments + + + Menu Payments + + + Menu RfQs + + + Menu Requests + + + Menu Interests + + + Menu Registrations + + + Menu Contact + + + EMail Header + + + EMail Footer + + + Web Store + + + Language + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Translated + + + Web Store Info + + + Web Parameter 1 + + + Web Parameter 2 + + + Web Parameter 3 + + + Web Parameter 4 + + + Web Parameter 5 + + + Web Parameter 6 + + + EMail Header + + + EMail Footer + + + Mail Message + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Web Store + + + Message Type + + + Subject + + + Message + + + Message 2 + + + Message 3 + + + Mail Message + + + Language + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Translated + + + Subject + + + Message + + + Message 2 + + + Message 3 + + + User Mail + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + User/Contact + + + Mail Template + + + Mail Message + + + Message ID + + + Konfirmasi Pengiriman + + + Terkirim + + + Download URL + + + Referenced Payment + + + Payment Term + + + Create As Active + + + Sales Representative + + + Warehouse + + + Daftar Harga + + + User/Contact + + + Permohonan + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Self-Service + + + User/Contact + + + Request Type + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Self-Service + + + User/Contact + + + Category + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Self-Service + + + User/Contact + + + Group + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Self-Service + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Permohonan + + + User/Contact + + + Self-Service + + + Group + + + Request Type + + + Category + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Permohonan + + + User/Contact + + + Notification Type + + + Confidentiality + + + Next Status + + + Update Status + + + Timeout in Days + + + Web Can Update + + + Final Close + + + Penjelasan + + + Position + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Position Category + + + Position Category + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Position Assignment + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + User/Contact + + + Position + + + Valid from + + + Valid to + + + Penjelasan + + + Remuneration + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Remuneration Type + + + Standard Hours + + + Gross Amount + + + Gross Cost + + + Overtime Amount + + + Overtime Cost + + + Position Remuneration + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Position + + + Remuneration + + + Penjelasan + + + Employee Remuneration + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + User/Contact + + + Remuneration + + + Valid from + + + Valid to + + + Gross Amount + + + Gross Cost + + + Overtime Amount + + + Overtime Cost + + + Valid from + + + Valid to + + + Penjelasan + + + Alternative Group + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Produk + + + Product Operation + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Produk + + + Setup Time + + + Runtime per Unit + + + Teardown Time + + + Operation Resource + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Product Operation + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Aset + + + Position + + + Setup Time + + + Runtime per Unit + + + Teardown Time + + + BOM + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Produk + + + Change Notice + + + BOM Type + + + BOM Use + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Process Now + + + Change Notice + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Print Detail Transactions + + + Process Now + + + Change Request + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + BOM + + + Change Notice + + + Document No + + + Name + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Print Detail Transactions + + + Change Request + + + BOM Component + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Line No + + + BOM + + + Component Type + + + Phantom + + + BOM Product + + + Change Notice + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Alternative Group + + + BOM Quantity + + + Penjelasan + + + Comment/Help + + + Product Operation + + + Sequence + + + Lead Time Offset + + + Produk + + + Create Change Request + + + BOM + + + Request Update + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Permohonan + + + Entry Confidentiality + + + Start Time + + + End Time + + + Quantity Used + + + Invoiced Quantity + + + Product Used + + + Result + + + Insert Record + + + Advanced Tab + + + Confidential Info + + + Priority Base + + + Confidential Info + + + Null Columns + + + Change Notice + + + Fixed in + + + Processed + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Processed + + + Telah Disetujui + + + Attribute Set Instance To + + + Document No + + + Sales Transaction + + + Invoice + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Active + + + Organization + + + Client + + + Revaluated Difference Cr + + + Revaluated Difference Dr + + + Revaluation Conversion Type + + + Revaluation Date + + + Revaluated Amount Cr + + + Revaluated Amount Dr + + + Process Instance + + + Quantity + + + UOM + + + Accounted Credit + + + Accounted Debit + + + Source Credit + + + Source Debit + + + PostingType + + + Locator + + + Tax + + + Budget + + + GL Category + + + Period + + + Account + + + Accounting Schema + + + Accounting Fact + + + Sales Region + + + Location To + + + Location From + + + User2 + + + User1 + + + Trx Organization + + + Activity + + + Proyek + + + Campaign + + + Jumlah Gantung + + + Harga Termasuk Pajak + + + Grand Total + + + Tipe Mata Uang + + + Mata Uang + + + Self-Service + + + User/Contact + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Payment Term + + + Account Tanggal + + + Tanggal Diinvoice + + + Sales Representative + + + Penjelasan + + + Order + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + Status Dokumen + + + Revaluated Difference Dr + + + Revaluated Difference Cr + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Revaluated Amount Dr + + + Revaluated Amount Cr + + + Revaluation Date + + + Revaluation Conversion Type + + + Process Instance + + + Invoice + + + Accounting Fact + + + Client + + + AP - AR + + + AP - AR + + + EMail Test + + + Server Process + + + Server EMail + + + Web Context + + + Web Order EMail + + + Document Directory + + + Payment Term + + + Server Process + + + Proyek + + + Proyek + + + Proyek + + + Proyek + + + BPartner (Agent) + + + BPartner (Agent) + + + Source Warehouse + + + Replenishment Class + + + Source Warehouse + + + Source Warehouse + + + Search Key + + + UPC/EAN + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Produk + + + Search Key + + + Name + + + UPC/EAN + + + Bill of Materials + + + Product Type + + + Kategori Produk + + + Cost Type + + + Cost Element + + + Cost Element Type + + + Costing Method + + + Calculated + + + Accounting Schema + + + Mata Uang + + + Current Cost Price + + + Future Cost Price + + + Penjelasan + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created By + + + Created + + + Updated By + + + Updated + + + Produk + + + Search Key + + + Name + + + UPC/EAN + + + Bill of Materials + + + Product Type + + + Kategori Produk + + + Cost Type + + + Accounting Schema + + + Mata Uang + + + Current Cost Price + + + Future Cost Price + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Produk + + + Search Key + + + Name + + + UPC/EAN + + + Bill of Materials + + + Product Type + + + Kategori Produk + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + Invoice Line + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Attribute Set + + + Lot No + + + Serial No + + + Accounting Schema + + + Mata Uang + + + Jumlah + + + Quantity + + + Penjelasan + + + Processed + + + Client + + + Organization + + + Accounting Schema + + + Produk + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Active + + + Created + + + Created By + + + Updated + + + Updated By + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + Invoice Line + + + Jumlah + + + Quantity + + + Penjelasan + + + Processed + + + Costing Level + + + Costing Level + + + Cost Detail + + + Process Now + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Base + + + Landed Cost Allocation + + + Cost Element + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Adjust COGS + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Cost Price + + + Cumulated Amt + + + Cumulated Qty + + + Cost Element + + + Sales Order Line + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/AD_Desktop_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/AD_Desktop_Trl_in_ID.xml index e746628f97..3109ead8b8 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/AD_Desktop_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/AD_Desktop_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,2 +1,10 @@ - -FrontOfficeFront Office Desktop \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + FrontOffice + Front Office Desktop + + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/AD_Element_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/AD_Element_Trl_in_ID.xml index 00e44613a8..b66df7fbfb 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/AD_Element_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/AD_Element_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,160 +1,20483 @@ - -AttachmentAttachmentAttachment for the documentAttachment can be of any document/file type and can be attached to any record in the system.ClientClientClient/Tenant for this installation.A Client is a company or a legal entity. You cannot share data between Clients. Tenant is a synonym for Client.ColumnColumnColumn in the tableLink to the database column of the tableDisplay columnDisplay columnColumn that will displayThe Display Column indicates the column that will display.System ElementElementSystem Element enables the central maintenance of column description and help.The System Element allows for the central maintenance of help, descriptions and terminology for a database column.FieldFieldField on a database tableThe Field identifies a field on a database table.Key columnKey columnUnique identifier of a recordThe Key Column indicates that this the unique identifier of a record on this table.LanguageLanguageLanguage for this entityThe Language identifies the language to use for display and formattingMenuMenuIdentifies a MenuThe Menu identifies a unique Menu. Menus are used to control the display of those screens a user has access to.Trx OrganizationTrx OrganizationPerforming or initiating organizationThe organization which performs or initiates this transaction (for another organization). The owning Organization may not be the transaction organization in a service bureau environment, with centralized services, and inter-organization transactions.OrganizationOrganizationOrganizational entity within clientAn organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations.Process InstanceProcess InstanceInstance of the processPreferencePreferencePersonal Value PreferenceProcessProcessProcess or ReportThe Process field identifies a unique Process or Report in the system.Process ParameterProcess ParameterReference ListReference ListReference List based on TableThe Reference List field indicates a list of reference values from a database tables. Reference lists populate drop down list boxes in data entry screensReferenceReferenceSystem Reference (Pick List)The Reference indicates the type of reference fieldReference KeyReference KeyRequired to specify, if data type is Table or ListThe Reference Value indicates where the reference values are stored. It must be specified if the data type is Table or List. RoleRoleResponsibility RoleThe Role determines security and access a user who has this Role will have in the System.SequenceSequenceDocument SequenceThe Sequence defines the numbering sequence to be used for documents.TabTabTab within a WindowThe Tab indicates a tab that displays within a window.TableTableTable for the FieldsThe Table indicates the table in which a field or fields reside.Task InstanceTask InstanceOS TaskOS TaskOperation System TaskThe Task field identifies a Operation System Task in the system.Primary Tree BPartnerPrimary Tree BPartnerTreeTreeIdentifies a TreeThe Tree field identifies a unique Tree in the system. Trees define roll ups or summary levels of information. They are used in reports for defining report points and summarization levels.Primary Tree MenuPrimary Tree MenuPrimary Tree OrganizationPrimary Tree OrganizationPrimary Tree ProductPrimary Tree ProductPrimary Tree ProjectPrimary Tree ProjectPrimary Tree Sales RegionPrimary Tree Sales RegionUser/ContactUserUser within the system - Internal or Business Partner ContactThe User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contactDynamic ValidationValidationDynamic Validation RuleThese rules define how an entry is determined to valid. You can use variables for dynamic (context sensitive) validation.Next NodeNext NodeNext Node in workflowThe Next Node indicates the next step or task in this Workflow.NodeNodeWorkflow Node (activity), step or processThe Workflow Node indicates a unique step or process in a Workflow.WindowWindowData entry or display windowThe Window field identifies a unique Window in the system.Alur KerjaAlur KerjaWorkflow or combination of tasksThe Workflow field identifies a unique Workflow in the system.Data Access LevelData Access LevelAccess Level requiredIndicates the access level required for this record or process.Account SignTandaIndicates the Natural Sign of the Account as a Debit or CreditIndicates if the expected balance for this account should be a Debit or a Credit. If set to Natural, the account sign for an asset or expense account is Debit Sign (i.e. negative if a credit balance).Tipe AccountAccount TypeIndicates the type of accountValid account types are A - Asset, E - Expense, L - Liability, O- Owner's Equity, R -Revenue and M- Memo. The account type is used to determine what taxes, if any are applicable, validating payables and receivables for business partners. Note: Memo account amounts are ignored when checking for balancingAccountAccountAccount yang digunakanThe (natural) account usedSecond Accounting SchemaSecond Accounting SchemaFor parallel reporting using different accounting currency or field selectionThe Second Accounting Schema indicates an alternate set of rules to use for generating reports. Third Accounting SchemaThird Accounting SchemaFor parallel reporting using different accounting currency or field selectionThe Third Accounting Schema indicates an alternate set of rules to use for generating reports. Acquisition CostBiaya akuisisiThe cost of gaining the prospect as a customerThe Acquisition Cost identifies the cost associated with making this prospect a customer.ActionActionIndicates the Action to be performedThe Action field is a drop down list box which indicates the Action to be performed for this Item.Nilai Aktual Seumur HidupActual Life Time ValueActual Life Time RevenueThe Actual Life Time Value is the recorded revenue in primary accounting currency generated by the Business Partner.Additional Tree (1)Additional Tree (1)For parallel ReportingThe Additional Tree is used to define alternate roll ups which can be used in reporting. For example, you may have a Business Partner Tree which rolls up based on geographic location and an additional tree which rolls up based on industry.Additional Tree (2)Additional Tree (2)For parallel ReportingThe Additional Tree is used to define alternate roll ups which can be used in reporting. For example, you may have a Business Partner Tree which rolls up based on geographic location and an additional tree which rolls up based on industry. -Alamat 1Alamat 1Address line 1 for this locationThe Address 1 identifies the address for an entity's locationAlamat 2Alamat 2Address line 2 for this locationThe Address 2 provides additional address information for an entity. It can be used for building location, apartment number or similar information.Setelah DikirimAfter DeliveryDue after delivery rather than after invoicingThe After Delivery checkbox indicates that payment is due after delivery as opposed to after invoicing.AliasAliasDefines an alternate method of indicating an account combination.The Alias field allows you to define a alternate method for referring to a full account combination. For example, the Account Receivable Account for Garden World may be aliased as GW_AR.JumlahJumlahAmountAmountAccounted CreditSaldo KreditJumlah saldo kredit terhitungThe Account Credit Amount indicates the transaction amount converted to this organization's accounting currencyAccounted DebitSaldo DebetJumlah saldo debet terhitungThe Account Debit Amount indicates the transaction amount converted to this organization's accounting currencyApproval AmountApproval AmtThe approval amount limit for this roleThe Approval Amount field indicates the amount limit this Role has for approval of documents.Source CreditSource CreditSource Credit AmountThe Source Credit Amount indicates the credit amount for this line in the source currency.Source DebitSource DebitSource Debit AmountThe Source Debit Amount indicates the credit amount for this line in the source currency.AttributeAttributeAutomatic Period ControlAutomatic Period ControlIf selected, the periods are automatically opened and closedIn the Automatic Period Control, periods are opened and closed based on the current date. If the Manual alternative is activated, you have to open and close periods explicitly.Invoice ToInvoice ToBill to AddressThe Bill/Invoice To indicates the address to use when remitting billsBill From AddressThe Bill/Invoice From indicated the address where the invoice is created by the vendorInvoice FromInvoice FromBinaryDataBinaryBinary DataThe Binary field stores binary data.Budget StatusBudget StatusIndicates the current status of this budgetThe Budget Status indicates the current status of this budget (i.e Draft, Approved)Primary Accounting SchemaPrimary Accounting SchemaPrimary rules for accountingAn Accounting Schema defines the rules used accounting such as costing method, currency and calendar.Second Accounting SchemaSecond Accounting SchemaSecondary rules for accountingAn Accounting Schema defines the rules used in accounting such as costing method, currency and calendar.Third Accounting SchemaThird Accounting SchemaTerceary rules for accountingAn Accounting Schema defines the rules used in accounting such as costing method, currency and calendarAcct.Schema ElementAcct.Schema ElementSkema AkuntingSkema AkuntingAturan-aturan akuntingAn Accounting Schema defines the rules used in accounting such as costing method, currency and calendarPartner BisnisBusiness Partner Identifies a Business PartnerA Business Partner is anyone with whom you transact. This can include Vendor, Customer, Employee or SalespersonLokasi PartnerPartner LocationIdentifies the (ship to) address for this Business PartnerThe Partner address indicates the location of a Business PartnerIdentifies the (ship from) address for this Business PartnerThe Partner address indicates the location of a Business PartnerPartner LocationPartner LocationCalendarCalendarAccounting Calendar NameThe Calendar uniquely identifies an accounting calendar. Multiple calendars can be used. For example you may need a standard calendar that runs from Jan 1 to Dec 31 and a fiscal calendar that runs from July 1 to June 30.Conversion RateConversion RateRate used for converting currenciesThe Conversion Rate defines the rate (multiply or divide) to use when converting a source currency to an accounting currency.CountryCountryCountry The Country defines a Country. Each Country must be defined before it can be used in any document.Mata UangCurrencyThe Currency for this recordIndicates the Currency to be used when processing or reporting on this recordMata Uang TujuanCurrency ToTarget currencyThe Currency To defines the target currency for this conversion rate.Tipe DokumenDoc TypeDocument type or rulesThe Document Type determines document sequence and processing rulesTarget Document TypeTarget Doc TypeTarget document type for conversing documentsYou can convert document types (e.g. from Offer to Order or Invoice). The conversion is then reflected in the current type. This processing is initiated by selecting the appropriate Document Action.Elemen AccountAccount ElementAccount ElementAccount Elements can be natural accounts or user defined values.ElementElementAccounting ElementThe Account Element uniquely identifies an Account Type. These are commonly known as a Chart of Accounts.Location FromLocation FromLocation that inventory was moved fromThe Location From indicates the location that a product was moved from.Location ToLocation ToLocation that inventory was moved toThe Location To indicates the location that a product was moved to.AlamatAlamatLokasi atau AlamatThe Location / Address field defines the location of an entity.Non Business DayNon Business DayDay on which business is not transactedThe Non Business Day identifies a day that should not be considered a day when business is transactedPayment TermPayment TermThe terms for Payment of this transactionPayment Terms identify the method and timing of payment for this transaction. Period ControlPeriod ControlPeriodPeriodPeriod of the CalendarThe Period indicates an exclusive range of dates for a calendar.ProyekProjectFinancial ProjectA Project allows you to track and control internal or external activities.RegionRegionIdentifies a geographical RegionThe Region identifies a unique Region for this Country.Sales RegionSales RegionSales coverage regionThe Sales Region indicates a specific area of sales coverage.Tax CategoryTax CategoryTax CategoryThe Tax Category provides a method of grouping similar taxes. For example, Sales Tax or Value Added Tax.TaxTaxTax identifierThe Tax indicates the type of tax used in document line.UOM ConversionUOM ConversionUnit of Measure ConversionThe UOM Conversion identifies a unique to and from Unit of Measure, conversion rate and conversion date range.UOMUOMUnit of MeasureThe UOM defines a unique non monetary Unit of MeasureUoM ToUoM ToTarget or destination Unit of MeasureThe UOM To indicates the destination UOM for a UOM Conversion pair.UOM for LengthUOM for LengthStandard Unit of Measure for LengthThe Standard UOM for Length indicates the UOM to use for products referenced by length in a document.UOM for TimeUOM for TimeStandard Unit of Measure for TimeThe Standard UOM for Time indicates the UOM to use for products referenced by time in a document.UOM for VolumeUOM for VolumeStandard Unit of Measure for VolumeThe Standard UOM for Volume indicates the UOM to use for products referenced by volume in a document.UOM for WeightUOM for WeightStandard Unit of Measure for WeightThe Standard UOM for Weight indicates the UOM to use for products referenced by weight in a document.CombinationCombinationValid Account CombinationThe Combination identifies a valid combination of element which represent a GL account.YearYearCalendar YearThe Year uniquely identifies an accounting year for a calendar.CalloutCalloutFully qualified class names and method - separated by semicolonsA Callout allow you to create Java extensions to perform certain tasks always after a value changed. Callouts should not be used for validation but consquences of a user selecting a certain value. -The callout is a Java class implementing org.compiere.model.Callout and a method name to call. Example: "org.compiere.model.CalloutRequest.copyText" instanciates the class "CalloutRequest" and calls the method "copyText". You can have multiple callouts by separating them via a semicolonKotaCityIdentifies a CityThe City identifies a unique City for this Country or Region.Validation codeValidation codeValidation CodeThe Validation Code displays the date, time and message of the error.DB Column NameDB Column NameName of the column in the databaseThe Column Name indicates the name of a column on a table as defined in the database.CombinationCombinationUnique combination of account elementsThe Combination field defines the unique combination of element values which comprise this account.CommentsCommentsComments or additional informationThe Comments field allows for free form entry of additional information.Commit WarningCommit WarningWarning displayed when savingWarning or information displayed when committing the recordControl AmountControl AmtIf not zero, the Debit amount of the document must be equal this amountIf the control amount is zero, no check is performed. -Otherwise the total Debit amount must be equal to the control amount, before the document is processed.Average CostAverage CostWeighted average costsWeighted average (actual) costsStandard CostStandard CostStandard CostsStandard (plan) costs.Costing MethodCosting MethodIndicates how Costs will be calculatedThe Costing Method indicates how costs will be calculated (Standard, Average)Costing PrecisionCosting PrecisionRounding used costing calculationsThe Costing Precision defines the number of decimal places that amounts will be rounded to when performing costing calculations.CostsCostsCosts in accounting currencyThe Costs indicates the cost of a campaign in an Organizations accounting currency.ISO Country CodeISO CountryUpper-case two-letter alphanumeric ISO Country code according to ISO 3166-1 - http://www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/doc/ISO_3166.htmlFor details - http://www.din.de/gremien/nas/nabd/iso3166ma/codlstp1.html or - http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec03en.htmCreatedCreatedDate this record was createdThe Created field indicates the date that this record was created.Created ByCreated ByUser who created this recordsThe Created By field indicates the user who created this record.NumberNumberCredit Card Number The Credit Card number indicates the number on the credit card, without blanks or spaces.SymbolCurrencySymbol of the currency (opt used for printing only)The Currency Symbol defines the symbol that will print when this currency is used.Currency Balancing AcctCurrency Balancing AcctAccount used when a currency is out of balanceThe Currency Balancing Account indicates the account to used when a currency is out of balance (generally due to rounding)RateRateCurrency Conversion RateThe Currency Conversion Rate indicates the rate to use when converting the source currency to the accounting currencyCurrent NextCurrent NextThe next number to be usedThe Current Next indicates the next number to use for this documentD-U-N-SD-U-N-SDun & Bradstreet NumberUsed for EDI - For details see www.dnb.com/dunsno/list.htmTanggalDateDate when business is not conductedThe Date field identifies a calendar date on which business will not be conducted.Account TanggalAcct DateAccounting DateThe Accounting Date indicates the date to be used on the General Ledger account entries generated from this document. It is also used for any currency conversion.Tanggal PengirimanDate DeliveredDate when the product was deliveredDocument DateDoc dateDate of the DocumentThe Document Date indicates the date the document was generated. It may or may not be the same as the accounting date.Tanggal DiinvoiceDate InvoicedDate printed on InvoiceThe Date Invoice indicates the date printed on the invoice.Tanggal DiorderDate OrderedDate of OrderIndicates the Date an item was ordered.Tanggal DijanjikanDate PromisedDate Order was promisedThe Date Promised indicates the date, if any, that an Order was promised for.Default LogicDefault LogicDefault value hierarchy, separated by ;The defaults are evaluated in the order of definition, the first not null value becomes the default value of the column. The values are separated by comma or semicolon. a) Literals:. 'Text' or 123 b) Variables - in format @Variable@ - Login e.g. #Date, #AD_Org_ID, #AD_Client_ID - Accounting Schema: e.g. $C_AcctSchema_ID, $C_Calendar_ID - Global defaults: e.g. DateFormat - Window values (all Picks, CheckBoxes, RadioButtons, and DateDoc/DateAcct) c) SQL code with the tag: @SQL=SELECT something AS DefaultValue FROM ... The SQL statement can contain variables. There can be no other value other than the SQL statement. The default is only evaluated, if no user preference is defined. Default definitions are ignored for record columns as Key, Parent, Client as well as Buttons.Pengiriman LewatDelivery ViaHow the order will be deliveredThe Delivery Via indicates how the products should be delivered. For example, will the order be picked up or shipped.PenjelasanDescriptionOptional short description of the recordA description is limited to 255 characters.DiscontinuedDiscontinuedThis product is no longer availableThe Discontinued check box indicates a product that has been discontinued.Discontinued byDiscontinued byDiscontinued ByThe Discontinued By indicates the individual who discontinued this productDiscount %Discount %Discount in percentThe Discount indicates the discount applied or taken as a percentage.Discount DaysDiscount DaysNumber of days from invoice date to be eligible for discountThe Discount Days indicates the number of days that payment must be received in to be eligible for the stated discount. Display LengthDisplay LengthLength of the display in charactersThe display length is mainly for String fields. The length has no impact, if the data type of the field is - Integer, Number, Amount (length determined by the system) - YesNo (Checkbox) - List, Table, TableDir (length of combo boxes are determined by their content at runtime)Display LogicDisplay LogicIf the Field is displayed, the result determines if the field is actually displayedformat := {expression} [{logic} {expression}]<br> -expression := @{context}@{operand}{value} or @{context}@{operand}{value}<br> -logic := {|}|{&}<br> -context := any global or window context <br> -value := strings or numbers<br> -logic operators := AND or OR with the previous result from left to right <br> -operand := eq{=}, gt{&gt;}, le{&lt;}, not{~^!} <br> -Examples: <br> -@AD_Table_ID@=14 | @Language@!GERGER <br> -@PriceLimit@>10 | @PriceList@>@PriceActual@<br> -@Name@>J<br> -Strings may be in single quotes (optional) -Display ValueDisplay ValueDisplays Value column with the Display columnThe Display Value checkbox indicates if the value column will display with the display column.Format Cetak AlamatAddress Print FormatFormat for printing this AddressThe Address Print format defines the format to be used when this address prints. The following notations are used: @C@=City @P@=Postal @A@=PostalAdd @R@=RegionDivide RateDivide RateTo convert Source number to Target number, the Source is dividedTo convert Source number to Target number, the Source is divided by the divide rate. If you enter a Divide Rate, the Multiply Rate will be automatically calculated.Document ActionDoc ActionThe targeted status of the documentYou find the current status in the Document Status field. The options are listed in a popupDocument SequenceDoc SequenceDocument sequence determines the numbering of documentsThe Document Sequence indicates the sequencing rule to use for this document type.Status DokumenDoc StatusThe current status of the documentThe Document Status indicates the status of a document at this time. If you want to change the document status, use the Document Action fieldDocument NoDocument NoDocument sequence number of the documentThe document number is usually automatically generated by the system and determined by the document type of the document. If the document is not saved, the preliminary number is displayed in "<>". - -If the document type of your document has no automatic document sequence defined, the field is empty if you create a new document. This is for documents which usually have an external number (like vendor invoice). If you leave the field empty, the system will generate a document number for you. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order).EMU Entry DateEMU Entry DateDate when the currency joined / will join the EMUThe EMU Entry Date defines the date that this currency entered, or will enter the Economic Monetary Union.EMU RateEMU RateOfficial rate to the EuroThe EMU Rate defines the official rate to be used when converting from this currency to the Euro.TypeTypeElement Type (account or user defined)The Element Type indicates if this element is the Account element or is a User Defined element. End DateEnd DateLast effective date (inclusive)The End Date indicates the last date in this range.Format TeleponPhone FormatFormat of the phone; Can contain fixed format elements, Variables: "_lLoOaAcCa09"<B>Validation elements:</B> - (Space) any character -_ Space (fixed character) -l any Letter a..Z NO space -L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case -o any Letter a..Z or space -O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case -a any Letters & Digits NO space -A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case -c any Letters & Digits or space -C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case -0 Digits 0..9 NO space -9 Digits 0..9 or space - -Example of format "(000)_000-0000"Postal Code FormatPostal Code FormatFormat of the postal code; Can contain fixed format elements, Variables: "_lLoOaAcCa09"<B>Validation elements:</B> - (Space) any character -_ Space (fixed character) -l any Letter a..Z NO space -L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case -o any Letter a..Z or space -O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case -a any Letters & Digits NO space -A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case -c any Letters & Digits or space -C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case -0 Digits 0..9 NO space -9 Digits 0..9 or space - -Example of format "(000)_000-0000"Additional Postal FormatAdditional Postal FormatFormat of the value; Can contain fixed format elements, Variables: "_lLoOaAcCa09"<B>Validation elements:</B> - (Space) any character -_ Space (fixed character) -l any Letter a..Z NO space -L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case -o any Letter a..Z or space -O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case -a any Letters & Digits NO space -A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case -c any Letters & Digits or space -C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case -0 Digits 0..9 NO space -9 Digits 0..9 or space - -Example of format "(000)_000-0000"FaxFaxFacsimile numberThe Fax identifies a facsimile number for this Business Partner or LocationLengthLengthLength of the column in the databaseThe Length indicates the length of a column as defined in the database.First SaleFirst SaleDate of First SaleThe First Sale Date identifies the date of the first sale to this Business PartnerFreight AmountFreight AmtFreight Amount The Freight Amount indicates the amount charged for Freight in the document currency.GAAPGAAPGenerally Accepted Accounting PrinciplesThe GAAP identifies the account principles that this accounting schema will adhere to.BudgetBudgetGeneral Ledger BudgetThe General Ledger Budget identifies a user defined budget. These can be used in reporting as a comparison against your actual amounts.GL CategoryGL CategoryGeneral Ledger CategoryThe General Ledger Category is an optional, user defined method of grouping journal lines.Journal BatchJournal BatchGeneral Ledger Journal BatchThe General Ledger Journal Batch identifies a group of journals to be processed as a group.Journal LineJournal LineGeneral Ledger Journal LineThe General Ledger Journal Line identifies a single transaction in a journal.JournalJournalGeneral Ledger JournalThe General Ledger Journal identifies a group of journal lines which represent a logical business transactionGrand TotalGrand TotalTotal amount of documentThe Grand Total displays the total amount including Tax and Freight in document currencyUse Account AliasAliasAbility to select (partial) account combinations by an AliasThe Alias checkbox indicates that account combination can be selected using a user defined alias or short key.Use Account Combination ControlCombination ControlCombination of account elements are checkedThe Combination Control checkbox indicates if the combination of account elements will be verified against the defined acceptable combination.Additional Postal codeAdditional Postal codeHas Additional Postal CodeThe Additional Postal Code checkbox indicates if this address uses an additional Postal Code. If it is selected an additional field displays for entry of the additional Postal Code.Country has RegionCountry has RegionCountry contains RegionsThe Country has Region checkbox is selected if the Country being defined is divided into regions. If this checkbox is selected, the Region Tab is accessible.Has TreeHas TreeWindow has Tree GraphThe Has Tree checkbox indicates if this window displays a tree metaphor.Comment/HelpCommentComment or HintThe Help field contains a hint, comment or help about the use of this item.ISDNISDNISDN or modem lineThe ISDN identifies a ISDN or Modem line number.ISO Currency CodeISO CurrencyThree letter ISO 4217 Code of the CurrencyFor details - http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec09en.htmIncome Summary AcctIncome Summary AcctIncome Summary Account IncrementIncrementThe number to increment the last document number byThe Increment indicates the number to increment the last document number by to arrive at the next sequence numberIntercompany Due From AcctIntercompany Due From AcctIntercompany Due From / Receivables AccountThe Intercompany Due From account indicates the account that represents money owed to this organization from other organizations.Intercompany Due To AcctIntercompany Due To AcctIntercompany Due To / Payable AccountThe Intercompany Due To Account indicates the account that represents money owed to other organizations.Invoice DayInvoice DayDay of Invoice GenerationThe Invoice Day indicates the day of invoice generation. If twice monthly, the second time is 15 days after this day.Invoice FrequencyInvoice FrequencyHow often invoices will be generatedThe Invoice Frequency indicates the frequency of invoice generation for a Business Partner.Invoice Week DayInvoice Week DayDay to generate invoicesThe Invoice Week Day indicates the day of the week to generate invoices.AccrualAkrualIndicates if Accrual or Cash Based accounting will be usedThe Accrual checkbox indicates if this accounting schema will use accrual based account or cash based accounting. The Accrual method recognizes revenue when the product or service is delivered. Cash based method recognizes income when then payment is received.ActiveActiveThe record is active in the systemThere are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports. -There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: -(1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. -(2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries.Batasan JumlahBatasan JumlahSend invoices only if the amount exceeds the limitThe Amount Limit checkbox indicates if invoices will be sent out if they are below the entered limit. Telah DisetujuiApprovedIndicates if this document requires approvalThe Approved checkbox indicates if this document requires approval before it can be processed.Activate AuditActivate AuditActivate Audit Trail of what numbers are generatedThe Activate Audit checkbox indicates if an audit trail of numbers generated will be kept.Auto numberingAuto numberingAutomatically assign the next numberThe Auto Numbering checkbox indicates if the system will assign the next number automatically.BalancedBalancedBalancingBalancingAll transactions within an element value must balance (e.g. cost centers)The Balancing checkbox indicates the this element must balance in each journal transaction. For example, if cost centers have been defined as an element which is balance then the debits and credits for each unique cost center must net to 0.00. This is commonly used to define parts of an organization which report as their own entity. Balancing is not an option for the Account element.Bahasa yang DigunakanBase LanguageThe system information is maintained in this languageCentrally maintainedCentrally maintainedInformation maintained in System Element tableThe Centrally Maintained checkbox indicates if the Name, Description and Help maintained in 'System Element' table or 'Window' table.Credit ApprovedCredit ApprovedCredit has been approvedCredit Approved indicates if the credit approval was successful for OrdersPelangganCustomerIndicates if this Business Partner is a CustomerThe Customer checkbox indicates if this Business Partner is a customer. If it is select additional fields will display which further define this customer.Records deleteableRecords deleteableIndicates if records can be deleted from the databaseThe Records Deleteable checkbox indicates if a record can be deleted from the database. If records cannot be deleted, you can only deselect the Active flagTerkirimDeliveredDisplayedDisplayedDetermines, if this field is displayedIf the field is displayed, the field Display Logic will determine at runtime, if it is actually displayedDocument ControlledDoc ControlledControl account - If an account is controlled by a document, you cannot post manually to itDocument is Number ControlledDoc Number ControlledThe document has a document sequenceThe Document Number Controlled checkbox indicates if this document type will have a sequence number.EMU MemberEMU MemberThis currency is member if the European Monetary UnionThe Emu Member checkbox is used to indicate if this currency is a member of the European Economic Union.EmployeeEmployeeIndicates if this Business Partner is an employeeThe Employee checkbox indicates if this Business Partner is an Employee. If it is selected, additional fields will display which further identify this employee.EncryptedEncryptedDisplay or Storage is encryptedDisplay encryption - all characters are displayed as '*'. -With Data storage encryption you will not be able to report the data via SQLThe Euro CurrencyThe Euro CurrencyThis currency is the EuroThe Euro Currency checkbox is used to indicate if this currency is the Euro Currency.Field OnlyField OnlyLabel is not displayedThe Field Only checkbox indicates that the column will display without a label.Fully QualifiedFully QualifiedThis account is fully qualifiedThe Fully Qualified check box indicates that all required elements for an account combination are present.GeneratedGeneratedThis Line is generatedThe Generated checkbox identifies a journal line that was generated from a source document. Lines could also be entered manually or imported.Heading onlyHeading onlyField without Column - Only label is displayedThe Heading Only checkbox indicates if just the label will display on the screenIdentifierIdentifierThis column is part of the record identifierThe Identifier checkbox indicates that this column is part of the identifier or key for this table. Accounting TabAccounting TabThis tab contain accounting informationThe Accounting Tab checkbox indicates if this window contains accounting information.InvoicedInvoicedIt is invoicedIndicator if invoicedKey columnKey columnThis column is the key in this tableThe key column must also be display sequence 0 in the field definition and may be hidden.MandatoryMandatoryData entry is required in this columnThe field must have a value for the record to be saved to the database.Natural AccountNatural AccountThe primary natural accountThe natural account is often based on (industry specific) chart of accountsParent link columnParent link columnThis column is a link to the parent table (e.g. header from lines) - incl. Association key columnsThe Parent checkbox indicates if this column is a link to the parent table.PrimaryPrimaryIndicates if this is the primary budgetThe Primary checkbox indicates if this budget is the primary budget.PrintedPrintedIndicates if this document / line is printedThe Printed checkbox indicates if this document or line will included when printing.ProcessingProcessingActive Prospect/CustomerActive Prospect/CustomerIndicates a Prospect or CustomerThe Prospect checkbox indicates an entity that is an active prospect or customer.PurchasedPurchasedOrganization purchases this productThe Purchased check box indicates if this product is purchased by this organization.RangeRangeThe parameter is a range of valuesThe Range checkbox indicates that this parameter is a range of values.Read OnlyRead OnlyField is read onlyThe Read Only indicates that this field may only be Read. It may not be updated.Read WriteRead WriteField is read / writeThe Read Write indicates that this field may be read and updated.Sales Price listSales Price listThis is a Sales Price ListThe Sales Price List check box indicates if this price list is used for sales transactions.Sales RepresentativeSales RepIndicates if the business partner is a sales representative or company agentThe Sales Rep checkbox indicates if this business partner is a sales representative. A sales representative may also be an emplyee, but does not need to be.Business Partner responsible for documentsThe Sales Rep checkbox indicates if this business partner is a company agent. A company agent may also be an emplyee, but does not need to be.Company AgentCompany AgentSame LineSame LineDisplayed on same line as previous fieldThe Same Line checkbox indicates that the field will display on the same line as the previous field.Security enabledSecurity enabledIf security is enabled, user access to data can be restricted via RolesThe Security Enabled checkbox indicates that user access to the data in this table can be restricted using Roles.Single Row LayoutSingle Row LayoutDefault for toggle between Single- and Multi-Row (Grid) LayoutThe Single Row Layout checkbox indicates if the default display type for this window is a single row as opposed to multi row.SoldSoldOrganization sells this productThe Sold check box indicates if this product is sold by this organization.StockedStockedOrganization stocks this productThe Stocked check box indicates if this product is stocked by this Organization.Summary LevelSummary LevelThis is a summary entityA summary entity represents a branch in a tree rather than an end-node. Summary entities are used for reporting and do not have own values.System LanguageSystem LanguageThe screens, etc. are maintained in this LanguageSelect, if you want to have translated screens available in this language. Please notify your system administrator to run the language maintenance scripts to enable the use of this language. If the language is not supplied, you can translate the terms yourself. Used for Record IDUsed for Record IDThe document number will be used as the record keyThe Used for Record ID checkbox indicates if the document id will be used as the key to the recordTransferredTransferredTransferred to General Ledger (i.e. accounted)The transferred checkbox indicates if the transactions associated with this document should be transferred to the General Ledger.TranslatedTranslatedThis column is translatedThe Translated checkbox indicates if this column is translated.TranslationTabTranslationTabThis tab contains translation informationThe Translation Tab checkbox indicate if a tab contains translation information.UpdateableUpdateableDetermines, if the field can be updatedThe Updateable checkbox indicates if a field can be updated by the user.User updateableUser updateableThe field can be updated by the userThe User Updateable checkbox indicate if the user can update this field.VendorVendorIndicates if this Business Partner is a VendorThe Vendor checkbox indicates if this Business Partner is a Vendor. If it is selected, additional fields will display which further identify this vendor.Last ContactLast ContactDate this individual was last contactedThe Last Contact indicates the date that this Business Partner Contact was last contacted.Last ResultLast ResultResult of last contactThe Last Result identifies the result of the last contact made.Maximum LevelMaximum LevelMaximum Inventory level for this productIndicates the maximum quantity of this product to be stocked in inventory.Minimum LevelMinimum LevelMinimum Inventory level for this productIndicates the minimum quantity of this product to be stocked in inventory. -Line NoLine NoUnique line for this documentIndicates the unique line for a document. It will also control the display order of the lines within a document.Line NetLine NetLine Net Amount (Quantity * Actual Price) without Freight and ChargesIndicates the line net amount based on the quantity and the actual price. Any additional charges or freight are not included.SequenceSequenceLot NoLot NoLot number (alphanumeric)The Lot Number indicates the specific lot that a product was part of.LocatorLocatorWarehouse LocatorThe Locator indicates where in a Warehouse a product is located.Daftar HargaPrice ListUnique identifier of a Price ListPrice Lists are used to determine the pricing, margin and cost of items purchased or sold.Versi Daftar HargaPrice List VersionIdentifies a unique instance of a Price ListEach Price List can have multiple versions. The most common use is to indicate the dates that a Price List is valid for.Kategori ProdukProduct CategoryCategory of a ProductIdentifies the category which this product belongs to. Product categories are used for pricing and selection.ProdukProductProduct, Service, ItemIdentifies an item which is either purchased or sold in this organization.ShipperShipperMethod or manner of product deliveryThe Shipper indicates the method of delivering productWarehouseWarehouseStorage Warehouse and Service PointThe Warehouse identifies a unique Warehouse where products are stored or Services are provided.Message TextMessage TextTextual Informational, Menu or Error MessageThe Message Text indicates the message that will display Message TipMessage TipAdditional tip or help for this messageThe Message Tip defines additional help or information about this message.Message TypeMessage TypeType of message (Informational, Menu or Error)The Message Type indicates the type of message being defined. Valid message types are Informational, Menu and Error.Multiply RateMultiply RateRate to multiple the source by to calculate the target.To convert Source number to Target number, the Source is multiplied by the multiply rate. If the Multiply Rate is entered, then the Divide Rate will be automatically calculated.NAICS/SICNAICS/SICStandard Industry Code or its successor NAIC - http://www.osha.gov/oshstats/sicser.htmlThe NAICS/SIC identifies either of these codes that may be applicable to this Business Partner.NameNameAlphanumeric identifier of the entityThe name of an entity (record) is used as an default search option in addition to the search key. The name is up to 60 characters in length.Net DaysNet DaysNet Days in which payment is dueIndicates the number of days after invoice date that payment is due.Node_IDNode_IDEmployeesEmployeesNumber of employeesIndicates the number of employees for this Business Partner. This field displays only for Prospects.OS CommandOS CommandOperating System CommandThe OS Command is for optionally defining a command to that will be part of this task. For example it can be used to starting a back up process or performing a file transfer.Sql ORDER BYOrder by clauseFully qualified ORDER BY clauseThe ORDER BY Clause indicates the SQL ORDER BY clause to use for record selectionOrganizationOrganizationOrganizational entity within clientAn organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department.Purchase PricelistPurchase PricelistPrice List used by this Business PartnerIdentifies the price list used by a Vendor for products purchased by this organization.Process DateP DateProcess ParameterProcess Date ToP Date ToProcess ParameterProcess StringP StringProcess ParameterProcess String ToP String ToProcess ParameterParentParentParent of EntityThe Parent indicates the value used to represent the next level in a hierarchy or report to level for a recordParent TaxParent TaxParent Tax indicates a tax that is made up of multiple taxesThe Parent Tax indicates a tax that is a reference for multiple taxes. This allows you to charge multiple taxes on a document by entering the Parent TaxKata SandiPasswordPassword of any length (case sensitive)The Password for this User. Passwords are required to identify authorized users. You can change the password via the Process "Reset Password".Period ActionPeriod ActionAction taken for this periodThe Period Action indicates the action to be taken for this period. For example 'Close Period' or 'Open Period'.Period NoPeriod NoUnique Period NumberThe Period No identifies a specific period for this year. Each period is defined by a start and end date. Date ranges for a calendar and year cannot overlap.Period StatusPeriod StatusCurrent state of this periodThe Period Status indicates the current status for this period. For example 'Closed', 'Open', 'Never Opened'.Period TypePeriod TypePeriod TypeThe Period Type indicates the type (Standard or Adjustment) of period.Future DaysFuture DaysNumber of days to be able to post to a future date (based on system date)If Automatic Period Control is enabled, the current period is calculated based on the system date and you can always post to all days in the current period. Future Days enable to post to future periods. E.g. today is Apr 15th and Future Days is set to 30, you can post up to May 15thHistory DaysHistory DaysNumber of days to be able to post in the past (based on system date)If Automatic Period Control is enabled, the current period is calculated based on the system date and you can always post to all days in the current period. History Days enable to post to previous periods. E.g. today is May 15th and History Days is set to 30, you can post back to April 15thTeleponPhoneIdentifies a telephone numberThe Phone field identifies a telephone number2nd Phone2nd PhoneIdentifies an alternate telephone number.The 2nd Phone field identifies an alternate telephone number.Post ActualPost ActualActual Values can be postedThe Post Actual indicates if actual values can be posted to this element value.Post BudgetPost BudgetBudget values can be postedThe Post Budget indicates if budget values can be posted to this element value.Post EncumbrancePost EncumbrancePost commitments to this accountPost StatisticalPost StatisticalPost statistical quantities to this account?ZIPZIPPostal codeThe Postal Code or ZIP identifies the postal code for this entity's address.--Additional ZIP or Postal codeThe Additional ZIP or Postal Code identifies, if appropriate, any additional Postal Code information.PostingTypePostingTypeThe type of amount that this journal updatedThe Posting Type indicates the type of amount (Actual, Encumbrance, Budget) this journal updated.Potential Life Time ValuePotential Life Time ValueTotal Revenue expectedThe Potential Life Time Value is the anticipated revenue in primary accounting currency to be generated by the Business Partner.PrefixPrefixPrefix before the sequence numberThe Prefix indicates the characters to print in front of the document number.Unit PriceUnit PriceActual Price The Actual or Unit Price indicates the Price for a product in source currency.List PriceList PriceList PriceThe List Price is the official List Price in the document currency.PriorityPriorityPriority of a documentThe Priority indicates the importance (high, medium, low) of this documentProcess NowProcess NowQuantityJmlQuantityThe Quantity indicates the number of a specific product or item for this document.Kuantitas TerkirimDelivered QtyDelivered QuantityThe Delivered Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that has been delivered.Invoiced QuantityInvoicedInvoiced QuantityThe Invoiced Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that have been invoiced.Kuantitas TersediaOn Hand QtyOn Hand QuantityThe On Hand Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that is on hand in a warehouse.Ordered QuantityOrdered QtyOrdered QuantityThe Ordered Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that was ordered.Ordered QuantityThe Ordered Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that was ordered.PO QuantityPO QuantityReserved QuantityReserved QtyReserved QuantityThe Reserved Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that is currently reserved.Quantity Ordered on Purchase OrdersThe Ordered Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that is currently ordered.On Order QuantityOn Order QuantityRateRateRate or Tax or ExchangeThe Rate indicates the percentage to be multiplied by the source to arrive at the tax or exchange amount.Realized Gain AcctRealized Gain AcctRealized Gain AccountThe Realized Gain Account indicates the account to be used when recording gains achieved from currency revaluation that have been realized.Realized Loss AcctRealized Loss AcctRealized Loss AccountThe Realized Loss Account indicates the account to be used when recording losses incurred from currency revaluation that have yet to be realized.Record IDRecord IDDirect internal record IDThe Record ID is the internal unique identifier of a record. Please note that zooming to the record may not be successful for Orders, Invoices and Shipment/Receipts as sometimes the Sales Order type is not known.ReferenceReferenceReference for this recordThe Reference displays the source document number.Reference NoReference NoYour customer or vendor number at the Business Partner's siteThe reference number can be printed on orders and invoices to allow your business partner to faster identify your records.RegionWilayahNama WilayahThe Region Name defines the name that will print when this region is used in a document.Replenish TypeReplenish TypeMethod for re-ordering a productThe Replenish Type indicates if this product will be manually re-ordered, ordered when the quantity is below the minimum quantity or ordered when it is below the maximum quantity.ResultResultResult of the action takenThe Result indicates the result of any action taken on this request.Retained Earning AcctRetained Earning AcctSKUSKUStock Keeping UnitThe SKU indicates a user defined stock keeping unit. It may be used for an additional bar code symbols or your own schema.CampaignCampaignMarketing CampaignThe Campaign defines a unique marketing program. Projects can be associated with a pre defined Marketing Campaign. You can then report based on a specific Campaign.ChannelChannelSales ChannelThe Sales Channel identifies a channel (or method) of sales generation.Batasan KreditCredit LimitTotal outstanding invoice amounts allowedThe Credit Limit indicates the total amount allowed 'on account' in primary accounting currency. If the Credit Limit is 0, no ckeck is performed. Credit Management is based on the Total Open Amount, which includes Vendor activities.Kredit yang DigunakanCredit UsedCurrent open balanceThe Credit Used indicates the total amount of open or unpaid invoices in primary accounting currency for the Business Partner. Credit Management is based on the Total Open Amount, which includes Vendor activities.Aturan PengirimanDelivery RuleDefines the timing of DeliveryThe Delivery Rule indicates when an order should be delivered. For example should the order be delivered when the entire order is complete, when a line is complete or as the products become available.OrderOrderOrderThe Sales Order is a control document. The Sales Order is complete when the quantity ordered is the same as the quantity shipped and invoiced.Purchase OrderThe Purchase Order Purchase OrderPurchase OrderInvoice RuleInvoice RuleFrequency and method of invoicing The Invoice Rule defines how a Business Partner is invoiced and the frequency of invoicing.Invoice ScheduleInvoice ScheduleSchedule for generating InvoicesThe Invoice Schedule identifies the frequency used when generating invoices.Sales Order LineOrder LineSales Order LineThe Sales Order Line is a unique identifier for a line in an order.Purchase Order LineThe Purchase Order Line is a unique identifier for a line in an order.Purchase Order LineOrder LineSales Volume in 1.000Sales VolumeTotal Volume of Sales in Thoisand of CurrencyThe Sales Volume indicates the total volume of sales for a Business Partner.Element SeparatorElement SeparatorElement SeparatorThe Element Separator defines the delimiter printed between elements of the structureSequenceSequenceMethod of ordering records; lowest number comes firstThe Sequence indicates the order of recordsSerial NoSerial NoProduct Serial Number The Serial Number identifies a tracked, warranted product. It can only be used when the quantity is 1.ShareShareShare of Customer's business as a percentageThe Share indicates the percentage of this Business Partner's volume of the products supplied.Shelf DepthShelf DepthShelf depth requiredThe Shelf Depth indicates the depth dimension required on a shelf for a product Shelf HeightShelf HeightShelf height requiredThe Shelf Height indicates the height dimension required on a shelf for a productShelf WidthShelf WidthShelf width requiredThe Shelf Width indicates the width dimension required on a shelf for a productRecord Sort NoRecord Sort NoDetermines in what order the records are displayedThe Record Sort No indicates the ascending sort sequence of the records. If the number is negative, the records are sorted descending. -Example: A tab with C_DocType_ID (1), DocumentNo (-2) will be sorted ascending by document type and descending by document number (SQL: ORDER BY C_DocType, DocumentNo DESC)Start DateStart DateFirst effective day (inclusive)The Start Date indicates the first or starting date of a range.Restart sequence every YearRestart sequence every YearRestart the sequence with Start on every 1/1The Restart Sequence Every Year checkbox indicates that the documents sequencing should return to the starting number on the first day of the year.Start NoStart NoStarting number/positionThe Start Number indicates the starting position in the line or field number in the lineStandard PrecisionStandard PrecisionRule for rounding calculated amountsThe Standard Precision defines the number of decimal places that amounts will be rounded to for accounting transactions and documents.SubstituteSubstituteEntity which can be used in place of this entityThe Substitute identifies the entity to be used as a substitute for this entity.SuffixSuffixSuffix after the numberThe Suffix indicates the characters to append to the document number.Suspense Balancing AcctSuspense Balancing AcctSuspense Error AcctSuspense Error AcctJumlahJumlahTanggalDateDateTimeDateTimeIntegerIntegerNumberNumberDB Table NameDB Table NameName of the table in the databaseThe DB Table Name indicates the name of the table in database.Tax IDTax IDTax IdentificationThe Tax ID field identifies the legal Identification number of this Entity.Test IDTest IDToToReceiving CountryThe To Country indicates the receiving country on a documentToToReceiving RegionThe To Region indicates the receiving region on a documentTotal CreditTotal CreditTotal Credit in document currencyThe Total Credit indicates the total credit amount for a journal or journal batch in the source currencyTotal DebitTotal DebitTotal debit in document currencyThe Total Debit indicates the total debit amount for a journal or journal batch in the source currencyTotal LinesTotal LinesTotal of all document linesThe Total amount displays the total of all lines in document currencyType | AreaType | AreaElement this tree is built on (i.e Product, Business Partner)The Tree Type / Area field determines the type of tree this is. For example, you may define one tree for your Products and another tree for your Business Partners.TypeTypeType of Validation (SQL, Java Script, Java Language)The Type indicates the type of validation that will occur. This can be SQL, Java Script or Java Language.SymbolUoMSymbol for a Unit of MeasureThe Symbol identifies the Symbol to be displayed and printed for a Unit of MeasureUPC/EANUPC/EANBar Code (Universal Product Code or its superset European Article Number)Use this field to enter the bar code for the product in any of the bar code symbologies (Codabar, Code 25, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, UPC (A), UPC (E), EAN-13, EAN-8, ITF, ITF-14, ISBN, ISSN, JAN-13, JAN-8, POSTNET and FIM, MSI/Plessey, and Pharmacode) Units Per PalletUnits Per PalletUnits Per PalletThe Units per Pallet indicates the number of units of this product which fit on a pallet.Unrealized Gain AcctUnrealized Gain AcctUnrealized Gain Account for currency revaluationThe Unrealized Gain Account indicates the account to be used when recording gains achieved from currency revaluation that have yet to be realized.Unrealized Loss AcctUnrealized Loss AcctUnrealized Loss Account for currency revaluationThe Unrealized Loss Account indicates the account to be used when recording losses incurred from currency revaluation that have yet to be realized.UpdatedUpdatedDate this record was updatedThe Updated field indicates the date that this record was updated.Updated ByUpdated ByUser who updated this recordsThe Updated By field indicates the user who updated this record.Use Currency BalancingUse Currency BalancingUse Suspense BalancingUse Suspense BalancingUse Suspense ErrorUse Suspense ErrorUser1User1User defined element #1The user defined element displays the optional elements that have been defined for this account combination.User2User2User defined element #2The user defined element displays the optional elements that have been defined for this account combination.User LevelUser LevelSystem Client OrganizationThe User Level field determines if users of this Role will have access to System level data, Organization level data, Client level data or Client and Organization level data.Value FormatValue FormatFormat of the value; Can contain fixed format elements, Variables: "_lLoOaAcCa09"<B>Validation elements:</B> - (Space) any character -_ Space (fixed character) -l any Letter a..Z NO space -L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case -o any Letter a..Z or space -O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case -a any Letters & Digits NO space -A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case -c any Letters & Digits or space -C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case -0 Digits 0..9 NO space -9 Digits 0..9 or space - -Example of format "(000)_000-0000"Valid fromValid fromValid from including this date (first day)The Valid From date indicates the first day of a date rangeValid toValid toValid to including this date (last day)The Valid To date indicates the last day of a date rangeValidation typeValidation typeDifferent method of validating dataThe Validation Type indicates the validation method to use. These include list, table or data type validation.Search KeySearch KeySearch key for the record in the format required - must be uniqueA search key allows you a fast method of finding a particular record. -If you leave the search key empty, the system automatically creates a numeric number. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order).Kategori PartnerBPartner CategoryProduct Category of the Business PartnerThe Business Partner Category identifies the category used by the Business Partner for this product.Partner Product NoBPartner Product NoProduct Number of the Business PartnerThe Business Partner Product Number identifies the number used by the Business Partner for this product.VersionVersionVersion of the table definitionThe Version indicates the version of this table definition.VolumeVolumeVolume of a productThe Volume indicates the volume of the product in the Volume UOM of the ClientWeightWeightWeight of a productThe Weight indicates the weight of the product in the Weight UOM of the ClientSql WHEREWhere clauseFully qualified SQL WHERE clauseThe Where Clause indicates the SQL WHERE clause to use for record selection. The WHERE clause is added to the query. Fully qualified means "tablename.columnname".WindowTypeWindowTypeType or classification of a WindowThe Window Type indicates the type of window being defined (Maintain, Transaction or Query)Alur KerjaAlur KerjaWorkflow or tasksThe Workflow field identifies a unique workflow. A workflow is a grouping of related tasks, in a specified sequence and optionally including approvalsAisle (X)XX dimension, e.g., AisleThe X dimension indicates the Aisle a product is located in.UOM CodeUOM CodeUOM EDI X12 CodeThe Unit of Measure Code indicates the EDI X12 Code Data Element 355 (Unit or Basis for Measurement)Bin (Y)YY dimension, e.g., BinThe Y dimension indicates the Bin a product is located inYearYearCalendar YearThe Year identifies the accounting year for a calendar.Level (Z)ZZ dimension, e.g., LevelThe Z dimension indicates the Level a product is located in.BankBankBankThe Bank is a unique identifier of a Bank for this Organization or for a Business Partner with whom this Organization transacts.Bank AccountBank AccountAccount at the BankThe Bank Account identifies an account at this Bank.Partner Bank AccountPartner Bank AccountBank Account of the Business PartnerThe Partner Bank Account identifies the bank account to be used for this Business PartnerDunningDunningDunning Rules for overdue invoicesThe Dunning indicates the rules and method of dunning for past due payments.WithholdingWithholdingWithholding type definedThe Withholding indicates the type of withholding to be calculated.No AccountNo AccountAccount NumberThe Account Number indicates the Number assigned to this bank account. BeneficiaryBeneficiaryBusiness Partner to whom payment is madeThe Beneficiary indicates the Business Partner to whom payment will be made. This field is only displayed if the Paid to Third Party checkbox is selected.Jumlah BebanCharge AmtCharge AmountThe Charge Amount indicates the amount for an additional charge.Ongkos BebanCharge feeIndicates if fees will be charged for overdue invoicesThe Charge Fee checkbox indicates if the dunning letter will include fees for overdue invoicesBeban BungaCharge InterestIndicates if interest will be charged on overdue invoicesThe Charge Interest checkbox indicates if interest will be charged on overdue invoice amounts.KlasifikasiClassificationClassification for groupingThe Classification can be used to optionally group products.Batasan kreditCredit limitAmount of Credit allowedThe Credit Limit field indicates the credit limit for this account.Saldo Saat IniCurrent balanceCurrent BalanceThe Current Balance field indicates the current balance in this account.Days between dunningDays between dunningDays between sending dunning noticesThe Days Between Dunning indicates the number of days between sending dunning notices.Discount 2 %Discount 2 %Discount in percentThe Discount indicates the discount applied or taken as a percentage.Discount Days 2Discount Days 2Number of days from invoice date to be eligible for discountThe Discount Days indicates the number of days that payment must be received in to be eligible for the stated discount. Document BaseTypeDoc BaseTypeLogical type of documentThe Document Base Type identifies the base or starting point for a document. Multiple document types may share a single document base type.Document CopiesCopiesNumber of copies to be printedThe Document Copies indicates the number of copies of each document that will be generated.Document NoteDoc NoteAdditional information for a DocumentThe Document Note is used for recording any additional information regarding this product.EmailEmailElectronic Mail AddressThe Email Address is the Electronic Mail ID for this User and should be fully qualified (e.g. joe.smith@company.com). The Email Address is used to access the self service application functionality from the web.Enforce price limitEnforce Price LimitDo not allow prices below the limit priceThe Enforce Price Limit check box indicates that prices cannot be below the limit price in Orders and Invoices. Ths can be overwritten, if the role allows this.Exempt reasonExempt reasonReason for not withholdingThe Exempt Reason indicates the reason that monies are not withheld from this employee.Accounting FactFakta AkuntingFee AmountFeeFee amount in invoice currencyThe Fee Amount indicates the charge amount on a dunning letter for overdue invoices. This field will only display if the charge fee checkbox has been selected.Fix amountFix AmtFix amounted amount to be levied or paidThe Fixed Amount indicates a fixed amount to be levied or paid.Fix month cutoffFix month cutoffLast day to include for next due dateThe Fix Month Cutoff indicates the last day invoices can have to be included in the current due date. This field only displays when the fixed due date checkbox has been selected.Fix month dayFix month dayDay of the month of the due dateThe Fix Month Day indicates the day of the month that invoices are due. This field only displays if the fixed due date checkbox is selected.Fix month offsetFix month offsetNumber of months (0=same, 1=following)The Fixed Month Offset indicates the number of months from the current month to indicate an invoice is due. A 0 indicates the same month, a 1 the following month. This field will only display if the fixed due date checkbox is selected.Grace DaysGrace DaysDays after due date to send first dunning letterThe Grace Days indicates the number of days after the due date to send the first dunning letter. This field displays only if the send dunning letters checkbox has been selected.Import Error MessageImport Error MessageMessages generated from import processThe Import Error Message displays any error messages generated during the import process.ImportedImportedHas this import been processedThe Imported check box indicates if this import has been processed.Interest in percentInterest in percentPercentage interest to charge on overdue invoicesThe Interest amount in percent indicates the interest to be charged on overdue invoices. This field displays only if the charge interest checkbox has been selected.Invoice AddressInvoice AddressBusiness Partner Invoice/Bill AddressIf the Invoice Address is selected, the location is used to send invoices to a customer or receive invoices from a vendor.Document LevelDoc LevelTax is calculated on document level (rather than line by line)If the tax is calculated on document level, all lines with that tax rate are added before calculating the total tax for the document. -Otherwise the tax is calculated per line and then added. -Due to rounding, the tax amount can differ.Fixed due dateFixed due datePayment is due on a fixed dateThe Fixed Due Date checkbox indicates if invoices using this payment tern will be due on a fixed day of the month. Foreign Currency AccountForeign CurrencyBalances in foreign currency accounts are held in the nominated currencyBalances in foreign currency accounts are held in the nominated currency and translated to functional currencyMandatory WithholdingMandatory WithholdingMonies must be withheldThe Mandatory Withholding checkbox indicates that monies must be withheld from this employee.One time transactionOne time transactionOwn BankOwn BankBank for this OrganizationThe Own Bank field indicates if this bank is for this Organization as opposed to a Bank for a Business Partner.Paid to third partyPaid to third partyAmount paid to someone other than the Business PartnerThe Paid to Third Party checkbox indicates that the amounts are paid to someone other than the Business Partner.Pay-From AddressPay-From AddressBusiness Partner pays from that address and we'll send dunning letters thereIf the Pay-From Address is selected, this location is the address the Business Partner pays from and where dunning letters will be sent to.Percent withholdingPercent withholdingWithholding amount is a percentage of the invoice amountThe Percent Withholding checkbox indicates if the withholding amount is a percentage of the invoice amount.Remit-To AddressRemit-To AddressBusiness Partner payment addressIf the Remit-To Address is selected, the location is used to send payments to the vendor.Same TaxSame TaxUse the same tax as the main transactionThe Same Tax checkbox indicates that this charge should use the same tax as the main transaction.Ship AddressShip addressBusiness Partner Shipment AddressIf the Ship Address is selected, the location is used to ship goods to a customer or receive goods from a vendor.Tax exemptTax exemptBusiness partner is exempt from taxIf a business partner is exempt from tax, the exempt tax rate is used. For this, you need to set up a tax rate with a 0% rate and indicate that this is your tax exempt rate. This is required for tax reporting, so that you can track tax exempt transactions.Pajak ProrataProrate taxTax is ProratedThe Prorate Tax checkbox indicates if this tax is prorated.Tax withholdingTax withholdingThis is a tax related withholdingThe Tax Withholding checkbox indicates if this withholding is tax related.Temporary exemptTemporary exemptTemporarily do not withhold taxesThe Temporary Exempt checkbox indicates that for a limited time, taxes will not be withheld for this employee.Max AmountMax AmtMaximum Amount in invoice currencyThe Maximum Amount indicates the maximum amount in invoice currency.Min AmountMin AmtMinimum Amount in invoice currencyThe Minimum amount indicates the minimum amount as stated in the currency of the invoice.Minimum Order QtyMinimum Order QtyMinimum order quantity in UOMThe Minimum Order Quantity indicates the smallest quantity of this product which can be ordered.Order Pack QtyOrder Pack QtyPackage order size in UOM (e.g. order set of 5 units)The Order Pack Quantity indicates the number of units in each pack of this product.Payment RulePayment RulePurchase payment optionThe Payment Rule indicates the method of purchase payment.PercentPercentPercentageThe Percent indicates the percentage used.Order ReferenceOrder ReferenceTransaction Reference Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order) of your Business PartnerThe business partner order reference is the order reference for this specific transaction; Often Purchase Order numbers are given to print on Invoices for easier reference. A standard number can be defined in the Business Partner (Customer) window.Last PO PriceLast PO PricePrice of the last purchase order for the productThe Last PO Price indicates the last price paid (per the purchase order) for this product.Limit PriceLimit PriceLowest price for a productThe Price Limit indicates the lowest price for a product stated in the Price List Currency.Standard PriceStd PriceStandard PriceThe Standard Price indicates the standard or normal price for a product on this price listPrint TextTextThe label text to be printed on a document or correspondence.The Label to be printed indicates the name that will be printed on a document or correspondence. The max length is 2000 characters.RatingRatingClassification or ImportanceThe Rating is used to differentiate the importanceRouting NoRouting NoBank Routing NumberThe Bank Routing Number (ABA Number) identifies a legal Bank. It is used in routing checks and electronic transactions.Send dunning lettersSend dunning lettersIndicates if dunning letters will be sentThe Send Dunning Letters checkbox indicates if dunning letters will be sent to Business Partners who use this dunning rule.BebanChargeAdditional document chargesThe Charge indicates a type of Charge (Handling, Shipping, Restocking)Swift codeSwift codeSwift Code or BICThe Swift Code (Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications) or BIC (Bank Identifier Code) is an identifier of a Bank. The first 4 characters are the bank code, followed by the 2 character country code, the two character location code and optional 3 character branch code. For details see http://www.swift.com/biconline/index.cfmThreshold maxThreshold maxMaximum gross amount for withholding calculation (0=no limit)The Threshold maximum indicates the maximum gross amount to be used in the withholding calculation . A value of 0 indicates there is no limit.Threshold minThreshold minMinimum gross amount for withholding calculationThe Threshold Minimum indicates the minimum gross amount to be used in the withholding calculation.TitleTitleName this entity is referred to asThe Title indicates the name that an entity is referred to as.URLURLURLThe URL defines an online address for this Business Partner.ProcedureProcedureName of the Database ProcedureThe Procedure indicates the name of the database procedure called by this report or process.ActivityAktifitasAktifitas BisnisActivities indicate tasks that are performed and used to utilize Activity based CostingFreight Cost RuleFreight Cost RuleMethod for charging FreightThe Freight Cost Rule indicates the method used when charging for freight.InvoiceInvoiceInvoice IdentifierThe Invoice Document.Customer PrepaymentCustomer PrepaymentAccount for customer prepaymentsThe Customer Prepayment account indicates the account to be used for recording prepayments from a customer.Piutang PelangganCustomer ReceivablesAccount for Customer ReceivablesThe Customer Receivables Accounts indicates the account to be used for recording transaction for customers receivables.Commodity CodeCommodity CodeCommodity code used for tax calculationThe Commodity Code indicates a code that is used in tax calculationsCredit CardCredit CardCredit Card (Visa, MC, AmEx)The Credit Card drop down list box is used for selecting the type of Credit Card presented for payment.SO Sub TypeSO Sub TypeSales Order Sub TypeThe SO Sub Type indicates the type of sales order this document refers to. This field only appears when the Document Base Type is Sales Order. The selection made here will determine which documents will be generated when an order is processed and which documents must be generated manually or in batches. <br> -The following outlines this process.<br> -SO Sub Type of <b>Standard Order</b> will generate just the <b>Order</b> document when the order is processed. <br> -The <b>Delivery Note</b>, <b>Invoice</b> and <b>Receipt</b> must be generated via other processes. <br> -SO Sub Type of <b>Warehouse Order</b> will generate the <b>Order</b> and <b>Delivery Note</b>. <br> The <b>Invoice</b> and <b>Receipt</b> must be generated via other processes.<br> -SO Sub Type of <b>Credit Order</b> will generate the <b>Order</b>, <b>Delivery Note</b> and <b>Invoice</b>. <br> The <b>Reciept</b> must be generated via other processes.<br> -SO Sub Type of <b>POS</b> (Point of Sale) will generate all documentEmployee ExpenseEmployee ExpenseAccount for Employee ExpensesThe Employee Expense Account identifies the account to use for recording expenses for this employee.Employee PrepaymentEmployee PrepaymentAccount for Employee Expense PrepaymentsThe Employee Prepayment Account identifies the account to use for recording expense advances made to this employee.Error MsgError MsgReportReportIndicates a Report recordThe Report checkbox indicates that this record is a report as opposed to a processShipment/ReceiptShipment/ReceiptMaterial Shipment DocumentThe Material Shipment / Receipt Material Receipt DocumentThe Material Shipment / Receipt ReceiptReceiptShipment/Receipt LineShipment/Receipt LineLine on Shipment or Receipt documentThe Shipment/Receipt Line indicates a unique line in a Shipment/Receipt documentLine on Receipt documentReceipt LineReceipt LineStok OpnamePhys.InventoryParameters for a Physical InventoryThe Physical Inventory indicates a unique parameters for a physical inventory.Baris Stok OpnamePhys.Inventory LineUnique line in an Inventory documentThe Physical Inventory Line indicates the inventory document line (if applicable) for this transactionLocator ToLocator ToLocation inventory is moved toThe Locator To indicates the location where the inventory is being moved to.Inventory MoveMoveMovement of InventoryThe Inventory Movement uniquely identifies a group of movement lines.Move LineMove LineInventory Move document LineThe Movement Line indicates the inventory movement document line (if applicable) for this transactionProduksiProductionPlan for producing a productThe Production uniquely identifies a Production PlanBaris ProduksiProduction LineDocument Line representing a productionThe Production Line indicates the production document line (if applicable) for this transactionInventory TransactionInventory TransactionMovement DateMovement DateDate a product was moved in or out of inventoryThe Movement Date indicates the date that a product moved in or out of inventory. This is the result of a shipment, receipt or inventory movement.Movement QuantityQtyQuantity of a product moved.The Movement Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that has been moved.Movement TypeMovement TypeMethod of moving the inventoryThe Movement Type indicates the type of movement (in, out, to production, etc)Product AssetProduct AssetAccount for Product Asset (Inventory)The Product Asset Account indicates the account used for valuing this a product in inventory.HPP ProdukProduct COGSAccount for Cost of Goods SoldThe Product COGS Account indicates the account used when recording costs associated with this product.Product ExpenseProduct ExpenseAccount for Product ExpenseThe Product Expense Account indicates the account used to record expenses associated with this product.Product RevenueProduct RevenueAccount for Product Revenue (Sales Account)The Product Revenue Account indicates the account used for recording sales revenue for this product.Project AssetProject AssetProject Asset AccountThe Project Asset account is the account used as the final asset account in capital projectsProcessedProcessedThe document has been processedThe Processed checkbox indicates that a document has been processed.Quantity bookQty bookBook QuantityThe Quantity Book indicates the line count stored in the system for a product in inventoryQuantity countJml terhitungCounted QuantityThe Quantity Count indicates the actual inventory count taken for a product in inventoryVendor LiabilityVendor LiabilityAccount for Vendor LiabilityThe Vendor Liability account indicates the account used for recording transactions for vendor liabilitiesVendor Service LiabilityVendor Service LiabilityAccount for Vender Service LiabilityThe Vendor Service Liability account indicates the account to use for recording service liabilities. It is used if you need to distinguish between Liability for products and servicesVendor PrepaymentVendor PrepaymentAccount for Vendor PrepaymentsThe Vendor Prepayment Account indicates the account used to record prepayments from a vendor.Max. ValueMax. ValueMaximum Value for a fieldThe Maximum Value indicates the highest allowable value for a fieldMin. ValueMin. ValueMinimum Value for a fieldThe Minimum Value indicates the lowest allowable value for a field.Warehouse DifferencesWarehouse DifferencesWarehouse Differences AccountThe Warehouse Differences Account indicates the account used recording differences identified during inventory counts.Warehouse InventoryWarehouse InventoryWarehouse Inventory Asset AccountThe Warehouse Inventory Asset Account identifies the account used for recording the value of your inventory. This is the counter account for inventory revaluation differences. The Product Asset account maintains the product asset value.Sales RepresentativeSales RepSales Representative or Company AgentThe Sales Representative indicates the Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales Rep must be a valid internal user.Purchase or Company AgentPurchase agent for the document. Any Sales Rep must be a valid internal user.Company AgentAgentHarga Termasuk PajakPrice includes TaxTax is included in the price The Tax Included checkbox indicates if the prices include tax. This is also known as the gross price.Requires Tax CertificateRequires Tax CertificateThis tax rate requires the Business Partner to be tax exemptThe Requires Tax Certificate indicates that a tax certificate is required for a Business Partner to be tax exempt.ChargesChargesCharges can be added to the documentThe Charges checkbox indicates that charges can be added to this document. Charges can include items like shipping, handling or bank charges.Account_AcctAccount_AcctTemplate B.PartnerTemplate BPartnerBusiness Partner used for creating new Business Partners on the flyWhen creating a new Business Partner from the Business Partner Search Field (right-click: Create), the selected business partner is used as a template, e.g. to define price list, payment terms, etc.Document Type for InvoiceDoc Type InvoiceDocument type used for invoices generated from this sales documentThe Document Type for Invoice indicates the document type that will be used when an invoice is generated from this sales document. This field will display only when the base document type is Sales Order.Document Type for ProFormaDoc Type ProFormaDocument type used for pro forma invoices generated from this sales documenthe Document Type for Invoice indicates the document type that will be used when an invoice is generated from this sales document. This field will display only when the base document type is Sales Order and the Pro Forma Invoice checkbox is selectedDocument Type for ShipmentDoc Type ShipmentDocument type used for shipments generated from this sales documenthe Document Type for Shipments indicates the document type that will be used when a shipment is generated from this sales document. This field will display only when the base document type is Sales Order.Dunning LevelDunning LevelInvoice LineInvoice LineInvoice Detail LineThe Invoice Line uniquely identifies a single line of an Invoice.Revenue RecognitionRevenue RecognitionMethod for recording revenueThe Revenue Recognition indicates how revenue will be recognized for this productService LevelService LevelProduct Revenue Recognition Service Level The Service Level defines a unique Service Level.Service Level LineService Level LineProduct Revenue Recognition Service Level LineThe Service Level Line indicates a unique instance in a Service LevelCommitted AmountCommitted AmtThe (legal) commitment amountThe commitment amount is independent from the planned amount. You would use the planned amount for your realistic estimation, which might be higher or lower than the commitment amount.Count high turnover itemsCount high turnover itemsCount High Movement productsThe Count High Movement checkbox indicates if the those items with a high turnover will be countedExp. MonthExp. MonthExpiry MonthThe Expiry Month indicates the expiry month for this credit card.Exp. YearExp. YearExpiry YearThe Expiry Year indicates the expiry year for this credit card.Current Next (System)Current Next (System)Next sequence for system useThis field is for system use only and should not be modified.Date last inventory countDate last inventory countDate of Last Inventory CountThe Date Last Inventory Count indicates the last time an Inventory count was done.Date last runDate last runDate the process was last run.The Date Last Run indicates the last time that a process was run.Date next runDate next runDate the process will run nextThe Date Next Run indicates the next time this process will run.Date printedDate printedDate the document was printed.Indicates the Date that a document was printed.Days after due dateDays after due dateDays after due date to dun (if negative days until due)The Days After Due Date indicates the number of days after the payment due date to initiate dunning. If the number is negarive, it includes not the not due invoices.Invoice on even weeksInvoice on even weeksSend invoices on even weeksThe Invoice on Even Weeks checkbox indicates if biweekly invoices should be sent on even week numbers.Generate ListGenerate ListGenerate ListPro forma InvoicePro forma InvoiceIndicates if Pro Forma Invoices can be generated from this documentThe Pro Forma Invoice checkbox indicates if pro forma invoices can be generated from this sales document. A pro forma invoice indicates the amount that will be due should an order be shipped.Invoice day cut-offInvoice day cut-offLast day for including shipmentsThe Invoice Day Cut Off indicates the last day for shipments to be included in the current invoice schedule. For example, if the invoice schedule is defined for the first day of the month, the cut off day may be the 25th of the month. An shipment on the 24th of May would be included in the invoices sent on June 1st but a shipment on the 26th would be included in the invoices sent on July 1st.Invoice weekday cutoffWeekday cutoffLast day in the week for shipments to be includedThe Invoice Week Day Cutoff indicates the last day of the week a shipment must be made to be included in the invoice schedule.Bank AccountBank AccountIndicates if this is the Bank AccountThe Bank Account checkbox indicates if this is account is the bank account.CommitmentCommitmentIs this document a (legal) commitment?Commitment indicates if the document is legally binding.DefaultDefaultDefault valueThe Default Checkbox indicates if this record will be used as a default value.Next Business DayNext Business DayPayment due on the next business dayThe Next Business Day checkbox indicates that payment is due on the next business day after invoice or delivery.ReconciledReconciledPayment is reconciled with bank statementSales TransactionSales TransactionThis is a Sales TransactionThe Sales Transaction checkbox indicates if this item is a Sales Transaction.Time basedTime basedTime based Revenue Recognition rather than Service Level basedRevenue Recognition can be time or service level based.ISO Language CodeISO LanguageLower-case two-letter ISO-3166 code - http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt The ISO Language Code indicates the standard ISO code for a language in lower case. Information can be found at http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt Perpetual InventoryPerpetual InventoryRules for generating physical inventoryThe Perpetual Inventory identifies the Perpetual Inventory rule which generated this Physical Inventory.Product for FreightProduct for FreightName 2Name 2Additional NameNumber of Inventory countsNumber of Inventory countsFrequency of inventory counts per yearThe Number of Inventory Counts indicates the number of times per year that inventory counts will be preformedNumber of MonthsNumber of MonthsNumber of Product countsNumber of Product countsFrequency of product counts per yearThe Number of Product Count indicates the number of times per year that a product should be counted.NoteNoteOptional additional user defined informationThe Note field allows for optional entry of user defined information regarding this recordNot-invoiced ReceiptsNot-invoiced ReceiptsAccount for not-invoiced Material ReceiptsThe Not Invoiced Receipts account indicates the account used for recording receipts for materials that have not yet been invoiced.Not-invoiced ReceivablesNot-invoiced ReceivablesAccount for not invoiced ReceivablesThe Not Invoiced Receivables account indicates the account used for recording receivables that have not yet been invoiced.Not-invoiced RevenueNot-invoiced RevenueAccount for not invoiced RevenueThe Not Invoiced Revenue account indicates the account used for recording revenue that has not yet been invoiced.Number of runsNumber of runsFrequency of processing Perpetual InventoryThe Number of Runs indicates the number of times that the Perpetual Inventory has be processed.Process NumberP NumberProcess ParameterProcess Number ToP Number ToProcess ParameterPrice effectiveEffectiveEffective Date of PriceThe Price Effective indicates the date this price is for. This allows you to enter future prices for products which will become effective when appropriate.PO PricePO PricePrice based on a purchase orderThe PO Price indicates the price for a product per the purchase order.CreateCreateRecognition frequencyRecognition frequencyService dateService dateDate service was providedThe Service Date indicates the date that the service was provided.Quantity InvoicedJml TerinvoiceQuantity of product or service invoicedThe Quantity Invoiced indicates the total quantity of a product or service that has been invoiced.Quantity ProvidedQty ProvidedQuantity of service or product providedThe Quantity Provided indicates the total quantity of a product or service that has been received by the customer.QtyQtyTax AmountTaxTax Amount for a documentThe Tax Amount displays the total tax amount for a document.Tax base AmountTax base AmtBase for calculating the tax amountThe Tax Base Amount indicates the base amount used for calculating the tax amount.Tax IndicatorTax IndicatorShort form for Tax to be printed on documentsThe Tax Indicator identifies the short name that will print on documents referencing this tax.Transaction AmountTransaction AmtAmount of a transactionThe Transaction Amount indicates the amount for a single transaction.Unearned RevenueUnearned RevenueAccount for unearned revenueThe Unearned Revenue indicates the account used for recording invoices sent for products or services not yet delivered. It is used in revenue recognitionUpdate QuantitiesUpdate QuantitiesPayment RulePayment RuleHow you pay the invoiceThe Payment Rule indicates the method of invoice payment.Relative PriorityRelative PriorityWhere inventory should be picked from firstThe Relative Priority indicates the location to pick from first if an product is stored in more than one location. (0 = highest priority)GreetingGreetingGreeting to print on correspondenceThe Greeting identifies the greeting to print on correspondence.GreetingGreetingFor letters, e.g. "Dear {0}" or "Dear Mr. {0}" - At runtime, "{0}" is replaced by the nameThe Greeting indicates what will print on letters sent to a Business Partner.Direct printDirect printPrint without dialogThe Direct Print checkbox indicates that this report will print without a print dialog box being displayed.First name onlyFirst name onlyPrint only the first name in greetingsThe First Name Only checkbox indicates that only the first name of this contact should print in greetings.High VolumeHigh VolumeUse Search instead of Pick listThe High Volume Checkbox indicates if a search screen will display as opposed to a pick list for selecting records from this table.Print detail records on invoice Print detail on invoicePrint detail BOM elements on the invoiceThe Print Details on Invoice indicates that the BOM element products will print on the Invoice as opposed to this product.Print detail records on pick listPrint detail records on pick listPrint detail BOM elements on the pick listThe Print Details on Pick List indicates that the BOM element products will print on the Pick List as opposed to this product.VerifiedVerifiedThe BOM configuration has been verifiedThe Verified check box indicates if the configuration of this product has been verified. This is used for products that consist of a bill of materialsBOM LineBOM LineParameter NameParameter NameConversion DateConversion DateDate for selecting conversion rateThe Conversion Date identifies the date used for currency conversion. The conversion rate chosen must include this date in it's date rangeLimit price Surcharge AmountLimit price Surcharge AmtAmount added to the converted/copied price before multiplyingIndicates the amount to be added to the Limit price prior to multiplication.Limit price BaseLimit price BaseBase price for calculation of the new priceIdentifies the price to be used as the base for calculating a new price list.Limit price max MarginLimit price max MarginMaximum difference to original limit price; ignored if zeroIndicates the maximum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original limit price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored.Limit price min MarginLimit price min MarginMinimum difference to original limit price; ignored if zeroIndicates the minimum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original limit price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored.Limit price RoundingLimit price RoundingRounding of the final resultA drop down list box which indicates the rounding (if any) will apply to the final prices in this price list.List price Surcharge AmountList price Surcharge AmtList Price Surcharge AmountThe List Price Surcharge Amount indicates the amount to be added to the price prior to multiplication.List price BaseList price BasePrice used as the basis for price list calculationsThe List Price Base indicates the price to use as the basis for the calculation of a new price list.List price max MarginList price max MarginMaximum margin for a productThe List Price Max Margin indicates the maximum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original list price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored.List price min MarginList price min MarginMinimum margin for a productThe List Price Min Margin indicates the minimum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original list price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored.List price RoundingList price RoundingRounding rule for final list priceThe List Price Rounding indicates how the final list price will be rounded.Daftar Harga PokokBase Price ListSource for Price list calculationsThe Base Price List identifies the Base Pricelist used for calculating prices (the source)Standard price Surcharge AmountStandard price Surcharge AmtAmount added to a price as a surchargeThe Standard Price Surcharge Amount indicates the amount to be added to the price prior to multiplication. -Standard price BaseStandard price BaseBase price for calculating new standard priceThe Standard Price Base indicates the price to use as the basis for the calculation of a new price standard. -Standard max MarginStandard max MarginMaximum margin allowed for a productThe Standard Price Max Margin indicates the maximum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original Standard price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored.Standard price min MarginStandard price min MarginMinimum margin allowed for a productThe Standard Price Min Margin indicates the minimum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original Standard price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored.Standard price RoundingStandard price RoundingRounding rule for calculated priceThe Standard Price Rounding indicates how the final Standard price will be rounded.Current vendorCurrent vendorUse this Vendor for pricing and stock replenishmentThe Current Vendor indicates if prices are used and Product is reordered from this vendorLimit price Discount %Limit price Discount %Discount in percent to be subtracted from base, if negative it will be added to base priceIndicates the discount in percent to be subtracted from base, if negative it will be added to base priceList price Discount %List price Discount %Discount from list price as a percentageThe List Price Discount Percentage indicates the percentage discount which will be subtracted from the base price. A negative amount indicates the percentage which will be added to the base price.Standard price Discount %Standard price Discount %Discount percentage to subtract from base priceThe Standard Price Discount Percentage indicates the percentage discount which will be subtracted from the base price. A negative amount indicates the percentage which will be added to the base price.Discount PrintedDiscount PrintedPrint Discount on Invoice and OrderThe Discount Printed Checkbox indicates if the discount will be printed on the document.Calculate Sum (Σ)SumCalculate the Sum of numeric content or lengthCalculate the Sum (Σ) of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise total sum length of the field.Order DescriptionOrder DescriptionDescription to be used on ordersThe Order Description identifies the standard description to use on orders for this Customer.Invoice net AmountInvoice net AmtNet amount of this InvoiceIndicates the net amount for this invoice. It does not include shipping or any additional charges.Qty to deliverJml untuk dikirimQty to invoiceJml untuk diinvoiceReport ViewReport ViewView used to generate this reportThe Report View indicates the view used to generate this report.Mail HostMail HostHostname of Mail Server for SMTP and IMAPThe host name of the Mail Server for this client with SMTP services to send mail, and IMAP to process incoming mail.Cost per OrderCost per OrderFixed Cost Per OrderThe Cost Per Order indicates the fixed charge levied when an order for this product is placed.Actual Delivery TimeWaktu Pengiriman AktualPerbedaan hari aktual antara order dan pengirimanThe Actual Delivery Time indicates the number of days elapsed between placing an order and the delivery of the orderWaktu Pengiriman yang DijanjikanPromised Delivery TimePromised days between order and deliveryThe Promised Delivery Time indicates the number of days between the order date and the date that delivery was promised.Quantity to OrderJml utk DipesanQuality RatingQuality RatingMethod for rating vendorsThe Quality Rating indicates how a vendor is rated (higher number = higher quality)Daftar Harga PokokBasePricelist to be used, if product not found on this pricelistThe Base Price List identifies the default price list to be used if a product is not found on the selected price listEDI DefinitionEDI DefinitionElectronic Data InterchangeNo PelangganCustomer NoEDI Identification Number EDI StatusEDI StatusEDI TypeEDI TypeError EmailError EmailEmail address to send error messages toFrom EmailFrom EmailFull Email address used to send requests - e.g. edi@organization.comFrom Email PasswordFrom Email PwdPassword of the sending Email addressFrom Email User IDFrom Email UserUser ID of the sending Email address (on default SMTP Host) - e.g. ediInfo EmailInfo EmailEmail address to send informational messages and copiesThe Info Email address indicates the address to use when sending informational messages or copies of other messages.To EmailTo EmailEmail address to send requests to - e.g. edi@manufacturer.com InfoInfoInformationThe Information displays data from the source document line.Send InfoSend InfoSend informational messages and copiesLine Discount %Discount %Line Discount as a percentageThe Line Discount Percent indicates the discount for this line as a percentage.Line DiscountDiscountLine Discount AmountIndicates the discount for this line as an amount.Line Limit AmountLimit AmtLine List AmountList AmtGross margin %Margin %Gross MarginMarginEDI TransactionEDI TrxEDI LogEDI LogReceived Inquiry ReplyInquiry replyReceive Order ReplyOrder replyReply PriceReply PriceConfirmed Price from EDI PartnerReply Qty AvailableQty AvailableReply Qty ConfirmedQty ConfirmedReply ReceivedReplyReply RemarksRemarksReply Ship dateShip dateRequest PriceRequest PriceRequest QtyRequest QtyRequest Ship dateRequest Ship dateSend InquirySend InquiryQuantity Availability InquirySend OrderSend OrderTransaction receivedTrx receivedTransaction sentTrx sentTransaction TypeTrx TypeType of credit card transactionThe Transaction Type indicates the type of transaction to be submitted to the Credit Card Company.Transaction DateTrx DateTransaction DateThe Transaction Date indicates the date of the transaction.Special FormSpecial FormSpecial FormThe Special Form field identifies a unique Special Form in the system.ClassnameClassnameJava ClassnameThe Classname identifies the Java classname used by this report or process.Page breakPage breakStart with new pageBefore printing this item, create a new pagePostedPostedPosting statusThe Posted field indicates the status of the Generation of General Ledger Accounting Lines Tipe KategoriCategory TypeSource of the Journal with this categoryThe Category Type indicates the source of the journal for this category. Journals can be generated from a document, entered manually or imported.ErrorErrorImport FormatImport FormatFormat FieldFormat FieldData FormatData FormatFormat String in Java Notation, e.g. ddMMyyThe Date Format indicates how dates are defined on the record to be imported. It must be in Java NotationData TypeData TypeType of dataDecimal PointDecimal PointDecimal Point in the data file - if anyDivide by 100Divide by 100Divide number by 100 to get correct amountEnd NoEnd NoFormatFormatFormat of the dataThe Format is a drop down list box for selecting the format type (text, tab delimited, XML, etc) of the file to be importedSelectedSelectedConstant ValueConstantConstant valueBOM QuantityQtyBill of Materials QuantityThe BOM Quantity indicates the quantity of the product in its Unit of Measure (multiplication)Tanggal DiterimaDate receivedDate a product was receivedThe Date Received indicates the date that product was received.Tanggal DikembalikanDate returnedDate a product was returnedThe Date Returned indicates the date the product was returned.Bill of MaterialsBOMBill of MaterialsThe Bill of Materials check box indicates if this product consists of a bill of materials.ReturnedReturnedMoved to storageMoved to storageBOM ProductBOM ProductBill of Material ProductThe BOM Product identifies an element that is part of this Bill of Materials.RegistrationRegistrationVehicle registrationRimRimStored rimTire StorageTire StorageTire QualityTire QualityTire size (L/R)Tire sizeTire typeTire typeVehicleVehicleRim BackRim BTire Quality BackTire Quality BackTire size BackTire size BTire type BackTire type BRecords createdRecords createdRencana ProduksiProduction PlanPlan for how a product is producedThe Production Plan identifies the items and steps in generating a product.Kuantitas ProduksiProduction QtyQuantity of products to produceThe Production Quantity identifies the number of products to produceVendorVendorThe Vendor of the product/servicePerhatianNoticeSystem NoticeInter-OrganizationInter-OrganizationOrganization valid for intercompany documentsThe Inter Organization field identifies an Organization which can be used by this Organization for intercompany documents.Account KotaKotaCity or the Credit Card or Account HolderThe Account City indicates the City of the Credit Card or Account holderEmail AccountEMailAlamat emailThe EMail Address indicates the EMail address off the Credit Card or Account holder.SIMDriver LicensePayment Identification - Driver LicenseThe Driver's License being used as identification.Social Security NoSocial Security NoPayment Identification - Social Security NoThe Social Security number being used as identification.Nama AccountAccount NameName on Credit Card or Account holderThe Name of the Credit Card or Account holder.Account StateStateState of the Credit Card or Account holderThe State of the Credit Card or Account holderAccount StreetJalanStreet address of the Credit Card or Account holderThe Street Address of the Credit Card or Account holder.Account Zip/PostalZip Zip Code of the Credit Card or Account HolderThe Zip Code of the Credit Card or Account Holder.Terima Deposit LangsungDirect DepositAccept Direct Deposit (payee initiated)Indicates if Direct Deposits (wire transfers, etc.) are accepted. Direct Deposits are initiated by the payee.Terima AMEXAMEXAccept American Express CardIndicates if American Express Cards are acceptedTerima ATMATMAccept Bank ATM CardIndicates if Bank ATM Cards are acceptedTerima Electronic CheckECheckAccept ECheck (Electronic Checks)Indicates if EChecks are acceptedTerima CorporateCorporateAccept Corporate Purchase CardsIndicates if Corporate Purchase Cards are accepted Terima DinersDinersAccept Diner's ClubIndicates if Diner's Club Cards are accepted Terima MasterCardMCAccept Master CardIndicates if Master Cards are accepted Terima VisaVisaAccept Visa CardsIndicates if Visa Cards are accepted JumlahJumlahAmount in a defined currencyThe Amount indicates the amount for this document line.Bank AssetBank AssetBank Asset AccountThe Bank Asset Account identifies the account to be used for booking changes to the balance in this bank accountBank ExpenseBank ExpenseBank Expense AccountThe Bank Expense Account identifies the account to be used for recording charges or fees incurred from this Bank.Biaya Bunga BankBank Interest ExpenseBank Interest Expense AccountThe Bank Interest Expense Account identifies the account to be used for recording interest expenses.Pendapatan Bunga BankBank Interest RevenueBank Interest Revenue AccountThe Bank Interest Revenue Account identifies the account to be used for recording interest revenue from this Bank.Bank In TransitBank In TransitBank In Transit AccountThe Bank in Transit Account identifies the account to be used for funds which are in transit.Bank Revaluation GainBank Revaluation GainBank Revaluation Gain AccountThe Bank Revaluation Gain Account identifies the account to be used for recording gains that are recognized when converting currencies.Bank Revaluation LossBank Revaluation LossBank Revaluation Loss AccountThe Bank Revaluation Loss Account identifies the account to be used for recording losses that are recognized when converting currencies.Bank Settlement GainBank Settlement GainBank Settlement Gain AccountThe Bank Settlement Gain account identifies the account to be used when recording a currency gain when the settlement and receipt currency are not the same.Bank Settlement LossBank Settlement LossBank Settlement Loss AccountThe Bank Settlement loss account identifies the account to be used when recording a currency loss when the settlement and receipt currency are not the same.Bank Unidentified ReceiptsBank UnidentifiedBank Unidentified Receipts AccountThe Bank Unidentified Receipts Account identifies the account to be used when recording receipts that can not be reconciled at the present time.Saldo AwalBeginning BalanceBalance prior to any transactionsThe Beginning Balance is the balance prior to making any adjustments for payments or disbursements.AlokasiAllocationPayment allocationBank StatementBank StatementBank Statement of accountThe Bank Statement identifies a unique Bank Statement for a defined time period. The statement defines all transactions that occurredBank statement lineBank statement lineLine on a statement from this BankThe Bank Statement Line identifies a unique transaction (Payment, Withdrawal, Charge) for the defined time period at this Bank.Kelompok Partner BisnisBPartner GroupBusiness Partner GroupThe Business Partner Group provides a method of defining defaults to be used for individual Business Partners.PaymentPaymentPayment identifierThe Payment is a unique identifier of this payment.Payment ProcessorPayment ProcessorPayment processor for electronic paymentsThe Payment Processor indicates the processor to be used for electronic paymentsBiaya BebanCharge ExpenseCharge Expense AccountThe Charge Expense Account identifies the account to use when recording charges paid to vendors.Beban PendapatanCharge RevenueCharge Revenue AccountThe Charge Revenue Account identifies the account to use when recording charges paid by customers.Check NoCheck NoCheck NumberThe Check Number indicates the number on the check.ContactContactVerification CodeVerificationCredit Card Verification code on credit cardThe Credit Card Verification indicates the verification code on the credit card (AMEX 4 digits on front; MC,Visa 3 digits back)Current Cost PriceCurrent Cost PriceThe currently used cost priceDiscount AmountDiscountCalculated amount of discountThe Discount Amount indicates the discount amount for a document or line.Ending balanceEnding balanceEnding or closing balanceThe Ending Balance is the result of adjusting the Beginning Balance by any payments or disbursements.Future Cost PriceFuture Cost priceHost AddressHost AddressHost Address URL or DNSThe Host Address identifies the URL or DNS of the target hostHost portHost portHost Communication PortThe Host Port identifies the port to communicate with the host.Online AccessOnline AccessCan be accessed online The Online Access check box indicates if the application can be accessed via the web. PaidPaidThe document is paidSame CurrencySame CurrencyMicrMicrCombination of routing no, account and check noThe Micr number is the combination of the bank routing number, account number and check numberOriginal Transaction IDOriginal Trx IDOriginal Transaction IDThe Original Transaction ID is used for reversing transactions and indicates the transaction that has been reversed.Purchase Price VariancePurchase Price VarianceDifference between Standard Cost and Purchase Price (PPV)The Purchase Price Variance is used in Standard Costing. It reflects the difference between the Standard Cost and the Purchase Order Price.Page URLPage URLPayment Discount ExpensePay discount expensePayment Discount Expense AccountIndicates the account to be charged for payment discount expenses.Payment Discount RevenuePay discount revenuePayment Discount Revenue AccountIndicates the account to be charged for payment discount revenues.Work In ProgressWIP AccountAccount for Work in ProgressThe Work in Process account is the account used in capital projects until the project is completedPO NumberPO NumberPurchase Order NumberThe PO Number indicates the number assigned to a purchase orderHargaPricePriceThe Price indicates the Price for a product or service.ProdukProductProxy addressProxy address Address of your proxy serverThe Proxy Address must be defined if you must pass through a firewall to access your payment processor. Proxy logonProxy logonLogon of your proxy serverThe Proxy Logon identifies the Logon ID for your proxy server.Proxy passwordProxy passwordPassword of your proxy serverThe Proxy Password identifies the password for your proxy server.Proxy portProxy portPort of your proxy serverThe Proxy Port identifies the port of your proxy server.Authorization CodeAuthorization CodeAuthorization Code returnedThe Authorization Code indicates the code returned from the electronic transmission.Address verifiedAddress verifiedThis address has been verifiedThe Address Verified indicates if the address has been verified by the Credit Card Company.Zip verifiedZip verifiedThe Zip Code has been verifiedThe Zip Verified indicates if the zip code has been verified by the Credit Card Company.InfoInfoResponse infoThe Info indicates any response information returned from the Credit Card Company.ReferenceReferencePayment referenceThe Payment Reference indicates the reference returned from the Credit Card Company for a paymentResponse MessageMessageResponse messageThe Response Message indicates the message returned from the Credit Card Company as the result of a transmissionResultResultResult of transmissionThe Response Result indicates the result of the transmission to the Credit Card Company.ReferrerReferrerReferring web addressRemote AddrRemote AddrRemote AddressThe Remote Address indicates an alternative or external address.Remote HostRemote HostSession IDSession IDStatement dateStatement dateDate of the statementThe Statement Date field defines the date of the statement.Statement differenceStatement differenceDifference between statement ending balance and actual ending balanceThe Statement Difference reflects the difference between the Statement Ending Balance and the Actual Ending Balance.Tax CreditTax CreditAccount for Tax you can reclaimThe Tax Credit Account indicates the account used to record taxes that can be reclaimedTax DueTax DueAccount for Tax you have to payThe Tax Due Account indicates the account used to record taxes that you are liable to pay.Tax ExpenseTax ExpenseAccount for paid tax you cannot reclaimThe Tax Expense Account indicates the account used to record the taxes that have been paid that cannot be reclaimed.Tax LiabilityTax LiabilityAccount for Tax declaration liabilityThe Tax Liability Account indicates the account used to record your tax liability declaration.Tax ReceivablesTax ReceivablesAccount for Tax credit after tax declarationThe Tax Receivables Account indicates the account used to record the tax credit amount after your tax declaration.Tender typeTender typeMethod of PaymentThe Tender Type indicates the method of payment (ACH or Direct Deposit, Credit Card, Check, Direct Debit)User IDUser IDUser IDThe User ID identifies a user and allows access to records or processes.Voice authorization codeVoice authorization codeVoice Authorization Code from credit card companyThe Voice Authorization Code indicates the code received from the Credit Card Company.W_Basket_IDW_Basket_IDWeb BasketTemporary Web BasketInventory RevaluationInventory RevaluationAccount for Inventory RevaluationThe Inventory Revaluation Account identifies the account used to records changes in inventory value due to currency revaluation.WithholdingWithholdingAccount for WithholdingsThe Withholding Account indicates the account used to record withholdings.Write-offWrite-offAccount for Receivables write-offThe Write Off Account identifies the account to book write off transactions to.Write-off AmountWrite-offAmount to write-offThe Write Off Amount indicates the amount to be written off as uncollectible.FindFindAnd/OrAnd/OrLogical operation: AND or ORFind_IDFind_IDOperationOperationCompare OperationValue ToValue ToValue ToInterest AmountInterestInterest AmountThe Interest Amount indicates any interest charged or received on a Bank Statement.System AttributeAttributeBank Account TypeAccount typeBank Account TypeThe Bank Account Type field indicates the type of account (savings, checking etc) this account is defined as.Jurnal KasCash JournalCash JournalThe Cash Journal uniquely identifies a Cash Journal. The Cash Journal will record transactions for the cash bank accountBuku KasCash BookCash Book for recording petty cash transactionsThe Cash Book identifies a unique cash book. The cash book is used to record cash transactions.Baris Jurnal KasCash LineCash Journal LineThe Cash Journal Line indicates a unique line in a cash journal.Payment BatchPayment BatchPayment batch for EFTElectronic Fund Transfer Payment Batch.Tipe KasCash TypeSource of CashThe Cash Type indicates the source for this Cash Journal Line.Buku Kas AsetCash Book AssetCash Book Asset AccountThe Cash Book Asset Account identifies the account to be used for recording payments into and disbursements from this cash book.Perbedaan Buku KasCash Book DifferencesCash Book Differences AccountThe Cash Book Differences Account identifies the account to be used for recording any differences that affect this cash bookCash Book ExpenseCash Book ExpenseCash Book Expense AccountThe Cash Book Expense Account identifies the account to be used for general, non itemized expenses.Cash Book ReceiptCash Book ReceiptCash Book Receipts AccountThe Cash Book Receipt Account identifies the account to be used for general, non itemized cash book receipts.ACHACHAutomatic Clearing HouseThe ACH checkbox indicates if this Bank Account accepts ACH transactions.ManualManualThis is a manual processThe Manual check box indicates if the process will done manually.ReversalReversalThis is a reversing transactionThe Reversal check box indicates if this is a reversal of a prior transaction.Payment amountPayment AmtAmount being paidIndicates the amount this payment is for. The payment amount can be for single or multiple invoices or a partial payment for an invoice.Payment Processor ClassPayment Processor ClassPayment Processor Java ClassPayment Processor class identifies the Java class used to process payments extending the org.compiere.model.PaymentProcessor classProcessing dateProcessing dateStatement amountStatement AmtStatement AmountThe Statement Amount indicates the amount of a single statement line.V_DateV_DateV_NumberV_NumberV_StringV_StringEffective dateEffective dateDate when money is availableThe Effective Date indicates the date that money is available from the bank.Create lines fromCreate lines fromProcess which will generate a new document lines based on an existing documentThe Create From process will create a new document based on information in an existing document selected by the user.Generate ToGenerate ToGenerate ToTerima DiscoverDiscoverAccept Discover CardIndicates if Discover Cards are acceptedKomisi %Comm %Commission stated as a percentageThe Commission indicates (as a percentage) the commission to be paid.Cost per transactionCost per TrxFixed cost per transactionThe Cost per Transaction indicates the fixed cost per to be charged per transaction.Days dueDays DueNumber of days due (negative: due in number of days)Online ProcessingOnline ProcessingThis payment can be processed onlineThe Online Processing indicates if the payment can be processed online.Paid AmountPaidRequire CreditCard Verification CodeRequire Verification CodeRequire 3/4 digit Credit Verification CodeThe Require CC Verification checkbox indicates if this bank accounts requires a verification number for credit card transactions.Field GroupField GroupLogical grouping of fieldsThe Field Group indicates the logical group that this field belongs to (History, Amounts, Quantities)Date last actionDate last actionDate this request was last acted onThe Date Last Action indicates that last time that the request was acted on.Date next actionDate next actionDate that this request should be acted onThe Date Next Action indicates the next scheduled date for an action to occur for this request.Due typeDue typeStatus of the next action for this RequestThe Due Type indicates if this request is Due, Overdue or Scheduled.FrequencyFrequencyFrequency of eventsThe frequency is used in conjunction with the frequency type in determining an event. Example: If the Frequency Type is Week and the Frequency is 2 - it is every two weeks.Frequency TypeFrequency typeFrequency of eventThe frequency type is used for calculating the date of the next event.Telah DialokasikanAllocatedIndicates if the payment has been allocatedThe Allocated checkbox indicates if a payment has been allocated or associated with an invoice or invoices.EscalatedEscalatedThis request has been escalatedThe Escalated checkbox indicates that this request has been escalated or raised in importance.HTMLHTMLText has HTML tagsMail headerMail headerMail textMail textText used for Mail messageThe Mail Text indicates the text used for mail messages.Next actionNext actionNext Action to be takenThe Next Action indicates the next action to be taken on this request.PriorityPriorityIndicates if this request is of a high, medium or low priority.The Priority indicates the importance of this request.Mail TemplateMail TemplateText templates for mailingsThe Mail Template indicates the mail template for return messages.PermohonanRequestRequest from a Business Partner or ProspectThe Request identifies a unique request from a Business Partner or Prospect.Request actionRequest actionAction has been requestedThe Request Action indicates if the Credit Card Company has requested further action be taken.Request ProcessorRequest ProcessorProcessor for RequestsProcessor for RequestsRequest AmountRequest AmtAmount associated with this requestThe Request Amount indicates any amount that is associated with this request. For example, a warranty amount or refund amount.SummarySummaryTextual summary of this requestThe Summary allows free form text entry of a recap of this request.SupervisorSupervisorSupervisor for this user/organization - used for escalation and approvalThe Supervisor indicates who will be used for forwarding and escalating issues for this user - or for approvals.Nomor AlokasiAllocation NoAllocation NumberThe Allocation number indicates which invoices were allocated on one batchMultiplierMultiplierType Multiplier (Credit = -1)Jumlah GantungOpenOpen item amountRemarkRemarkMargin %Margin %Margin for a product as a percentageThe Margin indicates the margin for this product as a percentage of the limit price and selling price.Default Logic 2Default Logic 2Default value hierarchy, separated by ;The defaults are evaluated in the order of definition, the first not null value becomes the default value of the column. The values are separated by comma or semicolon. a) Literals:. 'Text' or 123 b) Variables - in format @Variable@ - Login e.g. #Date, #AD_Org_ID, #AD_Client_ID - Accounting Schema: e.g. $C_AcctSchema_ID, $C_Calendar_ID - Global defaults: e.g. DateFormat - Window values (all Picks, CheckBoxes, RadioButtons, and DateDoc/DateAcct) c) SQL code with the tag: @SQL=SELECT something AS DefaultValue FROM ... The SQL statement can contain variables. There can be no other value other than the SQL statement. The default is only evaluated, if no user preference is defined. Default definitions are ignored for record columns as Key, Parent, Client as well as Buttons.SQL Group FunctionSQL Group FunctionThis function will generate a Group By ClauseThe SQL Group Function checkbox indicates that this function will generate a Group by Clause in the resulting SQL.Payment SelectionPayment SelectionPayment SelectionThe Payment Selection identifies a unique PaymentPayment Selection LinePayment Selection LinePayment Selection LineThe Payment Selection Line identifies a unique line in a paymentPayment datePayment dateDate Payment madeThe Payment Date indicates the date the payment was made.Total AmountTotal AmtTotal AmountThe Total Amount indicates the total document amount.Report view ColumnReport view ColumnFunction ColumnFunction ColumnOverwrite Column with Function The Function Column indicates that the column will be overridden with a functionActual AmountJml AktualJumlah yang aktualActual amount indicates the agreed upon amount for a document.Jumlah AktualActual QtyThe actual quantityThe Actual Quantity indicates the quantity as referenced on a document.Multiplier AmountMultiplier AmtMultiplier Amount for generating commissionsThe Multiplier Amount indicates the amount to multiply the total amount generated by this commission run by.Subtract AmountSubtract AmtSubtract Amount for generating commissionsThe Subtract Amount indicates the amount to subtract from the total amount prior to multiplication.KomisiCommissionCommissionThe Commission Rules or internal or external company agents, sales reps or vendors.Jumlah KomisiComm AmtGenerated Commission Amount The Commission Amount indicates the resulting amount from a Commission Run.Baris KomisiComm LineCommission LineThe Commission Line is a unique instance of a Commission Run. If the commission run was done in summary mode then there will be a single line representing the selected documents totals. If the commission run was done in detail mode then each document that was included in the run will have its own commission line.Project CycleProject CycleIdentifier for this Project Reporting CycleIdentifies a Project Cycle which can be made up of one or more cycle steps and cycle phases.Cycle StepCycle StepThe step for this CycleIdentifies one or more steps within a Project Cycle. A cycle Step has multiple PhasesProject LineProject LineTask or step in a projectThe Project Line indicates a unique project line.Jumlah KomisiComm AmtCommission AmountThe Commission Amount is the total calculated commission. It is based on the parameters as defined for this Commission Run.Converted AmountConvertedConverted AmountThe Converted Amount is the result of multiplying the Source Amount by the Conversion Rate for this target currency.Contract DateContract DateThe (planned) effective date of this document.The contract date is used to determine when the document becomes effective. This is usually the contract date. The contract date is used in reports and report parameters.Finish DateFinish DateFinish or (planned) completion dateThe finish date is used to indicate when the project is expected to be completed or has been completed.Calculation BasisCalculation BasisBasis for the calculation the commissionThe Calculation Basis indicates the basis to be used for the commission calculation. Info ToInfo ToPositive onlyPositive onlyDo not generate negative commissionsThe Positive Only check box indicates that if the result of the subtraction is negative, it is ignored. This would mean that negative commissions would not be generated.Planned AmountPlanned AmtPlanned amount for this projectThe Planned Amount indicates the anticipated amount for this project or project line.Planned Margin %Planned MarginProject's planned margin as a percentageThe Planned Margin Percentage indicates the anticipated margin percentage for this project or project linePlanned MarginPlanned MarginProject's planned margin amountThe Planned Margin Amount indicates the anticipated margin amount for this project or project line.Planned PricePlanned PricePlanned price for this project lineThe Planned Price indicates the anticipated price for this project line.Planned QuantityPlanned QtyPlanned quantity for this projectThe Planned Quantity indicates the anticipated quantity for this project or project lineMultiplier QuantityMultiplier QtyValue to multiply quantities by for generating commissions.The Multiplier Quantity field indicates the amount to multiply the quantities accumulated for this commission run.Subtract QuantitySubtract QtyQuantity to subtract when generating commissionsThe Quantity Subtract identifies the quantity to be subtracted before multiplicationRelative WeightRelative WeightRelative weight of this step (0 = ignored)The relative weight allows you to adjust the project cycle report based on probabilities. For example, if you have a 1:10 chance in closing a contract when it is in the prospect stage and a 1:2 chance when it is in the contract stage, you may put a weight of 0.1 and 0.5 on those steps. This allows sales funnels or measures of completion of your project.Proses KomisiComm RunCommission Run or ProcessThe Commission Run is a unique system defined identifier of a specific run of commission. When a Commission is processed on the Commission Screen, the Commission Run will display.Commission only specified OrdersComm o OrdersCommission only Orders or Invoices, where this Sales Rep is enteredSales Reps are entered in Orders and Invoices. If selected, only Orders and Invoices for this Sales Reps are included in the calculation of the commission.List DetailsList DetailsList document detailsThe List Details checkbox indicates that the details for each document line will be displayed.Detil KomisiComm DetailSupporting information for Commission AmountsThe Commission Detail provides supporting information on a Commission Run. Each document line that was part of the Commission Run will be reflected here.PO Payment TermPO Payment TermPayment rules for a purchase orderThe PO Payment Term indicates the payment term that will be used when this purchase order becomes an invoice.NoteNoteAdditional Information about an achievementThe Note allows you to define additional information about an achievement.B.Partner ColumnBPartner ColumnFully qualified Business Partner key column (C_BPartner_ID)The Business Partner Column indicates the Business Partner to use when calculating this measurementCalculation ClassCalculation ClassJava Class for calculation, implementing Interface MeasureThe Calculation Class indicates the Java Class used for calculating measures.Kolom TanggalDate ColumnFully qualified date columnThe Date Column indicates the date to be used when calculating this measurementTanggal DariDate FromStarting date for a rangeThe Date From indicates the starting date of a range.Tanggal KeDate ToEnd date of a date rangeThe Date To indicates the end date of a range (inclusive)Performance GoalPerformance GoalTarget achievement from 0..1The Goal Performance indicates the target achievement from 0 to 1.AchievedAchievedThe goal is achievedThe Achieved checkbox indicates if this goal has been achieved.Java Color ClassJava Color ClassFull qualified Java Class inheriting from java.awt.ColorThe Java Color Class indicates the color class to use for this performance level.Manual ActualManual ActualManually entered actual valueThe Manual Active identifies a manually entered actual measurement value.NoteNoteNote for manual entryThe Note allows for entry for additional information regarding a manual entry.Measure ActualMeasure ActualActual value that has been measured.The Measure Actual indicates the actual measured value. The measured values are used in determining if a performance goal has been metMeasure TargetMeasure TargetTarget value for measureThe Measure Target indicates the target or goal for this measure. It is used as in comparing against the actual measuresMeasure TypeMeasure TypeDetermines how the actual performance is derivedThe Measure Type indicates how the actual measure is determined. For example, one measure may be manual while another is calculated.Org ColumnOrg ColumnFully qualified Organization column (AD_Org_ID)The Organization Column indicates the organization to be used in calculating this measurement.AchievementAchievementPerformance AchievementThe Achievement identifies a unique task that is part of an overall performance goal.ColorColorColor for Performance AnalysisThe Color indicates the colors to use to identify different levels of performance.GoalGoalPerformance GoalThe Performance Goal indicates what this users performance will be measured against.Personal GoalPersonal GoalGoal hierarchy only visible to userThe Personal Goals displays goals that a user will set for themselves.MeasureMeasureConcrete Performance MeasurementThe Measure identifies a concrete, measurable indicator of performance. For example, sales dollars, prospects contacted.Measure CalculationMeasure CalculationCalculation method for measuring performanceThe Measure Calculation indicates the method of measuring performance.Kolom ProdukProduct ColumnFully qualified Product column (M_Product_ID)The Product Column indicates the product to use to use when calculating this measurement.Sql SELECTSelect ClauseSQL SELECT clauseThe Select Clause indicates the SQL SELECT clause to use for selecting the record for a measure calculation. Do not include the SELECT itself.Up to PercentUp to PercentMaximum value for this color; If this is the highest value, it is used also for higher values.The Up to Percent indicates the highest percentage to use for this color. If this is the highest value it is also used for values higher than this percentage.Report ColumnReport ColumnColumn in ReportTipe JumlahAmt TypeType of amount to reportYou can choose between the total and period amounts as well as the balance or just the debit/credit amounts.Revenue Recognition PlanRevenue Recognition PlanPlan for recognizing or recording revenueThe Revenue Recognition Plan identifies a unique Revenue Recognition Plan.Revenue Recognition RunRevenue Recognition RunRevenue Recognition Run or ProcessThe Revenue Recognition Runs identifies a unique instance of processing revenue recognition.CalculationCalculationColumn TypeColumn TypeTipe Mata UangCurrency TypeAdhoc ConversionAdhoc ConversionPerform conversion for all amounts to currencyIf a currency is selected, only this currency will be reported. If adhoc conversion is selected, all currencies are converted to the defined currencyLine TypeLine TypeOperand 1Operand 1First operand for calculationOperand 2Operand 2Second operand for calculationFinancial ReportFinancial ReportFinancial ReportReport Column SetReport Column SetCollection of Columns for ReportThe Report Column Set identifies the columns used in a Report.Report LineReport LineReport Line SetReport Line SetReport SourceReport SourceRestriction of what will be shown in Report LineRecognized AmountRecognized AmtRelative PeriodRelative PeriodPeriod offset (0 is current)Web CounterWeb CounterIndividual Count hitWeb Counter DetailsCorrect tax for Discounts/ChargesCorrect tax for Discounts/ChargesCorrect the tax for payment discount and chargesPayment discounts may require to correct the tax. This primarily applicable in VAT systems. If the original invoice had tax records, the payment discount, write-off, etc. is corrected by the tax. The calculation of the tax is prorated based on the invoice.Post Trade DiscountTrade DiscountGenerate postings for trade discountsIf the invoice is based on an item with a list price, the amount based on the list price and the discount is posted instead of the net amount. -Example: Quantity 10 - List Price: 20 - Actual Price: 17 -If selected for a sales invoice 200 is posted to Product Revenue and 30 to Discount Granted - rather than 170 to Product Revenue. -The same applies to vendor invoices.Invoice Price VarianceInvoice Price VarianceDifference between Costs and Invoice Price (IPV)The Invoice Price Variance is used reflects the difference between the current Costs and the Invoice Price.Trade Discount GrantedTrade Discount GrantTrade Discount Granted AccountThe Trade Discount Granted Account indicates the account for granted trade discount in sales invoicesTrade Discount ReceivedTrade Discount ReceivedTrade Discount Receivable AccountThe Trade Discount Receivables Account indicates the account for received trade discounts in vendor invoicesInventory AdjustmentInventory AdjustmentAccount for Inventory value adjustments for Actual CostingIn actual costing systems, this account is used to post Inventory value adjustments. You could set it to the standard Inventory Asset account.ViewViewThis is a viewThis is a view rather than a table. A view is always treated as read only in the system.Print FormPrint FormFormBank Account DocumentBank Account DocChecks, Transfers, etc.Bank documents, you generate or trackReceiptPenerimaanIni adalah transaksi penjualan (penerimaan)PerbedaanDifferenceDifference AmountSystem ColorColorColor for backgrounds or indicatorsDesktopDesktopCollection of WorkbenchesDesktop WorkbenchDesktop WorkbenchImageImageSystem Image or IconUser defined FieldUser FieldUser defined TabUser TabUser defined WindowUser WinWorkbenchWorkbenchCollection of windows, reportsWorkbench WindowWorkbench WinAlphaAlphaColor Alpha value 0-2552nd Alpha2nd AlphaAlpha value for second colorBlueBlueColor RGB blue value2nd Blue2nd BlueRGB value for second colorColor TypeColor TypeColor presentation for this colorGreenGreenRGB value 2nd Green2nd GreenRGB value for second colorSelection ColumnSelectionIs this column used for finding rows in windowsIf selected, the column is listed in the first find window tab and in the selection part of the windowLine DistanceDistanceDistance between linesLine WidthLine WidthWidth of the linesPO DescriptionPO DescriptionDescription in PO ScreensPO HelpPO HelpHelp for PO ScreensPO NamePO NameName on PO ScreensPO Print namePO PrintPrint name on PO Screens/ReportsRead Only LogicRead Only LogicLogic to determine if field is read only (applies only when field is read-write)format := {expression} [{logic} {expression}]<br> -expression := @{context}@{operand}{value} or @{context}@{operand}{value}<br> -logic := {|}|{&}<br> -context := any global or window context <br> -value := strings or numbers<br> -logic operators := AND or OR with the previous result from left to right <br> -operand := eq{=}, gt{&gt;}, le{&lt;}, not{~^!} <br> -Examples: <br> -@AD_Table_ID@=14 | @Language@!GERGER <br> -@PriceLimit@>10 | @PriceList@>@PriceActual@<br> -@Name@>J<br> -Strings may be in single quotes (optional)RedRedRGB value2nd Red2nd RedRGB value for second colorSimulationSimulationPerforming the function is only simulatedDelete old/existing recordsDelete old/existing recordsOtherwise records will be addedPrint Detail TransactionsPrint Detail TransactionsMaximum write-off per InvoiceMaximum write-off per InvoiceMaximum invoice amount to be written off in invoice currencyProduct quantity must be on stockProduct quantity must be on stockIf not sufficient on stock in the warehouse, the BOM is not producedOnly DiscountOnly DiscountInclude only invoices where we would get payment discountOnly DueOnly DueInclude only due invoicesProduct KeyProduct KeyKey of the ProductInventory QuantityInventory QuantityShow Actual AmountShow Actual AmountShow Committed AmountShow Committed AmountShow Planned AmountShow Planned AmountShow Planned Margin AmountShow Planned Margin AmountShow Planned QuantityShow Planned QuantityEntity TypeEntity TypeDictionary Entity Type; Determines ownership and synchronizationThe Entity Types "Dictionary", "Adempiere" and "Application" might be automatically synchronized and customizations deleted or overwritten. - -For customizations, copy the entity and select "User"!Import FieldsImport FieldsCreate Fields from Table ColumnsImport TableImport TableImport Table Columns from DatabaseSynchronize DatabaseSync DBChange database table definition when changing dictionary definitionWhen selected, the database column definition is updated based on your entries in the Column definition of the Application Dictionary.Payment SelectionPayment selectionAP Payment Selection Clearing AccountUnallocated CashUnallocated CashUnallocated Cash Clearing AccountReceipts not allocated to InvoicesTransfer KasCash TransferCash Transfer Clearing AccountAccount for Invoices paid by cashMatch InvoiceMatch InvoiceMatch Shipment/Receipt to InvoiceMatch POMatch POMatch Purchase Order to Shipment/ReceiptDelete existing Accounting EntriesDelete existing Accounting EntriesThe selected accounting entries will be deleted! DANGEROUS !!!KeywordKeywordCase insensitive keywordCase insensitive keyword for matching. The individual keywords can be separated by space, comma, semicolon, tab or new line. Do not use filler words like "a", "the". At this point, there are NO text search operators like "or" and "and".Alert after Days DueAlert days DueSend email alert after number of days due (0=no alerts)Send an email alert after the item is Due (after Date Next Action). If set to zero, no alert is sent.Escalate after Days DueEscalate after DaysEscalation to superior after number of due days (0 = no)The item will be escalated and assigned to the supervisor after the number of days over due. If 0, there is no escalation.Request RoutingRequest RoutingAutomatic routing of requestsRequest EMailRequest EMailEMail address to send automated mails from or receive mails for automated processing (fully qualified)EMails for requests, alerts and escalation are sent from this email address as well as delivery information if the sales rep does not have an email account. The address must be filly qualified (e.g. joe.smith@company.com) and should be a valid address.Request FolderRequest FolderEMail folder to process incoming emails; if empty INBOX is usedEmail folder used to read emails to process as requests, If left empty the default mailbox (INBOX) will be used. Requires IMAP services.Request UserRequest UserUser Name (ID) of the email ownerEMail user name for requests, alerts and escalation are sent from this email address as well as delivery information if the sales rep does not have an email account. Required, if your mail server requires authentification as well as for processing incoming mails.Request User PasswordRequest User PWPassword of the user name (ID) for mail processingTerima BahasaAccept LanguageLanguage accepted based on browser informationUser AgentUser AgentBrowser UsedAll NodesAll NodesAll Nodes are included (Complete Tree)If selected, all Nodes must be in the tree.Break Discount %Break DiscountTrade Discount in Percent for the break levelTrade Discount in Percent for the break levelBreak ValueBreak ValueLow Value of trade discount break levelStarting Quantity or Amount Value for break levelLevel KumulatifCumulative LevelLevel for cumulative calculationsDiscount TypeDiscount TypeType of trade discount calculationType of procedure used to calculate the trade discount percentageFlat Discount %Flat DiscountFlat discount percentage Quantity basedQuantity basedTrade discount break level based on Quantity (not value)The calculation of the trade discount level is based on the quantity of the order and not the value amount of the orderDiscount SchemaDiscount SchemaSchema to calculate the trade discount percentageAfter calculation of the (standard) price, the trade discount percentage is calculated and applied resulting in the final price.Schema to calculate price listsPrice List SchemaPrice List SchemaDiscount Schema BreakDiscount Schema BreakTrade Discount BreakTrade discount based on breaks (steps)Discount PricelistDiscount PricelistLine of the pricelist trade discount schemaFor the Pricelist Discount Type, you enter how the list, standard and limit price is calculated.PO Discount SchemaPO Discount SchemaSchema to calculate the purchase trade discount percentageScriptScriptDynamic Java Language Script to calculate resultUse Java language constructs to define the result of the calculationImage Alpha Image AlphaImage Texture Composite AlphaComposite Alpha factor for taint color.Image URLImage URLURL of imageURL of image; The image is not stored in the database, but retrieved at runtime. The image can be a gif, jpeg or png.Repeat DistanceRepeat DistanceDistance in points to repeat gradient color - or zeroThe gradient color is not repeated, if the value is zero. The distance is added to (or subtracted from) the starting point of the gradient.Start PointStart PointStart point of the gradient colorsThe gradient starts at the start point (e.g. North). The repeat distance determines if and how often the gradient colors are repeated. If starting from southern points, the upper color is actually at the button.Statistic CountStatistic CountInternal statistics how often the entity was usedFor internal use.Statistic SecondsStatistic SecondsInternal statistics how many seconds a process tookFor internal useTab LevelTab LevelHierarchical Tab Level (0 = top)Hierarchical level of the tab. If the level is 0, it is the top entity. Level 1 entries are dependent on level 0, etc.Standard Cost ValueStandard Cost ValueValue in Standard CostsValuation DateValuation DateDate of valuationLimit price ValueLimit price ValueValue with limit priceList price ValueList price ValueValuation with List PricePO Price ValuePO Price ValueValuation with PO PriceStd Price ValueStd Price ValueValuation with standard priceAverage Cost Amount SumAverage Cost Amount SumCumulative average cost amounts (internal)Current cumulative costs for calculating the average costsAverage Cost Quantity SumAverage Cost Quantity SumCumulative average cost quantities (internal)Current cumulative quantity for calculating the average costsStd Cost Amount SumStd Cost Amount SumStandard Cost Invoice Amount Sum (internal)Current cumulative amount for calculating the standard cost difference based on (actual) invoice priceStd Cost Quantity SumStd Cost Quantity SumStandard Cost Invoice Quantity Sum (internal)Current cumulative quantity for calculating the standard cost difference based on (actual) invoice priceStd PO Cost Amount SumStd PO Cost Amount SumStandard Cost Purchase Order Amount Sum (internal)Current cumulative amount for calculating the standard cost difference based on (planned) purchase order priceStd PO Cost Quantity SumStd PO Cost Quantity SumStandard Cost Purchase Order Quantity Sum (internal)Current cumulative quantity for calculating the standard cost difference based on (planned) purchase order priceLine IDLine IDTransaction line ID (internal)Internal linkPPV OffsetPPV OffsetPurchase Price Variance Offset AccountOffset account for standard costing purchase price variances. The counter account is Product PPV.Last Invoice PriceLast Invoice PricePrice of the last invoice for the productThe Last Invoice Price indicates the last price paid (per the invoice) for this product.Total Invoice AmountTotal Invoice AmountCumulative total lifetime invoice amountThe cumulative total lifetime invoice amount is used to calculate the total average priceTotal Invoice QuantityTotal Invoice QuantityCumulative total lifetime invoice quantityThe cumulative total lifetime invoice quantity is used to calculate the total average priceDiscount calculated from Line AmountsDiscount calculated from Line AmountsPayment Discount calculation does not include Taxes and ChargesIf the payment discount is calculated from line amounts only, the tax and charge amounts are not included. This is e.g. business practice in the US. If not selected the total invoice amount is used to calculate the payment discount.Fixed Limit PriceFixed LimitFixed Limit Price (not calculated)Fixed List PriceFixed ListFixes List Price (not calculated)Fixed Standard PriceFixed StandardFixed Standard Price (not calculated)Set Future Costs toSet Future Costs toSet the Future costs to the selectionSet Standard CostSet Standard CostSet new Standard Costs from Future CostsStandard Cost Invoice DifferenceStandard Cost Invoice DiffStandard Cost Invoice DifferenceAccumulated difference of Invoice Costs to Standard CostsStandard Cost PO DifferenceStandard Cost PO DiffStandard Cost Purchase Order DifferenceAccumulated difference of Purchase Order Costs to Standard CostsTotal Invoice CostTotal Invoice CostTotal lifetime invoice costsMessageMessageSystem MessageInformation and Error messagesPecahan UoM DiperbolehkanAllow UoM FractionsAllow Unit of Measure FractionsIf allowed, you can enter UoM FractionsAssign FromAssign FromAssign resource fromAssignment startAssign ToAssign ToAssign resource untilAssignment endExpense DateExpense DateDate of expenseDate of expenseReport DateReport DateExpense/Time Report DateDate of Expense/Time ReportSlot EndSlot EndTime when timeslot endsEnding time for time slotsSlot StartSlot StartTime when timeslot startsStarting time for time slotsExpense AmountExpense AmountAmount for this expenseExpense amount in currencyAvailableAvailableResource is availableResource is available for assignmentsConfirmedConfirmedAssignment is confirmedResource assignment is confirmedDay SlotDay SlotResource has day slot availabilityResource is only available on certain daysTime ReportTime ReportLine is a time report only (no expense)The line contains only time informationTime SlotTime SlotResource has time slot availabilityResource is only available at certain timesFridayFrAvailable on FridaysMondayMoAvailable on MondaysSaturdaySaAvailable on SaturdaySundaySuAvailable on SundaysThursdayThAvailable on ThursdaysTuesdayTuAvailable on TuesdaysWednesdayWeAvailable on WednesdaysExpense TypeExpense TypeExpense report typeResourceResourceResourceResource AssignmentAssignmentResource AssignmentResource TypeResource TypeResource UnavailabilityResource UnavailabilityExpense ReportExpense ReportTime and Expense ReportExpense LineExpense LineTime and Expense Report LineSingle Assignment onlySingle AssignmentOnly one assignment at a time (no double-booking or overlapping)If selected, you can only have one assignment for the resource at a single point in time. It is also not possible to have overlapping assignments.Order ColumnOrder ColumnColumn determining the orderInteger Column of the table determining the order (display, sort, ..). If defined, the Order By replaces the default Order By clause. It should be fully qualified (i.e. "tablename.columnname").Included ColumnIncluded ColumnColumn determining if a Table Column is included in OrderingIf a Included Column is defined, it decides, if a column is active in the ordering - otherwise it is determined that the Order Column has a value of one or greaterPrint ColorPrint ColorColor used for printing and displayColors used for printing and displayPrint FontPrint FontMaintain Print FontFont used for printingPrint FormatPrint FormatData Print FormatThe print format determines how data is rendered for print.Included Print FormatIncluded Print FormatPrint format that is included here.Included Print formats allow to e.g. Lines to Header records. The Column provides the parent link.Print Format ItemPrint Format ItemItem/Column in the Print formatItem/Column in the print format maintaining layout informationPrint PaperPrint PaperPrinter paper definitionPrinter Paper Size, Orientation and MarginsField AlignmentField AlignmentField Text AlignmentAlignment of field text. The default is determined by the data/display type: Numbers are right aligned, other data is left alignedCreate CopyCreate CopyFooter MarginFooter MarginMargin of the Footer in 1/72 of an inchDistance from the bottom of the main content to the end of the printable page in 1/72 of an inch (point)Header MarginHeader MarginMargin of the Header in 1/72 of an inchDistance from the top of the printable page to the start of the main content in 1/72 of an inch (point)FormFormIf Selected, a Form is printed, if not selected a columnar List reportA form has individual elements with layout information (example: invoice, check) -<br> -A columnar list report has individual columns (example: list of invoices)Group byGroupbyAfter a group change, totals, etc. are printedGrouping allows to print sub-totals. If a group changes, the totals are printed. Group by columns need to be included in the sort order.One Line OnlyOne LineIf selected, only one line is printedIf the column has a width restriction, the text is broken into multiple lines. If One Line is selected, only the first line is printed.LandscapeLandscapeLandscape orientationNext LineNext LinePrint item on next lineIf not selected, the item is printed on the same lineOrder byOrder byInclude in sort orderThe records are ordered by the value of this column. If a column is used for grouping, it needs to be included in the sort order as well.Relative PositionRelative PositionThe item is relative positioned (not absolute)The relative positioning of the item is determined by X-Z space and next lineOrder TabOrder TabThe Tab determines the OrderStandard Header/FooterStandard Header/FooterThe standard Header and Footer is usedIf the standard header is not used, it must be explicitly defined.Table BasedTable BasedTable based List ReportingTable based columnar list reporting is invoked from the Window Report buttonMax HeightMax HeightMaximum Height in 1/72 if an inch - 0 = no restrictionMaximum height of the element in 1/72 of an inch (point). If zero (0), there is no height restriction.Max WidthMax WidthMaximum Width in 1/72 if an inch - 0 = no restrictionMaximum width of the element in 1/72 of an inch (point). If zero (0), there is no width restriction.X PositionX PositionAbsolute X (horizontal) position in 1/72 of an inchAbsolute X (horizontal) position in 1/72 of an inchX SpaceX SpaceRelative X (horizontal) space in 1/72 of an inchRelative X (horizontal) space in 1/72 of an inch in relation to the end of the previous item.Y PositionY PositionAbsolute Y (vertical) position in 1/72 of an inchAbsolute Y (vertical) position in 1/72 of an inchY SpaceY SpaceRelative Y (vertical) space in 1/72 of an inchRelative Y (vertical) space in 1/72 of an inch in relation to the end of the previous item.Line AlignmentLine AlignmentLine AlignmentFor relative positioning, the line alignmentAreaAreaPrint AreaPrint area of this itemFormat TypeFormat TypePrint Format TypeThe print format type determines what will be printed.Invoice PriceInvoice PriceUnit price to be invoiced or 0 for default priceUnit Price in the currency of the business partner! If it is 0, the standard price of the sales price list of the business partner (customer) is used.Over/Under PaymentOver/Under PaymentOver-Payment (unallocated) or Under-Payment (partial payment)Overpayments (negative) are unallocated amounts and allow you to receive money for more than the particular invoice. -Underpayments (positive) is a partial payment for the invoice. You do not write off the unpaid amount.Over/Under PaymentOver/Under PaymentOver-Payment (unallocated) or Under-Payment (partial payment) AmountOverpayments (negative) are unallocated amounts and allow you to receive money for more than the particular invoice. -Underpayments (positive) is a partial payment for the invoice. You do not write off the unpaid amount.Check Print FormatCheck Print FormatPrint Format for printing ChecksYou need to define a Print Format to print the document.Dunning Print FormatDunning Print FormatPrint Format for printing Dunning LettersYou need to define a Print Format to print the document.Invoice Print FormatInvoice Print FormatPrint Format for printing InvoicesYou need to define a Print Format to print the document.Order Print FormatOrder Print FormatPrint Format for Orders, Quotes, OffersYou need to define a Print Format to print the document.Remittance Print FormatRemittance Print FormatPrint Format for separate RemittancesYou need to define a Print Format to print the document.Shipment Print FormatShipment Print FormatPrint Format for Shipments, Receipts, Pick ListsYou need to define a Print Format to print the document.Kode AreaArea CodePhone Area CodePhone Area CodeKotaCityCityCity in a countryCoordinatesCoordinatesLocation coordinateThis column contains the geographical coordinates (latitude/longitude) of the location.<p> -In order to avoid unnecessary use of non-standard characters and space, the following standard presentation is used:<br> -0000N 00000W 0000S 00000E <br> -where the two last digits refer to minutes and the two or three first digits indicate the degrees -LocodeLocodeLocation code - UN/LOCODE UN/Locode is a combination of a 2-character country code and a 3-character location code, e.g. BEANR is known as the city of Antwerp (ANR) which is located in Belgium (BE). -<p>See: http://www.unece.org/cefact/locode/service/main.htmImage attachedImage attachedThe image to be printed is attached to the recordThe image to be printed is stored in the database as attachment to this record. The image can be a gif, jpeg or png.Calculate Mean (μ)MeanCalculate Average of numeric content or lengthCalculate the Mean (μ) of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise calculate the average length of the field.Calculate Count (№)CountCount number of not empty elementsCalculate the total number (№) of not empty (NULL) elements (maximum is the number of lines).Amt in WordsAmt in WordsAmount in wordsAmount in words will be printed.BP Contact GreetingBP Contact GreetingGreeting for Business Partner ContactBP GreetingBP GreetingGreeting for Business PartnerContact NameContact NameBusiness Partner Contact NameTipe DokumenDocument TypeDocument TypeDocument Type NoteDocument Type NoteOptional note of a document typeMulti Lingual DocumentsMulti Lingual DocumentsDocuments are Multi LingualIf selected, you enable multi lingual documents and need to maintain translations for entities used in documents (examples: Products, Payment Terms, ...).<br> -Please note, that the base language is always English.Set NL PositionSet NL PositionSet New Line PositionWhen enabled, the current x (horizontal) Position before printing the item is saved. The next New Line will use the saved x (horizontal) Position, enabling to print data in columns. -The setting is not restricted to an area (header, content, footer), allowing to align information also with Header and Footer with the Content.Suppress NullSuppress NullSuppress columns or elements with NULL valueIf a Form entry is NULL and if selected, the field (including label) is not printed. <br> -If all elements in a table column are NULL and if selected, the column is not printed.Payment TermPayment TermPayment TermPayment Term NotePayment Term NoteNote of a Payment TermResource DescriptionResource DescriptionResource Allocation DescriptionRevenueRevenueRevenueCredit AvailableCredit AvailableAvailable Credit based on Credit Limit (not Total Open Balance) and Credit UsedGraphGraphGraph included in ReportsPie/Line Graph to be printed in ReportsPrint Table FormatTable FormatTable Format in ReportsPrint Table Format determines Fonts, Colors of the printed TableDibawah KolomBelow ColumnPrint this column below the column index enteredThis column is printed in a second line below the content of the first line identified. Please be aware, that this is depends on the actual sequence. Enter a 1 to add the info below the first column.Data Column 2Data Column 2Data Column for Line ChartsAdditional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar ChartsData Column 3Data Column 3Data Column for Line ChartsAdditional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar ChartsData Column 4Data Column 4Data Column for Line ChartsAdditional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar ChartsData Column 5Data Column 5Data Column for Line ChartsAdditional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar ChartsData ColumnData ColumnData Column for Pie and Line ChartsGraph Data Column for Pie and Line/Bar ChartsKolom PenjelasanDescription ColumnDescription Column for Pie/Line/Bar ChartsGraph Description Column for Pie and Line/Bar ChartsFunction FontFunction FontFunction row FontFont of the function rowFunction BG ColorFunction BG ColorFunction Background ColorBackground color of a function rowFunction ColorFunction ColorFunction Foreground ColorForeground color of a function rowGraph TypeGraph TypeType of graph to be paintedType of graph to be paintedHeader Row FontHeader Row FontHeader row FontFont of the table header rowHeader Line ColorHeader Line ColorTable header row line colorColor of the table header row linesHeader Row BG ColorHeader Row GB ColorBackground color of header rowTable header row background colorHeader Row ColorHeader Row ColorForeground color if the table header rowTable header row foreground colorPaint Boundary LinesPaint boundary LinesPaint table boundary linesPaint lines around tablePaint Horizontal LinesPaint H LinesPaint horizontal linesPaint horizontal table linesPaint Vertical LinesPaint V LinesPaint vertical linesPaint vertical table linesPrint Function SymbolsPrint Function SymbolsPrint Symbols for Functions (Sum, Average, Count)If selected, print symbols - otherwise print names of the functionLine ColorLine ColorTable line colorOrg AddressOrg AddressOrganization Location/AddressWarehouse AddressWarehouse AddressWarehouse Location/AddressAddress of WarehouseBP Search KeyCustomer NoBusiness Partner Key ValueSearch Key of Business PartnerFixed WidthFixed WidthColumn has a fixed widthThe Column has a fixed width, independent from the contentNext PageNext PageThe column is printed on the next pageBefore printing this column, there will be a page break.Dunning RunDunning RunDunning RunDunning Run EntryDunning Run EntryDunning Run EntryDunning Run LineDunning Run LineDunning Run LinePay Selection CheckPay Selection CheckPayment Selection CheckDunning DateDunning DateDate of DunningAsetAsetAsset used internally or by customersAn asset is either created by purchasing or by delivering a product. An asset can be used internally or be a customer asset.Sales RepresentativeSales RepCompany AgentCompany AgentBottom MarginBottomBottom Space in 1/72 inchSpace on bottom of a page in 1/72 inchLeft MarginLeftLeft Space in 1/72 inchSpace on left side of a page in 1/72 inchRight MarginRightRight Space in 1/72 inchSpace on right side of a page in 1/72 inchTop MarginTopTop Space in 1/72 inchSpace on top of a page in 1/72 inchBirthdayBirthdayBirthday or Anniversary dayBirthday or Anniversary dayOpt-out DateOpt-OutDate the contact opted outIf the field has a date, the customer opted out (unsubscribed) and cannot receive mails for the Interest AreaInterest AreaInterest AreaInterest Area or TopicInterest Areas reflect interest in a topic by a contact. Interest areas can be used for marketing campaigns.Request TypeRequest TypeType of request (e.g. Inquiry, Complaint, ..)Request Types are used for processing and categorizing requests. Options are Account Inquiry, Warranty Issue, etc.Subscribe DateSubscribe DateDate the contact actively subscribedDate the contact subscribe the interest areaEmail User IDEmail UserUser Name (ID) in the Mail SystemThe user name in the mail system is usually the string before the @ of your email address. Required if the mail server requires authentification to send emails.Email User PasswordEmail PasswordPassword of your email user idRequired if the mail server requires authentification to send emails.SMTP AuthentificationSMTP AuthentificationYour mail server requires AuthentificationSome email servers require authentification before sending emails. If yes, users are required to define their email user name and password. If authentification is required and no user name and password is required, delivery will fail.Product TypeProduct TypeType of productThe type of product also determines accounting consequences.SystemSystemSystem DefinitionCommon System DefinitionPartner IDPartner IDPartner ID for the Payment ProcessorRegistered EMailRegistered EMailEmail of the responsible for the SystemEmail of the responsible person for the system (registered in WebStore)Vendor IDVendor IDVendor ID for the Payment ProcessorReferenced Order LineRef Order LineReference to corresponding Sales/Purchase OrderReference of the Sales Order Line to the corresponding Purchase Order Line or vice versa.Business Partner KeyPartner KeyThe Key of the Business PartnerContact DescriptionContact DescriptionDescription of ContactDefault AccountDefault AccountName of the Default Account ColumnElement NameElement NameName of the ElementElement KeyElement KeyKey of the elementImport Business PartnerImport B.PartnerImport AccountImport AccountImport Account ValueImport ProductImport ProductImport Item or ServiceImport Report Line SetImport Report Line SetImport Report Line Set valuesManufacturerManufacturerManufacturer of the ProductThe manufacturer of the Product (used if different from the Business Partner / Vendor)Product Category KeyProduct Category KeyReport Line Set NameReport Line Set NameName of the Report Line SetRoyalty AmountRoyalty Amount(Included) Amount for copyright, etc.Description URLDescription URLURL for the descriptionHapus rekord lama yang telah diimporDelete old importedBefore processing delete old imported records in the import tableGroup KeyGroup KeyBusiness Partner Group KeyParent AccountParent AccountThe parent (summary) accountParent KeyParent KeyKey if the ParentUpdate Default AccountsUpdate Default AccountsUpdate Default AccountsCreate New CombinationCreate New CombinationCreate New Account CombinationPengiriman AsetAsset DeliveryDelivery of AssetThe availability of the asset to the business partner (customer).Kelompok HartaAsset GroupGroup of AssetsThe group of assets determines default accounts. If an asset group is selected in the product category, assets are created when delivering the asset.Asset RetirementAsset RetirementInternally used asset is not longer used.Tanggal Penyusutan AsetAsset depreciation dateDate of last depreciationDate of the last deprecation, if the asset is used internally and depreciated.Tanggal Pembuangan AsetAsset disposal dateDate when the asset is/was disposedMarket value AmountMarket value amtMarket value of the assetFor reporting, the market value of the assetIn Service DateIn Service dateDate when Asset was put into serviceThe date when the asset was put into service - usually used as start date for depreciation.Nilai AsetAsset valueBook Value of the assetGuarantee DateGuarantee dateDate when guarantee expiresDate when the normal guarantee or availability expiresGuarantee DaysGuarantee daysNumber of days the product is guaranteed or availableIf the value is 0, there is no limit to the availability or guarantee, otherwise the guarantee date is calculated by adding the days to the delivery date.DepresiasiDepreciateThe asset will be depreciatedThe asset is used internally and will be depreciatedDisposedDisposedThe asset is disposedThe asset is no longer used and disposedIn PossessionIn PossessionThe asset is in the possession of the organizationAssets which are not in possession are e.g. at Customer site and may or may not be owned by the company.OwnedOwnedThe asset is owned by the organizationThe asset may not be in possession, but the asset is legally owned by the organizationLife useLife useUnits of use until the asset is not usable anymoreLife use and the actual use may be used to calculate the depreciationLocation commentLocation commentAdditional comments or remarks concerning the locationTraining ClassTraining ClassThe actual training class instanceA scheduled classTrainingTrainingRepeated TrainingThe training may have multiple actual classesUsable Life - MonthsUsable life monthsMonths of the usable life of the assetUsable Life - YearsUsable life yearsYears of the usable life of the assetUse unitsUse unitsCurrently used units of the assetsVersion NoVersion NoVersion NumberKonfirmasi PengirimanDelivery ConfirmationEMail Delivery confirmationFully depreciatedFully depreciatedThe asset is fully depreciatedThe asset costs are fully amortized.Message IDMessage IDEMail Message IDSMTP Message ID for tracking purposesEmail PDFEmail PDFEmail Document PDF files to Business PartnerCol_1Col_1Col_2Col_2Col_3Col_3Col_4Col_4Col_5Col_5Col_6Col_6Col_7Col_7Col_8Col_8Col_9Col_9Col_10Col_10Col_11Col_11Col_12Col_12Col_13Col_13Col_14Col_14Col_15Col_15Col_16Col_16Col_17Col_17Col_18Col_18Col_19Col_19Col_20Col_20Document DirectoryDocument DirDirectory for documents from the application serverDirectory to store documents by the application server. The path/directory is accessed by the application server and may not be accessible to clients.Invoice Mail TextInvoice Mail TextEmail text used for sending invoicesStandard email template used to send invoices as attachments.Order Mail TextOrder Mail TextEmail text used for sending order acknowledgements or quotationsStandard email template used to send acknowledgements or quotations as attachments.Remittance Mail TextRemittance Mail TextEmail text used for sending payment remittancesStandard email template used to send remittances as attachments.Send EMailSend EMailEnable sending Document EMailSend emails with document attached (e.g. Invoice, Delivery Note, etc.)Shipment Mail TextShipment Mail TextEmail text used for sending delivery notesStandard email template used to send delivery notes as attachments.Expired Guarantee MailExpired Guarantee MailSend email to partners with expired guaranteeRecreate DataRecreateDelete first and recalculateLevel noLevel noList SourcesList SourcesList Report Line SourcesList the Source Accounts for Summary Accounts selectedList TransactionsList TrxList the report transactionsList the transactions of the report source linesCol_0Col_0BalanceBalancePrint Label SuffixLabel SuffixThe label text to be printed on a document or correspondence after the fieldThe Label to be printed indicates the name that will be printed on a document or correspondence after the field. The max length is 60 characters.Account NegaraNegaraCountryAccount Country NameWeb Parameter 1WebParam1Web Site Parameter 1 (default: header image)The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam1 - By default, it is positioned on the upper left side with 130 pixel width.Web Parameter 2WebParam2Web Site Parameter 2 (default index page)The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam2 - By default, it is positioned after the header on the web store index page.Web Parameter 3WebParam3Web Site Parameter 3 (default left - menu)The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam3 - By default, it is positioned at the end in the menu column with 130 pixel width.Web Parameter 4WebParam 4Web Site Parameter 4 (default footer left)The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam4 - By default, it is positioned on the left side of the footer with 130 pixel width.Web Order EMailWeb Order EMailEMail address to receive notifications when web orders were processedWhen processig a web order, a confirmation is sent to the EMail addess of the customer from the request EMail address copying this email address when entered.Invoice Payment ScheduleInvoice Pay ScheduleInvoice Payment ScheduleThe Invoice Payment Schedule determines when partial payments are due.Payment SchedulePayment SchedulePayment Schedule TemplateInformation when parts of the payment are dueCounterCounterCount ValueNumber counterDiscount DateDiscount DateLast Date for payments with discountLast Date where a deduction of the payment discount is allowedAmount dueAmount dueAmount of the payment dueFull amount of the payment dueTanggal Jatuh TempoDue DateDate when the payment is dueDate when the payment is due without deductions or discountValidValidElement is validThe element passed the validation checkNet DayNet DayDay when payment is due netWhen defined, overwrites the number of net days with the relative number of days to the the day defined.PercentagePercentagePercent of the entire amountPercentage of an amount (up to 100)Target URLTarget URLURL for the TargetURL of the Target SiteBasket LineBasket LineWeb Basket LineTemporary Web Basket LineWeb ClickWeb ClickIndividual Web ClickWeb Click DatailsClick CountClick CcountWeb Click ManagementWeb Click ManagementCounter CountCounter CountWeb Counter Count ManagementWeb Counter InformationMultiplier APMultiplier APPayables MultiplierGuarantee DateGuarantee DateProduct has Guarantee or Expiry DateFor individual products, you can define a guarantee or expiry dateInstance AttributeInstance AttributeThe product attribute is specific to the instance (like Serial No, Lot or Guarantee Date)If selected, the individual instance of the product has this attribute - like the individual Serial or Lot Numbers or Guarantee Date of a product instance. If not selected, all instances of the product share the attribute (e.g. color=green).LotLotThe product instances have a Lot NumberFor individual products, you can define Lot NumbersSerial NoSerial NoThe product instances have Serial NumbersFor individual products, you can define Serial NumbersAttributeAttributeProduct AttributeProduct Attribute like Color, SizeAttribute SetAttribute SetProduct Attribute SetDefine Product Attribute Sets to add additional attributes and values to the product. You need to define a Attribute Set if you want to enable Serial and Lot Number tracking.Attribute Set InstanceAttribute Set InstanceProduct Attribute Set InstanceThe values of the actual Product AttributesAttribute ValueAttribute ValueProduct Attribute ValueIndividual value of a product attribute (e.g. green, large, ..)LotLotProduct Lot DefinitionThe individual Lot of a ProductLot ControlLot ControlProduct Lot ControlDefinition to create Lot numbers for ProductsSerial No ControlSerial No ControlProduct Serial Number ControlDefinition to create Serial numbers for ProductsAttribute SearchAttribute SearchCommon Search Attribute Attributes are specific to a Product Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple attributes and want to search under a common sttribute, you define a search sttribute. Example: have one Size search attribute combining the values of all different sizes (Size for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The Attribute Search allows you to have all values available for selection. This eases the maintenance of the individual product attribute.Included TabIncluded TabIncluded Tab in this Tab (Master Dateail)You can include a Tab in a Tab. If displayed in single row record, the included tab is displayed as multi-row table.Print LabelPrint Label Label Format to printFormat for printing LabelsPrint Label LineLabel LinePrint Label Line FormatFormat of the line on a LabelSessionSessionUser Session Online or WebOnline or Web Session InformationBOM TypeBOM TypeType of BOM PartType of Bill of Materials Part. A Standard Part (default) is always included in a BOM. An Optional Part can be selected in "Drop BOM". If a Part is member of one of the alternative groups, you can select one part in that group in the "Drop BOM" functionaly (example: either 64/256/512 MB Memory).Partner ParentPartner ParentBusiness Partner ParentThe parent (organization) of the Business Partner for reporting purposes.Standard PhaseStd PhaseStandard Phase of the Project TypePhase of the project with standard performance information with standard workProject TypeProject TypeType of the projectType of the project with optional phases of the project with standard performance informationRecurringRecurringRecurring DocumentRecurring DocumentsRecurring RunRecurring RunRecurring Document RunHistory of Recurring Document GenerationCommitted QuantityCommitted QtyThe (legal) commitment QuantityThe commitment amount is independent from the planned amount. You would use the planned amount for your realistic estimation, which might be higher or lower than the commitment amount.Copy FromCopy FromCopy From RecordCopy From RecordDownload URLDownload URLURL of the Download filesSemicolon separated list of URLs to be downloaded or distributedInvoice PartnerInvoice PartnerBusiness Partner to be invoicedIf empty the shipment business partner will be invoicedInvoice LocationInvoice LocationBusiness Partner Location for invoicingInvoice ContactInvoice ContactBusiness Partner Contact for invoicingGenerate OrderGenerate OrderGenerate OrderImport InventoryImport InventoryImport Inventory TransactionsJumlah Yang Telah Di-InvoiceInvoiced AmountThe amount invoicedThe amount invoicedInvoiced QuantityInvoiced QuantityThe Quantity InvoicedMaintain Change LogChange LogMaintain a log of changesIf selected, a log of all changes is maintained.SelesaiCompleteSudah SelesaiIndication that this is completeLabel Format TypeLabel Format TypeLabel Format TypeLabel HeightLabel HeightHeight of the labelPhysical height of the labelLabel WidthLabel WidthWidth of the LabelPhysical Width of the LabelPrinter NamePrinter NameName of the PrinterInternal (Opereating System) Name of the Printer; Please mote that the printer name may be different on different clients. Enter a printer name, which applies to ALL clients (e.g. printer on a server). <p> -If none is entered, the default printer is used. You specify your default printer when you log in. You can also change the default printer in Preferences.Project Mail TextProject Mail TextStandard text for Project EMailsStandard text for Project EMailsProject Print FormatProject Print FormatStandard Project Print FormatStandard Project Print FormatProject BalanceProject BalanceTotal Project BalanceThe project balance is the sum of all invoices and paymentsRecurring TypeRecurring TypeType of Recurring DocumentThe type of document to be generatedMaximum RunsMax RunsNumber of recurring runsNumber of recurring documents to be generated in totalRemaining RunsRemaining RunsNumber of recurring runs remainingNumber of recurring documents to be still generatedStandard QuantityStandard QuantityStandard QuantityWeb SessionWeb SessionWeb Session IDChange LogChange LogLog of data changesLog of data changesAdvertisement TextAd TextText of the AdvertisementThe text of the advertisement with optional HTML tags. The HTML tags are not checked for correctness and may impact the remaining page.Self-ServiceSelf-ServiceThis is a Self-Service entry or this entry can be changed via Self-ServiceSelf-Service allows users to enter data or update their data. The flag indicates, that this record was entered or created via Self-Service or that the user can change it via the Self-Service functionality.LogLogNew ValueNew ValueNew field valueNew data entered in the fieldOld ValueOld ValueThe old file dataOld data overwritten in the fieldProcess IDP IDProcess MessageP MsgAdvertisementAdvertisementWeb AdvertisementAdvertisement on the WebWarehouse KeyWarehouse KeyKey of the WarehouseKey to identify the WarehouseCost TypeCost TypeType of CostOrg AssignmentOrg AssignmentAssigment to (transaction) OrganizationAssignment to the transacation organization (cost center).Project PhaseProject PhasePhase of a ProjectProject TaskProject TaskActual Project Task in a PhaseA Project Task in a Project Phase represents the actual work.Standard TaskStandard TaskStandard Project Type TaskStandard Project Task in a Project Phase with standard effortKuantitas yang DibebankanChargeable QtyCommitment is CeilingCommit ceilingThe commitment amount/quantity is the chargeable ceiling The commitment amount and quantity is the maximum amount and quantity to be charged. Ignored, if the amount or quantity is zero.ExcludeExcludeExclude access to the data - if not selected Include access to the dataIf selected (excluded), the role cannot access the data specified. If not selected (included), the role can ONLY access the data specified. Exclude items represent a negative list (i.e. you don't have access to the listed items). Include items represent a positive list (i.e. you only have access to the listed items). -<br>You would usually not mix Exclude and Include. If you have one include rule in your list, you would only have access to that item anyway.Time TypeTime TypeType of time recordedDifferentiate time types for reporting purposes (In parallel to Activities)Kunci AccountAccount KeyKey of Account ElementNama Skema AccountAcctSchema NameName of the Accounting SchemaPost ProcessingPost ProcessingProcess SQL after executing the queryCould be Update/Delete/etc. statementPre ProcessingPre ProcessingProcess SQL before executing the queryCould be Update/Delete/etc. statementAlertAlertAdempiere AlertAdempiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted ofAlert RuleAlert RuleDefinition of the alert elementAlert SubjectAlert SubjectSubject of the AlertThe subject of the email message sent for the alertAlert MessageAlert MessageMessage of the AlertThe message of the email sent for the alertBank Account NoBank Account NoBank Account NumberBatch DescriptionBatch DescriptionDescription of the BatchBatch Document NoBatch Document NoDocument Number of the BatchBusiness Partner KeyBusiness Partner KeyKey of the Business PartnerNama KategoriCategory NameName of the CategoryNama BebanCharge NameName of the ChargeClient KeyClient KeyKey of the ClientDocument Type NameDocType NameName of the Document TypeEnforce Client SecurityEnforce Client SecuritySend alerts to recipient only if the client security rules of the role allowsEnforce Role SecurityEnforce Role SecuritySend alerts to recipient only if the data security rules of the role allowsSql FROMFrom ClauseSQL FROM clauseThe Select Clause indicates the SQL FROM clause to use for selecting the record for a measure calculation. It can have JOIN clauses. Do not include the FROM itself.Import Bank StatementImport Bank StatementImport of the Bank StatementImport GL JournalImport GL JournalImport General Ledger JournalImport OrderImport OrderImport OrdersImport PaymentImport PaymentImport PaymentInvoice Document NoInvoice Document NoDocument Number of the InvoiceDelayed CaptureDelayed CaptureCharge after ShipmentDelayed Capture is required, if you ship products. The first credit card transaction is the Authorization, the second is the actual transaction after the shipment of the product.Line DescriptionLine DescriptionDescription of the LineLocator KeyLocator KeyKey of the Warehouse LocatorFreightFreightFreight RateFreight Rate for ShipperFreight CategoryFreight CategoryCategory of the FreightFreight Categories are used to calculate the Freight for the Shipper selectedMemoMemoMemo TextNo PackagesNo PackagesNumber of packages shippedTrx Org KeyTrx Org KeyKey of the Transaction OrganizationOrg KeyOrg KeyKey of the OrganizationPayment Term KeyPayment Term KeyKey of the Payment TermPick DatePick DateDate/Time when picked for ShipmentProject KeyProject KeyKey of the ProjectAuthorization Code (DC)Authorization Code (DC)Authorization Code Delayed Capture returnedThe Authorization Code indicates the code returned from the electronic transmission.CVV MatchCVV MatchCredit Card Verification Code MatchThe Credit Card Verification Code was matchedReference (DC)Reference (DC)Payment Reference Delayed CaptureThe Payment Reference indicates the reference returned from the Credit Card Company for a paymentRelease NoRelease NoInternal Release NumberShip DateShip DateShipment Date/TimeActual Date/Time of Shipment (pick up)Internal UsersInternal UsersNumber of Internal Users for Adempiere SupportYou can purchase professioal support from ComPiere, Inc. or their partners. See http://www.adempiere.com for details. -SwipeSwipeTrack 1 and 2 of the Credit CardSwiped information for Credit Card Presence TransactionsTracking NoTracking NoNumber to track the shipmentTracking URLTracking URLURL of the shipper to track shipmentsThe variable @TrackingNo@ in the URL is replaced by the actual tracking number of the shipment.Import InvoiceImport InvoiceImport InvoiceReplicationReplicationData Replication TargetData Replication Target Details. Maintained on the central server.Replication LogReplication LogData Replication Log DetailsData Replication Run LogReplication RunReplication RunData Replication RunData Replication Run informationReplication StrategyReplication StrategyData Replication StrategyThe Data Replication Strategy determines what and how tables are replicated Replication TableReplication TableData Replication Strategy Table InfoDetermines how the table is replicatedReplicatedReplicatedThe data is successfully replicatedThe data replication was successful.PO WindowPO WindowPurchase Order WindowWindow for Purchase Order (AP) ZoomsReplication TypeReplication TypeType of Data ReplicationThe Type of data Replication determines the directon of the data replication. <br> -Reference means that the data in this system is read only -> <br> -Local means that the data in this system is not replicated to other systems - <br> -Merge means that the data in this system is synchronized with the other system <-> <br> -PublicPublicPublic can read entryIf selected, public users can read/view the entry. Public are users without a Role in the system. Use security rules for more specic access control.Public WritePublic WritePublic can write entriesIf selected, public users can write/create entries. Public are users without a Role in the system. Use security rules for more specic access control.Knowledge CategoryCategoryKnowledge CategorySet up knowledge categories and values as a search aid. Examples are Release Version, Product Area, etc. Knowledge Category values act like keyworks.Nilai KategoriValueThe value of the categoryThe value of the category is a keywordEntry CommentCommentKnowledge Entry CommentComment regarding a knowledge entryEntryEntryKnowledge EntryThe searchable Knowledge EntryRelated EntryRelated EntryRelated Entry for this EnntryRelated Knowlege Entry for this Knowledge EntryKnowledge SourceKnowledge SourceSource of a Knowledge EntryThe Source of a Knowlegde Entry is a pointer to the originating system. The Knowledge Entry has an additional entry (Description URL) for more detailed info.Knowledge SynonymKnowledge SynonymKnowlege Keyword SynonymSearch Synonyms for Knowledge Keywords; Example: Product = ItemKnowledge TopicTopicKnowledge TopicTopic or Discussion TheadKnowldge TypeTypeKnowledge TypeArea of knowlege - A Type has multiple TopicsKeywordsKeywordsList of Keywords - separated by space, comma or semicolonList if individual keywords for search relevancy. The keywords are separated by space, comma or semicolon. Synonym NameSynonym NameThe synonym for the nameThe synonym broadens the searchTunnel via HTTPTunnel via HTTPConnect to Server via HTTP TunnelIf selected, the connection to the server is via a HTTP tunnel, otherwise it uses an RMI/JNP connectionTestTestExecute in Test ModeID Range EndID EndEnd if the ID Range usedThe ID Range allows to restrict the range of the internally used IDs. Please note that the ID range is NOT enforced.ID Range StartID StartStart of the ID Range usedThe ID Range allows to restrict the range of the internally used IDs. The standard rages are 0-899,999 for the Application Dictionary 900,000-999,999 for Application Dictionary customizations/extensions and > 1,000,000 for client data. The standard system limit is 9,999,999,999 but can easily be extended. The ID range is on a per table basis. -Please note that the ID range is NOT enforced.Remote ClientRemote ClientRemote Client to be used to replicate / synchronize data with.The remote client used for data replication.Remote OrganizationRemote OrgRemote Organization to be used to replicate / synchronize data with.The remote organization used for data replication. If not selected, all organizations are replicated/synchronized.Language IDLanguage IDProyekProjectName of the ProjectProject PhaseProject PhaseName of the Project PhaseProject TypeProject TypeName of the Project TypeCycle NameCycleName of the Project CycleCycle Step NameCycle StepName of the Prohect Cycle StepSO/PO TypeSO/PO TypeSales Tax applies to sales situations, Purchase Tax to purchase situationsSales Tax: charged when selling - examples: Sales Tax, Output VAT (payable) -Purchase Tax: tax charged when purchasing - examples: Use Tax, Input VAT (receivable)Only Validate DataValidate OnlyValidate the date and do not processImport only if No ErrorsImport No ErrorsOnly start the import, if there are no validation ErrorsDocument OrgDocument OrgDocument Organization (independent from account organization)Journal Document NoJournal Doc NoDocument number of the JournalAttach AssetAttach AssetAttach Asset to be delivered per emailDelivery CountDelivery CountNumber of DeliveriesWeb Store InfoWeb InfoWeb Store Header InformationDisplay HTML Info in the Web Store - by default in the header. -Web Parameter 5Web Param 5Web Site Parameter 5 (default footer center)The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam5 - By default, it is positioned in the center of the footer.Web Parameter 6Web Parm 6Web Site Parameter 6 (default footer right)The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam6 - By default, it is positioned on the right side of the footer.Minimum AmtMinimum AmtMinumum Amout in Document CurrencyProject IssueProject IssueProject Issues (Material, Labor)Issues to the project initiated by the "Issue to Project" process. You can issue Receipts, Time and Expenses, or Stock.Project CategoryProject CategoryProject CategoryThe Project Category determines the behavior of the project: -General - no special accounting, e.g. for Presales or general tracking -Service - no special accounting, e.g. for Service/Charge projects -Work Order - creates Project/Job WIP transactions - ability to issue material -Asset - create Project Asset transactions - ability to issue material -Order PembelianPurchase OrderPurchase OrderStatus KreditCredit StatusBusiness Partner Credit StatusCredit Management is inactive if Credit Status is No Credit Check, Credit Stop or if the Credit Limit is 0. -If active, the status is set automatically set to Credit Hold, if the Total Open Balance (including Vendor activities) is higher then the Credit Limit. It is set to Credit Watch, if above 90% of the Credit Limit and Credit OK otherwise.Consolidate to one DocumentConsolidateConsilidate Lines into one DocumentHanya PenjelasanDescriptionif true, the line is just description and no transactionIf a line is Description Only, e.g. Product Inventory is not corrected. No accounting transactions are created and the amount or totals are not included in the document. This for including descriptional detail lines, e.g. for an Work Order.PricingPricingTutup DokumenCloseClose Document (process)Label printerLabel printerLabel Printer DefinitionLabel printer FunctionLabel printer FunctionFunction of Label PrinterSystem RegistrationRegistrationSystem RegistrationThe System Registration helps Adempiere to help the installed baseEmail verificationEmail verifyVerification of EMail AddressThe field contains the date the EMail Address has been verifiedEncryption KeyEncryption KeyEncryption Key used for securing data contentPlease note that changing the key will make ALL previously encrypted data unreadable.Footer CenterFooter CenterContent of the center portion of the footer.Footer LeftFooter LeftContent of the left portion of the footer.Footer RightFooter RightContent of the right portion of the footer.Function PrefixFunction PrefixData sent before the functionFunction SuffixFunction SuffixData sent after the functionMin Guarantee DaysMin GuaranteeMinumum number of guarantee daysWhen selecting batch/products with a guarantee date, the minimum left guarantee days for automatic picking. You can pick any batch/product manually. Header CenterHeader CenterContent of the center portion of the header.Header LeftHeader LeftContent of the left portion of the header.Header RightHeader RightContent of the right portion of the header.Industry InfoIndustry InfoInformation of the industry (e.g. professional service, distribution of furnitures, ..)Description if the industry ad precise as possible.Inventory TypeInventory TypeType of inventory differenceThe type of inventory difference determines which account is used. The default is the Inventory Difference account defined for the warehouse. Alternatively, you could select any charge. This allows you to account for Internal Use or extraordinary inventory losses.Dapat DipublikasikanAllow PublishYou allow to publish the information, not just statistical summary infoCan ExportCan ExportUsers with this role can export dataYou can restrict the ability to export data from Adempiere.Can ReportCan ReportUsers with this role can create reportsYou can restrict the ability to report on data.In ProductionIn ProductionThe system is in productionCalculate Maximim (↑)Calc MaxCalculate the maximim amountCalculate the Maximum (↑) of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise maximum length of the field.Calculate Minimum (↓)Calc MinCalculate the minimum amountCalculate the Minimum (↓) of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise minimum length of the field.Personal AccessPersonal AccessAllow access to all personal recordsUsers of this role have access to all records locked as personal.Personal LockPersonal LockAllow users with role to lock access to personal recordsIf enabled, the user with the role can prevent access of others to personal records. If a record is locked, only the user or people who can read personal locked records can see the record.RegisteredRegisteredThe application is registered.Running TotalRunning TotalCreate a running total (sum)A running total creates a sum at the end of a page and on the top of the next page for all colums, which have a Sum function. You should define running total only once per format.Show AccountingShow AccountingUsers with this role can see accounting informationThis allows to prevent access to any accounting information.XY PositionXY PositionThe Function is XY positionThis function positions for the next print operationLine TotalLine TotalTotal line amount incl. TaxTotal line amountObscureObscureType of obscuring the data (limiting the display)Platform InfoPlatformInformation about Server and Client PlatformInclude information on Server, Network [Operating System, RAM, Disk, CPUs] and (number of) Clients.Running Total LinesRT LinesCreate Running Total Lines (page break) every x linesWhen you want to print running totals, enter the number of lines per page after you want to create a running total line and page break. You should define running total only once per format.XY SeparatorXY SeparatorThe separator between the X and Y function.Issue DescriptionIssue DescriptionDescription of the Issue lineIssue LineIssue LineLine number of the issueLine MarginLine MarginMargin of the line - Planned Amount minus CostsTipe AksesAccess TypeThe type of access for this ruleIf you restrict Access to the entity, you also cannot Report or Export it (i.e. to have access is a requirement that you can report or export the data). The Report and Export rules are further restrictions if you have access.Dependent EntitiesDependent EntitiesAlso check access in dependent entitiesAlso dependent entities are included. Please be aware, that enabling this rule has severe consequences and that this is only wanted in some circumstances. -<p>Example Rule: "Include Payment Term Immediate with Dependent Entities" -<br>Primary effect: users with this role can only select the payment term Immediate -<br>Secondary effect (dependent entities): users with this role can see only invoices/orders with the payment term immediate.Character DataCharacter DataLong Character FieldCreate PaymentCreate PaymentEFT MemoEFT MemoElectronic Funds Transfer MemoInformation from EFT mediaEFT PayeeEFT PayeeElectronic Funds Transfer Payee informationInformation from EFT mediaEFT Payee AccountEFT Payee AccountElectronic Funds Transfer Payyee Account InformationInformation from EFT mediaEFT ReferenceEFT ReferenceElectronic Funds Transfer ReferenceInformation from EFT mediaEFT Trx IDEFT Trx IDElectronic Funds Transfer Transaction IDInformation from EFT mediaEFT Trx TypeEFT Trx TypeElectronic Funds Transfer Transaction TypeInformation from EFT mediaGood for DaysGood DaysShelf Life Days remaning to Guarantee Date (minus minimum guarantee days)Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance compared to today minus the minimum guaranteed days. -(Guarantee Date-Today) – Min Guarantee DaysAvailable QuantityQty AvailableAvailable Quantity (On Hand - Reserved)Quantity available to promise = On Hand minus Reserved QuantityRemaining Shelf Life %Rem Shelf Life %Remaining shelf life in percent based on Guarantee Date(Guarantee Date-Today) / Guarantee DaysMin Shelf Life %Min Shelf Life %Minimum Shelf Life in percent based on Product Instance Guarantee DateMiminum Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance. If > 0 you cannot select products with a shelf life ((Guarantee Date-Today) / Guarantee Days) less than the minum shelf life, unless you select "Show All"Jatuh Tempo Hari IniDue TodayJ. Tempo Hari Ini -30Due Today-30J. Tempo Hari Ini -7Due Today-7J. Tempo 1-7Due 1-7J. Tempo 31-60Due 31-60J. Tempo > 31Due > 31J. Tempo 61-90Due 61-90J. Tempo > 61Due > 61J. Tempo 8-30Due 8-30J. Tempo > 91Due > 91Past Due 1-30Past Due 1-30Past Due 1-7Past Due 1-7Past Due 31-60Past Due 31-60Past Due > 31Past Due > 31Past Due 61-90Past Due 61-90Past Due > 61Past Due > 61Past Due 8-30Past Due 8-30Past Due > 91Past Due > 91Past DuePast DueList InvoicesList InvoicesInclude List of InvoicesMandatory Guarantee DateMandatory Guarantee DateThe entry of a Guarantee Date is mandatory when creating a Product InstanceMandatory LotMandatory LotThe entry of Lot info is mandatory when creating a Product InstanceMandatory Serial NoMandatory Serial NoThe entry of a Serial No is mandatory when creating a Product InstanceMin Shelf Life DaysMin Shelf Life DaysMinimum Shelf Life in days based on Product Instance Guarantee DateMiminum Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance. If > 0 you cannot select products with a shelf life less than the minum shelf life, unless you select "Show All"Shelf Life DaysShelf Life DaysShelf Life in days based on Product Instance Guarantee DateShelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance compared to today.Partner Tax IDBP Tax TDTax ID of the Business PartnerBackorderedBackorderedBackordered QuantityCalculated: ordered - delivered quantityStrategi AlokasiAllocationAllocation StrategyAllocation from incoming to outgoing transactionsOut Shipment LineOut Shipment LineOutgoing Shipment/ReceiptOut Inventory LineOut Inventory LineOutgoing Inventory LineOut Production LineOut Production LineOutgoing Production LineOut TransactionOut TransactionOutgoing TransactionCalculate Deviation (σ)DeviationCalculate Standard DeviationThe Standard Deviation (σ) is the a measure of dispersion - used in combination with the Mean (μ)Calculate Variance (σ²)VarianceCalculate VarianceThe Variance (σ²) is the a measure of dispersion - used in combination with the Mean (μ)Featured in Web StoreFeaturedIf selected, the product is displayed in the inital or any empy searchIn the display of products in the Web Store, the product is displayed in the inital view or if no search criteria are entered. To be displayed, the product must be in the price list used.Tipe Mata UangCurrency TypeCurrency Conversion Rate TypeThe Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define different type of rates, e.g. Spot, Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.Currency Type KeyCurrency Conversion TypeKey value for the Currency Conversion Rate TypeThe date type key for the conversion of foreign currency transactionsWarehouseWarehouseWarehouse NamePay Schedule validPay Schedule validIs the Payment Schedule is validPayment Schedules allow to have multiple due dates.Branch IDBranch IDBank Branch IDDependent on the loader, you may have to provide a bank branch IDBank Statement LoaderBank Statement LoaderDefinition of Bank Statement Loader (SWIFT, OFX)The loader definition privides the parameters to load bank statements from EFT formats like SWIFT (MT940) or OFXFormat TanggalDate FormatDate format used in the imput formatThe date format is usually detected, but sometimes need to be defined.EFT AmountEFT AmountElectronic Funds Transfer AmountEFT Check NoEFT Check NoElectronic Funds Transfer Check NoInformation from EFT mediaEFT CurrencyEFT CurrencyElectronic Funds Transfer CurrencyInformation from EFT mediaEFT Statement DateEFT Statement DateElectronic Funds Transfer Statement DateInformation from EFT mediaEFT Statement Line DateEFT Statement Line DateElectronic Funds Transfer Statement Line DateInformation from EFT mediaEFT Statement ReferenceEFT Statement ReferenceElectronic Funds Transfer Statement ReferenceInformation from EFT mediaEFT Effective DateEFT Effective DateElectronic Funds Transfer Valuta (effective) DateInformation from EFT mediaFile NameFile NameName of the local file or URLName of a file in the local directory space - or URL (file://.., http://.., ftp://..)Financial Institution IDFinancial Institution IDThe ID of the Financial Institution / BankDepending on the loader, it might require a ID of the financial institutionPayment Document NoPayment Document NoDocument number of the PaymentPINPINPersonal Identification NumberStatement Line DateStatement Line DateDate of the Statement LineStatement Loader ClassStatement Loader ClassClass name of the bank statement loaderThe name of the actual bank statement loader implementing the interface org.compiere.impexp.BankStatementLoaderInterfaceCreate Reciprocal RateCreate ReciprocalCreate Reciprocal Rate from current informationIf selected, the imported USD->EUR rate is used to create/calculate the reciprocal rate EUR->USD.Import Conversion RateImport Conversion RateImport Currency Conversion RateISO Currency To CodeISO Currency ToThree letter ISO 4217 Code of the To CurrencyFor details - http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec09en.htmUser SubstituteUser SubstituteSubstitute of the userA user who can act for another user.Parent OrganizationParent OrgParent (superior) Organization Parent Organization - the next level in the organizational hierarchy.Aktifitas Alur KerjaAktifitas Alur KerjaWorkflow ActivityThe Workflow Activity is the actual Workflow Node in a Workflow Process instanceWorkflow Activity ResultWf Activity ResultResult of the Workflow Process ActivityActivity Result of the execution of the Workflow Process InstranceWorkflow BlockWf BlockWorkflow Transaction Execution BlockA workflow execution block is optional and allows all work to be performed in a single transaction. If one step (node activity) fails, the entire work is rolled back.Workflow Event AuditWf Event AuditWorkflow Process Activity Event Audit InformationHistory of chenges ov the Workflow Process ActivityWorkflow Node ParameterWf Node ParameterWorkflow Node Execution ParameterParameter for the execution of the Workflow NodeProses Alur KerjaProses Alur KerjaActual Workflow Process InstanceInstance of a workflow executionWorkflow Process DataWf Process DataWorkflow Process ContextContext information of the workflow process and activityWorkflow ResponsibleWf ResponsibleResponsible for Workflow ExecutionThe ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User.Attribute NameAttribute NameName of the AttributeIdentifier of the attributeAttribute ValueAttribute ValueValue of the AttributeAuthorAuthorAuthor/Creator of the EntityCostCostCost informationDurationDurationNormal Duration in Duration UnitExpected (normal) Length of time for the executionDuration UnitDuration UnitUnit of DurationUnit to define the length of time for the executionFinish ModeFinish ModeWorkflow Activity Finish ModeHow the system operated at the end of an activity. Automatic implies return when the invoked applications finished control - Manual the user has to explicitly terminate the activity.Duration LimitLimitMaximum Duration in Duration UnitMaximum (critical) Duration for time management purposes (e.g. starting an escalation procedure, etc.) in Duration Units.Responsible TypeResponsible TypeType of the Responsibility for a workflowType how the responsible user for the execution of a workflow is determinedStart ModeStart ModeWorkflow Activity Start Mode How is the execution of an activity triggered. Automatic are triggered implicitly by the system, Manual explicitly by the User.Subflow ExecutionSubflow ExecutionMode how the sub-workflow is executedTransition CodeTransition CodeCode resulting in TRUE of FALSEThe transition is executed, if the code results in TRUE (or is empty)Waiting TimeWaiting TimeWorkflow Simulation Waiting timeAmount of time needed to prepare the performance of the task on Duration UnitsWorkflow StateWf StateState of the execution of the workflowWorking TimeWorking TimeWorkflow Simulation Execution TimeAmount of time the performer of the activity needs to perform the task in Duration UnitEvent TypeEvent TypeType of EventJoin ElementJoin ElementSemantics for multiple incoming TransitionsSemantics for multiple incoming Transitions for a Node/Activity. AND joins all concurrent threads - XOR requires one thread (no synchronization).Split ElementSplit ElementSemantics for multiple outgoing TransitionsSemantics for multiple outgoing Transitions for a Node/Activity. AND represents multiple concurrent threads - XOR represents the first transition with a true Transaition condition.Publication StatusPublication StatusStatus of PublicationUsed for internal documentationRegistrationRegistrationUser Asset RegistrationUser Registration of an AssetRegistration AttributeRegistration AttributeAsset Registration AttributeDefine the individual values for the Asset RegistrationTax Line TotalLine TotalTax Line Total AmountAccounted AmountAccountedAmount Balance in Currency of Accounting SchemaSource AmountSourceAmount Balance in Source CurrencyUpdate BalancesUpdateBalancesUpdate Accounting BalancesMaintenance ModeMaintenance ModeLanguage Maintenance ModeTerima Debit LangsungDirect DebitAccept Direct Debits (vendor initiated)Accept Direct Debit transactions. Direct Debits are initiated by the vendor who has permission to deduct amounts from the payee's account.Bank Statement MatcherBank Statement MatcherAlgorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and PaymentsAn algorithm to find Business Partners, Invoices, Payments in imported Bank StatementsMatch StatementMatch StatementHeader StrokeHdr StrokeWidth of the Header Line StrokeThe width of the header line stroke (line thickness) in Points.Header Stroke TypeHdr Stroke TypeType of the Header Line StrokeType of the line printedPaint Header LinesHeader LinesPaint Lines over/under the Header Line If selected, a line is painted above and below the header line using the stroke informationLine StrokeLine StrokeWidth of the Line StrokeThe width of the line stroke (line thickness) in Points.Line Stroke TypeLine Stroke TypeType of the Line StrokeType of the line printedLinked OrganizationLinked OrgThe Business Partner is another Organization for explicit Inter-Org transactionsThe business partner is another organization in the system. So when performing transactions, the counter-document is created automatically. Example: You have BPartnerA linked to OrgA and BPartnerB linked to OrgB. If you create a sales order for BPartnerB in OrgA a purchase order is created for BPartnerA in OrgB. This allows to have explicit documents for Inter-Org transactions.Organization TypeOrg TypeOrganization Type allows you to categorize your organizationsOrganization Type allows you to categorize your organizations for reporting purposesSchedulerSchedulerSchedule ProcessesSchedule processes to be executed asynchronouslyScheduler LogScheduler LogResult of the execution of the SchedulerResult of the execution of the SchedulerWorkflow ProcessorWorkflow ProcessorWorkflow Processor ServerWorkflow Processor ServerWorkflow Processorl LogWorkflow Processor LogResult of the execution of the Workflow ProcessorResult of the execution of the Workflow ProcessorBidBidBid for a TopicYou can create a bid for a topic. Depening on the type, the highest bidder wins the Topic - or you participate in funding for a Topic.Bid CommentBid CommentMake a comment to a Bid TopicEveryone can give comments concerning a Bid Topic - e.g. Questions, SuggestionsBuyer FundsBuyer FundsBuyer Funds for Bids on TopicsAvailable Funds (from Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds for BidsOfferOfferOffer for a TopicYou can create an offer for a topic.Seller FundsSeller FundsSeller Funds from Offers on TopicsAvailable Funds (for Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds from OffersTopicTopicAuction TopicDescription of the item to sell or create.Topic CategoryTopic CategoryAuction Topic CategoryFor an Auction Topic Type, define the different Categories used.Topic TypeTopic TypeAuction Topic TypeThe Auction Topic Type determines what kind of auction is used for a particular areaAccounting ProcessorAccounting ProcessorAccounting Processor/Server ParametersAccounting Processor/Server ParametersAccounting Processor LogAcct Processor LogResult of the execution of the Accounting ProcessorResult of the execution of the Accounting ProcessorAlert ProcessorAlert ProcessorAlert Processor/Server ParameterAlert Processor/Server ParameterAlert Processor LogAlert Processor LogResult of the execution of the Alert ProcessorResult of the execution of the Alert ProcessorPartner RelationPartner RelationBusiness Partner RelationBusiness Partner Relation allow to maintain Third Party Relationship rules: who receives invoices for shipments or pays for invoices.Related PartnerRelated PartnerRelated Business PartnerThe related Business Partner Acts on behalf of the Business Partner - example the Related Partner pays invoices of the Business Partner - or we pay to the Related Partner for invoices received from the Business PartnerRelated Partner LocationRelated Partner LocationLocation of the related Business PartnerRfQRfQRequest for QuotationRequest for Quotation to be sent out to vendors of a RfQ Topic. After Vendor selection, optionally create Sales Order or Quote for Customer as well as Purchase Order for Vendor(s)RfQ TopicRfQ TopicTopic for Request for QuotationsA Request for Quotation Topic allows you to maintain a subscriber list of potential Vendors to respond to RfQsRfQ SubscriberRfQ SubscriberRequest for Quotation Topic SubscriberSubcriber to invite to respond to RfQsRfQ LineRfQ LineRequest for Quotation LineRequest for Quotation LineRfQ Line QuantityRfQ Line QtyRequest for Quotation Line QuantityYou may request a quotation for different quantitiesRfQ Response LineRfQ Response LineRequest for Quotation Response LineRequest for Quotation Response Line from a potential VendorRfQ Response Line QtyRfQ Response Line QtyRequest for Quotation Response Line QuantityRequest for Quotation Response Line Quantity from a potential VendorSubscription DeliverySubscription DeliveryOptional Delivery Record for a SubscriptionRecord of deliveries for a subscriptionSubscriptionSubscriptionSubscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renewSubscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renewSubscription TypeSubscription TypeType of subscriptionSubscription type and renewal frequencyConfirmed QuantityConfirmed QtyConfirmation of a received quantityConfirmation of a received quantityCreate POCreate POCreate Purchase OrderCreate SOCreate SOResponse DateResponse DateDate of the ResponseDate of the ResponseWork CompleteWork CompleteDate when work is (planned to be) completeWork StartWork StartDate when work is (planned to be) startedDelivery DaysDelivery DaysNumber of Days (planned) until DeliveryJatuh TempoDueSubscription Renewal is DueErrorErrorAn Error occured in the executionInternalInternalInternal OrganizationIn TransitIn TransitMovement is in transitMaterial Movement is in transit - shipped, but not received. -The transaction is completed, if confirmed.Invited Vendors OnlyInvited VendorsOnly invited vendors can respond to an RfQThe Request for Quotation is only visible to the invited vendorsKuantitas DitawarkanOffer QtyThis quantity is used in the Offer to the CustomerWhen multiple quantities are used in an Request for Quotation, the selected Quantity is used for generating the offer. If none selected the lowest number is used.PublishedPublishedThe Topic is published and can be viewedIf not selected, the Topic is not visible to the general public.Kuantitas PembelianPurchase QtyThis quantity is used in the Purchase Order to the SupplierWhen multiple quantities are used in an Request for Quotation, the selected Quantity is used for generating the purchase order. If none selected the lowest number is used.Quote All QuantitiesQuote All QtySuppliers are requested to provide responses for all quantitiesIf selected, the response to the Request for Quotation needs to have a price for all QuantitiesQuote Total AmtQuote Total AmtThe respnse can have just the total amount for the RfQIf not selected, the resonse must be provided per lineResponses AcceptedResponses AcceptedAre Resonses to the Request for Quotation acceptedIf selected, responses for the RfQ are acceptedSelected WinnerSelected WinnerThe resonse is the selected winnerThe resonse is the selected winner. If selected on Response level, the line selections are ignored.Willing to commitWilling to commitDays to keep LogDays keep LogNumber of days to keep the log entriesOlder Log entries may be deletedDistribution ListDistribution ListDistribution Lists allow to distribute products to a selected list of partnersDistribution list contain business partners and a distribution quantity or ratio for creating OrdersDistribution List LineDistribution List LineDistribution List Line with Business Partner and Quantity/PercentageThe distribution can be based on Ratio, fixed quantity or both. -If the ratio and quantity is not 0, the quantity is calculated based on the ratio, but with the Quantity as a minimum.PackagePackageShipment PackageA Shipment can have one or more Packages. A Package may be individually tracked.Package LinePackage LineThe detail content of the PackageLink to the shipment lineRMARMAReturn Material AuthorizationA Return Material Authorization may be required to accept returns and to create Credit MemosRMA LineRMA LineReturn Material Authorization LineDetail information about the returned goodsMinimum QuantityMin QtyMinimum quantity for the business partnerIf a minimum quantity is defined, and the quantity is based on the percentage is lower, the minimum quantity is used.MembershipMembershipProduct used to deternine the price of the membership for the topic typeA topic can require to pay a membership fee.Not Committed AountNot Committed AmtAmount not committed yetOffer AmountOffer AmtAmount of the OfferPaid UntilPaid UntilSubscription is paid/valid until this dateDefault ParameterDefault ParameterDefault value of the parameterThe default value can be a variable like @#Date@ Payment BPartnerPayment BPartnerBusiness Partner responsible for the paymentPayment LocationPayment LocationLocation of the Business Partner responsible for the paymentPicked QuantityPicked QuantityPrivate NotePrivate NotePrivate Note - not visible to the other partiesPublish RfQPublish RfQRfQ TypeRfQ TypeRequest for Quotation TypeRequest Processor LogRequest Processor LogResult of the execution of the Request ProcessorResult of the execution of the Request ProcessorInfo ReceivedInfo ReceivedInformation of the receipt of the package (acknowledgement)Referenced ShipmentRef ShipReferenced InvoiceRef InvoiceReferenced Invoice LineRef Invoice LineReferenced OrderRef OrderReference to corresponding Sales/Purchase OrderReference of the Sales Order Line to the corresponding Purchase Order Line or vice versa.Related ProductRelated ProductRelated ProductRelated Product TypeRelated Product TypeRenewal DateRenewal DateScrapped QuantityScrapped QtyThe Quantity scrapped due to QA issuesTarget QuantityTarget QtyTarget Movement QuantityThe Quantity which should have been receivedDetailsDetailsText MessageMessageText MessageTopic ActionTopic ActionTopic StatusTopic StatusTracking InfoTracking InfoAuction TypeAuction TypeDecision dateDecision dateReferenced Shipment LineRef Ship LineRfQ ResponseRfQ ResponseRequest for Quotation Response from a potential VendorRequest for Quotation Response from a potential VendorCreate Single OrderCreate Single OrderFor all shipments create one OrderAlert RecipientAlert RecipientRecipient of the Alert NotificationYou can send the notifications to users or rolesScheduler RecipientScheduler RecipientRecipient of the Scheduler NotificationYou can send the notifications to users or rolesTax ZIPTax ZIPTax Postal/ZIPFor local tax, you may have to define a list of (ranges of) postal codes or ZIPsTanggal DibutuhkanDate RequiredDate when requiredRequisitionRequisitionMaterial RequisitionRequisition LineRequisition LineMaterial Requisition LineDay of the MonthMonth DayDay of the month 1 to 28/29/30/31ZIP ToZIP ToPostal code toConecutive range toRankingRankingRelative Rank NumberOne is the highest RankSchedule TypeSchedule TypeType of scheduleDefine the method how the next occurance is calculatedDay of the WeekWeek DayDay of the WeekCopy LinesCopy LinesAttachment NoteAttachment NotePersonal Attachment NoteTransition ConditionConditionWorkflow Node Transition ConditionOptional restriction of transition of one node to the nextNode TransitionTransitionWorkflow Node TransitionThe Next Nodes Tab defines the order or Nodes or Steps in a Workflow.Validate WorkflowValidateworkflowWait TimeWait TimeTime in minutes to wait (sleep)Time in minutes to be suspended (sleep)Workflow KeyWorkflowKey of the Workflow to startDrop ShipmentDrop ShipDrop Shipments are sent from the Vendor directly to the CustomerDrop Shipments do not cause any Inventory reservations or movements as the Shipment is from the Vendor's inventory. The Shipment of the Vendor to the Customer must be confirmed.Approve own DocumentsApprove ownUsers with this role can approve their own documentsIf a user cannot approve their own documents (orders, etc.), it needs to be approved by someone else.Selalu Bisa DiperbaruiAlways UpdateableThe column is always updateable, even if the record is not active or processedIf selected and if the winow / tab is not read only, you can always update the column. This might be useful for comments, etc.GL DistributionGL DistributionGeneral Ledger DistributionIf the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is prorated based on the ratio of the lines. The distribution must be valid to be used.GL Distribution LineGL Distribution LineGeneral Ledger Distribution LineIf the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is prorated based on the ratio of the lines. RatioRatioRelative Ratio for DistributionsThe relative weight of an distribution. If the total of all ratios is 100, it is the same as percent.Total RatioTotal RatioTotal of relative weight in a distributionThe total relative weight of an distribution. If the total of all ratios is 100, it is the same as percent.Elapsed Time msElapsed TimeElapsed Time in mili secondsElapsed Time in mili secondsInvitedInvitedDate when (last) invitation was sentSend RfQ Invitation to VendorsSend RfQ to VendorSend the RfQ Invitation to the VendorsLine Work CompleteLine Work CompleteDate when line work is (planned to be) completeLine Work StartLine Work StartDate when line work is (planned to be) startedLine Delivery DaysLine Delivery DaysLine Help/CommentLine CommentQuantity PriceHarga SatuanQuantity RankingQty RankingRank RfQRank RfQEnd WaitEnd WaitEnd of sleep timeEnd of suspension (sleep)Distribution RunDistribution RunDistribution Run create Orders to distribute products to a selected list of partnersDistribution Run defines how Orders are created based on Distribution ListsDistribution Run LineDistribution Run LineDistribution Run Lines define Distribution List, the Product and QuantiriesThe order amount is based on the greater of the minimums of the product or distribution list and the quantity based on the ratio.Total QuantityTotal QtyTotal QuantityStart Implementation/ProductionStart Implementation/ProductionThe day you started the implementation (if implementing) - or production (went life) with AdempiereAllow StatisticsAllow StatisticsAllow to transfer general statistics (number of clients, orgs, business partners, users, products, invoices)Allow to transfer general statistics (number of clients, orgs, business partners, users, products, invoices) to get a better feeling for the size of the application. This information is not published.Access LogAccess LogLog of Access to the SystemReplyReplyReply or AnswerCounter DocumentCounter DocumentCounter Document RelationshipWhen using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: a "Standard Order" creates a "Standard PO". -If you define a relationship here, you overwrite the default counter document type in the Document Type definition. This allows you to define a specific mapping.Counter Document TypeCounter Doc TypeGenerated Counter Document Type (To)The Document Type of the generated counter documentPermintaanDemandMaterial DemandMaterial Demand can be based on Forecast, Requisitions, Open OrdersDetail PermintaanDemand DetailMaterial Demand Line Source DetailSource Link for Material Demand LinesDemand LineDemand LineMaterial Demand LineDemand for a product in a periodForecastForecastMaterial ForecastMaterial ForecastForecast LineForecast LineForecast LineForecast of Product Qyantity by PeriodCalculated QuantityCalculated QtyCalculated QuantityStd User WorkflowStd User WorkflowStandard Manual User Approval WorkflowIf selected, only documents with an open status (drafted, in progress, approved, rejected, invalid) and standard user actions (prepare, complete, approve, reject) are allowed to continue. Use this to prevent having to define details on how automatic processes (unlock, invalidate, post, re-activate) and when the document is closed for normal user action (completed, waiting, closed, voided, reversed).Invoice Tax IDInvoice Tax IDInvoice Partner KeyInvoice Partner KeyInvoice AddressInvoice AddressAddress Used for InvoicingInvoice Contact NameInvoice Contact NameInvoice NameInvoice NameInvoice Name2Invoice Name2Invoice PhoneInvoice PhoneInvoice TitleInvoice TitleBP NameBP NameBP Name2BP Name2Best Response AmountBest ResponseBest Response AmountFilled by Rank Response ProcessCheck CompleteCheck CompletePrimary Tree ActivityTree ActivityPrimary Tree CampaignTree CampaignUse Beta FunctionsUse BetaEnable the use of Beta FunctionalityThe exact scope of Beta Functionality is listed in the release note. It is usually not recommended to enable Beta functionality in production environments.Default Counter DocumentDefault Counter DocThe document type is the default counter document typeWhen using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: when generating a Sales Order, use this Sales Order document type. -This default can be overwritten by defining explicit counter document relationships.Batalkan ProsesAbort ProcessAborts the current processConfirmation TypeConfirm TypeType of confirmationCreate ConfirmCreate ConfirmPick/QA ConfirmationPick/QA ConfirmRequire Pick or QA Confirmation before processingThe processing of the Shipment (Receipt) requires Pick (QA) Confirmation. Note that shipments for automatic documents like POS/Warehouse Orders cannot have confirmations!Ship/Receipt ConfirmationShip/Receipt ConfirmRequire Ship or Receipt Confirmation before processingThe processing of the Shipment (Receipt) requires Ship (Receipt) Confirmation. Note that shipments for automatic documents like POS/Warehouse Orders cannot have confirmations!Ship/Receipt ConfirmationShip/Receipt ConfirmMaterial Shipment or Receipt ConfirmationConfirmation of Shipment or Receipt - Created from the Shipment/ReceiptShip/Receipt Confirmation LineShip/Receipt Confirm LineMaterial Shipment or Receipt Confirmation LineConfirmation detailsCreate PackageCreate PackagePerbedaanDifferenceDifference QuantityWindow HeightWin HeightWindow WidthWin WidthRMA TypeRMA TypeReturn Material Authorization TypeTypes of RMACancelledCancelledThe transaction was cancelledShip DescriptionShip DescriptionReceipt DecriptionReceipt DescriptionApproval AmountApproval AmtDocument Approval AmountApproval Amount for WorkflowBaris AlokasiAllocation LineAllocation LineAllocation of Cash/Payment to InvoiceMandatory TypeMandatory TypeThe specification of a Product Attribute Instance is mandatoryPrice InvoicedPrice InvoicedThe priced invoiced to the customer (in the currency of the customer's AR price list) - 0 for default priceThe invoiced price is derived from the Invoice Price entered and can be overwritten. If the price is 0, the default price on the customer's invoice is used.Price ReimbursedPrice ReimbursedThe reimbursed price (in currency of the employee's AP price list)The reimbursed price is derived from the converted price and can be overwritten when approving the expense report.Quantity ReimbursedQty ReimbursedThe reimbursed quantityThe reimbursed quantity is derived from the entered quantity and can be overwritten when approving the expense report.Difference DocumentDifference DocDocument type for generating in dispute ShipmentsIf the confirmation contains differences, the original document is split allowing the original document (shipment) to be processed and updating Inventory - and the newly created document for handling the dispute at a later time. Until the confirmation is processed, the inventory is not updated. In DisputeIn DisputeDocument is in disputeThe document is in dispute. Use Requests to track details.B.Partner Flat DiscountPartner Flat DiscountUse flat discount defined on Business Partner LevelFor calculation of the discount, use the discount defined on Business Partner LevelCreate Counter DocumentCreate CounterCreate Counter DocumentIf selected, create specified counter document. If not selected, no counter document is created for the document type.Authorize via LDAPLDAP authorizedAuthorize via LDAP (directory) servicesThe user is authorized via LDAP. If LDAP authorization cannot be obtained, access is refused - the password is ignored for local access.Split when DifferenceSplit DifferenceSplit document when there is a differenceIf the confirmation contains differences, the original document is split allowing the original document (shipment) to be processed and updating Inventory - and the newly created document for handling the dispute at a later time. Until the confirmation is processed, the inventory is not updated. LDAP PortLDAP portPort for the LDAP (directory) serviceThe default port for LDAP directory service is 389LDAP QueryLDAPQueryDirectory service query stringLDAP HostLDAP HostName or IP of the LDAP ServerName or IP Address of the LDAP directory service serverMove ConfirmMove ConfirmInventory Move ConfirmationThe document is automatically created when the document type of the movement indicates In Transit.Move Line ConfirmMove Line ConfirmInventory Move Line ConfirmationBeta FunctionalityBeta FunctionalityThis functionality is considered BetaBeta functionality is not fully tested or completed.Alamat 3Alamat 3Address Line 3 for the locationThe Address 2 provides additional address information for an entity. It can be used for building location, apartment number or similar information.Alamat 4Alamat 4Address Line 4 for the locationThe Address 4 provides additional address information for an entity. It can be used for building location, apartment number or similar information.Default Print ColorDefault Print ColorDefault Print FontDefault Print FontPrint Item NameItem NameConfirmation NoConfirmation NoConfirmation NumberShip/Receipt Confirmation Import LineShip/Receipt Confirm Import LineMaterial Shipment or Receipt Confirmation Import LineImport Confirmation Line DetailsSaldo Mula-MulaOpen BalanceTotal Open Balance Amount in primary Accounting CurrencyThe Total Open Balance Amount is the calculated open item amount for Customer and Vendor activity. If the Balance is below zero, we owe the Business Partner. The amout is used for Credit Management. -Invoices and Payment Allocations determine the Open Balance (i.e. not Orders or Payments).Benchmark PriceBenchmark PricePrice to compare responses toSendSendTimes Dunned# DunnedNumber of times dunned previouslyBenchmark DifferenceBenchmark DifferenceDifference between Response Price and Benchmark PriceNew Email AddressNew Email AddressEnter new EMail Address - not changed if emptyNew Email User IDNew Email User IDEnter new User ID of your internal EMail System - not changed if emptyNew Email User PWNew Email User PWEnter new User Password of your internal EMail System - not changed if emptyNew PasswordNew PasswordEnter the new password - not changed if emptyKata Sandi LamaOld PasswordOld Password is required if you are not a System AdministratorInclude DisputedInclude DisputedInclude disputed InvoicesOnly Sales InvoicesOnly Sales InvoicesOtherwise also Payments and AP InvoicesAttribute Value TypeAttribute Value TypeType of Attribute ValueThe Attribute Value type deternines the data/validation typeRfQ QuantityRfQ QuantityThe quantity is used when generating RfQ ResponsesWhen generating the RfQ Responses, this quantity is includedSLA CriteriaSLA CriteriaService Level Agreement CriteriaCriteria to measure service level agreements (e.g. Quality, Delivery meets Promised date, ..)SLA GoalSLA GoalService Level Agreement GoalGoal for the SLA criteria for the Business PartnerSLA MeasureSLA MeasureService Level Agreement MeasureView/Maintain the individual actual value / measure for the business partner service level agreement goalValueValueNumeric ValueRfQ Topic Subscriber RestrictionRfQ Topic Subscriber OnlyInclude Subscriber only for certain products or product categoriesProducts and/or Product Categories for which the subscriber should be included. If no product / category is entered, the subscriber is requested to answer requests for all lines in a RfQPOS TerminalPOSPoint of Sales TerminalThe POS Terminal defines the defaults and functions available for the POS FormPOS KeyPOS KeyPOS Function KeyDefine a POS Function KeyPOS Key LayoutPOS Key LayoutPOS Function Key LayoutPOS Function Key LayoutModify PriceModify PriceAllow modifying the priceAllow modifying the price for products with a non zero priceCountryCountryCountry NameAkses semua OrganisasiAccess all OrgsAccess all Organizations (no org access control) of the clientWhen selected, the role has access to all organizations of the client automatically. This also increases performance where you have many organizations.HargaPricePrice Entered - the price based on the selected UoMThe price entered is converted to the actual price based on the UoM conversionQuantityJumlahThe Quantity Entered is based on the selected UoMThe Quantity Entered is converted to base product UoM quantityList PriveList PriceEntered List PricePrice List converted to entered UOMSemua AccountAny AcctMatch any value of the Account segmentIf selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined).Semua AktivitasAny ActivityMatch any value of the Activity segmentIf selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined).Semua Partner Bis.Any BPartnerMatch any value of the Business Partner segmentIf selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined).Semua KampanyeAny CampaignMatch any value of the Campaign segmentIf selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined).Any Location FromAny Loc FromMatch any value of the Location From segmentIf selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined).Any Location ToAny Loc ToMatch any value of the Location To segmentIf selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined).Any OrganizationAny OrgMatch any value of the Organization segmentIf selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined).Semua Trx OrganisasiAny Trx OrgMatch any value of the Transaction Organization segmentIf selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined).Semua ProdukAny ProductMatch any value of the Product segmentIf selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined).Semua ProyekAny ProjectMatch any value of the Project segmentIf selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined).Semua Wilayah PenjualanAny Sales RegionMatch any value of the Sales Region segmentIf selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined).Semua Pengguna 1Any User 1Match any value of the User 1 segmentIf selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined).Semua Pengguna 2Any User 2Match any value of the User 2 segmentIf selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined).Custom PrefixCustom PrefixPrefix for Custom entitiesThe prefix listed are ignored as customization for database or entity migrationOverwrite AccountOverwrite AccountOverwrite the account segment Account with the value specifiedIf not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null.Overwrite ActivityOverwrite ActivityOverwrite the account segment Activity with the value specifiedIf not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null.Overwrite Bus.PartnerOverwrite BPartnerOverwrite the account segment Business Partner with the value specifiedIf not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null.Overwrite CampaignOverwrite CampaignOverwrite the account segment Campaign with the value specifiedIf not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null.Overwrite Location FromOverwrite Loc FromOverwrite the account segment Location From with the value specifiedIf not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null.Overwrite Location ToOverwrite Loc ToOverwrite the account segment Location From with the value specifiedIf not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null.Overwrite OrganizationOverwrite OrgOverwrite the account segment Organization with the value specifiedIf not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null.Overwrite Trx OrganuzationOverwrite Trx OrgOverwrite the account segment Transaction Organization with the value specifiedIf not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null.Overwrite ProductOverwrite ProductOverwrite the account segment Product with the value specifiedIf not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null.Overwrite ProjectOverwrite ProjectOverwrite the account segment Project with the value specifiedIf not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null.Overwrite Sales RegionOverwrite SalesRegionOverwrite the account segment Sales Region with the value specifiedIf not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null.Overwrite User1Overwrite User1Overwrite the account segment User 1 with the value specifiedIf not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null.Overwrite User2Overwrite User2Overwrite the account segment User 2 with the value specifiedIf not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null.Total PercentTotal PercentSum of the Percent details Local Address FormatLocal Address FormatFormat for printing this Address locallyThe optional Local Address Print format defines the format to be used when this address prints for the Country. If defined, this format is used for printing the address for the country rather then the standard address format. - The following notations are used: @C@=City @P@=Postal @A@=PostalAdd @R@=RegionBank Account No FormatBank Account No FormatFormat of the Bank AccountBank Routing No FormatBank Routing No FormatFormat of the Bank Routing NumberReverse Local Address LinesReverse Local AddressPrint Local Address in reverse OrderIf NOT selected the local sequence is Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, Address 4, City/Region/Postal, Country. -If selected the local sequence is Country, City/Region/Postal, Address 4, Address 3, Address 2, Address 1. -The sequence of City/Region/Postal is determined by the local address format. -Reverse Address LinesReverse AddressPrint Address in reverse OrderIf NOT selected the sequence is Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, Address 4, City/Region/Postal, Country. -If selected the sequence is Country, City/Region/Postal, Address 4, Address 3, Address 2, Address 1. -The sequence of City/Region/Postal is determined by the address format.Document Value LogicDoc Value LogicLogic to determine Workflow Start - If true, a workflow process is started for the documentJust MigratedJust MigratedValue set by Migration for post-Migation tasks.Workflow TypeWorkflow TypeType of WorflowThe type of workflow determines how the workflow is started.CreateCreateCreate from ReplenishmentDetails/Source FirstDetails/Source FirstDetails and Sources are printed before the LineLast AlertLast AlertDate when last alert were sentThe last alert date is updated when a reminder email is sentToleransi Jatuh TempoDue Date ToleranceTolerance in days between the Date Next Action and the date the request is regarded as overdueWhen the Date Next Action is passed, the Request becomes Due. After the Due Date Tolerance, the Request becomes Overdue.Reminder DaysReminder DaysDays between sending Reminder Emails for a due or inactive DocumentWhen a document is due ot too long without activity, a reminder is sent. 0 means no reminders. -The Remind Days are the days when the next email reminder is sent.EMail when DueEMail when DueSend EMail when Request becomes dueSend EMail when Request becomes dueEMail when OverdueEMail when OverdueSend EMail when Request becomes overdueSend EMail when Request becomes overdueInactivity Alert DaysInactivity Alert DaysSend Alert when there is no activity after days (0= no alert)An email alert is sent when the request shows no activity for the number of days defined.Alert over PriorityAlert over PrioritySend alert email when over prioritySend alert email when a suspended activity is over the priority definedDynamic Priority ChangeDyn Priority ChangeChange of priority when Activity is suspended waiting for userStarting with the Process / Node priority level, the priority of the suspended activity can be changed dynamically. Example +5 every 10 minutesDyn Priority StartDyn Priority StartStarting priority before changed dynamicallyDynamic Priority UnitDyn Priority UnitChange of priority when Activity is suspended waiting for userStarting with the Process / Node priority level, the priority of the suspended activity can be changed dynamically. Example +5 every 10 minutesAddress of DB ServerDB AddressAddress of the database serverDatabase NameDB NameDatabase NameProcessorsProcessorsNumber of Database ProcessorsOther ClauseOther ClauseOther SQL ClauseAny other complete clause like GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY, etc. after WHERE clause.CustomizationCustomizationThe change is a customization of the data dictionary and can be applied after MigrationThe migration "resets" the system to the current/original setting. If selected you can save the customization and re-apply it. Please note that you need to check, if your customization has no negative side effect in the new release.RedoRedoUndoUndoValidate current (new) ValueValidate current (new) ValueEnsure that the new value of the change is the current value in the system (i.e. no change since then)Validate current (old) ValueValidate current (old) ValueEnsure that the old value of the change is the current value in the system (i.e. original situation)Only Set CustomizationOnly Set CustomizationSet Customization for change records records with Dictionary Entity TypeAccounted BalanceSaldoJumlah saldo terhitungThe Account Balance Amount indicates the transaction amount converted to this organization's accounting currencySource BalanceSource BalanceSource Balance AmountThe Source Balance Amount indicates the balance amount for this line in the source currency.Penjelasan ProdukProd DescriptionProduct DescriptionDescription of the productjsp URLjsp URLWeb URL of the jsp functionFor the Web UI, define the URL to perform the function (usually a jsp). The URL also can be external to the system.Internal Use QtyInternal UseInternal Use Quantity removed from InventoryQuantity of product inventory used internally (positive if taken out - negative if returned)TransactionTrx NameName of the transactionInternal name of the transcationPreference LevelPreference LevelDetermines what preferences the user can setPreferences allow you to define default values. If set to None, you cannot set any preference nor value preference. Only if set to Client, you can see the Record Info Change Log.Overwrite Price LimitOverwrite Price LimitOverwrite Price Limit if the Price List enforces the Price LimitThe Price List allows to enforce the Price Limit. If set, a user with this role can overwrite the price limit (i.e. enter any price).To ProductTo ProductProduct to be converted to (must have UOM Conversion defined to From Product)Nama ProdukProduct NameName of the ProductOrganization NameOrg NameName of the OrganizationAP - ARAP - ARInclude Receivables and/or Payables transactionsAllocate Oldest FirstAllocate Oldest FirstAllocate payments to the oldest invoiceAllocate payments to the oldest invoice. There might be an unallocated amount remaining.PrepaymentPrepaymentThe Payment/Receipt is a PrepaymentPayments not allocated to an invoice with a charge are posted to Unallocated Payments. When setting this flag, the payment is posted to the Customer or Vendor Prepayment account.IBANIBANInternational Bank Account NumberIf your bank provides an International Bank Account Number, enter it here -Details ISO 13616 and http://www.ecbs.org. The account number has the maximum length of 22 characters (without spaces). The IBAN is often printed with a apace after 4 characters. Do not enter the spaces in Adempiere.Price PrecisionPrice PrecisionPrecision (number of decimals) for the PriceThe prices of the price list are rounded to the precision entered. This allows to have prices with below currency precision, e.g. $0.005. Enter the number of decimals or -1 for no rounding.Orders with unconfirmed ShipmentsOrders with unconfirmed ShipmentsGenerate shipments for Orders with open delivery confirmations?You can also include orders who have outstanding confirmations (e.g. ordered=10 - not confirmed shipments=4 - would create a new shipment of 6 if available).Arc DiameterArc DiameterArc Diameter for rounded RectanglesWidth of the horizontal/vertical diameter of the arc at the four cornersFill ShapeFill ShapeFill the shape with the color selectedShape TypeShape TypeType of the shape to be paintedModel Validation ClassesModel Validation ClassesList of data model validation classes separated by ;List of classes implementing the interface org.compiere.model.ModelValidator, separaed by semicolon. -The class is called for the client and alows to validate documents in the prepare stage and monitor model changes.ArchiveArchiveDocument and Report ArchiveDepending on the Client Automatic Archive Level documents and reports are saved and available for view.Auto ArchiveAuto ArchiveEnable and level of automatic Archive of documentsAdempiere allows to automatically create archives of Documents (e.g. Invoices) or Reports. You view the archived material with the Archive ViewerDate PatternDate PatternJava Date PatternOption Date pattern in Java notation. Examples: dd.MM.yyyy - dd/MM/yyyy -If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Adempiere support request with the correct informationDecimal PointDecimal PointThe number notation has a decimal point (no decimal comma)If selected, Numbers are printed with a decimal point "." - otherwise with a decimal comma ",". The thousand separator is the opposite. -If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Adempiere support request with the correct informationMedia SizeMedia SizeJava Media SizeThe Java Media Size. Example: "MediaSize.ISO.A4" (the package javax.print.attribute.standard is assumed). If you define your own media size, use the fully qualified name. -If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Adempiere support request with the correct informationTime PatternTime PatternJava Time PatternOption Time pattern in Java notation. Examples: "hh:mm:ss aaa z" - "HH:mm:ss" -If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Adempiere support request with the correct informationJumlah Yang DialokasikanAllocated AmtAmount allocated to this documentAvailable AmountAvailable AmtAmount available for allocation for this documentProduct AttributeProduct AttributeProduct Attribute Instance DescriptionCommissioned B.PartnerComm B.PartnerBusiness Partner receiving the CommissionCommission Converted AmountComm Conv AmtCommission calculation basis Converted AmountQty KomisiComm QtyCommission calculation basis QuantityImage FieldImage FieldThe image is retrieved from the data columnThe Image URL is retrieved from the data columnBBANBBANBasic Bank Account NumberThe Basic (or Domestic) Bank Account Number is used in Bank transfers (see also IBAN). For details see ISO 13616 and http://www.ecbs.org/Material PolicyMat PolicyMaterial Movement PolicyThe Material Movement Policy determines how the stock is flowing (FiFo or LiFo) if a specific Product Instance was not selected. The policy can not contradict the costing method (e.g. FiFo movement policy and LiFo costing method).Landed CostLanded CostLanded cost to be allocated to material receiptsLanded costs allow you to allocate costs to previously received material receipts. Examples are freight, excise tax, insurance, etc.Search InvoiceSearch InvoiceSearch Invoice IdentifierThe Invoice Document.Search OrderSearch OrderOrder IdentifierOrder is a control document.Search Shipment/ReceiptSearch Shipment/ReceiptMaterial Shipment DocumentThe Material Shipment / Receipt Invoice BatchInvoice BatchExpense Invoice Batch HeaderInvoice Batch LineInvoice Batch LineExpense Invoice Batch LineDocument AmtDocument AmtDocument AmountMulti Row OnlyMulti Row OnlyThis applies to Multi-Row view onlyUse User Org AccessUse User Org AccessUse Org Access defined by user instead of Role Org AccessYou can define the access to Organization either by Role or by User. You would select this, if you have many organizations.Check all DB TablesCheck all DB TablesCheck not just this tableColumn SQLColumn SQLVirtual Column (r/o)You can define virtual columns (not stored in the database). If defined, the Column name is the synonym of the SQL expression defined here. The SQL expression must be valid.<br> -Example: "Updated-Created" would list the age of the entry in daysCost ElementCost ElementProduct Cost ElementCost Element TypeCost Element TypeType of Cost ElementCalculatedCalculatedThe value is calculated by the systemYou cannot change values maintained by the system.Cost DistributionCost DistributionLanded Cost DistributionHow landed costs are distributed to material receiptsGroupGroupRequest GroupGroup of requests (e.g. version numbers, responsibility, ...)CategoryCategoryRequest CategoryCategory or Topic of the Request StatusStatusRequest StatusStatus if the request (open, closed, investigating, ..)ResolutionResolutionRequest ResolutionResolution status (e.g. Fixed, Rejected, ..)User ImportanceUser ImportancePriority of the issue for the UserConfidentialityConfidentialityType of ConfidentialityRelated RequestRelated RequestRelated Request (Master Issue, ..)Request related to this requestEntry ConfidentialityEntry ConfidentialityConfidentiality of the individual entryStandard ResponseStd ResponseRequest Standard Response Text blocks to be copied into request response textStart TimeStart TimeTime startedEnd TimeEnd TimeEnd of the time spanQuantity UsedQty UsedQuantity used for this eventProduct UsedProduct UsedProduct/Resource/Service used in RequestInvoicing uses the Product used.Request InvoiceRequest InvoiceThe generated invoice for this requestThe optionally generated invoice for the requestResponse TextResponse TextRequest Response TextText block to be copied into request response textClose DateClose DateClose DateThe Start Date indicates the last or final dateOpen StatusOpenThe status is closedThis allows to have the three generat situations of "not open" - "open" - "closed"Closed StatusClosedThe status is closedThis allows to mave multiple closed statusAuto Due Date DaysAuto Due Date DaysAutomatic Due Date DaysIf a due date is not defined and the Auto Due Days ins greater then zero, a due date in the number of days is automatically created.Product DownloadProduct DownloadProduct downloadsDefine download for a product. If the product is an asset, the user can download the data.EMail VerifyEMail VerifyDate Email was verifiedOne Asset Per UOMOne Asset Per UOMCreate one asset per UOMIf selected, one asset per UOM is created, otherwise one asset with the quantity received/shipped. If you have multiple lines, one asset is created per line.Mail Text 2Mail Text 2Optional second text part used for Mail messageThe Mail Text indicates the text used for mail messages.Mail Text 3Mail Text 3Optional third text part used for Mail messageThe Mail Text indicates the text used for mail messages.Web StoreWeb StoreA Web Store of the ClientWeb Store EMailWeb Store EMailEMail address used as the sender (From)The EMail address is used to send mails to useres of the web storeWebStore UserWeb Store UserUser ID of the Web Store EMail addressUser ID to connect to the Mail ServerWebStore PasswordWebStore PasswordPassword of the Web Store EMail addressPassword to connect to the Mail ServerMenu AssetsAssetsShow Menu AssetsMenu OrdersOrdersShow Menu OrdersMenu InvoicesInvoicesShow Menu InvoicesMenu ShipmentsShipmentsShow Menu ShipmentsMenu PaymentsPaymentsShow Menu PaymentsMenu RfQsRfQsShow Menu RfQsMenu RequestsRequestsShow Menu RequestsMenu InterestsInterestsShow Menu InterestsMenu RegistrationsRegistrationsShow Menu RegistrationsMenu ContactContactShow Menu ContactEMail HeaderEMail HeaderHeader added to EMailsThe header is added to every email.EMail FooterEMail FooterFooter added to EMailsThe footer is added to every email.Mail MessageMail MessageWeb Store Mail Message TemplateMessage TypeMessage TypeMail Message TypeSubjectSubjectEmail Message SubjectSubject of the EMail MessageMessageEMail MessageMessage of the EMailMessage 2Message 2Optional second part of the EMail MessageMessage of the EMailMessage 3Message 3Optional third part of the EMail MessageMessage of the EMailUser MailUser MailMail sent to the userArchive of mails sent to usersReferenced PaymentRef PaymentCreate As ActiveCreate ActiveCreate Asset and activate itYou may want to consider not to automatically make the asset active if you need to get some additional informationNotification TypeNotification TypeType of NotificationsEmails or Notification sent out for Request Updates, etc.Next StatusNext StatusMove to next status automatically after timeoutAfter the timeout, change the status automaticallyUpdate StatusUpdate StatusAutomatically change the status after entry from webChange the status automatically after the entry was changed via the WebTimeout in DaysTimeout DaysTimeout in Days to change Status automaticallyAfter the number of days of inactivity, the status is changed automatically to the Next Status. If no Next Status is defined, the status is not changed.Web Can UpdateWeb Can UpdateEntry can be updated from the WebFinal CloseFinal CloseEntries with Final Close cannot be re-openedPositionPositionJob PositionPosition CategoryPosition CategoryJob Position CategoryClassification of Job PositionsPosition AssignmentPosition AssignmentAssignemt of Employee (User) to Job PositionRemunerationRemunerationWage or SalaryRemuneration TypeRemuneration TypeType of RemunerationStandard HoursStandard HoursStandard Work Hours based on Remuneration TypeNumber of hours per Remuneration Type (e.g. Daily 8 hours, Weekly 40 hours, etc.) to determine when overtime startsGross AmountGrossGross Remuneration AmountGross Salary or Wage Amount (without Overtime, Benefits and Employer overhead)Gross CostGross CostGross Remuneration CostsGross Salary or Wage Costs (without Overtime, with Benefits and Employer overhead)Overtime AmountOvertime AmountHourly Overtime RateHourly Amount without Benefits and Employer overheadOvertime CostOvertime CostHourly Overtime CostHourly Amount with Benefits and Employer overheadPosition RemunerationPosition RemunerationRemuneration for the PositionEmployee RemunerationEmployee RemunerationEmployee Wage or Salary OverwriteOverwrite the standard RemunerationGroup AlternatifAlternative GroupProduct BOM Alternative GroupAlternative groups allow you to group Bill of Material components, which are exclusive (i.e. only one is valid). Examples different engine sizes.Product OperationProduct OperationProduct Manufacturing OperationThe Operations to create the product. Note that the actual used operation and sequence is determined by the BOM Product.Setup TimeSetup TimeSetup time before starting ProductionOnce per operationRuntime per UnitUnit RuntineTime to produce one unitTeardown TimeTeardown TimeTime at the end of the operationOnec per operationOperation ResourceOperation ResourceProduct Operation ResourceResources for the Operation. You can have multiple resources (e.g. tool, labor) per operation.BOMBOMBill of MaterialThe composition of the ProductChange NoticeChange NoticeBill of Materials (Engineering) Change Notice (Version)BOM UseBOM UseThe use of the Bill of MaterialBy default the Master BOM is used, if the alternatives are not definedChange RequestChange RequestBOM (Engineering) Change RequestChange requests for a Bill of Materials. They can be automatically created from Requests, if enabled in the Request Type and the Request Group referres to a Bill of MaterialsBOM ComponentBOM ComponentBill of Material Component (Product)The Bill of Material Compoment determines what products, services and outside processing is included in producing the Product. It references the operation and determines it's sequence.Component TypeComponent TypeBOM Product TypePhantomPhantomPhantom ComponentPhantom Component are not stored and produced with the product. This is an option to avild maintaining an Engineering and Manufacturing Bill of Materials.Lead Time OffsetLead Time OffsetOptional Lead Time offest before starting productionCreate Change RequestCreate Change RequestAutomatically create BOM (Engineering) Change RequestCreate automatically a Product Bill of Material (Engineering) Change Request when the Request Group references a Product BOMRequest UpdateRequest UpdateRequest UpdatesInsert RecordInsert RecordThe user can insert a new RecordIf not selected, the user cannot create a new Record. This is automatically disabled, if the Tab is Read Only.Advanced TabAdvanced TabThis Tab contains advanced FunctionalityThe tab with advanced functionality is only displayed, if enabled in Tools>Preference.Confidential InfoConfidential InfoCan enter confidential informationWhen entering/updating Requests over the web, the user can mark his info as confidentialPriority BasePriority BaseBase of PriorityWhen deriving the Priority from Importance, the Base is "added" to the User Importance.Null ColumnsNull ColumnsColumns with NULL valueNull values are used for showing "no change"Fixed inFixed inFixed in Change NoticeOnly If BP has BalanceOnly If BP has BalanceInclude only if Business Partner has outstanding BalanceAttribute Set Instance ToAttribute Set Instance ToTarget Product Attribute Set InstanceRevaluated Amount CrRevaluated Amt CrRevaluated Cr AmountRevaluated Difference CrDifference CrRevaluated Cr Amount DifferenceRevaluated Amount DrRevaluated Amt DrRevaluated Dr AmountRevaluated Difference DrDifference DrRevaluated Dr Amount DifferenceRevaluation Conversion TypeReval Conversion TypeRevaluation Currency Conversion TypeRevaluation DateReval DateDate of RevaluationEMail TestEMail TestTest EMailServer ProcessServer ProcessRun this Process on Server onlyEnabling this flag disables to run the process on the client. This potentially decreases the availability.Server EMailServer EMailSend EMail from ServerWhen selected, mail is sent from the server rather then the client. This decreases availability. You would select this when you do not want to enable email relay for the client addresses in your mail server.Web ContextWeb ContextWeb Server Context - e.g. /wstoreUnique Web Server Context for this Web Store - will set context-root in application.xml. -The web context usually starts with / and needs to be a valid context name (not checked).BPartner (Agent)BPartner (Agent)Business Partner (Agent or Sales Rep)Change the current SettingChange SettingConfirm that you want to change the current settingMaximum LengthMaximum LengthMaximum Length of DataTest ValueTest ValueValue to testSource WarehouseSource WarehouseOptional Warehouse to replenish fromIf defined, the warehouse selected is used to replenish the product(s)Replenishment ClassReplenishment ClassCustom class to calculate Quantity to OrderIf you select a custom replenishment type, you need to create a class implementing org.compiere.util.ReplenishInterface and set that on warehouse level.Costing LevelCosting LevelThe lowest level to accumulate Costing InformationIf you want to maintain different costs per organization (warehouse) or per Batch/Lot, you need to make sure that you define the costs for each of the organizations or batch/lot. The Costing Level is defined per Accounting Schema and can be overwritten by Product Category and Accounting Schema.Cost DetailCost DetailCost Detail InformationBaseBaseCalculation BaseLanded Cost AllocationLanded Cost AllocationAllocation for Land CostsAdjust COGSAdjust COGSAdjust Cost of Good SoldFor Invoice costing methods, you can adjust the cost of goods sold. At the time of shipment, you may not have received the invoice for the receipt or cost adjustments like freight, customs, etc.Cost PriceCost PricePrice per Unit of Measure including all indirect costs (Freight, etc.)Optional Purchase Order Line cost price.Cumulated AmtCumulated AmtTotal AmountSum of all amountsCumulated QtyCumulated QtyTotal QuantitySum of the quantities \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + Attachment + Attachment + Attachment for the document + Attachment can be of any document/file type and can be attached to any record in the system. + + + + + + + Client + Client + Client/Tenant for this installation. + A Client is a company or a legal entity. You cannot share data between Clients. Tenant is a synonym for Client. + + + + + + + Column + Column + Column in the table + Link to the database column of the table + + + + + + + Display column + Display column + Column that will display + The Display Column indicates the column that will display. + + + + + + + System Element + Element + System Element enables the central maintenance of column description and help. + The System Element allows for the central maintenance of help, descriptions and terminology for a database column. + + + + + + + Field + Field + Field on a database table + The Field identifies a field on a database table. + + + + + + + Key column + Key column + Unique identifier of a record + The Key Column indicates that this the unique identifier of a record on this table. + + + + + + + Language + Language + Language for this entity + The Language identifies the language to use for display and formatting + + + + + + + Menu + Menu + Identifies a Menu + The Menu identifies a unique Menu. Menus are used to control the display of those screens a user has access to. + + + + + + + Trx Organization + Trx Organization + Performing or initiating organization + The organization which performs or initiates this transaction (for another organization). The owning Organization may not be the transaction organization in a service bureau environment, with centralized services, and inter-organization transactions. + + + + + + + Organization + Organization + Organizational entity within client + An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. + + + + + + + Process Instance + Process Instance + Instance of the process + + + + + + + + Preference + Preference + Personal Value Preference + + + + + + + + Process + Process + Process or Report + The Process field identifies a unique Process or Report in the system. + + + + + + + Process Parameter + Process Parameter + + + + + + + + + Reference List + Reference List + Reference List based on Table + The Reference List field indicates a list of reference values from a database tables. Reference lists populate drop down list boxes in data entry screens + + + + + + + Reference + Reference + System Reference (Pick List) + The Reference indicates the type of reference field + + + + + + + Reference Key + Reference Key + Required to specify, if data type is Table or List + The Reference Value indicates where the reference values are stored. It must be specified if the data type is Table or List. + + + + + + + Role + Role + Responsibility Role + The Role determines security and access a user who has this Role will have in the System. + + + + + + + Sequence + Sequence + Document Sequence + The Sequence defines the numbering sequence to be used for documents. + + + + + + + Tab + Tab + Tab within a Window + The Tab indicates a tab that displays within a window. + + + + + + + Table + Table + Table for the Fields + The Table indicates the table in which a field or fields reside. + + + + + + + Task Instance + Task Instance + + + + + + + + + OS Task + OS Task + Operation System Task + The Task field identifies a Operation System Task in the system. + + + + + + + Primary Tree BPartner + Primary Tree BPartner + + + + + + + + + Tree + Tree + Identifies a Tree + The Tree field identifies a unique Tree in the system. Trees define roll ups or summary levels of information. They are used in reports for defining report points and summarization levels. + + + + + + + Primary Tree Menu + Primary Tree Menu + + + + + + + + + Primary Tree Organization + Primary Tree Organization + + + + + + + + + Primary Tree Product + Primary Tree Product + + + + + + + + + Primary Tree Project + Primary Tree Project + + + + + + + + + Primary Tree Sales Region + Primary Tree Sales Region + + + + + + + + + User/Contact + User + User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact + The User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contact + + + + + + + Dynamic Validation + Validation + Dynamic Validation Rule + These rules define how an entry is determined to valid. You can use variables for dynamic (context sensitive) validation. + + + + + + + Next Node + Next Node + Next Node in workflow + The Next Node indicates the next step or task in this Workflow. + + + + + + + Node + Node + Workflow Node (activity), step or process + The Workflow Node indicates a unique step or process in a Workflow. + + + + + + + Window + Window + Data entry or display window + The Window field identifies a unique Window in the system. + + + + + + + Alur Kerja + Alur Kerja + Workflow or combination of tasks + The Workflow field identifies a unique Workflow in the system. + + + + + + + Data Access Level + Data Access Level + Access Level required + Indicates the access level required for this record or process. + + + + + + + Account Sign + Tanda + Indicates the Natural Sign of the Account as a Debit or Credit + Indicates if the expected balance for this account should be a Debit or a Credit. If set to Natural, the account sign for an asset or expense account is Debit Sign (i.e. negative if a credit balance). + + + + + + + Tipe Account + Account Type + Indicates the type of account + Valid account types are A - Asset, E - Expense, L - Liability, O- Owner's Equity, R -Revenue and M- Memo. The account type is used to determine what taxes, if any are applicable, validating payables and receivables for business partners. Note: Memo account amounts are ignored when checking for balancing + + + + + + + Account + Account + Account yang digunakan + The (natural) account used + + + + + + + Second Accounting Schema + Second Accounting Schema + For parallel reporting using different accounting currency or field selection + The Second Accounting Schema indicates an alternate set of rules to use for generating reports. + + + + + + + Third Accounting Schema + Third Accounting Schema + For parallel reporting using different accounting currency or field selection + The Third Accounting Schema indicates an alternate set of rules to use for generating reports. + + + + + + + Acquisition Cost + Biaya akuisisi + The cost of gaining the prospect as a customer + The Acquisition Cost identifies the cost associated with making this prospect a customer. + + + + + + + Action + Action + Indicates the Action to be performed + The Action field is a drop down list box which indicates the Action to be performed for this Item. + + + + + + + Nilai Aktual Seumur Hidup + Actual Life Time Value + Actual Life Time Revenue + The Actual Life Time Value is the recorded revenue in primary accounting currency generated by the Business Partner. + + + + + + + Additional Tree (1) + Additional Tree (1) + For parallel Reporting + The Additional Tree is used to define alternate roll ups which can be used in reporting. For example, you may have a Business Partner Tree which rolls up based on geographic location and an additional tree which rolls up based on industry. + + + + + + + Additional Tree (2) + Additional Tree (2) + For parallel Reporting + The Additional Tree is used to define alternate roll ups which can be used in reporting. For example, you may have a Business Partner Tree which rolls up based on geographic location and an additional tree which rolls up based on industry. + + + + + + + + Alamat 1 + Alamat 1 + Address line 1 for this location + The Address 1 identifies the address for an entity's location + + + + + + + Alamat 2 + Alamat 2 + Address line 2 for this location + The Address 2 provides additional address information for an entity. It can be used for building location, apartment number or similar information. + + + + + + + Setelah Dikirim + After Delivery + Due after delivery rather than after invoicing + The After Delivery checkbox indicates that payment is due after delivery as opposed to after invoicing. + + + + + + + Alias + Alias + Defines an alternate method of indicating an account combination. + The Alias field allows you to define a alternate method for referring to a full account combination. For example, the Account Receivable Account for Garden World may be aliased as GW_AR. + + + + + + + Jumlah + Jumlah + Amount + Amount + + + + + + + Accounted Credit + Saldo Kredit + Jumlah saldo kredit terhitung + The Account Credit Amount indicates the transaction amount converted to this organization's accounting currency + + + + + + + Accounted Debit + Saldo Debet + Jumlah saldo debet terhitung + The Account Debit Amount indicates the transaction amount converted to this organization's accounting currency + + + + + + + Approval Amount + Approval Amt + The approval amount limit for this role + The Approval Amount field indicates the amount limit this Role has for approval of documents. + + + + + + + Source Credit + Source Credit + Source Credit Amount + The Source Credit Amount indicates the credit amount for this line in the source currency. + + + + + + + Source Debit + Source Debit + Source Debit Amount + The Source Debit Amount indicates the credit amount for this line in the source currency. + + + + + + + Attribute + Attribute + + + + + + + + + Automatic Period Control + Automatic Period Control + If selected, the periods are automatically opened and closed + In the Automatic Period Control, periods are opened and closed based on the current date. If the Manual alternative is activated, you have to open and close periods explicitly. + + + + + + + Invoice To + Invoice To + Bill to Address + The Bill/Invoice To indicates the address to use when remitting bills + Bill From Address + The Bill/Invoice From indicated the address where the invoice is created by the vendor + Invoice From + Invoice From + + + BinaryData + Binary + Binary Data + The Binary field stores binary data. + + + + + + + Budget Status + Budget Status + Indicates the current status of this budget + The Budget Status indicates the current status of this budget (i.e Draft, Approved) + + + + + + + Primary Accounting Schema + Primary Accounting Schema + Primary rules for accounting + An Accounting Schema defines the rules used accounting such as costing method, currency and calendar. + + + + + + + Second Accounting Schema + Second Accounting Schema + Secondary rules for accounting + An Accounting Schema defines the rules used in accounting such as costing method, currency and calendar. + + + + + + + Third Accounting Schema + Third Accounting Schema + Terceary rules for accounting + An Accounting Schema defines the rules used in accounting such as costing method, currency and calendar + + + + + + + Acct.Schema Element + Acct.Schema Element + + + + + + + + + Skema Akunting + Skema Akunting + Aturan-aturan akunting + An Accounting Schema defines the rules used in accounting such as costing method, currency and calendar + + + + + + + Partner Bisnis + Business Partner + Identifies a Business Partner + A Business Partner is anyone with whom you transact. This can include Vendor, Customer, Employee or Salesperson + + + + + + + Lokasi Partner + Partner Location + Identifies the (ship to) address for this Business Partner + The Partner address indicates the location of a Business Partner + Identifies the (ship from) address for this Business Partner + The Partner address indicates the location of a Business Partner + Partner Location + Partner Location + + + Calendar + Calendar + Accounting Calendar Name + The Calendar uniquely identifies an accounting calendar. Multiple calendars can be used. For example you may need a standard calendar that runs from Jan 1 to Dec 31 and a fiscal calendar that runs from July 1 to June 30. + + + + + + + Conversion Rate + Conversion Rate + Rate used for converting currencies + The Conversion Rate defines the rate (multiply or divide) to use when converting a source currency to an accounting currency. + + + + + + + Country + Country + Country + The Country defines a Country. Each Country must be defined before it can be used in any document. + + + + + + + Mata Uang + Currency + The Currency for this record + Indicates the Currency to be used when processing or reporting on this record + + + + + + + Mata Uang Tujuan + Currency To + Target currency + The Currency To defines the target currency for this conversion rate. + + + + + + + Tipe Dokumen + Doc Type + Document type or rules + The Document Type determines document sequence and processing rules + + + + + + + Target Document Type + Target Doc Type + Target document type for conversing documents + You can convert document types (e.g. from Offer to Order or Invoice). The conversion is then reflected in the current type. This processing is initiated by selecting the appropriate Document Action. + + + + + + + Elemen Account + Account Element + Account Element + Account Elements can be natural accounts or user defined values. + + + + + + + Element + Element + Accounting Element + The Account Element uniquely identifies an Account Type. These are commonly known as a Chart of Accounts. + + + + + + + Location From + Location From + Location that inventory was moved from + The Location From indicates the location that a product was moved from. + + + + + + + Location To + Location To + Location that inventory was moved to + The Location To indicates the location that a product was moved to. + + + + + + + Alamat + Alamat + Lokasi atau Alamat + The Location / Address field defines the location of an entity. + + + + + + + Non Business Day + Non Business Day + Day on which business is not transacted + The Non Business Day identifies a day that should not be considered a day when business is transacted + + + + + + + Payment Term + Payment Term + The terms for Payment of this transaction + Payment Terms identify the method and timing of payment for this transaction. + + + + + + + Period Control + Period Control + + + + + + + + + Period + Period + Period of the Calendar + The Period indicates an exclusive range of dates for a calendar. + + + + + + + Proyek + Project + Financial Project + A Project allows you to track and control internal or external activities. + + + + + + + Region + Region + Identifies a geographical Region + The Region identifies a unique Region for this Country. + + + + + + + Sales Region + Sales Region + Sales coverage region + The Sales Region indicates a specific area of sales coverage. + + + + + + + Tax Category + Tax Category + Tax Category + The Tax Category provides a method of grouping similar taxes. For example, Sales Tax or Value Added Tax. + + + + + + + Tax + Tax + Tax identifier + The Tax indicates the type of tax used in document line. + + + + + + + UOM Conversion + UOM Conversion + Unit of Measure Conversion + The UOM Conversion identifies a unique to and from Unit of Measure, conversion rate and conversion date range. + + + + + + + UOM + UOM + Unit of Measure + The UOM defines a unique non monetary Unit of Measure + + + + + + + UoM To + UoM To + Target or destination Unit of Measure + The UOM To indicates the destination UOM for a UOM Conversion pair. + + + + + + + UOM for Length + UOM for Length + Standard Unit of Measure for Length + The Standard UOM for Length indicates the UOM to use for products referenced by length in a document. + + + + + + + UOM for Time + UOM for Time + Standard Unit of Measure for Time + The Standard UOM for Time indicates the UOM to use for products referenced by time in a document. + + + + + + + UOM for Volume + UOM for Volume + Standard Unit of Measure for Volume + The Standard UOM for Volume indicates the UOM to use for products referenced by volume in a document. + + + + + + + UOM for Weight + UOM for Weight + Standard Unit of Measure for Weight + The Standard UOM for Weight indicates the UOM to use for products referenced by weight in a document. + + + + + + + Combination + Combination + Valid Account Combination + The Combination identifies a valid combination of element which represent a GL account. + + + + + + + Year + Year + Calendar Year + The Year uniquely identifies an accounting year for a calendar. + + + + + + + Callout + Callout + Fully qualified class names and method - separated by semicolons + A Callout allow you to create Java extensions to perform certain tasks always after a value changed. Callouts should not be used for validation but consquences of a user selecting a certain value. +The callout is a Java class implementing org.compiere.model.Callout and a method name to call. Example: "org.compiere.model.CalloutRequest.copyText" instanciates the class "CalloutRequest" and calls the method "copyText". You can have multiple callouts by separating them via a semicolon + + + + + + + Kota + City + Identifies a City + The City identifies a unique City for this Country or Region. + + + + + + + Validation code + Validation code + Validation Code + The Validation Code displays the date, time and message of the error. + + + + + + + DB Column Name + DB Column Name + Name of the column in the database + The Column Name indicates the name of a column on a table as defined in the database. + + + + + + + Combination + Combination + Unique combination of account elements + The Combination field defines the unique combination of element values which comprise this account. + + + + + + + Comments + Comments + Comments or additional information + The Comments field allows for free form entry of additional information. + + + + + + + Commit Warning + Commit Warning + Warning displayed when saving + Warning or information displayed when committing the record + + + + + + + Control Amount + Control Amt + If not zero, the Debit amount of the document must be equal this amount + If the control amount is zero, no check is performed. +Otherwise the total Debit amount must be equal to the control amount, before the document is processed. + + + + + + + Average Cost + Average Cost + Weighted average costs + Weighted average (actual) costs + + + + + + + Standard Cost + Standard Cost + Standard Costs + Standard (plan) costs. + + + + + + + Costing Method + Costing Method + Indicates how Costs will be calculated + The Costing Method indicates how costs will be calculated (Standard, Average) + + + + + + + Costing Precision + Costing Precision + Rounding used costing calculations + The Costing Precision defines the number of decimal places that amounts will be rounded to when performing costing calculations. + + + + + + + Costs + Costs + Costs in accounting currency + The Costs indicates the cost of a campaign in an Organizations accounting currency. + + + + + + + ISO Country Code + ISO Country + Upper-case two-letter alphanumeric ISO Country code according to ISO 3166-1 - http://www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/doc/ISO_3166.html + For details - http://www.din.de/gremien/nas/nabd/iso3166ma/codlstp1.html or - http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec03en.htm + + + + + + + Created + Created + Date this record was created + The Created field indicates the date that this record was created. + + + + + + + Created By + Created By + User who created this records + The Created By field indicates the user who created this record. + + + + + + + Number + Number + Credit Card Number + The Credit Card number indicates the number on the credit card, without blanks or spaces. + + + + + + + Symbol + Currency + Symbol of the currency (opt used for printing only) + The Currency Symbol defines the symbol that will print when this currency is used. + + + + + + + Currency Balancing Acct + Currency Balancing Acct + Account used when a currency is out of balance + The Currency Balancing Account indicates the account to used when a currency is out of balance (generally due to rounding) + + + + + + + Rate + Rate + Currency Conversion Rate + The Currency Conversion Rate indicates the rate to use when converting the source currency to the accounting currency + + + + + + + Current Next + Current Next + The next number to be used + The Current Next indicates the next number to use for this document + + + + + + + D-U-N-S + D-U-N-S + Dun & Bradstreet Number + Used for EDI - For details see www.dnb.com/dunsno/list.htm + + + + + + + Tanggal + Date + Date when business is not conducted + The Date field identifies a calendar date on which business will not be conducted. + + + + + + + Account Tanggal + Acct Date + Accounting Date + The Accounting Date indicates the date to be used on the General Ledger account entries generated from this document. It is also used for any currency conversion. + + + + + + + Tanggal Pengiriman + Date Delivered + Date when the product was delivered + + + + + + + + Document Date + Doc date + Date of the Document + The Document Date indicates the date the document was generated. It may or may not be the same as the accounting date. + + + + + + + Tanggal Diinvoice + Date Invoiced + Date printed on Invoice + The Date Invoice indicates the date printed on the invoice. + + + + + + + Tanggal Diorder + Date Ordered + Date of Order + Indicates the Date an item was ordered. + + + + + + + Tanggal Dijanjikan + Date Promised + Date Order was promised + The Date Promised indicates the date, if any, that an Order was promised for. + + + + + + + Default Logic + Default Logic + Default value hierarchy, separated by ; + The defaults are evaluated in the order of definition, the first not null value becomes the default value of the column. The values are separated by comma or semicolon. a) Literals:. 'Text' or 123 b) Variables - in format @Variable@ - Login e.g. #Date, #AD_Org_ID, #AD_Client_ID - Accounting Schema: e.g. $C_AcctSchema_ID, $C_Calendar_ID - Global defaults: e.g. DateFormat - Window values (all Picks, CheckBoxes, RadioButtons, and DateDoc/DateAcct) c) SQL code with the tag: @SQL=SELECT something AS DefaultValue FROM ... The SQL statement can contain variables. There can be no other value other than the SQL statement. The default is only evaluated, if no user preference is defined. Default definitions are ignored for record columns as Key, Parent, Client as well as Buttons. + + + + + + + Pengiriman Lewat + Delivery Via + How the order will be delivered + The Delivery Via indicates how the products should be delivered. For example, will the order be picked up or shipped. + + + + + + + Penjelasan + Description + Optional short description of the record + A description is limited to 255 characters. + + + + + + + Discontinued + Discontinued + This product is no longer available + The Discontinued check box indicates a product that has been discontinued. + + + + + + + Discontinued by + Discontinued by + Discontinued By + The Discontinued By indicates the individual who discontinued this product + + + + + + + Discount % + Discount % + Discount in percent + The Discount indicates the discount applied or taken as a percentage. + + + + + + + Discount Days + Discount Days + Number of days from invoice date to be eligible for discount + The Discount Days indicates the number of days that payment must be received in to be eligible for the stated discount. + + + + + + + Display Length + Display Length + Length of the display in characters + The display length is mainly for String fields. The length has no impact, if the data type of the field is - Integer, Number, Amount (length determined by the system) - YesNo (Checkbox) - List, Table, TableDir (length of combo boxes are determined by their content at runtime) + + + + + + + Display Logic + Display Logic + If the Field is displayed, the result determines if the field is actually displayed + format := {expression} [{logic} {expression}]<br> +expression := @{context}@{operand}{value} or @{context}@{operand}{value}<br> +logic := {|}|{&}<br> +context := any global or window context <br> +value := strings or numbers<br> +logic operators := AND or OR with the previous result from left to right <br> +operand := eq{=}, gt{&gt;}, le{&lt;}, not{~^!} <br> +Examples: <br> +@AD_Table_ID@=14 | @Language@!GERGER <br> +@PriceLimit@>10 | @PriceList@>@PriceActual@<br> +@Name@>J<br> +Strings may be in single quotes (optional) + + + + + + + + Display Value + Display Value + Displays Value column with the Display column + The Display Value checkbox indicates if the value column will display with the display column. + + + + + + + Format Cetak Alamat + Address Print Format + Format for printing this Address + The Address Print format defines the format to be used when this address prints. The following notations are used: @C@=City @P@=Postal @A@=PostalAdd @R@=Region + + + + + + + Divide Rate + Divide Rate + To convert Source number to Target number, the Source is divided + To convert Source number to Target number, the Source is divided by the divide rate. If you enter a Divide Rate, the Multiply Rate will be automatically calculated. + + + + + + + Document Action + Doc Action + The targeted status of the document + You find the current status in the Document Status field. The options are listed in a popup + + + + + + + Document Sequence + Doc Sequence + Document sequence determines the numbering of documents + The Document Sequence indicates the sequencing rule to use for this document type. + + + + + + + Status Dokumen + Doc Status + The current status of the document + The Document Status indicates the status of a document at this time. If you want to change the document status, use the Document Action field + + + + + + + Document No + Document No + Document sequence number of the document + The document number is usually automatically generated by the system and determined by the document type of the document. If the document is not saved, the preliminary number is displayed in "<>". + +If the document type of your document has no automatic document sequence defined, the field is empty if you create a new document. This is for documents which usually have an external number (like vendor invoice). If you leave the field empty, the system will generate a document number for you. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order). + + + + + + + EMU Entry Date + EMU Entry Date + Date when the currency joined / will join the EMU + The EMU Entry Date defines the date that this currency entered, or will enter the Economic Monetary Union. + + + + + + + EMU Rate + EMU Rate + Official rate to the Euro + The EMU Rate defines the official rate to be used when converting from this currency to the Euro. + + + + + + + Type + Type + Element Type (account or user defined) + The Element Type indicates if this element is the Account element or is a User Defined element. + + + + + + + End Date + End Date + Last effective date (inclusive) + The End Date indicates the last date in this range. + + + + + + + Format Telepon + Phone Format + Format of the phone; Can contain fixed format elements, Variables: "_lLoOaAcCa09" + <B>Validation elements:</B> + (Space) any character +_ Space (fixed character) +l any Letter a..Z NO space +L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case +o any Letter a..Z or space +O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case +a any Letters & Digits NO space +A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case +c any Letters & Digits or space +C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case +0 Digits 0..9 NO space +9 Digits 0..9 or space + +Example of format "(000)_000-0000" + + + + + + + Postal Code Format + Postal Code Format + Format of the postal code; Can contain fixed format elements, Variables: "_lLoOaAcCa09" + <B>Validation elements:</B> + (Space) any character +_ Space (fixed character) +l any Letter a..Z NO space +L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case +o any Letter a..Z or space +O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case +a any Letters & Digits NO space +A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case +c any Letters & Digits or space +C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case +0 Digits 0..9 NO space +9 Digits 0..9 or space + +Example of format "(000)_000-0000" + + + + + + + Additional Postal Format + Additional Postal Format + Format of the value; Can contain fixed format elements, Variables: "_lLoOaAcCa09" + <B>Validation elements:</B> + (Space) any character +_ Space (fixed character) +l any Letter a..Z NO space +L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case +o any Letter a..Z or space +O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case +a any Letters & Digits NO space +A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case +c any Letters & Digits or space +C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case +0 Digits 0..9 NO space +9 Digits 0..9 or space + +Example of format "(000)_000-0000" + + + + + + + Fax + Fax + Facsimile number + The Fax identifies a facsimile number for this Business Partner or Location + + + + + + + Length + Length + Length of the column in the database + The Length indicates the length of a column as defined in the database. + + + + + + + First Sale + First Sale + Date of First Sale + The First Sale Date identifies the date of the first sale to this Business Partner + + + + + + + Freight Amount + Freight Amt + Freight Amount + The Freight Amount indicates the amount charged for Freight in the document currency. + + + + + + + GAAP + GAAP + Generally Accepted Accounting Principles + The GAAP identifies the account principles that this accounting schema will adhere to. + + + + + + + Budget + Budget + General Ledger Budget + The General Ledger Budget identifies a user defined budget. These can be used in reporting as a comparison against your actual amounts. + + + + + + + GL Category + GL Category + General Ledger Category + The General Ledger Category is an optional, user defined method of grouping journal lines. + + + + + + + Journal Batch + Journal Batch + General Ledger Journal Batch + The General Ledger Journal Batch identifies a group of journals to be processed as a group. + + + + + + + Journal Line + Journal Line + General Ledger Journal Line + The General Ledger Journal Line identifies a single transaction in a journal. + + + + + + + Journal + Journal + General Ledger Journal + The General Ledger Journal identifies a group of journal lines which represent a logical business transaction + + + + + + + Grand Total + Grand Total + Total amount of document + The Grand Total displays the total amount including Tax and Freight in document currency + + + + + + + Use Account Alias + Alias + Ability to select (partial) account combinations by an Alias + The Alias checkbox indicates that account combination can be selected using a user defined alias or short key. + + + + + + + Use Account Combination Control + Combination Control + Combination of account elements are checked + The Combination Control checkbox indicates if the combination of account elements will be verified against the defined acceptable combination. + + + + + + + Additional Postal code + Additional Postal code + Has Additional Postal Code + The Additional Postal Code checkbox indicates if this address uses an additional Postal Code. If it is selected an additional field displays for entry of the additional Postal Code. + + + + + + + Country has Region + Country has Region + Country contains Regions + The Country has Region checkbox is selected if the Country being defined is divided into regions. If this checkbox is selected, the Region Tab is accessible. + + + + + + + Has Tree + Has Tree + Window has Tree Graph + The Has Tree checkbox indicates if this window displays a tree metaphor. + + + + + + + Comment/Help + Comment + Comment or Hint + The Help field contains a hint, comment or help about the use of this item. + + + + + + + ISDN + ISDN + ISDN or modem line + The ISDN identifies a ISDN or Modem line number. + + + + + + + ISO Currency Code + ISO Currency + Three letter ISO 4217 Code of the Currency + For details - http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec09en.htm + + + + + + + Income Summary Acct + Income Summary Acct + Income Summary Account + + + + + + + + Increment + Increment + The number to increment the last document number by + The Increment indicates the number to increment the last document number by to arrive at the next sequence number + + + + + + + Intercompany Due From Acct + Intercompany Due From Acct + Intercompany Due From / Receivables Account + The Intercompany Due From account indicates the account that represents money owed to this organization from other organizations. + + + + + + + Intercompany Due To Acct + Intercompany Due To Acct + Intercompany Due To / Payable Account + The Intercompany Due To Account indicates the account that represents money owed to other organizations. + + + + + + + Invoice Day + Invoice Day + Day of Invoice Generation + The Invoice Day indicates the day of invoice generation. If twice monthly, the second time is 15 days after this day. + + + + + + + Invoice Frequency + Invoice Frequency + How often invoices will be generated + The Invoice Frequency indicates the frequency of invoice generation for a Business Partner. + + + + + + + Invoice Week Day + Invoice Week Day + Day to generate invoices + The Invoice Week Day indicates the day of the week to generate invoices. + + + + + + + Accrual + Akrual + Indicates if Accrual or Cash Based accounting will be used + The Accrual checkbox indicates if this accounting schema will use accrual based account or cash based accounting. The Accrual method recognizes revenue when the product or service is delivered. Cash based method recognizes income when then payment is received. + + + + + + + Active + Active + The record is active in the system + There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports. +There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: +(1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. +(2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries. + + + + + + + Batasan Jumlah + Batasan Jumlah + Send invoices only if the amount exceeds the limit + The Amount Limit checkbox indicates if invoices will be sent out if they are below the entered limit. + + + + + + + Telah Disetujui + Approved + Indicates if this document requires approval + The Approved checkbox indicates if this document requires approval before it can be processed. + + + + + + + Activate Audit + Activate Audit + Activate Audit Trail of what numbers are generated + The Activate Audit checkbox indicates if an audit trail of numbers generated will be kept. + + + + + + + Auto numbering + Auto numbering + Automatically assign the next number + The Auto Numbering checkbox indicates if the system will assign the next number automatically. + + + + + + + Balanced + Balanced + + + + + + + + + Balancing + Balancing + All transactions within an element value must balance (e.g. cost centers) + The Balancing checkbox indicates the this element must balance in each journal transaction. For example, if cost centers have been defined as an element which is balance then the debits and credits for each unique cost center must net to 0.00. This is commonly used to define parts of an organization which report as their own entity. Balancing is not an option for the Account element. + + + + + + + Bahasa yang Digunakan + Base Language + The system information is maintained in this language + + + + + + + + Centrally maintained + Centrally maintained + Information maintained in System Element table + The Centrally Maintained checkbox indicates if the Name, Description and Help maintained in 'System Element' table or 'Window' table. + + + + + + + Credit Approved + Credit Approved + Credit has been approved + Credit Approved indicates if the credit approval was successful for Orders + + + + + + + Pelanggan + Customer + Indicates if this Business Partner is a Customer + The Customer checkbox indicates if this Business Partner is a customer. If it is select additional fields will display which further define this customer. + + + + + + + Records deleteable + Records deleteable + Indicates if records can be deleted from the database + The Records Deleteable checkbox indicates if a record can be deleted from the database. If records cannot be deleted, you can only deselect the Active flag + + + + + + + Terkirim + Delivered + + + + + + + + + Displayed + Displayed + Determines, if this field is displayed + If the field is displayed, the field Display Logic will determine at runtime, if it is actually displayed + + + + + + + Document Controlled + Doc Controlled + Control account - If an account is controlled by a document, you cannot post manually to it + + + + + + + + Document is Number Controlled + Doc Number Controlled + The document has a document sequence + The Document Number Controlled checkbox indicates if this document type will have a sequence number. + + + + + + + EMU Member + EMU Member + This currency is member if the European Monetary Union + The Emu Member checkbox is used to indicate if this currency is a member of the European Economic Union. + + + + + + + Employee + Employee + Indicates if this Business Partner is an employee + The Employee checkbox indicates if this Business Partner is an Employee. If it is selected, additional fields will display which further identify this employee. + + + + + + + Encrypted + Encrypted + Display or Storage is encrypted + Display encryption - all characters are displayed as '*'. +With Data storage encryption you will not be able to report the data via SQL + + + + + + + The Euro Currency + The Euro Currency + This currency is the Euro + The Euro Currency checkbox is used to indicate if this currency is the Euro Currency. + + + + + + + Field Only + Field Only + Label is not displayed + The Field Only checkbox indicates that the column will display without a label. + + + + + + + Fully Qualified + Fully Qualified + This account is fully qualified + The Fully Qualified check box indicates that all required elements for an account combination are present. + + + + + + + Generated + Generated + This Line is generated + The Generated checkbox identifies a journal line that was generated from a source document. Lines could also be entered manually or imported. + + + + + + + Heading only + Heading only + Field without Column - Only label is displayed + The Heading Only checkbox indicates if just the label will display on the screen + + + + + + + Identifier + Identifier + This column is part of the record identifier + The Identifier checkbox indicates that this column is part of the identifier or key for this table. + + + + + + + Accounting Tab + Accounting Tab + This tab contain accounting information + The Accounting Tab checkbox indicates if this window contains accounting information. + + + + + + + Invoiced + Invoiced + It is invoiced + Indicator if invoiced + + + + + + + Key column + Key column + This column is the key in this table + The key column must also be display sequence 0 in the field definition and may be hidden. + + + + + + + Mandatory + Mandatory + Data entry is required in this column + The field must have a value for the record to be saved to the database. + + + + + + + Natural Account + Natural Account + The primary natural account + The natural account is often based on (industry specific) chart of accounts + + + + + + + Parent link column + Parent link column + This column is a link to the parent table (e.g. header from lines) - incl. Association key columns + The Parent checkbox indicates if this column is a link to the parent table. + + + + + + + Primary + Primary + Indicates if this is the primary budget + The Primary checkbox indicates if this budget is the primary budget. + + + + + + + Printed + Printed + Indicates if this document / line is printed + The Printed checkbox indicates if this document or line will included when printing. + + + + + + + Processing + Processing + + + + + + + + + Active Prospect/Customer + Active Prospect/Customer + Indicates a Prospect or Customer + The Prospect checkbox indicates an entity that is an active prospect or customer. + + + + + + + Purchased + Purchased + Organization purchases this product + The Purchased check box indicates if this product is purchased by this organization. + + + + + + + Range + Range + The parameter is a range of values + The Range checkbox indicates that this parameter is a range of values. + + + + + + + Read Only + Read Only + Field is read only + The Read Only indicates that this field may only be Read. It may not be updated. + + + + + + + Read Write + Read Write + Field is read / write + The Read Write indicates that this field may be read and updated. + + + + + + + Sales Price list + Sales Price list + This is a Sales Price List + The Sales Price List check box indicates if this price list is used for sales transactions. + + + + + + + Sales Representative + Sales Rep + Indicates if the business partner is a sales representative or company agent + The Sales Rep checkbox indicates if this business partner is a sales representative. A sales representative may also be an emplyee, but does not need to be. + Business Partner responsible for documents + The Sales Rep checkbox indicates if this business partner is a company agent. A company agent may also be an emplyee, but does not need to be. + Company Agent + Company Agent + + + Same Line + Same Line + Displayed on same line as previous field + The Same Line checkbox indicates that the field will display on the same line as the previous field. + + + + + + + Security enabled + Security enabled + If security is enabled, user access to data can be restricted via Roles + The Security Enabled checkbox indicates that user access to the data in this table can be restricted using Roles. + + + + + + + Single Row Layout + Single Row Layout + Default for toggle between Single- and Multi-Row (Grid) Layout + The Single Row Layout checkbox indicates if the default display type for this window is a single row as opposed to multi row. + + + + + + + Sold + Sold + Organization sells this product + The Sold check box indicates if this product is sold by this organization. + + + + + + + Stocked + Stocked + Organization stocks this product + The Stocked check box indicates if this product is stocked by this Organization. + + + + + + + Summary Level + Summary Level + This is a summary entity + A summary entity represents a branch in a tree rather than an end-node. Summary entities are used for reporting and do not have own values. + + + + + + + System Language + System Language + The screens, etc. are maintained in this Language + Select, if you want to have translated screens available in this language. Please notify your system administrator to run the language maintenance scripts to enable the use of this language. If the language is not supplied, you can translate the terms yourself. + + + + + + + Used for Record ID + Used for Record ID + The document number will be used as the record key + The Used for Record ID checkbox indicates if the document id will be used as the key to the record + + + + + + + Transferred + Transferred + Transferred to General Ledger (i.e. accounted) + The transferred checkbox indicates if the transactions associated with this document should be transferred to the General Ledger. + + + + + + + Translated + Translated + This column is translated + The Translated checkbox indicates if this column is translated. + + + + + + + TranslationTab + TranslationTab + This tab contains translation information + The Translation Tab checkbox indicate if a tab contains translation information. + + + + + + + Updateable + Updateable + Determines, if the field can be updated + The Updateable checkbox indicates if a field can be updated by the user. + + + + + + + User updateable + User updateable + The field can be updated by the user + The User Updateable checkbox indicate if the user can update this field. + + + + + + + Vendor + Vendor + Indicates if this Business Partner is a Vendor + The Vendor checkbox indicates if this Business Partner is a Vendor. If it is selected, additional fields will display which further identify this vendor. + + + + + + + Last Contact + Last Contact + Date this individual was last contacted + The Last Contact indicates the date that this Business Partner Contact was last contacted. + + + + + + + Last Result + Last Result + Result of last contact + The Last Result identifies the result of the last contact made. + + + + + + + Maximum Level + Maximum Level + Maximum Inventory level for this product + Indicates the maximum quantity of this product to be stocked in inventory. + + + + + + + Minimum Level + Minimum Level + Minimum Inventory level for this product + Indicates the minimum quantity of this product to be stocked in inventory. + + + + + + + + Line No + Line No + Unique line for this document + Indicates the unique line for a document. It will also control the display order of the lines within a document. + + + + + + + Line Net + Line Net + Line Net Amount (Quantity * Actual Price) without Freight and Charges + Indicates the line net amount based on the quantity and the actual price. Any additional charges or freight are not included. + + + + + + + Sequence + Sequence + + + + + + + + + Lot No + Lot No + Lot number (alphanumeric) + The Lot Number indicates the specific lot that a product was part of. + + + + + + + Locator + Locator + Warehouse Locator + The Locator indicates where in a Warehouse a product is located. + + + + + + + Daftar Harga + Price List + Unique identifier of a Price List + Price Lists are used to determine the pricing, margin and cost of items purchased or sold. + + + + + + + Versi Daftar Harga + Price List Version + Identifies a unique instance of a Price List + Each Price List can have multiple versions. The most common use is to indicate the dates that a Price List is valid for. + + + + + + + Kategori Produk + Product Category + Category of a Product + Identifies the category which this product belongs to. Product categories are used for pricing and selection. + + + + + + + Produk + Product + Product, Service, Item + Identifies an item which is either purchased or sold in this organization. + + + + + + + Shipper + Shipper + Method or manner of product delivery + The Shipper indicates the method of delivering product + + + + + + + Warehouse + Warehouse + Storage Warehouse and Service Point + The Warehouse identifies a unique Warehouse where products are stored or Services are provided. + + + + + + + Message Text + Message Text + Textual Informational, Menu or Error Message + The Message Text indicates the message that will display + + + + + + + Message Tip + Message Tip + Additional tip or help for this message + The Message Tip defines additional help or information about this message. + + + + + + + Message Type + Message Type + Type of message (Informational, Menu or Error) + The Message Type indicates the type of message being defined. Valid message types are Informational, Menu and Error. + + + + + + + Multiply Rate + Multiply Rate + Rate to multiple the source by to calculate the target. + To convert Source number to Target number, the Source is multiplied by the multiply rate. If the Multiply Rate is entered, then the Divide Rate will be automatically calculated. + + + + + + + NAICS/SIC + NAICS/SIC + Standard Industry Code or its successor NAIC - http://www.osha.gov/oshstats/sicser.html + The NAICS/SIC identifies either of these codes that may be applicable to this Business Partner. + + + + + + + Name + Name + Alphanumeric identifier of the entity + The name of an entity (record) is used as an default search option in addition to the search key. The name is up to 60 characters in length. + + + + + + + Net Days + Net Days + Net Days in which payment is due + Indicates the number of days after invoice date that payment is due. + + + + + + + Node_ID + Node_ID + + + + + + + + + Employees + Employees + Number of employees + Indicates the number of employees for this Business Partner. This field displays only for Prospects. + + + + + + + OS Command + OS Command + Operating System Command + The OS Command is for optionally defining a command to that will be part of this task. For example it can be used to starting a back up process or performing a file transfer. + + + + + + + Sql ORDER BY + Order by clause + Fully qualified ORDER BY clause + The ORDER BY Clause indicates the SQL ORDER BY clause to use for record selection + + + + + + + Organization + Organization + Organizational entity within client + An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. + + + + + + + Purchase Pricelist + Purchase Pricelist + Price List used by this Business Partner + Identifies the price list used by a Vendor for products purchased by this organization. + + + + + + + Process Date + P Date + Process Parameter + + + + + + + + Process Date To + P Date To + Process Parameter + + + + + + + + Process String + P String + Process Parameter + + + + + + + + Process String To + P String To + Process Parameter + + + + + + + + Parent + Parent + Parent of Entity + The Parent indicates the value used to represent the next level in a hierarchy or report to level for a record + + + + + + + Parent Tax + Parent Tax + Parent Tax indicates a tax that is made up of multiple taxes + The Parent Tax indicates a tax that is a reference for multiple taxes. This allows you to charge multiple taxes on a document by entering the Parent Tax + + + + + + + Kata Sandi + Password + Password of any length (case sensitive) + The Password for this User. Passwords are required to identify authorized users. You can change the password via the Process "Reset Password". + + + + + + + Period Action + Period Action + Action taken for this period + The Period Action indicates the action to be taken for this period. For example 'Close Period' or 'Open Period'. + + + + + + + Period No + Period No + Unique Period Number + The Period No identifies a specific period for this year. Each period is defined by a start and end date. Date ranges for a calendar and year cannot overlap. + + + + + + + Period Status + Period Status + Current state of this period + The Period Status indicates the current status for this period. For example 'Closed', 'Open', 'Never Opened'. + + + + + + + Period Type + Period Type + Period Type + The Period Type indicates the type (Standard or Adjustment) of period. + + + + + + + Future Days + Future Days + Number of days to be able to post to a future date (based on system date) + If Automatic Period Control is enabled, the current period is calculated based on the system date and you can always post to all days in the current period. Future Days enable to post to future periods. E.g. today is Apr 15th and Future Days is set to 30, you can post up to May 15th + + + + + + + History Days + History Days + Number of days to be able to post in the past (based on system date) + If Automatic Period Control is enabled, the current period is calculated based on the system date and you can always post to all days in the current period. History Days enable to post to previous periods. E.g. today is May 15th and History Days is set to 30, you can post back to April 15th + + + + + + + Telepon + Phone + Identifies a telephone number + The Phone field identifies a telephone number + + + + + + + 2nd Phone + 2nd Phone + Identifies an alternate telephone number. + The 2nd Phone field identifies an alternate telephone number. + + + + + + + Post Actual + Post Actual + Actual Values can be posted + The Post Actual indicates if actual values can be posted to this element value. + + + + + + + Post Budget + Post Budget + Budget values can be posted + The Post Budget indicates if budget values can be posted to this element value. + + + + + + + Post Encumbrance + Post Encumbrance + Post commitments to this account + + + + + + + + Post Statistical + Post Statistical + Post statistical quantities to this account? + + + + + + + + ZIP + ZIP + Postal code + The Postal Code or ZIP identifies the postal code for this entity's address. + + + + + + + - + - + Additional ZIP or Postal code + The Additional ZIP or Postal Code identifies, if appropriate, any additional Postal Code information. + + + + + + + PostingType + PostingType + The type of amount that this journal updated + The Posting Type indicates the type of amount (Actual, Encumbrance, Budget) this journal updated. + + + + + + + Potential Life Time Value + Potential Life Time Value + Total Revenue expected + The Potential Life Time Value is the anticipated revenue in primary accounting currency to be generated by the Business Partner. + + + + + + + Prefix + Prefix + Prefix before the sequence number + The Prefix indicates the characters to print in front of the document number. + + + + + + + Unit Price + Unit Price + Actual Price + The Actual or Unit Price indicates the Price for a product in source currency. + + + + + + + List Price + List Price + List Price + The List Price is the official List Price in the document currency. + + + + + + + Priority + Priority + Priority of a document + The Priority indicates the importance (high, medium, low) of this document + + + + + + + Process Now + Process Now + + + + + + + + + Quantity + Jml + Quantity + The Quantity indicates the number of a specific product or item for this document. + + + + + + + Kuantitas Terkirim + Delivered Qty + Delivered Quantity + The Delivered Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that has been delivered. + + + + + + + Invoiced Quantity + Invoiced + Invoiced Quantity + The Invoiced Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that have been invoiced. + + + + + + + Kuantitas Tersedia + On Hand Qty + On Hand Quantity + The On Hand Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that is on hand in a warehouse. + + + + + + + Ordered Quantity + Ordered Qty + Ordered Quantity + The Ordered Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that was ordered. + Ordered Quantity + The Ordered Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that was ordered. + PO Quantity + PO Quantity + + + Reserved Quantity + Reserved Qty + Reserved Quantity + The Reserved Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that is currently reserved. + Quantity Ordered on Purchase Orders + The Ordered Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that is currently ordered. + On Order Quantity + On Order Quantity + + + Rate + Rate + Rate or Tax or Exchange + The Rate indicates the percentage to be multiplied by the source to arrive at the tax or exchange amount. + + + + + + + Realized Gain Acct + Realized Gain Acct + Realized Gain Account + The Realized Gain Account indicates the account to be used when recording gains achieved from currency revaluation that have been realized. + + + + + + + Realized Loss Acct + Realized Loss Acct + Realized Loss Account + The Realized Loss Account indicates the account to be used when recording losses incurred from currency revaluation that have yet to be realized. + + + + + + + Record ID + Record ID + Direct internal record ID + The Record ID is the internal unique identifier of a record. Please note that zooming to the record may not be successful for Orders, Invoices and Shipment/Receipts as sometimes the Sales Order type is not known. + + + + + + + Reference + Reference + Reference for this record + The Reference displays the source document number. + + + + + + + Reference No + Reference No + Your customer or vendor number at the Business Partner's site + The reference number can be printed on orders and invoices to allow your business partner to faster identify your records. + + + + + + + Region + Wilayah + Nama Wilayah + The Region Name defines the name that will print when this region is used in a document. + + + + + + + Replenish Type + Replenish Type + Method for re-ordering a product + The Replenish Type indicates if this product will be manually re-ordered, ordered when the quantity is below the minimum quantity or ordered when it is below the maximum quantity. + + + + + + + Result + Result + Result of the action taken + The Result indicates the result of any action taken on this request. + + + + + + + Retained Earning Acct + Retained Earning Acct + + + + + + + + + SKU + SKU + Stock Keeping Unit + The SKU indicates a user defined stock keeping unit. It may be used for an additional bar code symbols or your own schema. + + + + + + + Campaign + Campaign + Marketing Campaign + The Campaign defines a unique marketing program. Projects can be associated with a pre defined Marketing Campaign. You can then report based on a specific Campaign. + + + + + + + Channel + Channel + Sales Channel + The Sales Channel identifies a channel (or method) of sales generation. + + + + + + + Batasan Kredit + Credit Limit + Total outstanding invoice amounts allowed + The Credit Limit indicates the total amount allowed 'on account' in primary accounting currency. If the Credit Limit is 0, no ckeck is performed. Credit Management is based on the Total Open Amount, which includes Vendor activities. + + + + + + + Kredit yang Digunakan + Credit Used + Current open balance + The Credit Used indicates the total amount of open or unpaid invoices in primary accounting currency for the Business Partner. Credit Management is based on the Total Open Amount, which includes Vendor activities. + + + + + + + Aturan Pengiriman + Delivery Rule + Defines the timing of Delivery + The Delivery Rule indicates when an order should be delivered. For example should the order be delivered when the entire order is complete, when a line is complete or as the products become available. + + + + + + + Order + Order + Order + The Sales Order is a control document. The Sales Order is complete when the quantity ordered is the same as the quantity shipped and invoiced. + Purchase Order + The Purchase Order + Purchase Order + Purchase Order + + + Invoice Rule + Invoice Rule + Frequency and method of invoicing + The Invoice Rule defines how a Business Partner is invoiced and the frequency of invoicing. + + + + + + + Invoice Schedule + Invoice Schedule + Schedule for generating Invoices + The Invoice Schedule identifies the frequency used when generating invoices. + + + + + + + Sales Order Line + Order Line + Sales Order Line + The Sales Order Line is a unique identifier for a line in an order. + Purchase Order Line + The Purchase Order Line is a unique identifier for a line in an order. + Purchase Order Line + Order Line + + + Sales Volume in 1.000 + Sales Volume + Total Volume of Sales in Thoisand of Currency + The Sales Volume indicates the total volume of sales for a Business Partner. + + + + + + + Element Separator + Element Separator + Element Separator + The Element Separator defines the delimiter printed between elements of the structure + + + + + + + Sequence + Sequence + Method of ordering records; lowest number comes first + The Sequence indicates the order of records + + + + + + + Serial No + Serial No + Product Serial Number + The Serial Number identifies a tracked, warranted product. It can only be used when the quantity is 1. + + + + + + + Share + Share + Share of Customer's business as a percentage + The Share indicates the percentage of this Business Partner's volume of the products supplied. + + + + + + + Shelf Depth + Shelf Depth + Shelf depth required + The Shelf Depth indicates the depth dimension required on a shelf for a product + + + + + + + Shelf Height + Shelf Height + Shelf height required + The Shelf Height indicates the height dimension required on a shelf for a product + + + + + + + Shelf Width + Shelf Width + Shelf width required + The Shelf Width indicates the width dimension required on a shelf for a product + + + + + + + Record Sort No + Record Sort No + Determines in what order the records are displayed + The Record Sort No indicates the ascending sort sequence of the records. If the number is negative, the records are sorted descending. +Example: A tab with C_DocType_ID (1), DocumentNo (-2) will be sorted ascending by document type and descending by document number (SQL: ORDER BY C_DocType, DocumentNo DESC) + + + + + + + Start Date + Start Date + First effective day (inclusive) + The Start Date indicates the first or starting date of a range. + + + + + + + Restart sequence every Year + Restart sequence every Year + Restart the sequence with Start on every 1/1 + The Restart Sequence Every Year checkbox indicates that the documents sequencing should return to the starting number on the first day of the year. + + + + + + + Start No + Start No + Starting number/position + The Start Number indicates the starting position in the line or field number in the line + + + + + + + Standard Precision + Standard Precision + Rule for rounding calculated amounts + The Standard Precision defines the number of decimal places that amounts will be rounded to for accounting transactions and documents. + + + + + + + Substitute + Substitute + Entity which can be used in place of this entity + The Substitute identifies the entity to be used as a substitute for this entity. + + + + + + + Suffix + Suffix + Suffix after the number + The Suffix indicates the characters to append to the document number. + + + + + + + Suspense Balancing Acct + Suspense Balancing Acct + + + + + + + + + Suspense Error Acct + Suspense Error Acct + + + + + + + + + Jumlah + Jumlah + + + + + + + + + Tanggal + Date + + + + + + + + + DateTime + DateTime + + + + + + + + + Integer + Integer + + + + + + + + + Number + Number + + + + + + + + + DB Table Name + DB Table Name + Name of the table in the database + The DB Table Name indicates the name of the table in database. + + + + + + + Tax ID + Tax ID + Tax Identification + The Tax ID field identifies the legal Identification number of this Entity. + + + + + + + Test ID + Test ID + + + + + + + + + To + To + Receiving Country + The To Country indicates the receiving country on a document + + + + + + + To + To + Receiving Region + The To Region indicates the receiving region on a document + + + + + + + Total Credit + Total Credit + Total Credit in document currency + The Total Credit indicates the total credit amount for a journal or journal batch in the source currency + + + + + + + Total Debit + Total Debit + Total debit in document currency + The Total Debit indicates the total debit amount for a journal or journal batch in the source currency + + + + + + + Total Lines + Total Lines + Total of all document lines + The Total amount displays the total of all lines in document currency + + + + + + + Type | Area + Type | Area + Element this tree is built on (i.e Product, Business Partner) + The Tree Type / Area field determines the type of tree this is. For example, you may define one tree for your Products and another tree for your Business Partners. + + + + + + + Type + Type + Type of Validation (SQL, Java Script, Java Language) + The Type indicates the type of validation that will occur. This can be SQL, Java Script or Java Language. + + + + + + + Symbol + UoM + Symbol for a Unit of Measure + The Symbol identifies the Symbol to be displayed and printed for a Unit of Measure + + + + + + + UPC/EAN + UPC/EAN + Bar Code (Universal Product Code or its superset European Article Number) + Use this field to enter the bar code for the product in any of the bar code symbologies (Codabar, Code 25, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, UPC (A), UPC (E), EAN-13, EAN-8, ITF, ITF-14, ISBN, ISSN, JAN-13, JAN-8, POSTNET and FIM, MSI/Plessey, and Pharmacode) + + + + + + + Units Per Pallet + Units Per Pallet + Units Per Pallet + The Units per Pallet indicates the number of units of this product which fit on a pallet. + + + + + + + Unrealized Gain Acct + Unrealized Gain Acct + Unrealized Gain Account for currency revaluation + The Unrealized Gain Account indicates the account to be used when recording gains achieved from currency revaluation that have yet to be realized. + + + + + + + Unrealized Loss Acct + Unrealized Loss Acct + Unrealized Loss Account for currency revaluation + The Unrealized Loss Account indicates the account to be used when recording losses incurred from currency revaluation that have yet to be realized. + + + + + + + Updated + Updated + Date this record was updated + The Updated field indicates the date that this record was updated. + + + + + + + Updated By + Updated By + User who updated this records + The Updated By field indicates the user who updated this record. + + + + + + + Use Currency Balancing + Use Currency Balancing + + + + + + + + + Use Suspense Balancing + Use Suspense Balancing + + + + + + + + + Use Suspense Error + Use Suspense Error + + + + + + + + + User1 + User1 + User defined element #1 + The user defined element displays the optional elements that have been defined for this account combination. + + + + + + + User2 + User2 + User defined element #2 + The user defined element displays the optional elements that have been defined for this account combination. + + + + + + + User Level + User Level + System Client Organization + The User Level field determines if users of this Role will have access to System level data, Organization level data, Client level data or Client and Organization level data. + + + + + + + Value Format + Value Format + Format of the value; Can contain fixed format elements, Variables: "_lLoOaAcCa09" + <B>Validation elements:</B> + (Space) any character +_ Space (fixed character) +l any Letter a..Z NO space +L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case +o any Letter a..Z or space +O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case +a any Letters & Digits NO space +A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case +c any Letters & Digits or space +C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case +0 Digits 0..9 NO space +9 Digits 0..9 or space + +Example of format "(000)_000-0000" + + + + + + + Valid from + Valid from + Valid from including this date (first day) + The Valid From date indicates the first day of a date range + + + + + + + Valid to + Valid to + Valid to including this date (last day) + The Valid To date indicates the last day of a date range + + + + + + + Validation type + Validation type + Different method of validating data + The Validation Type indicates the validation method to use. These include list, table or data type validation. + + + + + + + Search Key + Search Key + Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique + A search key allows you a fast method of finding a particular record. +If you leave the search key empty, the system automatically creates a numeric number. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order). + + + + + + + Kategori Partner + BPartner Category + Product Category of the Business Partner + The Business Partner Category identifies the category used by the Business Partner for this product. + + + + + + + Partner Product No + BPartner Product No + Product Number of the Business Partner + The Business Partner Product Number identifies the number used by the Business Partner for this product. + + + + + + + Version + Version + Version of the table definition + The Version indicates the version of this table definition. + + + + + + + Volume + Volume + Volume of a product + The Volume indicates the volume of the product in the Volume UOM of the Client + + + + + + + Weight + Weight + Weight of a product + The Weight indicates the weight of the product in the Weight UOM of the Client + + + + + + + Sql WHERE + Where clause + Fully qualified SQL WHERE clause + The Where Clause indicates the SQL WHERE clause to use for record selection. The WHERE clause is added to the query. Fully qualified means "tablename.columnname". + + + + + + + WindowType + WindowType + Type or classification of a Window + The Window Type indicates the type of window being defined (Maintain, Transaction or Query) + + + + + + + Alur Kerja + Alur Kerja + Workflow or tasks + The Workflow field identifies a unique workflow. A workflow is a grouping of related tasks, in a specified sequence and optionally including approvals + + + + + + + Aisle (X) + X + X dimension, e.g., Aisle + The X dimension indicates the Aisle a product is located in. + + + + + + + UOM Code + UOM Code + UOM EDI X12 Code + The Unit of Measure Code indicates the EDI X12 Code Data Element 355 (Unit or Basis for Measurement) + + + + + + + Bin (Y) + Y + Y dimension, e.g., Bin + The Y dimension indicates the Bin a product is located in + + + + + + + Year + Year + Calendar Year + The Year identifies the accounting year for a calendar. + + + + + + + Level (Z) + Z + Z dimension, e.g., Level + The Z dimension indicates the Level a product is located in. + + + + + + + Bank + Bank + Bank + The Bank is a unique identifier of a Bank for this Organization or for a Business Partner with whom this Organization transacts. + + + + + + + Bank Account + Bank Account + Account at the Bank + The Bank Account identifies an account at this Bank. + + + + + + + Partner Bank Account + Partner Bank Account + Bank Account of the Business Partner + The Partner Bank Account identifies the bank account to be used for this Business Partner + + + + + + + Dunning + Dunning + Dunning Rules for overdue invoices + The Dunning indicates the rules and method of dunning for past due payments. + + + + + + + Withholding + Withholding + Withholding type defined + The Withholding indicates the type of withholding to be calculated. + + + + + + + No Account + No Account + Account Number + The Account Number indicates the Number assigned to this bank account. + + + + + + + Beneficiary + Beneficiary + Business Partner to whom payment is made + The Beneficiary indicates the Business Partner to whom payment will be made. This field is only displayed if the Paid to Third Party checkbox is selected. + + + + + + + Jumlah Beban + Charge Amt + Charge Amount + The Charge Amount indicates the amount for an additional charge. + + + + + + + Ongkos Beban + Charge fee + Indicates if fees will be charged for overdue invoices + The Charge Fee checkbox indicates if the dunning letter will include fees for overdue invoices + + + + + + + Beban Bunga + Charge Interest + Indicates if interest will be charged on overdue invoices + The Charge Interest checkbox indicates if interest will be charged on overdue invoice amounts. + + + + + + + Klasifikasi + Classification + Classification for grouping + The Classification can be used to optionally group products. + + + + + + + Batasan kredit + Credit limit + Amount of Credit allowed + The Credit Limit field indicates the credit limit for this account. + + + + + + + Saldo Saat Ini + Current balance + Current Balance + The Current Balance field indicates the current balance in this account. + + + + + + + Days between dunning + Days between dunning + Days between sending dunning notices + The Days Between Dunning indicates the number of days between sending dunning notices. + + + + + + + Discount 2 % + Discount 2 % + Discount in percent + The Discount indicates the discount applied or taken as a percentage. + + + + + + + Discount Days 2 + Discount Days 2 + Number of days from invoice date to be eligible for discount + The Discount Days indicates the number of days that payment must be received in to be eligible for the stated discount. + + + + + + + Document BaseType + Doc BaseType + Logical type of document + The Document Base Type identifies the base or starting point for a document. Multiple document types may share a single document base type. + + + + + + + Document Copies + Copies + Number of copies to be printed + The Document Copies indicates the number of copies of each document that will be generated. + + + + + + + Document Note + Doc Note + Additional information for a Document + The Document Note is used for recording any additional information regarding this product. + + + + + + + Email + Email + Electronic Mail Address + The Email Address is the Electronic Mail ID for this User and should be fully qualified (e.g. joe.smith@company.com). The Email Address is used to access the self service application functionality from the web. + + + + + + + Enforce price limit + Enforce Price Limit + Do not allow prices below the limit price + The Enforce Price Limit check box indicates that prices cannot be below the limit price in Orders and Invoices. Ths can be overwritten, if the role allows this. + + + + + + + Exempt reason + Exempt reason + Reason for not withholding + The Exempt Reason indicates the reason that monies are not withheld from this employee. + + + + + + + Accounting Fact + Fakta Akunting + + + + + + + + + Fee Amount + Fee + Fee amount in invoice currency + The Fee Amount indicates the charge amount on a dunning letter for overdue invoices. This field will only display if the charge fee checkbox has been selected. + + + + + + + Fix amount + Fix Amt + Fix amounted amount to be levied or paid + The Fixed Amount indicates a fixed amount to be levied or paid. + + + + + + + Fix month cutoff + Fix month cutoff + Last day to include for next due date + The Fix Month Cutoff indicates the last day invoices can have to be included in the current due date. This field only displays when the fixed due date checkbox has been selected. + + + + + + + Fix month day + Fix month day + Day of the month of the due date + The Fix Month Day indicates the day of the month that invoices are due. This field only displays if the fixed due date checkbox is selected. + + + + + + + Fix month offset + Fix month offset + Number of months (0=same, 1=following) + The Fixed Month Offset indicates the number of months from the current month to indicate an invoice is due. A 0 indicates the same month, a 1 the following month. This field will only display if the fixed due date checkbox is selected. + + + + + + + Grace Days + Grace Days + Days after due date to send first dunning letter + The Grace Days indicates the number of days after the due date to send the first dunning letter. This field displays only if the send dunning letters checkbox has been selected. + + + + + + + Import Error Message + Import Error Message + Messages generated from import process + The Import Error Message displays any error messages generated during the import process. + + + + + + + Imported + Imported + Has this import been processed + The Imported check box indicates if this import has been processed. + + + + + + + Interest in percent + Interest in percent + Percentage interest to charge on overdue invoices + The Interest amount in percent indicates the interest to be charged on overdue invoices. This field displays only if the charge interest checkbox has been selected. + + + + + + + Invoice Address + Invoice Address + Business Partner Invoice/Bill Address + If the Invoice Address is selected, the location is used to send invoices to a customer or receive invoices from a vendor. + + + + + + + Document Level + Doc Level + Tax is calculated on document level (rather than line by line) + If the tax is calculated on document level, all lines with that tax rate are added before calculating the total tax for the document. +Otherwise the tax is calculated per line and then added. +Due to rounding, the tax amount can differ. + + + + + + + Fixed due date + Fixed due date + Payment is due on a fixed date + The Fixed Due Date checkbox indicates if invoices using this payment tern will be due on a fixed day of the month. + + + + + + + Foreign Currency Account + Foreign Currency + Balances in foreign currency accounts are held in the nominated currency + Balances in foreign currency accounts are held in the nominated currency and translated to functional currency + + + + + + + Mandatory Withholding + Mandatory Withholding + Monies must be withheld + The Mandatory Withholding checkbox indicates that monies must be withheld from this employee. + + + + + + + One time transaction + One time transaction + + + + + + + + + Own Bank + Own Bank + Bank for this Organization + The Own Bank field indicates if this bank is for this Organization as opposed to a Bank for a Business Partner. + + + + + + + Paid to third party + Paid to third party + Amount paid to someone other than the Business Partner + The Paid to Third Party checkbox indicates that the amounts are paid to someone other than the Business Partner. + + + + + + + Pay-From Address + Pay-From Address + Business Partner pays from that address and we'll send dunning letters there + If the Pay-From Address is selected, this location is the address the Business Partner pays from and where dunning letters will be sent to. + + + + + + + Percent withholding + Percent withholding + Withholding amount is a percentage of the invoice amount + The Percent Withholding checkbox indicates if the withholding amount is a percentage of the invoice amount. + + + + + + + Remit-To Address + Remit-To Address + Business Partner payment address + If the Remit-To Address is selected, the location is used to send payments to the vendor. + + + + + + + Same Tax + Same Tax + Use the same tax as the main transaction + The Same Tax checkbox indicates that this charge should use the same tax as the main transaction. + + + + + + + Ship Address + Ship address + Business Partner Shipment Address + If the Ship Address is selected, the location is used to ship goods to a customer or receive goods from a vendor. + + + + + + + Tax exempt + Tax exempt + Business partner is exempt from tax + If a business partner is exempt from tax, the exempt tax rate is used. For this, you need to set up a tax rate with a 0% rate and indicate that this is your tax exempt rate. This is required for tax reporting, so that you can track tax exempt transactions. + + + + + + + Pajak Prorata + Prorate tax + Tax is Prorated + The Prorate Tax checkbox indicates if this tax is prorated. + + + + + + + Tax withholding + Tax withholding + This is a tax related withholding + The Tax Withholding checkbox indicates if this withholding is tax related. + + + + + + + Temporary exempt + Temporary exempt + Temporarily do not withhold taxes + The Temporary Exempt checkbox indicates that for a limited time, taxes will not be withheld for this employee. + + + + + + + Max Amount + Max Amt + Maximum Amount in invoice currency + The Maximum Amount indicates the maximum amount in invoice currency. + + + + + + + Min Amount + Min Amt + Minimum Amount in invoice currency + The Minimum amount indicates the minimum amount as stated in the currency of the invoice. + + + + + + + Minimum Order Qty + Minimum Order Qty + Minimum order quantity in UOM + The Minimum Order Quantity indicates the smallest quantity of this product which can be ordered. + + + + + + + Order Pack Qty + Order Pack Qty + Package order size in UOM (e.g. order set of 5 units) + The Order Pack Quantity indicates the number of units in each pack of this product. + + + + + + + Payment Rule + Payment Rule + Purchase payment option + The Payment Rule indicates the method of purchase payment. + + + + + + + Percent + Percent + Percentage + The Percent indicates the percentage used. + + + + + + + Order Reference + Order Reference + Transaction Reference Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order) of your Business Partner + The business partner order reference is the order reference for this specific transaction; Often Purchase Order numbers are given to print on Invoices for easier reference. A standard number can be defined in the Business Partner (Customer) window. + + + + + + + Last PO Price + Last PO Price + Price of the last purchase order for the product + The Last PO Price indicates the last price paid (per the purchase order) for this product. + + + + + + + Limit Price + Limit Price + Lowest price for a product + The Price Limit indicates the lowest price for a product stated in the Price List Currency. + + + + + + + Standard Price + Std Price + Standard Price + The Standard Price indicates the standard or normal price for a product on this price list + + + + + + + Print Text + Text + The label text to be printed on a document or correspondence. + The Label to be printed indicates the name that will be printed on a document or correspondence. The max length is 2000 characters. + + + + + + + Rating + Rating + Classification or Importance + The Rating is used to differentiate the importance + + + + + + + Routing No + Routing No + Bank Routing Number + The Bank Routing Number (ABA Number) identifies a legal Bank. It is used in routing checks and electronic transactions. + + + + + + + Send dunning letters + Send dunning letters + Indicates if dunning letters will be sent + The Send Dunning Letters checkbox indicates if dunning letters will be sent to Business Partners who use this dunning rule. + + + + + + + Beban + Charge + Additional document charges + The Charge indicates a type of Charge (Handling, Shipping, Restocking) + + + + + + + Swift code + Swift code + Swift Code or BIC + The Swift Code (Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications) or BIC (Bank Identifier Code) is an identifier of a Bank. The first 4 characters are the bank code, followed by the 2 character country code, the two character location code and optional 3 character branch code. For details see http://www.swift.com/biconline/index.cfm + + + + + + + Threshold max + Threshold max + Maximum gross amount for withholding calculation (0=no limit) + The Threshold maximum indicates the maximum gross amount to be used in the withholding calculation . A value of 0 indicates there is no limit. + + + + + + + Threshold min + Threshold min + Minimum gross amount for withholding calculation + The Threshold Minimum indicates the minimum gross amount to be used in the withholding calculation. + + + + + + + Title + Title + Name this entity is referred to as + The Title indicates the name that an entity is referred to as. + + + + + + + URL + URL + URL + The URL defines an online address for this Business Partner. + + + + + + + Procedure + Procedure + Name of the Database Procedure + The Procedure indicates the name of the database procedure called by this report or process. + + + + + + + Activity + Aktifitas + Aktifitas Bisnis + Activities indicate tasks that are performed and used to utilize Activity based Costing + + + + + + + Freight Cost Rule + Freight Cost Rule + Method for charging Freight + The Freight Cost Rule indicates the method used when charging for freight. + + + + + + + Invoice + Invoice + Invoice Identifier + The Invoice Document. + + + + + + + Customer Prepayment + Customer Prepayment + Account for customer prepayments + The Customer Prepayment account indicates the account to be used for recording prepayments from a customer. + + + + + + + Piutang Pelanggan + Customer Receivables + Account for Customer Receivables + The Customer Receivables Accounts indicates the account to be used for recording transaction for customers receivables. + + + + + + + Commodity Code + Commodity Code + Commodity code used for tax calculation + The Commodity Code indicates a code that is used in tax calculations + + + + + + + Credit Card + Credit Card + Credit Card (Visa, MC, AmEx) + The Credit Card drop down list box is used for selecting the type of Credit Card presented for payment. + + + + + + + SO Sub Type + SO Sub Type + Sales Order Sub Type + The SO Sub Type indicates the type of sales order this document refers to. This field only appears when the Document Base Type is Sales Order. The selection made here will determine which documents will be generated when an order is processed and which documents must be generated manually or in batches. <br> +The following outlines this process.<br> +SO Sub Type of <b>Standard Order</b> will generate just the <b>Order</b> document when the order is processed. <br> +The <b>Delivery Note</b>, <b>Invoice</b> and <b>Receipt</b> must be generated via other processes. <br> +SO Sub Type of <b>Warehouse Order</b> will generate the <b>Order</b> and <b>Delivery Note</b>. <br> The <b>Invoice</b> and <b>Receipt</b> must be generated via other processes.<br> +SO Sub Type of <b>Credit Order</b> will generate the <b>Order</b>, <b>Delivery Note</b> and <b>Invoice</b>. <br> The <b>Reciept</b> must be generated via other processes.<br> +SO Sub Type of <b>POS</b> (Point of Sale) will generate all document + + + + + + + Employee Expense + Employee Expense + Account for Employee Expenses + The Employee Expense Account identifies the account to use for recording expenses for this employee. + + + + + + + Employee Prepayment + Employee Prepayment + Account for Employee Expense Prepayments + The Employee Prepayment Account identifies the account to use for recording expense advances made to this employee. + + + + + + + Error Msg + Error Msg + + + + + + + + + Report + Report + Indicates a Report record + The Report checkbox indicates that this record is a report as opposed to a process + + + + + + + Shipment/Receipt + Shipment/Receipt + Material Shipment Document + The Material Shipment / Receipt + Material Receipt Document + The Material Shipment / Receipt + Receipt + Receipt + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + Shipment/Receipt Line + Line on Shipment or Receipt document + The Shipment/Receipt Line indicates a unique line in a Shipment/Receipt document + Line on Receipt document + + Receipt Line + Receipt Line + + + Stok Opname + Phys.Inventory + Parameters for a Physical Inventory + The Physical Inventory indicates a unique parameters for a physical inventory. + + + + + + + Baris Stok Opname + Phys.Inventory Line + Unique line in an Inventory document + The Physical Inventory Line indicates the inventory document line (if applicable) for this transaction + + + + + + + Locator To + Locator To + Location inventory is moved to + The Locator To indicates the location where the inventory is being moved to. + + + + + + + Inventory Move + Move + Movement of Inventory + The Inventory Movement uniquely identifies a group of movement lines. + + + + + + + Move Line + Move Line + Inventory Move document Line + The Movement Line indicates the inventory movement document line (if applicable) for this transaction + + + + + + + Produksi + Production + Plan for producing a product + The Production uniquely identifies a Production Plan + + + + + + + Baris Produksi + Production Line + Document Line representing a production + The Production Line indicates the production document line (if applicable) for this transaction + + + + + + + Inventory Transaction + Inventory Transaction + + + + + + + + + Movement Date + Movement Date + Date a product was moved in or out of inventory + The Movement Date indicates the date that a product moved in or out of inventory. This is the result of a shipment, receipt or inventory movement. + + + + + + + Movement Quantity + Qty + Quantity of a product moved. + The Movement Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that has been moved. + + + + + + + Movement Type + Movement Type + Method of moving the inventory + The Movement Type indicates the type of movement (in, out, to production, etc) + + + + + + + Product Asset + Product Asset + Account for Product Asset (Inventory) + The Product Asset Account indicates the account used for valuing this a product in inventory. + + + + + + + HPP Produk + Product COGS + Account for Cost of Goods Sold + The Product COGS Account indicates the account used when recording costs associated with this product. + + + + + + + Product Expense + Product Expense + Account for Product Expense + The Product Expense Account indicates the account used to record expenses associated with this product. + + + + + + + Product Revenue + Product Revenue + Account for Product Revenue (Sales Account) + The Product Revenue Account indicates the account used for recording sales revenue for this product. + + + + + + + Project Asset + Project Asset + Project Asset Account + The Project Asset account is the account used as the final asset account in capital projects + + + + + + + Processed + Processed + The document has been processed + The Processed checkbox indicates that a document has been processed. + + + + + + + Quantity book + Qty book + Book Quantity + The Quantity Book indicates the line count stored in the system for a product in inventory + + + + + + + Quantity count + Jml terhitung + Counted Quantity + The Quantity Count indicates the actual inventory count taken for a product in inventory + + + + + + + Vendor Liability + Vendor Liability + Account for Vendor Liability + The Vendor Liability account indicates the account used for recording transactions for vendor liabilities + + + + + + + Vendor Service Liability + Vendor Service Liability + Account for Vender Service Liability + The Vendor Service Liability account indicates the account to use for recording service liabilities. It is used if you need to distinguish between Liability for products and services + + + + + + + Vendor Prepayment + Vendor Prepayment + Account for Vendor Prepayments + The Vendor Prepayment Account indicates the account used to record prepayments from a vendor. + + + + + + + Max. Value + Max. Value + Maximum Value for a field + The Maximum Value indicates the highest allowable value for a field + + + + + + + Min. Value + Min. Value + Minimum Value for a field + The Minimum Value indicates the lowest allowable value for a field. + + + + + + + Warehouse Differences + Warehouse Differences + Warehouse Differences Account + The Warehouse Differences Account indicates the account used recording differences identified during inventory counts. + + + + + + + Warehouse Inventory + Warehouse Inventory + Warehouse Inventory Asset Account + The Warehouse Inventory Asset Account identifies the account used for recording the value of your inventory. This is the counter account for inventory revaluation differences. The Product Asset account maintains the product asset value. + + + + + + + Sales Representative + Sales Rep + Sales Representative or Company Agent + The Sales Representative indicates the Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales Rep must be a valid internal user. + Purchase or Company Agent + Purchase agent for the document. Any Sales Rep must be a valid internal user. + Company Agent + Agent + + + Harga Termasuk Pajak + Price includes Tax + Tax is included in the price + The Tax Included checkbox indicates if the prices include tax. This is also known as the gross price. + + + + + + + Requires Tax Certificate + Requires Tax Certificate + This tax rate requires the Business Partner to be tax exempt + The Requires Tax Certificate indicates that a tax certificate is required for a Business Partner to be tax exempt. + + + + + + + Charges + Charges + Charges can be added to the document + The Charges checkbox indicates that charges can be added to this document. Charges can include items like shipping, handling or bank charges. + + + + + + + Account_Acct + Account_Acct + + + + + + + + + Template B.Partner + Template BPartner + Business Partner used for creating new Business Partners on the fly + When creating a new Business Partner from the Business Partner Search Field (right-click: Create), the selected business partner is used as a template, e.g. to define price list, payment terms, etc. + + + + + + + Document Type for Invoice + Doc Type Invoice + Document type used for invoices generated from this sales document + The Document Type for Invoice indicates the document type that will be used when an invoice is generated from this sales document. This field will display only when the base document type is Sales Order. + + + + + + + Document Type for ProForma + Doc Type ProForma + Document type used for pro forma invoices generated from this sales document + he Document Type for Invoice indicates the document type that will be used when an invoice is generated from this sales document. This field will display only when the base document type is Sales Order and the Pro Forma Invoice checkbox is selected + + + + + + + Document Type for Shipment + Doc Type Shipment + Document type used for shipments generated from this sales document + he Document Type for Shipments indicates the document type that will be used when a shipment is generated from this sales document. This field will display only when the base document type is Sales Order. + + + + + + + Dunning Level + Dunning Level + + + + + + + + + Invoice Line + Invoice Line + Invoice Detail Line + The Invoice Line uniquely identifies a single line of an Invoice. + + + + + + + Revenue Recognition + Revenue Recognition + Method for recording revenue + The Revenue Recognition indicates how revenue will be recognized for this product + + + + + + + Service Level + Service Level + Product Revenue Recognition Service Level + The Service Level defines a unique Service Level. + + + + + + + Service Level Line + Service Level Line + Product Revenue Recognition Service Level Line + The Service Level Line indicates a unique instance in a Service Level + + + + + + + Committed Amount + Committed Amt + The (legal) commitment amount + The commitment amount is independent from the planned amount. You would use the planned amount for your realistic estimation, which might be higher or lower than the commitment amount. + + + + + + + Count high turnover items + Count high turnover items + Count High Movement products + The Count High Movement checkbox indicates if the those items with a high turnover will be counted + + + + + + + Exp. Month + Exp. Month + Expiry Month + The Expiry Month indicates the expiry month for this credit card. + + + + + + + Exp. Year + Exp. Year + Expiry Year + The Expiry Year indicates the expiry year for this credit card. + + + + + + + Current Next (System) + Current Next (System) + Next sequence for system use + This field is for system use only and should not be modified. + + + + + + + Date last inventory count + Date last inventory count + Date of Last Inventory Count + The Date Last Inventory Count indicates the last time an Inventory count was done. + + + + + + + Date last run + Date last run + Date the process was last run. + The Date Last Run indicates the last time that a process was run. + + + + + + + Date next run + Date next run + Date the process will run next + The Date Next Run indicates the next time this process will run. + + + + + + + Date printed + Date printed + Date the document was printed. + Indicates the Date that a document was printed. + + + + + + + Days after due date + Days after due date + Days after due date to dun (if negative days until due) + The Days After Due Date indicates the number of days after the payment due date to initiate dunning. If the number is negarive, it includes not the not due invoices. + + + + + + + Invoice on even weeks + Invoice on even weeks + Send invoices on even weeks + The Invoice on Even Weeks checkbox indicates if biweekly invoices should be sent on even week numbers. + + + + + + + Generate List + Generate List + Generate List + + + + + + + + Pro forma Invoice + Pro forma Invoice + Indicates if Pro Forma Invoices can be generated from this document + The Pro Forma Invoice checkbox indicates if pro forma invoices can be generated from this sales document. A pro forma invoice indicates the amount that will be due should an order be shipped. + + + + + + + Invoice day cut-off + Invoice day cut-off + Last day for including shipments + The Invoice Day Cut Off indicates the last day for shipments to be included in the current invoice schedule. For example, if the invoice schedule is defined for the first day of the month, the cut off day may be the 25th of the month. An shipment on the 24th of May would be included in the invoices sent on June 1st but a shipment on the 26th would be included in the invoices sent on July 1st. + + + + + + + Invoice weekday cutoff + Weekday cutoff + Last day in the week for shipments to be included + The Invoice Week Day Cutoff indicates the last day of the week a shipment must be made to be included in the invoice schedule. + + + + + + + Bank Account + Bank Account + Indicates if this is the Bank Account + The Bank Account checkbox indicates if this is account is the bank account. + + + + + + + Commitment + Commitment + Is this document a (legal) commitment? + Commitment indicates if the document is legally binding. + + + + + + + Default + Default + Default value + The Default Checkbox indicates if this record will be used as a default value. + + + + + + + Next Business Day + Next Business Day + Payment due on the next business day + The Next Business Day checkbox indicates that payment is due on the next business day after invoice or delivery. + + + + + + + Reconciled + Reconciled + Payment is reconciled with bank statement + + + + + + + + Sales Transaction + Sales Transaction + This is a Sales Transaction + The Sales Transaction checkbox indicates if this item is a Sales Transaction. + + + + + + + Time based + Time based + Time based Revenue Recognition rather than Service Level based + Revenue Recognition can be time or service level based. + + + + + + + ISO Language Code + ISO Language + Lower-case two-letter ISO-3166 code - http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt + The ISO Language Code indicates the standard ISO code for a language in lower case. Information can be found at http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt + + + + + + + Perpetual Inventory + Perpetual Inventory + Rules for generating physical inventory + The Perpetual Inventory identifies the Perpetual Inventory rule which generated this Physical Inventory. + + + + + + + Product for Freight + Product for Freight + + + + + + + + + Name 2 + Name 2 + Additional Name + + + + + + + + Number of Inventory counts + Number of Inventory counts + Frequency of inventory counts per year + The Number of Inventory Counts indicates the number of times per year that inventory counts will be preformed + + + + + + + Number of Months + Number of Months + + + + + + + + + Number of Product counts + Number of Product counts + Frequency of product counts per year + The Number of Product Count indicates the number of times per year that a product should be counted. + + + + + + + Note + Note + Optional additional user defined information + The Note field allows for optional entry of user defined information regarding this record + + + + + + + Not-invoiced Receipts + Not-invoiced Receipts + Account for not-invoiced Material Receipts + The Not Invoiced Receipts account indicates the account used for recording receipts for materials that have not yet been invoiced. + + + + + + + Not-invoiced Receivables + Not-invoiced Receivables + Account for not invoiced Receivables + The Not Invoiced Receivables account indicates the account used for recording receivables that have not yet been invoiced. + + + + + + + Not-invoiced Revenue + Not-invoiced Revenue + Account for not invoiced Revenue + The Not Invoiced Revenue account indicates the account used for recording revenue that has not yet been invoiced. + + + + + + + Number of runs + Number of runs + Frequency of processing Perpetual Inventory + The Number of Runs indicates the number of times that the Perpetual Inventory has be processed. + + + + + + + Process Number + P Number + Process Parameter + + + + + + + + Process Number To + P Number To + Process Parameter + + + + + + + + Price effective + Effective + Effective Date of Price + The Price Effective indicates the date this price is for. This allows you to enter future prices for products which will become effective when appropriate. + + + + + + + PO Price + PO Price + Price based on a purchase order + The PO Price indicates the price for a product per the purchase order. + + + + + + + Create + Create + + + + + + + + + Recognition frequency + Recognition frequency + + + + + + + + + Service date + Service date + Date service was provided + The Service Date indicates the date that the service was provided. + + + + + + + Quantity Invoiced + Jml Terinvoice + Quantity of product or service invoiced + The Quantity Invoiced indicates the total quantity of a product or service that has been invoiced. + + + + + + + Quantity Provided + Qty Provided + Quantity of service or product provided + The Quantity Provided indicates the total quantity of a product or service that has been received by the customer. + + + + + + + Qty + Qty + + + + + + + + + Tax Amount + Tax + Tax Amount for a document + The Tax Amount displays the total tax amount for a document. + + + + + + + Tax base Amount + Tax base Amt + Base for calculating the tax amount + The Tax Base Amount indicates the base amount used for calculating the tax amount. + + + + + + + Tax Indicator + Tax Indicator + Short form for Tax to be printed on documents + The Tax Indicator identifies the short name that will print on documents referencing this tax. + + + + + + + Transaction Amount + Transaction Amt + Amount of a transaction + The Transaction Amount indicates the amount for a single transaction. + + + + + + + Unearned Revenue + Unearned Revenue + Account for unearned revenue + The Unearned Revenue indicates the account used for recording invoices sent for products or services not yet delivered. It is used in revenue recognition + + + + + + + Update Quantities + Update Quantities + + + + + + + + + Payment Rule + Payment Rule + How you pay the invoice + The Payment Rule indicates the method of invoice payment. + + + + + + + Relative Priority + Relative Priority + Where inventory should be picked from first + The Relative Priority indicates the location to pick from first if an product is stored in more than one location. (0 = highest priority) + + + + + + + Greeting + Greeting + Greeting to print on correspondence + The Greeting identifies the greeting to print on correspondence. + + + + + + + Greeting + Greeting + For letters, e.g. "Dear {0}" or "Dear Mr. {0}" - At runtime, "{0}" is replaced by the name + The Greeting indicates what will print on letters sent to a Business Partner. + + + + + + + Direct print + Direct print + Print without dialog + The Direct Print checkbox indicates that this report will print without a print dialog box being displayed. + + + + + + + First name only + First name only + Print only the first name in greetings + The First Name Only checkbox indicates that only the first name of this contact should print in greetings. + + + + + + + High Volume + High Volume + Use Search instead of Pick list + The High Volume Checkbox indicates if a search screen will display as opposed to a pick list for selecting records from this table. + + + + + + + Print detail records on invoice + Print detail on invoice + Print detail BOM elements on the invoice + The Print Details on Invoice indicates that the BOM element products will print on the Invoice as opposed to this product. + + + + + + + Print detail records on pick list + Print detail records on pick list + Print detail BOM elements on the pick list + The Print Details on Pick List indicates that the BOM element products will print on the Pick List as opposed to this product. + + + + + + + Verified + Verified + The BOM configuration has been verified + The Verified check box indicates if the configuration of this product has been verified. This is used for products that consist of a bill of materials + + + + + + + BOM Line + BOM Line + + + + + + + + + Parameter Name + Parameter Name + + + + + + + + + Conversion Date + Conversion Date + Date for selecting conversion rate + The Conversion Date identifies the date used for currency conversion. The conversion rate chosen must include this date in it's date range + + + + + + + Limit price Surcharge Amount + Limit price Surcharge Amt + Amount added to the converted/copied price before multiplying + Indicates the amount to be added to the Limit price prior to multiplication. + + + + + + + Limit price Base + Limit price Base + Base price for calculation of the new price + Identifies the price to be used as the base for calculating a new price list. + + + + + + + Limit price max Margin + Limit price max Margin + Maximum difference to original limit price; ignored if zero + Indicates the maximum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original limit price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. + + + + + + + Limit price min Margin + Limit price min Margin + Minimum difference to original limit price; ignored if zero + Indicates the minimum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original limit price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. + + + + + + + Limit price Rounding + Limit price Rounding + Rounding of the final result + A drop down list box which indicates the rounding (if any) will apply to the final prices in this price list. + + + + + + + List price Surcharge Amount + List price Surcharge Amt + List Price Surcharge Amount + The List Price Surcharge Amount indicates the amount to be added to the price prior to multiplication. + + + + + + + List price Base + List price Base + Price used as the basis for price list calculations + The List Price Base indicates the price to use as the basis for the calculation of a new price list. + + + + + + + List price max Margin + List price max Margin + Maximum margin for a product + The List Price Max Margin indicates the maximum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original list price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. + + + + + + + List price min Margin + List price min Margin + Minimum margin for a product + The List Price Min Margin indicates the minimum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original list price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. + + + + + + + List price Rounding + List price Rounding + Rounding rule for final list price + The List Price Rounding indicates how the final list price will be rounded. + + + + + + + Daftar Harga Pokok + Base Price List + Source for Price list calculations + The Base Price List identifies the Base Pricelist used for calculating prices (the source) + + + + + + + Standard price Surcharge Amount + Standard price Surcharge Amt + Amount added to a price as a surcharge + The Standard Price Surcharge Amount indicates the amount to be added to the price prior to multiplication. + + + + + + + + Standard price Base + Standard price Base + Base price for calculating new standard price + The Standard Price Base indicates the price to use as the basis for the calculation of a new price standard. + + + + + + + + Standard max Margin + Standard max Margin + Maximum margin allowed for a product + The Standard Price Max Margin indicates the maximum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original Standard price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. + + + + + + + Standard price min Margin + Standard price min Margin + Minimum margin allowed for a product + The Standard Price Min Margin indicates the minimum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original Standard price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. + + + + + + + Standard price Rounding + Standard price Rounding + Rounding rule for calculated price + The Standard Price Rounding indicates how the final Standard price will be rounded. + + + + + + + Current vendor + Current vendor + Use this Vendor for pricing and stock replenishment + The Current Vendor indicates if prices are used and Product is reordered from this vendor + + + + + + + Limit price Discount % + Limit price Discount % + Discount in percent to be subtracted from base, if negative it will be added to base price + Indicates the discount in percent to be subtracted from base, if negative it will be added to base price + + + + + + + List price Discount % + List price Discount % + Discount from list price as a percentage + The List Price Discount Percentage indicates the percentage discount which will be subtracted from the base price. A negative amount indicates the percentage which will be added to the base price. + + + + + + + Standard price Discount % + Standard price Discount % + Discount percentage to subtract from base price + The Standard Price Discount Percentage indicates the percentage discount which will be subtracted from the base price. A negative amount indicates the percentage which will be added to the base price. + + + + + + + Discount Printed + Discount Printed + Print Discount on Invoice and Order + The Discount Printed Checkbox indicates if the discount will be printed on the document. + + + + + + + Calculate Sum (Σ) + Sum + Calculate the Sum of numeric content or length + Calculate the Sum (Σ) of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise total sum length of the field. + + + + + + + Order Description + Order Description + Description to be used on orders + The Order Description identifies the standard description to use on orders for this Customer. + + + + + + + Invoice net Amount + Invoice net Amt + Net amount of this Invoice + Indicates the net amount for this invoice. It does not include shipping or any additional charges. + + + + + + + Qty to deliver + Jml untuk dikirim + + + + + + + + + Qty to invoice + Jml untuk diinvoice + + + + + + + + + Report View + Report View + View used to generate this report + The Report View indicates the view used to generate this report. + + + + + + + Mail Host + Mail Host + Hostname of Mail Server for SMTP and IMAP + The host name of the Mail Server for this client with SMTP services to send mail, and IMAP to process incoming mail. + + + + + + + Cost per Order + Cost per Order + Fixed Cost Per Order + The Cost Per Order indicates the fixed charge levied when an order for this product is placed. + + + + + + + Actual Delivery Time + Waktu Pengiriman Aktual + Perbedaan hari aktual antara order dan pengiriman + The Actual Delivery Time indicates the number of days elapsed between placing an order and the delivery of the order + + + + + + + Waktu Pengiriman yang Dijanjikan + Promised Delivery Time + Promised days between order and delivery + The Promised Delivery Time indicates the number of days between the order date and the date that delivery was promised. + + + + + + + Quantity to Order + Jml utk Dipesan + + + + + + + + + Quality Rating + Quality Rating + Method for rating vendors + The Quality Rating indicates how a vendor is rated (higher number = higher quality) + + + + + + + Daftar Harga Pokok + Base + Pricelist to be used, if product not found on this pricelist + The Base Price List identifies the default price list to be used if a product is not found on the selected price list + + + + + + + EDI Definition + EDI Definition + Electronic Data Interchange + + + + + + + + No Pelanggan + Customer No + EDI Identification Number + + + + + + + + EDI Status + EDI Status + + + + + + + + + EDI Type + EDI Type + + + + + + + + + Error Email + Error Email + Email address to send error messages to + + + + + + + + From Email + From Email + Full Email address used to send requests - e.g. edi@organization.com + + + + + + + + From Email Password + From Email Pwd + Password of the sending Email address + + + + + + + + From Email User ID + From Email User + User ID of the sending Email address (on default SMTP Host) - e.g. edi + + + + + + + + Info Email + Info Email + Email address to send informational messages and copies + The Info Email address indicates the address to use when sending informational messages or copies of other messages. + + + + + + + To Email + To Email + Email address to send requests to - e.g. edi@manufacturer.com + + + + + + + + Info + Info + Information + The Information displays data from the source document line. + + + + + + + Send Info + Send Info + Send informational messages and copies + + + + + + + + Line Discount % + Discount % + Line Discount as a percentage + The Line Discount Percent indicates the discount for this line as a percentage. + + + + + + + Line Discount + Discount + Line Discount Amount + Indicates the discount for this line as an amount. + + + + + + + Line Limit Amount + Limit Amt + + + + + + + + + Line List Amount + List Amt + + + + + + + + + Gross margin % + Margin % + + + + + + + + + Gross Margin + Margin + + + + + + + + + EDI Transaction + EDI Trx + + + + + + + + + EDI Log + EDI Log + + + + + + + + + Received Inquiry Reply + Inquiry reply + + + + + + + + + Receive Order Reply + Order reply + + + + + + + + + Reply Price + Reply Price + Confirmed Price from EDI Partner + + + + + + + + Reply Qty Available + Qty Available + + + + + + + + + Reply Qty Confirmed + Qty Confirmed + + + + + + + + + Reply Received + Reply + + + + + + + + + Reply Remarks + Remarks + + + + + + + + + Reply Ship date + Ship date + + + + + + + + + Request Price + Request Price + + + + + + + + + Request Qty + Request Qty + + + + + + + + + Request Ship date + Request Ship date + + + + + + + + + Send Inquiry + Send Inquiry + Quantity Availability Inquiry + + + + + + + + Send Order + Send Order + + + + + + + + + Transaction received + Trx received + + + + + + + + + Transaction sent + Trx sent + + + + + + + + + Transaction Type + Trx Type + Type of credit card transaction + The Transaction Type indicates the type of transaction to be submitted to the Credit Card Company. + + + + + + + Transaction Date + Trx Date + Transaction Date + The Transaction Date indicates the date of the transaction. + + + + + + + Special Form + Special Form + Special Form + The Special Form field identifies a unique Special Form in the system. + + + + + + + Classname + Classname + Java Classname + The Classname identifies the Java classname used by this report or process. + + + + + + + Page break + Page break + Start with new page + Before printing this item, create a new page + + + + + + + Posted + Posted + Posting status + The Posted field indicates the status of the Generation of General Ledger Accounting Lines + + + + + + + Tipe Kategori + Category Type + Source of the Journal with this category + The Category Type indicates the source of the journal for this category. Journals can be generated from a document, entered manually or imported. + + + + + + + Error + Error + + + + + + + + + Import Format + Import Format + + + + + + + + + Format Field + Format Field + + + + + + + + + Data Format + Data Format + Format String in Java Notation, e.g. ddMMyy + The Date Format indicates how dates are defined on the record to be imported. It must be in Java Notation + + + + + + + Data Type + Data Type + Type of data + + + + + + + + Decimal Point + Decimal Point + Decimal Point in the data file - if any + + + + + + + + Divide by 100 + Divide by 100 + Divide number by 100 to get correct amount + + + + + + + + End No + End No + + + + + + + + + Format + Format + Format of the data + The Format is a drop down list box for selecting the format type (text, tab delimited, XML, etc) of the file to be imported + + + + + + + Selected + Selected + + + + + + + + + Constant Value + Constant + Constant value + + + + + + + + BOM Quantity + Qty + Bill of Materials Quantity + The BOM Quantity indicates the quantity of the product in its Unit of Measure (multiplication) + + + + + + + Tanggal Diterima + Date received + Date a product was received + The Date Received indicates the date that product was received. + + + + + + + Tanggal Dikembalikan + Date returned + Date a product was returned + The Date Returned indicates the date the product was returned. + + + + + + + Bill of Materials + BOM + Bill of Materials + The Bill of Materials check box indicates if this product consists of a bill of materials. + + + + + + + Returned + Returned + + + + + + + + + Moved to storage + Moved to storage + + + + + + + + + BOM Product + BOM Product + Bill of Material Product + The BOM Product identifies an element that is part of this Bill of Materials. + + + + + + + Registration + Registration + Vehicle registration + + + + + + + + Rim + Rim + Stored rim + + + + + + + + Tire Storage + Tire Storage + + + + + + + + + Tire Quality + Tire Quality + + + + + + + + + Tire size (L/R) + Tire size + + + + + + + + + Tire type + Tire type + + + + + + + + + Vehicle + Vehicle + + + + + + + + + Rim Back + Rim B + + + + + + + + + Tire Quality Back + Tire Quality Back + + + + + + + + + Tire size Back + Tire size B + + + + + + + + + Tire type Back + Tire type B + + + + + + + + + Records created + Records created + + + + + + + + + Rencana Produksi + Production Plan + Plan for how a product is produced + The Production Plan identifies the items and steps in generating a product. + + + + + + + Kuantitas Produksi + Production Qty + Quantity of products to produce + The Production Quantity identifies the number of products to produce + + + + + + + Vendor + Vendor + The Vendor of the product/service + + + + + + + + Perhatian + Notice + System Notice + + + + + + + + Inter-Organization + Inter-Organization + Organization valid for intercompany documents + The Inter Organization field identifies an Organization which can be used by this Organization for intercompany documents. + + + + + + + Account Kota + Kota + City or the Credit Card or Account Holder + The Account City indicates the City of the Credit Card or Account holder + + + + + + + Email Account + EMail + Alamat email + The EMail Address indicates the EMail address off the Credit Card or Account holder. + + + + + + + SIM + Driver License + Payment Identification - Driver License + The Driver's License being used as identification. + + + + + + + Social Security No + Social Security No + Payment Identification - Social Security No + The Social Security number being used as identification. + + + + + + + Nama Account + Account Name + Name on Credit Card or Account holder + The Name of the Credit Card or Account holder. + + + + + + + Account State + State + State of the Credit Card or Account holder + The State of the Credit Card or Account holder + + + + + + + Account Street + Jalan + Street address of the Credit Card or Account holder + The Street Address of the Credit Card or Account holder. + + + + + + + Account Zip/Postal + Zip + Zip Code of the Credit Card or Account Holder + The Zip Code of the Credit Card or Account Holder. + + + + + + + Terima Deposit Langsung + Direct Deposit + Accept Direct Deposit (payee initiated) + Indicates if Direct Deposits (wire transfers, etc.) are accepted. Direct Deposits are initiated by the payee. + + + + + + + Terima AMEX + AMEX + Accept American Express Card + Indicates if American Express Cards are accepted + + + + + + + Terima ATM + ATM + Accept Bank ATM Card + Indicates if Bank ATM Cards are accepted + + + + + + + Terima Electronic Check + ECheck + Accept ECheck (Electronic Checks) + Indicates if EChecks are accepted + + + + + + + Terima Corporate + Corporate + Accept Corporate Purchase Cards + Indicates if Corporate Purchase Cards are accepted + + + + + + + Terima Diners + Diners + Accept Diner's Club + Indicates if Diner's Club Cards are accepted + + + + + + + Terima MasterCard + MC + Accept Master Card + Indicates if Master Cards are accepted + + + + + + + Terima Visa + Visa + Accept Visa Cards + Indicates if Visa Cards are accepted + + + + + + + Jumlah + Jumlah + Amount in a defined currency + The Amount indicates the amount for this document line. + + + + + + + Bank Asset + Bank Asset + Bank Asset Account + The Bank Asset Account identifies the account to be used for booking changes to the balance in this bank account + + + + + + + Bank Expense + Bank Expense + Bank Expense Account + The Bank Expense Account identifies the account to be used for recording charges or fees incurred from this Bank. + + + + + + + Biaya Bunga Bank + Bank Interest Expense + Bank Interest Expense Account + The Bank Interest Expense Account identifies the account to be used for recording interest expenses. + + + + + + + Pendapatan Bunga Bank + Bank Interest Revenue + Bank Interest Revenue Account + The Bank Interest Revenue Account identifies the account to be used for recording interest revenue from this Bank. + + + + + + + Bank In Transit + Bank In Transit + Bank In Transit Account + The Bank in Transit Account identifies the account to be used for funds which are in transit. + + + + + + + Bank Revaluation Gain + Bank Revaluation Gain + Bank Revaluation Gain Account + The Bank Revaluation Gain Account identifies the account to be used for recording gains that are recognized when converting currencies. + + + + + + + Bank Revaluation Loss + Bank Revaluation Loss + Bank Revaluation Loss Account + The Bank Revaluation Loss Account identifies the account to be used for recording losses that are recognized when converting currencies. + + + + + + + Bank Settlement Gain + Bank Settlement Gain + Bank Settlement Gain Account + The Bank Settlement Gain account identifies the account to be used when recording a currency gain when the settlement and receipt currency are not the same. + + + + + + + Bank Settlement Loss + Bank Settlement Loss + Bank Settlement Loss Account + The Bank Settlement loss account identifies the account to be used when recording a currency loss when the settlement and receipt currency are not the same. + + + + + + + Bank Unidentified Receipts + Bank Unidentified + Bank Unidentified Receipts Account + The Bank Unidentified Receipts Account identifies the account to be used when recording receipts that can not be reconciled at the present time. + + + + + + + Saldo Awal + Beginning Balance + Balance prior to any transactions + The Beginning Balance is the balance prior to making any adjustments for payments or disbursements. + + + + + + + Alokasi + Allocation + Payment allocation + + + + + + + + Bank Statement + Bank Statement + Bank Statement of account + The Bank Statement identifies a unique Bank Statement for a defined time period. The statement defines all transactions that occurred + + + + + + + Bank statement line + Bank statement line + Line on a statement from this Bank + The Bank Statement Line identifies a unique transaction (Payment, Withdrawal, Charge) for the defined time period at this Bank. + + + + + + + Kelompok Partner Bisnis + BPartner Group + Business Partner Group + The Business Partner Group provides a method of defining defaults to be used for individual Business Partners. + + + + + + + Payment + Payment + Payment identifier + The Payment is a unique identifier of this payment. + + + + + + + Payment Processor + Payment Processor + Payment processor for electronic payments + The Payment Processor indicates the processor to be used for electronic payments + + + + + + + Biaya Beban + Charge Expense + Charge Expense Account + The Charge Expense Account identifies the account to use when recording charges paid to vendors. + + + + + + + Beban Pendapatan + Charge Revenue + Charge Revenue Account + The Charge Revenue Account identifies the account to use when recording charges paid by customers. + + + + + + + Check No + Check No + Check Number + The Check Number indicates the number on the check. + + + + + + + Contact + Contact + + + + + + + + + Verification Code + Verification + Credit Card Verification code on credit card + The Credit Card Verification indicates the verification code on the credit card (AMEX 4 digits on front; MC,Visa 3 digits back) + + + + + + + Current Cost Price + Current Cost Price + The currently used cost price + + + + + + + + Discount Amount + Discount + Calculated amount of discount + The Discount Amount indicates the discount amount for a document or line. + + + + + + + Ending balance + Ending balance + Ending or closing balance + The Ending Balance is the result of adjusting the Beginning Balance by any payments or disbursements. + + + + + + + Future Cost Price + Future Cost price + + + + + + + + + Host Address + Host Address + Host Address URL or DNS + The Host Address identifies the URL or DNS of the target host + + + + + + + Host port + Host port + Host Communication Port + The Host Port identifies the port to communicate with the host. + + + + + + + Online Access + Online Access + Can be accessed online + The Online Access check box indicates if the application can be accessed via the web. + + + + + + + Paid + Paid + The document is paid + + + + + + + + Same Currency + Same Currency + + + + + + + + + Micr + Micr + Combination of routing no, account and check no + The Micr number is the combination of the bank routing number, account number and check number + + + + + + + Original Transaction ID + Original Trx ID + Original Transaction ID + The Original Transaction ID is used for reversing transactions and indicates the transaction that has been reversed. + + + + + + + Purchase Price Variance + Purchase Price Variance + Difference between Standard Cost and Purchase Price (PPV) + The Purchase Price Variance is used in Standard Costing. It reflects the difference between the Standard Cost and the Purchase Order Price. + + + + + + + Page URL + Page URL + + + + + + + + + Payment Discount Expense + Pay discount expense + Payment Discount Expense Account + Indicates the account to be charged for payment discount expenses. + + + + + + + Payment Discount Revenue + Pay discount revenue + Payment Discount Revenue Account + Indicates the account to be charged for payment discount revenues. + + + + + + + Work In Progress + WIP Account + Account for Work in Progress + The Work in Process account is the account used in capital projects until the project is completed + + + + + + + PO Number + PO Number + Purchase Order Number + The PO Number indicates the number assigned to a purchase order + + + + + + + Harga + Price + Price + The Price indicates the Price for a product or service. + + + + + + + Produk + Product + + + + + + + + + Proxy address + Proxy address + Address of your proxy server + The Proxy Address must be defined if you must pass through a firewall to access your payment processor. + + + + + + + Proxy logon + Proxy logon + Logon of your proxy server + The Proxy Logon identifies the Logon ID for your proxy server. + + + + + + + Proxy password + Proxy password + Password of your proxy server + The Proxy Password identifies the password for your proxy server. + + + + + + + Proxy port + Proxy port + Port of your proxy server + The Proxy Port identifies the port of your proxy server. + + + + + + + Authorization Code + Authorization Code + Authorization Code returned + The Authorization Code indicates the code returned from the electronic transmission. + + + + + + + Address verified + Address verified + This address has been verified + The Address Verified indicates if the address has been verified by the Credit Card Company. + + + + + + + Zip verified + Zip verified + The Zip Code has been verified + The Zip Verified indicates if the zip code has been verified by the Credit Card Company. + + + + + + + Info + Info + Response info + The Info indicates any response information returned from the Credit Card Company. + + + + + + + Reference + Reference + Payment reference + The Payment Reference indicates the reference returned from the Credit Card Company for a payment + + + + + + + Response Message + Message + Response message + The Response Message indicates the message returned from the Credit Card Company as the result of a transmission + + + + + + + Result + Result + Result of transmission + The Response Result indicates the result of the transmission to the Credit Card Company. + + + + + + + Referrer + Referrer + Referring web address + + + + + + + + Remote Addr + Remote Addr + Remote Address + The Remote Address indicates an alternative or external address. + + + + + + + Remote Host + Remote Host + + + + + + + + + Session ID + Session ID + + + + + + + + + Statement date + Statement date + Date of the statement + The Statement Date field defines the date of the statement. + + + + + + + Statement difference + Statement difference + Difference between statement ending balance and actual ending balance + The Statement Difference reflects the difference between the Statement Ending Balance and the Actual Ending Balance. + + + + + + + Tax Credit + Tax Credit + Account for Tax you can reclaim + The Tax Credit Account indicates the account used to record taxes that can be reclaimed + + + + + + + Tax Due + Tax Due + Account for Tax you have to pay + The Tax Due Account indicates the account used to record taxes that you are liable to pay. + + + + + + + Tax Expense + Tax Expense + Account for paid tax you cannot reclaim + The Tax Expense Account indicates the account used to record the taxes that have been paid that cannot be reclaimed. + + + + + + + Tax Liability + Tax Liability + Account for Tax declaration liability + The Tax Liability Account indicates the account used to record your tax liability declaration. + + + + + + + Tax Receivables + Tax Receivables + Account for Tax credit after tax declaration + The Tax Receivables Account indicates the account used to record the tax credit amount after your tax declaration. + + + + + + + Tender type + Tender type + Method of Payment + The Tender Type indicates the method of payment (ACH or Direct Deposit, Credit Card, Check, Direct Debit) + + + + + + + User ID + User ID + User ID + The User ID identifies a user and allows access to records or processes. + + + + + + + Voice authorization code + Voice authorization code + Voice Authorization Code from credit card company + The Voice Authorization Code indicates the code received from the Credit Card Company. + + + + + + + W_Basket_ID + W_Basket_ID + Web Basket + Temporary Web Basket + + + + + + + Inventory Revaluation + Inventory Revaluation + Account for Inventory Revaluation + The Inventory Revaluation Account identifies the account used to records changes in inventory value due to currency revaluation. + + + + + + + Withholding + Withholding + Account for Withholdings + The Withholding Account indicates the account used to record withholdings. + + + + + + + Write-off + Write-off + Account for Receivables write-off + The Write Off Account identifies the account to book write off transactions to. + + + + + + + Write-off Amount + Write-off + Amount to write-off + The Write Off Amount indicates the amount to be written off as uncollectible. + + + + + + + Find + Find + + + + + + + + + And/Or + And/Or + Logical operation: AND or OR + + + + + + + + Find_ID + Find_ID + + + + + + + + + Operation + Operation + Compare Operation + + + + + + + + Value To + Value To + Value To + + + + + + + + Interest Amount + Interest + Interest Amount + The Interest Amount indicates any interest charged or received on a Bank Statement. + + + + + + + System Attribute + Attribute + + + + + + + + + Bank Account Type + Account type + Bank Account Type + The Bank Account Type field indicates the type of account (savings, checking etc) this account is defined as. + + + + + + + Jurnal Kas + Cash Journal + Cash Journal + The Cash Journal uniquely identifies a Cash Journal. The Cash Journal will record transactions for the cash bank account + + + + + + + Buku Kas + Cash Book + Cash Book for recording petty cash transactions + The Cash Book identifies a unique cash book. The cash book is used to record cash transactions. + + + + + + + Baris Jurnal Kas + Cash Line + Cash Journal Line + The Cash Journal Line indicates a unique line in a cash journal. + + + + + + + Payment Batch + Payment Batch + Payment batch for EFT + Electronic Fund Transfer Payment Batch. + + + + + + + Tipe Kas + Cash Type + Source of Cash + The Cash Type indicates the source for this Cash Journal Line. + + + + + + + Buku Kas Aset + Cash Book Asset + Cash Book Asset Account + The Cash Book Asset Account identifies the account to be used for recording payments into and disbursements from this cash book. + + + + + + + Perbedaan Buku Kas + Cash Book Differences + Cash Book Differences Account + The Cash Book Differences Account identifies the account to be used for recording any differences that affect this cash book + + + + + + + Cash Book Expense + Cash Book Expense + Cash Book Expense Account + The Cash Book Expense Account identifies the account to be used for general, non itemized expenses. + + + + + + + Cash Book Receipt + Cash Book Receipt + Cash Book Receipts Account + The Cash Book Receipt Account identifies the account to be used for general, non itemized cash book receipts. + + + + + + + ACH + ACH + Automatic Clearing House + The ACH checkbox indicates if this Bank Account accepts ACH transactions. + + + + + + + Manual + Manual + This is a manual process + The Manual check box indicates if the process will done manually. + + + + + + + Reversal + Reversal + This is a reversing transaction + The Reversal check box indicates if this is a reversal of a prior transaction. + + + + + + + Payment amount + Payment Amt + Amount being paid + Indicates the amount this payment is for. The payment amount can be for single or multiple invoices or a partial payment for an invoice. + + + + + + + Payment Processor Class + Payment Processor Class + Payment Processor Java Class + Payment Processor class identifies the Java class used to process payments extending the org.compiere.model.PaymentProcessor class + + + + + + + Processing date + Processing date + + + + + + + + + Statement amount + Statement Amt + Statement Amount + The Statement Amount indicates the amount of a single statement line. + + + + + + + V_Date + V_Date + + + + + + + + + V_Number + V_Number + + + + + + + + + V_String + V_String + + + + + + + + + Effective date + Effective date + Date when money is available + The Effective Date indicates the date that money is available from the bank. + + + + + + + Create lines from + Create lines from + Process which will generate a new document lines based on an existing document + The Create From process will create a new document based on information in an existing document selected by the user. + + + + + + + Generate To + Generate To + Generate To + + + + + + + + Terima Discover + Discover + Accept Discover Card + Indicates if Discover Cards are accepted + + + + + + + Komisi % + Comm % + Commission stated as a percentage + The Commission indicates (as a percentage) the commission to be paid. + + + + + + + Cost per transaction + Cost per Trx + Fixed cost per transaction + The Cost per Transaction indicates the fixed cost per to be charged per transaction. + + + + + + + Days due + Days Due + Number of days due (negative: due in number of days) + + + + + + + + Online Processing + Online Processing + This payment can be processed online + The Online Processing indicates if the payment can be processed online. + + + + + + + Paid Amount + Paid + + + + + + + + + Require CreditCard Verification Code + Require Verification Code + Require 3/4 digit Credit Verification Code + The Require CC Verification checkbox indicates if this bank accounts requires a verification number for credit card transactions. + + + + + + + Field Group + Field Group + Logical grouping of fields + The Field Group indicates the logical group that this field belongs to (History, Amounts, Quantities) + + + + + + + Date last action + Date last action + Date this request was last acted on + The Date Last Action indicates that last time that the request was acted on. + + + + + + + Date next action + Date next action + Date that this request should be acted on + The Date Next Action indicates the next scheduled date for an action to occur for this request. + + + + + + + Due type + Due type + Status of the next action for this Request + The Due Type indicates if this request is Due, Overdue or Scheduled. + + + + + + + Frequency + Frequency + Frequency of events + The frequency is used in conjunction with the frequency type in determining an event. Example: If the Frequency Type is Week and the Frequency is 2 - it is every two weeks. + + + + + + + Frequency Type + Frequency type + Frequency of event + The frequency type is used for calculating the date of the next event. + + + + + + + Telah Dialokasikan + Allocated + Indicates if the payment has been allocated + The Allocated checkbox indicates if a payment has been allocated or associated with an invoice or invoices. + + + + + + + Escalated + Escalated + This request has been escalated + The Escalated checkbox indicates that this request has been escalated or raised in importance. + + + + + + + HTML + HTML + Text has HTML tags + + + + + + + + Mail header + Mail header + + + + + + + + + Mail text + Mail text + Text used for Mail message + The Mail Text indicates the text used for mail messages. + + + + + + + Next action + Next action + Next Action to be taken + The Next Action indicates the next action to be taken on this request. + + + + + + + Priority + Priority + Indicates if this request is of a high, medium or low priority. + The Priority indicates the importance of this request. + + + + + + + Mail Template + Mail Template + Text templates for mailings + The Mail Template indicates the mail template for return messages. + + + + + + + Permohonan + Request + Request from a Business Partner or Prospect + The Request identifies a unique request from a Business Partner or Prospect. + + + + + + + Request action + Request action + Action has been requested + The Request Action indicates if the Credit Card Company has requested further action be taken. + + + + + + + Request Processor + Request Processor + Processor for Requests + Processor for Requests + + + + + + + Request Amount + Request Amt + Amount associated with this request + The Request Amount indicates any amount that is associated with this request. For example, a warranty amount or refund amount. + + + + + + + Summary + Summary + Textual summary of this request + The Summary allows free form text entry of a recap of this request. + + + + + + + Supervisor + Supervisor + Supervisor for this user/organization - used for escalation and approval + The Supervisor indicates who will be used for forwarding and escalating issues for this user - or for approvals. + + + + + + + Nomor Alokasi + Allocation No + Allocation Number + The Allocation number indicates which invoices were allocated on one batch + + + + + + + Multiplier + Multiplier + Type Multiplier (Credit = -1) + + + + + + + + Jumlah Gantung + Open + Open item amount + + + + + + + + Remark + Remark + + + + + + + + + Margin % + Margin % + Margin for a product as a percentage + The Margin indicates the margin for this product as a percentage of the limit price and selling price. + + + + + + + Default Logic 2 + Default Logic 2 + Default value hierarchy, separated by ; + The defaults are evaluated in the order of definition, the first not null value becomes the default value of the column. The values are separated by comma or semicolon. a) Literals:. 'Text' or 123 b) Variables - in format @Variable@ - Login e.g. #Date, #AD_Org_ID, #AD_Client_ID - Accounting Schema: e.g. $C_AcctSchema_ID, $C_Calendar_ID - Global defaults: e.g. DateFormat - Window values (all Picks, CheckBoxes, RadioButtons, and DateDoc/DateAcct) c) SQL code with the tag: @SQL=SELECT something AS DefaultValue FROM ... The SQL statement can contain variables. There can be no other value other than the SQL statement. The default is only evaluated, if no user preference is defined. Default definitions are ignored for record columns as Key, Parent, Client as well as Buttons. + + + + + + + SQL Group Function + SQL Group Function + This function will generate a Group By Clause + The SQL Group Function checkbox indicates that this function will generate a Group by Clause in the resulting SQL. + + + + + + + Payment Selection + Payment Selection + Payment Selection + The Payment Selection identifies a unique Payment + + + + + + + Payment Selection Line + Payment Selection Line + Payment Selection Line + The Payment Selection Line identifies a unique line in a payment + + + + + + + Payment date + Payment date + Date Payment made + The Payment Date indicates the date the payment was made. + + + + + + + Total Amount + Total Amt + Total Amount + The Total Amount indicates the total document amount. + + + + + + + Report view Column + Report view Column + + + + + + + + + Function Column + Function Column + Overwrite Column with Function + The Function Column indicates that the column will be overridden with a function + + + + + + + Actual Amount + Jml Aktual + Jumlah yang aktual + Actual amount indicates the agreed upon amount for a document. + + + + + + + Jumlah Aktual + Actual Qty + The actual quantity + The Actual Quantity indicates the quantity as referenced on a document. + + + + + + + Multiplier Amount + Multiplier Amt + Multiplier Amount for generating commissions + The Multiplier Amount indicates the amount to multiply the total amount generated by this commission run by. + + + + + + + Subtract Amount + Subtract Amt + Subtract Amount for generating commissions + The Subtract Amount indicates the amount to subtract from the total amount prior to multiplication. + + + + + + + Komisi + Commission + Commission + The Commission Rules or internal or external company agents, sales reps or vendors. + + + + + + + Jumlah Komisi + Comm Amt + Generated Commission Amount + The Commission Amount indicates the resulting amount from a Commission Run. + + + + + + + Baris Komisi + Comm Line + Commission Line + The Commission Line is a unique instance of a Commission Run. If the commission run was done in summary mode then there will be a single line representing the selected documents totals. If the commission run was done in detail mode then each document that was included in the run will have its own commission line. + + + + + + + Project Cycle + Project Cycle + Identifier for this Project Reporting Cycle + Identifies a Project Cycle which can be made up of one or more cycle steps and cycle phases. + + + + + + + Cycle Step + Cycle Step + The step for this Cycle + Identifies one or more steps within a Project Cycle. A cycle Step has multiple Phases + + + + + + + Project Line + Project Line + Task or step in a project + The Project Line indicates a unique project line. + + + + + + + Jumlah Komisi + Comm Amt + Commission Amount + The Commission Amount is the total calculated commission. It is based on the parameters as defined for this Commission Run. + + + + + + + Converted Amount + Converted + Converted Amount + The Converted Amount is the result of multiplying the Source Amount by the Conversion Rate for this target currency. + + + + + + + Contract Date + Contract Date + The (planned) effective date of this document. + The contract date is used to determine when the document becomes effective. This is usually the contract date. The contract date is used in reports and report parameters. + + + + + + + Finish Date + Finish Date + Finish or (planned) completion date + The finish date is used to indicate when the project is expected to be completed or has been completed. + + + + + + + Calculation Basis + Calculation Basis + Basis for the calculation the commission + The Calculation Basis indicates the basis to be used for the commission calculation. + + + + + + + Info To + Info To + + + + + + + + + Positive only + Positive only + Do not generate negative commissions + The Positive Only check box indicates that if the result of the subtraction is negative, it is ignored. This would mean that negative commissions would not be generated. + + + + + + + Planned Amount + Planned Amt + Planned amount for this project + The Planned Amount indicates the anticipated amount for this project or project line. + + + + + + + Planned Margin % + Planned Margin + Project's planned margin as a percentage + The Planned Margin Percentage indicates the anticipated margin percentage for this project or project line + + + + + + + Planned Margin + Planned Margin + Project's planned margin amount + The Planned Margin Amount indicates the anticipated margin amount for this project or project line. + + + + + + + Planned Price + Planned Price + Planned price for this project line + The Planned Price indicates the anticipated price for this project line. + + + + + + + Planned Quantity + Planned Qty + Planned quantity for this project + The Planned Quantity indicates the anticipated quantity for this project or project line + + + + + + + Multiplier Quantity + Multiplier Qty + Value to multiply quantities by for generating commissions. + The Multiplier Quantity field indicates the amount to multiply the quantities accumulated for this commission run. + + + + + + + Subtract Quantity + Subtract Qty + Quantity to subtract when generating commissions + The Quantity Subtract identifies the quantity to be subtracted before multiplication + + + + + + + Relative Weight + Relative Weight + Relative weight of this step (0 = ignored) + The relative weight allows you to adjust the project cycle report based on probabilities. For example, if you have a 1:10 chance in closing a contract when it is in the prospect stage and a 1:2 chance when it is in the contract stage, you may put a weight of 0.1 and 0.5 on those steps. This allows sales funnels or measures of completion of your project. + + + + + + + Proses Komisi + Comm Run + Commission Run or Process + The Commission Run is a unique system defined identifier of a specific run of commission. When a Commission is processed on the Commission Screen, the Commission Run will display. + + + + + + + Commission only specified Orders + Comm o Orders + Commission only Orders or Invoices, where this Sales Rep is entered + Sales Reps are entered in Orders and Invoices. If selected, only Orders and Invoices for this Sales Reps are included in the calculation of the commission. + + + + + + + List Details + List Details + List document details + The List Details checkbox indicates that the details for each document line will be displayed. + + + + + + + Detil Komisi + Comm Detail + Supporting information for Commission Amounts + The Commission Detail provides supporting information on a Commission Run. Each document line that was part of the Commission Run will be reflected here. + + + + + + + PO Payment Term + PO Payment Term + Payment rules for a purchase order + The PO Payment Term indicates the payment term that will be used when this purchase order becomes an invoice. + + + + + + + Note + Note + Additional Information about an achievement + The Note allows you to define additional information about an achievement. + + + + + + + B.Partner Column + BPartner Column + Fully qualified Business Partner key column (C_BPartner_ID) + The Business Partner Column indicates the Business Partner to use when calculating this measurement + + + + + + + Calculation Class + Calculation Class + Java Class for calculation, implementing Interface Measure + The Calculation Class indicates the Java Class used for calculating measures. + + + + + + + Kolom Tanggal + Date Column + Fully qualified date column + The Date Column indicates the date to be used when calculating this measurement + + + + + + + Tanggal Dari + Date From + Starting date for a range + The Date From indicates the starting date of a range. + + + + + + + Tanggal Ke + Date To + End date of a date range + The Date To indicates the end date of a range (inclusive) + + + + + + + Performance Goal + Performance Goal + Target achievement from 0..1 + The Goal Performance indicates the target achievement from 0 to 1. + + + + + + + Achieved + Achieved + The goal is achieved + The Achieved checkbox indicates if this goal has been achieved. + + + + + + + Java Color Class + Java Color Class + Full qualified Java Class inheriting from java.awt.Color + The Java Color Class indicates the color class to use for this performance level. + + + + + + + Manual Actual + Manual Actual + Manually entered actual value + The Manual Active identifies a manually entered actual measurement value. + + + + + + + Note + Note + Note for manual entry + The Note allows for entry for additional information regarding a manual entry. + + + + + + + Measure Actual + Measure Actual + Actual value that has been measured. + The Measure Actual indicates the actual measured value. The measured values are used in determining if a performance goal has been met + + + + + + + Measure Target + Measure Target + Target value for measure + The Measure Target indicates the target or goal for this measure. It is used as in comparing against the actual measures + + + + + + + Measure Type + Measure Type + Determines how the actual performance is derived + The Measure Type indicates how the actual measure is determined. For example, one measure may be manual while another is calculated. + + + + + + + Org Column + Org Column + Fully qualified Organization column (AD_Org_ID) + The Organization Column indicates the organization to be used in calculating this measurement. + + + + + + + Achievement + Achievement + Performance Achievement + The Achievement identifies a unique task that is part of an overall performance goal. + + + + + + + Color + Color + Color for Performance Analysis + The Color indicates the colors to use to identify different levels of performance. + + + + + + + Goal + Goal + Performance Goal + The Performance Goal indicates what this users performance will be measured against. + + + + + + + Personal Goal + Personal Goal + Goal hierarchy only visible to user + The Personal Goals displays goals that a user will set for themselves. + + + + + + + Measure + Measure + Concrete Performance Measurement + The Measure identifies a concrete, measurable indicator of performance. For example, sales dollars, prospects contacted. + + + + + + + Measure Calculation + Measure Calculation + Calculation method for measuring performance + The Measure Calculation indicates the method of measuring performance. + + + + + + + Kolom Produk + Product Column + Fully qualified Product column (M_Product_ID) + The Product Column indicates the product to use to use when calculating this measurement. + + + + + + + Sql SELECT + Select Clause + SQL SELECT clause + The Select Clause indicates the SQL SELECT clause to use for selecting the record for a measure calculation. Do not include the SELECT itself. + + + + + + + Up to Percent + Up to Percent + Maximum value for this color; If this is the highest value, it is used also for higher values. + The Up to Percent indicates the highest percentage to use for this color. If this is the highest value it is also used for values higher than this percentage. + + + + + + + Report Column + Report Column + Column in Report + + + + + + + + Tipe Jumlah + Amt Type + Type of amount to report + You can choose between the total and period amounts as well as the balance or just the debit/credit amounts. + + + + + + + Revenue Recognition Plan + Revenue Recognition Plan + Plan for recognizing or recording revenue + The Revenue Recognition Plan identifies a unique Revenue Recognition Plan. + + + + + + + Revenue Recognition Run + Revenue Recognition Run + Revenue Recognition Run or Process + The Revenue Recognition Runs identifies a unique instance of processing revenue recognition. + + + + + + + Calculation + Calculation + + + + + + + + + Column Type + Column Type + + + + + + + + + Tipe Mata Uang + Currency Type + + + + + + + + + Adhoc Conversion + Adhoc Conversion + Perform conversion for all amounts to currency + If a currency is selected, only this currency will be reported. If adhoc conversion is selected, all currencies are converted to the defined currency + + + + + + + Line Type + Line Type + + + + + + + + + Operand 1 + Operand 1 + First operand for calculation + + + + + + + + Operand 2 + Operand 2 + Second operand for calculation + + + + + + + + Financial Report + Financial Report + Financial Report + + + + + + + + Report Column Set + Report Column Set + Collection of Columns for Report + The Report Column Set identifies the columns used in a Report. + + + + + + + Report Line + Report Line + + + + + + + + + Report Line Set + Report Line Set + + + + + + + + + Report Source + Report Source + Restriction of what will be shown in Report Line + + + + + + + + Recognized Amount + Recognized Amt + + + + + + + + + Relative Period + Relative Period + Period offset (0 is current) + + + + + + + + Web Counter + Web Counter + Individual Count hit + Web Counter Details + + + + + + + Correct tax for Discounts/Charges + Correct tax for Discounts/Charges + Correct the tax for payment discount and charges + Payment discounts may require to correct the tax. This primarily applicable in VAT systems. If the original invoice had tax records, the payment discount, write-off, etc. is corrected by the tax. The calculation of the tax is prorated based on the invoice. + + + + + + + Post Trade Discount + Trade Discount + Generate postings for trade discounts + If the invoice is based on an item with a list price, the amount based on the list price and the discount is posted instead of the net amount. +Example: Quantity 10 - List Price: 20 - Actual Price: 17 +If selected for a sales invoice 200 is posted to Product Revenue and 30 to Discount Granted - rather than 170 to Product Revenue. +The same applies to vendor invoices. + + + + + + + Invoice Price Variance + Invoice Price Variance + Difference between Costs and Invoice Price (IPV) + The Invoice Price Variance is used reflects the difference between the current Costs and the Invoice Price. + + + + + + + Trade Discount Granted + Trade Discount Grant + Trade Discount Granted Account + The Trade Discount Granted Account indicates the account for granted trade discount in sales invoices + + + + + + + Trade Discount Received + Trade Discount Received + Trade Discount Receivable Account + The Trade Discount Receivables Account indicates the account for received trade discounts in vendor invoices + + + + + + + Inventory Adjustment + Inventory Adjustment + Account for Inventory value adjustments for Actual Costing + In actual costing systems, this account is used to post Inventory value adjustments. You could set it to the standard Inventory Asset account. + + + + + + + View + View + This is a view + This is a view rather than a table. A view is always treated as read only in the system. + + + + + + + Print Form + Print Form + Form + + + + + + + + Bank Account Document + Bank Account Doc + Checks, Transfers, etc. + Bank documents, you generate or track + + + + + + + Receipt + Penerimaan + Ini adalah transaksi penjualan (penerimaan) + + + + + + + + Perbedaan + Difference + Difference Amount + + + + + + + + System Color + Color + Color for backgrounds or indicators + + + + + + + + Desktop + Desktop + Collection of Workbenches + + + + + + + + Desktop Workbench + Desktop Workbench + + + + + + + + + Image + Image + System Image or Icon + + + + + + + + User defined Field + User Field + + + + + + + + + User defined Tab + User Tab + + + + + + + + + User defined Window + User Win + + + + + + + + + Workbench + Workbench + Collection of windows, reports + + + + + + + + Workbench Window + Workbench Win + + + + + + + + + Alpha + Alpha + Color Alpha value 0-255 + + + + + + + + 2nd Alpha + 2nd Alpha + Alpha value for second color + + + + + + + + Blue + Blue + Color RGB blue value + + + + + + + + 2nd Blue + 2nd Blue + RGB value for second color + + + + + + + + Color Type + Color Type + Color presentation for this color + + + + + + + + Green + Green + RGB value + + + + + + + + 2nd Green + 2nd Green + RGB value for second color + + + + + + + + Selection Column + Selection + Is this column used for finding rows in windows + If selected, the column is listed in the first find window tab and in the selection part of the window + + + + + + + Line Distance + Distance + Distance between lines + + + + + + + + Line Width + Line Width + Width of the lines + + + + + + + + PO Description + PO Description + Description in PO Screens + + + + + + + + PO Help + PO Help + Help for PO Screens + + + + + + + + PO Name + PO Name + Name on PO Screens + + + + + + + + PO Print name + PO Print + Print name on PO Screens/Reports + + + + + + + + Read Only Logic + Read Only Logic + Logic to determine if field is read only (applies only when field is read-write) + format := {expression} [{logic} {expression}]<br> +expression := @{context}@{operand}{value} or @{context}@{operand}{value}<br> +logic := {|}|{&}<br> +context := any global or window context <br> +value := strings or numbers<br> +logic operators := AND or OR with the previous result from left to right <br> +operand := eq{=}, gt{&gt;}, le{&lt;}, not{~^!} <br> +Examples: <br> +@AD_Table_ID@=14 | @Language@!GERGER <br> +@PriceLimit@>10 | @PriceList@>@PriceActual@<br> +@Name@>J<br> +Strings may be in single quotes (optional) + + + + + + + Red + Red + RGB value + + + + + + + + 2nd Red + 2nd Red + RGB value for second color + + + + + + + + Simulation + Simulation + Performing the function is only simulated + + + + + + + + Delete old/existing records + Delete old/existing records + Otherwise records will be added + + + + + + + + Print Detail Transactions + Print Detail Transactions + + + + + + + + + Maximum write-off per Invoice + Maximum write-off per Invoice + Maximum invoice amount to be written off in invoice currency + + + + + + + + Product quantity must be on stock + Product quantity must be on stock + If not sufficient on stock in the warehouse, the BOM is not produced + + + + + + + + Only Discount + Only Discount + Include only invoices where we would get payment discount + + + + + + + + Only Due + Only Due + Include only due invoices + + + + + + + + Product Key + Product Key + Key of the Product + + + + + + + + Inventory Quantity + Inventory Quantity + + + + + + + + + Show Actual Amount + Show Actual Amount + + + + + + + + + Show Committed Amount + Show Committed Amount + + + + + + + + + Show Planned Amount + Show Planned Amount + + + + + + + + + Show Planned Margin Amount + Show Planned Margin Amount + + + + + + + + + Show Planned Quantity + Show Planned Quantity + + + + + + + + + Entity Type + Entity Type + Dictionary Entity Type; Determines ownership and synchronization + The Entity Types "Dictionary", "Adempiere" and "Application" might be automatically synchronized and customizations deleted or overwritten. + +For customizations, copy the entity and select "User"! + + + + + + + Import Fields + Import Fields + Create Fields from Table Columns + + + + + + + + Import Table + Import Table + Import Table Columns from Database + + + + + + + + Synchronize Database + Sync DB + Change database table definition when changing dictionary definition + When selected, the database column definition is updated based on your entries in the Column definition of the Application Dictionary. + + + + + + + Payment Selection + Payment selection + AP Payment Selection Clearing Account + + + + + + + + Unallocated Cash + Unallocated Cash + Unallocated Cash Clearing Account + Receipts not allocated to Invoices + + + + + + + Transfer Kas + Cash Transfer + Cash Transfer Clearing Account + Account for Invoices paid by cash + + + + + + + Match Invoice + Match Invoice + Match Shipment/Receipt to Invoice + + + + + + + + Match PO + Match PO + Match Purchase Order to Shipment/Receipt + + + + + + + + Delete existing Accounting Entries + Delete existing Accounting Entries + The selected accounting entries will be deleted! DANGEROUS !!! + + + + + + + + Keyword + Keyword + Case insensitive keyword + Case insensitive keyword for matching. The individual keywords can be separated by space, comma, semicolon, tab or new line. Do not use filler words like "a", "the". At this point, there are NO text search operators like "or" and "and". + + + + + + + Alert after Days Due + Alert days Due + Send email alert after number of days due (0=no alerts) + Send an email alert after the item is Due (after Date Next Action). If set to zero, no alert is sent. + + + + + + + Escalate after Days Due + Escalate after Days + Escalation to superior after number of due days (0 = no) + The item will be escalated and assigned to the supervisor after the number of days over due. If 0, there is no escalation. + + + + + + + Request Routing + Request Routing + Automatic routing of requests + + + + + + + + Request EMail + Request EMail + EMail address to send automated mails from or receive mails for automated processing (fully qualified) + EMails for requests, alerts and escalation are sent from this email address as well as delivery information if the sales rep does not have an email account. The address must be filly qualified (e.g. joe.smith@company.com) and should be a valid address. + + + + + + + Request Folder + Request Folder + EMail folder to process incoming emails; if empty INBOX is used + Email folder used to read emails to process as requests, If left empty the default mailbox (INBOX) will be used. Requires IMAP services. + + + + + + + Request User + Request User + User Name (ID) of the email owner + EMail user name for requests, alerts and escalation are sent from this email address as well as delivery information if the sales rep does not have an email account. Required, if your mail server requires authentification as well as for processing incoming mails. + + + + + + + Request User Password + Request User PW + Password of the user name (ID) for mail processing + + + + + + + + Terima Bahasa + Accept Language + Language accepted based on browser information + + + + + + + + User Agent + User Agent + Browser Used + + + + + + + + All Nodes + All Nodes + All Nodes are included (Complete Tree) + If selected, all Nodes must be in the tree. + + + + + + + Break Discount % + Break Discount + Trade Discount in Percent for the break level + Trade Discount in Percent for the break level + + + + + + + Break Value + Break Value + Low Value of trade discount break level + Starting Quantity or Amount Value for break level + + + + + + + Level Kumulatif + Cumulative Level + Level for cumulative calculations + + + + + + + + Discount Type + Discount Type + Type of trade discount calculation + Type of procedure used to calculate the trade discount percentage + + + + + + + Flat Discount % + Flat Discount + Flat discount percentage + + + + + + + + Quantity based + Quantity based + Trade discount break level based on Quantity (not value) + The calculation of the trade discount level is based on the quantity of the order and not the value amount of the order + + + + + + + Discount Schema + Discount Schema + Schema to calculate the trade discount percentage + After calculation of the (standard) price, the trade discount percentage is calculated and applied resulting in the final price. + Schema to calculate price lists + + Price List Schema + Price List Schema + + + Discount Schema Break + Discount Schema Break + Trade Discount Break + Trade discount based on breaks (steps) + + + + + + + Discount Pricelist + Discount Pricelist + Line of the pricelist trade discount schema + For the Pricelist Discount Type, you enter how the list, standard and limit price is calculated. + + + + + + + PO Discount Schema + PO Discount Schema + Schema to calculate the purchase trade discount percentage + + + + + + + + Script + Script + Dynamic Java Language Script to calculate result + Use Java language constructs to define the result of the calculation + + + + + + + Image Alpha + Image Alpha + Image Texture Composite Alpha + Composite Alpha factor for taint color. + + + + + + + Image URL + Image URL + URL of image + URL of image; The image is not stored in the database, but retrieved at runtime. The image can be a gif, jpeg or png. + + + + + + + Repeat Distance + Repeat Distance + Distance in points to repeat gradient color - or zero + The gradient color is not repeated, if the value is zero. The distance is added to (or subtracted from) the starting point of the gradient. + + + + + + + Start Point + Start Point + Start point of the gradient colors + The gradient starts at the start point (e.g. North). The repeat distance determines if and how often the gradient colors are repeated. If starting from southern points, the upper color is actually at the button. + + + + + + + Statistic Count + Statistic Count + Internal statistics how often the entity was used + For internal use. + + + + + + + Statistic Seconds + Statistic Seconds + Internal statistics how many seconds a process took + For internal use + + + + + + + Tab Level + Tab Level + Hierarchical Tab Level (0 = top) + Hierarchical level of the tab. If the level is 0, it is the top entity. Level 1 entries are dependent on level 0, etc. + + + + + + + Standard Cost Value + Standard Cost Value + Value in Standard Costs + + + + + + + + Valuation Date + Valuation Date + Date of valuation + + + + + + + + Limit price Value + Limit price Value + Value with limit price + + + + + + + + List price Value + List price Value + Valuation with List Price + + + + + + + + PO Price Value + PO Price Value + Valuation with PO Price + + + + + + + + Std Price Value + Std Price Value + Valuation with standard price + + + + + + + + Average Cost Amount Sum + Average Cost Amount Sum + Cumulative average cost amounts (internal) + Current cumulative costs for calculating the average costs + + + + + + + Average Cost Quantity Sum + Average Cost Quantity Sum + Cumulative average cost quantities (internal) + Current cumulative quantity for calculating the average costs + + + + + + + Std Cost Amount Sum + Std Cost Amount Sum + Standard Cost Invoice Amount Sum (internal) + Current cumulative amount for calculating the standard cost difference based on (actual) invoice price + + + + + + + Std Cost Quantity Sum + Std Cost Quantity Sum + Standard Cost Invoice Quantity Sum (internal) + Current cumulative quantity for calculating the standard cost difference based on (actual) invoice price + + + + + + + Std PO Cost Amount Sum + Std PO Cost Amount Sum + Standard Cost Purchase Order Amount Sum (internal) + Current cumulative amount for calculating the standard cost difference based on (planned) purchase order price + + + + + + + Std PO Cost Quantity Sum + Std PO Cost Quantity Sum + Standard Cost Purchase Order Quantity Sum (internal) + Current cumulative quantity for calculating the standard cost difference based on (planned) purchase order price + + + + + + + Line ID + Line ID + Transaction line ID (internal) + Internal link + + + + + + + PPV Offset + PPV Offset + Purchase Price Variance Offset Account + Offset account for standard costing purchase price variances. The counter account is Product PPV. + + + + + + + Last Invoice Price + Last Invoice Price + Price of the last invoice for the product + The Last Invoice Price indicates the last price paid (per the invoice) for this product. + + + + + + + Total Invoice Amount + Total Invoice Amount + Cumulative total lifetime invoice amount + The cumulative total lifetime invoice amount is used to calculate the total average price + + + + + + + Total Invoice Quantity + Total Invoice Quantity + Cumulative total lifetime invoice quantity + The cumulative total lifetime invoice quantity is used to calculate the total average price + + + + + + + Discount calculated from Line Amounts + Discount calculated from Line Amounts + Payment Discount calculation does not include Taxes and Charges + If the payment discount is calculated from line amounts only, the tax and charge amounts are not included. This is e.g. business practice in the US. If not selected the total invoice amount is used to calculate the payment discount. + + + + + + + Fixed Limit Price + Fixed Limit + Fixed Limit Price (not calculated) + + + + + + + + Fixed List Price + Fixed List + Fixes List Price (not calculated) + + + + + + + + Fixed Standard Price + Fixed Standard + Fixed Standard Price (not calculated) + + + + + + + + Set Future Costs to + Set Future Costs to + Set the Future costs to the selection + + + + + + + + Set Standard Cost + Set Standard Cost + Set new Standard Costs from Future Costs + + + + + + + + Standard Cost Invoice Difference + Standard Cost Invoice Diff + Standard Cost Invoice Difference + Accumulated difference of Invoice Costs to Standard Costs + + + + + + + Standard Cost PO Difference + Standard Cost PO Diff + Standard Cost Purchase Order Difference + Accumulated difference of Purchase Order Costs to Standard Costs + + + + + + + Total Invoice Cost + Total Invoice Cost + Total lifetime invoice costs + + + + + + + + Message + Message + System Message + Information and Error messages + + + + + + + Pecahan UoM Diperbolehkan + Allow UoM Fractions + Allow Unit of Measure Fractions + If allowed, you can enter UoM Fractions + + + + + + + Assign From + Assign From + Assign resource from + Assignment start + + + + + + + Assign To + Assign To + Assign resource until + Assignment end + + + + + + + Expense Date + Expense Date + Date of expense + Date of expense + + + + + + + Report Date + Report Date + Expense/Time Report Date + Date of Expense/Time Report + + + + + + + Slot End + Slot End + Time when timeslot ends + Ending time for time slots + + + + + + + Slot Start + Slot Start + Time when timeslot starts + Starting time for time slots + + + + + + + Expense Amount + Expense Amount + Amount for this expense + Expense amount in currency + + + + + + + Available + Available + Resource is available + Resource is available for assignments + + + + + + + Confirmed + Confirmed + Assignment is confirmed + Resource assignment is confirmed + + + + + + + Day Slot + Day Slot + Resource has day slot availability + Resource is only available on certain days + + + + + + + Time Report + Time Report + Line is a time report only (no expense) + The line contains only time information + + + + + + + Time Slot + Time Slot + Resource has time slot availability + Resource is only available at certain times + + + + + + + Friday + Fr + Available on Fridays + + + + + + + + Monday + Mo + Available on Mondays + + + + + + + + Saturday + Sa + Available on Saturday + + + + + + + + Sunday + Su + Available on Sundays + + + + + + + + Thursday + Th + Available on Thursdays + + + + + + + + Tuesday + Tu + Available on Tuesdays + + + + + + + + Wednesday + We + Available on Wednesdays + + + + + + + + Expense Type + Expense Type + Expense report type + + + + + + + + Resource + Resource + Resource + + + + + + + + Resource Assignment + Assignment + Resource Assignment + + + + + + + + Resource Type + Resource Type + + + + + + + + + Resource Unavailability + Resource Unavailability + + + + + + + + + Expense Report + Expense Report + Time and Expense Report + + + + + + + + Expense Line + Expense Line + Time and Expense Report Line + + + + + + + + Single Assignment only + Single Assignment + Only one assignment at a time (no double-booking or overlapping) + If selected, you can only have one assignment for the resource at a single point in time. It is also not possible to have overlapping assignments. + + + + + + + Order Column + Order Column + Column determining the order + Integer Column of the table determining the order (display, sort, ..). If defined, the Order By replaces the default Order By clause. It should be fully qualified (i.e. "tablename.columnname"). + + + + + + + Included Column + Included Column + Column determining if a Table Column is included in Ordering + If a Included Column is defined, it decides, if a column is active in the ordering - otherwise it is determined that the Order Column has a value of one or greater + + + + + + + Print Color + Print Color + Color used for printing and display + Colors used for printing and display + + + + + + + Print Font + Print Font + Maintain Print Font + Font used for printing + + + + + + + Print Format + Print Format + Data Print Format + The print format determines how data is rendered for print. + + + + + + + Included Print Format + Included Print Format + Print format that is included here. + Included Print formats allow to e.g. Lines to Header records. The Column provides the parent link. + + + + + + + Print Format Item + Print Format Item + Item/Column in the Print format + Item/Column in the print format maintaining layout information + + + + + + + Print Paper + Print Paper + Printer paper definition + Printer Paper Size, Orientation and Margins + + + + + + + Field Alignment + Field Alignment + Field Text Alignment + Alignment of field text. The default is determined by the data/display type: Numbers are right aligned, other data is left aligned + + + + + + + Create Copy + Create Copy + + + + + + + + + Footer Margin + Footer Margin + Margin of the Footer in 1/72 of an inch + Distance from the bottom of the main content to the end of the printable page in 1/72 of an inch (point) + + + + + + + Header Margin + Header Margin + Margin of the Header in 1/72 of an inch + Distance from the top of the printable page to the start of the main content in 1/72 of an inch (point) + + + + + + + Form + Form + If Selected, a Form is printed, if not selected a columnar List report + A form has individual elements with layout information (example: invoice, check) +<br> +A columnar list report has individual columns (example: list of invoices) + + + + + + + Group by + Groupby + After a group change, totals, etc. are printed + Grouping allows to print sub-totals. If a group changes, the totals are printed. Group by columns need to be included in the sort order. + + + + + + + One Line Only + One Line + If selected, only one line is printed + If the column has a width restriction, the text is broken into multiple lines. If One Line is selected, only the first line is printed. + + + + + + + Landscape + Landscape + Landscape orientation + + + + + + + + Next Line + Next Line + Print item on next line + If not selected, the item is printed on the same line + + + + + + + Order by + Order by + Include in sort order + The records are ordered by the value of this column. If a column is used for grouping, it needs to be included in the sort order as well. + + + + + + + Relative Position + Relative Position + The item is relative positioned (not absolute) + The relative positioning of the item is determined by X-Z space and next line + + + + + + + Order Tab + Order Tab + The Tab determines the Order + + + + + + + + Standard Header/Footer + Standard Header/Footer + The standard Header and Footer is used + If the standard header is not used, it must be explicitly defined. + + + + + + + Table Based + Table Based + Table based List Reporting + Table based columnar list reporting is invoked from the Window Report button + + + + + + + Max Height + Max Height + Maximum Height in 1/72 if an inch - 0 = no restriction + Maximum height of the element in 1/72 of an inch (point). If zero (0), there is no height restriction. + + + + + + + Max Width + Max Width + Maximum Width in 1/72 if an inch - 0 = no restriction + Maximum width of the element in 1/72 of an inch (point). If zero (0), there is no width restriction. + + + + + + + X Position + X Position + Absolute X (horizontal) position in 1/72 of an inch + Absolute X (horizontal) position in 1/72 of an inch + + + + + + + X Space + X Space + Relative X (horizontal) space in 1/72 of an inch + Relative X (horizontal) space in 1/72 of an inch in relation to the end of the previous item. + + + + + + + Y Position + Y Position + Absolute Y (vertical) position in 1/72 of an inch + Absolute Y (vertical) position in 1/72 of an inch + + + + + + + Y Space + Y Space + Relative Y (vertical) space in 1/72 of an inch + Relative Y (vertical) space in 1/72 of an inch in relation to the end of the previous item. + + + + + + + Line Alignment + Line Alignment + Line Alignment + For relative positioning, the line alignment + + + + + + + Area + Area + Print Area + Print area of this item + + + + + + + Format Type + Format Type + Print Format Type + The print format type determines what will be printed. + + + + + + + Invoice Price + Invoice Price + Unit price to be invoiced or 0 for default price + Unit Price in the currency of the business partner! If it is 0, the standard price of the sales price list of the business partner (customer) is used. + + + + + + + Over/Under Payment + Over/Under Payment + Over-Payment (unallocated) or Under-Payment (partial payment) + Overpayments (negative) are unallocated amounts and allow you to receive money for more than the particular invoice. +Underpayments (positive) is a partial payment for the invoice. You do not write off the unpaid amount. + + + + + + + Over/Under Payment + Over/Under Payment + Over-Payment (unallocated) or Under-Payment (partial payment) Amount + Overpayments (negative) are unallocated amounts and allow you to receive money for more than the particular invoice. +Underpayments (positive) is a partial payment for the invoice. You do not write off the unpaid amount. + + + + + + + Check Print Format + Check Print Format + Print Format for printing Checks + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + Dunning Print Format + Dunning Print Format + Print Format for printing Dunning Letters + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + Invoice Print Format + Invoice Print Format + Print Format for printing Invoices + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + Order Print Format + Order Print Format + Print Format for Orders, Quotes, Offers + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + Remittance Print Format + Remittance Print Format + Print Format for separate Remittances + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + Shipment Print Format + Shipment Print Format + Print Format for Shipments, Receipts, Pick Lists + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + Kode Area + Area Code + Phone Area Code + Phone Area Code + + + + + + + Kota + City + City + City in a country + + + + + + + Coordinates + Coordinates + Location coordinate + This column contains the geographical coordinates (latitude/longitude) of the location.<p> +In order to avoid unnecessary use of non-standard characters and space, the following standard presentation is used:<br> +0000N 00000W 0000S 00000E <br> +where the two last digits refer to minutes and the two or three first digits indicate the degrees + + + + + + + + Locode + Locode + Location code - UN/LOCODE + UN/Locode is a combination of a 2-character country code and a 3-character location code, e.g. BEANR is known as the city of Antwerp (ANR) which is located in Belgium (BE). +<p>See: http://www.unece.org/cefact/locode/service/main.htm + + + + + + + Image attached + Image attached + The image to be printed is attached to the record + The image to be printed is stored in the database as attachment to this record. The image can be a gif, jpeg or png. + + + + + + + Calculate Mean (μ) + Mean + Calculate Average of numeric content or length + Calculate the Mean (μ) of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise calculate the average length of the field. + + + + + + + Calculate Count (№) + Count + Count number of not empty elements + Calculate the total number (№) of not empty (NULL) elements (maximum is the number of lines). + + + + + + + Amt in Words + Amt in Words + Amount in words + Amount in words will be printed. + + + + + + + BP Contact Greeting + BP Contact Greeting + Greeting for Business Partner Contact + + + + + + + + BP Greeting + BP Greeting + Greeting for Business Partner + + + + + + + + Contact Name + Contact Name + Business Partner Contact Name + + + + + + + + Tipe Dokumen + Document Type + Document Type + + + + + + + + Document Type Note + Document Type Note + Optional note of a document type + + + + + + + + Multi Lingual Documents + Multi Lingual Documents + Documents are Multi Lingual + If selected, you enable multi lingual documents and need to maintain translations for entities used in documents (examples: Products, Payment Terms, ...).<br> +Please note, that the base language is always English. + + + + + + + Set NL Position + Set NL Position + Set New Line Position + When enabled, the current x (horizontal) Position before printing the item is saved. The next New Line will use the saved x (horizontal) Position, enabling to print data in columns. +The setting is not restricted to an area (header, content, footer), allowing to align information also with Header and Footer with the Content. + + + + + + + Suppress Null + Suppress Null + Suppress columns or elements with NULL value + If a Form entry is NULL and if selected, the field (including label) is not printed. <br> +If all elements in a table column are NULL and if selected, the column is not printed. + + + + + + + Payment Term + Payment Term + Payment Term + + + + + + + + Payment Term Note + Payment Term Note + Note of a Payment Term + + + + + + + + Resource Description + Resource Description + Resource Allocation Description + + + + + + + + Revenue + Revenue + Revenue + + + + + + + + Credit Available + Credit Available + Available Credit based on Credit Limit (not Total Open Balance) and Credit Used + + + + + + + + Graph + Graph + Graph included in Reports + Pie/Line Graph to be printed in Reports + + + + + + + Print Table Format + Table Format + Table Format in Reports + Print Table Format determines Fonts, Colors of the printed Table + + + + + + + Dibawah Kolom + Below Column + Print this column below the column index entered + This column is printed in a second line below the content of the first line identified. Please be aware, that this is depends on the actual sequence. Enter a 1 to add the info below the first column. + + + + + + + Data Column 2 + Data Column 2 + Data Column for Line Charts + Additional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar Charts + + + + + + + Data Column 3 + Data Column 3 + Data Column for Line Charts + Additional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar Charts + + + + + + + Data Column 4 + Data Column 4 + Data Column for Line Charts + Additional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar Charts + + + + + + + Data Column 5 + Data Column 5 + Data Column for Line Charts + Additional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar Charts + + + + + + + Data Column + Data Column + Data Column for Pie and Line Charts + Graph Data Column for Pie and Line/Bar Charts + + + + + + + Kolom Penjelasan + Description Column + Description Column for Pie/Line/Bar Charts + Graph Description Column for Pie and Line/Bar Charts + + + + + + + Function Font + Function Font + Function row Font + Font of the function row + + + + + + + Function BG Color + Function BG Color + Function Background Color + Background color of a function row + + + + + + + Function Color + Function Color + Function Foreground Color + Foreground color of a function row + + + + + + + Graph Type + Graph Type + Type of graph to be painted + Type of graph to be painted + + + + + + + Header Row Font + Header Row Font + Header row Font + Font of the table header row + + + + + + + Header Line Color + Header Line Color + Table header row line color + Color of the table header row lines + + + + + + + Header Row BG Color + Header Row GB Color + Background color of header row + Table header row background color + + + + + + + Header Row Color + Header Row Color + Foreground color if the table header row + Table header row foreground color + + + + + + + Paint Boundary Lines + Paint boundary Lines + Paint table boundary lines + Paint lines around table + + + + + + + Paint Horizontal Lines + Paint H Lines + Paint horizontal lines + Paint horizontal table lines + + + + + + + Paint Vertical Lines + Paint V Lines + Paint vertical lines + Paint vertical table lines + + + + + + + Print Function Symbols + Print Function Symbols + Print Symbols for Functions (Sum, Average, Count) + If selected, print symbols - otherwise print names of the function + + + + + + + Line Color + Line Color + Table line color + + + + + + + + Org Address + Org Address + Organization Location/Address + + + + + + + + Warehouse Address + Warehouse Address + Warehouse Location/Address + Address of Warehouse + + + + + + + BP Search Key + Customer No + Business Partner Key Value + Search Key of Business Partner + + + + + + + Fixed Width + Fixed Width + Column has a fixed width + The Column has a fixed width, independent from the content + + + + + + + Next Page + Next Page + The column is printed on the next page + Before printing this column, there will be a page break. + + + + + + + Dunning Run + Dunning Run + Dunning Run + + + + + + + + Dunning Run Entry + Dunning Run Entry + Dunning Run Entry + + + + + + + + Dunning Run Line + Dunning Run Line + Dunning Run Line + + + + + + + + Pay Selection Check + Pay Selection Check + Payment Selection Check + + + + + + + + Dunning Date + Dunning Date + Date of Dunning + + + + + + + + Aset + Aset + Asset used internally or by customers + An asset is either created by purchasing or by delivering a product. An asset can be used internally or be a customer asset. + + + + + + + Sales Representative + Sales Rep + + + + + Company Agent + Company Agent + + + Bottom Margin + Bottom + Bottom Space in 1/72 inch + Space on bottom of a page in 1/72 inch + + + + + + + Left Margin + Left + Left Space in 1/72 inch + Space on left side of a page in 1/72 inch + + + + + + + Right Margin + Right + Right Space in 1/72 inch + Space on right side of a page in 1/72 inch + + + + + + + Top Margin + Top + Top Space in 1/72 inch + Space on top of a page in 1/72 inch + + + + + + + Birthday + Birthday + Birthday or Anniversary day + Birthday or Anniversary day + + + + + + + Opt-out Date + Opt-Out + Date the contact opted out + If the field has a date, the customer opted out (unsubscribed) and cannot receive mails for the Interest Area + + + + + + + Interest Area + Interest Area + Interest Area or Topic + Interest Areas reflect interest in a topic by a contact. Interest areas can be used for marketing campaigns. + + + + + + + Request Type + Request Type + Type of request (e.g. Inquiry, Complaint, ..) + Request Types are used for processing and categorizing requests. Options are Account Inquiry, Warranty Issue, etc. + + + + + + + Subscribe Date + Subscribe Date + Date the contact actively subscribed + Date the contact subscribe the interest area + + + + + + + Email User ID + Email User + User Name (ID) in the Mail System + The user name in the mail system is usually the string before the @ of your email address. Required if the mail server requires authentification to send emails. + + + + + + + Email User Password + Email Password + Password of your email user id + Required if the mail server requires authentification to send emails. + + + + + + + SMTP Authentification + SMTP Authentification + Your mail server requires Authentification + Some email servers require authentification before sending emails. If yes, users are required to define their email user name and password. If authentification is required and no user name and password is required, delivery will fail. + + + + + + + Product Type + Product Type + Type of product + The type of product also determines accounting consequences. + + + + + + + System + System + System Definition + Common System Definition + + + + + + + Partner ID + Partner ID + Partner ID for the Payment Processor + + + + + + + + Registered EMail + Registered EMail + Email of the responsible for the System + Email of the responsible person for the system (registered in WebStore) + + + + + + + Vendor ID + Vendor ID + Vendor ID for the Payment Processor + + + + + + + + Referenced Order Line + Ref Order Line + Reference to corresponding Sales/Purchase Order + Reference of the Sales Order Line to the corresponding Purchase Order Line or vice versa. + + + + + + + Business Partner Key + Partner Key + The Key of the Business Partner + + + + + + + + Contact Description + Contact Description + Description of Contact + + + + + + + + Default Account + Default Account + Name of the Default Account Column + + + + + + + + Element Name + Element Name + Name of the Element + + + + + + + + Element Key + Element Key + Key of the element + + + + + + + + Import Business Partner + Import B.Partner + + + + + + + + + Import Account + Import Account + Import Account Value + + + + + + + + Import Product + Import Product + Import Item or Service + + + + + + + + Import Report Line Set + Import Report Line Set + Import Report Line Set values + + + + + + + + Manufacturer + Manufacturer + Manufacturer of the Product + The manufacturer of the Product (used if different from the Business Partner / Vendor) + + + + + + + Product Category Key + Product Category Key + + + + + + + + + Report Line Set Name + Report Line Set Name + Name of the Report Line Set + + + + + + + + Royalty Amount + Royalty Amount + (Included) Amount for copyright, etc. + + + + + + + + Description URL + Description URL + URL for the description + + + + + + + + Hapus rekord lama yang telah diimpor + Delete old imported + Before processing delete old imported records in the import table + + + + + + + + Group Key + Group Key + Business Partner Group Key + + + + + + + + Parent Account + Parent Account + The parent (summary) account + + + + + + + + Parent Key + Parent Key + Key if the Parent + + + + + + + + Update Default Accounts + Update Default Accounts + Update Default Accounts + + + + + + + + Create New Combination + Create New Combination + Create New Account Combination + + + + + + + + Pengiriman Aset + Asset Delivery + Delivery of Asset + The availability of the asset to the business partner (customer). + + + + + + + Kelompok Harta + Asset Group + Group of Assets + The group of assets determines default accounts. If an asset group is selected in the product category, assets are created when delivering the asset. + + + + + + + Asset Retirement + Asset Retirement + Internally used asset is not longer used. + + + + + + + + Tanggal Penyusutan Aset + Asset depreciation date + Date of last depreciation + Date of the last deprecation, if the asset is used internally and depreciated. + + + + + + + Tanggal Pembuangan Aset + Asset disposal date + Date when the asset is/was disposed + + + + + + + + Market value Amount + Market value amt + Market value of the asset + For reporting, the market value of the asset + + + + + + + In Service Date + In Service date + Date when Asset was put into service + The date when the asset was put into service - usually used as start date for depreciation. + + + + + + + Nilai Aset + Asset value + Book Value of the asset + + + + + + + + Guarantee Date + Guarantee date + Date when guarantee expires + Date when the normal guarantee or availability expires + + + + + + + Guarantee Days + Guarantee days + Number of days the product is guaranteed or available + If the value is 0, there is no limit to the availability or guarantee, otherwise the guarantee date is calculated by adding the days to the delivery date. + + + + + + + Depresiasi + Depreciate + The asset will be depreciated + The asset is used internally and will be depreciated + + + + + + + Disposed + Disposed + The asset is disposed + The asset is no longer used and disposed + + + + + + + In Possession + In Possession + The asset is in the possession of the organization + Assets which are not in possession are e.g. at Customer site and may or may not be owned by the company. + + + + + + + Owned + Owned + The asset is owned by the organization + The asset may not be in possession, but the asset is legally owned by the organization + + + + + + + Life use + Life use + Units of use until the asset is not usable anymore + Life use and the actual use may be used to calculate the depreciation + + + + + + + Location comment + Location comment + Additional comments or remarks concerning the location + + + + + + + + Training Class + Training Class + The actual training class instance + A scheduled class + + + + + + + Training + Training + Repeated Training + The training may have multiple actual classes + + + + + + + Usable Life - Months + Usable life months + Months of the usable life of the asset + + + + + + + + Usable Life - Years + Usable life years + Years of the usable life of the asset + + + + + + + + Use units + Use units + Currently used units of the assets + + + + + + + + Version No + Version No + Version Number + + + + + + + + Konfirmasi Pengiriman + Delivery Confirmation + EMail Delivery confirmation + + + + + + + + Fully depreciated + Fully depreciated + The asset is fully depreciated + The asset costs are fully amortized. + + + + + + + Message ID + Message ID + EMail Message ID + SMTP Message ID for tracking purposes + + + + + + + Email PDF + Email PDF + Email Document PDF files to Business Partner + + + + + + + + Col_1 + Col_1 + + + + + + + + + Col_2 + Col_2 + + + + + + + + + Col_3 + Col_3 + + + + + + + + + Col_4 + Col_4 + + + + + + + + + Col_5 + Col_5 + + + + + + + + + Col_6 + Col_6 + + + + + + + + + Col_7 + Col_7 + + + + + + + + + Col_8 + Col_8 + + + + + + + + + Col_9 + Col_9 + + + + + + + + + Col_10 + Col_10 + + + + + + + + + Col_11 + Col_11 + + + + + + + + + Col_12 + Col_12 + + + + + + + + + Col_13 + Col_13 + + + + + + + + + Col_14 + Col_14 + + + + + + + + + Col_15 + Col_15 + + + + + + + + + Col_16 + Col_16 + + + + + + + + + Col_17 + Col_17 + + + + + + + + + Col_18 + Col_18 + + + + + + + + + Col_19 + Col_19 + + + + + + + + + Col_20 + Col_20 + + + + + + + + + Document Directory + Document Dir + Directory for documents from the application server + Directory to store documents by the application server. The path/directory is accessed by the application server and may not be accessible to clients. + + + + + + + Invoice Mail Text + Invoice Mail Text + Email text used for sending invoices + Standard email template used to send invoices as attachments. + + + + + + + Order Mail Text + Order Mail Text + Email text used for sending order acknowledgements or quotations + Standard email template used to send acknowledgements or quotations as attachments. + + + + + + + Remittance Mail Text + Remittance Mail Text + Email text used for sending payment remittances + Standard email template used to send remittances as attachments. + + + + + + + Send EMail + Send EMail + Enable sending Document EMail + Send emails with document attached (e.g. Invoice, Delivery Note, etc.) + + + + + + + Shipment Mail Text + Shipment Mail Text + Email text used for sending delivery notes + Standard email template used to send delivery notes as attachments. + + + + + + + Expired Guarantee Mail + Expired Guarantee Mail + Send email to partners with expired guarantee + + + + + + + + Recreate Data + Recreate + Delete first and recalculate + + + + + + + + Level no + Level no + + + + + + + + + List Sources + List Sources + List Report Line Sources + List the Source Accounts for Summary Accounts selected + + + + + + + List Transactions + List Trx + List the report transactions + List the transactions of the report source lines + + + + + + + Col_0 + Col_0 + + + + + + + + + Balance + Balance + + + + + + + + + Print Label Suffix + Label Suffix + The label text to be printed on a document or correspondence after the field + The Label to be printed indicates the name that will be printed on a document or correspondence after the field. The max length is 60 characters. + + + + + + + Account Negara + Negara + Country + Account Country Name + + + + + + + Web Parameter 1 + WebParam1 + Web Site Parameter 1 (default: header image) + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam1 - By default, it is positioned on the upper left side with 130 pixel width. + + + + + + + Web Parameter 2 + WebParam2 + Web Site Parameter 2 (default index page) + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam2 - By default, it is positioned after the header on the web store index page. + + + + + + + Web Parameter 3 + WebParam3 + Web Site Parameter 3 (default left - menu) + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam3 - By default, it is positioned at the end in the menu column with 130 pixel width. + + + + + + + Web Parameter 4 + WebParam 4 + Web Site Parameter 4 (default footer left) + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam4 - By default, it is positioned on the left side of the footer with 130 pixel width. + + + + + + + Web Order EMail + Web Order EMail + EMail address to receive notifications when web orders were processed + When processig a web order, a confirmation is sent to the EMail addess of the customer from the request EMail address copying this email address when entered. + + + + + + + Invoice Payment Schedule + Invoice Pay Schedule + Invoice Payment Schedule + The Invoice Payment Schedule determines when partial payments are due. + + + + + + + Payment Schedule + Payment Schedule + Payment Schedule Template + Information when parts of the payment are due + + + + + + + Counter + Counter + Count Value + Number counter + + + + + + + Discount Date + Discount Date + Last Date for payments with discount + Last Date where a deduction of the payment discount is allowed + + + + + + + Amount due + Amount due + Amount of the payment due + Full amount of the payment due + + + + + + + Tanggal Jatuh Tempo + Due Date + Date when the payment is due + Date when the payment is due without deductions or discount + + + + + + + Valid + Valid + Element is valid + The element passed the validation check + + + + + + + Net Day + Net Day + Day when payment is due net + When defined, overwrites the number of net days with the relative number of days to the the day defined. + + + + + + + Percentage + Percentage + Percent of the entire amount + Percentage of an amount (up to 100) + + + + + + + Target URL + Target URL + URL for the Target + URL of the Target Site + + + + + + + Basket Line + Basket Line + Web Basket Line + Temporary Web Basket Line + + + + + + + Web Click + Web Click + Individual Web Click + Web Click Datails + + + + + + + Click Count + Click Ccount + Web Click Management + Web Click Management + + + + + + + Counter Count + Counter Count + Web Counter Count Management + Web Counter Information + + + + + + + Multiplier AP + Multiplier AP + Payables Multiplier + + + + + + + + Guarantee Date + Guarantee Date + Product has Guarantee or Expiry Date + For individual products, you can define a guarantee or expiry date + + + + + + + Instance Attribute + Instance Attribute + The product attribute is specific to the instance (like Serial No, Lot or Guarantee Date) + If selected, the individual instance of the product has this attribute - like the individual Serial or Lot Numbers or Guarantee Date of a product instance. If not selected, all instances of the product share the attribute (e.g. color=green). + + + + + + + Lot + Lot + The product instances have a Lot Number + For individual products, you can define Lot Numbers + + + + + + + Serial No + Serial No + The product instances have Serial Numbers + For individual products, you can define Serial Numbers + + + + + + + Attribute + Attribute + Product Attribute + Product Attribute like Color, Size + + + + + + + Attribute Set + Attribute Set + Product Attribute Set + Define Product Attribute Sets to add additional attributes and values to the product. You need to define a Attribute Set if you want to enable Serial and Lot Number tracking. + + + + + + + Attribute Set Instance + Attribute Set Instance + Product Attribute Set Instance + The values of the actual Product Attributes + + + + + + + Attribute Value + Attribute Value + Product Attribute Value + Individual value of a product attribute (e.g. green, large, ..) + + + + + + + Lot + Lot + Product Lot Definition + The individual Lot of a Product + + + + + + + Lot Control + Lot Control + Product Lot Control + Definition to create Lot numbers for Products + + + + + + + Serial No Control + Serial No Control + Product Serial Number Control + Definition to create Serial numbers for Products + + + + + + + Attribute Search + Attribute Search + Common Search Attribute + Attributes are specific to a Product Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple attributes and want to search under a common sttribute, you define a search sttribute. Example: have one Size search attribute combining the values of all different sizes (Size for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The Attribute Search allows you to have all values available for selection. This eases the maintenance of the individual product attribute. + + + + + + + Included Tab + Included Tab + Included Tab in this Tab (Master Dateail) + You can include a Tab in a Tab. If displayed in single row record, the included tab is displayed as multi-row table. + + + + + + + Print Label + Print Label + Label Format to print + Format for printing Labels + + + + + + + Print Label Line + Label Line + Print Label Line Format + Format of the line on a Label + + + + + + + Session + Session + User Session Online or Web + Online or Web Session Information + + + + + + + BOM Type + BOM Type + Type of BOM Part + Type of Bill of Materials Part. A Standard Part (default) is always included in a BOM. An Optional Part can be selected in "Drop BOM". If a Part is member of one of the alternative groups, you can select one part in that group in the "Drop BOM" functionaly (example: either 64/256/512 MB Memory). + + + + + + + Partner Parent + Partner Parent + Business Partner Parent + The parent (organization) of the Business Partner for reporting purposes. + + + + + + + Standard Phase + Std Phase + Standard Phase of the Project Type + Phase of the project with standard performance information with standard work + + + + + + + Project Type + Project Type + Type of the project + Type of the project with optional phases of the project with standard performance information + + + + + + + Recurring + Recurring + Recurring Document + Recurring Documents + + + + + + + Recurring Run + Recurring Run + Recurring Document Run + History of Recurring Document Generation + + + + + + + Committed Quantity + Committed Qty + The (legal) commitment Quantity + The commitment amount is independent from the planned amount. You would use the planned amount for your realistic estimation, which might be higher or lower than the commitment amount. + + + + + + + Copy From + Copy From + Copy From Record + Copy From Record + + + + + + + Download URL + Download URL + URL of the Download files + Semicolon separated list of URLs to be downloaded or distributed + + + + + + + Invoice Partner + Invoice Partner + Business Partner to be invoiced + If empty the shipment business partner will be invoiced + + + + + + + Invoice Location + Invoice Location + Business Partner Location for invoicing + + + + + + + + Invoice Contact + Invoice Contact + Business Partner Contact for invoicing + + + + + + + + Generate Order + Generate Order + Generate Order + + + + + + + + Import Inventory + Import Inventory + Import Inventory Transactions + + + + + + + + Jumlah Yang Telah Di-Invoice + Invoiced Amount + The amount invoiced + The amount invoiced + + + + + + + Invoiced Quantity + Invoiced Quantity + The Quantity Invoiced + + + + + + + + Maintain Change Log + Change Log + Maintain a log of changes + If selected, a log of all changes is maintained. + + + + + + + Selesai + Complete + Sudah Selesai + Indication that this is complete + + + + + + + Label Format Type + Label Format Type + Label Format Type + + + + + + + + Label Height + Label Height + Height of the label + Physical height of the label + + + + + + + Label Width + Label Width + Width of the Label + Physical Width of the Label + + + + + + + Printer Name + Printer Name + Name of the Printer + Internal (Opereating System) Name of the Printer; Please mote that the printer name may be different on different clients. Enter a printer name, which applies to ALL clients (e.g. printer on a server). <p> +If none is entered, the default printer is used. You specify your default printer when you log in. You can also change the default printer in Preferences. + + + + + + + Project Mail Text + Project Mail Text + Standard text for Project EMails + Standard text for Project EMails + + + + + + + Project Print Format + Project Print Format + Standard Project Print Format + Standard Project Print Format + + + + + + + Project Balance + Project Balance + Total Project Balance + The project balance is the sum of all invoices and payments + + + + + + + Recurring Type + Recurring Type + Type of Recurring Document + The type of document to be generated + + + + + + + Maximum Runs + Max Runs + Number of recurring runs + Number of recurring documents to be generated in total + + + + + + + Remaining Runs + Remaining Runs + Number of recurring runs remaining + Number of recurring documents to be still generated + + + + + + + Standard Quantity + Standard Quantity + Standard Quantity + + + + + + + + Web Session + Web Session + Web Session ID + + + + + + + + Change Log + Change Log + Log of data changes + Log of data changes + + + + + + + Advertisement Text + Ad Text + Text of the Advertisement + The text of the advertisement with optional HTML tags. The HTML tags are not checked for correctness and may impact the remaining page. + + + + + + + Self-Service + Self-Service + This is a Self-Service entry or this entry can be changed via Self-Service + Self-Service allows users to enter data or update their data. The flag indicates, that this record was entered or created via Self-Service or that the user can change it via the Self-Service functionality. + + + + + + + Log + Log + + + + + + + + + New Value + New Value + New field value + New data entered in the field + + + + + + + Old Value + Old Value + The old file data + Old data overwritten in the field + + + + + + + Process ID + P ID + + + + + + + + + Process Message + P Msg + + + + + + + + + Advertisement + Advertisement + Web Advertisement + Advertisement on the Web + + + + + + + Warehouse Key + Warehouse Key + Key of the Warehouse + Key to identify the Warehouse + + + + + + + Cost Type + Cost Type + Type of Cost + + + + + + + + Org Assignment + Org Assignment + Assigment to (transaction) Organization + Assignment to the transacation organization (cost center). + + + + + + + Project Phase + Project Phase + Phase of a Project + + + + + + + + Project Task + Project Task + Actual Project Task in a Phase + A Project Task in a Project Phase represents the actual work. + + + + + + + Standard Task + Standard Task + Standard Project Type Task + Standard Project Task in a Project Phase with standard effort + + + + + + + Kuantitas yang Dibebankan + Chargeable Qty + + + + + + + + + Commitment is Ceiling + Commit ceiling + The commitment amount/quantity is the chargeable ceiling + The commitment amount and quantity is the maximum amount and quantity to be charged. Ignored, if the amount or quantity is zero. + + + + + + + Exclude + Exclude + Exclude access to the data - if not selected Include access to the data + If selected (excluded), the role cannot access the data specified. If not selected (included), the role can ONLY access the data specified. Exclude items represent a negative list (i.e. you don't have access to the listed items). Include items represent a positive list (i.e. you only have access to the listed items). +<br>You would usually not mix Exclude and Include. If you have one include rule in your list, you would only have access to that item anyway. + + + + + + + Time Type + Time Type + Type of time recorded + Differentiate time types for reporting purposes (In parallel to Activities) + + + + + + + Kunci Account + Account Key + Key of Account Element + + + + + + + + Nama Skema Account + AcctSchema Name + Name of the Accounting Schema + + + + + + + + Post Processing + Post Processing + Process SQL after executing the query + Could be Update/Delete/etc. statement + + + + + + + Pre Processing + Pre Processing + Process SQL before executing the query + Could be Update/Delete/etc. statement + + + + + + + Alert + Alert + Adempiere Alert + Adempiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted of + + + + + + + Alert Rule + Alert Rule + Definition of the alert element + + + + + + + + Alert Subject + Alert Subject + Subject of the Alert + The subject of the email message sent for the alert + + + + + + + Alert Message + Alert Message + Message of the Alert + The message of the email sent for the alert + + + + + + + Bank Account No + Bank Account No + Bank Account Number + + + + + + + + Batch Description + Batch Description + Description of the Batch + + + + + + + + Batch Document No + Batch Document No + Document Number of the Batch + + + + + + + + Business Partner Key + Business Partner Key + Key of the Business Partner + + + + + + + + Nama Kategori + Category Name + Name of the Category + + + + + + + + Nama Beban + Charge Name + Name of the Charge + + + + + + + + Client Key + Client Key + Key of the Client + + + + + + + + Document Type Name + DocType Name + Name of the Document Type + + + + + + + + Enforce Client Security + Enforce Client Security + Send alerts to recipient only if the client security rules of the role allows + + + + + + + + Enforce Role Security + Enforce Role Security + Send alerts to recipient only if the data security rules of the role allows + + + + + + + + Sql FROM + From Clause + SQL FROM clause + The Select Clause indicates the SQL FROM clause to use for selecting the record for a measure calculation. It can have JOIN clauses. Do not include the FROM itself. + + + + + + + Import Bank Statement + Import Bank Statement + Import of the Bank Statement + + + + + + + + Import GL Journal + Import GL Journal + Import General Ledger Journal + + + + + + + + Import Order + Import Order + Import Orders + + + + + + + + Import Payment + Import Payment + Import Payment + + + + + + + + Invoice Document No + Invoice Document No + Document Number of the Invoice + + + + + + + + Delayed Capture + Delayed Capture + Charge after Shipment + Delayed Capture is required, if you ship products. The first credit card transaction is the Authorization, the second is the actual transaction after the shipment of the product. + + + + + + + Line Description + Line Description + Description of the Line + + + + + + + + Locator Key + Locator Key + Key of the Warehouse Locator + + + + + + + + Freight + Freight + Freight Rate + Freight Rate for Shipper + + + + + + + Freight Category + Freight Category + Category of the Freight + Freight Categories are used to calculate the Freight for the Shipper selected + + + + + + + Memo + Memo + Memo Text + + + + + + + + No Packages + No Packages + Number of packages shipped + + + + + + + + Trx Org Key + Trx Org Key + Key of the Transaction Organization + + + + + + + + Org Key + Org Key + Key of the Organization + + + + + + + + Payment Term Key + Payment Term Key + Key of the Payment Term + + + + + + + + Pick Date + Pick Date + Date/Time when picked for Shipment + + + + + + + + Project Key + Project Key + Key of the Project + + + + + + + + Authorization Code (DC) + Authorization Code (DC) + Authorization Code Delayed Capture returned + The Authorization Code indicates the code returned from the electronic transmission. + + + + + + + CVV Match + CVV Match + Credit Card Verification Code Match + The Credit Card Verification Code was matched + + + + + + + Reference (DC) + Reference (DC) + Payment Reference Delayed Capture + The Payment Reference indicates the reference returned from the Credit Card Company for a payment + + + + + + + Release No + Release No + Internal Release Number + + + + + + + + Ship Date + Ship Date + Shipment Date/Time + Actual Date/Time of Shipment (pick up) + + + + + + + Internal Users + Internal Users + Number of Internal Users for Adempiere Support + You can purchase professioal support from ComPiere, Inc. or their partners. See http://www.adempiere.com for details. + + + + + + + + Swipe + Swipe + Track 1 and 2 of the Credit Card + Swiped information for Credit Card Presence Transactions + + + + + + + Tracking No + Tracking No + Number to track the shipment + + + + + + + + Tracking URL + Tracking URL + URL of the shipper to track shipments + The variable @TrackingNo@ in the URL is replaced by the actual tracking number of the shipment. + + + + + + + Import Invoice + Import Invoice + Import Invoice + + + + + + + + Replication + Replication + Data Replication Target + Data Replication Target Details. Maintained on the central server. + + + + + + + Replication Log + Replication Log + Data Replication Log Details + Data Replication Run Log + + + + + + + Replication Run + Replication Run + Data Replication Run + Data Replication Run information + + + + + + + Replication Strategy + Replication Strategy + Data Replication Strategy + The Data Replication Strategy determines what and how tables are replicated + + + + + + + Replication Table + Replication Table + Data Replication Strategy Table Info + Determines how the table is replicated + + + + + + + Replicated + Replicated + The data is successfully replicated + The data replication was successful. + + + + + + + PO Window + PO Window + Purchase Order Window + Window for Purchase Order (AP) Zooms + + + + + + + Replication Type + Replication Type + Type of Data Replication + The Type of data Replication determines the directon of the data replication. <br> +Reference means that the data in this system is read only -> <br> +Local means that the data in this system is not replicated to other systems - <br> +Merge means that the data in this system is synchronized with the other system <-> <br> + + + + + + + + Public + Public + Public can read entry + If selected, public users can read/view the entry. Public are users without a Role in the system. Use security rules for more specic access control. + + + + + + + Public Write + Public Write + Public can write entries + If selected, public users can write/create entries. Public are users without a Role in the system. Use security rules for more specic access control. + + + + + + + Knowledge Category + Category + Knowledge Category + Set up knowledge categories and values as a search aid. Examples are Release Version, Product Area, etc. Knowledge Category values act like keyworks. + + + + + + + Nilai Kategori + Value + The value of the category + The value of the category is a keyword + + + + + + + Entry Comment + Comment + Knowledge Entry Comment + Comment regarding a knowledge entry + + + + + + + Entry + Entry + Knowledge Entry + The searchable Knowledge Entry + + + + + + + Related Entry + Related Entry + Related Entry for this Enntry + Related Knowlege Entry for this Knowledge Entry + + + + + + + Knowledge Source + Knowledge Source + Source of a Knowledge Entry + The Source of a Knowlegde Entry is a pointer to the originating system. The Knowledge Entry has an additional entry (Description URL) for more detailed info. + + + + + + + Knowledge Synonym + Knowledge Synonym + Knowlege Keyword Synonym + Search Synonyms for Knowledge Keywords; Example: Product = Item + + + + + + + Knowledge Topic + Topic + Knowledge Topic + Topic or Discussion Thead + + + + + + + Knowldge Type + Type + Knowledge Type + Area of knowlege - A Type has multiple Topics + + + + + + + Keywords + Keywords + List of Keywords - separated by space, comma or semicolon + List if individual keywords for search relevancy. The keywords are separated by space, comma or semicolon. + + + + + + + Synonym Name + Synonym Name + The synonym for the name + The synonym broadens the search + + + + + + + Tunnel via HTTP + Tunnel via HTTP + Connect to Server via HTTP Tunnel + If selected, the connection to the server is via a HTTP tunnel, otherwise it uses an RMI/JNP connection + + + + + + + Test + Test + Execute in Test Mode + + + + + + + + ID Range End + ID End + End if the ID Range used + The ID Range allows to restrict the range of the internally used IDs. Please note that the ID range is NOT enforced. + + + + + + + ID Range Start + ID Start + Start of the ID Range used + The ID Range allows to restrict the range of the internally used IDs. The standard rages are 0-899,999 for the Application Dictionary 900,000-999,999 for Application Dictionary customizations/extensions and > 1,000,000 for client data. The standard system limit is 9,999,999,999 but can easily be extended. The ID range is on a per table basis. +Please note that the ID range is NOT enforced. + + + + + + + Remote Client + Remote Client + Remote Client to be used to replicate / synchronize data with. + The remote client used for data replication. + + + + + + + Remote Organization + Remote Org + Remote Organization to be used to replicate / synchronize data with. + The remote organization used for data replication. If not selected, all organizations are replicated/synchronized. + + + + + + + Language ID + Language ID + + + + + + + + + Proyek + Project + Name of the Project + + + + + + + + Project Phase + Project Phase + Name of the Project Phase + + + + + + + + Project Type + Project Type + Name of the Project Type + + + + + + + + Cycle Name + Cycle + Name of the Project Cycle + + + + + + + + Cycle Step Name + Cycle Step + Name of the Prohect Cycle Step + + + + + + + + SO/PO Type + SO/PO Type + Sales Tax applies to sales situations, Purchase Tax to purchase situations + Sales Tax: charged when selling - examples: Sales Tax, Output VAT (payable) +Purchase Tax: tax charged when purchasing - examples: Use Tax, Input VAT (receivable) + + + + + + + Only Validate Data + Validate Only + Validate the date and do not process + + + + + + + + Import only if No Errors + Import No Errors + Only start the import, if there are no validation Errors + + + + + + + + Document Org + Document Org + Document Organization (independent from account organization) + + + + + + + + Journal Document No + Journal Doc No + Document number of the Journal + + + + + + + + Attach Asset + Attach Asset + Attach Asset to be delivered per email + + + + + + + + Delivery Count + Delivery Count + Number of Deliveries + + + + + + + + Web Store Info + Web Info + Web Store Header Information + Display HTML Info in the Web Store - by default in the header. + + + + + + + + Web Parameter 5 + Web Param 5 + Web Site Parameter 5 (default footer center) + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam5 - By default, it is positioned in the center of the footer. + + + + + + + Web Parameter 6 + Web Parm 6 + Web Site Parameter 6 (default footer right) + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam6 - By default, it is positioned on the right side of the footer. + + + + + + + Minimum Amt + Minimum Amt + Minumum Amout in Document Currency + + + + + + + + Project Issue + Project Issue + Project Issues (Material, Labor) + Issues to the project initiated by the "Issue to Project" process. You can issue Receipts, Time and Expenses, or Stock. + + + + + + + Project Category + Project Category + Project Category + The Project Category determines the behavior of the project: +General - no special accounting, e.g. for Presales or general tracking +Service - no special accounting, e.g. for Service/Charge projects +Work Order - creates Project/Job WIP transactions - ability to issue material +Asset - create Project Asset transactions - ability to issue material + + + + + + + + Order Pembelian + Purchase Order + Purchase Order + + + + + + + + Status Kredit + Credit Status + Business Partner Credit Status + Credit Management is inactive if Credit Status is No Credit Check, Credit Stop or if the Credit Limit is 0. +If active, the status is set automatically set to Credit Hold, if the Total Open Balance (including Vendor activities) is higher then the Credit Limit. It is set to Credit Watch, if above 90% of the Credit Limit and Credit OK otherwise. + + + + + + + Consolidate to one Document + Consolidate + Consilidate Lines into one Document + + + + + + + + Hanya Penjelasan + Description + if true, the line is just description and no transaction + If a line is Description Only, e.g. Product Inventory is not corrected. No accounting transactions are created and the amount or totals are not included in the document. This for including descriptional detail lines, e.g. for an Work Order. + + + + + + + Pricing + Pricing + + + + + + + + + Tutup Dokumen + Close + Close Document (process) + + + + + + + + Label printer + Label printer + Label Printer Definition + + + + + + + + Label printer Function + Label printer Function + Function of Label Printer + + + + + + + + System Registration + Registration + System Registration + The System Registration helps Adempiere to help the installed base + + + + + + + Email verification + Email verify + Verification of EMail Address + The field contains the date the EMail Address has been verified + + + + + + + Encryption Key + Encryption Key + Encryption Key used for securing data content + Please note that changing the key will make ALL previously encrypted data unreadable. + + + + + + + Footer Center + Footer Center + Content of the center portion of the footer. + + + + + + + + Footer Left + Footer Left + Content of the left portion of the footer. + + + + + + + + Footer Right + Footer Right + Content of the right portion of the footer. + + + + + + + + Function Prefix + Function Prefix + Data sent before the function + + + + + + + + Function Suffix + Function Suffix + Data sent after the function + + + + + + + + Min Guarantee Days + Min Guarantee + Minumum number of guarantee days + When selecting batch/products with a guarantee date, the minimum left guarantee days for automatic picking. You can pick any batch/product manually. + + + + + + + Header Center + Header Center + Content of the center portion of the header. + + + + + + + + Header Left + Header Left + Content of the left portion of the header. + + + + + + + + Header Right + Header Right + Content of the right portion of the header. + + + + + + + + Industry Info + Industry Info + Information of the industry (e.g. professional service, distribution of furnitures, ..) + Description if the industry ad precise as possible. + + + + + + + Inventory Type + Inventory Type + Type of inventory difference + The type of inventory difference determines which account is used. The default is the Inventory Difference account defined for the warehouse. Alternatively, you could select any charge. This allows you to account for Internal Use or extraordinary inventory losses. + + + + + + + Dapat Dipublikasikan + Allow Publish + You allow to publish the information, not just statistical summary info + + + + + + + + Can Export + Can Export + Users with this role can export data + You can restrict the ability to export data from Adempiere. + + + + + + + Can Report + Can Report + Users with this role can create reports + You can restrict the ability to report on data. + + + + + + + In Production + In Production + The system is in production + + + + + + + + Calculate Maximim (↑) + Calc Max + Calculate the maximim amount + Calculate the Maximum (↑) of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise maximum length of the field. + + + + + + + Calculate Minimum (↓) + Calc Min + Calculate the minimum amount + Calculate the Minimum (↓) of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise minimum length of the field. + + + + + + + Personal Access + Personal Access + Allow access to all personal records + Users of this role have access to all records locked as personal. + + + + + + + Personal Lock + Personal Lock + Allow users with role to lock access to personal records + If enabled, the user with the role can prevent access of others to personal records. If a record is locked, only the user or people who can read personal locked records can see the record. + + + + + + + Registered + Registered + The application is registered. + + + + + + + + Running Total + Running Total + Create a running total (sum) + A running total creates a sum at the end of a page and on the top of the next page for all colums, which have a Sum function. You should define running total only once per format. + + + + + + + Show Accounting + Show Accounting + Users with this role can see accounting information + This allows to prevent access to any accounting information. + + + + + + + XY Position + XY Position + The Function is XY position + This function positions for the next print operation + + + + + + + Line Total + Line Total + Total line amount incl. Tax + Total line amount + + + + + + + Obscure + Obscure + Type of obscuring the data (limiting the display) + + + + + + + + Platform Info + Platform + Information about Server and Client Platform + Include information on Server, Network [Operating System, RAM, Disk, CPUs] and (number of) Clients. + + + + + + + Running Total Lines + RT Lines + Create Running Total Lines (page break) every x lines + When you want to print running totals, enter the number of lines per page after you want to create a running total line and page break. You should define running total only once per format. + + + + + + + XY Separator + XY Separator + The separator between the X and Y function. + + + + + + + + Issue Description + Issue Description + Description of the Issue line + + + + + + + + Issue Line + Issue Line + Line number of the issue + + + + + + + + Line Margin + Line Margin + Margin of the line - Planned Amount minus Costs + + + + + + + + Tipe Akses + Access Type + The type of access for this rule + If you restrict Access to the entity, you also cannot Report or Export it (i.e. to have access is a requirement that you can report or export the data). The Report and Export rules are further restrictions if you have access. + + + + + + + Dependent Entities + Dependent Entities + Also check access in dependent entities + Also dependent entities are included. Please be aware, that enabling this rule has severe consequences and that this is only wanted in some circumstances. +<p>Example Rule: "Include Payment Term Immediate with Dependent Entities" +<br>Primary effect: users with this role can only select the payment term Immediate +<br>Secondary effect (dependent entities): users with this role can see only invoices/orders with the payment term immediate. + + + + + + + Character Data + Character Data + Long Character Field + + + + + + + + Create Payment + Create Payment + + + + + + + + + EFT Memo + EFT Memo + Electronic Funds Transfer Memo + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Payee + EFT Payee + Electronic Funds Transfer Payee information + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Payee Account + EFT Payee Account + Electronic Funds Transfer Payyee Account Information + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Reference + EFT Reference + Electronic Funds Transfer Reference + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Trx ID + EFT Trx ID + Electronic Funds Transfer Transaction ID + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Trx Type + EFT Trx Type + Electronic Funds Transfer Transaction Type + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + Good for Days + Good Days + Shelf Life Days remaning to Guarantee Date (minus minimum guarantee days) + Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance compared to today minus the minimum guaranteed days. +(Guarantee Date-Today) – Min Guarantee Days + + + + + + + Available Quantity + Qty Available + Available Quantity (On Hand - Reserved) + Quantity available to promise = On Hand minus Reserved Quantity + + + + + + + Remaining Shelf Life % + Rem Shelf Life % + Remaining shelf life in percent based on Guarantee Date + (Guarantee Date-Today) / Guarantee Days + + + + + + + Min Shelf Life % + Min Shelf Life % + Minimum Shelf Life in percent based on Product Instance Guarantee Date + Miminum Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance. If > 0 you cannot select products with a shelf life ((Guarantee Date-Today) / Guarantee Days) less than the minum shelf life, unless you select "Show All" + + + + + + + Jatuh Tempo Hari Ini + Due Today + + + + + + + + + J. Tempo Hari Ini -30 + Due Today-30 + + + + + + + + + J. Tempo Hari Ini -7 + Due Today-7 + + + + + + + + + J. Tempo 1-7 + Due 1-7 + + + + + + + + + J. Tempo 31-60 + Due 31-60 + + + + + + + + + J. Tempo > 31 + Due > 31 + + + + + + + + + J. Tempo 61-90 + Due 61-90 + + + + + + + + + J. Tempo > 61 + Due > 61 + + + + + + + + + J. Tempo 8-30 + Due 8-30 + + + + + + + + + J. Tempo > 91 + Due > 91 + + + + + + + + + Past Due 1-30 + Past Due 1-30 + + + + + + + + + Past Due 1-7 + Past Due 1-7 + + + + + + + + + Past Due 31-60 + Past Due 31-60 + + + + + + + + + Past Due > 31 + Past Due > 31 + + + + + + + + + Past Due 61-90 + Past Due 61-90 + + + + + + + + + Past Due > 61 + Past Due > 61 + + + + + + + + + Past Due 8-30 + Past Due 8-30 + + + + + + + + + Past Due > 91 + Past Due > 91 + + + + + + + + + Past Due + Past Due + + + + + + + + + List Invoices + List Invoices + Include List of Invoices + + + + + + + + Mandatory Guarantee Date + Mandatory Guarantee Date + The entry of a Guarantee Date is mandatory when creating a Product Instance + + + + + + + + Mandatory Lot + Mandatory Lot + The entry of Lot info is mandatory when creating a Product Instance + + + + + + + + Mandatory Serial No + Mandatory Serial No + The entry of a Serial No is mandatory when creating a Product Instance + + + + + + + + Min Shelf Life Days + Min Shelf Life Days + Minimum Shelf Life in days based on Product Instance Guarantee Date + Miminum Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance. If > 0 you cannot select products with a shelf life less than the minum shelf life, unless you select "Show All" + + + + + + + Shelf Life Days + Shelf Life Days + Shelf Life in days based on Product Instance Guarantee Date + Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance compared to today. + + + + + + + Partner Tax ID + BP Tax TD + Tax ID of the Business Partner + + + + + + + + Backordered + Backordered + Backordered Quantity + Calculated: ordered - delivered quantity + + + + + + + Strategi Alokasi + Allocation + Allocation Strategy + Allocation from incoming to outgoing transactions + + + + + + + Out Shipment Line + Out Shipment Line + Outgoing Shipment/Receipt + + + + + + + + Out Inventory Line + Out Inventory Line + Outgoing Inventory Line + + + + + + + + Out Production Line + Out Production Line + Outgoing Production Line + + + + + + + + Out Transaction + Out Transaction + Outgoing Transaction + + + + + + + + Calculate Deviation (σ) + Deviation + Calculate Standard Deviation + The Standard Deviation (σ) is the a measure of dispersion - used in combination with the Mean (μ) + + + + + + + Calculate Variance (σ²) + Variance + Calculate Variance + The Variance (σ²) is the a measure of dispersion - used in combination with the Mean (μ) + + + + + + + Featured in Web Store + Featured + If selected, the product is displayed in the inital or any empy search + In the display of products in the Web Store, the product is displayed in the inital view or if no search criteria are entered. To be displayed, the product must be in the price list used. + + + + + + + Tipe Mata Uang + Currency Type + Currency Conversion Rate Type + The Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define different type of rates, e.g. Spot, Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates. + + + + + + + Currency Type Key + Currency Conversion Type + Key value for the Currency Conversion Rate Type + The date type key for the conversion of foreign currency transactions + + + + + + + Warehouse + Warehouse + Warehouse Name + + + + + + + + Pay Schedule valid + Pay Schedule valid + Is the Payment Schedule is valid + Payment Schedules allow to have multiple due dates. + + + + + + + Branch ID + Branch ID + Bank Branch ID + Dependent on the loader, you may have to provide a bank branch ID + + + + + + + Bank Statement Loader + Bank Statement Loader + Definition of Bank Statement Loader (SWIFT, OFX) + The loader definition privides the parameters to load bank statements from EFT formats like SWIFT (MT940) or OFX + + + + + + + Format Tanggal + Date Format + Date format used in the imput format + The date format is usually detected, but sometimes need to be defined. + + + + + + + EFT Amount + EFT Amount + Electronic Funds Transfer Amount + + + + + + + + EFT Check No + EFT Check No + Electronic Funds Transfer Check No + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Currency + EFT Currency + Electronic Funds Transfer Currency + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Statement Date + EFT Statement Date + Electronic Funds Transfer Statement Date + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Statement Line Date + EFT Statement Line Date + Electronic Funds Transfer Statement Line Date + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Statement Reference + EFT Statement Reference + Electronic Funds Transfer Statement Reference + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Effective Date + EFT Effective Date + Electronic Funds Transfer Valuta (effective) Date + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + File Name + File Name + Name of the local file or URL + Name of a file in the local directory space - or URL (file://.., http://.., ftp://..) + + + + + + + Financial Institution ID + Financial Institution ID + The ID of the Financial Institution / Bank + Depending on the loader, it might require a ID of the financial institution + + + + + + + Payment Document No + Payment Document No + Document number of the Payment + + + + + + + + PIN + PIN + Personal Identification Number + + + + + + + + Statement Line Date + Statement Line Date + Date of the Statement Line + + + + + + + + Statement Loader Class + Statement Loader Class + Class name of the bank statement loader + The name of the actual bank statement loader implementing the interface org.compiere.impexp.BankStatementLoaderInterface + + + + + + + Create Reciprocal Rate + Create Reciprocal + Create Reciprocal Rate from current information + If selected, the imported USD->EUR rate is used to create/calculate the reciprocal rate EUR->USD. + + + + + + + Import Conversion Rate + Import Conversion Rate + Import Currency Conversion Rate + + + + + + + + ISO Currency To Code + ISO Currency To + Three letter ISO 4217 Code of the To Currency + For details - http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec09en.htm + + + + + + + User Substitute + User Substitute + Substitute of the user + A user who can act for another user. + + + + + + + Parent Organization + Parent Org + Parent (superior) Organization + Parent Organization - the next level in the organizational hierarchy. + + + + + + + Aktifitas Alur Kerja + Aktifitas Alur Kerja + Workflow Activity + The Workflow Activity is the actual Workflow Node in a Workflow Process instance + + + + + + + Workflow Activity Result + Wf Activity Result + Result of the Workflow Process Activity + Activity Result of the execution of the Workflow Process Instrance + + + + + + + Workflow Block + Wf Block + Workflow Transaction Execution Block + A workflow execution block is optional and allows all work to be performed in a single transaction. If one step (node activity) fails, the entire work is rolled back. + + + + + + + Workflow Event Audit + Wf Event Audit + Workflow Process Activity Event Audit Information + History of chenges ov the Workflow Process Activity + + + + + + + Workflow Node Parameter + Wf Node Parameter + Workflow Node Execution Parameter + Parameter for the execution of the Workflow Node + + + + + + + Proses Alur Kerja + Proses Alur Kerja + Actual Workflow Process Instance + Instance of a workflow execution + + + + + + + Workflow Process Data + Wf Process Data + Workflow Process Context + Context information of the workflow process and activity + + + + + + + Workflow Responsible + Wf Responsible + Responsible for Workflow Execution + The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. + + + + + + + Attribute Name + Attribute Name + Name of the Attribute + Identifier of the attribute + + + + + + + Attribute Value + Attribute Value + Value of the Attribute + + + + + + + + Author + Author + Author/Creator of the Entity + + + + + + + + Cost + Cost + Cost information + + + + + + + + Duration + Duration + Normal Duration in Duration Unit + Expected (normal) Length of time for the execution + + + + + + + Duration Unit + Duration Unit + Unit of Duration + Unit to define the length of time for the execution + + + + + + + Finish Mode + Finish Mode + Workflow Activity Finish Mode + How the system operated at the end of an activity. Automatic implies return when the invoked applications finished control - Manual the user has to explicitly terminate the activity. + + + + + + + Duration Limit + Limit + Maximum Duration in Duration Unit + Maximum (critical) Duration for time management purposes (e.g. starting an escalation procedure, etc.) in Duration Units. + + + + + + + Responsible Type + Responsible Type + Type of the Responsibility for a workflow + Type how the responsible user for the execution of a workflow is determined + + + + + + + Start Mode + Start Mode + Workflow Activity Start Mode + How is the execution of an activity triggered. Automatic are triggered implicitly by the system, Manual explicitly by the User. + + + + + + + Subflow Execution + Subflow Execution + Mode how the sub-workflow is executed + + + + + + + + Transition Code + Transition Code + Code resulting in TRUE of FALSE + The transition is executed, if the code results in TRUE (or is empty) + + + + + + + Waiting Time + Waiting Time + Workflow Simulation Waiting time + Amount of time needed to prepare the performance of the task on Duration Units + + + + + + + Workflow State + Wf State + State of the execution of the workflow + + + + + + + + Working Time + Working Time + Workflow Simulation Execution Time + Amount of time the performer of the activity needs to perform the task in Duration Unit + + + + + + + Event Type + Event Type + Type of Event + + + + + + + + Join Element + Join Element + Semantics for multiple incoming Transitions + Semantics for multiple incoming Transitions for a Node/Activity. AND joins all concurrent threads - XOR requires one thread (no synchronization). + + + + + + + Split Element + Split Element + Semantics for multiple outgoing Transitions + Semantics for multiple outgoing Transitions for a Node/Activity. AND represents multiple concurrent threads - XOR represents the first transition with a true Transaition condition. + + + + + + + Publication Status + Publication Status + Status of Publication + Used for internal documentation + + + + + + + Registration + Registration + User Asset Registration + User Registration of an Asset + + + + + + + Registration Attribute + Registration Attribute + Asset Registration Attribute + Define the individual values for the Asset Registration + + + + + + + Tax Line Total + Line Total + Tax Line Total Amount + + + + + + + + Accounted Amount + Accounted + Amount Balance in Currency of Accounting Schema + + + + + + + + Source Amount + Source + Amount Balance in Source Currency + + + + + + + + Update Balances + UpdateBalances + Update Accounting Balances + + + + + + + + Maintenance Mode + Maintenance Mode + Language Maintenance Mode + + + + + + + + Terima Debit Langsung + Direct Debit + Accept Direct Debits (vendor initiated) + Accept Direct Debit transactions. Direct Debits are initiated by the vendor who has permission to deduct amounts from the payee's account. + + + + + + + Bank Statement Matcher + Bank Statement Matcher + Algorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments + An algorithm to find Business Partners, Invoices, Payments in imported Bank Statements + + + + + + + Match Statement + Match Statement + + + + + + + + + Header Stroke + Hdr Stroke + Width of the Header Line Stroke + The width of the header line stroke (line thickness) in Points. + + + + + + + Header Stroke Type + Hdr Stroke Type + Type of the Header Line Stroke + Type of the line printed + + + + + + + Paint Header Lines + Header Lines + Paint Lines over/under the Header Line + If selected, a line is painted above and below the header line using the stroke information + + + + + + + Line Stroke + Line Stroke + Width of the Line Stroke + The width of the line stroke (line thickness) in Points. + + + + + + + Line Stroke Type + Line Stroke Type + Type of the Line Stroke + Type of the line printed + + + + + + + Linked Organization + Linked Org + The Business Partner is another Organization for explicit Inter-Org transactions + The business partner is another organization in the system. So when performing transactions, the counter-document is created automatically. Example: You have BPartnerA linked to OrgA and BPartnerB linked to OrgB. If you create a sales order for BPartnerB in OrgA a purchase order is created for BPartnerA in OrgB. This allows to have explicit documents for Inter-Org transactions. + + + + + + + Organization Type + Org Type + Organization Type allows you to categorize your organizations + Organization Type allows you to categorize your organizations for reporting purposes + + + + + + + Scheduler + Scheduler + Schedule Processes + Schedule processes to be executed asynchronously + + + + + + + Scheduler Log + Scheduler Log + Result of the execution of the Scheduler + Result of the execution of the Scheduler + + + + + + + Workflow Processor + Workflow Processor + Workflow Processor Server + Workflow Processor Server + + + + + + + Workflow Processorl Log + Workflow Processor Log + Result of the execution of the Workflow Processor + Result of the execution of the Workflow Processor + + + + + + + Bid + Bid + Bid for a Topic + You can create a bid for a topic. Depening on the type, the highest bidder wins the Topic - or you participate in funding for a Topic. + + + + + + + Bid Comment + Bid Comment + Make a comment to a Bid Topic + Everyone can give comments concerning a Bid Topic - e.g. Questions, Suggestions + + + + + + + Buyer Funds + Buyer Funds + Buyer Funds for Bids on Topics + Available Funds (from Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds for Bids + + + + + + + Offer + Offer + Offer for a Topic + You can create an offer for a topic. + + + + + + + Seller Funds + Seller Funds + Seller Funds from Offers on Topics + Available Funds (for Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds from Offers + + + + + + + Topic + Topic + Auction Topic + Description of the item to sell or create. + + + + + + + Topic Category + Topic Category + Auction Topic Category + For an Auction Topic Type, define the different Categories used. + + + + + + + Topic Type + Topic Type + Auction Topic Type + The Auction Topic Type determines what kind of auction is used for a particular area + + + + + + + Accounting Processor + Accounting Processor + Accounting Processor/Server Parameters + Accounting Processor/Server Parameters + + + + + + + Accounting Processor Log + Acct Processor Log + Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor + Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor + + + + + + + Alert Processor + Alert Processor + Alert Processor/Server Parameter + Alert Processor/Server Parameter + + + + + + + Alert Processor Log + Alert Processor Log + Result of the execution of the Alert Processor + Result of the execution of the Alert Processor + + + + + + + Partner Relation + Partner Relation + Business Partner Relation + Business Partner Relation allow to maintain Third Party Relationship rules: who receives invoices for shipments or pays for invoices. + + + + + + + Related Partner + Related Partner + Related Business Partner + The related Business Partner Acts on behalf of the Business Partner - example the Related Partner pays invoices of the Business Partner - or we pay to the Related Partner for invoices received from the Business Partner + + + + + + + Related Partner Location + Related Partner Location + Location of the related Business Partner + + + + + + + + RfQ + RfQ + Request for Quotation + Request for Quotation to be sent out to vendors of a RfQ Topic. After Vendor selection, optionally create Sales Order or Quote for Customer as well as Purchase Order for Vendor(s) + + + + + + + RfQ Topic + RfQ Topic + Topic for Request for Quotations + A Request for Quotation Topic allows you to maintain a subscriber list of potential Vendors to respond to RfQs + + + + + + + RfQ Subscriber + RfQ Subscriber + Request for Quotation Topic Subscriber + Subcriber to invite to respond to RfQs + + + + + + + RfQ Line + RfQ Line + Request for Quotation Line + Request for Quotation Line + + + + + + + RfQ Line Quantity + RfQ Line Qty + Request for Quotation Line Quantity + You may request a quotation for different quantities + + + + + + + RfQ Response Line + RfQ Response Line + Request for Quotation Response Line + Request for Quotation Response Line from a potential Vendor + + + + + + + RfQ Response Line Qty + RfQ Response Line Qty + Request for Quotation Response Line Quantity + Request for Quotation Response Line Quantity from a potential Vendor + + + + + + + Subscription Delivery + Subscription Delivery + Optional Delivery Record for a Subscription + Record of deliveries for a subscription + + + + + + + Subscription + Subscription + Subscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renew + Subscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renew + + + + + + + Subscription Type + Subscription Type + Type of subscription + Subscription type and renewal frequency + + + + + + + Confirmed Quantity + Confirmed Qty + Confirmation of a received quantity + Confirmation of a received quantity + + + + + + + Create PO + Create PO + Create Purchase Order + + + + + + + + Create SO + Create SO + + + + + + + + + Response Date + Response Date + Date of the Response + Date of the Response + + + + + + + Work Complete + Work Complete + Date when work is (planned to be) complete + + + + + + + + Work Start + Work Start + Date when work is (planned to be) started + + + + + + + + Delivery Days + Delivery Days + Number of Days (planned) until Delivery + + + + + + + + Jatuh Tempo + Due + Subscription Renewal is Due + + + + + + + + Error + Error + An Error occured in the execution + + + + + + + + Internal + Internal + Internal Organization + + + + + + + + In Transit + In Transit + Movement is in transit + Material Movement is in transit - shipped, but not received. +The transaction is completed, if confirmed. + + + + + + + Invited Vendors Only + Invited Vendors + Only invited vendors can respond to an RfQ + The Request for Quotation is only visible to the invited vendors + + + + + + + Kuantitas Ditawarkan + Offer Qty + This quantity is used in the Offer to the Customer + When multiple quantities are used in an Request for Quotation, the selected Quantity is used for generating the offer. If none selected the lowest number is used. + + + + + + + Published + Published + The Topic is published and can be viewed + If not selected, the Topic is not visible to the general public. + + + + + + + Kuantitas Pembelian + Purchase Qty + This quantity is used in the Purchase Order to the Supplier + When multiple quantities are used in an Request for Quotation, the selected Quantity is used for generating the purchase order. If none selected the lowest number is used. + + + + + + + Quote All Quantities + Quote All Qty + Suppliers are requested to provide responses for all quantities + If selected, the response to the Request for Quotation needs to have a price for all Quantities + + + + + + + Quote Total Amt + Quote Total Amt + The respnse can have just the total amount for the RfQ + If not selected, the resonse must be provided per line + + + + + + + Responses Accepted + Responses Accepted + Are Resonses to the Request for Quotation accepted + If selected, responses for the RfQ are accepted + + + + + + + Selected Winner + Selected Winner + The resonse is the selected winner + The resonse is the selected winner. If selected on Response level, the line selections are ignored. + + + + + + + Willing to commit + Willing to commit + + + + + + + + + Days to keep Log + Days keep Log + Number of days to keep the log entries + Older Log entries may be deleted + + + + + + + Distribution List + Distribution List + Distribution Lists allow to distribute products to a selected list of partners + Distribution list contain business partners and a distribution quantity or ratio for creating Orders + + + + + + + Distribution List Line + Distribution List Line + Distribution List Line with Business Partner and Quantity/Percentage + The distribution can be based on Ratio, fixed quantity or both. +If the ratio and quantity is not 0, the quantity is calculated based on the ratio, but with the Quantity as a minimum. + + + + + + + Package + Package + Shipment Package + A Shipment can have one or more Packages. A Package may be individually tracked. + + + + + + + Package Line + Package Line + The detail content of the Package + Link to the shipment line + + + + + + + RMA + RMA + Return Material Authorization + A Return Material Authorization may be required to accept returns and to create Credit Memos + + + + + + + RMA Line + RMA Line + Return Material Authorization Line + Detail information about the returned goods + + + + + + + Minimum Quantity + Min Qty + Minimum quantity for the business partner + If a minimum quantity is defined, and the quantity is based on the percentage is lower, the minimum quantity is used. + + + + + + + Membership + Membership + Product used to deternine the price of the membership for the topic type + A topic can require to pay a membership fee. + + + + + + + Not Committed Aount + Not Committed Amt + Amount not committed yet + + + + + + + + Offer Amount + Offer Amt + Amount of the Offer + + + + + + + + Paid Until + Paid Until + Subscription is paid/valid until this date + + + + + + + + Default Parameter + Default Parameter + Default value of the parameter + The default value can be a variable like @#Date@ + + + + + + + Payment BPartner + Payment BPartner + Business Partner responsible for the payment + + + + + + + + Payment Location + Payment Location + Location of the Business Partner responsible for the payment + + + + + + + + Picked Quantity + Picked Quantity + + + + + + + + + Private Note + Private Note + Private Note - not visible to the other parties + + + + + + + + Publish RfQ + Publish RfQ + + + + + + + + + RfQ Type + RfQ Type + Request for Quotation Type + + + + + + + + Request Processor Log + Request Processor Log + Result of the execution of the Request Processor + Result of the execution of the Request Processor + + + + + + + Info Received + Info Received + Information of the receipt of the package (acknowledgement) + + + + + + + + Referenced Shipment + Ref Ship + + + + + + + + + Referenced Invoice + Ref Invoice + + + + + + + + + Referenced Invoice Line + Ref Invoice Line + + + + + + + + + Referenced Order + Ref Order + Reference to corresponding Sales/Purchase Order + Reference of the Sales Order Line to the corresponding Purchase Order Line or vice versa. + + + + + + + Related Product + Related Product + Related Product + + + + + + + + Related Product Type + Related Product Type + + + + + + + + + Renewal Date + Renewal Date + + + + + + + + + Scrapped Quantity + Scrapped Qty + The Quantity scrapped due to QA issues + + + + + + + + Target Quantity + Target Qty + Target Movement Quantity + The Quantity which should have been received + + + + + + + Details + Details + + + + + + + + + Text Message + Message + Text Message + + + + + + + + Topic Action + Topic Action + + + + + + + + + Topic Status + Topic Status + + + + + + + + + Tracking Info + Tracking Info + + + + + + + + + Auction Type + Auction Type + + + + + + + + + Decision date + Decision date + + + + + + + + + Referenced Shipment Line + Ref Ship Line + + + + + + + + + RfQ Response + RfQ Response + Request for Quotation Response from a potential Vendor + Request for Quotation Response from a potential Vendor + + + + + + + Create Single Order + Create Single Order + For all shipments create one Order + + + + + + + + Alert Recipient + Alert Recipient + Recipient of the Alert Notification + You can send the notifications to users or roles + + + + + + + Scheduler Recipient + Scheduler Recipient + Recipient of the Scheduler Notification + You can send the notifications to users or roles + + + + + + + Tax ZIP + Tax ZIP + Tax Postal/ZIP + For local tax, you may have to define a list of (ranges of) postal codes or ZIPs + + + + + + + Tanggal Dibutuhkan + Date Required + Date when required + + + + + + + + Requisition + Requisition + Material Requisition + + + + + + + + Requisition Line + Requisition Line + Material Requisition Line + + + + + + + + Day of the Month + Month Day + Day of the month 1 to 28/29/30/31 + + + + + + + + ZIP To + ZIP To + Postal code to + Conecutive range to + + + + + + + Ranking + Ranking + Relative Rank Number + One is the highest Rank + + + + + + + Schedule Type + Schedule Type + Type of schedule + Define the method how the next occurance is calculated + + + + + + + Day of the Week + Week Day + Day of the Week + + + + + + + + Copy Lines + Copy Lines + + + + + + + + + Attachment Note + Attachment Note + Personal Attachment Note + + + + + + + + Transition Condition + Condition + Workflow Node Transition Condition + Optional restriction of transition of one node to the next + + + + + + + Node Transition + Transition + Workflow Node Transition + The Next Nodes Tab defines the order or Nodes or Steps in a Workflow. + + + + + + + Validate Workflow + Validateworkflow + + + + + + + + + Wait Time + Wait Time + Time in minutes to wait (sleep) + Time in minutes to be suspended (sleep) + + + + + + + Workflow Key + Workflow + Key of the Workflow to start + + + + + + + + Drop Shipment + Drop Ship + Drop Shipments are sent from the Vendor directly to the Customer + Drop Shipments do not cause any Inventory reservations or movements as the Shipment is from the Vendor's inventory. The Shipment of the Vendor to the Customer must be confirmed. + + + + + + + Approve own Documents + Approve own + Users with this role can approve their own documents + If a user cannot approve their own documents (orders, etc.), it needs to be approved by someone else. + + + + + + + Selalu Bisa Diperbarui + Always Updateable + The column is always updateable, even if the record is not active or processed + If selected and if the winow / tab is not read only, you can always update the column. This might be useful for comments, etc. + + + + + + + GL Distribution + GL Distribution + General Ledger Distribution + If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is prorated based on the ratio of the lines. The distribution must be valid to be used. + + + + + + + GL Distribution Line + GL Distribution Line + General Ledger Distribution Line + If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is prorated based on the ratio of the lines. + + + + + + + Ratio + Ratio + Relative Ratio for Distributions + The relative weight of an distribution. If the total of all ratios is 100, it is the same as percent. + + + + + + + Total Ratio + Total Ratio + Total of relative weight in a distribution + The total relative weight of an distribution. If the total of all ratios is 100, it is the same as percent. + + + + + + + Elapsed Time ms + Elapsed Time + Elapsed Time in mili seconds + Elapsed Time in mili seconds + + + + + + + Invited + Invited + Date when (last) invitation was sent + + + + + + + + Send RfQ Invitation to Vendors + Send RfQ to Vendor + Send the RfQ Invitation to the Vendors + + + + + + + + Line Work Complete + Line Work Complete + Date when line work is (planned to be) complete + + + + + + + + Line Work Start + Line Work Start + Date when line work is (planned to be) started + + + + + + + + Line Delivery Days + Line Delivery Days + + + + + + + + + Line Help/Comment + Line Comment + + + + + + + + + Quantity Price + Harga Satuan + + + + + + + + + Quantity Ranking + Qty Ranking + + + + + + + + + Rank RfQ + Rank RfQ + + + + + + + + + End Wait + End Wait + End of sleep time + End of suspension (sleep) + + + + + + + Distribution Run + Distribution Run + Distribution Run create Orders to distribute products to a selected list of partners + Distribution Run defines how Orders are created based on Distribution Lists + + + + + + + Distribution Run Line + Distribution Run Line + Distribution Run Lines define Distribution List, the Product and Quantiries + The order amount is based on the greater of the minimums of the product or distribution list and the quantity based on the ratio. + + + + + + + Total Quantity + Total Qty + Total Quantity + + + + + + + + Start Implementation/Production + Start Implementation/Production + The day you started the implementation (if implementing) - or production (went life) with Adempiere + + + + + + + + Allow Statistics + Allow Statistics + Allow to transfer general statistics (number of clients, orgs, business partners, users, products, invoices) + Allow to transfer general statistics (number of clients, orgs, business partners, users, products, invoices) to get a better feeling for the size of the application. This information is not published. + + + + + + + Access Log + Access Log + Log of Access to the System + + + + + + + + Reply + Reply + Reply or Answer + + + + + + + + Counter Document + Counter Document + Counter Document Relationship + When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: a "Standard Order" creates a "Standard PO". +If you define a relationship here, you overwrite the default counter document type in the Document Type definition. This allows you to define a specific mapping. + + + + + + + Counter Document Type + Counter Doc Type + Generated Counter Document Type (To) + The Document Type of the generated counter document + + + + + + + Permintaan + Demand + Material Demand + Material Demand can be based on Forecast, Requisitions, Open Orders + + + + + + + Detail Permintaan + Demand Detail + Material Demand Line Source Detail + Source Link for Material Demand Lines + + + + + + + Demand Line + Demand Line + Material Demand Line + Demand for a product in a period + + + + + + + Forecast + Forecast + Material Forecast + Material Forecast + + + + + + + Forecast Line + Forecast Line + Forecast Line + Forecast of Product Qyantity by Period + + + + + + + Calculated Quantity + Calculated Qty + Calculated Quantity + + + + + + + + Std User Workflow + Std User Workflow + Standard Manual User Approval Workflow + If selected, only documents with an open status (drafted, in progress, approved, rejected, invalid) and standard user actions (prepare, complete, approve, reject) are allowed to continue. Use this to prevent having to define details on how automatic processes (unlock, invalidate, post, re-activate) and when the document is closed for normal user action (completed, waiting, closed, voided, reversed). + + + + + + + Invoice Tax ID + Invoice Tax ID + + + + + + + + + Invoice Partner Key + Invoice Partner Key + + + + + + + + + Invoice Address + Invoice Address + Address Used for Invoicing + + + + + + + + Invoice Contact Name + Invoice Contact Name + + + + + + + + + Invoice Name + Invoice Name + + + + + + + + + Invoice Name2 + Invoice Name2 + + + + + + + + + Invoice Phone + Invoice Phone + + + + + + + + + Invoice Title + Invoice Title + + + + + + + + + BP Name + BP Name + + + + + + + + + BP Name2 + BP Name2 + + + + + + + + + Best Response Amount + Best Response + Best Response Amount + Filled by Rank Response Process + + + + + + + Check Complete + Check Complete + + + + + + + + + Primary Tree Activity + Tree Activity + + + + + + + + + Primary Tree Campaign + Tree Campaign + + + + + + + + + Use Beta Functions + Use Beta + Enable the use of Beta Functionality + The exact scope of Beta Functionality is listed in the release note. It is usually not recommended to enable Beta functionality in production environments. + + + + + + + Default Counter Document + Default Counter Doc + The document type is the default counter document type + When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: when generating a Sales Order, use this Sales Order document type. +This default can be overwritten by defining explicit counter document relationships. + + + + + + + Batalkan Proses + Abort Process + Aborts the current process + + + + + + + + Confirmation Type + Confirm Type + Type of confirmation + + + + + + + + Create Confirm + Create Confirm + + + + + + + + + Pick/QA Confirmation + Pick/QA Confirm + Require Pick or QA Confirmation before processing + The processing of the Shipment (Receipt) requires Pick (QA) Confirmation. Note that shipments for automatic documents like POS/Warehouse Orders cannot have confirmations! + + + + + + + Ship/Receipt Confirmation + Ship/Receipt Confirm + Require Ship or Receipt Confirmation before processing + The processing of the Shipment (Receipt) requires Ship (Receipt) Confirmation. Note that shipments for automatic documents like POS/Warehouse Orders cannot have confirmations! + + + + + + + Ship/Receipt Confirmation + Ship/Receipt Confirm + Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation + Confirmation of Shipment or Receipt - Created from the Shipment/Receipt + + + + + + + Ship/Receipt Confirmation Line + Ship/Receipt Confirm Line + Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation Line + Confirmation details + + + + + + + Create Package + Create Package + + + + + + + + + Perbedaan + Difference + Difference Quantity + + + + + + + + Window Height + Win Height + + + + + + + + + Window Width + Win Width + + + + + + + + + RMA Type + RMA Type + Return Material Authorization Type + Types of RMA + + + + + + + Cancelled + Cancelled + The transaction was cancelled + + + + + + + + Ship Description + Ship Description + + + + + Receipt Decription + Receipt Description + + + Approval Amount + Approval Amt + Document Approval Amount + Approval Amount for Workflow + + + + + + + Baris Alokasi + Allocation Line + Allocation Line + Allocation of Cash/Payment to Invoice + + + + + + + Mandatory Type + Mandatory Type + The specification of a Product Attribute Instance is mandatory + + + + + + + + Price Invoiced + Price Invoiced + The priced invoiced to the customer (in the currency of the customer's AR price list) - 0 for default price + The invoiced price is derived from the Invoice Price entered and can be overwritten. If the price is 0, the default price on the customer's invoice is used. + + + + + + + Price Reimbursed + Price Reimbursed + The reimbursed price (in currency of the employee's AP price list) + The reimbursed price is derived from the converted price and can be overwritten when approving the expense report. + + + + + + + Quantity Reimbursed + Qty Reimbursed + The reimbursed quantity + The reimbursed quantity is derived from the entered quantity and can be overwritten when approving the expense report. + + + + + + + Difference Document + Difference Doc + Document type for generating in dispute Shipments + If the confirmation contains differences, the original document is split allowing the original document (shipment) to be processed and updating Inventory - and the newly created document for handling the dispute at a later time. Until the confirmation is processed, the inventory is not updated. + + + + + + + In Dispute + In Dispute + Document is in dispute + The document is in dispute. Use Requests to track details. + + + + + + + B.Partner Flat Discount + Partner Flat Discount + Use flat discount defined on Business Partner Level + For calculation of the discount, use the discount defined on Business Partner Level + + + + + + + Create Counter Document + Create Counter + Create Counter Document + If selected, create specified counter document. If not selected, no counter document is created for the document type. + + + + + + + Authorize via LDAP + LDAP authorized + Authorize via LDAP (directory) services + The user is authorized via LDAP. If LDAP authorization cannot be obtained, access is refused - the password is ignored for local access. + + + + + + + Split when Difference + Split Difference + Split document when there is a difference + If the confirmation contains differences, the original document is split allowing the original document (shipment) to be processed and updating Inventory - and the newly created document for handling the dispute at a later time. Until the confirmation is processed, the inventory is not updated. + + + + + + + LDAP Port + LDAP port + Port for the LDAP (directory) service + The default port for LDAP directory service is 389 + + + + + + + LDAP Query + LDAPQuery + Directory service query string + + + + + + + + LDAP Host + LDAP Host + Name or IP of the LDAP Server + Name or IP Address of the LDAP directory service server + + + + + + + Move Confirm + Move Confirm + Inventory Move Confirmation + The document is automatically created when the document type of the movement indicates In Transit. + + + + + + + Move Line Confirm + Move Line Confirm + Inventory Move Line Confirmation + + + + + + + + Beta Functionality + Beta Functionality + This functionality is considered Beta + Beta functionality is not fully tested or completed. + + + + + + + Alamat 3 + Alamat 3 + Address Line 3 for the location + The Address 2 provides additional address information for an entity. It can be used for building location, apartment number or similar information. + + + + + + + Alamat 4 + Alamat 4 + Address Line 4 for the location + The Address 4 provides additional address information for an entity. It can be used for building location, apartment number or similar information. + + + + + + + Default Print Color + Default Print Color + + + + + + + + + Default Print Font + Default Print Font + + + + + + + + + Print Item Name + Item Name + + + + + + + + + Confirmation No + Confirmation No + Confirmation Number + + + + + + + + Ship/Receipt Confirmation Import Line + Ship/Receipt Confirm Import Line + Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation Import Line + Import Confirmation Line Details + + + + + + + Saldo Mula-Mula + Open Balance + Total Open Balance Amount in primary Accounting Currency + The Total Open Balance Amount is the calculated open item amount for Customer and Vendor activity. If the Balance is below zero, we owe the Business Partner. The amout is used for Credit Management. +Invoices and Payment Allocations determine the Open Balance (i.e. not Orders or Payments). + + + + + + + Benchmark Price + Benchmark Price + Price to compare responses to + + + + + + + + Send + Send + + + + + + + + + Times Dunned + # Dunned + Number of times dunned previously + + + + + + + + Benchmark Difference + Benchmark Difference + Difference between Response Price and Benchmark Price + + + + + + + + New Email Address + New Email Address + Enter new EMail Address - not changed if empty + + + + + + + + New Email User ID + New Email User ID + Enter new User ID of your internal EMail System - not changed if empty + + + + + + + + New Email User PW + New Email User PW + Enter new User Password of your internal EMail System - not changed if empty + + + + + + + + New Password + New Password + Enter the new password - not changed if empty + + + + + + + + Kata Sandi Lama + Old Password + Old Password is required if you are not a System Administrator + + + + + + + + Include Disputed + Include Disputed + Include disputed Invoices + + + + + + + + Only Sales Invoices + Only Sales Invoices + Otherwise also Payments and AP Invoices + + + + + + + + Attribute Value Type + Attribute Value Type + Type of Attribute Value + The Attribute Value type deternines the data/validation type + + + + + + + RfQ Quantity + RfQ Quantity + The quantity is used when generating RfQ Responses + When generating the RfQ Responses, this quantity is included + + + + + + + SLA Criteria + SLA Criteria + Service Level Agreement Criteria + Criteria to measure service level agreements (e.g. Quality, Delivery meets Promised date, ..) + + + + + + + SLA Goal + SLA Goal + Service Level Agreement Goal + Goal for the SLA criteria for the Business Partner + + + + + + + SLA Measure + SLA Measure + Service Level Agreement Measure + View/Maintain the individual actual value / measure for the business partner service level agreement goal + + + + + + + Value + Value + Numeric Value + + + + + + + + RfQ Topic Subscriber Restriction + RfQ Topic Subscriber Only + Include Subscriber only for certain products or product categories + Products and/or Product Categories for which the subscriber should be included. If no product / category is entered, the subscriber is requested to answer requests for all lines in a RfQ + + + + + + + POS Terminal + POS + Point of Sales Terminal + The POS Terminal defines the defaults and functions available for the POS Form + + + + + + + POS Key + POS Key + POS Function Key + Define a POS Function Key + + + + + + + POS Key Layout + POS Key Layout + POS Function Key Layout + POS Function Key Layout + + + + + + + Modify Price + Modify Price + Allow modifying the price + Allow modifying the price for products with a non zero price + + + + + + + Country + Country + Country Name + + + + + + + + Akses semua Organisasi + Access all Orgs + Access all Organizations (no org access control) of the client + When selected, the role has access to all organizations of the client automatically. This also increases performance where you have many organizations. + + + + + + + Harga + Price + Price Entered - the price based on the selected UoM + The price entered is converted to the actual price based on the UoM conversion + + + + + + + Quantity + Jumlah + The Quantity Entered is based on the selected UoM + The Quantity Entered is converted to base product UoM quantity + + + + + + + List Prive + List Price + Entered List Price + Price List converted to entered UOM + + + + + + + Semua Account + Any Acct + Match any value of the Account segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Semua Aktivitas + Any Activity + Match any value of the Activity segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Semua Partner Bis. + Any BPartner + Match any value of the Business Partner segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Semua Kampanye + Any Campaign + Match any value of the Campaign segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Any Location From + Any Loc From + Match any value of the Location From segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Any Location To + Any Loc To + Match any value of the Location To segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Any Organization + Any Org + Match any value of the Organization segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Semua Trx Organisasi + Any Trx Org + Match any value of the Transaction Organization segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Semua Produk + Any Product + Match any value of the Product segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Semua Proyek + Any Project + Match any value of the Project segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Semua Wilayah Penjualan + Any Sales Region + Match any value of the Sales Region segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Semua Pengguna 1 + Any User 1 + Match any value of the User 1 segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Semua Pengguna 2 + Any User 2 + Match any value of the User 2 segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Custom Prefix + Custom Prefix + Prefix for Custom entities + The prefix listed are ignored as customization for database or entity migration + + + + + + + Overwrite Account + Overwrite Account + Overwrite the account segment Account with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Overwrite Activity + Overwrite Activity + Overwrite the account segment Activity with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Overwrite Bus.Partner + Overwrite BPartner + Overwrite the account segment Business Partner with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Overwrite Campaign + Overwrite Campaign + Overwrite the account segment Campaign with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Overwrite Location From + Overwrite Loc From + Overwrite the account segment Location From with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Overwrite Location To + Overwrite Loc To + Overwrite the account segment Location From with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Overwrite Organization + Overwrite Org + Overwrite the account segment Organization with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Overwrite Trx Organuzation + Overwrite Trx Org + Overwrite the account segment Transaction Organization with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Overwrite Product + Overwrite Product + Overwrite the account segment Product with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Overwrite Project + Overwrite Project + Overwrite the account segment Project with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Overwrite Sales Region + Overwrite SalesRegion + Overwrite the account segment Sales Region with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Overwrite User1 + Overwrite User1 + Overwrite the account segment User 1 with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Overwrite User2 + Overwrite User2 + Overwrite the account segment User 2 with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Total Percent + Total Percent + Sum of the Percent details + + + + + + + + Local Address Format + Local Address Format + Format for printing this Address locally + The optional Local Address Print format defines the format to be used when this address prints for the Country. If defined, this format is used for printing the address for the country rather then the standard address format. + The following notations are used: @C@=City @P@=Postal @A@=PostalAdd @R@=Region + + + + + + + Bank Account No Format + Bank Account No Format + Format of the Bank Account + + + + + + + + Bank Routing No Format + Bank Routing No Format + Format of the Bank Routing Number + + + + + + + + Reverse Local Address Lines + Reverse Local Address + Print Local Address in reverse Order + If NOT selected the local sequence is Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, Address 4, City/Region/Postal, Country. +If selected the local sequence is Country, City/Region/Postal, Address 4, Address 3, Address 2, Address 1. +The sequence of City/Region/Postal is determined by the local address format. + + + + + + + + Reverse Address Lines + Reverse Address + Print Address in reverse Order + If NOT selected the sequence is Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, Address 4, City/Region/Postal, Country. +If selected the sequence is Country, City/Region/Postal, Address 4, Address 3, Address 2, Address 1. +The sequence of City/Region/Postal is determined by the address format. + + + + + + + Document Value Logic + Doc Value Logic + Logic to determine Workflow Start - If true, a workflow process is started for the document + + + + + + + + Just Migrated + Just Migrated + Value set by Migration for post-Migation tasks. + + + + + + + + Workflow Type + Workflow Type + Type of Worflow + The type of workflow determines how the workflow is started. + + + + + + + Create + Create + Create from Replenishment + + + + + + + + Details/Source First + Details/Source First + Details and Sources are printed before the Line + + + + + + + + Last Alert + Last Alert + Date when last alert were sent + The last alert date is updated when a reminder email is sent + + + + + + + Toleransi Jatuh Tempo + Due Date Tolerance + Tolerance in days between the Date Next Action and the date the request is regarded as overdue + When the Date Next Action is passed, the Request becomes Due. After the Due Date Tolerance, the Request becomes Overdue. + + + + + + + Reminder Days + Reminder Days + Days between sending Reminder Emails for a due or inactive Document + When a document is due ot too long without activity, a reminder is sent. 0 means no reminders. +The Remind Days are the days when the next email reminder is sent. + + + + + + + EMail when Due + EMail when Due + Send EMail when Request becomes due + Send EMail when Request becomes due + + + + + + + EMail when Overdue + EMail when Overdue + Send EMail when Request becomes overdue + Send EMail when Request becomes overdue + + + + + + + Inactivity Alert Days + Inactivity Alert Days + Send Alert when there is no activity after days (0= no alert) + An email alert is sent when the request shows no activity for the number of days defined. + + + + + + + Alert over Priority + Alert over Priority + Send alert email when over priority + Send alert email when a suspended activity is over the priority defined + + + + + + + Dynamic Priority Change + Dyn Priority Change + Change of priority when Activity is suspended waiting for user + Starting with the Process / Node priority level, the priority of the suspended activity can be changed dynamically. Example +5 every 10 minutes + + + + + + + Dyn Priority Start + Dyn Priority Start + Starting priority before changed dynamically + + + + + + + + Dynamic Priority Unit + Dyn Priority Unit + Change of priority when Activity is suspended waiting for user + Starting with the Process / Node priority level, the priority of the suspended activity can be changed dynamically. Example +5 every 10 minutes + + + + + + + Address of DB Server + DB Address + Address of the database server + + + + + + + + Database Name + DB Name + Database Name + + + + + + + + Processors + Processors + Number of Database Processors + + + + + + + + Other Clause + Other Clause + Other SQL Clause + Any other complete clause like GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY, etc. after WHERE clause. + + + + + + + Customization + Customization + The change is a customization of the data dictionary and can be applied after Migration + The migration "resets" the system to the current/original setting. If selected you can save the customization and re-apply it. Please note that you need to check, if your customization has no negative side effect in the new release. + + + + + + + Redo + Redo + + + + + + + + + Undo + Undo + + + + + + + + + Validate current (new) Value + Validate current (new) Value + Ensure that the new value of the change is the current value in the system (i.e. no change since then) + + + + + + + + Validate current (old) Value + Validate current (old) Value + Ensure that the old value of the change is the current value in the system (i.e. original situation) + + + + + + + + Only Set Customization + Only Set Customization + Set Customization for change records records with Dictionary Entity Type + + + + + + + + Accounted Balance + Saldo + Jumlah saldo terhitung + The Account Balance Amount indicates the transaction amount converted to this organization's accounting currency + + + + + + + Source Balance + Source Balance + Source Balance Amount + The Source Balance Amount indicates the balance amount for this line in the source currency. + + + + + + + Penjelasan Produk + Prod Description + Product Description + Description of the product + + + + + + + jsp URL + jsp URL + Web URL of the jsp function + For the Web UI, define the URL to perform the function (usually a jsp). The URL also can be external to the system. + + + + + + + Internal Use Qty + Internal Use + Internal Use Quantity removed from Inventory + Quantity of product inventory used internally (positive if taken out - negative if returned) + + + + + + + Transaction + Trx Name + Name of the transaction + Internal name of the transcation + + + + + + + Preference Level + Preference Level + Determines what preferences the user can set + Preferences allow you to define default values. If set to None, you cannot set any preference nor value preference. Only if set to Client, you can see the Record Info Change Log. + + + + + + + Overwrite Price Limit + Overwrite Price Limit + Overwrite Price Limit if the Price List enforces the Price Limit + The Price List allows to enforce the Price Limit. If set, a user with this role can overwrite the price limit (i.e. enter any price). + + + + + + + To Product + To Product + Product to be converted to (must have UOM Conversion defined to From Product) + + + + + + + + Nama Produk + Product Name + Name of the Product + + + + + + + + Organization Name + Org Name + Name of the Organization + + + + + + + + AP - AR + AP - AR + Include Receivables and/or Payables transactions + + + + + + + + Allocate Oldest First + Allocate Oldest First + Allocate payments to the oldest invoice + Allocate payments to the oldest invoice. There might be an unallocated amount remaining. + + + + + + + Prepayment + Prepayment + The Payment/Receipt is a Prepayment + Payments not allocated to an invoice with a charge are posted to Unallocated Payments. When setting this flag, the payment is posted to the Customer or Vendor Prepayment account. + + + + + + + IBAN + IBAN + International Bank Account Number + If your bank provides an International Bank Account Number, enter it here +Details ISO 13616 and http://www.ecbs.org. The account number has the maximum length of 22 characters (without spaces). The IBAN is often printed with a apace after 4 characters. Do not enter the spaces in Adempiere. + + + + + + + Price Precision + Price Precision + Precision (number of decimals) for the Price + The prices of the price list are rounded to the precision entered. This allows to have prices with below currency precision, e.g. $0.005. Enter the number of decimals or -1 for no rounding. + + + + + + + Orders with unconfirmed Shipments + Orders with unconfirmed Shipments + Generate shipments for Orders with open delivery confirmations? + You can also include orders who have outstanding confirmations (e.g. ordered=10 - not confirmed shipments=4 - would create a new shipment of 6 if available). + + + + + + + Arc Diameter + Arc Diameter + Arc Diameter for rounded Rectangles + Width of the horizontal/vertical diameter of the arc at the four corners + + + + + + + Fill Shape + Fill Shape + Fill the shape with the color selected + + + + + + + + Shape Type + Shape Type + Type of the shape to be painted + + + + + + + + Model Validation Classes + Model Validation Classes + List of data model validation classes separated by ; + List of classes implementing the interface org.compiere.model.ModelValidator, separaed by semicolon. +The class is called for the client and alows to validate documents in the prepare stage and monitor model changes. + + + + + + + Archive + Archive + Document and Report Archive + Depending on the Client Automatic Archive Level documents and reports are saved and available for view. + + + + + + + Auto Archive + Auto Archive + Enable and level of automatic Archive of documents + Adempiere allows to automatically create archives of Documents (e.g. Invoices) or Reports. You view the archived material with the Archive Viewer + + + + + + + Date Pattern + Date Pattern + Java Date Pattern + Option Date pattern in Java notation. Examples: dd.MM.yyyy - dd/MM/yyyy +If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Adempiere support request with the correct information + + + + + + + Decimal Point + Decimal Point + The number notation has a decimal point (no decimal comma) + If selected, Numbers are printed with a decimal point "." - otherwise with a decimal comma ",". The thousand separator is the opposite. +If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Adempiere support request with the correct information + + + + + + + Media Size + Media Size + Java Media Size + The Java Media Size. Example: "MediaSize.ISO.A4" (the package javax.print.attribute.standard is assumed). If you define your own media size, use the fully qualified name. +If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Adempiere support request with the correct information + + + + + + + Time Pattern + Time Pattern + Java Time Pattern + Option Time pattern in Java notation. Examples: "hh:mm:ss aaa z" - "HH:mm:ss" +If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Adempiere support request with the correct information + + + + + + + Jumlah Yang Dialokasikan + Allocated Amt + Amount allocated to this document + + + + + + + + Available Amount + Available Amt + Amount available for allocation for this document + + + + + + + + Product Attribute + Product Attribute + Product Attribute Instance Description + + + + + + + + Commissioned B.Partner + Comm B.Partner + Business Partner receiving the Commission + + + + + + + + Commission Converted Amount + Comm Conv Amt + Commission calculation basis Converted Amount + + + + + + + + Qty Komisi + Comm Qty + Commission calculation basis Quantity + + + + + + + + Image Field + Image Field + The image is retrieved from the data column + The Image URL is retrieved from the data column + + + + + + + BBAN + BBAN + Basic Bank Account Number + The Basic (or Domestic) Bank Account Number is used in Bank transfers (see also IBAN). For details see ISO 13616 and http://www.ecbs.org/ + + + + + + + Material Policy + Mat Policy + Material Movement Policy + The Material Movement Policy determines how the stock is flowing (FiFo or LiFo) if a specific Product Instance was not selected. The policy can not contradict the costing method (e.g. FiFo movement policy and LiFo costing method). + + + + + + + Landed Cost + Landed Cost + Landed cost to be allocated to material receipts + Landed costs allow you to allocate costs to previously received material receipts. Examples are freight, excise tax, insurance, etc. + + + + + + + Search Invoice + Search Invoice + Search Invoice Identifier + The Invoice Document. + + + + + + + Search Order + Search Order + Order Identifier + Order is a control document. + + + + + + + Search Shipment/Receipt + Search Shipment/Receipt + Material Shipment Document + The Material Shipment / Receipt + + + + + + + Invoice Batch + Invoice Batch + Expense Invoice Batch Header + + + + + + + + Invoice Batch Line + Invoice Batch Line + Expense Invoice Batch Line + + + + + + + + Document Amt + Document Amt + Document Amount + + + + + + + + Multi Row Only + Multi Row Only + This applies to Multi-Row view only + + + + + + + + Use User Org Access + Use User Org Access + Use Org Access defined by user instead of Role Org Access + You can define the access to Organization either by Role or by User. You would select this, if you have many organizations. + + + + + + + Check all DB Tables + Check all DB Tables + Check not just this table + + + + + + + + Column SQL + Column SQL + Virtual Column (r/o) + You can define virtual columns (not stored in the database). If defined, the Column name is the synonym of the SQL expression defined here. The SQL expression must be valid.<br> +Example: "Updated-Created" would list the age of the entry in days + + + + + + + Cost Element + Cost Element + Product Cost Element + + + + + + + + Cost Element Type + Cost Element Type + Type of Cost Element + + + + + + + + Calculated + Calculated + The value is calculated by the system + You cannot change values maintained by the system. + + + + + + + Cost Distribution + Cost Distribution + Landed Cost Distribution + How landed costs are distributed to material receipts + + + + + + + Group + Group + Request Group + Group of requests (e.g. version numbers, responsibility, ...) + + + + + + + Category + Category + Request Category + Category or Topic of the Request + + + + + + + Status + Status + Request Status + Status if the request (open, closed, investigating, ..) + + + + + + + Resolution + Resolution + Request Resolution + Resolution status (e.g. Fixed, Rejected, ..) + + + + + + + User Importance + User Importance + Priority of the issue for the User + + + + + + + + Confidentiality + Confidentiality + Type of Confidentiality + + + + + + + + Related Request + Related Request + Related Request (Master Issue, ..) + Request related to this request + + + + + + + Entry Confidentiality + Entry Confidentiality + Confidentiality of the individual entry + + + + + + + + Standard Response + Std Response + Request Standard Response + Text blocks to be copied into request response text + + + + + + + Start Time + Start Time + Time started + + + + + + + + End Time + End Time + End of the time span + + + + + + + + Quantity Used + Qty Used + Quantity used for this event + + + + + + + + Product Used + Product Used + Product/Resource/Service used in Request + Invoicing uses the Product used. + + + + + + + Request Invoice + Request Invoice + The generated invoice for this request + The optionally generated invoice for the request + + + + + + + Response Text + Response Text + Request Response Text + Text block to be copied into request response text + + + + + + + Close Date + Close Date + Close Date + The Start Date indicates the last or final date + + + + + + + Open Status + Open + The status is closed + This allows to have the three generat situations of "not open" - "open" - "closed" + + + + + + + Closed Status + Closed + The status is closed + This allows to mave multiple closed status + + + + + + + Auto Due Date Days + Auto Due Date Days + Automatic Due Date Days + If a due date is not defined and the Auto Due Days ins greater then zero, a due date in the number of days is automatically created. + + + + + + + Product Download + Product Download + Product downloads + Define download for a product. If the product is an asset, the user can download the data. + + + + + + + EMail Verify + EMail Verify + Date Email was verified + + + + + + + + One Asset Per UOM + One Asset Per UOM + Create one asset per UOM + If selected, one asset per UOM is created, otherwise one asset with the quantity received/shipped. If you have multiple lines, one asset is created per line. + + + + + + + Mail Text 2 + Mail Text 2 + Optional second text part used for Mail message + The Mail Text indicates the text used for mail messages. + + + + + + + Mail Text 3 + Mail Text 3 + Optional third text part used for Mail message + The Mail Text indicates the text used for mail messages. + + + + + + + Web Store + Web Store + A Web Store of the Client + + + + + + + + Web Store EMail + Web Store EMail + EMail address used as the sender (From) + The EMail address is used to send mails to useres of the web store + + + + + + + WebStore User + Web Store User + User ID of the Web Store EMail address + User ID to connect to the Mail Server + + + + + + + WebStore Password + WebStore Password + Password of the Web Store EMail address + Password to connect to the Mail Server + + + + + + + Menu Assets + Assets + Show Menu Assets + + + + + + + + Menu Orders + Orders + Show Menu Orders + + + + + + + + Menu Invoices + Invoices + Show Menu Invoices + + + + + + + + Menu Shipments + Shipments + Show Menu Shipments + + + + + + + + Menu Payments + Payments + Show Menu Payments + + + + + + + + Menu RfQs + RfQs + Show Menu RfQs + + + + + + + + Menu Requests + Requests + Show Menu Requests + + + + + + + + Menu Interests + Interests + Show Menu Interests + + + + + + + + Menu Registrations + Registrations + Show Menu Registrations + + + + + + + + Menu Contact + Contact + Show Menu Contact + + + + + + + + EMail Header + EMail Header + Header added to EMails + The header is added to every email. + + + + + + + EMail Footer + EMail Footer + Footer added to EMails + The footer is added to every email. + + + + + + + Mail Message + Mail Message + Web Store Mail Message Template + + + + + + + + Message Type + Message Type + Mail Message Type + + + + + + + + Subject + Subject + Email Message Subject + Subject of the EMail + + + + + + + Message + Message + EMail Message + Message of the EMail + + + + + + + Message 2 + Message 2 + Optional second part of the EMail Message + Message of the EMail + + + + + + + Message 3 + Message 3 + Optional third part of the EMail Message + Message of the EMail + + + + + + + User Mail + User Mail + Mail sent to the user + Archive of mails sent to users + + + + + + + Referenced Payment + Ref Payment + + + + + + + + + Create As Active + Create Active + Create Asset and activate it + You may want to consider not to automatically make the asset active if you need to get some additional information + + + + + + + Notification Type + Notification Type + Type of Notifications + Emails or Notification sent out for Request Updates, etc. + + + + + + + Next Status + Next Status + Move to next status automatically after timeout + After the timeout, change the status automatically + + + + + + + Update Status + Update Status + Automatically change the status after entry from web + Change the status automatically after the entry was changed via the Web + + + + + + + Timeout in Days + Timeout Days + Timeout in Days to change Status automatically + After the number of days of inactivity, the status is changed automatically to the Next Status. If no Next Status is defined, the status is not changed. + + + + + + + Web Can Update + Web Can Update + Entry can be updated from the Web + + + + + + + + Final Close + Final Close + Entries with Final Close cannot be re-opened + + + + + + + + Position + Position + Job Position + + + + + + + + Position Category + Position Category + Job Position Category + Classification of Job Positions + + + + + + + Position Assignment + Position Assignment + Assignemt of Employee (User) to Job Position + + + + + + + + Remuneration + Remuneration + Wage or Salary + + + + + + + + Remuneration Type + Remuneration Type + Type of Remuneration + + + + + + + + Standard Hours + Standard Hours + Standard Work Hours based on Remuneration Type + Number of hours per Remuneration Type (e.g. Daily 8 hours, Weekly 40 hours, etc.) to determine when overtime starts + + + + + + + Gross Amount + Gross + Gross Remuneration Amount + Gross Salary or Wage Amount (without Overtime, Benefits and Employer overhead) + + + + + + + Gross Cost + Gross Cost + Gross Remuneration Costs + Gross Salary or Wage Costs (without Overtime, with Benefits and Employer overhead) + + + + + + + Overtime Amount + Overtime Amount + Hourly Overtime Rate + Hourly Amount without Benefits and Employer overhead + + + + + + + Overtime Cost + Overtime Cost + Hourly Overtime Cost + Hourly Amount with Benefits and Employer overhead + + + + + + + Position Remuneration + Position Remuneration + Remuneration for the Position + + + + + + + + Employee Remuneration + Employee Remuneration + Employee Wage or Salary Overwrite + Overwrite the standard Remuneration + + + + + + + Group Alternatif + Alternative Group + Product BOM Alternative Group + Alternative groups allow you to group Bill of Material components, which are exclusive (i.e. only one is valid). Examples different engine sizes. + + + + + + + Product Operation + Product Operation + Product Manufacturing Operation + The Operations to create the product. Note that the actual used operation and sequence is determined by the BOM Product. + + + + + + + Setup Time + Setup Time + Setup time before starting Production + Once per operation + + + + + + + Runtime per Unit + Unit Runtine + Time to produce one unit + + + + + + + + Teardown Time + Teardown Time + Time at the end of the operation + Onec per operation + + + + + + + Operation Resource + Operation Resource + Product Operation Resource + Resources for the Operation. You can have multiple resources (e.g. tool, labor) per operation. + + + + + + + BOM + BOM + Bill of Material + The composition of the Product + + + + + + + Change Notice + Change Notice + Bill of Materials (Engineering) Change Notice (Version) + + + + + + + + BOM Use + BOM Use + The use of the Bill of Material + By default the Master BOM is used, if the alternatives are not defined + + + + + + + Change Request + Change Request + BOM (Engineering) Change Request + Change requests for a Bill of Materials. They can be automatically created from Requests, if enabled in the Request Type and the Request Group referres to a Bill of Materials + + + + + + + BOM Component + BOM Component + Bill of Material Component (Product) + The Bill of Material Compoment determines what products, services and outside processing is included in producing the Product. It references the operation and determines it's sequence. + + + + + + + Component Type + Component Type + BOM Product Type + + + + + + + + Phantom + Phantom + Phantom Component + Phantom Component are not stored and produced with the product. This is an option to avild maintaining an Engineering and Manufacturing Bill of Materials. + + + + + + + Lead Time Offset + Lead Time Offset + Optional Lead Time offest before starting production + + + + + + + + Create Change Request + Create Change Request + Automatically create BOM (Engineering) Change Request + Create automatically a Product Bill of Material (Engineering) Change Request when the Request Group references a Product BOM + + + + + + + Request Update + Request Update + Request Updates + + + + + + + + Insert Record + Insert Record + The user can insert a new Record + If not selected, the user cannot create a new Record. This is automatically disabled, if the Tab is Read Only. + + + + + + + Advanced Tab + Advanced Tab + This Tab contains advanced Functionality + The tab with advanced functionality is only displayed, if enabled in Tools>Preference. + + + + + + + Confidential Info + Confidential Info + Can enter confidential information + When entering/updating Requests over the web, the user can mark his info as confidential + + + + + + + Priority Base + Priority Base + Base of Priority + When deriving the Priority from Importance, the Base is "added" to the User Importance. + + + + + + + Null Columns + Null Columns + Columns with NULL value + Null values are used for showing "no change" + + + + + + + Fixed in + Fixed in + Fixed in Change Notice + + + + + + + + Only If BP has Balance + Only If BP has Balance + Include only if Business Partner has outstanding Balance + + + + + + + + Attribute Set Instance To + Attribute Set Instance To + Target Product Attribute Set Instance + + + + + + + + Revaluated Amount Cr + Revaluated Amt Cr + Revaluated Cr Amount + + + + + + + + Revaluated Difference Cr + Difference Cr + Revaluated Cr Amount Difference + + + + + + + + Revaluated Amount Dr + Revaluated Amt Dr + Revaluated Dr Amount + + + + + + + + Revaluated Difference Dr + Difference Dr + Revaluated Dr Amount Difference + + + + + + + + Revaluation Conversion Type + Reval Conversion Type + Revaluation Currency Conversion Type + + + + + + + + Revaluation Date + Reval Date + Date of Revaluation + + + + + + + + EMail Test + EMail Test + Test EMail + + + + + + + + Server Process + Server Process + Run this Process on Server only + Enabling this flag disables to run the process on the client. This potentially decreases the availability. + + + + + + + Server EMail + Server EMail + Send EMail from Server + When selected, mail is sent from the server rather then the client. This decreases availability. You would select this when you do not want to enable email relay for the client addresses in your mail server. + + + + + + + Web Context + Web Context + Web Server Context - e.g. /wstore + Unique Web Server Context for this Web Store - will set context-root in application.xml. +The web context usually starts with / and needs to be a valid context name (not checked). + + + + + + + BPartner (Agent) + BPartner (Agent) + Business Partner (Agent or Sales Rep) + + + + + + + + Change the current Setting + Change Setting + Confirm that you want to change the current setting + + + + + + + + Maximum Length + Maximum Length + Maximum Length of Data + + + + + + + + Test Value + Test Value + Value to test + + + + + + + + Source Warehouse + Source Warehouse + Optional Warehouse to replenish from + If defined, the warehouse selected is used to replenish the product(s) + + + + + + + Replenishment Class + Replenishment Class + Custom class to calculate Quantity to Order + If you select a custom replenishment type, you need to create a class implementing org.compiere.util.ReplenishInterface and set that on warehouse level. + + + + + + + Costing Level + Costing Level + The lowest level to accumulate Costing Information + If you want to maintain different costs per organization (warehouse) or per Batch/Lot, you need to make sure that you define the costs for each of the organizations or batch/lot. The Costing Level is defined per Accounting Schema and can be overwritten by Product Category and Accounting Schema. + + + + + + + Cost Detail + Cost Detail + Cost Detail Information + + + + + + + + Base + Base + Calculation Base + + + + + + + + Landed Cost Allocation + Landed Cost Allocation + Allocation for Land Costs + + + + + + + + Adjust COGS + Adjust COGS + Adjust Cost of Good Sold + For Invoice costing methods, you can adjust the cost of goods sold. At the time of shipment, you may not have received the invoice for the receipt or cost adjustments like freight, customs, etc. + + + + + + + Cost Price + Cost Price + Price per Unit of Measure including all indirect costs (Freight, etc.) + Optional Purchase Order Line cost price. + + + + + + + Cumulated Amt + Cumulated Amt + Total Amount + Sum of all amounts + + + + + + + Cumulated Qty + Cumulated Qty + Total Quantity + Sum of the quantities + + + + + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/AD_FieldGroup_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/AD_FieldGroup_Trl_in_ID.xml index caca949f9a..c9662061a8 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/AD_FieldGroup_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/AD_FieldGroup_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,2 +1,104 @@ - -StatusJumlahJumlahReferensiSejarahProdukPartner BisnisGudangBankBuku KasPajakProyekUmumActionStandard CostBiaya AktualStatistikDefaultsManajemen PermintaanToko WebInternalExternalUmumPengirimanDokumenBarisSimulasiCalculationsProxyPengirimanInvoicingOnly ..Seleksi \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + Status + + + Jumlah + + + Jumlah + + + Referensi + + + Sejarah + + + Produk + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Gudang + + + Bank + + + Buku Kas + + + Pajak + + + Proyek + + + Umum + + + Action + + + Standard Cost + + + Biaya Aktual + + + Statistik + + + Defaults + + + Manajemen Permintaan + + + Toko Web + + + Internal + + + External + + + Umum + + + Pengiriman + + + Dokumen + + + Baris + + + Simulasi + + + Calculations + + + Proxy + + + Pengiriman + + + Invoicing + + + Only .. + + + Seleksi + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/AD_Field_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/AD_Field_Trl_in_ID.xml index 186dabcb71..1dc09657f5 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/AD_Field_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/AD_Field_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,4 +1,72 @@ - -Link ColumnLink Column for Multi-Parent tablesThe Link Column indicates which column is the primary key for those situations where there is more than one parent. Only define it, if the table has more than one parent column (e.g. AD_User_Roles).LanguageLanguage for this Business Partner if Multi-Language enabledThe Language identifies the language to use for display and formatting documents. It requires, that on Client level, Multi-Lingual documents are selected and that you have created/loaded the language.Start NodeWorkflow Node, step or processThe Workflow Node indicates a unique step or process in a Workflow.Tax AmountTax Amount for Credit Card transactionThe Tax Amount displays the total tax amount. The tax amount is only used for credit card processing.Only CurrencyRestrict accepting only this currencyThe Only Currency field indicates that this bank account accepts only the currency identified here.Business Partner / Sales RepIdentifies a Business Partner (Sales Rep) receiving the CommissionThe Business Partner should be a vendor and may be a Sales RepresentativeAcknowledgeSystem Notice acknowledgedThe Acknowledged checkbox indicates if this notice does not need to be retained.Driving ColumnColumn which controls all tabs in the workbenchAttribute Set InstanceProduct Attribute ValuesThe values of the actual Product Attributes. Product Instance attributes are defined in the actual transactions.Document NoDocument sequence number of the documentThe document number is usually automatically generated by the system and determined by the document type of the document. If the document is not saved, the preliminary number is displayed in "<>". - -If the document type of your document has no automatic document sequence defined, the field is empty if you create a new document. This is for documents which usually have an external number (like vendor invoice). If you leave the field empty, the system will generate a document number for you. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order).ValueCondition ValueOverwrite ProjectOverwrite the account segment Project with the value specifiedIf not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null.Attribute Set InstanceProduct Attribute ValuesThe values of the actual Product Attributes. Product Instance attributes are defined in the actual transactions. \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + Link Column + Link Column for Multi-Parent tables + The Link Column indicates which column is the primary key for those situations where there is more than one parent. Only define it, if the table has more than one parent column (e.g. AD_User_Roles). + + + Language + Language for this Business Partner if Multi-Language enabled + The Language identifies the language to use for display and formatting documents. It requires, that on Client level, Multi-Lingual documents are selected and that you have created/loaded the language. + + + Start Node + Workflow Node, step or process + The Workflow Node indicates a unique step or process in a Workflow. + + + Tax Amount + Tax Amount for Credit Card transaction + The Tax Amount displays the total tax amount. The tax amount is only used for credit card processing. + + + Only Currency + Restrict accepting only this currency + The Only Currency field indicates that this bank account accepts only the currency identified here. + + + Business Partner / Sales Rep + Identifies a Business Partner (Sales Rep) receiving the Commission + The Business Partner should be a vendor and may be a Sales Representative + + + Acknowledge + System Notice acknowledged + The Acknowledged checkbox indicates if this notice does not need to be retained. + + + Driving Column + Column which controls all tabs in the workbench + + + + Attribute Set Instance + Product Attribute Values + The values of the actual Product Attributes. Product Instance attributes are defined in the actual transactions. + + + Document No + Document sequence number of the document + The document number is usually automatically generated by the system and determined by the document type of the document. If the document is not saved, the preliminary number is displayed in "<>". + +If the document type of your document has no automatic document sequence defined, the field is empty if you create a new document. This is for documents which usually have an external number (like vendor invoice). If you leave the field empty, the system will generate a document number for you. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order). + + + Value + Condition Value + + + + Overwrite Project + Overwrite the account segment Project with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + Attribute Set Instance + Product Attribute Values + The values of the actual Product Attributes. Product Instance attributes are defined in the actual transactions. + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/AD_Form_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/AD_Form_Trl_in_ID.xml index 80949cbfb2..925163a586 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/AD_Form_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/AD_Form_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,10 +1,108 @@ - -Buat Invoice (manual)Select and generate invoicesGenerate Invoices from Orders. -Select the orders to generate the invoice for.Import File LoaderLoad flat Files into import tablesThe Import File Loader parses the content of a flat file and loads it into import tables. Comments start with a '[' and end with a ']' and are ignored; example: [Some Heading].Initial Client SetupInitial new Client/Tenant SetupSet up a new Client/Tenant of the systemTransaksi MaterialMaterial TransactionsAlokasi PembayaranAllocate invoices and paymentsBuat Tagihan Diluar ARGenerate Charges from natural accountsUse the upper portion to create new charges using the general charge accounts. Use the lower portion to create charges based on the natural account.Payment Print/ExportPrint or export your paymentsSeleksi Pembayaran (manual)Manual Payment SelectionSelect vendor invoices for payment. If you don't see an invoice, make sure that it is not included in a different (nprocessed) Payment Selection.Matching PO-Receipt-InvoiceMatch Purchase Orders, Receipts, Vendor InvoicesMake sure that the Receipts and Invoices are processed. If you want to match partial shipment, make sure that "Same Quantity" is not selected.Translation Import/ExportImport or Export Language TranslationExport/Import Translation info to/from xml for translation in external tool. Please note that the Language MUST be an enabled and verified System Langage.Buat Pengiriman (manual)Select and generate shipmentsGenerate Shipments from Orders. -Select the orders to generate the shipments for.SQL ProcessProcess SQL StatementsProcess SQL DDL StatementsMerge EntitiesMerge From Entity to To Entity - Delete From<i>Dangerous - Please are aware of what you are doing!</i> -All instances of the From entity (e.g. Customer A) are changed to the To entity (e.g. Customer B). -The From entity (e.g. Customer A) is deleted. -<p><b>There is NO undo nor trace ! Please do a backup first</b> Please be aware that you may be changing history records (e.g. invoices, etc.) ! </p> -<p><b>Side effects:</b> Merging Products are likely to distort product costs; Merging Business Partners may result in incorrect open item balance. Check with support on remedies. -<p><b>Restrictions:</b> Accounting and Inventory conflicts are not resolved in this version. -POSPoint Of Sales TerminalEnter Transactions via a POS Terminal. Automatically, scans or credit card swipes are recongized.BOM DropDrop (expand) Bill of MaterialsDrop the extended Bill of Materials into an Order, Invoice, etc. The documents need to be in a Drafted stage. Make sure that the items included in the BOM are on the price list of the Order, Invoice, etc. as otherwise the price will be zero!Tree MaintenanceMaintain TreesView and change trees. Maintain the entries in their specific Windows.Editor Alur KerjaEdit WorkflowsEdit the graphical layout of workflowsAktifitas Alur KerjaMy active workflow activitiesView active worflow activitiesArchive ViewerView automatically archived DocumentsDepending on the Client Automatic Archive Level documents and reports are saved and available for view. In the Report Viewer you can manually archive Documents or Reports. You can only view archives, if you have access to the original document. \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + Buat Invoice (manual) + Select and generate invoices + Generate Invoices from Orders. +Select the orders to generate the invoice for. + + + Import File Loader + Load flat Files into import tables + The Import File Loader parses the content of a flat file and loads it into import tables. Comments start with a '[' and end with a ']' and are ignored; example: [Some Heading]. + + + Initial Client Setup + Initial new Client/Tenant Setup + Set up a new Client/Tenant of the system + + + Transaksi Material + Material Transactions + + + + Alokasi Pembayaran + Allocate invoices and payments + + + + Buat Tagihan Diluar AR + Generate Charges from natural accounts + Use the upper portion to create new charges using the general charge accounts. Use the lower portion to create charges based on the natural account. + + + Payment Print/Export + Print or export your payments + + + + Seleksi Pembayaran (manual) + Manual Payment Selection + Select vendor invoices for payment. If you don't see an invoice, make sure that it is not included in a different (nprocessed) Payment Selection. + + + Matching PO-Receipt-Invoice + Match Purchase Orders, Receipts, Vendor Invoices + Make sure that the Receipts and Invoices are processed. If you want to match partial shipment, make sure that "Same Quantity" is not selected. + + + Translation Import/Export + Import or Export Language Translation + Export/Import Translation info to/from xml for translation in external tool. Please note that the Language MUST be an enabled and verified System Langage. + + + Buat Pengiriman (manual) + Select and generate shipments + Generate Shipments from Orders. +Select the orders to generate the shipments for. + + + SQL Process + Process SQL Statements + Process SQL DDL Statements + + + Merge Entities + Merge From Entity to To Entity - Delete From + <i>Dangerous - Please are aware of what you are doing!</i> +All instances of the From entity (e.g. Customer A) are changed to the To entity (e.g. Customer B). +The From entity (e.g. Customer A) is deleted. +<p><b>There is NO undo nor trace ! Please do a backup first</b> Please be aware that you may be changing history records (e.g. invoices, etc.) ! </p> +<p><b>Side effects:</b> Merging Products are likely to distort product costs; Merging Business Partners may result in incorrect open item balance. Check with support on remedies. +<p><b>Restrictions:</b> Accounting and Inventory conflicts are not resolved in this version. + + + + POS + Point Of Sales Terminal + Enter Transactions via a POS Terminal. Automatically, scans or credit card swipes are recongized. + + + BOM Drop + Drop (expand) Bill of Materials + Drop the extended Bill of Materials into an Order, Invoice, etc. The documents need to be in a Drafted stage. Make sure that the items included in the BOM are on the price list of the Order, Invoice, etc. as otherwise the price will be zero! + + + Tree Maintenance + Maintain Trees + View and change trees. Maintain the entries in their specific Windows. + + + Editor Alur Kerja + Edit Workflows + Edit the graphical layout of workflows + + + Aktifitas Alur Kerja + My active workflow activities + View active worflow activities + + + Archive Viewer + View automatically archived Documents + Depending on the Client Automatic Archive Level documents and reports are saved and available for view. In the Report Viewer you can manually archive Documents or Reports. You can only view archives, if you have access to the original document. + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/AD_Menu_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/AD_Menu_Trl_in_ID.xml index 71f6afd883..23b73e27e0 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/AD_Menu_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/AD_Menu_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,2 +1,1649 @@ - -Invoice InquiryTugasMaintain TasksMata UangMaintain CurrenciesRate Mata UangMaintain Currency Conversion RatesCalendar Year and PeriodMaintain Calendars Years PeriodsElemen AccountMaintain Account ElementsKombinasi AccountMaintain Valid Account Combinations Unit of MeasureMaintain Unit of Measure LokasiMaintain Location AddressWilayah Negara dan KotaMaintain Countries Regions and CitiesPartner BisnisMaintain Business PartnersSkema AkuntingMaintain Accounting Schema - For changes to become effective you must re-loginTestTest ScreenAttachmentMaintain AttachmentsPreferenceMaintain System Client Org and User PreferencesProyek (Layanan)Maintain Service ProjectsGL CategoryMaintain General Ledger CategoriesGL JournalEnter and change Manual Journal EntriesActivity (ABC)Maintain Activities for Activity Based CostingTipe DokumenMaintain Document TypesRate PajakMaintain Taxes and their RatesKategori PajakMaintain Tax CategoriesGudang & Lokasi PencarianMaintain Warehouses and LocatorsProdukMaintain ProductsSyarat PembayaranMaintain Payment TermsPengirimMaintain ShippersOrder PenjualanEnter and change sales ordersProduct CategoryMaintain Product CategoriesDaftar HargaMaintain Product Price ListsInvoice ScheduleMaintain Invoicing ScheduleKampanye PemasaranMaintain Marketing CampaignsGL BudgetMaintain General Ledger BudgetsKanal PemasaranMaintain Marketing ChannelsWilayah PenjualanMaintain Sales RegionsElementMaintain System ElementsTable and ColumnMaintain Tables and ColumnsReferensiMaintain System ReferencesWindow, Tab & FieldMaintain Windows, Tabs & FieldsAturan ValidasiMaintain dynamic Validation Rules for columns and fieldsPesanMaintain Information and Error MessagesMenuMaintain MenuBahasaMaintain LanguagesPenggunaMaintain Users of the systemClientMaintain Clients/TenantsOrganisasiMaintain OrganizationsRoleMaintain User ResponsibilitiesUrutan DokumenMaintain System and Document SequencesAlur KerjaMaintain WorkflowKamus AplikasiMaintain Application DictionaryAturan UmumClient RulesMaintain Client RulesDataMaintain DataPerformance MeasurementUtilityManajemen ProyekAturan SistemAturan Sistem Yang UmumImpor DataAturan AkuntansiBusiness Partner RulesPenawaran-ke-InvoiceAturan Manajemen MaterialAccounting Fact DetailsQuery Accounting FactsTreeMaintain Tree definitionBankMaintain BankPenagihanMaintain Dunning LevelsWithholding (1099)Maintain Withholding CertificatesChargeMaintain ChargesOrganization RulesReport & ProcessMaintain Reports & ProcessesInvoice (Pelanggan)Customer Invoice EntryPhysical InventoryEnter Physical InventoryPengiriman (Pelanggan)Customer Inventory Shipments Customer ReturnsPermindahan PersediaanInventory MoveManajemen MaterialImport Business PartnerImport Business PartnerPengakuan PendapatanRevenue Recognition RulesPerpetual InventoryMaintain Perpetual Inventory RulesDetil SupplierMaintain Vendor DetailsGreetingMaintain GreetingsBuat Invoice (otomatis)Generate and print Invoices from open OrdersBuat Pengiriman (otomatis)Generate and print Shipments from open OrdersTransaksi OrderSales Order Transaction Report Open OrdersOpen Order ReportReplenish ReportInventory Replenish ReportRekap Transaksi ProdukProduct Transaction SummaryRequest ProcessorDefine Request ProcessorsReport ViewMaintain Report ViewsInvoice Transactions (Acct)Invoice Transactions by Accounting DatePermintaan-ke-InvoicePenerimaan MaterialVendor Shipments (Receipts)Order PembelianManage Purchase OrdersInvoice (Supplier)Vendor Invoice EntryDaily InvoiceImvoice Report per DayInvoice BulananImvoice Report per MonthInvoice Bulanan Per ProductImvoice Report by Product per MonthInvoice Mingguan Per ProdukImvoice Report by Product per WeekInvoice Bulanan Per VendorImvoice Report by Product Vendor per MonthInvoice MingguanImvoice Report per WeekFormSpecial FormsBuat Invoice (manual)Select and generate invoicesSystem AdminProject Setup and UseSetup of projects and project reportingJava VersionDisplays the version of the default Java VMPesan ErrorDisplay Error MessagesImport Loader FormatMaintain Import Loader FormatsImport File LoaderLoad flat Files into import tablesLanguage SetupSetup a new Language of the system and translate elementsInitial Client SetupInitial new Client/Tenant SetupTire StorageMaintain storage of tiresSeleksi VendorProducts with more than one vendorProduksiProduction based on Bill of MaterialsTransaksi MaterialMaterial TransactionsQuarterly Invoice Customer by ProductInvoice Report by Customer and Product per QuarterQuarterly Invoice Customer by VendorInvoice Report by Customer and Product Vendor per QuarterKelompok Partner BisnisMaintain Business Partner GroupsPemberitahuanView System NoticesBank StatementProcess Bank StatementsPembayaranProcess Payments and ReceiptsOpen ItemsPermintaanWork on your requestsMail TemplateMaintain Mail TemplateCustom AttributeMaintain custom entity attributesBuku KasMaintain CashbookJurnal KasCash transactionsOpen ItemsOpen Item (Invoice) ListUnReconciled PaymentsPayments not reconciled with Bank StatementAlokasi PembayaranAllocate invoices and paymentsAlokasiPayment - Invoice - AllocationField GroupDefine Field GroupLihat AlokasiView and Reverse Allocations Invoice Transactions (Doc)Invoice Transactions by Invoice DateInvoice Detail & MarginInvoice (Line) Detail and Margin ReportGenerate ChargesGenerate Charges from natural accountsSeleksi PembayaranSelect Invoices for PaymentNilai Transaksi ProdukProduct Transaction ValueKomisiMaintain Commissions and RoyaltiesLaporan ProyekMaintain Project Reporting CyclesProject Status SummaryProject Status of Project CycleInitial Client Setup ReviewReview of system level setup of a new ClientHubungan PartnerCustomer Relations and Partner ManagementCommission RunCheck and modify CommissionsAccounting SetupReview and change Accounting SetupBusiness Partner SetupSetup Business Partner RulesPrice List SetupDefine your Price Lists and DiscountsProduct SetupSet up ProductsSales SetupSetup SalesSetup PajakSetup tax calculationServiceService ManagementPenjualan dan PemasaranPerformance AchievementDefine Performance AchievementsPerformance ColorColor used for Performance AnalysisPerformance GoalDefine Performance GoalsPerformance Measure CalculationDefine how you calculate your performance measuresPerformance Measurement SetupSetup your Performance MeasurementAnalisa PerformanceKoleksi dari fungsi-fungsi yang berhubungan dengan akuntingPerformance MeasureDefine your Performance MeasuresPelaporan KeuanganFinancial ReportMaintain Financial ReportsReport Column SetMaintain Financial Report Column SetsReport Line SetMaintain Financial Report Line SetsLevel PelayananMaintain Service LevelsSeleksi Pembayaran (manual)Manual Payment SelectionPayment Print/ExportPrint or export your paymentsJurnal Kas DetilDetail Cash Journal InformationDatabase exportExport (save) the databaseFind (indirect use)Find Dialog (indirect use)Material Transactions (indirect use)Material Transactions (indirect use)Print FormMaintain Print Forms (Invoices, Checks, ..) usedSystem ColorMaintain System ColorsDesktopMaintain DesktopSystem ImageMaintain Images and IconsWorkbenchMaintain WorkbenchPenjualanDatabase transferTransfer the databaseSynchronize TerminologySynchronize the terminology within the system.Receivables Write-OffWrite off open receivablesResubmit PostingResubmit posting of documents with posting errorsReset AccountingReset Accounting Entries ** Stop Accounting Server before starting **Permintaan (semuanya)View and work on all requestsRequest SetupSet up the client to process requestsSkema DiskonMaintain Trade Discount SchemaLaporan Nilai PersediaanInventory Valuation ReportMatching PO-Receipt-InvoiceMatch Purchase Orders, Receipts, Vendor InvoicesUpdate Biaya ProdukSets future cost price and standard cost priceLaporan Biaya ProdukProduct Cost ReportInvoice Yang Telah DicocokkkanView Matched InvoicesPesanan Pembelian Yang Sudah DicocokkanView Matched Purchase OrdersTipe BiayaMaintain Expense Report TypesKlaim Biaya-BiayaTime and Expense ReportSumber DayaMaintain ResourcesTipe Sumber DayaMaintain Resource TypesRecompile DB ObjectsRecompile Database ObjectsPrint FormatMaintain Print FormatPrint FontMaintain Print FontPrint ColorMaintain Print ColorPrint PaperMaintain Print PaperPrintingPrint DefinitionExpenses (to be invoiced)View expenses and charges not invoiced to customersCreate Sales Orders from ExpenseCreate Sales Orders for Customers from Expense ReportsCreate AP Expense InvoicesCreate AP Invoices from Expenses to be paid to employeesPrint Table FormatDefine Report Table FormatRequest TypeMaintain Request TypesInterest AreaInterest Area or TopicSystemSystem DefinitionGenerate PO from Sales OrderCreate Purchase Order from Sales OrdersTranslation Import/ExportImport or Export Language TranslationReopen RequestReopen closed requestsImport Report Line SetImport Report Line SetsImport AccountImport Natural Account ValuesImport ProductImport ProductsPeriksa Terjemahan SistemCheck System Language TranslationsHartaAsset used internally or by customersGroup HartaGroup of AssetsPelatihanRepeated TrainingHartaBuat Pengiriman (manual)Select and generate shipmentsCetak InvoicePrint Invoices to paper or send PDFDeliver AssetsDeliver Customer Assets electronicallyExpenses (not reimbursed)View expenses and charges not reimbursedStatement of AccountsReport Account Statement Beginning Balance and TransactionsSQL ProcessProcess SQL StatementsAccounting Fact BalancesQuery Accounting Daily BalancesAttribute SetMaintain Product Attribute SetSerial No ControlProduct Serial Number ControlLot ControlProduct Lot ControlLotProduct Lot DefinitionProduct AttributesAttribute SearchCommon Search Attribute AttributeProduct AttributeExpense Invoice (Alpha)Payables expense invoices - This is Alpha FunctionalityRecurringRecurring DocumentRole Data AccessMaintain Data Access RulesImport InventoryImport Inventory TransactionsTipe ProyekMaintain Project Type and PhasePrint LabelPrint Label FormatSession AuditAudit of User SessionsSecurityChange AuditAudit of data changesTime TypeMaintain Time Recording TypeTipe Harga PerolehanMaintain Cost TypesAdvertisementWeb AdvertisementWebImport Bank StatementImport Bank StatementsImport PaymentImport PaymentsClickMaintain Web ClickImport OrderImport OrdersInvoice Payment ScheduleMaintain Invoice Payment ScheduleImport GL JournalImport General Ledger JournalsAlertAdempiere AlertTandinganWeb CounterFreight CategoryMaintain Freight CategoriesImport InvoiceImport InvoicesCache ResetReset Cache of the System ** Close all Windows before proceeding **Dimensi AccountMaintain Non-Account Dimension TreesReplicationMaintain Data Replication TargetsReplication StrategyMaintain Data Replication StrategyProyek (Order)Maintain Sales Order Projects and Work OrdersKnowledge BaseMaintain Knowledge BaseKnowledge CategoryMaintain Knoweledge Categories and ValuesKnowledge SynonymKnowlege Keyword SynonymKnowledge SourceSource of Knowledge EntriesKnowledgeUpdate Accounting BalanceUpdate Daily Accounting BalancesInfo Partner BisnisDocument Information of Business PartnersReplication SetupSetup of data replicationSend Mail TextSend EMails to active subscribers of an Interest Area OR a Business Partner Group from a selected UserMerge EntitiesMerge From Entity to To Entity - Delete FromProject Cycle ReportReport Projects based on Project CycleCustomer AssetsReport Customer Assets with Delivery CountDetail Pengiriman HartaReport Asset Deliveries DetailsIssue to ProjectIssue Material to Project from Receipt or manual Inventory LocationGenerate PO from ProjectGenerate PO from Project Line(s)Project Detail Accounting ReportAccounting Fact Details of ProjectProject Lines not IssuedLists Project Lines of a Work Order or Asset Project, which are not issued to the ProjectProject POs not IssuedLists Project Lines with generated Purchase Orders of a Work Order or Asset Project, which are not issued to the ProjectRePrice Order/InvoiceRecalculate the price based on the latest price list version of an open order or invoiceQuote convertConvert open Proposal or Quotation to OrderPencetak LabelMaintain Label Printer DefinitionVerify Document TypesVerify Document TypesProject Margin (Work Order)Work Order Project Lines (planned revenue) vs. Project Issues (costs)Storage DetailStorage Detail ReportDetil TransaksiTransaction Detail ReportAgingAging ReportAgent InfoCompany Agent (Sales Rep) InformationClicks MonthyClicks per MonthClicks UnprocessedUnprocessed ClicksDokumen yang Belum Di-postingUnposted DocumentsTipe Mata UangMaintain Currency Conversion Rate TypesPOSPoint Of Sales TerminalOrganisasi Partner BisnisSet and verify Organization ownership of Business PartnersOrganisasi ProdukSet and verify Organization ownership of ProductsOrganisasi GudangSet and verify Organization ownership of WarehouseLoad Bank StatementLoad Bank StatementDelete ImportDelete all data in Import TableImport Currency RateImport Currency Conversion RatesBOM DropDrop (expand) Bill of MaterialsPenanggung Jawab Alur KerjaResponsible for Workflow ExecutionProses Alur KerjaMonitor workflow processesAktivitas Alur Kerja (semuanya)Monitor all Workflow activitiesRegistration AttributesAsset Registration AttributesRegistrasiUser Asset RegistrationFaktur PajakInvoice Tax ReconsiliationFakta Akunting DetilAccounting Fact Details ReportFakta Akunting HarianAccounting Fact Details summarized by Accounting DateFakta Akunting Per PeriodeAccounting Fact Details summarized by Accounting PeriodReopen OrderOpen previously closed OrderBank Statement MatcherAlgorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and PaymentsPembayaran SekaligusProcess Payment Patches for EFTPemroses Alur KerjaMaintain Workflow Processor and LogsAccounting ProcessorMaintain Accounting Processor and LogsTipe OrganisasiMaintain Organization TypesAuction BuyerMaintain Auction Buyer InformationAuction SellerMaintain Auction Seller InformationPackageManage Shipment PackagesDistribution ListMaintain Distribution ListsAlert ProcessorMaintain Alert Processor/Server Parameter and LogsBid TopicTopic with Bids and OffersSubscription TypeMaintain Subscription TypesSubscriptionMaintain Subscriptions and DeliveriesSchedulerMaintain Schedule Processes and LogsRelasi PartnerMaintain Business Partner RelationsRfQ TopicMaintain RfQ Topics and SubscribersAuction Topic TypeMaintain Auction Topic Type and CategoriesRfQManage Request for QuotationsRMAManage Return Material AuthorizationServerAdempiere Server MaintenanceOrder-Order PenjualanInvoice PenjualanPengiriman-PengirimanPasarSequence CheckCheck System and Document SequencesProses PenagihanManage Dunning RunsRequisitionMaterial RequisitionGL DistributionGeneral Ledger DistributionTree MaintenanceMaintain TreesRfQ ResponseManage RfQ ResponsesRfQ ResponseDetail RfQ ResponsesRfQ UnansweredOutstanding RfQ ResponsesEditor Alur KerjaEdit WorkflowsAktifitas Alur KerjaMy active workflow activitiesOpen RequisitionsDetail Open Requisition InformationDistribution RunDistribution Run create Orders to distribute products to a selected list of partnersUnLink Business Partner OrgUnLink Business Partner from an OrganizationAsset Delivery MonthReport Asset Deliveries Summary per monthAkses AuditAudit of Access to data or resourcesDokumen TandinganMaintain Counter Document TypesPermintaanMaintain Material DemandForecastMaintain Material ForecastKonfirmasi Pengiriman/PenerimaanMaterial Shipment or Receipt ConfirmationRMA TypeReturn Material Authorization TypeOpen Confirmation DetailsOpen Shipment or Receipt Confirmation DetailsOpen ConfirmationsOpen Shipment or Receipt ConfirmationsProses AuditAudit process useKonfirmasi PemindahanConfirm Inventory MovesPrint Format DetailPrint Format Detail ReportImport ConfirmationsImport Receipt/Shipment Confirmation LinesReset PasswordReset Passwords for UserSLA CriteriaService Level Agreement CriteriaSLA by PartnerService Level AgreementSkema Daftar HargaMaintain Price List SchemaPOS TerminalMaintain your Point of Sales TerminalPOS Key LayoutPOS Function Key LayoutMaterial Receipt DetailsMaterial Receipt Detail InformationShipment DetailsShipment Detail InformationRole Access UpdateUpdate the access rights of a role or roles of a clientReset AllocationReset (delete) allocation of invoices to paymentsAlokasi OtomatisAutomatic allocation of invoices to paymentsSystem RegistrationRegister your SystemReapply CustomizationsIf you identified customizations in the Change Log, you can reapply themWorkflow to ClientMove custom workflow elements to the current clientAlur KerjaAlur Kerja AdempiereNeraca PercobaanTrial Balance for a period or date rangePersediaan Yang Digunakan SendiriEnter Internal Use of InventoryUbah Satuan ProdukBrack-up or repackage same Products with different UOMCetak Surat PenagihanPrint Dunning letters to paper or send PDFValidasi Partner BisnisCheck data consistency of Business PartnerOrder Batch ProcessProcess Orders in BatchArchive ViewerView automatically archived DocumentsUnAllocated InvoicesInvoices not allocated to PaymentsUnAllocated PaymentsPayments not allocated to InvoicesDetil PembayaranPayment Detail ReportBusiness Partner OpenBusiness Partner Open AmountCommission Run DetailCommission Run Detail ReportSynchronize Doc TranslationSynchronize Document TranslationMaterial ReferenceMaterial Transactions Cross Reference (used/resourced)Invoice BatchExpense Invoice BatchUser WindowDefine User Window CustomizationEDI DefinitionMaintain EDI DefinitionEDI TransactionBiaya ProdukMaintain Product CostsCost ElementMaintain Product Cost ElementCostingRequest StatusMaintain Request StatusRequest Standard ResponseMaintain Request Standard Response Request ResolutionMaintain Request ResolutionsRequest GroupMaintain Request GroupRequest CategoryMaintain Request CategoryRequestToko WebDefine Web StorePositionMaintain Job PositionsPosition CategoryMaintain Job Position CategoriesGajiMaintain RemunerationBOM Change NoticeMaintain Bill of Materials (Engineering) Change Notice (Version)Product BOMMaintain Product Bill of MaterialsInvoice RequestsCreate Invoice for RequestsChange NoticeMaintain (Engineering) Change Notice (Version)Storage CleanupInventory Storage CleanupInvoice Not Realized Gain/LossInvoice Not Realized Gain & Loss ReportBiaya ProdukProduct Cost ReportRekap Biaya ProdukProduct Cost Summary ReportDetil Biaya ProdukProduct Invoice Cost Detail Report \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + Invoice Inquiry + + + + Tugas + Maintain Tasks + + + Mata Uang + Maintain Currencies + + + Rate Mata Uang + Maintain Currency Conversion Rates + + + Calendar Year and Period + Maintain Calendars Years Periods + + + Elemen Account + Maintain Account Elements + + + Kombinasi Account + Maintain Valid Account Combinations + + + Unit of Measure + Maintain Unit of Measure + + + Lokasi + Maintain Location Address + + + Wilayah Negara dan Kota + Maintain Countries Regions and Cities + + + Partner Bisnis + Maintain Business Partners + + + Skema Akunting + Maintain Accounting Schema - For changes to become effective you must re-login + + + Test + Test Screen + + + Attachment + Maintain Attachments + + + Preference + Maintain System Client Org and User Preferences + + + Proyek (Layanan) + Maintain Service Projects + + + GL Category + Maintain General Ledger Categories + + + GL Journal + Enter and change Manual Journal Entries + + + Activity (ABC) + Maintain Activities for Activity Based Costing + + + Tipe Dokumen + Maintain Document Types + + + Rate Pajak + Maintain Taxes and their Rates + + + Kategori Pajak + Maintain Tax Categories + + + Gudang & Lokasi Pencarian + Maintain Warehouses and Locators + + + Produk + Maintain Products + + + Syarat Pembayaran + Maintain Payment Terms + + + Pengirim + Maintain Shippers + + + Order Penjualan + Enter and change sales orders + + + Product Category + Maintain Product Categories + + + Daftar Harga + Maintain Product Price Lists + + + Invoice Schedule + Maintain Invoicing Schedule + + + Kampanye Pemasaran + Maintain Marketing Campaigns + + + GL Budget + Maintain General Ledger Budgets + + + Kanal Pemasaran + Maintain Marketing Channels + + + Wilayah Penjualan + Maintain Sales Regions + + + Element + Maintain System Elements + + + Table and Column + Maintain Tables and Columns + + + Referensi + Maintain System References + + + Window, Tab & Field + Maintain Windows, Tabs & Fields + + + Aturan Validasi + Maintain dynamic Validation Rules for columns and fields + + + Pesan + Maintain Information and Error Messages + + + Menu + Maintain Menu + + + Bahasa + Maintain Languages + + + Pengguna + Maintain Users of the system + + + Client + Maintain Clients/Tenants + + + Organisasi + Maintain Organizations + + + Role + Maintain User Responsibilities + + + Urutan Dokumen + Maintain System and Document Sequences + + + Alur Kerja + Maintain Workflow + + + Kamus Aplikasi + Maintain Application Dictionary + + + Aturan Umum + + + + Client Rules + Maintain Client Rules + + + Data + Maintain Data + + + Performance Measurement + + + + Utility + + + + Manajemen Proyek + + + + Aturan Sistem + Aturan Sistem Yang Umum + + + Impor Data + + + + Aturan Akuntansi + + + + Business Partner Rules + + + + Penawaran-ke-Invoice + + + + Aturan Manajemen Material + + + + Accounting Fact Details + Query Accounting Facts + + + Tree + Maintain Tree definition + + + Bank + Maintain Bank + + + Penagihan + Maintain Dunning Levels + + + Withholding (1099) + Maintain Withholding Certificates + + + Charge + Maintain Charges + + + Organization Rules + + + + Report & Process + Maintain Reports & Processes + + + Invoice (Pelanggan) + Customer Invoice Entry + + + Physical Inventory + Enter Physical Inventory + + + Pengiriman (Pelanggan) + Customer Inventory Shipments Customer Returns + + + Permindahan Persediaan + Inventory Move + + + Manajemen Material + + + + Import Business Partner + Import Business Partner + + + Pengakuan Pendapatan + Revenue Recognition Rules + + + Perpetual Inventory + Maintain Perpetual Inventory Rules + + + Detil Supplier + Maintain Vendor Details + + + Greeting + Maintain Greetings + + + Buat Invoice (otomatis) + Generate and print Invoices from open Orders + + + Buat Pengiriman (otomatis) + Generate and print Shipments from open Orders + + + Transaksi Order + Sales Order Transaction Report + + + Open Orders + Open Order Report + + + Replenish Report + Inventory Replenish Report + + + Rekap Transaksi Produk + Product Transaction Summary + + + Request Processor + Define Request Processors + + + Report View + Maintain Report Views + + + Invoice Transactions (Acct) + Invoice Transactions by Accounting Date + + + Permintaan-ke-Invoice + + + + Penerimaan Material + Vendor Shipments (Receipts) + + + Order Pembelian + Manage Purchase Orders + + + Invoice (Supplier) + Vendor Invoice Entry + + + Daily Invoice + Imvoice Report per Day + + + Invoice Bulanan + Imvoice Report per Month + + + Invoice Bulanan Per Product + Imvoice Report by Product per Month + + + Invoice Mingguan Per Produk + Imvoice Report by Product per Week + + + Invoice Bulanan Per Vendor + Imvoice Report by Product Vendor per Month + + + Invoice Mingguan + Imvoice Report per Week + + + Form + Special Forms + + + Buat Invoice (manual) + Select and generate invoices + + + System Admin + + + + Project Setup and Use + Setup of projects and project reporting + + + Java Version + Displays the version of the default Java VM + + + Pesan Error + Display Error Messages + + + Import Loader Format + Maintain Import Loader Formats + + + Import File Loader + Load flat Files into import tables + + + Language Setup + Setup a new Language of the system and translate elements + + + Initial Client Setup + Initial new Client/Tenant Setup + + + Tire Storage + Maintain storage of tires + + + Seleksi Vendor + Products with more than one vendor + + + Produksi + Production based on Bill of Materials + + + Transaksi Material + Material Transactions + + + Quarterly Invoice Customer by Product + Invoice Report by Customer and Product per Quarter + + + Quarterly Invoice Customer by Vendor + Invoice Report by Customer and Product Vendor per Quarter + + + Kelompok Partner Bisnis + Maintain Business Partner Groups + + + Pemberitahuan + View System Notices + + + Bank Statement + Process Bank Statements + + + Pembayaran + Process Payments and Receipts + + + Open Items + + + + Permintaan + Work on your requests + + + Mail Template + Maintain Mail Template + + + Custom Attribute + Maintain custom entity attributes + + + Buku Kas + Maintain Cashbook + + + Jurnal Kas + Cash transactions + + + Open Items + Open Item (Invoice) List + + + UnReconciled Payments + Payments not reconciled with Bank Statement + + + Alokasi Pembayaran + Allocate invoices and payments + + + Alokasi + Payment - Invoice - Allocation + + + Field Group + Define Field Group + + + Lihat Alokasi + View and Reverse Allocations + + + Invoice Transactions (Doc) + Invoice Transactions by Invoice Date + + + Invoice Detail & Margin + Invoice (Line) Detail and Margin Report + + + Generate Charges + Generate Charges from natural accounts + + + Seleksi Pembayaran + Select Invoices for Payment + + + Nilai Transaksi Produk + Product Transaction Value + + + Komisi + Maintain Commissions and Royalties + + + Laporan Proyek + Maintain Project Reporting Cycles + + + Project Status Summary + Project Status of Project Cycle + + + Initial Client Setup Review + Review of system level setup of a new Client + + + Hubungan Partner + Customer Relations and Partner Management + + + Commission Run + Check and modify Commissions + + + Accounting Setup + Review and change Accounting Setup + + + Business Partner Setup + Setup Business Partner Rules + + + Price List Setup + Define your Price Lists and Discounts + + + Product Setup + Set up Products + + + Sales Setup + Setup Sales + + + Setup Pajak + Setup tax calculation + + + Service + Service Management + + + Penjualan dan Pemasaran + + + + Performance Achievement + Define Performance Achievements + + + Performance Color + Color used for Performance Analysis + + + Performance Goal + Define Performance Goals + + + Performance Measure Calculation + Define how you calculate your performance measures + + + Performance Measurement Setup + Setup your Performance Measurement + + + Analisa Performance + Koleksi dari fungsi-fungsi yang berhubungan dengan akunting + + + Performance Measure + Define your Performance Measures + + + Pelaporan Keuangan + + + + Financial Report + Maintain Financial Reports + + + Report Column Set + Maintain Financial Report Column Sets + + + Report Line Set + Maintain Financial Report Line Sets + + + Level Pelayanan + Maintain Service Levels + + + Seleksi Pembayaran (manual) + Manual Payment Selection + + + Payment Print/Export + Print or export your payments + + + Jurnal Kas Detil + Detail Cash Journal Information + + + Database export + Export (save) the database + + + Find (indirect use) + Find Dialog (indirect use) + + + Material Transactions (indirect use) + Material Transactions (indirect use) + + + Print Form + Maintain Print Forms (Invoices, Checks, ..) used + + + System Color + Maintain System Colors + + + Desktop + Maintain Desktop + + + System Image + Maintain Images and Icons + + + Workbench + Maintain Workbench + + + Penjualan + + + + Database transfer + Transfer the database + + + Synchronize Terminology + Synchronize the terminology within the system. + + + Receivables Write-Off + Write off open receivables + + + Resubmit Posting + Resubmit posting of documents with posting errors + + + Reset Accounting + Reset Accounting Entries ** Stop Accounting Server before starting ** + + + Permintaan (semuanya) + View and work on all requests + + + Request Setup + Set up the client to process requests + + + Skema Diskon + Maintain Trade Discount Schema + + + Laporan Nilai Persediaan + Inventory Valuation Report + + + Matching PO-Receipt-Invoice + Match Purchase Orders, Receipts, Vendor Invoices + + + Update Biaya Produk + Sets future cost price and standard cost price + + + Laporan Biaya Produk + Product Cost Report + + + Invoice Yang Telah Dicocokkkan + View Matched Invoices + + + Pesanan Pembelian Yang Sudah Dicocokkan + View Matched Purchase Orders + + + Tipe Biaya + Maintain Expense Report Types + + + Klaim Biaya-Biaya + Time and Expense Report + + + Sumber Daya + Maintain Resources + + + Tipe Sumber Daya + Maintain Resource Types + + + Recompile DB Objects + Recompile Database Objects + + + Print Format + Maintain Print Format + + + Print Font + Maintain Print Font + + + Print Color + Maintain Print Color + + + Print Paper + Maintain Print Paper + + + Printing + Print Definition + + + Expenses (to be invoiced) + View expenses and charges not invoiced to customers + + + Create Sales Orders from Expense + Create Sales Orders for Customers from Expense Reports + + + Create AP Expense Invoices + Create AP Invoices from Expenses to be paid to employees + + + Print Table Format + Define Report Table Format + + + Request Type + Maintain Request Types + + + Interest Area + Interest Area or Topic + + + System + System Definition + + + Generate PO from Sales Order + Create Purchase Order from Sales Orders + + + Translation Import/Export + Import or Export Language Translation + + + Reopen Request + Reopen closed requests + + + Import Report Line Set + Import Report Line Sets + + + Import Account + Import Natural Account Values + + + Import Product + Import Products + + + Periksa Terjemahan Sistem + Check System Language Translations + + + Harta + Asset used internally or by customers + + + Group Harta + Group of Assets + + + Pelatihan + Repeated Training + + + Harta + + + + Buat Pengiriman (manual) + Select and generate shipments + + + Cetak Invoice + Print Invoices to paper or send PDF + + + Deliver Assets + Deliver Customer Assets electronically + + + Expenses (not reimbursed) + View expenses and charges not reimbursed + + + Statement of Accounts + Report Account Statement Beginning Balance and Transactions + + + SQL Process + Process SQL Statements + + + Accounting Fact Balances + Query Accounting Daily Balances + + + Attribute Set + Maintain Product Attribute Set + + + Serial No Control + Product Serial Number Control + + + Lot Control + Product Lot Control + + + Lot + Product Lot Definition + + + Product Attributes + + + + Attribute Search + Common Search Attribute + + + Attribute + Product Attribute + + + Expense Invoice (Alpha) + Payables expense invoices - This is Alpha Functionality + + + Recurring + Recurring Document + + + Role Data Access + Maintain Data Access Rules + + + Import Inventory + Import Inventory Transactions + + + Tipe Proyek + Maintain Project Type and Phase + + + Print Label + Print Label Format + + + Session Audit + Audit of User Sessions + + + Security + + + + Change Audit + Audit of data changes + + + Time Type + Maintain Time Recording Type + + + Tipe Harga Perolehan + Maintain Cost Types + + + Advertisement + Web Advertisement + + + Web + + + + Import Bank Statement + Import Bank Statements + + + Import Payment + Import Payments + + + Click + Maintain Web Click + + + Import Order + Import Orders + + + Invoice Payment Schedule + Maintain Invoice Payment Schedule + + + Import GL Journal + Import General Ledger Journals + + + Alert + Adempiere Alert + + + Tandingan + Web Counter + + + Freight Category + Maintain Freight Categories + + + Import Invoice + Import Invoices + + + Cache Reset + Reset Cache of the System ** Close all Windows before proceeding ** + + + Dimensi Account + Maintain Non-Account Dimension Trees + + + Replication + Maintain Data Replication Targets + + + Replication Strategy + Maintain Data Replication Strategy + + + Proyek (Order) + Maintain Sales Order Projects and Work Orders + + + Knowledge Base + Maintain Knowledge Base + + + Knowledge Category + Maintain Knoweledge Categories and Values + + + Knowledge Synonym + Knowlege Keyword Synonym + + + Knowledge Source + Source of Knowledge Entries + + + Knowledge + + + + Update Accounting Balance + Update Daily Accounting Balances + + + Info Partner Bisnis + Document Information of Business Partners + + + Replication Setup + Setup of data replication + + + Send Mail Text + Send EMails to active subscribers of an Interest Area OR a Business Partner Group from a selected User + + + Merge Entities + Merge From Entity to To Entity - Delete From + + + Project Cycle Report + Report Projects based on Project Cycle + + + Customer Assets + Report Customer Assets with Delivery Count + + + Detail Pengiriman Harta + Report Asset Deliveries Details + + + Issue to Project + Issue Material to Project from Receipt or manual Inventory Location + + + Generate PO from Project + Generate PO from Project Line(s) + + + Project Detail Accounting Report + Accounting Fact Details of Project + + + Project Lines not Issued + Lists Project Lines of a Work Order or Asset Project, which are not issued to the Project + + + Project POs not Issued + Lists Project Lines with generated Purchase Orders of a Work Order or Asset Project, which are not issued to the Project + + + RePrice Order/Invoice + Recalculate the price based on the latest price list version of an open order or invoice + + + Quote convert + Convert open Proposal or Quotation to Order + + + Pencetak Label + Maintain Label Printer Definition + + + Verify Document Types + Verify Document Types + + + Project Margin (Work Order) + Work Order Project Lines (planned revenue) vs. Project Issues (costs) + + + Storage Detail + Storage Detail Report + + + Detil Transaksi + Transaction Detail Report + + + Aging + Aging Report + + + Agent Info + Company Agent (Sales Rep) Information + + + Clicks Monthy + Clicks per Month + + + Clicks Unprocessed + Unprocessed Clicks + + + Dokumen yang Belum Di-posting + Unposted Documents + + + Tipe Mata Uang + Maintain Currency Conversion Rate Types + + + POS + Point Of Sales Terminal + + + Organisasi Partner Bisnis + Set and verify Organization ownership of Business Partners + + + Organisasi Produk + Set and verify Organization ownership of Products + + + Organisasi Gudang + Set and verify Organization ownership of Warehouse + + + Load Bank Statement + Load Bank Statement + + + Delete Import + Delete all data in Import Table + + + Import Currency Rate + Import Currency Conversion Rates + + + BOM Drop + Drop (expand) Bill of Materials + + + Penanggung Jawab Alur Kerja + Responsible for Workflow Execution + + + Proses Alur Kerja + Monitor workflow processes + + + Aktivitas Alur Kerja (semuanya) + Monitor all Workflow activities + + + Registration Attributes + Asset Registration Attributes + + + Registrasi + User Asset Registration + + + Faktur Pajak + Invoice Tax Reconsiliation + + + Fakta Akunting Detil + Accounting Fact Details Report + + + Fakta Akunting Harian + Accounting Fact Details summarized by Accounting Date + + + Fakta Akunting Per Periode + Accounting Fact Details summarized by Accounting Period + + + Reopen Order + Open previously closed Order + + + Bank Statement Matcher + Algorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments + + + Pembayaran Sekaligus + Process Payment Patches for EFT + + + Pemroses Alur Kerja + Maintain Workflow Processor and Logs + + + Accounting Processor + Maintain Accounting Processor and Logs + + + Tipe Organisasi + Maintain Organization Types + + + Auction Buyer + Maintain Auction Buyer Information + + + Auction Seller + Maintain Auction Seller Information + + + Package + Manage Shipment Packages + + + Distribution List + Maintain Distribution Lists + + + Alert Processor + Maintain Alert Processor/Server Parameter and Logs + + + Bid Topic + Topic with Bids and Offers + + + Subscription Type + Maintain Subscription Types + + + Subscription + Maintain Subscriptions and Deliveries + + + Scheduler + Maintain Schedule Processes and Logs + + + Relasi Partner + Maintain Business Partner Relations + + + RfQ Topic + Maintain RfQ Topics and Subscribers + + + Auction Topic Type + Maintain Auction Topic Type and Categories + + + RfQ + Manage Request for Quotations + + + RMA + Manage Return Material Authorization + + + Server + Adempiere Server Maintenance + + + Order-Order Penjualan + + + + Invoice Penjualan + + + + Pengiriman-Pengiriman + + + + Pasar + + + + Sequence Check + Check System and Document Sequences + + + Proses Penagihan + Manage Dunning Runs + + + Requisition + Material Requisition + + + GL Distribution + General Ledger Distribution + + + Tree Maintenance + Maintain Trees + + + RfQ Response + Manage RfQ Responses + + + RfQ Response + Detail RfQ Responses + + + RfQ Unanswered + Outstanding RfQ Responses + + + Editor Alur Kerja + Edit Workflows + + + Aktifitas Alur Kerja + My active workflow activities + + + Open Requisitions + Detail Open Requisition Information + + + Distribution Run + Distribution Run create Orders to distribute products to a selected list of partners + + + UnLink Business Partner Org + UnLink Business Partner from an Organization + + + Asset Delivery Month + Report Asset Deliveries Summary per month + + + Akses Audit + Audit of Access to data or resources + + + Dokumen Tandingan + Maintain Counter Document Types + + + Permintaan + Maintain Material Demand + + + Forecast + Maintain Material Forecast + + + Konfirmasi Pengiriman/Penerimaan + Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation + + + RMA Type + Return Material Authorization Type + + + Open Confirmation Details + Open Shipment or Receipt Confirmation Details + + + Open Confirmations + Open Shipment or Receipt Confirmations + + + Proses Audit + Audit process use + + + Konfirmasi Pemindahan + Confirm Inventory Moves + + + Print Format Detail + Print Format Detail Report + + + Import Confirmations + Import Receipt/Shipment Confirmation Lines + + + Reset Password + Reset Passwords for User + + + SLA Criteria + Service Level Agreement Criteria + + + SLA by Partner + Service Level Agreement + + + Skema Daftar Harga + Maintain Price List Schema + + + POS Terminal + Maintain your Point of Sales Terminal + + + POS Key Layout + POS Function Key Layout + + + Material Receipt Details + Material Receipt Detail Information + + + Shipment Details + Shipment Detail Information + + + Role Access Update + Update the access rights of a role or roles of a client + + + Reset Allocation + Reset (delete) allocation of invoices to payments + + + Alokasi Otomatis + Automatic allocation of invoices to payments + + + System Registration + Register your System + + + Reapply Customizations + If you identified customizations in the Change Log, you can reapply them + + + Workflow to Client + Move custom workflow elements to the current client + + + Alur Kerja + Alur Kerja Adempiere + + + Neraca Percobaan + Trial Balance for a period or date range + + + Persediaan Yang Digunakan Sendiri + Enter Internal Use of Inventory + + + Ubah Satuan Produk + Brack-up or repackage same Products with different UOM + + + Cetak Surat Penagihan + Print Dunning letters to paper or send PDF + + + Validasi Partner Bisnis + Check data consistency of Business Partner + + + Order Batch Process + Process Orders in Batch + + + Archive Viewer + View automatically archived Documents + + + UnAllocated Invoices + Invoices not allocated to Payments + + + UnAllocated Payments + Payments not allocated to Invoices + + + Detil Pembayaran + Payment Detail Report + + + Business Partner Open + Business Partner Open Amount + + + Commission Run Detail + Commission Run Detail Report + + + Synchronize Doc Translation + Synchronize Document Translation + + + Material Reference + Material Transactions Cross Reference (used/resourced) + + + Invoice Batch + Expense Invoice Batch + + + User Window + Define User Window Customization + + + EDI Definition + Maintain EDI Definition + + + EDI Transaction + + + + Biaya Produk + Maintain Product Costs + + + Cost Element + Maintain Product Cost Element + + + Costing + + + + Request Status + Maintain Request Status + + + Request Standard Response + Maintain Request Standard Response + + + Request Resolution + Maintain Request Resolutions + + + Request Group + Maintain Request Group + + + Request Category + Maintain Request Category + + + Request + + + + Toko Web + Define Web Store + + + Position + Maintain Job Positions + + + Position Category + Maintain Job Position Categories + + + Gaji + Maintain Remuneration + + + BOM Change Notice + Maintain Bill of Materials (Engineering) Change Notice (Version) + + + Product BOM + Maintain Product Bill of Materials + + + Invoice Requests + Create Invoice for Requests + + + Change Notice + Maintain (Engineering) Change Notice (Version) + + + Storage Cleanup + Inventory Storage Cleanup + + + Invoice Not Realized Gain/Loss + Invoice Not Realized Gain & Loss Report + + + Biaya Produk + Product Cost Report + + + Rekap Biaya Produk + Product Cost Summary Report + + + Detil Biaya Produk + Product Invoice Cost Detail Report + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/AD_Message_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/AD_Message_Trl_in_ID.xml index 7188e05cd1..5afe246ef8 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/AD_Message_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/AD_Message_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,32 +1,2967 @@ - -zeroonetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineAbout AccessAnda tidak bisa merubah rekord iniAnda tidak mempunyai hakYou cannot delete this recordYou don't have the privilegesAnda tidak bisa menambahkan rekord iniAnda tidak mempunyai hakYou cannot update this recordYou don't have the privilegesClient & Organization DataYou cannot delete records of this file for audit reasonsIf not a transaction, you can deactivate the recorrd with deselecting the 'Active' flag Organization DataShared DataSystem DataSystem & Client DataWith your current role, you cannot update this informationYou don't have the privilegesWith your current role and settings, you cannot view this informationYou don't have the privileges (your Role does not allow to access the information) - or - set profile (e.g. if you want to see accounting records, Show Accounting must be set)© Jorg Janke - ComPiere, Inc. 1999-2002http://www.adempiere.org40 Old Tannery Rd Monroe CT 06460 USAPhone (203) 445-8182Adempiere OnlineAccount CombinationCreate new Account or update AliasAccount not updatedAccount ViewerThis action is not allowed in this contextThis action is not supportedAddressAdvancedAliasSemua rekordPrefer selecting a matching invoice and payment pair and process each at a time.Record cannot be changedJumlahJumlah Jatuh TempoPayment AmountFrom AmountAmount ToAplikasiAppliedAt first recordAt last recordAttachmentDo you want to delete this (complete) Attachment?Select a file to attach to this entityAttachment not foundCannot add Attachment to this entityAttachments require a single key and this entity is probably an Association (with two keys) or an entity without an unique numeric key.Automatic Write-OffAutomatic calculation of write-off amount to close the open itemAutomatic CommitAutomatic saving of dataLogin OtomatisLogin menggunakan user id dan password yang aktif sekarangPilihan-Pilihan Yang TersediaPartner Bisnis tidak ditemukanPartner Bisnis tidak disimpanAdd to BarBar ChartRemove from BarPartner BisnisKalkulatorKalenderBatalkanCancel QueryCannot change Document TypeYou cannot delete this record (you might be able to e-activate it)Cannot delete completed/processed transactionsChange of the default Cashbook ignored. -Please change Cashbook only after completion of transactionCharge createdCreate Charge from AccountGenerate ChargesCreate Account and ChargeCharge NOT createdCityClientShared ServicesClose WindowKombinasiKoneksiContactControl Amount differs from BalanceError while executing currency conversion routineConvertedCopiedCopy RecordUpdate copied record and save or ignoreCould not copy: CountryCreateBuat Rekord BaruCreatedCredit Card Expiration Date Format must be "MMYY"Credit Card Expiration Date Month invalidCredit Card Expiration Date Year invalidCredit Card is expiredCredit Card Number not validThere seems to be a Credit Card Number problem. -Continue?Credit Card Validation Code not correct.You find the four digit validation number printed on AMEX right above the credit card number. On other cards it is a three digit number printed on the signature field after the credit card number.Note: Over Credit Limit Currency ConversionCurrent SettingsCustomizeDatabase Error.Data refreshed from databaseDatabaseTanggalTanggal DariTanggal KeTrace LevelDefault Error Hapus RekordCould not delete record: Record not deleted - dependent record foundApakah anda mau menghapus rekord ini?DeletedPenjelasanDetail recordPerbedaanDiskon PenjualanTanggal DiskonCategory Discount invalid (above or below 100)Display Document InfoDisplay QuantityDisplay Source InfoDocument is being processedCopyDrillEFTEMailEMail to Support&EditEditorEnd WindowEnter QueryEnter text to search forEnvironmentError: Execute QueryKeluar AplikasiAnda yakin mau keluar dari Adempiere?Expand allExpand TreeExpenseExpires (MMYY)ExportExport to ExcelExport RecordsProcess failed: Field&Filecsv - Excel Comma Separated Values fileCannot create filehtml - HTML fileImport File Loader<Select File to Load>Select the file to load matching the Import FormatSelect a Import FormatRows in file / loaded and ready to import:Invalid File Extensionpdf - Acrobat PDF fileps - Postscript filertf - Rich Text Format filetxt - Tab delimited fileError writing filexml - XML fileFill mandatory fields: Find recordAvailable ColumnsSelect columns and order themSelected ColumnsCustomize FindSelect a row or enter search criteriaEnter Query criteria with optional % wildcard (case insensitive)Rekord tidak ditemukanFirst recordFirst PageFromCallout Function not foundCallout Function ErrorGenerate&GoGo To PageColumn for Name (X-Axis)GreetingSummarizeGroup byHeading&BantuanHistory recordsMenuHostIgnore changesCould not ignore changes: Changes ignoredInfoAccount InfoInfo Partner BisnisInformasi PengirimanInvoice InfoOrder InfoInfo PembayaranInfo ProdukInsertedGenerate Invoices (manual)Generating invoicesInvoices are generated depending on the "Invoicing Rule" selection in the OrderSelect shipments to generate invoicesOne or more Product is more than once in the count list. Lines deactivated.InvoiceReceipt (Shipment) already exists for this invoiceDocument must be completed firstInsert Item hereMove ItemRekord terakhirHalaman terakhirPanjangLevelLoadLoading ....Location/AddressEnter new Location/AddressUpdate Location/AddressLoginLogin (success)MarginMatch FromSearch ModeMatch ToMatchedMatchingMenuGo to MenuMenu cannot load: Message not sent. - -Problem: Message sent.Pesan-PesanData Grid toggleMulti-CurrencyNoNamaNavigateNavigate or Update record<Query active> Navigate or Update recordRekord BaruEnter data for new record and save or ignoreCould not add new record:New ValueRekord berikutHalaman berikutDid not find next Sequence NumberContact System AdministratorNoMessage Not FoundNumber of linesNumber of PaymentsNo records found; Enter data for new recordDid not find valid Accounting Information.NOT ActiveStok tidak mencukupi:* Tidak Ditemukan *Not MatchedNot Unique:Number of Rows x ColumnsOKShow old/completed TransactionsOld ValueOnlineCustomers onlyOnly Due InvoicesHanya Supplier SajaOpenOpenOptionsOrder by{0} Line(s) - {1,number,#,##0.00} - Total: {2,number,#,##0.00} {3} = {4,number,#,##0.00}OrgAnother Process for this record is active, retry laterPagePage breakPage {P} of {N}Two PagesWhole PagePage WidthParameterError: Parameter missingParent RecordPasswordPaymentPayment AllocationBank Account Number is not validBank Check Number is not validBank Routing Number is not validEnter the payment after completing the transactionTelah Dilakukan Pembayaran:Diskon PembayaranAn error occurred when processing the payment:No Payment Processor for this Payment Type.Create Payment Processor for your Bank Account.Proses pembayaran gagalPembayaran telah diproses dengan baikThe amount is zero. -Enter the payment after completing the transactionNext Calendar Period not foundPlease set up future Periods Periode Kalender tidak ditemukanCheck setup of Calendar and Accounting Schema as well as Accounting Schema assignment to Client or OrganizationNo valid period for this accounting date.Check your calendar setup.Pie ChartDocument must be Complete or Closed to view AccountingPost now and create Accounting entries?Posting: Server ErrorZIPZIP+4Posting ErrorPosting ErrorPosting Error: Source Not BalancedPosting Error: Source Currency not convertibleDefine exchange rate from the source currency to your accounting currenciesPosting Error: Invalid AccountAccount is no longer Active; Reactivate account value or choose newPosting Error: Period Closed(Re-) Open Period or change Accounting DatePreferencePreferencesPrevious recordPrevious PagePrice HistoryPricelist VersionNo active and valid price list version foundPrintCustomize ReportDefined [Displayed]Cetak InvoicesPrint only most recent Invoice ? -(No: print all invoices of order)Print ScreenPage SetupCetak ShipmentsPrintedPrinterPrintingApakah hasil cetakannya OK ?ProcessProcess cancelledProcess failedCannot start process - No procedure nameProcess finished successfulProcess failed during executionError: Information: Warning: Process could not be submittedSedang diproses ... Harap tunggu sebentar ...TersediaQuantityQuery EnterQuery CancelQuery EnterEnter Query criteriaQuery ExecuteInclude in QueryNo records with these criteria. Do you want to change the query criteria?Record is Read OnlyRe-Post Repost document recreates accounting for this documentRecordProblems accessing the record: Record foundRecord savedRecordsRefreshRefresh allCould not refresh data: Data refreshedRefreshing data ...Region/StateRemainingRemittance AdviceReportReport FindSave Report as PDF, CSV, HTML or TXT fileReportsCould not send EMailEMail from {0} to {1}Cannot send EMail: -No originator (from) address - Check UserCannot send EMail: -No Mail Server (SMTP) found; Check Client InfoCannot send EMail: -No destination (to) address - Check ContactEMail sentRequest {0} was transferred by {1} to {2} Alert: Request {0} overdueEscalated Request {0} to {1}Enter required information: PendapatanReversed by documentRole and Client/Organization inconsistentKredit TersediaProduct is reserved or was already delivered or invoiced. Set quantity to zero. -Details: Entry in a key field was not unique - a record with that value already exists. - -Details: The record is referenced by other records. - -Details: Partner Bisnis yang SamaProduk yang SamaKuantitas yang SamaSimpan PerubahanAnda mau Simpan data yang telah diubah?Save Info in CookieCould not save changes: Could not save changes - data was changed after query.System will re-query record.Could not save record - Require unique data: Please change information.Record not saved. Row not found!Tidak disimpanCould not post record: Record savedSkemaScriptScript EditorScript ErrorScript HelpResultResult VariableAvailable VariablesSearch recordsSearch CriteriaCould not locate record: All / AnySearch for using All criteria (AND) - or Any criteria (OR)Nothing to search on hereSelect Record & ReturnQuery Error - probably wrong criteria enteredRows found - Enter query criteria (optionally with %)SelectPilihan-Pilihan Yang TersediaPilih DokumenSelect FileSearch and select an entrySelect Menu ItemSelect ProgramSelect Columns for Select WindowMove columns wanted into the Selected box and sequence their orderSelected ChoicesSelectedKirim EMailSend MailUrutanCould not find document sequence:Check Document Definition and Document Sequence RulesCould not find next Table ID sequenceCheck with your System AdministratorCould not find Sequence for: Create Objects on ServerCreate complex objects on Application Server (slow communication lines)Document must be completed firstShow Accounting TabsShow accounting informationShow Translation TabsShow translation informationSingle-Record DisplaySort bySortedStandarMulaiAnda mau memulai Prosesnya sekarang?Start selected ReportMulai PelaporanMulai Pencarian ...SubjectProcess completed successfullySumSystemTabCannot execute task: TasksCriteria for Tax not foundCould not find taxTestTimeout - Try to check results laterToHari Ini&ToolsTotalsTrxUser Interface ThemeWindow - Metal - AdempiereDibawah Batas Harga JualUpdateUpdate data for copied record and save or ignoreTelah DiperbaruiPenggunaUser InterfaceUser defined messageUser and Password inconsistentPayment print/exportFor some payments, there were not enough rooms for all remittance lines. -Do you want to print separate Remittance advice ?No Bank Account Documents (Checks) for this Bank Account and Payment Rule.No Payments available for Print/ExportDo you want to print Remittance Advice ?Generate EFT PaymentsIs the payment print correct ?Payment selection (manual)Generate Payments from Payment Selection?No Bank Account with Document (e.g. Check)Print/export generated Payments?Initial Client SetupMaterial Transaction InfoKeyValue PreferencePreference Value deletedPreference Value setPreference Value NOT foundPreference Value NOT setFor level&LihatGraphEnter Selection and Display criteria and start QueryEnter QueryLihat HasilCannot start Workflow - Definition not correctExit WorkflowNext workflow stepPrevious workflow stepBack to start of workflowPlease upgrade your Browser, if dependent field selections remain empty after change of Role.Database currently not availableWaiting for Payment (if required you can close the order)WarehouseRecord Info WindowWrite-offYesYesZoomDocument ZoomofPrint only most recent Shipment ? -(No: print all shipments of order)Resource Assignment{0} Line(s) - Total: {1,number,#,##0.00} {2}WeekHariBulanResource InfoResource is not available or not activeResource is unavailableNot a business dayWaktu Tidak TersediaDay not availableInfo SkedulLandscapePortraitNo Currency Conversion Rate between currencies foundOperatorQuery ValueTo Query ValueValidation ErrorData RowsData ColumnsNo Document Print Format definedTranslate Print FormatIf you do not have Multi-Lingual Document enabled, you can translate a Report here.TerjemahkanLaporan BaruRata-RataCountScreen ShotDatabase Version ErrorThe program assumes Database version {0}, but Database has Version {1}. -This is likely to cause hard to fix errors. -Please stop and migrate the database immediately.Selalu Lihat yang Akan DicetakDon't print direct - even DocumentsAllTahunHow long back in History?View history records back in time.To be matchedStore PasswordStore Password for fast Login (security risk)Info Jurnal KasResource InfoAbsolute AmountImportErrorsPembelianServer Aplikasi tidak ditemukanOptionalLoad Accounting ValuesFormat: Accounting__.csvNo Exempt Tax found (define tax exempt tax rate)Tidak ada koneksi ke databaseGenerating shipmentsSelect orders to generate shipmentsShipments are generated depending on the "Delivery Rule" selection in the OrderPengirimanTelah TerkirimYou need to restrict the selection.Saldo AwalInvalid Arguments - Check ParametersChange cannot be selected, if there is an existing Product selection (either-or). A charge needs to have it's own line.Payment Document Type and Invoice type (AP/AR) inconsistent.(Re) Select InvoiceOnline Payment FailedLoad ErrorMerge From (deleted)Merge To (surviving)Merge From entity to To entity ? -** NO Undo nor Trace -- You need to have a Backup **Merge SuccessMerge Error - Please review:Language Setup ErrorCheck Language SetupNo Product Attribute Set definedNo Product Attribute InformationNo Products with Attributes to selectContextInfo AsetResetProduct AttributesProduct Attribute InstanceSQL StatementPrivate Record LockProduct Attribute InfoYou cannot create Reports for this Information.You don't have the privilegesYou cannot export this Information.You don't have the privilegesClient DataRecord Access DialogRole InfoIncludeExcludeDictionary MaintenanceOnly for internal Adempiere Dictionary Maintenence - DO NOT SELECTTidak ada terjemahanSelect existing RecordRekord BaruEdit RecordPerlihatkan SemuanyaDocument has Lines without MANDATORY Product Attribute Set Instance - complete firstSelect existing recordSizeBoldItalicUnderlineFont FamilyFont StyleKiriCenterRightAlignFontSystem Not Setup for Replication (see log)MeanMinimumMaximumVarianceStd.DeviationRunning TotalPilih ProdukTotal VM Memory {0,number,integer} kB - Free {1,number,integer} kBssv - Semicolon Separated Values fileSave Attachment to DiskDo you want to delete this Attachment entry?jpg - JPEG Graphic fileDownload {0} for {1} - -Version = {2} - Lot = {3} - SerNo = {4} -Guarantee Date = {5,date,short} - -Thank you for using Adempiere Customer Asset Management -You are writing off a significant percentage of the open amount.Deselect Automatic Write-off to manually enter the write-off amountJawabanForwardYou have no ActivitiesYour Workflow ActivitiesWorkflow ResultCannot ForwardActive Workflow for this Record exists (complete first):Periode Telah DitutupActive WorkflowsNo Zoom Target for this RecordZoom Across (where used)OrderCounter DocumentSet Window SizeSet Window Size for all users -(Cancel to reset to default)Account used is Document Controlled - Do not use for manual Journals.Warehouse Organization is not Document OrganizationBusiness Partner is on Credit StopBusiness Partner is on Credit HoldBusiness Partner with this Order over Credit HoldBusiness Partner with open Shipments over Credit HoldNot Invoiced AmountOld Password is MandatoryOld Password does not matchNo POS Terminal defined for UserSelect POS TerminalRegisterSummaryProdukPartner BisnisCheckoutCash GivenReturnKasExp MM/YYCurrent LineLog OutPlus (add)Minus (subtract)Product Attribute Set has no Instance attributes (e.g. Serial No)Stok tidak tersedia:The Product UoM needs to be the smallest UoMDivide Rate must be >= 1 and always result in a valid UoM unit. -Example: To convert Each to Pair, the Multiply Rate is 0.5Select the Product UoM as the From Unit of Measure:Kuantitas Belum DikonfirmasiInventory ReplenishmentRequest {0} - DueInactivity Alert: Request {0}Worflow Not ValidInactivity Alert: Workflow Activity {0}Alert Workflow Activity: Max Wait Time Ended {0}Alert Workflow Activity Over Priority {0}Failed** VoidedUnbalanced Journal and Suspense Balancing not enabledSelectionDisplayProduct is not on PriceListAddedError while creating the Accounting Setup. -Check the error log and the format of the Accounting*.cvs file - No duplicate Accounts and all all defaut accounts must be included (even if you will not use them).For Internal Use of Inventory you need to define a ChargeSimpan Ke FileErrors OnlyTrace LevelDetail of Trace Information - INFO is usually sufficientTrace InformationTrace FileCreate Trace file in Adempiere directory or in user home directoryRun Processes on ServerRun Processes on Application Server (slow communication lines)Buat Permohonan BaruShow all RequestsShow active RequestsDocumentsReportsNo Archives for this RecordRequests - Issue TrackingArchived Documents and ReportsDocument ArchivedArchive ErrorSemua LaporanOrganization * (0) not allowedNota Kredit{0} Line(s) {1,number,#,##0.00} - Total: {2,number,#,##0.00}Press OK to start 'After Migration' process ... may take a few minutesInvalid:Resource Assignment could Not be deleted. It may be used in an Order or Invoice. -Delete Order/Invoice line with the Assignment.YesNoRequest UpdateShow Advanced TabsShow Tabs with advanced functionality like Matching, Allocation, etc.Request Status TimeoutDocument Status changed - Requery RecordWill retrieve high number of records - -Do you want to continue?Create new nodeDelete NodeAdd LineDelete LineNot Approved \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + zero + + + + one + + + + two + + + + three + + + + four + + + + five + + + + six + + + + seven + + + + eight + + + + nine + + + + About + + + + Access + + + + Anda tidak bisa merubah rekord ini + Anda tidak mempunyai hak + + + You cannot delete this record + You don't have the privileges + + + Anda tidak bisa menambahkan rekord ini + Anda tidak mempunyai hak + + + You cannot update this record + You don't have the privileges + + + Client & Organization Data + + + + You cannot delete records of this file for audit reasons + If not a transaction, you can deactivate the recorrd with deselecting the 'Active' flag + + + Organization Data + + + + Shared Data + + + + System Data + + + + System & Client Data + + + + With your current role, you cannot update this information + You don't have the privileges + + + With your current role and settings, you cannot view this information + You don't have the privileges (your Role does not allow to access the information) - or - set profile (e.g. if you want to see accounting records, Show Accounting must be set) + + + © Jorg Janke - ComPiere, Inc. 1999-2002 + http://www.adempiere.org + + + 40 Old Tannery Rd Monroe CT 06460 USA + Phone (203) 445-8182 + + + Adempiere Online + + + + Account Combination + + + + Create new Account or update Alias + + + + Account not updated + + + + Account Viewer + + + + This action is not allowed in this context + + + + This action is not supported + + + + Address + + + + Advanced + + + + Alias + + + + Semua rekord + + + + Prefer selecting a matching invoice and payment pair and process each at a time. + + + + Record cannot be changed + + + + Jumlah + + + + Jumlah Jatuh Tempo + + + + Payment Amount + + + + From Amount + + + + Amount To + + + + Aplikasi + + + + Applied + + + + At first record + + + + At last record + + + + Attachment + + + + Do you want to delete this (complete) Attachment? + + + + Select a file to attach to this entity + + + + Attachment not found + + + + Cannot add Attachment to this entity + Attachments require a single key and this entity is probably an Association (with two keys) or an entity without an unique numeric key. + + + Automatic Write-Off + Automatic calculation of write-off amount to close the open item + + + Automatic Commit + Automatic saving of data + + + Login Otomatis + Login menggunakan user id dan password yang aktif sekarang + + + Pilihan-Pilihan Yang Tersedia + + + + Partner Bisnis tidak ditemukan + + + + Partner Bisnis tidak disimpan + + + + Add to Bar + + + + Bar Chart + + + + Remove from Bar + + + + Partner Bisnis + + + + Kalkulator + + + + Kalender + + + + Batalkan + + + + Cancel Query + + + + Cannot change Document Type + + + + You cannot delete this record (you might be able to e-activate it) + + + + Cannot delete completed/processed transactions + + + + Change of the default Cashbook ignored. +Please change Cashbook only after completion of transaction + + + + Charge created + + + + Create Charge from Account + + + + Generate Charges + + + + Create Account and Charge + + + + Charge NOT created + + + + City + + + + Client + + + + Shared Services + + + + Close Window + + + + Kombinasi + + + + Koneksi + + + + Contact + + + + Control Amount differs from Balance + + + + Error while executing currency conversion routine + + + + Converted + + + + Copied + + + + Copy Record + + + + Update copied record and save or ignore + + + + Could not copy: + + + + Country + + + + Create + + + + Buat Rekord Baru + + + + Created + + + + Credit Card Expiration Date Format must be "MMYY" + + + + Credit Card Expiration Date Month invalid + + + + Credit Card Expiration Date Year invalid + + + + Credit Card is expired + + + + Credit Card Number not valid + + + + There seems to be a Credit Card Number problem. +Continue? + + + + Credit Card Validation Code not correct. + You find the four digit validation number printed on AMEX right above the credit card number. On other cards it is a three digit number printed on the signature field after the credit card number. + + + Note: Over Credit Limit + + + + Currency Conversion + + + + Current Settings + + + + Customize + + + + Database Error. + + + + Data refreshed from database + + + + Database + + + + Tanggal + + + + Tanggal Dari + + + + Tanggal Ke + + + + Trace Level + + + + Default Error + + + + Hapus Rekord + + + + Could not delete record: + + + + Record not deleted - dependent record found + + + + Apakah anda mau menghapus rekord ini? + + + + Deleted + + + + Penjelasan + + + + Detail record + + + + Perbedaan + + + + Diskon Penjualan + + + + Tanggal Diskon + + + + Category Discount invalid (above or below 100) + + + + Display Document Info + + + + Display Quantity + + + + Display Source Info + + + + Document is being processed + + + + Copy + + + + Drill + + + + EFT + + + + EMail + + + + EMail to Support + + + + &Edit + + + + Editor + + + + End Window + + + + Enter Query + + + + Enter text to search for + + + + Environment + + + + Error: + + + + Execute Query + + + + Keluar Aplikasi + + + + Anda yakin mau keluar dari Adempiere? + + + + Expand all + + + + Expand Tree + + + + Expense + + + + Expires (MMYY) + + + + Export + + + + Export to Excel + + + + Export Records + + + + Process failed: + + + + Field + + + + &File + + + + csv - Excel Comma Separated Values file + + + + Cannot create file + + + + html - HTML file + + + + Import File Loader + + + + <Select File to Load> + + + + Select the file to load matching the Import Format + + + + Select a Import Format + + + + Rows in file / loaded and ready to import: + + + + Invalid File Extension + + + + pdf - Acrobat PDF file + + + + ps - Postscript file + + + + rtf - Rich Text Format file + + + + txt - Tab delimited file + + + + Error writing file + + + + xml - XML file + + + + Fill mandatory fields: + + + + Find record + + + + Available Columns + + + + Select columns and order them + + + + Selected Columns + + + + Customize Find + + + + Select a row or enter search criteria + + + + Enter Query criteria with optional % wildcard (case insensitive) + + + + Rekord tidak ditemukan + + + + First record + + + + First Page + + + + From + + + + Callout Function not found + + + + Callout Function Error + + + + Generate + + + + &Go + + + + Go To Page + + + + Column for Name (X-Axis) + + + + Greeting + + + + Summarize + + + + Group by + + + + Heading + + + + &Bantuan + + + + History records + + + + Menu + + + + Host + + + + Ignore changes + + + + Could not ignore changes: + + + + Changes ignored + + + + Info + + + + Account Info + + + + Info Partner Bisnis + + + + Informasi Pengiriman + + + + Invoice Info + + + + Order Info + + + + Info Pembayaran + + + + Info Produk + + + + Inserted + + + + Generate Invoices (manual) + + + + Generating invoices + + + + Invoices are generated depending on the "Invoicing Rule" selection in the Order + + + + Select shipments to generate invoices + + + + One or more Product is more than once in the count list. Lines deactivated. + + + + Invoice + + + + Receipt (Shipment) already exists for this invoice + + + + Document must be completed first + + + + Insert Item here + + + + Move Item + + + + Rekord terakhir + + + + Halaman terakhir + + + + Panjang + + + + Level + + + + Load + + + + Loading .... + + + + Location/Address + + + + Enter new Location/Address + + + + Update Location/Address + + + + Login + + + + Login (success) + + + + Margin + + + + Match From + + + + Search Mode + + + + Match To + + + + Matched + + + + Matching + + + + Menu + + + + Go to Menu + + + + Menu cannot load: + + + + Message not sent. + +Problem: + + + + Message sent. + + + + Pesan-Pesan + + + + Data Grid toggle + + + + Multi-Currency + + + + No + + + + Nama + + + + Navigate + + + + Navigate or Update record + + + + <Query active> Navigate or Update record + + + + Rekord Baru + + + + Enter data for new record and save or ignore + + + + Could not add new record: + + + + New Value + + + + Rekord berikut + + + + Halaman berikut + + + + Did not find next Sequence Number + Contact System Administrator + + + No + + + + Message Not Found + + + + Number of lines + + + + Number of Payments + + + + No records found; Enter data for new record + + + + Did not find valid Accounting Information. + + + + NOT Active + + + + Stok tidak mencukupi: + + + + * Tidak Ditemukan * + + + + Not Matched + + + + Not Unique: + + + + Number of Rows x Columns + + + + OK + + + + Show old/completed Transactions + + + + Old Value + + + + Online + + + + Customers only + + + + Only Due Invoices + + + + Hanya Supplier Saja + + + + Open + + + + Open + + + + Options + + + + Order by + + + + {0} Line(s) - {1,number,#,##0.00} - Total: {2,number,#,##0.00} {3} = {4,number,#,##0.00} + + + + Org + + + + Another Process for this record is active, retry later + + + + Page + + + + Page break + + + + Page {P} of {N} + + + + Two Pages + + + + Whole Page + + + + Page Width + + + + Parameter + + + + Error: Parameter missing + + + + Parent Record + + + + Password + + + + Payment + + + + Payment Allocation + + + + Bank Account Number is not valid + + + + Bank Check Number is not valid + + + + Bank Routing Number is not valid + + + + Enter the payment after completing the transaction + + + + Telah Dilakukan Pembayaran: + + + + Diskon Pembayaran + + + + An error occurred when processing the payment: + + + + No Payment Processor for this Payment Type. + Create Payment Processor for your Bank Account. + + + Proses pembayaran gagal + + + + Pembayaran telah diproses dengan baik + + + + The amount is zero. +Enter the payment after completing the transaction + + + + Next Calendar Period not found + Please set up future Periods + + + Periode Kalender tidak ditemukan + Check setup of Calendar and Accounting Schema as well as Accounting Schema assignment to Client or Organization + + + No valid period for this accounting date. + Check your calendar setup. + + + Pie Chart + + + + Document must be Complete or Closed to view Accounting + + + + Post now and create Accounting entries? + + + + Posting: Server Error + + + + ZIP + + + + ZIP+4 + + + + Posting Error + + + + Posting Error + + + + Posting Error: Source Not Balanced + + + + Posting Error: Source Currency not convertible + Define exchange rate from the source currency to your accounting currencies + + + Posting Error: Invalid Account + Account is no longer Active; Reactivate account value or choose new + + + Posting Error: Period Closed + (Re-) Open Period or change Accounting Date + + + Preference + + + + Preferences + + + + Previous record + + + + Previous Page + + + + Price History + + + + Pricelist Version + + + + No active and valid price list version found + + + + Print + + + + Customize Report + + + + Defined [Displayed] + + + + Cetak Invoices + + + + Print only most recent Invoice ? +(No: print all invoices of order) + + + + Print Screen + + + + Page Setup + + + + Cetak Shipments + + + + Printed + + + + Printer + + + + Printing + + + + Apakah hasil cetakannya OK ? + + + + Process + + + + Process cancelled + + + + Process failed + + + + Cannot start process - No procedure name + + + + Process finished successful + + + + Process failed during execution + + + + Error: + + + + Information: + + + + Warning: + + + + Process could not be submitted + + + + Sedang diproses ... Harap tunggu sebentar ... + + + + Tersedia + + + + Quantity + + + + Query Enter + + + + Query Cancel + + + + Query Enter + + + + Enter Query criteria + + + + Query Execute + + + + Include in Query + + + + No records with these criteria. Do you want to change the query criteria? + + + + Record is Read Only + + + + Re-Post + + + + Repost document recreates accounting for this document + + + + Record + + + + Problems accessing the record: + + + + Record found + + + + Record saved + + + + Records + + + + Refresh + + + + Refresh all + + + + Could not refresh data: + + + + Data refreshed + + + + Refreshing data ... + + + + Region/State + + + + Remaining + + + + Remittance Advice + + + + Report + + + + Report Find + + + + Save Report as PDF, CSV, HTML or TXT file + + + + Reports + + + + Could not send EMail + + + + EMail from {0} to {1} + + + + Cannot send EMail: +No originator (from) address - Check User + + + + Cannot send EMail: +No Mail Server (SMTP) found; Check Client Info + + + + Cannot send EMail: +No destination (to) address - Check Contact + + + + EMail sent + + + + Request {0} was transferred by {1} to {2} + + + + Alert: Request {0} overdue + + + + Escalated Request {0} to {1} + + + + Enter required information: + + + + Pendapatan + + + + Reversed by document + + + + Role and Client/Organization inconsistent + + + + Kredit Tersedia + + + + Product is reserved or was already delivered or invoiced. Set quantity to zero. +Details: + + + + Entry in a key field was not unique - a record with that value already exists. + +Details: + + + + The record is referenced by other records. + +Details: + + + + Partner Bisnis yang Sama + + + + Produk yang Sama + + + + Kuantitas yang Sama + + + + Simpan Perubahan + + + + Anda mau Simpan data yang telah diubah? + + + + Save Info in Cookie + + + + Could not save changes: + + + + Could not save changes - data was changed after query. + System will re-query record. + + + Could not save record - Require unique data: + Please change information. + + + Record not saved. Row not found! + + + + Tidak disimpan + + + + Could not post record: + + + + Record saved + + + + Skema + + + + Script + + + + Script Editor + + + + Script Error + + + + Script Help + + + + Result + + + + Result Variable + + + + Available Variables + + + + Search records + + + + Search Criteria + + + + Could not locate record: + + + + All / Any + + + + Search for using All criteria (AND) - or Any criteria (OR) + + + + Nothing to search on here + + + + Select Record & Return + + + + Query Error - probably wrong criteria entered + + + + Rows found - Enter query criteria (optionally with %) + + + + Select + + + + Pilihan-Pilihan Yang Tersedia + + + + Pilih Dokumen + + + + Select File + + + + Search and select an entry + + + + Select Menu Item + + + + Select Program + + + + Select Columns for Select Window + + + + Move columns wanted into the Selected box and sequence their order + + + + Selected Choices + + + + Selected + + + + Kirim EMail + + + + Send Mail + + + + Urutan + + + + Could not find document sequence: + Check Document Definition and Document Sequence Rules + + + Could not find next Table ID sequence + Check with your System Administrator + + + Could not find Sequence for: + + + + Create Objects on Server + Create complex objects on Application Server (slow communication lines) + + + Document must be completed first + + + + Show Accounting Tabs + Show accounting information + + + Show Translation Tabs + Show translation information + + + Single-Record Display + + + + Sort by + + + + Sorted + + + + Standar + + + + Mulai + + + + Anda mau memulai Prosesnya sekarang? + + + + Start selected Report + + + + Mulai Pelaporan + + + + Mulai Pencarian ... + + + + Subject + + + + Process completed successfully + + + + Sum + + + + System + + + + Tab + + + + Cannot execute task: + + + + Tasks + + + + Criteria for Tax not found + + + + Could not find tax + + + + Test + + + + Timeout - Try to check results later + + + + To + + + + Hari Ini + + + + &Tools + + + + Totals + + + + Trx + + + + User Interface Theme + Window - Metal - Adempiere + + + Dibawah Batas Harga Jual + + + + Update + + + + Update data for copied record and save or ignore + + + + Telah Diperbarui + + + + Pengguna + + + + User Interface + + + + User defined message + + + + User and Password inconsistent + + + + Payment print/export + + + + For some payments, there were not enough rooms for all remittance lines. +Do you want to print separate Remittance advice ? + + + + No Bank Account Documents (Checks) for this Bank Account and Payment Rule. + + + + No Payments available for Print/Export + + + + Do you want to print Remittance Advice ? + + + + Generate EFT Payments + + + + Is the payment print correct ? + + + + Payment selection (manual) + + + + Generate Payments from Payment Selection? + + + + No Bank Account with Document (e.g. Check) + + + + Print/export generated Payments? + + + + Initial Client Setup + + + + Material Transaction Info + + + + Key + + + + Value Preference + + + + Preference Value deleted + + + + Preference Value set + + + + Preference Value NOT found + + + + Preference Value NOT set + + + + For level + + + + &Lihat + + + + Graph + + + + Enter Selection and Display criteria and start Query + + + + Enter Query + + + + Lihat Hasil + + + + Cannot start Workflow - Definition not correct + + + + Exit Workflow + + + + Next workflow step + + + + Previous workflow step + + + + Back to start of workflow + + + + Please upgrade your Browser, if dependent field selections remain empty after change of Role. + + + + Database currently not available + + + + Waiting for Payment (if required you can close the order) + + + + Warehouse + + + + Record Info + + + + Window + + + + Write-off + + + + Yes + + + + Yes + + + + Zoom + + + + Document Zoom + + + + of + + + + Print only most recent Shipment ? +(No: print all shipments of order) + + + + Resource Assignment + + + + {0} Line(s) - Total: {1,number,#,##0.00} {2} + + + + Week + + + + Hari + + + + Bulan + + + + Resource Info + + + + Resource is not available or not active + + + + Resource is unavailable + + + + Not a business day + + + + Waktu Tidak Tersedia + + + + Day not available + + + + Info Skedul + + + + Landscape + + + + Portrait + + + + No Currency Conversion Rate between currencies found + + + + Operator + + + + Query Value + + + + To Query Value + + + + Validation Error + + + + Data Rows + + + + Data Columns + + + + No Document Print Format defined + + + + Translate Print Format + If you do not have Multi-Lingual Document enabled, you can translate a Report here. + + + Terjemahkan + + + + Laporan Baru + + + + Rata-Rata + + + + Count + + + + Screen Shot + + + + Database Version Error + The program assumes Database version {0}, but Database has Version {1}. +This is likely to cause hard to fix errors. +Please stop and migrate the database immediately. + + + Selalu Lihat yang Akan Dicetak + Don't print direct - even Documents + + + All + + + + Tahun + + + + How long back in History? + View history records back in time. + + + To be matched + + + + Store Password + Store Password for fast Login (security risk) + + + Info Jurnal Kas + + + + Resource Info + + + + Absolute Amount + + + + Import + + + + Errors + + + + Pembelian + + + + Server Aplikasi tidak ditemukan + + + + Optional + + + + Load Accounting Values + Format: Accounting__.csv + + + No Exempt Tax found (define tax exempt tax rate) + + + + Tidak ada koneksi ke database + + + + Generating shipments + + + + Select orders to generate shipments + + + + Shipments are generated depending on the "Delivery Rule" selection in the Order + + + + Pengiriman + + + + Telah Terkirim + + + + You need to restrict the selection. + + + + Saldo Awal + + + + Invalid Arguments - Check Parameters + + + + Change cannot be selected, if there is an existing Product selection (either-or). A charge needs to have it's own line. + + + + Payment Document Type and Invoice type (AP/AR) inconsistent. + + + + (Re) Select Invoice + + + + Online Payment Failed + + + + Load Error + + + + Merge From (deleted) + + + + Merge To (surviving) + + + + Merge From entity to To entity ? +** NO Undo nor Trace -- You need to have a Backup ** + + + + Merge Success + + + + Merge Error - Please review: + + + + Language Setup Error + Check Language Setup + + + No Product Attribute Set defined + + + + No Product Attribute Information + + + + No Products with Attributes to select + + + + Context + + + + Info Aset + + + + Reset + + + + Product Attributes + + + + Product Attribute Instance + + + + SQL Statement + + + + Private Record Lock + + + + Product Attribute Info + + + + You cannot create Reports for this Information. + You don't have the privileges + + + You cannot export this Information. + You don't have the privileges + + + Client Data + + + + Record Access Dialog + + + + Role Info + + + + Include + + + + Exclude + + + + Dictionary Maintenance + Only for internal Adempiere Dictionary Maintenence - DO NOT SELECT + + + Tidak ada terjemahan + + + + Select existing Record + + + + Rekord Baru + + + + Edit Record + + + + Perlihatkan Semuanya + + + + Document has Lines without MANDATORY Product Attribute Set Instance - complete first + + + + Select existing record + + + + Size + + + + Bold + + + + Italic + + + + Underline + + + + Font Family + + + + Font Style + + + + Kiri + + + + Center + + + + Right + + + + Align + + + + Font + + + + System Not Setup for Replication (see log) + + + + Mean + + + + Minimum + + + + Maximum + + + + Variance + + + + Std.Deviation + + + + Running Total + + + + Pilih Produk + + + + Total VM Memory {0,number,integer} kB - Free {1,number,integer} kB + + + + ssv - Semicolon Separated Values file + + + + Save Attachment to Disk + + + + Do you want to delete this Attachment entry? + + + + jpg - JPEG Graphic file + + + + Download {0} for {1} + +Version = {2} - Lot = {3} - SerNo = {4} +Guarantee Date = {5,date,short} + +Thank you for using Adempiere Customer Asset Management + + + + + You are writing off a significant percentage of the open amount. + Deselect Automatic Write-off to manually enter the write-off amount + + + Jawaban + + + + Forward + + + + You have no Activities + + + + Your Workflow Activities + + + + Workflow Result + + + + Cannot Forward + + + + Active Workflow for this Record exists (complete first): + + + + Periode Telah Ditutup + + + + Active Workflows + + + + No Zoom Target for this Record + + + + Zoom Across (where used) + + + + Order + + + + Counter Document + + + + Set Window Size + + + + Set Window Size for all users +(Cancel to reset to default) + + + + Account used is Document Controlled - Do not use for manual Journals. + + + + Warehouse Organization is not Document Organization + + + + Business Partner is on Credit Stop + + + + Business Partner is on Credit Hold + + + + Business Partner with this Order over Credit Hold + + + + Business Partner with open Shipments over Credit Hold + + + + Not Invoiced Amount + + + + Old Password is Mandatory + + + + Old Password does not match + + + + No POS Terminal defined for User + + + + Select POS Terminal + + + + Register + + + + Summary + + + + Produk + + + + Partner Bisnis + + + + Checkout + + + + Cash Given + + + + Return + + + + Kas + + + + Exp MM/YY + + + + Current Line + + + + Log Out + + + + Plus (add) + + + + Minus (subtract) + + + + Product Attribute Set has no Instance attributes (e.g. Serial No) + + + + Stok tidak tersedia: + + + + The Product UoM needs to be the smallest UoM + Divide Rate must be >= 1 and always result in a valid UoM unit. +Example: To convert Each to Pair, the Multiply Rate is 0.5 + + + Select the Product UoM as the From Unit of Measure: + + + + Kuantitas Belum Dikonfirmasi + + + + Inventory Replenishment + + + + Request {0} - Due + + + + Inactivity Alert: Request {0} + + + + Worflow Not Valid + + + + Inactivity Alert: Workflow Activity {0} + + + + Alert Workflow Activity: Max Wait Time Ended {0} + + + + Alert Workflow Activity Over Priority {0} + + + + Failed + + + + ** Voided + + + + Unbalanced Journal and Suspense Balancing not enabled + + + + Selection + + + + Display + + + + Product is not on PriceList + + + + Added + + + + Error while creating the Accounting Setup. +Check the error log and the format of the Accounting*.cvs file - No duplicate Accounts and all all defaut accounts must be included (even if you will not use them). + + + + For Internal Use of Inventory you need to define a Charge + + + + Simpan Ke File + + + + Errors Only + + + + Trace Level + Detail of Trace Information - INFO is usually sufficient + + + Trace Information + + + + Trace File + Create Trace file in Adempiere directory or in user home directory + + + Run Processes on Server + Run Processes on Application Server (slow communication lines) + + + Buat Permohonan Baru + + + + Show all Requests + + + + Show active Requests + + + + Documents + + + + Reports + + + + No Archives for this Record + + + + Requests - Issue Tracking + + + + Archived Documents and Reports + + + + Document Archived + + + + Archive Error + + + + Semua Laporan + + + + Organization * (0) not allowed + + + + Nota Kredit + + + + {0} Line(s) {1,number,#,##0.00} - Total: {2,number,#,##0.00} + + + + Press OK to start 'After Migration' process ... may take a few minutes + + + + Invalid: + + + + Resource Assignment could Not be deleted. It may be used in an Order or Invoice. +Delete Order/Invoice line with the Assignment. + + + + Yes + + + + No + + + + Request Update + + + + Show Advanced Tabs + Show Tabs with advanced functionality like Matching, Allocation, etc. + + + Request Status Timeout + + + + Document Status changed - Requery Record + + + + Will retrieve high number of records - +Do you want to continue? + + + + Create new node + + + + Delete Node + + + + Add Line + + + + Delete Line + + + + Not Approved + + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/AD_PrintFormatItem_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/AD_PrintFormatItem_Trl_in_ID.xml index 80fc1c8b3e..2af15a3285 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/AD_PrintFormatItem_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/AD_PrintFormatItem_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,2 +1,13 @@ - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/AD_PrintLabelLine_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/AD_PrintLabelLine_Trl_in_ID.xml index f92f2de8f3..30605bc28f 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/AD_PrintLabelLine_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/AD_PrintLabelLine_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,2 +1,4 @@ - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/AD_Process_Para_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/AD_Process_Para_Trl_in_ID.xml index f3973b8fc3..c0401d9b6e 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/AD_Process_Para_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/AD_Process_Para_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,2 +1,65 @@ - -Delete existing Accounting EntriesThe selected accounting entries will be deleted! DANGEROUS !!!Pricelist VersionOnly used if Price List is used to set future cost priceTarget Payment RuleHow you pay the invoiceThe Payment Rule indicates the method of invoice payment.Maintenance ModeLanguage Maintenance ModeExisting OrganizationOrganizational entity within client - set to empty if you want to create a new organizationAn organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations.Limit Access to RoleIf no Role is selected, grant access to all (non-manual) roles of the ClientThe Role determines security and access a user who has this Role will have in the System.New User/ContactUser within the system - Internal or Business Partner ContactThe User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contactNew Workflow ResponsibleResponsible for Workflow ExecutionThe ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User.New User/ContactUser within the system - Internal or Business Partner ContactThe User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contactNew Workflow ResponsibleResponsible for Workflow ExecutionThe ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User.Default Sales RepIf not defined on Business Partner LevelDunning CurrencyCurrency to create Dunning Letters \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + Delete existing Accounting Entries + The selected accounting entries will be deleted! DANGEROUS !!! + + + + Pricelist Version + Only used if Price List is used to set future cost price + + + + Target Payment Rule + How you pay the invoice + The Payment Rule indicates the method of invoice payment. + + + Maintenance Mode + Language Maintenance Mode + + + + Existing Organization + Organizational entity within client - set to empty if you want to create a new organization + An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. + + + Limit Access to Role + If no Role is selected, grant access to all (non-manual) roles of the Client + The Role determines security and access a user who has this Role will have in the System. + + + New User/Contact + User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact + The User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contact + + + New Workflow Responsible + Responsible for Workflow Execution + The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. + + + New User/Contact + User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact + The User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contact + + + New Workflow Responsible + Responsible for Workflow Execution + The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. + + + Default Sales Rep + If not defined on Business Partner Level + + + + Dunning Currency + Currency to create Dunning Letters + + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/AD_Process_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/AD_Process_Trl_in_ID.xml index a2b5cc79ad..6622472054 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/AD_Process_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/AD_Process_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,53 +1,1181 @@ - -Create Periods Create 12 standard calendar periods (Jan-Dec)RenumberRenumber Discount entriesBuat Daftar HargaCreate Prices based on parameters of this versionCreate Prices for this pricelist version in the sequence of the Discount Schema Price List. -Lines with a higher sequence overwrite existing prices. The sequence should be from generic to specific.Process OrderCreate Inventory Count List Create Inventory Count ListThe inventory count lines are generated. You can add new lines or delete lines manually.Update QuantityThe Book Quantity is updated with current book quantityThe Update Quantity Process will update the book quantity with the current book quantity. Process Inventory Count Process Inventory count and update InventoryCopy AccountsCopy and overwrite all accounts to system defaults (DANGEROUS!!!)Process Shipment Process Shipment/Receipt (Update Inventory)Process Shipment/Receipt will move products out of/into inventory and mark line items as shipped/received.Cetak Order** Special ** Do not change **Process InvoiceCopy AccountsCopy and overwrite Accounts to Business Partners of this groupCopy Window TabsCopy all Tabs and Fields from other WindowCopy Tab FieldsCopy Fields from other TabVendor SelectionProducts with more than one vendorVendor Selection is initiated when there is a product that is supplied by more than one vendor. It allows the selection of a specific vendor for a Purchase Order.Print Invoice** Special ** Do not change **Delivery Note / Shipment Print ** Special ** Do not change **Generate ShipmentsGenerate and print Shipments from open OrdersShipments for open Orders are created based on the delivery rule of the Order and the relative order priority. If a Promise Date is selected only orders up to (including) the date are selected.<br> -If several Orders of a business partner have the same location, the orders can be consolidated into one Shipment.<br> -You can also include orders who have outstanding confirmations (e.g. ordered=10 - not confirmed shipments=4 - would create a new shipment of 6 if available).Generate InvoicesGenerate and print Invoices from open OrdersInvoices for open Orders are created based on the invoice rule of the Order. -If several Orders of a business partner have the same bill location, the orders can be consolidated into one Invoice.Transaksi OrderSales Order Transaction Report Outstanding OrdersOpen Order ReportOrders with quantities to deliver (Backordered) or quantities to invoiceProcess MovementsProcess Inventory MovementsProcess Inventory Movements will update inventory quantities based on the defined movements between warehouses or locations.Generate CommissionGenerate CommissionRekap Transaksi ProdukProduct Transaction SummaryThe report shows transaction summary for stored productsLaporan Pengadaan BarangLaporan Pengadaan Barang (dicocokkan dengan posisi stok akhir)Report lists products to be replenished. Note that a product can have only one current vendor. If there are more then vendor per product, both records are reset. You need to select a current vendor manually.Order DrilldownInvoice Transactions (Acct)Invoice Transactions by Accounting DateInvoice HarianImvoice Report per DayInvoiced amount by Organization and Sales RepInvoice BulananImvoice Report per MonthInvoiced amount by Organization and Sales RepInvoice MingguanImvoice Report per WeekInvoiced amount by Organization and Sales RepInvoice Mingguan Per ProductImvoice Report by Product per WeekInvoiced Amount by Product CategoryInvoice Bulanan Per ProdukImvoice Report by Product per MonthInvoiced Amount by Product CategoryInvoice Bulanan Per VendorImvoice Report by Product Vendor per MonthInvoiced Amount by Vendor and Product CategoryGenerate Invoices (manual) Generate and print Invoices manuallyCopy LinesCopy Lines from other Import FormatPeriksa BOMPeriksa Struktur BOMThe Verify BOM Structure checks the elements and steps which comprise a Bill of Materials.Create/Post ProductionCreate production lines, if not created - otherwise process the productionCreate/Post Production will generate the production lines and process the production. If the production lines already exists, the production will be processedQuarterly Invoice Customer by ProductInvoice Report by Customer and Product per QuarterInvoiced Amount by Customer and Product CategoryQuarterly Invoice Customer by VendorInvoice Report by Customer and Product Vendor per QuarterInvoiced Amount by Customer and Vendor (what customer bought from which vendor)Copy AccountsCopy and overwrite Accounts to Products of this categoryThe Copy Accounts Process will take the accounts defined for a product category and copy them to any product that references this category. If an account exists at the product level it will be overwritten.Generate Receipt from InvoiceCreate and process delivery Receipt from this invoice.The invoice should be correct and completed.Proses KasOutstanding ItemsOpen Item (Invoice) ListDisplays all unpaid invoices for a given Business Partner and date range. Please note that Invoices paid in Cash will appear in Open Items until the Cash Journal is processed.UnReconciled PaymentsPayments not reconciled with Bank StatementThe report lists payments which are not reconciled with a bank statement. Payments with a zero payment amount are not listed.Process StatementAlokasiPayment - Invoice - AllocationThe report displays invoice allocations to payments and cash journals. Previous allocations are displayed as reversed.Process PaymentProses AlokasiInvoice Transactions (Doc)Invoice Transactions by Invoice DateInvoice Detail & MarginInvoice (Line) Detail and Margin ReportThe Report lists Customer and Vendor Invoice Details with Margines.Online ProcessGenerate Invoice from ReceiptCreate and process Invoice from this receipt. The receipt should be correct and completed.Generate Invoice from Receipt will create an invoice based on the selected receipt and match the invoice to that receipt. You can set the document number only if the invoice document type allows to set the document number manually.Siapkan PembayaranCreate Prepared Payments (Checks) to be paidYou create the actual Payments via Payment Print/ExportBuat Dari ...Dunning Letter** Special ** Do not change **Tire LetterNilai Transaksi ProdukProduct Transaction ValueThe report shows product transactions with current vendor pricesProject Status SummaryProject Status of Project CycleBuat OrderGenerate Order from ProjectThe Generate Order process will generate a new Order document based on the project phase. A price list and warehouse/service point must be defined on the project.Copy LinesCopy Commission Lines from other CommissionBuat InvoiceCreate Invoice from Commission CalculationBuka/Tutup SemuaChange Period Status for all Period Controls of this PeriodBuka/TutupChange Period StatusProcess JournalJurnal Kas DetilDetail Cash Journal InformationReceivables Write-OffWrite off open receivablesWrite-off receivables causes the invoices selected by the criteria to be marked as paid and the open invoice amount to be written off.Synchronize TerminologySynchronize the terminology within the system.Based on the entries in Window Element, the fields in windows, parameters, etc. are synchronized, if they are centrally maintained.Create Columns from DBCreate Dictionary Columns of Table not existing as a Column but in the DatabaseIf you have added columns in the database to this table, this procedure creates the Column records in the Dictionary. Please be aware, that they may deleted, if the entity type is not set to User.Create FieldsCreate Field from Table, which do not exist in the Tab yetBased on the Table of this Tab, this procedure creates the missing FieldsResubmit PostingResubmit posting of documents with posting errorsDocuments with posting errors are reset to be posted by the next run of the accounting engine - after fixing the cause (e.g. opening period).Reset AccountingReset Accounting Entries ** Stop Accounting Server before starting **Delete accounting records of documents to be re-created by the next run of the accounting engine. This is a dramatic step and you want to do this ONLY after changes of the accounting structure (e.g. different default accounts, etc.) and if fixing via manual Journal entries is not sensible.Language MaintenanceMaintain language translation in systemYou can Add Missing Translation entries (required after activating an additional System Language) - Delete Translation Records - or Re-Create the translation Records (first delete and add missing entries). -Note that Adding the Missing Translation records creates them by copying the System Language (English). You would apply the Language Pack after that process. Run Syncronize Terminology after importing the translation.Inventory Valuation ReportInventory Valuation ReportReport lists products with their on-hand quantity and values at the valuation dateSynchronize ColumnChange database table definition from application dictionaryWhen selected, the database column definition is updated based on your entries in the Column definition of the Application Dictionary. Note that not all changes are supported by the database and may result in an error.Update Biaya ProdukSets future cost price and standard cost priceFor Standard Costing you can -- update the future cost price -- set the standard cost price to the future cost priceLaporan Biaya ProdukProduct Cost ReportProcess ExpensesRecompile DB ObjectsRecompile Database ObjectsRecompile Functions, Procedures, Triggers, Views, etc.Create Sales Orders from ExpenseCreate Sales Orders for Customers from Expense ReportsCreate AP Expense InvoicesCreate AP Invoices from Expenses to be paid to employeesProcess BatchCopy ColumnsCopy Report Columns from other Column SetCopy columns at the end of this Column Set. Please note that you need to re-set the calculation operands.Copy LinesCopy Report Lines from other Line SetCopy lines at the end of this Line Set. Please note that you need to re-set the calculation operands.Set Print FormatSet for all Print Formats with same Landscape/PortraitCopy/CreateCopy existing OR create Print Format from TableSelect either a table to create a print format [creates initial rough layout] -OR a print format to copy into the current print format [copies layout].Generate PO from Sales OrderCreate Purchase Order from Sales OrdersAfter completing sales orders, you can create one or more purchase orders for each sales order. A purchase order references always only one sales order (i.e. no consolidation of sales orders). - -POs are created for all sales order lines where the product has a current vendor, the vendor has a Vendor Price List with all Products on the most current Price List Version. The Unit of Measure is copied; PO and SO can have different currencies. - -Once the process is run, you need to synchronize the SO/PO manually (e.g. in case of additional lines and changed lines (product & quantity). -Import Business PartnersImport Business PartnersThe Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data.Reopen RequestReopen closed requestsImport Products Imports products from a file into the applicationImport Products will bring a file of products, in a predefined format into the application.<p> -The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data.Import AccountsImport Natural AccountsImport accounts and their hierarchies and optional update the default accounts. -Updating the Default Accounts changes the natural account segment of the used account, e.g. account 01-240 becomes 01-300). If you create a new combination, the old account (e.g. 01-240) will remain, otherwise replaced. -If you select this, make sure that you not multiple default accounts using one natural account and HAVE A BACKUP !! -<p>The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data.Import Report Line SetImport Report Line Set informationThe Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data.Generate Shipments (manual)Generate and print ShipmentsCetak InvoicePrint Invoices to paper or send PDF(Re)Print Invoices or send them as PDF attachments to the Business Partner Contact with a valid EMail addres. -<br> -Remark: If you only enter a Document No FROM value, all invoices greater or equal that document number are printed; you can alternatively use the % character as a widcard.Deliver AssetsDeliver Customer Assets electronicallySend Mail to customers and attach new delivery (optional).Buat LaporanCreate Financial ReportThe default period is the current period. You can optionally enter other restrictions.Update Accounting BalanceUpdate Daily Accounting BalancesThis process is run automaticallyStatement of AccountsReport Account Statement Beginning Balance and TransactionsSelect a Period (current period if empty) or enter a Account Date RangeCache ResetReset Cache of the System ** Close all Windows before proceeding **To increase performance, Adempiere caches repeatedly used data. This process clears the local cache.Import OrdersImport OrdersThe Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. -Note that only Prepare and Complete are valid document actions.Import InvoiceImport InvoiceThe Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. -Note that only Prepare and Complete are valid document actions.Start Replication RunStart Replication with Remote HostSend Mail TextSend EMails to active subscribers of an Interest Area OR a Business Partner Group from a selected UserSelect the Interest Area to which subscribers you send the Mail Text from the User selected. Additionally, you can send mails to the Contacts of a Business Partner Group.<br> -The User to send emails from needs to have valid EMail information. If you don't select a user, the Mail is sent from the Client's Request Mail User.Copy LinesCopy Lines from other InvoiceCopy LinesCopy Lines from other OrderCopy DetailsCopy Lines/Phases/Tasks from other ProjectStart ProcessStart Recurring RunCopy DetailsCopy Journal/Lines from other Journal BatchSet Project TypeSet Project Type and for Service Projects copy Phases and Tasks of Project Type into Project -Buat OrderGenerate Order from Project PhaseThe Generate Order process will generate a new Order document based on the project phase or tasks. A price list and warehouse/service point must be defined on the project. If a product is defined on phase level, the Phase information is used as the basis for the Order (milestone invoicing) - otherwise the individual tasks.Project Print** Special ** Do not change **Project Cycle ReportReport Projects based on Project CycleThe Project Cycle reports on common project phases of a Cycle Step/Phase. All Report information is weighted by the relative weight of the Cycle Step and converted to the currency of the Project Cycle (e.g. for Sales Funnel Reporting).<p> -The Projects must have a Project Type, Phase and Currency defined. The Phase must be assigned to a Cycle Step.Import InventoryImport Physical InventoryThe Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data.Import JournalImport General Ledger Batch/Journal/LineThe Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data.Import Bank StatementImport Bank StatementThe Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data.Customer AssetsReport Customer Assets with Delivery CountThe report lists the assets of business partners with the total asset delivery count.Asset Delivery DetailsReport Asset Deliveries DetailsThe report lists the details of Asset Deliveries for the records selected.Issue to ProjectIssue Material to Project from Receipt or manual Inventory LocationSelect a Project and either -<br>- Material Receipt -<br>- Expense Report -<br<- Inventory Location and Project Line not issued yet -<br>- Inventory Location, Product and Quantity -The default Movement Date is today's date.Generate PO from ProjectGenerate PO from Project Line(s) -Project Detail Accounting ReportAccounting Fact Details of ProjectClose ProjectProject Lines not IssuedLists Project Lines of a Work Order or Asset Project, which are not issued to the ProjectProject POs not IssuedLists Project Lines with generated Purchase Orders of a Work Order or Asset Project, which are not issued to the ProjectGet PriceGet Price for Project Line based on Project Price ListQuote convertConvert open Proposal or Quotation to OrderYou can convert a Proposal or Quotation to any other Order document type. You would use this process, if you want to maintain/keep the Proposal or Quotation. The document status needs to be In Process.RePrice Order/InvoiceRecalculate the price based on the latest price list version of an open order or invoicePeriksa Tipe DokumenPeriksa Tipe DokumenMakes sure that there is a DocumentType for all Document Base Types<br> -Creates missing Period Controls for Document Type (You may have to open them)Project Margin (Work Order)Work Order Project Lines (planned revenue) vs. Project Issues (costs)The Project Margin Report for Work Orders compares the Project lines (planned revenue) against the Project issues (actual effort and costs). The margin amount is calculated by subtracting the costs (issue) from the revenue (line). -The costs are in the currency of the Accounting Schema - the lines are in the currency of the price list of the project.Verify TreeVerify completeness and correctness of TreeStorage DetailStorage Detail ReportThe report shows storage details including product instance (Lot, Serial No) infoTransaction DetailTransaction Detail ReportThe report shows transaction details (receipts, shipments, inventory, movements, ...) including product instance (Lot, Serial No) infoAgingAging ReportThe aging report allows you to report on Open Items (Invoices). Select the aging buckets, you want to have in your report. If you select a currency, you get only invoices of that currency, otherwise the amounts are converted to your primary accounting currency. If you do not select a Due Date, the system date is used to calculate the buckets.Clicks MonthyClicks per MonthThe report shows the advertisement Click Count per MonthClicks UnprocessedUnprocessed ClicksThe Report shows Clicks, which could not be processed (URL not matched to Click Count)Delete NoticesDelete all NoticesValidateValidate Payment ScheduleValidateValidate Payment Terms and ScheduleOrganisasi GudangSet and verify Organization ownership of WarehouseThe process allows you to change or verify the organization ownership of a warehouse and its dependent entities (Location, Storage).Organisasi ProdukSet and verify Organization ownership of ProductsThe process allows you to change or verify the organization ownership of Products and its dependent entities (BOM, Substitute, Replenish, Purchasing, Business Partner Info, Costing). <br> -Select either a Product Category ar a specific Product.Organisasi Partner BisnisSet and verify Organization ownership of Business PartnersThe process allows you to change or verify the organization ownership of Business Partners and its dependent entities (Location, Contact/User, Bank Account, Withholding). <br> -Select either a Business Partner Group ar a specific Business PartnerLoad Bank StatementLoad Bank StatementLoad the bank statement into the import table. The parameters used depend on the actual loader.Delete ImportDelete all data in Import TableYou would delete all data in an import table, if there was a problem with data loading. The delete does not distinguish between imported and not imported data.Import Conversion RateImport Currency Conversion RateRegister Now!Registrations help us to better serve the Adempiere User Base.We will NOT make the data available to any third party or use the information for other than statistical purposes. -It will help us, if you would allow to publish your use of Adempiere. We will contact you directly before we publish any information. -Faktur PajakInvoice Tax ReconsiliationThe Report lists Invoice Tax lines with Buiness Partner Tax information.Fakta Akunting DetilAccounting Fact Details ReportReport with detail accounting details.Fakta Akunting HarianAccounting Fact Details summarized by Accounting DateFakta Akunting Per PeriodeAccounting Fact Details summarized by Accounting PeriodThe Period is based on the the Calendar defined on Client level.Buka Kembali OrderBuka kembali order yang telah ditutup/terselesaikanMatch Bank StatementMatch Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and PaymentsBuat PembayaranCreate Payment from Bank Statement InfoSequence CheckCheck System and Document SequencesCheck that System and Document sequences are correct. Run this process, if you get Duplicate Key error messages.Buat OrderCreate orders based on Distribution List line itemsPlease note that due to rounding, the total quantity of the order(s) is likely to be higher then the quantity entered.Link OrganizationLink Business Partner to an OrganizationIf the Business Partner is another Organization, select the Organization or set to empty to create a new Organization. You link a Business Partner to an Organization to create explicit Documents for Inter-Org transaction. -If you create a new Organization, you may supply a Organization Type. If you select a Role, the access to the new Organization is limited to that role, otherwise all (non manual) roles of the Client will have access to the new Organization.Create & InviteCreate RfQ and Invite VendorsCreate (missing) RfQ Responses and optionally send EMail Invitation/Reminder to Vendors to respond to RfQInvite & RemindEMail Invite or Remind Vendor to answer RfQSend Invitation/Reminder to Vendors to respond to RfQ per emailRfQ UnansweredOutstanding RfQ ResponsesLists Responses of active RfQs (not closed/processed) where the Response is not marked as complete. RfQ ResponseDetail RfQ ResponsesLists detail Responses of active RfQs (not closed/processed) where the Response is marked as complete. Rank ResponsesRank Completed RfQ ResponsesInvalid responses are ranked with 999 per Quantity. The Quantity Responses are ranked among each other and the RfQ Best Response updated. The response Lines is maked as Selected winner, where the purchase quantity is selected. - -Then the rankings of all Quantity Responses are added for the total ranking of the response. The response with the lowest total ranking is marked as Selected Winner. -Buat Order PembelianCreate Purchase Order(s) for RfQ Winner(s)Create purchase order(s) for the resonse(s) and lines marked as Selected Winner using the selected Purchase Quantity (in RfQ Line Quantity) . If a Response is marked as Selected Winner, all lines are created (and Selected Winner of other responses ignored). If there is no response marked as Selected Winner, the lines are used.Buat Order PenjualanCreate Sales OrderA Sales Order is created for the entered Business Partner. A sales order line is created for each RfQ line quantity, where "Offer Quantity" is selected. If on the RfQ Line Quantity, an offer amount is entered (not 0), that price is used. -If a magin is entered on RfQ Line Quantity, it overwrites the general margin. The margin is the percentage added to the Best Response Amount.Copy LinesCopy Lines from another RfQClose RfQClose RfQ and ResponsesClose the RfQ and all it's ResponsesOpen RequisitionsDetail Open Requisition InformationBuat OrderCreate orders based on Distribution List line itemsPlease note that due to rounding, the total quantity of the order(s) is likely to be higher then the quantity entered.UnLink Business Partner OrgUnLink Business Partner from an OrganizationUnLink a Business Partner Linked to an Organization (for explicit inter-org documents)Process RequisitionAsset Delivery MonthReport Asset Deliveries Summary per monthThe report lists the Asset and the deliveries per month for the records selected.Validate Document TypeRfQ Response Print ** Special ** Do not change **Check CompleteCheck if Response is Complete based on RfQ settingsManage ActivityManage ProcessProses KonfirmasiBuat KonfirmasiCreate Confirmations for the DocumentThe confirmations generated need to be processed (confirmed) before you can process this documentCreate PackageCreate Package for ShipmetProcess RMAOpen Confirmation DetailsOpen Shipment or Receipt Confirmation DetailsThe Report lists the open confirmation linesOpen ConfirmationsOpen Shipment or Receipt ConfirmationsThe report lists the open confirmationsProses KonfirmasiProcess Inventory Movement ConfirmationPrint Format DetailPrint Format Detail ReportPrint Format with Item detailsReset PasswordReset Passwords for UserYou can change User Passwords and EMail settings. You do not need to know/enter the password, if you are an Administrator.Create Dunning RunCreate Dunning Run Entries based on the Dunning Level criteriaInventory Move Print** Special ** Do not change **Create/Copy your own Format and ProcessCetak Laporan Stok Opname** Special ** Do not change **Create/Copy your own Format and ProcessShipment Confirmation** Special ** Do not change **Material Receipt DetailsMaterial Receipt Detail InformationThe report provides Material Repecipt Header and Line with locator information.Shipment DetailsShipment Detail InformationThe report provides Material Shipment Header and Line with locator information. You can use the report to create a Consolidated Picking List.Role Access UpdateUpdate the access rights of a role or roles of a clientUpdate the access rights of a role or all roles of a client to windows, forms, processes and workflows. -If run for System, all roles of all clients are updated. -Note that a role is only updated if it is not marked as manual.Import ConfirmationsImport ConfirmationsThe Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data.Capture + Calculate MeasuresCapture and Calculate MeasuresIf automatic, capture measures - and calculate/update the actual measure.Calculate MeasuresCalculate the MeasureCalculate/update the actual measure.PeriksaPeriksa Distribusi GLHapusDelete Invoice Matching RecordHapusDelete PO Matching RecordAlokasi OtomatisAutomatic allocation of invoices to paymentsTry to allocate invoices to payments for a business partner or group. You may want to reset existing allocations first.<br> -The allocation is based on (1) payments entered with reference to invoices (2) payment selections (3) business partner balance (4) matching amount of invoice & payment. Allocation is based on exact amount and includes AP/AR imvoices/payments.<br> -Optionally as (5), you can enable to allocate payments to the oldest invoice. In this case, there might be an unallocated amount remaining.Reset AllocationReset (delete) allocation of invoices to paymentsDelete Allocations for a business partner or business partner group, accounting date range or individual allocation. In contrast to "Void" in "View Allocation", the allocation is deleted (no trace), if the period is open.Validate WorkflowValidate thet the workflos is correct(limited checking)Document Value based Workflows*** DO NOT MODIFY ***Un-Do ChangesUndo changesYou can undo certain changes.Re-Do ChangesReapply changesYou can reapply certain changes.Reapply CustomizationsIf you identified customizations in the Change Log, you can reapply themThe migration "resets" the system to the current/original setting. If selected in the Change Log, you can save the customization and re-apply them. Please note that you need to check, if your customization has no negative side effect in the new release.Workflow to ClientMove custom workflow elements to the current clientThe security architecture prevents you from adding client specific modifications/customizations to existing standard workflows. This process moves your customization made on system level to this client to add client specific details.Neraca PercobaanTrial Balance for a period or date rangeSelect a Period (current period if empty) or enter a Account Date Range. If an account is selected, the balance is calculated based on the account type and the primary calendar of the client (i.e. for revenue/expense accounts from the beginning of the year). If no account is selected, the balance is the sum of all transactions before the selected account range or first day of the period selected.Ubah Satuan ProdukBrack-up or repackage same Products with different UOMExample: "Product EA" has a defined UOM Conversion to "Product 6Pack" and vice versa. -This is a one-step replacement for defining BOM and creating/processes a Production.Cetak Surat PenagihanPrint Dunning letters to paper or send PDF(Re)Print Dunning Letters or send them as PDF attachments to the Business Partner Contact with a valid EMail addres. -Cetak Pembayaran** Special ** Do not change **Validate Business PartnerCheck data consistency of Business PartnerCheck the payments and invoices of a business partner and checks the balances.Order Batch ProcessProcess Orders in BatchBased on the selection criteria, the orders are processed using the document action selected. Make sure that the document action is valid for the documents.UnAllocated InvoicesInvoices not allocated to PaymentsReport of not allocated Invoices (for partially paid/allocated invoices see Open Item)UnAllocated PaymentsPayments not allocated to InvoicesReport of not allocated Payments (for partially allocated payments, use Payment Detail)Detil PembayaranPayment Detail ReportType adjusted payments (receipts positive, payments negative) with allocated and available amountsBuka Partner BisnisBusiness Partner Open AmountThe report lists open invoices and paymentsCommission Run DetailCommission Run Detail ReportCommission Run, Amount Details with Order/Invoice detailsSynchronize Doc TranslationSynchronize Document TranslationIf the current client has not multi-lingual documents enabled, the translations for documents are synchronized with the main record (i.e. it copies the content of the main record to the translation records). This process is necessary when swiching to a mono-lingual environment as there the terminoligy is maintained not in the translation records.<br> -This applies to the client defined document translations, e.g. for UoM, Payment Terms, Product Info, etc.Material ReferenceMaterial Transactions Cross Reference (used/resourced)The report displays, e.g. where Material Receipts are used or Customer Shipments are resourced fromBuat Penagihan/InvoiceInvoice RequestsCreate Invoice for RequestsCreate invoice for Request Type with optional Request Group, Category for Business Partner. If the used product for invoicing is not defined, the product defined in the parameter is used.Storage CleanupInventory Storage CleanupCreate Inventory Movements for unbalanced Inventory Location Storage (i.e. within a warehouse move inventory to locations with negative on hand quantity).Invoice Not Realized Gain/LossInvoice Not Realized Gain & Loss ReportThe Report lists not fully paid invoices with open amount, the GL amounts and the revalued amounts. -If you select a (GL) Document Type, a GL Journal is created.Test EMailTest EMail ConnectionTest EMail Connection based on info defined. An EMail is sent from the request user to the request user. Also, the web store mail settings are tested.Column EncryptionTest and enable Column EncryptionTo enable storage encryption or remove encryption is dangerous as you may loose data. You need to verify that the column is big enough to hold the encrypted value. You can provide your own encryption method, but cannot change it once enabled. <br> -The default implementation supports US ASCII String conversion (not Unicode, Numbers, Dates)<br> -Note that support is restricted to setup and test, but not data recovery.Biaya ProdukProduct Cost ReportThe Product Cost report lists the product costs for the product, cost type and cost elementRekap Biaya ProdukProduct Cost Summary ReportThe Product Cost report lists the summarized product costs for the productDetil Biaya ProdukProduct Invoice Cost Detail ReportThe Product Invoice Cost Detail Report lists the products with the individual invoice cost allocationDistribute CostsDistribute costs to ProductsDistribute costs to Products based on selections - Distribution Base (Quantity, Current Costs, Line, Weight, ..) and Receipt/Line or directly to the product. \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + Create Periods + Create 12 standard calendar periods (Jan-Dec) + + + + Renumber + Renumber Discount entries + + + + Buat Daftar Harga + Create Prices based on parameters of this version + Create Prices for this pricelist version in the sequence of the Discount Schema Price List. +Lines with a higher sequence overwrite existing prices. The sequence should be from generic to specific. + + + Process Order + + + + + Create Inventory Count List + Create Inventory Count List + The inventory count lines are generated. You can add new lines or delete lines manually. + + + Update Quantity + The Book Quantity is updated with current book quantity + The Update Quantity Process will update the book quantity with the current book quantity. + + + Process Inventory Count + Process Inventory count and update Inventory + + + + Copy Accounts + Copy and overwrite all accounts to system defaults (DANGEROUS!!!) + + + + Process Shipment + Process Shipment/Receipt (Update Inventory) + Process Shipment/Receipt will move products out of/into inventory and mark line items as shipped/received. + + + Cetak Order + ** Special ** Do not change ** + + + + Process Invoice + + + + + Copy Accounts + Copy and overwrite Accounts to Business Partners of this group + + + + Copy Window Tabs + Copy all Tabs and Fields from other Window + + + + Copy Tab Fields + Copy Fields from other Tab + + + + Vendor Selection + Products with more than one vendor + Vendor Selection is initiated when there is a product that is supplied by more than one vendor. It allows the selection of a specific vendor for a Purchase Order. + + + Print Invoice + ** Special ** Do not change ** + + + + Delivery Note / Shipment Print + ** Special ** Do not change ** + + + + Generate Shipments + Generate and print Shipments from open Orders + Shipments for open Orders are created based on the delivery rule of the Order and the relative order priority. If a Promise Date is selected only orders up to (including) the date are selected.<br> +If several Orders of a business partner have the same location, the orders can be consolidated into one Shipment.<br> +You can also include orders who have outstanding confirmations (e.g. ordered=10 - not confirmed shipments=4 - would create a new shipment of 6 if available). + + + Generate Invoices + Generate and print Invoices from open Orders + Invoices for open Orders are created based on the invoice rule of the Order. +If several Orders of a business partner have the same bill location, the orders can be consolidated into one Invoice. + + + Transaksi Order + Sales Order Transaction Report + + + + Outstanding Orders + Open Order Report + Orders with quantities to deliver (Backordered) or quantities to invoice + + + Process Movements + Process Inventory Movements + Process Inventory Movements will update inventory quantities based on the defined movements between warehouses or locations. + + + Generate Commission + Generate Commission + + + + Rekap Transaksi Produk + Product Transaction Summary + The report shows transaction summary for stored products + + + Laporan Pengadaan Barang + Laporan Pengadaan Barang (dicocokkan dengan posisi stok akhir) + Report lists products to be replenished. Note that a product can have only one current vendor. If there are more then vendor per product, both records are reset. You need to select a current vendor manually. + + + Order Drilldown + + + + + Invoice Transactions (Acct) + Invoice Transactions by Accounting Date + + + + Invoice Harian + Imvoice Report per Day + Invoiced amount by Organization and Sales Rep + + + Invoice Bulanan + Imvoice Report per Month + Invoiced amount by Organization and Sales Rep + + + Invoice Mingguan + Imvoice Report per Week + Invoiced amount by Organization and Sales Rep + + + Invoice Mingguan Per Product + Imvoice Report by Product per Week + Invoiced Amount by Product Category + + + Invoice Bulanan Per Produk + Imvoice Report by Product per Month + Invoiced Amount by Product Category + + + Invoice Bulanan Per Vendor + Imvoice Report by Product Vendor per Month + Invoiced Amount by Vendor and Product Category + + + Generate Invoices (manual) + Generate and print Invoices manually + + + + Copy Lines + Copy Lines from other Import Format + + + + Periksa BOM + Periksa Struktur BOM + The Verify BOM Structure checks the elements and steps which comprise a Bill of Materials. + + + Create/Post Production + Create production lines, if not created - otherwise process the production + Create/Post Production will generate the production lines and process the production. If the production lines already exists, the production will be processed + + + Quarterly Invoice Customer by Product + Invoice Report by Customer and Product per Quarter + Invoiced Amount by Customer and Product Category + + + Quarterly Invoice Customer by Vendor + Invoice Report by Customer and Product Vendor per Quarter + Invoiced Amount by Customer and Vendor (what customer bought from which vendor) + + + Copy Accounts + Copy and overwrite Accounts to Products of this category + The Copy Accounts Process will take the accounts defined for a product category and copy them to any product that references this category. If an account exists at the product level it will be overwritten. + + + Generate Receipt from Invoice + Create and process delivery Receipt from this invoice. + The invoice should be correct and completed. + + + Proses Kas + + + + + Outstanding Items + Open Item (Invoice) List + Displays all unpaid invoices for a given Business Partner and date range. Please note that Invoices paid in Cash will appear in Open Items until the Cash Journal is processed. + + + UnReconciled Payments + Payments not reconciled with Bank Statement + The report lists payments which are not reconciled with a bank statement. Payments with a zero payment amount are not listed. + + + Process Statement + + + + + Alokasi + Payment - Invoice - Allocation + The report displays invoice allocations to payments and cash journals. Previous allocations are displayed as reversed. + + + Process Payment + + + + + Proses Alokasi + + + + + Invoice Transactions (Doc) + Invoice Transactions by Invoice Date + + + + Invoice Detail & Margin + Invoice (Line) Detail and Margin Report + The Report lists Customer and Vendor Invoice Details with Margines. + + + Online Process + + + + + Generate Invoice from Receipt + Create and process Invoice from this receipt. The receipt should be correct and completed. + Generate Invoice from Receipt will create an invoice based on the selected receipt and match the invoice to that receipt. You can set the document number only if the invoice document type allows to set the document number manually. + + + Siapkan Pembayaran + Create Prepared Payments (Checks) to be paid + You create the actual Payments via Payment Print/Export + + + Buat Dari ... + + + + + Dunning Letter + ** Special ** Do not change ** + + + + Tire Letter + + + + + Nilai Transaksi Produk + Product Transaction Value + The report shows product transactions with current vendor prices + + + Project Status Summary + Project Status of Project Cycle + + + + Buat Order + Generate Order from Project + The Generate Order process will generate a new Order document based on the project phase. A price list and warehouse/service point must be defined on the project. + + + Copy Lines + Copy Commission Lines from other Commission + + + + Buat Invoice + Create Invoice from Commission Calculation + + + + Buka/Tutup Semua + Change Period Status for all Period Controls of this Period + + + + Buka/Tutup + Change Period Status + + + + Process Journal + + + + + Jurnal Kas Detil + Detail Cash Journal Information + + + + Receivables Write-Off + Write off open receivables + Write-off receivables causes the invoices selected by the criteria to be marked as paid and the open invoice amount to be written off. + + + Synchronize Terminology + Synchronize the terminology within the system. + Based on the entries in Window Element, the fields in windows, parameters, etc. are synchronized, if they are centrally maintained. + + + Create Columns from DB + Create Dictionary Columns of Table not existing as a Column but in the Database + If you have added columns in the database to this table, this procedure creates the Column records in the Dictionary. Please be aware, that they may deleted, if the entity type is not set to User. + + + Create Fields + Create Field from Table, which do not exist in the Tab yet + Based on the Table of this Tab, this procedure creates the missing Fields + + + Resubmit Posting + Resubmit posting of documents with posting errors + Documents with posting errors are reset to be posted by the next run of the accounting engine - after fixing the cause (e.g. opening period). + + + Reset Accounting + Reset Accounting Entries ** Stop Accounting Server before starting ** + Delete accounting records of documents to be re-created by the next run of the accounting engine. This is a dramatic step and you want to do this ONLY after changes of the accounting structure (e.g. different default accounts, etc.) and if fixing via manual Journal entries is not sensible. + + + Language Maintenance + Maintain language translation in system + You can Add Missing Translation entries (required after activating an additional System Language) - Delete Translation Records - or Re-Create the translation Records (first delete and add missing entries). +Note that Adding the Missing Translation records creates them by copying the System Language (English). You would apply the Language Pack after that process. Run Syncronize Terminology after importing the translation. + + + Inventory Valuation Report + Inventory Valuation Report + Report lists products with their on-hand quantity and values at the valuation date + + + Synchronize Column + Change database table definition from application dictionary + When selected, the database column definition is updated based on your entries in the Column definition of the Application Dictionary. Note that not all changes are supported by the database and may result in an error. + + + Update Biaya Produk + Sets future cost price and standard cost price + For Standard Costing you can +- update the future cost price +- set the standard cost price to the future cost price + + + Laporan Biaya Produk + Product Cost Report + + + + Process Expenses + + + + + Recompile DB Objects + Recompile Database Objects + Recompile Functions, Procedures, Triggers, Views, etc. + + + Create Sales Orders from Expense + Create Sales Orders for Customers from Expense Reports + + + + Create AP Expense Invoices + Create AP Invoices from Expenses to be paid to employees + + + + Process Batch + + + + + Copy Columns + Copy Report Columns from other Column Set + Copy columns at the end of this Column Set. Please note that you need to re-set the calculation operands. + + + Copy Lines + Copy Report Lines from other Line Set + Copy lines at the end of this Line Set. Please note that you need to re-set the calculation operands. + + + Set Print Format + Set for all Print Formats with same Landscape/Portrait + + + + Copy/Create + Copy existing OR create Print Format from Table + Select either a table to create a print format [creates initial rough layout] +OR a print format to copy into the current print format [copies layout]. + + + Generate PO from Sales Order + Create Purchase Order from Sales Orders + After completing sales orders, you can create one or more purchase orders for each sales order. A purchase order references always only one sales order (i.e. no consolidation of sales orders). + +POs are created for all sales order lines where the product has a current vendor, the vendor has a Vendor Price List with all Products on the most current Price List Version. The Unit of Measure is copied; PO and SO can have different currencies. + +Once the process is run, you need to synchronize the SO/PO manually (e.g. in case of additional lines and changed lines (product & quantity). + + + + Import Business Partners + Import Business Partners + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. + + + Reopen Request + Reopen closed requests + + + + Import Products + Imports products from a file into the application + Import Products will bring a file of products, in a predefined format into the application.<p> +The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. + + + Import Accounts + Import Natural Accounts + Import accounts and their hierarchies and optional update the default accounts. +Updating the Default Accounts changes the natural account segment of the used account, e.g. account 01-240 becomes 01-300). If you create a new combination, the old account (e.g. 01-240) will remain, otherwise replaced. +If you select this, make sure that you not multiple default accounts using one natural account and HAVE A BACKUP !! +<p>The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. + + + Import Report Line Set + Import Report Line Set information + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. + + + Generate Shipments (manual) + Generate and print Shipments + + + + Cetak Invoice + Print Invoices to paper or send PDF + (Re)Print Invoices or send them as PDF attachments to the Business Partner Contact with a valid EMail addres. +<br> +Remark: If you only enter a Document No FROM value, all invoices greater or equal that document number are printed; you can alternatively use the % character as a widcard. + + + Deliver Assets + Deliver Customer Assets electronically + Send Mail to customers and attach new delivery (optional). + + + Buat Laporan + Create Financial Report + The default period is the current period. You can optionally enter other restrictions. + + + Update Accounting Balance + Update Daily Accounting Balances + This process is run automatically + + + Statement of Accounts + Report Account Statement Beginning Balance and Transactions + Select a Period (current period if empty) or enter a Account Date Range + + + Cache Reset + Reset Cache of the System ** Close all Windows before proceeding ** + To increase performance, Adempiere caches repeatedly used data. This process clears the local cache. + + + Import Orders + Import Orders + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. +Note that only Prepare and Complete are valid document actions. + + + Import Invoice + Import Invoice + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. +Note that only Prepare and Complete are valid document actions. + + + Start Replication Run + Start Replication with Remote Host + + + + Send Mail Text + Send EMails to active subscribers of an Interest Area OR a Business Partner Group from a selected User + Select the Interest Area to which subscribers you send the Mail Text from the User selected. Additionally, you can send mails to the Contacts of a Business Partner Group.<br> +The User to send emails from needs to have valid EMail information. If you don't select a user, the Mail is sent from the Client's Request Mail User. + + + Copy Lines + Copy Lines from other Invoice + + + + Copy Lines + Copy Lines from other Order + + + + Copy Details + Copy Lines/Phases/Tasks from other Project + + + + Start Process + Start Recurring Run + + + + Copy Details + Copy Journal/Lines from other Journal Batch + + + + Set Project Type + Set Project Type and for Service Projects copy Phases and Tasks of Project Type into Project + + + + + Buat Order + Generate Order from Project Phase + The Generate Order process will generate a new Order document based on the project phase or tasks. A price list and warehouse/service point must be defined on the project. If a product is defined on phase level, the Phase information is used as the basis for the Order (milestone invoicing) - otherwise the individual tasks. + + + Project Print + ** Special ** Do not change ** + + + + Project Cycle Report + Report Projects based on Project Cycle + The Project Cycle reports on common project phases of a Cycle Step/Phase. All Report information is weighted by the relative weight of the Cycle Step and converted to the currency of the Project Cycle (e.g. for Sales Funnel Reporting).<p> +The Projects must have a Project Type, Phase and Currency defined. The Phase must be assigned to a Cycle Step. + + + Import Inventory + Import Physical Inventory + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. + + + Import Journal + Import General Ledger Batch/Journal/Line + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. + + + Import Bank Statement + Import Bank Statement + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. + + + Customer Assets + Report Customer Assets with Delivery Count + The report lists the assets of business partners with the total asset delivery count. + + + Asset Delivery Details + Report Asset Deliveries Details + The report lists the details of Asset Deliveries for the records selected. + + + Issue to Project + Issue Material to Project from Receipt or manual Inventory Location + Select a Project and either +<br>- Material Receipt +<br>- Expense Report +<br<- Inventory Location and Project Line not issued yet +<br>- Inventory Location, Product and Quantity +The default Movement Date is today's date. + + + Generate PO from Project + Generate PO from Project Line(s) + + + + + Project Detail Accounting Report + Accounting Fact Details of Project + + + + Close Project + + + + + Project Lines not Issued + Lists Project Lines of a Work Order or Asset Project, which are not issued to the Project + + + + Project POs not Issued + Lists Project Lines with generated Purchase Orders of a Work Order or Asset Project, which are not issued to the Project + + + + Get Price + Get Price for Project Line based on Project Price List + + + + Quote convert + Convert open Proposal or Quotation to Order + You can convert a Proposal or Quotation to any other Order document type. You would use this process, if you want to maintain/keep the Proposal or Quotation. The document status needs to be In Process. + + + RePrice Order/Invoice + Recalculate the price based on the latest price list version of an open order or invoice + + + + Periksa Tipe Dokumen + Periksa Tipe Dokumen + Makes sure that there is a DocumentType for all Document Base Types<br> +Creates missing Period Controls for Document Type (You may have to open them) + + + Project Margin (Work Order) + Work Order Project Lines (planned revenue) vs. Project Issues (costs) + The Project Margin Report for Work Orders compares the Project lines (planned revenue) against the Project issues (actual effort and costs). The margin amount is calculated by subtracting the costs (issue) from the revenue (line). +The costs are in the currency of the Accounting Schema - the lines are in the currency of the price list of the project. + + + Verify Tree + Verify completeness and correctness of Tree + + + + Storage Detail + Storage Detail Report + The report shows storage details including product instance (Lot, Serial No) info + + + Transaction Detail + Transaction Detail Report + The report shows transaction details (receipts, shipments, inventory, movements, ...) including product instance (Lot, Serial No) info + + + Aging + Aging Report + The aging report allows you to report on Open Items (Invoices). Select the aging buckets, you want to have in your report. If you select a currency, you get only invoices of that currency, otherwise the amounts are converted to your primary accounting currency. If you do not select a Due Date, the system date is used to calculate the buckets. + + + Clicks Monthy + Clicks per Month + The report shows the advertisement Click Count per Month + + + Clicks Unprocessed + Unprocessed Clicks + The Report shows Clicks, which could not be processed (URL not matched to Click Count) + + + Delete Notices + Delete all Notices + + + + Validate + Validate Payment Schedule + + + + Validate + Validate Payment Terms and Schedule + + + + Organisasi Gudang + Set and verify Organization ownership of Warehouse + The process allows you to change or verify the organization ownership of a warehouse and its dependent entities (Location, Storage). + + + Organisasi Produk + Set and verify Organization ownership of Products + The process allows you to change or verify the organization ownership of Products and its dependent entities (BOM, Substitute, Replenish, Purchasing, Business Partner Info, Costing). <br> +Select either a Product Category ar a specific Product. + + + Organisasi Partner Bisnis + Set and verify Organization ownership of Business Partners + The process allows you to change or verify the organization ownership of Business Partners and its dependent entities (Location, Contact/User, Bank Account, Withholding). <br> +Select either a Business Partner Group ar a specific Business Partner + + + Load Bank Statement + Load Bank Statement + Load the bank statement into the import table. The parameters used depend on the actual loader. + + + Delete Import + Delete all data in Import Table + You would delete all data in an import table, if there was a problem with data loading. The delete does not distinguish between imported and not imported data. + + + Import Conversion Rate + Import Currency Conversion Rate + + + + Register Now! + Registrations help us to better serve the Adempiere User Base. + We will NOT make the data available to any third party or use the information for other than statistical purposes. +It will help us, if you would allow to publish your use of Adempiere. We will contact you directly before we publish any information. + + + + Faktur Pajak + Invoice Tax Reconsiliation + The Report lists Invoice Tax lines with Buiness Partner Tax information. + + + Fakta Akunting Detil + Accounting Fact Details Report + Report with detail accounting details. + + + Fakta Akunting Harian + Accounting Fact Details summarized by Accounting Date + + + + Fakta Akunting Per Periode + Accounting Fact Details summarized by Accounting Period + The Period is based on the the Calendar defined on Client level. + + + Buka Kembali Order + Buka kembali order yang telah ditutup/terselesaikan + + + + Match Bank Statement + Match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments + + + + Buat Pembayaran + Create Payment from Bank Statement Info + + + + Sequence Check + Check System and Document Sequences + Check that System and Document sequences are correct. Run this process, if you get Duplicate Key error messages. + + + Buat Order + Create orders based on Distribution List line items + Please note that due to rounding, the total quantity of the order(s) is likely to be higher then the quantity entered. + + + Link Organization + Link Business Partner to an Organization + If the Business Partner is another Organization, select the Organization or set to empty to create a new Organization. You link a Business Partner to an Organization to create explicit Documents for Inter-Org transaction. +If you create a new Organization, you may supply a Organization Type. If you select a Role, the access to the new Organization is limited to that role, otherwise all (non manual) roles of the Client will have access to the new Organization. + + + Create & Invite + Create RfQ and Invite Vendors + Create (missing) RfQ Responses and optionally send EMail Invitation/Reminder to Vendors to respond to RfQ + + + Invite & Remind + EMail Invite or Remind Vendor to answer RfQ + Send Invitation/Reminder to Vendors to respond to RfQ per email + + + RfQ Unanswered + Outstanding RfQ Responses + Lists Responses of active RfQs (not closed/processed) where the Response is not marked as complete. + + + RfQ Response + Detail RfQ Responses + Lists detail Responses of active RfQs (not closed/processed) where the Response is marked as complete. + + + Rank Responses + Rank Completed RfQ Responses + Invalid responses are ranked with 999 per Quantity. The Quantity Responses are ranked among each other and the RfQ Best Response updated. The response Lines is maked as Selected winner, where the purchase quantity is selected. + +Then the rankings of all Quantity Responses are added for the total ranking of the response. The response with the lowest total ranking is marked as Selected Winner. + + + + Buat Order Pembelian + Create Purchase Order(s) for RfQ Winner(s) + Create purchase order(s) for the resonse(s) and lines marked as Selected Winner using the selected Purchase Quantity (in RfQ Line Quantity) . If a Response is marked as Selected Winner, all lines are created (and Selected Winner of other responses ignored). If there is no response marked as Selected Winner, the lines are used. + + + Buat Order Penjualan + Create Sales Order + A Sales Order is created for the entered Business Partner. A sales order line is created for each RfQ line quantity, where "Offer Quantity" is selected. If on the RfQ Line Quantity, an offer amount is entered (not 0), that price is used. +If a magin is entered on RfQ Line Quantity, it overwrites the general margin. The margin is the percentage added to the Best Response Amount. + + + Copy Lines + Copy Lines from another RfQ + + + + Close RfQ + Close RfQ and Responses + Close the RfQ and all it's Responses + + + Open Requisitions + Detail Open Requisition Information + + + + Buat Order + Create orders based on Distribution List line items + Please note that due to rounding, the total quantity of the order(s) is likely to be higher then the quantity entered. + + + UnLink Business Partner Org + UnLink Business Partner from an Organization + UnLink a Business Partner Linked to an Organization (for explicit inter-org documents) + + + Process Requisition + + + + + Asset Delivery Month + Report Asset Deliveries Summary per month + The report lists the Asset and the deliveries per month for the records selected. + + + Validate Document Type + + + + + RfQ Response Print + ** Special ** Do not change ** + + + + Check Complete + Check if Response is Complete based on RfQ settings + + + + Manage Activity + + + + + Manage Process + + + + + Proses Konfirmasi + + + + + Buat Konfirmasi + Create Confirmations for the Document + The confirmations generated need to be processed (confirmed) before you can process this document + + + Create Package + Create Package for Shipmet + + + + Process RMA + + + + + Open Confirmation Details + Open Shipment or Receipt Confirmation Details + The Report lists the open confirmation lines + + + Open Confirmations + Open Shipment or Receipt Confirmations + The report lists the open confirmations + + + Proses Konfirmasi + Process Inventory Movement Confirmation + + + + Print Format Detail + Print Format Detail Report + Print Format with Item details + + + Reset Password + Reset Passwords for User + You can change User Passwords and EMail settings. You do not need to know/enter the password, if you are an Administrator. + + + Create Dunning Run + Create Dunning Run Entries based on the Dunning Level criteria + + + + Inventory Move Print + ** Special ** Do not change ** + Create/Copy your own Format and Process + + + Cetak Laporan Stok Opname + ** Special ** Do not change ** + Create/Copy your own Format and Process + + + Shipment Confirmation + ** Special ** Do not change ** + + + + Material Receipt Details + Material Receipt Detail Information + The report provides Material Repecipt Header and Line with locator information. + + + Shipment Details + Shipment Detail Information + The report provides Material Shipment Header and Line with locator information. You can use the report to create a Consolidated Picking List. + + + Role Access Update + Update the access rights of a role or roles of a client + Update the access rights of a role or all roles of a client to windows, forms, processes and workflows. +If run for System, all roles of all clients are updated. +Note that a role is only updated if it is not marked as manual. + + + Import Confirmations + Import Confirmations + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. + + + Capture + Calculate Measures + Capture and Calculate Measures + If automatic, capture measures - and calculate/update the actual measure. + + + Calculate Measures + Calculate the Measure + Calculate/update the actual measure. + + + Periksa + Periksa Distribusi GL + + + + Hapus + Delete Invoice Matching Record + + + + Hapus + Delete PO Matching Record + + + + Alokasi Otomatis + Automatic allocation of invoices to payments + Try to allocate invoices to payments for a business partner or group. You may want to reset existing allocations first.<br> +The allocation is based on (1) payments entered with reference to invoices (2) payment selections (3) business partner balance (4) matching amount of invoice & payment. Allocation is based on exact amount and includes AP/AR imvoices/payments.<br> +Optionally as (5), you can enable to allocate payments to the oldest invoice. In this case, there might be an unallocated amount remaining. + + + Reset Allocation + Reset (delete) allocation of invoices to payments + Delete Allocations for a business partner or business partner group, accounting date range or individual allocation. In contrast to "Void" in "View Allocation", the allocation is deleted (no trace), if the period is open. + + + Validate Workflow + Validate thet the workflos is correct + (limited checking) + + + Document Value based Workflows + *** DO NOT MODIFY *** + + + + Un-Do Changes + Undo changes + You can undo certain changes. + + + Re-Do Changes + Reapply changes + You can reapply certain changes. + + + Reapply Customizations + If you identified customizations in the Change Log, you can reapply them + The migration "resets" the system to the current/original setting. If selected in the Change Log, you can save the customization and re-apply them. Please note that you need to check, if your customization has no negative side effect in the new release. + + + Workflow to Client + Move custom workflow elements to the current client + The security architecture prevents you from adding client specific modifications/customizations to existing standard workflows. This process moves your customization made on system level to this client to add client specific details. + + + Neraca Percobaan + Trial Balance for a period or date range + Select a Period (current period if empty) or enter a Account Date Range. If an account is selected, the balance is calculated based on the account type and the primary calendar of the client (i.e. for revenue/expense accounts from the beginning of the year). If no account is selected, the balance is the sum of all transactions before the selected account range or first day of the period selected. + + + Ubah Satuan Produk + Brack-up or repackage same Products with different UOM + Example: "Product EA" has a defined UOM Conversion to "Product 6Pack" and vice versa. +This is a one-step replacement for defining BOM and creating/processes a Production. + + + Cetak Surat Penagihan + Print Dunning letters to paper or send PDF + (Re)Print Dunning Letters or send them as PDF attachments to the Business Partner Contact with a valid EMail addres. + + + + Cetak Pembayaran + ** Special ** Do not change ** + + + + Validate Business Partner + Check data consistency of Business Partner + Check the payments and invoices of a business partner and checks the balances. + + + Order Batch Process + Process Orders in Batch + Based on the selection criteria, the orders are processed using the document action selected. Make sure that the document action is valid for the documents. + + + UnAllocated Invoices + Invoices not allocated to Payments + Report of not allocated Invoices (for partially paid/allocated invoices see Open Item) + + + UnAllocated Payments + Payments not allocated to Invoices + Report of not allocated Payments (for partially allocated payments, use Payment Detail) + + + Detil Pembayaran + Payment Detail Report + Type adjusted payments (receipts positive, payments negative) with allocated and available amounts + + + Buka Partner Bisnis + Business Partner Open Amount + The report lists open invoices and payments + + + Commission Run Detail + Commission Run Detail Report + Commission Run, Amount Details with Order/Invoice details + + + Synchronize Doc Translation + Synchronize Document Translation + If the current client has not multi-lingual documents enabled, the translations for documents are synchronized with the main record (i.e. it copies the content of the main record to the translation records). This process is necessary when swiching to a mono-lingual environment as there the terminoligy is maintained not in the translation records.<br> +This applies to the client defined document translations, e.g. for UoM, Payment Terms, Product Info, etc. + + + Material Reference + Material Transactions Cross Reference (used/resourced) + The report displays, e.g. where Material Receipts are used or Customer Shipments are resourced from + + + Buat Penagihan/Invoice + + + + + Invoice Requests + Create Invoice for Requests + Create invoice for Request Type with optional Request Group, Category for Business Partner. If the used product for invoicing is not defined, the product defined in the parameter is used. + + + Storage Cleanup + Inventory Storage Cleanup + Create Inventory Movements for unbalanced Inventory Location Storage (i.e. within a warehouse move inventory to locations with negative on hand quantity). + + + Invoice Not Realized Gain/Loss + Invoice Not Realized Gain & Loss Report + The Report lists not fully paid invoices with open amount, the GL amounts and the revalued amounts. +If you select a (GL) Document Type, a GL Journal is created. + + + Test EMail + Test EMail Connection + Test EMail Connection based on info defined. An EMail is sent from the request user to the request user. Also, the web store mail settings are tested. + + + Column Encryption + Test and enable Column Encryption + To enable storage encryption or remove encryption is dangerous as you may loose data. You need to verify that the column is big enough to hold the encrypted value. You can provide your own encryption method, but cannot change it once enabled. <br> +The default implementation supports US ASCII String conversion (not Unicode, Numbers, Dates)<br> +Note that support is restricted to setup and test, but not data recovery. + + + Biaya Produk + Product Cost Report + The Product Cost report lists the product costs for the product, cost type and cost element + + + Rekap Biaya Produk + Product Cost Summary Report + The Product Cost report lists the summarized product costs for the product + + + Detil Biaya Produk + Product Invoice Cost Detail Report + The Product Invoice Cost Detail Report lists the products with the individual invoice cost allocation + + + Distribute Costs + Distribute costs to Products + Distribute costs to Products based on selections - Distribution Base (Quantity, Current Costs, Line, Weight, ..) and Receipt/Line or directly to the product. + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/AD_Ref_List_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/AD_Ref_List_Trl_in_ID.xml index 51adaac851..a39693fc59 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/AD_Ref_List_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/AD_Ref_List_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,2 +1,2525 @@ - -OrganizationClient+OrganizationSystem onlyAllList ValidationList ValidationDataTypeDataTypeTable ValidationTable ValidationSQLSQLJava LanguageJava LanguageJava ScriptECMA ScriptWindowTaskWorkFlowProcessErrorInformationMenuSingle RecordMaintainTransactionQuery OnlySpotSpot Conversation Rate TypePeriod EndPeriod Conversion TypeStandard Calendar PeriodPeriods with non overlapping calendar daysAdjustment PeriodPeriod without calendar daysAccountAccount ElementUser definedUser defined elementAssetAsset (Balance Sheet) AccountLiabilityLiability (Balance Sheet) AccountRevenueRevenue (P&L) AccountExpenseExpense (P&L) AccountOwner's EquityOwner's Equity (Balance Sheet) AccountMemoMemo (Non Balance Sheet nor P&L) AccountNaturalNatural sign of the Account TypeDebitDebit Balance AccountCreditCredit Balance AccountMenuElement ValueAccount, etc.ProductBPartnerBusiness PartnerRegional OfficeAccounts Payable OfficePlantSmall BusinessMinority-Owned Small BusinessMinority-Owned BusinessWoman-Owned Small BusinessWoman-Owned BusinessSubcontractorIndividualPartnershipCorporationDrop-off LocationStandard CostingStandard Purchase Order Price CostingAverageWeighted Average Purchase Order Price CostingLifoLast In First Out CostingFifoFirst In First Out CostingInternational GAAPInternational GAAPUS GAAPUnited States GAAPGerman HGBGerman HGBActualActual PostingsBudgetBudget PostingsEncumbranceEncumbrance or Commitment PostingsStatisticalStatistical PostingsLocalLocal <-MergeMerge <-->ReferenceReference ->DraftedCompletedApprovedNot ApprovedVoidedInvalidReversedClosedCompleteGenerate documents and complete transactionApproveApprove this transactionRejectReject the approval of the document. PostPost transactionVoidSet all quantities to zero and complete transactionCloseFinally close this transaction. It cannot be re-activated.Reverse - CorrectReverse Transaction (correction) by reversing sign with same dateReverse - AccrualReverse by switching Dr/Cr with current dateInvalidateInvalidate DocumentRe-activateReopen Document and Reverse automaticly generated documents; You need to Complete the transaction after the change. <None>No actionUnknownSystem+ClientNoneNo Conversion RateFixedEuro Fixed CurrencyAverageAverage RatesCompanyCompany RateUser TypeUser Rate TypeManual RateManual RateOn Credit OrderPOS OrderWarehouse OrderStandard OrderProposalQuotationAmexMasterCardVisaATMAfter Order deliveredInvoice for every orderAfter DeliveryInvoice per DeliveryCustomer Schedule after DeliveryInvoice per Customer Invoice ScheduleAfter ReceiptAfter receipt of cashAvailabilityAs soon as an item becomes availableComplete LineAs soon as all items of a line become availableComplete OrderAs soon as all items of an order are availableImmediateImmediate InvoicePickupDeliveryShipperFreight includedFreight cost includedFix priceFixed freight priceCalculatedCalculated based on Product Freight RuleLineEntered at Line levelHighHigh priorityMediumMedium PriorityLowLow priorityWhole Number .00Number w/o decimalsNo RoundingQuarter .25 .50 .75Dime .10, .20, .30, ...Nickel .05, .10, .15, ...Ten 10.00, 20.00, ..Last PO PriceMaintain Maximum LevelManualReorder below Minimum LevelSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayDailyWeeklyMonthlyTwice MonthlyOpen PeriodClose PeriodSoft close - can be re-openedPermanently Close PeriodOpenClosedPermanently closedNever openedDraftApprovedErrorWarningInformation<No Action>OrgOwning OrganizationAccountNatural AccountProductProductBPartnerBusiness PartnerOrg TrxTransaction OrganizationLocation FromLocation FromLocation ToLocation ToSales RegionSales RegionProjectProjectCampaignMarketing CampaignUser 1User 1User 2User 2OrganizationBoMBill of MaterialsProjectSales RegionProduct CategoryCampaignGL JournalGL DocumentAP InvoiceAP PaymentAR InvoiceAR ReceiptSales OrderCustomer ShipmentCustomer ReturnsVendor ReceiptsVendor ReturnsInventory OutInventory InActivityBusiness ActivityActivityReturn MaterialAR Pro Forma InvoiceMaterial DeliveryMaterial ReceiptList PriceStandard PriceLimit (PO) PriceMaterial MovementPurchase OrderPurchase RequisitionPrepay OrderCashCredit CardDirect DepositCheckOn CreditMonthQuarterYearIn ProgressBlind list (w/o book quantity)Count list (with book quantity)Control listPrepareCheck Document conistency and check InventoryWaiting PaymentUnlockUnlock Transaction (process error)Material Physical InventoryMovement FromMovement ToReportASC X12 EDIFACTEmail EDIDraftSentAcknowledgedAnswered (complete)InquiryPurchase OrderAP Credit MemoAR Credit MemoFormSpecial FormsAndOr =>=>< ~<=|<x>|sqlManualImportDocumentProductBusiness PartnerAccountsGL BalancesExchange RatesInventory CountFixed PositionComma SeparatedTab SeparatedXMLStringNumberDateConstantProduction +Production -> 0= 0< 0not 0MatchNo MatchUnavailableCredit CardCheckDirect DepositACH Automatic Clearing HouseSalesDelayed CaptureCredit (Payment)Voice AuthorizationAuthorizationVoidCheckingSavingsBank Account TransferInvoiceGeneral ExpenseGeneral ReceiptsChargeDifferenceDinersDiscoverPurchase CardCorporate Purchase CardNoneFollow upInformationServiceChargeAccountHelpAlertWarrantyOtherMinuteHourDayOverdueDueScheduledOrderInvoiceReceiptWeeklyMonthlyQuarterlySystemClientOrganizationClient+OrganizationManualManual EntryCalculatedProgressNot PostedPostedNot BalancedNot Convertible (no rate)Period ClosedPost PreparedInvalid AccountBank StatementCash JournalPayment AllocationTotal Debit OnlyTotal Credit OnlyTotal BalanceAdd (Op1+Op2)Subtract (Op1-Op2)Percentage (Op1 of Op2)Add Range (Op1 to Op2)Relative PeriodCalculationSegment ValueSource CurrencyAccounting CurrencySegment ValueCalculationNormal (Flat)GradientLineTexture (Picture)WorkbenchDictionaryApplication Dictionary (synchronized)AdempiereAdempiere Application (synchronized)User maintainedUser maintained Entity (not synchronized)ApplicationsOther Applications (not synchronized)Material ProductionMatch InvoiceMatch POLineFlat PercentFormulaBreaksPricelistNorthNorth EastEastSouth EastSouthSouth WestWestNorth WestStandard CostAverage CostLast PO PriceLast Invoice PricePrice List (Limit)Adjust using PO DifferenceAdjust using Invoice DifferenceFixed PriceDefaultLeading (left)Trailing (right)BlockLeading (left)CenterTrailing (right)CenterFieldTextPrint FormatContentHeaderFooterNoneImagePie ChartLine ChartBar ChartPeriod BalancePeriod Credit OnlyPeriod Debit OnlyItemServiceResourceExpense typeOnlineCurrency PrecisionPeriod QuantityTotal QuantityYear BalanceYear Credit OnlyYear Debit OnlyYear QuantityStandard PartOptional PartIn alternative Group 1In alternative Group 2In alternaltve Group 3In alternative Group 4FieldTextInvoiceDailyWeeklyMonthlyQuarterlyOrderGL JournalProjectBothSales TaxPurchase TaxGeneralAsset ProjectWork Order (Job)Service (Charge) ProjectFrench Accounting StandardCustom Accounting RulesCredit StopCredit HoldCredit WatchNo Credit CheckCredit OKWork Order +Work Order -Project IssueObscure Digits but last 4Obscure Digits but first/last 4Obscure AlphaNumeric but first/last 4Obscure AlphaNumeric but last 4Inventory DifferenceCharge AccountAccessingGeneral AccessReportingExportingClient onlyLiFoLast In First OutFiFoFirst In First OutYearlyYearMonthDayhourminutesecondRegularLoop BeginLoop EndANDXORWait (Sleep)User ChoiceSub WorkflowSet VariableAutomaticManualUser WindowOrganizationHumanRoleSystem ResourceNot StartedRunningSuspendedCompletedAbortedTerminatedProcess CreatedState ChangedAsynchronouslyForkSynchronouslySerialWhile LoopRepeat Until LoopUser FormApps TaskApps ReportApps ProcessUser WorkbenchIn alternative Group 5In alternative Group 6In alternative Group 7In alternative Group 8In alternative Group 9ReleasedTestUnder RevisionVoidRe-Create TranslationAdd Missing TranslationsDelete TranslationDirect DebitDirect DebitSolid LineDashed LineDotted LineDash-Dotted LineWeb PromotionQuote Total onlyQuote Selected LinesQuote All LinesFunding - All Bidders help funding a TopicAuction - The highest Bidder wins the TopicFrequencyWeek DayMonth DayCustomizationDistributed Extensions should have 4 charactersYesNoDocument ActionWaiting ConfirmationProcess Completed!=Vendor ConfirmationCustomer ConfirmationDrop Ship ConfirmShip/Receipt ConfirmPick/QA ConfirmForceAlternativeSupplementalNot MandataryAlways MandatoryWhen ShippingPosting ErrorString (max 40)NumberListGeneralGeneral WorkflowDocument ProcessDocument ValueWait CompleteWait Condition ok, Complete DocuementPurchase OrderRequisitionClientOrganizationUserNoneReceivables & PayablesReceivables onlyPayables onlyRectangleLine3D RectangleOvalRound RectangleNormal RectangleNoneAll (Reports, Documents)DocumentsExternal DocumentsLiFoFiFoMaterialOverheadBurden (M.Overhead)Material OverheadOutside ProcessingResourceLaborQuantityLineVolumeWeightCostsPublic InformationPrivate InformationCustomer ConfidentialOrder AcknowledgementPayment AcknowledgementPayment ErrorUser ValidationUser PasswordEMailNoticeNoneEMail+NoticeHourlyDailyWeeklyMonthlyTwice MonthlyBi-WeeklyCurrent ActiveMake-To-OrderPreviousPrevious, SpareFutureMaintenanceRepairMasterEngineeringManufacturingPlanningStandard ProductOptional ProductAlternativeAlternative (Default)Outside ProcessingInternalUrgentMinorSameLowerHigherSubscribeUnSubscribeUser AccountRequestEncryptedNot EncryptedInventory MoveCustomClientOrganizationBatch/LotAverage InvoiceWeighted Average Purchase Invoice Price CostingLast InvoiceUser Defined \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + Organization + + + + Client+Organization + + + + System only + + + + All + + + + List Validation + List Validation + + + DataType + DataType + + + Table Validation + Table Validation + + + SQL + SQL + + + Java Language + Java Language + + + Java Script + ECMA Script + + + Window + + + + Task + + + + WorkFlow + + + + Process + + + + Error + + + + Information + + + + Menu + + + + Single Record + + + + Maintain + + + + Transaction + + + + Query Only + + + + Spot + Spot Conversation Rate Type + + + Period End + Period Conversion Type + + + Standard Calendar Period + Periods with non overlapping calendar days + + + Adjustment Period + Period without calendar days + + + Account + Account Element + + + User defined + User defined element + + + Asset + Asset (Balance Sheet) Account + + + Liability + Liability (Balance Sheet) Account + + + Revenue + Revenue (P&L) Account + + + Expense + Expense (P&L) Account + + + Owner's Equity + Owner's Equity (Balance Sheet) Account + + + Memo + Memo (Non Balance Sheet nor P&L) Account + + + Natural + Natural sign of the Account Type + + + Debit + Debit Balance Account + + + Credit + Credit Balance Account + + + Menu + + + + Element Value + Account, etc. + + + Product + + + + BPartner + Business Partner + + + Regional Office + + + + Accounts Payable Office + + + + Plant + + + + Small Business + + + + Minority-Owned Small Business + + + + Minority-Owned Business + + + + Woman-Owned Small Business + + + + Woman-Owned Business + + + + Subcontractor + + + + Individual + + + + Partnership + + + + Corporation + + + + Drop-off Location + + + + Standard Costing + Standard Purchase Order Price Costing + + + Average + Weighted Average Purchase Order Price Costing + + + Lifo + Last In First Out Costing + + + Fifo + First In First Out Costing + + + International GAAP + International GAAP + + + US GAAP + United States GAAP + + + German HGB + German HGB + + + Actual + Actual Postings + + + Budget + Budget Postings + + + Encumbrance + Encumbrance or Commitment Postings + + + Statistical + Statistical Postings + + + Local + Local <- + + + Merge + Merge <--> + + + Reference + Reference -> + + + Drafted + + + + Completed + + + + Approved + + + + Not Approved + + + + Voided + + + + Invalid + + + + Reversed + + + + Closed + + + + Complete + Generate documents and complete transaction + + + Approve + Approve this transaction + + + Reject + Reject the approval of the document. + + + Post + Post transaction + + + Void + Set all quantities to zero and complete transaction + + + Close + Finally close this transaction. It cannot be re-activated. + + + Reverse - Correct + Reverse Transaction (correction) by reversing sign with same date + + + Reverse - Accrual + Reverse by switching Dr/Cr with current date + + + Invalidate + Invalidate Document + + + Re-activate + Reopen Document and Reverse automaticly generated documents; You need to Complete the transaction after the change. + + + <None> + No action + + + Unknown + + + + System+Client + + + + None + No Conversion Rate + + + Fixed + Euro Fixed Currency + + + Average + Average Rates + + + Company + Company Rate + + + User Type + User Rate Type + + + Manual Rate + Manual Rate + + + On Credit Order + + + + POS Order + + + + Warehouse Order + + + + Standard Order + + + + Proposal + + + + Quotation + + + + Amex + + + + MasterCard + + + + Visa + + + + ATM + + + + After Order delivered + Invoice for every order + + + After Delivery + Invoice per Delivery + + + Customer Schedule after Delivery + Invoice per Customer Invoice Schedule + + + After Receipt + After receipt of cash + + + Availability + As soon as an item becomes available + + + Complete Line + As soon as all items of a line become available + + + Complete Order + As soon as all items of an order are available + + + Immediate + Immediate Invoice + + + Pickup + + + + Delivery + + + + Shipper + + + + Freight included + Freight cost included + + + Fix price + Fixed freight price + + + Calculated + Calculated based on Product Freight Rule + + + Line + Entered at Line level + + + High + High priority + + + Medium + Medium Priority + + + Low + Low priority + + + Whole Number .00 + Number w/o decimals + + + No Rounding + + + + Quarter .25 .50 .75 + + + + Dime .10, .20, .30, ... + + + + Nickel .05, .10, .15, ... + + + + Ten 10.00, 20.00, .. + + + + Last PO Price + + + + Maintain Maximum Level + + + + Manual + + + + Reorder below Minimum Level + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + Daily + + + + Weekly + + + + Monthly + + + + Twice Monthly + + + + Open Period + + + + Close Period + Soft close - can be re-opened + + + Permanently Close Period + + + + Open + + + + Closed + + + + Permanently closed + + + + Never opened + + + + Draft + + + + Approved + + + + Error + + + + Warning + + + + Information + + + + <No Action> + + + + Org + Owning Organization + + + Account + Natural Account + + + Product + Product + + + BPartner + Business Partner + + + Org Trx + Transaction Organization + + + Location From + Location From + + + Location To + Location To + + + Sales Region + Sales Region + + + Project + Project + + + Campaign + Marketing Campaign + + + User 1 + User 1 + + + User 2 + User 2 + + + Organization + + + + BoM + Bill of Materials + + + Project + + + + Sales Region + + + + Product Category + + + + Campaign + + + + GL Journal + + + + GL Document + + + + AP Invoice + + + + AP Payment + + + + AR Invoice + + + + AR Receipt + + + + Sales Order + + + + Customer Shipment + + + + Customer Returns + + + + Vendor Receipts + + + + Vendor Returns + + + + Inventory Out + + + + Inventory In + + + + Activity + Business Activity + + + Activity + + + + Return Material + + + + AR Pro Forma Invoice + + + + Material Delivery + + + + Material Receipt + + + + List Price + + + + Standard Price + + + + Limit (PO) Price + + + + Material Movement + + + + Purchase Order + + + + Purchase Requisition + + + + Prepay Order + + + + Cash + + + + Credit Card + + + + Direct Deposit + + + + Check + + + + On Credit + + + + Month + + + + Quarter + + + + Year + + + + In Progress + + + + Blind list (w/o book quantity) + + + + Count list (with book quantity) + + + + Control list + + + + Prepare + Check Document conistency and check Inventory + + + Waiting Payment + + + + Unlock + Unlock Transaction (process error) + + + Material Physical Inventory + + + + Movement From + + + + Movement To + + + + Report + + + + ASC X12 + + + + EDIFACT + + + + Email EDI + + + + Draft + + + + Sent + + + + Acknowledged + + + + Answered (complete) + + + + Inquiry + + + + Purchase Order + + + + AP Credit Memo + + + + AR Credit Memo + + + + Form + Special Forms + + + And + + + + Or + + + + = + + + + >= + + + + > + + + + < + + + + ~ + + + + <= + + + + |<x>| + + + + sql + + + + Manual + + + + Import + + + + Document + + + + Product + + + + Business Partner + + + + Accounts + + + + GL Balances + + + + Exchange Rates + + + + Inventory Count + + + + Fixed Position + + + + Comma Separated + + + + Tab Separated + + + + XML + + + + String + + + + Number + + + + Date + + + + Constant + + + + Production + + + + + Production - + + + + > 0 + + + + = 0 + + + + < 0 + + + + not 0 + + + + Match + + + + No Match + + + + Unavailable + + + + Credit Card + + + + Check + + + + Direct Deposit + ACH Automatic Clearing House + + + Sales + + + + Delayed Capture + + + + Credit (Payment) + + + + Voice Authorization + + + + Authorization + + + + Void + + + + Checking + + + + Savings + + + + Bank Account Transfer + + + + Invoice + + + + General Expense + + + + General Receipts + + + + Charge + + + + Difference + + + + Diners + + + + Discover + + + + Purchase Card + Corporate Purchase Card + + + None + + + + Follow up + + + + Information + + + + Service + + + + Charge + + + + Account + + + + Help + + + + Alert + + + + Warranty + + + + Other + + + + Minute + + + + Hour + + + + Day + + + + Overdue + + + + Due + + + + Scheduled + + + + Order + + + + Invoice + + + + Receipt + + + + Weekly + + + + Monthly + + + + Quarterly + + + + System + + + + Client + + + + Organization + + + + Client+Organization + + + + Manual + Manual Entry + + + Calculated + + + + Progress + + + + Not Posted + + + + Posted + + + + Not Balanced + + + + Not Convertible (no rate) + + + + Period Closed + + + + Post Prepared + + + + Invalid Account + + + + Bank Statement + + + + Cash Journal + + + + Payment Allocation + + + + Total Debit Only + + + + Total Credit Only + + + + Total Balance + + + + Add (Op1+Op2) + + + + Subtract (Op1-Op2) + + + + Percentage (Op1 of Op2) + + + + Add Range (Op1 to Op2) + + + + Relative Period + + + + Calculation + + + + Segment Value + + + + Source Currency + + + + Accounting Currency + + + + Segment Value + + + + Calculation + + + + Normal (Flat) + + + + Gradient + + + + Line + + + + Texture (Picture) + + + + Workbench + + + + Dictionary + Application Dictionary (synchronized) + + + Adempiere + Adempiere Application (synchronized) + + + User maintained + User maintained Entity (not synchronized) + + + Applications + Other Applications (not synchronized) + + + Material Production + + + + Match Invoice + + + + Match PO + + + + Line + + + + Flat Percent + + + + Formula + + + + Breaks + + + + Pricelist + + + + North + + + + North East + + + + East + + + + South East + + + + South + + + + South West + + + + West + + + + North West + + + + Standard Cost + + + + Average Cost + + + + Last PO Price + + + + Last Invoice Price + + + + Price List (Limit) + + + + Adjust using PO Difference + + + + Adjust using Invoice Difference + + + + Fixed Price + + + + Default + + + + Leading (left) + + + + Trailing (right) + + + + Block + + + + Leading (left) + + + + Center + + + + Trailing (right) + + + + Center + + + + Field + + + + Text + + + + Print Format + + + + Content + + + + Header + + + + Footer + + + + None + + + + Image + + + + Pie Chart + + + + Line Chart + + + + Bar Chart + + + + Period Balance + + + + Period Credit Only + + + + Period Debit Only + + + + Item + + + + Service + + + + Resource + + + + Expense type + + + + Online + + + + Currency Precision + + + + Period Quantity + + + + Total Quantity + + + + Year Balance + + + + Year Credit Only + + + + Year Debit Only + + + + Year Quantity + + + + Standard Part + + + + Optional Part + + + + In alternative Group 1 + + + + In alternative Group 2 + + + + In alternaltve Group 3 + + + + In alternative Group 4 + + + + Field + + + + Text + + + + Invoice + + + + Daily + + + + Weekly + + + + Monthly + + + + Quarterly + + + + Order + + + + GL Journal + + + + Project + + + + Both + + + + Sales Tax + + + + Purchase Tax + + + + General + + + + Asset Project + + + + Work Order (Job) + + + + Service (Charge) Project + + + + French Accounting Standard + + + + Custom Accounting Rules + + + + Credit Stop + + + + Credit Hold + + + + Credit Watch + + + + No Credit Check + + + + Credit OK + + + + Work Order + + + + + Work Order - + + + + Project Issue + + + + Obscure Digits but last 4 + + + + Obscure Digits but first/last 4 + + + + Obscure AlphaNumeric but first/last 4 + + + + Obscure AlphaNumeric but last 4 + + + + Inventory Difference + + + + Charge Account + + + + Accessing + General Access + + + Reporting + + + + Exporting + + + + Client only + + + + LiFo + Last In First Out + + + FiFo + First In First Out + + + Yearly + + + + Year + + + + Month + + + + Day + + + + hour + + + + minute + + + + second + + + + Regular + + + + Loop Begin + + + + Loop End + + + + AND + + + + XOR + + + + Wait (Sleep) + + + + User Choice + + + + Sub Workflow + + + + Set Variable + + + + Automatic + + + + Manual + + + + User Window + + + + Organization + + + + Human + + + + Role + + + + System Resource + + + + Not Started + + + + Running + + + + Suspended + + + + Completed + + + + Aborted + + + + Terminated + + + + Process Created + + + + State Changed + + + + Asynchronously + Fork + + + Synchronously + Serial + + + While Loop + + + + Repeat Until Loop + + + + User Form + + + + Apps Task + + + + Apps Report + + + + Apps Process + + + + User Workbench + + + + In alternative Group 5 + + + + In alternative Group 6 + + + + In alternative Group 7 + + + + In alternative Group 8 + + + + In alternative Group 9 + + + + Released + + + + Test + + + + Under Revision + + + + Void + + + + Re-Create Translation + + + + Add Missing Translations + + + + Delete Translation + + + + Direct Debit + + + + Direct Debit + + + + Solid Line + + + + Dashed Line + + + + Dotted Line + + + + Dash-Dotted Line + + + + Web Promotion + + + + Quote Total only + + + + Quote Selected Lines + + + + Quote All Lines + + + + Funding - All Bidders help funding a Topic + + + + Auction - The highest Bidder wins the Topic + + + + Frequency + + + + Week Day + + + + Month Day + + + + Customization + Distributed Extensions should have 4 characters + + + Yes + + + + No + + + + Document Action + + + + Waiting Confirmation + + + + Process Completed + + + + != + + + + Vendor Confirmation + + + + Customer Confirmation + + + + Drop Ship Confirm + + + + Ship/Receipt Confirm + + + + Pick/QA Confirm + + + + Force + + + + Alternative + + + + Supplemental + + + + Not Mandatary + + + + Always Mandatory + + + + When Shipping + + + + Posting Error + + + + String (max 40) + + + + Number + + + + List + + + + General + General Workflow + + + Document Process + + + + Document Value + + + + Wait Complete + Wait Condition ok, Complete Docuement + + + Purchase Order + + + + Requisition + + + + Client + + + + Organization + + + + User + + + + None + + + + Receivables & Payables + + + + Receivables only + + + + Payables only + + + + Rectangle + + + + Line + + + + 3D Rectangle + + + + Oval + + + + Round Rectangle + + + + Normal Rectangle + + + + None + + + + All (Reports, Documents) + + + + Documents + + + + External Documents + + + + LiFo + + + + FiFo + + + + Material + + + + Overhead + + + + Burden (M.Overhead) + Material Overhead + + + Outside Processing + + + + Resource + Labor + + + Quantity + + + + Line + + + + Volume + + + + Weight + + + + Costs + + + + Public Information + + + + Private Information + + + + Customer Confidential + + + + Order Acknowledgement + + + + Payment Acknowledgement + + + + Payment Error + + + + User Validation + + + + User Password + + + + EMail + + + + Notice + + + + None + + + + EMail+Notice + + + + Hourly + + + + Daily + + + + Weekly + + + + Monthly + + + + Twice Monthly + + + + Bi-Weekly + + + + Current Active + + + + Make-To-Order + + + + Previous + + + + Previous, Spare + + + + Future + + + + Maintenance + + + + Repair + + + + Master + + + + Engineering + + + + Manufacturing + + + + Planning + + + + Standard Product + + + + Optional Product + + + + Alternative + + + + Alternative (Default) + + + + Outside Processing + + + + Internal + + + + Urgent + + + + Minor + + + + Same + + + + Lower + + + + Higher + + + + Subscribe + + + + UnSubscribe + + + + User Account + + + + Request + + + + Encrypted + + + + Not Encrypted + + + + Inventory Move + + + + Custom + + + + Client + + + + Organization + + + + Batch/Lot + + + + Average Invoice + Weighted Average Purchase Invoice Price Costing + + + Last Invoice + + + + User Defined + + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/AD_Reference_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/AD_Reference_Trl_in_ID.xml index 656aa7ef0a..23b97a88dd 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/AD_Reference_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/AD_Reference_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,2 +1,1365 @@ - -AD_Reference Data TypesData Type selectionAD_Reference Validation TypesReference Validation Type liste.g. I - Independent AD_Column ColumNameColumn selectionAD_Reference ValuesReference (List and Table) selection(not DataType and Independent)AD_Table Access LevelsTable Access and Sharing Level listStringCharacter StringInteger10 Digit numericAmountNumber with 4 decimalsID10 Digit IdentifierTextCharacter String up to 2000 charactersDateDate mm/dd/yyyyDate+TimeDate with timeListReference ListTableTable ListTable DirectDirect Table AccessYes-NoCheckBoxLocation (Address)Location/AddressNumberFloat NumberBinaryBinary DataTimeTimeAccountAccount ElementRowIDRow ID Data TypeColorColor elementButtonCommand Button - starts a processQuantityQuantity data typeSearchSearch FieldLocator (WH)Warehouse Locator Data typeImageBinary Image DataAssignmentResource AssignmentMemoLarge Text Editor - Character String up to 2000 charactersProduct AttributeProduct AttributeText LongText (Long) - Text > 2000 charactersCosts+PricesCosts + Prices (minimum currency precision, but if exists more)AD_Validation Rules ParentValidation rule Parent selectionAD_Validation Rule TypesValidation Rule Type liste.g. S - SQLAD_MessageMessage selectionAD_Message TypeMessage Type listAD_Menu ActionMenu Action listAD_Menu ParentMenu Parent selectionAD_LanguageLanguage selectionAD_Window TypesWindow Type liste.g. M = Multi/Single (one uppercase character)AD_WF_Next NodesNext workflow node selectionAD_UserUser selectionC_Conversion_Rate TypesConversion Rate Type listC_CurrenciesCurrencies with dynamic exchange rate selectionAD_Org ParentOrganization Parent selectionC_UOMUnit of Measure selectionC_Period TypePeriod Type listC_Element TypeAccount Element TypesC_ElementValue AccountTypeAccount Type listC_ElementValue Account SignAccount Sign listAD_TreeType TypeTree Type listDetermines which element to use as the base for the informationX12DE98 Entity Identifier CodeX12DE98 Entity Identifier Code listIdentify organizational entity physical location property or individual listC_AcctSchema Costing MethodCosting Method listC_AcctSchema GAAPGeneral Accepted Accounting Principle listC_BPartner ParentBusiness Partner Parent selection_Posting TypePosting Type (Actual Budget etc.) listAD_Table Replication TypeReplication TypeAD_Sequence for DocumentsSequence for Document selectionAD_ClientClient selectionAD_Org (Trx)Organization selection, no summary, no 0_Document StatusDocument Status listAccount_ID (No Summary)Account selectionC_LocationLocation selectionAccount_ID - User1User1 selection_Document ActionDocument action listC_AcctSchemaAccounting Schema selectionAccount_ID - User2User2 selectionC_BPartner (No Summary)Business Partner selection (no Summary)C_Project (No summary)Project selectionC_Activity (No summary)Activity selectionC_Campaign (No summary)Campaign selectionC_Sales Region (No summary)Sales Region selection (No summary)C_ElementElement selectionC_DocType SubTypeSOOrder Types listC_Payment CreditCard TypeC_Payment Credit Card Type listC_Order InvoiceRuleInvoicing Rules listC_Order DeliveryRuleDelivery Rules listC_Order DeliveryViaRuleDelivery via Rule listC_Order FreightCostRuleFreight cost Rule list_PriorityRulePriority scale listM_DiscountPriceList RoundingRulePrice Rounding Rule listC_CountryCountry selectionC_RegionRegion selectionC_TaxTax selectionC_BPartner LocationLocations of a Business PartnerM_Product ParentM_Product (no summary)Product selection, no summaryM_Product Category M_Replenish TypeM_PriceListWeekdaysList of daysC_InvoiceSchedule InvoiceFrequencyC_Project ParentC_DocTypeM_Product (stocked)C_DocType SOC_BPartner CustomersCustomer selectionAD_WorkflowWorkflowsC_ValidCombinationValid Account combinationsC_PeriodControl ActionC_PeriodControl StatusGL_Budget StatusC_SalesRegion Parent_ErrorTypeList of type of errorsC_AcctSchema ElementTypeElement Types for Accounting ElementsHardcoded Element TypesC_ElementValue (all)Element ValuesC_DocType DocBaseTypeBase Document TypesAD_TreeTree selectionM_PriceList VersionM_Transaction Movement TypeAD_User - SalesRepSales RepresentativeM_LocatorWarehouse LocatorC_BPartner VendorsVendor selectionC_BankAccount for Credit CardM_DiscountPriceList Base_Payment RuleIn & Out Payment OptionsC_RevenueRecognition FrequencyFrequency of Revenue RecognitionM_Warehouse of ClientM_Inventory ReportTypeM_PriceList_Version for ClientC_ChargeC_BP_EDI EDI TypeM_EDI StatusM_EDI Trx TypeAD_Find AndOrAD_Find OperationAD_Table PostingPosting TablesGL Category TypeAD_ImpFormat TypeAD_ImpFormat FormatTypeAD_ImpFormat_Row TypeM_Product BOM (stocked)Products that are BOMs and stockedM_InventoryCount QtyRangeC_Payment AVSC_Payment Tender TypeDirect Debit/Deposit - Check - CCC_Payment Trx TypeCC Trx TypeC_Bank Account TypeC_Cash Trx TypeR_Request Request TypeR_Request Next Action_Frequency TypeProcessor Frequency TypeR_Request Due TypeC_BPartner Vendors AvtiveVendor selectionC_Commission DocBasisC_Commission FrequencyAD_Role User LevelC_PaymentTermPA_GoalPA_Achievement ParentPA_Goal ParentPA_Measure TypeC_BPartner Vendor or SalesRepVendor or SalesRep selectionC_Period (Open)Periods Sorted by Date_Posted StatusPA_Report AmountTypePA_Report CalculationTypePA_Report ColumnTypePA_Report CurrencyTypePA_ReportColumnPA_ReportLinePA_Report LineTypePA_ReportLine ParentAD_Color TypeAD_Column Key ColumnNames_Entity TypeEntity Type (Dictionary, ..)M_Discount CumulativeLevelM_Discount TypeAD_Color StartPointNord-West-..M_DiscountSchemaM_Product_Costing SourceAD_Column NameColumn selectionC_BPartner EmployeeBusiness Partners who are EmployeeAD_Print Field AlignmentAD_Print Line AlignmentAD_Print Format TypeAD_Print AreaAD_Column IntegerInteger Type only (Name)AD_Column YesNoColuns YesNo (Name)AD_PrintFormatAD_PrintFormat InvoiceAD_PrintFormat OrderAD_PrintFormat ShipmentAD_PrintFormatItemAD_Print Graph TypeAD_PrintColorAD_PrintFontAD_PrintFormat CheckAD_PrintFormat Not TableBasedM_Product_ProductTypeC_OrderLineOrder LineI_ElementValue ColumnC_ElementValue (Parents)Account selectionR_MailTextMail TextC_Period (all)Periods Sorted by DateAD_Org (all)Organization selectionC_BPartner Employee w AddressBusiness Partners who are Employee and have addressesAD_TabM_Product BOM TypeAD_Print Label Line TypeC_Recurring TypeC_Recurring FrequencyAD_WindowK_Entry RelatedAD_User - InternalEmployee or SalesRepC_Tax SPPOTypeC_ProjectType CategoryC_BPartner SOCreditStatusSales Credit StatusC_OrderOrderAD_Field ObscureTypeM_Inventory TypeInventory Type (Difference - Charge)AD_Table_Access RuleTypeAccessRuleTypeM_TransactionAllocation TypeM_InOutLineM_InventoryLineM_ProductionLineM_TransactionWF_DurationUnitWF_Transition TypeWF_Join_SplitWF_ActionSuperset of Menu ActionWF_Start-Finish ModeWF_Participant TypeWF_Instance StateWF_EventTypeWF_SubFlow ExecutionWF_LoopType_PublishStatusPublication StatusAD_Language MaintenanceAD_PrintTableFormat StrokeStroke TypeM_RelatedProduct TypeC_RfQ QuoteTypeB_TopicType AuctionTypeAD_User - SupervisorEmployee or SalesRep - or SystemAD_Scheduler Type_YesNoM_InOutConfirm TypeC_DocType RMAAD_Org (all but 0)Organization selectionC_AllocationM_AttributeSet MandatoryTypeM_DiscountSchema not PLNot Price List Discount SchemaM_Attribute Value TypeAD_Language SystemLanguage selectionAD_Workflow TypeWorkflow TypeM_Replenishment CreateAD_Role PreferenceTypePreference TypeAccount_IDAccount selectionAPARAP and/or ARAD_PrintFormatItem ShapeTypeAD_Client AutoArchive_MMPolicyMaterial Movement PolicyC_InvoiceM_InOutM_CostElement TypeC_LandedCost DistributionR_Request ConfidentialR_RequestW_MailMsg TypeC_PaymentAD_User NotificationTypeR_StatusC_Remuneration TypeM_BOM TypeM_BOM UseM_BOMProduct TypeC_BP_Group PriorityBaseM_ChangeNoticeC_ConversionTypeC_BPartner SalesRepBP SalesRep selectionAD_Column EncryptedC_AcctSchema CostingLevel \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + AD_Reference Data Types + Data Type selection + + + + AD_Reference Validation Types + Reference Validation Type list + e.g. I - Independent + + + AD_Column ColumName + Column selection + + + + AD_Reference Values + Reference (List and Table) selection + (not DataType and Independent) + + + AD_Table Access Levels + Table Access and Sharing Level list + + + + String + Character String + + + + Integer + 10 Digit numeric + + + + Amount + Number with 4 decimals + + + + ID + 10 Digit Identifier + + + + Text + Character String up to 2000 characters + + + + Date + Date mm/dd/yyyy + + + + Date+Time + Date with time + + + + List + Reference List + + + + Table + Table List + + + + Table Direct + Direct Table Access + + + + Yes-No + CheckBox + + + + Location (Address) + Location/Address + + + + Number + Float Number + + + + Binary + Binary Data + + + + Time + Time + + + + Account + Account Element + + + + RowID + Row ID Data Type + + + + Color + Color element + + + + Button + Command Button - starts a process + + + + Quantity + Quantity data type + + + + Search + Search Field + + + + Locator (WH) + Warehouse Locator Data type + + + + Image + Binary Image Data + + + + Assignment + Resource Assignment + + + + Memo + Large Text Editor - Character String up to 2000 characters + + + + Product Attribute + Product Attribute + + + + Text Long + Text (Long) - Text > 2000 characters + + + + Costs+Prices + Costs + Prices (minimum currency precision, but if exists more) + + + + AD_Validation Rules Parent + Validation rule Parent selection + + + + AD_Validation Rule Types + Validation Rule Type list + e.g. S - SQL + + + AD_Message + Message selection + + + + AD_Message Type + Message Type list + + + + AD_Menu Action + Menu Action list + + + + AD_Menu Parent + Menu Parent selection + + + + AD_Language + Language selection + + + + AD_Window Types + Window Type list + e.g. M = Multi/Single (one uppercase character) + + + AD_WF_Next Nodes + Next workflow node selection + + + + AD_User + User selection + + + + C_Conversion_Rate Types + Conversion Rate Type list + + + + C_Currencies + Currencies with dynamic exchange rate selection + + + + AD_Org Parent + Organization Parent selection + + + + C_UOM + Unit of Measure selection + + + + C_Period Type + Period Type list + + + + C_Element Type + Account Element Types + + + + C_ElementValue AccountType + Account Type list + + + + C_ElementValue Account Sign + Account Sign list + + + + AD_TreeType Type + Tree Type list + Determines which element to use as the base for the information + + + X12DE98 Entity Identifier Code + X12DE98 Entity Identifier Code list + Identify organizational entity physical location property or individual list + + + C_AcctSchema Costing Method + Costing Method list + + + + C_AcctSchema GAAP + General Accepted Accounting Principle list + + + + C_BPartner Parent + Business Partner Parent selection + + + + _Posting Type + Posting Type (Actual Budget etc.) list + + + + AD_Table Replication Type + Replication Type + + + + AD_Sequence for Documents + Sequence for Document selection + + + + AD_Client + Client selection + + + + AD_Org (Trx) + Organization selection, no summary, no 0 + + + + _Document Status + Document Status list + + + + Account_ID (No Summary) + Account selection + + + + C_Location + Location selection + + + + Account_ID - User1 + User1 selection + + + + _Document Action + Document action list + + + + C_AcctSchema + Accounting Schema selection + + + + Account_ID - User2 + User2 selection + + + + C_BPartner (No Summary) + Business Partner selection (no Summary) + + + + C_Project (No summary) + Project selection + + + + C_Activity (No summary) + Activity selection + + + + C_Campaign (No summary) + Campaign selection + + + + C_Sales Region (No summary) + Sales Region selection (No summary) + + + + C_Element + Element selection + + + + C_DocType SubTypeSO + Order Types list + + + + C_Payment CreditCard Type + C_Payment Credit Card Type list + + + + C_Order InvoiceRule + Invoicing Rules list + + + + C_Order DeliveryRule + Delivery Rules list + + + + C_Order DeliveryViaRule + Delivery via Rule list + + + + C_Order FreightCostRule + Freight cost Rule list + + + + _PriorityRule + Priority scale list + + + + M_DiscountPriceList RoundingRule + Price Rounding Rule list + + + + C_Country + Country selection + + + + C_Region + Region selection + + + + C_Tax + Tax selection + + + + C_BPartner Location + Locations of a Business Partner + + + + M_Product Parent + + + + + M_Product (no summary) + Product selection, no summary + + + + M_Product Category + + + + + M_Replenish Type + + + + + M_PriceList + + + + + Weekdays + List of days + + + + C_InvoiceSchedule InvoiceFrequency + + + + + C_Project Parent + + + + + C_DocType + + + + + M_Product (stocked) + + + + + C_DocType SO + + + + + C_BPartner Customers + Customer selection + + + + AD_Workflow + Workflows + + + + C_ValidCombination + Valid Account combinations + + + + C_PeriodControl Action + + + + + C_PeriodControl Status + + + + + GL_Budget Status + + + + + C_SalesRegion Parent + + + + + _ErrorType + List of type of errors + + + + C_AcctSchema ElementType + Element Types for Accounting Elements + Hardcoded Element Types + + + C_ElementValue (all) + Element Values + + + + C_DocType DocBaseType + Base Document Types + + + + AD_Tree + Tree selection + + + + M_PriceList Version + + + + + M_Transaction Movement Type + + + + + AD_User - SalesRep + Sales Representative + + + + M_Locator + Warehouse Locator + + + + C_BPartner Vendors + Vendor selection + + + + C_BankAccount for Credit Card + + + + + M_DiscountPriceList Base + + + + + _Payment Rule + In & Out Payment Options + + + + C_RevenueRecognition Frequency + Frequency of Revenue Recognition + + + + M_Warehouse of Client + + + + + M_Inventory ReportType + + + + + M_PriceList_Version for Client + + + + + C_Charge + + + + + C_BP_EDI EDI Type + + + + + M_EDI Status + + + + + M_EDI Trx Type + + + + + AD_Find AndOr + + + + + AD_Find Operation + + + + + AD_Table Posting + Posting Tables + + + + GL Category Type + + + + + AD_ImpFormat Type + + + + + AD_ImpFormat FormatType + + + + + AD_ImpFormat_Row Type + + + + + M_Product BOM (stocked) + Products that are BOMs and stocked + + + + M_InventoryCount QtyRange + + + + + C_Payment AVS + + + + + C_Payment Tender Type + Direct Debit/Deposit - Check - CC + + + + C_Payment Trx Type + CC Trx Type + + + + C_Bank Account Type + + + + + C_Cash Trx Type + + + + + R_Request Request Type + + + + + R_Request Next Action + + + + + _Frequency Type + Processor Frequency Type + + + + R_Request Due Type + + + + + C_BPartner Vendors Avtive + Vendor selection + + + + C_Commission DocBasis + + + + + C_Commission Frequency + + + + + AD_Role User Level + + + + + C_PaymentTerm + + + + + PA_Goal + + + + + PA_Achievement Parent + + + + + PA_Goal Parent + + + + + PA_Measure Type + + + + + C_BPartner Vendor or SalesRep + Vendor or SalesRep selection + + + + C_Period (Open) + Periods Sorted by Date + + + + _Posted Status + + + + + PA_Report AmountType + + + + + PA_Report CalculationType + + + + + PA_Report ColumnType + + + + + PA_Report CurrencyType + + + + + PA_ReportColumn + + + + + PA_ReportLine + + + + + PA_Report LineType + + + + + PA_ReportLine Parent + + + + + AD_Color Type + + + + + AD_Column Key ColumnNames + + + + + _Entity Type + Entity Type (Dictionary, ..) + + + + M_Discount CumulativeLevel + + + + + M_Discount Type + + + + + AD_Color StartPoint + Nord-West-.. + + + + M_DiscountSchema + + + + + M_Product_Costing Source + + + + + AD_Column Name + Column selection + + + + C_BPartner Employee + Business Partners who are Employee + + + + AD_Print Field Alignment + + + + + AD_Print Line Alignment + + + + + AD_Print Format Type + + + + + AD_Print Area + + + + + AD_Column Integer + Integer Type only (Name) + + + + AD_Column YesNo + Coluns YesNo (Name) + + + + AD_PrintFormat + + + + + AD_PrintFormat Invoice + + + + + AD_PrintFormat Order + + + + + AD_PrintFormat Shipment + + + + + AD_PrintFormatItem + + + + + AD_Print Graph Type + + + + + AD_PrintColor + + + + + AD_PrintFont + + + + + AD_PrintFormat Check + + + + + AD_PrintFormat Not TableBased + + + + + M_Product_ProductType + + + + + C_OrderLine + Order Line + + + + I_ElementValue Column + + + + + C_ElementValue (Parents) + Account selection + + + + R_MailText + Mail Text + + + + C_Period (all) + Periods Sorted by Date + + + + AD_Org (all) + Organization selection + + + + C_BPartner Employee w Address + Business Partners who are Employee and have addresses + + + + AD_Tab + + + + + M_Product BOM Type + + + + + AD_Print Label Line Type + + + + + C_Recurring Type + + + + + C_Recurring Frequency + + + + + AD_Window + + + + + K_Entry Related + + + + + AD_User - Internal + Employee or SalesRep + + + + C_Tax SPPOType + + + + + C_ProjectType Category + + + + + C_BPartner SOCreditStatus + Sales Credit Status + + + + C_Order + Order + + + + AD_Field ObscureType + + + + + M_Inventory Type + Inventory Type (Difference - Charge) + + + + AD_Table_Access RuleType + AccessRuleType + + + + M_TransactionAllocation Type + + + + + M_InOutLine + + + + + M_InventoryLine + + + + + M_ProductionLine + + + + + M_Transaction + + + + + WF_DurationUnit + + + + + WF_Transition Type + + + + + WF_Join_Split + + + + + WF_Action + Superset of Menu Action + + + + WF_Start-Finish Mode + + + + + WF_Participant Type + + + + + WF_Instance State + + + + + WF_EventType + + + + + WF_SubFlow Execution + + + + + WF_LoopType + + + + + _PublishStatus + Publication Status + + + + AD_Language Maintenance + + + + + AD_PrintTableFormat Stroke + Stroke Type + + + + M_RelatedProduct Type + + + + + C_RfQ QuoteType + + + + + B_TopicType AuctionType + + + + + AD_User - Supervisor + Employee or SalesRep - or System + + + + AD_Scheduler Type + + + + + _YesNo + + + + + M_InOutConfirm Type + + + + + C_DocType RMA + + + + + AD_Org (all but 0) + Organization selection + + + + C_Allocation + + + + + M_AttributeSet MandatoryType + + + + + M_DiscountSchema not PL + Not Price List Discount Schema + + + + M_Attribute Value Type + + + + + AD_Language System + Language selection + + + + AD_Workflow Type + Workflow Type + + + + M_Replenishment Create + + + + + AD_Role PreferenceType + Preference Type + + + + Account_ID + Account selection + + + + APAR + AP and/or AR + + + + AD_PrintFormatItem ShapeType + + + + + AD_Client AutoArchive + + + + + _MMPolicy + Material Movement Policy + + + + C_Invoice + + + + + M_InOut + + + + + M_CostElement Type + + + + + C_LandedCost Distribution + + + + + R_Request Confidential + + + + + R_Request + + + + + W_MailMsg Type + + + + + C_Payment + + + + + AD_User NotificationType + + + + + R_Status + + + + + C_Remuneration Type + + + + + M_BOM Type + + + + + M_BOM Use + + + + + M_BOMProduct Type + + + + + C_BP_Group PriorityBase + + + + + M_ChangeNotice + + + + + C_ConversionType + + + + + C_BPartner SalesRep + BP SalesRep selection + + + + AD_Column Encrypted + + + + + C_AcctSchema CostingLevel + + + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/AD_Tab_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/AD_Tab_Trl_in_ID.xml index 52f089f78e..c779a9ecf3 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/AD_Tab_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/AD_Tab_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,142 +1,3631 @@ - -TableTable definitionsTable (header) definition - Note that the name of most tables is automatically syncronized.ColumnTable Column definitionsDefines the columns of a table. Note thet the name of the column is automatically syncronized.ReferensiReference header definitionsThe Reference Tab defines the references that are used to validate dataTable ValidationTable validationThe Table Validation Tab defines tables to validate dataList ValidationReference ListThe List Validation Tab defines lists to validate dataWindowWindow header definitionsThe Window Tab defines each window in the system. The default flag indicates that this window should be used as the default Zoom windows for the tables in this window.TabTab definition within a window holds fieldsThe Tab Tab defines each Tab within a Window. Each Tab contains a discrete selection of fields.FieldField definitions in tabs in windowsThe Field Tab defines the Fields displayed within a tab. Changes made to the Field Tab become visible after restart due to caching. If the Sequence is negative, the record are ordered descending. Note that the name, description and help is automatically synchronized if centrally maintained.ValidationValidation RulesThe Validation Rules Tab defines all dynamic rules used when entering and maintaining columns and fields.PesanInformation Error and Menu MessagesThe Message Tab displays error message text and menu messagesMenuMaintain MenuThe Menu Tab defines the tree structured menu which will be used for the selected Organization. Note that the name and description will be automatically synchronized (overwritten), if not a summary node.TranslationMenu Translation - May not need to be translatedMenu translations are derived from Window, Process, etc. You only need to translate Summary level items all others will be translated automatically (overwritten)BahasaSystem and User LanguagesIf you want to add an additional User Interface language, select "System Language". Otherwise, the system allows you to just translate elements for printing documents.TranslationField TranslationMenu Translation - May not need to be translatedFields are automatically translated, if centrally maintained. You only need to translate not centrally maintained Fields.Tab TranslationWindow TranslationUserUserThe User Tab defines the log in for Users who have access to the system.RoleDefine responsibility rolesDefine the role and add the client and organizations the role has access to. You can give users access to this role and modify the access of this role to windows, forms, processes and reports as well as tasks. <br> -If the Role User Level is Manual, the assigned acces rights are not automatically updated (e.g. if a role has a restricted number of Windows/Processes it can access). You need to add organizational access unless the role has access to all organizations. The SuperUser and the user creating a new role are assigned to the role automatically. User AssignmentUsers with this RoleThe User Assignment Tab displays Users who have been defined for this Role.User RolesUser RolesThe User Roles Tab define the Roles each user may have. The Roles will determine what windows, tasks, processes and workflows that a User has access to.NodeDefine workflow nodesThe Node Tab defines each Node, Activity or step in this Workflow.<br> -The action (actibity) type determines the execution: "Route" may be used in routing control conditions. "None" identifies manual execution.Node TranslationNode TranslationTransitionWorkflow Node TransitionThe Next Nodes Tab defines the order or Nodes or Steps in a Workflow.Previous NodeTask TranslationConversion RatesDefine currency conversion ratesThe Conversion Rate Tab defines the rates to use when converting a source currency to an accounting or reporting currency. Note that only the multiply rate is used; The divide rate is for visualization only.KalenderDefine your calendarThe Calendar Tab defines each calendar that will be used by an Organization.TahunDefine Calendar YearThe Year Window is used to define each year for the specified calendar.PeriodDefine Calendar PeriodsThe Period Tab defines a Period No, Name and Start Date for each Calendar Year. Each period begins on the defined Start Date and ends one day prior to the next period's Start Date.Non Business DayDefine Non Business DaysThe Non Business Days Tab defines those days to exclude when calculating the due date for given payment terms. For example, if an invoice terms was Net 10 days and the Invoice Date was 2/17/2000 the due date would be 2/27/2000. If 2/27/2000 was defined as a non business day then the due date on the Invoice would be 2/28/2000.Element ValueDefine Element ValuesThe Element Value Tab defines the individual valid values for the Element. The values must conform to the format defined. If the Element is an Account Type then the Account Classification (Asset, Liability etc) and posting controls are also definedUnit of MeasureDefine units of measureThe Unit of Measure Tab defines a non monetary Unit of Measure.KonversiDefine standard Unit of Measure ConversionThe Conversion Tab defines the rates for converting a Unit of Measure. The system provides some automatic conversions between units of measures (e.g. minute, hour, day, working day, etc.) if they are not explicitly defined here. -Conversions need to be direct (i.e. if you have only a conversion between A-B and B-C, the system cannot convert A-C, you need to define it explicitly).CountryPlease create a support request (http://www.adempiere.org/support/requests.html), if the country data is not correct.Define CountryThe Country Tab defines any country in which you do business. Values entered here are referenced in location records for Business Partners.WilayahPlease create a support request (http://www.adempiere.org/support/requests.html), if the region info is not correct/incomplete.Definisikan wilayahThe Region Tab defines a Region within a Country. This tab is enabled only if the Has Region checkbox is selected for the Country.OrganizationAll not manually maintained Roles will automatically have access to the new Organziation. -You need restart your application server for most changes made here to be effective.Define OrganizationsThe Organization Tab is used to define an Organization. Each Organization has a Key and Name and optionally a Description. -When adding a new organization, you must re-login to be able to access the new organization.ClientCreate a new client via "Initial Client Setup". You can only change information here! You need re-login and restart your application server for most changes made here to be effective.Client/Tenant DefinitionThe Client Definition Tab defines a unique client. -Do not create a new client in this window, but use "Initial Client Setup" (System Administrator Role) to set up the required security and access rules. If you create a new client here, you will not be able to view it and also the required client infrastructure would not have been set up.SequenceSequence DefinitionThe Sequence Tab defines the numeric sequencing to use for documents. These can also include a alpha suffix and / or prefix.Alur KerjaDefinisikan Alur KerjaThe Workflow Tab defines Workflows in the system.Workflow TranslationTaskTaskThe Task Tab defines the unique tasks that will be used.Mata UangDefine CurrencyThe Currency Tab defines any currency you will transact with or report in.TestElementAccount Element definitionThe Element Tab defines the Name, Description and Format for an Element. Additionally, a Type of Account or User Defined is selected. Each Account Schema must have an Account Element type. The User Defined Elements are optional.LokasiDefine LocationThe Location Tab defines the location of an Organization.PreferenceMaintain System Client Org and User PreferencesProyek (Service)Define Service ProjectThe Project Tab is used to define the Value, Name and Description for each project. It also is defines the tracks the amounts assigned to, committed to and used for this project. Note that when the project Type is changed, the Phases and Tasks are re-created.GL CategoryDefine General Ledger CategoriesThe GL Category Tab defines optional identifiers for a document or journal. Each Category may be used on a document, manual journal or importBatchGeneral Ledger Journal BatchThe GL Journal Batch Tab defines the control parameters for a Journal Batch. A Batch can consist of multiple Journals. -If the Control Amount is not zero, it is compared to the Total Debit Amount. The Control/Debit/Credit Amount is in Source Document Currency.JurnalGeneral Ledger JournalThe GL Journal Tab defines the control parameters for a single GL Journal. -If the Control Amount is not zero, it is compared to the Total Debit Amount. The Control/Debit/Credit Amount is in Source Document Currency.BarisGeneral Ledger Journal LineThe GL Journal Line Tab defines the individual debit and credit transactions that comprise a journal.Document TypeDefine a Document TypeThe Document Definition Tab defines the processing parameters and controls for the document. Note that shipments for automatic documents like POS/Warehouse Orders cannot have confirmations!Client InfoYou need re-login and restart your application server for most changes made here to be effective.Client InfoThe Client Info Tab defines the details for each client. The accounting rules and high level defaults are defined here. The Calendar is used to determine if a period is open or closed.Organization InfoYou need re-login and restart your application server for most changes made here to be effective. -Organization Detail InformationThe Organization Info Tab is used to define an Organization's address, DUNS number and Tax Identification numberReference TranslationList TranslationCantumanCantumanThe Attachment tab displays the attributes of an attachment.PajakDefinisi PajakThe Tax Rate Window defines the different taxes used for each tax category. For example, Sales Tax must be defined for each State in which it applies. -If you have multiple taxes, create a summary level tax with the approximate total tax rate and the actual tax rates pointing to the summary level tax as their parent. When entering the order or invoice lines, the tax is estimated, the correct tax is calculated when the document is processed. The tax is always calculated from the line net amount. If one tax has a the tax basis the line net amount and another tax, you need to adjust the percentage to result in the correct amount.Kategori PajakKategori PajakThe Tax Category Tab is used to define and maintain Tax Categories. Each Product is associated with a Tax Category. This facilitates adapting to changes in taxation.GudangWarehouseThe Warehouse Tab defines each Warehouse that is used to store products.LocatorLocatorThe Locator Tab defines any Locators for that Warehouse.StorageProdukDefine ProductThe Product Tab defines each product and identifies it for use in price lists and orders. The Location is the default location when receiving the stored product.SubstituteDefine SubstituteThe Substitute Tab defines products which may be used as a replacement for the selected product.ReplenishDefine ReplenishmentThe Replenishment Tab defines the type of replenishment quantities. This is used for automated ordering.HargaProduct PricingThe Pricing Tab displays the List, Standard and Limit prices for each price list a product is contained in.Syarat PembayaranDefine Payment TermsThe Payment Term Tab defines the different payments terms that you offer to your Business Partners when paying invoices and also those terms which your Vendors offer you for payment of your invoices. On the standard invoice, the Name and the Document Note of the Payment Term is printed.PengirimShippersThe Shippers Tab defines any entity who will provide shipping to or shipping from an Organization.OrderOrder HeaderThe Order Header Tab defines the parameters of an OrderBaris OrderBaris OrderThe Order Line Tab defines the individual line items that comprise an Order.Kategori ProdukDefine Product CategoryThe Product Category defines unique groupings of products. Product categories can be used in building price lists.Daftar HargaDefine Price ListsPrice lists determine currency of the document as well as tax treatment.Harga Jual ProdukMaintain Product PricesThe Price List Tab displays the prices for a product based on the selected price list.Skedul PenagihanDefine Invoice ScheduleThe Invoice Schedule Tab defines the frequency for which batch invoices will be generated for a Business Partner.Rate KonversiDefine Currency Conversion RatesThe Conversion Rates tab is used to define conversion rates to be used when converting document amounts from one currency to another. Conversion rates can be defined for multiple rate types. They can also be effective for a defined range of dates. Note that only the multiply rate is used; The divide rate is for visualization only.Skema AkuntingIf you change the currency or costing method, you must reset all accounting transactions. -For changes to become effective, you must re-login and re-start the Application Server. Define your Account Schema StructureThe Accounting Schema Tab defines the controls used for accounting. Each Organization will select an Accounting Schema to use.General LedgerFor changes to become effective, you must re-login and re-start the Application Server.Accounts for GLThe General Ledger Tab defines error and balance handling to use as well as the necessary accounts for posting to General Ledger. KampanyeMarketing CampaignThe Marketing Campaign Tab defines the parameters for a Campaign. These include a start and end date as well as the amount of any invoices that have been processed which reference this campaign.ChannelDistribution ChannelThe Marketing Channel Tab defines the different methods or processes through which customers are obtained.ElementElementThe Element Tab defines each system level element.TranslationPeriod ControlDefine Period ControlThe Period Control Tab displays the status of a Period (Never Opened, Opened, Closed). Wilayah PenjualanSales RegionThe Sales Region Tab defines the different regions where you do business. Sales Regions can be used when generating reports or calculating commissions.KombinasiValid Account CombinationsThe Account Combination Tab defines and displays valid account combination. An Alias can be defined to facilitate document entry.BudgetThe GL Budget Tab defines a General Ledger BudgetThe GL Budgets are used to define the anticipated costs of doing business. They are used in reporting as a comparison to actual amounts.AkuntingAccountingThe Accounting Tab defines the Accounting parameters to be used for inventory in that Warehouse.AkuntingDefine Accounting ParametersThe Accounting Tab defines the defaults to use when generating accounting transactions for orders and invoices which contain this product.AkuntingDefine Project AccountingThe Accounting Tab is used to define the Asset Account to use when a project is completed and the associated asset realized.Customer AccountingDefine Customer AccountingThe Customer Accounting Tab defines the default accounts to use when this business partner is referenced on an accounts receivable transaction.Vendor AccountingDefine Vendor AccountingThe Vendor Accounting Tab defines the default accounts to use when this business partner is referenced in an accounts payable transaction.Employee AccountingDefine Employee AccountingThe Employee Accounting Tab defines the default accounts to use when this business partner is referenced on a expense reimbursement.KotaDefine CitiesThe Cities Tab defines Cities within a Country or Region. Cities entered here are not referenced when entering the address.Elemen Skema AkuntingATTENTION: ANY CHANGES here will effect the structure of your chart of accounts! -Depending what changes you did, you should reset accounting. -For changes to become effective, you must re-login and re-start the Application Server. -Saving/deleting the record starts processes which may take a while.Define the elements of your Account KeyThe Account Schema Element Tab defines the elements that comprise the account key. A name is defined which will display in documents. Also the order of the elements and if they are balanced and mandatory are indicated.Partner BisnisBusiness PartnerThe Business Partner Tab defines any Entity with whom an organization transacts.LokasiDefine LocationThe Location Tab defines the physical location of a business partner. A business partner may have multiple location records.PelangganDefine Customer ParametersThe Customer Tab defines a Business Partner who is a customer of this organization. If the Customer check box is selected then the necessary fields will display. VendorDefine Vendor ParametersThe Vendor Tab defines a Business Partner that is a Vendor for this Organization. If the Vendor check box is selected the necessary fields will display.EmployeeDefine Employee ParametersThe Employee Tab defines a Business Partner who is an Employee of this organization. If the Employee is also a Sales Representative then the check box should be selected.Bank AccountDefine Bank AccountThe Define Bank Account Tab defines the banking information for this business partner. This data is used for processing payments and remittances.BankMaintain BankThe Bank Tab defines a bank that is used by an organization or business partner. Each Bank is given an identifying Name, Address, Routing No and Swift CodeAccountMaintain Bank AccountThe Account Tab is used to define one or more accounts for a Bank. Each account has a unique Account No and Currency. WithholdingDefine Withholding (Beta)The Withholding Tab defines any withholding information for this business partner.TranslationTranslation The Translation Tab defines a Document Type in an alternate language.DunningMaintain Dunning RulesThe Dunning Tab defines the parameters for a dunning level.TranslationDefine TranslationThe Translation Tab defines the translation to an alternate languageTranslationTranslationFaktur PajakFaktur PajakThe Order Tax Tab displays the tax amount for an Order based on the lines entered.ChargeChargeThe Charge Tab defines the unique charges that may be associated with a document.VersionMaintain price list versionsPrice lists are automatically created based on Product Purchasing Information and the Vendor Category Discount. -The other alternative is to copy them from existing pricelists and the re-calculate them. -You can also re-calculate the pricelist by referencing no pricelist or referencing the same pricelist. If no base price list is selected, the Procuct Purchase records are used as reference. -PembelianPurchasingThe Purchasing Tab define the pricing and rules ( pack quantity, UPC, minimum order quantity) for each product.WithholdingWithholding RulesThe Withholding Rules Tab define the rules governing the withholding of amounts.AkuntingView Accounting Fact DetailsTreeTreeThe Tree Tab defines a Tree which will be displayed.Report & ProcessDefine Report & ProcessThe Report and Process Tab defines each report and process run in the system. -Please note that the Print Format is only used for Document Print when you want to share a common format defined on System level. For normal reports and formats, you would not define a Print Format here, but modify the generated print format and set it as the default.ParameterReport ParameterThe Report Parameter Tab defines any parameters required to execute a report or process.Parameter TranslationReport TranslationAktivitasActivity for Activity Based CostingDefaultsDefault AccountsThe Defaults Tab displays the Default accounts for an Accounting Schema. These values will display when a new document is opened. The user can override these defaults within the document.Harga PerolehanDefine CostingThe Costing Tab defines Inventory CountDefine Inventory CountThe Inventory Count Tab defines the parameters for a manual count and adjustment of inventory. When creating the inventory count list automatically, only the actual stored products are included. The exception is when you select the equals 0 (=0) option, then zero on hand records of all stocked products is created for that location.Inventory Count LineInventory Count LineThe Inventory Count Line defines the counts of the individual products in inventory.PengirimanShipments and Customer ReturnsThe Shipments Tab allows you to generate, maintain, enter and process Shipments to a Customer or Returns from a Customer. Baris PengirimanShipment LineThe Shipment Line Tab defines the individual items in a Shipment.PindahEnter Inventory MovementThe Move Tab defines and identifies the movement of an item or items in inventory.Baris PindahEnter Inventory Movement LineThe Move Line Tab defines the product and quantity to be moved and the location it is moving from and to. Transaksi-Transaksi ProdukTransactions for stored ProductsInvoiceCustomer InvoiceThe Invoice Tab defines the parameters of an Invoice generated for a Business Partner. It constitutes an accounts receivable.LevelMaintain Dunning LevelThe Dunning Level Tab defines the timing and frequency of the dunning notices.TranslationDunning Level TranslationBaris InvoiceCustomer Invoice LineThe Invoice Line Tab defines the individual items or charges on an Invoice.Faktur PajakCustomer Invoice TaxThe Invoice Tax Tab displays the total tax due based on the Invoice Lines.Pengakuan PendapatanRevenue RecognitionThe Revenue Recognition Tab defines the intervals at which revenue will be recognized. You can also base the revenue recognition on provided Service Levels.TranslationUnit of Measure TranslationPerpetual InventoryVendorVendorThe Vendor Tab displays the Vendors. A Vendor is selected and all products for that Vendor will be displayed.Detil ProdukProduct DetailsThe Product Details Tab allows you to display and maintain all products for a selected Vendor.GreetingDefine GreetingThe Greeting Tab defines the manner in which you will address business partners on documents.TranslationTranslationReport ViewDefine Report ViewThe Define Report View defines the views used in report generationTransactionsTransactions for stored ProductsThe Transaction Tab displays the transactions that have been processed for this product.InvoiceVendor InvoiceThe Invoice Tab defines the parameters of an Invoice generated by a Business Partner. It constitutes an accounts payable.Baris InvoiceVendor Invoice LineThe Invoice Line Tab defines the individual items or charges on an Invoice.Faktur PajakVendor Invoice TaxThe Invoice Tax Tab displays the total tax due based on the Invoice Lines. -PO LinePurchase Order LineThe Purchase Order Line Tab defines the individual items in an order.Order PembelianOrder HeaderThe Order Header Tab defines the parameters of an order. The field values defined will determine how the Order Lines are processed.Faktur PajakFaktur PajakThe Order Tax Tab displays the tax associated with the Order Lines.Material ReceiptEnter Receipts and Vendor ReturnsThe Shipments Tab allows you to generate, maintain, enter and process Shipments from a Vendor or Returns to a Vendor. Receipt LineShipment LineThe Shipment Line Tab defines the individual items in a Shipment.EDI DefinitionMaintain EDI DefinitionEDI TransactionEDI LogFormSpecial FormThe Forms Tab defines any window which is not automatically generated. For System Admin use only.TranslationWindow AccessWindow AccessThe Window Access Tab defines the Windows and type of access that this Role is granted.Process AccessProcess AccessThe Process Access Tab defines the Processes and type of access that this Role is granted.Form AccessForm AccessThe Form Access Tab defines the Forms and type of access that this Role is granted.Akses Alur KerjaWorkflow AccessThe Workflow Access Tab defines the Workflows and type of access that this Role is granted.Report AccessReport AccessThe Report Access Tab determines who can access a report or processAccessForm AccessThe Forms Access Tab defines the access rules for this formAccessTask AccessThe Task Access Tab defines the Roles that will have access to this task and the type of access each Role is granted.AccessWindow AccessThe Window Access Tab defines the Roles which have access to this Window.AccessWorkflow AccessThe Workflow Access Tab defines the Roles who have access to this Workflow. Task AccessTask AccessThe Task Access Tab defines the Task and type of access that this Role is granted.Error MessageError MessageThe Error Message Tab displays error messages that have been generated. They can be deleted with an automated clean up process.Import FormatFormat FieldMaintain Format FieldsDefine the individual field based on the table definition. Please note that you have to make sure that a Constant has the correct SQL data type (i.e. if it is a 'string', you need to enclose it like 'this'). -<p>Product mapping (for details see documentation): -<pre> -H_Item => Value -H_ItemDesc => Name / Description -H_ItemDefn => Help -H_ItemType => ProductCategory -H_PartnrID => Value of Business Partner -H_Commodity1 => Vendor Product No -H_Commodity2 => SKU -H_ItemClass => Classification (A,B,C..) -V_OperAmt_T_Cur => Currency -V_OperAmt_T => Price -</pre>Bill of MaterialsBill of Material product linesThe Bill of Materials tab defines those products that are generated from other products. A Bill of Material (BOM) is one or more Products or BOMs. - -Available Quantity: -- Stored BOMs have to be created via "Production" -- The available quantity of a non-stored BOMs is dynamically calculated -- The attribute "Stored" is defined in the "Product" tab - -Price: -- BOMs must be listed in Pricelists -- If the price is 0.00, the price is dynamically calculated - -Printing: -- Usually, only the BOM information is printed -- For invoices, delivery slips and pick lists, you have the option to print the details -- In the details, the quantity is listed - and the price, if this is dynamically calculated -StorageProduction HeaderProduction HeaderThe Production Header Tab defines a unique production planProduction PlanProduction PlanThe Production Plan Tab defines the items used and generated in a production.Production LineProduction LineThe Production Line Tab displays the actual movements in and out of inventory generated by a Production Plan.Business Partner GroupBusiness Partner Groups for Reporting Accounting DefaultsThe Business Partner Group Tab allow for the association of business partners for reporting and accounting defaults.AkuntingDefine AccountingThe Accounting Tab defines the default accounts for any business partner that references this group. These default values can be modified for each business partner if required.AkuntingAccounting ParametersThe Accounting Tab defines default accounting parameters. Any product that uses a product category can inherit its default accounting parameters.KabarSystem NoticeThe Notice Tab provides a method of viewing messages that are generated by this system when performing processes.Payment ProcessorProcessor for online paymentsThe Electronic Payments Tab is used to define the parameters for the processing of electronic payments. If no currency is defined, all currencies are accepted. If a minumum amount is defined (or not zero), the payment processor is only used if the payment amount is equal or higher than the minumum amount.AkuntingMaintain Accounting DataThe Accounting Tab is used to define the accounts used for transactions with this Bank.Bank StatementBank StatementThe Bank Statement Tab defines the Bank Statement to be reconciled.Statement LineStatement LineThe Statement Line Tab defines the individual line items on the Bank Statement. They can be entered manually or generated from payments entered.PembayaranPayment or ReceiptEnter payment or receipt for a Business Partner. If it is for a single invoice it can be allocated directly to that invoice using this screen. -You can also apply over/under payments:<br> -You have an over-payment, if you received more money than due for a single invoice. Instead of writing the difference off (i.e. would be a gain), you can leave the amount unallocated and use it for later invoices or credit memos. Please note that the Amount is the payment amount, so you need to enter the over-payment as a negative amount.<br> -You can also receive a partial payment (under-payment). If you decide not to write off the remaining invoice amount, enter the under-payment as a positive amount. -AkuntingCharge AccountingThe Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters used for transactions including a charge or charges.AkuntingOrganization AccountingThe Organization Accounting Tab defines the default accounting parameters to be used by this Organization.AkuntingAccountingThe Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters to be used for transactions referencing this Tax Rate.AkuntingWithholding AccountingThe Withholding Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters for Withholding.Custom AttributeDefine Custom AttributeThe Custom Attribute Tab defines additional attributes or information for a product or entity.Buku KasMaintain CashbookThe Cashbook Tab defines a unique cashbook for an organization.AkuntingCashbook AccountingThe Cashbook Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters for transaction involving a cashbook.Jurnal Kas KecilCash JournalThe Cash Journal Tab defines the parameters for this journal.Cash LineCash LineThe Cash Line Tab defines the individual lines for this journal.Payment BatchProcess Payment BatchElectronic Fund Transfer Payment Batch.Field groupSystem Admin use only. Field Groups allow for grouping of fields within a windowTranslationRequestDefine RequestThe Request Tab defines any Request submitted by a Business Partner.Request ProcessorRequest ProcessorThe Request Processor Tab allows you to define processes that you want to occur and the frequency and timing of these processes. If no other user is found, the items are assigned to the supervisor. A Request Processor can be just for a specific Request Type or for all.Mail TemplateAction HistoryAction HistoryThe Action History Tab displays any actions which have been taken for a Request.Allocation LineView Allocation LinesView Allocation Line DetailsOrg AccessMaintain Org AccessAdd the client and organizations the user has access to. -Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache.Seleksi PembayaranTentukan PembayarannyaThe Payment Selection Tab defines the bank account and date of the payments to be made. You also create the payments here.Payment Selection LinePayment Selection LineThe Payment Selection Line Tab defines the individual invoices an organization is paying to a Vendor with this payment.Report View ColumnReport View ColumnThe Report View Column Tab defines any columns which will be overridden in the generation of the select SQLKomisiDefine Commission RuleDefine when to pay a commission to whom. For each period, you start the calculation of the commission after the transaction for that period are completed or closed.Baris KomisiDefine your commission calculation ruleDefine the selection criteria for paying the commission. If you do not enter restricting parameters (e.g. for specific Business Partner (Groups) or Product (Categories), etc. all transactions for the period will be used to calculate the commission. - -After converting from the transaction to the commission currency, -the formula for calculating the commission is: - -(Converted Amount - Subtract Amount) * Amount Multiplier -+ (Actual Quantity - Subtract Quantity) * Quantity Multiplier - -You can choose, that only positive amounts (Converted Amount - Subtract Amount) and positive quantities (Actual Quantity - Subtract Quantity) are used in the calculation.Project CycleDefine Project Report CycleDefine the currency that projects Project are reported. The projects themselves could be in a different currency.Cycle PhaseLink Cycle Step with Project PhasesLink similar Project Phases to a Cycle Step -BarisDefine Project LinesThe Project Lines Tab is used to define the lines (products and/or services) associated with this Project. This is an alternative to Project Phases. You would use lines, if you do not want to use a Project Type template with phases.Proses KomisiCommission run for a periodCommission run for a period defined in the Commission window.Jumlah KomisiCommission line amountsFor each commission line, a line is generated. You can overwrite the amount and quantity to modify the commission amount, but the suggested way is creating additional Commission Detail lines. Please be aware that manual changes will not reconcile with the Commission Details.Used in ColumnUsed in ColumnThe Used in Column Tab defines the table and column this element resides in.Detil KomisiCommission Detail InformationYou may alter the amount and quantity of the detail records, but the suggested way is to add new correcting lines. -The amounts are converted from the transaction currency to the Commission Currency (defined in the Commission window) using the start date and the spot exchange rate.Performance ColorColor for Performance AnalysisThe Performance Color Tab allows you to alter the system default colors to indicate a performance level.Performance GoalPerformance GoalThe Performance Goal Tab defines specific goals for performance.Performance Measure CalculationMaintain your Performance Measure CalculationThe Performance Measure Calculation defines how performance measures will be calculated. Please test the statement in SQL*Plus first. -The select statement needs to return a single value! -Any restrictions for Date range, Organizations, Business Partners, Products should be done via the "Performance Measure" window. This is the generic calculation. -As this tends to be somewhat technical, the system has a few examples predefined.Performance AchievementPerformance AchievementThe Performance Achievement Tab defines the Tasks to be achieved. The performance is measured by the percentage of reached achievements.UkuranPerformance MeasureThe Performance Measure Tab defines the date range and method to be used for measuring performance.Financial ReportReport Column SetMaintain Financial Report Column SetsColumn Sets are the combination of Columns to be included in a Financial ReportReport ColumnMaintain Financial Report ColumnA column represents a column in a Financial ReportReport Line SetMaintain Financial Report Line SetReport LineMaintain Financial Report LineReport SourceMaintain Segment Values of Report Line Source Rencana Pengakuan PendapatanView Revenue Recognition PlanThe Revenue Recognition plan is generated then invoicing a product with revenue recognition. With Revenue Recognition, the amount is posted to the Unrecognized revenue and over time or based on Service Level booked to Earned Revenue.Revenue Recognition RunView Revenue Recognition Run HistoryService LevelView Service LevelThe service level is automatically created when creating an invoice with products using revenue recognition based on service levels.Service Level LineMaintain Service LevelsAdd new service level lines to change the recognized amountTemukanMaterial TransactionsPrint FormMaintain Print Form (Invoices, Checks, ..) informationThe selection determines what Print Format is used to print a particular Form for your Organization.Bank Account DocumentMaintain Bank Account DocumentsIn this tab, you define the documents used for this bank account. You define your check and other payment document (sequence) number as well as format.System ColorSystem color for backgrounds and indicatorsDesktopDesktop is a collection of WorkbenchesDesktop is a collection of WorkbenchesTranslationWorkbenchWorkbench on the desktopImageImage or Icon linkWindow CustomizationTab CustomizationField CustomizationWorkbenchWorkbenches are a collection of WindowsTranslationWindowWorkbench WindowRoutingRequest RoutingDefine the sequence of request types and keywords and to whom the web and mail requests should be routed to. The keywords are separated by space, comma, semicolon, tab or new line. The first match wins (first request type then keyword.RequestDefine RequestThe Request Tab defines any Request submitted by a Business Partner.Action HistoryAction HistoryThe Action History Tab displays any actions which have been taken for a Request.Skema DiskonTrade Discount SchemaTrade discount schema calculates the trade discount percentageSchema LineTrade Discount Price List LinesPricelists are created based on Product Purchase and Category Discounts. -The parameters listed here allow to copy and calculate pricelists.<BR> -The calculation: -<UL> -<LI>Copy and convert price from referenced price list -<LI>result plus Surcharge Amount -<LI>result minus Discount -<LI>if resulting price is less than the original limit price plus min Margin, use this price (only if Margin is not zero) -<LI>if resulting price is more than the original limit price plus max Margin, use this price (only if Margin us not zero) -<LI>Round resulting price -</UL> -<B>The Formula</B> is<BR> -NewPrice = (Convert(BasePrice) + Surcharge) * (100-Discount) / 100;<BR> -if MinMargin <> 0 then NewPrice = Max (NewPrice, Convert(OrigLimitPrice) + MinMargin);<BR> -if MaxMargin <> 0 then NewPrice = Min (NewPrice, Convert(OrigLimitPrice) + MaxMargin);<BR> - <BR> -<B>Example:</B> (assuming same currency)<BR> -Original Prices: List=300, Standard=250, Limit=200;<BR> -New List Price: Base=List, Surcharge=0, Discount=0, RoundDiscount BreakTrade discount based on breaks (steps)Assigned ProductsProducts assigned to Product CategoryCocokkan InvoiceView matched InvoicesCocokkan POView matched Purchase OrdersExpense TypeMaintain Expense Report TypeExpense ProductProduct definition of Expense TypeExpense ReportTime and Expense ReportEnter the time and expenses for the Employee or Contractor (Business Partner). <br> -The price list determines the default costs of the expenses, products or resource to be reimbursed. In that sense, it is a "Purchase Price" list. The Warehouse is used to correct the inventory of items invoiced to customers (i.e. if not invoiced, the inventory is not adjusted).<br> -Please note that the Business Partner <b>must</b> be an Employee with an Address and Contact!Report LineTime and Expense Report LineEnter the expense items and billable or non-billable hours. If you enter a non-zero amount in Invoiced Amount, that amount will be used for billing the customer - otherwise the price on the current sales price list of the customer.ResourceMaintain ResourcesAssignmentResource AssignmentsHistory of AssignmentsUnavailabilityResource unavailabilityDates, when the resource is not available (e.g. vacation)Resource ProductMaintain Product information of ResourceThe product for the resource is automatically created and synchronized. Update Name, Unit of Measure, etc. in the Resource and don't change it in the product.Resource TypeMaintain Resource TypesMaintain Resource types and their principal availability.AkuntingDefine Accounting ParametersThe Accounting Tab defines the defaults to use when generating accounting transactions for orders and invoices which contain this Expense Type. Not all accounts apply.HargaExpense Type PricingThe Pricing Tab displays the List, Standard and Limit prices for each price list a product is contained in.HargaResource PricingThe Pricing Tab displays the List, Standard and Limit prices for each price list a resource is contained in.AkuntingDefine Accounting ParametersThe Accounting Tab defines the defaults to use when generating accounting transactions for orders and invoices which contain this resource. Not all accounts apply to resources.Print ColorMaintain Print ColorColors used for printingPrint FontMaintain Print FontFont used for printingPrint FormatMaintain Print FormatThe print format determines how data is rendered for print.Format ItemPrint Format ItemItem in the print format maintaining layout information. The following additional variables are available when printing: -<p>@*Page@ - the current page number -<br>@*PageCount@ - the total number of pages -<br>@*MultiPageInfo@ - "Page x of y" - only printed if more than one page -<br>@*CopyInfo@ - if it is a copy of the document "Duplicate" is printed -<br>@*ReportName@ - name of the report -<br>@*Header@ - Full Header with user/client/org name and connection -<br>@*CurrentDate@ - the print date -<br>@*CurrentDateTime@ - the print time - -<p>The layoit logic for forms is: <br> -- if not printed: ignore <br> -- set New Line Position <br> -- new page <br> -- new line, if something was printed since last new line<br> -- format item<br> -- print it (if not null/empty selected)<br> -(i.e. supress null does not prevent new line)Print PaperMaintain Print PaperPrinter Paper Size, Orientation and Margins. -The Validation Code contains the Media Size name. The names of the media sizes correspond to those in the IPP 1.1 RFC 2911 - http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2911.txtDisplay OrderDisplay Order of the Print Format ItemsSort OrderSort Order of the Print Format ItemsField SequenceSequence if the Fields in a TabPelangganBusiness Partner (Customers) to be invoicedReport LineTime and Expense Report Line (not invoiced)View and modify Time and Expense Report Lines. It lists expense items for the business partner on the expense line where the expense lines have no orders yet. (Sales Orders are created).Item TranslationPrint Format TranslationGraphDefine Graph to be includedPrint Table FormatDefine Report Table FormatThe Print Table Format lets you define how table header, etc. is printed. If you leave the entries empty, the default colors and fonts are used:<br> -Fonts are based on the Font used in the Report; Page Header and Table Header will be bold, the Function Font is Bold-Italic, the Footer Font is two points smaller, the Parameter Font is Italic.Prepared PaymentView Generated Prepared Payments (Checks)You create the actual Payments via Payment Print/ExportRequest TypeType of request (e.g. Inquiry, Complaint, ..)Request Types are used for processing and categorizing requests. Options are Account Inquiry, Warranty Issue, etc.Interest AreaInterest Area or TopicInterest Areas reflect interest in a topic by a contact. Interest areas can be used for marketing campaigns. If a list is not "Self Service", it is not visible for users via the web.Interest AreaBusiness Partner Contact Interest AreaInterest Area can be used for Marketing CampaignsSystemSystem DefinitionCommon System Definition. Do NOT create additional records!!Import Business PartnerImport ProductImport ProductsBefore importing, Adempiere checks the Unit of Measure (default if not set), the Product Category (default if not set), the Business Partner, the Currency (defaults to accounting currency if not set), the Product Type (only Items and Services), the uniqueness of UPC, Key and uniqueness and existence of the Vendor Product No.<br> -Adempiere tries to map to existing products, if the UPC, the Key and the Vendor Product No matches (in this sequence). If the imported record could be matched, product field values will only be overwritten, if the corresponding Import field is explicitly defined. Example: the Product Category will only be overwritten if explicitly set in the Import.Import AccountImport Report Line SetPilih BahasaSelect your LanguageThe Language needs to be a (verified) System LanguageElement TranslationMessage TranslationWindow TranslationProcess TranslationHartaAsset used internally or by customersAn asset is either created by purchasing or by delivering a product. An asset can be used internally or be a customer asset.DeliveryDelivery or availabilityRecord of delivery or availabilityKelompok HartaGroup of AssetsThe group of assets determines default accounts. If a asset group is selected in the product category, assets are created when delivering the asset.TrainingRepeated TrainingThe training may have multiple actual classes. New Classes are created here.ClassThe actual training class instanceA scheduled classEmployee, VendorBusiness Partner to be reimbursedSelect the business partner to be reimbursed.Report LineTime and Expense Report Line (not reimbursed)View and modify Time and Expense Report Lines. It lists expense items for the business partner on the expense header where the expense lines were not invoiced yet.TranslationDaily BalancesView daily accounting balancesSkedul PembayaranInvoice Payment ScheduleAttribute SetMaintain Product Attribute SetDefine Product Attribute Sets to add additional attributes and values to the product. You need to define a Attribute Set if you want to enable Serial and Lot Number and Guaragtee Date tracking. Note that the Guarantee Days here determine the Shelf Life of a product instance after manufacturing (the Guarantee Days on the product determines a Customer Service date after selling) -If the Attribute Set is mandatory, a product instance needs to be selected/created before shipping.AttributeProduct AttributeProduct Attribute like Color, Size, etc. If it is an Instance Attribute, all products have the same value.Attribute ValueProduct Attribute ValueIndividual value of a product attribute (e.g. green, large, ..)LotProduct Lot DefinitionMaintain the individual Lot of a ProductLot ControlProduct Lot ControlDefinition to create Lot numbers for ProductsSerial No ControlProduct Serial Number ControlDefinition to create Serial numbers for ProductsAttribute UseAttributes Used for the Product Attribute SetAttributes and Attribute Values used for the productAttribute SearchCommon Search Attribute Attributes are specific to a Product Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple attributes and want to search under a common sttribute, you define a search sttribute. Example: have one Size search attribute combining the values of all different sizes (Size for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The Attribute Search allows you to have all values available for selection. This eases the maintenance of the individual product attribute.Assigned AttributesAttributes assigned to this search attributeInvoiceIncluded LinesLabelPrint LabelMaintain the Format for printing LabelsBarisPrint Label LineMaintain Format of the line on a LabelTranslationPrint Label Line TranslationMaintain the translation for Label Line formatsSession AuditList of User SessionsHistory of Online or Web SessionsTipe ProyekMaintain Type of a ProjectType of the project with optional phases and tasks of the project with standard performance informationFase StandarMaintain Standard Project PhaseStandard Phase of the project with performance informationPhaseActual Project PhaseActual Phase of the Project with Status information - generated from Phase of Project Type.RecurringRecurring DocumentMaintain Recurring Documents. The Date Next Run determines the Document (and Accounting Date) of the generated documents.RunRecurring Document RunHistory of Recurring Document GenerationInventoryImport InventoryValidate and Import Inventory Transactions. The Locator is primarily determined by the Locator Key, then the Warehouse and X,Y,Z fields.<p> -A Physical Inventory is created per Warehouse and Movement Date.Table AccessMaintain Table AccessIf listed here, the Role can(not) access all data of this table, even if the role has access to the functionality. -<br>If you Include Access to a table and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise full access). -<br>If you Exclude Access to a table and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise no access). -<br>Please note that table access rules here are in addition to the Data Access Levels defined for a Table and the User Level defined for a Role. These rules are evaulated first and you only need to define the exceptions to these rules here. -<p> -Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. Be aware that if you use Include rules, that you need to include also several supporting entiries. As an alternative, grant access only to functionality required.Record AccessMaintain Record AccessYou create Record Access records by enabling "Personal Lock" for the administrative role and Ctl-Lock (holding the Ctrl key while clicking on the Lock button). -<p> -If listed here, the Role can(not) access the data records of this table, even if the role has access to the functionality. -<br>If you Include Access to a record and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise full access). -<br>If you Exclude Access to a recorf and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise no access). -Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache.Column AccessMaintain Column AccessIf listed here, the Role can(not) access the column of this table, even if the role has access to the functionality. -<br>If you Include Access to a column and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise full access). -<br>If you Exclude Access to a column and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise no access). -Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache.RoleRole with Data Access RestrictionSelect Role for with Data Access Restrictions. -Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache.IklanWeb AdvertisementAdvertisement on the WebChange AuditData ChangesLog of data changesChange AuditLog of data changesLog of data changesTipe Harga PerolehanTypes of CostTaskActual Project TaskA Project Task in a Project Phase represents the actual work.StepProject Cycle StepThe Cycle Step determines the logical sequence of events within your cycle. It is the common of similar Project Phases making different project types comparable.Tugas StandarMaintain Standard Project TaskStandard Project TaskTime TypeType of Time recordedDifferentiate time types for reporting purposes (In parallel to Activities)Contact (User)Maintain User within the system - Internal or Business Partner ContactThe User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contactClickClick CountIndividual ClickCountWeb Counter CountIndividual CountInvoiceSelect InvoiceSelect from invoices not fully paid.Skedul PembayaranMainain Payment ScheduleSkedulPayment ScheduleAlertAdempiere AlertAdempiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted of.Alert RuleDefinition of the alert elementThe definition of the altert or actionAlert RecipientRecipient of the Alert NotificationYou can send the notifications to users or rolesBank StatementImport Bank StatementGeneral LedgerImport General LedgerA new Journal Batch is created, if the Batch Document No is different. A new Journal is created, if the Document No, Accounting Schema, Currency, Document Type, GL Category, Posting Type or Accounting type is different.<p> -Please note that there are three Organization Fields: The Document Organization is the owner of the document and set directly or per parameter default. The Organization is part of the accounting key and only required id no Valid Account Comination is specified; If not defined it is derived from the Document Organization. The Transaction Organization is part of the account combination.InvoiceImport InvoicesYou should supply the Document Type Name (or ID). The Document Type is on purpose not fully derived as it has too many consequences if it's wrong. The best way is to set the Document Type Name as a Constant in your Import File Format or as an imported field in the file.PembayaranImport PaymentsOrderImport OrdersYou should supply the Document Type Name (or ID). The Document Type is on purpose not fully derived as it has too many consequences if it's wrong. The best way is to set the Document Type Name as a Constant in your Import File Format or as an imported field in the file.FreightFreight RatesFreight Rates for ShipperFreight CategoryCategory of the FreightFreight Categories are used to calculate the Freight for the Shipper selectedBusiness Partner DimensionMaintain Business Partner Accounting Dimension TreePlease note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! -Dimensi ProdukMaintain Product Accounting Dimension TreePlease note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! -Dimensi AktivitasMaintain Acitivity Accounting Dimension TreePlease note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! -Project DimensionMaintain Project Accounting Dimension TreePlease note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! -Organization DimensionMaintain Organizationt Accounting Dimension TreePlease note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! -Sales Region DimensionMaintain Sales Region Accounting Dimension TreePlease note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! -Replication TargetData Replication TargetData Replication Target Details. Maintained on the central server. Make sure that the IP range is unique for every remote system - Otherwise you will loose data!!Replication RunData Replication RunHistoric InfoRun LogData Replication Run LogDetail InfoReplication StrategyData Replication StrategyThe Data Replication Strategy determines which tables and how they are replicated. Note that the migration does not syncronize Application Dictionary items.Replication TableData Replication Strategy Table InfoDetermines how the table is replicated. You have full access to Local tables, Reference tables are on Remote systems and are read-only. The data of Merge tables on Remote systems is copied to the central system.Campaign DimensionMaintain Marketing Campaign Accounting Dimension TreePlease note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! -Tab TranslationReference List TranslationField TranslationField Group TranslationPlease note, that most of the fields translations are derived from Element!Run Synchronize Terminology to update menu translation. You need only to translate Fields, which are not centrally maintained.Form TranslationTask TranslationWorkflow TranslationWorkflow Node TranslationMenu TranslationPlease note, that most of the menu translations are derived from Window/Form/.. translation!Run Synchronize Terminology to update menu translation.SubscriptionProyek (Order)Maintain Sales Order Projects and Work OrdersThe Project Tab is used to define the Value, Name and Description for each project. It also is defines the tracks the amounts assigned to, committed to and used for this project.AkuntingDefine Project AccountingThe Accounting Tab is used to define the Asset Account to use when a project is completed and the associated asset realized.KategoriMaintain Knoweledge Categories and ValuesSet up knowledge categories and values as a search aid. Examples are Release Version, Product Area, etc. Knowledge Category values act like keyworks.Category ValueThe value of the category is a keywordThe value of the category is a keywordTypeKnowledge TypeArea of knowlege - A Type has multiple TopicsTopicKnowledge TopicTopic or Discussion TheadEntryKnowledge EntryThe searchable Knowledge EntryKategoriKnowledge CategoryAssiged Category - Value for the Knowlede EntryRelatedRelated Knowlege EntryRelated Knowlege Entry for this Knowledge EntryKomentarKnowledge Entry CommentComment regarding a knowledge entryKnowledge SourceSource of Knowledge EntriesThe Source of a Knowlegde Entry is a pointer to the originating system. The Knowledge Entry has an additional entry (Description URL) for more detailed info.Knowledge SynonymKnowlege Keyword SynonymSearch Synonyms for Knowledge Keywords; Example: Product = ItemTranslationPartner SelectionBusiness Partner SelectionPartner OrdersBusiness Partner OrdersPartner ShipmentsBusiness Partner ShipmentsPartner InvoicesBusiness Partner InvoicesPartner PaymentsBusiness Partner PaymentsPartner AssetsBusiness Partner AssetsPartner RequestsBusiness Partner RequestsTranslationIssuesIssues to the ProjectThe lab lists the Issues to the project initiated by the "Issue to Project" process. You can issue Receipts, Time and Expenses, or Stock.PencetakDefine Label PrinterFunctionLabel Printer FunctionRegistrationSystem RegistrationSystem Registration InformationPartner BisnisBusiness Partner specific Information of a ProductNote that some information is for reference only!Company AgentSales Representative SelectionOrdersAll Orders where the Agent "owns" the Order, the Business Partner or the ProductOrder LinesAll Order Lines where the Agent "owns" the Order, the Business Partner or the ProductInvoicesAll Invoices where the Agent "owns" the Invoice, the Business Partner or the ProductBaris InvoiceAll Invoice Liness where the Agent "owns" the Invoice, the Business Partner or the ProductAkuntingCurrency AccountingThe Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters used for transactions including a currency. Please nore that if not defined, the default accounts of the Accounting Schema are used!Rate Mata UangMaintain Currency Conversion Rate TypeThe Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define different type of rates, e.g. Spot, Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.Statement LoaderDefinition of Bank Statement Loader (SWIFT, OFX)The loader definition privides the parameters to load bank statements from EFT formats like SWIFT (MT940) or OFX. The required parameters depend on the actual statement loader classImport Currency RateImport Currency Conversion RateUser SubstituteSubstitute of the userA user who can act for this user.ProcessActual Workflow Process InstanceInstance of a workflow executionAktivitasWorkflow ActivityThe Workflow Activity is the actual Workflow Node in a Workflow Process instanceAktivitasWorkflow ActivitiesThe Workflow Activity is the actual Workflow Node in a Workflow Process instanceParameterWorkflow Node ParameterParameter for the execution of the Workflow NodeResponsibleResponsible for Workflow ExecutionThe ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User.BlockWorkflow Transaction Execution BlockA workflow execution block is optional and allows all work to be performed in a single transaction. If one step (node activity) fails, the entire work is rolled back.DataWorkflow Process ContextContext information of the workflow process and activityResultResult of the Workflow Process ActivityActivity Result of the execution of the Workflow Process InstranceEventWorkflow Process Activity Event Audit InformationHistory of chenges ov the Workflow Process ActivityAttributeAsset Registration AttributeDefine the individual values for the Asset RegistrationRegistrationAsset User RegistrationUser Registration of an AssetValueRegistration ValuesIndivifual values of Registration AttributeBank Statement MatcherAlgorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and PaymentsAn algorithm to find Business Partners, Invoices, Payments in imported Bank Statements. The class need to implement the interface org.compiere.impexp.BankStatementMatcherInterfacePembayaranView Payment InformationOrg TypeOrganization Type allows you to categorize your organizationsOrganization Type allows you to categorize your organizations for reporting purposesSkedul ProsesSchedule processesSchedule processes to be executed asynchronouslyParameterScheduler ParameterProvide parameter for scheduled processLogScheduler LogResult of the execution of the SchedulerPemroses Alur KerjaWorkflow Processor ServerWorkflow Processor ServerLogWorkflow Processor LogResult of the execution of the Workflow ProcessorBid TopicTopic of the AuctionDescription of the item to sell or create/fund.BidView bids for a TopicYou can create a bid for a topic. Depening on the type, the highest bidder wins the Topic - or you participate in funding for a Topic.OfferOffer for a TopicYou can create an offer for a topic.Bid FundsBuyer Funds for Bid on TopicCommitted or Uncommited funds for BidsOffer FundsSeller Funds from Offers on TopicsCommitted or Uncommited funds from OffersTopic TypeAuction Topic TypeThe Auction Topic Type determines what kind of auction is used for a particular areaType CategoryAuction Topic Type CategoryFor an Auction Topic Type, define the different Categories used.Komentar-KomentarMake a comment to a Bid TopicEveryone can give comments concerning a Bid Topic - e.g. Questions, SuggestionsPenjualAution Seller InformationInformation about a participant in an Auction as a SellerFundsSeller Funds from Offers on TopicsAvailable Funds (for Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds from OffersOfferOffer for a TopicYou can create an offer for a topic.PembeliAution Buyer InformationInformation about a participant in an Auction as a BuyerFundsBuyer Funds available for Bids on TopicsAvailable Funds (Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds for BidsBidBid for a TopicYou can create a bid for a topic. Depening on the type, the highest bidder wins the Topic - or you participate in funding for a Topic.Pemroses AkuntingMaintain Accounting Processor/Server ParametersAccounting Processor/Server Parameters. If no account schema is selected, all accounting schema are processed. If no transaction table is selected, accounting for all transaction is created.LogResult of the execution of the Accounting ProcessorResult of the execution of the Accounting ProcessorRelasiRelasi partner bisnisBusiness Partner Relation allow to maintain Third Party Relationship rules: who receives invoices for shipments or pays for invoices. If the Location of the Business partner is not defined, the rule applies to all location of that Business PartnerRfQRequest for QuotationRequest for Quotation to be sent out to vendors of a RfQ Topic. After Vendor selection, optionally create Sales Order or Quote for Customer as well as Purchase Order for Vendor(s)ResponseRfQ ResponseRequest for Quotation Response from a potential VendorBarisRfQ LineRequest for Quotation LineResponse LineRfQ Response LineRequest for Quotation Response Line from a potential VendorQuantityRfQ Line QuantityRequest for Quotation Line Quantity - You may request a quotation for different quantitiesResponse QuantityRfQ Line Quantity ResponseRequest for Quotation Response Line Quantity from a potential VendorTopicRequest for Quotation TopicA Request for Quotation Topic allows you to maintain a subscriber list of potential Vendors to respond to RfQsSubscriberRequest for Quotation Topic SubscriberSubcriber to invite to respond to RfQsSubscriptionSubscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renewDeliveryOptional Delivery Record for a SubscriptionRecord of deliveries for a subscriptionSubscription TypeType of subscriptionSubscription type and renewal frequencyDistribution ListDistribution Lists allow to distribute products to a selected list of partnersDistribution list contain business partners and a distribution quantity or ratio for creating OrdersDistribution LineDistribution List Line with Business Partner and Quantity/PercentageThe distribution can be based on Ratio, fixed quantity or both. -If the ratio and quantity is not 0, the quantity is calculated based on the ratio, but with the Quantity as a minimum.PackageShipment PackageA Shipment can have one or more Packages. A Package may be tracked.Package LineThe detail content of the PackageLink to the shipment lineRMAReturn Material AuthorizationA Return Material Authorization may be required to accept returns and to create Credit MemosRMA LineReturn Material Authorization LineDetail information about the returned goodsBehubunganProduk yang mempunyai hubunganRelated Product - e.g. for promotionsProcessorAlert ProcessorLogAlert Processor LogDunning RunManage Dunning RunManage Dunning RunEntryDunning Run EntryMaintain details of the dunning letter to a business partnerBarisDinning Run LineMaintain the information of the dunning letter lineOrg AssignmentUser Assigment to OrganizationAssign Users to OrganizationsOrg AssignmentUser Assigment to OrganizationAssign Users to OrganizationsLogScheduler RecipientRecipient of the Scheduler NotificationYou can send the notifications to users or rolesKode Pos PajakKode Pos PajakFor local tax, you may have to define a list of (ranges of) postal codes or ZIPsRequisitionMaterial RequisitionRequisition LineMaterial Requisition LineCatatanPersonal NoteKondisiWorkflow Node Transition ConditionOptional restriction of transition of one node to the nextDistributionGeneral Ledger DistributionIf the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. -The distribution is prorated based on the percentage of the lines. If the total percent is less then 100 and one line is 0 (null), it gets the remainder. If there is no line with 0, any rounding is adjusted in the line with the biggest amount.BarisGeneral Ledger Distribution Target LineIf the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is prorated based on the perecent value of the lines. A Percent value of 0 (null) indicates the remainder to 100. There can only be one line with 0 percent.Distribution RunDistribution Run create Orders to distribute products to a selected list of partnersDistribution Run defines how Orders are created based on Distribution ListsBarisDistribution Run Lines define Distribution List, the Product and QuantiriesThe order amount is based on the greater of the minimums of the product or distribution list and the quantity based on the ratio.Product AssignmentAssignment of Atrributes to ProductsDetermines, which attributes are assigned to a productAccess AuditLog of Access to data or resourcesLogging needs to be explicitly enabled / written.Counter DocumentMaintain Counter Document TypesWhen using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: a "Standard Order" creates a "Standard PO". -If you define a relationship here, you overwrite the default counter document type in the Document Type definition. This allows you to define a specific mapping. -You can define conter documents for all organizations (of the original transaction) or for a specific organization.ForecastMaterial ForecastMaterial ForecastBarisForecast LineForecast of Product Qyantity by PeriodDemandMaterial DemandMaterial Demand can be based on Forecast, Requisitions, Open OrdersBarisMaterial Demand LineDemand for a product in a periodDetailMaterial Demand Line Source DetailSource Link for Material Demand LinesKonfirmasiMaterial Shipment or Receipt ConfirmationConfirmation of Shipment or Receipt - Created from the Shipment/ReceiptBarisMaterial Shipment or Receipt Confirmation LineConfirmation detailsRMA TypeReturn Material Authorization TypeMaintain the types of RMAAllocationView and Reverse AllocationThe Reverse Allocation Tab defines the Payment Allocation to be reversed.Unposted DocumentsView unposted DocumentsProcess AuditAudit Process useParameter AuditAudit Process Parameter ValuesLogProcess LogKonfirmasiConfirm Inventory MovesThe document is automatically created when the document type of the movement indicates In Transit.BarisConfirm Inventory Move LinesBaris KonfirmasiImport Receipt/Shipment Confirmation LinesImport Confirmation data of existing Receipt/Shipment ConfirmationsPartner BisnisSelect Business PartnerSelect the business partner for the service level agreementSLA GoalService Level Agreement GoalIndividual Goal for the SLA criteria for the Business PartnerSLA MeasureService Level Agreement MeasureView/Maintain the individual actual value / measure for the business partner service level agreement goalSLA CriteriaService Level Agreement CriteriaDefine a criteria to measure service level agreements (e.g. Quality, Delivery meets Promised date, ..). If you define a process class, it need to implement org.compiere.sla.SLACriteria (see example)Table TranslationTable TranslationNote that many Table names will be overwritten / translated automaticallyRestrictionInclude Subscriber Only for certain products or product categoriesEnter the products / product categories for which the subscriber should be included. If no product / category is entered, the subscriber is requested to answer requests for all lines in a RfQSkema Daftar HargaPrice List SchemaPrice List schema defines calculation rules for price listsPOS TerminalPoint of Sales TerminalThe POS Terminal defines the defaults and functions available for the POS FormPOS Key LayoutPOS Function Key LayoutPOS Function Key LayoutPOS KeyPOS Function KeyPOS Function Key AssignmentSLA GoalService Level Agreement GoalIndividual Goal for the SLA criteria for the Business PartnerSLA MeasureService Level Agreement MeasureView/Maintain the individual actual value / measure for the business partner service level agreement goalColumn TranslationColumn TranslationDo not translate - overwritten / translated automaticallyInternal UseDefine Internal Use InventoryInternal Use LineInternal Use Inventory LineThe Inventory Count Line defines the counts of the individual products in inventory.AllocationAllocation of the Invoice to Payments or CashAllocationAllocation of the Invoice to Payments or CashAllocationAllocation of the Payment/Receipt to invoicesConfirmationsOptional Confirmations of Receipt LinesMatched POsPurchase Order Lines matched to this Material Receipt LineMatched InvoicesInvoice Lines matched to this Material Receipt LineMatched ReceiptsMaterial Receipt Lines matched to this Invoice LineMatched POsPurchase Order Lines matched to this Invoice LinePencocokanMaterial Receipt or Invoice Lines matched to this Purchse Order LineConfirmationsOptional Confirmations of Shipment LinesInvoice BatchEnter Expense Invoice Batch HeaderSet Currency and decide if this for AR (sales) Invoices or AP (vendor) invoices. Optionally enter a Control amount.Batch LineEnter Expense Invoice Batch LineA new invoice is created, if there is a different Document Number, Business Partner or Location (address). -Note that the Document Number may be overwritten - depending on the Number control of the selected Document Type.Org AccessMaintain User Org AccessAdd the client and organizations the user has access to. Entries here are ignored, if in the Role, User Org Access is not selected or the role has access to all roles.<br> -Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache.Landed CostsLanded cost to be allocated to material receiptsLanded costs allow you to allocate costs to previously received material receipts. Examples are freight, excise tax, insurance, etc.<br> -Select either a Receipt, Receipt Line or a specific Product to allocate the costs to.Landed Cost AllocationAllocation of Landed Costs to ProductCalculated when preparing the InvoiceCost ElementMaintain product cost elementsYou can maintain multiple Material Costs. Which of the Material Cost Types is used for accounting is determined by the costing method.<br> -Define a Costing Method (for Material Elements) only if you want the cost calculated for that costing method. For accounting, the costing method defined in the Accounting Schema or Product Category Acct is used.Pilih ProdukPilih Produk Yang DiinginkanProduct CostsMaintain Product CostsRequest StatusMaintain Request StatusStatus if the request (open, closed, investigating, ..)Standard ResponseMaintain Request Standard Response Text blocks to be copied into request response textRequest ResolutionMaintain Request ResolutionsResolution status (e.g. Fixed, Rejected, ..)Request GroupMaintain Request GroupsGroup of requests (e.g. version numbers, responsibility, ...). -If a BOM is referenced and enabled in Request Type, a BOM Change Request is automatically created.Request CategoryMaintain Request CategoryCategory or Topic of the Request DownloadMaintain Product DownloadsDefine downloads for a product. If the product is an asset, the user can download the data.User MailMail sent to the userUser MailMail sent to the userArchive of mails sent to usersToko WebDefine Web StoreDefine the web store settings. The web server context must be unique and determines the settings used in the actual transaction. The selected warehouse determines the organization. The email settings are tested with the client email settings. Store TranslationWeb Store MessageDefinine Web Store MessagesMessage TranslationUpdate NotificationList Recipients for to receive Request UpdatesUpdate NotificationList Recipients for to receive Request UpdatesRequest UpdatesList Recipients for to receive Request UpdatesUpdate NotificationList Recipients for to receive Request UpdatesUpdate NotificationList Recipients for to receive Request UpdatesUpdate RecipientsDisplay Recipients of Request UpdatesList of Recipients of Request Updates (with reason).<br> -Direct: Sales Rep, User and direct subscribers -Indirect: Users with Role, Subscribers of updates for Request Category, Type, Group)PositionMaintain Job PositionAssignmentEmployee AssignmentRemunerationPosition RemunerationPosition CategoryMaintain Job Position CategoriesRemunerationMaintain Remuneration LevelsPosition RemunerationMaintain Position RemunerationEmployee RemunerationOverwrite of Employee Position RemunerationProductMaintain Product InformationAlternative GroupsProduct BOM Alternative GroupAlternative groups allow you to group Bill of Material components, which are exclusive (i.e. only one is valid). Examples different engine sizes.OperationProduct Manufacturing OperationThe Operations to create the product. Note that the actual used operation and sequence is determined by the BOM Product.BOMBill of MaterialsOperation ResourceProduct Operation ResourcesResources for the Operation. You can have multiple resources (e.g. tool, labor) per operation.Change NoticeBill of Materials (Engineering) Change Notice (Version)BOMBill of Material of Change NoticeBOM Change RequestBOM (Engineering) Change RequestsChange requests for a Bill of Materials. They can be automatically created from Requests, if enabled in the Request Type and the Request Group referres to a Bill of MaterialsFixed Change RequestsFixed Change Request of this Change NoticeRequests (source)User Requests with reference to change requestBOM ComponentBill of Material Component (Product)The Bill of Material Compoment determines what products, services and outside processing is included in producing the Product. It references the operation and determines it's sequence.UpdatesRequest UpdatesUpdated of the RequestUpdatesRequest UpdatesUpdates of the RequestChange Notice(Engineering) Change Note (Version)Change RequestChange Request of Change NoticeRequests (source)User Requests with reference to change requestFixed Change RequestsFixed Change Requests of this Change NoticeReplenishDefine Product ReplenishmentThe Replenishment Tab defines the type of replenishment quantities. This is used for automated ordering. If you select a custom replenishment type, you need to create a class implementing org.compiere.util.ReplenishInterface and set that on warehouse level.Cost DetailsView Product Cost Details \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + Table + + Table definitions + Table (header) definition - Note that the name of most tables is automatically syncronized. + + + Column + + Table Column definitions + Defines the columns of a table. Note thet the name of the column is automatically syncronized. + + + Referensi + + Reference header definitions + The Reference Tab defines the references that are used to validate data + + + Table Validation + + Table validation + The Table Validation Tab defines tables to validate data + + + List Validation + + Reference List + The List Validation Tab defines lists to validate data + + + Window + + Window header definitions + The Window Tab defines each window in the system. The default flag indicates that this window should be used as the default Zoom windows for the tables in this window. + + + Tab + + Tab definition within a window holds fields + The Tab Tab defines each Tab within a Window. Each Tab contains a discrete selection of fields. + + + Field + + Field definitions in tabs in windows + The Field Tab defines the Fields displayed within a tab. Changes made to the Field Tab become visible after restart due to caching. If the Sequence is negative, the record are ordered descending. Note that the name, description and help is automatically synchronized if centrally maintained. + + + Validation + + Validation Rules + The Validation Rules Tab defines all dynamic rules used when entering and maintaining columns and fields. + + + Pesan + + Information Error and Menu Messages + The Message Tab displays error message text and menu messages + + + Menu + + Maintain Menu + The Menu Tab defines the tree structured menu which will be used for the selected Organization. Note that the name and description will be automatically synchronized (overwritten), if not a summary node. + + + Translation + + Menu Translation - May not need to be translated + Menu translations are derived from Window, Process, etc. You only need to translate Summary level items all others will be translated automatically (overwritten) + + + Bahasa + + System and User Languages + If you want to add an additional User Interface language, select "System Language". Otherwise, the system allows you to just translate elements for printing documents. + + + Translation + + + + + + Field Translation + + Menu Translation - May not need to be translated + Fields are automatically translated, if centrally maintained. You only need to translate not centrally maintained Fields. + + + Tab Translation + + + + + + Window Translation + + + + + + User + + User + The User Tab defines the log in for Users who have access to the system. + + + Role + + Define responsibility roles + Define the role and add the client and organizations the role has access to. You can give users access to this role and modify the access of this role to windows, forms, processes and reports as well as tasks. <br> +If the Role User Level is Manual, the assigned acces rights are not automatically updated (e.g. if a role has a restricted number of Windows/Processes it can access). You need to add organizational access unless the role has access to all organizations. The SuperUser and the user creating a new role are assigned to the role automatically. + + + User Assignment + + Users with this Role + The User Assignment Tab displays Users who have been defined for this Role. + + + User Roles + + User Roles + The User Roles Tab define the Roles each user may have. The Roles will determine what windows, tasks, processes and workflows that a User has access to. + + + Node + + Define workflow nodes + The Node Tab defines each Node, Activity or step in this Workflow.<br> +The action (actibity) type determines the execution: "Route" may be used in routing control conditions. "None" identifies manual execution. + + + Node Translation + + Node Translation + + + + Transition + + Workflow Node Transition + The Next Nodes Tab defines the order or Nodes or Steps in a Workflow. + + + Previous Node + + + + + + Task Translation + + + + + + Conversion Rates + + Define currency conversion rates + The Conversion Rate Tab defines the rates to use when converting a source currency to an accounting or reporting currency. Note that only the multiply rate is used; The divide rate is for visualization only. + + + Kalender + + Define your calendar + The Calendar Tab defines each calendar that will be used by an Organization. + + + Tahun + + Define Calendar Year + The Year Window is used to define each year for the specified calendar. + + + Period + + Define Calendar Periods + The Period Tab defines a Period No, Name and Start Date for each Calendar Year. Each period begins on the defined Start Date and ends one day prior to the next period's Start Date. + + + Non Business Day + + Define Non Business Days + The Non Business Days Tab defines those days to exclude when calculating the due date for given payment terms. For example, if an invoice terms was Net 10 days and the Invoice Date was 2/17/2000 the due date would be 2/27/2000. If 2/27/2000 was defined as a non business day then the due date on the Invoice would be 2/28/2000. + + + Element Value + + Define Element Values + The Element Value Tab defines the individual valid values for the Element. The values must conform to the format defined. If the Element is an Account Type then the Account Classification (Asset, Liability etc) and posting controls are also defined + + + Unit of Measure + + Define units of measure + The Unit of Measure Tab defines a non monetary Unit of Measure. + + + Konversi + + Define standard Unit of Measure Conversion + The Conversion Tab defines the rates for converting a Unit of Measure. The system provides some automatic conversions between units of measures (e.g. minute, hour, day, working day, etc.) if they are not explicitly defined here. +Conversions need to be direct (i.e. if you have only a conversion between A-B and B-C, the system cannot convert A-C, you need to define it explicitly). + + + Country + Please create a support request (http://www.adempiere.org/support/requests.html), if the country data is not correct. + Define Country + The Country Tab defines any country in which you do business. Values entered here are referenced in location records for Business Partners. + + + Wilayah + Please create a support request (http://www.adempiere.org/support/requests.html), if the region info is not correct/incomplete. + Definisikan wilayah + The Region Tab defines a Region within a Country. This tab is enabled only if the Has Region checkbox is selected for the Country. + + + Organization + All not manually maintained Roles will automatically have access to the new Organziation. +You need restart your application server for most changes made here to be effective. + Define Organizations + The Organization Tab is used to define an Organization. Each Organization has a Key and Name and optionally a Description. +When adding a new organization, you must re-login to be able to access the new organization. + + + Client + Create a new client via "Initial Client Setup". You can only change information here! You need re-login and restart your application server for most changes made here to be effective. + Client/Tenant Definition + The Client Definition Tab defines a unique client. +Do not create a new client in this window, but use "Initial Client Setup" (System Administrator Role) to set up the required security and access rules. If you create a new client here, you will not be able to view it and also the required client infrastructure would not have been set up. + + + Sequence + + Sequence Definition + The Sequence Tab defines the numeric sequencing to use for documents. These can also include a alpha suffix and / or prefix. + + + Alur Kerja + + Definisikan Alur Kerja + The Workflow Tab defines Workflows in the system. + + + Workflow Translation + + + + + + Task + + Task + The Task Tab defines the unique tasks that will be used. + + + Mata Uang + + Define Currency + The Currency Tab defines any currency you will transact with or report in. + + + Test + + + + + + Element + + Account Element definition + The Element Tab defines the Name, Description and Format for an Element. Additionally, a Type of Account or User Defined is selected. Each Account Schema must have an Account Element type. The User Defined Elements are optional. + + + Lokasi + + Define Location + The Location Tab defines the location of an Organization. + + + Preference + + Maintain System Client Org and User Preferences + + + + Proyek (Service) + + Define Service Project + The Project Tab is used to define the Value, Name and Description for each project. It also is defines the tracks the amounts assigned to, committed to and used for this project. Note that when the project Type is changed, the Phases and Tasks are re-created. + + + GL Category + + Define General Ledger Categories + The GL Category Tab defines optional identifiers for a document or journal. Each Category may be used on a document, manual journal or import + + + Batch + + General Ledger Journal Batch + The GL Journal Batch Tab defines the control parameters for a Journal Batch. A Batch can consist of multiple Journals. +If the Control Amount is not zero, it is compared to the Total Debit Amount. The Control/Debit/Credit Amount is in Source Document Currency. + + + Jurnal + + General Ledger Journal + The GL Journal Tab defines the control parameters for a single GL Journal. +If the Control Amount is not zero, it is compared to the Total Debit Amount. The Control/Debit/Credit Amount is in Source Document Currency. + + + Baris + + General Ledger Journal Line + The GL Journal Line Tab defines the individual debit and credit transactions that comprise a journal. + + + Document Type + + Define a Document Type + The Document Definition Tab defines the processing parameters and controls for the document. Note that shipments for automatic documents like POS/Warehouse Orders cannot have confirmations! + + + Client Info + You need re-login and restart your application server for most changes made here to be effective. + Client Info + The Client Info Tab defines the details for each client. The accounting rules and high level defaults are defined here. The Calendar is used to determine if a period is open or closed. + + + Organization Info + You need re-login and restart your application server for most changes made here to be effective. + + Organization Detail Information + The Organization Info Tab is used to define an Organization's address, DUNS number and Tax Identification number + + + Reference Translation + + + + + + List Translation + + + + + + Cantuman + + Cantuman + The Attachment tab displays the attributes of an attachment. + + + Pajak + + Definisi Pajak + The Tax Rate Window defines the different taxes used for each tax category. For example, Sales Tax must be defined for each State in which it applies. +If you have multiple taxes, create a summary level tax with the approximate total tax rate and the actual tax rates pointing to the summary level tax as their parent. When entering the order or invoice lines, the tax is estimated, the correct tax is calculated when the document is processed. The tax is always calculated from the line net amount. If one tax has a the tax basis the line net amount and another tax, you need to adjust the percentage to result in the correct amount. + + + Kategori Pajak + + Kategori Pajak + The Tax Category Tab is used to define and maintain Tax Categories. Each Product is associated with a Tax Category. This facilitates adapting to changes in taxation. + + + Gudang + + Warehouse + The Warehouse Tab defines each Warehouse that is used to store products. + + + Locator + + Locator + The Locator Tab defines any Locators for that Warehouse. + + + Storage + + + + + + Produk + + Define Product + The Product Tab defines each product and identifies it for use in price lists and orders. The Location is the default location when receiving the stored product. + + + Substitute + + Define Substitute + The Substitute Tab defines products which may be used as a replacement for the selected product. + + + Replenish + + Define Replenishment + The Replenishment Tab defines the type of replenishment quantities. This is used for automated ordering. + + + Harga + + Product Pricing + The Pricing Tab displays the List, Standard and Limit prices for each price list a product is contained in. + + + Syarat Pembayaran + + Define Payment Terms + The Payment Term Tab defines the different payments terms that you offer to your Business Partners when paying invoices and also those terms which your Vendors offer you for payment of your invoices. On the standard invoice, the Name and the Document Note of the Payment Term is printed. + + + Pengirim + + Shippers + The Shippers Tab defines any entity who will provide shipping to or shipping from an Organization. + + + Order + + Order Header + The Order Header Tab defines the parameters of an Order + + + Baris Order + + Baris Order + The Order Line Tab defines the individual line items that comprise an Order. + + + Kategori Produk + + Define Product Category + The Product Category defines unique groupings of products. Product categories can be used in building price lists. + + + Daftar Harga + + Define Price Lists + Price lists determine currency of the document as well as tax treatment. + + + Harga Jual Produk + + Maintain Product Prices + The Price List Tab displays the prices for a product based on the selected price list. + + + Skedul Penagihan + + Define Invoice Schedule + The Invoice Schedule Tab defines the frequency for which batch invoices will be generated for a Business Partner. + + + Rate Konversi + + Define Currency Conversion Rates + The Conversion Rates tab is used to define conversion rates to be used when converting document amounts from one currency to another. Conversion rates can be defined for multiple rate types. They can also be effective for a defined range of dates. Note that only the multiply rate is used; The divide rate is for visualization only. + + + Skema Akunting + If you change the currency or costing method, you must reset all accounting transactions. +For changes to become effective, you must re-login and re-start the Application Server. + Define your Account Schema Structure + The Accounting Schema Tab defines the controls used for accounting. Each Organization will select an Accounting Schema to use. + + + General Ledger + For changes to become effective, you must re-login and re-start the Application Server. + Accounts for GL + The General Ledger Tab defines error and balance handling to use as well as the necessary accounts for posting to General Ledger. + + + Kampanye + + Marketing Campaign + The Marketing Campaign Tab defines the parameters for a Campaign. These include a start and end date as well as the amount of any invoices that have been processed which reference this campaign. + + + Channel + + Distribution Channel + The Marketing Channel Tab defines the different methods or processes through which customers are obtained. + + + Element + + Element + The Element Tab defines each system level element. + + + Translation + + + + + + Period Control + + Define Period Control + The Period Control Tab displays the status of a Period (Never Opened, Opened, Closed). + + + Wilayah Penjualan + + Sales Region + The Sales Region Tab defines the different regions where you do business. Sales Regions can be used when generating reports or calculating commissions. + + + Kombinasi + + Valid Account Combinations + The Account Combination Tab defines and displays valid account combination. An Alias can be defined to facilitate document entry. + + + Budget + + The GL Budget Tab defines a General Ledger Budget + The GL Budgets are used to define the anticipated costs of doing business. They are used in reporting as a comparison to actual amounts. + + + Akunting + + Accounting + The Accounting Tab defines the Accounting parameters to be used for inventory in that Warehouse. + + + Akunting + + Define Accounting Parameters + The Accounting Tab defines the defaults to use when generating accounting transactions for orders and invoices which contain this product. + + + Akunting + + Define Project Accounting + The Accounting Tab is used to define the Asset Account to use when a project is completed and the associated asset realized. + + + Customer Accounting + + Define Customer Accounting + The Customer Accounting Tab defines the default accounts to use when this business partner is referenced on an accounts receivable transaction. + + + Vendor Accounting + + Define Vendor Accounting + The Vendor Accounting Tab defines the default accounts to use when this business partner is referenced in an accounts payable transaction. + + + Employee Accounting + + Define Employee Accounting + The Employee Accounting Tab defines the default accounts to use when this business partner is referenced on a expense reimbursement. + + + Kota + + Define Cities + The Cities Tab defines Cities within a Country or Region. Cities entered here are not referenced when entering the address. + + + Elemen Skema Akunting + ATTENTION: ANY CHANGES here will effect the structure of your chart of accounts! +Depending what changes you did, you should reset accounting. +For changes to become effective, you must re-login and re-start the Application Server. +Saving/deleting the record starts processes which may take a while. + Define the elements of your Account Key + The Account Schema Element Tab defines the elements that comprise the account key. A name is defined which will display in documents. Also the order of the elements and if they are balanced and mandatory are indicated. + + + Partner Bisnis + + Business Partner + The Business Partner Tab defines any Entity with whom an organization transacts. + + + Lokasi + + Define Location + The Location Tab defines the physical location of a business partner. A business partner may have multiple location records. + + + Pelanggan + + Define Customer Parameters + The Customer Tab defines a Business Partner who is a customer of this organization. If the Customer check box is selected then the necessary fields will display. + + + Vendor + + Define Vendor Parameters + The Vendor Tab defines a Business Partner that is a Vendor for this Organization. If the Vendor check box is selected the necessary fields will display. + + + Employee + + Define Employee Parameters + The Employee Tab defines a Business Partner who is an Employee of this organization. If the Employee is also a Sales Representative then the check box should be selected. + + + Bank Account + + Define Bank Account + The Define Bank Account Tab defines the banking information for this business partner. This data is used for processing payments and remittances. + + + Bank + + Maintain Bank + The Bank Tab defines a bank that is used by an organization or business partner. Each Bank is given an identifying Name, Address, Routing No and Swift Code + + + Account + + Maintain Bank Account + The Account Tab is used to define one or more accounts for a Bank. Each account has a unique Account No and Currency. + + + Withholding + + Define Withholding (Beta) + The Withholding Tab defines any withholding information for this business partner. + + + Translation + + Translation + The Translation Tab defines a Document Type in an alternate language. + + + Dunning + + Maintain Dunning Rules + The Dunning Tab defines the parameters for a dunning level. + + + Translation + + Define Translation + The Translation Tab defines the translation to an alternate language + + + Translation + + + + + + Translation + + + + + + Faktur Pajak + + Faktur Pajak + The Order Tax Tab displays the tax amount for an Order based on the lines entered. + + + Charge + + Charge + The Charge Tab defines the unique charges that may be associated with a document. + + + Version + + Maintain price list versions + Price lists are automatically created based on Product Purchasing Information and the Vendor Category Discount. +The other alternative is to copy them from existing pricelists and the re-calculate them. +You can also re-calculate the pricelist by referencing no pricelist or referencing the same pricelist. If no base price list is selected, the Procuct Purchase records are used as reference. + + + + Pembelian + + Purchasing + The Purchasing Tab define the pricing and rules ( pack quantity, UPC, minimum order quantity) for each product. + + + Withholding + + Withholding Rules + The Withholding Rules Tab define the rules governing the withholding of amounts. + + + Akunting + + View Accounting Fact Details + + + + Tree + + Tree + The Tree Tab defines a Tree which will be displayed. + + + Report & Process + + Define Report & Process + The Report and Process Tab defines each report and process run in the system. +Please note that the Print Format is only used for Document Print when you want to share a common format defined on System level. For normal reports and formats, you would not define a Print Format here, but modify the generated print format and set it as the default. + + + Parameter + + Report Parameter + The Report Parameter Tab defines any parameters required to execute a report or process. + + + Parameter Translation + + + + + + Report Translation + + + + + + Aktivitas + + Activity for Activity Based Costing + + + + Defaults + + Default Accounts + The Defaults Tab displays the Default accounts for an Accounting Schema. These values will display when a new document is opened. The user can override these defaults within the document. + + + Harga Perolehan + + Define Costing + The Costing Tab defines + + + Inventory Count + + Define Inventory Count + The Inventory Count Tab defines the parameters for a manual count and adjustment of inventory. When creating the inventory count list automatically, only the actual stored products are included. The exception is when you select the equals 0 (=0) option, then zero on hand records of all stocked products is created for that location. + + + Inventory Count Line + + Inventory Count Line + The Inventory Count Line defines the counts of the individual products in inventory. + + + Pengiriman + + Shipments and Customer Returns + The Shipments Tab allows you to generate, maintain, enter and process Shipments to a Customer or Returns from a Customer. + + + Baris Pengiriman + + Shipment Line + The Shipment Line Tab defines the individual items in a Shipment. + + + Pindah + + Enter Inventory Movement + The Move Tab defines and identifies the movement of an item or items in inventory. + + + Baris Pindah + + Enter Inventory Movement Line + The Move Line Tab defines the product and quantity to be moved and the location it is moving from and to. + + + Transaksi-Transaksi Produk + + Transactions for stored Products + + + + Invoice + + Customer Invoice + The Invoice Tab defines the parameters of an Invoice generated for a Business Partner. It constitutes an accounts receivable. + + + Level + + Maintain Dunning Level + The Dunning Level Tab defines the timing and frequency of the dunning notices. + + + Translation + + Dunning Level Translation + + + + Baris Invoice + + Customer Invoice Line + The Invoice Line Tab defines the individual items or charges on an Invoice. + + + Faktur Pajak + + Customer Invoice Tax + The Invoice Tax Tab displays the total tax due based on the Invoice Lines. + + + Pengakuan Pendapatan + + Revenue Recognition + The Revenue Recognition Tab defines the intervals at which revenue will be recognized. You can also base the revenue recognition on provided Service Levels. + + + Translation + + Unit of Measure Translation + + + + Perpetual Inventory + + + + + + Vendor + + Vendor + The Vendor Tab displays the Vendors. A Vendor is selected and all products for that Vendor will be displayed. + + + Detil Produk + + Product Details + The Product Details Tab allows you to display and maintain all products for a selected Vendor. + + + Greeting + + Define Greeting + The Greeting Tab defines the manner in which you will address business partners on documents. + + + Translation + + + + + + Translation + + + + + + Report View + + Define Report View + The Define Report View defines the views used in report generation + + + Transactions + + Transactions for stored Products + The Transaction Tab displays the transactions that have been processed for this product. + + + Invoice + + Vendor Invoice + The Invoice Tab defines the parameters of an Invoice generated by a Business Partner. It constitutes an accounts payable. + + + Baris Invoice + + Vendor Invoice Line + The Invoice Line Tab defines the individual items or charges on an Invoice. + + + Faktur Pajak + + Vendor Invoice Tax + The Invoice Tax Tab displays the total tax due based on the Invoice Lines. + + + + PO Line + + Purchase Order Line + The Purchase Order Line Tab defines the individual items in an order. + + + Order Pembelian + + Order Header + The Order Header Tab defines the parameters of an order. The field values defined will determine how the Order Lines are processed. + + + Faktur Pajak + + Faktur Pajak + The Order Tax Tab displays the tax associated with the Order Lines. + + + Material Receipt + + Enter Receipts and Vendor Returns + The Shipments Tab allows you to generate, maintain, enter and process Shipments from a Vendor or Returns to a Vendor. + + + Receipt Line + + Shipment Line + The Shipment Line Tab defines the individual items in a Shipment. + + + EDI Definition + + Maintain EDI Definition + + + + EDI Transaction + + + + + + EDI Log + + + + + + Form + + Special Form + The Forms Tab defines any window which is not automatically generated. For System Admin use only. + + + Translation + + + + + + Window Access + + Window Access + The Window Access Tab defines the Windows and type of access that this Role is granted. + + + Process Access + + Process Access + The Process Access Tab defines the Processes and type of access that this Role is granted. + + + Form Access + + Form Access + The Form Access Tab defines the Forms and type of access that this Role is granted. + + + Akses Alur Kerja + + Workflow Access + The Workflow Access Tab defines the Workflows and type of access that this Role is granted. + + + Report Access + + Report Access + The Report Access Tab determines who can access a report or process + + + Access + + Form Access + The Forms Access Tab defines the access rules for this form + + + Access + + Task Access + The Task Access Tab defines the Roles that will have access to this task and the type of access each Role is granted. + + + Access + + Window Access + The Window Access Tab defines the Roles which have access to this Window. + + + Access + + Workflow Access + The Workflow Access Tab defines the Roles who have access to this Workflow. + + + Task Access + + Task Access + The Task Access Tab defines the Task and type of access that this Role is granted. + + + Error Message + + Error Message + The Error Message Tab displays error messages that have been generated. They can be deleted with an automated clean up process. + + + Import Format + + + + + + Format Field + + Maintain Format Fields + Define the individual field based on the table definition. Please note that you have to make sure that a Constant has the correct SQL data type (i.e. if it is a 'string', you need to enclose it like 'this'). +<p>Product mapping (for details see documentation): +<pre> +H_Item => Value +H_ItemDesc => Name / Description +H_ItemDefn => Help +H_ItemType => ProductCategory +H_PartnrID => Value of Business Partner +H_Commodity1 => Vendor Product No +H_Commodity2 => SKU +H_ItemClass => Classification (A,B,C..) +V_OperAmt_T_Cur => Currency +V_OperAmt_T => Price +</pre> + + + Bill of Materials + + Bill of Material product lines + The Bill of Materials tab defines those products that are generated from other products. A Bill of Material (BOM) is one or more Products or BOMs. + +Available Quantity: +- Stored BOMs have to be created via "Production" +- The available quantity of a non-stored BOMs is dynamically calculated +- The attribute "Stored" is defined in the "Product" tab + +Price: +- BOMs must be listed in Pricelists +- If the price is 0.00, the price is dynamically calculated + +Printing: +- Usually, only the BOM information is printed +- For invoices, delivery slips and pick lists, you have the option to print the details +- In the details, the quantity is listed - and the price, if this is dynamically calculated + + + + Storage + + + + + + Production Header + + Production Header + The Production Header Tab defines a unique production plan + + + Production Plan + + Production Plan + The Production Plan Tab defines the items used and generated in a production. + + + Production Line + + Production Line + The Production Line Tab displays the actual movements in and out of inventory generated by a Production Plan. + + + Business Partner Group + + Business Partner Groups for Reporting Accounting Defaults + The Business Partner Group Tab allow for the association of business partners for reporting and accounting defaults. + + + Akunting + + Define Accounting + The Accounting Tab defines the default accounts for any business partner that references this group. These default values can be modified for each business partner if required. + + + Akunting + + Accounting Parameters + The Accounting Tab defines default accounting parameters. Any product that uses a product category can inherit its default accounting parameters. + + + Kabar + + System Notice + The Notice Tab provides a method of viewing messages that are generated by this system when performing processes. + + + Payment Processor + + Processor for online payments + The Electronic Payments Tab is used to define the parameters for the processing of electronic payments. If no currency is defined, all currencies are accepted. If a minumum amount is defined (or not zero), the payment processor is only used if the payment amount is equal or higher than the minumum amount. + + + Akunting + + Maintain Accounting Data + The Accounting Tab is used to define the accounts used for transactions with this Bank. + + + Bank Statement + + Bank Statement + The Bank Statement Tab defines the Bank Statement to be reconciled. + + + Statement Line + + Statement Line + The Statement Line Tab defines the individual line items on the Bank Statement. They can be entered manually or generated from payments entered. + + + Pembayaran + + Payment or Receipt + Enter payment or receipt for a Business Partner. If it is for a single invoice it can be allocated directly to that invoice using this screen. +You can also apply over/under payments:<br> +You have an over-payment, if you received more money than due for a single invoice. Instead of writing the difference off (i.e. would be a gain), you can leave the amount unallocated and use it for later invoices or credit memos. Please note that the Amount is the payment amount, so you need to enter the over-payment as a negative amount.<br> +You can also receive a partial payment (under-payment). If you decide not to write off the remaining invoice amount, enter the under-payment as a positive amount. + + + + Akunting + + Charge Accounting + The Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters used for transactions including a charge or charges. + + + Akunting + + Organization Accounting + The Organization Accounting Tab defines the default accounting parameters to be used by this Organization. + + + Akunting + + Accounting + The Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters to be used for transactions referencing this Tax Rate. + + + Akunting + + Withholding Accounting + The Withholding Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters for Withholding. + + + Custom Attribute + + Define Custom Attribute + The Custom Attribute Tab defines additional attributes or information for a product or entity. + + + Buku Kas + + Maintain Cashbook + The Cashbook Tab defines a unique cashbook for an organization. + + + Akunting + + Cashbook Accounting + The Cashbook Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters for transaction involving a cashbook. + + + Jurnal Kas Kecil + + Cash Journal + The Cash Journal Tab defines the parameters for this journal. + + + Cash Line + + Cash Line + The Cash Line Tab defines the individual lines for this journal. + + + Payment Batch + + Process Payment Batch + Electronic Fund Transfer Payment Batch. + + + Field group + + System Admin use only. Field Groups allow for grouping of fields within a window + + + + Translation + + + + + + Request + + Define Request + The Request Tab defines any Request submitted by a Business Partner. + + + Request Processor + + Request Processor + The Request Processor Tab allows you to define processes that you want to occur and the frequency and timing of these processes. If no other user is found, the items are assigned to the supervisor. A Request Processor can be just for a specific Request Type or for all. + + + Mail Template + + + + + + Action History + + Action History + The Action History Tab displays any actions which have been taken for a Request. + + + Allocation Line + + View Allocation Lines + View Allocation Line Details + + + Org Access + + Maintain Org Access + Add the client and organizations the user has access to. +Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. + + + Seleksi Pembayaran + + Tentukan Pembayarannya + The Payment Selection Tab defines the bank account and date of the payments to be made. You also create the payments here. + + + Payment Selection Line + + Payment Selection Line + The Payment Selection Line Tab defines the individual invoices an organization is paying to a Vendor with this payment. + + + Report View Column + + Report View Column + The Report View Column Tab defines any columns which will be overridden in the generation of the select SQL + + + Komisi + + Define Commission Rule + Define when to pay a commission to whom. For each period, you start the calculation of the commission after the transaction for that period are completed or closed. + + + Baris Komisi + + Define your commission calculation rule + Define the selection criteria for paying the commission. If you do not enter restricting parameters (e.g. for specific Business Partner (Groups) or Product (Categories), etc. all transactions for the period will be used to calculate the commission. + +After converting from the transaction to the commission currency, +the formula for calculating the commission is: + +(Converted Amount - Subtract Amount) * Amount Multiplier ++ (Actual Quantity - Subtract Quantity) * Quantity Multiplier + +You can choose, that only positive amounts (Converted Amount - Subtract Amount) and positive quantities (Actual Quantity - Subtract Quantity) are used in the calculation. + + + Project Cycle + + Define Project Report Cycle + Define the currency that projects Project are reported. The projects themselves could be in a different currency. + + + Cycle Phase + + Link Cycle Step with Project Phases + Link similar Project Phases to a Cycle Step + + + + Baris + + Define Project Lines + The Project Lines Tab is used to define the lines (products and/or services) associated with this Project. This is an alternative to Project Phases. You would use lines, if you do not want to use a Project Type template with phases. + + + Proses Komisi + + Commission run for a period + Commission run for a period defined in the Commission window. + + + Jumlah Komisi + + Commission line amounts + For each commission line, a line is generated. You can overwrite the amount and quantity to modify the commission amount, but the suggested way is creating additional Commission Detail lines. Please be aware that manual changes will not reconcile with the Commission Details. + + + Used in Column + + Used in Column + The Used in Column Tab defines the table and column this element resides in. + + + Detil Komisi + + Commission Detail Information + You may alter the amount and quantity of the detail records, but the suggested way is to add new correcting lines. +The amounts are converted from the transaction currency to the Commission Currency (defined in the Commission window) using the start date and the spot exchange rate. + + + Performance Color + + Color for Performance Analysis + The Performance Color Tab allows you to alter the system default colors to indicate a performance level. + + + Performance Goal + + Performance Goal + The Performance Goal Tab defines specific goals for performance. + + + Performance Measure Calculation + + Maintain your Performance Measure Calculation + The Performance Measure Calculation defines how performance measures will be calculated. Please test the statement in SQL*Plus first. +The select statement needs to return a single value! +Any restrictions for Date range, Organizations, Business Partners, Products should be done via the "Performance Measure" window. This is the generic calculation. +As this tends to be somewhat technical, the system has a few examples predefined. + + + Performance Achievement + + Performance Achievement + The Performance Achievement Tab defines the Tasks to be achieved. The performance is measured by the percentage of reached achievements. + + + Ukuran + + Performance Measure + The Performance Measure Tab defines the date range and method to be used for measuring performance. + + + Financial Report + + + + + + Report Column Set + + Maintain Financial Report Column Sets + Column Sets are the combination of Columns to be included in a Financial Report + + + Report Column + + Maintain Financial Report Column + A column represents a column in a Financial Report + + + Report Line Set + + Maintain Financial Report Line Set + + + + Report Line + + Maintain Financial Report Line + + + + Report Source + + Maintain Segment Values of Report Line Source + + + + Rencana Pengakuan Pendapatan + + View Revenue Recognition Plan + The Revenue Recognition plan is generated then invoicing a product with revenue recognition. With Revenue Recognition, the amount is posted to the Unrecognized revenue and over time or based on Service Level booked to Earned Revenue. + + + Revenue Recognition Run + + View Revenue Recognition Run History + + + + Service Level + + View Service Level + The service level is automatically created when creating an invoice with products using revenue recognition based on service levels. + + + Service Level Line + + Maintain Service Levels + Add new service level lines to change the recognized amount + + + Temukan + + + + + + Material Transactions + + + + + + Print Form + + Maintain Print Form (Invoices, Checks, ..) information + The selection determines what Print Format is used to print a particular Form for your Organization. + + + Bank Account Document + + Maintain Bank Account Documents + In this tab, you define the documents used for this bank account. You define your check and other payment document (sequence) number as well as format. + + + System Color + + System color for backgrounds and indicators + + + + Desktop + + Desktop is a collection of Workbenches + Desktop is a collection of Workbenches + + + Translation + + + + + + Workbench + + Workbench on the desktop + + + + Image + + Image or Icon link + + + + Window Customization + + + + + + Tab Customization + + + + + + Field Customization + + + + + + Workbench + + Workbenches are a collection of Windows + + + + Translation + + + + + + Window + + Workbench Window + + + + Routing + + Request Routing + Define the sequence of request types and keywords and to whom the web and mail requests should be routed to. The keywords are separated by space, comma, semicolon, tab or new line. The first match wins (first request type then keyword. + + + Request + + Define Request + The Request Tab defines any Request submitted by a Business Partner. + + + Action History + + Action History + The Action History Tab displays any actions which have been taken for a Request. + + + Skema Diskon + + Trade Discount Schema + Trade discount schema calculates the trade discount percentage + + + Schema Line + + Trade Discount Price List Lines + Pricelists are created based on Product Purchase and Category Discounts. +The parameters listed here allow to copy and calculate pricelists.<BR> +The calculation: +<UL> +<LI>Copy and convert price from referenced price list +<LI>result plus Surcharge Amount +<LI>result minus Discount +<LI>if resulting price is less than the original limit price plus min Margin, use this price (only if Margin is not zero) +<LI>if resulting price is more than the original limit price plus max Margin, use this price (only if Margin us not zero) +<LI>Round resulting price +</UL> +<B>The Formula</B> is<BR> +NewPrice = (Convert(BasePrice) + Surcharge) * (100-Discount) / 100;<BR> +if MinMargin <> 0 then NewPrice = Max (NewPrice, Convert(OrigLimitPrice) + MinMargin);<BR> +if MaxMargin <> 0 then NewPrice = Min (NewPrice, Convert(OrigLimitPrice) + MaxMargin);<BR> + <BR> +<B>Example:</B> (assuming same currency)<BR> +Original Prices: List=300, Standard=250, Limit=200;<BR> +New List Price: Base=List, Surcharge=0, Discount=0, Round + + + Discount Break + + Trade discount based on breaks (steps) + + + + Assigned Products + + Products assigned to Product Category + + + + Cocokkan Invoice + + View matched Invoices + + + + Cocokkan PO + + View matched Purchase Orders + + + + Expense Type + + Maintain Expense Report Type + + + + Expense Product + + Product definition of Expense Type + + + + Expense Report + + Time and Expense Report + Enter the time and expenses for the Employee or Contractor (Business Partner). <br> +The price list determines the default costs of the expenses, products or resource to be reimbursed. In that sense, it is a "Purchase Price" list. The Warehouse is used to correct the inventory of items invoiced to customers (i.e. if not invoiced, the inventory is not adjusted).<br> +Please note that the Business Partner <b>must</b> be an Employee with an Address and Contact! + + + Report Line + + Time and Expense Report Line + Enter the expense items and billable or non-billable hours. If you enter a non-zero amount in Invoiced Amount, that amount will be used for billing the customer - otherwise the price on the current sales price list of the customer. + + + Resource + + Maintain Resources + + + + Assignment + + Resource Assignments + History of Assignments + + + Unavailability + + Resource unavailability + Dates, when the resource is not available (e.g. vacation) + + + Resource Product + + Maintain Product information of Resource + The product for the resource is automatically created and synchronized. Update Name, Unit of Measure, etc. in the Resource and don't change it in the product. + + + Resource Type + + Maintain Resource Types + Maintain Resource types and their principal availability. + + + Akunting + + Define Accounting Parameters + The Accounting Tab defines the defaults to use when generating accounting transactions for orders and invoices which contain this Expense Type. Not all accounts apply. + + + Harga + + Expense Type Pricing + The Pricing Tab displays the List, Standard and Limit prices for each price list a product is contained in. + + + Harga + + Resource Pricing + The Pricing Tab displays the List, Standard and Limit prices for each price list a resource is contained in. + + + Akunting + + Define Accounting Parameters + The Accounting Tab defines the defaults to use when generating accounting transactions for orders and invoices which contain this resource. Not all accounts apply to resources. + + + Print Color + + Maintain Print Color + Colors used for printing + + + Print Font + + Maintain Print Font + Font used for printing + + + Print Format + + Maintain Print Format + The print format determines how data is rendered for print. + + + Format Item + + Print Format Item + Item in the print format maintaining layout information. The following additional variables are available when printing: +<p>@*Page@ - the current page number +<br>@*PageCount@ - the total number of pages +<br>@*MultiPageInfo@ - "Page x of y" - only printed if more than one page +<br>@*CopyInfo@ - if it is a copy of the document "Duplicate" is printed +<br>@*ReportName@ - name of the report +<br>@*Header@ - Full Header with user/client/org name and connection +<br>@*CurrentDate@ - the print date +<br>@*CurrentDateTime@ - the print time + +<p>The layoit logic for forms is: <br> +- if not printed: ignore <br> +- set New Line Position <br> +- new page <br> +- new line, if something was printed since last new line<br> +- format item<br> +- print it (if not null/empty selected)<br> +(i.e. supress null does not prevent new line) + + + Print Paper + + Maintain Print Paper + Printer Paper Size, Orientation and Margins. +The Validation Code contains the Media Size name. The names of the media sizes correspond to those in the IPP 1.1 RFC 2911 - http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2911.txt + + + Display Order + + Display Order of the Print Format Items + + + + Sort Order + + Sort Order of the Print Format Items + + + + Field Sequence + + Sequence if the Fields in a Tab + + + + Pelanggan + + Business Partner (Customers) to be invoiced + + + + Report Line + + Time and Expense Report Line (not invoiced) + View and modify Time and Expense Report Lines. It lists expense items for the business partner on the expense line where the expense lines have no orders yet. (Sales Orders are created). + + + Item Translation + + Print Format Translation + + + + Graph + + Define Graph to be included + + + + Print Table Format + + Define Report Table Format + The Print Table Format lets you define how table header, etc. is printed. If you leave the entries empty, the default colors and fonts are used:<br> +Fonts are based on the Font used in the Report; Page Header and Table Header will be bold, the Function Font is Bold-Italic, the Footer Font is two points smaller, the Parameter Font is Italic. + + + Prepared Payment + + View Generated Prepared Payments (Checks) + You create the actual Payments via Payment Print/Export + + + Request Type + + Type of request (e.g. Inquiry, Complaint, ..) + Request Types are used for processing and categorizing requests. Options are Account Inquiry, Warranty Issue, etc. + + + Interest Area + + Interest Area or Topic + Interest Areas reflect interest in a topic by a contact. Interest areas can be used for marketing campaigns. If a list is not "Self Service", it is not visible for users via the web. + + + Interest Area + + Business Partner Contact Interest Area + Interest Area can be used for Marketing Campaigns + + + System + + System Definition + Common System Definition. Do NOT create additional records!! + + + Import Business Partner + + + + + + Import Product + + Import Products + Before importing, Adempiere checks the Unit of Measure (default if not set), the Product Category (default if not set), the Business Partner, the Currency (defaults to accounting currency if not set), the Product Type (only Items and Services), the uniqueness of UPC, Key and uniqueness and existence of the Vendor Product No.<br> +Adempiere tries to map to existing products, if the UPC, the Key and the Vendor Product No matches (in this sequence). If the imported record could be matched, product field values will only be overwritten, if the corresponding Import field is explicitly defined. Example: the Product Category will only be overwritten if explicitly set in the Import. + + + Import Account + + + + + + Import Report Line Set + + + + + + Pilih Bahasa + + Select your Language + The Language needs to be a (verified) System Language + + + Element Translation + + + + + + Message Translation + + + + + + Window Translation + + + + + + Process Translation + + + + + + Harta + + Asset used internally or by customers + An asset is either created by purchasing or by delivering a product. An asset can be used internally or be a customer asset. + + + Delivery + + Delivery or availability + Record of delivery or availability + + + Kelompok Harta + + Group of Assets + The group of assets determines default accounts. If a asset group is selected in the product category, assets are created when delivering the asset. + + + Training + + Repeated Training + The training may have multiple actual classes. New Classes are created here. + + + Class + + The actual training class instance + A scheduled class + + + Employee, Vendor + + Business Partner to be reimbursed + Select the business partner to be reimbursed. + + + Report Line + + Time and Expense Report Line (not reimbursed) + View and modify Time and Expense Report Lines. It lists expense items for the business partner on the expense header where the expense lines were not invoiced yet. + + + Translation + + + + + + Daily Balances + + View daily accounting balances + + + + Skedul Pembayaran + + Invoice Payment Schedule + + + + Attribute Set + + Maintain Product Attribute Set + Define Product Attribute Sets to add additional attributes and values to the product. You need to define a Attribute Set if you want to enable Serial and Lot Number and Guaragtee Date tracking. Note that the Guarantee Days here determine the Shelf Life of a product instance after manufacturing (the Guarantee Days on the product determines a Customer Service date after selling) +If the Attribute Set is mandatory, a product instance needs to be selected/created before shipping. + + + Attribute + + Product Attribute + Product Attribute like Color, Size, etc. If it is an Instance Attribute, all products have the same value. + + + Attribute Value + + Product Attribute Value + Individual value of a product attribute (e.g. green, large, ..) + + + Lot + + Product Lot Definition + Maintain the individual Lot of a Product + + + Lot Control + + Product Lot Control + Definition to create Lot numbers for Products + + + Serial No Control + + Product Serial Number Control + Definition to create Serial numbers for Products + + + Attribute Use + + Attributes Used for the Product Attribute Set + Attributes and Attribute Values used for the product + + + Attribute Search + + Common Search Attribute + Attributes are specific to a Product Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple attributes and want to search under a common sttribute, you define a search sttribute. Example: have one Size search attribute combining the values of all different sizes (Size for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The Attribute Search allows you to have all values available for selection. This eases the maintenance of the individual product attribute. + + + Assigned Attributes + + Attributes assigned to this search attribute + + + + Invoice + + + + + + Included Lines + + + + + + Label + + Print Label + Maintain the Format for printing Labels + + + Baris + + Print Label Line + Maintain Format of the line on a Label + + + Translation + + Print Label Line Translation + Maintain the translation for Label Line formats + + + Session Audit + + List of User Sessions + History of Online or Web Sessions + + + Tipe Proyek + + Maintain Type of a Project + Type of the project with optional phases and tasks of the project with standard performance information + + + Fase Standar + + Maintain Standard Project Phase + Standard Phase of the project with performance information + + + Phase + + Actual Project Phase + Actual Phase of the Project with Status information - generated from Phase of Project Type. + + + Recurring + + Recurring Document + Maintain Recurring Documents. The Date Next Run determines the Document (and Accounting Date) of the generated documents. + + + Run + + Recurring Document Run + History of Recurring Document Generation + + + Inventory + + Import Inventory + Validate and Import Inventory Transactions. The Locator is primarily determined by the Locator Key, then the Warehouse and X,Y,Z fields.<p> +A Physical Inventory is created per Warehouse and Movement Date. + + + Table Access + + Maintain Table Access + If listed here, the Role can(not) access all data of this table, even if the role has access to the functionality. +<br>If you Include Access to a table and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise full access). +<br>If you Exclude Access to a table and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise no access). +<br>Please note that table access rules here are in addition to the Data Access Levels defined for a Table and the User Level defined for a Role. These rules are evaulated first and you only need to define the exceptions to these rules here. +<p> +Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. Be aware that if you use Include rules, that you need to include also several supporting entiries. As an alternative, grant access only to functionality required. + + + Record Access + + Maintain Record Access + You create Record Access records by enabling "Personal Lock" for the administrative role and Ctl-Lock (holding the Ctrl key while clicking on the Lock button). +<p> +If listed here, the Role can(not) access the data records of this table, even if the role has access to the functionality. +<br>If you Include Access to a record and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise full access). +<br>If you Exclude Access to a recorf and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise no access). +Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. + + + Column Access + + Maintain Column Access + If listed here, the Role can(not) access the column of this table, even if the role has access to the functionality. +<br>If you Include Access to a column and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise full access). +<br>If you Exclude Access to a column and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise no access). +Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. + + + Role + + Role with Data Access Restriction + Select Role for with Data Access Restrictions. +Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. + + + Iklan + + Web Advertisement + Advertisement on the Web + + + Change Audit + + Data Changes + Log of data changes + + + Change Audit + + Log of data changes + Log of data changes + + + Tipe Harga Perolehan + + Types of Cost + + + + Task + + Actual Project Task + A Project Task in a Project Phase represents the actual work. + + + Step + + Project Cycle Step + The Cycle Step determines the logical sequence of events within your cycle. It is the common of similar Project Phases making different project types comparable. + + + Tugas Standar + + Maintain Standard Project Task + Standard Project Task + + + Time Type + + Type of Time recorded + Differentiate time types for reporting purposes (In parallel to Activities) + + + Contact (User) + + Maintain User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact + The User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contact + + + Click + + Click Count + + + + Individual Click + + + + + + Count + + Web Counter Count + + + + Individual Count + + + + + + Invoice + + Select Invoice + Select from invoices not fully paid. + + + Skedul Pembayaran + + Mainain Payment Schedule + + + + Skedul + + Payment Schedule + + + + Alert + + Adempiere Alert + Adempiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted of. + + + Alert Rule + + Definition of the alert element + The definition of the altert or action + + + Alert Recipient + + Recipient of the Alert Notification + You can send the notifications to users or roles + + + Bank Statement + + Import Bank Statement + + + + General Ledger + + Import General Ledger + A new Journal Batch is created, if the Batch Document No is different. A new Journal is created, if the Document No, Accounting Schema, Currency, Document Type, GL Category, Posting Type or Accounting type is different.<p> +Please note that there are three Organization Fields: The Document Organization is the owner of the document and set directly or per parameter default. The Organization is part of the accounting key and only required id no Valid Account Comination is specified; If not defined it is derived from the Document Organization. The Transaction Organization is part of the account combination. + + + Invoice + + Import Invoices + You should supply the Document Type Name (or ID). The Document Type is on purpose not fully derived as it has too many consequences if it's wrong. The best way is to set the Document Type Name as a Constant in your Import File Format or as an imported field in the file. + + + Pembayaran + + Import Payments + + + + Order + + Import Orders + You should supply the Document Type Name (or ID). The Document Type is on purpose not fully derived as it has too many consequences if it's wrong. The best way is to set the Document Type Name as a Constant in your Import File Format or as an imported field in the file. + + + Freight + + Freight Rates + Freight Rates for Shipper + + + Freight Category + + Category of the Freight + Freight Categories are used to calculate the Freight for the Shipper selected + + + Business Partner Dimension + + Maintain Business Partner Accounting Dimension Tree + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Dimensi Produk + + Maintain Product Accounting Dimension Tree + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Dimensi Aktivitas + + Maintain Acitivity Accounting Dimension Tree + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Project Dimension + + Maintain Project Accounting Dimension Tree + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Organization Dimension + + Maintain Organizationt Accounting Dimension Tree + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Sales Region Dimension + + Maintain Sales Region Accounting Dimension Tree + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Replication Target + + Data Replication Target + Data Replication Target Details. Maintained on the central server. Make sure that the IP range is unique for every remote system - Otherwise you will loose data!! + + + Replication Run + + Data Replication Run + Historic Info + + + Run Log + + Data Replication Run Log + Detail Info + + + Replication Strategy + + Data Replication Strategy + The Data Replication Strategy determines which tables and how they are replicated. Note that the migration does not syncronize Application Dictionary items. + + + Replication Table + + Data Replication Strategy Table Info + Determines how the table is replicated. You have full access to Local tables, Reference tables are on Remote systems and are read-only. The data of Merge tables on Remote systems is copied to the central system. + + + Campaign Dimension + + Maintain Marketing Campaign Accounting Dimension Tree + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Tab Translation + + + + + + Reference List Translation + + + + + + Field Translation + + + + + + Field Group Translation + + Please note, that most of the fields translations are derived from Element! + Run Synchronize Terminology to update menu translation. You need only to translate Fields, which are not centrally maintained. + + + Form Translation + + + + + + Task Translation + + + + + + Workflow Translation + + + + + + Workflow Node Translation + + + + + + Menu Translation + + Please note, that most of the menu translations are derived from Window/Form/.. translation! + Run Synchronize Terminology to update menu translation. + + + Subscription + + + + + + Proyek (Order) + + Maintain Sales Order Projects and Work Orders + The Project Tab is used to define the Value, Name and Description for each project. It also is defines the tracks the amounts assigned to, committed to and used for this project. + + + Akunting + + Define Project Accounting + The Accounting Tab is used to define the Asset Account to use when a project is completed and the associated asset realized. + + + Kategori + + Maintain Knoweledge Categories and Values + Set up knowledge categories and values as a search aid. Examples are Release Version, Product Area, etc. Knowledge Category values act like keyworks. + + + Category Value + + The value of the category is a keyword + The value of the category is a keyword + + + Type + + Knowledge Type + Area of knowlege - A Type has multiple Topics + + + Topic + + Knowledge Topic + Topic or Discussion Thead + + + Entry + + Knowledge Entry + The searchable Knowledge Entry + + + Kategori + + Knowledge Category + Assiged Category - Value for the Knowlede Entry + + + Related + + Related Knowlege Entry + Related Knowlege Entry for this Knowledge Entry + + + Komentar + + Knowledge Entry Comment + Comment regarding a knowledge entry + + + Knowledge Source + + Source of Knowledge Entries + The Source of a Knowlegde Entry is a pointer to the originating system. The Knowledge Entry has an additional entry (Description URL) for more detailed info. + + + Knowledge Synonym + + Knowlege Keyword Synonym + Search Synonyms for Knowledge Keywords; Example: Product = Item + + + Translation + + + + + + Partner Selection + + Business Partner Selection + + + + Partner Orders + + Business Partner Orders + + + + Partner Shipments + + Business Partner Shipments + + + + Partner Invoices + + Business Partner Invoices + + + + Partner Payments + + Business Partner Payments + + + + Partner Assets + + Business Partner Assets + + + + Partner Requests + + Business Partner Requests + + + + Translation + + + + + + Issues + + Issues to the Project + The lab lists the Issues to the project initiated by the "Issue to Project" process. You can issue Receipts, Time and Expenses, or Stock. + + + Pencetak + + Define Label Printer + + + + Function + + Label Printer Function + + + + Registration + + System Registration + System Registration Information + + + Partner Bisnis + + Business Partner specific Information of a Product + Note that some information is for reference only! + + + Company Agent + + Sales Representative Selection + + + + Orders + + All Orders where the Agent "owns" the Order, the Business Partner or the Product + + + + Order Lines + + All Order Lines where the Agent "owns" the Order, the Business Partner or the Product + + + + Invoices + + All Invoices where the Agent "owns" the Invoice, the Business Partner or the Product + + + + Baris Invoice + + All Invoice Liness where the Agent "owns" the Invoice, the Business Partner or the Product + + + + Akunting + + Currency Accounting + The Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters used for transactions including a currency. Please nore that if not defined, the default accounts of the Accounting Schema are used! + + + Rate Mata Uang + + Maintain Currency Conversion Rate Type + The Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define different type of rates, e.g. Spot, Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates. + + + Statement Loader + + Definition of Bank Statement Loader (SWIFT, OFX) + The loader definition privides the parameters to load bank statements from EFT formats like SWIFT (MT940) or OFX. The required parameters depend on the actual statement loader class + + + Import Currency Rate + + Import Currency Conversion Rate + + + + User Substitute + + Substitute of the user + A user who can act for this user. + + + Process + + Actual Workflow Process Instance + Instance of a workflow execution + + + Aktivitas + + Workflow Activity + The Workflow Activity is the actual Workflow Node in a Workflow Process instance + + + Aktivitas + + Workflow Activities + The Workflow Activity is the actual Workflow Node in a Workflow Process instance + + + Parameter + + Workflow Node Parameter + Parameter for the execution of the Workflow Node + + + Responsible + + Responsible for Workflow Execution + The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. + + + Block + + Workflow Transaction Execution Block + A workflow execution block is optional and allows all work to be performed in a single transaction. If one step (node activity) fails, the entire work is rolled back. + + + Data + + Workflow Process Context + Context information of the workflow process and activity + + + Result + + Result of the Workflow Process Activity + Activity Result of the execution of the Workflow Process Instrance + + + Event + + Workflow Process Activity Event Audit Information + History of chenges ov the Workflow Process Activity + + + Attribute + + Asset Registration Attribute + Define the individual values for the Asset Registration + + + Registration + + Asset User Registration + User Registration of an Asset + + + Value + + Registration Values + Indivifual values of Registration Attribute + + + Bank Statement Matcher + + Algorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments + An algorithm to find Business Partners, Invoices, Payments in imported Bank Statements. The class need to implement the interface org.compiere.impexp.BankStatementMatcherInterface + + + Pembayaran + + View Payment Information + + + + Org Type + + Organization Type allows you to categorize your organizations + Organization Type allows you to categorize your organizations for reporting purposes + + + Skedul Proses + + Schedule processes + Schedule processes to be executed asynchronously + + + Parameter + + Scheduler Parameter + Provide parameter for scheduled process + + + Log + + Scheduler Log + Result of the execution of the Scheduler + + + Pemroses Alur Kerja + + Workflow Processor Server + Workflow Processor Server + + + Log + + Workflow Processor Log + Result of the execution of the Workflow Processor + + + Bid Topic + + Topic of the Auction + Description of the item to sell or create/fund. + + + Bid + + View bids for a Topic + You can create a bid for a topic. Depening on the type, the highest bidder wins the Topic - or you participate in funding for a Topic. + + + Offer + + Offer for a Topic + You can create an offer for a topic. + + + Bid Funds + + Buyer Funds for Bid on Topic + Committed or Uncommited funds for Bids + + + Offer Funds + + Seller Funds from Offers on Topics + Committed or Uncommited funds from Offers + + + Topic Type + + Auction Topic Type + The Auction Topic Type determines what kind of auction is used for a particular area + + + Type Category + + Auction Topic Type Category + For an Auction Topic Type, define the different Categories used. + + + Komentar-Komentar + + Make a comment to a Bid Topic + Everyone can give comments concerning a Bid Topic - e.g. Questions, Suggestions + + + Penjual + + Aution Seller Information + Information about a participant in an Auction as a Seller + + + Funds + + Seller Funds from Offers on Topics + Available Funds (for Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds from Offers + + + Offer + + Offer for a Topic + You can create an offer for a topic. + + + Pembeli + + Aution Buyer Information + Information about a participant in an Auction as a Buyer + + + Funds + + Buyer Funds available for Bids on Topics + Available Funds (Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds for Bids + + + Bid + + Bid for a Topic + You can create a bid for a topic. Depening on the type, the highest bidder wins the Topic - or you participate in funding for a Topic. + + + Pemroses Akunting + + Maintain Accounting Processor/Server Parameters + Accounting Processor/Server Parameters. If no account schema is selected, all accounting schema are processed. If no transaction table is selected, accounting for all transaction is created. + + + Log + + Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor + Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor + + + Relasi + + Relasi partner bisnis + Business Partner Relation allow to maintain Third Party Relationship rules: who receives invoices for shipments or pays for invoices. If the Location of the Business partner is not defined, the rule applies to all location of that Business Partner + + + RfQ + + Request for Quotation + Request for Quotation to be sent out to vendors of a RfQ Topic. After Vendor selection, optionally create Sales Order or Quote for Customer as well as Purchase Order for Vendor(s) + + + Response + + RfQ Response + Request for Quotation Response from a potential Vendor + + + Baris + + RfQ Line + Request for Quotation Line + + + Response Line + + RfQ Response Line + Request for Quotation Response Line from a potential Vendor + + + Quantity + + RfQ Line Quantity + Request for Quotation Line Quantity - You may request a quotation for different quantities + + + Response Quantity + + RfQ Line Quantity Response + Request for Quotation Response Line Quantity from a potential Vendor + + + Topic + + Request for Quotation Topic + A Request for Quotation Topic allows you to maintain a subscriber list of potential Vendors to respond to RfQs + + + Subscriber + + Request for Quotation Topic Subscriber + Subcriber to invite to respond to RfQs + + + Subscription + + Subscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renew + + + + Delivery + + Optional Delivery Record for a Subscription + Record of deliveries for a subscription + + + Subscription Type + + Type of subscription + Subscription type and renewal frequency + + + Distribution List + + Distribution Lists allow to distribute products to a selected list of partners + Distribution list contain business partners and a distribution quantity or ratio for creating Orders + + + Distribution Line + + Distribution List Line with Business Partner and Quantity/Percentage + The distribution can be based on Ratio, fixed quantity or both. +If the ratio and quantity is not 0, the quantity is calculated based on the ratio, but with the Quantity as a minimum. + + + Package + + Shipment Package + A Shipment can have one or more Packages. A Package may be tracked. + + + Package Line + + The detail content of the Package + Link to the shipment line + + + RMA + + Return Material Authorization + A Return Material Authorization may be required to accept returns and to create Credit Memos + + + RMA Line + + Return Material Authorization Line + Detail information about the returned goods + + + Behubungan + + Produk yang mempunyai hubungan + Related Product - e.g. for promotions + + + Processor + + Alert Processor + + + + Log + + Alert Processor Log + + + + Dunning Run + + Manage Dunning Run + Manage Dunning Run + + + Entry + + Dunning Run Entry + Maintain details of the dunning letter to a business partner + + + Baris + + Dinning Run Line + Maintain the information of the dunning letter line + + + Org Assignment + + User Assigment to Organization + Assign Users to Organizations + + + Org Assignment + + User Assigment to Organization + Assign Users to Organizations + + + Log + + + + + + Scheduler Recipient + + Recipient of the Scheduler Notification + You can send the notifications to users or roles + + + Kode Pos Pajak + + Kode Pos Pajak + For local tax, you may have to define a list of (ranges of) postal codes or ZIPs + + + Requisition + + Material Requisition + + + + Requisition Line + + Material Requisition Line + + + + Catatan + + Personal Note + + + + Kondisi + + Workflow Node Transition Condition + Optional restriction of transition of one node to the next + + + Distribution + + General Ledger Distribution + If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. +The distribution is prorated based on the percentage of the lines. If the total percent is less then 100 and one line is 0 (null), it gets the remainder. If there is no line with 0, any rounding is adjusted in the line with the biggest amount. + + + Baris + + General Ledger Distribution Target Line + If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is prorated based on the perecent value of the lines. A Percent value of 0 (null) indicates the remainder to 100. There can only be one line with 0 percent. + + + Distribution Run + + Distribution Run create Orders to distribute products to a selected list of partners + Distribution Run defines how Orders are created based on Distribution Lists + + + Baris + + Distribution Run Lines define Distribution List, the Product and Quantiries + The order amount is based on the greater of the minimums of the product or distribution list and the quantity based on the ratio. + + + Product Assignment + + Assignment of Atrributes to Products + Determines, which attributes are assigned to a product + + + Access Audit + + Log of Access to data or resources + Logging needs to be explicitly enabled / written. + + + Counter Document + + Maintain Counter Document Types + When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: a "Standard Order" creates a "Standard PO". +If you define a relationship here, you overwrite the default counter document type in the Document Type definition. This allows you to define a specific mapping. +You can define conter documents for all organizations (of the original transaction) or for a specific organization. + + + Forecast + + Material Forecast + Material Forecast + + + Baris + + Forecast Line + Forecast of Product Qyantity by Period + + + Demand + + Material Demand + Material Demand can be based on Forecast, Requisitions, Open Orders + + + Baris + + Material Demand Line + Demand for a product in a period + + + Detail + + Material Demand Line Source Detail + Source Link for Material Demand Lines + + + Konfirmasi + + Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation + Confirmation of Shipment or Receipt - Created from the Shipment/Receipt + + + Baris + + Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation Line + Confirmation details + + + RMA Type + + Return Material Authorization Type + Maintain the types of RMA + + + Allocation + + View and Reverse Allocation + The Reverse Allocation Tab defines the Payment Allocation to be reversed. + + + Unposted Documents + + View unposted Documents + + + + Process Audit + + Audit Process use + + + + Parameter Audit + + Audit Process Parameter Values + + + + Log + + Process Log + + + + Konfirmasi + + Confirm Inventory Moves + The document is automatically created when the document type of the movement indicates In Transit. + + + Baris + + Confirm Inventory Move Lines + + + + Baris Konfirmasi + + Import Receipt/Shipment Confirmation Lines + Import Confirmation data of existing Receipt/Shipment Confirmations + + + Partner Bisnis + + Select Business Partner + Select the business partner for the service level agreement + + + SLA Goal + + Service Level Agreement Goal + Individual Goal for the SLA criteria for the Business Partner + + + SLA Measure + + Service Level Agreement Measure + View/Maintain the individual actual value / measure for the business partner service level agreement goal + + + SLA Criteria + + Service Level Agreement Criteria + Define a criteria to measure service level agreements (e.g. Quality, Delivery meets Promised date, ..). If you define a process class, it need to implement org.compiere.sla.SLACriteria (see example) + + + Table Translation + + Table Translation + Note that many Table names will be overwritten / translated automatically + + + Restriction + + Include Subscriber Only for certain products or product categories + Enter the products / product categories for which the subscriber should be included. If no product / category is entered, the subscriber is requested to answer requests for all lines in a RfQ + + + Skema Daftar Harga + + Price List Schema + Price List schema defines calculation rules for price lists + + + POS Terminal + + Point of Sales Terminal + The POS Terminal defines the defaults and functions available for the POS Form + + + POS Key Layout + + POS Function Key Layout + POS Function Key Layout + + + POS Key + + POS Function Key + POS Function Key Assignment + + + SLA Goal + + Service Level Agreement Goal + Individual Goal for the SLA criteria for the Business Partner + + + SLA Measure + + Service Level Agreement Measure + View/Maintain the individual actual value / measure for the business partner service level agreement goal + + + Column Translation + + Column Translation + Do not translate - overwritten / translated automatically + + + Internal Use + + Define Internal Use Inventory + + + + Internal Use Line + + Internal Use Inventory Line + The Inventory Count Line defines the counts of the individual products in inventory. + + + Allocation + + Allocation of the Invoice to Payments or Cash + + + + Allocation + + Allocation of the Invoice to Payments or Cash + + + + Allocation + + Allocation of the Payment/Receipt to invoices + + + + Confirmations + + Optional Confirmations of Receipt Lines + + + + Matched POs + + Purchase Order Lines matched to this Material Receipt Line + + + + Matched Invoices + + Invoice Lines matched to this Material Receipt Line + + + + Matched Receipts + + Material Receipt Lines matched to this Invoice Line + + + + Matched POs + + Purchase Order Lines matched to this Invoice Line + + + + Pencocokan + + Material Receipt or Invoice Lines matched to this Purchse Order Line + + + + Confirmations + + Optional Confirmations of Shipment Lines + + + + Invoice Batch + + Enter Expense Invoice Batch Header + Set Currency and decide if this for AR (sales) Invoices or AP (vendor) invoices. Optionally enter a Control amount. + + + Batch Line + + Enter Expense Invoice Batch Line + A new invoice is created, if there is a different Document Number, Business Partner or Location (address). +Note that the Document Number may be overwritten - depending on the Number control of the selected Document Type. + + + Org Access + + Maintain User Org Access + Add the client and organizations the user has access to. Entries here are ignored, if in the Role, User Org Access is not selected or the role has access to all roles.<br> +Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. + + + Landed Costs + + Landed cost to be allocated to material receipts + Landed costs allow you to allocate costs to previously received material receipts. Examples are freight, excise tax, insurance, etc.<br> +Select either a Receipt, Receipt Line or a specific Product to allocate the costs to. + + + Landed Cost Allocation + + Allocation of Landed Costs to Product + Calculated when preparing the Invoice + + + Cost Element + + Maintain product cost elements + You can maintain multiple Material Costs. Which of the Material Cost Types is used for accounting is determined by the costing method.<br> +Define a Costing Method (for Material Elements) only if you want the cost calculated for that costing method. For accounting, the costing method defined in the Accounting Schema or Product Category Acct is used. + + + Pilih Produk + + Pilih Produk Yang Diinginkan + + + + Product Costs + + Maintain Product Costs + + + + Request Status + + Maintain Request Status + Status if the request (open, closed, investigating, ..) + + + Standard Response + + Maintain Request Standard Response + Text blocks to be copied into request response text + + + Request Resolution + + Maintain Request Resolutions + Resolution status (e.g. Fixed, Rejected, ..) + + + Request Group + + Maintain Request Groups + Group of requests (e.g. version numbers, responsibility, ...). +If a BOM is referenced and enabled in Request Type, a BOM Change Request is automatically created. + + + Request Category + + Maintain Request Category + Category or Topic of the Request + + + Download + + Maintain Product Downloads + Define downloads for a product. If the product is an asset, the user can download the data. + + + User Mail + + Mail sent to the user + + + + User Mail + + Mail sent to the user + Archive of mails sent to users + + + Toko Web + + Define Web Store + Define the web store settings. The web server context must be unique and determines the settings used in the actual transaction. The selected warehouse determines the organization. The email settings are tested with the client email settings. + + + Store Translation + + + + + + Web Store Message + + Definine Web Store Messages + + + + Message Translation + + + + + + Update Notification + + List Recipients for to receive Request Updates + + + + Update Notification + + List Recipients for to receive Request Updates + + + + Request Updates + + List Recipients for to receive Request Updates + + + + Update Notification + + List Recipients for to receive Request Updates + + + + Update Notification + + List Recipients for to receive Request Updates + + + + Update Recipients + + Display Recipients of Request Updates + List of Recipients of Request Updates (with reason).<br> +Direct: Sales Rep, User and direct subscribers +Indirect: Users with Role, Subscribers of updates for Request Category, Type, Group) + + + Position + + Maintain Job Position + + + + Assignment + + Employee Assignment + + + + Remuneration + + Position Remuneration + + + + Position Category + + Maintain Job Position Categories + + + + Remuneration + + Maintain Remuneration Levels + + + + Position Remuneration + + Maintain Position Remuneration + + + + Employee Remuneration + + Overwrite of Employee Position Remuneration + + + + Product + + Maintain Product Information + + + + Alternative Groups + + Product BOM Alternative Group + Alternative groups allow you to group Bill of Material components, which are exclusive (i.e. only one is valid). Examples different engine sizes. + + + Operation + + Product Manufacturing Operation + The Operations to create the product. Note that the actual used operation and sequence is determined by the BOM Product. + + + BOM + + Bill of Materials + + + + Operation Resource + + Product Operation Resources + Resources for the Operation. You can have multiple resources (e.g. tool, labor) per operation. + + + Change Notice + + Bill of Materials (Engineering) Change Notice (Version) + + + + BOM + + Bill of Material of Change Notice + + + + BOM Change Request + + BOM (Engineering) Change Requests + Change requests for a Bill of Materials. They can be automatically created from Requests, if enabled in the Request Type and the Request Group referres to a Bill of Materials + + + Fixed Change Requests + + Fixed Change Request of this Change Notice + + + + Requests (source) + + User Requests with reference to change request + + + + BOM Component + + Bill of Material Component (Product) + The Bill of Material Compoment determines what products, services and outside processing is included in producing the Product. It references the operation and determines it's sequence. + + + Updates + + Request Updates + Updated of the Request + + + Updates + + Request Updates + Updates of the Request + + + Change Notice + + (Engineering) Change Note (Version) + + + + Change Request + + Change Request of Change Notice + + + + Requests (source) + + User Requests with reference to change request + + + + Fixed Change Requests + + Fixed Change Requests of this Change Notice + + + + Replenish + + Define Product Replenishment + The Replenishment Tab defines the type of replenishment quantities. This is used for automated ordering. If you select a custom replenishment type, you need to create a class implementing org.compiere.util.ReplenishInterface and set that on warehouse level. + + + Cost Details + + View Product Cost Details + + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/AD_Table_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/AD_Table_Trl_in_ID.xml index 932df37a5c..bf128d9dd7 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/AD_Table_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/AD_Table_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,2 +1,1676 @@ - -TableColumnReferenceAD_Ref_TableReference ListWindowTabFieldDynamic ValidationMessageLanguage IDClientPayment TermUser/ContactSequenceMenuWorkflowOS TaskMessage **Menu **AD_Sequence_AuditAD_Sequence_NoTab **OS Task **Task InstanceReference **Field **NodeNode **Node TransitionWindow **Workflow **Test IDReference List **CalendarConversion RateMata UangElementPeriodUOMOrganizationRoleAD_User_RolesAlamatNon Business DayRegionCountryUOM ConversionCombinationYearC_BP_Customer_AcctC_BP_Employee_AcctC_BP_Vendor_AcctKotaAccount ElementWarehouseM_Warehouse_AcctPreferenceAD_Process_AccessAD_Task_AccessAD_Window_AccessAD_Workflow_AccessProyekC_Project_AcctLocatorProdukKategori ProdukM_Product_POM_SubstituteTipe DokumenGL CategoryJournalJournal BatchJournal LineAD_ClientInfoAD_OrgInfoPeriod ControlSales RegionM_ReplenishM_StorageM_ProductPriceTax CategoryShipperAttachmentDaftar HargaInvoice ScheduleOrderSales Order LineTaxAccounting SchemaC_AcctSchema_GLAccounting FactBudgetM_Product_AcctCampaignChannelSystem ElementSystem Element **Acct.Schema ElementProcess InstanceAD_PInstance_ParaProcessProcess ParameterProcess Parameter **Process **TreeAD_TreeNodePartner BisnisLokasi PartnerVersi Daftar HargaBankBank AccountPartner Bank AccountC_BP_WithholdingTipe Dokumen **DunningAccount Element **Payment Term **WithholdingProduk **BebanC_OrderTaxC_AcctSchema_DefaultActivityInvoiceShipment/ReceiptShipment/Receipt LineStok OpnameBaris Stok OpnameInventory MoveMove LineProduksiBaris ProduksiM_Product_CostingInventory TransactionDunning LevelDunning Level **Invoice LineC_InvoiceTaxPaymentRevenue RecognitionService LevelService Level LineUOM **Perpetual InventoryGreetingGreeting **Tax Category **RV_Order_OpenReport ViewRV_M_Transaction_SumT_ReplenishT_SpoolEDI DefinitionEDI TransactionEDI LogRV_C_Invoice_DayRV_C_Invoice_MonthRV_C_Invoice_ProdMonthRV_C_Invoice_ProdWeekRV_C_Invoice_VendorMonthRV_C_Invoice_WeekSpecial FormSpecial Form **AD_Form_AccessErrorImport FormatFormat FieldBOM LineTire StorageRencana ProduksiRV_C_Invoice_CustomerProdQtrRV_C_Invoice_CustomerVendQtrPerhatianBaris AlokasiC_BankAccount_AcctBank StatementBank statement lineKelompok Partner BisnisC_BP_Group_AcctC_Charge_AcctC_InterOrg_AcctPayment ProcessorC_Tax_AcctC_Withholding_AcctM_Product_Category_AcctW_Basket_IDWeb CounterFindSystem AttributeAD_Attribute_ValueJurnal KasBuku KasC_CashBook_AcctBaris Jurnal KasPayment BatchRV_OpenItemField GroupField Group **Mail TemplatePermohonanRequest actionRequest ProcessorAD_Role_OrgAccessRV_C_InvoiceRV_C_InvoiceLineRV_M_TransactionPayment SelectionPayment Selection LineReport view ColumnKomisiJumlah KomisiBaris KomisiProject CycleC_CyclePhaseProject LineProses KomisiDetil KomisiAchievementColorGoalMeasureMeasure CalculationRevenue Recognition PlanRevenue Recognition RunFinancial ReportReport ColumnReport Column SetReport LineReport Line SetReport SourceAD_TreeNodeBPAD_TreeNodeMMAD_TreeNodePRPrint FormBank Account DocumentAD_TreeBarSystem ColorDesktopDesktop WorkbenchDesktop **ImageUser defined FieldUser defined TabUser defined WindowWorkbenchWorkbench WindowWorkbench **RV_Cash_DetailMatch InvoiceMatch PORequest RoutingDiscount SchemaDiscount Schema BreakDiscount PricelistT_InventoryValueRV_Product_CostingResource TypeExpense TypeResource UnavailabilityResource AssignmentExpense ReportResourceExpense LinePrint Format ItemPrint ColorPrint FontPrint PaperPrint FormatC_Invoice_LineTax_vC_Order_Header_vC_Order_LineTax_vC_PaySelection_Check_vC_PaySelection_Remittance_vM_InOut_Header_vM_InOut_Line_vC_Invoice_Header_vRV_BPartnerGraphPrint Format Item **Print Table FormatDunning Run LinePay Selection CheckDunning RunDunning Run EntryR_ContactInterestRequest TypeInterest AreaSystemImport ProductImport Business PartnerImport AccountImport Report Line SetTraining ClassTrainingAsetAsset RetirementPengiriman AsetKelompok HartaT_ReportT_ReportStatementTax **Fact_Acct_BalancePayment ScheduleBasket LineWeb ClickInvoice Payment ScheduleCounter CountClick CountPayment_vSerial No ControlLot ControlLotAttribute ValueAttribute Set InstanceAttribute SetM_AttributeInstanceAttributeM_AttributeUseAttribute SearchAD_Table_AccessSessionAD_Record_AccessPrint Label Line **Print Label LinePrint LabelAD_Column_AccessImport InventoryRecurring RunRecurringProject TypeProject PhaseStandard PhaseAD_PInstance_LogAdvertisementChange LogTime TypeStandard TaskProject TaskOrg AssignmentCost TypeCycle StepImport OrderAlert RecipientAlert RuleAlertFreight CategoryFreightImport PaymentImport InvoiceImport GL JournalImport Bank StatementReplication TableReplication StrategyReplication RunReplication LogReplicationKnowldge TypeKnowledge TopicKnowledge SynonymKnowledge SourceRelated EntryK_EntryCategoryEntryEntry CommentNilai KategoriKnowledge CategoryCountry **Mata Uang **C_Project_Header_vC_Project_Details_vRV_ProjectCycleRV_Asset_DeliveryRV_Asset_CustomerProject IssueLabel printer FunctionSystem RegistrationLabel printerAD_Private_AccessRV_ProjectLineIssueRV_TransactionRV_StorageT_AgingC_BPartner_ProductRV_Click_UnprocessedRV_Click_MonthRV_UnPostedM_TransactionAllocationTipe Mata UangC_Currency_AcctRV_WarehousePriceBank Statement LoaderImport Conversion RateUser SubstituteWorkflow Node ParameterWorkflow ActivityWorkflow ProcessWorkflow ResponsibleWorkflow BlockWorkflow Process DataWorkflow Event AuditWorkflow Activity ResultRegistrationRegistration AttributeA_RegistrationValueRV_C_InvoiceTaxRV_Fact_Acct_PeriodRV_Fact_Acct_DayAccounting Fact ViewBank Statement MatcherRequest Processor LogRMA LineRMAM_RelatedProductPackage LinePackageDistribution List LineDistribution ListSubscription DeliverySubscription TypeSubscriptionRfQ SubscriberRfQ TopicRfQ Response Line QtyRfQ Response LineRfQ ResponseRfQ Line QuantityRfQ LineRfQPartner RelationTopicSeller FundsB_SellerOfferBuyer FundsB_BuyerBid CommentBidScheduler LogSchedulerOrganization TypeTopic TypeTopic CategoryAccounting Processor LogAccounting ProcessorWorkflow Processorl LogWorkflow ProcessorAD_Scheduler_ParaAlert Processor LogAlert ProcessorTax ZIPRequisitionRequisition LineScheduler RecipientAttachment NoteTransition ConditionGL Distribution LineGL DistributionRV_C_RfQ_UnAnsweredRV_C_RfQResponseRV_M_RequisitionDistribution RunDistribution Run LineT_DistributionRunDetailA_RegistrationProductRV_Asset_SumMonthAccess LogCounter DocumentDemand LineForecastDetail PermintaanForecast LinePermintaanC_RfQResponseLine_vC_RfQResponse_vC_RfQResponseLineQty_vShip/Receipt ConfirmationShip/Receipt Confirmation LineRMA TypeRV_InOutConfirmRV_InOutLineConfirmM_InOut_LineConfirm_vM_InOutConfirm_vAlokasiRV_AllocationMove Line ConfirmMove ConfirmRV_PrintFormatDetailShip/Receipt Confirmation Import LineC_Dunning_Header_vC_Dunning_Line_vSLA MeasureSLA CriteriaSLA GoalTable **RfQ Topic Subscriber RestrictionPOS TerminalPOS Key LayoutPOS KeyRV_InOutDetailsColumn **Trial BalanceArchiveRV_PaymentRV_BPartnerOpenRV_CommissionRunDetailT_TransactionLanded CostLanded Cost AllocationC_ProjectIssueMAM_InOutLineMAM_InventoryLineMAM_MovementLineMAProduction Line MAM_Transaction_vInvoice BatchInvoice Batch LineAD_User_OrgAccessCost ElementProduct CostCategoryGroupResolutionStandard ResponseStatusProduct DownloadWeb StoreWeb Store **Mail MessageMail Message **User MailRequest Update RecipiantsRequest Type UpdatesR_CategoryUpdatesR_GroupUpdatesRV_RequestUpdatesRV_RequestUpdates_OnlyPositionPosition CategoryPosition AssignmentRemunerationPosition RemunerationEmployee RemunerationAlternative GroupProduct OperationOperation ResourceBOMChange NoticeChange RequestBOM ComponentRequest UpdateT_InvoiceGLT_InvoiceGL_vProduct CostsProduct Cost SummaryProduct Cost DetailCost Detail \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + Table + + + Column + + + Reference + + + AD_Ref_Table + + + Reference List + + + Window + + + Tab + + + Field + + + Dynamic Validation + + + Message + + + Language ID + + + Client + + + Payment Term + + + User/Contact + + + Sequence + + + Menu + + + Workflow + + + OS Task + + + Message ** + + + Menu ** + + + AD_Sequence_Audit + + + AD_Sequence_No + + + Tab ** + + + OS Task ** + + + Task Instance + + + Reference ** + + + Field ** + + + Node + + + Node ** + + + Node Transition + + + Window ** + + + Workflow ** + + + Test ID + + + Reference List ** + + + Calendar + + + Conversion Rate + + + Mata Uang + + + Element + + + Period + + + UOM + + + Organization + + + Role + + + AD_User_Roles + + + Alamat + + + Non Business Day + + + Region + + + Country + + + UOM Conversion + + + Combination + + + Year + + + C_BP_Customer_Acct + + + C_BP_Employee_Acct + + + C_BP_Vendor_Acct + + + Kota + + + Account Element + + + Warehouse + + + M_Warehouse_Acct + + + Preference + + + AD_Process_Access + + + AD_Task_Access + + + AD_Window_Access + + + AD_Workflow_Access + + + Proyek + + + C_Project_Acct + + + Locator + + + Produk + + + Kategori Produk + + + M_Product_PO + + + M_Substitute + + + Tipe Dokumen + + + GL Category + + + Journal + + + Journal Batch + + + Journal Line + + + AD_ClientInfo + + + AD_OrgInfo + + + Period Control + + + Sales Region + + + M_Replenish + + + M_Storage + + + M_ProductPrice + + + Tax Category + + + Shipper + + + Attachment + + + Daftar Harga + + + Invoice Schedule + + + Order + + + Sales Order Line + + + Tax + + + Accounting Schema + + + C_AcctSchema_GL + + + Accounting Fact + + + Budget + + + M_Product_Acct + + + Campaign + + + Channel + + + System Element + + + System Element ** + + + Acct.Schema Element + + + Process Instance + + + AD_PInstance_Para + + + Process + + + Process Parameter + + + Process Parameter ** + + + Process ** + + + Tree + + + AD_TreeNode + + + Partner Bisnis + + + Lokasi Partner + + + Versi Daftar Harga + + + Bank + + + Bank Account + + + Partner Bank Account + + + C_BP_Withholding + + + Tipe Dokumen ** + + + Dunning + + + Account Element ** + + + Payment Term ** + + + Withholding + + + Produk ** + + + Beban + + + C_OrderTax + + + C_AcctSchema_Default + + + Activity + + + Invoice + + + Shipment/Receipt + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + Stok Opname + + + Baris Stok Opname + + + Inventory Move + + + Move Line + + + Produksi + + + Baris Produksi + + + M_Product_Costing + + + Inventory Transaction + + + Dunning Level + + + Dunning Level ** + + + Invoice Line + + + C_InvoiceTax + + + Payment + + + Revenue Recognition + + + Service Level + + + Service Level Line + + + UOM ** + + + Perpetual Inventory + + + Greeting + + + Greeting ** + + + Tax Category ** + + + RV_Order_Open + + + Report View + + + RV_M_Transaction_Sum + + + T_Replenish + + + T_Spool + + + EDI Definition + + + EDI Transaction + + + EDI Log + + + RV_C_Invoice_Day + + + RV_C_Invoice_Month + + + RV_C_Invoice_ProdMonth + + + RV_C_Invoice_ProdWeek + + + RV_C_Invoice_VendorMonth + + + RV_C_Invoice_Week + + + Special Form + + + Special Form ** + + + AD_Form_Access + + + Error + + + Import Format + + + Format Field + + + BOM Line + + + Tire Storage + + + Rencana Produksi + + + RV_C_Invoice_CustomerProdQtr + + + RV_C_Invoice_CustomerVendQtr + + + Perhatian + + + Baris Alokasi + + + C_BankAccount_Acct + + + Bank Statement + + + Bank statement line + + + Kelompok Partner Bisnis + + + C_BP_Group_Acct + + + C_Charge_Acct + + + C_InterOrg_Acct + + + Payment Processor + + + C_Tax_Acct + + + C_Withholding_Acct + + + M_Product_Category_Acct + + + W_Basket_ID + + + Web Counter + + + Find + + + System Attribute + + + AD_Attribute_Value + + + Jurnal Kas + + + Buku Kas + + + C_CashBook_Acct + + + Baris Jurnal Kas + + + Payment Batch + + + RV_OpenItem + + + Field Group + + + Field Group ** + + + Mail Template + + + Permohonan + + + Request action + + + Request Processor + + + AD_Role_OrgAccess + + + RV_C_Invoice + + + RV_C_InvoiceLine + + + RV_M_Transaction + + + Payment Selection + + + Payment Selection Line + + + Report view Column + + + Komisi + + + Jumlah Komisi + + + Baris Komisi + + + Project Cycle + + + C_CyclePhase + + + Project Line + + + Proses Komisi + + + Detil Komisi + + + Achievement + + + Color + + + Goal + + + Measure + + + Measure Calculation + + + Revenue Recognition Plan + + + Revenue Recognition Run + + + Financial Report + + + Report Column + + + Report Column Set + + + Report Line + + + Report Line Set + + + Report Source + + + AD_TreeNodeBP + + + AD_TreeNodeMM + + + AD_TreeNodePR + + + Print Form + + + Bank Account Document + + + AD_TreeBar + + + System Color + + + Desktop + + + Desktop Workbench + + + Desktop ** + + + Image + + + User defined Field + + + User defined Tab + + + User defined Window + + + Workbench + + + Workbench Window + + + Workbench ** + + + RV_Cash_Detail + + + Match Invoice + + + Match PO + + + Request Routing + + + Discount Schema + + + Discount Schema Break + + + Discount Pricelist + + + T_InventoryValue + + + RV_Product_Costing + + + Resource Type + + + Expense Type + + + Resource Unavailability + + + Resource Assignment + + + Expense Report + + + Resource + + + Expense Line + + + Print Format Item + + + Print Color + + + Print Font + + + Print Paper + + + Print Format + + + C_Invoice_LineTax_v + + + C_Order_Header_v + + + C_Order_LineTax_v + + + C_PaySelection_Check_v + + + C_PaySelection_Remittance_v + + + M_InOut_Header_v + + + M_InOut_Line_v + + + C_Invoice_Header_v + + + RV_BPartner + + + Graph + + + Print Format Item ** + + + Print Table Format + + + Dunning Run Line + + + Pay Selection Check + + + Dunning Run + + + Dunning Run Entry + + + R_ContactInterest + + + Request Type + + + Interest Area + + + System + + + Import Product + + + Import Business Partner + + + Import Account + + + Import Report Line Set + + + Training Class + + + Training + + + Aset + + + Asset Retirement + + + Pengiriman Aset + + + Kelompok Harta + + + T_Report + + + T_ReportStatement + + + Tax ** + + + Fact_Acct_Balance + + + Payment Schedule + + + Basket Line + + + Web Click + + + Invoice Payment Schedule + + + Counter Count + + + Click Count + + + Payment_v + + + Serial No Control + + + Lot Control + + + Lot + + + Attribute Value + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + Attribute Set + + + M_AttributeInstance + + + Attribute + + + M_AttributeUse + + + Attribute Search + + + AD_Table_Access + + + Session + + + AD_Record_Access + + + Print Label Line ** + + + Print Label Line + + + Print Label + + + AD_Column_Access + + + Import Inventory + + + Recurring Run + + + Recurring + + + Project Type + + + Project Phase + + + Standard Phase + + + AD_PInstance_Log + + + Advertisement + + + Change Log + + + Time Type + + + Standard Task + + + Project Task + + + Org Assignment + + + Cost Type + + + Cycle Step + + + Import Order + + + Alert Recipient + + + Alert Rule + + + Alert + + + Freight Category + + + Freight + + + Import Payment + + + Import Invoice + + + Import GL Journal + + + Import Bank Statement + + + Replication Table + + + Replication Strategy + + + Replication Run + + + Replication Log + + + Replication + + + Knowldge Type + + + Knowledge Topic + + + Knowledge Synonym + + + Knowledge Source + + + Related Entry + + + K_EntryCategory + + + Entry + + + Entry Comment + + + Nilai Kategori + + + Knowledge Category + + + Country ** + + + Mata Uang ** + + + C_Project_Header_v + + + C_Project_Details_v + + + RV_ProjectCycle + + + RV_Asset_Delivery + + + RV_Asset_Customer + + + Project Issue + + + Label printer Function + + + System Registration + + + Label printer + + + AD_Private_Access + + + RV_ProjectLineIssue + + + RV_Transaction + + + RV_Storage + + + T_Aging + + + C_BPartner_Product + + + RV_Click_Unprocessed + + + RV_Click_Month + + + RV_UnPosted + + + M_TransactionAllocation + + + Tipe Mata Uang + + + C_Currency_Acct + + + RV_WarehousePrice + + + Bank Statement Loader + + + Import Conversion Rate + + + User Substitute + + + Workflow Node Parameter + + + Workflow Activity + + + Workflow Process + + + Workflow Responsible + + + Workflow Block + + + Workflow Process Data + + + Workflow Event Audit + + + Workflow Activity Result + + + Registration + + + Registration Attribute + + + A_RegistrationValue + + + RV_C_InvoiceTax + + + RV_Fact_Acct_Period + + + RV_Fact_Acct_Day + + + Accounting Fact View + + + Bank Statement Matcher + + + Request Processor Log + + + RMA Line + + + RMA + + + M_RelatedProduct + + + Package Line + + + Package + + + Distribution List Line + + + Distribution List + + + Subscription Delivery + + + Subscription Type + + + Subscription + + + RfQ Subscriber + + + RfQ Topic + + + RfQ Response Line Qty + + + RfQ Response Line + + + RfQ Response + + + RfQ Line Quantity + + + RfQ Line + + + RfQ + + + Partner Relation + + + Topic + + + Seller Funds + + + B_Seller + + + Offer + + + Buyer Funds + + + B_Buyer + + + Bid Comment + + + Bid + + + Scheduler Log + + + Scheduler + + + Organization Type + + + Topic Type + + + Topic Category + + + Accounting Processor Log + + + Accounting Processor + + + Workflow Processorl Log + + + Workflow Processor + + + AD_Scheduler_Para + + + Alert Processor Log + + + Alert Processor + + + Tax ZIP + + + Requisition + + + Requisition Line + + + Scheduler Recipient + + + Attachment Note + + + Transition Condition + + + GL Distribution Line + + + GL Distribution + + + RV_C_RfQ_UnAnswered + + + RV_C_RfQResponse + + + RV_M_Requisition + + + Distribution Run + + + Distribution Run Line + + + T_DistributionRunDetail + + + A_RegistrationProduct + + + RV_Asset_SumMonth + + + Access Log + + + Counter Document + + + Demand Line + + + Forecast + + + Detail Permintaan + + + Forecast Line + + + Permintaan + + + C_RfQResponseLine_v + + + C_RfQResponse_v + + + C_RfQResponseLineQty_v + + + Ship/Receipt Confirmation + + + Ship/Receipt Confirmation Line + + + RMA Type + + + RV_InOutConfirm + + + RV_InOutLineConfirm + + + M_InOut_LineConfirm_v + + + M_InOutConfirm_v + + + Alokasi + + + RV_Allocation + + + Move Line Confirm + + + Move Confirm + + + RV_PrintFormatDetail + + + Ship/Receipt Confirmation Import Line + + + C_Dunning_Header_v + + + C_Dunning_Line_v + + + SLA Measure + + + SLA Criteria + + + SLA Goal + + + Table ** + + + RfQ Topic Subscriber Restriction + + + POS Terminal + + + POS Key Layout + + + POS Key + + + RV_InOutDetails + + + Column ** + + + Trial Balance + + + Archive + + + RV_Payment + + + RV_BPartnerOpen + + + RV_CommissionRunDetail + + + T_Transaction + + + Landed Cost + + + Landed Cost Allocation + + + C_ProjectIssueMA + + + M_InOutLineMA + + + M_InventoryLineMA + + + M_MovementLineMA + + + Production Line MA + + + M_Transaction_v + + + Invoice Batch + + + Invoice Batch Line + + + AD_User_OrgAccess + + + Cost Element + + + Product Cost + + + Category + + + Group + + + Resolution + + + Standard Response + + + Status + + + Product Download + + + Web Store + + + Web Store ** + + + Mail Message + + + Mail Message ** + + + User Mail + + + Request Update Recipiants + + + Request Type Updates + + + R_CategoryUpdates + + + R_GroupUpdates + + + RV_RequestUpdates + + + RV_RequestUpdates_Only + + + Position + + + Position Category + + + Position Assignment + + + Remuneration + + + Position Remuneration + + + Employee Remuneration + + + Alternative Group + + + Product Operation + + + Operation Resource + + + BOM + + + Change Notice + + + Change Request + + + BOM Component + + + Request Update + + + T_InvoiceGL + + + T_InvoiceGL_v + + + Product Costs + + + Product Cost Summary + + + Product Cost Detail + + + Cost Detail + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/AD_Task_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/AD_Task_Trl_in_ID.xml index f4a56f0e3f..b7035fd405 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/AD_Task_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/AD_Task_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,2 +1,20 @@ - -Java VersionDisplays the version of the default Java VMThe java version used by the application might be different.Database exportExport (save) the databaseRun this command from the serverDatabase transferTransfer the databaseRun this command from the server \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + Java Version + Displays the version of the default Java VM + The java version used by the application might be different. + + + Database export + Export (save) the database + Run this command from the server + + + Database transfer + Transfer the database + Run this command from the server + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/AD_WF_Node_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/AD_WF_Node_Trl_in_ID.xml index bc28f0f4af..fe42f4b15e 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/AD_WF_Node_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/AD_WF_Node_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,2 +1,75 @@ - -Accounting SchemaProject as Account SegmentTo enable accounting reporting of projects, create and enable a project segment in the account elements.System ElementsTranslate System ElementsSystem Elements are used to centrally define field labels, description and help. When translating an Element, the appropriate information of Fields in Windows, Parameters and Reports are translated (overwritten)MessagesTranslate MessagesTranslate the messages used in Windows, Forms and ProcessesReferenceTranslate ReferencesReferences are used as prefedined selection lists. You only need to translate the List Elements !!Window & TabTranslate Windows and TabsTranslate the Name, Description and Help for Windows and Tabs. Most of the Fields are already translated, if they are centrally maintained.FormTranslate FormsForms are special Windows and you need to translate its name, description and Help.Report & ProcessTranslate Reports and ProcessesTranslate the Name, Description and Help for Processes and Reports. You don't need to translate the Parameters, if they are centrally maintained.UserDefine Sales Representative as UserUsers can log into the system and have access to functionality via one or more roles. Select the Business Partner you just set up. This enables the user to be treated as sales rep in the system.Business PartnerSet up Sales Representative as Business PartnerSet up the sales representative as Employee and Sales Representative in the Employee tab. Also set up the Vendor part, if you want to create payments.WorkflowTranslate WorkflowsTranslate Name, Description and Help of Workflows and their Nodes. You only need to translate the List Elements !!Check Client SetupCheck Client setup for RequestsYou need to have a mail server and an email address from which the requets an notifications are sent. Optionally, if you define a mail user and password, requests are read from the mail users's folder and imported into the system.Check UsersCheck users for Request processingPlease ensure that users have a email address and supervisor assigned.Check Business PartnersCheck Business Partners for Request processingYou can send EMails to businbess partners. Make sure, that the business partners and/or the Contacts have email addresses.Verify completed RequisitionJust a test case for a manual interaction.Enter and maintain Material Requisitions \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + Accounting Schema + Project as Account Segment + To enable accounting reporting of projects, create and enable a project segment in the account elements. + + + System Elements + Translate System Elements + System Elements are used to centrally define field labels, description and help. When translating an Element, the appropriate information of Fields in Windows, Parameters and Reports are translated (overwritten) + + + Messages + Translate Messages + Translate the messages used in Windows, Forms and Processes + + + Reference + Translate References + References are used as prefedined selection lists. You only need to translate the List Elements !! + + + Window & Tab + Translate Windows and Tabs + Translate the Name, Description and Help for Windows and Tabs. Most of the Fields are already translated, if they are centrally maintained. + + + Form + Translate Forms + Forms are special Windows and you need to translate its name, description and Help. + + + Report & Process + Translate Reports and Processes + Translate the Name, Description and Help for Processes and Reports. You don't need to translate the Parameters, if they are centrally maintained. + + + User + Define Sales Representative as User + Users can log into the system and have access to functionality via one or more roles. Select the Business Partner you just set up. This enables the user to be treated as sales rep in the system. + + + Business Partner + Set up Sales Representative as Business Partner + Set up the sales representative as Employee and Sales Representative in the Employee tab. Also set up the Vendor part, if you want to create payments. + + + Workflow + Translate Workflows + Translate Name, Description and Help of Workflows and their Nodes. You only need to translate the List Elements !! + + + Check Client Setup + Check Client setup for Requests + You need to have a mail server and an email address from which the requets an notifications are sent. Optionally, if you define a mail user and password, requests are read from the mail users's folder and imported into the system. + + + Check Users + Check users for Request processing + Please ensure that users have a email address and supervisor assigned. + + + Check Business Partners + Check Business Partners for Request processing + You can send EMails to businbess partners. Make sure, that the business partners and/or the Contacts have email addresses. + + + Verify completed Requisition + Just a test case for a manual interaction. + Enter and maintain Material Requisitions + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/AD_Window_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/AD_Window_Trl_in_ID.xml index bfb5cbeaac..2b359384e7 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/AD_Window_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/AD_Window_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,41 +1,1214 @@ - -Table and ColumnMaintain Tables and ColumnsThe Table and Column Window defines all tables with their columnsReferensiMaintain System ReferencesThe Reference Window defines each field type and its parameters. This window is for System Admin use only.Window, Tab & FieldMaintain Windows, Tabs & FieldsThe Window, Tab & Field Window defines the presentation of tables and columns within each window.Validation RulesMaintain dynamic Validation Rules for columns and fieldsThe Validation Rules Window defines all dynamic rules used when entering and maintaining columns and fields. This window is for System Admin use only.PesanMaintain Information and Error MessagesThe Message Window defines the Message Text and Message Tips for each system generated message. It is for System Admin use only.MenuMaintain MenuThe Maintain Menu Window defines the Menu which will display. It is for System Admin use only. The menu items that each user will see depends upon the security defined.BahasaMaintain LanguagesThe Language Window allows you to define multiple parallel language for users. This allows users to access the same data but have the windows, tabs and fields appear in different languages. -If a language is a System Language, you can change the User Interface to this language (after translation). Otherwise the language is only used for printing documents. - -For the language code, we suggest using the Java convention of country and language (e.g. fr_CN - Canadian French). - -Verify the translation creates missing translation records. Start this process after creating a new language.Invoice Yang Telah DicocokkkanView Matched InvoicesPenggunaMaintain Users of the systemThe User Window allows you to define each User of the system. Users can log into the system and have access to functionality via one or more roles.ClientMaintain Clients/TenantsThe Client is the highest level of an independent business entity. Each Client will have one or more Organizations reporting to it. Each Client defines the accounting parameters (Accounting Schema, Tree definition, Non Monetary UOM's). To create new Clients, run the Initial Client Setup with the System Administrator Role. -Do not create a new client in this window, but use "Initial Client Setup" to set up the required security and access rules. If you create a new client here, you will not be able to view it and also the required client infrastructure would not have been set up.OrganisasiMaintain OrganizationsThe Organization Window allows you to define and maintain Organizational entities. An Organization is often a legal entity or sub-unit for which documents and transactions are processedRoleMaintain User ResponsibilitiesThe Role Window allows you to define the different roles that users of this system will have. Roles control access to windows, tasks, reports, etc. For a client an Administrator and User role are predefined. You may add additional roles to control access for specific functionality or data. -You can add users to the role. -Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache.Urutan DokumenMaintain System and Document SequencesThe Sequence Window defines how document numbers will be sequenced. -Change the way document numbers are generated. You may add a prefix or a suffix or change the current number.Alur KerjaMaintain WorkflowThe Workflow Window defines Workflows in the system, the access level for the Workflow and the Nodes or Steps within the Workflow.TugasMaintain TasksThe Maintain Tasks window defines the different tasks used in workflows and the access level for those tasks.Mata UangMaintain CurrenciesThe Currency Window defines any currency which will be used in documents or reporting. You would define used currencies on System level and add currencies on Client level only for statistical currencies (e.g. for instable currencies) Rate Mata UangMaintain Currency Conversion RatesThe Conversion Rates window is used to define the conversion rates that will be used when converting document amounts from one currency to another. Note that only the multiply rate is used; The divide rate is for visualization only.Kalender Tahunan Dan PeriodeMaintain Calendars Years PeriodsThe Calendar Year and Periods defines the calendars that will be used for period control and reporting. You can also define non-standard calendars (e.g. business year from July to June).Account ElementMaintain Account ElementsThe Account Element Window is used to define and maintain the Accounting Element and User Defined Elements. -One of the account segments is your natural account segment (Chart of Account). You may add a new account element for parallel reporting or for user defined accounting segments. Unit of MeasureMaintain Unit of Measure The Unit of Measure Window is used to define non monetary units of measure. It also defines if conversion between units of measure are allowed and how they are to be performed. The system provides some automatic conversions between units of measures (e.g. minute, hour, day, working day, etc.) if they are not explicitly defined here. -Conversions need to be direct (i.e. if you have only a conversion between A-B and B-C, the system cannot convert A-C, you need to define it explicitly).LokasiMaintain Location AddressThe Location Window defines the address data within the system. This window is for System Admin only. Users would access location entries using the location button or tab on the appropriate window (i.e Order Entry or Business Partner)Wilayah Negara dan KotaMaintain Countries Regions and CitiesThe Countries, Regions and Cities Window defines the different entities that can be used in any address field. It defines the format of the address as well as associating Regions with Countries and Cities with Regions or Countries. -<p>You would define Countries usually only on System level.Partner BisnisMaintain Business PartnersThe Business Partner window allows you do define any party with whom you transact. This includes customers, vendors and employees. Prior to entering or importing products, you must define your vendors. Prior to generating Orders you must define your customers. This window holds all information about your business partner and the values entered will be used to generate all document transactionsSkema AkuntingMaintain Accounting Schema - For changes to become effective you must re-loginThe Accounting Schema Window defines an accounting method and the elements that will comprise an account structure. Create and activate elements for detailed accounting for Business Partners, Products, Locations, etc. -Review and change the GL and Default accounts. The actual accounts used in transactions depend on the executing organization; Most of the information is derived from the context. -TestTest ScreenCantumanTangani CantumanFor System Maintenance Only. The Maintain Attachments window is used for diagnostic purposes to display the attributes of an attachment.PreferenceMaintain System Client Org and User PreferencesSystem Admin use only.Proyek (Layanan)Maintain Service ProjectsThe Project Window is used to define the projects which will be tracked via documents.GL CategoryMaintain General Ledger CategoriesThe GL Category Window allows you to define categories to be used in journals. These categories provide a method of optionally grouping and reporting on journals.GL JournalEnter and change Manual Journal EntriesThe GL Journal Window allows you to enter and modify manual journal entriesActivity (ABC)Maintain Activities for Activity Based CostingThe Activity Based Costing Window defines the different activities for which you want to capture costs.Tipe DokumenMaintain Document TypesThe Document Type Window defines any document to be used in the system. Each document type provides the basis for processing of each document and controls the printed name and document sequence used. Rate PajakMaintain Taxes and their RatesThe Tax Rate Window defines the different taxes used for each tax category. For example, Sales Tax must be defined for each State in which it applies.Kategori PajakMaintain Tax CategoriesThe Tax Category Window is used to enter and maintain Tax Categories. Each product is associated with a tax category which facilitates reacting changing tax rates.Gudang & Lokasi PencarianMaintain Warehouses and LocatorsThe Warehouse and Locators Window defines each Warehouse, any Locators for that Warehouse and the Accounting parameters to be used for inventory in that Warehouse.ProdukMaintain ProductsThe Product Window defines all products used by an organization. These products include those sold to customers, used in the manufacture of products sold to customers and products purchased by an organization.Syarat PembayaranMaintain Payment TermsThe Payment Terms Window defines the different payment terms that you offer your customers and that are offered to you by your vendors. Each invoice must contain a Payment Term. On the standard invoice, the Name and the Document Note of the Payment Term is printed.PengirimMaintain ShippersThe Shipper Window defines the different shipping provides used by an Organization. When a delivery method of Shipper is used on an Order a predefined Shipper must be selected.Order PenjualanEnter and change sales ordersThe Order Window allows you to enter and modify Sales Orders. Product CategoryMaintain Product CategoriesThe Product Category allows you to define different groups of products. These groups can be used in generating Price Lists, defining margins and for easily assigning different accounting parameters for products.Daftar HargaMaintain Product Price ListsThe Price List Window allows you to generate product price lists for your Business Partners. Price lists determine currency and tax treatment. Price list versions allow to maintain parallel lists for different date ranges. The most current pricelist version is used based on the document date. -<BR> -All pricelists have three prices: List, Standard and Limit -<BR> -First step is to create a base price list. You can manually add products and enter the prices or create them automatically. The base price list is often the purchase price list with list price ('official' retail price), the standard price (your purchase price). The limit price can be used to check your final purchase costs after discounts, rebates, etc. -<BR> -Pricelists can be calculated and copied. To speed up the calculation, the parameters are stored an used when creating a new price list version.Invoice ScheduleMaintain Invoicing ScheduleThe Invoice Schedule Window defines the frequency and cut off dates for generating summary invoices. If a customer requires a single invoice for multiple shipments you would define the appropriate invoice schedule and associate it with the Customer.Kampanye PemasaranMaintain Marketing CampaignsThe Marketing Campaign Window defines the start and end date for a campaign. It also gives a running balance of the invoice amounts which referred to this campaign.Kanal PemasaranMaintain Marketing ChannelsThe Marketing Channel Window defines the different channels used in Marketing CampaignsElemen SistemMaintain System ElementsThe System Element Window is the Central Repository for Field Names Descriptions and Help/CommentsWilayah PenjualanMaintain Sales RegionsThe Sales Region Window defines the different regions where you do business. You can generate reports based on Sales RegionsAccount CombinationMaintain Valid Account Combinations The Account Combination Window defines and displays valid account combinations. GL BudgetMaintain General Ledger BudgetsBankMaintain BankThe Bank Window is used to define the banks and accounts associated with an organization or business partnerPenagihanMaintain Dunning LevelsThe Dunning Window defines the parameters that will be used when generating Dunning Letters. Each customer can be associated with a Dunning Code. Withholding (1099)Maintain Withholding CertificatesThe Withholding Window defines the rule used for calculating withholding amounts.ChargeMaintain ChargesThe Charges Window defines the different charges that may be incurred. These can include Bank Charges, Vendor Charges and Handling Charges.Accounting Fact DetailsQuery Accounting FactsQuery the detail accounting transactionsTreeMaintain Tree definitionThe Tree Window defines the descriptors and images that will be used when a Tree is displayed.Report & ProcessMaintain Reports & ProcessesThe Report & Process Window is used to define the parameters and access rules for every Report and Process within the system. This window is for System Admin use only.Invoice (Pelanggan)Customer Invoice EntryThe Customer Invoice Window allows you to display and enter invoices for a customer. Invoices can also be generated from Sales Orders or Delivery documents.Physical InventoryEnter Physical InventoryThe Physical Inventory Window allows you to generate inventory count lists. These counts can then be processed which will update the actual inventory with the new counts.Pengiriman (Pelanggan)Customer Inventory Shipments Customer ReturnsThe Shipment Window defines shipments made or to be made to a customer. They are generated from an Customer Order. The Shipment Document will generate the Customer Invoice.Inventory MoveInventory MoveThe Inventory Move Window allows you to move inventory from one location or warehouse to another. After the appropriate lines are entered selecting the 'Process Movements' button will adjust the inventory.Import Business PartnerImport Business PartnerThe Import Business Partner Window is an interim table which is used when importing external data into the system. Selecting the 'Process' button will either add or modify the appropriate records.Pengakuan PendapatanRevenue Recognition RulesThe Revenue Recognition Window defines the intervals at which revenue will be recognized. Alternatively, the revenue recognition may be linked to service levels provided.Perpetual InventoryMaintain Perpetual Inventory RulesThe Perpetual Inventory defines the rules to be applied when generating Physical Inventory counts.Detil SupplierMaintain Vendor DetailsThe Vendor Details Window allows you to display and maintain all products for a selected Vendor.GreetingMaintain GreetingsThe Greeting Window defines a greeting that is then associated with a Business Partner or Business Partner Contact.Report ViewMaintain Report ViewsThe Report View Window defines the views used when generating reports. This window is for System Admin use only.Order PembelianManage Purchase OrdersThe Purchase Order Window defines a purchase order for an organization. When a Purchase Order has been entered you can generate a Shipment Document or Invoice from this Purchase OrderInvoice (Supplier)Vendor Invoice EntryThe Vendor Invoice Window allows you to display and enter Invoices from a Vendor. Vendor Invoices can also be generated from Purchase Orders or Delivery Receipts.Penerimaan MaterialVendor Shipments (Receipts)The Vendor Shipment Window defines the receipt of product or material from a Vendor. The Shipment may be manually entered or may be generated from a Purchase Order or Vendor Invoice.EDI DefinitionMaintain EDI DefinitionThe EDI Definition Window defines the parameters to be used when processing EDI TransactionsEDI TransactionFormSpecial FormsThe Forms Window defines any window which is not automatically generated. For System Admin use only.Pesan ErrorDisplay Error MessagesThe Error Message Window displays all error messages generated. This is for System Admin use only. The records must be manually deleted.Import Loader FormatMaintain Import Loader FormatsThe Import Loader Format Window is used for defining the file layout for product information which will be imported.Tire StorageMaintain storage of tiresProduksiProduction based on Bill of MaterialsThe Production Window defines those plan and inventory movements that occur when a product is created from a bill of materialsKelompok Partner BisnisMaintain Business Partner GroupsThe Business Partner Group window allows you to define the accounting parameters at a group level. If you define the accounting parameters for a group any Business Partner entered using this group will have these accounting parameters automatically populated. You can then make any modifications necessary at the Business Partner level.PemberitahuanView System NoticesThe system creates messages while performing processes. In this window you can view them.Bank StatementProcess Bank StatementsThe Process Bank Statements window allows you to reconcile your Bank Statements. You can either enter the line items from the statement in the Statement Line tab or select the 'Create From' button to automatically generate the statement from all unreconciled payments to this bank account. Once you have completed reconciling, select the 'Process Statement' button to mark the payments as reconciled and update the appropriate GL accounts.PembayaranProcess Payments and ReceiptsThe Process Payments Window allows you to enter payments and reaipts for invoices. If the payment is for a single invoice then it can be processed here. If it is for multiple invoices or is a partial payment then it should be processed in the Payment Allocation Window.Custom AttributeMaintain custom entity attributesThis is a System only Window. Customer Attributes allow the entry of additional information to an entity.Buku KasMaintain CashbookThe Cashbook Window defines the bank and account against which cash transactions will be processed.Jurnal KasCash transactionsThe Cash Journal Window is used to record disbursements from and receipts to Petty CashField GroupDefine Field GroupThe Field Group Window allows you to define subsections in a tab. For System Admin use only.PermintaanWork on your requestsThe Request Window is used to define and track any request assigned to you.Request ProcessorDefine Request ProcessorsThe Request Processor Window allows you to define different processes that you want to occur and the frequency and timing of these processes A Request Processor can be just for a specific Request Type or for all.Mail TemplateMaintain Mail TemplateLihat AlokasiView and Reverse Allocations The Reverse Allocation Window allows you to view and reverse a payment allocationPayment SelectionSelect Invoices for PaymentThe Payment Selection Window allows you to select and process the invoices you want to pay. -(a) You can create a Payment Selection and select the invoices manually or generate the suggestions based on criteria. You can change the amount to be paid or delete invoices, you do not want to pay. - -(b) If you are happy with the Payment Selection, you create the payments. - -(c) You print or export your payments in the Window Payment Print/ExportKomisiMaintain Commissions and RoyaltiesDefine how and when you want the commissions to be calculated and to whom to pay it. -The Commissions Window allows you define how commissions and royalties will be paid. You can pay multiple commissions for the same order or invoice (e.g. to the person entering the transaction, to the person responsible for sale of the product (category) and or business partner (group).Laporan ProyekMaintain Project Reporting CyclesThe Project Cycle Window defines the steps associated with a specific Project. -You may want to define several Project cycles to differentiate the different types of projects. Project cycles may use all or a subset of the used Project Status (e.g. Your opportunity project cycle may include the steps from prospect to contract - the service cycle may include steps from installation to customer acceptance.Proses KomisiCheck and modify CommissionsThe Commission Run Window displays the results of processing commissions. When the Generate Commission process is selected from the Commissions Window, the results are displayed here. If the result is satisfactory, generate an AP invoice to pay the commission.Performance ColorColor used for Performance AnalysisThe Performance Color Window allows you to define the color schema to be used to indicate current performance. The system has predefined Red (below 50%), Yellow (below 100%) and green above 100. If you want to define your own color schema, do it here.Performance GoalDefine Performance GoalsThe Performance Goal Window allows you to define performance goalsPerformance Measure CalculationDefine how you calculate your performance measuresPlease test the statement in SQL*Plus first. -The select statement needs to return a single value! -Any restrictions for Date range, Organizations, Business Partners, Products should be done via the "Performance Measure" window. This is the generic calculation. -As this tends to be somewhat technical, the system has a few examples predefined. -Performance AchievementDefine Performance AchievementsThe Performance Achievement Window allows you to define Tasks to be achieved. The performance is measured by the percentage of reached achievements.Performance MeasureDefine your Performance MeasuresThe Performance Measure Window allows you to define the rules and restrictions for performance measurement. You can, for example, restrict performance measurement to sales for a certain product category for a defined time frame.Financial ReportMaintain Financial ReportsFinancial Reports are the combination of a Report Column Set and Line Set.Report Column SetMaintain Financial Report Column SetsThe Report Column Set defines what data is printed in the columns of a report.Report Line SetMaintain Financial Report Line SetsThe Line Set determines, which lines are printed in a Financial ReportLevel PelayananMaintain Service LevelsService Levels are generated when an invoice with products based on revenue recognition rules are generated. You need to update the actual service level by adding an additional line.Find (indirect use)Find Dialog (indirect use)Material Transactions (indirect use)Material Transactions (indirect use)Print FormMaintain Print Forms (Invoices, Checks, ..) usedDefine the documents you use for this Client/Organnization. Note that the check format is defined in the Bank (Account) Window.<p> -The highest priotity has the Print Format, you define on a Document Type (example specific Export Invoice format). The next level is the set of Print Formats, you defined for the organziation of the document printed. The default is the set of Print Formats defines for all organizations of the Client (Organization=*).System ColorMaintain System ColorsSystem colors are used for background and indicatorsDesktopMaintain DesktopDesktop is a collection of WorkbenchesSystem ImageMaintain Images and IconsMatched Purchase OrdersView Matched Purchase OrdersUser WindowDefine User Window CustomizationCustomizationWorkbenchMaintain WorkbenchWorkbenches are a collection of WindowsPermintaan (semuanya)View and work on all requestsThis Request window is used to view all available requestsSkema DiskonMaintain Trade Discount SchemaTrade discount schema calculates the trade discount percentageTipe BiayaMaintain Expense Report TypesKlaim Biaya-BiayaTime and Expense ReportThe time and expense report allows you to capture time spent on a project, billable time and to claim expenses.Sumber DayaMaintain ResourcesMaintain your Resources. The product for the resource is automatically created and synchronized. Update Name, Unit of Measure, etc. in the Resource and don't change it in the product.Tipe Sumber DayaMaintain Resource TypesMaintain Resource types and their principal availability.Print ColorMaintain Print ColorColors used for printingPrint FontMaintain Print FontFont used for printingPrint FormatMaintain Print FormatThe print format determines how data is rendered for print.Print PaperMaintain Print PaperPrinter Paper Size, Orientation and MarginsExpenses (to be invoiced)View expenses and charges not invoiced to customersBefore invoicing to customers, check the expense lines to be invoicedPrint Table FormatDefine Report Table FormatThe Print Table Format lets you define how table header, etc. is printed. Please note that the Report Table FOrmat is cached to improve performance.Request TypeMaintain Request TypesRequest Types are used for processing and categorizing requests. Options are Account Inquiry, Warranty Issue, etc.Interest AreaInterest Area or TopicInterest Areas reflect interest in a topic by a contact. Interest areas can be used for marketing campaigns.SystemSystem DefinitionCommon System Definition - Only one Record - Do not add additional records.Import ProductImport ProductsThe Import Products Window is an interim table which is used when importing external data into the system. Selecting the 'Process' button will either add or modify the appropriate records.Import AccountImport Natural Account ValuesThe Import Natural Account Window is an interim table which is used when importing external data into the system. Selecting the 'Process' button will either add or modify the appropriate records.Import Report Line SetImport Report Line SetsThe Import Report Line Set Window is an interim table which is used when importing external data into the system. Selecting the 'Process' button will either add or modify the appropriate records.Periksa Terjemahan SistemCheck System Language TranslationsVerify your language translations for selected entities. You should use Translation Export / Import for effective translation. This window allows you to check the translation of the main translation entities.HartaAsset used internally or by customersAn asset is either created by purchasing or by delivering a product. An asset can be used internally or be a customer asset.Kelompok HartaKelompok dari harta hartaThe group of assets determines default accounts. If a asset group is selected in the product category, assets are created when delivering the asset.PelatihanRepeated TrainingThe training may have multiple actual classesExpenses (not reimbursed)View expenses and charges not reimbursedBefore reimbursing expenses, check the open expense itemsAccounting Fact BalancesQuery Accounting Daily BalancesQuery daily account balancesAttribute SetMaintain Product Attribute SetDefine Product Attribute Sets to add additional attributes and values to the product. You need to define a Attribute Set if you want to enable Serial and Lot Number tracking.LotProduct Lot DefinitionMaintain the individual Lot of a ProductLot ControlProduct Lot ControlDefinition to create Lot numbers for ProductsSerial No ControlProduct Serial Number ControlDefinition to create Serial numbers for ProductsAtributAtribut ProdukProduct Attribute like Color, Size, etc.Cari AtributCari atribut umum Attributes are specific to a Product Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple attributes and want to search under a common sttribute, you define a search sttribute. Example: have one Size search attribute combining the values of all different sizes (Size for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The Attribute Search allows you to have all values available for selection. This eases the maintenance of the individual product attribute.Expense Invoice (Alpha)Payables expense invoices - This is Alpha FunctionalityEnter expense invoices from your vendorsPrint LabelPrint Label FormatMaintain Format to print LabelsSession AuditAudit of User SessionsHistory of Online or Web SessionsTipe ProyekMaintain Project Type and PhaseMaintain Project Types and their Phases with standard performance informationRecurringRecurring DocumentCreate new documents based on existing oneImport InventoryImport Inventory TransactionsValidate and Import Inventory TransactionsRole Data AccessMaintain Data Access RulesMaintain Data Access Roles of Roles/Responsibilties. -Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache.AdvertisementWeb AdvertisementMaintain Advertisements on the WebChange AuditAudit of data changesLog of data changesTipe Harga PerolehanMaintain Cost TypesTime TypeMaintain Time Recording TypeMaintain different types of time for reportingClickMaintain Web ClickTandinganWeb CounterInvoice Payment ScheduleMaintain Invoice Payment ScheduleMaintain Payment Schedule of unpaid invoicesAlertAdempiere AlertAdempiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted ofImport Bank StatementImport Bank StatementsImport GL JournalImport General Ledger JournalsYou way want to check the balance of the import with "Validate Only" before importing. -Unbalanced Journals are imported; the handling is based on your settings for the posting process.Import InvoiceImport InvoicesImport PaymentImport PaymentsImport OrderImport OrdersPlease set Y/N selections in the import loader format explicitly (e.g. as constants) and no not leave them NULL. A NULL value stands for "don't know". -In general, selection boxes are not selected if the value is not "Y" (i.e. could be null or any other value). All tests are made on "Y" or "not Y" - i.e. NULL values are not "not Y", but NULL (don't know) - see SQL Language introductions. Freight CategoryMaintain Freight CategoriesFreight Categories are used to calculate the Freight for the Shipper selectedAccounting DimensionsMaintain Non-Account Dimension TreesMaintain Trees of non account segment trees. Account segment trees (as well as user defined dimensions) are mainatained in the Account Element window. Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all manfatory values! -ReplicationMaintain Data Replication TargetsData Replication Target Details. Set up your system completely on the central system, before setting up the replication. Define the Replication target here and export the database and import it on the remote system.<p> -Before(!) entering transactions, Start the Replication Run to set up the remote system.Replication StrategyMaintain Data Replication StrategyThe Data Replication Strategy determines which tables and how they are replicated. Note that the migration does not syncronize Application Dictionary items.Proyek (Order)Maintain Sales Order Projects and Work OrdersThe Project Window is used to define the projects which will be tracked via documents.Knowledge CategoryMaintain Knoweledge Categories and ValuesSet up knowledge categories and values as a search aid. Examples are Release Version, Product Area, etc. Knowledge Category values act like keyworks.Knowledge BaseMaintain Knowledge BaseMaintain Type, Topics, Entries and theit Comments, Categories, Related EntriesKnowledge SourceSource of Knowledge EntriesThe Source of a Knowlegde Entry is a pointer to the originating system. The Knowledge Entry has an additional entry (Description URL) for more detailed info.Knowledge SynonymKnowlege Keyword SynonymSearch Synonyms for Knowledge Keywords; Example: Product = ItemInfo Partner BisnisDocument Information of Business PartnersLabel PrinterMaintain Label Printer DefinitionAgent InfoCompany Agent (Sales Rep) InformationThis window allows you to view Company agent related informationDokumen yang Belum Di-postingUnposted DocumentsView unposted documentsTipe Mata UangMaintain Currency Conversion Rate TypesThe Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define different type of rates, e.g. Spot, Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.Import Currency RateImport Currency Conversion RatesThe rates are imported after validation of currencies and conversion rate type as well as rates. The multiply rate is used. If a reciprocal rate is to be created, the divide rate is used. Proses Alur KerjaMonitor workflow processesView and Maintain Workflow Process Instance InformationAktivitas Alur Kerja (semuanya)Monitor all Workflow activitiesMaintain all Workflow activitiesPenanggung Jawab Alur KerjaResponsible for Workflow ExecutionThe ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User.Registration AttributesAsset Registration AttributesDefine the individual values for the Asset RegistrationRegistrasiUser Asset RegistrationUser Registration of an AssetBank Statement MatcherAlgorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and PaymentsAn algorithm to find Business Partners, Invoices, Payments in imported Bank StatementsPayment BatchProcess Payment Patches for EFTElectronic Fund Transfer Payment Batch.Tipe OrganisasiMaintain Organization TypesOrganization Type allows you to categorize your organizations for reporting purposesSchedulerMaintain Schedule Processes and LogsSchedule processes to be executed asynchronouslyPemroses Alur KerjaMaintain Workflow Processor and LogsWorkflow Processor Server ParametersBid TopicTopic with Bids and OffersManage Topics and veiw Bids and OffersAuction Topic TypeMaintain Auction Topic Type and CategoriesThe Auction Topic Type determines what kind of auction is used for a particular areaAuction SellerMaintain Auction Seller InformationA seller is a User in the system participating in AuctionsAuction BuyerMaintain Auction Buyer InformationA buyer is a User in the system participating in AuctionsAccounting ProcessorMaintain Accounting Processor and LogsAccounting Processor/Server Parameters and LogsAlert ProcessorMaintain Alert Processor/Server Parameter and LogsAlert Processor/Server ParameterRelasi PartnerMaintain Business Partner RelationsBusiness Partner Relation allow to maintain Third Party Relationship rules: who receives invoices for shipments or pays for invoices.RfQ TopicMaintain RfQ Topics and SubscribersA Request for Quotation Topic allows you to maintain a subscriber list of potential Vendors to respond to RfQsRfQManage Request for QuotationsRequest for Quotation to be sent out to vendors of a RfQ Topic. After Vendor selection, optionally create Sales Order or Quote for Customer as well as Purchase Order for Vendor(s)SubscriptionMaintain Subscriptions and DeliveriesSubscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renewSubscription TypeMaintain Subscription TypesSubscription type and renewal frequencyDistribution ListMaintain Distribution ListsDistribution list contain business partners and a distribution quantity or ratio for creating OrdersPackageManage Shipment PackagesA Shipment can have one or more Packages. A Package may be tracked.RMAManage Return Material AuthorizationA Return Material Authorization may be required to accept returns and to create Credit MemosProses PenagihanManage Dunning RunsManage Dunning RunsRequisitionMaterial RequisitionEnter and maintain Material RequisitionsGL DistributionGeneral Ledger DistributionIf the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is a one-step operation based on the percentage of the lines.RfQ ResponseManage RfQ ResponsesDistribution RunDistribution Run create Orders to distribute products to a selected list of partnersDistribution Run defines how Orders are created based on Distribution ListsAccess AuditAudit of Access to data or resourcesLogging needs to be explicitly enabled / written.Dokumen TandinganMaintain Counter Document TypesWhen using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: a "Standard Order" creates a "Standard PO". -If you define a relationship here, you overwrite the default counter document type in the Document Type definition. This allows you to define a specific mapping. -If not defined, the first matching document type is used (e.g. AR Invoice - first AP Invoice document type)ForecastMaintain Material ForecastMaterial ForecastPermintaanMaintain Material DemandMaterial Demand can be based on Forecast, Requisitions, Open OrdersKonfirmasi Pengiriman/PenerimaanMaterial Shipment or Receipt ConfirmationConfirmation of Shipment or Receipt - Created from the Shipment/ReceiptRMA TypeReturn Material Authorization TypeMaintain the types of RMAProses AuditAudit process useProcess Instance InformationKonfirmasi PemindahanConfirm Inventory MovesThe document is automatically created when the document type of the movement indicates In Transit.. If there is a difference quantity, a Physical Inventory is created for the source (from) warehouse. If there is a scrapped quantity, a Physical Inventory is created for the target (to) warehouse.Import ConfirmationsImport Receipt/Shipment Confirmation LinesImport Confirmation data of existing Receipt/Shipment ConfirmationsSLA CriteriaService Level Agreement CriteriaDefine a criteria to measure service level agreements (e.g. Quality, Delivery meets Promised date, ..)SLA by PartnerService Level AgreementMaintain Service Level Agreements for Business PartnersSkema Daftar HargaMaintain Price List SchemaPrice List schema defines calculation rules for price listsPOS TerminalMaintain your Point of Sales TerminalThe POS Terminal defines the defaults and functions available for the POS FormPOS Key LayoutPOS Function Key LayoutSystem RegistrationRegister your SystemSystem Registration - Only one Record - Do not add additional records.Internal Use InventoryEnter Internal Use of InventoryThe Internal Use of Inventory Window allows enter the quantity of used products.Invoice BatchExpense Invoice BatchEnter expense invoices in batch. After creating the lines, the actual invoices are created when processing the batchElemen BiayaMaintain Product Cost ElementYou can define your own product cost elements.Product CostsMaintain Product CostsMaintain Product Cost ElementsRequest CategoryMaintain Request CategoryCategory or Topic of the Request Request GroupMaintain Request GroupGroup of requests (e.g. version numbers, responsibility, ...)Request ResolutionMaintain Request ResolutionsResolution status (e.g. Fixed, Rejected, ..)Request Standard ResponseMaintain Request Standard Response Text blocks to be copied into request response textRequest StatusMaintain Request StatusStatus if the request (open, closed, investigating, ..)Web StoreDefine Web StoreDefine the web store setup. PositionMaintain Job PositionsPosition CategoryMaintain Job Position CategoriesRemunerationMaintain RemunerationWages and SalariesProduct BOMMaintain Product Bill of MaterialsBOM Change NoticeMaintain Bill of Materials (Engineering) Change Notice (Version)Change notices can be linked to BOMs or be stand alone.Change NoticeMaintain (Engineering) Change Notice (Version)Stand-alone change notice - Change notices could also be directly linked to BOMs \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + Table and Column + Maintain Tables and Columns + The Table and Column Window defines all tables with their columns + + + Referensi + Maintain System References + The Reference Window defines each field type and its parameters. This window is for System Admin use only. + + + Window, Tab & Field + Maintain Windows, Tabs & Fields + The Window, Tab & Field Window defines the presentation of tables and columns within each window. + + + Validation Rules + Maintain dynamic Validation Rules for columns and fields + The Validation Rules Window defines all dynamic rules used when entering and maintaining columns and fields. This window is for System Admin use only. + + + Pesan + Maintain Information and Error Messages + The Message Window defines the Message Text and Message Tips for each system generated message. It is for System Admin use only. + + + Menu + Maintain Menu + The Maintain Menu Window defines the Menu which will display. It is for System Admin use only. The menu items that each user will see depends upon the security defined. + + + Bahasa + Maintain Languages + The Language Window allows you to define multiple parallel language for users. This allows users to access the same data but have the windows, tabs and fields appear in different languages. +If a language is a System Language, you can change the User Interface to this language (after translation). Otherwise the language is only used for printing documents. + +For the language code, we suggest using the Java convention of country and language (e.g. fr_CN - Canadian French). + +Verify the translation creates missing translation records. Start this process after creating a new language. + + + Invoice Yang Telah Dicocokkkan + View Matched Invoices + + + + Pengguna + Maintain Users of the system + The User Window allows you to define each User of the system. Users can log into the system and have access to functionality via one or more roles. + + + Client + Maintain Clients/Tenants + The Client is the highest level of an independent business entity. Each Client will have one or more Organizations reporting to it. Each Client defines the accounting parameters (Accounting Schema, Tree definition, Non Monetary UOM's). To create new Clients, run the Initial Client Setup with the System Administrator Role. +Do not create a new client in this window, but use "Initial Client Setup" to set up the required security and access rules. If you create a new client here, you will not be able to view it and also the required client infrastructure would not have been set up. + + + Organisasi + Maintain Organizations + The Organization Window allows you to define and maintain Organizational entities. An Organization is often a legal entity or sub-unit for which documents and transactions are processed + + + Role + Maintain User Responsibilities + The Role Window allows you to define the different roles that users of this system will have. Roles control access to windows, tasks, reports, etc. For a client an Administrator and User role are predefined. You may add additional roles to control access for specific functionality or data. +You can add users to the role. +Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. + + + Urutan Dokumen + Maintain System and Document Sequences + The Sequence Window defines how document numbers will be sequenced. +Change the way document numbers are generated. You may add a prefix or a suffix or change the current number. + + + Alur Kerja + Maintain Workflow + The Workflow Window defines Workflows in the system, the access level for the Workflow and the Nodes or Steps within the Workflow. + + + Tugas + Maintain Tasks + The Maintain Tasks window defines the different tasks used in workflows and the access level for those tasks. + + + Mata Uang + Maintain Currencies + The Currency Window defines any currency which will be used in documents or reporting. You would define used currencies on System level and add currencies on Client level only for statistical currencies (e.g. for instable currencies) + + + Rate Mata Uang + Maintain Currency Conversion Rates + The Conversion Rates window is used to define the conversion rates that will be used when converting document amounts from one currency to another. Note that only the multiply rate is used; The divide rate is for visualization only. + + + Kalender Tahunan Dan Periode + Maintain Calendars Years Periods + The Calendar Year and Periods defines the calendars that will be used for period control and reporting. You can also define non-standard calendars (e.g. business year from July to June). + + + Account Element + Maintain Account Elements + The Account Element Window is used to define and maintain the Accounting Element and User Defined Elements. +One of the account segments is your natural account segment (Chart of Account). You may add a new account element for parallel reporting or for user defined accounting segments. + + + Unit of Measure + Maintain Unit of Measure + The Unit of Measure Window is used to define non monetary units of measure. It also defines if conversion between units of measure are allowed and how they are to be performed. The system provides some automatic conversions between units of measures (e.g. minute, hour, day, working day, etc.) if they are not explicitly defined here. +Conversions need to be direct (i.e. if you have only a conversion between A-B and B-C, the system cannot convert A-C, you need to define it explicitly). + + + Lokasi + Maintain Location Address + The Location Window defines the address data within the system. This window is for System Admin only. Users would access location entries using the location button or tab on the appropriate window (i.e Order Entry or Business Partner) + + + Wilayah Negara dan Kota + Maintain Countries Regions and Cities + The Countries, Regions and Cities Window defines the different entities that can be used in any address field. It defines the format of the address as well as associating Regions with Countries and Cities with Regions or Countries. +<p>You would define Countries usually only on System level. + + + Partner Bisnis + Maintain Business Partners + The Business Partner window allows you do define any party with whom you transact. This includes customers, vendors and employees. Prior to entering or importing products, you must define your vendors. Prior to generating Orders you must define your customers. This window holds all information about your business partner and the values entered will be used to generate all document transactions + + + Skema Akunting + Maintain Accounting Schema - For changes to become effective you must re-login + The Accounting Schema Window defines an accounting method and the elements that will comprise an account structure. Create and activate elements for detailed accounting for Business Partners, Products, Locations, etc. +Review and change the GL and Default accounts. The actual accounts used in transactions depend on the executing organization; Most of the information is derived from the context. + + + + Test + Test Screen + + + + Cantuman + Tangani Cantuman + For System Maintenance Only. The Maintain Attachments window is used for diagnostic purposes to display the attributes of an attachment. + + + Preference + Maintain System Client Org and User Preferences + System Admin use only. + + + Proyek (Layanan) + Maintain Service Projects + The Project Window is used to define the projects which will be tracked via documents. + + + GL Category + Maintain General Ledger Categories + The GL Category Window allows you to define categories to be used in journals. These categories provide a method of optionally grouping and reporting on journals. + + + GL Journal + Enter and change Manual Journal Entries + The GL Journal Window allows you to enter and modify manual journal entries + + + Activity (ABC) + Maintain Activities for Activity Based Costing + The Activity Based Costing Window defines the different activities for which you want to capture costs. + + + Tipe Dokumen + Maintain Document Types + The Document Type Window defines any document to be used in the system. Each document type provides the basis for processing of each document and controls the printed name and document sequence used. + + + Rate Pajak + Maintain Taxes and their Rates + The Tax Rate Window defines the different taxes used for each tax category. For example, Sales Tax must be defined for each State in which it applies. + + + Kategori Pajak + Maintain Tax Categories + The Tax Category Window is used to enter and maintain Tax Categories. Each product is associated with a tax category which facilitates reacting changing tax rates. + + + Gudang & Lokasi Pencarian + Maintain Warehouses and Locators + The Warehouse and Locators Window defines each Warehouse, any Locators for that Warehouse and the Accounting parameters to be used for inventory in that Warehouse. + + + Produk + Maintain Products + The Product Window defines all products used by an organization. These products include those sold to customers, used in the manufacture of products sold to customers and products purchased by an organization. + + + Syarat Pembayaran + Maintain Payment Terms + The Payment Terms Window defines the different payment terms that you offer your customers and that are offered to you by your vendors. Each invoice must contain a Payment Term. On the standard invoice, the Name and the Document Note of the Payment Term is printed. + + + Pengirim + Maintain Shippers + The Shipper Window defines the different shipping provides used by an Organization. When a delivery method of Shipper is used on an Order a predefined Shipper must be selected. + + + Order Penjualan + Enter and change sales orders + The Order Window allows you to enter and modify Sales Orders. + + + Product Category + Maintain Product Categories + The Product Category allows you to define different groups of products. These groups can be used in generating Price Lists, defining margins and for easily assigning different accounting parameters for products. + + + Daftar Harga + Maintain Product Price Lists + The Price List Window allows you to generate product price lists for your Business Partners. Price lists determine currency and tax treatment. Price list versions allow to maintain parallel lists for different date ranges. The most current pricelist version is used based on the document date. +<BR> +All pricelists have three prices: List, Standard and Limit +<BR> +First step is to create a base price list. You can manually add products and enter the prices or create them automatically. The base price list is often the purchase price list with list price ('official' retail price), the standard price (your purchase price). The limit price can be used to check your final purchase costs after discounts, rebates, etc. +<BR> +Pricelists can be calculated and copied. To speed up the calculation, the parameters are stored an used when creating a new price list version. + + + Invoice Schedule + Maintain Invoicing Schedule + The Invoice Schedule Window defines the frequency and cut off dates for generating summary invoices. If a customer requires a single invoice for multiple shipments you would define the appropriate invoice schedule and associate it with the Customer. + + + Kampanye Pemasaran + Maintain Marketing Campaigns + The Marketing Campaign Window defines the start and end date for a campaign. It also gives a running balance of the invoice amounts which referred to this campaign. + + + Kanal Pemasaran + Maintain Marketing Channels + The Marketing Channel Window defines the different channels used in Marketing Campaigns + + + Elemen Sistem + Maintain System Elements + The System Element Window is the Central Repository for Field Names Descriptions and Help/Comments + + + Wilayah Penjualan + Maintain Sales Regions + The Sales Region Window defines the different regions where you do business. You can generate reports based on Sales Regions + + + Account Combination + Maintain Valid Account Combinations + The Account Combination Window defines and displays valid account combinations. + + + GL Budget + Maintain General Ledger Budgets + + + + Bank + Maintain Bank + The Bank Window is used to define the banks and accounts associated with an organization or business partner + + + Penagihan + Maintain Dunning Levels + The Dunning Window defines the parameters that will be used when generating Dunning Letters. Each customer can be associated with a Dunning Code. + + + Withholding (1099) + Maintain Withholding Certificates + The Withholding Window defines the rule used for calculating withholding amounts. + + + Charge + Maintain Charges + The Charges Window defines the different charges that may be incurred. These can include Bank Charges, Vendor Charges and Handling Charges. + + + Accounting Fact Details + Query Accounting Facts + Query the detail accounting transactions + + + Tree + Maintain Tree definition + The Tree Window defines the descriptors and images that will be used when a Tree is displayed. + + + Report & Process + Maintain Reports & Processes + The Report & Process Window is used to define the parameters and access rules for every Report and Process within the system. This window is for System Admin use only. + + + Invoice (Pelanggan) + Customer Invoice Entry + The Customer Invoice Window allows you to display and enter invoices for a customer. Invoices can also be generated from Sales Orders or Delivery documents. + + + Physical Inventory + Enter Physical Inventory + The Physical Inventory Window allows you to generate inventory count lists. These counts can then be processed which will update the actual inventory with the new counts. + + + Pengiriman (Pelanggan) + Customer Inventory Shipments Customer Returns + The Shipment Window defines shipments made or to be made to a customer. They are generated from an Customer Order. The Shipment Document will generate the Customer Invoice. + + + Inventory Move + Inventory Move + The Inventory Move Window allows you to move inventory from one location or warehouse to another. After the appropriate lines are entered selecting the 'Process Movements' button will adjust the inventory. + + + Import Business Partner + Import Business Partner + The Import Business Partner Window is an interim table which is used when importing external data into the system. Selecting the 'Process' button will either add or modify the appropriate records. + + + Pengakuan Pendapatan + Revenue Recognition Rules + The Revenue Recognition Window defines the intervals at which revenue will be recognized. Alternatively, the revenue recognition may be linked to service levels provided. + + + Perpetual Inventory + Maintain Perpetual Inventory Rules + The Perpetual Inventory defines the rules to be applied when generating Physical Inventory counts. + + + Detil Supplier + Maintain Vendor Details + The Vendor Details Window allows you to display and maintain all products for a selected Vendor. + + + Greeting + Maintain Greetings + The Greeting Window defines a greeting that is then associated with a Business Partner or Business Partner Contact. + + + Report View + Maintain Report Views + The Report View Window defines the views used when generating reports. This window is for System Admin use only. + + + Order Pembelian + Manage Purchase Orders + The Purchase Order Window defines a purchase order for an organization. When a Purchase Order has been entered you can generate a Shipment Document or Invoice from this Purchase Order + + + Invoice (Supplier) + Vendor Invoice Entry + The Vendor Invoice Window allows you to display and enter Invoices from a Vendor. Vendor Invoices can also be generated from Purchase Orders or Delivery Receipts. + + + Penerimaan Material + Vendor Shipments (Receipts) + The Vendor Shipment Window defines the receipt of product or material from a Vendor. The Shipment may be manually entered or may be generated from a Purchase Order or Vendor Invoice. + + + EDI Definition + Maintain EDI Definition + The EDI Definition Window defines the parameters to be used when processing EDI Transactions + + + EDI Transaction + + + + + Form + Special Forms + The Forms Window defines any window which is not automatically generated. For System Admin use only. + + + Pesan Error + Display Error Messages + The Error Message Window displays all error messages generated. This is for System Admin use only. The records must be manually deleted. + + + Import Loader Format + Maintain Import Loader Formats + The Import Loader Format Window is used for defining the file layout for product information which will be imported. + + + Tire Storage + Maintain storage of tires + + + + Produksi + Production based on Bill of Materials + The Production Window defines those plan and inventory movements that occur when a product is created from a bill of materials + + + Kelompok Partner Bisnis + Maintain Business Partner Groups + The Business Partner Group window allows you to define the accounting parameters at a group level. If you define the accounting parameters for a group any Business Partner entered using this group will have these accounting parameters automatically populated. You can then make any modifications necessary at the Business Partner level. + + + Pemberitahuan + View System Notices + The system creates messages while performing processes. In this window you can view them. + + + Bank Statement + Process Bank Statements + The Process Bank Statements window allows you to reconcile your Bank Statements. You can either enter the line items from the statement in the Statement Line tab or select the 'Create From' button to automatically generate the statement from all unreconciled payments to this bank account. Once you have completed reconciling, select the 'Process Statement' button to mark the payments as reconciled and update the appropriate GL accounts. + + + Pembayaran + Process Payments and Receipts + The Process Payments Window allows you to enter payments and reaipts for invoices. If the payment is for a single invoice then it can be processed here. If it is for multiple invoices or is a partial payment then it should be processed in the Payment Allocation Window. + + + Custom Attribute + Maintain custom entity attributes + This is a System only Window. Customer Attributes allow the entry of additional information to an entity. + + + Buku Kas + Maintain Cashbook + The Cashbook Window defines the bank and account against which cash transactions will be processed. + + + Jurnal Kas + Cash transactions + The Cash Journal Window is used to record disbursements from and receipts to Petty Cash + + + Field Group + Define Field Group + The Field Group Window allows you to define subsections in a tab. For System Admin use only. + + + Permintaan + Work on your requests + The Request Window is used to define and track any request assigned to you. + + + Request Processor + Define Request Processors + The Request Processor Window allows you to define different processes that you want to occur and the frequency and timing of these processes A Request Processor can be just for a specific Request Type or for all. + + + Mail Template + Maintain Mail Template + + + + Lihat Alokasi + View and Reverse Allocations + The Reverse Allocation Window allows you to view and reverse a payment allocation + + + Payment Selection + Select Invoices for Payment + The Payment Selection Window allows you to select and process the invoices you want to pay. +(a) You can create a Payment Selection and select the invoices manually or generate the suggestions based on criteria. You can change the amount to be paid or delete invoices, you do not want to pay. + +(b) If you are happy with the Payment Selection, you create the payments. + +(c) You print or export your payments in the Window Payment Print/Export + + + Komisi + Maintain Commissions and Royalties + Define how and when you want the commissions to be calculated and to whom to pay it. +The Commissions Window allows you define how commissions and royalties will be paid. You can pay multiple commissions for the same order or invoice (e.g. to the person entering the transaction, to the person responsible for sale of the product (category) and or business partner (group). + + + Laporan Proyek + Maintain Project Reporting Cycles + The Project Cycle Window defines the steps associated with a specific Project. +You may want to define several Project cycles to differentiate the different types of projects. Project cycles may use all or a subset of the used Project Status (e.g. Your opportunity project cycle may include the steps from prospect to contract - the service cycle may include steps from installation to customer acceptance. + + + Proses Komisi + Check and modify Commissions + The Commission Run Window displays the results of processing commissions. When the Generate Commission process is selected from the Commissions Window, the results are displayed here. If the result is satisfactory, generate an AP invoice to pay the commission. + + + Performance Color + Color used for Performance Analysis + The Performance Color Window allows you to define the color schema to be used to indicate current performance. The system has predefined Red (below 50%), Yellow (below 100%) and green above 100. If you want to define your own color schema, do it here. + + + Performance Goal + Define Performance Goals + The Performance Goal Window allows you to define performance goals + + + Performance Measure Calculation + Define how you calculate your performance measures + Please test the statement in SQL*Plus first. +The select statement needs to return a single value! +Any restrictions for Date range, Organizations, Business Partners, Products should be done via the "Performance Measure" window. This is the generic calculation. +As this tends to be somewhat technical, the system has a few examples predefined. + + + + Performance Achievement + Define Performance Achievements + The Performance Achievement Window allows you to define Tasks to be achieved. The performance is measured by the percentage of reached achievements. + + + Performance Measure + Define your Performance Measures + The Performance Measure Window allows you to define the rules and restrictions for performance measurement. You can, for example, restrict performance measurement to sales for a certain product category for a defined time frame. + + + Financial Report + Maintain Financial Reports + Financial Reports are the combination of a Report Column Set and Line Set. + + + Report Column Set + Maintain Financial Report Column Sets + The Report Column Set defines what data is printed in the columns of a report. + + + Report Line Set + Maintain Financial Report Line Sets + The Line Set determines, which lines are printed in a Financial Report + + + Level Pelayanan + Maintain Service Levels + Service Levels are generated when an invoice with products based on revenue recognition rules are generated. You need to update the actual service level by adding an additional line. + + + Find (indirect use) + Find Dialog (indirect use) + + + + Material Transactions (indirect use) + Material Transactions (indirect use) + + + + Print Form + Maintain Print Forms (Invoices, Checks, ..) used + Define the documents you use for this Client/Organnization. Note that the check format is defined in the Bank (Account) Window.<p> +The highest priotity has the Print Format, you define on a Document Type (example specific Export Invoice format). The next level is the set of Print Formats, you defined for the organziation of the document printed. The default is the set of Print Formats defines for all organizations of the Client (Organization=*). + + + System Color + Maintain System Colors + System colors are used for background and indicators + + + Desktop + Maintain Desktop + Desktop is a collection of Workbenches + + + System Image + Maintain Images and Icons + + + + Matched Purchase Orders + View Matched Purchase Orders + + + + User Window + Define User Window Customization + Customization + + + Workbench + Maintain Workbench + Workbenches are a collection of Windows + + + Permintaan (semuanya) + View and work on all requests + This Request window is used to view all available requests + + + Skema Diskon + Maintain Trade Discount Schema + Trade discount schema calculates the trade discount percentage + + + Tipe Biaya + Maintain Expense Report Types + + + + Klaim Biaya-Biaya + Time and Expense Report + The time and expense report allows you to capture time spent on a project, billable time and to claim expenses. + + + Sumber Daya + Maintain Resources + Maintain your Resources. The product for the resource is automatically created and synchronized. Update Name, Unit of Measure, etc. in the Resource and don't change it in the product. + + + Tipe Sumber Daya + Maintain Resource Types + Maintain Resource types and their principal availability. + + + Print Color + Maintain Print Color + Colors used for printing + + + Print Font + Maintain Print Font + Font used for printing + + + Print Format + Maintain Print Format + The print format determines how data is rendered for print. + + + Print Paper + Maintain Print Paper + Printer Paper Size, Orientation and Margins + + + Expenses (to be invoiced) + View expenses and charges not invoiced to customers + Before invoicing to customers, check the expense lines to be invoiced + + + Print Table Format + Define Report Table Format + The Print Table Format lets you define how table header, etc. is printed. Please note that the Report Table FOrmat is cached to improve performance. + + + Request Type + Maintain Request Types + Request Types are used for processing and categorizing requests. Options are Account Inquiry, Warranty Issue, etc. + + + Interest Area + Interest Area or Topic + Interest Areas reflect interest in a topic by a contact. Interest areas can be used for marketing campaigns. + + + System + System Definition + Common System Definition - Only one Record - Do not add additional records. + + + Import Product + Import Products + The Import Products Window is an interim table which is used when importing external data into the system. Selecting the 'Process' button will either add or modify the appropriate records. + + + Import Account + Import Natural Account Values + The Import Natural Account Window is an interim table which is used when importing external data into the system. Selecting the 'Process' button will either add or modify the appropriate records. + + + Import Report Line Set + Import Report Line Sets + The Import Report Line Set Window is an interim table which is used when importing external data into the system. Selecting the 'Process' button will either add or modify the appropriate records. + + + Periksa Terjemahan Sistem + Check System Language Translations + Verify your language translations for selected entities. You should use Translation Export / Import for effective translation. This window allows you to check the translation of the main translation entities. + + + Harta + Asset used internally or by customers + An asset is either created by purchasing or by delivering a product. An asset can be used internally or be a customer asset. + + + Kelompok Harta + Kelompok dari harta harta + The group of assets determines default accounts. If a asset group is selected in the product category, assets are created when delivering the asset. + + + Pelatihan + Repeated Training + The training may have multiple actual classes + + + Expenses (not reimbursed) + View expenses and charges not reimbursed + Before reimbursing expenses, check the open expense items + + + Accounting Fact Balances + Query Accounting Daily Balances + Query daily account balances + + + Attribute Set + Maintain Product Attribute Set + Define Product Attribute Sets to add additional attributes and values to the product. You need to define a Attribute Set if you want to enable Serial and Lot Number tracking. + + + Lot + Product Lot Definition + Maintain the individual Lot of a Product + + + Lot Control + Product Lot Control + Definition to create Lot numbers for Products + + + Serial No Control + Product Serial Number Control + Definition to create Serial numbers for Products + + + Atribut + Atribut Produk + Product Attribute like Color, Size, etc. + + + Cari Atribut + Cari atribut umum + Attributes are specific to a Product Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple attributes and want to search under a common sttribute, you define a search sttribute. Example: have one Size search attribute combining the values of all different sizes (Size for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The Attribute Search allows you to have all values available for selection. This eases the maintenance of the individual product attribute. + + + Expense Invoice (Alpha) + Payables expense invoices - This is Alpha Functionality + Enter expense invoices from your vendors + + + Print Label + Print Label Format + Maintain Format to print Labels + + + Session Audit + Audit of User Sessions + History of Online or Web Sessions + + + Tipe Proyek + Maintain Project Type and Phase + Maintain Project Types and their Phases with standard performance information + + + Recurring + Recurring Document + Create new documents based on existing one + + + Import Inventory + Import Inventory Transactions + Validate and Import Inventory Transactions + + + Role Data Access + Maintain Data Access Rules + Maintain Data Access Roles of Roles/Responsibilties. +Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. + + + Advertisement + Web Advertisement + Maintain Advertisements on the Web + + + Change Audit + Audit of data changes + Log of data changes + + + Tipe Harga Perolehan + Maintain Cost Types + + + + Time Type + Maintain Time Recording Type + Maintain different types of time for reporting + + + Click + Maintain Web Click + + + + Tandingan + Web Counter + + + + Invoice Payment Schedule + Maintain Invoice Payment Schedule + Maintain Payment Schedule of unpaid invoices + + + Alert + Adempiere Alert + Adempiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted of + + + Import Bank Statement + Import Bank Statements + + + + Import GL Journal + Import General Ledger Journals + You way want to check the balance of the import with "Validate Only" before importing. +Unbalanced Journals are imported; the handling is based on your settings for the posting process. + + + Import Invoice + Import Invoices + + + + Import Payment + Import Payments + + + + Import Order + Import Orders + Please set Y/N selections in the import loader format explicitly (e.g. as constants) and no not leave them NULL. A NULL value stands for "don't know". +In general, selection boxes are not selected if the value is not "Y" (i.e. could be null or any other value). All tests are made on "Y" or "not Y" - i.e. NULL values are not "not Y", but NULL (don't know) - see SQL Language introductions. + + + Freight Category + Maintain Freight Categories + Freight Categories are used to calculate the Freight for the Shipper selected + + + Accounting Dimensions + Maintain Non-Account Dimension Trees + Maintain Trees of non account segment trees. Account segment trees (as well as user defined dimensions) are mainatained in the Account Element window. Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all manfatory values! + + + + Replication + Maintain Data Replication Targets + Data Replication Target Details. Set up your system completely on the central system, before setting up the replication. Define the Replication target here and export the database and import it on the remote system.<p> +Before(!) entering transactions, Start the Replication Run to set up the remote system. + + + Replication Strategy + Maintain Data Replication Strategy + The Data Replication Strategy determines which tables and how they are replicated. Note that the migration does not syncronize Application Dictionary items. + + + Proyek (Order) + Maintain Sales Order Projects and Work Orders + The Project Window is used to define the projects which will be tracked via documents. + + + Knowledge Category + Maintain Knoweledge Categories and Values + Set up knowledge categories and values as a search aid. Examples are Release Version, Product Area, etc. Knowledge Category values act like keyworks. + + + Knowledge Base + Maintain Knowledge Base + Maintain Type, Topics, Entries and theit Comments, Categories, Related Entries + + + Knowledge Source + Source of Knowledge Entries + The Source of a Knowlegde Entry is a pointer to the originating system. The Knowledge Entry has an additional entry (Description URL) for more detailed info. + + + Knowledge Synonym + Knowlege Keyword Synonym + Search Synonyms for Knowledge Keywords; Example: Product = Item + + + Info Partner Bisnis + Document Information of Business Partners + + + + Label Printer + Maintain Label Printer Definition + + + + Agent Info + Company Agent (Sales Rep) Information + This window allows you to view Company agent related information + + + Dokumen yang Belum Di-posting + Unposted Documents + View unposted documents + + + Tipe Mata Uang + Maintain Currency Conversion Rate Types + The Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define different type of rates, e.g. Spot, Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates. + + + Import Currency Rate + Import Currency Conversion Rates + The rates are imported after validation of currencies and conversion rate type as well as rates. The multiply rate is used. If a reciprocal rate is to be created, the divide rate is used. + + + Proses Alur Kerja + Monitor workflow processes + View and Maintain Workflow Process Instance Information + + + Aktivitas Alur Kerja (semuanya) + Monitor all Workflow activities + Maintain all Workflow activities + + + Penanggung Jawab Alur Kerja + Responsible for Workflow Execution + The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. + + + Registration Attributes + Asset Registration Attributes + Define the individual values for the Asset Registration + + + Registrasi + User Asset Registration + User Registration of an Asset + + + Bank Statement Matcher + Algorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments + An algorithm to find Business Partners, Invoices, Payments in imported Bank Statements + + + Payment Batch + Process Payment Patches for EFT + Electronic Fund Transfer Payment Batch. + + + Tipe Organisasi + Maintain Organization Types + Organization Type allows you to categorize your organizations for reporting purposes + + + Scheduler + Maintain Schedule Processes and Logs + Schedule processes to be executed asynchronously + + + Pemroses Alur Kerja + Maintain Workflow Processor and Logs + Workflow Processor Server Parameters + + + Bid Topic + Topic with Bids and Offers + Manage Topics and veiw Bids and Offers + + + Auction Topic Type + Maintain Auction Topic Type and Categories + The Auction Topic Type determines what kind of auction is used for a particular area + + + Auction Seller + Maintain Auction Seller Information + A seller is a User in the system participating in Auctions + + + Auction Buyer + Maintain Auction Buyer Information + A buyer is a User in the system participating in Auctions + + + Accounting Processor + Maintain Accounting Processor and Logs + Accounting Processor/Server Parameters and Logs + + + Alert Processor + Maintain Alert Processor/Server Parameter and Logs + Alert Processor/Server Parameter + + + Relasi Partner + Maintain Business Partner Relations + Business Partner Relation allow to maintain Third Party Relationship rules: who receives invoices for shipments or pays for invoices. + + + RfQ Topic + Maintain RfQ Topics and Subscribers + A Request for Quotation Topic allows you to maintain a subscriber list of potential Vendors to respond to RfQs + + + RfQ + Manage Request for Quotations + Request for Quotation to be sent out to vendors of a RfQ Topic. After Vendor selection, optionally create Sales Order or Quote for Customer as well as Purchase Order for Vendor(s) + + + Subscription + Maintain Subscriptions and Deliveries + Subscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renew + + + Subscription Type + Maintain Subscription Types + Subscription type and renewal frequency + + + Distribution List + Maintain Distribution Lists + Distribution list contain business partners and a distribution quantity or ratio for creating Orders + + + Package + Manage Shipment Packages + A Shipment can have one or more Packages. A Package may be tracked. + + + RMA + Manage Return Material Authorization + A Return Material Authorization may be required to accept returns and to create Credit Memos + + + Proses Penagihan + Manage Dunning Runs + Manage Dunning Runs + + + Requisition + Material Requisition + Enter and maintain Material Requisitions + + + GL Distribution + General Ledger Distribution + If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is a one-step operation based on the percentage of the lines. + + + RfQ Response + Manage RfQ Responses + + + + Distribution Run + Distribution Run create Orders to distribute products to a selected list of partners + Distribution Run defines how Orders are created based on Distribution Lists + + + Access Audit + Audit of Access to data or resources + Logging needs to be explicitly enabled / written. + + + Dokumen Tandingan + Maintain Counter Document Types + When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: a "Standard Order" creates a "Standard PO". +If you define a relationship here, you overwrite the default counter document type in the Document Type definition. This allows you to define a specific mapping. +If not defined, the first matching document type is used (e.g. AR Invoice - first AP Invoice document type) + + + Forecast + Maintain Material Forecast + Material Forecast + + + Permintaan + Maintain Material Demand + Material Demand can be based on Forecast, Requisitions, Open Orders + + + Konfirmasi Pengiriman/Penerimaan + Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation + Confirmation of Shipment or Receipt - Created from the Shipment/Receipt + + + RMA Type + Return Material Authorization Type + Maintain the types of RMA + + + Proses Audit + Audit process use + Process Instance Information + + + Konfirmasi Pemindahan + Confirm Inventory Moves + The document is automatically created when the document type of the movement indicates In Transit.. If there is a difference quantity, a Physical Inventory is created for the source (from) warehouse. If there is a scrapped quantity, a Physical Inventory is created for the target (to) warehouse. + + + Import Confirmations + Import Receipt/Shipment Confirmation Lines + Import Confirmation data of existing Receipt/Shipment Confirmations + + + SLA Criteria + Service Level Agreement Criteria + Define a criteria to measure service level agreements (e.g. Quality, Delivery meets Promised date, ..) + + + SLA by Partner + Service Level Agreement + Maintain Service Level Agreements for Business Partners + + + Skema Daftar Harga + Maintain Price List Schema + Price List schema defines calculation rules for price lists + + + POS Terminal + Maintain your Point of Sales Terminal + The POS Terminal defines the defaults and functions available for the POS Form + + + POS Key Layout + POS Function Key Layout + + + + System Registration + Register your System + System Registration - Only one Record - Do not add additional records. + + + Internal Use Inventory + Enter Internal Use of Inventory + The Internal Use of Inventory Window allows enter the quantity of used products. + + + Invoice Batch + Expense Invoice Batch + Enter expense invoices in batch. After creating the lines, the actual invoices are created when processing the batch + + + Elemen Biaya + Maintain Product Cost Element + You can define your own product cost elements. + + + Product Costs + Maintain Product Costs + Maintain Product Cost Elements + + + Request Category + Maintain Request Category + Category or Topic of the Request + + + Request Group + Maintain Request Group + Group of requests (e.g. version numbers, responsibility, ...) + + + Request Resolution + Maintain Request Resolutions + Resolution status (e.g. Fixed, Rejected, ..) + + + Request Standard Response + Maintain Request Standard Response + Text blocks to be copied into request response text + + + Request Status + Maintain Request Status + Status if the request (open, closed, investigating, ..) + + + Web Store + Define Web Store + Define the web store setup. + + + Position + Maintain Job Positions + + + + Position Category + Maintain Job Position Categories + + + + Remuneration + Maintain Remuneration + Wages and Salaries + + + Product BOM + Maintain Product Bill of Materials + + + + BOM Change Notice + Maintain Bill of Materials (Engineering) Change Notice (Version) + Change notices can be linked to BOMs or be stand alone. + + + Change Notice + Maintain (Engineering) Change Notice (Version) + Stand-alone change notice - Change notices could also be directly linked to BOMs + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/AD_Workbench_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/AD_Workbench_Trl_in_ID.xml index d7659a9c25..345f473d24 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/AD_Workbench_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/AD_Workbench_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,2 +1,10 @@ - -Sales \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + Sales + + + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/AD_Workflow_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/AD_Workflow_Trl_in_ID.xml index ab7df82e2b..123aea37db 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/AD_Workflow_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/AD_Workflow_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,41 +1,194 @@ - -Project Setup and UseSetup of projects and project reportingProjects allow to monitor the status and progress of sales opportunities, service projects and investment projects. A Project is a process that is undertaken which can involve multiple steps or phases and require resources from more than one area.Language SetupSetup a new Language of the system and translate elementsDefine a new language as a system language.Initial Client Setup ReviewReview of system level setup of a new ClientThis workflow reviews the system setup of a new client as performed by the automatic Initial Client Setup. -You may want to check also the following Workflows: -- Accounting Setup -- Business Partner Setup -- Product Setup -- Price list Setup -- Warehouse Setup -- Tax Setup -Accounting SetupReview and change Accounting SetupThis workflow allows you to review and change your Accounting Rules. Business Partner SetupSetup Business Partner RulesThis workflow defines the Business Partners and the supporting rules.Product SetupSet up ProductsDefine your products manually. You should verify the settings especially if you import your products.Price List SetupDefine your Price Lists and DiscountsYou define your price lists after entering or importing your productsReplication SetupSetup of data replicationData Replication allows you to synchronize data of remote instances with a central office. All actions are initialized from the central office.<p> -<b>Central System:</b><br> -- setup system with all organizations, roles, etc.<br> -- run the migration to make sure that it is up-to-date<br> -- export the central system -<p> -<b>Remote System:</b> -- install the exact version as Central System<br> -- import data from Central System in the remote locations -<p> -<b>Central System:</b> -- Define Replication per Remote<br> -- Make sure that the ID range is unique per remote - otherwise you will loose transactions!<br> -- Initially Start the Replication Run to setup Remote -<p> -** Enter Transactions ** -<p> -<b>Central System:</b><br> -- Start the Replication Run when required -Tax SetupSetup tax calculationSetup the tax calculation for products, services and chargesSales SetupSetup SalesSetting up Sales Representatives, Commissions as well as Marketing Channels and Campaigns.Performance Measurement SetupSetup your Performance MeasurementThis workflow guides you through setting up your performance measurement based on Key Performance Indicators, Balanced Scorecard, etc. - -Most important: Do your analysis first! -- What are your goals and how do you measure it? - -When you are setting up the system, you do it in reverse: -First you define how you measure it and last you define the goals for the measurements. -You have three ways measuring performance: -- via quantifiable measures (e.g. sales of $3 million in Q1) -- via manual measures -- via achievements (tasks) - -The system converts the measures into percentages (based on the target and achieved measure - or number of total and reached achievements)Request SetupSet up the client to process requestsRequisition SetupProcess_RequisitionExample Workflow with ApprovalsProcess_Order(Standard Process Order)Process_Shipment(Standard Process Shipment)Process_Invoice(Standard Process Onvoice)Process_Cash(Standard Process Cash)Process_Payment(Standard Process Payment)Process_Journal(Standard Process Journal)Process_JournalBatch(Standard Process Jornal Batch)Process_RMA(Standard Process_RMA)Process_InOutConfirm(Standard Process Confirmation)Process_Allocation(Standard Process Allocation)Process_TimeExpense(Standard Process Time Expense)Process_Inventory(Standard Process Inventory)Process_Movement(Standard Process Movement)Process_MovementConfirm(Standard Process Movement Confirmation)Process_BankStatement(Standard Process Bank Statement)Business Partner ApprovalExample Document based workflowWhen a new Business Partner is created, it is forwarded for review and credit check. \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + Project Setup and Use + Setup of projects and project reporting + Projects allow to monitor the status and progress of sales opportunities, service projects and investment projects. A Project is a process that is undertaken which can involve multiple steps or phases and require resources from more than one area. + + + Language Setup + Setup a new Language of the system and translate elements + Define a new language as a system language. + + + Initial Client Setup Review + Review of system level setup of a new Client + This workflow reviews the system setup of a new client as performed by the automatic Initial Client Setup. +You may want to check also the following Workflows: +- Accounting Setup +- Business Partner Setup +- Product Setup +- Price list Setup +- Warehouse Setup +- Tax Setup + + + + Accounting Setup + Review and change Accounting Setup + This workflow allows you to review and change your Accounting Rules. + + + Business Partner Setup + Setup Business Partner Rules + This workflow defines the Business Partners and the supporting rules. + + + Product Setup + Set up Products + Define your products manually. You should verify the settings especially if you import your products. + + + Price List Setup + Define your Price Lists and Discounts + You define your price lists after entering or importing your products + + + Replication Setup + Setup of data replication + Data Replication allows you to synchronize data of remote instances with a central office. All actions are initialized from the central office.<p> +<b>Central System:</b><br> +- setup system with all organizations, roles, etc.<br> +- run the migration to make sure that it is up-to-date<br> +- export the central system +<p> +<b>Remote System:</b> +- install the exact version as Central System<br> +- import data from Central System in the remote locations +<p> +<b>Central System:</b> +- Define Replication per Remote<br> +- Make sure that the ID range is unique per remote - otherwise you will loose transactions!<br> +- Initially Start the Replication Run to setup Remote +<p> +** Enter Transactions ** +<p> +<b>Central System:</b><br> +- Start the Replication Run when required + + + + Tax Setup + Setup tax calculation + Setup the tax calculation for products, services and charges + + + Sales Setup + Setup Sales + Setting up Sales Representatives, Commissions as well as Marketing Channels and Campaigns. + + + Performance Measurement Setup + Setup your Performance Measurement + This workflow guides you through setting up your performance measurement based on Key Performance Indicators, Balanced Scorecard, etc. + +Most important: Do your analysis first! +- What are your goals and how do you measure it? + +When you are setting up the system, you do it in reverse: +First you define how you measure it and last you define the goals for the measurements. +You have three ways measuring performance: +- via quantifiable measures (e.g. sales of $3 million in Q1) +- via manual measures +- via achievements (tasks) + +The system converts the measures into percentages (based on the target and achieved measure - or number of total and reached achievements) + + + Request Setup + Set up the client to process requests + + + + Requisition Setup + + + + + Process_Requisition + Example Workflow with Approvals + + + + Process_Order + (Standard Process Order) + + + + Process_Shipment + (Standard Process Shipment) + + + + Process_Invoice + (Standard Process Onvoice) + + + + Process_Cash + (Standard Process Cash) + + + + Process_Payment + (Standard Process Payment) + + + + Process_Journal + (Standard Process Journal) + + + + Process_JournalBatch + (Standard Process Jornal Batch) + + + + Process_RMA + (Standard Process_RMA) + + + + Process_InOutConfirm + (Standard Process Confirmation) + + + + Process_Allocation + (Standard Process Allocation) + + + + Process_TimeExpense + (Standard Process Time Expense) + + + + Process_Inventory + (Standard Process Inventory) + + + + Process_Movement + (Standard Process Movement) + + + + Process_MovementConfirm + (Standard Process Movement Confirmation) + + + + Process_BankStatement + (Standard Process Bank Statement) + + + + Business Partner Approval + Example Document based workflow + When a new Business Partner is created, it is forwarded for review and credit check. + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/C_Country_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/C_Country_Trl_in_ID.xml index ba3d020f78..c27d1eb530 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/C_Country_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/C_Country_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,2 +1,1200 @@ - -United StatesUnited States of AmericaStateGermany - DeutschlandFranceFranceBelgiumNederlandsSpainSwitzerlandAustriaÖsterreichCanadaProvinceAfghanistanAfghanistanAlbaniaAlbaniaAlgeriaAlgeriaAmerican SamoaAmerican SamoaAndorraAndorraAngolaAngolaAnguillaAnguillaAntarcticaAntarcticaAntigua And BarbudaAntigua And BarbudaArgentinaArgentinaArmeniaArmeniaArubaArubaAustraliaAustraliaStateAzerbaijanAzerbaijanBahamasBahamasBahrainBahrainBangladeshBangladeshBarbadosBarbadosBelarusBelarusBelizeBelizeBeninBeninBermudaBermudaBhutanBhutanBoliviaBoliviaBosnia And HerzegovinaBosnia And HerzegovinaBotswanaBotswanaBouvet IslandBouvet IslandBrazilBrazilBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryBrunei DarussalamBrunei DarussalamBulgariaBulgariaBurkina FasoBurkina FasoBurundiBurundiCambodiaCambodiaCameroonCameroonCape VerdeCape VerdeCayman IslandsCayman IslandsCentral African RepublicCentral African RepublicChadChadChileChileChinaChinaChristmas IslandChristmas IslandCocos (keeling) IslandsCocos (keeling) IslandsColombiaColombiaComorosComorosCongoCongoCongo The Democratic Republic Of TheCongo The Democratic Republic Of TheCook IslandsCook IslandsCosta RicaCosta RicaCote D'ivoireCote D'ivoireCroatiaCroatiaCubaCubaCyprusCyprusCzech RepublicCzech RepublicDenmarkDenmarkDjiboutiDjiboutiDominicaDominicaDominican RepublicDominican RepublicEcuadorEcuadorEgyptEgyptEl SalvadorEl SalvadorEquatorial GuineaEquatorial GuineaEritreaEritreaEstoniaEstoniaEthiopiaEthiopiaFalkland Islands (malvinas)Falkland Islands (malvinas)Faroe IslandsFaroe IslandsFijiFijiFinlandFinlandFrench GuianaFrench GuianaFrench PolynesiaFrench PolynesiaFrench Southern TerritoriesFrench Southern TerritoriesGabonGabonGambiaGambiaGeorgiaGeorgiaGhanaGhanaGibraltarGibraltarGreeceGreeceGreenlandGreenlandGrenadaGrenadaGuadeloupeGuadeloupeGuamGuamGuatemalaGuatemalaGuineaGuineaGuinea-bissauGuinea-bissauGuyanaGuyanaHaitiHaitiHeard Island And Mcdonald IslandsHeard Island And Mcdonald IslandsHoly See (vatican City State)Holy See (vatican City State)HondurasHondurasHong KongHong KongHungaryHungaryIcelandIcelandIndiaIndiaIndonesiaIndonesiaIran Islamic Republic OfIran Islamic Republic OfIraqIraqIrelandIrelandIsraelIsraelItalyItalyJamaicaJamaicaJapanJapanRegionJordanJordanKazakhstanKazakhstanKenyaKenyaKiribatiKiribatiKorea Democratic People's Republic OfKorea Democratic People's Republic OfKorea Republic OfKorea Republic OfKuwaitKuwaitKyrgyzstanKyrgyzstanLao People's Democratic RepublicLao People's Democratic RepublicLatviaLatviaLebanonLebanonLesothoLesothoLiberiaLiberiaLibyan Arab JamahiriyaLibyan Arab JamahiriyaLiechtensteinLiechtensteinLithuaniaLithuaniaLuxembourgLuxembourgMacaoMacaoMacedonia Former Yugoslav Republic OfMacedonia Former Yugoslav Republic OfMadagascarMadagascarMalawiMalawiMalaysiaMalaysiaMaldivesMaldivesMaliMaliMaltaMaltaMarshall IslandsMarshall IslandsMartiniqueMartiniqueMauritaniaMauritaniaMauritiusMauritiusMayotteMayotteMexicoMexicoMicronesia Federated States OfMicronesia Federated States OfMoldova Republic OfMoldova Republic OfMonacoMonacoMongoliaMongoliaMontserratMontserratMoroccoMoroccoMozambiqueMozambiqueMyanmarMyanmarNamibiaNamibiaNauruNauruNepalNepalNetherlands AntillesNetherlands AntillesNew CaledoniaNew CaledoniaNew ZealandNew ZealandNicaraguaNicaraguaNigerNigerNigeriaNigeriaNiueNiueNorfolk IslandNorfolk IslandNorthern Mariana IslandsNorthern Mariana IslandsNorwayNorwayOmanOmanPakistanPakistanPalauPalauPalestinian Territory OccupiedPalestinian Territory OccupiedPanamaPanamaPapua New GuineaPapua New GuineaParaguayParaguayPeruPeruPhilippinesPhilippinesPitcairnPitcairnPolandPolandPortugalPortugalPuerto RicoPuerto RicoQatarQatarReunionReunionRomaniaRomaniaRussian FederationRussian FederationRwandaRwandaSaint HelenaSaint HelenaSaint Kitts And NevisSaint Kitts And NevisSaint LuciaSaint LuciaSaint Pierre And MiquelonSaint Pierre And MiquelonSaint Vincent And The GrenadinesSaint Vincent And The GrenadinesSamoaSamoaSan MarinoSan MarinoSao Tome And PrincipeSao Tome And PrincipeSaudi ArabiaSaudi ArabiaSenegalSenegalSeychellesSeychellesSierra LeoneSierra LeoneSingaporeSingaporeSlovakiaSlovakiaSloveniaSloveniaSolomon IslandsSolomon IslandsSomaliaSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth AfricaSouth Georgia And The South Sandwich IslandsSouth Georgia And The South Sandwich IslandsSri LankaSri LankaSudanSudanSurinameSurinameSvalbard And Jan MayenSvalbard And Jan MayenSwazilandSwazilandSwedenSwedenSyrian Arab RepublicSyrian Arab RepublicTaiwanTaiwanTajikistanTajikistanTanzania United Republic OfTanzania United Republic OfThailandThailandTimor-lesteTimor-lesteTogoTogoTokelauTokelauTongaTongaTrinidad And TobagoTrinidad And TobagoTunisiaTunisiaTurkeyTurkeyTurkmenistanTurkmenistanTurks And Caicos IslandsTurks And Caicos IslandsTuvaluTuvaluUgandaUgandaUkraineUkraineUnited Arab EmiratesUnited Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomUnited KingdomUnited States Minor Outlying IslandsUnited States Minor Outlying IslandsUruguayUruguayUzbekistanUzbekistanVanuatuVanuatuVenezuelaVenezuelaViet NamViet NamVirgin Islands BritishVirgin Islands BritishVirgin Islands U.s.Virgin Islands U.s.Wallis And FutunaWallis And FutunaWestern SaharaWestern SaharaYemenYemenYugoslaviaYugoslaviaZambiaZambiaZimbabweZimbabwe \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + United States + United States of America + State + + + Germany - Deutschland + + + + + France + France + + + + Belgium + + + + + Nederlands + + + + + Spain + + + + + Switzerland + + + + + Austria + Österreich + + + + Canada + + Province + + + Afghanistan + Afghanistan + + + + Albania + Albania + + + + Algeria + Algeria + + + + American Samoa + American Samoa + + + + Andorra + Andorra + + + + Angola + Angola + + + + Anguilla + Anguilla + + + + Antarctica + Antarctica + + + + Antigua And Barbuda + Antigua And Barbuda + + + + Argentina + Argentina + + + + Armenia + Armenia + + + + Aruba + Aruba + + + + Australia + Australia + State + + + Azerbaijan + Azerbaijan + + + + Bahamas + Bahamas + + + + Bahrain + Bahrain + + + + Bangladesh + Bangladesh + + + + Barbados + Barbados + + + + Belarus + Belarus + + + + Belize + Belize + + + + Benin + Benin + + + + Bermuda + Bermuda + + + + Bhutan + Bhutan + + + + Bolivia + Bolivia + + + + Bosnia And Herzegovina + Bosnia And Herzegovina + + + + Botswana + Botswana + + + + Bouvet Island + Bouvet Island + + + + Brazil + Brazil + + + + British Indian Ocean Territory + British Indian Ocean Territory + + + + Brunei Darussalam + Brunei Darussalam + + + + Bulgaria + Bulgaria + + + + Burkina Faso + Burkina Faso + + + + Burundi + Burundi + + + + Cambodia + Cambodia + + + + Cameroon + Cameroon + + + + Cape Verde + Cape Verde + + + + Cayman Islands + Cayman Islands + + + + Central African Republic + Central African Republic + + + + Chad + Chad + + + + Chile + Chile + + + + China + China + + + + Christmas Island + Christmas Island + + + + Cocos (keeling) Islands + Cocos (keeling) Islands + + + + Colombia + Colombia + + + + Comoros + Comoros + + + + Congo + Congo + + + + Congo The Democratic Republic Of The + Congo The Democratic Republic Of The + + + + Cook Islands + Cook Islands + + + + Costa Rica + Costa Rica + + + + Cote D'ivoire + Cote D'ivoire + + + + Croatia + Croatia + + + + Cuba + Cuba + + + + Cyprus + Cyprus + + + + Czech Republic + Czech Republic + + + + Denmark + Denmark + + + + Djibouti + Djibouti + + + + Dominica + Dominica + + + + Dominican Republic + Dominican Republic + + + + Ecuador + Ecuador + + + + Egypt + Egypt + + + + El Salvador + El Salvador + + + + Equatorial Guinea + Equatorial Guinea + + + + Eritrea + Eritrea + + + + Estonia + Estonia + + + + Ethiopia + Ethiopia + + + + Falkland Islands (malvinas) + Falkland Islands (malvinas) + + + + Faroe Islands + Faroe Islands + + + + Fiji + Fiji + + + + Finland + Finland + + + + French Guiana + French Guiana + + + + French Polynesia + French Polynesia + + + + French Southern Territories + French Southern Territories + + + + Gabon + Gabon + + + + Gambia + Gambia + + + + Georgia + Georgia + + + + Ghana + Ghana + + + + Gibraltar + Gibraltar + + + + Greece + Greece + + + + Greenland + Greenland + + + + Grenada + Grenada + + + + Guadeloupe + Guadeloupe + + + + Guam + Guam + + + + Guatemala + Guatemala + + + + Guinea + Guinea + + + + Guinea-bissau + Guinea-bissau + + + + Guyana + Guyana + + + + Haiti + Haiti + + + + Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands + Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands + + + + Holy See (vatican City State) + Holy See (vatican City State) + + + + Honduras + Honduras + + + + Hong Kong + Hong Kong + + + + Hungary + Hungary + + + + Iceland + Iceland + + + + India + India + + + + Indonesia + Indonesia + + + + Iran Islamic Republic Of + Iran Islamic Republic Of + + + + Iraq + Iraq + + + + Ireland + Ireland + + + + Israel + Israel + + + + Italy + Italy + + + + Jamaica + Jamaica + + + + Japan + Japan + Region + + + Jordan + Jordan + + + + Kazakhstan + Kazakhstan + + + + Kenya + Kenya + + + + Kiribati + Kiribati + + + + Korea Democratic People's Republic Of + Korea Democratic People's Republic Of + + + + Korea Republic Of + Korea Republic Of + + + + Kuwait + Kuwait + + + + Kyrgyzstan + Kyrgyzstan + + + + Lao People's Democratic Republic + Lao People's Democratic Republic + + + + Latvia + Latvia + + + + Lebanon + Lebanon + + + + Lesotho + Lesotho + + + + Liberia + Liberia + + + + Libyan Arab Jamahiriya + Libyan Arab Jamahiriya + + + + Liechtenstein + Liechtenstein + + + + Lithuania + Lithuania + + + + Luxembourg + Luxembourg + + + + Macao + Macao + + + + Macedonia Former Yugoslav Republic Of + Macedonia Former Yugoslav Republic Of + + + + Madagascar + Madagascar + + + + Malawi + Malawi + + + + Malaysia + Malaysia + + + + Maldives + Maldives + + + + Mali + Mali + + + + Malta + Malta + + + + Marshall Islands + Marshall Islands + + + + Martinique + Martinique + + + + Mauritania + Mauritania + + + + Mauritius + Mauritius + + + + Mayotte + Mayotte + + + + Mexico + Mexico + + + + Micronesia Federated States Of + Micronesia Federated States Of + + + + Moldova Republic Of + Moldova Republic Of + + + + Monaco + Monaco + + + + Mongolia + Mongolia + + + + Montserrat + Montserrat + + + + Morocco + Morocco + + + + Mozambique + Mozambique + + + + Myanmar + Myanmar + + + + Namibia + Namibia + + + + Nauru + Nauru + + + + Nepal + Nepal + + + + Netherlands Antilles + Netherlands Antilles + + + + New Caledonia + New Caledonia + + + + New Zealand + New Zealand + + + + Nicaragua + Nicaragua + + + + Niger + Niger + + + + Nigeria + Nigeria + + + + Niue + Niue + + + + Norfolk Island + Norfolk Island + + + + Northern Mariana Islands + Northern Mariana Islands + + + + Norway + Norway + + + + Oman + Oman + + + + Pakistan + Pakistan + + + + Palau + Palau + + + + Palestinian Territory Occupied + Palestinian Territory Occupied + + + + Panama + Panama + + + + Papua New Guinea + Papua New Guinea + + + + Paraguay + Paraguay + + + + Peru + Peru + + + + Philippines + Philippines + + + + Pitcairn + Pitcairn + + + + Poland + Poland + + + + Portugal + Portugal + + + + Puerto Rico + Puerto Rico + + + + Qatar + Qatar + + + + Reunion + Reunion + + + + Romania + Romania + + + + Russian Federation + Russian Federation + + + + Rwanda + Rwanda + + + + Saint Helena + Saint Helena + + + + Saint Kitts And Nevis + Saint Kitts And Nevis + + + + Saint Lucia + Saint Lucia + + + + Saint Pierre And Miquelon + Saint Pierre And Miquelon + + + + Saint Vincent And The Grenadines + Saint Vincent And The Grenadines + + + + Samoa + Samoa + + + + San Marino + San Marino + + + + Sao Tome And Principe + Sao Tome And Principe + + + + Saudi Arabia + Saudi Arabia + + + + Senegal + Senegal + + + + Seychelles + Seychelles + + + + Sierra Leone + Sierra Leone + + + + Singapore + Singapore + + + + Slovakia + Slovakia + + + + Slovenia + Slovenia + + + + Solomon Islands + Solomon Islands + + + + Somalia + Somalia + + + + South Africa + South Africa + + + + South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands + South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands + + + + Sri Lanka + Sri Lanka + + + + Sudan + Sudan + + + + Suriname + Suriname + + + + Svalbard And Jan Mayen + Svalbard And Jan Mayen + + + + Swaziland + Swaziland + + + + Sweden + Sweden + + + + Syrian Arab Republic + Syrian Arab Republic + + + + Taiwan + Taiwan + + + + Tajikistan + Tajikistan + + + + Tanzania United Republic Of + Tanzania United Republic Of + + + + Thailand + Thailand + + + + Timor-leste + Timor-leste + + + + Togo + Togo + + + + Tokelau + Tokelau + + + + Tonga + Tonga + + + + Trinidad And Tobago + Trinidad And Tobago + + + + Tunisia + Tunisia + + + + Turkey + Turkey + + + + Turkmenistan + Turkmenistan + + + + Turks And Caicos Islands + Turks And Caicos Islands + + + + Tuvalu + Tuvalu + + + + Uganda + Uganda + + + + Ukraine + Ukraine + + + + United Arab Emirates + United Arab Emirates + + + + United Kingdom + United Kingdom + + + + United States Minor Outlying Islands + United States Minor Outlying Islands + + + + Uruguay + Uruguay + + + + Uzbekistan + Uzbekistan + + + + Vanuatu + Vanuatu + + + + Venezuela + Venezuela + + + + Viet Nam + Viet Nam + + + + Virgin Islands British + Virgin Islands British + + + + Virgin Islands U.s. + Virgin Islands U.s. + + + + Wallis And Futuna + Wallis And Futuna + + + + Western Sahara + Western Sahara + + + + Yemen + Yemen + + + + Yugoslavia + Yugoslavia + + + + Zambia + Zambia + + + + Zimbabwe + Zimbabwe + + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/C_Currency_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/C_Currency_Trl_in_ID.xml index cb02c855c7..66112346cd 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/C_Currency_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ 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BCEAOCFAFCFA Franc BEACCFAFCFP FrancCFPFChilean PesoCh$Cayman Islands DollarCI$Colombian PesoCol$RielCRCuban PesoCu$DalasiDDongDAlgerian DinarDADobraDbDjibouti FrancDFUAE DirhamDhMoroccan DirhamDHYugoslavian DinarDinDanish KroneDkrEast Caribbean DollarEC$Fiji DollarF$Burundi FrancFBuMalagasy FrancFMGForintFtGourdeGGuyana DollarG$Hong Kong DollarHK$Croatian KunaHRKIraqi DinarIDIceland KronaIKrJamaican DollarJ$Jordanian DinarJDKyatKKinaKKenyan ShillingK ShKuwaiti DinarKDConvertible MarksKMKipKNNakfaKRLekLLempiraLLeuLLilangeniLLibyan DinarLDLeoneLeMaltese LiraLmLatvian LatsLsLevLvMauritius RupeeMau RsKwachaMKDenarMKDMeticalMtNetherlands Antillian GuilderNAf.Estonian KroonNfaNew Israeli SheqelNISNorwegian KroneNKrNepalese RupeeNRsNew Taiwan DollarNT$PulaPPatacaPQuetzalQQatari RialQRRandRBrazilian RealR$Dominican PesoRD$RufiyaaRfRwanda FrancRFMalaysian RinggitRMRial OmaniRORupiahRpIndian RupeeRsPakistan RupeeRsSingapore DollarS$Nuevo SolS/.Suriname GuilderSf.Solomon Islands DollarSI$Swedish KronaSkSlovak KorunaSkSri Lanka RupeeSLRsTolarSlTSomali ShillingSo. Sh.Seychelles RupeeSRSaudi RiyalSRlsSwiss FrancSFrPa’angaT$Tunisian DinarTDTakaTkTurkish LiraTLTanzanian ShillingTShTrinidad and Tobago DollarTT$TugrikTugOuguiyaUMUganda ShillingUShVatuVTWonWTalaWS$Yuan RenminbiYYemeni RialYRlsZimbabwe DollarZ$KwachaZKCosta Rican ColonGuinea FrancGuinea-Bissau PesoSomNorth Korean WonTengeLebanese PoundNairaGuaraniLeu (new)L \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + US Dollar + $ + + + Euro + E + + + Deutsche Mark + DM + + + Austrian Schilling + Sch + + + Belgian Franc + BFr + + + Finish Mark + FM + + + Irish Pound + + + + Italian Lira + L + + + Dutch Gilder + Fl + + + Portugese Escudo + Es + + + Spannish Peseto + Pts + + + French Franc + Fr + + + Japanese Yen + ¥ + + + British Pound + £ + + + Swiss Franc (invalid currency code - use CHF) + SFr + + + Canadian Dollar + C$ + + + Argentine Peso + $ + + + Australian Dollar + $ + + + New Zealand Dollar + $ + + + Liberian Dollar + $ + + + Mexican Peso + $ + + + Peso Uruguayo + $U + + + Armenian Dram + + + + Kwanza + + + + Azerbaijanian Manat + + + + Boliviano + + + + Franc Congolais + + + + Czech Koruna + + + + Lari + + + + Iranian Rial + + + + Lithuanian Litus + + + + Moldovan Leu + + + + Philippine Peso + + + + Zloty + + + + Russian Ruble + + + + Sudanese Dinar + + + + Somoni + + + + Manat + + + + Timor Escudo + + + + Hryvnia + + + + Uzbekistan Sum + + + + Cyprus Pound + £C + + + Egyptian Pound + £E + + + Falkland Islands Pound + £F + + + Gibraltar Pound + £G + + + Saint Helena Pound + £S + + + Syrian Pound + £S + + + Cedi + ¢ + + + El Salvador Colon + ¢ + + + Afghani + Af + + + Aruban Guilder + Af. + + + Balboa + B + + + Brunei Dollar + B$ + + + Bahamian Dollar + B$ + + + Bahraini Dinar + BD + + + Bermudian Dollar + Bd$ + + + Barbados Dollar + Bds$ + + + Belarussian Ruble + BR + + + Ethiopian Birr + Br + + + Bolivar + Bs + + + Baht + Bt + + + Belize Dollar + BZ$ + + + Cordoba Oro + C$ + + + Cape Verde Escudo + C.V.Esc. + + + Comoro Franc + CF + + + CFA Franc BCEAO + CFAF + + + CFA Franc BEAC + CFAF + + + CFP Franc + CFPF + + + Chilean Peso + Ch$ + + + Cayman Islands Dollar + CI$ + + + Colombian Peso + Col$ + + + Riel + CR + + + Cuban Peso + Cu$ + + + Dalasi + D + + + Dong + D + + + Algerian Dinar + DA + + + Dobra + Db + + + Djibouti Franc + DF + + + UAE Dirham + Dh + + + Moroccan Dirham + DH + + + Yugoslavian Dinar + Din + + + Danish Krone + Dkr + + + East Caribbean Dollar + EC$ + + + Fiji Dollar + F$ + + + Burundi Franc + FBu + + + Malagasy Franc + FMG + + + Forint + Ft + + + Gourde + G + + + Guyana Dollar + G$ + + + Hong Kong Dollar + HK$ + + + Croatian Kuna + HRK + + + Iraqi Dinar + ID + + + Iceland Krona + IKr + + + Jamaican Dollar + J$ + + + Jordanian Dinar + JD + + + Kyat + K + + + Kina + K + + + Kenyan Shilling + K Sh + + + Kuwaiti Dinar + KD + + + Convertible Marks + KM + + + Kip + KN + + + Nakfa + KR + + + Lek + L + + + Lempira + L + + + Leu + L + + + Lilangeni + L + + + Libyan Dinar + LD + + + Leone + Le + + + Maltese Lira + Lm + + + Latvian Lats + Ls + + + Lev + Lv + + + Mauritius Rupee + Mau Rs + + + Kwacha + MK + + + Denar + MKD + + + Metical + Mt + + + Netherlands Antillian Guilder + NAf. + + + Estonian Kroon + Nfa + + + New Israeli Sheqel + NIS + + + Norwegian Krone + NKr + + + Nepalese Rupee + NRs + + + New Taiwan Dollar + NT$ + + + Pula + P + + + Pataca + P + + + Quetzal + Q + + + Qatari Rial + QR + + + Rand + R + + + Brazilian Real + R$ + + + Dominican Peso + RD$ + + + Rufiyaa + Rf + + + Rwanda Franc + RF + + + Malaysian Ringgit + RM + + + Rial Omani + RO + + + Rupiah + Rp + + + Indian Rupee + Rs + + + Pakistan Rupee + Rs + + + Singapore Dollar + S$ + + + Nuevo Sol + S/. + + + Suriname Guilder + Sf. + + + Solomon Islands Dollar + SI$ + + + Swedish Krona + Sk + + + Slovak Koruna + Sk + + + Sri Lanka Rupee + SLRs + + + Tolar + SlT + + + Somali Shilling + So. Sh. + + + Seychelles Rupee + SR + + + Saudi Riyal + SRls + + + Swiss Franc + SFr + + + Pa’anga + T$ + + + Tunisian Dinar + TD + + + Taka + Tk + + + Turkish Lira + TL + + + Tanzanian Shilling + TSh + + + Trinidad and Tobago Dollar + TT$ + + + Tugrik + Tug + + + Ouguiya + UM + + + Uganda Shilling + USh + + + Vatu + VT + + + Won + W + + + Tala + WS$ + + + Yuan Renminbi + Y + + + Yemeni Rial + YRls + + + Zimbabwe Dollar + Z$ + + + Kwacha + ZK + + + Costa Rican Colon + + + + Guinea Franc + + + + Guinea-Bissau Peso + + + + Som + + + + North Korean Won + + + + Tenge + + + + Lebanese Pound + + + + Naira + + + + Guarani + + + + Leu (new) + L + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/C_DocType_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/C_DocType_Trl_in_ID.xml index 27e8a92fa4..72d352ae26 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/C_DocType_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/C_DocType_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,2 +1,355 @@ - -** New **** New **** NO INVOICE **GL JournalJournalAR InvoiceInvoiceDocument Type Note for general and promotional text.AR Invoice IndirectInvoiceDocument Type Note for general and promotional text.AR Credit MemoCredit MemoAR ReceiptReceiptMM ShipmentDelivery NoteMM Shipment IndirectDelivery NoteMM ReceiptVendor DeliveryAP InvoiceVendor InvoiceAP CreditMemoVendor Credit MemoAP PaymentVendor PaymentPurchase OrderPurchase OrderPurchase RequisitionPurchase RequisitionQuotationQuotationProposalProposalPrepay OrderPrepay OrderReturn MaterialReturn Material AuthorizationStandard OrderOrder ConfirmationOn Credit OrderOrder ConfirmationWarehouse OrderOrder ConfirmationPOS OrderOrder ConfirmationProject IssueProject IssuePayment AllocationPayment AllocationMatch InvoiceMatch InvoiceMaterial ProductionMaterial ProductionGL DocumentGL DocumentCash JournalCash JournalMatch POMatch POMaterial MovementMaterial MovementMaterial Physical InventoryMaterial Physical InventoryAR Pro Forma InvoiceAR Pro Forma InvoiceBank StatementBank StatementMM Receipt with ConfirmationVendor DeliveryMM Shipment with PickDelivery NoteMM Customer ReturnReturn MaterialGL JournalJournalGL Journal BatchJournal BatchAR InvoiceInvoiceAR Invoice IndirectInvoiceAR Credit MemoCredit MemoAP InvoiceInvoiceAP CreditMemoCredit MemoMatch InvoiceMatch InvoiceAR ReceiptPaymentAP PaymentPaymentAllocationAllocationMM ShipmentDelivery NoteMM Shipment IndirectDelivery NoteMM ReceiptVendor DeliveryMM ReturnsCustomer ReturnsPurchase OrderPurchase OrderMatch POMatch POPurchase RequisitionRequisitionBank StatementBank StatementCash JournalCash JournalMaterial MovementInventory MovePhysical InventoryPhys.InventoryMaterial ProductionProductionProject IssueProject IssueQuotationQuotationProposalProposalPrepaid OrderPrepaid OrderReturn MaterialReturn Material AuthorizationStandard OrderOrder ConfirmationCredit OrderOrder ConfirmationWarehouse OrderWarehouse OrderPOS OrderOrder ConfirmationGL DocumentGL DocumentAR Pro Forma InvoiceAR Pro Forma Invoice \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + ** New ** + ** New ** + ** NO INVOICE ** + + + GL Journal + Journal + + + + AR Invoice + Invoice + Document Type Note for general and promotional text. + + + AR Invoice Indirect + Invoice + Document Type Note for general and promotional text. + + + AR Credit Memo + Credit Memo + + + + AR Receipt + Receipt + + + + MM Shipment + Delivery Note + + + + MM Shipment Indirect + Delivery Note + + + + MM Receipt + Vendor Delivery + + + + AP Invoice + Vendor Invoice + + + + AP CreditMemo + Vendor Credit Memo + + + + AP Payment + Vendor Payment + + + + Purchase Order + Purchase Order + + + + Purchase Requisition + Purchase Requisition + + + + Quotation + Quotation + + + + Proposal + Proposal + + + + Prepay Order + Prepay Order + + + + Return Material + Return Material Authorization + + + + Standard Order + Order Confirmation + + + + On Credit Order + Order Confirmation + + + + Warehouse Order + Order Confirmation + + + + POS Order + Order Confirmation + + + + Project Issue + Project Issue + + + + Payment Allocation + Payment Allocation + + + + Match Invoice + Match Invoice + + + + Material Production + Material Production + + + + GL Document + GL Document + + + + Cash Journal + Cash Journal + + + + Match PO + Match PO + + + + Material Movement + Material Movement + + + + Material Physical Inventory + Material Physical Inventory + + + + AR Pro Forma Invoice + AR Pro Forma Invoice + + + + Bank Statement + Bank Statement + + + + MM Receipt with Confirmation + Vendor Delivery + + + + MM Shipment with Pick + Delivery Note + + + + MM Customer Return + Return Material + + + + GL Journal + Journal + + + + GL Journal Batch + Journal Batch + + + + AR Invoice + Invoice + + + + AR Invoice Indirect + Invoice + + + + AR Credit Memo + Credit Memo + + + + AP Invoice + Invoice + + + + AP CreditMemo + Credit Memo + + + + Match Invoice + Match Invoice + + + + AR Receipt + Payment + + + + AP Payment + Payment + + + + Allocation + Allocation + + + + MM Shipment + Delivery Note + + + + MM Shipment Indirect + Delivery Note + + + + MM Receipt + Vendor Delivery + + + + MM Returns + Customer Returns + + + + Purchase Order + Purchase Order + + + + Match PO + Match PO + + + + Purchase Requisition + Requisition + + + + Bank Statement + Bank Statement + + + + Cash Journal + Cash Journal + + + + Material Movement + Inventory Move + + + + Physical Inventory + Phys.Inventory + + + + Material Production + Production + + + + Project Issue + Project Issue + + + + Quotation + Quotation + + + + Proposal + Proposal + + + + Prepaid Order + Prepaid Order + + + + Return Material + Return Material Authorization + + + + Standard Order + Order Confirmation + + + + Credit Order + Order Confirmation + + + + Warehouse Order + Warehouse Order + + + + POS Order + Order Confirmation + + + + GL Document + GL Document + + + + AR Pro Forma Invoice + AR Pro Forma Invoice + + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/C_DunningLevel_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/C_DunningLevel_Trl_in_ID.xml index 6da747c8c8..5a6073cbea 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/C_DunningLevel_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/C_DunningLevel_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,2 +1,13 @@ - -StatementPlease review your statement and submit due payments.Dunning LetterPlease pay the due invoices immediately \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + Statement + Please review your statement and submit due payments. + + + Dunning Letter + Please pay the due invoices immediately + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/C_ElementValue_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/C_ElementValue_Trl_in_ID.xml index 542a47ccd2..175f0beebe 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/C_ElementValue_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/C_ElementValue_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,2 +1,1705 @@ - -Tree Farm PayableTree Farm PayableSideline RevenueRoyalties RevenueUnearned revenueWe have invoiced, but not delivered yetNot invoiced revenueWe delivered but have not invoiced yetSales DiscountsTrade DiscountsGranted Trade discounts (corrects Product Revenue)Payment discount expenseGranted early payment discount to customersPromotion DiscountsCost of Goods SoldProduct CoGsCost of Goods SoldMerchandise PurchasesDefault Product or Service costs (I.e. not on inventory)Services PurchasesSideline PurchasesFreight inReturnsReturns ExpenseReturns to VendorsInventory CoGsInventory ShrinkagePhysical Inventory Gain/LossInventory Write Down Below CostInventory AdjustmentInventory Actual Accounting Value AdjustmentInventory RevaluationDifference to (lower cost) or marketCoGS VariancesInvoice price varianceDifference between product cost and invoice price (IPV)Purchase price varianceDifference between purchase price and standard costs (PPV)CoGs DiscountsTrade discounts receivedReceived Trade Discounts (corrects Product expense)Payment discount revenueGranted early payment discount from vendorsExpensesPayroll ExpensesSalariesVacation PayVacation Pay OwnersSick Pay OwnersRetirement (Pension, Proft Sharing, 401k)FICA Tax OwnersFederal/State UnemploymentFederal/State Unemployment OwnersHealth Insurance Premium OwnersHealth Insurance Employee ContributionHealth Insurance Cobra PaymentsWorkers Compensation InsuranceDisability Insurance PremiumDisability Insurance Premium OwnersDisability Insurance Employee ContributionLife Insurance PremiumLife Insurance Premium OwnersLife Insurance Employee ContributionOther Benefit ExpenseStaff Gifts & PerksStaff Picnic (100% Deductible)Payroll Processing ExpenseOccupancy CostRent ExpenseUtilitiesOther Occupancy CostsAdvertisingMedia AdvertisingCatalog, NewsletterEventsWeb HostingOther Advertising & PromotionVendor Advertising AllowancesTelephoneMobile TelephoneNetwork ChargesLegal FeesAccounting FeesInventory Verification FeesStationary & SuppliesStationary & Supplies - Office UseJanitorial SuppliesData Processing SuppliesData Processing RentalOutside Computer ServicesDepreciation ExpenseBuilding DepreciationLeasehold Improvement DepreciationFurniture DepreciationFixtures DepreciationEquipment DepreciationData Processing Equipment DepreciationSoftware DepreciationBusiness TravelBusiness Travel - Auto ReimbursementAssetsCashChecking AccountBank AssetChecking In-TransferBank transactions in transitChecking Unidentified ReceiptsReceipts from unidentified customerChecking Unallocated ReceiptsReceived, unallocated paymentsChecking Account 2Savings AccountCash in RegistersPetty CashCash Book AssetPetty Cash In-TransferCash Book TransferAccounts ReceivableAccounts Receivable - TradeAccounts ReceivablesA/R Non Sufficient Funds Returned ChecksA/R Trade Allowance for Bad DebitNot invoiced receivablesWe delivered but have not invoiced yetCredit Card in TransitIn Transit A/R AmexIn Transit A/R Master CardIn Transit A/R VisaA/R Credit Cards Allowance for Bad DebitVendor Allowances ReceivableLoans ReceivableLoans Receivable EmployeesLoans Receivable OthersPrepaymentsVendor prepaymentPrepayments for future expenseEmployee Expense PrepaymentExpense advancesTax credit A/RTax to be re-imbursed - before tax declarationTax receivablesTax to receive based on tax declarationA/R MiscellaneousInvestmentsUS Government ObligationsTax-Exempt SecuritiesOther InvestmentsInventoryPrepaid Expenses, Deposits & Other Current AssetsPrepaid ExpensesPrepaid InsurancePrepaid RentPrepaid InterestPrepaid OthersDepositsDeposit RentDeposit UtilitiesDeposit OthersOther Current AssetsOther Current AssetsLand and BuildingLandBuildingLand ImprovementsBuilding ImprovementsLeasehold ImprovementsFurniture, Fixtures & EquipmentFurnitureFixturesEquipmentVehiclesData Processing EquipmentSoftwareProject assetCreated AssetProject WIPAsset Work in ProgressBuilding Accumulated DepreciationLand Improvement Accumulated DepreciationBuilding Improvement Accumulated DepreciationFurniture Accumulated DepreciationFixtures Accumulated DepreciationEquipment Accumulated DepreciationVehicles Accumulated DepreciationData Processing Equipment Accumulated DepreciationOther AssetsIntangible AssetsAmortizable AssetsCustomer ListsOther Intangible AssetsAccumulated AmorizationOther AssetsLiabilitiesAccounts PayablesAccounts Payables TradeNot invoiced receiptsReceived products/services from vendors, but not invoicedAccounts Payable ServicesAccounts Payables for non-product revenuePayment selectionSelected A/P invoices for paymentCustomer PayablesMerchandise Credits UnredeemedGift Certificated UnredeemedSpecial Order DepositsMail Order DepositsTax PayablesTax dueTax to be paid - before tax declarationTax liabilityTax to be paid based on tax declarationWithholding (Tax)Withholding for 1099 or Quality GuaranteeWithholding (Other)Intercompany Due ToDefault Payables account for intercompany trxAccrued ExpensesAccrued PayrollPayroll WithholdingsFederal Tax WithholdingFICA WithholdingMedicare WithholdingState Tax WithholdingLocal Tax Withholding401k & Pension WithholdingGarnishment WithholdingMiscellaneous WithholdingAccrued Payroll TaxesFederal Unemployment Empolyers ContributionState Unemployment Employers ContributionSales Tax CollectedAccrued Retirement Plan ExpenseAccrued Expenses OthersShort Term ObligationCurrent Portion of Long Term DebtLong Term LiabilitiesMortgageLoan from Owner/StockholderOther Long Term ObligationOwner's Equity/Net WorthCapitalCapital/Common StockCapital in excess of Par on Common StockCapital in excess of Par on Preferred StockEarningsDrawingsRetained EarningsYear end processing to balance account (Income Summary)SalesServices RevenueDirect LaborPurchase price variance OffsetOffset Account for Purchase price variance (PPV)Wages OwnersSick PayFICA TaxHealth Insurance PremiumJoint AdvertisingTelephone and CommunicationsProfessional ServicesOther Consulting FeesData ProcessingData Processung Other ExpenseBuilding Improvement DepreciationVehicles DepreciationBusiness Travel - Plane/Train/TaxiBusiness Travel - HotelBusiness Meals & Entertainment (50%)Staff Meeting Food (100%)Employee expenseDefault employee expensesBusiness Travel Other ExpenseInsuranceBusiness InsuranceReal Estate InsuranceVehicle InsuranceOther InsurancePayment Processor CostsCredit Card Service ChargesBank Service ChargesBank expensesOther Payment Service ChargesDues & SubscriptionAssociation Membership FeesSubscription FeesOffice ExpenseOffice ExpensePosting & ShippingPostage ExpenseCustomer Postage Fees ReceivedShipping ExpensesTaxes and LicensesInventory & Use TaxesReal Estate TaxesBusiness Licenses & FeesEducationEducation TravelEducation Meals & Entertainment (50%)Education OtherOffice Equipment RentStore Equipment RentRepairs & MaintenanceBuilding Repairs & MaintenenceFurniture, Equipment Repairs & MaintenenceSoftware MaintenenceVehicle Repairs & MaintenenceRepairs & Maintenance OtherOther Operating ExpensesCollection ExpensePetty Cash Over/ShortPetty Cash DifferencesRecruitment CostsVehicle ExpenseAmortization ExpenseFranchise Fee / Royalty FeesMiscellaneous ExpenseDefault/Suspense AccountsTemporary accounts - balance should be zeroDefault accountDefault Account (if no other account is defined) V1.1Suspense balancingDifference to make journal balance in source currency - needs to be solvedSuspense errorImport did not find account - needs to be solvedCash book expenseDefault other expense for petty cash transactionsCash book receiptsDefault other revenue for petty cash transactionsCharge expenseDefault other expenseCharge revenueDefault other revenueOther IncomeInterest IncomeBank interest revenueDivident IncomeRental IncomeSales Tax CommissionCurrency GainBank revaluation gainForeign currency bank account gainBank settlement gainDifference between payment and bank account currencyUnrealized gainDifference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rateCapital Gains IncomeFixed Asset Sale GainOther IncomeOther ExpenseInterest ExpenseBank interest expenseMortage Interest ExpenseCharitable ContributionsCurrency LossBank revaluation lossForeign currency bank account lossUnrealized lossDifference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rateRealized lossDifference between invoice and payment currencyCurrency balancingRounding difference to make journal balance in accounting currencyCapital Gains LossFixes Asset Sale LossOther ExpenseIncome Tax & SummaryState Income TaxLocal Income TaxCostingProfit Center Costing DistributionProject Costing DistributionCommitment AccountingPO EncumbrancePO CommitmentSO Future RevenueIn Transit A/R ATM CardsLoans Receivable Owners/ShareholdersTax receivablesIntercompany Due FromDefault Receivables account for intercompany trxProduct assetProduct Inventory AccountProject AssetsAccumulated DepreciationLeasehold Improvement Accumulated DepreciationSoftware Accumulated DepreciationGoodwillCash Surrender Value of Life InsuranceAccounts Payable TradeAccounts PayablesCustomer PrepaymentsPrepayments for future revenueFICA Employers ContributionAccrued Use TaxCurrent Note PayablesLong Term ObligationCurrent Portion of Long Term DebtPreferred StockDividentsTrade RevenueDefault Product or Service revenueCustomer Package ExpenseTax expenseSales Tax paid to VendorsEducation Course FeesEquipment RentEquipment Rent OtherData Processing Repairs & MaintenenceBad Debts Write-offReceivables write-off - bad debtPenaltiesRealized gainDifference between invoice and payment currencyUninsured Casualty LossBank settlement lossDifference between payment and bank account currencyFederal Income TaxIncome SummaryYear end processing to balance account (Retained Earnings)WagesLand Improvement DepreciationAccounts Receivable - TradeLicenses & Fees - OtherGeneral Trade InventoryInventory AccountMedicare Employers ContributionCommissions PaidCommissions PaidMerchandise PurchasesDefault Product or Service costs (I.e. not on inventory)Not invoiced receivablesWe delivered but have not invoiced yetInventory ShrinkagePhysical Inventory Gain/LossUnrealized gainDifference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rateIncome SummaryYear end processing to balance account (Retained Earnings)Realized gainDifference between invoice and payment currencyTax receivablesTax to receive based on tax declarationNot invoiced revenueWe delivered but have not invoiced yetIntercompany Due ToDefault Payables account for intercompany trxProject assetCreated AssetTrade DiscountsGranted Trade discounts (corrects Product Revenue)Project WIPAsset Work in ProgressTrade RevenueDefault Product or Service revenueRetained EarningsYear end processing to balance account (Income Summary)Checking Unidentified ReceiptsReceipts from unidentified customerBank settlement gainDifference between payment and bank account currencyPetty Cash In-TransferCash Book TransferChecking In-TransferBank transactions in transitPayment discount revenueGranted early payment discount from vendorsCash book receiptsDefault other revenue for petty cash transactionsInventory AdjustmentInventory Actual Accounting Value AdjustmentTax credit A/RTax to be re-imbursed - before tax declarationUnearned revenueWe have invoiced but not delivered yetCharge revenueDefault other revenueTrade discounts receivedReceived Trade Discounts (corrects Product expense)Default accountDefault Account (if no other account is defined) V1.1Unrealized lossDifference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rateInterest ExpenseBank interest expenseBad Debts Write-offReceivables write-off - bad debtAccounts Receivable - TradeAccounts ReceivablesInventory RevaluationDifference to (lower cost) or marketVendor prepaymentPrepayments for future expenseIntercompany Due FromDefault Receivables account for intercompany trxPurchase price varianceDifference between purchase price and standard costs (PPV)Bank settlement lossDifference between payment and bank account currencyAccounts Payable ServicesAccounts Payables for non-product revenueBank revaluation gainForeign currency bank account gainAccounts Payable TradeAccounts PayablesTax liabilityTax to be paid based on tax declarationPayment selectionSelected A/P invoices for paymentBank revaluation lossForeign currency bank account lossTax dueTax to be paid - before tax declarationPetty CashCash Book AssetWithholding (Tax)Withholding for 1099 or Quality GuaranteeInvoice price varianceDifference between product cost and invoice price (IPV)General Trade InventoryInventory AccountEmployee Expense PrepaymentExpense advancesChecking AccountBank AssetCharge expenseDefault other expenseChecking Unallocated ReceiptsReceived unallocated paymentsCurrency balancingRounding difference to make journal balance in accounting currencyPayment discount expenseGranted early payment discount to customersPurchase price variance OffsetOffset Account for Purchase price variance (PPV)Not invoiced receiptsReceived products/services from vendors but not invoicedPetty Cash Over/ShortPetty Cash DifferencesSuspense errorImport did not find account - needs to be solvedEmployee expenseDefault employee expensesProduct assetProduct Inventory AccountInterest IncomeBank interest revenueCustomer PrepaymentsPrepayments for future revenueSuspense balancingDifference to make journal balance in source currency - needs to be solvedCash book expenseDefault other expense for petty cash transactionsRealized lossDifference between invoice and payment currencyTax expenseSales Tax paid to VendorsBank Service ChargesBank expensesProduct CoGsCost of Goods Sold \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + Tree Farm Payable + Tree Farm Payable + + + Sideline Revenue + + + + Royalties Revenue + + + + Unearned revenue + We have invoiced, but not delivered yet + + + Not invoiced revenue + We delivered but have not invoiced yet + + + Sales Discounts + + + + Trade Discounts + Granted Trade discounts (corrects Product Revenue) + + + Payment discount expense + Granted early payment discount to customers + + + Promotion Discounts + + + + Cost of Goods Sold + + + + Product CoGs + Cost of Goods Sold + + + Merchandise Purchases + Default Product or Service costs (I.e. not on inventory) + + + Services Purchases + + + + Sideline Purchases + + + + Freight in + + + + Returns + + + + Returns Expense + + + + Returns to Vendors + + + + Inventory CoGs + + + + Inventory Shrinkage + Physical Inventory Gain/Loss + + + Inventory Write Down Below Cost + + + + Inventory Adjustment + Inventory Actual Accounting Value Adjustment + + + Inventory Revaluation + Difference to (lower cost) or market + + + CoGS Variances + + + + Invoice price variance + Difference between product cost and invoice price (IPV) + + + Purchase price variance + Difference between purchase price and standard costs (PPV) + + + CoGs Discounts + + + + Trade discounts received + Received Trade Discounts (corrects Product expense) + + + Payment discount revenue + Granted early payment discount from vendors + + + Expenses + + + + Payroll Expenses + + + + Salaries + + + + Vacation Pay + + + + Vacation Pay Owners + + + + Sick Pay Owners + + + + Retirement (Pension, Proft Sharing, 401k) + + + + FICA Tax Owners + + + + Federal/State Unemployment + + + + Federal/State Unemployment Owners + + + + Health Insurance Premium Owners + + + + Health Insurance Employee Contribution + + + + Health Insurance Cobra Payments + + + + Workers Compensation Insurance + + + + Disability Insurance Premium + + + + Disability Insurance Premium Owners + + + + Disability Insurance Employee Contribution + + + + Life Insurance Premium + + + + Life Insurance Premium Owners + + + + Life Insurance Employee Contribution + + + + Other Benefit Expense + + + + Staff Gifts & Perks + + + + Staff Picnic (100% Deductible) + + + + Payroll Processing Expense + + + + Occupancy Cost + + + + Rent Expense + + + + Utilities + + + + Other Occupancy Costs + + + + Advertising + + + + Media Advertising + + + + Catalog, Newsletter + + + + Events + + + + Web Hosting + + + + Other Advertising & Promotion + + + + Vendor Advertising Allowances + + + + Telephone + + + + Mobile Telephone + + + + Network Charges + + + + Legal Fees + + + + Accounting Fees + + + + Inventory Verification Fees + + + + Stationary & Supplies + + + + Stationary & Supplies - Office Use + + + + Janitorial Supplies + + + + Data Processing Supplies + + + + Data Processing Rental + + + + Outside Computer Services + + + + Depreciation Expense + + + + Building Depreciation + + + + Leasehold Improvement Depreciation + + + + Furniture Depreciation + + + + Fixtures Depreciation + + + + Equipment Depreciation + + + + Data Processing Equipment Depreciation + + + + Software Depreciation + + + + Business Travel + + + + Business Travel - Auto Reimbursement + + + + Assets + + + + Cash + + + + Checking Account + Bank Asset + + + Checking In-Transfer + Bank transactions in transit + + + Checking Unidentified Receipts + Receipts from unidentified customer + + + Checking Unallocated Receipts + Received, unallocated payments + + + Checking Account 2 + + + + Savings Account + + + + Cash in Registers + + + + Petty Cash + Cash Book Asset + + + Petty Cash In-Transfer + Cash Book Transfer + + + Accounts Receivable + + + + Accounts Receivable - Trade + Accounts Receivables + + + A/R Non Sufficient Funds Returned Checks + + + + A/R Trade Allowance for Bad Debit + + + + Not invoiced receivables + We delivered but have not invoiced yet + + + Credit Card in Transit + + + + In Transit A/R Amex + + + + In Transit A/R Master Card + + + + In Transit A/R Visa + + + + A/R Credit Cards Allowance for Bad Debit + + + + Vendor Allowances Receivable + + + + Loans Receivable + + + + Loans Receivable Employees + + + + Loans Receivable Others + + + + Prepayments + + + + Vendor prepayment + Prepayments for future expense + + + Employee Expense Prepayment + Expense advances + + + Tax credit A/R + Tax to be re-imbursed - before tax declaration + + + Tax receivables + Tax to receive based on tax declaration + + + A/R Miscellaneous + + + + Investments + + + + US Government Obligations + + + + Tax-Exempt Securities + + + + Other Investments + + + + Inventory + + + + Prepaid Expenses, Deposits & Other Current Assets + + + + Prepaid Expenses + + + + Prepaid Insurance + + + + Prepaid Rent + + + + Prepaid Interest + + + + Prepaid Others + + + + Deposits + + + + Deposit Rent + + + + Deposit Utilities + + + + Deposit Others + + + + Other Current Assets + + + + Other Current Assets + + + + Land and Building + + + + Land + + + + Building + + + + Land Improvements + + + + Building Improvements + + + + Leasehold Improvements + + + + Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment + + + + Furniture + + + + Fixtures + + + + Equipment + + + + Vehicles + + + + Data Processing Equipment + + + + Software + + + + Project asset + Created Asset + + + Project WIP + Asset Work in Progress + + + Building Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Land Improvement Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Building Improvement Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Furniture Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Fixtures Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Equipment Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Vehicles Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Data Processing Equipment Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Other Assets + + + + Intangible Assets + + + + Amortizable Assets + + + + Customer Lists + + + + Other Intangible Assets + + + + Accumulated Amorization + + + + Other Assets + + + + Liabilities + + + + Accounts Payables + + + + Accounts Payables Trade + + + + Not invoiced receipts + Received products/services from vendors, but not invoiced + + + Accounts Payable Services + Accounts Payables for non-product revenue + + + Payment selection + Selected A/P invoices for payment + + + Customer Payables + + + + Merchandise Credits Unredeemed + + + + Gift Certificated Unredeemed + + + + Special Order Deposits + + + + Mail Order Deposits + + + + Tax Payables + + + + Tax due + Tax to be paid - before tax declaration + + + Tax liability + Tax to be paid based on tax declaration + + + Withholding (Tax) + Withholding for 1099 or Quality Guarantee + + + Withholding (Other) + + + + Intercompany Due To + Default Payables account for intercompany trx + + + Accrued Expenses + + + + Accrued Payroll + + + + Payroll Withholdings + + + + Federal Tax Withholding + + + + FICA Withholding + + + + Medicare Withholding + + + + State Tax Withholding + + + + Local Tax Withholding + + + + 401k & Pension Withholding + + + + Garnishment Withholding + + + + Miscellaneous Withholding + + + + Accrued Payroll Taxes + + + + Federal Unemployment Empolyers Contribution + + + + State Unemployment Employers Contribution + + + + Sales Tax Collected + + + + Accrued Retirement Plan Expense + + + + Accrued Expenses Others + + + + Short Term Obligation + + + + Current Portion of Long Term Debt + + + + Long Term Liabilities + + + + Mortgage + + + + Loan from Owner/Stockholder + + + + Other Long Term Obligation + + + + Owner's Equity/Net Worth + + + + Capital + + + + Capital/Common Stock + + + + Capital in excess of Par on Common Stock + + + + Capital in excess of Par on Preferred Stock + + + + Earnings + + + + Drawings + + + + Retained Earnings + Year end processing to balance account (Income Summary) + + + Sales + + + + Services Revenue + + + + Direct Labor + + + + Purchase price variance Offset + Offset Account for Purchase price variance (PPV) + + + Wages Owners + + + + Sick Pay + + + + FICA Tax + + + + Health Insurance Premium + + + + Joint Advertising + + + + Telephone and Communications + + + + Professional Services + + + + Other Consulting Fees + + + + Data Processing + + + + Data Processung Other Expense + + + + Building Improvement Depreciation + + + + Vehicles Depreciation + + + + Business Travel - Plane/Train/Taxi + + + + Business Travel - Hotel + + + + Business Meals & Entertainment (50%) + + + + Staff Meeting Food (100%) + + + + Employee expense + Default employee expenses + + + Business Travel Other Expense + + + + Insurance + + + + Business Insurance + + + + Real Estate Insurance + + + + Vehicle Insurance + + + + Other Insurance + + + + Payment Processor Costs + + + + Credit Card Service Charges + + + + Bank Service Charges + Bank expenses + + + Other Payment Service Charges + + + + Dues & Subscription + + + + Association Membership Fees + + + + Subscription Fees + + + + Office Expense + + + + Office Expense + + + + Posting & Shipping + + + + Postage Expense + + + + Customer Postage Fees Received + + + + Shipping Expenses + + + + Taxes and Licenses + + + + Inventory & Use Taxes + + + + Real Estate Taxes + + + + Business Licenses & Fees + + + + Education + + + + Education Travel + + + + Education Meals & Entertainment (50%) + + + + Education Other + + + + Office Equipment Rent + + + + Store Equipment Rent + + + + Repairs & Maintenance + + + + Building Repairs & Maintenence + + + + Furniture, Equipment Repairs & Maintenence + + + + Software Maintenence + + + + Vehicle Repairs & Maintenence + + + + Repairs & Maintenance Other + + + + Other Operating Expenses + + + + Collection Expense + + + + Petty Cash Over/Short + Petty Cash Differences + + + Recruitment Costs + + + + Vehicle Expense + + + + Amortization Expense + + + + Franchise Fee / Royalty Fees + + + + Miscellaneous Expense + + + + Default/Suspense Accounts + Temporary accounts - balance should be zero + + + Default account + Default Account (if no other account is defined) V1.1 + + + Suspense balancing + Difference to make journal balance in source currency - needs to be solved + + + Suspense error + Import did not find account - needs to be solved + + + Cash book expense + Default other expense for petty cash transactions + + + Cash book receipts + Default other revenue for petty cash transactions + + + Charge expense + Default other expense + + + Charge revenue + Default other revenue + + + Other Income + + + + Interest Income + Bank interest revenue + + + Divident Income + + + + Rental Income + + + + Sales Tax Commission + + + + Currency Gain + + + + Bank revaluation gain + Foreign currency bank account gain + + + Bank settlement gain + Difference between payment and bank account currency + + + Unrealized gain + Difference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rate + + + Capital Gains Income + + + + Fixed Asset Sale Gain + + + + Other Income + + + + Other Expense + + + + Interest Expense + Bank interest expense + + + Mortage Interest Expense + + + + Charitable Contributions + + + + Currency Loss + + + + Bank revaluation loss + Foreign currency bank account loss + + + Unrealized loss + Difference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rate + + + Realized loss + Difference between invoice and payment currency + + + Currency balancing + Rounding difference to make journal balance in accounting currency + + + Capital Gains Loss + + + + Fixes Asset Sale Loss + + + + Other Expense + + + + Income Tax & Summary + + + + State Income Tax + + + + Local Income Tax + + + + Costing + + + + Profit Center Costing Distribution + + + + Project Costing Distribution + + + + Commitment Accounting + + + + PO Encumbrance + + + + PO Commitment + + + + SO Future Revenue + + + + In Transit A/R ATM Cards + + + + Loans Receivable Owners/Shareholders + + + + Tax receivables + + + + Intercompany Due From + Default Receivables account for intercompany trx + + + Product asset + Product Inventory Account + + + Project Assets + + + + Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Leasehold Improvement Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Software Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Goodwill + + + + Cash Surrender Value of Life Insurance + + + + Accounts Payable Trade + Accounts Payables + + + Customer Prepayments + Prepayments for future revenue + + + FICA Employers Contribution + + + + Accrued Use Tax + + + + Current Note Payables + + + + Long Term Obligation + + + + Current Portion of Long Term Debt + + + + Preferred Stock + + + + Dividents + + + + Trade Revenue + Default Product or Service revenue + + + Customer Package Expense + + + + Tax expense + Sales Tax paid to Vendors + + + Education Course Fees + + + + Equipment Rent + + + + Equipment Rent Other + + + + Data Processing Repairs & Maintenence + + + + Bad Debts Write-off + Receivables write-off - bad debt + + + Penalties + + + + Realized gain + Difference between invoice and payment currency + + + Uninsured Casualty Loss + + + + Bank settlement loss + Difference between payment and bank account currency + + + Federal Income Tax + + + + Income Summary + Year end processing to balance account (Retained Earnings) + + + Wages + + + + Land Improvement Depreciation + + + + Accounts Receivable - Trade + + + + Licenses & Fees - Other + + + + General Trade Inventory + Inventory Account + + + Medicare Employers Contribution + + + + Commissions Paid + Commissions Paid + + + Merchandise Purchases + Default Product or Service costs (I.e. not on inventory) + + + Not invoiced receivables + We delivered but have not invoiced yet + + + Inventory Shrinkage + Physical Inventory Gain/Loss + + + Unrealized gain + Difference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rate + + + Income Summary + Year end processing to balance account (Retained Earnings) + + + Realized gain + Difference between invoice and payment currency + + + Tax receivables + Tax to receive based on tax declaration + + + Not invoiced revenue + We delivered but have not invoiced yet + + + Intercompany Due To + Default Payables account for intercompany trx + + + Project asset + Created Asset + + + Trade Discounts + Granted Trade discounts (corrects Product Revenue) + + + Project WIP + Asset Work in Progress + + + Trade Revenue + Default Product or Service revenue + + + Retained Earnings + Year end processing to balance account (Income Summary) + + + Checking Unidentified Receipts + Receipts from unidentified customer + + + Bank settlement gain + Difference between payment and bank account currency + + + Petty Cash In-Transfer + Cash Book Transfer + + + Checking In-Transfer + Bank transactions in transit + + + Payment discount revenue + Granted early payment discount from vendors + + + Cash book receipts + Default other revenue for petty cash transactions + + + Inventory Adjustment + Inventory Actual Accounting Value Adjustment + + + Tax credit A/R + Tax to be re-imbursed - before tax declaration + + + Unearned revenue + We have invoiced but not delivered yet + + + Charge revenue + Default other revenue + + + Trade discounts received + Received Trade Discounts (corrects Product expense) + + + Default account + Default Account (if no other account is defined) V1.1 + + + Unrealized loss + Difference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rate + + + Interest Expense + Bank interest expense + + + Bad Debts Write-off + Receivables write-off - bad debt + + + Accounts Receivable - Trade + Accounts Receivables + + + Inventory Revaluation + Difference to (lower cost) or market + + + Vendor prepayment + Prepayments for future expense + + + Intercompany Due From + Default Receivables account for intercompany trx + + + Purchase price variance + Difference between purchase price and standard costs (PPV) + + + Bank settlement loss + Difference between payment and bank account currency + + + Accounts Payable Services + Accounts Payables for non-product revenue + + + Bank revaluation gain + Foreign currency bank account gain + + + Accounts Payable Trade + Accounts Payables + + + Tax liability + Tax to be paid based on tax declaration + + + Payment selection + Selected A/P invoices for payment + + + Bank revaluation loss + Foreign currency bank account loss + + + Tax due + Tax to be paid - before tax declaration + + + Petty Cash + Cash Book Asset + + + Withholding (Tax) + Withholding for 1099 or Quality Guarantee + + + Invoice price variance + Difference between product cost and invoice price (IPV) + + + General Trade Inventory + Inventory Account + + + Employee Expense Prepayment + Expense advances + + + Checking Account + Bank Asset + + + Charge expense + Default other expense + + + Checking Unallocated Receipts + Received unallocated payments + + + Currency balancing + Rounding difference to make journal balance in accounting currency + + + Payment discount expense + Granted early payment discount to customers + + + Purchase price variance Offset + Offset Account for Purchase price variance (PPV) + + + Not invoiced receipts + Received products/services from vendors but not invoiced + + + Petty Cash Over/Short + Petty Cash Differences + + + Suspense error + Import did not find account - needs to be solved + + + Employee expense + Default employee expenses + + + Product asset + Product Inventory Account + + + Interest Income + Bank interest revenue + + + Customer Prepayments + Prepayments for future revenue + + + Suspense balancing + Difference to make journal balance in source currency - needs to be solved + + + Cash book expense + Default other expense for petty cash transactions + + + Realized loss + Difference between invoice and payment currency + + + Tax expense + Sales Tax paid to Vendors + + + Bank Service Charges + Bank expenses + + + Product CoGs + Cost of Goods Sold + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/C_Greeting_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/C_Greeting_Trl_in_ID.xml index be6bfe0f80..4343609e31 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/C_Greeting_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/C_Greeting_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,2 +1,9 @@ - -MrMr \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + Mr + Mr + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/C_PaymentTerm_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/C_PaymentTerm_Trl_in_ID.xml index c75c05ecb5..60b1c4b6cb 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/C_PaymentTerm_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/C_PaymentTerm_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,2 +1,35 @@ - -30 NetImmediate2%10 Net 302% discount if paid in 10 days, net due in 30 daysPayment Term Note: Long Term Contracts are eligible for payment discounts.30 Days Net50% Immediate - 50% in 30 daysImmediate \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + 30 Net + + + + + Immediate + + + + + 2%10 Net 30 + 2% discount if paid in 10 days, net due in 30 days + Payment Term Note: Long Term Contracts are eligible for payment discounts. + + + 30 Days Net + + + + + 50% Immediate - 50% in 30 days + + + + + Immediate + + + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/C_TaxCategory_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/C_TaxCategory_Trl_in_ID.xml index 05026b921c..710e0dbb87 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/C_TaxCategory_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/C_TaxCategory_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,2 +1,13 @@ - -StandardStandard \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + Standard + + + + Standard + + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/C_Tax_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/C_Tax_Trl_in_ID.xml index 12a97063a3..0aade50e55 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/C_Tax_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/C_Tax_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,2 +1,40 @@ - -StandardCT Sales6%CTGSTCanadian Federal Sales TaxGSTPSTCanadian Provintial TaxPSTGST/PSTCanadian Federal & State TaxTaxExemptUsed when Business Partners are exempt from taxExempted \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + Standard + + + + + CT Sales + + 6%CT + + + GST + Canadian Federal Sales Tax + GST + + + PST + Canadian Provintial Tax + PST + + + GST/PST + Canadian Federal & State Tax + Tax + + + Exempt + Used when Business Partners are exempt from tax + + + + Exempted + + + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/C_UOM_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/C_UOM_Trl_in_ID.xml index cfe60a5d62..2dbd96af57 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/C_UOM_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/C_UOM_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,2 +1,95 @@ - -EachEa Hourh Dayd Minutes(lowest unit for resorce assigments)m Work Day8 hourD Weekw Month30 daysm Working Month20 daysM Yeary 6-Pack6PkKilogramKGSetstKitktRollrlPiecepcRollrlKitktSetst \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + Each + + Ea + + + Hour + + h + + + Day + + d + + + Minutes + (lowest unit for resorce assigments) + m + + + Work Day + 8 hour + D + + + Week + + w + + + Month + 30 days + m + + + Working Month + 20 days + M + + + Year + + y + + + 6-Pack + + 6Pk + + + Kilogram + + KG + + + Set + + st + + + Kit + + kt + + + Roll + + rl + + + Piece + + pc + + + Roll + + rl + + + Kit + + kt + + + Set + + st + + diff --git a/data/in_ID/M_Product_Trl_in_ID.xml b/data/in_ID/M_Product_Trl_in_ID.xml index 5ed39d7298..97b3bd084f 100644 --- a/data/in_ID/M_Product_Trl_in_ID.xml +++ b/data/in_ID/M_Product_Trl_in_ID.xml @@ -1,2 +1,7765 @@ - -StandardOak TreeOak Trees may grow quite a bit.Elm TreeGrass Seed ContainerPlanting ServiceRose BushAzalea BushHolly BushPlum TreeTravel costTravel related costsMary ConsultantPatio ChairNice Chair for outdoorsPatio TableNice Table for outdoorsPatio Sun ScreenProtect from UVFertilizer #5050 # Bag of Lawn FertilizerMulch 10#10# Bag of MulchHoe 4 ft4 Foot Metal HoeRake Bamboo4 Foot Bamboo RakeRake Metal4 Foot Metal RakeWeederHand WeederTransplanterHand TransplanterGrass SeederManual Grass SeederLawn TillerManual Lawn TillerPatio Furniture Set1 table, 4 Chairs and 1 Sun Screen How To PlantInformation on how to best to plant your future.TShirt - Red LargeTShirt - Green LargeStandardScrap SteelOther Case AssemblyMoulding WorkcenterDiff CasePig Iron / Grade RS-10Carburizer Cp 2000Si-CFe-MnFe-SiFe-SiFe-PFe-PToyo Baron (Inoculan)Mg / TDCR-3Melting WorkcenterManufacturing PlantPlantKopiSmart Program PackageB2BM117-RR MIT BM117J127140-83000ED.NA = EA.IAJ137302-87506DO.DD = DB.ALJ137302-87607DA.LE = AM.LSJ1MB-000252DA.LE = AM.LSJ137315-36020DA.LE = AM.LSJ137315-87308J137315-87608/2DO.DD = DB.ALJ138210-90405EE.NB = EA.DNJ143232-60020EA.DI = DO.ONJ141301-36040SA.EA = EO.SEJ141343-55010DA.LE = AM.LSJ145442-60010XEE.NB = EA.DNJ143421-60013DA.LE = AM.LSJ143521-87601EE.NB = EA.DNJ145200-82000EA.DI = DO.ONJ145421-60011DA.LE = AM.LSJ148270-79000EE.NB = EA.DNJ148820-60A00DE.AL=DA.BBJ148830-60810J148900-77300DA.LE = AM.LSJ190209-25001DA.LE = AM.LSJ1MB-000049SA.EA = EO.SEJ1MB-000238DE.AL=DA.BBJ1MB-161342DA.LE = AM.LSJ1MB-005229EA.DI = DO.ONJ1MB-080104DO.DD = DB.ALJ1MB-161024DA.LE = AM.LSJ1MB-161189J1MB-166420DA.LE = AM.LSJ1MC-805606EA.DI = DO.ONJ1MC-805606SDO.DD = DB.ALJ1MC-824705J1MT-119318DE.AL=DA.BBJ1MT-321418R3RS-99701REMOTE CONTROL KITABMO=MN.NMIR3RS-1927BOOT SHOCK UNIVERSALR3RS-5113F - CJ 5/CJ 7 BAN 31R3RS-5116R - TYT JEEP BAN 31R3RS-5118F - TYT JEEP BAN 33R3RS-5402STEERING STABILIZER(SHOCK SETIR)R3RS-5520BRACKETR3RS-5605F - TYT KIJANG 1997-2001R3RS-99039F - NISSAN TERRANOABMO=MN.NMIR3RS-99113F - TYT JEEP/CJ5/CJ7 STANDARDR3RS-99116R - TYT JEEP/CJ5/CJ7 BAN 31B2T653-RR MIT T653B2FIGHTER-FF MIT FIGHTER FT516B2FIGHTER-RR MIT FIGHTER FT516B2CK12N-FF NSN CK12N NEWB2RG-RR HINO RGB2RK-FF HINO RKB2FR-RR MIT FR-215 (T-22CM)B2INTERCULER-RR MERCEDES INTERCULER BUSB2ZEBRA-FF DHT ZEBRA/S88/HIJET 1000B2L300-RR MIT L300B2TLD58-RR ISZ TLD58 (6 RODA)B2TLD58-FF ISZ TLD58 (6 RODA)B2TLD56-FF ISZ TLD56 (MDL,GIGI)G413801-87702VALVE ROCKER ARM DHT S75/S88G45-87830082-1R/W CYL KIT W/PISTON ISZ KAD51G4MW-023172DIFF PINION GEAR (2PCS/SET)A423221-16490INTANK FUEL PUMP KIJANG EFI/G.CRLDN.SB=DO.NBA4D-8308FUEL PUMP ASSY MIT L300(=MD034358)DE.DI=DD.DST113028-21000DTS 160JT113070-18001DTS 120YEI.NS=EE.LET113070-21002DTS 160JDD.EL=AN.LBT113506-25010TYT CORONA TT132DD.EL=AN.LBT113506-38010TYT CORONA MARK II 83DD.EL=AN.LBT113522-33010TYT CORONA 18RT113523-33010TYT CORONA 18RT113540-25010TYT CORONA TT132DD.EL=AN.LBT113540-38010/2TYT CORONA MARK II 83DD.EL=AN.LBT113559-34020TYT CORONA 18RDO.SB=DB.EDT113561-13020TYT KIJANG 4K/5K/7KDD.EL=AN.LBT113561-22010TYT KIJANG 3KDD.EL=AN.LBT113561-38010TYT CORONA MARK IIEI.NS=EE.LET113562-34020TYT CORONA 18RDO.SB=DB.EDT113562-35010TYT CORONA MARK II 81-82DD.EL=AN.LBT113562-38010TYT CORONA MARK II 83DD.EL=AN.LBT13953-12-500AMAZDA MR90(=4317451)T1MD-016150MIT MINICAB L100DD.EL=AN.LBT1MD-016151MIT MINICAB L100DD.EL=AN.LBT1MD-017011MIT MINICAB L100T1MD-019140MIT MINICAB L100 (L)EI.NS=EE.LET1MD-019141MIT MINICAB L100 (S)EI.NS=EE.LEM133049R - DATSUN 160 J/MAZDA 626 81-83S2MR-205730MIT KUDA-15/16"DBLL=DSBBN1SS-251724V ISZ C190/240/4BAIN1SS-260412V JOHN DEERS28-94222653-2ISZ KBD26[4H]-7/8"AILL=AEALS28-97078619-0- R ISZ NKR58AOLN=ALMDS2MB-060960MIT T-210N8MI-1156GP/050ISZ 10PB/10PCEA.LL=DM.DLS247201-87605DHT TAFT F50AILL=AEALS2OK219-41-990TIMOR DOHC W/O TABUNGAILL=AEALS2MC-808345- F MIT FUSO FM516/FM517AONE=ASINS2MD-718392MIT DGN ETERNA 88-93-13/16"DBEB=DENLS2ME-621635MIT FUSO FM215AILL=AEALS2ME-625257MIT FUSO FM517AILL=AEALS2MT-362436- R MIT T120AONE=ASINT113540-22012TYT KIJANG 3KDD.EL=AN.LBT113540-33014TYT CORONA 18RDD.EL=AN.LBT58-94114-491-1ISZ NKR58/4BE1DD.EL=AN.LBT58-97033-179-0ISZ LUV KAD/PANTHER 2.3DD.EL=AN.LBT58-97147-338-2ISZ NKR66/4HF1DD.EL=AN.LBT5ME-014603MIT 100PSED.MS=DN.LBT5ME-075156MIT FUSO GANJO 220PSED.MS=DN.LBT113506-33010TYT CORONA 18RDD.EL=AN.LBT10488-23-260FORD LASER'86-92 (=4117541)EI.NS=EE.LET1MD-021232MIT GALANT 2000'78EL.MA=ES.SBT1MD-021233MIT GALANT 2000'78EL.MA=ES.SBT1MD-141391MIT GALANT 2000'78EB.MS=ES.NAG1GUT-12TYT HIACEES.AN=EA.MLG1GWD-14ADHT TAFT F50/DELTA V22HDA.LN=AM.BAG1GWHO-21AHONDA ACCORD'82ED.IB=DM.DSG1GWIS-25AISZ PANTHER 2.5AN.BL=AS.BAG1GWM-20AMIT COLT DIESEL FE'79ED.IB=DM.DSG1GWMZ-31AMZD INTERPLAY/TIMOR S515 SOHCED.IB=DM.DSJ137302-36020TYT HIACEED.IB=DM.DSN1SS-156924V MIT TRK 8DC 6D22DD=AN.OAN1AVR-55912V MIT T120/L100DE.DI=DD.DSN1BR-26524V NSN TRK UDDA.BS=AN.DSN1D-05512V TAXI BLUE BIRD Z16S/18S/20E/L28EN1SS-252624V ISZ NKR58DD.OE=DA.ESN1AVR-61524V ISZ TRK TXD NEWES.ML=ED.MNK1HP-753HONDA CIVIC WONDERDE.OD=DD.SLK1TP-712TYT S.KIJANGDE.OD=DD.SLK1TP-501-1TYT JEEP 155PKDE.OD=DD.SLK1TP-914TYT KIJANG 7KDE.OD=DD.SLM7ME-031656@ 6 PCS MIT FIGTHER 6D15EA.ON=DB.IEN8CI-1156GP/STDISZ 10PB/10PCEA.LL=DM.DLM1S1059R - HONDA CIVIC WONDER 84-87(=23729)AIDA=MNODMM116597R - TYT CORONA ABSOLUTE AT191AIDA=MNODMM125507R - HYUNDAI TRAJETANML=AEDLM1S3010F - TYT STARLET/CRL TWINCAM(=MG-876)DIDD=AMMIS2MC-821449MIT FUSO FM/FRAILL=AEALT55-13100-136-2ISZ TLD56/4BC2DD.EL=AN.LBT5ME-017484MIT 135PSDD.EL=AN.LBT1MD-021114MIT GALANT 2000'78EL.MA=ES.SBT113506-35010TYT CORONA MARK II 80-82T113561-35010TYT CORONA MARK II 81-82EI.NS=EE.LET1MD-010921MIT COLT T120DO.NI=DI.BAT1MD-021111MIT GALANT 2000'78EL.MA=ES.SBT1MD-173726MIT GALLANT 2000'78DO.SB=DB.EDG1GUM-75MIT PS120ES.AN=EA.MLG1GUMZ-1MIT T120/L300/LANCERES.AN=EA.MLN8CB-1613GP/050ISZ 6RB1EA.LL=DM.DLS247200-27030TYT KIJANG 3K/KF10-11/16"AILL=AEALA1DM-054MIT 100PS/4D31DE.AB=AN.ESN1IVR-62124V KMTS MOTOR GRADER S125 [5T]DO.AB=DI.NAM16707MMF - HINO RANGERS2MD-742157MIT DAANGAN-13/16"DBEB=DDIDN1NLR-12012V TYT/DHT UNIVERSALN8CB-1144GP/STDHINO EH100/EF300EA.LL=DM.DLT10483-23-260FORD LASER'93-ON (=4117521)DD.EL=AN.LBN8MI-1147GP/STDMIT FUSO 8DCEA.LL=DM.DLM1D4441R - ISZ PANTHER/TROOPER/KBD26A1CT-059TYT HIACEDE.OD=AN.DDM1MR-879F - SZK ST100/EXTRA/FUTURA/T120SSAOIO=MNBBIM1S1132R - TYT STARLETM11089R - SZK ST100/EXTRADIDD=AMOMS3IS_KAD/C190ISZ KADS231420-OA010TYT SOLUNADBLL=DSBBS28-97081148-1- F ISZ NHR55AILL=AEALS28-97032851-0ISZ NKR58ANML=ABLIS247200-87512DHT S10P/HIJET-5/8"AILL=AEALS2MB-277422MIT L-300 DX/DIESELAILL=AEALN1SS-121812V DATSUN DIESEL SD22N1SS-15124V ISZ DA120/220N1SS-15824V ISZ TRK JCR 6DBIDA.IO=AM.OMA2ME-012090.SSTD MIT FE/PS'83A1CM-010MIT T120DE.AB=AN.ESA1CT-084TYT 2F/RINODE.EM=AN.BNA1DM-014MIT L300DE.AB=AN.ESA1DM-029MIT 100PSDE.AB=AN.ESN8TW-1613K/STDISZ 6RB1EA.LL=DM.DLA1DT-036TYT KIJANG DIESELDE.AB=AN.ESG1GWT-61ATYT HIACE DIESEL NEW'83EN.LO=ES.ING6GUT-20TYT 2F/RINODLEB=ADBNG6GUM-75MIT PS120DLEB=ADBNN1IVR-901H12V MIT L300DE.DI=DD.DST113506-41010TYT CROWN MS65T115162-87703DHT S75/S88 (B)DO.SB=DB.EDB1A-3405F/LH NSN NISSAN DIESEL CK12ED.IB=DM.DSB1A-5109F/LH TYT RINODE.AM=DA.MMB1A-7107R/LH DHT DELTAED.MS=DN.LBT113506-35011TYT CORONA MARK II 80-82DE.NM=DD.BDD1HCD-002UAHONDA EXCELENTDE.AD=AM.IID1ISD-113UISZ PANTHER 2.5DE.OD=AN.DDD1NSC-510DTS J15/620(NSC511)DE.OD=AN.DDF2JHTX-23AISZ KBD25/KBD26/GEMINI DSL(2)F2JNDSX-37DHT S75/ST100(2)F2JNDX-4HINO HO7CF2JSDSX-2HINO KR/KL(4)G4MC-839938MIT FUSO FIGHTER 190PSEM.AN=ES.MNG1GWHO-22AHONDA CIVIC WONDERDA.SA=AM.MAA4HA-441TYT GRAND KIJANG 1.5DN.SB=DO.NBA213101-87105.SSTD DHT ZEBRA S89DD.MD=DA.SSM1R-3309R - DHT CHARADE G10ANML=AEDLG4MC-806120MIT FUSO FM/FR215EI.NS=EE.LET1MD-021230MIT GALANT 2000'78EI.NS=EE.LEM7ME-071225@ 6 PCS MIT FUSO 6D16 (TP)EA.ON=DB.IEN8CB-1023GP/050ISZ DA120EA.LL=DM.DLN8CB-1083GP/050NSN UD NE6EA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-1162GP/050MIT FUSO 6D22EA.LL=DM.DLN8CB-2107GP/100HINO EF750EA.LL=DM.DLN8CI-1147GP/STDMIT FUSO 8DCEA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-1144GP/050HINO EF100/EF300EA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-1193GP/075NSN UD NE6EA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-2102GP/100HINO EK100EA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-2102GP/STDHINO EK100EA.LL=DM.DLN8PB-2107J/STDHINO EF750EA.LL=DM.DLG1GUIS-52ISZ KAD/TLDES.AN=EA.MLG1GUM-71MIT FUSO FM/FRES.AN=EA.MLG1GUIS-66ISZ NKR66/58ES.AN=EA.MLG1GUM-80MIT FUSO FIGHTERES.AN=EA.MLN8TW-1102GP/STDISZ E120EA.LL=DM.DLG1GUM-93MIT FE111/PS100ES.AN=EA.MLG1GUN-41NSN CK10/RD8ES.AN=EA.MLG1GUN-44NSN/MIT CK10/CK12/MIT FUSO FM/FRES.AN=EA.MLN1SS-70712V BEDFORD TRUCKDA.BS=AN.DSN1AVR-20324V HIN TRK FF/KLDE.DI=DD.DSN1IVR-903H12V MIT L300 DIESELDE.DI=DD.DST5WPKM-996861MIT 100PS/120PSED.MS=DN.LBN1AVR-81512V ISZ KBD25/KAD/TLDDE.DI=DD.DSK1DP-761DHT CLASSY/FEROZAED.MS=DN.LBK1DP-762DHT FEROZA(GENUINE TYPE)DE.OD=DD.SLK1HP-445HONDA EXECELLENTDE.OD=DD.SLK1NP-916DATSUN 620J15 (NP-506)EL.IA=EA.EMN1IVR-511J12V HND CIVIC WONDERDA.BS=AN.DSK1MP-789MIT LANCER/L300DO.SB=DB.AEK1NP-403-ADATSUN 120Y (NP-918)DO.SB=DB.AEK1P-710FORD LASER/MAZDA 323DE.OD=DD.SLK1TP-308TYT JEEP 135PKEL.IA=EA.EMK1TP-411-2TYT KIJANG 3KDE.OD=DD.SLG1GUT-14TYT/MIT JEEP L/C/COLTDIESEL T210ES.AN=EA.MLG1GUT-20TYT 2F/BU30/RINOES.AN=EA.MLG1GWD-13ATYT BU30DA.SA=AM.MAG1GWD-15ADHT CHARADE G10ED.IB=DM.DSG1GWT-27ATYT CRN 18R/RT104/RT132DA.LN=AM.BAG1GWD-32ADHT ZEBRA S89/CLASSYAN.BL=AS.BAG1GWD-25ADHT HIJET S10PJ1FTL-231HONDA CIVIC EXCELENTEA.DI = DO.ONG1GWMZ-21AMZD MAZDA 323/FORD LASERED.IB=DM.DSG1GWIS-20AISZ PANTHER 2.3EO.BS=ED.LBN1SS-150412V MIT T210DO.AB=DI.NAG1GWT-59ATYT CRL DX'82-83EL.EL=DM.LSG1GWM-17AMIT LANCER SOHC C62AEL.EL=DM.LSN1IVR-51712V SZK/DHT FORSA/FUTURA/FEROZA/CLASSYDA.BS=AN.DSG1GWM-27AMIT ETERNA'88-92EI.NE=ES.IEG1GWM-47AMIT LANCER'90/DAANGAN1.6/1.8'90AN.BL=AS.BAG1GWM-53AMIT DAANGAN DOHC'89-90/C68ED.IB=DM.DSG1GWMZ-03AMZD MR90AN.BL=AS.BAG1GWMZ-35AMZD ASTINA/TIMOR S515 DOHCDA.SA=AM.MAN1SS-151624V MIT FE81ED.DO=DN.LIJ1MT-362554SZK ST100/SJ410DO.DD = DB.ALG1GWS-16ASZK FUTURA/VITARA/ESTEEM 1.3/G1GWT-19ATYT 2FDA.LN=AM.BAG1GWT-30ATYT CRL DX KE70'90-81EL.EL=DM.LSG1GWT-31ATYT CRN TT132ED.IB=DM.DSG1GWT-41ATYT CRN MARK IIEN.LO=ES.ING1GWT-60ATYT GR.KIJANGEN.LO=ES.INN1AVR-51024V MIT FUSO T653DD.OE=DA.ESN1AVR-55112V TYT HIACE/KF/DINA/DHT DELTADA.BS=AN.DSN8TW-1118K/STDNSN UD RD8DE.DI=DD.DSN1AVR-55624V TYT TRK 2DDE.DI=DD.DSN1AVR-57412V HND ACCORD/CIVICDO.AB=DI.NAN1AVR-58612V TYT HIACE DIESELDN.SB=DO.NBN1AVR-59212V DHT S10P/S75DE.DI=DD.DSN1AVR-81112V DTS 620DE.DI=DD.DSN1AVR-82112V ISZ KAD/TLD/TYT 2F NEWDE.DI=DD.DSN1AVR-96212V SZK ST100N1IVR-52724V TYT FORKLIFTDD.OE=DA.ESN1SS-168112V TYT KIJANG 5K/DHT S88/SZK XTRADO.AB=DI.NAN1D-00512V MIT L300N1D-02112V MIT L300 DIESELDA.BS=AN.DSN1D-01924V MIT FIGHTERDO.AB=DI.NAN1D-05812V ISZ KBD26ELMS=ESLEN1D-05712V ISZ KADELMS=ESLEN1IVR-25224V NSN CW54/CD54/RF8/FE6TDA.BS=AN.DSN1SS-150924V MIT FE79DE.DI=DD.DST5WPKM-997150MIT L300 DSL NEWED.MS=DN.LBT1MD-016911MIT MINICAB L100DE.DI=DD.DSN1SS-2717ACNSN CK12/CK87/HINO TRK HO7CDE.DI=DD.DST113506-13020TYT KIJANG 4K/5K/7KDD.EL=AN.LBT113528-33010TYT CORONA 18RDE.AL=DA.BBS2G030-43-400AMZD 626 85-87DSOI=DDEBR2911132R - DAIHATSU ROCKY'93DIBS=ABSDS2MB-534020MIT DAANGAN SOHC 88-93DBLL=DSBBM171880STR - MZD INTERPLAYAIDA=MNODMS247530-1170C- F HINO BUS AK-1"AONE=ASINM1S4319R - HONDA ACCORD EXECUTIVE 82-85AIDA=MNODMM1S4709F - SZK KARIMUNANML=AEDLM1M1633R - SZK VITARA/ESCUDOM1MR-860? - MZD 626M1MR-874F - TYT COROLLA/CORONA GL-83M1MR-878F - DHT ESPASS 1.6ABDB=MNMDMM1MR-880F - MIT T120SS/FUTURAAOIO=MNBBIM1R-2619R - MIT GALANTS246100-671-621HONDA ACCORD 80-81-13/16"AOLN=ALMDM1R-3739R - HONDA ACCORD PRESTIGE 86-89M1S4253R - TYT CORONA GL/EX SALONM11079R - SZK ST100ABNN=MNSNMM11000R - TYT KIJANG/HIACE/LAND CRUISERM11004R - SZK FUTURA/SJIMNY,TYT S.KIJANGS2ME-623321MIT FIGHTER/FRAILL=AEALM11094R - ISZ PANTHER/TROOPERM12113F - ISZ PANTHER/TROOPER/KBD25/KBD26AIDN=MNSLMM11163F - DHT DELTA,ISZ KAD/TLDM12066F - MIT L300/T120/KUDAM12126F/R - DHT TAFT GT/FEROZAM12132F - MIT L300/T120M13049R - TYT COROLLA DX/KE70/KE30/CRN RT100K1TP-682TYT COROLLA GLDE.OD=DD.SLK1TP-476-1TYT CORONA RT100EL.IA=EA.EMK1TP-594TYT HIACE NEWDE.OD=DD.SLK1TP-605TYT 2FDE.OD=DD.SLK1TP-738TYT COROLLA TWINCAM AE92DE.OD=DD.SLK1TP-775TYT STARLET NEWDE.OD=DD.SLN1IVR-940H12V MIT T120SS/GALANT IIDD=AN.OAM711012-95006@ 6 PCS NSN DIESEL NE6EA.ON=DB.IEM711012-95064@ 6 PCS NSN DIESEL NE6TEA.ON=DB.IEM711012-97025@ 8 PCS NSN DIESEL RD8EA.ON=DB.IEM711012-97161@ 8 PCS NSN DIESEL RE8EA.ON=DB.IEM711012-Z5616@ 6 PCS NSN DIESEL FE6EA.ON=DB.IEM711467-1080@ 6 PCS MIT HINO EK100EA.ON=DB.IEM711467-1211@ 6 PCS MIT HINO EH700XEA.ON=DB.IEM711467-1661@ 6 PCS MIT HINO EM100AEA.ON=DB.IEM7ME-031619@ 6 PCS MIT FR 6D14EA.ON=DB.IEM7ME-051500@ 6 PCS MIT FUSO 6D22EA.ON=DB.IET5WPKI-3300ISZ PANTHER 2.5(=WPKI-5590B)ED.MS=DN.LBN1SS-16424V KMTS FORKLIFT 4D95LDD.OE=DA.ESN1SS-16624V KMTS FORKLIFT/4D95C/PC200/S6D95LDD=AN.OAN1SS-160812V MIT T120/TYT KIJANG/SZK ST20DD=AN.OAS2ME-622506MIT FUSO FM517DSOI=DDIAS2OK25Z-43-400TIMOR SOHCAILL=AEALM115-0241R - MIT DAANGAN 89-92/LANCERM1FL-246F - TYT 2F/JEEP CJ7AOIO=MNBBIM1S1135R - HONDA ACCORD PRESTIGE 86-89ANML=AEDLS258510-22010HYUNDAI ACCENTDBEB=DDIDM110025F - SZK FORSA GL/GLXANML=AEDLM116037F - HONDA ACCORD 78-80M1S1039F - HONDA ACCORD MAESTRO/CIELO/89-ONDIDD=AMMIM1S1040R - HONDA ACCORD MAESTRO/CIELO/89-ONDIDD=AMMIM1S1266F - HONDA ACCORD VTI 2000DIDD=AMMIM171872F - NSN GENESIS/NSN B-13DIDD=AMMIS246100SR3-013HONDA GENIODSOI=DDEBM111031R - DHT CLASSY G100M111032R - DHT CLASSY G100R3RS-5119R - SZK JIMNYABMO=MN.NMIM111072F - HONDA CIVIC WONDER 84-87AIDA=MNODMM111124F - SZK AMENITYM111125R - SZK ESTEEM/AMENITYM116217R - TYT COROLLA GL/SE SALONAIDA=MNODMM111545F - MZD CAPELLA 88-92M111546R - MZD CAPELLA 88-92M116057F - TYT CORONA GL-83M116059R - TYT COROLLA/CORONA GL-83M1S4356F - TYT SOLUNAAIDA=MNODMM116073R - HONDA CIVIC BALLADE-84S251100-80660SZK KATANA/S.JIMNY (51100-80610)AILL=AEALM116312F - HYUNDAI ATOZ/KIA VISTO-RHM116313F - HYUNDAI ATOZ/KIA VISTO-LHM1S4307F - MIT LANCER 87-88DBEB=AMDOM116609F - TYT CORONA ABSOLUTEAIDA=MNODMM121641R - SZK KARIMUNABNN=MNSNMM1S1237R - SZK KARIMUNDDAE=AEBEM123295R - DTS SEDAN SUNNYM123313R - TYT STARLET NEW 90-ONAIDA=MNODMM123759F - HONDA GRAND CIVIC 3 DOOR-91M123760R - HONDA GRAND CIVIC 3 DOOR-91M123853R - TYT SOLUNAANML=AEDLM131000R - TYT 2F/HIACE/KIJANG/S.KIJANGS2MB-165130MIT 100PSAILL=AEALM131094R - TYT 2F/RINO/HIACE/JEEP CJ7M131163R - TYT COROLLA DX/KE70/CRN MARK IIM131542R - SZK ST100/C.EXTRAM132066F - MIT L300/T120M132132F - TYT CORONA RT100/HILUXM132206F - ISZ PANTHER/TROOPER/KBD25/KBD26DASD=MNOMDM132207R - TYT 2F/S75/S88/HIACE/S.KIJANGM132223R - SZK FORSA GLXAIDN=MNSLMM155801GMF - MZD E2700,TYT H IACE/S.KIJANGS25-47500-207-1ISZ KAD/TLD/BISONAILL=AEALM15803STF - MIT FE/100PS/120PS/T210M15882R - TYT COROLLA KE70/KE30/CRN RT-104T113507-87703DHT S75/S88DD.EL=AN.LBT1MD-021231MIT GALANT 2000'78(=MD-153644)EL.MA=ES.SBN8TW-1083K/STDNSN UD NE6EA.LL=DM.DLN8MI-1147GP/100MIT FUSO 8DCEA.LL=DM.DLN8CB-1023GP/STDISZ DA120EA.LL=DM.DLN8CB-1037GP/050MIT 6DB1EA.LL=DM.DLN8CB-1037GP/100MIT 6DB1EA.LL=DM.DLJ127351-77300ISUZU NHR-55 / 4JBDO.DD = DB.ALG1GUD-84DHT DELTA/FEROZAES.AN=EA.MLG1GUD-88DHT S75/S88ES.AN=EA.MLG1GUH-73ISZ TRK JUMBO EMES.AN=EA.MLN1SS-16712V AIRMAN COMPRESSOR/PDS125/175EL.MS=ES.LEN1SS-170712V DHT DELTA V22HDE.DI=DD.DSN1SS-170924V TYT FORKLIFTN1SS-17124V KMTS 6D170/ISZ TRK CXZDD=AN.OAN1SS-175712V MCD TRK 911N1SS-251124V NSN DIESEL CK10DE.DI=DD.DSN1SS-251624V ISZ ELF 250/4BA/CK12N1SS-251924V NSN RD8 DIESELDE.DI=DD.DSN1SS-252524V DTS SD33N8CB-2803GP/025NSN UD PE6TEA.LL=DM.DLN1SS-260224V MIT FUSO BUS T653DA.BS=AN.DSN1SS-260324V MIT T653/TYT TRK 2DDE.DI=DD.DSN1SS-270024V MIT FUSO 6DB/NSN TRK UDDE.DI=DD.DSN1SS-270424V HIN TRK KR64081DD.OE=DA.ESN1SS-270524V HIN TRKN1SS-270924V HIN TRK EH700N1SS-271424V KUBOTA MH150DE.DI=DD.DSN1SS-271624V NSN DSL RD8 SAWAFUJI TYPE/N1SS-2726FREE SAMPLEN1SS-8324V UNIVERSALDD.OE=DA.EST113561-34010TYT CORONA 18RDD.EL=AN.LBT113561-25010/1TYT CORONA TT132EI.NS=EE.LES247580-39027- R TYT DYNA BU30DBLM=DDDMS247580-60010- R TYT L/C 135PKAONE=ASINS29-47601-657-3- F ISZ KADAONE=ASINS2ME-601290MIT 100PSAILL=AEALS247540-87204- F DHT S10P/S75AONE=ASINS247580-1210B- R HINO RANGER-1.1/2"AILL=AEALS251100-75F30SZK KARIMUNAILL=AEALS247600-485P- F ISZ TRUCK TWD 20=..485FAOLN=ALMDS2MC-889607- R MIT 135PSAONE=ASINS2MB-165000MIT FE'81AILL=AEALS251100-79011SZK ST100AILL=AEALS253402-63B00- R SZK BALENO/SF413 1.3DSOI=DDEBS2MD-712383MIT L300 DSL L038AILL=AEALS258380-22000- R HYUNDAI ACCENTDBEB=DDIDS283460052ISZ TRK TDDBEB=DDIDS2BTIB-43-400FORD LASER/MZD 323AILL=AEALS28-97033639-0ISZ NHR-55-1.1/16"AILL=AEALS28-97100-075ISZ NKR66/NKR58-1.1/8"AILL=AEALS2FD-43376- F DODGE TRUCK D500S2MB-180750- R MIT GALANT 78-81 1.6/2.0S2MT-321695- R MIT T200/FE 4 BANAONE=ASINS2MB-162311MIT FE-111AILL=AEALS2MB-500739- R MIT KUDA/L200AONE=ASINS3HN_H07C.S3IS_BISON/C240ISZ TLD54/TLD56S3MT_FE111.S3MT_FM215/516W/O BEARING FUSO FM/FRS8SG-5(+)UNIVERSALDD.MD=DA.SSS247500-244ISZ TRK TXD50/TXAOLN=ALMDS2FD-24489- R DODGE TRUCK D500AILL=AEALS230610-H5802DTS J15/620AILL=AEALS247540-29065- F TYT HIACE NEW/RH11AILL=AEALS231410-10013TYT STARLETAILL=AEALS2ME-600628MIT FE'87AILL=AEALN8CB-1037GP/STDMIT 6DB1EA.LL=DM.DLN8CB-1083GP/075NSN UD NE6EA.LL=DM.DLN8CB-1084GP/050NSN UD PE6TN8CB-1084GP/STDNSN UD PE6TN8CB-1118GP/050NSN UD RD8EA.LL=DM.DLN8CB-1118GP/075NSN UD RD8EA.LL=DM.DLN8CB-1154GP/100ISZ E120EA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-1144GP/STDHINO EF100/EF300EA.LL=DM.DLN8CB-1144GP/100HINO EH100/EF300EA.LL=DM.DLN8CB-1803GP/100MIT FUSO 6D22EA.LL=DM.DLN8CB-1154GP/STDISZ E120EA.LL=DM.DLN8CB-1613GP/075ISZ 6RB1EA.LL=DM.DLN8CB-1613GP/STDISZ 6RB1N8CB-1803GP/050MIT FUSO 6D22EA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-1162GP/100MIT FUSO 6D22EA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-1162GP/STDMIT FUSO 6D22EA.LL=DM.DLN8CB-2112GP/050HINO K13CEA.LL=DM.DLN8CB-2102GP/100HINO EK100EA.LL=DM.DLN8CB-2107GP/STDHINO EF750EA.LL=DM.DLN8CB-2109GP/050HINO WO4DEA.LL=DM.DLN8CB-2109GP/STDHINO WO4DEA.LL=DM.DLN8CB-2803GP/STDNSN UD PE6TEA.LL=DM.DLN8CI-1147GP/050MIT FUSO 8DCEA.LL=DM.DLN8CI-1147GP/075MIT FUSO 8DCEA.LL=DM.DLN8CI-1156GP/050ISZ 10PB/10PCEA.LL=DM.DLN8CI-1630GP/050ISZ 10PDEA.LL=DM.DLN8CI-1630GP/STDISZ 10PDEA.LL=DM.DLN8MI-1147GP/050MIT FUSO 8DCEA.LL=DM.DLN8MI-1156GP/STDISZ 10PB/10PCN8MI-1630GP/050ISZ 10PDEA.LL=DM.DLN8MI-1630GP/STDISZ 10PDEA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-1036GP/050MIT 6DB1N8MS-1036GP/100MIT 6DB1EA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-1036GP/STDMIT 6DB1N8MS-1052GP/050ISZ DA120EA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-1052GP/100ISZ DA120EA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-1052GP/STDISZ DA120EA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-1084GP/050NSN UD PE6TEA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-1084GP/075NSN UD PE6TEA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-1084GP/STDNSN UD PE6TEA.LL=DM.DLT5WPKM-995424MIT 135PSED.MS=DN.LBN8MS-1197GP/075NSN UD RE8EA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-1144GP/100HINO EF100/EF300EA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-1154GP/050ISZ E120EA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-1154GP/100ISZ E120EA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-1154GP/STDISZ E120EA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-1193GP/050NSN UD NE6EA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-1193GP/STDNSN UD NE6EA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-1613GP/050ISZ 6RB1EA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-1613GP/075ISZ 6RB1EA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-1613GP/STDISZ 6RB1EA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-2102GP/050HINO EK100EA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-2107GP/050HINO EF750EA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-2107GP/100HINO EF750EA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-2107GP/STDHINO EF750EA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-2109GP/050HINO WO4DEA.LL=DM.DLN8MS-2109GP/STDHINO WO4DEA.LL=DM.DLN8SH-1118B/STDNSN UD RD8N8SH-2107A/STDHINO EF750EA.LL=DM.DLN8TW-1147J/STDMIT 6D22EA.LL=DM.DLT113028-10601DTS 620EI.NS=EE.LER2911063F - TYT 5K/HIACER2911128F - NISSAN TERRANO/ISZ TROOPER 89-93S231410-38050TYT KIJANG BARU DIESELAILL=AEALS231410-87309DHT DELTA V22HAONE=ASINS231420-26020TYT HIACE NEW/RINO/BU30AILL=AEALS28-94144-242-0ISZ KAD NEWAILL=AEALS2MB-238511- R MIT L300 DIESELAONE=ASINS231470-26010TYT HIACE-15 MMAILL=AEALS29-47601-728-0- R ISZ KAD-3/4"AONE=ASINS231470-32032TYT CORONA TWINCAM ST171-13/16"DBLL=DSBBS2OK201-26-610A- R TIMORAILL=AEALS253402-83040- R SZK S.JIMNY/KATANAAILL=AEALS28-94143446-0ISZ TLD54ANML=ABLIS253402-79740- R SZK ST100/SJ410AILL=AEALS241610-22950HYUNDAI ACCENTDBEB=DDIDS244003-24100MIT T210AONE=ASINS2MB-295340MIT 135PSAILL=AEALS247201-87502DHT S75/HIJET-3/4"AILL=AEALS2MC-811057- R MIT FUSO FM516/FM517AONE=ASINS247201-38040TYT KIJANG BARU'97AILL=AEALS2MC-832785- R MIT 120PSAONE=ASINS2ME-607351MIT 135PSAILL=AEALS247200-1300AHINO RK/RFAONE=ASINS247200-35011TYT L/C 135PK-1"AILL=AEALS247201-12550TYT COROLLA TWIN CAMAILL=AEALS247201-12870TYT COROLLA GREAT CRL'94AONE=ASINS247201-87609DHT TAFT F70-GT/FEROZAAILL=AEALS29-8346-0039ISZ TRK TXAILL=AEALS2MB-058830MIT T-120 '78AILL=AEALS247201-87401DHT TARUNA-7/8"AONE=ASINS247500-434ISZ TRK TXAILL=AEALS247506-87211- R DHT S10P/G10AOOO=ALLMS247580-36080- R TYT RINO 13B/14BAILL=AEALN1IVR-52112V DHT CHARADEDA.BS=AN.DSN1IVR-52412V TYT GREAT COROLLADD.OE=DA.ESN1IVR-52812V TYT RINO SAURUS/HINO EUROPEDE.DI=DD.DSN1IVR-76024V NSN FORKLIFT FC33/SD23/SD25[6T]DA.BS=AN.DSN1IVR-76124V NSN DSL CK12/RE8/PD6/BTXDA.BS=AN.DSN1IVR-80112V NSN SUNNYT113540-35010/1TYT CORONA MARK II 81-82DD.EL=AN.LBT1E13101-12-500FORD LASER TAXIDA.BS=AN.DSN1SS-121112V DTS 620 J15DD.OE=DA.ESN1SS-121512V DTS DIESEL SD22N1SS-121712V ISZ KAD/TLDDD=AN.OAN1SS-130412V HND CIVIC/ISZ GEMINI '89DD=AN.OAN1SS-14224V ISZ TRK TXDELMS=ESLEN1SS-16512V KMTS FORKLIFT FD204ELMS=ESLEN1SS-14712V ISZ ELF C240N1SS-151912V MIT L300/SZK LJ80DD=AN.OAN1SS-152224V MIT FE84/100PSDA.IO=AM.OMN1SS-15324V MIT/KMTS 6DBN1SS-154124V MIT FIGHTER FM/FRDE.DI=DD.DSN1SS-156224V MIT TRK FV212N1SS-156724V MIT CATERPILLARN1SS-166412V DHT S75DA.BS=AN.DSA2MD-008851.1025 MIT L300DXEO.BS=ED.LBA2MD-008851.SSTD MIT L300DXDA.SA=AM.MAA2MD-009581.1025 MIT L300/4G33EL.IA=EA.EMA2MD-009581.SSTD MIT L300/4G33DA.SA=AM.MAA2MD-011941.SSTD MIT T120ED.IB=DM.DSA2MD-173577.SSTD MIT T120SSDA.SA=AM.MAN1AVR-57712V TYT CRN RT104DN.SB=DO.NBA1CD-005DHT S10PDE.AB=AN.ESN1IVR-52912V TYT STARLET NEW'92DD.OE=DA.ESK1TP-612TYT CORONA RT132DO.SB=DB.AEA1CM-014MIT L300 DSLDE.AB=AN.ESA1CM-015MIT T210DE.AB=AN.ESA1CM-016MIT FE/PSDE.OD=AN.DDN1SS-270724V HIN TRK ED100DO.AB=DI.NAA1CS-011SZK ST20/KATANA/FORSADE.AB=AN.ESA1CS-018SZK VITARADE.AB=AN.ESA1CT-003TYT COROLLA KE20/30DE.AB=AN.ESA1CT-014TYT KIJANG 5KDE.AB=AN.ESA1CT-066TYT KIJANG 7K(=CTX066)DE.AB=AN.ESA1DD-002DHT S10PDE.AB=AN.ESA1DD-027DHT S89DE.AB=AN.ESA1DM-003MIT L100DE.AB=AN.ESA1DM-011MIT T120DE.AB=AN.ESA1DM-028MIT FE'79/T210DE.AB=AN.ESA1DM-035MIT L300 DSLDE.AB=AN.ESA1DM-301LMIT 120PS/4D34DE.AB=AN.ESG1GWT-09ATYT KIJANG 3K/4KEN.LO=ES.INA1DS-023SZK VITARADE.AB=AN.ESD1NSD-026DTS 620(SA276)DE.OD=AN.DDA1DT-005TYT STARLETDE.AB=AN.ESA1DT-024VTYT HIACEDE.AB=AN.ESG1GWM-33AMIT FE100PS/120PSDA.LN=AM.BAA1DT-075TYT 2FDE.AB=AN.ESN1SS-271724V NSN CK12/CK87/HINO HO7CDE.DI=DD.DSG438110-90464NSN DIESEL CK12 8 TONEM.AN=ES.MNK1TP-697TYT STARLETDE.OD=DD.SLN8CB-1083GP/STDNSN UD NE6EA.LL=DM.DLN1SS-170524V TYT FORKLIFTDD=AN.OAN1SS-14924V ISZ ELF 4BBI/C330DE.DI=DD.DSN8CB-1023GP/100ISZ DA120EA.LL=DM.DLT113434-87703DHT S75/S88 (S)DO.SB=DB.EDJ1MB-166425RKTYT 2FDA.LE = AM.LSJ143421-60012MIT L300 DSL L038DA.LE = AM.LSD1DHC-501DHT DELTA/TAFT F50DE.OD=AN.DDD1DHC-534DHT ZEBRA 1.3/S89D1DHD-001DHT S75/S88N1IVR-25324V HIN BUS RKDE.DI=DD.DSD1HND-020UKMT FORKLIFT 2.5(SA106)N8MS-1118GP/075NSN UD RD8EA.LL=DM.DLD1ISC-528ISZ KAD NEW/PANTHER/KBD26D1ISC-586ISZ PANTHER 2.5DD.ED=AO.LED1ISD-117UISZ PANTHER 2.3(=ISD105U)DE.AD=AM.IID1ISD-115UISZ KBD25(SA2945)DE.OD=AN.DDD1KMD-001UKMT FORKLIFT TCM 21/2 TOND1MBC-523MIT L300 DSL NEWDE.OD=AN.DDD1MBD-022UMIT L300 DSL NEWDE.OD=AN.DDD1MZD-005UMZD 626 GLX/CPL 2000D1SZC-508SZK CARRY XTRAD1SZC-522M/S T120SS/FUTURAN1IVR-52212V DHT/SZK S88/S89/C.XTRADE.DI=DD.DSJ148870-80000SZK ESTEEM 1.3/AMENITYDE.AL=DA.BBF2JHTSX-17DTS J15/620(4)EI.NS=EE.LEF2JHTSX-31ISZ GEMINI DSL(4)M172937STF - MIT LANCER'81-84(MR-937)AIDN=MNSLMF2JMTSX-35MIT CRANE 8DC2(8)N1SS-270124V HIN KL/KM/D 100N1SS-15012V ISZ TRUCK C221DD.DD=AN.DLG1GWT-58ATYT CRL/CRN GL'83EI.NE=ES.IET58-97033-175-4ISZ NHR55/4JB1(=8-97385-9840)DD.EL=AN.LBB1A-1416R/RH ISZ TRK KR/DA120B1A-1417R/LH ISZ TRK KR/DA120G1GWT-69ATYT SUPER KIJANGED.IB=DM.DSD1HCC-506HONDA WONDERDD.ED=AO.LEG6GUT-12TYT HIACEDLEB=ADBNG6GU-500ISZ PANTHER/KBD25DLEB=ADBNG6GUT-14TYT/ MIT JEEP L/C/COLTDIESEL T210DLEB=ADBNG6GUN-44MIT FUSO FM/FR (JOINT STRG)DLEB=ADBNG6GUIS-66ISZ NKR66/58DLEB=ADBNG6GUM-93MIT FE111/PS100DLEB=ADBNG6GUMZ-1MIT T120/T120SS/L300/ FUTURADLEB=ADBNG6GUN-27DTS 620DLEB=ADBNG6GUS-1SZK ST100G6GUT-13TYT KIJANGDLEB=ADBNT1E301-14-151FORD LASER (=4117461)EI.NS=EE.LEJ145040-69040XMIT ETERNA DOHC 88-93/DAANGAN 91DE.AL=DA.BBJ148850-60A00MIT L100 NEWDE.AL=DA.BBG1GWM-39AMIT L300 DIESEL NEW/LO39AN.BL=AS.BAN1IVR-76224V ISZ NKR66/NKR58DA.BS=AN.DSN1AVR-56612V TYT S.KIJANGDE.DI=DD.DST113070-10600DTS 620EI.NS=EE.LEJ127180-83000TERMINAL SKUN KUNINGANDE.AL=DA.BBN1D-00112V DTS 620DA.BS=AN.DST113506-22010TYT KIJANG 3KDD.EL=AN.LBT113507-87701DHT S10PEI.NS=EE.LEB1A-4401F/LH MIT FUSO FM/FR/FIGHTERDE.AM=DA.MMB1A-4403R/LH MIT FUSO FM/FR/FIGHTERDE.AM=DA.MMT18-94200948-1TYT CHEV LUV KB20(BENSIN)EI.NS=EE.LEB1A-5309F/LH TYT 2D NEWB1A-5311R/LH TYT 2D NEWDD.EL=AN.LBF2JHTSX-25ISZ KBD25/KAD(4)EI.NS=EE.LES251100-61G00SZK BALENOAONE=ASINN8CB-1803GP/STDMIT FUSO 6D22EA.LL=DM.DLF2JMTSX-36MIT L300(4)EL.MA=ES.SBF2JMTSX-47MIT 8DC/CK12(4)J143521-60010MIT L300DX/T120SS/RAGASA 135PS/ DHT S89(4)EE.NB = EA.DNF2JMTX-14AMIT T210(2)M171871F - NSN GENESISAIDA=MNODMF2JMTX-33AMIT FE79(2)F2JNDSX-31CDHT BU30NEW/F50/2D NEW(4crip)F2JNDSX-35ISZ PANTHER(4)F2JNDSX-39TTYT/DHT/SZK 5K/S88/EXTRA(4T)DL.BA=DS.LNM1D7633R - SZK VITARA/ESCUDO(=M1633)AIDA=MNODMF2JNDX-32ADHT/TYT BU30/F50/HIACE DSL(2)DO.SB=DB.EDM116164F - SZK ESTEEM 1,3/1,6AIDA=MNODMF2JNKSX-20ISZ TRK JCR(4)F2JNKX-7HINOF2JSDSX-10MHINO EH700(4)F2JSDSX-13HINO TRK/MIT 8DC CRANE(4)F2JSDSX-4HINO EC/EH100/KL(4)F2JSDSX-7HINO ED100(4)F2JSDSX-9MHINO EF350/500(4)G4MC-809467MIT FUSO GANJO-FEI.NS=EE.LEA421100-1E020TYT KIJANG KAPSUL'97(=HB070)DN.SB=DO.NBA4A-8102MIT COLT T120DA.BS=AN.DSA4H-3662TYT 2F NEWEM.DB=EB.SBA4H-6650TYT SUPER KIJANG 5KDN.SB=DO.NBA4MD-076304MIT L300DA.BS=AN.DSA4MD-081100MIT L300DXDA.BS=AN.DSA4MD-172818MIT T120SSDA.BS=AN.DSA212110-75107.SSTD SZK EXTRA/ST100DD.MD=DA.SSA213101-87306.SSTD DHT TAFT F50/DELTA V22HDD.MD=DA.SSA213101-87314.4100 DHT TAFT F50/DELTA V83TDD.MD=DA.SSA213101-87314.SSTD DHT TAFT F50/DELTA V83TDD.MD=DA.SST58-97069-738-1ISZ NHR55/PANTHER 2.5(=8-97385-9850)DD.EL=AN.LBA213101-87711.SSTD DHT S75DD.MD=DA.SSN2DA-10-0IN DHT TAFT BENSIN F10ED.LL=EA.DDTAMT-141213MIT T120DE.AI=DA.BON2NA-113-OTIN NSN DIESEL FE6/CK87EA.LE=DO.OIN2HB-8-0EX HINO TRK DS70TA45425-87506CENTER BUSH DHT S75/S88/T120/FUTURADE.AI=DA.BOS1102DTS 120Y(22450-H5051)DD.DD=AN.DLS1035TYT CORONA RT132(90919-21151)DD.DD=AN.DLS1072TYT STARLET(90919-21360)DA.AA=AM.SIS1118DTS 160J(22450-21029)S119901-87186DHT FEROZAS119901-87197DHT ZEBRA S89DE.AD=DA.SOS1304HONDA ACCORD'76(32700-671-000)S132722-PM3-000HND GRAND CIVICS133700-63B30SZK ESTEEM 1.3DD.DD=AN.DLS133700-71C10SZK ESTEEM 1.6/VITARA EFI/BALENODD.DD=AN.DLS133700-77500SZK FUTURADD.DD=AN.DLS1413MIT L300(MD-009141)DE.AD=DA.SOTA48655-12010TYT KE TWINCAMDE.AI=DA.BOS190919-21605TYT KF 7KS190919-22211TYT COROLLA TWINCAM-88DD.DD=AN.DLZ113021-H1000DATSUN 120YS1OK203-18-140TIMOR DOHCY1YD-103TYT KIJANG/HIACE/CRL12RDD.AN=AN.SDTA48061-27011TYT 5KDE.AI=DA.BOTA48630-20020TYT CRN RT100DB.AB=DL.NOTA90043-85087SPRING BUSH DHT TAFT F70DE.AI=DA.BOTA48635-28010TYT 5KDE.AI=DA.BOTA48815-14020STABILIZER BUSHDB.AB=DL.NOTA51393-SH3-003HONDA GRAND CIVICDE.AI=DA.BOTA52395-SH3-004HONDA GRAND CIVICDE.AI=DA.BOTA52385-SR3-000LOWER LINK BUSH HONDA GENIODE.AI=DA.BOTA8-94223-366-0ISZ KBD26/PANTHERDE.AI=DA.BOTA90043-85085DRAG LINK BUSHING DHT S88DE.AI=DA.BOT2IG-200RIGN COIL W/RESISTOR UNIVERSALDD.DA=AN.DST2ISC-5RDHT/SZK ST20/S89/S10P/S75/S88DD.DA=AN.DST2ME-520436CLUTCH DISC ASSY MIT FUSO FR215T2TS-800STOP LAMP SWITCH ST100/FE/L300/T120EM.EO=EL.OIT2TU-702SZK FORSADD.DA=AN.DST2TU-302MIT ETERNA 89-93/DAANGAN DOHCDD.DA=AN.DST2TU-502HONDA ACCORD'86DD.DA=AN.DST2TU-801DHT CHARADE G10/G11DD.DA=AN.DSY1YD-101TYT 2FDD.AN=AN.SDY1YD-106TYT KIJANG 4KDA.LN=AM.BAY1YD-109KTYT SUPER KIJANGDD.AN=AN.SDY1YD-119ATYT COROLLA GLDO.NI=DI.IEY1YD-128TYT STARLETDD.AN=AN.SDY1YD-304MIT L300DA.LN=AM.BAY1YD-311FORD LASER'90/CAPELLA'90Y1YD-317FORD LASER'85-87Y1YD-403MIT T120DD.AN=AN.SDY1YD-405MZD CAPELLADO.NI=DI.IEY1YD-408MIT L100 MINICABDD.AN=AN.SDY1YD-425MIT T120SSDA.LN=AM.BAY1YD-504DHT S10PDD.AN=AN.SDY1YD-505DHT CHARADE G10/G11DA.LN=AM.BAY1YD-506DHT S75/S88DA.LN=AM.BAY1YD-608HONDA ACCORD'84DD.AN=AN.SDY1YD-621HND GRAND CIVICY1YD-801SZK ST20DA.LN=AM.BAY1YR-401MIT COLT T120DD.AN=AN.SDS5MMC-202DMIT 120PS(MC-825365)DD.BO=DA.LOZ113521-22010TYT KIJANG 3KDD.EL=AN.LBY1YD-141DHT ESPASS/S89DD.AN=AN.SDR112280/STDDHT S75/S88 @3 (76MM)EI.LM=EL.NDN2TB-53-0EX TYT HIACE DIESELDD.IL=AN.NEN2MB-21-0EX MIT L100DE.LI=DA.IDK74402LUNIVERSAL(24V-K3)DE.LI=DA.DOK504111-87322DHT F80DA.OE=AM.OLY1YR-206HONDA DTS620/CVC80-87/ACC82-89DD.AN=AN.SDY1YR-414EMIT T120SSDA.LN=AM.BAY1YR-501DHT S38DD.AN=AN.SDY1YR-607HND GRAND CIVICY1YR-610EAHND GENIOZ113021-U0100DATSUN 160JZ113024-18000/1DATSUN 120YZ113523-13030TYT KIJANG 4K/5KZ1MD-010622MIT T120S132722-PE3-600HND WONDERY1YD-807SZK FUTURADA.LN=AM.BAY1YR-601HND WONDER/EXCELLENTZ113523-22010TYT KIJANG 3KTA48655-20030TYT KE AE80DE.AI=DA.BOK6MD-010944MIT T120DA.OE=AM.OLT2ISC-4RTYT L/C 2FDD.DA=AN.DSJ3MS-8136ONCH-008 HONDA PRESTIGE 86-89DI.ED=DS.MSM2A866T06670TYT RH11DD.DD=AN.DLM2M191T33371DD.DD=AN.DLM2M649T07171DA.AA=AM.SIM2T003T08171DO.DM=DI.MSM2T663T34772DD.DD=AN.DLN2MA-03-0IN MIT 6DB1ED.LL=EA.DDN2MB-43-OTEX MIT LANCER'90 DOHCDD.AN=AN.SDN2TB-88-0EX TYT COROLLA TWINCAM AE90DD.IL=AN.NEN2NB-115-OTEX NSN DIESEL 220PS BTX/NE6EA.LE=DO.OIN2TB-84-0EX TYT TRUCK 2D NEWDD.IL=AN.NEN311-0908MMIT L100DE.DS=DA.MBN311-Z528MSZK VITARADE.DS=DA.MBN377-0019AFUEL PUMP VALVE MIT T120/TYT/DHTEO.LO=EI.BOO113562-34020CHAIN GUIDE TYT 18RDO.DD=DI.SBR120942/075MIT 4D32 FE(104MM)DN.SD=DM.ENR129485/STDHND PRESTIGE'86-89@4(=16482)(82.7MM)DE.AI=DA.BOM2M357X91871.EM.BB=EB.OAH1SM-681MIT LANCER 85 GALANT IIH1ST-673TYT GREAT COROLLAH1TM-245MIT FUSO FM/FRH1VF-132MIT FUSO FM516 FIGHTERDD=AN.OAN2TB-105-0EX TYT RINO 14BDE.LI=DA.IDTA48750-79030CENTER BUSH SZK ST100/ S88DB.AB=DL.NOM2A648D01971EI.LD=ES.LBM2K008T75071ADD.DD=AN.DLM2M800X43573EI.LD=ES.LBM2T574X52571ED.EL=DN.MOM2M357X72672EXHAUST VALVEDD.DD=AN.DLM2E009T15292CDA.AA=AM.SIZ113523-33010TYT CORONA 18R (B)DD.DD=AN.DLS1303HONDA CIVIC'75(32700-657-000)S1514DHT S75/CHARADE G10/G11DD.DD=AN.DLS1845SZK S.JIMNY SJ410/KATANADD.DD=AN.DLTA48654-20050TYT KE AE80DE.AI=DA.BOT2TU-401TYT FORD LASERDD.DA=AN.DSY1YD-208AHONDA CIVIC'75-77/DTS 620DD.AN=AN.SDY1YD-406MIT L300 DXDA.LN=AM.BAY1YD-512DHT FEROZADA.LN=AM.BAY1YR-303MIT L300DD.AN=AN.SDY1YR-802DHT S89/FUTURADA.LN=AM.BAZ1MD-010920MIT T120N311-T190ATYT 2F NEWDN.EI=DO.MIN2HMB-68-OTEX HONDA ACCORD'82DD.IL=AN.NEN375-0534SZK KATANA/SUPER JIMNY SJ410EO.LO=EI.BOS5MMC-202BMIT FE(MB-005141)ED.MN=EA.OIN373-0923MIT T120DN.EI=DO.MIN2NB-117-0EX NSN DIESEL PF6/PF8EA.LE=DO.OIR120180/STDMIT 6DS7 FUSO T653(=21180)(98MM)DE.AI=DA.BOH1VF-233MIT 120PSDD=AN.OAZ113528-33010TYT CORONA 18R (S)K6MD-012337ROTOR MIT L300DA.OE=AM.OLS1108DTS 620DD.DD=AN.DLC2FKS1271FXMIT L300DE.NM=DD.BDN2IB-66-0EX ISZ TRK CXZ 10PD1N2NB-66-0EX NSN DIESEL RD8EL.SD=EE.SIN2NA-63-0IN NSN TRUCK CK10DI.DS=DL.ASN2TA-07-0IN TYT JEEP OLD F135N2TB-09-0EX TYT TRUCK OLD DA180N311-0529MSZK FORSADE.DS=DA.MBN311-T158ATYT KIJANG 7KDE.DS=DA.MBN325-0834UJDHT S89O113523-13030TYT 4K/5KDO.DD=DI.SBO1MD-021170MIT GALANT 2000 '78R120009/100MIT 4DR5 CANTER T210 (=21070)(92MM)EN.ES=EM.ALR120011/STDMIT 8DC11 FUSO (142MM)DE.AI=DA.BOR120081/STDMIT 6D22 FUSO TIPIS (130MM)DE.AD=DA.IER120292/075MIT 4G17 T120SS(72.2MM)EA.MN=DN.BBR120942/STDMIT 4D32 FE(104MM)DE.AI=DA.BOR126020/STDSZK ST100/C.XTRA @4(65.5MM)DE.AD=DA.IER129490/STDHND ACCORD'79-82 @4(=16025)(77MM)DE.AI=DA.BOS5MMC-202CMIT 100PS(MB-308059)DD.BO=DA.LOR129490/100HND ACCORD'79-82 @4(=16025)(77MM)EI.LM=EL.NDS190919-22327TYT SOLUNA/GREAT KEH1SZ-558MZD CAPELLA 88-92H1VF-135MIT FUSO 190PS(=VF-270)DD=AN.OAH1VN-189NSN RD8/CK12/CK87DD=AN.OAC2FKS1242FUTYT 2FDE.NM=DD.BDC2FKS1306KXTYT 2D NEWEA.LE=DO.OIC2S1199FTYT HIACE RH11DE.NM=DD.BDC2S1352SAISZ PANTHERDE.NM=DD.BDN2TB-20-0EX TYT COROLLA KE20DD.IL=AN.NER124370/STDNSN DIESEL RD8 TURBO(135MM)S1429MIT L100(MD-017963/64/576)DD.DD=AN.DLC2FKS1319FXTYT RINO 13BDE.NM=DD.BDM2A866X28572075 DTS J15/620DO.DM=DI.MSN335-0834UJDHT S89N373-0151TYT KIJANG 3KEN.SE=EO.IDN9OS-03TTYT/DHTEO.LO=EI.BOM2T832X19871MIT FE111DO.DM=DI.MSN2HA-24-0IN HINO TRK ED100 NEWES.AN=EA.MLN2IB-41-0EX ISZ PANTHER C240/KBD26DD.AN=AN.SDY1YD-804SZK ST100 84DA.LE = AM.LSR130746/STDMAZDA E2700EL.MA = ES.SBK615100-87703DHT ZEBRA S75DA.OE=AM.OLK76001LUNIVERSAL(24V-K3)DE.LI=DA.DOK76014LUNIVERSAL(12V)DE.LI=DA.DOO1MD-021246MIT GALANT 2000 '78DO.DD=DI.SBK504111-87307DHT V22/ F50DA.OE=AM.OLK504111-87314DHT V83/ F70DA.OE=AM.OLK504111-87338DHT F80EA.DI=DO.ONN311-Z534ASZK ESTEEM 1.3/AMENITYDE.DS=DA.MBN2HB-41-0EX HINO TRK EF100DE.AL=DA.BBS1403MIT T120(MD-011751)DD.DD=AN.DLN2NB-64-0EX NSN DIESEL PD6ES.AN=EA.MLR126220/075SZK JIMNY LJ80 @4(62MM)DB.AB=DL.NOR113251/STDSZK FUTURA/VITARA @4(=26251)(75MM)EI.LM=EL.NDR126010/150SZK ST20 @3(61MM)EI.LM=EL.NDM2M371X80171TYT SUPER KIJANGDD.DD=AN.DLZ113024-21000DATSUN 160JDD.DA=AN.DSR130570/100MAZDA CAPELLA 75DA.BS=AN.DSN2TB-38-0EX TYT JEEP 2FDD.AN=AN.SDN2NB-63-OTEX NSN TRUCK CK10EI.EI = ED.OLM2T232T48982DD.DD=AN.DLN2HB-43-0EX HINO RANGER HO7CDE.LI=DA.IDN2TB-91-0EX TYT KIJANG DIESELDD.IL=AN.NEY1YD-602HONDA ACCORD'82/WONDERDO.NI=DI.IEM2T232T21971SA.EA = EO.SES132722-PH1-601HND PRESTIGEEA.DI = DO.ONN2IB-28-0EX ISZ SEDAN BELLATSA.EA = EO.SEN2MB-04-0EX MIT 6DB1EM.BB=EB.OAR112910/STDDHT S89/ZEBRA 1.3 @4 (76MM)EN.ES=EM.ALM2A866X39772EI.LD=ES.LBM2A866X24072DO.AO=DI.SDM2A866X12782DO.DM=DI.MSM2M372X10171ED.EL=DN.MOM2A866X28372DD.DD=AN.DLM2A866X34972DD.DD=AN.DLM2J007X01972DD.DD=AN.DLM2M002T67884DD.DD=AN.DLM2M106X29171DD.DD=AN.DLM2M106X43772DO.DM=DI.MSM2M135X01771EM.BB=EB.OAM2M191X67585DO.DM=DI.MSM2M230X00671M2M357T71671DD.DD=AN.DLM2M357X66185M2M357X73571DD.DD=AN.DLM2M372X10371DD.DD=AN.DLM2M605X95571M2M640B12671M2M863C05671M2T002T01273DD.DD=AN.DLM2T003T05772DD.DD=AN.DLTA48654-12010TYT CRL KE30DE.AI=DA.BOM2T100T21272DA.AA=AM.SIM2T213X22271DD.DD=AN.DLM2T213X84071M2T315T23971DD.DD=AN.DLM2T589X77871DO.DM=DI.MSM2T602X36471EM.BB=EB.OAN2MB-14-OTEX MIT GALANT 2000-'78-80DD.DD=AN.DLO113561-13020TYT 4K/5KED.MN=EA.MEM2T880T12472EI.AB=EE.ABM2U001T15472ED.EL=DN.MOM2UC-J10HDD.DD=AN.DLM2UC-V6BDD.DD=AN.DLN2NA-63-OTIN NSN TRUCK CK10N2NB-43-0EX NSN DIESEL SD22EB.OL=EE.MON2TB-49-0EX TYT COROLLA GLDD.IL=AN.NEN2SB-08-0EX SZK FUTURADD.IL=AN.NEN2NB-84-0EX NSN DIESEL RD8 NEWN2TA-48-0IN TYT TRUCK 2DDD.AN=AN.SDN2TA-77-0IN TYT STARLETEA.LE=DO.OIN2TA-91-0IN TYT KIJANG DIESELDD.IL=AN.NEN2TA-94-0IN TYT RINO 14BDE.LI=DA.IDN2TB-60-0EX TYT SUPER KIJANGED.IM=DN.MON2ZB-17-0EX MAZDA SEDAN 808EB.OL=EE.MON395DE.DS=DA.MBN311-T130ATYT HIACE NEWDN.EI=DO.MIN311-0717HFORD LASER 1.3EB.BI=EL.ONN311-T191ATYT 2F'80DN.EI=DO.MIN311-T160ATYT GRAND KIJANG 5KDN.EI=DO.MIN311-1056KHONDA ACC.'78-81/EXCELENT/CVC75-79DE.DS=DA.MBN311-H558KHONDA ACCORD'82/WONDERDE.DS=DA.MBN311-M928AMIT L300 DXN325-0928AMIT L300DA.SA=AM.MAN335-T050ATYT GRAND KIJANG/5KDE.DS=DA.MBN325-0924A-STMIT T120N325-T120SSMIT T120SSDA.SA=AM.MAN335-0016ATYT HIACE RH11 NEWDA.SA=AM.MAN335-T191ATYT 2FES.ML=ED.MNN335-0928AMIT L300/L300DXDE.DS=DA.MBN335-T160ATYT KIJANG 5KDE.DS=DA.MBN340-0834UJDHT S89DE.DS=DA.MBN348MMUNIVERSALDE.DS=DA.MBN350-0807AIDLE SCREW SZK ST100/3K/S89DE.DS=DA.MBN373-0196TYT L/C 155PKDN.EI=DO.MIN373-0502SZK ST20(=75-0502)DE.DS=DA.MBN373-0503SZK ST100DE.DS=DA.MBN373-0806ADHT S75DN.EI=DO.MIN375-0505SZK JIMNY LJ80ES.ML=ED.MNM2T006T57671AISUZU TLD-58DA.AA=AM.SIS1819SZK LJ80(33710-73010)ES.AN=EA.MLN2HB-15-0EX HINO TRK DM100N2DA-22-0IN DHT ZEBRA S89DD.IL=AN.NEN2TA-79-0IN TYT STARLETEA.LE=DO.OIN2TA-40-0IN TYT CORONA 18RDD.IL=AN.NEN2HB-29-0EX HINO TRK FF/EH700DI.DS=DL.ASN2HB-34-0EX HINO TRK EL100N2HA-40-0IN HINO TRK EM100N2HA-41-0IN HINO TRK EF100N2HA-8-0IN HINO TRK DS70N2HB-16-0EX HINO TRK FD EC100O113521-13020TYT 4K/5KDO.DD=DI.SBN2HB-22-0EX HINO TRK EH100N2HB-40-0EX HINO TRK EM100N2HMB-34-OTEX HONDA CIVIC EXCELENT'80-83DD.AN=AN.SDN2HMB-174-OTEX HONDA CIELLO VITEC'97-2000N2NB-79-OTEX NSN DATSUN SUNNY B11DD.IL=AN.NEN2NA-67-0IN NSN DIESEL FORKLIFT SD33N2HMB-37-OTEX HONDA EXECELENTDD.IL=AN.NEN2TB-43-0EX TYT HIACE NEWDD.AN=AN.SDN2ZB-32-OTEX MAZDA 323/FORD LASEREL.SD=EE.SIN2HMB-81-OTEX HONDA ACCORD'84-86DD.IL=AN.NEN2IB-31-0EX ISZ TRK DH100 NEWTA52365-SH3-014HONDA GRAND CIVICDE.AI=DA.BON2IB-29-0EX ISZ TRK DA640EB.OL=EE.MON2IA-34-0IN ISZ TRK E120N2IB-52-0EX ISZ GEMINI 89EB.OL=EE.MOS1507DHT S10P(19901-87702/87708)N2IB-69-0EX ISZ NKR66/4BF1/135PSDE.LI=DA.IDN2NA-43-0IN NSN DIESEL SD22EB.OL=EE.MON2IB-34-0EX ISZ TRK E120TA48654-12070TYT KE TWINCAMDE.AI=DA.BON2TB-39-0IN TYT CORONA MARK IIDI.DS=DL.ASN2MB-15-0EX MIT L300DD.AN=AN.SDS1232FORD LASEREI.IO=ES.ALN2NA-85-0IN NSN DATSUN FORKLIFT SD22EB.OL=EE.MON2MB-27-0EX MIT 6D22EA.LE=DO.OIN2MB-38-0EX MIT FUSO 8DCDD.AN=AN.SDN2NA-117-0IN NSN DIESEL PF6/PF8EA.LE=DO.OIN2NB-21-0EX DATSUN J13/620DD.IL=AN.NER120035/STDMIT 6D22 FUSO TEBAL (130MM)DE.AI=DA.BOR120044/STDMIT 8DC9T TRK TIPIS(135MM)DN.SD=DM.ENR120046/STDMIT 8DC9 FUSO(135MM)DE.AI=DA.BOR120047/STDMIT 8DC11 TRK TIPIS(142MM)DE.AI=DA.BOR120099/STDMIT 4D33 FE/135PS(=ME996378)(108MM)EI.LM=EL.NDR120281/STDMIT 6D16 FIGHTER 190PS(118MM)DE.AI=DA.BOR120292/STDMIT 4G17 T120SS(72.2MM)R120460/STDMIT 4D30/31 FE111/100PS(100MM)DE.AD=DA.IER120460/100MIT 4D30/31 FE111/100PS(100MM)EI.LM=EL.NDR124780/STDNSN DIESEL RD8(135MM)DE.AI=DA.BOR120931/STDMIT 4D34T FE/120PS(104MM)DE.AD=DA.IER120942/100MIT 4D32 FE(104MM)EI.LM=EL.NDR121281/STDMIT 6D16 FIGHTER 190PS(118MM)R121610/STDMIT 6D14 FUSO FM/FR(110MM)R121930/STDMIT 6D15 FUSO FIGHTER(=20911)(113MM)DE.AI=DA.BOR124790/STDNSN RE8(135MM)DE.AI=DA.BOR126010/STDSZK ST20 @3(61MM)DE.AI=DA.BOR126020/050SZK ST100/C.XTRA @4(65.5MM)EI.LM=EL.NDR126220/STDSZK JIMNY LJ80 @4(62MM)EI.LM=EL.NDR126220/100SZK JIMNY LJ80 @4(62MM)DE.AI=DA.BOR128750/025TYT SUPER KIJANG(80.5MM)DE.AD=DA.IER128750/STDTYT SUPER KIJANG(80.5MM)DE.AI=DA.BOR129070/STDHND CVC WONDER'75-79@4(=16017)(74MM)DE.AI=DA.BOR130960/STDFORD LASER (=30015)(77MM)S544011-44501HUB SYNCHROMIS MIT T210S544011-46901HUB OVER DRIVE GEAR MIT T210S5MDY-201CTYT RINO(41331-36031)S5MDY-202CTYT RINO(41341-36011)S5MMC-201BMIT FE(MB-005140)ED.MN=EA.OIS5MMC-201CMIT 100PS(MB-308115)DD.BO=DA.LOS5MMC-201DMIT 120PS(MC-829204)DD.BO=DA.LOT2MT-311810VACUM LAMPS SWITCH MIT 100PS/T120EM.EO=EL.OIN9OS-03LT120/L300/FE/ST100/XTRADD.IL=AN.NETA8-94226-557-2ISZ KBD26/PANTHERDE.AI=DA.BOO113521-22010TYT 3KDO.DD=DI.SBO113521-33010TYT 18RDO.DD=DI.SBO113522-33010TYT 18RDO.DD=DI.SBO113528-33010TYT 18RDO.DD=DI.SBO113561-22010/2TYT 3KED.MN=EA.MEO113561-33010TYT 18RED.MN=EA.MEO1MD-020843MIT GALANT 2000 '78O1MD-021172MIT GALANT 2000 '78R120009/STDMIT 4DR5 CANTER T210 (=21070)(92MM)DE.AI=DA.BOR112100/100DHT DL/TAFT GT/V83 (92MM)EI.LM=EL.NDR115167/STDHINO TRK HO7T/BUS RK TURBO(110MM)R115801/STDHINO EM100(124MM)DE.AI=DA.BOR115920/STDHINO TRK HO7D (=16135)(110MM)DE.AI=DA.BOR115950/STDHINO TRK HO7C (=15135)(110MM)R116151/STDHND GRAND CIVIC 88 @4(75MM)DE.AI=DA.BOR120016/025MIT 4D30/31 FE111/100PS(100MM)DN.SD=DM.ENR120025/STDMIT 6D14 FUSO FM/FR(110MM)DE.AI=DA.BON2TB-92-0EX TYT TRUCK RINO 13BEB.OL=EE.MOC2FKS1199KZTYT HIACE RH11EA.LE=DO.OIC2FKS1200KXMIT COLT DIESEL T210EA.LE=DO.OIC2FKS1298FXMIT L300DXDE.NM=DD.BDC2FKS1337FXTYT BU30DE.NM=DD.BDC2FKS1350FXMIT L300 DIESELDE.NM=DD.BDC2FKS1352SAXISZ PANTHERDE.NM=DD.BDT2ISC-7TMIT L100EA.LE=DO.OIN2NB-113-OTEX NSN DIESEL FE6/CK87EA.LE=DO.OIN2IB-42-0EX ISZ GEMINI 4FB1/4FC1DD.IL=AN.NEC2S1294K1TYT HIACE DSL LH11DE.NM=DD.BDN2TB-48-0EX TYT TRUCK 2DEA.LE=DO.OID2FTM-063GTIGN.COIL UNIVERSAL W/RESISTORDO.ES=DB.AMD2R-501BRESISTOR COIL MAZDADO.ES=DB.AMR116063/STDHND ACC.MAESTRO @4(85MM)DE.AI=DA.BON2TB-63-0EX TYT JEEP 1H/2HEI.NS=EE.LEM2A860T29370TYT KIJANG 5KEI.LD=ES.LBM2A584X00772TYT JEEP 2FDD.DD=AN.DLY1YD-622HND ACC.MAESTRO/GENIODA.AA=AM.SID2TB-61KIGN.COIL MIT COLT T120(12V)EI.NO=EL.EDH315X40STEERING JOINT DHT ZEBRA/CARRY ST100DD.DA=AN.DSTA48061-20020TYT CRN RT100DB.AB=DL.NOTA90043-85086SPRING BUSH DHT TAFT F70DE.AI=DA.BOH1CV-12FUEL CUT VALVE L300/HIACE DSL/ PANTHERDD=AN.OAR112280/125DHT S75/S88 @3 (76MM)EA.MN=DN.BBH1K-164HEATHER SIGNAL MIT FEH1SH-501HONDA WONDER/CIVIC/ACCORDH1SH-602HONDA ACCORD PRESTIGE'86H1SI-05IGN LOCK SWITCHDD=AN.OAH1SM-685MIT ETERNA 89-93 DAANGAN DOHCH1SM-688MIT LEE DAANGAN 1500/1600H1SS-534SZK FORSAH1SS-641SZK ESTEEM 1.6H1ST-670TYT CORONA/COROLLA/TWINCAMM2M649T04372FORD LASERC2S1306KTYT 2D NEWEA.LE=DO.OIN2TA-43-0IN TYT HIACE NEWDD.AN=AN.SDH1TM-241MIT T120/L300H1TS-271SZK ST-100/XTRAN2IA-25-0IN ISZ LUV KBD25DD.IL=AN.NEN2ZB-18-0EX MAZDA CAPELLA'75/82EL.SD=EE.SIH1VF-129MIT FE/100PSDD=AN.OAH1VN-188NSN DIESEL RD8ED.LL=EA.DDH1VN-195NSN CK12 DSLEB.EB=EETA48750-85000STRG BUSHING DHT S89/FUTURA/T120SSDB.AB=DL.NOZ113521-33010TYT CORONA 18RDO.DD=DI.SBN2TB-70-0EX TYT COROLLA 1C/2CEI.NS=EE.LEC2FKS1134FWTYT KIJANG 3KDE.NM=DD.BDC2FKS1178KYDATSUN DIESEL SD22EB.LL=EL.DAC2FKS1195FABISZ KBD26 NEWDE.NM=DD.BDY1YR-409MIT T120SSDA.LN=AM.BAY1YR-801SZK ST20DD.AN=AN.SDN2IB-36-0EX ISZ TRK SPZ E120O113523-33010TYT 18RDO.DD=DI.SBO113024-30800DTS 620DO.DD=DI.SBR120016/STDMIT 4D30/31 FE111/100PS(100MM)DE.AI=DA.BOR129880/STDHND ACC.EXEC'84-85@ 4(=16028)(80MM)DE.AD=DA.IEN5ST-1640JOINT STEERING TYT KIJANG/ISZ PANTHERG5D34TYT 2-DM6L4MIT COLT T-120N548069-87793DHT G10 (LH)N5NIM-0001FUEL TANK CAP UNIVERSAL TYPEDA.BS=AN.DSN59-93150-612/3ISZ KAD51M6M2.M6A56M6E33M6I19K222440-83L10NSN CEFIROK2B2450-36-G25NSN TERRANOK2KARIMUNSZK KARIMUNK2MD-009141MIT COLT L300K290919-21025TYT KIJANG KF40K290919-21107TYT HIACE RH11K2MD-133880MIT COLT T120SSS91.00-MMISI 22 MTR, 12 WARNACYISZ_PANTHR2.58-94453-7491CYSZK_ST10022400-72022/ST-20(KARET)PZISZ_PANTHER25.N5K092-32-280TIMORM6A45@ 8 PCS NSN DIESEL RF8EA.ON=DB.IEN545046-87682DHT TAFT F70M6A6M6C18M6D10M6F12M6M32M131-0185F - NSN SENTRAK290048-66012-0DHT S88S90.80-MMISI 22 MTR, 12 WARNAPZHIN_JUMBO.M6E38PS115/14BM6J9S96.00-MMISI 22 MTR, 12 WARNAM6E39M6H32M6A24TYT KIJANG KF40M6M20SZK CARRY ST-100, SJ-410N5F148-13BUNIVERSAL TYPEA6CORONA-TT13290919-21087K290048-66014-0DHT S75A6KB275CM24V-SSS94.00-MMISI 22 MTR, 12 WARNAA6KP40CM24V-SBA6KS100CM24V-SSA6KS175CM12V-SKA6KS75CM12V-SKA6STARLET1.390919-13339N5MR-267594MIT L300 DIESEL (RH)B3KS-200CM-12V.N5MZS-45003MIT T120SSM6L3TYT 2-D OLDK2BALENOSZK BALENOK2TIMOR DOHCTIMOR (DOHC)F3PARALELKABEL ACCU UNIVERSALK290919-21360TYT STARLET EP70A6KB225CM24V-SSK290919-0B010TYT KIJANG KF70G33.00-MM8 WARNAN545200-77500SZK FUTURASZMT_PS100HINO H O 7 DN545200-82000SZK FORSAN5F148-14BUNIVERSAL TYPEN5F148-16BUNIVERSAL TYPEN5F153-18BTOYOTA TYPEN531204-22040TYT KIJANGA6COROLLA-KE3090919-21011A6FORD-LASERFD-687G5G86TYT TRUCK DIESEL 2D OLDG5J13MIT ETERNA PS-120G5B56HONDA MAESTRON548900-77300DRAG LINK ASSY SZK CARRY ST100A6WILLYS-CJ4JD-10875A6KB200CM12V-SKA6KB175CM24V-SSM6A33KABEL DOUBLE (50 MTR)A6KB30CM12V-SKA6KS40CM24V-SBS91.50-MMISI 22 MTR, 12 WARNAA6KP95CM_FE_STBATTERY COLT DIESEL PS PE (SET)A6KS150CM24V-SBA6KS275CM12V-SKA6KS300CM24V-SSA6KS60CM12V-SKA6S8919901-87197-000B3KS-125CM-24V.B3KS-200CM-24V.M6M28.PZMER_INTERCULR.PZISZ_PANTHER23.A7N-70TERMINAL SKUN BIASAN5MB-598023MIT GALANTG5C32MIT 6 D 22G5A114NISSAN RE 8G5A128HINO EB 300N504486-30030LOWER SHAFT TYT KIJANG KF40/RH11K2MD-134754MIT ETERNAL DOHC/SOHCA6KB250CM24V-SBA6KB60CM12V-SKCXTYT_GR.KIJ1.531210-0W010K30.80-MMISI 27 MTR, 12 WARNAK31.00-MMISI 27 MTR, 12 WARNAN545046-29075TYT KIJANG KF20 (OUT)N5B107-46-020BAR EXTENSION MZD 323/FORD LSRK2405-18BUNIVERSAL TYPEM6E17KABEL BUSI ROLL (25MTR/ROLL)CXISZ_PANTHR2.38-94224-7830CXISZ_PANTHR2.58-94435-0111CYDHT_S89-P31250-87548(PER)CYISZ_TLD588-97079-5210CYMIT_FE100PSME-500519CYMIT_T-120MD-701230CYMIT_L-300DMD-802129CYNSN_CK1230100-90609CYTYT_GR.KIJ1.531250-0W010DZHIN_MA.DZHIN_RK.DZHIN_RK_TURBO13407-1840PZHIN_LA/AKRANGER 13408-1550WZMIT_T200-F.N5MB-175544MIT L300 (LOW)N545401-29195PITMAN ARM TYT KIJANG KF40X13835774OIL SEAL TAMBANG (GR-0137) "GM"N5F148-12BUNIVERSAL TYPEDA.LE = AM.LSM6D7M6A10N58-97107-348/9ISZ NKR56M6A7M6A8M6H22M6C17M6C19M6C35M6C47M6D11M6D5M6D9M6F13M6H24M6H31M6I20M6M6M6I8SZK S.JIMNYS92.00-MMISI 22 MTR, 12 WARNAN5MR-210438MIT KUDA (UP)K32.50-MMISI 27 MTR, 12 WARNAM6E24UNIVERSAL TYPEM6M228 WARNAN5ME-600700MIT PS100EA.DI = DO.ONM6L2MAZDA 808M6H12DHT S-10PM6J6@ 4 PCS MIT FE 4D31 (SEMI FINISH)EA.ON=DB.IEG5D50ISUZU TLD-58N548900-77500DRAG ROD ASSY SZK FUTURAM6J3DHT TAFT F70/75 GTM6F16ISUZU DA-120EA.DI = DO.ONG5H4HINO DIESEL EK-100G5H9NISSAN DIESEL RD-10G32.00-MM8 WARNAN5NIM-0003FUEL TANK CAP DHT ESPASSDA.BS=AN.DSN502250-1570NDRADIATOR CAP-K, UNIVERSAL TYPE "ND"N5TIMORRACK END ASSY TIMORN5283-00404/22DIAPRAGM ASSY MIT CANTER FE111N537230-26020TYT KIJANG 7KN543360-29056TYT KIJANG KF40 (UP)N543421-77500HUB FRONT WHEEL SZK FUTURAN548066-27011TYT KIJANG KF10/KF20N548069-87515DHT S91 (LH)N548810-60B00SZK FORSAN5MB-349944/3MIT L300 DIESELN58AB1-32-280MZD 323/FORD LSRN5F148-15BUNIVERSAL TYPEN5F153-16BTOYOTA TYPEN5F148-18BUNIVERSAL TYPEN5F153-15BTOYOTA TYPEN5F153-17BTOYOTA TYPEN5MB-160230LEVER ASSY MIT CANTER FE/PSN5MB-912506MIT GALANT'94A6KB175CM12V-SKA6KB300CM24V-SSA6KB200CM24V-SBA6KB200CM24V-SSA6KS150CM24V-SSA6KS250CM24V-SBA6KS350CM12V-SKA6KB275CM24V-SBA6KB300CM12V-SKA6KB300CM24V-SBA6KB30CM24V-SBA6KB30CM24V-SSA6KB350CM24V-SBA6KB350CM24V-SSA6KB40CM24V-SBA6KB40CM12V-SKA6KB50CM12V-SKA6KB50CM24V-SBA6KP50CM12V-SKA6KB75CM12V-SKA6KB75CM24V-SBA6WILLYS-CJ7JD-12875A6KP30CM24V-SBN5C453-20BMIT FUSO TRUCKDE.AL=DA.BBA6KP35CM24V-SBA6KP40CM12V-SKA6KP95CM_FEBATTERY COLT DIESEL PS PEA6KS50CM24V-SSA6KS100CM24V-SBA6KS125CM12V-SKA6KS125CM24V-SBA6KS75CM24V-SBA6KS150CM12V-SKA6KS175CM24V-SBN5MR-019585MIT L300 (UP)A6KS200CM24V-SBA6KS200CM24V-SSA6KS225CM12V-SKA6KS250CM12V-SKA6KS250CM24V-SSA6KS275CM24V-SBA6KS275CM24V-SSA6KS300CM12V-SKN5MD-703275MIT L300 DIESELA6KS30CM24V-SBA6KS30CM24V-SSM6L1KEPALA ACCU KUNINGAN - BESARED.MS=DN.LBN5MB-000076RUBBER CUSHION MIT CANTER PS100AB1.00-MMISI 22 MTR, 12 WARNAN5ST-1540JOINT STEERING SZK CARRY/ZEBRADD.DD=AN.DLAB3.00-MMISI 22 MTR, 12 WARNAN5MB-563236MIT PS120N548069-28040TYT KIJANG GRAND/KF50 (LH)A6MAZDA-8080324-18-140-BA6L300MD-011941A6ST2033730-72070A6DATSUN-STANZA22450-00126A6DATSUN-62022450-B5025A6WILLYS-CJ5JD-11875N5MB-912510MIT GALANTG5K19HINO TRUCK DIESEL EK-100G5C73ISZ 6 BD TURBOG5C30MIT COLT T-120SSG5K70NISSAN DIESEL RD-10G5K98TYT RINO 14-B (PS-115)M6M24ISUZU GEMINI 82G5C26MIT FUSO 6 D 14G5K57MIT DIESEL 8DC9G5G29ISUZU DIESEL E120 (SPZ)G5C33MIT 6 D 31 TM6F19TYT RINO 14-BX1ME-034573COVER OIL COOLER MIT FUSO FIGHTER FM/FRN548610-28012TYT KIJANG KF40 (=48630-..)M6M27SZK CARRY ST-100/ EXTRAG5I10DHT TAFT GT'88 F-75G5B7TYT MARK II/ 21 RN548609-87507-0SUPPORT ASSY DHT ZEBRA S88N5MT-142181/2MIT T120/L300M6H13DHT HIJET S-75M6H7TYT KIJANG 3KN5KIJANGHUB FRONT WHEEL TYT KIJANGA6T120MD-011751A6SJIMNY-SJ41033700-80320A6KB100CM12V-SKA6KB100CM24V-SBA6KB60CM24V-SBA6KB125CM12V-SKA6KB125CM24V-SBA6KS200CM12V-SKA6KB250CM24V-SSA6KB150CM24V-SSN543421-77310HUB FRONT WHEEL SZK ST100A6KS50CM12V-SKA6KS50CM24V-SBA6KS75CM24V-SSA6S10P19901-87702-000A6KS225CM24V-SSB3FE-111KABEL ACCU STARTERB3N-40(+/-)KKEPALA ACCU KUNINGAN - KECILB3KS-100CM-24V.B3KS-125CM-12V.B3KS-150CM-24V.B3KS-175CM-12V.B3KS-175CM-24V.D5N40(+/-)PKEPALA ACCU PRESSPZTYT_KIJANG3K/4K/5KK2E803-18-140LMZD 323DZNSN_RB8712306-Z5507G5I33MIT FUSO FM-215 6D14K2TIMORTIMORWZMIT_PS120-F.N548069-87401DHT TARUNA (LH)N551469-SE0-000HND PRESTIGE'86 (LH)N58-94366-165ISZ PANTHER (LOW-RH)WZMIT_FIGHTER-R.G5B34TYT FORKLIFT 2 ZN545200-79001SZK ST100A7N-50KTERMINAL SKUN KUNINGANBZDHT_ESPASS-FS89M6I6ISI 27 MTR, 12 WARNAN58-94366-608ISZ PANTHER (LOW)K219901-87503-0DHT S10PM6C42DHT DELTA V22H, TAFT F-50G5A91ISUZU 6 R BG5H10NISSAN DIESEL RD-8M6M31MIT 6D31TG5H8NISSAN DIESEL NE-6 (CK-12)M6H29MIT FUSO PS-190 6D16G5J2ISZ NKR-66 (4HFI)M6I17ISZ GEMINI DIESEL 1800'82G5A89ISUZU E 120G5A132HINO EP 100G5A116NISSAN RD 10G5A117NISSAN RE 10G5A118NISSAN RF 10M6H30MIT DIESEL 6D22G5A133HINO L AG5K72NISSAN DIESEL SD25G5A135ISZ DA-120G5G76TYT DYNA RINO 14-BM6D15TYT 4-AM6E34MIT FUSO 6D16 PS-190AAISZ_PANTHERSTARTER ASSYM6C9SZK ST-20EA.DI = DO.ONS4SC-121R/W CYL(CUP5/8") TYT KIJANG KF10/3KS4SC-7635RR/W CYL(CUP1.1/2") MIT FUSO TRK T653T832575-2FT.SPISTON RING(STD) ISZ 4JBI NHR55/4JAI PANTHER 2.5M3MC-825365PINION GEAR MIT FE/PS120M3MB-005141PINION GEAR FE111 (PCS)M3MB-005140SIDE GEAR MIT FE111 (2 PCS/SET)L1MD-997150MIT L-300 DIESEL NEWNAEH-700YLINER MIT HO7CN441MM-LHDOUBLE-LH FUSO/HINO/RINO/2D/ISUZUJ2E356-18-400STT.ASSY FORD LASEREA.DI = DO.ONF1FO-4015C/O ASSY MIT FE'87/100PSA541331-87502DIFF SIDE GEAR DHT S10PA541342-87502DIFF PINION SHAFT DHT S10PM131-0322R - DHT CLASSY G100/G102M131-0222R - NSN SENTRAM131-0321R - DHT CLASSY G100/G102M1E1085F - MIT GALANT V6/VR'92-96ANML=AEDLM1E4036R - HYUNDAI ACCENT'98ANML=AEDLM1E4249F - MIT LANCER GLX IM1E4353F - MIT LANCER GLX I 97-2001M144440R - SZK AMENITY(=E4312)AIIB=MMOBSM1E1035R - MIT ETERNA/GALANT II (=15-0183)ANML=AEDLM1E1036R - MIT LANCER DAANGAN'89-92M1E1038R - MIT LANCER GLX 1 97-2001M1E4246F - MAZDA INTERPLAY/ASTINAANML=AEDLM1E4334F - HYUNDAI ACCENT'96-97 &'98-2001ANML=AEDLM1E4338R - SZK BALENO-97/AERIOAIDA=MNODMM1E4348F - MAZDA LANTIS FAMILIAM1E4350R - MAZDA LANTIS FAMILIAM1E4467F - BMW 318i/320i 92-98DDAE=AEBETA8-94223-699-0STRUT BAR BUSHING ISZ PANTHERDE.AI=DA.BOM1E4441F - MIT LANCER DAANGAN'89-92M1E4446R - TYT CORONA ABSOLUTEANML=AEDLM1E4448F - TYT CORONA ABSOLUTEANML=AEDLM1E4570F - MZD CAPELLA'88-92M1E4571R - MZD CAPELLA'88-92R3RS-5208R - TYT LANDCRUISER HDJ80RDBAB=AISDM1E4444F - MIT LANCER GTI DAANGAN'93-96DIDD=AMMIM1E1024F - HONDA CIVIC/GENIO/ESTILOAIDA=MNODMM134905R - MIT L300/T120M166701F - HINO SUPER RANGERM134934R - OPEL BLAZER/MONTERAAIDN=MNSLMM16701F - HINO S.RANGER HO7CABMO=MNNMIM16904R - MIT L300/T120,TYT S.KIJANGM16905R - TYT HIACE/S.KIJANG/CJ7M134972F - MIT FE111/T210DDSL=AANOM134802R - MZD E2000,TYT 2F/RINO/HARTOPM16972F - MIT FE/PS/T210/FM/FRAIAO=MNSLAM134904F - DHT TAFT F50,TYT JEEP 2F/CJ7M134949F - TYT HIACE/S.KIJANGM134953F - MZD E2700,TYT HIACE/S.KIJANGM166674F - MIT FUSO FIGHTER 190PSM16700F - MIT 190PS/FIGHTERABNN=MNSNM \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + Standard + + + + + Oak Tree + + Oak Trees may grow quite a bit. + + + Elm Tree + + + + + Grass Seed Container + + + + + Planting Service + + + + + Rose Bush + + + + + Azalea Bush + + + + + Holly Bush + + + + + Plum Tree + + + + + Travel cost + Travel related costs + + + + Mary Consultant + + + + + Patio Chair + Nice Chair for outdoors + + + + Patio Table + Nice Table for outdoors + + + + Patio Sun Screen + Protect from UV + + + + Fertilizer #50 + 50 # Bag of Lawn Fertilizer + + + + Mulch 10# + 10# Bag of Mulch + + + + Hoe 4 ft + 4 Foot Metal Hoe + + + + Rake Bamboo + 4 Foot Bamboo Rake + + + + Rake Metal + 4 Foot Metal Rake + + + + Weeder + Hand Weeder + + + + Transplanter + Hand Transplanter + + + + Grass Seeder + Manual Grass Seeder + + + + Lawn Tiller + Manual Lawn Tiller + + + + Patio Furniture Set + 1 table, 4 Chairs and 1 Sun Screen + + + + How To Plant + Information on how to best to plant your future. + + + + TShirt - Red Large + + + + + TShirt - Green Large + + + + + Standard + + + + + Scrap Steel + + + + + Other Case Assembly + + + + + Moulding Workcenter + + + + + Diff Case + + + + + Pig Iron / Grade RS-10 + + + + + Carburizer Cp 2000 + + + + + Si-C + + + + + Fe-Mn + + + + + Fe-Si + Fe-Si + + + + Fe-P + Fe-P + + + + Toyo Baron (Inoculan) + + + + + Mg / TDCR-3 + + + + + Melting Workcenter + + + + + Manufacturing Plant + + + + + Plant + + + + + Kopi + + + + + Smart Program Package + + + + + B2BM117-R + R MIT BM117 + + + + J127140-83000 + + ED.NA = EA.IA + + + J137302-87506 + + DO.DD = DB.AL + + + J137302-87607 + + DA.LE = AM.LS + + + J1MB-000252 + + DA.LE = AM.LS + + + J137315-36020 + + DA.LE = AM.LS + + + J137315-87308 + + + + + J137315-87608/2 + + DO.DD = DB.AL + + + J138210-90405 + + EE.NB = EA.DN + + + J143232-60020 + + EA.DI = DO.ON + + + J141301-36040 + + SA.EA = EO.SE + + + J141343-55010 + + DA.LE = AM.LS + + + J145442-60010X + + EE.NB = EA.DN + + + J143421-60013 + + DA.LE = AM.LS + + + J143521-87601 + + EE.NB = EA.DN + + + J145200-82000 + + EA.DI = DO.ON + + + J145421-60011 + + DA.LE = AM.LS + + + J148270-79000 + + EE.NB = EA.DN + + + J148820-60A00 + + DE.AL=DA.BB + + + J148830-60810 + + + + + J148900-77300 + + DA.LE = AM.LS + + + J190209-25001 + + DA.LE = AM.LS + + + J1MB-000049 + + SA.EA = EO.SE + + + J1MB-000238 + + DE.AL=DA.BB + + + J1MB-161342 + + DA.LE = AM.LS + + + J1MB-005229 + + EA.DI = DO.ON + + + J1MB-080104 + + DO.DD = DB.AL + + + J1MB-161024 + + DA.LE = AM.LS + + + J1MB-161189 + + + + + J1MB-166420 + + DA.LE = AM.LS + + + J1MC-805606 + + EA.DI = DO.ON + + + J1MC-805606S + + DO.DD = DB.AL + + + J1MC-824705 + + + + + J1MT-119318 + + DE.AL=DA.BB + + + J1MT-321418 + + + + + R3RS-99701 + REMOTE CONTROL KIT + ABMO=MN.NMI + + + R3RS-1927 + BOOT SHOCK UNIVERSAL + + + + R3RS-5113 + F - CJ 5/CJ 7 BAN 31 + + + + R3RS-5116 + R - TYT JEEP BAN 31 + + + + R3RS-5118 + F - TYT JEEP BAN 33 + + + + R3RS-5402 + STEERING STABILIZER(SHOCK SETIR) + + + + R3RS-5520 + BRACKET + + + + R3RS-5605 + F - TYT KIJANG 1997-2001 + + + + R3RS-99039 + F - NISSAN TERRANO + ABMO=MN.NMI + + + R3RS-99113 + F - TYT JEEP/CJ5/CJ7 STANDARD + + + + R3RS-99116 + R - TYT JEEP/CJ5/CJ7 BAN 31 + + + + B2T653-R + R MIT T653 + + + + B2FIGHTER-F + F MIT FIGHTER FT516 + + + + B2FIGHTER-R + R MIT FIGHTER FT516 + + + + B2CK12N-F + F NSN CK12N NEW + + + + B2RG-R + R HINO RG + + + + B2RK-F + F HINO RK + + + + B2FR-R + R MIT FR-215 (T-22CM) + + + + B2INTERCULER-R + R MERCEDES INTERCULER BUS + + + + B2ZEBRA-F + F DHT ZEBRA/S88/HIJET 1000 + + + + B2L300-R + R MIT L300 + + + + B2TLD58-R + R ISZ TLD58 (6 RODA) + + + + B2TLD58-F + F ISZ TLD58 (6 RODA) + + + + B2TLD56-F + F ISZ TLD56 (MDL,GIGI) + + + + G413801-87702 + VALVE ROCKER ARM DHT S75/S88 + + + + G45-87830082-1 + R/W CYL KIT W/PISTON ISZ KAD51 + + + + G4MW-023172 + DIFF PINION GEAR (2PCS/SET) + + + + A423221-16490 + INTANK FUEL PUMP KIJANG EFI/G.CRL + DN.SB=DO.NB + + + A4D-8308 + FUEL PUMP ASSY MIT L300(=MD034358) + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + T113028-21000 + DTS 160J + + + + T113070-18001 + DTS 120Y + EI.NS=EE.LE + + + T113070-21002 + DTS 160J + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + T113506-25010 + TYT CORONA TT132 + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + T113506-38010 + TYT CORONA MARK II 83 + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + T113522-33010 + TYT CORONA 18R + + + + T113523-33010 + TYT CORONA 18R + + + + T113540-25010 + TYT CORONA TT132 + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + T113540-38010/2 + TYT CORONA MARK II 83 + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + T113559-34020 + TYT CORONA 18R + DO.SB=DB.ED + + + T113561-13020 + TYT KIJANG 4K/5K/7K + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + T113561-22010 + TYT KIJANG 3K + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + T113561-38010 + TYT CORONA MARK II + EI.NS=EE.LE + + + T113562-34020 + TYT CORONA 18R + DO.SB=DB.ED + + + T113562-35010 + TYT CORONA MARK II 81-82 + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + T113562-38010 + TYT CORONA MARK II 83 + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + T13953-12-500A + MAZDA MR90(=4317451) + + + + T1MD-016150 + MIT MINICAB L100 + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + T1MD-016151 + MIT MINICAB L100 + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + T1MD-017011 + MIT MINICAB L100 + + + + T1MD-019140 + MIT MINICAB L100 (L) + EI.NS=EE.LE + + + T1MD-019141 + MIT MINICAB L100 (S) + EI.NS=EE.LE + + + M133049 + R - DATSUN 160 J/MAZDA 626 81-83 + + + + S2MR-205730 + MIT KUDA-15/16" + DBLL=DSBB + + + N1SS-2517 + 24V ISZ C190/240/4BAI + + + + N1SS-2604 + 12V JOHN DEER + + + + S28-94222653-2 + ISZ KBD26[4H]-7/8" + AILL=AEAL + + + S28-97078619-0 + - R ISZ NKR58 + AOLN=ALMD + + + S2MB-060960 + MIT T-210 + + + + N8MI-1156GP/050 + ISZ 10PB/10PC + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + S247201-87605 + DHT TAFT F50 + AILL=AEAL + + + S2OK219-41-990 + TIMOR DOHC W/O TABUNG + AILL=AEAL + + + S2MC-808345 + - F MIT FUSO FM516/FM517 + AONE=ASIN + + + S2MD-718392 + MIT DGN ETERNA 88-93-13/16" + DBEB=DENL + + + S2ME-621635 + MIT FUSO FM215 + AILL=AEAL + + + S2ME-625257 + MIT FUSO FM517 + AILL=AEAL + + + S2MT-362436 + - R MIT T120 + AONE=ASIN + + + T113540-22012 + TYT KIJANG 3K + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + T113540-33014 + TYT CORONA 18R + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + T58-94114-491-1 + ISZ NKR58/4BE1 + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + T58-97033-179-0 + ISZ LUV KAD/PANTHER 2.3 + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + T58-97147-338-2 + ISZ NKR66/4HF1 + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + T5ME-014603 + MIT 100PS + ED.MS=DN.LB + + + T5ME-075156 + MIT FUSO GANJO 220PS + ED.MS=DN.LB + + + T113506-33010 + TYT CORONA 18R + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + T10488-23-260 + FORD LASER'86-92 (=4117541) + EI.NS=EE.LE + + + T1MD-021232 + MIT GALANT 2000'78 + EL.MA=ES.SB + + + T1MD-021233 + MIT GALANT 2000'78 + EL.MA=ES.SB + + + T1MD-141391 + MIT GALANT 2000'78 + EB.MS=ES.NA + + + G1GUT-12 + TYT HIACE + ES.AN=EA.ML + + + G1GWD-14A + DHT TAFT F50/DELTA V22H + DA.LN=AM.BA + + + G1GWHO-21A + HONDA ACCORD'82 + ED.IB=DM.DS + + + G1GWIS-25A + ISZ PANTHER 2.5 + AN.BL=AS.BA + + + G1GWM-20A + MIT COLT DIESEL FE'79 + ED.IB=DM.DS + + + G1GWMZ-31A + MZD INTERPLAY/TIMOR S515 SOHC + ED.IB=DM.DS + + + J137302-36020 + TYT HIACE + ED.IB=DM.DS + + + N1SS-1569 + 24V MIT TRK 8DC 6D22 + DD=AN.OA + + + N1AVR-559 + 12V MIT T120/L100 + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + N1BR-265 + 24V NSN TRK UD + DA.BS=AN.DS + + + N1D-055 + 12V TAXI BLUE BIRD Z16S/18S/20E/L28E + + + + N1SS-2526 + 24V ISZ NKR58 + DD.OE=DA.ES + + + N1AVR-615 + 24V ISZ TRK TXD NEW + ES.ML=ED.MN + + + K1HP-753 + HONDA CIVIC WONDER + DE.OD=DD.SL + + + K1TP-712 + TYT S.KIJANG + DE.OD=DD.SL + + + K1TP-501-1 + TYT JEEP 155PK + DE.OD=DD.SL + + + K1TP-914 + TYT KIJANG 7K + DE.OD=DD.SL + + + M7ME-031656 + @ 6 PCS MIT FIGTHER 6D15 + EA.ON=DB.IE + + + N8CI-1156GP/STD + ISZ 10PB/10PC + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + M1S1059 + R - HONDA CIVIC WONDER 84-87(=23729) + AIDA=MNODM + + + M116597 + R - TYT CORONA ABSOLUTE AT191 + AIDA=MNODM + + + M125507 + R - HYUNDAI TRAJET + ANML=AEDL + + + M1S3010 + F - TYT STARLET/CRL TWINCAM(=MG-876) + DIDD=AMMI + + + S2MC-821449 + MIT FUSO FM/FR + AILL=AEAL + + + T55-13100-136-2 + ISZ TLD56/4BC2 + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + T5ME-017484 + MIT 135PS + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + T1MD-021114 + MIT GALANT 2000'78 + EL.MA=ES.SB + + + T113506-35010 + TYT CORONA MARK II 80-82 + + + + T113561-35010 + TYT CORONA MARK II 81-82 + EI.NS=EE.LE + + + T1MD-010921 + MIT COLT T120 + DO.NI=DI.BA + + + T1MD-021111 + MIT GALANT 2000'78 + EL.MA=ES.SB + + + T1MD-173726 + MIT GALLANT 2000'78 + DO.SB=DB.ED + + + G1GUM-75 + MIT PS120 + ES.AN=EA.ML + + + G1GUMZ-1 + MIT T120/L300/LANCER + ES.AN=EA.ML + + + N8CB-1613GP/050 + ISZ 6RB1 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + S247200-27030 + TYT KIJANG 3K/KF10-11/16" + AILL=AEAL + + + A1DM-054 + MIT 100PS/4D31 + DE.AB=AN.ES + + + N1IVR-621 + 24V KMTS MOTOR GRADER S125 [5T] + DO.AB=DI.NA + + + M16707MM + F - HINO RANGER + + + + S2MD-742157 + MIT DAANGAN-13/16" + DBEB=DDID + + + N1NLR-120 + 12V TYT/DHT UNIVERSAL + + + + N8CB-1144GP/STD + HINO EH100/EF300 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + T10483-23-260 + FORD LASER'93-ON (=4117521) + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + N8MI-1147GP/STD + MIT FUSO 8DC + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + M1D4441 + R - ISZ PANTHER/TROOPER/KBD26 + + + + A1CT-059 + TYT HIACE + DE.OD=AN.DD + + + M1MR-879 + F - SZK ST100/EXTRA/FUTURA/T120SS + AOIO=MNBBI + + + M1S1132 + R - TYT STARLET + + + + M11089 + R - SZK ST100/EXTRA + DIDD=AMOM + + + S3IS_KAD/C190 + ISZ KAD + + + + S231420-OA010 + TYT SOLUNA + DBLL=DSBB + + + S28-97081148-1 + - F ISZ NHR55 + AILL=AEAL + + + S28-97032851-0 + ISZ NKR58 + ANML=ABLI + + + S247200-87512 + DHT S10P/HIJET-5/8" + AILL=AEAL + + + S2MB-277422 + MIT L-300 DX/DIESEL + AILL=AEAL + + + N1SS-1218 + 12V DATSUN DIESEL SD22 + + + + N1SS-151 + 24V ISZ DA120/220 + + + + N1SS-158 + 24V ISZ TRK JCR 6DBI + DA.IO=AM.OM + + + A2ME-012090.S + STD MIT FE/PS'83 + + + + A1CM-010 + MIT T120 + DE.AB=AN.ES + + + A1CT-084 + TYT 2F/RINO + DE.EM=AN.BN + + + A1DM-014 + MIT L300 + DE.AB=AN.ES + + + A1DM-029 + MIT 100PS + DE.AB=AN.ES + + + N8TW-1613K/STD + ISZ 6RB1 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + A1DT-036 + TYT KIJANG DIESEL + DE.AB=AN.ES + + + G1GWT-61A + TYT HIACE DIESEL NEW'83 + EN.LO=ES.IN + + + G6GUT-20 + TYT 2F/RINO + DLEB=ADBN + + + G6GUM-75 + MIT PS120 + DLEB=ADBN + + + N1IVR-901H + 12V MIT L300 + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + T113506-41010 + TYT CROWN MS65 + + + + T115162-87703 + DHT S75/S88 (B) + DO.SB=DB.ED + + + B1A-3405 + F/LH NSN NISSAN DIESEL CK12 + ED.IB=DM.DS + + + B1A-5109 + F/LH TYT RINO + DE.AM=DA.MM + + + B1A-7107 + R/LH DHT DELTA + ED.MS=DN.LB + + + T113506-35011 + TYT CORONA MARK II 80-82 + DE.NM=DD.BD + + + D1HCD-002UA + HONDA EXCELENT + DE.AD=AM.II + + + D1ISD-113U + ISZ PANTHER 2.5 + DE.OD=AN.DD + + + D1NSC-510 + DTS J15/620(NSC511) + DE.OD=AN.DD + + + F2JHTX-23A + ISZ KBD25/KBD26/GEMINI DSL(2) + + + + F2JNDSX-37 + DHT S75/ST100(2) + + + + F2JNDX-4 + HINO HO7C + + + + F2JSDSX-2 + HINO KR/KL(4) + + + + G4MC-839938 + MIT FUSO FIGHTER 190PS + EM.AN=ES.MN + + + G1GWHO-22A + HONDA CIVIC WONDER + DA.SA=AM.MA + + + A4HA-441 + TYT GRAND KIJANG 1.5 + DN.SB=DO.NB + + + A213101-87105.S + STD DHT ZEBRA S89 + DD.MD=DA.SS + + + M1R-3309 + R - DHT CHARADE G10 + ANML=AEDL + + + G4MC-806120 + MIT FUSO FM/FR215 + EI.NS=EE.LE + + + T1MD-021230 + MIT GALANT 2000'78 + EI.NS=EE.LE + + + M7ME-071225 + @ 6 PCS MIT FUSO 6D16 (TP) + EA.ON=DB.IE + + + N8CB-1023GP/050 + ISZ DA120 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CB-1083GP/050 + NSN UD NE6 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-1162GP/050 + MIT FUSO 6D22 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CB-2107GP/100 + HINO EF750 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CI-1147GP/STD + MIT FUSO 8DC + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-1144GP/050 + HINO EF100/EF300 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-1193GP/075 + NSN UD NE6 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-2102GP/100 + HINO EK100 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-2102GP/STD + HINO EK100 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8PB-2107J/STD + HINO EF750 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + G1GUIS-52 + ISZ KAD/TLD + ES.AN=EA.ML + + + G1GUM-71 + MIT FUSO FM/FR + ES.AN=EA.ML + + + G1GUIS-66 + ISZ NKR66/58 + ES.AN=EA.ML + + + G1GUM-80 + MIT FUSO FIGHTER + ES.AN=EA.ML + + + N8TW-1102GP/STD + ISZ E120 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + G1GUM-93 + MIT FE111/PS100 + ES.AN=EA.ML + + + G1GUN-41 + NSN CK10/RD8 + ES.AN=EA.ML + + + G1GUN-44 + NSN/MIT CK10/CK12/MIT FUSO FM/FR + ES.AN=EA.ML + + + N1SS-707 + 12V BEDFORD TRUCK + DA.BS=AN.DS + + + N1AVR-203 + 24V HIN TRK FF/KL + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + N1IVR-903H + 12V MIT L300 DIESEL + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + T5WPKM-996861 + MIT 100PS/120PS + ED.MS=DN.LB + + + N1AVR-815 + 12V ISZ KBD25/KAD/TLD + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + K1DP-761 + DHT CLASSY/FEROZA + ED.MS=DN.LB + + + K1DP-762 + DHT FEROZA(GENUINE TYPE) + DE.OD=DD.SL + + + K1HP-445 + HONDA EXECELLENT + DE.OD=DD.SL + + + K1NP-916 + DATSUN 620J15 (NP-506) + EL.IA=EA.EM + + + N1IVR-511J + 12V HND CIVIC WONDER + DA.BS=AN.DS + + + K1MP-789 + MIT LANCER/L300 + DO.SB=DB.AE + + + K1NP-403-A + DATSUN 120Y (NP-918) + DO.SB=DB.AE + + + K1P-710 + FORD LASER/MAZDA 323 + DE.OD=DD.SL + + + K1TP-308 + TYT JEEP 135PK + EL.IA=EA.EM + + + K1TP-411-2 + TYT KIJANG 3K + DE.OD=DD.SL + + + G1GUT-14 + TYT/MIT JEEP L/C/COLTDIESEL T210 + ES.AN=EA.ML + + + G1GUT-20 + TYT 2F/BU30/RINO + ES.AN=EA.ML + + + G1GWD-13A + TYT BU30 + DA.SA=AM.MA + + + G1GWD-15A + DHT CHARADE G10 + ED.IB=DM.DS + + + G1GWT-27A + TYT CRN 18R/RT104/RT132 + DA.LN=AM.BA + + + G1GWD-32A + DHT ZEBRA S89/CLASSY + AN.BL=AS.BA + + + G1GWD-25A + DHT HIJET S10P + + + + J1FTL-231 + HONDA CIVIC EXCELENT + EA.DI = DO.ON + + + G1GWMZ-21A + MZD MAZDA 323/FORD LASER + ED.IB=DM.DS + + + G1GWIS-20A + ISZ PANTHER 2.3 + EO.BS=ED.LB + + + N1SS-1504 + 12V MIT T210 + DO.AB=DI.NA + + + G1GWT-59A + TYT CRL DX'82-83 + EL.EL=DM.LS + + + G1GWM-17A + MIT LANCER SOHC C62A + EL.EL=DM.LS + + + N1IVR-517 + 12V SZK/DHT FORSA/FUTURA/FEROZA/CLASSY + DA.BS=AN.DS + + + G1GWM-27A + MIT ETERNA'88-92 + EI.NE=ES.IE + + + G1GWM-47A + MIT LANCER'90/DAANGAN1.6/1.8'90 + AN.BL=AS.BA + + + G1GWM-53A + MIT DAANGAN DOHC'89-90/C68 + ED.IB=DM.DS + + + G1GWMZ-03A + MZD MR90 + AN.BL=AS.BA + + + G1GWMZ-35A + MZD ASTINA/TIMOR S515 DOHC + DA.SA=AM.MA + + + N1SS-1516 + 24V MIT FE81 + ED.DO=DN.LI + + + J1MT-362554 + SZK ST100/SJ410 + DO.DD = DB.AL + + + G1GWS-16A + SZK FUTURA/VITARA/ESTEEM 1.3/ + + + + G1GWT-19A + TYT 2F + DA.LN=AM.BA + + + G1GWT-30A + TYT CRL DX KE70'90-81 + EL.EL=DM.LS + + + G1GWT-31A + TYT CRN TT132 + ED.IB=DM.DS + + + G1GWT-41A + TYT CRN MARK II + EN.LO=ES.IN + + + G1GWT-60A + TYT GR.KIJANG + EN.LO=ES.IN + + + N1AVR-510 + 24V MIT FUSO T653 + DD.OE=DA.ES + + + N1AVR-551 + 12V TYT HIACE/KF/DINA/DHT DELTA + DA.BS=AN.DS + + + N8TW-1118K/STD + NSN UD RD8 + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + N1AVR-556 + 24V TYT TRK 2D + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + N1AVR-574 + 12V HND ACCORD/CIVIC + DO.AB=DI.NA + + + N1AVR-586 + 12V TYT HIACE DIESEL + DN.SB=DO.NB + + + N1AVR-592 + 12V DHT S10P/S75 + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + N1AVR-811 + 12V DTS 620 + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + N1AVR-821 + 12V ISZ KAD/TLD/TYT 2F NEW + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + N1AVR-962 + 12V SZK ST100 + + + + N1IVR-527 + 24V TYT FORKLIFT + DD.OE=DA.ES + + + N1SS-1681 + 12V TYT KIJANG 5K/DHT S88/SZK XTRA + DO.AB=DI.NA + + + N1D-005 + 12V MIT L300 + + + + N1D-021 + 12V MIT L300 DIESEL + DA.BS=AN.DS + + + N1D-019 + 24V MIT FIGHTER + DO.AB=DI.NA + + + N1D-058 + 12V ISZ KBD26 + ELMS=ESLE + + + N1D-057 + 12V ISZ KAD + ELMS=ESLE + + + N1IVR-252 + 24V NSN CW54/CD54/RF8/FE6T + DA.BS=AN.DS + + + N1SS-1509 + 24V MIT FE79 + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + T5WPKM-997150 + MIT L300 DSL NEW + ED.MS=DN.LB + + + T1MD-016911 + MIT MINICAB L100 + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + N1SS-2717AC + NSN CK12/CK87/HINO TRK HO7C + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + T113506-13020 + TYT KIJANG 4K/5K/7K + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + T113528-33010 + TYT CORONA 18R + DE.AL=DA.BB + + + S2G030-43-400A + MZD 626 85-87 + DSOI=DDEB + + + R2911132 + R - DAIHATSU ROCKY'93 + DIBS=ABSD + + + S2MB-534020 + MIT DAANGAN SOHC 88-93 + DBLL=DSBB + + + M171880ST + R - MZD INTERPLAY + AIDA=MNODM + + + S247530-1170C + - F HINO BUS AK-1" + AONE=ASIN + + + M1S4319 + R - HONDA ACCORD EXECUTIVE 82-85 + AIDA=MNODM + + + M1S4709 + F - SZK KARIMUN + ANML=AEDL + + + M1M1633 + R - SZK VITARA/ESCUDO + + + + M1MR-860 + ? - MZD 626 + + + + M1MR-874 + F - TYT COROLLA/CORONA GL-83 + + + + M1MR-878 + F - DHT ESPASS 1.6 + ABDB=MNMDM + + + M1MR-880 + F - MIT T120SS/FUTURA + AOIO=MNBBI + + + M1R-2619 + R - MIT GALANT + + + + S246100-671-621 + HONDA ACCORD 80-81-13/16" + AOLN=ALMD + + + M1R-3739 + R - HONDA ACCORD PRESTIGE 86-89 + + + + M1S4253 + R - TYT CORONA GL/EX SALON + + + + M11079 + R - SZK ST100 + ABNN=MNSNM + + + M11000 + R - TYT KIJANG/HIACE/LAND CRUISER + + + + M11004 + R - SZK FUTURA/SJIMNY,TYT S.KIJANG + + + + S2ME-623321 + MIT FIGHTER/FR + AILL=AEAL + + + M11094 + R - ISZ PANTHER/TROOPER + + + + M12113 + F - ISZ PANTHER/TROOPER/KBD25/KBD26 + AIDN=MNSLM + + + M11163 + F - DHT DELTA,ISZ KAD/TLD + + + + M12066 + F - MIT L300/T120/KUDA + + + + M12126 + F/R - DHT TAFT GT/FEROZA + + + + M12132 + F - MIT L300/T120 + + + + M13049 + R - TYT COROLLA DX/KE70/KE30/CRN RT100 + + + + K1TP-682 + TYT COROLLA GL + DE.OD=DD.SL + + + K1TP-476-1 + TYT CORONA RT100 + EL.IA=EA.EM + + + K1TP-594 + TYT HIACE NEW + DE.OD=DD.SL + + + K1TP-605 + TYT 2F + DE.OD=DD.SL + + + K1TP-738 + TYT COROLLA TWINCAM AE92 + DE.OD=DD.SL + + + K1TP-775 + TYT STARLET NEW + DE.OD=DD.SL + + + N1IVR-940H + 12V MIT T120SS/GALANT II + DD=AN.OA + + + M711012-95006 + @ 6 PCS NSN DIESEL NE6 + EA.ON=DB.IE + + + M711012-95064 + @ 6 PCS NSN DIESEL NE6T + EA.ON=DB.IE + + + M711012-97025 + @ 8 PCS NSN DIESEL RD8 + EA.ON=DB.IE + + + M711012-97161 + @ 8 PCS NSN DIESEL RE8 + EA.ON=DB.IE + + + M711012-Z5616 + @ 6 PCS NSN DIESEL FE6 + EA.ON=DB.IE + + + M711467-1080 + @ 6 PCS MIT HINO EK100 + EA.ON=DB.IE + + + M711467-1211 + @ 6 PCS MIT HINO EH700X + EA.ON=DB.IE + + + M711467-1661 + @ 6 PCS MIT HINO EM100A + EA.ON=DB.IE + + + M7ME-031619 + @ 6 PCS MIT FR 6D14 + EA.ON=DB.IE + + + M7ME-051500 + @ 6 PCS MIT FUSO 6D22 + EA.ON=DB.IE + + + T5WPKI-3300 + ISZ PANTHER 2.5(=WPKI-5590B) + ED.MS=DN.LB + + + N1SS-164 + 24V KMTS FORKLIFT 4D95L + DD.OE=DA.ES + + + N1SS-166 + 24V KMTS FORKLIFT/4D95C/PC200/S6D95L + DD=AN.OA + + + N1SS-1608 + 12V MIT T120/TYT KIJANG/SZK ST20 + DD=AN.OA + + + S2ME-622506 + MIT FUSO FM517 + DSOI=DDIA + + + S2OK25Z-43-400 + TIMOR SOHC + AILL=AEAL + + + M115-0241 + R - MIT DAANGAN 89-92/LANCER + + + + M1FL-246 + F - TYT 2F/JEEP CJ7 + AOIO=MNBBI + + + M1S1135 + R - HONDA ACCORD PRESTIGE 86-89 + ANML=AEDL + + + S258510-22010 + HYUNDAI ACCENT + DBEB=DDID + + + M110025 + F - SZK FORSA GL/GLX + ANML=AEDL + + + M116037 + F - HONDA ACCORD 78-80 + + + + M1S1039 + F - HONDA ACCORD MAESTRO/CIELO/89-ON + DIDD=AMMI + + + M1S1040 + R - HONDA ACCORD MAESTRO/CIELO/89-ON + DIDD=AMMI + + + M1S1266 + F - HONDA ACCORD VTI 2000 + DIDD=AMMI + + + M171872 + F - NSN GENESIS/NSN B-13 + DIDD=AMMI + + + S246100SR3-013 + HONDA GENIO + DSOI=DDEB + + + M111031 + R - DHT CLASSY G100 + + + + M111032 + R - DHT CLASSY G100 + + + + R3RS-5119 + R - SZK JIMNY + ABMO=MN.NMI + + + M111072 + F - HONDA CIVIC WONDER 84-87 + AIDA=MNODM + + + M111124 + F - SZK AMENITY + + + + M111125 + R - SZK ESTEEM/AMENITY + + + + M116217 + R - TYT COROLLA GL/SE SALON + AIDA=MNODM + + + M111545 + F - MZD CAPELLA 88-92 + + + + M111546 + R - MZD CAPELLA 88-92 + + + + M116057 + F - TYT CORONA GL-83 + + + + M116059 + R - TYT COROLLA/CORONA GL-83 + + + + M1S4356 + F - TYT SOLUNA + AIDA=MNODM + + + M116073 + R - HONDA CIVIC BALLADE-84 + + + + S251100-80660 + SZK KATANA/S.JIMNY (51100-80610) + AILL=AEAL + + + M116312 + F - HYUNDAI ATOZ/KIA VISTO-RH + + + + M116313 + F - HYUNDAI ATOZ/KIA VISTO-LH + + + + M1S4307 + F - MIT LANCER 87-88 + DBEB=AMDO + + + M116609 + F - TYT CORONA ABSOLUTE + AIDA=MNODM + + + M121641 + R - SZK KARIMUN + ABNN=MNSNM + + + M1S1237 + R - SZK KARIMUN + DDAE=AEBE + + + M123295 + R - DTS SEDAN SUNNY + + + + M123313 + R - TYT STARLET NEW 90-ON + AIDA=MNODM + + + M123759 + F - HONDA GRAND CIVIC 3 DOOR-91 + + + + M123760 + R - HONDA GRAND CIVIC 3 DOOR-91 + + + + M123853 + R - TYT SOLUNA + ANML=AEDL + + + M131000 + R - TYT 2F/HIACE/KIJANG/S.KIJANG + + + + S2MB-165130 + MIT 100PS + AILL=AEAL + + + M131094 + R - TYT 2F/RINO/HIACE/JEEP CJ7 + + + + M131163 + R - TYT COROLLA DX/KE70/CRN MARK II + + + + M131542 + R - SZK ST100/C.EXTRA + + + + M132066 + F - MIT L300/T120 + + + + M132132 + F - TYT CORONA RT100/HILUX + + + + M132206 + F - ISZ PANTHER/TROOPER/KBD25/KBD26 + DASD=MNOMD + + + M132207 + R - TYT 2F/S75/S88/HIACE/S.KIJANG + + + + M132223 + R - SZK FORSA GLX + AIDN=MNSLM + + + M155801GM + F - MZD E2700,TYT H IACE/S.KIJANG + + + + S25-47500-207-1 + ISZ KAD/TLD/BISON + AILL=AEAL + + + M15803ST + F - MIT FE/100PS/120PS/T210 + + + + M15882 + R - TYT COROLLA KE70/KE30/CRN RT-104 + + + + T113507-87703 + DHT S75/S88 + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + T1MD-021231 + MIT GALANT 2000'78(=MD-153644) + EL.MA=ES.SB + + + N8TW-1083K/STD + NSN UD NE6 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MI-1147GP/100 + MIT FUSO 8DC + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CB-1023GP/STD + ISZ DA120 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CB-1037GP/050 + MIT 6DB1 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CB-1037GP/100 + MIT 6DB1 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + J127351-77300 + ISUZU NHR-55 / 4JB + DO.DD = DB.AL + + + G1GUD-84 + DHT DELTA/FEROZA + ES.AN=EA.ML + + + G1GUD-88 + DHT S75/S88 + ES.AN=EA.ML + + + G1GUH-73 + ISZ TRK JUMBO EM + ES.AN=EA.ML + + + N1SS-167 + 12V AIRMAN COMPRESSOR/PDS125/175 + EL.MS=ES.LE + + + N1SS-1707 + 12V DHT DELTA V22H + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + N1SS-1709 + 24V TYT FORKLIFT + + + + N1SS-171 + 24V KMTS 6D170/ISZ TRK CXZ + DD=AN.OA + + + N1SS-1757 + 12V MCD TRK 911 + + + + N1SS-2511 + 24V NSN DIESEL CK10 + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + N1SS-2516 + 24V ISZ ELF 250/4BA/CK12 + + + + N1SS-2519 + 24V NSN RD8 DIESEL + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + N1SS-2525 + 24V DTS SD33 + + + + N8CB-2803GP/025 + NSN UD PE6T + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N1SS-2602 + 24V MIT FUSO BUS T653 + DA.BS=AN.DS + + + N1SS-2603 + 24V MIT T653/TYT TRK 2D + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + N1SS-2700 + 24V MIT FUSO 6DB/NSN TRK UD + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + N1SS-2704 + 24V HIN TRK KR64081 + DD.OE=DA.ES + + + N1SS-2705 + 24V HIN TRK + + + + N1SS-2709 + 24V HIN TRK EH700 + + + + N1SS-2714 + 24V KUBOTA MH150 + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + N1SS-2716 + 24V NSN DSL RD8 SAWAFUJI TYPE/ + + + + N1SS-2726 + FREE SAMPLE + + + + N1SS-83 + 24V UNIVERSAL + DD.OE=DA.ES + + + T113561-34010 + TYT CORONA 18R + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + T113561-25010/1 + TYT CORONA TT132 + EI.NS=EE.LE + + + S247580-39027 + - R TYT DYNA BU30 + DBLM=DDDM + + + S247580-60010 + - R TYT L/C 135PK + AONE=ASIN + + + S29-47601-657-3 + - F ISZ KAD + AONE=ASIN + + + S2ME-601290 + MIT 100PS + AILL=AEAL + + + S247540-87204 + - F DHT S10P/S75 + AONE=ASIN + + + S247580-1210B + - R HINO RANGER-1.1/2" + AILL=AEAL + + + S251100-75F30 + SZK KARIMUN + AILL=AEAL + + + S247600-485P + - F ISZ TRUCK TWD 20=..485F + AOLN=ALMD + + + S2MC-889607 + - R MIT 135PS + AONE=ASIN + + + S2MB-165000 + MIT FE'81 + AILL=AEAL + + + S251100-79011 + SZK ST100 + AILL=AEAL + + + S253402-63B00 + - R SZK BALENO/SF413 1.3 + DSOI=DDEB + + + S2MD-712383 + MIT L300 DSL L038 + AILL=AEAL + + + S258380-22000 + - R HYUNDAI ACCENT + DBEB=DDID + + + S283460052 + ISZ TRK TD + DBEB=DDID + + + S2BTIB-43-400 + FORD LASER/MZD 323 + AILL=AEAL + + + S28-97033639-0 + ISZ NHR-55-1.1/16" + AILL=AEAL + + + S28-97100-075 + ISZ NKR66/NKR58-1.1/8" + AILL=AEAL + + + S2FD-43376 + - F DODGE TRUCK D500 + + + + S2MB-180750 + - R MIT GALANT 78-81 1.6/2.0 + + + + S2MT-321695 + - R MIT T200/FE 4 BAN + AONE=ASIN + + + S2MB-162311 + MIT FE-111 + AILL=AEAL + + + S2MB-500739 + - R MIT KUDA/L200 + AONE=ASIN + + + S3HN_H07C + . + + + + S3IS_BISON/C240 + ISZ TLD54/TLD56 + + + + S3MT_FE111 + . + + + + S3MT_FM215/516 + W/O BEARING FUSO FM/FR + + + + S8SG-5(+) + UNIVERSAL + DD.MD=DA.SS + + + S247500-244 + ISZ TRK TXD50/TX + AOLN=ALMD + + + S2FD-24489 + - R DODGE TRUCK D500 + AILL=AEAL + + + S230610-H5802 + DTS J15/620 + AILL=AEAL + + + S247540-29065 + - F TYT HIACE NEW/RH11 + AILL=AEAL + + + S231410-10013 + TYT STARLET + AILL=AEAL + + + S2ME-600628 + MIT FE'87 + AILL=AEAL + + + N8CB-1037GP/STD + MIT 6DB1 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CB-1083GP/075 + NSN UD NE6 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CB-1084GP/050 + NSN UD PE6T + + + + N8CB-1084GP/STD + NSN UD PE6T + + + + N8CB-1118GP/050 + NSN UD RD8 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CB-1118GP/075 + NSN UD RD8 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CB-1154GP/100 + ISZ E120 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-1144GP/STD + HINO EF100/EF300 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CB-1144GP/100 + HINO EH100/EF300 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CB-1803GP/100 + MIT FUSO 6D22 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CB-1154GP/STD + ISZ E120 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CB-1613GP/075 + ISZ 6RB1 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CB-1613GP/STD + ISZ 6RB1 + + + + N8CB-1803GP/050 + MIT FUSO 6D22 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-1162GP/100 + MIT FUSO 6D22 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-1162GP/STD + MIT FUSO 6D22 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CB-2112GP/050 + HINO K13C + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CB-2102GP/100 + HINO EK100 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CB-2107GP/STD + HINO EF750 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CB-2109GP/050 + HINO WO4D + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CB-2109GP/STD + HINO WO4D + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CB-2803GP/STD + NSN UD PE6T + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CI-1147GP/050 + MIT FUSO 8DC + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CI-1147GP/075 + MIT FUSO 8DC + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CI-1156GP/050 + ISZ 10PB/10PC + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CI-1630GP/050 + ISZ 10PD + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8CI-1630GP/STD + ISZ 10PD + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MI-1147GP/050 + MIT FUSO 8DC + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MI-1156GP/STD + ISZ 10PB/10PC + + + + N8MI-1630GP/050 + ISZ 10PD + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MI-1630GP/STD + ISZ 10PD + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-1036GP/050 + MIT 6DB1 + + + + N8MS-1036GP/100 + MIT 6DB1 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-1036GP/STD + MIT 6DB1 + + + + N8MS-1052GP/050 + ISZ DA120 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-1052GP/100 + ISZ DA120 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-1052GP/STD + ISZ DA120 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-1084GP/050 + NSN UD PE6T + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-1084GP/075 + NSN UD PE6T + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-1084GP/STD + NSN UD PE6T + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + T5WPKM-995424 + MIT 135PS + ED.MS=DN.LB + + + N8MS-1197GP/075 + NSN UD RE8 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-1144GP/100 + HINO EF100/EF300 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-1154GP/050 + ISZ E120 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-1154GP/100 + ISZ E120 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-1154GP/STD + ISZ E120 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-1193GP/050 + NSN UD NE6 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-1193GP/STD + NSN UD NE6 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-1613GP/050 + ISZ 6RB1 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-1613GP/075 + ISZ 6RB1 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-1613GP/STD + ISZ 6RB1 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-2102GP/050 + HINO EK100 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-2107GP/050 + HINO EF750 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-2107GP/100 + HINO EF750 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-2107GP/STD + HINO EF750 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-2109GP/050 + HINO WO4D + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8MS-2109GP/STD + HINO WO4D + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8SH-1118B/STD + NSN UD RD8 + + + + N8SH-2107A/STD + HINO EF750 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N8TW-1147J/STD + MIT 6D22 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + T113028-10601 + DTS 620 + EI.NS=EE.LE + + + R2911063 + F - TYT 5K/HIACE + + + + R2911128 + F - NISSAN TERRANO/ISZ TROOPER 89-93 + + + + S231410-38050 + TYT KIJANG BARU DIESEL + AILL=AEAL + + + S231410-87309 + DHT DELTA V22H + AONE=ASIN + + + S231420-26020 + TYT HIACE NEW/RINO/BU30 + AILL=AEAL + + + S28-94144-242-0 + ISZ KAD NEW + AILL=AEAL + + + S2MB-238511 + - R MIT L300 DIESEL + AONE=ASIN + + + S231470-26010 + TYT HIACE-15 MM + AILL=AEAL + + + S29-47601-728-0 + - R ISZ KAD-3/4" + AONE=ASIN + + + S231470-32032 + TYT CORONA TWINCAM ST171-13/16" + DBLL=DSBB + + + S2OK201-26-610A + - R TIMOR + AILL=AEAL + + + S253402-83040 + - R SZK S.JIMNY/KATANA + AILL=AEAL + + + S28-94143446-0 + ISZ TLD54 + ANML=ABLI + + + S253402-79740 + - R SZK ST100/SJ410 + AILL=AEAL + + + S241610-22950 + HYUNDAI ACCENT + DBEB=DDID + + + S244003-24100 + MIT T210 + AONE=ASIN + + + S2MB-295340 + MIT 135PS + AILL=AEAL + + + S247201-87502 + DHT S75/HIJET-3/4" + AILL=AEAL + + + S2MC-811057 + - R MIT FUSO FM516/FM517 + AONE=ASIN + + + S247201-38040 + TYT KIJANG BARU'97 + AILL=AEAL + + + S2MC-832785 + - R MIT 120PS + AONE=ASIN + + + S2ME-607351 + MIT 135PS + AILL=AEAL + + + S247200-1300A + HINO RK/RF + AONE=ASIN + + + S247200-35011 + TYT L/C 135PK-1" + AILL=AEAL + + + S247201-12550 + TYT COROLLA TWIN CAM + AILL=AEAL + + + S247201-12870 + TYT COROLLA GREAT CRL'94 + AONE=ASIN + + + S247201-87609 + DHT TAFT F70-GT/FEROZA + AILL=AEAL + + + S29-8346-0039 + ISZ TRK TX + AILL=AEAL + + + S2MB-058830 + MIT T-120 '78 + AILL=AEAL + + + S247201-87401 + DHT TARUNA-7/8" + AONE=ASIN + + + S247500-434 + ISZ TRK TX + AILL=AEAL + + + S247506-87211 + - R DHT S10P/G10 + AOOO=ALLM + + + S247580-36080 + - R TYT RINO 13B/14B + AILL=AEAL + + + N1IVR-521 + 12V DHT CHARADE + DA.BS=AN.DS + + + N1IVR-524 + 12V TYT GREAT COROLLA + DD.OE=DA.ES + + + N1IVR-528 + 12V TYT RINO SAURUS/HINO EUROPE + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + N1IVR-760 + 24V NSN FORKLIFT FC33/SD23/SD25[6T] + DA.BS=AN.DS + + + N1IVR-761 + 24V NSN DSL CK12/RE8/PD6/BTX + DA.BS=AN.DS + + + N1IVR-801 + 12V NSN SUNNY + + + + T113540-35010/1 + TYT CORONA MARK II 81-82 + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + T1E13101-12-500 + FORD LASER TAXI + DA.BS=AN.DS + + + N1SS-1211 + 12V DTS 620 J15 + DD.OE=DA.ES + + + N1SS-1215 + 12V DTS DIESEL SD22 + + + + N1SS-1217 + 12V ISZ KAD/TLD + DD=AN.OA + + + N1SS-1304 + 12V HND CIVIC/ISZ GEMINI '89 + DD=AN.OA + + + N1SS-142 + 24V ISZ TRK TXD + ELMS=ESLE + + + N1SS-165 + 12V KMTS FORKLIFT FD204 + ELMS=ESLE + + + N1SS-147 + 12V ISZ ELF C240 + + + + N1SS-1519 + 12V MIT L300/SZK LJ80 + DD=AN.OA + + + N1SS-1522 + 24V MIT FE84/100PS + DA.IO=AM.OM + + + N1SS-153 + 24V MIT/KMTS 6DB + + + + N1SS-1541 + 24V MIT FIGHTER FM/FR + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + N1SS-1562 + 24V MIT TRK FV212 + + + + N1SS-1567 + 24V MIT CATERPILLAR + + + + N1SS-1664 + 12V DHT S75 + DA.BS=AN.DS + + + A2MD-008851.1 + 025 MIT L300DX + EO.BS=ED.LB + + + A2MD-008851.S + STD MIT L300DX + DA.SA=AM.MA + + + A2MD-009581.1 + 025 MIT L300/4G33 + EL.IA=EA.EM + + + A2MD-009581.S + STD MIT L300/4G33 + DA.SA=AM.MA + + + A2MD-011941.S + STD MIT T120 + ED.IB=DM.DS + + + A2MD-173577.S + STD MIT T120SS + DA.SA=AM.MA + + + N1AVR-577 + 12V TYT CRN RT104 + DN.SB=DO.NB + + + A1CD-005 + DHT S10P + DE.AB=AN.ES + + + N1IVR-529 + 12V TYT STARLET NEW'92 + DD.OE=DA.ES + + + K1TP-612 + TYT CORONA RT132 + DO.SB=DB.AE + + + A1CM-014 + MIT L300 DSL + DE.AB=AN.ES + + + A1CM-015 + MIT T210 + DE.AB=AN.ES + + + A1CM-016 + MIT FE/PS + DE.OD=AN.DD + + + N1SS-2707 + 24V HIN TRK ED100 + DO.AB=DI.NA + + + A1CS-011 + SZK ST20/KATANA/FORSA + DE.AB=AN.ES + + + A1CS-018 + SZK VITARA + DE.AB=AN.ES + + + A1CT-003 + TYT COROLLA KE20/30 + DE.AB=AN.ES + + + A1CT-014 + TYT KIJANG 5K + DE.AB=AN.ES + + + A1CT-066 + TYT KIJANG 7K(=CTX066) + DE.AB=AN.ES + + + A1DD-002 + DHT S10P + DE.AB=AN.ES + + + A1DD-027 + DHT S89 + DE.AB=AN.ES + + + A1DM-003 + MIT L100 + DE.AB=AN.ES + + + A1DM-011 + MIT T120 + DE.AB=AN.ES + + + A1DM-028 + MIT FE'79/T210 + DE.AB=AN.ES + + + A1DM-035 + MIT L300 DSL + DE.AB=AN.ES + + + A1DM-301L + MIT 120PS/4D34 + DE.AB=AN.ES + + + G1GWT-09A + TYT KIJANG 3K/4K + EN.LO=ES.IN + + + A1DS-023 + SZK VITARA + DE.AB=AN.ES + + + D1NSD-026 + DTS 620(SA276) + DE.OD=AN.DD + + + A1DT-005 + TYT STARLET + DE.AB=AN.ES + + + A1DT-024V + TYT HIACE + DE.AB=AN.ES + + + G1GWM-33A + MIT FE100PS/120PS + DA.LN=AM.BA + + + A1DT-075 + TYT 2F + DE.AB=AN.ES + + + N1SS-2717 + 24V NSN CK12/CK87/HINO HO7C + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + G438110-90464 + NSN DIESEL CK12 8 TON + EM.AN=ES.MN + + + K1TP-697 + TYT STARLET + DE.OD=DD.SL + + + N8CB-1083GP/STD + NSN UD NE6 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + N1SS-1705 + 24V TYT FORKLIFT + DD=AN.OA + + + N1SS-149 + 24V ISZ ELF 4BBI/C330 + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + N8CB-1023GP/100 + ISZ DA120 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + T113434-87703 + DHT S75/S88 (S) + DO.SB=DB.ED + + + J1MB-166425RK + TYT 2F + DA.LE = AM.LS + + + J143421-60012 + MIT L300 DSL L038 + DA.LE = AM.LS + + + D1DHC-501 + DHT DELTA/TAFT F50 + DE.OD=AN.DD + + + D1DHC-534 + DHT ZEBRA 1.3/S89 + + + + D1DHD-001 + DHT S75/S88 + + + + N1IVR-253 + 24V HIN BUS RK + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + D1HND-020U + KMT FORKLIFT 2.5(SA106) + + + + N8MS-1118GP/075 + NSN UD RD8 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + D1ISC-528 + ISZ KAD NEW/PANTHER/KBD26 + + + + D1ISC-586 + ISZ PANTHER 2.5 + DD.ED=AO.LE + + + D1ISD-117U + ISZ PANTHER 2.3(=ISD105U) + DE.AD=AM.II + + + D1ISD-115U + ISZ KBD25(SA2945) + DE.OD=AN.DD + + + D1KMD-001U + KMT FORKLIFT TCM 21/2 TON + + + + D1MBC-523 + MIT L300 DSL NEW + DE.OD=AN.DD + + + D1MBD-022U + MIT L300 DSL NEW + DE.OD=AN.DD + + + D1MZD-005U + MZD 626 GLX/CPL 2000 + + + + D1SZC-508 + SZK CARRY XTRA + + + + D1SZC-522 + M/S T120SS/FUTURA + + + + N1IVR-522 + 12V DHT/SZK S88/S89/C.XTRA + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + J148870-80000 + SZK ESTEEM 1.3/AMENITY + DE.AL=DA.BB + + + F2JHTSX-17 + DTS J15/620(4) + EI.NS=EE.LE + + + F2JHTSX-31 + ISZ GEMINI DSL(4) + + + + M172937ST + F - MIT LANCER'81-84(MR-937) + AIDN=MNSLM + + + F2JMTSX-35 + MIT CRANE 8DC2(8) + + + + N1SS-2701 + 24V HIN KL/KM/D 100 + + + + N1SS-150 + 12V ISZ TRUCK C221 + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + G1GWT-58A + TYT CRL/CRN GL'83 + EI.NE=ES.IE + + + T58-97033-175-4 + ISZ NHR55/4JB1(=8-97385-9840) + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + B1A-1416 + R/RH ISZ TRK KR/DA120 + + + + B1A-1417 + R/LH ISZ TRK KR/DA120 + + + + G1GWT-69A + TYT SUPER KIJANG + ED.IB=DM.DS + + + D1HCC-506 + HONDA WONDER + DD.ED=AO.LE + + + G6GUT-12 + TYT HIACE + DLEB=ADBN + + + G6GU-500 + ISZ PANTHER/KBD25 + DLEB=ADBN + + + G6GUT-14 + TYT/ MIT JEEP L/C/COLTDIESEL T210 + DLEB=ADBN + + + G6GUN-44 + MIT FUSO FM/FR (JOINT STRG) + DLEB=ADBN + + + G6GUIS-66 + ISZ NKR66/58 + DLEB=ADBN + + + G6GUM-93 + MIT FE111/PS100 + DLEB=ADBN + + + G6GUMZ-1 + MIT T120/T120SS/L300/ FUTURA + DLEB=ADBN + + + G6GUN-27 + DTS 620 + DLEB=ADBN + + + G6GUS-1 + SZK ST100 + + + + G6GUT-13 + TYT KIJANG + DLEB=ADBN + + + T1E301-14-151 + FORD LASER (=4117461) + EI.NS=EE.LE + + + J145040-69040X + MIT ETERNA DOHC 88-93/DAANGAN 91 + DE.AL=DA.BB + + + J148850-60A00 + MIT L100 NEW + DE.AL=DA.BB + + + G1GWM-39A + MIT L300 DIESEL NEW/LO39 + AN.BL=AS.BA + + + N1IVR-762 + 24V ISZ NKR66/NKR58 + DA.BS=AN.DS + + + N1AVR-566 + 12V TYT S.KIJANG + DE.DI=DD.DS + + + T113070-10600 + DTS 620 + EI.NS=EE.LE + + + J127180-83000 + TERMINAL SKUN KUNINGAN + DE.AL=DA.BB + + + N1D-001 + 12V DTS 620 + DA.BS=AN.DS + + + T113506-22010 + TYT KIJANG 3K + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + T113507-87701 + DHT S10P + EI.NS=EE.LE + + + B1A-4401 + F/LH MIT FUSO FM/FR/FIGHTER + DE.AM=DA.MM + + + B1A-4403 + R/LH MIT FUSO FM/FR/FIGHTER + DE.AM=DA.MM + + + T18-94200948-1 + TYT CHEV LUV KB20(BENSIN) + EI.NS=EE.LE + + + B1A-5309 + F/LH TYT 2D NEW + + + + B1A-5311 + R/LH TYT 2D NEW + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + F2JHTSX-25 + ISZ KBD25/KAD(4) + EI.NS=EE.LE + + + S251100-61G00 + SZK BALENO + AONE=ASIN + + + N8CB-1803GP/STD + MIT FUSO 6D22 + EA.LL=DM.DL + + + F2JMTSX-36 + MIT L300(4) + EL.MA=ES.SB + + + F2JMTSX-47 + MIT 8DC/CK12(4) + + + + J143521-60010 + MIT L300DX/T120SS/RAGASA 135PS/ DHT S89(4) + EE.NB = EA.DN + + + F2JMTX-14A + MIT T210(2) + + + + M171871 + F - NSN GENESIS + AIDA=MNODM + + + F2JMTX-33A + MIT FE79(2) + + + + F2JNDSX-31C + DHT BU30NEW/F50/2D NEW(4crip) + + + + F2JNDSX-35 + ISZ PANTHER(4) + + + + F2JNDSX-39T + TYT/DHT/SZK 5K/S88/EXTRA(4T) + DL.BA=DS.LN + + + M1D7633 + R - SZK VITARA/ESCUDO(=M1633) + AIDA=MNODM + + + F2JNDX-32A + DHT/TYT BU30/F50/HIACE DSL(2) + DO.SB=DB.ED + + + M116164 + F - SZK ESTEEM 1,3/1,6 + AIDA=MNODM + + + F2JNKSX-20 + ISZ TRK JCR(4) + + + + F2JNKX-7 + HINO + + + + F2JSDSX-10M + HINO EH700(4) + + + + F2JSDSX-13 + HINO TRK/MIT 8DC CRANE(4) + + + + F2JSDSX-4 + HINO EC/EH100/KL(4) + + + + F2JSDSX-7 + HINO ED100(4) + + + + F2JSDSX-9M + HINO EF350/500(4) + + + + G4MC-809467 + MIT FUSO GANJO-F + EI.NS=EE.LE + + + A421100-1E020 + TYT KIJANG KAPSUL'97(=HB070) + DN.SB=DO.NB + + + A4A-8102 + MIT COLT T120 + DA.BS=AN.DS + + + A4H-3662 + TYT 2F NEW + EM.DB=EB.SB + + + A4H-6650 + TYT SUPER KIJANG 5K + DN.SB=DO.NB + + + A4MD-076304 + MIT L300 + DA.BS=AN.DS + + + A4MD-081100 + MIT L300DX + DA.BS=AN.DS + + + A4MD-172818 + MIT T120SS + DA.BS=AN.DS + + + A212110-75107.S + STD SZK EXTRA/ST100 + DD.MD=DA.SS + + + A213101-87306.S + STD DHT TAFT F50/DELTA V22H + DD.MD=DA.SS + + + A213101-87314.4 + 100 DHT TAFT F50/DELTA V83T + DD.MD=DA.SS + + + A213101-87314.S + STD DHT TAFT F50/DELTA V83T + DD.MD=DA.SS + + + T58-97069-738-1 + ISZ NHR55/PANTHER 2.5(=8-97385-9850) + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + A213101-87711.S + STD DHT S75 + DD.MD=DA.SS + + + N2DA-10-0 + IN DHT TAFT BENSIN F10 + ED.LL=EA.DD + + + TAMT-141213 + MIT T120 + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + N2NA-113-OT + IN NSN DIESEL FE6/CK87 + EA.LE=DO.OI + + + N2HB-8-0 + EX HINO TRK DS70 + + + + TA45425-87506 + CENTER BUSH DHT S75/S88/T120/FUTURA + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + S1102 + DTS 120Y(22450-H5051) + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + S1035 + TYT CORONA RT132(90919-21151) + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + S1072 + TYT STARLET(90919-21360) + DA.AA=AM.SI + + + S1118 + DTS 160J(22450-21029) + + + + S119901-87186 + DHT FEROZA + + + + S119901-87197 + DHT ZEBRA S89 + DE.AD=DA.SO + + + S1304 + HONDA ACCORD'76(32700-671-000) + + + + S132722-PM3-000 + HND GRAND CIVIC + + + + S133700-63B30 + SZK ESTEEM 1.3 + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + S133700-71C10 + SZK ESTEEM 1.6/VITARA EFI/BALENO + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + S133700-77500 + SZK FUTURA + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + S1413 + MIT L300(MD-009141) + DE.AD=DA.SO + + + TA48655-12010 + TYT KE TWINCAM + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + S190919-21605 + TYT KF 7K + + + + S190919-22211 + TYT COROLLA TWINCAM-88 + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + Z113021-H1000 + DATSUN 120Y + + + + S1OK203-18-140 + TIMOR DOHC + + + + Y1YD-103 + TYT KIJANG/HIACE/CRL12R + DD.AN=AN.SD + + + TA48061-27011 + TYT 5K + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + TA48630-20020 + TYT CRN RT100 + DB.AB=DL.NO + + + TA90043-85087 + SPRING BUSH DHT TAFT F70 + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + TA48635-28010 + TYT 5K + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + TA48815-14020 + STABILIZER BUSH + DB.AB=DL.NO + + + TA51393-SH3-003 + HONDA GRAND CIVIC + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + TA52395-SH3-004 + HONDA GRAND CIVIC + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + TA52385-SR3-000 + LOWER LINK BUSH HONDA GENIO + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + TA8-94223-366-0 + ISZ KBD26/PANTHER + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + TA90043-85085 + DRAG LINK BUSHING DHT S88 + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + T2IG-200R + IGN COIL W/RESISTOR UNIVERSAL + DD.DA=AN.DS + + + T2ISC-5R + DHT/SZK ST20/S89/S10P/S75/S88 + DD.DA=AN.DS + + + T2ME-520436 + CLUTCH DISC ASSY MIT FUSO FR215 + + + + T2TS-800 + STOP LAMP SWITCH ST100/FE/L300/T120 + EM.EO=EL.OI + + + T2TU-702 + SZK FORSA + DD.DA=AN.DS + + + T2TU-302 + MIT ETERNA 89-93/DAANGAN DOHC + DD.DA=AN.DS + + + T2TU-502 + HONDA ACCORD'86 + DD.DA=AN.DS + + + T2TU-801 + DHT CHARADE G10/G11 + DD.DA=AN.DS + + + Y1YD-101 + TYT 2F + DD.AN=AN.SD + + + Y1YD-106 + TYT KIJANG 4K + DA.LN=AM.BA + + + Y1YD-109K + TYT SUPER KIJANG + DD.AN=AN.SD + + + Y1YD-119A + TYT COROLLA GL + DO.NI=DI.IE + + + Y1YD-128 + TYT STARLET + DD.AN=AN.SD + + + Y1YD-304 + MIT L300 + DA.LN=AM.BA + + + Y1YD-311 + FORD LASER'90/CAPELLA'90 + + + + Y1YD-317 + FORD LASER'85-87 + + + + Y1YD-403 + MIT T120 + DD.AN=AN.SD + + + Y1YD-405 + MZD CAPELLA + DO.NI=DI.IE + + + Y1YD-408 + MIT L100 MINICAB + DD.AN=AN.SD + + + Y1YD-425 + MIT T120SS + DA.LN=AM.BA + + + Y1YD-504 + DHT S10P + DD.AN=AN.SD + + + Y1YD-505 + DHT CHARADE G10/G11 + DA.LN=AM.BA + + + Y1YD-506 + DHT S75/S88 + DA.LN=AM.BA + + + Y1YD-608 + HONDA ACCORD'84 + DD.AN=AN.SD + + + Y1YD-621 + HND GRAND CIVIC + + + + Y1YD-801 + SZK ST20 + DA.LN=AM.BA + + + Y1YR-401 + MIT COLT T120 + DD.AN=AN.SD + + + S5MMC-202D + MIT 120PS(MC-825365) + DD.BO=DA.LO + + + Z113521-22010 + TYT KIJANG 3K + DD.EL=AN.LB + + + Y1YD-141 + DHT ESPASS/S89 + DD.AN=AN.SD + + + R112280/STD + DHT S75/S88 @3 (76MM) + EI.LM=EL.ND + + + N2TB-53-0 + EX TYT HIACE DIESEL + DD.IL=AN.NE + + + N2MB-21-0 + EX MIT L100 + DE.LI=DA.ID + + + K74402L + UNIVERSAL(24V-K3) + DE.LI=DA.DO + + + K504111-87322 + DHT F80 + DA.OE=AM.OL + + + Y1YR-206 + HONDA DTS620/CVC80-87/ACC82-89 + DD.AN=AN.SD + + + Y1YR-414E + MIT T120SS + DA.LN=AM.BA + + + Y1YR-501 + DHT S38 + DD.AN=AN.SD + + + Y1YR-607 + HND GRAND CIVIC + + + + Y1YR-610EA + HND GENIO + + + + Z113021-U0100 + DATSUN 160J + + + + Z113024-18000/1 + DATSUN 120Y + + + + Z113523-13030 + TYT KIJANG 4K/5K + + + + Z1MD-010622 + MIT T120 + + + + S132722-PE3-600 + HND WONDER + + + + Y1YD-807 + SZK FUTURA + DA.LN=AM.BA + + + Y1YR-601 + HND WONDER/EXCELLENT + + + + Z113523-22010 + TYT KIJANG 3K + + + + TA48655-20030 + TYT KE AE80 + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + K6MD-010944 + MIT T120 + DA.OE=AM.OL + + + T2ISC-4R + TYT L/C 2F + DD.DA=AN.DS + + + J3MS-8136ON + CH-008 HONDA PRESTIGE 86-89 + DI.ED=DS.MS + + + M2A866T06670 + TYT RH11 + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + M2M191T33371 + + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + M2M649T07171 + + DA.AA=AM.SI + + + M2T003T08171 + + DO.DM=DI.MS + + + M2T663T34772 + + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + N2MA-03-0 + IN MIT 6DB1 + ED.LL=EA.DD + + + N2MB-43-OT + EX MIT LANCER'90 DOHC + DD.AN=AN.SD + + + N2TB-88-0 + EX TYT COROLLA TWINCAM AE90 + DD.IL=AN.NE + + + N2NB-115-OT + EX NSN DIESEL 220PS BTX/NE6 + EA.LE=DO.OI + + + N2TB-84-0 + EX TYT TRUCK 2D NEW + DD.IL=AN.NE + + + N311-0908M + MIT L100 + DE.DS=DA.MB + + + N311-Z528M + SZK VITARA + DE.DS=DA.MB + + + N377-0019A + FUEL PUMP VALVE MIT T120/TYT/DHT + EO.LO=EI.BO + + + O113562-34020 + CHAIN GUIDE TYT 18R + DO.DD=DI.SB + + + R120942/075 + MIT 4D32 FE(104MM) + DN.SD=DM.EN + + + R129485/STD + HND PRESTIGE'86-89@4(=16482)(82.7MM) + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + M2M357X91871 + . + EM.BB=EB.OA + + + H1SM-681 + MIT LANCER 85 GALANT II + + + + H1ST-673 + TYT GREAT COROLLA + + + + H1TM-245 + MIT FUSO FM/FR + + + + H1VF-132 + MIT FUSO FM516 FIGHTER + DD=AN.OA + + + N2TB-105-0 + EX TYT RINO 14B + DE.LI=DA.ID + + + TA48750-79030 + CENTER BUSH SZK ST100/ S88 + DB.AB=DL.NO + + + M2A648D01971 + + EI.LD=ES.LB + + + M2K008T75071A + + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + M2M800X43573 + + EI.LD=ES.LB + + + M2T574X52571 + + ED.EL=DN.MO + + + M2M357X72672 + EXHAUST VALVE + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + M2E009T15292C + + DA.AA=AM.SI + + + Z113523-33010 + TYT CORONA 18R (B) + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + S1303 + HONDA CIVIC'75(32700-657-000) + + + + S1514 + DHT S75/CHARADE G10/G11 + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + S1845 + SZK S.JIMNY SJ410/KATANA + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + TA48654-20050 + TYT KE AE80 + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + T2TU-401 + TYT FORD LASER + DD.DA=AN.DS + + + Y1YD-208A + HONDA CIVIC'75-77/DTS 620 + DD.AN=AN.SD + + + Y1YD-406 + MIT L300 DX + DA.LN=AM.BA + + + Y1YD-512 + DHT FEROZA + DA.LN=AM.BA + + + Y1YR-303 + MIT L300 + DD.AN=AN.SD + + + Y1YR-802 + DHT S89/FUTURA + DA.LN=AM.BA + + + Z1MD-010920 + MIT T120 + + + + N311-T190A + TYT 2F NEW + DN.EI=DO.MI + + + N2HMB-68-OT + EX HONDA ACCORD'82 + DD.IL=AN.NE + + + N375-0534 + SZK KATANA/SUPER JIMNY SJ410 + EO.LO=EI.BO + + + S5MMC-202B + MIT FE(MB-005141) + ED.MN=EA.OI + + + N373-0923 + MIT T120 + DN.EI=DO.MI + + + N2NB-117-0 + EX NSN DIESEL PF6/PF8 + EA.LE=DO.OI + + + R120180/STD + MIT 6DS7 FUSO T653(=21180)(98MM) + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + H1VF-233 + MIT 120PS + DD=AN.OA + + + Z113528-33010 + TYT CORONA 18R (S) + + + + K6MD-012337 + ROTOR MIT L300 + DA.OE=AM.OL + + + S1108 + DTS 620 + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + C2FKS1271FX + MIT L300 + DE.NM=DD.BD + + + N2IB-66-0 + EX ISZ TRK CXZ 10PD1 + + + + N2NB-66-0 + EX NSN DIESEL RD8 + EL.SD=EE.SI + + + N2NA-63-0 + IN NSN TRUCK CK10 + DI.DS=DL.AS + + + N2TA-07-0 + IN TYT JEEP OLD F135 + + + + N2TB-09-0 + EX TYT TRUCK OLD DA180 + + + + N311-0529M + SZK FORSA + DE.DS=DA.MB + + + N311-T158A + TYT KIJANG 7K + DE.DS=DA.MB + + + N325-0834UJ + DHT S89 + + + + O113523-13030 + TYT 4K/5K + DO.DD=DI.SB + + + O1MD-021170 + MIT GALANT 2000 '78 + + + + R120009/100 + MIT 4DR5 CANTER T210 (=21070)(92MM) + EN.ES=EM.AL + + + R120011/STD + MIT 8DC11 FUSO (142MM) + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + R120081/STD + MIT 6D22 FUSO TIPIS (130MM) + DE.AD=DA.IE + + + R120292/075 + MIT 4G17 T120SS(72.2MM) + EA.MN=DN.BB + + + R120942/STD + MIT 4D32 FE(104MM) + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + R126020/STD + SZK ST100/C.XTRA @4(65.5MM) + DE.AD=DA.IE + + + R129490/STD + HND ACCORD'79-82 @4(=16025)(77MM) + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + S5MMC-202C + MIT 100PS(MB-308059) + DD.BO=DA.LO + + + R129490/100 + HND ACCORD'79-82 @4(=16025)(77MM) + EI.LM=EL.ND + + + S190919-22327 + TYT SOLUNA/GREAT KE + + + + H1SZ-558 + MZD CAPELLA 88-92 + + + + H1VF-135 + MIT FUSO 190PS(=VF-270) + DD=AN.OA + + + H1VN-189 + NSN RD8/CK12/CK87 + DD=AN.OA + + + C2FKS1242FU + TYT 2F + DE.NM=DD.BD + + + C2FKS1306KX + TYT 2D NEW + EA.LE=DO.OI + + + C2S1199F + TYT HIACE RH11 + DE.NM=DD.BD + + + C2S1352SA + ISZ PANTHER + DE.NM=DD.BD + + + N2TB-20-0 + EX TYT COROLLA KE20 + DD.IL=AN.NE + + + R124370/STD + NSN DIESEL RD8 TURBO(135MM) + + + + S1429 + MIT L100(MD-017963/64/576) + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + C2FKS1319FX + TYT RINO 13B + DE.NM=DD.BD + + + M2A866X28572 + 075 DTS J15/620 + DO.DM=DI.MS + + + N335-0834UJ + DHT S89 + + + + N373-0151 + TYT KIJANG 3K + EN.SE=EO.ID + + + N9OS-03T + TYT/DHT + EO.LO=EI.BO + + + M2T832X19871 + MIT FE111 + DO.DM=DI.MS + + + N2HA-24-0 + IN HINO TRK ED100 NEW + ES.AN=EA.ML + + + N2IB-41-0 + EX ISZ PANTHER C240/KBD26 + DD.AN=AN.SD + + + Y1YD-804 + SZK ST100 84 + DA.LE = AM.LS + + + R130746/STD + MAZDA E2700 + EL.MA = ES.SB + + + K615100-87703 + DHT ZEBRA S75 + DA.OE=AM.OL + + + K76001L + UNIVERSAL(24V-K3) + DE.LI=DA.DO + + + K76014L + UNIVERSAL(12V) + DE.LI=DA.DO + + + O1MD-021246 + MIT GALANT 2000 '78 + DO.DD=DI.SB + + + K504111-87307 + DHT V22/ F50 + DA.OE=AM.OL + + + K504111-87314 + DHT V83/ F70 + DA.OE=AM.OL + + + K504111-87338 + DHT F80 + EA.DI=DO.ON + + + N311-Z534A + SZK ESTEEM 1.3/AMENITY + DE.DS=DA.MB + + + N2HB-41-0 + EX HINO TRK EF100 + DE.AL=DA.BB + + + S1403 + MIT T120(MD-011751) + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + N2NB-64-0 + EX NSN DIESEL PD6 + ES.AN=EA.ML + + + R126220/075 + SZK JIMNY LJ80 @4(62MM) + DB.AB=DL.NO + + + R113251/STD + SZK FUTURA/VITARA @4(=26251)(75MM) + EI.LM=EL.ND + + + R126010/150 + SZK ST20 @3(61MM) + EI.LM=EL.ND + + + M2M371X80171 + TYT SUPER KIJANG + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + Z113024-21000 + DATSUN 160J + DD.DA=AN.DS + + + R130570/100 + MAZDA CAPELLA 75 + DA.BS=AN.DS + + + N2TB-38-0 + EX TYT JEEP 2F + DD.AN=AN.SD + + + N2NB-63-OT + EX NSN TRUCK CK10 + EI.EI = ED.OL + + + M2T232T48982 + + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + N2HB-43-0 + EX HINO RANGER HO7C + DE.LI=DA.ID + + + N2TB-91-0 + EX TYT KIJANG DIESEL + DD.IL=AN.NE + + + Y1YD-602 + HONDA ACCORD'82/WONDER + DO.NI=DI.IE + + + M2T232T21971 + + SA.EA = EO.SE + + + S132722-PH1-601 + HND PRESTIGE + EA.DI = DO.ON + + + N2IB-28-0 + EX ISZ SEDAN BELLAT + SA.EA = EO.SE + + + N2MB-04-0 + EX MIT 6DB1 + EM.BB=EB.OA + + + R112910/STD + DHT S89/ZEBRA 1.3 @4 (76MM) + EN.ES=EM.AL + + + M2A866X39772 + + EI.LD=ES.LB + + + M2A866X24072 + + DO.AO=DI.SD + + + M2A866X12782 + + DO.DM=DI.MS + + + M2M372X10171 + + ED.EL=DN.MO + + + M2A866X28372 + + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + M2A866X34972 + + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + M2J007X01972 + + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + M2M002T67884 + + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + M2M106X29171 + + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + M2M106X43772 + + DO.DM=DI.MS + + + M2M135X01771 + + EM.BB=EB.OA + + + M2M191X67585 + + DO.DM=DI.MS + + + M2M230X00671 + + + + + M2M357T71671 + + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + M2M357X66185 + + + + + M2M357X73571 + + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + M2M372X10371 + + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + M2M605X95571 + + + + + M2M640B12671 + + + + + M2M863C05671 + + + + + M2T002T01273 + + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + M2T003T05772 + + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + TA48654-12010 + TYT CRL KE30 + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + M2T100T21272 + + DA.AA=AM.SI + + + M2T213X22271 + + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + M2T213X84071 + + + + + M2T315T23971 + + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + M2T589X77871 + + DO.DM=DI.MS + + + M2T602X36471 + + EM.BB=EB.OA + + + N2MB-14-OT + EX MIT GALANT 2000-'78-80 + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + O113561-13020 + TYT 4K/5K + ED.MN=EA.ME + + + M2T880T12472 + + EI.AB=EE.AB + + + M2U001T15472 + + ED.EL=DN.MO + + + M2UC-J10H + + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + M2UC-V6B + + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + N2NA-63-OT + IN NSN TRUCK CK10 + + + + N2NB-43-0 + EX NSN DIESEL SD22 + EB.OL=EE.MO + + + N2TB-49-0 + EX TYT COROLLA GL + DD.IL=AN.NE + + + N2SB-08-0 + EX SZK FUTURA + DD.IL=AN.NE + + + N2NB-84-0 + EX NSN DIESEL RD8 NEW + + + + N2TA-48-0 + IN TYT TRUCK 2D + DD.AN=AN.SD + + + N2TA-77-0 + IN TYT STARLET + EA.LE=DO.OI + + + N2TA-91-0 + IN TYT KIJANG DIESEL + DD.IL=AN.NE + + + N2TA-94-0 + IN TYT RINO 14B + DE.LI=DA.ID + + + N2TB-60-0 + EX TYT SUPER KIJANG + ED.IM=DN.MO + + + N2ZB-17-0 + EX MAZDA SEDAN 808 + EB.OL=EE.MO + + + N395 + + DE.DS=DA.MB + + + N311-T130A + TYT HIACE NEW + DN.EI=DO.MI + + + N311-0717H + FORD LASER 1.3 + EB.BI=EL.ON + + + N311-T191A + TYT 2F'80 + DN.EI=DO.MI + + + N311-T160A + TYT GRAND KIJANG 5K + DN.EI=DO.MI + + + N311-1056K + HONDA ACC.'78-81/EXCELENT/CVC75-79 + DE.DS=DA.MB + + + N311-H558K + HONDA ACCORD'82/WONDER + DE.DS=DA.MB + + + N311-M928A + MIT L300 DX + + + + N325-0928A + MIT L300 + DA.SA=AM.MA + + + N335-T050A + TYT GRAND KIJANG/5K + DE.DS=DA.MB + + + N325-0924A-ST + MIT T120 + + + + N325-T120SS + MIT T120SS + DA.SA=AM.MA + + + N335-0016A + TYT HIACE RH11 NEW + DA.SA=AM.MA + + + N335-T191A + TYT 2F + ES.ML=ED.MN + + + N335-0928A + MIT L300/L300DX + DE.DS=DA.MB + + + N335-T160A + TYT KIJANG 5K + DE.DS=DA.MB + + + N340-0834UJ + DHT S89 + DE.DS=DA.MB + + + N348MM + UNIVERSAL + DE.DS=DA.MB + + + N350-0807A + IDLE SCREW SZK ST100/3K/S89 + DE.DS=DA.MB + + + N373-0196 + TYT L/C 155PK + DN.EI=DO.MI + + + N373-0502 + SZK ST20(=75-0502) + DE.DS=DA.MB + + + N373-0503 + SZK ST100 + DE.DS=DA.MB + + + N373-0806A + DHT S75 + DN.EI=DO.MI + + + N375-0505 + SZK JIMNY LJ80 + ES.ML=ED.MN + + + M2T006T57671A + ISUZU TLD-58 + DA.AA=AM.SI + + + S1819 + SZK LJ80(33710-73010) + ES.AN=EA.ML + + + N2HB-15-0 + EX HINO TRK DM100 + + + + N2DA-22-0 + IN DHT ZEBRA S89 + DD.IL=AN.NE + + + N2TA-79-0 + IN TYT STARLET + EA.LE=DO.OI + + + N2TA-40-0 + IN TYT CORONA 18R + DD.IL=AN.NE + + + N2HB-29-0 + EX HINO TRK FF/EH700 + DI.DS=DL.AS + + + N2HB-34-0 + EX HINO TRK EL100 + + + + N2HA-40-0 + IN HINO TRK EM100 + + + + N2HA-41-0 + IN HINO TRK EF100 + + + + N2HA-8-0 + IN HINO TRK DS70 + + + + N2HB-16-0 + EX HINO TRK FD EC100 + + + + O113521-13020 + TYT 4K/5K + DO.DD=DI.SB + + + N2HB-22-0 + EX HINO TRK EH100 + + + + N2HB-40-0 + EX HINO TRK EM100 + + + + N2HMB-34-OT + EX HONDA CIVIC EXCELENT'80-83 + DD.AN=AN.SD + + + N2HMB-174-OT + EX HONDA CIELLO VITEC'97-2000 + + + + N2NB-79-OT + EX NSN DATSUN SUNNY B11 + DD.IL=AN.NE + + + N2NA-67-0 + IN NSN DIESEL FORKLIFT SD33 + + + + N2HMB-37-OT + EX HONDA EXECELENT + DD.IL=AN.NE + + + N2TB-43-0 + EX TYT HIACE NEW + DD.AN=AN.SD + + + N2ZB-32-OT + EX MAZDA 323/FORD LASER + EL.SD=EE.SI + + + N2HMB-81-OT + EX HONDA ACCORD'84-86 + DD.IL=AN.NE + + + N2IB-31-0 + EX ISZ TRK DH100 NEW + + + + TA52365-SH3-014 + HONDA GRAND CIVIC + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + N2IB-29-0 + EX ISZ TRK DA640 + EB.OL=EE.MO + + + N2IA-34-0 + IN ISZ TRK E120 + + + + N2IB-52-0 + EX ISZ GEMINI 89 + EB.OL=EE.MO + + + S1507 + DHT S10P(19901-87702/87708) + + + + N2IB-69-0 + EX ISZ NKR66/4BF1/135PS + DE.LI=DA.ID + + + N2NA-43-0 + IN NSN DIESEL SD22 + EB.OL=EE.MO + + + N2IB-34-0 + EX ISZ TRK E120 + + + + TA48654-12070 + TYT KE TWINCAM + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + N2TB-39-0 + IN TYT CORONA MARK II + DI.DS=DL.AS + + + N2MB-15-0 + EX MIT L300 + DD.AN=AN.SD + + + S1232 + FORD LASER + EI.IO=ES.AL + + + N2NA-85-0 + IN NSN DATSUN FORKLIFT SD22 + EB.OL=EE.MO + + + N2MB-27-0 + EX MIT 6D22 + EA.LE=DO.OI + + + N2MB-38-0 + EX MIT FUSO 8DC + DD.AN=AN.SD + + + N2NA-117-0 + IN NSN DIESEL PF6/PF8 + EA.LE=DO.OI + + + N2NB-21-0 + EX DATSUN J13/620 + DD.IL=AN.NE + + + R120035/STD + MIT 6D22 FUSO TEBAL (130MM) + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + R120044/STD + MIT 8DC9T TRK TIPIS(135MM) + DN.SD=DM.EN + + + R120046/STD + MIT 8DC9 FUSO(135MM) + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + R120047/STD + MIT 8DC11 TRK TIPIS(142MM) + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + R120099/STD + MIT 4D33 FE/135PS(=ME996378)(108MM) + EI.LM=EL.ND + + + R120281/STD + MIT 6D16 FIGHTER 190PS(118MM) + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + R120292/STD + MIT 4G17 T120SS(72.2MM) + + + + R120460/STD + MIT 4D30/31 FE111/100PS(100MM) + DE.AD=DA.IE + + + R120460/100 + MIT 4D30/31 FE111/100PS(100MM) + EI.LM=EL.ND + + + R124780/STD + NSN DIESEL RD8(135MM) + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + R120931/STD + MIT 4D34T FE/120PS(104MM) + DE.AD=DA.IE + + + R120942/100 + MIT 4D32 FE(104MM) + EI.LM=EL.ND + + + R121281/STD + MIT 6D16 FIGHTER 190PS(118MM) + + + + R121610/STD + MIT 6D14 FUSO FM/FR(110MM) + + + + R121930/STD + MIT 6D15 FUSO FIGHTER(=20911)(113MM) + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + R124790/STD + NSN RE8(135MM) + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + R126010/STD + SZK ST20 @3(61MM) + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + R126020/050 + SZK ST100/C.XTRA @4(65.5MM) + EI.LM=EL.ND + + + R126220/STD + SZK JIMNY LJ80 @4(62MM) + EI.LM=EL.ND + + + R126220/100 + SZK JIMNY LJ80 @4(62MM) + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + R128750/025 + TYT SUPER KIJANG(80.5MM) + DE.AD=DA.IE + + + R128750/STD + TYT SUPER KIJANG(80.5MM) + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + R129070/STD + HND CVC WONDER'75-79@4(=16017)(74MM) + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + R130960/STD + FORD LASER (=30015)(77MM) + + + + S544011-44501 + HUB SYNCHROMIS MIT T210 + + + + S544011-46901 + HUB OVER DRIVE GEAR MIT T210 + + + + S5MDY-201C + TYT RINO(41331-36031) + + + + S5MDY-202C + TYT RINO(41341-36011) + + + + S5MMC-201B + MIT FE(MB-005140) + ED.MN=EA.OI + + + S5MMC-201C + MIT 100PS(MB-308115) + DD.BO=DA.LO + + + S5MMC-201D + MIT 120PS(MC-829204) + DD.BO=DA.LO + + + T2MT-311810 + VACUM LAMPS SWITCH MIT 100PS/T120 + EM.EO=EL.OI + + + N9OS-03L + T120/L300/FE/ST100/XTRA + DD.IL=AN.NE + + + TA8-94226-557-2 + ISZ KBD26/PANTHER + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + O113521-22010 + TYT 3K + DO.DD=DI.SB + + + O113521-33010 + TYT 18R + DO.DD=DI.SB + + + O113522-33010 + TYT 18R + DO.DD=DI.SB + + + O113528-33010 + TYT 18R + DO.DD=DI.SB + + + O113561-22010/2 + TYT 3K + ED.MN=EA.ME + + + O113561-33010 + TYT 18R + ED.MN=EA.ME + + + O1MD-020843 + MIT GALANT 2000 '78 + + + + O1MD-021172 + MIT GALANT 2000 '78 + + + + R120009/STD + MIT 4DR5 CANTER T210 (=21070)(92MM) + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + R112100/100 + DHT DL/TAFT GT/V83 (92MM) + EI.LM=EL.ND + + + R115167/STD + HINO TRK HO7T/BUS RK TURBO(110MM) + + + + R115801/STD + HINO EM100(124MM) + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + R115920/STD + HINO TRK HO7D (=16135)(110MM) + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + R115950/STD + HINO TRK HO7C (=15135)(110MM) + + + + R116151/STD + HND GRAND CIVIC 88 @4(75MM) + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + R120016/025 + MIT 4D30/31 FE111/100PS(100MM) + DN.SD=DM.EN + + + R120025/STD + MIT 6D14 FUSO FM/FR(110MM) + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + N2TB-92-0 + EX TYT TRUCK RINO 13B + EB.OL=EE.MO + + + C2FKS1199KZ + TYT HIACE RH11 + EA.LE=DO.OI + + + C2FKS1200KX + MIT COLT DIESEL T210 + EA.LE=DO.OI + + + C2FKS1298FX + MIT L300DX + DE.NM=DD.BD + + + C2FKS1337FX + TYT BU30 + DE.NM=DD.BD + + + C2FKS1350FX + MIT L300 DIESEL + DE.NM=DD.BD + + + C2FKS1352SAX + ISZ PANTHER + DE.NM=DD.BD + + + T2ISC-7T + MIT L100 + EA.LE=DO.OI + + + N2NB-113-OT + EX NSN DIESEL FE6/CK87 + EA.LE=DO.OI + + + N2IB-42-0 + EX ISZ GEMINI 4FB1/4FC1 + DD.IL=AN.NE + + + C2S1294K1 + TYT HIACE DSL LH11 + DE.NM=DD.BD + + + N2TB-48-0 + EX TYT TRUCK 2D + EA.LE=DO.OI + + + D2FTM-063GT + IGN.COIL UNIVERSAL W/RESISTOR + DO.ES=DB.AM + + + D2R-501B + RESISTOR COIL MAZDA + DO.ES=DB.AM + + + R116063/STD + HND ACC.MAESTRO @4(85MM) + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + N2TB-63-0 + EX TYT JEEP 1H/2H + EI.NS=EE.LE + + + M2A860T29370 + TYT KIJANG 5K + EI.LD=ES.LB + + + M2A584X00772 + TYT JEEP 2F + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + Y1YD-622 + HND ACC.MAESTRO/GENIO + DA.AA=AM.SI + + + D2TB-61K + IGN.COIL MIT COLT T120(12V) + EI.NO=EL.ED + + + H315X40 + STEERING JOINT DHT ZEBRA/CARRY ST100 + DD.DA=AN.DS + + + TA48061-20020 + TYT CRN RT100 + DB.AB=DL.NO + + + TA90043-85086 + SPRING BUSH DHT TAFT F70 + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + H1CV-12 + FUEL CUT VALVE L300/HIACE DSL/ PANTHER + DD=AN.OA + + + R112280/125 + DHT S75/S88 @3 (76MM) + EA.MN=DN.BB + + + H1K-164 + HEATHER SIGNAL MIT FE + + + + H1SH-501 + HONDA WONDER/CIVIC/ACCORD + + + + H1SH-602 + HONDA ACCORD PRESTIGE'86 + + + + H1SI-05 + IGN LOCK SWITCH + DD=AN.OA + + + H1SM-685 + MIT ETERNA 89-93 DAANGAN DOHC + + + + H1SM-688 + MIT LEE DAANGAN 1500/1600 + + + + H1SS-534 + SZK FORSA + + + + H1SS-641 + SZK ESTEEM 1.6 + + + + H1ST-670 + TYT CORONA/COROLLA/TWINCAM + + + + M2M649T04372 + FORD LASER + + + + C2S1306K + TYT 2D NEW + EA.LE=DO.OI + + + N2TA-43-0 + IN TYT HIACE NEW + DD.AN=AN.SD + + + H1TM-241 + MIT T120/L300 + + + + H1TS-271 + SZK ST-100/XTRA + + + + N2IA-25-0 + IN ISZ LUV KBD25 + DD.IL=AN.NE + + + N2ZB-18-0 + EX MAZDA CAPELLA'75/82 + EL.SD=EE.SI + + + H1VF-129 + MIT FE/100PS + DD=AN.OA + + + H1VN-188 + NSN DIESEL RD8 + ED.LL=EA.DD + + + H1VN-195 + NSN CK12 DSL + EB.EB=EE + + + TA48750-85000 + STRG BUSHING DHT S89/FUTURA/T120SS + DB.AB=DL.NO + + + Z113521-33010 + TYT CORONA 18R + DO.DD=DI.SB + + + N2TB-70-0 + EX TYT COROLLA 1C/2C + EI.NS=EE.LE + + + C2FKS1134FW + TYT KIJANG 3K + DE.NM=DD.BD + + + C2FKS1178KY + DATSUN DIESEL SD22 + EB.LL=EL.DA + + + C2FKS1195FAB + ISZ KBD26 NEW + DE.NM=DD.BD + + + Y1YR-409 + MIT T120SS + DA.LN=AM.BA + + + Y1YR-801 + SZK ST20 + DD.AN=AN.SD + + + N2IB-36-0 + EX ISZ TRK SPZ E120 + + + + O113523-33010 + TYT 18R + DO.DD=DI.SB + + + O113024-30800 + DTS 620 + DO.DD=DI.SB + + + R120016/STD + MIT 4D30/31 FE111/100PS(100MM) + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + R129880/STD + HND ACC.EXEC'84-85@ 4(=16028)(80MM) + DE.AD=DA.IE + + + N5ST-1640 + JOINT STEERING TYT KIJANG/ISZ PANTHER + + + + G5D34 + TYT 2-D + + + + M6L4 + MIT COLT T-120 + + + + N548069-87793 + DHT G10 (LH) + + + + N5NIM-0001 + FUEL TANK CAP UNIVERSAL TYPE + DA.BS=AN.DS + + + N59-93150-612/3 + ISZ KAD51 + + + + M6M2 + . + + + + M6A56 + + + + + M6E33 + + + + + M6I19 + + + + + K222440-83L10 + NSN CEFIRO + + + + K2B2450-36-G25 + NSN TERRANO + + + + K2KARIMUN + SZK KARIMUN + + + + K2MD-009141 + MIT COLT L300 + + + + K290919-21025 + TYT KIJANG KF40 + + + + K290919-21107 + TYT HIACE RH11 + + + + K2MD-133880 + MIT COLT T120SS + + + + S91.00-MM + ISI 22 MTR, 12 WARNA + + + + CYISZ_PANTHR2.5 + 8-94453-7491 + + + + CYSZK_ST100 + 22400-72022/ST-20(KARET) + + + + PZISZ_PANTHER25 + . + + + + N5K092-32-280 + TIMOR + + + + M6A45 + @ 8 PCS NSN DIESEL RF8 + EA.ON=DB.IE + + + N545046-87682 + DHT TAFT F70 + + + + M6A6 + + + + + M6C18 + + + + + M6D10 + + + + + M6F12 + + + + + M6M32 + + + + + M131-0185 + F - NSN SENTRA + + + + K290048-66012-0 + DHT S88 + + + + S90.80-MM + ISI 22 MTR, 12 WARNA + + + + PZHIN_JUMBO + . + + + + M6E38 + PS115/14B + + + + M6J9 + + + + + S96.00-MM + ISI 22 MTR, 12 WARNA + + + + M6E39 + + + + + M6H32 + + + + + M6A24 + TYT KIJANG KF40 + + + + M6M20 + SZK CARRY ST-100, SJ-410 + + + + N5F148-13B + UNIVERSAL TYPE + + + + A6CORONA-TT132 + 90919-21087 + + + + K290048-66014-0 + DHT S75 + + + + A6KB275CM24V-SS + + + + + S94.00-MM + ISI 22 MTR, 12 WARNA + + + + A6KP40CM24V-SB + + + + + A6KS100CM24V-SS + + + + + A6KS175CM12V-SK + + + + + A6KS75CM12V-SK + + + + + A6STARLET1.3 + 90919-13339 + + + + N5MR-267594 + MIT L300 DIESEL (RH) + + + + B3KS-200CM-12V + . + + + + N5MZS-45003 + MIT T120SS + + + + M6L3 + TYT 2-D OLD + + + + K2BALENO + SZK BALENO + + + + K2TIMOR DOHC + TIMOR (DOHC) + + + + F3PARALEL + KABEL ACCU UNIVERSAL + + + + K290919-21360 + TYT STARLET EP70 + + + + A6KB225CM24V-SS + + + + + K290919-0B010 + TYT KIJANG KF70 + + + + G33.00-MM + 8 WARNA + + + + N545200-77500 + SZK FUTURA + + + + SZMT_PS100 + HINO H O 7 D + + + + N545200-82000 + SZK FORSA + + + + N5F148-14B + UNIVERSAL TYPE + + + + N5F148-16B + UNIVERSAL TYPE + + + + N5F153-18B + TOYOTA TYPE + + + + N531204-22040 + TYT KIJANG + + + + A6COROLLA-KE30 + 90919-21011 + + + + A6FORD-LASER + FD-687 + + + + G5G86 + TYT TRUCK DIESEL 2D OLD + + + + G5J13 + MIT ETERNA PS-120 + + + + G5B56 + HONDA MAESTRO + + + + N548900-77300 + DRAG LINK ASSY SZK CARRY ST100 + + + + A6WILLYS-CJ4 + JD-10875 + + + + A6KB200CM12V-SK + + + + + A6KB175CM24V-SS + + + + + M6A33 + KABEL DOUBLE (50 MTR) + + + + A6KB30CM12V-SK + + + + + A6KS40CM24V-SB + + + + + S91.50-MM + ISI 22 MTR, 12 WARNA + + + + A6KP95CM_FE_ST + BATTERY COLT DIESEL PS PE (SET) + + + + A6KS150CM24V-SB + + + + + A6KS275CM12V-SK + + + + + A6KS300CM24V-SS + + + + + A6KS60CM12V-SK + + + + + A6S89 + 19901-87197-000 + + + + B3KS-125CM-24V + . + + + + B3KS-200CM-24V + . + + + + M6M28 + . + + + + PZMER_INTERCULR + . + + + + PZISZ_PANTHER23 + . + + + + A7N-70 + TERMINAL SKUN BIASA + + + + N5MB-598023 + MIT GALANT + + + + G5C32 + MIT 6 D 22 + + + + G5A114 + NISSAN RE 8 + + + + G5A128 + HINO EB 300 + + + + N504486-30030 + LOWER SHAFT TYT KIJANG KF40/RH11 + + + + K2MD-134754 + MIT ETERNAL DOHC/SOHC + + + + A6KB250CM24V-SB + + + + + A6KB60CM12V-SK + + + + + CXTYT_GR.KIJ1.5 + 31210-0W010 + + + + K30.80-MM + ISI 27 MTR, 12 WARNA + + + + K31.00-MM + ISI 27 MTR, 12 WARNA + + + + N545046-29075 + TYT KIJANG KF20 (OUT) + + + + N5B107-46-020 + BAR EXTENSION MZD 323/FORD LSR + + + + K2405-18B + UNIVERSAL TYPE + + + + M6E17 + KABEL BUSI ROLL (25MTR/ROLL) + + + + CXISZ_PANTHR2.3 + 8-94224-7830 + + + + CXISZ_PANTHR2.5 + 8-94435-0111 + + + + CYDHT_S89-P + 31250-87548(PER) + + + + CYISZ_TLD58 + 8-97079-5210 + + + + CYMIT_FE100PS + ME-500519 + + + + CYMIT_T-120 + MD-701230 + + + + CYMIT_L-300D + MD-802129 + + + + CYNSN_CK12 + 30100-90609 + + + + CYTYT_GR.KIJ1.5 + 31250-0W010 + + + + DZHIN_MA + . + + + + DZHIN_RK + . + + + + DZHIN_RK_TURBO + 13407-1840 + + + + PZHIN_LA/AK + RANGER 13408-1550 + + + + WZMIT_T200-F + . + + + + N5MB-175544 + MIT L300 (LOW) + + + + N545401-29195 + PITMAN ARM TYT KIJANG KF40 + + + + X13835774 + OIL SEAL TAMBANG (GR-0137) "GM" + + + + N5F148-12B + UNIVERSAL TYPE + DA.LE = AM.LS + + + M6D7 + + + + + M6A10 + + + + + N58-97107-348/9 + ISZ NKR56 + + + + M6A7 + + + + + M6A8 + + + + + M6H22 + + + + + M6C17 + + + + + M6C19 + + + + + M6C35 + + + + + M6C47 + + + + + M6D11 + + + + + M6D5 + + + + + M6D9 + + + + + M6F13 + + + + + M6H24 + + + + + M6H31 + + + + + M6I20 + + + + + M6M6 + + + + + M6I8 + SZK S.JIMNY + + + + S92.00-MM + ISI 22 MTR, 12 WARNA + + + + N5MR-210438 + MIT KUDA (UP) + + + + K32.50-MM + ISI 27 MTR, 12 WARNA + + + + M6E24 + UNIVERSAL TYPE + + + + M6M22 + 8 WARNA + + + + N5ME-600700 + MIT PS100 + EA.DI = DO.ON + + + M6L2 + MAZDA 808 + + + + M6H12 + DHT S-10P + + + + M6J6 + @ 4 PCS MIT FE 4D31 (SEMI FINISH) + EA.ON=DB.IE + + + G5D50 + ISUZU TLD-58 + + + + N548900-77500 + DRAG ROD ASSY SZK FUTURA + + + + M6J3 + DHT TAFT F70/75 GT + + + + M6F16 + ISUZU DA-120 + EA.DI = DO.ON + + + G5H4 + HINO DIESEL EK-100 + + + + G5H9 + NISSAN DIESEL RD-10 + + + + G32.00-MM + 8 WARNA + + + + N5NIM-0003 + FUEL TANK CAP DHT ESPASS + DA.BS=AN.DS + + + N502250-1570ND + RADIATOR CAP-K, UNIVERSAL TYPE "ND" + + + + N5TIMOR + RACK END ASSY TIMOR + + + + N5283-00404/22 + DIAPRAGM ASSY MIT CANTER FE111 + + + + N537230-26020 + TYT KIJANG 7K + + + + N543360-29056 + TYT KIJANG KF40 (UP) + + + + N543421-77500 + HUB FRONT WHEEL SZK FUTURA + + + + N548066-27011 + TYT KIJANG KF10/KF20 + + + + N548069-87515 + DHT S91 (LH) + + + + N548810-60B00 + SZK FORSA + + + + N5MB-349944/3 + MIT L300 DIESEL + + + + N58AB1-32-280 + MZD 323/FORD LSR + + + + N5F148-15B + UNIVERSAL TYPE + + + + N5F153-16B + TOYOTA TYPE + + + + N5F148-18B + UNIVERSAL TYPE + + + + N5F153-15B + TOYOTA TYPE + + + + N5F153-17B + TOYOTA TYPE + + + + N5MB-160230 + LEVER ASSY MIT CANTER FE/PS + + + + N5MB-912506 + MIT GALANT'94 + + + + A6KB175CM12V-SK + + + + + A6KB300CM24V-SS + + + + + A6KB200CM24V-SB + + + + + A6KB200CM24V-SS + + + + + A6KS150CM24V-SS + + + + + A6KS250CM24V-SB + + + + + A6KS350CM12V-SK + + + + + A6KB275CM24V-SB + + + + + A6KB300CM12V-SK + + + + + A6KB300CM24V-SB + + + + + A6KB30CM24V-SB + + + + + A6KB30CM24V-SS + + + + + A6KB350CM24V-SB + + + + + A6KB350CM24V-SS + + + + + A6KB40CM24V-SB + + + + + A6KB40CM12V-SK + + + + + A6KB50CM12V-SK + + + + + A6KB50CM24V-SB + + + + + A6KP50CM12V-SK + + + + + A6KB75CM12V-SK + + + + + A6KB75CM24V-SB + + + + + A6WILLYS-CJ7 + JD-12875 + + + + A6KP30CM24V-SB + + + + + N5C453-20B + MIT FUSO TRUCK + DE.AL=DA.BB + + + A6KP35CM24V-SB + + + + + A6KP40CM12V-SK + + + + + A6KP95CM_FE + BATTERY COLT DIESEL PS PE + + + + A6KS50CM24V-SS + + + + + A6KS100CM24V-SB + + + + + A6KS125CM12V-SK + + + + + A6KS125CM24V-SB + + + + + A6KS75CM24V-SB + + + + + A6KS150CM12V-SK + + + + + A6KS175CM24V-SB + + + + + N5MR-019585 + MIT L300 (UP) + + + + A6KS200CM24V-SB + + + + + A6KS200CM24V-SS + + + + + A6KS225CM12V-SK + + + + + A6KS250CM12V-SK + + + + + A6KS250CM24V-SS + + + + + A6KS275CM24V-SB + + + + + A6KS275CM24V-SS + + + + + A6KS300CM12V-SK + + + + + N5MD-703275 + MIT L300 DIESEL + + + + A6KS30CM24V-SB + + + + + A6KS30CM24V-SS + + + + + M6L1 + KEPALA ACCU KUNINGAN - BESAR + ED.MS=DN.LB + + + N5MB-000076 + RUBBER CUSHION MIT CANTER PS100 + + + + AB1.00-MM + ISI 22 MTR, 12 WARNA + + + + N5ST-1540 + JOINT STEERING SZK CARRY/ZEBRA + DD.DD=AN.DL + + + AB3.00-MM + ISI 22 MTR, 12 WARNA + + + + N5MB-563236 + MIT PS120 + + + + N548069-28040 + TYT KIJANG GRAND/KF50 (LH) + + + + A6MAZDA-808 + 0324-18-140-B + + + + A6L300 + MD-011941 + + + + A6ST20 + 33730-72070 + + + + A6DATSUN-STANZA + 22450-00126 + + + + A6DATSUN-620 + 22450-B5025 + + + + A6WILLYS-CJ5 + JD-11875 + + + + N5MB-912510 + MIT GALANT + + + + G5K19 + HINO TRUCK DIESEL EK-100 + + + + G5C73 + ISZ 6 BD TURBO + + + + G5C30 + MIT COLT T-120SS + + + + G5K70 + NISSAN DIESEL RD-10 + + + + G5K98 + TYT RINO 14-B (PS-115) + + + + M6M24 + ISUZU GEMINI 82 + + + + G5C26 + MIT FUSO 6 D 14 + + + + G5K57 + MIT DIESEL 8DC9 + + + + G5G29 + ISUZU DIESEL E120 (SPZ) + + + + G5C33 + MIT 6 D 31 T + + + + M6F19 + TYT RINO 14-B + + + + X1ME-034573 + COVER OIL COOLER MIT FUSO FIGHTER FM/FR + + + + N548610-28012 + TYT KIJANG KF40 (=48630-..) + + + + M6M27 + SZK CARRY ST-100/ EXTRA + + + + G5I10 + DHT TAFT GT'88 F-75 + + + + G5B7 + TYT MARK II/ 21 R + + + + N548609-87507-0 + SUPPORT ASSY DHT ZEBRA S88 + + + + N5MT-142181/2 + MIT T120/L300 + + + + M6H13 + DHT HIJET S-75 + + + + M6H7 + TYT KIJANG 3K + + + + N5KIJANG + HUB FRONT WHEEL TYT KIJANG + + + + A6T120 + MD-011751 + + + + A6SJIMNY-SJ410 + 33700-80320 + + + + A6KB100CM12V-SK + + + + + A6KB100CM24V-SB + + + + + A6KB60CM24V-SB + + + + + A6KB125CM12V-SK + + + + + A6KB125CM24V-SB + + + + + A6KS200CM12V-SK + + + + + A6KB250CM24V-SS + + + + + A6KB150CM24V-SS + + + + + N543421-77310 + HUB FRONT WHEEL SZK ST100 + + + + A6KS50CM12V-SK + + + + + A6KS50CM24V-SB + + + + + A6KS75CM24V-SS + + + + + A6S10P + 19901-87702-000 + + + + A6KS225CM24V-SS + + + + + B3FE-111 + KABEL ACCU STARTER + + + + B3N-40(+/-)K + KEPALA ACCU KUNINGAN - KECIL + + + + B3KS-100CM-24V + . + + + + B3KS-125CM-12V + . + + + + B3KS-150CM-24V + . + + + + B3KS-175CM-12V + . + + + + B3KS-175CM-24V + . + + + + D5N40(+/-)P + KEPALA ACCU PRESS + + + + PZTYT_KIJANG + 3K/4K/5K + + + + K2E803-18-140L + MZD 323 + + + + DZNSN_RB87 + 12306-Z5507 + + + + G5I33 + MIT FUSO FM-215 6D14 + + + + K2TIMOR + TIMOR + + + + WZMIT_PS120-F + . + + + + N548069-87401 + DHT TARUNA (LH) + + + + N551469-SE0-000 + HND PRESTIGE'86 (LH) + + + + N58-94366-165 + ISZ PANTHER (LOW-RH) + + + + WZMIT_FIGHTER-R + . + + + + G5B34 + TYT FORKLIFT 2 Z + + + + N545200-79001 + SZK ST100 + + + + A7N-50K + TERMINAL SKUN KUNINGAN + + + + BZDHT_ESPASS-F + S89 + + + + M6I6 + ISI 27 MTR, 12 WARNA + + + + N58-94366-608 + ISZ PANTHER (LOW) + + + + K219901-87503-0 + DHT S10P + + + + M6C42 + DHT DELTA V22H, TAFT F-50 + + + + G5A91 + ISUZU 6 R B + + + + G5H10 + NISSAN DIESEL RD-8 + + + + M6M31 + MIT 6D31T + + + + G5H8 + NISSAN DIESEL NE-6 (CK-12) + + + + M6H29 + MIT FUSO PS-190 6D16 + + + + G5J2 + ISZ NKR-66 (4HFI) + + + + M6I17 + ISZ GEMINI DIESEL 1800'82 + + + + G5A89 + ISUZU E 120 + + + + G5A132 + HINO EP 100 + + + + G5A116 + NISSAN RD 10 + + + + G5A117 + NISSAN RE 10 + + + + G5A118 + NISSAN RF 10 + + + + M6H30 + MIT DIESEL 6D22 + + + + G5A133 + HINO L A + + + + G5K72 + NISSAN DIESEL SD25 + + + + G5A135 + ISZ DA-120 + + + + G5G76 + TYT DYNA RINO 14-B + + + + M6D15 + TYT 4-A + + + + M6E34 + MIT FUSO 6D16 PS-190 + + + + AAISZ_PANTHER + STARTER ASSY + + + + M6C9 + SZK ST-20 + EA.DI = DO.ON + + + S4SC-121 + R/W CYL(CUP5/8") TYT KIJANG KF10/3K + + + + S4SC-7635R + R/W CYL(CUP1.1/2") MIT FUSO TRK T653 + + + + T832575-2FT.S + PISTON RING(STD) ISZ 4JBI NHR55/4JAI PANTHER 2.5 + + + + M3MC-825365 + PINION GEAR MIT FE/PS120 + + + + M3MB-005141 + PINION GEAR FE111 (PCS) + + + + M3MB-005140 + SIDE GEAR MIT FE111 (2 PCS/SET) + + + + L1MD-997150 + MIT L-300 DIESEL NEW + + + + NAEH-700Y + LINER MIT HO7C + + + + N441MM-LH + DOUBLE-LH FUSO/HINO/RINO/2D/ISUZU + + + + J2E356-18-400 + STT.ASSY FORD LASER + EA.DI = DO.ON + + + F1FO-4015 + C/O ASSY MIT FE'87/100PS + + + + A541331-87502 + DIFF SIDE GEAR DHT S10P + + + + A541342-87502 + DIFF PINION SHAFT DHT S10P + + + + M131-0322 + R - DHT CLASSY G100/G102 + + + + M131-0222 + R - NSN SENTRA + + + + M131-0321 + R - DHT CLASSY G100/G102 + + + + M1E1085 + F - MIT GALANT V6/VR'92-96 + ANML=AEDL + + + M1E4036 + R - HYUNDAI ACCENT'98 + ANML=AEDL + + + M1E4249 + F - MIT LANCER GLX I + + + + M1E4353 + F - MIT LANCER GLX I 97-2001 + + + + M144440 + R - SZK AMENITY(=E4312) + AIIB=MMOBS + + + M1E1035 + R - MIT ETERNA/GALANT II (=15-0183) + ANML=AEDL + + + M1E1036 + R - MIT LANCER DAANGAN'89-92 + + + + M1E1038 + R - MIT LANCER GLX 1 97-2001 + + + + M1E4246 + F - MAZDA INTERPLAY/ASTINA + ANML=AEDL + + + M1E4334 + F - HYUNDAI ACCENT'96-97 &'98-2001 + ANML=AEDL + + + M1E4338 + R - SZK BALENO-97/AERIO + AIDA=MNODM + + + M1E4348 + F - MAZDA LANTIS FAMILIA + + + + M1E4350 + R - MAZDA LANTIS FAMILIA + + + + M1E4467 + F - BMW 318i/320i 92-98 + DDAE=AEBE + + + TA8-94223-699-0 + STRUT BAR BUSHING ISZ PANTHER + DE.AI=DA.BO + + + M1E4441 + F - MIT LANCER DAANGAN'89-92 + + + + M1E4446 + R - TYT CORONA ABSOLUTE + ANML=AEDL + + + M1E4448 + F - TYT CORONA ABSOLUTE + ANML=AEDL + + + M1E4570 + F - MZD CAPELLA'88-92 + + + + M1E4571 + R - MZD CAPELLA'88-92 + + + + R3RS-5208 + R - TYT LANDCRUISER HDJ80R + DBAB=AISD + + + M1E4444 + F - MIT LANCER GTI DAANGAN'93-96 + DIDD=AMMI + + + M1E1024 + F - HONDA CIVIC/GENIO/ESTILO + AIDA=MNODM + + + M134905 + R - MIT L300/T120 + + + + M166701 + F - HINO SUPER RANGER + + + + M134934 + R - OPEL BLAZER/MONTERA + AIDN=MNSLM + + + M16701 + F - HINO S.RANGER HO7C + ABMO=MNNMI + + + M16904 + R - MIT L300/T120,TYT S.KIJANG + + + + M16905 + R - TYT HIACE/S.KIJANG/CJ7 + + + + M134972 + F - MIT FE111/T210 + DDSL=AANO + + + M134802 + R - MZD E2000,TYT 2F/RINO/HARTOP + + + + M16972 + F - MIT FE/PS/T210/FM/FR + AIAO=MNSLA + + + M134904 + F - DHT TAFT F50,TYT JEEP 2F/CJ7 + + + + M134949 + F - TYT HIACE/S.KIJANG + + + + M134953 + F - MZD E2700,TYT HIACE/S.KIJANG + + + + M166674 + F - MIT FUSO FIGHTER 190PS + + + + M16700 + F - MIT 190PS/FIGHTER + ABNN=MNSNM + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/AD_Column_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/AD_Column_Trl_it_IT.xml index f1a7a8fd5d..6b8faecb5a 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/AD_Column_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/AD_Column_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,35522 +1,35522 @@ - - - - - - Tabella - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Finestra - - - Convalida - - - Nome tabella DB - - - 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Visualizzazione - - - Lunghezza della Visualizzazione - - - Sequenza - - - Numero di Ordinazione del Record - - - Stessa Riga - - - Solo Intestazione - - - Solo Campo - - - Visualizzazione Crittografata - - - Convalida - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Tipo - - - Codice di Convalida - - - Tipo di Messaggio - - - Testo del Messaggio - - - Suggerimento - - - Codice - - - Lingua - - - Nome - - - Lingua di Base - - - Attivo - - - Azienda - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Nome - - - Successivo Attuale - - - Attivare Audit - - - Prefisso - - - Suffisso - - - Ricominciare la Sequenza Ogni Anno - - - Riferimento - - - Codice Riferimento - - - Menu - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Azione - - - Finestra - - - Workflow - - - Compito - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Compito - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Menu - - - Lingua - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Tradotta - - - Tabella - - - Anno - - - Successivo Attuale - - - Tab - - - Lingua - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Tradotta - - - Compito - - - Lingua - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Tradotta - - - Compito - - - Riferimento - - - Lingua - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Tradotta - - - Campo - - - Lingua - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Tradotta - - - Nodo - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Workflow - - - Nodo - - - Lingua - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Tradotta - - - Nodo - - - Finestra - - - Lingua - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Nome - - - Tradotta - - - Workflow - - - Lingua - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Tradotta - - - ID test - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Integro - - - Numero - - - Data - - - Importo - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Elenco dei Riferimenti - - - Lingua - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Tradotta - - - Lingua - - - Testo del Messaggio - - - Suggerimento - - - Tradotta - - - Descrizione - - - Attivo - - - Utilizzato per Record ID - - - Workflow - - - Livello di Accesso Dati - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Organizzazione - - - Password - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Esercizio - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Valido Da - - - Valido fino a - - - Tasso di Moltiplicazione - - - Tasso di Divisione - - - Valuta - - - Codice ISO - - - Accuratezza standard - - - Descrizione - - - Precisione del Calcolo Costi - - - Data Ingresso EMU - - - Tasso EMU - - - Elemento - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Conto Originario - - - Nome - - - Data d'Inizio - - - UdM - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Accuratezza standard - - - Precisione del Calcolo Costi - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Ruolo - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Livello Utente - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Ruolo - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - 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Aggiornato Da - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Sicurezza Abilitata - - - Record Cancellabili - - - Tipo di finestra - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Istanza del Compito - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Tasso di Conversione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Valuta - - - Valuta A - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Simbolo della Valuta - - - La Valuta Euro - - - Membro EMU - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Tipo di Elemento - - - Da Pareggiare - - - Ubicazione / Indirizzo - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Indirizzo 1 - - - Indirizzo 2 - - - Città - - - Nazione - - - Regione - - - CAP - - - - - - - Giorno non Lavorativo - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Esercizio - - - Periodo - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Periodo N. - - - Anno - - - Tipo di periodo - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Simbolo - - - Regione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Nazione - - - Nazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Paese ISO - - - Nazione ha Regioni - - - Nome della regione - - - Formato di Stampa dell'Indirizzo - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Conversione UdM - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - UdM - - - UdM A - - - Tasso di Moltiplicazione - - - Tasso di Divisione - - - Combinazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Schema Contabile - - - Anno - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Anno - - - Aggiornato - - - Descrizione - - - Esercizio - - - Schema Contabile - - - Schema Contabile - - - Schema Contabile - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Elemento del Conto - - - Segno del Conto - - - Tipo di Conto - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Elemento - - - Valido Da - - - Valido fino a - - - Livello di Sintesi - - - Registrare Effettivo - - - Registra Budget - - - Registra statistiche - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Ubicazione / Indirizzo - - - Schema Contabile - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Livello di Sintesi - - - Formato del Valore - - - Formato del Valore - - - Ha un Albero - - - Sequenza - - - Formato del Valore - - - Numerazione Automatica - - - Commando OS - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Sequenza - - - Sequenza - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Nodo Successivo - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Formato Telefono - - - Formato Codice Postale - - - Codice Postale Addizionale - - - Formato del Codice Postale Addizionale - - - Nome - - - Codice - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Codice - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Compito - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Lettura e Modifica - - - Finestra - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Lettura e Modifica - - - Workflow - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Lettura e Modifica - - - Progetto - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Nome - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Descrizione - - - Livello di Sintesi - - - Schema Contabile - - - Progetto - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Corridoio(X) - - - Scomparto (Y) - - - Livello (Z) - - - Prodotto - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Livello di Sintesi - - - Prodotto - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Data Ora - - - Valuta - - - Codice EDI - - - Controllato dal Documento - - - Registra impegno - - - Preferenza - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Tipo Documento - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Il Documento ha Numerazione Controllata - - - Sequenza del Documento - - - Categoria Contabile - - - Categoria Contabile - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Prima Nota - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Tipo Documento - - - Numero del Documento - - - Stato del Documento - - - Stampato - - - Registrato - - - Descrizione - - - Tipo registrazione - - - Schema Contabile - - - Categoria Contabile - - - Data del Documento - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Periodo - - - Valuta - - - Gruppo Prime Note - - - Totale Dare - - - Totale Avere - - - Gruppo Prime Note - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Numero del Documento - - - Descrizione - - - Tipo registrazione - - - Categoria Contabile - - - Periodo - - - Valuta - - - Totale Dare - - - Totale Avere - - - Importo di Controllo - - - Riga della Prima Nota - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Prima Nota - - - Numero di Riga - - - Descrizione - - - Valuta - - - Dare in Valuta Fonte - - - Avere in Valuta Fonte - - - Dare - - - Avere - - - Callout - - - Conto - - - Utente 1 - - - Utente 2 - - - Finestra - - - Attributo - - - UdM - - - Stoccato - - - Acquistato - - - Venduto - - - Volume - - - Peso - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Prodotto - - - Sostituto - - - Azione del Documento - - - Approvazione - - - Tasso di Conversione Valuta - - - Data del Documento - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Generato - - - Tasso di Conversione Valuta - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Ubicazione / Indirizzo - - - Controllo del Periodo - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Periodo - - - Stato del periodo - - - Area di Vendita - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Livello di Sintesi - - - Prodotto - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Tipo di rifornimento - - - Livello Minimo - - - Livello Massimo - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Prodotto - - - Schema Contabile Principale - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Azienda - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Solo Lettura - - - Lettura e Modifica - - - Codice - - - Codice - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Categoria di Imposta - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Codice - - - Quantità in Magazzino - - - Quantità riservata - - - Termini del Pagamento - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Dopo la Consegna - - - Giorni Netti - - - Sconto % - - - Giorni di Sconto - - - Tab Contabilità - - - Tab di Traduzione - - - Solo Lettura - - - Codice - - - Valuta - - - Importo di Approvazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Prodotto - - - Categoria di Imposta - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Trasportatore - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Allegato - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Tabella - - - Record ID - - - Dati Binari - - - Listino prezzi - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Valuta - - - Schedulazione fattura - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Limite dell'Importo - - - Importo - - - Frequenza della Fatturazione - - - Giorno della Settimana per la Fattura - - - Giorno della Fatturazione - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Numero del Documento - - - Stato del Documento - - - Azione del Documento - - - Tipo Documento - - - Tipo Documento Obiettivo - - - Descrizione - - - Approvazione - - - Credito Approvato - - - Consegnato - - - Fatturato - - - Stampato - - - Trasferito - - - Data dell'Ordine - - - Data Promessa - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Termini del Pagamento - - - Valuta - - - Regole di fattura - - - Spese di Trasporto - - - Mezzo della Spedizione - - - Trasportatore - - - Priorità - - - Righe totali - - - Totale - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Listino prezzi - - - Riga dell'ordine di vendita - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Numero di Riga - - - Data dell'Ordine - - - Data Promessa - - - Data Consegnato - - - Data Fattura - - - Descrizione - - - Prodotto - - - UdM - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Quantità Ordinata - - - Quantità riservata - - - Quantità spedita - - - Quantità fatturata - - - Trasportatore - - - Valuta - - - Prezzo di listino - - - Prezzo unitario - - - Imposta - - - Imposta - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Imposta Padre - - - Nazione - - - Regione - - - A - - - A - - - Categoria di Imposta - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Azione - - - Finestra - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Codice a Barre - - - UGS - - - Larghezza dello scaffale - - - Altezza dello scaffale - - - Profondità dello scaffale - - - Unità per Pallet - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Budget - - - Data della Registrazione - - - UdM - - - Quantità - - - UdM per Volume - - - UdM per Peso - - - UdM per Lunghezza - - - UdM per il Tempo - - - D-U-N-S - - - Partita IVA - - - Azione del Periodo - - - Elabora ora - - - Visualizza Valore - - - Workflow - - - Compito - - - Alternativo - - - Combinazione - - - Interamente Qualificato - - - Prodotto - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Area Stoccaggio Da - - - Area Stoccaggio A - - - Area di Vendita - - - Progetto - - - Campagna - - - Elabora ora - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Elabora ora - - - Campagna - - - Schema Contabile - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - GAAP - - - Competenza - - - Metodo del Calcolo dei Costi - - - Valuta - - - Controllo Automatico del Periodo - - - Periodo - - - Giorni di storia - - - Giorni futuri - - - Schema Contabile - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Usa quadratura sospesi - - - Conto Saldi in Sospeso - - - Usa errori sospesi - - - Conto errori sospesi - - - Utilizzare Quadratura in Valuta - - - Conto Quadratura Valuta - - - Conto utili non distribuiti - - - Conto Riepilogo Utile - - - Conto Debiti Intercompany - - - Conto Crediti Intercompany - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Schema Contabile - - - Categoria Contabile - - - Periodo - - - Tipo registrazione - - - Conto - - - Valuta - - - Dare in Valuta Fonte - - - Avere in Valuta Fonte - - - Dare - - - Avere - - - UdM - - - Quantità - - - Prodotto - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Area Stoccaggio Da - - - Area Stoccaggio A - - - Area di Vendita - - - Progetto - - - Utente 1 - - - Utente 2 - - - Budget - - - Campagna - - - Budget - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Principale - - - Stato del Budget - - - Schema Contabile - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Prodotto - - - Campagna - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Canale - - - Data d'Inizio - - - Data del Fine - - - Costi - - - Canale - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Elemento del Sistema - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome Colonna DB - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Elemento del Sistema - - - Lingua del Sistema - - - Elemento del Sistema - - - Lingua - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Tradotta - - - Elemento dello Schema Contabile - - - Schema Contabile - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Tipo di Elemento - - - Nome - - - Sequenza - - - Elemento - - - In Pareggio - - - Obbligatorio - - - Descrizione - - - Separatore dell'elemento - - - Utilizzare Conto Alternativo - - - Utilizzare Controllo della Combinazione dei Conti - - - Codice - - - Unità Organizzativa - - - Prodotto - - - Ubicazione / Indirizzo - - - Area di Vendita - - - Progetto - - - Campagna - - - Elemento del Conto - - - Fuori Produzione - - - Fuori Produzione Da - - - Business Partner - - - UdM - - - N. prodotto fornitori - - - Categoria fornitore - - - Fuori Produzione - - - Fuori Produzione Da - - - Albero Menu principale - - - Albero Principale delle Organizzazioni - - - Albero Principale per Business Partner - - - Albero Progetti Principale - - - Albero Aree di Vendita Principale - - - Albero Principale dei Prodotti - - - Business Partner - - - Colonna - - - Clausola SQL Where - - - Clausola SQL Order By - - - Invia Allarme - - - Gestito a Livello Centrale - - - Inizio No. - - - Incremento - - - Albero - - - Livello di Sintesi - - - Data - - - Business Partner - - - Business Partner - - - Business Partner - - - Business Partner - - - Versione del Listino Prezzi - - - Listino Prezzi Vendite - - - Business Partner - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Business Partner - - - Business Partner - - - Istanza dell'Elaborazione - - - Elaborazione - - - Record ID - - - In Elaborazione - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato - - - Risultato - - - Istanza dell'Elaborazione - - - P_String - - - P_String_To - - - Data della Elaborazione - - - Data della Elaborazione A - - - Elaborazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Procedura - - - Parametro dell'Elaborazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Elaborazione - - - Sequenza - - - Riferimento - - - Codice Riferimento - - - Intervallo - - - Parametro dell'Elaborazione - - - Lingua - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Tradotta - - - Elaborazione - - - Lingua - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Tradotta - - - Albero - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Attivo - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Tipo I Area - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Albero - - - Nodo_ID - - - Padre - - - Sequenza - - - Business Partner - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Codice - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Volume delle vendite - - - Riferimento n. - - - D-U-N-S - - - Dipendenti - - - Partita IVA - - - NAICS/SIC - - - Livello di Sintesi - - - Lingua - - - Fornitore - - - Cliente - - - Schedulazione fattura - - - Cliente Potenziale Attivo - - - Prima Vendita - - - Limite del Credito - - - Credito utilizzato - - - Costo di Acquisizione - - - Valore del ciclo di vita potenziale - - - Termini del Pagamento - - - Valore Corso di Vita - - - Quota - - - Dipendente - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Listino prezzi - - - Listino Prezzo per Acquisti - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Business Partner - - - Ubicazione / Indirizzo - - - Nome - - - Telefono - - - 2° Telefono - - - Fax - - - ISDN - - - Area di Vendita - - - Versione del Listino Prezzi - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Listino prezzi - - - Valido Da - - - Evento Contabile - - - Formato del Valore - - - Conto valuta estera - - - Valuta - - - Codice - - - Data scaduto fissata - - - Ultima data utile nel mese - - - Giorno del mese fisso - - - Mese scadenza - - - 2 giorni di sconto - - - Sconto 2% - - - Codice - - - Nota del Documento - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Classificazione - - - Codice - - - Prezzo di listino - - - Prezzo dell'ultimo OdA - - - Quantità minima dell'ordine - - - Quantità imballaggio ordine - - - Etichetta di stampa - - - Tipo Documento di Base - - - Nota del Documento - - - Prezzo di listino - - - Prezzo standard - - - Prezzo limite - - - Imporre limite di prezzo - - - Banca - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Numero ABI-CAB - - - Ubicazione / Indirizzo - - - Codice swift - - - Banca - - - Riferimento dell'ordine - - - Addebito - - - Importo dell'addebito - - - Spese di Trasporto - - - Addebito - - - Livello del documento - - - Valido Da - - - Livello di Sintesi - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Banca - - - Valuta - - - Numero del conto - - - Saldo attuale - - - Limite del credito - - - Conto Bancario - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Transazione non ripetibile - - - URL - - - Esente - - - Indice - - - Regola del pagamento - - - Sollecito - - - Copie del documento - - - Indirizzo del destinatario fattura - - - Indirizzo di spedizione - - - Indirizzo del pagante - - - Pagare all'indirizzo - - - Conto banca Partner - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Business Partner - - - Banca - - - Numero ABI-CAB - - - Numero del conto - - - Business Partner - - - Trattenuta - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Trattenuta obbligatoria - - - Temporaneamente esente - - - Motivo di esenzione - - - Tipo Documento - - - Lingua - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Etichetta di stampa - - - Nota del Documento - - - Tradotta - - - Sollecito - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Inviare lettere di sollecito - - - Elemento del Conto - - - Lingua - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Tradotta - - - Termini del Pagamento - - - Lingua - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Tradotta - - - Trattenuta - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Termini del Pagamento - - - Trattenuta d'imposta - - - Imposta prorata - - - Pagato a terzi - - - Beneficiario - - - Percentuale trattenuta - - - Percentuale - - - Importo fisso - - - Soglia min - - - Soglia Massima - - - Importo minimo - - - Importo massimo - - - Prodotto - - - Lingua - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Nota del Documento - - - Tradotta - - - Addebito - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Importo dell'addebito - - - Stessa imposta - - - Categoria di Imposta - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Imposta - - - Aggiornabile - - - Elaborazione - - - Report - - - Elaborazione - - - Elaborazione - - - Invia Allarme - - - Elaborazione - - - Attività - - - Crediti vs clienti - - - Debiti per anticipazioni del cliente - - - Spese dipendenti - - - Anticipazioni a dipendenti - - - Debiti vs fornitori - - - Debiti per servizi - - - Anticipazioni a Fornitori - - - Inventario di magazzino - - - Rimanenze magazzino - - - Valore minimo - - - Valore massimo - - - Valore del progetto - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - OdV Sotto Tipo - - - Elabora ora - - - Elaborato - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Codice della merce - - - Business Partner - - - Elaborato - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Progetto - - - Attività - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Ricavi delle vendite - - - Costo acquisti merce (prodotti e servizi) - - - Valore del prodotto - - - Costo del prodotto alla vendita - - - Messaggio errore - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Schema Contabile - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Inventario di magazzino - - - Rimanenze magazzino - - - Ricavi delle vendite - - - Costo acquisti merce (prodotti e servizi) - - - Valore del prodotto - - - Costo del prodotto alla vendita - - - Spese dipendenti - - - Anticipazioni a dipendenti - - - Crediti vs clienti - - - Debiti per anticipazioni del cliente - - - Debiti vs fornitori - - - Anticipazioni a Fornitori - - - Debiti per servizi - - - Valore del progetto - - - Attività - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Livello di Sintesi - - - Fattura - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Numero del Documento - - - Tipo Documento - - - Stato del Documento - - - Azione del Documento - - - Elabora ora - - - Elaborato - - - Business Partner - - - Termini del Pagamento - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Approvazione - - - Trasferito - - - Valuta - - - Righe totali - - - Totale - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Campagna - - - Progetto - - - Attività - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Descrizione - - - Tipo di movimento - - - Data del movimento - - - Elaborato - - - Elabora ora - - - Spedizione/ricevimento - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Spedizione/ricevimento - - - Prodotto - - - Quantità del movimento - - - Descrizione - - - Inventario Fisico - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Numero del Documento - - - Descrizione - - - Data del movimento - - - Elaborato - - - Elabora ora - - - Riga dell'inventario fisico - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Inventario Fisico - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Prodotto - - - Quantità nominale - - - Conteggio della quantità - - - Descrizione - - - Movimento - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Numero del Documento - - - Descrizione - - - Data del movimento - - - Elaborato - - - Elabora ora - - - Riga del movimento - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Movimento - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Area stock a - - - Prodotto - - - Quantità del movimento - - - Descrizione - - - Produzione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Data del movimento - - - Elaborato - - - Elabora ora - - - Riga di produzione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Prodotto - - - Quantità del movimento - - - Descrizione - - - Prodotto - - - Schema Contabile - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Costo Standard - - - Costo Medio - - - Transazione di inventario - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Tipo di movimento - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Prodotto - - - Data del movimento - - - Quantità del movimento - - - Riga dell'inventario fisico - - - Riga del movimento - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Riga di produzione - - - Tasso - - - Richiesta della certificazione d'imposta - - - Prezzo tasse incluse - - - Addebiti - - - Ultima data utile nella settimana - - - Fattura Settimane Pare - - - Giorno di cut-off della fattura - - - Livello di Sollecito - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Sollecito - - - Etichetta di stampa - - - Giorni dopo la scadenza - - - Giorni intercorsi fra solleciti - - - Nota - - - Interessi dell'addebito - - - Interessi in percentuale - - - Canone dell'addebito - - - Importo Canone - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Data stampata - - - Regole di Spedizione - - - Regole spese di trasporto - - - Netto della Riga - - - Indicatore dell'imposta - - - Sequenza - - - P_Number - - - P_Number To - - - Convalida - - - Lunghezza - - - Obbligatorio - - - Logica di Default - - - Formato del Valore - - - Valore minimo - - - Valore massimo - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Creare - - - Descrizione - - - Nota del Documento - - - Base imponibile dell'imposta - - - Importo dell'imposta - - - Lingua - - - Livello di Sollecito - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Etichetta di stampa - - - Nota - - - Tradotta - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Tipo Documento Obiettivo - - - Descrizione - - - Data Fattura - - - Data stampata - - - Riferimento dell'ordine - - - Addebito - - - Importo dell'addebito - - - Listino prezzi - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Numero del Documento - - - Tipo Documento - - - Stampato - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Business Partner - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Riferimento dell'ordine - - - Regole di Spedizione - - - Regole spese di trasporto - - - Spese di Trasporto - - - Mezzo della Spedizione - - - Trasportatore - - - Addebito - - - Importo dell'addebito - - - Priorità - - - Data stampata - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Numero di Riga - - - Riga dell'ordine di vendita - - - UdM - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Aggiornare quantità - - - Generare lista - - - Inventario perpetuo - - - Numero di Riga - - - Numero di Riga - - - Riga della fattura - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Fattura - - - Riga dell'ordine di vendita - - - Numero di Riga - - - Descrizione - - - Prodotto - - - Quantità fatturata - - - Prezzo di listino - - - Prezzo unitario - - - Netto della Riga - - - Addebito - - - UdM - - - Imposta - - - Imposta - - - Fattura - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Base imponibile dell'imposta - - - Importo dell'imposta - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Carta di credito - - - Numero - - - Mese scaduto - - - Anno Scaduto - - - Numero ABI-CAB - - - Numero del conto - - - Approvazione - - - Elabora ora - - - Elaborato - - - Riconciliato - - - Conto Bancario - - - Prodotto per trasporto - - - Modello B.Partner - - - Data ultimo conteggio di inventario - - - Default - - - Codice lingua ISO - - - Successivo (sistema) - - - UdM - - - Qtà - - - Ubicazione / Indirizzo - - - Account_Acct - - - Elabora ora - - - Elaborato - - - Default - - - Conto Bancario - - - Conto Bancario - - - Nota del Documento - - - Successivo giorno lavorativo - - - Valuta - - - Business Partner - - - Impegno - - - Importo impegnato - - - Riconoscimento del Ricavo - - - Valuta - - - Prezzo OdA - - - Prezzo effettivo - - - Fattura proforma - - - Tipo documento per Proforma - - - Tipo documento per spedizione - - - Tipo documento per fattura - - - Riconoscimento del Ricavo - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Basato sul tempo - - - Numero dei mesi - - - Frequenza del riconoscimento - - - Livello della prestazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Piano di riconoscimento del ricavo - - - Prodotto - - - Descrizione - - - Quantità fornita - - - Quantità fatturata - - - Elabora ora - - - Riga del livello della prestazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Livello della prestazione - - - Descrizione - - - Quantità fornita - - - Data della Prestazione - - - UdM - - - Lingua - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Simbolo - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Tradotta - - - Inventario perpetuo - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Numero dei conteggi delle giacenze - - - Numero dei conteggi del prodotto - - - Conteggio materiali ad alta rotazione - - - Elabora ora - - - Data ultima elaborazione - - - Data Prossima Elaborazione - - - Numero di elaborazioni - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Nome Colonna DB - - - Regola del pagamento - - - Regola del pagamento - - - Regola del pagamento - - - Prezzo limite - - - Codice - - - Priorità relativa - - - Sconto % - - - Titolo - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Titolo - - - Solo cognome - - - Default - - - Lingua - - - Titolo - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Titolo - - - Tradotta - - - Categoria di Imposta - - - Lingua - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Tradotta - - - Prodotto - - - Business Partner - - - Default - - - Default - - - Volume alto - - - Elabora ora - - - Default - - - Copie del documento - - - Default - - - Elabora ora - - - Default - - - Default - - - Default - - - Nome del parametro - - - Stampa diretta - - - Riferimento dell'ordine - - - Nome 2 - - - Default - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Data dell'Ordine - - - Data dell'Ordine - - - Fatturato - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Default - - - Titolo - - - Fornitore attuale - - - Sconto stampato - - - Etichetta di stampa - - - Etichetta di stampa - - - Sconto stampato - - - Descrizione dell'ordine - - - Sconto stampato - - - Stampato - - - Nome - - - Stato del Documento - - - Azione del Documento - - - Vista del report - - - Indice di qualità - - - Periodo di consegna promesso - - - Momento effettivo della spedizione - - - Costo per ordine - - - Quantità Ordinata - - - Vista del report - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Tabella - - - Clausola SQL Where - - - Clausola SQL Order By - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Tipo di movimento - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Prodotto - - - Data del movimento - - - Quantità del movimento - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Prodotto - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Quantità in Magazzino - - - Quantità riservata - - - Quantità Ordinata - - - Tipo di rifornimento - - - Livello Minimo - - - Livello Massimo - - - Business Partner - - - Quantità minima dell'ordine - - - Quantità imballaggio ordine - - - Quantità da ordinare - - - Istanza dell'Elaborazione - - - Sequenza - - - Testo del Messaggio - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Listino prezzi di base - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Regole di fattura - - - Regole di Spedizione - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Regole spese di trasporto - - - Mezzo della Spedizione - - - Prezzo limite - - - Email da - - - Email User ID da - - - Email Password da - - - Errore Email - - - Inviare Info - - - Info Email - - - Inviare Inquiry - - - Risposta dell'inquiry ricevuta - - - Inviare ordine - - - Risposta dell'ordine ricevuto - - - Definizione EDI - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Business Partner - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Tipo EDI - - - Attivare Audit - - - N. cliente - - - Sequenza - - - Destinatario Email - - - Transazione EDI - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Definizione EDI - - - Numero del Documento - - - Numero di Riga - - - Tipo di transazione - - - Stato EDI - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Prodotto - - - Quantità richiesta - - - Data di spedizione della richiesta - - - Prezzo della richiesta - - - Transazione inviata - - - Transazione ricevuta - - - Risposta ricevuta - - - Qtà confermata della risposta - - - Qtà disponibile della risposta - - - Data di spedizione della risposta - - - Prezzo della risposta - - - Osservazioni della risposta - - - Elaborato - - - Log EDI - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Transazione EDI - - - Info - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Data Fattura - - - Netto della Riga - - - Riga importo della lista - - - Importo limite della riga - - - Sconto della riga - - - Sconto % della riga - - - Margine lordo - - - Margine lordo % - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Data Fattura - - - Netto della Riga - - - Riga importo della lista - - - Importo limite della riga - - - Sconto della riga - - - Sconto % della riga - - - Margine lordo - - - Margine lordo % - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Data Fattura - - - Netto della Riga - - - Riga importo della lista - - - Importo limite della riga - - - Sconto della riga - - - Sconto % della riga - - - Margine lordo - - - Margine lordo % - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Data Fattura - - - Netto della Riga - - - Riga importo della lista - - - Importo limite della riga - - - Sconto della riga - - - Sconto % della riga - - - Margine lordo - - - Margine lordo % - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Business Partner - - - Data Fattura - - - Netto della Riga - - - Riga importo della lista - - - Importo limite della riga - - - Sconto della riga - - - Sconto % della riga - - - Margine lordo - - - Margine lordo % - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Data Fattura - - - Netto della Riga - - - Riga importo della lista - - - Importo limite della riga - - - Sconto della riga - - - Sconto % della riga - - - Margine lordo - - - Margine lordo % - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Modulo speciale - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Nome classe - - - Modulo speciale - - - Lingua - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Tradotta - - - Modulo speciale - - - Modulo speciale - - - Ruolo - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Lettura e Modifica - - - Elaborazione - - - Ruolo - - - Ruolo - - - Ruolo - - - Ruolo - - - Prezzo tasse incluse - - - Registrato - - - Registrato - - - Prezzo tasse incluse - - - Tipo di categoria - - - Modulo speciale - - - Nodo - - - Nome classe - - - Errore - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Codice di Convalida - - - Lingua - - - Formato di Importazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Formato - - - Campo del formato - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Formato di Importazione - - - Sequenza - - - Inizio No. - - - Numero finale - - - Tipo di dati - - - Formato dati - - - Punto decimale - - - Dividi per 100 - - - Selezionato - - - Tabella - - - Colonna - - - Elabora ora - - - Callout - - - Valore costante - - - Listino prezzi di base - - - Distinta base - - - Stampa record di dettaglio sulla fattura - - - Stampa record di dettaglio sulla lista di prelievo - - - Verificato - - - Elabora ora - - - Linea Distinta Base - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Prodotto - - - Prodotto - - - Quantità - - - Descrizione - - - Default - - - Stoccaggio pneumatici - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Business Partner - - - Registrazione - - - Mezzo di trasporto - - - Descrizione - - - Tipo di pneumatici - - - Dimensione del pneumatico - - - Qualità del pneumatico - - - Rim - - - Data ricevuto - - - Immagazzinato - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Reso - - - Data reso - - - Tire type Back - - - Tire size Back - - - Tire Quality Back - - - Rim Back - - - Record creati - - - Piano di produzione - - - Piano di produzione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Produzione - - - Prodotto - - - Quantità di produzione - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Descrizione - - - Separatore dell'elemento - - - Numero di Riga - - - Numero di Riga - - - Numero di Riga - - - Mail Host - - - Codice - - - Default - - - Codice a Barre - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Business Partner - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Data Fattura - - - Netto della Riga - - - Riga importo della lista - - - Importo limite della riga - - - Sconto della riga - - - Sconto % della riga - - - Margine lordo - - - Margine lordo % - - - Quantità fatturata - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Business Partner - - - Fornitore - - - Data Fattura - - - Netto della Riga - - - Riga importo della lista - - - Importo limite della riga - - - Sconto della riga - - - Sconto % della riga - - - Margine lordo - - - Margine lordo % - - - Quantità fatturata - - - Quantità fatturata - - - Quantità fatturata - - - Quantità fatturata - - - Titolo - - - Avviso - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Ricavo non ancora fatturato - - - Debiti merce ricevuta non ancora fatturata - - - Elabora ora - - - Rivalutazione magazzino per variazione prezzi - - - Variazione prezzo d'acquisto - - - Sconto di vendita per pagamento anticipato - - - Crediti non esercibili - - - Sconto di fornitura per pagamenti anticipati - - - Conto utile non realizzato - - - Conto perdita credito non realizzato - - - Conto utile credito realizzato - - - Conto perdite credito realizzato - - - Ritenute - - - Valore attuale del progetto - - - Imposta Indeducibile - - - Debito d'imposta - - - Credito d'imposta - - - Imposta a Debito - - - Imposta a Credito - - - Transitorio banca - - - Attivo di banca - - - Spese bancarie - - - Interessi bancari attivi - - - Interessi bancari passivi - - - Entrate non riconciliate - - - Utile da regolamento valute nei pagamenti - - - Perdita da regolamento valute nei pagamenti - - - Utile da conversione in conto corrente - - - Perdite da conversione in conto corrente - - - Costo dell'addebito - - - Ricavo dell'addebito - - - Ricavi fatturati non incassati - - - Credito merce consegnata non fatturata - - - Allocazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Fattura - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Pagamento - - - Importo - - - Importo dello sconto - - - Importo dello storno - - - Registrato - - - Conto Bancario - - - Schema Contabile - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Transitorio banca - - - Attivo di banca - - - Spese bancarie - - - Interessi bancari attivi - - - Interessi bancari passivi - - - Entrate non riconciliate - - - Utile da regolamento valute nei pagamenti - - - Perdita da regolamento valute nei pagamenti - - - Utile da conversione in conto corrente - - - Perdite da conversione in conto corrente - - - Estratto conto banca - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Conto Bancario - - - Data rendiconto - - - Saldo iniziale - - - Saldo di chiusura - - - Descrizione - - - Differenza rendiconto - - - Elabora ora - - - Elaborato - - - Registrato - - - Riga di estratto conto banca - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Estratto conto banca - - - Descrizione - - - Pagamento - - - Addebito - - - Gruppo di business partner - - - Gruppo di business partner - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Codice - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Default - - - Schema Contabile - - - Gruppo di business partner - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Crediti vs clienti - - - Debiti per anticipazioni del cliente - - - Debiti vs fornitori - - - Debiti per servizi - - - Anticipazioni a Fornitori - - - Sconto di vendita per pagamento anticipato - - - Sconto di fornitura per pagamenti anticipati - - - Crediti non esercibili - - - Debiti merce ricevuta non ancora fatturata - - - Ricavi fatturati non incassati - - - Ricavo non ancora fatturato - - - Credito merce consegnata non fatturata - - - Elabora ora - - - Stessa valuta - - - Addebito - - - Schema Contabile - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Costo dell'addebito - - - Ricavo dell'addebito - - - Schema Contabile - - - Organizzazione - - - Inter-Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Conto Debiti Intercompany - - - Conto Crediti Intercompany - - - Pagato - - - Codice di avviamento postale del cliente - - - Patente di guida - - - Num. Previdenza - - - Email del cliente - - - Codice di autorizzazione vocale - - - ID transazione originale - - - Numero OdA - - - Importo dell'imposta - - - Riferimento - - - Risultato - - - Messaggio - - - Codice di autorizzazione - - - Indirizzo verificato - - - CAP verificato - - - Info - - - Registrato - - - Pagamento - - - Tipo di transazione - - - Tipo di Offerta - - - Verifica carta di credito - - - Micr - - - Numero dell'Assegno - - - Nome del cliente - - - Via del cliente - - - Città del cliente - - - Nazione del cliente - - - Elaboratore del pagamento - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Conto Bancario - - - ID dell'Utente - - - Password - - - Indirizzo host - - - Porta host - - - Indirizzo Proxy - - - Proxy port - - - Proxy logon - - - Proxy password - - - Carta Visa accettata - - - Master card accettata - - - AMEX accettata - - - Carta Diners accettata - - - ACH consentito - - - Assegno elettronico accettato - - - ATM consentito - - - Carta Corporate accettata - - - Valore attuale del progetto - - - Imposta - - - Schema Contabile - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Imposta a Debito - - - Debito d'imposta - - - Imposta a Credito - - - Credito d'imposta - - - Imposta Indeducibile - - - Trattenuta - - - Schema Contabile - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Ritenute - - - Attività - - - Data della transazione - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Tabella - - - Record ID - - - Imposta - - - Variazione prezzo d'acquisto - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Schema Contabile - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Ricavi delle vendite - - - Costo acquisti merce (prodotti e servizi) - - - Valore del prodotto - - - Costo del prodotto alla vendita - - - Variazione prezzo d'acquisto - - - Elabora ora - - - Prezzo di costo attuale - - - Prezzo del costo futuro - - - Rivalutazione magazzino per variazione prezzi - - - W_Basket_ID - - - Creato - - - ID della sessione - - - Pagina URL - - - Creato - - - Indirizzo remoto - - - Host remoto - - - Assegnato - - - Trova - - - Trova_ID - - - E/o - - - Colonna - - - Operazione - - - Codice - - - Valore a - - - Importo dell'addebito - - - Importo interessi - - - Pagamento - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Attributo - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Tabella - - - Riferimento - - - Codice Riferimento - - - Convalida - - - Callout - - - Valore minimo - - - Valore massimo - - - Logica di Default - - - Solo Lettura - - - Aggiornabile - - - Obbligatorio - - - Visualizzazione Crittografata - - - Lunghezza - - - Lunghezza della Visualizzazione - - - Sequenza - - - Logica della Visualizzazione - - - Formato del Valore - - - Stessa Riga - - - Solo Intestazione - - - Solo Campo - - - Record ID - - - Attributo - - - V_Number - - - V_Date - - - V_String - - - Libro Cassa - - - Differenze di libro cassa - - - Spese - - - Incassi - - - Riga prima nota cassa - - - Tipo di conto banca - - - Manuale - - - Nome - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Valuta - - - Storno - - - Numero di Riga - - - Importo rendiconto - - - Importo della transazione - - - Data effettiva - - - Verifica carta di credito - - - Utente/Contatto - - - ACH - - - Indirizzo verificato - - - CAP verificato - - - Città del cliente - - - Email del cliente - - - Patente di guida - - - Num. Previdenza - - - Nome del cliente - - - Nazione del cliente - - - Via del cliente - - - Codice di avviamento postale del cliente - - - Tipo di conto banca - - - Mese scaduto - - - Anno Scaduto - - - Numero - - - Carta di credito - - - Prima nota cassa - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Libro di Cassa - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Data rendiconto - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Saldo iniziale - - - Saldo di chiusura - - - Differenza rendiconto - - - Elabora ora - - - Elaborato - - - Registrato - - - Libro di Cassa - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Libro di Cassa - - - Schema Contabile - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Libro Cassa - - - Differenze di libro cassa - - - Spese - - - Incassi - - - Riga prima nota cassa - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Prima nota cassa - - - Numero di Riga - - - Descrizione - - - Tipo cassa - - - Conto Bancario - - - Addebito - - - Importo - - - Conto banca Partner - - - Valuta - - - Gruppo pagamenti - - - Importo dello sconto - - - Tipo Documento - - - Importo pagamento - - - Gruppo pagamenti - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Elaboratore del pagamento - - - Numero del Documento - - - Data dell'elaborazione - - - Elabora ora - - - Elaborato - - - Sequenza - - - Classe del processor del pagamento - - - Codice - - - Riga prima nota cassa - - - Pagamento - - - Pagamento - - - Riga prima nota cassa - - - Generare a - - - Creare Da - - - Creare Da - - - Generare a - - - Fattura - - - Fattura - - - Elaborazione online - - - Carta Discover accettata - - - Commissione - - - Costo per transazione - - - Valuta - - - Richiesta del codice di verifica della carta di credito - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Gruppo del campo - - - Gruppo del campo - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Gruppo del campo - - - Lingua - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Tradotta - - - Email - - - Supervisore - - - Business Partner - - - Data della transazione - - - Allocato - - - Numero del Documento - - - Fattura - - - Template della Mail - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - HTML - - - Testata della mail - - - Testo della mail - - - Richiesta - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Numero del Documento - - - Importo della richiesta - - - Priorità - - - Tipo di scadenza - - - Riepilogo - - - Escalation - - - Data ultima azione - - - Ultimo Risultato - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Business Partner - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Campagna - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Fattura - - - Pagamento - - - Prodotto - - - Template della Mail - - - Risultato - - - Azione successiva - - - Data azione successiva - - - Elaborato - - - Azione della richiesta - - - Richiesta - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Business Partner - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Fattura - - - Pagamento - - - Prodotto - - - Elaboratore della richiesta - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Frequenza - - - Tipo di frequenza - - - Data ultima elaborazione - - - Data Prossima Elaborazione - - - Elabora ora - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Business Partner - - - Accesso online - - - Stato del Documento - - - Azione del Documento - - - Ruolo - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creare Da - - - N. allocazione - - - Valuta - - - Data della transazione - - - Manuale - - - Valuta - - - Fattura - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Numero del Documento - - - Stato del Documento - - - Azione del Documento - - - Stampato - - - Sconto stampato - - - Elabora ora - - - Elaborato - - - Trasferito - - - Pagato - - - Tipo Documento - - - Tipo Documento Obiettivo - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Descrizione - - - Approvazione - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Data Fattura - - - Data stampata - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Business Partner - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Gruppo di business partner - - - Riferimento dell'ordine - - - Data dell'Ordine - - - Valuta - - - Regola del pagamento - - - Termini del Pagamento - - - Listino prezzi - - - Campagna - - - Progetto - - - Attività - - - Addebito - - - Importo dell'addebito - - - Righe totali - - - Totale - - - Moltiplicatore - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Osservazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Riga della fattura - - - Fattura - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Business Partner - - - Gruppo di business partner - - - Prodotto - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Data Fattura - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Quantità fatturata - - - Prezzo di listino - - - Prezzo unitario - - - Prezzo limite - - - Sconto % - - - Margine % - - - Netto della Riga - - - Riga importo della lista - - - Importo limite della riga - - - Sconto della riga - - - Margine lordo - - - Logica di Default 2 - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Data del movimento - - - Quantità del movimento - - - Prodotto - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Codice - - - Business Partner - - - Prezzo OdA - - - Prezzo dell'ultimo OdA - - - Prezzo di listino - - - Giorni di tolleranza - - - Fatture in fase di pagamento - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Conto Bancario - - - Data del pagamento - - - Approvazione - - - Importo totale - - - Elabora ora - - - Elaborato - - - Riga della selezione del pagamento - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Fatture in fase di pagamento - - - Numero di Riga - - - Regola del pagamento - - - Manuale - - - Fattura - - - Importo pagamento - - - Creare Da - - - Colonna della vista del report - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Vista del report - - - Colonna - - - Funzione colonna - - - Gruppo Funzioni SQL - - - Info - - - Info a - - - Commissione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Business Partner - - - Valuta - - - Tipo di frequenza - - - Base del calcolo - - - Data ultima elaborazione - - - Creare Da - - - Elabora ora - - - Importo commessione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Linea di commissione - - - Importo convertito - - - Quantità effettiva - - - Importo commissione - - - Linea di commissione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Commissione - - - Numero di Riga - - - Descrizione - - - Sottrarre importo - - - Importo moltiplicatore - - - Sottrarre quantità - - - Quantità moltiplicatore - - - Solo positivo - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Prodotto - - - Gruppo di business partner - - - Business Partner - - - Area di Vendita - - - Ciclo del progetto - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Valuta - - - Fase del ciclo - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Data del contatto - - - Data fine - - - Generare a - - - Elaborato - - - Nota - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Versione del Listino Prezzi - - - Importo pianificato - - - Quantità pianificata - - - Margine pianificato - - - Riga del progetto - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Progetto - - - Numero di Riga - - - Descrizione - - - Quantità pianificata - - - Prezzo pianificato - - - Importo pianificato - - - Margine pianificato - - - Importo impegnato - - - Prodotto - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Margine pianificato % - - - Livello di Accesso Dati - - - Livello di Accesso Dati - - - Livello di Accesso Dati - - - Riferimento dell'ordine - - - Campagna - - - Termini del Pagamento - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Progetto - - - Progetto - - - Elabora della commissione - - - Elabora della commissione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Numero del Documento - - - Descrizione - - - Commissione - - - Data d'Inizio - - - Elabora ora - - - Elaborato - - - Totale - - - Gestito a Livello Centrale - - - Gestito a Livello Centrale - - - Attività - - - Dettagli della lista - - - Ordini specifici commissione - - - Unità Organizzativa - - - Termini di pagamento OdA - - - Dettaglio della commessione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Importo commessione - - - Riferimento - - - Riga dell'ordine di vendita - - - Riga della fattura - - - Info - - - Valuta - - - Importo effettivo - - - Importo convertito - - - Quantità effettiva - - - Business Partner - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Descrizione - - - Risultato - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Nota - - - Realizzato - - - Sequenza - - - Obiettivo - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Nota - - - Peso relativo - - - Livello di Sintesi - - - Sequenza - - - Misura - - - Misura target - - - Misura effettiva - - - Obiettivo della performance - - - Data ultima elaborazione - - - Calcolo della misura - - - Misura - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Tipo di misura - - - Effettivo manuale - - - Nota - - - Classe di calcolo - - - Calcolo della misura - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Clausola SELECT - - - Clausola SQL Where - - - Colonna data - - - Colonna Org - - - Colonna del B. Partner - - - Colonna del prodotto - - - Data del Fine - - - Elabora ora - - - Tipo Documento di Base - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Elaborato - - - Riferimento - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Importo di Controllo - - - Elaborato - - - Elabora ora - - - Combinazione - - - Esercizio - - - Tabella - - - Record ID - - - Piano di riconoscimento del ricavo - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Riconoscimento del Ricavo - - - Riga della fattura - - - Ricavi fatturati non incassati - - - Ricavi delle vendite - - - Valuta - - - Importo totale - - - Importo approvato - - - Elaborazione riconoscimento del ricavo - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Piano di riconoscimento del ricavo - - - Prima Nota - - - Importo approvato - - - Report finanziario - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Set di righe del report - - - Set di colonne del report - - - Elabora ora - - - Colonna del report - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Set di colonne del report - - - Nome - - - Sequenza - - - Descrizione - - - Stampato - - - Tipo registrazione - - - Budget - - - Tipo di colonna - - - Periodo relativo - - - Tipo di valuta - - - Calcolo - - - Tipo di importo - - - Valuta - - - Conversione - - - Operando 1 - - - Operando 2 - - - Tipo di Elemento - - - Unità Organizzativa - - - Elemento del Conto - - - Progetto - - - Business Partner - - - Prodotto - - - Campagna - - - Ubicazione / Indirizzo - - - Area di Vendita - - - Attività - - - Set di colonne del report - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Elabora ora - - - Riga del report - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Set di righe del report - - - Nome - - - Sequenza - - - Descrizione - - - Stampato - - - Padre - - - Livello di Sintesi - - - Tipo di riga - - - Calcolo - - - Operando 1 - - - Operando 2 - - - Tipo registrazione - - - Budget - - - Set di righe del report - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Elabora ora - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Descrizione - - - Riga del report - - - Tipo di Elemento - - - Unità Organizzativa - - - Elemento del Conto - - - Progetto - - - Business Partner - - - Prodotto - - - Campagna - - - Ubicazione / Indirizzo - - - Area di Vendita - - - Attività - - - Fonte del report - - - Azienda - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Contatore Web - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato Da - - - Elaborato - - - Elaborato - - - Schema Contabile - - - Registra sconto commerciale - - - Imposta corretta per sconti/addebiti - - - Variazione prezzo fatturato - - - Sconto commerciale di fornitura - - - Sconto commerciale di vendita - - - Aggiustamento di inventario - - - Variazione prezzo fatturato - - - Sconto commerciale di fornitura - - - Sconto commerciale di vendita - - - Variazione prezzo fatturato - - - Sconto commerciale di fornitura - - - Sconto commerciale di vendita - - - Aggiustamento di inventario - - - Vista - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Albero - - - Nodo_ID - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Padre - - - Sequenza - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Padre - - - Sequenza - - - Albero - - - Nodo_ID - - - Azienda - - - Albero - - - Nodo_ID - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Padre - - - Sequenza - - - Forma di stampa - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Documento del conto banca - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Conto Bancario - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Successivo Attuale - - - Numero del Documento - - - Tabella - - - Record ID - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Albero - - - Nodo_ID - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Regola del pagamento - - - Ricevuta - - - Descrizione - - - Differenza - - - Colore - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Default - - - Tipo di colore - - - Rosso - - - Verde - - - Blu - - - Alpha - - - Immagine - - - 2° Rosso - - - 2° Verde - - - 2° Blu - - - 2° Alpha - - - Riga larghezza - - - Distanza della riga - - - Selezione colonne - - - Sola lettura - - - Desktop - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Immagine - - - Colore - - - Desktop Workbench - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Area di lavoro - - - Desktop - - - Sequenza - - - Desktop - - - Lingua - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Tradotta - - - Descrizione OdA - - - Aiuto OdA - - - Nome OdA - - - Nome stampa OdA - - - Immagine - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Dati Binari - - - Area di lavoro - - - Immagine - - - Elabora ora - - - Campo definito dall'utente - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Tab definita dall'utente - - - Campo - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Visualizzato - - - Lunghezza della Visualizzazione - - - Logica della Visualizzazione - - - Solo Lettura - - - Aggiornabile - - - Numero di Ordinazione del Record - - - Sequenza - - - Stessa Riga - - - Tab definita dall'utente - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Finestra definita dall'utente - - - Tab - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Layout a Riga Singola - - - Solo Lettura - - - Finestra definita dall'utente - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Finestra - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Lingua - - - Default - - - Solo Lettura - - - Aggiornabile da Utente - - - Colore - - - Immagine - - - Area di lavoro - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Colonna - - - Immagine - - - Colore - - - Videata dell'area di lavoro - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Area di lavoro - - - Sequenza - - - Principale - - - Finestra - - - Modulo speciale - - - Elaborazione - - - Compito - - - Area di lavoro - - - Lingua - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Tradotta - - - Descrizione OdA - - - Aiuto OdA - - - Nome OdA - - - Nome stampa OdA - - - Prima nota cassa - - - Riga prima nota cassa - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Libro di Cassa - - - Nome - - - Data rendiconto - - - Elaborato - - - Registrato - - - Numero di Riga - - - Descrizione - - - Tipo cassa - - - Importo - - - Conto Bancario - - - Fattura - - - Addebito - - - Livello di Accesso Dati - - - Importo dello storno - - - Generato - - - Importo dello sconto - - - Importo dello storno - - - Tipo di entità - - - Sincronizzare Database - - - Tipo di entità - - - Tipo di entità - - - Tipo di entità - - - Importazione Campi - - - Tipo di entità - - - Importazione Tabella - - - Tipo di entità - - - Fatture in fase di pagamento - - - Cassa non riconciliata - - - Trasferimenti - - - Fatture in fase di pagamento - - - Cassa non riconciliata - - - Trasferimenti - - - Abbinamento della fattura - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Riga della fattura - - - Prodotto - - - Data della transazione - - - Elabora ora - - - Elaborato - - - Registrato - - - Abbinamento dell'ordine - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Riga dell'ordine di vendita - - - Prodotto - - - Data della transazione - - - Elabora ora - - - Elaborato - - - Registrato - - - Quantità - - - Quantità - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Tipo Documento di Base - - - Default - - - Registrato - - - Registrato - - - Registrato - - - Registrato - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Data azione successiva - - - Avvertimento dopo i giorni di scaduto - - - Escalation dopo i giorni di scaduto - - - Routing della richiesta - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Elaboratore della richiesta - - - Sequenza - - - Parola chiave - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Lingua - - - Email della richiesta - - - Cartella della richiesta - - - Utente della richiesta - - - Password dell'utente della richiesta - - - Supervisore - - - Lingua consentita - - - Elaborato - - - Utente rappresentante - - - Paese ISO - - - Elabora ora - - - Albero Menu principale - - - Tutti i nodi - - - Schema dello Sconto - - - Schema dello Sconto dell'Ordine di Acquisto - - - Schema dello Sconto - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Valido Da - - - Tipo di sconto - - - Script - - - Sconto Piatto % - - - Basato sulla quantità - - - Livello cumulativo - - - Elabora ora - - - Break Point Schema dello Sconto - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Schema dello Sconto - - - Sequenza - - - Valore del Break Point - - - Sconto % del Break Point - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Prodotto - - - Listino Prezzi Scontato - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Schema dello Sconto - - - Sequenza - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Business Partner - - - Prodotto - - - Data della conversione - - - Base del prezzo di listino - - - Importo soprattassa prezzo listino - - - Sconto % prezzo di listino - - - Arrotondamento prezzo listino - - - Margine min del prezzo listino - - - Margine max del prezzo listino - - - Prezzo base standard - - - Importo soprattassa standard sul prezzo - - - % sconto standard sul prezzo - - - Arrotondamento standard del prezzo - - - Margine min standard del prezzo - - - Margine max standard - - - Base del prezzo limite - - - Importo soprattassa prezzo limite - - - Sconto % del prezzo limite - - - Arrotondamento prezzo limite - - - Margine min del prezzo limite - - - Margine max del prezzo limite - - - Schema dello Sconto - - - Immagine Alpha - - - Distanza della Ripetizione - - - Punto di Partenza - - - Immagine URL - - - Script - - - Solo Lettura - - - Conteggio statistico - - - Secondi statistici - - - Livello della Tab - - - Default - - - Valuta - - - Valuta - - - Importo convertito - - - Compensazione varianza prezzo acquisto-costi - - - ID della Riga - - - Tot. Costo dell'OdA std - - - Tot. Costo dell'OdA std - - - Tot. costo std - - - Tot. Costo std - - - Tot. Costo Medio - - - Costo medio - - - Prezzo dell'ultimo OdA - - - Prezzo Ultima Fattura - - - Quantità totale della fattura - - - Totale Fattura - - - Prezzo Ultima Fattura - - - Prezzo limite fissato - - - Prezzo di Listino Fisso - - - Prezzo standard fisso - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Prodotto - - - Versione del Listino Prezzi - - - Data di Conalida - - - Valuta - - - Quantità in Magazzino - - - Prezzo OdA - - - Prezzo di listino - - - Prezzo standard - - - Prezzo limite - - - Costo Standard - - - Valore Prezzo Ordine di Acquisto - - - Valore Listino Prezzi - - - Valore del Prezzo Standard - - - Valore del prezzo limite - - - Valore del Costo Standard - - - Sconto calcolato per l'importo di ciascuna riga - - - Prodotto - - - Schema Contabile - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Prezzo di costo attuale - - - Prezzo del costo futuro - - - Costo Standard - - - Tot. Costo dell'OdA std - - - Tot. Costo dell'OdA std - - - Differenza standard del costo in OdA - - - Tot. costo std - - - Tot. Costo std - - - Differenza Costo Standard - Fattura - - - Costo Medio - - - Tot. Costo Medio - - - Costo medio - - - Quantità totale della fattura - - - Totale Fattura - - - Costo totale della fattura - - - Prezzo dell'ultimo OdA - - - Prezzo Ultima Fattura - - - Codice - - - Nome - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Messaggio - - - Codice - - - Messaggio - - - Messaggio - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Riga della fattura - - - Tipo di spesa - - - Risorsa - - - Assegnazione della Risorsa - - - Assegnazione della Risorsa - - - Descrizione - - - Fino a - - - Risorsa - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Indisponibilità della risorsa - - - Confermato - - - Quantità - - - Assegnare A - - - Assegnare Da - - - Risorsa - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Assegnazione della Risorsa - - - Elaborato - - - Elabora ora - - - Descrizione - - - Data del report - - - Business Partner - - - Numero del Documento - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Report Ore e Spese - - - Disponibile - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Tipo Risorsa - - - Descrizione - - - Nome - - - Codice - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Risorsa - - - Riga della fattura - - - Campagna - - - Attività - - - Progetto - - - Business Partner - - - Fatturato - - - Nota - - - Descrizione - - - Assegnazione della Risorsa - - - Importo convertito - - - Valuta - - - Importo della Spesa - - - Quantità - - - Prodotto - - - Data della Spesa - - - Ora del Report - - - Numero di Riga - - - Report Ore e Spese - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Riga della spesa - - - Tipo Risorsa - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Codice - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - UdM - - - Frazioni dell'UdM Consentite - - - Tipo di spesa - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Codice - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Fatturato - - - UdM - - - A partire da - - - Martedì - - - Domenica - - - Sabato - - - Intervallo di tempo - - - Fine intervallo - - - Venerdì - - - Solo attribuzione singola - - - Giovedì - - - Mercoledì - - - Inizio intervallo - - - Lunedì - - - Intervallo di giorni - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Categoria di Imposta - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Categoria di Imposta - - - Listino prezzi - - - Codice - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Sequenza - - - Nome - - - Creato - - - Riga successiva - - - Azienda - - - Formato di stampa incluso - - - Etichetta di stampa - - - Spazio Y - - - Numero di Ordinazione del Record - - - Colonna - - - Interruzione di pagina - - - Posizione relativo - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Larghezza massima - - - Elemento del formato di stampa - - - Creato Da - - - Calcolo della soma - - - Posizione Y - - - Colore della stampa - - - Aggiornato - - - Formato di stampa - - - Organizzazione - - - Spazio X - - - Carattere della stampa - - - Attivo - - - Solo online - - - Altezza massima - - - Posizione X - - - Allineamento del campo - - - Stampato - - - Ordinato da - - - Raggruppato da - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Azienda - - - Colore della stampa - - - Organizzazione - - - Default - - - Codice di Convalida - - - Nome - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Nome - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Codice di Convalida - - - Carattere della stampa - - - Creato - - - Default - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Carta di stampa - - - Descrizione - - - Creato Da - - - Nome - - - Attivo - - - Codice di Convalida - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato - - - Orizzontale - - - Default - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Basato sulla tabella - - - Attivo - - - Standard Header/Footer - - - Carattere della stampa - - - Tabella - - - Modulo - - - Margine della testata - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Colore della stampa - - - Creato - - - Nome - - - Creare copia - - - Margine - - - Azienda - - - Carta di stampa - - - Organizzazione - - - Descrizione - - - Formato di stampa - - - Tab ordine - - - Colonna inclusa - - - Colonna ordine - - - Allineamento riga - - - Tipo di formato - - - Area - - - Prezzo in fattura - - - Importo del Sopra/Sotto Pagamento - - - Sopra/Sotto Pagamento - - - Formato di stampa del sollecito - - - Formato di stampa della spedizione - - - Formato di stampa ordine - - - Formato di stampa della fattura - - - Formato di stampa della rimessa - - - Formato di stampa dell'assegno - - - Istanza dell'Elaborazione - - - Vista del report - - - Istanza dell'Elaborazione - - - Città - - - Valuta - - - Lingua - - - CAP - - - Città - - - Regione - - - Locode - - - Prefisso - - - Coordinate - - - Nazione - - - Immagine URL - - - Immagine allegata - - - Calcolo numero di elementi - - - Calcolo media - - - Nota del Documento - - - Prezzo di listino - - - Simbolo - - - Creato - - - Organizzazione - - - Imposta - - - Nome - - - Creato Da - - - Netto della Riga - - - Fattura - - - Numero di Riga - - - Azienda - - - Prezzo unitario - - - Descrizione della Risorsa - - - Quantità fatturata - - - Sconto % - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Descrizione - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Riga della fattura - - - Termini del Pagamento - - - Importo dell'addebito - - - Azienda - - - Titolo - - - Riferimento dell'ordine - - - Prezzo tasse incluse - - - Addebito - - - Creato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Regole di Spedizione - - - Stato del Documento - - - Nome - - - Titolo del contatto del BP - - - Totale - - - Listino prezzi - - - Numero del Documento - - - Regole di fattura - - - Titolo del BP - - - Ubicazione / Indirizzo - - - Data Promessa - - - Creato - - - Righe totali - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Campagna - - - Descrizione - - - Attivo - - - Nota del tipo documento - - - Priorità - - - Valuta - - - Tipo documento - - - Nota dei termini del pagamento - - - Progetto - - - Attività - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Mezzo della Spedizione - - - Riferimento n. - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Trasportatore - - - Data dell'Ordine - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Nome 2 - - - Aggiornato - - - Simbolo - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Organizzazione - - - Nome - - - Quantità Ordinata - - - Descrizione della Risorsa - - - Sconto % - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Azienda - - - Imposta - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Descrizione - - - Creato Da - - - Netto della Riga - - - Numero di Riga - - - Nota del Documento - - - Prezzo unitario - - - Prezzo di listino - - - Riga dell'ordine di vendita - - - Business Partner - - - Fatture in fase di pagamento - - - Nome - - - Ubicazione / Indirizzo - - - Nome 2 - - - Importo in lettere - - - Quantità - - - Titolo del BP - - - Riferimento dell'ordine - - - Data del pagamento - - - Azienda - - - Importo pagamento - - - Organizzazione - - - Riferimento n. - - - Fatture in fase di pagamento - - - Azienda - - - Numero di Riga - - - Regola del pagamento - - - Business Partner - - - Importo pagamento - - - Differenza - - - Totale - - - Numero del Documento - - - Organizzazione - - - Data Fattura - - - Spedizione/ricevimento - - - Creato - - - Titolo del contatto del BP - - - Azienda - - - Nome 2 - - - Titolo del BP - - - Data dell'Ordine - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Tipo di movimento - - - Numero del Documento - - - Trasportatore - - - Nota del tipo documento - - - Nome del contatto - - - Riferimento n. - - - Data del movimento - - - Descrizione - - - Tipo documento - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Priorità - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Mezzo della Spedizione - - - Titolo - - - Riferimento dell'ordine - - - Attivo - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Ubicazione / Indirizzo - - - Regole di Spedizione - - - Organizzazione - - - Nome - - - Stato del Documento - - - Quantità del movimento - - - Azienda - - - Numero di Riga - - - Aggiornato - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Nota del Documento - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Numero di Serie - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Simbolo - - - Nome - - - Attivo - - - N. Lotto - - - Spedizione/ricevimento - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Descrizione - - - Ubicazione / Indirizzo - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nota dei termini del pagamento - - - Nota del tipo documento - - - Riferimento n. - - - Titolo del contatto del BP - - - Fattura - - - Tipo documento - - - Riferimento dell'ordine - - - Importo dell'addebito - - - Descrizione - - - Prezzo tasse incluse - - - Listino prezzi - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Data Fattura - - - Titolo - - - Organizzazione - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Campagna - - - Nome del contatto - - - Pagato - - - Azienda - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Attività - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Nome - - - Righe totali - - - Totale - - - Nome 2 - - - Valuta - - - Data dell'Ordine - - - Addebito - - - Progetto - - - Numero del Documento - - - Titolo del BP - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Stato del Documento - - - Nascondere valori nulli - - - Selezionare posizione NL - - - Documento multi lingua - - - Nome del contatto - - - Nome - - - Cliente - - - Credito utilizzato - - - Telefono - - - Credito disponibile - - - Limite del Credito - - - Business Partner - - - Riferimento n. - - - Azienda - - - Fornitore - - - Città - - - CAP - - - Codice - - - Organizzazione - - - Termini del Pagamento - - - Nome - - - Colonna dati - - - Creato Da - - - Colonna dati 2 - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Attivo - - - Descrizione - - - Grafico - - - Formato di stampa - - - Colonna dati 4 - - - Colonna dati 3 - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato - - - Colonna dati 5 - - - Azienda - - - Colonna della descrizione - - - Organizzazione - - - Tipo di grafico - - - Lingua - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Tradotta - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato - - - Etichetta di stampa - - - Attivo - - - Elemento del formato di stampa - - - Descrizione - - - Colore della riga di testata - - - Linee H pittura - - - Linee di confine della pittura - - - Attivo - - - Colore della riga di testata - - - Font della riga di testata - - - Creato - - - Funzione font - - - Formato tabella di stampa - - - Funzione colore BG - - - Azienda - - - Funzione colore - - - Creato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Colore della riga - - - Colore BG della riga di testata - - - Aggiornato - - - Simboli della funzione di stampa - - - Linee V pittura - - - Nome - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Sotto Colonna - - - Grafico - - - Formato tabella di stampa - - - Indirizzo Org - - - Indirizzo Org - - - Indirizzo Org - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Area Stoccaggio del Magazzino - - - Indirizzo Org - - - BP Chiave di ricerca - - - Business Partner - - - BP Chiave di ricerca - - - BP Chiave di ricerca - - - Business Partner - - - BP Chiave di ricerca - - - Business Partner - - - Pagina successiva - - - Larghezza fissa - - - Pagamento - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato Da - - - Attivo - - - Fattura - - - Azienda - - - Riga elaborazione del sollecito - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Fatture in fase di pagamento - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato Da - - - Business Partner - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Controllo selezione pagamenti - - - Quantità - - - Importo pagamento - - - Aggiornato - - - Data del sollecito - - - Elaborazione del sollecito - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Livello di Sollecito - - - Attivo - - - Creato Da - - - Azienda - - - Creato - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Elaborazione del sollecito - - - Inserimento elaborazione del sollecito - - - Organizzazione - - - Importo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Quantità - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Business Partner - - - Tipo Documento - - - Tipo Documento - - - Tipo Documento - - - Tipo Documento - - - Tipo di importo - - - Tipo di entità - - - Tipo di entità - - - Tipo di entità - - - Tipo di entità - - - Tipo di entità - - - Tipo di entità - - - Tipo di entità - - - Tipo di entità - - - Tipo di entità - - - Stampato - - - Regola del pagamento - - - Pagamento - - - Numero del Documento - - - Tipo di entità - - - Tipo di entità - - - Tipo di entità - - - Posizione Y - - - Tipo di entità - - - Posizione X - - - Bene Gestito - - - Tipo di entità - - - Elemento del Sistema - - - Regola del pagamento - - - Numero del Documento - - - Controllo selezione pagamenti - - - Riga della selezione del pagamento - - - Bene Gestito - - - Controllo selezione pagamenti - - - Controllo selezione pagamenti - - - Lingua - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Lingua - - - Lingua - - - Lingua - - - Lingua - - - Lingua - - - Lingua - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Lingua - - - Partita IVA - - - Partita IVA - - - Partita IVA - - - Partita IVA - - - Formato di stampa - - - Margine alto - - - Margine destro - - - Margine sinistro - - - Margine inferiore - - - Elabora ora - - - Tipo di Richiesta - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Data di cancellazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Area interessi - - - Approvare la Data - - - Creato Da - - - Tipo di Richiesta - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato - - - Descrizione - - - Nome - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Descrizione - - - Creato - - - Area interessi - - - Azienda - - - Nome - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Tipo di Richiesta - - - Autenticazione SMTP - - - Email User ID - - - Email User Password - - - Tipo di prodotto - - - ID Fornitore - - - ID Partner - - - Creato - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Nome - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome Utente - - - Info - - - Sistema - - - Creato Da - - - Default - - - Riferimento OdA/OdV - - - Versione - - - Azienda - - - Codice ISO - - - Creato - - - Nota del Documento - - - N. prodotto fornitori - - - Nome - - - Importazione Prodotti - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Prezzo effettivo - - - Attivo - - - Elaborato - - - Categoria chiave del prodotto - - - Importazione Messaggio d'Errore - - - Quantità imballaggio ordine - - - Classificazione - - - Periodo di consegna promesso - - - Costo per ordine - - - Peso - - - Categoria fornitore - - - UGS - - - Commissione/Royalty - - - Fuori Produzione - - - Valuta - - - Creato Da - - - Volume - - - Organizzazione - - - Prodotto - - - Descrizione - - - Prezzo di listino - - - Importato - - - Tipo di prodotto - - - Business Partner - - - Chiave del Business partner - - - Altezza dello scaffale - - - Azienda produttrice - - - Profondità dello scaffale - - - Fuori Produzione Da - - - Unità per Pallet - - - Larghezza dello scaffale - - - Elabora ora - - - Immagine URL - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Quantità minima dell'ordine - - - Codice a Barre - - - URL della descrizione - - - Prezzo OdA - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Codice EDI - - - UdM - - - Codice - - - Paese ISO - - - Titolo del contatto del BP - - - Commenti - - - Telefono - - - Utente/Contatto - - - 2° Telefono - - - Elaborato - - - D-U-N-S - - - Creato - - - Importazione Business Partner - - - CAP - - - Nome 2 - - - Titolo - - - Nascita - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato Da - - - NAICS/SIC - - - Attivo - - - - - - - Titolo - - - Aggiornato - - - Descrizione - - - Codice - - - Importato - - - Importazione Messaggio d'Errore - - - Azienda - - - Password - - - Elabora ora - - - Organizzazione - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Email - - - Città - - - Descrizione del contatto - - - Indirizzo 2 - - - Indirizzo 1 - - - Nazione - - - Nome - - - Nome della regione - - - Fax - - - Partita IVA - - - Regione - - - Business Partner - - - Nome del contatto - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Registra impegno - - - Azienda - - - Importazione Conto - - - Elemento del Conto - - - Nome - - - Attivo - - - Registra statistiche - - - Registra Budget - - - Elaborato - - - Conto di default - - - Tipo di Conto - - - Organizzazione - - - Elabora ora - - - Aggiornato - - - Registrare Effettivo - - - Elemento - - - Segno del Conto - - - Creato - - - Controllato dal Documento - - - Creato Da - - - Codice - - - Colonna - - - Nome dell'elemento - - - Importato - - - Descrizione - - - Importazione Messaggio d'Errore - - - Aggiornato - - - Elemento del Conto - - - Attivo - - - Livello di Sintesi - - - Tipo di riga - - - Importazione Messaggio d'Errore - - - Tipo registrazione - - - Nome del set di righe del report - - - Riga del report - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato - - - Calcolo - - - Elabora ora - - - Set di righe del report - - - Sequenza - - - Azienda - - - Stampato - - - Chiave dell'elemento - - - Importato - - - Tipo di importo - - - Fonte del report - - - Organizzazione - - - Nome - - - Elaborato - - - Descrizione - - - Importazione Insieme delle righe del report - - - Creato Da - - - Immagine URL - - - URL della descrizione - - - Commissione/Royalty - - - Azienda produttrice - - - Chiave di raggruppamento - - - Gruppo di business partner - - - Conto padre - - - Livello di Sintesi - - - Chiave padre - - - Esente - - - Template della Mail - - - Versione n. - - - Giorni di garanzia - - - Gruppo Bene Gestito - - - Aggiornato - - - Data d'Inizio - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato Da - - - Corso - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Prodotto - - - Classe del corso - - - Data del Fine - - - Attivo - - - Azienda - - - Creato - - - UdM - - - Nome - - - Categoria di Imposta - - - Immagine URL - - - URL della descrizione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato Da - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Nota del Documento - - - Descrizione - - - Elabora ora - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Creato - - - Corso - - - Aggiornato - - - N. Lotto - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Venduto - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Data acquisto - - - Attivo - - - Data Ammortamento del Bene - - - Creato Da - - - Vita utile - Anni - - - Prodotto - - - Data di Cessione del Bene - - - Ubicazione / Indirizzo - - - Creato - - - Gruppo Bene Gestito - - - Organizzazione - - - Versione n. - - - Codice - - - Di proprietà - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Commento Locatore - - - Svalutare - - - Vita residua - - - Elabora ora - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Azienda - - - Business Partner - - - Data Garanzia - - - Vita utile - Mesi - - - Data entrata in funzione - - - Utilizzare unità - - - Bene Gestito - - - Numero di Serie - - - Aggiornato - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Importo valore di mercato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato - - - Riga della fattura - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Valore del Bene - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Attivo - - - Bene Gestito - - - Smobilizzo del Bene - - - Creato - - - N. Lotto - - - Creato Da - - - Numero di Serie - - - Aggiornato - - - Assegnato - - - Azienda - - - Versione n. - - - Email - - - Bene Gestito - - - Host remoto - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Attivo - - - Indirizzo remoto - - - Organizzazione - - - Consegna del Bene - - - Data del movimento - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Di proprietà - - - Creato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Azienda - - - Gruppo Bene Gestito - - - Svalutare - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Interamente svautato - - - Conferma spedizione - - - ID messaggio - - - URL - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Inviare Email - - - Inviare Email - - - Testo della email per l'ordine - - - Testo dell'email per fattura - - - Testo della email per la spedizione - - - Testo della email per la rimessa - - - Col_12 - - - Col_10 - - - Col_14 - - - Col_13 - - - Col_16 - - - Col_20 - - - Col_2 - - - Col_5 - - - Col_18 - - - Col_4 - - - Col_8 - - - Col_15 - - - Istanza dell'Elaborazione - - - Col_6 - - - Col_1 - - - Col_11 - - - Col_3 - - - Col_17 - - - Col_7 - - - Col_9 - - - Riga del report - - - Col_19 - - - Inviare Email - - - Inviare Email - - - Email - - - UdM - - - Riga dell'ordine di vendita - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Schema Contabile - - - Esercizio - - - Formato di stampa - - - Transazioni listino - - - Fonti listino - - - Descrizione - - - Nome - - - Livello n. - - - Record ID - - - Col_0 - - - Evento Contabile - - - Sequenza - - - Nome - - - Livello n. - - - Avere - - - Dare - - - Istanza dell'Elaborazione - - - Evento Contabile - - - Descrizione - - - Saldo - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Quantità - - - Suffisso dell'etichetta di stampa - - - Suffisso dell'etichetta di stampa - - - Indicatore dell'imposta - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Imposta - - - Lingua - - - Descrizione - - - Tradotta - - - Creato - - - Azienda - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Nome - - - Organizzazione - - - Nazione Contabile - - - Nazione Contabile - - - Nome della regione - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato Da - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Quantità - - - Schema Contabile - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Organizzazione - - - Tipo registrazione - - - Utente 2 - - - Dare - - - Avere - - - Azienda - - - Progetto - - - Area Stoccaggio Da - - - Utente 1 - - - Budget - - - Campagna - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Attività - - - Area di Vendita - - - Prodotto - - - Business Partner - - - Area Stoccaggio A - - - Conto - - - Giorno Netto - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Termini del Pagamento - - - Creato - - - Valido - - - Giorni di tolleranza - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato - - - Giorno Netto - - - Azienda - - - Percentuale - - - Giorni di Sconto - - - Programma Pagamento - - - Giorni Netti - - - Sconto % - - - W_Basket_ID - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Linea Carrello - - - Prodotto - - - Numero di Riga - - - Creato Da - - - Prodotto - - - Creato - - - Quantità - - - Prezzo - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato - - - Descrizione - - - Web Click - - - Conteggio Click - - - Azienda - - - Attivo - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato - - - Target URL - - - Lingua consentita - - - Elaborato - - - Utente rappresentante - - - Indirizzo remoto - - - Host remoto - - - Assegnato - - - Creato - - - Organizzazione - - - Valido - - - Importo Dovuto - - - Data Dovuto - - - Aggiornato - - - Importo dello sconto - - - Azienda - - - Data dello Sconto - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Fattura - - - Attivo - - - Programmazione Pagamento Fattura - - - Programma Pagamento - - - Creato Da - - - Counter - - - Creato Da - - - Business Partner - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato - - - Pagina URL - - - Descrizione - - - Counter Count - - - Attivo - - - Nome - - - Conteggio Click - - - Azienda - - - Business Partner - - - Counter - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato - - - Target URL - - - Descrizione - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Nome - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Listino prezzi - - - Attivo - - - Email - - - Business Partner - - - Counter Count - - - Importo dell'imposta - - - Azione del Documento - - - Numero - - - ID transazione originale - - - Codice di avviamento postale del cliente - - - Gruppo pagamenti - - - Riferimento - - - Tipo di transazione - - - Tipo Documento - - - Verifica carta di credito - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Valuta - - - Messaggio - - - Num. Previdenza - - - Mese scaduto - - - Risultato - - - Numero dell'Assegno - - - Importo del Sopra/Sotto Pagamento - - - Elaborato - - - Indirizzo verificato - - - Riconciliato - - - Carta di credito - - - Numero OdA - - - Numero del Documento - - - Elaborazione online - - - Accesso online - - - Sopra/Sotto Pagamento - - - Nome del cliente - - - Data della transazione - - - Moltiplicatore Fatt. Acquisto - - - Via del cliente - - - Email del cliente - - - Nazione del cliente - - - Registrato - - - Approvazione - - - Attivo - - - Micr - - - Importo dello storno - - - Aggiornato - - - Allocato - - - Creato - - - Conto Bancario - - - Azienda - - - Fattura - - - Importo pagamento - - - Stato del Documento - - - Numero ABI-CAB - - - CAP verificato - - - Numero del conto - - - Pagamento - - - Organizzazione - - - Elabora ora - - - Codice di autorizzazione vocale - - - Business Partner - - - Info - - - Conto banca Partner - - - Codice di autorizzazione - - - Patente di guida - - - Città del cliente - - - Ricevuta - - - Creato Da - - - Anno Scaduto - - - Importo dello sconto - - - Tipo di Offerta - - - Serie di Attributi - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Controllo per Numero di Serie - - - Nome - - - Successivo Attuale - - - Azienda - - - Suffisso - - - Inizio No. - - - Organizzazione - - - Descrizione - - - Prefisso - - - Incremento - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Creato Da - - - Prefisso - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Suffisso - - - Organizzazione - - - Successivo Attuale - - - Descrizione - - - Controllo per Lotto - - - Nome - - - Creato - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Inizio No. - - - Incremento - - - Lotto - - - Prodotto - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato - - - Descrizione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato - - - Nome - - - Creato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Codice - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Descrizione - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato - - - Attributo - - - Attivo - - - Nome - - - Valore Attributo - - - Numero di Serie - - - Data Garanzia - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - N. Lotto - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Serie di Attributi - - - Creato Da - - - Descrizione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Controllo per Numero di Serie - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato - - - Data Garanzia - - - Numero di serie - - - Nome - - - Serie di Attributi - - - Controllo per Lotto - - - Azienda - - - Descrizione - - - Lotto - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato - - - Creato - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Azienda - - - Codice - - - Creato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Valore Attributo - - - Attivo - - - Attributo - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Attributo di Istanza - - - Aggiornato - - - Attributo - - - Nome - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Descrizione - - - Obbligatorio - - - Giorni di garanzia - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Attributo - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Serie di Attributi - - - Aggiornato - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Attivo - - - Ricerca per Attributo - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Descrizione - - - Creato - - - Nome - - - Creato Da - - - Ricerca per Attributo - - - Sequenza - - - Tab Incluso - - - Prezzo tasse incluse - - - Importo dell'imposta - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Progetto - - - Tipo Distinta Base - - - Fase Standard - - - Quantità Fatturata - - - Quantità Impegnata - - - Importo Fatturato - - - Testo Email del Progetto - - - Formato di Stampa Progetto - - - Nome Stampante - - - Viene mantenuto il Log delle modifiche - - - Creato - - - Azienda - - - Creato Da - - - Solo Lettura - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato - - - Ruolo - - - Organizzazione - - - Tabella - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Indirizzo remoto - - - Host remoto - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Sessione Web - - - Sessione - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Creato Da - - - Record ID - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Ruolo - - - Solo Lettura - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Tabella - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato Da - - - Attivo - - - Lingua - - - Tradotta - - - Linea Etichetta di Stampa - - - Creato - - - Etichetta di stampa - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Azienda - - - Nome - - - Colonna - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Posizione Y - - - Creato Da - - - Linea Etichetta di Stampa - - - Organizzazione - - - Etichetta di Stampa - - - Tipo Formato dell'Etichetta - - - Sequenza - - - Posizione X - - - Etichetta di stampa - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato - - - Organizzazione - - - Orizzontale - - - Creato Da - - - Descrizione - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Nome Stampante - - - Tabella - - - Altezza dell'Etichetta - - - Azienda - - - Larghezza dell'Etichetta - - - Aggiornato - - - Etichetta di Stampa - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Ruolo - - - Creato Da - - - Solo Lettura - - - Azienda - - - Creato - - - Colonna - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Attivo - - - Importazione Inventario - - - Importato - - - Aggiornato - - - Organizzazione - - - Importazione Messaggio d'Errore - - - Elaborato - - - Creato Da - - - Elabora ora - - - Creato - - - Documento Ricorrente - - - Creato - - - Pagamento - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato - - - Elaborazione Ricorso - - - Creato Da - - - Progetto - - - Fattura - - - Gruppo Prime Note - - - Azienda - - - Attivo - - - Attivo - - - Descrizione - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Creato Da - - - Gruppo Prime Note - - - Tipo di frequenza - - - Organizzazione - - - Nome - - - Creato - - - Data Prossima Elaborazione - - - Tipo di Ricorso - - - Elaborazioni da Fare - - - Elaborazioni Massime - - - Elabora ora - - - Fattura - - - Progetto - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Documento Ricorrente - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Data ultima elaborazione - - - Pagamento - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Descrizione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato Da - - - Attivo - - - Tipo Progetto - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Prezzo unitario - - - Data del Fine - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato - - - Descrizione - - - Completato - - - Azienda - - - Creato Da - - - Generare Ordine - - - Fase Standard - - - Attivo - - - Prodotto - - - Data d'Inizio - - - Progetto - - - Organizzazione - - - Fase Standard - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Quantità Standard - - - Aggiornato - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Sequenza - - - Creato - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato Da - - - Tipo Progetto - - - Attivo - - - Valido - - - Titolo - - - 2° Telefono - - - Nascita - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Telefono - - - Fax - - - Ultimo Risultato - - - Ultimo Contatto - - - Titolo - - - Commenti - - - Importo Fatturato - - - Copiare Da - - - Fase Standard - - - Quantità Fatturata - - - Tipo Progetto - - - Saldo del Progetto - - - Quantità Impegnata - - - Formato di stampa - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Contatto Consegna Diretta - - - Partner Consegna Diretta - - - Copiare Da - - - Indirizzo Consegna Diretta - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Padre del Partner - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Copiare Da - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Elaborato - - - Self-Service - - - Self-Service - - - Email - - - Utente/Contatto - - - P_Number - - - Log - - - Istanza dell'Elaborazione - - - Elabora Messaggio - - - Data della Elaborazione - - - ID del Processo - - - Creato Da - - - Immagine URL - - - Nome - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Annuncio - - - Self-Service - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato - - - Business Partner - - - Advertisement Text - - - Creato - - - Valido fino a - - - Counter Count - - - Conteggio Click - - - Valido Da - - - Descrizione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Azienda - - - Tabella - - - Valore Nuovo - - - Creato Da - - - Attivo - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato - - - Log di modifica - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Sessione - - - Colonna - - - Valore Vecchio - - - Creato - - - Record ID - - - N. Lotto - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Riga dell'inventario fisico - - - Codice Magazzino - - - Scomparto (Y) - - - Conteggio della quantità - - - Codice - - - Quantità nominale - - - Descrizione - - - Livello (Z) - - - Codice a Barre - - - Corridoio(X) - - - Prodotto - - - Numero di Serie - - - Self-Service - - - Email - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Self-Service - - - Quantità Addebitabile - - - Approvazione - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Quantità Addebitabile - - - Tipo di Tempo - - - Fase del Progetto - - - Compito del Progetto - - - Escludi - - - Escludi - - - Escludi - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato Da - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato - - - Tipo di Tempo - - - Azienda - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Quantità Standard - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Creato Da - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Fase Standard - - - Prodotto - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Sequenza - - - Creato - - - Azienda - - - Compito Standard - - - Organizzazione - - - Fase del Progetto - - - Aggiornato - - - Prodotto - - - Compito Standard - - - Attivo - - - Creato Da - - - Sequenza - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Azienda - - - Descrizione - - - Compito del Progetto - - - Quantità - - - Nome - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Valido Da - - - Valido fino a - - - Azienda - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Assegnazione della Organizzazione - - - Creato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Tipo di Costo - - - Aggiornato - - - Descrizione - - - Azienda - - - Nome - - - Attivo - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato - - - Fase del ciclo - - - Organizzazione - - - Sequenza - - - Azienda - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato - - - Peso relativo - - - Ciclo del progetto - - - Creato Da - - - Quantità - - - Nome - - - Impegno è Massimo - - - Sequenza - - - Fase del Progetto - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Importo impegnato - - - Prodotto - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Impegno è Massimo - - - Saldo - - - Importo dell'addebito - - - Codice di Autorizzazione (DC) - - - Codice di verifica Carta di Credito - - - Referimento (DC) - - - Addebito - - - Informazioni Carta di Credito - - - Riferimento n. - - - Memo - - - Tabella - - - Chiave del Locatore - - - Attività - - - Indicatore dell'imposta - - - Azienda - - - Codice a Barre - - - Chiave del Business Partner - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Importato - - - Prezzo unitario - - - UdM - - - Numero del Documento - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Riga dell'ordine di vendita - - - Chiave Termine Pagamento - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Creato Da - - - Elabora ora - - - Creato - - - Importazione Ordini - - - Prodotto - - - Valuta - - - Business Partner - - - Indirizzo 1 - - - Progetto - - - Spese di Trasporto - - - Elaborato - - - Descrizione - - - Importazione Messaggio d'Errore - - - Tipo Documento - - - Listino prezzi - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Termini del Pagamento - - - Importo dell'imposta - - - Email - - - Imposta - - - Trasportatore - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Attivo - - - Quantità Ordinata - - - Descrizione della Riga - - - Nome della regione - - - UGS - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Indirizzo 2 - - - Indirizzo della Fatturazione - - - Organizzazione - - - Nome Tipo Documento - - - Codice del prodotto - - - Aggiornato - - - CAP - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Nome - - - Città - - - Creato Da - - - Allarme - - - Aggiornato - - - Organizzazione - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Creato - - - Azienda - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Creato Da - - - Allarme - - - Aggiornato - - - Organizzazione - - - Clausola From - - - Clausola SQL Where - - - Clausola SELECT - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Regole dell'Allarme - - - Elaborazione Set di comandi SQL - - - Elaborazione riga SQL - - - Creato - - - Tabella - - - Attivo - - - Azienda - - - Creato - - - Assicura sicurezza cliente - - - Messaggio dell'Allarme - - - Attivo - - - Azienda - - - Assicura sicurezza ruolo - - - Organizzazione - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Argomento dell'Allarme - - - Aggiornato - - - Nome - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato Da - - - Allarme - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Azienda - - - Codice - - - Categoria Spese di Trasporto - - - Attivo - - - Spese di Trasporto - - - Azienda - - - Categoria Spese di Trasporto - - - Creato Da - - - Regione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato - - - Trasportatore - - - Valuta - - - Aggiornato - - - Spese di Trasporto - - - Attivo - - - Valido Da - - - A - - - Nazione - - - A - - - Organizzazione - - - Carta di credito - - - Anno Scaduto - - - Via del cliente - - - Num. Previdenza - - - Ricevuta - - - Nome del cliente - - - Tipo di Offerta - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato - - - Pagamento - - - Riferimento - - - Verifica carta di credito - - - Attivo - - - Risultato - - - Patente di guida - - - Codice di avviamento postale del cliente - - - Email del cliente - - - Nazione del cliente - - - Business Partner - - - Valuta - - - Creato Da - - - Numero dell'Assegno - - - Tipo Documento - - - Importazione Messaggio d'Errore - - - Importo dell'addebito - - - Numero OdA - - - Codice di autorizzazione - - - Approvazione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Informazioni Carta di Credito - - - Info - - - Self-Service - - - Numero del Documento - - - Messaggio - - - Saldo - - - Elaborato - - - Sopra/Sotto Pagamento - - - Organizzazione - - - ID transazione originale - - - Numero Documento Fattura - - - Importo dell'imposta - - - Numero del conto - - - Importo del Sopra/Sotto Pagamento - - - Importato - - - Numero Conto Bancario - - - Nome dell'Addebitamento - - - Azienda - - - Importazione Pagamenti - - - Tipo di transazione - - - Nazione Contabile - - - Conto Bancario - - - Addebito - - - Codice di autorizzazione vocale - - - Importo dello sconto - - - Importo pagamento - - - Data della transazione - - - Importo dello storno - - - Micr - - - Mese scaduto - - - Città del cliente - - - Numero - - - Chiave del Business Partner - - - Fattura - - - Numero ABI-CAB - - - Nome Tipo Documento - - - Quantità Ordinata - - - Codice del prodotto - - - Importo dell'imposta - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato - - - Progetto - - - Email - - - Importato - - - Nome della regione - - - Indicatore dell'imposta - - - Numero del Documento - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Creato Da - - - Nome - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Chiave del Business Partner - - - Business Partner - - - Indirizzo 1 - - - Valuta - - - Elaborato - - - Città - - - Azienda - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Prezzo unitario - - - Indirizzo 2 - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Importazione Fatture - - - Codice a Barre - - - UGS - - - Listino prezzi - - - Creato - - - CAP - - - Chiave Termine Pagamento - - - Attività - - - Tipo Documento - - - Campagna - - - Prodotto - - - Descrizione della Riga - - - Fattura - - - Organizzazione - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Riga della fattura - - - Nome Tipo Documento - - - Elabora ora - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Descrizione - - - Termini del Pagamento - - - Imposta - - - Importazione Messaggio d'Errore - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato - - - Importazione Giornale - - - Dare in Valuta Fonte - - - Numero di Riga - - - Conto - - - Combinazione - - - Codice Conto - - - Chiave della Organizzazione della Transazione - - - Descrizione del Batch - - - Attività - - - Area Stoccaggio Da - - - Nome della Categoria - - - Tipo registrazione - - - Progetto - - - Campagna - - - Chiave del Business Partner - - - Aggiornato - - - Codice del prodotto - - - Utente 1 - - - Gruppo Prime Note - - - Categoria Contabile - - - Quantità - - - Business Partner - - - Periodo - - - Importato - - - Budget - - - Data della Registrazione - - - UdM - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Dare - - - Chiave del Client - - - Codice del Progetto - - - Importazione Messaggio d'Errore - - - Utente 2 - - - Nome Tipo Documento - - - Area Stoccaggio A - - - Codice a Barre - - - Chiave della Organizzazione - - - Elaborato - - - Avere - - - Elabora ora - - - Tasso di Conversione Valuta - - - Tipo Documento - - - Nome dello Schema Contabile - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Codice ISO - - - Numero Documento del Batch - - - Attivo - - - Valuta - - - Creato Da - - - Prodotto - - - Azienda - - - UGS - - - Avere in Valuta Fonte - - - Schema Contabile - - - Prima Nota - - - Riga della Prima Nota - - - Descrizione - - - Area di Vendita - - - Data rendiconto - - - Numero Conto Bancario - - - Riferimento n. - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Azienda - - - Memo - - - Data effettiva - - - Aggiornato - - - Storno - - - Conto Bancario - - - Descrizione - - - Descrizione della Riga - - - Elaborato - - - Business Partner - - - Estratto conto banca - - - Importato - - - Numero Documento Fattura - - - Importo dell'addebito - - - Importazione Estratto Conto Bancario - - - Riga di estratto conto banca - - - Organizzazione - - - Addebito - - - Attivo - - - Nome dell'Addebitamento - - - Numero ABI-CAB - - - Importo interessi - - - Pagamento - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Importazione Messaggio d'Errore - - - Creato - - - Importo rendiconto - - - Fattura - - - Nome - - - Importo della transazione - - - Tipo di transazione - - - Chiave del Business Partner - - - Numero di Riga - - - Creato Da - - - Unità do Supporto - - - Numero di Rilascio - - - Categoria Spese di Trasporto - - - Tracking URL - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Formato di stampa della fattura - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Data Pick - - - Tracking No - - - Numero Pacchetti - - - Data della Consegna - - - Self-Service - - - Password - - - Tipo di Replicazione - - - Finestra Ordine di Acquisto - - - Tipo di entità - - - Tabella - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Strategia di Replicazione - - - Tabella di Replicazione - - - Azienda - - - Tipo di Replicazione - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Strategia di Replicazione - - - Azienda - - - Creato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Tipo di entità - - - Descrizione - - - Replicato - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato - - - Replicazione - - - Elaborazione della Replicazione - - - Creato Da - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Replicato - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato - - - Organizzazione - - - Tabella di Replicazione - - - Attivo - - - Azienda - - - Elaborazione della Replicazione - - - Log della Replicazione - - - Creato Da - - - Elabora Messaggio - - - Aggiornato - - - Replicazione - - - Indirizzo host - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Descrizione - - - Creato - - - Strategia di Replicazione - - - Nome - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Azienda - - - Attivo - - - Creato Da - - - Porta host - - - Tipo di Replicazione - - - Paese ISO - - - Ubicazione / Indirizzo - - - Regione - - - Nazione - - - Nome del contatto - - - Telefono - - - Nazione - - - Regione - - - Telefono - - - Ubicazione / Indirizzo - - - Paese ISO - - - Nome del contatto - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato - - - Campagna - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Nome - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Descrizione - - - Aggiornato - - - Azienda - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Tipo di Conoscenza - - - Pubblico - - - Attivo - - - Creato Da - - - Tipo di Conoscenza - - - Descrizione - - - Creato - - - Nome - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Pubblico - - - Aggiornato - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Argomento di Conoscenza - - - Organizzazione - - - Organizzazione - - - Nome di Sinonimo - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato Da - - - Azienda - - - Attivo - - - Nome - - - Sinonimo di Conoscenza - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - URL della descrizione - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato - - - Fonte della Conoscenza - - - Nome - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato - - - Azienda - - - Immessione - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato Da - - - Attivo - - - Immessione Associata - - - Nome - - - Creato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Immessione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Valore della Categoria - - - Categoria di Conoscenza - - - Attivo - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato - - - Nome - - - Aggiornato - - - Fonte della Conoscenza - - - Creato Da - - - Pubblico - - - Argomento di Conoscenza - - - Organizzazione - - - Immessione - - - Azienda - - - Indice - - - URL della descrizione - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Parole Chiavi - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato - - - Immessione - - - Aggiornato - - - Commento dell'Immessione - - - Creato Da - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Pubblico - - - Indice - - - Attivo - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Azienda - - - Valore della Categoria - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Organizzazione - - - Categoria di Conoscenza - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Nome - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Aggiornato - - - Descrizione - - - Categoria di Conoscenza - - - Scrivere Pubblico - - - Scrivere Pubblico - - - Valido fino a - - - Attività - - - Utente 2 - - - Utente 1 - - - Progetto - - - Campagna - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Progetto - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Utente 2 - - - Attività - - - Campagna - - - Utente 1 - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Utente 1 - - - Utente 2 - - - Campagna - - - Progetto - - - Attività - - - Utente 1 - - - Campagna - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Attività - - - Utente 2 - - - Utente 2 - - - Utente 1 - - - Codice del prodotto - - - UGS - - - Codice a Barre - - - Codice del prodotto - - - UGS - - - Codice a Barre - - - UGS - - - Codice a Barre - - - Codice del prodotto - - - Utente 1 - - - Utente 2 - - - Utente 2 - - - Utente 1 - - - Attività - - - Campagna - - - Progetto - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Utente 2 - - - Utente 1 - - - Attività - - - Campagna - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Progetto - - - Manuale - - - Tunnel via HTTP - - - Elabora ora - - - Descrizione - - - Descrizione - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Descrizione - - - Nome - - - Tradotta - - - Lingua - - - Aggiornato - - - Nazione - - - Creato Da - - - Azienda - - - Nome della regione - - - ID Gamma Inizio - - - Suffisso - - - Organizzazione Remota - - - ID Gamma Fine - - - Client Remoto - - - Prefisso - - - ID Gamma Inizio - - - ID Gamma Fine - - - Data ultima elaborazione - - - ID della Lingua - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato - - - Lingua - - - Tradotta - - - Descrizione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Valuta - - - Organizzazione - - - Simbolo della Valuta - - - Azienda - - - Copiare Da - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Data del Documento - - - Frequenza - - - Nome - - - Indirizzo Org - - - BP Chiave di ricerca - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Livello di Sintesi - - - Campagna - - - Fase Standard - - - Descrizione - - - Nome - - - Saldo del Progetto - - - Quantità Impegnata - - - Tipo Progetto - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Quantità pianificata - - - Data del contatto - - - Riferimento n. - - - Importo pianificato - - - Organizzazione - - - Progetto - - - Quantità Fatturata - - - Business Partner - - - Azienda - - - Riferimento dell'ordine - - - Importo Fatturato - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Creato Da - - - Nome 2 - - - Tipo Progetto - - - Impegno - - - Impegno è Massimo - - - Titolo - - - Titolo del contatto del BP - - - Data fine - - - Versione del Listino Prezzi - - - Codice - - - Ubicazione / Indirizzo - - - Nome del contatto - - - Margine pianificato - - - Attivo - - - Termini del Pagamento - - - Titolo del BP - - - Nota - - - Lingua - - - Importo impegnato - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Fase del Progetto - - - Aggiornato - - - Nota dei termini del pagamento - - - Creato - - - Valuta - - - Partita IVA - - - Numero di Riga - - - Attivo - - - Prezzo pianificato - - - Quantità pianificata - - - Prodotto - - - Importo Fatturato - - - Codice a Barre - - - Aggiornato - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato - - - Lingua - - - Creato Da - - - Margine pianificato - - - Codice del prodotto - - - Importo pianificato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Riga del progetto - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Quantità Impegnata - - - Nota del Documento - - - Descrizione - - - Quantità Fatturata - - - Importo impegnato - - - UGS - - - Progetto - - - Tipo Progetto - - - Quantità pianificata - - - Peso relativo - - - Creato - - - Importo pianificato - - - Azienda - - - Fase del Progetto - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato - - - Descrizione - - - Margine pianificato - - - Saldo del Progetto - - - Riferimento dell'ordine - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Fase del ciclo - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Organizzazione - - - Data fine - - - Nome Passo del Ciclo - - - Progetto - - - Impegno - - - Importo impegnato - - - Data del contatto - - - Nome del Ciclo - - - Valuta - - - Tipo Progetto - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Quantità Fatturata - - - Business Partner - - - Nota - - - Quantità Impegnata - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Sequenza - - - Ciclo del progetto - - - Impegno è Massimo - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Importo Fatturato - - - Fase Standard - - - Codice del Progetto - - - Creato Da - - - Progetto - - - Inventario Fisico - - - Data del movimento - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Default - - - Tipo di Ordine OdV/OdA - - - Fino a - - - A partire da - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Lotto - - - Organizzazione del Documento - - - Numero Documento Giornale - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Creato Da - - - Email - - - ID messaggio - - - Creato - - - Gruppo Bene Gestito - - - Bene Gestito - - - N. Lotto - - - Data entrata in funzione - - - Consegna del Bene - - - URL - - - Data del movimento - - - Indirizzo remoto - - - Prodotto - - - Assegnato - - - Numero di Serie - - - Conferma spedizione - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Business Partner - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Host remoto - - - Descrizione - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Data Garanzia - - - Azienda - - - Versione n. - - - Nome - - - Gruppo Bene Gestito - - - Codice - - - Data Garanzia - - - Business Partner - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Azienda - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - N. Lotto - - - Numero di Serie - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Aggiornato - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Numero di Spedizioni - - - Data entrata in funzione - - - Creato Da - - - Versione n. - - - Bene Gestito - - - Prodotto - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Descrizione - - - Creato - - - Self-Service - - - Importo Minimo - - - Web Parameter 4 - - - Web Parameter 2 - - - Web Parameter 3 - - - Web Parameter 1 - - - Categoria del Progetto - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Azienda - - - Progetto - - - Elaborato - - - Descrizione - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Quantità del movimento - - - Creato - - - Registrato - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Registrare al Progetto - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Prodotto - - - Numero di Riga - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Registrare al Progetto - - - Categoria del Progetto - - - Categoria del Progetto - - - Categoria del Progetto - - - Data del movimento - - - Registrare al Progetto - - - Elabora ora - - - Stato di Credito - - - Riga della spesa - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Ordine di Acquisto - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Solo Descrizione - - - Solo Descrizione - - - Solo Descrizione - - - Stampato - - - Elaborato - - - Prezzi - - - Funzione Etichetta di Stampa - - - Label printer - - - Data dell'Ordine - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Data Fattura - - - Lingua - - - Sessione - - - Sessione - - - Verifica indirizzo Email - - - Chiave di Encryption - - - Accesso Personale - - - Mostra Contabilità - - - Blocco Personale - - - Data di scadenza - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Azienda - - - Separatore XY - - - Prefisso Funzione - - - Label printer - - - Funzione Etichetta di Stampa - - - Descrizione - - - Creato - - - Posizione XY - - - Nome - - - Suffisso funzione - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Registrato - - - Volume delle vendite - - - Sistema - - - Dipendenti - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Info Azienda - - - In Produzione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Record ID - - - Ubicazione / Indirizzo - - - Info Piattaforma - - - Elabora ora - - - Attivo - - - Consente la Pubblicazione - - - Host remoto - - - Valuta - - - Azienda - - - Registrazione - - - Creato - - - Indirizzo remoto - - - Descrizione - - - Nome - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Label printer - - - Creato - - - Azienda - - - Descrizione - - - Creato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Tabella - - - Organizzazione - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Record ID - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Attivo - - - Azienda - - - Attributo di Istanza - - - Attivo - - - Addebito - - - Tipo di Inventario - - - Linea Totale - - - Stampato - - - Elabora ora - - - Intestazione Centro - - - Piè di Pagina Centro - - - Immagine URL - - - Intestazione Destra - - - Piè di Pagina Destra - - - Piè di Pagina Sinistra - - - Intestazione Sinistra - - - Default - - - Immagine allegata - - - Calcola Massimo (¿) - - - Linee Totale Corrente - - - Totale Corrente - - - Calcola Minimo (¿) - - - Default - - - Oscura - - - Può effettuare report - - - Può esportare - - - Può effettuare report - - - Può esportare - - - Elabora ora - - - Dare in Valuta Fonte - - - Avere - - - Riga del progetto - - - Dare - - - Quantità del movimento - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Schema Contabile - - - Creato - - - Linea Argomento - - - Creato Da - - - Progetto - - - Attivo - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Data del movimento - - - Importo pianificato - - - Conto - - - Azienda - - - Riga della spesa - - - Prodotto - - - Aggiornato - - - Margine pianificato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Prezzo pianificato - - - Organizzazione - - - Avere in Valuta Fonte - - - Descrizione - - - Quantità Impegnata - - - Linea Margine - - - Descrizione Problema - - - Registrare al Progetto - - - Numero di Riga - - - Quantità pianificata - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Controllo per Lotto - - - Tipo Accesso - - - Entità Dipendenti - - - Dati Binari - - - Dati Carattere (Char) - - - Tipo di entità - - - Crea Pagamento - - - Informazioni Trasferimento Fondi Elettronici - - - EFT Memo - - - EFT Reference - - - EFT Trx Type - - - EFT Payee - - - EFT Trx ID - - - EFT Trx ID - - - Manuale - - - EFT Trx Type - - - Crea Pagamento - - - EFT Payee - - - EFT Memo - - - Informazioni Trasferimento Fondi Elettronici - - - Elabora ora - - - Tipo di entità - - - N. Lotto - - - Lotto - - - Numero di Serie - - - Data Garanzia - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Serie di Attributi - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Livello (Z) - - - Lotto - - - Scomparto (Y) - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Data Garanzia - - - Serie di Attributi - - - Corridoio(X) - - - Progetto - - - Serie di Attributi - - - Registrare al Progetto - - - Scomparto (Y) - - - UGS - - - N. Lotto - - - Data del movimento - - - Movimento - - - Nome - - - Data Garanzia - - - Numero di Riga - - - Piano di produzione - - - Classificazione - - - Numero di Serie - - - Riga del movimento - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Lotto - - - Livello (Z) - - - Transazione di inventario - - - Volume - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - UdM - - - Tipo di movimento - - - Codice - - - Riga dell'inventario fisico - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Produzione - - - Peso - - - Riga di produzione - - - Azienda - - - Versione n. - - - Codice a Barre - - - Quantità del movimento - - - Spedizione/ricevimento - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Prodotto - - - Inventario Fisico - - - Corridoio(X) - - - Descrizione - - - Organizzazione - - - UdM - - - Azienda - - - Versione n. - - - N. Lotto - - - Corridoio(X) - - - Data ultimo conteggio di inventario - - - Quantità Disponibile - - - Nome - - - Giorni di garanzia - - - Scomparto (Y) - - - Codice a Barre - - - Lotto - - - Data di scadenza - - - Livello (Z) - - - Organizzazione - - - Quantità riservata - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Data Garanzia - - - Peso - - - Durata - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Descrizione - - - Serie di Attributi - - - Quantità in Magazzino - - - Volume - - - Quantità Ordinata - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Codice - - - Classificazione - - - UGS - - - Vita dello scaffale rimanente % - - - Prodotto - - - Numero di Serie - - - Durata minima nello scaffale % - - - Dovuto Maturato 31-60 - - - Dovuto Maturato > 31 - - - Valuta - - - Data Dovuto - - - Dovuto Maturato > 91 - - - Dovuto> 91 - - - Dovuto 61-90 - - - Dovuto Maturato 1-30 - - - Dovuto Oggi - - - Dovuto Maturato 1-7 - - - Dovuto Oggi-7 - - - Organizzazione - - - Business Partner - - - Dovuto 31-60 - - - Dovuto 8-30 - - - Gruppo di business partner - - - Dovuto > 61 - - - Dovuto Maturato > 61 - - - Fattura - - - Istanza dell'Elaborazione - - - Dovuto Maturato 61-90 - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Dovuto Maturato 8-30 - - - Dovuto 1-7 - - - Dovuto > 31 - - - Dovuto Oggi-30 - - - Dovuto Maturato - - - Azienda - - - Importo Dovuto - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Lista Fatture - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Business Partner - - - Creato - - - Organizzazione - - - Durata minima nello scaffale % - - - Descrizione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Azienda - - - Attivo - - - Prodotto - - - Durata dello scaffale in giorni - - - Lotto Obbligatorio - - - Numero Seriale Obbligatorio - - - Data di Garanzia Obbligatoria - - - Azienda produttrice - - - Categoria fornitore - - - Indice di qualità - - - N. prodotto fornitori - - - Giorni di Vita dello scaffale - - - D-U-N-S - - - NAICS/SIC - - - Partita IVA Business Partner - - - Partita IVA Business Partner - - - D-U-N-S - - - NAICS/SIC - - - NAICS/SIC - - - D-U-N-S - - - Partita IVA Business Partner - - - NAICS/SIC - - - D-U-N-S - - - Partita IVA Business Partner - - - D-U-N-S - - - NAICS/SIC - - - Partita IVA Business Partner - - - Riordinato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato - - - Web Click - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Target URL - - - Assegnato - - - Host remoto - - - Lingua consentita - - - Attivo - - - Azienda - - - Creato Da - - - Elaborato - - - Utente rappresentante - - - Email - - - Organizzazione - - - Conteggio Click - - - Indirizzo remoto - - - Descrizione - - - Business Partner - - - Counter - - - Organizzazione - - - Target URL - - - Azienda - - - Creato - - - Nome - - - Creato Da - - - Manuale - - - Allocato - - - Quantità - - - Attivo - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Transazione in Uscita - - - Prodotto - - - Linea Produzione in Uscita - - - Linea Inventario in Uscita - - - Azienda - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Line Spedizione in Uscita - - - Riga dell'inventario fisico - - - Transazione di inventario - - - Strategia di imputazione - - - Organizzazione - - - Riga di produzione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato - - - Calcola Varianza (s²) - - - Calcola deviazione std. (s) - - - Visualizzato nel Web Store - - - Self-Service - - - Self-Service - - - Addebito - - - Tipo Valuta - - - Tipo Valuta - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Attivo - - - Tipo Valuta - - - Creato Da - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato - - - Descrizione - - - Organizzazione - - - Default - - - Codice - - - Creato Da - - - Conto utile non realizzato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Azienda - - - Schema Contabile - - - Attivo - - - Valuta - - - Aggiornato - - - Organizzazione - - - Conto utile credito realizzato - - - Creato - - - Conto perdite credito realizzato - - - Conto perdita credito non realizzato - - - Tipo Valuta - - - Tipo Valuta - - - Tipo chiave di conversione - - - Tipo Valuta - - - Tipo Valuta - - - Tipo Valuta - - - Tipo Valuta - - - Tipo Valuta - - - Nome Magazzino - - - Creato Da - - - Quantità Disponibile - - - Quantità riservata - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Versione del Listino Prezzi - - - Creato - - - Prezzo standard - - - Nome - - - Quantità Ordinata - - - Codice - - - Attributo di Istanza - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - UGS - - - Prezzo limite - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Codice a Barre - - - Azienda - - - Prezzo di listino - - - Quantità in Magazzino - - - Aggiornato - - - Prodotto - - - Margine % - - - Elabora ora - - - Tipo Valuta - - - Programma Pagamenti Valido - - - Programma Pagamenti Valido - - - Elabora ora - - - Data Estratto Conto EFT - - - Riferimento estratto Conto EFT - - - EFT Effective Date - - - Data Linea Dichiarazione - - - Linea Data Estratto Conto EFT - - - EFT Reference - - - Importo EFT - - - EFT Currency - - - Proxy port - - - ID Ramo - - - Organizzazione - - - PIN - - - Azienda - - - Caricatore estratto conto - - - ID Istituto Finanziario - - - Nome File - - - Indirizzo Proxy - - - Formato Data - - - Creato - - - Descrizione - - - Password - - - Classe Java caricatore Estratto Conto Bancario - - - Proxy logon - - - Data ultima elaborazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato Da - - - ID dell'Utente - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Aggiornato - - - Conto Bancario - - - Indirizzo host - - - Porta host - - - Proxy password - - - Numero del conto - - - Importo EFT - - - Data Linea Dichiarazione - - - EFT Check No - - - EFT Effective Date - - - Riferimento estratto Conto EFT - - - Data Estratto Conto EFT - - - EFT Currency - - - Linea Data Estratto Conto EFT - - - Valuta - - - No Documento Pagamento - - - Codice ISO - - - EFT Check No - - - Valido Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Valuta A - - - Tipo chiave di conversione - - - Aggiornato - - - Azienda - - - Tipo Valuta - - - Creato Da - - - Codice ISO - - - Attivo - - - Valido fino a - - - Tasso di Divisione - - - Tasso di conversione valuta importata - - - Crea Reciproco Tasso - - - Tasso di Moltiplicazione - - - Creato - - - Tasso di Conversione - - - Codice Valuta ISO - - - Valuta - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Importazione Messaggio d'Errore - - - Importato - - - Elaborato - - - Elabora ora - - - Elabora ora - - - Elabora ora - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Valido fino a - - - Sostituto - - - Azienda - - - Utente Sostitutivo - - - Nome - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Descrizione - - - Valido Da - - - Creato - - - Organizzazione - - - Supervisore - - - Organizzazione Padre - - - Nodo - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Descrizione - - - Nome Attributo - - - Parametro del Nodo di Workflow - - - Organizzazione - - - Parametro dell'Elaborazione - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato - - - Nodo - - - Responsabile di Workflow - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato Da - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Attività del Workflow - - - Processo di Workflow - - - Attivo - - - Elaborato - - - Elabora ora - - - Stato di Workflow - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Azienda - - - Messaggio - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato - - - Elabora ora - - - Aggiornato - - - Elaborato - - - Attivo - - - Workflow - - - Azienda - - - Creato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Stato di Workflow - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Responsabile di Workflow - - - Processo di Workflow - - - Messaggio - - - Attivo - - - Responsible Type - - - Creato Da - - - Nome - - - Creato - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Ruolo - - - Descrizione - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato - - - Organizzazione - - - Responsabile di Workflow - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Descrizione - - - Azienda - - - Workflow - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Attivo - - - Nome - - - Creato - - - Organizzazione - - - Blocco del Workflow - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Processo di Workflow - - - Nome Attributo - - - Attivo - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Dati Elaborati Workflow - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato - - - Valore Attributo - - - Creato - - - Nome Attributo - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Responsabile di Workflow - - - Azienda - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Valore Nuovo - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Stato di Workflow - - - Creato - - - Valore Vecchio - - - Verifica Evento di Workflow - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attività del Workflow - - - Nome Attributo - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Valore Attributo - - - Creato - - - Risultato Attività di Workflow - - - Autore - - - Priorità - - - Tempo di Esecuzione - - - Limite Durata - - - Valido Da - - - Durata - - - Responsabile di Workflow - - - Versione - - - Costo - - - Valido fino a - - - Unità Durata - - - Tempo di Attesa - - - Limite Durata - - - Start Mode - - - Responsabile di Workflow - - - Durata - - - Esecuzione sub-workflow - - - Costo - - - Tempo di Attesa - - - Tempo di Esecuzione - - - Blocco del Workflow - - - Priorità - - - Modalità di Conclusione - - - Codice Transizione - - - Supervisore - - - Valore Attributo - - - Tipo Evento - - - Tipo di entità - - - Tipo di entità - - - Tipo di entità - - - Elaborato - - - Elemento Unione - - - Elemento divisione - - - Descrizione - - - Tipo di entità - - - Immagine - - - Sequenza - - - Descrizione - - - Bene Gestito - - - Descrizione - - - Stato Pubblicazione - - - Versione - - - Elabora ora - - - Stato Pubblicazione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Azienda - - - Registrazione - - - Prodotto - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Indirizzo remoto - - - Host remoto - - - Descrizione - - - Business Partner - - - Bene Gestito - - - Elabora ora - - - In Produzione - - - Attivo - - - Registrato - - - Consente la Pubblicazione - - - Creato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Nome - - - Aggiornato - - - Organizzazione - - - Nome - - - Creato - - - Descrizione - - - Aggiornato - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato Da - - - Attivo - - - Attributo di Registrazione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato Da - - - Azienda - - - Attributo di Registrazione - - - Registrazione - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Descrizione - - - Nome - - - Aggiornato - - - Data entrata in funzione - - - Sequenza - - - Nota - - - Pagato - - - Creato - - - Data Fattura - - - Creato Da - - - Partita IVA - - - Moltiplicatore - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Numero del Documento - - - Fattura - - - Imposta - - - Esente - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Tatale Linee Imposte - - - Tipo Documento - - - Base imponibile dell'imposta - - - Importo dell'imposta - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Business Partner - - - Valuta - - - Area Stoccaggio Da - - - Progetto - - - Periodo - - - Utente 1 - - - Azienda - - - Budget - - - Tipo registrazione - - - Importo in Valuta Originale - - - Schema Contabile - - - Area di Vendita - - - Dare in Valuta Fonte - - - Utente 2 - - - Conto - - - Attività - - - Importo del Conto - - - Imposta - - - Campagna - - - Area Stoccaggio A - - - Prodotto - - - Dare - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Bene Gestito - - - Avere - - - Categoria Contabile - - - Business Partner - - - Organizzazione - - - Valuta - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Avere in Valuta Fonte - - - Tasso - - - Tipo registrazione - - - Utente 2 - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Schema Contabile - - - Dare - - - Periodo - - - Importo in Valuta Originale - - - Business Partner - - - Importo del Conto - - - Progetto - - - Organizzazione - - - Area di Vendita - - - Area Stoccaggio Da - - - Campagna - - - Tasso - - - Prodotto - - - Avere in Valuta Fonte - - - Utente 1 - - - Avere - - - Azienda - - - Conto - - - Imposta - - - Budget - - - Attività - - - Bene Gestito - - - Area Stoccaggio A - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Dare in Valuta Fonte - - - Valuta - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Categoria Contabile - - - Schema Contabile - - - Budget - - - Periodo - - - Dare - - - Avere - - - Record ID - - - Imposta - - - Data della Registrazione - - - UdM - - - Area di Vendita - - - Utente 1 - - - Dare in Valuta Fonte - - - Importo del Conto - - - Organizzazione - - - Area Stoccaggio A - - - Area Stoccaggio Da - - - Campagna - - - Creato - - - Valuta - - - Progetto - - - Conto - - - Creato Da - - - ID della Riga - - - Utente 2 - - - Importo in Valuta Originale - - - Tasso - - - Bene Gestito - - - Attivo - - - Categoria Contabile - - - Prodotto - - - Business Partner - - - Aggiornato - - - Attività - - - Data della transazione - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Quantità - - - Azienda - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Tabella - - - Evento Contabile - - - Descrizione - - - Avere in Valuta Fonte - - - Tipo registrazione - - - Tipo Documento - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Importo del Sopra/Sotto Pagamento - - - Accept Direct Debit - - - Stato di Credito - - - Attivo - - - Descrizione - - - Nome - - - Creato - - - Sequenza - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Riconciliatore estratto conto - - - Nome classe - - - Creato Da - - - Dichiarazione quadratura - - - Fattura - - - Business Partner - - - Dichiarazione quadratura - - - Dichiarazione quadratura - - - Separatore Intestazione - - - Tipo Separazione Intestazione - - - Paint Header Lines - - - Tipo Linea Interruzione - - - Linea Interruzione - - - Fattura referenziata - - - Data ricevuto - - - In Transito - - - Consegna Referenziata - - - Quantità Confermata - - - Quantità Prelevata - - - Quantità Scartata - - - Quantità Attesa - - - Azione del Documento - - - Data ricevuto - - - In Transito - - - Stato del Documento - - - Quantità Confermata - - - Quantità Attesa - - - Quantità Scartata - - - Giorni durata log - - - Linea Fattura Referenziata - - - Text Message - - - Attività del Workflow - - - Text Message - - - Text Message - - - Riferimento - - - Creato - - - Dati Binari - - - Text Message - - - Azienda - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato - - - Log Elaboratore Richieste - - - Riepilogo - - - Organizzazione - - - Errore - - - Elaboratore della richiesta - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Descrizione - - - Descrizione - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Linea ARM - - - ARM - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Quantità - - - Azienda - - - Attivo - - - Elabora ora - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Numero del Documento - - - Spedizione/ricevimento - - - Nome - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Organizzazione - - - ARM - - - Creato - - - Elaborato - - - Descrizione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Prodotto Correlato - - - Tipo Prodotto Correlato - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Descrizione - - - Prodotto - - - Creato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato - - - Nome - - - Azienda - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Linea Packaging - - - Organizzazione - - - Packaging - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Descrizione - - - Quantità - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato - - - Azienda - - - Descrizione - - - Spedizione/ricevimento - - - Azienda - - - Data ricevuto - - - Trasportatore - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Info Received - - - Aggiornato - - - Info di Tracking - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Organizzazione - - - Packaging - - - Numero del Documento - - - Azienda - - - Creato - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Linea della Lista di Distribuzione - - - Quantità Minima - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Lista Distribuzione - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Business Partner - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Lista Distribuzione - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Elabora ora - - - Creato - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aggiornato - - - Azienda - - - Elaboratore Allarmi - - - Text Message - - - Text Message - - - Processore di Workflow - - - Tipo Sottoscrizione - - - Descrizione - - - Giorni durata log - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Tipo Organizzazione - - - Indirizzo per Pagamento - - - Pagamento BPartner - - - Ordine Referenziato - - - Organizzazioni Collegate - - - Organizzazione - - - Consegne per Abbonamento - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Azienda - - - Creato Da - - - Sottoscrizione - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Frequenza - - - Tipo di frequenza - - - Creato Da - - - Descrizione - - - Nome - - - Azienda - - - Tipo Sottoscrizione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato - - - Tipo Sottoscrizione - - - Creato - - - Data d'Inizio - - - Creato Da - - - Business Partner - - - Prodotto - - - Attivo - - - Sottoscrizione - - - Pagato Sino a - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Data Rinnovo - - - Dovuto - - - Nome - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Organizzazione - - - Approvare la Data - - - Data di cancellazione - - - Creato - - - Argomento della Richiesta Quot. - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Attivo - - - Azienda - - - Creato Da - - - Business Partner - - - Sottoscrittore Richiesta Quot. - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Self-Service - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Descrizione - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Attivo - - - Argomento della Richiesta Quot. - - - Organizzazione - - - Nome - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Attivo - - - Creato Da - - - Qtà Risposta Linea Richiesta Quot. - - - Linea Risposta Richiesta Quot. - - - Creato - - - Prezzo - - - Aggiornato - - - Sconto % - - - Quantità Linea Richiesta Quot. - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Linea Risposta Richiesta Quot. - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Attivo - - - Vincitore Selezionato - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Linea Richiesta Quotazione - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Self-Service - - - Data Risposta - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Vincitore Selezionato - - - Self-Service - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Valuta - - - Giorni alla Consegna - - - Creato Da - - - Prezzo - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Data Inizio Lavori - - - Richiesta Quotazione - - - Business Partner - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Descrizione - - - Completato - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Nome - - - Elabora ora - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Aggiornato - - - Data Fine Lavori - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Quantità - - - Linea Richiesta Quotazione - - - Aggiornato - - - Quantità Acquistata - - - Margine % - - - Attivo - - - Azienda - - - UdM - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato - - - Quantità Linea Richiesta Quot. - - - Organizzazione - - - Quantità dell'Offerta - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato - - - Linea Richiesta Quotazione - - - Numero di Riga - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Richiesta Quotazione - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Creato Da - - - Descrizione - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato - - - Prodotto - - - Valuta - - - Giorni alla Consegna - - - Azienda - - - Data Fine Lavori - - - Descrizione - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Quota tutte le Quantità - - - Elaborato - - - Argomento della Richiesta Quot. - - - Richiesta Quotazione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Crea Ordine di Vendita - - - Creato Da - - - Attivo - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Elabora ora - - - Crea Ordine di Vendita - - - Margine % - - - Data Risposta - - - Pubblica Richiesta Quot. - - - Self-Service - - - Aggiornato - - - Nome - - - Data Inizio Lavori - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Tipo Richiesta Quot. - - - Risposte Accettate - - - Business Partner - - - Organizzazione - - - Solo Fornitori Invitati - - - Quantità Totale Quotata - - - Creato - - - Descrizione - - - Nome - - - Azienda - - - Relazione col Partner - - - Indirizzo Partner Correlato - - - Indirizzo di spedizione - - - Indirizzo del pagante - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Business Partner - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Indirizzo del destinatario fattura - - - Creato Da - - - Partner Correlato - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato - - - Pagare all'indirizzo - - - Descrizione - - - Dettagli - - - Text Message - - - Creato Da - - - Argomento - - - Pubblicato - - - Numero del Documento - - - Stato Argomento - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Categoria Argomento - - - Tipo Argomento - - - Argomento Azione - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Elaborato - - - Nome - - - Elabora ora - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Importo impegnato - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Fondi Venditore - - - Organizzazione - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Creato - - - Pagamento - - - Importo non Inserito - - - Valido fino a - - - Interna - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Azienda - - - Attivo - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Attivo - - - Azienda - - - Argomento - - - Creato Da - - - Offerta di vendita - - - Text Message - - - Organizzazione - - - Nome - - - Nota Privata - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato - - - In fase di inserimento - - - Fondi Venditore - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Importo impegnato - - - Attivo - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato Da - - - Fondi degli acquirenti - - - Aggiornato - - - Azienda - - - Pagamento - - - Importo non Inserito - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Azienda - - - Nome - - - Valido fino a - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Descrizione - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Attivo - - - Creato Da - - - Argomento - - - Creato - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Azienda - - - Commento all'offerta - - - Text Message - - - Aggiornato - - - Text Message - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nota Privata - - - In fase di inserimento - - - Argomento - - - Offerta - - - Nome - - - Creato - - - Fondi degli acquirenti - - - Azienda - - - Creato Da - - - Attivo - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Scheduler Log - - - Creato - - - Descrizione - - - Text Message - - - Dati Binari - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato Da - - - Riferimento - - - Errore - - - Scheduler - - - Attivo - - - Riepilogo - - - Azienda - - - Frequenza - - - Azienda - - - Supervisore - - - Attivo - - - Elabora ora - - - Scheduler - - - Elaborazione - - - Creato Da - - - Tipo di frequenza - - - Aggiornato - - - Data Prossima Elaborazione - - - Descrizione - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato - - - Nome - - - Giorni durata log - - - Data ultima elaborazione - - - Tipo Organizzazione - - - Nome - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Descrizione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Listino prezzi - - - Iscrizione - - - Creato - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Tipo Argomento - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Azienda - - - Prodotto - - - Categoria Argomento - - - Creato Da - - - Nome - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato - - - Descrizione - - - Attivo - - - Tipo Argomento - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Errore - - - Creato - - - Riepilogo - - - Text Message - - - Log Elaboratore Contabilità - - - Creato Da - - - Dati Binari - - - Azienda - - - Descrizione - - - Attivo - - - Riferimento - - - Elaboratore Contabilità - - - Organizzazione - - - Supervisore - - - Frequenza - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Creato Da - - - Data ultima elaborazione - - - Data Prossima Elaborazione - - - Giorni durata log - - - Elaboratore Contabilità - - - Descrizione - - - Organizzazione - - - Tipo di frequenza - - - Nome - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato - - - Elabora ora - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Attivo - - - Processore di Workflow - - - Log del Processore di Workflow - - - Dati Binari - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato - - - Riepilogo - - - Text Message - - - Riferimento - - - Descrizione - - - Errore - - - Creato Da - - - Data Prossima Elaborazione - - - Descrizione - - - Giorni durata log - - - Tipo di frequenza - - - Nome - - - Elabora ora - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Processore di Workflow - - - Attivo - - - Creato Da - - - Frequenza - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato - - - Supervisore - - - Data ultima elaborazione - - - Parametro dell'Elaborazione - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Descrizione - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato - - - Parametro di Default - - - Azienda - - - Scheduler - - - Linea Spedizione Referenziata - - - Decision date - - - Tipo di Asta - - - Riferimento - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Text Message - - - Errore - - - Log del Alert Processor - - - Azienda - - - Descrizione - - - Riepilogo - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato - - - Elaboratore Allarmi - - - Dati Binari - - - Creato Da - - - Nome - - - Data ultima elaborazione - - - Descrizione - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato Da - - - Data Prossima Elaborazione - - - Elaboratore Allarmi - - - Organizzazione - - - Supervisore - - - Creato - - - Elabora ora - - - Giorni durata log - - - Aggiornato - - - Tipo di frequenza - - - Frequenza - - - Azienda - - - Risposta Richiesta Quotazione - - - Risposta Richiesta Quotazione - - - Telefono - - - Telefono - - - Telefono - - - Nazione - - - CAP - - - Regione - - - Città - - - Ruolo - - - Destinatario dell'Allarme - - - Telefono - - - Azienda - - - Tax ZIP - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - CAP - - - Imposta - - - Aggiornato - - - CAP - - - Listino prezzi - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Elabora ora - - - Organizzazione - - - Numero del Documento - - - Priorità - - - Attivo - - - Elaborato - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Azienda - - - Approvazione - - - Richiesta - - - Data Richiesta - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Azione del Documento - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Registrato - - - Stato del Documento - - - Descrizione - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato - - - Righe totali - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Prezzo unitario - - - Netto della Riga - - - Descrizione - - - Quantità - - - Organizzazione - - - Linea Richiesta - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato - - - Azienda - - - Richiesta - - - Numero di Riga - - - Prodotto - - - Creato Da - - - Attivo - - - Ruolo - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato - - - Azienda - - - Scheduler - - - Attivo - - - Creato Da - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Destinatatio del Pianificatore - - - Ordinamento - - - Data Inizio Lavori - - - Data Fine Lavori - - - Giorni alla Consegna - - - Ordinamento - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Tipo Pianificazione - - - Giorno della Settimana - - - Giorno del mese - - - Data Fine Lavori - - - Giorni alla Consegna - - - Data Inizio Lavori - - - Copia Linee - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Text Message - - - Text Message - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Allegato - - - Attivo - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Titolo - - - Creato - - - Attachment Note - - - Workflow - - - Priorità - - - Record ID - - - Tabella - - - Tabella - - - Priorità - - - Record ID - - - Descrizione - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Default - - - Convalida Workflow - - - Tabella - - - Codice - - - Colonna - - - Tempo di Attesa - - - Valore Attributo - - - Nome Attributo - - - Transizione Nodo - - - Chiave di Workflow - - - Creato Da - - - Condizione di Spostamento - - - E/o - - - Creato - - - Operazione - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Transizione Nodo - - - Sequenza - - - Codice - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Attivo - - - Valore a - - - Tipo di entità - - - Aggiornato - - - Colonna - - - Consegna diretta - - - Auto-Approva i propri Documenti - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Prodotto - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Business Partner - - - Approvazione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Azione del Documento - - - Stato del Documento - - - Data dell'Ordine - - - Quantità riservata - - - Quantità Ordinata - - - Qtà da fatturare - - - Quantità spedita - - - Aggiornato - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Valuta - - - Organizzazione - - - Tipo Documento - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Data Promessa - - - Quantità fatturata - - - Attivo - - - Prezzo unitario - - - Creato - - - Credito Approvato - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Qtà da spedire - - - Creato Da - - - Riga dell'ordine di vendita - - - Azienda - - - Riferimento dell'ordine - - - UdM - - - Importo netto fattura - - - Sempre Aggiornabile - - - Consegna diretta - - - Descrizione - - - Rapporto - - - Totale Percentuale - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Unità Organizzativa - - - Descrizione - - - Linea distribuzione del Mastro - - - Prodotto - - - Attivo - - - Attività - - - Campagna - - - Area Stoccaggio A - - - Area Stoccaggio Da - - - Progetto - - - Utente 1 - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Conto - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Creato - - - Distribuzione Libro Mastro - - - Aggiornato - - - Area di Vendita - - - Numero di Riga - - - Utente 2 - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato - - - Utente 1 - - - Distribuzione Libro Mastro - - - Area Stoccaggio A - - - Organizzazione - - - Elabora ora - - - Attività - - - Prodotto - - - Campagna - - - Schema Contabile - - - Conto - - - Attivo - - - Descrizione - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Unità Organizzativa - - - Progetto - - - Nome - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato Da - - - Azienda - - - Area Stoccaggio Da - - - Utente 2 - - - Area di Vendita - - - Business Partner - - - Business Partner - - - Valido - - - Livello di Sintesi - - - Azione del Documento - - - Processo di Workflow - - - Tabella - - - Text Message - - - Nodo - - - Record ID - - - Tempo trascorso in ms - - - Invited - - - Giorni alla Consegna - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Organizzazione - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Quantità Totale Quotata - - - Argomento della Richiesta Quot. - - - Business Partner - - - Azienda - - - Data Inizio Lavori - - - Descrizione - - - Data Risposta - - - Nome - - - Tipo Richiesta Quot. - - - Quota tutte le Quantità - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Data Fine Lavori - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Risposte Accettate - - - Richiesta Quotazione - - - Valuta - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Numero di Riga - - - Sconto % - - - Inizio Linea Lavoro - - - Ordinamento - - - Prezzo - - - Descrizione - - - Ordinamento Quantità - - - Quantità - - - Organizzazione - - - Prodotto - - - Valuta - - - Richiesta Quotazione - - - Linea Giorni Consegna - - - Self-Service - - - Data Inizio Lavori - - - Business Partner - - - Data Risposta - - - Prezzo Quantità - - - Giorni alla Consegna - - - UdM - - - Descrizione della Riga - - - Risposta Richiesta Quotazione - - - Linea Aiuto/Commento - - - Argomento della Richiesta Quot. - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Data Fine Linea Lavoro - - - Azienda - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Data Fine Lavori - - - Elaborato - - - Ordina Richiesta Quot. - - - Codice - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Priorità - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato - - - Quantità - - - Organizzazione - - - Data Richiesta - - - Prodotto - - - Approvazione - - - Creato Da - - - Netto della Riga - - - Azienda - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Listino prezzi - - - Prezzo unitario - - - Descrizione della Riga - - - Numero di Riga - - - Attivo - - - Elaborato - - - Righe totali - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Richiesta - - - Azione del Documento - - - Stato del Documento - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Numero del Documento - - - Linea Richiesta - - - Descrizione - - - Riga dell'ordine di vendita - - - Fine Attesa - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Crea Ordine Singolo - - - Azienda - - - Business Partner - - - Aggiornato - - - Descrizione - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Creato - - - Distribution Run - - - Elabora ora - - - Lista Distribuzione - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Distribution Run Line - - - Creato - - - Prodotto - - - Numero di Riga - - - Azienda - - - Descrizione - - - Distribution Run - - - Quantità Totale - - - Quantità Minima - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Quantità - - - Aggiornato - - - Lista Distribuzione - - - Quantità Minima - - - Linea della Lista di Distribuzione - - - Distribution Run - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato - - - Prodotto - - - Attivo - - - Distribution Run Line - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Business Partner - - - Start Implementation/Production - - - Rapporto - - - Consenti Statistiche - - - Nome Colonna DB - - - Riferimento - - - Codice Riferimento - - - Self-Service - - - Attivo - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Prodotto - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Descrizione - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato - - - Attributo di Registrazione - - - Workflow - - - Versione n. - - - Descrizione - - - Data Garanzia - - - Nome - - - Gruppo Bene Gestito - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Data entrata in funzione - - - Aggiornato - - - Bene Gestito - - - Prodotto - - - Codice - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Data del movimento - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Business Partner - - - N. Lotto - - - Numero di Spedizioni - - - Organizzazione - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Azienda - - - Numero di Serie - - - Access Log - - - Text Message - - - Descrizione - - - Colonna - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Tabella - - - Azienda - - - Host remoto - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Indirizzo remoto - - - Attivo - - - Risposta - - - Organizzazione - - - Record ID - - - Tipo Documento - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Organizzazione - - - Nome - - - Counter Document - - - Counter Document Type - - - Descrizione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Valido - - - Elabora ora - - - Colore della stampa - - - Colore della stampa - - - Colore della stampa - - - Colore della stampa - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato - - - Linea Richiesta - - - Richiesta - - - Attivo - - - Quantità - - - Prodotto - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Periodo - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Nome - - - Anno - - - Azienda - - - Descrizione - - - Esercizio - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato - - - Default - - - Elabora ora - - - Organizzazione - - - Previsione - - - Linea Previsione - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Riga dell'ordine di vendita - - - Creato - - - Azienda - - - Linea Richiesta - - - Dettagli Richiesta - - - Linea Richiesta - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Periodo - - - Azienda - - - Creato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Quantità - - - Previsione - - - Attivo - - - Prodotto - - - Linea Previsione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Anno - - - Esercizio - - - Creato - - - Richiesta - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Attivo - - - Default - - - Descrizione - - - Elabora ora - - - Nome - - - Quantità Calcolata - - - Quantità Calcolata - - - Formato di stampa - - - Standard User Workflow - - - Telefono Fattura - - - Nome Contatto Fattura - - - Partner Consegna Diretta - - - Nome Fattura - - - Contatto Consegna Diretta - - - Titolo Fattura - - - Fattura Key Partner - - - Partita IVA - - - Indirizzo Consegna Diretta - - - Indirizzo Fattura - - - Nome Fattura 2 - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Business Partner - - - Ubicazione / Indirizzo - - - Nome BP - - - Creato Da - - - Azienda - - - Linea Richiesta Quotazione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Codice a Barre - - - Creato - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Organizzazione - - - Nome - - - Codice del prodotto - - - Descrizione - - - Numero di Riga - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Data Inizio Lavori - - - Giorni alla Consegna - - - UGS - - - Nota del Documento - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Lingua - - - Prodotto - - - Business Partner - - - Data Inizio Lavori - - - Nome 2 BP - - - Nome BP - - - Giorni alla Consegna - - - Nome del contatto - - - Organizzazione - - - Codice ISO - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Azienda - - - Richiesta Quotazione - - - Attivo - - - Valuta - - - Lingua - - - Descrizione - - - Telefono - - - Nome - - - Creato - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Aggiornato - - - Titolo - - - Ubicazione / Indirizzo - - - Data Risposta - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Quantità Linea Richiesta Quot. - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Lingua - - - UdM - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato - - - Simbolo - - - Quantità - - - Creato Da - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato - - - Partita IVA - - - Indirizzo Org - - - Linea Risposta Richiesta Quot. - - - Risposta Richiesta Quotazione - - - Risposta Richiesta Quotazione - - - Sconto % - - - Prezzo - - - Qtà Risposta Linea Richiesta Quot. - - - Linea Risposta Richiesta Quot. - - - Importo Migliore Risposta - - - Importo dell'Offerta - - - Simbolo - - - Qtà Risposta Linea Richiesta Quot. - - - Quantità - - - Sconto % - - - UdM - - - Quantità Linea Richiesta Quot. - - - Prezzo - - - Controllo Completato - - - Numero del Documento - - - Usa Funzionalità Beta - - - Albero Campagna Primaria - - - Albero Attività Primaria - - - Elaborato - - - Elaborato - - - Elaborato - - - Elaborato - - - Partner Consegna Diretta - - - Contatto Consegna Diretta - - - Indirizzo Consegna Diretta - - - Elaborato - - - Elaborato - - - Elaborato - - - Elaborato - - - Elaborato - - - Elaborato - - - Elaborato - - - Documento Contatore di Default - - - Azione del Documento - - - Approvazione - - - Stato del Documento - - - Crea Conferma - - - Conferma Qtà Selezionata/QA - - - Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - - - Elabora ora - - - Organizzazione - - - Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - - - Creato Da - - - Descrizione - - - Elaborato - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Spedizione/ricevimento - - - Numero del Documento - - - Azienda - - - Approvazione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato - - - Tipo di Conferma - - - Elaborato - - - Attivo - - - Linea Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - - - Creato - - - Azienda - - - Descrizione - - - Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - - - Quantità Attesa - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Quantità Confermata - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Organizzazione - - - Azione del Documento - - - In Transito - - - Crea Pacco - - - Crea Pacco - - - Difference - - - Quantità Scartata - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Tipo Documento - - - Stato del Documento - - - Azione del Documento - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Approvazione - - - Approvazione - - - Azione del Documento - - - Approvazione - - - Stato del Documento - - - Descrizione - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Window Height - - - Window Width - - - Elaborato - - - Tipo Autorizz. Restituz. Mat. - - - Importo - - - Data della Consegna - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Organizzazione - - - Nome - - - Creato Da - - - Azienda - - - Descrizione - - - Tipo Autorizz. Restituz. Mat. - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Consegna diretta - - - Valuta - - - Business Partner - - - Annullato - - - Tipo di Conferma - - - Attivo - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Descrizione - - - Aggiornato - - - Elaborato - - - Approvazione - - - Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Creato Da - - - Spedizione/ricevimento - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Annullato - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Numero del Documento - - - Elabora ora - - - Business Partner - - - Spedizione/ricevimento - - - Prodotto - - - Business Partner - - - Quantità Attesa - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Elaborato - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - - - Linea Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - - - Annullato - - - Organizzazione - - - Approvazione - - - Quantità Scartata - - - Tipo di Conferma - - - Aggiornato - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Difference - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Quantità Confermata - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Azienda - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Numero del Documento - - - Creato Da - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Descrizione - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Tipo Documento - - - Importo dell'imposta - - - Linea Totale - - - Indicatore dell'imposta - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato Da - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Serie di Attributi - - - Descrizione - - - Creato - - - Simbolo - - - Riordinato - - - Scomparto (Y) - - - Corridoio(X) - - - Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - - - Spedizione/ricevimento - - - Numero di Riga - - - Aggiornato - - - Quantità Scartata - - - Lingua - - - N. Lotto - - - Nota del Documento - - - Numero di Serie - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Quantità Confermata - - - Data Garanzia - - - Livello (Z) - - - Quantità del movimento - - - Elaborato - - - Lotto - - - Quantità Attesa - - - Nome - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Descrizione Spedizione - - - Codice del prodotto - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Azienda - - - Codice a Barre - - - Difference - - - Linea Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - - - UGS - - - Attivo - - - Approvazione - - - Tipo di movimento - - - Numero del Documento - - - Data dell'Ordine - - - Regole di Spedizione - - - Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - - - Azienda - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Data del movimento - - - Regole spese di trasporto - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Lingua - - - Riferimento dell'ordine - - - Tipo Documento - - - Descrizione Spedizione - - - Organizzazione - - - Mezzo della Spedizione - - - Business Partner - - - Tipo di Conferma - - - Annullato - - - Tipo documento - - - Trasportatore - - - Creato - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Creato Da - - - Priorità - - - Spedizione/ricevimento - - - Descrizione - - - Aggiornato - - - Attivo - - - Elaborato - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Tipo Obbligatorio - - - Azione del Documento - - - Stato del Documento - - - Elaborato - - - Data della transazione - - - Elaborato - - - Allocazione - - - Attivo - - - Descrizione - - - Registrato - - - Elabora ora - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Valuta - - - Organizzazione - - - Manuale - - - Azione del Documento - - - Approvazione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Numero del Documento - - - Stato del Documento - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Importo di Approvazione - - - Azienda - - - Stato del Documento - - - Azione del Documento - - - Linea di imputazione - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Attivo - - - Creato Da - - - Numero del Documento - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato - - - Record ID - - - Data del Documento - - - Tabella - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Importo aperto - - - Importo dello sconto - - - Programma Pagamenti Valido - - - Importo pagato - - - Fattura - - - Data Fattura - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Business Partner - - - Organizzazione - - - Valuta - - - Data dello Sconto - - - Totale - - - Numero del Documento - - - Programmazione Pagamento Fattura - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Giorni Netti - - - Giorni alla scadenza - - - Data Dovuto - - - Azienda - - - Tipo Valuta - - - Azienda - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Importo dello storno - - - Attivo - - - Numero del Documento - - - Importo - - - Pagamento - - - Manuale - - - Descrizione - - - Stato del Documento - - - Creato - - - Importo di Approvazione - - - Azione del Documento - - - Allocazione - - - Elaborato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Valuta - - - Organizzazione - - - Importo dello sconto - - - Riga prima nota cassa - - - Business Partner - - - Data della transazione - - - Importo del Sopra/Sotto Pagamento - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Linea di imputazione - - - Fattura - - - Importo di Approvazione - - - Prezzo Fatturato - - - Quantità Rimborsata - - - Prezzo Rimborsato - - - Quantità fatturata - - - In Dispute - - - Sconto fisso B.Partner - - - Autorizza mediante LDAP - - - LDAP Query - - - Difference Document - - - Split when Difference - - - Sconto Piatto % - - - Crea Documento Contatore - - - In Dispute - - - LDAP Host - - - In Dispute - - - Importo di Approvazione - - - Azione del Documento - - - Stato del Documento - - - Approvazione - - - Importo di Approvazione - - - Approvazione - - - Crea Documento Contatore - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Azienda - - - Difference - - - Descrizione - - - Aggiornato - - - Riga dell'inventario fisico - - - Elaborato - - - Conferma Movimento - - - Quantità Scartata - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Linea Conferma Movimento - - - Quantità Confermata - - - Organizzazione - - - Quantità Attesa - - - Riga del movimento - - - Creato - - - Azienda - - - Stato del Documento - - - Conferma Movimento - - - Inventario Fisico - - - Movimento - - - Attivo - - - Elabora ora - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Importo di Approvazione - - - Descrizione - - - Creato Da - - - Elaborato - - - Azione del Documento - - - Approvazione - - - Organizzazione - - - Fattura - - - Importo di Approvazione - - - Inventario Fisico - - - Riga della fattura - - - Riga dell'inventario fisico - - - Funzionalità Beta - - - Funzionalità Beta - - - Numero del Documento - - - Stato del Documento - - - Azione del Documento - - - Approvazione - - - Elaborato - - - Posizione relativo - - - Calcola Minimo (¿) - - - Carattere della stampa - - - Organizzazione - - - Posizione X - - - Default - - - Formato di stampa incluso - - - Elemento del formato di stampa - - - Raggruppato da - - - Allineamento riga - - - Larghezza massima - - - Carta di stampa - - - Totale Corrente - - - Altezza massima - - - Nascondere valori nulli - - - Basato sulla tabella - - - Default Print Font - - - Sequenza - - - Area - - - Modulo - - - Ordinato da - - - Etichetta di stampa - - - Stampa Nome Articolo - - - Solo online - - - Default Print Color - - - Attivo - - - Nome Stampante - - - Formato tabella di stampa - - - Creato - - - Tabella - - - Allineamento del campo - - - Immagine URL - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Grafico - - - Calcolo della soma - - - Sotto Colonna - - - Spazio X - - - Interruzione di pagina - - - Nome - - - Calcola Massimo (¿) - - - Selezionare posizione NL - - - Vista del report - - - Colore della stampa - - - Spazio Y - - - Descrizione - - - Calcolo numero di elementi - - - Margine - - - Immagine allegata - - - Creato Da - - - Calcolo media - - - Pagina successiva - - - Larghezza fissa - - - Standard Header/Footer - - - Aggiornato - - - Margine della testata - - - Posizione Y - - - Colonna - - - Calcola deviazione std. (s) - - - Azienda - - - Tipo di formato - - - Stampato - - - Linee Totale Corrente - - - Calcola Varianza (s²) - - - Suffisso dell'etichetta di stampa - - - Numero di Ordinazione del Record - - - Riga successiva - - - Address 3 - - - Address 4 - - - Formato di stampa - - - Saldo aperto - - - Descrizione - - - Importazione Line di Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Linea Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - - - Elaborato - - - Difference - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato - - - Quantità Confermata - - - Creato Da - - - Importazione Messaggio d'Errore - - - Quantità Scartata - - - Elabora ora - - - Organizzazione - - - Importato - - - N Conferma - - - N Conferma - - - N Conferma - - - Elaborato - - - Elaborato - - - Giorni alla scadenza - - - Importo - - - Inserimento elaborazione del sollecito - - - Importo convertito - - - Importo interessi - - - Elaborato - - - Importo totale - - - Importo Canone - - - Numero Solleciti - - - Invia - - - Elaborato - - - Elabora ora - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Elaborato - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Valuta - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Nota - - - Etichetta di stampa - - - Importo - - - Business Partner - - - Data del sollecito - - - Partita IVA - - - Riferimento n. - - - Nome del contatto - - - Nome 2 - - - Organizzazione - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Aggiornato - - - Nome - - - Partita IVA Business Partner - - - Azienda - - - Nota - - - BP Chiave di ricerca - - - Telefono - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Titolo del BP - - - Ubicazione / Indirizzo - - - Indirizzo Org - - - NAICS/SIC - - - Creato - - - Nota del Documento - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Titolo - - - Titolo del contatto del BP - - - Lingua - - - Attivo - - - D-U-N-S - - - Quantità - - - Totale - - - Riga elaborazione del sollecito - - - Progetto - - - Numero Solleciti - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Listino prezzi - - - Righe totali - - - Importo - - - Azienda - - - Fattura - - - Numero del Documento - - - Riferimento dell'ordine - - - Aggiornato - - - Termini del Pagamento - - - Campagna - - - Stato del Documento - - - Giorni alla scadenza - - - Descrizione - - - Pagato - - - Attività - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Tipo Documento - - - Data dell'Ordine - - - Data Fattura - - - Importo dell'addebito - - - Valuta - - - Importo totale - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Importo Canone - - - Importo convertito - - - Lingua - - - Tipo documento - - - Addebito - - - Importo interessi - - - Inserimento elaborazione del sollecito - - - Attivo - - - Prezzo di Benchmark - - - Differenza di Benchmark - - - Prezzo di Benchmark - - - Prezzo di Benchmark - - - Descrizione - - - Inserimento elaborazione del sollecito - - - Elaborazione del sollecito - - - In Dispute - - - In Dispute - - - Importo aperto - - - Importo dello sconto - - - Importo dello sconto - - - Importo aperto - - - Importo aperto - - - Importo dello sconto - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Valore - - - Tipo Valore Attributo - - - Tabella - - - Elaborato - - - Elabora ora - - - Record ID - - - Organizzazione - - - Misura effettiva - - - Creato - - - Azienda - - - Data della transazione - - - Descrizione - - - Attivo - - - Obiettivo SLA - - - Misura SLA - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato Da - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Nome classe - - - Descrizione - - - Manuale - - - Criterio SLA - - - Organizzazione - - - Nome - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Azienda - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato - - - Obiettivo SLA - - - Creato Da - - - Data ultima elaborazione - - - Creato - - - Nome - - - Elaborato - - - Business Partner - - - Misura effettiva - - - Valido fino a - - - Attivo - - - Misura target - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Azienda - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Valido Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Descrizione - - - Criterio SLA - - - Elabora ora - - - Quantità Richiesta Quotazione - - - Tabella - - - Lingua - - - Nome - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato - - - Tradotta - - - Sottoscrittore Richiesta Quot. - - - Azienda - - - Restrizione Argomenti Richiesta Quotazioni - - - Aggiornato - - - Prodotto - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato - - - Descrizione - - - Attivo - - - Creato Da - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Sconto fisso B.Partner - - - Funzionalità Beta - - - Creato - - - Descrizione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Terminale POS - - - Disposizione Chiave POS - - - Azienda - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Nome - - - Libro di Cassa - - - Nome Stampante - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Listino prezzi - - - Attivo - - - Creato Da - - - Descrizione - - - Disposizione Chiave POS - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato - - - Nome - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato - - - Azienda - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Aggiornato - - - Sequenza - - - Disposizione Chiave POS - - - Azienda - - - Descrizione - - - Prodotto - - - Attivo - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Organizzazione - - - Chiave POS - - - Quantità - - - Simbolo - - - UdM - - - Modifica Prezzo - - - Colore della stampa - - - Modello B.Partner - - - Indirizzo 2 - - - Saldo aperto - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Country - - - Nome della regione - - - Nazione - - - Indirizzo 1 - - - Regione - - - Tipo Documento - - - Indicatore dell'imposta - - - Tipo Documento - - - Quantità spedita - - - Quantità Ordinata - - - Accedi tutte le Organizzazioni - - - Data Pick - - - Utente 1 - - - Data del movimento - - - Creato - - - Elaborato - - - Descrizione della Riga - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Data stampata - - - Riferimento dell'ordine - - - Spedizione/ricevimento - - - Tracking No - - - Riga dell'ordine di vendita - - - Data dell'Ordine - - - Priorità - - - Approvazione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Stato del Documento - - - UdM - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Numero del Documento - - - Solo Descrizione - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Regole spese di trasporto - - - Quantità Confermata - - - Attività - - - Spese di Trasporto - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Progetto - - - Quantità Prelevata - - - Quantità Scartata - - - Campagna - - - Registrato - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Business Partner - - - Regole di Spedizione - - - Attivo - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Aggiornato - - - Prodotto - - - Azienda - - - Numero di Riga - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Creato Da - - - Trasportatore - - - Tipo di movimento - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Quantità del movimento - - - Azione del Documento - - - Mezzo della Spedizione - - - Tipo Documento - - - Descrizione - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Organizzazione - - - Data ricevuto - - - In Dispute - - - Utente 2 - - - Data della Consegna - - - Numero Pacchetti - - - Quantità Attesa - - - Scomparto (Y) - - - Livello (Z) - - - Corridoio(X) - - - Chiave del Locatore - - - Prodotto - - - Quantità - - - Quantità - - - Quantità - - - Prezzo - - - Quantità - - - Prezzo - - - Prezzo - - - Quantità - - - Prezzo - - - Quantità - - - Prezzo - - - Quantità - - - Prezzo - - - Quantità - - - Quantità - - - Lista Prezzi - - - Lista Prezzi - - - Prefisso Personalizzato - - - Sovrascrivi Utente 1 - - - Sovrascrivi Attività - - - Sovrascrivi su Conto - - - Sovrascrivi Organizzazione - - - Sovrascrivi Magazzino di Provenienza - - - Sovrascrivi Campagna - - - Sovrascrivi Magazzino di Destinazione - - - Sovrascrivi Progetto - - - Sovrascrivi BPartner - - - Sovrascrivi Transazione Organizzazione - - - Sovrascrivi Prodotto - - - Sovrascrivi Regione di Vendita - - - Percentuale - - - Sovrascrivi Utente 2 - - - Qualsiasi Conto - - - Qualsiasi Transazione dell' Organizzazione - - - Tipo Documento - - - Qualsiasi Utente 2 - - - Qualsiasi BPartner - - - Qualsiasi Prodotto - - - Percentuali Totali - - - Qualsiasi Magazzino di Provenienza - - - Qualsiasi Magazzino di Destinazione - - - Qualsiasi Progetto - - - Qualsiasi Campagna - - - Qualsiasi Organizzazione - - - Qualsiasi Regione di Vendita - - - Qualsiasi Attività - - - Tipo registrazione - - - Qualsiasi Utente 1 - - - Linee Indirizzo locale Inverse - - - Formato indirizzo - - - Linee Indirizzo Inverse - - - Formato Conto Bancario - - - Formato Numero di Routing - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Ricevuta - - - Tipo di Workflow - - - Logica Valore Documento - - - Appena Migrato - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Crea - - - Ultimo Allarme - - - Giorni Rimanenti - - - Tolleranza della Scadenza - - - EMail dopo la Scadenza - - - EMail alla Scadenza - - - Tipo di Richiesta - - - Giorni allarme inattività - - - Ultimo Allarme - - - Giorni allarme inattività - - - Giorni Rimanenti - - - Schema Contabile - - - Valido - - - Inizio Prior. Dinam. - - - Unità Priorità Dinamica - - - Modifica Prioità Dinamica - - - Allarme per superamento Priorità - - - Address of DB Server - - - Database Name - - - Processors - - - Tabella - - - Valido - - - Messaggio errore - - - Valido - - - Altra Clausola - - - Organizzazione - - - Aggiornato - - - Lingua - - - Tradotta - - - Colonna - - - Creato Da - - - Nome - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Azienda - - - Annulla - - - Ripeti - - - Personalizzazione - - - Descrizione - - - Bene Gestito - - - Utente 2 - - - Utente 1 - - - Attività - - - Campagna - - - Progetto - - - Area di Vendita - - - Area Stoccaggio A - - - Area Stoccaggio Da - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Business Partner - - - Prodotto - - - Quantità - - - UdM - - - Avere - - - Dare - - - Avere in Valuta Fonte - - - Dare in Valuta Fonte - - - Valuta - - - Tipo registrazione - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Imposta - - - Budget - - - Categoria Contabile - - - ID della Riga - - - Record ID - - - Tabella - - - Periodo - - - Data della transazione - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Conto - - - Schema Contabile - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Evento Contabile - - - Istanza dell'Elaborazione - - - Importo Saldo - - - Importo Fonte Saldo - - - Descrizione - - - Descrizione Prodotto - - - Descrizione Prodotto - - - Descrizione Prodotto - - - Data della transazione - - - Importo dello sconto - - - Tipo di Offerta - - - Allocato - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Tipo Valuta - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Utente 2 - - - Utente 1 - - - Sistirrig - - - Qta uso interno - - - Data - - - Viene mantenuto il Log delle modifiche - - - Livello Preferenza - - - Sovrascrive Prezzo Limite - - - Codice Conto - - - Chiave della Organizzazione - - - Nome Organizzazione - - - Codice Conto - - - Nome - - - Tipo di Conto - - - Chiave del Business Partner - - - Nome BP - - - Gruppo di business partner - - - Codice del prodotto - - - Nome Prodotti - - - Codice a Barre - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Prezzo tasse incluse - - - Prezzo tasse incluse - - - Importo Fatturato - - - Importo aperto - - - Anticipazione - - - Anticipazione - - - Addebito - - - Descrizione - - - Descrizione - - - Numero Internazionale Conto (IBAN) - - - Precisione Prezzo - - - Riepilogo - - - Riempie Forma - - - Riga larghezza - - - Diametro Arco - - - Tipo Forma - - - Classi di Validazione Modello - - - Archivio - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Tabella - - - Record ID - - - Elaborazione - - - Dati Binari - - - Auto Archiviazione - - - Business Partner - - - Report - - - Programmazione Pagamento Fattura - - - Tabella - - - Record ID - - - Punto decimale - - - Modello Data - - - Time Pattern - - - Dimensione Media - - - Numero del Documento - - - Numero del Documento - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Fattura - - - Business Partner - - - Conto Bancario - - - Tipo di transazione - - - Tipo Documento - - - Ricevuta - - - Data della transazione - - - Numero del Documento - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Pagamento - - - Registrato - - - Elaborato - - - Accesso online - - - Allocato - - - Riconciliato - - - Addebito - - - Anticipazione - - - Azione del Documento - - - Stato del Documento - - - Elaborazione online - - - Elabora ora - - - Info - - - CAP verificato - - - Indirizzo verificato - - - Codice di autorizzazione - - - Messaggio - - - Risultato - - - Riferimento - - - Approvazione - - - Sopra/Sotto Pagamento - - - Importo disponibile - - - Importo Allocato - - - Moltiplicatore Fatt. Acquisto - - - Importo del Sopra/Sotto Pagamento - - - Importo dell'imposta - - - Importo dello storno - - - Importo dello sconto - - - Importo pagamento - - - Tipo Valuta - - - Valuta - - - Numero OdA - - - ID transazione originale - - - Codice di autorizzazione vocale - - - Email del cliente - - - Num. Previdenza - - - Patente di guida - - - Codice di avviamento postale del cliente - - - Nazione del cliente - - - Città del cliente - - - Via del cliente - - - Nome del cliente - - - Numero dell'Assegno - - - Numero del conto - - - Numero ABI-CAB - - - Micr - - - Anno Scaduto - - - Mese scaduto - - - Verifica carta di credito - - - Numero - - - Carta di credito - - - Tipo di Offerta - - - Gruppo pagamenti - - - Conto banca Partner - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Tipo Documento - - - Stato del Documento - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Attributo Prodotto - - - Serie di Attributi - - - Lotto - - - Data Garanzia - - - N. Lotto - - - Numero di Serie - - - Attributo Prodotto - - - Serie di Attributi - - - Lotto - - - Data Garanzia - - - N. Lotto - - - Numero di Serie - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Attributo Prodotto - - - Serie di Attributi - - - Lotto - - - Data Garanzia - - - N. Lotto - - - Numero di Serie - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Business Partner - - - Valuta - - - Importo - - - Importo aperto - - - Data del Documento - - - Giorni alla scadenza - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Tipo Documento - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Business Partner - - - Prodotto - - - Data del Documento - - - Numero Documento Fattura - - - Quantità effettiva - - - Importo convertito - - - Importo effettivo - - - Valuta - - - Info - - - Riga della fattura - - - Riga dell'ordine di vendita - - - Riferimento - - - Dettaglio della commessione - - - Importo commissione - - - Qta Commissione - - - Quantità di commissione convertita - - - Importo commessione - - - B.Partner commissionato - - - Commissione - - - Elaborato - - - Totale - - - Data d'Inizio - - - Descrizione - - - Numero del Documento - - - Elabora della commissione - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Gestito a Livello Centrale - - - Campo Immangine - - - Immagine URL - - - Immagine URL - - - Immagine URL - - - Numero Conto Corrente - - - Politica Materiale - - - Metodo del Calcolo dei Costi - - - Politica Materiale - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Data del movimento - - - Quantità del movimento - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Spedizione/ricevimento - - - Ordine Ricerca - - - Ricerca per Fattura - - - Riga del movimento - - - Movimento - - - Riga dell'inventario fisico - - - Inventario Fisico - - - Istanza dell'Elaborazione - - - Transazione di inventario - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Tipo di movimento - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Prodotto - - - Quantità del movimento - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Registrare al Progetto - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Riga di produzione - - - Quantità del movimento - - - Costo Franco Fabbrica - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Descrizione - - - Riga della fattura - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Spedizione/ricevimento - - - Prodotto - - - Riga del movimento - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Quantità del movimento - - - Riga della fattura - - - Prodotto - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Importo - - - Quantità - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Quantità del movimento - - - Quantità del movimento - - - Riga dell'inventario fisico - - - Inventario Fisico - - - Riga del movimento - - - Movimento - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Spedizione/ricevimento - - - Riga di produzione - - - Registrare al Progetto - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Transazione di inventario - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Tipo di movimento - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Prodotto - - - Data del movimento - - - Riga dell'inventario fisico - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Quantità del movimento - - - Ricerca per Spedizione/Ricevute - - - Produzione - - - Progetto - - - Riga di produzione - - - Produzione - - - Registrare al Progetto - - - Progetto - - - Elaborato - - - Elabora ora - - - Importo Documento - - - Importo di Controllo - - - Tipo Valuta - - - Valuta - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Data del Documento - - - Descrizione - - - Numero del Documento - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Fattura Batch - - - Linea Fattura Batch - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Fattura Batch - - - Numero di Riga - - - Tipo Documento - - - Numero del Documento - - - Data Fattura - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Business Partner - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Addebito - - - Quantità - - - Prezzo - - - Imposta - - - Importo dell'imposta - - - Progetto - - - Attività - - - Utente 1 - - - Utente 2 - - - Elaborato - - - Fattura - - - Riga della fattura - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Linea Totale - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Prezzo tasse incluse - - - Netto della Riga - - - Logica di Default - - - Ruolo - - - Solo Multi Riga - - - Descrizione - - - Importo in lettere - - - Importo in lettere - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Area Stoccaggio del Magazzino - - - Importo in lettere - - - Importo in lettere - - - Addebito - - - Albero Principale delle Organizzazioni - - - Usa Accesso Organizzazione dell'Utente - - - Solo Lettura - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Solo Lettura - - - Colonna SQL - - - Sola lettura - - - Logica della Visualizzazione - - - Elemento di Costo - - - Elemento di Costo - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Tipo Elemento Costo - - - Metodo del Calcolo dei Costi - - - Calcolato - - - Tipo di Costo - - - Distribuzione Costi - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Prodotto - - - Tipo di Costo - - - Schema Contabile - - - Elemento di Costo - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Prezzo di costo attuale - - - Prezzo del costo futuro - - - Descrizione - - - Metodo del Calcolo dei Costi - - - Gruppo - - - Categoria - - - Stato - - - Risoluzione Richiesta - - - Importanza Utente - - - Confidenzialità - - - Ruolo - - - Fatturato - - - Richiesta Correlata - - - Confidenzialità dato - - - Risposta Standard - - - Tempo di avviamento - - - Scadenza - - - Quantità usata - - - Quantità fatturata - - - Prodotto utilizzato - - - Attività - - - Fattura di richiesta - - - Fatturato - - - Ruolo - - - Gruppo - - - Categoria - - - Stato - - - Risoluzione Richiesta - - - Escalation - - - Fatturato - - - Confidenzialità - - - Self-Service - - - Attività - - - Tipo di Richiesta - - - Descrizione - - - Nome - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Categoria - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Testo Risposta - - - Nome - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Risposta Standard - - - Risoluzione Richiesta - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Gruppo - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Stato - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Spedizione/ricevimento - - - ARM - - - Data d'Inizio - - - Data chiusura - - - Priorità - - - Importanza Utente - - - Riepilogo - - - Bene Gestito - - - Spedizione/ricevimento - - - ARM - - - Default - - - Stato aperto - - - Stato chiuso - - - Codice - - - Giorni di scadenza automatici - - - Downloads Prodotti - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Prodotto - - - Nome - - - Download URL - - - Downloads Prodotti - - - Verifica data Email - - - Quantità - - - Un bene per UdM - - - Testo della mail 2 - - - Testo della mail 3 - - - E-commerce - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Email E-commerce - - - Utente E-commerce - - - Password E-commerce - - - Info E-Commerce - - - Web Parameter 1 - - - Web Parameter 2 - - - Web Parameter 3 - - - Web Parameter 4 - - - Web Parameter 5 - - - Web Parameter 6 - - - Menu Bene Gestito - - - Menu Ordini - - - Menu Fatture - - - Menu Consegne - - - Menu Pagamenti - - - Menu Richieste Preventivi - - - Menu Richieste - - - Menu Interessi - - - Menu Registrazioni - - - Menu Contatto - - - Intestazione EMail - - - EMail Footer - - - E-commerce - - - Lingua - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Tradotta - - - Info E-Commerce - - - Web Parameter 1 - - - Web Parameter 2 - - - Web Parameter 3 - - - Web Parameter 4 - - - Web Parameter 5 - - - Web Parameter 6 - - - Intestazione EMail - - - EMail Footer - - - Messaggio - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - E-commerce - - - Tipo Messaggio - - - Soggetto - - - Messaggio - - - Messaggio 2 - - - Messaggio 3 - - - Messaggio - - - Lingua - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Tradotta - - - Soggetto - - - Messaggio - - - Messaggio 2 - - - Messaggio 3 - - - Mail utente - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Template della Mail - - - Messaggio - - - ID messaggio - - - Conferma spedizione - - - Consegnato - - - Download URL - - - Pagamento Referenziato - - - Termini del Pagamento - - - Crea come attivo - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - Listino prezzi - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Richiesta - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Self-Service - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Tipo di Richiesta - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Self-Service - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Categoria - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Self-Service - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Gruppo - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Self-Service - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Richiesta - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Self-Service - - - Gruppo - - - Tipo di Richiesta - - - Categoria - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Richiesta - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Tipo Notifica - - - Confidenzialità - - - Stato Successivo - - - Aggiorna Stato - - - Timeout in Giorni - - - Aggiornabile via Web - - - Chiusura finale - - - Descrizione - - - Posizione Lavorativa - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Categoria Posizione Lavorativa - - - Categoria Posizione Lavorativa - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Assegnazione Posizione Lavorativa - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Posizione Lavorativa - - - Valido Da - - - Valido fino a - - - Descrizione - - - Remunerazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Tipo Remunerazione - - - Ore Standard - - - Ricavo Lordo - - - Costo Lordo - - - Straordinario - - - Costo Straordinario - - - Remunerazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Posizione Lavorativa - - - Remunerazione - - - Descrizione - - - Remunerazione Impiegati - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Remunerazione - - - Valido Da - - - Valido fino a - - - Ricavo Lordo - - - Costo Lordo - - - Straordinario - - - Costo Straordinario - - - Valido Da - - - Valido fino a - - - Descrizione - - - Gruppo alternativo - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Prodotto - - - Operazione Prodotti - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Prodotto - - - Tempo Setup - - - Tempo produzione unità - - - Orario fine operazione - - - Risorsa per Operazione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Operazione Prodotti - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Bene Gestito - - - Posizione Lavorativa - - - Tempo Setup - - - Tempo produzione unità - - - Orario fine operazione - - - Distinta Base - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Prodotto - - - Notifica Cambiamento - - - Tipo Distinta Base - - - Uso Distinta Base - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Elabora ora - - - Notifica Cambiamento - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Stampa le transazioni di dettaglio - - - Elabora ora - - - Richiesta Modifica - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Distinta Base - - - Notifica Cambiamento - - - Numero del Documento - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Stampa le transazioni di dettaglio - - - Richiesta Modifica - - - Componente DIstinta Base - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Numero di Riga - - - Distinta Base - - - Tipo Componente - - - Fantasma - - - Prodotto - - - Notifica Cambiamento - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Gruppo alternativo - - - Quantità - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Operazione Prodotti - - - Sequenza - - - Scostamento Lead Time - - - Prodotto - - - Crea una richiesta di modifica - - - Distinta Base - - - Aggiornamento Richiesta - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Richiesta - - - Confidenzialità dato - - - Tempo di avviamento - - - Scadenza - - - Quantità usata - - - Quantità fatturata - - - Prodotto utilizzato - - - Risultato - - - Inserire Registrazione - - - Tab Avanzato - - - Informazione Confidenziale - - - Base di Priorità - - - Informazione Confidenziale - - - Colonne Nulle - - - Notifica Cambiamento - - - Distinta Base Fissata - - - Elaborato - - - Approvazione - - - Elaborato - - - Approvazione - - - Serie Attributi di Istanza Vs. - - - Numero del Documento - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Fattura - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Attivo - - - Organizzazione - - - Azienda - - - Differenza Avere Rivalutato - - - Differenza Dare Rivalutato - - - Tipo Conversione Rivalutazione - - - Data Rivalutazione - - - Avere Rivalutato - - - Dare Rivalutato - - - Istanza dell'Elaborazione - - - Quantità - - - UdM - - - Avere - - - Dare - - - Avere in Valuta Fonte - - - Dare in Valuta Fonte - - - Tipo registrazione - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Imposta - - - Budget - - - Categoria Contabile - - - Periodo - - - Conto - - - Schema Contabile - - - Evento Contabile - - - Area di Vendita - - - Area Stoccaggio A - - - Area Stoccaggio Da - - - Utente 2 - - - Utente 1 - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Attività - - - Progetto - - - Campagna - - - Importo aperto - - - Prezzo tasse incluse - - - Totale - - - Tipo Valuta - - - Valuta - - - Self-Service - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Business Partner - - - Termini del Pagamento - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Data Fattura - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Descrizione - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Tipo Documento - - - Stato del Documento - - - Differenza Dare Rivalutato - - - Differenza Avere Rivalutato - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Dare Rivalutato - - - Avere Rivalutato - - - Data Rivalutazione - - - Tipo Conversione Rivalutazione - - - Istanza dell'Elaborazione - - - Fattura - - - Evento Contabile - - - Azienda - - - Acq. - Vend. - - - Acq. - Vend. - - - Test Email - - - Procedura Server - - - Server EMail - - - Web Context - - - Web Order EMail - - - Directory del documento - - - Termini del Pagamento - - - Procedura Server - - - Progetto - - - Progetto - - - Progetto - - - Progetto - - - BPartner (Agente) - - - BPartner (Agente) - - - Magazzino Origine - - - Classe Riapprovigionamento - - - Magazzino Origine - - - Magazzino Origine - - - Codice - - - Codice a Barre - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Prodotto - - - Codice - - - Nome - - - Codice a Barre - - - Distinta base - - - Tipo di prodotto - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Tipo di Costo - - - Elemento di Costo - - - Tipo Elemento Costo - - - Metodo del Calcolo dei Costi - - - Calcolato - - - Schema Contabile - - - Valuta - - - Prezzo di costo attuale - - - Prezzo del costo futuro - - - Descrizione - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato Da - - - Creato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Prodotto - - - Codice - - - Nome - - - Codice a Barre - - - Distinta base - - - Tipo di prodotto - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Tipo di Costo - - - Schema Contabile - - - Valuta - - - Prezzo di costo attuale - - - Prezzo del costo futuro - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Prodotto - - - Codice - - - Nome - - - Codice a Barre - - - Distinta base - - - Tipo di prodotto - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Riga della fattura - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Serie di Attributi - - - N. Lotto - - - Numero di Serie - - - Schema Contabile - - - Valuta - - - Importo - - - Quantità - - - Descrizione - - - Elaborato - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Schema Contabile - - - Prodotto - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Riga della fattura - - - Importo - - - Quantità - - - Descrizione - - - Elaborato - - - Livello dei Costi - - - Livello dei Costi - - - Dettagli Costo - - - Elabora ora - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Base - - - Allocazione Costo Franco Fabbrica - - - Elemento di Costo - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Quadra Costo Beni alla Vendita - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Prezzo del Costo - - - Valore Cumulato - - - Qta Cumulata - - - Elemento di Costo - - - Riga dell'ordine di vendita - - - Solo Organizzazione - - - Quantità Perdite Vendite - - - Quantità Perdite Vendite - - - Importo Perdita sulle Vendite - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome 2 - - - Descrizione - - - Livello di Sintesi - - - Gruppo di business partner - - - Transazione non ripetibile - - - Cliente Potenziale Attivo - - - Dipendente - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - D-U-N-S - - - URL - - - Lingua - - - Partita IVA - - - Esente - - - Schedulazione fattura - - - Indice - - - Volume delle vendite - - - Dipendenti - - - NAICS/SIC - - - Prima Vendita - - - Costo di Acquisizione - - - Valore del ciclo di vita potenziale - - - Valore Corso di Vita - - - Quota - - - Regola del pagamento - - - Termini del Pagamento - - - Listino prezzi - - - Schema dello Sconto - - - Sollecito - - - Sconto stampato - - - Descrizione dell'ordine - - - Riferimento dell'ordine - - - Regola del pagamento - - - Listino Prezzo per Acquisti - - - Schema dello Sconto dell'Ordine di Acquisto - - - Termini di pagamento OdA - - - Copie del documento - - - Titolo - - - Regole di fattura - - - Regole di Spedizione - - - Regole spese di trasporto - - - Mezzo della Spedizione - - - Responsabile Commerciale - - - Inviare Email - - - Padre del Partner - - - Formato di stampa della fattura - - - Durata minima nello scaffale % - - - Organizzazioni Collegate - - - Sconto Piatto % - - - Nome del contatto - - - Descrizione del contatto - - - Supervisore - - - Email User ID - - - Titolo del contatto del BP - - - Titolo - - - Commenti - - - 2° Telefono - - - Fax - - - Ultimo Contatto - - - Ultimo Risultato - - - Nascita - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - - - Verifica indirizzo Email - - - Autorizza mediante LDAP - - - Verifica data Email - - - Tipo Notifica - - - Address 3 - - - Sconto % - - - Margine % - - - Importo Margine - - - Importo Margine - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Esclude set di Attributi - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Serie di Attributi - - - Tabella - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Esclude Lotto - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Controllo per Lotto - - - Tabella - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Esclude Numero di Serie - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Controllo per Numero di Serie - - - Tabella - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Imputa pagamento - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Pagamento - - - Fattura - - - Importo - - - Importo dello sconto - - - Importo dello storno - - - Importo del Sopra/Sotto Pagamento - - - Linea di imputazione - - - Importo Fattura - - - Importi Rimanenti - - - Accesso Completo BP - - - Accesso Utente Bpartner - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Tipo Accesso - - - Tipo Documento di Base - - - Tipo di Richiesta - - - Interrogazione Utente - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Tabella - - - Codice di Convalida - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Numero di Riga - - - Prodotto - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Quantità del movimento - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Spedizione/ricevimento - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Movimento - - - Riga del movimento - - - Numero di Riga - - - Prodotto - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Quantità del movimento - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Area stock a - - - Prezzo - - - Percentuale - - - Elaborato - - - Posizione Lavorativa - - - Dipendente - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Importo Scostamento - - - Quantità scostamento - - - Quantità Attuale - - - Registra subito - - - Aggiorna costi immediatamente - - - Riga del movimento - - - Riga dell'inventario fisico - - - Riga di produzione - - - Registrare al Progetto - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Prodotto - - - Tipo di Costo - - - Schema Contabile - - - Elemento di Costo - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Prezzo di costo attuale - - - Quantità Attuale - - - Coda per il costo - - - Soggetto - - - Testo della mail - - - Default - - - URL - - - Ricavi per Servizi - - - Ricavi per Servizi - - - Ricavi per Servizi - - - Compensanzione Inventario - - - Assestamento costo - - - Compensanzione Inventario - - - Assestamento costo - - - Compensanzione Inventario - - - Assestamento costo - - - Descrizione - - - Registra i Servizi separatamente - - - Quadratura esplicita dei costi - - - Crea nuovo batch - - - Crea Nuovo Giornale - - - Conferma Righe della interrogazione - - - Massimo num record per la query - - - Sovrascrive Inizio Carattere Numero seriale - - - Sovrascrive Fine Carattere Numero seriale - - - Sovrascrive Inizio carattere del Lotto - - - Sovrascrivi Fine Carattere del Lotto - - - Tipo impegno - - - Conto scostamenti sugli Impegni - - - Dichiarazione IVA - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Data della transazione - - - A partire da - - - Fino a - - - Elabora ora - - - Elaborato - - - Linea Dichiarazione Tasse - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Descrizione - - - Numero di Riga - - - Dichiarazione IVA - - - Business Partner - - - Imposta - - - Fattura - - - Riga della fattura - - - Linea di imputazione - - - Base imponibile dell'imposta - - - Importo dell'imposta - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Contabilità dichiarazione Tasse - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Descrizione - - - Dichiarazione IVA - - - Evento Contabile - - - Schema Contabile - - - Dare - - - Avere - - - Dare in Valuta Fonte - - - Avere in Valuta Fonte - - - Valuta - - - Business Partner - - - Conto - - - Data della Registrazione - - - Asclude consegna automatica - - - Prezzo standard - - - Prezzo limite - - - Default - - - Gerarchia dei Report - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Albero Principale delle Organizzazioni - - - Albero Principale per Business Partner - - - Albero Progetti Principale - - - Albero Aree di Vendita Principale - - - Albero Principale dei Prodotti - - - Albero Campagna Primaria - - - Albero Attività Primaria - - - Albero Contabile - - - Data del Documento - - - Tassa di vendita - - - Attivo - - - Controllo Budget - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Schema Contabile - - - Budget - - - Tipo impegno - - - Prima dell'approvazione - - - Livello di Controllo - - - Controllo Fondi - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Schema Contabile - - - Importo - - - A partire da - - - Fino a - - - Limitazione Fondi - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Controllo Fondi - - - Elemento del Conto - - - Elabora ora - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Sotto Conto - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Codice - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Elemento del Conto - - - Colonna - - - Sotto Conto - - - Elemento Utente 1 - - - Elemento Utente 2 - - - Sotto Conto - - - Elemento Utente 1 - - - Elemento Utente 2 - - - Sotto Conto - - - Elemento Utente 1 - - - Elemento Utente 2 - - - EMail Destinatario - - - Email - - - Template della Mail - - - Template della Mail - - - Lingua - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Tradotta - - - Nome - - - Testata della mail - - - Testo della mail - - - Testo della mail 2 - - - Testo della mail 3 - - - Profilo di Connessione - - - Profilo di Connessione - - - Condivisione Client (Azienda) - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Tabella - - - Tipo Condivisione - - - Manuale - - - Numero di Riga - - - Imposta - - - Valuta - - - Listino prezzi - - - Listino Prezzo per Acquisti - - - Schema dello Sconto - - - Schema dello Sconto dell'Ordine di Acquisto - - - % Controllo Credito - - - Tolleranza differenza di Prezzo - - - Differenza di Prezzo - - - Approvazione - - - Descrizione - - - Descrizione - - - Reporting di Errori - - - Record ID - - - Problema del Sistema - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Numero di Rilascio - - - Versione - - - Nome - - - Nome Utente - - - Local Host - - - Indirizzo remoto - - - Host remoto - - - Commenti - - - Traccia Errori - - - Stack Trace - - - Record ID - - - No Richiesta Documento - - - Bene Gestito - - - Richiesta - - - Testo Risposta - - - Elabora ora - - - Elaborato - - - Attivo - - - Sistema Operativo - - - Database - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Prodotto - - - Data Fattura - - - Netto della Riga - - - Riga importo della lista - - - Importo limite della riga - - - Sconto della riga - - - Sconto % della riga - - - Margine lordo - - - Margine lordo % - - - Quantità fatturata - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Prodotto - - - Data Fattura - - - Netto della Riga - - - Riga importo della lista - - - Importo limite della riga - - - Sconto della riga - - - Sconto % della riga - - - Margine lordo - - - Margine lordo % - - - Quantità fatturata - - - Transazione di vendita - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Pagato - - - Tipo Documento - - - Tipo Documento - - - Sistema Standard - - - Riproducibile - - - Totale - - - Importo aperto - - - Importo Fonte Saldo - - - Importo Saldo - - - Percentuale - - - Percentuale - - - Importo Fonte Saldo - - - Importo Saldo - - - Tipo Documento Rivalutazione - - - Includi tutte le Valute - - - Tipo Documento Rivalutazione - - - Includi tutte le Valute - - - Stato dell'attività - - - Data Completamento Piano - - - Quantità Pianificate - - - Stato dell'attività - - - Data Completamento Piano - - - Quantità Pianificate - - - Quantità usata - - - Data d'Inizio - - - Data del Fine - - - Data Inizio Piano - - - Data Inizio Piano - - - Quantità fatturata - - - Prodotto utilizzato - - - Schema Colori - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Marcatore 1 Percentuale - - - Colore 1 - - - Marcatore 2 Percentuale - - - Colore 2 - - - Marcatore 3 Percentuale - - - Colore 3 - - - Marcatore 4 Percentuale - - - Colore 4 - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Schema Colori - - - Obiettivo Padre - - - Ambito Misura - - - Mostra Misura - - - A partire da - - - Fino a - - - Attivo - - - Descrizione - - - Restrizione Obiettivi - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Tipo Restrizione - - - Obiettivo - - - Business Partner - - - Prodotto - - - Unità Organizzativa - - - Gruppo di business partner - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - Tabella - - - Colonna Chiave - - - Tipo di entità - - - Misura - - - Effettivo manuale - - - Benchmark - - - Rapporto - - - Gerarchia dei Report - - - Tipo Data - - - Benchmark - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Tipo Sommatoria - - - Dati di Benchmark - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Benchmark - - - Data - - - Valore - - - Rapporto - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Schema Contabile - - - Fattore del Rapporto - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Rapporto - - - Operando - - - Tipo Elemento - - - Conto - - - Rapporto Usato - - - Calcolo della misura - - - Valore costante - - - Sequenza - - - Tipo registrazione - - - Ultima Manutenzione - - - Prossima Manutenzione - - - Ultima Unità - - - Prossima Unità - - - Termine Prestito - - - Locatario - - - Ultima Nota - - - Scadenza Supporto - - - Elabora ora - - - Ruolo - - - Etichetta della release - - - EMail Supporto - - - EMail Supporto - - - Address of DB Server - - - Sommario Problemi - - - Classe Sorgente - - - Metodo Sorgente - - - Logger - - - Linea - - - Problema Noto - - - Raccomandazione su Problema - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Stato Problema - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Problema Noto - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Sommario Problemi - - - Numero di Rilascio - - - Classe Sorgente - - - Metodo Sorgente - - - Logger - - - Linea - - - Descrizione - - - Stato Problema - - - Raccomandazione su Problema - - - Stato Problema - - - Richiesta - - - Elabora ora - - - Java Info - - - Consenti Statistiche - - - Statistiche - - - Profilo - - - Nome Precedente - - - Descrizione - - - Stato del Sistema - - - Statistiche - - - Profilo - - - Stato del Sistema - - - Traccia Problemi - - - Utente del Problema - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome Utente - - - Descrizione - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Problema del Progetto - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Bene Gestito - - - Progetto - - - Statistiche - - - Profilo - - - Stato del Sistema - - - Sistema che crea Problema - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Address of DB Server - - - Statistiche - - - Profilo - - - Stato del Sistema - - - Problema del Progetto - - - Utente del Problema - - - Sistema che crea Problema - - - Bene Gestito - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Costo - - - Valore del Costo - - - Elemento di Costo - - - Distinta Base Fissata - - - Sorgente - - - Finestra - - - Elaborazione - - - Modulo speciale - - - Data del Documento - - - Tipo di Richiesta - - - Tipo Progetto - - - Stato Categoria - - - Azienda - - - Organizzazione - - - Attivo - - - Creato - - - Creato Da - - - Aggiornato - - - Aggiornato Da - - - Nome - - - Descrizione - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - - - Default - - - Sequenza - - - Stato Categoria - - - Stato Categoria - - - Area interessi - - - Dimensione X - - - Dimensione Y - - - Unità delle Dimensioni - - - Area di Interesse - - - Business Partner - - - Addebito - - + + + + + + Tabella + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Finestra + + + Convalida + + + Nome tabella DB + + + Sequenza + + + Colonna + + + Versione + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Tabella + + + Convalida + + + Nome Colonna DB + + + Logica di Default + + + Lunghezza + + + Colonna Chiave + + + Colonna del Collegamento Padre + + + Obbligatorio + + + Tradotta + + + Identificatore + + + Sequenza + + + Visualizzazione Crittografata + + + Riferimento + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Tipo di Convalida + + + Riferimento + + + Tabella + + + Colonna Chiave + + + Visualizza Colonna + + + Clausola SQL Where + + + Clausola SQL Order By + + + Elenco dei Riferimenti + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Riferimento + + + Valido Da + + + Valido fino a + + + Finestra + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Tab + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Finestra + + + Sequenza + + + Layout a Riga Singola + + + Campo + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Tab + + + Colonna + + + Visualizzato + + + Logica della Visualizzazione + + + Lunghezza della Visualizzazione + + + Sequenza + + + Numero di Ordinazione del Record + + + Stessa Riga + + + Solo Intestazione + + + Solo Campo + + + Visualizzazione Crittografata + + + Convalida + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Tipo + + + Codice di Convalida + + + Tipo di Messaggio + + + Testo del Messaggio + + + Suggerimento + + + Codice + + + Lingua + + + Nome + + + Lingua di Base + + + Attivo + + + Azienda + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Nome + + + Successivo Attuale + + + Attivare Audit + + + Prefisso + + + Suffisso + + + Ricominciare la Sequenza Ogni Anno + + + Riferimento + + + Codice Riferimento + + + Menu + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Azione + + + Finestra + + + Workflow + + + Compito + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Compito + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Menu + + + Lingua + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Tradotta + + + Tabella + + + Anno + + + Successivo Attuale + + + Tab + + + Lingua + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Tradotta + + + Compito + + + Lingua + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Tradotta + + + Compito + + + Riferimento + + + Lingua + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Tradotta + + + Campo + + + Lingua + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Tradotta + + + Nodo + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Workflow + + + Nodo + + + Lingua + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Tradotta + + + Nodo + + + Finestra + + + Lingua + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Nome + + + Tradotta + + + Workflow + + + Lingua + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Tradotta + + + ID test + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Integro + + + Numero + + + Data + + + Importo + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Elenco dei Riferimenti + + + Lingua + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Tradotta + + + Lingua + + + Testo del Messaggio + + + Suggerimento + + + Tradotta + + + Descrizione + + + Attivo + + + Utilizzato per Record ID + + + Workflow + + + Livello di Accesso Dati + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Organizzazione + + + Password + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Esercizio + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Valido Da + + + Valido fino a + + + Tasso di Moltiplicazione + + + Tasso di Divisione + + + Valuta + + + Codice ISO + + + Accuratezza standard + + + Descrizione + + + Precisione del Calcolo Costi + + + Data Ingresso EMU + + + Tasso EMU + + + Elemento + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Conto Originario + + + Nome + + + Data d'Inizio + + + UdM + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Accuratezza standard + + + Precisione del Calcolo Costi + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Ruolo + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Livello Utente + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Ruolo + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Sicurezza Abilitata + + + Record Cancellabili + + + Tipo di finestra + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Istanza del Compito + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Tasso di Conversione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Valuta + + + Valuta A + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Simbolo della Valuta + + + La Valuta Euro + + + Membro EMU + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Tipo di Elemento + + + Da Pareggiare + + + Ubicazione / Indirizzo + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Indirizzo 1 + + + Indirizzo 2 + + + Città + + + Nazione + + + Regione + + + CAP + + + - + + + Giorno non Lavorativo + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Esercizio + + + Periodo + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Periodo N. + + + Anno + + + Tipo di periodo + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Simbolo + + + Regione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Nazione + + + Nazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Paese ISO + + + Nazione ha Regioni + + + Nome della regione + + + Formato di Stampa dell'Indirizzo + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Conversione UdM + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + UdM + + + UdM A + + + Tasso di Moltiplicazione + + + Tasso di Divisione + + + Combinazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Schema Contabile + + + Anno + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Anno + + + Aggiornato + + + Descrizione + + + Esercizio + + + Schema Contabile + + + Schema Contabile + + + Schema Contabile + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Elemento del Conto + + + Segno del Conto + + + Tipo di Conto + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Elemento + + + Valido Da + + + Valido fino a + + + Livello di Sintesi + + + Registrare Effettivo + + + Registra Budget + + + Registra statistiche + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Ubicazione / Indirizzo + + + Schema Contabile + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Livello di Sintesi + + + Formato del Valore + + + Formato del Valore + + + Ha un Albero + + + Sequenza + + + Formato del Valore + + + Numerazione Automatica + + + Commando OS + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Sequenza + + + Sequenza + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Nodo Successivo + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Formato Telefono + + + Formato Codice Postale + + + Codice Postale Addizionale + + + Formato del Codice Postale Addizionale + + + Nome + + + Codice + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Codice + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Compito + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Lettura e Modifica + + + Finestra + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Lettura e Modifica + + + Workflow + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Lettura e Modifica + + + Progetto + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Nome + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Descrizione + + + Livello di Sintesi + + + Schema Contabile + + + Progetto + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Corridoio(X) + + + Scomparto (Y) + + + Livello (Z) + + + Prodotto + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Livello di Sintesi + + + Prodotto + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Data Ora + + + Valuta + + + Codice EDI + + + Controllato dal Documento + + + Registra impegno + + + Preferenza + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Tipo Documento + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Il Documento ha Numerazione Controllata + + + Sequenza del Documento + + + Categoria Contabile + + + Categoria Contabile + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Prima Nota + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Tipo Documento + + + Numero del Documento + + + Stato del Documento + + + Stampato + + + Registrato + + + Descrizione + + + Tipo registrazione + + + Schema Contabile + + + Categoria Contabile + + + Data del Documento + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Periodo + + + Valuta + + + Gruppo Prime Note + + + Totale Dare + + + Totale Avere + + + Gruppo Prime Note + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Numero del Documento + + + Descrizione + + + Tipo registrazione + + + Categoria Contabile + + + Periodo + + + Valuta + + + Totale Dare + + + Totale Avere + + + Importo di Controllo + + + Riga della Prima Nota + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Prima Nota + + + Numero di Riga + + + Descrizione + + + Valuta + + + Dare in Valuta Fonte + + + Avere in Valuta Fonte + + + Dare + + + Avere + + + Callout + + + Conto + + + Utente 1 + + + Utente 2 + + + Finestra + + + Attributo + + + UdM + + + Stoccato + + + Acquistato + + + Venduto + + + Volume + + + Peso + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Prodotto + + + Sostituto + + + Azione del Documento + + + Approvazione + + + Tasso di Conversione Valuta + + + Data del Documento + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Generato + + + Tasso di Conversione Valuta + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Ubicazione / Indirizzo + + + Controllo del Periodo + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Periodo + + + Stato del periodo + + + Area di Vendita + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Livello di Sintesi + + + Prodotto + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Tipo di rifornimento + + + Livello Minimo + + + Livello Massimo + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Prodotto + + + Schema Contabile Principale + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Azienda + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Solo Lettura + + + Lettura e Modifica + + + Codice + + + Codice + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Categoria di Imposta + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Codice + + + Quantità in Magazzino + + + Quantità riservata + + + Termini del Pagamento + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Dopo la Consegna + + + Giorni Netti + + + Sconto % + + + Giorni di Sconto + + + Tab Contabilità + + + Tab di Traduzione + + + Solo Lettura + + + Codice + + + Valuta + + + Importo di Approvazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Prodotto + + + Categoria di Imposta + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Trasportatore + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Allegato + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Tabella + + + Record ID + + + Dati Binari + + + Listino prezzi + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Valuta + + + Schedulazione fattura + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Limite dell'Importo + + + Importo + + + Frequenza della Fatturazione + + + Giorno della Settimana per la Fattura + + + Giorno della Fatturazione + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Numero del Documento + + + Stato del Documento + + + Azione del Documento + + + Tipo Documento + + + Tipo Documento Obiettivo + + + Descrizione + + + Approvazione + + + Credito Approvato + + + Consegnato + + + Fatturato + + + Stampato + + + Trasferito + + + Data dell'Ordine + + + Data Promessa + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Termini del Pagamento + + + Valuta + + + Regole di fattura + + + Spese di Trasporto + + + Mezzo della Spedizione + + + Trasportatore + + + Priorità + + + Righe totali + + + Totale + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Listino prezzi + + + Riga dell'ordine di vendita + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Numero di Riga + + + Data dell'Ordine + + + Data Promessa + + + Data Consegnato + + + Data Fattura + + + Descrizione + + + Prodotto + + + UdM + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Quantità Ordinata + + + Quantità riservata + + + Quantità spedita + + + Quantità fatturata + + + Trasportatore + + + Valuta + + + Prezzo di listino + + + Prezzo unitario + + + Imposta + + + Imposta + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Imposta Padre + + + Nazione + + + Regione + + + A + + + A + + + Categoria di Imposta + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Azione + + + Finestra + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Codice a Barre + + + UGS + + + Larghezza dello scaffale + + + Altezza dello scaffale + + + Profondità dello scaffale + + + Unità per Pallet + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Budget + + + Data della Registrazione + + + UdM + + + Quantità + + + UdM per Volume + + + UdM per Peso + + + UdM per Lunghezza + + + UdM per il Tempo + + + D-U-N-S + + + Partita IVA + + + Azione del Periodo + + + Elabora ora + + + Visualizza Valore + + + Workflow + + + Compito + + + Alternativo + + + Combinazione + + + Interamente Qualificato + + + Prodotto + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Area Stoccaggio Da + + + Area Stoccaggio A + + + Area di Vendita + + + Progetto + + + Campagna + + + Elabora ora + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Elabora ora + + + Campagna + + + Schema Contabile + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + GAAP + + + Competenza + + + Metodo del Calcolo dei Costi + + + Valuta + + + Controllo Automatico del Periodo + + + Periodo + + + Giorni di storia + + + Giorni futuri + + + Schema Contabile + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Usa quadratura sospesi + + + Conto Saldi in Sospeso + + + Usa errori sospesi + + + Conto errori sospesi + + + Utilizzare Quadratura in Valuta + + + Conto Quadratura Valuta + + + Conto utili non distribuiti + + + Conto Riepilogo Utile + + + Conto Debiti Intercompany + + + Conto Crediti Intercompany + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Schema Contabile + + + Categoria Contabile + + + Periodo + + + Tipo registrazione + + + Conto + + + Valuta + + + Dare in Valuta Fonte + + + Avere in Valuta Fonte + + + Dare + + + Avere + + + UdM + + + Quantità + + + Prodotto + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Area Stoccaggio Da + + + Area Stoccaggio A + + + Area di Vendita + + + Progetto + + + Utente 1 + + + Utente 2 + + + Budget + + + Campagna + + + Budget + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Principale + + + Stato del Budget + + + Schema Contabile + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Prodotto + + + Campagna + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Canale + + + Data d'Inizio + + + Data del Fine + + + Costi + + + Canale + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Elemento del Sistema + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome Colonna DB + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Elemento del Sistema + + + Lingua del Sistema + + + Elemento del Sistema + + + Lingua + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Tradotta + + + Elemento dello Schema Contabile + + + Schema Contabile + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Tipo di Elemento + + + Nome + + + Sequenza + + + Elemento + + + In Pareggio + + + Obbligatorio + + + Descrizione + + + Separatore dell'elemento + + + Utilizzare Conto Alternativo + + + Utilizzare Controllo della Combinazione dei Conti + + + Codice + + + Unità Organizzativa + + + Prodotto + + + Ubicazione / Indirizzo + + + Area di Vendita + + + Progetto + + + Campagna + + + Elemento del Conto + + + Fuori Produzione + + + Fuori Produzione Da + + + Business Partner + + + UdM + + + N. prodotto fornitori + + + Categoria fornitore + + + Fuori Produzione + + + Fuori Produzione Da + + + Albero Menu principale + + + Albero Principale delle Organizzazioni + + + Albero Principale per Business Partner + + + Albero Progetti Principale + + + Albero Aree di Vendita Principale + + + Albero Principale dei Prodotti + + + Business Partner + + + Colonna + + + Clausola SQL Where + + + Clausola SQL Order By + + + Invia Allarme + + + Gestito a Livello Centrale + + + Inizio No. + + + Incremento + + + Albero + + + Livello di Sintesi + + + Data + + + Business Partner + + + Business Partner + + + Business Partner + + + Business Partner + + + Versione del Listino Prezzi + + + Listino Prezzi Vendite + + + Business Partner + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Business Partner + + + Business Partner + + + Istanza dell'Elaborazione + + + Elaborazione + + + Record ID + + + In Elaborazione + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato + + + Risultato + + + Istanza dell'Elaborazione + + + P_String + + + P_String_To + + + Data della Elaborazione + + + Data della Elaborazione A + + + Elaborazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Procedura + + + Parametro dell'Elaborazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Elaborazione + + + Sequenza + + + Riferimento + + + Codice Riferimento + + + Intervallo + + + Parametro dell'Elaborazione + + + Lingua + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Tradotta + + + Elaborazione + + + Lingua + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Tradotta + + + Albero + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Tipo I Area + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Albero + + + Nodo_ID + + + Padre + + + Sequenza + + + Business Partner + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Codice + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Volume delle vendite + + + Riferimento n. + + + D-U-N-S + + + Dipendenti + + + Partita IVA + + + NAICS/SIC + + + Livello di Sintesi + + + Lingua + + + Fornitore + + + Cliente + + + Schedulazione fattura + + + Cliente Potenziale Attivo + + + Prima Vendita + + + Limite del Credito + + + Credito utilizzato + + + Costo di Acquisizione + + + Valore del ciclo di vita potenziale + + + Termini del Pagamento + + + Valore Corso di Vita + + + Quota + + + Dipendente + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Listino prezzi + + + Listino Prezzo per Acquisti + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Business Partner + + + Ubicazione / Indirizzo + + + Nome + + + Telefono + + + 2° Telefono + + + Fax + + + ISDN + + + Area di Vendita + + + Versione del Listino Prezzi + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Listino prezzi + + + Valido Da + + + Evento Contabile + + + Formato del Valore + + + Conto valuta estera + + + Valuta + + + Codice + + + Data scaduto fissata + + + Ultima data utile nel mese + + + Giorno del mese fisso + + + Mese scadenza + + + 2 giorni di sconto + + + Sconto 2% + + + Codice + + + Nota del Documento + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Classificazione + + + Codice + + + Prezzo di listino + + + Prezzo dell'ultimo OdA + + + Quantità minima dell'ordine + + + Quantità imballaggio ordine + + + Etichetta di stampa + + + Tipo Documento di Base + + + Nota del Documento + + + Prezzo di listino + + + Prezzo standard + + + Prezzo limite + + + Imporre limite di prezzo + + + Banca + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Numero ABI-CAB + + + Ubicazione / Indirizzo + + + Codice swift + + + Banca + + + Riferimento dell'ordine + + + Addebito + + + Importo dell'addebito + + + Spese di Trasporto + + + Addebito + + + Livello del documento + + + Valido Da + + + Livello di Sintesi + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Banca + + + Valuta + + + Numero del conto + + + Saldo attuale + + + Limite del credito + + + Conto Bancario + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Transazione non ripetibile + + + URL + + + Esente + + + Indice + + + Regola del pagamento + + + Sollecito + + + Copie del documento + + + Indirizzo del destinatario fattura + + + Indirizzo di spedizione + + + Indirizzo del pagante + + + Pagare all'indirizzo + + + Conto banca Partner + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Business Partner + + + Banca + + + Numero ABI-CAB + + + Numero del conto + + + Business Partner + + + Trattenuta + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Trattenuta obbligatoria + + + Temporaneamente esente + + + Motivo di esenzione + + + Tipo Documento + + + Lingua + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Etichetta di stampa + + + Nota del Documento + + + Tradotta + + + Sollecito + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Inviare lettere di sollecito + + + Elemento del Conto + + + Lingua + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Tradotta + + + Termini del Pagamento + + + Lingua + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Tradotta + + + Trattenuta + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Termini del Pagamento + + + Trattenuta d'imposta + + + Imposta prorata + + + Pagato a terzi + + + Beneficiario + + + Percentuale trattenuta + + + Percentuale + + + Importo fisso + + + Soglia min + + + Soglia Massima + + + Importo minimo + + + Importo massimo + + + Prodotto + + + Lingua + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Nota del Documento + + + Tradotta + + + Addebito + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Importo dell'addebito + + + Stessa imposta + + + Categoria di Imposta + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Imposta + + + Aggiornabile + + + Elaborazione + + + Report + + + Elaborazione + + + Elaborazione + + + Invia Allarme + + + Elaborazione + + + Attività + + + Crediti vs clienti + + + Debiti per anticipazioni del cliente + + + Spese dipendenti + + + Anticipazioni a dipendenti + + + Debiti vs fornitori + + + Debiti per servizi + + + Anticipazioni a Fornitori + + + Inventario di magazzino + + + Rimanenze magazzino + + + Valore minimo + + + Valore massimo + + + Valore del progetto + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + OdV Sotto Tipo + + + Elabora ora + + + Elaborato + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Codice della merce + + + Business Partner + + + Elaborato + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Progetto + + + Attività + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Ricavi delle vendite + + + Costo acquisti merce (prodotti e servizi) + + + Valore del prodotto + + + Costo del prodotto alla vendita + + + Messaggio errore + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Schema Contabile + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Inventario di magazzino + + + Rimanenze magazzino + + + Ricavi delle vendite + + + Costo acquisti merce (prodotti e servizi) + + + Valore del prodotto + + + Costo del prodotto alla vendita + + + Spese dipendenti + + + Anticipazioni a dipendenti + + + Crediti vs clienti + + + Debiti per anticipazioni del cliente + + + Debiti vs fornitori + + + Anticipazioni a Fornitori + + + Debiti per servizi + + + Valore del progetto + + + Attività + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Livello di Sintesi + + + Fattura + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Numero del Documento + + + Tipo Documento + + + Stato del Documento + + + Azione del Documento + + + Elabora ora + + + Elaborato + + + Business Partner + + + Termini del Pagamento + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Approvazione + + + Trasferito + + + Valuta + + + Righe totali + + + Totale + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Campagna + + + Progetto + + + Attività + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Descrizione + + + Tipo di movimento + + + Data del movimento + + + Elaborato + + + Elabora ora + + + Spedizione/ricevimento + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Spedizione/ricevimento + + + Prodotto + + + Quantità del movimento + + + Descrizione + + + Inventario Fisico + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Numero del Documento + + + Descrizione + + + Data del movimento + + + Elaborato + + + Elabora ora + + + Riga dell'inventario fisico + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Inventario Fisico + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Prodotto + + + Quantità nominale + + + Conteggio della quantità + + + Descrizione + + + Movimento + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Numero del Documento + + + Descrizione + + + Data del movimento + + + Elaborato + + + Elabora ora + + + Riga del movimento + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Movimento + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Area stock a + + + Prodotto + + + Quantità del movimento + + + Descrizione + + + Produzione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Data del movimento + + + Elaborato + + + Elabora ora + + + Riga di produzione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Prodotto + + + Quantità del movimento + + + Descrizione + + + Prodotto + + + Schema Contabile + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Costo Standard + + + Costo Medio + + + Transazione di inventario + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Tipo di movimento + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Prodotto + + + Data del movimento + + + Quantità del movimento + + + Riga dell'inventario fisico + + + Riga del movimento + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Riga di produzione + + + Tasso + + + Richiesta della certificazione d'imposta + + + Prezzo tasse incluse + + + Addebiti + + + Ultima data utile nella settimana + + + Fattura Settimane Pare + + + Giorno di cut-off della fattura + + + Livello di Sollecito + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Sollecito + + + Etichetta di stampa + + + Giorni dopo la scadenza + + + Giorni intercorsi fra solleciti + + + Nota + + + Interessi dell'addebito + + + Interessi in percentuale + + + Canone dell'addebito + + + Importo Canone + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Data stampata + + + Regole di Spedizione + + + Regole spese di trasporto + + + Netto della Riga + + + Indicatore dell'imposta + + + Sequenza + + + P_Number + + + P_Number To + + + Convalida + + + Lunghezza + + + Obbligatorio + + + Logica di Default + + + Formato del Valore + + + Valore minimo + + + Valore massimo + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Creare + + + Descrizione + + + Nota del Documento + + + Base imponibile dell'imposta + + + Importo dell'imposta + + + Lingua + + + Livello di Sollecito + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Etichetta di stampa + + + Nota + + + Tradotta + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Tipo Documento Obiettivo + + + Descrizione + + + Data Fattura + + + Data stampata + + + Riferimento dell'ordine + + + Addebito + + + Importo dell'addebito + + + Listino prezzi + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Numero del Documento + + + Tipo Documento + + + Stampato + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Business Partner + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Riferimento dell'ordine + + + Regole di Spedizione + + + Regole spese di trasporto + + + Spese di Trasporto + + + Mezzo della Spedizione + + + Trasportatore + + + Addebito + + + Importo dell'addebito + + + Priorità + + + Data stampata + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Numero di Riga + + + Riga dell'ordine di vendita + + + UdM + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Aggiornare quantità + + + Generare lista + + + Inventario perpetuo + + + Numero di Riga + + + Numero di Riga + + + Riga della fattura + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Fattura + + + Riga dell'ordine di vendita + + + Numero di Riga + + + Descrizione + + + Prodotto + + + Quantità fatturata + + + Prezzo di listino + + + Prezzo unitario + + + Netto della Riga + + + Addebito + + + UdM + + + Imposta + + + Imposta + + + Fattura + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Base imponibile dell'imposta + + + Importo dell'imposta + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Carta di credito + + + Numero + + + Mese scaduto + + + Anno Scaduto + + + Numero ABI-CAB + + + Numero del conto + + + Approvazione + + + Elabora ora + + + Elaborato + + + Riconciliato + + + Conto Bancario + + + Prodotto per trasporto + + + Modello B.Partner + + + Data ultimo conteggio di inventario + + + Default + + + Codice lingua ISO + + + Successivo (sistema) + + + UdM + + + Qtà + + + Ubicazione / Indirizzo + + + Account_Acct + + + Elabora ora + + + Elaborato + + + Default + + + Conto Bancario + + + Conto Bancario + + + Nota del Documento + + + Successivo giorno lavorativo + + + Valuta + + + Business Partner + + + Impegno + + + Importo impegnato + + + Riconoscimento del Ricavo + + + Valuta + + + Prezzo OdA + + + Prezzo effettivo + + + Fattura proforma + + + Tipo documento per Proforma + + + Tipo documento per spedizione + + + Tipo documento per fattura + + + Riconoscimento del Ricavo + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Basato sul tempo + + + Numero dei mesi + + + Frequenza del riconoscimento + + + Livello della prestazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Piano di riconoscimento del ricavo + + + Prodotto + + + Descrizione + + + Quantità fornita + + + Quantità fatturata + + + Elabora ora + + + Riga del livello della prestazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Livello della prestazione + + + Descrizione + + + Quantità fornita + + + Data della Prestazione + + + UdM + + + Lingua + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Simbolo + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Tradotta + + + Inventario perpetuo + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Numero dei conteggi delle giacenze + + + Numero dei conteggi del prodotto + + + Conteggio materiali ad alta rotazione + + + Elabora ora + + + Data ultima elaborazione + + + Data Prossima Elaborazione + + + Numero di elaborazioni + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Nome Colonna DB + + + Regola del pagamento + + + Regola del pagamento + + + Regola del pagamento + + + Prezzo limite + + + Codice + + + Priorità relativa + + + Sconto % + + + Titolo + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Titolo + + + Solo cognome + + + Default + + + Lingua + + + Titolo + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Titolo + + + Tradotta + + + Categoria di Imposta + + + Lingua + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Tradotta + + + Prodotto + + + Business Partner + + + Default + + + Default + + + Volume alto + + + Elabora ora + + + Default + + + Copie del documento + + + Default + + + Elabora ora + + + Default + + + Default + + + Default + + + Nome del parametro + + + Stampa diretta + + + Riferimento dell'ordine + + + Nome 2 + + + Default + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Data dell'Ordine + + + Data dell'Ordine + + + Fatturato + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Default + + + Titolo + + + Fornitore attuale + + + Sconto stampato + + + Etichetta di stampa + + + Etichetta di stampa + + + Sconto stampato + + + Descrizione dell'ordine + + + Sconto stampato + + + Stampato + + + Nome + + + Stato del Documento + + + Azione del Documento + + + Vista del report + + + Indice di qualità + + + Periodo di consegna promesso + + + Momento effettivo della spedizione + + + Costo per ordine + + + Quantità Ordinata + + + Vista del report + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Tabella + + + Clausola SQL Where + + + Clausola SQL Order By + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Tipo di movimento + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Prodotto + + + Data del movimento + + + Quantità del movimento + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Prodotto + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Quantità in Magazzino + + + Quantità riservata + + + Quantità Ordinata + + + Tipo di rifornimento + + + Livello Minimo + + + Livello Massimo + + + Business Partner + + + Quantità minima dell'ordine + + + Quantità imballaggio ordine + + + Quantità da ordinare + + + Istanza dell'Elaborazione + + + Sequenza + + + Testo del Messaggio + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Listino prezzi di base + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Regole di fattura + + + Regole di Spedizione + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Regole spese di trasporto + + + Mezzo della Spedizione + + + Prezzo limite + + + Email da + + + Email User ID da + + + Email Password da + + + Errore Email + + + Inviare Info + + + Info Email + + + Inviare Inquiry + + + Risposta dell'inquiry ricevuta + + + Inviare ordine + + + Risposta dell'ordine ricevuto + + + Definizione EDI + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Business Partner + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Tipo EDI + + + Attivare Audit + + + N. cliente + + + Sequenza + + + Destinatario Email + + + Transazione EDI + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Definizione EDI + + + Numero del Documento + + + Numero di Riga + + + Tipo di transazione + + + Stato EDI + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Prodotto + + + Quantità richiesta + + + Data di spedizione della richiesta + + + Prezzo della richiesta + + + Transazione inviata + + + Transazione ricevuta + + + Risposta ricevuta + + + Qtà confermata della risposta + + + Qtà disponibile della risposta + + + Data di spedizione della risposta + + + Prezzo della risposta + + + Osservazioni della risposta + + + Elaborato + + + Log EDI + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Transazione EDI + + + Info + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Data Fattura + + + Netto della Riga + + + Riga importo della lista + + + Importo limite della riga + + + Sconto della riga + + + Sconto % della riga + + + Margine lordo + + + Margine lordo % + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Data Fattura + + + Netto della Riga + + + Riga importo della lista + + + Importo limite della riga + + + Sconto della riga + + + Sconto % della riga + + + Margine lordo + + + Margine lordo % + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Data Fattura + + + Netto della Riga + + + Riga importo della lista + + + Importo limite della riga + + + Sconto della riga + + + Sconto % della riga + + + Margine lordo + + + Margine lordo % + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Data Fattura + + + Netto della Riga + + + Riga importo della lista + + + Importo limite della riga + + + Sconto della riga + + + Sconto % della riga + + + Margine lordo + + + Margine lordo % + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Business Partner + + + Data Fattura + + + Netto della Riga + + + Riga importo della lista + + + Importo limite della riga + + + Sconto della riga + + + Sconto % della riga + + + Margine lordo + + + Margine lordo % + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Data Fattura + + + Netto della Riga + + + Riga importo della lista + + + Importo limite della riga + + + Sconto della riga + + + Sconto % della riga + + + Margine lordo + + + Margine lordo % + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Modulo speciale + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Nome classe + + + Modulo speciale + + + Lingua + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Tradotta + + + Modulo speciale + + + Modulo speciale + + + Ruolo + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Lettura e Modifica + + + Elaborazione + + + Ruolo + + + Ruolo + + + Ruolo + + + Ruolo + + + Prezzo tasse incluse + + + Registrato + + + Registrato + + + Prezzo tasse incluse + + + Tipo di categoria + + + Modulo speciale + + + Nodo + + + Nome classe + + + Errore + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Codice di Convalida + + + Lingua + + + Formato di Importazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Formato + + + Campo del formato + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Formato di Importazione + + + Sequenza + + + Inizio No. + + + Numero finale + + + Tipo di dati + + + Formato dati + + + Punto decimale + + + Dividi per 100 + + + Selezionato + + + Tabella + + + Colonna + + + Elabora ora + + + Callout + + + Valore costante + + + Listino prezzi di base + + + Distinta base + + + Stampa record di dettaglio sulla fattura + + + Stampa record di dettaglio sulla lista di prelievo + + + Verificato + + + Elabora ora + + + Linea Distinta Base + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Prodotto + + + Prodotto + + + Quantità + + + Descrizione + + + Default + + + Stoccaggio pneumatici + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Business Partner + + + Registrazione + + + Mezzo di trasporto + + + Descrizione + + + Tipo di pneumatici + + + Dimensione del pneumatico + + + Qualità del pneumatico + + + Rim + + + Data ricevuto + + + Immagazzinato + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Reso + + + Data reso + + + Tire type Back + + + Tire size Back + + + Tire Quality Back + + + Rim Back + + + Record creati + + + Piano di produzione + + + Piano di produzione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Produzione + + + Prodotto + + + Quantità di produzione + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Descrizione + + + Separatore dell'elemento + + + Numero di Riga + + + Numero di Riga + + + Numero di Riga + + + Mail Host + + + Codice + + + Default + + + Codice a Barre + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Business Partner + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Data Fattura + + + Netto della Riga + + + Riga importo della lista + + + Importo limite della riga + + + Sconto della riga + + + Sconto % della riga + + + Margine lordo + + + Margine lordo % + + + Quantità fatturata + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Business Partner + + + Fornitore + + + Data Fattura + + + Netto della Riga + + + Riga importo della lista + + + Importo limite della riga + + + Sconto della riga + + + Sconto % della riga + + + Margine lordo + + + Margine lordo % + + + Quantità fatturata + + + Quantità fatturata + + + Quantità fatturata + + + Quantità fatturata + + + Titolo + + + Avviso + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Ricavo non ancora fatturato + + + Debiti merce ricevuta non ancora fatturata + + + Elabora ora + + + Rivalutazione magazzino per variazione prezzi + + + Variazione prezzo d'acquisto + + + Sconto di vendita per pagamento anticipato + + + Crediti non esercibili + + + Sconto di fornitura per pagamenti anticipati + + + Conto utile non realizzato + + + Conto perdita credito non realizzato + + + Conto utile credito realizzato + + + Conto perdite credito realizzato + + + Ritenute + + + Valore attuale del progetto + + + Imposta Indeducibile + + + Debito d'imposta + + + Credito d'imposta + + + Imposta a Debito + + + Imposta a Credito + + + Transitorio banca + + + Attivo di banca + + + Spese bancarie + + + Interessi bancari attivi + + + Interessi bancari passivi + + + Entrate non riconciliate + + + Utile da regolamento valute nei pagamenti + + + Perdita da regolamento valute nei pagamenti + + + Utile da conversione in conto corrente + + + Perdite da conversione in conto corrente + + + Costo dell'addebito + + + Ricavo dell'addebito + + + Ricavi fatturati non incassati + + + Credito merce consegnata non fatturata + + + Allocazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Fattura + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Pagamento + + + Importo + + + Importo dello sconto + + + Importo dello storno + + + Registrato + + + Conto Bancario + + + Schema Contabile + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Transitorio banca + + + Attivo di banca + + + Spese bancarie + + + Interessi bancari attivi + + + Interessi bancari passivi + + + Entrate non riconciliate + + + Utile da regolamento valute nei pagamenti + + + Perdita da regolamento valute nei pagamenti + + + Utile da conversione in conto corrente + + + Perdite da conversione in conto corrente + + + Estratto conto banca + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Conto Bancario + + + Data rendiconto + + + Saldo iniziale + + + Saldo di chiusura + + + Descrizione + + + Differenza rendiconto + + + Elabora ora + + + Elaborato + + + Registrato + + + Riga di estratto conto banca + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Estratto conto banca + + + Descrizione + + + Pagamento + + + Addebito + + + Gruppo di business partner + + + Gruppo di business partner + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Codice + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Default + + + Schema Contabile + + + Gruppo di business partner + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Crediti vs clienti + + + Debiti per anticipazioni del cliente + + + Debiti vs fornitori + + + Debiti per servizi + + + Anticipazioni a Fornitori + + + Sconto di vendita per pagamento anticipato + + + Sconto di fornitura per pagamenti anticipati + + + Crediti non esercibili + + + Debiti merce ricevuta non ancora fatturata + + + Ricavi fatturati non incassati + + + Ricavo non ancora fatturato + + + Credito merce consegnata non fatturata + + + Elabora ora + + + Stessa valuta + + + Addebito + + + Schema Contabile + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Costo dell'addebito + + + Ricavo dell'addebito + + + Schema Contabile + + + Organizzazione + + + Inter-Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Conto Debiti Intercompany + + + Conto Crediti Intercompany + + + Pagato + + + Codice di avviamento postale del cliente + + + Patente di guida + + + Num. Previdenza + + + Email del cliente + + + Codice di autorizzazione vocale + + + ID transazione originale + + + Numero OdA + + + Importo dell'imposta + + + Riferimento + + + Risultato + + + Messaggio + + + Codice di autorizzazione + + + Indirizzo verificato + + + CAP verificato + + + Info + + + Registrato + + + Pagamento + + + Tipo di transazione + + + Tipo di Offerta + + + Verifica carta di credito + + + Micr + + + Numero dell'Assegno + + + Nome del cliente + + + Via del cliente + + + Città del cliente + + + Nazione del cliente + + + Elaboratore del pagamento + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Conto Bancario + + + ID dell'Utente + + + Password + + + Indirizzo host + + + Porta host + + + Indirizzo Proxy + + + Proxy port + + + Proxy logon + + + Proxy password + + + Carta Visa accettata + + + Master card accettata + + + AMEX accettata + + + Carta Diners accettata + + + ACH consentito + + + Assegno elettronico accettato + + + ATM consentito + + + Carta Corporate accettata + + + Valore attuale del progetto + + + Imposta + + + Schema Contabile + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Imposta a Debito + + + Debito d'imposta + + + Imposta a Credito + + + Credito d'imposta + + + Imposta Indeducibile + + + Trattenuta + + + Schema Contabile + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Ritenute + + + Attività + + + Data della transazione + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Tabella + + + Record ID + + + Imposta + + + Variazione prezzo d'acquisto + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Schema Contabile + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Ricavi delle vendite + + + Costo acquisti merce (prodotti e servizi) + + + Valore del prodotto + + + Costo del prodotto alla vendita + + + Variazione prezzo d'acquisto + + + Elabora ora + + + Prezzo di costo attuale + + + Prezzo del costo futuro + + + Rivalutazione magazzino per variazione prezzi + + + W_Basket_ID + + + Creato + + + ID della sessione + + + Pagina URL + + + Creato + + + Indirizzo remoto + + + Host remoto + + + Assegnato + + + Trova + + + Trova_ID + + + E/o + + + Colonna + + + Operazione + + + Codice + + + Valore a + + + Importo dell'addebito + + + Importo interessi + + + Pagamento + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attributo + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Tabella + + + Riferimento + + + Codice Riferimento + + + Convalida + + + Callout + + + Valore minimo + + + Valore massimo + + + Logica di Default + + + Solo Lettura + + + Aggiornabile + + + Obbligatorio + + + Visualizzazione Crittografata + + + Lunghezza + + + Lunghezza della Visualizzazione + + + Sequenza + + + Logica della Visualizzazione + + + Formato del Valore + + + Stessa Riga + + + Solo Intestazione + + + Solo Campo + + + Record ID + + + Attributo + + + V_Number + + + V_Date + + + V_String + + + Libro Cassa + + + Differenze di libro cassa + + + Spese + + + Incassi + + + Riga prima nota cassa + + + Tipo di conto banca + + + Manuale + + + Nome + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Valuta + + + Storno + + + Numero di Riga + + + Importo rendiconto + + + Importo della transazione + + + Data effettiva + + + Verifica carta di credito + + + Utente/Contatto + + + ACH + + + Indirizzo verificato + + + CAP verificato + + + Città del cliente + + + Email del cliente + + + Patente di guida + + + Num. Previdenza + + + Nome del cliente + + + Nazione del cliente + + + Via del cliente + + + Codice di avviamento postale del cliente + + + Tipo di conto banca + + + Mese scaduto + + + Anno Scaduto + + + Numero + + + Carta di credito + + + Prima nota cassa + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Libro di Cassa + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Data rendiconto + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Saldo iniziale + + + Saldo di chiusura + + + Differenza rendiconto + + + Elabora ora + + + Elaborato + + + Registrato + + + Libro di Cassa + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Libro di Cassa + + + Schema Contabile + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Libro Cassa + + + Differenze di libro cassa + + + Spese + + + Incassi + + + Riga prima nota cassa + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Prima nota cassa + + + Numero di Riga + + + Descrizione + + + Tipo cassa + + + Conto Bancario + + + Addebito + + + Importo + + + Conto banca Partner + + + Valuta + + + Gruppo pagamenti + + + Importo dello sconto + + + Tipo Documento + + + Importo pagamento + + + Gruppo pagamenti + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Elaboratore del pagamento + + + Numero del Documento + + + Data dell'elaborazione + + + Elabora ora + + + Elaborato + + + Sequenza + + + Classe del processor del pagamento + + + Codice + + + Riga prima nota cassa + + + Pagamento + + + Pagamento + + + Riga prima nota cassa + + + Generare a + + + Creare Da + + + Creare Da + + + Generare a + + + Fattura + + + Fattura + + + Elaborazione online + + + Carta Discover accettata + + + Commissione + + + Costo per transazione + + + Valuta + + + Richiesta del codice di verifica della carta di credito + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Gruppo del campo + + + Gruppo del campo + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Gruppo del campo + + + Lingua + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Tradotta + + + Email + + + Supervisore + + + Business Partner + + + Data della transazione + + + Allocato + + + Numero del Documento + + + Fattura + + + Template della Mail + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + HTML + + + Testata della mail + + + Testo della mail + + + Richiesta + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Numero del Documento + + + Importo della richiesta + + + Priorità + + + Tipo di scadenza + + + Riepilogo + + + Escalation + + + Data ultima azione + + + Ultimo Risultato + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Business Partner + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Campagna + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Fattura + + + Pagamento + + + Prodotto + + + Template della Mail + + + Risultato + + + Azione successiva + + + Data azione successiva + + + Elaborato + + + Azione della richiesta + + + Richiesta + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Business Partner + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Fattura + + + Pagamento + + + Prodotto + + + Elaboratore della richiesta + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Frequenza + + + Tipo di frequenza + + + Data ultima elaborazione + + + Data Prossima Elaborazione + + + Elabora ora + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Business Partner + + + Accesso online + + + Stato del Documento + + + Azione del Documento + + + Ruolo + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creare Da + + + N. allocazione + + + Valuta + + + Data della transazione + + + Manuale + + + Valuta + + + Fattura + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Numero del Documento + + + Stato del Documento + + + Azione del Documento + + + Stampato + + + Sconto stampato + + + Elabora ora + + + Elaborato + + + Trasferito + + + Pagato + + + Tipo Documento + + + Tipo Documento Obiettivo + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Descrizione + + + Approvazione + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Data Fattura + + + Data stampata + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Business Partner + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Gruppo di business partner + + + Riferimento dell'ordine + + + Data dell'Ordine + + + Valuta + + + Regola del pagamento + + + Termini del Pagamento + + + Listino prezzi + + + Campagna + + + Progetto + + + Attività + + + Addebito + + + Importo dell'addebito + + + Righe totali + + + Totale + + + Moltiplicatore + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Osservazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Riga della fattura + + + Fattura + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Business Partner + + + Gruppo di business partner + + + Prodotto + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Data Fattura + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Quantità fatturata + + + Prezzo di listino + + + Prezzo unitario + + + Prezzo limite + + + Sconto % + + + Margine % + + + Netto della Riga + + + Riga importo della lista + + + Importo limite della riga + + + Sconto della riga + + + Margine lordo + + + Logica di Default 2 + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Data del movimento + + + Quantità del movimento + + + Prodotto + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Codice + + + Business Partner + + + Prezzo OdA + + + Prezzo dell'ultimo OdA + + + Prezzo di listino + + + Giorni di tolleranza + + + Fatture in fase di pagamento + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Conto Bancario + + + Data del pagamento + + + Approvazione + + + Importo totale + + + Elabora ora + + + Elaborato + + + Riga della selezione del pagamento + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Fatture in fase di pagamento + + + Numero di Riga + + + Regola del pagamento + + + Manuale + + + Fattura + + + Importo pagamento + + + Creare Da + + + Colonna della vista del report + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Vista del report + + + Colonna + + + Funzione colonna + + + Gruppo Funzioni SQL + + + Info + + + Info a + + + Commissione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Business Partner + + + Valuta + + + Tipo di frequenza + + + Base del calcolo + + + Data ultima elaborazione + + + Creare Da + + + Elabora ora + + + Importo commessione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Linea di commissione + + + Importo convertito + + + Quantità effettiva + + + Importo commissione + + + Linea di commissione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Commissione + + + Numero di Riga + + + Descrizione + + + Sottrarre importo + + + Importo moltiplicatore + + + Sottrarre quantità + + + Quantità moltiplicatore + + + Solo positivo + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Prodotto + + + Gruppo di business partner + + + Business Partner + + + Area di Vendita + + + Ciclo del progetto + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Valuta + + + Fase del ciclo + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Data del contatto + + + Data fine + + + Generare a + + + Elaborato + + + Nota + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Versione del Listino Prezzi + + + Importo pianificato + + + Quantità pianificata + + + Margine pianificato + + + Riga del progetto + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Progetto + + + Numero di Riga + + + Descrizione + + + Quantità pianificata + + + Prezzo pianificato + + + Importo pianificato + + + Margine pianificato + + + Importo impegnato + + + Prodotto + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Margine pianificato % + + + Livello di Accesso Dati + + + Livello di Accesso Dati + + + Livello di Accesso Dati + + + Riferimento dell'ordine + + + Campagna + + + Termini del Pagamento + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Progetto + + + Progetto + + + Elabora della commissione + + + Elabora della commissione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Numero del Documento + + + Descrizione + + + Commissione + + + Data d'Inizio + + + Elabora ora + + + Elaborato + + + Totale + + + Gestito a Livello Centrale + + + Gestito a Livello Centrale + + + Attività + + + Dettagli della lista + + + Ordini specifici commissione + + + Unità Organizzativa + + + Termini di pagamento OdA + + + Dettaglio della commessione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Importo commessione + + + Riferimento + + + Riga dell'ordine di vendita + + + Riga della fattura + + + Info + + + Valuta + + + Importo effettivo + + + Importo convertito + + + Quantità effettiva + + + Business Partner + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Descrizione + + + Risultato + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Nota + + + Realizzato + + + Sequenza + + + Obiettivo + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Nota + + + Peso relativo + + + Livello di Sintesi + + + Sequenza + + + Misura + + + Misura target + + + Misura effettiva + + + Obiettivo della performance + + + Data ultima elaborazione + + + Calcolo della misura + + + Misura + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Tipo di misura + + + Effettivo manuale + + + Nota + + + Classe di calcolo + + + Calcolo della misura + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Clausola SELECT + + + Clausola SQL Where + + + Colonna data + + + Colonna Org + + + Colonna del B. Partner + + + Colonna del prodotto + + + Data del Fine + + + Elabora ora + + + Tipo Documento di Base + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Elaborato + + + Riferimento + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Importo di Controllo + + + Elaborato + + + Elabora ora + + + Combinazione + + + Esercizio + + + Tabella + + + Record ID + + + Piano di riconoscimento del ricavo + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Riconoscimento del Ricavo + + + Riga della fattura + + + Ricavi fatturati non incassati + + + Ricavi delle vendite + + + Valuta + + + Importo totale + + + Importo approvato + + + Elaborazione riconoscimento del ricavo + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Piano di riconoscimento del ricavo + + + Prima Nota + + + Importo approvato + + + Report finanziario + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Set di righe del report + + + Set di colonne del report + + + Elabora ora + + + Colonna del report + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Set di colonne del report + + + Nome + + + Sequenza + + + Descrizione + + + Stampato + + + Tipo registrazione + + + Budget + + + Tipo di colonna + + + Periodo relativo + + + Tipo di valuta + + + Calcolo + + + Tipo di importo + + + Valuta + + + Conversione + + + Operando 1 + + + Operando 2 + + + Tipo di Elemento + + + Unità Organizzativa + + + Elemento del Conto + + + Progetto + + + Business Partner + + + Prodotto + + + Campagna + + + Ubicazione / Indirizzo + + + Area di Vendita + + + Attività + + + Set di colonne del report + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Elabora ora + + + Riga del report + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Set di righe del report + + + Nome + + + Sequenza + + + Descrizione + + + Stampato + + + Padre + + + Livello di Sintesi + + + Tipo di riga + + + Calcolo + + + Operando 1 + + + Operando 2 + + + Tipo registrazione + + + Budget + + + Set di righe del report + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Elabora ora + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Descrizione + + + Riga del report + + + Tipo di Elemento + + + Unità Organizzativa + + + Elemento del Conto + + + Progetto + + + Business Partner + + + Prodotto + + + Campagna + + + Ubicazione / Indirizzo + + + Area di Vendita + + + Attività + + + Fonte del report + + + Azienda + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Contatore Web + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato Da + + + Elaborato + + + Elaborato + + + Schema Contabile + + + Registra sconto commerciale + + + Imposta corretta per sconti/addebiti + + + Variazione prezzo fatturato + + + Sconto commerciale di fornitura + + + Sconto commerciale di vendita + + + Aggiustamento di inventario + + + Variazione prezzo fatturato + + + Sconto commerciale di fornitura + + + Sconto commerciale di vendita + + + Variazione prezzo fatturato + + + Sconto commerciale di fornitura + + + Sconto commerciale di vendita + + + Aggiustamento di inventario + + + Vista + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Albero + + + Nodo_ID + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Padre + + + Sequenza + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Padre + + + Sequenza + + + Albero + + + Nodo_ID + + + Azienda + + + Albero + + + Nodo_ID + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Padre + + + Sequenza + + + Forma di stampa + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Documento del conto banca + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Conto Bancario + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Successivo Attuale + + + Numero del Documento + + + Tabella + + + Record ID + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Albero + + + Nodo_ID + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Regola del pagamento + + + Ricevuta + + + Descrizione + + + Differenza + + + Colore + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Default + + + Tipo di colore + + + Rosso + + + Verde + + + Blu + + + Alpha + + + Immagine + + + 2° Rosso + + + 2° Verde + + + 2° Blu + + + 2° Alpha + + + Riga larghezza + + + Distanza della riga + + + Selezione colonne + + + Sola lettura + + + Desktop + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Immagine + + + Colore + + + Desktop Workbench + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Area di lavoro + + + Desktop + + + Sequenza + + + Desktop + + + Lingua + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Tradotta + + + Descrizione OdA + + + Aiuto OdA + + + Nome OdA + + + Nome stampa OdA + + + Immagine + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Dati Binari + + + Area di lavoro + + + Immagine + + + Elabora ora + + + Campo definito dall'utente + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Tab definita dall'utente + + + Campo + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Visualizzato + + + Lunghezza della Visualizzazione + + + Logica della Visualizzazione + + + Solo Lettura + + + Aggiornabile + + + Numero di Ordinazione del Record + + + Sequenza + + + Stessa Riga + + + Tab definita dall'utente + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Finestra definita dall'utente + + + Tab + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Layout a Riga Singola + + + Solo Lettura + + + Finestra definita dall'utente + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Finestra + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Lingua + + + Default + + + Solo Lettura + + + Aggiornabile da Utente + + + Colore + + + Immagine + + + Area di lavoro + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Colonna + + + Immagine + + + Colore + + + Videata dell'area di lavoro + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Area di lavoro + + + Sequenza + + + Principale + + + Finestra + + + Modulo speciale + + + Elaborazione + + + Compito + + + Area di lavoro + + + Lingua + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Tradotta + + + Descrizione OdA + + + Aiuto OdA + + + Nome OdA + + + Nome stampa OdA + + + Prima nota cassa + + + Riga prima nota cassa + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Libro di Cassa + + + Nome + + + Data rendiconto + + + Elaborato + + + Registrato + + + Numero di Riga + + + Descrizione + + + Tipo cassa + + + Importo + + + Conto Bancario + + + Fattura + + + Addebito + + + Livello di Accesso Dati + + + Importo dello storno + + + Generato + + + Importo dello sconto + + + Importo dello storno + + + Tipo di entità + + + Sincronizzare Database + + + Tipo di entità + + + Tipo di entità + + + Tipo di entità + + + Importazione Campi + + + Tipo di entità + + + Importazione Tabella + + + Tipo di entità + + + Fatture in fase di pagamento + + + Cassa non riconciliata + + + Trasferimenti + + + Fatture in fase di pagamento + + + Cassa non riconciliata + + + Trasferimenti + + + Abbinamento della fattura + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Riga della fattura + + + Prodotto + + + Data della transazione + + + Elabora ora + + + Elaborato + + + Registrato + + + Abbinamento dell'ordine + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Riga dell'ordine di vendita + + + Prodotto + + + Data della transazione + + + Elabora ora + + + Elaborato + + + Registrato + + + Quantità + + + Quantità + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Tipo Documento di Base + + + Default + + + Registrato + + + Registrato + + + Registrato + + + Registrato + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Data azione successiva + + + Avvertimento dopo i giorni di scaduto + + + Escalation dopo i giorni di scaduto + + + Routing della richiesta + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Elaboratore della richiesta + + + Sequenza + + + Parola chiave + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Lingua + + + Email della richiesta + + + Cartella della richiesta + + + Utente della richiesta + + + Password dell'utente della richiesta + + + Supervisore + + + Lingua consentita + + + Elaborato + + + Utente rappresentante + + + Paese ISO + + + Elabora ora + + + Albero Menu principale + + + Tutti i nodi + + + Schema dello Sconto + + + Schema dello Sconto dell'Ordine di Acquisto + + + Schema dello Sconto + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Valido Da + + + Tipo di sconto + + + Script + + + Sconto Piatto % + + + Basato sulla quantità + + + Livello cumulativo + + + Elabora ora + + + Break Point Schema dello Sconto + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Schema dello Sconto + + + Sequenza + + + Valore del Break Point + + + Sconto % del Break Point + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Prodotto + + + Listino Prezzi Scontato + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Schema dello Sconto + + + Sequenza + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Business Partner + + + Prodotto + + + Data della conversione + + + Base del prezzo di listino + + + Importo soprattassa prezzo listino + + + Sconto % prezzo di listino + + + Arrotondamento prezzo listino + + + Margine min del prezzo listino + + + Margine max del prezzo listino + + + Prezzo base standard + + + Importo soprattassa standard sul prezzo + + + % sconto standard sul prezzo + + + Arrotondamento standard del prezzo + + + Margine min standard del prezzo + + + Margine max standard + + + Base del prezzo limite + + + Importo soprattassa prezzo limite + + + Sconto % del prezzo limite + + + Arrotondamento prezzo limite + + + Margine min del prezzo limite + + + Margine max del prezzo limite + + + Schema dello Sconto + + + Immagine Alpha + + + Distanza della Ripetizione + + + Punto di Partenza + + + Immagine URL + + + Script + + + Solo Lettura + + + Conteggio statistico + + + Secondi statistici + + + Livello della Tab + + + Default + + + Valuta + + + Valuta + + + Importo convertito + + + Compensazione varianza prezzo acquisto-costi + + + ID della Riga + + + Tot. Costo dell'OdA std + + + Tot. Costo dell'OdA std + + + Tot. costo std + + + Tot. Costo std + + + Tot. Costo Medio + + + Costo medio + + + Prezzo dell'ultimo OdA + + + Prezzo Ultima Fattura + + + Quantità totale della fattura + + + Totale Fattura + + + Prezzo Ultima Fattura + + + Prezzo limite fissato + + + Prezzo di Listino Fisso + + + Prezzo standard fisso + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Prodotto + + + Versione del Listino Prezzi + + + Data di Conalida + + + Valuta + + + Quantità in Magazzino + + + Prezzo OdA + + + Prezzo di listino + + + Prezzo standard + + + Prezzo limite + + + Costo Standard + + + Valore Prezzo Ordine di Acquisto + + + Valore Listino Prezzi + + + Valore del Prezzo Standard + + + Valore del prezzo limite + + + Valore del Costo Standard + + + Sconto calcolato per l'importo di ciascuna riga + + + Prodotto + + + Schema Contabile + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Prezzo di costo attuale + + + Prezzo del costo futuro + + + Costo Standard + + + Tot. Costo dell'OdA std + + + Tot. Costo dell'OdA std + + + Differenza standard del costo in OdA + + + Tot. costo std + + + Tot. Costo std + + + Differenza Costo Standard - Fattura + + + Costo Medio + + + Tot. Costo Medio + + + Costo medio + + + Quantità totale della fattura + + + Totale Fattura + + + Costo totale della fattura + + + Prezzo dell'ultimo OdA + + + Prezzo Ultima Fattura + + + Codice + + + Nome + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Messaggio + + + Codice + + + Messaggio + + + Messaggio + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Riga della fattura + + + Tipo di spesa + + + Risorsa + + + Assegnazione della Risorsa + + + Assegnazione della Risorsa + + + Descrizione + + + Fino a + + + Risorsa + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Indisponibilità della risorsa + + + Confermato + + + Quantità + + + Assegnare A + + + Assegnare Da + + + Risorsa + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Assegnazione della Risorsa + + + Elaborato + + + Elabora ora + + + Descrizione + + + Data del report + + + Business Partner + + + Numero del Documento + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Report Ore e Spese + + + Disponibile + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Tipo Risorsa + + + Descrizione + + + Nome + + + Codice + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Risorsa + + + Riga della fattura + + + Campagna + + + Attività + + + Progetto + + + Business Partner + + + Fatturato + + + Nota + + + Descrizione + + + Assegnazione della Risorsa + + + Importo convertito + + + Valuta + + + Importo della Spesa + + + Quantità + + + Prodotto + + + Data della Spesa + + + Ora del Report + + + Numero di Riga + + + Report Ore e Spese + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Riga della spesa + + + Tipo Risorsa + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Codice + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + UdM + + + Frazioni dell'UdM Consentite + + + Tipo di spesa + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Codice + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Fatturato + + + UdM + + + A partire da + + + Martedì + + + Domenica + + + Sabato + + + Intervallo di tempo + + + Fine intervallo + + + Venerdì + + + Solo attribuzione singola + + + Giovedì + + + Mercoledì + + + Inizio intervallo + + + Lunedì + + + Intervallo di giorni + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Categoria di Imposta + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Categoria di Imposta + + + Listino prezzi + + + Codice + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Sequenza + + + Nome + + + Creato + + + Riga successiva + + + Azienda + + + Formato di stampa incluso + + + Etichetta di stampa + + + Spazio Y + + + Numero di Ordinazione del Record + + + Colonna + + + Interruzione di pagina + + + Posizione relativo + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Larghezza massima + + + Elemento del formato di stampa + + + Creato Da + + + Calcolo della soma + + + Posizione Y + + + Colore della stampa + + + Aggiornato + + + Formato di stampa + + + Organizzazione + + + Spazio X + + + Carattere della stampa + + + Attivo + + + Solo online + + + Altezza massima + + + Posizione X + + + Allineamento del campo + + + Stampato + + + Ordinato da + + + Raggruppato da + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Azienda + + + Colore della stampa + + + Organizzazione + + + Default + + + Codice di Convalida + + + Nome + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Nome + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Codice di Convalida + + + Carattere della stampa + + + Creato + + + Default + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Carta di stampa + + + Descrizione + + + Creato Da + + + Nome + + + Attivo + + + Codice di Convalida + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato + + + Orizzontale + + + Default + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Basato sulla tabella + + + Attivo + + + Standard Header/Footer + + + Carattere della stampa + + + Tabella + + + Modulo + + + Margine della testata + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Colore della stampa + + + Creato + + + Nome + + + Creare copia + + + Margine + + + Azienda + + + Carta di stampa + + + Organizzazione + + + Descrizione + + + Formato di stampa + + + Tab ordine + + + Colonna inclusa + + + Colonna ordine + + + Allineamento riga + + + Tipo di formato + + + Area + + + Prezzo in fattura + + + Importo del Sopra/Sotto Pagamento + + + Sopra/Sotto Pagamento + + + Formato di stampa del sollecito + + + Formato di stampa della spedizione + + + Formato di stampa ordine + + + Formato di stampa della fattura + + + Formato di stampa della rimessa + + + Formato di stampa dell'assegno + + + Istanza dell'Elaborazione + + + Vista del report + + + Istanza dell'Elaborazione + + + Città + + + Valuta + + + Lingua + + + CAP + + + Città + + + Regione + + + Locode + + + Prefisso + + + Coordinate + + + Nazione + + + Immagine URL + + + Immagine allegata + + + Calcolo numero di elementi + + + Calcolo media + + + Nota del Documento + + + Prezzo di listino + + + Simbolo + + + Creato + + + Organizzazione + + + Imposta + + + Nome + + + Creato Da + + + Netto della Riga + + + Fattura + + + Numero di Riga + + + Azienda + + + Prezzo unitario + + + Descrizione della Risorsa + + + Quantità fatturata + + + Sconto % + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Descrizione + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Riga della fattura + + + Termini del Pagamento + + + Importo dell'addebito + + + Azienda + + + Titolo + + + Riferimento dell'ordine + + + Prezzo tasse incluse + + + Addebito + + + Creato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Regole di Spedizione + + + Stato del Documento + + + Nome + + + Titolo del contatto del BP + + + Totale + + + Listino prezzi + + + Numero del Documento + + + Regole di fattura + + + Titolo del BP + + + Ubicazione / Indirizzo + + + Data Promessa + + + Creato + + + Righe totali + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Campagna + + + Descrizione + + + Attivo + + + Nota del tipo documento + + + Priorità + + + Valuta + + + Tipo documento + + + Nota dei termini del pagamento + + + Progetto + + + Attività + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Mezzo della Spedizione + + + Riferimento n. + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Trasportatore + + + Data dell'Ordine + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Nome 2 + + + Aggiornato + + + Simbolo + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Organizzazione + + + Nome + + + Quantità Ordinata + + + Descrizione della Risorsa + + + Sconto % + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Azienda + + + Imposta + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Descrizione + + + Creato Da + + + Netto della Riga + + + Numero di Riga + + + Nota del Documento + + + Prezzo unitario + + + Prezzo di listino + + + Riga dell'ordine di vendita + + + Business Partner + + + Fatture in fase di pagamento + + + Nome + + + Ubicazione / Indirizzo + + + Nome 2 + + + Importo in lettere + + + Quantità + + + Titolo del BP + + + Riferimento dell'ordine + + + Data del pagamento + + + Azienda + + + Importo pagamento + + + Organizzazione + + + Riferimento n. + + + Fatture in fase di pagamento + + + Azienda + + + Numero di Riga + + + Regola del pagamento + + + Business Partner + + + Importo pagamento + + + Differenza + + + Totale + + + Numero del Documento + + + Organizzazione + + + Data Fattura + + + Spedizione/ricevimento + + + Creato + + + Titolo del contatto del BP + + + Azienda + + + Nome 2 + + + Titolo del BP + + + Data dell'Ordine + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Tipo di movimento + + + Numero del Documento + + + Trasportatore + + + Nota del tipo documento + + + Nome del contatto + + + Riferimento n. + + + Data del movimento + + + Descrizione + + + Tipo documento + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Priorità + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Mezzo della Spedizione + + + Titolo + + + Riferimento dell'ordine + + + Attivo + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Ubicazione / Indirizzo + + + Regole di Spedizione + + + Organizzazione + + + Nome + + + Stato del Documento + + + Quantità del movimento + + + Azienda + + + Numero di Riga + + + Aggiornato + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Nota del Documento + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Numero di Serie + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Simbolo + + + Nome + + + Attivo + + + N. Lotto + + + Spedizione/ricevimento + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Descrizione + + + Ubicazione / Indirizzo + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nota dei termini del pagamento + + + Nota del tipo documento + + + Riferimento n. + + + Titolo del contatto del BP + + + Fattura + + + Tipo documento + + + Riferimento dell'ordine + + + Importo dell'addebito + + + Descrizione + + + Prezzo tasse incluse + + + Listino prezzi + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Data Fattura + + + Titolo + + + Organizzazione + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Campagna + + + Nome del contatto + + + Pagato + + + Azienda + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Attività + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Nome + + + Righe totali + + + Totale + + + Nome 2 + + + Valuta + + + Data dell'Ordine + + + Addebito + + + Progetto + + + Numero del Documento + + + Titolo del BP + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Stato del Documento + + + Nascondere valori nulli + + + Selezionare posizione NL + + + Documento multi lingua + + + Nome del contatto + + + Nome + + + Cliente + + + Credito utilizzato + + + Telefono + + + Credito disponibile + + + Limite del Credito + + + Business Partner + + + Riferimento n. + + + Azienda + + + Fornitore + + + Città + + + CAP + + + Codice + + + Organizzazione + + + Termini del Pagamento + + + Nome + + + Colonna dati + + + Creato Da + + + Colonna dati 2 + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Descrizione + + + Grafico + + + Formato di stampa + + + Colonna dati 4 + + + Colonna dati 3 + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato + + + Colonna dati 5 + + + Azienda + + + Colonna della descrizione + + + Organizzazione + + + Tipo di grafico + + + Lingua + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Tradotta + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato + + + Etichetta di stampa + + + Attivo + + + Elemento del formato di stampa + + + Descrizione + + + Colore della riga di testata + + + Linee H pittura + + + Linee di confine della pittura + + + Attivo + + + Colore della riga di testata + + + Font della riga di testata + + + Creato + + + Funzione font + + + Formato tabella di stampa + + + Funzione colore BG + + + Azienda + + + Funzione colore + + + Creato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Colore della riga + + + Colore BG della riga di testata + + + Aggiornato + + + Simboli della funzione di stampa + + + Linee V pittura + + + Nome + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Sotto Colonna + + + Grafico + + + Formato tabella di stampa + + + Indirizzo Org + + + Indirizzo Org + + + Indirizzo Org + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Area Stoccaggio del Magazzino + + + Indirizzo Org + + + BP Chiave di ricerca + + + Business Partner + + + BP Chiave di ricerca + + + BP Chiave di ricerca + + + Business Partner + + + BP Chiave di ricerca + + + Business Partner + + + Pagina successiva + + + Larghezza fissa + + + Pagamento + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato Da + + + Attivo + + + Fattura + + + Azienda + + + Riga elaborazione del sollecito + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Fatture in fase di pagamento + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato Da + + + Business Partner + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Controllo selezione pagamenti + + + Quantità + + + Importo pagamento + + + Aggiornato + + + Data del sollecito + + + Elaborazione del sollecito + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Livello di Sollecito + + + Attivo + + + Creato Da + + + Azienda + + + Creato + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Elaborazione del sollecito + + + Inserimento elaborazione del sollecito + + + Organizzazione + + + Importo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Quantità + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Business Partner + + + Tipo Documento + + + Tipo Documento + + + Tipo Documento + + + Tipo Documento + + + Tipo di importo + + + Tipo di entità + + + Tipo di entità + + + Tipo di entità + + + Tipo di entità + + + Tipo di entità + + + Tipo di entità + + + Tipo di entità + + + Tipo di entità + + + Tipo di entità + + + Stampato + + + Regola del pagamento + + + Pagamento + + + Numero del Documento + + + Tipo di entità + + + Tipo di entità + + + Tipo di entità + + + Posizione Y + + + Tipo di entità + + + Posizione X + + + Bene Gestito + + + Tipo di entità + + + Elemento del Sistema + + + Regola del pagamento + + + Numero del Documento + + + Controllo selezione pagamenti + + + Riga della selezione del pagamento + + + Bene Gestito + + + Controllo selezione pagamenti + + + Controllo selezione pagamenti + + + Lingua + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Lingua + + + Lingua + + + Lingua + + + Lingua + + + Lingua + + + Lingua + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Lingua + + + Partita IVA + + + Partita IVA + + + Partita IVA + + + Partita IVA + + + Formato di stampa + + + Margine alto + + + Margine destro + + + Margine sinistro + + + Margine inferiore + + + Elabora ora + + + Tipo di Richiesta + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Data di cancellazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Area interessi + + + Approvare la Data + + + Creato Da + + + Tipo di Richiesta + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato + + + Descrizione + + + Nome + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Descrizione + + + Creato + + + Area interessi + + + Azienda + + + Nome + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Tipo di Richiesta + + + Autenticazione SMTP + + + Email User ID + + + Email User Password + + + Tipo di prodotto + + + ID Fornitore + + + ID Partner + + + Creato + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Nome + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome Utente + + + Info + + + Sistema + + + Creato Da + + + Default + + + Riferimento OdA/OdV + + + Versione + + + Azienda + + + Codice ISO + + + Creato + + + Nota del Documento + + + N. prodotto fornitori + + + Nome + + + Importazione Prodotti + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Prezzo effettivo + + + Attivo + + + Elaborato + + + Categoria chiave del prodotto + + + Importazione Messaggio d'Errore + + + Quantità imballaggio ordine + + + Classificazione + + + Periodo di consegna promesso + + + Costo per ordine + + + Peso + + + Categoria fornitore + + + UGS + + + Commissione/Royalty + + + Fuori Produzione + + + Valuta + + + Creato Da + + + Volume + + + Organizzazione + + + Prodotto + + + Descrizione + + + Prezzo di listino + + + Importato + + + Tipo di prodotto + + + Business Partner + + + Chiave del Business partner + + + Altezza dello scaffale + + + Azienda produttrice + + + Profondità dello scaffale + + + Fuori Produzione Da + + + Unità per Pallet + + + Larghezza dello scaffale + + + Elabora ora + + + Immagine URL + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Quantità minima dell'ordine + + + Codice a Barre + + + URL della descrizione + + + Prezzo OdA + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Codice EDI + + + UdM + + + Codice + + + Paese ISO + + + Titolo del contatto del BP + + + Commenti + + + Telefono + + + Utente/Contatto + + + 2° Telefono + + + Elaborato + + + D-U-N-S + + + Creato + + + Importazione Business Partner + + + CAP + + + Nome 2 + + + Titolo + + + Nascita + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato Da + + + NAICS/SIC + + + Attivo + + + - + + + Titolo + + + Aggiornato + + + Descrizione + + + Codice + + + Importato + + + Importazione Messaggio d'Errore + + + Azienda + + + Password + + + Elabora ora + + + Organizzazione + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Email + + + Città + + + Descrizione del contatto + + + Indirizzo 2 + + + Indirizzo 1 + + + Nazione + + + Nome + + + Nome della regione + + + Fax + + + Partita IVA + + + Regione + + + Business Partner + + + Nome del contatto + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Registra impegno + + + Azienda + + + Importazione Conto + + + Elemento del Conto + + + Nome + + + Attivo + + + Registra statistiche + + + Registra Budget + + + Elaborato + + + Conto di default + + + Tipo di Conto + + + Organizzazione + + + Elabora ora + + + Aggiornato + + + Registrare Effettivo + + + Elemento + + + Segno del Conto + + + Creato + + + Controllato dal Documento + + + Creato Da + + + Codice + + + Colonna + + + Nome dell'elemento + + + Importato + + + Descrizione + + + Importazione Messaggio d'Errore + + + Aggiornato + + + Elemento del Conto + + + Attivo + + + Livello di Sintesi + + + Tipo di riga + + + Importazione Messaggio d'Errore + + + Tipo registrazione + + + Nome del set di righe del report + + + Riga del report + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato + + + Calcolo + + + Elabora ora + + + Set di righe del report + + + Sequenza + + + Azienda + + + Stampato + + + Chiave dell'elemento + + + Importato + + + Tipo di importo + + + Fonte del report + + + Organizzazione + + + Nome + + + Elaborato + + + Descrizione + + + Importazione Insieme delle righe del report + + + Creato Da + + + Immagine URL + + + URL della descrizione + + + Commissione/Royalty + + + Azienda produttrice + + + Chiave di raggruppamento + + + Gruppo di business partner + + + Conto padre + + + Livello di Sintesi + + + Chiave padre + + + Esente + + + Template della Mail + + + Versione n. + + + Giorni di garanzia + + + Gruppo Bene Gestito + + + Aggiornato + + + Data d'Inizio + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato Da + + + Corso + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Prodotto + + + Classe del corso + + + Data del Fine + + + Attivo + + + Azienda + + + Creato + + + UdM + + + Nome + + + Categoria di Imposta + + + Immagine URL + + + URL della descrizione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato Da + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Nota del Documento + + + Descrizione + + + Elabora ora + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Creato + + + Corso + + + Aggiornato + + + N. Lotto + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Venduto + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Data acquisto + + + Attivo + + + Data Ammortamento del Bene + + + Creato Da + + + Vita utile - Anni + + + Prodotto + + + Data di Cessione del Bene + + + Ubicazione / Indirizzo + + + Creato + + + Gruppo Bene Gestito + + + Organizzazione + + + Versione n. + + + Codice + + + Di proprietà + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Commento Locatore + + + Svalutare + + + Vita residua + + + Elabora ora + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Azienda + + + Business Partner + + + Data Garanzia + + + Vita utile - Mesi + + + Data entrata in funzione + + + Utilizzare unità + + + Bene Gestito + + + Numero di Serie + + + Aggiornato + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Importo valore di mercato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato + + + Riga della fattura + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Valore del Bene + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Bene Gestito + + + Smobilizzo del Bene + + + Creato + + + N. Lotto + + + Creato Da + + + Numero di Serie + + + Aggiornato + + + Assegnato + + + Azienda + + + Versione n. + + + Email + + + Bene Gestito + + + Host remoto + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Attivo + + + Indirizzo remoto + + + Organizzazione + + + Consegna del Bene + + + Data del movimento + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Di proprietà + + + Creato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Azienda + + + Gruppo Bene Gestito + + + Svalutare + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Interamente svautato + + + Conferma spedizione + + + ID messaggio + + + URL + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Inviare Email + + + Inviare Email + + + Testo della email per l'ordine + + + Testo dell'email per fattura + + + Testo della email per la spedizione + + + Testo della email per la rimessa + + + Col_12 + + + Col_10 + + + Col_14 + + + Col_13 + + + Col_16 + + + Col_20 + + + Col_2 + + + Col_5 + + + Col_18 + + + Col_4 + + + Col_8 + + + Col_15 + + + Istanza dell'Elaborazione + + + Col_6 + + + Col_1 + + + Col_11 + + + Col_3 + + + Col_17 + + + Col_7 + + + Col_9 + + + Riga del report + + + Col_19 + + + Inviare Email + + + Inviare Email + + + Email + + + UdM + + + Riga dell'ordine di vendita + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Schema Contabile + + + Esercizio + + + Formato di stampa + + + Transazioni listino + + + Fonti listino + + + Descrizione + + + Nome + + + Livello n. + + + Record ID + + + Col_0 + + + Evento Contabile + + + Sequenza + + + Nome + + + Livello n. + + + Avere + + + Dare + + + Istanza dell'Elaborazione + + + Evento Contabile + + + Descrizione + + + Saldo + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Quantità + + + Suffisso dell'etichetta di stampa + + + Suffisso dell'etichetta di stampa + + + Indicatore dell'imposta + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Imposta + + + Lingua + + + Descrizione + + + Tradotta + + + Creato + + + Azienda + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Nome + + + Organizzazione + + + Nazione Contabile + + + Nazione Contabile + + + Nome della regione + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato Da + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Quantità + + + Schema Contabile + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Organizzazione + + + Tipo registrazione + + + Utente 2 + + + Dare + + + Avere + + + Azienda + + + Progetto + + + Area Stoccaggio Da + + + Utente 1 + + + Budget + + + Campagna + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Attività + + + Area di Vendita + + + Prodotto + + + Business Partner + + + Area Stoccaggio A + + + Conto + + + Giorno Netto + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Termini del Pagamento + + + Creato + + + Valido + + + Giorni di tolleranza + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato + + + Giorno Netto + + + Azienda + + + Percentuale + + + Giorni di Sconto + + + Programma Pagamento + + + Giorni Netti + + + Sconto % + + + W_Basket_ID + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Linea Carrello + + + Prodotto + + + Numero di Riga + + + Creato Da + + + Prodotto + + + Creato + + + Quantità + + + Prezzo + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato + + + Descrizione + + + Web Click + + + Conteggio Click + + + Azienda + + + Attivo + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato + + + Target URL + + + Lingua consentita + + + Elaborato + + + Utente rappresentante + + + Indirizzo remoto + + + Host remoto + + + Assegnato + + + Creato + + + Organizzazione + + + Valido + + + Importo Dovuto + + + Data Dovuto + + + Aggiornato + + + Importo dello sconto + + + Azienda + + + Data dello Sconto + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Fattura + + + Attivo + + + Programmazione Pagamento Fattura + + + Programma Pagamento + + + Creato Da + + + Counter + + + Creato Da + + + Business Partner + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato + + + Pagina URL + + + Descrizione + + + Counter Count + + + Attivo + + + Nome + + + Conteggio Click + + + Azienda + + + Business Partner + + + Counter + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato + + + Target URL + + + Descrizione + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Nome + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Listino prezzi + + + Attivo + + + Email + + + Business Partner + + + Counter Count + + + Importo dell'imposta + + + Azione del Documento + + + Numero + + + ID transazione originale + + + Codice di avviamento postale del cliente + + + Gruppo pagamenti + + + Riferimento + + + Tipo di transazione + + + Tipo Documento + + + Verifica carta di credito + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Valuta + + + Messaggio + + + Num. Previdenza + + + Mese scaduto + + + Risultato + + + Numero dell'Assegno + + + Importo del Sopra/Sotto Pagamento + + + Elaborato + + + Indirizzo verificato + + + Riconciliato + + + Carta di credito + + + Numero OdA + + + Numero del Documento + + + Elaborazione online + + + Accesso online + + + Sopra/Sotto Pagamento + + + Nome del cliente + + + Data della transazione + + + Moltiplicatore Fatt. Acquisto + + + Via del cliente + + + Email del cliente + + + Nazione del cliente + + + Registrato + + + Approvazione + + + Attivo + + + Micr + + + Importo dello storno + + + Aggiornato + + + Allocato + + + Creato + + + Conto Bancario + + + Azienda + + + Fattura + + + Importo pagamento + + + Stato del Documento + + + Numero ABI-CAB + + + CAP verificato + + + Numero del conto + + + Pagamento + + + Organizzazione + + + Elabora ora + + + Codice di autorizzazione vocale + + + Business Partner + + + Info + + + Conto banca Partner + + + Codice di autorizzazione + + + Patente di guida + + + Città del cliente + + + Ricevuta + + + Creato Da + + + Anno Scaduto + + + Importo dello sconto + + + Tipo di Offerta + + + Serie di Attributi + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Controllo per Numero di Serie + + + Nome + + + Successivo Attuale + + + Azienda + + + Suffisso + + + Inizio No. + + + Organizzazione + + + Descrizione + + + Prefisso + + + Incremento + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Creato Da + + + Prefisso + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Suffisso + + + Organizzazione + + + Successivo Attuale + + + Descrizione + + + Controllo per Lotto + + + Nome + + + Creato + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Inizio No. + + + Incremento + + + Lotto + + + Prodotto + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato + + + Descrizione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato + + + Nome + + + Creato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Codice + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Descrizione + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato + + + Attributo + + + Attivo + + + Nome + + + Valore Attributo + + + Numero di Serie + + + Data Garanzia + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + N. Lotto + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Serie di Attributi + + + Creato Da + + + Descrizione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Controllo per Numero di Serie + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato + + + Data Garanzia + + + Numero di serie + + + Nome + + + Serie di Attributi + + + Controllo per Lotto + + + Azienda + + + Descrizione + + + Lotto + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato + + + Creato + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Azienda + + + Codice + + + Creato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Valore Attributo + + + Attivo + + + Attributo + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Attributo di Istanza + + + Aggiornato + + + Attributo + + + Nome + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Descrizione + + + Obbligatorio + + + Giorni di garanzia + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Attributo + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Serie di Attributi + + + Aggiornato + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Attivo + + + Ricerca per Attributo + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Descrizione + + + Creato + + + Nome + + + Creato Da + + + Ricerca per Attributo + + + Sequenza + + + Tab Incluso + + + Prezzo tasse incluse + + + Importo dell'imposta + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Progetto + + + Tipo Distinta Base + + + Fase Standard + + + Quantità Fatturata + + + Quantità Impegnata + + + Importo Fatturato + + + Testo Email del Progetto + + + Formato di Stampa Progetto + + + Nome Stampante + + + Viene mantenuto il Log delle modifiche + + + Creato + + + Azienda + + + Creato Da + + + Solo Lettura + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato + + + Ruolo + + + Organizzazione + + + Tabella + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Indirizzo remoto + + + Host remoto + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Sessione Web + + + Sessione + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Creato Da + + + Record ID + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Ruolo + + + Solo Lettura + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Tabella + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato Da + + + Attivo + + + Lingua + + + Tradotta + + + Linea Etichetta di Stampa + + + Creato + + + Etichetta di stampa + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Azienda + + + Nome + + + Colonna + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Posizione Y + + + Creato Da + + + Linea Etichetta di Stampa + + + Organizzazione + + + Etichetta di Stampa + + + Tipo Formato dell'Etichetta + + + Sequenza + + + Posizione X + + + Etichetta di stampa + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato + + + Organizzazione + + + Orizzontale + + + Creato Da + + + Descrizione + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Nome Stampante + + + Tabella + + + Altezza dell'Etichetta + + + Azienda + + + Larghezza dell'Etichetta + + + Aggiornato + + + Etichetta di Stampa + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Ruolo + + + Creato Da + + + Solo Lettura + + + Azienda + + + Creato + + + Colonna + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Importazione Inventario + + + Importato + + + Aggiornato + + + Organizzazione + + + Importazione Messaggio d'Errore + + + Elaborato + + + Creato Da + + + Elabora ora + + + Creato + + + Documento Ricorrente + + + Creato + + + Pagamento + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato + + + Elaborazione Ricorso + + + Creato Da + + + Progetto + + + Fattura + + + Gruppo Prime Note + + + Azienda + + + Attivo + + + Attivo + + + Descrizione + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Creato Da + + + Gruppo Prime Note + + + Tipo di frequenza + + + Organizzazione + + + Nome + + + Creato + + + Data Prossima Elaborazione + + + Tipo di Ricorso + + + Elaborazioni da Fare + + + Elaborazioni Massime + + + Elabora ora + + + Fattura + + + Progetto + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Documento Ricorrente + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Data ultima elaborazione + + + Pagamento + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Descrizione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato Da + + + Attivo + + + Tipo Progetto + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Prezzo unitario + + + Data del Fine + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato + + + Descrizione + + + Completato + + + Azienda + + + Creato Da + + + Generare Ordine + + + Fase Standard + + + Attivo + + + Prodotto + + + Data d'Inizio + + + Progetto + + + Organizzazione + + + Fase Standard + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Quantità Standard + + + Aggiornato + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Sequenza + + + Creato + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato Da + + + Tipo Progetto + + + Attivo + + + Valido + + + Titolo + + + 2° Telefono + + + Nascita + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Telefono + + + Fax + + + Ultimo Risultato + + + Ultimo Contatto + + + Titolo + + + Commenti + + + Importo Fatturato + + + Copiare Da + + + Fase Standard + + + Quantità Fatturata + + + Tipo Progetto + + + Saldo del Progetto + + + Quantità Impegnata + + + Formato di stampa + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Contatto Consegna Diretta + + + Partner Consegna Diretta + + + Copiare Da + + + Indirizzo Consegna Diretta + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Padre del Partner + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Copiare Da + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Elaborato + + + Self-Service + + + Self-Service + + + Email + + + Utente/Contatto + + + P_Number + + + Log + + + Istanza dell'Elaborazione + + + Elabora Messaggio + + + Data della Elaborazione + + + ID del Processo + + + Creato Da + + + Immagine URL + + + Nome + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Annuncio + + + Self-Service + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato + + + Business Partner + + + Advertisement Text + + + Creato + + + Valido fino a + + + Counter Count + + + Conteggio Click + + + Valido Da + + + Descrizione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Azienda + + + Tabella + + + Valore Nuovo + + + Creato Da + + + Attivo + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato + + + Log di modifica + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Sessione + + + Colonna + + + Valore Vecchio + + + Creato + + + Record ID + + + N. Lotto + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Riga dell'inventario fisico + + + Codice Magazzino + + + Scomparto (Y) + + + Conteggio della quantità + + + Codice + + + Quantità nominale + + + Descrizione + + + Livello (Z) + + + Codice a Barre + + + Corridoio(X) + + + Prodotto + + + Numero di Serie + + + Self-Service + + + Email + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Self-Service + + + Quantità Addebitabile + + + Approvazione + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Quantità Addebitabile + + + Tipo di Tempo + + + Fase del Progetto + + + Compito del Progetto + + + Escludi + + + Escludi + + + Escludi + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato Da + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato + + + Tipo di Tempo + + + Azienda + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Quantità Standard + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Creato Da + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Fase Standard + + + Prodotto + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Sequenza + + + Creato + + + Azienda + + + Compito Standard + + + Organizzazione + + + Fase del Progetto + + + Aggiornato + + + Prodotto + + + Compito Standard + + + Attivo + + + Creato Da + + + Sequenza + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Azienda + + + Descrizione + + + Compito del Progetto + + + Quantità + + + Nome + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Valido Da + + + Valido fino a + + + Azienda + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Assegnazione della Organizzazione + + + Creato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Tipo di Costo + + + Aggiornato + + + Descrizione + + + Azienda + + + Nome + + + Attivo + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato + + + Fase del ciclo + + + Organizzazione + + + Sequenza + + + Azienda + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato + + + Peso relativo + + + Ciclo del progetto + + + Creato Da + + + Quantità + + + Nome + + + Impegno è Massimo + + + Sequenza + + + Fase del Progetto + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Importo impegnato + + + Prodotto + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Impegno è Massimo + + + Saldo + + + Importo dell'addebito + + + Codice di Autorizzazione (DC) + + + Codice di verifica Carta di Credito + + + Referimento (DC) + + + Addebito + + + Informazioni Carta di Credito + + + Riferimento n. + + + Memo + + + Tabella + + + Chiave del Locatore + + + Attività + + + Indicatore dell'imposta + + + Azienda + + + Codice a Barre + + + Chiave del Business Partner + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Importato + + + Prezzo unitario + + + UdM + + + Numero del Documento + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Riga dell'ordine di vendita + + + Chiave Termine Pagamento + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Creato Da + + + Elabora ora + + + Creato + + + Importazione Ordini + + + Prodotto + + + Valuta + + + Business Partner + + + Indirizzo 1 + + + Progetto + + + Spese di Trasporto + + + Elaborato + + + Descrizione + + + Importazione Messaggio d'Errore + + + Tipo Documento + + + Listino prezzi + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Termini del Pagamento + + + Importo dell'imposta + + + Email + + + Imposta + + + Trasportatore + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Attivo + + + Quantità Ordinata + + + Descrizione della Riga + + + Nome della regione + + + UGS + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Indirizzo 2 + + + Indirizzo della Fatturazione + + + Organizzazione + + + Nome Tipo Documento + + + Codice del prodotto + + + Aggiornato + + + CAP + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Nome + + + Città + + + Creato Da + + + Allarme + + + Aggiornato + + + Organizzazione + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Creato + + + Azienda + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Creato Da + + + Allarme + + + Aggiornato + + + Organizzazione + + + Clausola From + + + Clausola SQL Where + + + Clausola SELECT + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Regole dell'Allarme + + + Elaborazione Set di comandi SQL + + + Elaborazione riga SQL + + + Creato + + + Tabella + + + Attivo + + + Azienda + + + Creato + + + Assicura sicurezza cliente + + + Messaggio dell'Allarme + + + Attivo + + + Azienda + + + Assicura sicurezza ruolo + + + Organizzazione + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Argomento dell'Allarme + + + Aggiornato + + + Nome + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato Da + + + Allarme + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Azienda + + + Codice + + + Categoria Spese di Trasporto + + + Attivo + + + Spese di Trasporto + + + Azienda + + + Categoria Spese di Trasporto + + + Creato Da + + + Regione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato + + + Trasportatore + + + Valuta + + + Aggiornato + + + Spese di Trasporto + + + Attivo + + + Valido Da + + + A + + + Nazione + + + A + + + Organizzazione + + + Carta di credito + + + Anno Scaduto + + + Via del cliente + + + Num. Previdenza + + + Ricevuta + + + Nome del cliente + + + Tipo di Offerta + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato + + + Pagamento + + + Riferimento + + + Verifica carta di credito + + + Attivo + + + Risultato + + + Patente di guida + + + Codice di avviamento postale del cliente + + + Email del cliente + + + Nazione del cliente + + + Business Partner + + + Valuta + + + Creato Da + + + Numero dell'Assegno + + + Tipo Documento + + + Importazione Messaggio d'Errore + + + Importo dell'addebito + + + Numero OdA + + + Codice di autorizzazione + + + Approvazione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Informazioni Carta di Credito + + + Info + + + Self-Service + + + Numero del Documento + + + Messaggio + + + Saldo + + + Elaborato + + + Sopra/Sotto Pagamento + + + Organizzazione + + + ID transazione originale + + + Numero Documento Fattura + + + Importo dell'imposta + + + Numero del conto + + + Importo del Sopra/Sotto Pagamento + + + Importato + + + Numero Conto Bancario + + + Nome dell'Addebitamento + + + Azienda + + + Importazione Pagamenti + + + Tipo di transazione + + + Nazione Contabile + + + Conto Bancario + + + Addebito + + + Codice di autorizzazione vocale + + + Importo dello sconto + + + Importo pagamento + + + Data della transazione + + + Importo dello storno + + + Micr + + + Mese scaduto + + + Città del cliente + + + Numero + + + Chiave del Business Partner + + + Fattura + + + Numero ABI-CAB + + + Nome Tipo Documento + + + Quantità Ordinata + + + Codice del prodotto + + + Importo dell'imposta + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato + + + Progetto + + + Email + + + Importato + + + Nome della regione + + + Indicatore dell'imposta + + + Numero del Documento + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Creato Da + + + Nome + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Chiave del Business Partner + + + Business Partner + + + Indirizzo 1 + + + Valuta + + + Elaborato + + + Città + + + Azienda + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Prezzo unitario + + + Indirizzo 2 + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Importazione Fatture + + + Codice a Barre + + + UGS + + + Listino prezzi + + + Creato + + + CAP + + + Chiave Termine Pagamento + + + Attività + + + Tipo Documento + + + Campagna + + + Prodotto + + + Descrizione della Riga + + + Fattura + + + Organizzazione + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Riga della fattura + + + Nome Tipo Documento + + + Elabora ora + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Descrizione + + + Termini del Pagamento + + + Imposta + + + Importazione Messaggio d'Errore + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato + + + Importazione Giornale + + + Dare in Valuta Fonte + + + Numero di Riga + + + Conto + + + Combinazione + + + Codice Conto + + + Chiave della Organizzazione della Transazione + + + Descrizione del Batch + + + Attività + + + Area Stoccaggio Da + + + Nome della Categoria + + + Tipo registrazione + + + Progetto + + + Campagna + + + Chiave del Business Partner + + + Aggiornato + + + Codice del prodotto + + + Utente 1 + + + Gruppo Prime Note + + + Categoria Contabile + + + Quantità + + + Business Partner + + + Periodo + + + Importato + + + Budget + + + Data della Registrazione + + + UdM + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Dare + + + Chiave del Client + + + Codice del Progetto + + + Importazione Messaggio d'Errore + + + Utente 2 + + + Nome Tipo Documento + + + Area Stoccaggio A + + + Codice a Barre + + + Chiave della Organizzazione + + + Elaborato + + + Avere + + + Elabora ora + + + Tasso di Conversione Valuta + + + Tipo Documento + + + Nome dello Schema Contabile + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Codice ISO + + + Numero Documento del Batch + + + Attivo + + + Valuta + + + Creato Da + + + Prodotto + + + Azienda + + + UGS + + + Avere in Valuta Fonte + + + Schema Contabile + + + Prima Nota + + + Riga della Prima Nota + + + Descrizione + + + Area di Vendita + + + Data rendiconto + + + Numero Conto Bancario + + + Riferimento n. + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Azienda + + + Memo + + + Data effettiva + + + Aggiornato + + + Storno + + + Conto Bancario + + + Descrizione + + + Descrizione della Riga + + + Elaborato + + + Business Partner + + + Estratto conto banca + + + Importato + + + Numero Documento Fattura + + + Importo dell'addebito + + + Importazione Estratto Conto Bancario + + + Riga di estratto conto banca + + + Organizzazione + + + Addebito + + + Attivo + + + Nome dell'Addebitamento + + + Numero ABI-CAB + + + Importo interessi + + + Pagamento + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Importazione Messaggio d'Errore + + + Creato + + + Importo rendiconto + + + Fattura + + + Nome + + + Importo della transazione + + + Tipo di transazione + + + Chiave del Business Partner + + + Numero di Riga + + + Creato Da + + + Unità do Supporto + + + Numero di Rilascio + + + Categoria Spese di Trasporto + + + Tracking URL + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Formato di stampa della fattura + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Data Pick + + + Tracking No + + + Numero Pacchetti + + + Data della Consegna + + + Self-Service + + + Password + + + Tipo di Replicazione + + + Finestra Ordine di Acquisto + + + Tipo di entità + + + Tabella + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Strategia di Replicazione + + + Tabella di Replicazione + + + Azienda + + + Tipo di Replicazione + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Strategia di Replicazione + + + Azienda + + + Creato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Tipo di entità + + + Descrizione + + + Replicato + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato + + + Replicazione + + + Elaborazione della Replicazione + + + Creato Da + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Replicato + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato + + + Organizzazione + + + Tabella di Replicazione + + + Attivo + + + Azienda + + + Elaborazione della Replicazione + + + Log della Replicazione + + + Creato Da + + + Elabora Messaggio + + + Aggiornato + + + Replicazione + + + Indirizzo host + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Descrizione + + + Creato + + + Strategia di Replicazione + + + Nome + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Azienda + + + Attivo + + + Creato Da + + + Porta host + + + Tipo di Replicazione + + + Paese ISO + + + Ubicazione / Indirizzo + + + Regione + + + Nazione + + + Nome del contatto + + + Telefono + + + Nazione + + + Regione + + + Telefono + + + Ubicazione / Indirizzo + + + Paese ISO + + + Nome del contatto + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato + + + Campagna + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Nome + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Descrizione + + + Aggiornato + + + Azienda + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Tipo di Conoscenza + + + Pubblico + + + Attivo + + + Creato Da + + + Tipo di Conoscenza + + + Descrizione + + + Creato + + + Nome + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Pubblico + + + Aggiornato + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Argomento di Conoscenza + + + Organizzazione + + + Organizzazione + + + Nome di Sinonimo + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato Da + + + Azienda + + + Attivo + + + Nome + + + Sinonimo di Conoscenza + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + URL della descrizione + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato + + + Fonte della Conoscenza + + + Nome + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato + + + Azienda + + + Immessione + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato Da + + + Attivo + + + Immessione Associata + + + Nome + + + Creato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Immessione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Valore della Categoria + + + Categoria di Conoscenza + + + Attivo + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato + + + Nome + + + Aggiornato + + + Fonte della Conoscenza + + + Creato Da + + + Pubblico + + + Argomento di Conoscenza + + + Organizzazione + + + Immessione + + + Azienda + + + Indice + + + URL della descrizione + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Parole Chiavi + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato + + + Immessione + + + Aggiornato + + + Commento dell'Immessione + + + Creato Da + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Pubblico + + + Indice + + + Attivo + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Azienda + + + Valore della Categoria + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Organizzazione + + + Categoria di Conoscenza + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Nome + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Aggiornato + + + Descrizione + + + Categoria di Conoscenza + + + Scrivere Pubblico + + + Scrivere Pubblico + + + Valido fino a + + + Attività + + + Utente 2 + + + Utente 1 + + + Progetto + + + Campagna + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Progetto + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Utente 2 + + + Attività + + + Campagna + + + Utente 1 + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Utente 1 + + + Utente 2 + + + Campagna + + + Progetto + + + Attività + + + Utente 1 + + + Campagna + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Attività + + + Utente 2 + + + Utente 2 + + + Utente 1 + + + Codice del prodotto + + + UGS + + + Codice a Barre + + + Codice del prodotto + + + UGS + + + Codice a Barre + + + UGS + + + Codice a Barre + + + Codice del prodotto + + + Utente 1 + + + Utente 2 + + + Utente 2 + + + Utente 1 + + + Attività + + + Campagna + + + Progetto + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Utente 2 + + + Utente 1 + + + Attività + + + Campagna + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Progetto + + + Manuale + + + Tunnel via HTTP + + + Elabora ora + + + Descrizione + + + Descrizione + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Descrizione + + + Nome + + + Tradotta + + + Lingua + + + Aggiornato + + + Nazione + + + Creato Da + + + Azienda + + + Nome della regione + + + ID Gamma Inizio + + + Suffisso + + + Organizzazione Remota + + + ID Gamma Fine + + + Client Remoto + + + Prefisso + + + ID Gamma Inizio + + + ID Gamma Fine + + + Data ultima elaborazione + + + ID della Lingua + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato + + + Lingua + + + Tradotta + + + Descrizione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Valuta + + + Organizzazione + + + Simbolo della Valuta + + + Azienda + + + Copiare Da + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Data del Documento + + + Frequenza + + + Nome + + + Indirizzo Org + + + BP Chiave di ricerca + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Livello di Sintesi + + + Campagna + + + Fase Standard + + + Descrizione + + + Nome + + + Saldo del Progetto + + + Quantità Impegnata + + + Tipo Progetto + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Quantità pianificata + + + Data del contatto + + + Riferimento n. + + + Importo pianificato + + + Organizzazione + + + Progetto + + + Quantità Fatturata + + + Business Partner + + + Azienda + + + Riferimento dell'ordine + + + Importo Fatturato + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Creato Da + + + Nome 2 + + + Tipo Progetto + + + Impegno + + + Impegno è Massimo + + + Titolo + + + Titolo del contatto del BP + + + Data fine + + + Versione del Listino Prezzi + + + Codice + + + Ubicazione / Indirizzo + + + Nome del contatto + + + Margine pianificato + + + Attivo + + + Termini del Pagamento + + + Titolo del BP + + + Nota + + + Lingua + + + Importo impegnato + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Fase del Progetto + + + Aggiornato + + + Nota dei termini del pagamento + + + Creato + + + Valuta + + + Partita IVA + + + Numero di Riga + + + Attivo + + + Prezzo pianificato + + + Quantità pianificata + + + Prodotto + + + Importo Fatturato + + + Codice a Barre + + + Aggiornato + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato + + + Lingua + + + Creato Da + + + Margine pianificato + + + Codice del prodotto + + + Importo pianificato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Riga del progetto + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Quantità Impegnata + + + Nota del Documento + + + Descrizione + + + Quantità Fatturata + + + Importo impegnato + + + UGS + + + Progetto + + + Tipo Progetto + + + Quantità pianificata + + + Peso relativo + + + Creato + + + Importo pianificato + + + Azienda + + + Fase del Progetto + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato + + + Descrizione + + + Margine pianificato + + + Saldo del Progetto + + + Riferimento dell'ordine + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Fase del ciclo + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Organizzazione + + + Data fine + + + Nome Passo del Ciclo + + + Progetto + + + Impegno + + + Importo impegnato + + + Data del contatto + + + Nome del Ciclo + + + Valuta + + + Tipo Progetto + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Quantità Fatturata + + + Business Partner + + + Nota + + + Quantità Impegnata + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Sequenza + + + Ciclo del progetto + + + Impegno è Massimo + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Importo Fatturato + + + Fase Standard + + + Codice del Progetto + + + Creato Da + + + Progetto + + + Inventario Fisico + + + Data del movimento + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Default + + + Tipo di Ordine OdV/OdA + + + Fino a + + + A partire da + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Lotto + + + Organizzazione del Documento + + + Numero Documento Giornale + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Creato Da + + + Email + + + ID messaggio + + + Creato + + + Gruppo Bene Gestito + + + Bene Gestito + + + N. Lotto + + + Data entrata in funzione + + + Consegna del Bene + + + URL + + + Data del movimento + + + Indirizzo remoto + + + Prodotto + + + Assegnato + + + Numero di Serie + + + Conferma spedizione + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Business Partner + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Host remoto + + + Descrizione + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Data Garanzia + + + Azienda + + + Versione n. + + + Nome + + + Gruppo Bene Gestito + + + Codice + + + Data Garanzia + + + Business Partner + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Azienda + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + N. Lotto + + + Numero di Serie + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Aggiornato + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Numero di Spedizioni + + + Data entrata in funzione + + + Creato Da + + + Versione n. + + + Bene Gestito + + + Prodotto + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Descrizione + + + Creato + + + Self-Service + + + Importo Minimo + + + Web Parameter 4 + + + Web Parameter 2 + + + Web Parameter 3 + + + Web Parameter 1 + + + Categoria del Progetto + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Azienda + + + Progetto + + + Elaborato + + + Descrizione + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Quantità del movimento + + + Creato + + + Registrato + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Registrare al Progetto + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Prodotto + + + Numero di Riga + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Registrare al Progetto + + + Categoria del Progetto + + + Categoria del Progetto + + + Categoria del Progetto + + + Data del movimento + + + Registrare al Progetto + + + Elabora ora + + + Stato di Credito + + + Riga della spesa + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Ordine di Acquisto + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Solo Descrizione + + + Solo Descrizione + + + Solo Descrizione + + + Stampato + + + Elaborato + + + Prezzi + + + Funzione Etichetta di Stampa + + + Label printer + + + Data dell'Ordine + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Data Fattura + + + Lingua + + + Sessione + + + Sessione + + + Verifica indirizzo Email + + + Chiave di Encryption + + + Accesso Personale + + + Mostra Contabilità + + + Blocco Personale + + + Data di scadenza + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Azienda + + + Separatore XY + + + Prefisso Funzione + + + Label printer + + + Funzione Etichetta di Stampa + + + Descrizione + + + Creato + + + Posizione XY + + + Nome + + + Suffisso funzione + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Registrato + + + Volume delle vendite + + + Sistema + + + Dipendenti + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Info Azienda + + + In Produzione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Record ID + + + Ubicazione / Indirizzo + + + Info Piattaforma + + + Elabora ora + + + Attivo + + + Consente la Pubblicazione + + + Host remoto + + + Valuta + + + Azienda + + + Registrazione + + + Creato + + + Indirizzo remoto + + + Descrizione + + + Nome + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Label printer + + + Creato + + + Azienda + + + Descrizione + + + Creato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Tabella + + + Organizzazione + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Record ID + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Azienda + + + Attributo di Istanza + + + Attivo + + + Addebito + + + Tipo di Inventario + + + Linea Totale + + + Stampato + + + Elabora ora + + + Intestazione Centro + + + Piè di Pagina Centro + + + Immagine URL + + + Intestazione Destra + + + Piè di Pagina Destra + + + Piè di Pagina Sinistra + + + Intestazione Sinistra + + + Default + + + Immagine allegata + + + Calcola Massimo (¿) + + + Linee Totale Corrente + + + Totale Corrente + + + Calcola Minimo (¿) + + + Default + + + Oscura + + + Può effettuare report + + + Può esportare + + + Può effettuare report + + + Può esportare + + + Elabora ora + + + Dare in Valuta Fonte + + + Avere + + + Riga del progetto + + + Dare + + + Quantità del movimento + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Schema Contabile + + + Creato + + + Linea Argomento + + + Creato Da + + + Progetto + + + Attivo + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Data del movimento + + + Importo pianificato + + + Conto + + + Azienda + + + Riga della spesa + + + Prodotto + + + Aggiornato + + + Margine pianificato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Prezzo pianificato + + + Organizzazione + + + Avere in Valuta Fonte + + + Descrizione + + + Quantità Impegnata + + + Linea Margine + + + Descrizione Problema + + + Registrare al Progetto + + + Numero di Riga + + + Quantità pianificata + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Controllo per Lotto + + + Tipo Accesso + + + Entità Dipendenti + + + Dati Binari + + + Dati Carattere (Char) + + + Tipo di entità + + + Crea Pagamento + + + Informazioni Trasferimento Fondi Elettronici + + + EFT Memo + + + EFT Reference + + + EFT Trx Type + + + EFT Payee + + + EFT Trx ID + + + EFT Trx ID + + + Manuale + + + EFT Trx Type + + + Crea Pagamento + + + EFT Payee + + + EFT Memo + + + Informazioni Trasferimento Fondi Elettronici + + + Elabora ora + + + Tipo di entità + + + N. Lotto + + + Lotto + + + Numero di Serie + + + Data Garanzia + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Serie di Attributi + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Livello (Z) + + + Lotto + + + Scomparto (Y) + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Data Garanzia + + + Serie di Attributi + + + Corridoio(X) + + + Progetto + + + Serie di Attributi + + + Registrare al Progetto + + + Scomparto (Y) + + + UGS + + + N. Lotto + + + Data del movimento + + + Movimento + + + Nome + + + Data Garanzia + + + Numero di Riga + + + Piano di produzione + + + Classificazione + + + Numero di Serie + + + Riga del movimento + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Lotto + + + Livello (Z) + + + Transazione di inventario + + + Volume + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + UdM + + + Tipo di movimento + + + Codice + + + Riga dell'inventario fisico + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Produzione + + + Peso + + + Riga di produzione + + + Azienda + + + Versione n. + + + Codice a Barre + + + Quantità del movimento + + + Spedizione/ricevimento + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Prodotto + + + Inventario Fisico + + + Corridoio(X) + + + Descrizione + + + Organizzazione + + + UdM + + + Azienda + + + Versione n. + + + N. Lotto + + + Corridoio(X) + + + Data ultimo conteggio di inventario + + + Quantità Disponibile + + + Nome + + + Giorni di garanzia + + + Scomparto (Y) + + + Codice a Barre + + + Lotto + + + Data di scadenza + + + Livello (Z) + + + Organizzazione + + + Quantità riservata + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Data Garanzia + + + Peso + + + Durata + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Descrizione + + + Serie di Attributi + + + Quantità in Magazzino + + + Volume + + + Quantità Ordinata + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Codice + + + Classificazione + + + UGS + + + Vita dello scaffale rimanente % + + + Prodotto + + + Numero di Serie + + + Durata minima nello scaffale % + + + Dovuto Maturato 31-60 + + + Dovuto Maturato > 31 + + + Valuta + + + Data Dovuto + + + Dovuto Maturato > 91 + + + Dovuto> 91 + + + Dovuto 61-90 + + + Dovuto Maturato 1-30 + + + Dovuto Oggi + + + Dovuto Maturato 1-7 + + + Dovuto Oggi-7 + + + Organizzazione + + + Business Partner + + + Dovuto 31-60 + + + Dovuto 8-30 + + + Gruppo di business partner + + + Dovuto > 61 + + + Dovuto Maturato > 61 + + + Fattura + + + Istanza dell'Elaborazione + + + Dovuto Maturato 61-90 + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Dovuto Maturato 8-30 + + + Dovuto 1-7 + + + Dovuto > 31 + + + Dovuto Oggi-30 + + + Dovuto Maturato + + + Azienda + + + Importo Dovuto + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Lista Fatture + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Business Partner + + + Creato + + + Organizzazione + + + Durata minima nello scaffale % + + + Descrizione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Azienda + + + Attivo + + + Prodotto + + + Durata dello scaffale in giorni + + + Lotto Obbligatorio + + + Numero Seriale Obbligatorio + + + Data di Garanzia Obbligatoria + + + Azienda produttrice + + + Categoria fornitore + + + Indice di qualità + + + N. prodotto fornitori + + + Giorni di Vita dello scaffale + + + D-U-N-S + + + NAICS/SIC + + + Partita IVA Business Partner + + + Partita IVA Business Partner + + + D-U-N-S + + + NAICS/SIC + + + NAICS/SIC + + + D-U-N-S + + + Partita IVA Business Partner + + + NAICS/SIC + + + D-U-N-S + + + Partita IVA Business Partner + + + D-U-N-S + + + NAICS/SIC + + + Partita IVA Business Partner + + + Riordinato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato + + + Web Click + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Target URL + + + Assegnato + + + Host remoto + + + Lingua consentita + + + Attivo + + + Azienda + + + Creato Da + + + Elaborato + + + Utente rappresentante + + + Email + + + Organizzazione + + + Conteggio Click + + + Indirizzo remoto + + + Descrizione + + + Business Partner + + + Counter + + + Organizzazione + + + Target URL + + + Azienda + + + Creato + + + Nome + + + Creato Da + + + Manuale + + + Allocato + + + Quantità + + + Attivo + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Transazione in Uscita + + + Prodotto + + + Linea Produzione in Uscita + + + Linea Inventario in Uscita + + + Azienda + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Line Spedizione in Uscita + + + Riga dell'inventario fisico + + + Transazione di inventario + + + Strategia di imputazione + + + Organizzazione + + + Riga di produzione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato + + + Calcola Varianza (s²) + + + Calcola deviazione std. (s) + + + Visualizzato nel Web Store + + + Self-Service + + + Self-Service + + + Addebito + + + Tipo Valuta + + + Tipo Valuta + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Attivo + + + Tipo Valuta + + + Creato Da + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato + + + Descrizione + + + Organizzazione + + + Default + + + Codice + + + Creato Da + + + Conto utile non realizzato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Azienda + + + Schema Contabile + + + Attivo + + + Valuta + + + Aggiornato + + + Organizzazione + + + Conto utile credito realizzato + + + Creato + + + Conto perdite credito realizzato + + + Conto perdita credito non realizzato + + + Tipo Valuta + + + Tipo Valuta + + + Tipo chiave di conversione + + + Tipo Valuta + + + Tipo Valuta + + + Tipo Valuta + + + Tipo Valuta + + + Tipo Valuta + + + Nome Magazzino + + + Creato Da + + + Quantità Disponibile + + + Quantità riservata + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Versione del Listino Prezzi + + + Creato + + + Prezzo standard + + + Nome + + + Quantità Ordinata + + + Codice + + + Attributo di Istanza + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + UGS + + + Prezzo limite + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Codice a Barre + + + Azienda + + + Prezzo di listino + + + Quantità in Magazzino + + + Aggiornato + + + Prodotto + + + Margine % + + + Elabora ora + + + Tipo Valuta + + + Programma Pagamenti Valido + + + Programma Pagamenti Valido + + + Elabora ora + + + Data Estratto Conto EFT + + + Riferimento estratto Conto EFT + + + EFT Effective Date + + + Data Linea Dichiarazione + + + Linea Data Estratto Conto EFT + + + EFT Reference + + + Importo EFT + + + EFT Currency + + + Proxy port + + + ID Ramo + + + Organizzazione + + + PIN + + + Azienda + + + Caricatore estratto conto + + + ID Istituto Finanziario + + + Nome File + + + Indirizzo Proxy + + + Formato Data + + + Creato + + + Descrizione + + + Password + + + Classe Java caricatore Estratto Conto Bancario + + + Proxy logon + + + Data ultima elaborazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato Da + + + ID dell'Utente + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Aggiornato + + + Conto Bancario + + + Indirizzo host + + + Porta host + + + Proxy password + + + Numero del conto + + + Importo EFT + + + Data Linea Dichiarazione + + + EFT Check No + + + EFT Effective Date + + + Riferimento estratto Conto EFT + + + Data Estratto Conto EFT + + + EFT Currency + + + Linea Data Estratto Conto EFT + + + Valuta + + + No Documento Pagamento + + + Codice ISO + + + EFT Check No + + + Valido Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Valuta A + + + Tipo chiave di conversione + + + Aggiornato + + + Azienda + + + Tipo Valuta + + + Creato Da + + + Codice ISO + + + Attivo + + + Valido fino a + + + Tasso di Divisione + + + Tasso di conversione valuta importata + + + Crea Reciproco Tasso + + + Tasso di Moltiplicazione + + + Creato + + + Tasso di Conversione + + + Codice Valuta ISO + + + Valuta + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Importazione Messaggio d'Errore + + + Importato + + + Elaborato + + + Elabora ora + + + Elabora ora + + + Elabora ora + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Valido fino a + + + Sostituto + + + Azienda + + + Utente Sostitutivo + + + Nome + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Descrizione + + + Valido Da + + + Creato + + + Organizzazione + + + Supervisore + + + Organizzazione Padre + + + Nodo + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Descrizione + + + Nome Attributo + + + Parametro del Nodo di Workflow + + + Organizzazione + + + Parametro dell'Elaborazione + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato + + + Nodo + + + Responsabile di Workflow + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato Da + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Attività del Workflow + + + Processo di Workflow + + + Attivo + + + Elaborato + + + Elabora ora + + + Stato di Workflow + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Azienda + + + Messaggio + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato + + + Elabora ora + + + Aggiornato + + + Elaborato + + + Attivo + + + Workflow + + + Azienda + + + Creato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Stato di Workflow + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Responsabile di Workflow + + + Processo di Workflow + + + Messaggio + + + Attivo + + + Responsible Type + + + Creato Da + + + Nome + + + Creato + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Ruolo + + + Descrizione + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato + + + Organizzazione + + + Responsabile di Workflow + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Descrizione + + + Azienda + + + Workflow + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Attivo + + + Nome + + + Creato + + + Organizzazione + + + Blocco del Workflow + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Processo di Workflow + + + Nome Attributo + + + Attivo + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Dati Elaborati Workflow + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato + + + Valore Attributo + + + Creato + + + Nome Attributo + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Responsabile di Workflow + + + Azienda + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Valore Nuovo + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Stato di Workflow + + + Creato + + + Valore Vecchio + + + Verifica Evento di Workflow + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attività del Workflow + + + Nome Attributo + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Valore Attributo + + + Creato + + + Risultato Attività di Workflow + + + Autore + + + Priorità + + + Tempo di Esecuzione + + + Limite Durata + + + Valido Da + + + Durata + + + Responsabile di Workflow + + + Versione + + + Costo + + + Valido fino a + + + Unità Durata + + + Tempo di Attesa + + + Limite Durata + + + Start Mode + + + Responsabile di Workflow + + + Durata + + + Esecuzione sub-workflow + + + Costo + + + Tempo di Attesa + + + Tempo di Esecuzione + + + Blocco del Workflow + + + Priorità + + + Modalità di Conclusione + + + Codice Transizione + + + Supervisore + + + Valore Attributo + + + Tipo Evento + + + Tipo di entità + + + Tipo di entità + + + Tipo di entità + + + Elaborato + + + Elemento Unione + + + Elemento divisione + + + Descrizione + + + Tipo di entità + + + Immagine + + + Sequenza + + + Descrizione + + + Bene Gestito + + + Descrizione + + + Stato Pubblicazione + + + Versione + + + Elabora ora + + + Stato Pubblicazione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Azienda + + + Registrazione + + + Prodotto + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Indirizzo remoto + + + Host remoto + + + Descrizione + + + Business Partner + + + Bene Gestito + + + Elabora ora + + + In Produzione + + + Attivo + + + Registrato + + + Consente la Pubblicazione + + + Creato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Nome + + + Aggiornato + + + Organizzazione + + + Nome + + + Creato + + + Descrizione + + + Aggiornato + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato Da + + + Attivo + + + Attributo di Registrazione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato Da + + + Azienda + + + Attributo di Registrazione + + + Registrazione + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Descrizione + + + Nome + + + Aggiornato + + + Data entrata in funzione + + + Sequenza + + + Nota + + + Pagato + + + Creato + + + Data Fattura + + + Creato Da + + + Partita IVA + + + Moltiplicatore + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Numero del Documento + + + Fattura + + + Imposta + + + Esente + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Tatale Linee Imposte + + + Tipo Documento + + + Base imponibile dell'imposta + + + Importo dell'imposta + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Business Partner + + + Valuta + + + Area Stoccaggio Da + + + Progetto + + + Periodo + + + Utente 1 + + + Azienda + + + Budget + + + Tipo registrazione + + + Importo in Valuta Originale + + + Schema Contabile + + + Area di Vendita + + + Dare in Valuta Fonte + + + Utente 2 + + + Conto + + + Attività + + + Importo del Conto + + + Imposta + + + Campagna + + + Area Stoccaggio A + + + Prodotto + + + Dare + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Bene Gestito + + + Avere + + + Categoria Contabile + + + Business Partner + + + Organizzazione + + + Valuta + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Avere in Valuta Fonte + + + Tasso + + + Tipo registrazione + + + Utente 2 + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Schema Contabile + + + Dare + + + Periodo + + + Importo in Valuta Originale + + + Business Partner + + + Importo del Conto + + + Progetto + + + Organizzazione + + + Area di Vendita + + + Area Stoccaggio Da + + + Campagna + + + Tasso + + + Prodotto + + + Avere in Valuta Fonte + + + Utente 1 + + + Avere + + + Azienda + + + Conto + + + Imposta + + + Budget + + + Attività + + + Bene Gestito + + + Area Stoccaggio A + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Dare in Valuta Fonte + + + Valuta + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Categoria Contabile + + + Schema Contabile + + + Budget + + + Periodo + + + Dare + + + Avere + + + Record ID + + + Imposta + + + Data della Registrazione + + + UdM + + + Area di Vendita + + + Utente 1 + + + Dare in Valuta Fonte + + + Importo del Conto + + + Organizzazione + + + Area Stoccaggio A + + + Area Stoccaggio Da + + + Campagna + + + Creato + + + Valuta + + + Progetto + + + Conto + + + Creato Da + + + ID della Riga + + + Utente 2 + + + Importo in Valuta Originale + + + Tasso + + + Bene Gestito + + + Attivo + + + Categoria Contabile + + + Prodotto + + + Business Partner + + + Aggiornato + + + Attività + + + Data della transazione + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Quantità + + + Azienda + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Tabella + + + Evento Contabile + + + Descrizione + + + Avere in Valuta Fonte + + + Tipo registrazione + + + Tipo Documento + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Importo del Sopra/Sotto Pagamento + + + Accept Direct Debit + + + Stato di Credito + + + Attivo + + + Descrizione + + + Nome + + + Creato + + + Sequenza + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Riconciliatore estratto conto + + + Nome classe + + + Creato Da + + + Dichiarazione quadratura + + + Fattura + + + Business Partner + + + Dichiarazione quadratura + + + Dichiarazione quadratura + + + Separatore Intestazione + + + Tipo Separazione Intestazione + + + Paint Header Lines + + + Tipo Linea Interruzione + + + Linea Interruzione + + + Fattura referenziata + + + Data ricevuto + + + In Transito + + + Consegna Referenziata + + + Quantità Confermata + + + Quantità Prelevata + + + Quantità Scartata + + + Quantità Attesa + + + Azione del Documento + + + Data ricevuto + + + In Transito + + + Stato del Documento + + + Quantità Confermata + + + Quantità Attesa + + + Quantità Scartata + + + Giorni durata log + + + Linea Fattura Referenziata + + + Text Message + + + Attività del Workflow + + + Text Message + + + Text Message + + + Riferimento + + + Creato + + + Dati Binari + + + Text Message + + + Azienda + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato + + + Log Elaboratore Richieste + + + Riepilogo + + + Organizzazione + + + Errore + + + Elaboratore della richiesta + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Descrizione + + + Descrizione + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Linea ARM + + + ARM + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Quantità + + + Azienda + + + Attivo + + + Elabora ora + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Numero del Documento + + + Spedizione/ricevimento + + + Nome + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Organizzazione + + + ARM + + + Creato + + + Elaborato + + + Descrizione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Prodotto Correlato + + + Tipo Prodotto Correlato + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Descrizione + + + Prodotto + + + Creato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato + + + Nome + + + Azienda + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Linea Packaging + + + Organizzazione + + + Packaging + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Descrizione + + + Quantità + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato + + + Azienda + + + Descrizione + + + Spedizione/ricevimento + + + Azienda + + + Data ricevuto + + + Trasportatore + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Info Received + + + Aggiornato + + + Info di Tracking + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Organizzazione + + + Packaging + + + Numero del Documento + + + Azienda + + + Creato + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Linea della Lista di Distribuzione + + + Quantità Minima + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Lista Distribuzione + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Business Partner + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Lista Distribuzione + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Elabora ora + + + Creato + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aggiornato + + + Azienda + + + Elaboratore Allarmi + + + Text Message + + + Text Message + + + Processore di Workflow + + + Tipo Sottoscrizione + + + Descrizione + + + Giorni durata log + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Tipo Organizzazione + + + Indirizzo per Pagamento + + + Pagamento BPartner + + + Ordine Referenziato + + + Organizzazioni Collegate + + + Organizzazione + + + Consegne per Abbonamento + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Azienda + + + Creato Da + + + Sottoscrizione + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Frequenza + + + Tipo di frequenza + + + Creato Da + + + Descrizione + + + Nome + + + Azienda + + + Tipo Sottoscrizione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato + + + Tipo Sottoscrizione + + + Creato + + + Data d'Inizio + + + Creato Da + + + Business Partner + + + Prodotto + + + Attivo + + + Sottoscrizione + + + Pagato Sino a + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Data Rinnovo + + + Dovuto + + + Nome + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Organizzazione + + + Approvare la Data + + + Data di cancellazione + + + Creato + + + Argomento della Richiesta Quot. + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Attivo + + + Azienda + + + Creato Da + + + Business Partner + + + Sottoscrittore Richiesta Quot. + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Self-Service + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Descrizione + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Argomento della Richiesta Quot. + + + Organizzazione + + + Nome + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato Da + + + Qtà Risposta Linea Richiesta Quot. + + + Linea Risposta Richiesta Quot. + + + Creato + + + Prezzo + + + Aggiornato + + + Sconto % + + + Quantità Linea Richiesta Quot. + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Linea Risposta Richiesta Quot. + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Attivo + + + Vincitore Selezionato + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Linea Richiesta Quotazione + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Self-Service + + + Data Risposta + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Vincitore Selezionato + + + Self-Service + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Valuta + + + Giorni alla Consegna + + + Creato Da + + + Prezzo + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Data Inizio Lavori + + + Richiesta Quotazione + + + Business Partner + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Descrizione + + + Completato + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Nome + + + Elabora ora + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Aggiornato + + + Data Fine Lavori + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Quantità + + + Linea Richiesta Quotazione + + + Aggiornato + + + Quantità Acquistata + + + Margine % + + + Attivo + + + Azienda + + + UdM + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato + + + Quantità Linea Richiesta Quot. + + + Organizzazione + + + Quantità dell'Offerta + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato + + + Linea Richiesta Quotazione + + + Numero di Riga + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Richiesta Quotazione + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Creato Da + + + Descrizione + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato + + + Prodotto + + + Valuta + + + Giorni alla Consegna + + + Azienda + + + Data Fine Lavori + + + Descrizione + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Quota tutte le Quantità + + + Elaborato + + + Argomento della Richiesta Quot. + + + Richiesta Quotazione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Crea Ordine di Vendita + + + Creato Da + + + Attivo + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Elabora ora + + + Crea Ordine di Vendita + + + Margine % + + + Data Risposta + + + Pubblica Richiesta Quot. + + + Self-Service + + + Aggiornato + + + Nome + + + Data Inizio Lavori + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Tipo Richiesta Quot. + + + Risposte Accettate + + + Business Partner + + + Organizzazione + + + Solo Fornitori Invitati + + + Quantità Totale Quotata + + + Creato + + + Descrizione + + + Nome + + + Azienda + + + Relazione col Partner + + + Indirizzo Partner Correlato + + + Indirizzo di spedizione + + + Indirizzo del pagante + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Business Partner + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Indirizzo del destinatario fattura + + + Creato Da + + + Partner Correlato + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato + + + Pagare all'indirizzo + + + Descrizione + + + Dettagli + + + Text Message + + + Creato Da + + + Argomento + + + Pubblicato + + + Numero del Documento + + + Stato Argomento + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Categoria Argomento + + + Tipo Argomento + + + Argomento Azione + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Elaborato + + + Nome + + + Elabora ora + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Importo impegnato + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Fondi Venditore + + + Organizzazione + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Creato + + + Pagamento + + + Importo non Inserito + + + Valido fino a + + + Interna + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Azienda + + + Attivo + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Attivo + + + Azienda + + + Argomento + + + Creato Da + + + Offerta di vendita + + + Text Message + + + Organizzazione + + + Nome + + + Nota Privata + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato + + + In fase di inserimento + + + Fondi Venditore + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Importo impegnato + + + Attivo + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato Da + + + Fondi degli acquirenti + + + Aggiornato + + + Azienda + + + Pagamento + + + Importo non Inserito + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Azienda + + + Nome + + + Valido fino a + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Descrizione + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato Da + + + Argomento + + + Creato + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Azienda + + + Commento all'offerta + + + Text Message + + + Aggiornato + + + Text Message + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nota Privata + + + In fase di inserimento + + + Argomento + + + Offerta + + + Nome + + + Creato + + + Fondi degli acquirenti + + + Azienda + + + Creato Da + + + Attivo + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Scheduler Log + + + Creato + + + Descrizione + + + Text Message + + + Dati Binari + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato Da + + + Riferimento + + + Errore + + + Scheduler + + + Attivo + + + Riepilogo + + + Azienda + + + Frequenza + + + Azienda + + + Supervisore + + + Attivo + + + Elabora ora + + + Scheduler + + + Elaborazione + + + Creato Da + + + Tipo di frequenza + + + Aggiornato + + + Data Prossima Elaborazione + + + Descrizione + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato + + + Nome + + + Giorni durata log + + + Data ultima elaborazione + + + Tipo Organizzazione + + + Nome + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Descrizione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Listino prezzi + + + Iscrizione + + + Creato + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Tipo Argomento + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Azienda + + + Prodotto + + + Categoria Argomento + + + Creato Da + + + Nome + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato + + + Descrizione + + + Attivo + + + Tipo Argomento + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Errore + + + Creato + + + Riepilogo + + + Text Message + + + Log Elaboratore Contabilità + + + Creato Da + + + Dati Binari + + + Azienda + + + Descrizione + + + Attivo + + + Riferimento + + + Elaboratore Contabilità + + + Organizzazione + + + Supervisore + + + Frequenza + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Creato Da + + + Data ultima elaborazione + + + Data Prossima Elaborazione + + + Giorni durata log + + + Elaboratore Contabilità + + + Descrizione + + + Organizzazione + + + Tipo di frequenza + + + Nome + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato + + + Elabora ora + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Attivo + + + Processore di Workflow + + + Log del Processore di Workflow + + + Dati Binari + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato + + + Riepilogo + + + Text Message + + + Riferimento + + + Descrizione + + + Errore + + + Creato Da + + + Data Prossima Elaborazione + + + Descrizione + + + Giorni durata log + + + Tipo di frequenza + + + Nome + + + Elabora ora + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Processore di Workflow + + + Attivo + + + Creato Da + + + Frequenza + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato + + + Supervisore + + + Data ultima elaborazione + + + Parametro dell'Elaborazione + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Descrizione + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato + + + Parametro di Default + + + Azienda + + + Scheduler + + + Linea Spedizione Referenziata + + + Decision date + + + Tipo di Asta + + + Riferimento + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Text Message + + + Errore + + + Log del Alert Processor + + + Azienda + + + Descrizione + + + Riepilogo + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato + + + Elaboratore Allarmi + + + Dati Binari + + + Creato Da + + + Nome + + + Data ultima elaborazione + + + Descrizione + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato Da + + + Data Prossima Elaborazione + + + Elaboratore Allarmi + + + Organizzazione + + + Supervisore + + + Creato + + + Elabora ora + + + Giorni durata log + + + Aggiornato + + + Tipo di frequenza + + + Frequenza + + + Azienda + + + Risposta Richiesta Quotazione + + + Risposta Richiesta Quotazione + + + Telefono + + + Telefono + + + Telefono + + + Nazione + + + CAP + + + Regione + + + Città + + + Ruolo + + + Destinatario dell'Allarme + + + Telefono + + + Azienda + + + Tax ZIP + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + CAP + + + Imposta + + + Aggiornato + + + CAP + + + Listino prezzi + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Elabora ora + + + Organizzazione + + + Numero del Documento + + + Priorità + + + Attivo + + + Elaborato + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Azienda + + + Approvazione + + + Richiesta + + + Data Richiesta + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Azione del Documento + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Registrato + + + Stato del Documento + + + Descrizione + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato + + + Righe totali + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Prezzo unitario + + + Netto della Riga + + + Descrizione + + + Quantità + + + Organizzazione + + + Linea Richiesta + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato + + + Azienda + + + Richiesta + + + Numero di Riga + + + Prodotto + + + Creato Da + + + Attivo + + + Ruolo + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato + + + Azienda + + + Scheduler + + + Attivo + + + Creato Da + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Destinatatio del Pianificatore + + + Ordinamento + + + Data Inizio Lavori + + + Data Fine Lavori + + + Giorni alla Consegna + + + Ordinamento + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Tipo Pianificazione + + + Giorno della Settimana + + + Giorno del mese + + + Data Fine Lavori + + + Giorni alla Consegna + + + Data Inizio Lavori + + + Copia Linee + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Text Message + + + Text Message + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Allegato + + + Attivo + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Titolo + + + Creato + + + Attachment Note + + + Workflow + + + Priorità + + + Record ID + + + Tabella + + + Tabella + + + Priorità + + + Record ID + + + Descrizione + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Default + + + Convalida Workflow + + + Tabella + + + Codice + + + Colonna + + + Tempo di Attesa + + + Valore Attributo + + + Nome Attributo + + + Transizione Nodo + + + Chiave di Workflow + + + Creato Da + + + Condizione di Spostamento + + + E/o + + + Creato + + + Operazione + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Transizione Nodo + + + Sequenza + + + Codice + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Valore a + + + Tipo di entità + + + Aggiornato + + + Colonna + + + Consegna diretta + + + Auto-Approva i propri Documenti + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Prodotto + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Business Partner + + + Approvazione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Azione del Documento + + + Stato del Documento + + + Data dell'Ordine + + + Quantità riservata + + + Quantità Ordinata + + + Qtà da fatturare + + + Quantità spedita + + + Aggiornato + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Valuta + + + Organizzazione + + + Tipo Documento + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Data Promessa + + + Quantità fatturata + + + Attivo + + + Prezzo unitario + + + Creato + + + Credito Approvato + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Qtà da spedire + + + Creato Da + + + Riga dell'ordine di vendita + + + Azienda + + + Riferimento dell'ordine + + + UdM + + + Importo netto fattura + + + Sempre Aggiornabile + + + Consegna diretta + + + Descrizione + + + Rapporto + + + Totale Percentuale + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Unità Organizzativa + + + Descrizione + + + Linea distribuzione del Mastro + + + Prodotto + + + Attivo + + + Attività + + + Campagna + + + Area Stoccaggio A + + + Area Stoccaggio Da + + + Progetto + + + Utente 1 + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Conto + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Creato + + + Distribuzione Libro Mastro + + + Aggiornato + + + Area di Vendita + + + Numero di Riga + + + Utente 2 + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato + + + Utente 1 + + + Distribuzione Libro Mastro + + + Area Stoccaggio A + + + Organizzazione + + + Elabora ora + + + Attività + + + Prodotto + + + Campagna + + + Schema Contabile + + + Conto + + + Attivo + + + Descrizione + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Unità Organizzativa + + + Progetto + + + Nome + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato Da + + + Azienda + + + Area Stoccaggio Da + + + Utente 2 + + + Area di Vendita + + + Business Partner + + + Business Partner + + + Valido + + + Livello di Sintesi + + + Azione del Documento + + + Processo di Workflow + + + Tabella + + + Text Message + + + Nodo + + + Record ID + + + Tempo trascorso in ms + + + Invited + + + Giorni alla Consegna + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Organizzazione + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Quantità Totale Quotata + + + Argomento della Richiesta Quot. + + + Business Partner + + + Azienda + + + Data Inizio Lavori + + + Descrizione + + + Data Risposta + + + Nome + + + Tipo Richiesta Quot. + + + Quota tutte le Quantità + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Data Fine Lavori + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Risposte Accettate + + + Richiesta Quotazione + + + Valuta + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Numero di Riga + + + Sconto % + + + Inizio Linea Lavoro + + + Ordinamento + + + Prezzo + + + Descrizione + + + Ordinamento Quantità + + + Quantità + + + Organizzazione + + + Prodotto + + + Valuta + + + Richiesta Quotazione + + + Linea Giorni Consegna + + + Self-Service + + + Data Inizio Lavori + + + Business Partner + + + Data Risposta + + + Prezzo Quantità + + + Giorni alla Consegna + + + UdM + + + Descrizione della Riga + + + Risposta Richiesta Quotazione + + + Linea Aiuto/Commento + + + Argomento della Richiesta Quot. + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Data Fine Linea Lavoro + + + Azienda + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Data Fine Lavori + + + Elaborato + + + Ordina Richiesta Quot. + + + Codice + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Priorità + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato + + + Quantità + + + Organizzazione + + + Data Richiesta + + + Prodotto + + + Approvazione + + + Creato Da + + + Netto della Riga + + + Azienda + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Listino prezzi + + + Prezzo unitario + + + Descrizione della Riga + + + Numero di Riga + + + Attivo + + + Elaborato + + + Righe totali + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Richiesta + + + Azione del Documento + + + Stato del Documento + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Numero del Documento + + + Linea Richiesta + + + Descrizione + + + Riga dell'ordine di vendita + + + Fine Attesa + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Crea Ordine Singolo + + + Azienda + + + Business Partner + + + Aggiornato + + + Descrizione + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Creato + + + Distribution Run + + + Elabora ora + + + Lista Distribuzione + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Distribution Run Line + + + Creato + + + Prodotto + + + Numero di Riga + + + Azienda + + + Descrizione + + + Distribution Run + + + Quantità Totale + + + Quantità Minima + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Quantità + + + Aggiornato + + + Lista Distribuzione + + + Quantità Minima + + + Linea della Lista di Distribuzione + + + Distribution Run + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato + + + Prodotto + + + Attivo + + + Distribution Run Line + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Business Partner + + + Start Implementation/Production + + + Rapporto + + + Consenti Statistiche + + + Nome Colonna DB + + + Riferimento + + + Codice Riferimento + + + Self-Service + + + Attivo + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Prodotto + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Descrizione + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato + + + Attributo di Registrazione + + + Workflow + + + Versione n. + + + Descrizione + + + Data Garanzia + + + Nome + + + Gruppo Bene Gestito + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Data entrata in funzione + + + Aggiornato + + + Bene Gestito + + + Prodotto + + + Codice + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Data del movimento + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Business Partner + + + N. Lotto + + + Numero di Spedizioni + + + Organizzazione + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Azienda + + + Numero di Serie + + + Access Log + + + Text Message + + + Descrizione + + + Colonna + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Tabella + + + Azienda + + + Host remoto + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Indirizzo remoto + + + Attivo + + + Risposta + + + Organizzazione + + + Record ID + + + Tipo Documento + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Organizzazione + + + Nome + + + Counter Document + + + Counter Document Type + + + Descrizione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Valido + + + Elabora ora + + + Colore della stampa + + + Colore della stampa + + + Colore della stampa + + + Colore della stampa + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato + + + Linea Richiesta + + + Richiesta + + + Attivo + + + Quantità + + + Prodotto + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Periodo + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Nome + + + Anno + + + Azienda + + + Descrizione + + + Esercizio + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato + + + Default + + + Elabora ora + + + Organizzazione + + + Previsione + + + Linea Previsione + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Riga dell'ordine di vendita + + + Creato + + + Azienda + + + Linea Richiesta + + + Dettagli Richiesta + + + Linea Richiesta + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Periodo + + + Azienda + + + Creato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Quantità + + + Previsione + + + Attivo + + + Prodotto + + + Linea Previsione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Anno + + + Esercizio + + + Creato + + + Richiesta + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Default + + + Descrizione + + + Elabora ora + + + Nome + + + Quantità Calcolata + + + Quantità Calcolata + + + Formato di stampa + + + Standard User Workflow + + + Telefono Fattura + + + Nome Contatto Fattura + + + Partner Consegna Diretta + + + Nome Fattura + + + Contatto Consegna Diretta + + + Titolo Fattura + + + Fattura Key Partner + + + Partita IVA + + + Indirizzo Consegna Diretta + + + Indirizzo Fattura + + + Nome Fattura 2 + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Business Partner + + + Ubicazione / Indirizzo + + + Nome BP + + + Creato Da + + + Azienda + + + Linea Richiesta Quotazione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Codice a Barre + + + Creato + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Organizzazione + + + Nome + + + Codice del prodotto + + + Descrizione + + + Numero di Riga + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Data Inizio Lavori + + + Giorni alla Consegna + + + UGS + + + Nota del Documento + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Lingua + + + Prodotto + + + Business Partner + + + Data Inizio Lavori + + + Nome 2 BP + + + Nome BP + + + Giorni alla Consegna + + + Nome del contatto + + + Organizzazione + + + Codice ISO + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Azienda + + + Richiesta Quotazione + + + Attivo + + + Valuta + + + Lingua + + + Descrizione + + + Telefono + + + Nome + + + Creato + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Aggiornato + + + Titolo + + + Ubicazione / Indirizzo + + + Data Risposta + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Quantità Linea Richiesta Quot. + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Lingua + + + UdM + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato + + + Simbolo + + + Quantità + + + Creato Da + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato + + + Partita IVA + + + Indirizzo Org + + + Linea Risposta Richiesta Quot. + + + Risposta Richiesta Quotazione + + + Risposta Richiesta Quotazione + + + Sconto % + + + Prezzo + + + Qtà Risposta Linea Richiesta Quot. + + + Linea Risposta Richiesta Quot. + + + Importo Migliore Risposta + + + Importo dell'Offerta + + + Simbolo + + + Qtà Risposta Linea Richiesta Quot. + + + Quantità + + + Sconto % + + + UdM + + + Quantità Linea Richiesta Quot. + + + Prezzo + + + Controllo Completato + + + Numero del Documento + + + Usa Funzionalità Beta + + + Albero Campagna Primaria + + + Albero Attività Primaria + + + Elaborato + + + Elaborato + + + Elaborato + + + Elaborato + + + Partner Consegna Diretta + + + Contatto Consegna Diretta + + + Indirizzo Consegna Diretta + + + Elaborato + + + Elaborato + + + Elaborato + + + Elaborato + + + Elaborato + + + Elaborato + + + Elaborato + + + Documento Contatore di Default + + + Azione del Documento + + + Approvazione + + + Stato del Documento + + + Crea Conferma + + + Conferma Qtà Selezionata/QA + + + Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + + + Elabora ora + + + Organizzazione + + + Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + + + Creato Da + + + Descrizione + + + Elaborato + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Spedizione/ricevimento + + + Numero del Documento + + + Azienda + + + Approvazione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato + + + Tipo di Conferma + + + Elaborato + + + Attivo + + + Linea Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + + + Creato + + + Azienda + + + Descrizione + + + Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + + + Quantità Attesa + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Quantità Confermata + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Organizzazione + + + Azione del Documento + + + In Transito + + + Crea Pacco + + + Crea Pacco + + + Difference + + + Quantità Scartata + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Tipo Documento + + + Stato del Documento + + + Azione del Documento + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Approvazione + + + Approvazione + + + Azione del Documento + + + Approvazione + + + Stato del Documento + + + Descrizione + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Window Height + + + Window Width + + + Elaborato + + + Tipo Autorizz. Restituz. Mat. + + + Importo + + + Data della Consegna + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Organizzazione + + + Nome + + + Creato Da + + + Azienda + + + Descrizione + + + Tipo Autorizz. Restituz. Mat. + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Consegna diretta + + + Valuta + + + Business Partner + + + Annullato + + + Tipo di Conferma + + + Attivo + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Descrizione + + + Aggiornato + + + Elaborato + + + Approvazione + + + Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Creato Da + + + Spedizione/ricevimento + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Annullato + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Numero del Documento + + + Elabora ora + + + Business Partner + + + Spedizione/ricevimento + + + Prodotto + + + Business Partner + + + Quantità Attesa + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Elaborato + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + + + Linea Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + + + Annullato + + + Organizzazione + + + Approvazione + + + Quantità Scartata + + + Tipo di Conferma + + + Aggiornato + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Difference + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Quantità Confermata + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Azienda + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Numero del Documento + + + Creato Da + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Descrizione + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Tipo Documento + + + Importo dell'imposta + + + Linea Totale + + + Indicatore dell'imposta + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato Da + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Serie di Attributi + + + Descrizione + + + Creato + + + Simbolo + + + Riordinato + + + Scomparto (Y) + + + Corridoio(X) + + + Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + + + Spedizione/ricevimento + + + Numero di Riga + + + Aggiornato + + + Quantità Scartata + + + Lingua + + + N. Lotto + + + Nota del Documento + + + Numero di Serie + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Quantità Confermata + + + Data Garanzia + + + Livello (Z) + + + Quantità del movimento + + + Elaborato + + + Lotto + + + Quantità Attesa + + + Nome + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Descrizione Spedizione + + + Codice del prodotto + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Azienda + + + Codice a Barre + + + Difference + + + Linea Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + + + UGS + + + Attivo + + + Approvazione + + + Tipo di movimento + + + Numero del Documento + + + Data dell'Ordine + + + Regole di Spedizione + + + Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + + + Azienda + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Data del movimento + + + Regole spese di trasporto + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Lingua + + + Riferimento dell'ordine + + + Tipo Documento + + + Descrizione Spedizione + + + Organizzazione + + + Mezzo della Spedizione + + + Business Partner + + + Tipo di Conferma + + + Annullato + + + Tipo documento + + + Trasportatore + + + Creato + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Creato Da + + + Priorità + + + Spedizione/ricevimento + + + Descrizione + + + Aggiornato + + + Attivo + + + Elaborato + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Tipo Obbligatorio + + + Azione del Documento + + + Stato del Documento + + + Elaborato + + + Data della transazione + + + Elaborato + + + Allocazione + + + Attivo + + + Descrizione + + + Registrato + + + Elabora ora + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Valuta + + + Organizzazione + + + Manuale + + + Azione del Documento + + + Approvazione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Numero del Documento + + + Stato del Documento + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Importo di Approvazione + + + Azienda + + + Stato del Documento + + + Azione del Documento + + + Linea di imputazione + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Attivo + + + Creato Da + + + Numero del Documento + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato + + + Record ID + + + Data del Documento + + + Tabella + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Importo aperto + + + Importo dello sconto + + + Programma Pagamenti Valido + + + Importo pagato + + + Fattura + + + Data Fattura + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Business Partner + + + Organizzazione + + + Valuta + + + Data dello Sconto + + + Totale + + + Numero del Documento + + + Programmazione Pagamento Fattura + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Giorni Netti + + + Giorni alla scadenza + + + Data Dovuto + + + Azienda + + + Tipo Valuta + + + Azienda + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Importo dello storno + + + Attivo + + + Numero del Documento + + + Importo + + + Pagamento + + + Manuale + + + Descrizione + + + Stato del Documento + + + Creato + + + Importo di Approvazione + + + Azione del Documento + + + Allocazione + + + Elaborato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Valuta + + + Organizzazione + + + Importo dello sconto + + + Riga prima nota cassa + + + Business Partner + + + Data della transazione + + + Importo del Sopra/Sotto Pagamento + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Linea di imputazione + + + Fattura + + + Importo di Approvazione + + + Prezzo Fatturato + + + Quantità Rimborsata + + + Prezzo Rimborsato + + + Quantità fatturata + + + In Dispute + + + Sconto fisso B.Partner + + + Autorizza mediante LDAP + + + LDAP Query + + + Difference Document + + + Split when Difference + + + Sconto Piatto % + + + Crea Documento Contatore + + + In Dispute + + + LDAP Host + + + In Dispute + + + Importo di Approvazione + + + Azione del Documento + + + Stato del Documento + + + Approvazione + + + Importo di Approvazione + + + Approvazione + + + Crea Documento Contatore + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Azienda + + + Difference + + + Descrizione + + + Aggiornato + + + Riga dell'inventario fisico + + + Elaborato + + + Conferma Movimento + + + Quantità Scartata + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Linea Conferma Movimento + + + Quantità Confermata + + + Organizzazione + + + Quantità Attesa + + + Riga del movimento + + + Creato + + + Azienda + + + Stato del Documento + + + Conferma Movimento + + + Inventario Fisico + + + Movimento + + + Attivo + + + Elabora ora + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Importo di Approvazione + + + Descrizione + + + Creato Da + + + Elaborato + + + Azione del Documento + + + Approvazione + + + Organizzazione + + + Fattura + + + Importo di Approvazione + + + Inventario Fisico + + + Riga della fattura + + + Riga dell'inventario fisico + + + Funzionalità Beta + + + Funzionalità Beta + + + Numero del Documento + + + Stato del Documento + + + Azione del Documento + + + Approvazione + + + Elaborato + + + Posizione relativo + + + Calcola Minimo (¿) + + + Carattere della stampa + + + Organizzazione + + + Posizione X + + + Default + + + Formato di stampa incluso + + + Elemento del formato di stampa + + + Raggruppato da + + + Allineamento riga + + + Larghezza massima + + + Carta di stampa + + + Totale Corrente + + + Altezza massima + + + Nascondere valori nulli + + + Basato sulla tabella + + + Default Print Font + + + Sequenza + + + Area + + + Modulo + + + Ordinato da + + + Etichetta di stampa + + + Stampa Nome Articolo + + + Solo online + + + Default Print Color + + + Attivo + + + Nome Stampante + + + Formato tabella di stampa + + + Creato + + + Tabella + + + Allineamento del campo + + + Immagine URL + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Grafico + + + Calcolo della soma + + + Sotto Colonna + + + Spazio X + + + Interruzione di pagina + + + Nome + + + Calcola Massimo (¿) + + + Selezionare posizione NL + + + Vista del report + + + Colore della stampa + + + Spazio Y + + + Descrizione + + + Calcolo numero di elementi + + + Margine + + + Immagine allegata + + + Creato Da + + + Calcolo media + + + Pagina successiva + + + Larghezza fissa + + + Standard Header/Footer + + + Aggiornato + + + Margine della testata + + + Posizione Y + + + Colonna + + + Calcola deviazione std. (s) + + + Azienda + + + Tipo di formato + + + Stampato + + + Linee Totale Corrente + + + Calcola Varianza (s²) + + + Suffisso dell'etichetta di stampa + + + Numero di Ordinazione del Record + + + Riga successiva + + + Address 3 + + + Address 4 + + + Formato di stampa + + + Saldo aperto + + + Descrizione + + + Importazione Line di Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Linea Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + + + Elaborato + + + Difference + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato + + + Quantità Confermata + + + Creato Da + + + Importazione Messaggio d'Errore + + + Quantità Scartata + + + Elabora ora + + + Organizzazione + + + Importato + + + N Conferma + + + N Conferma + + + N Conferma + + + Elaborato + + + Elaborato + + + Giorni alla scadenza + + + Importo + + + Inserimento elaborazione del sollecito + + + Importo convertito + + + Importo interessi + + + Elaborato + + + Importo totale + + + Importo Canone + + + Numero Solleciti + + + Invia + + + Elaborato + + + Elabora ora + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Elaborato + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Valuta + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Nota + + + Etichetta di stampa + + + Importo + + + Business Partner + + + Data del sollecito + + + Partita IVA + + + Riferimento n. + + + Nome del contatto + + + Nome 2 + + + Organizzazione + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Aggiornato + + + Nome + + + Partita IVA Business Partner + + + Azienda + + + Nota + + + BP Chiave di ricerca + + + Telefono + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Titolo del BP + + + Ubicazione / Indirizzo + + + Indirizzo Org + + + NAICS/SIC + + + Creato + + + Nota del Documento + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Titolo + + + Titolo del contatto del BP + + + Lingua + + + Attivo + + + D-U-N-S + + + Quantità + + + Totale + + + Riga elaborazione del sollecito + + + Progetto + + + Numero Solleciti + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Listino prezzi + + + Righe totali + + + Importo + + + Azienda + + + Fattura + + + Numero del Documento + + + Riferimento dell'ordine + + + Aggiornato + + + Termini del Pagamento + + + Campagna + + + Stato del Documento + + + Giorni alla scadenza + + + Descrizione + + + Pagato + + + Attività + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Tipo Documento + + + Data dell'Ordine + + + Data Fattura + + + Importo dell'addebito + + + Valuta + + + Importo totale + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Importo Canone + + + Importo convertito + + + Lingua + + + Tipo documento + + + Addebito + + + Importo interessi + + + Inserimento elaborazione del sollecito + + + Attivo + + + Prezzo di Benchmark + + + Differenza di Benchmark + + + Prezzo di Benchmark + + + Prezzo di Benchmark + + + Descrizione + + + Inserimento elaborazione del sollecito + + + Elaborazione del sollecito + + + In Dispute + + + In Dispute + + + Importo aperto + + + Importo dello sconto + + + Importo dello sconto + + + Importo aperto + + + Importo aperto + + + Importo dello sconto + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Valore + + + Tipo Valore Attributo + + + Tabella + + + Elaborato + + + Elabora ora + + + Record ID + + + Organizzazione + + + Misura effettiva + + + Creato + + + Azienda + + + Data della transazione + + + Descrizione + + + Attivo + + + Obiettivo SLA + + + Misura SLA + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato Da + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Nome classe + + + Descrizione + + + Manuale + + + Criterio SLA + + + Organizzazione + + + Nome + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Azienda + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato + + + Obiettivo SLA + + + Creato Da + + + Data ultima elaborazione + + + Creato + + + Nome + + + Elaborato + + + Business Partner + + + Misura effettiva + + + Valido fino a + + + Attivo + + + Misura target + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Azienda + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Valido Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Descrizione + + + Criterio SLA + + + Elabora ora + + + Quantità Richiesta Quotazione + + + Tabella + + + Lingua + + + Nome + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato + + + Tradotta + + + Sottoscrittore Richiesta Quot. + + + Azienda + + + Restrizione Argomenti Richiesta Quotazioni + + + Aggiornato + + + Prodotto + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato + + + Descrizione + + + Attivo + + + Creato Da + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Sconto fisso B.Partner + + + Funzionalità Beta + + + Creato + + + Descrizione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Terminale POS + + + Disposizione Chiave POS + + + Azienda + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Nome + + + Libro di Cassa + + + Nome Stampante + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Listino prezzi + + + Attivo + + + Creato Da + + + Descrizione + + + Disposizione Chiave POS + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato + + + Nome + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato + + + Azienda + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Aggiornato + + + Sequenza + + + Disposizione Chiave POS + + + Azienda + + + Descrizione + + + Prodotto + + + Attivo + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Organizzazione + + + Chiave POS + + + Quantità + + + Simbolo + + + UdM + + + Modifica Prezzo + + + Colore della stampa + + + Modello B.Partner + + + Indirizzo 2 + + + Saldo aperto + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Country + + + Nome della regione + + + Nazione + + + Indirizzo 1 + + + Regione + + + Tipo Documento + + + Indicatore dell'imposta + + + Tipo Documento + + + Quantità spedita + + + Quantità Ordinata + + + Accedi tutte le Organizzazioni + + + Data Pick + + + Utente 1 + + + Data del movimento + + + Creato + + + Elaborato + + + Descrizione della Riga + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Data stampata + + + Riferimento dell'ordine + + + Spedizione/ricevimento + + + Tracking No + + + Riga dell'ordine di vendita + + + Data dell'Ordine + + + Priorità + + + Approvazione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Stato del Documento + + + UdM + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Numero del Documento + + + Solo Descrizione + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Regole spese di trasporto + + + Quantità Confermata + + + Attività + + + Spese di Trasporto + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Progetto + + + Quantità Prelevata + + + Quantità Scartata + + + Campagna + + + Registrato + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Business Partner + + + Regole di Spedizione + + + Attivo + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Aggiornato + + + Prodotto + + + Azienda + + + Numero di Riga + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Creato Da + + + Trasportatore + + + Tipo di movimento + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Quantità del movimento + + + Azione del Documento + + + Mezzo della Spedizione + + + Tipo Documento + + + Descrizione + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Organizzazione + + + Data ricevuto + + + In Dispute + + + Utente 2 + + + Data della Consegna + + + Numero Pacchetti + + + Quantità Attesa + + + Scomparto (Y) + + + Livello (Z) + + + Corridoio(X) + + + Chiave del Locatore + + + Prodotto + + + Quantità + + + Quantità + + + Quantità + + + Prezzo + + + Quantità + + + Prezzo + + + Prezzo + + + Quantità + + + Prezzo + + + Quantità + + + Prezzo + + + Quantità + + + Prezzo + + + Quantità + + + Quantità + + + Lista Prezzi + + + Lista Prezzi + + + Prefisso Personalizzato + + + Sovrascrivi Utente 1 + + + Sovrascrivi Attività + + + Sovrascrivi su Conto + + + Sovrascrivi Organizzazione + + + Sovrascrivi Magazzino di Provenienza + + + Sovrascrivi Campagna + + + Sovrascrivi Magazzino di Destinazione + + + Sovrascrivi Progetto + + + Sovrascrivi BPartner + + + Sovrascrivi Transazione Organizzazione + + + Sovrascrivi Prodotto + + + Sovrascrivi Regione di Vendita + + + Percentuale + + + Sovrascrivi Utente 2 + + + Qualsiasi Conto + + + Qualsiasi Transazione dell' Organizzazione + + + Tipo Documento + + + Qualsiasi Utente 2 + + + Qualsiasi BPartner + + + Qualsiasi Prodotto + + + Percentuali Totali + + + Qualsiasi Magazzino di Provenienza + + + Qualsiasi Magazzino di Destinazione + + + Qualsiasi Progetto + + + Qualsiasi Campagna + + + Qualsiasi Organizzazione + + + Qualsiasi Regione di Vendita + + + Qualsiasi Attività + + + Tipo registrazione + + + Qualsiasi Utente 1 + + + Linee Indirizzo locale Inverse + + + Formato indirizzo + + + Linee Indirizzo Inverse + + + Formato Conto Bancario + + + Formato Numero di Routing + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Ricevuta + + + Tipo di Workflow + + + Logica Valore Documento + + + Appena Migrato + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Crea + + + Ultimo Allarme + + + Giorni Rimanenti + + + Tolleranza della Scadenza + + + EMail dopo la Scadenza + + + EMail alla Scadenza + + + Tipo di Richiesta + + + Giorni allarme inattività + + + Ultimo Allarme + + + Giorni allarme inattività + + + Giorni Rimanenti + + + Schema Contabile + + + Valido + + + Inizio Prior. Dinam. + + + Unità Priorità Dinamica + + + Modifica Prioità Dinamica + + + Allarme per superamento Priorità + + + Address of DB Server + + + Database Name + + + Processors + + + Tabella + + + Valido + + + Messaggio errore + + + Valido + + + Altra Clausola + + + Organizzazione + + + Aggiornato + + + Lingua + + + Tradotta + + + Colonna + + + Creato Da + + + Nome + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Azienda + + + Annulla + + + Ripeti + + + Personalizzazione + + + Descrizione + + + Bene Gestito + + + Utente 2 + + + Utente 1 + + + Attività + + + Campagna + + + Progetto + + + Area di Vendita + + + Area Stoccaggio A + + + Area Stoccaggio Da + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Business Partner + + + Prodotto + + + Quantità + + + UdM + + + Avere + + + Dare + + + Avere in Valuta Fonte + + + Dare in Valuta Fonte + + + Valuta + + + Tipo registrazione + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Imposta + + + Budget + + + Categoria Contabile + + + ID della Riga + + + Record ID + + + Tabella + + + Periodo + + + Data della transazione + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Conto + + + Schema Contabile + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Evento Contabile + + + Istanza dell'Elaborazione + + + Importo Saldo + + + Importo Fonte Saldo + + + Descrizione + + + Descrizione Prodotto + + + Descrizione Prodotto + + + Descrizione Prodotto + + + Data della transazione + + + Importo dello sconto + + + Tipo di Offerta + + + Allocato + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Tipo Valuta + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Utente 2 + + + Utente 1 + + + Sistirrig + + + Qta uso interno + + + Data + + + Viene mantenuto il Log delle modifiche + + + Livello Preferenza + + + Sovrascrive Prezzo Limite + + + Codice Conto + + + Chiave della Organizzazione + + + Nome Organizzazione + + + Codice Conto + + + Nome + + + Tipo di Conto + + + Chiave del Business Partner + + + Nome BP + + + Gruppo di business partner + + + Codice del prodotto + + + Nome Prodotti + + + Codice a Barre + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Prezzo tasse incluse + + + Prezzo tasse incluse + + + Importo Fatturato + + + Importo aperto + + + Anticipazione + + + Anticipazione + + + Addebito + + + Descrizione + + + Descrizione + + + Numero Internazionale Conto (IBAN) + + + Precisione Prezzo + + + Riepilogo + + + Riempie Forma + + + Riga larghezza + + + Diametro Arco + + + Tipo Forma + + + Classi di Validazione Modello + + + Archivio + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Tabella + + + Record ID + + + Elaborazione + + + Dati Binari + + + Auto Archiviazione + + + Business Partner + + + Report + + + Programmazione Pagamento Fattura + + + Tabella + + + Record ID + + + Punto decimale + + + Modello Data + + + Time Pattern + + + Dimensione Media + + + Numero del Documento + + + Numero del Documento + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Fattura + + + Business Partner + + + Conto Bancario + + + Tipo di transazione + + + Tipo Documento + + + Ricevuta + + + Data della transazione + + + Numero del Documento + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Pagamento + + + Registrato + + + Elaborato + + + Accesso online + + + Allocato + + + Riconciliato + + + Addebito + + + Anticipazione + + + Azione del Documento + + + Stato del Documento + + + Elaborazione online + + + Elabora ora + + + Info + + + CAP verificato + + + Indirizzo verificato + + + Codice di autorizzazione + + + Messaggio + + + Risultato + + + Riferimento + + + Approvazione + + + Sopra/Sotto Pagamento + + + Importo disponibile + + + Importo Allocato + + + Moltiplicatore Fatt. Acquisto + + + Importo del Sopra/Sotto Pagamento + + + Importo dell'imposta + + + Importo dello storno + + + Importo dello sconto + + + Importo pagamento + + + Tipo Valuta + + + Valuta + + + Numero OdA + + + ID transazione originale + + + Codice di autorizzazione vocale + + + Email del cliente + + + Num. Previdenza + + + Patente di guida + + + Codice di avviamento postale del cliente + + + Nazione del cliente + + + Città del cliente + + + Via del cliente + + + Nome del cliente + + + Numero dell'Assegno + + + Numero del conto + + + Numero ABI-CAB + + + Micr + + + Anno Scaduto + + + Mese scaduto + + + Verifica carta di credito + + + Numero + + + Carta di credito + + + Tipo di Offerta + + + Gruppo pagamenti + + + Conto banca Partner + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Tipo Documento + + + Stato del Documento + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Attributo Prodotto + + + Serie di Attributi + + + Lotto + + + Data Garanzia + + + N. Lotto + + + Numero di Serie + + + Attributo Prodotto + + + Serie di Attributi + + + Lotto + + + Data Garanzia + + + N. Lotto + + + Numero di Serie + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Attributo Prodotto + + + Serie di Attributi + + + Lotto + + + Data Garanzia + + + N. Lotto + + + Numero di Serie + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Business Partner + + + Valuta + + + Importo + + + Importo aperto + + + Data del Documento + + + Giorni alla scadenza + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Tipo Documento + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Business Partner + + + Prodotto + + + Data del Documento + + + Numero Documento Fattura + + + Quantità effettiva + + + Importo convertito + + + Importo effettivo + + + Valuta + + + Info + + + Riga della fattura + + + Riga dell'ordine di vendita + + + Riferimento + + + Dettaglio della commessione + + + Importo commissione + + + Qta Commissione + + + Quantità di commissione convertita + + + Importo commessione + + + B.Partner commissionato + + + Commissione + + + Elaborato + + + Totale + + + Data d'Inizio + + + Descrizione + + + Numero del Documento + + + Elabora della commissione + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Gestito a Livello Centrale + + + Campo Immangine + + + Immagine URL + + + Immagine URL + + + Immagine URL + + + Numero Conto Corrente + + + Politica Materiale + + + Metodo del Calcolo dei Costi + + + Politica Materiale + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Data del movimento + + + Quantità del movimento + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Spedizione/ricevimento + + + Ordine Ricerca + + + Ricerca per Fattura + + + Riga del movimento + + + Movimento + + + Riga dell'inventario fisico + + + Inventario Fisico + + + Istanza dell'Elaborazione + + + Transazione di inventario + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Tipo di movimento + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Prodotto + + + Quantità del movimento + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Registrare al Progetto + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Riga di produzione + + + Quantità del movimento + + + Costo Franco Fabbrica + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Descrizione + + + Riga della fattura + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Spedizione/ricevimento + + + Prodotto + + + Riga del movimento + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Quantità del movimento + + + Riga della fattura + + + Prodotto + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Importo + + + Quantità + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Quantità del movimento + + + Quantità del movimento + + + Riga dell'inventario fisico + + + Inventario Fisico + + + Riga del movimento + + + Movimento + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Spedizione/ricevimento + + + Riga di produzione + + + Registrare al Progetto + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Transazione di inventario + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Tipo di movimento + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Prodotto + + + Data del movimento + + + Riga dell'inventario fisico + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Quantità del movimento + + + Ricerca per Spedizione/Ricevute + + + Produzione + + + Progetto + + + Riga di produzione + + + Produzione + + + Registrare al Progetto + + + Progetto + + + Elaborato + + + Elabora ora + + + Importo Documento + + + Importo di Controllo + + + Tipo Valuta + + + Valuta + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Data del Documento + + + Descrizione + + + Numero del Documento + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Fattura Batch + + + Linea Fattura Batch + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Fattura Batch + + + Numero di Riga + + + Tipo Documento + + + Numero del Documento + + + Data Fattura + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Business Partner + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Addebito + + + Quantità + + + Prezzo + + + Imposta + + + Importo dell'imposta + + + Progetto + + + Attività + + + Utente 1 + + + Utente 2 + + + Elaborato + + + Fattura + + + Riga della fattura + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Linea Totale + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Prezzo tasse incluse + + + Netto della Riga + + + Logica di Default + + + Ruolo + + + Solo Multi Riga + + + Descrizione + + + Importo in lettere + + + Importo in lettere + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Area Stoccaggio del Magazzino + + + Importo in lettere + + + Importo in lettere + + + Addebito + + + Albero Principale delle Organizzazioni + + + Usa Accesso Organizzazione dell'Utente + + + Solo Lettura + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Solo Lettura + + + Colonna SQL + + + Sola lettura + + + Logica della Visualizzazione + + + Elemento di Costo + + + Elemento di Costo + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Tipo Elemento Costo + + + Metodo del Calcolo dei Costi + + + Calcolato + + + Tipo di Costo + + + Distribuzione Costi + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Prodotto + + + Tipo di Costo + + + Schema Contabile + + + Elemento di Costo + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Prezzo di costo attuale + + + Prezzo del costo futuro + + + Descrizione + + + Metodo del Calcolo dei Costi + + + Gruppo + + + Categoria + + + Stato + + + Risoluzione Richiesta + + + Importanza Utente + + + Confidenzialità + + + Ruolo + + + Fatturato + + + Richiesta Correlata + + + Confidenzialità dato + + + Risposta Standard + + + Tempo di avviamento + + + Scadenza + + + Quantità usata + + + Quantità fatturata + + + Prodotto utilizzato + + + Attività + + + Fattura di richiesta + + + Fatturato + + + Ruolo + + + Gruppo + + + Categoria + + + Stato + + + Risoluzione Richiesta + + + Escalation + + + Fatturato + + + Confidenzialità + + + Self-Service + + + Attività + + + Tipo di Richiesta + + + Descrizione + + + Nome + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Categoria + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Testo Risposta + + + Nome + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Risposta Standard + + + Risoluzione Richiesta + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Gruppo + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Stato + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Spedizione/ricevimento + + + ARM + + + Data d'Inizio + + + Data chiusura + + + Priorità + + + Importanza Utente + + + Riepilogo + + + Bene Gestito + + + Spedizione/ricevimento + + + ARM + + + Default + + + Stato aperto + + + Stato chiuso + + + Codice + + + Giorni di scadenza automatici + + + Downloads Prodotti + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Prodotto + + + Nome + + + Download URL + + + Downloads Prodotti + + + Verifica data Email + + + Quantità + + + Un bene per UdM + + + Testo della mail 2 + + + Testo della mail 3 + + + E-commerce + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Email E-commerce + + + Utente E-commerce + + + Password E-commerce + + + Info E-Commerce + + + Web Parameter 1 + + + Web Parameter 2 + + + Web Parameter 3 + + + Web Parameter 4 + + + Web Parameter 5 + + + Web Parameter 6 + + + Menu Bene Gestito + + + Menu Ordini + + + Menu Fatture + + + Menu Consegne + + + Menu Pagamenti + + + Menu Richieste Preventivi + + + Menu Richieste + + + Menu Interessi + + + Menu Registrazioni + + + Menu Contatto + + + Intestazione EMail + + + EMail Footer + + + E-commerce + + + Lingua + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Tradotta + + + Info E-Commerce + + + Web Parameter 1 + + + Web Parameter 2 + + + Web Parameter 3 + + + Web Parameter 4 + + + Web Parameter 5 + + + Web Parameter 6 + + + Intestazione EMail + + + EMail Footer + + + Messaggio + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + E-commerce + + + Tipo Messaggio + + + Soggetto + + + Messaggio + + + Messaggio 2 + + + Messaggio 3 + + + Messaggio + + + Lingua + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Tradotta + + + Soggetto + + + Messaggio + + + Messaggio 2 + + + Messaggio 3 + + + Mail utente + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Template della Mail + + + Messaggio + + + ID messaggio + + + Conferma spedizione + + + Consegnato + + + Download URL + + + Pagamento Referenziato + + + Termini del Pagamento + + + Crea come attivo + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + Listino prezzi + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Richiesta + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Self-Service + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Tipo di Richiesta + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Self-Service + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Categoria + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Self-Service + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Gruppo + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Self-Service + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Richiesta + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Self-Service + + + Gruppo + + + Tipo di Richiesta + + + Categoria + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Richiesta + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Tipo Notifica + + + Confidenzialità + + + Stato Successivo + + + Aggiorna Stato + + + Timeout in Giorni + + + Aggiornabile via Web + + + Chiusura finale + + + Descrizione + + + Posizione Lavorativa + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Categoria Posizione Lavorativa + + + Categoria Posizione Lavorativa + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Assegnazione Posizione Lavorativa + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Posizione Lavorativa + + + Valido Da + + + Valido fino a + + + Descrizione + + + Remunerazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Tipo Remunerazione + + + Ore Standard + + + Ricavo Lordo + + + Costo Lordo + + + Straordinario + + + Costo Straordinario + + + Remunerazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Posizione Lavorativa + + + Remunerazione + + + Descrizione + + + Remunerazione Impiegati + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Remunerazione + + + Valido Da + + + Valido fino a + + + Ricavo Lordo + + + Costo Lordo + + + Straordinario + + + Costo Straordinario + + + Valido Da + + + Valido fino a + + + Descrizione + + + Gruppo alternativo + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Prodotto + + + Operazione Prodotti + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Prodotto + + + Tempo Setup + + + Tempo produzione unità + + + Orario fine operazione + + + Risorsa per Operazione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Operazione Prodotti + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Bene Gestito + + + Posizione Lavorativa + + + Tempo Setup + + + Tempo produzione unità + + + Orario fine operazione + + + Distinta Base + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Prodotto + + + Notifica Cambiamento + + + Tipo Distinta Base + + + Uso Distinta Base + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Elabora ora + + + Notifica Cambiamento + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Stampa le transazioni di dettaglio + + + Elabora ora + + + Richiesta Modifica + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Distinta Base + + + Notifica Cambiamento + + + Numero del Documento + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Stampa le transazioni di dettaglio + + + Richiesta Modifica + + + Componente DIstinta Base + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Numero di Riga + + + Distinta Base + + + Tipo Componente + + + Fantasma + + + Prodotto + + + Notifica Cambiamento + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Gruppo alternativo + + + Quantità + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Operazione Prodotti + + + Sequenza + + + Scostamento Lead Time + + + Prodotto + + + Crea una richiesta di modifica + + + Distinta Base + + + Aggiornamento Richiesta + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Richiesta + + + Confidenzialità dato + + + Tempo di avviamento + + + Scadenza + + + Quantità usata + + + Quantità fatturata + + + Prodotto utilizzato + + + Risultato + + + Inserire Registrazione + + + Tab Avanzato + + + Informazione Confidenziale + + + Base di Priorità + + + Informazione Confidenziale + + + Colonne Nulle + + + Notifica Cambiamento + + + Distinta Base Fissata + + + Elaborato + + + Approvazione + + + Elaborato + + + Approvazione + + + Serie Attributi di Istanza Vs. + + + Numero del Documento + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Fattura + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Attivo + + + Organizzazione + + + Azienda + + + Differenza Avere Rivalutato + + + Differenza Dare Rivalutato + + + Tipo Conversione Rivalutazione + + + Data Rivalutazione + + + Avere Rivalutato + + + Dare Rivalutato + + + Istanza dell'Elaborazione + + + Quantità + + + UdM + + + Avere + + + Dare + + + Avere in Valuta Fonte + + + Dare in Valuta Fonte + + + Tipo registrazione + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Imposta + + + Budget + + + Categoria Contabile + + + Periodo + + + Conto + + + Schema Contabile + + + Evento Contabile + + + Area di Vendita + + + Area Stoccaggio A + + + Area Stoccaggio Da + + + Utente 2 + + + Utente 1 + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Attività + + + Progetto + + + Campagna + + + Importo aperto + + + Prezzo tasse incluse + + + Totale + + + Tipo Valuta + + + Valuta + + + Self-Service + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Business Partner + + + Termini del Pagamento + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Data Fattura + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Descrizione + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Tipo Documento + + + Stato del Documento + + + Differenza Dare Rivalutato + + + Differenza Avere Rivalutato + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Dare Rivalutato + + + Avere Rivalutato + + + Data Rivalutazione + + + Tipo Conversione Rivalutazione + + + Istanza dell'Elaborazione + + + Fattura + + + Evento Contabile + + + Azienda + + + Acq. - Vend. + + + Acq. - Vend. + + + Test Email + + + Procedura Server + + + Server EMail + + + Web Context + + + Web Order EMail + + + Directory del documento + + + Termini del Pagamento + + + Procedura Server + + + Progetto + + + Progetto + + + Progetto + + + Progetto + + + BPartner (Agente) + + + BPartner (Agente) + + + Magazzino Origine + + + Classe Riapprovigionamento + + + Magazzino Origine + + + Magazzino Origine + + + Codice + + + Codice a Barre + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Prodotto + + + Codice + + + Nome + + + Codice a Barre + + + Distinta base + + + Tipo di prodotto + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Tipo di Costo + + + Elemento di Costo + + + Tipo Elemento Costo + + + Metodo del Calcolo dei Costi + + + Calcolato + + + Schema Contabile + + + Valuta + + + Prezzo di costo attuale + + + Prezzo del costo futuro + + + Descrizione + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato Da + + + Creato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Prodotto + + + Codice + + + Nome + + + Codice a Barre + + + Distinta base + + + Tipo di prodotto + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Tipo di Costo + + + Schema Contabile + + + Valuta + + + Prezzo di costo attuale + + + Prezzo del costo futuro + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Prodotto + + + Codice + + + Nome + + + Codice a Barre + + + Distinta base + + + Tipo di prodotto + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Riga della fattura + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Serie di Attributi + + + N. Lotto + + + Numero di Serie + + + Schema Contabile + + + Valuta + + + Importo + + + Quantità + + + Descrizione + + + Elaborato + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Schema Contabile + + + Prodotto + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Riga della fattura + + + Importo + + + Quantità + + + Descrizione + + + Elaborato + + + Livello dei Costi + + + Livello dei Costi + + + Dettagli Costo + + + Elabora ora + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Base + + + Allocazione Costo Franco Fabbrica + + + Elemento di Costo + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Quadra Costo Beni alla Vendita + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Prezzo del Costo + + + Valore Cumulato + + + Qta Cumulata + + + Elemento di Costo + + + Riga dell'ordine di vendita + + + Solo Organizzazione + + + Quantità Perdite Vendite + + + Quantità Perdite Vendite + + + Importo Perdita sulle Vendite + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome 2 + + + Descrizione + + + Livello di Sintesi + + + Gruppo di business partner + + + Transazione non ripetibile + + + Cliente Potenziale Attivo + + + Dipendente + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + D-U-N-S + + + URL + + + Lingua + + + Partita IVA + + + Esente + + + Schedulazione fattura + + + Indice + + + Volume delle vendite + + + Dipendenti + + + NAICS/SIC + + + Prima Vendita + + + Costo di Acquisizione + + + Valore del ciclo di vita potenziale + + + Valore Corso di Vita + + + Quota + + + Regola del pagamento + + + Termini del Pagamento + + + Listino prezzi + + + Schema dello Sconto + + + Sollecito + + + Sconto stampato + + + Descrizione dell'ordine + + + Riferimento dell'ordine + + + Regola del pagamento + + + Listino Prezzo per Acquisti + + + Schema dello Sconto dell'Ordine di Acquisto + + + Termini di pagamento OdA + + + Copie del documento + + + Titolo + + + Regole di fattura + + + Regole di Spedizione + + + Regole spese di trasporto + + + Mezzo della Spedizione + + + Responsabile Commerciale + + + Inviare Email + + + Padre del Partner + + + Formato di stampa della fattura + + + Durata minima nello scaffale % + + + Organizzazioni Collegate + + + Sconto Piatto % + + + Nome del contatto + + + Descrizione del contatto + + + Supervisore + + + Email User ID + + + Titolo del contatto del BP + + + Titolo + + + Commenti + + + 2° Telefono + + + Fax + + + Ultimo Contatto + + + Ultimo Risultato + + + Nascita + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + + + Verifica indirizzo Email + + + Autorizza mediante LDAP + + + Verifica data Email + + + Tipo Notifica + + + Address 3 + + + Sconto % + + + Margine % + + + Importo Margine + + + Importo Margine + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Esclude set di Attributi + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Serie di Attributi + + + Tabella + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Esclude Lotto + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Controllo per Lotto + + + Tabella + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Esclude Numero di Serie + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Controllo per Numero di Serie + + + Tabella + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Imputa pagamento + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Pagamento + + + Fattura + + + Importo + + + Importo dello sconto + + + Importo dello storno + + + Importo del Sopra/Sotto Pagamento + + + Linea di imputazione + + + Importo Fattura + + + Importi Rimanenti + + + Accesso Completo BP + + + Accesso Utente Bpartner + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Tipo Accesso + + + Tipo Documento di Base + + + Tipo di Richiesta + + + Interrogazione Utente + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Tabella + + + Codice di Convalida + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Numero di Riga + + + Prodotto + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Quantità del movimento + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Spedizione/ricevimento + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Movimento + + + Riga del movimento + + + Numero di Riga + + + Prodotto + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Quantità del movimento + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Area stock a + + + Prezzo + + + Percentuale + + + Elaborato + + + Posizione Lavorativa + + + Dipendente + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Importo Scostamento + + + Quantità scostamento + + + Quantità Attuale + + + Registra subito + + + Aggiorna costi immediatamente + + + Riga del movimento + + + Riga dell'inventario fisico + + + Riga di produzione + + + Registrare al Progetto + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Prodotto + + + Tipo di Costo + + + Schema Contabile + + + Elemento di Costo + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Prezzo di costo attuale + + + Quantità Attuale + + + Coda per il costo + + + Soggetto + + + Testo della mail + + + Default + + + URL + + + Ricavi per Servizi + + + Ricavi per Servizi + + + Ricavi per Servizi + + + Compensanzione Inventario + + + Assestamento costo + + + Compensanzione Inventario + + + Assestamento costo + + + Compensanzione Inventario + + + Assestamento costo + + + Descrizione + + + Registra i Servizi separatamente + + + Quadratura esplicita dei costi + + + Crea nuovo batch + + + Crea Nuovo Giornale + + + Conferma Righe della interrogazione + + + Massimo num record per la query + + + Sovrascrive Inizio Carattere Numero seriale + + + Sovrascrive Fine Carattere Numero seriale + + + Sovrascrive Inizio carattere del Lotto + + + Sovrascrivi Fine Carattere del Lotto + + + Tipo impegno + + + Conto scostamenti sugli Impegni + + + Dichiarazione IVA + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Data della transazione + + + A partire da + + + Fino a + + + Elabora ora + + + Elaborato + + + Linea Dichiarazione Tasse + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Descrizione + + + Numero di Riga + + + Dichiarazione IVA + + + Business Partner + + + Imposta + + + Fattura + + + Riga della fattura + + + Linea di imputazione + + + Base imponibile dell'imposta + + + Importo dell'imposta + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Contabilità dichiarazione Tasse + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Descrizione + + + Dichiarazione IVA + + + Evento Contabile + + + Schema Contabile + + + Dare + + + Avere + + + Dare in Valuta Fonte + + + Avere in Valuta Fonte + + + Valuta + + + Business Partner + + + Conto + + + Data della Registrazione + + + Asclude consegna automatica + + + Prezzo standard + + + Prezzo limite + + + Default + + + Gerarchia dei Report + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Albero Principale delle Organizzazioni + + + Albero Principale per Business Partner + + + Albero Progetti Principale + + + Albero Aree di Vendita Principale + + + Albero Principale dei Prodotti + + + Albero Campagna Primaria + + + Albero Attività Primaria + + + Albero Contabile + + + Data del Documento + + + Tassa di vendita + + + Attivo + + + Controllo Budget + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Schema Contabile + + + Budget + + + Tipo impegno + + + Prima dell'approvazione + + + Livello di Controllo + + + Controllo Fondi + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Schema Contabile + + + Importo + + + A partire da + + + Fino a + + + Limitazione Fondi + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Controllo Fondi + + + Elemento del Conto + + + Elabora ora + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Sotto Conto + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Codice + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Elemento del Conto + + + Colonna + + + Sotto Conto + + + Elemento Utente 1 + + + Elemento Utente 2 + + + Sotto Conto + + + Elemento Utente 1 + + + Elemento Utente 2 + + + Sotto Conto + + + Elemento Utente 1 + + + Elemento Utente 2 + + + EMail Destinatario + + + Email + + + Template della Mail + + + Template della Mail + + + Lingua + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Tradotta + + + Nome + + + Testata della mail + + + Testo della mail + + + Testo della mail 2 + + + Testo della mail 3 + + + Profilo di Connessione + + + Profilo di Connessione + + + Condivisione Client (Azienda) + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Tabella + + + Tipo Condivisione + + + Manuale + + + Numero di Riga + + + Imposta + + + Valuta + + + Listino prezzi + + + Listino Prezzo per Acquisti + + + Schema dello Sconto + + + Schema dello Sconto dell'Ordine di Acquisto + + + % Controllo Credito + + + Tolleranza differenza di Prezzo + + + Differenza di Prezzo + + + Approvazione + + + Descrizione + + + Descrizione + + + Reporting di Errori + + + Record ID + + + Problema del Sistema + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Numero di Rilascio + + + Versione + + + Nome + + + Nome Utente + + + Local Host + + + Indirizzo remoto + + + Host remoto + + + Commenti + + + Traccia Errori + + + Stack Trace + + + Record ID + + + No Richiesta Documento + + + Bene Gestito + + + Richiesta + + + Testo Risposta + + + Elabora ora + + + Elaborato + + + Attivo + + + Sistema Operativo + + + Database + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Prodotto + + + Data Fattura + + + Netto della Riga + + + Riga importo della lista + + + Importo limite della riga + + + Sconto della riga + + + Sconto % della riga + + + Margine lordo + + + Margine lordo % + + + Quantità fatturata + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Prodotto + + + Data Fattura + + + Netto della Riga + + + Riga importo della lista + + + Importo limite della riga + + + Sconto della riga + + + Sconto % della riga + + + Margine lordo + + + Margine lordo % + + + Quantità fatturata + + + Transazione di vendita + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Pagato + + + Tipo Documento + + + Tipo Documento + + + Sistema Standard + + + Riproducibile + + + Totale + + + Importo aperto + + + Importo Fonte Saldo + + + Importo Saldo + + + Percentuale + + + Percentuale + + + Importo Fonte Saldo + + + Importo Saldo + + + Tipo Documento Rivalutazione + + + Includi tutte le Valute + + + Tipo Documento Rivalutazione + + + Includi tutte le Valute + + + Stato dell'attività + + + Data Completamento Piano + + + Quantità Pianificate + + + Stato dell'attività + + + Data Completamento Piano + + + Quantità Pianificate + + + Quantità usata + + + Data d'Inizio + + + Data del Fine + + + Data Inizio Piano + + + Data Inizio Piano + + + Quantità fatturata + + + Prodotto utilizzato + + + Schema Colori + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Marcatore 1 Percentuale + + + Colore 1 + + + Marcatore 2 Percentuale + + + Colore 2 + + + Marcatore 3 Percentuale + + + Colore 3 + + + Marcatore 4 Percentuale + + + Colore 4 + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Schema Colori + + + Obiettivo Padre + + + Ambito Misura + + + Mostra Misura + + + A partire da + + + Fino a + + + Attivo + + + Descrizione + + + Restrizione Obiettivi + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Tipo Restrizione + + + Obiettivo + + + Business Partner + + + Prodotto + + + Unità Organizzativa + + + Gruppo di business partner + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + Tabella + + + Colonna Chiave + + + Tipo di entità + + + Misura + + + Effettivo manuale + + + Benchmark + + + Rapporto + + + Gerarchia dei Report + + + Tipo Data + + + Benchmark + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Tipo Sommatoria + + + Dati di Benchmark + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Benchmark + + + Data + + + Valore + + + Rapporto + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Schema Contabile + + + Fattore del Rapporto + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Rapporto + + + Operando + + + Tipo Elemento + + + Conto + + + Rapporto Usato + + + Calcolo della misura + + + Valore costante + + + Sequenza + + + Tipo registrazione + + + Ultima Manutenzione + + + Prossima Manutenzione + + + Ultima Unità + + + Prossima Unità + + + Termine Prestito + + + Locatario + + + Ultima Nota + + + Scadenza Supporto + + + Elabora ora + + + Ruolo + + + Etichetta della release + + + EMail Supporto + + + EMail Supporto + + + Address of DB Server + + + Sommario Problemi + + + Classe Sorgente + + + Metodo Sorgente + + + Logger + + + Linea + + + Problema Noto + + + Raccomandazione su Problema + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Stato Problema + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Problema Noto + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Sommario Problemi + + + Numero di Rilascio + + + Classe Sorgente + + + Metodo Sorgente + + + Logger + + + Linea + + + Descrizione + + + Stato Problema + + + Raccomandazione su Problema + + + Stato Problema + + + Richiesta + + + Elabora ora + + + Java Info + + + Consenti Statistiche + + + Statistiche + + + Profilo + + + Nome Precedente + + + Descrizione + + + Stato del Sistema + + + Statistiche + + + Profilo + + + Stato del Sistema + + + Traccia Problemi + + + Utente del Problema + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome Utente + + + Descrizione + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Problema del Progetto + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Bene Gestito + + + Progetto + + + Statistiche + + + Profilo + + + Stato del Sistema + + + Sistema che crea Problema + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Address of DB Server + + + Statistiche + + + Profilo + + + Stato del Sistema + + + Problema del Progetto + + + Utente del Problema + + + Sistema che crea Problema + + + Bene Gestito + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Costo + + + Valore del Costo + + + Elemento di Costo + + + Distinta Base Fissata + + + Sorgente + + + Finestra + + + Elaborazione + + + Modulo speciale + + + Data del Documento + + + Tipo di Richiesta + + + Tipo Progetto + + + Stato Categoria + + + Azienda + + + Organizzazione + + + Attivo + + + Creato + + + Creato Da + + + Aggiornato + + + Aggiornato Da + + + Nome + + + Descrizione + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + + + Default + + + Sequenza + + + Stato Categoria + + + Stato Categoria + + + Area interessi + + + Dimensione X + + + Dimensione Y + + + Unità delle Dimensioni + + + Area di Interesse + + + Business Partner + + + Addebito + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/AD_Desktop_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/AD_Desktop_Trl_it_IT.xml index 78ec23955e..650e6cba2e 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/AD_Desktop_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/AD_Desktop_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - - - - - - FrontOffice - Front Office Desktop - - - + + + + + + FrontOffice + Front Office Desktop + + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/AD_Element_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/AD_Element_Trl_it_IT.xml index 797bbdc01c..e191b1db0e 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/AD_Element_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/AD_Element_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,21698 +1,21698 @@ - - - - - - Allegato - Allegato - Allegato per il documento - Un Allegato può appartenere a qualsiasi tipo di documento/file e può essere collegato a qualsiasi record del sistema. - - - - - - - Azienda - Azienda - Client per questa installazione - Un Client è una Azienda o un'entità legale. Due client non possono condividere gli stessi dati. - - - - - - - Colonna - Colonna - Colonna nella tabella - Collegamento alla colonna del database della tabella. - - - - - - - Visualizza Colonna - Visualizza colonna - Indica la colonna che verrà mostrata - Indica la colonna che sarà visualizzata. - - - - - - - Elemento del Sistema - Elemento del sistema - L'Elemento del Sistema consente la gestione centralizzata delle descrizioni di colonna e degli aiuti. - L'Elemento del Sistema consente la gestione centralizzata degli aiuti, delle descrizioni e terminologia di una colonna del database. - - - - - - - Campo - Campo - Un campo nella tabella database - Il Campo identifica un campo nella tabella database. - - - - - - - Colonna Chiave - Colonna chiave - Identificatore unico di un record - La Collonna Chiave indica che questo è l'identificatore unico di un record nella tabella. - - - - - - - Lingua - Lingua - La lingua per questa applicazione - La Lingua indentifica la lingua da utilizzare per la visualizzazione. - - - - - - - Menu - Menu - Identifica un Menu - Il Menu identifica un menu unico. I Menu sono utilizzati per controllare la visualizzazione delle maschere a cui l'utente ha accesso. - - - - - - - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - Unità Organizzativa della Transazione - La Organizzazione di gestione o che ha iniziato la transazione. - La organizzazione che compie/inizia la transazione (per una altra organizzazione). L'organizzazione di compitenza e l'organizzazione della transazione possono essere diverse in un ambiente di service bureau, con servizi centralizzati e transazioni inter-org. - - - - - - - Organizzazione - organizzazione - Organizzazione all'interno un client - Una organizzazione è una unità del client o entità legale - esempi sono negozio o dipartemento. I dati possono essere condivisi tra più organizzazioni sotto lo stesso client. - - - - - - - Istanza dell'Elaborazione - Istanza dell'elaborazione - - - - - - - - - Preferenza - Preferenza - Preferenza Personale - - - - - - - - Elaborazione - Elaborazione - Processo o Report - Il campo Processo identifica un processo o report unico nel sistema. - - - - - - - Parametro dell'Elaborazione - Parametro dell'elaborazione - - - - - - - - - Elenco dei Riferimenti - Elenco dei riferimenti - L'elenco dei riferimenti basato su una tabella - L'Elenco dei Riferimenti indica un'elenco dei valori di riferimento da una tabella del database. Elenchi di riferimento popolono i drop down list box nelle maschere di data entry. - - - - - - - Riferimento - Riferimento - Riferimento del Sistema (Pick List) - Il Riferimento indica il tipo del campo di riferimento - - - - - - - Codice Riferimento - Codice riferimento - Obbligatorio per specificare se il tipo dei dati è Tabella o Elenco - La Chiave del Riferimento indica dove i valori di riferimento sono archiviati. Si deve specificare se il tipo dei dati è Tabella o Elenco. - - - - - - - Ruolo - Ruolo - Ruolo di Responsabilità - Il Ruolo determina il grado di sicurezza ed accesso che ha un untente con questo ruolo nel Sistema. - - - - - - - Sequenza - Sequenza - Sequenza del documento - La Sequenza definisce la sequenza della numerazione dei documenti. - - - - - - - Tab - Tab - Un Tab all'interno di una Finestra - Il Tab indica un tab che si visualizza all'interno di una finestra. - - - - - - - Tabella - Tabella - Tabella per i campi - La Tabella indica la tabella dove si trovano dei record. - - - - - - - Istanza del Compito - Istanza del Compito - - - - - - - - - Compito - Compito - Compito del sistema operativo - Il campo Compito identifica un compito unico nel sistema. - - - - - - - Albero Principale per Business Partner - Albero principale per Business Partner - - - - - - - - - Albero - Albero - Identifica un albero - L'Albero indentifica un albero unico nel sistema. Gli alberi definiscono i livelli di sommario di informazione. Sono utilizzati nei report per la definizione i livelli di totalizzazione. - - - - - - - Albero Menu principale - Albero Menu principale - - - - - - - - - Albero Principale delle Organizzazioni - Albero Principale delle Organizzazioni - - - - - - - - - Albero Principale dei Prodotti - Albero Principale dei Prodotti - - - - - - - - - Albero Progetti Principale - Albero progetti principale - - - - - - - - - Albero Aree di Vendita Principale - Albero aree di vendita principale - - - - - - - - - Utente/Contatto - Utente - Utente del sistema - contatto interno o contatto di un Business Partner - L'ID Utente/Contatto identifica un utente unico del sistema. - - - - - - - Convalida - Convalida - Regola di Convalida - La Convalida indica una regola di convalida unica. Le regole definiscono come una immessione dei dati è determinata ad essere valida o non. - - - - - - - Nodo Successivo - Nodo successivo - Nodo successivo del workflow - Il Node Successivo indica il prossimo passo o compito in questo workflow. - - - - - - - Nodo - Nodo - Nodo del workflow; compito o processo - Il Nodo indica un compito o processo unico in un workflow. - - - - - - - Finestra - Finestra - Imessione dati o finestra di visualizzazione - Il campo Finestra indetifica una finestra unica nel sistema. - - - - - - - Workflow - Workflow - Workflow o combinazioni dei compiti - Il campo Workflow identifica un workflow unico nel sistema. - - - - - - - Livello di Accesso Dati - Livello di accesso dati - Livello di accesso richiesto - Indica il livello di accesso richiesto per questo record o processo. - - - - - - - Segno del Conto - Segno - Indica il segno originario del conto, Dare o Avere - Indica se il saldo per questo conto dovrebbe essere in dare o avere. - - - - - - - Tipo di Conto - Tipo di conto - Indica il tipo di conto - I Tipi di Conto validi sono A - Asset (Cespite), E - Expense (Spese), L - Liability (Impegno), O- Owner's Equity (Capitale Sociale), R -Revenue (Ricavo) and M - Memo (Memo). Il tipo di conto è utilizzato per determinare: l'imposta che è applicabile e per convalidare i pagamenti e incassi per i business partner. Nota: I Saldi nei conti memo sono ignorati nel controllo della quadratura. - - - - - - - Conto - Conto - Conto utilizzato - Il Conto (natural) utilizzato - - - - - - - Costo di Acquisizione - Costo di acquisizione - Costo sostenuto per ottenere un cliente vero da un prospetto - Il Costo di Acquisizione identifica il costo associato nel ottenere un cliente vero da un prospetto. - - - - - - - Azione - Azione - Indica l'azione che deve essere svolta - Il campo Azione è un drop down list box che indica la azione da essere svolta per questo articolo del menu. - - - - - - - Valore Corso di Vita - Valore Corso di Vita - Ricavo del corso di vita - Il Valore Corso di Vita è il ricavo ricordato da essere generato da questo business partner. - - - - - - - Indirizzo 1 - Indirizzo 1 - Indirizzo per questa ubicazione - L'Indirizzo 1 identifica l'indirizzo per l'ubicazione di questa entità. - - - - - - - Indirizzo 2 - Indirizzo 2 - Indirizzo 2 per questa ubicazione - L'Indirizzo 2 contiene le informazioni dell'indirizzo addizionali per una entità. Esso può essere utilizzato per una ubicazione di un palazzo, un numero di apartamento, o altre informazioni simili. - - - - - - - Dopo la Consegna - Dopo la consegna - Da pagare dopo la consegna anziché dopo la fattura - Il checkbox Dopo la Consegna indica che il pagamento è dovuto dopo la consegna anziché dopo la fattura. - - - - - - - Alternativo - Alternativo - Definisce un metodo alternativo per indicare una "Combinazione" - Il campo Alternativo permette la definizione una nominazione alternativa per la combinazione dei conti completa. Per esempio, il conto Da Ricevere in Garden World puo avere come alternativo GW_DR. - - - - - - - Importo - Importo - Importo - Importo - - - - - - - Avere - Avere - Importo registrato in avere - L'Importo Registrato in Avere indica l'importo della transazione convertito nella valuta contabile di questa organizzazione. - - - - - - - Dare - Dare - Importo dare registrato - L'Importo Registrato in Dare indica l'importo della transazione convertito nella valuta contabile di questa organizzazione. - - - - - - - Importo di Approvazione - Importo di Approvazione - Il limite dell'importo di approvazione per questo ruolo - Il campo Importo di Approvazione indica il limite dell'importo di questo ruolo per la approvazione dei documenti. - - - - - - - Avere in Valuta Fonte - Avere in Valuta Fonte - Importo in avere in valuta fonte - L'importo Avere in Valuta Fonte iindica l'importo in avere per questa riga nella valuta del fonte. - - - - - - - Dare in Valuta Fonte - Dare in Valuta Fonte - Importo in dare in valuta fonte - L'importo Dare in Valuta Fonte iindica l'importo in dare per questa riga nella valuta del fonte. - - - - - - - Attributo - Attributo - Attributo - - - - - - - - Controllo Automatico del Periodo - Controllo automatico del periodo - Se selezionato, i periodi sono aperti e chiusu automaticamente - Nel Controllo Automatico del Periodo, i periodi sono aperti e chiusi basati sulla data attuale. Se la opzione Manuale è attivata, i periodi devono essere aperti e chiusi esplicitamente. - - - - - - - Indirizzo della Fatturazione - Indirizzo della Fatturazione - Indirizzo della fatturazione - L'Indirizzo della Fatturazione indica l'indirizzo da usare per la fatturazione. - - - - - - - Dati Binari - Dati Binari - Dati binari - Il campo Dati Binari è utilizzato per archivare i dati binari. - - - - - - - Stato del Budget - Stato del budget - Indica lo stato corrente di questo budget - Lo Stato del Budget indica lo stato attuale di questo budget (e.s. Bozza, Approvato). - - - - - - - Schema Contabile Principale - Schema Contabile Principale - Le regole primarie per la contabilità - Lo Schemo Contabile Principale definisce le regole contabile come il metodo di costing, la valuta, ed il calandario. - - - - - - - Elemento dello Schema Contabile - Elemento dello schema contabile - - - - - - - - - Schema Contabile - Schema Contabile - Regole della contabilizzazione - Lo Schemo Contabile definisce le regole contabile come il metodo di costing, la valuta, ed il calandario. - - - - - - - Business Partner - Business Partner - Identifica un business partner - Un Business Partner è qualsiasi entità con cui la società fa le transazioni. I fornitori, clienti, dipendenti ed agenti possono essere tutti quanti business partner. - - - - - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - Indirizzo Business Partner - Identifica l'indirizzo della spedizione per questo business partner - L'Indirizzo Business Partner indica la ubicazione del Business Partner - Identifica l'indirizzo della spedizione per questo business partner - L'Indirizzo Business Partner indica la ubicazione del Business Partner - Indirizzo Business Partner - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Esercizio - Esercizio - Nome dell'esercizio contabile - Il Calendario identifica un calendario contabile unico. Calendari Multipli possono essere utilizzati. Per esempio si può definire un calandario standard da 1 gennaio a 31 decembre ed un calendario fiscale da 1settembre a 31 agosto. - - - - - - - Tasso di Conversione - Tasso di conversione - Il tasso utilizzato per convertire valute - Il Tasso di Conversione definisce il tasso da usare nella conversione della valuta di partenza alla valuta di contabilità. - - - - - - - Nazione - Nazione - Nazione - La Nazione definisce una nazione. Prima di essere usata in un documento, una nazione deve essere definita. - - - - - - - Valuta - Valuta - La valuta per questo record - La Valuta indica la valuta da usare nella elaborazione o nel reporting di questo record - - - - - - - Valuta A - Valuta A - Valuta di arrivo in una conversione valuta - La Valuta A definisce la valuta di arrivo per questo tasso di conversione. - - - - - - - Tipo Documento - Tipo documento - Tipo documento - Il Tipo Documento determina la sequenza del documento e le regole di elaborazione. - - - - - - - Tipo Documento Obiettivo - Tipo Documento Obiettivo - Il Tipo documento obiettivo per la conversione dei documenti - Si può convertire il tipo di documento (e.s. dall'Offerta all'Ordine o Fattura). La conversione è può indicata nel tipo attuale. Questa elaborazione è iniziata nella selezione della Azione Documento. - - - - - - - Elemento del Conto - Elemento del conto - Elemento del conto - I conti possono essere i conti originali o definiti dall'utente. - - - - - - - Elemento - Elemento - Elemento Contabile - L'Elemento identifica un tipo di conto. Essi sono riconosciuti con piani dei conti. - - - - - - - Area Stoccaggio Da - Area Stoccaggio Da - Area Stoccaggio da cui l'inventario è stato trasferito - L'Area Stoccaggio Da indica la ubicazione da cui il prodotto è stato trasferito. - - - - - - - Area Stoccaggio A - Area Stoccaggio A - Area Stoccaggio a cui l'inventario è stato trasferito - Area Stoccaggio A indica la ubicazione a cui il prodotto è stato trasferito. - - - - - - - Ubicazione / Indirizzo - Ubicazione / Indirizzo - Ubicazione o Indirizzo - Il campo Ubicazione / Indirizzo definisce la ubicazione di una entità. - - - - - - - Giorno non Lavorativo - Giorno non Lavorativo - Giorno in cui non vengono effettuate transazioni di business - Il Giorno non Lavorativo identifica un giorno in cui l'affare non è compiuta. - - - - - - - Termini del Pagamento - Termini del pagamento - I termini di pagamento per questa transazione - I Termini di Pagamento identificono il metodo e la tempistica dei pagamenti per questa transazione. - - - - - - - Controllo del Periodo - Controllo del periodo - - - - - - - - - Periodo - Periodo - Periodo del Calendario - Il Periodo indica una gamma esclusiva di date per un calendario. - - - - - - - Progetto - Progetto - Identifica un progetto unico - L'ID Progetto è un identificatore per un progetto definito del utente. - - - - - - - Regione - Regione - Identifica una regione geografica - La Regione identifica una regione unica per questa nazione. - - - - - - - Area di Vendita - Area di vendita - Area di vendita - L'Area di Vendita indica una specifica area di vendita. - - - - - - - Categoria di Imposta - Categoria di imposta - Categoria di Imposta - La Categoria di Imposta fornisce un metodo per il raggruppamento di imposte simili. Per esempio imposta di vendita o IVA. - - - - - - - Imposta - Imposta - Identificatore dell'Imposta - L'Imposta indica il tipo di imposta per questa riga del documento. - - - - - - - Conversione UdM - Conversione UdM - Conversione dell'unità di misura - La Conversione UdM identifica inici unità di misura a, unità di misura da, tasso di conversione e gamma di date per la conversione.. - - - - - - - UdM - UdM - Unità di Misura - L'Unità di Misura identifica un UOM definisce una unità di misura non monetaria unica - - - - - - - UdM A - UdM A - L'Unità di Misura di arrivo - L'Unità di Misura A indica l'unità di misura di arrivo per la coppia di conversione. - - - - - - - UdM per Lunghezza - UdM per lunghezza - Unità di misura standard per la lunghezza - L'Unità di Misura per Lunghezza indica la unità di misura da utilizzare per i prodotto che sono riferiti dalla loro lunghezza in un documento. - - - - - - - UdM per il Tempo - UdM per il tempo - Unità di misura standard per il tempo - L'Unità di Misura per Tempo indica la unità di misura da utilizzare per i prodotto che sono riferiti dal loro tempo in un documento. - - - - - - - UdM per Volume - UdM per volume - Unità di misura standard per volume - L'Unità di Misura per Volume indica la unità di misura da utilizzare per i prodotto che sono riferiti dalla loro volume in un documento. - - - - - - - UdM per Peso - UdM per peso - Unità di misura standard per peso - L'Unità di Misura per Peso indica la unità di misura da utilizzare per i prodotto che sono riferiti dal loro peso in un documento. - - - - - - - Combinazione - Combinazione - Combinazione valida dei conti - La Combinazione identifica una combinazione valida del elemento che rappresenta un conto della contabilità generale. - - - - - - - Anno - Anno - Anno del calendario - L'Anno indentifica in modo unico un'anno contabile per il calendario. - - - - - - - Callout - Callout - Chiamate a funzione separate da punti e virgola; SE_/SL_/UE_/UL_ - primo: System/User; secondo: Entrata/Uscita; 3rd: _ trattino basso, - e quindi nome della funzione - Function Calls separated by semicolons; SE_/SL_/UE_/UL_ - 1st: System/User; 2nd: Enter/Leave; 3rd: _ Underscore, - then Function Name - - - - - - - Città - Città - Città - La Città identifica una cittaà unica per questo pease o ragione. - - - - - - - Codice di Convalida - Codice di convalida - - Il Codice di Convalida visualizza la data, ora e messaggio del errore. - - - - - - - Nome Colonna DB - Nome colonna DB - Nome della colonna nel database - Il Nome Colonna DB indica il nome della colonna della tabella come definito nel database. - - - - - - - Combinazione - Combinazione - Combinazione unica di elementi del conto - Il campo Combinazione definisce la combinazione unica dei valori di elemento che comprende questo conto. - - - - - - - Commenti - Commenti - Commenti o informazioni aggiuntivi - Il campo Commenti permette l'immessione di informazione addizionale di una forma libera. - - - - - - - Invia Allarme - Invia Warning - Un avviso visualizzato al Salvo - Un avviso o informazione visualizzato al salvo del record. - - - - - - - Importo di Controllo - Importo di controllo - Se diverso da zero, l'importo del debito del documenti deve essere uguale a questo valore - Se l'Importo di Controllo è zero, nessun controllo è fatto. -Altrimente l'importo totale del Debit deve essere uguale all'Importo di Controllo, prima che il documento è elaborato. - - - - - - - Costo Medio - Costo medio - Costo medio ponderato - Costo Medio Ponderato (attuale) - - - - - - - Costo Standard - Costo standard - - Costo Standard (per piano). - - - - - - - Metodo del Calcolo dei Costi - Metodo del calcolo dei costi - Indica come sarà calcolato il costo - Il Metodo del Calcolo dei Costi indica come i costi saranno calcolati (Standard, Medio) - - - - - - - Precisione del Calcolo Costi - Precisione del calcolo costi - Arrotondamento usato per il calcolo dei costi - La Precisione del Calcolo Costi definise il numero di posti decimali a cui gli importi saranno arrotondati per la elaborazione dei costi. - - - - - - - Costi - Costi - Costo nella valuta del conto - I Costi indicano il costo di una campagna nella valuta contabile della organizzazione. - - - - - - - Paese ISO - Paese ISO - Codice ISO del paese alfanumerico e maiuscolo: ISO 3166-1 - http://www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/doc/ISO_3166.html - Per dettagli: http://www.din.de/gremien/nas/nabd/iso3166ma/codlstp1.html o - http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec03en.htm - - - - - - - Creato - Creato - Data in cui questo Record è stato creato - Il campo Creato indica la data in cui questo Record è stato creato. - - - - - - - Creato Da - Creato Da - Utente che ha creato il record - Il campo Creato Da indica l'utente che ha creato il record. - - - - - - - Numero - Numero - Numero Carta di Credito - Il Numero indica il numero della carta di credito senza spazi. - - - - - - - Simbolo della Valuta - Simbolo della valuta - Simbolo della valuta (solo per la stampatura) - Il Simbolo della Valuta definisce il simbolo che sarà stampata per questa valuta. - - - - - - - Conto Quadratura Valuta - Conto Qadratura Valuta - Conto usato quando una valuta non è in quadratura - Il Conto Quadratura Valuta indica il conto da utilizzare quando una valuta non è in equilibrio (generalmente la causa è l'arrotondamento) - - - - - - - Tasso di Conversione Valuta - Tasso di Conversione Valuta - Tasso di Conversione Valuta - Il Tasso di Conversione Valuta indica il tasso da utilizzare per la conversione dalla valuta di partenza nella valuta contabile. - - - - - - - Successivo Attuale - Successivo Attuale - Prossimo numero da essere utilizzato - Il Successivo Attuale indica il prossimo numero da essere utilizzato per questo documento. - - - - - - - D-U-N-S - D-U-N-S - Numero Dun & Badstreet - Utilizzato nell'EDI - per ulteriori dettagli: www.dnb.com/dunsno/list.htm - - - - - - - Data - Data - Una data in cui l'affare non è effettuata - Il campo Data identifica una data in cui le transazioni d'affare non saranno effettuate. - - - - - - - Data della Registrazione - Data della registrazione - Data della Registrazione - La Data della Registrazione indica la data delle registrazioni delle giornali generate da questo documento. - - - - - - - Data Consegnato - Data Consegnato - La Data Consegnato indica la data in cui il prodotto è stato consegnato - - - - - - - - Data del Documento - Data del documento - Data del documnto - La Data del Documento indica la data in cui il documento è stato generato. Questa data può essere ma non deve essere uguale alla data contabile. - - - - - - - Data Fattura - Data fattura - Data stampata sulla fattura - La Data Fattura indica la data stampata sulla fattura. - - - - - - - Data dell'Ordine - Data dell'Ordine - Data dell'Ordine - Indica la Data in cui l'articolo è stato ordinato. - - - - - - - Data Promessa - Data promessa - Data a cui l'ordine è stato promesso - La Data Promessa indica la data, per cui l'ordine è stato promesso. - - - - - - - Logica di Default - Logica di Default - Gerarchia di valori di default, separata da ; - The defaults are evaluated in the order of definition, the first not null value becomes the default value of the column. The values are separated by comma or semicolon. a) Literals:. 'Text' or 123 b) Variables - in format @Variable@ - Login e.g. #Date, #AD_Org_ID, #AD_Client_ID - Accounting Schema: e.g. $C_AcctSchema_ID, $C_Calendar_ID - Global defaults: e.g. DateFormat - Window values (all Picks, CheckBoxes, RadioButtons, and DateDoc/DateAcct) c) SQL code with the tag: @SQL=SELECT something AS DefaultValue FROM ... The SQL statement can contain variables. There can be no other value other than the SQL statement. The default is only evaluated, if no user preference is defined. Default definitions are ignored for record columns as Key, Parent, Client as well as Buttons. - - - - - - - Mezzo della Spedizione - Mezzo della spedizione - Come l'ordine sarà spedito - Il Mezzo della Spedizione indica come i prodotti saranno spediti. Per esempio, se l'ordine sarà ricevuto direttimente dal cliente o spedito. - - - - - - - Descrizione - Descrizione - Una descrizione corta opzionale del record - La descrizione è limitata ad essere meno di 255 carratteri. - - - - - - - Fuori Produzione - Fuori produzione - Questo prodotto non è più disponibile - Il check box Fuori Produzione indica che un prodotto è stato messo fuori produzione. - - - - - - - Fuori Produzione Da - Fuori produzione da - Fuori produzione da - Il Fuori Produzione Da indica la persona che ha messo il prodotto fuori produzione. - - - - - - - Sconto % - Sconto % - Sconto in percentuale - Lo Sconto % indica lo sconto applicato in percentuale. - - - - - - - Giorni di Sconto - Giorni di sconto - Il numor di giorni dalla data di fatturazione in cui lo sconto è ancora valido - I Giorni di Sconto indicano il numero di giorni disponibile per la recizione del pagamento per avere per lo sconto indicato. - - - - - - - Lunghezza della Visualizzazione - Lunghezza della Visualizzazione - Lunghezza della visualizzazione in carrattere. - La Lunghezza della Visualizzazione è sopra tutto per campi di tipo stringa. La lunghezza non ha impatto se il tipo di dato del campo è: integer, numero, importo (lunghezza è determinata del sistema) - Sì/No, (check box) - Elenco, Tabella, TableDir (lunghezza del combo box è determinata dal loro contenuto al runtime) - - - - - - - Logica della Visualizzazione - Logica della Visualizzazione - Il risultato determina se un campo è attualmente visualizzato. - format := <expression> [<logic> <expression>] expression := @<context>@=<value> or @<context>@!<value> logic := <|>|<&> context := any global or window context value := strings logic operators := AND or OR with the previous result from left to right Example '@AD_Table_ID@=14 | @Language@!'GERGER' As it is always a string comparison, the string delimiters are optional, but suggested for future compatibility - - - - - - - Visualizza Valore - Visualizza Valore - Il valore si visualizza con la colonna di visualizzazione - Il checkbox Visualizza Valore indica se la colonna di valore si visualizza con la visualizzazione della colonna di visualizzazione. - - - - - - - Formato di Stampa dell'Indirizzo - Formato di stampa dell'indirizzo - Formato per stampare questo indirizzo - Il Formato di Stampa dell'Indirizzo definisce il formato da utilizzare alla stampatura di questo indirizzo. Le seguente notazioni sono utilizzate: @C@=Città @P@=Codice Postale @A@=Codice Postael Addizionale @R@=Regione - - - - - - - Tasso di Divisione - Tasso di divisione - Per la conversione del numero di partenza al numero obbiettivo, il numero di partneza è diviso - Per la conversione del numero di partenza al numero obbiettivo, il numero di partneza è diviso per il tasso di divisione. Se si immette il tasso di divisione, il tasso di muliplicazione è calcolato automaticamente. - - - - - - - Azione del Documento - Azione del documento - Lo stato obbiettivo del documento - Si trova lo stato attuale del documento nel campo Stato del Documento. Le opzioni sono elencate nel popup. - - - - - - - Sequenza del Documento - Sequenza del documento - La sequenza dei documenti ne determina la numerazione - La Sequenza del Documento indica la regola ni numerazione per questo tipo di documento. - - - - - - - Stato del Documento - Stato del documento - Stato attuale del documento - Lo Stato del Documento indica lo stato attuale del documento. Per cambiare lo stato, utilizza il campo Azione del Documento. - - - - - - - Numero del Documento - Numero del documento - Numero di sequenza per il documento - Il Numero del Documento è di solito generato automaticamente del sistema ed è determinato del tipo del documento del documento. Se il documento non è salvato, il numero preliminario è visualizzato in "<>". - -Nel caso in cui non c'è definito una sequenza di numerazione automatica per il tipo di documento, il campo è vuoto alla creazione di un nuovo documento. Questo è per i documenti che di solito hanno un numero esterno (come la fattura del fornitore). Se l'utente lascia il campo vuoto, il sistema generà un numero del documento. La regola della sequenza per questo numero è definita nella finestra "Gestione Sequenza" con il nome "DocumentNo_<TableName>", dove TableName è il nome attuale della tabella (e.s. C_Order). - - - - - - - Data Ingresso EMU - Data ingresso EMU - Data di ingresso nell'EMU - La Data Ingresso EMU definisce la data in cui questa valuta è entrata, o entrerà nella Unione Economica. - - - - - - - Tasso EMU - Tasso EMU - Tasso ufficiale per coversione al Euro - Il Tasso EMU definisce il tasso ufficiale da usare per la conversione di questa valuta al Euro. - - - - - - - Tipo di Elemento - Tipo di Elemento - Tipo di elemento (conto o definito dall'utente) - Il Tipo di Elemento indica se questo elemento fa parte del Elemento del Conto o è un elemento definito dell'utente. - - - - - - - Data del Fine - Data del fine - L'ultima data effettiva (inclusiva) - La Data del Fine indica indica l'ultima data di questo periodo. - - - - - - - Formato Telefono - Formato telefono - Formato del numero telefonico: può avere elementi di formato fissi, Variabili: "_lLoOaAcCa09" - <B>Validation elements:</B> - (Spazio) qualsiasi carrattere -_ Spazio (carrattere fissa) -l qualsiasi Lettura a..Z NESSUN spazio -L qualsiasi Lettura a..Z NESSUN spazio convertite in upper case -o qualsiasi Lettura a..Z o spazio -O qualsiasi Lettura a..Z o Spazio convertite in upper case -a qualsiasi Lettura & Digits NESSUN spazio -A qualsiasi Lettura & Digiti NESSUN spazio convertite in upper case -c qualsiasi Lettura & Digiti o spazio -C qualsiasi Lettura & Digiti o spazio convertite in upper case -0 Digiti 0..9 NESSUN spazio -9 Digiti 0..9 or spazio - -Esempio del formato "(000)_000-0000" - - - - - - - Formato Codice Postale - Formato codice postale - - <B>Validation elements:</B> - (Space) any character -_ Space (fixed character) -l any Letter a..Z NO space -L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case -o any Letter a..Z or space -O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case -a any Letters & Digits NO space -A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case -c any Letters & Digits or space -C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case -0 Digits 0..9 NO space -9 Digits 0..9 or space - -Example of format "(000)_000-0000" - - - - - - - Formato del Codice Postale Addizionale - Formato del Codice postale addizionale - Formato del valore; può contenere elementi dal formato fisso, variabile : "_lLoOaAcCa09" - <B>Validation elements:</B> - (Space) any character -_ Space (fixed character) -l any Letter a..Z NO space -L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case -o any Letter a..Z or space -O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case -a any Letters & Digits NO space -A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case -c any Letters & Digits or space -C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case -0 Digits 0..9 NO space -9 Digits 0..9 or space - -Example of format "(000)_000-0000" - - - - - - - Fax - Fax - Numero del Fax - Il Fax identifica il numero fax per questo Business Partner o ubicazione. - - - - - - - Lunghezza - Lunghezza - Lunghezza della colonna nel database - La Lunghezza indica la lunghezza della colonna come definita nel database. - - - - - - - Prima Vendita - Prima Vendita - Data della prima vendita - La Prima Vendita identifica la data della prima vendita per questo Business Partner. - - - - - - - Spese di Trasporto - Spese di Trasporto - Importo delle spese di trasporto - I'Importo Spesse di Trasporto indica l'importo del costo del trasporto nella valuta del documento. - - - - - - - GAAP - GAAP - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles - Il GAAP identifica i principi contabili che questo schema contabilie seguirà. - - - - - - - Budget - Budget - Budget di contabilità generale - Il Budget identifica un budget definito dell'utente. Un budget può essere utilizzato nel reporting e per confrontare contro gli importi effettivi. - - - - - - - Categoria Contabile - Categoria Contabile - Categoria Contabile Contabilità Generale - La Categoria del Mastro è un metodo opzione e definito dell'utente per il raggruppamento delle righe delle giornali. - - - - - - - Gruppo Prime Note - Gruppo Prime Note - Gruppo delle prima note contabilità generale - Il Batch delle prima note identifica un insieme di giornali da elaborare come un gruppo. - - - - - - - Riga della Prima Nota - Riga della Prima Nota - Riga della prima nota contabilità generale - La Riga della Prima Nota identifica una singola transazione in un giornale. - - - - - - - Prima Nota - Prima Nota - Prima nota contabilità generale - La Prima Nota identifica un gruppo di righe di giornali che rappresentano una transazione di business logica. - - - - - - - Totale - Totale - Il totale del documento - Il Totale indica l'importo totale nella valuta del documento (con l'imposta e le spese di trasporto inclusi). - - - - - - - Utilizzare Conto Alternativo - Utilizzare conto Alternativo - Capacità di selezionare (parziali) combinazioni di conti da un Alias - Il checkbox Utilizzare Conto Alternativo indica che la combinazione dei conti può essere selezionata per un nome alternativo definito dell'utente o una chiave corta. - - - - - - - Utilizzare Controllo della Combinazione dei Conti - Utilizzare Controllo della Combinazione dei Conti - La combinazione di elementi dl conto viene controllata - Il checkbox Utilizzare Controllo della Combinazione dei Conti indica se la combinazione degli elementi di conto sarà verificata in confronto la definizione delle combinazioni accettabile. - - - - - - - Codice Postale Addizionale - Codice Postale Addizionale - Codice postale addizionale - Il checkbox Codice Postale Addizionale indica se questo indirizzo utilizza il codice postale addizionale. Se il checkbox è selezionato, un campo supplimentario si visualizza per la immessione del codice postale addizionale. - - - - - - - Nazione ha Regioni - Nazione ha Regioni - La nazione contiene regioni - Il check box Nazione ha Regioni è selezionato se la Nazione è devisa in regioni. Se questo checkbox è selezionato, il Tab Regione è accessibile. - - - - - - - Ha un Albero - Ha un Albero - La finestra ha un grafo albero - il checkbox Ha un Albero indica se in questa finestra si visualizza un metaforo albero. - - - - - - - Aiuto/Spiegazione - Aiuto/Spiegazione - Commento o suggerimento - Il campo Aiuto/Spiegazione contiene, commenti o un aiuto per l'uso di questo articolo. - - - - - - - ISDN - ISDN - ISDN o linea modem - L'ISDN identifica un ISDN o un numero per la linea Modem. - - - - - - - Codice ISO - Codice ISO - Codice ISO 4217 per la valuta - Per dettagli - http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec09en.htm - - - - - - - Conto Riepilogo Utile - Conto Riepilogo Utile - Conto di Riepilogo Utile - - - - - - - - Incremento - Incremento - Il numero da incrementare l'ultimo numero del documento - L'Incremento indica il numer da incrementare l'ultimo numero del documento per arrivare al prossimo numero sequenziale. - - - - - - - Conto Crediti Intercompany - Conto Crediti Intercompany - Il Conto Intercompany Da Ricevere - Il Conto Crediti Intercompany indica il conto che rappresenta gli importi da ricervere a questa organizzazione da altre organizzazioni. - - - - - - - Conto Debiti Intercompany - Conto Debiti Intercompany - Il Conto Intercompany Da Pagare - Il Conto Debiti Intercompany indica il conto che rappresenta gli importi da pagare da questa organizzazione ad altre organizzazioni. - - - - - - - Giorno della Fatturazione - Giorno della Fatturazione - Data di generazione della fattura - Il Giorno della Fatturazione indica il giorno di generazione fatture. Se l'impostazione è due volte al mese, la seconda volta è 15 gg dopo questo giorno. - - - - - - - Frequenza della Fatturazione - Frequenza della Fatturazione - Quanto speso saranno generate le fatture - La Frequenza della Fatturazione indica la frequenza della generazione delle fatture per un Business Partner. - - - - - - - Giorno della Settimana per la Fattura - Giorno della Settimana per la Fattura - Giorno della settimana in cui si generano le fatture - Il Giorno della Settimana per la Fattura indica il giorno della settimana per la generazione delle fatture. - - - - - - - Competenza - Competenza - Indica se sarà applicato il principio di competenza o di cassa - Il checkbox Competenza indica se questo schema contabile utilizzerà un sistema contatabile basato sulla competenza o sulla cassa. Il metodo di competenza recognizes un ricavo quando il prodotto o serviczio è consegnato. Il sistema Cassa recognizes un ricavo alla ricezione del pagamento. - - - - - - - Attivo - Attivo - Il record (dato, anagrafica,…) è attivo nel sistema - Ci sono due metodi per rendere un record non disponibile all sistema: Uno e di cancellarelo, l'atro è di disattivarelo. Un record disattivato non è disponibile per selezione, ma può essere utilizzato nei report. -Ci sono due ragioni da considere in favore alla disattivazione anziché la cancellazione dei record: -(1) Il sistema richiede il record per scopi di audit. -(2) Il record si è riferito da altri record. Per esempio, non si può cancellare un business partner, se esistono fatture per lui stesso. In questo caso si deve disattivare il busines partner per evitare l'immessione di transazioni future preso di lui. - - - - - - - Limite dell'Importo - Limite dell'importo - Invia fatture solo se l'importo supera il limite - Il checkbox Limite dell'Importo indica se le fatture saranno inviate se il loro totale è sotto il limite dell'importo immesso. - - - - - - - Approvazione - Approvazione - Indica se questo documento richiede un'approvazione - Il checkbox Approvazione indica se questo documento richiede una approvazione prima che viene elaborato. - - - - - - - Attivare Audit - Attivare audit - Attivare la mappatura dei numeri che sono stati generati - Il checkbox Attivare Audit indica se la traccia dei numeri generata dell'audit sarà salvata. - - - - - - - Numerazione Automatica - Numerazione Automatica - Il numero successivo è assegnato automaticamente - Il checkbox Numerazione Automatica indica se l'assegnazione del prossimo numero è fatta in automatica dal sistema. - - - - - - - In Pareggio - In pareggio - - - - - - - - - Da Pareggiare - Da Pareggiare - Tutte le transazioni all'interno del valore di un elemento devono pareggiare (es. centro di costo) - Il checkbox Da Pareggiare indica che questo elemento deve pareggiare in ogni transazione giornale. Per esempio, se i centri di costo è stato definito come un elemento che deve pareggiare, i debiti e crediti per ogni specifico centro di costo deve sommare a 0. Ciò è usata per definire le parti di un'organizzazione che operano come una entità propria. Da Pareggiare non è una opzione per l'elemento del conto. - - - - - - - Lingua di Base - Lingua di Base - Le informazioni di sistema sono tenute in questa lingua - - - - - - - - Gestito a Livello Centrale - Gestito a Livello Centrale - Informazioni mantenute nella tabella degli elementi di sistema - Il checkbox Gestito a Livello Centrale indica se il nome, descrizione, ed aiuto sono mantenuti in nella table 'Sytem Element' o la tablella 'Window'. - - - - - - - Credito Approvato - Credito Approvato - Il credito è stato approvato - Il Credito Approvato indica se l'approvazione del credito è riuscito per l'ordine. - - - - - - - Cliente - Cliente - Indica se il Business Partner è un cliente - Il checkbox Cliente indica se questo Business Partner è un cliente. Se è selezionato, alcuni campi addizionali si visualizzano per la impostazione di questo cliente. - - - - - - - Record Cancellabili - Record Cancellabili - Indica se il record può essere cancellato dal database. - Il Record Cancellabile indica se il record può essere cancellato dal database. Se un record non può essere cancellato, si può solo deselezionare il checkbox Attivo.. - - - - - - - Consegnato - Consegnato - - - - - - - - - Visualizzato - Visualizzato - Determina se il campo è visualizzato - Se il campo è definito come Visualizzato, la Display Logic determinerà al runtime, se il campo è attualmente visualizzato. - - - - - - - Controllato dal Documento - Controllato dal Documento - Conto di Controllo - Se un conto è controllato da un documento non puoi manualmente fare il posting su di esso - - - - - - - - Il Documento ha Numerazione Controllata - Il Documento ha Numerazione Controllata - Il documento ha una sequenza del documento - Il checkbox Il Documento ha Numerazione Controllata indica se questo tipo di documento avrà una numerazione sequenziale. - - - - - - - Membro EMU - Membro EMU - Questa valuta è inclusa nella Unione Economica Europea - Il checkbox Membro EMU è utilizzato per indicare se questa valuta è inclusa nella Unione Economica Europea. - - - - - - - Dipendente - Dipendente - Indica se questo business partner è un dipendente - Il checkbox Dipendente indica se questo business Partner è un dipendente. Se selezionato, campi aggiunti si visualizzano per specificare ulteriormente questo dipendente. - - - - - - - Visualizzazione Crittografata - Visualizzazione Crittografata - La visualizzazione e crittografata mediante degli "*" - Indipendente dalla crittografazione dei dati - Visualizzazione Crittografata - tutti i caratteri sono visualizzati come '* '. La crittografia data storage (i dati non saranno disponibile via report tools) è impostata nella definizione della colonna. - - - - - - - La Valuta Euro - La Valuta Euro - La valuta è l'euro - Il checkbox La Valuta Euro è utilizzato per indicare se questa valuta è l'Euro. - - - - - - - Solo Campo - Solo Campo - L'Etichetta non è visualizzato - Il checkbox Solo Campo indica che la colonna si visualizza senza l'etichetta. - - - - - - - Interamente Qualificato - Interamente Qualificato - - l checkbox Interamente Qualificato indica che tutti gli elementi richiesti per la combinazione sono presenti. - - - - - - - Generato - Generato - Questa linea è generata - Il checkbox Generato identifica una giornale che è stata generata da un documento di fonte. Le linee possono essere imesse manualmente o importate. - - - - - - - Solo Intestazione - Solo Intestazione - Campo senza colonna - solo l'etichetta sarà visualizzata sulla maschera. - Il checkbox Solo Intestazione indica se l'etichetta verrà visualizzata sullo schermo - - - - - - - Identificatore - Identificatore - La colonna fa parta di un'identificatore del record - Il checkbox Identificatore indica che questa colonna fa parte dell'identificatore o chiave per qeusta tabella. - - - - - - - Tab Contabilità - Tab Contabilità - Questa tabella contiene informazioni contabili - Il checkbox Tab Contabilità indica se questa finestra contiene informazioni contabili. - - - - - - - Fatturato - Fatturato - è fatturato - Il Fatturato indica se è fatturato - - - - - - - Colonna Chiave - Colonna Chiave - Questa colonna è chiave in questa tabella - La Colonna Chiave deve essere anche visualizzata sequenza 0 nella definizione del campo e può essere nascosto. - - - - - - - Obbligatorio - Obbligatorio - In questa colonna è richiesto data entry - Il checkbox Obbligatorio indica se il riempiemento di un campo è obbligatorio prima che il record può essere salvato nel database. - - - - - - - Conto Originario - Conto Originario - Il conto originario primario - Il Conto Originario è basato speso su (specifico al settore) piano dei conti - - - - - - - Colonna del Collegamento Padre - Colonna del Collegamento Padre - Questa colonna è collegato alla tabella padre (e.s. testata da righe) - incluse association key columns - Il checkbox Colonna del Collegamento Padre indica se questa colonna è collegato alla tabella padre. - - - - - - - Principale - Principale - Indica se questo è il budget primario - Il checkbox Principale indica se questo budget è il budget primario. - - - - - - - Stampato - Stampato - - Il checkbox Stampato indica se questo documento sarà stampato. - - - - - - - In Elaborazione - In Elaborazione - - - - - - - - - Cliente Potenziale Attivo - Cliente Potenziale Attivo - Indica un cliente potenziale per differenziarlo da un cliente effettivo attivo - Il checkbox Cliente Potenziale Attivo indica che una entità è un prospetto ma non ancora un cliente. - - - - - - - Acquistato - Acquistato - L'organizzazione acquista questo prodotto - Il checkbox Acquistato indica se questo è un prodotto acquistato per questa organizzazione. - - - - - - - Intervallo - Intervallo - Il parametro è una gamma dei valori - Il checkbox Intervallo indica che questo parametro è una gamma dei valori. - - - - - - - Solo Lettura - Solo Lettura - Il campo è solo lettura - Il Solo Lettura indica che questo campo è solo di lettura. Non è aggiornabile. - - - - - - - Lettura e Modifica - Lettura e modifica - Il campo è di lettura e di modifica - La Lettura e Modifica indica che questo campo può essere letto e modificato. - - - - - - - Listino Prezzi Vendite - Listino Prezzi Vendite - Questo è un listino prezzi per la vendità - Il checkbox Listino Prezzi Vendite indica se questo listino prezzi è utilizzato per le transazioni di vendita. - - - - - - - Responsabile Commerciale - Responsabile Commerciale - Indica se il dipendente è un raprresentante o un'agente della società. - Il checkbox Rappresentante Vendite indica se il dipendente è anche un raprresentante di vendita - Person responsabile per i documenti - - Company Agent - Company Agent - - - Stessa Riga - Stessa Riga - Mostra sulla stessa linea del campo precedente - Il checkbox Stessa Riga indica che il campo sarà visualizzato sulla stessa riga del campo precedente - - - - - - - Sicurezza Abilitata - Sicurezza Abilitata - Se la sicurezza è abilitata, l'accesso ai dati per l'utente può essere bloccato via ruoli - Il checkbox Sicurezza Abilitata indica che l'accesso dell'utente ai dati in questa tabella può essere bloccato via una impostazione nei ruoli. - - - - - - - Layout a Riga Singola - Layout a Riga Singola - Valore di default tra Layout di griglia a singola riga o multi-row - Il checkbox Layout a Riga Singola indica se la visualizzazion di default per questa finestra è una riga singola anzichè più righe. - - - - - - - Venduto - Venduto - L'organizzazione vende questo prodotto - Il checkbox Venduto indica se questo prodotto è venduto da questa organizzazione. - - - - - - - Stoccato - Stoccato - L'organizzazione tiene un inventario di questo prodotto - Il checkbox Stoccato indica se questo product è tenuto in inventario da questa organizzazione. - - - - - - - Livello di Sintesi - Livello di Sintesi - Questo è una entità sommaria - Una entità al Livello di Sintesi rappresente una rama di un albero anziché un nodo finale. Le entità al Livelli di sintesi sono utilizzate nel reporting e non contengono valori propri. - - - - - - - Lingua del Sistema - Lingua del Sistema - Le maschere ecc. sono mantenute in quest lingua - Selezionare per aver disponibile le maschere tradotte in questa lingua. Notificare l'administratore del sistema per eseguire gli scripts di manutenzione lingua per abilitare l'uso di questa lingua. Se la lingua non è fornita si può fare le traduzioni delle termini. - - - - - - - Utilizzato per Record ID - Utilizzato per Record ID - Il numero documento sarà utlizzato come chiave del record - Il checkbox Utilizzato per Record ID indica se l'ID del documento sarà utilizzato come la chiave del record. - - - - - - - Trasferito - Trasferito - Trasferito alla contabilità generale (Registrato) - Il checkbox Trasferito indica se le transazioni associate a questo documento dovrono essere trasferito alla contabilità generale. - - - - - - - Tradotta - Tradotta - La colonna è tradotta - Il checkbox Tradotta indica se questa columna è tradotta. - - - - - - - Tab di Traduzione - Tab di Traduzione - Questo tab contiene informazioni di traduzione - Il checkbox Tab di Traduzione indica se un tab contiene informazioni di traduzione. - - - - - - - Aggiornabile - Aggiornabile - Determina se il campo può essere aggiornato - Il checkbox Aggiornabile indica se un campo può essere aggiornato dall'utente. - - - - - - - Aggiornabile da Utente - Aggiornabile da Utente - Il campo può essere aggiornato dell'utente - Il campo Aggiornabile da Utente indica se l'utente può aggiornare questo campo. - - - - - - - Fornitore - Fornitore - Indica se questo business partner è un fornitore - Il checkbox Fornitore indicata se questo Business Partner è un fornitore. Se selezionato, campi supplimentari si visualizzano per l'ulteriore specificazione di questo fornitore. - - - - - - - Ultimo Contatto - Ultimo Contatto - Data di ultimo contatto di questo individuo - L'Ultimo Contatto indica la data del ultimo contatto con questo Business Partner. - - - - - - - Ultimo Risultato - Ultimo Risultato - Risultato dell'ultimo contatto - L'Ultimo Risultato identifica il risultato dell'ultimo contatto. - - - - - - - Livello Massimo - Livello Massimo - Livello d'inventario massimo per questo prodotto - Il Livello Massimo indica la massima quantità del prodotto da essere messo in inventario. - - - - - - - Livello Minimo - Livello Minimo - - Il Livello Minimo indica la minima quantità del prodotto da essere messo in inventario. - - - - - - - Numero di Riga - Numero di Riga - - Il Numero di Riga identifica una riga unica per un documento. Inoltre essa controlla l'ordine delle righe all'intorno del documento. - - - - - - - Netto della Riga - Netto della Riga - Importo Netto della Riga (Quantità * Prezzo Attuale) senza spese di trasporto e addebitamenti - Il Netto della Riga indica l'importo della riga basato sulla quantità e il prezzo attuale. Qualsiasi addebitamento o spese di trasporto non è incluso. - - - - - - - Sequenza - Sequenza - - - - - - - - - N. Lotto - N. Lotto - Numero del Lotto - Il Lotto indica il lotto specifico a cui appartiene il prodotto. - - - - - - - Area Stoccaggio - Area Stoccaggio - Area Stoccaggio del magazzino - L'ID Area Stoccaggio indica dove in un magazzino si trova un prodotto. - - - - - - - Listino prezzi - Listino prezzi - Identificatore unico di un listino prezzi - I Listini prezzi sono utilizzati per la determinazione dei prezzi, margini, e costi di articoli acquistati o venduti. - - - - - - - Versione del Listino Prezzi - Versione del Listino Prezzi - Identifica una istanza unica di un listino prezzi - Ogni Listino Prezzi può avere versioni multiple. L'uso puù commune è per indicare le date in cui un listino prezzi è valido. - - - - - - - Categoria del prodotto - Categoria del prodotto - Categoria di cui questo conto è parte - Identifica la categoria a cui questo product appartiene. La Categoria del Prodotto viene utilizzata per la determinazione dei prezzi. - - - - - - - Prodotto - Prodotto - Prodotto, Servizio, Articolo - Il Prodotto identifica un articolo che è o acquistato o venduto da questa organizzazione. - - - - - - - Trasportatore - Trasportatore - Metodo o mezzo per la spedizione del prodotto - Il Trasportatore indica il metodo per la spedizione del prodotto. - - - - - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - Magazzino e Punto di servizio - Il Magazzino/Punto di Servizio identifica un magazzino unico dove i prodotti sono in inventario o i servizi sono forniti. - - - - - - - Testo del Messaggio - Testo del Messaggio - Testo di informazione, Menu o Messaggio di Errore - Il Testo del Messaggio indica il messaggio che sarà visualizzato. - - - - - - - Suggerimento - Suggerimento - Consigli o aiuto supplementare per questo messaggio - Il Suggerimento definisce un aiuto o le informazioni supplementare su questo messaggio. - - - - - - - Tipo di Messaggio - Tipo di Messaggio - Tipo di messaggio (Informativo, Menu o Errore) - Il Tiopo di Messaggio indica il tipo di messaggio che sta per essere definito. Tipi di messaggio Validi sono lnformativo, Menu e Errore. - - - - - - - Tasso di Moltiplicazione - Tasso di Moltiplicazione - Il Tasso da Multiplicare il numero di partenza per calcolare il risultato. - Per la convertire il numero di partenza al numero risultato, il numero di partenza è moltiplicato per il tasso di moltiplicazione. Se il tasso di moltiplicazione è immesso, il tasso di divisione sarà calcolato automaticamente. - - - - - - - NAICS/SIC - NAICS/SIC - Codice Standard per l'Industria USA - http://www.osha.gov/oshstats/sicser.html - Il NAICS/SIC identifica il codice NAICS o SIC che è applicabile al Business Partner. - - - - - - - Nome - Nome - Identificativo alfanumerico dell'entità - Il Nome della entità (record) è utilizzato come una opzione di ricerca di default in addizione alla chiave di ricerca. Il nome è fino a 60 caratteri di lunghezza. - - - - - - - Giorni Netti - Giorni Netti - Giorni Netti in cui il pagamento è dovuto - Indica il numero dei giorni dopo la data di fatturazione in cui il pagamento è dovuto. - - - - - - - Nodo_ID - Nodo_ID - - - - - - - - - Dipendenti - Dipendenti - Numero di dipendenti - Indica il numero di dipendenti per questo Business Partner. Questo campo si visualizza soltanto per prospetti. - - - - - - - Commando OS - Commando OS - Commando del sistema operativo - Il Commando OS è per la opzione di definire un commando che sarà parte di questo compito. Per esempio può essere utilizzato per avviare un processo di back up o di trasferimento file. - - - - - - - Clausola SQL Order By - Clausola SQL Order By - Fully qualified ORDER BY clause - IL ORDER BY Clause indica lo SQL ORDER BY clause da utilizzare per la selezione dei record. - - - - - - - Unità Organizzativa - Unità Organizzativa - Una entità organizzativa sotto un client - Una Unità Organizzativa è una entità del client o entità legale - esempi sono negozio o dipartamento. - - - - - - - Listino Prezzo per Acquisti - Listino Prezzo per Acquisti - Listino prezzo utilizzato da questo business partner - Identifica il listino prezzi utilizzato da questo business partner per i prodotti acquisiti da questa organizzazione. - - - - - - - Data della Elaborazione - P Date - - - - - - - - - Data della Elaborazione A - P Date To - - - - - - - - - P_String - P_String - - - - - - - - - P_String_To - P_String_To - - - - - - - - - Padre - Padre - Valore del Padre - Il Padre indica il valore utilizzato per rappresentare un livello sommario o dei report per un record. - - - - - - - Imposta Padre - Imposta Padre - Imposta Padre indica un'imposta che si compone da più imposte. - L'Imposta Padre indica un'imposta che è un riferimento per imposte multiple . Questo permette l'addebitamento di imposte multiple su un documento con imessione dell'Imposta Padre. - - - - - - - Password - Password - Password di qualsiasi lunghezza (case sensitive) - La Password indica la password per questo ID utente. Le Password sono obbligatorie per l'identificazione degli utenti autorizzati. - - - - - - - Azione del Periodo - Azione del Periodo - Azione intrapresa per queso periodo - L'Azione del Periodo indica la azione da effettuare per questo periodo. Per esempio 'Chiudere Periodo' o 'Aprire Periodo'. - - - - - - - Periodo N. - Periodo N. - - The Period No identifies a specific period for this year. Each period is defined by a start and end date. Date ranges for a calendar and year cannot overlap. - - - - - - - Stato del periodo - Stato del periodo - Stato corrente di questo periodo - The Period Status indicates the current status for this period. For example 'Closed', 'Open', 'Never Opened'. - - - - - - - Tipo di periodo - Tipo di periodo - - The Period Type indicates the type (Standard or Adjustment) of period. - - - - - - - Giorni futuri - Giorni futuri - - If Automatic Period Control is enabled, the current period is calculated based on the system date and you can always post to all days in the current period. Future Days enable to post to future periods. E.g. today is Apr 15th and Future Days is set to 30, you can post up to May 15th - - - - - - - Giorni di storia - Giorni di storia - - If Automatic Period Control is enabled, the current period is calculated based on the system date and you can always post to all days in the current period. History Days enable to post to previous periods. E.g. today is May 15th and History Days is set to 30, you can post back to April 15th - - - - - - - Telefono - Telefono - - The Phone field identifies a telephone number - - - - - - - 2° Telefono - 2° Telefono - Identifica un numero di telefono alternativo - The 2nd Phone field identifies an alternate telephone number. - - - - - - - Registrare Effettivo - Registrare effettivo - Valori attuali che possono essere postati - The Post Actual indicates if actual values can be posted to this element value. - - - - - - - Registra Budget - Registra Budget - I valori di budget possono essere postati - The Post Budget indicates if budget values can be posted to this element value. - - - - - - - Registra impegno - Registra impegno - - - - - - - - - Registra statistiche - Registra statistiche - - - - - - - - - CAP - CAP - - The Postal Code field identifies the postal code for this entity's address. - - - - - - - - - - - CAP aggiuntivo o codice di avviamento postale - The Additional ZIP or Postal Code identifies, if appropriate, any additional Postal Code information. - - - - - - - Tipo registrazione - Tipo registrazione - - The Posting Type indicates the type of amount (Actual, Encumbrance, Budget) this journal updated. - - - - - - - Valore del ciclo di vita potenziale - Valore del ciclo di vita potenziale - - The Potential Life Time Value is the anticipated revenue to be generated by this Business Partner. - - - - - - - Prefisso - Prefisso - - The Prefix indicates the characters to print in front of the document number. - - - - - - - Prezzo unitario - Prezzo unitario - Prezzo attuale - The Actual or Unit Price indicates the Price for a product in source currency. - - - - - - - Prezzo di listino - Prezzo di listino - - The List Price is the official List Price in the document currency. - - - - - - - Priorità - Priorità - - The Priority indicates the importance (high, medium, low) of this document - - - - - - - Elabora ora - Elabora ora - - - - - - - - - Quantità - Quantità - - The Quantity indicates the number of a specific product or item for this document. - - - - - - - Quantità spedita - Quantità spedita - Quantità spedita - The Delivered Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that has been delivered. - - - - - - - Quantità fatturata - Quantità fatturata - - The Invoiced Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that have been invoiced. - - - - - - - Quantità in Magazzino - Quantità in Magazzino - - The On Hand Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that is on hand in a warehouse. - - - - - - - Quantità Ordinata - Quantità Ordinata - - The Ordered Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that was ordered. - - - - - - - Quantità riservata - Quantità riservata - - The Reserved Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that is currently reserved for other orders. - - - - - - - Tasso - Tasso - Tasso di conversione della valuta - The Rate indicates the percentage to be multiplied by the source to arrive at the tax or exchange amount. - - - - - - - Conto utile credito realizzato - Conto utile credito realizzato - Differenza tra valore fatturato e valuta usata per il pagamento - The Realized Gain Account indicates the account to be used when recording gains achieved from currency revaluation that have been realized. - - - - - - - Conto perdite credito realizzato - Conto perdite credito realizzato - Differenza tra il valore fatturato e la valuta usata nel pagamento - The Realized Loss Account indicates the account to be used when recording losses incurred from currency revaluation that have yet to be realized. - - - - - - - Record ID - Record ID - Record ID interno - The Record ID is the internal unique identifier of a record - - - - - - - Riferimento - Riferimento - - The Reference displays the source document number. - - - - - - - Riferimento n. - Riferimento n. - - The reference number can be printed on orders and invoices to allow your business partner to faster identify your records. - - - - - - - Nome della regione - Nome della regione - - The Region Name defines the name that will print when this region is used in a document. - - - - - - - Tipo di rifornimento - Tipo di rifornimento - - The Replenish Type indicates if this product will be manually re-ordered, ordered when the quantity is below the minimum quantity or ordered when it is below the maximum quantity. - - - - - - - Risultato - Risultato - - The Result indicates the result of any action taken on this request. - - - - - - - Conto utili non distribuiti - Conto utili non distribuiti - - - - - - - - - UGS - UGS - - The SKU indicates a user defined stock keeping unit. It may be used for an additional bar code symbols or your own schema. - - - - - - - Campagna - Campagna - Campagna marketing - The Campaign defines a unique marketing program. Projects can be associated with a pre defined Marketing Campaign. You can then report based on a specific Campaign. - - - - - - - Canale - Canale - Canale di vendita - The Sales Channel identifies a channel (or method) of sales generation. - - - - - - - Limite del Credito - Limite del Credito - Ammontare di credito amesso - The Credit Limit indicates the total amount allowed 'on account'. If this is exceeded a warning message will be generated. - - - - - - - Credito utilizzato - Credito utilizzato - Saldo aperto corrente - The Credit Used indicates the total amount of open or unpaid invoices for this Business Partner. - - - - - - - Regole di Spedizione - Regole di Spedizione - Definisce i tempi della spedizione - The Delivery Rule indicates when an order should be delivered. For example should the order be delivered when the entire order is complete, when a line is complete or as the products become available. - - - - - - - Ordine di vendita - Ordine di Vendita - - The Sales Order ID is a unique identifier of a Sales Order. This is controlled by the document sequence for this document type. - Purchase Order - The Purchase Order ID is a unique identifier of a Purchase Order. This is controlled by the document sequence for this document type. - Purchase Order - Purchase Order - - - Regole di fattura - Regole di fattura - - The Invoice Rule defines how a Business Partner is invoiced and the frequency of invoicing. - - - - - - - Schedulazione fattura - Schedulazione fattura - - The Invoice Schedule identifies the frequency used when generating invoices. - - - - - - - Riga dell'ordine di vendita - Riga dell'ordine di vendita - - The Sales Order Line is a unique identifier for a line in an order. - Purchase Order Line - The Purchase Order Line is a unique identifier for a line in an order. - Purchase Order Line - Order Line - - - Volume delle vendite - Volume delle vendite - - The Sales Volume indicates the total volume of sales for a Business Partner. - - - - - - - Separatore dell'elemento - Separatore dell'elemento - Separatore dell'elemento - The Element Separator defines the delimiter printed between elements of the structure - - - - - - - Sequenza - Sequenza - Sequenza dei documenti - The Sequence indicates the order of records - - - - - - - Numero di Serie - Numero di Serie - - The Serial Number identifies a tracked, warranted product. It can only be used when the quantity is 1. - - - - - - - Quota - Quota - - The Share indicates the percentage of this Business Partner's volume of the products supplied. - - - - - - - Profondità dello scaffale - Profondità dello scaffale - - The Shelf Depth indicates the depth dimension required on a shelf for a product - - - - - - - Altezza dello scaffale - Altezza dello scaffale - - The Shelf Height indicates the height dimension required on a shelf for a product - - - - - - - Larghezza dello scaffale - Larghezza dello scaffale - - The Shelf Width indicates the width dimension required on a shelf for a product - - - - - - - Numero di Ordinazione del Record - Numero di Ordinazione del Record - Determina in quale ordine i records sono visualizzati - The Record Sort No indicates the ascending sort sequence of the records - - - - - - - Data d'Inizio - Data d'inizio - Primo giorno effettivo (inclusivo) - La Data d'Inizio indica la prima data in una gamma di date. - - - - - - - Ricominciare la Sequenza Ogni Anno - Ricominciare la Sequenza Ogni Anno - - The Restart Sequence Every Year checkbox indicates that the documents sequencing should return to the starting number on the first day of the year. - - - - - - - Inizio No. - Inizio No. - - The Start Number indicates the starting number of the document or position - - - - - - - Accuratezza standard - Accuratezza standard - - The Standard Precision defines the number of decimal places that amounts will be rounded to for accounting transactions and documents. - - - - - - - Sostituto - Sostituto - - The Substitute identifies the product to be used as a substitute for this product. - - - - - - - Suffisso - Suffisso - - The Suffix indicates the characters to append to the document number. - - - - - - - Conto Saldi in Sospeso - Conto Saldi in Sospeso - - - - - - - - - Conto errori sospesi - Conto errori sospesi - - - - - - - - - Importo - Importo - Importo in una valuta definita - - - - - - - - Data - Data - Data che identifica un giorno festivo - - - - - - - - Data Ora - Data Ora - - - - - - - - - Integro - Integro - - - - - - - - - Numero - Numero - Numero della carta di credito - - - - - - - - Nome tabella DB - Nome tabella DB - Nome della tabella nel database - The DB Table Name indicates the name of the table in database. - - - - - - - Partita IVA - Partita IVA - - - - - - - - - ID test - ID test - - - - - - - - - A - A - - The To Country indicates the receiving country on a document - - - - - - - A - A - - The To Region indicates the receiving region on a document - - - - - - - Totale Avere - Totale Avere - - The Total Credit indicates the total credit amount for a journal or journal batch in the source currency - - - - - - - Totale Dare - Totale Dare - - The Total Debit indicates the total debit amount for a journal or journal batch in the source currency - - - - - - - Righe totali - Righe totali - - The Total amount displays the total of all lines in document currency - - - - - - - Tipo I Area - Tipo I Area - Elemento su cui questo albero è costruito (es: Prodotto, Business Partner) - The Tree Type / Area field determines the type of tree this is. For example, you may define one tree for your Products and another tree for your Business Partners. - - - - - - - Tipo - Tipo - - The Type indicates the type of validation that will occur. This can be SQL, Java Script or Java Language. - - - - - - - Simbolo - Simbolo - - The Symbol identifies the Symbol to be displayed and printed for a Unit of Measure - - - - - - - Codice a Barre - Codice prodotto (codice a barre) - - Use this field to enter the bar code for the product in any of the bar code symbologies (Codabar, Code 25, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, UPC (A), UPC (E), EAN-13, EAN-8, ITF, ITF-14, ISBN, ISSN, JAN-13, JAN-8, POSTNET and FIM, MSI/Plessey, and Pharmacode) - - - - - - - Unità per Pallet - Unità per Pallet - - The Units per Pallet indicates the number of units of this product which fit on a pallet. - - - - - - - Conto utile non realizzato - Conto utile non realizzato - Differenza per conversione tra la valuta dei crediti e il valore attuale - The Unrealized Gain Account indicates the account to be used when recording gains achieved from currency revaluation that have yet to be realized. - - - - - - - Conto perdita credito non realizzato - Conto perdita credito non realizzato - Differenza di conversione tra la valuta dei crediti e il valore attuale - The Unrealized Loss Account indicates the account to be used when recording losses incurred from currency revaluation that have yet to be realized. - - - - - - - Aggiornato - Aggiornato - Data di aggiornamento di questo record - The Updated field indicates the date that this record was updated. - - - - - - - Aggiornato Da - Aggiornato Da - - The Updated By field indicates the user who updated this record. - - - - - - - Utilizzare Quadratura in Valuta - Utilizzare Quadratura in Valuta - - - - - - - - - Usa quadratura sospesi - Usa quadratura sospesi - - - - - - - - - Usa errori sospesi - Usa errori sospesi - - - - - - - - - Utente 1 - Utente 1 - - The user defined element displays the optional elements that have been defined for this account combination. - - - - - - - Utente 2 - Utente 2 - - The user defined element displays the optional elements that have been defined for this account combination. - - - - - - - Livello Utente - Livello Utente - - The User Level field determines if users of this Role will have access to System level data, Organization level data, Client level data or Client and Organization level data. - - - - - - - Formato del Valore - Formato del Valore - - <B>Validation elements:</B> - (Space) any character -_ Space (fixed character) -l any Letter a..Z NO space -L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case -o any Letter a..Z or space -O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case -a any Letters & Digits NO space -A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case -c any Letters & Digits or space -C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case -0 Digits 0..9 NO space -9 Digits 0..9 or space - -Example of format "(000)_000-0000" - - - - - - - Valido Da - Valido Da - - The Valid From date indicates the first day of a date range - - - - - - - Valido fino a - Valido fino a - - The Valid To date indicates the last day of a date range - - - - - - - Tipo di Convalida - Tipo di Convalida - Differenza di metodi di validazione - The Validation Type indicates the validation method to use. These include list, table or data type validation. - - - - - - - Codice - Codice - Il codice è una chiave di ricerca che consente una individuazione rapida dell'elemento - A search key allows you a fast method of finding a particular record. -If you leave the search key empty, the system automatically creates a numeric number. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order). - - - - - - - Categoria fornitore - Categoria fornitore - - The Vendor Category identifies the category used by the vendor for this product. - - - - - - - N. prodotto fornitori - N. prodotto fornitori - - The Vendor Product Number identifies the number used by the vendor for this product. - - - - - - - Versione - Versione - - The Version indicates the version of this table definition. - - - - - - - Volume - Volume - - The Volume indicates the volume of the product in the Volume UOM of the Client - - - - - - - Peso - Peso - - The Weight indicates the weight of the product in the Weight UOM of the Client - - - - - - - Clausola SQL Where - Clausola SQL Where - - The Where Clause indicates the SQL WHERE clause to use for record selection - - - - - - - Tipo di finestra - Tipo di finestra - - The Window Type indicates the type of window being defined (Maintain, Transaction or Query) - - - - - - - Workflow - Workflow - - Il campo di workflow identifica un workflow unico. Un workflow è un raggruppamento di azioni legate fra loro, in una sequenza specifica e con possibilità di inserimento di approvazioni - - - - - - - Corridoio(X) - X - Dimensione X, e.g., Corridoio - The X dimension indicates the Aisle a product is located in. - - - - - - - Codice EDI - Codice EDI - - The Unit of Measure Code indicates the EDI X12 Code Data Element 355 (Unit or Basis for Measurement) - - - - - - - Scomparto (Y) - Scomparto (Y) - Dimensione Y, esempio: scomparto - The Y dimension indicates the Bin a product is located in - - - - - - - Anno - Anno - Anno di calendario - The Year identifies the accounting year for a calendar. - - - - - - - Livello (Z) - Livello (Z) - - Indica il livello del magazzino. - - - - - - - Banca - Banca - Banca - The Bank is a unique identifier of a Bank for this Organization or for a Business Partner with whom this Organization transacts. - - - - - - - Conto Bancario - Conto Bancario - Indica se questo è un conto bancario - Il Conto Bancario identifica un conto presso questa banca. - - - - - - - Conto banca Partner - Conto Bancario del Partner - Conto bancario del Business Partner - The Partner Bank Account identifies the bank account to be used for this Business Partner - - - - - - - Sollecito - Sollecito - Regole di sollecito per le fatture scadute - The Dunning indicates the rules and method of dunning for past due payments. - - - - - - - Trattenuta - Trattenuta - Conto per la Witholding - The Withholding indicates the type of withholding to be calculated. - - - - - - - Numero del conto - Numero del conto - Numero del conto - The Account Number indicates the Number assigned to this account - - - - - - - Beneficiario - Beneficiario - Business Partner cui è effettuato il pagamento - The Beneficiary indicates the Business Partner to whom payment will be made. This field is only displayed if the Paid to Third Party checkbox is selected. - - - - - - - Importo dell'addebito - Importo dell'addebito - Ammontare imponibile - The Charge Amount indicates the amount for an additional charge. - - - - - - - Canone dell'addebito - Canone dell'addebito - Indica il prezzo che verrà caricato per le fatture scadute - The Charge Fee checkbox indicates if the dunning letter will include fees for overdue invoices - - - - - - - Interessi dell'addebito - Interessi dell'addebito - Indica se verranno caricati interessi sulle fatture scadute - The Charge Interest checkbox indicates if interest will be charged on overdue invoice amounts. - - - - - - - Classificazione - Classificazione - A,B,C,… - The Classification can be used to optionally group products. - - - - - - - Limite del credito - Limite del credito - - The Credit Limit field indicates the credit limit for this account. - - - - - - - Saldo attuale - Saldo attuale - Saldo corrente - The Current Balance field indicates the current balance in this account. - - - - - - - Giorni intercorsi fra solleciti - Giorni intercorsi fra solleciti - Giorni di intervallo fra le lettere di sollecito - The Days Between Dunning indicates the number of days between sending dunning notices. - - - - - - - Sconto 2% - Sconto 2% - Sconto in percentuale - The Discount indicates the discount applied or taken as a percentage. - - - - - - - 2 giorni di sconto - 2 giorni di sconto - - The Discount Days indicates the number of days that payment must be received in to be eligible for the stated discount. - - - - - - - Tipo Documento di Base - Tipo Documento di Base - - The Document Base Type identifies the base or starting point for a document. Multiple document types may share a single document base type. - - - - - - - Copie del documento - Copie - - The Document Copies indicates the number of copies of each document that will be generated. - - - - - - - Nota del Documento - Nota del Documento - Informazioni aggiuntive circa un documento - The Document Note is used for recording any additional information regarding this product. - - - - - - - Email - Email - Electronic Mail Address - The Email Address is the Electronic Mail ID for this User and should be fully qualified (e.g. joe.smith@company.com) - - - - - - - Imporre limite di prezzo - Imporre limite di prezzo - Non permettere prezzi al di sotto del prezzo limite - The Enforce Price Limit check box indicates that prices cannot be below the limit price in Orders. Invoices are not checked. - - - - - - - Motivo di esenzione - Motivo di esenzione - - The Exempt Reason indicates the reason that monies are not withheld from this employee. - - - - - - - Evento Contabile - Evento Contabile - - - - - - - - - Importo Canone - Importo Canone - - The Fee Amount indicates the charge amount on a dunning letter for overdue invoices. This field will only display if the charge fee checkbox has been selected. - - - - - - - Importo fisso - Importo fisso - - The Fixed Amount indicates a fixed amount to be levied or paid. - - - - - - - Ultima data utile nel mese - Ultima data utile nel mese - Ultimo giorno utile per includere le fatture in scadenza - The Fix Month Cutoff indicates the last day invoices can have to be included in the current due date. This field only displays when the fixed due date checkbox has been selected. - - - - - - - Giorno del mese fisso - Giorno del mese fisso - Giorno del mese della data di scadenza pagamento - The Fix Month Day indicates the day of the month that invoices are due. This field only displays if the fixed due date checkbox is selected. - - - - - - - Mese scadenza - Mese scadenza - - The Fixed Month Offset indicates the number of months from the current month to indicate an invoice is due. A 0 indicates the same month, a 1 the following month. This field will only display if the fixed due date checkbox is selected. - - - - - - - Giorni di tolleranza - Giorni di tolleranza - Giorni dopo la prima data di pagamento dopo i quali inviare la prima lettera di sollecito - The Grace Days indicates the number of days after the due date to send the first dunning letter. This field displays only if the send dunning letters checkbox has been selected. - - - - - - - Importazione Messaggio d'Errore - Importazione Messaggio d'errore - - The Import Error Message displays any error messages generated during the import process. - - - - - - - Importato - Importato - - The Imported check box indicates if this import has been processed. - - - - - - - Interessi in percentuale - Interessi in percentuale - - The Interest amount in percent indicates the interest to be charged on overdue invoices. This field displays only if the charge interest checkbox has been selected. - - - - - - - Indirizzo del destinatario fattura - Indirizzo del destinatario fattura - Indica che questo indirizzo è l'indirizzo di fatturazione - The Bill to Address checkbox indicates if this location is the Bill to Address for this Business Partner - - - - - - - Livello del documento - Livello del documento - - If the tax is calculated on document level, all lines with that tax rate are added before calculating the total tax for the document. -Otherwise the tax is calculated per line and then added. -Due to rounding, the tax amount can differ. - - - - - - - Data scaduto fissata - Data scaduto fissata - - The Fixed Due Date checkbox indicates if invoices using this payment tern will be due on a fixed day of the month. - - - - - - - Conto valuta estera - Conto valuta estera - Saldo del conto in valuta straniera tenuto in valuta nominale - Balances in foreign currency accounts are held in the nominated currency and translated to functional currency - - - - - - - Trattenuta obbligatoria - Trattenuta obbligatoria - - The Mandatory Withholding checkbox indicates that monies must be withheld from this employee. - - - - - - - Transazione non ripetibile - Transazione non ripetibile - - - - - - - - - Banca - Banca - Banca di questa Organizzazione - The Own Bank field indicates if this bank is for this Organization as opposed to a Bank for a Business Partner. - - - - - - - Pagato a terzi - Pagato a terzi - Importo pagato a qualcuno diverso da un Business Partner - The Paid to Third Party checkbox indicates that the amounts are paid to someone other than the Business Partner. - - - - - - - Indirizzo del pagante - Indirizzo del pagante - Il Business Partner paga da quell'indirizzo e gli verranno inviate là le lettere di sollecito - The Pay From Address checkbox indicates if this location is the address the Business Partner pays from and where dunning letters will be sent. - - - - - - - Percentuale trattenuta - Percentuale trattenuta - - The Percent Withholding checkbox indicates if the withholding amount is a percentage of the invoice amount. - - - - - - - Pagare all'indirizzo - Pagare all'indirizzo - Indirizzo cui manderemo i pagamenti - The Remit to Address checkbox indicates if this location is the address to which we should send payments to this Business Partner. - - - - - - - Stessa imposta - Stessa imposta - - The Same Tax checkbox indicates that this charge should use the same tax as the main transaction. - - - - - - - Indirizzo di spedizione - Indirizzo di spedizione - Indirizzo di spedizione dei bene al Business Partner - The Ship to Address checkbox indicates if this location is the address to use when shipping orders to this Business Partner. - - - - - - - Esente - Esente - Business Partner esente da tasse - If a business partner is exempt from tax, the exempt tax rate is used. For this, you need to set up a tax rate with a 0% rate and indicate that this is your tax exempt rate. This is required for tax reporting, so that you can track tax exempt transactions. - - - - - - - Imposta prorata - Imposta prorata - - The Prorate Tax checkbox indicates if this tax is prorated. - - - - - - - Trattenuta d'imposta - Trattenuta d'imposta - - The Tax Withholding checkbox indicates if this withholding is tax related. - - - - - - - Temporaneamente esente - Temporaneamente esente - - The Temporary Exempt checkbox indicates that for a limited time, taxes will not be withheld for this employee. - - - - - - - Importo massimo - Importo massimo - - The Maximum Amount indicates the maximum amount in invoice currency. - - - - - - - Importo minimo - Importo minimo - - The Minimum amount indicates the minimum amount as stated in the currency of the invoice. - - - - - - - Quantità minima dell'ordine - Quantità minima dell'ordine - - The Minimum Order Quantity indicates the smallest quantity of this product which can be ordered. - - - - - - - Quantità imballaggio ordine - Quantità imballaggio ordine - - The Order Pack Quantity indicates the number of units in each pack of this product. - - - - - - - Regola del pagamento - Regola del pagamento - - The Payment Rule indicates the method of purchase payment. - - - - - - - Percentuale - Percentuale - - The Percent indicates the percentage used for withholding. - - - - - - - Riferimento dell'ordine - Riferimento dell'ordine - - The business partner order reference is the order reference for this specific transaction; Often Purchase Order numbers are given to print on Invoices for easier reference. A standard number can be defined in the Business Partner (Customer) window. - - - - - - - Prezzo dell'ultimo OdA - Prezzo dell'ultimo OdA - - The Last PO Price indicates the last price paid (per the purchase order) for this product. - - - - - - - Prezzo limite - Prezzo limite - - The Price Limit indicates the lowest price for a product stated in the Price List Currency. - - - - - - - Prezzo standard - Prezzo standard - - The Standard Price indicates the standard or normal price for a product on this price list - - - - - - - Etichetta di stampa - Etichetta di stampa - - The Label to be printed indicates the name that will be printed on a document or correspondence. The max length is 2000 characters. - - - - - - - Indice - Indice - Classificazione o importanza del business partner - The Rating is used to identify the importance of a Business Partner. - - - - - - - Numero ABI-CAB - Numero ABI-CAB - Numero ABI-CAB - The Bank Routing Number (ABA Number) identifies a legal Bank. It is used in routing checks and electronic transactions. - - - - - - - Inviare lettere di sollecito - Inviare lettere di sollecito - - The Send Dunning Letters checkbox indicates if dunning letters will be sent to Business Partners who use this dunning rule. - - - - - - - Addebito - Addebito - Tipi di spesa aggiuntiva - The Charge indicates a type of Charge (Handling, Shipping, Restocking) - - - - - - - Codice swift - Codice swift - - The SWIFT code is an identifier of a Bank - - - - - - - Soglia Massima - Soglia Massima - - The Threshold maximum indicates the maximum gross amount to be used in the withholding calculation . A value of 0 indicates there is no limit. - - - - - - - Soglia min - Soglia min - - The Threshold Minimum indicates the minimum gross amount to be used in the withholding calculation. - - - - - - - Titolo - Titolo - - The Title indicates the name that an entity is referred to as. - - - - - - - URL - URL - - The URL defines an online address for this Business Partner. - - - - - - - Procedura - Procedura - - The Procedure indicates the name of the database procedure called by this report or process. - - - - - - - Attività - Attività - Attività di business - Activities indicate tasks that are performed and used to utilize Activity based Costing - - - - - - - Regole spese di trasporto - Regole spese di trasporto - - The Freight Cost Rule indicates the method used when charging for freight. - - - - - - - Fattura - Fattura - - The Invoice ID uniquely identifies an Invoice Document. - - - - - - - Debiti per anticipazioni del cliente - Debiti per anticipazioni cliente - Conto per i debiti dovuti agli anticipi clienti - The Customer Prepayment account indicates the account to be used for recording prepayments from a customer. - - - - - - - Crediti vs clienti - Crediti vs clienti - Conto per i pagamenti clienti - The Customer Receivables Accounts indicates the account to be used for recording transaction for customers receivables. - - - - - - - Codice della merce - Codice della merce - Commodity code usato per il calcolo delle tasse - The Commodity Code indicates a code that is used in tax calculations - - - - - - - Carta di credito - Carta di credito - Credit Card (Visa, MC, AmEx) - The Credit Card drop down list box is used for selecting the type of Credit Card presented for payment. - - - - - - - OdV Sotto Tipo - OdV Sotto Tipo - - The SO Sub Type indicates the type of sales order this document refers to. This field only appears when the Document Base Type is Sales Order. The selection made here will determine which documents will be generated when an order is processed and which documents must be generated manually or in batches. <br> -The following outlines this process.<br> -SO Sub Type of <b>Standard Order</b> will generate just the <b>Order</b> document when the order is processed. <br> -The <b>Delivery Note</b>, <b>Invoice</b> and <b>Receipt</b> must be generated via other processes. <br> -SO Sub Type of <b>Warehouse Order</b> will generate the <b>Order</b> and <b>Delivery Note</b>. <br> The <b>Invoice</b> and <b>Receipt</b> must be generated via other processes.<br> -SO Sub Type of <b>Credit Order</b> will generate the <b>Order</b>, <b>Delivery Note</b> and <b>Invoice</b>. <br> The <b>Reciept</b> must be generated via other processes.<br> -SO Sub Type of <b>POS</b> (Point of Sale) will generate all document - - - - - - - Spese dipendenti - Spese dipendenti - Conto per le spese dipendenti - The Employee Expense Account identifies the account to use for recording expenses for this employee. - - - - - - - Anticipazioni a dipendenti - Anticipazioni a dipendenti - Conto per anticipi a dipendenti - The Employee Prepayment Account identifies the account to use for recording expense advances made to this employee. - - - - - - - Messaggio errore - Messaggio errore - - - - - - - - - Report - Report - - The Report checkbox indicates that this record is a report as opposed to a process - - - - - - - Spedizione/ricevimento - Spedizione/ricevimento - - The Shipment / Receipt ID indicates the unique document for this shipment or receipt. - - - - - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - Riga del documento di spedizione/entrata merce - La Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce indica uan riga unica in un documento di spedizione/entrata merce - - - - - - - Inventario Fisico - Inventario Fisico - - The Physical Inventory indicates a unique parameters for a physical inventory. - - - - - - - Riga dell'inventario fisico - Riga dell'inventario fisico - - The Physical Inventory Line indicates the inventory document line (if applicable) for this transaction - - - - - - - Area stock a - Area stock a - - The Locator To indicates the location where the inventory is being moved to. - - - - - - - Movimento - Movimento - - The Inventory Movement uniquely identifies a group of movement lines. - - - - - - - Riga del movimento - Riga del movimento - - The Movement Line indicates the inventory movement document line (if applicable) for this transaction - - - - - - - Produzione - Produzione - - The Production uniquely identifies a Production Plan - - - - - - - Riga di produzione - Riga di produzione - Linea di documento rappresentante una produzione - The Production Line indicates the production document line (if applicable) for this transaction - - - - - - - Transazione di inventario - Transazione di inventario - - - - - - - - - Data del movimento - Data del movimento - Data in cui un prodotto è stato spostato dentro o fuori dall'inventario - The Movement Date indicates the date that a product moved in or out of inventory. This is the result of a shipment, receipt or inventory movement. - - - - - - - Quantità del movimento - Quantità del movimento - - The Movement Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that has been moved. - - - - - - - Tipo di movimento - Tipo di movimento - - The Movement Type indicates the type of movement (in, out, to production, etc) - - - - - - - Valore del prodotto - Valore del prodotto - Conto per la valutazione del prodotto (da inventario) - The Product Asset Account indicates the account used for valuing this a product in inventory. - - - - - - - Costo del prodotto alla vendita - Costo del prodotto alla vendita - Costo di produzione dei prodotti (materiale + manodopera) - The Product COGS Account indicates the account used when recording costs associated with this product. - - - - - - - Costo acquisti merce (prodotti e servizi) - Costo acquisti merce (prodotti e servizi) - Conto dei prodotti e servizi acquistati - The Product Expense Account indicates the account used to record expenses associated with this product. - - - - - - - Ricavi delle vendite - Ricavi delle vendite - Conto per ricavi da vendita del prodotto (Conto vendite) - The Product Revenue Account indicates the account used for recording sales revenue for this product. - - - - - - - Valore del progetto - Valore del progetto - Valore stimato del progetto - The Project Asset account is the account used as the final asset account in capital projects - - - - - - - Elaborato - Elaborato - - The Processed checkbox indicates that a document has been processed. - - - - - - - Quantità nominale - Quantità nominale - Quantità impegnata - The Quantity Book indicates the line count stored in the system for a product in inventory - - - - - - - Conteggio della quantità - Conteggio della quantità - Quantità contata - The Quantity Count indicates the actual inventory count taken for a product in inventory - - - - - - - Debiti vs fornitori - Debiti vs fornitori - Conto per Debiti verso i fornitori - The Vendor Liability account indicates the account used for recording transactions for vendor liabilities - - - - - - - Debiti per servizi - Debiti per servizi - Debiti per servizi non legati direttamente al prodotto - The Vendor Service Liability account indicates the account to use for recording service liabilities. It is used if you need to distinguish between Liability for products and services - - - - - - - Anticipazioni a Fornitori - Anticipo a Fornitori - Conto per gli anticipi a fornitore - The Vendor Prepayment Account indicates the account used to record prepayments from a vendor. - - - - - - - Valore massimo - Valore massimo - - The Maximum Value indicates the highest allowable value for a field - - - - - - - Valore minimo - Valore minimo - - The Minimum Value indicates the lowest allowable value for a field. - - - - - - - Rimanenze magazzino - Rimanenze di magazzino - Perdita/guadagno per modifica di inventario a causa di rimanenze - The Warehouse Differences Account indicates the account used recording differences identified during inventory counts. - - - - - - - Inventario di magazzino - Inventario di magazzino - - Il Conto del Cespite di Inventario del magazzino identifica il conto utilizzato per la registrazione del valore dell' inventario. - - - - - - - Responsabile Commerciale - Responsabile Commerciale - - The Sales Representative indicates the Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales Rep must be a valid user in the System. - Purchase/Company Agent - Purchase agent for the document - Purchaser - Purchaser - - - Prezzo tasse incluse - Prezzo tasse incluse - - The Tax Included checkbox indicates if the prices include tax. This is also known as the gross price. - - - - - - - Richiesta della certificazione d'imposta - Richiesta della certificazione d'imposta - - The Requires Tax Certificate indicates that a tax certificate is required for a Business Partner to be tax exempt. - - - - - - - Addebiti - Addebiti - Spese che possono essere aggiunte al documento - The Charges checkbox indicates that charges can be added to this document. Charges can include items like shipping, handling or bank charges. - - - - - - - Account_Acct - Account_Acct - - - - - - - - - Modello B.Partner - Modello B.Partner - Business Partner usato per creare nuovi Business Partner al volo - When creating a new Business Partner from the Business Partner Search Field (right-click: Create), the selected business partner is used as a template, e.g. to define price list, payment terms, etc. - - - - - - - Tipo documento per fattura - Tipo documento per fattura - Tipo documento usato per le fatture generate da questo documento di vendita - The Document Type for Invoice indicates the document type that will be used when an invoice is generated from this sales document. This field will display only when the base document type is Sales Order. - - - - - - - Tipo documento per Proforma - Tipo documento per Proforma - Tipo documento usato per le fatture pro-forma generate da questo documento di vendita - he Document Type for Invoice indicates the document type that will be used when an invoice is generated from this sales document. This field will display only when the base document type is Sales Order and the Pro Forma Invoice checkbox is selected - - - - - - - Tipo documento per spedizione - Tipo documento per spedizione - Tipo documento usato per le spedizioni generate da questo documento di vendita - he Document Type for Shipments indicates the document type that will be used when a shipment is generated from this sales document. This field will display only when the base document type is Sales Order. - - - - - - - Livello di Sollecito - Livello di Sollecito - - - - - - - - - Riga della fattura - Riga della fattura - - The Invoice Line uniquely identifies a single line of an Invoice. - - - - - - - Riconoscimento del Ricavo - Riconoscimento del Ricavo - - The Revenue Recognition indicates how revenue will be recognized for this product - - - - - - - Livello della prestazione - Livello della prestazione - - The Service Level defines a unique Service Level. - - - - - - - Riga del livello della prestazione - Riga del livello della prestazione - - The Service Level Line indicates a unique instance in a Service Level - - - - - - - Importo impegnato - Importo impegnato - L'ammontamento (legale) impegnato - The commitment amount is independent from the planned amount. You would use the planned amount for your realistic estimation, which might be higher or lower than the commitment amount. - - - - - - - Conteggio materiali ad alta rotazione - Conteggio materiali ad alta rotazione - Numero dei prodotti ad alta movimentazione - The Count High Movement checkbox indicates if the those items with a high turnover will be counted - - - - - - - Mese scaduto - Mese scaduto - - The Expiry Month indicates the expiry month for this credit card. - - - - - - - Anno Scaduto - Anno Scaduto - - L'Anno Scaduto indica l'anno di scadenza per questa carta di credito. - - - - - - - Successivo (sistema) - Successivo (sistema) - Successivo numero di sequenza ad uso del sistema - Questo campo è per uso del sistema è non deve essere modificato. - - - - - - - Data ultimo conteggio di inventario - Data ultimo conteggio di inventario - Data dell'ultima conta di inventario - The Date Last Inventory Count indicates the last time an Inventory count was done. - - - - - - - Data ultima elaborazione - Data ultima elaborazione - Data di ultima esecuzione di questo processo - La Data Ultima Elaborazione indica l'ultima volta che questo processo è stato elaborato. - - - - - - - Data Prossima Elaborazione - Data elaborazione successiva - Data di successiva esecuzione di questo processo - La Data Prossima Elaborazione indica la prossima volta che questo processo sarà elaborato. - - - - - - - Data stampata - Data stampata - Data di stampa del documento - La Data stampata indica la data in cui un documento è stato stampato. - - - - - - - Giorni dopo la scadenza - Giorni dopo la scadenza - Giorni dopo la data di scadenza per inviare il sollecito - I Giorni Dopo la Scadenza indicono il numero di giorni da aspettare dopo che il pagamento è da pagare per iniziare il sollecito. - - - - - - - Fattura Settimane Pare - Fattura Settimane pare - Inviare le fatture su settimane pare - Il checkbos Fattura Settimae Pare indica se le fatture bisettimanale devono essere mandate sulle settimane pare. - - - - - - - Generare lista - Generare lista - Generare lista - - - - - - - - Fattura proforma - Fattura proforma - - The Pro Forma Invoice checkbox indicates if pro forma invoices can be generated from this sales document. A pro forma invoice indicates the amount that will be due should an order be shipped. - - - - - - - Giorno di cut-off della fattura - Giorno di cut-off della fattura - - The Invoice Day Cut Off indicates the last day for shipments to be included in the current invoice schedule. For example, if the invoice schedule is defined for the first day of the month, the cut off day may be the 25th of the month. An shipment on the 24th of May would be included in the invoices sent on June 1st but a shipment on the 26th would be included in the invoices sent on July 1st. - - - - - - - Ultima data utile nella settimana - Ultima data utile nella settimana - - The Invoice Week Day Cutoff indicates the last day of the week a shipment must be made to be included in the invoice schedule. - - - - - - - Conto Bancario - Conto Bancario - Conto corrente presso la banca - Il checkbox Conto Bancario indica se questo è un conto bancario. - - - - - - - Impegno - Impegno - E' questo documento un impegno legale? - Commitment indicates if the document is legally binding. - - - - - - - Default - Default - Valore di default - The Default Checkbox indicates if this record will be used as a default value. - - - - - - - Successivo giorno lavorativo - Successivo giorno lavorativo - - The Next Business Day checkbox indicates that payment is due on the next business day after invoice or delivery. - - - - - - - Riconciliato - Riconciliato - - - - - - - - - Transazione di vendita - Transazione di vendita - - The Sales Transaction checkbox indicates if this item is a Sales Transaction. - - - - - - - Basato sul tempo - Basato sul tempo - - Revenue Recognition can be time or service level based. - - - - - - - Codice lingua ISO - Codice lingua ISO - - The ISO Language Code indicates the standard ISO code for a language in lower case. Information can be found at http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt - - - - - - - Inventario perpetuo - Inventario perpetuo - - The Perpetual Inventory identifies the Perpetual Inventory rule which generated this Physical Inventory. - - - - - - - Prodotto per trasporto - Prodotto per trasporto - - - - - - - - - Nome 2 - Nome 2 - Nome aggiuntivo - - - - - - - - Numero dei conteggi delle giacenze - Numero dei conteggi delle giacenze - - The Number of Inventory Counts indicates the number of times per year that inventory counts will be preformed - - - - - - - Numero dei mesi - Numero dei mesi - - - - - - - - - Numero dei conteggi del prodotto - Numero dei conteggi del prodotto - - The Number of Product Count indicates the number of times per year that a product should be counted. - - - - - - - Nota - Nota - Informazioni aggiuntive riguardo un obiettivo - The Note field allows for optional entry of user defined information regarding this record - - - - - - - Debiti merce ricevuta non ancora fatturata - Debiti merce ricevuta non ancora fatturata - Conto per ricevimenti di materiale non ancora fatturati - The Not Invoiced Receipts account indicates the account used for recording receipts for materials that have not yet been invoiced. - - - - - - - Credito merce consegnata non fatturata - Credito non fatturato - Beni consegnati ma non ancora fatturati - The Not Invoiced Receivables account indicates the account used for recording receivables that have not yet been invoiced. - - - - - - - Ricavo non ancora fatturato - Ricavo non ancora fatturato - Prodotti consegnati ma ancora non fatturati - The Not Invoiced Revenue account indicates the account used for recording revenue that has not yet been invoiced. - - - - - - - Numero di elaborazioni - Numero di elaborazioni - - The Number of Runs indicates the number of times that the Perpetual Inventory has be processed. - - - - - - - P_Number - P_Number - - - - - - - - - P_Number To - P_Number To - - - - - - - - - Prezzo effettivo - Prezzo effettivo - Data effettiva del prezzo - The Price Effective indicates the date this price is for. This allows you to enter future prices for products which will become effective when appropriate. - - - - - - - Prezzo OdA - Prezzo OdA - - The PO Price indicates the price for a product per the purchase order. - - - - - - - Creare - Creare - - - - - - - - - Frequenza del riconoscimento - Frequenza del riconoscimento - - - - - - - - - Data della Prestazione - Data della Prestazione - Data di fornitura del servizio - La Data della Prestazione indica la data in cui il servizio è stato fornito. - - - - - - - Quantità fatturata - Quantità fatturata - - The Quantity Invoiced indicates the total quantity of a product or service that has been invoiced. - - - - - - - Quantità fornita - Quantità fornita - - The Quantity Provided indicates the total quantity of a product or service that has been received by the customer. - - - - - - - Qtà - Qtà - - - - - - - - - Importo dell'imposta - Importo dell'imposta - - The Tax Amount displays the total tax amount for a document. - - - - - - - Base imponibile dell'imposta - Base imponibile dell'imposta - Base per il calcolo dell'importo delle tasse - The Tax Base Amount indicates the base amount used for calculating the tax amount. - - - - - - - Indicatore dell'imposta - Indicatore dell'imposta - - The Tax Indicator identifies the short name that will print on documents referencing this tax. - - - - - - - Importo della transazione - Importo della transazione - Importo di una transazione - The Transaction Amount indicates the amount for a single transaction. - - - - - - - Ricavi fatturati non incassati - Ricavi fatturati non incassati - Prodotti fatturati ma non ancora consegnati - The Unearned Revenue indicates the account used for recording invoices sent for products or services not yet delivered. It is used in revenue recognition - - - - - - - Aggiornare quantità - Aggiornare quantità - - - - - - - - - Regola del pagamento - Regola del pagamento - - The Payment Rule indicates the method of invoice payment. - - - - - - - Priorità relativa - Priorità relativa - - The Relative Priority indicates the location to pick from first if an product is stored in more than one location. (0 = highest priority) - - - - - - - Titolo - Titolo - - The Greeting identifies the greeting to print on correspondence. - - - - - - - Titolo - Titolo - - The Greeting indicates what will print on letters sent to a Business Partner. - - - - - - - Stampa diretta - Stampa diretta - Stampa direttamente senza parametri - The Direct Print checkbox indicates that this report will print without a print dialog box being displayed. - - - - - - - Solo cognome - Solo cognome - - Il checkbox di Solo Cognome indica che soltanto il Cognome di questo contatto dovrebbe essere stampato nei saluti. - - - - - - - Volume alto - Volume alto - - The High Volume Checkbox indicates if a search screen will display as opposed to a pick list for selecting records from this table. - - - - - - - Stampa record di dettaglio sulla fattura - Stampa record di dettaglio sulla fattura - - The Print Details on Invoice indicates that the BOM element products will print on the Invoice as opposed to this product. - - - - - - - Stampa record di dettaglio sulla lista di prelievo - Stampa record di dettaglio sulla lista di prelievo - - The Print Details on Pick List indicates that the BOM element products will print on the Pick List as opposed to this product. - - - - - - - Verificato - Verificato - - The Verified check box indicates if the configuration of this product has been verified. This is used for products that consist of a bill of materials - - - - - - - Linea Distinta Base - Linea Distinta Base - - - - - - - - - Nome del parametro - Nome del parametro - - - - - - - - - Data della conversione - Data della conversione - Data per selezionare un tasso di conversione - The Conversion Date identifies the date used for currency conversion. The conversion rate chosen must include this date in it's date range - - - - - - - Importo soprattassa prezzo limite - Importo soprattassa prezzo limite - Importo aggiunto al prezzo convertito/copiato prima di moltiplicarlo - Indicates the amount to be added to the Limit price prior to multiplication. - - - - - - - Base del prezzo limite - Base del prezzo limite - Prezzo base per il calcolo del nuovo prezzo - Identifies the price to be used as the base for calculating a new price list. - - - - - - - Margine max del prezzo limite - Margine max del prezzo limite - - Indicates the maximum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original limit price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. - - - - - - - Margine min del prezzo limite - Margine min del prezzo limite - - Indicates the minimum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original limit price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. - - - - - - - Arrotondamento prezzo limite - Arrotondamento prezzo limite - - A drop down list box which indicates the rounding (if any) will apply to the final prices in this price list. - - - - - - - Importo soprattassa prezzo listino - Importo soprattassa prezzo listino - - The List Price Surcharge Amount indicates the amount to be added to the price prior to multiplication. - - - - - - - Base del prezzo di listino - Base del prezzo di listino - - The List Price Base indicates the price to use as the basis for the calculation of a new price list. - - - - - - - Margine max del prezzo listino - Margine max del prezzo listino - - The List Price Max Margin indicates the maximum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original list price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. - - - - - - - Margine min del prezzo listino - Margine min del prezzo listino - - The List Price Min Margin indicates the minimum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original list price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. - - - - - - - Arrotondamento prezzo listino - Arrotondamento prezzo listino - - The List Price Rounding indicates how the final list price will be rounded. - - - - - - - Listino prezzi di base - Listino prezzi di base - Sorgente per il calcolo dei listini prezzi - The Base Price List identifies the Base Pricelist used for calculating prices (the source) - - - - - - - Importo soprattassa standard sul prezzo - Importo soprattassa standard sul prezzo - Importo aggiunto ad un prezzo come sovrapprezzo - The Standard Price Surcharge Amount indicates the amount to be added to the price prior to multiplication. - - - - - - - - Prezzo base standard - Prezzo base standard - Prezzo base per il calcolo del nuovo prezzo standard - The Standard Price Base indicates the price to use as the basis for the calculation of a new price standard. - - - - - - - - Margine max standard - Margine max standard - - The Standard Price Max Margin indicates the maximum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original Standard price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. - - - - - - - Margine min standard del prezzo - Margine min standard del prezzo - - The Standard Price Min Margin indicates the minimum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original Standard price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. - - - - - - - Arrotondamento standard del prezzo - Arrotondamento standard del prezzo - - The Standard Price Rounding indicates how the final Standard price will be rounded. - - - - - - - Fornitore attuale - Fornitore attuale - Uso questo fornitore per il pricing e il replenishment - The Current Vendor indicates if prices are used and Product is reordered from this vendor - - - - - - - Sconto % del prezzo limite - Sconto % del prezzo limite - - Indicates the discount in percent to be subtracted from base, if negative it will be added to base price - - - - - - - Sconto % prezzo di listino - Sconto % prezzo di listino - Socnto in percentuale dal prezzo di listino - The List Price Discount Percentage indicates the percentage discount which will be subtracted from the base price. A negative amount indicates the percentage which will be added to the base price. - - - - - - - % sconto standard sul prezzo - % sconto standard sul prezzo - Sconto in percentuale da sottrarre al prezzo base - The Standard Price Discount Percentage indicates the percentage discount which will be subtracted from the base price. A negative amount indicates the percentage which will be added to the base price. - - - - - - - Sconto stampato - Sconto stampato - - The Discount Printed Checkbox indicates if the discount will be printed on the document. - - - - - - - Calcolo della soma - Somma - Calcola la somma di un contenuto numerico o la lunghezza di una stringa - Calculate the total sum of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise total sum length of the field. - - - - - - - Descrizione dell'ordine - Descrizione dell'ordine - Descrizione che deve essere usata negli ordini - The Order Description identifies the standard description to use on orders for this Customer. - - - - - - - Importo netto fattura - Importo netto fattura - - Indicates the net amount for this invoice. It does not include shipping or any additional charges. - - - - - - - Qtà da spedire - Qtà da spedire - - - - - - - - - Qtà da fatturare - Qtà da fatturare - - - - - - - - - Vista del report - Vista del report - - The Report View indicates the view used to generate this report. - - - - - - - Mail Host - Mail Host - - The host name of the Mail Server for this client with SMTP services to send mail, and IMAP to process incoming mail. - - - - - - - Costo per ordine - Costo per ordine - Costo fisso per ordine - The Cost Per Order indicates the fixed charge levied when an order for this product is placed. - - - - - - - Momento effettivo della spedizione - Momento effettivo della spedizione - Giorni effettivi fra ordine e spedizione - The Actual Delivery Time indicates the number of days elapsed between placing an order and the delivery of the order - - - - - - - Periodo di consegna promesso - Periodo di consegna promesso - - The Promised Delivery Time indicates the number of days between the order date and the date that delivery was promised. - - - - - - - Quantità da ordinare - Quantità da ordinare - - - - - - - - - Indice di qualità - Indice di qualità - - The Quality Rating indicates how a vendor is rated (higher number = higher quality) - - - - - - - Listino prezzi di base - Base - Listino prezzi che deve essere utilizzato se il prodotto non è trovato in quello corrente - The Base Price List identifies the default price list to be used if a product is not found on the selected price list - - - - - - - Definizione EDI - Definizione EDI - Electronic Data Interchange - - - - - - - - N. cliente - N. cliente - Numero di identificazione EDI - - - - - - - - Stato EDI - Stato EDI - - - - - - - - - Tipo EDI - Tipo EDI - - - - - - - - - Errore Email - Errore Email - Indirizzo Email cui inviare messaggi di errore - - - - - - - - Email da - Email da - - - - - - - - - Email Password da - Email Password da - - - - - - - - - Email User ID da - Email User ID da - - - - - - - - - Info Email - Info Email - Indirizzo Email cui inviare messaggi informativi e copie - The Info Email address indicates the address to use when sending informational messages or copies of other messages. - - - - - - - Destinatario Email - Destinatario Email - Indirizzo Email cui inviare le richieste - - - - - - - - Info - Info - - The Information displays data from the source document line. - - - - - - - Inviare Info - Inviare Info - - - - - - - - - Sconto % della riga - Sconto % della riga - - The Line Discount Percent indicates the discount for this line as a percentage. - - - - - - - Sconto della riga - Sconto della riga - - Indicates the discount for this line as an amount. - - - - - - - Importo limite della riga - Importo limite della riga - - - - - - - - - Riga importo della lista - Riga importo della lista - - - - - - - - - Margine lordo % - Margine lordo % - - - - - - - - - Margine lordo - Margine lordo - - - - - - - - - Transazione EDI - Transazione EDI - - - - - - - - - Log EDI - Log EDI - - - - - - - - - Risposta dell'inquiry ricevuta - Risposta dell'inquiry ricevuta - - - - - - - - - Risposta dell'ordine ricevuto - Risposta dell'ordine ricevuto - - - - - - - - - Prezzo della risposta - Prezzo della risposta - Prezzo confermato via EDI dal business partner - - - - - - - - Qtà disponibile della risposta - Qtà disponibile - - - - - - - - - Qtà confermata della risposta - Qtà confermata - - - - - - - - - Risposta ricevuta - Risposta - - - - - - - - - Osservazioni della risposta - Osservazione - - - - - - - - - Data di spedizione della risposta - Data di spedizione - - - - - - - - - Prezzo della richiesta - Prezzo della richiesta - - - - - - - - - Quantità richiesta - Quantità richiesta - - - - - - - - - Data di spedizione della richiesta - Data di spedizione della richiesta - - - - - - - - - Inviare Inquiry - Inviare Inquiry - - - - - - - - - Inviare ordine - Inviare ordine - - - - - - - - - Transazione ricevuta - Transazione ricevuta - - - - - - - - - Transazione inviata - Transazione inviata - - - - - - - - - Tipo di transazione - Tipo di transazione - - The Transaction Type indicates the type of transaction to be submitted to the Credit Card Company. - - - - - - - Data della transazione - Data della transazione - - The Transaction Date indicates the date of the transaction. - - - - - - - Modulo speciale - Modulo speciale - - The Special Form field identifies a unique Special Form in the system. - - - - - - - Nome classe - Nome classe - Nome classe java - The Classname identifies the Java classname used by this report or process. - - - - - - - Interruzione di pagina - Interruzione di pagina - - Before printing this item, create a new page - - - - - - - Registrato - Registrato - - The Posted field indicates the status of the Generation of General Ledger Accounting Lines - - - - - - - Tipo di categoria - Tipo di categoria - Sorgente del giornale con questa categoria - The Category Type indicates the source of the journal for this category. Journals can be generated from a document, entered manually or imported. - - - - - - - Errore - Errore - - - - - - - - - Formato di Importazione - Formato Importazione - - - - - - - - - Campo del formato - Campo del formato - - - - - - - - - Formato dati - Formato dati - Formato della stringa secondo la notazione Java, es: ddMMyy - The Date Format indicates how dates are defined on the record to be imported. It must be in Java Notation - - - - - - - Tipo di dati - Tipo di dati - Tipo dati - - - - - - - - Punto decimale - Punto decimale - Punto decimale nel file di dati - se esiste - - - - - - - - Dividi per 100 - Dividi per 100 - Dividere il numero per 100 per ottenere l'ammontare corretto - - - - - - - - Numero finale - Numero finale - - - - - - - - - Formato - Formato - - The Format is a drop down list box for selecting the format type (text, tab delimited, XML, etc) of the file to be imported - - - - - - - Selezionato - Selezionato - - - - - - - - - Valore costante - Valore costante - Valore costante - - - - - - - - Quantità - Quantità - Quantità del del prodotto in distinta base - The BOM Quantity indicates the quantity of the product in its Unit of Measure (multiplication) - - - - - - - Data ricevuto - Data ricevuto - Data di ricevimento di un prodotto - The Date Received indicates the date that product was received. - - - - - - - Data reso - Data reso - Data di restituzione di un prodotto - The Date Returned indicates the date the product was returned. - - - - - - - Distinta base - Distinta base - Distinta dei materiali - The Bill of Materials check box indicates if this product consists of a bill of materials. - - - - - - - Reso - Reso - - - - - - - - - Immagazzinato - Immagazzinato - - - - - - - - - Prodotto - Prodotto - Prodotto della distinta base - The BOM Product identifies an element that is part of this Bill of Materials. - - - - - - - Registrazione - Registrazione - - - - - - - - - Rim - Rim - - - - - - - - - Stoccaggio pneumatici - Stoccaggio pneumatici - - - - - - - - - Qualità del pneumatico - Qualità del pneumatico - - - - - - - - - Dimensione del pneumatico - Dimensione del pneumatico - - - - - - - - - Tipo di pneumatici - Tipo di pneumatici - - - - - - - - - Mezzo di trasporto - Mezzo di trasporto - - - - - - - - - Rim Back - Rim Back - - - - - - - - - Tire Quality Back - Tire Quality Back - - - - - - - - - Tire size Back - Tire size Back - - - - - - - - - Tire type Back - Tire type Back - - - - - - - - - Record creati - Record creati - - - - - - - - - Piano di produzione - Piano di produzione - - The Production Plan identifies the items and steps in generating a product. - - - - - - - Quantità di produzione - Quantità di produzione - - The Production Quantity identifies the number of products to produce - - - - - - - Fornitore - Fornitore - - - - - - - - - Avviso - Avviso - - - - - - - - - Inter-Organizzazione - Inter-Organizzazione - - The Inter Organization field identifies an Organization which can be used by this Organization for intercompany documents. - - - - - - - Città del cliente - Città - Città del titolare della carta di credito o del conto - The Account City indicates the City of the Credit Card or Account holder - - - - - - - Email del cliente - Email - Indirizzo Email - The EMail Address indicates the EMail address off the Credit Card or Account holder. - - - - - - - Patente di guida - Patente di guida - - The Driver's License being used as identification. - - - - - - - Num. Previdenza - Num. Previdenza - - The Social Security number being used as identification. - - - - - - - Nome del cliente - Nome del cliente - Nome del titolare della carta di credito o del conto - The Name of the Credit Card or Account holder. - - - - - - - Nazione del cliente - Nazione - Stato del titolare della carta di credito o del conto - The State of the Credit Card or Account holder - - - - - - - Via del cliente - Via - Indirizzo del titolare della carta di credito o del conto - The Street Address of the Credit Card or Account holder. - - - - - - - Codice di avviamento postale del cliente - CAP - CAP del titolare della carta di credito o del conto - The Zip Code of the Credit Card or Account Holder. - - - - - - - ACH consentito - ACH consentito - La compensazione automatica è consentita - Indicates if ACH Payments are accepted as payment to this Bank Account - - - - - - - AMEX accettata - AMEX accettata - La carta di credito American Express è accettata - Indicates if American Express Cards are accepted as payment to this Bank Account - - - - - - - ATM consentito - ATM consentito - La carta Bancomat è accettata - Indicates if Bank ATM Cards are accepted for as payment to this Bank Account - - - - - - - Assegno elettronico accettato - Assegno elettronico accettato - Gli assegni elettronici sono accettati - Indicates if EChecks are accepted as payment to this Bank Account. - - - - - - - Carta Corporate accettata - Carta Corporate accettata - Le carte di pagamento societarie sono accettate - Indicates if Corporate Payment Cards are accepted as payment to this Bank Account. - - - - - - - Carta Diners accettata - Carta Diners accettata - La carta di credito Diner's club è accettata - Indicates if Diner's Club Cards are accepted as payment to this Bank Account. - - - - - - - Master card accettata - Master card accettata - La Master card è accettata - Indicates if Master Cards are accepted as payment to this Bank Account. - - - - - - - Carta Visa accettata - Carta Visa accettata - La carta di credito Visa è accettata - Indicates if Visa Cards are accepted as payment to this Bank Account. - - - - - - - Importo - Importo - - The Amount indicates the amount for this document line. - - - - - - - Attivo di banca - Attivo di banca - Valore dell' attivo nel conto corrente bancario - The Bank Asset Account identifies the account to be used for booking changes to the balance in this bank account - - - - - - - Spese bancarie - Spese bancarie - Conto spese bancarie - The Bank Expense Account identifies the account to be used for recording charges or fees incurred from this Bank. - - - - - - - Interessi bancari passivi - Interessi bancari passivi - Conto spese interessi di banca - The Bank Interest Expense Account identifies the account to be used for recording interest expenses. - - - - - - - Interessi bancari attivi - Interessi bancari attivi - Conto guadagni dovuti ad interessi di banca - The Bank Interest Revenue Account identifies the account to be used for recording interest revenue from this Bank. - - - - - - - Transitorio banca - Transitorio banca - Conto bancario per i transiti - The Bank in Transit Account identifies the account to be used for funds which are in transit. - - - - - - - Utile da conversione in conto corrente - Utile da conversione in conto corrente - Guadagno per rivalutazione monetaria nel conto bancario - The Bank Revaluation Gain Account identifies the account to be used for recording gains that are recognized when converting currencies. - - - - - - - Perdite da conversione in conto corrente - Perdite da conversione in conto corrente - Perdita per svalutazione monetaria nel conto corrente - The Bank Revaluation Loss Account identifies the account to be used for recording losses that are recognized when converting currencies. - - - - - - - Utile da regolamento valute nei pagamenti - Utile da regolamento valute nei pagamenti - DIfferenza di valore tra il pagamento e la valuta nel conto bancario - The Bank Settlement Gain account identifies the account to be used when recording a currency gain when the settlement and receipt currency are not the same. - - - - - - - Perdita da regolamento valute nei pagamenti - Perdita da regolamento valute nei pagamenti - Differenza di valore tra il pagamento e la valuta nel conto bancario - The Bank Settlement loss account identifies the account to be used when recording a currency loss when the settlement and receipt currency are not the same. - - - - - - - Entrate non riconciliate - Banca non riconciliata - Entrate in conto corrente da un cliente non ancora identificato - The Bank Unidentified Receipts Account identifies the account to be used when recording receipts that can not be reconciled at the present time. - - - - - - - Saldo iniziale - Saldo iniziale - Bilancio precedente ad ogni transazione - The Beginning Balance is the balance prior to making any adjustments for payments or disbursements. - - - - - - - Allocazione - Allocazione - Allocazione del pagamento - - - - - - - - Estratto conto banca - Estratto conto banca - Estratto conto bancario - The Bank Statement identifies a unique Bank Statement for a defined time period. The statement defines all transactions that occurred - - - - - - - Riga di estratto conto banca - Riga di estratto conto banca - Linea di estratto conto della banca - The Bank Statement Line identifies a unique transaction (Payment, Withdrawal, Charge) for the defined time period at this Bank. - - - - - - - Gruppo di business partner - Gruppo di business partner - ID del gruppo di business partner - The Business Partner Group ID provides a method of defining defaults to be used for individual Business Partners. - - - - - - - Pagamento - Pagamento - - The Payment is a unique identifier of this payment. - - - - - - - Elaboratore del pagamento - Elaboratore del pagamento - - The Payment Processor indicates the processor to be used for electronic payments - - - - - - - Costo dell'addebito - Costo dell'addebito - Conto spese a fornitori - The Charge Expense Account identifies the account to use when recording charges paid to vendors. - - - - - - - Ricavo dell'addebito - Ricavo dell'addebito - Conto entrate dai clienti - The Charge Revenue Account identifies the account to use when recording charges paid by customers. - - - - - - - Numero dell'Assegno - Numero dell'Assegno - Numero dell'assegno - The Check Number indicates the number on the check. - - - - - - - Verifica carta di credito - Verifica carta di credito - Codice di verifica sulla carta di credito - The Credit Card Verification indicates the verification code on the credit card (AMEX 4 digits on front; MC,Visa 3 digits back) - - - - - - - Prezzo di costo attuale - Prezzo di costo attuale - Prezzo di costo attualmente usato - - - - - - - - Importo dello sconto - Importo dello sconto - Importo di sconto calcolato - The Discount Amount indicates the discount amount for a document or line. - - - - - - - Saldo di chiusura - Saldo di chiusura - - The Ending Balance is the result of adjusting the Beginning Balance by any payments or disbursements. - - - - - - - Prezzo del costo futuro - Prezzo del costo futuro - - - - - - - - - Indirizzo host - Indirizzo host - - The Host Address identifies the URL for your payment processor - - - - - - - Porta host - Porta host - - The Host Port identifies the port id for your payment processor. - - - - - - - Accesso online - Accesso online - Può essere acceduto online - The Online Access check box indicates if the application can be accessed via the web. - - - - - - - Pagato - Pagato - - - - - - - - - Stessa valuta - Stessa valuta - - - - - - - - - Micr - Micr - Combinazione di routing no, conto e numero di controllo - The Micr number is the combination of the bank routing number, account number and check number - - - - - - - ID transazione originale - ID transazione originale - - The Original Transaction ID is used for reversing transactions and indicates the transaction that has been reversed. - - - - - - - Variazione prezzo d'acquisto - Variazione prezzo d'acquisto - Differenza fra costo standard e prezzo di acquisto - The Purchase Price Variance is used in Standard Costing. It reflects the difference between the Standard Cost and the Purchase Order Price. - - - - - - - Pagina URL - Pagina URL - - - - - - - - - Sconto di vendita per pagamento anticipato - Sconto di vendita per pagamento anticipato - Sconto commerciale per pagamento anticipato dei clienti - Indicates the account to be charged for payment discount expenses. - - - - - - - Sconto di fornitura per pagamenti anticipati - Sconto di fornitura per pagamenti anticipati - Sconto commerciale per pagamenti anticipati ai fornitori - Indicates the account to be charged for payment discount revenues. - - - - - - - Valore attuale del progetto - Valore attuale del progetto - Valore del lavoro in progress - The Work in Process account is the account used in capital projects until the project is completed - - - - - - - Numero OdA - Numero OdA - - The PO Number indicates the number assigned to a purchase order - - - - - - - Prezzo - Prezzo - - The Price indicates the Price for a product or service. - - - - - - - Prodotto - Prodotto - - - - - - - - - Indirizzo Proxy - Indirizzo Proxy - Indirizzo del proxy server - The Proxy Address must be defined if you must pass through a firewall to access your payment processor. - - - - - - - Proxy logon - Proxy logon - - The Proxy Logon identifies the Logon ID for your proxy server. - - - - - - - Proxy password - Proxy password - - The Proxy Password identifies the password for your proxy server. - - - - - - - Proxy port - Proxy port - - The Proxy Port identifies the port of your proxy server. - - - - - - - Codice di autorizzazione - Codice di autorizzazione - Codice di autorizzazione della risposta - The Authorization Code indicates the code returned from the electronic transmission. - - - - - - - Indirizzo verificato - Indirizzo verificato - L'indirizzo è stato verificato - The Address Verified indicates if the address has been verified by the Credit Card Company. - - - - - - - CAP verificato - CAP verificato - - The Zip Verified indicates if the zip code has been verified by the Credit Card Company. - - - - - - - Info - Info - - The Info indicates any response information returned from the Credit Card Company. - - - - - - - Riferimento - Riferimento - - The Payment Reference indicates the reference returned from the Credit Card Company for a payment - - - - - - - Messaggio - Messaggio - - The Response Message indicates the message returned from the Credit Card Company as the result of a transmission - - - - - - - Risultato - Risultato - - The Response Result indicates the result of the transmission to the Credit Card Company. - - - - - - - Assegnato - Assegnato - - - - - - - - - Indirizzo remoto - Indirizzo remoto - - The Remote Address indicates an alternative or external address. - - - - - - - Host remoto - Host remoto - - - - - - - - - ID della sessione - ID della sessione - - - - - - - - - Data rendiconto - Data rendiconto - Data di processing di uno statement - The Statement Date field defines the date of the statement being processed. - - - - - - - Differenza rendiconto - Differenza rendiconto - Differenza fra l'importo dell'ultimo estratto conto ed il saldo attuale - The Statement Difference reflects the difference between the Statement Ending Balance and the Actual Ending Balance. - - - - - - - Imposta a Credito - Imposta a Credito - Conto tasse da rimborsare - prima della dichiarazione dei redditi - The Tax Credit Account indicates the account used to record taxes that can be reclaimed - - - - - - - Imposta a Debito - Imposta a Debito - Conto per le tasse da pagare - prima della dichiarazione dei redditi - The Tax Due Account indicates the account used to record taxes that you are liable to pay. - - - - - - - Imposta Indeducibile - Imposta Indeducibile - Conto per tasse indeducibili - The Tax Expense Account indicates the account used to record the taxes that have been paid that cannot be reclaimed. - - - - - - - Debito d'imposta - Debito d'imposta - Conto per le tasse soggette a dichiarazione - The Tax Liability Account indicates the account used to record your tax liability declaration. - - - - - - - Credito d'imposta - Credito d'imposta - Conto per le tasse a credito dopo la dichiarazione dei redditi - The Tax Receivables Account indicates the account used to record the tax credit amount after your tax declaration. - - - - - - - Tipo di Offerta - Tipo di Offerta - - The Tender Type indicates the method of payment (ACH, Credit Card, Check) - - - - - - - ID dell'Utente - ID dell'Utente - - L'ID dell'Utente identifica un utente e permette l'accesso ai record o ai processi. - - - - - - - Codice di autorizzazione vocale - Codice di autorizzazione vocale - - The Voice Authorization Code indicates the code received from the Credit Card Company. - - - - - - - W_Basket_ID - W_Basket_ID - - - - - - - - - Rivalutazione magazzino per variazione prezzi - Rivalutazione magazzino per variazione prezzi - Differenze per variazione prezzi di mercato (minori costi) - Il Conto di Rivalutazione di Inventario identifica il conto utilizzato per registrare le variazioni del valore di inventario dovute alla rivalutazione della valuta corrente. - - - - - - - Ritenute - Ritenute - Ritenute fiscali - The Withholding Account indicates the account used to record withholdings. - - - - - - - Crediti non esercibili - Crediti non esercibili - Crediti non esercibili per insolvenza clienti - The Write Off Account identifies the account to book write off transactions to. - - - - - - - Importo dello storno - Importo dello storno - Amount to write-off - The Write Off Amount indicates the amount to be written off as uncollectible. - - - - - - - Trova - Trova - - - - - - - - - E/o - E/o - Operazioni logiche: e/o - - - - - - - - Trova_ID - Trova_ID - - - - - - - - - Operazione - Operazione - - - - - - - - - Valore a - Valore a - - - - - - - - - Importo interessi - Importo interessi - - The Interest Amount indicates any interest charged or received on a Bank Statement. - - - - - - - Attributo - Attributo - - - - - - - - - Tipo di conto banca - Tipo di conto banca - Tipo di conto banca - The Bank Account Type field indicates the type of account (savings, checking etc) this account is defined as. - - - - - - - Prima nota cassa - Prima nota cassa - Prima nota di cassa - The Cash Journal uniquely identifies a Cash Journal. The Cash Journal will record transactions for the cash bank account - - - - - - - Libro di Cassa - Libro di Cassa - Libro cassa per memorizzare le piccole transazioni di cassa - The Cash Book identifies a unique cash book. The cash book is used to record cash transactions. - - - - - - - Riga prima nota cassa - Riga prima nota cassa - Linea di prima nota di cassa - The Cash Journal Line indicates a unique line in a cash journal. - - - - - - - Gruppo pagamenti - Gruppo pagamenti - - - - - - - - - Tipo cassa - Tipo cassa - Sorgente di cassa - The Cash Type indicates the source for this Cash Journal Line. - - - - - - - Libro Cassa - Conto Libro di Cassa - Conto di controllo - valore cassa - The Cash Book Asset Account identifies the account to be used for recording payments into and disbursements from this cash book. - - - - - - - Differenze di libro cassa - Differenze di libro cassa - Conto per le differenze di libro cassa - The Cash Book Differences Account identifies the account to be used for recording any differences that affect this cash book - - - - - - - Spese - Spese di libro cassa - Conto per le spese spese di cassa - The Cash Book Expense Account identifies the account to be used for general, non itemized expenses. - - - - - - - Incassi - Incassi di libro cassa - Conto per gli incassi nel libro cassa - The Cash Book Receipt Account identifies the account to be used for general, non itemized cash book receipts. - - - - - - - ACH - ACH - Automatic Clearing House - The ACH checkbox indicates if this Bank Account accepts ACH transactions. - - - - - - - Manuale - Manuale - - The Manual check box indicates if the process will done manually. - - - - - - - Storno - Storno - - The Reversal check box indicates if this is a reversal of a prior transaction. - - - - - - - Importo pagamento - Importo pagamento - Importo che deve essere pagato - Indicates the amount this payment is for. The payment amount can be for single or multiple invoices or a partial payment for an invoice. - - - - - - - Classe del processor del pagamento - Classe del processor del pagamento - - Payment Processor class identifies the Java class used to process payments - - - - - - - Data dell'elaborazione - Data dell'elaborazione - - - - - - - - - Importo rendiconto - Importo rendiconto - - The Statement Amount indicates the amount of a single statement line. - - - - - - - V_Date - V_Date - - - - - - - - - V_Number - V_Number - - - - - - - - - V_String - V_String - - - - - - - - - Data effettiva - Data effettiva - - The Effective Date indicates the date that money is available from the bank. - - - - - - - Creare Da - Creare da - Processo che genererà un documento sulla base uno quello esistente - - - - - - - - Generare a - Generare a - - - - - - - - - Carta Discover accettata - Carta Discover accettata - La carta Discover è accettata - Indicates if Discover Cards are accepted as payment to this Bank Account. - - - - - - - Commissione - Commissione - Identificativo della commissione - The Commission indicates (as a percentage) the commission to be paid. - - - - - - - Costo per transazione - Costo per transazione - Costo fisso per transazione - The Cost per Transaction indicates the fixed cost per to be charged per transaction. - - - - - - - Giorni alla scadenza - Giorni alla scadenza - - - - - - - - - Elaborazione online - Elaborazione online - - The Online Processing indicates if the payment can be processed online. - - - - - - - Importo pagato - Importo pagato - - - - - - - - - Richiesta del codice di verifica della carta di credito - Richiesta del codice di verifica della carta di credito - - The Require CC Verification checkbox indicates if this bank accounts requires a verification number for credit card transactions. - - - - - - - Gruppo del campo - Gruppo del campo - - The Field Group indicates the logical group that this field belongs to (History, Amounts, Quantities) - - - - - - - Data ultima azione - Data ultima azione - Data di ultima azione su questa richiesta - The Date Last Action indicates that last time that the request was acted on. - - - - - - - Data azione successiva - Data azione successiva - Data alla quale si dovrebbe eseguire la successiva azione su questa richiesta - The Date Next Action indicates the next scheduled date for an action to occur for this request. - - - - - - - Tipo di scadenza - Tipo di scadenza - - The Due Type indicates if this request is Due, Overdue or Scheduled. - - - - - - - Frequenza - Frequenza - - The frequency is used in conjunction with the frequency type in determining when a request will be processed. - - - - - - - Tipo di frequenza - Tipo di frequenza - - The frequency type is used for calculating the start and end date of the calculation - - - - - - - Allocato - Allocato - Indica se il pagamento è stato effettuato - The Allocated checkbox indicates if a payment has been allocated or associated with an invoice or invoices. - - - - - - - Escalation - Escalation - - The Escalated checkbox indicates that this request has been escalated or raised in importance. - - - - - - - HTML - HTML - - - - - - - - - Testata della mail - Testata della mail - - - - - - - - - Testo della mail - Testo della mail - - The Mail Text indicates the text used for mail messages. - - - - - - - Azione successiva - Azione successiva - - The Next Action indicates the next action to be taken on this request. - - - - - - - Priorità - Priorità - - The Priority indicates the importance of this request. - - - - - - - Template della Mail - Template della Mail - - The Mail Template indicates the mail template for return messages. - - - - - - - Richiesta - Richiesta - - The Request identifies a unique request from a Business Partner or Prospect. - - - - - - - Azione della richiesta - Azione della richiesta - Azione richiesta - The Request Action indicates if the Credit Card Company has requested further action be taken. - - - - - - - Elaboratore della richiesta - Elaboratore della richiesta - - - - - - - - - Importo della richiesta - Importo della richiesta - Importo associato a questa richiesta - The Request Amount indicates any amount that is associated with this request. For example, a warranty amount or refund amount. - - - - - - - Riepilogo - Riepilogo - - The Summary allows free form text entry of a recap of this request. - - - - - - - Supervisore - Supervisore - - The Supervisor indicates who will be used for forwarding and escalating issues for this user. - - - - - - - N. allocazione - N. allocazione - Numero dell'allocazone - The Allocation number indicates which invoices were allocated on one batch - - - - - - - Moltiplicatore - Moltiplicatore - - - - - - - - - Importo aperto - Importo aperto - - - - - - - - - Osservazione - Osservazione - - - - - - - - - Margine % - Margine % - - The Margin indicates the margin for this product as a percentage of the limit price and selling price. - - - - - - - Logica di Default 2 - Logica di Default 2 - Gerarchia di valori di default, separata da ; - The defaults are evaluated in the order of definition, the first not null value becomes the default value of the column. The values are separated by comma or semicolon. a) Literals:. 'Text' or 123 b) Variables - in format @Variable@ - Login e.g. #Date, #AD_Org_ID, #AD_Client_ID - Accounting Schema: e.g. $C_AcctSchema_ID, $C_Calendar_ID - Global defaults: e.g. DateFormat - Window values (all Picks, CheckBoxes, RadioButtons, and DateDoc/DateAcct) c) SQL code with the tag: @SQL=SELECT something AS DefaultValue FROM ... The SQL statement can contain variables. There can be no other value other than the SQL statement. The default is only evaluated, if no user preference is defined. Default definitions are ignored for record columns as Key, Parent, Client as well as Buttons. - - - - - - - Gruppo Funzioni SQL - Gruppo Funzioni SQL - - The SQL Group Function checkbox indicates that this function will generate a Group by Clause in the resulting SQL. - - - - - - - Fatture in fase di pagamento - Fatture in fase di pagamento - - The Payment Selection identifies a unique Payment - - - - - - - Riga della selezione del pagamento - Riga della selezione del pagamento - - The Payment Selection Line identifies a unique line in a payment - - - - - - - Data del pagamento - Data del pagamento - Data di esecuzione pagamento - The Payment Date indicates the date the payment was made. - - - - - - - Importo totale - Importo totale - - The Total Amount indicates the total document amount. - - - - - - - Colonna della vista del report - Colonna della vista del report - - - - - - - - - Funzione colonna - Funzione colonna - - The Function Column indicates that the column will be overridden with a function - - - - - - - Importo effettivo - Importo effettivo - Importo effettivo - Actual amount indicates the agreed upon amount for a document. - - - - - - - Quantità effettiva - Quantità effettiva - Quantità effettiva - The Actual Quantity indicates the quantity as referenced on a document. - - - - - - - Importo moltiplicatore - Importo moltiplicatore - - The Multiplier Amount indicates the amount to multiply the total amount generated by this commission run by. - - - - - - - Sottrarre importo - Sottrarre importo - - The Subtract Amount indicates the amount to subtract from the total amount prior to multiplication. - - - - - - - Commissione - Commissione - Commissione impostata come una percentuale - The Commission ID is a unique identifier of a set of commission rules. - - - - - - - Importo commessione - Importo commessione - Ammontare generato della commissione - The Commission Amount indicates the resulting amount from a Commission Run. - - - - - - - Linea di commissione - Linea della commissione - Linea di commissione - The Commission Line is a unique instance of a Commission Run. If the commission run was done in summary mode then there will be a single line representing the selected documents totals. If the commission run was done in detail mode then each document that was included in the run will have its own commission line. - - - - - - - Ciclo del progetto - Ciclo del progetto - - Identifies a Project Cycle which can be made up of one or more steps or statuses - - - - - - - Fase del ciclo - Fase del ciclo - Lo step di questo ciclo - Identifies one or more steps within a Project Cycle - - - - - - - Riga del progetto - Riga del progetto - - The Project Line indicates a unique project line. - - - - - - - Importo commissione - Importo commissione - Ammontare della commissione - The Commission Amount is the total calculated commission. It is based on the parameters as defined for this Commission Run. - - - - - - - Importo convertito - Importo convertito - Ammontare convertito - The Converted Amount is the result of multiplying the Source Amount by the Conversion Rate for this target currency. - - - - - - - Data del contatto - Data del contatto - La data effettiva di questo documento - The contract date is used to determine when the document becomes effective. This is usually the contract date. The contract date is used in reports and report parameters. - - - - - - - Data fine - Data fine - - The finish date is used to indicate when the project is expected to be completed or has been completed. - - - - - - - Base del calcolo - Base del calcolo - Base per il calcolo delle commissioni - The Calculation Basis indicates the basis to be used for the commission calculation. - - - - - - - Info a - Info a - - - - - - - - - Solo positivo - Solo positivo - Non generare commissioni negative - La casella di controllo Solo Positivo indica che se il risultato della sottrazione è negativo, questo viene ignorato. Ciò significa che le commissioni negative non vengono generate. - - - - - - - Importo pianificato - Importo pianificato - - The Planned Amount indicates the anticipated amount for this project or project line. - - - - - - - Margine pianificato % - Margine pianificato % - - The Planned Margin Percentage indicates the anticipated margin percentage for this project or project line - - - - - - - Margine pianificato - Margine pianificato - - The Planned Margin Amount indicates the anticipated margin amount for this project or project line. - - - - - - - Prezzo pianificato - Prezzo pianificato - - The Planned Price indicates the anticipated price for this project line. - - - - - - - Quantità pianificata - Quantità pianificata - - The Planned Quantity indicates the anticipated quantity for this project or project line - - - - - - - Quantità moltiplicatore - Quantità moltiplicatore - - The Multiplier Quantity field indicates the amount to multiply the quantities accumulated for this commission run. - - - - - - - Sottrarre quantità - Sottrarre quantità - - The Quantity Subtract identifies the quantity to be subtracted before multiplication - - - - - - - Peso relativo - Peso relativo - - The relative weight allows you to adjust the report based on probabilities. For example, if you have a 1:10 chance in closing a contract when it is in the prospect stage and a 1:2 chance when it is in the contract stage, you may put a weight of 0.1 and 0.5 on those steps. In the Cycle Report, you then could see, which stage is less or more compared to the other steps. This is an alternative method for a funnel or measures completion of your project. - - - - - - - Elabora della commissione - Elaborazione della commissione - Elaborazione della commissione - The Commission Run is a unique system defined identifier of a specific run of commission. When a Commission is processed on the Commission Screen, the Commission Run ID will display. - - - - - - - Ordini specifici commissione - Ordini specifici della commissione - Calcola le commissioni esclusivamente per gli ordini o fatture dove è stato inserito questo agente - Sales Reps are entered in Orders and Invoices. If selected, only Orders and Invoices for this Sales Reps are included in the calculation of the commission. - - - - - - - Dettagli della lista - Dettagli della lista - - The List Details checkbox indicates that the details for each document line will be displayed. - - - - - - - Dettaglio della commessione - Dettaglio della commessione - Informazioni di supporto per gli ammontari di commissione - The Commission Detail provides supporting information on a Commission Run. Each document line that was part of the Commission Run will be reflected here. - - - - - - - Termini di pagamento OdA - Termini di pagamento OdA - - The PO Payment Term indicates the payment term that will be used when this purchase order becomes an invoice. - - - - - - - Colonna del B. Partner - Colonna del B. Partner - Colonna chiave del Business partner pienamente qualificato - The Business Partner Column indicates the Business Partner to use when calculating this measurement - - - - - - - Classe di calcolo - Classe di calcolo - Classe Java per il calcolo che implementa l'interfaccia di calcolo delle misure - The Calculation Class indicates the Java Class used for calculating measures. - - - - - - - Colonna data - Colonna data - Colonna data in formato lungo - The Date Column indicates the date to be used when calculating this measurement - - - - - - - A partire da - A partire da - Data di inizio di un intervallo - The Date From indicates the starting date of a range. - - - - - - - Fino a - Fino a - Data finale di un intervallo - The Date To indicates the end date of a range (inclusive) - - - - - - - Obiettivo della performance - Obiettivo della performance - - The Goal Performance indicates the target achievement from 0 to 1. - - - - - - - Realizzato - Realizzato - L'obiettivo è stato raggiunto - The Achieved checkbox indicates if this goal has been achieved. - - - - - - - Effettivo manuale - Effettivo manuale - - The Manual Active identifies a manually entered actual measurement value. - - - - - - - Nota - Nota - - The Note allows for entry for additional information regarding a manual entry. - - - - - - - Misura effettiva - Misura effettiva - Valore attuale che è stato misurato - The Measure Actual indicates the actual measured value. The measured values are used in determining if a performance goal has been met - - - - - - - Misura target - Misura target - - The Measure Target indicates the target or goal for this measure. It is used as in comparing against the actual measures - - - - - - - Tipo di misura - Tipo di misura - Determina come la performance attuale è derivata - The Measure Type indicates how the actual measure is determined. For example, one measure may be manual while another is calculated. - - - - - - - Colonna Org - Colonna Org - - The Organization Column indicates the organization to be used in calculating this measurement. - - - - - - - Risultato - Risultato - Risultato - The Achievement identifies a unique task that is part of an overall performance goal. - - - - - - - Obiettivo - Obiettivo - - The Performance Goal indicates what this users performance will be measured against. - - - - - - - Misura - Misura - Misurazione delle performance concreta - The Measure identifies a concrete, measurable indicator of performance. For example, sales dollars, prospects contacted. - - - - - - - Calcolo della misura - Calcolo della misura - Metodo di calcolo usato per il calcolo delle performance - The Measure Calculation indicates the method of measuring performance. - - - - - - - Colonna del prodotto - Colonna del prodotto - - The Product Column indicates the product to use to use when calculating this measurement. - - - - - - - Clausola SELECT - Clausola SELECT - - The Select Clause indicates the SQL SELECT clause to use for selecting the record for a measure calculation. - - - - - - - Colonna del report - Colonna del report - Colonna nel report - - - - - - - - Tipo di importo - Tipo di importo - Tipo di importo da riportare - You can choose between the total and period amounts as well as the balance or just the debit/credit amounts. - - - - - - - Piano di riconoscimento del ricavo - Piano di riconoscimento del ricavo - - The Revenue Recognition Plan identifies a unique Revenue Recognition Plan. - - - - - - - Elaborazione riconoscimento del ricavo - Elaborazione riconoscimento del ricavo - - The Revenue Recognition Runs identifies a unique instance of processing revenue recognition. - - - - - - - Calcolo - Calcolo - - - - - - - - - Tipo di colonna - Tipo di colonna - - - - - - - - - Tipo di valuta - Tipo di valuta - - - - - - - - - Conversione - Conversione - Effettua la conversione di tutti gli importi alla valuta - If a currency is selected, only this currency will be reported. If adhoc conversion is selected, all currencies are converted to the defined currency - - - - - - - Tipo di riga - Tipo di riga - - - - - - - - - Operando 1 - Operando 1 - - - - - - - - - Operando 2 - Operando 2 - - - - - - - - - Report finanziario - Report finanziario - - - - - - - - - Set di colonne del report - Set di colonne del report - Insieme di colonne per il report - The Report Column Set identifies the columns used in a Report. - - - - - - - Riga del report - Riga del report - - - - - - - - - Set di righe del report - Set di righe del report - - - - - - - - - Fonte del report - Fonte del report - - - - - - - - - Importo approvato - Importo approvato - - - - - - - - - Periodo relativo - Periodo relativo - - - - - - - - - Contatore Web - Contatore Web - - - - - - - - - Imposta corretta per sconti/addebiti - Imposta corretta per sconti/addebiti - Corregge la tassa per gli sconti e le imposte sui pagamenti - Payment discounts may require to correct the tax. This primarily applicable in VAT systems. If the original invoice had tax records, the payment discount, write-off, etc. is corrected by the tax. The calculation of the tax is prorated based on the invoice. - - - - - - - Registra sconto commerciale - Registra sconto commerciale - - If the invoice is based on an item with a list price, the amount based on the list price and the discount is posted instead of the net amount. -Example: Quantity 10 - List Price: 20 - Actual Price: 17 -If selected for a sales invoice 200 is posted to Product Revenue and 30 to Discount Granted - rather than 170 to Product Revenue. -The same applies to vendor invoices. - - - - - - - Variazione prezzo fatturato - Variazione prezzo fatturato - Variazioni tra il costo del prodotto e il prezzo di fatturazione - The Invoice Price Variance is used reflects the difference between the current Costs and the Invoice Price. - - - - - - - Sconto commerciale di vendita - Sconto commerciale di vendita - Sconto commerciale garantito (corregge il ricavo dei prodotti) - The Trade Discount Granted Account indicates the account for granted trade discount in sales invoices - - - - - - - Sconto commerciale di fornitura - Sconto commerciale di fornitura - Sconto commerciale ottenuto (Corregge le spese per la produzione) - The Trade Discount Receivables Account indicates the account for received trade discounts in vendor invoices - - - - - - - Aggiustamento di inventario - Aggiustamento di inventario - Conto per l'aggiornamento del valore dell'inventario al costo attuale - Nei sistemi di costo reali, questo conto viene utilizzato per postare le registrazioni di valore di inventario. -Si può impostare il conto come conto standard di inventario. - - - - - - - Vista - Vista - - This is a view rather than a table. A view is always treated as read only in the system. - - - - - - - Forma di stampa - Forma di stampa - - - - - - - - - Documento del conto banca - Documento del conto banca - Assegni, Bonifici, etc… - Bank documents, you generate or track - - - - - - - Ricevuta - Ricevuta - - - - - - - - - Differenza - Differenza - - - - - - - - - Colore - Colore - Colore per la performance analysis - - - - - - - - Desktop - Desktop - Collezione di Workbenches - - - - - - - - Desktop Workbench - Desktop Workbench - - - - - - - - - Immagine - Immagine - - - - - - - - - Campo definito dall'utente - Campo definito dall'utente - - - - - - - - - Tab definita dall'utente - Tab definita dall'utente - - - - - - - - - Finestra definita dall'utente - Finestra definita dall'utente - - - - - - - - - Area di lavoro - Area di lavoro - Collezione di finestre, reports - - - - - - - - Videata dell'area di lavoro - Videata dell'area di lavoro - - - - - - - - - Alpha - Alpha - Color Alpha value 0-255 - - - - - - - - 2° Alpha - 2° Alpha - Valore Alpha come secondo colore - - - - - - - - Blu - Blu - Valore del colore RGB - - - - - - - - 2° Blu - 2° Blu - Valore RGB come secondo colore - - - - - - - - Tipo di colore - Tipo di colore - Tipo di colore - - - - - - - - Verde - Verde - - - - - - - - - 2° Verde - 2° Verde - Valore RGB come secondo colore - - - - - - - - Selezione colonne - Selezione colonne - - If selected, the column is listed in the first find window tab and in the selection part of the window - - - - - - - Distanza della riga - Distanza della riga - Distanza fra linee - - - - - - - - Riga larghezza - Riga larghezza - - - - - - - - - Descrizione OdA - Descrizione OdA - Descrizione nei PO screens - - - - - - - - Aiuto OdA - Aiuto OdA - - - - - - - - - Nome OdA - Nome OdA - - - - - - - - - Nome stampa OdA - Nome stampa OdA - - - - - - - - - Sola lettura - Sola lettura - - - - - - - - - Rosso - Rosso - - - - - - - - - 2° Rosso - 2° Rosso - Valore RGB come secondo colore - - - - - - - - Simulazione - Simulazione - - - - - - - - - Cancellare i dati vecchi/esistenti - Cancellare i dati vecchi/esistenti - Altrimenti i records verranno aggiunti - - - - - - - - Stampa le transazioni di dettaglio - Stampa le transazioni di dettaglio - - - - - - - - - Valore massimo storno per fattura - Valore massimo storno per fattura - - - - - - - - - La quantità del prodotto deve essere stoccata - La quantità del prodotto deve essere stoccata - - - - - - - - - Solo sconto - Solo sconto - - - - - - - - - Solo scaduto - Solo scaduto - - - - - - - - - Codice del prodotto - Codice del prodotto - - - - - - - - - Quantità di inventario - Quantità di inventario - - - - - - - - - Mostra importo effettivo - Mostra importo effettivo - - - - - - - - - Mostra importo impegnato - Mostra importo impegnato - - - - - - - - - Mostra importo pianificato - Mostra importo pianificato - - - - - - - - - Mostra importo del margine pianificato - Mostra importo del margine pianificato - - - - - - - - - Mostra quantità pianificata - Mostra quantità pianificata - - - - - - - - - Tipo di entità - Tipo di entità - Dictionary Entity Type; determina la ownership e se può essere sincronizzato - The Entity Types "Dictionary", "Compiere" and "Application" might be automatically synchronized and customizations deleted or overwritten. - -For customizations, copy the entity and select "User"! - - - - - - - Importazione Campi - Importazione Campi - Crea campi dalle colonne della tabella - - - - - - - - Importazione Tabella - Importazione Tabella - - - - - - - - - Sincronizzare Database - Sincronizzare Database - Cambia la definizione della tabella quando viene modificata la definizione del dizionario dati - When selected, the database column definition is updated based on your entries in the Column definition of the Application Dictionary. - - - - - - - Fatture in fase di pagamento - Fatture in fase di pagameto - Debiti vs fornitori per fatture in fase di pagamento - - - - - - - - Cassa non riconciliata - Cassa non riconciliata - Pagamenti ricevuti ma non ancora catalogati - Receipts not allocated to Invoices - - - - - - - Trasferimenti - Trasferimento di cassa - Valore della valuta di cassa in trasferimento - Account for Invoices paid by cash - - - - - - - Abbinamento della fattura - Abbinamento della fattura - - - - - - - - - Abbinamento dell'ordine - Abbinamento dell'ordine - - - - - - - - - Cancellare i dati contabilizzati - Cancellare i dati contabilizzati - I conti selezionati saranno cancellati! PERICOLOSO!!! - - - - - - - - Parola chiave - Parola chiave - Case insensitive keyword - Case insensitive keyword for matching. If there are two words, both words must exist. - - - - - - - Avvertimento dopo i giorni di scaduto - Avvertimento giorni di scaduto - Invia un email di avvertimento dopo un numero di giorni di scaduto (0=no avvertimento) - Send an email alert after the item is overdue. If set to zero, no alert is sent. - - - - - - - Escalation dopo i giorni di scaduto - Escalation dopo i giorni di scaduto - - The item will be escalated and assigned to the supervisor after the number of days overdue. - - - - - - - Routing della richiesta - Routing della richiesta - Routing automatico delle richieste - - - - - - - - Email della richiesta - Email della richiesta - Indirizzo Email per mandare mails automatiche o ricevere email da per procesi automatici - EMails for requests, alerts and escalation are sent from this email address as well as delivery information if the sales rep does not have an email account. The address must be filly qualified (e.g. joe.smith@company.com) and should be a valid address. - - - - - - - Cartella della richiesta - Cartella della richiesta - Cartella in cui gestire le email in arrivo; se vuoto viene usato l'INBOX folder - Email folder used to read emails to process as requests, If left empty the default mailbox (INBOX) will be used. Requires IMAP services. - - - - - - - Utente della richiesta - Utente della richiesta - - EMail user name for requests, alerts and escalation are sent from this email address as well as delivery information if the sales rep does not have an email account. Required, if your mail server requires authentification as well as for processing incoming mails. - - - - - - - Password dell'utente della richiesta - Password dell'utente della richiesta - Password dell'utente (ID) per l'elaborazione email. - - - - - - - - Lingua consentita - Lingua consentita - Lingua consentita sulla base delle informazioni del browser - - - - - - - - Utente rappresentante - Utente rappresentante - Usato dal browser - - - - - - - - Tutti i nodi - Tutti i nodi - Tutti i nodi sono inclusi - - - - - - - - Sconto % del Break Point - Sconto % del Break Point - Sconto in percentuale per il price break - Sconto commerciale in percentuale per il break point. - - - - - - - Valore del Break Point - Valore del Break Point - Valore minimo per lo sconto - Quantità minima o Importo minmo per lo sconto. - - - - - - - Livello cumulativo - Livello cumulativo - Livello per calcoli cumulativi - - - - - - - - Tipo di sconto - Tipo di sconto - Tipo di calcolo dello sconto commerciale - Tipo di Sconto utilizzato per calcolare la percentuale dello sconto commerciale. - - - - - - - Sconto Piatto % - Sconto Piatto % - Sconto Piatto % - - - - - - - - Basato sulla quantità - Basato sulla quantità - Break point per lo sconto commerciale è basato sulla quantità (non l'importo) - Il calcolo dello sconto commerciale è basato sulla quantità dell'ordine e non sull'importo dell'ordine. - - - - - - - Schema dello Sconto - Schema dello sconto - Schema per il calcolo della percentuale dello sconto commerciale - Dopo il calcolo del prezzo (standard), la percentuale dello sconto commerciale i calcolato ed applicato per arrivare al prezzo finale. - - - - - - - Break Point Schema dello Sconto - Break Point Schema dello Sconto - Break Point Schema dello Sconto - Sconto commerciale basato sui break points (passi) - - - - - - - Listino Prezzi Scontato - Listino Prezzi Scontato - Riga dello schema sconto commerciale listino prezzi - Per il tipo sconto listino prezzi, si imposta come il prezzo listino, prezzo standard, e prezzo limite saranno calcolati. - - - - - - - Schema dello Sconto dell'Ordine di Acquisto - Schema dello sconto dell'Ordine di Acquisto - Schema per calcolare lo sconto commerciale (in percentuale) per gli acquisti. - - - - - - - - Script - Script - Script Java dinamico per il calcolo del risultato - Utilizzare Java language constructs per definire il calcolo. - - - - - - - Immagine Alpha - Immagine Alpha - - Composite Alpha factor for taint color. - - - - - - - Immagine URL - Immagine URL - URL della immagine - URL della immagine; La immagine non è archiviato nel database, ma invece ritrovato al runtime. La immagine può essere gif, jpeg o png. - - - - - - - Distanza della Ripetizione - Distanza della Ripetizione - Distanza in punti per ripetere il gradiente dei colori - o zero - Se il valore è 0, il colore gradiente non è ripetuto. La distanza è aggiunto a (o subtracted da) il punto di partenza del gradiente. - - - - - - - Punto di Partenza - Punto di Partenza - Punto di partneza per il gradiente dei colori - Il punto di partneza per il gradiente (e.s. Nord). La distanza di ripetizione determine se e quanto spesso i colori del gradiente sono ripetuti. Se si inizia dai punti dal sud, i colore superiore è attualmente al bottone. - - - - - - - Conteggio statistico - Conteggio statistico - Statistici interni su quanto speso è stato utilizzato l'entità. - Per uso interno. - - - - - - - Secondi statistici - Secondi statistici - Statistici interni su quanti secondi ha richiesto un processo per la sua elaborazione. - Per uso interno. - - - - - - - Livello della Tab - Livello della Tab - - Hierarchical level of the tab. If the level is 0, it is the top entity. Level 1 entries are dependent on level 0, etc. - - - - - - - Valore del Costo Standard - Valore del Costo Standard - Valore nei costi standard - - - - - - - - Data di Conalida - Data di Convalida - Data di valutazione - - - - - - - - Valore del prezzo limite - Valore del prezzo limite - Valore del prezzo limite - - - - - - - - Valore Listino Prezzi - Valore Listino Prezzi - Valutazione con listino prezzi - - - - - - - - Valore Prezzo Ordine di Acquisto - Valore Prezzo Ordine di Acquisto - Valutazione con Prezzo Ordine di Acquisto - - - - - - - - Valore del Prezzo Standard - Valore del Prezzo Standard - Valutazione con Prezzo Standard - - - - - - - - Costo medio - Costo medio - Importi del costo medio cumulativo - Costi cumulativi per il calcolo dei costi medi. - - - - - - - Tot. Costo Medio - Tot. Costo Medio - Quantità del costo medio cumulativo - Current cumulative quantity for calculating the average costs - - - - - - - Tot. Costo std - Tot. Costo std - Somma dell'importo del costo std - Current cumulative amount for calculating the standard cost difference based on (actual) invoice price - - - - - - - Tot. costo std - Tot. costo std - Somma della qtà del costo std - Current cumulative quantity for calculating the standard cost difference based on (actual) invoice price - - - - - - - Tot. Costo dell'OdA std - Tot. Costo dell'OdA std - Somma dell'importo del costo dell'OdA std - Current cumulative amount for calculating the standard cost difference based on (planned) purchase order price - - - - - - - Tot. Costo dell'OdA std - Tot. Costo dell'OdA std - Somma della qtà del costo dell'OdA std - Current cumulative quantity for calculating the standard cost difference based on (planned) purchase order price - - - - - - - ID della Riga - ID della Riga - ID della riga della transazione (interno) - collegamento interno - - - - - - - Compensazione varianza prezzo acquisto-costi - Compensazione varianza prezzo acquisto-costi - - Offset account for standard costing purchase price variances. The counter account is Product PPV. - - - - - - - Prezzo Ultima Fattura - Prezzo Ultima Fattura - Prezzo della fattura ultima per il prodotto - Il Prezzo ultima Fattura indica l'ultimo prezzo pagato (per la fattura) per questo prodotto. - - - - - - - Totale Fattura - Totale fattura - Importo totale cumulativo fatturato - The cumulative total lifetime invoice amount is used to calculate the total average price - - - - - - - Quantità totale della fattura - Quantità totale della fattura - Quantità totale cumulativa fatturata - The cumulative total lifetime invoice quantity is used to calculate the total average price - - - - - - - Sconto calcolato per l'importo di ciascuna riga - Sconto calcolato per l'importo di ciascuna riga - - If the payment discount is calculated from line amounts only, the tax and charge amounts are not included. This is e.g. business practice in the US. If not selected the total invoice amount is used to calculate the payment discount. - - - - - - - Prezzo limite fissato - Prezzo limite fissato - - - - - - - - - Prezzo di Listino Fisso - Prezzo di listino fisso - Fissare il Prezzo del listino (non calcolato) - - - - - - - - Prezzo standard fisso - Prezzo standard fisso - Fissare il Prezzo standard (non calcolato) - - - - - - - - Impostare i Costi Futuri - Impostare i costi futuri - Impostare i costi future alla selezione - - - - - - - - Impostare Costo Standard - Impostare Costo standard - Impostare nuovi costi standard dai costi futuri - - - - - - - - Differenza Costo Standard - Fattura - Differenza Costo Standard - Fattura - Differenza Costo Standard - Fattura - La Differenza Accumolata tra i costi della fattura e i costi standard. - - - - - - - Differenza standard del costo in OdA - Differenza standard del costo in OdA - - Accumulated difference of Purchase Order Costs to Standard Costs - - - - - - - Costo totale della fattura - Costo totale della fattura - - - - - - - - - Messaggio - Messaggio - Messaggio del sistema - Messaggi di informazione e di errori - - - - - - - Frazioni dell'UdM Consentite - Frazioni dell'UdM Consentite - Consentite le frazioni di unità di misura - Se è permessa si può immettere le frazioni dell'unità di misura - - - - - - - Assegnare Da - Assegnare Da - Data dell'inizio per la assegnazione di una risorsa - Inizio dell'impegno - - - - - - - Assegnare A - Assegnare A - Assegnare una risora fino a - Fine dell'impegno - - - - - - - Data della Spesa - Data della Spesa - Data della spesa - Data della Spesa - - - - - - - Data del report - Data del report - Data del report Ore/Spese - Data del report Ore/Spese - - - - - - - Fine intervallo - Fine intervallo - Ora in cui un intervallo finisce - Ora in cui un intervallo finisce - - - - - - - Inizio intervallo - Inizio intervallo - Ora in cui un intervallo parte - Ora in cui un intervallo parte - - - - - - - Importo della Spesa - Importo della Spesa - Importo per questa spesa - Importo della spese in valuta - - - - - - - Disponibile - Disponibile - La risorsa è disponibile - La Risorsa è disponibile per assegnazioni. - - - - - - - Confermato - Confermato - L'assegnazione è confermata - L'assegnazione della risorsa è confermata. - - - - - - - Intervallo di giorni - Intervallo di giorni - La risorsa ha giorni di disponibilità - La risorsa è disponibile solo per certi giorni. - - - - - - - Ora del Report - Ora del Report - La Riga è solo un immessione del tempo (nessua spesa) - La riga contiene solo informazione del tempo. - - - - - - - Intervallo di tempo - Intervallo di tempo - - La risorsa è disponbile solo a certi tempi. - - - - - - - Venerdì - Venerdì - Disponibile i venerdì - - - - - - - - Lunedì - Lunedì - Disponibile i lunedì - - - - - - - - Sabato - Sabato - Disponibile i sabato - - - - - - - - Domenica - Domenica - Disponibile le domeniche - - - - - - - - Giovedì - Giovedì - Disponibile i giovedì - - - - - - - - Martedì - Martedì - Disponibile i martedì - - - - - - - - Mercoledì - Mercoledì - Disponibile i vmercoledì - - - - - - - - Tipo di spesa - Tipo di spesa - - - - - - - - - Risorsa - Risorsa - Risorsa - - - - - - - - Assegnazione della Risorsa - Assegnazione della Risorsa - Assegnazione della Risorsa - - - - - - - - Tipo Risorsa - Tipo Risorsa - - - - - - - - - Indisponibilità della risorsa - Indisponibilità della risorsa - - - - - - - - - Report Ore e Spese - Report Ore e Spese - Report Ore e Spese - - - - - - - - Riga della spesa - Riga della spesa - Riga del report ore e spese - - - - - - - - Solo attribuzione singola - Solo attribuzione singola - - - - - - - - - Colonna ordine - Colonna ordine - Colonna che determina l'ordine - Integer Column of the table determining the order (display, sort, ..) - - - - - - - Colonna inclusa - Colonna inclusa - Colonna determinante se una colona di una tabella è inclusa nell'ordine - If a Included Column is defined, it decides, if a column is active in the ordering - otherwise it is determined that the Order Column has a value of one or greater - - - - - - - Colore della stampa - Colore della stampa - Colore usato per la stampatura - Colori usate per la stampatura - - - - - - - Carattere della stampa - Carattere della stampa - - Font used for printing - - - - - - - Formato di stampa - Formato di stampa - Formato di stampa dei dati - The print format determines how data is rendered for print. - - - - - - - Formato di stampa incluso - Formato di stampa incluso - - Included Print formats allow to e.g. Lines to Header records. The Column provides the parent link. - - - - - - - Elemento del formato di stampa - Elemento del formato di stampa - - Item/Column in the print format maintaining layout information - - - - - - - Carta di stampa - Carta di stampa - - Printer Paper Size, Orientation and Margins - - - - - - - Allineamento del campo - Allineamento del campo - - Alignment of field text. The default is determined by the data/display type: Numbers are right aligned, other data is left aligned - - - - - - - Creare copia - Creare copia - - - - - - - - - Margine - Margine - - Distance from the bottom of the main content to the end of the printable page in 1/72 of an inch (point) - - - - - - - Margine della testata - Margine della testata - - Distance from the top of the printable page to the start of the main content in 1/72 of an inch (point) - - - - - - - Modulo - Modulo - - A form has individual elements with layout information (example: invoice, check) -<br> -A columnar list report has individual columns (example: list of invoices) - - - - - - - Raggruppato da - Raggruppato da - dopo il cambio di gruppo sono stampati i totali o altre informazioni - Grouping allows to print sub-totals. If a group changes, the totals are printed. Group by columns need to be included in the sort order. - - - - - - - Solo online - Solo online - - Se la colonna ha una limitazione di larghezza, il testo è separato in più linee. Se una linea è selezionata, solo la prima linea è stampata. - - - - - - - Orizzontale - Orizzontale - - - - - - - - - Riga successiva - Riga successiva - - If not selected, the item is printed on the same line - - - - - - - Ordinato da - Ordinato da - - The records are ordered by the value of this column. If a column is used for grouping, it needs to be included in the sort order as well. - - - - - - - Posizione relativo - Posizione relativo - - The relative positioning of the item is determined by X-Z space and next line - - - - - - - Tab ordine - Tab ordine - - - - - - - - - Standard Header/Footer - Standard Header/Footer - - If the standard header is not used, it must be explicitly defined. - - - - - - - Basato sulla tabella - Basato sulla tabella - - Table based columnar list reporting is invoked from the Window Report button - - - - - - - Altezza massima - Altezza massima - - Maximum height of the element in 1/72 of an inch (point). If zero (0), there is no height restriction. - - - - - - - Larghezza massima - Larghezza massima - - Maximum width of the element in 1/72 of an inch (point). If zero (0), there is no width restriction. - - - - - - - Posizione X - Posizione X - Posizione X (orizzontale) assoluta in 1/72 di pollice - Absolute X (horizontal) position in 1/72 of an inch - - - - - - - Spazio X - Spazio X - - Relative X (horizontal) space in 1/72 of an inch in relation to the end of the previous item. - - - - - - - Posizione Y - Posizione Y - Posizione Y (verticale) assoluta in 1/72 di pollice - Absolute Y (vertical) position in 1/72 of an inch - - - - - - - Spazio Y - Spazio Y - - Relative Y (vertical) space in 1/72 of an inch in relation to the end of the previous item. - - - - - - - Allineamento riga - Allineamento riga - - For relative positioning, the line alignment - - - - - - - Area - Area - Area di stampa - Print area of this item - - - - - - - Tipo di formato - Tipo di formato - - The print format type determines what will be printed. - - - - - - - Prezzo in fattura - Prezzo in fattura - - Unit Price in the currency of the business partner! If it is 0, the standard price of the sales price list of the business partner (customer) is used. - - - - - - - Sopra/Sotto Pagamento - Sopra/Sotto Pagamento - - Overpayments (negative) are unallocated amounts and allow you to receive money for more than the particular invoice. -Underpayments (positive) is a partial payment for the invoice. You do not write off the unpaid amount. - - - - - - - Importo del Sopra/Sotto Pagamento - Importo del Sopra/Sotto Pagamento - - Overpayments (negative) are unallocated amounts and allow you to receive money for more than the particular invoice. -Underpayments (positive) is a partial payment for the invoice. You do not write off the unpaid amount. - - - - - - - Formato di stampa dell'assegno - Formato di stampa dell'assegno - Formato di stampa per la stampa di assegni - You need to define a Print Format to print the document. - - - - - - - Formato di stampa del sollecito - Formato di stampa del sollecito - - You need to define a Print Format to print the document. - - - - - - - Formato di stampa della fattura - Formato di stampa della fattura - - You need to define a Print Format to print the document. - - - - - - - Formato di stampa ordine - Formato di stampa ordine - - You need to define a Print Format to print the document. - - - - - - - Formato di stampa della rimessa - Formato di stampa della rimessa - - You need to define a Print Format to print the document. - - - - - - - Formato di stampa della spedizione - Formato di stampa della spedizione - - You need to define a Print Format to print the document. - - - - - - - Prefisso - Prefisso - Codice del prefisso di area - Phone Area Code - - - - - - - Città - Città - Indentifica una città - City in a country - - - - - - - Coordinate - Coordinate - Coordinate della location - This column contains the geographical coordinates (latitude/longitude) of the location.<p> -In order to avoid unnecessary use of non-standard characters and space, the following standard presentation is used:<br> -0000N 00000W 0000S 00000E <br> -where the two last digits refer to minutes and the two or three first digits indicate the degrees - - - - - - - - Locode - Locode - - UN/Locode is a combination of a 2-character country code and a 3-character location code, e.g. BEANR is known as the city of Antwerp (ANR) which is located in Belgium (BE). -<p>See: http://www.unece.org/cefact/locode/service/main.htm - - - - - - - Immagine allegata - Immagine allegata - - The image to be printed is stored in the database as attachment to this record. The image can be a gif, jpeg or png. - - - - - - - Calcolo media - Media - Calcola la media di un contenuto numerico o di una lunghezza di una string - Calculate the average of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise calculate the average length of the field. - - - - - - - Calcolo numero di elementi - Conteggio - Conta il numero degli elementi non vuoti - Calculate the total number of not empty (NULL) elements (maximum is the number of lines). - - - - - - - Importo in lettere - Importo in lettere - Importo in lettere - Amount in words will be printed. - - - - - - - Titolo del contatto del BP - Titolo del contatto del BP - Titolo per il contatto del Business Partner - - - - - - - - Titolo del BP - Titolo del BP - Titolo per il Business Partner - - - - - - - - Nome del contatto - Nome del contatto - Nome del contatto del Business Partner - - - - - - - - Tipo documento - Tipo documento - Tipo documento o regola - - - - - - - - Nota del tipo documento - Nota del tipo documento - - - - - - - - - Documento multi lingua - Documento multi lingua - I documenti sono multi lingua - If selected, you enable multi lingual documents and need to maintain translations for entities used in documents (examples: Products, Payment Terms, ...).<br> -Please note, that the base language is always English. - - - - - - - Selezionare posizione NL - Selezionare posizione NL - - When enabled, the current x (horizontal) Position before printing the item is saved. The next New Line will use the saved x (horizontal) Position, enabling to print data in columns. -The setting is not restricted to an area (header, content, footer), allowing to align information also with Header and Footer with the Content. - - - - - - - Nascondere valori nulli - Nascondere valori nulli - - If a Form entry is NULL and if selected, the field (including label) is not printed. <br> -If all elements in a table column are NULL and if selected, the column is not printed. - - - - - - - Termini del Pagamento - Termini del Pagamento - Termini del Pagamento - - - - - - - - Nota dei termini del pagamento - Nota dei termini del pagamento - - - - - - - - - Descrizione della Risorsa - Descrizione della Risorsa - - - - - - - - - Credito disponibile - Credito disponibile - Credito disponibile - - - - - - - - Grafico - Grafico - - Pie/Line Graph to be printed in Reports - - - - - - - Formato tabella di stampa - Formato tabella di stampa - - Print Table Format determines Fonts, Colors of the printed Table - - - - - - - Sotto Colonna - Sotto Colonna - Stampa questa colonna sotto la colonna indice inserita - This column is printed in a second line below the content of the first line identified. Please be aware, that this is depends on the actual sequence. Enter a 1 to add the info below the first column. - - - - - - - Colonna dati 2 - Colonna dati 2 - Colonna dati per grafici a linea - Additional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar Charts - - - - - - - Colonna dati 3 - Colonna dati 3 - Colonna dati per grafici a linea - Additional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar Charts - - - - - - - Colonna dati 4 - Colonna dati 4 - Colonna dati per grafici a linea - Additional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar Charts - - - - - - - Colonna dati 5 - Colonna dati 5 - Colonna dati per grafici a linea - Additional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar Charts - - - - - - - Colonna dati - Colonna dati - Colonna dati per grafici a torta o a linea - Graph Data Column for Pie and Line/Bar Charts - - - - - - - Colonna della descrizione - Colonna della descrizione - Colonna di descrizione per grafici a torta/linea/barre - Graph Description Column for Pie and Line/Bar Charts - - - - - - - Funzione font - Funzione font - - Font of the function row - - - - - - - Funzione colore BG - Funzione colore BG - - Background color of a function row - - - - - - - Funzione colore - Funzione colore - - Foreground color of a function row - - - - - - - Tipo di grafico - Tipo di grafico - - Type of graph to be painted - - - - - - - Font della riga di testata - Font della riga di testata - - Font of the table header row - - - - - - - Colore della riga di testata - Colore della riga di testata - - Color of the table header row lines - - - - - - - Colore BG della riga di testata - Colore BG della riga di testata - Colore di sfondo delle righe di testata - Table header row background color - - - - - - - Colore della riga di testata - Colore della riga di testata - - Table header row foreground color - - - - - - - Linee di confine della pittura - Linee di confine della pittura - - Paint lines around table - - - - - - - Linee H pittura - Linee H pittura - - Paint horizontal table lines - - - - - - - Linee V pittura - Linee V pittura - - Paint vertical table lines - - - - - - - Simboli della funzione di stampa - Simboli della funzione di stampa - - If selected, print symbols - otherwise print names of the function - - - - - - - Colore della riga - Colore della riga - - - - - - - - - Indirizzo Org - Indirizzo Org - - - - - - - - - Area Stoccaggio del Magazzino - Area Stoccaggio del magazzino - - Area Stoccaggio del Magazzino - - - - - - - BP Chiave di ricerca - N. cliente - Valore chiave del Business Partner - Search Key of Business Partner - - - - - - - Larghezza fissa - Larghezza fissa - La colonna ha una larghezza fissa - The Column has a fixed width, independent from the content - - - - - - - Pagina successiva - Pagina successiva - - Before printing this column, there will be a page break. - - - - - - - Elaborazione del sollecito - Elaborazione del sollecito - Data funzionamento procedura di sollecito - - - - - - - - Inserimento elaborazione del sollecito - Inserimento elaborazione del sollecito - Dunning Run Entry - - - - - - - - Riga elaborazione del sollecito - Riga elaborazione del sollecito - Dunning Run Line - - - - - - - - Controllo selezione pagamenti - Controllo selezione pagamenti - - - - - - - - - Data del sollecito - Data del sollecito - Data di sollecito - - - - - - - - Bene Gestito - Bene Gestito - Bene Gestito - An asset is either created by purchasing or by delivering a product. An asset can be used internally or be a customer asset. - - - - - - - Responsabile Commerciale - Responsabile Commerciale - - - - - Company Agent - Company Agent - - - Margine inferiore - Inferiore - Spazio dal fondo in 1/72 di pollice - Space on bottom of a page in 1/72 inch - - - - - - - Margine sinistro - Margine sinistro - - Space on left side of a page in 1/72 inch - - - - - - - Margine destro - Margine destro - - Space on right side of a page in 1/72 inch - - - - - - - Margine alto - Margine alto - - Space on top of a page in 1/72 inch - - - - - - - Nascita - Nascita - Data del compleanno o dell'anniversario - Birthday or Anniversary day - - - - - - - Data di cancellazione - Data di cancellazione - Data in cui il contatto ha cancellato la sottoscrizione - If the field has a date, the customer opted out (unsubscribed) and cannot receive mails for the Interest Area - - - - - - - Area interessi - Area interessi - - Interest Areas reflect interest in a topic by a contact. Interest areas can be used for marketing campaigns. - - - - - - - Tipo di Richiesta - Tipo di Richiesta - - Request Types are used for processing and categorizing requests. Options are Account Inquiry, Warranty Issue, etc. - - - - - - - Approvare la Data - Approvare la Data - Data in cui il contatto è stato attivamente sottoscritto - Date the contact subscribe the interest area - - - - - - - Email User ID - Email User ID - - The user name in the mail system is usually the string before the @ of your email address. Required if the mail server requires authentification to send emails. - - - - - - - Email User Password - Email User Password - - Required if the mail server requires authentification to send emails. - - - - - - - Autenticazione SMTP - Autenticazione SMTP - - Some email servers require authentification before sending emails. If yes, users are required to define their email user name and password. If authentification is required and no user name and password is required, delivery will fail. - - - - - - - Tipo di prodotto - Tipo di prodotto - - The type of product also determines accounting consequences. - - - - - - - Sistema - Sistema - - Common System Definition - - - - - - - ID Partner - ID Partner - - - - - - - - - Nome Utente - Nome Utente - - The responsible person for the system - - - - - - - ID Fornitore - ID Fornitore - - - - - - - - - Riferimento OdA/OdV - Riferimento OdA/OdV - Riferimento alla corrispondente OdA/OdV - Riferimento della riga dell'ordine di vendita alla riga corrispondente dell'ordine di acquisto o vice versa. - - - - - - - Chiave del Business partner - Chiave del Business partner - La Key del Business Partner - - - - - - - - Descrizione del contatto - Descrizione del contatto - Descrizione del contatto - - - - - - - - Conto di default - Conto di default - Nome della colonna del conto di default - - - - - - - - Nome dell'elemento - Nome dell'elemento - - - - - - - - - Chiave dell'elemento - Chiave dell'elemento - - - - - - - - - Importazione Business Partner - Importazione Business Partner - - - - - - - - - Importazione Conto - Importazione Conto - - - - - - - - - Importazione Prodotti - Importazione Prodotti - - - - - - - - - Importazione Insieme delle righe del report - Importazione Insieme delle righe del report - - - - - - - - - Azienda produttrice - Azienda produttrice - - - - - - - - - Categoria chiave del prodotto - Categoria chiave del prodotto - - - - - - - - - Nome del set di righe del report - Nome del set di righe del report - - - - - - - - - Commissione/Royalty - Commissione/Royalty - (Incluso) ammontare per il copyright, ecc. - - - - - - - - URL della descrizione - URL della descrizione - URL per la descrizione - - - - - - - - Cancellare i vecchi dati importati - Cancellare i vecchi dati importati - Prima di procedere cancella i vecchi record precedentemente importati - - - - - - - - Chiave di raggruppamento - Chiave di raggruppamento - Chiave del gruppo di business prtners - - - - - - - - Conto padre - Conto padre - - - - - - - - - Chiave padre - Chiave padre - - - - - - - - - Aggiornare conti di default - Aggiornare conti di default - - - - - - - - - Creare nuova combinazione - Creare nuova combinazione - Combinazione per la creazione di un nuovo conto - - - - - - - - Consegna del Bene - Consegna del Bene - Consegna del Bene - The availability of the asset to the business partner (customer). - - - - - - - Gruppo Bene Gestito - Gruppo Bene Gestito - Gruppo di Bene Gestito - The group of assets determines default accounts. If an asset group is selected in the product category, assets are created when delivering the asset. - - - - - - - Smobilizzo del Bene - Smobilizzo del Bene - Un bene usato internamente non sarà più in uso - - - - - - - - Data Ammortamento del Bene - Data Ammortamento delBbene - Data dell'Ultimo Ammortamento - Date of the last deprecation, if the asset is used internally and depreciated. - - - - - - - Data di Cessione del Bene - Data di Cessione del Bene - Data in cui il Bene è/è stato ceduto - - - - - - - - Importo valore di mercato - Importo valore di mercato - - For reporting, the market value of the asset - - - - - - - Data entrata in funzione - Data entrata in funzione - Data di messa in servizio di questo asset - The date when the asset was put into service - usually used as start date for depreciation. - - - - - - - Valore del Bene - Valore del Bene - Valore originario del bene - - - - - - - - Data Garanzia - Data Garanzia - Data di scadenza della garanzia - Date when the normal guarantee or availability expires - - - - - - - Giorni di garanzia - Giorni di garanzia - - If the value is 0, there is no limit to the availability or guarantee, otherwise the guarantee date is calculated by adding the days to the delivery date. - - - - - - - Svalutare - Svalutare - L'asset sarà deprezzato - The asset is used internally and will be depreciated - - - - - - - Venduto - Venduto - - The asset is no longer used and disposed - - - - - - - Data acquisto - Data acquisto - - Assets which are not in possession are e.g. at Customer site and may or may not be owned by the company. - - - - - - - Di proprietà - Di proprietà - - The asset may not be in possession, but the asset is legally owned by the organization - - - - - - - Vita residua - Vita residua - - Life use and the actual use may be used to calculate the depreciation - - - - - - - Commento Locatore - Commento Locatore - Comenti o osservazioni aggiuntive riguardanti il locatore - - - - - - - - Classe del corso - Classe del corso - - A scheduled class - - - - - - - Corso - Corso - - The training may have multiple actual classes - - - - - - - Vita utile - Mesi - Vita utile - Mesi - - - - - - - - - Vita utile - Anni - Vita utile - Anni - - - - - - - - - Utilizzare unità - Utilizzare unità - Unità correntemente usate del conto - - - - - - - - Versione n. - Versione n. - - - - - - - - - Conferma spedizione - Conferma spedizione - Email di conferma spedizione - - - - - - - - Interamente svautato - Interamente svautato - - The asset costs are fully amortized. - - - - - - - ID messaggio - ID messaggio - EMail Message ID - SMTP Message ID for tracking purposes - - - - - - - Email PDF - Email PDF - - - - - - - - - Col_1 - Col_1 - - - - - - - - - Col_2 - Col_2 - - - - - - - - - Col_3 - Col_3 - - - - - - - - - Col_4 - Col_4 - - - - - - - - - Col_5 - Col_5 - - - - - - - - - Col_6 - Col_6 - - - - - - - - - Col_7 - Col_7 - - - - - - - - - Col_8 - Col_8 - - - - - - - - - Col_9 - Col_9 - - - - - - - - - Col_10 - Col_10 - - - - - - - - - Col_11 - Col_11 - - - - - - - - - Col_12 - Col_12 - - - - - - - - - Col_13 - Col_13 - - - - - - - - - Col_14 - Col_14 - - - - - - - - - Col_15 - Col_15 - - - - - - - - - Col_16 - Col_16 - - - - - - - - - Col_17 - Col_17 - - - - - - - - - Col_18 - Col_18 - - - - - - - - - Col_19 - Col_19 - - - - - - - - - Col_20 - Col_20 - - - - - - - - - Directory del documento - Directory del documento - Directory per i documenti dall'application server - Directory to store documents by the application server. The path/directory is accessed by the application server and may not be accessible to clients. - - - - - - - Testo dell'email per fattura - Testo dell'email per fattura - - Standard email template used to send invoices as attachments. - - - - - - - Testo della email per l'ordine - Testo della email per l'ordine - - Standard email template used to send acknowledgements or quotations as attachments. - - - - - - - Testo della email per la rimessa - Testo della email per la rimessa - - Standard email template used to send remittances as attachments. - - - - - - - Inviare Email - Inviare Email - - Send emails with document attached (e.g. Invoice, Delivery Note, etc.) - - - - - - - Testo della email per la spedizione - Testo della email per la spedizione - - Standard email template used to send delivery notes as attachments. - - - - - - - Mail di garanzia scaduta - Mail di garanzia scaduta - Mail di garanzia scaduta - Mail di garanzia scaduta - - - - - - - IsRecreate - IsRecreate - - - - - - - - - Livello n. - Livello n. - - - - - - - - - Fonti listino - Fonti listino - - List also the Report Line Sources - - - - - - - Transazioni listino - Transazioni listino - - List the transaction of the report source lines - - - - - - - Col_0 - Col_0 - - - - - - - - - Saldo - Saldo - - - - - - - - - Suffisso dell'etichetta di stampa - Suffisso dell'etichetta di stampa - - The Label to be printed indicates the name that will be printed on a document or correspondence after the field. The max length is 60 characters. - - - - - - - Nazione Contabile - Nazione - Nazione - Nome Nazione Contabile - - - - - - - Web Parameter 1 - WebParam1 - Web Site Parameter 1 - The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam1 - - - - - - - Web Parameter 2 - WebParam2 - Web Site Parameter 2 - The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam2 - - - - - - - Web Parameter 3 - WebParam3 - Web Site Parameter 3 - The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam3 - - - - - - - Web Parameter 4 - WebParam 4 - Web Site Parameter 4 - The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam4 - - - - - - - Web Order EMail - Web Order EMail - EMail address to receive notifications when web orders were processed - When processig a web order, a confirmation is sent to the EMail addess of the customer from the request EMail address copying this email address when entered. - - - - - - - Programmazione Pagamento Fattura - Programmazione Pagamento Fattura - Programmazione Pagamento Fattura - The Invoice Payment Schedule determines when partial payments are due. - - - - - - - Programma Pagamento - Programma Pagamento - Payment Schedule Template - Information when parts of the payment are due - - - - - - - Counter - Counter - Count Value - Number counter - - - - - - - Data dello Sconto - Data dello Sconto - Ultimo Giorno disponibile per il pagamento per usufruire dello sconto - Last Date where a deduction of the payment discount is allowed - - - - - - - Importo Dovuto - Importo Dovuto - Amount of the payment due - Full amount of the payment due - - - - - - - Data Dovuto - Data Dovuto - Date when the payment is due - Date when the payment is due without deductions or discount - - - - - - - Valido - Valido - Elemento è valido - The element passed the validation check - - - - - - - Giorno Netto - Giorno Netto - Day when payment is due net - When defined, overwrites the number of net days with the relative number of days to the the day defined. - - - - - - - Percentuale - Percentuale - Percent of the entire amount - Percentage of an amount (up to 100) - - - - - - - Target URL - Target URL - URL for the Target - URL of the Target Site - - - - - - - Linea Carrello - Linea Carrello - Linea Carrello - Temporary Web Basket Line - - - - - - - Web Click - Web Click - Individual Web Click - Web Click Datails - - - - - - - Conteggio Click - Conteggio Click - Web Click Management - Web Click Management - - - - - - - Counter Count - Counter Count - Web Counter Count Management - Web Counter Information - - - - - - - Moltiplicatore Fatt. Acquisto - Moltiplicatore Fatt. Acquisto - - - - - - - - - Data Garanzia - Imp. esente - Costituisce l'importo dell'ammontare esente di una particolare aliquota - - - - - - - - Attributo di Istanza - Attributo di Istanza - - - - - - - - - Lotto - Tassa indeducibile - - - - - - - - - Numero di serie - Numero di serie - - - - - - - - - Attributo - Scorpora ammontare indeducibile - - - - - - - - - Serie di Attributi - Serie di Attributi - L'insieme degli attributi del prodotto - - - - - - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - The values of the actual Product Attributes - - - - - - - Valore Attributo - Valore Attributo - Product Attribute Value - Individual value of a product attribute (e.g. green, large, ..) - - - - - - - Lotto - Lotto - Lotto del prodotto - Il lotto di un Prodotto - - - - - - - Controllo per Lotto - Controllo per Lotto - Product Lot Control - Definition to create Lot numbers for Products - - - - - - - Controllo per Numero di Serie - Controllo per Numero di Serie - Product Serial Number Control - Definition to create Serial numbers for Products - - - - - - - Ricerca per Attributo - Ricerca per Attributo - Attributo per ricerche comuni - Attributes are specific to a Product Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple attributes and want to search under a common sttribute, you define a search sttribute. Example: have one Size search attribute combining the values of all different sizes (Size for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The Attribute Search allows you to have all values available for selection. This eases the maintenance of the individual product attribute. - - - - - - - Tab Incluso - Tab Incluso - Included Tab in this Tab (Master Dateail) - You can include a Tab in a Tab. If displayed in single row record, the included tab is displayed as multi-row table. - - - - - - - Etichetta di Stampa - Etichetta di Stampa - Label Format to print - Format for printing Labels - - - - - - - Linea Etichetta di Stampa - Linea Etichetta di Stampa - Print Label Line Format - Format of the line on a Label - - - - - - - Sessione - Sessione - User Session Online or Web - Online or Web Session Information - - - - - - - Tipo Distinta Base - Tipo Distinta Base - Tipo Distinta Base - Type of Bill of Materials - - - - - - - Padre del Partner - Padre del Partner - Business Partner Parent - The parent (organization) of the Business Partner for reporting purposes. - - - - - - - Fase Standard - Fase Standard - Standard Phase of the Project Type - Phase of the project with standard performance information with standard work - - - - - - - Tipo Progetto - Tipo Progetto - Tipo del progetto - Type of the project with optional phases of the project with standard performance information - - - - - - - Documento Ricorrente - Documento Ricorrente - Documento Ricorrente - Recurring Documents - - - - - - - Elaborazione Ricorso - Elaborazione Ricorso - Recurring Document Run - History of Recurring Document Generation - - - - - - - Quantità Impegnata - Quantità Impegnata - The (legal) commitment Quantity - The commitment amount is independent from the planned amount. You would use the planned amount for your realistic estimation, which might be higher or lower than the commitment amount. - - - - - - - Copiare Da - Copiare Da - Copy From Record - Copy From Record - - - - - - - Download URL - Download URL - URL of the Download files - Semicolon separated list of URLs to be downloaded or distributed - - - - - - - Partner Consegna Diretta - Partner Consegna Diretta - Business Partner for Drop Shipment - - - - - - - - Indirizzo Consegna Diretta - Indirizzo Consegna Diretta - Business Partner Shipment Location for Drop Shipment - - - - - - - - Contatto Consegna Diretta - Contatto Consegna Diretta - Business Partner Contact for Drop Shipment - - - - - - - - Generare Ordine - Generare Ordine - Generare Ordine - - - - - - - - Importazione Inventario - Importazione Inventario - Imporatazione delle transazioni di inventario - - - - - - - - Importo Fatturato - Importo Fatturato - L'Importo Fatturato - L'Importo Fatturato - - - - - - - Quantità Fatturata - Quantità Fatturata - La Quantità Fatturata - - - - - - - - Viene mantenuto il Log delle modifiche - Viene mantenuto il Log delle modifiche - Gestisce un log delle modifiche - Se selezionato viene gestito un log di tutte le modifiche - - - - - - - - Completato - Completato - It is complete - Indication that this is complete - - - - - - - Tipo Formato dell'Etichetta - Tipo Formato dell'Etichetta - Tipo Formato dell'Etichetta - - - - - - - - Altezza dell'Etichetta - Altezza dell'Etichetta - Altezza dell'Etichetta - Altezza fisica dell'etichetta. - - - - - - - Larghezza dell'Etichetta - Larghezza dell'Etichetta - Larghezza dell'Etichetta - Larghezza fisica dell'etichetta - - - - - - - Nome Stampante - Nome Stampante - Nome dello Stampante - Internal (Opereating System) Name of the Printer; Please mote that the printer name may be different on different clients. Enter a printer name, which applies to ALL clients (e.g. printer on a server). <p> -If none is entered, the default printer is used. You specify your default printer when you log in. You can also change the default printer in Preferences. - - - - - - - Testo Email del Progetto - Testo Email del Progetto - Testo email standard per gli email del progetto - Testo email standard per gli email del progetto - - - - - - - Formato di Stampa Progetto - Formato di Stampa Progetto - Formato di stampa standard del progetto - Formato di stampa standard del progetto - - - - - - - Saldo del Progetto - Saldo del Progetto - Saldo totale del progetto - The project balance is the sum of all invoices and payments - - - - - - - Tipo di Ricorso - Tipo di Ricorso - Type of Recurring Document - The type of document to be generated - - - - - - - Elaborazioni Massime - Elaborazioni Massime - Number of recurring runs - Number of recurring documents to be generated in total - - - - - - - Elaborazioni da Fare - Elaborazioni da Fare - Number of recurring runs remaining - Number of recurring documents to be still generated - - - - - - - Quantità Standard - Quantità Standard - Quantità Standard - - - - - - - - Sessione Web - Sessione Web - Web Session ID - - - - - - - - Log di modifica - Log di modifica - Log of data changes - Log of data changes - - - - - - - Advertisement Text - Ad Text - Text of the Advertisement - The text of the advertisement with optional HTML tags. The HTML tags are not checked for correctness and may impact the remaining page. - - - - - - - Self-Service - Self-Service - This is a Self-Service entry or this entry can be changed via Self-Service - Self-Service allows users to enter data or update their data. The flag indicates, that this record was entered or created via Self-Service or that the user can change it via the Self-Service functionality. - - - - - - - Log - Log - - - - - - - - - Valore Nuovo - Valore Nuovo - Valore nuovo del campo - Dato nuovo immesso nel campo - - - - - - - Valore Vecchio - Valore Vecchio - I dati del vecchio file - Valore vecchio sovrascritto nel campo - - - - - - - ID del Processo - ID del Processo - - - - - - - - - Elabora Messaggio - Elabora Msg - - - - - - - - - Annuncio - Annuncio - Web Advertisement - Advertisement on the Web - - - - - - - Codice Magazzino - Codice Magazzino - Chiave del Magazzino - Chiave per l'identificazione del Magazzino - - - - - - - Tipo di Costo - Tipo di Costo - Tipo di Costo - - - - - - - - Assegnazione della Organizzazione - Assegnazione della Organizzazione - Assigment to (transaction) Organization - Assignment to the transacation organization (cost center). - - - - - - - Fase del Progetto - Fase del Progetto - Fase del Progetto - - - - - - - - Compito del Progetto - Compito del Progetto - Compito attuale di un progetto nella fase del progetto - Compito attuale di un progetto nella fase del progetto - - - - - - - Compito Standard - Compito Standard - Standard Project Type Task - Standard Project Task in a Project Phase with standard effort - - - - - - - Quantità Addebitabile - Quantità Addebitabile - - - - - - - - - Impegno è Massimo - Impegno è Massimo - The commitment amount/quantity is the chargeable ceiling - The commitment amount and quantity is the maximum amount and quantity to be charged. Ignored, if the amount or quantity is zero. - - - - - - - Escludi - Escludi - Esclude l'accesso ai dati - If selected, the role cannot access the data specified. If not selected, the role can ONLY access the data specified - - - - - - - Tipo di Tempo - Tipo di Tempo - Tipo di Tempo Ricordato - Differentiate time types for reporting purposes (In parallel to Activities) - - - - - - - Codice Conto - Codice Conto - Chiave del Conto - - - - - - - - Nome dello Schema Contabile - AcctSchema Name - Nome dello Schema Contabile - - - - - - - - Elaborazione riga SQL - Elaborazione riga SQL - Elabora riga per riga - - - - - - - - Elaborazione Set di comandi SQL - Elaborazione Set di comandi SQL - Elabora un set di comandi SQL Riga per Riga - - - - - - - - Allarme - Allarme - Allarme Compiere - Compiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted of - - - - - - - Regole dell'Allarme - Regole dell'Allarme - Definition of the alert element - - - - - - - - Argomento dell'Allarme - Argomento dell'Allarme - Argomento dell'allarme - The subject of the email message sent for the alert - - - - - - - Messaggio dell'Allarme - Messaggio dell'Allarme - Message of the Alert - The message of the email sent for the alert - - - - - - - Numero Conto Bancario - Numero Conto Bancario - Numero Conto Bancario - - - - - - - - Descrizione del Batch - Descrizione del Batch - Descrizione del Batch - - - - - - - - Numero Documento del Batch - Numero Documento del Batch - Numero Documento del Batch - - - - - - - - Chiave del Business Partner - Chiave del Business Partner - Chiave del Business Partner - - - - - - - - Nome della Categoria - Nome della Categoria - Nome della Categoria - - - - - - - - Nome dell'Addebitamento - Nome dell'Addebitamento - Nome dell'Addebitamento - - - - - - - - Chiave del Client - Chiave del Client - Chiave del Client - - - - - - - - Nome Tipo Documento - Nome Tipo Documento - Nome Tipo Documento - - - - - - - - Assicura sicurezza cliente - Assicura sicurezza cliente - Send alerts to recipient only if the client security rules of the role allows - - - - - - - - Assicura sicurezza ruolo - Assicura sicurezza ruolo - Send alerts to recipient only if the data security rules of the role allows - - - - - - - - Clausola From - Clausola From - SQL FROM clause - - - - - - - - Importazione Estratto Conto Bancario - Importazione Estratto Conto Bancario - Importazione Estratto Conto Bancario - - - - - - - - Importazione Giornale - Importazione Giornale - Import General Ledger Journal - - - - - - - - Importazione Ordini - Importazione Ordini - Importazione Ordini - - - - - - - - Importazione Pagamenti - Importazione Pagamenti - Importazione Pagamenti - - - - - - - - Numero Documento Fattura - Numero Documento Fattura - Numero Documento della Fattura - - - - - - - - Saldo - Saldo - Charge after Shipment - Delayed Capture is required, if you ship products. The first credit card transaction is the Authorization, the second is the actual transaction after the shipment of the product. - - - - - - - Descrizione della Riga - Descrizione della Riga - Descrizione della Riga - - - - - - - - Chiave del Locatore - Chiave del Locatore - Chiave del locatore del magazzino - - - - - - - - Spese di Trasporto - Spese di Trasporto - Freight Rate - Freight Rate for Shipper - - - - - - - Categoria Spese di Trasporto - Categoria Spese di Trasporto - Category of the Freight - Freight Categories are used to calculate the Freight for the Shipper selected - - - - - - - Memo - Memo - Testo del Memo - - - - - - - - Numero Pacchetti - Numero Pacchetti - Number of packages shipped - - - - - - - - Chiave della Organizzazione della Transazione - Chiave della Organizzazione della Transazione - Chiave della Organizzazione della Transazione - - - - - - - - Chiave della Organizzazione - Chiave della Organizzazione - Chiave della Organizzazione - - - - - - - - Chiave Termine Pagamento - Chiave Termine Pagamento - Key of the Payment Term - - - - - - - - Data Pick - Data Pick - Date/Time when picked for Shipment - - - - - - - - Codice del Progetto - Codice del Progetto - Codice del Progetto - - - - - - - - Codice di Autorizzazione (DC) - Codice di Autorizzazione (DC) - Authorization Code Delayed Capture returned - The Authorization Code indicates the code returned from the electronic transmission. - - - - - - - Codice di verifica Carta di Credito - Codice di verifica Carta di Credito - Codice di verifica Carta di Credito - The Credit Card Verification Code was matched - - - - - - - Referimento (DC) - Referimento (DC) - Payment Reference Delayed Capture - The Payment Reference indicates the reference returned from the Credit Card Company for a payment - - - - - - - Numero di Rilascio - Numero di Rilascio - Numero di rilascio interno - - - - - - - - Data della Consegna - Data della Consegna - Shipment Date/Time - Actual Date/Time of Shipment (pick up) - - - - - - - Unità do Supporto - Unità do Supporto - Number of Support Units for ComPiere Support - You can purchase commercial support from ComPiere, Inc. -The fee is per 10 internal users. The number of od support units is displayed here. - - - - - - - Informazioni Carta di Credito - Informazioni Carta di Credito (Swipe) - Track 1 and 2 of the Credit Card - Swiped information for Credit Card Presence Transactions - - - - - - - Tracking No - Tracking No - Number to track the shipment - - - - - - - - Tracking URL - Tracking URL - URL dello spedizioniere per tracciare le Spedizioni - La variabile @TrackingNo@ nell' URL deve essere sostituita dal numero effettivo della spedizione. - - - - - - - Importazione Fatture - Importazione Fatture - Importazione Fatture - - - - - - - - Replicazione - Replicazione - Target dei dati per replicazione - Data Replication Target Details. Maintained on the central server. - - - - - - - Log della Replicazione - Log della Replicazione - Data Replication Log Details - Data Replication Run Log - - - - - - - Elaborazione della Replicazione - Elaborazione della Replicazione - - Data Replication Run information - - - - - - - Strategia di Replicazione - Strategia di Replicazione - Strategia di replicazione dati - The Data Replication Strategy determines what and how tables are replicated - - - - - - - Tabella di Replicazione - Tabella di Replicazione - Informazioni della tabella di replicazione - Determines how the table is replicated - - - - - - - Replicato - Replicato - I data sono stati replicati - The data replication was successful. - - - - - - - Finestra Ordine di Acquisto - Finestra Ordine di Acquisto - Finestra Ordine di Acquisto - Window for Purchase Order (AP) Zooms - - - - - - - Tipo di Replicazione - Tipo di Replicazione - Tipo di replicazione dati - The Type of data Replication determines the directon of the data replication. <br> -Reference means that the data in this system is read only -> <br> -Local means that the data in this system is not replicated to other systems - <br> -Merge means that the data in this system is synchronized with the other system <-> <br> - - - - - - - - Pubblico - Pubblico - Public can read entry - If selected, public users can read/view the entry. Public are users without a Role in the system. Use security rules for more specic access control. - - - - - - - Scrivere Pubblico - Scrivere Pubblico - Public can write entries - If selected, public users can write/create entries. Public are users without a Role in the system. Use security rules for more specic access control. - - - - - - - Categoria di Conoscenza - Categoria - Categoria di Conoscenza - Set up knowledge categories and values as a search aid. Examples are Release Version, Product Area, etc. Knowledge Category values act like keyworks. - - - - - - - Valore della Categoria - Value - The value of the category - The value of the category is a keyword - - - - - - - Commento dell'Immessione - Comment - Knowledge Entry Comment - Comment regarding a knowledge entry - - - - - - - Immessione - Immessione - Knowledge Entry - The searchable Knowledge Entry - - - - - - - Immessione Associata - Immessione Associata - Related Entry for this Enntry - Related Knowlege Entry for this Knowledge Entry - - - - - - - Fonte della Conoscenza - Fonte della Conoscenza - Source of a Knowledge Entry - The Source of a Knowlegde Entry is a pointer to the originating system. The Knowledge Entry has an additional entry (Description URL) for more detailed info. - - - - - - - Sinonimo di Conoscenza - Sinonimo di Conoscenza - Knowlege Keyword Synonym - Search Synonyms for Knowledge Keywords; Example: Product = Item - - - - - - - Argomento di Conoscenza - Argomento di Conoscenza - Knowledge Topic - Topic or Discussion Thead - - - - - - - Tipo di Conoscenza - Tipo - Knowledge Type - Area of knowlege - A Type has multiple Topics - - - - - - - Parole Chiavi - Parole Chiavi - List of Keywords - separated by space, comma or semicolon - List if individual keywords for search relevancy. The keywords are separated by space, comma or semicolon. - - - - - - - Nome di Sinonimo - Nome di Sinonimo - The synonym for the name - The synonym broadens the search - - - - - - - Tunnel via HTTP - Tunnel via HTTP - Connect to Server via HTTP Tunnel - If selected, the connection to the server is via a HTTP tunnel, otherwise it uses an RMI/JNP connection - - - - - - - Prova - Prova - Elaborare in Prova - - - - - - - - ID Gamma Fine - ID Fine - End if the ID Range used - The ID Range allows to restrict the range of the internally used IDs. Please note that the ID range is NOT enforced. - - - - - - - ID Gamma Inizio - ID Inizio - Start of the ID Range used - The ID Range allows to restrict the range of the internally used IDs. The standard rages are 0-899,999 for the Application Dictionary 900,000-999,999 for Application Dictionary customizations/extensions and > 1,000,000 for client data. The standard system limit is 9,999,999,999 but can easily be extended. The ID range is on a per table basis. -Please note that the ID range is NOT enforced. - - - - - - - Client Remoto - Client Remoto - Remote Client to be used to replicate / synchronize data with. - The remote client used for data replication. - - - - - - - Organizzazione Remota - Organizzazione Remota - Remote Organization to be used to replicate / synchronize data with. - The remote organization used for data replication. If not selected, all organizations are replicated/synchronized. - - - - - - - ID della Lingua - ID della Lingua - - - - - - - - - Progetto - Progetto - Name del Progetto - - - - - - - - Fase del Progetto - Fase del Progetto - Nome della fase del progetto - - - - - - - - Tipo Progetto - Tipo Progetto - Nome del tipo di progetto - - - - - - - - Nome del Ciclo - Ciclo - Nome del ciclo del progetto - - - - - - - - Nome Passo del Ciclo - Passo del Ciclo - Nome del Passo del Ciclo del Progetto - - - - - - - - Tipo di Ordine OdV/OdA - Tipo di Ordine OdV/OdA - Sales Tax applies to sales situations, Purchase Tax to purchase situations - Sales Tax: charged when selling - examples: Sales Tax, Output VAT (payable) -Purchase Tax: tax charged when purchasing - examples: Use Tax, Input VAT (receivable) - - - - - - - Solo Validazione - Solo Validazione - Validare i dati ma non elaborare - - - - - - - - Importare solo se non ci sono errore - Importare solo se non ci sono errore - Inizia l' importazione se non ci sono errori di validazione. - - - - - - - - Organizzazione del Documento - Organizzazione del Documento - Organizzazione del Documento (independente dall'organizzazione contabile) - - - - - - - - Numero Documento Giornale - Numero Documento Giornale - Numero Documento del Giornale - - - - - - - - Allegare Bene - Allegare Bene - Allegare Bene per consegnamento via email - - - - - - - - Numero di Spedizioni - Numero di Spedizioni - Numero di Spedizioni - - - - - - - - Info E-Commerce - Info E-Commerce - Web Store Header Information - Display HTML Info in the Web Store - by default in the header. - - - - - - - - Web Parameter 5 - Web Param 5 - Web Site Parameter 5 - The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam5 - - - - - - - Web Parameter 6 - Web Parm 6 - Web Site Parameter 6 - The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam6 - - - - - - - Importo Minimo - Importo Minimo - Minumum Amout in Document Currency - - - - - - - - Registrare al Progetto - Registrare al Progetto - Project Issues (Material, Labor) - Issues to the project initiated by the "Issue to Project" process. You can issue Receipts, Time and Expenses, or Stock. - - - - - - - Categoria del Progetto - Categoria del Progetto - Categoria del Progetto - La Categoria del Progetto determina il comportamento del progetto: -Generale - nessuna contabilità speciale, e.s. per la prevendita o per la tracciabilità generale -Servizio - nessuna contabilità speciale, e.s. per progetto Servizi/Credito -Ordine di Lavoro (Work Order) crea le transazioni Progetto / Ordine di Lavoro WIP - possibilità di gestire material. creates Project/Job WIP transactions - ability to issue material -Asset - crea transazioni di Progetto Asst - possibilit di gestire matneriale. - - - - - - - - Ordine di Acquisto - Ordine di Acquisto - Ordine di Acquisto - - - - - - - - Stato di Credito - Stato di Credito - Stato di Credito per le vendite - Solo per la documentazione - - - - - - - Consolidare in un Solo Documento - Consolidare - Consilidare le righe in un solo documento - - - - - - - - Solo Descrizione - Descrizione - Se vero, la riga è solo una descrizione è non una transazione - Se una riga è Solo Descrizione, e.s. Inventorio del Prodotto non è aggiornato, nessun transazione contabile è creata e l'importo o totali non sono inclusi nel documento. Questo per includere righe di descrizione dettagliata, e.s. per un Ordine di Lavoro (Work Order). - - - - - - - Prezzi - Prezzi - - - - - - - - - Chiudi Documento - Chiudi - Chiude Documento (processo) - - - - - - - - Label printer - Label printer - Label Printer Definition - - - - - - - - Funzione Etichetta di Stampa - Funzione Etichetta di Stampa - Function of Label Printer - - - - - - - - Registrazione - Registrazione - Registrazione del System - The System Registration helps Compiere to help the installed base - - - - - - - Verifica indirizzo Email - Verifica indirizzo Email - Verifica dell'indirizzo Email - The field contains the date the EMail Address has been verified - - - - - - - Chiave di Encryption - Chiave di Encryption - Chiave di Encryption usata per criptare i dati - Please note that changing the key will make ALL previously encrypted data unreadable. - - - - - - - Piè di Pagina Centro - Piè di Pagina Centro - Content of the center portion of the footer. - - - - - - - - Piè di Pagina Sinistra - Piè di Pagina Sinistra - Content of the left portion of the footer. - - - - - - - - Piè di Pagina Destra - Piè di Pagina Destra - Content of the right portion of the footer. - - - - - - - - Prefisso Funzione - Accesso Completo BP - Dati inviati prima di inviare la funzione - - - - - - - - Suffisso funzione - Suffisso funzione - Data sent after the function - - - - - - - - Data di scadenza - Data di scadenza - Numero minimo di giorni di vita del prodotto (durata prima della scadenza) - When selecting batch/products with a guarantee date, the minimum left guarantee days for automatic picking. You can pick any batch/product manually. - - - - - - - Intestazione Centro - Intestazione Centro - Content of the center portion of the header. - - - - - - - - Intestazione Sinistra - Intestazione Sinistra - Content of the left portion of the header. - - - - - - - - Intestazione Destra - Intestazione Destra - Content of the right portion of the header. - - - - - - - - Info Azienda - Info Azienda - Information of the industry (e.g. professional service, distribution of furnitures, ..) - Description if the industry ad precise as possible. - - - - - - - Tipo di Inventario - Tipo di Inventario - Differenza del Tipo di Inventario - Il tipo di differenza di inventario determina quale conto viene usato. Il conto di default è il conto differenza di inventario definito per il magazzino. Alternativamente, si può selezionare qualunque Addebito. - - - - - - - Consente la Pubblicazione - Consenti Pubblicazione - You allow to publish the information, not just statistical summary info - - - - - - - - Può esportare - Può esportare - Gli utenti con questo ruolo possono esportare dati - You can restrict the ability to export data from Compiere. - - - - - - - Può effettuare report - Può effettuare report - Gli utenti con questo ruolo possono creare report - You can restrict the ability to report on data. - - - - - - - In Produzione - In Produzione - Il sistema è in produzione - - - - - - - - Calcola Massimo (¿) - Calc Max - Calcola l'importo Max - Calculate the Maximum (¿) of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise maximum length of the field. - - - - - - - Calcola Minimo (¿) - Calc Min - Calcolate il minimo importo - Calculate the Minimum (¿) of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise minimum length of the field. - - - - - - - Accesso Personale - Accesso Personale - Allow access to all personal records - Users of this role have access to all records locked as personal. - - - - - - - Blocco Personale - Blocco Personale - Allow users with role to lock access to personal records - If enabled, the user with the role can prevent access of others to personal records. If a record is locked, only the user or people who can read personal locked records can see the record. - - - - - - - Registrato - Registrato - The application is registered. - - - - - - - - Totale Corrente - Totale Corrente - Create a running total (sum) - A running total creates a sum at the end of a page and on the top of the next page for all colums, which have a Sum function. You should define running total only once per format. - - - - - - - Mostra Contabilità - Mostra Contabilità - Users with this role can see accounting information - This allows to prevent access to any accounting information. - - - - - - - Posizione XY - Posizione XY - The Function is XY position - This function positions for the next print operation - - - - - - - Linea Totale - Linea Totale - Total line amount incl. Tax - Total line amount - - - - - - - Oscura - Oscura - Type of obscuring the data (limiting the display) - - - - - - - - Info Piattaforma - Info Piattaforma - Information about Server and Client Platform - Include information on Server, Network and (number of) Clients. - - - - - - - Linee Totale Corrente - Linee Totale Corrente - Create Running Total Lines (page break) every x lines - When you want to print running totals, enter the number of lines per page after you want to create a running total line and page break. You should define running total only once per format. - - - - - - - Separatore XY - Separatore XY - The separator between the X and Y function. - - - - - - - - Descrizione Problema - Descrizione Problema - Descrizione Problema - - - - - - - - Linea Argomento - Linea Argomento - Line number of the issue - - - - - - - - Linea Margine - Linea Margine - Margin of the line - Planned Amount minus Costs - - - - - - - - Tipo Accesso - Tipo Accesso - Tipo Accesso per questa regola - If you restrict Access to the entity, you also cannot Report or Export it (i.e. to have access is a requirement that you can report or export the data). The Report and Export rules are further restrictions if you have access. - - - - - - - Entità Dipendenti - Entità Dipendenti - Also check access in dependent entities - Also dependent entities are included. Please be aware, that enabling this rule has severe consequences and that this is only wanted in some circumstances. -<p>Example Rule: "Include Payment Term Immediate with Dependent Entities" -<br>Primary effect: users with this role can only select the payment term Immediate -<br>Secondary effect (dependent entities): users with this role can see only invoices/orders with the payment term immediate. - - - - - - - Dati Carattere (Char) - Dati Carattere - Long Character Field - - - - - - - - Crea Pagamento - Crea Pagamento - - - - - - - - - EFT Memo - EFT Memo - Electronic Funds Transfer Memo - Information from EFT media - - - - - - - EFT Payee - EFT Payee - Electronic Funds Transfer Payee information - Information from EFT media - - - - - - - Informazioni Trasferimento Fondi Elettronici - Informazioni Trasferimento Fondi Elettronici - Electronic Funds Transfer Payyee Account Information - Information from EFT media - - - - - - - EFT Reference - EFT Reference - Electronic Funds Transfer Reference - Information from EFT media - - - - - - - EFT Trx ID - EFT Trx ID - Electronic Funds Transfer Transaction ID - Information from EFT media - - - - - - - EFT Trx Type - EFT Trx Type - Electronic Funds Transfer Transaction Type - Information from EFT media - - - - - - - Durata - Durata in giorni - Shelf Life Days remaning to Guarantee Date (minus minimum guarantee days) - Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance compared to today minus the minimum guaranteed days. -(Guarantee Date-Today) – Min Guarantee Days - - - - - - - Quantità Disponibile - Qtà Disponibile - Quantità Disponibile (Istantanea - Riservata) - La quantità Disponibile che si può utilizzare = la quantità disponibile meno la Quantità Riservata - - - - - - - Vita dello scaffale rimanente % - Vita dello scaffale rimanente % - Remaining shelf life in percent based on Guarantee Date - (Guarantee Date-Today) / Guarantee Days - - - - - - - Durata minima nello scaffale % - Durata minima nello scaffale % - Durata minima nello scaffale in percentuale della data di scadenza del Prodotto - Miminum Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance. If > 0 you cannot select products with a shelf life ((Guarantee Date-Today) / Guarantee Days) less than the minum shelf life, unless you select "Show All" - - - - - - - Dovuto Oggi - Dovuto Oggi - - - - - - - - - Dovuto Oggi-30 - Dovuto Dovuto-30 - - - - - - - - - Dovuto Oggi-7 - Dovuto Oggi-7 - - - - - - - - - Dovuto 1-7 - Dovuto 1-7 - - - - - - - - - Dovuto 31-60 - Dovuto 31-60 - - - - - - - - - Dovuto > 31 - Dovuto > 31 - - - - - - - - - Dovuto 61-90 - Dovuto 61-90 - - - - - - - - - Dovuto > 61 - Dovuto > 61 - - - - - - - - - Dovuto 8-30 - Dovuto 8-30 - - - - - - - - - Dovuto> 91 - Dovuto > 91 - - - - - - - - - Dovuto Maturato 1-30 - Dovuto Maturato 1-30 - - - - - - - - - Dovuto Maturato 1-7 - Dovuto Maturato 1-7 - - - - - - - - - Dovuto Maturato 31-60 - Dovuto Maturato 31-60 - - - - - - - - - Dovuto Maturato > 31 - Dovuto Maturato > 31 - - - - - - - - - Dovuto Maturato 61-90 - Dovuto Maturato 61-90 - - - - - - - - - Dovuto Maturato > 61 - Dovuto Maturato > 61 - - - - - - - - - Dovuto Maturato 8-30 - Dovuto Maturato 8-30 - - - - - - - - - Dovuto Maturato > 91 - Dovuto Maturato > 91 - - - - - - - - - Dovuto Maturato - Dovuto Maturato - - - - - - - - - Lista Fatture - Lista Fatture - Include List of Invoices - - - - - - - - Data di Garanzia Obbligatoria - Data di Garanzia Obbligatoria - The entry of a Guarantee Date is mandatory when creating a Product Instance - - - - - - - - Lotto Obbligatorio - Lotto Obbligatorio - The entry of Lot info is mandatory when creating a Product Instance - - - - - - - - Numero Seriale Obbligatorio - Numero Seriale Obbligatorio - The entry of a Serial No is mandatory when creating a Product Instance - - - - - - - - Durata dello scaffale in giorni - Durata dello scaffale in giorni - Durata dello scaffale in giorni rispetto alla data di scadenza del Prodotto - Miminum Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance. If > 0 you cannot select products with a shelf life less than the minum shelf life, unless you select "Show All" - - - - - - - Giorni di Vita dello scaffale - Giorni di Vita dello scaffale - Shelf Life in days based on Product Instance Guarantee Date - Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance compared to today. - - - - - - - Partita IVA Business Partner - Partita IVA Business Partner - Partita IVA Business Partner - - - - - - - - Riordinato - Riordinato - Quantità Riordinata - Calculated: ordered - delivered quantity - - - - - - - Strategia di imputazione - Imputazione - Strategia di imputazione - Allocation from incoming to outgoing transactions - - - - - - - Line Spedizione in Uscita - Line Spedizione in Uscita - Outgoing Shipment/Receipt - - - - - - - - Linea Inventario in Uscita - Linea Inventario in Uscita - Outgoing Inventory Line - - - - - - - - Linea Produzione in Uscita - Linea Produzione in Uscita - Outgoing Production Line - - - - - - - - Transazione in Uscita - Transazione in Uscita - Outgoing Transaction - - - - - - - - Calcola deviazione std. (s) - Deviazione std. - Calculate Standard Deviation - The Standard Deviation (s) is the a measure of dispersion - used in combination with the Mean (µ) - - - - - - - Calcola Varianza (s²) - Varianza - Calcola Varianza - The Variance (s²) is the a measure of dispersion - used in combination with the Mean (µ) - - - - - - - Visualizzato nel Web Store - Visualizzato - Se selezionato il prodotto è visualizzato anche all'inizio o in ricerche senza chiave - In the display of products in the Web Store, the product is displayed in the inital view or if no search criteria are entered. To be displayed, the product must be in the price list used. - - - - - - - Tipo Valuta - Tipo Valuta - Tipo Tasso Conversione Valuta - The Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define different type of rates, e.g. Spot, Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates. - - - - - - - Tipo chiave di conversione - Tipo conversione - Key value for the Currency Conversion Rate Type - The date type key for the conversion of foreign currency transactions - - - - - - - Nome Magazzino - Nome Magazzino - Nome Magazzino - - - - - - - - Programma Pagamenti Valido - Programma Pagamenti Valido - Is the Payment Schedule is valid - Payment Schedules allow to have multiple due dates. - - - - - - - ID Ramo - ID Ramo - Ramo Banca ID - Dependent on the loader, you may have to provide a bank branch ID - - - - - - - Caricatore estratto conto - Caricatore estratto conto - Definizione Caricatore estratto conto (SWIFT, OFX) - The loader definition privides the parameters to load bank statements from EFT formats like SWIFT (MT940) or OFX - - - - - - - Formato Data - Formato Data - Formato Data - The date format is usually detected, but sometimes need to be defined. - - - - - - - Importo EFT - Importo EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer Amount - - - - - - - - EFT Check No - EFT Check No - Electronic Funds Transfer Check No - Information from EFT media - - - - - - - EFT Currency - EFT Currency - Electronic Funds Transfer Currency - Information from EFT media - - - - - - - Data Estratto Conto EFT - Data Estratto Conto EFT - Data Estratto conto Electronic Funds Transfer - Information from EFT media - - - - - - - Linea Data Estratto Conto EFT - Linea Data Estratto Conto EFT - Linea Estratto Conto Electronic Funds Transfer - Information from EFT media - - - - - - - Riferimento estratto Conto EFT - Riferimento estratto Conto EFT - Riferimento estratto conto Electronic Funds Transfer - Information from EFT media - - - - - - - EFT Effective Date - EFT Effective Date - Electronic Funds Transfer Valuta (effective) Date - Information from EFT media - - - - - - - Nome File - Nome File - Name of the local file or URL - Name of a file in the local directory space - or URL (file://.., http://.., ftp://..) - - - - - - - ID Istituto Finanziario - Identificativo Istituto Finanziario - Identificativo Istituto Finanziario/Banca - Depending on the loader, it might require a ID of the financial institution - - - - - - - No Documento Pagamento - No Documento Pagamento - Document number of the Payment - - - - - - - - PIN - PIN - Personal Identification Number - - - - - - - - Data Linea Dichiarazione - Data Linea Dichiarazione - Date of the Statement Line - - - - - - - - Classe Java caricatore Estratto Conto Bancario - Classe Java caricatore Estratto Conto - Class name of the bank statement loader - The name of the actual bank statement loader implementing the interface org.compiere.impexp.BankStatementLoaderInterface - - - - - - - Crea Reciproco Tasso - Crea Reciproco Tasso - Create Reciprocal Rate from current information - If selected, the imported USD->EUR rate is used to create/calculate the reciprocal rate EUR->USD. - - - - - - - Tasso di conversione valuta importata - Tasso di conversione valuta importata - Tasso di conversione valuta importata - - - - - - - - Codice Valuta ISO - Codice Valuta ISO a - Three letter ISO 4217 Code of the To Currency - For details - http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec09en.htm - - - - - - - Utente Sostitutivo - Utente Sostitutivo - Substitute of the user - A user who can act for another user. - - - - - - - Organizzazione Padre - Organizzazione Padre - Parent (superior) Organization - Parent Organization - the next level in the organizational hierarchy. - - - - - - - Attività del Workflow - Attività del Workflow - Attività del Workflow - L' Attività di Workflow è il Nodo attuale di Workflow in un' Istanza di Workflow - - - - - - - Risultato Attività di Workflow - Risultato Attività di Workflow - Risultato delle Attività del Processo di Workflow - Risultato delle Attività del Processo di Workflow - - - - - - - Blocco del Workflow - Wf Blocco - Blocco di esecuzione di Workflow - Un blocco di esecuzione di Workflow è opzionale e permette di eseguire tutta l' operazione in un unica transazione. -Se un passo (attività di un nodo) fallisce, l' intero lavoro viene annullato. - - - - - - - Verifica Evento di Workflow - Verifica Evento Wf - Informazione sulla Verifica Evento di Workflow - Cronologia delle Modifiche sulla Verifica dell' Evento di Workflow - - - - - - - Parametro del Nodo di Workflow - Parametro del Nodo Wf - Parametro del Nodo di esecuzione del Workflow - Parametro di esecuzione di del Nodo di Workflow - - - - - - - Processo di Workflow - Processo di Workflow - Istanza Attuale sul Processo di Workflow - Istanza di una elaborazione di Workflow - - - - - - - Dati Elaborati Workflow - Dati Elaborati Workflow - Contesto del Processo di Workflow - Informazione contestuale sul processo ed attività del workflow - - - - - - - Responsabile di Workflow - Responsabile di Workflow - Responsabile per una esecuzione del Workflow - La responsabilità definitiva per l' esecuzione di un Workflow è dell' utente corrente. Il Responsabile di Workflow consente di definire modalità per trovare l' utente corrente. - - - - - - - Nome Attributo - Nome Attributo - Nome Attributo - Identificativo Attributo - - - - - - - Valore Attributo - Valore Attributo - Valore dell'Attributo - - - - - - - - Autore - Autore - Autore dell'Entità - - - - - - - - Costo - Costo - Costo informazione - - - - - - - - Durata - Durata - Durata in unità di Durata - Expected Length of time for the execution - - - - - - - Unità Durata - Unità Durata - Unit of Duration - Unit to define the length of time for the execution - - - - - - - Modalità di Conclusione - Modalità di Conclusione - Modalità di Conclusione del Workflow - How the system operated at the end of an activity. Automatic implies return when the invoked applications finished control - Manual the user has to explicitly terminate the activity. - - - - - - - Limite Durata - Limite Durata - Expected Duration in Duration Unit - Expected Duration for time management purposes (e.g. starting an escalation procedure, etc.) in Duration Units. - - - - - - - Responsible Type - Responsible Type - Type of the Responsibility for a workflow - Type how the responsible user for the execution of a workflow is determined - - - - - - - Start Mode - Start Mode - Workflow Activity Start Mode - How is the execution of an activity triggered. Automatic are triggered implicitly by the system, Manual explicitly by the User. - - - - - - - Esecuzione sub-workflow - Esecuzione sub-workflow - Mode how the sub-workflow is executed - - - - - - - - Codice Transizione - Codice Transizione - Code resulting in TRUE of FALSE - The transition is executed, if the code results in TRUE (or is empty) - - - - - - - Tempo di Attesa - Tempo di Attesa - Tempo di Attesa per la simulazione del Workflow - Amount of time needed to prepare the performance of the task on Duration Units - - - - - - - Stato di Workflow - Stato di Wf - Stato di esecuzione del Workflow - - - - - - - - Tempo di Esecuzione - Tempo di Esecuzione - Workflow Simulation Execution Time - Amount of time the performer of the activity needs to perform the task in Duration Unit - - - - - - - Tipo Evento - Tipo Evento - Type of Event - - - - - - - - Elemento Unione - Elemento Unione - Semantics for multiple incoming Transitions - Semantics for multiple incoming Transitions for a Node/Activity. AND joins all concurrent threads - XOR requires one thread (no synchronization). - - - - - - - Elemento divisione - Elemento divisione - Semantics for multiple outgoing Transitions - Semantics for multiple outgoing Transitions for a Node/Activity. AND represents multiple concurrent threads - XOR represents the first transition with a true Transaition condition. - - - - - - - Stato Pubblicazione - Stato Pubblicazione - Stato Pubblicazione - Used for internal documentation - - - - - - - Registrazione - Registrazione - Registrazione Utente per il Bene Gestito - User Registration of an Asset - - - - - - - Attributo di Registrazione - Attributo di Registrazione - Attributo di Registrazione del Bene Gestito - Definisce i valori individuali per la Registrazione dei Beni Gestiti - - - - - - - Tatale Linee Imposte - Totae - Tatale Linee Imposte - - - - - - - - Importo del Conto - Importo del Conto - Importo dello Schema del Conto nella Valuta Corrente - - - - - - - - Importo in Valuta Originale - Valuta Originale - Importo in Valuta Originale - - - - - - - - Saldi Aggiornati - Saldi Aggiornati - Aggionra i Saldi Contabili - - - - - - - - Maintenance Mode - Maintenance Mode - Language Maintenance Mode - - - - - - - - Accept Direct Debit - Direct Debit - Accept Direct Debits (vendor initiated) - Accept Direct Debit transactions. Direct Debits are initiated by the vendor who has permission to deduct amounts from the payee's account. - - - - - - - Riconciliatore estratto conto - Riconciliatore estratto conto - Algoritmo per la riconciliazione dell'estratto conto bancario sui BP, Fatture e Pagamenti - An algorithm to find Business Partners, Invoices, Payments in imported Bank Statements - - - - - - - Dichiarazione quadratura - Dichiarazione quadratura - - - - - - - - - Separatore Intestazione - Sep. Intestazione - Spessore Linea separazione intestazione - The width of the header line stroke (line thickness) in Points. - - - - - - - Tipo Separazione Intestazione - Tipo Sep. Intestazione - Tipo Linea Separazione Intestazione - Type of the line printed - - - - - - - Paint Header Lines - Header Lines - Paint Lines over/under the Header Line - If selected, a line is painted above and below the header line using the stroke information - - - - - - - Linea Interruzione - Linea Interruzione - Spessore Linea Interruzione - The width of the line stroke (line thickness) in Points. - - - - - - - Tipo Linea Interruzione - Tipo Linea Interruzione - Tipo Linea Interruzione - Type of the line printed - - - - - - - Organizzazioni Collegate - Linea Distinta Base - The Business Partner is another Organization for explicit Inter-Org transactions - The business partner is another organization in the system. So when performing transactions, the counter-document is created automatically. Example: You have BPartnerA linked to OrgA and BPartnerB linked to OrgB. If you create a sales order for BPartnerB in OrgA a purchase order is created for BPartnerA in OrgB. This allows to have explicit documents for Inter-Org transactions. - - - - - - - Tipo Organizzazione - Tipo Organizzazione - Organization Type allows you to categorize your organizations - Organization Type allows you to categorize your organizations for reporting purposes - - - - - - - Scheduler - Scheduler - Schedule Processes - Schedule processes to be executed asynchronously - - - - - - - Scheduler Log - Scheduler Log - Result of the execution of the Scheduler - Result of the execution of the Scheduler - - - - - - - Processore di Workflow - Processore di Workflow - Server del Processore di Workflow - Server del Processore di Workflow - - - - - - - Log del Processore di Workflow - Log del Processore di Workflow - Risultato dell' esecuzione del Processo di Workflow - Risultato dell' esecuzione del Processo di Workflow - - - - - - - Offerta - Offerta - Offerta per un argomento d'asta - You can create a bid for a topic. Depening on the type, the highest bidder wins the Topic - or you participate in funding for a Topic. - - - - - - - Commento all'offerta - Commento all'offerta - Scrivere un commento all'offerta - Everyone can give comments concerning a Bid Topic - e.g. Questions, Suggestions - - - - - - - Fondi degli acquirenti - Fondi degli acquirenti - Fondi degli acquirenti per un'offerta - Available Funds (from Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds for Bids - - - - - - - Offerta di vendita - Offerta di vendita - Offerta per un soggetto d'asta - You can create an offer for a topic. - - - - - - - Fondi Venditore - Fondi Venditore - Seller Funds from Offers on Topics - Available Funds (for Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds from Offers - - - - - - - Argomento - Argomento - Argomento Asta - Description of the item to sell or create. - - - - - - - Categoria Argomento - Categoria Argomento - Argomento - For an Auction Topic Type, define the different Categories used. - - - - - - - Tipo Argomento - Tipo Argomento - Tipo Argomento Asta - The Auction Topic Type determines what kind of auction is used for a particular area - - - - - - - Elaboratore Contabilità - Elaboratore Contabilità - Accounting Processor/Server Parameters - Accounting Processor/Server Parameters - - - - - - - Log Elaboratore Contabilità - Log Elaboratore Contabilità - Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor - Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor - - - - - - - Elaboratore Allarmi - Elaboratore Allarmi - Parametro del Alert Processor/Server - Parametro del Alert Processor/Server - - - - - - - Log del Alert Processor - Log del Alert Processor - Risultato dell' esecuzione del Alert Processor - Risultato dell' esecuzione del Alert Processor - - - - - - - Relazione col Partner - Relazione col Partner - Business Partner Relation - Business Partner Relation allow to maintain Third Party Relationship rules: who receives invoices for shipments or pays for invoices. - - - - - - - Partner Correlato - Partner Correlato - Consegna Referenziata - The related Business Partner Acts on behalf of the Business Partner - example the Related Partner pays invoices of the Business Partner - or we pay to the Related Partner for invoices received from the Business Partner - - - - - - - Indirizzo Partner Correlato - Indirizzo Partner Correlato - Location of the related Business Partner - - - - - - - - Richiesta Quotazione - Richiesta QuotazioneQ - Richiesta Quotazione - Request for Quotation to be sent out to vendors of a RfQ Topic. After Vendor selection, optionally create Sales Order or Quote for Customer as well as Purchase Order for Vendor(s) - - - - - - - Argomento della Richiesta Quot. - Argomento della Richiesta Quot. - Topic for Request for Quotations - A Request for Quotation Topic allows you to maintain a subscriber list of potential Vendors to respond to RfQs - - - - - - - Sottoscrittore Richiesta Quot. - Sottoscrittore Richiesta Quot. - Sottoscrittore Richiesta Quot. - Subcriber to invite to respond to RfQs - - - - - - - Linea Richiesta Quotazione - Linea Richiesta Quotazione - Linea Richiesta Quotazione - Request for Quotation Line - - - - - - - Quantità Linea Richiesta Quot. - Quantità Linea Richiesta Quot. - Quantità Linea Richiesta Quotazione - You may request a quotation for different quantities - - - - - - - Linea Risposta Richiesta Quot. - Linea Risposta Richiesta Quot. - Linea Risposta Richiesta Quotazione - Request for Quotation Response Line from a potential Vendor - - - - - - - Qtà Risposta Linea Richiesta Quot. - RfQ Response Line QtyQta Risposta Linea Richiesta Quot. - Qta Risposta Linea Richiesta Quot. - Request for Quotation Response Line Quantity from a potential Vendor - - - - - - - Consegne per Abbonamento - Consegne per Abbonamento - Consegne per Abbonamento (Opzionale) - Record of deliveries for a subscription - - - - - - - Sottoscrizione - Sottoscrizione - Subscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renew - Subscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renew - - - - - - - Tipo Sottoscrizione - Tipo Sottoscrizione - Tipo Sottoscrizione - Subscription type and renewal frequency - - - - - - - Quantità Confermata - Qtà Confermata - Conferma della quantità ricevuta - Conferma della quantità ricevuta - - - - - - - Crea Ordine di Vendita - Crea Ordine di Vendita - - - - - - - - - Crea Ordine di Vendita - Crea Ordine di Vendita - - - - - - - - - Data Risposta - Data Risposta - Data della Risposta - Date of the Response - - - - - - - Data Fine Lavori - Data Fine Lavori - Data Fine Lavori Pianificata - - - - - - - - Data Inizio Lavori - Data Inizio Lavori - Data Inizio Lavori Pianificata - - - - - - - - Giorni alla Consegna - Giorni alla Consegna - Number of Days (planned) until Delivery - - - - - - - - Dovuto - Dovuto - Subscription Renewal is Due - - - - - - - - Errore - Errore - An Error occured in the execution - - - - - - - - Interna - Interna - Organizzazione Interna - - - - - - - - In Transito - In Transito - Il Movemento è in transito - La Movimentazione Materiali è in transito - Spedita ma non ricevuta. - - - - - - - Solo Fornitori Invitati - Solo Fornitori Invitati - Solo i fornitori invitati possono rispondere alla Rich. Quotaz. - La richiesta di Quotazione è visibile soltanto ai fornitori invitati. - - - - - - - Quantità dell'Offerta - Quantità dell'Offerta - This quantity is used in the Offer to the Customer - When multiple quantities are used in an Request for Quotation, the selected Quantity is used for generating the offer. If none selected the lowest number is used. - - - - - - - Pubblicato - Pubblicato - The Topic is published and can be viewed - If not selected, the Topic is not visible to the general public. - - - - - - - Quantità Acquistata - Quantità Acquistata - This quantity is used in the Purchase Order to the Supplier - When multiple quantities are used in an Request for Quotation, the selected Quantity is used for generating the purchase order. If none selected the lowest number is used. - - - - - - - Quota tutte le Quantità - Quota tutte le Quantità - Suppliers are requested to provide responses for all quantities - If selected, the response to the Request for Quotation needs to have a price for all Quantities - - - - - - - Quantità Totale Quotata - Quantità Totale Quotata - The respnse can have just the total amount for the RfQ - If not selected, the resonse must be provided per line - - - - - - - Risposte Accettate - Risposte Accettate - Risposte Accettate - If selected, responses for the RfQ are accepted - - - - - - - Vincitore Selezionato - Vincitore Selezionato - La risposta è quella del Vincitore Selezionato - The resonse is the selected winner. If selected on Response level, the line selections are ignored. - - - - - - - In fase di inserimento - In fase di inserimento - - - - - - - - - Giorni durata log - Giorni durata log - Number of days to keep the log entries - Older Log entries may be deleted - - - - - - - Lista Distribuzione - Lista Distribuzione - La Lista Distribuzione consente di distribuire i prodotti ad una lista selezionata di partners - La Lista Distribuzione contiene i business partner e la quantità o il rapporto di distribuzione per la creazione degli Ordini - - - - - - - Linea della Lista di Distribuzione - Linea della Lista di Distribuzione - Linea della Lista di Distribuzione con Business Partner e Quantità/Percentuale - la distribuzione può essere fatta su base percentuale, su una quantità fissa o entrambe. -Se la percentuale e la quantità non è 0, la quantità è calcolata in percentuale, ma con la Quantità minore. - - - - - - - Packaging - Packaging - Consegna Pacco - A Shipment can have one or more Packages. A Package may be individually tracked. - - - - - - - Linea Packaging - Linea Packaging - Contenuto di dettaglio del pacco - Link to the shipment line - - - - - - - ARM - ARM - Autorizzazione Restitutzione Merci - A Return Material Authorization may be required to accept returns and to create Credit Memos - - - - - - - Linea ARM - Linea ARM - Linea Autorizzazione Resituzione Merci - Detail information about the returned goods - - - - - - - Quantità Minima - Qtà Min - Quantità Minima per il business partner - Se la Quantità Minima è definita e la quantità percentuale è più bassa, viene utilizzata la quantità minima. - - - - - - - Iscrizione - Iscrizione - Product used to deternine the price of the membership for the topic type - A topic can require to pay a membership fee. - - - - - - - Importo non Inserito - Importo non Inserito - Amount not committed yet - - - - - - - - Importo dell'Offerta - Importo dell'Offerta - Amount of the Offer - - - - - - - - Pagato Sino a - Pagato Sino a - Subscription is paid/valid until this date - - - - - - - - Parametro di Default - Parametro di Default - Parametro di Default - The default value can be a variable like @#Date@ - - - - - - - Pagamento BPartner - Pagamento BPartner - Business Partner responsible for the payment - - - - - - - - Indirizzo per Pagamento - Indirizzo per Pagamento - Location of the Business Partner responsible for the payment - - - - - - - - Quantità Prelevata - Quantità Prelevata - - - - - - - - - Nota Privata - Nota Privata - Nota Privata - non visibile ad altri utenti - - - - - - - - Pubblica Richiesta Quot. - Pubblica Richiesta Quot. - - - - - - - - - Tipo Richiesta Quot. - Tipo Richiesta Quot. - Request for Quotation Type - - - - - - - - Log Elaboratore Richieste - Log Elaboratore Richieste - - - - - - - - - Info Received - Info Received - Information of the receipt of the package (acknowledgement) - - - - - - - - Consegna Referenziata - Consegna Referenziata - - - - - - - - - Fattura referenziata - Fattura referenziata - - - - - - - - - Linea Fattura Referenziata - Linea Fattura Referenziata - - - - - - - - - Ordine Referenziato - Ordine Referenziato - Reference to corresponding Sales/Purchase Order - Reference of the Sales Order Line to the corresponding Purchase Order Line or vice versa. - - - - - - - Prodotto Correlato - Prodotto Correlato - Prodotto Correlato - - - - - - - - Tipo Prodotto Correlato - Tipo Prodotto Correlato - - - - - - - - - Data Rinnovo - Data Rinnovo - - - - - - - - - Quantità Scartata - Qtà Scartata - Quantità Scartata per motivi di Qualità. - - - - - - - - Quantità Attesa - Qtà Attesa - Quantità Attesa dalla Movimentazione - La Quantità che si sarebbe dovuto ricevere - - - - - - - Dettagli - Dettagli - - - - - - - - - Text Message - Message - Text Message - - - - - - - - Argomento Azione - Argomento Azione - - - - - - - - - Stato Argomento - Stato Argomento - - - - - - - - - Info di Tracking - Info di Tracking - - - - - - - - - Tipo di Asta - Tipo di Asta - - - - - - - - - Decision date - Decision date - - - - - - - - - Linea Spedizione Referenziata - Linea Spedizione Referenziata - - - - - - - - - Risposta Richiesta Quotazione - Risposta Richiesta Quotazione - Risposta Richiesta Quotazione da un potenziale fornitore - Request for Quotation Response from a potential Vendor - - - - - - - Crea Ordine Singolo - Crea Ordine Singolo - Crea Ordine Singolo per tutte le Consegne - - - - - - - - Destinatario dell'Allarme - Destinatario dell'Allarme - Recipient of the Alert Notification - You can send the notifications to users or roles - - - - - - - Destinatatio del Pianificatore - Destinatatio del Pianificatore - Recipient of the Scheduler Notification - You can send the notifications to users or roles - - - - - - - Tax ZIP - Tax ZIP - Tax Postal/ZIP - For local tax, you may have to define a list of (ranges of) postal codes or ZIPs - - - - - - - Data Richiesta - Data Richiesta - Date when required - - - - - - - - Richiesta - Richiesta - Richiesta Merci - - - - - - - - Linea Richiesta - Linea Richiesta - Linea Richiesta Merci - - - - - - - - Giorno del mese - Giorno del mese - Day of the month 1 to 28/29/30/31 - - - - - - - - CAP - CAP - Codice Avviamento Postale - Conecutive range to - - - - - - - Ordinamento - Ordinamento - Relative Rank Number - One is the highest Rank - - - - - - - Tipo Pianificazione - Tipo Pianificazione - Type of schedule - Define the method how the next occurance is calculated - - - - - - - Giorno della Settimana - Giorno della Settimana - Giorno della Settimana - - - - - - - - Copia Linee - Copia Linee - - - - - - - - - Attachment Note - Attachment Note - Personal Attachment Note - - - - - - - - Condizione di Spostamento - Condizione - Nodo di Workflow della Condizione di Spostamento - Restrizione Opzionale dello spostamento di un nodo verso l' altro - - - - - - - Transizione Nodo - Transizione - Nodo di Workflow della Transizione - Il Tab del nodo seguente definisce l' ordine dei nodi o degli Step in un Workflow - - - - - - - Convalida Workflow - Convalida Workflow - - - - - - - - - Tempo di Attesa - Tempo di Attesa - Tempo di Attesa in minuti - Time in minutes to be suspended (sleep) - - - - - - - Chiave di Workflow - Workflow - Chiave per far Partire il Workflow - - - - - - - - Consegna diretta - Consegna diretta - Drop Shipments are sent from the Vendor directly to the Customer - Drop Shipments do not cause any Inventory reservations or movements as the Shipment is from the Vendor's inventory. The Shipment of the Vendor to the Customer must be confirmed. - - - - - - - Auto-Approva i propri Documenti - Auto-Approva - Gli utenti con questo ruolo possono auto-approvare i propri documenti contabili - If a user cannot approve their own documents (orders, etc.), it needs to be approved by someone else. - - - - - - - Sempre Aggiornabile - Sempre Aggiornabile - The column is always updateable, even if the record is not active or processed - If selected and if the winow / tab is not read only, you can always update the column. This might be useful for comments, etc. - - - - - - - Distribuzione Libro Mastro - Distribuzione Libro Mastro - Distribuzione Libro Mastro - Se il tipo di transazione incontra il Criterio di Distribuzione del Mastro, il posting nel conto viene sostituito dal posting in più conti, la percentuale dell' ammontare totale della transazione postata in questi conti distribuiti è definita nella linea della distribuzione. La Distribuzione deve essere valida per poter essere usata. - - - - - - - Linea distribuzione del Mastro - Linea distribuzione del Mastro - Linea distribuzione del Mastro - Se il tipo di transazione incontra il Criterio di Distribuzione del Mastro, il posting nel conto viene sostituito dal posting in più conti, la percentuale dell' ammontare totale della transazione postata in questi conti distribuiti è definita nella linea della distribuzione. - - - - - - - Rapporto - Rapporto - Relative Ratio for Distributions - The relative weight of an distribution. If the total of all ratios is 100, it is the same as percent. - - - - - - - Totale Percentuale - Totale Percentuale - Totale Percentuale nella distribuzione pesata - The total relative weight of an distribution. If the total of all ratios is 100, it is the same as percent. - - - - - - - Tempo trascorso in ms - Tempo trascorso - Tempo trascorso in milli secondi - Elapsed Time in mili seconds - - - - - - - Invited - Invited - Date when (last) invitation was sent - - - - - - - - Invia Richiesta Quotazione ai Fornitori - Invia Richiesta Quotazione ai Fornitori - Invia Richiesta Quotazione ai Fornitori - - - - - - - - Data Fine Linea Lavoro - Data Fine Linea Lavoro - Data Fine Linea Lavoro Pianificata - - - - - - - - Inizio Linea Lavoro - Inizio Linea Lavoro - Data Inizio Linea Lavoro Pianificata - - - - - - - - Linea Giorni Consegna - Linea Giorni Consegna - - - - - - - - - Linea Aiuto/Commento - Linea Aiuto/Commento - - - - - - - - - Prezzo Quantità - Prezzo Quantità - - - - - - - - - Ordinamento Quantità - Ordinamento Quantità - - - - - - - - - Ordina Richiesta Quot. - Ordina Richiesta Quot. - - - - - - - - - Fine Attesa - Fine Attesa - End of sleep time - End of suspension (sleep) - - - - - - - Distribution Run - Distribution Run - Distribution Run create Orders to distribute products to a selected list of partners - Distribution Run defines how Orders are created based on Distribution Lists - - - - - - - Distribution Run Line - Distribution Run Line - Distribution Run Lines define Distribution List, the Product and Quantiries - The order amount is based on the greater of the minimums of the product or distribution list and the quantity based on the ratio. - - - - - - - Quantità Totale - Qtà Totale - Quantità Totale - - - - - - - - Start Implementation/Production - Start Implementation/Production - The day you started the implementation (if implementing) - or production (went life) with Compiere - - - - - - - - Consenti Statistiche - Consenti Statistiche - Consente di trasferire statistiche generali (numero di clienti/aziende, organizzazioni, business partners, utenti, prodotti, fatture) - Allow to transfer general statistics (number of clients, orgs, business partners, users, products, invoices) to get a better feeling for the size of the application. This information is not published. - - - - - - - Access Log - Access Log - Log of Access to the System - - - - - - - - Risposta - Risposta - Risposta o Domanda - - - - - - - - Counter Document - Counter Document - Counter Document Relationship - When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: a "Standard Order" creates a "Standard PO". -If you define a relationship here, you overwrite the default counter document type in the Document Type definition. This allows you to define a specific mapping. - - - - - - - Counter Document Type - Counter Doc Type - Generated Counter Document Type (To) - The Document Type of the generated counter document - - - - - - - Richiesta - Richiesta - Richiesta Materiale - Material Demand can be based on Forecast, Requisitions, Open Orders - - - - - - - Dettagli Richiesta - Dettagli Richiesta - Linea Richiesta Materiali - Source Link for Material Demand Lines - - - - - - - Linea Richiesta - Linea Richiesta - Linea Richiesta Materiali - Demand for a product in a period - - - - - - - Previsione - Previsione - Previsione Materiale - Material Forecast - - - - - - - Linea Previsione - Linea Previsione - Linea Previsione - Forecast of Product Qyantity by Period - - - - - - - Quantità Calcolata - Qtà Calcolata - Quantità Calcolata - - - - - - - - Standard User Workflow - Std User Workflow - Standard Manual User Approval Workflow - Se selezionato, soltanto documenti aperti (disegnati, in progresso, approvati, rifiutati, non validi) e azioni standard dell'utente (prepara, completa, approva, scarta) possono essere chiusi. - - - - - - - Partita IVA - Partita IVA - - - - - - - - - Fattura Key Partner - Fattura Key Partner - - - - - - - - - Indirizzo Fattura - Indirizzo Fattura - - - - - - - - - Nome Contatto Fattura - Nome Contatto Fattura - - - - - - - - - Nome Fattura - Nome Fattura - - - - - - - - - Nome Fattura 2 - Nome Fattura 2 - - - - - - - - - Telefono Fattura - Telefono Fattura - - - - - - - - - Titolo Fattura - Titolo Fattura - - - - - - - - - Nome BP - Nome BP - - - - - - - - - Nome 2 BP - Nome 2 BP - - - - - - - - - Importo Migliore Risposta - Migliore Risposta - Importo Migliore Risposta - Filled by Rank Response Process - - - - - - - Controllo Completato - Controllo Completato - - - - - - - - - Albero Attività Primaria - Albero Attività - - - - - - - - - Albero Campagna Primaria - Albero Campagna - - - - - - - - - Usa Funzionalità Beta - Usa Funzionlità Beta - Enable the use of Beta Functionality - The exact scope of Beta Functionality is listed in the release note. It is usually not recommended to enable Beta functionality in production environments. - - - - - - - Documento Contatore di Default - Documento Contatore di Default - The document type is the default counter document type - When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: when generating a Sales Order, use this Sales Order document type. -This default can be overwritten by defining explicit counter document relationships. - - - - - - - Annulla Processo - Annulla Processo - Aborts the current process - - - - - - - - Tipo di Conferma - Tipo Conferma - Tipo di Conferma - - - - - - - - Crea Conferma - Crea Conferma - - - - - - - - - Conferma Qtà Selezionata/QA - Conferma Qtà Selezionata/QA - Richiede Conferma Qtà Selezionata o QA prima di Processare - Il processo di Spedizione(Ricevimento) richiede conferma Qtà Selezionata(QA) - - - - - - - - Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - Richiede Conferma di Spedizione/Ricevimento prima di procedere - Il processo di Spedizione(Ricevimento) richiede conferma Qtà Spedita/Ricevuta - - - - - - - Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento Materiale - Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - Creata da Spedizione/Ricevimento - - - - - - - Linea Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - Linea Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - Linea Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento Materiale - Dettagli Conferma - - - - - - - Crea Pacco - Crea Pacco - - - - - - - - - Difference - Difference - Difference Quantity - - - - - - - - Window Height - Win Height - - - - - - - - - Window Width - Win Width - - - - - - - - - Tipo Autorizz. Restituz. Mat. - Tipo Autorizz. Restituz. Mat. - Tipo Autorizzazione Restituzione Materiale - Types of RMA - - - - - - - Annullato - CancelledAnnullato - La transazione è stata annullata - - - - - - - - Descrizione Spedizione - Descrizione Spedizione - - - - - Receipt Decription - Receipt Description - - - Importo di Approvazione - Importo di Approvazione - Importo di Approvazione del Documento - Importo di Approvazione per il Workflow - - - - - - - Linea di imputazione - Linea di imputazione - Linea di imputazione - Imputazione cassa/pagamenti alle fatture - - - - - - - Tipo Obbligatorio - Tipo Obbligatorio - Rende obbligatorio la specificazione di un attributo di prodotto - - - - - - - - Prezzo Fatturato - Prezzo Fatturato - Prezzo fatturato al cliente (0 default) - The invoiced price is derived from the Invoice Price entered and can be overwritten. If the price is 0, the default price on the customer's invoice is used. - - - - - - - Prezzo Rimborsato - Prezzo Rimborsato - Prezzo Rimborsato - The reimbursed price is derived from the converted price and can be overwritten when approving the expense report. - - - - - - - Quantità Rimborsata - Qtà Rimborsata - La quantità rimborsata - La quantità rimborsata è derivata dalla quantità inserita e può essere sovrascritta in fase di approvazione del report delle spese. - - - - - - - - Difference Document - Difference Doc - Document type for generating in dispute Shipments - If the confirmation contains differences, the original document is split allowing the original document (shipment) to be processed and updating Inventory - and the newly created document for handling the dispute at a later time. Until the confirmation is processed, the inventory is not updated. - - - - - - - In Dispute - In Dispute - Document is in dispute - The document is in dispute - - - - - - - Sconto fisso B.Partner - Sconto fisso B.Partner - Usa lo sconto fisso definito a livello di B.Partner - For calculation of the discount, use the discount defined on Business Partner Level - - - - - - - Crea Documento Contatore - Crea Documento Contatore - Crea Documento Contatore - If selected, create specified counter document. If not selected, no counter document is created for the document type. - - - - - - - Autorizza mediante LDAP - Autorizzato via LDAP - Autorizza mediante Directory Services LDAP - The user is authorized via LDAP. If LDAP authorization cannot be obtained, access is refused - the password is ignored for local access. - - - - - - - Split when Difference - Split Difference - Split document when there is a difference - If the confirmation contains differences, the original document is split allowing the original document (shipment) to be processed and updating Inventory - and the newly created document for handling the dispute at a later time. Until the confirmation is processed, the inventory is not updated. - - - - - - - LDAP Query - LDAPQuery - Directory service query string - - - - - - - - LDAP Host - LDAP Host - Name or IP of the LDAP Server - Name or IP Address of the LDAP directory service server - - - - - - - Conferma Movimento - Conferma Movimento - Conferma Movimento Inventario - Il Documento è creato automaticamente quando il tipo documneto del movimento indica In Transito. - - - - - - - Linea Conferma Movimento - Linea Conferma Movimento - Linea Conferma Movimento Inventario - - - - - - - - Funzionalità Beta - Funzionalità Beta - This functionality is considered Beta - Beta functionality is not fully tested or completed. - - - - - - - Address 3 - Address 3 - Address Line 3 - - - - - - - - Address 4 - Address 4 - Address Line 4 - - - - - - - - Default Print Color - Default Print Color - - - - - - - - - Default Print Font - Default Print Font - - - - - - - - - Stampa Nome Articolo - Nome Articolo - - - - - - - - - N Conferma - N Conferma - Numero Conferma - - - - - - - - Importazione Line di Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - Importazione Line di Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - Importazione Line di Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento Materiale - Dettagli Importazione Linea di Conferma - - - - - - - Saldo aperto - Saldo aperto - Saldo totale nella valuta della contabilità principale - The Total Open Balance Amount is the calculated open item amount for Customer and Vendor activity. If the Balance is below zero, we owe the Business Partner. The amout is used for Credit Management. -Invoices and Payment Allocations determine the Open Balance (i.e. not Orders or Payments). - - - - - - - Prezzo di Benchmark - Prezzo di Benchmark - Prezzo su cui comparare le risposte - - - - - - - - Invia - Invia - - - - - - - - - Numero Solleciti - Numero Solleciti - Number of times dunned previously - - - - - - - - Differenza di Benchmark - Differenza di Benchmark - Difference between Response Price and Benchmark Price - - - - - - - - Nuovo Indirizzo Email - Nuovo Indirizzo Email - Enter new EMail Address - not changed if empty - - - - - - - - Nuovo User ID Email - Nuovo User ID Email - Enter new User ID of your internal EMail System - not changed if empty - - - - - - - - Nuova User PW Email - Nuova User PW Email - Enter new User Password of your internal EMail System - not changed if empty - - - - - - - - Nuova Password - Nuova Password - Enter the new password - not changed if empty - - - - - - - - Password Precedente - Password Precedente - Old Password is required if you are not a System Administrator - - - - - - - - Include Contestate - Include Contestate - Include le fatture contestate - - - - - - - - Solo Fatture di Vendita - Solo Fatture di Vendita - Altrimenti anche Pagamenti e Fatture acquisti - - - - - - - - Tipo Valore Attributo - Tipo Valore Attributo - Tipo Valore Attributo - Il tipo valore attributo determina il dato e il tipo di validazione - - - - - - - Quantità Richiesta Quotazione - Quantità Richiesta Quotazione - The quantity is used when generating RfQ Responses - When generating the RfQ Responses, this quantity is included - - - - - - - Criterio SLA - Criterio SLA - Criterio Service Level Agreement (Livello di Gradimento del Servizio) - Definisce un criterio per misurare il livello di gradimento del servizio (es. Qualità, Rispetto dei Tempi di Consegna, etc.). - - - - - - - Obiettivo SLA - Obiettivo SLA - Obiettivo del Livello di Gradimento del Servizio - Obiettivo Individuale per il Criterio SLA per un Business Partner - - - - - - - Misura SLA - Misura SLA - Misura del Livello di Gradimento del Servizio - Mostra/Gestisce il valore/misura individuale attuale per l' obiettivo del livello di gradimento del servizio del business partner - - - - - - - Valore - Valore - Valore Numerico - - - - - - - - Restrizione Argomenti Richiesta Quotazioni - Solo iscritti Richiesta Quotazione - Include Subscriber only for certain products or product categories - Products and/or Product Categories for which the subscriber should be included. If no product / category is entered, the subscriber is requested to answer requests for all lines in a RfQ - - - - - - - Terminale POS - POS - Terminale POS - The POS Terminal defines the defaults and functions available for the POS Form - - - - - - - Chiave POS - Chiave POS - POS Function Key - Define a POS Function Key - - - - - - - Disposizione Chiave POS - Disposizione Chiave POS - Disposizione Chiave POS - Disposizione Chiave POS - - - - - - - Modifica Prezzo - Modifica Prezzo - Consente la modifica del prezzo - Allow modifying the price for products with a non zero price - - - - - - - Country - Country - Country Name - - - - - - - - Accedi tutte le Organizzazioni - Accedi tutte le Organizzazioni - Access all Organizations (no org access control) of the client - When selected, the role has access to all organizations of the client automatically. This also increases performance where you have many organizations. - - - - - - - Prezzo - Prezzo - Prezzo inserito - Il prezzo relativo all'UdM selezionata - Il prezzo inserito è convertito al prezzo reale mediante il valore di conversione della UdM - - - - - - - Quantità - Quantità - La quantità inserita è basata sull' unità di misura selezionata - La quantità inserita è convertita in funzione della unità di misura del prodotto - - - - - - - Lista Prezzi - Lista Prezzi - Entered List Price - Price List converted to entered UOM - - - - - - - Qualsiasi Conto - Qualsiasi Conto - Abbina il processo su qualsiasi conto - - - - - - - - Qualsiasi Attività - Qualsiasi Attività - Abbina il processo su qualsiasi attività - - - - - - - - Qualsiasi BPartner - Qualsiasi BPartner - Abbina il processo su qualsiasi BPartner - - - - - - - - Qualsiasi Campagna - Qualsiasi Campagna - Abbina il processo con qualsiasi Qualsiasi Campagna - - - - - - - - Qualsiasi Magazzino di Provenienza - Qualsiasi Magazzino di Provenienza - Abbina il processo con qualsiasi Magazzino di Provenienza - - - - - - - - Qualsiasi Magazzino di Destinazione - Qualsiasi Magazzino di Destinazione - Abbina il processo con qualsiasi Magazzino di Destinazione - - - - - - - - Qualsiasi Organizzazione - Qualsiasi Organizzazione - Abbina il processo con qualsiasi Organizzazione - - - - - - - - Qualsiasi Transazione dell' Organizzazione - Qualsiasi Transazione dell' Organizzazione - Abbina il processo con qualsiasi Transazione dell' Organizzazione - - - - - - - - Qualsiasi Prodotto - Qualsiasi Prodotto - Abbina il processo con qualsiasi Prodotto - - - - - - - - Qualsiasi Progetto - Qualsiasi Progetto - Abbina il processo con qualsiasi Progetto - - - - - - - - Qualsiasi Regione di Vendita - Qualsiasi Regione di Vendita - Abbina il processo con qualsiasi Regione di Vendita - - - - - - - - Qualsiasi Utente 1 - Qualsiasi Utente 1 - - - - - - - - - Qualsiasi Utente 2 - Qualsiasi Utente 2 - - - - - - - - - Prefisso Personalizzato - Prefisso Personalizzato - Prefix for Custom entities - The prefix listed are ignored as customization for database or entity migration - - - - - - - Sovrascrivi su Conto - Sovrascrivi su Conto - Inserisce nel conto il valore specificato. - - - - - - - - Sovrascrivi Attività - Sovrascrivi Attività - Sovrascrive il conto delle Attività con il vaore specificato. - - - - - - - - Sovrascrivi BPartner - Sovrascrivi BPartner - - - - - - - - - Sovrascrivi Campagna - Sovrascrivi Campagna - - - - - - - - - Sovrascrivi Magazzino di Provenienza - Sovrascrivi Magazzino di Provenienza - - - - - - - - - Sovrascrivi Magazzino di Destinazione - Sovrascrivi Magazzino di Destinazione - - - - - - - - - Sovrascrivi Organizzazione - Sovrascrivi Organizzazione - - - - - - - - - Sovrascrivi Transazione Organizzazione - Sovrascrivi Transazione Organizzazione - - - - - - - - - Sovrascrivi Prodotto - Sovrascrivi Prodotto - - - - - - - - - Sovrascrivi Progetto - Sovrascrivi Progetto - - - - - - - - - Sovrascrivi Regione di Vendita - Sovrascrivi Regione di Vendita - - - - - - - - - Sovrascrivi Utente 1 - Sovrascrivi Utente 1 - - - - - - - - - Sovrascrivi Utente 2 - Sovrascrivi Utente 2 - - - - - - - - - Percentuali Totali - Percentuali Totali - Somma dei Dettagli Percentuali - - - - - - - - Formato indirizzo - Formato indirizzo - Format for printing this Address locally - The optional Local Address Print format defines the format to be used when this address prints for the Country. If defined, this format is used for printing the address for the country rather then the standard address format. - The following notations are used: @C@=City @P@=Postal @A@=PostalAdd @R@=Region - - - - - - - Formato Conto Bancario - Formato Conto Bancario - Formato Conto Bancario - - - - - - - - Formato Numero di Routing - Formato Numero di Routing - Formato Numero di Routing - - - - - - - - Linee Indirizzo locale Inverse - Linee Indirizzo locale Inverse - Print Local Address in reverse Order - If NOT selected the local sequence is Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, Address 4, City/Region/Postal, Country. -If selected the local sequence is Country, City/Region/Postal, Address 4, Address 3, Address 2, Address 1. -The sequence of City/Region/Postal is determined by the local address format. - - - - - - - - Linee Indirizzo Inverse - Linee Indirizzo Inverse - Stampa indirizzo in ordine inverso - If NOT selected the sequence is Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, Address 4, City/Region/Postal, Country. -If selected the sequence is Country, City/Region/Postal, Address 4, Address 3, Address 2, Address 1. -The sequence of City/Region/Postal is determined by the address format. - - - - - - - Logica Valore Documento - Logica Valore Documento - Logic to determine Workflow Start - If true, a workflow process is started for the document - - - - - - - - Appena Migrato - Appena Migrato - Value set by Migration for post-Migation tasks. - - - - - - - - Tipo di Workflow - Tipo di Workflow - Tipo di Workflow - il tipo di workflow determina come il worklow viene lanciato. - - - - - - - Crea - Crea - Crea dal riapprovigionamento - - - - - - - - Dettagli e Fonte - Dettagli e Fonte - Dettagli e Fonte prima della Linea - - - - - - - - Ultimo Allarme - Ultimo Allarme - Date when last alert were sent - The last alert date is updated when a reminder email is sent - - - - - - - Tolleranza della Scadenza - Tolleranza della Scadenza - Tolleranza della Scadenza in Giorni - When the Date Next Action is passed, the Request becomes Due. After the Due Date Tolerance, the Request becomes Overdue. - - - - - - - Giorni Rimanenti - Giorni Rimanenti - Days between sending Reminder Emails for a due or inactive Document - When a document is due ot too long without activity, a reminder is sent. 0 means no reminders. -The Remind Days are the days when the next email reminder is sent. - - - - - - - EMail alla Scadenza - EMail alla Scadenza - Invia una email alla scadenza della Richiesta - Invia una email alla scadenza della Richiesta - - - - - - - EMail dopo la Scadenza - EMail dopo la Scadenza - Invia una Email dopo che la Richiesta è scaduta - Invia una Email dopo che la Richiesta è scaduta - - - - - - - Giorni allarme inattività - Giorni allarme inattività - Send Alert when there is no activity after days (0= no alert) - An email alert is sent when the request shows no activity for the number of days defined. - - - - - - - Allarme per superamento Priorità - Allarme per superamento Priorità - Send alert email when over priority - Send alert email when a suspended activity is over the priority defined - - - - - - - Modifica Prioità Dinamica - Modifica Prioità Dinamica - Change of priority when Activity is suspended waiting for user - Starting with the Process / Node priority level, the priority of the suspended activity can be changed dynamically. Example +5 every 10 minutes - - - - - - - Inizio Prior. Dinam. - Inizio Prior. Dinam. - Priorità iniziale prima di essere cambiata dinamicamente - - - - - - - - Unità Priorità Dinamica - Unità Priorità Dinamica - Change of priority when Activity is suspended waiting for user - Starting with the Process / Node priority level, the priority of the suspended activity can be changed dynamically. Example +5 every 10 minutes - - - - - - - Address of DB Server - DB Address - Address of the database server - - - - - - - - Database Name - DB Name - Database Name - - - - - - - - Processors - Processors - Number of Database Processors - - - - - - - - Altra Clausola - Altra Clausola - Altra Clausola SQL - Any other complete clause like GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY, etc. after WHERE clause. - - - - - - - Personalizzazione - Personalizzazione - - - - - - - - - Ripeti - Ripeti - - - - - - - - - Annulla - Annulla - - - - - - - - - Verifica Nuovo Valore - Verifica Nuovo Valore - - - - - - - - - Verifica vecchio valore - Verifica vecchio valore - - - - - - - - - Imposta Personalizzazione - Imposta Personalizzazione - - - - - - - - - Importo Saldo - Conto Importo Saldo - - - - - - - - - Importo Fonte Saldo - Importo Fonte Saldo - - - - - - - - - Descrizione Prodotto - Descrizione Prodotto - - - - - - - - - Sistirrig - Sistirrig - - - - - - - - - Qta uso interno - Qta uso interno - - - - - - - - - Data - Data - Data Intervallo Libro Giornale - - - - - - - - Livello Preferenza - Livello Preferenza - Determina quali preferenze può impostare l'utente - Preferences allow you to define default values. If set to None, you cannot set any preference nor value preference. Only if set to Client, you can see the Record Info Change Log. - - - - - - - Sovrascrive Prezzo Limite - Sovrascrive Prezzo Limite - Sovrascrive Prezzo Limite se il Prezzo di Listino assicura il prezzo limite - The Price List allows to enforce the Price Limit. If set, a user with this role can overwrite the price limit (i.e. enter any price). - - - - - - - Al Prodotto - Al Prodotto - Prodotto finale della Distinta Base - - - - - - - - Nome Prodotti - Nome Prodotti - Name of the Product - - - - - - - - Nome Organizzazione - Nome Organizzazione - Name of the Organization - - - - - - - - Acq. - Vend. - Acq. Vend. - Include Receivables and/or Payables transactions - - - - - - - - Alloca prima più vecchio - Alloca prima più vecchio - Alloca il pagamento delle fatture più vecchie - Allocate payments to the oldest invoice. There might be an unallocated amount remaining. - - - - - - - Anticipazione - Anticipazione - Il Pagamento/Incasso è una anticipazione - Payments not allocated to an invoice with a charge are posted to Unallocated Payments. When setting this flag, the payment is posted to the Customer or Vendor Prepayment account. - - - - - - - Numero Internazionale Conto (IBAN) - Numero Internazionale Conto (IBAN) - International Bank Account Number - If your bank provides an International Bank Account Number, enter it here -Details ISO 13616 and http://www.ecbs.org. The account number has the maximum length of 22 characters (without spaces). The IBAN is often printed with a apace after 4 characters. Do not enter the spaces in Compiere. - - - - - - - Precisione Prezzo - Precisione Prezzo - Precision (number of decimals) for the Price - The prices of the price list are rounded to the precision entered. This allows to have prices with below currency precision, e.g. $0.005. Enter the number of decimals or -1 for no rounding. - - - - - - - Ordini con Consegne non Confermate - Ordini con Consegne non Confermate - Generate shipments for Orders with open delivery confirmations? - You can also include orders who have outstanding confirmations (e.g. ordered=10 - not confirmed shipments=4 - would create a new shipment of 6 if available). - - - - - - - Diametro Arco - Diametro Arco - Diametro arci per Rettagoli arrotondati - Width of the horizontal/vertical diameter of the arc at the four corners - - - - - - - Riempie Forma - Riempie Forma - Fill the shape with the color selected - - - - - - - - Tipo Forma - Tipo Forma - Type of the shape to be painted - - - - - - - - Classi di Validazione Modello - Classi di Validazione Modello - List of data model validation classes separated by ; - List of classes implementing the interface org.compiere.model.ModelValidator, separaed by semicolon. -The class is called for the client and alows to validate documents in the prepare stage and monitor model changes. - - - - - - - Archivio - Archivio - Archivio documenti e report - Depending on the Client Automatic Archive Level documents and reports are saved and available for view. - - - - - - - Auto Archiviazione - Auto Archiviazione - Abilita l'archiviazione automatica dei documenti - Compiere allows to automatically create archives of Documents (e.g. Invoices) or Reports. You view the archived material with the Archive Viewer - - - - - - - Modello Data - Modello Data - Java Modello Data - Option Date pattern in Java notation. Examples: dd.MM.yyyy - dd/MM/yyyy -If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Compiere support request with the correct information - - - - - - - Punto decimale - Punto decimale - The number notation has a decimal point (no decimal comma) - If selected, Numbers are printed with a decimal point "." - otherwise with a decimal comma ",". The thousand separator is the opposite. -If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Compiere support request with the correct information - - - - - - - Dimensione Media - Dimensione Media - Java Media Size - The Java Media Size. Example: "MediaSize.ISO.A4" (the package javax.print.attribute.standard is assumed). If you define your own media size, use the fully qualified name. -If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Compiere support request with the correct information - - - - - - - Time Pattern - Time Pattern - Java Time Pattern - Option Time pattern in Java notation. Examples: "hh:mm:ss aaa z" - "HH:mm:ss" -If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Compiere support request with the correct information - - - - - - - Importo Allocato - Importo Allocato - Amount allocated to this document - - - - - - - - Importo disponibile - Importo disp. - importo disponibile per il documento - - - - - - - - Attributo Prodotto - Attributo Prodotto - Descrizione Attributo Prodotto - - - - - - - - B.Partner commissionato - B.Partner commissionato - B. Partner che riceve la commissione - - - - - - - - Quantità di commissione convertita - Qta Commiss. Conv. - Commission calculation basis Converted Amount - - - - - - - - Qta Commissione - Qta Commissione - Calcolo commissione sulla base della Quantità - - - - - - - - Campo Immangine - Campo Immangine - The image is retrieved from the data column - The Image URL is retrieved from the data column - - - - - - - Numero Conto Corrente - Numero Conto Corrente - Numero Conto Corrente Base - The Basic (or Domestic) Bank Account Number is used in Bank transfers (see also IBAN). For details see ISO 13616 and http://www.ecbs.org/ - - - - - - - Politica Materiale - Politica Materiale - Politica Movimentazione Materiale - The Material Movement Policy determines how the stock is flowing (FiFo or LiFo) if a specific Product Instance was not selected. The policy can not contradict the costing method (e.g. FiFo movement policy and LiFo costing method). - - - - - - - Costo Franco Fabbrica - Costo Franco Fabbrica - Landed cost to be allocated to material receipts - Landed costs allow you to allocate costs to previously received material receipts. Examples are freight, excise tax, insurance, etc. - - - - - - - Ricerca per Fattura - Ricerca per Fattura - Identificativo Fattura di Ricerca - The Invoice Document. - - - - - - - Ordine Ricerca - Ordine Ricerca - Ordine Ricerca - Order is a control document. - - - - - - - Ricerca per Spedizione/Ricevute - Ricerca per Spedizione/Ricevute - Documento di Spedizione - The Material Shipment / Receipt - - - - - - - Fattura Batch - Fattura Batch - Expense Invoice Batch Header - - - - - - - - Linea Fattura Batch - Linea Fattura Batch - Expense Invoice Batch Line - - - - - - - - Importo Documento - Importo Documento - Importo Documento - - - - - - - - Solo Multi Riga - Solo Multi Riga - This applies to Multi-Row view only - - - - - - - - Usa Accesso Organizzazione dell'Utente - Usa Accesso Organizzazione dell'Utente - Use Org Access defined by user instead of Role Org Access - You can define the access to Organization either by Role or by User. You would select this, if you have many organizations. - - - - - - - Controlla tutte le tabelle DB - Controlla tutte le tabelle DB - Controlla tutte le tabelle DB tranne la presente - - - - - - - - Colonna SQL - Colonna SQL - Virtual Column (r/o) - You can define virtual columns (not stored in the database). If defined, the Column name is the synonym of the SQL expression defined here. The SQL expression must be valid.<br> -Example: "Updated-Created" would list the age of the entry in days - - - - - - - Elemento di Costo - Elemento di Costo - Elemento di Costo del Prodotto - - - - - - - - Tipo Elemento Costo - Tipo Elemento Costo - Tipo Elemento Costo - - - - - - - - Calcolato - Calcolato - Calcolato dal sistema - You cannot change values maintained by the system. - - - - - - - Distribuzione Costi - Distribuzione Costi - Distribuzione Costi - How landed costs are distributed to material receipts - - - - - - - Gruppo - Gruppo - Gruppo Richiesta - Group of requests (e.g. version numbers, responsibility, ...) - - - - - - - Categoria - Categoria - Categoria richiesta - Category or Topic of the Request - - - - - - - Stato - Stato - Stato Richiesto - Status if the request (open, closed, investigating, ..) - - - - - - - Risoluzione Richiesta - Risoluzione Richiesta - Risoluzione Richiesta - Resolution status (e.g. Fixed, Rejected, ..) - - - - - - - Importanza Utente - Importanza Utente - Priority of the issue for the User - - - - - - - - Confidenzialità - Confidenzialità - Tipo Confidenzialità - - - - - - - - Richiesta Correlata - Richiesta Correlata - Related Request (Master Issue, ..) - Request related to this request - - - - - - - Confidenzialità dato - Confidenzialità dato - Confidentiality of the individual entry - - - - - - - - Risposta Standard - Risposta Standard - Request Standard Response - Text blocks to be copied into request response text - - - - - - - Tempo di avviamento - Tempo di avviamento - Tempo di avvio - - - - - - - - Scadenza - Scadenza - End of the time span - - - - - - - - Quantità usata - Qta Usata - Quantità usata per questo evento - - - - - - - - Prodotto utilizzato - Prodotto utilizzato - Product/Resource/Service used in Request - Invoicing uses the Product used. - - - - - - - Fattura di richiesta - Fattura di richiesta - The generated invoice for this request - The optionally generated invoice for the request - - - - - - - Testo Risposta - Testo Risposta - Testo Risposta - Text block to be copied into request response text - - - - - - - Data chiusura - Data chiusura - Data chiusura - The Start Date indicates the last or final date - - - - - - - Stato aperto - Aperto - The status is closed - This allows to have the three generat situations of "not open" - "open" - "closed" - - - - - - - Stato chiuso - Stato chiuso - Stato chiuso - This allows to mave multiple closed status - - - - - - - Giorni di scadenza automatici - Giorni di scadenza automatici - Giorni di scadenza automatici - If a due date is not defined and the Auto Due Days ins greater then zero, a due date in the number of days is automatically created. - - - - - - - Downloads Prodotti - Downloads Prodotti - Download Prodotto - Define download for a product. If the product is an asset, the user can download the data. - - - - - - - Verifica data Email - Verifica data Email - Data della verifica dell'Email - - - - - - - - Un bene per UdM - Un bene per UdM - Create one asset per UOM - If selected, one asset per UOM is created, otherwise one asset with the quantity received/shipped. If you have multiple lines, one asset is created per line. - - - - - - - Testo della mail 2 - Testo della mail 2 - Optional second text part used for Mail message - The Mail Text indicates the text used for mail messages. - - - - - - - Testo della mail 3 - Testo della mail 3 - Optional third text part used for Mail message - The Mail Text indicates the text used for mail messages. - - - - - - - E-commerce - E-commerce - A Web Store of the Client - - - - - - - - Email E-commerce - Email E-commerce - EMail address used as the sender (From) - The EMail address is used to send mails to useres of the web store - - - - - - - Utente E-commerce - Utente E-commerce - User ID of the Web Store EMail address - User ID to connect to the Mail Server - - - - - - - Password E-commerce - Password E-commerce - Password of the Web Store EMail address - Password to connect to the Mail Server - - - - - - - Menu Bene Gestito - Menu Bene Gestito - Show Menu Assets - - - - - - - - Menu Ordini - Menu Ordini - Show Menu Orders - - - - - - - - Menu Fatture - Menu Fatture - Show Menu Invoices - - - - - - - - Menu Consegne - Menu Consegne - Show Menu Shipments - - - - - - - - Menu Pagamenti - Menu Pagamenti - Show Menu Payments - - - - - - - - Menu Richieste Preventivi - Menu Richieste Preventivi - Show Menu RfQs - - - - - - - - Menu Richieste - Menu Richieste - Show Menu Requests - - - - - - - - Menu Interessi - Menu Interessi - Show Menu Interests - - - - - - - - Menu Registrazioni - Menu Registrazioni - Show Menu Registrations - - - - - - - - Menu Contatto - Menu Contatto - Show Menu Contact - - - - - - - - Intestazione EMail - Intestazione EMail - Header added to EMails - The header is added to every email. - - - - - - - EMail Footer - EMail Footer - Footer - The footer is added to every email. - - - - - - - Messaggio - Messaggio nella Mail - Web Store Mail Message Template - - - - - - - - Tipo Messaggio - Tipo Messaggio - Mail Message Type - - - - - - - - Soggetto - Soggetto - Email Message Subject - Subject of the EMail - - - - - - - Messaggio - Messaggio - EMail Message - Message of the EMail - - - - - - - Messaggio 2 - Messaggio 2 - Optional second part of the EMail Message - Message of the EMail - - - - - - - Messaggio 3 - Messaggio 3 - Optional third part of the EMail Message - Message of the EMail - - - - - - - Mail utente - Mail utente - Mail sent to the user - Archive of mails sent to users - - - - - - - Pagamento Referenziato - Pagamento Referenziato - - - - - - - - - Crea come attivo - Crea come attivo - Crea un bene gestito e lo attiva - You may want to consider not to automatically make the asset active if you need to get some additional information - - - - - - - Tipo Notifica - Tipo Notifica - Tipo Notifica - Emails or Notification sent out for Request Updates, etc. - - - - - - - Stato Successivo - Stato Successivo - Move to next status automatically after timeout - After the timeout, change the status automatically - - - - - - - Aggiorna Stato - Aggiorna Stato - Aggiorna Stato automaticamente dopo un inserimento dal web - Change the status automatically after the entry was changed via the Web - - - - - - - Timeout in Giorni - Timeout in Giorni - Timeout in Giorni per modificare lo Stato automaticamente - After the number of days of inactivity, the status is changed automatically to the Next Status. If no Next Status is defined, the status is not changed. - - - - - - - Aggiornabile via Web - Aggiornabile via Web - Entry can be updated from the Web - - - - - - - - Chiusura finale - Chiusura finale - Entries with Final Close cannot be re-opened - - - - - - - - Posizione Lavorativa - Posizione Lavorativa - Posizione Lavorativa - - - - - - - - Categoria Posizione Lavorativa - Categoria Posizione Lavorativa - Categoria Posizione Lavorativa - Classification of Job Positions - - - - - - - Assegnazione Posizione Lavorativa - Assegnazione Posizione Lavorativa - Assegnazione di una Posizione Lavorativa a un Dipendente - - - - - - - - Remunerazione - Remunerazione - Remunerazione - - - - - - - - Tipo Remunerazione - Tipo Remunerazione - Tipo Remunerazione - - - - - - - - Ore Standard - Ore Standard - Ore Standard basate sul tipo di remunerazione - Number of hours per Remuneration Type (e.g. Daily 8 hours, Weekly 40 hours, etc.) to determine when overtime starts - - - - - - - Ricavo Lordo - Ricavo Lordo - Gross Remuneration Amount - Gross Salary or Wage Amount (without Overtime, Benefits and Employer overhead) - - - - - - - Costo Lordo - Costo Lordo - Gross Remuneration Costs - Gross Salary or Wage Costs (without Overtime, with Benefits and Employer overhead) - - - - - - - Straordinario - Straordinario - Hourly Overtime Rate - Hourly Amount without Benefits and Employer overhead - - - - - - - Costo Straordinario - Costo Straordinario - Hourly Overtime Cost - Hourly Amount with Benefits and Employer overhead - - - - - - - Remunerazione - Remunerazione - Remunerazione per una determinata Posizione - - - - - - - - Remunerazione Impiegati - Remunerazione Impiegati - Employee Wage or Salary Overwrite - Overwrite the standard Remuneration - - - - - - - Gruppo alternativo - Gruppo alternativo - Product BOM Alternative Group - Alternative groups allow you to group Bill of Material components, which are exclusive (i.e. only one is valid). Examples different engine sizes. - - - - - - - Operazione Prodotti - Operazione Prodotti - Product Manufacturing Operation - The Operations to create the product. Note that the actual used operation and sequence is determined by the BOM Product. - - - - - - - Tempo Setup - Tempo Setup - Setup time before starting Production - Once per operation - - - - - - - Tempo produzione unità - Tempo produzione unità - Time to produce one unit - - - - - - - - Orario fine operazione - Orario fine operazione - Time at the end of the operation - Onec per operation - - - - - - - Risorsa per Operazione - Risorsa per Operazione - Product Operation Resource - Resources for the Operation. You can have multiple resources (e.g. tool, labor) per operation. - - - - - - - Distinta Base - Distinta Base - Distinta Base - The composition of the Product - - - - - - - Notifica Cambiamento - Notifica Cambiamento - Notifica Cambiamento Distinta Base - - - - - - - - Uso Distinta Base - Uso Distinta Base - Uso Distinta Base - By default the Master BOM is used, if the alternatives are not defined - - - - - - - Richiesta Modifica - Richiesta Modifica - Richiesta Modifica - Change requests for a Bill of Materials. They can be automatically created from Requests, if enabled in the Request Type and the Request Group referres to a Bill of Materials - - - - - - - Componente DIstinta Base - Componente DIstinta Base - Componente DIstinta Base - The Bill of Material Compoment determines what products, services and outside processing is included in producing the Product. It references the operation and determines it's sequence. - - - - - - - Tipo Componente - Tipo Componente - Tipo componente Distinta Base - - - - - - - - Fantasma - Fantasma - Componente Fantasma - Phantom Component are not stored and produced with the product. This is an option to avild maintaining an Engineering and Manufacturing Bill of Materials. - - - - - - - Scostamento Lead Time - Scostamento Lead Time - Optional Lead Time offest before starting production - - - - - - - - Crea una richiesta di modifica - Crea una richiesta di modifica - Crea una distinta base automaticamente - Create automatically a Product Bill of Material (Engineering) Change Request when the Request Group references a Product BOM - - - - - - - Aggiornamento Richiesta - Aggiornamento Richiesta - Aggiornamento Richiesta - - - - - - - - Inserire Registrazione - Inserire Registrazione - The user can insert a new Record - If not selected, the user cannot create a new Record. This is automatically disabled, if the Tab is Read Only. - - - - - - - Tab Avanzato - Tab Avanzato - This Tab contains advanced Functionality - The tab with advanced functionality is only displayed, if enabled in Tools>Preference. - - - - - - - Informazione Confidenziale - Informazione Confidenziale - Informazione Confidenziale - When entering/updating Requests over the web, the user can mark his info as confidential - - - - - - - Base di Priorità - Base di Priorità - Base of Priority - When deriving the Priority from Importance, the Base is "added" to the User Importance. - - - - - - - Colonne Nulle - Colonne Nulle - Columns with NULL value - Null values are used for showing "no change" - - - - - - - Distinta Base Fissata - Distinta Base Fissata - Dist. Base Fissata nella notifica di cambiamento - - - - - - - - Solo se BP ha Bilancio - Solo se BP ha Bilancio - Include only if Business Partner has outstanding Balance - - - - - - - - Serie Attributi di Istanza Vs. - Serie Attributi di Istanza Vs. - Prodotto Target della serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - - - - - - Avere Rivalutato - Avere Rivalutato - Avere Rivalutato - - - - - - - - Differenza Avere Rivalutato - Differenza Avere - Differenza Avere Rivalutato - - - - - - - - Dare Rivalutato - Dare Rivalutato - Dare Rivalutato - - - - - - - - Differenza Dare Rivalutato - Differenza Dare Rivalutato - Differenza Dare Rivalutato - - - - - - - - Tipo Conversione Rivalutazione - Tipo Conversione Rivalutazione - Tipo Conversione Rivalutazione Valuta - - - - - - - - Data Rivalutazione - Reval DateData Rivalutazione - Data Rivalutazione - - - - - - - - Test Email - Test Email - Test EMail - - - - - - - - Procedura Server - Procedura Server - Run this Process on Server only - Enabling this flag disables to run the process on the client. This potentially decreases the availability. - - - - - - - Server EMail - Server EMail - Send EMail from Server - When selected, mail is sent from the server rather then the client. This decreases availability. You would select this when you do not want to enable email relay for the client addresses in your mail server. - - - - - - - Web Context - Web Context - Web Server Context - e.g. /wstore - Unique Web Server Context for this Web Store - will set context-root in application.xml. -The web context usually starts with / and needs to be a valid context name (not checked). - - - - - - - BPartner (Agente) - BPartner (Agente) - Business Partner (Agent or Sales Rep) - - - - - - - - Modifica impostazioni correnti - Modifica impostazioni correnti - Coferma la modifica impostazioni correnti - - - - - - - - Lunghezza Massima - Lunghezza Massima - Lunghezza Massima Data - - - - - - - - Valore Test - Valore Test - Value to test - - - - - - - - Magazzino Origine - Magazzino Origine - Magazzino di Origine da cui Fornirsi - If defined, the warehouse selected is used to replenish the product(s) - - - - - - - Classe Riapprovigionamento - Classe Riapprovigionamento - Classe per calcolare la quantità da Ordinare per il riapprovigionamento - If you select a custom replenishment type, you need to create a class implementing org.compiere.util.ReplenishInterface and set that on warehouse level. - - - - - - - Livello dei Costi - Livello dei Costi - Il livello più basso per raccogliere informazioni sui costi - If you want to maintain different costs per organization (warehouse) or per Batch/Lot, you need to make sure that you define the costs for each of the organizations or batch/lot. The Costing Level is defined per Accounting Schema and can be overwritten by Product Category and Accounting Schema. - - - - - - - Dettagli Costo - Dettagli Costo - Informazione Dettagli Costo - - - - - - - - Base - Base - Calculation Base - - - - - - - - Allocazione Costo Franco Fabbrica - Allocazione Costo Franco Fabbrica - Allocation for Land Costs - - - - - - - - Quadra Costo Beni alla Vendita - Quadra Costo Beni alla Vendita - Adjust Cost of Good Sold - For Invoice costing methods, you can adjust the cost of goods sold. At the time of shipment, you may not have received the invoice for the receipt or cost adjustments like freight, customs, etc. - - - - - - - Prezzo del Costo - Prezzo del Costo - Prezzo per UdM che include tutti icosti indiretti - Optional Purchase Order Line cost price. - - - - - - - Valore Cumulato - Valore Cumulato - Valore Totale - Sum of all amounts - - - - - - - Qta Cumulata - Qta Cumulata - Qantità totale - Sum of the quantities - - - - - - - Sovrascrive copia - Sovrascrive copia - Copy and Overwrite Default Accounts (DANGEROUS!!) - - - - - - - - Solo Organizzazione - Solo Organizzazione - Crea ingressi contabili solo per l'Organizzazione - When you have multiple accounting schema, you may want to restrict the generation of postings entries for the additional accounting schema (i.e. not for the primary). Example: You have a US and a FR organization. The primary accounting schema is in USD, the second in EUR. If for the EUR accounting schema, you select the FR organizations, you would not create accounting entries for the transactions of the US organization in EUR. - - - - - - - Quantità Perdite Vendite - Quantità Perdite Vendite - Quantità Perdite Vendite - When an order is closed and there is a difference between the ordered quantity and the delivered (invoiced) quantity is the Lost Sales Quantity. Note that the Lost Sales Quantity is 0 if you void an order, so close the order if you want to track lost opportunities. [Void = data entry error - Close = the order is finished] - - - - - - - Importo Perdita sulle Vendite - Importo Perdita sulle Vendite - Importo delle Perdite in Cambio valuta Vendita - - - - - - - - Importo Margine - Importo Margine - Differenza tra il prezzo attuale e il prezzo limite moltiplicato per la quantità - The margin amount is calculated as the difference between actual and limit price multiplied by the quantity - - - - - - - Esclude set di Attributi - Esclude set di Attributi - Esclude la possibilità di inserire set di attributi - - - - - - - - Esclude Lotto - Esclude Lotto - Esclude la possibilità di creare Set di Attributi di tipo Lotto - - - - - - - - Esclude Numero di Serie - Esclude Numero di Serie - Esclude la possibilità di inserire Numeri di Serie - - - - - - - - Imputa pagamento - Elaborazione riga SQL - Imputa pagamento alle fatture - You can directly allocate payments to invoices when creating the Payment. -Note that you can over- or under-allocate the payment. When processing the payment, the allocation is created. - - - - - - - Importo Fattura - Importo Fattura - - - - - - - - - Importi Rimanenti - Importi Rimanenti - Importi Rimanenti - - - - - - - - Accesso Completo BP - Accesso Completo BP - L'utente contatto ha pieno accesso alle informazioni e risorse del BPartner - If selected, the user has full access to the Business Partner (BP) information (Business Documents like Orders, Invoices - Requests) or resources (Assets, Downloads). If you deselet it, the user has no access rights unless, you explicitly grant it in tab "BP Access" - - - - - - - Accesso Utente Bpartner - Accesso Utente Bpartner - Utente/Contatto può accedere alle informazioni del Bpartner - If on User level, "Full BP Access" is NOT selected, you need to give access explicitly here. - - - - - - - Tipo Accesso - Tipo Accesso - Tipo di accesso dell'utente contatto alle informazioni del Business Partner - If on User level, "Full BP Access" is NOT selected, give access explicitly - - - - - - - Interrogazione Utente - Interrogazione Utente - Interrogazione Utente Salvata - - - - - - - - Importo Scostamento - Importo Scostamento - Importo della differenza - - - - - - - - Quantità scostamento - Quantità scostamento - Quantità differenza - - - - - - - - Quantità Attuale - Qta Attuale - Quantità Attuale - - - - - - - - Registra subito - Registra subito - Registra subito a scopo di test - If selected, the accouning consequences are immediately generated when completing a doecument. Otherwise the document is posted by a batch process. You should select this only if you are testing, - - - - - - - Aggiorna costi immediatamente - Aggiorna costi immediatamente - Aggiorna costi immediatamente per il testing - If selected, costs are updated immediately when a Cost Detail record is created (by matching or shipping). Otherwise the costs are updated by batch or when the costs are needed for posting. You should select this only if you are testing, - - - - - - - Coda per il costo - Coda per il costo - FiFo/LiFo Cost Queue - Note thet the cost queue may not be the same as the physical movement cost queue due to differences in costing level and warehouse priority. - - - - - - - Ricavi per Servizi - Ricavi per Servizi - Conto Ricavi per Servizi - Account to post services related Accounts Receivables if you want to differentiate between Services and Product related revenue. This account is only used, if posting to service accounts is enabled in the accounting schema. - - - - - - - Compensanzione Inventario - Compensanzione Inventario - Conto Compensanzione Inventario dei Prodotti - Account used for posting matched product (item) expenses (e.g. AP Invoice, Invoice Match). You would use a different account then Product Expense, if you want to differentate service related costs from item related costs. The balance on the clearing account should be zero and accounts for the timing difference between invoice receipt and matching. - - - - - - - - Assestamento costo - Assestamento costo - Conto di assestamento costo di produzione - Account used for posting product cost adjustments (e.g. landed costs) - - - - - - - Registra i Servizi separatamente - Registra i servizi - Registra le fatture dei servizi e i prodotti in modo differenziato - If selcted, you will post service related revenue to a different receiveables account and service related cost to a different payables account. - - - - - - - Quadratura esplicita dei costi - Quadratura esplicita dei costi - Elabora i costi in modo esplicito - If selected, landed costs are posted to the account in the line and then this posting is reversed by the postings to the cost adjustment accounts. If not selected, it is directly posted to the cost adjustment accounts. - - - - - - - Crea nuovo batch - Crea nuovo batch - If selected a new batch is created - Note that the balance check does not check that individual batches are balanced. - - - - - - - Crea Nuovo Giornale - Crea Nuovo Giornale - If selected a new journal within the batch is created - Note that the balance check does not check that individual journals are balanced. - - - - - - - Conferma Righe della interrogazione - Conferma Righe della interrogazione - Require Confirmation if more records will be returned by the query (If not defined 500) - Enter the numer of records the query wil return without confirmation to avoid unnecessary system load. If 0, the system default of 500 is used. - - - - - - - Massimo num record per la query - Massimo num record per la query - If defined, you cannot query more records as defined - the query criteria needs to be changed to query less records - Enter the numer of records a user will be able to query to avoid unnecessary system load. If 0, no restrictions are imposed. - - - - - - - Sovrascrive Inizio Carattere Numero seriale - Sovrascrive Inizio Carattere Numero seriale - Sovrascrive Inizio Carattere Numero seriale - default # - If not defined, the default character # is used - - - - - - - Sovrascrive Fine Carattere Numero seriale - Sovrascrive Fine Carattere Numero seriale - Sovrascrive Fine Carattere Numero seriale- default vuoto - If not defined, no character is used - - - - - - - Sovrascrive Inizio carattere del Lotto - Sovrascrive Inizio carattere del Lotto - Lot/Batch Start Indicator overwrite - default « - If not defined, the default character « is used - - - - - - - Sovrascrivi Fine Carattere del Lotto - Fine Carattere Lotto - Lot/Batch End Indicator overwrite - default » - If not defined, the default character » is used - - - - - - - Tipo impegno - Tipo impegno - Crea impegno e/o prenotazione per il controllo del Budget - The Posting Type Commitments is created when posting Purchase Orders; The Posting Type Revervation is created when posting Requisitions. This is used for bugetary control. - - - - - - - Conto scostamenti sugli Impegni - Conto scostamenti sugli Impegni - Conto scostamenti sugli Impegni - The Commitment Offset Account is used for posting Commitments and Reservations. It is usually an off-balance sheet and gain-and-loss account. - - - - - - - Dichiarazione IVA - Dichiarazione IVA - Dichiarazione Tasse (IVA e altre) - La dichiarazione consente di fornire informazioni per l'Agenzia delle entrate e di riconciliare i documenti contabili - - - - - - - Linea Dichiarazione Tasse - Linea Dichiarazione Tasse - Informazione documento dichiarazione tasse - The lines are created by the create process. You can delete them if you do not want to include them in a particular declaration. - - - - - - - Contabilità dichiarazione Tasse - Contabilità dichiarazione Tasse - Riconciliazione Contabilità per dichiarazione tasse - Accounting related information for reconcilation with documents. It includes all revenue/expense and tax entries as a base for detail reporting - - - - - - - Confronta Rischieste - Confronta - Confronta Richieste per la Fattura - - - - - - - - Asclude consegna automatica - Asclude consegna automatica - Asclude consegna automatica - Il prodotto viene escluso dalla consegna automatica. - - - - - - - - Gerarchia dei Report - Gerarchia - Gerarchia Opzionale del Reporting - Reporting Hierarchy allows you to select different Hierarchies/Trees for the report. -Accounting Segments like Organization, Account, Product may have several hierarchies to accomodate different views on the business. - - - - - - - Albero Contabile - Albero Contabile - Tree for Natural Account Tree - - - - - - - - Tassa di vendita - Tassa di vendita - Tassa di vendita (non IVA) - Indica una tassa di vendita gestita come spesa (ad es. IVA indeducibile) - - - - - - - - Controllo Budget - Controllo Budget - Controllo Budget - Il controllo del Budget consente di restringere il tipo di spese e di impegni sia per gli acquisti sia per le spese. Se applicato potreste non essere in grado di approvare richieste, ordini di acquisto e/o fatture. - - - - - - - Prima dell'approvazione - Prima dell'approvazione - L'assegno è ancora in stato di non approvazione (manulae) - If selected, the Budget Approval is before manual approvals - i.e. is only approved if budget is available. This may cause that the use of the budget is delayed (after the approval) - - - - - - - Livello di Controllo - Livello di Controllo - Livello massimo del controllo del Budget - - - - - - - - Controllo Fondi - Controllo Fondi - Controllo fondi contabilità generale - General Ledger Funds Control allows you to restrict the use of funds. This is independent from budget control. - - - - - - - Limitazione Fondi - Limitazione Fondi - Limitazione Fondi - If defined, you can use the fund only for the accounts selected. - - - - - - - Sotto Conto - Sotto Conto - Sub account for Element Value - The Element Value (e.g. Account) may have optional sub accounts for further detail. The sub account is dependent on the value of the account, so a further specification. If the sub-accounts are more or less the same, consider using another accounting dimension. - - - - - - - Elemento Utente 1 - Elemento Utente 1 - User defined accounting Element - A user defined accounting element referres to a Compiere table. This allows to use any table content as an accounting dimension (e.g. Project Task). Note that User Elements are optional and are populated from the context of the document (i.e. not requested) - - - - - - - Elemento Utente 2 - Elemento Utente 2 - User defined accounting Element - A user defined accounting element referres to a Compiere table. This allows to use any table content as an accounting dimension (e.g. Project Task). Note that User Elements are optional and are populated from the context of the document (i.e. not requested) - - - - - - - EMail Destinatario - EMail Destinatario - Recipient of the EMail - - - - - - - - Profilo di Connessione - Profilo di Connessione - How a Java Client connects to the server(s) - Depending on the connection profile, different protocols are used and tasks are performed on the server rather then the client. Usually the user can select different profiles, unless it is enforced by the User or Role definition. The User level profile overwrites the Role based profile. - - - - - - - Condivisione Client (Azienda) - Condivisione Client (Azienda) - (Non) Forza la condivisione di Client/OrganizzazioniForce (not) sharing of client/org entities - For entities with data access level of Client+Organization either force to share the entries or not. Example: Product and Business Partner can be either defined on Client level (shared) or on Org level (not shared). You can define here of Products are always shared (i.e. always created under Organization "*") or if they are not shared (i.e. you cannot enter them with Organization "*") - - - - - - - Tipo Condivisione - Tipo Condivisione - Type of sharing - Defines if a table is shared within a client or not. - - - - - - - % Controllo Credito - % Controllo Credito - Credit Watch - Percent of Credit Limit when OK switches to Watch - If Compiere maintains credit status, the status "Credit OK" is moved to "Credit Watch" if the credit available reaches the percent entered. If not defined, 90% is used. - - - - - - - Tolleranza differenza di Prezzo - Tolleranza differenza di Prezzo - PO-Invoice Match Price Tolerance in percent of the purchase price - Tolerance in Percent of matching the purchase order price to the invoice price. The difference is posted as Invoice Price Tolerance for Standard Costing. If defined, the PO-Invoice match must be explicitly approved, if the matching difference is greater then the tolerance.<br> -Example: if the purchase price is $100 and the tolerance is 1 (percent), the invoice price must be between $99 and 101 to be automatically approved. - - - - - - - Differenza di Prezzo - Differenza di Prezzo - Difference between Purchase and Invoice Price per matched line - The difference between purchase and invoice price may be used for requiring explicit approval if a Price Match Tolerance is defined on Business Partner Group level. - - - - - - - Reporting di Errori - Reporting di Errori - Automatically report Errors - To automate error reporting, submit errors to Compiere. Only error (stack trace) information is submitted (no data or confidential information). It helps us to react faster and proactively. If you have a support contract, we will you inform about corrective measures. This functionality is experimental at this point. - - - - - - - Problema del Sistema - Problema del Sistema - Automatically created or manually entered System Issue - System Issues are created to speed up the resolution of any system related issues (potential bugs). If enabled, they are automatically reported to Compiere. No data or confidential information is transferred. - - - - - - - Local Host - Local Host - Local Host Info - - - - - - - - Traccia Errori - Traccia Errori - System Error Trace - Java Trace Info - - - - - - - Stack Trace - Stack Trace - System Log Trace - - - - - - - - No Richiesta Documento - No Richiesta Documento - Compiere Request Document No - - - - - - - - Sistema Operativo - Sistema Operativo - Operating System Info - - - - - - - - Database - Database - Database Information - - - - - - - - Sistema Standard - Sistema Standard - The system was NOT compiled from Source - i.e. standard distribution - You may have customizations, like additional columns, tables, etc - but no code modifications which require compiling from source. - - - - - - - Riproducibile - Riproducibile - Problem can re reproduced in Gardenworld - The problem occurs also in the standard distribution in the demo client Gardenworld. - - - - - - - Tipo Documento Rivalutazione - Tipo Doc Rivalutazione - Document Type for Revaluation Journal - - - - - - - - Includi tutte le Valute - Tutte le Valute - Includi tutte le Valute - - - - - - - - Stato dell'attività - Stato dell'attività - Status of the Task - Completion Rate and Status of the Task - - - - - - - Data Completamento Piano - Data Completamento Piano - Data Completamento Piano - Date when the task is planned to be complete - - - - - - - Quantità Pianificate - Quantità Pianificate - Quantità Pianificate - Planned Quantity - - - - - - - Data Inizio Piano - Data Inizio Piano - Planned Start Date - Date when you plan to start - - - - - - - Schema Colori - Schema Colori - Schema Colori per la rappresentazione delle Performance - Visual representation of performance by color. The Schema has often three levels (e.g. red-yellow-green). Compiere support two levels (e.g. red-green) or four levels (e.g. gray-bronce-silver-gold). Note that Measures without a goal are represented white. The percentages could be beween 0 and unlimited (i.e. above 100%). - - - - - - - Marcatore 1 Percentuale - Marcatore 1 Percentuale - Percentage up to this color is used - Example 50 - i.e. below 50% this color is used - - - - - - - Colore 1 - Colore 1 - First color used - - - - - - - - Marcatore 2 Percentuale - Marcatore 2 Percentuale - Percentage up to this color is used - Example 80 - e.g., if Mark 1 is 50 - this color is used between 50% and 80% - - - - - - - Colore 2 - Colore 2 - Second color used - - - - - - - - Marcatore 3 Percentuale - Marcatore 3 Percentuale - Percentage up to this color is used - Example 100 - e.g., if Mark 2 is 80 - this color is used between 80% and 100% - - - - - - - Colore 3 - Colore 3 - Third color used - - - - - - - - Marcatore 4 Percentuale - Marcatore 4 Percentuale - Percentage up to this color is used - Example 9999 - e.g., if Mark 3 is 100 - this color is used above 100% - - - - - - - Colore 4 - Colore 4 - Forth color used - - - - - - - - Obiettivo Padre - Obiettivo Padre - Obiettivo Padre - You can create a hierarchy of goals by linking the sub-goals to the summary goal. -The measures are automatically rolled up - - - - - - - Ambito Misura - Ambito Misura - Ambito Misura di performance - The scope of the goal can be broken down for initial display. -Example: Scope is Year, Display is Month - the goal is entered as a yearly number, the display divides the goal by 12 - - - - - - - Mostra Misura - Mostra Misura - Measure Scope initially displayed - - - - - - - - Restrizione Obiettivi - Restrizione Obiettivi - Performance della Restrizione Obiettivi - Restriction of the performance measure to the Organization, Business Partner or Product defined. -Example: The performance is only measured for HQ -The measure must support the data, otherwise it is ignored. - - - - - - - Tipo Restrizione - Tipo Restrizione - Tipo Restrizione Obiettivo - Enter one or more records per Goal Restriction Type (e.g. Org o1, o2) - - - - - - - Colonna Chiave - Colonna Chiave - Key Column for Table - - - - - - - - Benchmark - Benchmark - Performance Benchmark - Data Series to compare internal performance with (e.g. stock price, ...) - - - - - - - Rapporto - Rapporto - Rapporto Performance - Calculation instruction set for a perfomance ratio - - - - - - - Tipo Data - Tipo Data - Type of data - Status or in Time - Status represents values valid at a certain time (e.g. Open Invoices) - No history is maintained.<br> -Time represents a values at a given time (e.g. Invoice Amount on 1/1) - History is maintained - - - - - - - Tipo Sommatoria - Tipo Sommatoria - Come sommare i Dati sull'asse del Tempo - Sum adds the data points (e.g. stock volume) - Average is appropriate for e.g. Stock Price - - - - - - - Dati di Benchmark - Dati di Benchmark - Performance Benchmark Data Point - Data Series Point to compare internal performance with (e.g. stock price, ...) - - - - - - - Data - Data - Data del Benchmark - Date of the Benchmark Data Point - - - - - - - Valore - Valore - Valore di Benchmark - Value of the Benchmark Data Point - - - - - - - Fattore del Rapporto - Fattore del Rapporto - Performance Ratio Element - Individual calculation instruction for a ratio - - - - - - - Operando - Operando - Ratio Operand - Operand how data is calculated. If it is the first in the series, 'minus' will create a negative value, otherwise ignored. - - - - - - - Tipo Elemento - Tipo Elemento - Rapporto Tipo Elemento - Type of data used for the calculation - - - - - - - Rapporto Usato - Rapporto Usato - Performace Ratio Used - Existing Performance Ratio to be used in the calculation. Make sure that the Ratio is not self-referencing (loop). - - - - - - - Ultima Manutenzione - Ultima Manutenzione - Data Ultima Manutenzione - - - - - - - - Prossima Manutenzione - Prossima Manutenzione - Data Prossima Manutenzione - - - - - - - - Ultima Unità - Ultima Unità - Last Maintenance Unit - - - - - - - - Prossima Unità - Prossima Unità - Next Maintenence Unit - - - - - - - - Termine Prestito - Termine Prestito - Lease Termination Date - Last Date of Lease - - - - - - - Locatario - Locatario - The Business Partner who rents or leases - - - - - - - - Ultima Nota - Ultima Nota - Last Maintenance Note - - - - - - - - Scadenza Supporto - Scadenza Supporto - Date when the Compiere support expires - Check http://www.compiere.org for support options - - - - - - - Etichetta della release - Etichetta della release - Release Tag - - - - - - - - EMail Supporto - EMail Supporto - EMail address to send support information and updates to - If not entered the registered email is used. - - - - - - - Sommario Problemi - Sommario Problemi - Issue Summary - - - - - - - - Classe Sorgente - Classe Sorgente - Source Class Name - - - - - - - - Metodo Sorgente - Metodo Sorgente - Source Method Name - - - - - - - - Logger - Logger - Logger Name - - - - - - - - Linea - Linea - No Linea - - - - - - - - Problema Noto - Problema Noto - Problema Noto - - - - - - - - Raccomandazione su Problema - Raccomandazione su Problema - Recommendations how to fix an Issue - Recommendations how to fix an Issue - - - - - - - Stato Problema - Stato Problema - Status of an Issue - Status of an Issue - - - - - - - Stato Problema - Stato Problema - Current Status of the Issue - Description of the current status of the issue - - - - - - - Java Info - Java Info - Java Version Info - - - - - - - - Statistiche - Statistiche - Information to help profiling the system for solving support issues - Profile information do not contain sensitive information and are used to support issue detection and diagnostics as well as general anonymous statistics - - - - - - - Profilo - Profilo - Information to help profiling the system for solving support issues - Profile information do not contain sensitive information and are used to support issue detection and diagnostics - - - - - - - Nome Precedente - Nome Precedente - - - - - - - - - Stato del Sistema - Stato del Sistema - Status of the system - Support priority depends on system status - System status helps to prioritize support resources - - - - - - - Traccia Problemi - Traccia Problemi - Enable tracking issues for this asset - Issues created by automatic Error Reporting - - - - - - - Sistema che crea Problema - Sistema che crea Problema - System creating the issue - - - - - - - - Problema del Progetto - Problema del Progetto - Implementation Projects - - - - - - - - Utente del Problema - Utente del Problema - User who reported issues - - - - - - - - Valore del Costo - Valore del Costo - Value with Cost - - - - - - - - Sorgente - Sorgente - Issue Source - Source of the Issue - - - - - - - Stato Categoria - Stato Categoria - Request Status Category - Category of Request Status enables to maintain different set of Status for different Request Categories - - - - - - - Dimensione X - Dimensione X - X (horizontal) dimension size - Size of X (horizontal) dimension in Units - - - - - - - Dimensione Y - Dimensione Y - Y (vertical) dimension size - Size of Y (vertical) dimension in Units - - - - - - - Unità delle Dimensioni - Unità - Unita delle Dimensioni - - - - - - - - Imposta Conto Inventario - Imposta Conto Inventario - Set the value of the inventory count to Zero or On Hand Quantity - - - - - - - - Area di Interesse - Area di Interesse - Nome dell'Area di Interesse - Name of the Interest Area of the user - - - - - - + + + + + + Allegato + Allegato + Allegato per il documento + Un Allegato può appartenere a qualsiasi tipo di documento/file e può essere collegato a qualsiasi record del sistema. + + + + + + + Azienda + Azienda + Client per questa installazione + Un Client è una Azienda o un'entità legale. Due client non possono condividere gli stessi dati. + + + + + + + Colonna + Colonna + Colonna nella tabella + Collegamento alla colonna del database della tabella. + + + + + + + Visualizza Colonna + Visualizza colonna + Indica la colonna che verrà mostrata + Indica la colonna che sarà visualizzata. + + + + + + + Elemento del Sistema + Elemento del sistema + L'Elemento del Sistema consente la gestione centralizzata delle descrizioni di colonna e degli aiuti. + L'Elemento del Sistema consente la gestione centralizzata degli aiuti, delle descrizioni e terminologia di una colonna del database. + + + + + + + Campo + Campo + Un campo nella tabella database + Il Campo identifica un campo nella tabella database. + + + + + + + Colonna Chiave + Colonna chiave + Identificatore unico di un record + La Collonna Chiave indica che questo è l'identificatore unico di un record nella tabella. + + + + + + + Lingua + Lingua + La lingua per questa applicazione + La Lingua indentifica la lingua da utilizzare per la visualizzazione. + + + + + + + Menu + Menu + Identifica un Menu + Il Menu identifica un menu unico. I Menu sono utilizzati per controllare la visualizzazione delle maschere a cui l'utente ha accesso. + + + + + + + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + Unità Organizzativa della Transazione + La Organizzazione di gestione o che ha iniziato la transazione. + La organizzazione che compie/inizia la transazione (per una altra organizzazione). L'organizzazione di compitenza e l'organizzazione della transazione possono essere diverse in un ambiente di service bureau, con servizi centralizzati e transazioni inter-org. + + + + + + + Organizzazione + organizzazione + Organizzazione all'interno un client + Una organizzazione è una unità del client o entità legale - esempi sono negozio o dipartemento. I dati possono essere condivisi tra più organizzazioni sotto lo stesso client. + + + + + + + Istanza dell'Elaborazione + Istanza dell'elaborazione + + + + + + + + + Preferenza + Preferenza + Preferenza Personale + + + + + + + + Elaborazione + Elaborazione + Processo o Report + Il campo Processo identifica un processo o report unico nel sistema. + + + + + + + Parametro dell'Elaborazione + Parametro dell'elaborazione + + + + + + + + + Elenco dei Riferimenti + Elenco dei riferimenti + L'elenco dei riferimenti basato su una tabella + L'Elenco dei Riferimenti indica un'elenco dei valori di riferimento da una tabella del database. Elenchi di riferimento popolono i drop down list box nelle maschere di data entry. + + + + + + + Riferimento + Riferimento + Riferimento del Sistema (Pick List) + Il Riferimento indica il tipo del campo di riferimento + + + + + + + Codice Riferimento + Codice riferimento + Obbligatorio per specificare se il tipo dei dati è Tabella o Elenco + La Chiave del Riferimento indica dove i valori di riferimento sono archiviati. Si deve specificare se il tipo dei dati è Tabella o Elenco. + + + + + + + Ruolo + Ruolo + Ruolo di Responsabilità + Il Ruolo determina il grado di sicurezza ed accesso che ha un untente con questo ruolo nel Sistema. + + + + + + + Sequenza + Sequenza + Sequenza del documento + La Sequenza definisce la sequenza della numerazione dei documenti. + + + + + + + Tab + Tab + Un Tab all'interno di una Finestra + Il Tab indica un tab che si visualizza all'interno di una finestra. + + + + + + + Tabella + Tabella + Tabella per i campi + La Tabella indica la tabella dove si trovano dei record. + + + + + + + Istanza del Compito + Istanza del Compito + + + + + + + + + Compito + Compito + Compito del sistema operativo + Il campo Compito identifica un compito unico nel sistema. + + + + + + + Albero Principale per Business Partner + Albero principale per Business Partner + + + + + + + + + Albero + Albero + Identifica un albero + L'Albero indentifica un albero unico nel sistema. Gli alberi definiscono i livelli di sommario di informazione. Sono utilizzati nei report per la definizione i livelli di totalizzazione. + + + + + + + Albero Menu principale + Albero Menu principale + + + + + + + + + Albero Principale delle Organizzazioni + Albero Principale delle Organizzazioni + + + + + + + + + Albero Principale dei Prodotti + Albero Principale dei Prodotti + + + + + + + + + Albero Progetti Principale + Albero progetti principale + + + + + + + + + Albero Aree di Vendita Principale + Albero aree di vendita principale + + + + + + + + + Utente/Contatto + Utente + Utente del sistema - contatto interno o contatto di un Business Partner + L'ID Utente/Contatto identifica un utente unico del sistema. + + + + + + + Convalida + Convalida + Regola di Convalida + La Convalida indica una regola di convalida unica. Le regole definiscono come una immessione dei dati è determinata ad essere valida o non. + + + + + + + Nodo Successivo + Nodo successivo + Nodo successivo del workflow + Il Node Successivo indica il prossimo passo o compito in questo workflow. + + + + + + + Nodo + Nodo + Nodo del workflow; compito o processo + Il Nodo indica un compito o processo unico in un workflow. + + + + + + + Finestra + Finestra + Imessione dati o finestra di visualizzazione + Il campo Finestra indetifica una finestra unica nel sistema. + + + + + + + Workflow + Workflow + Workflow o combinazioni dei compiti + Il campo Workflow identifica un workflow unico nel sistema. + + + + + + + Livello di Accesso Dati + Livello di accesso dati + Livello di accesso richiesto + Indica il livello di accesso richiesto per questo record o processo. + + + + + + + Segno del Conto + Segno + Indica il segno originario del conto, Dare o Avere + Indica se il saldo per questo conto dovrebbe essere in dare o avere. + + + + + + + Tipo di Conto + Tipo di conto + Indica il tipo di conto + I Tipi di Conto validi sono A - Asset (Cespite), E - Expense (Spese), L - Liability (Impegno), O- Owner's Equity (Capitale Sociale), R -Revenue (Ricavo) and M - Memo (Memo). Il tipo di conto è utilizzato per determinare: l'imposta che è applicabile e per convalidare i pagamenti e incassi per i business partner. Nota: I Saldi nei conti memo sono ignorati nel controllo della quadratura. + + + + + + + Conto + Conto + Conto utilizzato + Il Conto (natural) utilizzato + + + + + + + Costo di Acquisizione + Costo di acquisizione + Costo sostenuto per ottenere un cliente vero da un prospetto + Il Costo di Acquisizione identifica il costo associato nel ottenere un cliente vero da un prospetto. + + + + + + + Azione + Azione + Indica l'azione che deve essere svolta + Il campo Azione è un drop down list box che indica la azione da essere svolta per questo articolo del menu. + + + + + + + Valore Corso di Vita + Valore Corso di Vita + Ricavo del corso di vita + Il Valore Corso di Vita è il ricavo ricordato da essere generato da questo business partner. + + + + + + + Indirizzo 1 + Indirizzo 1 + Indirizzo per questa ubicazione + L'Indirizzo 1 identifica l'indirizzo per l'ubicazione di questa entità. + + + + + + + Indirizzo 2 + Indirizzo 2 + Indirizzo 2 per questa ubicazione + L'Indirizzo 2 contiene le informazioni dell'indirizzo addizionali per una entità. Esso può essere utilizzato per una ubicazione di un palazzo, un numero di apartamento, o altre informazioni simili. + + + + + + + Dopo la Consegna + Dopo la consegna + Da pagare dopo la consegna anziché dopo la fattura + Il checkbox Dopo la Consegna indica che il pagamento è dovuto dopo la consegna anziché dopo la fattura. + + + + + + + Alternativo + Alternativo + Definisce un metodo alternativo per indicare una "Combinazione" + Il campo Alternativo permette la definizione una nominazione alternativa per la combinazione dei conti completa. Per esempio, il conto Da Ricevere in Garden World puo avere come alternativo GW_DR. + + + + + + + Importo + Importo + Importo + Importo + + + + + + + Avere + Avere + Importo registrato in avere + L'Importo Registrato in Avere indica l'importo della transazione convertito nella valuta contabile di questa organizzazione. + + + + + + + Dare + Dare + Importo dare registrato + L'Importo Registrato in Dare indica l'importo della transazione convertito nella valuta contabile di questa organizzazione. + + + + + + + Importo di Approvazione + Importo di Approvazione + Il limite dell'importo di approvazione per questo ruolo + Il campo Importo di Approvazione indica il limite dell'importo di questo ruolo per la approvazione dei documenti. + + + + + + + Avere in Valuta Fonte + Avere in Valuta Fonte + Importo in avere in valuta fonte + L'importo Avere in Valuta Fonte iindica l'importo in avere per questa riga nella valuta del fonte. + + + + + + + Dare in Valuta Fonte + Dare in Valuta Fonte + Importo in dare in valuta fonte + L'importo Dare in Valuta Fonte iindica l'importo in dare per questa riga nella valuta del fonte. + + + + + + + Attributo + Attributo + Attributo + + + + + + + + Controllo Automatico del Periodo + Controllo automatico del periodo + Se selezionato, i periodi sono aperti e chiusu automaticamente + Nel Controllo Automatico del Periodo, i periodi sono aperti e chiusi basati sulla data attuale. Se la opzione Manuale è attivata, i periodi devono essere aperti e chiusi esplicitamente. + + + + + + + Indirizzo della Fatturazione + Indirizzo della Fatturazione + Indirizzo della fatturazione + L'Indirizzo della Fatturazione indica l'indirizzo da usare per la fatturazione. + + + + + + + Dati Binari + Dati Binari + Dati binari + Il campo Dati Binari è utilizzato per archivare i dati binari. + + + + + + + Stato del Budget + Stato del budget + Indica lo stato corrente di questo budget + Lo Stato del Budget indica lo stato attuale di questo budget (e.s. Bozza, Approvato). + + + + + + + Schema Contabile Principale + Schema Contabile Principale + Le regole primarie per la contabilità + Lo Schemo Contabile Principale definisce le regole contabile come il metodo di costing, la valuta, ed il calandario. + + + + + + + Elemento dello Schema Contabile + Elemento dello schema contabile + + + + + + + + + Schema Contabile + Schema Contabile + Regole della contabilizzazione + Lo Schemo Contabile definisce le regole contabile come il metodo di costing, la valuta, ed il calandario. + + + + + + + Business Partner + Business Partner + Identifica un business partner + Un Business Partner è qualsiasi entità con cui la società fa le transazioni. I fornitori, clienti, dipendenti ed agenti possono essere tutti quanti business partner. + + + + + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + Indirizzo Business Partner + Identifica l'indirizzo della spedizione per questo business partner + L'Indirizzo Business Partner indica la ubicazione del Business Partner + Identifica l'indirizzo della spedizione per questo business partner + L'Indirizzo Business Partner indica la ubicazione del Business Partner + Indirizzo Business Partner + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Esercizio + Esercizio + Nome dell'esercizio contabile + Il Calendario identifica un calendario contabile unico. Calendari Multipli possono essere utilizzati. Per esempio si può definire un calandario standard da 1 gennaio a 31 decembre ed un calendario fiscale da 1settembre a 31 agosto. + + + + + + + Tasso di Conversione + Tasso di conversione + Il tasso utilizzato per convertire valute + Il Tasso di Conversione definisce il tasso da usare nella conversione della valuta di partenza alla valuta di contabilità. + + + + + + + Nazione + Nazione + Nazione + La Nazione definisce una nazione. Prima di essere usata in un documento, una nazione deve essere definita. + + + + + + + Valuta + Valuta + La valuta per questo record + La Valuta indica la valuta da usare nella elaborazione o nel reporting di questo record + + + + + + + Valuta A + Valuta A + Valuta di arrivo in una conversione valuta + La Valuta A definisce la valuta di arrivo per questo tasso di conversione. + + + + + + + Tipo Documento + Tipo documento + Tipo documento + Il Tipo Documento determina la sequenza del documento e le regole di elaborazione. + + + + + + + Tipo Documento Obiettivo + Tipo Documento Obiettivo + Il Tipo documento obiettivo per la conversione dei documenti + Si può convertire il tipo di documento (e.s. dall'Offerta all'Ordine o Fattura). La conversione è può indicata nel tipo attuale. Questa elaborazione è iniziata nella selezione della Azione Documento. + + + + + + + Elemento del Conto + Elemento del conto + Elemento del conto + I conti possono essere i conti originali o definiti dall'utente. + + + + + + + Elemento + Elemento + Elemento Contabile + L'Elemento identifica un tipo di conto. Essi sono riconosciuti con piani dei conti. + + + + + + + Area Stoccaggio Da + Area Stoccaggio Da + Area Stoccaggio da cui l'inventario è stato trasferito + L'Area Stoccaggio Da indica la ubicazione da cui il prodotto è stato trasferito. + + + + + + + Area Stoccaggio A + Area Stoccaggio A + Area Stoccaggio a cui l'inventario è stato trasferito + Area Stoccaggio A indica la ubicazione a cui il prodotto è stato trasferito. + + + + + + + Ubicazione / Indirizzo + Ubicazione / Indirizzo + Ubicazione o Indirizzo + Il campo Ubicazione / Indirizzo definisce la ubicazione di una entità. + + + + + + + Giorno non Lavorativo + Giorno non Lavorativo + Giorno in cui non vengono effettuate transazioni di business + Il Giorno non Lavorativo identifica un giorno in cui l'affare non è compiuta. + + + + + + + Termini del Pagamento + Termini del pagamento + I termini di pagamento per questa transazione + I Termini di Pagamento identificono il metodo e la tempistica dei pagamenti per questa transazione. + + + + + + + Controllo del Periodo + Controllo del periodo + + + + + + + + + Periodo + Periodo + Periodo del Calendario + Il Periodo indica una gamma esclusiva di date per un calendario. + + + + + + + Progetto + Progetto + Identifica un progetto unico + L'ID Progetto è un identificatore per un progetto definito del utente. + + + + + + + Regione + Regione + Identifica una regione geografica + La Regione identifica una regione unica per questa nazione. + + + + + + + Area di Vendita + Area di vendita + Area di vendita + L'Area di Vendita indica una specifica area di vendita. + + + + + + + Categoria di Imposta + Categoria di imposta + Categoria di Imposta + La Categoria di Imposta fornisce un metodo per il raggruppamento di imposte simili. Per esempio imposta di vendita o IVA. + + + + + + + Imposta + Imposta + Identificatore dell'Imposta + L'Imposta indica il tipo di imposta per questa riga del documento. + + + + + + + Conversione UdM + Conversione UdM + Conversione dell'unità di misura + La Conversione UdM identifica inici unità di misura a, unità di misura da, tasso di conversione e gamma di date per la conversione.. + + + + + + + UdM + UdM + Unità di Misura + L'Unità di Misura identifica un UOM definisce una unità di misura non monetaria unica + + + + + + + UdM A + UdM A + L'Unità di Misura di arrivo + L'Unità di Misura A indica l'unità di misura di arrivo per la coppia di conversione. + + + + + + + UdM per Lunghezza + UdM per lunghezza + Unità di misura standard per la lunghezza + L'Unità di Misura per Lunghezza indica la unità di misura da utilizzare per i prodotto che sono riferiti dalla loro lunghezza in un documento. + + + + + + + UdM per il Tempo + UdM per il tempo + Unità di misura standard per il tempo + L'Unità di Misura per Tempo indica la unità di misura da utilizzare per i prodotto che sono riferiti dal loro tempo in un documento. + + + + + + + UdM per Volume + UdM per volume + Unità di misura standard per volume + L'Unità di Misura per Volume indica la unità di misura da utilizzare per i prodotto che sono riferiti dalla loro volume in un documento. + + + + + + + UdM per Peso + UdM per peso + Unità di misura standard per peso + L'Unità di Misura per Peso indica la unità di misura da utilizzare per i prodotto che sono riferiti dal loro peso in un documento. + + + + + + + Combinazione + Combinazione + Combinazione valida dei conti + La Combinazione identifica una combinazione valida del elemento che rappresenta un conto della contabilità generale. + + + + + + + Anno + Anno + Anno del calendario + L'Anno indentifica in modo unico un'anno contabile per il calendario. + + + + + + + Callout + Callout + Chiamate a funzione separate da punti e virgola; SE_/SL_/UE_/UL_ - primo: System/User; secondo: Entrata/Uscita; 3rd: _ trattino basso, - e quindi nome della funzione + Function Calls separated by semicolons; SE_/SL_/UE_/UL_ - 1st: System/User; 2nd: Enter/Leave; 3rd: _ Underscore, - then Function Name + + + + + + + Città + Città + Città + La Città identifica una cittaà unica per questo pease o ragione. + + + + + + + Codice di Convalida + Codice di convalida + + Il Codice di Convalida visualizza la data, ora e messaggio del errore. + + + + + + + Nome Colonna DB + Nome colonna DB + Nome della colonna nel database + Il Nome Colonna DB indica il nome della colonna della tabella come definito nel database. + + + + + + + Combinazione + Combinazione + Combinazione unica di elementi del conto + Il campo Combinazione definisce la combinazione unica dei valori di elemento che comprende questo conto. + + + + + + + Commenti + Commenti + Commenti o informazioni aggiuntivi + Il campo Commenti permette l'immessione di informazione addizionale di una forma libera. + + + + + + + Invia Allarme + Invia Warning + Un avviso visualizzato al Salvo + Un avviso o informazione visualizzato al salvo del record. + + + + + + + Importo di Controllo + Importo di controllo + Se diverso da zero, l'importo del debito del documenti deve essere uguale a questo valore + Se l'Importo di Controllo è zero, nessun controllo è fatto. +Altrimente l'importo totale del Debit deve essere uguale all'Importo di Controllo, prima che il documento è elaborato. + + + + + + + Costo Medio + Costo medio + Costo medio ponderato + Costo Medio Ponderato (attuale) + + + + + + + Costo Standard + Costo standard + + Costo Standard (per piano). + + + + + + + Metodo del Calcolo dei Costi + Metodo del calcolo dei costi + Indica come sarà calcolato il costo + Il Metodo del Calcolo dei Costi indica come i costi saranno calcolati (Standard, Medio) + + + + + + + Precisione del Calcolo Costi + Precisione del calcolo costi + Arrotondamento usato per il calcolo dei costi + La Precisione del Calcolo Costi definise il numero di posti decimali a cui gli importi saranno arrotondati per la elaborazione dei costi. + + + + + + + Costi + Costi + Costo nella valuta del conto + I Costi indicano il costo di una campagna nella valuta contabile della organizzazione. + + + + + + + Paese ISO + Paese ISO + Codice ISO del paese alfanumerico e maiuscolo: ISO 3166-1 - http://www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/doc/ISO_3166.html + Per dettagli: http://www.din.de/gremien/nas/nabd/iso3166ma/codlstp1.html o - http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec03en.htm + + + + + + + Creato + Creato + Data in cui questo Record è stato creato + Il campo Creato indica la data in cui questo Record è stato creato. + + + + + + + Creato Da + Creato Da + Utente che ha creato il record + Il campo Creato Da indica l'utente che ha creato il record. + + + + + + + Numero + Numero + Numero Carta di Credito + Il Numero indica il numero della carta di credito senza spazi. + + + + + + + Simbolo della Valuta + Simbolo della valuta + Simbolo della valuta (solo per la stampatura) + Il Simbolo della Valuta definisce il simbolo che sarà stampata per questa valuta. + + + + + + + Conto Quadratura Valuta + Conto Qadratura Valuta + Conto usato quando una valuta non è in quadratura + Il Conto Quadratura Valuta indica il conto da utilizzare quando una valuta non è in equilibrio (generalmente la causa è l'arrotondamento) + + + + + + + Tasso di Conversione Valuta + Tasso di Conversione Valuta + Tasso di Conversione Valuta + Il Tasso di Conversione Valuta indica il tasso da utilizzare per la conversione dalla valuta di partenza nella valuta contabile. + + + + + + + Successivo Attuale + Successivo Attuale + Prossimo numero da essere utilizzato + Il Successivo Attuale indica il prossimo numero da essere utilizzato per questo documento. + + + + + + + D-U-N-S + D-U-N-S + Numero Dun & Badstreet + Utilizzato nell'EDI - per ulteriori dettagli: www.dnb.com/dunsno/list.htm + + + + + + + Data + Data + Una data in cui l'affare non è effettuata + Il campo Data identifica una data in cui le transazioni d'affare non saranno effettuate. + + + + + + + Data della Registrazione + Data della registrazione + Data della Registrazione + La Data della Registrazione indica la data delle registrazioni delle giornali generate da questo documento. + + + + + + + Data Consegnato + Data Consegnato + La Data Consegnato indica la data in cui il prodotto è stato consegnato + + + + + + + + Data del Documento + Data del documento + Data del documnto + La Data del Documento indica la data in cui il documento è stato generato. Questa data può essere ma non deve essere uguale alla data contabile. + + + + + + + Data Fattura + Data fattura + Data stampata sulla fattura + La Data Fattura indica la data stampata sulla fattura. + + + + + + + Data dell'Ordine + Data dell'Ordine + Data dell'Ordine + Indica la Data in cui l'articolo è stato ordinato. + + + + + + + Data Promessa + Data promessa + Data a cui l'ordine è stato promesso + La Data Promessa indica la data, per cui l'ordine è stato promesso. + + + + + + + Logica di Default + Logica di Default + Gerarchia di valori di default, separata da ; + The defaults are evaluated in the order of definition, the first not null value becomes the default value of the column. The values are separated by comma or semicolon. a) Literals:. 'Text' or 123 b) Variables - in format @Variable@ - Login e.g. #Date, #AD_Org_ID, #AD_Client_ID - Accounting Schema: e.g. $C_AcctSchema_ID, $C_Calendar_ID - Global defaults: e.g. DateFormat - Window values (all Picks, CheckBoxes, RadioButtons, and DateDoc/DateAcct) c) SQL code with the tag: @SQL=SELECT something AS DefaultValue FROM ... The SQL statement can contain variables. There can be no other value other than the SQL statement. The default is only evaluated, if no user preference is defined. Default definitions are ignored for record columns as Key, Parent, Client as well as Buttons. + + + + + + + Mezzo della Spedizione + Mezzo della spedizione + Come l'ordine sarà spedito + Il Mezzo della Spedizione indica come i prodotti saranno spediti. Per esempio, se l'ordine sarà ricevuto direttimente dal cliente o spedito. + + + + + + + Descrizione + Descrizione + Una descrizione corta opzionale del record + La descrizione è limitata ad essere meno di 255 carratteri. + + + + + + + Fuori Produzione + Fuori produzione + Questo prodotto non è più disponibile + Il check box Fuori Produzione indica che un prodotto è stato messo fuori produzione. + + + + + + + Fuori Produzione Da + Fuori produzione da + Fuori produzione da + Il Fuori Produzione Da indica la persona che ha messo il prodotto fuori produzione. + + + + + + + Sconto % + Sconto % + Sconto in percentuale + Lo Sconto % indica lo sconto applicato in percentuale. + + + + + + + Giorni di Sconto + Giorni di sconto + Il numor di giorni dalla data di fatturazione in cui lo sconto è ancora valido + I Giorni di Sconto indicano il numero di giorni disponibile per la recizione del pagamento per avere per lo sconto indicato. + + + + + + + Lunghezza della Visualizzazione + Lunghezza della Visualizzazione + Lunghezza della visualizzazione in carrattere. + La Lunghezza della Visualizzazione è sopra tutto per campi di tipo stringa. La lunghezza non ha impatto se il tipo di dato del campo è: integer, numero, importo (lunghezza è determinata del sistema) - Sì/No, (check box) - Elenco, Tabella, TableDir (lunghezza del combo box è determinata dal loro contenuto al runtime) + + + + + + + Logica della Visualizzazione + Logica della Visualizzazione + Il risultato determina se un campo è attualmente visualizzato. + format := <expression> [<logic> <expression>] expression := @<context>@=<value> or @<context>@!<value> logic := <|>|<&> context := any global or window context value := strings logic operators := AND or OR with the previous result from left to right Example '@AD_Table_ID@=14 | @Language@!'GERGER' As it is always a string comparison, the string delimiters are optional, but suggested for future compatibility + + + + + + + Visualizza Valore + Visualizza Valore + Il valore si visualizza con la colonna di visualizzazione + Il checkbox Visualizza Valore indica se la colonna di valore si visualizza con la visualizzazione della colonna di visualizzazione. + + + + + + + Formato di Stampa dell'Indirizzo + Formato di stampa dell'indirizzo + Formato per stampare questo indirizzo + Il Formato di Stampa dell'Indirizzo definisce il formato da utilizzare alla stampatura di questo indirizzo. Le seguente notazioni sono utilizzate: @C@=Città @P@=Codice Postale @A@=Codice Postael Addizionale @R@=Regione + + + + + + + Tasso di Divisione + Tasso di divisione + Per la conversione del numero di partenza al numero obbiettivo, il numero di partneza è diviso + Per la conversione del numero di partenza al numero obbiettivo, il numero di partneza è diviso per il tasso di divisione. Se si immette il tasso di divisione, il tasso di muliplicazione è calcolato automaticamente. + + + + + + + Azione del Documento + Azione del documento + Lo stato obbiettivo del documento + Si trova lo stato attuale del documento nel campo Stato del Documento. Le opzioni sono elencate nel popup. + + + + + + + Sequenza del Documento + Sequenza del documento + La sequenza dei documenti ne determina la numerazione + La Sequenza del Documento indica la regola ni numerazione per questo tipo di documento. + + + + + + + Stato del Documento + Stato del documento + Stato attuale del documento + Lo Stato del Documento indica lo stato attuale del documento. Per cambiare lo stato, utilizza il campo Azione del Documento. + + + + + + + Numero del Documento + Numero del documento + Numero di sequenza per il documento + Il Numero del Documento è di solito generato automaticamente del sistema ed è determinato del tipo del documento del documento. Se il documento non è salvato, il numero preliminario è visualizzato in "<>". + +Nel caso in cui non c'è definito una sequenza di numerazione automatica per il tipo di documento, il campo è vuoto alla creazione di un nuovo documento. Questo è per i documenti che di solito hanno un numero esterno (come la fattura del fornitore). Se l'utente lascia il campo vuoto, il sistema generà un numero del documento. La regola della sequenza per questo numero è definita nella finestra "Gestione Sequenza" con il nome "DocumentNo_<TableName>", dove TableName è il nome attuale della tabella (e.s. C_Order). + + + + + + + Data Ingresso EMU + Data ingresso EMU + Data di ingresso nell'EMU + La Data Ingresso EMU definisce la data in cui questa valuta è entrata, o entrerà nella Unione Economica. + + + + + + + Tasso EMU + Tasso EMU + Tasso ufficiale per coversione al Euro + Il Tasso EMU definisce il tasso ufficiale da usare per la conversione di questa valuta al Euro. + + + + + + + Tipo di Elemento + Tipo di Elemento + Tipo di elemento (conto o definito dall'utente) + Il Tipo di Elemento indica se questo elemento fa parte del Elemento del Conto o è un elemento definito dell'utente. + + + + + + + Data del Fine + Data del fine + L'ultima data effettiva (inclusiva) + La Data del Fine indica indica l'ultima data di questo periodo. + + + + + + + Formato Telefono + Formato telefono + Formato del numero telefonico: può avere elementi di formato fissi, Variabili: "_lLoOaAcCa09" + <B>Validation elements:</B> + (Spazio) qualsiasi carrattere +_ Spazio (carrattere fissa) +l qualsiasi Lettura a..Z NESSUN spazio +L qualsiasi Lettura a..Z NESSUN spazio convertite in upper case +o qualsiasi Lettura a..Z o spazio +O qualsiasi Lettura a..Z o Spazio convertite in upper case +a qualsiasi Lettura & Digits NESSUN spazio +A qualsiasi Lettura & Digiti NESSUN spazio convertite in upper case +c qualsiasi Lettura & Digiti o spazio +C qualsiasi Lettura & Digiti o spazio convertite in upper case +0 Digiti 0..9 NESSUN spazio +9 Digiti 0..9 or spazio + +Esempio del formato "(000)_000-0000" + + + + + + + Formato Codice Postale + Formato codice postale + + <B>Validation elements:</B> + (Space) any character +_ Space (fixed character) +l any Letter a..Z NO space +L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case +o any Letter a..Z or space +O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case +a any Letters & Digits NO space +A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case +c any Letters & Digits or space +C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case +0 Digits 0..9 NO space +9 Digits 0..9 or space + +Example of format "(000)_000-0000" + + + + + + + Formato del Codice Postale Addizionale + Formato del Codice postale addizionale + Formato del valore; può contenere elementi dal formato fisso, variabile : "_lLoOaAcCa09" + <B>Validation elements:</B> + (Space) any character +_ Space (fixed character) +l any Letter a..Z NO space +L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case +o any Letter a..Z or space +O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case +a any Letters & Digits NO space +A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case +c any Letters & Digits or space +C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case +0 Digits 0..9 NO space +9 Digits 0..9 or space + +Example of format "(000)_000-0000" + + + + + + + Fax + Fax + Numero del Fax + Il Fax identifica il numero fax per questo Business Partner o ubicazione. + + + + + + + Lunghezza + Lunghezza + Lunghezza della colonna nel database + La Lunghezza indica la lunghezza della colonna come definita nel database. + + + + + + + Prima Vendita + Prima Vendita + Data della prima vendita + La Prima Vendita identifica la data della prima vendita per questo Business Partner. + + + + + + + Spese di Trasporto + Spese di Trasporto + Importo delle spese di trasporto + I'Importo Spesse di Trasporto indica l'importo del costo del trasporto nella valuta del documento. + + + + + + + GAAP + GAAP + Generally Accepted Accounting Principles + Il GAAP identifica i principi contabili che questo schema contabilie seguirà. + + + + + + + Budget + Budget + Budget di contabilità generale + Il Budget identifica un budget definito dell'utente. Un budget può essere utilizzato nel reporting e per confrontare contro gli importi effettivi. + + + + + + + Categoria Contabile + Categoria Contabile + Categoria Contabile Contabilità Generale + La Categoria del Mastro è un metodo opzione e definito dell'utente per il raggruppamento delle righe delle giornali. + + + + + + + Gruppo Prime Note + Gruppo Prime Note + Gruppo delle prima note contabilità generale + Il Batch delle prima note identifica un insieme di giornali da elaborare come un gruppo. + + + + + + + Riga della Prima Nota + Riga della Prima Nota + Riga della prima nota contabilità generale + La Riga della Prima Nota identifica una singola transazione in un giornale. + + + + + + + Prima Nota + Prima Nota + Prima nota contabilità generale + La Prima Nota identifica un gruppo di righe di giornali che rappresentano una transazione di business logica. + + + + + + + Totale + Totale + Il totale del documento + Il Totale indica l'importo totale nella valuta del documento (con l'imposta e le spese di trasporto inclusi). + + + + + + + Utilizzare Conto Alternativo + Utilizzare conto Alternativo + Capacità di selezionare (parziali) combinazioni di conti da un Alias + Il checkbox Utilizzare Conto Alternativo indica che la combinazione dei conti può essere selezionata per un nome alternativo definito dell'utente o una chiave corta. + + + + + + + Utilizzare Controllo della Combinazione dei Conti + Utilizzare Controllo della Combinazione dei Conti + La combinazione di elementi dl conto viene controllata + Il checkbox Utilizzare Controllo della Combinazione dei Conti indica se la combinazione degli elementi di conto sarà verificata in confronto la definizione delle combinazioni accettabile. + + + + + + + Codice Postale Addizionale + Codice Postale Addizionale + Codice postale addizionale + Il checkbox Codice Postale Addizionale indica se questo indirizzo utilizza il codice postale addizionale. Se il checkbox è selezionato, un campo supplimentario si visualizza per la immessione del codice postale addizionale. + + + + + + + Nazione ha Regioni + Nazione ha Regioni + La nazione contiene regioni + Il check box Nazione ha Regioni è selezionato se la Nazione è devisa in regioni. Se questo checkbox è selezionato, il Tab Regione è accessibile. + + + + + + + Ha un Albero + Ha un Albero + La finestra ha un grafo albero + il checkbox Ha un Albero indica se in questa finestra si visualizza un metaforo albero. + + + + + + + Aiuto/Spiegazione + Aiuto/Spiegazione + Commento o suggerimento + Il campo Aiuto/Spiegazione contiene, commenti o un aiuto per l'uso di questo articolo. + + + + + + + ISDN + ISDN + ISDN o linea modem + L'ISDN identifica un ISDN o un numero per la linea Modem. + + + + + + + Codice ISO + Codice ISO + Codice ISO 4217 per la valuta + Per dettagli - http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec09en.htm + + + + + + + Conto Riepilogo Utile + Conto Riepilogo Utile + Conto di Riepilogo Utile + + + + + + + + Incremento + Incremento + Il numero da incrementare l'ultimo numero del documento + L'Incremento indica il numer da incrementare l'ultimo numero del documento per arrivare al prossimo numero sequenziale. + + + + + + + Conto Crediti Intercompany + Conto Crediti Intercompany + Il Conto Intercompany Da Ricevere + Il Conto Crediti Intercompany indica il conto che rappresenta gli importi da ricervere a questa organizzazione da altre organizzazioni. + + + + + + + Conto Debiti Intercompany + Conto Debiti Intercompany + Il Conto Intercompany Da Pagare + Il Conto Debiti Intercompany indica il conto che rappresenta gli importi da pagare da questa organizzazione ad altre organizzazioni. + + + + + + + Giorno della Fatturazione + Giorno della Fatturazione + Data di generazione della fattura + Il Giorno della Fatturazione indica il giorno di generazione fatture. Se l'impostazione è due volte al mese, la seconda volta è 15 gg dopo questo giorno. + + + + + + + Frequenza della Fatturazione + Frequenza della Fatturazione + Quanto speso saranno generate le fatture + La Frequenza della Fatturazione indica la frequenza della generazione delle fatture per un Business Partner. + + + + + + + Giorno della Settimana per la Fattura + Giorno della Settimana per la Fattura + Giorno della settimana in cui si generano le fatture + Il Giorno della Settimana per la Fattura indica il giorno della settimana per la generazione delle fatture. + + + + + + + Competenza + Competenza + Indica se sarà applicato il principio di competenza o di cassa + Il checkbox Competenza indica se questo schema contabile utilizzerà un sistema contatabile basato sulla competenza o sulla cassa. Il metodo di competenza recognizes un ricavo quando il prodotto o serviczio è consegnato. Il sistema Cassa recognizes un ricavo alla ricezione del pagamento. + + + + + + + Attivo + Attivo + Il record (dato, anagrafica,…) è attivo nel sistema + Ci sono due metodi per rendere un record non disponibile all sistema: Uno e di cancellarelo, l'atro è di disattivarelo. Un record disattivato non è disponibile per selezione, ma può essere utilizzato nei report. +Ci sono due ragioni da considere in favore alla disattivazione anziché la cancellazione dei record: +(1) Il sistema richiede il record per scopi di audit. +(2) Il record si è riferito da altri record. Per esempio, non si può cancellare un business partner, se esistono fatture per lui stesso. In questo caso si deve disattivare il busines partner per evitare l'immessione di transazioni future preso di lui. + + + + + + + Limite dell'Importo + Limite dell'importo + Invia fatture solo se l'importo supera il limite + Il checkbox Limite dell'Importo indica se le fatture saranno inviate se il loro totale è sotto il limite dell'importo immesso. + + + + + + + Approvazione + Approvazione + Indica se questo documento richiede un'approvazione + Il checkbox Approvazione indica se questo documento richiede una approvazione prima che viene elaborato. + + + + + + + Attivare Audit + Attivare audit + Attivare la mappatura dei numeri che sono stati generati + Il checkbox Attivare Audit indica se la traccia dei numeri generata dell'audit sarà salvata. + + + + + + + Numerazione Automatica + Numerazione Automatica + Il numero successivo è assegnato automaticamente + Il checkbox Numerazione Automatica indica se l'assegnazione del prossimo numero è fatta in automatica dal sistema. + + + + + + + In Pareggio + In pareggio + + + + + + + + + Da Pareggiare + Da Pareggiare + Tutte le transazioni all'interno del valore di un elemento devono pareggiare (es. centro di costo) + Il checkbox Da Pareggiare indica che questo elemento deve pareggiare in ogni transazione giornale. Per esempio, se i centri di costo è stato definito come un elemento che deve pareggiare, i debiti e crediti per ogni specifico centro di costo deve sommare a 0. Ciò è usata per definire le parti di un'organizzazione che operano come una entità propria. Da Pareggiare non è una opzione per l'elemento del conto. + + + + + + + Lingua di Base + Lingua di Base + Le informazioni di sistema sono tenute in questa lingua + + + + + + + + Gestito a Livello Centrale + Gestito a Livello Centrale + Informazioni mantenute nella tabella degli elementi di sistema + Il checkbox Gestito a Livello Centrale indica se il nome, descrizione, ed aiuto sono mantenuti in nella table 'Sytem Element' o la tablella 'Window'. + + + + + + + Credito Approvato + Credito Approvato + Il credito è stato approvato + Il Credito Approvato indica se l'approvazione del credito è riuscito per l'ordine. + + + + + + + Cliente + Cliente + Indica se il Business Partner è un cliente + Il checkbox Cliente indica se questo Business Partner è un cliente. Se è selezionato, alcuni campi addizionali si visualizzano per la impostazione di questo cliente. + + + + + + + Record Cancellabili + Record Cancellabili + Indica se il record può essere cancellato dal database. + Il Record Cancellabile indica se il record può essere cancellato dal database. Se un record non può essere cancellato, si può solo deselezionare il checkbox Attivo.. + + + + + + + Consegnato + Consegnato + + + + + + + + + Visualizzato + Visualizzato + Determina se il campo è visualizzato + Se il campo è definito come Visualizzato, la Display Logic determinerà al runtime, se il campo è attualmente visualizzato. + + + + + + + Controllato dal Documento + Controllato dal Documento + Conto di Controllo - Se un conto è controllato da un documento non puoi manualmente fare il posting su di esso + + + + + + + + Il Documento ha Numerazione Controllata + Il Documento ha Numerazione Controllata + Il documento ha una sequenza del documento + Il checkbox Il Documento ha Numerazione Controllata indica se questo tipo di documento avrà una numerazione sequenziale. + + + + + + + Membro EMU + Membro EMU + Questa valuta è inclusa nella Unione Economica Europea + Il checkbox Membro EMU è utilizzato per indicare se questa valuta è inclusa nella Unione Economica Europea. + + + + + + + Dipendente + Dipendente + Indica se questo business partner è un dipendente + Il checkbox Dipendente indica se questo business Partner è un dipendente. Se selezionato, campi aggiunti si visualizzano per specificare ulteriormente questo dipendente. + + + + + + + Visualizzazione Crittografata + Visualizzazione Crittografata + La visualizzazione e crittografata mediante degli "*" - Indipendente dalla crittografazione dei dati + Visualizzazione Crittografata - tutti i caratteri sono visualizzati come '* '. La crittografia data storage (i dati non saranno disponibile via report tools) è impostata nella definizione della colonna. + + + + + + + La Valuta Euro + La Valuta Euro + La valuta è l'euro + Il checkbox La Valuta Euro è utilizzato per indicare se questa valuta è l'Euro. + + + + + + + Solo Campo + Solo Campo + L'Etichetta non è visualizzato + Il checkbox Solo Campo indica che la colonna si visualizza senza l'etichetta. + + + + + + + Interamente Qualificato + Interamente Qualificato + + l checkbox Interamente Qualificato indica che tutti gli elementi richiesti per la combinazione sono presenti. + + + + + + + Generato + Generato + Questa linea è generata + Il checkbox Generato identifica una giornale che è stata generata da un documento di fonte. Le linee possono essere imesse manualmente o importate. + + + + + + + Solo Intestazione + Solo Intestazione + Campo senza colonna - solo l'etichetta sarà visualizzata sulla maschera. + Il checkbox Solo Intestazione indica se l'etichetta verrà visualizzata sullo schermo + + + + + + + Identificatore + Identificatore + La colonna fa parta di un'identificatore del record + Il checkbox Identificatore indica che questa colonna fa parte dell'identificatore o chiave per qeusta tabella. + + + + + + + Tab Contabilità + Tab Contabilità + Questa tabella contiene informazioni contabili + Il checkbox Tab Contabilità indica se questa finestra contiene informazioni contabili. + + + + + + + Fatturato + Fatturato + è fatturato + Il Fatturato indica se è fatturato + + + + + + + Colonna Chiave + Colonna Chiave + Questa colonna è chiave in questa tabella + La Colonna Chiave deve essere anche visualizzata sequenza 0 nella definizione del campo e può essere nascosto. + + + + + + + Obbligatorio + Obbligatorio + In questa colonna è richiesto data entry + Il checkbox Obbligatorio indica se il riempiemento di un campo è obbligatorio prima che il record può essere salvato nel database. + + + + + + + Conto Originario + Conto Originario + Il conto originario primario + Il Conto Originario è basato speso su (specifico al settore) piano dei conti + + + + + + + Colonna del Collegamento Padre + Colonna del Collegamento Padre + Questa colonna è collegato alla tabella padre (e.s. testata da righe) - incluse association key columns + Il checkbox Colonna del Collegamento Padre indica se questa colonna è collegato alla tabella padre. + + + + + + + Principale + Principale + Indica se questo è il budget primario + Il checkbox Principale indica se questo budget è il budget primario. + + + + + + + Stampato + Stampato + + Il checkbox Stampato indica se questo documento sarà stampato. + + + + + + + In Elaborazione + In Elaborazione + + + + + + + + + Cliente Potenziale Attivo + Cliente Potenziale Attivo + Indica un cliente potenziale per differenziarlo da un cliente effettivo attivo + Il checkbox Cliente Potenziale Attivo indica che una entità è un prospetto ma non ancora un cliente. + + + + + + + Acquistato + Acquistato + L'organizzazione acquista questo prodotto + Il checkbox Acquistato indica se questo è un prodotto acquistato per questa organizzazione. + + + + + + + Intervallo + Intervallo + Il parametro è una gamma dei valori + Il checkbox Intervallo indica che questo parametro è una gamma dei valori. + + + + + + + Solo Lettura + Solo Lettura + Il campo è solo lettura + Il Solo Lettura indica che questo campo è solo di lettura. Non è aggiornabile. + + + + + + + Lettura e Modifica + Lettura e modifica + Il campo è di lettura e di modifica + La Lettura e Modifica indica che questo campo può essere letto e modificato. + + + + + + + Listino Prezzi Vendite + Listino Prezzi Vendite + Questo è un listino prezzi per la vendità + Il checkbox Listino Prezzi Vendite indica se questo listino prezzi è utilizzato per le transazioni di vendita. + + + + + + + Responsabile Commerciale + Responsabile Commerciale + Indica se il dipendente è un raprresentante o un'agente della società. + Il checkbox Rappresentante Vendite indica se il dipendente è anche un raprresentante di vendita + Person responsabile per i documenti + + Company Agent + Company Agent + + + Stessa Riga + Stessa Riga + Mostra sulla stessa linea del campo precedente + Il checkbox Stessa Riga indica che il campo sarà visualizzato sulla stessa riga del campo precedente + + + + + + + Sicurezza Abilitata + Sicurezza Abilitata + Se la sicurezza è abilitata, l'accesso ai dati per l'utente può essere bloccato via ruoli + Il checkbox Sicurezza Abilitata indica che l'accesso dell'utente ai dati in questa tabella può essere bloccato via una impostazione nei ruoli. + + + + + + + Layout a Riga Singola + Layout a Riga Singola + Valore di default tra Layout di griglia a singola riga o multi-row + Il checkbox Layout a Riga Singola indica se la visualizzazion di default per questa finestra è una riga singola anzichè più righe. + + + + + + + Venduto + Venduto + L'organizzazione vende questo prodotto + Il checkbox Venduto indica se questo prodotto è venduto da questa organizzazione. + + + + + + + Stoccato + Stoccato + L'organizzazione tiene un inventario di questo prodotto + Il checkbox Stoccato indica se questo product è tenuto in inventario da questa organizzazione. + + + + + + + Livello di Sintesi + Livello di Sintesi + Questo è una entità sommaria + Una entità al Livello di Sintesi rappresente una rama di un albero anziché un nodo finale. Le entità al Livelli di sintesi sono utilizzate nel reporting e non contengono valori propri. + + + + + + + Lingua del Sistema + Lingua del Sistema + Le maschere ecc. sono mantenute in quest lingua + Selezionare per aver disponibile le maschere tradotte in questa lingua. Notificare l'administratore del sistema per eseguire gli scripts di manutenzione lingua per abilitare l'uso di questa lingua. Se la lingua non è fornita si può fare le traduzioni delle termini. + + + + + + + Utilizzato per Record ID + Utilizzato per Record ID + Il numero documento sarà utlizzato come chiave del record + Il checkbox Utilizzato per Record ID indica se l'ID del documento sarà utilizzato come la chiave del record. + + + + + + + Trasferito + Trasferito + Trasferito alla contabilità generale (Registrato) + Il checkbox Trasferito indica se le transazioni associate a questo documento dovrono essere trasferito alla contabilità generale. + + + + + + + Tradotta + Tradotta + La colonna è tradotta + Il checkbox Tradotta indica se questa columna è tradotta. + + + + + + + Tab di Traduzione + Tab di Traduzione + Questo tab contiene informazioni di traduzione + Il checkbox Tab di Traduzione indica se un tab contiene informazioni di traduzione. + + + + + + + Aggiornabile + Aggiornabile + Determina se il campo può essere aggiornato + Il checkbox Aggiornabile indica se un campo può essere aggiornato dall'utente. + + + + + + + Aggiornabile da Utente + Aggiornabile da Utente + Il campo può essere aggiornato dell'utente + Il campo Aggiornabile da Utente indica se l'utente può aggiornare questo campo. + + + + + + + Fornitore + Fornitore + Indica se questo business partner è un fornitore + Il checkbox Fornitore indicata se questo Business Partner è un fornitore. Se selezionato, campi supplimentari si visualizzano per l'ulteriore specificazione di questo fornitore. + + + + + + + Ultimo Contatto + Ultimo Contatto + Data di ultimo contatto di questo individuo + L'Ultimo Contatto indica la data del ultimo contatto con questo Business Partner. + + + + + + + Ultimo Risultato + Ultimo Risultato + Risultato dell'ultimo contatto + L'Ultimo Risultato identifica il risultato dell'ultimo contatto. + + + + + + + Livello Massimo + Livello Massimo + Livello d'inventario massimo per questo prodotto + Il Livello Massimo indica la massima quantità del prodotto da essere messo in inventario. + + + + + + + Livello Minimo + Livello Minimo + + Il Livello Minimo indica la minima quantità del prodotto da essere messo in inventario. + + + + + + + Numero di Riga + Numero di Riga + + Il Numero di Riga identifica una riga unica per un documento. Inoltre essa controlla l'ordine delle righe all'intorno del documento. + + + + + + + Netto della Riga + Netto della Riga + Importo Netto della Riga (Quantità * Prezzo Attuale) senza spese di trasporto e addebitamenti + Il Netto della Riga indica l'importo della riga basato sulla quantità e il prezzo attuale. Qualsiasi addebitamento o spese di trasporto non è incluso. + + + + + + + Sequenza + Sequenza + + + + + + + + + N. Lotto + N. Lotto + Numero del Lotto + Il Lotto indica il lotto specifico a cui appartiene il prodotto. + + + + + + + Area Stoccaggio + Area Stoccaggio + Area Stoccaggio del magazzino + L'ID Area Stoccaggio indica dove in un magazzino si trova un prodotto. + + + + + + + Listino prezzi + Listino prezzi + Identificatore unico di un listino prezzi + I Listini prezzi sono utilizzati per la determinazione dei prezzi, margini, e costi di articoli acquistati o venduti. + + + + + + + Versione del Listino Prezzi + Versione del Listino Prezzi + Identifica una istanza unica di un listino prezzi + Ogni Listino Prezzi può avere versioni multiple. L'uso puù commune è per indicare le date in cui un listino prezzi è valido. + + + + + + + Categoria del prodotto + Categoria del prodotto + Categoria di cui questo conto è parte + Identifica la categoria a cui questo product appartiene. La Categoria del Prodotto viene utilizzata per la determinazione dei prezzi. + + + + + + + Prodotto + Prodotto + Prodotto, Servizio, Articolo + Il Prodotto identifica un articolo che è o acquistato o venduto da questa organizzazione. + + + + + + + Trasportatore + Trasportatore + Metodo o mezzo per la spedizione del prodotto + Il Trasportatore indica il metodo per la spedizione del prodotto. + + + + + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + Magazzino e Punto di servizio + Il Magazzino/Punto di Servizio identifica un magazzino unico dove i prodotti sono in inventario o i servizi sono forniti. + + + + + + + Testo del Messaggio + Testo del Messaggio + Testo di informazione, Menu o Messaggio di Errore + Il Testo del Messaggio indica il messaggio che sarà visualizzato. + + + + + + + Suggerimento + Suggerimento + Consigli o aiuto supplementare per questo messaggio + Il Suggerimento definisce un aiuto o le informazioni supplementare su questo messaggio. + + + + + + + Tipo di Messaggio + Tipo di Messaggio + Tipo di messaggio (Informativo, Menu o Errore) + Il Tiopo di Messaggio indica il tipo di messaggio che sta per essere definito. Tipi di messaggio Validi sono lnformativo, Menu e Errore. + + + + + + + Tasso di Moltiplicazione + Tasso di Moltiplicazione + Il Tasso da Multiplicare il numero di partenza per calcolare il risultato. + Per la convertire il numero di partenza al numero risultato, il numero di partenza è moltiplicato per il tasso di moltiplicazione. Se il tasso di moltiplicazione è immesso, il tasso di divisione sarà calcolato automaticamente. + + + + + + + NAICS/SIC + NAICS/SIC + Codice Standard per l'Industria USA - http://www.osha.gov/oshstats/sicser.html + Il NAICS/SIC identifica il codice NAICS o SIC che è applicabile al Business Partner. + + + + + + + Nome + Nome + Identificativo alfanumerico dell'entità + Il Nome della entità (record) è utilizzato come una opzione di ricerca di default in addizione alla chiave di ricerca. Il nome è fino a 60 caratteri di lunghezza. + + + + + + + Giorni Netti + Giorni Netti + Giorni Netti in cui il pagamento è dovuto + Indica il numero dei giorni dopo la data di fatturazione in cui il pagamento è dovuto. + + + + + + + Nodo_ID + Nodo_ID + + + + + + + + + Dipendenti + Dipendenti + Numero di dipendenti + Indica il numero di dipendenti per questo Business Partner. Questo campo si visualizza soltanto per prospetti. + + + + + + + Commando OS + Commando OS + Commando del sistema operativo + Il Commando OS è per la opzione di definire un commando che sarà parte di questo compito. Per esempio può essere utilizzato per avviare un processo di back up o di trasferimento file. + + + + + + + Clausola SQL Order By + Clausola SQL Order By + Fully qualified ORDER BY clause + IL ORDER BY Clause indica lo SQL ORDER BY clause da utilizzare per la selezione dei record. + + + + + + + Unità Organizzativa + Unità Organizzativa + Una entità organizzativa sotto un client + Una Unità Organizzativa è una entità del client o entità legale - esempi sono negozio o dipartamento. + + + + + + + Listino Prezzo per Acquisti + Listino Prezzo per Acquisti + Listino prezzo utilizzato da questo business partner + Identifica il listino prezzi utilizzato da questo business partner per i prodotti acquisiti da questa organizzazione. + + + + + + + Data della Elaborazione + P Date + + + + + + + + + Data della Elaborazione A + P Date To + + + + + + + + + P_String + P_String + + + + + + + + + P_String_To + P_String_To + + + + + + + + + Padre + Padre + Valore del Padre + Il Padre indica il valore utilizzato per rappresentare un livello sommario o dei report per un record. + + + + + + + Imposta Padre + Imposta Padre + Imposta Padre indica un'imposta che si compone da più imposte. + L'Imposta Padre indica un'imposta che è un riferimento per imposte multiple . Questo permette l'addebitamento di imposte multiple su un documento con imessione dell'Imposta Padre. + + + + + + + Password + Password + Password di qualsiasi lunghezza (case sensitive) + La Password indica la password per questo ID utente. Le Password sono obbligatorie per l'identificazione degli utenti autorizzati. + + + + + + + Azione del Periodo + Azione del Periodo + Azione intrapresa per queso periodo + L'Azione del Periodo indica la azione da effettuare per questo periodo. Per esempio 'Chiudere Periodo' o 'Aprire Periodo'. + + + + + + + Periodo N. + Periodo N. + + The Period No identifies a specific period for this year. Each period is defined by a start and end date. Date ranges for a calendar and year cannot overlap. + + + + + + + Stato del periodo + Stato del periodo + Stato corrente di questo periodo + The Period Status indicates the current status for this period. For example 'Closed', 'Open', 'Never Opened'. + + + + + + + Tipo di periodo + Tipo di periodo + + The Period Type indicates the type (Standard or Adjustment) of period. + + + + + + + Giorni futuri + Giorni futuri + + If Automatic Period Control is enabled, the current period is calculated based on the system date and you can always post to all days in the current period. Future Days enable to post to future periods. E.g. today is Apr 15th and Future Days is set to 30, you can post up to May 15th + + + + + + + Giorni di storia + Giorni di storia + + If Automatic Period Control is enabled, the current period is calculated based on the system date and you can always post to all days in the current period. History Days enable to post to previous periods. E.g. today is May 15th and History Days is set to 30, you can post back to April 15th + + + + + + + Telefono + Telefono + + The Phone field identifies a telephone number + + + + + + + 2° Telefono + 2° Telefono + Identifica un numero di telefono alternativo + The 2nd Phone field identifies an alternate telephone number. + + + + + + + Registrare Effettivo + Registrare effettivo + Valori attuali che possono essere postati + The Post Actual indicates if actual values can be posted to this element value. + + + + + + + Registra Budget + Registra Budget + I valori di budget possono essere postati + The Post Budget indicates if budget values can be posted to this element value. + + + + + + + Registra impegno + Registra impegno + + + + + + + + + Registra statistiche + Registra statistiche + + + + + + + + + CAP + CAP + + The Postal Code field identifies the postal code for this entity's address. + + + + + + + - + - + CAP aggiuntivo o codice di avviamento postale + The Additional ZIP or Postal Code identifies, if appropriate, any additional Postal Code information. + + + + + + + Tipo registrazione + Tipo registrazione + + The Posting Type indicates the type of amount (Actual, Encumbrance, Budget) this journal updated. + + + + + + + Valore del ciclo di vita potenziale + Valore del ciclo di vita potenziale + + The Potential Life Time Value is the anticipated revenue to be generated by this Business Partner. + + + + + + + Prefisso + Prefisso + + The Prefix indicates the characters to print in front of the document number. + + + + + + + Prezzo unitario + Prezzo unitario + Prezzo attuale + The Actual or Unit Price indicates the Price for a product in source currency. + + + + + + + Prezzo di listino + Prezzo di listino + + The List Price is the official List Price in the document currency. + + + + + + + Priorità + Priorità + + The Priority indicates the importance (high, medium, low) of this document + + + + + + + Elabora ora + Elabora ora + + + + + + + + + Quantità + Quantità + + The Quantity indicates the number of a specific product or item for this document. + + + + + + + Quantità spedita + Quantità spedita + Quantità spedita + The Delivered Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that has been delivered. + + + + + + + Quantità fatturata + Quantità fatturata + + The Invoiced Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that have been invoiced. + + + + + + + Quantità in Magazzino + Quantità in Magazzino + + The On Hand Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that is on hand in a warehouse. + + + + + + + Quantità Ordinata + Quantità Ordinata + + The Ordered Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that was ordered. + + + + + + + Quantità riservata + Quantità riservata + + The Reserved Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that is currently reserved for other orders. + + + + + + + Tasso + Tasso + Tasso di conversione della valuta + The Rate indicates the percentage to be multiplied by the source to arrive at the tax or exchange amount. + + + + + + + Conto utile credito realizzato + Conto utile credito realizzato + Differenza tra valore fatturato e valuta usata per il pagamento + The Realized Gain Account indicates the account to be used when recording gains achieved from currency revaluation that have been realized. + + + + + + + Conto perdite credito realizzato + Conto perdite credito realizzato + Differenza tra il valore fatturato e la valuta usata nel pagamento + The Realized Loss Account indicates the account to be used when recording losses incurred from currency revaluation that have yet to be realized. + + + + + + + Record ID + Record ID + Record ID interno + The Record ID is the internal unique identifier of a record + + + + + + + Riferimento + Riferimento + + The Reference displays the source document number. + + + + + + + Riferimento n. + Riferimento n. + + The reference number can be printed on orders and invoices to allow your business partner to faster identify your records. + + + + + + + Nome della regione + Nome della regione + + The Region Name defines the name that will print when this region is used in a document. + + + + + + + Tipo di rifornimento + Tipo di rifornimento + + The Replenish Type indicates if this product will be manually re-ordered, ordered when the quantity is below the minimum quantity or ordered when it is below the maximum quantity. + + + + + + + Risultato + Risultato + + The Result indicates the result of any action taken on this request. + + + + + + + Conto utili non distribuiti + Conto utili non distribuiti + + + + + + + + + UGS + UGS + + The SKU indicates a user defined stock keeping unit. It may be used for an additional bar code symbols or your own schema. + + + + + + + Campagna + Campagna + Campagna marketing + The Campaign defines a unique marketing program. Projects can be associated with a pre defined Marketing Campaign. You can then report based on a specific Campaign. + + + + + + + Canale + Canale + Canale di vendita + The Sales Channel identifies a channel (or method) of sales generation. + + + + + + + Limite del Credito + Limite del Credito + Ammontare di credito amesso + The Credit Limit indicates the total amount allowed 'on account'. If this is exceeded a warning message will be generated. + + + + + + + Credito utilizzato + Credito utilizzato + Saldo aperto corrente + The Credit Used indicates the total amount of open or unpaid invoices for this Business Partner. + + + + + + + Regole di Spedizione + Regole di Spedizione + Definisce i tempi della spedizione + The Delivery Rule indicates when an order should be delivered. For example should the order be delivered when the entire order is complete, when a line is complete or as the products become available. + + + + + + + Ordine di vendita + Ordine di Vendita + + The Sales Order ID is a unique identifier of a Sales Order. This is controlled by the document sequence for this document type. + Purchase Order + The Purchase Order ID is a unique identifier of a Purchase Order. This is controlled by the document sequence for this document type. + Purchase Order + Purchase Order + + + Regole di fattura + Regole di fattura + + The Invoice Rule defines how a Business Partner is invoiced and the frequency of invoicing. + + + + + + + Schedulazione fattura + Schedulazione fattura + + The Invoice Schedule identifies the frequency used when generating invoices. + + + + + + + Riga dell'ordine di vendita + Riga dell'ordine di vendita + + The Sales Order Line is a unique identifier for a line in an order. + Purchase Order Line + The Purchase Order Line is a unique identifier for a line in an order. + Purchase Order Line + Order Line + + + Volume delle vendite + Volume delle vendite + + The Sales Volume indicates the total volume of sales for a Business Partner. + + + + + + + Separatore dell'elemento + Separatore dell'elemento + Separatore dell'elemento + The Element Separator defines the delimiter printed between elements of the structure + + + + + + + Sequenza + Sequenza + Sequenza dei documenti + The Sequence indicates the order of records + + + + + + + Numero di Serie + Numero di Serie + + The Serial Number identifies a tracked, warranted product. It can only be used when the quantity is 1. + + + + + + + Quota + Quota + + The Share indicates the percentage of this Business Partner's volume of the products supplied. + + + + + + + Profondità dello scaffale + Profondità dello scaffale + + The Shelf Depth indicates the depth dimension required on a shelf for a product + + + + + + + Altezza dello scaffale + Altezza dello scaffale + + The Shelf Height indicates the height dimension required on a shelf for a product + + + + + + + Larghezza dello scaffale + Larghezza dello scaffale + + The Shelf Width indicates the width dimension required on a shelf for a product + + + + + + + Numero di Ordinazione del Record + Numero di Ordinazione del Record + Determina in quale ordine i records sono visualizzati + The Record Sort No indicates the ascending sort sequence of the records + + + + + + + Data d'Inizio + Data d'inizio + Primo giorno effettivo (inclusivo) + La Data d'Inizio indica la prima data in una gamma di date. + + + + + + + Ricominciare la Sequenza Ogni Anno + Ricominciare la Sequenza Ogni Anno + + The Restart Sequence Every Year checkbox indicates that the documents sequencing should return to the starting number on the first day of the year. + + + + + + + Inizio No. + Inizio No. + + The Start Number indicates the starting number of the document or position + + + + + + + Accuratezza standard + Accuratezza standard + + The Standard Precision defines the number of decimal places that amounts will be rounded to for accounting transactions and documents. + + + + + + + Sostituto + Sostituto + + The Substitute identifies the product to be used as a substitute for this product. + + + + + + + Suffisso + Suffisso + + The Suffix indicates the characters to append to the document number. + + + + + + + Conto Saldi in Sospeso + Conto Saldi in Sospeso + + + + + + + + + Conto errori sospesi + Conto errori sospesi + + + + + + + + + Importo + Importo + Importo in una valuta definita + + + + + + + + Data + Data + Data che identifica un giorno festivo + + + + + + + + Data Ora + Data Ora + + + + + + + + + Integro + Integro + + + + + + + + + Numero + Numero + Numero della carta di credito + + + + + + + + Nome tabella DB + Nome tabella DB + Nome della tabella nel database + The DB Table Name indicates the name of the table in database. + + + + + + + Partita IVA + Partita IVA + + + + + + + + + ID test + ID test + + + + + + + + + A + A + + The To Country indicates the receiving country on a document + + + + + + + A + A + + The To Region indicates the receiving region on a document + + + + + + + Totale Avere + Totale Avere + + The Total Credit indicates the total credit amount for a journal or journal batch in the source currency + + + + + + + Totale Dare + Totale Dare + + The Total Debit indicates the total debit amount for a journal or journal batch in the source currency + + + + + + + Righe totali + Righe totali + + The Total amount displays the total of all lines in document currency + + + + + + + Tipo I Area + Tipo I Area + Elemento su cui questo albero è costruito (es: Prodotto, Business Partner) + The Tree Type / Area field determines the type of tree this is. For example, you may define one tree for your Products and another tree for your Business Partners. + + + + + + + Tipo + Tipo + + The Type indicates the type of validation that will occur. This can be SQL, Java Script or Java Language. + + + + + + + Simbolo + Simbolo + + The Symbol identifies the Symbol to be displayed and printed for a Unit of Measure + + + + + + + Codice a Barre + Codice prodotto (codice a barre) + + Use this field to enter the bar code for the product in any of the bar code symbologies (Codabar, Code 25, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, UPC (A), UPC (E), EAN-13, EAN-8, ITF, ITF-14, ISBN, ISSN, JAN-13, JAN-8, POSTNET and FIM, MSI/Plessey, and Pharmacode) + + + + + + + Unità per Pallet + Unità per Pallet + + The Units per Pallet indicates the number of units of this product which fit on a pallet. + + + + + + + Conto utile non realizzato + Conto utile non realizzato + Differenza per conversione tra la valuta dei crediti e il valore attuale + The Unrealized Gain Account indicates the account to be used when recording gains achieved from currency revaluation that have yet to be realized. + + + + + + + Conto perdita credito non realizzato + Conto perdita credito non realizzato + Differenza di conversione tra la valuta dei crediti e il valore attuale + The Unrealized Loss Account indicates the account to be used when recording losses incurred from currency revaluation that have yet to be realized. + + + + + + + Aggiornato + Aggiornato + Data di aggiornamento di questo record + The Updated field indicates the date that this record was updated. + + + + + + + Aggiornato Da + Aggiornato Da + + The Updated By field indicates the user who updated this record. + + + + + + + Utilizzare Quadratura in Valuta + Utilizzare Quadratura in Valuta + + + + + + + + + Usa quadratura sospesi + Usa quadratura sospesi + + + + + + + + + Usa errori sospesi + Usa errori sospesi + + + + + + + + + Utente 1 + Utente 1 + + The user defined element displays the optional elements that have been defined for this account combination. + + + + + + + Utente 2 + Utente 2 + + The user defined element displays the optional elements that have been defined for this account combination. + + + + + + + Livello Utente + Livello Utente + + The User Level field determines if users of this Role will have access to System level data, Organization level data, Client level data or Client and Organization level data. + + + + + + + Formato del Valore + Formato del Valore + + <B>Validation elements:</B> + (Space) any character +_ Space (fixed character) +l any Letter a..Z NO space +L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case +o any Letter a..Z or space +O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case +a any Letters & Digits NO space +A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case +c any Letters & Digits or space +C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case +0 Digits 0..9 NO space +9 Digits 0..9 or space + +Example of format "(000)_000-0000" + + + + + + + Valido Da + Valido Da + + The Valid From date indicates the first day of a date range + + + + + + + Valido fino a + Valido fino a + + The Valid To date indicates the last day of a date range + + + + + + + Tipo di Convalida + Tipo di Convalida + Differenza di metodi di validazione + The Validation Type indicates the validation method to use. These include list, table or data type validation. + + + + + + + Codice + Codice + Il codice è una chiave di ricerca che consente una individuazione rapida dell'elemento + A search key allows you a fast method of finding a particular record. +If you leave the search key empty, the system automatically creates a numeric number. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order). + + + + + + + Categoria fornitore + Categoria fornitore + + The Vendor Category identifies the category used by the vendor for this product. + + + + + + + N. prodotto fornitori + N. prodotto fornitori + + The Vendor Product Number identifies the number used by the vendor for this product. + + + + + + + Versione + Versione + + The Version indicates the version of this table definition. + + + + + + + Volume + Volume + + The Volume indicates the volume of the product in the Volume UOM of the Client + + + + + + + Peso + Peso + + The Weight indicates the weight of the product in the Weight UOM of the Client + + + + + + + Clausola SQL Where + Clausola SQL Where + + The Where Clause indicates the SQL WHERE clause to use for record selection + + + + + + + Tipo di finestra + Tipo di finestra + + The Window Type indicates the type of window being defined (Maintain, Transaction or Query) + + + + + + + Workflow + Workflow + + Il campo di workflow identifica un workflow unico. Un workflow è un raggruppamento di azioni legate fra loro, in una sequenza specifica e con possibilità di inserimento di approvazioni + + + + + + + Corridoio(X) + X + Dimensione X, e.g., Corridoio + The X dimension indicates the Aisle a product is located in. + + + + + + + Codice EDI + Codice EDI + + The Unit of Measure Code indicates the EDI X12 Code Data Element 355 (Unit or Basis for Measurement) + + + + + + + Scomparto (Y) + Scomparto (Y) + Dimensione Y, esempio: scomparto + The Y dimension indicates the Bin a product is located in + + + + + + + Anno + Anno + Anno di calendario + The Year identifies the accounting year for a calendar. + + + + + + + Livello (Z) + Livello (Z) + + Indica il livello del magazzino. + + + + + + + Banca + Banca + Banca + The Bank is a unique identifier of a Bank for this Organization or for a Business Partner with whom this Organization transacts. + + + + + + + Conto Bancario + Conto Bancario + Indica se questo è un conto bancario + Il Conto Bancario identifica un conto presso questa banca. + + + + + + + Conto banca Partner + Conto Bancario del Partner + Conto bancario del Business Partner + The Partner Bank Account identifies the bank account to be used for this Business Partner + + + + + + + Sollecito + Sollecito + Regole di sollecito per le fatture scadute + The Dunning indicates the rules and method of dunning for past due payments. + + + + + + + Trattenuta + Trattenuta + Conto per la Witholding + The Withholding indicates the type of withholding to be calculated. + + + + + + + Numero del conto + Numero del conto + Numero del conto + The Account Number indicates the Number assigned to this account + + + + + + + Beneficiario + Beneficiario + Business Partner cui è effettuato il pagamento + The Beneficiary indicates the Business Partner to whom payment will be made. This field is only displayed if the Paid to Third Party checkbox is selected. + + + + + + + Importo dell'addebito + Importo dell'addebito + Ammontare imponibile + The Charge Amount indicates the amount for an additional charge. + + + + + + + Canone dell'addebito + Canone dell'addebito + Indica il prezzo che verrà caricato per le fatture scadute + The Charge Fee checkbox indicates if the dunning letter will include fees for overdue invoices + + + + + + + Interessi dell'addebito + Interessi dell'addebito + Indica se verranno caricati interessi sulle fatture scadute + The Charge Interest checkbox indicates if interest will be charged on overdue invoice amounts. + + + + + + + Classificazione + Classificazione + A,B,C,… + The Classification can be used to optionally group products. + + + + + + + Limite del credito + Limite del credito + + The Credit Limit field indicates the credit limit for this account. + + + + + + + Saldo attuale + Saldo attuale + Saldo corrente + The Current Balance field indicates the current balance in this account. + + + + + + + Giorni intercorsi fra solleciti + Giorni intercorsi fra solleciti + Giorni di intervallo fra le lettere di sollecito + The Days Between Dunning indicates the number of days between sending dunning notices. + + + + + + + Sconto 2% + Sconto 2% + Sconto in percentuale + The Discount indicates the discount applied or taken as a percentage. + + + + + + + 2 giorni di sconto + 2 giorni di sconto + + The Discount Days indicates the number of days that payment must be received in to be eligible for the stated discount. + + + + + + + Tipo Documento di Base + Tipo Documento di Base + + The Document Base Type identifies the base or starting point for a document. Multiple document types may share a single document base type. + + + + + + + Copie del documento + Copie + + The Document Copies indicates the number of copies of each document that will be generated. + + + + + + + Nota del Documento + Nota del Documento + Informazioni aggiuntive circa un documento + The Document Note is used for recording any additional information regarding this product. + + + + + + + Email + Email + Electronic Mail Address + The Email Address is the Electronic Mail ID for this User and should be fully qualified (e.g. joe.smith@company.com) + + + + + + + Imporre limite di prezzo + Imporre limite di prezzo + Non permettere prezzi al di sotto del prezzo limite + The Enforce Price Limit check box indicates that prices cannot be below the limit price in Orders. Invoices are not checked. + + + + + + + Motivo di esenzione + Motivo di esenzione + + The Exempt Reason indicates the reason that monies are not withheld from this employee. + + + + + + + Evento Contabile + Evento Contabile + + + + + + + + + Importo Canone + Importo Canone + + The Fee Amount indicates the charge amount on a dunning letter for overdue invoices. This field will only display if the charge fee checkbox has been selected. + + + + + + + Importo fisso + Importo fisso + + The Fixed Amount indicates a fixed amount to be levied or paid. + + + + + + + Ultima data utile nel mese + Ultima data utile nel mese + Ultimo giorno utile per includere le fatture in scadenza + The Fix Month Cutoff indicates the last day invoices can have to be included in the current due date. This field only displays when the fixed due date checkbox has been selected. + + + + + + + Giorno del mese fisso + Giorno del mese fisso + Giorno del mese della data di scadenza pagamento + The Fix Month Day indicates the day of the month that invoices are due. This field only displays if the fixed due date checkbox is selected. + + + + + + + Mese scadenza + Mese scadenza + + The Fixed Month Offset indicates the number of months from the current month to indicate an invoice is due. A 0 indicates the same month, a 1 the following month. This field will only display if the fixed due date checkbox is selected. + + + + + + + Giorni di tolleranza + Giorni di tolleranza + Giorni dopo la prima data di pagamento dopo i quali inviare la prima lettera di sollecito + The Grace Days indicates the number of days after the due date to send the first dunning letter. This field displays only if the send dunning letters checkbox has been selected. + + + + + + + Importazione Messaggio d'Errore + Importazione Messaggio d'errore + + The Import Error Message displays any error messages generated during the import process. + + + + + + + Importato + Importato + + The Imported check box indicates if this import has been processed. + + + + + + + Interessi in percentuale + Interessi in percentuale + + The Interest amount in percent indicates the interest to be charged on overdue invoices. This field displays only if the charge interest checkbox has been selected. + + + + + + + Indirizzo del destinatario fattura + Indirizzo del destinatario fattura + Indica che questo indirizzo è l'indirizzo di fatturazione + The Bill to Address checkbox indicates if this location is the Bill to Address for this Business Partner + + + + + + + Livello del documento + Livello del documento + + If the tax is calculated on document level, all lines with that tax rate are added before calculating the total tax for the document. +Otherwise the tax is calculated per line and then added. +Due to rounding, the tax amount can differ. + + + + + + + Data scaduto fissata + Data scaduto fissata + + The Fixed Due Date checkbox indicates if invoices using this payment tern will be due on a fixed day of the month. + + + + + + + Conto valuta estera + Conto valuta estera + Saldo del conto in valuta straniera tenuto in valuta nominale + Balances in foreign currency accounts are held in the nominated currency and translated to functional currency + + + + + + + Trattenuta obbligatoria + Trattenuta obbligatoria + + The Mandatory Withholding checkbox indicates that monies must be withheld from this employee. + + + + + + + Transazione non ripetibile + Transazione non ripetibile + + + + + + + + + Banca + Banca + Banca di questa Organizzazione + The Own Bank field indicates if this bank is for this Organization as opposed to a Bank for a Business Partner. + + + + + + + Pagato a terzi + Pagato a terzi + Importo pagato a qualcuno diverso da un Business Partner + The Paid to Third Party checkbox indicates that the amounts are paid to someone other than the Business Partner. + + + + + + + Indirizzo del pagante + Indirizzo del pagante + Il Business Partner paga da quell'indirizzo e gli verranno inviate là le lettere di sollecito + The Pay From Address checkbox indicates if this location is the address the Business Partner pays from and where dunning letters will be sent. + + + + + + + Percentuale trattenuta + Percentuale trattenuta + + The Percent Withholding checkbox indicates if the withholding amount is a percentage of the invoice amount. + + + + + + + Pagare all'indirizzo + Pagare all'indirizzo + Indirizzo cui manderemo i pagamenti + The Remit to Address checkbox indicates if this location is the address to which we should send payments to this Business Partner. + + + + + + + Stessa imposta + Stessa imposta + + The Same Tax checkbox indicates that this charge should use the same tax as the main transaction. + + + + + + + Indirizzo di spedizione + Indirizzo di spedizione + Indirizzo di spedizione dei bene al Business Partner + The Ship to Address checkbox indicates if this location is the address to use when shipping orders to this Business Partner. + + + + + + + Esente + Esente + Business Partner esente da tasse + If a business partner is exempt from tax, the exempt tax rate is used. For this, you need to set up a tax rate with a 0% rate and indicate that this is your tax exempt rate. This is required for tax reporting, so that you can track tax exempt transactions. + + + + + + + Imposta prorata + Imposta prorata + + The Prorate Tax checkbox indicates if this tax is prorated. + + + + + + + Trattenuta d'imposta + Trattenuta d'imposta + + The Tax Withholding checkbox indicates if this withholding is tax related. + + + + + + + Temporaneamente esente + Temporaneamente esente + + The Temporary Exempt checkbox indicates that for a limited time, taxes will not be withheld for this employee. + + + + + + + Importo massimo + Importo massimo + + The Maximum Amount indicates the maximum amount in invoice currency. + + + + + + + Importo minimo + Importo minimo + + The Minimum amount indicates the minimum amount as stated in the currency of the invoice. + + + + + + + Quantità minima dell'ordine + Quantità minima dell'ordine + + The Minimum Order Quantity indicates the smallest quantity of this product which can be ordered. + + + + + + + Quantità imballaggio ordine + Quantità imballaggio ordine + + The Order Pack Quantity indicates the number of units in each pack of this product. + + + + + + + Regola del pagamento + Regola del pagamento + + The Payment Rule indicates the method of purchase payment. + + + + + + + Percentuale + Percentuale + + The Percent indicates the percentage used for withholding. + + + + + + + Riferimento dell'ordine + Riferimento dell'ordine + + The business partner order reference is the order reference for this specific transaction; Often Purchase Order numbers are given to print on Invoices for easier reference. A standard number can be defined in the Business Partner (Customer) window. + + + + + + + Prezzo dell'ultimo OdA + Prezzo dell'ultimo OdA + + The Last PO Price indicates the last price paid (per the purchase order) for this product. + + + + + + + Prezzo limite + Prezzo limite + + The Price Limit indicates the lowest price for a product stated in the Price List Currency. + + + + + + + Prezzo standard + Prezzo standard + + The Standard Price indicates the standard or normal price for a product on this price list + + + + + + + Etichetta di stampa + Etichetta di stampa + + The Label to be printed indicates the name that will be printed on a document or correspondence. The max length is 2000 characters. + + + + + + + Indice + Indice + Classificazione o importanza del business partner + The Rating is used to identify the importance of a Business Partner. + + + + + + + Numero ABI-CAB + Numero ABI-CAB + Numero ABI-CAB + The Bank Routing Number (ABA Number) identifies a legal Bank. It is used in routing checks and electronic transactions. + + + + + + + Inviare lettere di sollecito + Inviare lettere di sollecito + + The Send Dunning Letters checkbox indicates if dunning letters will be sent to Business Partners who use this dunning rule. + + + + + + + Addebito + Addebito + Tipi di spesa aggiuntiva + The Charge indicates a type of Charge (Handling, Shipping, Restocking) + + + + + + + Codice swift + Codice swift + + The SWIFT code is an identifier of a Bank + + + + + + + Soglia Massima + Soglia Massima + + The Threshold maximum indicates the maximum gross amount to be used in the withholding calculation . A value of 0 indicates there is no limit. + + + + + + + Soglia min + Soglia min + + The Threshold Minimum indicates the minimum gross amount to be used in the withholding calculation. + + + + + + + Titolo + Titolo + + The Title indicates the name that an entity is referred to as. + + + + + + + URL + URL + + The URL defines an online address for this Business Partner. + + + + + + + Procedura + Procedura + + The Procedure indicates the name of the database procedure called by this report or process. + + + + + + + Attività + Attività + Attività di business + Activities indicate tasks that are performed and used to utilize Activity based Costing + + + + + + + Regole spese di trasporto + Regole spese di trasporto + + The Freight Cost Rule indicates the method used when charging for freight. + + + + + + + Fattura + Fattura + + The Invoice ID uniquely identifies an Invoice Document. + + + + + + + Debiti per anticipazioni del cliente + Debiti per anticipazioni cliente + Conto per i debiti dovuti agli anticipi clienti + The Customer Prepayment account indicates the account to be used for recording prepayments from a customer. + + + + + + + Crediti vs clienti + Crediti vs clienti + Conto per i pagamenti clienti + The Customer Receivables Accounts indicates the account to be used for recording transaction for customers receivables. + + + + + + + Codice della merce + Codice della merce + Commodity code usato per il calcolo delle tasse + The Commodity Code indicates a code that is used in tax calculations + + + + + + + Carta di credito + Carta di credito + Credit Card (Visa, MC, AmEx) + The Credit Card drop down list box is used for selecting the type of Credit Card presented for payment. + + + + + + + OdV Sotto Tipo + OdV Sotto Tipo + + The SO Sub Type indicates the type of sales order this document refers to. This field only appears when the Document Base Type is Sales Order. The selection made here will determine which documents will be generated when an order is processed and which documents must be generated manually or in batches. <br> +The following outlines this process.<br> +SO Sub Type of <b>Standard Order</b> will generate just the <b>Order</b> document when the order is processed. <br> +The <b>Delivery Note</b>, <b>Invoice</b> and <b>Receipt</b> must be generated via other processes. <br> +SO Sub Type of <b>Warehouse Order</b> will generate the <b>Order</b> and <b>Delivery Note</b>. <br> The <b>Invoice</b> and <b>Receipt</b> must be generated via other processes.<br> +SO Sub Type of <b>Credit Order</b> will generate the <b>Order</b>, <b>Delivery Note</b> and <b>Invoice</b>. <br> The <b>Reciept</b> must be generated via other processes.<br> +SO Sub Type of <b>POS</b> (Point of Sale) will generate all document + + + + + + + Spese dipendenti + Spese dipendenti + Conto per le spese dipendenti + The Employee Expense Account identifies the account to use for recording expenses for this employee. + + + + + + + Anticipazioni a dipendenti + Anticipazioni a dipendenti + Conto per anticipi a dipendenti + The Employee Prepayment Account identifies the account to use for recording expense advances made to this employee. + + + + + + + Messaggio errore + Messaggio errore + + + + + + + + + Report + Report + + The Report checkbox indicates that this record is a report as opposed to a process + + + + + + + Spedizione/ricevimento + Spedizione/ricevimento + + The Shipment / Receipt ID indicates the unique document for this shipment or receipt. + + + + + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + Riga del documento di spedizione/entrata merce + La Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce indica uan riga unica in un documento di spedizione/entrata merce + + + + + + + Inventario Fisico + Inventario Fisico + + The Physical Inventory indicates a unique parameters for a physical inventory. + + + + + + + Riga dell'inventario fisico + Riga dell'inventario fisico + + The Physical Inventory Line indicates the inventory document line (if applicable) for this transaction + + + + + + + Area stock a + Area stock a + + The Locator To indicates the location where the inventory is being moved to. + + + + + + + Movimento + Movimento + + The Inventory Movement uniquely identifies a group of movement lines. + + + + + + + Riga del movimento + Riga del movimento + + The Movement Line indicates the inventory movement document line (if applicable) for this transaction + + + + + + + Produzione + Produzione + + The Production uniquely identifies a Production Plan + + + + + + + Riga di produzione + Riga di produzione + Linea di documento rappresentante una produzione + The Production Line indicates the production document line (if applicable) for this transaction + + + + + + + Transazione di inventario + Transazione di inventario + + + + + + + + + Data del movimento + Data del movimento + Data in cui un prodotto è stato spostato dentro o fuori dall'inventario + The Movement Date indicates the date that a product moved in or out of inventory. This is the result of a shipment, receipt or inventory movement. + + + + + + + Quantità del movimento + Quantità del movimento + + The Movement Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that has been moved. + + + + + + + Tipo di movimento + Tipo di movimento + + The Movement Type indicates the type of movement (in, out, to production, etc) + + + + + + + Valore del prodotto + Valore del prodotto + Conto per la valutazione del prodotto (da inventario) + The Product Asset Account indicates the account used for valuing this a product in inventory. + + + + + + + Costo del prodotto alla vendita + Costo del prodotto alla vendita + Costo di produzione dei prodotti (materiale + manodopera) + The Product COGS Account indicates the account used when recording costs associated with this product. + + + + + + + Costo acquisti merce (prodotti e servizi) + Costo acquisti merce (prodotti e servizi) + Conto dei prodotti e servizi acquistati + The Product Expense Account indicates the account used to record expenses associated with this product. + + + + + + + Ricavi delle vendite + Ricavi delle vendite + Conto per ricavi da vendita del prodotto (Conto vendite) + The Product Revenue Account indicates the account used for recording sales revenue for this product. + + + + + + + Valore del progetto + Valore del progetto + Valore stimato del progetto + The Project Asset account is the account used as the final asset account in capital projects + + + + + + + Elaborato + Elaborato + + The Processed checkbox indicates that a document has been processed. + + + + + + + Quantità nominale + Quantità nominale + Quantità impegnata + The Quantity Book indicates the line count stored in the system for a product in inventory + + + + + + + Conteggio della quantità + Conteggio della quantità + Quantità contata + The Quantity Count indicates the actual inventory count taken for a product in inventory + + + + + + + Debiti vs fornitori + Debiti vs fornitori + Conto per Debiti verso i fornitori + The Vendor Liability account indicates the account used for recording transactions for vendor liabilities + + + + + + + Debiti per servizi + Debiti per servizi + Debiti per servizi non legati direttamente al prodotto + The Vendor Service Liability account indicates the account to use for recording service liabilities. It is used if you need to distinguish between Liability for products and services + + + + + + + Anticipazioni a Fornitori + Anticipo a Fornitori + Conto per gli anticipi a fornitore + The Vendor Prepayment Account indicates the account used to record prepayments from a vendor. + + + + + + + Valore massimo + Valore massimo + + The Maximum Value indicates the highest allowable value for a field + + + + + + + Valore minimo + Valore minimo + + The Minimum Value indicates the lowest allowable value for a field. + + + + + + + Rimanenze magazzino + Rimanenze di magazzino + Perdita/guadagno per modifica di inventario a causa di rimanenze + The Warehouse Differences Account indicates the account used recording differences identified during inventory counts. + + + + + + + Inventario di magazzino + Inventario di magazzino + + Il Conto del Cespite di Inventario del magazzino identifica il conto utilizzato per la registrazione del valore dell' inventario. + + + + + + + Responsabile Commerciale + Responsabile Commerciale + + The Sales Representative indicates the Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales Rep must be a valid user in the System. + Purchase/Company Agent + Purchase agent for the document + Purchaser + Purchaser + + + Prezzo tasse incluse + Prezzo tasse incluse + + The Tax Included checkbox indicates if the prices include tax. This is also known as the gross price. + + + + + + + Richiesta della certificazione d'imposta + Richiesta della certificazione d'imposta + + The Requires Tax Certificate indicates that a tax certificate is required for a Business Partner to be tax exempt. + + + + + + + Addebiti + Addebiti + Spese che possono essere aggiunte al documento + The Charges checkbox indicates that charges can be added to this document. Charges can include items like shipping, handling or bank charges. + + + + + + + Account_Acct + Account_Acct + + + + + + + + + Modello B.Partner + Modello B.Partner + Business Partner usato per creare nuovi Business Partner al volo + When creating a new Business Partner from the Business Partner Search Field (right-click: Create), the selected business partner is used as a template, e.g. to define price list, payment terms, etc. + + + + + + + Tipo documento per fattura + Tipo documento per fattura + Tipo documento usato per le fatture generate da questo documento di vendita + The Document Type for Invoice indicates the document type that will be used when an invoice is generated from this sales document. This field will display only when the base document type is Sales Order. + + + + + + + Tipo documento per Proforma + Tipo documento per Proforma + Tipo documento usato per le fatture pro-forma generate da questo documento di vendita + he Document Type for Invoice indicates the document type that will be used when an invoice is generated from this sales document. This field will display only when the base document type is Sales Order and the Pro Forma Invoice checkbox is selected + + + + + + + Tipo documento per spedizione + Tipo documento per spedizione + Tipo documento usato per le spedizioni generate da questo documento di vendita + he Document Type for Shipments indicates the document type that will be used when a shipment is generated from this sales document. This field will display only when the base document type is Sales Order. + + + + + + + Livello di Sollecito + Livello di Sollecito + + + + + + + + + Riga della fattura + Riga della fattura + + The Invoice Line uniquely identifies a single line of an Invoice. + + + + + + + Riconoscimento del Ricavo + Riconoscimento del Ricavo + + The Revenue Recognition indicates how revenue will be recognized for this product + + + + + + + Livello della prestazione + Livello della prestazione + + The Service Level defines a unique Service Level. + + + + + + + Riga del livello della prestazione + Riga del livello della prestazione + + The Service Level Line indicates a unique instance in a Service Level + + + + + + + Importo impegnato + Importo impegnato + L'ammontamento (legale) impegnato + The commitment amount is independent from the planned amount. You would use the planned amount for your realistic estimation, which might be higher or lower than the commitment amount. + + + + + + + Conteggio materiali ad alta rotazione + Conteggio materiali ad alta rotazione + Numero dei prodotti ad alta movimentazione + The Count High Movement checkbox indicates if the those items with a high turnover will be counted + + + + + + + Mese scaduto + Mese scaduto + + The Expiry Month indicates the expiry month for this credit card. + + + + + + + Anno Scaduto + Anno Scaduto + + L'Anno Scaduto indica l'anno di scadenza per questa carta di credito. + + + + + + + Successivo (sistema) + Successivo (sistema) + Successivo numero di sequenza ad uso del sistema + Questo campo è per uso del sistema è non deve essere modificato. + + + + + + + Data ultimo conteggio di inventario + Data ultimo conteggio di inventario + Data dell'ultima conta di inventario + The Date Last Inventory Count indicates the last time an Inventory count was done. + + + + + + + Data ultima elaborazione + Data ultima elaborazione + Data di ultima esecuzione di questo processo + La Data Ultima Elaborazione indica l'ultima volta che questo processo è stato elaborato. + + + + + + + Data Prossima Elaborazione + Data elaborazione successiva + Data di successiva esecuzione di questo processo + La Data Prossima Elaborazione indica la prossima volta che questo processo sarà elaborato. + + + + + + + Data stampata + Data stampata + Data di stampa del documento + La Data stampata indica la data in cui un documento è stato stampato. + + + + + + + Giorni dopo la scadenza + Giorni dopo la scadenza + Giorni dopo la data di scadenza per inviare il sollecito + I Giorni Dopo la Scadenza indicono il numero di giorni da aspettare dopo che il pagamento è da pagare per iniziare il sollecito. + + + + + + + Fattura Settimane Pare + Fattura Settimane pare + Inviare le fatture su settimane pare + Il checkbos Fattura Settimae Pare indica se le fatture bisettimanale devono essere mandate sulle settimane pare. + + + + + + + Generare lista + Generare lista + Generare lista + + + + + + + + Fattura proforma + Fattura proforma + + The Pro Forma Invoice checkbox indicates if pro forma invoices can be generated from this sales document. A pro forma invoice indicates the amount that will be due should an order be shipped. + + + + + + + Giorno di cut-off della fattura + Giorno di cut-off della fattura + + The Invoice Day Cut Off indicates the last day for shipments to be included in the current invoice schedule. For example, if the invoice schedule is defined for the first day of the month, the cut off day may be the 25th of the month. An shipment on the 24th of May would be included in the invoices sent on June 1st but a shipment on the 26th would be included in the invoices sent on July 1st. + + + + + + + Ultima data utile nella settimana + Ultima data utile nella settimana + + The Invoice Week Day Cutoff indicates the last day of the week a shipment must be made to be included in the invoice schedule. + + + + + + + Conto Bancario + Conto Bancario + Conto corrente presso la banca + Il checkbox Conto Bancario indica se questo è un conto bancario. + + + + + + + Impegno + Impegno + E' questo documento un impegno legale? + Commitment indicates if the document is legally binding. + + + + + + + Default + Default + Valore di default + The Default Checkbox indicates if this record will be used as a default value. + + + + + + + Successivo giorno lavorativo + Successivo giorno lavorativo + + The Next Business Day checkbox indicates that payment is due on the next business day after invoice or delivery. + + + + + + + Riconciliato + Riconciliato + + + + + + + + + Transazione di vendita + Transazione di vendita + + The Sales Transaction checkbox indicates if this item is a Sales Transaction. + + + + + + + Basato sul tempo + Basato sul tempo + + Revenue Recognition can be time or service level based. + + + + + + + Codice lingua ISO + Codice lingua ISO + + The ISO Language Code indicates the standard ISO code for a language in lower case. Information can be found at http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt + + + + + + + Inventario perpetuo + Inventario perpetuo + + The Perpetual Inventory identifies the Perpetual Inventory rule which generated this Physical Inventory. + + + + + + + Prodotto per trasporto + Prodotto per trasporto + + + + + + + + + Nome 2 + Nome 2 + Nome aggiuntivo + + + + + + + + Numero dei conteggi delle giacenze + Numero dei conteggi delle giacenze + + The Number of Inventory Counts indicates the number of times per year that inventory counts will be preformed + + + + + + + Numero dei mesi + Numero dei mesi + + + + + + + + + Numero dei conteggi del prodotto + Numero dei conteggi del prodotto + + The Number of Product Count indicates the number of times per year that a product should be counted. + + + + + + + Nota + Nota + Informazioni aggiuntive riguardo un obiettivo + The Note field allows for optional entry of user defined information regarding this record + + + + + + + Debiti merce ricevuta non ancora fatturata + Debiti merce ricevuta non ancora fatturata + Conto per ricevimenti di materiale non ancora fatturati + The Not Invoiced Receipts account indicates the account used for recording receipts for materials that have not yet been invoiced. + + + + + + + Credito merce consegnata non fatturata + Credito non fatturato + Beni consegnati ma non ancora fatturati + The Not Invoiced Receivables account indicates the account used for recording receivables that have not yet been invoiced. + + + + + + + Ricavo non ancora fatturato + Ricavo non ancora fatturato + Prodotti consegnati ma ancora non fatturati + The Not Invoiced Revenue account indicates the account used for recording revenue that has not yet been invoiced. + + + + + + + Numero di elaborazioni + Numero di elaborazioni + + The Number of Runs indicates the number of times that the Perpetual Inventory has be processed. + + + + + + + P_Number + P_Number + + + + + + + + + P_Number To + P_Number To + + + + + + + + + Prezzo effettivo + Prezzo effettivo + Data effettiva del prezzo + The Price Effective indicates the date this price is for. This allows you to enter future prices for products which will become effective when appropriate. + + + + + + + Prezzo OdA + Prezzo OdA + + The PO Price indicates the price for a product per the purchase order. + + + + + + + Creare + Creare + + + + + + + + + Frequenza del riconoscimento + Frequenza del riconoscimento + + + + + + + + + Data della Prestazione + Data della Prestazione + Data di fornitura del servizio + La Data della Prestazione indica la data in cui il servizio è stato fornito. + + + + + + + Quantità fatturata + Quantità fatturata + + The Quantity Invoiced indicates the total quantity of a product or service that has been invoiced. + + + + + + + Quantità fornita + Quantità fornita + + The Quantity Provided indicates the total quantity of a product or service that has been received by the customer. + + + + + + + Qtà + Qtà + + + + + + + + + Importo dell'imposta + Importo dell'imposta + + The Tax Amount displays the total tax amount for a document. + + + + + + + Base imponibile dell'imposta + Base imponibile dell'imposta + Base per il calcolo dell'importo delle tasse + The Tax Base Amount indicates the base amount used for calculating the tax amount. + + + + + + + Indicatore dell'imposta + Indicatore dell'imposta + + The Tax Indicator identifies the short name that will print on documents referencing this tax. + + + + + + + Importo della transazione + Importo della transazione + Importo di una transazione + The Transaction Amount indicates the amount for a single transaction. + + + + + + + Ricavi fatturati non incassati + Ricavi fatturati non incassati + Prodotti fatturati ma non ancora consegnati + The Unearned Revenue indicates the account used for recording invoices sent for products or services not yet delivered. It is used in revenue recognition + + + + + + + Aggiornare quantità + Aggiornare quantità + + + + + + + + + Regola del pagamento + Regola del pagamento + + The Payment Rule indicates the method of invoice payment. + + + + + + + Priorità relativa + Priorità relativa + + The Relative Priority indicates the location to pick from first if an product is stored in more than one location. (0 = highest priority) + + + + + + + Titolo + Titolo + + The Greeting identifies the greeting to print on correspondence. + + + + + + + Titolo + Titolo + + The Greeting indicates what will print on letters sent to a Business Partner. + + + + + + + Stampa diretta + Stampa diretta + Stampa direttamente senza parametri + The Direct Print checkbox indicates that this report will print without a print dialog box being displayed. + + + + + + + Solo cognome + Solo cognome + + Il checkbox di Solo Cognome indica che soltanto il Cognome di questo contatto dovrebbe essere stampato nei saluti. + + + + + + + Volume alto + Volume alto + + The High Volume Checkbox indicates if a search screen will display as opposed to a pick list for selecting records from this table. + + + + + + + Stampa record di dettaglio sulla fattura + Stampa record di dettaglio sulla fattura + + The Print Details on Invoice indicates that the BOM element products will print on the Invoice as opposed to this product. + + + + + + + Stampa record di dettaglio sulla lista di prelievo + Stampa record di dettaglio sulla lista di prelievo + + The Print Details on Pick List indicates that the BOM element products will print on the Pick List as opposed to this product. + + + + + + + Verificato + Verificato + + The Verified check box indicates if the configuration of this product has been verified. This is used for products that consist of a bill of materials + + + + + + + Linea Distinta Base + Linea Distinta Base + + + + + + + + + Nome del parametro + Nome del parametro + + + + + + + + + Data della conversione + Data della conversione + Data per selezionare un tasso di conversione + The Conversion Date identifies the date used for currency conversion. The conversion rate chosen must include this date in it's date range + + + + + + + Importo soprattassa prezzo limite + Importo soprattassa prezzo limite + Importo aggiunto al prezzo convertito/copiato prima di moltiplicarlo + Indicates the amount to be added to the Limit price prior to multiplication. + + + + + + + Base del prezzo limite + Base del prezzo limite + Prezzo base per il calcolo del nuovo prezzo + Identifies the price to be used as the base for calculating a new price list. + + + + + + + Margine max del prezzo limite + Margine max del prezzo limite + + Indicates the maximum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original limit price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. + + + + + + + Margine min del prezzo limite + Margine min del prezzo limite + + Indicates the minimum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original limit price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. + + + + + + + Arrotondamento prezzo limite + Arrotondamento prezzo limite + + A drop down list box which indicates the rounding (if any) will apply to the final prices in this price list. + + + + + + + Importo soprattassa prezzo listino + Importo soprattassa prezzo listino + + The List Price Surcharge Amount indicates the amount to be added to the price prior to multiplication. + + + + + + + Base del prezzo di listino + Base del prezzo di listino + + The List Price Base indicates the price to use as the basis for the calculation of a new price list. + + + + + + + Margine max del prezzo listino + Margine max del prezzo listino + + The List Price Max Margin indicates the maximum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original list price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. + + + + + + + Margine min del prezzo listino + Margine min del prezzo listino + + The List Price Min Margin indicates the minimum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original list price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. + + + + + + + Arrotondamento prezzo listino + Arrotondamento prezzo listino + + The List Price Rounding indicates how the final list price will be rounded. + + + + + + + Listino prezzi di base + Listino prezzi di base + Sorgente per il calcolo dei listini prezzi + The Base Price List identifies the Base Pricelist used for calculating prices (the source) + + + + + + + Importo soprattassa standard sul prezzo + Importo soprattassa standard sul prezzo + Importo aggiunto ad un prezzo come sovrapprezzo + The Standard Price Surcharge Amount indicates the amount to be added to the price prior to multiplication. + + + + + + + + Prezzo base standard + Prezzo base standard + Prezzo base per il calcolo del nuovo prezzo standard + The Standard Price Base indicates the price to use as the basis for the calculation of a new price standard. + + + + + + + + Margine max standard + Margine max standard + + The Standard Price Max Margin indicates the maximum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original Standard price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. + + + + + + + Margine min standard del prezzo + Margine min standard del prezzo + + The Standard Price Min Margin indicates the minimum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original Standard price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. + + + + + + + Arrotondamento standard del prezzo + Arrotondamento standard del prezzo + + The Standard Price Rounding indicates how the final Standard price will be rounded. + + + + + + + Fornitore attuale + Fornitore attuale + Uso questo fornitore per il pricing e il replenishment + The Current Vendor indicates if prices are used and Product is reordered from this vendor + + + + + + + Sconto % del prezzo limite + Sconto % del prezzo limite + + Indicates the discount in percent to be subtracted from base, if negative it will be added to base price + + + + + + + Sconto % prezzo di listino + Sconto % prezzo di listino + Socnto in percentuale dal prezzo di listino + The List Price Discount Percentage indicates the percentage discount which will be subtracted from the base price. A negative amount indicates the percentage which will be added to the base price. + + + + + + + % sconto standard sul prezzo + % sconto standard sul prezzo + Sconto in percentuale da sottrarre al prezzo base + The Standard Price Discount Percentage indicates the percentage discount which will be subtracted from the base price. A negative amount indicates the percentage which will be added to the base price. + + + + + + + Sconto stampato + Sconto stampato + + The Discount Printed Checkbox indicates if the discount will be printed on the document. + + + + + + + Calcolo della soma + Somma + Calcola la somma di un contenuto numerico o la lunghezza di una stringa + Calculate the total sum of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise total sum length of the field. + + + + + + + Descrizione dell'ordine + Descrizione dell'ordine + Descrizione che deve essere usata negli ordini + The Order Description identifies the standard description to use on orders for this Customer. + + + + + + + Importo netto fattura + Importo netto fattura + + Indicates the net amount for this invoice. It does not include shipping or any additional charges. + + + + + + + Qtà da spedire + Qtà da spedire + + + + + + + + + Qtà da fatturare + Qtà da fatturare + + + + + + + + + Vista del report + Vista del report + + The Report View indicates the view used to generate this report. + + + + + + + Mail Host + Mail Host + + The host name of the Mail Server for this client with SMTP services to send mail, and IMAP to process incoming mail. + + + + + + + Costo per ordine + Costo per ordine + Costo fisso per ordine + The Cost Per Order indicates the fixed charge levied when an order for this product is placed. + + + + + + + Momento effettivo della spedizione + Momento effettivo della spedizione + Giorni effettivi fra ordine e spedizione + The Actual Delivery Time indicates the number of days elapsed between placing an order and the delivery of the order + + + + + + + Periodo di consegna promesso + Periodo di consegna promesso + + The Promised Delivery Time indicates the number of days between the order date and the date that delivery was promised. + + + + + + + Quantità da ordinare + Quantità da ordinare + + + + + + + + + Indice di qualità + Indice di qualità + + The Quality Rating indicates how a vendor is rated (higher number = higher quality) + + + + + + + Listino prezzi di base + Base + Listino prezzi che deve essere utilizzato se il prodotto non è trovato in quello corrente + The Base Price List identifies the default price list to be used if a product is not found on the selected price list + + + + + + + Definizione EDI + Definizione EDI + Electronic Data Interchange + + + + + + + + N. cliente + N. cliente + Numero di identificazione EDI + + + + + + + + Stato EDI + Stato EDI + + + + + + + + + Tipo EDI + Tipo EDI + + + + + + + + + Errore Email + Errore Email + Indirizzo Email cui inviare messaggi di errore + + + + + + + + Email da + Email da + + + + + + + + + Email Password da + Email Password da + + + + + + + + + Email User ID da + Email User ID da + + + + + + + + + Info Email + Info Email + Indirizzo Email cui inviare messaggi informativi e copie + The Info Email address indicates the address to use when sending informational messages or copies of other messages. + + + + + + + Destinatario Email + Destinatario Email + Indirizzo Email cui inviare le richieste + + + + + + + + Info + Info + + The Information displays data from the source document line. + + + + + + + Inviare Info + Inviare Info + + + + + + + + + Sconto % della riga + Sconto % della riga + + The Line Discount Percent indicates the discount for this line as a percentage. + + + + + + + Sconto della riga + Sconto della riga + + Indicates the discount for this line as an amount. + + + + + + + Importo limite della riga + Importo limite della riga + + + + + + + + + Riga importo della lista + Riga importo della lista + + + + + + + + + Margine lordo % + Margine lordo % + + + + + + + + + Margine lordo + Margine lordo + + + + + + + + + Transazione EDI + Transazione EDI + + + + + + + + + Log EDI + Log EDI + + + + + + + + + Risposta dell'inquiry ricevuta + Risposta dell'inquiry ricevuta + + + + + + + + + Risposta dell'ordine ricevuto + Risposta dell'ordine ricevuto + + + + + + + + + Prezzo della risposta + Prezzo della risposta + Prezzo confermato via EDI dal business partner + + + + + + + + Qtà disponibile della risposta + Qtà disponibile + + + + + + + + + Qtà confermata della risposta + Qtà confermata + + + + + + + + + Risposta ricevuta + Risposta + + + + + + + + + Osservazioni della risposta + Osservazione + + + + + + + + + Data di spedizione della risposta + Data di spedizione + + + + + + + + + Prezzo della richiesta + Prezzo della richiesta + + + + + + + + + Quantità richiesta + Quantità richiesta + + + + + + + + + Data di spedizione della richiesta + Data di spedizione della richiesta + + + + + + + + + Inviare Inquiry + Inviare Inquiry + + + + + + + + + Inviare ordine + Inviare ordine + + + + + + + + + Transazione ricevuta + Transazione ricevuta + + + + + + + + + Transazione inviata + Transazione inviata + + + + + + + + + Tipo di transazione + Tipo di transazione + + The Transaction Type indicates the type of transaction to be submitted to the Credit Card Company. + + + + + + + Data della transazione + Data della transazione + + The Transaction Date indicates the date of the transaction. + + + + + + + Modulo speciale + Modulo speciale + + The Special Form field identifies a unique Special Form in the system. + + + + + + + Nome classe + Nome classe + Nome classe java + The Classname identifies the Java classname used by this report or process. + + + + + + + Interruzione di pagina + Interruzione di pagina + + Before printing this item, create a new page + + + + + + + Registrato + Registrato + + The Posted field indicates the status of the Generation of General Ledger Accounting Lines + + + + + + + Tipo di categoria + Tipo di categoria + Sorgente del giornale con questa categoria + The Category Type indicates the source of the journal for this category. Journals can be generated from a document, entered manually or imported. + + + + + + + Errore + Errore + + + + + + + + + Formato di Importazione + Formato Importazione + + + + + + + + + Campo del formato + Campo del formato + + + + + + + + + Formato dati + Formato dati + Formato della stringa secondo la notazione Java, es: ddMMyy + The Date Format indicates how dates are defined on the record to be imported. It must be in Java Notation + + + + + + + Tipo di dati + Tipo di dati + Tipo dati + + + + + + + + Punto decimale + Punto decimale + Punto decimale nel file di dati - se esiste + + + + + + + + Dividi per 100 + Dividi per 100 + Dividere il numero per 100 per ottenere l'ammontare corretto + + + + + + + + Numero finale + Numero finale + + + + + + + + + Formato + Formato + + The Format is a drop down list box for selecting the format type (text, tab delimited, XML, etc) of the file to be imported + + + + + + + Selezionato + Selezionato + + + + + + + + + Valore costante + Valore costante + Valore costante + + + + + + + + Quantità + Quantità + Quantità del del prodotto in distinta base + The BOM Quantity indicates the quantity of the product in its Unit of Measure (multiplication) + + + + + + + Data ricevuto + Data ricevuto + Data di ricevimento di un prodotto + The Date Received indicates the date that product was received. + + + + + + + Data reso + Data reso + Data di restituzione di un prodotto + The Date Returned indicates the date the product was returned. + + + + + + + Distinta base + Distinta base + Distinta dei materiali + The Bill of Materials check box indicates if this product consists of a bill of materials. + + + + + + + Reso + Reso + + + + + + + + + Immagazzinato + Immagazzinato + + + + + + + + + Prodotto + Prodotto + Prodotto della distinta base + The BOM Product identifies an element that is part of this Bill of Materials. + + + + + + + Registrazione + Registrazione + + + + + + + + + Rim + Rim + + + + + + + + + Stoccaggio pneumatici + Stoccaggio pneumatici + + + + + + + + + Qualità del pneumatico + Qualità del pneumatico + + + + + + + + + Dimensione del pneumatico + Dimensione del pneumatico + + + + + + + + + Tipo di pneumatici + Tipo di pneumatici + + + + + + + + + Mezzo di trasporto + Mezzo di trasporto + + + + + + + + + Rim Back + Rim Back + + + + + + + + + Tire Quality Back + Tire Quality Back + + + + + + + + + Tire size Back + Tire size Back + + + + + + + + + Tire type Back + Tire type Back + + + + + + + + + Record creati + Record creati + + + + + + + + + Piano di produzione + Piano di produzione + + The Production Plan identifies the items and steps in generating a product. + + + + + + + Quantità di produzione + Quantità di produzione + + The Production Quantity identifies the number of products to produce + + + + + + + Fornitore + Fornitore + + + + + + + + + Avviso + Avviso + + + + + + + + + Inter-Organizzazione + Inter-Organizzazione + + The Inter Organization field identifies an Organization which can be used by this Organization for intercompany documents. + + + + + + + Città del cliente + Città + Città del titolare della carta di credito o del conto + The Account City indicates the City of the Credit Card or Account holder + + + + + + + Email del cliente + Email + Indirizzo Email + The EMail Address indicates the EMail address off the Credit Card or Account holder. + + + + + + + Patente di guida + Patente di guida + + The Driver's License being used as identification. + + + + + + + Num. Previdenza + Num. Previdenza + + The Social Security number being used as identification. + + + + + + + Nome del cliente + Nome del cliente + Nome del titolare della carta di credito o del conto + The Name of the Credit Card or Account holder. + + + + + + + Nazione del cliente + Nazione + Stato del titolare della carta di credito o del conto + The State of the Credit Card or Account holder + + + + + + + Via del cliente + Via + Indirizzo del titolare della carta di credito o del conto + The Street Address of the Credit Card or Account holder. + + + + + + + Codice di avviamento postale del cliente + CAP + CAP del titolare della carta di credito o del conto + The Zip Code of the Credit Card or Account Holder. + + + + + + + ACH consentito + ACH consentito + La compensazione automatica è consentita + Indicates if ACH Payments are accepted as payment to this Bank Account + + + + + + + AMEX accettata + AMEX accettata + La carta di credito American Express è accettata + Indicates if American Express Cards are accepted as payment to this Bank Account + + + + + + + ATM consentito + ATM consentito + La carta Bancomat è accettata + Indicates if Bank ATM Cards are accepted for as payment to this Bank Account + + + + + + + Assegno elettronico accettato + Assegno elettronico accettato + Gli assegni elettronici sono accettati + Indicates if EChecks are accepted as payment to this Bank Account. + + + + + + + Carta Corporate accettata + Carta Corporate accettata + Le carte di pagamento societarie sono accettate + Indicates if Corporate Payment Cards are accepted as payment to this Bank Account. + + + + + + + Carta Diners accettata + Carta Diners accettata + La carta di credito Diner's club è accettata + Indicates if Diner's Club Cards are accepted as payment to this Bank Account. + + + + + + + Master card accettata + Master card accettata + La Master card è accettata + Indicates if Master Cards are accepted as payment to this Bank Account. + + + + + + + Carta Visa accettata + Carta Visa accettata + La carta di credito Visa è accettata + Indicates if Visa Cards are accepted as payment to this Bank Account. + + + + + + + Importo + Importo + + The Amount indicates the amount for this document line. + + + + + + + Attivo di banca + Attivo di banca + Valore dell' attivo nel conto corrente bancario + The Bank Asset Account identifies the account to be used for booking changes to the balance in this bank account + + + + + + + Spese bancarie + Spese bancarie + Conto spese bancarie + The Bank Expense Account identifies the account to be used for recording charges or fees incurred from this Bank. + + + + + + + Interessi bancari passivi + Interessi bancari passivi + Conto spese interessi di banca + The Bank Interest Expense Account identifies the account to be used for recording interest expenses. + + + + + + + Interessi bancari attivi + Interessi bancari attivi + Conto guadagni dovuti ad interessi di banca + The Bank Interest Revenue Account identifies the account to be used for recording interest revenue from this Bank. + + + + + + + Transitorio banca + Transitorio banca + Conto bancario per i transiti + The Bank in Transit Account identifies the account to be used for funds which are in transit. + + + + + + + Utile da conversione in conto corrente + Utile da conversione in conto corrente + Guadagno per rivalutazione monetaria nel conto bancario + The Bank Revaluation Gain Account identifies the account to be used for recording gains that are recognized when converting currencies. + + + + + + + Perdite da conversione in conto corrente + Perdite da conversione in conto corrente + Perdita per svalutazione monetaria nel conto corrente + The Bank Revaluation Loss Account identifies the account to be used for recording losses that are recognized when converting currencies. + + + + + + + Utile da regolamento valute nei pagamenti + Utile da regolamento valute nei pagamenti + DIfferenza di valore tra il pagamento e la valuta nel conto bancario + The Bank Settlement Gain account identifies the account to be used when recording a currency gain when the settlement and receipt currency are not the same. + + + + + + + Perdita da regolamento valute nei pagamenti + Perdita da regolamento valute nei pagamenti + Differenza di valore tra il pagamento e la valuta nel conto bancario + The Bank Settlement loss account identifies the account to be used when recording a currency loss when the settlement and receipt currency are not the same. + + + + + + + Entrate non riconciliate + Banca non riconciliata + Entrate in conto corrente da un cliente non ancora identificato + The Bank Unidentified Receipts Account identifies the account to be used when recording receipts that can not be reconciled at the present time. + + + + + + + Saldo iniziale + Saldo iniziale + Bilancio precedente ad ogni transazione + The Beginning Balance is the balance prior to making any adjustments for payments or disbursements. + + + + + + + Allocazione + Allocazione + Allocazione del pagamento + + + + + + + + Estratto conto banca + Estratto conto banca + Estratto conto bancario + The Bank Statement identifies a unique Bank Statement for a defined time period. The statement defines all transactions that occurred + + + + + + + Riga di estratto conto banca + Riga di estratto conto banca + Linea di estratto conto della banca + The Bank Statement Line identifies a unique transaction (Payment, Withdrawal, Charge) for the defined time period at this Bank. + + + + + + + Gruppo di business partner + Gruppo di business partner + ID del gruppo di business partner + The Business Partner Group ID provides a method of defining defaults to be used for individual Business Partners. + + + + + + + Pagamento + Pagamento + + The Payment is a unique identifier of this payment. + + + + + + + Elaboratore del pagamento + Elaboratore del pagamento + + The Payment Processor indicates the processor to be used for electronic payments + + + + + + + Costo dell'addebito + Costo dell'addebito + Conto spese a fornitori + The Charge Expense Account identifies the account to use when recording charges paid to vendors. + + + + + + + Ricavo dell'addebito + Ricavo dell'addebito + Conto entrate dai clienti + The Charge Revenue Account identifies the account to use when recording charges paid by customers. + + + + + + + Numero dell'Assegno + Numero dell'Assegno + Numero dell'assegno + The Check Number indicates the number on the check. + + + + + + + Verifica carta di credito + Verifica carta di credito + Codice di verifica sulla carta di credito + The Credit Card Verification indicates the verification code on the credit card (AMEX 4 digits on front; MC,Visa 3 digits back) + + + + + + + Prezzo di costo attuale + Prezzo di costo attuale + Prezzo di costo attualmente usato + + + + + + + + Importo dello sconto + Importo dello sconto + Importo di sconto calcolato + The Discount Amount indicates the discount amount for a document or line. + + + + + + + Saldo di chiusura + Saldo di chiusura + + The Ending Balance is the result of adjusting the Beginning Balance by any payments or disbursements. + + + + + + + Prezzo del costo futuro + Prezzo del costo futuro + + + + + + + + + Indirizzo host + Indirizzo host + + The Host Address identifies the URL for your payment processor + + + + + + + Porta host + Porta host + + The Host Port identifies the port id for your payment processor. + + + + + + + Accesso online + Accesso online + Può essere acceduto online + The Online Access check box indicates if the application can be accessed via the web. + + + + + + + Pagato + Pagato + + + + + + + + + Stessa valuta + Stessa valuta + + + + + + + + + Micr + Micr + Combinazione di routing no, conto e numero di controllo + The Micr number is the combination of the bank routing number, account number and check number + + + + + + + ID transazione originale + ID transazione originale + + The Original Transaction ID is used for reversing transactions and indicates the transaction that has been reversed. + + + + + + + Variazione prezzo d'acquisto + Variazione prezzo d'acquisto + Differenza fra costo standard e prezzo di acquisto + The Purchase Price Variance is used in Standard Costing. It reflects the difference between the Standard Cost and the Purchase Order Price. + + + + + + + Pagina URL + Pagina URL + + + + + + + + + Sconto di vendita per pagamento anticipato + Sconto di vendita per pagamento anticipato + Sconto commerciale per pagamento anticipato dei clienti + Indicates the account to be charged for payment discount expenses. + + + + + + + Sconto di fornitura per pagamenti anticipati + Sconto di fornitura per pagamenti anticipati + Sconto commerciale per pagamenti anticipati ai fornitori + Indicates the account to be charged for payment discount revenues. + + + + + + + Valore attuale del progetto + Valore attuale del progetto + Valore del lavoro in progress + The Work in Process account is the account used in capital projects until the project is completed + + + + + + + Numero OdA + Numero OdA + + The PO Number indicates the number assigned to a purchase order + + + + + + + Prezzo + Prezzo + + The Price indicates the Price for a product or service. + + + + + + + Prodotto + Prodotto + + + + + + + + + Indirizzo Proxy + Indirizzo Proxy + Indirizzo del proxy server + The Proxy Address must be defined if you must pass through a firewall to access your payment processor. + + + + + + + Proxy logon + Proxy logon + + The Proxy Logon identifies the Logon ID for your proxy server. + + + + + + + Proxy password + Proxy password + + The Proxy Password identifies the password for your proxy server. + + + + + + + Proxy port + Proxy port + + The Proxy Port identifies the port of your proxy server. + + + + + + + Codice di autorizzazione + Codice di autorizzazione + Codice di autorizzazione della risposta + The Authorization Code indicates the code returned from the electronic transmission. + + + + + + + Indirizzo verificato + Indirizzo verificato + L'indirizzo è stato verificato + The Address Verified indicates if the address has been verified by the Credit Card Company. + + + + + + + CAP verificato + CAP verificato + + The Zip Verified indicates if the zip code has been verified by the Credit Card Company. + + + + + + + Info + Info + + The Info indicates any response information returned from the Credit Card Company. + + + + + + + Riferimento + Riferimento + + The Payment Reference indicates the reference returned from the Credit Card Company for a payment + + + + + + + Messaggio + Messaggio + + The Response Message indicates the message returned from the Credit Card Company as the result of a transmission + + + + + + + Risultato + Risultato + + The Response Result indicates the result of the transmission to the Credit Card Company. + + + + + + + Assegnato + Assegnato + + + + + + + + + Indirizzo remoto + Indirizzo remoto + + The Remote Address indicates an alternative or external address. + + + + + + + Host remoto + Host remoto + + + + + + + + + ID della sessione + ID della sessione + + + + + + + + + Data rendiconto + Data rendiconto + Data di processing di uno statement + The Statement Date field defines the date of the statement being processed. + + + + + + + Differenza rendiconto + Differenza rendiconto + Differenza fra l'importo dell'ultimo estratto conto ed il saldo attuale + The Statement Difference reflects the difference between the Statement Ending Balance and the Actual Ending Balance. + + + + + + + Imposta a Credito + Imposta a Credito + Conto tasse da rimborsare - prima della dichiarazione dei redditi + The Tax Credit Account indicates the account used to record taxes that can be reclaimed + + + + + + + Imposta a Debito + Imposta a Debito + Conto per le tasse da pagare - prima della dichiarazione dei redditi + The Tax Due Account indicates the account used to record taxes that you are liable to pay. + + + + + + + Imposta Indeducibile + Imposta Indeducibile + Conto per tasse indeducibili + The Tax Expense Account indicates the account used to record the taxes that have been paid that cannot be reclaimed. + + + + + + + Debito d'imposta + Debito d'imposta + Conto per le tasse soggette a dichiarazione + The Tax Liability Account indicates the account used to record your tax liability declaration. + + + + + + + Credito d'imposta + Credito d'imposta + Conto per le tasse a credito dopo la dichiarazione dei redditi + The Tax Receivables Account indicates the account used to record the tax credit amount after your tax declaration. + + + + + + + Tipo di Offerta + Tipo di Offerta + + The Tender Type indicates the method of payment (ACH, Credit Card, Check) + + + + + + + ID dell'Utente + ID dell'Utente + + L'ID dell'Utente identifica un utente e permette l'accesso ai record o ai processi. + + + + + + + Codice di autorizzazione vocale + Codice di autorizzazione vocale + + The Voice Authorization Code indicates the code received from the Credit Card Company. + + + + + + + W_Basket_ID + W_Basket_ID + + + + + + + + + Rivalutazione magazzino per variazione prezzi + Rivalutazione magazzino per variazione prezzi + Differenze per variazione prezzi di mercato (minori costi) + Il Conto di Rivalutazione di Inventario identifica il conto utilizzato per registrare le variazioni del valore di inventario dovute alla rivalutazione della valuta corrente. + + + + + + + Ritenute + Ritenute + Ritenute fiscali + The Withholding Account indicates the account used to record withholdings. + + + + + + + Crediti non esercibili + Crediti non esercibili + Crediti non esercibili per insolvenza clienti + The Write Off Account identifies the account to book write off transactions to. + + + + + + + Importo dello storno + Importo dello storno + Amount to write-off + The Write Off Amount indicates the amount to be written off as uncollectible. + + + + + + + Trova + Trova + + + + + + + + + E/o + E/o + Operazioni logiche: e/o + + + + + + + + Trova_ID + Trova_ID + + + + + + + + + Operazione + Operazione + + + + + + + + + Valore a + Valore a + + + + + + + + + Importo interessi + Importo interessi + + The Interest Amount indicates any interest charged or received on a Bank Statement. + + + + + + + Attributo + Attributo + + + + + + + + + Tipo di conto banca + Tipo di conto banca + Tipo di conto banca + The Bank Account Type field indicates the type of account (savings, checking etc) this account is defined as. + + + + + + + Prima nota cassa + Prima nota cassa + Prima nota di cassa + The Cash Journal uniquely identifies a Cash Journal. The Cash Journal will record transactions for the cash bank account + + + + + + + Libro di Cassa + Libro di Cassa + Libro cassa per memorizzare le piccole transazioni di cassa + The Cash Book identifies a unique cash book. The cash book is used to record cash transactions. + + + + + + + Riga prima nota cassa + Riga prima nota cassa + Linea di prima nota di cassa + The Cash Journal Line indicates a unique line in a cash journal. + + + + + + + Gruppo pagamenti + Gruppo pagamenti + + + + + + + + + Tipo cassa + Tipo cassa + Sorgente di cassa + The Cash Type indicates the source for this Cash Journal Line. + + + + + + + Libro Cassa + Conto Libro di Cassa + Conto di controllo - valore cassa + The Cash Book Asset Account identifies the account to be used for recording payments into and disbursements from this cash book. + + + + + + + Differenze di libro cassa + Differenze di libro cassa + Conto per le differenze di libro cassa + The Cash Book Differences Account identifies the account to be used for recording any differences that affect this cash book + + + + + + + Spese + Spese di libro cassa + Conto per le spese spese di cassa + The Cash Book Expense Account identifies the account to be used for general, non itemized expenses. + + + + + + + Incassi + Incassi di libro cassa + Conto per gli incassi nel libro cassa + The Cash Book Receipt Account identifies the account to be used for general, non itemized cash book receipts. + + + + + + + ACH + ACH + Automatic Clearing House + The ACH checkbox indicates if this Bank Account accepts ACH transactions. + + + + + + + Manuale + Manuale + + The Manual check box indicates if the process will done manually. + + + + + + + Storno + Storno + + The Reversal check box indicates if this is a reversal of a prior transaction. + + + + + + + Importo pagamento + Importo pagamento + Importo che deve essere pagato + Indicates the amount this payment is for. The payment amount can be for single or multiple invoices or a partial payment for an invoice. + + + + + + + Classe del processor del pagamento + Classe del processor del pagamento + + Payment Processor class identifies the Java class used to process payments + + + + + + + Data dell'elaborazione + Data dell'elaborazione + + + + + + + + + Importo rendiconto + Importo rendiconto + + The Statement Amount indicates the amount of a single statement line. + + + + + + + V_Date + V_Date + + + + + + + + + V_Number + V_Number + + + + + + + + + V_String + V_String + + + + + + + + + Data effettiva + Data effettiva + + The Effective Date indicates the date that money is available from the bank. + + + + + + + Creare Da + Creare da + Processo che genererà un documento sulla base uno quello esistente + + + + + + + + Generare a + Generare a + + + + + + + + + Carta Discover accettata + Carta Discover accettata + La carta Discover è accettata + Indicates if Discover Cards are accepted as payment to this Bank Account. + + + + + + + Commissione + Commissione + Identificativo della commissione + The Commission indicates (as a percentage) the commission to be paid. + + + + + + + Costo per transazione + Costo per transazione + Costo fisso per transazione + The Cost per Transaction indicates the fixed cost per to be charged per transaction. + + + + + + + Giorni alla scadenza + Giorni alla scadenza + + + + + + + + + Elaborazione online + Elaborazione online + + The Online Processing indicates if the payment can be processed online. + + + + + + + Importo pagato + Importo pagato + + + + + + + + + Richiesta del codice di verifica della carta di credito + Richiesta del codice di verifica della carta di credito + + The Require CC Verification checkbox indicates if this bank accounts requires a verification number for credit card transactions. + + + + + + + Gruppo del campo + Gruppo del campo + + The Field Group indicates the logical group that this field belongs to (History, Amounts, Quantities) + + + + + + + Data ultima azione + Data ultima azione + Data di ultima azione su questa richiesta + The Date Last Action indicates that last time that the request was acted on. + + + + + + + Data azione successiva + Data azione successiva + Data alla quale si dovrebbe eseguire la successiva azione su questa richiesta + The Date Next Action indicates the next scheduled date for an action to occur for this request. + + + + + + + Tipo di scadenza + Tipo di scadenza + + The Due Type indicates if this request is Due, Overdue or Scheduled. + + + + + + + Frequenza + Frequenza + + The frequency is used in conjunction with the frequency type in determining when a request will be processed. + + + + + + + Tipo di frequenza + Tipo di frequenza + + The frequency type is used for calculating the start and end date of the calculation + + + + + + + Allocato + Allocato + Indica se il pagamento è stato effettuato + The Allocated checkbox indicates if a payment has been allocated or associated with an invoice or invoices. + + + + + + + Escalation + Escalation + + The Escalated checkbox indicates that this request has been escalated or raised in importance. + + + + + + + HTML + HTML + + + + + + + + + Testata della mail + Testata della mail + + + + + + + + + Testo della mail + Testo della mail + + The Mail Text indicates the text used for mail messages. + + + + + + + Azione successiva + Azione successiva + + The Next Action indicates the next action to be taken on this request. + + + + + + + Priorità + Priorità + + The Priority indicates the importance of this request. + + + + + + + Template della Mail + Template della Mail + + The Mail Template indicates the mail template for return messages. + + + + + + + Richiesta + Richiesta + + The Request identifies a unique request from a Business Partner or Prospect. + + + + + + + Azione della richiesta + Azione della richiesta + Azione richiesta + The Request Action indicates if the Credit Card Company has requested further action be taken. + + + + + + + Elaboratore della richiesta + Elaboratore della richiesta + + + + + + + + + Importo della richiesta + Importo della richiesta + Importo associato a questa richiesta + The Request Amount indicates any amount that is associated with this request. For example, a warranty amount or refund amount. + + + + + + + Riepilogo + Riepilogo + + The Summary allows free form text entry of a recap of this request. + + + + + + + Supervisore + Supervisore + + The Supervisor indicates who will be used for forwarding and escalating issues for this user. + + + + + + + N. allocazione + N. allocazione + Numero dell'allocazone + The Allocation number indicates which invoices were allocated on one batch + + + + + + + Moltiplicatore + Moltiplicatore + + + + + + + + + Importo aperto + Importo aperto + + + + + + + + + Osservazione + Osservazione + + + + + + + + + Margine % + Margine % + + The Margin indicates the margin for this product as a percentage of the limit price and selling price. + + + + + + + Logica di Default 2 + Logica di Default 2 + Gerarchia di valori di default, separata da ; + The defaults are evaluated in the order of definition, the first not null value becomes the default value of the column. The values are separated by comma or semicolon. a) Literals:. 'Text' or 123 b) Variables - in format @Variable@ - Login e.g. #Date, #AD_Org_ID, #AD_Client_ID - Accounting Schema: e.g. $C_AcctSchema_ID, $C_Calendar_ID - Global defaults: e.g. DateFormat - Window values (all Picks, CheckBoxes, RadioButtons, and DateDoc/DateAcct) c) SQL code with the tag: @SQL=SELECT something AS DefaultValue FROM ... The SQL statement can contain variables. There can be no other value other than the SQL statement. The default is only evaluated, if no user preference is defined. Default definitions are ignored for record columns as Key, Parent, Client as well as Buttons. + + + + + + + Gruppo Funzioni SQL + Gruppo Funzioni SQL + + The SQL Group Function checkbox indicates that this function will generate a Group by Clause in the resulting SQL. + + + + + + + Fatture in fase di pagamento + Fatture in fase di pagamento + + The Payment Selection identifies a unique Payment + + + + + + + Riga della selezione del pagamento + Riga della selezione del pagamento + + The Payment Selection Line identifies a unique line in a payment + + + + + + + Data del pagamento + Data del pagamento + Data di esecuzione pagamento + The Payment Date indicates the date the payment was made. + + + + + + + Importo totale + Importo totale + + The Total Amount indicates the total document amount. + + + + + + + Colonna della vista del report + Colonna della vista del report + + + + + + + + + Funzione colonna + Funzione colonna + + The Function Column indicates that the column will be overridden with a function + + + + + + + Importo effettivo + Importo effettivo + Importo effettivo + Actual amount indicates the agreed upon amount for a document. + + + + + + + Quantità effettiva + Quantità effettiva + Quantità effettiva + The Actual Quantity indicates the quantity as referenced on a document. + + + + + + + Importo moltiplicatore + Importo moltiplicatore + + The Multiplier Amount indicates the amount to multiply the total amount generated by this commission run by. + + + + + + + Sottrarre importo + Sottrarre importo + + The Subtract Amount indicates the amount to subtract from the total amount prior to multiplication. + + + + + + + Commissione + Commissione + Commissione impostata come una percentuale + The Commission ID is a unique identifier of a set of commission rules. + + + + + + + Importo commessione + Importo commessione + Ammontare generato della commissione + The Commission Amount indicates the resulting amount from a Commission Run. + + + + + + + Linea di commissione + Linea della commissione + Linea di commissione + The Commission Line is a unique instance of a Commission Run. If the commission run was done in summary mode then there will be a single line representing the selected documents totals. If the commission run was done in detail mode then each document that was included in the run will have its own commission line. + + + + + + + Ciclo del progetto + Ciclo del progetto + + Identifies a Project Cycle which can be made up of one or more steps or statuses + + + + + + + Fase del ciclo + Fase del ciclo + Lo step di questo ciclo + Identifies one or more steps within a Project Cycle + + + + + + + Riga del progetto + Riga del progetto + + The Project Line indicates a unique project line. + + + + + + + Importo commissione + Importo commissione + Ammontare della commissione + The Commission Amount is the total calculated commission. It is based on the parameters as defined for this Commission Run. + + + + + + + Importo convertito + Importo convertito + Ammontare convertito + The Converted Amount is the result of multiplying the Source Amount by the Conversion Rate for this target currency. + + + + + + + Data del contatto + Data del contatto + La data effettiva di questo documento + The contract date is used to determine when the document becomes effective. This is usually the contract date. The contract date is used in reports and report parameters. + + + + + + + Data fine + Data fine + + The finish date is used to indicate when the project is expected to be completed or has been completed. + + + + + + + Base del calcolo + Base del calcolo + Base per il calcolo delle commissioni + The Calculation Basis indicates the basis to be used for the commission calculation. + + + + + + + Info a + Info a + + + + + + + + + Solo positivo + Solo positivo + Non generare commissioni negative + La casella di controllo Solo Positivo indica che se il risultato della sottrazione è negativo, questo viene ignorato. Ciò significa che le commissioni negative non vengono generate. + + + + + + + Importo pianificato + Importo pianificato + + The Planned Amount indicates the anticipated amount for this project or project line. + + + + + + + Margine pianificato % + Margine pianificato % + + The Planned Margin Percentage indicates the anticipated margin percentage for this project or project line + + + + + + + Margine pianificato + Margine pianificato + + The Planned Margin Amount indicates the anticipated margin amount for this project or project line. + + + + + + + Prezzo pianificato + Prezzo pianificato + + The Planned Price indicates the anticipated price for this project line. + + + + + + + Quantità pianificata + Quantità pianificata + + The Planned Quantity indicates the anticipated quantity for this project or project line + + + + + + + Quantità moltiplicatore + Quantità moltiplicatore + + The Multiplier Quantity field indicates the amount to multiply the quantities accumulated for this commission run. + + + + + + + Sottrarre quantità + Sottrarre quantità + + The Quantity Subtract identifies the quantity to be subtracted before multiplication + + + + + + + Peso relativo + Peso relativo + + The relative weight allows you to adjust the report based on probabilities. For example, if you have a 1:10 chance in closing a contract when it is in the prospect stage and a 1:2 chance when it is in the contract stage, you may put a weight of 0.1 and 0.5 on those steps. In the Cycle Report, you then could see, which stage is less or more compared to the other steps. This is an alternative method for a funnel or measures completion of your project. + + + + + + + Elabora della commissione + Elaborazione della commissione + Elaborazione della commissione + The Commission Run is a unique system defined identifier of a specific run of commission. When a Commission is processed on the Commission Screen, the Commission Run ID will display. + + + + + + + Ordini specifici commissione + Ordini specifici della commissione + Calcola le commissioni esclusivamente per gli ordini o fatture dove è stato inserito questo agente + Sales Reps are entered in Orders and Invoices. If selected, only Orders and Invoices for this Sales Reps are included in the calculation of the commission. + + + + + + + Dettagli della lista + Dettagli della lista + + The List Details checkbox indicates that the details for each document line will be displayed. + + + + + + + Dettaglio della commessione + Dettaglio della commessione + Informazioni di supporto per gli ammontari di commissione + The Commission Detail provides supporting information on a Commission Run. Each document line that was part of the Commission Run will be reflected here. + + + + + + + Termini di pagamento OdA + Termini di pagamento OdA + + The PO Payment Term indicates the payment term that will be used when this purchase order becomes an invoice. + + + + + + + Colonna del B. Partner + Colonna del B. Partner + Colonna chiave del Business partner pienamente qualificato + The Business Partner Column indicates the Business Partner to use when calculating this measurement + + + + + + + Classe di calcolo + Classe di calcolo + Classe Java per il calcolo che implementa l'interfaccia di calcolo delle misure + The Calculation Class indicates the Java Class used for calculating measures. + + + + + + + Colonna data + Colonna data + Colonna data in formato lungo + The Date Column indicates the date to be used when calculating this measurement + + + + + + + A partire da + A partire da + Data di inizio di un intervallo + The Date From indicates the starting date of a range. + + + + + + + Fino a + Fino a + Data finale di un intervallo + The Date To indicates the end date of a range (inclusive) + + + + + + + Obiettivo della performance + Obiettivo della performance + + The Goal Performance indicates the target achievement from 0 to 1. + + + + + + + Realizzato + Realizzato + L'obiettivo è stato raggiunto + The Achieved checkbox indicates if this goal has been achieved. + + + + + + + Effettivo manuale + Effettivo manuale + + The Manual Active identifies a manually entered actual measurement value. + + + + + + + Nota + Nota + + The Note allows for entry for additional information regarding a manual entry. + + + + + + + Misura effettiva + Misura effettiva + Valore attuale che è stato misurato + The Measure Actual indicates the actual measured value. The measured values are used in determining if a performance goal has been met + + + + + + + Misura target + Misura target + + The Measure Target indicates the target or goal for this measure. It is used as in comparing against the actual measures + + + + + + + Tipo di misura + Tipo di misura + Determina come la performance attuale è derivata + The Measure Type indicates how the actual measure is determined. For example, one measure may be manual while another is calculated. + + + + + + + Colonna Org + Colonna Org + + The Organization Column indicates the organization to be used in calculating this measurement. + + + + + + + Risultato + Risultato + Risultato + The Achievement identifies a unique task that is part of an overall performance goal. + + + + + + + Obiettivo + Obiettivo + + The Performance Goal indicates what this users performance will be measured against. + + + + + + + Misura + Misura + Misurazione delle performance concreta + The Measure identifies a concrete, measurable indicator of performance. For example, sales dollars, prospects contacted. + + + + + + + Calcolo della misura + Calcolo della misura + Metodo di calcolo usato per il calcolo delle performance + The Measure Calculation indicates the method of measuring performance. + + + + + + + Colonna del prodotto + Colonna del prodotto + + The Product Column indicates the product to use to use when calculating this measurement. + + + + + + + Clausola SELECT + Clausola SELECT + + The Select Clause indicates the SQL SELECT clause to use for selecting the record for a measure calculation. + + + + + + + Colonna del report + Colonna del report + Colonna nel report + + + + + + + + Tipo di importo + Tipo di importo + Tipo di importo da riportare + You can choose between the total and period amounts as well as the balance or just the debit/credit amounts. + + + + + + + Piano di riconoscimento del ricavo + Piano di riconoscimento del ricavo + + The Revenue Recognition Plan identifies a unique Revenue Recognition Plan. + + + + + + + Elaborazione riconoscimento del ricavo + Elaborazione riconoscimento del ricavo + + The Revenue Recognition Runs identifies a unique instance of processing revenue recognition. + + + + + + + Calcolo + Calcolo + + + + + + + + + Tipo di colonna + Tipo di colonna + + + + + + + + + Tipo di valuta + Tipo di valuta + + + + + + + + + Conversione + Conversione + Effettua la conversione di tutti gli importi alla valuta + If a currency is selected, only this currency will be reported. If adhoc conversion is selected, all currencies are converted to the defined currency + + + + + + + Tipo di riga + Tipo di riga + + + + + + + + + Operando 1 + Operando 1 + + + + + + + + + Operando 2 + Operando 2 + + + + + + + + + Report finanziario + Report finanziario + + + + + + + + + Set di colonne del report + Set di colonne del report + Insieme di colonne per il report + The Report Column Set identifies the columns used in a Report. + + + + + + + Riga del report + Riga del report + + + + + + + + + Set di righe del report + Set di righe del report + + + + + + + + + Fonte del report + Fonte del report + + + + + + + + + Importo approvato + Importo approvato + + + + + + + + + Periodo relativo + Periodo relativo + + + + + + + + + Contatore Web + Contatore Web + + + + + + + + + Imposta corretta per sconti/addebiti + Imposta corretta per sconti/addebiti + Corregge la tassa per gli sconti e le imposte sui pagamenti + Payment discounts may require to correct the tax. This primarily applicable in VAT systems. If the original invoice had tax records, the payment discount, write-off, etc. is corrected by the tax. The calculation of the tax is prorated based on the invoice. + + + + + + + Registra sconto commerciale + Registra sconto commerciale + + If the invoice is based on an item with a list price, the amount based on the list price and the discount is posted instead of the net amount. +Example: Quantity 10 - List Price: 20 - Actual Price: 17 +If selected for a sales invoice 200 is posted to Product Revenue and 30 to Discount Granted - rather than 170 to Product Revenue. +The same applies to vendor invoices. + + + + + + + Variazione prezzo fatturato + Variazione prezzo fatturato + Variazioni tra il costo del prodotto e il prezzo di fatturazione + The Invoice Price Variance is used reflects the difference between the current Costs and the Invoice Price. + + + + + + + Sconto commerciale di vendita + Sconto commerciale di vendita + Sconto commerciale garantito (corregge il ricavo dei prodotti) + The Trade Discount Granted Account indicates the account for granted trade discount in sales invoices + + + + + + + Sconto commerciale di fornitura + Sconto commerciale di fornitura + Sconto commerciale ottenuto (Corregge le spese per la produzione) + The Trade Discount Receivables Account indicates the account for received trade discounts in vendor invoices + + + + + + + Aggiustamento di inventario + Aggiustamento di inventario + Conto per l'aggiornamento del valore dell'inventario al costo attuale + Nei sistemi di costo reali, questo conto viene utilizzato per postare le registrazioni di valore di inventario. +Si può impostare il conto come conto standard di inventario. + + + + + + + Vista + Vista + + This is a view rather than a table. A view is always treated as read only in the system. + + + + + + + Forma di stampa + Forma di stampa + + + + + + + + + Documento del conto banca + Documento del conto banca + Assegni, Bonifici, etc… + Bank documents, you generate or track + + + + + + + Ricevuta + Ricevuta + + + + + + + + + Differenza + Differenza + + + + + + + + + Colore + Colore + Colore per la performance analysis + + + + + + + + Desktop + Desktop + Collezione di Workbenches + + + + + + + + Desktop Workbench + Desktop Workbench + + + + + + + + + Immagine + Immagine + + + + + + + + + Campo definito dall'utente + Campo definito dall'utente + + + + + + + + + Tab definita dall'utente + Tab definita dall'utente + + + + + + + + + Finestra definita dall'utente + Finestra definita dall'utente + + + + + + + + + Area di lavoro + Area di lavoro + Collezione di finestre, reports + + + + + + + + Videata dell'area di lavoro + Videata dell'area di lavoro + + + + + + + + + Alpha + Alpha + Color Alpha value 0-255 + + + + + + + + 2° Alpha + 2° Alpha + Valore Alpha come secondo colore + + + + + + + + Blu + Blu + Valore del colore RGB + + + + + + + + 2° Blu + 2° Blu + Valore RGB come secondo colore + + + + + + + + Tipo di colore + Tipo di colore + Tipo di colore + + + + + + + + Verde + Verde + + + + + + + + + 2° Verde + 2° Verde + Valore RGB come secondo colore + + + + + + + + Selezione colonne + Selezione colonne + + If selected, the column is listed in the first find window tab and in the selection part of the window + + + + + + + Distanza della riga + Distanza della riga + Distanza fra linee + + + + + + + + Riga larghezza + Riga larghezza + + + + + + + + + Descrizione OdA + Descrizione OdA + Descrizione nei PO screens + + + + + + + + Aiuto OdA + Aiuto OdA + + + + + + + + + Nome OdA + Nome OdA + + + + + + + + + Nome stampa OdA + Nome stampa OdA + + + + + + + + + Sola lettura + Sola lettura + + + + + + + + + Rosso + Rosso + + + + + + + + + 2° Rosso + 2° Rosso + Valore RGB come secondo colore + + + + + + + + Simulazione + Simulazione + + + + + + + + + Cancellare i dati vecchi/esistenti + Cancellare i dati vecchi/esistenti + Altrimenti i records verranno aggiunti + + + + + + + + Stampa le transazioni di dettaglio + Stampa le transazioni di dettaglio + + + + + + + + + Valore massimo storno per fattura + Valore massimo storno per fattura + + + + + + + + + La quantità del prodotto deve essere stoccata + La quantità del prodotto deve essere stoccata + + + + + + + + + Solo sconto + Solo sconto + + + + + + + + + Solo scaduto + Solo scaduto + + + + + + + + + Codice del prodotto + Codice del prodotto + + + + + + + + + Quantità di inventario + Quantità di inventario + + + + + + + + + Mostra importo effettivo + Mostra importo effettivo + + + + + + + + + Mostra importo impegnato + Mostra importo impegnato + + + + + + + + + Mostra importo pianificato + Mostra importo pianificato + + + + + + + + + Mostra importo del margine pianificato + Mostra importo del margine pianificato + + + + + + + + + Mostra quantità pianificata + Mostra quantità pianificata + + + + + + + + + Tipo di entità + Tipo di entità + Dictionary Entity Type; determina la ownership e se può essere sincronizzato + The Entity Types "Dictionary", "Compiere" and "Application" might be automatically synchronized and customizations deleted or overwritten. + +For customizations, copy the entity and select "User"! + + + + + + + Importazione Campi + Importazione Campi + Crea campi dalle colonne della tabella + + + + + + + + Importazione Tabella + Importazione Tabella + + + + + + + + + Sincronizzare Database + Sincronizzare Database + Cambia la definizione della tabella quando viene modificata la definizione del dizionario dati + When selected, the database column definition is updated based on your entries in the Column definition of the Application Dictionary. + + + + + + + Fatture in fase di pagamento + Fatture in fase di pagameto + Debiti vs fornitori per fatture in fase di pagamento + + + + + + + + Cassa non riconciliata + Cassa non riconciliata + Pagamenti ricevuti ma non ancora catalogati + Receipts not allocated to Invoices + + + + + + + Trasferimenti + Trasferimento di cassa + Valore della valuta di cassa in trasferimento + Account for Invoices paid by cash + + + + + + + Abbinamento della fattura + Abbinamento della fattura + + + + + + + + + Abbinamento dell'ordine + Abbinamento dell'ordine + + + + + + + + + Cancellare i dati contabilizzati + Cancellare i dati contabilizzati + I conti selezionati saranno cancellati! PERICOLOSO!!! + + + + + + + + Parola chiave + Parola chiave + Case insensitive keyword + Case insensitive keyword for matching. If there are two words, both words must exist. + + + + + + + Avvertimento dopo i giorni di scaduto + Avvertimento giorni di scaduto + Invia un email di avvertimento dopo un numero di giorni di scaduto (0=no avvertimento) + Send an email alert after the item is overdue. If set to zero, no alert is sent. + + + + + + + Escalation dopo i giorni di scaduto + Escalation dopo i giorni di scaduto + + The item will be escalated and assigned to the supervisor after the number of days overdue. + + + + + + + Routing della richiesta + Routing della richiesta + Routing automatico delle richieste + + + + + + + + Email della richiesta + Email della richiesta + Indirizzo Email per mandare mails automatiche o ricevere email da per procesi automatici + EMails for requests, alerts and escalation are sent from this email address as well as delivery information if the sales rep does not have an email account. The address must be filly qualified (e.g. joe.smith@company.com) and should be a valid address. + + + + + + + Cartella della richiesta + Cartella della richiesta + Cartella in cui gestire le email in arrivo; se vuoto viene usato l'INBOX folder + Email folder used to read emails to process as requests, If left empty the default mailbox (INBOX) will be used. Requires IMAP services. + + + + + + + Utente della richiesta + Utente della richiesta + + EMail user name for requests, alerts and escalation are sent from this email address as well as delivery information if the sales rep does not have an email account. Required, if your mail server requires authentification as well as for processing incoming mails. + + + + + + + Password dell'utente della richiesta + Password dell'utente della richiesta + Password dell'utente (ID) per l'elaborazione email. + + + + + + + + Lingua consentita + Lingua consentita + Lingua consentita sulla base delle informazioni del browser + + + + + + + + Utente rappresentante + Utente rappresentante + Usato dal browser + + + + + + + + Tutti i nodi + Tutti i nodi + Tutti i nodi sono inclusi + + + + + + + + Sconto % del Break Point + Sconto % del Break Point + Sconto in percentuale per il price break + Sconto commerciale in percentuale per il break point. + + + + + + + Valore del Break Point + Valore del Break Point + Valore minimo per lo sconto + Quantità minima o Importo minmo per lo sconto. + + + + + + + Livello cumulativo + Livello cumulativo + Livello per calcoli cumulativi + + + + + + + + Tipo di sconto + Tipo di sconto + Tipo di calcolo dello sconto commerciale + Tipo di Sconto utilizzato per calcolare la percentuale dello sconto commerciale. + + + + + + + Sconto Piatto % + Sconto Piatto % + Sconto Piatto % + + + + + + + + Basato sulla quantità + Basato sulla quantità + Break point per lo sconto commerciale è basato sulla quantità (non l'importo) + Il calcolo dello sconto commerciale è basato sulla quantità dell'ordine e non sull'importo dell'ordine. + + + + + + + Schema dello Sconto + Schema dello sconto + Schema per il calcolo della percentuale dello sconto commerciale + Dopo il calcolo del prezzo (standard), la percentuale dello sconto commerciale i calcolato ed applicato per arrivare al prezzo finale. + + + + + + + Break Point Schema dello Sconto + Break Point Schema dello Sconto + Break Point Schema dello Sconto + Sconto commerciale basato sui break points (passi) + + + + + + + Listino Prezzi Scontato + Listino Prezzi Scontato + Riga dello schema sconto commerciale listino prezzi + Per il tipo sconto listino prezzi, si imposta come il prezzo listino, prezzo standard, e prezzo limite saranno calcolati. + + + + + + + Schema dello Sconto dell'Ordine di Acquisto + Schema dello sconto dell'Ordine di Acquisto + Schema per calcolare lo sconto commerciale (in percentuale) per gli acquisti. + + + + + + + + Script + Script + Script Java dinamico per il calcolo del risultato + Utilizzare Java language constructs per definire il calcolo. + + + + + + + Immagine Alpha + Immagine Alpha + + Composite Alpha factor for taint color. + + + + + + + Immagine URL + Immagine URL + URL della immagine + URL della immagine; La immagine non è archiviato nel database, ma invece ritrovato al runtime. La immagine può essere gif, jpeg o png. + + + + + + + Distanza della Ripetizione + Distanza della Ripetizione + Distanza in punti per ripetere il gradiente dei colori - o zero + Se il valore è 0, il colore gradiente non è ripetuto. La distanza è aggiunto a (o subtracted da) il punto di partenza del gradiente. + + + + + + + Punto di Partenza + Punto di Partenza + Punto di partneza per il gradiente dei colori + Il punto di partneza per il gradiente (e.s. Nord). La distanza di ripetizione determine se e quanto spesso i colori del gradiente sono ripetuti. Se si inizia dai punti dal sud, i colore superiore è attualmente al bottone. + + + + + + + Conteggio statistico + Conteggio statistico + Statistici interni su quanto speso è stato utilizzato l'entità. + Per uso interno. + + + + + + + Secondi statistici + Secondi statistici + Statistici interni su quanti secondi ha richiesto un processo per la sua elaborazione. + Per uso interno. + + + + + + + Livello della Tab + Livello della Tab + + Hierarchical level of the tab. If the level is 0, it is the top entity. Level 1 entries are dependent on level 0, etc. + + + + + + + Valore del Costo Standard + Valore del Costo Standard + Valore nei costi standard + + + + + + + + Data di Conalida + Data di Convalida + Data di valutazione + + + + + + + + Valore del prezzo limite + Valore del prezzo limite + Valore del prezzo limite + + + + + + + + Valore Listino Prezzi + Valore Listino Prezzi + Valutazione con listino prezzi + + + + + + + + Valore Prezzo Ordine di Acquisto + Valore Prezzo Ordine di Acquisto + Valutazione con Prezzo Ordine di Acquisto + + + + + + + + Valore del Prezzo Standard + Valore del Prezzo Standard + Valutazione con Prezzo Standard + + + + + + + + Costo medio + Costo medio + Importi del costo medio cumulativo + Costi cumulativi per il calcolo dei costi medi. + + + + + + + Tot. Costo Medio + Tot. Costo Medio + Quantità del costo medio cumulativo + Current cumulative quantity for calculating the average costs + + + + + + + Tot. Costo std + Tot. Costo std + Somma dell'importo del costo std + Current cumulative amount for calculating the standard cost difference based on (actual) invoice price + + + + + + + Tot. costo std + Tot. costo std + Somma della qtà del costo std + Current cumulative quantity for calculating the standard cost difference based on (actual) invoice price + + + + + + + Tot. Costo dell'OdA std + Tot. Costo dell'OdA std + Somma dell'importo del costo dell'OdA std + Current cumulative amount for calculating the standard cost difference based on (planned) purchase order price + + + + + + + Tot. Costo dell'OdA std + Tot. Costo dell'OdA std + Somma della qtà del costo dell'OdA std + Current cumulative quantity for calculating the standard cost difference based on (planned) purchase order price + + + + + + + ID della Riga + ID della Riga + ID della riga della transazione (interno) + collegamento interno + + + + + + + Compensazione varianza prezzo acquisto-costi + Compensazione varianza prezzo acquisto-costi + + Offset account for standard costing purchase price variances. The counter account is Product PPV. + + + + + + + Prezzo Ultima Fattura + Prezzo Ultima Fattura + Prezzo della fattura ultima per il prodotto + Il Prezzo ultima Fattura indica l'ultimo prezzo pagato (per la fattura) per questo prodotto. + + + + + + + Totale Fattura + Totale fattura + Importo totale cumulativo fatturato + The cumulative total lifetime invoice amount is used to calculate the total average price + + + + + + + Quantità totale della fattura + Quantità totale della fattura + Quantità totale cumulativa fatturata + The cumulative total lifetime invoice quantity is used to calculate the total average price + + + + + + + Sconto calcolato per l'importo di ciascuna riga + Sconto calcolato per l'importo di ciascuna riga + + If the payment discount is calculated from line amounts only, the tax and charge amounts are not included. This is e.g. business practice in the US. If not selected the total invoice amount is used to calculate the payment discount. + + + + + + + Prezzo limite fissato + Prezzo limite fissato + + + + + + + + + Prezzo di Listino Fisso + Prezzo di listino fisso + Fissare il Prezzo del listino (non calcolato) + + + + + + + + Prezzo standard fisso + Prezzo standard fisso + Fissare il Prezzo standard (non calcolato) + + + + + + + + Impostare i Costi Futuri + Impostare i costi futuri + Impostare i costi future alla selezione + + + + + + + + Impostare Costo Standard + Impostare Costo standard + Impostare nuovi costi standard dai costi futuri + + + + + + + + Differenza Costo Standard - Fattura + Differenza Costo Standard - Fattura + Differenza Costo Standard - Fattura + La Differenza Accumolata tra i costi della fattura e i costi standard. + + + + + + + Differenza standard del costo in OdA + Differenza standard del costo in OdA + + Accumulated difference of Purchase Order Costs to Standard Costs + + + + + + + Costo totale della fattura + Costo totale della fattura + + + + + + + + + Messaggio + Messaggio + Messaggio del sistema + Messaggi di informazione e di errori + + + + + + + Frazioni dell'UdM Consentite + Frazioni dell'UdM Consentite + Consentite le frazioni di unità di misura + Se è permessa si può immettere le frazioni dell'unità di misura + + + + + + + Assegnare Da + Assegnare Da + Data dell'inizio per la assegnazione di una risorsa + Inizio dell'impegno + + + + + + + Assegnare A + Assegnare A + Assegnare una risora fino a + Fine dell'impegno + + + + + + + Data della Spesa + Data della Spesa + Data della spesa + Data della Spesa + + + + + + + Data del report + Data del report + Data del report Ore/Spese + Data del report Ore/Spese + + + + + + + Fine intervallo + Fine intervallo + Ora in cui un intervallo finisce + Ora in cui un intervallo finisce + + + + + + + Inizio intervallo + Inizio intervallo + Ora in cui un intervallo parte + Ora in cui un intervallo parte + + + + + + + Importo della Spesa + Importo della Spesa + Importo per questa spesa + Importo della spese in valuta + + + + + + + Disponibile + Disponibile + La risorsa è disponibile + La Risorsa è disponibile per assegnazioni. + + + + + + + Confermato + Confermato + L'assegnazione è confermata + L'assegnazione della risorsa è confermata. + + + + + + + Intervallo di giorni + Intervallo di giorni + La risorsa ha giorni di disponibilità + La risorsa è disponibile solo per certi giorni. + + + + + + + Ora del Report + Ora del Report + La Riga è solo un immessione del tempo (nessua spesa) + La riga contiene solo informazione del tempo. + + + + + + + Intervallo di tempo + Intervallo di tempo + + La risorsa è disponbile solo a certi tempi. + + + + + + + Venerdì + Venerdì + Disponibile i venerdì + + + + + + + + Lunedì + Lunedì + Disponibile i lunedì + + + + + + + + Sabato + Sabato + Disponibile i sabato + + + + + + + + Domenica + Domenica + Disponibile le domeniche + + + + + + + + Giovedì + Giovedì + Disponibile i giovedì + + + + + + + + Martedì + Martedì + Disponibile i martedì + + + + + + + + Mercoledì + Mercoledì + Disponibile i vmercoledì + + + + + + + + Tipo di spesa + Tipo di spesa + + + + + + + + + Risorsa + Risorsa + Risorsa + + + + + + + + Assegnazione della Risorsa + Assegnazione della Risorsa + Assegnazione della Risorsa + + + + + + + + Tipo Risorsa + Tipo Risorsa + + + + + + + + + Indisponibilità della risorsa + Indisponibilità della risorsa + + + + + + + + + Report Ore e Spese + Report Ore e Spese + Report Ore e Spese + + + + + + + + Riga della spesa + Riga della spesa + Riga del report ore e spese + + + + + + + + Solo attribuzione singola + Solo attribuzione singola + + + + + + + + + Colonna ordine + Colonna ordine + Colonna che determina l'ordine + Integer Column of the table determining the order (display, sort, ..) + + + + + + + Colonna inclusa + Colonna inclusa + Colonna determinante se una colona di una tabella è inclusa nell'ordine + If a Included Column is defined, it decides, if a column is active in the ordering - otherwise it is determined that the Order Column has a value of one or greater + + + + + + + Colore della stampa + Colore della stampa + Colore usato per la stampatura + Colori usate per la stampatura + + + + + + + Carattere della stampa + Carattere della stampa + + Font used for printing + + + + + + + Formato di stampa + Formato di stampa + Formato di stampa dei dati + The print format determines how data is rendered for print. + + + + + + + Formato di stampa incluso + Formato di stampa incluso + + Included Print formats allow to e.g. Lines to Header records. The Column provides the parent link. + + + + + + + Elemento del formato di stampa + Elemento del formato di stampa + + Item/Column in the print format maintaining layout information + + + + + + + Carta di stampa + Carta di stampa + + Printer Paper Size, Orientation and Margins + + + + + + + Allineamento del campo + Allineamento del campo + + Alignment of field text. The default is determined by the data/display type: Numbers are right aligned, other data is left aligned + + + + + + + Creare copia + Creare copia + + + + + + + + + Margine + Margine + + Distance from the bottom of the main content to the end of the printable page in 1/72 of an inch (point) + + + + + + + Margine della testata + Margine della testata + + Distance from the top of the printable page to the start of the main content in 1/72 of an inch (point) + + + + + + + Modulo + Modulo + + A form has individual elements with layout information (example: invoice, check) +<br> +A columnar list report has individual columns (example: list of invoices) + + + + + + + Raggruppato da + Raggruppato da + dopo il cambio di gruppo sono stampati i totali o altre informazioni + Grouping allows to print sub-totals. If a group changes, the totals are printed. Group by columns need to be included in the sort order. + + + + + + + Solo online + Solo online + + Se la colonna ha una limitazione di larghezza, il testo è separato in più linee. Se una linea è selezionata, solo la prima linea è stampata. + + + + + + + Orizzontale + Orizzontale + + + + + + + + + Riga successiva + Riga successiva + + If not selected, the item is printed on the same line + + + + + + + Ordinato da + Ordinato da + + The records are ordered by the value of this column. If a column is used for grouping, it needs to be included in the sort order as well. + + + + + + + Posizione relativo + Posizione relativo + + The relative positioning of the item is determined by X-Z space and next line + + + + + + + Tab ordine + Tab ordine + + + + + + + + + Standard Header/Footer + Standard Header/Footer + + If the standard header is not used, it must be explicitly defined. + + + + + + + Basato sulla tabella + Basato sulla tabella + + Table based columnar list reporting is invoked from the Window Report button + + + + + + + Altezza massima + Altezza massima + + Maximum height of the element in 1/72 of an inch (point). If zero (0), there is no height restriction. + + + + + + + Larghezza massima + Larghezza massima + + Maximum width of the element in 1/72 of an inch (point). If zero (0), there is no width restriction. + + + + + + + Posizione X + Posizione X + Posizione X (orizzontale) assoluta in 1/72 di pollice + Absolute X (horizontal) position in 1/72 of an inch + + + + + + + Spazio X + Spazio X + + Relative X (horizontal) space in 1/72 of an inch in relation to the end of the previous item. + + + + + + + Posizione Y + Posizione Y + Posizione Y (verticale) assoluta in 1/72 di pollice + Absolute Y (vertical) position in 1/72 of an inch + + + + + + + Spazio Y + Spazio Y + + Relative Y (vertical) space in 1/72 of an inch in relation to the end of the previous item. + + + + + + + Allineamento riga + Allineamento riga + + For relative positioning, the line alignment + + + + + + + Area + Area + Area di stampa + Print area of this item + + + + + + + Tipo di formato + Tipo di formato + + The print format type determines what will be printed. + + + + + + + Prezzo in fattura + Prezzo in fattura + + Unit Price in the currency of the business partner! If it is 0, the standard price of the sales price list of the business partner (customer) is used. + + + + + + + Sopra/Sotto Pagamento + Sopra/Sotto Pagamento + + Overpayments (negative) are unallocated amounts and allow you to receive money for more than the particular invoice. +Underpayments (positive) is a partial payment for the invoice. You do not write off the unpaid amount. + + + + + + + Importo del Sopra/Sotto Pagamento + Importo del Sopra/Sotto Pagamento + + Overpayments (negative) are unallocated amounts and allow you to receive money for more than the particular invoice. +Underpayments (positive) is a partial payment for the invoice. You do not write off the unpaid amount. + + + + + + + Formato di stampa dell'assegno + Formato di stampa dell'assegno + Formato di stampa per la stampa di assegni + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + Formato di stampa del sollecito + Formato di stampa del sollecito + + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + Formato di stampa della fattura + Formato di stampa della fattura + + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + Formato di stampa ordine + Formato di stampa ordine + + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + Formato di stampa della rimessa + Formato di stampa della rimessa + + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + Formato di stampa della spedizione + Formato di stampa della spedizione + + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + Prefisso + Prefisso + Codice del prefisso di area + Phone Area Code + + + + + + + Città + Città + Indentifica una città + City in a country + + + + + + + Coordinate + Coordinate + Coordinate della location + This column contains the geographical coordinates (latitude/longitude) of the location.<p> +In order to avoid unnecessary use of non-standard characters and space, the following standard presentation is used:<br> +0000N 00000W 0000S 00000E <br> +where the two last digits refer to minutes and the two or three first digits indicate the degrees + + + + + + + + Locode + Locode + + UN/Locode is a combination of a 2-character country code and a 3-character location code, e.g. BEANR is known as the city of Antwerp (ANR) which is located in Belgium (BE). +<p>See: http://www.unece.org/cefact/locode/service/main.htm + + + + + + + Immagine allegata + Immagine allegata + + The image to be printed is stored in the database as attachment to this record. The image can be a gif, jpeg or png. + + + + + + + Calcolo media + Media + Calcola la media di un contenuto numerico o di una lunghezza di una string + Calculate the average of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise calculate the average length of the field. + + + + + + + Calcolo numero di elementi + Conteggio + Conta il numero degli elementi non vuoti + Calculate the total number of not empty (NULL) elements (maximum is the number of lines). + + + + + + + Importo in lettere + Importo in lettere + Importo in lettere + Amount in words will be printed. + + + + + + + Titolo del contatto del BP + Titolo del contatto del BP + Titolo per il contatto del Business Partner + + + + + + + + Titolo del BP + Titolo del BP + Titolo per il Business Partner + + + + + + + + Nome del contatto + Nome del contatto + Nome del contatto del Business Partner + + + + + + + + Tipo documento + Tipo documento + Tipo documento o regola + + + + + + + + Nota del tipo documento + Nota del tipo documento + + + + + + + + + Documento multi lingua + Documento multi lingua + I documenti sono multi lingua + If selected, you enable multi lingual documents and need to maintain translations for entities used in documents (examples: Products, Payment Terms, ...).<br> +Please note, that the base language is always English. + + + + + + + Selezionare posizione NL + Selezionare posizione NL + + When enabled, the current x (horizontal) Position before printing the item is saved. The next New Line will use the saved x (horizontal) Position, enabling to print data in columns. +The setting is not restricted to an area (header, content, footer), allowing to align information also with Header and Footer with the Content. + + + + + + + Nascondere valori nulli + Nascondere valori nulli + + If a Form entry is NULL and if selected, the field (including label) is not printed. <br> +If all elements in a table column are NULL and if selected, the column is not printed. + + + + + + + Termini del Pagamento + Termini del Pagamento + Termini del Pagamento + + + + + + + + Nota dei termini del pagamento + Nota dei termini del pagamento + + + + + + + + + Descrizione della Risorsa + Descrizione della Risorsa + + + + + + + + + Credito disponibile + Credito disponibile + Credito disponibile + + + + + + + + Grafico + Grafico + + Pie/Line Graph to be printed in Reports + + + + + + + Formato tabella di stampa + Formato tabella di stampa + + Print Table Format determines Fonts, Colors of the printed Table + + + + + + + Sotto Colonna + Sotto Colonna + Stampa questa colonna sotto la colonna indice inserita + This column is printed in a second line below the content of the first line identified. Please be aware, that this is depends on the actual sequence. Enter a 1 to add the info below the first column. + + + + + + + Colonna dati 2 + Colonna dati 2 + Colonna dati per grafici a linea + Additional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar Charts + + + + + + + Colonna dati 3 + Colonna dati 3 + Colonna dati per grafici a linea + Additional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar Charts + + + + + + + Colonna dati 4 + Colonna dati 4 + Colonna dati per grafici a linea + Additional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar Charts + + + + + + + Colonna dati 5 + Colonna dati 5 + Colonna dati per grafici a linea + Additional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar Charts + + + + + + + Colonna dati + Colonna dati + Colonna dati per grafici a torta o a linea + Graph Data Column for Pie and Line/Bar Charts + + + + + + + Colonna della descrizione + Colonna della descrizione + Colonna di descrizione per grafici a torta/linea/barre + Graph Description Column for Pie and Line/Bar Charts + + + + + + + Funzione font + Funzione font + + Font of the function row + + + + + + + Funzione colore BG + Funzione colore BG + + Background color of a function row + + + + + + + Funzione colore + Funzione colore + + Foreground color of a function row + + + + + + + Tipo di grafico + Tipo di grafico + + Type of graph to be painted + + + + + + + Font della riga di testata + Font della riga di testata + + Font of the table header row + + + + + + + Colore della riga di testata + Colore della riga di testata + + Color of the table header row lines + + + + + + + Colore BG della riga di testata + Colore BG della riga di testata + Colore di sfondo delle righe di testata + Table header row background color + + + + + + + Colore della riga di testata + Colore della riga di testata + + Table header row foreground color + + + + + + + Linee di confine della pittura + Linee di confine della pittura + + Paint lines around table + + + + + + + Linee H pittura + Linee H pittura + + Paint horizontal table lines + + + + + + + Linee V pittura + Linee V pittura + + Paint vertical table lines + + + + + + + Simboli della funzione di stampa + Simboli della funzione di stampa + + If selected, print symbols - otherwise print names of the function + + + + + + + Colore della riga + Colore della riga + + + + + + + + + Indirizzo Org + Indirizzo Org + + + + + + + + + Area Stoccaggio del Magazzino + Area Stoccaggio del magazzino + + Area Stoccaggio del Magazzino + + + + + + + BP Chiave di ricerca + N. cliente + Valore chiave del Business Partner + Search Key of Business Partner + + + + + + + Larghezza fissa + Larghezza fissa + La colonna ha una larghezza fissa + The Column has a fixed width, independent from the content + + + + + + + Pagina successiva + Pagina successiva + + Before printing this column, there will be a page break. + + + + + + + Elaborazione del sollecito + Elaborazione del sollecito + Data funzionamento procedura di sollecito + + + + + + + + Inserimento elaborazione del sollecito + Inserimento elaborazione del sollecito + Dunning Run Entry + + + + + + + + Riga elaborazione del sollecito + Riga elaborazione del sollecito + Dunning Run Line + + + + + + + + Controllo selezione pagamenti + Controllo selezione pagamenti + + + + + + + + + Data del sollecito + Data del sollecito + Data di sollecito + + + + + + + + Bene Gestito + Bene Gestito + Bene Gestito + An asset is either created by purchasing or by delivering a product. An asset can be used internally or be a customer asset. + + + + + + + Responsabile Commerciale + Responsabile Commerciale + + + + + Company Agent + Company Agent + + + Margine inferiore + Inferiore + Spazio dal fondo in 1/72 di pollice + Space on bottom of a page in 1/72 inch + + + + + + + Margine sinistro + Margine sinistro + + Space on left side of a page in 1/72 inch + + + + + + + Margine destro + Margine destro + + Space on right side of a page in 1/72 inch + + + + + + + Margine alto + Margine alto + + Space on top of a page in 1/72 inch + + + + + + + Nascita + Nascita + Data del compleanno o dell'anniversario + Birthday or Anniversary day + + + + + + + Data di cancellazione + Data di cancellazione + Data in cui il contatto ha cancellato la sottoscrizione + If the field has a date, the customer opted out (unsubscribed) and cannot receive mails for the Interest Area + + + + + + + Area interessi + Area interessi + + Interest Areas reflect interest in a topic by a contact. Interest areas can be used for marketing campaigns. + + + + + + + Tipo di Richiesta + Tipo di Richiesta + + Request Types are used for processing and categorizing requests. Options are Account Inquiry, Warranty Issue, etc. + + + + + + + Approvare la Data + Approvare la Data + Data in cui il contatto è stato attivamente sottoscritto + Date the contact subscribe the interest area + + + + + + + Email User ID + Email User ID + + The user name in the mail system is usually the string before the @ of your email address. Required if the mail server requires authentification to send emails. + + + + + + + Email User Password + Email User Password + + Required if the mail server requires authentification to send emails. + + + + + + + Autenticazione SMTP + Autenticazione SMTP + + Some email servers require authentification before sending emails. If yes, users are required to define their email user name and password. If authentification is required and no user name and password is required, delivery will fail. + + + + + + + Tipo di prodotto + Tipo di prodotto + + The type of product also determines accounting consequences. + + + + + + + Sistema + Sistema + + Common System Definition + + + + + + + ID Partner + ID Partner + + + + + + + + + Nome Utente + Nome Utente + + The responsible person for the system + + + + + + + ID Fornitore + ID Fornitore + + + + + + + + + Riferimento OdA/OdV + Riferimento OdA/OdV + Riferimento alla corrispondente OdA/OdV + Riferimento della riga dell'ordine di vendita alla riga corrispondente dell'ordine di acquisto o vice versa. + + + + + + + Chiave del Business partner + Chiave del Business partner + La Key del Business Partner + + + + + + + + Descrizione del contatto + Descrizione del contatto + Descrizione del contatto + + + + + + + + Conto di default + Conto di default + Nome della colonna del conto di default + + + + + + + + Nome dell'elemento + Nome dell'elemento + + + + + + + + + Chiave dell'elemento + Chiave dell'elemento + + + + + + + + + Importazione Business Partner + Importazione Business Partner + + + + + + + + + Importazione Conto + Importazione Conto + + + + + + + + + Importazione Prodotti + Importazione Prodotti + + + + + + + + + Importazione Insieme delle righe del report + Importazione Insieme delle righe del report + + + + + + + + + Azienda produttrice + Azienda produttrice + + + + + + + + + Categoria chiave del prodotto + Categoria chiave del prodotto + + + + + + + + + Nome del set di righe del report + Nome del set di righe del report + + + + + + + + + Commissione/Royalty + Commissione/Royalty + (Incluso) ammontare per il copyright, ecc. + + + + + + + + URL della descrizione + URL della descrizione + URL per la descrizione + + + + + + + + Cancellare i vecchi dati importati + Cancellare i vecchi dati importati + Prima di procedere cancella i vecchi record precedentemente importati + + + + + + + + Chiave di raggruppamento + Chiave di raggruppamento + Chiave del gruppo di business prtners + + + + + + + + Conto padre + Conto padre + + + + + + + + + Chiave padre + Chiave padre + + + + + + + + + Aggiornare conti di default + Aggiornare conti di default + + + + + + + + + Creare nuova combinazione + Creare nuova combinazione + Combinazione per la creazione di un nuovo conto + + + + + + + + Consegna del Bene + Consegna del Bene + Consegna del Bene + The availability of the asset to the business partner (customer). + + + + + + + Gruppo Bene Gestito + Gruppo Bene Gestito + Gruppo di Bene Gestito + The group of assets determines default accounts. If an asset group is selected in the product category, assets are created when delivering the asset. + + + + + + + Smobilizzo del Bene + Smobilizzo del Bene + Un bene usato internamente non sarà più in uso + + + + + + + + Data Ammortamento del Bene + Data Ammortamento delBbene + Data dell'Ultimo Ammortamento + Date of the last deprecation, if the asset is used internally and depreciated. + + + + + + + Data di Cessione del Bene + Data di Cessione del Bene + Data in cui il Bene è/è stato ceduto + + + + + + + + Importo valore di mercato + Importo valore di mercato + + For reporting, the market value of the asset + + + + + + + Data entrata in funzione + Data entrata in funzione + Data di messa in servizio di questo asset + The date when the asset was put into service - usually used as start date for depreciation. + + + + + + + Valore del Bene + Valore del Bene + Valore originario del bene + + + + + + + + Data Garanzia + Data Garanzia + Data di scadenza della garanzia + Date when the normal guarantee or availability expires + + + + + + + Giorni di garanzia + Giorni di garanzia + + If the value is 0, there is no limit to the availability or guarantee, otherwise the guarantee date is calculated by adding the days to the delivery date. + + + + + + + Svalutare + Svalutare + L'asset sarà deprezzato + The asset is used internally and will be depreciated + + + + + + + Venduto + Venduto + + The asset is no longer used and disposed + + + + + + + Data acquisto + Data acquisto + + Assets which are not in possession are e.g. at Customer site and may or may not be owned by the company. + + + + + + + Di proprietà + Di proprietà + + The asset may not be in possession, but the asset is legally owned by the organization + + + + + + + Vita residua + Vita residua + + Life use and the actual use may be used to calculate the depreciation + + + + + + + Commento Locatore + Commento Locatore + Comenti o osservazioni aggiuntive riguardanti il locatore + + + + + + + + Classe del corso + Classe del corso + + A scheduled class + + + + + + + Corso + Corso + + The training may have multiple actual classes + + + + + + + Vita utile - Mesi + Vita utile - Mesi + + + + + + + + + Vita utile - Anni + Vita utile - Anni + + + + + + + + + Utilizzare unità + Utilizzare unità + Unità correntemente usate del conto + + + + + + + + Versione n. + Versione n. + + + + + + + + + Conferma spedizione + Conferma spedizione + Email di conferma spedizione + + + + + + + + Interamente svautato + Interamente svautato + + The asset costs are fully amortized. + + + + + + + ID messaggio + ID messaggio + EMail Message ID + SMTP Message ID for tracking purposes + + + + + + + Email PDF + Email PDF + + + + + + + + + Col_1 + Col_1 + + + + + + + + + Col_2 + Col_2 + + + + + + + + + Col_3 + Col_3 + + + + + + + + + Col_4 + Col_4 + + + + + + + + + Col_5 + Col_5 + + + + + + + + + Col_6 + Col_6 + + + + + + + + + Col_7 + Col_7 + + + + + + + + + Col_8 + Col_8 + + + + + + + + + Col_9 + Col_9 + + + + + + + + + Col_10 + Col_10 + + + + + + + + + Col_11 + Col_11 + + + + + + + + + Col_12 + Col_12 + + + + + + + + + Col_13 + Col_13 + + + + + + + + + Col_14 + Col_14 + + + + + + + + + Col_15 + Col_15 + + + + + + + + + Col_16 + Col_16 + + + + + + + + + Col_17 + Col_17 + + + + + + + + + Col_18 + Col_18 + + + + + + + + + Col_19 + Col_19 + + + + + + + + + Col_20 + Col_20 + + + + + + + + + Directory del documento + Directory del documento + Directory per i documenti dall'application server + Directory to store documents by the application server. The path/directory is accessed by the application server and may not be accessible to clients. + + + + + + + Testo dell'email per fattura + Testo dell'email per fattura + + Standard email template used to send invoices as attachments. + + + + + + + Testo della email per l'ordine + Testo della email per l'ordine + + Standard email template used to send acknowledgements or quotations as attachments. + + + + + + + Testo della email per la rimessa + Testo della email per la rimessa + + Standard email template used to send remittances as attachments. + + + + + + + Inviare Email + Inviare Email + + Send emails with document attached (e.g. Invoice, Delivery Note, etc.) + + + + + + + Testo della email per la spedizione + Testo della email per la spedizione + + Standard email template used to send delivery notes as attachments. + + + + + + + Mail di garanzia scaduta + Mail di garanzia scaduta + Mail di garanzia scaduta + Mail di garanzia scaduta + + + + + + + IsRecreate + IsRecreate + + + + + + + + + Livello n. + Livello n. + + + + + + + + + Fonti listino + Fonti listino + + List also the Report Line Sources + + + + + + + Transazioni listino + Transazioni listino + + List the transaction of the report source lines + + + + + + + Col_0 + Col_0 + + + + + + + + + Saldo + Saldo + + + + + + + + + Suffisso dell'etichetta di stampa + Suffisso dell'etichetta di stampa + + The Label to be printed indicates the name that will be printed on a document or correspondence after the field. The max length is 60 characters. + + + + + + + Nazione Contabile + Nazione + Nazione + Nome Nazione Contabile + + + + + + + Web Parameter 1 + WebParam1 + Web Site Parameter 1 + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam1 + + + + + + + Web Parameter 2 + WebParam2 + Web Site Parameter 2 + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam2 + + + + + + + Web Parameter 3 + WebParam3 + Web Site Parameter 3 + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam3 + + + + + + + Web Parameter 4 + WebParam 4 + Web Site Parameter 4 + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam4 + + + + + + + Web Order EMail + Web Order EMail + EMail address to receive notifications when web orders were processed + When processig a web order, a confirmation is sent to the EMail addess of the customer from the request EMail address copying this email address when entered. + + + + + + + Programmazione Pagamento Fattura + Programmazione Pagamento Fattura + Programmazione Pagamento Fattura + The Invoice Payment Schedule determines when partial payments are due. + + + + + + + Programma Pagamento + Programma Pagamento + Payment Schedule Template + Information when parts of the payment are due + + + + + + + Counter + Counter + Count Value + Number counter + + + + + + + Data dello Sconto + Data dello Sconto + Ultimo Giorno disponibile per il pagamento per usufruire dello sconto + Last Date where a deduction of the payment discount is allowed + + + + + + + Importo Dovuto + Importo Dovuto + Amount of the payment due + Full amount of the payment due + + + + + + + Data Dovuto + Data Dovuto + Date when the payment is due + Date when the payment is due without deductions or discount + + + + + + + Valido + Valido + Elemento è valido + The element passed the validation check + + + + + + + Giorno Netto + Giorno Netto + Day when payment is due net + When defined, overwrites the number of net days with the relative number of days to the the day defined. + + + + + + + Percentuale + Percentuale + Percent of the entire amount + Percentage of an amount (up to 100) + + + + + + + Target URL + Target URL + URL for the Target + URL of the Target Site + + + + + + + Linea Carrello + Linea Carrello + Linea Carrello + Temporary Web Basket Line + + + + + + + Web Click + Web Click + Individual Web Click + Web Click Datails + + + + + + + Conteggio Click + Conteggio Click + Web Click Management + Web Click Management + + + + + + + Counter Count + Counter Count + Web Counter Count Management + Web Counter Information + + + + + + + Moltiplicatore Fatt. Acquisto + Moltiplicatore Fatt. Acquisto + + + + + + + + + Data Garanzia + Imp. esente + Costituisce l'importo dell'ammontare esente di una particolare aliquota + + + + + + + + Attributo di Istanza + Attributo di Istanza + + + + + + + + + Lotto + Tassa indeducibile + + + + + + + + + Numero di serie + Numero di serie + + + + + + + + + Attributo + Scorpora ammontare indeducibile + + + + + + + + + Serie di Attributi + Serie di Attributi + L'insieme degli attributi del prodotto + + + + + + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + The values of the actual Product Attributes + + + + + + + Valore Attributo + Valore Attributo + Product Attribute Value + Individual value of a product attribute (e.g. green, large, ..) + + + + + + + Lotto + Lotto + Lotto del prodotto + Il lotto di un Prodotto + + + + + + + Controllo per Lotto + Controllo per Lotto + Product Lot Control + Definition to create Lot numbers for Products + + + + + + + Controllo per Numero di Serie + Controllo per Numero di Serie + Product Serial Number Control + Definition to create Serial numbers for Products + + + + + + + Ricerca per Attributo + Ricerca per Attributo + Attributo per ricerche comuni + Attributes are specific to a Product Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple attributes and want to search under a common sttribute, you define a search sttribute. Example: have one Size search attribute combining the values of all different sizes (Size for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The Attribute Search allows you to have all values available for selection. This eases the maintenance of the individual product attribute. + + + + + + + Tab Incluso + Tab Incluso + Included Tab in this Tab (Master Dateail) + You can include a Tab in a Tab. If displayed in single row record, the included tab is displayed as multi-row table. + + + + + + + Etichetta di Stampa + Etichetta di Stampa + Label Format to print + Format for printing Labels + + + + + + + Linea Etichetta di Stampa + Linea Etichetta di Stampa + Print Label Line Format + Format of the line on a Label + + + + + + + Sessione + Sessione + User Session Online or Web + Online or Web Session Information + + + + + + + Tipo Distinta Base + Tipo Distinta Base + Tipo Distinta Base + Type of Bill of Materials + + + + + + + Padre del Partner + Padre del Partner + Business Partner Parent + The parent (organization) of the Business Partner for reporting purposes. + + + + + + + Fase Standard + Fase Standard + Standard Phase of the Project Type + Phase of the project with standard performance information with standard work + + + + + + + Tipo Progetto + Tipo Progetto + Tipo del progetto + Type of the project with optional phases of the project with standard performance information + + + + + + + Documento Ricorrente + Documento Ricorrente + Documento Ricorrente + Recurring Documents + + + + + + + Elaborazione Ricorso + Elaborazione Ricorso + Recurring Document Run + History of Recurring Document Generation + + + + + + + Quantità Impegnata + Quantità Impegnata + The (legal) commitment Quantity + The commitment amount is independent from the planned amount. You would use the planned amount for your realistic estimation, which might be higher or lower than the commitment amount. + + + + + + + Copiare Da + Copiare Da + Copy From Record + Copy From Record + + + + + + + Download URL + Download URL + URL of the Download files + Semicolon separated list of URLs to be downloaded or distributed + + + + + + + Partner Consegna Diretta + Partner Consegna Diretta + Business Partner for Drop Shipment + + + + + + + + Indirizzo Consegna Diretta + Indirizzo Consegna Diretta + Business Partner Shipment Location for Drop Shipment + + + + + + + + Contatto Consegna Diretta + Contatto Consegna Diretta + Business Partner Contact for Drop Shipment + + + + + + + + Generare Ordine + Generare Ordine + Generare Ordine + + + + + + + + Importazione Inventario + Importazione Inventario + Imporatazione delle transazioni di inventario + + + + + + + + Importo Fatturato + Importo Fatturato + L'Importo Fatturato + L'Importo Fatturato + + + + + + + Quantità Fatturata + Quantità Fatturata + La Quantità Fatturata + + + + + + + + Viene mantenuto il Log delle modifiche + Viene mantenuto il Log delle modifiche + Gestisce un log delle modifiche + Se selezionato viene gestito un log di tutte le modifiche + + + + + + + + Completato + Completato + It is complete + Indication that this is complete + + + + + + + Tipo Formato dell'Etichetta + Tipo Formato dell'Etichetta + Tipo Formato dell'Etichetta + + + + + + + + Altezza dell'Etichetta + Altezza dell'Etichetta + Altezza dell'Etichetta + Altezza fisica dell'etichetta. + + + + + + + Larghezza dell'Etichetta + Larghezza dell'Etichetta + Larghezza dell'Etichetta + Larghezza fisica dell'etichetta + + + + + + + Nome Stampante + Nome Stampante + Nome dello Stampante + Internal (Opereating System) Name of the Printer; Please mote that the printer name may be different on different clients. Enter a printer name, which applies to ALL clients (e.g. printer on a server). <p> +If none is entered, the default printer is used. You specify your default printer when you log in. You can also change the default printer in Preferences. + + + + + + + Testo Email del Progetto + Testo Email del Progetto + Testo email standard per gli email del progetto + Testo email standard per gli email del progetto + + + + + + + Formato di Stampa Progetto + Formato di Stampa Progetto + Formato di stampa standard del progetto + Formato di stampa standard del progetto + + + + + + + Saldo del Progetto + Saldo del Progetto + Saldo totale del progetto + The project balance is the sum of all invoices and payments + + + + + + + Tipo di Ricorso + Tipo di Ricorso + Type of Recurring Document + The type of document to be generated + + + + + + + Elaborazioni Massime + Elaborazioni Massime + Number of recurring runs + Number of recurring documents to be generated in total + + + + + + + Elaborazioni da Fare + Elaborazioni da Fare + Number of recurring runs remaining + Number of recurring documents to be still generated + + + + + + + Quantità Standard + Quantità Standard + Quantità Standard + + + + + + + + Sessione Web + Sessione Web + Web Session ID + + + + + + + + Log di modifica + Log di modifica + Log of data changes + Log of data changes + + + + + + + Advertisement Text + Ad Text + Text of the Advertisement + The text of the advertisement with optional HTML tags. The HTML tags are not checked for correctness and may impact the remaining page. + + + + + + + Self-Service + Self-Service + This is a Self-Service entry or this entry can be changed via Self-Service + Self-Service allows users to enter data or update their data. The flag indicates, that this record was entered or created via Self-Service or that the user can change it via the Self-Service functionality. + + + + + + + Log + Log + + + + + + + + + Valore Nuovo + Valore Nuovo + Valore nuovo del campo + Dato nuovo immesso nel campo + + + + + + + Valore Vecchio + Valore Vecchio + I dati del vecchio file + Valore vecchio sovrascritto nel campo + + + + + + + ID del Processo + ID del Processo + + + + + + + + + Elabora Messaggio + Elabora Msg + + + + + + + + + Annuncio + Annuncio + Web Advertisement + Advertisement on the Web + + + + + + + Codice Magazzino + Codice Magazzino + Chiave del Magazzino + Chiave per l'identificazione del Magazzino + + + + + + + Tipo di Costo + Tipo di Costo + Tipo di Costo + + + + + + + + Assegnazione della Organizzazione + Assegnazione della Organizzazione + Assigment to (transaction) Organization + Assignment to the transacation organization (cost center). + + + + + + + Fase del Progetto + Fase del Progetto + Fase del Progetto + + + + + + + + Compito del Progetto + Compito del Progetto + Compito attuale di un progetto nella fase del progetto + Compito attuale di un progetto nella fase del progetto + + + + + + + Compito Standard + Compito Standard + Standard Project Type Task + Standard Project Task in a Project Phase with standard effort + + + + + + + Quantità Addebitabile + Quantità Addebitabile + + + + + + + + + Impegno è Massimo + Impegno è Massimo + The commitment amount/quantity is the chargeable ceiling + The commitment amount and quantity is the maximum amount and quantity to be charged. Ignored, if the amount or quantity is zero. + + + + + + + Escludi + Escludi + Esclude l'accesso ai dati + If selected, the role cannot access the data specified. If not selected, the role can ONLY access the data specified + + + + + + + Tipo di Tempo + Tipo di Tempo + Tipo di Tempo Ricordato + Differentiate time types for reporting purposes (In parallel to Activities) + + + + + + + Codice Conto + Codice Conto + Chiave del Conto + + + + + + + + Nome dello Schema Contabile + AcctSchema Name + Nome dello Schema Contabile + + + + + + + + Elaborazione riga SQL + Elaborazione riga SQL + Elabora riga per riga + + + + + + + + Elaborazione Set di comandi SQL + Elaborazione Set di comandi SQL + Elabora un set di comandi SQL Riga per Riga + + + + + + + + Allarme + Allarme + Allarme Compiere + Compiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted of + + + + + + + Regole dell'Allarme + Regole dell'Allarme + Definition of the alert element + + + + + + + + Argomento dell'Allarme + Argomento dell'Allarme + Argomento dell'allarme + The subject of the email message sent for the alert + + + + + + + Messaggio dell'Allarme + Messaggio dell'Allarme + Message of the Alert + The message of the email sent for the alert + + + + + + + Numero Conto Bancario + Numero Conto Bancario + Numero Conto Bancario + + + + + + + + Descrizione del Batch + Descrizione del Batch + Descrizione del Batch + + + + + + + + Numero Documento del Batch + Numero Documento del Batch + Numero Documento del Batch + + + + + + + + Chiave del Business Partner + Chiave del Business Partner + Chiave del Business Partner + + + + + + + + Nome della Categoria + Nome della Categoria + Nome della Categoria + + + + + + + + Nome dell'Addebitamento + Nome dell'Addebitamento + Nome dell'Addebitamento + + + + + + + + Chiave del Client + Chiave del Client + Chiave del Client + + + + + + + + Nome Tipo Documento + Nome Tipo Documento + Nome Tipo Documento + + + + + + + + Assicura sicurezza cliente + Assicura sicurezza cliente + Send alerts to recipient only if the client security rules of the role allows + + + + + + + + Assicura sicurezza ruolo + Assicura sicurezza ruolo + Send alerts to recipient only if the data security rules of the role allows + + + + + + + + Clausola From + Clausola From + SQL FROM clause + + + + + + + + Importazione Estratto Conto Bancario + Importazione Estratto Conto Bancario + Importazione Estratto Conto Bancario + + + + + + + + Importazione Giornale + Importazione Giornale + Import General Ledger Journal + + + + + + + + Importazione Ordini + Importazione Ordini + Importazione Ordini + + + + + + + + Importazione Pagamenti + Importazione Pagamenti + Importazione Pagamenti + + + + + + + + Numero Documento Fattura + Numero Documento Fattura + Numero Documento della Fattura + + + + + + + + Saldo + Saldo + Charge after Shipment + Delayed Capture is required, if you ship products. The first credit card transaction is the Authorization, the second is the actual transaction after the shipment of the product. + + + + + + + Descrizione della Riga + Descrizione della Riga + Descrizione della Riga + + + + + + + + Chiave del Locatore + Chiave del Locatore + Chiave del locatore del magazzino + + + + + + + + Spese di Trasporto + Spese di Trasporto + Freight Rate + Freight Rate for Shipper + + + + + + + Categoria Spese di Trasporto + Categoria Spese di Trasporto + Category of the Freight + Freight Categories are used to calculate the Freight for the Shipper selected + + + + + + + Memo + Memo + Testo del Memo + + + + + + + + Numero Pacchetti + Numero Pacchetti + Number of packages shipped + + + + + + + + Chiave della Organizzazione della Transazione + Chiave della Organizzazione della Transazione + Chiave della Organizzazione della Transazione + + + + + + + + Chiave della Organizzazione + Chiave della Organizzazione + Chiave della Organizzazione + + + + + + + + Chiave Termine Pagamento + Chiave Termine Pagamento + Key of the Payment Term + + + + + + + + Data Pick + Data Pick + Date/Time when picked for Shipment + + + + + + + + Codice del Progetto + Codice del Progetto + Codice del Progetto + + + + + + + + Codice di Autorizzazione (DC) + Codice di Autorizzazione (DC) + Authorization Code Delayed Capture returned + The Authorization Code indicates the code returned from the electronic transmission. + + + + + + + Codice di verifica Carta di Credito + Codice di verifica Carta di Credito + Codice di verifica Carta di Credito + The Credit Card Verification Code was matched + + + + + + + Referimento (DC) + Referimento (DC) + Payment Reference Delayed Capture + The Payment Reference indicates the reference returned from the Credit Card Company for a payment + + + + + + + Numero di Rilascio + Numero di Rilascio + Numero di rilascio interno + + + + + + + + Data della Consegna + Data della Consegna + Shipment Date/Time + Actual Date/Time of Shipment (pick up) + + + + + + + Unità do Supporto + Unità do Supporto + Number of Support Units for ComPiere Support + You can purchase commercial support from ComPiere, Inc. +The fee is per 10 internal users. The number of od support units is displayed here. + + + + + + + Informazioni Carta di Credito + Informazioni Carta di Credito (Swipe) + Track 1 and 2 of the Credit Card + Swiped information for Credit Card Presence Transactions + + + + + + + Tracking No + Tracking No + Number to track the shipment + + + + + + + + Tracking URL + Tracking URL + URL dello spedizioniere per tracciare le Spedizioni + La variabile @TrackingNo@ nell' URL deve essere sostituita dal numero effettivo della spedizione. + + + + + + + Importazione Fatture + Importazione Fatture + Importazione Fatture + + + + + + + + Replicazione + Replicazione + Target dei dati per replicazione + Data Replication Target Details. Maintained on the central server. + + + + + + + Log della Replicazione + Log della Replicazione + Data Replication Log Details + Data Replication Run Log + + + + + + + Elaborazione della Replicazione + Elaborazione della Replicazione + + Data Replication Run information + + + + + + + Strategia di Replicazione + Strategia di Replicazione + Strategia di replicazione dati + The Data Replication Strategy determines what and how tables are replicated + + + + + + + Tabella di Replicazione + Tabella di Replicazione + Informazioni della tabella di replicazione + Determines how the table is replicated + + + + + + + Replicato + Replicato + I data sono stati replicati + The data replication was successful. + + + + + + + Finestra Ordine di Acquisto + Finestra Ordine di Acquisto + Finestra Ordine di Acquisto + Window for Purchase Order (AP) Zooms + + + + + + + Tipo di Replicazione + Tipo di Replicazione + Tipo di replicazione dati + The Type of data Replication determines the directon of the data replication. <br> +Reference means that the data in this system is read only -> <br> +Local means that the data in this system is not replicated to other systems - <br> +Merge means that the data in this system is synchronized with the other system <-> <br> + + + + + + + + Pubblico + Pubblico + Public can read entry + If selected, public users can read/view the entry. Public are users without a Role in the system. Use security rules for more specic access control. + + + + + + + Scrivere Pubblico + Scrivere Pubblico + Public can write entries + If selected, public users can write/create entries. Public are users without a Role in the system. Use security rules for more specic access control. + + + + + + + Categoria di Conoscenza + Categoria + Categoria di Conoscenza + Set up knowledge categories and values as a search aid. Examples are Release Version, Product Area, etc. Knowledge Category values act like keyworks. + + + + + + + Valore della Categoria + Value + The value of the category + The value of the category is a keyword + + + + + + + Commento dell'Immessione + Comment + Knowledge Entry Comment + Comment regarding a knowledge entry + + + + + + + Immessione + Immessione + Knowledge Entry + The searchable Knowledge Entry + + + + + + + Immessione Associata + Immessione Associata + Related Entry for this Enntry + Related Knowlege Entry for this Knowledge Entry + + + + + + + Fonte della Conoscenza + Fonte della Conoscenza + Source of a Knowledge Entry + The Source of a Knowlegde Entry is a pointer to the originating system. The Knowledge Entry has an additional entry (Description URL) for more detailed info. + + + + + + + Sinonimo di Conoscenza + Sinonimo di Conoscenza + Knowlege Keyword Synonym + Search Synonyms for Knowledge Keywords; Example: Product = Item + + + + + + + Argomento di Conoscenza + Argomento di Conoscenza + Knowledge Topic + Topic or Discussion Thead + + + + + + + Tipo di Conoscenza + Tipo + Knowledge Type + Area of knowlege - A Type has multiple Topics + + + + + + + Parole Chiavi + Parole Chiavi + List of Keywords - separated by space, comma or semicolon + List if individual keywords for search relevancy. The keywords are separated by space, comma or semicolon. + + + + + + + Nome di Sinonimo + Nome di Sinonimo + The synonym for the name + The synonym broadens the search + + + + + + + Tunnel via HTTP + Tunnel via HTTP + Connect to Server via HTTP Tunnel + If selected, the connection to the server is via a HTTP tunnel, otherwise it uses an RMI/JNP connection + + + + + + + Prova + Prova + Elaborare in Prova + + + + + + + + ID Gamma Fine + ID Fine + End if the ID Range used + The ID Range allows to restrict the range of the internally used IDs. Please note that the ID range is NOT enforced. + + + + + + + ID Gamma Inizio + ID Inizio + Start of the ID Range used + The ID Range allows to restrict the range of the internally used IDs. The standard rages are 0-899,999 for the Application Dictionary 900,000-999,999 for Application Dictionary customizations/extensions and > 1,000,000 for client data. The standard system limit is 9,999,999,999 but can easily be extended. The ID range is on a per table basis. +Please note that the ID range is NOT enforced. + + + + + + + Client Remoto + Client Remoto + Remote Client to be used to replicate / synchronize data with. + The remote client used for data replication. + + + + + + + Organizzazione Remota + Organizzazione Remota + Remote Organization to be used to replicate / synchronize data with. + The remote organization used for data replication. If not selected, all organizations are replicated/synchronized. + + + + + + + ID della Lingua + ID della Lingua + + + + + + + + + Progetto + Progetto + Name del Progetto + + + + + + + + Fase del Progetto + Fase del Progetto + Nome della fase del progetto + + + + + + + + Tipo Progetto + Tipo Progetto + Nome del tipo di progetto + + + + + + + + Nome del Ciclo + Ciclo + Nome del ciclo del progetto + + + + + + + + Nome Passo del Ciclo + Passo del Ciclo + Nome del Passo del Ciclo del Progetto + + + + + + + + Tipo di Ordine OdV/OdA + Tipo di Ordine OdV/OdA + Sales Tax applies to sales situations, Purchase Tax to purchase situations + Sales Tax: charged when selling - examples: Sales Tax, Output VAT (payable) +Purchase Tax: tax charged when purchasing - examples: Use Tax, Input VAT (receivable) + + + + + + + Solo Validazione + Solo Validazione + Validare i dati ma non elaborare + + + + + + + + Importare solo se non ci sono errore + Importare solo se non ci sono errore + Inizia l' importazione se non ci sono errori di validazione. + + + + + + + + Organizzazione del Documento + Organizzazione del Documento + Organizzazione del Documento (independente dall'organizzazione contabile) + + + + + + + + Numero Documento Giornale + Numero Documento Giornale + Numero Documento del Giornale + + + + + + + + Allegare Bene + Allegare Bene + Allegare Bene per consegnamento via email + + + + + + + + Numero di Spedizioni + Numero di Spedizioni + Numero di Spedizioni + + + + + + + + Info E-Commerce + Info E-Commerce + Web Store Header Information + Display HTML Info in the Web Store - by default in the header. + + + + + + + + Web Parameter 5 + Web Param 5 + Web Site Parameter 5 + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam5 + + + + + + + Web Parameter 6 + Web Parm 6 + Web Site Parameter 6 + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam6 + + + + + + + Importo Minimo + Importo Minimo + Minumum Amout in Document Currency + + + + + + + + Registrare al Progetto + Registrare al Progetto + Project Issues (Material, Labor) + Issues to the project initiated by the "Issue to Project" process. You can issue Receipts, Time and Expenses, or Stock. + + + + + + + Categoria del Progetto + Categoria del Progetto + Categoria del Progetto + La Categoria del Progetto determina il comportamento del progetto: +Generale - nessuna contabilità speciale, e.s. per la prevendita o per la tracciabilità generale +Servizio - nessuna contabilità speciale, e.s. per progetto Servizi/Credito +Ordine di Lavoro (Work Order) crea le transazioni Progetto / Ordine di Lavoro WIP - possibilità di gestire material. creates Project/Job WIP transactions - ability to issue material +Asset - crea transazioni di Progetto Asst - possibilit di gestire matneriale. + + + + + + + + Ordine di Acquisto + Ordine di Acquisto + Ordine di Acquisto + + + + + + + + Stato di Credito + Stato di Credito + Stato di Credito per le vendite + Solo per la documentazione + + + + + + + Consolidare in un Solo Documento + Consolidare + Consilidare le righe in un solo documento + + + + + + + + Solo Descrizione + Descrizione + Se vero, la riga è solo una descrizione è non una transazione + Se una riga è Solo Descrizione, e.s. Inventorio del Prodotto non è aggiornato, nessun transazione contabile è creata e l'importo o totali non sono inclusi nel documento. Questo per includere righe di descrizione dettagliata, e.s. per un Ordine di Lavoro (Work Order). + + + + + + + Prezzi + Prezzi + + + + + + + + + Chiudi Documento + Chiudi + Chiude Documento (processo) + + + + + + + + Label printer + Label printer + Label Printer Definition + + + + + + + + Funzione Etichetta di Stampa + Funzione Etichetta di Stampa + Function of Label Printer + + + + + + + + Registrazione + Registrazione + Registrazione del System + The System Registration helps Compiere to help the installed base + + + + + + + Verifica indirizzo Email + Verifica indirizzo Email + Verifica dell'indirizzo Email + The field contains the date the EMail Address has been verified + + + + + + + Chiave di Encryption + Chiave di Encryption + Chiave di Encryption usata per criptare i dati + Please note that changing the key will make ALL previously encrypted data unreadable. + + + + + + + Piè di Pagina Centro + Piè di Pagina Centro + Content of the center portion of the footer. + + + + + + + + Piè di Pagina Sinistra + Piè di Pagina Sinistra + Content of the left portion of the footer. + + + + + + + + Piè di Pagina Destra + Piè di Pagina Destra + Content of the right portion of the footer. + + + + + + + + Prefisso Funzione + Accesso Completo BP + Dati inviati prima di inviare la funzione + + + + + + + + Suffisso funzione + Suffisso funzione + Data sent after the function + + + + + + + + Data di scadenza + Data di scadenza + Numero minimo di giorni di vita del prodotto (durata prima della scadenza) + When selecting batch/products with a guarantee date, the minimum left guarantee days for automatic picking. You can pick any batch/product manually. + + + + + + + Intestazione Centro + Intestazione Centro + Content of the center portion of the header. + + + + + + + + Intestazione Sinistra + Intestazione Sinistra + Content of the left portion of the header. + + + + + + + + Intestazione Destra + Intestazione Destra + Content of the right portion of the header. + + + + + + + + Info Azienda + Info Azienda + Information of the industry (e.g. professional service, distribution of furnitures, ..) + Description if the industry ad precise as possible. + + + + + + + Tipo di Inventario + Tipo di Inventario + Differenza del Tipo di Inventario + Il tipo di differenza di inventario determina quale conto viene usato. Il conto di default è il conto differenza di inventario definito per il magazzino. Alternativamente, si può selezionare qualunque Addebito. + + + + + + + Consente la Pubblicazione + Consenti Pubblicazione + You allow to publish the information, not just statistical summary info + + + + + + + + Può esportare + Può esportare + Gli utenti con questo ruolo possono esportare dati + You can restrict the ability to export data from Compiere. + + + + + + + Può effettuare report + Può effettuare report + Gli utenti con questo ruolo possono creare report + You can restrict the ability to report on data. + + + + + + + In Produzione + In Produzione + Il sistema è in produzione + + + + + + + + Calcola Massimo (¿) + Calc Max + Calcola l'importo Max + Calculate the Maximum (¿) of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise maximum length of the field. + + + + + + + Calcola Minimo (¿) + Calc Min + Calcolate il minimo importo + Calculate the Minimum (¿) of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise minimum length of the field. + + + + + + + Accesso Personale + Accesso Personale + Allow access to all personal records + Users of this role have access to all records locked as personal. + + + + + + + Blocco Personale + Blocco Personale + Allow users with role to lock access to personal records + If enabled, the user with the role can prevent access of others to personal records. If a record is locked, only the user or people who can read personal locked records can see the record. + + + + + + + Registrato + Registrato + The application is registered. + + + + + + + + Totale Corrente + Totale Corrente + Create a running total (sum) + A running total creates a sum at the end of a page and on the top of the next page for all colums, which have a Sum function. You should define running total only once per format. + + + + + + + Mostra Contabilità + Mostra Contabilità + Users with this role can see accounting information + This allows to prevent access to any accounting information. + + + + + + + Posizione XY + Posizione XY + The Function is XY position + This function positions for the next print operation + + + + + + + Linea Totale + Linea Totale + Total line amount incl. Tax + Total line amount + + + + + + + Oscura + Oscura + Type of obscuring the data (limiting the display) + + + + + + + + Info Piattaforma + Info Piattaforma + Information about Server and Client Platform + Include information on Server, Network and (number of) Clients. + + + + + + + Linee Totale Corrente + Linee Totale Corrente + Create Running Total Lines (page break) every x lines + When you want to print running totals, enter the number of lines per page after you want to create a running total line and page break. You should define running total only once per format. + + + + + + + Separatore XY + Separatore XY + The separator between the X and Y function. + + + + + + + + Descrizione Problema + Descrizione Problema + Descrizione Problema + + + + + + + + Linea Argomento + Linea Argomento + Line number of the issue + + + + + + + + Linea Margine + Linea Margine + Margin of the line - Planned Amount minus Costs + + + + + + + + Tipo Accesso + Tipo Accesso + Tipo Accesso per questa regola + If you restrict Access to the entity, you also cannot Report or Export it (i.e. to have access is a requirement that you can report or export the data). The Report and Export rules are further restrictions if you have access. + + + + + + + Entità Dipendenti + Entità Dipendenti + Also check access in dependent entities + Also dependent entities are included. Please be aware, that enabling this rule has severe consequences and that this is only wanted in some circumstances. +<p>Example Rule: "Include Payment Term Immediate with Dependent Entities" +<br>Primary effect: users with this role can only select the payment term Immediate +<br>Secondary effect (dependent entities): users with this role can see only invoices/orders with the payment term immediate. + + + + + + + Dati Carattere (Char) + Dati Carattere + Long Character Field + + + + + + + + Crea Pagamento + Crea Pagamento + + + + + + + + + EFT Memo + EFT Memo + Electronic Funds Transfer Memo + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Payee + EFT Payee + Electronic Funds Transfer Payee information + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + Informazioni Trasferimento Fondi Elettronici + Informazioni Trasferimento Fondi Elettronici + Electronic Funds Transfer Payyee Account Information + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Reference + EFT Reference + Electronic Funds Transfer Reference + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Trx ID + EFT Trx ID + Electronic Funds Transfer Transaction ID + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Trx Type + EFT Trx Type + Electronic Funds Transfer Transaction Type + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + Durata + Durata in giorni + Shelf Life Days remaning to Guarantee Date (minus minimum guarantee days) + Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance compared to today minus the minimum guaranteed days. +(Guarantee Date-Today) – Min Guarantee Days + + + + + + + Quantità Disponibile + Qtà Disponibile + Quantità Disponibile (Istantanea - Riservata) + La quantità Disponibile che si può utilizzare = la quantità disponibile meno la Quantità Riservata + + + + + + + Vita dello scaffale rimanente % + Vita dello scaffale rimanente % + Remaining shelf life in percent based on Guarantee Date + (Guarantee Date-Today) / Guarantee Days + + + + + + + Durata minima nello scaffale % + Durata minima nello scaffale % + Durata minima nello scaffale in percentuale della data di scadenza del Prodotto + Miminum Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance. If > 0 you cannot select products with a shelf life ((Guarantee Date-Today) / Guarantee Days) less than the minum shelf life, unless you select "Show All" + + + + + + + Dovuto Oggi + Dovuto Oggi + + + + + + + + + Dovuto Oggi-30 + Dovuto Dovuto-30 + + + + + + + + + Dovuto Oggi-7 + Dovuto Oggi-7 + + + + + + + + + Dovuto 1-7 + Dovuto 1-7 + + + + + + + + + Dovuto 31-60 + Dovuto 31-60 + + + + + + + + + Dovuto > 31 + Dovuto > 31 + + + + + + + + + Dovuto 61-90 + Dovuto 61-90 + + + + + + + + + Dovuto > 61 + Dovuto > 61 + + + + + + + + + Dovuto 8-30 + Dovuto 8-30 + + + + + + + + + Dovuto> 91 + Dovuto > 91 + + + + + + + + + Dovuto Maturato 1-30 + Dovuto Maturato 1-30 + + + + + + + + + Dovuto Maturato 1-7 + Dovuto Maturato 1-7 + + + + + + + + + Dovuto Maturato 31-60 + Dovuto Maturato 31-60 + + + + + + + + + Dovuto Maturato > 31 + Dovuto Maturato > 31 + + + + + + + + + Dovuto Maturato 61-90 + Dovuto Maturato 61-90 + + + + + + + + + Dovuto Maturato > 61 + Dovuto Maturato > 61 + + + + + + + + + Dovuto Maturato 8-30 + Dovuto Maturato 8-30 + + + + + + + + + Dovuto Maturato > 91 + Dovuto Maturato > 91 + + + + + + + + + Dovuto Maturato + Dovuto Maturato + + + + + + + + + Lista Fatture + Lista Fatture + Include List of Invoices + + + + + + + + Data di Garanzia Obbligatoria + Data di Garanzia Obbligatoria + The entry of a Guarantee Date is mandatory when creating a Product Instance + + + + + + + + Lotto Obbligatorio + Lotto Obbligatorio + The entry of Lot info is mandatory when creating a Product Instance + + + + + + + + Numero Seriale Obbligatorio + Numero Seriale Obbligatorio + The entry of a Serial No is mandatory when creating a Product Instance + + + + + + + + Durata dello scaffale in giorni + Durata dello scaffale in giorni + Durata dello scaffale in giorni rispetto alla data di scadenza del Prodotto + Miminum Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance. If > 0 you cannot select products with a shelf life less than the minum shelf life, unless you select "Show All" + + + + + + + Giorni di Vita dello scaffale + Giorni di Vita dello scaffale + Shelf Life in days based on Product Instance Guarantee Date + Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance compared to today. + + + + + + + Partita IVA Business Partner + Partita IVA Business Partner + Partita IVA Business Partner + + + + + + + + Riordinato + Riordinato + Quantità Riordinata + Calculated: ordered - delivered quantity + + + + + + + Strategia di imputazione + Imputazione + Strategia di imputazione + Allocation from incoming to outgoing transactions + + + + + + + Line Spedizione in Uscita + Line Spedizione in Uscita + Outgoing Shipment/Receipt + + + + + + + + Linea Inventario in Uscita + Linea Inventario in Uscita + Outgoing Inventory Line + + + + + + + + Linea Produzione in Uscita + Linea Produzione in Uscita + Outgoing Production Line + + + + + + + + Transazione in Uscita + Transazione in Uscita + Outgoing Transaction + + + + + + + + Calcola deviazione std. (s) + Deviazione std. + Calculate Standard Deviation + The Standard Deviation (s) is the a measure of dispersion - used in combination with the Mean (µ) + + + + + + + Calcola Varianza (s²) + Varianza + Calcola Varianza + The Variance (s²) is the a measure of dispersion - used in combination with the Mean (µ) + + + + + + + Visualizzato nel Web Store + Visualizzato + Se selezionato il prodotto è visualizzato anche all'inizio o in ricerche senza chiave + In the display of products in the Web Store, the product is displayed in the inital view or if no search criteria are entered. To be displayed, the product must be in the price list used. + + + + + + + Tipo Valuta + Tipo Valuta + Tipo Tasso Conversione Valuta + The Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define different type of rates, e.g. Spot, Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates. + + + + + + + Tipo chiave di conversione + Tipo conversione + Key value for the Currency Conversion Rate Type + The date type key for the conversion of foreign currency transactions + + + + + + + Nome Magazzino + Nome Magazzino + Nome Magazzino + + + + + + + + Programma Pagamenti Valido + Programma Pagamenti Valido + Is the Payment Schedule is valid + Payment Schedules allow to have multiple due dates. + + + + + + + ID Ramo + ID Ramo + Ramo Banca ID + Dependent on the loader, you may have to provide a bank branch ID + + + + + + + Caricatore estratto conto + Caricatore estratto conto + Definizione Caricatore estratto conto (SWIFT, OFX) + The loader definition privides the parameters to load bank statements from EFT formats like SWIFT (MT940) or OFX + + + + + + + Formato Data + Formato Data + Formato Data + The date format is usually detected, but sometimes need to be defined. + + + + + + + Importo EFT + Importo EFT + Electronic Funds Transfer Amount + + + + + + + + EFT Check No + EFT Check No + Electronic Funds Transfer Check No + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Currency + EFT Currency + Electronic Funds Transfer Currency + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + Data Estratto Conto EFT + Data Estratto Conto EFT + Data Estratto conto Electronic Funds Transfer + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + Linea Data Estratto Conto EFT + Linea Data Estratto Conto EFT + Linea Estratto Conto Electronic Funds Transfer + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + Riferimento estratto Conto EFT + Riferimento estratto Conto EFT + Riferimento estratto conto Electronic Funds Transfer + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Effective Date + EFT Effective Date + Electronic Funds Transfer Valuta (effective) Date + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + Nome File + Nome File + Name of the local file or URL + Name of a file in the local directory space - or URL (file://.., http://.., ftp://..) + + + + + + + ID Istituto Finanziario + Identificativo Istituto Finanziario + Identificativo Istituto Finanziario/Banca + Depending on the loader, it might require a ID of the financial institution + + + + + + + No Documento Pagamento + No Documento Pagamento + Document number of the Payment + + + + + + + + PIN + PIN + Personal Identification Number + + + + + + + + Data Linea Dichiarazione + Data Linea Dichiarazione + Date of the Statement Line + + + + + + + + Classe Java caricatore Estratto Conto Bancario + Classe Java caricatore Estratto Conto + Class name of the bank statement loader + The name of the actual bank statement loader implementing the interface org.compiere.impexp.BankStatementLoaderInterface + + + + + + + Crea Reciproco Tasso + Crea Reciproco Tasso + Create Reciprocal Rate from current information + If selected, the imported USD->EUR rate is used to create/calculate the reciprocal rate EUR->USD. + + + + + + + Tasso di conversione valuta importata + Tasso di conversione valuta importata + Tasso di conversione valuta importata + + + + + + + + Codice Valuta ISO + Codice Valuta ISO a + Three letter ISO 4217 Code of the To Currency + For details - http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec09en.htm + + + + + + + Utente Sostitutivo + Utente Sostitutivo + Substitute of the user + A user who can act for another user. + + + + + + + Organizzazione Padre + Organizzazione Padre + Parent (superior) Organization + Parent Organization - the next level in the organizational hierarchy. + + + + + + + Attività del Workflow + Attività del Workflow + Attività del Workflow + L' Attività di Workflow è il Nodo attuale di Workflow in un' Istanza di Workflow + + + + + + + Risultato Attività di Workflow + Risultato Attività di Workflow + Risultato delle Attività del Processo di Workflow + Risultato delle Attività del Processo di Workflow + + + + + + + Blocco del Workflow + Wf Blocco + Blocco di esecuzione di Workflow + Un blocco di esecuzione di Workflow è opzionale e permette di eseguire tutta l' operazione in un unica transazione. +Se un passo (attività di un nodo) fallisce, l' intero lavoro viene annullato. + + + + + + + Verifica Evento di Workflow + Verifica Evento Wf + Informazione sulla Verifica Evento di Workflow + Cronologia delle Modifiche sulla Verifica dell' Evento di Workflow + + + + + + + Parametro del Nodo di Workflow + Parametro del Nodo Wf + Parametro del Nodo di esecuzione del Workflow + Parametro di esecuzione di del Nodo di Workflow + + + + + + + Processo di Workflow + Processo di Workflow + Istanza Attuale sul Processo di Workflow + Istanza di una elaborazione di Workflow + + + + + + + Dati Elaborati Workflow + Dati Elaborati Workflow + Contesto del Processo di Workflow + Informazione contestuale sul processo ed attività del workflow + + + + + + + Responsabile di Workflow + Responsabile di Workflow + Responsabile per una esecuzione del Workflow + La responsabilità definitiva per l' esecuzione di un Workflow è dell' utente corrente. Il Responsabile di Workflow consente di definire modalità per trovare l' utente corrente. + + + + + + + Nome Attributo + Nome Attributo + Nome Attributo + Identificativo Attributo + + + + + + + Valore Attributo + Valore Attributo + Valore dell'Attributo + + + + + + + + Autore + Autore + Autore dell'Entità + + + + + + + + Costo + Costo + Costo informazione + + + + + + + + Durata + Durata + Durata in unità di Durata + Expected Length of time for the execution + + + + + + + Unità Durata + Unità Durata + Unit of Duration + Unit to define the length of time for the execution + + + + + + + Modalità di Conclusione + Modalità di Conclusione + Modalità di Conclusione del Workflow + How the system operated at the end of an activity. Automatic implies return when the invoked applications finished control - Manual the user has to explicitly terminate the activity. + + + + + + + Limite Durata + Limite Durata + Expected Duration in Duration Unit + Expected Duration for time management purposes (e.g. starting an escalation procedure, etc.) in Duration Units. + + + + + + + Responsible Type + Responsible Type + Type of the Responsibility for a workflow + Type how the responsible user for the execution of a workflow is determined + + + + + + + Start Mode + Start Mode + Workflow Activity Start Mode + How is the execution of an activity triggered. Automatic are triggered implicitly by the system, Manual explicitly by the User. + + + + + + + Esecuzione sub-workflow + Esecuzione sub-workflow + Mode how the sub-workflow is executed + + + + + + + + Codice Transizione + Codice Transizione + Code resulting in TRUE of FALSE + The transition is executed, if the code results in TRUE (or is empty) + + + + + + + Tempo di Attesa + Tempo di Attesa + Tempo di Attesa per la simulazione del Workflow + Amount of time needed to prepare the performance of the task on Duration Units + + + + + + + Stato di Workflow + Stato di Wf + Stato di esecuzione del Workflow + + + + + + + + Tempo di Esecuzione + Tempo di Esecuzione + Workflow Simulation Execution Time + Amount of time the performer of the activity needs to perform the task in Duration Unit + + + + + + + Tipo Evento + Tipo Evento + Type of Event + + + + + + + + Elemento Unione + Elemento Unione + Semantics for multiple incoming Transitions + Semantics for multiple incoming Transitions for a Node/Activity. AND joins all concurrent threads - XOR requires one thread (no synchronization). + + + + + + + Elemento divisione + Elemento divisione + Semantics for multiple outgoing Transitions + Semantics for multiple outgoing Transitions for a Node/Activity. AND represents multiple concurrent threads - XOR represents the first transition with a true Transaition condition. + + + + + + + Stato Pubblicazione + Stato Pubblicazione + Stato Pubblicazione + Used for internal documentation + + + + + + + Registrazione + Registrazione + Registrazione Utente per il Bene Gestito + User Registration of an Asset + + + + + + + Attributo di Registrazione + Attributo di Registrazione + Attributo di Registrazione del Bene Gestito + Definisce i valori individuali per la Registrazione dei Beni Gestiti + + + + + + + Tatale Linee Imposte + Totae + Tatale Linee Imposte + + + + + + + + Importo del Conto + Importo del Conto + Importo dello Schema del Conto nella Valuta Corrente + + + + + + + + Importo in Valuta Originale + Valuta Originale + Importo in Valuta Originale + + + + + + + + Saldi Aggiornati + Saldi Aggiornati + Aggionra i Saldi Contabili + + + + + + + + Maintenance Mode + Maintenance Mode + Language Maintenance Mode + + + + + + + + Accept Direct Debit + Direct Debit + Accept Direct Debits (vendor initiated) + Accept Direct Debit transactions. Direct Debits are initiated by the vendor who has permission to deduct amounts from the payee's account. + + + + + + + Riconciliatore estratto conto + Riconciliatore estratto conto + Algoritmo per la riconciliazione dell'estratto conto bancario sui BP, Fatture e Pagamenti + An algorithm to find Business Partners, Invoices, Payments in imported Bank Statements + + + + + + + Dichiarazione quadratura + Dichiarazione quadratura + + + + + + + + + Separatore Intestazione + Sep. Intestazione + Spessore Linea separazione intestazione + The width of the header line stroke (line thickness) in Points. + + + + + + + Tipo Separazione Intestazione + Tipo Sep. Intestazione + Tipo Linea Separazione Intestazione + Type of the line printed + + + + + + + Paint Header Lines + Header Lines + Paint Lines over/under the Header Line + If selected, a line is painted above and below the header line using the stroke information + + + + + + + Linea Interruzione + Linea Interruzione + Spessore Linea Interruzione + The width of the line stroke (line thickness) in Points. + + + + + + + Tipo Linea Interruzione + Tipo Linea Interruzione + Tipo Linea Interruzione + Type of the line printed + + + + + + + Organizzazioni Collegate + Linea Distinta Base + The Business Partner is another Organization for explicit Inter-Org transactions + The business partner is another organization in the system. So when performing transactions, the counter-document is created automatically. Example: You have BPartnerA linked to OrgA and BPartnerB linked to OrgB. If you create a sales order for BPartnerB in OrgA a purchase order is created for BPartnerA in OrgB. This allows to have explicit documents for Inter-Org transactions. + + + + + + + Tipo Organizzazione + Tipo Organizzazione + Organization Type allows you to categorize your organizations + Organization Type allows you to categorize your organizations for reporting purposes + + + + + + + Scheduler + Scheduler + Schedule Processes + Schedule processes to be executed asynchronously + + + + + + + Scheduler Log + Scheduler Log + Result of the execution of the Scheduler + Result of the execution of the Scheduler + + + + + + + Processore di Workflow + Processore di Workflow + Server del Processore di Workflow + Server del Processore di Workflow + + + + + + + Log del Processore di Workflow + Log del Processore di Workflow + Risultato dell' esecuzione del Processo di Workflow + Risultato dell' esecuzione del Processo di Workflow + + + + + + + Offerta + Offerta + Offerta per un argomento d'asta + You can create a bid for a topic. Depening on the type, the highest bidder wins the Topic - or you participate in funding for a Topic. + + + + + + + Commento all'offerta + Commento all'offerta + Scrivere un commento all'offerta + Everyone can give comments concerning a Bid Topic - e.g. Questions, Suggestions + + + + + + + Fondi degli acquirenti + Fondi degli acquirenti + Fondi degli acquirenti per un'offerta + Available Funds (from Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds for Bids + + + + + + + Offerta di vendita + Offerta di vendita + Offerta per un soggetto d'asta + You can create an offer for a topic. + + + + + + + Fondi Venditore + Fondi Venditore + Seller Funds from Offers on Topics + Available Funds (for Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds from Offers + + + + + + + Argomento + Argomento + Argomento Asta + Description of the item to sell or create. + + + + + + + Categoria Argomento + Categoria Argomento + Argomento + For an Auction Topic Type, define the different Categories used. + + + + + + + Tipo Argomento + Tipo Argomento + Tipo Argomento Asta + The Auction Topic Type determines what kind of auction is used for a particular area + + + + + + + Elaboratore Contabilità + Elaboratore Contabilità + Accounting Processor/Server Parameters + Accounting Processor/Server Parameters + + + + + + + Log Elaboratore Contabilità + Log Elaboratore Contabilità + Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor + Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor + + + + + + + Elaboratore Allarmi + Elaboratore Allarmi + Parametro del Alert Processor/Server + Parametro del Alert Processor/Server + + + + + + + Log del Alert Processor + Log del Alert Processor + Risultato dell' esecuzione del Alert Processor + Risultato dell' esecuzione del Alert Processor + + + + + + + Relazione col Partner + Relazione col Partner + Business Partner Relation + Business Partner Relation allow to maintain Third Party Relationship rules: who receives invoices for shipments or pays for invoices. + + + + + + + Partner Correlato + Partner Correlato + Consegna Referenziata + The related Business Partner Acts on behalf of the Business Partner - example the Related Partner pays invoices of the Business Partner - or we pay to the Related Partner for invoices received from the Business Partner + + + + + + + Indirizzo Partner Correlato + Indirizzo Partner Correlato + Location of the related Business Partner + + + + + + + + Richiesta Quotazione + Richiesta QuotazioneQ + Richiesta Quotazione + Request for Quotation to be sent out to vendors of a RfQ Topic. After Vendor selection, optionally create Sales Order or Quote for Customer as well as Purchase Order for Vendor(s) + + + + + + + Argomento della Richiesta Quot. + Argomento della Richiesta Quot. + Topic for Request for Quotations + A Request for Quotation Topic allows you to maintain a subscriber list of potential Vendors to respond to RfQs + + + + + + + Sottoscrittore Richiesta Quot. + Sottoscrittore Richiesta Quot. + Sottoscrittore Richiesta Quot. + Subcriber to invite to respond to RfQs + + + + + + + Linea Richiesta Quotazione + Linea Richiesta Quotazione + Linea Richiesta Quotazione + Request for Quotation Line + + + + + + + Quantità Linea Richiesta Quot. + Quantità Linea Richiesta Quot. + Quantità Linea Richiesta Quotazione + You may request a quotation for different quantities + + + + + + + Linea Risposta Richiesta Quot. + Linea Risposta Richiesta Quot. + Linea Risposta Richiesta Quotazione + Request for Quotation Response Line from a potential Vendor + + + + + + + Qtà Risposta Linea Richiesta Quot. + RfQ Response Line QtyQta Risposta Linea Richiesta Quot. + Qta Risposta Linea Richiesta Quot. + Request for Quotation Response Line Quantity from a potential Vendor + + + + + + + Consegne per Abbonamento + Consegne per Abbonamento + Consegne per Abbonamento (Opzionale) + Record of deliveries for a subscription + + + + + + + Sottoscrizione + Sottoscrizione + Subscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renew + Subscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renew + + + + + + + Tipo Sottoscrizione + Tipo Sottoscrizione + Tipo Sottoscrizione + Subscription type and renewal frequency + + + + + + + Quantità Confermata + Qtà Confermata + Conferma della quantità ricevuta + Conferma della quantità ricevuta + + + + + + + Crea Ordine di Vendita + Crea Ordine di Vendita + + + + + + + + + Crea Ordine di Vendita + Crea Ordine di Vendita + + + + + + + + + Data Risposta + Data Risposta + Data della Risposta + Date of the Response + + + + + + + Data Fine Lavori + Data Fine Lavori + Data Fine Lavori Pianificata + + + + + + + + Data Inizio Lavori + Data Inizio Lavori + Data Inizio Lavori Pianificata + + + + + + + + Giorni alla Consegna + Giorni alla Consegna + Number of Days (planned) until Delivery + + + + + + + + Dovuto + Dovuto + Subscription Renewal is Due + + + + + + + + Errore + Errore + An Error occured in the execution + + + + + + + + Interna + Interna + Organizzazione Interna + + + + + + + + In Transito + In Transito + Il Movemento è in transito + La Movimentazione Materiali è in transito - Spedita ma non ricevuta. + + + + + + + Solo Fornitori Invitati + Solo Fornitori Invitati + Solo i fornitori invitati possono rispondere alla Rich. Quotaz. + La richiesta di Quotazione è visibile soltanto ai fornitori invitati. + + + + + + + Quantità dell'Offerta + Quantità dell'Offerta + This quantity is used in the Offer to the Customer + When multiple quantities are used in an Request for Quotation, the selected Quantity is used for generating the offer. If none selected the lowest number is used. + + + + + + + Pubblicato + Pubblicato + The Topic is published and can be viewed + If not selected, the Topic is not visible to the general public. + + + + + + + Quantità Acquistata + Quantità Acquistata + This quantity is used in the Purchase Order to the Supplier + When multiple quantities are used in an Request for Quotation, the selected Quantity is used for generating the purchase order. If none selected the lowest number is used. + + + + + + + Quota tutte le Quantità + Quota tutte le Quantità + Suppliers are requested to provide responses for all quantities + If selected, the response to the Request for Quotation needs to have a price for all Quantities + + + + + + + Quantità Totale Quotata + Quantità Totale Quotata + The respnse can have just the total amount for the RfQ + If not selected, the resonse must be provided per line + + + + + + + Risposte Accettate + Risposte Accettate + Risposte Accettate + If selected, responses for the RfQ are accepted + + + + + + + Vincitore Selezionato + Vincitore Selezionato + La risposta è quella del Vincitore Selezionato + The resonse is the selected winner. If selected on Response level, the line selections are ignored. + + + + + + + In fase di inserimento + In fase di inserimento + + + + + + + + + Giorni durata log + Giorni durata log + Number of days to keep the log entries + Older Log entries may be deleted + + + + + + + Lista Distribuzione + Lista Distribuzione + La Lista Distribuzione consente di distribuire i prodotti ad una lista selezionata di partners + La Lista Distribuzione contiene i business partner e la quantità o il rapporto di distribuzione per la creazione degli Ordini + + + + + + + Linea della Lista di Distribuzione + Linea della Lista di Distribuzione + Linea della Lista di Distribuzione con Business Partner e Quantità/Percentuale + la distribuzione può essere fatta su base percentuale, su una quantità fissa o entrambe. +Se la percentuale e la quantità non è 0, la quantità è calcolata in percentuale, ma con la Quantità minore. + + + + + + + Packaging + Packaging + Consegna Pacco + A Shipment can have one or more Packages. A Package may be individually tracked. + + + + + + + Linea Packaging + Linea Packaging + Contenuto di dettaglio del pacco + Link to the shipment line + + + + + + + ARM + ARM + Autorizzazione Restitutzione Merci + A Return Material Authorization may be required to accept returns and to create Credit Memos + + + + + + + Linea ARM + Linea ARM + Linea Autorizzazione Resituzione Merci + Detail information about the returned goods + + + + + + + Quantità Minima + Qtà Min + Quantità Minima per il business partner + Se la Quantità Minima è definita e la quantità percentuale è più bassa, viene utilizzata la quantità minima. + + + + + + + Iscrizione + Iscrizione + Product used to deternine the price of the membership for the topic type + A topic can require to pay a membership fee. + + + + + + + Importo non Inserito + Importo non Inserito + Amount not committed yet + + + + + + + + Importo dell'Offerta + Importo dell'Offerta + Amount of the Offer + + + + + + + + Pagato Sino a + Pagato Sino a + Subscription is paid/valid until this date + + + + + + + + Parametro di Default + Parametro di Default + Parametro di Default + The default value can be a variable like @#Date@ + + + + + + + Pagamento BPartner + Pagamento BPartner + Business Partner responsible for the payment + + + + + + + + Indirizzo per Pagamento + Indirizzo per Pagamento + Location of the Business Partner responsible for the payment + + + + + + + + Quantità Prelevata + Quantità Prelevata + + + + + + + + + Nota Privata + Nota Privata + Nota Privata - non visibile ad altri utenti + + + + + + + + Pubblica Richiesta Quot. + Pubblica Richiesta Quot. + + + + + + + + + Tipo Richiesta Quot. + Tipo Richiesta Quot. + Request for Quotation Type + + + + + + + + Log Elaboratore Richieste + Log Elaboratore Richieste + + + + + + + + + Info Received + Info Received + Information of the receipt of the package (acknowledgement) + + + + + + + + Consegna Referenziata + Consegna Referenziata + + + + + + + + + Fattura referenziata + Fattura referenziata + + + + + + + + + Linea Fattura Referenziata + Linea Fattura Referenziata + + + + + + + + + Ordine Referenziato + Ordine Referenziato + Reference to corresponding Sales/Purchase Order + Reference of the Sales Order Line to the corresponding Purchase Order Line or vice versa. + + + + + + + Prodotto Correlato + Prodotto Correlato + Prodotto Correlato + + + + + + + + Tipo Prodotto Correlato + Tipo Prodotto Correlato + + + + + + + + + Data Rinnovo + Data Rinnovo + + + + + + + + + Quantità Scartata + Qtà Scartata + Quantità Scartata per motivi di Qualità. + + + + + + + + Quantità Attesa + Qtà Attesa + Quantità Attesa dalla Movimentazione + La Quantità che si sarebbe dovuto ricevere + + + + + + + Dettagli + Dettagli + + + + + + + + + Text Message + Message + Text Message + + + + + + + + Argomento Azione + Argomento Azione + + + + + + + + + Stato Argomento + Stato Argomento + + + + + + + + + Info di Tracking + Info di Tracking + + + + + + + + + Tipo di Asta + Tipo di Asta + + + + + + + + + Decision date + Decision date + + + + + + + + + Linea Spedizione Referenziata + Linea Spedizione Referenziata + + + + + + + + + Risposta Richiesta Quotazione + Risposta Richiesta Quotazione + Risposta Richiesta Quotazione da un potenziale fornitore + Request for Quotation Response from a potential Vendor + + + + + + + Crea Ordine Singolo + Crea Ordine Singolo + Crea Ordine Singolo per tutte le Consegne + + + + + + + + Destinatario dell'Allarme + Destinatario dell'Allarme + Recipient of the Alert Notification + You can send the notifications to users or roles + + + + + + + Destinatatio del Pianificatore + Destinatatio del Pianificatore + Recipient of the Scheduler Notification + You can send the notifications to users or roles + + + + + + + Tax ZIP + Tax ZIP + Tax Postal/ZIP + For local tax, you may have to define a list of (ranges of) postal codes or ZIPs + + + + + + + Data Richiesta + Data Richiesta + Date when required + + + + + + + + Richiesta + Richiesta + Richiesta Merci + + + + + + + + Linea Richiesta + Linea Richiesta + Linea Richiesta Merci + + + + + + + + Giorno del mese + Giorno del mese + Day of the month 1 to 28/29/30/31 + + + + + + + + CAP + CAP + Codice Avviamento Postale + Conecutive range to + + + + + + + Ordinamento + Ordinamento + Relative Rank Number + One is the highest Rank + + + + + + + Tipo Pianificazione + Tipo Pianificazione + Type of schedule + Define the method how the next occurance is calculated + + + + + + + Giorno della Settimana + Giorno della Settimana + Giorno della Settimana + + + + + + + + Copia Linee + Copia Linee + + + + + + + + + Attachment Note + Attachment Note + Personal Attachment Note + + + + + + + + Condizione di Spostamento + Condizione + Nodo di Workflow della Condizione di Spostamento + Restrizione Opzionale dello spostamento di un nodo verso l' altro + + + + + + + Transizione Nodo + Transizione + Nodo di Workflow della Transizione + Il Tab del nodo seguente definisce l' ordine dei nodi o degli Step in un Workflow + + + + + + + Convalida Workflow + Convalida Workflow + + + + + + + + + Tempo di Attesa + Tempo di Attesa + Tempo di Attesa in minuti + Time in minutes to be suspended (sleep) + + + + + + + Chiave di Workflow + Workflow + Chiave per far Partire il Workflow + + + + + + + + Consegna diretta + Consegna diretta + Drop Shipments are sent from the Vendor directly to the Customer + Drop Shipments do not cause any Inventory reservations or movements as the Shipment is from the Vendor's inventory. The Shipment of the Vendor to the Customer must be confirmed. + + + + + + + Auto-Approva i propri Documenti + Auto-Approva + Gli utenti con questo ruolo possono auto-approvare i propri documenti contabili + If a user cannot approve their own documents (orders, etc.), it needs to be approved by someone else. + + + + + + + Sempre Aggiornabile + Sempre Aggiornabile + The column is always updateable, even if the record is not active or processed + If selected and if the winow / tab is not read only, you can always update the column. This might be useful for comments, etc. + + + + + + + Distribuzione Libro Mastro + Distribuzione Libro Mastro + Distribuzione Libro Mastro + Se il tipo di transazione incontra il Criterio di Distribuzione del Mastro, il posting nel conto viene sostituito dal posting in più conti, la percentuale dell' ammontare totale della transazione postata in questi conti distribuiti è definita nella linea della distribuzione. La Distribuzione deve essere valida per poter essere usata. + + + + + + + Linea distribuzione del Mastro + Linea distribuzione del Mastro + Linea distribuzione del Mastro + Se il tipo di transazione incontra il Criterio di Distribuzione del Mastro, il posting nel conto viene sostituito dal posting in più conti, la percentuale dell' ammontare totale della transazione postata in questi conti distribuiti è definita nella linea della distribuzione. + + + + + + + Rapporto + Rapporto + Relative Ratio for Distributions + The relative weight of an distribution. If the total of all ratios is 100, it is the same as percent. + + + + + + + Totale Percentuale + Totale Percentuale + Totale Percentuale nella distribuzione pesata + The total relative weight of an distribution. If the total of all ratios is 100, it is the same as percent. + + + + + + + Tempo trascorso in ms + Tempo trascorso + Tempo trascorso in milli secondi + Elapsed Time in mili seconds + + + + + + + Invited + Invited + Date when (last) invitation was sent + + + + + + + + Invia Richiesta Quotazione ai Fornitori + Invia Richiesta Quotazione ai Fornitori + Invia Richiesta Quotazione ai Fornitori + + + + + + + + Data Fine Linea Lavoro + Data Fine Linea Lavoro + Data Fine Linea Lavoro Pianificata + + + + + + + + Inizio Linea Lavoro + Inizio Linea Lavoro + Data Inizio Linea Lavoro Pianificata + + + + + + + + Linea Giorni Consegna + Linea Giorni Consegna + + + + + + + + + Linea Aiuto/Commento + Linea Aiuto/Commento + + + + + + + + + Prezzo Quantità + Prezzo Quantità + + + + + + + + + Ordinamento Quantità + Ordinamento Quantità + + + + + + + + + Ordina Richiesta Quot. + Ordina Richiesta Quot. + + + + + + + + + Fine Attesa + Fine Attesa + End of sleep time + End of suspension (sleep) + + + + + + + Distribution Run + Distribution Run + Distribution Run create Orders to distribute products to a selected list of partners + Distribution Run defines how Orders are created based on Distribution Lists + + + + + + + Distribution Run Line + Distribution Run Line + Distribution Run Lines define Distribution List, the Product and Quantiries + The order amount is based on the greater of the minimums of the product or distribution list and the quantity based on the ratio. + + + + + + + Quantità Totale + Qtà Totale + Quantità Totale + + + + + + + + Start Implementation/Production + Start Implementation/Production + The day you started the implementation (if implementing) - or production (went life) with Compiere + + + + + + + + Consenti Statistiche + Consenti Statistiche + Consente di trasferire statistiche generali (numero di clienti/aziende, organizzazioni, business partners, utenti, prodotti, fatture) + Allow to transfer general statistics (number of clients, orgs, business partners, users, products, invoices) to get a better feeling for the size of the application. This information is not published. + + + + + + + Access Log + Access Log + Log of Access to the System + + + + + + + + Risposta + Risposta + Risposta o Domanda + + + + + + + + Counter Document + Counter Document + Counter Document Relationship + When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: a "Standard Order" creates a "Standard PO". +If you define a relationship here, you overwrite the default counter document type in the Document Type definition. This allows you to define a specific mapping. + + + + + + + Counter Document Type + Counter Doc Type + Generated Counter Document Type (To) + The Document Type of the generated counter document + + + + + + + Richiesta + Richiesta + Richiesta Materiale + Material Demand can be based on Forecast, Requisitions, Open Orders + + + + + + + Dettagli Richiesta + Dettagli Richiesta + Linea Richiesta Materiali + Source Link for Material Demand Lines + + + + + + + Linea Richiesta + Linea Richiesta + Linea Richiesta Materiali + Demand for a product in a period + + + + + + + Previsione + Previsione + Previsione Materiale + Material Forecast + + + + + + + Linea Previsione + Linea Previsione + Linea Previsione + Forecast of Product Qyantity by Period + + + + + + + Quantità Calcolata + Qtà Calcolata + Quantità Calcolata + + + + + + + + Standard User Workflow + Std User Workflow + Standard Manual User Approval Workflow + Se selezionato, soltanto documenti aperti (disegnati, in progresso, approvati, rifiutati, non validi) e azioni standard dell'utente (prepara, completa, approva, scarta) possono essere chiusi. + + + + + + + Partita IVA + Partita IVA + + + + + + + + + Fattura Key Partner + Fattura Key Partner + + + + + + + + + Indirizzo Fattura + Indirizzo Fattura + + + + + + + + + Nome Contatto Fattura + Nome Contatto Fattura + + + + + + + + + Nome Fattura + Nome Fattura + + + + + + + + + Nome Fattura 2 + Nome Fattura 2 + + + + + + + + + Telefono Fattura + Telefono Fattura + + + + + + + + + Titolo Fattura + Titolo Fattura + + + + + + + + + Nome BP + Nome BP + + + + + + + + + Nome 2 BP + Nome 2 BP + + + + + + + + + Importo Migliore Risposta + Migliore Risposta + Importo Migliore Risposta + Filled by Rank Response Process + + + + + + + Controllo Completato + Controllo Completato + + + + + + + + + Albero Attività Primaria + Albero Attività + + + + + + + + + Albero Campagna Primaria + Albero Campagna + + + + + + + + + Usa Funzionalità Beta + Usa Funzionlità Beta + Enable the use of Beta Functionality + The exact scope of Beta Functionality is listed in the release note. It is usually not recommended to enable Beta functionality in production environments. + + + + + + + Documento Contatore di Default + Documento Contatore di Default + The document type is the default counter document type + When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: when generating a Sales Order, use this Sales Order document type. +This default can be overwritten by defining explicit counter document relationships. + + + + + + + Annulla Processo + Annulla Processo + Aborts the current process + + + + + + + + Tipo di Conferma + Tipo Conferma + Tipo di Conferma + + + + + + + + Crea Conferma + Crea Conferma + + + + + + + + + Conferma Qtà Selezionata/QA + Conferma Qtà Selezionata/QA + Richiede Conferma Qtà Selezionata o QA prima di Processare + Il processo di Spedizione(Ricevimento) richiede conferma Qtà Selezionata(QA) + + + + + + + + Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + Richiede Conferma di Spedizione/Ricevimento prima di procedere + Il processo di Spedizione(Ricevimento) richiede conferma Qtà Spedita/Ricevuta + + + + + + + Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento Materiale + Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - Creata da Spedizione/Ricevimento + + + + + + + Linea Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + Linea Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + Linea Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento Materiale + Dettagli Conferma + + + + + + + Crea Pacco + Crea Pacco + + + + + + + + + Difference + Difference + Difference Quantity + + + + + + + + Window Height + Win Height + + + + + + + + + Window Width + Win Width + + + + + + + + + Tipo Autorizz. Restituz. Mat. + Tipo Autorizz. Restituz. Mat. + Tipo Autorizzazione Restituzione Materiale + Types of RMA + + + + + + + Annullato + CancelledAnnullato + La transazione è stata annullata + + + + + + + + Descrizione Spedizione + Descrizione Spedizione + + + + + Receipt Decription + Receipt Description + + + Importo di Approvazione + Importo di Approvazione + Importo di Approvazione del Documento + Importo di Approvazione per il Workflow + + + + + + + Linea di imputazione + Linea di imputazione + Linea di imputazione + Imputazione cassa/pagamenti alle fatture + + + + + + + Tipo Obbligatorio + Tipo Obbligatorio + Rende obbligatorio la specificazione di un attributo di prodotto + + + + + + + + Prezzo Fatturato + Prezzo Fatturato + Prezzo fatturato al cliente (0 default) + The invoiced price is derived from the Invoice Price entered and can be overwritten. If the price is 0, the default price on the customer's invoice is used. + + + + + + + Prezzo Rimborsato + Prezzo Rimborsato + Prezzo Rimborsato + The reimbursed price is derived from the converted price and can be overwritten when approving the expense report. + + + + + + + Quantità Rimborsata + Qtà Rimborsata + La quantità rimborsata + La quantità rimborsata è derivata dalla quantità inserita e può essere sovrascritta in fase di approvazione del report delle spese. + + + + + + + + Difference Document + Difference Doc + Document type for generating in dispute Shipments + If the confirmation contains differences, the original document is split allowing the original document (shipment) to be processed and updating Inventory - and the newly created document for handling the dispute at a later time. Until the confirmation is processed, the inventory is not updated. + + + + + + + In Dispute + In Dispute + Document is in dispute + The document is in dispute + + + + + + + Sconto fisso B.Partner + Sconto fisso B.Partner + Usa lo sconto fisso definito a livello di B.Partner + For calculation of the discount, use the discount defined on Business Partner Level + + + + + + + Crea Documento Contatore + Crea Documento Contatore + Crea Documento Contatore + If selected, create specified counter document. If not selected, no counter document is created for the document type. + + + + + + + Autorizza mediante LDAP + Autorizzato via LDAP + Autorizza mediante Directory Services LDAP + The user is authorized via LDAP. If LDAP authorization cannot be obtained, access is refused - the password is ignored for local access. + + + + + + + Split when Difference + Split Difference + Split document when there is a difference + If the confirmation contains differences, the original document is split allowing the original document (shipment) to be processed and updating Inventory - and the newly created document for handling the dispute at a later time. Until the confirmation is processed, the inventory is not updated. + + + + + + + LDAP Query + LDAPQuery + Directory service query string + + + + + + + + LDAP Host + LDAP Host + Name or IP of the LDAP Server + Name or IP Address of the LDAP directory service server + + + + + + + Conferma Movimento + Conferma Movimento + Conferma Movimento Inventario + Il Documento è creato automaticamente quando il tipo documneto del movimento indica In Transito. + + + + + + + Linea Conferma Movimento + Linea Conferma Movimento + Linea Conferma Movimento Inventario + + + + + + + + Funzionalità Beta + Funzionalità Beta + This functionality is considered Beta + Beta functionality is not fully tested or completed. + + + + + + + Address 3 + Address 3 + Address Line 3 + + + + + + + + Address 4 + Address 4 + Address Line 4 + + + + + + + + Default Print Color + Default Print Color + + + + + + + + + Default Print Font + Default Print Font + + + + + + + + + Stampa Nome Articolo + Nome Articolo + + + + + + + + + N Conferma + N Conferma + Numero Conferma + + + + + + + + Importazione Line di Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + Importazione Line di Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + Importazione Line di Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento Materiale + Dettagli Importazione Linea di Conferma + + + + + + + Saldo aperto + Saldo aperto + Saldo totale nella valuta della contabilità principale + The Total Open Balance Amount is the calculated open item amount for Customer and Vendor activity. If the Balance is below zero, we owe the Business Partner. The amout is used for Credit Management. +Invoices and Payment Allocations determine the Open Balance (i.e. not Orders or Payments). + + + + + + + Prezzo di Benchmark + Prezzo di Benchmark + Prezzo su cui comparare le risposte + + + + + + + + Invia + Invia + + + + + + + + + Numero Solleciti + Numero Solleciti + Number of times dunned previously + + + + + + + + Differenza di Benchmark + Differenza di Benchmark + Difference between Response Price and Benchmark Price + + + + + + + + Nuovo Indirizzo Email + Nuovo Indirizzo Email + Enter new EMail Address - not changed if empty + + + + + + + + Nuovo User ID Email + Nuovo User ID Email + Enter new User ID of your internal EMail System - not changed if empty + + + + + + + + Nuova User PW Email + Nuova User PW Email + Enter new User Password of your internal EMail System - not changed if empty + + + + + + + + Nuova Password + Nuova Password + Enter the new password - not changed if empty + + + + + + + + Password Precedente + Password Precedente + Old Password is required if you are not a System Administrator + + + + + + + + Include Contestate + Include Contestate + Include le fatture contestate + + + + + + + + Solo Fatture di Vendita + Solo Fatture di Vendita + Altrimenti anche Pagamenti e Fatture acquisti + + + + + + + + Tipo Valore Attributo + Tipo Valore Attributo + Tipo Valore Attributo + Il tipo valore attributo determina il dato e il tipo di validazione + + + + + + + Quantità Richiesta Quotazione + Quantità Richiesta Quotazione + The quantity is used when generating RfQ Responses + When generating the RfQ Responses, this quantity is included + + + + + + + Criterio SLA + Criterio SLA + Criterio Service Level Agreement (Livello di Gradimento del Servizio) + Definisce un criterio per misurare il livello di gradimento del servizio (es. Qualità, Rispetto dei Tempi di Consegna, etc.). + + + + + + + Obiettivo SLA + Obiettivo SLA + Obiettivo del Livello di Gradimento del Servizio + Obiettivo Individuale per il Criterio SLA per un Business Partner + + + + + + + Misura SLA + Misura SLA + Misura del Livello di Gradimento del Servizio + Mostra/Gestisce il valore/misura individuale attuale per l' obiettivo del livello di gradimento del servizio del business partner + + + + + + + Valore + Valore + Valore Numerico + + + + + + + + Restrizione Argomenti Richiesta Quotazioni + Solo iscritti Richiesta Quotazione + Include Subscriber only for certain products or product categories + Products and/or Product Categories for which the subscriber should be included. If no product / category is entered, the subscriber is requested to answer requests for all lines in a RfQ + + + + + + + Terminale POS + POS + Terminale POS + The POS Terminal defines the defaults and functions available for the POS Form + + + + + + + Chiave POS + Chiave POS + POS Function Key + Define a POS Function Key + + + + + + + Disposizione Chiave POS + Disposizione Chiave POS + Disposizione Chiave POS + Disposizione Chiave POS + + + + + + + Modifica Prezzo + Modifica Prezzo + Consente la modifica del prezzo + Allow modifying the price for products with a non zero price + + + + + + + Country + Country + Country Name + + + + + + + + Accedi tutte le Organizzazioni + Accedi tutte le Organizzazioni + Access all Organizations (no org access control) of the client + When selected, the role has access to all organizations of the client automatically. This also increases performance where you have many organizations. + + + + + + + Prezzo + Prezzo + Prezzo inserito - Il prezzo relativo all'UdM selezionata + Il prezzo inserito è convertito al prezzo reale mediante il valore di conversione della UdM + + + + + + + Quantità + Quantità + La quantità inserita è basata sull' unità di misura selezionata + La quantità inserita è convertita in funzione della unità di misura del prodotto + + + + + + + Lista Prezzi + Lista Prezzi + Entered List Price + Price List converted to entered UOM + + + + + + + Qualsiasi Conto + Qualsiasi Conto + Abbina il processo su qualsiasi conto + + + + + + + + Qualsiasi Attività + Qualsiasi Attività + Abbina il processo su qualsiasi attività + + + + + + + + Qualsiasi BPartner + Qualsiasi BPartner + Abbina il processo su qualsiasi BPartner + + + + + + + + Qualsiasi Campagna + Qualsiasi Campagna + Abbina il processo con qualsiasi Qualsiasi Campagna + + + + + + + + Qualsiasi Magazzino di Provenienza + Qualsiasi Magazzino di Provenienza + Abbina il processo con qualsiasi Magazzino di Provenienza + + + + + + + + Qualsiasi Magazzino di Destinazione + Qualsiasi Magazzino di Destinazione + Abbina il processo con qualsiasi Magazzino di Destinazione + + + + + + + + Qualsiasi Organizzazione + Qualsiasi Organizzazione + Abbina il processo con qualsiasi Organizzazione + + + + + + + + Qualsiasi Transazione dell' Organizzazione + Qualsiasi Transazione dell' Organizzazione + Abbina il processo con qualsiasi Transazione dell' Organizzazione + + + + + + + + Qualsiasi Prodotto + Qualsiasi Prodotto + Abbina il processo con qualsiasi Prodotto + + + + + + + + Qualsiasi Progetto + Qualsiasi Progetto + Abbina il processo con qualsiasi Progetto + + + + + + + + Qualsiasi Regione di Vendita + Qualsiasi Regione di Vendita + Abbina il processo con qualsiasi Regione di Vendita + + + + + + + + Qualsiasi Utente 1 + Qualsiasi Utente 1 + + + + + + + + + Qualsiasi Utente 2 + Qualsiasi Utente 2 + + + + + + + + + Prefisso Personalizzato + Prefisso Personalizzato + Prefix for Custom entities + The prefix listed are ignored as customization for database or entity migration + + + + + + + Sovrascrivi su Conto + Sovrascrivi su Conto + Inserisce nel conto il valore specificato. + + + + + + + + Sovrascrivi Attività + Sovrascrivi Attività + Sovrascrive il conto delle Attività con il vaore specificato. + + + + + + + + Sovrascrivi BPartner + Sovrascrivi BPartner + + + + + + + + + Sovrascrivi Campagna + Sovrascrivi Campagna + + + + + + + + + Sovrascrivi Magazzino di Provenienza + Sovrascrivi Magazzino di Provenienza + + + + + + + + + Sovrascrivi Magazzino di Destinazione + Sovrascrivi Magazzino di Destinazione + + + + + + + + + Sovrascrivi Organizzazione + Sovrascrivi Organizzazione + + + + + + + + + Sovrascrivi Transazione Organizzazione + Sovrascrivi Transazione Organizzazione + + + + + + + + + Sovrascrivi Prodotto + Sovrascrivi Prodotto + + + + + + + + + Sovrascrivi Progetto + Sovrascrivi Progetto + + + + + + + + + Sovrascrivi Regione di Vendita + Sovrascrivi Regione di Vendita + + + + + + + + + Sovrascrivi Utente 1 + Sovrascrivi Utente 1 + + + + + + + + + Sovrascrivi Utente 2 + Sovrascrivi Utente 2 + + + + + + + + + Percentuali Totali + Percentuali Totali + Somma dei Dettagli Percentuali + + + + + + + + Formato indirizzo + Formato indirizzo + Format for printing this Address locally + The optional Local Address Print format defines the format to be used when this address prints for the Country. If defined, this format is used for printing the address for the country rather then the standard address format. + The following notations are used: @C@=City @P@=Postal @A@=PostalAdd @R@=Region + + + + + + + Formato Conto Bancario + Formato Conto Bancario + Formato Conto Bancario + + + + + + + + Formato Numero di Routing + Formato Numero di Routing + Formato Numero di Routing + + + + + + + + Linee Indirizzo locale Inverse + Linee Indirizzo locale Inverse + Print Local Address in reverse Order + If NOT selected the local sequence is Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, Address 4, City/Region/Postal, Country. +If selected the local sequence is Country, City/Region/Postal, Address 4, Address 3, Address 2, Address 1. +The sequence of City/Region/Postal is determined by the local address format. + + + + + + + + Linee Indirizzo Inverse + Linee Indirizzo Inverse + Stampa indirizzo in ordine inverso + If NOT selected the sequence is Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, Address 4, City/Region/Postal, Country. +If selected the sequence is Country, City/Region/Postal, Address 4, Address 3, Address 2, Address 1. +The sequence of City/Region/Postal is determined by the address format. + + + + + + + Logica Valore Documento + Logica Valore Documento + Logic to determine Workflow Start - If true, a workflow process is started for the document + + + + + + + + Appena Migrato + Appena Migrato + Value set by Migration for post-Migation tasks. + + + + + + + + Tipo di Workflow + Tipo di Workflow + Tipo di Workflow + il tipo di workflow determina come il worklow viene lanciato. + + + + + + + Crea + Crea + Crea dal riapprovigionamento + + + + + + + + Dettagli e Fonte + Dettagli e Fonte + Dettagli e Fonte prima della Linea + + + + + + + + Ultimo Allarme + Ultimo Allarme + Date when last alert were sent + The last alert date is updated when a reminder email is sent + + + + + + + Tolleranza della Scadenza + Tolleranza della Scadenza + Tolleranza della Scadenza in Giorni + When the Date Next Action is passed, the Request becomes Due. After the Due Date Tolerance, the Request becomes Overdue. + + + + + + + Giorni Rimanenti + Giorni Rimanenti + Days between sending Reminder Emails for a due or inactive Document + When a document is due ot too long without activity, a reminder is sent. 0 means no reminders. +The Remind Days are the days when the next email reminder is sent. + + + + + + + EMail alla Scadenza + EMail alla Scadenza + Invia una email alla scadenza della Richiesta + Invia una email alla scadenza della Richiesta + + + + + + + EMail dopo la Scadenza + EMail dopo la Scadenza + Invia una Email dopo che la Richiesta è scaduta + Invia una Email dopo che la Richiesta è scaduta + + + + + + + Giorni allarme inattività + Giorni allarme inattività + Send Alert when there is no activity after days (0= no alert) + An email alert is sent when the request shows no activity for the number of days defined. + + + + + + + Allarme per superamento Priorità + Allarme per superamento Priorità + Send alert email when over priority + Send alert email when a suspended activity is over the priority defined + + + + + + + Modifica Prioità Dinamica + Modifica Prioità Dinamica + Change of priority when Activity is suspended waiting for user + Starting with the Process / Node priority level, the priority of the suspended activity can be changed dynamically. Example +5 every 10 minutes + + + + + + + Inizio Prior. Dinam. + Inizio Prior. Dinam. + Priorità iniziale prima di essere cambiata dinamicamente + + + + + + + + Unità Priorità Dinamica + Unità Priorità Dinamica + Change of priority when Activity is suspended waiting for user + Starting with the Process / Node priority level, the priority of the suspended activity can be changed dynamically. Example +5 every 10 minutes + + + + + + + Address of DB Server + DB Address + Address of the database server + + + + + + + + Database Name + DB Name + Database Name + + + + + + + + Processors + Processors + Number of Database Processors + + + + + + + + Altra Clausola + Altra Clausola + Altra Clausola SQL + Any other complete clause like GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY, etc. after WHERE clause. + + + + + + + Personalizzazione + Personalizzazione + + + + + + + + + Ripeti + Ripeti + + + + + + + + + Annulla + Annulla + + + + + + + + + Verifica Nuovo Valore + Verifica Nuovo Valore + + + + + + + + + Verifica vecchio valore + Verifica vecchio valore + + + + + + + + + Imposta Personalizzazione + Imposta Personalizzazione + + + + + + + + + Importo Saldo + Conto Importo Saldo + + + + + + + + + Importo Fonte Saldo + Importo Fonte Saldo + + + + + + + + + Descrizione Prodotto + Descrizione Prodotto + + + + + + + + + Sistirrig + Sistirrig + + + + + + + + + Qta uso interno + Qta uso interno + + + + + + + + + Data + Data + Data Intervallo Libro Giornale + + + + + + + + Livello Preferenza + Livello Preferenza + Determina quali preferenze può impostare l'utente + Preferences allow you to define default values. If set to None, you cannot set any preference nor value preference. Only if set to Client, you can see the Record Info Change Log. + + + + + + + Sovrascrive Prezzo Limite + Sovrascrive Prezzo Limite + Sovrascrive Prezzo Limite se il Prezzo di Listino assicura il prezzo limite + The Price List allows to enforce the Price Limit. If set, a user with this role can overwrite the price limit (i.e. enter any price). + + + + + + + Al Prodotto + Al Prodotto + Prodotto finale della Distinta Base + + + + + + + + Nome Prodotti + Nome Prodotti + Name of the Product + + + + + + + + Nome Organizzazione + Nome Organizzazione + Name of the Organization + + + + + + + + Acq. - Vend. + Acq. Vend. + Include Receivables and/or Payables transactions + + + + + + + + Alloca prima più vecchio + Alloca prima più vecchio + Alloca il pagamento delle fatture più vecchie + Allocate payments to the oldest invoice. There might be an unallocated amount remaining. + + + + + + + Anticipazione + Anticipazione + Il Pagamento/Incasso è una anticipazione + Payments not allocated to an invoice with a charge are posted to Unallocated Payments. When setting this flag, the payment is posted to the Customer or Vendor Prepayment account. + + + + + + + Numero Internazionale Conto (IBAN) + Numero Internazionale Conto (IBAN) + International Bank Account Number + If your bank provides an International Bank Account Number, enter it here +Details ISO 13616 and http://www.ecbs.org. The account number has the maximum length of 22 characters (without spaces). The IBAN is often printed with a apace after 4 characters. Do not enter the spaces in Compiere. + + + + + + + Precisione Prezzo + Precisione Prezzo + Precision (number of decimals) for the Price + The prices of the price list are rounded to the precision entered. This allows to have prices with below currency precision, e.g. $0.005. Enter the number of decimals or -1 for no rounding. + + + + + + + Ordini con Consegne non Confermate + Ordini con Consegne non Confermate + Generate shipments for Orders with open delivery confirmations? + You can also include orders who have outstanding confirmations (e.g. ordered=10 - not confirmed shipments=4 - would create a new shipment of 6 if available). + + + + + + + Diametro Arco + Diametro Arco + Diametro arci per Rettagoli arrotondati + Width of the horizontal/vertical diameter of the arc at the four corners + + + + + + + Riempie Forma + Riempie Forma + Fill the shape with the color selected + + + + + + + + Tipo Forma + Tipo Forma + Type of the shape to be painted + + + + + + + + Classi di Validazione Modello + Classi di Validazione Modello + List of data model validation classes separated by ; + List of classes implementing the interface org.compiere.model.ModelValidator, separaed by semicolon. +The class is called for the client and alows to validate documents in the prepare stage and monitor model changes. + + + + + + + Archivio + Archivio + Archivio documenti e report + Depending on the Client Automatic Archive Level documents and reports are saved and available for view. + + + + + + + Auto Archiviazione + Auto Archiviazione + Abilita l'archiviazione automatica dei documenti + Compiere allows to automatically create archives of Documents (e.g. Invoices) or Reports. You view the archived material with the Archive Viewer + + + + + + + Modello Data + Modello Data + Java Modello Data + Option Date pattern in Java notation. Examples: dd.MM.yyyy - dd/MM/yyyy +If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Compiere support request with the correct information + + + + + + + Punto decimale + Punto decimale + The number notation has a decimal point (no decimal comma) + If selected, Numbers are printed with a decimal point "." - otherwise with a decimal comma ",". The thousand separator is the opposite. +If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Compiere support request with the correct information + + + + + + + Dimensione Media + Dimensione Media + Java Media Size + The Java Media Size. Example: "MediaSize.ISO.A4" (the package javax.print.attribute.standard is assumed). If you define your own media size, use the fully qualified name. +If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Compiere support request with the correct information + + + + + + + Time Pattern + Time Pattern + Java Time Pattern + Option Time pattern in Java notation. Examples: "hh:mm:ss aaa z" - "HH:mm:ss" +If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Compiere support request with the correct information + + + + + + + Importo Allocato + Importo Allocato + Amount allocated to this document + + + + + + + + Importo disponibile + Importo disp. + importo disponibile per il documento + + + + + + + + Attributo Prodotto + Attributo Prodotto + Descrizione Attributo Prodotto + + + + + + + + B.Partner commissionato + B.Partner commissionato + B. Partner che riceve la commissione + + + + + + + + Quantità di commissione convertita + Qta Commiss. Conv. + Commission calculation basis Converted Amount + + + + + + + + Qta Commissione + Qta Commissione + Calcolo commissione sulla base della Quantità + + + + + + + + Campo Immangine + Campo Immangine + The image is retrieved from the data column + The Image URL is retrieved from the data column + + + + + + + Numero Conto Corrente + Numero Conto Corrente + Numero Conto Corrente Base + The Basic (or Domestic) Bank Account Number is used in Bank transfers (see also IBAN). For details see ISO 13616 and http://www.ecbs.org/ + + + + + + + Politica Materiale + Politica Materiale + Politica Movimentazione Materiale + The Material Movement Policy determines how the stock is flowing (FiFo or LiFo) if a specific Product Instance was not selected. The policy can not contradict the costing method (e.g. FiFo movement policy and LiFo costing method). + + + + + + + Costo Franco Fabbrica + Costo Franco Fabbrica + Landed cost to be allocated to material receipts + Landed costs allow you to allocate costs to previously received material receipts. Examples are freight, excise tax, insurance, etc. + + + + + + + Ricerca per Fattura + Ricerca per Fattura + Identificativo Fattura di Ricerca + The Invoice Document. + + + + + + + Ordine Ricerca + Ordine Ricerca + Ordine Ricerca + Order is a control document. + + + + + + + Ricerca per Spedizione/Ricevute + Ricerca per Spedizione/Ricevute + Documento di Spedizione + The Material Shipment / Receipt + + + + + + + Fattura Batch + Fattura Batch + Expense Invoice Batch Header + + + + + + + + Linea Fattura Batch + Linea Fattura Batch + Expense Invoice Batch Line + + + + + + + + Importo Documento + Importo Documento + Importo Documento + + + + + + + + Solo Multi Riga + Solo Multi Riga + This applies to Multi-Row view only + + + + + + + + Usa Accesso Organizzazione dell'Utente + Usa Accesso Organizzazione dell'Utente + Use Org Access defined by user instead of Role Org Access + You can define the access to Organization either by Role or by User. You would select this, if you have many organizations. + + + + + + + Controlla tutte le tabelle DB + Controlla tutte le tabelle DB + Controlla tutte le tabelle DB tranne la presente + + + + + + + + Colonna SQL + Colonna SQL + Virtual Column (r/o) + You can define virtual columns (not stored in the database). If defined, the Column name is the synonym of the SQL expression defined here. The SQL expression must be valid.<br> +Example: "Updated-Created" would list the age of the entry in days + + + + + + + Elemento di Costo + Elemento di Costo + Elemento di Costo del Prodotto + + + + + + + + Tipo Elemento Costo + Tipo Elemento Costo + Tipo Elemento Costo + + + + + + + + Calcolato + Calcolato + Calcolato dal sistema + You cannot change values maintained by the system. + + + + + + + Distribuzione Costi + Distribuzione Costi + Distribuzione Costi + How landed costs are distributed to material receipts + + + + + + + Gruppo + Gruppo + Gruppo Richiesta + Group of requests (e.g. version numbers, responsibility, ...) + + + + + + + Categoria + Categoria + Categoria richiesta + Category or Topic of the Request + + + + + + + Stato + Stato + Stato Richiesto + Status if the request (open, closed, investigating, ..) + + + + + + + Risoluzione Richiesta + Risoluzione Richiesta + Risoluzione Richiesta + Resolution status (e.g. Fixed, Rejected, ..) + + + + + + + Importanza Utente + Importanza Utente + Priority of the issue for the User + + + + + + + + Confidenzialità + Confidenzialità + Tipo Confidenzialità + + + + + + + + Richiesta Correlata + Richiesta Correlata + Related Request (Master Issue, ..) + Request related to this request + + + + + + + Confidenzialità dato + Confidenzialità dato + Confidentiality of the individual entry + + + + + + + + Risposta Standard + Risposta Standard + Request Standard Response + Text blocks to be copied into request response text + + + + + + + Tempo di avviamento + Tempo di avviamento + Tempo di avvio + + + + + + + + Scadenza + Scadenza + End of the time span + + + + + + + + Quantità usata + Qta Usata + Quantità usata per questo evento + + + + + + + + Prodotto utilizzato + Prodotto utilizzato + Product/Resource/Service used in Request + Invoicing uses the Product used. + + + + + + + Fattura di richiesta + Fattura di richiesta + The generated invoice for this request + The optionally generated invoice for the request + + + + + + + Testo Risposta + Testo Risposta + Testo Risposta + Text block to be copied into request response text + + + + + + + Data chiusura + Data chiusura + Data chiusura + The Start Date indicates the last or final date + + + + + + + Stato aperto + Aperto + The status is closed + This allows to have the three generat situations of "not open" - "open" - "closed" + + + + + + + Stato chiuso + Stato chiuso + Stato chiuso + This allows to mave multiple closed status + + + + + + + Giorni di scadenza automatici + Giorni di scadenza automatici + Giorni di scadenza automatici + If a due date is not defined and the Auto Due Days ins greater then zero, a due date in the number of days is automatically created. + + + + + + + Downloads Prodotti + Downloads Prodotti + Download Prodotto + Define download for a product. If the product is an asset, the user can download the data. + + + + + + + Verifica data Email + Verifica data Email + Data della verifica dell'Email + + + + + + + + Un bene per UdM + Un bene per UdM + Create one asset per UOM + If selected, one asset per UOM is created, otherwise one asset with the quantity received/shipped. If you have multiple lines, one asset is created per line. + + + + + + + Testo della mail 2 + Testo della mail 2 + Optional second text part used for Mail message + The Mail Text indicates the text used for mail messages. + + + + + + + Testo della mail 3 + Testo della mail 3 + Optional third text part used for Mail message + The Mail Text indicates the text used for mail messages. + + + + + + + E-commerce + E-commerce + A Web Store of the Client + + + + + + + + Email E-commerce + Email E-commerce + EMail address used as the sender (From) + The EMail address is used to send mails to useres of the web store + + + + + + + Utente E-commerce + Utente E-commerce + User ID of the Web Store EMail address + User ID to connect to the Mail Server + + + + + + + Password E-commerce + Password E-commerce + Password of the Web Store EMail address + Password to connect to the Mail Server + + + + + + + Menu Bene Gestito + Menu Bene Gestito + Show Menu Assets + + + + + + + + Menu Ordini + Menu Ordini + Show Menu Orders + + + + + + + + Menu Fatture + Menu Fatture + Show Menu Invoices + + + + + + + + Menu Consegne + Menu Consegne + Show Menu Shipments + + + + + + + + Menu Pagamenti + Menu Pagamenti + Show Menu Payments + + + + + + + + Menu Richieste Preventivi + Menu Richieste Preventivi + Show Menu RfQs + + + + + + + + Menu Richieste + Menu Richieste + Show Menu Requests + + + + + + + + Menu Interessi + Menu Interessi + Show Menu Interests + + + + + + + + Menu Registrazioni + Menu Registrazioni + Show Menu Registrations + + + + + + + + Menu Contatto + Menu Contatto + Show Menu Contact + + + + + + + + Intestazione EMail + Intestazione EMail + Header added to EMails + The header is added to every email. + + + + + + + EMail Footer + EMail Footer + Footer + The footer is added to every email. + + + + + + + Messaggio + Messaggio nella Mail + Web Store Mail Message Template + + + + + + + + Tipo Messaggio + Tipo Messaggio + Mail Message Type + + + + + + + + Soggetto + Soggetto + Email Message Subject + Subject of the EMail + + + + + + + Messaggio + Messaggio + EMail Message + Message of the EMail + + + + + + + Messaggio 2 + Messaggio 2 + Optional second part of the EMail Message + Message of the EMail + + + + + + + Messaggio 3 + Messaggio 3 + Optional third part of the EMail Message + Message of the EMail + + + + + + + Mail utente + Mail utente + Mail sent to the user + Archive of mails sent to users + + + + + + + Pagamento Referenziato + Pagamento Referenziato + + + + + + + + + Crea come attivo + Crea come attivo + Crea un bene gestito e lo attiva + You may want to consider not to automatically make the asset active if you need to get some additional information + + + + + + + Tipo Notifica + Tipo Notifica + Tipo Notifica + Emails or Notification sent out for Request Updates, etc. + + + + + + + Stato Successivo + Stato Successivo + Move to next status automatically after timeout + After the timeout, change the status automatically + + + + + + + Aggiorna Stato + Aggiorna Stato + Aggiorna Stato automaticamente dopo un inserimento dal web + Change the status automatically after the entry was changed via the Web + + + + + + + Timeout in Giorni + Timeout in Giorni + Timeout in Giorni per modificare lo Stato automaticamente + After the number of days of inactivity, the status is changed automatically to the Next Status. If no Next Status is defined, the status is not changed. + + + + + + + Aggiornabile via Web + Aggiornabile via Web + Entry can be updated from the Web + + + + + + + + Chiusura finale + Chiusura finale + Entries with Final Close cannot be re-opened + + + + + + + + Posizione Lavorativa + Posizione Lavorativa + Posizione Lavorativa + + + + + + + + Categoria Posizione Lavorativa + Categoria Posizione Lavorativa + Categoria Posizione Lavorativa + Classification of Job Positions + + + + + + + Assegnazione Posizione Lavorativa + Assegnazione Posizione Lavorativa + Assegnazione di una Posizione Lavorativa a un Dipendente + + + + + + + + Remunerazione + Remunerazione + Remunerazione + + + + + + + + Tipo Remunerazione + Tipo Remunerazione + Tipo Remunerazione + + + + + + + + Ore Standard + Ore Standard + Ore Standard basate sul tipo di remunerazione + Number of hours per Remuneration Type (e.g. Daily 8 hours, Weekly 40 hours, etc.) to determine when overtime starts + + + + + + + Ricavo Lordo + Ricavo Lordo + Gross Remuneration Amount + Gross Salary or Wage Amount (without Overtime, Benefits and Employer overhead) + + + + + + + Costo Lordo + Costo Lordo + Gross Remuneration Costs + Gross Salary or Wage Costs (without Overtime, with Benefits and Employer overhead) + + + + + + + Straordinario + Straordinario + Hourly Overtime Rate + Hourly Amount without Benefits and Employer overhead + + + + + + + Costo Straordinario + Costo Straordinario + Hourly Overtime Cost + Hourly Amount with Benefits and Employer overhead + + + + + + + Remunerazione + Remunerazione + Remunerazione per una determinata Posizione + + + + + + + + Remunerazione Impiegati + Remunerazione Impiegati + Employee Wage or Salary Overwrite + Overwrite the standard Remuneration + + + + + + + Gruppo alternativo + Gruppo alternativo + Product BOM Alternative Group + Alternative groups allow you to group Bill of Material components, which are exclusive (i.e. only one is valid). Examples different engine sizes. + + + + + + + Operazione Prodotti + Operazione Prodotti + Product Manufacturing Operation + The Operations to create the product. Note that the actual used operation and sequence is determined by the BOM Product. + + + + + + + Tempo Setup + Tempo Setup + Setup time before starting Production + Once per operation + + + + + + + Tempo produzione unità + Tempo produzione unità + Time to produce one unit + + + + + + + + Orario fine operazione + Orario fine operazione + Time at the end of the operation + Onec per operation + + + + + + + Risorsa per Operazione + Risorsa per Operazione + Product Operation Resource + Resources for the Operation. You can have multiple resources (e.g. tool, labor) per operation. + + + + + + + Distinta Base + Distinta Base + Distinta Base + The composition of the Product + + + + + + + Notifica Cambiamento + Notifica Cambiamento + Notifica Cambiamento Distinta Base + + + + + + + + Uso Distinta Base + Uso Distinta Base + Uso Distinta Base + By default the Master BOM is used, if the alternatives are not defined + + + + + + + Richiesta Modifica + Richiesta Modifica + Richiesta Modifica + Change requests for a Bill of Materials. They can be automatically created from Requests, if enabled in the Request Type and the Request Group referres to a Bill of Materials + + + + + + + Componente DIstinta Base + Componente DIstinta Base + Componente DIstinta Base + The Bill of Material Compoment determines what products, services and outside processing is included in producing the Product. It references the operation and determines it's sequence. + + + + + + + Tipo Componente + Tipo Componente + Tipo componente Distinta Base + + + + + + + + Fantasma + Fantasma + Componente Fantasma + Phantom Component are not stored and produced with the product. This is an option to avild maintaining an Engineering and Manufacturing Bill of Materials. + + + + + + + Scostamento Lead Time + Scostamento Lead Time + Optional Lead Time offest before starting production + + + + + + + + Crea una richiesta di modifica + Crea una richiesta di modifica + Crea una distinta base automaticamente + Create automatically a Product Bill of Material (Engineering) Change Request when the Request Group references a Product BOM + + + + + + + Aggiornamento Richiesta + Aggiornamento Richiesta + Aggiornamento Richiesta + + + + + + + + Inserire Registrazione + Inserire Registrazione + The user can insert a new Record + If not selected, the user cannot create a new Record. This is automatically disabled, if the Tab is Read Only. + + + + + + + Tab Avanzato + Tab Avanzato + This Tab contains advanced Functionality + The tab with advanced functionality is only displayed, if enabled in Tools>Preference. + + + + + + + Informazione Confidenziale + Informazione Confidenziale + Informazione Confidenziale + When entering/updating Requests over the web, the user can mark his info as confidential + + + + + + + Base di Priorità + Base di Priorità + Base of Priority + When deriving the Priority from Importance, the Base is "added" to the User Importance. + + + + + + + Colonne Nulle + Colonne Nulle + Columns with NULL value + Null values are used for showing "no change" + + + + + + + Distinta Base Fissata + Distinta Base Fissata + Dist. Base Fissata nella notifica di cambiamento + + + + + + + + Solo se BP ha Bilancio + Solo se BP ha Bilancio + Include only if Business Partner has outstanding Balance + + + + + + + + Serie Attributi di Istanza Vs. + Serie Attributi di Istanza Vs. + Prodotto Target della serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + + + + + + Avere Rivalutato + Avere Rivalutato + Avere Rivalutato + + + + + + + + Differenza Avere Rivalutato + Differenza Avere + Differenza Avere Rivalutato + + + + + + + + Dare Rivalutato + Dare Rivalutato + Dare Rivalutato + + + + + + + + Differenza Dare Rivalutato + Differenza Dare Rivalutato + Differenza Dare Rivalutato + + + + + + + + Tipo Conversione Rivalutazione + Tipo Conversione Rivalutazione + Tipo Conversione Rivalutazione Valuta + + + + + + + + Data Rivalutazione + Reval DateData Rivalutazione + Data Rivalutazione + + + + + + + + Test Email + Test Email + Test EMail + + + + + + + + Procedura Server + Procedura Server + Run this Process on Server only + Enabling this flag disables to run the process on the client. This potentially decreases the availability. + + + + + + + Server EMail + Server EMail + Send EMail from Server + When selected, mail is sent from the server rather then the client. This decreases availability. You would select this when you do not want to enable email relay for the client addresses in your mail server. + + + + + + + Web Context + Web Context + Web Server Context - e.g. /wstore + Unique Web Server Context for this Web Store - will set context-root in application.xml. +The web context usually starts with / and needs to be a valid context name (not checked). + + + + + + + BPartner (Agente) + BPartner (Agente) + Business Partner (Agent or Sales Rep) + + + + + + + + Modifica impostazioni correnti + Modifica impostazioni correnti + Coferma la modifica impostazioni correnti + + + + + + + + Lunghezza Massima + Lunghezza Massima + Lunghezza Massima Data + + + + + + + + Valore Test + Valore Test + Value to test + + + + + + + + Magazzino Origine + Magazzino Origine + Magazzino di Origine da cui Fornirsi + If defined, the warehouse selected is used to replenish the product(s) + + + + + + + Classe Riapprovigionamento + Classe Riapprovigionamento + Classe per calcolare la quantità da Ordinare per il riapprovigionamento + If you select a custom replenishment type, you need to create a class implementing org.compiere.util.ReplenishInterface and set that on warehouse level. + + + + + + + Livello dei Costi + Livello dei Costi + Il livello più basso per raccogliere informazioni sui costi + If you want to maintain different costs per organization (warehouse) or per Batch/Lot, you need to make sure that you define the costs for each of the organizations or batch/lot. The Costing Level is defined per Accounting Schema and can be overwritten by Product Category and Accounting Schema. + + + + + + + Dettagli Costo + Dettagli Costo + Informazione Dettagli Costo + + + + + + + + Base + Base + Calculation Base + + + + + + + + Allocazione Costo Franco Fabbrica + Allocazione Costo Franco Fabbrica + Allocation for Land Costs + + + + + + + + Quadra Costo Beni alla Vendita + Quadra Costo Beni alla Vendita + Adjust Cost of Good Sold + For Invoice costing methods, you can adjust the cost of goods sold. At the time of shipment, you may not have received the invoice for the receipt or cost adjustments like freight, customs, etc. + + + + + + + Prezzo del Costo + Prezzo del Costo + Prezzo per UdM che include tutti icosti indiretti + Optional Purchase Order Line cost price. + + + + + + + Valore Cumulato + Valore Cumulato + Valore Totale + Sum of all amounts + + + + + + + Qta Cumulata + Qta Cumulata + Qantità totale + Sum of the quantities + + + + + + + Sovrascrive copia + Sovrascrive copia + Copy and Overwrite Default Accounts (DANGEROUS!!) + + + + + + + + Solo Organizzazione + Solo Organizzazione + Crea ingressi contabili solo per l'Organizzazione + When you have multiple accounting schema, you may want to restrict the generation of postings entries for the additional accounting schema (i.e. not for the primary). Example: You have a US and a FR organization. The primary accounting schema is in USD, the second in EUR. If for the EUR accounting schema, you select the FR organizations, you would not create accounting entries for the transactions of the US organization in EUR. + + + + + + + Quantità Perdite Vendite + Quantità Perdite Vendite + Quantità Perdite Vendite + When an order is closed and there is a difference between the ordered quantity and the delivered (invoiced) quantity is the Lost Sales Quantity. Note that the Lost Sales Quantity is 0 if you void an order, so close the order if you want to track lost opportunities. [Void = data entry error - Close = the order is finished] + + + + + + + Importo Perdita sulle Vendite + Importo Perdita sulle Vendite + Importo delle Perdite in Cambio valuta Vendita + + + + + + + + Importo Margine + Importo Margine + Differenza tra il prezzo attuale e il prezzo limite moltiplicato per la quantità + The margin amount is calculated as the difference between actual and limit price multiplied by the quantity + + + + + + + Esclude set di Attributi + Esclude set di Attributi + Esclude la possibilità di inserire set di attributi + + + + + + + + Esclude Lotto + Esclude Lotto + Esclude la possibilità di creare Set di Attributi di tipo Lotto + + + + + + + + Esclude Numero di Serie + Esclude Numero di Serie + Esclude la possibilità di inserire Numeri di Serie + + + + + + + + Imputa pagamento + Elaborazione riga SQL + Imputa pagamento alle fatture + You can directly allocate payments to invoices when creating the Payment. +Note that you can over- or under-allocate the payment. When processing the payment, the allocation is created. + + + + + + + Importo Fattura + Importo Fattura + + + + + + + + + Importi Rimanenti + Importi Rimanenti + Importi Rimanenti + + + + + + + + Accesso Completo BP + Accesso Completo BP + L'utente contatto ha pieno accesso alle informazioni e risorse del BPartner + If selected, the user has full access to the Business Partner (BP) information (Business Documents like Orders, Invoices - Requests) or resources (Assets, Downloads). If you deselet it, the user has no access rights unless, you explicitly grant it in tab "BP Access" + + + + + + + Accesso Utente Bpartner + Accesso Utente Bpartner + Utente/Contatto può accedere alle informazioni del Bpartner + If on User level, "Full BP Access" is NOT selected, you need to give access explicitly here. + + + + + + + Tipo Accesso + Tipo Accesso + Tipo di accesso dell'utente contatto alle informazioni del Business Partner + If on User level, "Full BP Access" is NOT selected, give access explicitly + + + + + + + Interrogazione Utente + Interrogazione Utente + Interrogazione Utente Salvata + + + + + + + + Importo Scostamento + Importo Scostamento + Importo della differenza + + + + + + + + Quantità scostamento + Quantità scostamento + Quantità differenza + + + + + + + + Quantità Attuale + Qta Attuale + Quantità Attuale + + + + + + + + Registra subito + Registra subito + Registra subito a scopo di test + If selected, the accouning consequences are immediately generated when completing a doecument. Otherwise the document is posted by a batch process. You should select this only if you are testing, + + + + + + + Aggiorna costi immediatamente + Aggiorna costi immediatamente + Aggiorna costi immediatamente per il testing + If selected, costs are updated immediately when a Cost Detail record is created (by matching or shipping). Otherwise the costs are updated by batch or when the costs are needed for posting. You should select this only if you are testing, + + + + + + + Coda per il costo + Coda per il costo + FiFo/LiFo Cost Queue + Note thet the cost queue may not be the same as the physical movement cost queue due to differences in costing level and warehouse priority. + + + + + + + Ricavi per Servizi + Ricavi per Servizi + Conto Ricavi per Servizi + Account to post services related Accounts Receivables if you want to differentiate between Services and Product related revenue. This account is only used, if posting to service accounts is enabled in the accounting schema. + + + + + + + Compensanzione Inventario + Compensanzione Inventario + Conto Compensanzione Inventario dei Prodotti + Account used for posting matched product (item) expenses (e.g. AP Invoice, Invoice Match). You would use a different account then Product Expense, if you want to differentate service related costs from item related costs. The balance on the clearing account should be zero and accounts for the timing difference between invoice receipt and matching. + + + + + + + + Assestamento costo + Assestamento costo + Conto di assestamento costo di produzione + Account used for posting product cost adjustments (e.g. landed costs) + + + + + + + Registra i Servizi separatamente + Registra i servizi + Registra le fatture dei servizi e i prodotti in modo differenziato + If selcted, you will post service related revenue to a different receiveables account and service related cost to a different payables account. + + + + + + + Quadratura esplicita dei costi + Quadratura esplicita dei costi + Elabora i costi in modo esplicito + If selected, landed costs are posted to the account in the line and then this posting is reversed by the postings to the cost adjustment accounts. If not selected, it is directly posted to the cost adjustment accounts. + + + + + + + Crea nuovo batch + Crea nuovo batch + If selected a new batch is created + Note that the balance check does not check that individual batches are balanced. + + + + + + + Crea Nuovo Giornale + Crea Nuovo Giornale + If selected a new journal within the batch is created + Note that the balance check does not check that individual journals are balanced. + + + + + + + Conferma Righe della interrogazione + Conferma Righe della interrogazione + Require Confirmation if more records will be returned by the query (If not defined 500) + Enter the numer of records the query wil return without confirmation to avoid unnecessary system load. If 0, the system default of 500 is used. + + + + + + + Massimo num record per la query + Massimo num record per la query + If defined, you cannot query more records as defined - the query criteria needs to be changed to query less records + Enter the numer of records a user will be able to query to avoid unnecessary system load. If 0, no restrictions are imposed. + + + + + + + Sovrascrive Inizio Carattere Numero seriale + Sovrascrive Inizio Carattere Numero seriale + Sovrascrive Inizio Carattere Numero seriale - default # + If not defined, the default character # is used + + + + + + + Sovrascrive Fine Carattere Numero seriale + Sovrascrive Fine Carattere Numero seriale + Sovrascrive Fine Carattere Numero seriale- default vuoto + If not defined, no character is used + + + + + + + Sovrascrive Inizio carattere del Lotto + Sovrascrive Inizio carattere del Lotto + Lot/Batch Start Indicator overwrite - default « + If not defined, the default character « is used + + + + + + + Sovrascrivi Fine Carattere del Lotto + Fine Carattere Lotto + Lot/Batch End Indicator overwrite - default » + If not defined, the default character » is used + + + + + + + Tipo impegno + Tipo impegno + Crea impegno e/o prenotazione per il controllo del Budget + The Posting Type Commitments is created when posting Purchase Orders; The Posting Type Revervation is created when posting Requisitions. This is used for bugetary control. + + + + + + + Conto scostamenti sugli Impegni + Conto scostamenti sugli Impegni + Conto scostamenti sugli Impegni + The Commitment Offset Account is used for posting Commitments and Reservations. It is usually an off-balance sheet and gain-and-loss account. + + + + + + + Dichiarazione IVA + Dichiarazione IVA + Dichiarazione Tasse (IVA e altre) + La dichiarazione consente di fornire informazioni per l'Agenzia delle entrate e di riconciliare i documenti contabili + + + + + + + Linea Dichiarazione Tasse + Linea Dichiarazione Tasse + Informazione documento dichiarazione tasse + The lines are created by the create process. You can delete them if you do not want to include them in a particular declaration. + + + + + + + Contabilità dichiarazione Tasse + Contabilità dichiarazione Tasse + Riconciliazione Contabilità per dichiarazione tasse + Accounting related information for reconcilation with documents. It includes all revenue/expense and tax entries as a base for detail reporting + + + + + + + Confronta Rischieste + Confronta + Confronta Richieste per la Fattura + + + + + + + + Asclude consegna automatica + Asclude consegna automatica + Asclude consegna automatica + Il prodotto viene escluso dalla consegna automatica. + + + + + + + + Gerarchia dei Report + Gerarchia + Gerarchia Opzionale del Reporting + Reporting Hierarchy allows you to select different Hierarchies/Trees for the report. +Accounting Segments like Organization, Account, Product may have several hierarchies to accomodate different views on the business. + + + + + + + Albero Contabile + Albero Contabile + Tree for Natural Account Tree + + + + + + + + Tassa di vendita + Tassa di vendita + Tassa di vendita (non IVA) + Indica una tassa di vendita gestita come spesa (ad es. IVA indeducibile) + + + + + + + + Controllo Budget + Controllo Budget + Controllo Budget + Il controllo del Budget consente di restringere il tipo di spese e di impegni sia per gli acquisti sia per le spese. Se applicato potreste non essere in grado di approvare richieste, ordini di acquisto e/o fatture. + + + + + + + Prima dell'approvazione + Prima dell'approvazione + L'assegno è ancora in stato di non approvazione (manulae) + If selected, the Budget Approval is before manual approvals - i.e. is only approved if budget is available. This may cause that the use of the budget is delayed (after the approval) + + + + + + + Livello di Controllo + Livello di Controllo + Livello massimo del controllo del Budget + + + + + + + + Controllo Fondi + Controllo Fondi + Controllo fondi contabilità generale + General Ledger Funds Control allows you to restrict the use of funds. This is independent from budget control. + + + + + + + Limitazione Fondi + Limitazione Fondi + Limitazione Fondi + If defined, you can use the fund only for the accounts selected. + + + + + + + Sotto Conto + Sotto Conto + Sub account for Element Value + The Element Value (e.g. Account) may have optional sub accounts for further detail. The sub account is dependent on the value of the account, so a further specification. If the sub-accounts are more or less the same, consider using another accounting dimension. + + + + + + + Elemento Utente 1 + Elemento Utente 1 + User defined accounting Element + A user defined accounting element referres to a Compiere table. This allows to use any table content as an accounting dimension (e.g. Project Task). Note that User Elements are optional and are populated from the context of the document (i.e. not requested) + + + + + + + Elemento Utente 2 + Elemento Utente 2 + User defined accounting Element + A user defined accounting element referres to a Compiere table. This allows to use any table content as an accounting dimension (e.g. Project Task). Note that User Elements are optional and are populated from the context of the document (i.e. not requested) + + + + + + + EMail Destinatario + EMail Destinatario + Recipient of the EMail + + + + + + + + Profilo di Connessione + Profilo di Connessione + How a Java Client connects to the server(s) + Depending on the connection profile, different protocols are used and tasks are performed on the server rather then the client. Usually the user can select different profiles, unless it is enforced by the User or Role definition. The User level profile overwrites the Role based profile. + + + + + + + Condivisione Client (Azienda) + Condivisione Client (Azienda) + (Non) Forza la condivisione di Client/OrganizzazioniForce (not) sharing of client/org entities + For entities with data access level of Client+Organization either force to share the entries or not. Example: Product and Business Partner can be either defined on Client level (shared) or on Org level (not shared). You can define here of Products are always shared (i.e. always created under Organization "*") or if they are not shared (i.e. you cannot enter them with Organization "*") + + + + + + + Tipo Condivisione + Tipo Condivisione + Type of sharing + Defines if a table is shared within a client or not. + + + + + + + % Controllo Credito + % Controllo Credito + Credit Watch - Percent of Credit Limit when OK switches to Watch + If Compiere maintains credit status, the status "Credit OK" is moved to "Credit Watch" if the credit available reaches the percent entered. If not defined, 90% is used. + + + + + + + Tolleranza differenza di Prezzo + Tolleranza differenza di Prezzo + PO-Invoice Match Price Tolerance in percent of the purchase price + Tolerance in Percent of matching the purchase order price to the invoice price. The difference is posted as Invoice Price Tolerance for Standard Costing. If defined, the PO-Invoice match must be explicitly approved, if the matching difference is greater then the tolerance.<br> +Example: if the purchase price is $100 and the tolerance is 1 (percent), the invoice price must be between $99 and 101 to be automatically approved. + + + + + + + Differenza di Prezzo + Differenza di Prezzo + Difference between Purchase and Invoice Price per matched line + The difference between purchase and invoice price may be used for requiring explicit approval if a Price Match Tolerance is defined on Business Partner Group level. + + + + + + + Reporting di Errori + Reporting di Errori + Automatically report Errors + To automate error reporting, submit errors to Compiere. Only error (stack trace) information is submitted (no data or confidential information). It helps us to react faster and proactively. If you have a support contract, we will you inform about corrective measures. This functionality is experimental at this point. + + + + + + + Problema del Sistema + Problema del Sistema + Automatically created or manually entered System Issue + System Issues are created to speed up the resolution of any system related issues (potential bugs). If enabled, they are automatically reported to Compiere. No data or confidential information is transferred. + + + + + + + Local Host + Local Host + Local Host Info + + + + + + + + Traccia Errori + Traccia Errori + System Error Trace + Java Trace Info + + + + + + + Stack Trace + Stack Trace + System Log Trace + + + + + + + + No Richiesta Documento + No Richiesta Documento + Compiere Request Document No + + + + + + + + Sistema Operativo + Sistema Operativo + Operating System Info + + + + + + + + Database + Database + Database Information + + + + + + + + Sistema Standard + Sistema Standard + The system was NOT compiled from Source - i.e. standard distribution + You may have customizations, like additional columns, tables, etc - but no code modifications which require compiling from source. + + + + + + + Riproducibile + Riproducibile + Problem can re reproduced in Gardenworld + The problem occurs also in the standard distribution in the demo client Gardenworld. + + + + + + + Tipo Documento Rivalutazione + Tipo Doc Rivalutazione + Document Type for Revaluation Journal + + + + + + + + Includi tutte le Valute + Tutte le Valute + Includi tutte le Valute + + + + + + + + Stato dell'attività + Stato dell'attività + Status of the Task + Completion Rate and Status of the Task + + + + + + + Data Completamento Piano + Data Completamento Piano + Data Completamento Piano + Date when the task is planned to be complete + + + + + + + Quantità Pianificate + Quantità Pianificate + Quantità Pianificate + Planned Quantity + + + + + + + Data Inizio Piano + Data Inizio Piano + Planned Start Date + Date when you plan to start + + + + + + + Schema Colori + Schema Colori + Schema Colori per la rappresentazione delle Performance + Visual representation of performance by color. The Schema has often three levels (e.g. red-yellow-green). Compiere support two levels (e.g. red-green) or four levels (e.g. gray-bronce-silver-gold). Note that Measures without a goal are represented white. The percentages could be beween 0 and unlimited (i.e. above 100%). + + + + + + + Marcatore 1 Percentuale + Marcatore 1 Percentuale + Percentage up to this color is used + Example 50 - i.e. below 50% this color is used + + + + + + + Colore 1 + Colore 1 + First color used + + + + + + + + Marcatore 2 Percentuale + Marcatore 2 Percentuale + Percentage up to this color is used + Example 80 - e.g., if Mark 1 is 50 - this color is used between 50% and 80% + + + + + + + Colore 2 + Colore 2 + Second color used + + + + + + + + Marcatore 3 Percentuale + Marcatore 3 Percentuale + Percentage up to this color is used + Example 100 - e.g., if Mark 2 is 80 - this color is used between 80% and 100% + + + + + + + Colore 3 + Colore 3 + Third color used + + + + + + + + Marcatore 4 Percentuale + Marcatore 4 Percentuale + Percentage up to this color is used + Example 9999 - e.g., if Mark 3 is 100 - this color is used above 100% + + + + + + + Colore 4 + Colore 4 + Forth color used + + + + + + + + Obiettivo Padre + Obiettivo Padre + Obiettivo Padre + You can create a hierarchy of goals by linking the sub-goals to the summary goal. +The measures are automatically rolled up + + + + + + + Ambito Misura + Ambito Misura + Ambito Misura di performance + The scope of the goal can be broken down for initial display. +Example: Scope is Year, Display is Month - the goal is entered as a yearly number, the display divides the goal by 12 + + + + + + + Mostra Misura + Mostra Misura + Measure Scope initially displayed + + + + + + + + Restrizione Obiettivi + Restrizione Obiettivi + Performance della Restrizione Obiettivi + Restriction of the performance measure to the Organization, Business Partner or Product defined. +Example: The performance is only measured for HQ +The measure must support the data, otherwise it is ignored. + + + + + + + Tipo Restrizione + Tipo Restrizione + Tipo Restrizione Obiettivo + Enter one or more records per Goal Restriction Type (e.g. Org o1, o2) + + + + + + + Colonna Chiave + Colonna Chiave + Key Column for Table + + + + + + + + Benchmark + Benchmark + Performance Benchmark + Data Series to compare internal performance with (e.g. stock price, ...) + + + + + + + Rapporto + Rapporto + Rapporto Performance + Calculation instruction set for a perfomance ratio + + + + + + + Tipo Data + Tipo Data + Type of data - Status or in Time + Status represents values valid at a certain time (e.g. Open Invoices) - No history is maintained.<br> +Time represents a values at a given time (e.g. Invoice Amount on 1/1) - History is maintained + + + + + + + Tipo Sommatoria + Tipo Sommatoria + Come sommare i Dati sull'asse del Tempo + Sum adds the data points (e.g. stock volume) - Average is appropriate for e.g. Stock Price + + + + + + + Dati di Benchmark + Dati di Benchmark + Performance Benchmark Data Point + Data Series Point to compare internal performance with (e.g. stock price, ...) + + + + + + + Data + Data + Data del Benchmark + Date of the Benchmark Data Point + + + + + + + Valore + Valore + Valore di Benchmark + Value of the Benchmark Data Point + + + + + + + Fattore del Rapporto + Fattore del Rapporto + Performance Ratio Element + Individual calculation instruction for a ratio + + + + + + + Operando + Operando + Ratio Operand + Operand how data is calculated. If it is the first in the series, 'minus' will create a negative value, otherwise ignored. + + + + + + + Tipo Elemento + Tipo Elemento + Rapporto Tipo Elemento + Type of data used for the calculation + + + + + + + Rapporto Usato + Rapporto Usato + Performace Ratio Used + Existing Performance Ratio to be used in the calculation. Make sure that the Ratio is not self-referencing (loop). + + + + + + + Ultima Manutenzione + Ultima Manutenzione + Data Ultima Manutenzione + + + + + + + + Prossima Manutenzione + Prossima Manutenzione + Data Prossima Manutenzione + + + + + + + + Ultima Unità + Ultima Unità + Last Maintenance Unit + + + + + + + + Prossima Unità + Prossima Unità + Next Maintenence Unit + + + + + + + + Termine Prestito + Termine Prestito + Lease Termination Date + Last Date of Lease + + + + + + + Locatario + Locatario + The Business Partner who rents or leases + + + + + + + + Ultima Nota + Ultima Nota + Last Maintenance Note + + + + + + + + Scadenza Supporto + Scadenza Supporto + Date when the Compiere support expires + Check http://www.compiere.org for support options + + + + + + + Etichetta della release + Etichetta della release + Release Tag + + + + + + + + EMail Supporto + EMail Supporto + EMail address to send support information and updates to + If not entered the registered email is used. + + + + + + + Sommario Problemi + Sommario Problemi + Issue Summary + + + + + + + + Classe Sorgente + Classe Sorgente + Source Class Name + + + + + + + + Metodo Sorgente + Metodo Sorgente + Source Method Name + + + + + + + + Logger + Logger + Logger Name + + + + + + + + Linea + Linea + No Linea + + + + + + + + Problema Noto + Problema Noto + Problema Noto + + + + + + + + Raccomandazione su Problema + Raccomandazione su Problema + Recommendations how to fix an Issue + Recommendations how to fix an Issue + + + + + + + Stato Problema + Stato Problema + Status of an Issue + Status of an Issue + + + + + + + Stato Problema + Stato Problema + Current Status of the Issue + Description of the current status of the issue + + + + + + + Java Info + Java Info + Java Version Info + + + + + + + + Statistiche + Statistiche + Information to help profiling the system for solving support issues + Profile information do not contain sensitive information and are used to support issue detection and diagnostics as well as general anonymous statistics + + + + + + + Profilo + Profilo + Information to help profiling the system for solving support issues + Profile information do not contain sensitive information and are used to support issue detection and diagnostics + + + + + + + Nome Precedente + Nome Precedente + + + + + + + + + Stato del Sistema + Stato del Sistema + Status of the system - Support priority depends on system status + System status helps to prioritize support resources + + + + + + + Traccia Problemi + Traccia Problemi + Enable tracking issues for this asset + Issues created by automatic Error Reporting + + + + + + + Sistema che crea Problema + Sistema che crea Problema + System creating the issue + + + + + + + + Problema del Progetto + Problema del Progetto + Implementation Projects + + + + + + + + Utente del Problema + Utente del Problema + User who reported issues + + + + + + + + Valore del Costo + Valore del Costo + Value with Cost + + + + + + + + Sorgente + Sorgente + Issue Source + Source of the Issue + + + + + + + Stato Categoria + Stato Categoria + Request Status Category + Category of Request Status enables to maintain different set of Status for different Request Categories + + + + + + + Dimensione X + Dimensione X + X (horizontal) dimension size + Size of X (horizontal) dimension in Units + + + + + + + Dimensione Y + Dimensione Y + Y (vertical) dimension size + Size of Y (vertical) dimension in Units + + + + + + + Unità delle Dimensioni + Unità + Unita delle Dimensioni + + + + + + + + Imposta Conto Inventario + Imposta Conto Inventario + Set the value of the inventory count to Zero or On Hand Quantity + + + + + + + + Area di Interesse + Area di Interesse + Nome dell'Area di Interesse + Name of the Interest Area of the user + + + + + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/AD_FieldGroup_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/AD_FieldGroup_Trl_it_IT.xml index 0cd64ddf36..6a3af9a50e 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/AD_FieldGroup_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/AD_FieldGroup_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,110 +1,110 @@ - - - - - - Stato - - - Quantità - - - Importi - - - Riferimento - - - Storia - - - Prodotto - - - Business partner - - - Magazzino - - - Banca - - - Libro di cassa - - - Imposte - - - Commessa/progetto - - - Generale - - - Azione - - - Costo standard - - - Costo effettivo - - - Statistiche - - - Defaults - - - Gestione richiesta - - - Web Store - - - Interno - - - Esterno - - - Comune - - - Spedizione - - - Documento - - - Riga - - - Simulazione - - - Calcoli - - - Proxy - - - Spedizione - - - Fatturazione - - - Solamente .. - - - Selezione - - - Workflow - - - Accesso - - + + + + + + Stato + + + Quantità + + + Importi + + + Riferimento + + + Storia + + + Prodotto + + + Business partner + + + Magazzino + + + Banca + + + Libro di cassa + + + Imposte + + + Commessa/progetto + + + Generale + + + Azione + + + Costo standard + + + Costo effettivo + + + Statistiche + + + Defaults + + + Gestione richiesta + + + Web Store + + + Interno + + + Esterno + + + Comune + + + Spedizione + + + Documento + + + Riga + + + Simulazione + + + Calcoli + + + Proxy + + + Spedizione + + + Fatturazione + + + Solamente .. + + + Selezione + + + Workflow + + + Accesso + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/AD_Field_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/AD_Field_Trl_it_IT.xml index 9f571f389a..ca84d51aad 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/AD_Field_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/AD_Field_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,82 +1,82 @@ - - - - - - Colonna Primaria - Colonna per Multi-Key - La Colonna Primaria indica qual'è la colonna che è la chiave primaria per quelle situazioni in cui c'è più di una chiave. - - - Linguaggio - Linguaggio per il Business Partner se è abilitato il multi-lingua - The Language identifies the language to use for display and formatting documents. It requires, that on Client level, Multi-Lingual documents are selected and that you have created/loaded the language. - - - Nodo di inizio - Nodo di inizio - The Workflow Node indicates a unique step or process in a Workflow. - - - Importo dell'Imposta - Importo dell'imposta per un'operazione con carta di credito - L'Importo dell'Imposta mostra l'importo totale dell'imposta. L'importo dell'imposta è utilizzato solamente per le transazioni con carta di credito - - - Soltanto questa Valuta - E' accettata solo questa valuta - Il campo Soltanto questa Valuta indica che questo conto bancario accetta solo la valuta qui specificata - - - Business Partner/Agente - Identifica un Business Partner (rappresentante) per la ricezione dei provvigioni - Il Business Partner/Agente dovrebbe essere un fornitore e può essere un rappresentante di vendita - - - Riconoscere - Nota di sistema riconosciuta - Il flag Riconoscere indica se questa avviso non deve essere conservata - - - Colonna di Controllo - Colonna che controlla tutti i tabs nel banco di lavoro - - - - Nome Sistema - Name your Compiere System installation, e.g. Joe Block, Inc. - The name if the system to differentiate support contracts - - - Serie Attributi di Istanza - Serie Attributi di Istanza - The values of the actual Product Attributes. Product Instance attributes are defined in the actual transactions. - - - Document No - Document sequence number of the document - The document number is usually automatically generated by the system and determined by the document type of the document. If the document is not saved, the preliminary number is displayed in "<>". - -If the document type of your document has no automatic document sequence defined, the field is empty if you create a new document. This is for documents which usually have an external number (like vendor invoice). If you leave the field empty, the system will generate a document number for you. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order). - - - Value - Condition Value - - - - Sovrascrivi Progetto - - - - - Serie Attributi di Istanza - Serie Attributi di Istanza - The values of the actual Product Attributes. Product Instance attributes are defined in the actual transactions. - - - Linguaggio - Language for this Business Partner if Multi-Language enabled - The Language identifies the language to use for display and formatting documents. It requires, that on Client level, Multi-Lingual documents are selected and that you have created/loaded the language. - - + + + + + + Colonna Primaria + Colonna per Multi-Key + La Colonna Primaria indica qual'è la colonna che è la chiave primaria per quelle situazioni in cui c'è più di una chiave. + + + Linguaggio + Linguaggio per il Business Partner se è abilitato il multi-lingua + The Language identifies the language to use for display and formatting documents. It requires, that on Client level, Multi-Lingual documents are selected and that you have created/loaded the language. + + + Nodo di inizio + Nodo di inizio + The Workflow Node indicates a unique step or process in a Workflow. + + + Importo dell'Imposta + Importo dell'imposta per un'operazione con carta di credito + L'Importo dell'Imposta mostra l'importo totale dell'imposta. L'importo dell'imposta è utilizzato solamente per le transazioni con carta di credito + + + Soltanto questa Valuta + E' accettata solo questa valuta + Il campo Soltanto questa Valuta indica che questo conto bancario accetta solo la valuta qui specificata + + + Business Partner/Agente + Identifica un Business Partner (rappresentante) per la ricezione dei provvigioni + Il Business Partner/Agente dovrebbe essere un fornitore e può essere un rappresentante di vendita + + + Riconoscere + Nota di sistema riconosciuta + Il flag Riconoscere indica se questa avviso non deve essere conservata + + + Colonna di Controllo + Colonna che controlla tutti i tabs nel banco di lavoro + + + + Nome Sistema + Name your Compiere System installation, e.g. Joe Block, Inc. + The name if the system to differentiate support contracts + + + Serie Attributi di Istanza + Serie Attributi di Istanza + The values of the actual Product Attributes. Product Instance attributes are defined in the actual transactions. + + + Document No + Document sequence number of the document + The document number is usually automatically generated by the system and determined by the document type of the document. If the document is not saved, the preliminary number is displayed in "<>". + +If the document type of your document has no automatic document sequence defined, the field is empty if you create a new document. This is for documents which usually have an external number (like vendor invoice). If you leave the field empty, the system will generate a document number for you. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order). + + + Value + Condition Value + + + + Sovrascrivi Progetto + + + + + Serie Attributi di Istanza + Serie Attributi di Istanza + The values of the actual Product Attributes. Product Instance attributes are defined in the actual transactions. + + + Linguaggio + Language for this Business Partner if Multi-Language enabled + The Language identifies the language to use for display and formatting documents. It requires, that on Client level, Multi-Lingual documents are selected and that you have created/loaded the language. + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/AD_Form_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/AD_Form_Trl_it_IT.xml index 725b5b328d..398de244a6 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/AD_Form_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/AD_Form_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,107 +1,107 @@ - - - - - - Creazione fatture (manuale) - Selezione e creazione fatture - - - - Importazione Dati da FIle - Caricamento flat file nelle tabelle d'importazione - Il Caricatore del File di Importazione fa parsing del contenuto del flat file e lo carica nelle tabelle di importazione. I commenti iniziano con una '[' e finiscono con una ']' ed essi sono ingnorati; esempio: [Testata]. - - - Impostazione iniziale del client - Impostazione iniziale del client - - - - Operazioni relative ai materiali - Operazioni relative ai materiali - - - - Imputazione Pagamenti - Imputazione incassi e pagamenti - - - - Creazione Addebiti - Creazione Addebiti dai conti originari - - - - Stampa/esportazione pagamento - Stampa/esportazione pagamenti - - - - Pagamento Fatture (manuale) - Pagamento Manuale delle Fatture - - - - Abbinamento Ordine d'Acquisto-Entrata Merci-Fattura - Abbinamento Ordine d'acquisto-Entrata Merci-fattura - - - - Traduzione Importazione/esportazione - Traduzione lingua di importazione/esportazione - - - - Creazione Documenti di Spedizione (manuale) - Creazione Documenti di Spedizione (manuale) - - - - Manutenzione Password - Manutenzione Passwords - Manutenzione delle Passwords per gli utenti ed i Business Partners - - - Fusione Entità - Fusione da Entità ad Entità - Cancella da - Potenzialmente dannoso! Per Favore essere sicuri di quello che si stà facendo prima di far partire il Form. - - - - Punto di Vendita Finale - Punto di Vendita - - - - Esplosione Distinta Base - Inserisce (esplosa) la distinta base in Ordine o Fattura - Esplode la Distinta Base in un Ordine, Fattura, etc. Il documento deve essere in stato Bozza. Siate sicuri che gli articoli della Distinta Base siano nel listino prezzi dell'Ordine, Fattura, etc altrimenti il prezzo sarà zero. - - - - Gestione Albero - Gestisce gli Alberi - Mostra e cambia alberi. Gestisce gli ingressi nelle loro finestre specifiche - - - Editor di Workflow - Editor di Workflow - - - - Attività di Workflow - Attività di Workflow Attive - - - - Visualizzatore Archivio - View automatically archived Documents - Depending on the Client Automatic Archive Level documents and reports are saved and available for view. In the Report Viewer you can manually archive Documents or Reports. You can only view archives, if you have access to the original document. - - - Indicatori di Performance - Indicatori di Performance - View all Performance Indicators and Goals - - + + + + + + Creazione fatture (manuale) + Selezione e creazione fatture + + + + Importazione Dati da FIle + Caricamento flat file nelle tabelle d'importazione + Il Caricatore del File di Importazione fa parsing del contenuto del flat file e lo carica nelle tabelle di importazione. I commenti iniziano con una '[' e finiscono con una ']' ed essi sono ingnorati; esempio: [Testata]. + + + Impostazione iniziale del client + Impostazione iniziale del client + + + + Operazioni relative ai materiali + Operazioni relative ai materiali + + + + Imputazione Pagamenti + Imputazione incassi e pagamenti + + + + Creazione Addebiti + Creazione Addebiti dai conti originari + + + + Stampa/esportazione pagamento + Stampa/esportazione pagamenti + + + + Pagamento Fatture (manuale) + Pagamento Manuale delle Fatture + + + + Abbinamento Ordine d'Acquisto-Entrata Merci-Fattura + Abbinamento Ordine d'acquisto-Entrata Merci-fattura + + + + Traduzione Importazione/esportazione + Traduzione lingua di importazione/esportazione + + + + Creazione Documenti di Spedizione (manuale) + Creazione Documenti di Spedizione (manuale) + + + + Manutenzione Password + Manutenzione Passwords + Manutenzione delle Passwords per gli utenti ed i Business Partners + + + Fusione Entità + Fusione da Entità ad Entità - Cancella da + Potenzialmente dannoso! Per Favore essere sicuri di quello che si stà facendo prima di far partire il Form. + + + + Punto di Vendita Finale + Punto di Vendita + + + + Esplosione Distinta Base + Inserisce (esplosa) la distinta base in Ordine o Fattura + Esplode la Distinta Base in un Ordine, Fattura, etc. Il documento deve essere in stato Bozza. Siate sicuri che gli articoli della Distinta Base siano nel listino prezzi dell'Ordine, Fattura, etc altrimenti il prezzo sarà zero. + + + + Gestione Albero + Gestisce gli Alberi + Mostra e cambia alberi. Gestisce gli ingressi nelle loro finestre specifiche + + + Editor di Workflow + Editor di Workflow + + + + Attività di Workflow + Attività di Workflow Attive + + + + Visualizzatore Archivio + View automatically archived Documents + Depending on the Client Automatic Archive Level documents and reports are saved and available for view. In the Report Viewer you can manually archive Documents or Reports. You can only view archives, if you have access to the original document. + + + Indicatori di Performance + Indicatori di Performance + View all Performance Indicators and Goals + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/AD_Menu_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/AD_Menu_Trl_it_IT.xml index cbdb594015..4b9c960585 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/AD_Menu_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/AD_Menu_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,1729 +1,1729 @@ - - - - - - Interrogazione/Elaborazione Fatture - - - - Compito (Task) - Gestione compiti (Tasks) - - - Valuta - Gestione Valuta - - - Tasso di Conversione - Gestione tassi di conversione valuta - - - Esercizi - Gestione Esercizi - - - Piano dei Conti - Gestione Elementi Contabili - - - Combinazione Conto - Gestione Combinazioni di Conto valido - - - Unità di Misura - Gestione Unità di Misura - - - Indirizzo - Gestione Indirizzo - - - Paese, Regione e Provincia - Gestione Paesi, Regioni e Provincia - - - Business Partner - Gestione Business Partners - - - Schema contabile - Gestione Schema contabile - Per rendere effettive le modifiche devi re-login - - - Test - Test Screen - - - Allegato - Gestione Allegati - - - Preferenza - Gestione Org. Sistema Client e Preferenze Utente - - - Progetto (Servizio) - Gestione Progetti - - - Categoria Contabile - Gestione Categorie di contabilità generale - - - Prime Note - Inserisce e modifica Entrate Manuali del Libro Giornale come prime note - - - Attività (ABC) - Gestione attività per Activity Based Costing - - - Tipo Documento - Gestione Tipi Documento - - - Aliquota d'Imposta - Gestione Imposte e loro aliquote - - - Categorie imposte - Gestione Categorie imposte - - - Magazzino e Aree Stoccaggio - Gestione Magazzino e Aree Stoccaggio - - - Prodotto - Gestione Prodotti - - - Termini di pagamento - Gestione Termini di pagamento - - - Spedizioniere - Gestione Spedizionieri - - - Ordine di Vendita - Inserisci e Modifica Ordini di Vendita - - - Categoria Prodotto - Gestione Categorie Prodotto - - - Listino Prezzi - Gestione Listino Prezzi Prodotto - - - Pianificazione fatturazione - Gestione Pianificazione fatturazione - - - Campagna di Marketing - Gestione Campagne di Marketing - - - Budget CG - Gestione Budgets di contabilità generale - - - Canale di Marketing - Gestione Canali di Marketing - - - Regione Vendite - Gestione Regioni Vendite - - - Elemento - Gestione Elementi dei campi - - - Tabella e Colonna - Gestione Tabelle e Colonne - - - Riferimento - Gestione Riferimenti di Sistema - - - Finestre, Tab & Campi - Gestione Finestre, Tab & Campi - - - Convalida Regole - Gestione Convalida dinamica Regole per colonne e campi - - - Messaggio - Gestione Informazioni e Messaggi d'Errore - - - Menu - Gestione Menu - - - Lingua - Gestione Lingue - - - Utente - Gestione Utenti del sistema - - - Azienda (Client) - Gestione Aziende - - - Organizzazione - Gestione Organizzazioni - - - Ruolo - Gestione Responsabilità Utente - - - Sequenza Documento - Gestione Sistema e Sequenze del Documento - - - Workflow - Gestione Workflow - - - Dizionario della Applicazione - Gestione del dizionario del applicativo - - - Configurazione Generale - - - - Configurazione Azienda - Gestione delle Regole dell'Azienda - - - Dati - Gestione dati - - - Misurazione della Performance - - - - Utilità - Utilità - - - Gestione del Progetto - - - - Configurazione del Sistema - Regole generali di sistema - - - Importazione Dati - - - - Impostazioni Contabilità - - - - Impostazioni Business Partner - - - - Ciclo Attivo (OTC) - - - - Impostazioni Materiali - - - - Elenco Dati Contabili - Elenco dei Dati contabili - - - Albero e Immagine Nodo - Gestione definizione albero - - - Banca - Gestione Banca - - - Sollecito - Gestione livelli di sollecito - - - Ritenute - - - - Addebiti - Gestione Addebiti - - - Impostazioni Organizzazione - - - - Report & Processi - Gestisci Reports & Processi - - - Fattura (Cliente) - Inserimento Fattura Cliente - - - Inventario Fisico - Immessione Inventario fisico - - - Spedizioni (Cliente) - Spedizioni Inventario Cliente e Resi Cliente(Customer Inventory Shipments Customer Returns) - - - Movimentazione Scorte - Movimentazione Scorte - - - Gestione Materiali - - - - Importazione Business Partner - Importazione Business Partner - - - Riconoscimento Ricavo - Regole riconoscimento ricavo - - - Inventario perpetuo - Gestione Regole Inventario Perpetuo - - - Dettagli Fornitore - Gestione Dettagli Fornitore - - - Titoli - Gestione Titoli - - - Generare Fatture - Genera e stampa Fatture. - - - Generare Spedizioni - - - - Transazioni Ordine - Report delle transazioni dell'Ordine di Vendita - - - Ordini Aperti - - - - Report di ri-approvigionamento magazzino - Report di ri-approvigionamento magazzino - - - Totali Transazioni di Prodotto - Totali Transazioni di Prodotto - - - Elaboratore Richieste - Definizione Elaboratore Richieste - - - Vista Report - Gestione Viste del Report - - - Transazioni di Fatturazione - - - - Ciclo Passivo (PTP) - - - - Entrata Merci - Entrata merci - - - Ordine di Acquisto - Gestione Ordini di Acquisto - - - Fattura (Fornitore) - Inserimento Fattura Fornitore - - - Fatture per Giorno - - - - Fatture per Mese - - - - Fatture per Prodotto per Mese - - - - Fatture per Prodotto per Settimana - - - - Fatture per Fornitore per Mese - - - - Fatture per Settimana - - - - Form - Forms Speciali - - - Creazione fatture (manuale) - Selezione e creazione fatture - - - Administrazione del Sistema - - - - Configurazione progetto - Configurazione dei progetti e rendiconto dei progetti - - - Versione Java - Mostra la versione del default di Java VM - - - Messaggio d'Errore - Visualizza Messaggi d'Errore - - - Formati di Importazione - Gestione Formati di Importazione - - - Importazione Dati da FIle - Caricamento flat file nelle tabelle d'importazione - - - Configurazione lingua - Configura un nuovo lingua e traduce gli elementi. - - - Impostazione iniziale del client - Impostazione iniziale del client - - - Tire Storage - Maintain storage of tires - - - Selezione Fornitore - Prodotti con più di un fornitore - - - Produzione - Produzione basata sulle Distinte Base - - - Operazioni relative ai materiali - Operazioni relative ai materiali - - - Fatture per Prodotto per Trimestre - - - - Fatture Cliente per Fornitore per Trimestre - - - - Gruppo Business Partner - Gestione gruppi di Business Partner - - - Avviso - Mostra Sistema Avvisi - - - Estratto Conto Bancario - Elaborare estratti conto bancario - - - Pagamento - Elabora pagamenti - - - Partite Aperte - - - - Richiesta - Lavora sulle tue richieste - - - Gestione Email - Gestione Modello Email - - - Attributi Customizzati - Gestione attributi customizzati delle entità - - - Libro Cassa - Gestione Libro Cassa - - - Giornale di Cassa - Transazioni di Cassa - - - Partite Aperte - Elenco delle Partite Aperte - - - Pagamenti non Effettuati - Pagamenti non effettuati - - - Imputazione Pagamenti - Imputazione incassi e pagamenti - - - Imputazione dei pagamenti - Pagamento - Fattura - Allocazioni - - - Gruppo Campo - Definisci Gruppo Campo - - - Annullamento Imputazione - Annullamento Imputazione - - - Totali Fatture - - - - Dettagli Fatture - - - - Creazione Addebiti - Creazione Addebiti dai conti originari - - - Pagamento Fatture - Seleziona le Fatture per il Pagamento - - - Valore di Transazione del Prodotto - Valore di Transazione del Prodotto - - - Commissioni - Gestione Commissioni e Royalties - - - Reporting del Progetto - Gestione Cicli di Reporting del Progetto - - - Totali Stato del Progetto - Stato del Progetto nel Ciclo deo Progetto - - - Rivisione configurazione iniziale del client - Rivisione configurazione iniziale del client - - - Relazioni con i Partners - Relazioni del cliente e gestione del Partner - - - Elaborazione Commissione - Controlla e modifica le Commissioni - - - Configurazione Contabilità - Revisiona e cambia l'inserimento contabilità - - - Configurazione business partner - Inserimento Regole del Business Partner - - - Configurazione listini - Definizione dei Listini Prezzi e degli Sconti - - - Configurazione prodotti - Inserimento Prodotti - - - Configurazione vendite - Configurazione vendite - - - Configurazione imposte - Configurazione calcolo delle imposte - - - Servizi - Gestione Servizi - - - Impostazioni Vendita e Marketing - - - - Obiettivo Performance - Definiscce Obiettivo della Performance - - - Calcolo Misure Performance - Definire come calcolare la performance - - - Configurazione indicatori di perfomance - Configurazione indicatori di perfomance - - - Contabilità e Controllo di Gestione - - - - Misurazione Performance - Definisci le Misure di Performance - - - Reporting Finanziario - - - - Report Finanziari - Gestisci Reports finanziari - - - Inserimento Colonna Report - Gestione Inserimenti Colonne Report finanziario - - - Inserimento Linee del Report - Gestione Inserimenti Linee Report finanziario - - - Livello Servizio - Gestione Livelli Servizio - - - Pagamento Fatture (manuale) - Pagamento Manuale delle Fatture - - - Stampa/esportazione pagamento - Stampa/esportazione pagamenti - - - Dettagli Libro Cassa - Informazioni sui dettagli del Libro Cassa - - - Esporta il Database - Esporta (salva) il database - - - Trova (uso indiretto) - Trova Dialogo (uso indiretto) Find Dialog (indirect use) - - - Transazioni di Materiale (uso indiretto) - Transazioni di Materiale (uso indiretto) - - - Form di Stampa - Gestione Form di Stampa (Fatture, Assegni, ..) - - - Colore Sistema - Gestione Colori del Sistema - - - Desktop - Gestione Desktop - - - Immagine Sistema - Gestione immagini - - - Workbench - Gestione Workbench - - - Vendite - - - - Trasferimento Database - Trasferisce il database - - - Sincronizzazione Terminologia - Sincronizza la terminologia all'interno del sistema - - - Storno Crediti - Storno dei Crediti non esigibili - - - Rielaborazione Registrazioni - Rielaborazione registrazioni di documenti in errore - - - Azzeramento Contabilità - Azzera le registrazioni contabili - - - Richiesta tutto - Mostra e lavora a tutte le richieste - - - Cofigurazione richieste - Configurazione richieste del cliente - - - Schema della Scontistica - Gestione Schema della scontistica - - - Report Valutazione Inventario - Report Valutazione Inventario - - - Abbinamento Ordine d'Acquisto-Entrata Merci-Fattura - Abbinamento Ordine d'acquisto-Entrata Merci-fattura - - - Aggiornamento dei Costi del Prodotto - Inserisci costi futuri e costi standard. - - - Report Costo dei Prodotti - Report Costo dei Prodotti - - - Fatture Abbinate - Visualizzare Fatture abbinate - - - Ordini di Acquisto Abbinati - Mostra Ordini di acquisto abbinati - - - Tipo Spese - Gestione Tipi Spese del Report - - - Report Ore e Spese - Report Ore e Spese - - - Risorsa - Gestione Risorsa - - - Tipo Risorse - Gestione Tipi Risorsa - - - Ricompilare Oggetti DB - Ricompilare Oggetti del Databases - - - Formato Stampa - Gestione Formato Stampa - - - Carattere Stampa - Gestione Carattere Stampa - - - Colori di Stampa - Gestionie Colori di Stampa - - - Carta per Stampa - Gestione Carta per Stampa - - - Stampa - Definizione stampa - - - Spese (da fatturare) - Mostra spese e addebiti non fatturati al cliente - - - Creare Ordine di Vendita dalle Spese - Creare Ordine di Vendita per il Cliente dai Report di spesa - - - Creare Fatture da Spese - Creare Fatture da Spese - - - Stampa Formato Tabella - Definisce il Formato Tabella del Report - - - Tipo Richiesta - Gestione Tipi Richiesta - - - Area di Interesse - Area di Interesse o Topic - - - Sistema - Definizione Sistema - - - Generare Ordine di Acquisto dall'Ordine di Vendita - Creare l'Ordine di Acquisto dall'Ordine di Vendita - - - Traduzione Importazione/esportazione - Traduzione lingua di importazione/esportazione - - - Riaprire Richiesta - Riaprire richieste chiuse - - - Importazione Linee del Report - Importazione Linee del Report - - - Importazione Conto - Importa Valori di Conto Naturali - - - Importazione Prodotti - Importazione Prodotti - - - Traduzione Lingua - Controlla Traduzione Lingua - - - Bene Gestito - Bene usato internamente o dai clienti - - - Gruppo Bene Gestito - Gruppo Bene Gestito - - - Formazione - Formazione Ripetuta - - - Bene Gestito - - - - Creazione Documenti di Spedizione (manuale) - Creazione Documenti di Spedizione (manuale) - - - Stampare Fatture - Stampare Fatture su carta o invia PDF - - - Consegnare Beni Gestiti - Consegnare beni gestiti elettronicamente - - - Spese da Rimborsare - Mostra Spese e addebiti non rimborsati - - - Estratto Conto - Report di Estratto Conto con Saldo e Transazioni - - - Manutenzione Password - Manutenzione Passwords - - - Quadratura Giornaliera - Query sulla quadratura giornaliera - - - Serie di Attributi - Gestione Serie di attributi - - - Controllo Numero di Serie - Controllo numero di serie per prodotto - - - Controllo Lotto - Controllo lotto per prodotto - - - Lotto - Lotto - - - Attributi Prodotto - - - - Attributo di Ricerca - Attributo di ricerca - - - Attributo - Attributo del Prodotto - - - Fatture di Addebitamento Fornitore - Fatture di addebitamento Fornitore - - - Documento Ricorrente - Documento Ricorrente - - - Ruolo di Accesso - Gestione le regole di accesso dati - - - Importazione Inventario - Importazione le transazione di inventario - - - Tipo di Progetto - Gestione Tipo di Progetto e Fase - - - Stampa dell'Etichetta - Formato di Stampa dell'Etichetta - - - Sessione - Elenco delle sessioni utente - - - Sicurezza - - - - Log Modifiche - Log delle modifiche ai dati - - - Tipo di Tempo - Maintain Time Recording Type - - - Tipo di Costo - Maintain Cost Types - - - Annuncio - Annuncio Web - - - Web - - - - Importazione Estratto Conto Bancario - Importazione Estratto Conto Bancario - - - Importazione Pagementi - Importazione Pagementi - - - Click - Maintain Web Click - - - Importazione Ordini - Importazione Ordini - - - Pianificazione Pagamento Fatture - Maintain Invoice Payment Schedule - - - Importazione Gornali - Importazione Giornali Contabilità Generale - - - Avviso - Avviso Compiere - - - Contatore Web - Contatore Web - - - Categoria Spese di Trasporto - Gestione le catagorie Spese di Trasporto - - - Importazione Fatture - Importazione Fatture - - - Azzeramento Cache - Azzeramento Cache del Sistema ** Chiudere tutte le finestre prima di procedere ** - - - Dimensioni Contabili - Maintain Non-Account Dimension Trees - - - Replicazione - Getione i Target della Replicazione - - - Strategia di Replicazione - Gestione della strategia di replicazione - - - Progetto (Ordine di Lavoro) - Administrazione Progetti di Ordine di Vendita ed Ordine di Lavoro - - - Base di Conoscenza - Gestione Base di Conoscenza - - - Categoria di Conoscenza - Gestione le categorie e valori di conoscenza - - - Sinonimo di Conoscenza - Sinonimo per le parole chiave di conoscenza - - - Fonte di Conoscenza - Fonte delle immessione di conoscenza - - - Conoscenza - - - - Aggiornamento Bilancio Contabile - Aggiorna quotidianamente i bilanci contabili - - - Informazioni Business Partner - Informazione Business Partner - - - Setup Replicazione - Impostazione Replicazione - - - Inviare Email - Invia Email a gli iscritti di un'area di interesse o a un Gruppo di Business Partner - - - Fusione Entità - Fusione da Entità ad Entità - Cancella da - - - Report Ciclo del Progetto - Report Progetti basato sul Ciclo del Progetto - - - Bene Gestito Cliente - Report del Bene Gestito dal Cliente con Conto Consegna - - - Consegnare Bene Gestito - Report di Consegna del Bene Gestito - - - Attribuire al Progetto - Addebita Materiale al Progetto a partire da una Ricevuta o da un Inventario Manuale - - - Generare Ordini di Acquisto dal Progetto - Generare Ordini di Acquisto da Righe Progetto - - - Report Dettagli Contabili del Progetto - - - - Righe di Progetti non Attribuiti - Elenca le Linee del Progetto di un Ordine di Lavorazione o di un Progetto per un determinato Bene, che non sono correlati al Progetto - - - Ordini di Acquisto Progetto non Attribuiti - Elenca le Linee di Progetto con gli Ordini di Acquisto generati di un Ordine di Lavoro o di un Progetto per un Bene Gestito - - - Ricalcola Prezzi Ordine/Fattura - Ricalcola i prezzi basandosi sulla ultima versione del listino prezzi di un Ordine aperto o di una Fattura - - - Conversione Preventivi - Converte una Quotazione o un Preventivo in un Ordine di vendita - - - Stampante Etichette - Gestisce la stampa delle etichette - - - Verifica Tipi Documenti - Verifica Tipi Documenti - - - Margine Progetto - Linee di Ordoini di lavoro del progetto 8Ricavi pianificati) vs. Costi di progetto - - - Dettagli scorte - Report di dettaglio sulle scorte - - - Dettagli transazioni - Report di dettaglio sulle transazioni - - - Lista Crediti - Report Lista Crediti - - - Informazioni Agente - Informazioni Agente Commerciale - - - Clicks Mensili - Clicks per Mese - - - Clicks non Processati - Clicks non Processati - - - Documenti non Registrati - Documenti non Registrati - - - Tipo Cambio Valuta - Gestisce i tipi di tasso di conversione valuta - - - Punto di Vendita Finale - Punto di Vendita - - - Organizzazione Business Partner - Configura e verifica l'organizzazione dei Business Partner - - - Organizzazione Prodotto - Configura e verifica l'organizzazione del Prodotto - - - Organizzazione Magazzino - Verifica l'organizzazione e la struttura del Magazzino - - - Importa Estratto Conto - Importa Estratto Conto - - - Elimina Dati Importati - Elimina Dati Importati - - - Importazioni Tassi Conversione Valuta - Importazioni Tassi Conversione Valuta - - - Esplosione Distinta Base - Inserisce (esplosa) la distinta base in Ordine o Fattura - - - Responsabile del Workflow - Responsabile per l'esecuzione del Workflow - - - Processo - Gestisce i processi del Workflow - - - Attività di Workflow (Tutte) - Gestisce tutte le attività dei workflow - - - Registrazione attributi - Attributi di Bene Gestito - - - Registrazione - Registrazione Utenti Bene Gestito - - - Registro IVA e Imposte - Registro IVA e Imposte - - - Libro Giornale - Report sui dettagli contabili - - - Eventi contabili per data - Eventi contabili aggregati per data - - - Eventi contabili per periodo contabile - Eventi contabili per periodo contabile - - - Riapertura Ordini - Riapre gli Ordini precedentemente chiusi - - - Quadratura Estratto Conto - Algorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments - - - Gruppo Pagamenti - Elabora i pagamenti per i bonifici - - - Elaboratore dei Workflow - Maintain Workflow Processor and Logs - - - Elaboratore Contabilità - Elaboratore Contabilità e Log - - - Tipo Organizzazione - Gestisce i Tipi di Organizzazione - - - Acquirente - Gestisce le informazioni dell'acquirente - - - Venditore - Gestisce le informazioni dell'acquirente d'asta - - - Packaging - Gestisce Spedizioni Pacchi - - - Lista di Distribuzione - Gestisce Liste di Distribuzione - - - Elaboratore Allarmi - Maintain Alert Processor/Server Parameter and Logs - - - Argomento dell'Offerta - Argomento dell'Offerta dell'asta - - - Tipo Prenotazione - Gestisce i vari tipi di prenotazione - - - Prenotazioni - Gestisce le Prenotazioni e le Consegne - - - Scheduler - Maintain Schedule Processes and Logs - - - Relazioni tra Partner - Gestisce le relazioni tra Business Partner - - - Argomento della Richiesta - Gestisce l'Argomento della Richiesta e gli iscritti - - - Argomento dell'Asta - Gestisce i tipi di Argomento d'asta e le categorie - - - Richiesta Quotazione - Gestisce Richiesta Quotazione - - - Restituzione Merci - Gestisce le Autorizzazioni di Restituzione Merci - - - Server - Compiere Server Maintenance - - - Ordini di Vendita - - - - Fatture di Vendita - - - - Consegne - - - - Gestione Mercati - - - - Controllo Sequenza - Controlla le Sequenze dei Documenti e del Sistema - - - Elaborazione Sollecito - Elaborazione Sollecito - - - Richieste - Richieste di Materiale - - - Distribuzione del Mastro - Distribuzione del Mastro - - - Gestione Albero - Gestisce gli Alberi - - - Risposta Richiesta Quotazione - Gestisce la Risposta Richiesta Quotazione - - - Risposte alla Richiesta Quotazione - Dettagli sulla Risposta alla Richiesta Quotazione - - - Richieste senza Risposta - Richieste senza Risposta - - - Editor di Workflow - Editor di Workflow - - - Attività di Workflow - Attività di Workflow Attive - - - Richieste Aperte - Dettagli sulle Richieste di Quotazione - - - Elabora Distribuzioni - Crea Ordini per distribuire prodotti a liste di Business Partner - - - Scollega Business Partner da Organizzazione - Scollega Business Partner da Organizzazione - - - Consegna Bene Gestito Mensili - Riassunto Mensile Consegne Bene Gestito - - - Access Log - Log of Access to data or resources - - - Contatore Documento - Gestisce i tipi di contatore del Documento - - - Approvigionamento - Gestisce la domanda di Merci - - - Previsione Domanda - Gestisce le previsioni di domanda sui materiali per la gestione dell'approvvigionamento - - - Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento Materiale - - - Tipo Autorizzazione Restituzione Merci - Tipo Autorizzazione Restituzione Merci - - - Dettagli Conferme Aperte - Dettagli Conferme Spedizioni o Ricevimenti Aperte - - - Conferme Aperte - Conferme di Spedizioni o Ingresso Merci ancora Aperte - - - Process Audit - Audit process use - - - Conferma Movimentazione - Conferma Movimentazione Inventario - - - Stampa Dettagli di Formattazione - Il Report Stampa Dettagli di Formattazione - - - Importa Conferme - Importa Linee Conferma Entrate Merci/Spedizioni - - - Azzera Password - Azzera le Password per gli Utenti - - - Criterio SLA - Criterio Service Level Agreement (Livello di Gradimento del Servizio) - - - SLA per il Partner - Livello di Gradimento del Servizio - - - Schema Listino Prezzi - Gestione Schema Listino Prezzi - - - POS - Gestisce il Punto di Vendita Finale - - - Disposizione Chiave POS - Disposizione Funzione Chiave POS Point of Sale (Punto di Vendita) - - - Dettagli Ricevimento Merci - Informazioni Dettagli Ricevimento Merci - - - Dettagli Spedizioni - Informazioni sui Dettagli Spedizioni - - - Aggiornamento dell' Accesso del Ruolo - Aggiorna i permessi d' accesso di un ruolo o di più ruoli di una Azienda. - - - Annulla Allocazione Fatture - Annulla la Allocazione delle fatture nei pagamenti. - - - Allocazione Automatica - Allocazione Automatica delle fatture nei pagamenti - - - Registrazione Sistema - Registrazione Sistema - - - Riapplica personalizzazioni - Riapplica personalizzazioni - - - Dal Workflow al Client - Sposta i Workflow personalizzati nel Client/Azienda Corrente - - - Workflow - Compiere Workflow - - - Bilancio di verifica - Bilancio di verifica per esercizio o periodo - - - Inventario uso interno - Inventario uso interno - - - Conversione UdM Prodotto - Conversione UdM Prodotto - - - Stampa lettere solleciti - Stampa lettere solleciti su carta o PDF - - - Valida Business Partner - Valida Business Partner - - - Elabora gruppi di Ordini - Elabora gruppi di Ordini - - - Visualizzatore Archivio - View automatically archived Documents - - - Fatture non allocate - Fatture non allocate sui pagamenti - - - Pagamenti non allocati - Pagamenti non allocati - - - Dettagli Pagamenti - Dettagli Pagamenti - - - Importo Aperto Business Partner - Importo Aperto Business Partner - - - Dettagli Commisioni Correnti - Dettagli Commisioni Correnti - - - Sincronizza Traduzione Documenti - Synchronize Document Translation - - - Riferimenti dei Materiali - Riferimenti incrociati sull'uso dei Materiali - - - Fatturazione Batch - Fatture di spesa Batch - - - Finestra Utente - Definisce Finestra Utente Customization - - - Definizione EDI - Gestione Definizione EDI - - - Transazione EDI - - - - Costo prodotto - Gestisce il costo dei prodotti - - - Elemento di Costo - Gestisce gli elementi di Costo - - - Gestione Costi - Gestione Costi Produzione - - - Stato Richiesta - Stato Richiesta - - - Risposta standard Richiesta - Risposta standard Richiesta - - - Risoluzione Richiesta - Risoluzione Richiesta - - - Gruppo Richiesta - Gruppo Richiesta - - - Categoria Richiesta - Categoria Richiesta - - - Richieste - - - - Negozio Elettronico - Definisce il Negozio elettronico - - - Posizione - Gestione Posizioni di Lavoro - - - Categoria Posizione - Gestisce le Categorie di Posizioni di Lavoro - - - Remunerazione - Gestisce la remunerazione - - - Notifica Modifica Collegata - Gestisce la Notifica Modifica Collegata Distinta Base - - - Distinta Base - Gestisce la Distinta Base - - - Fatture per richieste - Crea Fatture per richieste - - - Notifica Modifica Generica - Gestisce la notifica di modifica generica non collegata alla Distinta Base - - - Pulizia Dati Inventario - Pulizia Dati Inventario - - - Fatture non incassate - Fatture non incassate (Profitti/Perdite) - - - Costi di Produzione - Costi di Produzione - - - Totale Costi di Produzione - Totale Costi di Produzione - - - Dettagli Costi di Produzione - Dettagli Costi di Produzione - - - Dettagli Ordine - Report di dettaglio degli Ordini - - - Dettagli Business Partner - Report Dettagli Business Partner - - - Serie Attributi di Istanza - Verifica Serie Attributi di Istanza - - - Crea Registrazione dei Costi - Crea Registrazione dei Costi - - - Dichiarazione Imposte - Definisce la Dichiarazione delle imposte - - - Gerarchia dei Report - Gerarchia dei Report - - - Crea Ordini di Acquisto dalle Richieste - Crea Ordini di Acquisto dalle Richieste - - - Controllo Budget - Controllo Budget - - - Controllo Fondi (Alpha) - Gestisce il Controllo dei Fondi - - - Report dei Problemi del Sistema - Report dei Porblemi automatico o manuale - - - Fatture Trimestrali per Prodotto - Fatture Trimestrali per Prodotto - - - Fatture per Prodotto e per Mese - Report Fatture per Prodotto e per Mese - - - Indicatori di Performance - Indicatori di Performance - - - Schema dei Colori delle Performance - Schema dei Colori delle Performance - - - Benchmark delle Performance - Benchmark delle Performance - - - Rapporti delle Performance - Rapporti delle Performance - - - Raccomandazioni sui Problemi - Raccomandazioni sui Problemi - - - Stato dei Problemi - Stato dei Problemi - - - Problema Conosciuto - Problema Conosciuto - - - Problemi del Progetto - Problemi del Progetto - - - Utente del Problema - Utente che ha avuto ilProblema - - - Sistema per la gestione dei Problemi - Sistema per la gestione dei Problemi - - + + + + + + Interrogazione/Elaborazione Fatture + + + + Compito (Task) + Gestione compiti (Tasks) + + + Valuta + Gestione Valuta + + + Tasso di Conversione + Gestione tassi di conversione valuta + + + Esercizi + Gestione Esercizi + + + Piano dei Conti + Gestione Elementi Contabili + + + Combinazione Conto + Gestione Combinazioni di Conto valido + + + Unità di Misura + Gestione Unità di Misura + + + Indirizzo + Gestione Indirizzo + + + Paese, Regione e Provincia + Gestione Paesi, Regioni e Provincia + + + Business Partner + Gestione Business Partners + + + Schema contabile + Gestione Schema contabile - Per rendere effettive le modifiche devi re-login + + + Test + Test Screen + + + Allegato + Gestione Allegati + + + Preferenza + Gestione Org. Sistema Client e Preferenze Utente + + + Progetto (Servizio) + Gestione Progetti + + + Categoria Contabile + Gestione Categorie di contabilità generale + + + Prime Note + Inserisce e modifica Entrate Manuali del Libro Giornale come prime note + + + Attività (ABC) + Gestione attività per Activity Based Costing + + + Tipo Documento + Gestione Tipi Documento + + + Aliquota d'Imposta + Gestione Imposte e loro aliquote + + + Categorie imposte + Gestione Categorie imposte + + + Magazzino e Aree Stoccaggio + Gestione Magazzino e Aree Stoccaggio + + + Prodotto + Gestione Prodotti + + + Termini di pagamento + Gestione Termini di pagamento + + + Spedizioniere + Gestione Spedizionieri + + + Ordine di Vendita + Inserisci e Modifica Ordini di Vendita + + + Categoria Prodotto + Gestione Categorie Prodotto + + + Listino Prezzi + Gestione Listino Prezzi Prodotto + + + Pianificazione fatturazione + Gestione Pianificazione fatturazione + + + Campagna di Marketing + Gestione Campagne di Marketing + + + Budget CG + Gestione Budgets di contabilità generale + + + Canale di Marketing + Gestione Canali di Marketing + + + Regione Vendite + Gestione Regioni Vendite + + + Elemento + Gestione Elementi dei campi + + + Tabella e Colonna + Gestione Tabelle e Colonne + + + Riferimento + Gestione Riferimenti di Sistema + + + Finestre, Tab & Campi + Gestione Finestre, Tab & Campi + + + Convalida Regole + Gestione Convalida dinamica Regole per colonne e campi + + + Messaggio + Gestione Informazioni e Messaggi d'Errore + + + Menu + Gestione Menu + + + Lingua + Gestione Lingue + + + Utente + Gestione Utenti del sistema + + + Azienda (Client) + Gestione Aziende + + + Organizzazione + Gestione Organizzazioni + + + Ruolo + Gestione Responsabilità Utente + + + Sequenza Documento + Gestione Sistema e Sequenze del Documento + + + Workflow + Gestione Workflow + + + Dizionario della Applicazione + Gestione del dizionario del applicativo + + + Configurazione Generale + + + + Configurazione Azienda + Gestione delle Regole dell'Azienda + + + Dati + Gestione dati + + + Misurazione della Performance + + + + Utilità + Utilità + + + Gestione del Progetto + + + + Configurazione del Sistema + Regole generali di sistema + + + Importazione Dati + + + + Impostazioni Contabilità + + + + Impostazioni Business Partner + + + + Ciclo Attivo (OTC) + + + + Impostazioni Materiali + + + + Elenco Dati Contabili + Elenco dei Dati contabili + + + Albero e Immagine Nodo + Gestione definizione albero + + + Banca + Gestione Banca + + + Sollecito + Gestione livelli di sollecito + + + Ritenute + + + + Addebiti + Gestione Addebiti + + + Impostazioni Organizzazione + + + + Report & Processi + Gestisci Reports & Processi + + + Fattura (Cliente) + Inserimento Fattura Cliente + + + Inventario Fisico + Immessione Inventario fisico + + + Spedizioni (Cliente) + Spedizioni Inventario Cliente e Resi Cliente(Customer Inventory Shipments Customer Returns) + + + Movimentazione Scorte + Movimentazione Scorte + + + Gestione Materiali + + + + Importazione Business Partner + Importazione Business Partner + + + Riconoscimento Ricavo + Regole riconoscimento ricavo + + + Inventario perpetuo + Gestione Regole Inventario Perpetuo + + + Dettagli Fornitore + Gestione Dettagli Fornitore + + + Titoli + Gestione Titoli + + + Generare Fatture + Genera e stampa Fatture. + + + Generare Spedizioni + + + + Transazioni Ordine + Report delle transazioni dell'Ordine di Vendita + + + Ordini Aperti + + + + Report di ri-approvigionamento magazzino + Report di ri-approvigionamento magazzino + + + Totali Transazioni di Prodotto + Totali Transazioni di Prodotto + + + Elaboratore Richieste + Definizione Elaboratore Richieste + + + Vista Report + Gestione Viste del Report + + + Transazioni di Fatturazione + + + + Ciclo Passivo (PTP) + + + + Entrata Merci + Entrata merci + + + Ordine di Acquisto + Gestione Ordini di Acquisto + + + Fattura (Fornitore) + Inserimento Fattura Fornitore + + + Fatture per Giorno + + + + Fatture per Mese + + + + Fatture per Prodotto per Mese + + + + Fatture per Prodotto per Settimana + + + + Fatture per Fornitore per Mese + + + + Fatture per Settimana + + + + Form + Forms Speciali + + + Creazione fatture (manuale) + Selezione e creazione fatture + + + Administrazione del Sistema + + + + Configurazione progetto + Configurazione dei progetti e rendiconto dei progetti + + + Versione Java + Mostra la versione del default di Java VM + + + Messaggio d'Errore + Visualizza Messaggi d'Errore + + + Formati di Importazione + Gestione Formati di Importazione + + + Importazione Dati da FIle + Caricamento flat file nelle tabelle d'importazione + + + Configurazione lingua + Configura un nuovo lingua e traduce gli elementi. + + + Impostazione iniziale del client + Impostazione iniziale del client + + + Tire Storage + Maintain storage of tires + + + Selezione Fornitore + Prodotti con più di un fornitore + + + Produzione + Produzione basata sulle Distinte Base + + + Operazioni relative ai materiali + Operazioni relative ai materiali + + + Fatture per Prodotto per Trimestre + + + + Fatture Cliente per Fornitore per Trimestre + + + + Gruppo Business Partner + Gestione gruppi di Business Partner + + + Avviso + Mostra Sistema Avvisi + + + Estratto Conto Bancario + Elaborare estratti conto bancario + + + Pagamento + Elabora pagamenti + + + Partite Aperte + + + + Richiesta + Lavora sulle tue richieste + + + Gestione Email + Gestione Modello Email + + + Attributi Customizzati + Gestione attributi customizzati delle entità + + + Libro Cassa + Gestione Libro Cassa + + + Giornale di Cassa + Transazioni di Cassa + + + Partite Aperte + Elenco delle Partite Aperte + + + Pagamenti non Effettuati + Pagamenti non effettuati + + + Imputazione Pagamenti + Imputazione incassi e pagamenti + + + Imputazione dei pagamenti + Pagamento - Fattura - Allocazioni + + + Gruppo Campo + Definisci Gruppo Campo + + + Annullamento Imputazione + Annullamento Imputazione + + + Totali Fatture + + + + Dettagli Fatture + + + + Creazione Addebiti + Creazione Addebiti dai conti originari + + + Pagamento Fatture + Seleziona le Fatture per il Pagamento + + + Valore di Transazione del Prodotto + Valore di Transazione del Prodotto + + + Commissioni + Gestione Commissioni e Royalties + + + Reporting del Progetto + Gestione Cicli di Reporting del Progetto + + + Totali Stato del Progetto + Stato del Progetto nel Ciclo deo Progetto + + + Rivisione configurazione iniziale del client + Rivisione configurazione iniziale del client + + + Relazioni con i Partners + Relazioni del cliente e gestione del Partner + + + Elaborazione Commissione + Controlla e modifica le Commissioni + + + Configurazione Contabilità + Revisiona e cambia l'inserimento contabilità + + + Configurazione business partner + Inserimento Regole del Business Partner + + + Configurazione listini + Definizione dei Listini Prezzi e degli Sconti + + + Configurazione prodotti + Inserimento Prodotti + + + Configurazione vendite + Configurazione vendite + + + Configurazione imposte + Configurazione calcolo delle imposte + + + Servizi + Gestione Servizi + + + Impostazioni Vendita e Marketing + + + + Obiettivo Performance + Definiscce Obiettivo della Performance + + + Calcolo Misure Performance + Definire come calcolare la performance + + + Configurazione indicatori di perfomance + Configurazione indicatori di perfomance + + + Contabilità e Controllo di Gestione + + + + Misurazione Performance + Definisci le Misure di Performance + + + Reporting Finanziario + + + + Report Finanziari + Gestisci Reports finanziari + + + Inserimento Colonna Report + Gestione Inserimenti Colonne Report finanziario + + + Inserimento Linee del Report + Gestione Inserimenti Linee Report finanziario + + + Livello Servizio + Gestione Livelli Servizio + + + Pagamento Fatture (manuale) + Pagamento Manuale delle Fatture + + + Stampa/esportazione pagamento + Stampa/esportazione pagamenti + + + Dettagli Libro Cassa + Informazioni sui dettagli del Libro Cassa + + + Esporta il Database + Esporta (salva) il database + + + Trova (uso indiretto) + Trova Dialogo (uso indiretto) Find Dialog (indirect use) + + + Transazioni di Materiale (uso indiretto) + Transazioni di Materiale (uso indiretto) + + + Form di Stampa + Gestione Form di Stampa (Fatture, Assegni, ..) + + + Colore Sistema + Gestione Colori del Sistema + + + Desktop + Gestione Desktop + + + Immagine Sistema + Gestione immagini + + + Workbench + Gestione Workbench + + + Vendite + + + + Trasferimento Database + Trasferisce il database + + + Sincronizzazione Terminologia + Sincronizza la terminologia all'interno del sistema + + + Storno Crediti + Storno dei Crediti non esigibili + + + Rielaborazione Registrazioni + Rielaborazione registrazioni di documenti in errore + + + Azzeramento Contabilità + Azzera le registrazioni contabili + + + Richiesta tutto + Mostra e lavora a tutte le richieste + + + Cofigurazione richieste + Configurazione richieste del cliente + + + Schema della Scontistica + Gestione Schema della scontistica + + + Report Valutazione Inventario + Report Valutazione Inventario + + + Abbinamento Ordine d'Acquisto-Entrata Merci-Fattura + Abbinamento Ordine d'acquisto-Entrata Merci-fattura + + + Aggiornamento dei Costi del Prodotto + Inserisci costi futuri e costi standard. + + + Report Costo dei Prodotti + Report Costo dei Prodotti + + + Fatture Abbinate + Visualizzare Fatture abbinate + + + Ordini di Acquisto Abbinati + Mostra Ordini di acquisto abbinati + + + Tipo Spese + Gestione Tipi Spese del Report + + + Report Ore e Spese + Report Ore e Spese + + + Risorsa + Gestione Risorsa + + + Tipo Risorse + Gestione Tipi Risorsa + + + Ricompilare Oggetti DB + Ricompilare Oggetti del Databases + + + Formato Stampa + Gestione Formato Stampa + + + Carattere Stampa + Gestione Carattere Stampa + + + Colori di Stampa + Gestionie Colori di Stampa + + + Carta per Stampa + Gestione Carta per Stampa + + + Stampa + Definizione stampa + + + Spese (da fatturare) + Mostra spese e addebiti non fatturati al cliente + + + Creare Ordine di Vendita dalle Spese + Creare Ordine di Vendita per il Cliente dai Report di spesa + + + Creare Fatture da Spese + Creare Fatture da Spese + + + Stampa Formato Tabella + Definisce il Formato Tabella del Report + + + Tipo Richiesta + Gestione Tipi Richiesta + + + Area di Interesse + Area di Interesse o Topic + + + Sistema + Definizione Sistema + + + Generare Ordine di Acquisto dall'Ordine di Vendita + Creare l'Ordine di Acquisto dall'Ordine di Vendita + + + Traduzione Importazione/esportazione + Traduzione lingua di importazione/esportazione + + + Riaprire Richiesta + Riaprire richieste chiuse + + + Importazione Linee del Report + Importazione Linee del Report + + + Importazione Conto + Importa Valori di Conto Naturali + + + Importazione Prodotti + Importazione Prodotti + + + Traduzione Lingua + Controlla Traduzione Lingua + + + Bene Gestito + Bene usato internamente o dai clienti + + + Gruppo Bene Gestito + Gruppo Bene Gestito + + + Formazione + Formazione Ripetuta + + + Bene Gestito + + + + Creazione Documenti di Spedizione (manuale) + Creazione Documenti di Spedizione (manuale) + + + Stampare Fatture + Stampare Fatture su carta o invia PDF + + + Consegnare Beni Gestiti + Consegnare beni gestiti elettronicamente + + + Spese da Rimborsare + Mostra Spese e addebiti non rimborsati + + + Estratto Conto + Report di Estratto Conto con Saldo e Transazioni + + + Manutenzione Password + Manutenzione Passwords + + + Quadratura Giornaliera + Query sulla quadratura giornaliera + + + Serie di Attributi + Gestione Serie di attributi + + + Controllo Numero di Serie + Controllo numero di serie per prodotto + + + Controllo Lotto + Controllo lotto per prodotto + + + Lotto + Lotto + + + Attributi Prodotto + + + + Attributo di Ricerca + Attributo di ricerca + + + Attributo + Attributo del Prodotto + + + Fatture di Addebitamento Fornitore + Fatture di addebitamento Fornitore + + + Documento Ricorrente + Documento Ricorrente + + + Ruolo di Accesso + Gestione le regole di accesso dati + + + Importazione Inventario + Importazione le transazione di inventario + + + Tipo di Progetto + Gestione Tipo di Progetto e Fase + + + Stampa dell'Etichetta + Formato di Stampa dell'Etichetta + + + Sessione + Elenco delle sessioni utente + + + Sicurezza + + + + Log Modifiche + Log delle modifiche ai dati + + + Tipo di Tempo + Maintain Time Recording Type + + + Tipo di Costo + Maintain Cost Types + + + Annuncio + Annuncio Web + + + Web + + + + Importazione Estratto Conto Bancario + Importazione Estratto Conto Bancario + + + Importazione Pagementi + Importazione Pagementi + + + Click + Maintain Web Click + + + Importazione Ordini + Importazione Ordini + + + Pianificazione Pagamento Fatture + Maintain Invoice Payment Schedule + + + Importazione Gornali + Importazione Giornali Contabilità Generale + + + Avviso + Avviso Compiere + + + Contatore Web + Contatore Web + + + Categoria Spese di Trasporto + Gestione le catagorie Spese di Trasporto + + + Importazione Fatture + Importazione Fatture + + + Azzeramento Cache + Azzeramento Cache del Sistema ** Chiudere tutte le finestre prima di procedere ** + + + Dimensioni Contabili + Maintain Non-Account Dimension Trees + + + Replicazione + Getione i Target della Replicazione + + + Strategia di Replicazione + Gestione della strategia di replicazione + + + Progetto (Ordine di Lavoro) + Administrazione Progetti di Ordine di Vendita ed Ordine di Lavoro + + + Base di Conoscenza + Gestione Base di Conoscenza + + + Categoria di Conoscenza + Gestione le categorie e valori di conoscenza + + + Sinonimo di Conoscenza + Sinonimo per le parole chiave di conoscenza + + + Fonte di Conoscenza + Fonte delle immessione di conoscenza + + + Conoscenza + + + + Aggiornamento Bilancio Contabile + Aggiorna quotidianamente i bilanci contabili + + + Informazioni Business Partner + Informazione Business Partner + + + Setup Replicazione + Impostazione Replicazione + + + Inviare Email + Invia Email a gli iscritti di un'area di interesse o a un Gruppo di Business Partner + + + Fusione Entità + Fusione da Entità ad Entità - Cancella da + + + Report Ciclo del Progetto + Report Progetti basato sul Ciclo del Progetto + + + Bene Gestito Cliente + Report del Bene Gestito dal Cliente con Conto Consegna + + + Consegnare Bene Gestito + Report di Consegna del Bene Gestito + + + Attribuire al Progetto + Addebita Materiale al Progetto a partire da una Ricevuta o da un Inventario Manuale + + + Generare Ordini di Acquisto dal Progetto + Generare Ordini di Acquisto da Righe Progetto + + + Report Dettagli Contabili del Progetto + + + + Righe di Progetti non Attribuiti + Elenca le Linee del Progetto di un Ordine di Lavorazione o di un Progetto per un determinato Bene, che non sono correlati al Progetto + + + Ordini di Acquisto Progetto non Attribuiti + Elenca le Linee di Progetto con gli Ordini di Acquisto generati di un Ordine di Lavoro o di un Progetto per un Bene Gestito + + + Ricalcola Prezzi Ordine/Fattura + Ricalcola i prezzi basandosi sulla ultima versione del listino prezzi di un Ordine aperto o di una Fattura + + + Conversione Preventivi + Converte una Quotazione o un Preventivo in un Ordine di vendita + + + Stampante Etichette + Gestisce la stampa delle etichette + + + Verifica Tipi Documenti + Verifica Tipi Documenti + + + Margine Progetto + Linee di Ordoini di lavoro del progetto 8Ricavi pianificati) vs. Costi di progetto + + + Dettagli scorte + Report di dettaglio sulle scorte + + + Dettagli transazioni + Report di dettaglio sulle transazioni + + + Lista Crediti + Report Lista Crediti + + + Informazioni Agente + Informazioni Agente Commerciale + + + Clicks Mensili + Clicks per Mese + + + Clicks non Processati + Clicks non Processati + + + Documenti non Registrati + Documenti non Registrati + + + Tipo Cambio Valuta + Gestisce i tipi di tasso di conversione valuta + + + Punto di Vendita Finale + Punto di Vendita + + + Organizzazione Business Partner + Configura e verifica l'organizzazione dei Business Partner + + + Organizzazione Prodotto + Configura e verifica l'organizzazione del Prodotto + + + Organizzazione Magazzino + Verifica l'organizzazione e la struttura del Magazzino + + + Importa Estratto Conto + Importa Estratto Conto + + + Elimina Dati Importati + Elimina Dati Importati + + + Importazioni Tassi Conversione Valuta + Importazioni Tassi Conversione Valuta + + + Esplosione Distinta Base + Inserisce (esplosa) la distinta base in Ordine o Fattura + + + Responsabile del Workflow + Responsabile per l'esecuzione del Workflow + + + Processo + Gestisce i processi del Workflow + + + Attività di Workflow (Tutte) + Gestisce tutte le attività dei workflow + + + Registrazione attributi + Attributi di Bene Gestito + + + Registrazione + Registrazione Utenti Bene Gestito + + + Registro IVA e Imposte + Registro IVA e Imposte + + + Libro Giornale + Report sui dettagli contabili + + + Eventi contabili per data + Eventi contabili aggregati per data + + + Eventi contabili per periodo contabile + Eventi contabili per periodo contabile + + + Riapertura Ordini + Riapre gli Ordini precedentemente chiusi + + + Quadratura Estratto Conto + Algorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments + + + Gruppo Pagamenti + Elabora i pagamenti per i bonifici + + + Elaboratore dei Workflow + Maintain Workflow Processor and Logs + + + Elaboratore Contabilità + Elaboratore Contabilità e Log + + + Tipo Organizzazione + Gestisce i Tipi di Organizzazione + + + Acquirente + Gestisce le informazioni dell'acquirente + + + Venditore + Gestisce le informazioni dell'acquirente d'asta + + + Packaging + Gestisce Spedizioni Pacchi + + + Lista di Distribuzione + Gestisce Liste di Distribuzione + + + Elaboratore Allarmi + Maintain Alert Processor/Server Parameter and Logs + + + Argomento dell'Offerta + Argomento dell'Offerta dell'asta + + + Tipo Prenotazione + Gestisce i vari tipi di prenotazione + + + Prenotazioni + Gestisce le Prenotazioni e le Consegne + + + Scheduler + Maintain Schedule Processes and Logs + + + Relazioni tra Partner + Gestisce le relazioni tra Business Partner + + + Argomento della Richiesta + Gestisce l'Argomento della Richiesta e gli iscritti + + + Argomento dell'Asta + Gestisce i tipi di Argomento d'asta e le categorie + + + Richiesta Quotazione + Gestisce Richiesta Quotazione + + + Restituzione Merci + Gestisce le Autorizzazioni di Restituzione Merci + + + Server + Compiere Server Maintenance + + + Ordini di Vendita + + + + Fatture di Vendita + + + + Consegne + + + + Gestione Mercati + + + + Controllo Sequenza + Controlla le Sequenze dei Documenti e del Sistema + + + Elaborazione Sollecito + Elaborazione Sollecito + + + Richieste + Richieste di Materiale + + + Distribuzione del Mastro + Distribuzione del Mastro + + + Gestione Albero + Gestisce gli Alberi + + + Risposta Richiesta Quotazione + Gestisce la Risposta Richiesta Quotazione + + + Risposte alla Richiesta Quotazione + Dettagli sulla Risposta alla Richiesta Quotazione + + + Richieste senza Risposta + Richieste senza Risposta + + + Editor di Workflow + Editor di Workflow + + + Attività di Workflow + Attività di Workflow Attive + + + Richieste Aperte + Dettagli sulle Richieste di Quotazione + + + Elabora Distribuzioni + Crea Ordini per distribuire prodotti a liste di Business Partner + + + Scollega Business Partner da Organizzazione + Scollega Business Partner da Organizzazione + + + Consegna Bene Gestito Mensili + Riassunto Mensile Consegne Bene Gestito + + + Access Log + Log of Access to data or resources + + + Contatore Documento + Gestisce i tipi di contatore del Documento + + + Approvigionamento + Gestisce la domanda di Merci + + + Previsione Domanda + Gestisce le previsioni di domanda sui materiali per la gestione dell'approvvigionamento + + + Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento Materiale + + + Tipo Autorizzazione Restituzione Merci + Tipo Autorizzazione Restituzione Merci + + + Dettagli Conferme Aperte + Dettagli Conferme Spedizioni o Ricevimenti Aperte + + + Conferme Aperte + Conferme di Spedizioni o Ingresso Merci ancora Aperte + + + Process Audit + Audit process use + + + Conferma Movimentazione + Conferma Movimentazione Inventario + + + Stampa Dettagli di Formattazione + Il Report Stampa Dettagli di Formattazione + + + Importa Conferme + Importa Linee Conferma Entrate Merci/Spedizioni + + + Azzera Password + Azzera le Password per gli Utenti + + + Criterio SLA + Criterio Service Level Agreement (Livello di Gradimento del Servizio) + + + SLA per il Partner + Livello di Gradimento del Servizio + + + Schema Listino Prezzi + Gestione Schema Listino Prezzi + + + POS + Gestisce il Punto di Vendita Finale + + + Disposizione Chiave POS + Disposizione Funzione Chiave POS Point of Sale (Punto di Vendita) + + + Dettagli Ricevimento Merci + Informazioni Dettagli Ricevimento Merci + + + Dettagli Spedizioni + Informazioni sui Dettagli Spedizioni + + + Aggiornamento dell' Accesso del Ruolo + Aggiorna i permessi d' accesso di un ruolo o di più ruoli di una Azienda. + + + Annulla Allocazione Fatture + Annulla la Allocazione delle fatture nei pagamenti. + + + Allocazione Automatica + Allocazione Automatica delle fatture nei pagamenti + + + Registrazione Sistema + Registrazione Sistema + + + Riapplica personalizzazioni + Riapplica personalizzazioni + + + Dal Workflow al Client + Sposta i Workflow personalizzati nel Client/Azienda Corrente + + + Workflow + Compiere Workflow + + + Bilancio di verifica + Bilancio di verifica per esercizio o periodo + + + Inventario uso interno + Inventario uso interno + + + Conversione UdM Prodotto + Conversione UdM Prodotto + + + Stampa lettere solleciti + Stampa lettere solleciti su carta o PDF + + + Valida Business Partner + Valida Business Partner + + + Elabora gruppi di Ordini + Elabora gruppi di Ordini + + + Visualizzatore Archivio + View automatically archived Documents + + + Fatture non allocate + Fatture non allocate sui pagamenti + + + Pagamenti non allocati + Pagamenti non allocati + + + Dettagli Pagamenti + Dettagli Pagamenti + + + Importo Aperto Business Partner + Importo Aperto Business Partner + + + Dettagli Commisioni Correnti + Dettagli Commisioni Correnti + + + Sincronizza Traduzione Documenti + Synchronize Document Translation + + + Riferimenti dei Materiali + Riferimenti incrociati sull'uso dei Materiali + + + Fatturazione Batch + Fatture di spesa Batch + + + Finestra Utente + Definisce Finestra Utente Customization + + + Definizione EDI + Gestione Definizione EDI + + + Transazione EDI + + + + Costo prodotto + Gestisce il costo dei prodotti + + + Elemento di Costo + Gestisce gli elementi di Costo + + + Gestione Costi + Gestione Costi Produzione + + + Stato Richiesta + Stato Richiesta + + + Risposta standard Richiesta + Risposta standard Richiesta + + + Risoluzione Richiesta + Risoluzione Richiesta + + + Gruppo Richiesta + Gruppo Richiesta + + + Categoria Richiesta + Categoria Richiesta + + + Richieste + + + + Negozio Elettronico + Definisce il Negozio elettronico + + + Posizione + Gestione Posizioni di Lavoro + + + Categoria Posizione + Gestisce le Categorie di Posizioni di Lavoro + + + Remunerazione + Gestisce la remunerazione + + + Notifica Modifica Collegata + Gestisce la Notifica Modifica Collegata Distinta Base + + + Distinta Base + Gestisce la Distinta Base + + + Fatture per richieste + Crea Fatture per richieste + + + Notifica Modifica Generica + Gestisce la notifica di modifica generica non collegata alla Distinta Base + + + Pulizia Dati Inventario + Pulizia Dati Inventario + + + Fatture non incassate + Fatture non incassate (Profitti/Perdite) + + + Costi di Produzione + Costi di Produzione + + + Totale Costi di Produzione + Totale Costi di Produzione + + + Dettagli Costi di Produzione + Dettagli Costi di Produzione + + + Dettagli Ordine + Report di dettaglio degli Ordini + + + Dettagli Business Partner + Report Dettagli Business Partner + + + Serie Attributi di Istanza + Verifica Serie Attributi di Istanza + + + Crea Registrazione dei Costi + Crea Registrazione dei Costi + + + Dichiarazione Imposte + Definisce la Dichiarazione delle imposte + + + Gerarchia dei Report + Gerarchia dei Report + + + Crea Ordini di Acquisto dalle Richieste + Crea Ordini di Acquisto dalle Richieste + + + Controllo Budget + Controllo Budget + + + Controllo Fondi (Alpha) + Gestisce il Controllo dei Fondi + + + Report dei Problemi del Sistema + Report dei Porblemi automatico o manuale + + + Fatture Trimestrali per Prodotto + Fatture Trimestrali per Prodotto + + + Fatture per Prodotto e per Mese + Report Fatture per Prodotto e per Mese + + + Indicatori di Performance + Indicatori di Performance + + + Schema dei Colori delle Performance + Schema dei Colori delle Performance + + + Benchmark delle Performance + Benchmark delle Performance + + + Rapporti delle Performance + Rapporti delle Performance + + + Raccomandazioni sui Problemi + Raccomandazioni sui Problemi + + + Stato dei Problemi + Stato dei Problemi + + + Problema Conosciuto + Problema Conosciuto + + + Problemi del Progetto + Problemi del Progetto + + + Utente del Problema + Utente che ha avuto ilProblema + + + Sistema per la gestione dei Problemi + Sistema per la gestione dei Problemi + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/AD_Message_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/AD_Message_Trl_it_IT.xml index a9ab9f48e9..9590510aa7 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/AD_Message_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/AD_Message_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,3079 +1,3079 @@ - - - - - - Zero - - - - Uno - - - - Scade - - - - Tre - - - - Quattro - - - - Cinque - - - - Sei - - - - Sette - - - - Otto - - - - Nove - - - - Circa - - - - Accesso - - - - Non si può cambiare il record - L'utente non dispone i privilegi necessari per modificare il record - - - Non si può cancellare questo record - L'utente non dispone i privilegi necessari per cancellare il record - - - Non si può inserire un record - L'utente non dispone i privilegi necessari per inserire il record - - - Non si può modificare il record - L'utente non dispone i privilegi necessari per modificare il record - - - Dati del Client & Organizzazione - - - - Non si possono cancellare i record di questo file per motivi di audit - Se non è una transazione, si può disattivare il record se si lascia il checkbox 'attivo' vuoto. - - - Dati di Organizzazione - - - - Dati Condivisi - - - - Dati del Sistema - - - - Dati del Sistema & Client - - - - Con l'attuale ruolo, non è possibile aggiornare queste informazioni - - - - Con l'attuale ruolo ed impostazione, non è possibile visualizzare queste informazioni - - - - © Jorg Janke - ComPiere, Inc. 1999-2002 - -Versione Compilata e Tradotta da Anthas Consulting Ltd - http://www.compiere.org - - - 40 Old Tannery Rd Monroe CT 06460 USA - Phone (203) 445-8182 - - - Compiere Online - - - - Combinazione - - - - Creare un nuovo conto o aggiornare il nome alternativo - - - - Conto non aggiornato - - - - Informazioni sui Conti - - - - Questa azione non è consentita in questo contesto - - - - Questa azione non è supportata - - - - Indirizzo - - - - Avanzato - - - - Nome alternativo - - - - Tutti i record - - - - Preferisce selezionare una fattura ed il pagamento da abbinare ed elaborali uno alla volta - - - - Il record non può essere modificato - - - - Importo - - - - Importo esigibile - - - - Importo del pagamento - - - - Importo Da - - - - Importo A - - - - Applicazione - - - - Applicato - - - - Al primo record - - - - All'ultimo record - - - - Allegato - - - - Vuoi cancellare questo allegato? - - - - Seleziona un file da allegare a questa entità - - - - Allegato non trovato - - - - Non è possibile aggiungere un allegato a questa entità - Un allegato deve avere un singolo chiave. Questa entità è probabilmente una associazione (con due chiavi) o una entità senza un chiave numerico unico. - - - Calcolo automatico - - - - Salvataggio automatico - Salvataggio automatico dei dati - - - Login automatico - Effettuare il login con l'utente attuale in automatico - - - Scelte disponibili - - - - Business Partner non trovato - - - - Business Partner non salvato - - - - Aggiungi alla barra - - - - Grafico a Barre - - - - Rimuovere dalla barra - - - - Business Partner - - - - Calcolatrice - - - - Calendario - - - - Elimina - - - - Elimina query - - - - Il tipo documento non può essere cambiato - - - - Questo record non può essere cancellato, si prega renderlo inattivo. - - - - Le transazioni completate non possono essere cancellate - - - - Modifica il Libro di cassa di default ignorato. - Si prega di modificare il libro di cassa solo dopo aver completato la transazione - - - - Addebito creato - - - - Creare addebito dal conto - - - - Generare addebiti - - - - Creare conto e addebito - - - - Addebito non creato - - - - Città - - - - Azienda Client - - - - Servizi condivisi - - - - Chiudere la Finestra - - - - Combinazione - - - - Collegamento - - - - Contatto - - - - L'importo di controllo è diverso dal Saldo - - - - Errore nell'esecuzione della routine di conversione valute - - - - Convertito - - - - Copiato - - - - Copiare il record - - - - Modificare i record copiati e salvare o ignorare - - - - Non è possibile copiare - - - - Nazione - - - - Creare - - - - Creare nuovo record - - - - Creato - - - - Il formato della data di scadenza della carta di credito deve essere "MMYY" - - - - E' invalido il mese della data di scadenza della carta di credito - - - - E' invalido l'anno della data di scadenza della carta di credito - - - - La carta di credito è scaduta - - - - Numero della carta di credito non valido - - - - Sembra essere un problema con il numero della carta di credito. Si vuole continuare? - - - - Il codice di verifica della carta di credito non è corretto - Il codice di verifica dell'AMEX è composto da 4 caratteri e si trova al di sotto del numero della carta di credito. Sulle altre carte di credito è un numero composto da 3 caratteri stampato sul campo della firma dopo il numero della carta di credito. - - - Nota: Oltre il limite di credito - - - - Conversione Valuta - - - - Impostazione Attuale - - - - Personalizzare - - - - Errore del Database - - - - Dati aggiornati dal database - - - - Database - - - - Data - - - - Data Da - - - - Data A - - - - Livello di Debug - - - - Errore di Default - - - - Cancellare record - - - - Il record non può essere cancellato: - - - - Record non cancellato - E' stato trovato un record dipendente - - - - Vuole cancellare il record? - - - - Cancellato - - - - Descrizione - - - - Record di dettaglio - - - - Differenza - - - - Sconto Commerciale - - - - Data dello sconto - - - - Categoria Scontonon valido (sopra o sotto 100) - - - - Visualizzare le Informazioni del Documento - - - - Visualizzare Quantità - - - - Visualizzare le Informazioni (Fonte) di Partenza - - - - Il documento sta per essere elaborato - - - - Copia - - - - Drill - - - - EFT - - - - Email - - - - Email al supporto - - - - &Modifica - - - - Editore - - - - Chiudere la Finestra - - - - Inserire Query - - - - Inserire il testo da cercare - - - - Ambiente - - - - Errore: - - - - Eseguire Query - - - - Chiudere la Applicazione - - - - Chiudere l'applicazione? - - - - Espandere tutto - - - - Espandere l'Albero - - - - Spese - - - - Scadenza (MMAA) - - - - Esportare - - - - Esportare in Excel - - - - Esportare i Record - - - - Elaborazione Fallita: - - - - Campo - - - - &File - - - - Excel CSV file - - - - Il file non può essere creato - - - - HTML file - - - - Importare Caricatore del File - - - - <Seleziona File da caricare> - - - - Selezionare il File da caricare - attenzione di seguire il formato di importazione - - - - Selezionare un formato di iimportazione - - - - Righe nel file/caricate e pronte per essere importate: - - - - Estensione del file non valida - - - - File PDF - - - - File Postscript - - - - RTF file - - - - File di testo - - - - Errore nella scrittura del file - - - - XML file - - - - Compilare i campi obbligatori: - - - - Trova record - - - - Colonne disponibili - - - - Seleziona le colonne e ordinale - - - - Colonne selezionate - - - - Personalizzare Trova - - - - Seleziona una riga o inserire un criterio di ricerca - - - - Inserire i criteri della query con, la opzionale % wildcard (case insentitive) - - - - Nessun record trovato - - - - Primo record - - - - Prima pagina - - - - Da - - - - Funzione di CallOut non trovata - - - - Errore Funzione di CallOut - - - - Generare - - - - &Vai - - - - Andare alla Pagina - - - - Colonna per nome (X-Axis) - - - - Saluto - - - - Riassumere - - - - Raggruppato per - - - - Testata - - - - &Aiuto - - - - I Record Storici - - - - Menu - - - - Host - - - - Ignorare le modifiche - - - - Le modifiche non possono essere ignorate - - - - Modifiche ignorate - - - - Informazioni - - - - Informazioni Conto - - - - Informazioni Business Partner - - - - Informazioni Spedizioni - - - - Informazioni Fatture - - - - Informazioni Ordini - - - - Informazione Pagamenti - - - - Informazioni Prodotto - - - - Inserito - - - - Generare Fatture (manuale) - - - - Generazione delle fatture - - - - Le fatture sono generate in base alle "Regole di Fatturazione" selezionate nell'ordine - - - - Seleziona spedizioni dalle quali generare fatture - - - - Uno o più prodotti compaiono più di una volta nella lista di conteggio. Righe disattivate - - - - Fattura - - - - Entrata merce (spedizione) già esistenti per questa fattura - - - - Il documento deve essere prima completato - - - - Inserire item - - - - Sposta Item - - - - Ultimo record - - - - Ultima pagina - - - - Lunghezza - - - - Livello - - - - Caricare - - - - Caricamento… - - - - Ubicazione/Indirizzo - - - - Inserire nuova ubicazione/indirizzo - - - - Modificare Ubicazione/indirizzo - - - - Login - - - - Login (success) - - - - Margine - - - - Abbinare Da - - - - Modalità di Ricerca - - - - Abbinare A - - - - Abbinati - - - - Abbinamento - - - - Menu - - - - Andare al Menu - - - - Il menu non può caricare - - - - Messaggio non inviato. - -Problema: - - - - Messaggio inviato - - - - Messaggi - - - - Passa alla visualizzazione a Griglia - - - - Multi-Valuta - - - - d - - - - Nome - - - - Navigare - - - - Navigare o modificare il record - - - - <Query attiva> Navigare o modificare record - - - - Nuovo record - - - - Inserirei dati per un nuovo record e salvare o ignorare - - - - Non è possibile aggiungere un nuovo record - - - - Nuovo Valore - - - - Record Successivo - - - - Pagina Successiva - - - - Non è stato trovato il successivo numero della sequenza - Contattare l'amministratore del sistema - - - No - - - - Messaggio non Trovato - - - - Numero di Righe - - - - Numero dei Pagamenti - - - - Nessun record trovato; inserire dati per un nuovo record - - - - Non sono state trovate valide informazioni contabili - - - - Non attivo - - - - Inventario non è sufficiente - - - - *Non trovato* - - - - Non Abbinati - - - - Non unico - - - - Numero delle righe per colonne - - - - OK - - - - Mostra le transazioni vecchie/completate - - - - Valore vecchio - - - - Online - - - - Solo Clienti - - - - Solo fatture da Pagare - - - - Solo Fornitori - - - - Aperto - - - - Aperto - - - - Opzioni - - - - Ordine Per - - - - {0} Linea(e) - {1,number,#,##0.00} - Totale: {2,number,#,##0.00} {3} = {4,number,#,##0.00} - - - - Org - - - - Un'altra elaborazione per questo record è attiva, riprovare più tardi - - - - Pagina - - - - Interruzione di pagina - - - - Pagina {P} di {N} - - - - Due pagine - - - - Intera pagina - - - - Larghezza della pagina - - - - Parametro - - - - Errore: Parametro mancante - - - - Record padre - - - - Password - - - - Pagamento - - - - Allocazione del pagamento - - - - Numero di conto bancario non valido - - - - Numero di assegno bancario non valido - - - - Il numero di routing per la banca non è valido - - - - Inserire il pagamento dopo aver completato la transazione - - - - Pagamento creato - - - - Sconto del pagamento - - - - Un errore si è verificato nell'elaborazione del pagamento - - - - Nessun Processore del Pagamento per questo tipo pagamento - Creare il Processore del Pagamento per questo conto bancario - - - Elaborazione del pagamento fallita - - - - Pagamento elaborato con successo - - - - L'importo è zero. Inserire il pagamento dopo aver completato la transazione - - - - Periodo successivo del calendario non trovato - Si prega di impostare i periodi futuri - - - Periodo di calendario non trovato - Controllare l'impostazione del calendario e gli schemi Contabile. Controllare anche la assegnazione dello schema contabile al Client o Organizzazione. - - - Il periodo non è valido per questa data di contabilizzazione - Controllare l'impostazione del calendario. - - - Grafico a torta - - - - Il documento deve essere completo o chiuso per visualizzare la contabilità - - - - Registrare ora e creare un inserimento contabile? - - - - Registrazione: Errore del Server - - - - CAP - - - - ZIP+4 - - - - Errore di Registrazione - - - - Errore di Registrazione - - - - Errore di Registrazione: origine non bilanciata - - - - Errore di Registrazione: valuta originale non convertibile - Definire il tasso di conversione dalla valuta originale alla valuta di conto - - - Errore di Registrazione: conto non valido - Il conto non è più attivo: riattivare il conto o selezionare un nuovo conto - - - Posting Error: Periodo chiuso - (Re-) Open Period or change Accounting Date - - - Preferenza - - - - Preferenze - - - - Record precedente - - - - Pagina precedente - - - - Storia del prezzo - - - - Versione del listino prezzi - - - - Non è stata trovata una versione attiva e valida del listino prezzi - - - - Stampa - - - - Personalizzare Report - - - - Definito (Visualizzato) - - - - Stampa fatture - - - - Stampa solo la fattura più recente? (No: stampa tutte le fatture dell'ordine) - - - - Stampa Schermo - - - - Setup della pagina - - - - Stampa spedizioni - - - - Stampato - - - - Stampante - - - - In stampa - - - - La stampa è ok? - - - - Elaborazione - - - - Elaborazione cancellata - - - - Elaborazione fallita - - - - L'elaborazione non può essere avviata - Manca il nome della procedura - - - - Elaborazione terminata con successo - - - - Elaborazione fallita durante l'esecuzione - - - - Errore: - - - - Informazione: - - - - Avvertimento - - - - Il processo non può essere elaborato - - - - In elaborazione…..si prega di attendere… - - - - Disponibile - - - - Quantità - - - - Inserisci query - - - - Cancella Query - - - - Inserisci query - - - - Inserisci i criteri della query - - - - Esegui Query - - - - Includere nella query - - - - Nessun record con questi criteri. Vuoi cambiare i criteri della query? - - - - Record sola lettura - - - - Ri-Registra - - - - Il documento Re-Post crea una nuova contabilizzazione per il documento - - - - Record - - - - Problemi ad estrarre il record - - - - Record trovato - - - - Record salvato - - - - Records - - - - Aggiorna - - - - Aggiorna tutto - - - - Non è possibile aggiornare i dati - - - - Dati aggiornati - - - - Aggiornare dati - - - - Stato/Paese - - - - Rimanente - - - - Bollettino di accompaganmento - - - - Report - - - - Report trovato - - - - Salva report in formato PDF, CSV, HTML o TXT - - - - Report - - - - L'Email non può essere inviata - - - - EMail da {0} a {1} - - - - L'Email non può essere inviata: indirizzo mittente mancante; controllare l'utente - - - - L'Email non può essere inviata: non è stato trovato il Mail Server (SMTP); controllare Client Info - - - - L'Email non può essere inviata: indirizzo destinatario mancante; controllare il contatto - - - - Email inviata - - - - Richiesta {0} è stata trasferita da {1} a {2} - - - - Allarme: Richiesta {0} scaduta - - - - Scala: Richiesta {0} - - - - Inserire le informazioni richieste: - - - - Ricavi - - - - Stornato dal documento - - - - Ruoli e Client/Unità organizzativa inconsistenti - - - - Credito disponibile - - - - Il prodotto è riservato o era già stato spedito/fatturato. Imposta quantità zero. Dettagli: - - - - L'inserimento in un campo chiave non era unico - esiste già un record con quel valore. Dettaglio: - - - - Il record è riferito ad altri record. Dettagli: - - - - Uguale Business Partner - - - - Uguale Prodotto - - - - Uguale quantità - - - - Salva modifiche - - - - Vuoi salvare le modifiche? - - - - Salvare Info in cookie - - - - Le modifiche non possono essere salvate - - - - Le modifiche non possono essere salvate - i dati sono stati modificati dopo la query - Il sistema riestrarrà i dati - - - Il record non può essere salvato - è richiesto un unico dato - Si prega di modificare le informazioni - - - Record non salvato. Riga non trovata! - - - - Non salvato - - - - Il record non può essere registrato - - - - Record salvato - - - - Schema - - - - Script - - - - Script Editor - - - - Script Error - - - - Script Help - - - - Risultato - - - - Variabile del risultato - - - - Variabili disponibili - - - - Cerca record - - - - Cerca criterio - - - - Il record non può essere individuato - - - - Tutti/ogni - - - - Ricerca basata su tutti i criteri (AND) o ciascun criterio (OR) - - - - Nulla da cercare qui - - - - Seleziona Record & Invia - - - - Errore della query - probabile inserimento di criteri errati - - - - Righe trovate - Inserire i criteri della query (a scelta con %) - - - - Selezionare - - - - Scelte disponibili - - - - Seleziona documento - - - - Seleziona file - - - - Cerca e seleziona un inserimento - - - - Seleziona un elemento del menu - - - - Seleziona programma - - - - Seleziona le colonne per la finestra selezionata - - - - Sposta le colonne ricercate nel box selezionato e stabilisci la loro sequenza - - - - Scelte selezionate - - - - Selezionato - - - - Invia Email - - - - Invia Email - - - - Sequenza - - - - Sequenza del documento non trovata - Controllare la definizione del documento e le regole della sequenza del documento - - - Sequenza della successiva Table ID non trovata - Controllare con l'amministratore del sistema - - - Sequenza per non trovata - - - - Creare oggetti sul server - Creare oggetti complessi sul server applicativo (linee di comunicazione lente) - - - Il documento deve essere prima completato - - - - Mostra le tab della contabilità - Show accounting information - - - Mostra le tab della traduzione - Show translation information - - - Visualizza il record singolo - - - - Filtrato per - - - - Filtrato - - - - Standard - - - - Avvio - - - - Vuoi avviare il processo? - - - - Avvio report selezionato - - - - Avvio Report - - - - Avvio Ricerca - - - - Soggetto - - - - Processo concluso con successo - - - - Somma - - - - Sistema - - - - Tab - - - - L'attività non può essere eseguita - - - - Attività - - - - Criteri per le tasse non trovati - - - - Imposta non trovata - - - - Test - - - - Timeout - Prova a verificare i risultati più tardi - - - - A - - - - Oggi - - - - &Strumenti - - - - Totali - - - - Transaz. - - - - Personalizzazione interfaccia utente - Window - Metal - Compiere - - - Inferiore al prezzo limite - - - - Modifica - - - - Modifica i dati per il record copiato e salva o ignora - - - - Modifica - - - - Utente - - - - Interfaccia utente - - - - Messaggio definito dall'utente - - - - Utente e password inconsistenti - - - - Stampa/esporta Pagamento - - - - Per alcuni pagamenti non c'era spazio sufficiente per tutte le linee del bollettino. Vuoi stampare bollettini di accompagnamento separati? - - - - Nessun documento del conto banca (assegno) per questo conto banca e queste regole di pagamento - - - - Nessun Pagamento disponibile per stampa/esportazione - - - - Vuoi stampare la bolla di accompagnamento? - - - - Generare pagamenti EFT - - - - Il pagamento è stampato correttamente? - - - - Selezione del pagamento (manuale) - - - - Generare pagamenti dalla selezione dei pagamenti - - - - Nessun conto banca con documento (es. assegno) - - - - Stampa/esporta i pagamenti generati? - - - - Setup iniziale del Client - - - - Info delle transazioni di materiali - - - - Chiave - - - - Preferenza Valore - - - - Preferenza Valore cancellato - - - - Impostare Preferenza Valore - - - - Preferenza Valore non trovato - - - - Preferenza Valore non impostato - - - - Per livello - - - - &Visualizza - - - - Grafico - - - - Inserire selezione, visualizzare i criteri e avviare la query - - - - Inserisci Query - - - - Visualizza il risultato - - - - Il Workflow non può essere avviato - Definizione non corretta - - - - Chiudi Workflow - - - - Fase successiva del workflow - - - - Fase precedente del workflow - - - - Torna all'inizio del workflow - - - - Si prega di potenziare il browser, se le selezioni del campo dipendente restano vuote dopo il cambio di ruolo - - - - Database attualmente non disponibile - - - - In attesa di pagamento (se richiesto, l'ordine può essere chiuso) - - - - Magazzino - - - - Record Info - - - - Finestra - - - - Storno - - - - - - - - - - - - Zoom - - - - Zoom del documento - - - - Di - - - - Stampa solo la spedizione più recente? (No:stampa tutte le spedizioni dell'ordine) - - - - Assegnazione di una risorsa - - - - {0} Linea(e) - Totali: {1,number,#,##0.00} {2} - - - - Settimana - - - - Giorno - - - - Mese - - - - Informazioni risorsa - - - - Risorsa non disponibile o non attiva - - - - Risorsa non disponibile - - - - Giorno non lavorativo - - - - Tempo non disponibile - - - - Giorno non disponibile - - - - Informazioni pianificazione - - - - Orizzontale - - - - Verticale - - - - Nessun tasso di conversione fra valute - - - - Operatore - - - - Valore della query - - - - Al valore della query - - - - Errore di validazione - - - - Righe dei dati - - - - Colonne dei dati - - - - Nessun formato di stampa del documento è stato definito - - - - Tradurre il formato di stampa - Se non è abilitata la funzione dei documenti Multi-Lingua, il report può essere tradotto qui - - - Tradurre - - - - Nuovo report - - - - Media - - - - Conteggio - - - - Cattura Immagine - - - - Errore della versione del Database - Il programma assume che la versione del database sia (0) ma in realtà la versione è (1). E' possibile che ciò renda difficile la determinazione degli errori. Si prega di interrompere e di procedere alla migrazione del database - - - Anteprima di stampa sempre - Non stampare direttamente - anche i documenti - - - Tutti - - - - Anno - - - - Storico a partire da? - Visualizza record storici nel passato - - - Da pareggiare - - - - Conservare password - Store Password for fast Login (security risk) - - - Informazioni Giornale di cassa - - - - Informazioni risorsa - - - - Importo totale - - - - Importare - - - - Errori: - - - - Acquisto - - - - Application server non trovato - - - - Facoltativo - - - - Caricamento dei conti - Formato: Accounting__.csv - - - Nessuna esenzione da imposta (definire esenzione) - - - - Nessun collegamento al database - - - - Generazione delle spedizioni - - - - Seleziona gli ordini dai quali generare spedizioni - - - - Le spedizioni sono generate in base alle regole di spedizione selezionate nell'ordine - - - - Spedizione - - - - Inviato - - - - E' necessario limitare la selezione - - - - Saldo iniziale - - - - Argomenti non validi - Controlla i parametri - - - - La funzione "Modifica" non può essere selezionata se c'è una selezione di prodotto esistente. Una spesa deve avere la sua propria riga - - - - Il tipo documento del pagamento e il tipo di fattura (clienti/fornitori) sono inconsistenti - - - - (Re) Selezionare fattura - - - - Pagamento Online Fallito - - - - Errore nel Caricamento - - - - Fusione Da (cancellato) - - - - Fusione A (sopravvivenza) - - - - Merge From entity to To entity ? -** NO Undo nor Trace -- You need to have a Backup ** - - - - Successso - - - - Errore - - - - Errore Impostazione Lingua - Check Language Setup - - - Nessun Insieme di Attributi Prodotti Definito - - - - Nessuna Informazione Attributi Prodotti - - - - Nessun Prodotto con Attributi Selezionato - - - - Contesto - - - - Informazioni Bene Gestito - - - - Annulla - - - - Attributi Prodotto - - - - Istanza Attributo Prodotto - - - - SQL Statement - - - - Private Record Lock - - - - Informazioni Attributi Prodotto - - - - Non potete creare un Report per questa informazione - - You don't have the privileges - - - Non potete esportare questa informazione - You don't have the privileges - - - Dati Azienda Client - - - - Record Access Dialog - - - - Informazioni Ruoli - - - - Include - - - - Esclude - - - - Manutenzione Data Dictionary - Solo per uso interno per la manutenzione del Dictionary di Compiere - NON SELEZIONARE - - - Non Tradotto - - - - Seleziona un Record Esistente - - - - New Record - - - - Edit Record - - - - Mostra tutto - - - - Il Documento contiene liee senza Set di Attributi di Istanza OBBLIGATORI - Completatelo - - - - Seleziona un Record Esistente - - - - Dimensione - - - - Grassetto - - - - Italic - - - - Sottolinea - - - - Carattere - - - - Stile Carattere - - - - Sinistra - - - - Center - - - - Destra - - - - Allinea - - - - Carattere - - - - Sistema non predisposto per la Replica (vedi il log) - - - - Mean - - - - Minimo - - - - Massimo - - - - Varianza - - - - Deviazione Std. - - - - Totale - - - - Seleziona Prodotto - - - - Total VM Memory {0,number,integer} kB - Free {1,number,integer} kB - - - - ssv - Semicolon Separated Values file - - - - Save Attachment to Disk - - - - Volete Eliminare questo allegato? - - - - jpg - File Grafico JPEG - - - - Scarica {0} per {1} - -Versione = {2} - Lotto = {3} - NumSer = {4} -Guarantee Date = {5,date,short} - -Thank you for using Compiere Customer Asset Management - - - - - State stornando una percentuale elevata di un importo - - Deselect Automatic Write-off to manually enter the write-off amount - - - Risposta - - - - Inoltra - - - - Non ci sono Azioni nel Workflow - - - - Le tue attività di WorkFlow - - - - Risultato del Workflow - - - - Non Inoltrabile - - - - Esiste già un Workflow Attivo per il Record (Competa prima): - - - - Periodo Chiuso - - - - Workflow Attivi - - - - Nessuno Zoom per questa tabella - - - - Zooma Attraverso (quando applicabile) - - - - Order - - - - Documento Countatore - - - - Dimensione Finestra - - - - Imposta dimensione finestra per tutti gli Utenti -(Cancella per tornare ai valori di Default) - - - - - Il conto è gestito da un Documento Contabile - Non utilizzabile per imputazioni manuali nella Prima Nota - - - - L'Organizzazione Magazzino non è L'Organizzazione del Documento - - - - Il Business Partner ha il Credito Bloccato - - - - Il Business Partner ha il Credito Sospeso - - - - Business Partner with this Order over Credit Hold - - - - Business Partner with open Shipments over Credit Hold - - - - Importo non fatturato - - - - La vecchia Password è obbligatoria - - - - La vecchia Password non coincide - - - - Nessun Terminale POS definito per l'utente - - - - Seleziona Terminale POS - - - - Register - - - - Sommario - - - - Product - - - - Business Partner - - - - Checkout - - - - Cassa Fornita - - - - Ritorno - - - - Cash - - - - Exp MM/YY - - - - Liena Corrente - - - - Log Out - - - - Più (Aggiunge) - - - - Meno (sottrae) - - - - Product Attribute Set has no Instance attributes (e.g. Serial No) - - - - Nessun Inventario Disponibile: - - - - L'UdM del Prodotto deve essere la minore delle UdM - Divide Rate must be >= 1 and always result in a valid UoM unit. -Example: To convert Each to Pair, the Multiply Rate is 0.5 - - - Seleziona UdM del Prodotto : - - - - Quantità non confermata - - - - Inventory Replenishment - - - - Richiesta {0} - Scade - - - - Inactivity Alert: Request {0} - - - - Worflow Non Valido - - - - Inactivity Alert: Workflow Activity {0} - - - - Allarme Azione di WorkFlow: Tempo di Attesa Massimo Scaduto {0} - - - - Allarme di Attività Workflow sopra priorità {0} - - - - Fallito - - - - ** Annullato - - - - La Quadratura del libro giornale e i Conti di sospensione non sono abilitati - - - - - Selezione - - - - Mostra - - - - Il prodotto non è a listino - - - - Aggiunto - - - - Errore nella fase di creazione dei conti -Controllate il log degli errori e il formato del file Accounting*.csv. Non devono essercu conti duplicati e devono essere impostati tutti i conti di default. - - - - - Per un uso interno dell'Inventario è necessario definire un Addebito - - - - Salva su File - - - - Solo Errori - - - - Livello di Tracing - Detail of Trace Information - INFO is usually sufficient - - - Informazioni di Tracing - - - - Crea file di tracing - Crea il File di Tracing nella directory di Compiere o nella home directory dell'utente - - - Esegue i Processi sul Server - - Esegue i Processi sul Server (Linee di Comunicazione Lente) - - - Crea Nuova Richiesta - - - - Mostra tutte le richieste - - - - Mostra richieste attive - - - - Documenti - - - - Reports - - - - Nessun archivio per questo record - - - - Richiesta - Tracciamento argomento - - - - Documenti e Report Archiviati - - - - Documento Archiviato - - - - Errore Archivio - - - - Tutti i Report - - - - Organizatione * (0) non consentita - - - - Nota di Accredito - - - - {0} Linea(e) {1,number,#,##0.00} - Totale: {2,number,#,##0.00} - - - - Premere OK per iniziare il processo di Post-Migrazione. Potrebbero essere necessari alcuni minuti - - - - Invalido: - - - - L'assegnazione della risorsa non può essere cancellato. Potrebbe essere usato in un Ordine o una Fattura -Cancellare l'Ordine o la Fattura con l'Assegnazione - - - - - Si - - - - No - - - - Aggiornamento Richiesta - - - - Mostra i Tab avanzati - Show Tabs with advanced functionality like Matching, Allocation, etc. - - - Timeout Richiesta di Stato - - - - Stato del Documento Modificato - - - - Recupera un elevato numero di record -Vuoi Continuare? - - - - - Crea Nuovo Nodo - - - - Elimina Nodo - - - - Aggiungi Linea - - - - Elimina Linea - - - - Non approvato - - - - Disponibile - - - - Quantità insufficiente - - - - Il Pagamento è imputato (Addebito, Fattura, Ordine) - - - - Livello dei Costi definito a livello di Client - Non potete definire una Organizzazione o un Attributo - - - - Non potete cancellare questo record se utilizzato - - - - Esiste già un Record - - - - Vi siete iscritti a questa area di interesse. Per cancellarvi, accedete al sistema andate su Area di Interesse e cliccate su Cancella Sottoscrizione - - - - - Forza - - - - La query ha restituito più record del consentito - - - - Nuovo record Automatico - Quando non esiste alcun record, crea automaticamente un Nuovo Record - - - Forza Contabilizzazione - Sovrascrive il blocco - - - - Alternativo - - - - Spostamento non confermato - - - - Profilo di Connessione modificato. Devi ri-connetterti per rendere attive le modifiche - - - - &Azioni di Workflow - - - - &Workflow - - - - &Cerca - - - - Selezionate il tab padre prima - - - - Selezionate il tab padre prima di selezionare un tab figlio - - - - &OK - - - - &Num. Documento - - - - Memorizza (cache) Finestra - Cache Window Definitions on Client - - - &Performance - - - - Nome di Sistema - Name your Compiere System installation, e.g. Joe Block, Inc. - - - Contratto di Supporto Esistente - Sign up for Compiere Support - also supports the product development - - - Utenti Supportati - Max Users of Support Contract Purchased - - - Inventario disponibile insufficiente: - - - - Documento Elaborato - - - - Non riservato - - - + + + + + + Zero + + + + Uno + + + + Scade + + + + Tre + + + + Quattro + + + + Cinque + + + + Sei + + + + Sette + + + + Otto + + + + Nove + + + + Circa + + + + Accesso + + + + Non si può cambiare il record + L'utente non dispone i privilegi necessari per modificare il record + + + Non si può cancellare questo record + L'utente non dispone i privilegi necessari per cancellare il record + + + Non si può inserire un record + L'utente non dispone i privilegi necessari per inserire il record + + + Non si può modificare il record + L'utente non dispone i privilegi necessari per modificare il record + + + Dati del Client & Organizzazione + + + + Non si possono cancellare i record di questo file per motivi di audit + Se non è una transazione, si può disattivare il record se si lascia il checkbox 'attivo' vuoto. + + + Dati di Organizzazione + + + + Dati Condivisi + + + + Dati del Sistema + + + + Dati del Sistema & Client + + + + Con l'attuale ruolo, non è possibile aggiornare queste informazioni + + + + Con l'attuale ruolo ed impostazione, non è possibile visualizzare queste informazioni + + + + © Jorg Janke - ComPiere, Inc. 1999-2002 + +Versione Compilata e Tradotta da Anthas Consulting Ltd + http://www.compiere.org + + + 40 Old Tannery Rd Monroe CT 06460 USA + Phone (203) 445-8182 + + + Compiere Online + + + + Combinazione + + + + Creare un nuovo conto o aggiornare il nome alternativo + + + + Conto non aggiornato + + + + Informazioni sui Conti + + + + Questa azione non è consentita in questo contesto + + + + Questa azione non è supportata + + + + Indirizzo + + + + Avanzato + + + + Nome alternativo + + + + Tutti i record + + + + Preferisce selezionare una fattura ed il pagamento da abbinare ed elaborali uno alla volta + + + + Il record non può essere modificato + + + + Importo + + + + Importo esigibile + + + + Importo del pagamento + + + + Importo Da + + + + Importo A + + + + Applicazione + + + + Applicato + + + + Al primo record + + + + All'ultimo record + + + + Allegato + + + + Vuoi cancellare questo allegato? + + + + Seleziona un file da allegare a questa entità + + + + Allegato non trovato + + + + Non è possibile aggiungere un allegato a questa entità + Un allegato deve avere un singolo chiave. Questa entità è probabilmente una associazione (con due chiavi) o una entità senza un chiave numerico unico. + + + Calcolo automatico + + + + Salvataggio automatico + Salvataggio automatico dei dati + + + Login automatico + Effettuare il login con l'utente attuale in automatico + + + Scelte disponibili + + + + Business Partner non trovato + + + + Business Partner non salvato + + + + Aggiungi alla barra + + + + Grafico a Barre + + + + Rimuovere dalla barra + + + + Business Partner + + + + Calcolatrice + + + + Calendario + + + + Elimina + + + + Elimina query + + + + Il tipo documento non può essere cambiato + + + + Questo record non può essere cancellato, si prega renderlo inattivo. + + + + Le transazioni completate non possono essere cancellate + + + + Modifica il Libro di cassa di default ignorato. + Si prega di modificare il libro di cassa solo dopo aver completato la transazione + + + + Addebito creato + + + + Creare addebito dal conto + + + + Generare addebiti + + + + Creare conto e addebito + + + + Addebito non creato + + + + Città + + + + Azienda Client + + + + Servizi condivisi + + + + Chiudere la Finestra + + + + Combinazione + + + + Collegamento + + + + Contatto + + + + L'importo di controllo è diverso dal Saldo + + + + Errore nell'esecuzione della routine di conversione valute + + + + Convertito + + + + Copiato + + + + Copiare il record + + + + Modificare i record copiati e salvare o ignorare + + + + Non è possibile copiare + + + + Nazione + + + + Creare + + + + Creare nuovo record + + + + Creato + + + + Il formato della data di scadenza della carta di credito deve essere "MMYY" + + + + E' invalido il mese della data di scadenza della carta di credito + + + + E' invalido l'anno della data di scadenza della carta di credito + + + + La carta di credito è scaduta + + + + Numero della carta di credito non valido + + + + Sembra essere un problema con il numero della carta di credito. Si vuole continuare? + + + + Il codice di verifica della carta di credito non è corretto + Il codice di verifica dell'AMEX è composto da 4 caratteri e si trova al di sotto del numero della carta di credito. Sulle altre carte di credito è un numero composto da 3 caratteri stampato sul campo della firma dopo il numero della carta di credito. + + + Nota: Oltre il limite di credito + + + + Conversione Valuta + + + + Impostazione Attuale + + + + Personalizzare + + + + Errore del Database + + + + Dati aggiornati dal database + + + + Database + + + + Data + + + + Data Da + + + + Data A + + + + Livello di Debug + + + + Errore di Default + + + + Cancellare record + + + + Il record non può essere cancellato: + + + + Record non cancellato - E' stato trovato un record dipendente + + + + Vuole cancellare il record? + + + + Cancellato + + + + Descrizione + + + + Record di dettaglio + + + + Differenza + + + + Sconto Commerciale + + + + Data dello sconto + + + + Categoria Scontonon valido (sopra o sotto 100) + + + + Visualizzare le Informazioni del Documento + + + + Visualizzare Quantità + + + + Visualizzare le Informazioni (Fonte) di Partenza + + + + Il documento sta per essere elaborato + + + + Copia + + + + Drill + + + + EFT + + + + Email + + + + Email al supporto + + + + &Modifica + + + + Editore + + + + Chiudere la Finestra + + + + Inserire Query + + + + Inserire il testo da cercare + + + + Ambiente + + + + Errore: + + + + Eseguire Query + + + + Chiudere la Applicazione + + + + Chiudere l'applicazione? + + + + Espandere tutto + + + + Espandere l'Albero + + + + Spese + + + + Scadenza (MMAA) + + + + Esportare + + + + Esportare in Excel + + + + Esportare i Record + + + + Elaborazione Fallita: + + + + Campo + + + + &File + + + + Excel CSV file + + + + Il file non può essere creato + + + + HTML file + + + + Importare Caricatore del File + + + + <Seleziona File da caricare> + + + + Selezionare il File da caricare - attenzione di seguire il formato di importazione + + + + Selezionare un formato di iimportazione + + + + Righe nel file/caricate e pronte per essere importate: + + + + Estensione del file non valida + + + + File PDF + + + + File Postscript + + + + RTF file + + + + File di testo + + + + Errore nella scrittura del file + + + + XML file + + + + Compilare i campi obbligatori: + + + + Trova record + + + + Colonne disponibili + + + + Seleziona le colonne e ordinale + + + + Colonne selezionate + + + + Personalizzare Trova + + + + Seleziona una riga o inserire un criterio di ricerca + + + + Inserire i criteri della query con, la opzionale % wildcard (case insentitive) + + + + Nessun record trovato + + + + Primo record + + + + Prima pagina + + + + Da + + + + Funzione di CallOut non trovata + + + + Errore Funzione di CallOut + + + + Generare + + + + &Vai + + + + Andare alla Pagina + + + + Colonna per nome (X-Axis) + + + + Saluto + + + + Riassumere + + + + Raggruppato per + + + + Testata + + + + &Aiuto + + + + I Record Storici + + + + Menu + + + + Host + + + + Ignorare le modifiche + + + + Le modifiche non possono essere ignorate + + + + Modifiche ignorate + + + + Informazioni + + + + Informazioni Conto + + + + Informazioni Business Partner + + + + Informazioni Spedizioni + + + + Informazioni Fatture + + + + Informazioni Ordini + + + + Informazione Pagamenti + + + + Informazioni Prodotto + + + + Inserito + + + + Generare Fatture (manuale) + + + + Generazione delle fatture + + + + Le fatture sono generate in base alle "Regole di Fatturazione" selezionate nell'ordine + + + + Seleziona spedizioni dalle quali generare fatture + + + + Uno o più prodotti compaiono più di una volta nella lista di conteggio. Righe disattivate + + + + Fattura + + + + Entrata merce (spedizione) già esistenti per questa fattura + + + + Il documento deve essere prima completato + + + + Inserire item + + + + Sposta Item + + + + Ultimo record + + + + Ultima pagina + + + + Lunghezza + + + + Livello + + + + Caricare + + + + Caricamento… + + + + Ubicazione/Indirizzo + + + + Inserire nuova ubicazione/indirizzo + + + + Modificare Ubicazione/indirizzo + + + + Login + + + + Login (success) + + + + Margine + + + + Abbinare Da + + + + Modalità di Ricerca + + + + Abbinare A + + + + Abbinati + + + + Abbinamento + + + + Menu + + + + Andare al Menu + + + + Il menu non può caricare + + + + Messaggio non inviato. + +Problema: + + + + Messaggio inviato + + + + Messaggi + + + + Passa alla visualizzazione a Griglia + + + + Multi-Valuta + + + + d + + + + Nome + + + + Navigare + + + + Navigare o modificare il record + + + + <Query attiva> Navigare o modificare record + + + + Nuovo record + + + + Inserirei dati per un nuovo record e salvare o ignorare + + + + Non è possibile aggiungere un nuovo record + + + + Nuovo Valore + + + + Record Successivo + + + + Pagina Successiva + + + + Non è stato trovato il successivo numero della sequenza + Contattare l'amministratore del sistema + + + No + + + + Messaggio non Trovato + + + + Numero di Righe + + + + Numero dei Pagamenti + + + + Nessun record trovato; inserire dati per un nuovo record + + + + Non sono state trovate valide informazioni contabili + + + + Non attivo + + + + Inventario non è sufficiente + + + + *Non trovato* + + + + Non Abbinati + + + + Non unico + + + + Numero delle righe per colonne + + + + OK + + + + Mostra le transazioni vecchie/completate + + + + Valore vecchio + + + + Online + + + + Solo Clienti + + + + Solo fatture da Pagare + + + + Solo Fornitori + + + + Aperto + + + + Aperto + + + + Opzioni + + + + Ordine Per + + + + {0} Linea(e) - {1,number,#,##0.00} - Totale: {2,number,#,##0.00} {3} = {4,number,#,##0.00} + + + + Org + + + + Un'altra elaborazione per questo record è attiva, riprovare più tardi + + + + Pagina + + + + Interruzione di pagina + + + + Pagina {P} di {N} + + + + Due pagine + + + + Intera pagina + + + + Larghezza della pagina + + + + Parametro + + + + Errore: Parametro mancante + + + + Record padre + + + + Password + + + + Pagamento + + + + Allocazione del pagamento + + + + Numero di conto bancario non valido + + + + Numero di assegno bancario non valido + + + + Il numero di routing per la banca non è valido + + + + Inserire il pagamento dopo aver completato la transazione + + + + Pagamento creato + + + + Sconto del pagamento + + + + Un errore si è verificato nell'elaborazione del pagamento + + + + Nessun Processore del Pagamento per questo tipo pagamento + Creare il Processore del Pagamento per questo conto bancario + + + Elaborazione del pagamento fallita + + + + Pagamento elaborato con successo + + + + L'importo è zero. Inserire il pagamento dopo aver completato la transazione + + + + Periodo successivo del calendario non trovato + Si prega di impostare i periodi futuri + + + Periodo di calendario non trovato + Controllare l'impostazione del calendario e gli schemi Contabile. Controllare anche la assegnazione dello schema contabile al Client o Organizzazione. + + + Il periodo non è valido per questa data di contabilizzazione + Controllare l'impostazione del calendario. + + + Grafico a torta + + + + Il documento deve essere completo o chiuso per visualizzare la contabilità + + + + Registrare ora e creare un inserimento contabile? + + + + Registrazione: Errore del Server + + + + CAP + + + + ZIP+4 + + + + Errore di Registrazione + + + + Errore di Registrazione + + + + Errore di Registrazione: origine non bilanciata + + + + Errore di Registrazione: valuta originale non convertibile + Definire il tasso di conversione dalla valuta originale alla valuta di conto + + + Errore di Registrazione: conto non valido + Il conto non è più attivo: riattivare il conto o selezionare un nuovo conto + + + Posting Error: Periodo chiuso + (Re-) Open Period or change Accounting Date + + + Preferenza + + + + Preferenze + + + + Record precedente + + + + Pagina precedente + + + + Storia del prezzo + + + + Versione del listino prezzi + + + + Non è stata trovata una versione attiva e valida del listino prezzi + + + + Stampa + + + + Personalizzare Report + + + + Definito (Visualizzato) + + + + Stampa fatture + + + + Stampa solo la fattura più recente? (No: stampa tutte le fatture dell'ordine) + + + + Stampa Schermo + + + + Setup della pagina + + + + Stampa spedizioni + + + + Stampato + + + + Stampante + + + + In stampa + + + + La stampa è ok? + + + + Elaborazione + + + + Elaborazione cancellata + + + + Elaborazione fallita + + + + L'elaborazione non può essere avviata - Manca il nome della procedura + + + + Elaborazione terminata con successo + + + + Elaborazione fallita durante l'esecuzione + + + + Errore: + + + + Informazione: + + + + Avvertimento + + + + Il processo non può essere elaborato + + + + In elaborazione…..si prega di attendere… + + + + Disponibile + + + + Quantità + + + + Inserisci query + + + + Cancella Query + + + + Inserisci query + + + + Inserisci i criteri della query + + + + Esegui Query + + + + Includere nella query + + + + Nessun record con questi criteri. Vuoi cambiare i criteri della query? + + + + Record sola lettura + + + + Ri-Registra + + + + Il documento Re-Post crea una nuova contabilizzazione per il documento + + + + Record + + + + Problemi ad estrarre il record + + + + Record trovato + + + + Record salvato + + + + Records + + + + Aggiorna + + + + Aggiorna tutto + + + + Non è possibile aggiornare i dati + + + + Dati aggiornati + + + + Aggiornare dati + + + + Stato/Paese + + + + Rimanente + + + + Bollettino di accompaganmento + + + + Report + + + + Report trovato + + + + Salva report in formato PDF, CSV, HTML o TXT + + + + Report + + + + L'Email non può essere inviata + + + + EMail da {0} a {1} + + + + L'Email non può essere inviata: indirizzo mittente mancante; controllare l'utente + + + + L'Email non può essere inviata: non è stato trovato il Mail Server (SMTP); controllare Client Info + + + + L'Email non può essere inviata: indirizzo destinatario mancante; controllare il contatto + + + + Email inviata + + + + Richiesta {0} è stata trasferita da {1} a {2} + + + + Allarme: Richiesta {0} scaduta + + + + Scala: Richiesta {0} + + + + Inserire le informazioni richieste: + + + + Ricavi + + + + Stornato dal documento + + + + Ruoli e Client/Unità organizzativa inconsistenti + + + + Credito disponibile + + + + Il prodotto è riservato o era già stato spedito/fatturato. Imposta quantità zero. Dettagli: + + + + L'inserimento in un campo chiave non era unico - esiste già un record con quel valore. Dettaglio: + + + + Il record è riferito ad altri record. Dettagli: + + + + Uguale Business Partner + + + + Uguale Prodotto + + + + Uguale quantità + + + + Salva modifiche + + + + Vuoi salvare le modifiche? + + + + Salvare Info in cookie + + + + Le modifiche non possono essere salvate + + + + Le modifiche non possono essere salvate - i dati sono stati modificati dopo la query + Il sistema riestrarrà i dati + + + Il record non può essere salvato - è richiesto un unico dato + Si prega di modificare le informazioni + + + Record non salvato. Riga non trovata! + + + + Non salvato + + + + Il record non può essere registrato + + + + Record salvato + + + + Schema + + + + Script + + + + Script Editor + + + + Script Error + + + + Script Help + + + + Risultato + + + + Variabile del risultato + + + + Variabili disponibili + + + + Cerca record + + + + Cerca criterio + + + + Il record non può essere individuato + + + + Tutti/ogni + + + + Ricerca basata su tutti i criteri (AND) o ciascun criterio (OR) + + + + Nulla da cercare qui + + + + Seleziona Record & Invia + + + + Errore della query - probabile inserimento di criteri errati + + + + Righe trovate - Inserire i criteri della query (a scelta con %) + + + + Selezionare + + + + Scelte disponibili + + + + Seleziona documento + + + + Seleziona file + + + + Cerca e seleziona un inserimento + + + + Seleziona un elemento del menu + + + + Seleziona programma + + + + Seleziona le colonne per la finestra selezionata + + + + Sposta le colonne ricercate nel box selezionato e stabilisci la loro sequenza + + + + Scelte selezionate + + + + Selezionato + + + + Invia Email + + + + Invia Email + + + + Sequenza + + + + Sequenza del documento non trovata + Controllare la definizione del documento e le regole della sequenza del documento + + + Sequenza della successiva Table ID non trovata + Controllare con l'amministratore del sistema + + + Sequenza per non trovata + + + + Creare oggetti sul server + Creare oggetti complessi sul server applicativo (linee di comunicazione lente) + + + Il documento deve essere prima completato + + + + Mostra le tab della contabilità + Show accounting information + + + Mostra le tab della traduzione + Show translation information + + + Visualizza il record singolo + + + + Filtrato per + + + + Filtrato + + + + Standard + + + + Avvio + + + + Vuoi avviare il processo? + + + + Avvio report selezionato + + + + Avvio Report + + + + Avvio Ricerca + + + + Soggetto + + + + Processo concluso con successo + + + + Somma + + + + Sistema + + + + Tab + + + + L'attività non può essere eseguita + + + + Attività + + + + Criteri per le tasse non trovati + + + + Imposta non trovata + + + + Test + + + + Timeout - Prova a verificare i risultati più tardi + + + + A + + + + Oggi + + + + &Strumenti + + + + Totali + + + + Transaz. + + + + Personalizzazione interfaccia utente + Window - Metal - Compiere + + + Inferiore al prezzo limite + + + + Modifica + + + + Modifica i dati per il record copiato e salva o ignora + + + + Modifica + + + + Utente + + + + Interfaccia utente + + + + Messaggio definito dall'utente + + + + Utente e password inconsistenti + + + + Stampa/esporta Pagamento + + + + Per alcuni pagamenti non c'era spazio sufficiente per tutte le linee del bollettino. Vuoi stampare bollettini di accompagnamento separati? + + + + Nessun documento del conto banca (assegno) per questo conto banca e queste regole di pagamento + + + + Nessun Pagamento disponibile per stampa/esportazione + + + + Vuoi stampare la bolla di accompagnamento? + + + + Generare pagamenti EFT + + + + Il pagamento è stampato correttamente? + + + + Selezione del pagamento (manuale) + + + + Generare pagamenti dalla selezione dei pagamenti + + + + Nessun conto banca con documento (es. assegno) + + + + Stampa/esporta i pagamenti generati? + + + + Setup iniziale del Client + + + + Info delle transazioni di materiali + + + + Chiave + + + + Preferenza Valore + + + + Preferenza Valore cancellato + + + + Impostare Preferenza Valore + + + + Preferenza Valore non trovato + + + + Preferenza Valore non impostato + + + + Per livello + + + + &Visualizza + + + + Grafico + + + + Inserire selezione, visualizzare i criteri e avviare la query + + + + Inserisci Query + + + + Visualizza il risultato + + + + Il Workflow non può essere avviato - Definizione non corretta + + + + Chiudi Workflow + + + + Fase successiva del workflow + + + + Fase precedente del workflow + + + + Torna all'inizio del workflow + + + + Si prega di potenziare il browser, se le selezioni del campo dipendente restano vuote dopo il cambio di ruolo + + + + Database attualmente non disponibile + + + + In attesa di pagamento (se richiesto, l'ordine può essere chiuso) + + + + Magazzino + + + + Record Info + + + + Finestra + + + + Storno + + + + + + + + + + + + Zoom + + + + Zoom del documento + + + + Di + + + + Stampa solo la spedizione più recente? (No:stampa tutte le spedizioni dell'ordine) + + + + Assegnazione di una risorsa + + + + {0} Linea(e) - Totali: {1,number,#,##0.00} {2} + + + + Settimana + + + + Giorno + + + + Mese + + + + Informazioni risorsa + + + + Risorsa non disponibile o non attiva + + + + Risorsa non disponibile + + + + Giorno non lavorativo + + + + Tempo non disponibile + + + + Giorno non disponibile + + + + Informazioni pianificazione + + + + Orizzontale + + + + Verticale + + + + Nessun tasso di conversione fra valute + + + + Operatore + + + + Valore della query + + + + Al valore della query + + + + Errore di validazione + + + + Righe dei dati + + + + Colonne dei dati + + + + Nessun formato di stampa del documento è stato definito + + + + Tradurre il formato di stampa + Se non è abilitata la funzione dei documenti Multi-Lingua, il report può essere tradotto qui + + + Tradurre + + + + Nuovo report + + + + Media + + + + Conteggio + + + + Cattura Immagine + + + + Errore della versione del Database + Il programma assume che la versione del database sia (0) ma in realtà la versione è (1). E' possibile che ciò renda difficile la determinazione degli errori. Si prega di interrompere e di procedere alla migrazione del database + + + Anteprima di stampa sempre + Non stampare direttamente - anche i documenti + + + Tutti + + + + Anno + + + + Storico a partire da? + Visualizza record storici nel passato + + + Da pareggiare + + + + Conservare password + Store Password for fast Login (security risk) + + + Informazioni Giornale di cassa + + + + Informazioni risorsa + + + + Importo totale + + + + Importare + + + + Errori: + + + + Acquisto + + + + Application server non trovato + + + + Facoltativo + + + + Caricamento dei conti + Formato: Accounting__.csv + + + Nessuna esenzione da imposta (definire esenzione) + + + + Nessun collegamento al database + + + + Generazione delle spedizioni + + + + Seleziona gli ordini dai quali generare spedizioni + + + + Le spedizioni sono generate in base alle regole di spedizione selezionate nell'ordine + + + + Spedizione + + + + Inviato + + + + E' necessario limitare la selezione + + + + Saldo iniziale + + + + Argomenti non validi - Controlla i parametri + + + + La funzione "Modifica" non può essere selezionata se c'è una selezione di prodotto esistente. Una spesa deve avere la sua propria riga + + + + Il tipo documento del pagamento e il tipo di fattura (clienti/fornitori) sono inconsistenti + + + + (Re) Selezionare fattura + + + + Pagamento Online Fallito + + + + Errore nel Caricamento + + + + Fusione Da (cancellato) + + + + Fusione A (sopravvivenza) + + + + Merge From entity to To entity ? +** NO Undo nor Trace -- You need to have a Backup ** + + + + Successso + + + + Errore + + + + Errore Impostazione Lingua + Check Language Setup + + + Nessun Insieme di Attributi Prodotti Definito + + + + Nessuna Informazione Attributi Prodotti + + + + Nessun Prodotto con Attributi Selezionato + + + + Contesto + + + + Informazioni Bene Gestito + + + + Annulla + + + + Attributi Prodotto + + + + Istanza Attributo Prodotto + + + + SQL Statement + + + + Private Record Lock + + + + Informazioni Attributi Prodotto + + + + Non potete creare un Report per questa informazione + + You don't have the privileges + + + Non potete esportare questa informazione + You don't have the privileges + + + Dati Azienda Client + + + + Record Access Dialog + + + + Informazioni Ruoli + + + + Include + + + + Esclude + + + + Manutenzione Data Dictionary + Solo per uso interno per la manutenzione del Dictionary di Compiere - NON SELEZIONARE + + + Non Tradotto + + + + Seleziona un Record Esistente + + + + New Record + + + + Edit Record + + + + Mostra tutto + + + + Il Documento contiene liee senza Set di Attributi di Istanza OBBLIGATORI - Completatelo + + + + Seleziona un Record Esistente + + + + Dimensione + + + + Grassetto + + + + Italic + + + + Sottolinea + + + + Carattere + + + + Stile Carattere + + + + Sinistra + + + + Center + + + + Destra + + + + Allinea + + + + Carattere + + + + Sistema non predisposto per la Replica (vedi il log) + + + + Mean + + + + Minimo + + + + Massimo + + + + Varianza + + + + Deviazione Std. + + + + Totale + + + + Seleziona Prodotto + + + + Total VM Memory {0,number,integer} kB - Free {1,number,integer} kB + + + + ssv - Semicolon Separated Values file + + + + Save Attachment to Disk + + + + Volete Eliminare questo allegato? + + + + jpg - File Grafico JPEG + + + + Scarica {0} per {1} + +Versione = {2} - Lotto = {3} - NumSer = {4} +Guarantee Date = {5,date,short} + +Thank you for using Compiere Customer Asset Management + + + + + State stornando una percentuale elevata di un importo + + Deselect Automatic Write-off to manually enter the write-off amount + + + Risposta + + + + Inoltra + + + + Non ci sono Azioni nel Workflow + + + + Le tue attività di WorkFlow + + + + Risultato del Workflow + + + + Non Inoltrabile + + + + Esiste già un Workflow Attivo per il Record (Competa prima): + + + + Periodo Chiuso + + + + Workflow Attivi + + + + Nessuno Zoom per questa tabella + + + + Zooma Attraverso (quando applicabile) + + + + Order + + + + Documento Countatore + + + + Dimensione Finestra + + + + Imposta dimensione finestra per tutti gli Utenti +(Cancella per tornare ai valori di Default) + + + + + Il conto è gestito da un Documento Contabile - Non utilizzabile per imputazioni manuali nella Prima Nota + + + + L'Organizzazione Magazzino non è L'Organizzazione del Documento + + + + Il Business Partner ha il Credito Bloccato + + + + Il Business Partner ha il Credito Sospeso + + + + Business Partner with this Order over Credit Hold + + + + Business Partner with open Shipments over Credit Hold + + + + Importo non fatturato + + + + La vecchia Password è obbligatoria + + + + La vecchia Password non coincide + + + + Nessun Terminale POS definito per l'utente + + + + Seleziona Terminale POS + + + + Register + + + + Sommario + + + + Product + + + + Business Partner + + + + Checkout + + + + Cassa Fornita + + + + Ritorno + + + + Cash + + + + Exp MM/YY + + + + Liena Corrente + + + + Log Out + + + + Più (Aggiunge) + + + + Meno (sottrae) + + + + Product Attribute Set has no Instance attributes (e.g. Serial No) + + + + Nessun Inventario Disponibile: + + + + L'UdM del Prodotto deve essere la minore delle UdM + Divide Rate must be >= 1 and always result in a valid UoM unit. +Example: To convert Each to Pair, the Multiply Rate is 0.5 + + + Seleziona UdM del Prodotto : + + + + Quantità non confermata + + + + Inventory Replenishment + + + + Richiesta {0} - Scade + + + + Inactivity Alert: Request {0} + + + + Worflow Non Valido + + + + Inactivity Alert: Workflow Activity {0} + + + + Allarme Azione di WorkFlow: Tempo di Attesa Massimo Scaduto {0} + + + + Allarme di Attività Workflow sopra priorità {0} + + + + Fallito + + + + ** Annullato + + + + La Quadratura del libro giornale e i Conti di sospensione non sono abilitati + + + + + Selezione + + + + Mostra + + + + Il prodotto non è a listino + + + + Aggiunto + + + + Errore nella fase di creazione dei conti +Controllate il log degli errori e il formato del file Accounting*.csv. Non devono essercu conti duplicati e devono essere impostati tutti i conti di default. + + + + + Per un uso interno dell'Inventario è necessario definire un Addebito + + + + Salva su File + + + + Solo Errori + + + + Livello di Tracing + Detail of Trace Information - INFO is usually sufficient + + + Informazioni di Tracing + + + + Crea file di tracing + Crea il File di Tracing nella directory di Compiere o nella home directory dell'utente + + + Esegue i Processi sul Server + + Esegue i Processi sul Server (Linee di Comunicazione Lente) + + + Crea Nuova Richiesta + + + + Mostra tutte le richieste + + + + Mostra richieste attive + + + + Documenti + + + + Reports + + + + Nessun archivio per questo record + + + + Richiesta - Tracciamento argomento + + + + Documenti e Report Archiviati + + + + Documento Archiviato + + + + Errore Archivio + + + + Tutti i Report + + + + Organizatione * (0) non consentita + + + + Nota di Accredito + + + + {0} Linea(e) {1,number,#,##0.00} - Totale: {2,number,#,##0.00} + + + + Premere OK per iniziare il processo di Post-Migrazione. Potrebbero essere necessari alcuni minuti + + + + Invalido: + + + + L'assegnazione della risorsa non può essere cancellato. Potrebbe essere usato in un Ordine o una Fattura +Cancellare l'Ordine o la Fattura con l'Assegnazione + + + + + Si + + + + No + + + + Aggiornamento Richiesta + + + + Mostra i Tab avanzati + Show Tabs with advanced functionality like Matching, Allocation, etc. + + + Timeout Richiesta di Stato + + + + Stato del Documento Modificato + + + + Recupera un elevato numero di record +Vuoi Continuare? + + + + + Crea Nuovo Nodo + + + + Elimina Nodo + + + + Aggiungi Linea + + + + Elimina Linea + + + + Non approvato + + + + Disponibile + + + + Quantità insufficiente + + + + Il Pagamento è imputato (Addebito, Fattura, Ordine) + + + + Livello dei Costi definito a livello di Client - Non potete definire una Organizzazione o un Attributo + + + + Non potete cancellare questo record se utilizzato + + + + Esiste già un Record + + + + Vi siete iscritti a questa area di interesse. Per cancellarvi, accedete al sistema andate su Area di Interesse e cliccate su Cancella Sottoscrizione + + + + + Forza + + + + La query ha restituito più record del consentito + + + + Nuovo record Automatico + Quando non esiste alcun record, crea automaticamente un Nuovo Record + + + Forza Contabilizzazione - Sovrascrive il blocco + + + + Alternativo + + + + Spostamento non confermato + + + + Profilo di Connessione modificato. Devi ri-connetterti per rendere attive le modifiche + + + + &Azioni di Workflow + + + + &Workflow + + + + &Cerca + + + + Selezionate il tab padre prima + + + + Selezionate il tab padre prima di selezionare un tab figlio + + + + &OK + + + + &Num. Documento + + + + Memorizza (cache) Finestra + Cache Window Definitions on Client + + + &Performance + + + + Nome di Sistema + Name your Compiere System installation, e.g. Joe Block, Inc. + + + Contratto di Supporto Esistente + Sign up for Compiere Support - also supports the product development + + + Utenti Supportati + Max Users of Support Contract Purchased + + + Inventario disponibile insufficiente: + + + + Documento Elaborato + + + + Non riservato + + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/AD_PrintFormatItem_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/AD_PrintFormatItem_Trl_it_IT.xml index cfa84050b7..e921614025 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/AD_PrintFormatItem_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/AD_PrintFormatItem_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/AD_PrintLabelLine_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/AD_PrintLabelLine_Trl_it_IT.xml index af3bf2b8ad..e4df47e83b 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/AD_PrintLabelLine_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/AD_PrintLabelLine_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - - - - + + + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/AD_Process_Para_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/AD_Process_Para_Trl_it_IT.xml index a35a787bf0..50f8f06f97 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/AD_Process_Para_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/AD_Process_Para_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,70 +1,70 @@ - - - - - - Cancella le Entrate contabili esistenti - Le entrate contabili selezionate saranno cancellate! PERICOLO!!! - - - - Versione del listino prezzi - Usata solamente se il Listino Prezzi viene usato per inserire futuri prezzi di costo - - - - Regola di pagamento - Regola per il pagamento della fattura - The Payment Rule indicates the method of invoice payment. - - - From User - Send EMail from user - The email is sent from the user selected - otherwise it is sent from the request email address of the client - - - Maintenance Mode - Language Maintenance Mode - - - - Organizzazione Esistente - Entità organizzativa dell'Azienda. Non selezionare se si desidera una nuova Organizzazione - An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. - - - Limitare l'accesso al Ruolo - Se nessu ruolo viene selezionato, tutti i ruoli potranno accedere all'Organizzazione - The Role determines security and access a user who has this Role will have in the System. - - - New User/Contact - User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact - The User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contact - - - New Workflow Responsible - Responsible for Workflow Execution - The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. - - - New User/Contact - User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact - The User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contact - - - New Workflow Responsible - Responsible for Workflow Execution - The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. - - - Default Sales Rep - If not defined on Business Partner Level - - - - Dunning Currency - Currency to create Dunning Letters - - - + + + + + + Cancella le Entrate contabili esistenti + Le entrate contabili selezionate saranno cancellate! PERICOLO!!! + + + + Versione del listino prezzi + Usata solamente se il Listino Prezzi viene usato per inserire futuri prezzi di costo + + + + Regola di pagamento + Regola per il pagamento della fattura + The Payment Rule indicates the method of invoice payment. + + + From User + Send EMail from user + The email is sent from the user selected - otherwise it is sent from the request email address of the client + + + Maintenance Mode + Language Maintenance Mode + + + + Organizzazione Esistente + Entità organizzativa dell'Azienda. Non selezionare se si desidera una nuova Organizzazione + An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. + + + Limitare l'accesso al Ruolo + Se nessu ruolo viene selezionato, tutti i ruoli potranno accedere all'Organizzazione + The Role determines security and access a user who has this Role will have in the System. + + + New User/Contact + User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact + The User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contact + + + New Workflow Responsible + Responsible for Workflow Execution + The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. + + + New User/Contact + User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact + The User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contact + + + New Workflow Responsible + Responsible for Workflow Execution + The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. + + + Default Sales Rep + If not defined on Business Partner Level + + + + Dunning Currency + Currency to create Dunning Letters + + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/AD_Process_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/AD_Process_Trl_it_IT.xml index 4f0672228a..52391133a8 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/AD_Process_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/AD_Process_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,1240 +1,1240 @@ - - - - - - Creare Periodi - Creare 12 periodi da calendario standard (Gen-Dic) - - - - Rinumerare - Rinumerare Sconti inseriti - - - - Creare Listino Prezzi - Creare Prezzi basati sui parametri di questa versione - Creare Prezzi per questa versione di Listino Prezzi è la sequenza di un Listino Prezzi di Schema Sconto. (Discount Schema Price List). -Linee con una sequenza più alta sovrascrivono i prezzi esistenti. La sequenza dovrebbe andare dal generico allo specifico. - - - Elaborare Ordine - - - - - Creare Lista Inventario - Creare Lista Inventario - Le linee di conto inventario sono generate. Puoi aggiungere nuove linee o cancellarne alcune. - - - Aggiornare Quantità - Il Libro Quantità viene aggiornato al corrente libro quantità. - Il Libro Quantità viene aggiornato al corrente libro quantità. - - - Elaborare Conteggio Inventario - Elabora conteggio Inventario e aggiorna l'inventario - - - - Copiare Conti - Copia e sovrascrive tutti i conti al sistema di defaults (PERICOLOSO!!!) - - - - Elaborare Spedizioni - Elaborare Spedizioni (Aggiorna l'Inventario) - Elabora Spedizioni rimuove i prodotti dall'inventario e segnala gli items come spediti. - - - Stampare Ordine - ** Speciale ** - - - - Elaborare Fatture - - - - - Copiare Conti - Copia e sovrascrive Conti al Business Partners di questo gruppo - - - - Copiare Tabulatori - - Copiare tutti i tabulatori e i campi della finestra - - - Copiare Tabulatori - - Copiare i campi al tabulatore - - - Selezione Fornitore - Prodotti con più di un fornitore - La Selezione Fornitore inizia quando c'è un prodotto fornito da più di un fornitore. Permette la selezione di uno specifico fornitore per un Ordine di Acquisto. - - - Stampare Fatture - ** Speciale** - - - - Stampare Nota di Invio/Spedizione - ** Speciale ** - - - - Generare Spedizioni - - - - - Generare Fatture - Genera e stampa Fatture. - - - - Transazioni Ordine - Report delle transazioni dell'Ordine di Vendita - - - - Ordini Aperti - - - - - Elaborare Movimenti - Elaborare Movimenti di Inventario - Elabora Movimenti di Inventario aggiorna le quantità di inventario basate sui movimenti definiti tra il magazzino e le collocazioni. - - - Generare Privvigioni - Generare Provvigioni - - - - Totali Transazioni di Prodotto - Totali Transazioni di Prodotto - Il report mostra il sommario totale delle transazioni per i prodotti in magazzino. - - - Report di ri-approvigionamento magazzino - Report di ri-approvigionamento magazzino - Il Report mostra i prodotti da mettere in stock. - - - Drilldown Ordine - - - - - Transazioni di Fatturazione - - - - - Fatture per Giorno - - - - - Fatture per Mese - - - - - Fatture per Settimana - - - - - Fatture per Prodotto per Settimana - - - - - Fatture per Prodotto per Mese - - - - - Fatture per Fornitore per Mese - - - - - Generare Fatture (manuale) - Generare e stampa Fatture manualmente - - - - Copiare Da - - - - - Verificare Distinta Base - Verificare Distinta Base - Verificare struttura DB controlla gli elementi e i passi contenuti in una Distinta Base. - - - Creazione Produzione - Creazione della produzione - Create/Post Production genera le linee di produzione ed elabora la produzione. Se le linee di produzione sono già esistenti, la produzione viene elaborata. - - - Fatture per Prodotto per Trimestre - - - - - Fatture Cliente per Fornitore per Trimestre - - - - - Copiare Conti - Copia e sovrascrive i conti dei Prodotti di questa categoria - Il Processo Copia Conti prende i conti definiti per una categoria di prodotti e li copia ad ogni prodotto che si riferisce a questa categoria. Se un conto è già esistente a livello del prodotto viene sovrascritto.(The Copy Accounts Process will take the accounts defined for a product category and copy them to any product that references this category. If an account exists at the product level it will be overwritten.) - - - Generare Ricevuta dalla Fattura - Creare e elabora una ricevuta di spedizione da questa fattura.La fattura dovrà essere corretta e completa. - - - - Elaborazione Cassa - - - - - Partite Aperte - Elenco delle Partite Aperte - - - - Pagamenti non Effettuati - Pagamenti non effettuati - - - - Elaborazione Estratto Conto - - - - - Imputazione dei pagamenti - Pagamento - Fattura - Allocazioni - - - - Elaborazione Pagamenti - - - - - Inversione Imputazione - Inverte la ripartizione e ti permette di ridistribuire la fattura e il pagamento. - - - - Totali Fatture - - - - - Dettagli Fatture - - - - - Operazione Online - - - - - Generare Fattura dalla Entrata Merci - Creare ed elabora la Fattura da questa entrata merci. La ricevuta dovrà essere corretta e completa. - Genera Fattura dalla Entrata Merci Creare una fattura basata sulla ricevuta selezionata. - - - Creare Pagamento - - - - - Creare Da... - - - - - Lettera di Sollecito - - - - - Tire Letter - - - - - Valore di Transazione del Prodotto - Valore di Transazione del Prodotto - Il Report mostra transazioni di prodotto e la loro stima - - - Totali Stato del Progetto - Stato del Progetto nel Ciclo deo Progetto - - - - Generare Ordine - Generare Ordine dal Progetto - Il Processo di Generazione Ordine genera un nuovo documento d'Ordine basato sul progetto. Un Listino Prezzi deve essere indicato nel progetto. Quando il processo è iniziato, dovrai selezionare un magazzino. - - - Copiare Da - Copiare linee da Commissione esistente - - - - Creazione Fattura - Creare Fattura da un calcolo di commissione - - - - Aprire/ Chiudere Tutto - Apre/Chiude tutti i tipi di Documenti Base per questo Periodo - - - - Aprire/Chiudere - - - - - Elaborazione del Libro Giornale - - - - - Dettagli Libro Cassa - Informazioni sui dettagli del Libro Cassa - - - - Storno Crediti - Storno dei Crediti non esigibili - La Procedura di Storno consente di stornare una parte del credito dalle fatture clienti, considerando come pagati gli importi delle fatture aperte selezionate. E' una procedura da usare quando un credito diventa non esigibile. - - - - Sincronizzazione Terminologia - Sincronizza la terminologia all'interno del sistema - Basati sugli accessi in Window Element, i campi in windows, i parametri, ecc, sono sincronizzati se gestiti centralmente (centrally maintained). - - - Creazione Colonne da DB - Creare Tabella di Dizionario dati che non esistono come Colonna ma che esistono nel Database - Se hai aggiunto delle colonne al database di questa tabella, questa procedura Creare i campi Colonna nel Dizionario. Fai attenzione poichè possono essere cancellati se il tipo di entità non è regolata all'Utente.( this procedure creates the Column records in the Dictionary. Please be aware, that they may deleted, if the entity type is not set to User. - - - Creazione Campi - Creare Campi dalla Tabella non esistenti nel Tabulatore - Basata sulla Tabella di questo Tabulatore, questa procedura crea i Campi mancanti. - - - Rielaborazione Registrazioni - Rielaborazione registrazioni di documenti in errore - I documenti con degli errori di regestrazione sono messi da parte per una elaborazione successiva da parte del motore di contabilità - dopo naturalmente aver eliminato la causa dell'errore (es. un periodo non aperto). - - - Azzeramento Contabilità - Azzera le registrazioni contabili - Cancella le registrazioni di contabilità per essere ricreate al successivo avviamento del motore contabile. Questo è un intervento drammatico e deve essere fatto SOLO dopo aver effettuato dei cambiamenti nella struttura contabile (p.e. diversi conti di default, ecc) e se, inserendo manualmente delle registrazioni in contabilitò, il sistema continua a non funziona. - - - Verificare Lingue - Verificare l'esistenza di una traduzione linguistica nel sistema (richiesta dopo aver creato una nuova lingua). - Verifica la traduzione crea dei campi di traduzione mancanti. Inizia questo procedimento dopo aver creato una nuova lingua. Creerà nuovi campi copiando le entrate linguistiche di base. - - - Report Valutazione Inventario - Report Valutazione Inventario - Il Report fa una lista dei prodotti con le loro quantità e valori aggiornati al giorno di valutazione. - - - Sincronizzare Colonna - Cambia la definizione della tabella dell'application dictionary - Quando selezionata, la definizione della colonna database viene aggiornata sulla base delle entrate nella Colonna definizione del Dizionario di Applicazione. Nota che non tutti i cambiamenti sono tollerati dal database e potrebbero risultare degli errori. - - - Aggiornamento dei Costi del Prodotto - Inserisci costi futuri e costi standard. - Per i costi standard puoi: -- aggiornare i costi futuri; -- inserire i costi standard al valore dei costi futuri. - - - Report Costo dei Prodotti - Report Costo dei Prodotti - - - - Elaborazione Spese - - - - - Ricompilare Oggetti DB - Ricompilare Oggetti del Databases - Ricompilare Funzioni, Procedure, Triggers, Viste, ecc. - - - Creare Ordine di Vendita dalle Spese - Creare Ordine di Vendita per il Cliente dai Report di spesa - - - - Creare Fatture da Spese - Creare Fatture da Spese - Creare Fatture di acquisto per le spese da pagare agli impiegati - - - Elaborazione Batch - - - - - Copiare Colonne - Copia le Colonne del Report da altre colonne esistenti - Copiare colonne alla fine di questo gruppo di Colonne - - - Copiare Linee - Copiare le linee del Report da altre linee esistenti - Copia linee alla fine di questo gruppo di linee. - - - Installare Formato Stampa - Installato per tutti i Formati Stampa con lo stesso Landscape/Portrait - - - - Copiare/Creare - Copia Formati Stampa già esistenti o crea Formati Stampa dalla Tabella. - Selezionare una tabella per creare un formato stampa o seleziona un formato stampa da copiare nel corrente formato stampa. - - - Generare Ordine di Acquisto dall'Ordine di Vendita - Creare l'Ordine di Acquisto dall'Ordine di Vendita - Dopo aver completato un ordine di vendita, si può creare uno o più ordini di acquisto per ciascun ordine di vendita. Un ordine di acquisto si riferisce sempre ad un solo ordine di vendita. - -Gli Ordine di Acquisto sono creati per tutte le linee del Ordine di Vendita quando il prodotto ha un fornitore attivo. Il fornitore ha un Listino Prezzi Fornitore con tutti i Prodotti nella sua ultima versione. L'Unità di Misura viene copiata del Ordine di Vendita. I due ordini possono avere valute differenti. -Una volta avviata la procedura, si devono sincronizzare manualmente gli Ordine di Acquisto con l'Ordine di Vendita (cioè in caso di linee aggiuntive e cambimenti nelle linee - prodotto e quantità). - - - - Importa Business Partner - Importa Business Partner - - - - Riaprire Richiesta - Riaprire richieste chiuse - - - - Importare Prodotti - Importare Prodotti da un file nell'applicativo. - Importa Prodotti importa un file di prodotti in un format predefinito nell'applicazione. - - - Importare Conti - Importare Conti Naturali - Importa conti e le loro gierarchie e aggiorna, opzionalmente, i conti di default. -L'aggiornamento dei Conti Default cambia la parte dei conti naturali del conto utilizzato, p.e. conto 01-240 diventa 01-300). Se crei una nuova combinazione, il vecchio conto (p.e. 01-240) rimane, altrimenti viene sostituito. -Se selezioni questo tasto, devi essere sicuro di non moltiplicare conti default usando un conto naturale e SALVA !! - - - Installazione Report Line - Informa sull'importazione dell'installazione del Report Line. - - - - Generare Spedizioni (manuale) - - - - - Stampare Fatture - Stampare Fatture su carta o invia PDF - Nota bene: se si inserisce un Documento Non DAL valore, tutte le fatture con numero maggiore o uguale al numero del documento inserito sono stampate. Si può altrimente usare il carattere % come una widcard. - - - Consegnare Beni Gestiti - Consegnare beni gestiti elettronicamente - - - - Creare Report - Creare Report Finanziario - Il periodo di default è il periodo corrente. Puoi opzionalmente inserire altre restrizioni. - - - Aggiornamento Bilancio Contabile - Aggiorna quotidianamente i bilanci contabili - Questa operazione viene effettuata automaticamente. - - - Estratto Conto - Report di Estratto Conto con Saldo e Transazioni - Seleziona un Periodo (corrente periodo se vuoto) o inserisci un Range di Date del Conto. - - - Azzeramento Cache - Azzeramento Cache del Sistema ** Chiudere tutte le finestre prima di procedere ** - Per Aumentare le Performance, Compiere registra nella cache i dati frequentemente utilizzati. -Questo processo cancella la cache locale. - - - Importazione Ordini - Importazione Ordini - - - - Importazione Fatture - Importazione Fatture - The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. - - - Avviare Elaborazione di Replicazione - Avviare elaborazione di replicazione con Host rimoto - - - - Inviare Email - Invia Email a gli iscritti di un'area di interesse o a un Gruppo di Business Partner - Selezionare l'area di interesse degli iscritti a cui mandare la mail. In alternativa è possibile inviare email ai contatti di un Gruppo di Business partner<br> -Gli utenti a cui mandare le email devono avere degli indirizzi validi. - - - Copiare Righe - Copiare Righe da una altra fattura - - - - Copiare Righe - Copiare Righe da un altro ordine - - - - Copiare Dettagli - Copiare Righe/Fasi/Compiti da un altro progetto - - - - Avviare Processo - Avviare Elaborazione Documento Ricorrente - - - - Copiare Dettagli - Copiare Giornali/Righe da una altro Batch Giornali - - - - Impostare Tipo di Progetto - Imposta il tipo di progetto e per i Progetti di Servizio copia le fasi e i compiti - - - - - Generare Ordine - Generare Ordine dal fase di progetto - The Generate Order process will generate a new Order document based on the project phase or tasks. A price list and warehouse/service point must be defined on the project. If a product is defined on phase level, the Phase information is used as the basis for the Order (milestone invoicing) - otherwise the individual tasks. - - - Stampare Progetto - ** Special ** - - - - Report Ciclo del Progetto - Report Progetti basato sul Ciclo del Progetto - - - - Importazione Inventario - Importazione Inventario Fisico - The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. - - - Importazione Giornali - Importazione Giornali Batch/Giornali/Righe - The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. - - - Importa Estratto Conto Bancario - Importa Estratto Conto Bancario - The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. - - - Bene Gestito Cliente - Report del Bene Gestito dal Cliente con Conto Consegna - - - - Consegnare Bene Gestito - Report di Consegna del Bene Gestito - - - - Attribuire al Progetto - Addebita Materiale al Progetto a partire da una Ricevuta o da un Inventario Manuale - Selzionare un Progetto e alternativamente: -<br>- Ricevuta Entrata Merci -<br>- Report di spesa -<br>- Magazzino e Linea di Progetto non addebitata -<br>- Magazzino, Prodotto e Quantità -<br><br>La data di default è quella odierna - - - Generare Ordini di Acquisto dal Progetto - Generare Ordini di Acquisto da Righe Progetto - - - - - Report Dettagli Contabili del Progetto - - - - - Chiudere Progetto - - - - - Righe di Progetti non Attribuiti - Elenca le Linee del Progetto di un Ordine di Lavorazione o di un Progetto per un determinato Bene, che non sono correlati al Progetto - Elenca le Linee del Progetto di un Ordine di Lavorazione o di un Progetto per un determinato Bene, che non sono correlati al Progetto - - - Ordini di Acquisto Progetto non Attribuiti - Elenca le Linee di Progetto con gli Ordini di Acquisto generati di un Ordine di Lavoro o di un Progetto per un Bene Gestito - - - - Ottenere Prezzo - Get Price for Project Line based on Project Price List - - - - Conversione Preventivi - Converte una Quotazione o un Preventivo in un Ordine di vendita - Potete convertire una Quotazione o un Preventivo in un qualunque tipo di Documento d'ordine (tipicamente un ordine di vendita). Dovreste usare questo processo se volete conservare la Proposta o la Quotazione. Lo stato del documento deve essere "In Process" - - - - Ricalcola Prezzi Ordine/Fattura - Ricalcola i prezzi basandosi sulla ultima versione del listino prezzi di un Ordine aperto o di una Fattura - - - - Verifica Tipi Documenti - Verifica Tipi Documenti - Ci si assicuri che ci sia un Tipo Documento per tutti i tipi di Documento Base, -Genera i Controlli di Periodo mancanti per il tipo documento (potreste doverli aprire) - - - Margine Progetto - Linee di Ordoini di lavoro del progetto 8Ricavi pianificati) vs. Costi di progetto - - - - Verifica Albero - Verify completeness and correctness of Tree - - - - Dettagli scorte - Report di dettaglio sulle scorte - Il report indica i dettagli sulle scorte di prodotto, inclusi gli attributi di istanza (Lotti, Numeri seriali) - - - - Dettagli transazioni - Report di dettaglio sulle transazioni - Il report indica i dettagli sulle transazioni (Ricevute, consegne, inventario, movimenti, etc.) incluse le inforamzioni sui Lotti e i Numeri seriali. - - - - Lista Crediti - Report Lista Crediti - Il report lista crediti consente di avere una visione completa dei crediti (Fatture), Selezionate i criteri per definire il report. - - - - Clicks Mensili - Clicks per Mese - Il Report Mostra il numero di Click per Mese relativi alla risposta degli utenti alla pubblicità - - - - Clicks non Processati - Clicks non Processati - Il Report mostra i Clicks che non sono stati processati (URL non abbinati con il Contatore) - - - Elimina Avvisi - Elimina Avvisi - - - - Valida - Valida Programma Pagamenti - - - - Valida - Valida Termini di Pagamenti e Programma - - - - Organizzazione Magazzino - Verifica l'organizzazione e la struttura del Magazzino - Il processo consente di modificare o verificare l'organizzazione di un Magazzino e di tutte le entità dipendenti - - - - Organizzazione Prodotto - Configura e verifica l'organizzazione del Prodotto - Il processo permette di cambiare o verificare la proprietà dei prodotti da parte dell' organizzazione e delle sue dipendenze -(BOM, Prodotto Sostituto, Costo,etc.). Si può selezionare sia una Categoria Prodotto che un Prodotto Specifico - - - Organizzazione Business Partner - Configura e verifica l'organizzazione dei Business Partner - Il processo consente di configurare e verificare l'organizzazione dei Business Partner e delle Entità a loro collegate (Sede, Contatti, Conto Bancario, Trattenute, etc.)<br> -E' possibile selezionare un Gruppo di Business Partner, o uno specifico Business Parner - - - - Importa Estratto Conto - Importa Estratto Conto - Carica gli estratti conto nella tabella di importazione. I parametri usati dipendono dall'importatore - - - - Elimina Dati Importati - Elimina Dati Importati - Se vi sono problemi nel caricamento dei dati durante l'importazione questa procedura elimina i dati all'interno delle tabelle di importazione. La procedura non distingue tra i dati importati con successo e quelli non importati. - - - - Importa il tasso di conversione valuta - Importa il tasso di conversione valuta - - - - Registra Ora! - La Registrazione aiuta nella realizzazione di un sevizio più efficiente. - Non metteremo a disposizione i dati ad alcuna terza parte e non useremo le informazioni -se non per scopi statistici. Questo ci aiuterà nel caso decidiate di pubblicare l' uso che fate di Compiere. -Ci metteremo in contatto con voi direttamente prima di pubblicare alcuna informazione. - - - Registro IVA e Imposte - Registro IVA e Imposte - Fornisce un report sulle singole imposte applicate nelle fatture con le informazioni sulla tassazione dei Business Partner - - - - Libro Giornale - Report sui dettagli contabili - - - - Eventi contabili per data - Eventi contabili aggregati per data - - - - Eventi contabili per periodo contabile - Eventi contabili per periodo contabile - Il periodo contabile deve essere definito precedentemente - - - Riapertura Ordini - Riapre gli Ordini precedentemente chiusi - - - - Pareggia il report bancario - Pareggia il report bancario con i Business Partner, le Fatture e i Pagamenti - - - - Crea pagamento - Crea un pagamento dal Bank Statement Info - - - - Controllo Sequenza - Controlla le Sequenze dei Documenti e del Sistema - Check that System and Document sequences are correct. Run this process, if you get Duplicate Key error messages. - - - Crea Ordini - Crea gli Ordini dalle Liste di Distribuzione - Please note that due to rounding, the total quantity of the order(s) is likely to be higher then the quantity entered. - - - Collega Organizzazione - Collega BPartner all'Organizzazione - If the Business Partner is another Organization, select the Organization or set to empty to create a new Organization. You link a Business Partner to an Organization to create explicit Documents for Inter-Org transaction. -If you create a new Organization, you may supply a Organization Type. If you select a Role, the access to the new Organization is limited to that role, otherwise all (non manual) roles of the Client will have access to the new Organization. - - - Crea e Invita - Crea Richiesta Quot. e Invita Fornitori - Create (missing) RfQ Responses and optionally send EMail Invitation/Reminder to Vendors to respond to RfQ - - - Invita e Ricorda - EMail Invite or Remind Vendor to answer RfQ - Send Invitation/Reminder to Vendors to respond to RfQ per email - - - Richieste senza Risposta - Richieste senza Risposta - Elenca le Richieste di Quotazione Attive (non chiuse/elaborate) con la Risposta non ancora evasa - - - Risposte alla Richiesta Quotazione - Dettagli sulla Risposta alla Richiesta Quotazione - Elenca i dettagli delle Risposte alle Richieste di Quotazione attive (non chiuse/elaborate) con le risposte complete - - - Ordinare Risposte - Ordina Risposte Completate di Quotazione - Le risposte non valide sono Ordinate con 999 per quantità. -Le risposte di quantità vengono Ordinate l' una rispetto all' altra e la risposta migliore viene aggiornata. -La linea di risposta viene selezionata come vincitore, in cui la quantità dell'acquisto viene selezionata. -Allora i rankings di tutte le risposte di quantità sono aggiunti per il ranking totale della risposta. -La risposta con il ranking totale più basso è contrassegnata come vincitore selezionato. - - - - Crea Ordini di Acquisto - Crea Ordini di Acquisto per le Migliori Quotazioni - Create purchase order(s) for the resonse(s) and lines marked as Selected Winner using the selected Purchase Quantity (in RfQ Line Quantity) . If a Response is marked as Selected Winner, all lines are created (and Selected Winner of other responses ignored). If there is no response marked as Selected Winner, the lines are used. - - - Crea Ordini di Vendita - Crea Ordini di Vendita - A Sales Order is created for the entered Business Partner. A sales order line is created for each RfQ line quantity, where "Offer Quantity" is selected. If on the RfQ Line Quantity, an offer amount is entered (not 0), that price is used. -If a magin is entered on RfQ Line Quantity, it overwrites the general margin. The margin is the percentage added to the Best Response Amount. - - - Copia Linee - Copia Linee da un'altra Richiesta Quot. - - - - Chiude le Richieste di Quotazione - Chiude le Richieste di Quotazione e le Risposte - Close the RfQ and all it's Responses - - - Richieste Aperte - Dettagli sulle Richieste di Quotazione - - - - Crea Ordini - Crea gli Ordini dalle Liste di Distribuzione - Please note that due to rounding, the total quantity of the order(s) is likely to be higher then the quantity entered. - - - Scollega Business Partner da Organizzazione - Scollega Business Partner da Organizzazione - Scollega un Business Partner collegato a una Organizzazione (Utile per documenti contabile inter-organizzazione) - - - - Elabora Richieste - - - - - Consegna Bene Gestito Mensili - Riassunto Mensile Consegne Bene Gestito - Il report elenca i Beni Gestiti e le Consegne per ogni mese. - - - - Valida Tipo Documenti - - - - - Stampa la Risposta alla Richiesta Quotazione - ** Special ** Do not change ** - - - - Controllo Completo - Controlla se la Risposta è Completa rispetto alle Impostazioni di Richiesta di Quotazione - - - - Gestisci Attività - - - - - Gestisci Processi - - - - - Conferma del Processo - - - - - Crea Conferma - Crea Conferma per il Documento - La conferma generata deve essere confermata prima di poter processare questo documento. - - - - Impacchettamento - Crea Impacchettamento per la Spedizione - - - - Elabora RMA - - - - - Dettagli Conferme Aperte - Dettagli Conferme Spedizioni o Ricevimenti Aperte - Il Report mostra le linee delle Conferme Aperte - - - Conferme Aperte - Conferme di Spedizioni o Ingresso Merci ancora Aperte - Il Report elenca le conferme ancora aperte - - - - Conferma Processo - Conferma del Processo di Movimentazione di Inventario - - - - Stampa Dettagli di Formattazione - Il Report Stampa Dettagli di Formattazione - Stampa Formato con dettagli di Articolo - - - - Azzera Password - Azzera le Password per gli Utenti - Cambia le impostazioni delle parole d'accesso e delle email dell'utente. -Non si ha bisogno di sapere/inserire la parola d'accesso, se siete un amministratore. - - - Genera Processo di Sollecito - Genera le Entità del Processo di Sollecito basate sul tipo di Criterio di Sollecito - - - - Stampa Movimenti di Inventario - ** Speciale ** Non Cambiare ** - Crea/Copia il proprio Formato e Processo - - - Stampa Inventario Fisico - ** Speciale ** Non Cambiare ** - Crea/Copia il proprio Format e Processo - - - Conferma Spedizioni - ** Speciale ** Non Cambiare ** - - - - Dettagli Ricevimento Merci - Informazioni Dettagli Ricevimento Merci - il Report fornisce le informazioni sul Ricevimento Merci con le informazioni sul Magazzino. - - - Dettagli Spedizioni - Informazioni sui Dettagli Spedizioni - Il report fornisce informazioni sulle Spedizioni con le informazioni sul Magazzino. Si può usare il report per creare una efficiente lista di estrazione. - - - Aggiornamento dell' Accesso del Ruolo - Aggiorna i permessi d' accesso di un ruolo o di più ruoli di una Azienda. - Aggiorna i permessi di accesso di un ruolo o di tutti i ruoli di un cliente alle finestre, -ai forms, ai processi ed ai workflows. Se in funzione per il sistema, tutti i ruoli di tutti -i clienti sono aggiornati. Si noti che un ruolo è aggiornato soltanto se non è contrassegnato come manuale. - - - Importa Conferme - Importa Conferme - Ai campi importati in cui non è stato inserito alcun valore viene assegnato un valore di default - - - - Estrapola + Calcola Misure - Estrapola e Calcola Misure - Estrapola le Misure - e calcola/aggiorna la misura attuale. - - - Calcola Misure - Calcola Misure - Calcola/Aggiorna la misura attuale. - - - Verifica - Verifica la distribuzione del Libro Giornale - - - - Cancella - Cancella il Record delle Fatture Abbinate - - - - Cancella - Cancella il Record degli Ordini di Acquisto Abbinati - - - - Allocazione Automatica - Allocazione Automatica delle fatture nei pagamenti - Alloca le fatture nei pagamenti per un business partner o un gruppo. Si può voler prima annullare le ripartizini preesistenti. Le ripartizioni sono basate (1) sui pagamenti inseriti con riferimento a delle fatture (2), su delle selezioni dei pagamenti (3), sul bilancio dei business partners (4) ed infine sul bilanciamento del totale di fattura e pagamento. -La ripartizione è definita sull' ammontare esatto. - - - Annulla Allocazione Fatture - Annulla la Allocazione delle fatture nei pagamenti. - Annulla l'allocazione delle fatture sui pagamenti per un business partner o un gruppo di business partner. - - - Convalida Workflow - Analizza che il Workflow sia corretto - (controllo limitato) - - - Document Value based Workflows - *** DO NOT MODIFY *** - - - - Annulla Modifiche - Annulla Modifiche - You can undo certain changes. - - - Ri-Applica Modifiche - Ri-Applica Modifiche - You can reapply certain changes. - - - Riapplica personalizzazioni - Riapplica personalizzazioni - The migration "resets" the system to the current/original setting. If selected in the Change Log, you can save the customization and re-apply them. Please note that you need to check, if your customization has no negative side effect in the new release. - - - Dal Workflow al Client - Sposta i Workflow personalizzati nel Client/Azienda Corrente - L'architettura di sicurezza impedisce di aggiungere personalizzazioni o modifiche ai workflow standard pre-esistenti. Questo processo sposta le vostre personalizzazioni fatte a livello System su questo Client. - - - Bilancio di verifica - Bilancio di verifica per esercizio o periodo - Selezionate un Periodo Contabile o inserite un Range di Esercizio. Se selezionate un Conto, il saldo è calcolato sul tipo di conto e sull'Esercizio Contabile Primario del Client. Se non viene selezionato nessun Conto, il saldo è la somma di tutte le transazionisvolte prima del periodo contabile o dal primo giorno del range selezionato. - - - Conversione UdM Prodotto - Conversione UdM Prodotto - Example: "Product EA" has a defined UOM Conversion to "Product 6Pack" and vice versa. -This is a one-step replacement for defining BOM and creating/processes a Production. - - - Stampa lettere solleciti - Stampa lettere solleciti su carta o PDF - Stampa le lettere di sollecito o le invia in formato PDF ai Business Partner utilizzando l'indirizzo di Email registrato nel profilo. - - - - Payment Print - ** Special ** Do not change ** - - - - Valida Business Partner - Valida Business Partner - Valida i pagamenti e le fatture dei Business Partner. Verifica i saldi - - - Elabora gruppi di Ordini - Elabora gruppi di Ordini - Elabora gli ordini utilizzando l'azione-documento selezionata. Verificare che l'azione sul documento sia valida - - - Fatture non allocate - Fatture non allocate sui pagamenti - Report of not allocated Invoices (for partially paid/allocated invoices see Open Item) - - - Pagamenti non allocati - Pagamenti non allocati - Report of not allocated Payments (for partially allocated payments, use Payment Detail) - - - Dettagli Pagamenti - Dettagli Pagamenti - Pagamenti e incassi con i relativi importi impegnati - - - Importo Aperto Business Partner - Importo Aperto Business Partner - The report lists open invoices and payments - - - Dettagli Commisioni Correnti - Dettagli Commisioni Correnti - Dettagli Commisioni Correnti con i relativi Ordini/Fatture - - - Sincronizza Traduzione Documenti - Synchronize Document Translation - If the current client has not multi-lingual documents enabled, the translations for documents are synchronized with the main record (i.e. it copies the content of the main record to the translation records). This process is necessary when swiching to a mono-lingual environment as there the terminoligy is maintained not in the translation records.<br> -This applies to the client defined document translations, e.g. for UoM, Payment Terms, Product Info, etc. - - - Riferimenti dei Materiali - Riferimenti incrociati sull'uso dei Materiali - The report displays, e.g. where Material Receipts are used or Customer Shipments are resourced from - - - Crea Fatture - - - - - Fatture per richieste - Crea Fatture per richieste - Create invoice for Request Type with optional Request Group, Category for Business Partner. If the used product for invoicing is not defined, the product defined in the parameter is used. - - - Pulizia Dati Inventario - Pulizia Dati Inventario - Crea Movimenti di inventario per i magazzini non bilanciati - - - Fatture non incassate - Fatture non incassate (Profitti/Perdite) - The Report lists not fully paid invoices with open amount, the GL amounts and the revalued amounts. -If you select a (GL) Document Type, a GL Journal is created. - - - Test per Connessione EMail - Test per Connessione EMail - Test EMail Connection based on info defined. An EMail is sent from the request user to the request user. Also, the web store mail settings are tested. - - - Criptazione Colonne - Test e abilitazione Criptazione colonne - To enable storage encryption or remove encryption is dangerous as you may loose data. You need to verify that the column is big enough to hold the encrypted value. You can provide your own encryption method, but cannot change it once enabled. <br> -The default implementation supports US ASCII String conversion (not Unicode, Numbers, Dates)<br> -Note that support is restricted to setup and test, but not data recovery. - - - Costi di Produzione - Costi di Produzione - The Product Cost report lists the product costs for the product, cost type and cost element - - - Totale Costi di Produzione - Totale Costi di Produzione - The Product Cost report lists the summarized product costs for the product - - - Dettagli Costi di Produzione - Dettagli Costi di Produzione - The Product Invoice Cost Detail Report lists the products with the individual invoice cost allocation - - - Distribuisce i Costi - Distribuisce i costi sui prodotti - Distribute costs to Products based on selections - Distribution Base (Quantity, Current Costs, Line, Weight, ..) and Receipt/Line or directly to the product. - - - Dettagli Ordine - Report di dettaglio degli Ordini - Il report include i dettagli degli ordini comprese le perdite nelle vendite. Può essere usato per le vendite e gli acquisti - - - - Dettagli Business Partner - Report Dettagli Business Partner - Dettagli Business Partner - - - Crea Registrazione dei Costi - Crea Registrazione dei Costi - Le registrazioni dei costi sono create quando necessarie o tramite processo Batch. Potete forzare la creazione delle registrazioni con questa procedura. - - - - Crea dichiarazione delle Tasse - Crea dichiarazione delle Tasse dai documenti contabili - - - - Crea Ordini di Acquisto dalle Richieste - Crea Ordini di Acquisto dalle Richieste - Crea Ordini di Acquisto dalle Richieste - - - Crea Libro Mastro/Default - Copia i valori dei conti dal piano dei conti da uno schema contabile esistente - Crea il libro mastro e il Piano dei conti per questo schema contabile e copia i conti corrispondenti - - - - Emissione Report o Aggiornamento - Emissione Report o Aggiornamento a Compiere INC - - - - Fatture per Prodotto e per Mese - Report Fatture per Prodotto e per Mese - Invoiced Amount by Product and Month - - - Fatture Trimestrali per Prodotto - Fatture Trimestrali per Prodotto - Invoiced Amount by Product and Quarter - - - Valida Contratto di Supporto - Valida Contratto di Supporto - The process connects to the Compiere Support Services server and validates the support contract. To sign up for support, please go to http://www.compiere.org - - + + + + + + Creare Periodi + Creare 12 periodi da calendario standard (Gen-Dic) + + + + Rinumerare + Rinumerare Sconti inseriti + + + + Creare Listino Prezzi + Creare Prezzi basati sui parametri di questa versione + Creare Prezzi per questa versione di Listino Prezzi è la sequenza di un Listino Prezzi di Schema Sconto. (Discount Schema Price List). +Linee con una sequenza più alta sovrascrivono i prezzi esistenti. La sequenza dovrebbe andare dal generico allo specifico. + + + Elaborare Ordine + + + + + Creare Lista Inventario + Creare Lista Inventario + Le linee di conto inventario sono generate. Puoi aggiungere nuove linee o cancellarne alcune. + + + Aggiornare Quantità + Il Libro Quantità viene aggiornato al corrente libro quantità. + Il Libro Quantità viene aggiornato al corrente libro quantità. + + + Elaborare Conteggio Inventario + Elabora conteggio Inventario e aggiorna l'inventario + + + + Copiare Conti + Copia e sovrascrive tutti i conti al sistema di defaults (PERICOLOSO!!!) + + + + Elaborare Spedizioni + Elaborare Spedizioni (Aggiorna l'Inventario) + Elabora Spedizioni rimuove i prodotti dall'inventario e segnala gli items come spediti. + + + Stampare Ordine + ** Speciale ** + + + + Elaborare Fatture + + + + + Copiare Conti + Copia e sovrascrive Conti al Business Partners di questo gruppo + + + + Copiare Tabulatori + + Copiare tutti i tabulatori e i campi della finestra + + + Copiare Tabulatori + + Copiare i campi al tabulatore + + + Selezione Fornitore + Prodotti con più di un fornitore + La Selezione Fornitore inizia quando c'è un prodotto fornito da più di un fornitore. Permette la selezione di uno specifico fornitore per un Ordine di Acquisto. + + + Stampare Fatture + ** Speciale** + + + + Stampare Nota di Invio/Spedizione + ** Speciale ** + + + + Generare Spedizioni + + + + + Generare Fatture + Genera e stampa Fatture. + + + + Transazioni Ordine + Report delle transazioni dell'Ordine di Vendita + + + + Ordini Aperti + + + + + Elaborare Movimenti + Elaborare Movimenti di Inventario + Elabora Movimenti di Inventario aggiorna le quantità di inventario basate sui movimenti definiti tra il magazzino e le collocazioni. + + + Generare Privvigioni + Generare Provvigioni + + + + Totali Transazioni di Prodotto + Totali Transazioni di Prodotto + Il report mostra il sommario totale delle transazioni per i prodotti in magazzino. + + + Report di ri-approvigionamento magazzino + Report di ri-approvigionamento magazzino + Il Report mostra i prodotti da mettere in stock. + + + Drilldown Ordine + + + + + Transazioni di Fatturazione + + + + + Fatture per Giorno + + + + + Fatture per Mese + + + + + Fatture per Settimana + + + + + Fatture per Prodotto per Settimana + + + + + Fatture per Prodotto per Mese + + + + + Fatture per Fornitore per Mese + + + + + Generare Fatture (manuale) + Generare e stampa Fatture manualmente + + + + Copiare Da + + + + + Verificare Distinta Base + Verificare Distinta Base + Verificare struttura DB controlla gli elementi e i passi contenuti in una Distinta Base. + + + Creazione Produzione + Creazione della produzione + Create/Post Production genera le linee di produzione ed elabora la produzione. Se le linee di produzione sono già esistenti, la produzione viene elaborata. + + + Fatture per Prodotto per Trimestre + + + + + Fatture Cliente per Fornitore per Trimestre + + + + + Copiare Conti + Copia e sovrascrive i conti dei Prodotti di questa categoria + Il Processo Copia Conti prende i conti definiti per una categoria di prodotti e li copia ad ogni prodotto che si riferisce a questa categoria. Se un conto è già esistente a livello del prodotto viene sovrascritto.(The Copy Accounts Process will take the accounts defined for a product category and copy them to any product that references this category. If an account exists at the product level it will be overwritten.) + + + Generare Ricevuta dalla Fattura + Creare e elabora una ricevuta di spedizione da questa fattura.La fattura dovrà essere corretta e completa. + + + + Elaborazione Cassa + + + + + Partite Aperte + Elenco delle Partite Aperte + + + + Pagamenti non Effettuati + Pagamenti non effettuati + + + + Elaborazione Estratto Conto + + + + + Imputazione dei pagamenti + Pagamento - Fattura - Allocazioni + + + + Elaborazione Pagamenti + + + + + Inversione Imputazione + Inverte la ripartizione e ti permette di ridistribuire la fattura e il pagamento. + + + + Totali Fatture + + + + + Dettagli Fatture + + + + + Operazione Online + + + + + Generare Fattura dalla Entrata Merci + Creare ed elabora la Fattura da questa entrata merci. La ricevuta dovrà essere corretta e completa. + Genera Fattura dalla Entrata Merci Creare una fattura basata sulla ricevuta selezionata. + + + Creare Pagamento + + + + + Creare Da... + + + + + Lettera di Sollecito + + + + + Tire Letter + + + + + Valore di Transazione del Prodotto + Valore di Transazione del Prodotto + Il Report mostra transazioni di prodotto e la loro stima + + + Totali Stato del Progetto + Stato del Progetto nel Ciclo deo Progetto + + + + Generare Ordine + Generare Ordine dal Progetto + Il Processo di Generazione Ordine genera un nuovo documento d'Ordine basato sul progetto. Un Listino Prezzi deve essere indicato nel progetto. Quando il processo è iniziato, dovrai selezionare un magazzino. + + + Copiare Da + Copiare linee da Commissione esistente + + + + Creazione Fattura + Creare Fattura da un calcolo di commissione + + + + Aprire/ Chiudere Tutto + Apre/Chiude tutti i tipi di Documenti Base per questo Periodo + + + + Aprire/Chiudere + + + + + Elaborazione del Libro Giornale + + + + + Dettagli Libro Cassa + Informazioni sui dettagli del Libro Cassa + + + + Storno Crediti + Storno dei Crediti non esigibili + La Procedura di Storno consente di stornare una parte del credito dalle fatture clienti, considerando come pagati gli importi delle fatture aperte selezionate. E' una procedura da usare quando un credito diventa non esigibile. + + + + Sincronizzazione Terminologia + Sincronizza la terminologia all'interno del sistema + Basati sugli accessi in Window Element, i campi in windows, i parametri, ecc, sono sincronizzati se gestiti centralmente (centrally maintained). + + + Creazione Colonne da DB + Creare Tabella di Dizionario dati che non esistono come Colonna ma che esistono nel Database + Se hai aggiunto delle colonne al database di questa tabella, questa procedura Creare i campi Colonna nel Dizionario. Fai attenzione poichè possono essere cancellati se il tipo di entità non è regolata all'Utente.( this procedure creates the Column records in the Dictionary. Please be aware, that they may deleted, if the entity type is not set to User. + + + Creazione Campi + Creare Campi dalla Tabella non esistenti nel Tabulatore + Basata sulla Tabella di questo Tabulatore, questa procedura crea i Campi mancanti. + + + Rielaborazione Registrazioni + Rielaborazione registrazioni di documenti in errore + I documenti con degli errori di regestrazione sono messi da parte per una elaborazione successiva da parte del motore di contabilità - dopo naturalmente aver eliminato la causa dell'errore (es. un periodo non aperto). + + + Azzeramento Contabilità + Azzera le registrazioni contabili + Cancella le registrazioni di contabilità per essere ricreate al successivo avviamento del motore contabile. Questo è un intervento drammatico e deve essere fatto SOLO dopo aver effettuato dei cambiamenti nella struttura contabile (p.e. diversi conti di default, ecc) e se, inserendo manualmente delle registrazioni in contabilitò, il sistema continua a non funziona. + + + Verificare Lingue + Verificare l'esistenza di una traduzione linguistica nel sistema (richiesta dopo aver creato una nuova lingua). + Verifica la traduzione crea dei campi di traduzione mancanti. Inizia questo procedimento dopo aver creato una nuova lingua. Creerà nuovi campi copiando le entrate linguistiche di base. + + + Report Valutazione Inventario + Report Valutazione Inventario + Il Report fa una lista dei prodotti con le loro quantità e valori aggiornati al giorno di valutazione. + + + Sincronizzare Colonna + Cambia la definizione della tabella dell'application dictionary + Quando selezionata, la definizione della colonna database viene aggiornata sulla base delle entrate nella Colonna definizione del Dizionario di Applicazione. Nota che non tutti i cambiamenti sono tollerati dal database e potrebbero risultare degli errori. + + + Aggiornamento dei Costi del Prodotto + Inserisci costi futuri e costi standard. + Per i costi standard puoi: +- aggiornare i costi futuri; +- inserire i costi standard al valore dei costi futuri. + + + Report Costo dei Prodotti + Report Costo dei Prodotti + + + + Elaborazione Spese + + + + + Ricompilare Oggetti DB + Ricompilare Oggetti del Databases + Ricompilare Funzioni, Procedure, Triggers, Viste, ecc. + + + Creare Ordine di Vendita dalle Spese + Creare Ordine di Vendita per il Cliente dai Report di spesa + + + + Creare Fatture da Spese + Creare Fatture da Spese + Creare Fatture di acquisto per le spese da pagare agli impiegati + + + Elaborazione Batch + + + + + Copiare Colonne + Copia le Colonne del Report da altre colonne esistenti + Copiare colonne alla fine di questo gruppo di Colonne + + + Copiare Linee + Copiare le linee del Report da altre linee esistenti + Copia linee alla fine di questo gruppo di linee. + + + Installare Formato Stampa + Installato per tutti i Formati Stampa con lo stesso Landscape/Portrait + + + + Copiare/Creare + Copia Formati Stampa già esistenti o crea Formati Stampa dalla Tabella. + Selezionare una tabella per creare un formato stampa o seleziona un formato stampa da copiare nel corrente formato stampa. + + + Generare Ordine di Acquisto dall'Ordine di Vendita + Creare l'Ordine di Acquisto dall'Ordine di Vendita + Dopo aver completato un ordine di vendita, si può creare uno o più ordini di acquisto per ciascun ordine di vendita. Un ordine di acquisto si riferisce sempre ad un solo ordine di vendita. + +Gli Ordine di Acquisto sono creati per tutte le linee del Ordine di Vendita quando il prodotto ha un fornitore attivo. Il fornitore ha un Listino Prezzi Fornitore con tutti i Prodotti nella sua ultima versione. L'Unità di Misura viene copiata del Ordine di Vendita. I due ordini possono avere valute differenti. +Una volta avviata la procedura, si devono sincronizzare manualmente gli Ordine di Acquisto con l'Ordine di Vendita (cioè in caso di linee aggiuntive e cambimenti nelle linee - prodotto e quantità). + + + + Importa Business Partner + Importa Business Partner + + + + Riaprire Richiesta + Riaprire richieste chiuse + + + + Importare Prodotti + Importare Prodotti da un file nell'applicativo. + Importa Prodotti importa un file di prodotti in un format predefinito nell'applicazione. + + + Importare Conti + Importare Conti Naturali + Importa conti e le loro gierarchie e aggiorna, opzionalmente, i conti di default. +L'aggiornamento dei Conti Default cambia la parte dei conti naturali del conto utilizzato, p.e. conto 01-240 diventa 01-300). Se crei una nuova combinazione, il vecchio conto (p.e. 01-240) rimane, altrimenti viene sostituito. +Se selezioni questo tasto, devi essere sicuro di non moltiplicare conti default usando un conto naturale e SALVA !! + + + Installazione Report Line + Informa sull'importazione dell'installazione del Report Line. + + + + Generare Spedizioni (manuale) + + + + + Stampare Fatture + Stampare Fatture su carta o invia PDF + Nota bene: se si inserisce un Documento Non DAL valore, tutte le fatture con numero maggiore o uguale al numero del documento inserito sono stampate. Si può altrimente usare il carattere % come una widcard. + + + Consegnare Beni Gestiti + Consegnare beni gestiti elettronicamente + + + + Creare Report + Creare Report Finanziario + Il periodo di default è il periodo corrente. Puoi opzionalmente inserire altre restrizioni. + + + Aggiornamento Bilancio Contabile + Aggiorna quotidianamente i bilanci contabili + Questa operazione viene effettuata automaticamente. + + + Estratto Conto + Report di Estratto Conto con Saldo e Transazioni + Seleziona un Periodo (corrente periodo se vuoto) o inserisci un Range di Date del Conto. + + + Azzeramento Cache + Azzeramento Cache del Sistema ** Chiudere tutte le finestre prima di procedere ** + Per Aumentare le Performance, Compiere registra nella cache i dati frequentemente utilizzati. +Questo processo cancella la cache locale. + + + Importazione Ordini + Importazione Ordini + + + + Importazione Fatture + Importazione Fatture + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. + + + Avviare Elaborazione di Replicazione + Avviare elaborazione di replicazione con Host rimoto + + + + Inviare Email + Invia Email a gli iscritti di un'area di interesse o a un Gruppo di Business Partner + Selezionare l'area di interesse degli iscritti a cui mandare la mail. In alternativa è possibile inviare email ai contatti di un Gruppo di Business partner<br> +Gli utenti a cui mandare le email devono avere degli indirizzi validi. + + + Copiare Righe + Copiare Righe da una altra fattura + + + + Copiare Righe + Copiare Righe da un altro ordine + + + + Copiare Dettagli + Copiare Righe/Fasi/Compiti da un altro progetto + + + + Avviare Processo + Avviare Elaborazione Documento Ricorrente + + + + Copiare Dettagli + Copiare Giornali/Righe da una altro Batch Giornali + + + + Impostare Tipo di Progetto + Imposta il tipo di progetto e per i Progetti di Servizio copia le fasi e i compiti + + + + + Generare Ordine + Generare Ordine dal fase di progetto + The Generate Order process will generate a new Order document based on the project phase or tasks. A price list and warehouse/service point must be defined on the project. If a product is defined on phase level, the Phase information is used as the basis for the Order (milestone invoicing) - otherwise the individual tasks. + + + Stampare Progetto + ** Special ** + + + + Report Ciclo del Progetto + Report Progetti basato sul Ciclo del Progetto + + + + Importazione Inventario + Importazione Inventario Fisico + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. + + + Importazione Giornali + Importazione Giornali Batch/Giornali/Righe + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. + + + Importa Estratto Conto Bancario + Importa Estratto Conto Bancario + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. + + + Bene Gestito Cliente + Report del Bene Gestito dal Cliente con Conto Consegna + + + + Consegnare Bene Gestito + Report di Consegna del Bene Gestito + + + + Attribuire al Progetto + Addebita Materiale al Progetto a partire da una Ricevuta o da un Inventario Manuale + Selzionare un Progetto e alternativamente: +<br>- Ricevuta Entrata Merci +<br>- Report di spesa +<br>- Magazzino e Linea di Progetto non addebitata +<br>- Magazzino, Prodotto e Quantità +<br><br>La data di default è quella odierna + + + Generare Ordini di Acquisto dal Progetto + Generare Ordini di Acquisto da Righe Progetto + + + + + Report Dettagli Contabili del Progetto + + + + + Chiudere Progetto + + + + + Righe di Progetti non Attribuiti + Elenca le Linee del Progetto di un Ordine di Lavorazione o di un Progetto per un determinato Bene, che non sono correlati al Progetto + Elenca le Linee del Progetto di un Ordine di Lavorazione o di un Progetto per un determinato Bene, che non sono correlati al Progetto + + + Ordini di Acquisto Progetto non Attribuiti + Elenca le Linee di Progetto con gli Ordini di Acquisto generati di un Ordine di Lavoro o di un Progetto per un Bene Gestito + + + + Ottenere Prezzo + Get Price for Project Line based on Project Price List + + + + Conversione Preventivi + Converte una Quotazione o un Preventivo in un Ordine di vendita + Potete convertire una Quotazione o un Preventivo in un qualunque tipo di Documento d'ordine (tipicamente un ordine di vendita). Dovreste usare questo processo se volete conservare la Proposta o la Quotazione. Lo stato del documento deve essere "In Process" + + + + Ricalcola Prezzi Ordine/Fattura + Ricalcola i prezzi basandosi sulla ultima versione del listino prezzi di un Ordine aperto o di una Fattura + + + + Verifica Tipi Documenti + Verifica Tipi Documenti + Ci si assicuri che ci sia un Tipo Documento per tutti i tipi di Documento Base, +Genera i Controlli di Periodo mancanti per il tipo documento (potreste doverli aprire) + + + Margine Progetto + Linee di Ordoini di lavoro del progetto 8Ricavi pianificati) vs. Costi di progetto + + + + Verifica Albero + Verify completeness and correctness of Tree + + + + Dettagli scorte + Report di dettaglio sulle scorte + Il report indica i dettagli sulle scorte di prodotto, inclusi gli attributi di istanza (Lotti, Numeri seriali) + + + + Dettagli transazioni + Report di dettaglio sulle transazioni + Il report indica i dettagli sulle transazioni (Ricevute, consegne, inventario, movimenti, etc.) incluse le inforamzioni sui Lotti e i Numeri seriali. + + + + Lista Crediti + Report Lista Crediti + Il report lista crediti consente di avere una visione completa dei crediti (Fatture), Selezionate i criteri per definire il report. + + + + Clicks Mensili + Clicks per Mese + Il Report Mostra il numero di Click per Mese relativi alla risposta degli utenti alla pubblicità + + + + Clicks non Processati + Clicks non Processati + Il Report mostra i Clicks che non sono stati processati (URL non abbinati con il Contatore) + + + Elimina Avvisi + Elimina Avvisi + + + + Valida + Valida Programma Pagamenti + + + + Valida + Valida Termini di Pagamenti e Programma + + + + Organizzazione Magazzino + Verifica l'organizzazione e la struttura del Magazzino + Il processo consente di modificare o verificare l'organizzazione di un Magazzino e di tutte le entità dipendenti + + + + Organizzazione Prodotto + Configura e verifica l'organizzazione del Prodotto + Il processo permette di cambiare o verificare la proprietà dei prodotti da parte dell' organizzazione e delle sue dipendenze +(BOM, Prodotto Sostituto, Costo,etc.). Si può selezionare sia una Categoria Prodotto che un Prodotto Specifico + + + Organizzazione Business Partner + Configura e verifica l'organizzazione dei Business Partner + Il processo consente di configurare e verificare l'organizzazione dei Business Partner e delle Entità a loro collegate (Sede, Contatti, Conto Bancario, Trattenute, etc.)<br> +E' possibile selezionare un Gruppo di Business Partner, o uno specifico Business Parner + + + + Importa Estratto Conto + Importa Estratto Conto + Carica gli estratti conto nella tabella di importazione. I parametri usati dipendono dall'importatore + + + + Elimina Dati Importati + Elimina Dati Importati + Se vi sono problemi nel caricamento dei dati durante l'importazione questa procedura elimina i dati all'interno delle tabelle di importazione. La procedura non distingue tra i dati importati con successo e quelli non importati. + + + + Importa il tasso di conversione valuta + Importa il tasso di conversione valuta + + + + Registra Ora! + La Registrazione aiuta nella realizzazione di un sevizio più efficiente. + Non metteremo a disposizione i dati ad alcuna terza parte e non useremo le informazioni +se non per scopi statistici. Questo ci aiuterà nel caso decidiate di pubblicare l' uso che fate di Compiere. +Ci metteremo in contatto con voi direttamente prima di pubblicare alcuna informazione. + + + Registro IVA e Imposte + Registro IVA e Imposte + Fornisce un report sulle singole imposte applicate nelle fatture con le informazioni sulla tassazione dei Business Partner + + + + Libro Giornale + Report sui dettagli contabili + + + + Eventi contabili per data + Eventi contabili aggregati per data + + + + Eventi contabili per periodo contabile + Eventi contabili per periodo contabile + Il periodo contabile deve essere definito precedentemente + + + Riapertura Ordini + Riapre gli Ordini precedentemente chiusi + + + + Pareggia il report bancario + Pareggia il report bancario con i Business Partner, le Fatture e i Pagamenti + + + + Crea pagamento + Crea un pagamento dal Bank Statement Info + + + + Controllo Sequenza + Controlla le Sequenze dei Documenti e del Sistema + Check that System and Document sequences are correct. Run this process, if you get Duplicate Key error messages. + + + Crea Ordini + Crea gli Ordini dalle Liste di Distribuzione + Please note that due to rounding, the total quantity of the order(s) is likely to be higher then the quantity entered. + + + Collega Organizzazione + Collega BPartner all'Organizzazione + If the Business Partner is another Organization, select the Organization or set to empty to create a new Organization. You link a Business Partner to an Organization to create explicit Documents for Inter-Org transaction. +If you create a new Organization, you may supply a Organization Type. If you select a Role, the access to the new Organization is limited to that role, otherwise all (non manual) roles of the Client will have access to the new Organization. + + + Crea e Invita + Crea Richiesta Quot. e Invita Fornitori + Create (missing) RfQ Responses and optionally send EMail Invitation/Reminder to Vendors to respond to RfQ + + + Invita e Ricorda + EMail Invite or Remind Vendor to answer RfQ + Send Invitation/Reminder to Vendors to respond to RfQ per email + + + Richieste senza Risposta + Richieste senza Risposta + Elenca le Richieste di Quotazione Attive (non chiuse/elaborate) con la Risposta non ancora evasa + + + Risposte alla Richiesta Quotazione + Dettagli sulla Risposta alla Richiesta Quotazione + Elenca i dettagli delle Risposte alle Richieste di Quotazione attive (non chiuse/elaborate) con le risposte complete + + + Ordinare Risposte + Ordina Risposte Completate di Quotazione + Le risposte non valide sono Ordinate con 999 per quantità. +Le risposte di quantità vengono Ordinate l' una rispetto all' altra e la risposta migliore viene aggiornata. +La linea di risposta viene selezionata come vincitore, in cui la quantità dell'acquisto viene selezionata. +Allora i rankings di tutte le risposte di quantità sono aggiunti per il ranking totale della risposta. +La risposta con il ranking totale più basso è contrassegnata come vincitore selezionato. + + + + Crea Ordini di Acquisto + Crea Ordini di Acquisto per le Migliori Quotazioni + Create purchase order(s) for the resonse(s) and lines marked as Selected Winner using the selected Purchase Quantity (in RfQ Line Quantity) . If a Response is marked as Selected Winner, all lines are created (and Selected Winner of other responses ignored). If there is no response marked as Selected Winner, the lines are used. + + + Crea Ordini di Vendita + Crea Ordini di Vendita + A Sales Order is created for the entered Business Partner. A sales order line is created for each RfQ line quantity, where "Offer Quantity" is selected. If on the RfQ Line Quantity, an offer amount is entered (not 0), that price is used. +If a magin is entered on RfQ Line Quantity, it overwrites the general margin. The margin is the percentage added to the Best Response Amount. + + + Copia Linee + Copia Linee da un'altra Richiesta Quot. + + + + Chiude le Richieste di Quotazione + Chiude le Richieste di Quotazione e le Risposte + Close the RfQ and all it's Responses + + + Richieste Aperte + Dettagli sulle Richieste di Quotazione + + + + Crea Ordini + Crea gli Ordini dalle Liste di Distribuzione + Please note that due to rounding, the total quantity of the order(s) is likely to be higher then the quantity entered. + + + Scollega Business Partner da Organizzazione + Scollega Business Partner da Organizzazione + Scollega un Business Partner collegato a una Organizzazione (Utile per documenti contabile inter-organizzazione) + + + + Elabora Richieste + + + + + Consegna Bene Gestito Mensili + Riassunto Mensile Consegne Bene Gestito + Il report elenca i Beni Gestiti e le Consegne per ogni mese. + + + + Valida Tipo Documenti + + + + + Stampa la Risposta alla Richiesta Quotazione + ** Special ** Do not change ** + + + + Controllo Completo + Controlla se la Risposta è Completa rispetto alle Impostazioni di Richiesta di Quotazione + + + + Gestisci Attività + + + + + Gestisci Processi + + + + + Conferma del Processo + + + + + Crea Conferma + Crea Conferma per il Documento + La conferma generata deve essere confermata prima di poter processare questo documento. + + + + Impacchettamento + Crea Impacchettamento per la Spedizione + + + + Elabora RMA + + + + + Dettagli Conferme Aperte + Dettagli Conferme Spedizioni o Ricevimenti Aperte + Il Report mostra le linee delle Conferme Aperte + + + Conferme Aperte + Conferme di Spedizioni o Ingresso Merci ancora Aperte + Il Report elenca le conferme ancora aperte + + + + Conferma Processo + Conferma del Processo di Movimentazione di Inventario + + + + Stampa Dettagli di Formattazione + Il Report Stampa Dettagli di Formattazione + Stampa Formato con dettagli di Articolo + + + + Azzera Password + Azzera le Password per gli Utenti + Cambia le impostazioni delle parole d'accesso e delle email dell'utente. +Non si ha bisogno di sapere/inserire la parola d'accesso, se siete un amministratore. + + + Genera Processo di Sollecito + Genera le Entità del Processo di Sollecito basate sul tipo di Criterio di Sollecito + + + + Stampa Movimenti di Inventario + ** Speciale ** Non Cambiare ** + Crea/Copia il proprio Formato e Processo + + + Stampa Inventario Fisico + ** Speciale ** Non Cambiare ** + Crea/Copia il proprio Format e Processo + + + Conferma Spedizioni + ** Speciale ** Non Cambiare ** + + + + Dettagli Ricevimento Merci + Informazioni Dettagli Ricevimento Merci + il Report fornisce le informazioni sul Ricevimento Merci con le informazioni sul Magazzino. + + + Dettagli Spedizioni + Informazioni sui Dettagli Spedizioni + Il report fornisce informazioni sulle Spedizioni con le informazioni sul Magazzino. Si può usare il report per creare una efficiente lista di estrazione. + + + Aggiornamento dell' Accesso del Ruolo + Aggiorna i permessi d' accesso di un ruolo o di più ruoli di una Azienda. + Aggiorna i permessi di accesso di un ruolo o di tutti i ruoli di un cliente alle finestre, +ai forms, ai processi ed ai workflows. Se in funzione per il sistema, tutti i ruoli di tutti +i clienti sono aggiornati. Si noti che un ruolo è aggiornato soltanto se non è contrassegnato come manuale. + + + Importa Conferme + Importa Conferme + Ai campi importati in cui non è stato inserito alcun valore viene assegnato un valore di default + + + + Estrapola + Calcola Misure + Estrapola e Calcola Misure + Estrapola le Misure - e calcola/aggiorna la misura attuale. + + + Calcola Misure + Calcola Misure + Calcola/Aggiorna la misura attuale. + + + Verifica + Verifica la distribuzione del Libro Giornale + + + + Cancella + Cancella il Record delle Fatture Abbinate + + + + Cancella + Cancella il Record degli Ordini di Acquisto Abbinati + + + + Allocazione Automatica + Allocazione Automatica delle fatture nei pagamenti + Alloca le fatture nei pagamenti per un business partner o un gruppo. Si può voler prima annullare le ripartizini preesistenti. Le ripartizioni sono basate (1) sui pagamenti inseriti con riferimento a delle fatture (2), su delle selezioni dei pagamenti (3), sul bilancio dei business partners (4) ed infine sul bilanciamento del totale di fattura e pagamento. +La ripartizione è definita sull' ammontare esatto. + + + Annulla Allocazione Fatture + Annulla la Allocazione delle fatture nei pagamenti. + Annulla l'allocazione delle fatture sui pagamenti per un business partner o un gruppo di business partner. + + + Convalida Workflow + Analizza che il Workflow sia corretto + (controllo limitato) + + + Document Value based Workflows + *** DO NOT MODIFY *** + + + + Annulla Modifiche + Annulla Modifiche + You can undo certain changes. + + + Ri-Applica Modifiche + Ri-Applica Modifiche + You can reapply certain changes. + + + Riapplica personalizzazioni + Riapplica personalizzazioni + The migration "resets" the system to the current/original setting. If selected in the Change Log, you can save the customization and re-apply them. Please note that you need to check, if your customization has no negative side effect in the new release. + + + Dal Workflow al Client + Sposta i Workflow personalizzati nel Client/Azienda Corrente + L'architettura di sicurezza impedisce di aggiungere personalizzazioni o modifiche ai workflow standard pre-esistenti. Questo processo sposta le vostre personalizzazioni fatte a livello System su questo Client. + + + Bilancio di verifica + Bilancio di verifica per esercizio o periodo + Selezionate un Periodo Contabile o inserite un Range di Esercizio. Se selezionate un Conto, il saldo è calcolato sul tipo di conto e sull'Esercizio Contabile Primario del Client. Se non viene selezionato nessun Conto, il saldo è la somma di tutte le transazionisvolte prima del periodo contabile o dal primo giorno del range selezionato. + + + Conversione UdM Prodotto + Conversione UdM Prodotto + Example: "Product EA" has a defined UOM Conversion to "Product 6Pack" and vice versa. +This is a one-step replacement for defining BOM and creating/processes a Production. + + + Stampa lettere solleciti + Stampa lettere solleciti su carta o PDF + Stampa le lettere di sollecito o le invia in formato PDF ai Business Partner utilizzando l'indirizzo di Email registrato nel profilo. + + + + Payment Print + ** Special ** Do not change ** + + + + Valida Business Partner + Valida Business Partner + Valida i pagamenti e le fatture dei Business Partner. Verifica i saldi + + + Elabora gruppi di Ordini + Elabora gruppi di Ordini + Elabora gli ordini utilizzando l'azione-documento selezionata. Verificare che l'azione sul documento sia valida + + + Fatture non allocate + Fatture non allocate sui pagamenti + Report of not allocated Invoices (for partially paid/allocated invoices see Open Item) + + + Pagamenti non allocati + Pagamenti non allocati + Report of not allocated Payments (for partially allocated payments, use Payment Detail) + + + Dettagli Pagamenti + Dettagli Pagamenti + Pagamenti e incassi con i relativi importi impegnati + + + Importo Aperto Business Partner + Importo Aperto Business Partner + The report lists open invoices and payments + + + Dettagli Commisioni Correnti + Dettagli Commisioni Correnti + Dettagli Commisioni Correnti con i relativi Ordini/Fatture + + + Sincronizza Traduzione Documenti + Synchronize Document Translation + If the current client has not multi-lingual documents enabled, the translations for documents are synchronized with the main record (i.e. it copies the content of the main record to the translation records). This process is necessary when swiching to a mono-lingual environment as there the terminoligy is maintained not in the translation records.<br> +This applies to the client defined document translations, e.g. for UoM, Payment Terms, Product Info, etc. + + + Riferimenti dei Materiali + Riferimenti incrociati sull'uso dei Materiali + The report displays, e.g. where Material Receipts are used or Customer Shipments are resourced from + + + Crea Fatture + + + + + Fatture per richieste + Crea Fatture per richieste + Create invoice for Request Type with optional Request Group, Category for Business Partner. If the used product for invoicing is not defined, the product defined in the parameter is used. + + + Pulizia Dati Inventario + Pulizia Dati Inventario + Crea Movimenti di inventario per i magazzini non bilanciati + + + Fatture non incassate + Fatture non incassate (Profitti/Perdite) + The Report lists not fully paid invoices with open amount, the GL amounts and the revalued amounts. +If you select a (GL) Document Type, a GL Journal is created. + + + Test per Connessione EMail + Test per Connessione EMail + Test EMail Connection based on info defined. An EMail is sent from the request user to the request user. Also, the web store mail settings are tested. + + + Criptazione Colonne + Test e abilitazione Criptazione colonne + To enable storage encryption or remove encryption is dangerous as you may loose data. You need to verify that the column is big enough to hold the encrypted value. You can provide your own encryption method, but cannot change it once enabled. <br> +The default implementation supports US ASCII String conversion (not Unicode, Numbers, Dates)<br> +Note that support is restricted to setup and test, but not data recovery. + + + Costi di Produzione + Costi di Produzione + The Product Cost report lists the product costs for the product, cost type and cost element + + + Totale Costi di Produzione + Totale Costi di Produzione + The Product Cost report lists the summarized product costs for the product + + + Dettagli Costi di Produzione + Dettagli Costi di Produzione + The Product Invoice Cost Detail Report lists the products with the individual invoice cost allocation + + + Distribuisce i Costi + Distribuisce i costi sui prodotti + Distribute costs to Products based on selections - Distribution Base (Quantity, Current Costs, Line, Weight, ..) and Receipt/Line or directly to the product. + + + Dettagli Ordine + Report di dettaglio degli Ordini + Il report include i dettagli degli ordini comprese le perdite nelle vendite. Può essere usato per le vendite e gli acquisti + + + + Dettagli Business Partner + Report Dettagli Business Partner + Dettagli Business Partner + + + Crea Registrazione dei Costi + Crea Registrazione dei Costi + Le registrazioni dei costi sono create quando necessarie o tramite processo Batch. Potete forzare la creazione delle registrazioni con questa procedura. + + + + Crea dichiarazione delle Tasse + Crea dichiarazione delle Tasse dai documenti contabili + + + + Crea Ordini di Acquisto dalle Richieste + Crea Ordini di Acquisto dalle Richieste + Crea Ordini di Acquisto dalle Richieste + + + Crea Libro Mastro/Default + Copia i valori dei conti dal piano dei conti da uno schema contabile esistente + Crea il libro mastro e il Piano dei conti per questo schema contabile e copia i conti corrispondenti + + + + Emissione Report o Aggiornamento + Emissione Report o Aggiornamento a Compiere INC + + + + Fatture per Prodotto e per Mese + Report Fatture per Prodotto e per Mese + Invoiced Amount by Product and Month + + + Fatture Trimestrali per Prodotto + Fatture Trimestrali per Prodotto + Invoiced Amount by Product and Quarter + + + Valida Contratto di Supporto + Valida Contratto di Supporto + The process connects to the Compiere Support Services server and validates the support contract. To sign up for support, please go to http://www.compiere.org + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/AD_Ref_List_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/AD_Ref_List_Trl_it_IT.xml index c62c22845b..9666113d4c 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/AD_Ref_List_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/AD_Ref_List_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,2841 +1,2841 @@ - - - - - - Organizzazione - - - - Client/Organizzazione - - - - Solo Sistema - - - - Tutti - - - - Convalidazione Lista - Convalidazione Lista - - - Tipo di Dati - Tipo dati - - - Convalida Tabella - Convalida Tabella - - - SQL - SQL - - - Linguaggio Java - Linguaggio Java - - - Java Script - - - - Finestra - - - - Compito - - - - WorkFlow - - - - Processo - - - - Errore - - - - Informazioni - - - - Menu - - - - Elemento Singolo - - - - Gestione - - - - Transazione - - - - Solo Query - - - - Pronti (Spot) - Spot Conversation Rate Type - - - Fine Periodo - Tipo Conversione Periodo - - - Periodo Esercizio Standard - Periodi senza sovrapposizione dei giorni di esercizio - - - Periodo di rettifica - Periodo senza giorni di calendario - - - Conto - Elemento di Conto - - - Utente Definito - Elemento definito dall'utente - - - Attività - Attività per la Situazione Patrimoniale - - - Passività - Conto Passività (Foglio Bilancio) - - - Ricavi - Conto Ricavi (P&L) - - - Spese - Conto Spese (P&L) - - - Capitale Sociale - Capitale Sociale da riportare nella Situazione Patrimoniale (Balance Sheet) - - - Memo - Memo (Non Balance Sheet nor P&L) Account - - - Naturale - Segno naturale del tipo di conto - - - Debito - Debit Balance Account - - - Credito - Conto Bilanciamento a Credito - - - Menu - - - - Valore dell'Elemento (Conto, ecc.) - - - - Prodotto - - - - Business Partner - - - - Ufficio Regionale - - - - Contabilità Fornitori - - - - Fabbrica - - - - Piccolo Business - - - - Piccolo Imprenditore/Azionista di Minoranza - - - - Imprenditore/Azionista di Minoranza - - - - Piccola Imprenditrice/azionista - - - - Imprenditrice/Azionista - - - - Subappaltatore - - - - Individuale - - - - Società - - - - Corporation - - - - Ubicazione di Consegna - - - - Contabilità Industriale Standard (Standard Costing) - Prezzo Contabilità industriale Ordine di Acquisto Standard - - - Media - Media Ponderata del Valore d'acquisto ordinato - - - Lifo - Ultimo ad entrare e il primo ad uscire(Last In First Out Costing) - - - Fifo - Primo ad entrare, primo ad uscire (First In First Out Costing) - - - Principi Internazionali - Principi Internazionali - - - Principi USA - Principi USA - - - HGB Tedesco - HGB Tedesco - - - Effettivo - Actual Postings - - - Budget - Posting di budget - - - Impegno - Registrazione di Impegno o ipoteca - - - Statistico - Statistical Postings - - - Solo pubblicazione - Solo Pubblicazione - senza repliche - L'Utente è in sola lettura - - - Unisci, Importa - Unisce o Importa tabella - l'Utente può avere completo accesso, l'Editore può leggere, aggiornare e cancellare. - - - Nessuno - Non pubblicato - - - Bozza - - - - Completo - - - - Approvato - - - - Non Approvato - - - - Cancellato - - - - Inattivo - - - - Annullato - - - - Chiuso - - - - Completa - Genera documenti e completa la transazione - - - Approva - Approvare questa transazione - - - Rifiuta - Rifiuta approvazione del documento - - - Contabilizza - Contabilizza la transazione - - - Annulla e chiudi - Fissa tutte le quantità a zero e completa la transazione - - - Chiudi - Alla fine chiudi questa transazione. Non può essere riattivata. - - - Inverti - Correzione - Inverti Transazione (correzione) invertendo il segno con la stessa data. - - - Inverti - Maturazione - Inverti cambiando Dr/Cr con la data corrente - - - Trasferisci - - - - Riattiva - Inverti documenti/inventario e consenti i cambi; Devi completare la transazione dopo il cambio - - - <Nessuna> - Nessun azione - - - Sconosciuto - - - - Sistema/Client - - - - Nessuno - Nessun Tasso di Conversione - - - Fissa - Valuta Fissa in Euro - - - Media - Valori medi - - - Azienda - Valore Azienda - - - Tipo Utente - Tipo Tasso Utente - - - Tasso Manuale - Tasso Manuale - - - Ordine a Credito - - - - Ordine Punto di Vendita - - - - Ordine di Magazzino - - - - Ordine Standard - - - - Preventivo - - - - Quotazione - - - - Amex - - - - MasterCard - - - - Visa - - - - ATM - - - - Dopo ordine spedito - Fattura per ciascun ordine - - - Dopo Spedizione - Fattura per Spedizione - - - Da Prospetto fatturazione cliente dopo Spedizione - Fattura per Prospetto di fatturazione Fattura Cliente - - - Dopo Ricevuta - Dopo ricevuta in contanti - - - Disponibilità - Non appena un item diventa disponibile - - - Linea Completa - Non appena tutti gli items di una linea diventano disponibili - - - Ordine Completo - Non appena tutti gli items di un ordine sono disponibili - - - Immediato - Fattura Immediata - - - Prelevamento - - - - Spedizione - - - - Spedizioniere Marittimo - - - - Spese di Trasporto Incluse - Spese di trasporto incluse - - - Prezzo fisso - Spese di trasporto fisse - - - Calcolato - Calcolato in base alle Regole delle Spese di Trasposto del Prodotto - - - Linea - Inserito a livello linea - - - Alta - Priorità Alta - - - Media - Priorità media - - - Bassa - Priorità bassa - - - Numero Intero .00 - Numero w/o in decimali - - - Nessun Arrotondamento - - - - Moneta da 25 cents .25 .50 .75 - - - - Decimi - Decim di moneta 0.10, 0.20, ..... - - - Moneta da 5 cents .05, .10, .15, ... - - - - Moneta da 10 (10.00, 20.00, ..) - - - - Prezzo dell'Ultimo Acquisto - - - - Tenere Livello Massimo - - - - Manuale - - - - Riordinare solo Livello Minimo - - - - Domenica - - - - Lunedì - - - - Martedì - - - - Mercoledì - - - - Giovedì - - - - Venerdì - - - - Sabato - - - - Giornaliero - - - - Settimanale - - - - Mensilmente - - - - Due Volte al Mese - - - - Apri Periodo - - - - Chiudi Periodo - Chiusura provvisoria (può essere riaperto) - - - Chiudi Periodo Defin. - - - - Aperto - - - - Chiuso - - - - Chiuso Permanentemente - - - - Mai Aperto - - - - Bozza - - - - Approvato - - - - Errore - - - - Avvertimento - - - - Informazioni - - - - <Nessuna Azione> - - - - Organizzazione - Owning Organization - - - Conto - Conto Naturale - - - Prodotto - Prodotto - - - Business Partner - Business Partner - - - Transazione Org. - Organizzazione di Transazione - - - Ubicazione Da - Ubicazione Da - - - Ubicazione A - Ubicazione A - - - Regione di vendita - Regione di vendita - - - Progetto - Progetto - - - Campagna - Campagna di Marketing - - - Utente 1 - Utente 1 - - - Utente 2 - Utente 2 - - - Organizzazione - - - - Distinta Base - Distinta base - - - Progetto - - - - Regione di vendita - - - - Categoria Prodotto - - - - Campagna - - - - Libro Giornale - - - - Documento della Contabilità Generale - - - - Fattura Fornitore - - - - Pagamento Fornitore - - - - Fattura Cliente - - - - Incasso Cliente - - - - Ordine di Vendita - - - - Spedizione Cliente - - - - Resi Clienti - - - - Incassi Fornitore - - - - Resi Fornitore - - - - Inventario Uscite - - - - Inventorio Entrate - - - - Attività - - - - Attività - - - - Reso - ** non completamente implementato ** - - - Fattura Pro Forma Cliente - - - - Spedizione Merci - - - - Entrata Merci - - - - Listino Prezzi - - - - Prezzo Standard - - - - Prezzo Limite - - - - Movimentazione Scorte - - - - Ordine di Acquisto - - - - Richiesta di Acquisto - - - - Ordine Prepagato ** - ** non completamente implementato ** - - - Cassa - - - - Carta di Credito - - - - Bonifico Bancario - - - - Assegno - - - - A Credito - - - - Mese - - - - Trimestre - - - - Anno - - - - In fase di Modifica - - - - Lista Illeggibile (w/o quantità registrata) - - - - Lista di Conto (con quantità registrata) ù - - - - Lista di Controllo - - - - Elabora - Effettua la transazione e riserva i prodotti nel magazzino - - - In Attesa di Pagamento - - - - Sblocca - Sblocca Transazione (errore di procedimento) - - - Inventario Fisico Merci - - - - Movimento Da - - - - Movimento A - - - - Report - - - - ASC X12 - - - - EDIFACT - - - - Email EDI - - - - Bozza - - - - Inviato - - - - Riconosciuto - - - - Risposto (Completo) - - - - Inchiesta - - - - Ordine d'Acquisto - - - - Nota di Addebito Fornitore - - - - Nota di Accredito Cliente - - - - Forma - Forme speciali - - - E - - - - O - - - - = - - - - >= - - - - > - - - - < - - - - ~ - - - - <= - - - - |<x>| - - - - sql - - - - Manuale - - - - Importare - - - - Documenti - - - - Prodotto - - - - Business Partner - - - - Conti - - - - Saldi della Contabilità Generale - - - - Tassi di Conversione - - - - Calcolo Inventario - - - - Posizione Fissa - - - - Virgola di Separazione - - - - Separati da Tab - - - - XML - - - - Stringa - - - - Numero - - - - Data - - - - Invariabile - - - - Produzione + - - - - Produzione - - - - - > 0 - - - - = 0 - - - - < 0 - - - - no 0 - - - - Abbinamento - - - - Dati Discordi - - - - Non Disponibile - - - - Carta di Credito - - - - Assegno - - - - Addebito automatico (ACH) - Clearing house automatica - - - Vendite - - - - Acquisizione ritardata - - - - Credito (Pagamento) - - - - Autorizzazione Vocale - - - - Autorizzazione - - - - Nullo - - - - Ordinario - - - - Risparmio - - - - Trasferimento al Conto Bancario - - - - Fattura - - - - Spese Generali - - - - Incassi Generali - - - - Addebito - - - - Differenza - - - - Diners - - - - Scopri - - - - Carta d'Acquisto - Carta d'Acquisto aziendale - - - Nessuno - - - - Follow up - - - - Informazioni - - - - Servizio - - - - Addebito - - - - Conto - - - - Aiuto - - - - Alarme - - - - Garanzia - - - - Altro - - - - Minuta - - - - Ora - - - - Giorno - - - - Scaduto - - - - Dovuto - - - - Programmato - - - - Ordine - - - - Fattura - - - - Ricevuta - - - - Settimanale - - - - Mensilmente - - - - Trimestrale - - - - Sistema - - - - Client - - - - Organizzazione - - - - Client+Organizzazione - - - - Manuale - Avvio Manuale - - - Calcolato - - - - Progresso - - - - Non Registrato - - - - Registrato - - - - Non Quadrato - - - - Non Convertibile (nessun tasso) - - - - Periodo Chiuso - - - - Preparato Successivamente - - - - Conto Inattivo - - - - Estratto Conto Bancario - - - - Giornale di Cassa - - - - Imputazione Pagamento - - - - Solo Debito Totale - - - - Solo Credito Totale - - - - Saldo Totale - - - - Aggiungi (Op1+Op2) - - - - Sottrarre (Op1-Op2) - - - - Percentuale (Op2 of Op1) - - - - Aggiungi Range (Op1 to Op2) - - - - Periodo Relativo - - - - Calcolo - - - - Valore Segmento - - - - Valuta di Base - - - - Valuta di Contabilità - - - - Valore Segmento - - - - Calcolo - - - - Normale (Inattivo) - - - - Dislivello - - - - Linea - - - - Struttura (Figura) - - - - Workbench - - - - Dizionario - Applicazione Dizionario (sincronizzato) - - - Compiere - Compiere Application (synchronized) - - - Gestito dall'Utente - Entità gestita dall'utente (non sincronizzata) - - - Applicazioni - Altre Applicazioni (non sincronizzate) - - - Produzione Beni - - - - Abbinamento Fatture - - - - Abbinamento Ordine di Acquisto - - - - Linea - - - - Percentuale inattiva - - - - Formula - - - - Cambiamenti - - - - Listino Prezzi - - - - Nord - - - - Nord-Est - - - - Est - - - - Sud-Est - - - - Sud - - - - Sud-Ovest - - - - Ovest - - - - Nord-Ovest - - - - Costi Standard - - - - Costo Medio - - - - Prezzo dell'Ultimo Acquisto - - - - Prezzo Ultima Fattura - - - - Listino Prezzi (Limite) - - - - Arrotondamento su ordine - - - - Arrotondamento fatture fornitori - - - - Prezzo Fisso - - - - Default - - - - Spostamento Margine (sinistra) - - - - Allineamento Sinistra - - - - Pacchetto - - - - Spostamento Margine (sinistra) - - - - Centro - - - - Allineamento Adestra - - - - Centro - - - - Campo - - - - Testo - - - - Formato Stampa - - - - Contenuto - - - - Testata - - - - Pié di pagina - - - - Nessuno - - - - Immagine - - - - Grafico a Torta - - - - Grafico a Linea - - - - Grafico a Barre - - - - Periodo di Bilancio - - - - Solo Periodo di Credito - - - - Solo Periodo di Debito - - - - Articolo - - - - Servizio - - - - Risorsa - - - - Tipo di Spese - - - - In linea - - - - Precisione della Valuta - - - - Quantità di Periodo - - - - Quantità Totale - - - - Saldo Annuale - - - - Solo Credito Annuale - - - - Solo debito Annuale - - - - Quantità Annuale - - - - Distina Base/Articolo - - - - Opzione - - - - Gruppo Alternativo 1 - - - - Gruppo Alternativo 2 - - - - Gruppo Alternativo 3 - - - - Gruppo Alternativo 4 - - - - Campo - - - - Testo - - - - Fattura - - - - Giornaliero - - - - Settimanale - - - - Mensilmente - - - - Trimestrale - - - - Ordine - - - - Giornale Contabilità Generale - - - - Progetto - - - - Tutti e Due - - - - Imposta Vendita - - - - Imposta Acquisti - - - - Generale - - - - Progetto Bene Gestito - - - - Progetto Ordine di Lavoro - - - - Progetto di Servizio - - - - Standard di Contabilità Francese - - - - Regole Contabile Personalizzate - - - - Credito al Limite - - - - Credito Sospeso - - - - Credito sotto Attenzione - - - - Nessun Controllo Credito - - - - Credito Verificato - - - - Ordine di Lavoro + - - - - Ordine di Lavoro - - - - - Attribuzione Progetto - - - - Oscuramento numerico ultime 4 cifre - - - - Oscuramento numerico ma primi/ultimi 4 - - - - Oscuramento alfanumerico ma primi/ultimi 4 - - - - Oscuramento alfanumerico ma primi/ultimi 4 - - - - Differenza di Inventario - - - - Caricare su Conto - - - - Accesso - Accesso Generale - - - Reporting - - - - Esportare - - - - Solo Client - - - - LiFo - Last In First Out - - - FiFo - First In First Out - - - Annuale - - - - Anno - - - - Mese - - - - Giorno - - - - Ora - - - - minuto - - - - secondo - - - - Regolare - - - - Inizio Ciclo - - - - Fine Ciclo - - - - AND - - - - XOR - - - - Ruota - - - - Nessuno (manuale) - - - - Sotto-Flusso - - - - Ciclo di Sotto-Flusso - - - - Automatico - - - - Manuale - - - - Window - - - - Organizzazione - - - - Umano - - - - Ruolo - - - - Risorsa di Sistema - - - - Non avviato - - - - In esecuzione - - - - Sospeso - - - - Completato - - - - Annullato - - - - Terminato - - - - Processo Creato - - - - Stato Processo Modificato - - - - Asincrono - Fork Asincrona - - - Sincrono - Seriale - - - Ciclo While - - - - Ripeti sino al Ciclo - - - - Form Applicazioni - - - - Task - - - - Report - - - - Processi - - - - WorkBench - - - - Ingresso alternativo Group 5 - - - - Ingresso alternativo Group 6 - - - - Ingresso alternativo Group 7 - - - - Ingresso alternativo Group 8 - - - - Ingresso alternativo Group 9 - - - - Rilasciato - - - - Test - - - - In revisione - - - - Nullo - - - - Ri-Crea Traduzione - - - - Aggiungi Traduzioni Mancanti - - - - Cancella traduzione - - - - Addebito diretto - - - - Addebito Diretto - - - - Linea Solida - - - - Linea tratteggiata - - - - Linea puntata - - - - Linea tratteggiata-puntata - - - - Promozione web - - - - Quota solo il totale - - - - Quota linee selezionate - - - - Quota tutte le linee - - - - Crea fondi- tutti i partecipanti aiutano a creare fondi - - - - Asta - Offerta più alta vince - - - - Frequenza - - - - Giorno della settimana - - - - Giorno del Mese - - - - Personalizzazione - Distributed Extensions should have 4 characters - - - Si - - - - No - - - - Azione del Documento - - - - In attesa di conferma - - - - Processo Completato - - - - != - - - - Conferma fornitore - - - - Conferma cliente - - - - Cancella conferma di spedizione - - - - Conferma spedizione/ricezione - - - - Conferma Quantità Prelevamento - - - - Forza - - - - Alternativo - - - - Supplementare - - - - Non Obbligatorio - - - - Sempre Obbligatorio - - - - Solo nelle Vendite - - - - Errore di Registrazione - - - - Stringa (max 40) - - - - Numero - - - - Lista - - - - Generale - General Workflow - - - Elaborazione del Documento - - - - Valore del Documento - - - - in attesa di completamento - Wait Condition ok, Complete Docuement - - - Ordine di Acquisto - - - - Richiesta - - - - Client - - - - Organizzazione - - - - Utente - - - - Nessuno - - - - Fatt. di Vendita e di Acquisto - - - - Solo Fatture di Vendita - - - - Solo fatture di acquisto - - - - Rettangolo - - - - Linea - - - - Rettangolo 3D - - - - Ovale - - - - Arrotonda Rettangolo - - - - Rettangolo normale - - - - Nessuno - - - - Tutto (Reports, Documenti) - - - - Documenti - - - - Documenti esterni - - - - LiFo - - - - FiFo - - - - Materiale - - - - Sovraccarico - - - - Sovraccarico - Material Overhead - - - Elaborazione esterna - - - - Risorsa - Lavoro - - - Quantità - - - - Linea - - - - Volume - - - - Peso - - - - Costi - - - - Informazione Pubblica - - - - Informazione privata - - - - Confidenziale per il Cliente - - - - Ricevuta dell'Ordine - - - - Ricevuta Pagamento - - - - Errore Pagamento - - - - Validazione utente - - - - Password utente - - - - EMail - - - - Avviso - - - - Nessuno - - - - EMail+Notifica - - - - Orario - - - - Giornaliero - - - - Settimanale - - - - Mensilmente - - - - Due volte al mese - - - - Bi-settimanale - - - - Corrente Attiva - - - - Produzione per Ordine (Make-To-Order) - - - - Precedente - - - - Precedente, di riserva - - - - Futura - - - - Manutenzione - - - - Riparazione - - - - Principale - - - - Ingegneria - - - - Manufacturing - - - - Di Pianificazione - - - - Prodotto Standard - - - - Prodotto Opzionale - - - - Alternativo - - - - Alternativo (Default) - - - - Elaborazione esterna - - - - Interno - - - - Urgente - - - - Minore - - - - Medesimo - - - - Più Basso - - - - Più alto - - - - Sottoscrivi - - - - Cancella Sottoscrizione - - - - Account utente - - - - Richiesta - - - - Criptato - - - - Non criptato - - - - Movimento di inventario - - - - Personalizzato - - - - Client - - - - Organizzazione - - - - A gruppi/Lotti - - - - Media Costo Fatture - Media Pesata dei costi sui prezzi delle fatture di acquisto - - - Ultima fattura - - - - Definito dall'Utente - - - - Documenti di Business - - - - Richieste - - - - Download Bene Gestito - - - - _ - - - - Prenotazione - Impegno iniziale - - - Solo Impegno - - - - Impegno e Prenotazione - - - - Nessuno - - - - Nessuno - - - - Incasso - - - - Ordine di Acquisto - - - - Ordine di Acquisto e Incasso - - - - Manuale - - - - Solo Periodo - - - - Anno alla Data - - - - Totale - - - - Sotto Conto - Sotto Conto per Piano dei Conti - - - User Element 1 - - - - User Element 2 - - - - EMail - - - - Proprietario del Documento - - - - Documento del Business Partner - - - - Responsabile WorkFlow - - - - LAN - - - - Terminal Server - - - - VPN - - - - WAN - - - - Client/Azienda (condiviso) - - - - Organiz. (non condivisa) - - - - Client/Azienda o Organizz. - - - - FiFo - - - - LiFo - - - - Media Fattura - - - - Costo Standard Vecchio - - - - Costo Standard Futuro - - - - Generato dal Sistema - - - - 0% Non iniziato - - - - 100% Completato - - - - 20% Iniziato - - - - 80% Molto Avanzato - - - - 40% Occupato - - - - 60% Buono Avanzamento - - - - 90% In fase finale - - - - 95% Quasi Completato - - - - 99% in chiusura - - - - Anno - - - - Trimestre - - - - Mese - - - - Totale - - - - Settimana - - - - Giorno - - - - Organizzazione - - - - Business Partner - - - - Prodotto - - - - Gruppo Bus.Partner - - - - Categoria Prodotto - - - - User defined - - - - Qta/Importo nel Tempo - - - - Stato Qta/Importo - - - - Rapporto - - - - Media - - - - Somma - - - - Rapporto - - - - Costante - - - - Più - - - - Meno - - - - Moltiplica - - - - Dividi - - - - Calcolo - - - - Valore Conto - - - - Valutazione - - - - Implementazione - - - - Produzione - - - - Richiesta - - - - Progetto - - - - MM - - - - Pollice - - - - Qta alla Mano - - - - Zero - - - + + + + + + Organizzazione + + + + Client/Organizzazione + + + + Solo Sistema + + + + Tutti + + + + Convalidazione Lista + Convalidazione Lista + + + Tipo di Dati + Tipo dati + + + Convalida Tabella + Convalida Tabella + + + SQL + SQL + + + Linguaggio Java + Linguaggio Java + + + Java Script + + + + Finestra + + + + Compito + + + + WorkFlow + + + + Processo + + + + Errore + + + + Informazioni + + + + Menu + + + + Elemento Singolo + + + + Gestione + + + + Transazione + + + + Solo Query + + + + Pronti (Spot) + Spot Conversation Rate Type + + + Fine Periodo + Tipo Conversione Periodo + + + Periodo Esercizio Standard + Periodi senza sovrapposizione dei giorni di esercizio + + + Periodo di rettifica + Periodo senza giorni di calendario + + + Conto + Elemento di Conto + + + Utente Definito + Elemento definito dall'utente + + + Attività + Attività per la Situazione Patrimoniale + + + Passività + Conto Passività (Foglio Bilancio) + + + Ricavi + Conto Ricavi (P&L) + + + Spese + Conto Spese (P&L) + + + Capitale Sociale + Capitale Sociale da riportare nella Situazione Patrimoniale (Balance Sheet) + + + Memo + Memo (Non Balance Sheet nor P&L) Account + + + Naturale + Segno naturale del tipo di conto + + + Debito + Debit Balance Account + + + Credito + Conto Bilanciamento a Credito + + + Menu + + + + Valore dell'Elemento (Conto, ecc.) + + + + Prodotto + + + + Business Partner + + + + Ufficio Regionale + + + + Contabilità Fornitori + + + + Fabbrica + + + + Piccolo Business + + + + Piccolo Imprenditore/Azionista di Minoranza + + + + Imprenditore/Azionista di Minoranza + + + + Piccola Imprenditrice/azionista + + + + Imprenditrice/Azionista + + + + Subappaltatore + + + + Individuale + + + + Società + + + + Corporation + + + + Ubicazione di Consegna + + + + Contabilità Industriale Standard (Standard Costing) + Prezzo Contabilità industriale Ordine di Acquisto Standard + + + Media + Media Ponderata del Valore d'acquisto ordinato + + + Lifo + Ultimo ad entrare e il primo ad uscire(Last In First Out Costing) + + + Fifo + Primo ad entrare, primo ad uscire (First In First Out Costing) + + + Principi Internazionali + Principi Internazionali + + + Principi USA + Principi USA + + + HGB Tedesco + HGB Tedesco + + + Effettivo + Actual Postings + + + Budget + Posting di budget + + + Impegno + Registrazione di Impegno o ipoteca + + + Statistico + Statistical Postings + + + Solo pubblicazione + Solo Pubblicazione - senza repliche - L'Utente è in sola lettura + + + Unisci, Importa + Unisce o Importa tabella - l'Utente può avere completo accesso, l'Editore può leggere, aggiornare e cancellare. + + + Nessuno + Non pubblicato + + + Bozza + + + + Completo + + + + Approvato + + + + Non Approvato + + + + Cancellato + + + + Inattivo + + + + Annullato + + + + Chiuso + + + + Completa + Genera documenti e completa la transazione + + + Approva + Approvare questa transazione + + + Rifiuta + Rifiuta approvazione del documento + + + Contabilizza + Contabilizza la transazione + + + Annulla e chiudi + Fissa tutte le quantità a zero e completa la transazione + + + Chiudi + Alla fine chiudi questa transazione. Non può essere riattivata. + + + Inverti - Correzione + Inverti Transazione (correzione) invertendo il segno con la stessa data. + + + Inverti - Maturazione + Inverti cambiando Dr/Cr con la data corrente + + + Trasferisci + + + + Riattiva + Inverti documenti/inventario e consenti i cambi; Devi completare la transazione dopo il cambio + + + <Nessuna> + Nessun azione + + + Sconosciuto + + + + Sistema/Client + + + + Nessuno + Nessun Tasso di Conversione + + + Fissa + Valuta Fissa in Euro + + + Media + Valori medi + + + Azienda + Valore Azienda + + + Tipo Utente + Tipo Tasso Utente + + + Tasso Manuale + Tasso Manuale + + + Ordine a Credito + + + + Ordine Punto di Vendita + + + + Ordine di Magazzino + + + + Ordine Standard + + + + Preventivo + + + + Quotazione + + + + Amex + + + + MasterCard + + + + Visa + + + + ATM + + + + Dopo ordine spedito + Fattura per ciascun ordine + + + Dopo Spedizione + Fattura per Spedizione + + + Da Prospetto fatturazione cliente dopo Spedizione + Fattura per Prospetto di fatturazione Fattura Cliente + + + Dopo Ricevuta + Dopo ricevuta in contanti + + + Disponibilità + Non appena un item diventa disponibile + + + Linea Completa + Non appena tutti gli items di una linea diventano disponibili + + + Ordine Completo + Non appena tutti gli items di un ordine sono disponibili + + + Immediato + Fattura Immediata + + + Prelevamento + + + + Spedizione + + + + Spedizioniere Marittimo + + + + Spese di Trasporto Incluse + Spese di trasporto incluse + + + Prezzo fisso + Spese di trasporto fisse + + + Calcolato + Calcolato in base alle Regole delle Spese di Trasposto del Prodotto + + + Linea + Inserito a livello linea + + + Alta + Priorità Alta + + + Media + Priorità media + + + Bassa + Priorità bassa + + + Numero Intero .00 + Numero w/o in decimali + + + Nessun Arrotondamento + + + + Moneta da 25 cents .25 .50 .75 + + + + Decimi + Decim di moneta 0.10, 0.20, ..... + + + Moneta da 5 cents .05, .10, .15, ... + + + + Moneta da 10 (10.00, 20.00, ..) + + + + Prezzo dell'Ultimo Acquisto + + + + Tenere Livello Massimo + + + + Manuale + + + + Riordinare solo Livello Minimo + + + + Domenica + + + + Lunedì + + + + Martedì + + + + Mercoledì + + + + Giovedì + + + + Venerdì + + + + Sabato + + + + Giornaliero + + + + Settimanale + + + + Mensilmente + + + + Due Volte al Mese + + + + Apri Periodo + + + + Chiudi Periodo + Chiusura provvisoria (può essere riaperto) + + + Chiudi Periodo Defin. + + + + Aperto + + + + Chiuso + + + + Chiuso Permanentemente + + + + Mai Aperto + + + + Bozza + + + + Approvato + + + + Errore + + + + Avvertimento + + + + Informazioni + + + + <Nessuna Azione> + + + + Organizzazione + Owning Organization + + + Conto + Conto Naturale + + + Prodotto + Prodotto + + + Business Partner + Business Partner + + + Transazione Org. + Organizzazione di Transazione + + + Ubicazione Da + Ubicazione Da + + + Ubicazione A + Ubicazione A + + + Regione di vendita + Regione di vendita + + + Progetto + Progetto + + + Campagna + Campagna di Marketing + + + Utente 1 + Utente 1 + + + Utente 2 + Utente 2 + + + Organizzazione + + + + Distinta Base + Distinta base + + + Progetto + + + + Regione di vendita + + + + Categoria Prodotto + + + + Campagna + + + + Libro Giornale + + + + Documento della Contabilità Generale + + + + Fattura Fornitore + + + + Pagamento Fornitore + + + + Fattura Cliente + + + + Incasso Cliente + + + + Ordine di Vendita + + + + Spedizione Cliente + + + + Resi Clienti + + + + Incassi Fornitore + + + + Resi Fornitore + + + + Inventario Uscite + + + + Inventorio Entrate + + + + Attività + + + + Attività + + + + Reso + ** non completamente implementato ** + + + Fattura Pro Forma Cliente + + + + Spedizione Merci + + + + Entrata Merci + + + + Listino Prezzi + + + + Prezzo Standard + + + + Prezzo Limite + + + + Movimentazione Scorte + + + + Ordine di Acquisto + + + + Richiesta di Acquisto + + + + Ordine Prepagato ** + ** non completamente implementato ** + + + Cassa + + + + Carta di Credito + + + + Bonifico Bancario + + + + Assegno + + + + A Credito + + + + Mese + + + + Trimestre + + + + Anno + + + + In fase di Modifica + + + + Lista Illeggibile (w/o quantità registrata) + + + + Lista di Conto (con quantità registrata) ù + + + + Lista di Controllo + + + + Elabora + Effettua la transazione e riserva i prodotti nel magazzino + + + In Attesa di Pagamento + + + + Sblocca + Sblocca Transazione (errore di procedimento) + + + Inventario Fisico Merci + + + + Movimento Da + + + + Movimento A + + + + Report + + + + ASC X12 + + + + EDIFACT + + + + Email EDI + + + + Bozza + + + + Inviato + + + + Riconosciuto + + + + Risposto (Completo) + + + + Inchiesta + + + + Ordine d'Acquisto + + + + Nota di Addebito Fornitore + + + + Nota di Accredito Cliente + + + + Forma + Forme speciali + + + E + + + + O + + + + = + + + + >= + + + + > + + + + < + + + + ~ + + + + <= + + + + |<x>| + + + + sql + + + + Manuale + + + + Importare + + + + Documenti + + + + Prodotto + + + + Business Partner + + + + Conti + + + + Saldi della Contabilità Generale + + + + Tassi di Conversione + + + + Calcolo Inventario + + + + Posizione Fissa + + + + Virgola di Separazione + + + + Separati da Tab + + + + XML + + + + Stringa + + + + Numero + + + + Data + + + + Invariabile + + + + Produzione + + + + + Produzione - + + + + > 0 + + + + = 0 + + + + < 0 + + + + no 0 + + + + Abbinamento + + + + Dati Discordi + + + + Non Disponibile + + + + Carta di Credito + + + + Assegno + + + + Addebito automatico (ACH) + Clearing house automatica + + + Vendite + + + + Acquisizione ritardata + + + + Credito (Pagamento) + + + + Autorizzazione Vocale + + + + Autorizzazione + + + + Nullo + + + + Ordinario + + + + Risparmio + + + + Trasferimento al Conto Bancario + + + + Fattura + + + + Spese Generali + + + + Incassi Generali + + + + Addebito + + + + Differenza + + + + Diners + + + + Scopri + + + + Carta d'Acquisto + Carta d'Acquisto aziendale + + + Nessuno + + + + Follow up + + + + Informazioni + + + + Servizio + + + + Addebito + + + + Conto + + + + Aiuto + + + + Alarme + + + + Garanzia + + + + Altro + + + + Minuta + + + + Ora + + + + Giorno + + + + Scaduto + + + + Dovuto + + + + Programmato + + + + Ordine + + + + Fattura + + + + Ricevuta + + + + Settimanale + + + + Mensilmente + + + + Trimestrale + + + + Sistema + + + + Client + + + + Organizzazione + + + + Client+Organizzazione + + + + Manuale + Avvio Manuale + + + Calcolato + + + + Progresso + + + + Non Registrato + + + + Registrato + + + + Non Quadrato + + + + Non Convertibile (nessun tasso) + + + + Periodo Chiuso + + + + Preparato Successivamente + + + + Conto Inattivo + + + + Estratto Conto Bancario + + + + Giornale di Cassa + + + + Imputazione Pagamento + + + + Solo Debito Totale + + + + Solo Credito Totale + + + + Saldo Totale + + + + Aggiungi (Op1+Op2) + + + + Sottrarre (Op1-Op2) + + + + Percentuale (Op2 of Op1) + + + + Aggiungi Range (Op1 to Op2) + + + + Periodo Relativo + + + + Calcolo + + + + Valore Segmento + + + + Valuta di Base + + + + Valuta di Contabilità + + + + Valore Segmento + + + + Calcolo + + + + Normale (Inattivo) + + + + Dislivello + + + + Linea + + + + Struttura (Figura) + + + + Workbench + + + + Dizionario + Applicazione Dizionario (sincronizzato) + + + Compiere + Compiere Application (synchronized) + + + Gestito dall'Utente + Entità gestita dall'utente (non sincronizzata) + + + Applicazioni + Altre Applicazioni (non sincronizzate) + + + Produzione Beni + + + + Abbinamento Fatture + + + + Abbinamento Ordine di Acquisto + + + + Linea + + + + Percentuale inattiva + + + + Formula + + + + Cambiamenti + + + + Listino Prezzi + + + + Nord + + + + Nord-Est + + + + Est + + + + Sud-Est + + + + Sud + + + + Sud-Ovest + + + + Ovest + + + + Nord-Ovest + + + + Costi Standard + + + + Costo Medio + + + + Prezzo dell'Ultimo Acquisto + + + + Prezzo Ultima Fattura + + + + Listino Prezzi (Limite) + + + + Arrotondamento su ordine + + + + Arrotondamento fatture fornitori + + + + Prezzo Fisso + + + + Default + + + + Spostamento Margine (sinistra) + + + + Allineamento Sinistra + + + + Pacchetto + + + + Spostamento Margine (sinistra) + + + + Centro + + + + Allineamento Adestra + + + + Centro + + + + Campo + + + + Testo + + + + Formato Stampa + + + + Contenuto + + + + Testata + + + + Pié di pagina + + + + Nessuno + + + + Immagine + + + + Grafico a Torta + + + + Grafico a Linea + + + + Grafico a Barre + + + + Periodo di Bilancio + + + + Solo Periodo di Credito + + + + Solo Periodo di Debito + + + + Articolo + + + + Servizio + + + + Risorsa + + + + Tipo di Spese + + + + In linea + + + + Precisione della Valuta + + + + Quantità di Periodo + + + + Quantità Totale + + + + Saldo Annuale + + + + Solo Credito Annuale + + + + Solo debito Annuale + + + + Quantità Annuale + + + + Distina Base/Articolo + + + + Opzione + + + + Gruppo Alternativo 1 + + + + Gruppo Alternativo 2 + + + + Gruppo Alternativo 3 + + + + Gruppo Alternativo 4 + + + + Campo + + + + Testo + + + + Fattura + + + + Giornaliero + + + + Settimanale + + + + Mensilmente + + + + Trimestrale + + + + Ordine + + + + Giornale Contabilità Generale + + + + Progetto + + + + Tutti e Due + + + + Imposta Vendita + + + + Imposta Acquisti + + + + Generale + + + + Progetto Bene Gestito + + + + Progetto Ordine di Lavoro + + + + Progetto di Servizio + + + + Standard di Contabilità Francese + + + + Regole Contabile Personalizzate + + + + Credito al Limite + + + + Credito Sospeso + + + + Credito sotto Attenzione + + + + Nessun Controllo Credito + + + + Credito Verificato + + + + Ordine di Lavoro + + + + + Ordine di Lavoro - + + + + Attribuzione Progetto + + + + Oscuramento numerico ultime 4 cifre + + + + Oscuramento numerico ma primi/ultimi 4 + + + + Oscuramento alfanumerico ma primi/ultimi 4 + + + + Oscuramento alfanumerico ma primi/ultimi 4 + + + + Differenza di Inventario + + + + Caricare su Conto + + + + Accesso + Accesso Generale + + + Reporting + + + + Esportare + + + + Solo Client + + + + LiFo + Last In First Out + + + FiFo + First In First Out + + + Annuale + + + + Anno + + + + Mese + + + + Giorno + + + + Ora + + + + minuto + + + + secondo + + + + Regolare + + + + Inizio Ciclo + + + + Fine Ciclo + + + + AND + + + + XOR + + + + Ruota + + + + Nessuno (manuale) + + + + Sotto-Flusso + + + + Ciclo di Sotto-Flusso + + + + Automatico + + + + Manuale + + + + Window + + + + Organizzazione + + + + Umano + + + + Ruolo + + + + Risorsa di Sistema + + + + Non avviato + + + + In esecuzione + + + + Sospeso + + + + Completato + + + + Annullato + + + + Terminato + + + + Processo Creato + + + + Stato Processo Modificato + + + + Asincrono + Fork Asincrona + + + Sincrono + Seriale + + + Ciclo While + + + + Ripeti sino al Ciclo + + + + Form Applicazioni + + + + Task + + + + Report + + + + Processi + + + + WorkBench + + + + Ingresso alternativo Group 5 + + + + Ingresso alternativo Group 6 + + + + Ingresso alternativo Group 7 + + + + Ingresso alternativo Group 8 + + + + Ingresso alternativo Group 9 + + + + Rilasciato + + + + Test + + + + In revisione + + + + Nullo + + + + Ri-Crea Traduzione + + + + Aggiungi Traduzioni Mancanti + + + + Cancella traduzione + + + + Addebito diretto + + + + Addebito Diretto + + + + Linea Solida + + + + Linea tratteggiata + + + + Linea puntata + + + + Linea tratteggiata-puntata + + + + Promozione web + + + + Quota solo il totale + + + + Quota linee selezionate + + + + Quota tutte le linee + + + + Crea fondi- tutti i partecipanti aiutano a creare fondi + + + + Asta - Offerta più alta vince + + + + Frequenza + + + + Giorno della settimana + + + + Giorno del Mese + + + + Personalizzazione + Distributed Extensions should have 4 characters + + + Si + + + + No + + + + Azione del Documento + + + + In attesa di conferma + + + + Processo Completato + + + + != + + + + Conferma fornitore + + + + Conferma cliente + + + + Cancella conferma di spedizione + + + + Conferma spedizione/ricezione + + + + Conferma Quantità Prelevamento + + + + Forza + + + + Alternativo + + + + Supplementare + + + + Non Obbligatorio + + + + Sempre Obbligatorio + + + + Solo nelle Vendite + + + + Errore di Registrazione + + + + Stringa (max 40) + + + + Numero + + + + Lista + + + + Generale + General Workflow + + + Elaborazione del Documento + + + + Valore del Documento + + + + in attesa di completamento + Wait Condition ok, Complete Docuement + + + Ordine di Acquisto + + + + Richiesta + + + + Client + + + + Organizzazione + + + + Utente + + + + Nessuno + + + + Fatt. di Vendita e di Acquisto + + + + Solo Fatture di Vendita + + + + Solo fatture di acquisto + + + + Rettangolo + + + + Linea + + + + Rettangolo 3D + + + + Ovale + + + + Arrotonda Rettangolo + + + + Rettangolo normale + + + + Nessuno + + + + Tutto (Reports, Documenti) + + + + Documenti + + + + Documenti esterni + + + + LiFo + + + + FiFo + + + + Materiale + + + + Sovraccarico + + + + Sovraccarico + Material Overhead + + + Elaborazione esterna + + + + Risorsa + Lavoro + + + Quantità + + + + Linea + + + + Volume + + + + Peso + + + + Costi + + + + Informazione Pubblica + + + + Informazione privata + + + + Confidenziale per il Cliente + + + + Ricevuta dell'Ordine + + + + Ricevuta Pagamento + + + + Errore Pagamento + + + + Validazione utente + + + + Password utente + + + + EMail + + + + Avviso + + + + Nessuno + + + + EMail+Notifica + + + + Orario + + + + Giornaliero + + + + Settimanale + + + + Mensilmente + + + + Due volte al mese + + + + Bi-settimanale + + + + Corrente Attiva + + + + Produzione per Ordine (Make-To-Order) + + + + Precedente + + + + Precedente, di riserva + + + + Futura + + + + Manutenzione + + + + Riparazione + + + + Principale + + + + Ingegneria + + + + Manufacturing + + + + Di Pianificazione + + + + Prodotto Standard + + + + Prodotto Opzionale + + + + Alternativo + + + + Alternativo (Default) + + + + Elaborazione esterna + + + + Interno + + + + Urgente + + + + Minore + + + + Medesimo + + + + Più Basso + + + + Più alto + + + + Sottoscrivi + + + + Cancella Sottoscrizione + + + + Account utente + + + + Richiesta + + + + Criptato + + + + Non criptato + + + + Movimento di inventario + + + + Personalizzato + + + + Client + + + + Organizzazione + + + + A gruppi/Lotti + + + + Media Costo Fatture + Media Pesata dei costi sui prezzi delle fatture di acquisto + + + Ultima fattura + + + + Definito dall'Utente + + + + Documenti di Business + + + + Richieste + + + + Download Bene Gestito + + + + _ + + + + Prenotazione + Impegno iniziale + + + Solo Impegno + + + + Impegno e Prenotazione + + + + Nessuno + + + + Nessuno + + + + Incasso + + + + Ordine di Acquisto + + + + Ordine di Acquisto e Incasso + + + + Manuale + + + + Solo Periodo + + + + Anno alla Data + + + + Totale + + + + Sotto Conto + Sotto Conto per Piano dei Conti + + + User Element 1 + + + + User Element 2 + + + + EMail + + + + Proprietario del Documento + + + + Documento del Business Partner + + + + Responsabile WorkFlow + + + + LAN + + + + Terminal Server + + + + VPN + + + + WAN + + + + Client/Azienda (condiviso) + + + + Organiz. (non condivisa) + + + + Client/Azienda o Organizz. + + + + FiFo + + + + LiFo + + + + Media Fattura + + + + Costo Standard Vecchio + + + + Costo Standard Futuro + + + + Generato dal Sistema + + + + 0% Non iniziato + + + + 100% Completato + + + + 20% Iniziato + + + + 80% Molto Avanzato + + + + 40% Occupato + + + + 60% Buono Avanzamento + + + + 90% In fase finale + + + + 95% Quasi Completato + + + + 99% in chiusura + + + + Anno + + + + Trimestre + + + + Mese + + + + Totale + + + + Settimana + + + + Giorno + + + + Organizzazione + + + + Business Partner + + + + Prodotto + + + + Gruppo Bus.Partner + + + + Categoria Prodotto + + + + User defined + + + + Qta/Importo nel Tempo + + + + Stato Qta/Importo + + + + Rapporto + + + + Media + + + + Somma + + + + Rapporto + + + + Costante + + + + Più + + + + Meno + + + + Moltiplica + + + + Dividi + + + + Calcolo + + + + Valore Conto + + + + Valutazione + + + + Implementazione + + + + Produzione + + + + Richiesta + + + + Progetto + + + + MM + + + + Pollice + + + + Qta alla Mano + + + + Zero + + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/AD_Reference_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/AD_Reference_Trl_it_IT.xml index 547b9cfa40..c763b5882c 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/AD_Reference_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/AD_Reference_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,1460 +1,1460 @@ - - - - - - AD_Reference Data Types - Data Type selection - - - - AD_Reference Validation Types - Reference Validation Type list - e.g. I - Independent - - - AD_Column ColumName - Column selection - - - - AD_Reference Values - Reference (List and Table) selection - (not DataType and Independent) - - - AD_Table Access Levels - Table Access and Sharing Level list - - - - String - Character String - - - - Integer - 10 Digit numeric - - - - Importo - Numero con 4 decimali - - - - ID - 10 Digit Identifier - - - - Text - Character String up to 2000 characters - - - - Data - Data mm/dd/yyyy - - - - DateTime - Date with time - - - - List - Reference List - - - - Table - Table List - - - - TableDir - Direct Table Access - - - - YesNo - CheckBox - - - - Location - Location/Address - - - - Number - Float Number - - - - Binario - Dato Binario - - - - Time - Time - - - - Conto - Elemento Conto - - - - RowID - Row ID Data Type - - - - Colore - Elemento Colore - - - - Bottone - Comando Bottone - Lancia un Processo - - - - Quantity - Quantity data type - - - - Search - Search Field - - - - Locator - Warehouse Locator Data type - - - - Image - Binary Image Data - - - - Assegnazione - Assegnazione delle Risorse - - - - Memo - Large Text - Character String up to 2000 characters - - - - PAttribute - Product Attribute - - - - TextLong - Text (Long) - Text > 2000 characters - - - - Costi+Prezzi - Costi+Prezzi (precisione minima della valuta) - - - - AD_Validation Rules Parent - Validation rule Parent selection - - - - AD_Validation Rule Types - Validation Rule Type list - e.g. S - SQL - - - AD_Message - Message selection - - - - AD_Message Type - Message Type list - - - - AD_Menu Action - Menu Action list - - - - AD_Menu Parent - Menu Parent selection - - - - AD_Language - Language selection - - - - AD_Window Types - Window Type list - e.g. M = Multi/Single (one uppercase character) - - - AD_WF_Next Nodes - Next workflow node selection - - - - AD_User - User selection - - - - C_Conversion_Rate Types - Conversion Rate Type list - - - - C_Conversion_Rate Currencies - Currencies with dynamic exchange rate selection - - - - AD_Org Parent - Organization Parent selection - - - - C_UOM - Unit of Measure selection - - - - C_Period Type - Period Type list - - - - C_Element Type - Account Element Types - - - - C_ElementValue AccountType - Account Type list - - - - C_ElementValue Account Sign - Account Sign list - - - - AD_TreeType Type - Tree Type list - Determines which element to use as the base for the information - - - X12DE98 Entity Identifier Code - X12DE98 Entity Identifier Code list - Identify organizational entity physical location property or individual list - - - C_AcctSchema Costing Method - Costing Method list - - - - C_AcctSchema GAAP - General Accepted Accounting Principle list - - - - C_BPartner Parent - Business Partner Parent selection - - - - All_Posting Type - Posting Type (Actual Budget etc.) list - - - - AD_Table Replication Strategy - Replication Strategy list - - - - AD_Sequence for Documents - Sequence for Document selection - - - - AD_Client - Client selection - - - - AD_Org (Trx) - Organization selection, no summary, no 0 - - - - All_Document Status - Document Status list - - - - C_ElementValue (Accounts) - Account selection - - - - C_Location - Location selection - - - - C_Accounts - User1 - User1 selection - - - - All_Document Action - Document action list - - - - C_AcctSchema - Accounting Schema selection - - - - C_Accounts - User2 - User2 selection - - - - C_BPartner - Business Partner selection (no Summary) - - - - C_Project - Project selection - - - - C_Activity - Activity selection - - - - C_Campaign - Campaign selection - - - - C_Sales Region - Sales Region selection - - - - C_Element - Element selection - - - - C_DocType SubTypeSO - Order Types list - - - - C_Payment CreditCard Type - C_Payment Credit Card Type list - - - - C_Order InvoiceRule - Invoicing Rules list - - - - C_Order DeliveryRule - Delivery Rules list - - - - C_Order DeliveryViaRule - Delivery via Rule list - - - - C_Order FreightCostRule - Freight cost Rule list - - - - All_PriorityRule - Priority scale list - - - - M_DiscountPriceList RoundingRule - Price Rounding Rule list - - - - C_Country - Country selection - - - - C_Region - Region selection - - - - C_Tax - Tax selection - - - - C_BPartner Location - Locations of a Business Partner - - - - M_Product Parent - - - - - M_Product (no summary) - Product selection, no summary - - - - M_Product Category - - - - - M_Replenish Type - - - - - M_PriceList - - - - - Weekdays - List of days - - - - C_InvoiceSchedule InvoiceFrequency - - - - - C_Project Parent - - - - - C_DocType - - - - - M_Product (stocked) - - - - - C_DocType SO - - - - - C_BPartner Customers - Customer selection - - - - AD_Workflow - Workflows - - - - C_ValidCombination - Valid Account combinations - - - - C_PeriodControl Action - - - - - C_PeriodControl Status - - - - - GL_Budget Status - - - - - C_SalesRegion Parent - - - - - All_ErrorType - List of type of errors - - - - C_AcctSchema ElementType - Element Types for Accounting Elements - Hardcoded Element Types - - - C_ElementValue (all) - Element Values - - - - C_DocType DocBaseType - Base Document Types - - - - AD_Tree - Tree selection - - - - M_PriceList Version - - - - - M_Movement Type - - - - - AD_User SalesRep - Sales Representative - - - - M_Locator - Warehouse Locator - - - - C_BPartner Vendors - Vendor selection - - - - C_BankAccount for Credit Card - - - - - M_DiscountPriceList Base - - - - - All_Payment Rule - In & Out Payment Options - - - - C_RevenueRecognition Frequency - Frequency of Revenue Recognition - - - - M_Warehouse of Client - - - - - M_Inventory ReportType - - - - - M_PriceList_Version for Client - - - - - C_Charge - - - - - C_BP_EDI EDI Type - - - - - M_EDI Status - - - - - M_EDI Trx Type - - - - - AD_Find AndOr - - - - - AD_Find Operation - - - - - AD_Table Posting - Posting Tables - - - - GL Category Type - - - - - AD_ImpFormat Type - - - - - AD_ImpFormat FormatType - - - - - AD_ImpFormat_Row Type - - - - - M_Product BOM (stocked) - Products that are BOMs and stocked - - - - M_InventoryCount QtyRange - - - - - C_Payment AVS - - - - - C_Payment Tender Type - - - - - C_Payment Trx Type - - - - - C_Bank Account Type - - - - - C_Cash Trx Type - - - - - R_Request Request Type - - - - - R_Request Next Action - - - - - R_Request Frequency Type - - - - - R_Request Due Type - - - - - C_BPartner Vendors Avtive - Vendor selection - - - - C_Commission DocBasis - - - - - C_Commission Frequency - - - - - AD_Role User Level - - - - - C_PaymentTerm - - - - - PA_Goal - - - - - PA_Achievement Parent - - - - - PA_Goal Parent - - - - - PA_Measure Type - - - - - C_BPartner Vendor or SalesRep - Vendor or SalesRep selection - - - - C_Period (Open) - Periods Sorted by Date - - - - All_Posted Status - - - - - PA_Report AmountType - - - - - PA_Report CalculationType - - - - - PA_Report ColumnType - - - - - PA_Report CurrencyType - - - - - PA_ReportColumn - - - - - PA_ReportLine - - - - - PA_Report LineType - - - - - PA_ReportLine Parent - - - - - AD_Color Type - - - - - AD_Column Key ColumnNames - - - - - All_Entity Type - Entity Type (Dictionary, ..) - - - - M_Discount CumulativeLevel - - - - - M_Discount Type - - - - - AD_Color StartPoint - - - - - M_DiscountSchema - - - - - M_Product_Costing Source - - - - - AD_Column Name - Column selection - - - - C_BPartner Employee - Business Partners who are Employee - - - - AD_Print Field Alignment - - - - - AD_Print Line Alignment - - - - - AD_Print Format - - - - - AD_Print Area - - - - - AD_Column Integer - Integer Type only (Name) - - - - AD_Column YesNo - Coluns YesNo (Name) - - - - AD_PrintFormat - - - - - AD_PrintFormat Invoice - - - - - AD_PrintFormat Order - - - - - AD_PrintFormat Shipment - - - - - AD_PrintFormatItem - - - - - AD_PrintGraph Type - - - - - AD_PrintColor - - - - - AD_PrintFont - - - - - AD_PrintFormat Check - - - - - AD_PrintFormat Not TableBased - - - - - M_Product_ProductType - - - - - C_OrderLine - Order Line - - - - I_ElementValue Column - - - - - R_MailText - Mail Text - - - - C_Period (all) - Periods Sorted by Date - - - - AD_Org (all) - Organization selection - - - - C_BPartner Employee w Address - Business Partners who are Employee and have addresses - - - - AD_Tab - - - - - M_Product BOM Type - - - - - AD_Print Label Line Type - - - - - C_Recurring Type - - - - - C_Recurring Frequency - - - - - AD_Window - - - - - K_Entry Related - - - - - AD_User - Internal - Employee or SalesRep - - - - C_Tax SPPOType - - - - - C_ProjectType Category - - - - - C_BPartner SOCreditStatus - Sales Credit Status - - - - C_Order - Order - - - - AD_Field ObscureType - - - - - M_Inventory Type - Inventory Type (Difference - Charge) - - - - AD_Table_Access RuleType - AccessRuleType - - - - M_TransactionAllocation Type - - - - - M_InOutLine - - - - - M_InventoryLine - - - - - M_ProductionLine - - - - - M_Transaction - - - - - WF_DurationUnit - - - - - WF_Transition Type - - - - - WF_Join_Split - - - - - WF_Action - Superset of Menu Action - - - - WF_Start-Finish Mode - - - - - WF_Participant Type - - - - - WF_Instance State - - - - - WF_EventType - - - - - WF_SubFlow Execution - - - - - WF_LoopType - - - - - All_PublishStatus - Publication Status - - - - AD_Language Maintenance - - - - - AD_PrintTableFormat Stroke - Stroke Type - - - - M_RelatedProduct Type - - - - - C_RfQ QuoteType - - - - - B_TopicType AuctionType - - - - - AD_User - Supervisor - Employee or SalesRep - or System - - - - AD_Scheduler Type - - - - - _YesNo - - - - - M_InOutConfirm Type - - - - - C_DocType RMA - - - - - AD_Org (all but 0) - Organization selection - - - - C_Allocation - - - - - M_AttributeSet MandatoryType - - - - - M_DiscountSchema not PL - Not Price List Discount Schema - - - - M_Attribute Value Type - - - - - AD_Language System - Language selection - - - - AD_Workflow Type - Workflow Type - - - - M_Replenishment Create - - - - - AD_Role PreferenceType - Preference Type - - - - Account_ID - Account selection - - - - APAR - AP and/or AR - - - - AD_PrintFormatItem ShapeType - - - - - AD_Client AutoArchive - - - - - _MMPolicy - Material Movement Policy - - - - C_Invoice - - - - - M_InOut - - - - - M_CostElement Type - - - - - C_LandedCost Distribution - - - - - R_Request Confidential - - - - - R_Request - - - - - W_MailMsg Type - - - - - C_Payment - - - - - AD_User NotificationType - - - - - R_Status - - - - - C_Remuneration Type - - - - - M_BOM Type - - - - - M_BOM Use - - - - - M_BOMProduct Type - - - - - C_BP_Group PriorityBase - - - - - M_ChangeNotice - - - - - C_ConversionType - - - - - C_BPartner SalesRep - BP SalesRep selection - - - - AD_Column Encrypted - - - - - C_AcctSchema CostingLevel - - - - - C_Greeting - - - - - AD_User BP AccessType - - - - - C_AcctSchema CommitmentType - - - - - C_Invoice MatchRequirement - - - - - GL_BudgetControl Scope - - - - - C_ElementValue (trx) - Element Values - - - - AD_WF_Node EMailRecipient - - - - - AD_User ConnectionProfile - - - - - AD_Client ShareType - - - - - R_Request TaskStatus - - - - - PA_Goal Scope - - - - - PA_Goal Restriction Type - - - - - PA_Measure DataType - - - - - PA_Benschmark Accumulation Type - - - - - PA_Ratio - - - - - PA_Ratio ElementType - - - - - PA_Ratio Operand - - - - - AD_System Status - - - - - AD_PrintPaper Units - - - - - M_Inventory CountSet - - - - + + + + + + AD_Reference Data Types + Data Type selection + + + + AD_Reference Validation Types + Reference Validation Type list + e.g. I - Independent + + + AD_Column ColumName + Column selection + + + + AD_Reference Values + Reference (List and Table) selection + (not DataType and Independent) + + + AD_Table Access Levels + Table Access and Sharing Level list + + + + String + Character String + + + + Integer + 10 Digit numeric + + + + Importo + Numero con 4 decimali + + + + ID + 10 Digit Identifier + + + + Text + Character String up to 2000 characters + + + + Data + Data mm/dd/yyyy + + + + DateTime + Date with time + + + + List + Reference List + + + + Table + Table List + + + + TableDir + Direct Table Access + + + + YesNo + CheckBox + + + + Location + Location/Address + + + + Number + Float Number + + + + Binario + Dato Binario + + + + Time + Time + + + + Conto + Elemento Conto + + + + RowID + Row ID Data Type + + + + Colore + Elemento Colore + + + + Bottone + Comando Bottone - Lancia un Processo + + + + Quantity + Quantity data type + + + + Search + Search Field + + + + Locator + Warehouse Locator Data type + + + + Image + Binary Image Data + + + + Assegnazione + Assegnazione delle Risorse + + + + Memo + Large Text - Character String up to 2000 characters + + + + PAttribute + Product Attribute + + + + TextLong + Text (Long) - Text > 2000 characters + + + + Costi+Prezzi + Costi+Prezzi (precisione minima della valuta) + + + + AD_Validation Rules Parent + Validation rule Parent selection + + + + AD_Validation Rule Types + Validation Rule Type list + e.g. S - SQL + + + AD_Message + Message selection + + + + AD_Message Type + Message Type list + + + + AD_Menu Action + Menu Action list + + + + AD_Menu Parent + Menu Parent selection + + + + AD_Language + Language selection + + + + AD_Window Types + Window Type list + e.g. M = Multi/Single (one uppercase character) + + + AD_WF_Next Nodes + Next workflow node selection + + + + AD_User + User selection + + + + C_Conversion_Rate Types + Conversion Rate Type list + + + + C_Conversion_Rate Currencies + Currencies with dynamic exchange rate selection + + + + AD_Org Parent + Organization Parent selection + + + + C_UOM + Unit of Measure selection + + + + C_Period Type + Period Type list + + + + C_Element Type + Account Element Types + + + + C_ElementValue AccountType + Account Type list + + + + C_ElementValue Account Sign + Account Sign list + + + + AD_TreeType Type + Tree Type list + Determines which element to use as the base for the information + + + X12DE98 Entity Identifier Code + X12DE98 Entity Identifier Code list + Identify organizational entity physical location property or individual list + + + C_AcctSchema Costing Method + Costing Method list + + + + C_AcctSchema GAAP + General Accepted Accounting Principle list + + + + C_BPartner Parent + Business Partner Parent selection + + + + All_Posting Type + Posting Type (Actual Budget etc.) list + + + + AD_Table Replication Strategy + Replication Strategy list + + + + AD_Sequence for Documents + Sequence for Document selection + + + + AD_Client + Client selection + + + + AD_Org (Trx) + Organization selection, no summary, no 0 + + + + All_Document Status + Document Status list + + + + C_ElementValue (Accounts) + Account selection + + + + C_Location + Location selection + + + + C_Accounts - User1 + User1 selection + + + + All_Document Action + Document action list + + + + C_AcctSchema + Accounting Schema selection + + + + C_Accounts - User2 + User2 selection + + + + C_BPartner + Business Partner selection (no Summary) + + + + C_Project + Project selection + + + + C_Activity + Activity selection + + + + C_Campaign + Campaign selection + + + + C_Sales Region + Sales Region selection + + + + C_Element + Element selection + + + + C_DocType SubTypeSO + Order Types list + + + + C_Payment CreditCard Type + C_Payment Credit Card Type list + + + + C_Order InvoiceRule + Invoicing Rules list + + + + C_Order DeliveryRule + Delivery Rules list + + + + C_Order DeliveryViaRule + Delivery via Rule list + + + + C_Order FreightCostRule + Freight cost Rule list + + + + All_PriorityRule + Priority scale list + + + + M_DiscountPriceList RoundingRule + Price Rounding Rule list + + + + C_Country + Country selection + + + + C_Region + Region selection + + + + C_Tax + Tax selection + + + + C_BPartner Location + Locations of a Business Partner + + + + M_Product Parent + + + + + M_Product (no summary) + Product selection, no summary + + + + M_Product Category + + + + + M_Replenish Type + + + + + M_PriceList + + + + + Weekdays + List of days + + + + C_InvoiceSchedule InvoiceFrequency + + + + + C_Project Parent + + + + + C_DocType + + + + + M_Product (stocked) + + + + + C_DocType SO + + + + + C_BPartner Customers + Customer selection + + + + AD_Workflow + Workflows + + + + C_ValidCombination + Valid Account combinations + + + + C_PeriodControl Action + + + + + C_PeriodControl Status + + + + + GL_Budget Status + + + + + C_SalesRegion Parent + + + + + All_ErrorType + List of type of errors + + + + C_AcctSchema ElementType + Element Types for Accounting Elements + Hardcoded Element Types + + + C_ElementValue (all) + Element Values + + + + C_DocType DocBaseType + Base Document Types + + + + AD_Tree + Tree selection + + + + M_PriceList Version + + + + + M_Movement Type + + + + + AD_User SalesRep + Sales Representative + + + + M_Locator + Warehouse Locator + + + + C_BPartner Vendors + Vendor selection + + + + C_BankAccount for Credit Card + + + + + M_DiscountPriceList Base + + + + + All_Payment Rule + In & Out Payment Options + + + + C_RevenueRecognition Frequency + Frequency of Revenue Recognition + + + + M_Warehouse of Client + + + + + M_Inventory ReportType + + + + + M_PriceList_Version for Client + + + + + C_Charge + + + + + C_BP_EDI EDI Type + + + + + M_EDI Status + + + + + M_EDI Trx Type + + + + + AD_Find AndOr + + + + + AD_Find Operation + + + + + AD_Table Posting + Posting Tables + + + + GL Category Type + + + + + AD_ImpFormat Type + + + + + AD_ImpFormat FormatType + + + + + AD_ImpFormat_Row Type + + + + + M_Product BOM (stocked) + Products that are BOMs and stocked + + + + M_InventoryCount QtyRange + + + + + C_Payment AVS + + + + + C_Payment Tender Type + + + + + C_Payment Trx Type + + + + + C_Bank Account Type + + + + + C_Cash Trx Type + + + + + R_Request Request Type + + + + + R_Request Next Action + + + + + R_Request Frequency Type + + + + + R_Request Due Type + + + + + C_BPartner Vendors Avtive + Vendor selection + + + + C_Commission DocBasis + + + + + C_Commission Frequency + + + + + AD_Role User Level + + + + + C_PaymentTerm + + + + + PA_Goal + + + + + PA_Achievement Parent + + + + + PA_Goal Parent + + + + + PA_Measure Type + + + + + C_BPartner Vendor or SalesRep + Vendor or SalesRep selection + + + + C_Period (Open) + Periods Sorted by Date + + + + All_Posted Status + + + + + PA_Report AmountType + + + + + PA_Report CalculationType + + + + + PA_Report ColumnType + + + + + PA_Report CurrencyType + + + + + PA_ReportColumn + + + + + PA_ReportLine + + + + + PA_Report LineType + + + + + PA_ReportLine Parent + + + + + AD_Color Type + + + + + AD_Column Key ColumnNames + + + + + All_Entity Type + Entity Type (Dictionary, ..) + + + + M_Discount CumulativeLevel + + + + + M_Discount Type + + + + + AD_Color StartPoint + + + + + M_DiscountSchema + + + + + M_Product_Costing Source + + + + + AD_Column Name + Column selection + + + + C_BPartner Employee + Business Partners who are Employee + + + + AD_Print Field Alignment + + + + + AD_Print Line Alignment + + + + + AD_Print Format + + + + + AD_Print Area + + + + + AD_Column Integer + Integer Type only (Name) + + + + AD_Column YesNo + Coluns YesNo (Name) + + + + AD_PrintFormat + + + + + AD_PrintFormat Invoice + + + + + AD_PrintFormat Order + + + + + AD_PrintFormat Shipment + + + + + AD_PrintFormatItem + + + + + AD_PrintGraph Type + + + + + AD_PrintColor + + + + + AD_PrintFont + + + + + AD_PrintFormat Check + + + + + AD_PrintFormat Not TableBased + + + + + M_Product_ProductType + + + + + C_OrderLine + Order Line + + + + I_ElementValue Column + + + + + R_MailText + Mail Text + + + + C_Period (all) + Periods Sorted by Date + + + + AD_Org (all) + Organization selection + + + + C_BPartner Employee w Address + Business Partners who are Employee and have addresses + + + + AD_Tab + + + + + M_Product BOM Type + + + + + AD_Print Label Line Type + + + + + C_Recurring Type + + + + + C_Recurring Frequency + + + + + AD_Window + + + + + K_Entry Related + + + + + AD_User - Internal + Employee or SalesRep + + + + C_Tax SPPOType + + + + + C_ProjectType Category + + + + + C_BPartner SOCreditStatus + Sales Credit Status + + + + C_Order + Order + + + + AD_Field ObscureType + + + + + M_Inventory Type + Inventory Type (Difference - Charge) + + + + AD_Table_Access RuleType + AccessRuleType + + + + M_TransactionAllocation Type + + + + + M_InOutLine + + + + + M_InventoryLine + + + + + M_ProductionLine + + + + + M_Transaction + + + + + WF_DurationUnit + + + + + WF_Transition Type + + + + + WF_Join_Split + + + + + WF_Action + Superset of Menu Action + + + + WF_Start-Finish Mode + + + + + WF_Participant Type + + + + + WF_Instance State + + + + + WF_EventType + + + + + WF_SubFlow Execution + + + + + WF_LoopType + + + + + All_PublishStatus + Publication Status + + + + AD_Language Maintenance + + + + + AD_PrintTableFormat Stroke + Stroke Type + + + + M_RelatedProduct Type + + + + + C_RfQ QuoteType + + + + + B_TopicType AuctionType + + + + + AD_User - Supervisor + Employee or SalesRep - or System + + + + AD_Scheduler Type + + + + + _YesNo + + + + + M_InOutConfirm Type + + + + + C_DocType RMA + + + + + AD_Org (all but 0) + Organization selection + + + + C_Allocation + + + + + M_AttributeSet MandatoryType + + + + + M_DiscountSchema not PL + Not Price List Discount Schema + + + + M_Attribute Value Type + + + + + AD_Language System + Language selection + + + + AD_Workflow Type + Workflow Type + + + + M_Replenishment Create + + + + + AD_Role PreferenceType + Preference Type + + + + Account_ID + Account selection + + + + APAR + AP and/or AR + + + + AD_PrintFormatItem ShapeType + + + + + AD_Client AutoArchive + + + + + _MMPolicy + Material Movement Policy + + + + C_Invoice + + + + + M_InOut + + + + + M_CostElement Type + + + + + C_LandedCost Distribution + + + + + R_Request Confidential + + + + + R_Request + + + + + W_MailMsg Type + + + + + C_Payment + + + + + AD_User NotificationType + + + + + R_Status + + + + + C_Remuneration Type + + + + + M_BOM Type + + + + + M_BOM Use + + + + + M_BOMProduct Type + + + + + C_BP_Group PriorityBase + + + + + M_ChangeNotice + + + + + C_ConversionType + + + + + C_BPartner SalesRep + BP SalesRep selection + + + + AD_Column Encrypted + + + + + C_AcctSchema CostingLevel + + + + + C_Greeting + + + + + AD_User BP AccessType + + + + + C_AcctSchema CommitmentType + + + + + C_Invoice MatchRequirement + + + + + GL_BudgetControl Scope + + + + + C_ElementValue (trx) + Element Values + + + + AD_WF_Node EMailRecipient + + + + + AD_User ConnectionProfile + + + + + AD_Client ShareType + + + + + R_Request TaskStatus + + + + + PA_Goal Scope + + + + + PA_Goal Restriction Type + + + + + PA_Measure DataType + + + + + PA_Benschmark Accumulation Type + + + + + PA_Ratio + + + + + PA_Ratio ElementType + + + + + PA_Ratio Operand + + + + + AD_System Status + + + + + AD_PrintPaper Units + + + + + M_Inventory CountSet + + + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/AD_Tab_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/AD_Tab_Trl_it_IT.xml index da37a1633f..1720dff58d 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/AD_Tab_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/AD_Tab_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,3843 +1,3843 @@ - - - - - - Tabella - - Definizione Tabella - Definizione Tabella (Intestazione) - - - Colonna - - Definizione Colonna - Definisci le colonne di una tabella. - - - Riferimento - - Reference header definitions - Il tab Riferimento definisce i riferimenti che convalidano dei dati. - - - Convalida Tabella - - Convalida Tabella - Il tab Convalida Tabella definisce le tabelle di convalida dati. - - - Convalida lista - - Convalida lista - Il tab Convalida Lista definisce le liste di convalida dati. - - - Finestra - - Finestra definizioni Testata (header) - Il tab Finestra definisce ogni finestra del sistema. - - - Tab - - Definizione di Tab all'interno dei campi di una finestra - Il tab Tab definisce ogni Tab all'interno di una Finestra. Ogni Tab contiene una discreta selezione di campi. - - - Campo - - Definizione Campo in tabelle in windows - Il tab Campo definisce i Campi mostrati all'interno di un Tab. Le modifiche al Campo Tab diventano visibili dopo la riaccensione per effetto del caching - - - Convalida - - Convalida Regole - Il tab Convalida Regole definisce tutte le regole dinamiche usate quando si inseriscono e si gestiscono le colonne e i campi. - - - Messaggio - - Messaggi di errore e di menu - Il tab Messaggi visualizza i messaggi di errore. - - - Menu - - Gestione Menu - Il tab Menu definisce il menu ad albero strutturato che verrà usato per l'Organizzazione selezionata. - - - Traduzione - - Traduzione Menu - può non aver bisogno di traduzione - Le Traduzioni del Menu derivano da una Finestra, da un Processo, ecc. Devi solo tradurre il sommario dei livelli degli items. - - - Lingua - - Sistema e lingue Utenti - Se vuoi aggiungere una lingua addizionale d'Interfaccia Utente, seleziona "Sistema Lingua". Altrimenti, il sistema ti permette solo di tradurre elementi per stampare i documenti. - - - Traduzione - - - - - - Traduzione Campo - - Traduzione Menu - può non aver bisogno di traduzione - I campi sono automaticamente tradotti, se gestiti a livello centrale. Devi solo tradurre i campi non gestiti a livello centrale. - - - Traduzione Tab - - - - - - Traduzione Finestra - - - - - - Utente - - Utente - Il tab Utente definisce l'accesso (log in) degli Utenti al sistema. - - - Ruolo - - Definisci i ruoli di responsabilità - Definisci il ruolo e aggiungi il client e le organizzazioni alle quali il ruolo ha accesso. Puoi dare agli utenti l'accesso di questo ruolo alle finestre, alle forme, ai processi, ai reports e ai compiti. - - - Assegnazione utente - - Assegnazione utente - Il tab Assegnazione Utente mostra gli Utenti definiti per questo Ruolo. - - - Ruoli Utente - - Ruoli utente - Il tab Ruoli Utente definisce i Ruoli che ogni utente potrebbe avere. I Ruoli determineranno a quali finestre, compiti e workflows un Utente ha accesso. - - - Nodo - - Definisci nodi workflow - Il tab Nodi successivi definisce ciascun Nodo o Passo di un Workflow. - - - Traduzione Nodo - - Traduzione nodo - - - - Nodi successivi - - Nodi successivi - Il tab Nodi successivi definisce l'Ordine, i Nodi o i Passi in un Workflow. - - - Nodi Precedenti - - - - - - Traduzione Compito - - - - - - Tassi di Conversione - - Definisci Tassi di conversione - Il tab Tassi di Conversione definisce i tassi da usare quando si converte una valuta ad una valuta contabile o registrata. - - - Esercizio - - Definisci Esercizio - Il tab Esercizio definisce i calendari usati da una Organizzazione. - - - Anno - - Definizione degli anni negli esercizi - La finestra Anno viene usata per definire ogni anno di un calendario specifico. - - - Periodo - - Definisci Periodo - Il tab Periodo definisce un N. Periodo, il Nome e la data di Inizio di ciascun Calendario. Ciascun periodo incomincia sulla Data di Inizio definita e termina un giorno prima della data di Inizio del Periodo successivo. - - - Giorno non Lavorativo - - Definisci Giorni non lavorativi - Il tab Giorni Non Lavorativi definisce quei giorni da escludere quando si calcolano le scadenze per i termini di pagamento. Ad esempio, se la scadenza di una fattura è "Netto a 10 giorni" e la data della Fattura è il 17/02/2003, il giorno di scadenza diventa il 27/02/2003. Se il 27/02/2003 è un giorno non lavorativo, il giorno di scadenza slitta al 28/02/2003. - - - Conti - - Definisce i Conti - Il tab Conti definisce i valori individuali validi dell' Elemento. I valori devono essere conformi al formato definito. Se l' Elemento è un tipo di conto, la Classificazione Conto (Risorsa, passività, ecc) e i controlli di posting vengono definiti. - - - Unità di Misura - - Definisci unità di misura - Il tab Unità di Misura definisce una Unità di Misura non monetaria. - - - Conversione - - Definisci Conversione Unità di Misura standard - Il tab Conversione definisce i tassi di conversione di una Unità di Misura. Il sistema fornisce alcune conversioni automatiche tra unità di misura (p.e. minuti, ore, giorni, giorni lavorativi, ecc.) se non esplicitamente definiti in questa finestra. -Le Conversioni devono essere dirette (se hai una conversione tra A-B e B-C, il sitema non può convertire A-C, devi definirlo esplicitamente). - - - Paese - - Definisci Paese - Il tab Paese definisce i Paesi con i quali svolgi un'attività commerciale. I Valori inseriti qui si riferiscono ai records di ubicazione dei Business Partners. - - - Regione - - Definisci Regioni - Il tab Regione definisce una Regione all'interno di un Paese. Questo tab è attivo solo se il checkbox Regione viene selezionato per il Paese. - - - Organizzazione - - Definisci Organizzazione - Il tab Organizzazione viene usato per definire un' Organizzazione. Ogni Organizzazione possiede una Chiave, un Nome e opzionalmente una Descrizione. -Quando si aggiunge una nuova organizzazione, devi re-login per poter accedere alla nuova organizzazione. - - - Azienda (Client) - - Definizione Azienda - Il tab Definizione Azienda(Client) identifica un client unico. -Non creare un nuovo client in questa finestra, ma usa "Inserisci Client Iniziale" per inserire la sicurezza richiesta e le regole di accesso. Se crei in questa finestra un nuovo client, non potrai vederlo e l'infrastruttura client richiesta non verrà inserita. - - - Sequenza - - Definizione Sequenza - Il tab Sequenza definisce le sequenza numeriche da usare per i documenti. Queste possono anche includere un suffisso o prefisso alfanumerico. - - - Workflow - - Definisci Workflow - Il tab Workflow definisce i Workflows contenuti nel sistema. - - - Traduzione workflow - - - - - - Compito - - Compito - Il tab Compito definisce gli unici compiti che verranno usati. - - - Valuta - - Definisci Valuta - Il tab Valuta definisce le valute con le quali si effettuano le transazioni. - - - Test - - - - - - Piano dei Conti - - Definizione del Piano dei Conti - Il tab Piano dei Conti o definisce il Nome, la Descrizione e il Formato per un Piano. In aggiunta, un Tipo di Conto o Utente Definito viene selezionato. Ogni Schema Contabile deve avere almeno un Piano dei Conti. I Piani definitii dall'Utente sono opzionali. - - - Indirizzo - - Definire Indirizzo - Il tab Indirizzo definisce l'ubicazione di una Organizzazione. - - - Preferenza - - Gestione Org. Sistema Client e preferenze Utenti - - - - Progetto (Servizio) - - Definisci Progetto di Servizio - Il tab Progetto viene usato per definire il Valore, il Nome e la Descrizione di ogni progetto. Inoltre tiene il conto degli importi assegnati, commissionati e usati per questo progetto. - - - Catagoria Contabile - - Definisci categorie di Classi contabili - Il tab Categoria CG definisce gli identificatori opzionali per un documento o journal. Ciascuna Categoria può essere usata in un documento, journal manuale o importato. - - - Gruppo Prime Note - - Serie di prime note della contabilità generale - Le serie di prime note della CG definiscono una serie di prime note contabili che vengono inserite nel libro Giornale. - - - Prima Nota - - Prima nota - Definisce il singolo gruppo di eventi contabili che vengono inseriti nel Libro giornale. - - - Linea - - Line della prima nota - Definisce la linea della prima nota con le informazioni della transazione che viene inserita nel libro Giornale. - - - Definizione Documento - - Definisci tipo documento - Il tab Definizione Documenti definisce i parametri di utilizzo e di controllo del documento. - - - Informazioni Azienda - - Informazioni Azienda - Il tab Informazioni dell'Azienda (Client) definisce i dettagli di ciascun client. Le regole contabili e i default di alto livello sono definiti qui. Il Calendario viene usato per definire se un periodo è aperto o chiuso. - - - Informazioni Organizzazione - - Informazioni dettagli organizzazione - Il tab Informazioni Organizzazione viene usato per definire l'indirizzo di una Organizzazione, il numero DUNS e il numero di Identificazione Tasse. - - - Riferimento Traduzione - - - - - - Elenco Traduzione - - - - - - Allegato - - Allegato - Il tab Allegato mostra le caratteristiche di un Allegato. - - - Imposta - - Definizione Imposta - La Finestra Imposta definisce le diverse imposte usate per ogni categoria di imposta. Ad esempio, le l'imposta di vendita (IVA) devono essere definite per ogni Stato nelle quali sono applicate. Se ci sono più imposte, è necessario definire una catagoria di imposta di raggruppamento con l'appropriato totale delle aliquote iniziali. Al inserimento delle linee dell'ordine o della fattura, l'imposta viene calcolata nel momento in cui il documento viene elaborato. Un'imposta viene sempre calcolata sulla base dell'importo netto. - - - Categorie di Imposta - - Categorie di imposta - Il tab Categorie di Imposta viene usato per definire e gestire le Categorie di Imposta. Ciascun Prodotto è associato con una Categoria di Imposta. Ciò facilita l'adattamento ai cambiamenti. - - - Magazzino - - Magazzino - Il tab Magazzino definisce i Magazzini usati per il deposito dei prodotti. - - - Area Stoccaggio - - Area Stoccaggio - Il tab Locatore definisce le Aree di Stoccaggio per quel Magazzino. - - - Memoria - - - - - - Prodotto - - Definizione Prodotto - Il tab Prodotto definisce ogni prodotto e lo identifica per l'uso nei listini prezzi e negli ordini. - - - Sostituti - - Gestione Sostituti - Il tab Sostituti definisce i prodotti che potrebbere essere usati in sostituzione del prodotto selezionato. - - - Riapprovvigionamento - - Definisci Riapprovvigionamento - Il tab Riapprovvigionamento definisce le quantità da riapprovvigionare. Viene usato per ordini automatizzati. - - - Prezzi - - Prezzi - Il tab Prezzi visualizza i prezzi di listino, Standard e Limite dei prodotti del listino. - - - Termini di Pagamento - - Definisci Termini di pagamento - Il tab Termini di Pagamento definisce i diversi termini di pagamento offerti al Business Partners nel momento del pagamento delle fatture o quelli offerti dai Fornitori. Sulla fattura standard, il Nome e il Termine di pagamento sono stampati. - - - Spedizioniere - - Spedizionieri - Il tab Spedizionieri definisce le entità che effettuano le spedizioni ad o da una Organizzazione. - - - Ordine - - Ordine di acquisto - Il tab Ordine d'Acquisto definisce i parametri di un Ordine. - - - Linee Ordine - - Linee di ordine - Il tab Linee d'Ordine definisce le linee individuali degli items comprese in un Ordine. - - - Categoria Prodotto - - Definisci Categoria prodotto - La Categoria Prodotti definisce raggruppamenti unici di prodotti. Le categorie prodotti possono essere usate nel compilare un listino prezzi. - - - Listino Prezzi - - Definisci Listino - I Listini Prezzi determinano la valuta del documento e il trattamento di tassazione. - - - Prezzo prodotto - - Gestione Prezzi prodotti - Il tab Listino Prezzi visualizza i prezzi di un prodotto del listino selezionato. - - - Programma di Fatturazione - - Definisci Cicli di fatturazione - Il tab Programma di Fatturazione definisce la frequenza con la quale le fatture batch vengono generate per un Business Partner. - - - Tasso di Conversione - - Definisci Tassi di Conversione Valuta - Il tab Tassi di Cambio viene usato per definire i tassi di conversione da usare quando si convertono gli ammontari dei documenti da una valuta ad un'altra. I tassi di Conversione possono essere definiti per più tipi di tassi. Possono essere anche validi per un definito range di date. - - - Schema di Contabilità - - Definisci il tuo Piano dei conti - Il tab Schema di Contabilità definisce i controlli usati nella contabilità. Ciascuna Organizzazione seleziona uno Schema contabile da usare. - - - Contabilità Generale - - Conti per CG - Il tab Contabilità Generale definisce errori e gestione del bilancio da usare e i conti necessari per il posting della Contabilità Generale. - - - Campagna - - Campagna Marketing - Il tab Campagna di Marketing definisce i parametri per una Campagna. Questi includono le date di inizio e di fine nonchè gli importi delle fatture che si riferiscono a questa campagna. - - - Canale - - Canale di Distribuzione - Il tab Canali di Marketing definisce i diversi metodi o processi attraverso i quali i clienti vengono raggiunti. - - - Elemento - - Elemento - Il tab Elemento definisce ciascun elemento di livello del sistema. - - - Traduzione - - - - - - Controllo periodo - - Definisci Controllo periodo - Il tab Controllo Periodo visualizza lo stato di un Periodo (Mai Aperto, Aperto, Chiuso). - - - Selezione Regione - - Regione Vendite - Il tab Selezione Regione definisce le diverse regioni per la vendita. Le regioni di vendita possono essere usate per generare reports o per calcolare le commissioni. - - - Combinazione - - Combinazione di Conto Valido - Il tab Combinazione definisce e visualizza combinazioni di conto valido. Uno Pseudonimo può essere definito per facilitare l'inserimento dei documenti. - - - Budget - - il Tab Budget di CG definisce un Budget di contabilità generale - I Budgets di CG vengono usati per definire i costi anticipati dell'attività commerciale. Vengono usati nei reporting e confrontati con gli effettivi importi. - - - Contabilità - - Contabilità - Il tab Contabilità definisce i parametri contabili da usare per l'inventario di qual Magazzino. - - - Contabilità - - Definisci Parametri Contabili - Il tab Contabilità definisce i defaults da usare quando si generano transazioni contabili per ordini e fatture che contengono questo prodotto. - - - Contabilità - - Definisci Contabilità Progetto - Il tab Contabilità è usato per definire il Conto Maschera da usare quando un progetto è completo e le maschere associate realizzate. - - - Contabilità Cliente - - Definici Contabilità cliente - Il tab Contabilità Cliente definisce i conti di default da usare quando questo business partner è riferito ad una transazione di contabilità clienti. - - - Contabilità Fornitore - - Definisci Contabilità Fornitore - Il tab Contabilità fornitori definisce i conti di default da usare quando questo business partner è riferito ad una transazione di contabilità fornitori. - - - Contabilità dipendenti - - Definisci Contabilità Impiegati - Il tab Contabilità Dipendenti definisce i conti default da usare quando questo business partner viene riferito ad un risarcimento di spese. - - - Provincia - - Definisci Provincia - Il tab Città definisce le Città di un Paese o Regione. Le Città inserite qui non vengono riportate quando si inserisce un indirizzo. - - - Elemento Schema di Contabilità - - Definire un elemento schema di contabilità - Il tab Elemento Schema di Contabilità definisce gli elementi che includono la chiave del conto. Un nome è definito e visualizzato nei documenti. Anche l'Ordine degli elementi se bilanciati e obbligatori vengono indicati. - - - Business Partner - - Business Partner - Il tab Business Partner definisce le Entità con le quali una organization commercia. - - - Indirizzo - - Definizione Indirizzo - Il tab Indirizzo definisce l'ubicazione fisica di un business partner. Un business partner potrebbe avere più records di ubicazione. - - - Cliente - - Definizione Parametri Cliente - Il tab Cliente definisce un Business Partner cliente di questa organizzazione. Quando il check box viene selezionato, i campi necessari vengono visualizzati. - - - Fornitore - - Definisci Parametri Fornitore - Il tab Fornitore definisce un Business Partner fornitore di questa Organizzazione. Se il check box del Fornitore viene selezionato, il campo necessario verrà visualizzato. - - - Dipendenti - - Definisci Parametri Dipendenti - Il tab Dipendenti definisce un Business Partner dipendente di questa organizzazione. Se il Dipendente è anche un Rappresentante Vendite, il check box dovrebbe essere selezionato. - - - Conto Bancario - - Definizione Conto bancario - Il tab Conto Bancario definisce le informazioni bancarie per questo business partner. Questi dati vengono usati per effettuare pagamenti e rimesse. - - - Banca - - Gestione Banca - Il tab Banca definisce una banca utilizzata da una organizzazione o da un business partner. A ciascuna Banca viene dato un Nome identificativo, l'Indirizzo, N.Routing e Swift Code. - - - Conto - - Gestione Conto - Il tab Conto è usato per definire uno o più conti di una Banca. Ogni conto possiede un numero unico e una valuta. - - - Ritenuta - - Definisci Ritenuta - Il tab Ritenute definisce le informazioni relative alle trattenute di questo business partner. - - - Traduzione - - Traduzione - Il tab Traduzione definisce un tipo di Documento in una lingua alternativa. - - - Sollecito - - Gestione Regole di Sollecito - Il tab Sollecito definisce i parametri di un livello di recupero credito. - - - Traduzione - - Definisci traduzione - Il tab Traduzione definisce la traduzione in una lingua alternativa. - - - Traduzione - - - - - - Traduzione - - - - - - Imposta dell'Ordine - - Imposta per l'ordine - Il tab Imposta dell'Ordine indica l'importo delle imposte di un ordine basato sulle linee inserite. - - - Addebiti - - Addebiti - Il tab Addebiti definisce gli unici addebiti che potrebbero essere associati ad un documento. - - - Versione - - Gestione versioni del listino - I Listini prezzo sono creati automaticamente sulla base delle informazioni di Vendita dei Prodotti e sugli Sconti di Categoria del Fornitore. -Un'altra alternativa è quella di copiarli dai listini già esistenti e ricalcolarli. -Puoi anche ricalcolare il listino non basandoti su quelli esistenti o riferendoti ad uno stesso listino. - - - Acquisti - - Acquisti - Il tab Acquisti definisce i prezzi e le regole (quantità imballaggio, UPC, quantità minima ordine) per ciascun prodotto. - - - Ritenuta - - Regole Ritenute - Il tab Regole Ritenute definisce le regole che governano gli importi delle ritenute. - - - Contabilità - - - - - - Albero - - Albero - Il tab Albero definisce un Albero che viene mostrato. - - - Report & Processi - - Definisci Report & Processi - Il tab Report Processo definisce i report e i processi presenti nel sistema. - - - Parametro - - Parametro - Il tab Parametri del Report definisce i parametri richiesti per escludere un report o un processo. - - - Traduzione Parametro - - - - - - Traduzione Report - - - - - - Attività - - Attività - - - - Defaults - - Conti di Default - Il tab Defaults visualizza i conti di Default per uno schema contabile. Questi valori visualizzano quando un nuovo documento viene aperto. L'Utente può sovrascrivere questi defaults all'interno del documento. - - - Costi - - Definizione Costi - Il tab Costi definisce - - - Conteggio Inventario - - Definizione del conteggio Inventario - Il tab Conteggio Inventario definisce i parametri per un calcolo manuale e la correzione dell'inventario. - - - Linea del Conteggio Inventario - - Linea del Conteggio Inventario - La Linea del Conteggio Inventario definisce i calcoli dei prodotti individuali di un inventario. - - - Documento di Spedizione - - Spedizioni e Resi Clienti - Il tab Documento di Spedizione permette la generazione, gestione, inserimento ed eleborazione delle Spedizioni o i Resi dai clienti. - - - Riga del Documento - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione - Il tab Riga del Documento definisce gli items individuali di una Spedizione. - - - Movimentazione - - Definisce la Movimentazione - Il tab Movimentazione definisce e identifica lo spostamento di un item o degli items di un inventario. - - - Linea di Movimentazione - - Definisci Linea di Movimentazione - Il tab Linea di Movimentazione definisce il prodotto e la quantità da spostare e l'ubicazione nel quale o dal quale essi vengono spostati. - - - Transazioni Prodotti - - Transazioni per Prodotti in magazzino - - - - Fattura - - Fatture Clienti - Il tab Fatture definisce i parametri di una Fattura generati da un Business Partner. Fa parte della contabilità Clienti. - - - Livello - - Gestione livello sollecito - Il tab Livello definisce il tempo e la frequenza degli avvisi di sollecito. - - - Traduzione - - Traduzione Livello Recupero credito - - - - Linee di Fattura - - Linee di fatture clienti - Il tab Linee Fattura definisce gli items individuali o le spese di una Fattura. - - - Imposta - - Imposta sulla fattura cliente - Il tab Imposta indica le imposte totali dovute in base alle linee delle Fatture. - - - Riconoscimento Ricavo - - Riconoscimento Ricavoe - Il tab Riconoscimento Ricavo definisce gli intervalli per i quali una revenue sarà riconosciuta. Puoi basare la revenue recognition anche sui Livelli di Servizio forniti. - - - Traduzione - - Traduzione Unità di Misura - - - - Inventario perpetuo - - - - - - Fornitore - - Fornitore - Il tab Fornitore visualizza i Fornitori. Un Fornitore viene selezionato e tutti i prodotti di quel Fornitore verranno visualizzati. - - - Dettaglio Prodotto - - Dettagli prodotto - Il tab Dettagli del Prodotto ti permette di visualizzare e gestire tutti i prodotti di un Fornitore selezionato. - - - Titolo - - Definisci Titolo - Il tab Titoli definisce il titolo con il quale ci si riferisce ad un business partner in un documento. - - - Traduzione - - - - - - Traduzione - - - - - - Vista Report - - Definisci Vista Report - Il tab Definisci Vista Report definisce le viste usate nella generazione dei reports. - - - Transazioni - - Transazioni per Prodotti in magazzino - Il tab Transazioni visualizza le transazioni effettuate per questo prodotto. - - - Fattura - - Fatture Fornitori - Il tab Fatture definisce i parametri di una Fattura generati da un Business Partner. Fa parte della contabilità fornitori. - - - Riga della Fattura - - Riga della fatture fornitore - Il tab Riga della Fattura definisce gli items individuali o le spese di una Fattura. - - - Imposta - - Imposta Fatture Fornitore - Il tab Imposta indica le imposte totali dovute in base alle linee delle Fatture. - - - Linea d'Ordine - - Linea d'ordine - Il tab Linea d'Ordine definisce gli items individuali di un ordine. - - - Ordine di Acquisto - - Ordine di acquisto - Il tab Ordine di Acquisto definisce i parametri di un Ordine. I valori definiti del campo determinano come le linee dell'Ordine vengono elaborate. - - - Imposta - - Imposte ordine - Il tab Imposta indica le imposte associate alle linee di un Ordine. - - - Entrata Merci - - Entrata merci e resi fornitore - Il Tab Entrata Merci permette di generare, gestire, inserire ed eleborare il ricevimento merci o i Resi ad un Fornitore. - - - Linea di Entrata Merci - - Linea di entrata merci - Il tab Linea di entrata merci definisce i movimenti individuali di una entrata. - - - Definizione EDI - - Gestione definizione EDI - - - - Transazione EDI - - - - - - Log EDI - - - - - - Maschera - - Maschera speciale - Il tab Maschere definisce la finestra non generata automaticamente. Da usare solo per l'Amministraz. del Sistema. - - - Traduzione - - - - - - Accesso Finestra - - Accesso alle finestre - Il tab Accesso Finestra definisce le Finestre e i tipi di accesso garantiti da questo Ruolo. - - - Accesso Processo - - Accesso ai processi - Il tab Accesso Processo definisce i Processi e i tipi di accesso garantiti da questo Ruolo. - - - Accesso Form - - Accesso Form - Il tab Accesso Form definisce i Form e i tipi di accessi garantiti per questo Ruolo. - - - Accesso Workflow - - Accesso ai workflow - Il tab Accesso Workflow definisce i Workflows e i tipi di accesso garantiti da questo Ruolo. - - - Accessi ai Report - - Accessi ai report - Il tab Accesso al Report determina che può accedere ad un report o processo. - - - Accesso - - Acceso ai form - Il tab Accesso definisce le regole di accesso per questa form. - - - Accesso - - Accesso compito - Il tab Accesso Tab definisce i Ruoli che hanno accesso a questo task e il tipo di accesso garantito da ciascun Ruolo. - - - Accesso - - Accesso alle Finestre - Il tab Accesso Finestra definisce i Ruoli che hanno accesso a questa Finestra. - - - Accesso - - Accesso al Workflow - Il tab Accesso Workflow definisce i Ruoli che hanno accesso a questa Finestra. - - - Accesso Compito - - Accesso ai compiti - L'Accesso Compito definisce i compiti e i tipi di accessi garantiti da questo Ruolo. - - - Messaggio di Errore - - Messaggio di errore - Il tab Messaggi di Errore visualizza messaggi di errore. Possono essere cancellati con un processo automatizzato di clean up. - - - Formato di Importazione - - - - - - Formato Campo - - Gestione Formato campi - Definisci il campo individuale basato sulla definizione di Tabella. Devi essere sicuro che un Constant abbia dei dati corretti SQL (cioè se è una 'serie', devi inserirla come 'questa'). -<p>Product mapping (per dettagli vedere la documentazione): -<pre> -H_Item => Valore -H_ItemDesc => Nome / Descrizione -H_ItemDefn => Aiuto -H_Tipo Item => Categoria Prodotto -H_PartnrID => Valore del Business Partner -H_Commodity1 => N. Prodotto Fornitore H_Commodity2 => SKU -H_Classe Item => Classificazione (A,B,C..) -V_OperAmt_T_Cur => Valuta -V_OperAmt_T => Prezzo -</pre> - - - Distinta Base - - Distinta base - Il tab Distinta Base definisce quei prodotti generati da altri prodotti. Una Distinta Base (BOM) si riferisce ad uno o più Prodotti o BOMs. - -Quantità Disponibile: -- BOMs in magazzino devono essere creati attraverso la "Produzione" -- la quantità disponibile di un BOM's non in magazzino viene calcolata dinamicamente -- l'attributo "In magazzino" viene definito nel tab "Prodotto" - -Prezzo: -- BOMs devono essere inseriti nei Listini -- Se il prezzo è 0.00, viene dinamicamente calcolato Stampa: -- Di solito, solo le informazioni BOM vengono stampate - Per le fatture, le distinte di trasporto e le liste pick, puoi stamparne i - - - Memoria - - - - - - Testata di Produzione - - Testata di Produzione - Il tab Testata di Produzione Produzione definisce un unico piano di produzione. - - - Piano di Produzione - - Piano di Produzione - Il tab Piano di Produzione definisce gli items utilizzati e generati in una produzione. - - - Linea di Produzione - - Linea di Produzione - Il tab Linea di Produzione visualizza i movimenti effettivi dell'inventario generati da un Piano di produzione. - - - Gruppo dei Business Partner - - Gruppi dei Business Partner per notificare Defaults contabili - Il tab Gruppo Business Partner permette l' associazione dei business partners al reporting e alla contabilità di defaults. - - - Contabilità - - Definisci Contabilità - Il tab Contabilità definisce i conti di default per ciascun business partner che si riferisce a questo gruppo. Questi valori di default possono essere modificati da ciascun business partner. - - - Contabilità - - Definisci Parametri Contabili - Il tab Contabilità definisce i parametri contabili di default. Ogni prodotto che utilizza una categoria prodotto può ereditare i suoi parametri contabili di default. - - - Avviso - - Avviso - Il tab Avviso fornisce un metodo di vedere i messaggi generati da questo sistema quando si eseguono i processi. - - - Processore dei Pagamenti - - Processore per pagamenti online - Il tab Processore dei Pagamenti viene usato per definire i parametri per l'elaborazione dei pagamenti elettronici. - - - Contabilità - - Gestione dati contabili - Il tab Contabilià è usato per definire i conti usati per le transazioni con questa Banca. - - - Estratto Conto - - Estratto conto - The Bank Statement Tab defines the Bank Statement to be reconciled. - - - Linea Estratto Conto - - Linea estratto conto - Il tab Linea di Estratto Conto definisce le linee individuali degli items nell'Estratto Conto. Possono essere inseriti manualmente o generati dai pagamenti inseriti. - - - Pagamento - - Pagamento - Il tab Pagamento definisce un pagamento effettuato da un Business Partner. Se si riferisce ad una singola fattura, può essere assegnato direttamente a quella fattura usando questo schermo. -Puoi anche riferire pagamenti "superiori/inferiori":<br> -Se hai un pagamento "superiore", cioè se hai ricevuto più soldi del dovuto per una singola fattura: invece di cancellare la differenza (che equivarrebbe ad un guadagno), puoi lasciare l'importo non localizzato e usarlo per fatture successive o per i memos di credito. Nota bene che l'Importo si riferisce all'importo di pagamento, perciò devi inserire il pagamento "superiore" come un valore negativo.<br> -Puoi anche ricevere un pagamento parziale (pagamento inferiore). Se decidi di non cancellare l'importo rimanente della fattura, inserisci l'importo "inferiore" come un valore positivo. - - - Contabilità - - Contabilità Spese - Il tab Contabiità definisce i parametri contabili usati nelle transazioni che includono una spese o più spese. - - - Contabilità - - Contabilità dell'Organizzazione - Il tab Contabilità dell' Organizzazione definisce i parametri contabili di default usati da questa Organizzazione. - - - Contabilità - - Contabilità - Il tab Contabilità definisce i parametri contabili da usare nelle transazioni che si riferiscono a questa Aliquota d'Imposta. - - - Contabilità - - Contabilità trattenute - - - - Attributi Personalizzabili - - Definizione degli attributi personalizzabili - Il tab Attributi Cusomizzabili definisce gli attributi addizionali o le informazioni per un prodotto o entità. - - - Libro di Cassa - - Gestione Libro di cassa - Il tab Libro di Cassa definisce un unico Libro di Cassa per una organizzazione. - - - Contabilità - - Contabilità di cassa - Il tab Contabilità di Cassa definisce i parametri contabili delle transazioni che includono un Libro Cassa. - - - Giornale di Cassa - - Giornale di cassa - Il tab Giornale di Cassa definisce i parametri per questo Libro Giornale. - - - Linea di Cassa - - Linea di cassa - Il tab Linea di Cassa definisce le linee individuali per questo Libro Giornale. - - - Gruppo Pagamenti - - Gruppo Pagamenti - - - - Gruppo di Campi - - System Admin use only. Field Groups allow for grouping of fields within a window - - - - Traduzione - - - - - - Richiesta - - Definisci Richiesta - Il tab Richiesta definisce le Richieste avanzate da un Business Partner. - - - Gestore Richieste - - Gestore richieste - Il tab Gestione Richieste permette di definire i processi che puoi utilizzare, la frequenza e il tempo di questi processi. Se non viene trovato nessun altro Utente, gli items vengono assegnati al supervisore. - - - Schema Email - - Schema Email - - - - Storia degli Azioni - - Storia degli azioni - Il tab Action History mostra ogni azione intrapresa per una Richiesta. - - - Annullamento Imputazione - - Annullamento Imputazione - Il tab Annullamento Imputazione indica la imputazione del pagamento in storno - - - Accesso Organizzazione - - Accesso Gestione Org - Aggiunge le Organizzazioni a cui l'Utente ha accesso. Aggiungi le organizzazioni del client di questo Ruolo. - - - Pagamento Fattura - - Definisci pagamento - Il tab Pagamento Fattura definisce il conto corrente e la data dei pagamenti da effettuare. Puoi creare i pagamenti qui. - - - Linea Pagamento Fatture - - Linea pagamento Fattura - Il tab Linea di Selezione definisce le fatture individuali che un' organizzazione sta pagando ad un Fornitore con questo pagamento. - - - Colonne della Vista del Report - - Colonne della vista del report - Il tab Colonne Vista Report definisce le colonne che verranno sovrapposte nel momento della selezione del SQL. - - - Commissioni - - Definizione delle provvigioni - Definisci quando e a chi pagare una commissione. Per ciascun periodo, inizia il calcolo della commissione dopo che le transazioni di quel periodo sono completate o chiuse. - - - Linea delle Commissioni - - Definisci le regole calcolo delle provvigioni - Definisci i criteri di selezione per pagare le commissioni. Se non inserisci i parametri restrittivi (p.e. per Business Partner specifici (Gruppi) o Prodotti (Categorie), ecc.) tutte le transazioni del periodo verranno usate per calcolare le commissioni. - -Dopo aver convertito la transazione alla valuta della commissione, -la formula per calcolare la commissione è: - -(Importo Convertito - Sottrai Importo) * Importo Moltiplicatore -+ (Effettiva Quantità - Sottrai Quantità) * Quantità Moltiplicatrice - -Puoi scegliere, che solo importi positivi (Importi Convertiti - Sottrai Importo) e quantità positive (Effettiva Quantità - Sottrai Quantità) vengano usati nel calcolo. - - - Ciclo del Progetto - - Definisci Ciclo di progetto - Definisci la valuta riportata dai Progetti. I Progetti stessi possono essere in valute diverse. - - - Fase Ciclo - - Collegare il fase ciclo con il fase progetto - Il Cycle Steps determina le sequenze logiche di eventi all'interno del tuo ciclo. - - - - Linea - - Linea del Progetto - Il tab linea di Progetto viene usato per definire le linee (prodotti e/o servizi) associati con questo Progetto. - - - Calcolo Provvigione - - Calcolo provvigione in un certo periodo - Le Commissioni sono attive per un periodo definito nella finestra Commissioni. - - - Importo Provvigione - - Importo provvigione - Per ogni linea di provvigione, viene generata una registrazione. Si può sovrascrivere l'importo totale della povvigione. In questo caso è opportuno creare linee di Dettaglio Provvigione che quadrino con il totale inserito manualmente. - - - Usato nella Colonna - - Usato nella colonna - Il tab Usato nella Colonna definisce la tabella e la colonna di residenza di questo elemeno. - - - Dettaglio Provvigione - - Dettagli provvigioni - Puoi modificare l'importo e la quantità degli elementi in dettaglio, ma ti suggeriamo di inserire nuove linee di correzione. -Gli importi vengono convertiti dalla valuta della transazione alla valuta della Commissione (definita nella finestra Commissione) usando la data di inizio e il tasso di cambio dello spot. - - - Obiettivo Performance - - Obiettivo Performance - Il tab Obiettivo Performance definisce obiettivi specifici relativi al reddito. - - - Calcolo Misure Performance - - Gestione dei calcoli di Misura della Performance - Il Calcolo Misure della Performance definisce come calcolare le misure di Reddito. Prima verifica il rendiconto in SQL*Plus. -Il rendiconto selezionato deve ridare un unico valore! -Ogni restrizione per range Data, Organizzazioni, Business Partners, Prodotti deve essere effettuata attraverso la finestra "Misure di Reddito". Questo è il calcolo generico. -Poichè ciò tende ad essere qualcosa di tecnico, il sistema possiede alcuni esempi predefiniti. - - - Raggiungimento Performance - - Raggiungimento Performance - Il tab Raggiungimento Performance definisce gli obiettivi da raggiungere. Il reddito viene misurato in base alla percentuale degli obiettivi raggiunti. - - - Misurazione della Performance - - Misurazione della Performance - Il tab Misurazione della Performance definisce i range di data e i metodi da usare per misurare il reddito. - - - Report Finanziario - - - - - - Insieme di Colonne del Report - - Gestione inserimento colonne dei report - L'inserimento Colonne è la combinazione delle Colonne da includere in un Report finanziario. - - - Colonne del Report - - Gestione Colonne Reports finanziari - Una colonna rappresenta una colonna in un Report finanziario. - - - Insieme di Linee del Report - - Gestione Insieme di linee del report - - - - Linea del Report - - Gestione Linea del Report finanziario - - - - Sorgente del Report - - Gestione Valori Segmento della Sorgente del Report - - - - Piano Riconoscimento Ricavo - - Esaminare il piano riconoscimento ricavoRisorsa - IlPiano Riconoscimento Ricavo è generato fatturando un prodotto con la revenue recognition. Con la Revenue Recognition, l'importo è trascritto nel Unrecognized revenue e sopra tempo o basata sul Livello di Servizio registrato nelle Earned Revenue. - - - Storia Elaborazione Riconoscimento Ricavo - - Esaminare la Storia Elaborazione Riconoscimento Ricavo - - - - Livello di Servizio - - Esamina Livello di servizio - Il Livello di Servizio viene creato automaticamente quando si crea una fattura con prodotti usando la riconignizione di entrate basate sui livelli di servizio. (when creating an invoice with products using revenue recognition based on service levels). - - - Linea di Livello di Servizio - - Gestione Livelli di Servizio - Aggiungi linee di nuovi livelli di servizio per cambiare l'importo riconosciuto. - - - Trovare - - - - - - Transazione Magazzino - - - - - - Stampa del Form - - Gestione Stampa del Form (Fatture, Assegni, ..) - La selezione determina quale Formato Stampa viene usato per stampare un particulare Form della tua Organizzazione - - - Documento Bancario - - Documenti bancari - In questo tab, definisci i documenti utilizzati per questo conto corrente. Definisci il numero e il formato dei tuoi assegni e di altri documenti di pagamento (sequenze). - - - Colore del Sistema - - Colore di Sistema per sfondo e indicatori - - - - Desktop - - Desktop è un insieme di Workbenches - Il Desktop è un insieme di Workbenches - - - Traduzione - - - - - - Workbench - - Workbench sul desktop - - - - Immagine - - Link immagine - - - - Personalizzazione Finestra - - - - - - Personalizzazione Tab - - - - - - Personalizzazione Campo - - - - - - Workbench - - I Workbenches sono un insieme di Finestre - - - - Traduzione - - - - - - Finestra - - Finestra Workbench - - - - Routing - - Routing della Richiesta - Definisci la sequenza delle parole chiavi e a chi le richieste via mail devono essere indirizzate. - - - Richiesta - - Definisci Richiesta - Il tab Richiesta definisce le Richieste avanzate da un Business Partner. - - - Storia Azioni - - Storia Azioni - Il tab Storia Azioni mostra ogni azione intrapresa per una Richiesta. - - - Schema della Scontistica - - Schema della Scontistica - Lo schema della Scontistica calcola la percentuale di sconto commerciale. - - - Linea Sconto - - Linea sconti commerciali - I Listini Prezzi sono creati basandosi su un prezzo base del prodott che può essere basato sul prezzo d'acquisto. -I parametri nell'elenco sottostante permettono di copiare e calcolare i Listini Prezzi.<BR> -Il calcolo: -<UL> -<LI>Copia e converti il prezzo dal listino di riferimento -<LI>risultato più Importo Addizionale (Surcharge) <LI>risultato meno Sconto -<LI>se il prezzo che risulta è inferiore all'originale prezzo limite più Margine min, usa questo prezzo (solo se il Margine è diverso da zero) -<LI>se il prezzo che risulta è maggiore dell'originale prezzo limite più Margine max, usa questo prezzo (solo se il Margine è diverso da zero) -<LI>Prezzo che risulta arrotondato -</UL> -<B>La Formula</B> is<BR> -Nuovo Prezzo = (Converti(Prezzo Base) + Addizionale) * (100-Sconto) / 100;<BR> -se MargineMin <> 0 allora Nuovo Prezzo = Max (Nuovo Prezzo, Converti(Prezzo Limite Orig.) + MargineMin);<BR> -se MargineMax <> 0 allora Nuovo - - - Sconti Quantità - - Sconti Quantità - - - - Prodotto Assegnato - - Prodotto assegnato alla Categoria Prodotti - - - - Fatture Abbinate - - Esamina Fatture abbinate - - - - Ordini di Acquisto Abbinati - - Visualizzare Ordini di Acquisto Abbinati - - - - Tipo di Spesa - - Gestione Tipo di spesa - - - - Prodotto - - Definisci Prodotto Tipo Spese - - - - Nota Spese - - Nota spese - Inserisci il tempo e le spese per i Dipendenti o i Contraenti (Business Partner). <br> -Il listino prezzi determina i costi di default, i prodotti o le risorse da rimborsare. In questo senso, si tratta di un listino "Prezzo d'Acquisto". Il Magazzino viene ussato per rettificare l'inventario degli items fatturati ai clienti.(se gli items non sono fatturati, l'inventario non viene rettificato).<br> -Nota bene che il Business Partner deve essere un Dipendente con un Indirizzo e i Contatti! - - - Linea del Report - - Linea del Report Ore e Spese - Inserisci gli items di spesa e le ore fatturabili e non. Se inserisci un importo diverso da zero in una Fattura, quell'importo verrà usato per fatturare il cliente - altrimenti ci si riferisce al prezzo corrente del listino prezzi cliente. - - - Risorsa - - Gestisci Risorse - - - - Assegnazione - - Assegnazione - Storia delle Assegnazioni - - - Indisponibilità - - Risorsa non disponibile - Le Date, quando la risorsa non è disponibile (p.e. vacante) - - - Prodotto - - Gestione informazioni Prodotto della Risorsa - Il prodotto della risorsa viene creato automaticamente e sincronizzato. Aggiorna Nome, Unità di Misura, ecc. nella Risorsa e non cambia nel prodotto. - - - Tipo Risorsa - - Gestione Tipo risorsa - Gestisci i tipi di Risorse e le loro principali disponibilità. - - - Contabilità - - Definisci Parametri Contabili - Il tab Contabilità definisce i defaults da usare quando si generano transazioni contabili per ordini o fatture che contengono questo tipo di Spesa. Non tutti i conti si riferiscono alle risorse. - - - Prezzi - - Prezzi Spese - Il tab Prezzi visualizza i prezzi di listino, Standard e Limiti delle spese contenute nel listino. - - - Prezzi - - Prezzi risorse - Il tab Prezzi visualizza i prezzi di Listino, Standard e Limite per ciascuna risorsa contenuta nel listino. - - - Contabilità - - Definisci Parametri Contabili - Il tab Contabilità definisce i defaults da usare quando si generano transazioni contabili per ordini o fatture che contengono questa risorsa. Non tutti i conti si riferiscono alle risorse. - - - Colore Stampa - - Gestione Colore Stampa - Colori usati per stampare - - - Carattere di Stampa - - Gestione Carattere di Stampa - Carattere usato per stampare - - - Formato Stampa - - Gestione Formato Stampa - Il formato stampa determina come stampare i dati. - - - Formato Item - - Stampa Formato item - Item nel formato stampa che gestisce le informazioni di layout. - - - Carta da Stampa - - Gestione Carta da Stampa - Forma della carta da stampa, Orientazione e Margini. -Il codice di Convalida contiene il nome della Forma Media. I nomi delle forme medie corrispondono a quelli dell' IPP 1.1 RFC 2911 - http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2911.txt - - - Visualizzazione Ordini - - Visualizza Ordini degli Items del Formato Stampa - - - - Ordinamento - - Ordinamento del Formato Stampa degli Items - - - - Sequenza campi - - Sequenza se i Campi sono in un tabulatore - - - - Cliente - - Business Partner (Clienti) da fatturare - - - - Linea del Report - - Linea del Tempo e Spese del Report (non fatturate) - Mostra e modifica le linee del tempo e delle linee del Report. - - - Traduzione Elemento - - Traduzione Formato Stampa - - - - Grafico - - Definisci Grafico da includere - - - - Stampa Formato Tabella - - Definisci Formato Tabella Report - Il tab Stampa Formato Tabella ti permette di definire come stampare un' intestazione tabella, ecc. Se non inserisci i dettagli di stampa, i colori di default e i caratteri vengono applicati come di seguito:<br> -i caratteri si basano sul Carattere utilizzato nel Report; l'intestazione di Pagina e di Tabella sarà in grassetto, il Carattere di Funzione in maiuscolo e in grassetto, il piè di pagina di due punti più piccolo, e il Carattere Parametro maiuscolo. - - - Pagamenti Generati - - Esamina Pagamenti generati dopo aver creato i Pagamenti - - - - Tipo Richiesta - - Tipo di richiesta (p.e. Inchiesta, Reclamo, ..) - I Tipi di Richiesta vengono usati per l'eleaborazione e la classificazione delle richieste. Sono opzionali le Informazioni sui Conti, le Ricevute, ecc. - - - Area di interesse - - Area di interesse - Aree di Interesse riflettono gli interessi di un tema scaturito da un contatto. Le aree di Interesse possono essere usate nelle campagne di marketing. - - - Area di Interesse - - Area di interesse - L' Area di Interesse può essere usata nelle Campagne di Marketing. - - - Sistema - - Definizione Sistema - Definizione Sistema Comune. Non create records addizionali!! - - - Importazione Business Partner - - - - - - Importazione Prodotti - - Importazione prodotti - Prima di importare, Compiere controlla l'Unità di Misura (di default se non inserita), la Categoria Prodotto (di default se non inserita), il Business Partner, la Valuta (di defaults alla valuta contabile se non inserita), il Prodotto Tipo (solo Items e Servizi), l'unicità dell' UPC, la Chiave, l'unicità e l'esistenza del N. del Prodotto Fornitore.<br> -Compiere prova a tracciare i prodotti esistenti, se l'UPC, la Chiave e il Prodotto Fornitore non sono abbinati (in questa sequenza). Se il record importato può essere abbinato, i valori del campo prodotti verranno solo sovrascritti, se il corrispondente campo di importazione è definito esplicitamente. Esempio: la Categoria Prodotto verrà solo sovrascritta se esplicitamente inserita nell'Importazione. - - - Importazione Conti - - - - - - Importazione Insieme di Righe dei Report - - - - - - Selezione Lingua - - Seleziona Lingua - - - - Traduzione Elemento - - - - - - Traduzione Messaggi - - - - - - Traduzione Finestra - - - - - - Traduzione Processo - - - - - - Bene Gestito - - Bene utilizzato internamente o dai clienti - Un Bene Gestito viene creato acquistando o inviando un prodotto. Un bene può essere usato internamente o essere un bene cliente. - - - Consegna - - Consegna o disponibilità - Record di consegna o disponibilità. - - - Gruppo Bene Gestito - - Gruppo Bene Gestito - Il gruppo Bene Gestito determina i conti di default. Se un gruppo cespite viene selezionato nella categoria prodotto, i cespiti vengono creati quando si spedisce il cespite. - - - Formazione - - Formazione Ripetuta - La formazione potrebbe avere più classi effettive. Le Nuove Classi vengono create qui. - - - Classe - - The actual training class instance - Una classe programmata - - - Dipendenti, Fornitori - - Business Partner da rimborsare - Seleziona il business partner da rimborsare. - - - Linea del Report - - Linea del Tempo e Spese del Report (non rimborsate) - Mostra e modifica le linee del tempo e delle linee del Report. - - - Traduzione - - - - - - Quadratura Giornaliera - - Visualizzare la quadratura giornaliera - - - - Programma dei Pagamenti - - Gestione programma di pagamento per le fatture - - - - Serie di Attributi - - Gestione una serie di attributi - Define Product Attribute Sets to add additional attributes and values to the product. You need to define a Attribute Set if you want to enable Serial and Lot Number tracking. - - - Attributo - - Attributo Prodotto - Product Attribute like Color, Size, etc. If it is an Instance Attribute, all products have the same value. - - - Valore Attributo - - Valore Attributo del Prodotto - Individual value of a product attribute (e.g. green, large, ..) - - - Lotto - - Definizione del Prodotto - Maintain the individual Lot of a Product - - - Controllo Lotto - - Definizione Controllo Lotto - Definition to create Lot numbers for Products - - - Controllo Numero di Serie - - Controllo Numero di Serie del Prodotto - Definition to create Serial numbers for Products - - - Uso Attributi - - Uso degli attributi della serie - Attributes and Attribute Values used for the product - - - Attributo di Ricerca - - Attributo di Ricerca Comune - Attributes are specific to a Product Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple attributes and want to search under a common sttribute, you define a search sttribute. Example: have one Size search attribute combining the values of all different sizes (Size for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The Attribute Search allows you to have all values available for selection. This eases the maintenance of the individual product attribute. - - - Assegnazione Attributi - - - - - - Fattura - - - - - - Linee Incluse - - - - - - Etichetta - - Etichetta di Stampa - Maintain the Format for printing Labels - - - Linea - - Stampa linea dell'etichetta - Maintain Format of the line on a Label - - - Traduzione - - Stampa linea dell'etichetta traduzione - Maintain the translation for Label Line formats - - - Sessione - - Elenco sessioni utenti - History of Online or Web Sessions - - - Tipo di Progetto - - Administrazione Tipo di Progetto - Tipo di Progetto con le fase e compiti opzionali con le informazione della performance standard - - - Fase Standard - - Administrazione Fase del Progetto Standard - Fase Standard del progetto con le informazione della performance - - - Fase - - Fase del Progetto - Fase Attuale del Progetto con le informazioni di Stato - generata della Fase del Tipo di Progetto. - - - Documento Ricorrente - - Documento Ricorrente - Maintain Recurring Documents. The Date Next Run determines the Document (and Accounting Date) of the generated documents. - - - Elaborazione - - Recurring Document Run - History of Recurring Document Generation - - - Inventario - - Importazione Inventario - Validate and Import Inventory Transactions. The Locator is primarily determined by the Locator Key, then the Warehouse and X,Y,Z fields.<p> -A Physical Inventory is created per Warehouse and Movement Date. - - - Accesso Tabella - - Gestione Accesso Tabella - If listed here, the Role can(not) access all data of this table, even if the role has access to the functionality - - - Accesso Record - - Gestione Accesso Record - If listed here, the Role can(not) access the data records of this table, even if the role has access to the functionality - - - Accesso Colonna - - Gestione Accesso Colonna - If listed here, the Role can(not) access the column of this table, even if the role has access to the functionality - - - Ruolo - - Ruolo con accesso dati limitato - Select Role for with Data Access Restrictions - - - Annuncio - - Annuncio Web - Advertisement on the Web - - - Change Log - - Data Changes - Log of data changes - - - Log Modifiche - - Log delle modifiche ai dati - Log of data changes - - - Tipo di Costo - - Tipo di Costo - - - - Compito - - Compito attuale del progetto - A Project Task in a Project Phase represents the actual work. - - - Passo - - Passo del ciclo del progetto - The Cycle Step determines the logical sequence of events within your cycle. It is the common of similar Project Phases making different project types comparable. - - - Compito Standard - - Administrazione Compito del Progetto Standard - Compito del Progetto Standard - - - Tipo di Tempo - - Tipo di Tempo ricordato - Differentiate time types for reporting purposes (In parallel to Activities) - - - Contatto (Utente) - - Maintain User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact - The User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contact - - - Click - - Click Count - - - - Click Individuale - - - - - - Conteggio - - Conteggio Web - - - - Conteggio Individuale - - - - - - Fattura - - Selezione Fattura - Select from invoices not fully paid. - - - Programma Pagamento - - Gestione Programma Pagamento - - - - Programma - - Programma Pagamento - - - - Avviso - - Avviso Compiere - Compiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted of - - - Regola di Avviso - - Definizione dell'elemento di avviso - - - - Destinatario Avviso - - Destinatario Avviso - - - - Estratto Conto Bancario - - Importazione Estratto Contto Bancario - - - - Giornali - - Importazione Giornali - A new Journal Batch is created, if the Batch Document No is different. A new Journal is created, if the Document No, Accounting Schema, Currency, Document Type, GL Category, Posting Type or Accounting type is different.<p> -Please note that there are three Organization Fields: The Document Organization is the owner of the document and set directly or per parameter default. The Organization is part of the accounting key and only required id no Valid Account Comination is specified; If not defined it is derived from the Document Organization. The Transaction Organization is part of the account combination. - - - Fatture - - Importa Fatture - You should supply the Document Type Name (or ID). The Document Type is on purpose not fully derived as it has too many consequences if it's wrong. The best way is to set the Document Type Name as a Constant in your Import File Format or as an imported field in the file. - - - Pagamento - - Importazione Pagamenti - - - - Ordine - - Importazione Ordini - You should supply the Document Type Name (or ID). The Document Type is on purpose not fully derived as it has too many consequences if it's wrong. The best way is to set the Document Type Name as a Constant in your Import File Format or as an imported field in the file. - - - Spese di Trasporto - - Tasso per le spese di trasporto - Freight Rates for Shipper - - - Categoria spese di trasporto - - Categoria delle spese di trasporto - Freight Categories are used to calculate the Freight for the Shipper selected - - - Dimensione Business Partner - - Gestione Business Partner Albero Dimensioni Contabili - Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! - - - - Dimensione Prodotto - - Gestione Prodotto Albero Dimensioni Contabili - Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! - - - - Dimensione Attività - - Gestione Attività Albero Dimensioni Contabili - Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! - - - - Dimensione Progetto - - Gestione Progetto Albero Dimensioni Contabili - Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! - - - - Dimensione Organizzazione - - Gestione Organizzazione Albero Dimensioni Contabili - Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! - - - - Dimensione Regione di Vendita - - Gestione Regione di Vendita Albero Dimensioni Contabili - Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! - - - - Target della Replicazione - - Target della Replicazione Dati - Data Replication Target Details. Maintained on the central server. Make sure that the IP range is unique for every remote system - Otherwise you will loose data!! - - - Elaborazione Replicazione - - Elaborazione Replicazione Dati - Historic Info - - - Log delle Elaborazioni - - Log delle Elaborazioni Replicazioni Dati - Detail Info - - - Strategia di Replicazione - - Strategia di Replicazione Dati - The Data Replication Strategy determines which tables and how they are replicated. Note that the migration does not syncronize Application Dictionary items. - - - Tabella di Replicazione - - Informazioni di Tabella della Strategia di Replicazione - Determines how the table is replicated. You have full access to Local tables, Reference tables are on Remote systems and are read-only. The data of Merge tables on Remote systems is copied to the central system. - - - Dimensione Campagna - - Gestione Campagna di Marketing di Albero Dimensioni Contabili - Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! - - - - Traduzione Tab - - - - - - Traduzione Elenco di Riferimento - - - - - - Traduzione Campo - - - - - - Traduzione Gruppo di Campo - - Please note, that most of the fields translations are derived from Element! - Run Synchronize Terminology to update menu translation. You need only to translate Fields, which are not centrally maintained. - - - Traduzione Form - - - - - - Traduzione Compito - - - - - - Traduzione Workflow - - - - - - Traduzione Workflow Node - - - - - - Traduzione Menu - - Please note, that most of the menu translations are derived from Window/Form/.. translation! - Run Synchronize Terminology to update menu translation. - - - Abbonamento - - - - - - Progetto (Ordine di Lavoro) - - Administrazione Progetti Ordine di Vendita e Ordine di Lavoro - The Project Tab is used to define the Value, Name and Description for each project. It also is defines the tracks the amounts assigned to, committed to and used for this project. - - - Contabilità - - Definizione contabilità del progetto - The Accounting Tab is used to define the Asset Account to use when a project is completed and the associated asset realized. - - - Categoria - - Maintain Knoweledge Categories and Values - Set up knowledge categories and values as a search aid. Examples are Release Version, Product Area, etc. Knowledge Category values act like keyworks. - - - Valore della Categoria - - The value of the category is a keyword - The value of the category is a keyword - - - Tipo - - Tipo di Conoscenza - Area of knowlege - A Type has multiple Topics - - - Soggetto - - Soggetto di Conscenza - Topic or Discussion Thead - - - Immessione - - Knowledge Entry - The searchable Knowledge Entry - - - Categoria - - Categoria di Conoscenza - Assiged Category - Value for the Knowlede Entry - - - Associati - - Immessioni di Conoscenza - Related Knowlege Entry for this Knowledge Entry - - - Commento - - Commento di Immessione Conoscenza - Comment regarding a knowledge entry - - - Fonte di Conoscenza - - Fonte immessioni di conoscenza - The Source of a Knowlegde Entry is a pointer to the originating system. The Knowledge Entry has an additional entry (Description URL) for more detailed info. - - - Sinonimo di Conoscenza - - Parola Chiave Sinonimo di Conoscenza - Search Synonyms for Knowledge Keywords; Example: Product = Item - - - Traduzione - - - - - - Selezione Business Partner - - Selezione Business Partner - - - - Ordini Business Partner - - Ordini Business Partner - - - - Spedizioni Business Partner - - Spedizioni Business Partner - - - - Fatture Business Partner - - Fatture Business Partner - - - - Pagamenti Business Partner - - Pagamenti Business Partner - - - - Beni Gestiti Business Partner - - Beni Gestiti Business Partner - - - - Richieste Business Partner - - Richieste Business Partner - - - - Traduzione - - - - - - Addebitamenti - - Addebitamenti al Progetto - The lab lists the Issues to the project initiated by the "Issue to Project" process. You can issue Receipts, Time and Expenses, or Stock. - - - Stampante - - Definisce la stampante delle etichette - - - - Funzione - - Funzione della stampante - - - - Registrazione - - Registrazione System - Informazioni Registrazione di Sistema - - - Business Partner - - Business Partner specific Information of a Product - Note that some information is for reference only! - - - Agente - - Selezione del rappresentante vendite - - - - Ordini - - Tutti gli Ordini dove l'agente gestisce l'Ordine stesso, il Business Partner o il Prodotto - - - - Linee dell'Ordine - - Tutte le linee dell'Ordine dove l'agente gestisce l'Ordine stesso, il Business Partner o il Prodotto - - - - Fatture - - Tutte le fatture dove l'agente gestisce le fatture, il Business Partner o il prodotto - - - - Linee della Fattura - - Tutte le linee della fattura dove l'agente gestisce la Fattura, il Business Partner o il Prodotto - - - - Contabilità - - Contabilità Valuta - The Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters used for transactions including a currency. Please nore that if not defined, the default accounts of the Accounting Schema are used! - - - Tasso di Conversione - - Gestisce i tipi di tasso di conversione della valuta - The Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define different type of rates, e.g. Spot, Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates. - - - Caricatore EstrattoConto - - Definizione del Caricatore dell'Estratto Conto Bancarie (SWIFT, OFX) - The loader definition privides the parameters to load bank statements from EFT formats like SWIFT (MT940) or OFX. The required parameters depend on the actual statement loader class - - - Import Currency Rate - - Import Currency Conversion Rate - - - - Utente Sostitutivo - - Utente Sostitutivo - Un utente che può agire in vece dell'Utente. - - - Processo - - Istanza di processo del Workflow - Istanza in esecuzione del Workflow - - - Attività - - Attività del Workflow - The Workflow Activity is the actual Workflow Node in a Workflow Process instance - - - Attività - - Le attività del Workflow - The Workflow Activity is the actual Workflow Node in a Workflow Process instance - - - Parametro - - Parametro del Nodo del Worflow - Parameter for the execution of the Workflow Node - - - Responsabile - - Responsabile - The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. - - - Blocco - - Blocco di esecuzione di transazioni del Workflow - A workflow execution block is optional and allows all work to be performed in a single transaction. If one step (node activity) fails, the entire work is rolled back. - - - Dati - - Contesto del processo del Workflow - Informazioni di contesto del workflow - - - Risultato - - Risultato dell'attività del processo - Activity Result of the execution of the Workflow Process Instrance - - - Evento - - Informazione di controllo per l'evento dell'attività del processo - History of chenges ov the Workflow Process Activity - - - Attributo - - Registrazione atrtibuto Bene Gestito - Definisce i singoli valori per il Bene Gestito - - - Registrazione - - Registrazione Utente Bene Gestito - User Registration of an Asset - - - Valore - - Valori di registrazione - Indivifual values of Registration Attribute - - - Quadratura Estratto Conto - - Algorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments - An algorithm to find Business Partners, Invoices, Payments in imported Bank Statements. The class need to implement the interface org.compiere.impexp.BankStatementMatcherInterface - - - Pagamento - - Dettagli pagamento - - - - Tipo Organizzazione - - Consente di categorizzare le Organizzazioni - Consente di categorizzare le Organizzazioni per il Reporting - - - Schedule Process - - Schedule processes - Schedule processes to be executed asynchronously - - - Parameter - - Scheduler Parameter - Provide parameter for scheduled process - - - Log - - Scheduler Log - Result of the execution of the Scheduler - - - Elaboratore Workflow - - Elaboratore Workflow Server - Elaboratore Workflow Processor - - - Log - - Workflow Processor Log - Result of the execution of the Workflow Processor - - - Soggetto dell'Offerta - - Soggetto dell'Offerta - Description of the item to sell or create/fund. - - - Offerta di Acquisto - - Visualizza le Offerte di Acquisto del Soggetto dell'asta - You can create a bid for a topic. Depening on the type, the highest bidder wins the Topic - or you participate in funding for a Topic. - - - Offerta di Vendita - - Offerta di vendita di un soggetto - You can create an offer for a topic. - - - Fondi dell'Offerta di Acquisto - - Fondi degli Acquirenti per l'offerta di acquisto - Committed or Uncommited funds for Bids - - - Fondi dell'Offerta di Vendita - - Fondi dei venditori per l'offerta di vendita - Committed or Uncommited funds from Offers - - - Tipo Soggetto d'asta - - Tipo di Soggetto d'asta - The Auction Topic Type determines what kind of auction is used for a particular area - - - Tipo di Categoria - - Tipo di Categoria d'asta - For an Auction Topic Type, define the different Categories used. - - - Commenti - - Commento per il soggetto di un'offerta - Everyone can give comments concerning a Bid Topic - e.g. Questions, Suggestions - - - Venditore - - Informazioni del venditore d'asta - Information about a participant in an Auction as a Seller - - - Fondi - - Fondi del venditore disponibili per il Soggetto d'asta - Available Funds (for Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds from Offers - - - Offerta per un soggetto - - Offerta per un soggetto d'asta - You can create an offer for a topic. - - - Acquirente - - Acquirente d'asta - Information about a participant in an Auction as a Buyer - - - Fondi - - Fondi acquirente disponibili per le offerte sullo specifico soggetto d'asta - Available Funds (Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds for Bids - - - Offerta di acquisto - - Offerta di acquisto per un soggetto - You can create a bid for a topic. Depening on the type, the highest bidder wins the Topic - or you participate in funding for a Topic. - - - Accounting Processor - - Maintain Accounting Processor/Server Parameters - Accounting Processor/Server Parameters - - - Log - - Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor - Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor - - - Relazione - - Relazione tra Business Partner - Business Partner Relation allow to maintain Third Party Relationship rules: who receives invoices for shipments or pays for invoices. If the Location of the Business partner is not defined, the rule applies to all location of that Business Partner - - - Richiesta Quotazione - - Richiesta Quotazione - Request for Quotation to be sent out to vendors of a RfQ Topic. After Vendor selection, optionally create Sales Order or Quote for Customer as well as Purchase Order for Vendor(s) - - - Risposta - - Risposta alla Richiesta di Quotazione - Request for Quotation Response from a potential Vendor - - - Linea - - Linea di Richiesta di Quotazione - Request for Quotation Line - - - Linea Risposta - - Linea della Risposta della Richiesta di Quotazione - Request for Quotation Response Line from a potential Vendor - - - Quantità - - Linea Quantità della Richiesta di Quotazione - Request for Quotation Line Quantity - You may request a quotation for different quantities - - - Quantità della Risposta - - Linea della Quantità della Risposta alla Richiesta di Quotazione - Request for Quotation Response Line Quantity from a potential Vendor - - - Soggetto - - Soggetto della Richiesta di Quotazione - A Request for Quotation Topic allows you to maintain a subscriber list of potential Vendors to respond to RfQs - - - Sottoscrittore - - Sottoscrittore della Richiesta di quotazione - Subcriber to invite to respond to RfQs - - - Prenotazione - - Prenotazione di riacquisto - - - - Consegna - - Record Opzionale di Consegna per una prenotazione - Record of deliveries for a subscription - - - Tipo Prenotazione - - Tipo Prenotazione - Subscription type and renewal frequency - - - Lista di Distribuzione - - Le liste di Distribuzione consentono di distribuire prodotti a una lista selezionata di partner - Le liste di Distribuzione consentono di distribuire prodotti a una lista selezionata di partner - - - Linea della Lista - - Linea della Lista di Distribuzione con Business Partner e Quantità in percentuale - La distribuzione può essere basata su percentuali, valori assoluti o entrambi -Se la percentuale e il valore assoluto non sono entrambi 0, la quantità è calcolata sul rapporto avendo il valore assoluto come minimo - - - Packaging - - Consegna Pacchi - A Shipment can have one or more Packages. A Package may be tracked. - - - Linea Packaging - - Dettagli del contenuto del pacco - Collegamento alla linea di spedizione - - - Autorizzazione Restituzione Merci - - Autorizzazione Restituzione Merci - A Return Material Authorization may be required to accept returns and to create Credit Memos - - - Linea Autorizzazione Restituzione - - Linea di Autorizzazione Restituzione Materiale - Informazioni di Dettaglio sulla Restituzione - - - Prodotto Correlato - - Prodotto Correlato - Prodotto Correlato - ad ed. Per promozioni - - - Processor - - Alert Processor - - - - Log - - Alert Processor Log - - - - Procedura di Sollecito - - Procedura di Sollecito - - - - Elemento - - - - - - Linea - - Linea dell'elemento - - - - Assegnazione Organizzazione - - Assegnazione Organizzazione all'utente - Assign Users to Organizations - - - Assegnazione Organizzazione - - Assegnazione di Utenti allìOrganizzazione - Assign Users to Organizations - - - Log - - - - - - Scheduler Recipient - - Recipient of the Scheduler Notification - You can send the notifications to users or roles - - - CAP Imposta - - Codice Avviamento Postale per l'Imposta - Per le tasse locali è possibile definire una lista di CAP - - - - Rischiesta - - Richiesta Materiale - - - - Linea Richiesta - - Linea Richiesta Materiale - - - - Note - - Personal Note - - - - Condizione - - Workflow Node Transition Condition - Optional restriction of transition of one node to the next - - - Distribuzione - - Distribuzione del Mastro - La Distribuzione del Mastro definisce una combinazione di elementi contabili, con un peso relativo. Se la combinazione contabile definita nel tab principale della Distribuzione del Mastro coincide con quella di un evento contabile che si sta contabilizzando, allora la contabilizzazione viene effettuata usando la combinazione definita nelle linee della Distribuzione del Mastro. La distribuzione deve essere valida per poter essere usata. - - - - Linea - - Linea di Distribuzione del Mastro - If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is prorated based on the ratio of the lines. - - - Elaborazione Distribuzione - - Crea Ordini per distribuire prodotti a liste di Business Partner - Crea Ordini per distribuire prodotti a liste di Business PartnerCrea Ordini per distribuire prodotti a liste di Business Partner - - - Linea - - Definisce la lista di Distribuzione, il Prodotto e le Quantità - The order amount is based on the greater of the minimums of the product or distribution list and the quantity based on the ratio. - - - Assegnazione Prodotto - - Assegnazione degli Attributi al Prodotto - Determinaquali Attributi sono assegnati al Prodotto - - - Access Log - - Log of Access to data or resources - Logging needs to be explicitly enabled / written. - - - Contatore Documento - - Gestisce i tipi di contatore del documento - When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: a "Standard Order" creates a "Standard PO". -If you define a relationship here, you overwrite the default counter document type in the Document Type definition. This allows you to define a specific mapping. -You can define conter documents for all organizations (of the original transaction) or for a specific organization. - - - Previsione - - Previsione materiali - Material Forecast - - - Linea - - Linea di previsione - Forecast of Product Qyantity by Period - - - Approvvigionamento - - Gestione della Domanda e dell'approvvigionamento - Gestione della Domanda e dell'approvvigionamento - - - Linea - - Linea Domanda Merci - Domanda di prodotto in un periodo - - - - Dettaglio - - Dettaglio sulla linea di Domanda Merci - Source Link for Material Demand Lines - - - Conferma - - Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento Materiale - Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - Creata da una Spedizione/Ricevimento - - - Linea - - Linea Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - Dettagli Conferma - - - Tipo Autorizzazione Restituzione Merci - - Return Material Authorization Type - Maintain the types of RMA - - - Imputazione - - Verifica e Annulla le Imputazioni dei Pagamenti - The Reverse Allocation Tab defines the Payment Allocation to be reversed. - - - Documenti Non Registrati - - Mostra Documenti Non Ancora Registrati - - - - Process Audit - - Audit Process use - - - - Parameter Audit - - Audit Process Parameter Values - - - - Log - - Process Log - - - - Conferma - - Conferma Movimentazione Inventario - Il Documento è creato automaticamente quando il tipo documento di movimentazione indica In Transito. - - - Linea - - Linea di Conferma Movimentazione Inventario - - - - Linee di Conferma - - Import Receipt/Shipment Confirmation Lines - Import Confirmation data of existing Receipt/Shipment Confirmations - - - Business Partner - - Select Business Partner - Select the business partner for the service level agreement - - - Obiettivo SLA - - Obiettivo del Livello di Gradimento del Srvizio - Obiettivo Individuale per il Criterio SLA del Business Partner - - - Misura SLA - - Misura del Livello di Gradimento del Servizio - Mostra/Gestisce il valore/misura individuale attuale per l' obiettivo del livello di gradimento del servizio del business partner - - - Criterio SLA - - Criterio Service Level Agreement (Livello di Gradimento del Servizio) - Definisce un criterio per misurare il livello di gradimento del servizio (es. Qualità, Rispetto dei Tempi di Consegna, etc.). -Se si definisce una classe di processo, questa deve essere impementata in org.compiere.sla.SLACriteria (vedere esempio) - - - Table Translation - - Table Translation - Note that many Table names will be overwritten / translated automatically - - - Limitazione - - Include solo sottoscrittori per alcuni prodotti o categorie di prodotto - Enter the products / product categories for which the subscriber should be included. If no product / category is entered, the subscriber is requested to answer requests for all lines in a RfQ - - - Schema Listino Prezzi - - Schema Listino Prezzi - Lo Schema del Listino Prezzi definisce le regole di calcolo per il Listino Prezzi. - - - POS - - Punto di Vendita Finale - Il POS Finale definisce i valori predefiniti e le funzioni disponibili per il form del punto di vendita - - - Disposizione Chiave POS - - Disposizione Funzione Chiave POS Point of Sale (Punto di Vendita) - Disposizione Funzione Chiave POS Point of Sale (Punto di Vendita) - - - Chiave POS - - Funzione Chiave POS - Assegnazione Funzione Chiave POS - - - Obiettivo SLA - - Obiettivo del Livello di Gradimento del Servizio - Obiettivo Individuale per il Criterio SLA per un Business Partner - - - Misura SLA - - Misura del Livello di Gradimento del Servizio - Mostra/Gestisce il valore/misura individuale attuale per l' obiettivo del livello di gradimento del servizio del business partner - - - Traduzione Colonna - - Traduzione Colonna - Do not translate - overwritten / translated automatically - - - Uso Interno - - Definisce l'uso interno dell'inventario - - - - Linea Uso interno - - Linea dell'inventario per uso interno - The Inventory Count Line defines the counts of the individual products in inventory. - - - Imputazione - - Imputazione delle fatture sui pagamenti - - - - Imputazione - - Imputazione dei Pagamenti - - - - Imputazione - - Imputazione dei Pagamenti/Incassi delle fatture - - - - Conferme - - Conferme opzionali delle linee degli incassi - The quantities are in the storage Unit of Measure! - - - Ordini di Acquisto Associati - - Ordini di Acquisto Associati all'incasso - - - - Fatture Associate - - Fatture associate all'incasso - - - - Incassi Associati - - Incassi Associati alla Fattura - - - - Ordini di Acquisto Associati - - Ordini di Acquisto associati alla fattura - - - - Associazione - - Associazione Incassi o Fatture all'Ordine si Acquisto - - - - Conferme - - Conferma Opzionale delle linee di spedizione - The quantities are in the storage Unit of Measure! - - - Fatture Batch - - Intestazione Fatture Batch - Set Currency and decide if this for AR (sales) Invoices or AP (vendor) invoices. Optionally enter a Control amount. - - - Linea Batch - - Inserimento Linea Fattura di spesa batch - A new invoice is created, if there is a different Document Number, Business Partner or Location (address). -Note that the Document Number may be overwritten - depending on the Number control of the selected Document Type. - - - Accesso Organizzazione - - Accesso Organizzazione - Add the client and organizations the user has access to. Entries here are ignored, if in the Role, User Org Access is not selected or the role has access to all roles.<br> -Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. - - - Costi Franco Fabbrica - - Allocazione Costo Franco Fabbrica - Landed costs allow you to allocate costs to previously received material receipts. Examples are freight, excise tax, insurance, etc.<br> -Select either a Receipt, Receipt Line or a specific Product to allocate the costs to. - - - Imputazione Costo Franco Fabbrica - - Imputazione Costo Franco Fabbrica - Calculated when preparing the Invoice - - - Elemento di Costo - - Gestisce l'Elemento di Costo - You can maintain multiple Material Costs. Which of the Material Cost Types is used for accounting is determined by the costing method.<br> -Define a Costing Method (for Material Elements) only if you want the cost calculated for that costing method. For accounting, the costing method defined in the Accounting Schema or Product Category Acct is used. - - - Seleziona Prodotto - - Seleziona Prodotto - - - - Costi Prodotto - - Gestisce i costi del prodotto - - - - Stato Richiesta - - Stato Richiesta - Status if the request (open, closed, investigating, ..) - - - Risposta Standard - - Risposta Standard alla Richiesta - Text blocks to be copied into request response text - - - Risoluzione Richiesta - - Risoluzione Richiesta - Resolution status (e.g. Fixed, Rejected, ..) - - - Gruppo Richiesta - - Gruppo Richiesta - Group of requests (e.g. version numbers, responsibility, ...). -If a BOM is referenced and enabled in Request Type, a BOM Change Request is automatically created. - - - Categoria Richiesta - - Categoria della Richiesta - Category or Topic of the Request - - - Download - - Maintain Product Downloads - Define downloads for a product. If the product is an asset, the user can download the data. - - - Mail Utente - - Mail inviata all'utente - - - - Mail Utente - - Mail Inviata all'Utente - Archive of mails sent to users - - - Web Store - - Define Web Store - Define the web store settings. The web server context must be unique and determines the settings used in the actual transaction. The selected warehouse determines the organization. The email settings are tested with the client email settings. - - - Traduzione Store - - - - - - Web Store Message - - Definine Web Store Messages - - - - Traduzione Messaggio - - - - - - Aggiornamento Notifica - - List Recipients for to receive Request Updates - - - - Aggiornamento Notifica - - List Recipients for to receive Request Updates - - - - Aggiornamenti Richiesta - - Aggiornamenti Richiesta - - - - Aggiornamento Notifica - - Aggiornamento Notifica dei destinatari - - - - Aggiornamento Notifica - - List Recipients for to receive Request Updates - - - - Aggiornamento destinatari - - Display Recipients of Request Updates - List of Recipients of Request Updates (with reason).<br> -Direct: Sales Rep, User and direct subscribers -Indirect: Users with Role, Subscribers of updates for Request Category, Type, Group) - - - Posizione - - Gestisce la posizione - - - - Assegnazione - - Assegnazione Impiegato - - - - Remunerazione - - Remunerazione Posizione - - - - Categoria Posizione - - Gestisce la categoria di posizione lavorativa - - - - Remunerazione - - Livelli di Remunerazione - - - - Remunerazione - - Gestisce la remunerazione della posizione lavorativa - - - - Remunerazione Impiegati - - Sovrascrive la remunerazione dell'impiegato - - - - Prodotto - - Informazioni Prodotto - - - - Gruppi Altermativi - - Gruppi Altermativi della Distinta Base - Alternative groups allow you to group Bill of Material components, which are exclusive (i.e. only one is valid). Examples different engine sizes. - - - Operazione - - Operazione di Produzione - The Operations to create the product. Note that the actual used operation and sequence is determined by the BOM Product. - - - Distinta Base - - Distinta Base - - - - Risorsa di Produzione - - Risorsa di Produzione - Resources for the Operation. You can have multiple resources (e.g. tool, labor) per operation. - - - Notifica Modifica - - Notifica Modifica Distinta Base - - - - Distinta Base - - Distinta Base della Notifica di Cambiamento - - - - Richiesta Modifica Distinta Base - - Richiesta Modifica Distinta Base - Change requests for a Bill of Materials. They can be automatically created from Requests, if enabled in the Request Type and the Request Group referres to a Bill of Materials - - - Modifica Richiesta Fissa - - Modifica Richiesta Fissa - - - - Sorgente Richiesta - - Richiesta utente con riferimento alla richiesta di modifica - - - - Componente Distinta Base - - Componente Distinta Base - The Bill of Material Compoment determines what products, services and outside processing is included in producing the Product. It references the operation and determines it's sequence. - - - Aggiornamenti - - Aggiornamenti richieste - Updated of the Request - - - Aggiornamenti - - Aggiornamenti Richieste - Updates of the Request - - - Notifica Modifica - - Notifica Modifica - - - - Richiesta Modifica - - Richiesta Modifica Distinta Base - - - - Sorgente Richiesta - - Richiesta utente con riferimento alla richiesta di modifica - - - - Modifica Richiesta Fissa - - Modifica Richiesta Fissa - - - - Riapprovigionamento - - Riapprovigionamento Prodotti - The Replenishment Tab defines the type of replenishment quantities. This is used for automated ordering. If you select a custom replenishment type, you need to create a class implementing org.compiere.util.ReplenishInterface and set that on warehouse level. - - - Dettaglio Costi - - Dettaglio Costi del Prodotto - - - - Attributi - - Imputazione Attributo Materiale del prodotto - - - - Attributi - - Imputazione Attributo Materiale del prodotto - - - - Attributi - - Imputazione Attributo Materiale del prodotto - - - - Esclude - - Esclude la possibilità di inserire serie di Attributi - Create a record, if you want to exclude the ability to enter Product Attribute Set information. -Note that the information is cached. To have effect you may have to re-login or reset cache. - - - Esclude - - Esclude la possibilità di inserire serie di Attributi - Create a record, if you want to exclude the ability to create Lots in Product Attribute Set information. -Note that the information is cached. To have effect you may have to re-login or reset cache. - - - Esclude - - Esclude la possibilità di inserire serie di Attributi - Create a record, if you want to exclude the ability to create Serial Numbers in Product Attribute Set information. -Note that the information is cached. To have effect you may have to re-login or reset cache. - - - Imputa - - Imputa Pagamenti alle Fatture - You can directly allocate payments to invoices with the same currency when creating the Payment. -Note that you can over- or under-allocate the payment. -When processing the payment, the allocation is created. - - - Accesso BP - - Accesso dell'Utente/contatto alle informazioni del BP - If on User level, "Full BP Access" is NOT selected, you need to give access explicitly here. - - - Interrogazioni - - Controlla e Gestisce Interrogazioni - - - - Istanza - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - - Spedizioni, Incassi - - Spedizioni Materiale e Incassi - - - - Movimentazione - - Linea Movimentazione Materiali - - - - Fattura - - Linee Fatture - - - - Coda dei Costi - - Coda dei Costi Lifo/Fifo - La coda dei costi potrebbe non essere uguale a quella dei movimenti fisici a causa della differenza tra i livelli dei costi e le priorità dei magazzini - - - - Dichiarazione - - Dichiarazione delle Tasse - The tax declaration allows you to create supporting information and reconcile the documents with the accounting - - - Linea - - Linea Dichiarazione Tasse - The lines are created by the create process. You can delete them if you do not want to include them in a particular declaration. - - - Contabilità Riconciliazione Tasse - - Contabilità Riconciliazione Tasse - Displays all accounting related information for reconcilation with documents. It includes all revenue/expense and tax entries as a base for detail reporting - - - Gerarchia dei Report - - Gerarchia dei Report - Reporting Hierarchy allows you to select different Hierarchies/Trees for the report. -Accounting Segments like Organization, Account, Product may have several hierarchies to accomodate different views on the business - - - Ordini di Acquisto - - Ordini di Acquisto Correlati - - - - Linee Richiesta - - Linee della Richiesta di Acquisto - - - - Controllo Budget - - Gestisce il Controllo del Budget - Budget Control allows you to restrict the use of expenditures, commitments (Purchase Orders) and reservations (Requisitions). If defined, you mey not be able to approve Requisitions, Purchse Orders, or AP Invoices. - - - Fondi - - Gestisce i Fondi - General Ledger Funds Control allows you to restrict the use of funds. This is independent from budget control. - - - Limitazioni - - Limitazioni dei Fondi - If defined, you can use the fund only for the accounts selected. You can select summary values. - - - Usato nella Colonna - - Usato nella Colonna - - - - Usato nella Colonna - - Usato nella Colonna - - - - Sotto Conto - - Sotto Conto del Piano dei Conti - The Element Value (e.g. Account) may have optional sub accounts for further detail. The sub account is dependent on the value of the account, so a further specification. If the sub-accounts are more or less the same, consider using another accounting dimension. - - - Traduzione - - Traduzione - - - - Condivisione Click - - Force (not) sharing of client/org entities - Business Partner can be either defined on Client level (shared) or on Org level (not shared). You can define here of Products are always shared (i.e. always created under Organization "*") or if they are not shared (i.e. you cannot enter them with Organization "*").<br> -The creation of "Client and Org" shared records is the default and is ignored. - - - Problema del Sistema - - Automatically created or manually entered System Issue Reporting - System Issues are created to speed up the resolution of any system related issues (potential bugs). If enabled, they are automatically reported to Compiere. No data or confidential information is transferred. - - - B Partner Assegnati - - Business Partners in Group - - - - Schema dei Colori - - Schema dei Colori delle Performance - Visual representation of performance by color. The Schema has often three levels (e.g. red-yellow-green). Compiere support two levels (e.g. red-green) or four levels (e.g. gray-bronce-silver-gold). Note that Measures without a goal are represented white. The percentages could be beween 0 and unlimited (i.e. above 100%). - - - Vincoli - - Vincoli sugli Obiettivi delle Performance - Restriction of the performance measure to the Organization, Business Partner or Product defined. -Example: The performance is only measured for HQ -The measure must support the data, otherwise it is ignored. - - - Benchmark - - Performance Benchmark - Data Series to compare internal performance with (e.g. stock price, ...) - - - Dati - - Performance Benchmark Data Point - Data Series Point to compare internal performance with (e.g. stock price, ...) - - - Rapporto - - Rapporto Performance - Calculation instruction set for a performance ratio - - - Elemento - - Performance Ratio Element - Individual calculation instruction for a ratio - - - Raccomandazione del Problema - - Maintain Issue Recommendation - Recommendations how to fix an Issue - - - Stato del Problema - - Maintain Status of an Issue - Status of an Issue - - - Problema Conosciuto - - Maintain Known Issue - - - - Utente del Problema - - User who reported Issues - - - - Problema del Progetto - - Projects of automatic Issue Reporting - - - - Problema del Progetto - - Automatic Issue Reporting - - - - Sistema Gestione Problemi - - Maintain Issue Systems - - - - Categoria dello Stato - - Categoria dello Stato delle Richieste - Category of Request Status enables to maintain different set of Status for different Request Categories - - + + + + + + Tabella + + Definizione Tabella + Definizione Tabella (Intestazione) + + + Colonna + + Definizione Colonna + Definisci le colonne di una tabella. + + + Riferimento + + Reference header definitions + Il tab Riferimento definisce i riferimenti che convalidano dei dati. + + + Convalida Tabella + + Convalida Tabella + Il tab Convalida Tabella definisce le tabelle di convalida dati. + + + Convalida lista + + Convalida lista + Il tab Convalida Lista definisce le liste di convalida dati. + + + Finestra + + Finestra definizioni Testata (header) + Il tab Finestra definisce ogni finestra del sistema. + + + Tab + + Definizione di Tab all'interno dei campi di una finestra + Il tab Tab definisce ogni Tab all'interno di una Finestra. Ogni Tab contiene una discreta selezione di campi. + + + Campo + + Definizione Campo in tabelle in windows + Il tab Campo definisce i Campi mostrati all'interno di un Tab. Le modifiche al Campo Tab diventano visibili dopo la riaccensione per effetto del caching + + + Convalida + + Convalida Regole + Il tab Convalida Regole definisce tutte le regole dinamiche usate quando si inseriscono e si gestiscono le colonne e i campi. + + + Messaggio + + Messaggi di errore e di menu + Il tab Messaggi visualizza i messaggi di errore. + + + Menu + + Gestione Menu + Il tab Menu definisce il menu ad albero strutturato che verrà usato per l'Organizzazione selezionata. + + + Traduzione + + Traduzione Menu - può non aver bisogno di traduzione + Le Traduzioni del Menu derivano da una Finestra, da un Processo, ecc. Devi solo tradurre il sommario dei livelli degli items. + + + Lingua + + Sistema e lingue Utenti + Se vuoi aggiungere una lingua addizionale d'Interfaccia Utente, seleziona "Sistema Lingua". Altrimenti, il sistema ti permette solo di tradurre elementi per stampare i documenti. + + + Traduzione + + + + + + Traduzione Campo + + Traduzione Menu - può non aver bisogno di traduzione + I campi sono automaticamente tradotti, se gestiti a livello centrale. Devi solo tradurre i campi non gestiti a livello centrale. + + + Traduzione Tab + + + + + + Traduzione Finestra + + + + + + Utente + + Utente + Il tab Utente definisce l'accesso (log in) degli Utenti al sistema. + + + Ruolo + + Definisci i ruoli di responsabilità + Definisci il ruolo e aggiungi il client e le organizzazioni alle quali il ruolo ha accesso. Puoi dare agli utenti l'accesso di questo ruolo alle finestre, alle forme, ai processi, ai reports e ai compiti. + + + Assegnazione utente + + Assegnazione utente + Il tab Assegnazione Utente mostra gli Utenti definiti per questo Ruolo. + + + Ruoli Utente + + Ruoli utente + Il tab Ruoli Utente definisce i Ruoli che ogni utente potrebbe avere. I Ruoli determineranno a quali finestre, compiti e workflows un Utente ha accesso. + + + Nodo + + Definisci nodi workflow + Il tab Nodi successivi definisce ciascun Nodo o Passo di un Workflow. + + + Traduzione Nodo + + Traduzione nodo + + + + Nodi successivi + + Nodi successivi + Il tab Nodi successivi definisce l'Ordine, i Nodi o i Passi in un Workflow. + + + Nodi Precedenti + + + + + + Traduzione Compito + + + + + + Tassi di Conversione + + Definisci Tassi di conversione + Il tab Tassi di Conversione definisce i tassi da usare quando si converte una valuta ad una valuta contabile o registrata. + + + Esercizio + + Definisci Esercizio + Il tab Esercizio definisce i calendari usati da una Organizzazione. + + + Anno + + Definizione degli anni negli esercizi + La finestra Anno viene usata per definire ogni anno di un calendario specifico. + + + Periodo + + Definisci Periodo + Il tab Periodo definisce un N. Periodo, il Nome e la data di Inizio di ciascun Calendario. Ciascun periodo incomincia sulla Data di Inizio definita e termina un giorno prima della data di Inizio del Periodo successivo. + + + Giorno non Lavorativo + + Definisci Giorni non lavorativi + Il tab Giorni Non Lavorativi definisce quei giorni da escludere quando si calcolano le scadenze per i termini di pagamento. Ad esempio, se la scadenza di una fattura è "Netto a 10 giorni" e la data della Fattura è il 17/02/2003, il giorno di scadenza diventa il 27/02/2003. Se il 27/02/2003 è un giorno non lavorativo, il giorno di scadenza slitta al 28/02/2003. + + + Conti + + Definisce i Conti + Il tab Conti definisce i valori individuali validi dell' Elemento. I valori devono essere conformi al formato definito. Se l' Elemento è un tipo di conto, la Classificazione Conto (Risorsa, passività, ecc) e i controlli di posting vengono definiti. + + + Unità di Misura + + Definisci unità di misura + Il tab Unità di Misura definisce una Unità di Misura non monetaria. + + + Conversione + + Definisci Conversione Unità di Misura standard + Il tab Conversione definisce i tassi di conversione di una Unità di Misura. Il sistema fornisce alcune conversioni automatiche tra unità di misura (p.e. minuti, ore, giorni, giorni lavorativi, ecc.) se non esplicitamente definiti in questa finestra. +Le Conversioni devono essere dirette (se hai una conversione tra A-B e B-C, il sitema non può convertire A-C, devi definirlo esplicitamente). + + + Paese + + Definisci Paese + Il tab Paese definisce i Paesi con i quali svolgi un'attività commerciale. I Valori inseriti qui si riferiscono ai records di ubicazione dei Business Partners. + + + Regione + + Definisci Regioni + Il tab Regione definisce una Regione all'interno di un Paese. Questo tab è attivo solo se il checkbox Regione viene selezionato per il Paese. + + + Organizzazione + + Definisci Organizzazione + Il tab Organizzazione viene usato per definire un' Organizzazione. Ogni Organizzazione possiede una Chiave, un Nome e opzionalmente una Descrizione. +Quando si aggiunge una nuova organizzazione, devi re-login per poter accedere alla nuova organizzazione. + + + Azienda (Client) + + Definizione Azienda + Il tab Definizione Azienda(Client) identifica un client unico. +Non creare un nuovo client in questa finestra, ma usa "Inserisci Client Iniziale" per inserire la sicurezza richiesta e le regole di accesso. Se crei in questa finestra un nuovo client, non potrai vederlo e l'infrastruttura client richiesta non verrà inserita. + + + Sequenza + + Definizione Sequenza + Il tab Sequenza definisce le sequenza numeriche da usare per i documenti. Queste possono anche includere un suffisso o prefisso alfanumerico. + + + Workflow + + Definisci Workflow + Il tab Workflow definisce i Workflows contenuti nel sistema. + + + Traduzione workflow + + + + + + Compito + + Compito + Il tab Compito definisce gli unici compiti che verranno usati. + + + Valuta + + Definisci Valuta + Il tab Valuta definisce le valute con le quali si effettuano le transazioni. + + + Test + + + + + + Piano dei Conti + + Definizione del Piano dei Conti + Il tab Piano dei Conti o definisce il Nome, la Descrizione e il Formato per un Piano. In aggiunta, un Tipo di Conto o Utente Definito viene selezionato. Ogni Schema Contabile deve avere almeno un Piano dei Conti. I Piani definitii dall'Utente sono opzionali. + + + Indirizzo + + Definire Indirizzo + Il tab Indirizzo definisce l'ubicazione di una Organizzazione. + + + Preferenza + + Gestione Org. Sistema Client e preferenze Utenti + + + + Progetto (Servizio) + + Definisci Progetto di Servizio + Il tab Progetto viene usato per definire il Valore, il Nome e la Descrizione di ogni progetto. Inoltre tiene il conto degli importi assegnati, commissionati e usati per questo progetto. + + + Catagoria Contabile + + Definisci categorie di Classi contabili + Il tab Categoria CG definisce gli identificatori opzionali per un documento o journal. Ciascuna Categoria può essere usata in un documento, journal manuale o importato. + + + Gruppo Prime Note + + Serie di prime note della contabilità generale + Le serie di prime note della CG definiscono una serie di prime note contabili che vengono inserite nel libro Giornale. + + + Prima Nota + + Prima nota + Definisce il singolo gruppo di eventi contabili che vengono inseriti nel Libro giornale. + + + Linea + + Line della prima nota + Definisce la linea della prima nota con le informazioni della transazione che viene inserita nel libro Giornale. + + + Definizione Documento + + Definisci tipo documento + Il tab Definizione Documenti definisce i parametri di utilizzo e di controllo del documento. + + + Informazioni Azienda + + Informazioni Azienda + Il tab Informazioni dell'Azienda (Client) definisce i dettagli di ciascun client. Le regole contabili e i default di alto livello sono definiti qui. Il Calendario viene usato per definire se un periodo è aperto o chiuso. + + + Informazioni Organizzazione + + Informazioni dettagli organizzazione + Il tab Informazioni Organizzazione viene usato per definire l'indirizzo di una Organizzazione, il numero DUNS e il numero di Identificazione Tasse. + + + Riferimento Traduzione + + + + + + Elenco Traduzione + + + + + + Allegato + + Allegato + Il tab Allegato mostra le caratteristiche di un Allegato. + + + Imposta + + Definizione Imposta + La Finestra Imposta definisce le diverse imposte usate per ogni categoria di imposta. Ad esempio, le l'imposta di vendita (IVA) devono essere definite per ogni Stato nelle quali sono applicate. Se ci sono più imposte, è necessario definire una catagoria di imposta di raggruppamento con l'appropriato totale delle aliquote iniziali. Al inserimento delle linee dell'ordine o della fattura, l'imposta viene calcolata nel momento in cui il documento viene elaborato. Un'imposta viene sempre calcolata sulla base dell'importo netto. + + + Categorie di Imposta + + Categorie di imposta + Il tab Categorie di Imposta viene usato per definire e gestire le Categorie di Imposta. Ciascun Prodotto è associato con una Categoria di Imposta. Ciò facilita l'adattamento ai cambiamenti. + + + Magazzino + + Magazzino + Il tab Magazzino definisce i Magazzini usati per il deposito dei prodotti. + + + Area Stoccaggio + + Area Stoccaggio + Il tab Locatore definisce le Aree di Stoccaggio per quel Magazzino. + + + Memoria + + + + + + Prodotto + + Definizione Prodotto + Il tab Prodotto definisce ogni prodotto e lo identifica per l'uso nei listini prezzi e negli ordini. + + + Sostituti + + Gestione Sostituti + Il tab Sostituti definisce i prodotti che potrebbere essere usati in sostituzione del prodotto selezionato. + + + Riapprovvigionamento + + Definisci Riapprovvigionamento + Il tab Riapprovvigionamento definisce le quantità da riapprovvigionare. Viene usato per ordini automatizzati. + + + Prezzi + + Prezzi + Il tab Prezzi visualizza i prezzi di listino, Standard e Limite dei prodotti del listino. + + + Termini di Pagamento + + Definisci Termini di pagamento + Il tab Termini di Pagamento definisce i diversi termini di pagamento offerti al Business Partners nel momento del pagamento delle fatture o quelli offerti dai Fornitori. Sulla fattura standard, il Nome e il Termine di pagamento sono stampati. + + + Spedizioniere + + Spedizionieri + Il tab Spedizionieri definisce le entità che effettuano le spedizioni ad o da una Organizzazione. + + + Ordine + + Ordine di acquisto + Il tab Ordine d'Acquisto definisce i parametri di un Ordine. + + + Linee Ordine + + Linee di ordine + Il tab Linee d'Ordine definisce le linee individuali degli items comprese in un Ordine. + + + Categoria Prodotto + + Definisci Categoria prodotto + La Categoria Prodotti definisce raggruppamenti unici di prodotti. Le categorie prodotti possono essere usate nel compilare un listino prezzi. + + + Listino Prezzi + + Definisci Listino + I Listini Prezzi determinano la valuta del documento e il trattamento di tassazione. + + + Prezzo prodotto + + Gestione Prezzi prodotti + Il tab Listino Prezzi visualizza i prezzi di un prodotto del listino selezionato. + + + Programma di Fatturazione + + Definisci Cicli di fatturazione + Il tab Programma di Fatturazione definisce la frequenza con la quale le fatture batch vengono generate per un Business Partner. + + + Tasso di Conversione + + Definisci Tassi di Conversione Valuta + Il tab Tassi di Cambio viene usato per definire i tassi di conversione da usare quando si convertono gli ammontari dei documenti da una valuta ad un'altra. I tassi di Conversione possono essere definiti per più tipi di tassi. Possono essere anche validi per un definito range di date. + + + Schema di Contabilità + + Definisci il tuo Piano dei conti + Il tab Schema di Contabilità definisce i controlli usati nella contabilità. Ciascuna Organizzazione seleziona uno Schema contabile da usare. + + + Contabilità Generale + + Conti per CG + Il tab Contabilità Generale definisce errori e gestione del bilancio da usare e i conti necessari per il posting della Contabilità Generale. + + + Campagna + + Campagna Marketing + Il tab Campagna di Marketing definisce i parametri per una Campagna. Questi includono le date di inizio e di fine nonchè gli importi delle fatture che si riferiscono a questa campagna. + + + Canale + + Canale di Distribuzione + Il tab Canali di Marketing definisce i diversi metodi o processi attraverso i quali i clienti vengono raggiunti. + + + Elemento + + Elemento + Il tab Elemento definisce ciascun elemento di livello del sistema. + + + Traduzione + + + + + + Controllo periodo + + Definisci Controllo periodo + Il tab Controllo Periodo visualizza lo stato di un Periodo (Mai Aperto, Aperto, Chiuso). + + + Selezione Regione + + Regione Vendite + Il tab Selezione Regione definisce le diverse regioni per la vendita. Le regioni di vendita possono essere usate per generare reports o per calcolare le commissioni. + + + Combinazione + + Combinazione di Conto Valido + Il tab Combinazione definisce e visualizza combinazioni di conto valido. Uno Pseudonimo può essere definito per facilitare l'inserimento dei documenti. + + + Budget + + il Tab Budget di CG definisce un Budget di contabilità generale + I Budgets di CG vengono usati per definire i costi anticipati dell'attività commerciale. Vengono usati nei reporting e confrontati con gli effettivi importi. + + + Contabilità + + Contabilità + Il tab Contabilità definisce i parametri contabili da usare per l'inventario di qual Magazzino. + + + Contabilità + + Definisci Parametri Contabili + Il tab Contabilità definisce i defaults da usare quando si generano transazioni contabili per ordini e fatture che contengono questo prodotto. + + + Contabilità + + Definisci Contabilità Progetto + Il tab Contabilità è usato per definire il Conto Maschera da usare quando un progetto è completo e le maschere associate realizzate. + + + Contabilità Cliente + + Definici Contabilità cliente + Il tab Contabilità Cliente definisce i conti di default da usare quando questo business partner è riferito ad una transazione di contabilità clienti. + + + Contabilità Fornitore + + Definisci Contabilità Fornitore + Il tab Contabilità fornitori definisce i conti di default da usare quando questo business partner è riferito ad una transazione di contabilità fornitori. + + + Contabilità dipendenti + + Definisci Contabilità Impiegati + Il tab Contabilità Dipendenti definisce i conti default da usare quando questo business partner viene riferito ad un risarcimento di spese. + + + Provincia + + Definisci Provincia + Il tab Città definisce le Città di un Paese o Regione. Le Città inserite qui non vengono riportate quando si inserisce un indirizzo. + + + Elemento Schema di Contabilità + + Definire un elemento schema di contabilità + Il tab Elemento Schema di Contabilità definisce gli elementi che includono la chiave del conto. Un nome è definito e visualizzato nei documenti. Anche l'Ordine degli elementi se bilanciati e obbligatori vengono indicati. + + + Business Partner + + Business Partner + Il tab Business Partner definisce le Entità con le quali una organization commercia. + + + Indirizzo + + Definizione Indirizzo + Il tab Indirizzo definisce l'ubicazione fisica di un business partner. Un business partner potrebbe avere più records di ubicazione. + + + Cliente + + Definizione Parametri Cliente + Il tab Cliente definisce un Business Partner cliente di questa organizzazione. Quando il check box viene selezionato, i campi necessari vengono visualizzati. + + + Fornitore + + Definisci Parametri Fornitore + Il tab Fornitore definisce un Business Partner fornitore di questa Organizzazione. Se il check box del Fornitore viene selezionato, il campo necessario verrà visualizzato. + + + Dipendenti + + Definisci Parametri Dipendenti + Il tab Dipendenti definisce un Business Partner dipendente di questa organizzazione. Se il Dipendente è anche un Rappresentante Vendite, il check box dovrebbe essere selezionato. + + + Conto Bancario + + Definizione Conto bancario + Il tab Conto Bancario definisce le informazioni bancarie per questo business partner. Questi dati vengono usati per effettuare pagamenti e rimesse. + + + Banca + + Gestione Banca + Il tab Banca definisce una banca utilizzata da una organizzazione o da un business partner. A ciascuna Banca viene dato un Nome identificativo, l'Indirizzo, N.Routing e Swift Code. + + + Conto + + Gestione Conto + Il tab Conto è usato per definire uno o più conti di una Banca. Ogni conto possiede un numero unico e una valuta. + + + Ritenuta + + Definisci Ritenuta + Il tab Ritenute definisce le informazioni relative alle trattenute di questo business partner. + + + Traduzione + + Traduzione + Il tab Traduzione definisce un tipo di Documento in una lingua alternativa. + + + Sollecito + + Gestione Regole di Sollecito + Il tab Sollecito definisce i parametri di un livello di recupero credito. + + + Traduzione + + Definisci traduzione + Il tab Traduzione definisce la traduzione in una lingua alternativa. + + + Traduzione + + + + + + Traduzione + + + + + + Imposta dell'Ordine + + Imposta per l'ordine + Il tab Imposta dell'Ordine indica l'importo delle imposte di un ordine basato sulle linee inserite. + + + Addebiti + + Addebiti + Il tab Addebiti definisce gli unici addebiti che potrebbero essere associati ad un documento. + + + Versione + + Gestione versioni del listino + I Listini prezzo sono creati automaticamente sulla base delle informazioni di Vendita dei Prodotti e sugli Sconti di Categoria del Fornitore. +Un'altra alternativa è quella di copiarli dai listini già esistenti e ricalcolarli. +Puoi anche ricalcolare il listino non basandoti su quelli esistenti o riferendoti ad uno stesso listino. + + + Acquisti + + Acquisti + Il tab Acquisti definisce i prezzi e le regole (quantità imballaggio, UPC, quantità minima ordine) per ciascun prodotto. + + + Ritenuta + + Regole Ritenute + Il tab Regole Ritenute definisce le regole che governano gli importi delle ritenute. + + + Contabilità + + + + + + Albero + + Albero + Il tab Albero definisce un Albero che viene mostrato. + + + Report & Processi + + Definisci Report & Processi + Il tab Report Processo definisce i report e i processi presenti nel sistema. + + + Parametro + + Parametro + Il tab Parametri del Report definisce i parametri richiesti per escludere un report o un processo. + + + Traduzione Parametro + + + + + + Traduzione Report + + + + + + Attività + + Attività + + + + Defaults + + Conti di Default + Il tab Defaults visualizza i conti di Default per uno schema contabile. Questi valori visualizzano quando un nuovo documento viene aperto. L'Utente può sovrascrivere questi defaults all'interno del documento. + + + Costi + + Definizione Costi + Il tab Costi definisce + + + Conteggio Inventario + + Definizione del conteggio Inventario + Il tab Conteggio Inventario definisce i parametri per un calcolo manuale e la correzione dell'inventario. + + + Linea del Conteggio Inventario + + Linea del Conteggio Inventario + La Linea del Conteggio Inventario definisce i calcoli dei prodotti individuali di un inventario. + + + Documento di Spedizione + + Spedizioni e Resi Clienti + Il tab Documento di Spedizione permette la generazione, gestione, inserimento ed eleborazione delle Spedizioni o i Resi dai clienti. + + + Riga del Documento + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione + Il tab Riga del Documento definisce gli items individuali di una Spedizione. + + + Movimentazione + + Definisce la Movimentazione + Il tab Movimentazione definisce e identifica lo spostamento di un item o degli items di un inventario. + + + Linea di Movimentazione + + Definisci Linea di Movimentazione + Il tab Linea di Movimentazione definisce il prodotto e la quantità da spostare e l'ubicazione nel quale o dal quale essi vengono spostati. + + + Transazioni Prodotti + + Transazioni per Prodotti in magazzino + + + + Fattura + + Fatture Clienti + Il tab Fatture definisce i parametri di una Fattura generati da un Business Partner. Fa parte della contabilità Clienti. + + + Livello + + Gestione livello sollecito + Il tab Livello definisce il tempo e la frequenza degli avvisi di sollecito. + + + Traduzione + + Traduzione Livello Recupero credito + + + + Linee di Fattura + + Linee di fatture clienti + Il tab Linee Fattura definisce gli items individuali o le spese di una Fattura. + + + Imposta + + Imposta sulla fattura cliente + Il tab Imposta indica le imposte totali dovute in base alle linee delle Fatture. + + + Riconoscimento Ricavo + + Riconoscimento Ricavoe + Il tab Riconoscimento Ricavo definisce gli intervalli per i quali una revenue sarà riconosciuta. Puoi basare la revenue recognition anche sui Livelli di Servizio forniti. + + + Traduzione + + Traduzione Unità di Misura + + + + Inventario perpetuo + + + + + + Fornitore + + Fornitore + Il tab Fornitore visualizza i Fornitori. Un Fornitore viene selezionato e tutti i prodotti di quel Fornitore verranno visualizzati. + + + Dettaglio Prodotto + + Dettagli prodotto + Il tab Dettagli del Prodotto ti permette di visualizzare e gestire tutti i prodotti di un Fornitore selezionato. + + + Titolo + + Definisci Titolo + Il tab Titoli definisce il titolo con il quale ci si riferisce ad un business partner in un documento. + + + Traduzione + + + + + + Traduzione + + + + + + Vista Report + + Definisci Vista Report + Il tab Definisci Vista Report definisce le viste usate nella generazione dei reports. + + + Transazioni + + Transazioni per Prodotti in magazzino + Il tab Transazioni visualizza le transazioni effettuate per questo prodotto. + + + Fattura + + Fatture Fornitori + Il tab Fatture definisce i parametri di una Fattura generati da un Business Partner. Fa parte della contabilità fornitori. + + + Riga della Fattura + + Riga della fatture fornitore + Il tab Riga della Fattura definisce gli items individuali o le spese di una Fattura. + + + Imposta + + Imposta Fatture Fornitore + Il tab Imposta indica le imposte totali dovute in base alle linee delle Fatture. + + + Linea d'Ordine + + Linea d'ordine + Il tab Linea d'Ordine definisce gli items individuali di un ordine. + + + Ordine di Acquisto + + Ordine di acquisto + Il tab Ordine di Acquisto definisce i parametri di un Ordine. I valori definiti del campo determinano come le linee dell'Ordine vengono elaborate. + + + Imposta + + Imposte ordine + Il tab Imposta indica le imposte associate alle linee di un Ordine. + + + Entrata Merci + + Entrata merci e resi fornitore + Il Tab Entrata Merci permette di generare, gestire, inserire ed eleborare il ricevimento merci o i Resi ad un Fornitore. + + + Linea di Entrata Merci + + Linea di entrata merci + Il tab Linea di entrata merci definisce i movimenti individuali di una entrata. + + + Definizione EDI + + Gestione definizione EDI + + + + Transazione EDI + + + + + + Log EDI + + + + + + Maschera + + Maschera speciale + Il tab Maschere definisce la finestra non generata automaticamente. Da usare solo per l'Amministraz. del Sistema. + + + Traduzione + + + + + + Accesso Finestra + + Accesso alle finestre + Il tab Accesso Finestra definisce le Finestre e i tipi di accesso garantiti da questo Ruolo. + + + Accesso Processo + + Accesso ai processi + Il tab Accesso Processo definisce i Processi e i tipi di accesso garantiti da questo Ruolo. + + + Accesso Form + + Accesso Form + Il tab Accesso Form definisce i Form e i tipi di accessi garantiti per questo Ruolo. + + + Accesso Workflow + + Accesso ai workflow + Il tab Accesso Workflow definisce i Workflows e i tipi di accesso garantiti da questo Ruolo. + + + Accessi ai Report + + Accessi ai report + Il tab Accesso al Report determina che può accedere ad un report o processo. + + + Accesso + + Acceso ai form + Il tab Accesso definisce le regole di accesso per questa form. + + + Accesso + + Accesso compito + Il tab Accesso Tab definisce i Ruoli che hanno accesso a questo task e il tipo di accesso garantito da ciascun Ruolo. + + + Accesso + + Accesso alle Finestre + Il tab Accesso Finestra definisce i Ruoli che hanno accesso a questa Finestra. + + + Accesso + + Accesso al Workflow + Il tab Accesso Workflow definisce i Ruoli che hanno accesso a questa Finestra. + + + Accesso Compito + + Accesso ai compiti + L'Accesso Compito definisce i compiti e i tipi di accessi garantiti da questo Ruolo. + + + Messaggio di Errore + + Messaggio di errore + Il tab Messaggi di Errore visualizza messaggi di errore. Possono essere cancellati con un processo automatizzato di clean up. + + + Formato di Importazione + + + + + + Formato Campo + + Gestione Formato campi + Definisci il campo individuale basato sulla definizione di Tabella. Devi essere sicuro che un Constant abbia dei dati corretti SQL (cioè se è una 'serie', devi inserirla come 'questa'). +<p>Product mapping (per dettagli vedere la documentazione): +<pre> +H_Item => Valore +H_ItemDesc => Nome / Descrizione +H_ItemDefn => Aiuto +H_Tipo Item => Categoria Prodotto +H_PartnrID => Valore del Business Partner +H_Commodity1 => N. Prodotto Fornitore H_Commodity2 => SKU +H_Classe Item => Classificazione (A,B,C..) +V_OperAmt_T_Cur => Valuta +V_OperAmt_T => Prezzo +</pre> + + + Distinta Base + + Distinta base + Il tab Distinta Base definisce quei prodotti generati da altri prodotti. Una Distinta Base (BOM) si riferisce ad uno o più Prodotti o BOMs. + +Quantità Disponibile: +- BOMs in magazzino devono essere creati attraverso la "Produzione" +- la quantità disponibile di un BOM's non in magazzino viene calcolata dinamicamente +- l'attributo "In magazzino" viene definito nel tab "Prodotto" + +Prezzo: +- BOMs devono essere inseriti nei Listini +- Se il prezzo è 0.00, viene dinamicamente calcolato Stampa: +- Di solito, solo le informazioni BOM vengono stampate - Per le fatture, le distinte di trasporto e le liste pick, puoi stamparne i + + + Memoria + + + + + + Testata di Produzione + + Testata di Produzione + Il tab Testata di Produzione Produzione definisce un unico piano di produzione. + + + Piano di Produzione + + Piano di Produzione + Il tab Piano di Produzione definisce gli items utilizzati e generati in una produzione. + + + Linea di Produzione + + Linea di Produzione + Il tab Linea di Produzione visualizza i movimenti effettivi dell'inventario generati da un Piano di produzione. + + + Gruppo dei Business Partner + + Gruppi dei Business Partner per notificare Defaults contabili + Il tab Gruppo Business Partner permette l' associazione dei business partners al reporting e alla contabilità di defaults. + + + Contabilità + + Definisci Contabilità + Il tab Contabilità definisce i conti di default per ciascun business partner che si riferisce a questo gruppo. Questi valori di default possono essere modificati da ciascun business partner. + + + Contabilità + + Definisci Parametri Contabili + Il tab Contabilità definisce i parametri contabili di default. Ogni prodotto che utilizza una categoria prodotto può ereditare i suoi parametri contabili di default. + + + Avviso + + Avviso + Il tab Avviso fornisce un metodo di vedere i messaggi generati da questo sistema quando si eseguono i processi. + + + Processore dei Pagamenti + + Processore per pagamenti online + Il tab Processore dei Pagamenti viene usato per definire i parametri per l'elaborazione dei pagamenti elettronici. + + + Contabilità + + Gestione dati contabili + Il tab Contabilià è usato per definire i conti usati per le transazioni con questa Banca. + + + Estratto Conto + + Estratto conto + The Bank Statement Tab defines the Bank Statement to be reconciled. + + + Linea Estratto Conto + + Linea estratto conto + Il tab Linea di Estratto Conto definisce le linee individuali degli items nell'Estratto Conto. Possono essere inseriti manualmente o generati dai pagamenti inseriti. + + + Pagamento + + Pagamento + Il tab Pagamento definisce un pagamento effettuato da un Business Partner. Se si riferisce ad una singola fattura, può essere assegnato direttamente a quella fattura usando questo schermo. +Puoi anche riferire pagamenti "superiori/inferiori":<br> +Se hai un pagamento "superiore", cioè se hai ricevuto più soldi del dovuto per una singola fattura: invece di cancellare la differenza (che equivarrebbe ad un guadagno), puoi lasciare l'importo non localizzato e usarlo per fatture successive o per i memos di credito. Nota bene che l'Importo si riferisce all'importo di pagamento, perciò devi inserire il pagamento "superiore" come un valore negativo.<br> +Puoi anche ricevere un pagamento parziale (pagamento inferiore). Se decidi di non cancellare l'importo rimanente della fattura, inserisci l'importo "inferiore" come un valore positivo. + + + Contabilità + + Contabilità Spese + Il tab Contabiità definisce i parametri contabili usati nelle transazioni che includono una spese o più spese. + + + Contabilità + + Contabilità dell'Organizzazione + Il tab Contabilità dell' Organizzazione definisce i parametri contabili di default usati da questa Organizzazione. + + + Contabilità + + Contabilità + Il tab Contabilità definisce i parametri contabili da usare nelle transazioni che si riferiscono a questa Aliquota d'Imposta. + + + Contabilità + + Contabilità trattenute + + + + Attributi Personalizzabili + + Definizione degli attributi personalizzabili + Il tab Attributi Cusomizzabili definisce gli attributi addizionali o le informazioni per un prodotto o entità. + + + Libro di Cassa + + Gestione Libro di cassa + Il tab Libro di Cassa definisce un unico Libro di Cassa per una organizzazione. + + + Contabilità + + Contabilità di cassa + Il tab Contabilità di Cassa definisce i parametri contabili delle transazioni che includono un Libro Cassa. + + + Giornale di Cassa + + Giornale di cassa + Il tab Giornale di Cassa definisce i parametri per questo Libro Giornale. + + + Linea di Cassa + + Linea di cassa + Il tab Linea di Cassa definisce le linee individuali per questo Libro Giornale. + + + Gruppo Pagamenti + + Gruppo Pagamenti + + + + Gruppo di Campi + + System Admin use only. Field Groups allow for grouping of fields within a window + + + + Traduzione + + + + + + Richiesta + + Definisci Richiesta + Il tab Richiesta definisce le Richieste avanzate da un Business Partner. + + + Gestore Richieste + + Gestore richieste + Il tab Gestione Richieste permette di definire i processi che puoi utilizzare, la frequenza e il tempo di questi processi. Se non viene trovato nessun altro Utente, gli items vengono assegnati al supervisore. + + + Schema Email + + Schema Email + + + + Storia degli Azioni + + Storia degli azioni + Il tab Action History mostra ogni azione intrapresa per una Richiesta. + + + Annullamento Imputazione + + Annullamento Imputazione + Il tab Annullamento Imputazione indica la imputazione del pagamento in storno + + + Accesso Organizzazione + + Accesso Gestione Org + Aggiunge le Organizzazioni a cui l'Utente ha accesso. Aggiungi le organizzazioni del client di questo Ruolo. + + + Pagamento Fattura + + Definisci pagamento + Il tab Pagamento Fattura definisce il conto corrente e la data dei pagamenti da effettuare. Puoi creare i pagamenti qui. + + + Linea Pagamento Fatture + + Linea pagamento Fattura + Il tab Linea di Selezione definisce le fatture individuali che un' organizzazione sta pagando ad un Fornitore con questo pagamento. + + + Colonne della Vista del Report + + Colonne della vista del report + Il tab Colonne Vista Report definisce le colonne che verranno sovrapposte nel momento della selezione del SQL. + + + Commissioni + + Definizione delle provvigioni + Definisci quando e a chi pagare una commissione. Per ciascun periodo, inizia il calcolo della commissione dopo che le transazioni di quel periodo sono completate o chiuse. + + + Linea delle Commissioni + + Definisci le regole calcolo delle provvigioni + Definisci i criteri di selezione per pagare le commissioni. Se non inserisci i parametri restrittivi (p.e. per Business Partner specifici (Gruppi) o Prodotti (Categorie), ecc.) tutte le transazioni del periodo verranno usate per calcolare le commissioni. + +Dopo aver convertito la transazione alla valuta della commissione, +la formula per calcolare la commissione è: + +(Importo Convertito - Sottrai Importo) * Importo Moltiplicatore ++ (Effettiva Quantità - Sottrai Quantità) * Quantità Moltiplicatrice + +Puoi scegliere, che solo importi positivi (Importi Convertiti - Sottrai Importo) e quantità positive (Effettiva Quantità - Sottrai Quantità) vengano usati nel calcolo. + + + Ciclo del Progetto + + Definisci Ciclo di progetto + Definisci la valuta riportata dai Progetti. I Progetti stessi possono essere in valute diverse. + + + Fase Ciclo + + Collegare il fase ciclo con il fase progetto + Il Cycle Steps determina le sequenze logiche di eventi all'interno del tuo ciclo. + + + + Linea + + Linea del Progetto + Il tab linea di Progetto viene usato per definire le linee (prodotti e/o servizi) associati con questo Progetto. + + + Calcolo Provvigione + + Calcolo provvigione in un certo periodo + Le Commissioni sono attive per un periodo definito nella finestra Commissioni. + + + Importo Provvigione + + Importo provvigione + Per ogni linea di provvigione, viene generata una registrazione. Si può sovrascrivere l'importo totale della povvigione. In questo caso è opportuno creare linee di Dettaglio Provvigione che quadrino con il totale inserito manualmente. + + + Usato nella Colonna + + Usato nella colonna + Il tab Usato nella Colonna definisce la tabella e la colonna di residenza di questo elemeno. + + + Dettaglio Provvigione + + Dettagli provvigioni + Puoi modificare l'importo e la quantità degli elementi in dettaglio, ma ti suggeriamo di inserire nuove linee di correzione. +Gli importi vengono convertiti dalla valuta della transazione alla valuta della Commissione (definita nella finestra Commissione) usando la data di inizio e il tasso di cambio dello spot. + + + Obiettivo Performance + + Obiettivo Performance + Il tab Obiettivo Performance definisce obiettivi specifici relativi al reddito. + + + Calcolo Misure Performance + + Gestione dei calcoli di Misura della Performance + Il Calcolo Misure della Performance definisce come calcolare le misure di Reddito. Prima verifica il rendiconto in SQL*Plus. +Il rendiconto selezionato deve ridare un unico valore! +Ogni restrizione per range Data, Organizzazioni, Business Partners, Prodotti deve essere effettuata attraverso la finestra "Misure di Reddito". Questo è il calcolo generico. +Poichè ciò tende ad essere qualcosa di tecnico, il sistema possiede alcuni esempi predefiniti. + + + Raggiungimento Performance + + Raggiungimento Performance + Il tab Raggiungimento Performance definisce gli obiettivi da raggiungere. Il reddito viene misurato in base alla percentuale degli obiettivi raggiunti. + + + Misurazione della Performance + + Misurazione della Performance + Il tab Misurazione della Performance definisce i range di data e i metodi da usare per misurare il reddito. + + + Report Finanziario + + + + + + Insieme di Colonne del Report + + Gestione inserimento colonne dei report + L'inserimento Colonne è la combinazione delle Colonne da includere in un Report finanziario. + + + Colonne del Report + + Gestione Colonne Reports finanziari + Una colonna rappresenta una colonna in un Report finanziario. + + + Insieme di Linee del Report + + Gestione Insieme di linee del report + + + + Linea del Report + + Gestione Linea del Report finanziario + + + + Sorgente del Report + + Gestione Valori Segmento della Sorgente del Report + + + + Piano Riconoscimento Ricavo + + Esaminare il piano riconoscimento ricavoRisorsa + IlPiano Riconoscimento Ricavo è generato fatturando un prodotto con la revenue recognition. Con la Revenue Recognition, l'importo è trascritto nel Unrecognized revenue e sopra tempo o basata sul Livello di Servizio registrato nelle Earned Revenue. + + + Storia Elaborazione Riconoscimento Ricavo + + Esaminare la Storia Elaborazione Riconoscimento Ricavo + + + + Livello di Servizio + + Esamina Livello di servizio + Il Livello di Servizio viene creato automaticamente quando si crea una fattura con prodotti usando la riconignizione di entrate basate sui livelli di servizio. (when creating an invoice with products using revenue recognition based on service levels). + + + Linea di Livello di Servizio + + Gestione Livelli di Servizio + Aggiungi linee di nuovi livelli di servizio per cambiare l'importo riconosciuto. + + + Trovare + + + + + + Transazione Magazzino + + + + + + Stampa del Form + + Gestione Stampa del Form (Fatture, Assegni, ..) + La selezione determina quale Formato Stampa viene usato per stampare un particulare Form della tua Organizzazione + + + Documento Bancario + + Documenti bancari + In questo tab, definisci i documenti utilizzati per questo conto corrente. Definisci il numero e il formato dei tuoi assegni e di altri documenti di pagamento (sequenze). + + + Colore del Sistema + + Colore di Sistema per sfondo e indicatori + + + + Desktop + + Desktop è un insieme di Workbenches + Il Desktop è un insieme di Workbenches + + + Traduzione + + + + + + Workbench + + Workbench sul desktop + + + + Immagine + + Link immagine + + + + Personalizzazione Finestra + + + + + + Personalizzazione Tab + + + + + + Personalizzazione Campo + + + + + + Workbench + + I Workbenches sono un insieme di Finestre + + + + Traduzione + + + + + + Finestra + + Finestra Workbench + + + + Routing + + Routing della Richiesta + Definisci la sequenza delle parole chiavi e a chi le richieste via mail devono essere indirizzate. + + + Richiesta + + Definisci Richiesta + Il tab Richiesta definisce le Richieste avanzate da un Business Partner. + + + Storia Azioni + + Storia Azioni + Il tab Storia Azioni mostra ogni azione intrapresa per una Richiesta. + + + Schema della Scontistica + + Schema della Scontistica + Lo schema della Scontistica calcola la percentuale di sconto commerciale. + + + Linea Sconto + + Linea sconti commerciali + I Listini Prezzi sono creati basandosi su un prezzo base del prodott che può essere basato sul prezzo d'acquisto. +I parametri nell'elenco sottostante permettono di copiare e calcolare i Listini Prezzi.<BR> +Il calcolo: +<UL> +<LI>Copia e converti il prezzo dal listino di riferimento +<LI>risultato più Importo Addizionale (Surcharge) <LI>risultato meno Sconto +<LI>se il prezzo che risulta è inferiore all'originale prezzo limite più Margine min, usa questo prezzo (solo se il Margine è diverso da zero) +<LI>se il prezzo che risulta è maggiore dell'originale prezzo limite più Margine max, usa questo prezzo (solo se il Margine è diverso da zero) +<LI>Prezzo che risulta arrotondato +</UL> +<B>La Formula</B> is<BR> +Nuovo Prezzo = (Converti(Prezzo Base) + Addizionale) * (100-Sconto) / 100;<BR> +se MargineMin <> 0 allora Nuovo Prezzo = Max (Nuovo Prezzo, Converti(Prezzo Limite Orig.) + MargineMin);<BR> +se MargineMax <> 0 allora Nuovo + + + Sconti Quantità + + Sconti Quantità + + + + Prodotto Assegnato + + Prodotto assegnato alla Categoria Prodotti + + + + Fatture Abbinate + + Esamina Fatture abbinate + + + + Ordini di Acquisto Abbinati + + Visualizzare Ordini di Acquisto Abbinati + + + + Tipo di Spesa + + Gestione Tipo di spesa + + + + Prodotto + + Definisci Prodotto Tipo Spese + + + + Nota Spese + + Nota spese + Inserisci il tempo e le spese per i Dipendenti o i Contraenti (Business Partner). <br> +Il listino prezzi determina i costi di default, i prodotti o le risorse da rimborsare. In questo senso, si tratta di un listino "Prezzo d'Acquisto". Il Magazzino viene ussato per rettificare l'inventario degli items fatturati ai clienti.(se gli items non sono fatturati, l'inventario non viene rettificato).<br> +Nota bene che il Business Partner deve essere un Dipendente con un Indirizzo e i Contatti! + + + Linea del Report + + Linea del Report Ore e Spese + Inserisci gli items di spesa e le ore fatturabili e non. Se inserisci un importo diverso da zero in una Fattura, quell'importo verrà usato per fatturare il cliente - altrimenti ci si riferisce al prezzo corrente del listino prezzi cliente. + + + Risorsa + + Gestisci Risorse + + + + Assegnazione + + Assegnazione + Storia delle Assegnazioni + + + Indisponibilità + + Risorsa non disponibile + Le Date, quando la risorsa non è disponibile (p.e. vacante) + + + Prodotto + + Gestione informazioni Prodotto della Risorsa + Il prodotto della risorsa viene creato automaticamente e sincronizzato. Aggiorna Nome, Unità di Misura, ecc. nella Risorsa e non cambia nel prodotto. + + + Tipo Risorsa + + Gestione Tipo risorsa + Gestisci i tipi di Risorse e le loro principali disponibilità. + + + Contabilità + + Definisci Parametri Contabili + Il tab Contabilità definisce i defaults da usare quando si generano transazioni contabili per ordini o fatture che contengono questo tipo di Spesa. Non tutti i conti si riferiscono alle risorse. + + + Prezzi + + Prezzi Spese + Il tab Prezzi visualizza i prezzi di listino, Standard e Limiti delle spese contenute nel listino. + + + Prezzi + + Prezzi risorse + Il tab Prezzi visualizza i prezzi di Listino, Standard e Limite per ciascuna risorsa contenuta nel listino. + + + Contabilità + + Definisci Parametri Contabili + Il tab Contabilità definisce i defaults da usare quando si generano transazioni contabili per ordini o fatture che contengono questa risorsa. Non tutti i conti si riferiscono alle risorse. + + + Colore Stampa + + Gestione Colore Stampa + Colori usati per stampare + + + Carattere di Stampa + + Gestione Carattere di Stampa + Carattere usato per stampare + + + Formato Stampa + + Gestione Formato Stampa + Il formato stampa determina come stampare i dati. + + + Formato Item + + Stampa Formato item + Item nel formato stampa che gestisce le informazioni di layout. + + + Carta da Stampa + + Gestione Carta da Stampa + Forma della carta da stampa, Orientazione e Margini. +Il codice di Convalida contiene il nome della Forma Media. I nomi delle forme medie corrispondono a quelli dell' IPP 1.1 RFC 2911 - http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2911.txt + + + Visualizzazione Ordini + + Visualizza Ordini degli Items del Formato Stampa + + + + Ordinamento + + Ordinamento del Formato Stampa degli Items + + + + Sequenza campi + + Sequenza se i Campi sono in un tabulatore + + + + Cliente + + Business Partner (Clienti) da fatturare + + + + Linea del Report + + Linea del Tempo e Spese del Report (non fatturate) + Mostra e modifica le linee del tempo e delle linee del Report. + + + Traduzione Elemento + + Traduzione Formato Stampa + + + + Grafico + + Definisci Grafico da includere + + + + Stampa Formato Tabella + + Definisci Formato Tabella Report + Il tab Stampa Formato Tabella ti permette di definire come stampare un' intestazione tabella, ecc. Se non inserisci i dettagli di stampa, i colori di default e i caratteri vengono applicati come di seguito:<br> +i caratteri si basano sul Carattere utilizzato nel Report; l'intestazione di Pagina e di Tabella sarà in grassetto, il Carattere di Funzione in maiuscolo e in grassetto, il piè di pagina di due punti più piccolo, e il Carattere Parametro maiuscolo. + + + Pagamenti Generati + + Esamina Pagamenti generati dopo aver creato i Pagamenti + + + + Tipo Richiesta + + Tipo di richiesta (p.e. Inchiesta, Reclamo, ..) + I Tipi di Richiesta vengono usati per l'eleaborazione e la classificazione delle richieste. Sono opzionali le Informazioni sui Conti, le Ricevute, ecc. + + + Area di interesse + + Area di interesse + Aree di Interesse riflettono gli interessi di un tema scaturito da un contatto. Le aree di Interesse possono essere usate nelle campagne di marketing. + + + Area di Interesse + + Area di interesse + L' Area di Interesse può essere usata nelle Campagne di Marketing. + + + Sistema + + Definizione Sistema + Definizione Sistema Comune. Non create records addizionali!! + + + Importazione Business Partner + + + + + + Importazione Prodotti + + Importazione prodotti + Prima di importare, Compiere controlla l'Unità di Misura (di default se non inserita), la Categoria Prodotto (di default se non inserita), il Business Partner, la Valuta (di defaults alla valuta contabile se non inserita), il Prodotto Tipo (solo Items e Servizi), l'unicità dell' UPC, la Chiave, l'unicità e l'esistenza del N. del Prodotto Fornitore.<br> +Compiere prova a tracciare i prodotti esistenti, se l'UPC, la Chiave e il Prodotto Fornitore non sono abbinati (in questa sequenza). Se il record importato può essere abbinato, i valori del campo prodotti verranno solo sovrascritti, se il corrispondente campo di importazione è definito esplicitamente. Esempio: la Categoria Prodotto verrà solo sovrascritta se esplicitamente inserita nell'Importazione. + + + Importazione Conti + + + + + + Importazione Insieme di Righe dei Report + + + + + + Selezione Lingua + + Seleziona Lingua + + + + Traduzione Elemento + + + + + + Traduzione Messaggi + + + + + + Traduzione Finestra + + + + + + Traduzione Processo + + + + + + Bene Gestito + + Bene utilizzato internamente o dai clienti + Un Bene Gestito viene creato acquistando o inviando un prodotto. Un bene può essere usato internamente o essere un bene cliente. + + + Consegna + + Consegna o disponibilità + Record di consegna o disponibilità. + + + Gruppo Bene Gestito + + Gruppo Bene Gestito + Il gruppo Bene Gestito determina i conti di default. Se un gruppo cespite viene selezionato nella categoria prodotto, i cespiti vengono creati quando si spedisce il cespite. + + + Formazione + + Formazione Ripetuta + La formazione potrebbe avere più classi effettive. Le Nuove Classi vengono create qui. + + + Classe + + The actual training class instance + Una classe programmata + + + Dipendenti, Fornitori + + Business Partner da rimborsare + Seleziona il business partner da rimborsare. + + + Linea del Report + + Linea del Tempo e Spese del Report (non rimborsate) + Mostra e modifica le linee del tempo e delle linee del Report. + + + Traduzione + + + + + + Quadratura Giornaliera + + Visualizzare la quadratura giornaliera + + + + Programma dei Pagamenti + + Gestione programma di pagamento per le fatture + + + + Serie di Attributi + + Gestione una serie di attributi + Define Product Attribute Sets to add additional attributes and values to the product. You need to define a Attribute Set if you want to enable Serial and Lot Number tracking. + + + Attributo + + Attributo Prodotto + Product Attribute like Color, Size, etc. If it is an Instance Attribute, all products have the same value. + + + Valore Attributo + + Valore Attributo del Prodotto + Individual value of a product attribute (e.g. green, large, ..) + + + Lotto + + Definizione del Prodotto + Maintain the individual Lot of a Product + + + Controllo Lotto + + Definizione Controllo Lotto + Definition to create Lot numbers for Products + + + Controllo Numero di Serie + + Controllo Numero di Serie del Prodotto + Definition to create Serial numbers for Products + + + Uso Attributi + + Uso degli attributi della serie + Attributes and Attribute Values used for the product + + + Attributo di Ricerca + + Attributo di Ricerca Comune + Attributes are specific to a Product Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple attributes and want to search under a common sttribute, you define a search sttribute. Example: have one Size search attribute combining the values of all different sizes (Size for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The Attribute Search allows you to have all values available for selection. This eases the maintenance of the individual product attribute. + + + Assegnazione Attributi + + + + + + Fattura + + + + + + Linee Incluse + + + + + + Etichetta + + Etichetta di Stampa + Maintain the Format for printing Labels + + + Linea + + Stampa linea dell'etichetta + Maintain Format of the line on a Label + + + Traduzione + + Stampa linea dell'etichetta traduzione + Maintain the translation for Label Line formats + + + Sessione + + Elenco sessioni utenti + History of Online or Web Sessions + + + Tipo di Progetto + + Administrazione Tipo di Progetto + Tipo di Progetto con le fase e compiti opzionali con le informazione della performance standard + + + Fase Standard + + Administrazione Fase del Progetto Standard + Fase Standard del progetto con le informazione della performance + + + Fase + + Fase del Progetto + Fase Attuale del Progetto con le informazioni di Stato - generata della Fase del Tipo di Progetto. + + + Documento Ricorrente + + Documento Ricorrente + Maintain Recurring Documents. The Date Next Run determines the Document (and Accounting Date) of the generated documents. + + + Elaborazione + + Recurring Document Run + History of Recurring Document Generation + + + Inventario + + Importazione Inventario + Validate and Import Inventory Transactions. The Locator is primarily determined by the Locator Key, then the Warehouse and X,Y,Z fields.<p> +A Physical Inventory is created per Warehouse and Movement Date. + + + Accesso Tabella + + Gestione Accesso Tabella + If listed here, the Role can(not) access all data of this table, even if the role has access to the functionality + + + Accesso Record + + Gestione Accesso Record + If listed here, the Role can(not) access the data records of this table, even if the role has access to the functionality + + + Accesso Colonna + + Gestione Accesso Colonna + If listed here, the Role can(not) access the column of this table, even if the role has access to the functionality + + + Ruolo + + Ruolo con accesso dati limitato + Select Role for with Data Access Restrictions + + + Annuncio + + Annuncio Web + Advertisement on the Web + + + Change Log + + Data Changes + Log of data changes + + + Log Modifiche + + Log delle modifiche ai dati + Log of data changes + + + Tipo di Costo + + Tipo di Costo + + + + Compito + + Compito attuale del progetto + A Project Task in a Project Phase represents the actual work. + + + Passo + + Passo del ciclo del progetto + The Cycle Step determines the logical sequence of events within your cycle. It is the common of similar Project Phases making different project types comparable. + + + Compito Standard + + Administrazione Compito del Progetto Standard + Compito del Progetto Standard + + + Tipo di Tempo + + Tipo di Tempo ricordato + Differentiate time types for reporting purposes (In parallel to Activities) + + + Contatto (Utente) + + Maintain User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact + The User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contact + + + Click + + Click Count + + + + Click Individuale + + + + + + Conteggio + + Conteggio Web + + + + Conteggio Individuale + + + + + + Fattura + + Selezione Fattura + Select from invoices not fully paid. + + + Programma Pagamento + + Gestione Programma Pagamento + + + + Programma + + Programma Pagamento + + + + Avviso + + Avviso Compiere + Compiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted of + + + Regola di Avviso + + Definizione dell'elemento di avviso + + + + Destinatario Avviso + + Destinatario Avviso + + + + Estratto Conto Bancario + + Importazione Estratto Contto Bancario + + + + Giornali + + Importazione Giornali + A new Journal Batch is created, if the Batch Document No is different. A new Journal is created, if the Document No, Accounting Schema, Currency, Document Type, GL Category, Posting Type or Accounting type is different.<p> +Please note that there are three Organization Fields: The Document Organization is the owner of the document and set directly or per parameter default. The Organization is part of the accounting key and only required id no Valid Account Comination is specified; If not defined it is derived from the Document Organization. The Transaction Organization is part of the account combination. + + + Fatture + + Importa Fatture + You should supply the Document Type Name (or ID). The Document Type is on purpose not fully derived as it has too many consequences if it's wrong. The best way is to set the Document Type Name as a Constant in your Import File Format or as an imported field in the file. + + + Pagamento + + Importazione Pagamenti + + + + Ordine + + Importazione Ordini + You should supply the Document Type Name (or ID). The Document Type is on purpose not fully derived as it has too many consequences if it's wrong. The best way is to set the Document Type Name as a Constant in your Import File Format or as an imported field in the file. + + + Spese di Trasporto + + Tasso per le spese di trasporto + Freight Rates for Shipper + + + Categoria spese di trasporto + + Categoria delle spese di trasporto + Freight Categories are used to calculate the Freight for the Shipper selected + + + Dimensione Business Partner + + Gestione Business Partner Albero Dimensioni Contabili + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Dimensione Prodotto + + Gestione Prodotto Albero Dimensioni Contabili + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Dimensione Attività + + Gestione Attività Albero Dimensioni Contabili + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Dimensione Progetto + + Gestione Progetto Albero Dimensioni Contabili + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Dimensione Organizzazione + + Gestione Organizzazione Albero Dimensioni Contabili + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Dimensione Regione di Vendita + + Gestione Regione di Vendita Albero Dimensioni Contabili + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Target della Replicazione + + Target della Replicazione Dati + Data Replication Target Details. Maintained on the central server. Make sure that the IP range is unique for every remote system - Otherwise you will loose data!! + + + Elaborazione Replicazione + + Elaborazione Replicazione Dati + Historic Info + + + Log delle Elaborazioni + + Log delle Elaborazioni Replicazioni Dati + Detail Info + + + Strategia di Replicazione + + Strategia di Replicazione Dati + The Data Replication Strategy determines which tables and how they are replicated. Note that the migration does not syncronize Application Dictionary items. + + + Tabella di Replicazione + + Informazioni di Tabella della Strategia di Replicazione + Determines how the table is replicated. You have full access to Local tables, Reference tables are on Remote systems and are read-only. The data of Merge tables on Remote systems is copied to the central system. + + + Dimensione Campagna + + Gestione Campagna di Marketing di Albero Dimensioni Contabili + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Traduzione Tab + + + + + + Traduzione Elenco di Riferimento + + + + + + Traduzione Campo + + + + + + Traduzione Gruppo di Campo + + Please note, that most of the fields translations are derived from Element! + Run Synchronize Terminology to update menu translation. You need only to translate Fields, which are not centrally maintained. + + + Traduzione Form + + + + + + Traduzione Compito + + + + + + Traduzione Workflow + + + + + + Traduzione Workflow Node + + + + + + Traduzione Menu + + Please note, that most of the menu translations are derived from Window/Form/.. translation! + Run Synchronize Terminology to update menu translation. + + + Abbonamento + + + + + + Progetto (Ordine di Lavoro) + + Administrazione Progetti Ordine di Vendita e Ordine di Lavoro + The Project Tab is used to define the Value, Name and Description for each project. It also is defines the tracks the amounts assigned to, committed to and used for this project. + + + Contabilità + + Definizione contabilità del progetto + The Accounting Tab is used to define the Asset Account to use when a project is completed and the associated asset realized. + + + Categoria + + Maintain Knoweledge Categories and Values + Set up knowledge categories and values as a search aid. Examples are Release Version, Product Area, etc. Knowledge Category values act like keyworks. + + + Valore della Categoria + + The value of the category is a keyword + The value of the category is a keyword + + + Tipo + + Tipo di Conoscenza + Area of knowlege - A Type has multiple Topics + + + Soggetto + + Soggetto di Conscenza + Topic or Discussion Thead + + + Immessione + + Knowledge Entry + The searchable Knowledge Entry + + + Categoria + + Categoria di Conoscenza + Assiged Category - Value for the Knowlede Entry + + + Associati + + Immessioni di Conoscenza + Related Knowlege Entry for this Knowledge Entry + + + Commento + + Commento di Immessione Conoscenza + Comment regarding a knowledge entry + + + Fonte di Conoscenza + + Fonte immessioni di conoscenza + The Source of a Knowlegde Entry is a pointer to the originating system. The Knowledge Entry has an additional entry (Description URL) for more detailed info. + + + Sinonimo di Conoscenza + + Parola Chiave Sinonimo di Conoscenza + Search Synonyms for Knowledge Keywords; Example: Product = Item + + + Traduzione + + + + + + Selezione Business Partner + + Selezione Business Partner + + + + Ordini Business Partner + + Ordini Business Partner + + + + Spedizioni Business Partner + + Spedizioni Business Partner + + + + Fatture Business Partner + + Fatture Business Partner + + + + Pagamenti Business Partner + + Pagamenti Business Partner + + + + Beni Gestiti Business Partner + + Beni Gestiti Business Partner + + + + Richieste Business Partner + + Richieste Business Partner + + + + Traduzione + + + + + + Addebitamenti + + Addebitamenti al Progetto + The lab lists the Issues to the project initiated by the "Issue to Project" process. You can issue Receipts, Time and Expenses, or Stock. + + + Stampante + + Definisce la stampante delle etichette + + + + Funzione + + Funzione della stampante + + + + Registrazione + + Registrazione System + Informazioni Registrazione di Sistema + + + Business Partner + + Business Partner specific Information of a Product + Note that some information is for reference only! + + + Agente + + Selezione del rappresentante vendite + + + + Ordini + + Tutti gli Ordini dove l'agente gestisce l'Ordine stesso, il Business Partner o il Prodotto + + + + Linee dell'Ordine + + Tutte le linee dell'Ordine dove l'agente gestisce l'Ordine stesso, il Business Partner o il Prodotto + + + + Fatture + + Tutte le fatture dove l'agente gestisce le fatture, il Business Partner o il prodotto + + + + Linee della Fattura + + Tutte le linee della fattura dove l'agente gestisce la Fattura, il Business Partner o il Prodotto + + + + Contabilità + + Contabilità Valuta + The Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters used for transactions including a currency. Please nore that if not defined, the default accounts of the Accounting Schema are used! + + + Tasso di Conversione + + Gestisce i tipi di tasso di conversione della valuta + The Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define different type of rates, e.g. Spot, Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates. + + + Caricatore EstrattoConto + + Definizione del Caricatore dell'Estratto Conto Bancarie (SWIFT, OFX) + The loader definition privides the parameters to load bank statements from EFT formats like SWIFT (MT940) or OFX. The required parameters depend on the actual statement loader class + + + Import Currency Rate + + Import Currency Conversion Rate + + + + Utente Sostitutivo + + Utente Sostitutivo + Un utente che può agire in vece dell'Utente. + + + Processo + + Istanza di processo del Workflow + Istanza in esecuzione del Workflow + + + Attività + + Attività del Workflow + The Workflow Activity is the actual Workflow Node in a Workflow Process instance + + + Attività + + Le attività del Workflow + The Workflow Activity is the actual Workflow Node in a Workflow Process instance + + + Parametro + + Parametro del Nodo del Worflow + Parameter for the execution of the Workflow Node + + + Responsabile + + Responsabile + The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. + + + Blocco + + Blocco di esecuzione di transazioni del Workflow + A workflow execution block is optional and allows all work to be performed in a single transaction. If one step (node activity) fails, the entire work is rolled back. + + + Dati + + Contesto del processo del Workflow + Informazioni di contesto del workflow + + + Risultato + + Risultato dell'attività del processo + Activity Result of the execution of the Workflow Process Instrance + + + Evento + + Informazione di controllo per l'evento dell'attività del processo + History of chenges ov the Workflow Process Activity + + + Attributo + + Registrazione atrtibuto Bene Gestito + Definisce i singoli valori per il Bene Gestito + + + Registrazione + + Registrazione Utente Bene Gestito + User Registration of an Asset + + + Valore + + Valori di registrazione + Indivifual values of Registration Attribute + + + Quadratura Estratto Conto + + Algorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments + An algorithm to find Business Partners, Invoices, Payments in imported Bank Statements. The class need to implement the interface org.compiere.impexp.BankStatementMatcherInterface + + + Pagamento + + Dettagli pagamento + + + + Tipo Organizzazione + + Consente di categorizzare le Organizzazioni + Consente di categorizzare le Organizzazioni per il Reporting + + + Schedule Process + + Schedule processes + Schedule processes to be executed asynchronously + + + Parameter + + Scheduler Parameter + Provide parameter for scheduled process + + + Log + + Scheduler Log + Result of the execution of the Scheduler + + + Elaboratore Workflow + + Elaboratore Workflow Server + Elaboratore Workflow Processor + + + Log + + Workflow Processor Log + Result of the execution of the Workflow Processor + + + Soggetto dell'Offerta + + Soggetto dell'Offerta + Description of the item to sell or create/fund. + + + Offerta di Acquisto + + Visualizza le Offerte di Acquisto del Soggetto dell'asta + You can create a bid for a topic. Depening on the type, the highest bidder wins the Topic - or you participate in funding for a Topic. + + + Offerta di Vendita + + Offerta di vendita di un soggetto + You can create an offer for a topic. + + + Fondi dell'Offerta di Acquisto + + Fondi degli Acquirenti per l'offerta di acquisto + Committed or Uncommited funds for Bids + + + Fondi dell'Offerta di Vendita + + Fondi dei venditori per l'offerta di vendita + Committed or Uncommited funds from Offers + + + Tipo Soggetto d'asta + + Tipo di Soggetto d'asta + The Auction Topic Type determines what kind of auction is used for a particular area + + + Tipo di Categoria + + Tipo di Categoria d'asta + For an Auction Topic Type, define the different Categories used. + + + Commenti + + Commento per il soggetto di un'offerta + Everyone can give comments concerning a Bid Topic - e.g. Questions, Suggestions + + + Venditore + + Informazioni del venditore d'asta + Information about a participant in an Auction as a Seller + + + Fondi + + Fondi del venditore disponibili per il Soggetto d'asta + Available Funds (for Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds from Offers + + + Offerta per un soggetto + + Offerta per un soggetto d'asta + You can create an offer for a topic. + + + Acquirente + + Acquirente d'asta + Information about a participant in an Auction as a Buyer + + + Fondi + + Fondi acquirente disponibili per le offerte sullo specifico soggetto d'asta + Available Funds (Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds for Bids + + + Offerta di acquisto + + Offerta di acquisto per un soggetto + You can create a bid for a topic. Depening on the type, the highest bidder wins the Topic - or you participate in funding for a Topic. + + + Accounting Processor + + Maintain Accounting Processor/Server Parameters + Accounting Processor/Server Parameters + + + Log + + Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor + Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor + + + Relazione + + Relazione tra Business Partner + Business Partner Relation allow to maintain Third Party Relationship rules: who receives invoices for shipments or pays for invoices. If the Location of the Business partner is not defined, the rule applies to all location of that Business Partner + + + Richiesta Quotazione + + Richiesta Quotazione + Request for Quotation to be sent out to vendors of a RfQ Topic. After Vendor selection, optionally create Sales Order or Quote for Customer as well as Purchase Order for Vendor(s) + + + Risposta + + Risposta alla Richiesta di Quotazione + Request for Quotation Response from a potential Vendor + + + Linea + + Linea di Richiesta di Quotazione + Request for Quotation Line + + + Linea Risposta + + Linea della Risposta della Richiesta di Quotazione + Request for Quotation Response Line from a potential Vendor + + + Quantità + + Linea Quantità della Richiesta di Quotazione + Request for Quotation Line Quantity - You may request a quotation for different quantities + + + Quantità della Risposta + + Linea della Quantità della Risposta alla Richiesta di Quotazione + Request for Quotation Response Line Quantity from a potential Vendor + + + Soggetto + + Soggetto della Richiesta di Quotazione + A Request for Quotation Topic allows you to maintain a subscriber list of potential Vendors to respond to RfQs + + + Sottoscrittore + + Sottoscrittore della Richiesta di quotazione + Subcriber to invite to respond to RfQs + + + Prenotazione + + Prenotazione di riacquisto + + + + Consegna + + Record Opzionale di Consegna per una prenotazione + Record of deliveries for a subscription + + + Tipo Prenotazione + + Tipo Prenotazione + Subscription type and renewal frequency + + + Lista di Distribuzione + + Le liste di Distribuzione consentono di distribuire prodotti a una lista selezionata di partner + Le liste di Distribuzione consentono di distribuire prodotti a una lista selezionata di partner + + + Linea della Lista + + Linea della Lista di Distribuzione con Business Partner e Quantità in percentuale + La distribuzione può essere basata su percentuali, valori assoluti o entrambi +Se la percentuale e il valore assoluto non sono entrambi 0, la quantità è calcolata sul rapporto avendo il valore assoluto come minimo + + + Packaging + + Consegna Pacchi + A Shipment can have one or more Packages. A Package may be tracked. + + + Linea Packaging + + Dettagli del contenuto del pacco + Collegamento alla linea di spedizione + + + Autorizzazione Restituzione Merci + + Autorizzazione Restituzione Merci + A Return Material Authorization may be required to accept returns and to create Credit Memos + + + Linea Autorizzazione Restituzione + + Linea di Autorizzazione Restituzione Materiale + Informazioni di Dettaglio sulla Restituzione + + + Prodotto Correlato + + Prodotto Correlato + Prodotto Correlato - ad ed. Per promozioni + + + Processor + + Alert Processor + + + + Log + + Alert Processor Log + + + + Procedura di Sollecito + + Procedura di Sollecito + + + + Elemento + + + + + + Linea + + Linea dell'elemento + + + + Assegnazione Organizzazione + + Assegnazione Organizzazione all'utente + Assign Users to Organizations + + + Assegnazione Organizzazione + + Assegnazione di Utenti allìOrganizzazione + Assign Users to Organizations + + + Log + + + + + + Scheduler Recipient + + Recipient of the Scheduler Notification + You can send the notifications to users or roles + + + CAP Imposta + + Codice Avviamento Postale per l'Imposta + Per le tasse locali è possibile definire una lista di CAP + + + + Rischiesta + + Richiesta Materiale + + + + Linea Richiesta + + Linea Richiesta Materiale + + + + Note + + Personal Note + + + + Condizione + + Workflow Node Transition Condition + Optional restriction of transition of one node to the next + + + Distribuzione + + Distribuzione del Mastro + La Distribuzione del Mastro definisce una combinazione di elementi contabili, con un peso relativo. Se la combinazione contabile definita nel tab principale della Distribuzione del Mastro coincide con quella di un evento contabile che si sta contabilizzando, allora la contabilizzazione viene effettuata usando la combinazione definita nelle linee della Distribuzione del Mastro. La distribuzione deve essere valida per poter essere usata. + + + + Linea + + Linea di Distribuzione del Mastro + If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is prorated based on the ratio of the lines. + + + Elaborazione Distribuzione + + Crea Ordini per distribuire prodotti a liste di Business Partner + Crea Ordini per distribuire prodotti a liste di Business PartnerCrea Ordini per distribuire prodotti a liste di Business Partner + + + Linea + + Definisce la lista di Distribuzione, il Prodotto e le Quantità + The order amount is based on the greater of the minimums of the product or distribution list and the quantity based on the ratio. + + + Assegnazione Prodotto + + Assegnazione degli Attributi al Prodotto + Determinaquali Attributi sono assegnati al Prodotto + + + Access Log + + Log of Access to data or resources + Logging needs to be explicitly enabled / written. + + + Contatore Documento + + Gestisce i tipi di contatore del documento + When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: a "Standard Order" creates a "Standard PO". +If you define a relationship here, you overwrite the default counter document type in the Document Type definition. This allows you to define a specific mapping. +You can define conter documents for all organizations (of the original transaction) or for a specific organization. + + + Previsione + + Previsione materiali + Material Forecast + + + Linea + + Linea di previsione + Forecast of Product Qyantity by Period + + + Approvvigionamento + + Gestione della Domanda e dell'approvvigionamento + Gestione della Domanda e dell'approvvigionamento + + + Linea + + Linea Domanda Merci + Domanda di prodotto in un periodo + + + + Dettaglio + + Dettaglio sulla linea di Domanda Merci + Source Link for Material Demand Lines + + + Conferma + + Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento Materiale + Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - Creata da una Spedizione/Ricevimento + + + Linea + + Linea Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + Dettagli Conferma + + + Tipo Autorizzazione Restituzione Merci + + Return Material Authorization Type + Maintain the types of RMA + + + Imputazione + + Verifica e Annulla le Imputazioni dei Pagamenti + The Reverse Allocation Tab defines the Payment Allocation to be reversed. + + + Documenti Non Registrati + + Mostra Documenti Non Ancora Registrati + + + + Process Audit + + Audit Process use + + + + Parameter Audit + + Audit Process Parameter Values + + + + Log + + Process Log + + + + Conferma + + Conferma Movimentazione Inventario + Il Documento è creato automaticamente quando il tipo documento di movimentazione indica In Transito. + + + Linea + + Linea di Conferma Movimentazione Inventario + + + + Linee di Conferma + + Import Receipt/Shipment Confirmation Lines + Import Confirmation data of existing Receipt/Shipment Confirmations + + + Business Partner + + Select Business Partner + Select the business partner for the service level agreement + + + Obiettivo SLA + + Obiettivo del Livello di Gradimento del Srvizio + Obiettivo Individuale per il Criterio SLA del Business Partner + + + Misura SLA + + Misura del Livello di Gradimento del Servizio + Mostra/Gestisce il valore/misura individuale attuale per l' obiettivo del livello di gradimento del servizio del business partner + + + Criterio SLA + + Criterio Service Level Agreement (Livello di Gradimento del Servizio) + Definisce un criterio per misurare il livello di gradimento del servizio (es. Qualità, Rispetto dei Tempi di Consegna, etc.). +Se si definisce una classe di processo, questa deve essere impementata in org.compiere.sla.SLACriteria (vedere esempio) + + + Table Translation + + Table Translation + Note that many Table names will be overwritten / translated automatically + + + Limitazione + + Include solo sottoscrittori per alcuni prodotti o categorie di prodotto + Enter the products / product categories for which the subscriber should be included. If no product / category is entered, the subscriber is requested to answer requests for all lines in a RfQ + + + Schema Listino Prezzi + + Schema Listino Prezzi + Lo Schema del Listino Prezzi definisce le regole di calcolo per il Listino Prezzi. + + + POS + + Punto di Vendita Finale + Il POS Finale definisce i valori predefiniti e le funzioni disponibili per il form del punto di vendita + + + Disposizione Chiave POS + + Disposizione Funzione Chiave POS Point of Sale (Punto di Vendita) + Disposizione Funzione Chiave POS Point of Sale (Punto di Vendita) + + + Chiave POS + + Funzione Chiave POS + Assegnazione Funzione Chiave POS + + + Obiettivo SLA + + Obiettivo del Livello di Gradimento del Servizio + Obiettivo Individuale per il Criterio SLA per un Business Partner + + + Misura SLA + + Misura del Livello di Gradimento del Servizio + Mostra/Gestisce il valore/misura individuale attuale per l' obiettivo del livello di gradimento del servizio del business partner + + + Traduzione Colonna + + Traduzione Colonna + Do not translate - overwritten / translated automatically + + + Uso Interno + + Definisce l'uso interno dell'inventario + + + + Linea Uso interno + + Linea dell'inventario per uso interno + The Inventory Count Line defines the counts of the individual products in inventory. + + + Imputazione + + Imputazione delle fatture sui pagamenti + + + + Imputazione + + Imputazione dei Pagamenti + + + + Imputazione + + Imputazione dei Pagamenti/Incassi delle fatture + + + + Conferme + + Conferme opzionali delle linee degli incassi + The quantities are in the storage Unit of Measure! + + + Ordini di Acquisto Associati + + Ordini di Acquisto Associati all'incasso + + + + Fatture Associate + + Fatture associate all'incasso + + + + Incassi Associati + + Incassi Associati alla Fattura + + + + Ordini di Acquisto Associati + + Ordini di Acquisto associati alla fattura + + + + Associazione + + Associazione Incassi o Fatture all'Ordine si Acquisto + + + + Conferme + + Conferma Opzionale delle linee di spedizione + The quantities are in the storage Unit of Measure! + + + Fatture Batch + + Intestazione Fatture Batch + Set Currency and decide if this for AR (sales) Invoices or AP (vendor) invoices. Optionally enter a Control amount. + + + Linea Batch + + Inserimento Linea Fattura di spesa batch + A new invoice is created, if there is a different Document Number, Business Partner or Location (address). +Note that the Document Number may be overwritten - depending on the Number control of the selected Document Type. + + + Accesso Organizzazione + + Accesso Organizzazione + Add the client and organizations the user has access to. Entries here are ignored, if in the Role, User Org Access is not selected or the role has access to all roles.<br> +Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. + + + Costi Franco Fabbrica + + Allocazione Costo Franco Fabbrica + Landed costs allow you to allocate costs to previously received material receipts. Examples are freight, excise tax, insurance, etc.<br> +Select either a Receipt, Receipt Line or a specific Product to allocate the costs to. + + + Imputazione Costo Franco Fabbrica + + Imputazione Costo Franco Fabbrica + Calculated when preparing the Invoice + + + Elemento di Costo + + Gestisce l'Elemento di Costo + You can maintain multiple Material Costs. Which of the Material Cost Types is used for accounting is determined by the costing method.<br> +Define a Costing Method (for Material Elements) only if you want the cost calculated for that costing method. For accounting, the costing method defined in the Accounting Schema or Product Category Acct is used. + + + Seleziona Prodotto + + Seleziona Prodotto + + + + Costi Prodotto + + Gestisce i costi del prodotto + + + + Stato Richiesta + + Stato Richiesta + Status if the request (open, closed, investigating, ..) + + + Risposta Standard + + Risposta Standard alla Richiesta + Text blocks to be copied into request response text + + + Risoluzione Richiesta + + Risoluzione Richiesta + Resolution status (e.g. Fixed, Rejected, ..) + + + Gruppo Richiesta + + Gruppo Richiesta + Group of requests (e.g. version numbers, responsibility, ...). +If a BOM is referenced and enabled in Request Type, a BOM Change Request is automatically created. + + + Categoria Richiesta + + Categoria della Richiesta + Category or Topic of the Request + + + Download + + Maintain Product Downloads + Define downloads for a product. If the product is an asset, the user can download the data. + + + Mail Utente + + Mail inviata all'utente + + + + Mail Utente + + Mail Inviata all'Utente + Archive of mails sent to users + + + Web Store + + Define Web Store + Define the web store settings. The web server context must be unique and determines the settings used in the actual transaction. The selected warehouse determines the organization. The email settings are tested with the client email settings. + + + Traduzione Store + + + + + + Web Store Message + + Definine Web Store Messages + + + + Traduzione Messaggio + + + + + + Aggiornamento Notifica + + List Recipients for to receive Request Updates + + + + Aggiornamento Notifica + + List Recipients for to receive Request Updates + + + + Aggiornamenti Richiesta + + Aggiornamenti Richiesta + + + + Aggiornamento Notifica + + Aggiornamento Notifica dei destinatari + + + + Aggiornamento Notifica + + List Recipients for to receive Request Updates + + + + Aggiornamento destinatari + + Display Recipients of Request Updates + List of Recipients of Request Updates (with reason).<br> +Direct: Sales Rep, User and direct subscribers +Indirect: Users with Role, Subscribers of updates for Request Category, Type, Group) + + + Posizione + + Gestisce la posizione + + + + Assegnazione + + Assegnazione Impiegato + + + + Remunerazione + + Remunerazione Posizione + + + + Categoria Posizione + + Gestisce la categoria di posizione lavorativa + + + + Remunerazione + + Livelli di Remunerazione + + + + Remunerazione + + Gestisce la remunerazione della posizione lavorativa + + + + Remunerazione Impiegati + + Sovrascrive la remunerazione dell'impiegato + + + + Prodotto + + Informazioni Prodotto + + + + Gruppi Altermativi + + Gruppi Altermativi della Distinta Base + Alternative groups allow you to group Bill of Material components, which are exclusive (i.e. only one is valid). Examples different engine sizes. + + + Operazione + + Operazione di Produzione + The Operations to create the product. Note that the actual used operation and sequence is determined by the BOM Product. + + + Distinta Base + + Distinta Base + + + + Risorsa di Produzione + + Risorsa di Produzione + Resources for the Operation. You can have multiple resources (e.g. tool, labor) per operation. + + + Notifica Modifica + + Notifica Modifica Distinta Base + + + + Distinta Base + + Distinta Base della Notifica di Cambiamento + + + + Richiesta Modifica Distinta Base + + Richiesta Modifica Distinta Base + Change requests for a Bill of Materials. They can be automatically created from Requests, if enabled in the Request Type and the Request Group referres to a Bill of Materials + + + Modifica Richiesta Fissa + + Modifica Richiesta Fissa + + + + Sorgente Richiesta + + Richiesta utente con riferimento alla richiesta di modifica + + + + Componente Distinta Base + + Componente Distinta Base + The Bill of Material Compoment determines what products, services and outside processing is included in producing the Product. It references the operation and determines it's sequence. + + + Aggiornamenti + + Aggiornamenti richieste + Updated of the Request + + + Aggiornamenti + + Aggiornamenti Richieste + Updates of the Request + + + Notifica Modifica + + Notifica Modifica + + + + Richiesta Modifica + + Richiesta Modifica Distinta Base + + + + Sorgente Richiesta + + Richiesta utente con riferimento alla richiesta di modifica + + + + Modifica Richiesta Fissa + + Modifica Richiesta Fissa + + + + Riapprovigionamento + + Riapprovigionamento Prodotti + The Replenishment Tab defines the type of replenishment quantities. This is used for automated ordering. If you select a custom replenishment type, you need to create a class implementing org.compiere.util.ReplenishInterface and set that on warehouse level. + + + Dettaglio Costi + + Dettaglio Costi del Prodotto + + + + Attributi + + Imputazione Attributo Materiale del prodotto + + + + Attributi + + Imputazione Attributo Materiale del prodotto + + + + Attributi + + Imputazione Attributo Materiale del prodotto + + + + Esclude + + Esclude la possibilità di inserire serie di Attributi + Create a record, if you want to exclude the ability to enter Product Attribute Set information. +Note that the information is cached. To have effect you may have to re-login or reset cache. + + + Esclude + + Esclude la possibilità di inserire serie di Attributi + Create a record, if you want to exclude the ability to create Lots in Product Attribute Set information. +Note that the information is cached. To have effect you may have to re-login or reset cache. + + + Esclude + + Esclude la possibilità di inserire serie di Attributi + Create a record, if you want to exclude the ability to create Serial Numbers in Product Attribute Set information. +Note that the information is cached. To have effect you may have to re-login or reset cache. + + + Imputa + + Imputa Pagamenti alle Fatture + You can directly allocate payments to invoices with the same currency when creating the Payment. +Note that you can over- or under-allocate the payment. +When processing the payment, the allocation is created. + + + Accesso BP + + Accesso dell'Utente/contatto alle informazioni del BP + If on User level, "Full BP Access" is NOT selected, you need to give access explicitly here. + + + Interrogazioni + + Controlla e Gestisce Interrogazioni + + + + Istanza + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + + Spedizioni, Incassi + + Spedizioni Materiale e Incassi + + + + Movimentazione + + Linea Movimentazione Materiali + + + + Fattura + + Linee Fatture + + + + Coda dei Costi + + Coda dei Costi Lifo/Fifo + La coda dei costi potrebbe non essere uguale a quella dei movimenti fisici a causa della differenza tra i livelli dei costi e le priorità dei magazzini + + + + Dichiarazione + + Dichiarazione delle Tasse + The tax declaration allows you to create supporting information and reconcile the documents with the accounting + + + Linea + + Linea Dichiarazione Tasse + The lines are created by the create process. You can delete them if you do not want to include them in a particular declaration. + + + Contabilità Riconciliazione Tasse + + Contabilità Riconciliazione Tasse + Displays all accounting related information for reconcilation with documents. It includes all revenue/expense and tax entries as a base for detail reporting + + + Gerarchia dei Report + + Gerarchia dei Report + Reporting Hierarchy allows you to select different Hierarchies/Trees for the report. +Accounting Segments like Organization, Account, Product may have several hierarchies to accomodate different views on the business + + + Ordini di Acquisto + + Ordini di Acquisto Correlati + + + + Linee Richiesta + + Linee della Richiesta di Acquisto + + + + Controllo Budget + + Gestisce il Controllo del Budget + Budget Control allows you to restrict the use of expenditures, commitments (Purchase Orders) and reservations (Requisitions). If defined, you mey not be able to approve Requisitions, Purchse Orders, or AP Invoices. + + + Fondi + + Gestisce i Fondi + General Ledger Funds Control allows you to restrict the use of funds. This is independent from budget control. + + + Limitazioni + + Limitazioni dei Fondi + If defined, you can use the fund only for the accounts selected. You can select summary values. + + + Usato nella Colonna + + Usato nella Colonna + + + + Usato nella Colonna + + Usato nella Colonna + + + + Sotto Conto + + Sotto Conto del Piano dei Conti + The Element Value (e.g. Account) may have optional sub accounts for further detail. The sub account is dependent on the value of the account, so a further specification. If the sub-accounts are more or less the same, consider using another accounting dimension. + + + Traduzione + + Traduzione + + + + Condivisione Click + + Force (not) sharing of client/org entities + Business Partner can be either defined on Client level (shared) or on Org level (not shared). You can define here of Products are always shared (i.e. always created under Organization "*") or if they are not shared (i.e. you cannot enter them with Organization "*").<br> +The creation of "Client and Org" shared records is the default and is ignored. + + + Problema del Sistema + + Automatically created or manually entered System Issue Reporting + System Issues are created to speed up the resolution of any system related issues (potential bugs). If enabled, they are automatically reported to Compiere. No data or confidential information is transferred. + + + B Partner Assegnati + + Business Partners in Group + + + + Schema dei Colori + + Schema dei Colori delle Performance + Visual representation of performance by color. The Schema has often three levels (e.g. red-yellow-green). Compiere support two levels (e.g. red-green) or four levels (e.g. gray-bronce-silver-gold). Note that Measures without a goal are represented white. The percentages could be beween 0 and unlimited (i.e. above 100%). + + + Vincoli + + Vincoli sugli Obiettivi delle Performance + Restriction of the performance measure to the Organization, Business Partner or Product defined. +Example: The performance is only measured for HQ +The measure must support the data, otherwise it is ignored. + + + Benchmark + + Performance Benchmark + Data Series to compare internal performance with (e.g. stock price, ...) + + + Dati + + Performance Benchmark Data Point + Data Series Point to compare internal performance with (e.g. stock price, ...) + + + Rapporto + + Rapporto Performance + Calculation instruction set for a performance ratio + + + Elemento + + Performance Ratio Element + Individual calculation instruction for a ratio + + + Raccomandazione del Problema + + Maintain Issue Recommendation + Recommendations how to fix an Issue + + + Stato del Problema + + Maintain Status of an Issue + Status of an Issue + + + Problema Conosciuto + + Maintain Known Issue + + + + Utente del Problema + + User who reported Issues + + + + Problema del Progetto + + Projects of automatic Issue Reporting + + + + Problema del Progetto + + Automatic Issue Reporting + + + + Sistema Gestione Problemi + + Maintain Issue Systems + + + + Categoria dello Stato + + Categoria dello Stato delle Richieste + Category of Request Status enables to maintain different set of Status for different Request Categories + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/AD_Table_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/AD_Table_Trl_it_IT.xml index 583f8b37b0..f8ec9eea3f 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/AD_Table_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/AD_Table_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,1778 +1,1778 @@ - - - - - - Tabella - - - Colonna - - - Riferimento - - - AD_Ref_Table - - - Elenco dei Riferimenti - - - Finestra - - - Tab - - - Campo - - - Convalida - - - Messaggio - - - ID della Lingua - - - Azienda - - - Termini del Pagamento - - - Utente/Contatto - - - Sequenza - - - Menu - - - Workflow - - - Compito - - - Messaggio ** - - - Menu ** - - - AD_Sequence_Audit - - - AD_Sequence_No - - - Tab ** - - - Compito ** - - - Istanza del Compito - - - Riferimento ** - - - Campo ** - - - Nodo - - - Nodo ** - - - Transizione Nodo - - - Finestra ** - - - Workflow ** - - - ID test - - - Elenco dei Riferimenti ** - - - Esercizio - - - Tasso di Conversione - - - Valuta - - - Elemento - - - Periodo - - - UdM - - - Organizzazione - - - Ruolo - - - AD_User_Roles - - - Ubicazione / Indirizzo - - - Giorno non Lavorativo - - - Regione - - - Nazione - - - Conversione UdM - - - Combinazione - - - Anno - - - C_BP_Customer_Acct - - - C_BP_Employee_Acct - - - C_BP_Vendor_Acct - - - Città - - - Elemento del Conto - - - Magazzino/Punto di Servizio - - - M_Warehouse_Acct - - - Preferenza - - - AD_Process_Access - - - AD_Task_Access - - - AD_Window_Access - - - AD_Workflow_Access - - - Progetto - - - C_Project_Acct - - - Area Stoccaggio - - - Prodotto - - - Categoria del prodotto - - - M_Product_PO - - - M_Substitute - - - Tipo Documento - - - Categoria Contabile - - - Prima Nota - - - Gruppo Prime Note - - - Riga della Prima Nota - - - AD_ClientInfo - - - AD_OrgInfo - - - Controllo del Periodo - - - Area di Vendita - - - M_Replenish - - - M_Storage - - - M_ProductPrice - - - Categoria di Imposta - - - Trasportatore - - - Allegato - - - Listino prezzi - - - Schedulazione fattura - - - Ordine di vendita - - - Riga dell'ordine di vendita - - - Imposta - - - Schema Contabile - - - C_AcctSchema_GL - - - Evento Contabile - - - Budget - - - M_Product_Acct - - - Campagna - - - Canale - - - Elemento del Sistema - - - Elemento del Sistema ** - - - Elemento dello Schema Contabile - - - Istanza dell'Elaborazione - - - AD_PInstance_Para - - - Elaborazione - - - Parametro dell'Elaborazione - - - Parametro dell'Elaborazione ** - - - Elaborazione ** - - - Albero - - - AD_TreeNode - - - Business Partner - - - Indirizzo Business Partner - - - Versione del Listino Prezzi - - - Banca - - - Conto Bancario - - - Conto banca Partner - - - C_BP_Withholding - - - Tipo Documento ** - - - Sollecito - - - Elemento del Conto ** - - - Termini del Pagamento ** - - - Trattenuta - - - Prodotto ** - - - Addebito - - - C_OrderTax - - - C_AcctSchema_Default - - - Attività - - - Fattura - - - Spedizione/ricevimento - - - Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce - - - Inventario Fisico - - - Riga dell'inventario fisico - - - Movimento - - - Riga del movimento - - - Produzione - - - Riga di produzione - - - M_Product_Costing - - - Transazione di inventario - - - Livello di Sollecito - - - Livello di Sollecito ** - - - Riga della fattura - - - C_InvoiceTax - - - Pagamento - - - Riconoscimento del Ricavo - - - Livello della prestazione - - - Riga del livello della prestazione - - - UdM ** - - - Inventario perpetuo - - - Titolo - - - Titolo ** - - - Categoria di Imposta ** - - - RV_Order_Open - - - Vista del report - - - RV_M_Transaction_Sum - - - T_Replenish - - - T_Spool - - - Definizione EDI - - - Transazione EDI - - - Log EDI - - - RV_C_Invoice_Day - - - RV_C_Invoice_Month - - - RV_C_Invoice_ProdMonth - - - RV_C_Invoice_ProdWeek - - - RV_C_Invoice_VendorMonth - - - RV_C_Invoice_Week - - - Modulo speciale - - - Modulo speciale ** - - - AD_Form_Access - - - Errore - - - Formato di Importazione - - - Campo del formato - - - Linea Distinta Base - - - Stoccaggio pneumatici - - - Piano di produzione - - - RV_C_Invoice_CustomerProdQtr - - - RV_C_Invoice_CustomerVendQtr - - - Avviso - - - Linea di imputazione - - - C_BankAccount_Acct - - - Estratto conto banca - - - Riga di estratto conto banca - - - Gruppo di business partner - - - C_BP_Group_Acct - - - C_Charge_Acct - - - C_InterOrg_Acct - - - Elaboratore del pagamento - - - C_Tax_Acct - - - C_Withholding_Acct - - - M_Product_Category_Acct - - - W_Basket_ID - - - Contatore Web - - - Trova - - - Attributo - - - AD_Attribute_Value - - - Prima nota cassa - - - Libro di Cassa - - - C_CashBook_Acct - - - Riga prima nota cassa - - - Gruppo pagamenti - - - RV_OpenItem - - - Gruppo del campo - - - Gruppo del campo ** - - - Template della Mail - - - Richiesta - - - Azione della richiesta - - - Elaboratore della richiesta - - - AD_Role_OrgAccess - - - RV_C_Invoice - - - RV_C_InvoiceLine - - - RV_M_Transaction - - - Fatture in fase di pagamento - - - Riga della selezione del pagamento - - - Colonna della vista del report - - - Commissione - - - Importo commessione - - - Linea di commissione - - - Ciclo del progetto - - - C_CyclePhase - - - Riga del progetto - - - Elabora della commissione - - - Dettaglio della commessione - - - Risultato - - - Obiettivo - - - Misura - - - Calcolo della misura - - - Piano di riconoscimento del ricavo - - - Elaborazione riconoscimento del ricavo - - - Report finanziario - - - Colonna del report - - - Set di colonne del report - - - Riga del report - - - Set di righe del report - - - Fonte del report - - - AD_TreeNodeBP - - - AD_TreeNodeMM - - - AD_TreeNodePR - - - Forma di stampa - - - Documento del conto banca - - - AD_TreeBar - - - Colore - - - Desktop - - - Desktop Workbench - - - Desktop ** - - - Immagine - - - Campo definito dall'utente - - - Tab definita dall'utente - - - Finestra definita dall'utente - - - Area di lavoro - - - Videata dell'area di lavoro - - - Area di lavoro ** - - - RV_Cash_Detail - - - Abbinamento della fattura - - - Abbinamento dell'ordine - - - Routing della richiesta - - - Schema dello Sconto - - - Break Point Schema dello Sconto - - - Listino Prezzi Scontato - - - T_InventoryValue - - - RV_Product_Costing - - - Tipo Risorsa - - - Tipo di spesa - - - Indisponibilità della risorsa - - - Assegnazione della Risorsa - - - Report Ore e Spese - - - Risorsa - - - Riga della spesa - - - Elemento del formato di stampa - - - Colore della stampa - - - Carattere della stampa - - - Carta di stampa - - - Formato di stampa - - - C_Invoice_LineTax_v - - - C_Order_Header_V - - - C_Order_LineTax_v - - - C_PaySelection_Check_V - - - C_PaySelection_Remittance_V - - - M_InOut_Header_V - - - M_InOut_Line_V - - - C_Invoice_Header_V - - - RV_BPartner - - - Grafico - - - Elemento del formato di stampa ** - - - Formato tabella di stampa - - - Riga elaborazione del sollecito - - - Controllo selezione pagamenti - - - Elaborazione del sollecito - - - Inserimento elaborazione del sollecito - - - R_ContactInterest - - - Tipo di Richiesta - - - Area interessi - - - Sistema - - - Importazione Prodotti - - - Importazione Business Partner - - - Importazione Conto - - - Importazione Insieme delle righe del report - - - Classe del corso - - - Corso - - - Bene Gestito - - - Smobilizzo del Bene - - - Consegna del Bene - - - Gruppo Bene Gestito - - - T_Report - - - T_ReportStatement - - - Imposta ** - - - Fact_Acct_Balance - - - Programma Pagamento - - - Linea Carrello - - - Web Click - - - Programmazione Pagamento Fattura - - - Counter Count - - - Conteggio Click - - - C_Payment_V - - - Controllo per Numero di Serie - - - Controllo per Lotto - - - Lotto - - - Valore Attributo - - - Serie di Attributi di Istanza - - - Serie di Attributi - - - M_AttributeInstance - - - Attributo - - - M_AttributeUse - - - Ricerca per Attributo - - - AD_Table_Access - - - Sessione - - - AD_Record_Access - - - Linea Etichetta di Stampa ** - - - Linea Etichetta di Stampa - - - Etichetta di Stampa - - - AD_Column_Access - - - Importazione Inventario - - - Elaborazione Ricorso - - - Documento Ricorrente - - - Tipo Progetto - - - Fase del Progetto - - - Fase Standard - - - AD_PInstance_Log - - - Annuncio - - - Log di modifica - - - Tipo di Tempo - - - Compito Standard - - - Compito del Progetto - - - Assegnazione della Organizzazione - - - Tipo di Costo - - - Fase del ciclo - - - Importazione Ordini - - - Destinatario dell'Allarme - - - Regole dell'Allarme - - - Allarme - - - Categoria Spese di Trasporto - - - Spese di Trasporto - - - Importazione Pagamenti - - - Importazione Fatture - - - Importazione Giornale - - - Importazione Estratto Conto Bancario - - - Tabella di Replicazione - - - Strategia di Replicazione - - - Elaborazione della Replicazione - - - Log della Replicazione - - - Replicazione - - - Tipo di Conoscenza - - - Argomento di Conoscenza - - - Sinonimo di Conoscenza - - - Fonte della Conoscenza - - - Immessione Associata - - - K_EntryCategory - - - Immessione - - - Commento dell'Immessione - - - Valore della Categoria - - - Categoria di Conoscenza - - - Nazione ** - - - Valuta ** - - - C_Project_Header_V - - - C_Project_Details_V - - - RV_ProjectCycle - - - RV_Asset_Delivery - - - RV_Asset_Customer - - - Registrare al Progetto - - - Funzione Etichetta di Stampa - - - Registrazione - - - Label printer - - - AD_Private_Access - - - RV_ProjectLineIssue - - - RV_Transaction - - - RV_Storage - - - T_Aging - - - C_BPartner_Product - - - RV_Click_Unprocessed - - - RV_Click_Month - - - RV_UnPosted - - - M_TransactionAllocation - - - Tipo Valuta - - - C_Currency_Acct - - - RV_WarehousePrice - - - Caricatore estratto conto - - - Tasso di conversione valuta importata - - - Utente Sostitutivo - - - Parametro del Nodo di Workflow - - - Attività del Workflow - - - Processo di Workflow - - - Responsabile di Workflow - - - Blocco del Workflow - - - Dati Elaborati Workflow - - - Verifica Evento di Workflow - - - Risultato Attività di Workflow - - - Registrazione - - - Attributo di Registrazione - - - A_RegistrationValue - - - RV_C_InvoiceTax - - - RV_Fact_Acct_Period - - - RV_Fact_Acct_Day - - - RV_Fact_Acct - - - Riconciliatore estratto conto - - - Log Elaboratore Richieste - - - Linea ARM - - - ARM - - - M_RelatedProduct - - - Linea Packaging - - - Packaging - - - Linea della Lista di Distribuzione - - - Lista Distribuzione - - - Consegne per Abbonamento - - - Tipo Sottoscrizione - - - Sottoscrizione - - - Sottoscrittore Richiesta Quot. - - - Argomento della Richiesta Quot. - - - Qtà Risposta Linea Richiesta Quot. - - - Linea Risposta Richiesta Quot. - - - Risposta Richiesta Quotazione - - - Quantità Linea Richiesta Quot. - - - Linea Richiesta Quotazione - - - Richiesta Quotazione - - - Relazione col Partner - - - Argomento - - - Fondi Venditore - - - B_Seller - - - Offerta di vendita - - - Fondi degli acquirenti - - - B_Buyer - - - Commento all'offerta - - - Offerta - - - Scheduler Log - - - Scheduler - - - Tipo Organizzazione - - - Tipo Argomento - - - Categoria Argomento - - - Log Elaboratore Contabilità - - - Elaboratore Contabilità - - - Log del Processore di Workflow - - - Processore di Workflow - - - AD_Scheduler_Para - - - Log del Alert Processor - - - Elaboratore Allarmi - - - Tax ZIP - - - Richiesta - - - Linea Richiesta - - - Destinatatio del Pianificatore - - - Attachment Note - - - Condizione di Spostamento - - - Linea distribuzione del Mastro - - - Distribuzione Libro Mastro - - - RV_C_RfQ_UnAnswered - - - RV_C_RfQResponse - - - RV_M_Requisition - - - Distribution Run - - - Distribution Run Line - - - T_DistributionRunDetail - - - A_RegistrationProduct - - - RV_Asset_SumMonth - - - Access Log - - - Counter Document - - - Linea Richiesta - - - Previsione - - - Dettagli Richiesta - - - Linea Previsione - - - Richiesta - - - C_RfQResponseLine_V - - - C_RfQResponse_V - - - C_RfQResponseLineQty_V - - - Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - - - Linea Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - - - Tipo Autorizz. Restituz. Mat. - - - RV_InOutConfirm - - - RV_InOutLineConfirm - - - M_InOut_LineConfirm_V - - - M_InOutConfirm_V - - - Allocazione - - - RV_Allocation - - - Linea Conferma Movimento - - - Conferma Movimento - - - RV_PrintFormatDetail - - - Importazione Line di Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - - - C_Dunning_Header_v - - - C_Dunning_Line_v - - - Misura SLA - - - Criterio SLA - - - Obiettivo SLA - - - Tabella ** - - - Restrizione Argomenti Richiesta Quotazioni - - - Terminale POS - - - Disposizione Chiave POS - - - Chiave POS - - - RV_InOutDetails - - - Colonna ** - - - Trial Balance - - - Archivio - - - RV_Payment - - - RV_BPartnerOpen - - - RV_CommissionRunDetail - - - T_Transaction - - - Costo Franco Fabbrica - - - Allocazione Costo Franco Fabbrica - - - C_ProjectIssueMA - - - M_InOutLineMA - - - M_InventoryLineMA - - - M_MovementLineMA - - - Production Line MA - - - M_Transaction_v - - - Fattura Batch - - - Linea Fattura Batch - - - AD_User_OrgAccess - - - Elemento di Costo - - - Product Cost - - - Categoria - - - Gruppo - - - Risoluzione Richiesta - - - Risposta Standard - - - Stato - - - Downloads Prodotti - - - E-commerce - - - E-commerce ** - - - Messaggio - - - Messaggio ** - - - Mail utente - - - Request Update Recipiants - - - Request Type Updates - - - R_CategoryUpdates - - - R_GroupUpdates - - - RV_RequestUpdates - - - RV_RequestUpdates_Only - - - Posizione Lavorativa - - - Categoria Posizione Lavorativa - - - Assegnazione Posizione Lavorativa - - - Remunerazione - - - Remunerazione - - - Remunerazione Impiegati - - - Gruppo alternativo - - - Operazione Prodotti - - - Risorsa per Operazione - - - Distinta Base - - - Notifica Cambiamento - - - Richiesta Modifica - - - Componente DIstinta Base - - - Aggiornamento Richiesta - - - T_InvoiceGL - - - T_InvoiceGL_v - - - Product Costs - - - Product Cost Summary - - - Product Cost Detail - - - Dettagli Costo - - - Esclude set di Attributi - - - Esclude Lotto - - - Esclude Numero di Serie - - - Imputa pagamento - - - Accesso Utente Bpartner - - - Interrogazione Utente - - - M_InOutLineMA_v - - - M_MovementLineMA_v - - - Coda per il costo - - - Dichiarazione IVA - - - Linea Dichiarazione Tasse - - - Contabilità dichiarazione Tasse - - - Gerarchia dei Report - - - Controllo Budget - - - Controllo Fondi - - - Limitazione Fondi - - - Sotto Conto - - - Template della Mail ** - - - Condivisione Client (Azienda) - - - Problema del Sistema - - - Invoice ProductQtr - - - Invoice ProductMonth - - - Schema Colori - - - Restrizione Obiettivi - - - Benchmark - - - Dati di Benchmark - - - Rapporto - - - Fattore del Rapporto - - - Raccomandazione su Problema - - - Stato Problema - - - Problema Noto - - - Utente del Problema - - - Problema del Progetto - - - Sistema che crea Problema - - - Stato Categoria - - + + + + + + Tabella + + + Colonna + + + Riferimento + + + AD_Ref_Table + + + Elenco dei Riferimenti + + + Finestra + + + Tab + + + Campo + + + Convalida + + + Messaggio + + + ID della Lingua + + + Azienda + + + Termini del Pagamento + + + Utente/Contatto + + + Sequenza + + + Menu + + + Workflow + + + Compito + + + Messaggio ** + + + Menu ** + + + AD_Sequence_Audit + + + AD_Sequence_No + + + Tab ** + + + Compito ** + + + Istanza del Compito + + + Riferimento ** + + + Campo ** + + + Nodo + + + Nodo ** + + + Transizione Nodo + + + Finestra ** + + + Workflow ** + + + ID test + + + Elenco dei Riferimenti ** + + + Esercizio + + + Tasso di Conversione + + + Valuta + + + Elemento + + + Periodo + + + UdM + + + Organizzazione + + + Ruolo + + + AD_User_Roles + + + Ubicazione / Indirizzo + + + Giorno non Lavorativo + + + Regione + + + Nazione + + + Conversione UdM + + + Combinazione + + + Anno + + + C_BP_Customer_Acct + + + C_BP_Employee_Acct + + + C_BP_Vendor_Acct + + + Città + + + Elemento del Conto + + + Magazzino/Punto di Servizio + + + M_Warehouse_Acct + + + Preferenza + + + AD_Process_Access + + + AD_Task_Access + + + AD_Window_Access + + + AD_Workflow_Access + + + Progetto + + + C_Project_Acct + + + Area Stoccaggio + + + Prodotto + + + Categoria del prodotto + + + M_Product_PO + + + M_Substitute + + + Tipo Documento + + + Categoria Contabile + + + Prima Nota + + + Gruppo Prime Note + + + Riga della Prima Nota + + + AD_ClientInfo + + + AD_OrgInfo + + + Controllo del Periodo + + + Area di Vendita + + + M_Replenish + + + M_Storage + + + M_ProductPrice + + + Categoria di Imposta + + + Trasportatore + + + Allegato + + + Listino prezzi + + + Schedulazione fattura + + + Ordine di vendita + + + Riga dell'ordine di vendita + + + Imposta + + + Schema Contabile + + + C_AcctSchema_GL + + + Evento Contabile + + + Budget + + + M_Product_Acct + + + Campagna + + + Canale + + + Elemento del Sistema + + + Elemento del Sistema ** + + + Elemento dello Schema Contabile + + + Istanza dell'Elaborazione + + + AD_PInstance_Para + + + Elaborazione + + + Parametro dell'Elaborazione + + + Parametro dell'Elaborazione ** + + + Elaborazione ** + + + Albero + + + AD_TreeNode + + + Business Partner + + + Indirizzo Business Partner + + + Versione del Listino Prezzi + + + Banca + + + Conto Bancario + + + Conto banca Partner + + + C_BP_Withholding + + + Tipo Documento ** + + + Sollecito + + + Elemento del Conto ** + + + Termini del Pagamento ** + + + Trattenuta + + + Prodotto ** + + + Addebito + + + C_OrderTax + + + C_AcctSchema_Default + + + Attività + + + Fattura + + + Spedizione/ricevimento + + + Riga del Documento di Spedizione/Entrata Merce + + + Inventario Fisico + + + Riga dell'inventario fisico + + + Movimento + + + Riga del movimento + + + Produzione + + + Riga di produzione + + + M_Product_Costing + + + Transazione di inventario + + + Livello di Sollecito + + + Livello di Sollecito ** + + + Riga della fattura + + + C_InvoiceTax + + + Pagamento + + + Riconoscimento del Ricavo + + + Livello della prestazione + + + Riga del livello della prestazione + + + UdM ** + + + Inventario perpetuo + + + Titolo + + + Titolo ** + + + Categoria di Imposta ** + + + RV_Order_Open + + + Vista del report + + + RV_M_Transaction_Sum + + + T_Replenish + + + T_Spool + + + Definizione EDI + + + Transazione EDI + + + Log EDI + + + RV_C_Invoice_Day + + + RV_C_Invoice_Month + + + RV_C_Invoice_ProdMonth + + + RV_C_Invoice_ProdWeek + + + RV_C_Invoice_VendorMonth + + + RV_C_Invoice_Week + + + Modulo speciale + + + Modulo speciale ** + + + AD_Form_Access + + + Errore + + + Formato di Importazione + + + Campo del formato + + + Linea Distinta Base + + + Stoccaggio pneumatici + + + Piano di produzione + + + RV_C_Invoice_CustomerProdQtr + + + RV_C_Invoice_CustomerVendQtr + + + Avviso + + + Linea di imputazione + + + C_BankAccount_Acct + + + Estratto conto banca + + + Riga di estratto conto banca + + + Gruppo di business partner + + + C_BP_Group_Acct + + + C_Charge_Acct + + + C_InterOrg_Acct + + + Elaboratore del pagamento + + + C_Tax_Acct + + + C_Withholding_Acct + + + M_Product_Category_Acct + + + W_Basket_ID + + + Contatore Web + + + Trova + + + Attributo + + + AD_Attribute_Value + + + Prima nota cassa + + + Libro di Cassa + + + C_CashBook_Acct + + + Riga prima nota cassa + + + Gruppo pagamenti + + + RV_OpenItem + + + Gruppo del campo + + + Gruppo del campo ** + + + Template della Mail + + + Richiesta + + + Azione della richiesta + + + Elaboratore della richiesta + + + AD_Role_OrgAccess + + + RV_C_Invoice + + + RV_C_InvoiceLine + + + RV_M_Transaction + + + Fatture in fase di pagamento + + + Riga della selezione del pagamento + + + Colonna della vista del report + + + Commissione + + + Importo commessione + + + Linea di commissione + + + Ciclo del progetto + + + C_CyclePhase + + + Riga del progetto + + + Elabora della commissione + + + Dettaglio della commessione + + + Risultato + + + Obiettivo + + + Misura + + + Calcolo della misura + + + Piano di riconoscimento del ricavo + + + Elaborazione riconoscimento del ricavo + + + Report finanziario + + + Colonna del report + + + Set di colonne del report + + + Riga del report + + + Set di righe del report + + + Fonte del report + + + AD_TreeNodeBP + + + AD_TreeNodeMM + + + AD_TreeNodePR + + + Forma di stampa + + + Documento del conto banca + + + AD_TreeBar + + + Colore + + + Desktop + + + Desktop Workbench + + + Desktop ** + + + Immagine + + + Campo definito dall'utente + + + Tab definita dall'utente + + + Finestra definita dall'utente + + + Area di lavoro + + + Videata dell'area di lavoro + + + Area di lavoro ** + + + RV_Cash_Detail + + + Abbinamento della fattura + + + Abbinamento dell'ordine + + + Routing della richiesta + + + Schema dello Sconto + + + Break Point Schema dello Sconto + + + Listino Prezzi Scontato + + + T_InventoryValue + + + RV_Product_Costing + + + Tipo Risorsa + + + Tipo di spesa + + + Indisponibilità della risorsa + + + Assegnazione della Risorsa + + + Report Ore e Spese + + + Risorsa + + + Riga della spesa + + + Elemento del formato di stampa + + + Colore della stampa + + + Carattere della stampa + + + Carta di stampa + + + Formato di stampa + + + C_Invoice_LineTax_v + + + C_Order_Header_V + + + C_Order_LineTax_v + + + C_PaySelection_Check_V + + + C_PaySelection_Remittance_V + + + M_InOut_Header_V + + + M_InOut_Line_V + + + C_Invoice_Header_V + + + RV_BPartner + + + Grafico + + + Elemento del formato di stampa ** + + + Formato tabella di stampa + + + Riga elaborazione del sollecito + + + Controllo selezione pagamenti + + + Elaborazione del sollecito + + + Inserimento elaborazione del sollecito + + + R_ContactInterest + + + Tipo di Richiesta + + + Area interessi + + + Sistema + + + Importazione Prodotti + + + Importazione Business Partner + + + Importazione Conto + + + Importazione Insieme delle righe del report + + + Classe del corso + + + Corso + + + Bene Gestito + + + Smobilizzo del Bene + + + Consegna del Bene + + + Gruppo Bene Gestito + + + T_Report + + + T_ReportStatement + + + Imposta ** + + + Fact_Acct_Balance + + + Programma Pagamento + + + Linea Carrello + + + Web Click + + + Programmazione Pagamento Fattura + + + Counter Count + + + Conteggio Click + + + C_Payment_V + + + Controllo per Numero di Serie + + + Controllo per Lotto + + + Lotto + + + Valore Attributo + + + Serie di Attributi di Istanza + + + Serie di Attributi + + + M_AttributeInstance + + + Attributo + + + M_AttributeUse + + + Ricerca per Attributo + + + AD_Table_Access + + + Sessione + + + AD_Record_Access + + + Linea Etichetta di Stampa ** + + + Linea Etichetta di Stampa + + + Etichetta di Stampa + + + AD_Column_Access + + + Importazione Inventario + + + Elaborazione Ricorso + + + Documento Ricorrente + + + Tipo Progetto + + + Fase del Progetto + + + Fase Standard + + + AD_PInstance_Log + + + Annuncio + + + Log di modifica + + + Tipo di Tempo + + + Compito Standard + + + Compito del Progetto + + + Assegnazione della Organizzazione + + + Tipo di Costo + + + Fase del ciclo + + + Importazione Ordini + + + Destinatario dell'Allarme + + + Regole dell'Allarme + + + Allarme + + + Categoria Spese di Trasporto + + + Spese di Trasporto + + + Importazione Pagamenti + + + Importazione Fatture + + + Importazione Giornale + + + Importazione Estratto Conto Bancario + + + Tabella di Replicazione + + + Strategia di Replicazione + + + Elaborazione della Replicazione + + + Log della Replicazione + + + Replicazione + + + Tipo di Conoscenza + + + Argomento di Conoscenza + + + Sinonimo di Conoscenza + + + Fonte della Conoscenza + + + Immessione Associata + + + K_EntryCategory + + + Immessione + + + Commento dell'Immessione + + + Valore della Categoria + + + Categoria di Conoscenza + + + Nazione ** + + + Valuta ** + + + C_Project_Header_V + + + C_Project_Details_V + + + RV_ProjectCycle + + + RV_Asset_Delivery + + + RV_Asset_Customer + + + Registrare al Progetto + + + Funzione Etichetta di Stampa + + + Registrazione + + + Label printer + + + AD_Private_Access + + + RV_ProjectLineIssue + + + RV_Transaction + + + RV_Storage + + + T_Aging + + + C_BPartner_Product + + + RV_Click_Unprocessed + + + RV_Click_Month + + + RV_UnPosted + + + M_TransactionAllocation + + + Tipo Valuta + + + C_Currency_Acct + + + RV_WarehousePrice + + + Caricatore estratto conto + + + Tasso di conversione valuta importata + + + Utente Sostitutivo + + + Parametro del Nodo di Workflow + + + Attività del Workflow + + + Processo di Workflow + + + Responsabile di Workflow + + + Blocco del Workflow + + + Dati Elaborati Workflow + + + Verifica Evento di Workflow + + + Risultato Attività di Workflow + + + Registrazione + + + Attributo di Registrazione + + + A_RegistrationValue + + + RV_C_InvoiceTax + + + RV_Fact_Acct_Period + + + RV_Fact_Acct_Day + + + RV_Fact_Acct + + + Riconciliatore estratto conto + + + Log Elaboratore Richieste + + + Linea ARM + + + ARM + + + M_RelatedProduct + + + Linea Packaging + + + Packaging + + + Linea della Lista di Distribuzione + + + Lista Distribuzione + + + Consegne per Abbonamento + + + Tipo Sottoscrizione + + + Sottoscrizione + + + Sottoscrittore Richiesta Quot. + + + Argomento della Richiesta Quot. + + + Qtà Risposta Linea Richiesta Quot. + + + Linea Risposta Richiesta Quot. + + + Risposta Richiesta Quotazione + + + Quantità Linea Richiesta Quot. + + + Linea Richiesta Quotazione + + + Richiesta Quotazione + + + Relazione col Partner + + + Argomento + + + Fondi Venditore + + + B_Seller + + + Offerta di vendita + + + Fondi degli acquirenti + + + B_Buyer + + + Commento all'offerta + + + Offerta + + + Scheduler Log + + + Scheduler + + + Tipo Organizzazione + + + Tipo Argomento + + + Categoria Argomento + + + Log Elaboratore Contabilità + + + Elaboratore Contabilità + + + Log del Processore di Workflow + + + Processore di Workflow + + + AD_Scheduler_Para + + + Log del Alert Processor + + + Elaboratore Allarmi + + + Tax ZIP + + + Richiesta + + + Linea Richiesta + + + Destinatatio del Pianificatore + + + Attachment Note + + + Condizione di Spostamento + + + Linea distribuzione del Mastro + + + Distribuzione Libro Mastro + + + RV_C_RfQ_UnAnswered + + + RV_C_RfQResponse + + + RV_M_Requisition + + + Distribution Run + + + Distribution Run Line + + + T_DistributionRunDetail + + + A_RegistrationProduct + + + RV_Asset_SumMonth + + + Access Log + + + Counter Document + + + Linea Richiesta + + + Previsione + + + Dettagli Richiesta + + + Linea Previsione + + + Richiesta + + + C_RfQResponseLine_V + + + C_RfQResponse_V + + + C_RfQResponseLineQty_V + + + Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + + + Linea Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + + + Tipo Autorizz. Restituz. Mat. + + + RV_InOutConfirm + + + RV_InOutLineConfirm + + + M_InOut_LineConfirm_V + + + M_InOutConfirm_V + + + Allocazione + + + RV_Allocation + + + Linea Conferma Movimento + + + Conferma Movimento + + + RV_PrintFormatDetail + + + Importazione Line di Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + + + C_Dunning_Header_v + + + C_Dunning_Line_v + + + Misura SLA + + + Criterio SLA + + + Obiettivo SLA + + + Tabella ** + + + Restrizione Argomenti Richiesta Quotazioni + + + Terminale POS + + + Disposizione Chiave POS + + + Chiave POS + + + RV_InOutDetails + + + Colonna ** + + + Trial Balance + + + Archivio + + + RV_Payment + + + RV_BPartnerOpen + + + RV_CommissionRunDetail + + + T_Transaction + + + Costo Franco Fabbrica + + + Allocazione Costo Franco Fabbrica + + + C_ProjectIssueMA + + + M_InOutLineMA + + + M_InventoryLineMA + + + M_MovementLineMA + + + Production Line MA + + + M_Transaction_v + + + Fattura Batch + + + Linea Fattura Batch + + + AD_User_OrgAccess + + + Elemento di Costo + + + Product Cost + + + Categoria + + + Gruppo + + + Risoluzione Richiesta + + + Risposta Standard + + + Stato + + + Downloads Prodotti + + + E-commerce + + + E-commerce ** + + + Messaggio + + + Messaggio ** + + + Mail utente + + + Request Update Recipiants + + + Request Type Updates + + + R_CategoryUpdates + + + R_GroupUpdates + + + RV_RequestUpdates + + + RV_RequestUpdates_Only + + + Posizione Lavorativa + + + Categoria Posizione Lavorativa + + + Assegnazione Posizione Lavorativa + + + Remunerazione + + + Remunerazione + + + Remunerazione Impiegati + + + Gruppo alternativo + + + Operazione Prodotti + + + Risorsa per Operazione + + + Distinta Base + + + Notifica Cambiamento + + + Richiesta Modifica + + + Componente DIstinta Base + + + Aggiornamento Richiesta + + + T_InvoiceGL + + + T_InvoiceGL_v + + + Product Costs + + + Product Cost Summary + + + Product Cost Detail + + + Dettagli Costo + + + Esclude set di Attributi + + + Esclude Lotto + + + Esclude Numero di Serie + + + Imputa pagamento + + + Accesso Utente Bpartner + + + Interrogazione Utente + + + M_InOutLineMA_v + + + M_MovementLineMA_v + + + Coda per il costo + + + Dichiarazione IVA + + + Linea Dichiarazione Tasse + + + Contabilità dichiarazione Tasse + + + Gerarchia dei Report + + + Controllo Budget + + + Controllo Fondi + + + Limitazione Fondi + + + Sotto Conto + + + Template della Mail ** + + + Condivisione Client (Azienda) + + + Problema del Sistema + + + Invoice ProductQtr + + + Invoice ProductMonth + + + Schema Colori + + + Restrizione Obiettivi + + + Benchmark + + + Dati di Benchmark + + + Rapporto + + + Fattore del Rapporto + + + Raccomandazione su Problema + + + Stato Problema + + + Problema Noto + + + Utente del Problema + + + Problema del Progetto + + + Sistema che crea Problema + + + Stato Categoria + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/AD_Task_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/AD_Task_Trl_it_IT.xml index 21837702df..6e96db827c 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/AD_Task_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/AD_Task_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ - - - - - - Versione Java - Mostra la versione del default di Java VM - La versione Java usata dall'applicativo potrebbe essere diversa. - - - Esporta il Database - Esporta (salva) il database - Usa questo comando dal server - - - Trasferimento Database - Trasferisce il database - Usa questo comando dal server - - + + + + + + Versione Java + Mostra la versione del default di Java VM + La versione Java usata dall'applicativo potrebbe essere diversa. + + + Esporta il Database + Esporta (salva) il database + Usa questo comando dal server + + + Trasferimento Database + Trasferisce il database + Usa questo comando dal server + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/AD_WF_Node_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/AD_WF_Node_Trl_it_IT.xml index 201b2117a6..c4b8be4c13 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/AD_WF_Node_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/AD_WF_Node_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,75 +1,75 @@ - - - - - - Schema contabile - Progetto come Segmento contabile - Per permettere di riportare progetti contabili, crea un segmento progetto negli elementi dei conti. - - - Elementi di sistema - Traduci Elementi di Sistema - Gli Elementi di Sistema sono usati per definire a livello centrale le etichette dei campi, descrizione e aiuto. Quando si traduce un Elemento, le appropriate informazioni dei Campi nelle Finestre, i Parametri e i Reports vengono tradotte. (sovrascritte) - - - Messaggi - Traduci Messaggi - Traduce i messaggi usati in Windows, Forms e Processes. - - - Riferimenti - Traduci Riferimenti - I Riferimenti sono usati come predefiniti in una lista di selezione. Devi solo tradurre gli Elementi della Lista!!!! - - - Finestra & Tab - Traduci Finestre (Windows) & Tabulatori - Traduci il Nome, Descrizione e Aiuto per Finestre e Tabulatori. La maggior parte dei Campi sono già tradotti, se gestiti centralmente. - - - Maschera - Traduci Maschere - Le Maschere sono Finestre speciali e devo tradurne il nome, la descrizione e l'aiuto. - - - Report & Processi - Traduci Report e Processi - Traduci il Nome, Descrizione e Aiuto per i Processi e i Reports. Non devi tradurre i Parametri, se gestiti centralmente. - - - Utente - Definisci il Rappresentante Vendite come Utente - Gli Utenti possono navigare nel sistema e avere accesso alle funzioni (functionality) attraverso uno o più ruoli. Seleziona il BP che hai appena inserito. Ciò permette all'Utente di navigare nel sistema come un rappresentante di vendita. - - - Business Partner - Inserisci Rappresentante Vendite come Business Partner - Inserisce il rappresentante come un Impiegato nel tab Impiegati. Puoi inserire anche il fornitore, se vuoi creare dei pagamenti. - - - Workflow - Traduci Workflows - Traduce Nome, Descrizione e Aiuto del Workflows e i suoi nodi. - - - Controllo Setup del Client - Controllare Client setup per Richieste - Hai bisogno di una mail server e di un indirizzo email dal quale le richieste e le notifiche vengono inviate. Altrimente, se definisci una mail Utente e la password, le richieste vengono lette dalla cartella della posta utenti e importate nel sistema. - - - Controllo Utenti - Controllare utenti per Elaborazione Richieste - Per favore assicurarsi che gli utenti abbiano un indirizzo email e un supervisore assegnato. - - - Controllo Business Partners - Controllare BP per Elaborazione Richieste - Puoi inviare EMails ai businbess partners. Assicurati che i business partners e/o i Contacts abbiano il proprio indirizzo email. - - - Verify completed Requisition - Just a test case for a manual interaction. - Enter and maintain Material Requisitions - - + + + + + + Schema contabile + Progetto come Segmento contabile + Per permettere di riportare progetti contabili, crea un segmento progetto negli elementi dei conti. + + + Elementi di sistema + Traduci Elementi di Sistema + Gli Elementi di Sistema sono usati per definire a livello centrale le etichette dei campi, descrizione e aiuto. Quando si traduce un Elemento, le appropriate informazioni dei Campi nelle Finestre, i Parametri e i Reports vengono tradotte. (sovrascritte) + + + Messaggi + Traduci Messaggi + Traduce i messaggi usati in Windows, Forms e Processes. + + + Riferimenti + Traduci Riferimenti + I Riferimenti sono usati come predefiniti in una lista di selezione. Devi solo tradurre gli Elementi della Lista!!!! + + + Finestra & Tab + Traduci Finestre (Windows) & Tabulatori + Traduci il Nome, Descrizione e Aiuto per Finestre e Tabulatori. La maggior parte dei Campi sono già tradotti, se gestiti centralmente. + + + Maschera + Traduci Maschere + Le Maschere sono Finestre speciali e devo tradurne il nome, la descrizione e l'aiuto. + + + Report & Processi + Traduci Report e Processi + Traduci il Nome, Descrizione e Aiuto per i Processi e i Reports. Non devi tradurre i Parametri, se gestiti centralmente. + + + Utente + Definisci il Rappresentante Vendite come Utente + Gli Utenti possono navigare nel sistema e avere accesso alle funzioni (functionality) attraverso uno o più ruoli. Seleziona il BP che hai appena inserito. Ciò permette all'Utente di navigare nel sistema come un rappresentante di vendita. + + + Business Partner + Inserisci Rappresentante Vendite come Business Partner + Inserisce il rappresentante come un Impiegato nel tab Impiegati. Puoi inserire anche il fornitore, se vuoi creare dei pagamenti. + + + Workflow + Traduci Workflows + Traduce Nome, Descrizione e Aiuto del Workflows e i suoi nodi. + + + Controllo Setup del Client + Controllare Client setup per Richieste + Hai bisogno di una mail server e di un indirizzo email dal quale le richieste e le notifiche vengono inviate. Altrimente, se definisci una mail Utente e la password, le richieste vengono lette dalla cartella della posta utenti e importate nel sistema. + + + Controllo Utenti + Controllare utenti per Elaborazione Richieste + Per favore assicurarsi che gli utenti abbiano un indirizzo email e un supervisore assegnato. + + + Controllo Business Partners + Controllare BP per Elaborazione Richieste + Puoi inviare EMails ai businbess partners. Assicurati che i business partners e/o i Contacts abbiano il proprio indirizzo email. + + + Verify completed Requisition + Just a test case for a manual interaction. + Enter and maintain Material Requisitions + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/AD_Window_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/AD_Window_Trl_it_IT.xml index 67dbb9b837..ebebf51d67 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/AD_Window_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/AD_Window_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,1272 +1,1272 @@ - - - - - - Tabella e Colonna - Gestione Tabelle e Colonne - La finestra Tabella e Colonna unice tutte le tabelle alle loro colonne. - - - Riferimento - Gestione Riferimenti di Sistema - La finestra Riferimento definisce i tipi di campo e i suoi parametri. Questa finestra è solo per uso Sistema Admin. - - - Finestre, Tab & Campi - Gestione Finestre, Tab & Campi - La finestra Finestre, Tasti & Campi definisce la presentazione di tabelle e colonne all'interno di ogni finestra. - - - Convalida Regole - Gestione Convalida dinamica Regole per colonne e campi - Il tasto Convalida Regole definisce tutte le regole dinamiche usate quando si inseriscono e si gestiscono le colonne e i campi. - - - Messaggio - Gestione Informazioni e Messaggi d'Errore - La finestra Messaggi definisce il Testo del Messaggio per ogni sistema generato. E' solo per uso Sistema Admin. - - - Menu - Gestione Menu - La finestra Gestione Menu definisce il Menu che viene visualizzato. E' solo per uso System Admin. Gli items del menu items che ogni utente vedranno dipendono dalla sicurezza definita. - - - Lingua - Gestione Lingue - La finestra Lingua ti permette di definire più lingue parallele per gli Utenti. Ciò permette gli utenti di accedere agli stessi dati ma utilizzando finestre, tabulatori e campi in lingue diverse. -Se la lingua è inserita come Lingua di Sistema, puoi modificare l'interfaccia Utente in questa lingua (dopo la traduzione). Altrimenti la lingua viene usata solamente per stampare i documenti. -Per il codice lingua, vi suggeriamo di usare la convenzione Java di paese e lingua (p.e. fr_CN Francese Canadese). -Verificare la traduzione crea elementi di traduzione mancanti. Inizia questo processo dopo aver creato una nuova lingua. - - - Fatture Abbinate - Visualizzare Fatture abbinate - - - - Utente - Gestione Utenti del sistema - La finestra Utente ti permette di definire ogni Utente del sistema. Gli Utenti possono accedere al sistema e alla funzionalità attraverso uno o più ruoli. - - - Azienda (Client) - Gestione Aziende - Il Client (Azienda) è il più alto livello di una entità commerciale indipendente. Ciascun Cliente avrà una o più Organizzazione che si riferisce ad essa. Ciascun Client definisce i parametri contabili (Schema contabile, definizione albero, UOM non monetario). -Non creare un nuovo client in questa finestra, ma usa la finestra "Inserimento iniziale Client" per fissare la sicurezza richiesta e le regole di accesso. Se crei un nuovo client qui, non potrai vederlo e anche la infrastruttura richiesta del client non verrà inserita. - - - Organizzazione - Gestione Organizzazioni - La finestra "Organizzazione" ti permette di definire e gestire entità di organizzazione. Una Organizzazione è spesso una entità legale o una sotto unità per le quali si eleborano documenti e transazioni. - - - Ruolo - Gestione Responsabilità Utente - La finestra Ruolo permette di definire i differenti ruoli che gli utenti avranno in questo sistema. I Ruoli di accesso controllo alle finestre, compiti, report, ecc. Per un client, un Amministratore e un Utente i ruoli sono predefiniti. Puoi aggiungere ruoli per specifiche funzioni o dati. Puoi aggiungere Utenti al ruolo. - - - Sequenza Documento - Gestione Sistema e Sequenze del Documento - Il tasto Sequenza definisce le sequenza numeriche da usare per i documenti. Queste possono anche includere un suffisso o prefisso alfanumerico. - - - Workflow - Gestione Workflow - La finestra Workflow definisce i Workflows del sistema, il livello di accesso per il Workflow e i Nodi o i Passi all'interno del Workflow. - - - Compito (Task) - Gestione compiti (Tasks) - La finestra Gestione Compiti definisce i diversi compiti usati nei workflows e il livello di accesso per quei compiti. - - - Valuta - Gestione Valuta - La finestra Valuta definisce le valute che verranno usate nei documenti o nei reports. Devi definire le valute usate sui livelli di sistema e aggiungere valute sul livello Client solo per valute statistiche (p.e. per valute instabili). - - - Tasso di Conversione - Gestione tassi di conversione valuta - Il tasto Tassi di Cambio viene usato per definire i tassi di conversione da usare quando si convertono gli ammontari dei documenti da una valuta ad un'altra. - - - Esercizi - Gestione Esercizi - Il calendario definisce in modo univoco un calendario contabile. Possono essere utilizzati più calendari (Es. calendario fiscale che va dal 1 luglio al 30 giugno). - - - Piano dei Conti - Gestione Elementi Contabili - La finestra "Piano dei Conti" è usata per definire e gestire gli elementi contabili e gli elementi definiti dell'Utente. -Una delle parti contabili è la tua naturale parte contabile (Grafico di Conto). Puoi aggiungere un nuovo elemento di conto per report paralleli o per parti contabili definite dell'Utente. - - - Unità di Misura - Gestione Unità di Misura - La finestra "Unità di Misura" è usata per definire unità di misura non numeriche. Definisce inoltre se la conversione tra unità di misura è permessa e come deve essere applicata. Il Sistema fornisce alcune conversioni automatiche tra unità di misura (p.e. minuti, ore, giorni, giorni lavorativi, ecc.) se non definiti in modo esplicito. Le conversioni devono essere dirette (cioé: se hai una conversione tra A-B e B-C, il sistema non può convertire A-C, occorre definirlo esplicitamente). - - - Indirizzo - Gestione Indirizzo - La finestra Indirizzo definisce i dati di indirizzo all'interno del sistema. Questa finestra è solo per uso System Admin. Gli Utenti avranno accesso alle entrate degli indirizzi usando il pulsante Indirizzi o premendo sulla finestra appropriata. (cioè Inserimento Ordini o Business Partner) - - - Paese, Regione e Provincia - Gestione Paesi, Regioni e Provincia - La finestra Paesi, Regioni e Città definisce le diverse entità che possono essere usate in ogni campo di indirizzo. Definisce il formato dell'indirizzo e associa le Regioni ai Paesi e le Città alle Regioni o ai Paesi. -<p> Generalmente devi definire i Paesi solo sul livello di Sistema. - - - Business Partner - Gestione Business Partners - La finestra "Business Partner" ti permette di definire ogni persona con la quale intrattieni relazioni commerciali. Questa include clienti, fornitori e dipendenti. Prima di inserire o importare prodotti, devi definire il fornitore. Prima di creare degli ordini, devi definire i clienti. Questa finestra contiene tutte le informazioni sul BP e i valori inseriti verranno usati per generare tutti i documenti commerciali. - - - Schema contabile - Gestione Schema contabile - Per rendere effettive le modifiche devi re-login - La finestra "Schema Contabile" definisce un metodo contabile e gli elementi che verranno inclusi in una struttura di conto. Crea e attiva elementi per una contabilità dettagliata per i BP, i Prodotti, le Location ecc. -Rivede e cambia la CG e i conti di Default. I conti effettivi usati nelle transazioni dipendono dalla organizzazione esecutiva; La maggior parte delle informazioni derivano dal contesto. - - - - Test - Test Screen - - - - Allegato - Gestione Allegati - Solo per Manutenzione del Sistema. La finestra Gestione allegati viene usata per propositi diagnostici per visualizzare gli attributi di un allegato. - - - Preferenza - Gestione Org. Sistema Client e Preferenze Utente - System Admin use only. - - - Progetto (Servizio) - Gestione Progetti - La finestra Progetto viene usata per definre i progetti che saranno definiti attraverso i documenti. - - - Categoria Contabile - Gestione Categorie di contabilità generale - La Catagoria Contabile permette la definizione della catagorie da usare nella contabilità generale. Queste catagorie forniscono un metodo opzionale di raggruppamento e di reporting. - - - Prime Note - Inserisce e modifica Entrate Manuali del Libro Giornale come prime note - La finestra Libro Giornale CG ti permette di inserire e modificare entrare manuali nel Giornale. - - - Attività (ABC) - Gestione attività per Activity Based Costing - La finestra Activity Based Costing definisce le diverse attività per le quali vuoi calcolare i costi. - - - Tipo Documento - Gestione Tipi Documento - La finestra Tipo di Documento definisce i documenti da usare nel sistema. Ogni tipo di documento fornisce le basi per l'elaborazione di ogni documento e controlla il nome stampato e la sequenza documento utilizzata. - - - Aliquota d'Imposta - Gestione Imposte e loro aliquote - La Finestra Aliquote di Imposta definisce le diverse tasse usate per ogni categoria di imposta. Ad esempio, le tasse di Vendita devono essere definite per ogni Stato nelle quali sono applicate. - - - Categorie imposte - Gestione Categorie imposte - La finestra Categorie di Imposte è usata per inserire e gestire i vari tipi di Imposte. Ciascun prodotto è associato con un tipo di imposta che facilita il cambiamento delle aliquote. - - - Magazzino e Aree Stoccaggio - Gestione Magazzino e Aree Stoccaggio - La finestra "Magazzino e Locators definisce ogni Magazzino, ogni Locators per quel Magazzino e i parametri contabili da usare per l'Inventario del Magazzino. - - - Prodotto - Gestione Prodotti - La finestra "Prodotto" definisce tutti i prodotti usati da una organizzazione. Questi prodotti includono quelli venduti ai clienti, usati nella manifattura dei prodotti e venduti ai clienti e quelli acquistati da un'organizzazione. - - - Termini di pagamento - Gestione Termini di pagamento - Il tab Termini di Pagamento definisce i diversi termini di pagamento offerti al Business Partners nel momento del pagamento delle fatture o quelli offerti dai Fornitori. Sulla fattura standard, il Nome e il Termine di pagamento sono stampati. - - - Spedizioniere - Gestione Spedizionieri - La finestra Spedizioniere definisce i diversi spedizionieri utilizzati da una Organizzazione. Quando un metodo di spedizione viene indicato in un Ordine, uno spedizioniere predefinito deve essere selezionato. - - - Ordine di Vendita - Inserisci e Modifica Ordini di Vendita - La finestra Ordini ti permette di inserire e modificare gli Ordini di Vendita. - - - Categoria Prodotto - Gestione Categorie Prodotto - La Categoria Prodotti ti permette di definire diversi gruppi di prodotti. Questi gruppi possono essere usati nel generare i Listini Prezzi, per definire i margini e per assegnare facilmente diversi parametri contabili ai prodotti. - - - Listino Prezzi - Gestione Listino Prezzi Prodotto - La finestra "Listino Prezzi" ti permette di generare dei Listini Prezzi dei prodotti per i tuoi BP. I Listini Prezzi determinano la valuta e il trattamento tasse. Le versioni Listino Prezzi ti permetteno di gestire liste parallele per diversi ranges di date. La versione più recente del Listino Prezzi si basa sulla data del documento. -<BR> -Tutti i listini prezzi hanno tre prezzi: di Listino, Standard e Limite. -<BR> -Il primo passo è creare un listino prezzi di base. Puoi manualmente aggiungere prodotti e inserire i prezzi o crearli automaticamente. Il listino prezzi di base spesso è il listino di acquisto con una lista di prezzi (prezzo ufficiale al dettaglio), il prezzo standard (il tuo prezzo di acquisto). Il prezzo limite può essere usato per controllare i costi finali di acquisto scontati, ribassati, ecc. -<BR> -I listini prezzi possono essere calcolati e copiati. Per velocizzare il calcolo, i parametri vengono memorizzati e usati nel momento in cui si crea una nuova versione di listi - - - Pianificazione fatturazione - Gestione Pianificazione fatturazione - La finestra Pianificazione Fatturazione definisce la frequenza ed elimina le date di generazione delle fatture aggregate. Se un cliente richiede una singola fattura per più spedizioni, devi definire l'inventario della fattura appropriata e associarla al Cliente. - - - Campagna di Marketing - Gestione Campagne di Marketing - Il tasto Campagna di Marketing definisce i parametri per una Campagna. Questi includono le date di inizio e di fine nonchè gli importi delle fatture che si riferiscono a questa campagna. - - - Canale di Marketing - Gestione Canali di Marketing - La finestra "Canale di Marketing" definisce i diversi canali usati nelle Campagne di Marketing. - - - Elemento - Gestione Elementi dei campi - La finestra Elementi di Sistema è il ricettacolo centrale delle Descrizioni dei Nomi dei Campi e degli Aiuti/Commenti. - - - Regione Vendite - Gestione Regioni Vendite - La finestra Regione Vendite definisce le diverse regioni dove effettui del commercio. Puoi generare reports basati sulle Regioni Vendita. - - - Combinazione Conto - Gestione Combinazioni di Conto valido - La finestra Combinazione Conto definisce e visualizza combinazioni di conto valido. - - - Budget CG - Gestione Budgets di contabilità generale - - - - Banca - Gestione Banca - La finestra Banca viene usata per definire le banche e i conti associati ad una Organizzazione o ad un business partner. - - - Sollecito - Gestione livelli di sollecito - La finestra "Sollecito" definisce i parametri da usare quando si generano Lettere di Sollecito. Ogni cliente può essere associato ad un codice di sollecito. - - - Ritenute - - Solo Per l'USA - - - Addebiti - Gestione Addebiti - La finestra Addebiti definisce le diverse addebiti che potrebbero incorrere. Queste possono includere Spese Bancarie, Spese Fornitore e Addebito di Trasporto. - - - Elenco Dati Contabili - Elenco dei Dati contabili - Ricerca i dettagli di transazioni contabili. - - - Albero e Immagine Nodo - Gestione definizione albero - The Tree and Node Image Window defines the descriptors and images that will be used when a Tree is displayed. - - - Report & Processi - Gestisci Reports & Processi - La finestra Reports & Processi viene usata per definire i parametri e le regole di accesso per ogni Report e Processo all'interno del sistema. Questa finestra è solo per uso System Admin. - - - Fattura (Cliente) - Inserimento Fattura Cliente - La finestra Fatture Cliente ti permette di visualizzare e inserire le fatture per un cliente. Le Fatture possono essere generate anche dagli Ordini di Vendita o dai documenti di spedizione. - - - Inventario Fisico - Immessione Inventario fisico - La finestra Inventario Fisico ti permette di generare le liste di calcolo dell'inventario. Questi calcoli possono essere poi elaborati per aggiornare l'inventario effettivo con i nuovi calcoli. - - - Spedizioni (Cliente) - Spedizioni Inventario Cliente e Resi Cliente(Customer Inventory Shipments Customer Returns) - La finestra Spedizioni definisce le spedizioni effettuate o da effettuare ad un cliente. Sono generate da un Ordine Cliente. Il Documento Spedizioni genera la fattura cliente. - - - Movimentazione Scorte - Movimentazione Scorte - La finestraMovimentazione Scorte ti permette di spostare l'inventario da una area di stoccaggio o da un magazzino ad un altro. Dopo che le linee appropriate sono inserite, selezionando il pulsante 'Elabora Movimenti' l'inventario verrà aggiustato. - - - Importazione Business Partner - Importazione Business Partner - La finestra Importazione BP è una tabella ad interim usata quando si importano dati esterni nel sistema. Selezionando il pulsante "Procedi" si aggiungono o modificano gli elementi appropriati. - - - Riconoscimento Ricavo - Regole riconoscimento ricavo - Il tasto Ricognizione Risorsa definisce gli intervalli per i quali una revenue sarà riconosciuta. Puoi basare la revenue recognition anche sui Livelli di Servizio forniti. - - - Inventario perpetuo - Gestione Regole Inventario Perpetuo - L' Inventario perpetuo definisce le regole da applicare quando si generano calcoli di Inventario Fisico. - - - Dettagli Fornitore - Gestione Dettagli Fornitore - La finestra Dettagli Fornitore ti permette di visualizzare e gestire tutti i prodotti di un Fornitore selezionato. - - - Titoli - Gestione Titoli - Il tasto Titoli definisce il titolo con il quale ci si riferisce ad un business partner in un documento. - - - Vista Report - Gestione Viste del Report - La finestra Vista Report definisce le viste usate quando si generano dei reports. Questa finestra è solo per uso System Admin. - - - Ordine di Acquisto - Gestione Ordini di Acquisto - La finestra Ordine d'Acquisto definisce un ordine di acquisto di una organizzazione. Quando un ordine di acquisto è stato inserito puoi generare un Documento di Spedizione o una Fattura da questo Ordine di Acquisto. - - - Fattura (Fornitore) - Inserimento Fattura Fornitore - La finestra Fatture Fornitore ti permette di visualizzare e inserire le fatture di un fornitore. Le Fatture possono essere generate anche dagli Ordini di Acquisto o dai documenti di spedizione. - - - Entrata Merci - Entrata merci - La finestra Entrata merci definisce l'entrata delle merci o di materiale da un fornitore. L'entrata può essere inserita manualmente o può essere generata da un Ordine di Acquisto o da una Fattura Fornitore. - - - Definizione EDI - Gestione Definizione EDI - La finestra Definizione EDI definisce i parametri da usare quando si eleborano transazioni EDI. - - - Transazione EDI - - - - - Form - Forms Speciali - La finestra Forms definisce le finestre non generate automaticamente. Solo per uso System Admin. - - - Messaggio d'Errore - Visualizza Messaggi d'Errore - La finestra Messaggi di Errore visualizza tutti i messaggi di errore generati. Questo è solo per uso Sistema Admin. I records devono essere cancellati manualmente. - - - Formati di Importazione - Gestione Formati di Importazione - La finestra Formati di importazione viene usata per definire il formato del file per importare dati dall'esterno - - - Tire Storage - Maintain storage of tires - - - - Produzione - Produzione basata sulle Distinte Base - La finestra Produzione definisce quei piani e movimenti di inventario che si presentano quando un prodotto viene creato da una distinta base. - - - Gruppo Business Partner - Gestione gruppi di Business Partner - La finestra "Gruppo del BP" definisce i parametri contabili ad un livello di gruppo. Se definisci i parametri contabili per un gruppo, ogni BP inserito usando questo gruppo avrà questi parametri contabili automaticamente definiti. Puoi fare ogni modifica necessaria a livello del BP. - - - Avviso - Mostra Sistema Avvisi - Il sistema crea messaggi durante l'elaborazione. In questa finestra puoi vederli. - - - Estratto Conto Bancario - Elaborare estratti conto bancario - La finestra Estratto Conto Bancario permette di quadrare gli estratti conto. Si può anche inserire le linee dei movimenti dall'estratto conto bancario nel tab Linea Estratto Conto oppure selezionare il pulsante 'Crea Da' che automaticamente generà i pagamenti non riconciliati. Una volta completato il confronto, selezionare il bottone 'Elaborare Adesso' per indicare i pagamenti come riconciliati e aggiornare i conti della contabilità generale. - - - Pagamento - Elabora pagamenti - La finestra Elabora Pagamenti permette di inserire pagamenti che sono stati ricevuti per fatture. Se il pagamento è per una singola fattura, può essere inserito qui. Se il pagamento è per fatture multiple o è un pagamento parziale, può essere inserito nella finestra Imputazione Pagamenti. - - - Attributi Customizzati - Gestione attributi customizzati delle entità - Questa è solo una finestra di Sistema. Gli attributi clienti permettono l'inserimento di informazioni aggiuntive ad una entità. - - - Libro Cassa - Gestione Libro Cassa - La finestra Libro Cassa definisce il conto bancario con il quale verranno effettuate le transazioni di cassa. - - - Giornale di Cassa - Transazioni di Cassa - La finestra Libro Giornale viene usata per registrare gli esborsi dalle ricevute alla cassa per le piccole spese. - - - Gruppo Campo - Definisci Gruppo Campo - La finestra Gruppo Campo ti permette di definire le sotto sezioni di una tabella. Solo per uso Sistema Admin. - - - Richiesta - Lavora sulle tue richieste - La finestra Richieste viene usata per definire ogni richiesta che ti viene assegnata. - - - Elaboratore Richieste - Definizione Elaboratore Richieste - La finestra Processore Richieste ti permette di definire i diversi processi che vuoi avvengano e la frequenza e il tempo di questi processi. - - - Gestione Email - Gestione Modello Email - - - - Annullamento Imputazione - Annullamento Imputazione - La finestra Annullamento Imputazione permette di invertire una imputazione di pagamento. - - - Pagamento Fatture - Seleziona le Fatture per il Pagamento - La finestra Selezione Pagamento ti permette di selezionare ed elaborare le fatture che vuoi pagare. -(a) Puoi creare una Selezione Pagamento e selezionare le fatture manualmente o generare le suggestioni basate sui criteri. Puoi modificare l'importo da pagare o cancellare le fatture che non vuoi pagare. (b) Se sei soddisfatto con la Selezione, puoi creare i pagamenti. - -(c) Stampa o esporta i tuoi pagamenti nella finestra Stapa/Esporta Pagamenti. - - - Commissioni - Gestione Commissioni e Royalties - Definisce come e quando calcolare le commissioni e a chi pagarle. La finestra "Commissioni" definisce in che modo le commissioni e le royalties saranno pagate. Puoi pagare commissioni multiple per lo stesso ordine o fattura (p.e. alla persona che inserisce la transazione, alla persona responsabile dell'acquisto del prodotto (categoria) e/o al BP (gruppo). - - - Reporting del Progetto - Gestione Cicli di Reporting del Progetto - La finestra "Ciclo Progetto" definisce i procedimenti applicati ad uno specifico Progetto. Potresti voler definire più cicli Progetto per differenziare i differenti tipi di progetti. I Cicli Progetto potrebbero usare tutti o un subset dello Stato Progetto utilizzato (p.e.Il tuo ciclo progetto può includere i procedimenti dal prospetto al contratto - il ciclo servizio può includere i procedimenti dalla installazione alla accettazione del cliente). - - - Elaborazione Commissione - Controlla e modifica le Commissioni - La finestra Elaborazione Commissioni visualizza i risultati dell'elaborazione commissioni. Quando questo tasto viene selezionato dalla finestra Commissioni, i risultati sono qui visualizzati. Se il risultato è soddisfacente, genera una fattura AP per pagare la commissione. - - - Obiettivo Performance - Definiscce Obiettivo della Performance - Il tasto Obiettivo Reddito definisce obiettivi specifici relativi al reddito. - - - Calcolo Misure Performance - Definire come calcolare la performance - Il Calcolo Misure di Reddito definisce come calcolare le misure di Reddito. Prima verifica il rendiconto in SQL*Plus. -Il rendiconto selezionato deve ridare un unico valore! -Ogni restrizione per range Data, Organizzazioni, Business Partners, Prodotti deve essere effettuata attraverso la finestra "Misure di Reddito". Questo è il calcolo generico. -Poichè ciò tende ad essere qualcosa di tecnico, il sistema possiede alcuni esempi predefiniti. - - - Misurazione Performance - Definisci le Misure di Performance - La finestra "Misure di Reddito" ti permette di definire i ruoli e le restrizioni per la misurazione del reddito. Puoi, ad esempio, restringere le misure di reddito per le vendite di un certo prodotto in un certo periodo. - - - Report Finanziari - Gestisci Reports finanziari - I Reports finanziari sono la combinazione dell'inserimento di una colonna di Report e un Line Set. - - - Inserimento Colonna Report - Gestione Inserimenti Colonne Report finanziario - L'inserimento Colonne del Report definisce quali dati vengono stampati nelle colonne di un report. - - - Inserimento Linee del Report - Gestione Inserimenti Linee Report finanziario - L'inserimento linee definisce quali linee vengono stampate in un Report finanziario. - - - Livello Servizio - Gestione Livelli Servizio - I Livelli di Servizio sono generati quando una fattura con prodotti basata sulle regole di ricognizione entrate viene generata. Devi aggiornare il livello di servizio effettivo aggiungendo una linea. - - - Trova (uso indiretto) - Trova Dialogo (uso indiretto) Find Dialog (indirect use) - - - - Transazioni di Materiale (uso indiretto) - Transazioni di Materiale (uso indiretto) - - - - Form di Stampa - Gestione Form di Stampa (Fatture, Assegni, ..) - Definisci i documenti da usare per questo Client. Nota che il formato di controllo è definito nella finestra Banca (Conto). - - - Colore Sistema - Gestione Colori del Sistema - I colori del Sistema sono utilizzati per lo sfondo e gli indicatori. - - - Desktop - Gestione Desktop - Il Desktop è un insieme di Workbenches. - - - Immagine Sistema - Gestione immagini - - - - Ordini di Acquisto Abbinati - Mostra Ordini di acquisto abbinati - - - - Finestra Utente - Definisce Finestra Utente Customization - Customization - - - Workbench - Gestione Workbench - I Workbenches sono un insieme di Finestre. - - - Richiesta tutto - Mostra e lavora a tutte le richieste - Questa finestra Richiesta viene usata per vedere tutte le richieste disponibili. - - - Schema della Scontistica - Gestione Schema della scontistica - Lo Schema della Scontistica calcola la percentuale di sconto commerciale. - - - Tipo Spese - Gestione Tipi Spese del Report - - - - Report Ore e Spese - Report Ore e Spese - Il Report Ore e spese permette di gestire le ore spese su un progetto, il tempo fatturabile e di richiedere le spese. - - - Risorsa - Gestione Risorsa - Gestisci le tue Risorse. Il prodotto per le risorse viene automaticamente creato e sincronizzato. Aggiorna Nome, Unità di Misura, ecc. nella Risorsa e non cambiarli nel prodotto. - - - Tipo Risorse - Gestione Tipi Risorsa - Gestione tipi Risorse e loro principali disponibilità. - - - Colori di Stampa - Gestionie Colori di Stampa - Colori usati per la stampa - - - Carattere Stampa - Gestione Carattere Stampa - Font usato per la stampa. - - - Formato Stampa - Gestione Formato Stampa - Il formato stampa determina come i dati vengono stampati. - - - Carta per Stampa - Gestione Carta per Stampa - Formato Foglio da Stampare, Orientamento e Margini. - - - Spese (da fatturare) - Mostra spese e addebiti non fatturati al cliente - Prima di fatturare al cliente, controlla le linee di spesa da fatturare. - - - Stampa Formato Tabella - Definisce il Formato Tabella del Report - Il Formato Stampa della Tabella ti permette di definire come un'intestazione tabella viene stampata, ecc. - - - Tipo Richiesta - Gestione Tipi Richiesta - I Tipi di Richiesta vengono usati per l'eleaborazione e la classificazione delle richieste. Sono opzionali le Informazioni sui Conti, le Ricevute, ecc. - - - Area di Interesse - Area di Interesse o Topic - Aree di Interesse riflettono gli interessi di un tema scaturito da un contatto. Le aree di Interesse possono essere usate nelle campagne di marketing. - - - Sistema - Definizione Sistema - Definizione Sistema Comune - Solo un Record - Non aggiungere altri records. - - - Importazione Prodotti - Importazione Prodotti - La finestra Importazione Prodotti è una tabella ad interim usata quando si importano dati esterni nel sistema. Selezionando il pulsante "Procedi" si aggiungono o modificano gli elementi appropriati. - - - Importazione Conto - Importa Valori di Conto Naturali - La finestra Importazioni Conto Naturale è una tabella ad interim usata quando si importano dati esterni nel sistema. Selezionando il pulsante "Procedi" si aggiungono o modificano gli elementi appropriati. - - - Importazione Linee del Report - Importazione Linee del Report - La finestra Importazione Linee del Report è una tabella ad interim usata quando si importano dati esterni nel sistema. Selezionando il pulsante "Procedi" si aggiungono o modificano gli elementi appropriati. - - - Traduzione Lingua - Controlla Traduzione Lingua - Verifica le traduzioni linguistiche per le entità selezionate. - - - Bene Gestito - Bene usato internamente o dai clienti - Una Bene Gestito viene creato acquistando o spedendo un prodotto. Un Bene può essere usato internamente o essere un bene del cliente. - - - Gruppo Bene Gestito - Gruppo Bene Gestito - Il Gruppo di risorse determina conti di default. Se un gruppo risorsa viene selezionato nella categoria prodotto, le risorse sono create quando si invia la risorsa. - - - Formazione - Formazione Ripetuta - Il training può avere più classi effettive. - - - Spese da Rimborsare - Mostra Spese e addebiti non rimborsati - Prima di rimborsare le spese, controlla gli items di spesa aperta. - - - Quadratura Giornaliera - Query sulla quadratura giornaliera - - - - Serie di Attributi - Gestione Serie di attributi - Define Product Attribute Sets to add additional attributes and values to the product. You need to define a Attribute Set if you want to enable Serial and Lot Number tracking. - - - Lotto - Lotto - Definizione del lotto prodotto - - - Controllo Lotto - Controllo lotto per prodotto - Definition to create Lot numbers for Products - - - Controllo Numero di Serie - Controllo numero di serie per prodotto - Definition to create Serial numbers for Products - - - Attributo - Attributo del Prodotto - Product Attribute like Color, Size, etc. - - - Attributo di Ricerca - Attributo di ricerca - Attributes are specific to a Product Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple attributes and want to search under a common sttribute, you define a search sttribute. Example: have one Size search attribute combining the values of all different sizes (Size for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The Attribute Search allows you to have all values available for selection. This eases the maintenance of the individual product attribute. - - - Fatture di Addebitamento Fornitore - Fatture di addebitamento Fornitore - Enter expense invoices from your vendors - - - Stampa dell'Etichetta - Formato di Stampa dell'Etichetta - Maintain Format to print Labels - - - Sessione - Elenco delle sessioni utente - History of Online or Web Sessions - - - Tipo di Progetto - Gestione Tipo di Progetto e Fase - Gestione Tipi di Progetti e le loro Fase con informazioni della performance standard - - - Documento Ricorrente - Documento Ricorrente - Create new documents based on existing one - - - Importazione Inventario - Importazione le transazione di inventario - Validate and Import Inventory Transactions - - - Ruolo di Accesso - Gestione le regole di accesso dati - Maintain Data Access Roles of Roles/Responsibilties - - - Annuncio - Annuncio Web - Maintain Advertisements on the Web - - - Log Modifiche - Log delle modifiche ai dati - Log of data changes - - - Tipo di Costo - Maintain Cost Types - - - - Tipo di Tempo - Maintain Time Recording Type - Maintain different types of time for reporting - - - Click - Maintain Web Click - - - - Contatore Web - Contatore Web - - - - Pianificazione Pagamento Fatture - Maintain Invoice Payment Schedule - Maintain Payment Schedule of unpaid invoices - - - Avviso - Avviso Compiere - Compiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted of - - - Importazione Estratto Conto Bancario - Importazione Estratto Conto Bancario - - - - Importazione Gornali - Importazione Giornali Contabilità Generale - You way want to check the balance of the import with "Validate Only" before importing. -Unbalanced Journals are imported; the handling is based on your settings for the posting process. - - - Importazione Fatture - Importazione Fatture - - - - Importazione Pagementi - Importazione Pagementi - - - - Importazione Ordini - Importazione Ordini - Please set Y/N selections in the import loader format explicitly (e.g. as constants) and no not leave them NULL. A NULL value stands for "don't know". -In general, selection boxes are not selected if the value is not "Y" (i.e. could be null or any other value). All tests are made on "Y" or "not Y" - i.e. NULL values are not "not Y", but NULL (don't know) - see SQL Language introductions. - - - Categoria Spese di Trasporto - Gestione le catagorie Spese di Trasporto - Freight Categories are used to calculate the Freight for the Shipper selected - - - Dimensioni Contabili - Maintain Non-Account Dimension Trees - Maintain Trees of non account segment trees. Account segment trees (as well as user defined dimensions) are mainatained in the Account Element window. Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all manfatory values! - - - - Replicazione - Getione i Target della Replicazione - Data Replication Target Details. Set up your system completely on the central system, before setting up the replication. Define the Replication target here and export the database and import it on the remote system.<p> -Before(!) entering transactions, Start the Replication Run to set up the remote system. - - - Strategia di Replicazione - Gestione della strategia di replicazione - The Data Replication Strategy determines which tables and how they are replicated. Note that the migration does not syncronize Application Dictionary items. - - - Progetto (Ordine di Lavoro) - Administrazione Progetti di Ordine di Vendita ed Ordine di Lavoro - The Project Window is used to define the projects which will be tracked via documents. - - - Categoria di Conoscenza - Gestione le categorie e valori di conoscenza - Set up knowledge categories and values as a search aid. Examples are Release Version, Product Area, etc. Knowledge Category values act like keyworks. - - - Base di Conoscenza - Gestione Base di Conoscenza - Maintain Type, Topics, Entries and theit Comments, Categories, Related Entries - - - Fonte di Conoscenza - Fonte delle immessione di conoscenza - The Source of a Knowlegde Entry is a pointer to the originating system. The Knowledge Entry has an additional entry (Description URL) for more detailed info. - - - Sinonimo di Conoscenza - Sinonimo per le parole chiave di conoscenza - Search Synonyms for Knowledge Keywords; Example: Product = Item - - - Informazioni Business Partner - Informazione Business Partner - - - - Stampante Etichette - Gestisce la stampa delle etichette - - - - Informazioni Agente - Informazioni Agente Commerciale - This window allows you to view Company agent related information - - - Documenti non Registrati - Documenti non Registrati - View unposted documents - - - Tipo Cambio Valuta - Gestisce i tipi di tasso di conversione valuta - The Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define different type of rates, e.g. Spot, Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates. - - - Importazioni Tassi Conversione Valuta - Importazioni Tassi Conversione Valuta - The rates are imported after validation of currencies and conversion rate type as well as rates. The multiply rate is used. If a reciprocal rate is to be created, the divide rate is used. - - - Processo - Gestisce i processi del Workflow - View actual Workflow Process Instance Information - - - Attività di Workflow (Tutte) - Gestisce tutte le attività dei workflow - - - - Responsabile del Workflow - Responsabile per l'esecuzione del Workflow - The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. - - - Registrazione attributi - Attributi di Bene Gestito - Definisce i singoli valori per la registrazione del Bene Gestito - - - Registrazione - Registrazione Utenti Bene Gestito - User Registration of an Asset - - - Quadratura Estratto Conto - Algorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments - An algorithm to find Business Partners, Invoices, Payments in imported Bank Statements - - - Gruppo Pagamenti - Elabora i pagamenti per i bonifici - Electronic Fund Transfer Payment Batch. - - - Tipo Organizzazione - Gestisce i Tipi di Organizzazione - Consente di categorizzare le Organizzazioni per la reportistica - - - Scheduler - Maintain Schedule Processes and Logs - Schedule processes to be executed asynchronously - - - Elaboratore dei Workflow - Maintain Workflow Processor and Logs - Workflow Processor Server Parameters - - - Argomento dell'Offerta - Argomento dell'Offerta dell'asta - Manage Topics and veiw Bids and Offers - - - Argomento dell'Asta - Gestisce i tipi di Argomento d'asta e le categorie - Definisce che tipo di aste sono realizzate in particolari aree - - - Venditore - Gestisce le informazioni dell'acquirente d'asta - A seller is a User in the system participating in Auctions - - - Acquirente - Gestisce le informazioni dell'acquirente - A buyer is a User in the system participating in Auctions - - - Elaboratore Contabilità - Elaboratore Contabilità e Log - Accounting Processor/Server Parameters and Logs - - - Elaboratore Allarmi - Maintain Alert Processor/Server Parameter and Logs - Alert Processor/Server Parameter - - - Relazioni tra Partner - Gestisce le relazioni tra Business Partner - Consente di gestire le relazioni tra terze parti: chi riceve le fatture per la consegna o i pagamenti per le fatture - - - - Argomento della Richiesta - Gestisce l'Argomento della Richiesta e gli iscritti - A Request for Quotation Topic allows you to maintain a subscriber list of potential Vendors to respond to RfQs - - - Richiesta Quotazione - Gestisce Richiesta Quotazione - Request for Quotation to be sent out to vendors of a RfQ Topic. After Vendor selection, optionally create Sales Order or Quote for Customer as well as Purchase Order for Vendor(s) - - - Prenotazioni - Gestisce le Prenotazioni e le Consegne - Prenotazione di Riacquisto di un Business Partner - - - Tipo Prenotazione - Gestisce i vari tipi di prenotazione - Subscription type and renewal frequency - - - Lista di Distribuzione - Gestisce Liste di Distribuzione - Le Liste di Distribuzione contengono informazioni sui business partner e le quantità e/o rapporti per la creazione di Ordini - - - - Packaging - Gestisce Spedizioni Pacchi - Una spedizione può avere uno o più pacchi. I pacchi possono essere tracciati - - - Restituzione Merci - Gestisce le Autorizzazioni di Restituzione Merci - A Return Material Authorization may be required to accept returns and to create Credit Memos - - - Elaborazione Sollecito - Elaborazione Sollecito - - - - Richieste - Richieste di Materiale - Inserisce e gestisce le richieste di materiale - - - Distribuzione del Mastro - Distribuzione del Mastro - La Distribuzione del Mastro definisce una combinazione di elementi contabili, con un peso relativo. Se la combinazione contabile definita nel tab principale della Distribuzione del Mastro coincide con quella di un evento contabile che si sta contabilizzando, allora la contabilizzazione viene effettuata usando la combinazione definita nelle linee della Distribuzione del Mastro. La distribuzione deve essere valida per poter essere usata. - - - - Risposta Richiesta Quotazione - Gestisce la Risposta Richiesta Quotazione - - - - Elabora Distribuzioni - Crea Ordini per distribuire prodotti a liste di Business Partner - Crea Ordini per distribuire prodotti a liste di Business Partner - - - Access Log - Log of Access to data or resources - Logging needs to be explicitly enabled / written. - - - Contatore Documento - Gestisce i tipi di contatore del Documento - When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: a "Standard Order" creates a "Standard PO". -If you define a relationship here, you overwrite the default counter document type in the Document Type definition. This allows you to define a specific mapping. -If not defined, the first matching document type is used (e.g. AR Invoice - first AP Invoice document type) - - - Previsione Domanda - Gestisce le previsioni di domanda sui materiali per la gestione dell'approvvigionamento - Material Forecast - - - Approvigionamento - Gestisce la domanda di Merci - La gestione di domanda merci è basata su previsioni, richieste, partite aperte - - - - Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento Materiale - Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - Creata da una Spedizione/Ricevimento - - - Tipo Autorizzazione Restituzione Merci - Tipo Autorizzazione Restituzione Merci - Gestisce i Tipo Autorizzazione Restituzione Merci - - - Process Audit - Audit process use - - - - Conferma Movimentazione - Conferma Movimentazione Inventario - Il Documento è creato automaticamente quando il tipo documento di movimentazione indica In Transito. - - - Importa Conferme - Importa Linee Conferma Entrate Merci/Spedizioni - Import Confirmation data of existing Receipt/Shipment Confirmations - - - Criterio SLA - Criterio Service Level Agreement (Livello di Gradimento del Servizio) - Definisce un criterio per misurare il livello di gradimento del servizio (es. Qualità, Rispetto dei Tempi di Consegna, etc.). - - - SLA per il Partner - Livello di Gradimento del Servizio - Gestisce il Livello di Gradimento del Servizio per il Business Partner - - - Schema Listino Prezzi - Gestione Schema Listino Prezzi - Lo Schema del Listino Prezzi definisce le regole di calcolo per il Listino Prezzi. - - - POS - Gestisce il Punto di Vendita Finale - Il POS Finale definisce i valori predefiniti e le funzioni disponibili per il form del punto di vendita - - - Disposizione Chiave POS - Disposizione Funzione Chiave POS Point of Sale (Punto di Vendita) - - - - Registrazione Sistema - Registrazione Sistema - System Registration - Only one Record - Do not add additional records. - - - Inventario uso interno - Inventario uso interno - The Internal Use of Inventory Window allows enter the quantity of used products. - - - Fatturazione Batch - Fatture di spesa Batch - Enter expense invoices in batch. After creating the lines, the actual invoices are created when processing the batch - - - Elemento di Costo - Gestisce gli elementi di Costo - You can define your own product cost elements. - - - Costo prodotto - Gestisce il costo dei prodotti - Maintain Product Cost Elements - - - Categoria Richiesta - Categoria Richiesta - Category or Topic of the Request - - - Gruppo Richiesta - Gruppo Richiesta - Group of requests (e.g. version numbers, responsibility, ...) - - - Risoluzione Richiesta - Risoluzione Richiesta - Resolution status (e.g. Fixed, Rejected, ..) - - - Risposta standard Richiesta - Risposta standard Richiesta - Text blocks to be copied into request response text - - - Stato Richiesta - Stato Richiesta - Status if the request (open, closed, investigating, ..) - - - Negozio Elettronico - Definisce il Negozio elettronico - Define the web store setup. - - - Posizione - Gestione Posizioni di Lavoro - - - - Categoria Posizione - Gestisce le Categorie di Posizioni di Lavoro - - - - Remunerazione - Gestisce la remunerazione - Wages and Salaries - - - Distinta Base - Gestisce la Distinta Base - - - - Notifica Modifica Collegata - Gestisce la Notifica Modifica Collegata Distinta Base - Gestisce la Notifica Modifica Collegata Distinta Base - - - Notifica Modifica Generica - Gestisce la notifica di modifica generica non collegata alla Distinta Base - Gestisce la notifica di modifica generica non collegata alla Distinta Base - - - Serie Attributi di Istanza - Verifica Serie Attributi di Istanza - - - - Dichiarazione Imposte - Definisce la Dichiarazione delle imposte - The tax declaration allows you to create supporting information and reconcile the documents with the accounting - - - Gerarchia dei Report - Gerarchia dei Report - Consente di definire una gerarchia dei report differente da quella standard -Reporting Hierarchy allows you to select different Hierarchies/Trees for the report. -Accounting Segments like Organization, Account, Product may have several hierarchies to accomodate different views on the business - - - Controllo Budget - Controllo Budget - Budget Control allows you to restrict the use of expenditures, commitments (Purchase Orders) and reservations (Requisitions). If defined, you mey not be able to approve Requisitions, Purchse Orders, or AP Invoices. - - - Controllo Fondi (Alpha) - Gestisce il Controllo dei Fondi - General Ledger Funds Control allows you to restrict the use of funds. This is independent from budget control. - - - Report dei Problemi del Sistema - Report dei Porblemi automatico o manuale - System Issues are created to speed up the resolution of any system related issues (potential bugs). If enabled, they are automatically reported to Compiere. No data or confidential information is transferred. - - - Schema dei Colori delle Performance - Schema dei Colori delle Performance - Visual representation of performance by color. The Schema has often three levels (e.g. red-yellow-green). Compiere support two levels (e.g. red-green) or four levels (e.g. gray-bronce-silver-gold). Note that Measures without a goal are represented white. The percentages could be beween 0 and unlimited (i.e. above 100%). - - - Benchmark delle Performance - Benchmark delle Performance - Data Series to compare internal performance with (e.g. stock price, ...) - - - Rapporti delle Performance - Rapporti delle Performance - Calculation instruction for a ratio - - - Raccomandazioni sui Problemi - Raccomandazioni sui Problemi - - - - Stato dei Problemi - Stato dei Problemi - Status of an Issue - - - Problema Conosciuto - Problema Conosciuto - - - - Problemi del Progetto - Problemi del Progetto - - - - Utente del Problema - Utente che ha avuto ilProblema - - - - Sistema per la gestione dei Problemi - Sistema per la gestione dei Problemi - - - + + + + + + Tabella e Colonna + Gestione Tabelle e Colonne + La finestra Tabella e Colonna unice tutte le tabelle alle loro colonne. + + + Riferimento + Gestione Riferimenti di Sistema + La finestra Riferimento definisce i tipi di campo e i suoi parametri. Questa finestra è solo per uso Sistema Admin. + + + Finestre, Tab & Campi + Gestione Finestre, Tab & Campi + La finestra Finestre, Tasti & Campi definisce la presentazione di tabelle e colonne all'interno di ogni finestra. + + + Convalida Regole + Gestione Convalida dinamica Regole per colonne e campi + Il tasto Convalida Regole definisce tutte le regole dinamiche usate quando si inseriscono e si gestiscono le colonne e i campi. + + + Messaggio + Gestione Informazioni e Messaggi d'Errore + La finestra Messaggi definisce il Testo del Messaggio per ogni sistema generato. E' solo per uso Sistema Admin. + + + Menu + Gestione Menu + La finestra Gestione Menu definisce il Menu che viene visualizzato. E' solo per uso System Admin. Gli items del menu items che ogni utente vedranno dipendono dalla sicurezza definita. + + + Lingua + Gestione Lingue + La finestra Lingua ti permette di definire più lingue parallele per gli Utenti. Ciò permette gli utenti di accedere agli stessi dati ma utilizzando finestre, tabulatori e campi in lingue diverse. +Se la lingua è inserita come Lingua di Sistema, puoi modificare l'interfaccia Utente in questa lingua (dopo la traduzione). Altrimenti la lingua viene usata solamente per stampare i documenti. +Per il codice lingua, vi suggeriamo di usare la convenzione Java di paese e lingua (p.e. fr_CN Francese Canadese). +Verificare la traduzione crea elementi di traduzione mancanti. Inizia questo processo dopo aver creato una nuova lingua. + + + Fatture Abbinate + Visualizzare Fatture abbinate + + + + Utente + Gestione Utenti del sistema + La finestra Utente ti permette di definire ogni Utente del sistema. Gli Utenti possono accedere al sistema e alla funzionalità attraverso uno o più ruoli. + + + Azienda (Client) + Gestione Aziende + Il Client (Azienda) è il più alto livello di una entità commerciale indipendente. Ciascun Cliente avrà una o più Organizzazione che si riferisce ad essa. Ciascun Client definisce i parametri contabili (Schema contabile, definizione albero, UOM non monetario). +Non creare un nuovo client in questa finestra, ma usa la finestra "Inserimento iniziale Client" per fissare la sicurezza richiesta e le regole di accesso. Se crei un nuovo client qui, non potrai vederlo e anche la infrastruttura richiesta del client non verrà inserita. + + + Organizzazione + Gestione Organizzazioni + La finestra "Organizzazione" ti permette di definire e gestire entità di organizzazione. Una Organizzazione è spesso una entità legale o una sotto unità per le quali si eleborano documenti e transazioni. + + + Ruolo + Gestione Responsabilità Utente + La finestra Ruolo permette di definire i differenti ruoli che gli utenti avranno in questo sistema. I Ruoli di accesso controllo alle finestre, compiti, report, ecc. Per un client, un Amministratore e un Utente i ruoli sono predefiniti. Puoi aggiungere ruoli per specifiche funzioni o dati. Puoi aggiungere Utenti al ruolo. + + + Sequenza Documento + Gestione Sistema e Sequenze del Documento + Il tasto Sequenza definisce le sequenza numeriche da usare per i documenti. Queste possono anche includere un suffisso o prefisso alfanumerico. + + + Workflow + Gestione Workflow + La finestra Workflow definisce i Workflows del sistema, il livello di accesso per il Workflow e i Nodi o i Passi all'interno del Workflow. + + + Compito (Task) + Gestione compiti (Tasks) + La finestra Gestione Compiti definisce i diversi compiti usati nei workflows e il livello di accesso per quei compiti. + + + Valuta + Gestione Valuta + La finestra Valuta definisce le valute che verranno usate nei documenti o nei reports. Devi definire le valute usate sui livelli di sistema e aggiungere valute sul livello Client solo per valute statistiche (p.e. per valute instabili). + + + Tasso di Conversione + Gestione tassi di conversione valuta + Il tasto Tassi di Cambio viene usato per definire i tassi di conversione da usare quando si convertono gli ammontari dei documenti da una valuta ad un'altra. + + + Esercizi + Gestione Esercizi + Il calendario definisce in modo univoco un calendario contabile. Possono essere utilizzati più calendari (Es. calendario fiscale che va dal 1 luglio al 30 giugno). + + + Piano dei Conti + Gestione Elementi Contabili + La finestra "Piano dei Conti" è usata per definire e gestire gli elementi contabili e gli elementi definiti dell'Utente. +Una delle parti contabili è la tua naturale parte contabile (Grafico di Conto). Puoi aggiungere un nuovo elemento di conto per report paralleli o per parti contabili definite dell'Utente. + + + Unità di Misura + Gestione Unità di Misura + La finestra "Unità di Misura" è usata per definire unità di misura non numeriche. Definisce inoltre se la conversione tra unità di misura è permessa e come deve essere applicata. Il Sistema fornisce alcune conversioni automatiche tra unità di misura (p.e. minuti, ore, giorni, giorni lavorativi, ecc.) se non definiti in modo esplicito. Le conversioni devono essere dirette (cioé: se hai una conversione tra A-B e B-C, il sistema non può convertire A-C, occorre definirlo esplicitamente). + + + Indirizzo + Gestione Indirizzo + La finestra Indirizzo definisce i dati di indirizzo all'interno del sistema. Questa finestra è solo per uso System Admin. Gli Utenti avranno accesso alle entrate degli indirizzi usando il pulsante Indirizzi o premendo sulla finestra appropriata. (cioè Inserimento Ordini o Business Partner) + + + Paese, Regione e Provincia + Gestione Paesi, Regioni e Provincia + La finestra Paesi, Regioni e Città definisce le diverse entità che possono essere usate in ogni campo di indirizzo. Definisce il formato dell'indirizzo e associa le Regioni ai Paesi e le Città alle Regioni o ai Paesi. +<p> Generalmente devi definire i Paesi solo sul livello di Sistema. + + + Business Partner + Gestione Business Partners + La finestra "Business Partner" ti permette di definire ogni persona con la quale intrattieni relazioni commerciali. Questa include clienti, fornitori e dipendenti. Prima di inserire o importare prodotti, devi definire il fornitore. Prima di creare degli ordini, devi definire i clienti. Questa finestra contiene tutte le informazioni sul BP e i valori inseriti verranno usati per generare tutti i documenti commerciali. + + + Schema contabile + Gestione Schema contabile - Per rendere effettive le modifiche devi re-login + La finestra "Schema Contabile" definisce un metodo contabile e gli elementi che verranno inclusi in una struttura di conto. Crea e attiva elementi per una contabilità dettagliata per i BP, i Prodotti, le Location ecc. +Rivede e cambia la CG e i conti di Default. I conti effettivi usati nelle transazioni dipendono dalla organizzazione esecutiva; La maggior parte delle informazioni derivano dal contesto. + + + + Test + Test Screen + + + + Allegato + Gestione Allegati + Solo per Manutenzione del Sistema. La finestra Gestione allegati viene usata per propositi diagnostici per visualizzare gli attributi di un allegato. + + + Preferenza + Gestione Org. Sistema Client e Preferenze Utente + System Admin use only. + + + Progetto (Servizio) + Gestione Progetti + La finestra Progetto viene usata per definre i progetti che saranno definiti attraverso i documenti. + + + Categoria Contabile + Gestione Categorie di contabilità generale + La Catagoria Contabile permette la definizione della catagorie da usare nella contabilità generale. Queste catagorie forniscono un metodo opzionale di raggruppamento e di reporting. + + + Prime Note + Inserisce e modifica Entrate Manuali del Libro Giornale come prime note + La finestra Libro Giornale CG ti permette di inserire e modificare entrare manuali nel Giornale. + + + Attività (ABC) + Gestione attività per Activity Based Costing + La finestra Activity Based Costing definisce le diverse attività per le quali vuoi calcolare i costi. + + + Tipo Documento + Gestione Tipi Documento + La finestra Tipo di Documento definisce i documenti da usare nel sistema. Ogni tipo di documento fornisce le basi per l'elaborazione di ogni documento e controlla il nome stampato e la sequenza documento utilizzata. + + + Aliquota d'Imposta + Gestione Imposte e loro aliquote + La Finestra Aliquote di Imposta definisce le diverse tasse usate per ogni categoria di imposta. Ad esempio, le tasse di Vendita devono essere definite per ogni Stato nelle quali sono applicate. + + + Categorie imposte + Gestione Categorie imposte + La finestra Categorie di Imposte è usata per inserire e gestire i vari tipi di Imposte. Ciascun prodotto è associato con un tipo di imposta che facilita il cambiamento delle aliquote. + + + Magazzino e Aree Stoccaggio + Gestione Magazzino e Aree Stoccaggio + La finestra "Magazzino e Locators definisce ogni Magazzino, ogni Locators per quel Magazzino e i parametri contabili da usare per l'Inventario del Magazzino. + + + Prodotto + Gestione Prodotti + La finestra "Prodotto" definisce tutti i prodotti usati da una organizzazione. Questi prodotti includono quelli venduti ai clienti, usati nella manifattura dei prodotti e venduti ai clienti e quelli acquistati da un'organizzazione. + + + Termini di pagamento + Gestione Termini di pagamento + Il tab Termini di Pagamento definisce i diversi termini di pagamento offerti al Business Partners nel momento del pagamento delle fatture o quelli offerti dai Fornitori. Sulla fattura standard, il Nome e il Termine di pagamento sono stampati. + + + Spedizioniere + Gestione Spedizionieri + La finestra Spedizioniere definisce i diversi spedizionieri utilizzati da una Organizzazione. Quando un metodo di spedizione viene indicato in un Ordine, uno spedizioniere predefinito deve essere selezionato. + + + Ordine di Vendita + Inserisci e Modifica Ordini di Vendita + La finestra Ordini ti permette di inserire e modificare gli Ordini di Vendita. + + + Categoria Prodotto + Gestione Categorie Prodotto + La Categoria Prodotti ti permette di definire diversi gruppi di prodotti. Questi gruppi possono essere usati nel generare i Listini Prezzi, per definire i margini e per assegnare facilmente diversi parametri contabili ai prodotti. + + + Listino Prezzi + Gestione Listino Prezzi Prodotto + La finestra "Listino Prezzi" ti permette di generare dei Listini Prezzi dei prodotti per i tuoi BP. I Listini Prezzi determinano la valuta e il trattamento tasse. Le versioni Listino Prezzi ti permetteno di gestire liste parallele per diversi ranges di date. La versione più recente del Listino Prezzi si basa sulla data del documento. +<BR> +Tutti i listini prezzi hanno tre prezzi: di Listino, Standard e Limite. +<BR> +Il primo passo è creare un listino prezzi di base. Puoi manualmente aggiungere prodotti e inserire i prezzi o crearli automaticamente. Il listino prezzi di base spesso è il listino di acquisto con una lista di prezzi (prezzo ufficiale al dettaglio), il prezzo standard (il tuo prezzo di acquisto). Il prezzo limite può essere usato per controllare i costi finali di acquisto scontati, ribassati, ecc. +<BR> +I listini prezzi possono essere calcolati e copiati. Per velocizzare il calcolo, i parametri vengono memorizzati e usati nel momento in cui si crea una nuova versione di listi + + + Pianificazione fatturazione + Gestione Pianificazione fatturazione + La finestra Pianificazione Fatturazione definisce la frequenza ed elimina le date di generazione delle fatture aggregate. Se un cliente richiede una singola fattura per più spedizioni, devi definire l'inventario della fattura appropriata e associarla al Cliente. + + + Campagna di Marketing + Gestione Campagne di Marketing + Il tasto Campagna di Marketing definisce i parametri per una Campagna. Questi includono le date di inizio e di fine nonchè gli importi delle fatture che si riferiscono a questa campagna. + + + Canale di Marketing + Gestione Canali di Marketing + La finestra "Canale di Marketing" definisce i diversi canali usati nelle Campagne di Marketing. + + + Elemento + Gestione Elementi dei campi + La finestra Elementi di Sistema è il ricettacolo centrale delle Descrizioni dei Nomi dei Campi e degli Aiuti/Commenti. + + + Regione Vendite + Gestione Regioni Vendite + La finestra Regione Vendite definisce le diverse regioni dove effettui del commercio. Puoi generare reports basati sulle Regioni Vendita. + + + Combinazione Conto + Gestione Combinazioni di Conto valido + La finestra Combinazione Conto definisce e visualizza combinazioni di conto valido. + + + Budget CG + Gestione Budgets di contabilità generale + + + + Banca + Gestione Banca + La finestra Banca viene usata per definire le banche e i conti associati ad una Organizzazione o ad un business partner. + + + Sollecito + Gestione livelli di sollecito + La finestra "Sollecito" definisce i parametri da usare quando si generano Lettere di Sollecito. Ogni cliente può essere associato ad un codice di sollecito. + + + Ritenute + + Solo Per l'USA + + + Addebiti + Gestione Addebiti + La finestra Addebiti definisce le diverse addebiti che potrebbero incorrere. Queste possono includere Spese Bancarie, Spese Fornitore e Addebito di Trasporto. + + + Elenco Dati Contabili + Elenco dei Dati contabili + Ricerca i dettagli di transazioni contabili. + + + Albero e Immagine Nodo + Gestione definizione albero + The Tree and Node Image Window defines the descriptors and images that will be used when a Tree is displayed. + + + Report & Processi + Gestisci Reports & Processi + La finestra Reports & Processi viene usata per definire i parametri e le regole di accesso per ogni Report e Processo all'interno del sistema. Questa finestra è solo per uso System Admin. + + + Fattura (Cliente) + Inserimento Fattura Cliente + La finestra Fatture Cliente ti permette di visualizzare e inserire le fatture per un cliente. Le Fatture possono essere generate anche dagli Ordini di Vendita o dai documenti di spedizione. + + + Inventario Fisico + Immessione Inventario fisico + La finestra Inventario Fisico ti permette di generare le liste di calcolo dell'inventario. Questi calcoli possono essere poi elaborati per aggiornare l'inventario effettivo con i nuovi calcoli. + + + Spedizioni (Cliente) + Spedizioni Inventario Cliente e Resi Cliente(Customer Inventory Shipments Customer Returns) + La finestra Spedizioni definisce le spedizioni effettuate o da effettuare ad un cliente. Sono generate da un Ordine Cliente. Il Documento Spedizioni genera la fattura cliente. + + + Movimentazione Scorte + Movimentazione Scorte + La finestraMovimentazione Scorte ti permette di spostare l'inventario da una area di stoccaggio o da un magazzino ad un altro. Dopo che le linee appropriate sono inserite, selezionando il pulsante 'Elabora Movimenti' l'inventario verrà aggiustato. + + + Importazione Business Partner + Importazione Business Partner + La finestra Importazione BP è una tabella ad interim usata quando si importano dati esterni nel sistema. Selezionando il pulsante "Procedi" si aggiungono o modificano gli elementi appropriati. + + + Riconoscimento Ricavo + Regole riconoscimento ricavo + Il tasto Ricognizione Risorsa definisce gli intervalli per i quali una revenue sarà riconosciuta. Puoi basare la revenue recognition anche sui Livelli di Servizio forniti. + + + Inventario perpetuo + Gestione Regole Inventario Perpetuo + L' Inventario perpetuo definisce le regole da applicare quando si generano calcoli di Inventario Fisico. + + + Dettagli Fornitore + Gestione Dettagli Fornitore + La finestra Dettagli Fornitore ti permette di visualizzare e gestire tutti i prodotti di un Fornitore selezionato. + + + Titoli + Gestione Titoli + Il tasto Titoli definisce il titolo con il quale ci si riferisce ad un business partner in un documento. + + + Vista Report + Gestione Viste del Report + La finestra Vista Report definisce le viste usate quando si generano dei reports. Questa finestra è solo per uso System Admin. + + + Ordine di Acquisto + Gestione Ordini di Acquisto + La finestra Ordine d'Acquisto definisce un ordine di acquisto di una organizzazione. Quando un ordine di acquisto è stato inserito puoi generare un Documento di Spedizione o una Fattura da questo Ordine di Acquisto. + + + Fattura (Fornitore) + Inserimento Fattura Fornitore + La finestra Fatture Fornitore ti permette di visualizzare e inserire le fatture di un fornitore. Le Fatture possono essere generate anche dagli Ordini di Acquisto o dai documenti di spedizione. + + + Entrata Merci + Entrata merci + La finestra Entrata merci definisce l'entrata delle merci o di materiale da un fornitore. L'entrata può essere inserita manualmente o può essere generata da un Ordine di Acquisto o da una Fattura Fornitore. + + + Definizione EDI + Gestione Definizione EDI + La finestra Definizione EDI definisce i parametri da usare quando si eleborano transazioni EDI. + + + Transazione EDI + + + + + Form + Forms Speciali + La finestra Forms definisce le finestre non generate automaticamente. Solo per uso System Admin. + + + Messaggio d'Errore + Visualizza Messaggi d'Errore + La finestra Messaggi di Errore visualizza tutti i messaggi di errore generati. Questo è solo per uso Sistema Admin. I records devono essere cancellati manualmente. + + + Formati di Importazione + Gestione Formati di Importazione + La finestra Formati di importazione viene usata per definire il formato del file per importare dati dall'esterno + + + Tire Storage + Maintain storage of tires + + + + Produzione + Produzione basata sulle Distinte Base + La finestra Produzione definisce quei piani e movimenti di inventario che si presentano quando un prodotto viene creato da una distinta base. + + + Gruppo Business Partner + Gestione gruppi di Business Partner + La finestra "Gruppo del BP" definisce i parametri contabili ad un livello di gruppo. Se definisci i parametri contabili per un gruppo, ogni BP inserito usando questo gruppo avrà questi parametri contabili automaticamente definiti. Puoi fare ogni modifica necessaria a livello del BP. + + + Avviso + Mostra Sistema Avvisi + Il sistema crea messaggi durante l'elaborazione. In questa finestra puoi vederli. + + + Estratto Conto Bancario + Elaborare estratti conto bancario + La finestra Estratto Conto Bancario permette di quadrare gli estratti conto. Si può anche inserire le linee dei movimenti dall'estratto conto bancario nel tab Linea Estratto Conto oppure selezionare il pulsante 'Crea Da' che automaticamente generà i pagamenti non riconciliati. Una volta completato il confronto, selezionare il bottone 'Elaborare Adesso' per indicare i pagamenti come riconciliati e aggiornare i conti della contabilità generale. + + + Pagamento + Elabora pagamenti + La finestra Elabora Pagamenti permette di inserire pagamenti che sono stati ricevuti per fatture. Se il pagamento è per una singola fattura, può essere inserito qui. Se il pagamento è per fatture multiple o è un pagamento parziale, può essere inserito nella finestra Imputazione Pagamenti. + + + Attributi Customizzati + Gestione attributi customizzati delle entità + Questa è solo una finestra di Sistema. Gli attributi clienti permettono l'inserimento di informazioni aggiuntive ad una entità. + + + Libro Cassa + Gestione Libro Cassa + La finestra Libro Cassa definisce il conto bancario con il quale verranno effettuate le transazioni di cassa. + + + Giornale di Cassa + Transazioni di Cassa + La finestra Libro Giornale viene usata per registrare gli esborsi dalle ricevute alla cassa per le piccole spese. + + + Gruppo Campo + Definisci Gruppo Campo + La finestra Gruppo Campo ti permette di definire le sotto sezioni di una tabella. Solo per uso Sistema Admin. + + + Richiesta + Lavora sulle tue richieste + La finestra Richieste viene usata per definire ogni richiesta che ti viene assegnata. + + + Elaboratore Richieste + Definizione Elaboratore Richieste + La finestra Processore Richieste ti permette di definire i diversi processi che vuoi avvengano e la frequenza e il tempo di questi processi. + + + Gestione Email + Gestione Modello Email + + + + Annullamento Imputazione + Annullamento Imputazione + La finestra Annullamento Imputazione permette di invertire una imputazione di pagamento. + + + Pagamento Fatture + Seleziona le Fatture per il Pagamento + La finestra Selezione Pagamento ti permette di selezionare ed elaborare le fatture che vuoi pagare. +(a) Puoi creare una Selezione Pagamento e selezionare le fatture manualmente o generare le suggestioni basate sui criteri. Puoi modificare l'importo da pagare o cancellare le fatture che non vuoi pagare. (b) Se sei soddisfatto con la Selezione, puoi creare i pagamenti. + +(c) Stampa o esporta i tuoi pagamenti nella finestra Stapa/Esporta Pagamenti. + + + Commissioni + Gestione Commissioni e Royalties + Definisce come e quando calcolare le commissioni e a chi pagarle. La finestra "Commissioni" definisce in che modo le commissioni e le royalties saranno pagate. Puoi pagare commissioni multiple per lo stesso ordine o fattura (p.e. alla persona che inserisce la transazione, alla persona responsabile dell'acquisto del prodotto (categoria) e/o al BP (gruppo). + + + Reporting del Progetto + Gestione Cicli di Reporting del Progetto + La finestra "Ciclo Progetto" definisce i procedimenti applicati ad uno specifico Progetto. Potresti voler definire più cicli Progetto per differenziare i differenti tipi di progetti. I Cicli Progetto potrebbero usare tutti o un subset dello Stato Progetto utilizzato (p.e.Il tuo ciclo progetto può includere i procedimenti dal prospetto al contratto - il ciclo servizio può includere i procedimenti dalla installazione alla accettazione del cliente). + + + Elaborazione Commissione + Controlla e modifica le Commissioni + La finestra Elaborazione Commissioni visualizza i risultati dell'elaborazione commissioni. Quando questo tasto viene selezionato dalla finestra Commissioni, i risultati sono qui visualizzati. Se il risultato è soddisfacente, genera una fattura AP per pagare la commissione. + + + Obiettivo Performance + Definiscce Obiettivo della Performance + Il tasto Obiettivo Reddito definisce obiettivi specifici relativi al reddito. + + + Calcolo Misure Performance + Definire come calcolare la performance + Il Calcolo Misure di Reddito definisce come calcolare le misure di Reddito. Prima verifica il rendiconto in SQL*Plus. +Il rendiconto selezionato deve ridare un unico valore! +Ogni restrizione per range Data, Organizzazioni, Business Partners, Prodotti deve essere effettuata attraverso la finestra "Misure di Reddito". Questo è il calcolo generico. +Poichè ciò tende ad essere qualcosa di tecnico, il sistema possiede alcuni esempi predefiniti. + + + Misurazione Performance + Definisci le Misure di Performance + La finestra "Misure di Reddito" ti permette di definire i ruoli e le restrizioni per la misurazione del reddito. Puoi, ad esempio, restringere le misure di reddito per le vendite di un certo prodotto in un certo periodo. + + + Report Finanziari + Gestisci Reports finanziari + I Reports finanziari sono la combinazione dell'inserimento di una colonna di Report e un Line Set. + + + Inserimento Colonna Report + Gestione Inserimenti Colonne Report finanziario + L'inserimento Colonne del Report definisce quali dati vengono stampati nelle colonne di un report. + + + Inserimento Linee del Report + Gestione Inserimenti Linee Report finanziario + L'inserimento linee definisce quali linee vengono stampate in un Report finanziario. + + + Livello Servizio + Gestione Livelli Servizio + I Livelli di Servizio sono generati quando una fattura con prodotti basata sulle regole di ricognizione entrate viene generata. Devi aggiornare il livello di servizio effettivo aggiungendo una linea. + + + Trova (uso indiretto) + Trova Dialogo (uso indiretto) Find Dialog (indirect use) + + + + Transazioni di Materiale (uso indiretto) + Transazioni di Materiale (uso indiretto) + + + + Form di Stampa + Gestione Form di Stampa (Fatture, Assegni, ..) + Definisci i documenti da usare per questo Client. Nota che il formato di controllo è definito nella finestra Banca (Conto). + + + Colore Sistema + Gestione Colori del Sistema + I colori del Sistema sono utilizzati per lo sfondo e gli indicatori. + + + Desktop + Gestione Desktop + Il Desktop è un insieme di Workbenches. + + + Immagine Sistema + Gestione immagini + + + + Ordini di Acquisto Abbinati + Mostra Ordini di acquisto abbinati + + + + Finestra Utente + Definisce Finestra Utente Customization + Customization + + + Workbench + Gestione Workbench + I Workbenches sono un insieme di Finestre. + + + Richiesta tutto + Mostra e lavora a tutte le richieste + Questa finestra Richiesta viene usata per vedere tutte le richieste disponibili. + + + Schema della Scontistica + Gestione Schema della scontistica + Lo Schema della Scontistica calcola la percentuale di sconto commerciale. + + + Tipo Spese + Gestione Tipi Spese del Report + + + + Report Ore e Spese + Report Ore e Spese + Il Report Ore e spese permette di gestire le ore spese su un progetto, il tempo fatturabile e di richiedere le spese. + + + Risorsa + Gestione Risorsa + Gestisci le tue Risorse. Il prodotto per le risorse viene automaticamente creato e sincronizzato. Aggiorna Nome, Unità di Misura, ecc. nella Risorsa e non cambiarli nel prodotto. + + + Tipo Risorse + Gestione Tipi Risorsa + Gestione tipi Risorse e loro principali disponibilità. + + + Colori di Stampa + Gestionie Colori di Stampa + Colori usati per la stampa + + + Carattere Stampa + Gestione Carattere Stampa + Font usato per la stampa. + + + Formato Stampa + Gestione Formato Stampa + Il formato stampa determina come i dati vengono stampati. + + + Carta per Stampa + Gestione Carta per Stampa + Formato Foglio da Stampare, Orientamento e Margini. + + + Spese (da fatturare) + Mostra spese e addebiti non fatturati al cliente + Prima di fatturare al cliente, controlla le linee di spesa da fatturare. + + + Stampa Formato Tabella + Definisce il Formato Tabella del Report + Il Formato Stampa della Tabella ti permette di definire come un'intestazione tabella viene stampata, ecc. + + + Tipo Richiesta + Gestione Tipi Richiesta + I Tipi di Richiesta vengono usati per l'eleaborazione e la classificazione delle richieste. Sono opzionali le Informazioni sui Conti, le Ricevute, ecc. + + + Area di Interesse + Area di Interesse o Topic + Aree di Interesse riflettono gli interessi di un tema scaturito da un contatto. Le aree di Interesse possono essere usate nelle campagne di marketing. + + + Sistema + Definizione Sistema + Definizione Sistema Comune - Solo un Record - Non aggiungere altri records. + + + Importazione Prodotti + Importazione Prodotti + La finestra Importazione Prodotti è una tabella ad interim usata quando si importano dati esterni nel sistema. Selezionando il pulsante "Procedi" si aggiungono o modificano gli elementi appropriati. + + + Importazione Conto + Importa Valori di Conto Naturali + La finestra Importazioni Conto Naturale è una tabella ad interim usata quando si importano dati esterni nel sistema. Selezionando il pulsante "Procedi" si aggiungono o modificano gli elementi appropriati. + + + Importazione Linee del Report + Importazione Linee del Report + La finestra Importazione Linee del Report è una tabella ad interim usata quando si importano dati esterni nel sistema. Selezionando il pulsante "Procedi" si aggiungono o modificano gli elementi appropriati. + + + Traduzione Lingua + Controlla Traduzione Lingua + Verifica le traduzioni linguistiche per le entità selezionate. + + + Bene Gestito + Bene usato internamente o dai clienti + Una Bene Gestito viene creato acquistando o spedendo un prodotto. Un Bene può essere usato internamente o essere un bene del cliente. + + + Gruppo Bene Gestito + Gruppo Bene Gestito + Il Gruppo di risorse determina conti di default. Se un gruppo risorsa viene selezionato nella categoria prodotto, le risorse sono create quando si invia la risorsa. + + + Formazione + Formazione Ripetuta + Il training può avere più classi effettive. + + + Spese da Rimborsare + Mostra Spese e addebiti non rimborsati + Prima di rimborsare le spese, controlla gli items di spesa aperta. + + + Quadratura Giornaliera + Query sulla quadratura giornaliera + + + + Serie di Attributi + Gestione Serie di attributi + Define Product Attribute Sets to add additional attributes and values to the product. You need to define a Attribute Set if you want to enable Serial and Lot Number tracking. + + + Lotto + Lotto + Definizione del lotto prodotto + + + Controllo Lotto + Controllo lotto per prodotto + Definition to create Lot numbers for Products + + + Controllo Numero di Serie + Controllo numero di serie per prodotto + Definition to create Serial numbers for Products + + + Attributo + Attributo del Prodotto + Product Attribute like Color, Size, etc. + + + Attributo di Ricerca + Attributo di ricerca + Attributes are specific to a Product Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple attributes and want to search under a common sttribute, you define a search sttribute. Example: have one Size search attribute combining the values of all different sizes (Size for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The Attribute Search allows you to have all values available for selection. This eases the maintenance of the individual product attribute. + + + Fatture di Addebitamento Fornitore + Fatture di addebitamento Fornitore + Enter expense invoices from your vendors + + + Stampa dell'Etichetta + Formato di Stampa dell'Etichetta + Maintain Format to print Labels + + + Sessione + Elenco delle sessioni utente + History of Online or Web Sessions + + + Tipo di Progetto + Gestione Tipo di Progetto e Fase + Gestione Tipi di Progetti e le loro Fase con informazioni della performance standard + + + Documento Ricorrente + Documento Ricorrente + Create new documents based on existing one + + + Importazione Inventario + Importazione le transazione di inventario + Validate and Import Inventory Transactions + + + Ruolo di Accesso + Gestione le regole di accesso dati + Maintain Data Access Roles of Roles/Responsibilties + + + Annuncio + Annuncio Web + Maintain Advertisements on the Web + + + Log Modifiche + Log delle modifiche ai dati + Log of data changes + + + Tipo di Costo + Maintain Cost Types + + + + Tipo di Tempo + Maintain Time Recording Type + Maintain different types of time for reporting + + + Click + Maintain Web Click + + + + Contatore Web + Contatore Web + + + + Pianificazione Pagamento Fatture + Maintain Invoice Payment Schedule + Maintain Payment Schedule of unpaid invoices + + + Avviso + Avviso Compiere + Compiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted of + + + Importazione Estratto Conto Bancario + Importazione Estratto Conto Bancario + + + + Importazione Gornali + Importazione Giornali Contabilità Generale + You way want to check the balance of the import with "Validate Only" before importing. +Unbalanced Journals are imported; the handling is based on your settings for the posting process. + + + Importazione Fatture + Importazione Fatture + + + + Importazione Pagementi + Importazione Pagementi + + + + Importazione Ordini + Importazione Ordini + Please set Y/N selections in the import loader format explicitly (e.g. as constants) and no not leave them NULL. A NULL value stands for "don't know". +In general, selection boxes are not selected if the value is not "Y" (i.e. could be null or any other value). All tests are made on "Y" or "not Y" - i.e. NULL values are not "not Y", but NULL (don't know) - see SQL Language introductions. + + + Categoria Spese di Trasporto + Gestione le catagorie Spese di Trasporto + Freight Categories are used to calculate the Freight for the Shipper selected + + + Dimensioni Contabili + Maintain Non-Account Dimension Trees + Maintain Trees of non account segment trees. Account segment trees (as well as user defined dimensions) are mainatained in the Account Element window. Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all manfatory values! + + + + Replicazione + Getione i Target della Replicazione + Data Replication Target Details. Set up your system completely on the central system, before setting up the replication. Define the Replication target here and export the database and import it on the remote system.<p> +Before(!) entering transactions, Start the Replication Run to set up the remote system. + + + Strategia di Replicazione + Gestione della strategia di replicazione + The Data Replication Strategy determines which tables and how they are replicated. Note that the migration does not syncronize Application Dictionary items. + + + Progetto (Ordine di Lavoro) + Administrazione Progetti di Ordine di Vendita ed Ordine di Lavoro + The Project Window is used to define the projects which will be tracked via documents. + + + Categoria di Conoscenza + Gestione le categorie e valori di conoscenza + Set up knowledge categories and values as a search aid. Examples are Release Version, Product Area, etc. Knowledge Category values act like keyworks. + + + Base di Conoscenza + Gestione Base di Conoscenza + Maintain Type, Topics, Entries and theit Comments, Categories, Related Entries + + + Fonte di Conoscenza + Fonte delle immessione di conoscenza + The Source of a Knowlegde Entry is a pointer to the originating system. The Knowledge Entry has an additional entry (Description URL) for more detailed info. + + + Sinonimo di Conoscenza + Sinonimo per le parole chiave di conoscenza + Search Synonyms for Knowledge Keywords; Example: Product = Item + + + Informazioni Business Partner + Informazione Business Partner + + + + Stampante Etichette + Gestisce la stampa delle etichette + + + + Informazioni Agente + Informazioni Agente Commerciale + This window allows you to view Company agent related information + + + Documenti non Registrati + Documenti non Registrati + View unposted documents + + + Tipo Cambio Valuta + Gestisce i tipi di tasso di conversione valuta + The Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define different type of rates, e.g. Spot, Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates. + + + Importazioni Tassi Conversione Valuta + Importazioni Tassi Conversione Valuta + The rates are imported after validation of currencies and conversion rate type as well as rates. The multiply rate is used. If a reciprocal rate is to be created, the divide rate is used. + + + Processo + Gestisce i processi del Workflow + View actual Workflow Process Instance Information + + + Attività di Workflow (Tutte) + Gestisce tutte le attività dei workflow + + + + Responsabile del Workflow + Responsabile per l'esecuzione del Workflow + The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. + + + Registrazione attributi + Attributi di Bene Gestito + Definisce i singoli valori per la registrazione del Bene Gestito + + + Registrazione + Registrazione Utenti Bene Gestito + User Registration of an Asset + + + Quadratura Estratto Conto + Algorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments + An algorithm to find Business Partners, Invoices, Payments in imported Bank Statements + + + Gruppo Pagamenti + Elabora i pagamenti per i bonifici + Electronic Fund Transfer Payment Batch. + + + Tipo Organizzazione + Gestisce i Tipi di Organizzazione + Consente di categorizzare le Organizzazioni per la reportistica + + + Scheduler + Maintain Schedule Processes and Logs + Schedule processes to be executed asynchronously + + + Elaboratore dei Workflow + Maintain Workflow Processor and Logs + Workflow Processor Server Parameters + + + Argomento dell'Offerta + Argomento dell'Offerta dell'asta + Manage Topics and veiw Bids and Offers + + + Argomento dell'Asta + Gestisce i tipi di Argomento d'asta e le categorie + Definisce che tipo di aste sono realizzate in particolari aree + + + Venditore + Gestisce le informazioni dell'acquirente d'asta + A seller is a User in the system participating in Auctions + + + Acquirente + Gestisce le informazioni dell'acquirente + A buyer is a User in the system participating in Auctions + + + Elaboratore Contabilità + Elaboratore Contabilità e Log + Accounting Processor/Server Parameters and Logs + + + Elaboratore Allarmi + Maintain Alert Processor/Server Parameter and Logs + Alert Processor/Server Parameter + + + Relazioni tra Partner + Gestisce le relazioni tra Business Partner + Consente di gestire le relazioni tra terze parti: chi riceve le fatture per la consegna o i pagamenti per le fatture + + + + Argomento della Richiesta + Gestisce l'Argomento della Richiesta e gli iscritti + A Request for Quotation Topic allows you to maintain a subscriber list of potential Vendors to respond to RfQs + + + Richiesta Quotazione + Gestisce Richiesta Quotazione + Request for Quotation to be sent out to vendors of a RfQ Topic. After Vendor selection, optionally create Sales Order or Quote for Customer as well as Purchase Order for Vendor(s) + + + Prenotazioni + Gestisce le Prenotazioni e le Consegne + Prenotazione di Riacquisto di un Business Partner + + + Tipo Prenotazione + Gestisce i vari tipi di prenotazione + Subscription type and renewal frequency + + + Lista di Distribuzione + Gestisce Liste di Distribuzione + Le Liste di Distribuzione contengono informazioni sui business partner e le quantità e/o rapporti per la creazione di Ordini + + + + Packaging + Gestisce Spedizioni Pacchi + Una spedizione può avere uno o più pacchi. I pacchi possono essere tracciati + + + Restituzione Merci + Gestisce le Autorizzazioni di Restituzione Merci + A Return Material Authorization may be required to accept returns and to create Credit Memos + + + Elaborazione Sollecito + Elaborazione Sollecito + + + + Richieste + Richieste di Materiale + Inserisce e gestisce le richieste di materiale + + + Distribuzione del Mastro + Distribuzione del Mastro + La Distribuzione del Mastro definisce una combinazione di elementi contabili, con un peso relativo. Se la combinazione contabile definita nel tab principale della Distribuzione del Mastro coincide con quella di un evento contabile che si sta contabilizzando, allora la contabilizzazione viene effettuata usando la combinazione definita nelle linee della Distribuzione del Mastro. La distribuzione deve essere valida per poter essere usata. + + + + Risposta Richiesta Quotazione + Gestisce la Risposta Richiesta Quotazione + + + + Elabora Distribuzioni + Crea Ordini per distribuire prodotti a liste di Business Partner + Crea Ordini per distribuire prodotti a liste di Business Partner + + + Access Log + Log of Access to data or resources + Logging needs to be explicitly enabled / written. + + + Contatore Documento + Gestisce i tipi di contatore del Documento + When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: a "Standard Order" creates a "Standard PO". +If you define a relationship here, you overwrite the default counter document type in the Document Type definition. This allows you to define a specific mapping. +If not defined, the first matching document type is used (e.g. AR Invoice - first AP Invoice document type) + + + Previsione Domanda + Gestisce le previsioni di domanda sui materiali per la gestione dell'approvvigionamento + Material Forecast + + + Approvigionamento + Gestisce la domanda di Merci + La gestione di domanda merci è basata su previsioni, richieste, partite aperte + + + + Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento + Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento Materiale + Conferma Spedizione/Ricevimento - Creata da una Spedizione/Ricevimento + + + Tipo Autorizzazione Restituzione Merci + Tipo Autorizzazione Restituzione Merci + Gestisce i Tipo Autorizzazione Restituzione Merci + + + Process Audit + Audit process use + + + + Conferma Movimentazione + Conferma Movimentazione Inventario + Il Documento è creato automaticamente quando il tipo documento di movimentazione indica In Transito. + + + Importa Conferme + Importa Linee Conferma Entrate Merci/Spedizioni + Import Confirmation data of existing Receipt/Shipment Confirmations + + + Criterio SLA + Criterio Service Level Agreement (Livello di Gradimento del Servizio) + Definisce un criterio per misurare il livello di gradimento del servizio (es. Qualità, Rispetto dei Tempi di Consegna, etc.). + + + SLA per il Partner + Livello di Gradimento del Servizio + Gestisce il Livello di Gradimento del Servizio per il Business Partner + + + Schema Listino Prezzi + Gestione Schema Listino Prezzi + Lo Schema del Listino Prezzi definisce le regole di calcolo per il Listino Prezzi. + + + POS + Gestisce il Punto di Vendita Finale + Il POS Finale definisce i valori predefiniti e le funzioni disponibili per il form del punto di vendita + + + Disposizione Chiave POS + Disposizione Funzione Chiave POS Point of Sale (Punto di Vendita) + + + + Registrazione Sistema + Registrazione Sistema + System Registration - Only one Record - Do not add additional records. + + + Inventario uso interno + Inventario uso interno + The Internal Use of Inventory Window allows enter the quantity of used products. + + + Fatturazione Batch + Fatture di spesa Batch + Enter expense invoices in batch. After creating the lines, the actual invoices are created when processing the batch + + + Elemento di Costo + Gestisce gli elementi di Costo + You can define your own product cost elements. + + + Costo prodotto + Gestisce il costo dei prodotti + Maintain Product Cost Elements + + + Categoria Richiesta + Categoria Richiesta + Category or Topic of the Request + + + Gruppo Richiesta + Gruppo Richiesta + Group of requests (e.g. version numbers, responsibility, ...) + + + Risoluzione Richiesta + Risoluzione Richiesta + Resolution status (e.g. Fixed, Rejected, ..) + + + Risposta standard Richiesta + Risposta standard Richiesta + Text blocks to be copied into request response text + + + Stato Richiesta + Stato Richiesta + Status if the request (open, closed, investigating, ..) + + + Negozio Elettronico + Definisce il Negozio elettronico + Define the web store setup. + + + Posizione + Gestione Posizioni di Lavoro + + + + Categoria Posizione + Gestisce le Categorie di Posizioni di Lavoro + + + + Remunerazione + Gestisce la remunerazione + Wages and Salaries + + + Distinta Base + Gestisce la Distinta Base + + + + Notifica Modifica Collegata + Gestisce la Notifica Modifica Collegata Distinta Base + Gestisce la Notifica Modifica Collegata Distinta Base + + + Notifica Modifica Generica + Gestisce la notifica di modifica generica non collegata alla Distinta Base + Gestisce la notifica di modifica generica non collegata alla Distinta Base + + + Serie Attributi di Istanza + Verifica Serie Attributi di Istanza + + + + Dichiarazione Imposte + Definisce la Dichiarazione delle imposte + The tax declaration allows you to create supporting information and reconcile the documents with the accounting + + + Gerarchia dei Report + Gerarchia dei Report + Consente di definire una gerarchia dei report differente da quella standard +Reporting Hierarchy allows you to select different Hierarchies/Trees for the report. +Accounting Segments like Organization, Account, Product may have several hierarchies to accomodate different views on the business + + + Controllo Budget + Controllo Budget + Budget Control allows you to restrict the use of expenditures, commitments (Purchase Orders) and reservations (Requisitions). If defined, you mey not be able to approve Requisitions, Purchse Orders, or AP Invoices. + + + Controllo Fondi (Alpha) + Gestisce il Controllo dei Fondi + General Ledger Funds Control allows you to restrict the use of funds. This is independent from budget control. + + + Report dei Problemi del Sistema + Report dei Porblemi automatico o manuale + System Issues are created to speed up the resolution of any system related issues (potential bugs). If enabled, they are automatically reported to Compiere. No data or confidential information is transferred. + + + Schema dei Colori delle Performance + Schema dei Colori delle Performance + Visual representation of performance by color. The Schema has often three levels (e.g. red-yellow-green). Compiere support two levels (e.g. red-green) or four levels (e.g. gray-bronce-silver-gold). Note that Measures without a goal are represented white. The percentages could be beween 0 and unlimited (i.e. above 100%). + + + Benchmark delle Performance + Benchmark delle Performance + Data Series to compare internal performance with (e.g. stock price, ...) + + + Rapporti delle Performance + Rapporti delle Performance + Calculation instruction for a ratio + + + Raccomandazioni sui Problemi + Raccomandazioni sui Problemi + + + + Stato dei Problemi + Stato dei Problemi + Status of an Issue + + + Problema Conosciuto + Problema Conosciuto + + + + Problemi del Progetto + Problemi del Progetto + + + + Utente del Problema + Utente che ha avuto ilProblema + + + + Sistema per la gestione dei Problemi + Sistema per la gestione dei Problemi + + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/AD_Workbench_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/AD_Workbench_Trl_it_IT.xml index bbb9df5686..35f4997350 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/AD_Workbench_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/AD_Workbench_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - - - - - - Vendite - - - - + + + + + + Vendite + + + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/AD_Workflow_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/AD_Workflow_Trl_it_IT.xml index ba8c43d84f..98b57e7fb1 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/AD_Workflow_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/AD_Workflow_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,174 +1,174 @@ - - - - - - Configurazione progetto - Configurazione dei progetti e rendiconto dei progetti - I Progetti permettono di controllare lo stato e i progressi delle opportunità di vendita, dei progetti di servizio e di investimento. Un Progetto è un processo intrapreso che può coinvolgere diverse azioni o fasi e richiede risorse da più di un' area. - - - Configurazione lingua - Configura un nuovo lingua e traduce gli elementi. - Definisce un nuovo linguaggio come linguaggio di sistema. - - - Rivisione configurazione iniziale del client - Rivisione configurazione iniziale del client - Questo workflow revisiona il sistema di configurazione di un Nuovo Cliente come effettuato dalla configurazione automatica Iniziale del Cliente. -Potresti voler controllare anche i seguenti Workflows: -- Configurazione Contabilità -- Configurazione Business Partner -- Configurazione Prodotto - Configurazione Listino Prezzi -- Configurazione Magazzino -- Configurazione Tasse - - - - Configurazione Contabilità - Revisiona e cambia l'inserimento contabilità - Questo workflow ti permette di rivedere e cambiare le Regole di Contabilità. - - - Configurazione business partner - Inserimento Regole del Business Partner - Questo workflow definisce il Business Partners e le regole di appoggio. - - - Configurazione prodotti - Inserimento Prodotti - Definisce i prodotti manualmente. Dovresti verificare l'inserimento dei prodotti specialmente in caso di importazione. - - - Configurazione listini - Definizione dei Listini Prezzi e degli Sconti - Definisci il Listino Prezzi dopo aver inserito o importato i prodotti. - - - Setup Replicazione - Impostazione Replicazione - - - - Configurazione imposte - Configurazione calcolo delle imposte - Configura delle imposte per i prodotti, i servizi e le spese. - - - Configurazione vendite - Configurazione vendite - Configura i rappresentanti di Vendita, le Provvigioni, i Canali e le Campagne di Marketing. - - - Configurazione indicatori di perfomance - Configurazione indicatori di perfomance - Questo workflow ti guida nella configurazione degli indicatori di performance basandoti sugli Indicatori di Performance Chiave, Segnapunti Bilanciati, ecc. - -Fondamentale: Prima di tutto fai le tue analisi! -- Quali sono i tuoi obiettivi e come li misuri? - -Mentre stai configurando il sistema, fallo alla rovescia: -Prima di tutto definisci come lo misuri e alla fine definisci gli obiettivi delle misurazioni. -Hai tre modi per misurare le performance: -- attraverso misure quantificabilli (p.e. vendite di $3 milioni in Q1) -- attraverso misure manuali -- attraverso risultati (compiti) - -Il sistema converte le misure in percentuali (basate sulle misure e gli obiettivi raggiunti - o sul numero dei risultati totali raggiunti) - - - Cofigurazione richieste - Configurazione richieste del cliente - - - - Requisition Setup - - - - - Process Requisition - - - - - Process_Order - (Standard Process Order) - - - - Process_Shipment - (Standard Process Shipment) - - - - Process_Invoice - (Standard Process Onvoice) - - - - Process_Cash - (Standard Process Cash) - - - - Process_Payment - (Standard Process Payment) - - - - Process_Jouranl - (Standard Process Journal) - - - - Process_JournalBatch - (Standard Process Jornal Batch) - - - - Process RMA - (Standard Process_RMA) - - - - Process_InOutConfirm - (Standard Process Confirmation) - - - - Process_Allocation - (Standard Process Allocation) - - - - Process_TimeExpense - (Standard Process Time Expense) - - - - Process_Inventory - (Standard Process Inventory) - - - - Process_Movement - (Standard Process Movement) - - - - Process_MovementConfirm - (Standard Process Movement Confirmation) - - - - Process_BankStatement - (Standard Process Bank Statement) - - - - Business Partner Approval - Example Document based workflow - When a new Business Partner is created, it is forwarded for review and credit check. - - + + + + + + Configurazione progetto + Configurazione dei progetti e rendiconto dei progetti + I Progetti permettono di controllare lo stato e i progressi delle opportunità di vendita, dei progetti di servizio e di investimento. Un Progetto è un processo intrapreso che può coinvolgere diverse azioni o fasi e richiede risorse da più di un' area. + + + Configurazione lingua + Configura un nuovo lingua e traduce gli elementi. + Definisce un nuovo linguaggio come linguaggio di sistema. + + + Rivisione configurazione iniziale del client + Rivisione configurazione iniziale del client + Questo workflow revisiona il sistema di configurazione di un Nuovo Cliente come effettuato dalla configurazione automatica Iniziale del Cliente. +Potresti voler controllare anche i seguenti Workflows: +- Configurazione Contabilità +- Configurazione Business Partner +- Configurazione Prodotto - Configurazione Listino Prezzi +- Configurazione Magazzino +- Configurazione Tasse + + + + Configurazione Contabilità + Revisiona e cambia l'inserimento contabilità + Questo workflow ti permette di rivedere e cambiare le Regole di Contabilità. + + + Configurazione business partner + Inserimento Regole del Business Partner + Questo workflow definisce il Business Partners e le regole di appoggio. + + + Configurazione prodotti + Inserimento Prodotti + Definisce i prodotti manualmente. Dovresti verificare l'inserimento dei prodotti specialmente in caso di importazione. + + + Configurazione listini + Definizione dei Listini Prezzi e degli Sconti + Definisci il Listino Prezzi dopo aver inserito o importato i prodotti. + + + Setup Replicazione + Impostazione Replicazione + + + + Configurazione imposte + Configurazione calcolo delle imposte + Configura delle imposte per i prodotti, i servizi e le spese. + + + Configurazione vendite + Configurazione vendite + Configura i rappresentanti di Vendita, le Provvigioni, i Canali e le Campagne di Marketing. + + + Configurazione indicatori di perfomance + Configurazione indicatori di perfomance + Questo workflow ti guida nella configurazione degli indicatori di performance basandoti sugli Indicatori di Performance Chiave, Segnapunti Bilanciati, ecc. + +Fondamentale: Prima di tutto fai le tue analisi! +- Quali sono i tuoi obiettivi e come li misuri? + +Mentre stai configurando il sistema, fallo alla rovescia: +Prima di tutto definisci come lo misuri e alla fine definisci gli obiettivi delle misurazioni. +Hai tre modi per misurare le performance: +- attraverso misure quantificabilli (p.e. vendite di $3 milioni in Q1) +- attraverso misure manuali +- attraverso risultati (compiti) + +Il sistema converte le misure in percentuali (basate sulle misure e gli obiettivi raggiunti - o sul numero dei risultati totali raggiunti) + + + Cofigurazione richieste + Configurazione richieste del cliente + + + + Requisition Setup + + + + + Process Requisition + + + + + Process_Order + (Standard Process Order) + + + + Process_Shipment + (Standard Process Shipment) + + + + Process_Invoice + (Standard Process Onvoice) + + + + Process_Cash + (Standard Process Cash) + + + + Process_Payment + (Standard Process Payment) + + + + Process_Jouranl + (Standard Process Journal) + + + + Process_JournalBatch + (Standard Process Jornal Batch) + + + + Process RMA + (Standard Process_RMA) + + + + Process_InOutConfirm + (Standard Process Confirmation) + + + + Process_Allocation + (Standard Process Allocation) + + + + Process_TimeExpense + (Standard Process Time Expense) + + + + Process_Inventory + (Standard Process Inventory) + + + + Process_Movement + (Standard Process Movement) + + + + Process_MovementConfirm + (Standard Process Movement Confirmation) + + + + Process_BankStatement + (Standard Process Bank Statement) + + + + Business Partner Approval + Example Document based workflow + When a new Business Partner is created, it is forwarded for review and credit check. + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/C_Country_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/C_Country_Trl_it_IT.xml index 97a4abddff..bbac41e2d9 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/C_Country_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/C_Country_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,1200 +1,1200 @@ - - - - - - United States - United States of America - State - - - Germany - Deutschland - - - - - France - France - - - - Belgium - - - - - Nederlands - - - - - Spain - - - - - Switzerland - - - - - Austria - Österreich - - - - Canada - - Province - - - Afghanistan - Afghanistan - - - - Albania - Albania - - - - Algeria - Algeria - - - - American Samoa - American Samoa - - - - Andorra - Andorra - - - - Angola - Angola - - - - Anguilla - Anguilla - - - - Antarctica - Antarctica - - - - Antigua And Barbuda - Antigua And Barbuda - - - - Argentina - Argentina - - - - Armenia - Armenia - - - - Aruba - Aruba - - - - Australia - Australia - State - - - Azerbaijan - Azerbaijan - - - - Bahamas - Bahamas - - - - Bahrain - Bahrain - - - - Bangladesh - Bangladesh - - - - Barbados - Barbados - - - - Belarus - Belarus - - - - Belize - Belize - - - - Benin - Benin - - - - Bermuda - Bermuda - - - - Bhutan - Bhutan - - - - Bolivia - Bolivia - - - - Bosnia And Herzegovina - Bosnia And Herzegovina - - - - Botswana - Botswana - - - - Bouvet Island - Bouvet Island - - - - Brazil - Brazil - - - - British Indian Ocean Territory - British Indian Ocean Territory - - - - Brunei Darussalam - Brunei Darussalam - - - - Bulgaria - Bulgaria - - - - Burkina Faso - Burkina Faso - - - - Burundi - Burundi - - - - Cambodia - Cambodia - - - - Cameroon - Cameroon - - - - Cape Verde - Cape Verde - - - - Cayman Islands - Cayman Islands - - - - Central African Republic - Central African Republic - - - - Chad - Chad - - - - Chile - Chile - - - - China - China - - - - Christmas Island - Christmas Island - - - - Cocos (keeling) Islands - Cocos (keeling) Islands - - - - Colombia - Colombia - - - - Comoros - Comoros - - - - Congo - Congo - - - - Congo The Democratic Republic Of The - Congo The Democratic Republic Of The - - - - Cook Islands - Cook Islands - - - - Costa Rica - Costa Rica - - - - Cote D'ivoire - Cote D'ivoire - - - - Croatia - Croatia - - - - Cuba - Cuba - - - - Cyprus - Cyprus - - - - Czech Republic - Czech Republic - - - - Denmark - Denmark - - - - Djibouti - Djibouti - - - - Dominica - Dominica - - - - Dominican Republic - Dominican Republic - - - - Ecuador - Ecuador - - - - Egypt - Egypt - - - - El Salvador - El Salvador - - - - Equatorial Guinea - Equatorial Guinea - - - - Eritrea - Eritrea - - - - Estonia - Estonia - - - - Ethiopia - Ethiopia - - - - Falkland Islands (malvinas) - Falkland Islands (malvinas) - - - - Faroe Islands - Faroe Islands - - - - Fiji - Fiji - - - - Finland - Finland - - - - French Guiana - French Guiana - - - - French Polynesia - French Polynesia - - - - French Southern Territories - French Southern Territories - - - - Gabon - Gabon - - - - Gambia - Gambia - - - - Georgia - Georgia - - - - Ghana - Ghana - - - - Gibraltar - Gibraltar - - - - Greece - Greece - - - - Greenland - Greenland - - - - Grenada - Grenada - - - - Guadeloupe - Guadeloupe - - - - Guam - Guam - - - - Guatemala - Guatemala - - - - Guinea - Guinea - - - - Guinea-bissau - Guinea-bissau - - - - Guyana - Guyana - - - - Haiti - Haiti - - - - Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands - Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands - - - - Holy See (vatican City State) - Holy See (vatican City State) - - - - Honduras - Honduras - - - - Hong Kong - Hong Kong - - - - Hungary - Hungary - - - - Iceland - Iceland - - - - India - India - - - - Indonesia - Indonesia - - - - Iran Islamic Republic Of - Iran Islamic Republic Of - - - - Iraq - Iraq - - - - Ireland - Ireland - - - - Israel - Israel - - - - Italy - Italy - - - - Jamaica - Jamaica - - - - Japan - Japan - Region - - - Jordan - Jordan - - - - Kazakhstan - Kazakhstan - - - - Kenya - Kenya - - - - Kiribati - Kiribati - - - - Korea Democratic People's Republic Of - Korea Democratic People's Republic Of - - - - Korea Republic Of - Korea Republic Of - - - - Kuwait - Kuwait - - - - Kyrgyzstan - Kyrgyzstan - - - - Lao People's Democratic Republic - Lao People's Democratic Republic - - - - Latvia - Latvia - - - - Lebanon - Lebanon - - - - Lesotho - Lesotho - - - - Liberia - Liberia - - - - Libyan Arab Jamahiriya - Libyan Arab Jamahiriya - - - - Liechtenstein - Liechtenstein - - - - Lithuania - Lithuania - - - - Luxembourg - Luxembourg - - - - Macao - Macao - - - - Macedonia Former Yugoslav Republic Of - Macedonia Former Yugoslav Republic Of - - - - Madagascar - Madagascar - - - - Malawi - Malawi - - - - Malaysia - Malaysia - - - - Maldives - Maldives - - - - Mali - Mali - - - - Malta - Malta - - - - Marshall Islands - Marshall Islands - - - - Martinique - Martinique - - - - Mauritania - Mauritania - - - - Mauritius - Mauritius - - - - Mayotte - Mayotte - - - - Mexico - Mexico - - - - Micronesia Federated States Of - Micronesia Federated States Of - - - - Moldova Republic Of - Moldova Republic Of - - - - Monaco - Monaco - - - - Mongolia - Mongolia - - - - Montserrat - Montserrat - - - - Morocco - Morocco - - - - Mozambique - Mozambique - - - - Myanmar - Myanmar - - - - Namibia - Namibia - - - - Nauru - Nauru - - - - Nepal - Nepal - - - - Netherlands Antilles - Netherlands Antilles - - - - New Caledonia - New Caledonia - - - - New Zealand - New Zealand - - - - Nicaragua - Nicaragua - - - - Niger - Niger - - - - Nigeria - Nigeria - - - - Niue - Niue - - - - Norfolk Island - Norfolk Island - - - - Northern Mariana Islands - Northern Mariana Islands - - - - Norway - Norway - - - - Oman - Oman - - - - Pakistan - Pakistan - - - - Palau - Palau - - - - Palestinian Territory Occupied - Palestinian Territory Occupied - - - - Panama - Panama - - - - Papua New Guinea - Papua New Guinea - - - - Paraguay - Paraguay - - - - Peru - Peru - - - - Philippines - Philippines - - - - Pitcairn - Pitcairn - - - - Poland - Poland - - - - Portugal - Portugal - - - - Puerto Rico - Puerto Rico - - - - Qatar - Qatar - - - - Reunion - Reunion - - - - Romania - Romania - - - - Russian Federation - Russian Federation - - - - Rwanda - Rwanda - - - - Saint Helena - Saint Helena - - - - Saint Kitts And Nevis - Saint Kitts And Nevis - - - - Saint Lucia - Saint Lucia - - - - Saint Pierre And Miquelon - Saint Pierre And Miquelon - - - - Saint Vincent And The Grenadines - Saint Vincent And The Grenadines - - - - Samoa - Samoa - - - - San Marino - San Marino - - - - Sao Tome And Principe - Sao Tome And Principe - - - - Saudi Arabia - Saudi Arabia - - - - Senegal - Senegal - - - - Seychelles - Seychelles - - - - Sierra Leone - Sierra Leone - - - - Singapore - Singapore - - - - Slovakia - Slovakia - - - - Slovenia - Slovenia - - - - Solomon Islands - Solomon Islands - - - - Somalia - Somalia - - - - South Africa - South Africa - - - - South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands - South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands - - - - Sri Lanka - Sri Lanka - - - - Sudan - Sudan - - - - Suriname - Suriname - - - - Svalbard And Jan Mayen - Svalbard And Jan Mayen - - - - Swaziland - Swaziland - - - - Sweden - Sweden - - - - Syrian Arab Republic - Syrian Arab Republic - - - - Taiwan - Taiwan - - - - Tajikistan - Tajikistan - - - - Tanzania United Republic Of - Tanzania United Republic Of - - - - Thailand - Thailand - - - - Timor-leste - Timor-leste - - - - Togo - Togo - - - - Tokelau - Tokelau - - - - Tonga - Tonga - - - - Trinidad And Tobago - Trinidad And Tobago - - - - Tunisia - Tunisia - - - - Turkey - Turkey - - - - Turkmenistan - Turkmenistan - - - - Turks And Caicos Islands - Turks And Caicos Islands - - - - Tuvalu - Tuvalu - - - - Uganda - Uganda - - - - Ukraine - Ukraine - - - - United Arab Emirates - United Arab Emirates - - - - United Kingdom - United Kingdom - - - - United States Minor Outlying Islands - United States Minor Outlying Islands - - - - Uruguay - Uruguay - - - - Uzbekistan - Uzbekistan - - - - Vanuatu - Vanuatu - - - - Venezuela - Venezuela - - - - Viet Nam - Viet Nam - - - - Virgin Islands British - Virgin Islands British - - - - Virgin Islands U.s. - Virgin Islands U.s. - - - - Wallis And Futuna - Wallis And Futuna - - - - Western Sahara - Western Sahara - - - - Yemen - Yemen - - - - Yugoslavia - Yugoslavia - - - - Zambia - Zambia - - - - Zimbabwe - Zimbabwe - - - + + + + + + United States + United States of America + State + + + Germany - Deutschland + + + + + France + France + + + + Belgium + + + + + Nederlands + + + + + Spain + + + + + Switzerland + + + + + Austria + Österreich + + + + Canada + + Province + + + Afghanistan + Afghanistan + + + + Albania + Albania + + + + Algeria + Algeria + + + + American Samoa + American Samoa + + + + Andorra + Andorra + + + + Angola + Angola + + + + Anguilla + Anguilla + + + + Antarctica + Antarctica + + + + Antigua And Barbuda + Antigua And Barbuda + + + + Argentina + Argentina + + + + Armenia + Armenia + + + + Aruba + Aruba + + + + Australia + Australia + State + + + Azerbaijan + Azerbaijan + + + + Bahamas + Bahamas + + + + Bahrain + Bahrain + + + + Bangladesh + Bangladesh + + + + Barbados + Barbados + + + + Belarus + Belarus + + + + Belize + Belize + + + + Benin + Benin + + + + Bermuda + Bermuda + + + + Bhutan + Bhutan + + + + Bolivia + Bolivia + + + + Bosnia And Herzegovina + Bosnia And Herzegovina + + + + Botswana + Botswana + + + + Bouvet Island + Bouvet Island + + + + Brazil + Brazil + + + + British Indian Ocean Territory + British Indian Ocean Territory + + + + Brunei Darussalam + Brunei Darussalam + + + + Bulgaria + Bulgaria + + + + Burkina Faso + Burkina Faso + + + + Burundi + Burundi + + + + Cambodia + Cambodia + + + + Cameroon + Cameroon + + + + Cape Verde + Cape Verde + + + + Cayman Islands + Cayman Islands + + + + Central African Republic + Central African Republic + + + + Chad + Chad + + + + Chile + Chile + + + + China + China + + + + Christmas Island + Christmas Island + + + + Cocos (keeling) Islands + Cocos (keeling) Islands + + + + Colombia + Colombia + + + + Comoros + Comoros + + + + Congo + Congo + + + + Congo The Democratic Republic Of The + Congo The Democratic Republic Of The + + + + Cook Islands + Cook Islands + + + + Costa Rica + Costa Rica + + + + Cote D'ivoire + Cote D'ivoire + + + + Croatia + Croatia + + + + Cuba + Cuba + + + + Cyprus + Cyprus + + + + Czech Republic + Czech Republic + + + + Denmark + Denmark + + + + Djibouti + Djibouti + + + + Dominica + Dominica + + + + Dominican Republic + Dominican Republic + + + + Ecuador + Ecuador + + + + Egypt + Egypt + + + + El Salvador + El Salvador + + + + Equatorial Guinea + Equatorial Guinea + + + + Eritrea + Eritrea + + + + Estonia + Estonia + + + + Ethiopia + Ethiopia + + + + Falkland Islands (malvinas) + Falkland Islands (malvinas) + + + + Faroe Islands + Faroe Islands + + + + Fiji + Fiji + + + + Finland + Finland + + + + French Guiana + French Guiana + + + + French Polynesia + French Polynesia + + + + French Southern Territories + French Southern Territories + + + + Gabon + Gabon + + + + Gambia + Gambia + + + + Georgia + Georgia + + + + Ghana + Ghana + + + + Gibraltar + Gibraltar + + + + Greece + Greece + + + + Greenland + Greenland + + + + Grenada + Grenada + + + + Guadeloupe + Guadeloupe + + + + Guam + Guam + + + + Guatemala + Guatemala + + + + Guinea + Guinea + + + + Guinea-bissau + Guinea-bissau + + + + Guyana + Guyana + + + + Haiti + Haiti + + + + Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands + Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands + + + + Holy See (vatican City State) + Holy See (vatican City State) + + + + Honduras + Honduras + + + + Hong Kong + Hong Kong + + + + Hungary + Hungary + + + + Iceland + Iceland + + + + India + India + + + + Indonesia + Indonesia + + + + Iran Islamic Republic Of + Iran Islamic Republic Of + + + + Iraq + Iraq + + + + Ireland + Ireland + + + + Israel + Israel + + + + Italy + Italy + + + + Jamaica + Jamaica + + + + Japan + Japan + Region + + + Jordan + Jordan + + + + Kazakhstan + Kazakhstan + + + + Kenya + Kenya + + + + Kiribati + Kiribati + + + + Korea Democratic People's Republic Of + Korea Democratic People's Republic Of + + + + Korea Republic Of + Korea Republic Of + + + + Kuwait + Kuwait + + + + Kyrgyzstan + Kyrgyzstan + + + + Lao People's Democratic Republic + Lao People's Democratic Republic + + + + Latvia + Latvia + + + + Lebanon + Lebanon + + + + Lesotho + Lesotho + + + + Liberia + Liberia + + + + Libyan Arab Jamahiriya + Libyan Arab Jamahiriya + + + + Liechtenstein + Liechtenstein + + + + Lithuania + Lithuania + + + + Luxembourg + Luxembourg + + + + Macao + Macao + + + + Macedonia Former Yugoslav Republic Of + Macedonia Former Yugoslav Republic Of + + + + Madagascar + Madagascar + + + + Malawi + Malawi + + + + Malaysia + Malaysia + + + + Maldives + Maldives + + + + Mali + Mali + + + + Malta + Malta + + + + Marshall Islands + Marshall Islands + + + + Martinique + Martinique + + + + Mauritania + Mauritania + + + + Mauritius + Mauritius + + + + Mayotte + Mayotte + + + + Mexico + Mexico + + + + Micronesia Federated States Of + Micronesia Federated States Of + + + + Moldova Republic Of + Moldova Republic Of + + + + Monaco + Monaco + + + + Mongolia + Mongolia + + + + Montserrat + Montserrat + + + + Morocco + Morocco + + + + Mozambique + Mozambique + + + + Myanmar + Myanmar + + + + Namibia + Namibia + + + + Nauru + Nauru + + + + Nepal + Nepal + + + + Netherlands Antilles + Netherlands Antilles + + + + New Caledonia + New Caledonia + + + + New Zealand + New Zealand + + + + Nicaragua + Nicaragua + + + + Niger + Niger + + + + Nigeria + Nigeria + + + + Niue + Niue + + + + Norfolk Island + Norfolk Island + + + + Northern Mariana Islands + Northern Mariana Islands + + + + Norway + Norway + + + + Oman + Oman + + + + Pakistan + Pakistan + + + + Palau + Palau + + + + Palestinian Territory Occupied + Palestinian Territory Occupied + + + + Panama + Panama + + + + Papua New Guinea + Papua New Guinea + + + + Paraguay + Paraguay + + + + Peru + Peru + + + + Philippines + Philippines + + + + Pitcairn + Pitcairn + + + + Poland + Poland + + + + Portugal + Portugal + + + + Puerto Rico + Puerto Rico + + + + Qatar + Qatar + + + + Reunion + Reunion + + + + Romania + Romania + + + + Russian Federation + Russian Federation + + + + Rwanda + Rwanda + + + + Saint Helena + Saint Helena + + + + Saint Kitts And Nevis + Saint Kitts And Nevis + + + + Saint Lucia + Saint Lucia + + + + Saint Pierre And Miquelon + Saint Pierre And Miquelon + + + + Saint Vincent And The Grenadines + Saint Vincent And The Grenadines + + + + Samoa + Samoa + + + + San Marino + San Marino + + + + Sao Tome And Principe + Sao Tome And Principe + + + + Saudi Arabia + Saudi Arabia + + + + Senegal + Senegal + + + + Seychelles + Seychelles + + + + Sierra Leone + Sierra Leone + + + + Singapore + Singapore + + + + Slovakia + Slovakia + + + + Slovenia + Slovenia + + + + Solomon Islands + Solomon Islands + + + + Somalia + Somalia + + + + South Africa + South Africa + + + + South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands + South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands + + + + Sri Lanka + Sri Lanka + + + + Sudan + Sudan + + + + Suriname + Suriname + + + + Svalbard And Jan Mayen + Svalbard And Jan Mayen + + + + Swaziland + Swaziland + + + + Sweden + Sweden + + + + Syrian Arab Republic + Syrian Arab Republic + + + + Taiwan + Taiwan + + + + Tajikistan + Tajikistan + + + + Tanzania United Republic Of + Tanzania United Republic Of + + + + Thailand + Thailand + + + + Timor-leste + Timor-leste + + + + Togo + Togo + + + + Tokelau + Tokelau + + + + Tonga + Tonga + + + + Trinidad And Tobago + Trinidad And Tobago + + + + Tunisia + Tunisia + + + + Turkey + Turkey + + + + Turkmenistan + Turkmenistan + + + + Turks And Caicos Islands + Turks And Caicos Islands + + + + Tuvalu + Tuvalu + + + + Uganda + Uganda + + + + Ukraine + Ukraine + + + + United Arab Emirates + United Arab Emirates + + + + United Kingdom + United Kingdom + + + + United States Minor Outlying Islands + United States Minor Outlying Islands + + + + Uruguay + Uruguay + + + + Uzbekistan + Uzbekistan + + + + Vanuatu + Vanuatu + + + + Venezuela + Venezuela + + + + Viet Nam + Viet Nam + + + + Virgin Islands British + Virgin Islands British + + + + Virgin Islands U.s. + Virgin Islands U.s. + + + + Wallis And Futuna + Wallis And Futuna + + + + Western Sahara + Western Sahara + + + + Yemen + Yemen + + + + Yugoslavia + Yugoslavia + + + + Zambia + Zambia + + + + Zimbabwe + Zimbabwe + + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/C_Currency_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/C_Currency_Trl_it_IT.xml index 6660d2945e..bf9c9b3eb9 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/C_Currency_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/C_Currency_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,697 +1,697 @@ - - - - - - US Dollar - $ - - - Euro - E - - - Deutsche Mark - DM - - - Austrian Schilling - Sch - - - Belgian Franc - BFr - - - Finish Mark - FM - - - Irish Pound - - - - Italian Lira - L - - - Dutch Gilder - Fl - - - Portugese Escudo - Es - - - Spannish Peseto - Pts - - - French Franc - Fr - - - Japanese Yen - ¥ - - - British Pound - £ - - - Swiss Franc (invalid currency code - use CHF) - SFr - - - Canadian Dollar - C$ - - - Argentine Peso - $ - - - Australian Dollar - $ - - - New Zealand Dollar - $ - - - Liberian Dollar - $ - - - Mexican Peso - $ - - - Peso Uruguayo - $U - - - Armenian Dram - - - - Kwanza - - - - Azerbaijanian Manat - - - - Boliviano - - - - Franc Congolais - - - - Czech Koruna - - - - Lari - - - - Iranian Rial - - - - Lithuanian Litus - - - - Moldovan Leu - - - - Philippine Peso - - - - Zloty - - - - Russian Ruble - - - - Sudanese Dinar - - - - Somoni - - - - Manat - - - - Timor Escudo - - - - Hryvnia - - - - Uzbekistan Sum - - - - Cyprus Pound - £C - - - Egyptian Pound - £E - - - Falkland Islands Pound - £F - - - Gibraltar Pound - £G - - - Saint Helena Pound - £S - - - Syrian Pound - £S - - - Cedi - ¢ - - - El Salvador Colon - ¢ - - - Afghani - Af - - - Aruban Guilder - Af. - - - Balboa - B - - - Brunei Dollar - B$ - - - Bahamian Dollar - B$ - - - Bahraini Dinar - BD - - - Bermudian Dollar - Bd$ - - - Barbados Dollar - Bds$ - - - Belarussian Ruble - BR - - - Ethiopian Birr - Br - - - Bolivar - Bs - - - Baht - Bt - - - Belize Dollar - BZ$ - - - Cordoba Oro - C$ - - - Cape Verde Escudo - C.V.Esc. - - - Comoro Franc - CF - - - CFA Franc BCEAO - CFAF - - - CFA Franc BEAC - CFAF - - - CFP Franc - CFPF - - - Chilean Peso - Ch$ - - - Cayman Islands Dollar - CI$ - - - Colombian Peso - Col$ - - - Riel - CR - - - Cuban Peso - Cu$ - - - Dalasi - D - - - Dong - D - - - Algerian Dinar - DA - - - Dobra - Db - - - Djibouti Franc - DF - - - UAE Dirham - Dh - - - Moroccan Dirham - DH - - - Yugoslavian Dinar - Din - - - Danish Krone - Dkr - - - East Caribbean Dollar - EC$ - - - Fiji Dollar - F$ - - - Burundi Franc - FBu - - - Malagasy Franc - FMG - - - Forint - Ft - - - Gourde - G - - - Guyana Dollar - G$ - - - Hong Kong Dollar - HK$ - - - Croatian Kuna - HRK - - - Iraqi Dinar - ID - - - Iceland Krona - IKr - - - Jamaican Dollar - J$ - - - Jordanian Dinar - JD - - - Kyat - K - - - Kina - K - - - Kenyan Shilling - K Sh - - - Kuwaiti Dinar - KD - - - Convertible Marks - KM - - - Kip - KN - - - Nakfa - KR - - - Lek - L - - - Lempira - L - - - Leu - L - - - Lilangeni - L - - - Libyan Dinar - LD - - - Leone - Le - - - Maltese Lira - Lm - - - Latvian Lats - Ls - - - Lev - Lv - - - Mauritius Rupee - Mau Rs - - - Kwacha - MK - - - Denar - MKD - - - Metical - Mt - - - Netherlands Antillian Guilder - NAf. - - - Kroon - Nfa - - - New Israeli Sheqel - NIS - - - Norwegian Krone - NKr - - - Nepalese Rupee - NRs - - - New Taiwan Dollar - NT$ - - - Pula - P - - - Pataca - P - - - Quetzal - Q - - - Qatari Rial - QR - - - Rand - R - - - Brazilian Real - R$ - - - Dominican Peso - RD$ - - - Rufiyaa - Rf - - - Rwanda Franc - RF - - - Malaysian Ringgit - RM - - - Rial Omani - RO - - - Rupiah - Rp - - - Indian Rupee - Rs - - - Pakistan Rupee - Rs - - - Singapore Dollar - S$ - - - Nuevo Sol - S/. - - - Suriname Guilder - Sf. - - - Solomon Islands Dollar - SI$ - - - Swedish Krona - Sk - - - Slovak Koruna - Sk - - - Sri Lanka Rupee - SLRs - - - Tolar - SlT - - - Somali Shilling - So. Sh. - - - Seychelles Rupee - SR - - - Saudi Riyal - SRls - - - Swiss Franc - SFr - - - Pa’anga - T$ - - - Tunisian Dinar - TD - - - Taka - Tk - - - Turkish Lira - TL - - - Tanzanian Shilling - TSh - - - Trinidad and Tobago Dollar - TT$ - - - Tugrik - Tug - - - Ouguiya - UM - - - Uganda Shilling - USh - - - Vatu - VT - - - Won - W - - - Tala - WS$ - - - Yuan Renminbi - Y - - - Yemeni Rial - YRls - - - Zimbabwe Dollar - Z$ - - - Kwacha - ZK - - - Costa Rican Colon - - - - Guinea Franc - - - - Guinea-Bissau Peso - - - - Som - - - - North Korean Won - - - - Tenge - - - - Lebanese Pound - - - - Naira - - - - Guarani - - - - Leu (new) - L - - + + + + + + US Dollar + $ + + + Euro + E + + + Deutsche Mark + DM + + + Austrian Schilling + Sch + + + Belgian Franc + BFr + + + Finish Mark + FM + + + Irish Pound + + + + Italian Lira + L + + + Dutch Gilder + Fl + + + Portugese Escudo + Es + + + Spannish Peseto + Pts + + + French Franc + Fr + + + Japanese Yen + ¥ + + + British Pound + £ + + + Swiss Franc (invalid currency code - use CHF) + SFr + + + Canadian Dollar + C$ + + + Argentine Peso + $ + + + Australian Dollar + $ + + + New Zealand Dollar + $ + + + Liberian Dollar + $ + + + Mexican Peso + $ + + + Peso Uruguayo + $U + + + Armenian Dram + + + + Kwanza + + + + Azerbaijanian Manat + + + + Boliviano + + + + Franc Congolais + + + + Czech Koruna + + + + Lari + + + + Iranian Rial + + + + Lithuanian Litus + + + + Moldovan Leu + + + + Philippine Peso + + + + Zloty + + + + Russian Ruble + + + + Sudanese Dinar + + + + Somoni + + + + Manat + + + + Timor Escudo + + + + Hryvnia + + + + Uzbekistan Sum + + + + Cyprus Pound + £C + + + Egyptian Pound + £E + + + Falkland Islands Pound + £F + + + Gibraltar Pound + £G + + + Saint Helena Pound + £S + + + Syrian Pound + £S + + + Cedi + ¢ + + + El Salvador Colon + ¢ + + + Afghani + Af + + + Aruban Guilder + Af. + + + Balboa + B + + + Brunei Dollar + B$ + + + Bahamian Dollar + B$ + + + Bahraini Dinar + BD + + + Bermudian Dollar + Bd$ + + + Barbados Dollar + Bds$ + + + Belarussian Ruble + BR + + + Ethiopian Birr + Br + + + Bolivar + Bs + + + Baht + Bt + + + Belize Dollar + BZ$ + + + Cordoba Oro + C$ + + + Cape Verde Escudo + C.V.Esc. + + + Comoro Franc + CF + + + CFA Franc BCEAO + CFAF + + + CFA Franc BEAC + CFAF + + + CFP Franc + CFPF + + + Chilean Peso + Ch$ + + + Cayman Islands Dollar + CI$ + + + Colombian Peso + Col$ + + + Riel + CR + + + Cuban Peso + Cu$ + + + Dalasi + D + + + Dong + D + + + Algerian Dinar + DA + + + Dobra + Db + + + Djibouti Franc + DF + + + UAE Dirham + Dh + + + Moroccan Dirham + DH + + + Yugoslavian Dinar + Din + + + Danish Krone + Dkr + + + East Caribbean Dollar + EC$ + + + Fiji Dollar + F$ + + + Burundi Franc + FBu + + + Malagasy Franc + FMG + + + Forint + Ft + + + Gourde + G + + + Guyana Dollar + G$ + + + Hong Kong Dollar + HK$ + + + Croatian Kuna + HRK + + + Iraqi Dinar + ID + + + Iceland Krona + IKr + + + Jamaican Dollar + J$ + + + Jordanian Dinar + JD + + + Kyat + K + + + Kina + K + + + Kenyan Shilling + K Sh + + + Kuwaiti Dinar + KD + + + Convertible Marks + KM + + + Kip + KN + + + Nakfa + KR + + + Lek + L + + + Lempira + L + + + Leu + L + + + Lilangeni + L + + + Libyan Dinar + LD + + + Leone + Le + + + Maltese Lira + Lm + + + Latvian Lats + Ls + + + Lev + Lv + + + Mauritius Rupee + Mau Rs + + + Kwacha + MK + + + Denar + MKD + + + Metical + Mt + + + Netherlands Antillian Guilder + NAf. + + + Kroon + Nfa + + + New Israeli Sheqel + NIS + + + Norwegian Krone + NKr + + + Nepalese Rupee + NRs + + + New Taiwan Dollar + NT$ + + + Pula + P + + + Pataca + P + + + Quetzal + Q + + + Qatari Rial + QR + + + Rand + R + + + Brazilian Real + R$ + + + Dominican Peso + RD$ + + + Rufiyaa + Rf + + + Rwanda Franc + RF + + + Malaysian Ringgit + RM + + + Rial Omani + RO + + + Rupiah + Rp + + + Indian Rupee + Rs + + + Pakistan Rupee + Rs + + + Singapore Dollar + S$ + + + Nuevo Sol + S/. + + + Suriname Guilder + Sf. + + + Solomon Islands Dollar + SI$ + + + Swedish Krona + Sk + + + Slovak Koruna + Sk + + + Sri Lanka Rupee + SLRs + + + Tolar + SlT + + + Somali Shilling + So. Sh. + + + Seychelles Rupee + SR + + + Saudi Riyal + SRls + + + Swiss Franc + SFr + + + Pa’anga + T$ + + + Tunisian Dinar + TD + + + Taka + Tk + + + Turkish Lira + TL + + + Tanzanian Shilling + TSh + + + Trinidad and Tobago Dollar + TT$ + + + Tugrik + Tug + + + Ouguiya + UM + + + Uganda Shilling + USh + + + Vatu + VT + + + Won + W + + + Tala + WS$ + + + Yuan Renminbi + Y + + + Yemeni Rial + YRls + + + Zimbabwe Dollar + Z$ + + + Kwacha + ZK + + + Costa Rican Colon + + + + Guinea Franc + + + + Guinea-Bissau Peso + + + + Som + + + + North Korean Won + + + + Tenge + + + + Lebanese Pound + + + + Naira + + + + Guarani + + + + Leu (new) + L + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/C_DocType_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/C_DocType_Trl_it_IT.xml index 0527269fb9..fdb65cd52b 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/C_DocType_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/C_DocType_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,355 +1,355 @@ - - - - - - ** Nuovo ** - ** Nuovo ** - ** NO FATTURA ** - - - Libro Giornale - Giornale - - - - Fattura Cliente - Fattura - Document Type Note for general and promotional text. - - - Fattura Cliente Indiretta - Fattura - Document Type Note for general and promotional text. - - - Nota di Accredito Cliente - Nota di Accredito - - - - Incasso Debito - Incasso - - - - Spedizione Materiale - Distinta di Consegna - - - - Spedizione Materiale Indiretta - Nota di Consegna - - - - Entrata Merci - Distinta Entrata Merci - - - - Fattura Fornitore - Fattura Fornitore - - - - Nota di Addebito - Nota di Addebito Fornitore - - - - Pagamento Fornitore - Pagamento Fornitore - - - - Ordine di Acquisto - Ordine di Acquisto - - - - Richiesta di Acquisto - Richiesta di Acquisto - - - - Quotazione - Offerta Vincolante - - - - Proposta - Offerta non Vincolante - - - - Ordine Prepagato - Ordine Prepagato - - - - Restituzione Merci - Autorizzazione Restituzione Merci - - - - Ordine Standard - Conferma Ordine - - - - Ordine a Credito - Ordine a Credito - - - - Ordine Punto Vendita - Conferma Ordine - - - - Ordine Magazzino - Conferma Ordine - - - - Emissione Progetto - Emissione Progetto - - - - Imputazione Pagamento - Imputazione Pagamento - - - - Fattura di Quadratura - Fattura di Quadratura - - - - Produzione Materiale - Produzione Materiale - - - - Documento di Contabilità Generale - Documento di Contabilità Generale - - - - Giornale di Cassa - Giornale di Cassa - - - - Ordine di Acquisto di Quadratura - Ordine di Acquisto di Quadratura - - - - Movimentazione Merci - Movimentazione Merci - - - - Inventario Fisico Merci - Inventario Fisico Merci - - - - Fattura Cliente Pro Forma - Fattura Cliente Pro Forma - - - - Estratto Conto - Estratto Conto - - - - Entrata Merci con Conferma - Consegna Fornitore - - - - Spedizione con prelevamento - Nota di Spedizione - - - - Restituzione Merci Cliente - Restituzione Merci - - - - Libro Giornale - Giornale - - - - Serie Prime Note - Serie Prima Nota - - - - Fattura Cliente - Fattura - - - - Fattura Cliente Indiretta - Fattura - - - - Nota di Accredito Cliente - Nota di Accredito - - - - Fattura Fornitore - Fattura Fornitore - - - - Nota di Addebito - Nota di Addebito Fornitore - - - - Fattura di Quadratura - Fattura di Quadratura - - - - Incasso Debito - Incasso - - - - Pagamento Fornitore - Pagamento Fornitore - - - - Stanziamento - Stanziamento - - - - Spedizione Materiale - Distinta di Consegna - - - - Spedizione Materiale Indiretta - Nota di Consegna - - - - Entrata Merci - Distinta Entrata Merci - - - - Restituzione Materiali - Restituzione Cliente - - - - Ordine di Acquisto - Ordine di Acquisto - - - - Ordine di Acquisto di Quadratura - Ordine di Acquisto di Quadratura - - - - Richiesta di Acquisto - Richiesta di Acquisto - - - - Estratto Conto - Estratto Conto - - - - Giornale di Cassa - Giornale di Cassa - - - - Movimentazione Merci - Movimentazione Merci - - - - Inventario Fisico - Inventario Fisico - - - - Produzione Materiale - Produzione Materiale - - - - Emissione Progetto - Emissione Progetto - - - - Offerta vincolante - Quotazione - - - - Offerta non vincolante - Proposta - - - - Ordine Prepagato - Ordine Prepagato - - - - Restituzione Merci - Autorizzazione Restituzione Merci - - - - Ordine Standard - Conferma Ordine - - - - Ordine a Credito - Conferma Ordine - - - - Ordine Punto Vendita - Conferma Ordine - - - - Ordine Magazzino - Conferma Ordine - - - - Documento di Contabilità Generale - Documento di Contabilità Generale - - - - Fattura Cliente Pro Forma - Fattura Cliente Pro Forma - - - + + + + + + ** Nuovo ** + ** Nuovo ** + ** NO FATTURA ** + + + Libro Giornale + Giornale + + + + Fattura Cliente + Fattura + Document Type Note for general and promotional text. + + + Fattura Cliente Indiretta + Fattura + Document Type Note for general and promotional text. + + + Nota di Accredito Cliente + Nota di Accredito + + + + Incasso Debito + Incasso + + + + Spedizione Materiale + Distinta di Consegna + + + + Spedizione Materiale Indiretta + Nota di Consegna + + + + Entrata Merci + Distinta Entrata Merci + + + + Fattura Fornitore + Fattura Fornitore + + + + Nota di Addebito + Nota di Addebito Fornitore + + + + Pagamento Fornitore + Pagamento Fornitore + + + + Ordine di Acquisto + Ordine di Acquisto + + + + Richiesta di Acquisto + Richiesta di Acquisto + + + + Quotazione + Offerta Vincolante + + + + Proposta + Offerta non Vincolante + + + + Ordine Prepagato + Ordine Prepagato + + + + Restituzione Merci + Autorizzazione Restituzione Merci + + + + Ordine Standard + Conferma Ordine + + + + Ordine a Credito + Ordine a Credito + + + + Ordine Punto Vendita + Conferma Ordine + + + + Ordine Magazzino + Conferma Ordine + + + + Emissione Progetto + Emissione Progetto + + + + Imputazione Pagamento + Imputazione Pagamento + + + + Fattura di Quadratura + Fattura di Quadratura + + + + Produzione Materiale + Produzione Materiale + + + + Documento di Contabilità Generale + Documento di Contabilità Generale + + + + Giornale di Cassa + Giornale di Cassa + + + + Ordine di Acquisto di Quadratura + Ordine di Acquisto di Quadratura + + + + Movimentazione Merci + Movimentazione Merci + + + + Inventario Fisico Merci + Inventario Fisico Merci + + + + Fattura Cliente Pro Forma + Fattura Cliente Pro Forma + + + + Estratto Conto + Estratto Conto + + + + Entrata Merci con Conferma + Consegna Fornitore + + + + Spedizione con prelevamento + Nota di Spedizione + + + + Restituzione Merci Cliente + Restituzione Merci + + + + Libro Giornale + Giornale + + + + Serie Prime Note + Serie Prima Nota + + + + Fattura Cliente + Fattura + + + + Fattura Cliente Indiretta + Fattura + + + + Nota di Accredito Cliente + Nota di Accredito + + + + Fattura Fornitore + Fattura Fornitore + + + + Nota di Addebito + Nota di Addebito Fornitore + + + + Fattura di Quadratura + Fattura di Quadratura + + + + Incasso Debito + Incasso + + + + Pagamento Fornitore + Pagamento Fornitore + + + + Stanziamento + Stanziamento + + + + Spedizione Materiale + Distinta di Consegna + + + + Spedizione Materiale Indiretta + Nota di Consegna + + + + Entrata Merci + Distinta Entrata Merci + + + + Restituzione Materiali + Restituzione Cliente + + + + Ordine di Acquisto + Ordine di Acquisto + + + + Ordine di Acquisto di Quadratura + Ordine di Acquisto di Quadratura + + + + Richiesta di Acquisto + Richiesta di Acquisto + + + + Estratto Conto + Estratto Conto + + + + Giornale di Cassa + Giornale di Cassa + + + + Movimentazione Merci + Movimentazione Merci + + + + Inventario Fisico + Inventario Fisico + + + + Produzione Materiale + Produzione Materiale + + + + Emissione Progetto + Emissione Progetto + + + + Offerta vincolante + Quotazione + + + + Offerta non vincolante + Proposta + + + + Ordine Prepagato + Ordine Prepagato + + + + Restituzione Merci + Autorizzazione Restituzione Merci + + + + Ordine Standard + Conferma Ordine + + + + Ordine a Credito + Conferma Ordine + + + + Ordine Punto Vendita + Conferma Ordine + + + + Ordine Magazzino + Conferma Ordine + + + + Documento di Contabilità Generale + Documento di Contabilità Generale + + + + Fattura Cliente Pro Forma + Fattura Cliente Pro Forma + + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/C_DunningLevel_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/C_DunningLevel_Trl_it_IT.xml index 90653339de..c5185a3092 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/C_DunningLevel_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/C_DunningLevel_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ - - - - - - Statement - Please review your statement and submit due payments. - - - Dunning Letter - Please pay the due invoices immediately - - + + + + + + Statement + Please review your statement and submit due payments. + + + Dunning Letter + Please pay the due invoices immediately + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/C_ElementValue_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/C_ElementValue_Trl_it_IT.xml index 0a8f962408..b0bfa4e8e4 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/C_ElementValue_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/C_ElementValue_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,2797 +1,2797 @@ - - - - - - Tree Farm Payable - Tree Farm Payable - - - Sideline Revenue - - - - Royalties Revenue - - - - Unearned revenue - We have invoiced, but not delivered yet - - - Not invoiced revenue - We delivered but have not invoiced yet - - - Other Revenue - - - - Trade Discounts - Granted Trade discounts (corrects Product Revenue) - - - Payment discount revenue - Granted early payment discount to customers - - - Promotion Discounts - - - - Cost of Goods Sold - - - - Product CoGs - Cost of Goods Sold - - - Product Expense - Default Product or Service costs (I.e. not on inventory) - - - Services Purchases - - - - Sideline Purchases - - - - Freight in - - - - Returns - - - - Returns Expense - - - - Returns to Vendors - - - - Inventory CoGs - - - - Inventory Shrinkage - Physical Inventory Gain/Loss - - - Inventory Write Down Below Cost - - - - Inventory Adjustment - Inventory Actual Accounting Value Adjustment - - - Inventory Revaluation - Difference to (lower cost) or market - - - CoGS Variances - - - - Invoice price variance - Difference between product cost and invoice price (IPV) - - - Purchase price variance - Difference between purchase price and standard costs (PPV) - - - CoGs/Sales Discounts - - - - Trade discounts received - Received Trade Discounts (corrects Product expense) - - - Payment discount revenue - Granted early payment discount from vendors - - - Expenses - - - - Payroll Expenses - - - - Salaries - - - - Vacation Pay - - - - Vacation Pay Owners - - - - Sick Pay Owners - - - - Retirement (Pension, Proft Sharing, 401k) - - - - FICA Tax Owners - - - - Federal/State Unemployment - - - - Federal/State Unemployment Owners - - - - Health Insurance Premium Owners - - - - Health Insurance Employee Contribution - - - - Health Insurance Cobra Payments - - - - Workers Compensation Insurance - - - - Disability Insurance Premium - - - - Disability Insurance Premium Owners - - - - Disability Insurance Employee Contribution - - - - Life Insurance Premium - - - - Life Insurance Premium Owners - - - - Life Insurance Employee Contribution - - - - Other Benefit Expense - - - - Staff Gifts & Perks - - - - Staff Picnic (100% Deductible) - - - - Payroll Processing Expense - - - - Occupancy Cost - - - - Rent Expense - - - - Utilities - - - - Other Occupancy Costs - - - - Advertising - - - - Media Advertising - - - - Catalog, Newsletter - - - - Events - - - - Web Hosting - - - - Other Advertising & Promotion - - - - Vendor Advertising Allowances - - - - Telephone - - - - Mobile Telephone - - - - Network Charges - - - - Legal Fees - - - - Accounting Fees - - - - Inventory Verification Fees - - - - Stationary & Supplies - - - - Stationary & Supplies - Office Use - - - - Janitorial Supplies - - - - Data Processing Supplies - - - - Data Processing Rental - - - - Outside Computer Services - - - - Depreciation Expense - - - - Building Depreciation - - - - Leasehold Improvement Depreciation - - - - Furniture Depreciation - - - - Fixtures Depreciation - - - - Equipment Depreciation - - - - Data Processing Equipment Depreciation - - - - Software Depreciation - - - - Business Travel - - - - Business Travel - Auto Reimbursement - - - - Assets - - - - Cash - - - - Checking Account - Bank Asset - - - Checking In-Transfer - Bank transactions in transit - - - Checking Unidentified Receipts - Receipts from unidentified customer - - - Checking Unallocated Receipts - Received, unallocated payments - - - Checking Account 2 - - - - Savings Account - - - - Cash in Registers - - - - Petty Cash - Cash Book Asset - - - Petty Cash In-Transfer - Cash Book Transfer - - - Accounts Receivable - - - - Accounts Receivable - Trade - Accounts Receivables - - - A/R Non Sufficient Funds Returned Checks - - - - A/R Trade Allowance for Bad Debit - - - - Not invoiced receivables - We delivered but have not invoiced yet - - - Credit Card in Transit - - - - In Transit A/R Amex - - - - In Transit A/R Master Card - - - - In Transit A/R Visa - - - - A/R Credit Cards Allowance for Bad Debit - - - - Vendor Allowances Receivable - - - - Loans Receivable - - - - Loans Receivable Employees - - - - Loans Receivable Others - - - - Prepayments - - - - Vendor prepayment - Prepayments for future expense - - - Employee Expense Prepayment - Expense advances - - - Tax credit A/R - Tax to be re-imbursed - before tax declaration - - - Tax receivables - Tax to receive based on tax declaration - - - A/R Miscellaneous - - - - Investments - - - - US Government Obligations - - - - Tax-Exempt Securities - - - - Other Investments - - - - Inventory - - - - Prepaid Expenses, Deposits & Other Current Assets - - - - Prepaid Expenses - - - - Prepaid Insurance - - - - Prepaid Rent - - - - Prepaid Interest - - - - Prepaid Others - - - - Deposits - - - - Deposit Rent - - - - Deposit Utilities - - - - Deposit Others - - - - Other Current Assets - - - - Other Current Assets - - - - Land and Building - - - - Land - - - - Building - - - - Land Improvements - - - - Building Improvements - - - - Leasehold Improvements - - - - Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment - - - - Furniture - - - - Fixtures - - - - Equipment - - - - Vehicles - - - - Data Processing Equipment - - - - Software - - - - Project asset - Created Asset - - - Project WIP - Asset Work in Progress - - - Building Accumulated Depreciation - - - - Land Improvement Accumulated Depreciation - - - - Building Improvement Accumulated Depreciation - - - - Furniture Accumulated Depreciation - - - - Fixtures Accumulated Depreciation - - - - Equipment Accumulated Depreciation - - - - Vehicles Accumulated Depreciation - - - - Data Processing Equipment Accumulated Depreciation - - - - Other Assets - - - - Intangible Assets - - - - Amortizable Assets - - - - Customer Lists - - - - Other Intangible Assets - - - - Accumulated Amorization - - - - Other Assets - - - - Liabilities - - - - Accounts Payables - - - - Accounts Payables Trade - - - - Not invoiced receipts - Received products/services from vendors, but not invoiced - - - Accounts Payable Services - Accounts Payables for non-product revenue - - - Payment selection - Selected A/P invoices for payment - - - Customer Payables - - - - Merchandise Credits Unredeemed - - - - Gift Certificated Unredeemed - - - - Special Order Deposits - - - - Mail Order Deposits - - - - Tax Payables - - - - Tax due - Tax to be paid - before tax declaration - - - Tax liability - Tax to be paid based on tax declaration - - - Withholding (Tax) - Withholding for 1099 or Quality Guarantee - - - Withholding (Other) - - - - Intercompany Due To - Default Payables account for intercompany trx - - - Accrued Expenses - - - - Accrued Payroll - - - - Payroll Withholdings - - - - Federal Tax Withholding - - - - FICA Withholding - - - - Medicare Withholding - - - - State Tax Withholding - - - - Local Tax Withholding - - - - 401k & Pension Withholding - - - - Garnishment Withholding - - - - Miscellaneous Withholding - - - - Accrued Payroll Taxes - - - - Federal Unemployment Empolyers Contribution - - - - State Unemployment Employers Contribution - - - - Sales Tax Collected - - - - Accrued Retirement Plan Expense - - - - Accrued Expenses Others - - - - Short Term Obligation - - - - Current Portion of Long Term Debt - - - - Long Term Liabilities - - - - Mortgage - - - - Loan from Owner/Stockholder - - - - Other Long Term Obligation - - - - Owner's Equity/Net Worth - - - - Capital - - - - Capital/Common Stock - - - - Capital in excess of Par on Common Stock - - - - Capital in excess of Par on Preferred Stock - - - - Earnings - - - - Drawings - - - - Retained Earnings - Year end processing to balance account (Income Summary) - - - Sales - - - - Services Revenue - - - - Direct Labor - - - - Purchase price variance Offset - Offset Account for Purchase price variance (PPV) - - - Wages Owners - - - - Sick Pay - - - - FICA Tax - - - - Health Insurance Premium - - - - Joint Advertising - - - - Telephone and Communications - - - - Professional Services - - - - Other Consulting Fees - - - - Data Processing - - - - Data Processung Other Expense - - - - Building Improvement Depreciation - - - - Vehicles Depreciation - - - - Business Travel - Plane/Train/Taxi - - - - Business Travel - Hotel - - - - Business Meals & Entertainment (50%) - - - - Staff Meeting Food (100%) - - - - Employee expense - Default employee expenses - - - Business Travel Other Expense - - - - Insurance - - - - Business Insurance - - - - Real Estate Insurance - - - - Vehicle Insurance - - - - Other Insurance - - - - Payment Processor Costs - - - - Credit Card Service Charges - - - - Bank Service Charges - Bank expenses - - - Other Payment Service Charges - - - - Dues & Subscription - - - - Association Membership Fees - - - - Subscription Fees - - - - Office Expense - - - - Office Expense - - - - Posting & Shipping - - - - Postage Expense - - - - Customer Postage Fees Received - - - - Shipping Expenses - - - - Taxes and Licenses - - - - Inventory & Use Taxes - - - - Real Estate Taxes - - - - Business Licenses & Fees - - - - Education - - - - Education Travel - - - - Education Meals & Entertainment (50%) - - - - Education Other - - - - Office Equipment Rent - - - - Store Equipment Rent - - - - Repairs & Maintenance - - - - Building Repairs & Maintenence - - - - Furniture, Equipment Repairs & Maintenence - - - - Software Maintenence - - - - Vehicle Repairs & Maintenence - - - - Repairs & Maintenance Other - - - - Other Operating Expenses - - - - Collection Expense - - - - Petty Cash Over/Short - Petty Cash Differences - - - Recruitment Costs - - - - Vehicle Expense - - - - Amortization Expense - - - - Franchise Fee / Royalty Fees - - - - Miscellaneous Expense - - - - Default/Suspense Accounts - Temporary accounts - balance should be zero - - - Default account - Default Account (if no other account is defined) V1.1 - - - Suspense balancing - Difference to make journal balance in source currency - needs to be solved - - - Suspense error - Import did not find account - needs to be solved - - - Cash book expense - Default other expense for petty cash transactions - - - Cash book receipts - Default other revenue for petty cash transactions - - - Charge expense - Default other expense - - - Charge revenue - Default other revenue - - - Other Income - - - - Interest Income - Bank interest revenue - - - Divident Income - - - - Rental Income - - - - Sales Tax Commission - - - - Currency Gain - - - - Bank revaluation gain - Foreign currency bank account gain - - - Bank settlement gain - Difference between payment and bank account currency - - - Unrealized gain - Difference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rate - - - Capital Gains Income - - - - Fixed Asset Sale Gain - - - - Other Income - - - - Other Expense - - - - Interest Expense - Bank interest expense - - - Mortage Interest Expense - - - - Charitable Contributions - - - - Currency Loss - - - - Bank revaluation loss - Foreign currency bank account loss - - - Unrealized loss - Difference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rate - - - Realized loss - Difference between invoice and payment currency - - - Currency balancing - Rounding difference to make journal balance in accounting currency - - - Capital Gains Loss - - - - Fixed Asset Sale Loss - - - - Other Expense - - - - Income Tax & Summary - - - - State Income Tax - - - - Local Income Tax - - - - Costing - - - - Profit Center Costing Distribution - - - - Project Costing Distribution - - - - Commitment Accounting - - - - PO Encumbrance - - - - PO Commitment - - - - SO Future Revenue - - - - In Transit A/R ATM Cards - - - - Loans Receivable Owners/Shareholders - - - - Tax receivables - - - - Intercompany Due From - Default Receivables account for intercompany trx - - - Product asset - Product Inventory Account - - - Project Assets - - - - Accumulated Depreciation - - - - Leasehold Improvement Accumulated Depreciation - - - - Software Accumulated Depreciation - - - - Goodwill - - - - Cash Surrender Value of Life Insurance - - - - Accounts Payable Trade - Accounts Payables - - - Customer Prepayments - Prepayments for future revenue - - - FICA Employers Contribution - - - - Accrued Use Tax - - - - Current Note Payables - - - - Long Term Obligation - - - - Current Portion of Long Term Debt - - - - Preferred Stock - - - - Dividents - - - - Trade Revenue - Default Product or Service revenue - - - Customer Package Expense - - - - Tax expense - Sales Tax paid to Vendors - - - Education Course Fees - - - - Equipment Rent - - - - Equipment Rent Other - - - - Data Processing Repairs & Maintenence - - - - Bad Debts Write-off - Receivables write-off - bad debt - - - Penalties - - - - Realized gain - Difference between invoice and payment currency - - - Uninsured Casualty Loss - - - - Bank settlement loss - Difference between payment and bank account currency - - - Federal Income Tax - - - - Income Summary - Year end processing to balance account (Retained Earnings) - - - Wages - - - - Land Improvement Depreciation - - - - Accounts Receivable - Trade - - - - Licenses & Fees - Other - - - - General Trade Inventory - Inventory Account - - - Medicare Employers Contribution - - - - Commissions Paid - Commissions Paid - - - Inventory Clearing - Default Product costs (I.e. on inventory) - - - Cost Adjustments - Product Cost Adjustments - - - Accounts Receivable Services - Trade - Accounts Receivables for Services - - - 7-Expenses - 7-Expenses - - - Acquisti di materiali di consumo - - - - Fatture da emettere - I beni e/o i servizi sono usciti ma non ancora fatturati - - - Variazioni merci - - - - Differenze positive sul cambio (stessa divisa estera) - Guadagni realizzati per via del differente cambio tra il giorno dell'emissione del documento contabile ed il giorno del pagamento - - - Sopravvenienze e insussistenze passive - - - - Differenze positive sul cambio (divisa differente tra docume - Guadagni realizzati per via della differente divisa utilizzata per il documento contabile ed il pagamento - - - Deduzioni dalle tasse - - - - Ricavi vendite non ancora fatturate - - - - Debiti verso intragruppo - - - - Progetti - - - - Ribassi e abbuoni attivi - - - - Progetti in corso - - - - Ricavi fatturati e spediti - - - - Utili (perdite) portati a nuovo - - - - Denaro ricevuto da clienti non identificati - - - - Differenze positive tra le fatture e le scritture bancarie - - - - Transiti verso cassa - Transazioni in transito verso la cassa - - - Transiti verso c/c Bancario - Transazioni in transito verso il c/c bancario - - - Sconti per pagamenti anticipati - - - - Ricavi da scontrini - - - - Attualizzazione delle rimanenze finali - - - - Crediti per rimborsi delle tasse - - - - Ricavi fatturati ma non spediti - - - - Ricavi e proventi vari - - - - Ribassi e abbuoni passivi - - - - Perdite e guadagni - - - - Differenze negative sul cambio (stessa divisa estera) - Perdite realizzate per via del differente cambio tra il giorno dell'emissione del documento contabile ed il giorno del pagamento - - - Interessi passivi a banche - - - - Perdite su crediti - - - - Crediti verso clienti - - - - Svalutazione magazzino - - - - Fornitori per beni da ricevere - - - - Crediti verso società intragruppo - - - - Varianza del prezzo di acquisto - Differenza tra prezzo di acquisto con i costi standard - - - Differenze negative tra le fatture e le scritture bancarie - - - - Debiti per servizi - - - - Proventi dalla rivalutazione dei conti correnti bancari in d - - - - Ricavi per prestazione di servizi - - - - Debiti verso fornitori - - - - Debiti per imposte - - - - Altri debiti commerciali - - - - Oneri dalla rivalutazione dei conti correnti bancari in divi - - - - Debito per imposte su benefici differiti - - - - Denaro e valori in cassa - - - - Rimanenze finali merci - - - - Erario c/ritenute da versare - Sostituto d'imposta - - - Perdite su prodotti fatturati - Differenza tra prezzo di costo e prezzo di fatturazione - - - Banca c/c - - - - Personale c/acconti - Anticipi su costi del personale - - - Rimanenze di merci - - - - Oneri e perdite varie - - - - Denaro ricevuto ma non allocato - - - - Arrotondamenti negativi - - - - Sconti per pagamenti anticipati - - - - Benefici in valori negoziabili - - - - Fatture da ricevere - - - - Differenze di cassa - - - - Assestamento Costi Prodotto - - - - Provvigioni su Acquisti - - - - Salari e stipendi - - - - Errore nel bilancio - Da ricontrollare e risolvere - - - Merci in produzione - - - - Interessi attivi da banche - - - - Acconti - - - - Bilancio in transito - Da ricontrollare e risolvere - - - Svalutazioni dell'attivo circolante e delle disponibilità li - - - - Differenze negative sul cambio (divisa differente tra docume - Perdite realizzate per via della differente divisa utilizzata per il documento contabile ed il pagamento - - - Imposte anticipate ai fornitori - - - - Spese di banca - - - - Acquisti di merci vendute - - - - Attivo - - - - Crediti verso i soci per versamenti ancora dovuti - - - - Crediti verso i soci per versamenti ancora dovuti - - - - Immobilizzazioni - - - - Immobilizzazioni immateriali - - - - Costi di impianto e ampliamento - - - - Costi di ricerca, di sviluppo e di pubblicità - - - - Diritti di brevetto industriale e diritti di utilizzazione d - - - - Concessioni, licenze, marchi e diritti simili - - - - Avviamento - - - - Immobilizzazioni immateriali in corso e acconti - - - - Altre immobilizzazioni immateriali - - - - Immobilizzazioni materiali - - - - Terreni - - - - Fabbricati non strumentali - - - - Fabbricati - - - - Impianti e macchinari - - - - Attrezzature commerciali - - - - Attrezzature d'ufficio - - - - Arredamento - - - - Automezzi - - - - Altri beni materiali - - - - Immobilizzazioni in corso e acconti - - - - Fondo ammortamento fabbricati - - - - Fondo ammortamento impianti e macchinari - - - - Fondo ammortamento attrezzature commerciali - - - - Fondo ammortamento attrezzature d'ufficio - - - - Fondo ammortamento arredamento - - - - Fondo ammortamento automezzi - - - - Immobilizzazioni finanziarie - - - - Partecipazioni - - - - Partecipazioni in imprese controllate - - - - Partecipazioni in imprese collegate - - - - Partecipazioni in imprese controllanti - - - - Partecipazioni in altre imprese - - - - Crediti - - - - Crediti verso imprese controllate - - - - Crediti verso imprese collegate - - - - Crediti verso controllanti - - - - Crediti verso altri - - - - Altri titoli - - - - Azioni proprie immobilizzate - - - - Rimanenze - - - - Rimanenze di imballaggi - - - - Rimanenze di materiali di consumo - - - - Lavori in corso su ordinazione - - - - Fondo svalutazione magazzino - - - - Acconti su rimanenze - - - - Attivo circolante - - - - Clienti - - - - Crediti commerciali - - - - Cambiali attive - - - - Cambiali allo sconto - - - - Cambiali all'incasso - - - - Effetti insoluti e protestati - - - - Crediti insoluti - - - - Fondo svalutazione crediti - - - - Fondo rischi su crediti - - - - Crediti intragruppo - - - - Crediti verso imprese controllate - - - - Crediti verso imprese collegate - - - - Crediti verso imprese controllanti - - - - Crediti diversi - - - - IVA nostro credito 4% - - - - IVA nostro credito 10% - - - - IVA nostro credito 20% - - - - Erario c/acconto IVA - - - - Credito per IVA - - - - Crediti v/istituti previdenziali - - - - Crediti per cauzioni - - - - Crediti diversi - - - - Fornitori c/acconti - - - - Valori mobiliari - - - - Partecipazioni in imprese controllate - - - - Partecipazioni in imprese collegate - - - - Partecipazioni in imprese controllanti - - - - Altre partecipazioni - - - - Azioni proprie per investimento temporaneo - - - - Titoli - - - - Disponibilità liquide - - - - Poste c/c - - - - Assegni - - - - Ratei e risconti attivi - - - - Ratei attivi - - - - Risconti attivi - - - - Passivo - - - - Patrimonio netto - - - - Capitale - - - - Riserva da sovrapprezzo delle azioni - - - - Riserva di rivalutazione - - - - Riserva legale - - - - Riserve statutarie - - - - Riserva per azioni proprie in portafoglio - - - - Altre riserve - - - - Utile (perdita) dell'esercizio - - - - Fondo accantonamento rischi ed oneri - - - - Fondo per trattamento di quiescenza - - - - Fondo per imposte - - - - Fondo manutenzioni e riparazioni - - - - Altri fondi - - - - Trattamento di fine rapporto di lavoro subordinato - - - - Debito per TFRL - - - - Debiti - - - - Debiti di finanziamento - - - - Obbligazioni non convertibili - - - - Obbligazioni convertibili - - - - Debiti verso soci per finanziamenti - - - - Mutui ipotecari - - - - Finanziamenti bancari - - - - Sovvenzioni bancarie - - - - Banche c/c passivi - - - - Finanziamenti non bancari - - - - Debiti rappresentati da titoli di credito - - - - Altri debiti commerciali - - - - Clienti c/Acconti - - - - Debiti verso Fornitori - - - - Cambiali passive - - - - Altro debiti verso fornitori - - - - Debiti intragruppo - - - - Debiti verso imprese controllate - - - - Debiti verso imprese collegate - - - - Debiti verso controllanti - - - - Debiti tributari - - - - IVA nostro debito 4% - - - - IVA nostro debito 10% - - - - IVA nostro debito 20% - - - - Debito per IVA - - - - Altri debiti verso l'erario - - - - Debiti diversi - - - - Debiti v/istituti previdenziali - - - - Istituti previdenziali - - - - Personale c/retribuzioni - - - - Personale c/liquidazioni - - - - Debiti per cauzioni - - - - Debiti diversi - - - - Ratei e risconti passivi - - - - Ratei passivi - - - - Risconti passivi - - - - Altri conti patrimoniali - - - - Conti transitori e finali - - - - Conto del patrimonio - - - - Bilancio di apertura - - - - Conti d'ordine - - - - Impegni - - - - Beni da ricevere - - - - Beni da consegnare - - - - Clienti per beni da consegnare - - - - Beni in leasing - - - - Creditori per beni in leasing - - - - Beni di terzi - - - - Beni di terzi - - - - Beni nostri presso terzi - - - - Beni nostri presso terzi - - - - Rischi - - - - Rischi - - - - Risultato economico - - - - Risultato prima delle imposte - - - - Imposte sul reddito dell'esercizio - - - - Valore della produzione - - - - Ricavi vendite e prestazioni - - - - Vendite di imballaggi - - - - Resi su vendite - - - - Premi a clienti - - - - Rimborso spese - - - - Vendite di merci - - - - Altri ricavi e proventi - - - - Fitti attivi - - - - Arrotondamenti positivi - - - - Costi della produzione - - - - Conti vari - - - - Costi acquisto merci e materiali di consumo - - - - Acquisti di merci invendute - - - - Resi su acquisti - - - - Premi da fornitori - - - - Costi per prestazioni e servizi - - - - Costi di trasporto - - - - Costi di energia - - - - Costi di pubblicità - - - - Assicurazioni - - - - Spese postali - - - - Spese telefoniche - - - - Spese legali e notarili - - - - Manutenzioni riparazioni - - - - Imponibile omaggi - - - - IVA c/omaggi - - - - Competenze a terzi - - - - Costi per godimento beni di terzi - - - - Fitti passivi - - - - Canoni leasing - - - - Costi per il personale - - - - Oneri sociali - - - - Trattamenti di fine rapporto di lavoro - - - - Trattamenti di quiescenza e simili - - - - Altri costi per il personale - - - - Ammortamenti e svalutazioni - - - - Ammortamento immobilizzazioni immateriali - - - - Ammortamento impianto e ampliamento - - - - Ammortamento avviamento - - - - Ammortamento di altre immobilizzazioni immateriali - - - - Ammortamento immobilizzazioni materiali - - - - Ammortamento fabbricati - - - - Ammortamento impianti e macchinari - - - - Ammortamento attrezzature commerciali - - - - Ammortamento attrezzature d'ufficio - - - - Ammortamento arredamento - - - - Ammortamento automezzi - - - - Altre svalutazioni delle immobilizzazioni - - - - Svalutazioni - - - - Svalutazione crediti - - - - Esistenza iniziale e finale - - - - Esistenza iniziale merci - - - - Esistenza iniziale imballaggi - - - - Esistenza iniziale materie di consumo - - - - Rimanenze finali imballaggi - - - - Rimanenze finali materie di consumo - - - - Variazioni imballaggi - - - - Variazioni materie di consumo - - - - Variazione dei lavori in corso su ordinazione - - - - Incrementi di immobilizzazioni per lavori interni - - - - Accantonamenti per rischi - - - - Accantonamenti per rischi su crediti - - - - Accantonamenti su imposte - - - - Altri accantonamenti rischi-oneri - - - - Altri accantonamenti - - - - Accantonamenti per spese future - - - - Accantonamenti per manutenzioni e riparazioni - - - - Altri accantonamenti - - - - Oneri diversi - - - - Imposta di bollo - - - - Tassa di concessione governativa - - - - Imposte comunali - - - - Imposte di esercizio - - - - Proventi e oneri finanziari - - - - Proventi da partecipazioni - - - - Proventi da partecipazioni - - - - Altri proventi finanziari - - - - Proventi da crediti iscritti nelle immobilizzazioni - - - - Proventi da titoli iscritti all'attivo circolante che non co - - - - Interessi attivi da clienti - - - - Interessi attivi vari - - - - Interessi su titoli - - - - Proventi finanziari vari - - - - Utile su titoli - - - - Oneri finanziari - - - - Interessi passivi a fornitori - - - - Interessi passivi su finanziamenti - - - - Interessi passivi su mutui - - - - Interessi passivi vari - - - - Oneri finanziari vari - - - - Perdite su titoli - - - - Rettifiche di valore di attività finanziarie - - - - Rivalutazioni - - - - Rivalutazioni di partecipazioni - - - - Rivalutazioni di immobilizzazioni finanziarie non partecipaz - - - - Rivalutazioni di titoli iscritti nell'attivo circolante non - - - - Svalutazioni - - - - Svalutazioni di partecipazioni - - - - Svalutazioni di immobilizzazioni finanziarie non partecipazi - - - - Svalutazioni di titoli iscritti nell'attivo circolante non p - - - - Proventi ed oneri straordinari - - - - Proventi straordinari - - - - Plusvalenze - - - - Sopravvenienze e insussistenze attive - - - - Oneri straordinari - - - - Minusvalenze - - - + + + + + + Tree Farm Payable + Tree Farm Payable + + + Sideline Revenue + + + + Royalties Revenue + + + + Unearned revenue + We have invoiced, but not delivered yet + + + Not invoiced revenue + We delivered but have not invoiced yet + + + Other Revenue + + + + Trade Discounts + Granted Trade discounts (corrects Product Revenue) + + + Payment discount revenue + Granted early payment discount to customers + + + Promotion Discounts + + + + Cost of Goods Sold + + + + Product CoGs + Cost of Goods Sold + + + Product Expense + Default Product or Service costs (I.e. not on inventory) + + + Services Purchases + + + + Sideline Purchases + + + + Freight in + + + + Returns + + + + Returns Expense + + + + Returns to Vendors + + + + Inventory CoGs + + + + Inventory Shrinkage + Physical Inventory Gain/Loss + + + Inventory Write Down Below Cost + + + + Inventory Adjustment + Inventory Actual Accounting Value Adjustment + + + Inventory Revaluation + Difference to (lower cost) or market + + + CoGS Variances + + + + Invoice price variance + Difference between product cost and invoice price (IPV) + + + Purchase price variance + Difference between purchase price and standard costs (PPV) + + + CoGs/Sales Discounts + + + + Trade discounts received + Received Trade Discounts (corrects Product expense) + + + Payment discount revenue + Granted early payment discount from vendors + + + Expenses + + + + Payroll Expenses + + + + Salaries + + + + Vacation Pay + + + + Vacation Pay Owners + + + + Sick Pay Owners + + + + Retirement (Pension, Proft Sharing, 401k) + + + + FICA Tax Owners + + + + Federal/State Unemployment + + + + Federal/State Unemployment Owners + + + + Health Insurance Premium Owners + + + + Health Insurance Employee Contribution + + + + Health Insurance Cobra Payments + + + + Workers Compensation Insurance + + + + Disability Insurance Premium + + + + Disability Insurance Premium Owners + + + + Disability Insurance Employee Contribution + + + + Life Insurance Premium + + + + Life Insurance Premium Owners + + + + Life Insurance Employee Contribution + + + + Other Benefit Expense + + + + Staff Gifts & Perks + + + + Staff Picnic (100% Deductible) + + + + Payroll Processing Expense + + + + Occupancy Cost + + + + Rent Expense + + + + Utilities + + + + Other Occupancy Costs + + + + Advertising + + + + Media Advertising + + + + Catalog, Newsletter + + + + Events + + + + Web Hosting + + + + Other Advertising & Promotion + + + + Vendor Advertising Allowances + + + + Telephone + + + + Mobile Telephone + + + + Network Charges + + + + Legal Fees + + + + Accounting Fees + + + + Inventory Verification Fees + + + + Stationary & Supplies + + + + Stationary & Supplies - Office Use + + + + Janitorial Supplies + + + + Data Processing Supplies + + + + Data Processing Rental + + + + Outside Computer Services + + + + Depreciation Expense + + + + Building Depreciation + + + + Leasehold Improvement Depreciation + + + + Furniture Depreciation + + + + Fixtures Depreciation + + + + Equipment Depreciation + + + + Data Processing Equipment Depreciation + + + + Software Depreciation + + + + Business Travel + + + + Business Travel - Auto Reimbursement + + + + Assets + + + + Cash + + + + Checking Account + Bank Asset + + + Checking In-Transfer + Bank transactions in transit + + + Checking Unidentified Receipts + Receipts from unidentified customer + + + Checking Unallocated Receipts + Received, unallocated payments + + + Checking Account 2 + + + + Savings Account + + + + Cash in Registers + + + + Petty Cash + Cash Book Asset + + + Petty Cash In-Transfer + Cash Book Transfer + + + Accounts Receivable + + + + Accounts Receivable - Trade + Accounts Receivables + + + A/R Non Sufficient Funds Returned Checks + + + + A/R Trade Allowance for Bad Debit + + + + Not invoiced receivables + We delivered but have not invoiced yet + + + Credit Card in Transit + + + + In Transit A/R Amex + + + + In Transit A/R Master Card + + + + In Transit A/R Visa + + + + A/R Credit Cards Allowance for Bad Debit + + + + Vendor Allowances Receivable + + + + Loans Receivable + + + + Loans Receivable Employees + + + + Loans Receivable Others + + + + Prepayments + + + + Vendor prepayment + Prepayments for future expense + + + Employee Expense Prepayment + Expense advances + + + Tax credit A/R + Tax to be re-imbursed - before tax declaration + + + Tax receivables + Tax to receive based on tax declaration + + + A/R Miscellaneous + + + + Investments + + + + US Government Obligations + + + + Tax-Exempt Securities + + + + Other Investments + + + + Inventory + + + + Prepaid Expenses, Deposits & Other Current Assets + + + + Prepaid Expenses + + + + Prepaid Insurance + + + + Prepaid Rent + + + + Prepaid Interest + + + + Prepaid Others + + + + Deposits + + + + Deposit Rent + + + + Deposit Utilities + + + + Deposit Others + + + + Other Current Assets + + + + Other Current Assets + + + + Land and Building + + + + Land + + + + Building + + + + Land Improvements + + + + Building Improvements + + + + Leasehold Improvements + + + + Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment + + + + Furniture + + + + Fixtures + + + + Equipment + + + + Vehicles + + + + Data Processing Equipment + + + + Software + + + + Project asset + Created Asset + + + Project WIP + Asset Work in Progress + + + Building Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Land Improvement Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Building Improvement Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Furniture Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Fixtures Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Equipment Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Vehicles Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Data Processing Equipment Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Other Assets + + + + Intangible Assets + + + + Amortizable Assets + + + + Customer Lists + + + + Other Intangible Assets + + + + Accumulated Amorization + + + + Other Assets + + + + Liabilities + + + + Accounts Payables + + + + Accounts Payables Trade + + + + Not invoiced receipts + Received products/services from vendors, but not invoiced + + + Accounts Payable Services + Accounts Payables for non-product revenue + + + Payment selection + Selected A/P invoices for payment + + + Customer Payables + + + + Merchandise Credits Unredeemed + + + + Gift Certificated Unredeemed + + + + Special Order Deposits + + + + Mail Order Deposits + + + + Tax Payables + + + + Tax due + Tax to be paid - before tax declaration + + + Tax liability + Tax to be paid based on tax declaration + + + Withholding (Tax) + Withholding for 1099 or Quality Guarantee + + + Withholding (Other) + + + + Intercompany Due To + Default Payables account for intercompany trx + + + Accrued Expenses + + + + Accrued Payroll + + + + Payroll Withholdings + + + + Federal Tax Withholding + + + + FICA Withholding + + + + Medicare Withholding + + + + State Tax Withholding + + + + Local Tax Withholding + + + + 401k & Pension Withholding + + + + Garnishment Withholding + + + + Miscellaneous Withholding + + + + Accrued Payroll Taxes + + + + Federal Unemployment Empolyers Contribution + + + + State Unemployment Employers Contribution + + + + Sales Tax Collected + + + + Accrued Retirement Plan Expense + + + + Accrued Expenses Others + + + + Short Term Obligation + + + + Current Portion of Long Term Debt + + + + Long Term Liabilities + + + + Mortgage + + + + Loan from Owner/Stockholder + + + + Other Long Term Obligation + + + + Owner's Equity/Net Worth + + + + Capital + + + + Capital/Common Stock + + + + Capital in excess of Par on Common Stock + + + + Capital in excess of Par on Preferred Stock + + + + Earnings + + + + Drawings + + + + Retained Earnings + Year end processing to balance account (Income Summary) + + + Sales + + + + Services Revenue + + + + Direct Labor + + + + Purchase price variance Offset + Offset Account for Purchase price variance (PPV) + + + Wages Owners + + + + Sick Pay + + + + FICA Tax + + + + Health Insurance Premium + + + + Joint Advertising + + + + Telephone and Communications + + + + Professional Services + + + + Other Consulting Fees + + + + Data Processing + + + + Data Processung Other Expense + + + + Building Improvement Depreciation + + + + Vehicles Depreciation + + + + Business Travel - Plane/Train/Taxi + + + + Business Travel - Hotel + + + + Business Meals & Entertainment (50%) + + + + Staff Meeting Food (100%) + + + + Employee expense + Default employee expenses + + + Business Travel Other Expense + + + + Insurance + + + + Business Insurance + + + + Real Estate Insurance + + + + Vehicle Insurance + + + + Other Insurance + + + + Payment Processor Costs + + + + Credit Card Service Charges + + + + Bank Service Charges + Bank expenses + + + Other Payment Service Charges + + + + Dues & Subscription + + + + Association Membership Fees + + + + Subscription Fees + + + + Office Expense + + + + Office Expense + + + + Posting & Shipping + + + + Postage Expense + + + + Customer Postage Fees Received + + + + Shipping Expenses + + + + Taxes and Licenses + + + + Inventory & Use Taxes + + + + Real Estate Taxes + + + + Business Licenses & Fees + + + + Education + + + + Education Travel + + + + Education Meals & Entertainment (50%) + + + + Education Other + + + + Office Equipment Rent + + + + Store Equipment Rent + + + + Repairs & Maintenance + + + + Building Repairs & Maintenence + + + + Furniture, Equipment Repairs & Maintenence + + + + Software Maintenence + + + + Vehicle Repairs & Maintenence + + + + Repairs & Maintenance Other + + + + Other Operating Expenses + + + + Collection Expense + + + + Petty Cash Over/Short + Petty Cash Differences + + + Recruitment Costs + + + + Vehicle Expense + + + + Amortization Expense + + + + Franchise Fee / Royalty Fees + + + + Miscellaneous Expense + + + + Default/Suspense Accounts + Temporary accounts - balance should be zero + + + Default account + Default Account (if no other account is defined) V1.1 + + + Suspense balancing + Difference to make journal balance in source currency - needs to be solved + + + Suspense error + Import did not find account - needs to be solved + + + Cash book expense + Default other expense for petty cash transactions + + + Cash book receipts + Default other revenue for petty cash transactions + + + Charge expense + Default other expense + + + Charge revenue + Default other revenue + + + Other Income + + + + Interest Income + Bank interest revenue + + + Divident Income + + + + Rental Income + + + + Sales Tax Commission + + + + Currency Gain + + + + Bank revaluation gain + Foreign currency bank account gain + + + Bank settlement gain + Difference between payment and bank account currency + + + Unrealized gain + Difference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rate + + + Capital Gains Income + + + + Fixed Asset Sale Gain + + + + Other Income + + + + Other Expense + + + + Interest Expense + Bank interest expense + + + Mortage Interest Expense + + + + Charitable Contributions + + + + Currency Loss + + + + Bank revaluation loss + Foreign currency bank account loss + + + Unrealized loss + Difference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rate + + + Realized loss + Difference between invoice and payment currency + + + Currency balancing + Rounding difference to make journal balance in accounting currency + + + Capital Gains Loss + + + + Fixed Asset Sale Loss + + + + Other Expense + + + + Income Tax & Summary + + + + State Income Tax + + + + Local Income Tax + + + + Costing + + + + Profit Center Costing Distribution + + + + Project Costing Distribution + + + + Commitment Accounting + + + + PO Encumbrance + + + + PO Commitment + + + + SO Future Revenue + + + + In Transit A/R ATM Cards + + + + Loans Receivable Owners/Shareholders + + + + Tax receivables + + + + Intercompany Due From + Default Receivables account for intercompany trx + + + Product asset + Product Inventory Account + + + Project Assets + + + + Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Leasehold Improvement Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Software Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Goodwill + + + + Cash Surrender Value of Life Insurance + + + + Accounts Payable Trade + Accounts Payables + + + Customer Prepayments + Prepayments for future revenue + + + FICA Employers Contribution + + + + Accrued Use Tax + + + + Current Note Payables + + + + Long Term Obligation + + + + Current Portion of Long Term Debt + + + + Preferred Stock + + + + Dividents + + + + Trade Revenue + Default Product or Service revenue + + + Customer Package Expense + + + + Tax expense + Sales Tax paid to Vendors + + + Education Course Fees + + + + Equipment Rent + + + + Equipment Rent Other + + + + Data Processing Repairs & Maintenence + + + + Bad Debts Write-off + Receivables write-off - bad debt + + + Penalties + + + + Realized gain + Difference between invoice and payment currency + + + Uninsured Casualty Loss + + + + Bank settlement loss + Difference between payment and bank account currency + + + Federal Income Tax + + + + Income Summary + Year end processing to balance account (Retained Earnings) + + + Wages + + + + Land Improvement Depreciation + + + + Accounts Receivable - Trade + + + + Licenses & Fees - Other + + + + General Trade Inventory + Inventory Account + + + Medicare Employers Contribution + + + + Commissions Paid + Commissions Paid + + + Inventory Clearing + Default Product costs (I.e. on inventory) + + + Cost Adjustments + Product Cost Adjustments + + + Accounts Receivable Services - Trade + Accounts Receivables for Services + + + 7-Expenses + 7-Expenses + + + Acquisti di materiali di consumo + + + + Fatture da emettere + I beni e/o i servizi sono usciti ma non ancora fatturati + + + Variazioni merci + + + + Differenze positive sul cambio (stessa divisa estera) + Guadagni realizzati per via del differente cambio tra il giorno dell'emissione del documento contabile ed il giorno del pagamento + + + Sopravvenienze e insussistenze passive + + + + Differenze positive sul cambio (divisa differente tra docume + Guadagni realizzati per via della differente divisa utilizzata per il documento contabile ed il pagamento + + + Deduzioni dalle tasse + + + + Ricavi vendite non ancora fatturate + + + + Debiti verso intragruppo + + + + Progetti + + + + Ribassi e abbuoni attivi + + + + Progetti in corso + + + + Ricavi fatturati e spediti + + + + Utili (perdite) portati a nuovo + + + + Denaro ricevuto da clienti non identificati + + + + Differenze positive tra le fatture e le scritture bancarie + + + + Transiti verso cassa + Transazioni in transito verso la cassa + + + Transiti verso c/c Bancario + Transazioni in transito verso il c/c bancario + + + Sconti per pagamenti anticipati + + + + Ricavi da scontrini + + + + Attualizzazione delle rimanenze finali + + + + Crediti per rimborsi delle tasse + + + + Ricavi fatturati ma non spediti + + + + Ricavi e proventi vari + + + + Ribassi e abbuoni passivi + + + + Perdite e guadagni + + + + Differenze negative sul cambio (stessa divisa estera) + Perdite realizzate per via del differente cambio tra il giorno dell'emissione del documento contabile ed il giorno del pagamento + + + Interessi passivi a banche + + + + Perdite su crediti + + + + Crediti verso clienti + + + + Svalutazione magazzino + + + + Fornitori per beni da ricevere + + + + Crediti verso società intragruppo + + + + Varianza del prezzo di acquisto + Differenza tra prezzo di acquisto con i costi standard + + + Differenze negative tra le fatture e le scritture bancarie + + + + Debiti per servizi + + + + Proventi dalla rivalutazione dei conti correnti bancari in d + + + + Ricavi per prestazione di servizi + + + + Debiti verso fornitori + + + + Debiti per imposte + + + + Altri debiti commerciali + + + + Oneri dalla rivalutazione dei conti correnti bancari in divi + + + + Debito per imposte su benefici differiti + + + + Denaro e valori in cassa + + + + Rimanenze finali merci + + + + Erario c/ritenute da versare + Sostituto d'imposta + + + Perdite su prodotti fatturati + Differenza tra prezzo di costo e prezzo di fatturazione + + + Banca c/c + + + + Personale c/acconti + Anticipi su costi del personale + + + Rimanenze di merci + + + + Oneri e perdite varie + + + + Denaro ricevuto ma non allocato + + + + Arrotondamenti negativi + + + + Sconti per pagamenti anticipati + + + + Benefici in valori negoziabili + + + + Fatture da ricevere + + + + Differenze di cassa + + + + Assestamento Costi Prodotto + + + + Provvigioni su Acquisti + + + + Salari e stipendi + + + + Errore nel bilancio + Da ricontrollare e risolvere + + + Merci in produzione + + + + Interessi attivi da banche + + + + Acconti + + + + Bilancio in transito + Da ricontrollare e risolvere + + + Svalutazioni dell'attivo circolante e delle disponibilità li + + + + Differenze negative sul cambio (divisa differente tra docume + Perdite realizzate per via della differente divisa utilizzata per il documento contabile ed il pagamento + + + Imposte anticipate ai fornitori + + + + Spese di banca + + + + Acquisti di merci vendute + + + + Attivo + + + + Crediti verso i soci per versamenti ancora dovuti + + + + Crediti verso i soci per versamenti ancora dovuti + + + + Immobilizzazioni + + + + Immobilizzazioni immateriali + + + + Costi di impianto e ampliamento + + + + Costi di ricerca, di sviluppo e di pubblicità + + + + Diritti di brevetto industriale e diritti di utilizzazione d + + + + Concessioni, licenze, marchi e diritti simili + + + + Avviamento + + + + Immobilizzazioni immateriali in corso e acconti + + + + Altre immobilizzazioni immateriali + + + + Immobilizzazioni materiali + + + + Terreni + + + + Fabbricati non strumentali + + + + Fabbricati + + + + Impianti e macchinari + + + + Attrezzature commerciali + + + + Attrezzature d'ufficio + + + + Arredamento + + + + Automezzi + + + + Altri beni materiali + + + + Immobilizzazioni in corso e acconti + + + + Fondo ammortamento fabbricati + + + + Fondo ammortamento impianti e macchinari + + + + Fondo ammortamento attrezzature commerciali + + + + Fondo ammortamento attrezzature d'ufficio + + + + Fondo ammortamento arredamento + + + + Fondo ammortamento automezzi + + + + Immobilizzazioni finanziarie + + + + Partecipazioni + + + + Partecipazioni in imprese controllate + + + + Partecipazioni in imprese collegate + + + + Partecipazioni in imprese controllanti + + + + Partecipazioni in altre imprese + + + + Crediti + + + + Crediti verso imprese controllate + + + + Crediti verso imprese collegate + + + + Crediti verso controllanti + + + + Crediti verso altri + + + + Altri titoli + + + + Azioni proprie immobilizzate + + + + Rimanenze + + + + Rimanenze di imballaggi + + + + Rimanenze di materiali di consumo + + + + Lavori in corso su ordinazione + + + + Fondo svalutazione magazzino + + + + Acconti su rimanenze + + + + Attivo circolante + + + + Clienti + + + + Crediti commerciali + + + + Cambiali attive + + + + Cambiali allo sconto + + + + Cambiali all'incasso + + + + Effetti insoluti e protestati + + + + Crediti insoluti + + + + Fondo svalutazione crediti + + + + Fondo rischi su crediti + + + + Crediti intragruppo + + + + Crediti verso imprese controllate + + + + Crediti verso imprese collegate + + + + Crediti verso imprese controllanti + + + + Crediti diversi + + + + IVA nostro credito 4% + + + + IVA nostro credito 10% + + + + IVA nostro credito 20% + + + + Erario c/acconto IVA + + + + Credito per IVA + + + + Crediti v/istituti previdenziali + + + + Crediti per cauzioni + + + + Crediti diversi + + + + Fornitori c/acconti + + + + Valori mobiliari + + + + Partecipazioni in imprese controllate + + + + Partecipazioni in imprese collegate + + + + Partecipazioni in imprese controllanti + + + + Altre partecipazioni + + + + Azioni proprie per investimento temporaneo + + + + Titoli + + + + Disponibilità liquide + + + + Poste c/c + + + + Assegni + + + + Ratei e risconti attivi + + + + Ratei attivi + + + + Risconti attivi + + + + Passivo + + + + Patrimonio netto + + + + Capitale + + + + Riserva da sovrapprezzo delle azioni + + + + Riserva di rivalutazione + + + + Riserva legale + + + + Riserve statutarie + + + + Riserva per azioni proprie in portafoglio + + + + Altre riserve + + + + Utile (perdita) dell'esercizio + + + + Fondo accantonamento rischi ed oneri + + + + Fondo per trattamento di quiescenza + + + + Fondo per imposte + + + + Fondo manutenzioni e riparazioni + + + + Altri fondi + + + + Trattamento di fine rapporto di lavoro subordinato + + + + Debito per TFRL + + + + Debiti + + + + Debiti di finanziamento + + + + Obbligazioni non convertibili + + + + Obbligazioni convertibili + + + + Debiti verso soci per finanziamenti + + + + Mutui ipotecari + + + + Finanziamenti bancari + + + + Sovvenzioni bancarie + + + + Banche c/c passivi + + + + Finanziamenti non bancari + + + + Debiti rappresentati da titoli di credito + + + + Altri debiti commerciali + + + + Clienti c/Acconti + + + + Debiti verso Fornitori + + + + Cambiali passive + + + + Altro debiti verso fornitori + + + + Debiti intragruppo + + + + Debiti verso imprese controllate + + + + Debiti verso imprese collegate + + + + Debiti verso controllanti + + + + Debiti tributari + + + + IVA nostro debito 4% + + + + IVA nostro debito 10% + + + + IVA nostro debito 20% + + + + Debito per IVA + + + + Altri debiti verso l'erario + + + + Debiti diversi + + + + Debiti v/istituti previdenziali + + + + Istituti previdenziali + + + + Personale c/retribuzioni + + + + Personale c/liquidazioni + + + + Debiti per cauzioni + + + + Debiti diversi + + + + Ratei e risconti passivi + + + + Ratei passivi + + + + Risconti passivi + + + + Altri conti patrimoniali + + + + Conti transitori e finali + + + + Conto del patrimonio + + + + Bilancio di apertura + + + + Conti d'ordine + + + + Impegni + + + + Beni da ricevere + + + + Beni da consegnare + + + + Clienti per beni da consegnare + + + + Beni in leasing + + + + Creditori per beni in leasing + + + + Beni di terzi + + + + Beni di terzi + + + + Beni nostri presso terzi + + + + Beni nostri presso terzi + + + + Rischi + + + + Rischi + + + + Risultato economico + + + + Risultato prima delle imposte + + + + Imposte sul reddito dell'esercizio + + + + Valore della produzione + + + + Ricavi vendite e prestazioni + + + + Vendite di imballaggi + + + + Resi su vendite + + + + Premi a clienti + + + + Rimborso spese + + + + Vendite di merci + + + + Altri ricavi e proventi + + + + Fitti attivi + + + + Arrotondamenti positivi + + + + Costi della produzione + + + + Conti vari + + + + Costi acquisto merci e materiali di consumo + + + + Acquisti di merci invendute + + + + Resi su acquisti + + + + Premi da fornitori + + + + Costi per prestazioni e servizi + + + + Costi di trasporto + + + + Costi di energia + + + + Costi di pubblicità + + + + Assicurazioni + + + + Spese postali + + + + Spese telefoniche + + + + Spese legali e notarili + + + + Manutenzioni riparazioni + + + + Imponibile omaggi + + + + IVA c/omaggi + + + + Competenze a terzi + + + + Costi per godimento beni di terzi + + + + Fitti passivi + + + + Canoni leasing + + + + Costi per il personale + + + + Oneri sociali + + + + Trattamenti di fine rapporto di lavoro + + + + Trattamenti di quiescenza e simili + + + + Altri costi per il personale + + + + Ammortamenti e svalutazioni + + + + Ammortamento immobilizzazioni immateriali + + + + Ammortamento impianto e ampliamento + + + + Ammortamento avviamento + + + + Ammortamento di altre immobilizzazioni immateriali + + + + Ammortamento immobilizzazioni materiali + + + + Ammortamento fabbricati + + + + Ammortamento impianti e macchinari + + + + Ammortamento attrezzature commerciali + + + + Ammortamento attrezzature d'ufficio + + + + Ammortamento arredamento + + + + Ammortamento automezzi + + + + Altre svalutazioni delle immobilizzazioni + + + + Svalutazioni + + + + Svalutazione crediti + + + + Esistenza iniziale e finale + + + + Esistenza iniziale merci + + + + Esistenza iniziale imballaggi + + + + Esistenza iniziale materie di consumo + + + + Rimanenze finali imballaggi + + + + Rimanenze finali materie di consumo + + + + Variazioni imballaggi + + + + Variazioni materie di consumo + + + + Variazione dei lavori in corso su ordinazione + + + + Incrementi di immobilizzazioni per lavori interni + + + + Accantonamenti per rischi + + + + Accantonamenti per rischi su crediti + + + + Accantonamenti su imposte + + + + Altri accantonamenti rischi-oneri + + + + Altri accantonamenti + + + + Accantonamenti per spese future + + + + Accantonamenti per manutenzioni e riparazioni + + + + Altri accantonamenti + + + + Oneri diversi + + + + Imposta di bollo + + + + Tassa di concessione governativa + + + + Imposte comunali + + + + Imposte di esercizio + + + + Proventi e oneri finanziari + + + + Proventi da partecipazioni + + + + Proventi da partecipazioni + + + + Altri proventi finanziari + + + + Proventi da crediti iscritti nelle immobilizzazioni + + + + Proventi da titoli iscritti all'attivo circolante che non co + + + + Interessi attivi da clienti + + + + Interessi attivi vari + + + + Interessi su titoli + + + + Proventi finanziari vari + + + + Utile su titoli + + + + Oneri finanziari + + + + Interessi passivi a fornitori + + + + Interessi passivi su finanziamenti + + + + Interessi passivi su mutui + + + + Interessi passivi vari + + + + Oneri finanziari vari + + + + Perdite su titoli + + + + Rettifiche di valore di attività finanziarie + + + + Rivalutazioni + + + + Rivalutazioni di partecipazioni + + + + Rivalutazioni di immobilizzazioni finanziarie non partecipaz + + + + Rivalutazioni di titoli iscritti nell'attivo circolante non + + + + Svalutazioni + + + + Svalutazioni di partecipazioni + + + + Svalutazioni di immobilizzazioni finanziarie non partecipazi + + + + Svalutazioni di titoli iscritti nell'attivo circolante non p + + + + Proventi ed oneri straordinari + + + + Proventi straordinari + + + + Plusvalenze + + + + Sopravvenienze e insussistenze attive + + + + Oneri straordinari + + + + Minusvalenze + + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/C_Greeting_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/C_Greeting_Trl_it_IT.xml index a97261119a..8e09ce2696 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/C_Greeting_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/C_Greeting_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ - - - - - - Mr - Mr - - + + + + + + Mr + Mr + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/C_PaymentTerm_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/C_PaymentTerm_Trl_it_IT.xml index 45d98da5b1..12337edc9e 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/C_PaymentTerm_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/C_PaymentTerm_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,35 +1,35 @@ - - - - - - 30 Net - - - - - Immediate - - - - - 2%10 Net 30 - 2% discount if paid in 10 days, net due in 30 days - Payment Term Note: Long Term Contracts are eligible for payment discounts. - - - 30 Days Net - - - - - 50% Immediate - 50% in 30 days - - - - - Immediate - - - - + + + + + + 30 Net + + + + + Immediate + + + + + 2%10 Net 30 + 2% discount if paid in 10 days, net due in 30 days + Payment Term Note: Long Term Contracts are eligible for payment discounts. + + + 30 Days Net + + + + + 50% Immediate - 50% in 30 days + + + + + Immediate + + + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/C_TaxCategory_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/C_TaxCategory_Trl_it_IT.xml index 2695a1f123..1857ed9bbc 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/C_TaxCategory_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/C_TaxCategory_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ - - - - - - Standard - - - - Standard - - - - IVA - Imposta Sul Valore Aggiunto - - - IVAN - Imposta Sul Valore Aggiunto Non Deducibile - - + + + + + + Standard + + + + Standard + + + + IVA + Imposta Sul Valore Aggiunto + + + IVAN + Imposta Sul Valore Aggiunto Non Deducibile + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/C_Tax_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/C_Tax_Trl_it_IT.xml index 678e17acb2..d4f27d5eeb 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/C_Tax_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/C_Tax_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,75 +1,75 @@ - - - - - - Standard - - - - - CT Sales - - 6%CT - - - GST - Canadian Federal Sales Tax - GST - - - PST - Canadian Provintial Tax - PST - - - GST/PST - Canadian Federal & State Tax - Tax - - - Exempt - Used when Business Partners are exempt from tax - - - - Standard - - - - - IVA04 - IVA 4% - 4 - - - IVA04N - IVA 4% Non Detraibile - 4 - - - IVA20X - Iva 20% Detraibile al 50% - 4 - - - IVA10 - IVA 10% - 4 - - - IVA10N - IVA 10% Non Detraibile - 4 - - - IVA20 - IVA 20% - 4 - - - IVA20N - IVA 20% Non Detraibile - 4 - - + + + + + + Standard + + + + + CT Sales + + 6%CT + + + GST + Canadian Federal Sales Tax + GST + + + PST + Canadian Provintial Tax + PST + + + GST/PST + Canadian Federal & State Tax + Tax + + + Exempt + Used when Business Partners are exempt from tax + + + + Standard + + + + + IVA04 + IVA 4% + 4 + + + IVA04N + IVA 4% Non Detraibile + 4 + + + IVA20X + Iva 20% Detraibile al 50% + 4 + + + IVA10 + IVA 10% + 4 + + + IVA10N + IVA 10% Non Detraibile + 4 + + + IVA20 + IVA 20% + 4 + + + IVA20N + IVA 20% Non Detraibile + 4 + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/C_UOM_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/C_UOM_Trl_it_IT.xml index 78611355c0..49458e43c1 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/C_UOM_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/C_UOM_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,55 +1,55 @@ - - - - - - Pezzo - - Ea - - - Ora - - h - - - Giorno - - d - - - Minuti - (lowest unit for resorce assigments) - m - - - Giornata Uomo - 8 ore - D - - - Settimana - - w - - - Mese - 30 giorni - m - - - Mese Uomo - 20 giorni/uomo - M - - - Anno - - y - - - 6-Pack - - 6Pk - - + + + + + + Pezzo + + Ea + + + Ora + + h + + + Giorno + + d + + + Minuti + (lowest unit for resorce assigments) + m + + + Giornata Uomo + 8 ore + D + + + Settimana + + w + + + Mese + 30 giorni + m + + + Mese Uomo + 20 giorni/uomo + M + + + Anno + + y + + + 6-Pack + + 6Pk + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/M_Product_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/M_Product_Trl_it_IT.xml index cabcd09919..2a8ff3c7ef 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/M_Product_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/M_Product_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,145 +1,145 @@ - - - - - - Standard - - - - - Oak Tree - - Oak Trees may grow quite a bit. - - - Elm Tree - - - - - Grass Seed Container - - - - - Planting Service - - - - - Rose Bush - - - - - Azalea Bush - - - - - Holly Bush - - - - - Plum Tree - - - - - Travel cost - Travel related costs - - - - Mary Consultant - - - - - Patio Chair - Nice Chair for outdoors - - - - Patio Table - Nice Table for outdoors - - - - Patio Sun Screen - Protect from UV - - - - Fertilizer #50 - 50 # Bag of Lawn Fertilizer - - - - Mulch 10# - 10# Bag of Mulch - - - - Hoe 4 ft - 4 Foot Metal Hoe - - - - Rake Bamboo - 4 Foot Bamboo Rake - - - - Rake Metal - 4 Foot Metal Rake - - - - Weeder - Hand Weeder - - - - Transplanter - Hand Transplanter - - - - Grass Seeder - Manual Grass Seeder - - - - Lawn Tiller - Manual Lawn Tiller - - - - Patio Furniture Set - 1 table, 4 Chairs and 1 Sun Screen - - - - How To Plant - Information on how to best to plant your future. - - - - TShirt - Red Large - - - - - TShirt - Green Large - - - - - Standard - - - - + + + + + + Standard + + + + + Oak Tree + + Oak Trees may grow quite a bit. + + + Elm Tree + + + + + Grass Seed Container + + + + + Planting Service + + + + + Rose Bush + + + + + Azalea Bush + + + + + Holly Bush + + + + + Plum Tree + + + + + Travel cost + Travel related costs + + + + Mary Consultant + + + + + Patio Chair + Nice Chair for outdoors + + + + Patio Table + Nice Table for outdoors + + + + Patio Sun Screen + Protect from UV + + + + Fertilizer #50 + 50 # Bag of Lawn Fertilizer + + + + Mulch 10# + 10# Bag of Mulch + + + + Hoe 4 ft + 4 Foot Metal Hoe + + + + Rake Bamboo + 4 Foot Bamboo Rake + + + + Rake Metal + 4 Foot Metal Rake + + + + Weeder + Hand Weeder + + + + Transplanter + Hand Transplanter + + + + Grass Seeder + Manual Grass Seeder + + + + Lawn Tiller + Manual Lawn Tiller + + + + Patio Furniture Set + 1 table, 4 Chairs and 1 Sun Screen + + + + How To Plant + Information on how to best to plant your future. + + + + TShirt - Red Large + + + + + TShirt - Green Large + + + + + Standard + + + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/W_MailMsg_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/W_MailMsg_Trl_it_IT.xml index 696db9595c..62031a2999 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/W_MailMsg_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/W_MailMsg_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - - - - + + + + diff --git a/data/it_IT/W_Store_Trl_it_IT.xml b/data/it_IT/W_Store_Trl_it_IT.xml index 9a7ecb2b5f..4de91d3b53 100644 --- a/data/it_IT/W_Store_Trl_it_IT.xml +++ b/data/it_IT/W_Store_Trl_it_IT.xml @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ - - - - - - - - - Compiere120x60.gif - <h1>Web Store</h1> - Parameter3 - Parameter4 - Parameter5 - Parameter6 - - + + + + + + + + + Compiere120x60.gif + <h1>Web Store</h1> + Parameter3 + Parameter4 + Parameter5 + Parameter6 + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/AD_Desktop_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/AD_Desktop_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 6d7d8f9f17..ac46caf1c0 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/AD_Desktop_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/AD_Desktop_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - - - - - - 外部対応部門(フロントオフィス) - フロントオフィスデスクトップ - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + 外部対応部門(フロントオフィス) + フロントオフィスデスクトップ + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/AD_Element_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/AD_Element_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 4b7dd7753a..2a0f186f5c 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/AD_Element_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/AD_Element_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,23156 +1,23214 @@ - - - - - - - 添付 - 添付 - 文書用の添付です。 - すべてのドキュメント/ファイルの種類にも添付することができて、システムでのすべてのレコードにも付けることができます。 - - - - - - - クライアント - クライアント - このインストールのためのクライアント/テナントです。 - クライアントは会社または法人です。 クライアントの間のデータは共有することができません。 テナントはクライアントの同義語です。 - - - - - - - カラム - カラム - テーブルのカラムです。 - テーブルに関するデータベースカラムにリンクしてください。 - - - - - - - 表示カラム - 表示カラム - 表示するカラムです。 - 表示カラムは、表示するカラムを示します。 - - - - - - - システムエレメント - 要素 - システムエレメントは、カラムの説明とヘルプを、集中メンテナンスできるようにします。 - システムエレメントは、ヘルプ・説明・用語など、データベースカラムの集中管理を可能にします。 - - - - - - - フィールド - フィールド - データベーステーブルのフィールドです。 - フィールドはデータベーステーブルのフィールド特定します。 - - - - - - - キーカラム - キーカラム - DBレコードを必ずひとつに識別できる識別子です。 - キーカラムは、テーブル内のレコードを識別するための重複しないカラムです。 - - - - - - - 言語 - 言語 - この事業主体のための言語です。 - 言語は表示と形式に使用する言語を特定します。 - - - - - - - メニュー - メニュー - メニューを決定します。 - メニューは利用するメニューを決定します。 メニューは、ユーザーがアクセスするの画面を管理するために使われます。 - - - - - - - 取引組織 - 取引組織 - このシステムを実行または開始している組織です。 - (別の組織のために)この取引を実行、開始する組織です。 所有する組織は、主なサービスと組織間取引とともにサービス部門環境において、取引組織でない可能性があります。 - - - - - - - 組織 - 組織 - クライアントの中の組織的な実体です。 - 組織は、クライアントまたは法人の単位です。-- 例えば店、部です。 組織の間のデータは共有することができます。 - - - - - - - プロセスインスタンス - プロセスインスタンス - プロセスのインスタンスです。 - - - - - - - - 設定 - 設定 - 個人的な好みの設定です。 - - - - - - - - プロセス - プロセス - プロセスまたはレポートです。 - プロセスフィールドはシステム内のプロセスまたはレポートを特定します。 - - - - - - - プロセス・パラメータ - プロセス・パラメータ - - - - - - - - - 参照リスト - 参照リスト - テーブルに基づくリファレンスリストです。 - 参照リストフィールドは、データベーステーブルの参照リストの値を示しています。参照リストはデータエントリースクリーン内のドロップダウンリストボックスにあります。 - - - - - - - 参照 - 参照 - システム参照です。(リストを選んでください) - 参照は、参照フィールドのタイプです。 - - - - - - - 参照キー - 参照キー - データタイプがテーブルかリストだった場合に、データを特定するために参照キーが必要です。 - 参照値は、基準値がどこに保存されているかを表します。 データ型がテーブルかリストならそれを指定しなければなりません。 - - - - - - - 役割 - 役割 - ログイン権限を表します。 - 役割はセキュリティ、およびアクセス権限を決定するために使われます。 - - - - - - - 連続番号 - 連続番号 - 文書の連続番号です。 - 連続番号はドキュメントの番号です。 - - - - - - - タブ - タブ - ウィンドウ内のタブです。 - タブはウィンドウ内に表示されるタブを示しています。 - - - - - - - テーブル - テーブル - フィールドの情報が入ったテーブルです。 - テーブルは、フィールドが存在するテーブルを示しています。 - - - - - - - タスクインスタンス - タスクインスタンス - - - - - - - - - OSタスク - OSタスク - OSタスクです。 - タスクフィールドは、システム内のOSタスクを特定します。 - - - - - - - パートナーツリー - パートナーツリー - ビジネスパートナー階層構造を決定する木構造です。 - ツリー(木構造)は会計報告に使用されます。 - - - - - - - ツリー - ツリー - ツリー(木構造)を特定します。 - ツリーフィールドは、システムで一意に決まるツリーを特定します。ツリーは概要レベルの情報を定義します。それらは、レポートポイントと概要レベルを定義するのにレポートで使用されます。 - - - - - - - メニューツリー - メニューツリー - メニューの木構造です。 - メニューアクセスツリーです。 - - - - - - - 組織ツリー - 組織ツリー - 組織階層を決定する木構造です。 - ツリーは(会計)報告とセキュリティアクセスに使用されます。(役割を通して) - - - - - - - 製品ツリー - 製品ツリー - 製品階層構造を決定する木構造です。 - 木構造は(会計)報告に使用されます。 - - - - - - - プロジェクトツリー - プロジェクトツリー - プロジェクト階層構造を決定する木構造です。 - ツリーは(会計)報告に使用されます。 - - - - - - - 販売地域ツリー - 販売地域ツリー - 販売地域階層を決定するツリーです。 - ツリーは(会計)報告に使用されます。 - - - - - - - ユーザー/連絡先 - ユーザー - システムの中のユーザーです。内部のユーザー、ビジネスパートナーです。 - ユーザーはシステムで一意に決まるユーザーを特定します。これは、内部のユーザー、またはビジネスパートナーです。 - - - - - - - 動的妥当性検証 - 妥当性検証 - 動的妥当性検証ルールです。 - これらのルールは入力情報が有効かどうかを決定するために使います。妥当性検証のために変数を使うことが出来ます。 - - - - - - - 次のノード - 次のノード - 作業フローにおける次のノードです。 - 次のノードは、この作業フローの次のステップか、タスクを示します。 - - - - - - - ノード - ノード - 作業フローノード(活動)、ステップまたはプロセスです。 - 作業フローノードは、作業フローの一意に決まるステップかプロセスを示します。 - - - - - - - ウィンドウ - ウィンドウ - データエントリーか表示ウィンドウです。 - ウィンドウフィールドは、システムで一意に決まるウィンドウを特定します。 - - - - - - - 作業フロー - 作業フロー - タスクの作業フロー、またはタスクの組み合わせです。 - 作業フローフィールドは、システムで一意に決まる作業フローを特定します。 - - - - - - - データ・アクセスレベル - データ・アクセスレベル - 必要なアクセスレベルです。 - このレコード、またはプロセスに必要なアクセスレベルを示します。 - - - - - - - 勘定科目記号 - 勘定科目 - 借方、貸方の自然な記号を示します。 - この勘定のための予想される貸借が、借方か貸方を示します。自然な設定は、資産か経費のための勘定科目が借方です。(すなわち、マイナスの貸方バランスです) - - - - - - - 勘定科目タイプ - 勘定科目タイプ - 勘定科目のタイプを示します。 - 有効な勘定科目タイプタイプは、A - 資産、E - 費用、L - 負債、O - 株主資本、R - 収入、M - メモ) 勘定科目タイプは、ビジネスパートナーのために支払債務と受取債権を有効にして、何が課税されるかを決定するのに使用されます。 注意: メモは貸借をチェックする際には無視されます。 - - - - - - - 勘定科目 - 勘定科目 - 使われている勘定科目です。 - 使用される(自然)の勘定科目です。 - - - - - - - 取得原価 - 取得原価 - 顧客として予測する取得費用です。 - 取得原価は、この見通しと顧客を関連付けている費用を特定します。 - - - - - - - アクション - アクション - 実行されるアクションを示します。 - アクションフィールドは、この項目のために実行されるアクションを示す、ドロップダウンリストボックスです。 - - - - - - - 実際の生涯価値 - 実際の生涯価値 - 実際のライフタイム収入です。 - 実際の生涯価値は、ビジネスパートナーによって生成した主要な会計通貨の記録された収入です。 - - - - - - - 住所1 - 住所1 - この所在地のための住所1です。 - 住所1は事業主体の所在地を特定します。 - - - - - - - 住所2 - 住所2 - この所在地のための住所2です。 - 住所2は事業主体のための追加住所情報を提供します。 建物所在地、アパート番号または同様の情報にこれを使用することができます。 - - - - - - - 配送の後 - 配送の後 - 請求書の発行の後ではなく、配送の後です。 - 配送の後チェックボックスは、支払いが「請求書の発行後」と対照的に配送後であることを示します。 - - - - - - - 別名 - 別名 - 勘定科目の組み合わせを示す代替方法を決定します。 - 別名フィールドで、別の勘定科目の組み合わせを定義できます。 例えば、熊本商店への売掛金は、熊本商店という名前で別名定義出来ます。 - - - - - - - - Amt - 量です。 - 量です。 - - - - - - - 貸方合計 - 貸方合計 - 貸方の合計金額です。 - 貸方合計は、取引合計をこの組織の会計通貨に変えたものを示します。 - - - - - - - 借方合計 - 借方合計 - 借方の合計金額です。 - 借方合計は、取引合計をこの組織の会計通貨に変えたものを示します。 - - - - - - - 承認数量 - 承認数量 - この役割のための承認数量の限度です。 - 承認数量フィールドは、この役割がドキュメントの承認のために持っている数量の限界を示します。 - - - - - - - 貸方の元 - 貸方の元 - 貸方の元合計です。 - 貸方の元は、元の通貨換算でこのラインのための貸方(Credit)の量を表します。 - - - - - - - 借方の元 - 借方の元 - 借方の元の量です。 - 元の通貨換算でこのラインのための貸方(Credit)の量を表します。 - - - - - - - 属性 - 属性 - - - - - - - - - 自動期間コントロール - 自動期間コントロール - 選択された場合は、会計期間は自動的に開かれて、閉じられます。 - 自動期間コントロールでは、会計期間は、現在の期日に基づいて開かれて、閉じられます。 手動変更手段が有効であるなら、明示的に期間を開いて閉じます。 - - - - - - - 請求住所 - 請求住所 - 住所へ請求書します。 - 請求住所は、請求書を送るとき使用する住所を示します。 - 住所から請求発行 - 請求書/請求は、仕入先が請求した場所を示します。 - - - - - バイナリデータ - バイナリー - バイナリ・データです。 - バイナリーフィールドは、バイナリ・データを保存します。 - - - - - - - 予算状態 - 予算状態 - この予算の現在の状態を示します。 - 予算状態は、この予算の現在の状態を示します。(たとえば、草案が承認されたなど) - - - - - - - 主要な会計スキーマ - 主要な会計スキーマ - 会計のための主要ルールです。 - 会計スキーマは原価計算手法、通貨、およびカレンダーなどのルールを定義します。 - - - - - - - 会計スキーマ要素 - 会計スキーマ要素 - - - - - - - - - 会計スキーマ - 会計スキーマ - 会計のためのルール - 会計スキーマは、原価計算手法、通貨、およびカレンダーなどの会計に使用されるルールを定義します。 - - - - - - - ビジネスパートナー - ビジネスパートナー - ビジネスパートナーを特定します。 - ビジネスパートナーは取引をするすべての主体です。これは仕入先、販売先、従業員、または販売員を含むことができます。 - - - - - - - パートナー所在地 - パートナー所在地 - ビジネスパートナーのための(発送などのための)住所です。 - ビジネスパートナーの住所です。 - ビジネスパートナーのための(発送などのための)住所です。 - ビジネスパートナーの住所 - パートナーの住所 - - - - カレンダー - カレンダー - 会計カレンダー名 - カレンダーは、一意に決まる会計カレンダーを特定します。 複数のカレンダーを使用することができます。 例えば、1月1日から始まり12月31日出終わる(欧米で)標準のカレンダーと、7月1日から始まり6月30日までの会計カレンダーがあります。 - - - - - - - 交換比率 - 交換比率 - 通貨を変換するのに使用されるレート - 交換比率は元通貨を会計通貨に変換するとき使用するレート(掛けるか、または割る)を定義します。 - - - - - - - - - - 国は、国名を定義します。すべてのドキュメントで、使用する前に各国名を定義しなければなりません。 - - - - - - - 通貨 - 通貨 - このレコードのための通貨です。 - このレコードに関して処理するか、または報告するとき、使用される通貨を示します。 - - - - - - - 対象通貨 - 対象通貨 - 対象通貨 - 対象通貨はこの交換比率の対象となる通貨を定義します。 - - - - - - - ドキュメントタイプ - ドキュメントタイプ - ドキュメントのタイプまたはルールです。 - ドキュメントタイプはドキュメント連続番号と処理ルールを決定します。 - - - - - - - 対象ドキュメントタイプ - 対象ドキュメントタイプ - 変換するドキュメントの対象となるドキュメントタイプ - ドキュメントタイプは変換することができます。(例えば、提案を受注や請求に) そして、変換は現在のタイプに反映されます。 この処理は、適切なドキュメントアクションを選択することによって、開始されます。 - - - - - - - 勘定科目要素 - 勘定科目要素 - 勘定科目要素 - 勘定科目要素は自然な勘定科目かユーザーの定義された値です。 - - - - - - - 要素 - 要素 - 会計要素 - 会計要素は一意に決まる会計タイプを示します。 これらは会計チャートとして一般的に知られています。 - - - - - - - 送付元住所 - 送付元住所 - 在庫があった場所です。 - 送付元住所は、製品があった場所を示します。 - - - - - - - 送付先住所 - 送付先住所 - 在庫の移動先住所です。 - 送付先住所は、製品が移動した先の住所を示します。 - - - - - - - 住所 - 住所 - 所在地または住所です。 - 所在地 / 住所フィールドは事業主体の位置情報を定義します。 - - - - - - - 休日 - 休日 - 仕事が行われない日です。 - 休日は、営業日として計算されない1日を定義します。 - - - - - - - 支払期間 - 支払期間 - 支払の期間(時間、割引)です。 - 支払期間は支払いの方法とタイミングを特定します。 - - - - - - - 期間のコントロール - 期間のコントロール - - - - - - - - - 期間 - 期間 - カレンダーの期間です。 - 期間はカレンダーのための排他的な範囲の日付を示します。 - - - - - - - プロジェクト - プロジェクト - 財務プロジェクトです。 - プロジェクトは内部、または外部の活動を追跡して、制御します。 - - - - - - - 地域 - 地域 - 地理的な地域を示します。 - 地域はこの国のために一意に決まる地域を特定します。 - - - - - - - 販売地域 - 販売地域 - セールス・カバレッジ地域です。 - 販売地域はセールス・カバレッジの特定の領域を示します。 - - - - - - - 税金カテゴリ - 税金カテゴリ - 税金カテゴリ - 税金カテゴリは同様の税金支払方法を分類する機能を提供します。 例えば、消費税か所得税です。 - - - - - - - 税金 - 税金 - 税金識別子 - 税金はドキュメントラインに使用される税金のタイプを示します。 - - - - - - - 測定単位変換 - 測定単位変換 - 測定変換のユニット - 測定単位変換は測定、交換比率、および変換日付の範囲の、一意に決まる単位を特定します。 - - - - - - - 測定単位 - 測定単位 - Unit of Measureです。 - 測定単位は一意に決まる非通貨の単位を定義します。 - - - - - - - 単位変更先 - 単位変更先 - 測定単位の変換元と先です。 - 単位変更先は測定単位変換ペアのために変換先測定単位を示します。 - - - - - - - 長さの測定単位 - 長さの測定単位 - 長さの測定単位です。 - 長さの測定単位は、測定単位をドキュメント内の長さによる製品の参照を示します。 - - - - - - - 時間の測定単位 - 時間の測定単位 - 時間の測定単位 - 時間の測定単位は、測定単位をドキュメント内の時間による製品の参照に使用するためのものです。 - - - - - - - 量の測定単位 - 量の測定単位 - 量の測定単位です。 - 量のための標準測定単位は、測定単位をドキュメント内の数量によって製品を参照するためのものです。 - - - - - - - 重さの測定単位 - 重さの測定単位 - 重さの標準測定単位です。 - 重さの測定単位は、ドキュメント内で製品を重さによって参照するための測定単位です。 - - - - - - - 組み合わせ - 組み合わせ - 有効な勘定科目組み合わせです。 - 組み合わせは要素の有効な組み合わせを特定します(総勘定元帳を表します)。 - - - - - - - - - 暦年 - 年は、カレンダーのために一意に決まる会計年を特定します。 - - - - - - - 呼び出し - 呼び出し - 完全修飾クラス名とメソッド - セミコロンで切り離されます。 - 呼び出し(callout)は、値が変更した後にいつでも実行できるタスクを登録するために、Javaで書かれたプログラムを作成出来ます。呼び出しは、妥当性検証のために使われるべきではなく、ユーザーは確かな値を選択してから使われるべきです。 -呼び出しは、org.compiere.model.Calloutを実装したJavaクラスです。例: "org.compiere.model.CalloutRequest.copyText" クラスをインスタンス化 "CalloutRequest" そして、 "copyText" を呼び出します。セミコロンで切り離すことによって、複数のcalloutsを持つことができます。 - - - - - - - - - 市を特定します。 - 市はこの国か地域(県)のために一意に決まる市を特定します。 - - - - - - - 検証コード - 検証コード - 検証コード - 検証コードは、エラーに関する日付、時間、およびメッセージを表示します。 - - - - - - - DBカラム名 - DBカラム名 - データベースのカラムの名前です。 - カラム名はデータベースで定義されたテーブル内で1つのカラムの名前を示します。 - - - - - - - 組み合わせ - 組み合わせ - 会計要素の一意に決まる組み合わせ - 組み合わせフィールドはこの勘定科目を包括する要素値の一意に決まる組み合わせを定義します。 - - - - - - - コメント - コメント - コメントまたは追加情報 - コメントフィールドは追加情報の自由形式エントリーです。 - - - - - - - コミット警告 - コミット警告 - 保存するときに表示される警告 - レコードをコミットとき表示される警告か情報 - - - - - - - コントロール量 - コントロール量 - 借方がゼロでないなら、ドキュメントの借方残高ははこの量と等くなければなりません。 - コントロール量がゼロであるなら、チェックは全く実行されません。 -あるいは、文書が分類調査される前に総借方残高はコントロール量と等しくなるはずです。 - - - - - - - 平均費用 - 平均費用 - 加重平均コストです。 - 加重平均の(実際)のコストです。 - - - - - - - 標準費用 - 標準費用 - 標準のコストです。 - 標準(プラン)のコストです。 - - - - - - - 原価計算手法 - 原価計算手法 - 原価がどう計算されるかを示します。 - 原価計算手法はコストがどう計算されるかを(標準、平均、後入れ先出し、先入先出し)示します。 原価計算手法の初期値は、会計スキーマレベルで定義して、製品カテゴリで任意に上書きすることができます。原価計算手法は材料移動ポリシー(製品カテゴリで定義されます)と矛盾することができません。 - - - - - - - 原価計算精度 - 原価計算精度 - 原価計算で利用されます。 - 原価計算精度は、計算するときの十進の桁の数を定義します。 - - - - - - - 費用 - 費用 - 会計通貨の費用です。 - 費用は組織会計通貨のキャンペーンの費用を示します。 - - - - - - - ISO国名コード - ISO国 - ISO3166-1に従った大文字2文字の英数字のISO Countryコード-- http://www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/doc/ISO_3166.html - 詳細はURL先を見てください: http://www.din.de/gremien/nas/nabd/iso3166ma/codlstp1.html -- http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec03en.htm - - - - - - - 作成日 - 作成日 - このレコードが作成された日付です。 - 作成日フィールドはこのレコードが作成された日付を示します。 - - - - - - - 作成者 - 作成者 - このレコードを作成したユーザーです。 - 作成者フィールドはレコードを作成したユーザーを示します。 - - - - - - - クレジットカード - クレジットカード - クレジットカード番号 - クレジットカード番号はクレジットカードの番号を空白なしで示します。 - - - - - - - シンボル - 通貨 - 通貨のシンボル(印刷だけに使用されるオプション) - シンボルは、印刷時に使用されるシンボルを定義します。 - - - - - - - 通貨バランス勘定科目 - 通貨バランス勘定科目 - 通貨に釣り合いがとれていないときに使用される勘定科目です。 - 通貨に釣り合いがとれていないときに、通貨バランス勘定科目は使用されます。(一般には端数切捨てのため) - - - - - - - レート - レート - 通貨の転換率です。 - 通貨交換レートは元通貨を会計通貨に変換するとき使用するレートを示します。 - - - - - - - 次の数字 - 次の数字 - 次の使用されるべき数です。 - 次の数字はこのドキュメントに使用する次の数を示します。 - - - - - - - D-U-N-S - D-U-N-S - Dun & Bradstreet Number - 詳細はwww.dnb.com/dunsno/list.htmを見てください。EDIに使用されます。 - - - - - - - 日付 - 日付 - 業務が行われない日付です。 - 日付フィールドは業務が行われないカレンダー日付を特定します。 - - - - - - - 会計日付 - 会計日付 - 会計日付です。 - 会計日付は、総勘定元帳エントリーがこのドキュメントから生成された日付を示します。また、それはすべての通貨の転換にも使用されます。 - - - - - - - 配送日付 - 配送日付 - 製品が提供されたときの日付です。 - - - - - - - - ドキュメント日付 - ドキュメント日付 - ドキュメントの日付です。 - ドキュメント日付はドキュメントが作られた日付を示します。 それは会計日付と同じ可能性があります。 - - - - - - - 請求書送付日付 - 請求書送付日付 - 請求書に印刷された日付です。 - 請求書送付日付は請求書に印刷されていた日付を示します。 - - - - - - - 受注日付 - 受注日付 - 受注の日付です。 - 製品が注文された日付を示します。 - - - - - - - 約束日付 - 約束日付 - 注文が約束された日付です。 - 約束日付は約束された日付を示しています。 - - - - - - - デフォルトの仕組み - デフォルトの仕組み - デフォルト値階層構造、区切り文字 - デフォルトは、注文定義の中で評価されて、最初のNULL値ではないカラムがデフォルト値になります。値は、カンマかセミコロンで区切られます。(a)文字:. ’文字’または 123 (b) 変数 @Variable@ という形式 - ログイン 例、#Date, #AD_Org_ID, #AD_Client_ID 会計スキーマ 例、$C_AcctSchema_ID, $C_Calendar_ID システム共通のデフォルト:例、日付フォーマット - ウィンドウの値(すべてのチェックボックス、ラジオボタン、日付文書/日付会計) (c) タグつきSQLコード:@SQL=SELECT 「デフォルトの値」 FROM ... SQL文は、変数を持てます。 -SQL文以外の値は持てません。デフォルトは、ユーザー個別の設定がない場合のみ評価されます。デフォルト定義は、ボタンと同じようにキー、親、クライアントとしてレコードカラムのために無視されます。 - - - - - - - 配送経由 - 配送経由 - 注文品を届ける方法です。 - 配送経由は、どう製品を届けるかを示します。例えば、注文品が梱包されるか、出荷されるかなどです。 - - - - - - - 説明 - 説明 - レコードの任意の短い説明です。 - 説明は、255文字に制限されます。 - - - - - - - 中止済み - 中止されました。 - この製品はもう利用できません。 - 中止済みチェックボックスは使用が中止された製品を示します。 - - - - - - - 中止者 - 中止者 - 中止を実施したユーザー名です。 - 中止者は、この製品の使用を中止した個人を示します。 - - - - - - - 割り引き% - 割り引き% - パーセントでの割引率です。 - 割引は、百分率(パーセント)として適用された割り引きを示します。 - - - - - - - 割り引き日数 - 割り引き日数 - 請求書日付から割引に適格な日への日数です。 - 割り引き日数は、示された割引を受けうことが出来る日数を示しています。 - - - - - - - 表示文字数 - 表示文字数 - 文字表示の長さです。 - 表示文字数は、主にStringフィールドのためのものです。整数型や数値型の場合は、表示文字数は、影響がありません。(長さはシステムによって決められます)はい・いいえ(チェックボックス)リスト、テーブル、テーブルディレクトリ(コンポボックスの長さは内容によって決められます) - - - - - - - 表示の仕組み - 表示の仕組み - フィールドが表示されるなら、結果はフィールドが実際に表示されるかどうかを決定します。 - format := {expression} [{logic} {expression}]<br> expression := @{context}@{operand}{value} or @{context}@{operand}{value}<br> logic := {|}|{&}<br> context := any global or window context <br> value := strings or numbers<br> logic operators := AND or OR with the previous result from left to right <br> operand := eq{=}, gt{&gt;}, le{&lt;}, not{~^!} <br> Examples: <br> @AD_Table_ID@=14 | @Language@!GERGER <br> @PriceLimit@>10 | @PriceList@>@PriceActual@<br> @Name@>J<br> Strings may be in single quotes (optional) - - - - - - - 表示値 - 表示値 - 表示カラムと共に値カラムを表示します。 - 表示値チェックボックスは、値カラムを表示カラムと共に表示するかどうかを示します。 - - - - - - - 住所印刷フォーマット - 住所印刷フォーマット - この住所を印刷するためのフォーマットです。 - 住所印刷フォーマットは、この住所が印刷されるときのフォーマットを定義します。以下の記法が使用されます: @C@=City @P@=Postal @A@=PostalAdd @R@=Region - - - - - - - 分割レート - 分割レート - 元の番号を対象番号に変換するために、元番号は分割されています。 - 元の番号を対象の番号に変換するために、分割レートは元番号で割られます。分割番号を入力すると、掛け算率は自動的に計算されます。 - - - - - - - ドキュメントアクション - 文書アクション - ドキュメントの対象とされた状態です。 - ドキュメント状態フィールドで現在のドキュメント状態を見つけられます。オプションはポップアップに記載されています。 - - - - - - - ドキュメント連続番号 - 文書連続番号 - ドキュメント連続番号はドキュメントの番号を決定します。 - 文書連続番号は、このドキュメントタイプに使用する配列ルールを示します。 - - - - - - - ドキュメント状態 - 文書状態 - ドキュメントの現在の状態です。 - ドキュメント状態は、ドキュメントの状態を示します。ドキュメント状態を変更したい場合は、ドキュメントアクションフィールドを使用してください。 - - - - - - - ドキュメント番号 - ドキュメント番号 - ドキュメントのドキュメント連続番号です。 - ドキュメント番号は、システムによって自動的に生成されて、ドキュメントのタイプによって決定されます。ドキュメントが保存されないと予備の番号が表示されます。"<>"新しいドキュメントを作成したときに、ドキュメントのタイプに定義された連続番号作成方法が定義されたいないなら、フィールドは空です。これは通常、外部の値(仕入先請求書など)を持っているドキュメントのためのものです。空の状態でフィールドをそのままにすると、システムは自動で連続番号を生成します。この場合、システムは、「連続番号のメンテナンス」で定義された方法によって連続番号を作成します。 - - - - - - - EMU エントリー日付 - EMU エントリー日付 - 通貨がEMUに合流する日付です。 - ユーロなどのEMU(Economic Monetary Union)に合流する日付を表します。 - - - - - - - EMU レート - EMU レート - ユーロへの公定歩合です。 - EMU レートは、この通貨からユーロへ変換するときに使用される公定歩合を定義します。 - - - - - - - タイプ - タイプ - 要素タイプ(勘定科目か定義されたユーザー) - 要素タイプは、この要素が会計要素か、ユーザー定義要素かを示します。 - - - - - - - 終了日 - 終了日 - 最後の発効日(包括的)です。 - 終了日は、この範囲での終了日を示します。 - - - - - - - 電話番号フォーマット - 電話番号フォーマット - 電話の形式 - <B>妥当性検証要素: </B> (スペース) すべてのキャラクタ _ スペース (固定文字) l すべての文字 a..Z スペースなし L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case o any Letter a..Z or space O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case a any Letters & Digits NO space A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case c any Letters & Digits or space C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case 0 Digits 0..9 NO space 9 Digits 0..9 or space Example of format "(000)_000-0000" - - - - - - - 郵便番号形式 - 郵便番号形式 - 郵便番号の形式 - <B>Validation elements:</B> (Space) any character _ Space (fixed character) l any Letter a..Z NO space L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case o any Letter a..Z or space O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case a any Letters & Digits NO space A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case c any Letters & Digits or space C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case 0 Digits 0..9 NO space 9 Digits 0..9 or space Example of format "(000)_000-0000" - - - - - - - 追加郵便番号の形式 - 追加郵便番号の形式 - 価値の形式 - <B>Validation elements:</B> (Space) any character _ Space (fixed character) l any Letter a..Z NO space L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case o any Letter a..Z or space O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case a any Letters & Digits NO space A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case c any Letters & Digits or space C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case 0 Digits 0..9 NO space 9 Digits 0..9 or space Example of format "(000)_000-0000" - - - - - - - ファックス - ファックス - ファックス番号です。 - ファックスはこのビジネスパートナーまたは、住所のファックス番号を決定します。 - - - - - - - 長さ - 長さ - データベースのカラムの長さ - 長さはデータベースで定義される1つのカラムの長さを示します。 - - - - - - - 最初の販売 - 最初の販売 - 最初の販売日付です。 - 最初の販売は、このビジネスパートナーへの最初の販売の日付を特定します。 - - - - - - - 貨物量 - 貨物量 - 貨物量 - 貨物量は、文書通貨で貨物の料金をあらわします。 - - - - - - - GAAP - GAAP - 一般に公正妥当と認められた会計原則 - GAAPはこの会計スキーマが強く守る勘定科目原則を特定します。 - - - - - - - 予算 - 予算 - 一般原簿予算 - 総勘定元帳予算は、ユーザー定義の予算を特定します。実際の会計と予算を比較することが出来ます。 - - - - - - - 総勘定元帳カテゴリ - 総勘定元帳カテゴリ - 一般原簿カテゴリ - 総勘定元帳カテゴリは、任意でユーザー定義の仕訳帳グループ分け方法を決定します。 - - - - - - - 仕訳帳バッチ処理 - 仕訳帳バッチ処理 - 総勘定元帳バッチ処理 - 総勘定元帳バッチ処理は、グループとして処理される仕訳帳のグループを特定します。 - - - - - - - 仕訳帳詳細 - 仕訳帳詳細 - 一般原簿仕訳帳詳細 - 総勘定元帳詳細は、仕訳帳における単一取引を特定します。 - - - - - - - 仕訳帳 - 仕訳帳 - 一般原簿仕訳帳 - 総勘定元帳は、論理的な企業取引を表す仕訳帳詳細のグループを特定します。 - - - - - - - 合計 - 合計 - ドキュメントの総量 - 合計は、ドキュメント通貨に税金と貨物料金を含む総量を表示します。 - - - - - - - 勘定科目別名を使用 - 別名 - 別名による(部分的に)勘定科目組み合わせを選択する能力です。 - 別名チェックボックスは、ユーザー定義の別名または短いキーを使用することで、勘定科目組み合わせを選択することができます。 - - - - - - - 勘定科目組み合わせ管理を使用 - 組み合わせ管理 - 勘定科目要素の組み合わせはチェックされます。 - 組み合わせ管理チェックボックスは、設定された組み合わせに反して確認されるかを示します。 - - - - - - - 追加住所コード - 追加住所コード - 追加郵便番号を持っています。 - 追加住所コードチェックボックスは、この住所が追加の住所情報を使用するかどうかを示します。これが選択されるなら、追加フィールドは追加住所コードのエントリーに表示します。 - - - - - - - 国、都道府県 - 国、都道府県 - 国の都道府県です。 - 国に都道府県などの地域がある場合に、チェックボックスを選択してください。このチェックボックスが選択されると、地域タブが表示されます。 - - - - - - - ツリーを所持 - ツリーを所持 - ウィンドウには、ツリーのグラフがあります。 - ツリーを所持チェックボックスは、このウィンドウがツリー形式の表示を持っているかどうかを示します。 - - - - - - - コメント/ヘルプ - コメント - コメントまたはヒント - ヘルプフィールドは、この項目の使用に関してヒント、コメントまたはヘルプを含んでいます。 - - - - - - - ISDN - ISDN - ISDNまたはモデム回詳細 - ISDNは、ISDNかモデム回線番号を特定します。 - - - - - - - ISO通貨コード - ISO通貨 - 3文字のISO 4217 通貨コードです。 - 詳細のためには、 http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec09en.htm を参照してください。 - - - - - - - 収入概要会計 - 収入概要会計 - 損益勘定 - - - - - - - - 増加 - 増加 - 最後の文書番号を増加します。 - 増加は、最後の数を次の連続番号にするために文書番号に1を追加します。 - - - - - - - 企業間支払元の勘定科目 - 企業間支払元の勘定科目 - 企業間の支払い元の受取勘定です。 - 企業間支払い義務元は、他の組織から、この組織に対して借りられているお金を表す勘定科目を示します。 - - - - - - - 企業間支払先勘定科目 - 企業間支払先勘定科目 - 企業間の支払い先の支払勘定です。 - 企業間支払先勘定科目は、他の組織から借りられているお金を表す勘定科目を示します。 - - - - - - - 請求書日 - 請求書日 - 請求書世代の日 - Invoice Dayは請求書世代の日を示します。 毎月二度なら、2回目はこの日15日後です。 - - - - - - - 請求頻度 - 請求頻度 - どれくらいの頻度で請求書が作られるかです。 - 請求頻度は、ビジネスパートナーのための請求書頻度を示します。 - - - - - - - 請求作成の曜日 - 請求作成の曜日 - 請求書を作る日です。 - 請求作成の曜日は、請求書を作るために曜日を示します。 - - - - - - - 発生主義 - 発生主義 - 発生主義か現金主義かを示します。 - 発生主義チェックボックスは、この会計スキーマが発生主義ベースの勘定科目を使用するか、現金主義ベースの勘定科目を使用するかを示します。製品かサービスが提供されるとき、発生主義手法は収入を認識します。また、支払いが受け取られるとき、現金のベースの手法は収入を認識します。 - - - - - - - アクティブ - アクティブ - レコードはシステムでアクティブです。 - レコードをシステムで使用不可にするには、2つの方法があります:1つはレコードを削除することで、もう1つは、レコードを不活性化することです。不活性のレコードは選択できません。しかし、レポートには利用可能です。 不活性にする理由は2つあります: -(1) システムは監査目的のためのレコードを必要とします。 -(2) レコードは他のレコードによって参照されます。このパートナーレコードのための存在する請求書があれば、例えば、ビジネスパートナーを削除することはできません。ビジネスーパートナーを不活性化することで、それを防ぎます。このレコードは将来のエントリーに使用されます。 - - - - - - - 限度数量 - 限度数量 - 量が限度を超す場合にだけ、請求書を送ります。 - 限度数量チェックボックスは、入力された限度より下の場合に請求書が出されるかどうかを示します。 - - - - - - - 承認済み - 承認済み - このドキュメントが承認を必要とするかどうかを示します。 - 承認済みチェックボックスは、それを処理する前に、このドキュメントが承認を必要とするかどうかを示します。 - - - - - - - 監査を有効化 - 監査を有効化 - どの数値が生成されるかの監査追跡を有効化します。 - 監査を有効化チェックボックスは、生成する数の監査証跡が保たれるかどうかを示します。 - - - - - - - 自動番号付け - 自動番号付け - 自動的に次の数を割り当ててください。 - 自動番号付けチェックボックスは、システムが自動的に次の数を割り当てるかどうかを示します。 - - - - - - - 貸借金額一致済み - 貸借金額一致済み - - - - - - - - - 貸借金額一致 - 貸借金額一致 - 要素値の中のすべての取引が貸借をとらなければなりません。(例えば、費用センター) - 貸借金額一致チェックボックスは、それぞれの仕訳帳取引で貸借が一致しなければならないということを示します。例えば、費用センターが貸借一致である要素として定義されたら、それぞれの一意に決まる費用センターへの貸借記は、0.00への実質金額でなければなりません。これは、一般的に、それら自身の実体として報告する組織の一部分を定義するのに使用されます。バランスをとることは会計要素のためのオプションではありません。 - - - - - - - 基本言語 - 基本言語 - システム情報はこの言語で保守されます。 - - - - - - - - 集中管理 - 集中管理 - 要素テーブルで保守された情報です。 - 集中管理チェックボックスは、名前、説明、およびヘルプが、'システム要素'のテーブルか'ウィンドウ'テーブルでメンテナンスされるかどうかを示します。 - - - - - - - 信用承認 - 信用承認 - 融資は承認されました。 - 信用承認は、クレジット承認が注文のために成功したかを示します。 - - - - - - - 顧客 - 顧客 - このビジネスパートナーが顧客であるかどうかを示します。 - 顧客チェックボックスは、このビジネスパートナーが顧客であるかどうかを示します。これを選択すると顧客情報のための追加フィールドが表示されます。 - - - - - - - レコード削除可能 - レコード削除可能 - データベースからレコードを削除することができるかどうかを示します。 - レコード削除可能チェックボックスは、データベースからレコードを削除することができるかどうかを示します。 レコードを削除することができないなら、アクティブフラグを消す選択することができるだけです。 - - - - - - - 配送済み - 配送済み - - - - - - - - - 表示済み - 表示済み - フィールドが表示されるかどうかを決定します。 - 実際に表示される場合は、実行時にどのような表示方法をとるかが決定されます。 - - - - - - - ドキュメント管理済み - 文書管理済み - 管理勘定--勘定科目がドキュメントによって制御されるなら、手動で仕訳することは出来ません。 - - - - - - - - ドキュメントは番号管理されています - ドキュメントは番号管理されています - ドキュメントには、ドキュメント連続番号があります。 - ドキュメントは番号管理されていますチェックボックスは、このドキュメントタイプで連続番号があるかどうかを示します。 - - - - - - - ユーロ メンバー - ユーロ メンバー - 欧州通貨同盟であるなら、この通貨はメンバーです。 - ユーロメンバーチェックボックスは、この通貨が欧州経済連合のメンバーであるかどうかを示すのに使用されます。 - - - - - - - 従業員 - 従業員 - このビジネスパートナーが従業員かどうかを示します。 - 従業員チェックボックスは、このビジネスパートナーが従業員かどうかを示します。これが選択されると、追加フィールドが表示されます。 - - - - - - - 暗号化済み - 暗号化済み - ディスプレイかStorageが暗号化されています。 - 暗号化して表示されます。(Window/タブ/フィールド)--'*'としてすべての文字が表示されます。--データベースでは、クリアテキストで保存されます。それらのカラムに関してはレポートで表示することができません。 <Br>データ保存暗号化(Table/カラムの)--データはデータベースで暗号化された状態で保存されて(危険!)それらのカラムに関してレポートで表示することはできません。暗号化表示からは独立しています。 - - - - - - - ユーロ通貨 - ユーロ通貨 - この通貨はユーロです。 - ユーロ通貨チェックボックスは、この通貨がユーロ通貨であるかどうかを示すのに使用されます。 - - - - - - - フィールドのみ - フィールドのみ - ラベルを表示しません。 - フィールドのみチェックボックスは、カラムがラベルなしで出来るかを表します。 - - - - - - - 完全適格 - 完全適格 - この勘定科目は完全に資格があります。 - 適格チェック・ボックスは、勘定科目の組み合わせのための、すべての必要な要素が存在していることを示します。 - - - - - - - 生成済み - 生成済み - この詳細は生成します。 - 生成済みチェックボックスはソースドキュメントから生成された仕訳帳連続番号を特定します。 また、詳細を手動で入力、またはインポートすることができます。 - - - - - - - 見出しのみ - 見出しのみ - カラムのないフィールド--ラベルだけを表示します。 - 見出しのみチェックボックスは、ラベルがそのまま表示されるかどうかを示します。 - - - - - - - 識別子 - 識別子 - このカラムはレコード識別名の一部です。 - 識別子チェックボックスは、このカラムがこのテーブルのための識別子かキーの一部であることを示します。 - - - - - - - 会計タブ - 会計タブ - このタブは課金情報を含んでいます。 - 会計タブチェックボックスは、このウィンドウが課金情報を含むかどうかを示します。 課金情報を表示するには、ツール>設定と役割で可能にしてください。 - - - - - - - 請求済み - 請求済み - 請求されるかどうかです。 - 選択されると、請求書が作成されます。 - - - - - - - キーカラム - キーカラム - このカラムはこのテーブルのキーです。 - キーカラムはフィールド定義で表示連続番号が0です。また、非表示になることがあります。 - - - - - - - 必須 - 必須 - データエントリーがこのカラムで必須です。 - フィールドには、データベースで保存されるために、値が必ずなければなりません。 - - - - - - - 自然な勘定科目 - 自然な勘定科目 - 第一の自然な勘定科目 - 自然な勘定科目はしばしば(産業特有)の勘定科目一覧表に基づいています。 - - - - - - - 親リンクカラム - 親リンクカラム - このカラムは親テーブル(例えば、連続番号からのヘッダー)へのリンクです--incl。 関連付けキーカラム - 親チェックボックスは、このカラムが親テーブルへのリンクであるかどうかを示します。 - - - - - - - 第一予算 - 第一予算 - これが第一の予算であるかどうかを示します。 - 第一予算チェックボックスは、この予算が第一の予算であるかどうかを示します。 - - - - - - - 印刷済み - 印刷済み - このドキュメント/連続番号が印刷されるかどうかを示します。 - 印刷済みチェックボックスは、このドキュメントまたは詳細を印刷するとき、連続番号が含まれているかを示します。 - - - - - - - 処理中 - 処理中 - - - - - - - - - 見通し - 見通し - これが予測であることを示します。 - 見通しチェックボックスはアクティブな見通しである実体を示します。 - - - - - - - 購入済み - 購入済み - 組織はこの製品を購入します。 - 購入済みチェックボックスは、この製品がこの組織によって購入されるかどうかを示します。 - - - - - - - 範囲 - 範囲 - パラメータは範囲がある値です。 - 範囲チェックボックスは、このパラメータが範囲の値であることを示します。 - - - - - - - 読み取り専用 - 読み取り専用 - フィールドは読み取り専用です。 - Read Onlyは、このフィールドが読み取りのみが出来ることを示します。これらは更新されません。 - - - - - - - 読み書き可 - 読み書き可 - フィールドは読み込み、書き込みが出来ます。。 - 読み書き可はこのフィールドが読み込み、書き込みが可能なことを示します。 - - - - - - - 販売価格リスト - 販売価格リスト - これは販売価格リストです。 - 販売価格リストチェック・ボックスは、この価格リストが売買取引に使用されるかどうかを示します。 - - - - - - - 販売担当者 - 販売員 - ビジネスパートナーが販売担当者または会社の代理人であることを示します。 - 販売担当者チェックボックスは、このビジネスパートナーが販売担当者かどうかを示します。販売担当者は従業員でもあることがあります。しかし、かならずしもそうである必要はありません。 - このドキュメントに責任があるビジネスパートナーです。 - 販売担当者チェックボックスは、このビジネスパートナーが販売担当者かどうかを示します。販売担当者は従業員でもあることがあります。しかし、かならずしもそうである必要はありません。 - 代理人 - 代理人 - - - 同じ詳細 - 同じ詳細 - 前のフィールドと同じ連続番号で表示します。 - 同じ詳細チェックボックスは、フィールドが前のフィールドと同じ連続番号で表示されるかどうか示します。 - - - - - - - セキュリティ有効化 - セキュリティ有効化 - セキュリティが有効になるなら、データへのユーザーアクセスは役割を通して制限されます。 - セキュリティ有効化チェックボックスは、このテーブルのデータへのユーザーアクセスが役割によって制限される場合があることを示します。 - - - - - - - 1行レイアウト - 1行レイアウト - 行表示の際に表示を1行にするか複数行にするかを決定します。 - 行表示の際に表示を1行にするか複数行にするかを決定します。 - - - - - - - 販売済み - 販売済み - 組織はこの製品を販売します。 - 販売済みチェック・ボックスは、この製品がこの組織によって販売されるかどうかを示します。 - - - - - - - 在庫中 - 在庫中 - 組織はこの製品を蓄えます。 - 在庫中チェック・ボックスは、この製品がこの組織によって在庫されているかどうかを示します。 - - - - - - - 概要レベル - 概要レベル - これは概要実体です。 - 概要実体はツリーの末端ではなく枝を示します。概要実体は、レポートのために使用されて、自己の値を持っていません。 - - - - - - - システム言語 - システム言語 - 画面などはこの言語をメンテナンスされます。 - この言語で利用可能な画面を翻訳したい場合に選択してください。システム管理者に対して、この言語の使用を可能にするために言語メンテナンススクリプトを実行するように通知してください。言語を提供しないなら、自分で単語を翻訳することができます。 - - - - - - - レコードIDのために使用 - レコードIDのために使用 - ドキュメント番号はレコードキーとして使用されます。 - レコードIDのために使用チェックボックスは、レコードのキーとして使用されるかどうかを示します。 - - - - - - - 転記済み - 転記済み - 総勘定元帳に移します。(つまり、仕訳されます) - 転送済みチェックボックスは、このドキュメントに関連している取引が総勘定元帳に移動されるべきかどうかを示します。 - - - - - - - 翻訳済み - 翻訳済み - このカラムは翻訳済みです。 - 翻訳済みチェックボックスは、このカラムが翻訳されるかどうかを示します。 - - - - - - - 翻訳タブ - 翻訳タブ - このタブは翻訳情報を含んでいます。 - 翻訳タブチェックボックスは、タブが翻訳情報を含むかどうかを示します。 翻訳情報を表示するには、ツール>設定で、有効化してください。 - - - - - - - 更新可能 - 更新可能 - フィールドが更新可能かどうかを決定します。 - 更新可能チェックボックスは、ユーザーがフィールドを更新することができるかどうかを示します。 - - - - - - - ユーザー更新可能 - ユーザー更新可能 - ユーザーはフィールドを更新することができます。 - ユーザー更新可能チェックボックスは、ユーザーがこのフィールドを更新することができるかどうかを示します。 - - - - - - - 仕入先 - 仕入先 - このビジネスパートナーが仕入先かどうかを示します。 - 仕入先チェックボックスは、このビジネスパートナーが仕入先かどうかを示します。これが選択されると、追加フィールドが表示されます。 - - - - - - - 最後の連絡 - 最後の連絡 - この個人が最後に連絡された日付です。 - 最後の連絡は、このビジネスパートナーの連絡先が最後に連絡された日付を示します。 - - - - - - - 最後の結果 - 最後の結果 - 最後の連絡の結果です。 - 最後の結果は、作成された最後の連絡の結果を特定します。 - - - - - - - 最大レベル - 最大レベル - この製品のための最大の在庫レベルです。 - この製品の在庫できる最高数量を示します。 - - - - - - - 最低レベル - 最低レベル - この製品のための最小の在庫レベル - この製品の在庫できる最少量を示します。 - - - - - - - 詳細番号 - 詳細番号 - このドキュメントのための一意に決まる連続番号です。 - ドキュメントのために一意に決まる連続番号を示します。また、これはドキュメント中での表示順を制御します。 - - - - - - - 詳細分量 - 詳細分量 - 貨物と料金なしの広げた量(量*実際の価格)の詳細です。 - 量と実際の価格に基づく拡張詳細量を示します。割増料金や貨物は含まれていません。分量は税金を含む可能性があります。価格リストが税金を含むなら、詳細量は詳細合計と同じです。 - - - - - - - 連続番号 - 連続番号 - - - - - - - - - ロット番号 - ロット番号 - ロットナンバー(英数字)です。 - ロット番号は、製品が含まれていた特定のロットを示します。 - - - - - - - ロケータ - ロケータ - 倉庫ロケータ - ロケータは、倉庫では、製品がどこに位置しているかを示します。 - - - - - - - 価格リスト - 価格リスト - 価格リストの一意に決まる識別子です。 - 購入、販売した製品の価格設定、利幅、費用を決定するために使われます。 - - - - - - - 価格リストバージョン - 価格リストバージョン - 価格リストの一意に決まるインスタンスを特定します。 - 各価格リストは、複数のバージョンを持つことができます。 最も一般の使用方法は価格リストが有効である日付を示すことです。 - - - - - - - 製品カテゴリ - 製品カテゴリ - 製品のカテゴリ - この製品が属すカテゴリを特定します。 製品カテゴリは価格設定と選択に使用されます。 - - - - - - - 製品 - 製品 - 製品、サービス、項目 - この組織で購入、または販売する製品を特定します。 - - - - - - - 荷主 - 荷主 - 製品配送のメソッドか方法 - 荷主は製品を提供する方法を示します。 - - - - - - -倉庫 -倉庫 -Storage Warehouse and Service Point -The Warehouse identifies a unique Warehouse where products are stored or Services are provided. - - - - - - -メッセージ文 -メッセージ文 -Textual Informational, Menu or Error Message -The Message Text indicates the message that will display - - - - - - -説明メッセージ -説明メッセージ -Additional tip or help for this message -The Message Tip defines additional help or information about this message. - - - - - - -メッセージタイプ -メッセージタイプ -Type of message (Informational, Menu or Error) -The Message Type indicates the type of message being defined. Valid message types are Informational, Menu and Error. - - - - - - -倍率 -倍率 -Rate to multiple the source by to calculate the target. -To convert Source number to Target number, the Source is multiplied by the multiply rate. If the Multiply Rate is entered, then the Divide Rate will be automatically calculated. - - - - - - -NAICS/SIC -NAICS/SIC -Standard Industry Code or its successor NAIC - http://www.osha.gov/oshstats/sicser.html -The NAICS/SIC identifies either of these codes that may be applicable to this Business Partner. - - - - - - -名前 -名前 -Alphanumeric identifier of the entity -The name of an entity (record) is used as an default search option in addition to the search key. The name is up to 60 characters in length. - - - - - - -実質日数 -実質日数 -Net Days in which payment is due -Indicates the number of days after invoice date that payment is due. - - - - - - -Node_ID -Node_ID - - - - - - - - -従業員 -従業員 -Number of employees -Indicates the number of employees for this Business Partner. This field displays only for Prospects. - - - - - - -OSコマンド -OSコマンド -Operating System Command -The OS Command is for optionally defining a command to that will be part of this task. For example it can be used to starting a back up process or performing a file transfer. - - - - - - -Sql ORDER BY -Order句 -Fully qualified ORDER BY clause -The ORDER BY Clause indicates the SQL ORDER BY clause to use for record selection - - - - - - -組織 -組織 -Organizational entity within client -An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. - - - - - - -購買価格リスト -購買価格リスト -Price List used by this Business Partner -Identifies the price list used by a Vendor for products purchased by this organization. - - - - - - -プロセス日付 -P日付 -Process Parameter - - - - - - - -処理終了日付 -処理終了日付 -Process Parameter - - - - - - - -処理文字 -処理文字 -Process Parameter - - - - - - - -処理対象文字 -処理対象文字 -Process Parameter - - - - - - - - - -Parent of Entity -The Parent indicates the value used to represent the next level in a hierarchy or report to level for a record - - - - - - -親税 -親税 -Parent Tax indicates a tax that is made up of multiple taxes -The Parent Tax indicates a tax that is a reference for multiple taxes. This allows you to charge multiple taxes on a document by entering the Parent Tax - - - - - - -パスワード -パスワード -Password of any length (case sensitive) -The Password for this User. Passwords are required to identify authorized users. For Adempiere Users, you can change the password via the Process "Reset Password". - - - - - - -期間のアクション -期間のアクション -Action taken for this period -The Period Action indicates the action to be taken for this period. For example 'Close Period' or 'Open Period'. - - - - - - -期間番号 -期間番号 -Unique Period Number -The Period No identifies a specific period for this year. Each period is defined by a start and end date. Date ranges for a calendar and year cannot overlap. - - - - - - -期間の状態 -期間の状態 -Current state of this period -The Period Status indicates the current status for this period. For example 'Closed', 'Open', 'Never Opened'. - - - - - - -期間のタイプ -期間のタイプ -Period Type -The Period Type indicates the type (Standard or Adjustment) of period. - - - - - - -将来の日数 -将来の日数 -Number of days to be able to post to a future date (based on system date) -If Automatic Period Control is enabled, the current period is calculated based on the system date and you can always post to all days in the current period. Future Days enable to post to future periods. E.g. today is Apr 15th and Future Days is set to 30, you can post up to May 15th - - - - - - -過去の日数 -過去の日数 -Number of days to be able to post in the past (based on system date) -If Automatic Period Control is enabled, the current period is calculated based on the system date and you can always post to all days in the current period. History Days enable to post to previous periods. E.g. today is May 15th and History Days is set to 30, you can post back to April 15th - - - - - - -電話 -電話 -Identifies a telephone number -The Phone field identifies a telephone number - - - - - - -第2電話 -第2電話 -Identifies an alternate telephone number. -The 2nd Phone field identifies an alternate telephone number. - - - - - - -実際仕訳 -実際仕訳 -Actual Values can be posted -The Post Actual indicates if actual values can be posted to this element value. - - - - - - -予算仕訳 -予算仕訳 -Budget values can be posted -The Post Budget indicates if budget values can be posted to this element value. - - - - - - -累積仕訳 -累積仕訳 -Post commitments to this account - - - - - - - -統計仕訳 -統計仕訳 -Post statistical quantities to this account? - - - - - - - -住所番号 -住所番号 -Postal code -The Postal Code or ZIP identifies the postal code for this entity's address. - - - - - - -- -- -Additional ZIP or Postal code -The Additional ZIP or Postal Code identifies, if appropriate, any additional Postal Code information. - - - - - - -入札タイプ -入札タイプ -The type of posted amount for the transaction -The Posting Type indicates the type of amount (Actual, Budget, Reservation, Commitment, Statistical) the transaction. - - - - - - -潜在的生涯価値 -潜在的生涯価値 -Total Revenue expected -The Potential Life Time Value is the anticipated revenue in primary accounting currency to be generated by the Business Partner. - - - - - - -接頭語 -接頭語 -Prefix before the sequence number -The Prefix indicates the characters to print in front of the document number. - - - - - - -製品単価 -製品単価 -Actual Price -The Actual or Unit Price indicates the Price for a product in source currency. - - - - - - -定価 -定価 -List Price -The List Price is the official List Price in the document currency. - - - - - - -優先権 -優先権 -Priority of a document -The Priority indicates the importance (high, medium, low) of this document - - - - - - -すぐに処理する -すぐに処理する - - - - - - - - - -注文数 -Quantity -The Quantity indicates the number of a specific product or item for this document. - - - - - - -引渡数量 -渡された注文数 -Delivered Quantity -The Delivered Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that has been delivered. - - - - - - -請求済み数量 -請求済み -Invoiced Quantity -The Invoiced Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that have been invoiced. - - - - - - -手持ち数量 -手の注文数に関して -On Hand Quantity -The On Hand Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that is on hand in a warehouse. - - - - - - -注文数量 -注文数量 -Ordered Quantity -The Ordered Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that was ordered. - - - - - - -予約数量 -予約数量 -Reserved Quantity -The Reserved Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that is currently reserved. - - - - - - -レート -レート -Rate or Tax or Exchange -The Rate indicates the percentage to be multiplied by the source to arrive at the tax or exchange amount. - - - - - - -実現利益会計 -実現利益会計 -Realized Gain Account -The Realized Gain Account indicates the account to be used when recording gains achieved from currency revaluation that have been realized. - - - - - - -実現利益会計 -実現利益会計 -Realized Loss Account -The Realized Loss Account indicates the account to be used when recording losses incurred from currency revaluation that have yet to be realized. - - - - - - -レコードID -レコードID -Direct internal record ID -The Record ID is the internal unique identifier of a record. Please note that zooming to the record may not be successful for Orders, Invoices and Shipment/Receipts as sometimes the Sales Order type is not known. - - - - - - -参照 -参照 -Reference for this record -The Reference displays the source document number. - - - - - - -参照番号 -参照番号 -Your customer or vendor number at the Business Partner's site -The reference number can be printed on orders and invoices to allow your business partner to faster identify your records. - - - - - - -地域 -地域 -Name of the Region -The Region Name defines the name that will print when this region is used in a document. - - - - - - -補給タイプ -補給タイプ -Method for re-ordering a product -The Replenish Type indicates if this product will be manually re-ordered, ordered when the quantity is below the minimum quantity or ordered when it is below the maximum quantity. If you select a custom replenishment type, you need to create a class implementing org.compiere.util.ReplenishInterface and set that on warehouse level. - - - - - - -結果 -結果 -Result of the action taken -The Result indicates the result of any action taken on this request. - - - - - - -内部留保会計 -内部留保会計 - - - - - - - - -SKU -SKU -Stock Keeping Unit -The SKU indicates a user defined stock keeping unit. It may be used for an additional bar code symbols or your own schema. - - - - - - -キャンペーン -キャンペーン -Marketing Campaign -The Campaign defines a unique marketing program. Projects can be associated with a pre defined Marketing Campaign. You can then report based on a specific Campaign. - - - - - - -チャンネル -チャンネル -Sales Channel -The Sales Channel identifies a channel (or method) of sales generation. - - - - - - -信用限度額 -信用限度額 -Total outstanding invoice amounts allowed -The Credit Limit indicates the total amount allowed 'on account' in primary accounting currency. If the Credit Limit is 0, no ckeck is performed. Credit Management is based on the Total Open Amount, which includes Vendor activities. - - - - - - -信用利用額 -信用利用額 -Current open balance -The Credit Used indicates the total amount of open or unpaid invoices in primary accounting currency for the Business Partner. Credit Management is based on the Total Open Amount, which includes Vendor activities. - - - - - - -配送ルール -配送ルール -Defines the timing of Delivery -The Delivery Rule indicates when an order should be delivered. For example should the order be delivered when the entire order is complete, when a line is complete or as the products become available. - - - - - - -受注 -受注 -Order -The Order is a control document. The Order is complete when the quantity ordered is the same as the quantity shipped and invoiced. When you cloase an order, unshipped (backordered) quantities are cancelled. -Orden de compra -La compra es Identificada con un ID unico de orden de compra. Esta controlado por la secuencia de este tipo de documento. -Orden de compra -Orden de compra - - -請求書ルール -請求書ルール -Frequency and method of invoicing -The Invoice Rule defines how a Business Partner is invoiced and the frequency of invoicing. - - - - - - -請求書スケジュール -請求書スケジュール -Schedule for generating Invoices -The Invoice Schedule identifies the frequency used when generating invoices. - - - - - - -販売注文詳細 -受注詳細 -Sales Order Line -The Sales Order Line is a unique identifier for a line in an order. -Linea de orden de compra -La linea orden de compra es un identificador unico para una linea en una orden. -Linea -Linea - - -1.000における売上高 -売上高 -Total Volume of Sales in Thousands of Currency -The Sales Volume indicates the total volume of sales for a Business Partner. - - - - - - -要素区切り文字 -要素区切り文字 -Element Separator -The Element Separator defines the delimiter printed between elements of the structure - - - - - - -連続番号 -連続番号 -Method of ordering records; lowest number comes first -The Sequence indicates the order of records - - - - - - -シリアル番号 -シリアル番号 -Product Serial Number -The Serial Number identifies a tracked, warranted product. It can only be used when the quantity is 1. - - - - - - -シェア -シェア -Share of Customer's business as a percentage -The Share indicates the percentage of this Business Partner's volume of the products supplied. - - - - - - -棚の深さ -棚の深さ -Shelf depth required -The Shelf Depth indicates the depth dimension required on a shelf for a product - - - - - - -棚の高さ -棚の高さ -Shelf height required -The Shelf Height indicates the height dimension required on a shelf for a product - - - - - - -棚の幅 -棚の幅 -Shelf width required -The Shelf Width indicates the width dimension required on a shelf for a product - - - - - - -レコード並び替え番号 -レコード並び替え番号 -Determines in what order the records are displayed -The Record Sort No indicates the ascending sort sequence of the records. If the number is negative, the records are sorted descending. -Example: A tab with C_DocType_ID (1), DocumentNo (-2) will be sorted ascending by document type and descending by document number (SQL: ORDER BY C_DocType, DocumentNo DESC) - - - - - - -開始日 -開始日 -First effective day (inclusive) -The Start Date indicates the first or starting date - - - - - - -連続番号を年ごとに再開 -連続番号を年ごとに再開 -Restart the sequence with Start on every 1/1 -The Restart Sequence Every Year checkbox indicates that the documents sequencing should return to the starting number on the first day of the year. - - - - - - -開始番号 -開始番号 -Starting number/position -The Start Number indicates the starting position in the line or field number in the line - - - - - - -標準の精度 -標準の精度 -Rule for rounding calculated amounts -The Standard Precision defines the number of decimal places that amounts will be rounded to for accounting transactions and documents. - - - - - - -代用品 -代用品 -Entity which can be used in place of this entity -The Substitute identifies the entity to be used as a substitute for this entity. - - - - - - -接尾語 -接尾語 -Suffix after the number -The Suffix indicates the characters to append to the document number. - - - - - - -サスペンスバランス勘定科目 -サスペンスバランス勘定科目 - - - - - - - - -サスペンスエラー会計 -サスペンスエラー会計 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -日付 -日付 - - - - - - - - -日付時間 -日付時間 - - - - - - - - -整数 -整数 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -DBテーブル名 -DBテーブル名 -Name of the table in the database -The DB Table Name indicates the name of the table in database. - - - - - - -税金ID -税金ID -Tax Identification -The Tax ID field identifies the legal Identification number of this Entity. - - - - - - -テストID -テストID - - - - - - - - -送付先 -送付先 -Receiving Country -The To Country indicates the receiving country on a document - - - - - - -送付先 -送付先 -Receiving Region -The To Region indicates the receiving region on a document - - - - - - -貸方合計 -貸方合計 -Total Credit in document currency -The Total Credit indicates the total credit amount for a journal or journal batch in the source currency - - - - - - -借方合計 -借方合計 -Total debit in document currency -The Total Debit indicates the total debit amount for a journal or journal batch in the source currency - - - - - - -合計詳細 -合計詳細 -Total of all document lines -The Total amount displays the total of all lines in document currency - - - - - - -タイプ | 地域 -タイプ | 地域 -Element this tree is built on (i.e Product, Business Partner) -The Tree Type / Area field determines the type of tree this is. For example, you may define one tree for your Products and another tree for your Business Partners. - - - - - - -タイプ -タイプ -Type of Validation (SQL, Java Script, Java Language) -The Type indicates the type of validation that will occur. This can be SQL, Java Script or Java Language. - - - - - - -シンボル -測定単位 -Symbol for a Unit of Measure -The Symbol identifies the Symbol to be displayed and printed for a Unit of Measure - - - - - - -UPC/EAN -UPC/EAN -Bar Code (Universal Product Code or its superset European Article Number) -Use this field to enter the bar code for the product in any of the bar code symbologies (Codabar, Code 25, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, UPC (A), UPC (E), EAN-13, EAN-8, ITF, ITF-14, ISBN, ISSN, JAN-13, JAN-8, POSTNET and FIM, MSI/Plessey, and Pharmacode) - - - - - - -1パレットあたりの単位 -1パレットあたりの単位 -Units Per Pallet -The Units per Pallet indicates the number of units of this product which fit on a pallet. - - - - - - -含み益会計 -含み益会計 -Unrealized Gain Account for currency revaluation -The Unrealized Gain Account indicates the account to be used when recording gains achieved from currency revaluation that have yet to be realized. - - - - - - -含み損会計 -含み損会計 -Unrealized Loss Account for currency revaluation -The Unrealized Loss Account indicates the account to be used when recording losses incurred from currency revaluation that have yet to be realized. - - - - - - -更新日 -更新日 -Date this record was updated -The Updated field indicates the date that this record was updated. - - - - - - -更新者 -更新者 -User who updated this records -The Updated By field indicates the user who updated this record. - - - - - - -通貨バランスを使用 -通貨バランスを使用 - - - - - - - - -仮勘定を使用 -仮勘定を使用します。 - - - - - - - - -仮勘定エラーを使用 -仮勘定エラーを使用します。 - - - - - - - - -ユーザーリスト1 -ユーザー1 -User defined list element #1 -The user defined element displays the optional elements that have been defined for this account combination. - - - - - - -ユーザーリスト2 -ユーザー2 -User defined list element #2 -The user defined element displays the optional elements that have been defined for this account combination. - - - - - - -ユーザーレベル -ユーザーレベル -System Client Organization -The User Level field determines if users of this Role will have access to System level data, Organization level data, Client level data or Client and Organization level data. - - - - - - -値の形式 -値の形式 -Format of the value; Can contain fixed format elements, Variables: "_lLoOaAcCa09" -<B>Validation elements:</B> - (Space) any character -_ Space (fixed character) -l any Letter a..Z NO space -L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case -o any Letter a..Z or space -O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case -a any Letters & Digits NO space -A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case -c any Letters & Digits or space -C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case -0 Digits 0..9 NO space -9 Digits 0..9 or space - -Example of format "(000)_000-0000" - - - - - - -有効 -有効 -Valid from including this date (first day) -The Valid From date indicates the first day of a date range - - - - - - -有効 -有効 -Valid to including this date (last day) -The Valid To date indicates the last day of a date range - - - - - - -妥当性検証タイプ -妥当性検証タイプ -Different method of validating data -The Validation Type indicates the validation method to use. These include list, table or data type validation. - - - - - - -検索キー -検索キー -Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique -A search key allows you a fast method of finding a particular record. -If you leave the search key empty, the system automatically creates a numeric number. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order). - - - - - - -パートナーカテゴリ -パートナーカテゴリ -Product Category of the Business Partner -The Business Partner Category identifies the category used by the Business Partner for this product. - - - - - - -パートナー製品キー -パートナー製品キー -Product Key of the Business Partner -The Business Partner Product Key identifies the number used by the Business Partner for this product. It can be printed on orders and invoices when you include the Product Key in the print format. - - - - - - -バージョン -バージョン -Version of the table definition -The Version indicates the version of this table definition. - - - - - - -ボリューム -ボリューム -Volume of a product -The Volume indicates the volume of the product in the Volume UOM of the Client - - - - - - -重さ -重さ -Weight of a product -The Weight indicates the weight of the product in the Weight UOM of the Client - - - - - - -SQL WHERE句 -SQL WHERE句 -Fully qualified SQL WHERE clause -The Where Clause indicates the SQL WHERE clause to use for record selection. The WHERE clause is added to the query. Fully qualified means "tablename.columnname". - - - - - - -ウィンドウタイプ -ウィンドウタイプ -Type or classification of a Window -The Window Type indicates the type of window being defined (Maintain, Transaction or Query) - - - - - - -作業フロー -作業フロー -Workflow or tasks -The Workflow field identifies a unique workflow. A workflow is a grouping of related tasks, in a specified sequence and optionally including approvals - - - - - - -軸(X) -X -X dimension, e.g., Aisle -The X dimension indicates the Aisle a product is located in. - - - - - - -UOMコード -UOMコード -UOM EDI X12 Code -The Unit of Measure Code indicates the EDI X12 Code Data Element 355 (Unit or Basis for Measurement) - - - - - - -容器(Y) -Y -Y dimension, e.g., Bin -The Y dimension indicates the Bin a product is located in - - - - - - - - -Calendar Year -The Year identifies the Calendar year - - - - - - -レベル(Z) -Z -Z dimension, e.g., Level -The Z dimension indicates the Level a product is located in. - - - - - - -銀行 -銀行 -Bank -The Bank is a unique identifier of a Bank for this Organization or for a Business Partner with whom this Organization transacts. - - - - - - -銀行口座 -銀行口座 -Account at the Bank -The Bank Account identifies an account at this Bank. - - - - - - -パートナー銀行口座 -パートナー銀行口座 -Bank Account of the Business Partner -The Partner Bank Account identifies the bank account to be used for this Business Partner - - - - - - -催促 -催促 -Dunning Rules for overdue invoices -The Dunning indicates the rules and method of dunning for past due payments. - - - - - - -源泉徴収 -源泉徴収 -Withholding type defined -The Withholding indicates the type of withholding to be calculated. - - - - - - -口座番号 -口座番号 -Account Number -The Account Number indicates the Number assigned to this bank account. - - - - - - -受益者 -受益者 -Business Partner to whom payment is made -The Beneficiary indicates the Business Partner to whom payment will be made. This field is only displayed if the Paid to Third Party checkbox is selected. - - - - - - -料金分量 -料金分量 -Charge Amount -The Charge Amount indicates the amount for an additional charge. - - - - - - -手数料課金 -料金手数料課金 -Indicates if fees will be charged for overdue invoices -The Charge Fee checkbox indicates if the dunning letter will include fees for overdue invoices - - - - - - -料金利息 -料金利息 -Indicates if interest will be charged on overdue invoices -The Charge Interest checkbox indicates if interest will be charged on overdue invoice amounts. - - - - - - -分類 -分類 -Classification for grouping -The Classification can be used to optionally group products. - - - - - - -信用限度額 -信用限度額 -Amount of Credit allowed -The Credit Limit field indicates the credit limit for this account. - - - - - - -現在の収支 -現在の収支 -Current Balance -The Current Balance field indicates the current balance in this account. - - - - - - -催促頻度日数 -催促頻度日数 -Days between sending dunning notices -The Days Between Dunning indicates the number of days between sending dunning notices. - - - - - - -割引2% -割引2% -Discount in percent -The Discount indicates the discount applied or taken as a percentage. - - - - - - -割引日数2 -割引日数2 -Number of days from invoice date to be eligible for discount -The Discount Days indicates the number of days that payment must be received in to be eligible for the stated discount. - - - - - - -ドキュメント基本タイプ -ドキュメント基本タイプ -Logical type of document -The Document Base Type identifies the base or starting point for a document. Multiple document types may share a single document base type. - - - - - - -ドキュメントコピー -コピー -Number of copies to be printed -The Document Copies indicates the number of copies of each document that will be generated. - - - - - - -ドキュメントメモ -メモ -Additional information for a Document -The Document Note is used for recording any additional information regarding this product. - - - - - - -Eメールアドレス -メール -Electronic Mail Address -The Email Address is the Electronic Mail ID for this User and should be fully qualified (e.g. joe.smith@company.com). The Email Address is used to access the self service application functionality from the web. - - - - - - -価格制限を強制 -価格制限を強制 -Do not allow prices below the limit price -The Enforce Price Limit check box indicates that prices cannot be below the limit price in Orders and Invoices. Ths can be overwritten, if the role allows this. - - - - - - -免除理由 -免除理由 -Reason for not withholding -The Exempt Reason indicates the reason that monies are not withheld from this employee. - - - - - - -会計事実 -会計事実 - - - - - - - - -手数料分量 -手数料 -Fee amount in invoice currency -The Fee Amount indicates the charge amount on a dunning letter for overdue invoices. This field will only display if the charge fee checkbox has been selected. - - - - - - -固定量 -固定量 -Fix amounted amount to be levied or paid -The Fixed Amount indicates a fixed amount to be levied or paid. - - - - - - -固定の月の締切り -固定の月の締切り -Last day to include for next due date -The Fix Month Cutoff indicates the last day invoices can have to be included in the current due date. This field only displays when the fixed due date checkbox has been selected. - - - - - - -固定月日 -固定月日 -Day of the month of the due date -The Fix Month Day indicates the day of the month that invoices are due. This field only displays if the fixed due date checkbox is selected. - - - - - - -固定の月うめ合わせ -固定の月うめ合わせ -Number of months (0=same, 1=following) -The Fixed Month Offset indicates the number of months from the current month to indicate an invoice is due. A 0 indicates the same month, a 1 the following month. This field will only display if the fixed due date checkbox is selected. - - - - - - -猶予日数 -猶予日数 -Days after due date to send first dunning letter -The Grace Days indicates the number of days after the due date to send the first dunning letter. This field displays only if the send dunning letters checkbox has been selected. - - - - - - -インポートエラーメッセージ -インポートエラーメッセージ -Messages generated from import process -The Import Error Message displays any error messages generated during the import process. - - - - - - -インポート済み -インポート済み -Has this import been processed -The Imported check box indicates if this import has been processed. - - - - - - -百分率の利息 -百分率の利息 -Percentage interest to charge on overdue invoices -The Interest amount in percent indicates the interest to be charged on overdue invoices. This field displays only if the charge interest checkbox has been selected. - - - - - - -請求住所 -請求住所 -Business Partner Invoice/Bill Address -If the Invoice Address is selected, the location is used to send invoices to a customer or receive invoices from a vendor. - - - - - - -ドキュメントレベル -文書レベル -Tax is calculated on document level (rather than line by line) -If the tax is calculated on document level, all lines with that tax rate are added before calculating the total tax for the document. -Otherwise the tax is calculated per line and then added. -Due to rounding, the tax amount can differ. - - - - - - -固定期日 -固定期日 -Payment is due on a fixed date -The Fixed Due Date checkbox indicates if invoices using this payment tern will be due on a fixed day of the month. - - - - - - -外貨勘定科目 -外貨 -Balances in foreign currency accounts are held in the nominated currency -Balances in foreign currency accounts are held in the nominated currency and translated to functional currency - - - - - - -必須の源泉徴収 -必須の源泉徴収 -Monies must be withheld -The Mandatory Withholding checkbox indicates that monies must be withheld from this employee. - - - - - - -1回の取引 -1回の取引 - - - - - - - - -取引銀行 -取引銀行 -Bank for this Organization -The Own Bank field indicates if this bank is for this Organization as opposed to a Bank for a Business Partner. - - - - - - -第三者へ支払い -第三者へ支払い -Amount paid to someone other than the Business Partner -The Paid to Third Party checkbox indicates that the amounts are paid to someone other than the Business Partner. - - - - - - -支払者住所 -支払者住所 -Business Partner pays from that address and we'll send dunning letters there -If the Pay-From Address is selected, this location is the address the Business Partner pays from and where dunning letters will be sent to. - - - - - - -百分率の源泉徴収 -百分率の源泉徴収 -Withholding amount is a percentage of the invoice amount -The Percent Withholding checkbox indicates if the withholding amount is a percentage of the invoice amount. - - - - - - -送金先住所 -送金先住所 -Business Partner payment address -If the Remit-To Address is selected, the location is used to send payments to the vendor. - - - - - - -同じ税金 -同じ税金 -Use the same tax as the main transaction -The Same Tax checkbox indicates that this charge should use the same tax as the main transaction. - - - - - - -出荷住所 -出荷住所 -Business Partner Shipment Address -If the Ship Address is selected, the location is used to ship goods to a customer or receive goods from a vendor. - - - - - - -免税 -免税 -Business partner is exempt from tax -If a business partner is exempt from tax, the exempt tax rate is used. For this, you need to set up a tax rate with a 0% rate and indicate that this is your tax exempt rate. This is required for tax reporting, so that you can track tax exempt transactions. - - - - - - -比例配分税 -比例配分税 -Tax is Prorated -The Prorate Tax checkbox indicates if this tax is prorated. - - - - - - -税金源泉徴収 -税金源泉徴収 -This is a tax related withholding -The Tax Withholding checkbox indicates if this withholding is tax related. - - - - - - -一時的な免税 -一時的な免税 -Temporarily do not withhold taxes -The Temporary Exempt checkbox indicates that for a limited time, taxes will not be withheld for this employee. - - - - - - -最大分量 -最大分量 -Maximum Amount in invoice currency -The Maximum Amount indicates the maximum amount in invoice currency. - - - - - - -最小分量 -最小分量 -Minimum Amount in invoice currency -The Minimum amount indicates the minimum amount as stated in the currency of the invoice. - - - - - - -最低発注数量 -最低発注数量 -Minimum order quantity in UOM -The Minimum Order Quantity indicates the smallest quantity of this product which can be ordered. - - - - - - -受注パック注文数 -受注パック注文数 -Package order size in UOM (e.g. order set of 5 units) -The Order Pack Quantity indicates the number of units in each pack of this product. - - - - - - -支払いルール -支払いルール -Purchase payment option -The Payment Rule indicates the method of purchase payment. - - - - - - -パーセント -パーセント -Percentage -The Percent indicates the percentage used. - - - - - - -受注参照 -受注参照 -Transaction Reference Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order) of your Business Partner -The business partner order reference is the order reference for this specific transaction; Often Purchase Order numbers are given to print on Invoices for easier reference. A standard number can be defined in the Business Partner (Customer) window. - - - - - - -最後の発注価格 -最後の発注価格 -Price of the last purchase order for the product -The Last PO Price indicates the last price paid (per the purchase order) for this product. - - - - - - -限度価格 -限度価格 -Lowest price for a product -The Price Limit indicates the lowest price for a product stated in the Price List Currency. - - - - - - -標準価格 -標準価格 -Standard Price -The Standard Price indicates the standard or normal price for a product on this price list - - - - - - -テキストを印刷 -テキスト -The label text to be printed on a document or correspondence. -The Label to be printed indicates the name that will be printed on a document or correspondence. The max length is 2000 characters. - - - - - - -格付け -格付け -Classification or Importance -The Rating is used to differentiate the importance - - - - - - -ルート設定番号 -ルート設定番号 -Bank Routing Number -The Bank Routing Number (ABA Number) identifies a legal Bank. It is used in routing checks and electronic transactions. - - - - - - -督促状の送信 -督促状の送信 -Indicates if dunning letters will be sent -The Send Dunning Letters checkbox indicates if dunning letters will be sent to Business Partners who use this dunning rule. - - - - - - -料金 -料金 -Additional document charges -The Charge indicates a type of Charge (Handling, Shipping, Restocking) - - - - - - -Swiftコード -Swiftコード -Swift Code or BIC -The Swift Code (Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications) or BIC (Bank Identifier Code) is an identifier of a Bank. The first 4 characters are the bank code, followed by the 2 character country code, the two character location code and optional 3 character branch code. For details see http://www.swift.com/biconline/index.cfm - - - - - - -最大しきい値 -最大しきい値 -Maximum gross amount for withholding calculation (0=no limit) -The Threshold maximum indicates the maximum gross amount to be used in the withholding calculation . A value of 0 indicates there is no limit. - - - - - - -最小しきい値 -最小しきい値 -Minimum gross amount for withholding calculation -The Threshold Minimum indicates the minimum gross amount to be used in the withholding calculation. - - - - - - -タイトル -タイトル -Name this entity is referred to as -The Title indicates the name that an entity is referred to as. - - - - - - -URL -URL -Full URL address - e.g. http://www.adempiere.org -The URL defines an fully qualified web address like http://www.adempiere.org - - - - - - -手順 -手順 -Name of the Database Procedure -The Procedure indicates the name of the database procedure called by this report or process. - - - - - - -活動 -活動 -Business Activity -Activities indicate tasks that are performed and used to utilize Activity based Costing - - - - - - -貨物費用ルール -貨物費用ルール -Method for charging Freight -The Freight Cost Rule indicates the method used when charging for freight. - - - - - - -請求書 -請求書 -Invoice Identifier -The Invoice Document. - - - - - - -顧客前払い -顧客前払い -Account for customer prepayments -The Customer Prepayment account indicates the account to be used for recording prepayments from a customer. - - - - - - -顧客売掛金勘定 -顧客売掛金勘定 -Account for Customer Receivables -The Customer Receivables Accounts indicates the account to be used for recording transaction for customers receivables. - - - - - - -製品コード -製品コード -Commodity code used for tax calculation -The Commodity Code indicates a code that is used in tax calculations - - - - - - -クレジットカード -クレジットカード -Credit Card (Visa, MC, AmEx) -The Credit Card drop down list box is used for selecting the type of Credit Card presented for payment. - - - - - - -受注サブタイプ -受注サブタイプ -Sales Order Sub Type -The SO Sub Type indicates the type of sales order this document refers to. This field only appears when the Document Base Type is Sales Order. The selection made here will determine which documents will be generated when an order is processed and which documents must be generated manually or in batches. <br> -The following outlines this process.<br> -SO Sub Type of <b>Standard Order</b> will generate just the <b>Order</b> document when the order is processed. <br> -The <b>Delivery Note</b>, <b>Invoice</b> and <b>Receipt</b> must be generated via other processes. <br> -SO Sub Type of <b>Warehouse Order</b> will generate the <b>Order</b> and <b>Delivery Note</b>. <br> The <b>Invoice</b> and <b>Receipt</b> must be generated via other processes.<br> -SO Sub Type of <b>Credit Order</b> will generate the <b>Order</b>, <b>Delivery Note</b> and <b>Invoice</b>. <br> The <b>Reciept</b> must be generated via other processes.<br> -SO Sub Type of <b>POS</b> (Point of Sale) will generate all document - - - - - - -従業員費用 -従業員費用 -Account for Employee Expenses -The Employee Expense Account identifies the account to use for recording expenses for this employee. - - - - - - -従業員前払い -従業員前払い -Account for Employee Expense Prepayments -The Employee Prepayment Account identifies the account to use for recording expense advances made to this employee. - - - - - - -エラーメッセージ -エラーメッセージ - - - - - - - - -レポート -レポート -Indicates a Report record -The Report checkbox indicates that this record is a report as opposed to a process - - - - - - -出荷/受領 -出荷/受領 -Material Shipment Document -The Material Shipment / Receipt - - - - - - -出荷/受領詳細 -出荷/受領詳細 -Line on Shipment or Receipt document -The Shipment/Receipt Line indicates a unique line in a Shipment/Receipt document - - - - - - -物理在庫 -物理在庫 -Parameters for a Physical Inventory -The Physical Inventory indicates a unique parameters for a physical inventory. - - - - - - -物理在庫詳細 -物理在庫詳細 -Unique line in an Inventory document -The Physical Inventory Line indicates the inventory document line (if applicable) for this transaction - - - - - - -ロケータ -ロケータ -Location inventory is moved to -The Locator To indicates the location where the inventory is being moved to. - - - - - - -在庫移動 -移動 -Movement of Inventory -The Inventory Movement uniquely identifies a group of movement lines. - - - - - - -移動詳細 -移動詳細 -Inventory Move document Line -The Movement Line indicates the inventory movement document line (if applicable) for this transaction - - - - - - -生産 -生産 -Plan for producing a product -The Production uniquely identifies a Production Plan - - - - - - -製造詳細 -製造詳細 -Document Line representing a production -The Production Line indicates the production document line (if applicable) for this transaction - - - - - - -在庫取引 -在庫取引 - - - - - - - - -移動日付 -移動日付 -Date a product was moved in or out of inventory -The Movement Date indicates the date that a product moved in or out of inventory. This is the result of a shipment, receipt or inventory movement. - - - - - - -移動数量 -数量 -Quantity of a product moved. -The Movement Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that has been moved. - - - - - - -移動タイプ -移動タイプ -Method of moving the inventory -The Movement Type indicates the type of movement (in, out, to production, etc) - - - - - - -製品資産 -製品資産 -Account for Product Asset (Inventory) -The Product Asset Account indicates the account used for valuing this a product in inventory. - - - - - - -製品売上原価 -製品売上原価 -Account for Cost of Goods Sold -The Product COGS Account indicates the account used when recording costs associated with this product. - - - - - - -製品費用 -製品費用 -Account for Product Expense -The Product Expense Account indicates the account used to record expenses associated with this product. - - - - - - -製品収入 -製品収入 -Account for Product Revenue (Sales Account) -The Product Revenue Account indicates the account used for recording sales revenue for this product. - - - - - - -プロジェクト資産 -プロジェクト資産 -Project Asset Account -The Project Asset account is the account used as the final asset account in capital projects - - - - - - -処理済 -処理済 -The document has been processed -The Processed checkbox indicates that a document has been processed. - - - - - - -数量の本 -数量の本 -Book Quantity -The Quantity Book indicates the line count stored in the system for a product in inventory - - - - - - -数量カウント -数量カウント -Counted Quantity -The Quantity Count indicates the actual inventory count taken for a product in inventory - - - - - - -仕入先負債 -仕入先負債 -Account for Vendor Liability -The Vendor Liability account indicates the account used for recording transactions for vendor liabilities - - - - - - -仕入先サービス負債 -仕入先サービス負債 -Account for Vender Service Liability -The Vendor Service Liability account indicates the account to use for recording service liabilities. It is used if you need to distinguish between Liability for products and services. This account is only used, if posting to service accounts is enabled in the accounting schema. - - - - - - -仕入先前払い -仕入先前払い -Account for Vendor Prepayments -The Vendor Prepayment Account indicates the account used to record prepayments from a vendor. - - - - - - -最大値 -最大値 -Maximum Value for a field -The Maximum Value indicates the highest allowable value for a field - - - - - - -最小値 -最小値 -Minimum Value for a field -The Minimum Value indicates the lowest allowable value for a field. - - - - - - -倉庫差異 -倉庫差異 -Warehouse Differences Account -The Warehouse Differences Account indicates the account used recording differences identified during inventory counts. - - - - - - -(中古でない) -(中古でない) -Warehouse Inventory Asset Account - Currently not used -The Warehouse Inventory Asset Account identifies the account used for recording the value of your inventory. This is the counter account for inventory revaluation differences. The Product Asset account maintains the product asset value. - - - - - - -販売担当者 -販売担当 -Sales Representative or Company Agent -The Sales Representative indicates the Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales Rep must be a valid internal user. -Comprador/ Agente -Agente de compras para el documento. -Comprador -Comprador - - -税込価格 -税込価格 -Tax is included in the price -The Tax Included checkbox indicates if the prices include tax. This is also known as the gross price. - - - - - - -納税証明書を要求 -納税証明書を要求 -This tax rate requires the Business Partner to be tax exempt -The Requires Tax Certificate indicates that a tax certificate is required for a Business Partner to be tax exempt. - - - - - - -料金 -料金 -Charges can be added to the document -The Charges checkbox indicates that charges can be added to this document. Charges can include items like shipping, handling or bank charges. - - - - - - -Account_Acct -Account_Acct - - - - - - - - -ビジネスパートナーのテンプレート -ビジネスパートナーのテンプレート -Business Partner used for creating new Business Partners on the fly -When creating a new Business Partner from the Business Partner Search Field (right-click: Create), the selected business partner is used as a template, e.g. to define price list, payment terms, etc. - - - - - - -請求書のためのドキュメントタイプ -文書タイプ請求書 -Document type used for invoices generated from this sales document -The Document Type for Invoice indicates the document type that will be used when an invoice is generated from this sales document. This field will display only when the base document type is Sales Order. - - - - - - -標準定型用紙のドキュメントタイプ -標準定型用紙文書タイプ -Document type used for pro forma invoices generated from this sales document -he Document Type for Invoice indicates the document type that will be used when an invoice is generated from this sales document. This field will display only when the base document type is Sales Order and the Pro Forma Invoice checkbox is selected - - - - - - -出荷のためのドキュメントタイプ -出荷文書タイプ -Document type used for shipments generated from this sales document -he Document Type for Shipments indicates the document type that will be used when a shipment is generated from this sales document. This field will display only when the base document type is Sales Order. - - - - - - -督促レベル -督促レベル - - - - - - - - -請求書詳細 -請求書詳細 -Invoice Detail Line -The Invoice Line uniquely identifies a single line of an Invoice. - - - - - - -収益認識 -収益認識 -Method for recording revenue -The Revenue Recognition indicates how revenue will be recognized for this product - - - - - - -サービスレベル -サービスレベル -Product Revenue Recognition Service Level -The Service Level defines a unique Service Level. - - - - - - -サービスレベル詳細 -サービスレベル詳細 -Product Revenue Recognition Service Level Line -The Service Level Line indicates a unique instance in a Service Level - - - - - - -遂行された額 -遂行された額 -The (legal) commitment amount -The commitment amount is independent from the planned amount. You would use the planned amount for your realistic estimation, which might be higher or lower than the commitment amount. - - - - - - -高い回転率項目を数える -高い回転率項目を数える -Count High Movement products -The Count High Movement checkbox indicates if the those items with a high turnover will be counted - - - - - - -失効月 -失効月 -Expiry Month -The Expiry Month indicates the expiry month for this credit card. - - - - - - -失効年 -失効年 -Expiry Year -The Expiry Year indicates the expiry year for this credit card. - - - - - - -次の番号(システム) -次の番号(システム) -Next sequence for system use -This field is for system use only and should not be modified. - - - - - - -最後に在庫数量確認した日 -最後に在庫数量確認した日 -Date of Last Inventory Count -The Date Last Inventory Count indicates the last time an Inventory count was done. - - - - - - -最終実行日付 -最終実行日付 -Date the process was last run. -The Date Last Run indicates the last time that a process was run. - - - - - - -次回実行日 -次回実行日 -Date the process will run next -The Date Next Run indicates the next time this process will run. - - - - - - -印刷された日付 -印刷された日付 -Date the document was printed. -Indicates the Date that a document was printed. - - - - - - -期限経過日数 -期限経過日数 -Days after due date to dun (if negative days until due) -The Days After Due Date indicates the number of days after the payment due date to initiate dunning. If the number is negarive, it includes not the not due invoices. - - - - - - -隔週の請求 -隔週の請求 -Send invoices on even weeks -The Invoice on Even Weeks checkbox indicates if biweekly invoices should be sent on even week numbers. - - - - - - -リストを生成 -リストを生成 -Generate List - - - - - - - -定型請求書 -定型請求書 -Indicates if Pro Forma Invoices can be generated from this document -The Pro Forma Invoice checkbox indicates if pro forma invoices can be generated from this sales document. A pro forma invoice indicates the amount that will be due should an order be shipped. - - - - - - -請求書日の締切り -請求書日の締切り -Last day for including shipments -The Invoice Day Cut Off indicates the last day for shipments to be included in the current invoice schedule. For example, if the invoice schedule is defined for the first day of the month, the cut off day may be the 25th of the month. An shipment on the 24th of May would be included in the invoices sent on June 1st but a shipment on the 26th would be included in the invoices sent on July 1st. - - - - - - -平日の締切りの請求書 -平日の締切り -Last day in the week for shipments to be included -The Invoice Week Day Cutoff indicates the last day of the week a shipment must be made to be included in the invoice schedule. - - - - - - -銀行口座 -銀行口座 -Indicates if this is the Bank Account -The Bank Account checkbox indicates if this is account is the bank account. - - - - - - -委任 -委任 -Is this document a (legal) commitment? -Commitment indicates if the document is legally binding. - - - - - - -デフォルト -デフォルト -Default value -The Default Checkbox indicates if this record will be used as a default value. - - - - - - -次の営業日 -次の営業日 -Payment due on the next business day -The Next Business Day checkbox indicates that payment is due on the next business day after invoice or delivery. - - - - - - -合意 -合意 -Payment is reconciled with bank statement - - - - - - - -売買取引 -売買取引 -This is a Sales Transaction -The Sales Transaction checkbox indicates if this item is a Sales Transaction. - - - - - - -時間基準 -時間基準 -Time based Revenue Recognition rather than Service Level based -Revenue Recognition can be time or service level based. - - - - - - -ISO言語コード -ISO言語 -Lower-case two-letter ISO-3166 code - http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt -The ISO Language Code indicates the standard ISO code for a language in lower case. Information can be found at http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt - - - - - - -恒常在庫 -恒常在庫 -Rules for generating physical inventory -The Perpetual Inventory identifies the Perpetual Inventory rule which generated this Physical Inventory. - - - - - - -貨物のための製品 -貨物のための製品 - - - - - - - - -名前2 -名前2 -Additional Name - - - - - - - -在庫確認回数 -在庫確認回数 -Frequency of inventory counts per year -The Number of Inventory Counts indicates the number of times per year that inventory counts will be preformed - - - - - - -月の数 -月の数 - - - - - - - - -製品確認の回数 -製品確認の回数 -Frequency of product counts per year -The Number of Product Count indicates the number of times per year that a product should be counted. - - - - - - -メモ -メモ -Optional additional user defined information -The Note field allows for optional entry of user defined information regarding this record - - - - - - -未請求の受領 -未請求の受領 -Account for not-invoiced Material Receipts -The Not Invoiced Receipts account indicates the account used for recording receipts for materials that have not yet been invoiced. - - - - - - -未請求の売掛金 -未請求の売掛金 -Account for not invoiced Receivables -The Not Invoiced Receivables account indicates the account used for recording receivables that have not yet been invoiced. - - - - - - -未請求の収入 -未請求の収入 -Account for not invoiced Revenue -The Not Invoiced Revenue account indicates the account used for recording revenue that has not yet been invoiced. - - - - - - -実行回数 -実行回数 -Frequency of processing Perpetual Inventory -The Number of Runs indicates the number of times that the Perpetual Inventory has be processed. - - - - - - -プロセス番号 -プロセス番号 -Process Parameter - - - - - - - -プロセス番号対象 -プロセス番号 -Process Parameter - - - - - - - -有効価格 -有効 -Effective Date of Price -The Price Effective indicates the date this price is for. This allows you to enter future prices for products which will become effective when appropriate. - - - - - - -発注価格 -発注価格 -Price based on a purchase order -The PO Price indicates the price for a product per the purchase order. - - - - - - -作成 -作成 - - - - - - - - -認識頻度 -認識頻度 - - - - - - - - -サービス日付 -サービス日付 -Date service was provided -The Service Date indicates the date that the service was provided. - - - - - - -請求数量 -請求数量 -Quantity of product or service invoiced -The Quantity Invoiced indicates the total quantity of a product or service that has been invoiced. - - - - - - -提供数量 -提供数量 -Quantity of service or product provided -The Quantity Provided indicates the total quantity of a product or service that has been received by the customer. - - - - - - -数量 -数量 - - - - - - - - -課税額 -税金 -Tax Amount for a document -The Tax Amount displays the total tax amount for a document. - - - - - - -課税基準額 -課税基準額 -Base for calculating the tax amount -The Tax Base Amount indicates the base amount used for calculating the tax amount. - - - - - - -税金インディケータ -税金インディケータ -Short form for Tax to be printed on documents -The Tax Indicator identifies the short name that will print on documents referencing this tax. - - - - - - -取引額 -取引額 -Amount of a transaction -The Transaction Amount indicates the amount for a single transaction. - - - - - - -不労所得 -不労所得 -Account for unearned revenue -The Unearned Revenue indicates the account used for recording invoices sent for products or services not yet delivered. It is used in revenue recognition - - - - - - -更新数量 -更新数量 -Permite actualizar cantidades -Permite realizar actualizaciones a cantidades - - - - - - -支払いルール -支払いルール -How you pay the invoice -The Payment Rule indicates the method of invoice payment. - - - - - - -相対的優先権 -相対的優先権 -Where inventory should be picked from first -The Relative Priority indicates the location to pick from first if an product is stored in more than one location. (100 = highest priority, 0 = lowest). For outgoing shipments, the location is picked with the highest priority where the entire quantity can be shipped from. If there is no location, the location with the highest priority is used. -The Priority is ignored for products with Guarantee Date (always the oldest first) or if a speific instance is selected. -Incoming receipts are stored at the location with the hoghest priority, if not explicitly selected. - - - - - - -敬称 -敬称 -Greeting to print on correspondence -The Greeting identifies the greeting to print on correspondence. - - - - - - -敬称 -敬称 -For letters, e.g. "Dear {0}" or "Dear Mr. {0}" - At runtime, "{0}" is replaced by the name -The Greeting indicates what will print on letters sent to a Business Partner. - - - - - - -直接印刷 -直接印刷 -Print without dialog -The Direct Print checkbox indicates that this report will print without a print dialog box being displayed. - - - - - - -名字なし -名字なし -Print only the first name in greetings -The First Name Only checkbox indicates that only the first name of this contact should print in greetings. - - - - - - -高いボリューム -高いボリューム -Use Search instead of Pick list -The High Volume Checkbox indicates if a search screen will display as opposed to a pick list for selecting records from this table. - - - - - - -請求書の詳細レコードを印刷 -請求書の詳細レコードを印刷 -Print detail BOM elements on the invoice -The Print Details on Invoice indicates that the BOM element products will print on the Invoice as opposed to this product. - - - - - - -梱包リストの詳細レコードを印刷 -梱包リストの詳細レコードを印刷 -Print detail BOM elements on the pick list -The Print Details on Pick List indicates that the BOM element products will print on the Pick List as opposed to this product. - - - - - - -確認済み -確認済み -The BOM configuration has been verified -The Verified check box indicates if the configuration of this product has been verified. This is used for products that consist of a bill of materials - - - - - - -部品構成表詳細 -部品構成表詳細 - - - - - - - - -パラメータ名 -パラメータ名 - - - - - - - - -変換日付 -変換日付 -Date for selecting conversion rate -The Conversion Date identifies the date used for currency conversion. The conversion rate chosen must include this date in it's date range - - - - - - -制限価格追加額 -制限価格追加額 -Amount added to the converted/copied price before multiplying -Indicates the amount to be added to the Limit price prior to multiplication. - - - - - - -制限価格基礎 -制限価格基礎 -Base price for calculation of the new price -Identifies the price to be used as the base for calculating a new price list. - - - - - - -制限価格最大利幅 -制限価格最大利幅 -Maximum difference to original limit price; ignored if zero -Indicates the maximum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original limit price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. - - - - - - -制限価格最小利幅 -制限価格最小利幅 -Minimum difference to original limit price; ignored if zero -Indicates the minimum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original limit price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. - - - - - - -制限価格丸め -制限価格丸め -Rounding of the final result -A drop down list box which indicates the rounding (if any) will apply to the final prices in this price list. - - - - - - -定価追加額 -定価追加額 -List Price Surcharge Amount -The List Price Surcharge Amount indicates the amount to be added to the price prior to multiplication. - - - - - - -定価基礎 -定価基礎 -Price used as the basis for price list calculations -The List Price Base indicates the price to use as the basis for the calculation of a new price list. - - - - - - -定価最大利幅 -定価最大利幅 -Maximum margin for a product -The List Price Max Margin indicates the maximum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original list price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. - - - - - - -定価最小利幅 -定価最小利幅 -Minimum margin for a product -The List Price Min Margin indicates the minimum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original list price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. - - - - - - -定価丸め -定価丸め -Rounding rule for final list price -The List Price Rounding indicates how the final list price will be rounded. - - - - - - -基礎価格リスト -基礎価格リスト -Source for Price list calculations -The Base Price List identifies the Base Pricelist used for calculating prices (the source) - - - - - - -標準価格追加額 -標準価格追加額 -Amount added to a price as a surcharge -The Standard Price Surcharge Amount indicates the amount to be added to the price prior to multiplication. - - - - - - - -標準価格基礎 -標準価格基礎 -Base price for calculating new standard price -The Standard Price Base indicates the price to use as the basis for the calculation of a new price standard. - - - - - - - -標準最大利幅 -標準最大利幅 -Maximum margin allowed for a product -The Standard Price Max Margin indicates the maximum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original Standard price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. - - - - - - -標準価格最小利幅 -標準価格最小利幅 -Minimum margin allowed for a product -The Standard Price Min Margin indicates the minimum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original Standard price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. - - - - - - -標準価格丸め -標準価格丸め -Rounding rule for calculated price -The Standard Price Rounding indicates how the final Standard price will be rounded. - - - - - - -現在の仕入先 -現在の仕入先 -Use this Vendor for pricing and stock replenishment -The Current Vendor indicates if prices are used and Product is reordered from this vendor - - - - - - -制限価格割引% -制限価格割引% -Discount in percent to be subtracted from base, if negative it will be added to base price -Indicates the discount in percent to be subtracted from base, if negative it will be added to base price - - - - - - -定価割引% -定価割引% -Discount from list price as a percentage -The List Price Discount Percentage indicates the percentage discount which will be subtracted from the base price. A negative amount indicates the percentage which will be added to the base price. - - - - - - -標準価格割引% -標準価格割引% -Discount percentage to subtract from base price -The Standard Price Discount Percentage indicates the percentage discount which will be subtracted from the base price. A negative amount indicates the percentage which will be added to the base price. - - - - - - -印刷された割り引き -印刷された割り引き -Print Discount on Invoice and Order -The Discount Printed Checkbox indicates if the discount will be printed on the document. - - - - - - -合計を計算(Σ) -合計 -Calculate the Sum of numeric content or length -Calculate the Sum (?) of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise total sum length of the field. - - - - - - -受注説明 -受注説明 -Description to be used on orders -The Order Description identifies the standard description to use on orders for this Customer. - - - - - - -請求実質額 -請求実質額 -Net amount of this Invoice -Indicates the net amount for this invoice. It does not include shipping or any additional charges. - - - - - - -配送数量 -配送数量 - - - - - - - - -請求数量 -請求数量 - - - - - - - - -レポート表示 -レポート表示 -View used to generate this report -The Report View indicates the view used to generate this report. - - - - - - -メールサーバー -メールサーバー -Hostname of Mail Server for SMTP and IMAP -The host name of the Mail Server for this client with SMTP services to send mail, and IMAP to process incoming mail. - - - - - - -注文あたり宣伝販売コスト -注文あたり宣伝販売コスト -Fixed Cost Per Order -The Cost Per Order indicates the fixed charge levied when an order for this product is placed. - - - - - - -実際の納期 -実際の納期 -Actual days between order and delivery -The Actual Delivery Time indicates the number of days elapsed between placing an order and the delivery of the order - - - - - - -約束の納期 -約束の納期 -Promised days between order and delivery -The Promised Delivery Time indicates the number of days between the order date and the date that delivery was promised. - - - - - - -注文数量 -注文数量 - - - - - - - - -品質評価 -品質評価 -Method for rating vendors -The Quality Rating indicates how a vendor is rated (higher number = higher quality) - - - - - - -基礎価格リスト -基礎 -Pricelist to be used, if product not found on this pricelist -The Base Price List identifies the default price list to be used if a product is not found on the selected price list - - - - - - -EDI定義 -EDI定義 -Electronic Data Interchange - - - - - - - -顧客番号 -顧客番号 -EDI Identification Number - - - - - - - -EDI状態 -EDI状態 - - - - - - - - -EDIタイプ -EDIタイプ - - - - - - - - -エラーメール -エラーメール -Email address to send error messages to - - - - - - - -メールから -メールから -Full EMail address used to send requests - e.g. edi@organization.com - - - - - - - -メールパスワードから -メールパスワードから -Password of the sending EMail address - - - - - - - -メールユーザーIDから -メールユーザーから -User ID of the sending EMail address (on default SMTP Host) - e.g. edi - - - - - - - -情報メール -情報メール -EMail address to send informational messages and copies -The Info EMail address indicates the address to use when sending informational messages or copies of other messages. - - - - - - -メールへ -メールへ -EMail address to send requests to - e.g. edi@manufacturer.com - - - - - - - -情報 -情報 -Information -The Information displays data from the source document line. - - - - - - -情報を送信 -情報を送信 -Send informational messages and copies - - - - - - - -詳細割り引き% -割り引き% -Line Discount as a percentage -The Line Discount Percent indicates the discount for this line as a percentage. - - - - - - -詳細割り引き -割り引き -Line Discount Amount -Indicates the discount for this line as an amount. - - - - - - -詳細限度額 -限度額 - - - - - - - - -詳細リスト額 -リスト額 - - - - - - - - -粗利益% -利幅% - - - - - - - - -粗利益 -利幅 - - - - - - - - -EDI取引 -EDI取引 - - - - - - - - -EDIログ -EDIログ - - - - - - - - -受信した問い合せ回答 -問い合せ回答 - - - - - - - - -受注返信 -受注返信 - - - - - - - - -回答価格 -回答価格 -Confirmed Price from EDI Partner - - - - - - - -可能数量返信 -可能数量返信 - - - - - - - - -確認数量返信 -確認数量返信 - - - - - - - - -受信返信 -返信 - - - - - - - - -注釈返信 -注釈 - - - - - - - - -出荷日付返信 -出荷日付 - - - - - - - - -要求価格 -要求価格 - - - - - - - - -要求数量 -要求数量 - - - - - - - - -要求出荷日付 -要求出荷日付 - - - - - - - - -質問を送信 -質問を送信 -Quantity Availability Inquiry - - - - - - - -注文を送信 -注文を送信 - - - - - - - - -取引受信 -取引受信 - - - - - - - - -取引送信 -取引送信 - - - - - - - - -取引タイプ -取引タイプ -Type of credit card transaction -The Transaction Type indicates the type of transaction to be submitted to the Credit Card Company. - - - - - - -取引日付 -取引日付 -Transaction Date -The Transaction Date indicates the date of the transaction. - - - - - - -特別なフォーム -特別なフォーム -Special Form -The Special Form field identifies a unique Special Form in the system. - - - - - - -クラス名 -クラス名 -Java Classname -The Classname identifies the Java classname used by this report or process. - - - - - - -新規ページ -新規ページ -Start with new page -Before printing this item, create a new page - - - - - - -仕訳済み -仕訳済み -Posting status -The Posted field indicates the status of the Generation of General Ledger Accounting Lines - - - - - - -カテゴリタイプ -カテゴリタイプ -Source of the Journal with this category -The Category Type indicates the source of the journal for this category. Journals can be generated from a document, entered manually or imported. - - - - - - -エラー -エラー - - - - - - - - -インポート形式 -インポート形式 - - - - - - - - -形式フィールド -形式フィールド - - - - - - - - -データの形式 -データの形式 -Format String in Java Notation, e.g. ddMMyy -The Date Format indicates how dates are defined on the record to be imported. It must be in Java Notation - - - - - - -データ型 -データ型 -Type of data - - - - - - - -小数点 -小数点 -Decimal Point in the data file - if any - - - - - - - -百分率 -百分率 -Divide number by 100 to get correct amount - - - - - - - -終了番号 -終了番号 - - - - - - - - -形式 -形式 -Format of the data -The Format is a drop down list box for selecting the format type (text, tab delimited, XML, etc) of the file to be imported - - - - - - -選択済み -選択済み - - - - - - - - -定数値 -定数 -Constant value - - - - - - - -部品構成表数量 -数量 -Bill of Materials Quantity -The BOM Quantity indicates the quantity of the product in its Unit of Measure (multiplication) - - - - - - -受け取り日付 -受け取り日付 -Date a product was received -The Date Received indicates the date that product was received. - - - - - - -部品構成表 -BOM -Bill of Materials -The Bill of Materials check box indicates if this product consists of a bill of materials. - - - - - - -部品構成表製品 -部品構成表製品 -Bill of Material Component Product -The BOM Product identifies an element that is part of this Bill of Materials. - - - - - - -作成されたレコード -作成されたレコード - - - - - - - - -生産計画 -生産計画 -Plan for how a product is produced -The Production Plan identifies the items and steps in generating a product. - - - - - - -生産数量 -生産数数 -Quantity of products to produce -The Production Quantity identifies the number of products to produce - - - - - - -仕入先 -仕入先 -The Vendor of the product/service - - - - - - - -通知 -通知 -System Notice - - - - - - - -組織間 -組織間 -Organization valid for intercompany documents -The Inter Organization field identifies an Organization which can be used by this Organization for intercompany documents. - - - - - - -会計の市 - -City or the Credit Card or Account Holder -The Account City indicates the City of the Credit Card or Account holder - - - - - - -メールアカウント -メール -Email Address -The EMail Address indicates the EMail address off the Credit Card or Account holder. - - - - - - -運転免許証 -運転免許証 -Payment Identification - Driver License -The Driver's License being used as identification. - - - - - - -社会保障番号 -社会保障番号 -Payment Identification - Social Security No -The Social Security number being used as identification. - - - - - - -勘定科目名 -勘定科目名 -Name on Credit Card or Account holder -The Name of the Credit Card or Account holder. - - - - - - -勘定科目状態 -状態 -State of the Credit Card or Account holder -The State of the Credit Card or Account holder - - - - - - -会計の通路 -通り -Street address of the Credit Card or Account holder -The Street Address of the Credit Card or Account holder. - - - - - - -口座の郵便番号/郵便 -郵便番号 -Zip Code of the Credit Card or Account Holder -The Zip Code of the Credit Card or Account Holder. - - - - - - -給与振込を受け入れ -給与振込 -Accept Direct Deposit (payee initiated) -Indicates if Direct Deposits (wire transfers, etc.) are accepted. Direct Deposits are initiated by the payee. - - - - - - -AMEXを受け入れ -AMEX -Accept American Express Card -Indicates if American Express Cards are accepted - - - - - - -ATMを受け入れ -ATM -Accept Bank ATM Card -Indicates if Bank ATM Cards are accepted - - - - - - -電子小切手を受け入れ -ECheck -Accept ECheck (Electronic Checks) -Indicates if EChecks are accepted - - - - - - -法人を受け入れ -法人 -Accept Corporate Purchase Cards -Indicates if Corporate Purchase Cards are accepted - - - - - - -Dinersを受け入れ -Diners -Accept Diner's Club -Indicates if Diner's Club Cards are accepted - - - - - - -マスターカードを受け入れ -M.C. -Accept Master Card -Indicates if Master Cards are accepted - - - - - - -Visaを受け入れ -Visa -Accept Visa Cards -Indicates if Visa Cards are accepted - - - - - - - -Amt -Amount in a defined currency -The Amount indicates the amount for this document line. - - - - - - -銀行資産 -銀行資産 -Bank Asset Account -The Bank Asset Account identifies the account to be used for booking changes to the balance in this bank account - - - - - - -銀行費用 -銀行費用 -Bank Expense Account -The Bank Expense Account identifies the account to be used for recording charges or fees incurred from this Bank. - - - - - - -銀行利子費用 -銀行利子費用 -Bank Interest Expense Account -The Bank Interest Expense Account identifies the account to be used for recording interest expenses. - - - - - - -銀行利子収入 -銀行利子収入 -Bank Interest Revenue Account -The Bank Interest Revenue Account identifies the account to be used for recording interest revenue from this Bank. - - - - - - -通過中銀行 -通過中銀行 -Bank In Transit Account -The Bank in Transit Account identifies the account to be used for funds which are in transit. - - - - - - -銀行再評価利得 -銀行再評価利得 -Bank Revaluation Gain Account -The Bank Revaluation Gain Account identifies the account to be used for recording gains that are recognized when converting currencies. - - - - - - -銀行再評価損失 -銀行再評価損失 -Bank Revaluation Loss Account -The Bank Revaluation Loss Account identifies the account to be used for recording losses that are recognized when converting currencies. - - - - - - -銀行解決利得 -銀行解決利得 -Bank Settlement Gain Account -The Bank Settlement Gain account identifies the account to be used when recording a currency gain when the settlement and receipt currency are not the same. - - - - - - -銀行解決損失 -銀行解決損失 -Bank Settlement Loss Account -The Bank Settlement loss account identifies the account to be used when recording a currency loss when the settlement and receipt currency are not the same. - - - - - - -銀行未確認領収 -銀行未確認 -Bank Unidentified Receipts Account -The Bank Unidentified Receipts Account identifies the account to be used when recording receipts that can not be reconciled at the present time. - - - - - - -期首残高 -期首残高 -Balance prior to any transactions -The Beginning Balance is the balance prior to making any adjustments for payments or disbursements. - - - - - - -割当 -割当 -Payment allocation - - - - - - - -銀行取引明細書 -銀行取引明細書 -Bank Statement of account -The Bank Statement identifies a unique Bank Statement for a defined time period. The statement defines all transactions that occurred - - - - - - -銀行取引明細書連続番号 -銀行取引明細書連続番号 -Line on a statement from this Bank -The Bank Statement Line identifies a unique transaction (Payment, Withdrawal, Charge) for the defined time period at this Bank. - - - - - - -ビジネスパートナーグループ -パートナーグループ -Business Partner Group -The Business Partner Group provides a method of defining defaults to be used for individual Business Partners. - - - - - - -支払い -支払い -Payment identifier -The Payment is a unique identifier of this payment. - - - - - - -支払いプロセッサ -支払いプロセッサ -Payment processor for electronic payments -The Payment Processor indicates the processor to be used for electronic payments - - - - - - -料金費用 -料金費用 -Charge Expense Account -The Charge Expense Account identifies the account to use when recording charges paid to vendors. - - - - - - -料金収入 -料金収入 -Charge Revenue Account -The Charge Revenue Account identifies the account to use when recording charges paid by customers. - - - - - - -番号チェック -番号チェック -Check Number -The Check Number indicates the number on the check. - - - - - - -検証コード -検証 -Credit Card Verification code on credit card -The Credit Card Verification indicates the verification code on the credit card (AMEX 4 digits on front; MC,Visa 3 digits back) - - - - - - -現在の原価 -現在の原価 -The currently used cost price - - - - - - - -割り引き量 -割り引き -Calculated amount of discount -The Discount Amount indicates the discount amount for a document or line. - - - - - - -期末残高 -期末残高 -Ending or closing balance -The Ending Balance is the result of adjusting the Beginning Balance by any payments or disbursements. - - - - - - -将来原価 -将来原価 - - - - - - - - -ホストアドレス -ホストアドレス -Host Address URL or DNS -The Host Address identifies the URL or DNS of the target host - - - - - - -ホストポート -ホストポート -Host Communication Port -The Host Port identifies the port to communicate with the host. - - - - - - -オンラインアクセス -オンラインアクセス -Can be accessed online -The Online Access check box indicates if the application can be accessed via the web. - - - - - - -支払済み -支払済み -The document is paid - - - - - - - -同じ通貨 -同じ通貨 - - - - - - - - -銀行取引番号 -銀行取引番号 -Combination of routing no, account and check no -The Micr number is the combination of the bank routing number, account number and check number - - - - - - -元の取引ID -元の取引ID -Original Transaction ID -The Original Transaction ID is used for reversing transactions and indicates the transaction that has been reversed. - - - - - - -購入価格差異 -購入価格差異 -Difference between Standard Cost and Purchase Price (PPV) -The Purchase Price Variance is used in Standard Costing. It reflects the difference between the Standard Cost and the Purchase Order Price. - - - - - - -ページURL -ページURL - - - - - - - - -支払い割引料 -支払い割引料 -Payment Discount Expense Account -Indicates the account to be charged for payment discount expenses. - - - - - - -支払い割引収入 -支払い割引収入 -Payment Discount Revenue Account -Indicates the account to be charged for payment discount revenues. - - - - - - -処理中の作業 -処理中の作業 -Account for Work in Progress -The Work in Process account is the account used in capital projects until the project is completed - - - - - - -発注番号 -発注番号 -Purchase Order Number -The PO Number indicates the number assigned to a purchase order - - - - - - -価格 -価格 -Price -The Price indicates the Price for a product or service. - - - - - - -製品 -製品 - - - - - - - - -プロキシアドレス -プロキシアドレス - Address of your proxy server -The Proxy Address must be defined if you must pass through a firewall to access your payment processor. - - - - - - -プロキシログオン -プロキシログオン -Logon of your proxy server -The Proxy Logon identifies the Logon ID for your proxy server. - - - - - - -プロキシパスワード -プロキシパスワード -Password of your proxy server -The Proxy Password identifies the password for your proxy server. - - - - - - -プロキシポート -プロキシポート -Port of your proxy server -The Proxy Port identifies the port of your proxy server. - - - - - - -承認コード -承認コード -Authorization Code returned -The Authorization Code indicates the code returned from the electronic transmission. - - - - - - -確認済み住所 -確認済み住所 -This address has been verified -The Address Verified indicates if the address has been verified by the Credit Card Company. - - - - - - -確認済み郵便番号 -確認済み郵便番号 -The Zip Code has been verified -The Zip Verified indicates if the zip code has been verified by the Credit Card Company. - - - - - - -情報 -情報 -Response info -The Info indicates any response information returned from the Credit Card Company. - - - - - - -参照 -参照 -Payment reference -The Payment Reference indicates the reference returned from the Credit Card Company for a payment - - - - - - -応答メッセージ -メッセージ -Response message -The Response Message indicates the message returned from the Credit Card Company as the result of a transmission - - - - - - -結果 -結果 -Result of transmission -The Response Result indicates the result of the transmission to the Credit Card Company. - - - - - - -参照元 -参照元 -Referring web address - - - - - - - -リモートアドレス -リモートアドレス -Remote Address -The Remote Address indicates an alternative or external address. - - - - - - -リモートホスト -リモートホスト -Remote host Info - - - - - - - -セッションID -セッションID - - - - - - - - -文書日付 -文書日付 -Date of the statement -The Statement Date field defines the date of the statement. - - - - - - -文書差異 -文書差異 -Difference between statement ending balance and actual ending balance -The Statement Difference reflects the difference between the Statement Ending Balance and the Actual Ending Balance. - - - - - - -税額控除 -税額控除 -Account for Tax you can reclaim -The Tax Credit Account indicates the account used to record taxes that can be reclaimed - - - - - - -納税額 -納税額 -Account for Tax you have to pay -The Tax Due Account indicates the account used to record taxes that you are liable to pay. - - - - - - -税金費用 -税金費用 -Account for paid tax you cannot reclaim -The Tax Expense Account indicates the account used to record the taxes that have been paid that cannot be reclaimed. - - - - - - -納税義務 -納税義務 -Account for Tax declaration liability -The Tax Liability Account indicates the account used to record your tax liability declaration. - - - - - - -税金受取勘定 -税金受取勘定 -Account for Tax credit after tax declaration -The Tax Receivables Account indicates the account used to record the tax credit amount after your tax declaration. - - - - - - -支払タイプ -支払タイプ -Method of Payment -The Tender Type indicates the method of payment (ACH or Direct Deposit, Credit Card, Check, Direct Debit) - - - - - - -ユーザーID -ユーザーID -User ID or account number -The User ID identifies a user and allows access to records or processes. - - - - - - -音声認証コード -音声認証コード -Voice Authorization Code from credit card company -The Voice Authorization Code indicates the code received from the Credit Card Company. - - - - - - -W_Basket_ID -W_Basket_ID -Web Basket -Temporary Web Basket - - - - - - -在庫再評価 -在庫再評価 -Account for Inventory Revaluation -The Inventory Revaluation Account identifies the account used to records changes in inventory value due to currency revaluation. - - - - - - -源泉徴収 -源泉徴収 -Account for Withholdings -The Withholding Account indicates the account used to record withholdings. - - - - - - -帳消し -帳消し -Account for Receivables write-off -The Write Off Account identifies the account to book write off transactions to. - - - - - - -帳消し額 -帳消し額 -Amount to write-off -The Write Off Amount indicates the amount to be written off as uncollectible. - - - - - - -検索 -検索 - - - - - - - - -and/or -and/or -Logical operation: AND or OR - - - - - - - -Find_ID -Find_ID - - - - - - - - -操作 -操作 -Compare Operation - - - - - - - - - -Value To - - - - - - - -利息額 -利息 -Interest Amount -The Interest Amount indicates any interest charged or received on a Bank Statement. - - - - - - -システム属性 -属性 - - - - - - - - -銀行口座タイプ -銀行口座タイプ -Bank Account Type -The Bank Account Type field indicates the type of account (savings, checking etc) this account is defined as. - - - - - - -現金仕訳帳 -現金仕訳帳 -Cash Journal -The Cash Journal uniquely identifies a Cash Journal. The Cash Journal will record transactions for the cash bank account - - - - - - -現金出納帳 -現金出納帳 -Cash Book for recording petty cash transactions -The Cash Book identifies a unique cash book. The cash book is used to record cash transactions. - - - - - - -現金仕訳帳詳細 -現金詳細 -Cash Journal Line -The Cash Journal Line indicates a unique line in a cash journal. - - - - - - -支払いバッチ -支払いバッチ -Payment batch for EFT -Electronic Fund Transfer Payment Batch. - - - - - - -現金タイプ -現金タイプ -Source of Cash -The Cash Type indicates the source for this Cash Journal Line. - - - - - - -現金出納帳資産 -現金出納帳資産 -Cash Book Asset Account -The Cash Book Asset Account identifies the account to be used for recording payments into and disbursements from this cash book. - - - - - - -現金出納帳差異 -現金出納帳差異 -Cash Book Differences Account -The Cash Book Differences Account identifies the account to be used for recording any differences that affect this cash book - - - - - - -現金出納帳費用 -現金出納帳費用 -Cash Book Expense Account -The Cash Book Expense Account identifies the account to be used for general, non itemized expenses. - - - - - - -現金出納帳領収 -現金出納帳領収 -Cash Book Receipts Account -The Cash Book Receipt Account identifies the account to be used for general, non itemized cash book receipts. - - - - - - -自動手形交換システム -自動手形交換システム -Automatic Clearing House -The ACH checkbox indicates if this Bank Account accepts ACH transactions. - - - - - - -マニュアル -マニュアル -This is a manual process -The Manual check box indicates if the process will done manually. - - - - - - -反転 -反転 -This is a reversing transaction -The Reversal check box indicates if this is a reversal of a prior transaction. - - - - - - -支払い額 -支払い額 -Amount being paid -Indicates the amount this payment is for. The payment amount can be for single or multiple invoices or a partial payment for an invoice. - - - - - - -支払いプロセッサのクラス -支払いプロセッサのクラス -Payment Processor Java Class -Payment Processor class identifies the Java class used to process payments extending the org.compiere.model.PaymentProcessor class. <br> -Example implementations are Optimal Payments: org.compiere.model.PP_Optimal or Verisign: org.compiere.model.PP_PayFlowPro - - - - - - -処理日付 -処理日付 - - - - - - - - -明細書金額 -明細書金額 -Statement Amount -The Statement Amount indicates the amount of a single statement line. - - - - - - -V_Date -V_Date - - - - - - - - -V_Number -V_Number - - - - - - - - -V_String -V_String - - - - - - - - -発効日 -発効日 -Date when money is available -The Effective Date indicates the date that money is available from the bank. - - - - - - -連続番号を作成 -連続番号を作成 -Process which will generate a new document lines based on an existing document -The Create From process will create a new document based on information in an existing document selected by the user. - - - - - - -生成 -生成 -Generate To - - - - - - - -Discoverを受け入れ -Discover -Accept Discover Card -Indicates if Discover Cards are accepted - - - - - - -手数料% -手数料% -Commission stated as a percentage -The Commission indicates (as a percentage) the commission to be paid. - - - - - - -1取引あたりの費用 -1取引あたりの費用 -Fixed cost per transaction -The Cost per Transaction indicates the fixed cost per to be charged per transaction. - - - - - - -支払期限日数 -支払期限日数 -Number of days due (negative: due in number of days) - - - - - - - -オンライン処理 -オンライン処理 -This payment can be processed online -The Online Processing indicates if the payment can be processed online. - - - - - - -支出額 -支払い - - - - - - - - -クレジットカード検証コードを要求 -クレジットカード検証コードを要求 -Require 3/4 digit Credit Verification Code -The Require CC Verification checkbox indicates if this bank accounts requires a verification number for credit card transactions. - - - - - - -フィールドグループ -フィールドグループ -Logical grouping of fields -The Field Group indicates the logical group that this field belongs to (History, Amounts, Quantities) - - - - - - -最終行動日付 -最終行動日付 -Date this request was last acted on -The Date Last Action indicates that last time that the request was acted on. - - - - - - -次回実行日付 -次回実行日付 -Date that this request should be acted on -The Date Next Action indicates the next scheduled date for an action to occur for this request. - - - - - - -支払義務タイプ -支払義務タイプ -Status of the next action for this Request -The Due Type indicates if this request is Due, Overdue or Scheduled. - - - - - - -頻度 -頻度 -Frequency of events -The frequency is used in conjunction with the frequency type in determining an event. Example: If the Frequency Type is Week and the Frequency is 2 - it is every two weeks. - - - - - - -頻度タイプ -頻度タイプ -Frequency of event -The frequency type is used for calculating the date of the next event. - - - - - - -割当済み -割当済み -Indicates if the payment has been allocated -The Allocated checkbox indicates if a payment has been allocated or associated with an invoice or invoices. - - - - - - -強化 -強化 -This request has been escalated -The Escalated checkbox indicates that this request has been escalated or raised in importance. - - - - - - -HTML -HTML -Text has HTML tags - - - - - - - -題名 -題名 -Mail Header (Subject) -The subject of the mail message - - - - - - -メールテキスト -メールテキスト -Text used for Mail message -The Mail Text indicates the text used for mail messages. - - - - - - -次のアクション -次のアクション -Next Action to be taken -The Next Action indicates the next action to be taken on this request. - - - - - - -優先権 -優先権 -Indicates if this request is of a high, medium or low priority. -The Priority indicates the importance of this request. - - - - - - -メールテンプレート -メールテンプレート -Text templates for mailings -The Mail Template indicates the mail template for return messages. Mail text can include variables. The priority of parsing is User/Contact, Business Partner and then the underlying business object (like Request, Dunning, Workflow object).<br> -So, @Name@ would resolve into the User name (if user is defined defined), then Business Partner name (if business partner is defined) and then the Name of the business object if it has a Name.<br> -For Multi-Lingual systems, the template is translated based on the Business Partner's language selection. - - - - - - -要求 -要求 -Request from a Business Partner or Prospect -The Request identifies a unique request from a Business Partner or Prospect. - - - - - - -要求履歴 -要求履歴 -Request has been changed -Old values - - - - - - -要求プロセッサ -要求プロセッサ -Processor for Requests -Processor for Requests - - - - - - -要求額 -要求額 -Amount associated with this request -The Request Amount indicates any amount that is associated with this request. For example, a warranty amount or refund amount. - - - - - - -概要 -概要 -Textual summary of this request -The Summary allows free form text entry of a recap of this request. - - - - - - -監督 -監督 -Supervisor for this user/organization - used for escalation and approval -The Supervisor indicates who will be used for forwarding and escalating issues for this user - or for approvals. - - - - - - -乗数 -乗数 -Type Multiplier (Credit = -1) - - - - - - - -開いている量 -開いている量 -Open item amount - - - - - - - -利幅% -利幅% -Margin for a product as a percentage -The Margin indicates the margin for this product as a percentage of the limit price and selling price. - - - - - - -デフォルト2 -デフォルト2 -Default value hierarchy, separated by ; -The defaults are evaluated in the order of definition, the first not null value becomes the default value of the column. The values are separated by comma or semicolon. a) Literals:. 'Text' or 123 b) Variables - in format @Variable@ - Login e.g. #Date, #AD_Org_ID, #AD_Client_ID - Accounting Schema: e.g. $C_AcctSchema_ID, $C_Calendar_ID - Global defaults: e.g. DateFormat - Window values (all Picks, CheckBoxes, RadioButtons, and DateDoc/DateAcct) c) SQL code with the tag: @SQL=SELECT something AS DefaultValue FROM ... The SQL statement can contain variables. There can be no other value other than the SQL statement. The default is only evaluated, if no user preference is defined. Default definitions are ignored for record columns as Key, Parent, Client as well as Buttons. - - - - - - -SQL Group句 -SQL Group句 -This function will generate a Group By Clause -The SQL Group Function checkbox indicates that this function will generate a Group by Clause in the resulting SQL. - - - - - - -支払い選択 -支払い選択 -Payment Selection -The Payment Selection identifies a unique Payment - - - - - - -支払い選択詳細 -支払い選択詳細 -Payment Selection Line -The Payment Selection Line identifies a unique line in a payment - - - - - - -支払い日 -支払い日 -Date Payment made -The Payment Date indicates the date the payment was made. - - - - - - -分量合計 -分量合計 -Total Amount -The Total Amount indicates the total document amount. - - - - - - -ビューカラムレポート -ビューカラムレポート - - - - - - - - -機能カラム -機能カラム -Overwrite Column with Function -The Function Column indicates that the column will be overridden with a function - - - - - - -実際の量 -実際の量 -The actual amount -Actual amount indicates the agreed upon amount for a document. - - - - - - -実際の数量 -実際の数量 -The actual quantity -The Actual Quantity indicates the quantity as referenced on a document. - - - - - - -乗数量 -乗数量 -Multiplier Amount for generating commissions -The Multiplier Amount indicates the amount to multiply the total amount generated by this commission run by. - - - - - - -減算分量 -減算分量 -Subtract Amount for generating commissions -The Subtract Amount indicates the amount to subtract from the total amount prior to multiplication. - - - - - - -手数料 -手数料 -Commission -The Commission Rules or internal or external company agents, sales reps or vendors. - - - - - - -手数料金額 -手数料 -Generated Commission Amount -The Commission Amount indicates the resulting amount from a Commission Run. - - - - - - -手数料詳細 -手数料詳細 -Commission Line -The Commission Line is a unique instance of a Commission Run. If the commission run was done in summary mode then there will be a single line representing the selected documents totals. If the commission run was done in detail mode then each document that was included in the run will have its own commission line. - - - - - - -プロジェクトサイクル -プロジェクトサイクル -Identifier for this Project Reporting Cycle -Identifies a Project Cycle which can be made up of one or more cycle steps and cycle phases. - - - - - - -サイクルステップ -サイクルステップ -The step for this Cycle -Identifies one or more steps within a Project Cycle. A cycle Step has multiple Phases - - - - - - -プロジェクト詳細 -プロジェクト詳細 -Task or step in a project -The Project Line indicates a unique project line. - - - - - - -手数料金額 -手数料金額 -Commission Amount -The Commission Amount is the total calculated commission. It is based on the parameters as defined for this Commission Run. - - - - - - -変換分量 -変換分量 -Converted Amount -The Converted Amount is the result of multiplying the Source Amount by the Conversion Rate for this target currency. - - - - - - -契約日付 -契約日付 -The (planned) effective date of this document. -The contract date is used to determine when the document becomes effective. This is usually the contract date. The contract date is used in reports and report parameters. - - - - - - -終了日付 -終了日付 -Finish or (planned) completion date -The finish date is used to indicate when the project is expected to be completed or has been completed. - - - - - - -計算基礎 -計算基礎 -Basis for the calculation the commission -The Calculation Basis indicates the basis to be used for the commission calculation. - - - - - - -情報 -情報 - - - - - - - - -正数のみ -正数のみ -Do not generate negative commissions -The Positive Only check box indicates that if the result of the subtraction is negative, it is ignored. This would mean that negative commissions would not be generated. - - - - - - -計画分量 -計画分量 -Planned amount for this project -The Planned Amount indicates the anticipated amount for this project or project line. - - - - - - -計画利幅% -計画利幅 -Project's planned margin as a percentage -The Planned Margin Percentage indicates the anticipated margin percentage for this project or project line - - - - - - -計画利幅 -計画利幅 -Project's planned margin amount -The Planned Margin Amount indicates the anticipated margin amount for this project or project line. - - - - - - -計画価格 -計画価格 -Planned price for this project line -The Planned Price indicates the anticipated price for this project line. - - - - - - -計画数量 -計画数量 -Planned quantity for this project -The Planned Quantity indicates the anticipated quantity for this project or project line - - - - - - -数量乗数 -数量乗数 -Value to multiply quantities by for generating commissions. -The Multiplier Quantity field indicates the amount to multiply the quantities accumulated for this commission run. - - - - - - -減算数量 -減算数量 -Quantity to subtract when generating commissions -The Quantity Subtract identifies the quantity to be subtracted before multiplication - - - - - - -相対重量 -相対重量 -Relative weight of this step (0 = ignored) -The relative weight allows you to adjust the project cycle report based on probabilities. For example, if you have a 1:10 chance in closing a contract when it is in the prospect stage and a 1:2 chance when it is in the contract stage, you may put a weight of 0.1 and 0.5 on those steps. This allows sales funnels or measures of completion of your project. - - - - - - -手数料実行 -手数料実行 -Commission Run or Process -The Commission Run is a unique system defined identifier of a specific run of commission. When a Commission is processed on the Commission Screen, the Commission Run will display. - - - - - - -注文のみ決定した手数料 -注文のみ決定手数料 -Commission only Orders or Invoices, where this Sales Rep is entered -Sales Reps are entered in Orders and Invoices. If selected, only Orders and Invoices for this Sales Reps are included in the calculation of the commission. - - - - - - -リスト詳細 -リスト詳細 -List document details -The List Details checkbox indicates that the details for each document line will be displayed. - - - - - - -手数料詳細 -手数料詳細 -Supporting information for Commission Amounts -The Commission Detail provides supporting information on a Commission Run. Each document line that was part of the Commission Run will be reflected here. - - - - - - -発注支払期間 -発注支払期間 -Payment rules for a purchase order -The PO Payment Term indicates the payment term that will be used when this purchase order becomes an invoice. - - - - - - -パートナーカラム -パートナーカラム -Fully qualified Business Partner key column (C_BPartner_ID) -The Business Partner Column indicates the Business Partner to use when calculating this measurement - - - - - - -計算クラス -計算クラス -Java Class for calculation, implementing Interface Measure -The Calculation Class indicates the Java Class used for calculating measures. - - - - - - -日付カラム -日付カラム -Fully qualified date column -The Date Column indicates the date to be used when calculating this measurement - - - - - - -開始日付 -開始日付 -Starting date for a range -The Date From indicates the starting date of a range. - - - - - - -終了日付 -終了日付 -End date of a date range -The Date To indicates the end date of a range (inclusive) - - - - - - -成績目標 -成績目標 -Target achievement from 0..1 -The Goal Performance indicates the target achievement from 0 to 1. - - - - - - -達成済み -達成済み -The goal is achieved -The Achieved checkbox indicates if this goal has been achieved. - - - - - - -手動実際 -手動実際 -Manually entered actual value -The Manual Active identifies a manually entered actual measurement value. - - - - - - -メモ -メモ -Note for manual entry -The Note allows for entry for additional information regarding a manual entry. - - - - - - -実際状態測定 -実際状態測定 -Actual value that has been measured. -The Measure Actual indicates the actual measured value. The measured values are used in determining if a performance goal has been met - - - - - - -目標を測定 -目標を測定 -Target value for measure -The Measure Target indicates the target or goal for this measure. It is used as in comparing against the actual measures - - - - - - -測定タイプ -測定タイプ -Determines how the actual performance is derived -The Measure Type indicates how the actual measure is determined. For example, one measure may be manual while another is calculated. - - - - - - -組織カラム -組織カラム -Fully qualified Organization column (AD_Org_ID) -The Organization Column indicates the organization to be used in calculating this measurement. - - - - - - -達成 -達成 -Performance Achievement -The Achievement identifies a unique task that is part of an overall performance goal. - - - - - - -目標 -目標 -Performance Goal -The Performance Goal indicates what this users performance will be measured against. - - - - - - -測定 -測定 -Concrete Performance Measurement -The Measure identifies a concrete, measurable indicator of performance. For example, sales dollars, prospects contacted. - - - - - - -計算を測定 -計算を測定 -Calculation method for measuring performance -The Measure Calculation indicates the method of measuring performance. - - - - - - -製品カラム -製品カラム -Fully qualified Product column (M_Product_ID) -The Product Column indicates the product to use to use when calculating this measurement. - - - - - - -SQL SELECT句 -SQL SELECT句 -SQL SELECT clause -The Select Clause indicates the SQL SELECT clause to use for selecting the record for a measure calculation. Do not include the SELECT itself. - - - - - - -レポートカラム -レポートカラム -Column in Report - - - - - - - -分量タイプ -分量タイプ -Type of amount to report -You can choose between the total and period amounts as well as the balance or just the debit/credit amounts. - - - - - - -収益認識プラン -収益認識プラン -Plan for recognizing or recording revenue -The Revenue Recognition Plan identifies a unique Revenue Recognition Plan. - - - - - - -収益認識実行 -収益認識実行 -Revenue Recognition Run or Process -The Revenue Recognition Runs identifies a unique instance of processing revenue recognition. - - - - - - -計算 -計算 - - - - - - - - -カラムタイプ -カラムタイプ - - - - - - - - -通貨タイプ -通貨タイプ - - - - - - - - -全通貨変換 -全通貨変換 -Perform conversion for all amounts to currency -If a currency is selected, only this currency will be reported. If adhoc conversion is selected, all currencies are converted to the defined currency - - - - - - -詳細タイプ -詳細タイプ - - - - - - - - -オペランド1 -オペランド1 -First operand for calculation - - - - - - - -オペランド2 -オペランド2 -Second operand for calculation - - - - - - - -営業報告 -営業報告 -Financial Report - - - - - - - -レポートカラムセット -レポートカラムセット -Collection of Columns for Report -The Report Column Set identifies the columns used in a Report. - - - - - - -レポートライン -レポートライン - - - - - - - - -レポート詳細セット -レポート詳細セット - - - - - - - - -レポートソース -レポートソース -Restriction of what will be shown in Report Line - - - - - - - -認識分量 -認識分量 - - - - - - - - -相対的期間 -相対的期間 -Period offset (0 is current) - - - - - - - -ウェブカウンタ -ウェブカウンタ -Individual Count hit -Web Counter Details - - - - - - -割引/料金のための正しい税金 -割引/料金のための正しい税金 -Correct the tax for payment discount and charges -Payment discounts may require to correct the tax. This primarily applicable in VAT systems. If the original invoice had tax records, the payment discount, write-off, etc. is corrected by the tax. The calculation of the tax is prorated based on the invoice. - - - - - - -仕入先間割引 -仕入先間割引 -Generate postings for trade discounts -If the invoice is based on an item with a list price, the amount based on the list price and the discount is posted instead of the net amount. -Example: Quantity 10 - List Price: 20 - Actual Price: 17 -If selected for a sales invoice 200 is posted to Product Revenue and 30 to Discount Granted - rather than 170 to Product Revenue. -The same applies to vendor invoices. - - - - - - -請求価格変更 -請求価格変更 -Difference between Costs and Invoice Price (IPV) -The Invoice Price Variance is used reflects the difference between the current Costs and the Invoice Price. - - - - - - -承諾された仕入先間割引 -承諾仕入先間割引 -Trade Discount Granted Account -The Trade Discount Granted Account indicates the account for granted trade discount in sales invoices - - - - - - -取引受取割引料 -取引受取割引料 -Trade Discount Receivable Account -The Trade Discount Receivables Account indicates the account for received trade discounts in vendor invoices - - - - - - -在庫調整 -在庫調整 -Account for Inventory value adjustments for Actual Costing -In actual costing systems, this account is used to post Inventory value adjustments. You could set it to the standard Inventory Asset account. - - - - - - -表示 -表示 -This is a view -This is a view rather than a table. A view is always treated as read only in the system. - - - - - - -フォームを印刷 -フォームを印刷 -Form - - - - - - - -銀行口座ドキュメント -銀行口座文書 -Checks, Transfers, etc. -Bank documents, you generate or track - - - - - - -領収書 -領収書 -This is a sales transaction (receipt) - - - - - - - -違い -違い -Difference Amount - - - - - - - -システム色 - -Color for backgrounds or indicators - - - - - - - -デスクトップ -デスクトップ -Collection of Workbenches - - - - - - - -デスクトップ作業台 -デスクトップ作業台 - - - - - - - - -画像 -画像 -Image or Icon -Images and Icon can be used to display supported graphic formats (gif, jpg, png). -You can either load the image (in the database) or point to a graphic via a URI (i.e. it can point to a resource, http address) - - - - - - -ユーザー定義フィールド -ユーザーフィールド - - - - - - - - -ユーザー定義タブ -ユーザータブ - - - - - - - - -ユーザー定義ウィンドウ -ユーザーウィンドウ - - - - - - - - -作業台 -作業台 -Collection of windows, reports - - - - - - - -作業台ウィンドウ -作業台ウィンドウ - - - - - - - - -アルファ値 -アルファ値 -Color Alpha value 0-255 - - - - - - - -第2アルファ値 -第2アルファ値 -Alpha value for second color - - - - - - - - - -Color RGB blue value - - - - - - - -第2青 -第2青 -RGB value for second color - - - - - - - -カラータイプ -カラータイプ -Color presentation for this color - - - - - - - -グリーン -グリーン -RGB value - - - - - - - -第2グリーン -第2グリーン -RGB value for second color - - - - - - - -選択カラム -選択 -Is this column used for finding rows in windows -If selected, the column is listed in the first find window tab and in the selection part of the window - - - - - - -詳細距離 -距離 -Distance between lines - - - - - - - -詳細幅 -詳細幅 -Width of the lines -El ancho fisico de las lineas. - - - - - - -発注説明 -発注説明 -Description in PO Screens - - - - - - - -発注ヘルプ -発注ヘルプ -Help for PO Screens - - - - - - - -発注名 -発注名 -Name on PO Screens - - - - - - - -発注印刷名 -発注印刷 -Print name on PO Screens/Reports - - - - - - - -読み取り専用ロジック -読み取り専用ロジック -Logic to determine if field is read only (applies only when field is read-write) -format := {expression} [{logic} {expression}]<br> -expression := @{context}@{operand}{value} or @{context}@{operand}{value}<br> -logic := {|}|{&}<br> -context := any global or window context <br> -value := strings or numbers<br> -logic operators := AND or OR with the previous result from left to right <br> -operand := eq{=}, gt{&gt;}, le{&lt;}, not{~^!} <br> -Examples: <br> -@AD_Table_ID@=14 | @Language@!GERGER <br> -@PriceLimit@>10 | @PriceList@>@PriceActual@<br> -@Name@>J<br> -Strings may be in single quotes (optional) - - - - - - - - -RGB value - - - - - - - -第2赤 -第2赤 -RGB value for second color - - - - - - - -シミュレーション -シミュレーション -Performing the function is only simulated - - - - - - - -古い/既存のレコードを削除 -古い/既存のレコードを削除 -Otherwise records will be added - - - - - - - -詳細情報 -詳細情報 -Additional Detail Information - - - - - - - -請求書あたりの最大の帳消し -請求書あたりの最大の帳消し -Maximum invoice amount to be written off in invoice currency - - - - - - - -必要在庫数量 -必要在庫数量 -If not sufficient in stock in the warehouse, the BOM is not produced - - - - - - - -割引のみ -割引のみ -Include only invoices where we would get payment discount - - - - - - - -支払義務のみ -支払義務のみ -Include only due invoices - - - - - - - -製品キー -製品キー -Key of the Product - - - - - - - -在庫数量 -在庫数量 - - - - - - - - -実際の分量を表示 -実際の分量を表示 - - - - - - - - -合意分量を表示 -合意分量を表示 - - - - - - - - -計画された分量を表示 -計画された分量を表示 - - - - - - - - -計画された利益額を表示 -計画された利益額を表示 - - - - - - - - -計画された数量を表示 -計画された数量を表示 - - - - - - - - -実体タイプ -実体タイプ -Dictionary Entity Type; Determines ownership and synchronization -The Entity Types "Dictionary", "Adempiere" and "Application" might be automatically synchronized and customizations deleted or overwritten. - -For customizations, copy the entity and select "User"! - - - - - - -フィールドのインポート -フィールドのインポート -Create Fields from Table Columns - - - - - - - -テーブルのインポート -テーブルのインポート -Import Table Columns from Database - - - - - - - -データベースを同期化 -DB同期化 -Change database table definition when changing dictionary definition -When selected, the database column definition is updated based on your entries in the Column definition of the Application Dictionary. - - - - - - -支払い選択 -支払い選択 -AP Payment Selection Clearing Account - - - - - - - -未割当現金 -未割当現金 -Unallocated Cash Clearing Account -Receipts not allocated to Invoices - - - - - - -送金 -送金 -Cash Transfer Clearing Account -Account for Invoices paid by cash - - - - - - -請求書を組み合わせる -請求書を組み合わせる -Match Shipment/Receipt to Invoice - - - - - - - -発注を組み合わせる -発注を組み合わせる -Match Purchase Order to Shipment/Receipt and Invoice -The matching record is usually created automatically. If price matching is enabled on business partner group level, the matching might have to be approved. - - - - - - -既存の会計エントリを削除 -既存の会計エントリを削除 -The selected accounting entries will be deleted! DANGEROUS !!! - - - - - - - -キーワード -キーワード -Case insensitive keyword -Case insensitive keyword for matching. The individual keywords can be separated by space, comma, semicolon, tab or new line. Do not use filler words like "a", "the". At this point, there are NO text search operators like "or" and "and". - - - - - - -警告送信日数 -警告送信日数 -Send email alert after number of days due (0=no alerts) -Send an email alert after the item is Due (after Date Next Action). If set to zero, no alert is sent. - - - - - - -強化警告送信日数 -強化警告送信日数 -Escalation to superior after number of due days (0 = no) -The item will be escalated and assigned to the supervisor after the number of days over due. If 0, there is no escalation. - - - - - - -ルート設定を要求 -ルート設定を要求 -Automatic routing of requests - - - - - - - -メールを要求 -メールを要求 -EMail address to send automated mails from or receive mails for automated processing (fully qualified) -EMails for requests, alerts and escalation are sent from this email address as well as delivery information if the sales rep does not have an email account. The address must be filly qualified (e.g. joe.smith@company.com) and should be a valid address. - - - - - - -フォルダーを要求 -フォルダーを要求 -EMail folder to process incoming emails; if empty INBOX is used -Email folder used to read emails to process as requests, If left empty the default mailbox (INBOX) will be used. Requires IMAP services. - - - - - - -ユーザーを要求 -ユーザーを要求 -User Name (ID) of the email owner -EMail user name for requests, alerts and escalation are sent from this email address as well as delivery information if the sales rep does not have an email account. Required, if your mail server requires authentification as well as for processing incoming mails. - - - - - - -ユーザーパスワードを要求 -ユーザーパスワードを要求 -Password of the user name (ID) for mail processing - - - - - - - -言語を受け入れ -言語を受け入れ -Language accepted based on browser information -Indica si acepta el 言語 en informacion de paginadores. - - - - - - -ユーザーエージェント -ユーザーエージェント -Browser Used - - - - - - - -すべてのノード -すべてのノード -All Nodes are included (Complete Tree) -If selected, all Nodes must be in the tree. - - - - - - -中断割り引き% -中断割り引き -Trade Discount in Percent for the break level -Trade Discount in Percent for the break level - - - - - - -値を中断 -値を中断 -Low Value of trade discount break level -Starting Quantity or Amount Value for break level - - - - - - -累積レベル -累積レベル -Level for accumulative calculations - - - - - - - -割り引きタイプ -割り引きタイプ -Type of trade discount calculation -Type of procedure used to calculate the trade discount percentage - - - - - - -一律割り引き% -一律割り引き -Flat discount percentage - - - - - - - -基礎数量 -基礎数量 -Trade discount break level based on Quantity (not value) -The calculation of the trade discount level is based on the quantity of the order and not the value amount of the order - - - - - - -割り引きスキーマ -割り引きスキーマ -Schema to calculate the trade discount percentage -After calculation of the (standard) price, the trade discount percentage is calculated and applied resulting in the final price. - - - - - - -割り引きスキーマ中断 -割り引きスキーマ中断 -Trade Discount Break -Trade discount based on breaks (steps) - - - - - - -割り引き価格リスト -割り引き価格リスト -Line of the pricelist trade discount schema -For the Pricelist Discount Type, you enter how the list, standard and limit price is calculated. - - - - - - -発注割り引きスキーマ -発注割り引きスキーマ -Schema to calculate the purchase trade discount percentage - - - - - - - -スクリプト -スクリプト -Dynamic Java Language Script to calculate result -Use Java language constructs to define the result of the calculation - - - - - - -画像アルファ値 -画像アルファ値 -Image Texture Composite Alpha -Composite Alpha factor for taint color. - - - - - - -画像URL -画像URL -URL of image -URL of image; The image is not stored in the database, but retrieved at runtime. The image can be a gif, jpeg or png. - - - - - - -繰り返し距離 -繰り返し距離 -Distance in points to repeat gradient color - or zero -The gradient color is not repeated, if the value is zero. The distance is added to (or subtracted from) the starting point of the gradient. - - - - - - -スタート位置 -スタート位置 -Start point of the gradient colors -The gradient starts at the start point (e.g. North). The repeat distance determines if and how often the gradient colors are repeated. If starting from southern points, the upper color is actually at the button. - - - - - - -統計値カウント -統計値カウント -Internal statistics how often the entity was used -For internal use. - - - - - - -統計秒数 -統計秒数 -Internal statistics how many seconds a process took -For internal use - - - - - - -タブレベル -タブレベル -Hierarchical Tab Level (0 = top) -Hierarchical level of the tab. If the level is 0, it is the top entity. Level 1 entries are dependent on level 0, etc. - - - - - - -標準費用 -標準費用 -Value in Standard Costs - - - - - - - -評定価格日付 -評定価格日付 -Date of valuation - - - - - - - -限度価格値 -限度価格値 -Value with limit price - - - - - - - -定価 -定価 -Valuation with List Price - - - - - - - -発注価格 -発注価格 -Valuation with PO Price - - - - - - - -標準価格 -標準価格 -Valuation with standard price - - - - - - - -平均費用合計 -平均費用合計 -Cumulative average cost amounts (internal) -Current cumulative costs for calculating the average costs - - - - - - -平均費用数量合計 -平均費用数量合計 -Cumulative average cost quantities (internal) -Current cumulative quantity for calculating the average costs - - - - - - -標準費用合計 -標準費用合計 -Standard Cost Invoice Amount Sum (internal) -Current cumulative amount for calculating the standard cost difference based on (actual) invoice price - - - - - - -標準費用数量合計 -標準費用数量合計 -Standard Cost Invoice Quantity Sum (internal) -Current cumulative quantity for calculating the standard cost difference based on (actual) invoice price - - - - - - -標準発注費用合計 -標準発注費用合計 -Standard Cost Purchase Order Amount Sum (internal) -Current cumulative amount for calculating the standard cost difference based on (planned) purchase order price - - - - - - -標準発注費用数量合計 -標準発注費用数量合計 -Standard Cost Purchase Order Quantity Sum (internal) -Current cumulative quantity for calculating the standard cost difference based on (planned) purchase order price - - - - - - -詳細ID -詳細ID -Transaction line ID (internal) -Internal link - - - - - - -発注価格差異 -発注価格差異 -Purchase Price Variance Offset Account -Offset account for standard costing purchase price variances. The counter account is Product PPV. - - - - - - -最終発注価格 -最終発注価格 -Price of the last invoice for the product -The Last Invoice Price indicates the last price paid (per the invoice) for this product. - - - - - - -総請求額 -総請求額 -Cumulative total lifetime invoice amount -The cumulative total lifetime invoice amount is used to calculate the total average price - - - - - - -総請求数量 -総請求数量 -Cumulative total lifetime invoice quantity -The cumulative total lifetime invoice quantity is used to calculate the total average price - - - - - - -詳細金額から割引計算 -詳細金額から割引計算 -Payment Discount calculation does not include Taxes and Charges -If the payment discount is calculated from line amounts only, the tax and charge amounts are not included. This is e.g. business practice in the US. If not selected the total invoice amount is used to calculate the payment discount. - - - - - - -固定限度価格 -固定限度価格 -Fixed Limit Price (not calculated) - - - - - - - -固定定価 -固定定価 -Fixes List Price (not calculated) - - - - - - - -固定標準価格 -固定標準価格 -Fixed Standard Price (not calculated) - - - - - - - -将来のコストを設定 -将来のコストを設定 -Set the Future costs to the selection - - - - - - - -標準価格を設定 -標準価格を設定 -Set new Standard Costs to the selection - - - - - - - -標準費用請求差異 -標準費用請求差異 -Standard Cost Invoice Difference -Accumulated difference of Invoice Costs to Standard Costs - - - - - - -標準費用発注差異 -標準費用発注差異 -Standard Cost Purchase Order Difference -Accumulated difference of Purchase Order Costs to Standard Costs - - - - - - -総請求費用 -総請求費用 -Total lifetime invoice costs - - - - - - - -メッセージ -メッセージ -System Message -Information and Error messages - - - - - - -測定単位分割を許可 -測定単位分割を許可 -Allow Unit of Measure Fractions -If allowed, you can enter UoM Fractions - - - - - - -割り当て元 -割り当て元 -Assign resource from -Assignment start - - - - - - -割り当て先 -割り当て先 -Assign resource until -Assignment end - - - - - - -費用日付 -費用日付 -Date of expense -Date of expense - - - - - - -レポート日付 -レポート日付 -Expense/Time Report Date -Date of Expense/Time Report - - - - - - -スロット終了 -スロット終了 -Time when timeslot ends -Ending time for time slots - - - - - - -スロット開始 -スロット開始 -Time when timeslot starts -Starting time for time slots - - - - - - -費用量 -費用量 -Amount for this expense -Expense amount in currency - - - - - - -利用可能 -利用可能 -Resource is available -Resource is available for assignments - - - - - - -確認済み -確認済み -Assignment is confirmed -Resource assignment is confirmed - - - - - - -日のスロット -日のスロット -Resource has day slot availability -Resource is only available on certain days - - - - - - -時間のレポート -時間のレポート -Line is a time report only (no expense) -The line contains only time information - - - - - - -時間帯 -時間帯 -Resource has time slot availability -Resource is only available at certain times - - - - - - -金曜日 - -Available on Fridays - - - - - - - -月曜日 - -Available on Mondays - - - - - - - -土曜日 - -Available on Saturday - - - - - - - -日曜日 - -Available on Sundays - - - - - - - -木曜日 - -Available on Thursdays - - - - - - - -火曜日 - -Available on Tuesdays - - - - - - - -水曜日 - -Available on Wednesdays - - - - - - - -費用タイプ -費用タイプ -Expense report type - - - - - - - -リソース -リソース -Resource - - - - - - - -リソース割当 -課題 -Resource Assignment - - - - - - - -リソースタイプ -リソースタイプ - - - - - - - - -リソース使用不可 -リソース使用不可 - - - - - - - - -経費報告書 -経費報告書 -Time and Expense Report - - - - - - - -費用詳細 -費用詳細 -Time and Expense Report Line - - - - - - - -単一割当のみ -単一割当 -Only one assignment at a time (no double-booking or overlapping) -If selected, you can only have one assignment for the resource at a single point in time. It is also not possible to have overlapping assignments. - - - - - - -受注カラム -受注カラム -Column determining the order -Integer Column of the table determining the order (display, sort, ..). If defined, the Order By replaces the default Order By clause. It should be fully qualified (i.e. "tablename.columnname"). - - - - - - -含まれているカラム -含まれているカラム -Column determining if a Table Column is included in Ordering -If a Included Column is defined, it decides, if a column is active in the ordering - otherwise it is determined that the Order Column has a value of one or greater - - - - - - -印刷色 -印刷色 -Color used for printing and display -Colors used for printing and display - - - - - - -印刷フォント -印刷フォント -Maintain Print Font -Font used for printing - - - - - - -印刷フォーマット -印刷フォーマット -Data Print Format -The print format determines how data is rendered for print. - - - - - - -含まれている印刷フォーマット -含まれている印刷フォーマット -Print format that is included here. -Included Print formats allow to e.g. Lines to Header records. The Column provides the parent link. - - - - - - -印刷フォーマット項目 -印刷フォーマット項目 -Item/Column in the Print format -Item/Column in the print format maintaining layout information - - - - - - -印刷紙 -印刷紙 -Printer paper definition -Printer Paper Size, Orientation and Margins - - - - - - -フィールド整列 -フィールド整列 -Field Text Alignment -Alignment of field text. The default is determined by the data/display type: Numbers are right aligned, other data is left aligned - - - - - - -コピーを作成 -コピーを作成 -Crear Copiar - - - - - - - -フッター幅 -フッター幅 -Margin of the Footer in 1/72 of an inch -Distance from the bottom of the main content to the end of the printable page in 1/72 of an inch (point) - - - - - - -ヘッダーマージン -ヘッダーマージン -Margin of the Header in 1/72 of an inch -Distance from the top of the printable page to the start of the main content in 1/72 of an inch (point) - - - - - - -フォーム -フォーム -If Selected, a Form is printed, if not selected a columnar List report -A form has individual elements with layout information (example: invoice, check) -<br> -A columnar list report has individual columns (example: list of invoices) - - - - - - -分類分け -Group by -After a group change, totals, etc. are printed -Grouping allows to print sub-totals. If a group changes, the totals are printed. Group by columns need to be included in the sort order. - - - - - - -1つの詳細のみ -1つの詳細 -If selected, only one line is printed -If the column has a width restriction, the text is broken into multiple lines. If One Line is selected, only the first line is printed. - - - - - - -横印刷 -横印刷 -Landscape orientation - - - - - - - -次の行 -次の行 -Print item on next line -If not selected, the item is printed on the same line - - - - - - -並び順 -並び順 -Include in sort order -The records are ordered by the value of this column. If a column is used for grouping, it needs to be included in the sort order as well. - - - - - - -相対的な位置 -相対的な位置 -The item is relative positioned (not absolute) -The relative positioning of the item is determined by X-Z space and next line - - - - - - -受注タブ -受注タブ -The Tab determines the Order - - - - - - - -標準のヘッダー/フッター -標準のヘッダー/フッター -The standard Header and Footer is used -If the standard header is not used, it must be explicitly defined. - - - - - - -基づくテーブル -基づくテーブル -Table based List Reporting -Table based columnar list reporting is invoked from the Window Report button - - - - - - -最大の高さ -最大の高さ -Maximum Height in 1/72 if an inch - 0 = no restriction -Maximum height of the element in 1/72 of an inch (point). If zero (0), there is no height restriction. - - - - - - -最大の幅 -最大の幅 -Maximum Width in 1/72 if an inch - 0 = no restriction -Maximum width of the element in 1/72 of an inch (point). If zero (0), there is no width restriction. - - - - - - -X位置 -X位置 -Absolute X (horizontal) position in 1/72 of an inch -Absolute X (horizontal) position in 1/72 of an inch - - - - - - -Xスペース -Xスペース -Relative X (horizontal) space in 1/72 of an inch -Relative X (horizontal) space in 1/72 of an inch in relation to the end of the previous item. - - - - - - -Y位置 -Y位置 -Absolute Y (vertical) position in 1/72 of an inch -Absolute Y (vertical) position in 1/72 of an inch - - - - - - -Yスペース -Yスペース -Relative Y (vertical) space in 1/72 of an inch -Relative Y (vertical) space in 1/72 of an inch in relation to the end of the previous item. - - - - - - -行整列 -行整列 -Line Alignment -For relative positioning, the line alignment - - - - - - -範囲 -範囲 -Print Area -Print area of this item - - - - - - -形式タイプ -形式タイプ -Print Format Type -The print format type determines what will be printed. - - - - - - -請求価格 -請求価格 -Unit price to be invoiced or 0 for default price -Unit Price in the currency of the business partner! If it is 0, the standard price of the sales price list of the business partner (customer) is used. - - - - - - -支払い上/下 -支払い上/下 -Over-Payment (unallocated) or Under-Payment (partial payment) -Overpayments (negative) are unallocated amounts and allow you to receive money for more than the particular invoice. -Underpayments (positive) is a partial payment for the invoice. You do not write off the unpaid amount. - - - - - - -支払い上/下 -支払い上/下 -Over-Payment (unallocated) or Under-Payment (partial payment) Amount -Overpayments (negative) are unallocated amounts and allow you to receive money for more than the particular invoice. -Underpayments (positive) is a partial payment for the invoice. You do not write off the unpaid amount. - - - - - - -小切手用印刷フォーマット -小切手用印刷フォーマット -Print Format for printing Checks -You need to define a Print Format to print the document. - - - - - - -督促状用印刷フォーマット -督促状用印刷フォーマット -Print Format for printing Dunning Letters -You need to define a Print Format to print the document. - - - - - - -請求書印刷フォーマット -請求書印刷フォーマット -Print Format for printing Invoices -You need to define a Print Format to print the document. - - - - - - -受注印刷フォーマット -受注印刷フォーマット -Print Format for Orders, Quotes, Offers -You need to define a Print Format to print the document. - - - - - - -送金印刷フォーマット -送金印刷フォーマット -Print Format for separate Remittances -You need to define a Print Format to print the document. - - - - - - -出荷印刷フォーマット -出荷印刷フォーマット -Print Format for Shipments, Receipts, Pick Lists -You need to define a Print Format to print the document. - - - - - - -市外局番 -市外局番 -Phone Area Code -Phone Area Code - - - - - - - - -City -City in a country - - - - - - -座標 -座標 -Location coordinate -This column contains the geographical coordinates (latitude/longitude) of the location.<p> -In order to avoid unnecessary use of non-standard characters and space, the following standard presentation is used:<br> -0000N 00000W 0000S 00000E <br> -where the two last digits refer to minutes and the two or three first digits indicate the degrees - - - - - - - -国連 Locode -国連 Locode -Location code - UN/LOCODE -UN/Locode is a combination of a 2-character country code and a 3-character location code, e.g. BEANR is known as the city of Antwerp (ANR) which is located in Belgium (BE). -<p>See: http://www.unece.org/cefact/locode/service/main.htm - - - - - - -画像添付 -画像添付 -The image to be printed is attached to the record -The image to be printed is stored in the database as attachment to this record. The image can be a gif, jpeg or png. - - - - - - -平均を計算(μ) -平均 -Calculate Average of numeric content or length -Calculate the Mean (?) of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise calculate the average length of the field. - - - - - - -回数を計算(?) -回数 -Count number of not empty elements -Calculate the total number (?) of not empty (NULL) elements (maximum is the number of lines). - - - - - - -単語内の金額 -単語内の金額 -Amount in words -Amount in words will be printed. - - - - - - -パートナー連絡先敬称 -パートナー連絡先敬称 -Greeting for Business Partner Contact - - - - - - - -パートナー敬称 -パートナー敬称 -Greeting for Business Partner - - - - - - - -連絡名 -連絡名 -Business Partner Contact Name - - - - - - - -ドキュメントタイプ -ドキュメントタイプ -Document Type - - - - - - - -ドキュメントタイプメモ -ドキュメントタイプメモ -Optional note of a document type - - - - - - - -多言語ドキュメント -多言語ドキュメント -Documents are Multi Lingual -If selected, you enable multi lingual documents and need to maintain translations for entities used in documents (examples: Products, Payment Terms, ...).<br> -Please note, that the base language is always English. - - - - - - -新規行位置を設定 -新規行位置を設定 -Set New Line Position -When enabled, the current x (horizontal) Position before printing the item is saved. The next New Line will use the saved x (horizontal) Position, enabling to print data in columns. -The setting is not restricted to an area (header, content, footer), allowing to align information also with Header and Footer with the Content. - - - - - - -NULLを印刷しない -NULLを印刷しない -Suppress columns or elements with NULL value -If a Form entry is NULL and if selected, the field (including label) is not printed. <br> -If all elements in a table column are NULL and if selected, the column is not printed. - - - - - - -支払期間 -支払期間 -Payment Term - - - - - - - -支払期間メモ -支払期間メモ -Note of a Payment Term - - - - - - - -資源詳細 -資源詳細 -Resource Allocation Description - - - - - - - -利用可能なクレジット -利用可能なクレジット -Available Credit based on Credit Limit (not Total Open Balance) and Credit Used - - - - - - - -グラフ -グラフ -Graph included in Reports -Pie/Line Graph to be printed in Reports - - - - - - -テーブル形式を印刷 -テーブル形式 -Table Format in Reports -Print Table Format determines Fonts, Colors of the printed Table - - - - - - -より下のカラム -より下のカラム -Print this column below the column index entered -This column is printed in a second line below the content of the first line identified. Please be aware, that this is depends on the actual sequence. Enter a 1 to add the info below the first column. - - - - - - -データカラム2 -データカラム2 -Data Column for Line Charts -Additional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar Charts - - - - - - -データカラム3 -データカラム3 -Data Column for Line Charts -Additional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar Charts - - - - - - -データカラム4 -データカラム4 -Data Column for Line Charts -Additional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar Charts - - - - - - -データカラム5 -データカラム5 -Data Column for Line Charts -Additional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar Charts - - - - - - -データカラム -データカラム -Data Column for Pie and Line Charts -Graph Data Column for Pie and Line/Bar Charts - - - - - - -説明カラム -説明カラム -Description Column for Pie/Line/Bar Charts -Graph Description Column for Pie and Line/Bar Charts - - - - - - -機能フォント -機能フォント -Function row Font -Font of the function row - - - - - - -機能背景色 -機能背景色 -Function Background Color -Background color of a function row - - - - - - -機能色 -機能色 -Function Foreground Color -Foreground color of a function row - - - - - - -グラフタイプ -グラフタイプ -Type of graph to be painted -Type of graph to be painted - - - - - - -ヘッダー行フォント -ヘッダー行フォント -Header row Font -Font of the table header row - - - - - - -ヘッダー詳細色 -ヘッダー詳細色 -Table header row line color -Color of the table header row lines - - - - - - -ヘッダー行背景色 -ヘッダー行背景色 -Background color of header row -Table header row background color - - - - - - -ヘッダー行色 -ヘッダー行色 -Foreground color if the table header row -Table header row foreground color - - - - - - -境界を塗る -境界を塗る -Paint table boundary lines -Paint lines around table - - - - - - -水平な行を塗る -水平な行を塗る -Paint horizontal lines -Paint horizontal table lines - - - - - - -縦行を塗る -縦行を塗る -Paint vertical lines -Paint vertical table lines - - - - - - -機能シンボルを印刷 -機能シンボルを印刷 -Print Symbols for Functions (Sum, Average, Count) -If selected, print symbols - otherwise print names of the function - - - - - - -詳細色 -詳細色 -Table line color - - - - - - - -組織住所 -組織住所 -Organization Location/Address - - - - - - - -倉庫住所 -倉庫住所 -Warehouse Location/Address -Address of Warehouse - - - - - - -パートナー検索キー -顧客番号 -Business Partner Key Value -Search Key of Business Partner - - - - - - -固定幅 -固定幅 -Column has a fixed width -The Column has a fixed width, independent from the content - - - - - - -次のページ -次のページ -The column is printed on the next page -Before printing this column, there will be a page break. - - - - - - -督促実行 -督促実行 -Dunning Run - - - - - - - -督促実行エントリー -督促実行エントリー -Dunning Run Entry - - - - - - - -督促実行詳細 -督促実行詳細 -Dunning Run Line - - - - - - - -支払い選択チェック -支払い選択チェック -Payment Selection Check - - - - - - - -督促日付 -督促日付 -Date of Dunning - - - - - - - -資産 -資産 -Asset used internally or by customers -An asset is either created by purchasing or by delivering a product. An asset can be used internally or be a customer asset. - - - - - - -販売担当者 -販売員 - - - - -Agente de la クライアント -Agente de la クライアント - - -下余白 -下部 -Bottom Space in 1/72 inch -Space on bottom of a page in 1/72 inch - - - - - - -左余白 -去ります。 -Left Space in 1/72 inch -Space on left side of a page in 1/72 inch - - - - - - -右余白 -権利 -Right Space in 1/72 inch -Space on right side of a page in 1/72 inch - - - - - - -上余白 -トップ -Top Space in 1/72 inch -Space on top of a page in 1/72 inch - - - - - - -誕生日 -誕生日 -Birthday or Anniversary day -Birthday or Anniversary day - - - - - - -削除日付 -削除日付 -Date the contact opted out -If the field has a date, the customer opted out (unsubscribed) and cannot receive mails for the Interest Area - - - - - - -関心地域 -関心地域 -Interest Area or Topic -Interest Areas reflect interest in a topic by a contact. Interest areas can be used for marketing campaigns. - - - - - - -要求タイプ -要求タイプ -Type of request (e.g. Inquiry, Complaint, ..) -Request Types are used for processing and categorizing requests. Options are Account Inquiry, Warranty Issue, etc. - - - - - - -購読日付 -購読日付 -Date the contact actively subscribed -Date the contact subscribe the interest area - - - - - - -メールユーザーID -メールユーザー -User Name (ID) in the Mail System -The user name in the mail system is usually the string before the @ of your email address. Required if the mail server requires authentification to send emails. - - - - - - -メールユーザーパスワード -メールパスワード -Password of your email user id -Required if the mail server requires authentification to send emails. - - - - - - -SMTP認証 -SMTP認証 -Your mail server requires Authentication -Some email servers require authentication before sending emails. If yes, users are required to define their email user name and password. If authentication is required and no user name and password is required, delivery will fail. - - - - - - -製品タイプ -製品タイプ -Type of product -The type of product also determines accounting consequences. - - - - - - -システム -システム -System Definition -Common System Definition - - - - - - -パートナーID -パートナーID -Partner ID or Account for the Payment Processor -Partner ID (Verisign) or Account ID (Optimal) - - - - - - -登録されたメール -登録されたメール -Email of the responsible for the System -Email of the responsible person for the system (registered in WebStore) - - - - - - -仕入先ID -仕入先ID -Vendor ID for the Payment Processor - - - - - - - -参照受注詳細 -参照受注詳細 -Reference to corresponding Sales/Purchase Order -Reference of the Sales Order Line to the corresponding Purchase Order Line or vice versa. - - - - - - -ビジネスパートナーキー -パートナーキー -The Key of the Business Partner - - - - - - - -連絡先説明 -連絡先説明 -Description of Contact - - - - - - - -デフォルト勘定科目 -デフォルト勘定科目 -Name of the Default Account Column - - - - - - - -要素名 -要素名 -Name of the Element - - - - - - - -要素キー -要素キー -Key of the element - - - - - - - -ビジネスパートナーのインポート -ビジネスパートナーのインポート - - - - - - - - -勘定科目のインポート -勘定科目のインポート -Import Account Value - - - - - - - -製品のインポート -製品のインポート -Import Item or Service - - - - - - - -レポート詳細セットのインポート -レポート詳細セットのインポート -Import Report Line Set values - - - - - - - -メーカー -メーカー -Manufacturer of the Product -The manufacturer of the Product (used if different from the Business Partner / Vendor) - - - - - - -製品カテゴリキー -製品カテゴリキー - - - - - - - - -レポートラインセット名 -レポートラインセット名 -Name of the Report Line Set - - - - - - - -ロイヤリティ量 -ロイヤリティ量 -(Included) Amount for copyright, etc. - - - - - - - -説明URL -説明URL -URL for the description - - - - - - - -古いインポートされたレコードを削除 -古いインポートされたレコードを削除 -Before processing delete old imported records in the import table - - - - - - - -グループキー -グループキー -Business Partner Group Key - - - - - - - -親勘定科目 -親勘定科目 -The parent (summary) account - - - - - - - -親キー -親キー -Key if the Parent - - - - - - - -デフォルト勘定科目を更新 -デフォルト勘定科目を更新 -Update Default Accounts -Permite actualizar cuentas predeterminadas. - - - - - - -新しい組み合わせを作成 -新しい組み合わせを作成 -Create New Account Combination - - - - - - - -資産配送 -資産配送 -Delivery of Asset -The availability of the asset to the business partner (customer). - - - - - - -資産グループ -資産グループ -Group of Assets -The group of assets determines default accounts. If an asset group is selected in the product category, assets are created when delivering the asset. - - - - - - -資産除却 -資産除却 -Internally used asset is not longer used. -El activo usado internamente no es de largo uso. - - - - - - -資産減価償却日付 -資産減価償却日付 -Date of last depreciation -Date of the last deprecation, if the asset is used internally and depreciated. - - - - - - -資産処分日付 -資産処分日付 -Date when the asset is/was disposed - - - - - - - -市場価格 -市場価格 -Market value of the asset -For reporting, the market value of the asset - - - - - - -サービス中日付 -サービス中日付 -Date when Asset was put into service -The date when the asset was put into service - usually used as start date for depreciation. - - - - - - -資産価値 -資産価値 -Book Value of the asset - - - - - - - -保証日付 -保証日付 -Date when guarantee expires -Date when the normal guarantee or availability expires - - - - - - -保証日数 -保証日数 -Number of days the product is guaranteed or available -If the value is 0, there is no limit to the availability or guarantee, otherwise the guarantee date is calculated by adding the days to the delivery date. - - - - - - -減価償却 -減価償却 -The asset will be depreciated -The asset is used internally and will be depreciated - - - - - - -処分 -処分 -The asset is disposed -The asset is no longer used and disposed - - - - - - -所持中 -所持中 -The asset is in the possession of the organization -Assets which are not in possession are e.g. at Customer site and may or may not be owned by the company. - - - - - - -所有 -所有 -The asset is owned by the organization -The asset may not be in possession, but the asset is legally owned by the organization - - - - - - -使用可能期間 -使用可能期間 -Units of use until the asset is not usable anymore -Life use and the actual use may be used to calculate the depreciation - - - - - - -住所のコメント -住所のコメント -Additional comments or remarks concerning the location - - - - - - - -実務講習 -実務講習 -The actual training class instance -A scheduled class - - - - - - -トレーニング -トレーニング -Repeated Training -The training may have multiple actual classes - - - - - - -使用可能期間--月数 -使用可能月数 -Months of the usable life of the asset - - - - - - - -使用可能期間--年数 -使用可能期間--年数 -Years of the usable life of the asset - - - - - - - -使用単位 -使用単位 -Currently used units of the assets -Unidades actualmente utilizadas en el activo - - - - - - -バージョン番号 -バージョン番号 -Version Number - - - - - - - -配送確認 -配送確認 -EMail Delivery confirmation - - - - - - - -完全償却 -完全償却 -The asset is fully depreciated -The asset costs are fully amortized. - - - - - - -メッセージID -メッセージID -EMail Message ID -SMTP Message ID for tracking purposes - - - - - - -PDFをメール -PDFをメール -Email Document PDF files to Business Partner - - - - - - - -Col_1 -Col_1 - - - - - - - - -Col_2 -Col_2 - - - - - - - - -Col_3 -Col_3 - - - - - - - - -Col_4 -Col_4 - - - - - - - - -Col_5 -Col_5 - - - - - - - - -Col_6 -Col_6 - - - - - - - - -Col_7 -Col_7 - - - - - - - - -Col_8 -Col_8 - - - - - - - - -Col_9 -Col_9 - - - - - - - - -Col_10 -Col_10 - - - - - - - - -Col_11 -Col_11 - - - - - - - - -Col_12 -Col_12 - - - - - - - - -Col_13 -Col_13 - - - - - - - - -Col_14 -Col_14 - - - - - - - - -Col_15 -Col_15 - - - - - - - - -Col_16 -Col_16 - - - - - - - - -Col_17 -Col_17 - - - - - - - - -Col_18 -Col_18 - - - - - - - - -Col_19 -Col_19 - - - - - - - - -Col_20 -Col_20 - - - - - - - - -ドキュメントディレクトリ -ドキュメントディレクトリ -Directory for documents from the application server -Directory to store documents by the application server. The path/directory is accessed by the application server and may not be accessible to clients. - - - - - - -請求書メールテキスト -請求書メールテキスト -Email text used for sending invoices -Standard email template used to send invoices as attachments. - - - - - - -受注メールテキスト -受注メールテキスト -Email text used for sending order acknowledgements or quotations -Standard email template used to send acknowledgements or quotations as attachments. - - - - - - -送金メールテキスト -送金メールテキスト -Email text used for sending payment remittances -Standard email template used to send remittances as attachments. - - - - - - -メールを送信 -メールを送信 -Enable sending Document EMail -Send emails with document attached (e.g. Invoice, Delivery Note, etc.) - - - - - - -出荷メールテキスト -出荷メールテキスト -Email text used for sending delivery notes -Standard email template used to send delivery notes as attachments. - - - - - - -期限切れ保証メール -期限切れ保証メール -Send email to partners with expired guarantee - - - - - - - -レベル番号 -レベル番号 - - - - - - - - -元データの表示 -元データの表示 -List Report Line Sources -List the Source Accounts for Summary Accounts selected - - - - - - -取引表示 -取引表示 -List the report transactions -List the transactions of the report source lines - - - - - - -Col_0 -Col_0 - - - - - - - - -バランス -バランス - - - - - - - - -ラベル接尾語を印刷 -ラベル接尾語 -The label text to be printed on a document or correspondence after the field -The Label to be printed indicates the name that will be printed on a document or correspondence after the field. The max length is 60 characters. - - - - - - -勘定科目国 - -Country -Account Country Name - - - - - - -ウェブパラメータ1 -WebParam1 -Web Site Parameter 1 (default: header image) -The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam1 - By default, it is positioned on the upper left side with 130 pixel width. - - - - - - -ウェブパラメータ2 -WebParam2 -Web Site Parameter 2 (default index page) -The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam2 - By default, it is positioned after the header on the web store index page. - - - - - - -ウェブパラメータ3 -WebParam3 -Web Site Parameter 3 (default left - menu) -The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam3 - By default, it is positioned at the end in the menu column with 130 pixel width. - - - - - - -ウェブパラメータ4 -WebParam4 -Web Site Parameter 4 (default footer left) -The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam4 - By default, it is positioned on the left side of the footer with 130 pixel width. - - - - - - -ウェブ受注メール -ウェブ受注メール -EMail address to receive notifications when web orders were processed -When processig a web order, a confirmation is sent to the EMail addess of the customer from the request EMail address copying this email address when entered. - - - - - - -請求書支払いスケジュール -請求書支払いスケジュール -Invoice Payment Schedule -The Invoice Payment Schedule determines when partial payments are due. - - - - - - -支払いスケジュール -支払いスケジュール -Payment Schedule Template -Information when parts of the payment are due - - - - - - -カウンタ -カウンタ -Count Value -Number counter - - - - - - -割り引き日付 -割り引き日付 -Last Date for payments with discount -Last Date where a deduction of the payment discount is allowed - - - - - - -支払い義務額 -支払い義務額 -Amount of the payment due -Full amount of the payment due - - - - - - -期日 -期日 -Date when the payment is due -Date when the payment is due without deductions or discount - - - - - - -有効 -有効 -Element is valid -The element passed the validation check - - - - - - -実質日数 -実質日数 -Day when payment is due net -When defined, overwrites the number of net days with the relative number of days to the the day defined. - - - - - - -割合 -割合 -Percent of the entire amount -Percentage of an amount (up to 100) - - - - - - -目標URL -目標URL -URL for the Target -URL of the Target Site - - - - - - -かごの詳細 -かごの詳細 -Web Basket Line -Temporary Web Basket Line - - - - - - -ウェブクリック -ウェブクリック -Individual Web Click -Web Click Datails - - - - - - -クリック数 -クリック数 -Web Click Management -Web Click Management - - - - - - -カウンタ数 -カウンタ数 -Web Counter Count Management -Web Counter Information - - - - - - -買掛金乗数 -買掛金乗数 -Payables Multiplier - - - - - - - -保証日付 -保証日付 -Product has Guarantee or Expiry Date -For individual products, you can define a guarantee or expiry date - - - - - - -インスタンス属性 -インスタンス属性 -The product attribute is specific to the instance (like Serial No, Lot or Guarantee Date) -If selected, the individual instance of the product has this attribute - like the individual Serial or Lot Numbers or Guarantee Date of a product instance. If not selected, all instances of the product share the attribute (e.g. color=green). - - - - - - -ロット -ロット -The product instances have a Lot Number -For individual products, you can define Lot Numbers - - - - - - -シリアル番号 -シリアル番号 -The product instances have Serial Numbers -For individual products, you can define Serial Numbers - - - - - - -属性 -属性 -Product Attribute -Product Attribute like Color, Size - - - - - - -属性セット -属性セット -Product Attribute Set -Define Product Attribute Sets to add additional attributes and values to the product. You need to define a Attribute Set if you want to enable Serial and Lot Number tracking. - - - - - - -属性セットインスタンス -属性セットインスタンス -Product Attribute Set Instance -The values of the actual Product Attribute Instances. The product level attributes are defined on Product level. - - - - - - -属性値 -属性値 -Product Attribute Value -Individual value of a product attribute (e.g. green, large, ..) - - - - - - -ロット -ロット -Product Lot Definition -The individual Lot of a Product - - - - - - -ロット管理 -ロット管理 -Product Lot Control -Definition to create Lot numbers for Products - - - - - - -シリアル番号管理 -シリアル番号管理 -Product Serial Number Control -Definition to create Serial numbers for Products - - - - - - -属性検索 -属性検索 -Common Search Attribute -Attributes are specific to a Product Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple attributes and want to search under a common sttribute, you define a search sttribute. Example: have one Size search attribute combining the values of all different sizes (Size for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The Attribute Search allows you to have all values available for selection. This eases the maintenance of the individual product attribute. - - - - - - -含まれているタブ -含まれているタブ -Included Tab in this Tab (Master Dateail) -You can include a Tab in a Tab. If displayed in single row record, the included tab is displayed as multi-row table. - - - - - - -ラベルを印刷 -ラベルを印刷 -Label Format to print -Format for printing Labels - - - - - - -ラベル詳細を印刷 -ラベル詳細 -Print Label Line Format -Format of the line on a Label - - - - - - -セッション -セッション -User Session Online or Web -Online or Web Session Information - - - - - - -部品構成表タイプ -部品構成表タイプ -Type of BOM -The type of Bills of Materials determines the state - - - - - - -パートナー親 -パートナー親 -Business Partner Parent -The parent (organization) of the Business Partner for reporting purposes. - - - - - - -標準フェーズ -標準フェーズ -Standard Phase of the Project Type -Phase of the project with standard performance information with standard work - - - - - - -プロジェクトタイプ -プロジェクトタイプ -Type of the project -Type of the project with optional phases of the project with standard performance information - - - - - - -再帰 -再帰 -Recurring Document -Recurring Documents - - - - - - -再帰実行 -再帰実行 -Recurring Document Run -History of Recurring Document Generation - - - - - - -合意数量 -合意数量 -The (legal) commitment Quantity -The commitment amount is independent from the planned amount. You would use the planned amount for your realistic estimation, which might be higher or lower than the commitment amount. - - - - - - -フォームをコピー -フォームをコピー -Copy From Record -Copy From Record - - - - - - -URLをダウンロード -URLをダウンロード -URL of the Download files -Semicolon separated list of URLs to be downloaded or distributed - - - - - - -請求書パートナー -請求書パートナー -Business Partner to be invoiced -If empty the shipment business partner will be invoiced - - - - - - -請求書住所 -請求書住所 -Business Partner Location for invoicing - - - - - - - -請求書連絡先 -請求書連絡先 -Business Partner Contact for invoicing - - - - - - - -注文を生成 -注文を生成 -Generate Order - - - - - - - -在庫のインポート -在庫のインポート -Import Inventory Transactions - - - - - - - -請求額 -請求額 -The amount invoiced -The amount invoiced - - - - - - -請求数量 -請求数量 -The quantity invoiced - - - - - - - -変更ログをメンテナンス -変更ログ -Maintain a log of changes -If selected, a log of all changes is maintained. - - - - - - -完全 -完全 -It is complete -Indication that this is complete - - - - - - -ラベル形式タイプ -ラベル形式タイプ -Label Format Type - - - - - - - -ラベルの高さ -ラベルの高さ -Height of the label -Physical height of the label - - - - - - -ラベル幅 -ラベル幅 -Width of the Label -Physical Width of the Label - - - - - - -プリンタ名 -プリンタ名 -Name of the Printer -Internal (Opereating System) Name of the Printer; Please mote that the printer name may be different on different clients. Enter a printer name, which applies to ALL clients (e.g. printer on a server). <p> -If none is entered, the default printer is used. You specify your default printer when you log in. You can also change the default printer in Preferences. - - - - - - -プロジェクトメールテキスト -プロジェクトメールテキスト -Standard text for Project EMails -Standard text for Project EMails - - - - - - -プロジェクト印刷フォーマット -プロジェクト印刷フォーマット -Standard Project Print Format -Standard Project Print Format - - - - - - -プロジェクトバランス -プロジェクトバランス -Total Project Balance -The project balance is the sum of all invoices and payments - - - - - - -再帰タイプ -再帰タイプ -Type of Recurring Document -The type of document to be generated - - - - - - -最大実行数 -最大実行数 -Number of recurring runs -Number of recurring documents to be generated in total - - - - - - -残り実行数 -残り実行数 -Number of recurring runs remaining -Number of recurring documents to be still generated - - - - - - -標準の量 -標準の量 -Standard Quantity - - - - - - - -ウェブセッション -ウェブセッション -Web Session ID - - - - - - - -変更ログ -変更ログ -Log of data changes -Log of data changes - - - - - - -広告テキスト -広告テキスト -Text of the Advertisement -The text of the advertisement with optional HTML tags. The HTML tags are not checked for correctness and may impact the remaining page. - - - - - - -セルフサービス -セルフサービス -This is a Self-Service entry or this entry can be changed via Self-Service -Self-Service allows users to enter data or update their data. The flag indicates, that this record was entered or created via Self-Service or that the user can change it via the Self-Service functionality. - - - - - - -ログ -ログ - - - - - - - - -新しい値 -新しい値 -New field value -New data entered in the field - - - - - - -古い値 -古い値 -The old file data -Old data overwritten in the field - - - - - - -プロセスID -P ID - - - - - - - - -プロセスメッセージ -P Msg - - - - - - - - -広告 -広告 -Web Advertisement -Advertisement on the Web - - - - - - -倉庫キー -倉庫キー -Key of the Warehouse -Key to identify the Warehouse - - - - - - -費用タイプ -費用タイプ -Type of Cost (e.g. Current, Plan, Future) -You can define multiple cost types. A cost type selected in an Accounting Schema is used for accounting. - - - - - - -組織割当 -組織割当 -Assigment to (transaction) Organization -Assignment to the transacation organization (cost center). - - - - - - -プロジェクトフェーズ -プロジェクトフェーズ -Phase of a Project - - - - - - - -プロジェクトタスク -プロジェクトタスク -Actual Project Task in a Phase -A Project Task in a Project Phase represents the actual work. - - - - - - -標準のタスク -標準のタスク -Standard Project Type Task -Standard Project Task in a Project Phase with standard effort - - - - - - -請求可能数量 -請求可能数量 - - - - - - - - -合意を切上げ -合意を切上げ -The commitment amount/quantity is the chargeable ceiling -The commitment amount and quantity is the maximum amount and quantity to be charged. Ignored, if the amount or quantity is zero. - - - - - - -除外 -除外 -Exclude access to the data - if not selected Include access to the data -If selected (excluded), the role cannot access the data specified. If not selected (included), the role can ONLY access the data specified. Exclude items represent a negative list (i.e. you don't have access to the listed items). Include items represent a positive list (i.e. you only have access to the listed items). -<br>You would usually not mix Exclude and Include. If you have one include rule in your list, you would only have access to that item anyway. - - - - - - -時間のタイプ -時間のタイプ -Type of time recorded -Differentiate time types for reporting purposes (In parallel to Activities) - - - - - - -勘定科目キー -勘定科目キー -Key of Account Element - - - - - - - -勘定科目スキーマ名 -勘定科目スキーマ名 -Name of the Accounting Schema - - - - - - - -後処理 -後処理 -Process SQL after executing the query -Could be Update/Delete/etc. statement - - - - - - -前処理 -前処理 -Process SQL before executing the query -Could be Update/Delete/etc. statement - - - - - - -警告 -警告 -Adempiere Alert -Adempiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted of - - - - - - -警告ルール -警告ルール -Definition of the alert element - - - - - - - -警告対象 -警告対象 -Subject of the Alert -The subject of the email message sent for the alert - - - - - - -警告メッセージ -警告メッセージ -Message of the Alert -The message of the email sent for the alert - - - - - - -銀行口座番号 -銀行口座番号 -Bank Account Number - - - - - - - -バッチ説明 -バッチ説明 -Description of the Batch - - - - - - - -バッチドキュメント番号 -バッチドキュメント番号 -Document Number of the Batch - - - - - - - -ビジネスパートナーキー -ビジネスパートナーキー -Key of the Business Partner - - - - - - - -カテゴリ名 -カテゴリ名 -Name of the Category - - - - - - - -料金名 -料金名 -Name of the Charge - - - - - - - -クライアントキー -クライアントキー -Key of the Client - - - - - - - -ドキュメントタイプ名 -DocType名 -Name of the Document Type - - - - - - - -クライアントセキュリティを実施 -クライアントセキュリティを実施 -Send alerts to recipient only if the client security rules of the role allows - - - - - - - -役割のセキュリティを実施 -役割のセキュリティを実施 -Send alerts to recipient only if the data security rules of the role allows - - - - - - - -Sql FROM句 -FROM句 -SQL FROM clause -The Select Clause indicates the SQL FROM clause to use for selecting the record for a measure calculation. It can have JOIN clauses. Do not include the FROM itself. - - - - - - -銀行取引明細書のインポート -銀行取引明細書のインポート -Import of the Bank Statement - - - - - - - -総勘定元帳のインポート -総勘定元帳のインポート -Import General Ledger Journal - - - - - - - -注文のインポート -注文のインポート -Import Orders - - - - - - - -支払いのインポート -支払いのインポート -Import Payment - - - - - - - -請求書ドキュメント番号 -請求書ドキュメント番号 -Document Number of the Invoice - - - - - - - -遅延した請求 -遅延した請求 -Charge after Shipment -Delayed Capture is required, if you ship products. The first credit card transaction is the Authorization, the second is the actual transaction after the shipment of the product. - - - - - - -詳細説明 -詳細説明 -Description of the Line - - - - - - - -ロケータキー -ロケータキー -Key of the Warehouse Locator - - - - - - - -貨物 -貨物 -Freight Rate -Freight Rate for Shipper - - - - - - -貨物カテゴリ -貨物カテゴリ -Category of the Freight -Freight Categories are used to calculate the Freight for the Shipper selected - - - - - - -メモ -メモ -Memo Text - - - - - - - -パッケージなし -パッケージなし -Number of packages shipped - - - - - - - -取引組織キー -取引組織キー -Key of the Transaction Organization - - - - - - - -組織キー -組織キー -Key of the Organization - - - - - - - -支払期間キー -支払期間キー -Key of the Payment Term - - - - - - - -梱包日付 -梱包日付 -Date/Time when picked for Shipment - - - - - - - -プロジェクトキー -プロジェクトキー -Key of the Project - - - - - - - -承認コード(DC) -承認コード(DC) -Authorization Code Delayed Capture returned -The Authorization Code indicates the code returned from the electronic transmission. - - - - - - -クレジットカード検証コード一致 -クレジットカード検証コード一致 -Credit Card Verification Code Match -The Credit Card Verification Code was matched - - - - - - -参照(DC) -参照(DC) -Payment Reference Delayed Capture -The Payment Reference indicates the reference returned from the Credit Card Company for a payment - - - - - - -リリース番号 -リリース番号 -Internal Release Number - - - - - - - -出荷日付 -出荷日付 -Shipment Date/Time -Actual Date/Time of Shipment (pick up) - - - - - - -内部利用者 -内部利用者 -Number of Internal Users for Adempiere Support -You can purchase professioal support from Adempiere, Inc. or their partners. See http://www.adempiere.com for details. - - - - - - - -Swipe -Swipe -Track 1 and 2 of the Credit Card -Swiped information for Credit Card Presence Transactions - - - - - - -追跡番号 -追跡番号 -Number to track the shipment - - - - - - - -追跡URL -追跡URL -URL of the shipper to track shipments -The variable @TrackingNo@ in the URL is replaced by the actual tracking number of the shipment. - - - - - - -請求書のインポート -請求書のインポート -Import Invoice - - - - - - - -複製 -複製 -Data Replication Target -Data Replication Target Details. Maintained on the central server. - - - - - - -複製ログ -複製ログ -Data Replication Log Details -Data Replication Run Log - - - - - - -複製実行 -複製実行 -Data Replication Run -Data Replication Run information - - - - - - -複製戦略 -複製戦略 -Data Replication Strategy -The Data Replication Strategy determines what and how tables are replicated - - - - - - -複製テーブル -複製テーブル -Data Replication Strategy Table Info -Determines how the table is replicated - - - - - - -複製済み -複製済み -The data is successfully replicated -The data replication was successful. - - - - - - -発注ウィンドウ -発注ウィンドウ -Purchase Order Window -Window for Purchase Order (AP) Zooms - - - - - - -複製タイプ -複製タイプ -Type of Data Replication -The Type of data Replication determines the directon of the data replication. <br> -Reference means that the data in this system is read only -> <br> -Local means that the data in this system is not replicated to other systems - <br> -Merge means that the data in this system is synchronized with the other system <-> <br> - - - - - - - -Public -Public -Public can read entry -If selected, public users can read/view the entry. Public are users without a Role in the system. Use security rules for more specic access control. - - - - - - -一般公開書き込み -一般公開書き込み -Public can write entries -If selected, public users can write/create entries. Public are users without a Role in the system. Use security rules for more specic access control. - - - - - - -知識カテゴリ -カテゴリ -Knowledge Category -Set up knowledge categories and values as a search aid. Examples are Release Version, Product Area, etc. Knowledge Category values act like keyworks. - - - - - - -カテゴリ値 - -The value of the category -The value of the category is a keyword - - - - - - -エントリーコメント -コメント -Knowledge Entry Comment -Comment regarding a knowledge entry - - - - - - -エントリー -エントリー -Knowledge Entry -The searchable Knowledge Entry - - - - - - -関連エントリー -関連エントリー -Related Entry for this Enntry -Related Knowlege Entry for this Knowledge Entry - - - - - - -知識ソース -知識ソース -Source of a Knowledge Entry -The Source of a Knowlegde Entry is a pointer to the originating system. The Knowledge Entry has an additional entry (Description URL) for more detailed info. - - - - - - -知識同義語 -知識同義語 -Knowlege Keyword Synonym -Search Synonyms for Knowledge Keywords; Example: Product = Item - - - - - - -知識トピック -トピック -Knowledge Topic -Topic or Discussion Thead - - - - - - -知識タイプ -タイプ -Knowledge Type -Area of knowlege - A Type has multiple Topics - - - - - - -キーワード -キーワード -List of Keywords - separated by space, comma or semicolon -List if individual keywords for search relevancy. The keywords are separated by space, comma or semicolon. - - - - - - -同義語名 -同義語名 -The synonym for the name -The synonym broadens the search - - - - - - -HTTP経由でトンネリング -HTTP経由でトンネリング -Connect to Server via HTTP Tunnel -If selected, the connection to the server is via a HTTP tunnel, otherwise it uses an RMI/JNP connection - - - - - - -テスト -テスト -Execute in Test Mode - - - - - - - -ID範囲終了 -ID範囲終了 -End if the ID Range used -The ID Range allows to restrict the range of the internally used IDs. Please note that the ID range is NOT enforced. - - - - - - -ID範囲開始 -ID範囲開始 -Start of the ID Range used -The ID Range allows to restrict the range of the internally used IDs. The standard rages are 0-899,999 for the Application Dictionary 900,000-999,999 for Application Dictionary customizations/extensions and > 1,000,000 for client data. The standard system limit is 9,999,999,999 but can easily be extended. The ID range is on a per table basis. -Please note that the ID range is NOT enforced. - - - - - - -リモートクライアント -リモートクライアント -Remote Client to be used to replicate / synchronize data with. -The remote client used for data replication. - - - - - - -リモート組織 -リモート組織 -Remote Organization to be used to replicate / synchronize data with. -The remote organization used for data replication. If not selected, all organizations are replicated/synchronized. - - - - - - -言語ID -言語ID - - - - - - - - -プロジェクト -プロジェクト -Name of the Project - - - - - - - -プロジェクトフェーズ -プロジェクトフェーズ -Name of the Project Phase - - - - - - - -プロジェクトタイプ -プロジェクトタイプ -Name of the Project Type - - - - - - - -サイクル名 -サイクル -Name of the Project Cycle - - - - - - - -サイクルステップ名 -サイクルステップ -Name of the Prohect Cycle Step - - - - - - - -受注/発注タイプ -受注/発注タイプ -Sales Tax applies to sales situations, Purchase Tax to purchase situations -Sales Tax: charged when selling - examples: Sales Tax, Output VAT (payable) -Purchase Tax: tax charged when purchasing - examples: Use Tax, Input VAT (receivable) - - - - - - -有効データのみ -有効データのみ -Validate the date and do not process - - - - - - - -エラーでない場合のみインポート -エラーなしをインポート -Only start the import, if there are no validation Errors - - - - - - - -ドキュメント組織 -ドキュメント組織 -Document Organization (independent from account organization) - - - - - - - -仕訳帳ドキュメント番号 -仕訳帳Doc番号 -Document number of the Journal - - - - - - - -資産を添付 -資産を添付 -Attach Asset to be delivered per email -Une el activo que se entregara por el mail. - - - - - - -配送カウント -配送カウント -Number of Deliveries - - - - - - - -ウェブストア情報 -ウェブ情報 -Web Store Header Information -Display HTML Info in the Web Store - by default in the header. - - - - - - - -ウェブパラメータ5 -ウェブParam5 -Web Site Parameter 5 (default footer center) -The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam5 - By default, it is positioned in the center of the footer. - - - - - - -ウェブパラメータ6 -ウェブParm6 -Web Site Parameter 6 (default footer right) -The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam6 - By default, it is positioned on the right side of the footer. - - - - - - -最小金額 -最小金額 -Minumum Amout in Document Currency - - - - - - - -プロジェクト問題 -プロジェクト問題 -Project Issues (Material, Labor) -Issues to the project initiated by the "Issue to Project" process. You can issue Receipts, Time and Expenses, or Stock. - - - - - - -プロジェクトカテゴリ -プロジェクトカテゴリ -Project Category -The Project Category determines the behavior of the project: -General - no special accounting, e.g. for Presales or general tracking -Service - no special accounting, e.g. for Service/Charge projects -Work Order - creates Project/Job WIP transactions - ability to issue material -Asset - create Project Asset transactions - ability to issue material - - - - - - - -発注 -発注 -Purchase Order - - - - - - - -信用状態 -信用状態 -Business Partner Credit Status -Credit Management is inactive if Credit Status is No Credit Check, Credit Stop or if the Credit Limit is 0. -If active, the status is set automatically set to Credit Hold, if the Total Open Balance (including Vendor activities) is higher then the Credit Limit. It is set to Credit Watch, if above 90% of the Credit Limit and Credit OK otherwise. - - - - - - -1つのドキュメントへ統合 -統合 -Consolidate Lines into one Document - - - - - - - -説明のみ -説明 -if true, the line is just description and no transaction -If a line is Description Only, e.g. Product Inventory is not corrected. No accounting transactions are created and the amount or totals are not included in the document. This for including descriptional detail lines, e.g. for an Work Order. - - - - - - -価格設定 -価格設定 - - - - - - - - -ドキュメントを閉じる -閉じる -Close Document (process) - - - - - - - -ラベルプリンタ -ラベルプリンタ -Label Printer Definition - - - - - - - -ラベルプリンタ機能 -ラベルプリンタ機能 -Function of Label Printer - - - - - - - -システム登録 -登録 -System Registration -The System Registration helps Adempiere to help the installed base - - - - - - -検証情報 -検証情報 -Verification information of EMail Address -The field contains additional information how the EMail Address has been verified - - - - - - -暗号化クラス -暗号化クラス -Encryption Class used for securing data content -The class needs to implement the interface org.compiere.util.SecureInterface. -You enable it by setting the COMPIERE_SECURE parameter of your Client and Server start scripts to the custom class. - - - - - - -フッター中央 -フッター中央 -Content of the center portion of the footer. - - - - - - - -フッター左 -フッター左 -Content of the left portion of the footer. - - - - - - - -フッター右 -フッター右 -Content of the right portion of the footer. - - - - - - - -機能接頭語 -機能接頭語 -Data sent before the function - - - - - - - -機能接尾語 -機能接尾語 -Data sent after the function - - - - - - - -最小保証日数 -最小保証 -Minumum number of guarantee days -When selecting batch/products with a guarantee date, the minimum left guarantee days for automatic picking. You can pick any batch/product manually. - - - - - - -ヘッダー中央 -ヘッダー中央 -Content of the center portion of the header. - - - - - - - -ヘッダー左 -ヘッダー左 -Content of the left portion of the header. - - - - - - - -ヘッダー右 -ヘッダー右 -Content of the right portion of the header. - - - - - - - -産業情報 -産業情報 -Information of the industry (e.g. professional service, distribution of furnitures, ..) -Description if the industry ad precise as possible. - - - - - - -在庫タイプ -在庫タイプ -Type of inventory difference -The type of inventory difference determines which account is used. The default is the Inventory Difference account defined for the warehouse. Alternatively, you could select any charge. This allows you to account for Internal Use or extraordinary inventory losses. - - - - - - -発行許可済み -発行許可 -You allow to publish the information, not just statistical summary info - - - - - - - -エクスポート可能 -エクスポート可能 -Users with this role can export data -You can restrict the ability to export data from Adempiere. - - - - - - -レポート可能 -レポート可能 -Users with this role can create reports -You can restrict the ability to report on data. - - - - - - -生産中 -生産中 -The system is in production - - - - - - - -最大を計算(?) -最大計算 -Calculate the maximim amount -Calculate the Maximum (?) of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise maximum length of the field. - - - - - - -最小を計算(?) -最小計算 -Calculate the minimum amount -Calculate the Minimum (?) of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise minimum length of the field. - - - - - - -個人アクセス -個人アクセス -Allow access to all personal records -Users of this role have access to all records locked as personal. - - - - - - -個人ロック -個人ロック -Allow users with role to lock access to personal records -If enabled, the user with the role can prevent access of others to personal records. If a record is locked, only the user or people who can read personal locked records can see the record. - - - - - - -登録済み -登録済み -The application is registered. - - - - - - - -実行中合計 -実行中合計 -Create a running total (sum) -A running total creates a sum at the end of a page and on the top of the next page for all colums, which have a Sum function. You should define running total only once per format. - - - - - - -会計を表示 -会計を表示 -Users with this role can see accounting information -This allows to prevent access to any accounting information. - - - - - - -XY位置 -XY位置 -The Function is XY position -This function positions for the next print operation - - - - - - -詳細合計 -詳細合計 -Total line amount incl. Tax -Total line amount - - - - - - -あいまい -あいまい -Type of obscuring the data (limiting the display) - - - - - - - -プラットホーム情報 -プラットホーム -Information about Server and Client Platform -Include information on Server, Network [Operating System, RAM, Disk, CPUs] and (number of) Clients. - - - - - - -実行中の総行数 -総行数 -Create Running Total Lines (page break) every x lines -When you want to print running totals, enter the number of lines per page after you want to create a running total line and page break. You should define running total only once per format. - - - - - - -XY区切り文字 -XY区切り文字 -The separator between the X and Y function. - - - - - - - -問題説明 -問題説明 -Description of the Issue line - - - - - - - -問題詳細 -問題詳細 -Line number of the issue - - - - - - - -行余白 -行余白 -Margin of the line - Planned Amount minus Costs - - - - - - - -アクセスタイプ -アクセスタイプ -The type of access for this rule -If you restrict Access to the entity, you also cannot Report or Export it (i.e. to have access is a requirement that you can report or export the data). The Report and Export rules are further restrictions if you have access. - - - - - - -依存するエンティティ -依存するエンティティ -Also check access in dependent entities -Also dependent entities are included. Please be aware, that enabling this rule has severe consequences and that this is only wanted in some circumstances. -<p>Example Rule: "Include Payment Term Immediate with Dependent Entities" -<br>Primary effect: users with this role can only select the payment term Immediate -<br>Secondary effect (dependent entities): users with this role can see only invoices/orders with the payment term immediate. - - - - - - -文字データ -文字データ -Long Character Field - - - - - - - -支払いを作成 -支払いを作成 - - - - - - - - -電子資金取引メモ -電子資金取引メモ -Electronic Funds Transfer Memo -Information from EFT media - - - - - - -電子資金取引受取人 -電子資金取引受取人 -Electronic Funds Transfer Payee information -Information from EFT media - - - - - - -電子資金取引受取人勘定科目 -電子資金取引受取人勘定科目 -Electronic Funds Transfer Payyee Account Information -Information from EFT media - - - - - - -電子資金取引参照 -電子資金取引参照 -Electronic Funds Transfer Reference -Information from EFT media - - - - - - -電子資金取引ID -電子資金取引ID -Electronic Funds Transfer Transaction ID -Information from EFT media - - - - - - -電子資金取引タイプ -電子資金取引タイプ -Electronic Funds Transfer Transaction Type -Information from EFT media - - - - - - -品質保証日数 -品質保証日数 -Shelf Life Days remaning to Guarantee Date (minus minimum guarantee days) -Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance compared to today minus the minimum guaranteed days. -(Guarantee Date-Today) ? Min Guarantee Days - - - - - - -利用可能数量 -利用可能数量 -Available Quantity (On Hand - Reserved) -Quantity available to promise = On Hand minus Reserved Quantity - - - - - - -残り使用期限% -残り使用期限% -Remaining shelf life in percent based on Guarantee Date -(Guarantee Date-Today) / Guarantee Days - - - - - - -最小使用期限% -最小使用期限% -Minimum Shelf Life in percent based on Product Instance Guarantee Date -Miminum Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance. If > 0 you cannot select products with a shelf life ((Guarantee Date-Today) / Guarantee Days) less than the minum shelf life, unless you select "Show All" - - - - - - -支払い義務 今日 -支払い義務 今日 - - - - - - - - -支払い義務 今日-30 -支払い義務 今日-30 - - - - - - - - -支払い義務 今日-7 -支払い義務 今日-7 - - - - - - - - -支払い義務 1-7 -支払い義務 1-7 - - - - - - - - -支払い義務 31-60 -支払い義務 31-60 - - - - - - - - -支払い義務 > 31 -支払い義務 > 31 - - - - - - - - -支払い義務 61-90 -支払い義務 61-90 - - - - - - - - -支払い義務 > 61 -支払い義務 > 61 - - - - - - - - -支払い義務 8-30 -支払い義務 8-30 - - - - - - - - -支払い義務 > 91 -支払い義務 > 91 - - - - - - - - -過去支払い義務 1-30 -過去支払い義務 1-30 - - - - - - - - -過去支払い義務 1-7 -過去支払い義務 1-7 - - - - - - - - -過去支払い義務 31-60 -過去支払い義務 31-60 - - - - - - - - -過去支払い義務 > 31 -過去支払い義務 > 31 - - - - - - - - -過去支払い義務 61-90 -過去支払い義務 61-90 - - - - - - - - -過去支払い義務 > 61 -過去支払い義務 > 61 - - - - - - - - -過去支払い義務 8-30 -過去支払い義務 8-30 - - - - - - - - -過去支払い義務 > 91 -過去支払い義務 > 91 - - - - - - - - -過去支払い義務 -過去支払い義務 - - - - - - - - -請求書リスト -請求書リスト -Include List of Invoices - - - - - - - -必須の保証期日 -必須の保証期日 -The entry of a Guarantee Date is mandatory when creating a Product Instance - - - - - - - -必須のロット -必須のロット -The entry of Lot info is mandatory when creating a Product Instance - - - - - - - -必須のシリアル番号 -必須のシリアル番号 -The entry of a Serial No is mandatory when creating a Product Instance - - - - - - - -最小使用期限日数 -最小使用期限日数 -Minimum Shelf Life in days based on Product Instance Guarantee Date -Miminum Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance. If > 0 you cannot select products with a shelf life less than the minum shelf life, unless you select "Show All" - - - - - - -使用期限日数 -使用期限日数 -Shelf Life in days based on Product Instance Guarantee Date -Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance compared to today. - - - - - - -パートナー税金ID -税金ID -Tax ID of the Business Partner - - - - - - - -受注残 -受注残 -Backordered Quantity -Calculated: ordered - delivered quantity - - - - - - -割当戦略 -割当 -Allocation Strategy -Allocation from incoming to outgoing transactions - - - - - - -外部出荷詳細 -外部出荷詳細 -Outgoing Shipment/Receipt - - - - - - - -外部在庫詳細 -外部在庫詳細 -Outgoing Inventory Line - - - - - - - -製造詳細出力 -製造詳細出力 -Outgoing Production Line - - - - - - - -取引出力 -取引出力 -Outgoing Transaction - - - - - - - -標準偏差を計算(σ) -標準偏差 -Calculate Standard Deviation -The Standard Deviation (?) is the a measure of dispersion - used in combination with the Mean (?) - - - - - - -分散を計算(σ2) -分散 -Calculate Variance -The Variance (??) is the a measure of dispersion - used in combination with the Mean (?) - - - - - - -ウェブストアの特集 -特集 -If selected, the product is displayed in the inital or any empy search -In the display of products in the Web Store, the product is displayed in the inital view or if no search criteria are entered. To be displayed, the product must be in the price list used. - - - - - - -通貨タイプ -通貨タイプ -Currency Conversion Rate Type -The Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define different type of rates, e.g. Spot, Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates. - - - - - - -通貨タイプキー -通貨変換タイプキー -Key value for the Currency Conversion Rate Type -The date type key for the conversion of foreign currency transactions - - - - - - -倉庫 -倉庫 -Warehouse Name -El Almacen indica un almacen unico donde los productos son almacenados. - - - - - - -支払いスケジュール有効 -支払いスケジュール有効 -Is the Payment Schedule is valid -Payment Schedules allow to have multiple due dates. - - - - - - -支店ID -支店ID -Bank Branch ID -Dependent on the loader, you may have to provide a bank branch ID - - - - - - -銀行取引明細書ローダー -銀行取引明細書ローダー -Definition of Bank Statement Loader (SWIFT, OFX) -The loader definition privides the parameters to load bank statements from EFT formats like SWIFT (MT940) or OFX - - - - - - -日付の形式 -日付の形式 -Date format used in the imput format -The date format is usually detected, but sometimes need to be defined. - - - - - - -電子資金取引量 -電子資金取引量 -Electronic Funds Transfer Amount - - - - - - - -電子資金取引チェック番号 -電子資金取引チェック番号 -Electronic Funds Transfer Check No -Information from EFT media - - - - - - -電子資金取引通貨 -電子資金取引通貨 -Electronic Funds Transfer Currency -Information from EFT media - - - - - - -電子資金取引明細書日付 -電子資金取引明細書日付 -Electronic Funds Transfer Statement Date -Information from EFT media - - - - - - -電子資金取引詳細日付 -電子資金取引詳細日付 -Electronic Funds Transfer Statement Line Date -Information from EFT media - - - - - - -電子資金取引参照 -電子資金取引参照 -Electronic Funds Transfer Statement Reference -Information from EFT media - - - - - - -電子資金取引発効日 -電子資金取引発効日 -Electronic Funds Transfer Valuta (effective) Date -Information from EFT media - - - - - - -ファイル名 -ファイル名 -Name of the local file or URL -Name of a file in the local directory space - or URL (file://.., http://.., ftp://..) - - - - - - -金融機関ID -金融機関ID -The ID of the Financial Institution / Bank -Depending on the loader, it might require a ID of the financial institution - - - - - - -支払いドキュメント番号 -支払いドキュメント番号 -Document number of the Payment - - - - - - - -暗証番号 -暗証番号 -Personal Identification Number - - - - - - - -明細書日付 -明細書日付 -Date of the Statement Line - - - - - - - -明細書ローダークラス -明細書ローダークラス -Class name of the bank statement loader -The name of the actual bank statement loader implementing the interface org.compiere.impexp.BankStatementLoaderInterface - - - - - - -相互レートを作成 -相互レートを作成 -Create Reciprocal Rate from current information -If selected, the imported USD->EUR rate is used to create/calculate the reciprocal rate EUR->USD. - - - - - - -交換比率のインポート -交換比率のインポート -Import Currency Conversion Rate - - - - - - - -ISO通貨をコード化 -ISO通貨 -Three letter ISO 4217 Code of the To Currency -For details - http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec09en.htm - - - - - - -ユーザー代用品 -ユーザー代用品 -Substitute of the user -A user who can act for another user. - - - - - - -親組織 -親組織 -Parent (superior) Organization -Parent Organization - the next level in the organizational hierarchy. - - - - - - -作業フロー活動 -作業フロー活動 -Workflow Activity -The Workflow Activity is the actual Workflow Node in a Workflow Process instance - - - - - - -作業フロー活動結果 -作業フロー活動結果 -Result of the Workflow Process Activity -Activity Result of the execution of the Workflow Process Instrance - - - - - - -作業フローブロック -作業フローブロック -Workflow Transaction Execution Block -A workflow execution block is optional and allows all work to be performed in a single transaction. If one step (node activity) fails, the entire work is rolled back. - - - - - - -作業フローイベント監査 -作業フローイベント監査 -Workflow Process Activity Event Audit Information -History of chenges ov the Workflow Process Activity - - - - - - -作業フローノードパラメータ -作業フローノードパラメータ -Workflow Node Execution Parameter -Parameter for the execution of the Workflow Node - - - - - - -作業フロープロセス -作業フロー処理 -Actual Workflow Process Instance -Instance of a workflow execution - - - - - - -作業フロープロセスデータ -作業フロー処理データ -Workflow Process Context -Context information of the workflow process and activity - - - - - - -作業フロー責任 -作業フロー責任 -Responsible for Workflow Execution -The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. - - - - - - -属性名 -属性名 -Name of the Attribute -Identifier of the attribute - - - - - - -属性値 -属性値 -Value of the Attribute -Adempiere converts the (string) field values to the attribute data type. Booleans (Yes-No) may have the values "true" and "false", the date format is YYYY-MM-DD - - - - - - -作者 -作者 -Author/Creator of the Entity - - - - - - - -費用 -費用 -Cost information - - - - - - - -持続時間 -持続時間 -Normal Duration in Duration Unit -Expected (normal) Length of time for the execution - - - - - - -持続時間単位 -持続時間単位 -Unit of Duration -Unit to define the length of time for the execution - - - - - - -終了モード -終了モード -Workflow Activity Finish Mode -How the system operated at the end of an activity. Automatic implies return when the invoked applications finished control - Manual the user has to explicitly terminate the activity. - - - - - - -持続時間限度 -限度 -Maximum Duration in Duration Unit -Maximum (critical) Duration for time management purposes (e.g. starting an escalation procedure, etc.) in Duration Units. - - - - - - -責任タイプ -責任タイプ -Type of the Responsibility for a workflow -Type how the responsible user for the execution of a workflow is determined - - - - - - -開始モード -開始モード -Workflow Activity Start Mode -How is the execution of an activity triggered. Automatic are triggered implicitly by the system, Manual explicitly by the User. - - - - - - -サブフロー実行 -サブフロー実行 -Mode how the sub-workflow is executed - - - - - - - -変遷コード -変遷コード -Code resulting in TRUE of FALSE -The transition is executed, if the code results in TRUE (or is empty) - - - - - - -待ち時間 -待ち時間 -Workflow Simulation Waiting time -Amount of time needed to prepare the performance of the task on Duration Units - - - - - - -作業フロー状態 -作業フロー状態 -State of the execution of the workflow - - - - - - - -労働時間 -労働時間 -Workflow Simulation Execution Time -Amount of time the performer of the activity needs to perform the task in Duration Unit - - - - - - -イベントタイプ -イベントタイプ -Type of Event - - - - - - - -要素を結合 -要素を結合 -Semantics for multiple incoming Transitions -Semantics for multiple incoming Transitions for a Node/Activity. AND joins all concurrent threads - XOR requires one thread (no synchronization). - - - - - - -要素を分割 -要素を分割 -Semantics for multiple outgoing Transitions -Semantics for multiple outgoing Transitions for a Node/Activity. AND represents multiple concurrent threads - XOR represents the first transition with a true Transaition condition. - - - - - - -公表状態 -公表状態 -Status of Publication -Used for internal documentation - - - - - - -登録 -登録 -User Asset Registration -User Registration of an Asset - - - - - - -登録属性 -登録属性 -Asset Registration Attribute -Define the individual values for the Asset Registration - - - - - - -税金詳細合計 -詳細合計 -Tax Line Total Amount - - - - - - - -説明済み金額 -説明済み -Amount Balance in Currency of Accounting Schema - - - - - - - -元通貨額 -元通貨額 -Amount Balance in Source Currency - - - - - - - -貸借を更新 -貸借を更新 -Update Accounting Balances first (not required for subsequent runs) -Se requiere para actualizar cuentas de balance - - - - - - -メンテナンスモード -メンテナンスモード -Language Maintenance Mode - - - - - - - -直接借方を許可 -直接借方 -Accept Direct Debits (vendor initiated) -Accept Direct Debit transactions. Direct Debits are initiated by the vendor who has permission to deduct amounts from the payee's account. - - - - - - -銀行取引明細書組み合わせ方法 -銀行取引明細書組み合わせ方法 -Algorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments -An algorithm to find Business Partners, Invoices, Payments in imported Bank Statements. The class needs to implement org.compiere.impexp.BankStatementMatcherInterface - - - - - - -明細書を組み合わせる -明細書を組み合わせる - - - - - - - - -ヘッダーストローク -ヘッダーストローク -Width of the Header Line Stroke -The width of the header line stroke (line thickness) in Points. - - - - - - -ヘッダーストロークタイプ -ヘッダーストロークタイプ -Type of the Header Line Stroke -Type of the line printed - - - - - - -ヘッダー詳細を塗る -ヘッダー詳細 -Paint Lines over/under the Header Line -If selected, a line is painted above and below the header line using the stroke information - - - - - - -詳細ストローク -詳細ストローク -Width of the Line Stroke -The width of the line stroke (line thickness) in Points. - - - - - - -詳細ストロークタイプ -詳細ストロークタイプ -Type of the Line Stroke -Type of the line printed - - - - - - -リンクされた組織 -リンクされた組織 -The Business Partner is another Organization for explicit Inter-Org transactions -The business partner is another organization in the system. So when performing transactions, the counter-document is created automatically. Example: You have BPartnerA linked to OrgA and BPartnerB linked to OrgB. If you create a sales order for BPartnerB in OrgA a purchase order is created for BPartnerA in OrgB. This allows to have explicit documents for Inter-Org transactions. - - - - - - -組織タイプ -組織タイプ -Organization Type allows you to categorize your organizations -Organization Type allows you to categorize your organizations for reporting purposes - - - - - - -スケジューラ -スケジューラ -Schedule Processes -Schedule processes to be executed asynchronously - - - - - - -スケジューラログ -スケジューラログ -Result of the execution of the Scheduler -Result of the execution of the Scheduler - - - - - - -作業フロープロセッサ -作業フロープロセッサ -Workflow Processor Server -Workflow Processor Server - - - - - - -作業フロープロセッサログ -作業フロープロセッサログ -Result of the execution of the Workflow Processor -Result of the execution of the Workflow Processor - - - - - - -入札 -入札 -Bid for a Topic -You can create a bid for a topic. Depening on the type, the highest bidder wins the Topic - or you participate in funding for a Topic. - - - - - - -入札コメント -入札コメント -Make a comment to a Bid Topic -Everyone can give comments concerning a Bid Topic - e.g. Questions, Suggestions - - - - - - -買い手資金 -買い手資金 -Buyer Funds for Bids on Topics -Available Funds (from Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds for Bids - - - - - - -提供 -提供 -Offer for a Topic -You can create an offer for a topic. - - - - - - -売り手資金 -売り手資金 -Seller Funds from Offers on Topics -Available Funds (for Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds from Offers - - - - - - -トピック -トピック -Auction Topic -Description of the item to sell or create. - - - - - - -トピックカテゴリ -トピックカテゴリ -Auction Topic Category -For an Auction Topic Type, define the different Categories used. - - - - - - -トピックタイプ -トピックタイプ -Auction Topic Type -The Auction Topic Type determines what kind of auction is used for a particular area - - - - - - -会計プロセッサ -会計プロセッサ -Accounting Processor/Server Parameters -Accounting Processor/Server Parameters - - - - - - -会計プロセッサログ -Acctプロセッサログ -Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor -Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor - - - - - - -警告プロセッサ -警告プロセッサ -Alert Processor/Server Parameter -Alert Processor/Server Parameter - - - - - - -警告プロセッサログ -警告プロセッサログ -Result of the execution of the Alert Processor -Result of the execution of the Alert Processor - - - - - - -パートナー関係 -パートナー関係 -Business Partner Relation -Business Partner Relation allow to maintain Third Party Relationship rules: who receives invoices for shipments or pays for invoices. - - - - - - -関連パートナー -関連パートナー -Related Business Partner -The related Business Partner Acts on behalf of the Business Partner - example the Related Partner pays invoices of the Business Partner - or we pay to the Related Partner for invoices received from the Business Partner - - - - - - -関連パートナー住所 -関連パートナー住所 -Location of the related Business Partner - - - - - - - -見積依頼 -見積依頼 -Request for Quotation -Request for Quotation to be sent out to vendors of a RfQ Topic. After Vendor selection, optionally create Sales Order or Quote for Customer as well as Purchase Order for Vendor(s) - - - - - - -見積依頼トピック -見積依頼トピック -Topic for Request for Quotations -A Request for Quotation Topic allows you to maintain a subscriber list of potential Vendors to respond to RfQs - - - - - - -見積依頼加入者 -見積依頼加入者 -Request for Quotation Topic Subscriber -Subcriber to invite to respond to RfQs - - - - - - -見積依頼詳細 -見積依頼詳細 -Request for Quotation Line -Request for Quotation Line - - - - - - -見積依頼詳細数量 -見積依頼詳細数量 -Request for Quotation Line Quantity -You may request a quotation for different quantities - - - - - - -見積依頼応答詳細 -見積依頼応答詳細 -Request for Quotation Response Line -Request for Quotation Response Line from a potential Vendor - - - - - - -見積依頼応答詳細数量 -見積依頼応答詳細数量 -Request for Quotation Response Line Quantity -Request for Quotation Response Line Quantity from a potential Vendor - - - - - - -購読配送 -購読配送 -Optional Delivery Record for a Subscription -Record of deliveries for a subscription - - - - - - -購読 -購読 -Subscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renew -Subscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renew - - - - - - -購読タイプ -購読タイプ -Type of subscription -Subscription type and renewal frequency - - - - - - -確認済み数量 -確認済み数量 -Confirmation of a received quantity -Confirmation of a received quantity - - - - - - -発注を作成 -発注を作成 -Create Purchase Order - - - - - - - -受注を作成 -受注を作成 - - - - - - - - -応答日付 -応答日付 -Date of the Response -Date of the Response - - - - - - -作業完了 -作業完了 -Date when work is (planned to be) complete - - - - - - - -作業開始 -作業開始 -Date when work is (planned to be) started - - - - - - - -配送日数 -配送日数 -Number of Days (planned) until Delivery - - - - - - - -支払い義務 -支払い義務 -Subscription Renewal is Due - - - - - - - -エラー -エラー -An Error occured in the execution - - - - - - - -内部 -内部 -Internal Organization - - - - - - - -通過中 -通過中 -Movement is in transit -Material Movement is in transit - shipped, but not received. -The transaction is completed, if confirmed. - - - - - - -招待された仕入先のみ -招待された仕入先 -Only invited vendors can respond to an RfQ -The Request for Quotation is only visible to the invited vendors - - - - - - -提供数量 -提供数量 -This quantity is used in the Offer to the Customer -When multiple quantities are used in an Request for Quotation, the selected Quantity is used for generating the offer. If none selected the lowest number is used. - - - - - - -発行済み -発行済み -The Topic is published and can be viewed -If not selected, the Topic is not visible to the general public. - - - - - - -購買数量 -購買数量 -This quantity is used in the Purchase Order to the Supplier -When multiple quantities are used in an Request for Quotation, the selected Quantity is used for generating the purchase order. If none selected the lowest number is used. - - - - - - -すべての数量を見積 -すべての数量を見積 -Suppliers are requested to provide responses for all quantities -If selected, the response to the Request for Quotation needs to have a price for all Quantities - - - - - - -総額を見積 -総額を見積 -The respnse can have just the total amount for the RfQ -If not selected, the resonse must be provided per line - - - - - - -受け入れ応答 -受け入れ応答 -Are Resonses to the Request for Quotation accepted -If selected, responses for the RfQ are accepted - - - - - - -選択された落札者 -選択された落札者 -The resonse is the selected winner -The resonse is the selected winner. If selected on Response level, the line selections are ignored. - - - - - - -合意予定 -合意予定 - - - - - - - - -ログ保有日数 -ログ保有日数 -Number of days to keep the log entries -Older Log entries may be deleted - - - - - - -発送先リスト -発送先リスト -Distribution Lists allow to distribute products to a selected list of partners -Distribution list contain business partners and a distribution quantity or ratio for creating Orders - - - - - - -発送先リスト詳細 -発送先リスト詳細 -Distribution List Line with Business Partner and Quantity/Percentage -The distribution can be based on Ratio, fixed quantity or both. -If the ratio and quantity is not 0, the quantity is calculated based on the ratio, but with the Quantity as a minimum. - - - - - - -パッケージ -パッケージ -Shipment Package -A Shipment can have one or more Packages. A Package may be individually tracked. - - - - - - -パッケージ詳細 -パッケージ詳細 -The detail content of the Package -Link to the shipment line - - - - - - -材料返却承認 -材料返却承認 -Return Material Authorization -A Return Material Authorization may be required to accept returns and to create Credit Memos - - - - - - -材料返却承認詳細 -材料返却承認詳細 -Return Material Authorization Line -Detail information about the returned goods - - - - - - -注文引受可能最少数量 -最少数量 -Minimum quantity for the business partner -If a minimum quantity is defined, and the quantity is based on the percentage is lower, the minimum quantity is used. - - - - - - -会員資格 -会員資格 -Product used to deternine the price of the membership for the topic type -A topic can require to pay a membership fee. - - - - - - -未合意額 -未合意額 -Amount not committed yet - - - - - - - -提供額 -提供額 -Amount of the Offer - - - - - - - -支払い予定 -支払い予定 -Subscription is paid/valid until this date - - - - - - - -デフォルトパラメータ -デフォルトパラメータ -Default value of the parameter -The default value can be a variable like @#Date@ - - - - - - -支払いパートナー -支払いパートナー -Business Partner responsible for the payment - - - - - - - -支払い住所 -支払い住所 -Location of the Business Partner responsible for the payment - - - - - - - -梱包数量 -梱包数量 - - - - - - - - -個人メモ -個人メモ -Private Note - not visible to the other parties - - - - - - - -見積依頼発行 -見積依頼発行 - - - - - - - - -見積依頼タイプ -見積依頼タイプ -Request for Quotation Type - - - - - - - -プロセッサログを要求 -プロセッサログを要求 -Result of the execution of the Request Processor -Result of the execution of the Request Processor - - - - - - -情報受信 -情報受信 -Information of the receipt of the package (acknowledgement) - - - - - - - -参照をつけられた出荷 -参照出荷 - - - - - - - - -参照をつけられた請求書 -参照請求書 - - - - - - - - -参照をつけられた請求書詳細 -参照請求書詳細 - - - - - - - - -参照をつけられた受注 -参照受注 -Reference to corresponding Sales/Purchase Order -Reference of the Sales Order Line to the corresponding Purchase Order Line or vice versa. - - - - - - -関連製品 -関連製品 -Related Product - - - - - - - -関連製品タイプ -関連製品タイプ - - - - - - - - -更新日付 -更新日付 - - - - - - - - -廃棄数量 -廃棄数量 -The Quantity scrapped due to QA issues - - - - - - - -目標数量 -目標数量 -Target Movement Quantity -The Quantity which should have been received - - - - - - -詳細 -詳細 - - - - - - - - -テキストメッセージ -メッセージ -Text Message - - - - - - - -トピックアクション -トピックアクション -Accion del Asunto -La accion del asunto indica la accion que se esta realizando. - - - - - - -トピック状態 -トピック状態 - - - - - - - - -追跡情報 -追跡情報 - - - - - - - - -オークションのタイプ -オークションのタイプ - - - - - - - - -決定日付 -決定日付 - - - - - - - - -参照をつけられた出荷詳細 -参照出荷詳細 - - - - - - - - -見積依頼応答 -見積依頼応答 -Request for Quotation Response from a potential Vendor -Request for Quotation Response from a potential Vendor - - - - - - -単一注文を作成 -単一注文を作成 -For all shipments create one Order - - - - - - - -警告受取人 -警告受取人 -Recipient of the Alert Notification -You can send the notifications to users or roles - - - - - - -スケジューラ受取人 -スケジューラ受取人 -Recipient of the Scheduler Notification -You can send the notifications to users or roles - - - - - - -税金住所番号 -税金住所番号 -Tax Postal/ZIP -For local tax, you may have to define a list of (ranges of) postal codes or ZIPs - - - - - - -日付要求 -日付要求 -Date when required - - - - - - - -要求 -要求 -Material Requisition - - - - - - - -要求詳細 -要求詳細 -Material Requisition Line - - - - - - - -月の日 -月の日 -Day of the month 1 to 28/29/30/31 - - - - - - - -郵送先郵便番号 -郵送先郵便番号 -Postal code to -Conecutive range to - - - - - - -ランキング -ランキング -Relative Rank Number -One is the highest Rank - - - - - - -スケジュールタイプ -スケジュールタイプ -Type of schedule -Define the method how the next occurance is calculated - - - - - - -曜日 -曜日 -Day of the Week - - - - - - - -コピー詳細 -コピー詳細 - - - - - - - - -付属メモ -付属メモ -Personal Attachment Note - - - - - - - -変遷状態 -状態 -Workflow Node Transition Condition -Optional restriction of transition of one node to the next - - - - - - -ノード変遷 -変遷 -Workflow Node Transition -The Next Nodes Tab defines the order or Nodes or Steps in a Workflow. - - - - - - -作業フローをチェック -作業フローをチェック - - - - - - - - -待ち時間 -待ち時間 -Time in minutes to wait (sleep) -Time in minutes to be suspended (sleep) - - - - - - -作業フローキー -作業フロー -Key of the Workflow to start - - - - - - - -直送 -直送 -Drop Shipments are sent from the Vendor directly to the Customer -Drop Shipments do not cause any Inventory reservations or movements as the Shipment is from the Vendor's inventory. The Shipment of the Vendor to the Customer must be confirmed. - - - - - - -所有するドキュメントを承認 -自己承認 -Users with this role can approve their own documents -If a user cannot approve their own documents (orders, etc.), it needs to be approved by someone else. - - - - - - -常に更新可能 -常に更新可能 -The column is always updateable, even if the record is not active or processed -If selected and if the winow / tab is not read only, you can always update the column. This might be useful for comments, etc. - - - - - - -総勘定元帳分配 -総勘定元帳分配 -General Ledger Distribution -If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is prorated based on the ratio of the lines. The distribution must be valid to be used. - - - - - - -総勘定元帳分配詳細 -総勘定元帳分配詳細 -General Ledger Distribution Line -If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is prorated based on the ratio of the lines. - - - - - - -比率 -比率 -Relative Ratio for Distributions -The relative weight of an distribution. If the total of all ratios is 100, it is the same as percent. - - - - - - -比率合計 -比率合計 -Total of relative weight in a distribution -The total relative weight of an distribution. If the total of all ratios is 100, it is the same as percent. - - - - - - -経過ミリ秒 -経過ミリ秒 -Elapsed Time in mili seconds -Elapsed Time in mili seconds - - - - - - -招待日付 -招待日付 -Date when (last) invitation was sent - - - - - - - -仕入先に見積要求を送信 -仕入先に見積要求を送信 -Send the RfQ Invitation to the Vendors - - - - - - - -詳細作業完了 -詳細作業完了 -Date when line work is (planned to be) complete - - - - - - - -詳細作業開始 -詳細作業開始 -Date when line work is (planned to be) started - - - - - - - -詳細配送日 -詳細配送日 - - - - - - - - -詳細ヘルプ/コメント -詳細コメント - - - - - - - - -数量価格 -数量価格 - - - - - - - - -数量ランキング -数量ランキング - - - - - - - - -見積要求をランク付け -見積要求をランク付け - - - - - - - - -待ち終了 -待ち終了 -End of sleep time -End of suspension (sleep) - - - - - - -分配実行 -分配実行 -Distribution Run create Orders to distribute products to a selected list of partners -Distribution Run defines how Orders are created based on Distribution Lists - - - - - - -分配実行詳細 -分配実行詳細 -Distribution Run Lines define Distribution List, the Product and Quantiries -The order amount is based on the greater of the minimums of the product or distribution list and the quantity based on the ratio. - - - - - - -数量合計 -数量合計 -Total Quantity - - - - - - - -実施/生産を開始 -実施/生産を開始 -The day you started the implementation (if implementing) - or production (went life) with Adempiere - - - - - - - -統計をメンテナンス -統計をメンテナンス -Maintain general statistics -Mainatan and allow to transfer general statistics (number of clients, orgs, business partners, users, products, invoices) to get a better feeling for the application use. This information is not published. - - - - - - -アクセスログ -アクセスログ -Log of Access to the System -Registro del acceso al sistema. - - - - - - -返信 -返信 -Reply or Answer - - - - - - - -カウンタドキュメント -カウンタドキュメント -Counter Document Relationship -When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: a "Standard Order" creates a "Standard PO". -If you define a relationship here, you overwrite the default counter document type in the Document Type definition. This allows you to define a specific mapping. - - - - - - -カウンタドキュメントタイプ -カウンタ文書タイプ -Generated Counter Document Type (To) -The Document Type of the generated counter document - - - - - - -需要 -需要 -Material Demand -Material Demand can be based on Forecast, Requisitions, Open Orders - - - - - - -需要詳細 -需要詳細 -Material Demand Line Source Detail -Source Link for Material Demand Lines - - - - - - -需要詳細 -需要詳細 -Material Demand Line -Demand for a product in a period - - - - - - -予測 -予測 -Material Forecast -Material Forecast - - - - - - -予測詳細 -予測詳細 -Forecast Line -Forecast of Product Qyantity by Period - - - - - - -計算数量 -計算数量 -Calculated Quantity - - - - - - - -標準ユーザー作業フロー -標準ユーザー作業フロー -Standard Manual User Approval Workflow -If selected, only documents with an open status (drafted, in progress, approved, rejected, invalid) and standard user actions (prepare, complete, approve, reject) are allowed to continue. Use this to prevent having to define details on how automatic processes (unlock, invalidate, post, re-activate) and when the document is closed for normal user action (completed, waiting, closed, voided, reversed). - - - - - - -税金請求ID -税金請求ID - - - - - - - - -請求書パートナーキー -請求書パートナーキー - - - - - - - - -請求書住所 -請求書住所 -Address Used for Invoicing - - - - - - - -請求書連絡名 -請求書連絡名 - - - - - - - - -請求名 -請求名 - - - - - - - - -請求名2 -請求名2 - - - - - - - - -請求先電話 -請求先電話 - - - - - - - - -請求タイトル -請求タイトル - - - - - - - - -パートナー名 -パートナー名 - - - - - - - - -パートナー名2 -パートナー名2 - - - - - - - - -最善応答量 -最善応答量 -Best Response Amount -Filled by Rank Response Process - - - - - - -完了チェック -完了チェック - - - - - - - - -活動ツリー -活動ツリー -Tree to determine activity hierarchy -Trees are used for (finanial) reporting - - - - - - -キャンペーンツリー -キャンペーンツリー -Tree to determine marketing campaign hierarchy -Trees are used for (finanial) reporting - - - - - - -ベータ関数を使用 -ベータを使用 -Enable the use of Beta Functionality -The exact scope of Beta Functionality is listed in the release note. It is usually not recommended to enable Beta functionality in production environments. - - - - - - -デフォルトカウンタドキュメント -デフォルトカウンタ文書 -The document type is the default counter document type -When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: when generating a Sales Order, use this Sales Order document type. -This default can be overwritten by defining explicit counter document relationships. - - - - - - -プロセスを中止 -プロセスを中止 -Aborts the current process -Abortar el proceso actual. - - - - - - -確認タイプ -確認タイプ -Type of confirmation - - - - - - - -作成確認 -作成確認 - - - - - - - - -梱包/QA確認 -梱包/QA確認 -Require Pick or QA Confirmation before processing -The processing of the Shipment (Receipt) requires Pick (QA) Confirmation. Note that shipments for automatic documents like POS/Warehouse Orders cannot have confirmations! - - - - - - -出荷/受領確認 -出荷/受領確認 -Require Ship or Receipt Confirmation before processing -The processing of the Shipment (Receipt) requires Ship (Receipt) Confirmation. Note that shipments for automatic documents like POS/Warehouse Orders cannot have confirmations! - - - - - - -出荷/受領確認 -出荷/受領確認 -Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation -Confirmation of Shipment or Receipt - Created from the Shipment/Receipt - - - - - - -出荷/受領確認詳細 -出荷/受領確認詳細 -Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation Line -Confirmation details - - - - - - -パッケージを作成 -パッケージを作成 - - - - - - - - -差異 -差異 -Difference Quantity - - - - - - - -ウィンドウの高さ -高さ -Altura de la Ventana -Tamano fisico de la Ventana. - - - - - - -ウィンドウ幅 - -Ancho de la Ventana -El ancho de la ventana indica la dimension del ancho requerido en la ventana. - - - - - - -材料返却承認タイプ -材料返却承認タイプ -Return Material Authorization Type -Types of RMA - - - - - - -取り消し済み -取り消し済み -The transaction was cancelled - - - - - - - -出荷説明 -出荷説明 - - - - -Receipt Decription -Receipt Description - - -承認額 -承認額 -Document Approval Amount -Approval Amount for Workflow - - - - - - -割当詳細 -割当詳細 -Allocation Line -Allocation of Cash/Payment to Invoice - - - - - - -必須タイプ -必須タイプ -The specification of a Product Attribute Instance is mandatory - - - - - - - -請求価格 -請求価格 -The priced invoiced to the customer (in the currency of the customer's AR price list) - 0 for default price -The invoiced price is derived from the Invoice Price entered and can be overwritten. If the price is 0, the default price on the customer's invoice is used. - - - - - - -還付価格 -還付価格 -The reimbursed price (in currency of the employee's AP price list) -The reimbursed price is derived from the converted price and can be overwritten when approving the expense report. - - - - - - -還付数量 -還付数量 -The reimbursed quantity -The reimbursed quantity is derived from the entered quantity and can be overwritten when approving the expense report. - - - - - - -差異ドキュメント -差異文書 -Document type for generating in dispute Shipments -If the confirmation contains differences, the original document is split allowing the original document (shipment) to be processed and updating Inventory - and the newly created document for handling the dispute at a later time. Until the confirmation is processed, the inventory is not updated. - - - - - - -議論中 -議論中 -Document is in dispute -The document is in dispute. Use Requests to track details. - - - - - - -パートナー均一割引 -パートナー均一割引 -Use flat discount defined on Business Partner Level -For calculation of the discount, use the discount defined on Business Partner Level - - - - - - -カウンタドキュメントを作成 -カウンタを作成 -Create Counter Document -If selected, create specified counter document. If not selected, no counter document is created for the document type. - - - - - - -LDAPユーザー名 -LDAPユーザー -User Name used for authorization via LDAP (directory) services -Optional LDAP system user name for the user. If not defined, the normal Name of the user is used. This allows to use the internal (LDAP) user id (e.g. jjanke) and the normal display name (e.g. Jorg Janke). The LDAP User Name can also be used without LDAP enables (see system window). This would allow to sign in as jjanke and use the display name of Jorg Janke. - - - - - - -差異の時に分割 -差異分割 -Split document when there is a difference -If the confirmation contains differences, the original document is split allowing the original document (shipment) to be processed and updating Inventory - and the newly created document for handling the dispute at a later time. Until the confirmation is processed, the inventory is not updated. - - - - - - -LDAPドメイン -LDAPドメイン -Directory service domain name - e.g. adempiere.org -If LDAP Host and Domain is specified, the user is authenticated via LDAP. The password in the User table is not used for connecting to Adempiere. - - - - - - -LDAP URL -LDAP URL -Connection String to LDAP server starting with ldap:// -LDAP connection string, e.g. ldap://dc.adempiere.org - - - - - - -移動確認 -移動確認 -Inventory Move Confirmation -The document is automatically created when the document type of the movement indicates In Transit. - - - - - - -移動詳細確認 -移動詳細確認 -Inventory Move Line Confirmation - - - - - - - -ベータ版機能 -ベータ版機能 -This functionality is considered Beta -Beta functionality is not fully tested or completed. - - - - - - -住所3 -住所3 -Address Line 3 for the location -The Address 2 provides additional address information for an entity. It can be used for building location, apartment number or similar information. - - - - - - -住所4 -住所4 -Address Line 4 for the location -The Address 4 provides additional address information for an entity. It can be used for building location, apartment number or similar information. - - - - - - -デフォルト印刷色 -デフォルト印刷色 - - - - - - - - -デフォルト印刷フォント -デフォルト印刷フォント - - - - - - - - -印刷項目名 -項目名 - - - - - - - - -確認番号 -確認番号 -Confirmation Number - - - - - - - -出荷/受領確認インポート詳細 -出荷/受領確認インポート詳細 -Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation Import Line -Import Confirmation Line Details - - - - - - -開いているバランス -開いているバランス -Total Open Balance Amount in primary Accounting Currency -The Total Open Balance Amount is the calculated open item amount for Customer and Vendor activity. If the Balance is below zero, we owe the Business Partner. The amout is used for Credit Management. -Invoices and Payment Allocations determine the Open Balance (i.e. not Orders or Payments). - - - - - - -規準価格 -規準価格 -Price to compare responses to - - - - - - - -送信 -送信 - - - - - - - - -督促回数 -# 督促回数 -Number of times dunned previously - - - - - - - -ベンチマーク差 -ベンチマーク差 -Difference between Response Price and Benchmark Price - - - - - - - -新しいEメールアドレス -新しいEメールアドレス -Enter new EMail Address - not changed if empty - - - - - - - -新しいメールユーザーID -新しいメールユーザーID -Enter new User ID of your internal EMail System - not changed if empty - - - - - - - -新しいメールユーザーPW -新しいメールユーザーPW -Enter new User Password of your internal EMail System - not changed if empty - - - - - - - -新しいパスワード -新しいパスワード -Enter the new password - not changed if empty - - - - - - - -古いパスワード -古いパスワード -Old Password is required if you are not a System Administrator - - - - - - - -議論中を含む -議論中を含む -Include disputed Invoices - - - - - - - -販売請求書だけ -販売請求書だけ -Otherwise also Payments and AP Invoices - - - - - - - -属性値タイプ -属性値タイプ -Type of Attribute Value -The Attribute Value type deternines the data/validation type - - - - - - -見積要求数量 -見積要求数量 -The quantity is used when generating RfQ Responses -When generating the RfQ Responses, this quantity is included - - - - - - -SLA評価基準 -SLA評価基準 -Service Level Agreement Criteria -Criteria to measure service level agreements (e.g. Quality, Delivery meets Promised date, ..) - - - - - - -SLA目標 -SLA目標 -Service Level Agreement Goal -Goal for the SLA criteria for the Business Partner - - - - - - -SLA測定 -SLA測定 -Service Level Agreement Measure -View/Maintain the individual actual value / measure for the business partner service level agreement goal - - - - - - - - -Numeric Value - - - - - - - -見積要求トピック加入者制限 -見積要求トピック加入者のみ -Include Subscriber only for certain products or product categories -Products and/or Product Categories for which the subscriber should be included. If no product / category is entered, the subscriber is requested to answer requests for all lines in a RfQ - - - - - - -POS端末 -POS -Point of Sales Terminal -The POS Terminal defines the defaults and functions available for the POS Form - - - - - - -POSキー -POSキー -POS Function Key -Define a POS Function Key - - - - - - -POSのキーレイアウト -POSのキーレイアウト -POS Function Key Layout -POS Function Key Layout - - - - - - -価格を変更 -価格を変更 -Allow modifying the price -Allow modifying the price for products with a non zero price - - - - - - - - -Country Name - - - - - - - -すべての組織にアクセス -すべての組織にアクセス -Access all Organizations (no org access control) of the client -When selected, the role has access to all organizations of the client automatically. This also increases performance where you have many organizations. - - - - - - -価格 -価格 -Price Entered - the price based on the selected/base UoM -The price entered is converted to the actual price based on the UoM conversion - - - - - - -数量 -数量 -The Quantity Entered is based on the selected UoM -The Quantity Entered is converted to base product UoM quantity - - - - - - -定価 -定価 -Entered List Price -Price List converted to entered UOM - - - - - - -すべての勘定科目 -すべての勘定科目 -Match any value of the Account segment -If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). - - - - - - -すべての活動 -すべての活動 -Match any value of the Activity segment -If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). - - - - - - -すべてのパートナー -すべてのパートナー -Match any value of the Business Partner segment -If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). - - - - - - -すべてのキャンペーン -すべてのキャンペーン -Match any value of the Campaign segment -If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). - - - - - - -すべての元住所 -すべての元住所 -Match any value of the Location From segment -If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). - - - - - - -すべての先住所 -すべての先住所 -Match any value of the Location To segment -If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). - - - - - - -すべての組織 -すべての組織 -Match any value of the Organization segment -If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). - - - - - - -すべての取引組織 -すべての取引組織 -Match any value of the Transaction Organization segment -If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). - - - - - - -すべての製品 -すべての製品 -Match any value of the Product segment -If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). - - - - - - -すべてのプロジェクト -すべてのプロジェクト -Match any value of the Project segment -If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). - - - - - - -すべての販売地域 -すべての販売地域 -Match any value of the Sales Region segment -If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). - - - - - - -すべてのユーザー1 -すべてのユーザー1 -Match any value of the User 1 segment -If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). - - - - - - -すべてのユーザー2 -すべてのユーザー2 -Match any value of the User 2 segment -If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). - - - - - - -カスタム接頭語 -カスタム接頭語 -Prefix for Custom entities -The prefix listed are ignored as customization for database or entity migration - - - - - - -重ね書き勘定科目 -重ね書き勘定科目 -Overwrite the account segment Account with the value specified -If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. - - - - - - -重ね書き活動 -重ね書き活動 -Overwrite the account segment Activity with the value specified -If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. - - - - - - -重ね書きパートナー -重ね書きパートナー -Overwrite the account segment Business Partner with the value specified -If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. - - - - - - -重ね書きキャンペーン -重ね書きキャンペーン -Overwrite the account segment Campaign with the value specified -If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. - - - - - - -元の住所を上書き -元の住所を上書き -Overwrite the account segment Location From with the value specified -If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. - - - - - - -先の住所を上書き -先の住所を上書き -Overwrite the account segment Location From with the value specified -If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. - - - - - - -組織を上書き -組織を上書き -Overwrite the account segment Organization with the value specified -If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. - - - - - - -取引組織を上書き -取引組織を上書き -Overwrite the account segment Transaction Organization with the value specified -If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. - - - - - - -製品を上書き -製品を上書き -Overwrite the account segment Product with the value specified -If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. - - - - - - -プロジェクトを上書き -プロジェクトを上書き -Overwrite the account segment Project with the value specified -If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. - - - - - - -販売地域を上書き -販売地域を上書き -Overwrite the account segment Sales Region with the value specified -If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. - - - - - - -ユーザー1を上書き -ユーザー1を上書き -Overwrite the account segment User 1 with the value specified -If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. - - - - - - -ユーザー2を上書き -ユーザー2を上書き -Overwrite the account segment User 2 with the value specified -If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. - - - - - - -合計パーセント -合計パーセント -Sum of the Percent details - - - - - - - -ローカル住所フォーマット -ローカル住所フォーマット -Format for printing this Address locally -The optional Local Address Print format defines the format to be used when this address prints for the Country. If defined, this format is used for printing the address for the country rather then the standard address format. - The following notations are used: @C@=City @P@=Postal @A@=PostalAdd @R@=Region - - - - - - -銀行口座番号フォーマット -銀行口座番号フォーマット -Format of the Bank Account - - - - - - - -銀行ルート設定番号フォーマット -銀行ルート設定番号フォーマット -Format of the Bank Routing Number - - - - - - - -ローカル住所詳細を逆転 -ローカル住所詳細を逆転 -Print Local Address in reverse Order -If NOT selected the local sequence is Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, Address 4, City/Region/Postal, Country. -If selected the local sequence is Country, City/Region/Postal, Address 4, Address 3, Address 2, Address 1. -The sequence of City/Region/Postal is determined by the local address format. - - - - - - - -住所詳細を逆転 -住所詳細を逆転 -Print Address in reverse Order -If NOT selected the sequence is Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, Address 4, City/Region/Postal, Country. -If selected the sequence is Country, City/Region/Postal, Address 4, Address 3, Address 2, Address 1. -The sequence of City/Region/Postal is determined by the address format. - - - - - - -ドキュメント値ロジック -文書値ロジック -Logic to determine Workflow Start - If true, a workflow process is started for the document -You can enter simple logic using variables like @Created@=@Updated@, which fires, when a record is created. If you need to evaluate also values of other records, you need to use SQL logic and need to prefix this logic with "SQL=". Example: start a Order verify workflow, when a business partner ordered something and is over the credit limit "SQL=EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_BPartner bp WHERE C_Order. C_BPartner_ID=bp. C_BPartner_ID AND SO_CreditUsed > SO_CreditLimit)". -Note that the SQL based logic checks for duplicate workflows (i.e. a workflow is started only once per record). - - - - - - -移行されました -移行されました -Value set by Migration for post-Migation tasks. - - - - - - - -作業フロータイプ -作業フロータイプ -Type of Worflow -The type of workflow determines how the workflow is started. - - - - - - -作成 -作成 -Create from Replenishment - - - - - - - -最初に詳細/ソースを印刷 -最初に詳細/ソースを印刷 -Details and Sources are printed before the Line - - - - - - - -最新の警告日 -最新の警告日 -Date when last alert were sent -The last alert date is updated when a reminder email is sent - - - - - - -期日の許容誤差 -期日の許容誤差 -Tolerance in days between the Date Next Action and the date the request is regarded as overdue -When the Date Next Action is passed, the Request becomes Due. After the Due Date Tolerance, the Request becomes Overdue. - - - - - - -督促日数 -督促日数 -Days between sending Reminder Emails for a due or inactive Document -When a document is due ot too long without activity, a reminder is sent. 0 means no reminders. -The Remind Days are the days when the next email reminder is sent. - - - - - - -支払日にメール -支払日にメール -Send EMail when Request becomes due -Send EMail when Request becomes due - - - - - - -支払期限後にメール -支払期限後にメール -Send EMail when Request becomes overdue -Send EMail when Request becomes overdue - - - - - - -警告送信不活発日数 -警告送信不活発日数 -Send Alert when there is no activity after days (0= no alert) -An email alert is sent when the request shows no activity for the number of days defined. - - - - - - -優先権の上の警告 -優先権の上の警告 -Send alert email when over priority -Send alert email when a suspended activity is over the priority defined - - - - - - -動的優先権変更 -動的優先権変更 -Change of priority when Activity is suspended waiting for user -Starting with the Process / Node priority level, the priority of the suspended activity can be changed dynamically. Example +5 every 10 minutes - - - - - - -動的優先権開始 -動的優先権開始 -Starting priority before changed dynamically - - - - - - - -動的優先権単位 -動的優先権単位 -Change of priority when Activity is suspended waiting for user -Starting with the Process / Node priority level, the priority of the suspended activity can be changed dynamically. Example +5 every 10 minutes - - - - - - -DBアドレス -DBアドレス -JDBC URL of the database server - - - - - - - -データベース名 -DB名 -Database Name - - - - - - - -プロセッサ -プロセッサ -Number of Database Processors - - - - - - - -他のSQL句 -他のSQL句 -Other SQL Clause -Any other complete clause like GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY, etc. after WHERE clause. - - - - - - -改造 -改造 -The change is a customization of the data dictionary and can be applied after Migration -The migration "resets" the system to the current/original setting. If selected you can save the customization and re-apply it. Please note that you need to check, if your customization has no negative side effect in the new release. - - - - - - -やり直し -やり直し - - - - - - - - -動作戻し -動作戻し - - - - - - - - -現在(新しい)の値を検証 -現在(新しい)の値を検証 -Ensure that the new value of the change is the current value in the system (i.e. no change since then) - - - - - - - -現在(古い)の値を検証 -現在(古い)の値を検証 -Ensure that the old value of the change is the current value in the system (i.e. original situation) - - - - - - - -改造の設定のみ -改造の設定のみ -Set Customization for change records records with Dictionary Entity Type - - - - - - - -会計貸借 -貸借 -Accounted Balance Amount -The Account Balance Amount indicates the transaction amount converted to this organization's accounting currency - - - - - - -元通貨貸借 -元通貨貸借 -Source Balance Amount -The Source Balance Amount indicates the balance amount for this line in the source currency. - - - - - - -製品説明 -製品説明 -Product Description -Description of the product - - - - - - -jsp URL -jsp URL -Web URL of the jsp function -For the Web UI, define the URL to perform the function (usually a jsp). The URL also can be external to the system. - - - - - - -内部使用数量 -内部利用 -Internal Use Quantity removed from Inventory -Quantity of product inventory used internally (positive if taken out - negative if returned) - - - - - - -取引 -取引名 -Name of the transaction -Internal name of the transcation - - - - - - -設定レベル -設定レベル -Determines what preferences the user can set -Preferences allow you to define default values. If set to None, you cannot set any preference nor value preference. Only if set to Client, you can see the Record Info Change Log. - - - - - - -価格制限上書き -価格制限上書き -Overwrite Price Limit if the Price List enforces the Price Limit -The Price List allows to enforce the Price Limit. If set, a user with this role can overwrite the price limit (i.e. enter any price). - - - - - - -製品へ -製品へ -Product to be converted to (must have UOM Conversion defined to From Product) - - - - - - - -製品名 -製品名 -Name of the Product - - - - - - - -組織名 -組織名 -Name of the Organization - - - - - - - -買掛金 - 売掛金 -買掛金 - 売掛金 -Include Receivables and/or Payables transactions -Incluye transacciones de los efectos a cobrar y/o de las cantidades por pagar - - - - - - -最も古いものから割当 -最も古いものから割当 -Allocate payments to the oldest invoice -Allocate payments to the oldest invoice. There might be an unallocated amount remaining. - - - - - - -前払い -前払い -The Payment/Receipt is a Prepayment -Payments not allocated to an invoice with a charge are posted to Unallocated Payments. When setting this flag, the payment is posted to the Customer or Vendor Prepayment account. - - - - - - -IBAN -IBAN -International Bank Account Number -If your bank provides an International Bank Account Number, enter it here -Details ISO 13616 and http://www.ecbs.org. The account number has the maximum length of 22 characters (without spaces). The IBAN is often printed with a apace after 4 characters. Do not enter the spaces in Adempiere. - - - - - - -価格精度 -価格精度 -Precision (number of decimals) for the Price -The prices of the price list are rounded to the precision entered. This allows to have prices with below currency precision, e.g. $0.005. Enter the number of decimals or -1 for no rounding. - - - - - - -未確認の出荷で注文 -未確認の出荷で注文 -Generate shipments for Orders with open delivery confirmations? -You can also include orders who have outstanding confirmations (e.g. ordered=10 - not confirmed shipments=4 - would create a new shipment of 6 if available). - - - - - - -アーク直径 -アーク直径 -Arc Diameter for rounded Rectangles -Width of the horizontal/vertical diameter of the arc at the four corners - - - - - - -形を塗りつぶす -形を塗りつぶす -Fill the shape with the color selected - - - - - - - -形のタイプ -形のタイプ -Type of the shape to be painted - - - - - - - -モデル妥当性検証のクラス -モデル妥当性検証のクラス -List of data model validation classes separated by ; -List of classes implementing the interface org.compiere.model.ModelValidator, separaed by semicolon. -The class is called for the client and alows to validate documents in the prepare stage and monitor model changes. - - - - - - -アーカイブ -アーカイブ -Document and Report Archive -Depending on the Client Automatic Archive Level documents and reports are saved and available for view. - - - - - - -自動アーカイブ -自動アーカイブ -Enable and level of automatic Archive of documents -Adempiere allows to automatically create archives of Documents (e.g. Invoices) or Reports. You view the archived material with the Archive Viewer - - - - - - -日付パターン -日付パターン -Java Date Pattern -Option Date pattern in Java notation. Examples: dd.MM.yyyy - dd/MM/yyyy -If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Adempiere support request with the correct information - - - - - - -小数点 -小数点 -The number notation has a decimal point (no decimal comma) -If selected, Numbers are printed with a decimal point "." - otherwise with a decimal comma ",". The thousand separator is the opposite. -If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Adempiere support request with the correct information - - - - - - -メディアサイズ -メディアサイズ -Java Media Size -The Java Media Size. Example: "MediaSize.ISO.A4" (the package javax.print.attribute.standard is assumed). If you define your own media size, use the fully qualified name. -If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Adempiere support request with the correct information - - - - - - -時間パターン -時間パターン -Java Time Pattern -Option Time pattern in Java notation. Examples: "hh:mm:ss aaa z" - "HH:mm:ss" -If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Adempiere support request with the correct information - - - - - - -割り当てられた分量 -割り当てられた分量 -Amount allocated to this document - - - - - - - -利用可能分量 -利用可能分量 -Amount available for allocation for this document - - - - - - - -製品属性 -製品属性 -Product Attribute Instance Description - - - - - - - -手数料ビジネスパートナー -手数料パートナー -Business Partner receiving the Commission - - - - - - - -手数料変換量 -手数料変換量 -Commission calculation basis Converted Amount - - - - - - - -手数料数量 -手数料数量 -Commission calculation basis Quantity - - - - - - - -画像フィールド -画像フィールド -The image is retrieved from the data column -The Image URL is retrieved from the data column - - - - - - -BBAN -BBAN -Basic Bank Account Number -The Basic (or Domestic) Bank Account Number is used in Bank transfers (see also IBAN). For details see ISO 13616 and http://www.ecbs.org/ - - - - - - -材料移動方針 -材料移動方針 -Material Movement Policy -The Material Movement Policy determines how the stock is flowing (FiFo or LiFo) if a specific Product Instance was not selected. The policy can not contradict the costing method (e.g. FiFo movement policy and LiFo costing method). - - - - - - -陸揚げ費込み原価 -陸揚げ費込み原価 -Landed cost to be allocated to material receipts -Landed costs allow you to allocate costs to previously received material receipts. Examples are freight, excise tax, insurance, etc. - - - - - - -請求書検索 -請求書検索 -Search Invoice Identifier -The Invoice Document. - - - - - - -受注検索 -受注検索 -Order Identifier -Order is a control document. - - - - - - -出荷/受領の検索 -出荷/受領の検索 -Material Shipment Document -The Material Shipment / Receipt - - - - - - -請求書バッチ -請求書バッチ -Expense Invoice Batch Header - - - - - - - -請求書バッチ詳細 -請求書バッチ詳細 -Expense Invoice Batch Line - - - - - - - -ドキュメント分量 -ドキュメント分量 -Document Amount - - - - - - - -複数行のみ -複数行のみ -This applies to Multi-Row view only - - - - - - - -ユーザー組織アクセスを使用 -ユーザー組織アクセスを使用 -Use Org Access defined by user instead of Role Org Access -You can define the access to Organization either by Role or by User. You would select this, if you have many organizations. - - - - - - -すべてのDBテーブルをチェック -すべてのDBテーブルをチェック -Check not just this table - - - - - - - -カラムSQL -カラムSQL -Virtual Column (r/o) -You can define virtual columns (not stored in the database). If defined, the Column name is the synonym of the SQL expression defined here. The SQL expression must be valid.<br> -Example: "Updated-Created" would list the age of the entry in days - - - - - - -原価要素 -原価要素 -Product Cost Element - - - - - - - -原価要素タイプ -原価要素タイプ -Type of Cost Element - - - - - - - -計算済み -計算済み -The value is calculated by the system -You cannot change values maintained by the system. - - - - - - -原価配分 -原価配分 -Landed Cost Distribution -How landed costs are distributed to material receipts - - - - - - -グループ -グループ -Request Group -Group of requests (e.g. version numbers, responsibility, ...) - - - - - - -カテゴリ -カテゴリ -Request Category -Category or Topic of the Request - - - - - - -状態 -状態 -Request Status -Status if the request (open, closed, investigating, ..) - - - - - - -解決 -解決 -Request Resolution -Resolution status (e.g. Fixed, Rejected, ..) - - - - - - -ユーザーの重要性 -ユーザーの重要性 -Priority of the issue for the User - - - - - - - -機密性 -機密性 -Type of Confidentiality - - - - - - - -関連要求 -関連要求 -Related Request (Master Issue, ..) -Request related to this request - - - - - - -エントリー機密性 -エントリー機密性 -Confidentiality of the individual entry - - - - - - - -標準の応答 -標準応答 -Request Standard Response -Text blocks to be copied into request response text - - - - - - -開始時刻 -開始時刻 -Time started - - - - - - - -終了時刻 -終了時刻 -End of the time span - - - - - - - -使用数量 -使用数量 -Quantity used for this event - - - - - - - -使用製品 -使用製品 -Product/Resource/Service used in Request -Invoicing uses the Product used. - - - - - - -請求書を要求 -請求書を要求 -The generated invoice for this request -The optionally generated invoice for the request - - - - - - -応答テキスト -応答テキスト -Request Response Text -Text block to be copied into request response text - - - - - - -閉鎖日付 -閉鎖日付 -Close Date -The Start Date indicates the last or final date - - - - - - -開始状態 -開始状態 -The status is closed -This allows to have the three generat situations of "not open" - "open" - "closed" - - - - - - -閉じている状態 -閉じている状態 -The status is closed -This allows to mave multiple closed status - - - - - - -自動期日の日 -自動期日の日 -Automatic Due Date Days -If a due date is not defined and the Auto Due Days ins greater then zero, a due date in the number of days is automatically created. - - - - - - -製品ダウンロード -製品ダウンロード -Product downloads -Define download for a product. If the product is an asset, the user can download the data. - - - - - - -メール確認 -メール確認 -Date Email was verified - - - - - - - -測定単位あたりの1つの資産 -測定単位あたりの1つの資産 -Create one asset per UOM -If selected, one asset per UOM is created, otherwise one asset with the quantity received/shipped. If you have multiple lines, one asset is created per line. - - - - - - -メールテキスト2 -メールテキスト2 -Optional second text part used for Mail message -The Mail Text indicates the text used for mail messages. - - - - - - -メールテキスト3 -メールテキスト3 -Optional third text part used for Mail message -The Mail Text indicates the text used for mail messages. - - - - - - -ウェブストア -ウェブストア -A Web Store of the Client - - - - - - - -ウェブストアメール -ウェブストアメール -EMail address used as the sender (From) -The EMail address is used to send mails to useres of the web store - - - - - - -ウェブストアユーザー -ウェブストアユーザー -User ID of the Web Store EMail address -User ID to connect to the Mail Server - - - - - - -ウェブストアパスワード -ウェブストアパスワード -Password of the Web Store EMail address -Password to connect to the Mail Server - - - - - - -メニュー資産 -資産 -Show Menu Assets - - - - - - - -メニュー受注 -受注 -Show Menu Orders - - - - - - - -メニュー請求書 -請求書 -Show Menu Invoices - - - - - - - -メニュー出荷 -出荷 -Show Menu Shipments - - - - - - - -メニュー支払い -支払い -Show Menu Payments - - - - - - - -メニュー見積要求 -見積要求 -Show Menu RfQs - - - - - - - -メニュー要求 -要求 -Show Menu Requests - - - - - - - -メニュー利息 -利息 -Show Menu Interests - - - - - - - -メニュー登録 -登録 -Show Menu Registrations - - - - - - - -メニュー連絡先 -連絡先 -Show Menu Contact - - - - - - - -メールヘッダー -メールヘッダー -Header added to EMails -The header is added to every email. - - - - - - -メールフッター -メールフッター -Footer added to EMails -The footer is added to every email. - - - - - - -メールメッセージ -メールメッセージ -Web Store Mail Message Template - - - - - - - -メッセージタイプ -メッセージタイプ -Mail Message Type - - - - - - - -題名 -題名 -Email Message Subject -Subject of the EMail - - - - - - -メッセージ -メッセージ -EMail Message -Message of the EMail - - - - - - -メッセージ2 -メッセージ2 -Optional second part of the EMail Message -Message of the EMail - - - - - - -メッセージ3 -メッセージ3 -Optional third part of the EMail Message -Message of the EMail - - - - - - -ユーザーメール -ユーザーメール -Mail sent to the user -Archive of mails sent to users - - - - - - -参照をつけられた支払い -参照支払い - - - - - - - - -アクティブにして作成 -アクティブにして作成 -Create Asset and activate it -You may want to consider not to automatically make the asset active if you need to get some additional information - - - - - - -通知タイプ -通知タイプ -Type of Notifications -Emails or Notification sent out for Request Updates, etc. - - - - - - -次の状態 -次の状態 -Move to next status automatically after timeout -After the timeout, change the status automatically - - - - - - -更新状態 -更新状態 -Automatically change the status after entry from web -Change the status automatically after the entry was changed via the Web - - - - - - -タイムアウト日数 -タイムアウト日数 -Timeout in Days to change Status automatically -After the number of days of inactivity, the status is changed automatically to the Next Status. If no Next Status is defined, the status is not changed. - - - - - - -ウェブは更新可能 -ウェブは更新可能 -Entry can be updated from the Web - - - - - - - -最終閉鎖 -最終閉鎖 -Entries with Final Close cannot be re-opened - - - - - - - -役職 -役職 -Job Position - - - - - - - -役職カテゴリ -役職カテゴリ -Job Position Category -Classification of Job Positions - - - - - - -役職割当 -役職割当 -Assignemt of Employee (User) to Job Position -仕事の役職への従業員(ユーザー)の割当です。 - - - - - - -報酬 -報酬 -Wage or Salary - - - - - - - -報酬タイプ -報酬タイプ -Type of Remuneration - - - - - - - -標準の時間 -標準の時間 -Standard Work Hours based on Remuneration Type -Number of hours per Remuneration Type (e.g. Daily 8 hours, Weekly 40 hours, etc.) to determine when overtime starts - - - - - - -総額 - -Gross Remuneration Amount -Gross Salary or Wage Amount (without Overtime, Benefits and Employer overhead) - - - - - - -総計の費用 -総計の費用 -Gross Remuneration Costs -Gross Salary or Wage Costs (without Overtime, with Benefits and Employer overhead) - - - - - - -時間外の分量 -時間外の分量 -Hourly Overtime Rate -Hourly Amount without Benefits and Employer overhead - - - - - - -時間外の費用 -時間外の費用 -Hourly Overtime Cost -Hourly Amount with Benefits and Employer overhead - - - - - - -役職報酬 -役職報酬 -Remuneration for the Position - - - - - - - -従業員報酬 -従業員報酬 -Employee Wage or Salary Overwrite -Overwrite the standard Remuneration - - - - - - -代替グループ -代替グループ -Product BOM Alternative Group -Alternative groups allow you to group Bill of Material components, which are exclusive (i.e. only one is valid). Examples different engine sizes. - - - - - - -製品運営 -製品運営 -Product Manufacturing Operation -The Operations to create the product. Note that the actual used operation and sequence is determined by the BOM Product. - - - - - - -準備時間 -準備時間 -Setup time before starting Production -Once per operation - - - - - - -1ユニットあたりのランタイム -ユニットランタイム -Time to produce one unit - - - - - - - -分解時間 -分解時間 -Time at the end of the operation -Onec per operation - - - - - - -操作リソース -操作リソース -Product Operation Resource -Resources for the Operation. You can have multiple resources (e.g. tool, labor) per operation. - - - - - - -部品構成表 -部品構成表 -Bill of Material -The composition of the Product - - - - - - -変更通知 -変更通知 -Bill of Materials (Engineering) Change Notice (Version) - - - - - - - -部品構成表使用 -部品構成表使用 -The use of the Bill of Material -By default the Master BOM is used, if the alternatives are not defined - - - - - - -変更要求 -変更要求 -BOM (Engineering) Change Request -Change requests for a Bill of Materials. They can be automatically created from Requests, if enabled in the Request Type and the Request Group referres to a Bill of Materials - - - - - - -部品構成表の構成要素 -部品構成表の構成要素 -Bill of Material Component (Product) -The Bill of Material Compoment determines what products, services and outside processing is included in producing the Product. It references the operation and determines it's sequence. - - - - - - -構成要素タイプ -構成要素タイプ -BOM Product Type - - - - - - - -ダミー -ダミー -Phantom Component -Phantom Component are not stored and produced with the product. This is an option to avild maintaining an Engineering and Manufacturing Bill of Materials. - - - - - - -リードタイムオフセット -リードタイムオフセット -Optional Lead Time offest before starting production - - - - - - - -変更要求を作成 -変更要求を作成 -Automatically create BOM (Engineering) Change Request -Create automatically a Product Bill of Material (Engineering) Change Request when the Request Group references a Product BOM - - - - - - -更新を要求 -更新を要求 -Request Updates -更新を要求します。 - - - - - - -レコードを挿入 -レコードを挿入 -The user can insert a new Record -If not selected, the user cannot create a new Record. This is automatically disabled, if the Tab is Read Only. - - - - - - -アドバンスタブ -アドバンスタブ -This Tab contains advanced Functionality -The tab with advanced functionality is only displayed, if enabled in Tools>Preference. - - - - - - -機密情報 -機密情報 -Can enter confidential information -When entering/updating Requests over the web, the user can mark his info as confidential - - - - - - -優先順位基準 -優先順位基準 -Base of Priority -When deriving the Priority from Importance, the Base is "added" to the User Importance. - - - - - - -NULLカラム -NULLカラム -Columns with NULL value -Null values are used for showing "no change" - - - - - - -修理 -修理 -Fixed in Change Notice - - - - - - - -パートナーが貸借を持っている場合のみ -パートナーが貸借を持っている場合のみ -Include only if Business Partner has outstanding Balance - - - - - - - -対象属性セットインスタンス -対象属性セットインスタンス -Target Product Attribute Set Instance - - - - - - - -再評価分量Cr -再評価分量Cr -Revaluated Cr Amount - - - - - - - -再評価された異なったCr -異なったCr -Revaluated Cr Amount Difference - - - - - - - -再評価されたDr分量 -再評価されたDr分量 -Revaluated Dr Amount - - - - - - - -再評価された異なったDr -異なったDr -Revaluated Dr Amount Difference - - - - - - - -再評価変換タイプ -再評価変換タイプ -Revaluation Currency Conversion Type -Tipo de Conversion de Moneda para Revaluacion - - - - - - -再評価日付 -再評価日付 -Date of Revaluation - - - - - - - -メールテスト -メールテスト -Test EMail - - - - - - - -サーバプロセス -サーバプロセス -Run this Process on Server only -Enabling this flag disables to run the process on the client. This potentially decreases the availability. - - - - - - -サーバメール -サーバメール -Send EMail from Server -When selected, mail is sent from the server rather then the client. This decreases availability. You would select this when you do not want to enable email relay for the client addresses in your mail server. - - - - - - -ウェブコンテキスト -ウェブコンテキスト -Web Server Context - e.g. /wstore -Unique Web Server Context for this Web Store - will set context-root in application.xml. -The web context usually starts with / and needs to be a valid context name (not checked). - - - - - - -ビジネスパートナー(代理人) -ビジネスパートナー(代理人) -Business Partner (Agent or Sales Rep) - - - - - - - -現在の設定を変更 -設定変更 -Confirm that you want to change the current setting - - - - - - - -最大の長さ -最大の長さ -Maximum Length of Data - - - - - - - -試験値 -試験値 -Value to test - - - - - - - -元の倉庫 -元の倉庫 -Optional Warehouse to replenish from -If defined, the warehouse selected is used to replenish the product(s) - - -n seleccionado - - - -補給クラス -補給クラス -Custom class to calculate Quantity to Order -If you select a custom replenishment type, you need to create a class implementing org.compiere.util.ReplenishInterface and set that on warehouse level. - - - - - - -原価計算レベル -原価計算レベル -The lowest level to accumulate Costing Information -If you want to maintain different costs per organization (warehouse) or per Batch/Lot, you need to make sure that you define the costs for each of the organizations or batch/lot. The Costing Level is defined per Accounting Schema and can be overwritten by Product Category and Accounting Schema. - - - - - - -費用詳細 -費用詳細 -Cost Detail Information - - - - - - - -基礎 -基礎 -Calculation Base - - - - - - - -陸揚げ費込み原価配分 -陸揚げ費込み原価配分 -Allocation for Land Costs - - - - - - - -売上原価を調整 -売上原価を調整 -Adjust Cost of Good Sold -For Invoice costing methods, you can adjust the cost of goods sold. At the time of shipment, you may not have received the invoice for the receipt or cost adjustments like freight, customs, etc. - - - - - - -原価 -原価 -Price per Unit of Measure including all indirect costs (Freight, etc.) -Optional Purchase Order Line cost price. - - - - - - -累積分量 -累積分量 -Total Amount -Sum of all amounts - - - - - - -累積数量 -累積数量 -Total Quantity -Sum of the quantities - - - - - - -コピー上書き -コピー上書き -Copy and Overwrite Default Accounts (DANGEROUS!!) - - - - - - - -組織のみ -組織のみ -Create posting entries only for this organization -When you have multiple accounting schema, you may want to restrict the generation of postings entries for the additional accounting schema (i.e. not for the primary). Example: You have a US and a FR organization. The primary accounting schema is in USD, the second in EUR. If for the EUR accounting schema, you select the FR organizations, you would not create accounting entries for the transactions of the US organization in EUR. - - - - - - -失った販売注文数 -失った販売注文数 -Quantity of potential sales -When an order is closed and there is a difference between the ordered quantity and the delivered (invoiced) quantity is the Lost Sales Quantity. Note that the Lost Sales Quantity is 0 if you void an order, so close the order if you want to track lost opportunities. [Void = data entry error - Close = the order is finished] - - - - - - -失った販売分量 -失った販売分量 -Amount of lost sales in Invoice Currency - - - - - - - -利益額分量 -利益額分量 -Difference between actual and limit price multiplied by the quantity -The margin amount is calculated as the difference between actual and limit price multiplied by the quantity - - - - - - -属性セットを除外 -属性セットを除外 -Exclude the ability to enter Attribute Sets - - - - - - - -ロットを除外 -ロットを除外 -Exclude the ability to create Lots in Attribute Sets - - - - - - - -シリアル番号を除外 -シリアル番号を除外 -Exclude the ability to create Serial Numbers in Attribute Sets - - - - - - - -支払いを割り当て -支払いを割り当て -Allocate Payment to Invoices -You can directly allocate payments to invoices when creating the Payment. -Note that you can over- or under-allocate the payment. When processing the payment, the allocation is created. - - - - - - -請求書分量 -請求書分量 - - - - - - - - -残存分量 -残存分量 -Remaining Amount - - - - - - - -完全なパートナーアクセス -完全なパートナーアクセス -The user/contact has full access to Business Partner information and resources -If selected, the user has full access to the Business Partner (BP) information (Business Documents like Orders, Invoices - Requests) or resources (Assets, Downloads). If you deselet it, the user has no access rights unless, you explicitly grant it in tab "BP Access" - - - - - - -ユーザーパートナーアクセス -ユーザーパートナーアクセス -User/contact access to Business Partner information and resources -If on User level, "Full BP Access" is NOT selected, you need to give access explicitly here. - - - - - - -アクセスタイプ -アクセスタイプ -Type of Access of the user/contact to Business Partner information and resources -If on User level, "Full BP Access" is NOT selected, give access explicitly - - - - - - -ユーザークエリ -ユーザークエリ -Saved User Query - - - - - - - -デルタ分量 -デルタ分量 -Difference Amount - - - - - - - -デルタ数量 -デルタ数量 -Quantity Difference - - - - - - - -現在の数量 -現在の数量 -Current Quantity - - - - - - - -すぐに仕訳 -すぐに仕訳 -Post the accounting immediately for testing -If selected, the accouning consequences are immediately generated when completing a doecument. Otherwise the document is posted by a batch process. You should select this only if you are testing, - - - - - - -すぐに費用 -すぐに費用 -Update Costs immediately for testing -If selected, costs are updated immediately when a Cost Detail record is created (by matching or shipping). Otherwise the costs are updated by batch or when the costs are needed for posting. You should select this only if you are testing, - - - - - - -費用キュー -費用キュー -FiFo/LiFo Cost Queue -Note thet the cost queue may not be the same as the physical movement cost queue due to differences in costing level and warehouse priority. - - - - - - -売掛金サービス -売掛金サービス -Customer Accounts Receivables Services Account -Account to post services related Accounts Receivables if you want to differentiate between Services and Product related revenue. This account is only used, if posting to service accounts is enabled in the accounting schema. - - - - - - -在庫クリア -在庫クリア -Product Inventory Clearing Account -Account used for posting matched product (item) expenses (e.g. AP Invoice, Invoice Match). You would use a different account then Product Expense, if you want to differentate service related costs from item related costs. The balance on the clearing account should be zero and accounts for the timing difference between invoice receipt and matching. - - - - - - - -費用調整 -費用調整 -Product Cost Adjustment Account -Account used for posting product cost adjustments (e.g. landed costs) - - - - - - -仕訳とサービスを分ける -仕訳と製品提供 -Differentiate between Services and Product Receivable/Payables -If selcted, you will post service related revenue to a different receiveables account and service related cost to a different payables account. - - - - - - -明示的な費用調整 -明示的な費用調整 -Post the cost adjustment explicitly -If selected, landed costs are posted to the account in the line and then this posting is reversed by the postings to the cost adjustment accounts. If not selected, it is directly posted to the cost adjustment accounts. - - - - - - -新しいバッチを作成 -新しいバッチ -If selected a new batch is created -Note that the balance check does not check that individual batches are balanced. - - - - - - -新しい仕訳帳を作成 -新しい仕訳帳 -If selected a new journal within the batch is created -Note that the balance check does not check that individual journals are balanced. - - - - - - -クエリレコードを確認 -クエリレコードを確認 -Require Confirmation if more records will be returned by the query (If not defined 500) -Enter the numer of records the query wil return without confirmation to avoid unnecessary system load. If 0, the system default of 500 is used. - - - - - - -最大クエリレコード -最大クエリレコード -If defined, you cannot query more records as defined - the query criteria needs to be changed to query less records -Enter the numer of records a user will be able to query to avoid unnecessary system load. If 0, no restrictions are imposed. - - - - - - -シリアル番号文字開始上書き -シリアル番号文字開始 -Serial Number Start Indicator overwrite - default # -If not defined, the default character # is used - - - - - - -シリアル番号文字終了上書き -シリアル番号文字終了 -Serial Number End Indicator overwrite - default empty -If not defined, no character is used - - - - - - -ロット文字開始上書き -ロット文字開始 -Lot/Batch Start Indicator overwrite - default ≪ -If not defined, the default character ≪ is used - - - - - - -ロット文字終了上書き -ロット文字終了 -Lot/Batch End Indicator overwrite - default ≫ -If not defined, the default character ≫ is used - - - - - - -手数料タイプ -手数料タイプ -Create Commitment and/or Reservations for Budget Control -The Posting Type Commitments is created when posting Purchase Orders; The Posting Type Revervation is created when posting Requisitions. This is used for bugetary control. - - - - - - -手数料オフセット -手数料オフセット -Budgetary Commitment Offset Account -The Commitment Offset Account is used for posting Commitments and Reservations. It is usually an off-balance sheet and gain-and-loss account. - - - - - - -税金申告 -税金申告 -Define the declaration to the tax authorities -The tax declaration allows you to create supporting information and reconcile the documents with the accounting - - - - - - -税金申告詳細 -税金申告詳細 -Tax Declaration Document Information -The lines are created by the create process. You can delete them if you do not want to include them in a particular declaration. - - - - - - -税金申告会計 -税金申告会計 -Tax Accounting Reconciliation -Accounting related information for reconcilation with documents. It includes all revenue/expense and tax entries as a base for detail reporting - - - - - - -要件を組み合わせる -マッチ -Matching Requirement for Invoice - - - - - - - -自動配送を除外 -自動配送を除外 -Exclude from automatic Delivery -The product is excluded from generating Shipments. This allows manual creation of shipments for high demand items. If selected, you need to create the shipment manually. -But, the item is always included, when the delivery rule of the Order is Force (e.g. for POS). -This allows finer granularity of the Delivery Rule Manual. - - - - - - -レポート階層構造 -階層構造 -Optional Reporting Hierarchy - If not selected the default hierarchy trees are used. -Reporting Hierarchy allows you to select different Hierarchies/Trees for the report. -Accounting Segments like Organization, Account, Product may have several hierarchies to accomodate different views on the business. - - - - - - -勘定科目ツリー -勘定科目ツリー -Tree for Natural Account Tree - - - - - - - -消費税 -消費税 -This is a sales tax (i.e. not a value added tax) -If selected AP tax is handled as expense, otherwise it is handeled as a VAT credit. - - - - - - -予算管理 -予算管理 -Budget Control -Budget Control allows you to restrict the use of expenditures, commitments (Purchase Orders) and reservations (Requisitions). If defined, you mey not be able to approve Requisitions, Purchse Orders, or AP Invoices. - - (Ordenes de Compra) - - - - -承認の前 -承認の前 -The Check is before the (manual) approval -If selected, the Budget Approval is before manual approvals - i.e. is only approved if budget is available. This may cause that the use of the budget is delayed (after the approval) - - - - - - -管理範囲 -管理範囲 -Scope of the Budget Control - - - - - - - -総勘定元帳資金 -総勘定元帳資金 -General Ledger Funds Control -General Ledger Funds Control allows you to restrict the use of funds. This is independent from budget control. - - - - - - -資金制限 -資金制限 -Restriction of Funds -If defined, you can use the fund only for the accounts selected. - - - - - - -サブ勘定科目 -サブ勘定科目 -Sub account for Element Value -The Element Value (e.g. Account) may have optional sub accounts for further detail. The sub account is dependent on the value of the account, so a further specification. If the sub-accounts are more or less the same, consider using another accounting dimension. - - - - - - -ユーザー要素1 -ユーザー要素1 -User defined accounting Element -A user defined accounting element referres to a Adempiere table. This allows to use any table content as an accounting dimension (e.g. Project Task). Note that User Elements are optional and are populated from the context of the document (i.e. not requested) - - - - - - -ユーザー要素2 -ユーザー要素2 -User defined accounting Element -A user defined accounting element referres to a Adempiere table. This allows to use any table content as an accounting dimension (e.g. Project Task). Note that User Elements are optional and are populated from the context of the document (i.e. not requested) - - - - - - -メール受取人 -メール受取人 -Recipient of the EMail - - - - - - - -接続プロフィール -接続プロフィール -How a Java Client connects to the server(s) -Depending on the connection profile, different protocols are used and tasks are performed on the server rather then the client. Usually the user can select different profiles, unless it is enforced by the User or Role definition. The User level profile overwrites the Role based profile. - - - - - - -クライアントシェア -クライアントシェア -Force (not) sharing of client/org entities -For entities with data access level of Client+Organization either force to share the entries or not. Example: Product and Business Partner can be either defined on Client level (shared) or on Org level (not shared). You can define here of Products are always shared (i.e. always created under Organization "*") or if they are not shared (i.e. you cannot enter them with Organization "*") - - - - - - -共有タイプ -共有タイプ -Type of sharing -Defines if a table is shared within a client or not. - - - - - - -信用監視% -信用監視% -Credit Watch - Percent of Credit Limit when OK switches to Watch -If Adempiere maintains credit status, the status "Credit OK" is moved to "Credit Watch" if the credit available reaches the percent entered. If not defined, 90% is used. - - - - - - -価格マッチ許容誤差 -価格マッチ許容誤差 -PO-Invoice Match Price Tolerance in percent of the purchase price -Tolerance in Percent of matching the purchase order price to the invoice price. The difference is posted as Invoice Price Tolerance for Standard Costing. If defined, the PO-Invoice match must be explicitly approved, if the matching difference is greater then the tolerance.<br> -Example: if the purchase price is $100 and the tolerance is 1 (percent), the invoice price must be between $99 and 101 to be automatically approved. - - - - - - -価格マッチ差 -価格マッチ差 -Difference between Purchase and Invoice Price per matched line -The difference between purchase and invoice price may be used for requiring explicit approval if a Price Match Tolerance is defined on Business Partner Group level. - - - - - - -エラー報告 -エラー報告 -Automatically report Errors -To automate error reporting, submit errors to Adempiere. Only error (stack trace) information is submitted (no data or confidential information). It helps us to react faster and proactively. If you have a support contract, we will you inform about corrective measures. This functionality is experimental at this point. - - - - - - -システム問題 -システム問題 -Automatically created or manually entered System Issue -System Issues are created to speed up the resolution of any system related issues (potential bugs). If enabled, they are automatically reported to Adempiere. No data or confidential information is transferred. - - - - - - -ローカルホスト -ローカルホスト -Local Host Info - - - - - - - -エラー追跡 -エラー追跡 -System Error Trace -Java Trace Info - - - - - - -スタックトレース -スタックトレース -System Log Trace - - - - - - - -ドキュメント番号を要求 -ドキュメント番号を要求 -Adempiere Request Document No - - - - - - - -オペレーティングシステム -オペレーティングシステム -Operating System Info - - - - - - - -データベース -データベース -Database Information - - - - - - - -バニラシステム -バニラシステム -The system was NOT compiled from Source - i.e. standard distribution -You may have customizations, like additional columns, tables, etc - but no code modifications which require compiling from source. - - - - - - -再現可能 -再現可能 -Problem can re reproduced in Gardenworld -The problem occurs also in the standard distribution in the demo client Gardenworld. - - - - - - -再評価ドキュメントタイプ -DocはRevalをタイプします。 -Document Type for Revaluation Journal - - - - - - - -すべての通貨を含める -すべての通貨 -Report not just foreign currency Invoices - - - - - - - -タスク状態 -タスク状態 -Status of the Task -Completion Rate and Status of the Task - - - - - - -計画を完了 -計画を完了 -Planned Completion Date -Date when the task is planned to be complete - - - - - - -数量計画 -数量計画 -Planned Quantity -Planned Quantity - - - - - - -計画開始 -計画開始 -Planned Start Date -Date when you plan to start - - - - - - -色のスキーマ -色のスキーマ -Performance Color Schema -Visual representation of performance by color. The Schema has often three levels (e.g. red-yellow-green). Adempiere support two levels (e.g. red-green) or four levels (e.g. gray-bronce-silver-gold). Note that Measures without a goal are represented white. The percentages could be beween 0 and unlimited (i.e. above 100%). - - - - - - -1パーセントをマーク -1パーセントをマーク -Percentage up to this color is used -Example 50 - i.e. below 50% this color is used - - - - - - -色1 -色1 -First color used - - - - - - - -2パーセントをマークしてください。 -2パーセントをマークしてください。 -Percentage up to this color is used -Example 80 - e.g., if Mark 1 is 50 - this color is used between 50% and 80% - - - - - - -色2 -色2 -Second color used - - - - - - - -3パーセントをマークしてください。 -3パーセントをマークしてください。 -Percentage up to this color is used -Example 100 - e.g., if Mark 2 is 80 - this color is used between 80% and 100% - - - - - - -色3 -色3 -Third color used - - - - - - - -4パーセントをマークしてください。 -4パーセントをマークしてください。 -Percentage up to this color is used -Example 9999 - e.g., if Mark 3 is 100 - this color is used above 100% - - - - - - -色4 -色4 -Forth color used - - - - - - - -親目標 -親目標 -Parent Goal -You can create a hierarchy of goals by linking the sub-goals to the summary goal. -The measures are automatically rolled up - - - - - - -測定範囲 -測定範囲 -Performance Measure Scope -The scope of the goal can be broken down for initial display. -Example: Scope is Year, Display is Month - the goal is entered as a yearly number, the display divides the goal by 12 - - - - - - -測定表示 -測定表示 -Measure Scope initially displayed - - - - - - - -目標制限 -目標制限 -Performance Goal Restriction -Restriction of the performance measure to the Organization, Business Partner or Product defined. -Example: The performance is only measured for HQ -The measure must support the data, otherwise it is ignored. - - - - - - -制限タイプ -制限タイプ -Goal Restriction Type -Enter one or more records per Goal Restriction Type (e.g. Org o1, o2) - - - - - - -キーカラム -キーカラム -Key Column for Table - - - - - - - -ベンチマーク -ベンチマーク -Performance Benchmark -Data Series to compare internal performance with (e.g. stock price, ...) - - - - - - -比率 -比率 -Performace Ratio -Calculation instruction set for a perfomance ratio - - - - - - -測定データタイプ -データ型 -Type of data - Status or in Time -Status represents values valid at a certain time (e.g. Open Invoices) - No history is maintained.<br> -Time represents a values at a given time (e.g. Invoice Amount on 1/1) - History is maintained - - - - - - -累積タイプ -累積タイプ -How to accumulate data on time axis -Sum adds the data points (e.g. stock volume) - Average is appropriate for e.g. Stock Price - - - - - - -ベンチマーク・データ -ベンチマーク・データ -Performance Benchmark Data Point -Data Series Point to compare internal performance with (e.g. stock price, ...) - - - - - - -日付 -日付 -Benchmark Date -Date of the Benchmark Data Point - - - - - - - - -Benchmark Value -Value of the Benchmark Data Point - - - - - - -比率要素 -比率要素 -Performance Ratio Element -Individual calculation instruction for a ratio - - - - - - -オペランド -オペランド -Ratio Operand -Operand how data is calculated. If it is the first in the series, 'minus' will create a negative value, otherwise ignored. - - - - - - -要素タイプ -要素タイプ -Ratio Element Type -Type of data used for the calculation - - - - - - -使用される比率 -使用される比率 -Performace Ratio Used -Existing Performance Ratio to be used in the calculation. Make sure that the Ratio is not self-referencing (loop). - - - - - - -最後のメンテナンス -最後のメンテナンス -Last Maintenance Date - - - - - - - -次のメンテナンス -次のメンテナンス -Next Maintenence Date - - - - - - - -最後のユニット -最後のユニット -Last Maintenance Unit - - - - - - - -次のユニット -次のユニット -Next Maintenence Unit - - - - - - - -リース終了 -リース終了 -Lease Termination Date -Last Date of Lease - - - - - - -貸主 -貸主 -The Business Partner who rents or leases - - - - - - - -最後のメモ -最後のメモ -Last Maintenance Note - - - - - - - -サポート有効期限 -サポート有効期限 -Date when the Adempiere support expires -Check http://www.adempiere.org for support options - - - - - - -リリースタグ -リリースタグ -Release Tag - - - - - - - -サポートメール -サポートメール -EMail address to send support information and updates to -If not entered the registered email is used. - - - - - - -問題概要 -問題概要 -Issue Summary - - - - - - - -元クラス -元クラス -Source Class Name - - - - - - - -ソースメソッド -ソースメソッド -Source Method Name - - - - - - - -ログ方法 -ログ方法 -Logger Name - - - - - - - -ライン -ライン -Line No - - - - - - - -既知の問題 -既知の問題 -Known Issue - - - - - - - -問題推薦 -問題推薦 -Recommendations how to fix an Issue -Recommendations how to fix an Issue - - - - - - -問題状態 -問題状態 -Status of an Issue -Status of an Issue - - - - - - -問題状態 -問題状態 -Current Status of the Issue -Description of the current status of the issue - - - - - - -Java情報 -Java情報 -Java Version Info - - - - - - - -統計 -統計 -Information to help profiling the system for solving support issues -Profile information do not contain sensitive information and are used to support issue detection and diagnostics as well as general anonymous statistics - - - - - - -プロフィール -プロフィール -Information to help profiling the system for solving support issues -Profile information do not contain sensitive information and are used to support issue detection and diagnostics - - - - - - -古い名前 -古い名前 - - - - - - - - -システム状態 -システム状態 -Status of the system - Support priority depends on system status -System status helps to prioritize support resources - - - - - - -問題追跡 -問題追跡 -Enable tracking issues for this asset -Issues created by automatic Error Reporting - - - - - - -問題システム -問題システム -System creating the issue - - - - - - - -問題プロジェクト -問題プロジェクト -Implementation Projects - - - - - - - -問題報告ユーザー -問題報告ユーザー -User who reported issues - - - - - - - -Cost Value -Cost Value -Value with Cost - - - - - - - -Source -Source -Issue Source -Source of the Issue - - - - - - -Status Category -Status Category -Request Status Category -Category of Request Status enables to maintain different set of Status for different Request Categories - - - - - - -Size X -Size X -X (horizontal) dimension size -Size of X (horizontal) dimension in Units - - - - - - -Size Y -Size Y -Y (vertical) dimension size -Size of Y (vertical) dimension in Units - - - - - - -Dimension Units -Units -Units of Dimension - - - - - - - -Set Inventory Count to -Set Inventory Count to -Set the value of the inventory count to Zero or On Hand Quantity - - - - - - - -Interest Area -Interest Area -Name of the Interest Area -Name of the Interest Area of the user - - - - - - -Barcode Type -Barcode -Type of barcode - - - - - - - -Web Project -Web Project -A web project is the main data container for Containers, URLs, Ads, Media etc. -A web project is the meta definition which will contain later on all data within the Web Content Management Project. - - - - - - -Meta Copyright -Meta Copyright -Contains Copyright information for the content -This Tag contains detailed information about the content's copyright situation, how holds it for which timeframe etc. - - - - - - -Meta Publisher -Meta Publisher -Meta Publisher defines the publisher of the content -As author and publisher must not be the same person this tag saves the responsible publisher for the content - - - - - - -Meta RobotsTag -Meta RobotsTag -RobotsTag defines how search robots should handle this content -The Meta Robots Tag define on how a search engines robot should handle this page and the following ones. It defines two keywords: (NO)INDEX which defines whether or not to index this content and (NO)FOLLOW which defines whether or not to folow links. The most common combination is INDEX,FOLLOW which will force a search robot to index the content and follow links and images. - - - - - - -Meta Author -Meta Author -Author of the content -Author of the content for the Containers Meta Data - - - - - - -Meta Content Type -Meta Content Type -Defines the type of content i.e. "text/html; charset=UTF-8" -With this tag you can overwrite the type of content and how search engines will interpret it. You should keep in mind that this will not influence how the Server and Client interpret the content. - - - - - - -Template -Template -Template defines how content is displayed -A template describes how content should get displayed, it contains layout and maybe also scripts on how to handle the content - - - - - - -Included -Included -Defines whether this content / template is included into another one -Templates can be independent or included. Included Templates are also called subtemplates - - - - - - -Use Ad -Use Ad -Whether or not this templates uses Ad's -This describe whether or not this Template will use Ad's - - - - - - -Uses News -Uses News -Template or container uses news channels -This content (container or template) uses news channels - - - - - - -Elements -Elements -Contains list of elements seperated by CR -Contains a list of elements this template uses seperated by a Carriage Return. Last line should be empty - - - - - - -TemplateXST -TemplateXST -Contains the template code itself -Here we include the template code itself - - - - - - -Web Container -Container -Web Container contains content like images, text etc. -A Container defines the abstract level around the content, it defines how the content get's displayed, indexed and stored. - - - - - - -Notice -Notice -Contains last write notice -Contains info on what changed with the last write - - - - - - -Web Container Type -Container Type -Web Container Type -This parameter defines the type of content for this container. - - - - - - -External Link (URL) -External Link -External Link (IRL) for the Container -External URL for the Container - - - - - - - -Relative URL -Relative URL -Contains the relative URL for the container -The relative URL is used together with the webproject domain to display the content - - - - - - -Indexed -Indexed -Index the document for the internal search engine -For cross document search, the document can be indexed for faster search (Container, Document Type, Request Type) - - - - - - -Secure content -Secure content -Defines whether content needs to get encrypted -If you select this parameter this container will only get delivered over a secure connection i.e. SSL etc. if no encryption can be found no content will be delivered - - - - - - -Meta Description -Meta Description -Meta info describing the contents of the page -The Meta Description tag should contain a short description on the page content - - - - - - -Meta Keywords -Meta Keywords -Contains the keywords for the content -Contains keyword info on the main search words this content is relevant to - - - - - - -StructureXML -StructureXML -Autogenerated Containerdefinition as XML Code -Autogenerated Containerdefinition as XML Code - - - - - - -ContainerXML -ContainerXML -Autogenerated Containerdefinition as XML Code -Autogenerated Containerdefinition as XML Code - - - - - - -Advertisement Category -Advertisement Category -Advertisement Category like Banner Homepage -The advertisement category defines a container for ad's like for example all banners used on the homepage in rotation are stored in a category "Banner Homepage" etc. - - - - - - -Media Item -Media Item -Contains media content like images, flash movies etc. -This table contains all the media content like images, flas movies etc. - - - - - - -Media Type -Media Type -Defines the media type for the browser -The browser and the media server need info on the type of content - - - - - - -Advertisement -Advertisement -An Advertisement is something like a banner -You could use banner, partner infos, sponsored links etc. as an advertisement - - - - - - -Target Frame -Target Frame -Which target should be used if user clicks? -Do we want the content to stay in same window, to open up a new one or to place it in a special frame? - - - - - - -Actual Click Count -Actual Click Count -How many clicks have been counted -Contains info on the actual click count until now - - - - - - -Max Click Count -Max Click Count -Maximum Click Count until banner is deactivated -A banner has a maximum number of clicks after which it will get deactivated - - - - - - -Actual Impression Count -Actual Impression Count -How many impressions have been counted -Contains info on the actual impression count until now - - - - - - -Max Impression Count -Max Impression Count -Maximum Impression Count until banner is deactivated -A banner has a maximum number of impressions after which it will get deactivated - - - - - - -Start Count Impression -Start Count Impression -For rotation we need a start count -If we run banners in rotation we always show the one with the min of impressions, so if a new banner is added to impressions we don't want it to show up so often we set a startimpressions value. StartImpression+ActualImpression=CurrentImpression - - - - - - -Content HTML -Content HTML -Contains the content itself -Contains the content itself as HTML code. Should normally only use basic tags, no real layouting - - - - - - -Special AD Flag -Special AD Flag -Do we need to specially mention this ad? -If we have a block in content where anounce content and also sponsored links we should mention the sponsored ones - - - - - - -Logging -Logging -Do we need to log the banner impressions and clicks? (needs much performance) -As of performance we should only log banners if really necessary, as this takes a lot of performance - - - - - - -Media Server -Media Server -Media Server list to which content should get transfered -For performance optimization we save media content on static servers - - - - - - -Transfer passive -Transfer passive -FTP passive transfer -Should the transfer be run in passive mode? - - - - - - -IP Address -IP Address -Defines the IP address to transfer data to -Contains info on the IP address to which we will transfer data - - - - - - -Folder -Folder -A folder on a local or remote system to store data into -We store files in folders, especially media files. - - - - - - -Container Element -Container Element -Container element i.e. Headline, Content, Footer etc. -A container element defines the smalles definition of content, i.e. the headline, the content etc. - - - - - - -Container URL -Container URL -Contains info on used URLs -We save the info on all used URLs for checking them on availability etc. - - - - - - -Last Checked -Last Checked -Info when we did the last check -Info on the last check date - - - - - - -Status -Status -Status of the currently running check -Status of the currently running check - - - - - - -Last Result -Last Result -Contains data on the last check result -If we ran into errors etc. you will find the details in here - - - - - - -Web Container Stage -Container Stage -Web Container Stage contains the staging content like images, text etc. -A Container defines the abstract level around the content, it defines how the content get's displayed, indexed and stored. -The ID is related 1 to 1 to the container ID - - - - - - -Container Stage Element -Container Stage Element -Container element i.e. Headline, Content, Footer etc. -A container element defines the smalles definition of content, i.e. the headline, the content etc. - - - - - - -News Channel -News Channel -News channel for rss feed -A news channel defines the content base for the RSS feed - - - - - - -Link -Link -Contains URL to a target -A Link should contain info on how to get to more information - - - - - - -News Item / Article -News Item / Article -News item or article defines base content -A news item / article is kind of a teaser for more information on an article - - - - - - -LinkURL -LinkURL -Contains URL to a target -A Link should contain info on how to get to more information - - - - - - -Publication Date -Publication Date -Date on which this article will / should get published -Date on which this article will / should get published - - - - - - -WebProject Domain -WebProject Domain -Definition of Domainhandling -This data describes how the different Domains should get handled and how data is forwarded. - - - - - - -Fully Qualified Domain Name -Fully Qualified Domain Name -Fully Qualified Domain Name i.e. www.comdivision.com -This field contains the so called fully qualified domain name including host and domain, but not anything protocol specific like http or the document path. - - - - - - -Invoice Rule -Invoice Rule -Invoice Rule for the project -The Invoice Rule for the project determines how orders (and consequently invoices) are created. The selection on project level can be overwritten on Phase or Task - - - - - - -Revenue Recognition Start -RR Start -Revenue Recognition Start Date -The date the revenue reconition starts. - - - - - - -Revenue Recognition Amt -RR Amt -Revenue Recognition Amount -The amount for revenue recognition calculation. If empty, the complete invoice amount is used. The difference between Revenue Recognition Amount and Invoice Line Net Amount is immediately recognized as revenue. - - - - - - -Line Level -Line Level -Project Line Level -Level on which Project Lines are maintained - - - - - - -Stylesheet -Stylesheet -CSS (Stylesheet) used -Base Stylesheet (.css file) to use - if empty, the default (standard.css) is used. The Style sheet can be a URL. - - - - - - -Container Link -Container Link -Link to another Container in the Web Project -Internal Link - - - - - - -Container Link -Container Link -Stage Link to another Container in the Web Project -Internal Link - - - - - - -Modified -Modified -The record is modified -Indication that the record is modified - - - - - - -Container Tree -Container Tree -Container Tree -Container Tree - - - - - - -Stage Tree -Stage Tree -Stage Tree -Stage Tree - - - - - - -Media Tree -Media Tree -Media Tree -Media Tree - - - - - - -Template Tree -Template Tree -Template Tree -Template Tree - - - - - - -Chat Type -Chat Type -Type of discussion / chat -Chat Type allows you to receive subscriptions for particular content of discussions. It is linked to a table. - - - - - - -Chat -Chat -Chat or discussion thread -Thread of discussion - - - - - - -Chat Entry -Chat Entry -Individual Chat / Discussion Entry -The entry can not be changed - just the confidentiality - - - - - - -Meta Language -Meta Language -Language HTML Meta Tag - - - - - - - -Template Table -Template Table -CM Template Table Link -Link a Template with a Table - - - - - - -Container T.Table -Container T.Table -Container Template Table -Link to individual Record - - - - - - -Stage T.Table -Stage T.Table -Containet Stage Template Table -Link to individual Record - - - - - - -Re-Validate -Re-Validate -Re-Validate entries - - - - - - - -Entity Type -Entity Type -System Entity Type -The entity type determines the ownership of Application Dictionary entries. The types "Dictionary" and "Adempiere" should not be used and are maintainted by Adempiere (i.e. all changes are reversed during migration to the current definition). - - - - - - -ModelPackage -ModelPackage -Java Package of the model classes -By default, the Java model classes for extensions are in the compiere.model package. If you provide a jar file in the classpath, you can define here your specific model package. The model classes are used to save/modify/delete entries and as well as in Workflow. Refer to the Compiere naming convention to make sure that your class is used rather then the base classes. - - - - - - -Classpath -Classpath -Extension Classpath -If your appplication requires additional jar files, enter them here. The jar files must be located in the $ADEMPIERE_HOME/lib directory. - - - - - - -Modification -Modification -System Modification or Extension -Description of the System modification or extension - - - - - - -Web Access Profile -Access Profile -Web Access Profile -Define access to collaboration management content. You can assign the profile to a internal role or for external access to business partner group. - - - - - - -Media Deploy -Media Deploy -Media Deployment Log -Log of Media Deployments - - - - - - -Deployed -Deployed -Entity is deployed - - - - - - - -Last Synchronized -Last Synchronized -Date when last synchronized - - - - - - - -Broadcast Server -Broadcast Server -Web Broadcast Server - - - - - - - -Web Access Log -Web Access Log -Web Access Log Information - - - - - - - -Log Type -Log Type -Web Log Type - - - - - - - -Request Type -Request Type - - - - - - - - -Hyphen -Hyphen - - - - - - - - -Protocol -Protocol -Protocol - - - - - - - -Status Code -Status Code - - - - - - - - -File Size -File Size -Size of the File in bytes - - - - - - - -Info Window -Info Window -Info and search/select Window -The Info window is used to search and select records as well as display information relevant to the selection. - - - - - - -Info Column -Info Column -Info Window Column -Column in the Info Window for display and/or selection. If used for selection, the column cannot be a SQL expression. The SQL clause must be fully qualified based on the FROM clause in the Info Window definition - - - - - - -Query Criteria -Query Criteria -The column is also used as a query criteria -The column is used to enter queries - the SQL cannot be an expression - - - - - - -Index Log -Log -Text search log - - - - - - - -Index Query -Query -Text Search Query -Text search query entered - - - - - - -Query Result -Result -Result of the text query - - - - - - - -Query Source -Source -Source of the Query - - - - - - - -Index -Index -Text Search Index -Text search index keyword and excerpt across documents - - - - - - -Excerpt -Excerpt -Surrounding text of the keyword -A passage or segment taken from a document, - - - - - - -Source Updated -Source Updated -Date the source document was updated - - - - - - - -Index Stop -Index Stop -Keyword not to be indexed -Keyword not to be indexed, optional restriced to specific Document Type, Container or Request Type - - - - - - -Tax Correction -Tax Correction -Type of Tax Correction -Determines if/when tax is corrected. Discount could be agreed or granted underpayments; Write-off may be partial or complete write-off. - - - - - - -Content -Content - - - - - - - - -Direct Deploy -Direct Deploy - - - - - - - - -Year -Year -The Fiscal Year -The Year identifies the accounting year for a calendar. - - - - - - -Acct Open Dr -Acct Open Dr -Open Debit in document curreny & rate - - - - - - - -Acct Open Cr -Acct Open Cr -Open Credit in document curreny & rate - - - - - - - -Acct Open Balance -Acct Open Balance -Open Balance in document curreny & rate - - - - - - - -Account Usage -Account Usage -Business Partner Bank Account usage -Determines how the bank account is used. - - - - - - -Create levels sequentially -Sequential -Create Dunning Letter by level sequentially -If selected, the dunning letters are created in the sequence of the dunning levels. Otherwise, the dunning level is based on the days (over)due. - - - - - - -Show All Due -Show All Due -Show/print all due invoices -The dunning letter with this level incudes all due invoices. - - - - - - -Show Not Due -Show Not Due -Show/print all invoices which are not due (yet). -The dunning letter with this level incudes all not due invoices. - - - - - - -Credit Stop -Credit Stop -Set the business partner to credit stop -If a dunning letter of this level is created, the business partner is set to Credit Stop (needs to be manually changed). - - - - - - -Set Payment Term -Set Payment Term -Set the payment term of the Business Partner -If a dunning letter of this level is created, the payment term of this business partner is overwritten. - - - - - - -Collection Status -Collection Status -Invoice Collection Status -Status of the invoice collection process - - - - - - -Ldap Processor -Ldap Processor -LDAP Server to authenticate and authorize external systems based on Adempiere -The LDAP Server allows third party software (e.g. Apache) to use the users defined in the system to authentificate and authorize them. There is only one server per Adempiere system. The "o" is the Client key and the optional "ou" is the Interest Area key. - - - - - - -Ldap Port -Ldap Port -The port the server is listening -The default LDAP port is 389 - - - - - - -Ldap Processor Log -Ldap Log -LDAP Server Log - - - - - - - -Ldap Access -Ldap Access -Ldap Access Log -Access via LDAP - - - - - - -Moderation Type -Moderation Type -Type of moderation - - - - - - - -Chat Entry Parent -Chat Entry Parent -Link to direct Parent - - - - - - - -Chat Entry Grandparent -Chat Entry Grandparent -Link to Grand Parent (root level) - - - - - - - -Chat Entry Type -Chat Entry Type -Type of Chat/Forum Entry - - - - - - - -Moderation Status -Moderation Status -Status of Moderation - - - - - - - -Wiki Token -Wiki Token -Wiki Token - - - - - - - -TokenType -Token Type -Wiki Token Type - - - - - - - -マクロ -マクロ -Macro - - - - - - - -AD_PACKAGE_IMP_INST_ID -AD_PACKAGE_IMP_INST_ID - - - - - - - - -作成日 -作成日 - - - - - - - - -PK_Version -PK_Version - - - - - - - - -UpdatedDate -UpdatedDate - - - - - - - - -アンインストール -アンインストール - - - - - - - - -PK_Status -PK_Status - - - - - - - - -作成者 -作成者 - - - - - - - - -CreatorContact -CreatorContact - - - - - - - - -AD_Package_Imp_Backup_ID -AD_Package_Imp_Backup_ID - - - - - - - - -AD_Package_Imp_Detail_ID -AD_Package_Imp_Detail_ID - - - - - - - - -AD_Package_Imp_Org_Dir -AD_Package_Imp_Org_Dir - - - - - - - - -ColValue -ColValue - - - - - - - - -AD_Package_Imp_ID -AD_Package_Imp_ID - - - - - - - - -AD_Package_Imp_Bck_Dir -AD_Package_Imp_Bck_Dir - - - - - - - - -AD_Original_ID -AD_Original_ID - - - - - - - - -Ad_Backup_ID -Ad_Backup_ID - - - - - - - - -成功 -成功 - - - - - - - - -AD_Package_Exp_ID -AD_Package_Exp_ID - - - - - - - - -AD_Package_Type -AD_Package_Type - - - - - - - - -Instructions -Instructions - - - - - - - - -File_Directory -File_Directory - - - - - - - - -AD_Package_Exp_Detail_ID -AD_Package_Exp_Detail_ID - - - - - - - - -Destination_FileName -Destination_FileName - - - - - - - - -Destination_Directory -Destination_Directory - - - - - - - - -DBType -DBType - - - - - - - - -Target_Directory -Target_Directory - - - - - - - - -SQLStatement -SQLStatement - - - - - - - - -AD_Package_Code_New -AD_Package_Code_New - - - - - - - - -AD_Package_Code_Old -AD_Package_Code_Old - - - - - - - - -AD_Package_Exp_Common_ID -AD_Package_Exp_Common_ID - - - - - - - - -AD_Override_Dict -AD_Override_Dict - - - - - - - - -AD_Package_Dir -AD_Package_Dir - - - - - - - - -AD_Package_Imp_Proc_ID -AD_Package_Imp_Proc_ID - - - - - - - - -AD_Package_Source -AD_Package_Source - - - - - - - - -AD_Package_Source_Type -AD_Package_Source_Type - - - - - - - - -ヘルプの表示 -ヘルプの表示 - - - - - - - - -Jasper Report -Jasper Report - - - - - - - - + + + + + + 添付 + 添付 + 文書用の添付です。 + すべてのドキュメント/ファイルの種類にも添付することができて、システムでのすべてのレコードにも付けることができます。 + + + + + + + クライアント + クライアント + このインストールのためのクライアント/テナントです。 + クライアントは会社または法人です。 クライアントの間のデータは共有することができません。 テナントはクライアントの同義語です。 + + + + + + + カラム + カラム + テーブルのカラムです。 + テーブルに関するデータベースカラムにリンクしてください。 + + + + + + + 表示カラム + 表示カラム + 表示するカラムです。 + 表示カラムは、表示するカラムを示します。 + + + + + + + システムエレメント + 要素 + システムエレメントは、カラムの説明とヘルプを、集中メンテナンスできるようにします。 + システムエレメントは、ヘルプ・説明・用語など、データベースカラムの集中管理を可能にします。 + + + + + + + フィールド + フィールド + データベーステーブルのフィールドです。 + フィールドはデータベーステーブルのフィールド特定します。 + + + + + + + キーカラム + キーカラム + DBレコードを必ずひとつに識別できる識別子です。 + キーカラムは、テーブル内のレコードを識別するための重複しないカラムです。 + + + + + + + 言語 + 言語 + この事業主体のための言語です。 + 言語は表示と形式に使用する言語を特定します。 + + + + + + + メニュー + メニュー + メニューを決定します。 + メニューは利用するメニューを決定します。 メニューは、ユーザーがアクセスするの画面を管理するために使われます。 + + + + + + + 取引組織 + 取引組織 + このシステムを実行または開始している組織です。 + (別の組織のために)この取引を実行、開始する組織です。 所有する組織は、主なサービスと組織間取引とともにサービス部門環境において、取引組織でない可能性があります。 + + + + + + + 組織 + 組織 + クライアントの中の組織的な実体です。 + 組織は、クライアントまたは法人の単位です。-- 例えば店、部です。 組織の間のデータは共有することができます。 + + + + + + + プロセスインスタンス + プロセスインスタンス + プロセスのインスタンスです。 + + + + + + + + 設定 + 設定 + 個人的な好みの設定です。 + + + + + + + + プロセス + プロセス + プロセスまたはレポートです。 + プロセスフィールドはシステム内のプロセスまたはレポートを特定します。 + + + + + + + プロセス・パラメータ + プロセス・パラメータ + + + + + + + + + 参照リスト + 参照リスト + テーブルに基づくリファレンスリストです。 + 参照リストフィールドは、データベーステーブルの参照リストの値を示しています。参照リストはデータエントリースクリーン内のドロップダウンリストボックスにあります。 + + + + + + + 参照 + 参照 + システム参照です。(リストを選んでください) + 参照は、参照フィールドのタイプです。 + + + + + + + 参照キー + 参照キー + データタイプがテーブルかリストだった場合に、データを特定するために参照キーが必要です。 + 参照値は、基準値がどこに保存されているかを表します。 データ型がテーブルかリストならそれを指定しなければなりません。 + + + + + + + 役割 + 役割 + ログイン権限を表します。 + 役割はセキュリティ、およびアクセス権限を決定するために使われます。 + + + + + + + 連続番号 + 連続番号 + 文書の連続番号です。 + 連続番号はドキュメントの番号です。 + + + + + + + タブ + タブ + ウィンドウ内のタブです。 + タブはウィンドウ内に表示されるタブを示しています。 + + + + + + + テーブル + テーブル + フィールドの情報が入ったテーブルです。 + テーブルは、フィールドが存在するテーブルを示しています。 + + + + + + + タスクインスタンス + タスクインスタンス + + + + + + + + + OSタスク + OSタスク + OSタスクです。 + タスクフィールドは、システム内のOSタスクを特定します。 + + + + + + + パートナーツリー + パートナーツリー + ビジネスパートナー階層構造を決定する木構造です。 + ツリー(木構造)は会計報告に使用されます。 + + + + + + + ツリー + ツリー + ツリー(木構造)を特定します。 + ツリーフィールドは、システムで一意に決まるツリーを特定します。ツリーは概要レベルの情報を定義します。それらは、レポートポイントと概要レベルを定義するのにレポートで使用されます。 + + + + + + + メニューツリー + メニューツリー + メニューの木構造です。 + メニューアクセスツリーです。 + + + + + + + 組織ツリー + 組織ツリー + 組織階層を決定する木構造です。 + ツリーは(会計)報告とセキュリティアクセスに使用されます。(役割を通して) + + + + + + + 製品ツリー + 製品ツリー + 製品階層構造を決定する木構造です。 + 木構造は(会計)報告に使用されます。 + + + + + + + プロジェクトツリー + プロジェクトツリー + プロジェクト階層構造を決定する木構造です。 + ツリーは(会計)報告に使用されます。 + + + + + + + 販売地域ツリー + 販売地域ツリー + 販売地域階層を決定するツリーです。 + ツリーは(会計)報告に使用されます。 + + + + + + + ユーザー/連絡先 + ユーザー + システムの中のユーザーです。内部のユーザー、ビジネスパートナーです。 + ユーザーはシステムで一意に決まるユーザーを特定します。これは、内部のユーザー、またはビジネスパートナーです。 + + + + + + + 動的妥当性検証 + 妥当性検証 + 動的妥当性検証ルールです。 + これらのルールは入力情報が有効かどうかを決定するために使います。妥当性検証のために変数を使うことが出来ます。 + + + + + + + 次のノード + 次のノード + 作業フローにおける次のノードです。 + 次のノードは、この作業フローの次のステップか、タスクを示します。 + + + + + + + ノード + ノード + 作業フローノード(活動)、ステップまたはプロセスです。 + 作業フローノードは、作業フローの一意に決まるステップかプロセスを示します。 + + + + + + + ウィンドウ + ウィンドウ + データエントリーか表示ウィンドウです。 + ウィンドウフィールドは、システムで一意に決まるウィンドウを特定します。 + + + + + + + 作業フロー + 作業フロー + タスクの作業フロー、またはタスクの組み合わせです。 + 作業フローフィールドは、システムで一意に決まる作業フローを特定します。 + + + + + + + データ・アクセスレベル + データ・アクセスレベル + 必要なアクセスレベルです。 + このレコード、またはプロセスに必要なアクセスレベルを示します。 + + + + + + + 勘定科目記号 + 勘定科目 + 借方、貸方の自然な記号を示します。 + この勘定のための予想される貸借が、借方か貸方を示します。自然な設定は、資産か経費のための勘定科目が借方です。(すなわち、マイナスの貸方バランスです) + + + + + + + 勘定科目タイプ + 勘定科目タイプ + 勘定科目のタイプを示します。 + 有効な勘定科目タイプタイプは、A - 資産、E - 費用、L - 負債、O - 株主資本、R - 収入、M - メモ) 勘定科目タイプは、ビジネスパートナーのために支払債務と受取債権を有効にして、何が課税されるかを決定するのに使用されます。 注意: メモは貸借をチェックする際には無視されます。 + + + + + + + 勘定科目 + 勘定科目 + 使われている勘定科目です。 + 使用される(自然)の勘定科目です。 + + + + + + + 取得原価 + 取得原価 + 顧客として予測する取得費用です。 + 取得原価は、この見通しと顧客を関連付けている費用を特定します。 + + + + + + + アクション + アクション + 実行されるアクションを示します。 + アクションフィールドは、この項目のために実行されるアクションを示す、ドロップダウンリストボックスです。 + + + + + + + 実際の生涯価値 + 実際の生涯価値 + 実際のライフタイム収入です。 + 実際の生涯価値は、ビジネスパートナーによって生成した主要な会計通貨の記録された収入です。 + + + + + + + 住所1 + 住所1 + この所在地のための住所1です。 + 住所1は事業主体の所在地を特定します。 + + + + + + + 住所2 + 住所2 + この所在地のための住所2です。 + 住所2は事業主体のための追加住所情報を提供します。 建物所在地、アパート番号または同様の情報にこれを使用することができます。 + + + + + + + 配送の後 + 配送の後 + 請求書の発行の後ではなく、配送の後です。 + 配送の後チェックボックスは、支払いが「請求書の発行後」と対照的に配送後であることを示します。 + + + + + + + 別名 + 別名 + 勘定科目の組み合わせを示す代替方法を決定します。 + 別名フィールドで、別の勘定科目の組み合わせを定義できます。 例えば、熊本商店への売掛金は、熊本商店という名前で別名定義出来ます。 + + + + + + + + Amt + 量です。 + 量です。 + + + + + + + 貸方合計 + 貸方合計 + 貸方の合計金額です。 + 貸方合計は、取引合計をこの組織の会計通貨に変えたものを示します。 + + + + + + + 借方合計 + 借方合計 + 借方の合計金額です。 + 借方合計は、取引合計をこの組織の会計通貨に変えたものを示します。 + + + + + + + 承認数量 + 承認数量 + この役割のための承認数量の限度です。 + 承認数量フィールドは、この役割がドキュメントの承認のために持っている数量の限界を示します。 + + + + + + + 貸方の元 + 貸方の元 + 貸方の元合計です。 + 貸方の元は、元の通貨換算でこのラインのための貸方(Credit)の量を表します。 + + + + + + + 借方の元 + 借方の元 + 借方の元の量です。 + 元の通貨換算でこのラインのための貸方(Credit)の量を表します。 + + + + + + + 属性 + 属性 + + + + + + + + + 自動期間コントロール + 自動期間コントロール + 選択された場合は、会計期間は自動的に開かれて、閉じられます。 + 自動期間コントロールでは、会計期間は、現在の期日に基づいて開かれて、閉じられます。 手動変更手段が有効であるなら、明示的に期間を開いて閉じます。 + + + + + + + 請求住所 + 請求住所 + 住所へ請求書します。 + 請求住所は、請求書を送るとき使用する住所を示します。 + 住所から請求発行 + 請求書/請求は、仕入先が請求した場所を示します。 + + + + + バイナリデータ + バイナリー + バイナリ・データです。 + バイナリーフィールドは、バイナリ・データを保存します。 + + + + + + + 予算状態 + 予算状態 + この予算の現在の状態を示します。 + 予算状態は、この予算の現在の状態を示します。(たとえば、草案が承認されたなど) + + + + + + + 主要な会計スキーマ + 主要な会計スキーマ + 会計のための主要ルールです。 + 会計スキーマは原価計算手法、通貨、およびカレンダーなどのルールを定義します。 + + + + + + + 会計スキーマ要素 + 会計スキーマ要素 + + + + + + + + + 会計スキーマ + 会計スキーマ + 会計のためのルール + 会計スキーマは、原価計算手法、通貨、およびカレンダーなどの会計に使用されるルールを定義します。 + + + + + + + ビジネスパートナー + ビジネスパートナー + ビジネスパートナーを特定します。 + ビジネスパートナーは取引をするすべての主体です。これは仕入先、販売先、従業員、または販売員を含むことができます。 + + + + + + + パートナー所在地 + パートナー所在地 + ビジネスパートナーのための(発送などのための)住所です。 + ビジネスパートナーの住所です。 + ビジネスパートナーのための(発送などのための)住所です。 + ビジネスパートナーの住所 + パートナーの住所 + + + + カレンダー + カレンダー + 会計カレンダー名 + カレンダーは、一意に決まる会計カレンダーを特定します。 複数のカレンダーを使用することができます。 例えば、1月1日から始まり12月31日出終わる(欧米で)標準のカレンダーと、7月1日から始まり6月30日までの会計カレンダーがあります。 + + + + + + + 交換比率 + 交換比率 + 通貨を変換するのに使用されるレート + 交換比率は元通貨を会計通貨に変換するとき使用するレート(掛けるか、または割る)を定義します。 + + + + + + + + + + 国は、国名を定義します。すべてのドキュメントで、使用する前に各国名を定義しなければなりません。 + + + + + + + 通貨 + 通貨 + このレコードのための通貨です。 + このレコードに関して処理するか、または報告するとき、使用される通貨を示します。 + + + + + + + 対象通貨 + 対象通貨 + 対象通貨 + 対象通貨はこの交換比率の対象となる通貨を定義します。 + + + + + + + ドキュメントタイプ + ドキュメントタイプ + ドキュメントのタイプまたはルールです。 + ドキュメントタイプはドキュメント連続番号と処理ルールを決定します。 + + + + + + + 対象ドキュメントタイプ + 対象ドキュメントタイプ + 変換するドキュメントの対象となるドキュメントタイプ + ドキュメントタイプは変換することができます。(例えば、提案を受注や請求に) そして、変換は現在のタイプに反映されます。 この処理は、適切なドキュメントアクションを選択することによって、開始されます。 + + + + + + + 勘定科目要素 + 勘定科目要素 + 勘定科目要素 + 勘定科目要素は自然な勘定科目かユーザーの定義された値です。 + + + + + + + 要素 + 要素 + 会計要素 + 会計要素は一意に決まる会計タイプを示します。 これらは会計チャートとして一般的に知られています。 + + + + + + + 送付元住所 + 送付元住所 + 在庫があった場所です。 + 送付元住所は、製品があった場所を示します。 + + + + + + + 送付先住所 + 送付先住所 + 在庫の移動先住所です。 + 送付先住所は、製品が移動した先の住所を示します。 + + + + + + + 住所 + 住所 + 所在地または住所です。 + 所在地 / 住所フィールドは事業主体の位置情報を定義します。 + + + + + + + 休日 + 休日 + 仕事が行われない日です。 + 休日は、営業日として計算されない1日を定義します。 + + + + + + + 支払期間 + 支払期間 + 支払の期間(時間、割引)です。 + 支払期間は支払いの方法とタイミングを特定します。 + + + + + + + 期間のコントロール + 期間のコントロール + + + + + + + + + 期間 + 期間 + カレンダーの期間です。 + 期間はカレンダーのための排他的な範囲の日付を示します。 + + + + + + + プロジェクト + プロジェクト + 財務プロジェクトです。 + プロジェクトは内部、または外部の活動を追跡して、制御します。 + + + + + + + 地域 + 地域 + 地理的な地域を示します。 + 地域はこの国のために一意に決まる地域を特定します。 + + + + + + + 販売地域 + 販売地域 + セールス・カバレッジ地域です。 + 販売地域はセールス・カバレッジの特定の領域を示します。 + + + + + + + 税金カテゴリ + 税金カテゴリ + 税金カテゴリ + 税金カテゴリは同様の税金支払方法を分類する機能を提供します。 例えば、消費税か所得税です。 + + + + + + + 税金 + 税金 + 税金識別子 + 税金はドキュメントラインに使用される税金のタイプを示します。 + + + + + + + 測定単位変換 + 測定単位変換 + 測定変換のユニット + 測定単位変換は測定、交換比率、および変換日付の範囲の、一意に決まる単位を特定します。 + + + + + + + 測定単位 + 測定単位 + Unit of Measureです。 + 測定単位は一意に決まる非通貨の単位を定義します。 + + + + + + + 単位変更先 + 単位変更先 + 測定単位の変換元と先です。 + 単位変更先は測定単位変換ペアのために変換先測定単位を示します。 + + + + + + + 長さの測定単位 + 長さの測定単位 + 長さの測定単位です。 + 長さの測定単位は、測定単位をドキュメント内の長さによる製品の参照を示します。 + + + + + + + 時間の測定単位 + 時間の測定単位 + 時間の測定単位 + 時間の測定単位は、測定単位をドキュメント内の時間による製品の参照に使用するためのものです。 + + + + + + + 量の測定単位 + 量の測定単位 + 量の測定単位です。 + 量のための標準測定単位は、測定単位をドキュメント内の数量によって製品を参照するためのものです。 + + + + + + + 重さの測定単位 + 重さの測定単位 + 重さの標準測定単位です。 + 重さの測定単位は、ドキュメント内で製品を重さによって参照するための測定単位です。 + + + + + + + 組み合わせ + 組み合わせ + 有効な勘定科目組み合わせです。 + 組み合わせは要素の有効な組み合わせを特定します(総勘定元帳を表します)。 + + + + + + + + + 暦年 + 年は、カレンダーのために一意に決まる会計年を特定します。 + + + + + + + 呼び出し + 呼び出し + 完全修飾クラス名とメソッド - セミコロンで切り離されます。 + 呼び出し(callout)は、値が変更した後にいつでも実行できるタスクを登録するために、Javaで書かれたプログラムを作成出来ます。呼び出しは、妥当性検証のために使われるべきではなく、ユーザーは確かな値を選択してから使われるべきです。 + +呼び出しは、org.compiere.model.Calloutを実装したJavaクラスです。例: "org.compiere.model.CalloutRequest.copyText" クラスをインスタンス化 "CalloutRequest" そして、 "copyText" を呼び出します。セミコロンで切り離すことによって、複数のcalloutsを持つことができます。 + + + + + + + + + 市を特定します。 + 市はこの国か地域(県)のために一意に決まる市を特定します。 + + + + + + + 検証コード + 検証コード + 検証コード + 検証コードは、エラーに関する日付、時間、およびメッセージを表示します。 + + + + + + + DBカラム名 + DBカラム名 + データベースのカラムの名前です。 + カラム名はデータベースで定義されたテーブル内で1つのカラムの名前を示します。 + + + + + + + 組み合わせ + 組み合わせ + 会計要素の一意に決まる組み合わせ + 組み合わせフィールドはこの勘定科目を包括する要素値の一意に決まる組み合わせを定義します。 + + + + + + + コメント + コメント + コメントまたは追加情報 + コメントフィールドは追加情報の自由形式エントリーです。 + + + + + + + コミット警告 + コミット警告 + 保存するときに表示される警告 + レコードをコミットとき表示される警告か情報 + + + + + + + コントロール量 + コントロール量 + 借方がゼロでないなら、ドキュメントの借方残高ははこの量と等くなければなりません。 + コントロール量がゼロであるなら、チェックは全く実行されません。 + +あるいは、文書が分類調査される前に総借方残高はコントロール量と等しくなるはずです。 + + + + + + + 平均費用 + 平均費用 + 加重平均コストです。 + 加重平均の(実際)のコストです。 + + + + + + + 標準費用 + 標準費用 + 標準のコストです。 + 標準(プラン)のコストです。 + + + + + + + 原価計算手法 + 原価計算手法 + 原価がどう計算されるかを示します。 + 原価計算手法はコストがどう計算されるかを(標準、平均、後入れ先出し、先入先出し)示します。 原価計算手法の初期値は、会計スキーマレベルで定義して、製品カテゴリで任意に上書きすることができます。原価計算手法は材料移動ポリシー(製品カテゴリで定義されます)と矛盾することができません。 + + + + + + + 原価計算精度 + 原価計算精度 + 原価計算で利用されます。 + 原価計算精度は、計算するときの十進の桁の数を定義します。 + + + + + + + 費用 + 費用 + 会計通貨の費用です。 + 費用は組織会計通貨のキャンペーンの費用を示します。 + + + + + + + ISO国名コード + ISO国 + ISO3166-1に従った大文字2文字の英数字のISO Countryコード-- http://www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/doc/ISO_3166.html + 詳細はURL先を見てください: http://www.din.de/gremien/nas/nabd/iso3166ma/codlstp1.html -- http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec03en.htm + + + + + + + 作成日 + 作成日 + このレコードが作成された日付です。 + 作成日フィールドはこのレコードが作成された日付を示します。 + + + + + + + 作成者 + 作成者 + このレコードを作成したユーザーです。 + 作成者フィールドはレコードを作成したユーザーを示します。 + + + + + + + クレジットカード + クレジットカード + クレジットカード番号 + クレジットカード番号はクレジットカードの番号を空白なしで示します。 + + + + + + + シンボル + 通貨 + 通貨のシンボル(印刷だけに使用されるオプション) + シンボルは、印刷時に使用されるシンボルを定義します。 + + + + + + + 通貨バランス勘定科目 + 通貨バランス勘定科目 + 通貨に釣り合いがとれていないときに使用される勘定科目です。 + 通貨に釣り合いがとれていないときに、通貨バランス勘定科目は使用されます。(一般には端数切捨てのため) + + + + + + + レート + レート + 通貨の転換率です。 + 通貨交換レートは元通貨を会計通貨に変換するとき使用するレートを示します。 + + + + + + + 次の数字 + 次の数字 + 次の使用されるべき数です。 + 次の数字はこのドキュメントに使用する次の数を示します。 + + + + + + + D-U-N-S + D-U-N-S + Dun & Bradstreet Number + 詳細はwww.dnb.com/dunsno/list.htmを見てください。EDIに使用されます。 + + + + + + + 日付 + 日付 + 業務が行われない日付です。 + 日付フィールドは業務が行われないカレンダー日付を特定します。 + + + + + + + 会計日付 + 会計日付 + 会計日付です。 + 会計日付は、総勘定元帳エントリーがこのドキュメントから生成された日付を示します。また、それはすべての通貨の転換にも使用されます。 + + + + + + + 配送日付 + 配送日付 + 製品が提供されたときの日付です。 + + + + + + + + ドキュメント日付 + ドキュメント日付 + ドキュメントの日付です。 + ドキュメント日付はドキュメントが作られた日付を示します。 それは会計日付と同じ可能性があります。 + + + + + + + 請求書送付日付 + 請求書送付日付 + 請求書に印刷された日付です。 + 請求書送付日付は請求書に印刷されていた日付を示します。 + + + + + + + 受注日付 + 受注日付 + 受注の日付です。 + 製品が注文された日付を示します。 + + + + + + + 約束日付 + 約束日付 + 注文が約束された日付です。 + 約束日付は約束された日付を示しています。 + + + + + + + デフォルトの仕組み + デフォルトの仕組み + デフォルト値階層構造、区切り文字 + デフォルトは、注文定義の中で評価されて、最初のNULL値ではないカラムがデフォルト値になります。値は、カンマかセミコロンで区切られます。(a)文字:. ’文字’または 123 (b) 変数 @Variable@ という形式 - ログイン 例、#Date, #AD_Org_ID, #AD_Client_ID 会計スキーマ 例、$C_AcctSchema_ID, $C_Calendar_ID システム共通のデフォルト:例、日付フォーマット - ウィンドウの値(すべてのチェックボックス、ラジオボタン、日付文書/日付会計) (c) タグつきSQLコード:@SQL=SELECT 「デフォルトの値」 FROM ... SQL文は、変数を持てます。 +SQL文以外の値は持てません。デフォルトは、ユーザー個別の設定がない場合のみ評価されます。デフォルト定義は、ボタンと同じようにキー、親、クライアントとしてレコードカラムのために無視されます。 + + + + + + + 配送経由 + 配送経由 + 注文品を届ける方法です。 + 配送経由は、どう製品を届けるかを示します。例えば、注文品が梱包されるか、出荷されるかなどです。 + + + + + + + 説明 + 説明 + レコードの任意の短い説明です。 + 説明は、255文字に制限されます。 + + + + + + + 中止済み + 中止されました。 + この製品はもう利用できません。 + 中止済みチェックボックスは使用が中止された製品を示します。 + + + + + + + 中止者 + 中止者 + 中止を実施したユーザー名です。 + 中止者は、この製品の使用を中止した個人を示します。 + + + + + + + 割り引き% + 割り引き% + パーセントでの割引率です。 + 割引は、百分率(パーセント)として適用された割り引きを示します。 + + + + + + + 割り引き日数 + 割り引き日数 + 請求書日付から割引に適格な日への日数です。 + 割り引き日数は、示された割引を受けうことが出来る日数を示しています。 + + + + + + + 表示文字数 + 表示文字数 + 文字表示の長さです。 + 表示文字数は、主にStringフィールドのためのものです。整数型や数値型の場合は、表示文字数は、影響がありません。(長さはシステムによって決められます)はい・いいえ(チェックボックス)リスト、テーブル、テーブルディレクトリ(コンポボックスの長さは内容によって決められます) + + + + + + + 表示の仕組み + 表示の仕組み + フィールドが表示されるなら、結果はフィールドが実際に表示されるかどうかを決定します。 + format := {expression} [{logic} {expression}]<br> +expression := @{context}@{operand}{value} or @{context}@{operand}{value}<br> +logic := {|}|{&}<br> +context := any global or window context <br> +value := strings or numbers<br> +logic operators := AND or OR with the previous result from left to right <br> +operand := eq{=}, gt{&gt;}, le{&lt;}, not{~^!} <br> +Examples: <br> +@AD_Table_ID@=14 | @Language@!GERGER <br> +@PriceLimit@>10 | @PriceList@>@PriceActual@<br> +@Name@>J<br> +Strings may be in single quotes (optional) + + + + + + + + 表示値 + 表示値 + 表示カラムと共に値カラムを表示します。 + 表示値チェックボックスは、値カラムを表示カラムと共に表示するかどうかを示します。 + + + + + + + 住所印刷フォーマット + 住所印刷フォーマット + この住所を印刷するためのフォーマットです。 + 住所印刷フォーマットは、この住所が印刷されるときのフォーマットを定義します。以下の記法が使用されます: @C@=City @P@=Postal @A@=PostalAdd @R@=Region + + + + + + + 分割レート + 分割レート + 元の番号を対象番号に変換するために、元番号は分割されています。 + 元の番号を対象の番号に変換するために、分割レートは元番号で割られます。分割番号を入力すると、掛け算率は自動的に計算されます。 + + + + + + + ドキュメントアクション + 文書アクション + ドキュメントの対象とされた状態です。 + ドキュメント状態フィールドで現在のドキュメント状態を見つけられます。オプションはポップアップに記載されています。 + + + + + + + ドキュメント連続番号 + 文書連続番号 + ドキュメント連続番号はドキュメントの番号を決定します。 + 文書連続番号は、このドキュメントタイプに使用する配列ルールを示します。 + + + + + + + ドキュメント状態 + 文書状態 + ドキュメントの現在の状態です。 + ドキュメント状態は、ドキュメントの状態を示します。ドキュメント状態を変更したい場合は、ドキュメントアクションフィールドを使用してください。 + + + + + + + ドキュメント番号 + ドキュメント番号 + ドキュメントのドキュメント連続番号です。 + ドキュメント番号は、システムによって自動的に生成されて、ドキュメントのタイプによって決定されます。ドキュメントが保存されないと予備の番号が表示されます。"<>"新しいドキュメントを作成したときに、ドキュメントのタイプに定義された連続番号作成方法が定義されたいないなら、フィールドは空です。これは通常、外部の値(仕入先請求書など)を持っているドキュメントのためのものです。空の状態でフィールドをそのままにすると、システムは自動で連続番号を生成します。この場合、システムは、「連続番号のメンテナンス」で定義された方法によって連続番号を作成します。 + + + + + + + EMU エントリー日付 + EMU エントリー日付 + 通貨がEMUに合流する日付です。 + ユーロなどのEMU(Economic Monetary Union)に合流する日付を表します。 + + + + + + + EMU レート + EMU レート + ユーロへの公定歩合です。 + EMU レートは、この通貨からユーロへ変換するときに使用される公定歩合を定義します。 + + + + + + + タイプ + タイプ + 要素タイプ(勘定科目か定義されたユーザー) + 要素タイプは、この要素が会計要素か、ユーザー定義要素かを示します。 + + + + + + + 終了日 + 終了日 + 最後の発効日(包括的)です。 + 終了日は、この範囲での終了日を示します。 + + + + + + + 電話番号フォーマット + 電話番号フォーマット + 電話の形式 + <B>妥当性検証要素: </B> + (スペース) すべてのキャラクタ +_ スペース (固定文字) +l すべての文字 a..Z スペースなし +L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case +o any Letter a..Z or space +O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case +a any Letters & Digits NO space +A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case +c any Letters & Digits or space +C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case +0 Digits 0..9 NO space +9 Digits 0..9 or space + +Example of format "(000)_000-0000" + + + + + + + 郵便番号形式 + 郵便番号形式 + 郵便番号の形式 + <B>Validation elements:</B> + (Space) any character +_ Space (fixed character) +l any Letter a..Z NO space +L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case +o any Letter a..Z or space +O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case +a any Letters & Digits NO space +A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case +c any Letters & Digits or space +C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case +0 Digits 0..9 NO space +9 Digits 0..9 or space + +Example of format "(000)_000-0000" + + + + + + + 追加郵便番号の形式 + 追加郵便番号の形式 + 価値の形式 + <B>Validation elements:</B> + (Space) any character +_ Space (fixed character) +l any Letter a..Z NO space +L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case +o any Letter a..Z or space +O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case +a any Letters & Digits NO space +A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case +c any Letters & Digits or space +C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case +0 Digits 0..9 NO space +9 Digits 0..9 or space + +Example of format "(000)_000-0000" + + + + + + + ファックス + ファックス + ファックス番号です。 + ファックスはこのビジネスパートナーまたは、住所のファックス番号を決定します。 + + + + + + + 長さ + 長さ + データベースのカラムの長さ + 長さはデータベースで定義される1つのカラムの長さを示します。 + + + + + + + 最初の販売 + 最初の販売 + 最初の販売日付です。 + 最初の販売は、このビジネスパートナーへの最初の販売の日付を特定します。 + + + + + + + 貨物量 + 貨物量 + 貨物量 + 貨物量は、文書通貨で貨物の料金をあらわします。 + + + + + + + GAAP + GAAP + 一般に公正妥当と認められた会計原則 + GAAPはこの会計スキーマが強く守る勘定科目原則を特定します。 + + + + + + + 予算 + 予算 + 一般原簿予算 + 総勘定元帳予算は、ユーザー定義の予算を特定します。実際の会計と予算を比較することが出来ます。 + + + + + + + 総勘定元帳カテゴリ + 総勘定元帳カテゴリ + 一般原簿カテゴリ + 総勘定元帳カテゴリは、任意でユーザー定義の仕訳帳グループ分け方法を決定します。 + + + + + + + 仕訳帳バッチ処理 + 仕訳帳バッチ処理 + 総勘定元帳バッチ処理 + 総勘定元帳バッチ処理は、グループとして処理される仕訳帳のグループを特定します。 + + + + + + + 仕訳帳詳細 + 仕訳帳詳細 + 一般原簿仕訳帳詳細 + 総勘定元帳詳細は、仕訳帳における単一取引を特定します。 + + + + + + + 仕訳帳 + 仕訳帳 + 一般原簿仕訳帳 + 総勘定元帳は、論理的な企業取引を表す仕訳帳詳細のグループを特定します。 + + + + + + + 合計 + 合計 + ドキュメントの総量 + 合計は、ドキュメント通貨に税金と貨物料金を含む総量を表示します。 + + + + + + + 勘定科目別名を使用 + 別名 + 別名による(部分的に)勘定科目組み合わせを選択する能力です。 + 別名チェックボックスは、ユーザー定義の別名または短いキーを使用することで、勘定科目組み合わせを選択することができます。 + + + + + + + 勘定科目組み合わせ管理を使用 + 組み合わせ管理 + 勘定科目要素の組み合わせはチェックされます。 + 組み合わせ管理チェックボックスは、設定された組み合わせに反して確認されるかを示します。 + + + + + + + 追加住所コード + 追加住所コード + 追加郵便番号を持っています。 + 追加住所コードチェックボックスは、この住所が追加の住所情報を使用するかどうかを示します。これが選択されるなら、追加フィールドは追加住所コードのエントリーに表示します。 + + + + + + + 国、都道府県 + 国、都道府県 + 国の都道府県です。 + 国に都道府県などの地域がある場合に、チェックボックスを選択してください。このチェックボックスが選択されると、地域タブが表示されます。 + + + + + + + ツリーを所持 + ツリーを所持 + ウィンドウには、ツリーのグラフがあります。 + ツリーを所持チェックボックスは、このウィンドウがツリー形式の表示を持っているかどうかを示します。 + + + + + + + コメント/ヘルプ + コメント + コメントまたはヒント + ヘルプフィールドは、この項目の使用に関してヒント、コメントまたはヘルプを含んでいます。 + + + + + + + ISDN + ISDN + ISDNまたはモデム回詳細 + ISDNは、ISDNかモデム回線番号を特定します。 + + + + + + + ISO通貨コード + ISO通貨 + 3文字のISO 4217 通貨コードです。 + 詳細のためには、 http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec09en.htm を参照してください。 + + + + + + + 収入概要会計 + 収入概要会計 + 損益勘定 + + + + + + + + 増加 + 増加 + 最後の文書番号を増加します。 + 増加は、最後の数を次の連続番号にするために文書番号に1を追加します。 + + + + + + + 企業間支払元の勘定科目 + 企業間支払元の勘定科目 + 企業間の支払い元の受取勘定です。 + 企業間支払い義務元は、他の組織から、この組織に対して借りられているお金を表す勘定科目を示します。 + + + + + + + 企業間支払先勘定科目 + 企業間支払先勘定科目 + 企業間の支払い先の支払勘定です。 + 企業間支払先勘定科目は、他の組織から借りられているお金を表す勘定科目を示します。 + + + + + + + 請求書日 + 請求書日 + 請求書世代の日 + Invoice Dayは請求書世代の日を示します。 毎月二度なら、2回目はこの日15日後です。 + + + + + + + 請求頻度 + 請求頻度 + どれくらいの頻度で請求書が作られるかです。 + 請求頻度は、ビジネスパートナーのための請求書頻度を示します。 + + + + + + + 請求作成の曜日 + 請求作成の曜日 + 請求書を作る日です。 + 請求作成の曜日は、請求書を作るために曜日を示します。 + + + + + + + 発生主義 + 発生主義 + 発生主義か現金主義かを示します。 + 発生主義チェックボックスは、この会計スキーマが発生主義ベースの勘定科目を使用するか、現金主義ベースの勘定科目を使用するかを示します。製品かサービスが提供されるとき、発生主義手法は収入を認識します。また、支払いが受け取られるとき、現金のベースの手法は収入を認識します。 + + + + + + + アクティブ + アクティブ + レコードはシステムでアクティブです。 + レコードをシステムで使用不可にするには、2つの方法があります:1つはレコードを削除することで、もう1つは、レコードを不活性化することです。不活性のレコードは選択できません。しかし、レポートには利用可能です。 +不活性にする理由は2つあります: + +(1) システムは監査目的のためのレコードを必要とします。 + +(2) レコードは他のレコードによって参照されます。このパートナーレコードのための存在する請求書があれば、例えば、ビジネスパートナーを削除することはできません。ビジネスーパートナーを不活性化することで、それを防ぎます。このレコードは将来のエントリーに使用されます。 + + + + + + + 限度数量 + 限度数量 + 量が限度を超す場合にだけ、請求書を送ります。 + 限度数量チェックボックスは、入力された限度より下の場合に請求書が出されるかどうかを示します。 + + + + + + + 承認済み + 承認済み + このドキュメントが承認を必要とするかどうかを示します。 + 承認済みチェックボックスは、それを処理する前に、このドキュメントが承認を必要とするかどうかを示します。 + + + + + + + 監査を有効化 + 監査を有効化 + どの数値が生成されるかの監査追跡を有効化します。 + 監査を有効化チェックボックスは、生成する数の監査証跡が保たれるかどうかを示します。 + + + + + + + 自動番号付け + 自動番号付け + 自動的に次の数を割り当ててください。 + 自動番号付けチェックボックスは、システムが自動的に次の数を割り当てるかどうかを示します。 + + + + + + + 貸借金額一致済み + 貸借金額一致済み + + + + + + + + + 貸借金額一致 + 貸借金額一致 + 要素値の中のすべての取引が貸借をとらなければなりません。(例えば、費用センター) + 貸借金額一致チェックボックスは、それぞれの仕訳帳取引で貸借が一致しなければならないということを示します。例えば、費用センターが貸借一致である要素として定義されたら、それぞれの一意に決まる費用センターへの貸借記は、0.00への実質金額でなければなりません。これは、一般的に、それら自身の実体として報告する組織の一部分を定義するのに使用されます。バランスをとることは会計要素のためのオプションではありません。 + + + + + + + 基本言語 + 基本言語 + システム情報はこの言語で保守されます。 + + + + + + + + 集中管理 + 集中管理 + 要素テーブルで保守された情報です。 + 集中管理チェックボックスは、名前、説明、およびヘルプが、'システム要素'のテーブルか'ウィンドウ'テーブルでメンテナンスされるかどうかを示します。 + + + + + + + 信用承認 + 信用承認 + 融資は承認されました。 + 信用承認は、クレジット承認が注文のために成功したかを示します。 + + + + + + + 顧客 + 顧客 + このビジネスパートナーが顧客であるかどうかを示します。 + 顧客チェックボックスは、このビジネスパートナーが顧客であるかどうかを示します。これを選択すると顧客情報のための追加フィールドが表示されます。 + + + + + + + レコード削除可能 + レコード削除可能 + データベースからレコードを削除することができるかどうかを示します。 + レコード削除可能チェックボックスは、データベースからレコードを削除することができるかどうかを示します。 レコードを削除することができないなら、アクティブフラグを消す選択することができるだけです。 + + + + + + + 配送済み + 配送済み + + + + + + + + + 表示済み + 表示済み + フィールドが表示されるかどうかを決定します。 + 実際に表示される場合は、実行時にどのような表示方法をとるかが決定されます。 + + + + + + + ドキュメント管理済み + 文書管理済み + 管理勘定--勘定科目がドキュメントによって制御されるなら、手動で仕訳することは出来ません。 + + + + + + + + ドキュメントは番号管理されています + ドキュメントは番号管理されています + ドキュメントには、ドキュメント連続番号があります。 + ドキュメントは番号管理されていますチェックボックスは、このドキュメントタイプで連続番号があるかどうかを示します。 + + + + + + + ユーロ メンバー + ユーロ メンバー + 欧州通貨同盟であるなら、この通貨はメンバーです。 + ユーロメンバーチェックボックスは、この通貨が欧州経済連合のメンバーであるかどうかを示すのに使用されます。 + + + + + + + 従業員 + 従業員 + このビジネスパートナーが従業員かどうかを示します。 + 従業員チェックボックスは、このビジネスパートナーが従業員かどうかを示します。これが選択されると、追加フィールドが表示されます。 + + + + + + + 暗号化済み + 暗号化済み + ディスプレイかStorageが暗号化されています。 + 暗号化して表示されます。(Window/タブ/フィールド)--'*'としてすべての文字が表示されます。--データベースでは、クリアテキストで保存されます。それらのカラムに関してはレポートで表示することができません。 <Br>データ保存暗号化(Table/カラムの)--データはデータベースで暗号化された状態で保存されて(危険!)それらのカラムに関してレポートで表示することはできません。暗号化表示からは独立しています。 + + + + + + + ユーロ通貨 + ユーロ通貨 + この通貨はユーロです。 + ユーロ通貨チェックボックスは、この通貨がユーロ通貨であるかどうかを示すのに使用されます。 + + + + + + + フィールドのみ + フィールドのみ + ラベルを表示しません。 + フィールドのみチェックボックスは、カラムがラベルなしで出来るかを表します。 + + + + + + + 完全適格 + 完全適格 + この勘定科目は完全に資格があります。 + 適格チェック・ボックスは、勘定科目の組み合わせのための、すべての必要な要素が存在していることを示します。 + + + + + + + 生成済み + 生成済み + この詳細は生成します。 + 生成済みチェックボックスはソースドキュメントから生成された仕訳帳連続番号を特定します。 また、詳細を手動で入力、またはインポートすることができます。 + + + + + + + 見出しのみ + 見出しのみ + カラムのないフィールド--ラベルだけを表示します。 + 見出しのみチェックボックスは、ラベルがそのまま表示されるかどうかを示します。 + + + + + + + 識別子 + 識別子 + このカラムはレコード識別名の一部です。 + 識別子チェックボックスは、このカラムがこのテーブルのための識別子かキーの一部であることを示します。 + + + + + + + 会計タブ + 会計タブ + このタブは課金情報を含んでいます。 + 会計タブチェックボックスは、このウィンドウが課金情報を含むかどうかを示します。 課金情報を表示するには、ツール>設定と役割で可能にしてください。 + + + + + + + 請求済み + 請求済み + 請求されるかどうかです。 + 選択されると、請求書が作成されます。 + + + + + + + キーカラム + キーカラム + このカラムはこのテーブルのキーです。 + キーカラムはフィールド定義で表示連続番号が0です。また、非表示になることがあります。 + + + + + + + 必須 + 必須 + データエントリーがこのカラムで必須です。 + フィールドには、データベースで保存されるために、値が必ずなければなりません。 + + + + + + + 自然な勘定科目 + 自然な勘定科目 + 第一の自然な勘定科目 + 自然な勘定科目はしばしば(産業特有)の勘定科目一覧表に基づいています。 + + + + + + + 親リンクカラム + 親リンクカラム + このカラムは親テーブル(例えば、連続番号からのヘッダー)へのリンクです--incl。 関連付けキーカラム + 親チェックボックスは、このカラムが親テーブルへのリンクであるかどうかを示します。 + + + + + + + 第一予算 + 第一予算 + これが第一の予算であるかどうかを示します。 + 第一予算チェックボックスは、この予算が第一の予算であるかどうかを示します。 + + + + + + + 印刷済み + 印刷済み + このドキュメント/連続番号が印刷されるかどうかを示します。 + 印刷済みチェックボックスは、このドキュメントまたは詳細を印刷するとき、連続番号が含まれているかを示します。 + + + + + + + 処理中 + 処理中 + + + + + + + + + 見通し + 見通し + これが予測であることを示します。 + 見通しチェックボックスはアクティブな見通しである実体を示します。 + + + + + + + 購入済み + 購入済み + 組織はこの製品を購入します。 + 購入済みチェックボックスは、この製品がこの組織によって購入されるかどうかを示します。 + + + + + + + 範囲 + 範囲 + パラメータは範囲がある値です。 + 範囲チェックボックスは、このパラメータが範囲の値であることを示します。 + + + + + + + 読み取り専用 + 読み取り専用 + フィールドは読み取り専用です。 + Read Onlyは、このフィールドが読み取りのみが出来ることを示します。これらは更新されません。 + + + + + + + 読み書き可 + 読み書き可 + フィールドは読み込み、書き込みが出来ます。。 + 読み書き可はこのフィールドが読み込み、書き込みが可能なことを示します。 + + + + + + + 販売価格リスト + 販売価格リスト + これは販売価格リストです。 + 販売価格リストチェック・ボックスは、この価格リストが売買取引に使用されるかどうかを示します。 + + + + + + + 販売担当者 + 販売員 + ビジネスパートナーが販売担当者または会社の代理人であることを示します。 + 販売担当者チェックボックスは、このビジネスパートナーが販売担当者かどうかを示します。販売担当者は従業員でもあることがあります。しかし、かならずしもそうである必要はありません。 + このドキュメントに責任があるビジネスパートナーです。 + 販売担当者チェックボックスは、このビジネスパートナーが販売担当者かどうかを示します。販売担当者は従業員でもあることがあります。しかし、かならずしもそうである必要はありません。 + 代理人 + 代理人 + + + 同じ詳細 + 同じ詳細 + 前のフィールドと同じ連続番号で表示します。 + 同じ詳細チェックボックスは、フィールドが前のフィールドと同じ連続番号で表示されるかどうか示します。 + + + + + + + セキュリティ有効化 + セキュリティ有効化 + セキュリティが有効になるなら、データへのユーザーアクセスは役割を通して制限されます。 + セキュリティ有効化チェックボックスは、このテーブルのデータへのユーザーアクセスが役割によって制限される場合があることを示します。 + + + + + + + 1行レイアウト + 1行レイアウト + 行表示の際に表示を1行にするか複数行にするかを決定します。 + 行表示の際に表示を1行にするか複数行にするかを決定します。 + + + + + + + 販売済み + 販売済み + 組織はこの製品を販売します。 + 販売済みチェック・ボックスは、この製品がこの組織によって販売されるかどうかを示します。 + + + + + + + 在庫中 + 在庫中 + 組織はこの製品を蓄えます。 + 在庫中チェック・ボックスは、この製品がこの組織によって在庫されているかどうかを示します。 + + + + + + + 概要レベル + 概要レベル + これは概要実体です。 + 概要実体はツリーの末端ではなく枝を示します。概要実体は、レポートのために使用されて、自己の値を持っていません。 + + + + + + + システム言語 + システム言語 + 画面などはこの言語をメンテナンスされます。 + この言語で利用可能な画面を翻訳したい場合に選択してください。システム管理者に対して、この言語の使用を可能にするために言語メンテナンススクリプトを実行するように通知してください。言語を提供しないなら、自分で単語を翻訳することができます。 + + + + + + + レコードIDのために使用 + レコードIDのために使用 + ドキュメント番号はレコードキーとして使用されます。 + レコードIDのために使用チェックボックスは、レコードのキーとして使用されるかどうかを示します。 + + + + + + + 転記済み + 転記済み + 総勘定元帳に移します。(つまり、仕訳されます) + 転送済みチェックボックスは、このドキュメントに関連している取引が総勘定元帳に移動されるべきかどうかを示します。 + + + + + + + 翻訳済み + 翻訳済み + このカラムは翻訳済みです。 + 翻訳済みチェックボックスは、このカラムが翻訳されるかどうかを示します。 + + + + + + + 翻訳タブ + 翻訳タブ + このタブは翻訳情報を含んでいます。 + 翻訳タブチェックボックスは、タブが翻訳情報を含むかどうかを示します。 翻訳情報を表示するには、ツール>設定で、有効化してください。 + + + + + + + 更新可能 + 更新可能 + フィールドが更新可能かどうかを決定します。 + 更新可能チェックボックスは、ユーザーがフィールドを更新することができるかどうかを示します。 + + + + + + + ユーザー更新可能 + ユーザー更新可能 + ユーザーはフィールドを更新することができます。 + ユーザー更新可能チェックボックスは、ユーザーがこのフィールドを更新することができるかどうかを示します。 + + + + + + + 仕入先 + 仕入先 + このビジネスパートナーが仕入先かどうかを示します。 + 仕入先チェックボックスは、このビジネスパートナーが仕入先かどうかを示します。これが選択されると、追加フィールドが表示されます。 + + + + + + + 最後の連絡 + 最後の連絡 + この個人が最後に連絡された日付です。 + 最後の連絡は、このビジネスパートナーの連絡先が最後に連絡された日付を示します。 + + + + + + + 最後の結果 + 最後の結果 + 最後の連絡の結果です。 + 最後の結果は、作成された最後の連絡の結果を特定します。 + + + + + + + 最大レベル + 最大レベル + この製品のための最大の在庫レベルです。 + この製品の在庫できる最高数量を示します。 + + + + + + + 最低レベル + 最低レベル + この製品のための最小の在庫レベル + この製品の在庫できる最少量を示します。 + + + + + + + 詳細番号 + 詳細番号 + このドキュメントのための一意に決まる連続番号です。 + ドキュメントのために一意に決まる連続番号を示します。また、これはドキュメント中での表示順を制御します。 + + + + + + + 詳細分量 + 詳細分量 + 貨物と料金なしの広げた量(量*実際の価格)の詳細です。 + 量と実際の価格に基づく拡張詳細量を示します。割増料金や貨物は含まれていません。分量は税金を含む可能性があります。価格リストが税金を含むなら、詳細量は詳細合計と同じです。 + + + + + + + 連続番号 + 連続番号 + + + + + + + + + ロット番号 + ロット番号 + ロットナンバー(英数字)です。 + ロット番号は、製品が含まれていた特定のロットを示します。 + + + + + + + ロケータ + ロケータ + 倉庫ロケータ + ロケータは、倉庫では、製品がどこに位置しているかを示します。 + + + + + + + 価格リスト + 価格リスト + 価格リストの一意に決まる識別子です。 + 購入、販売した製品の価格設定、利幅、費用を決定するために使われます。 + + + + + + + 価格リストバージョン + 価格リストバージョン + 価格リストの一意に決まるインスタンスを特定します。 + 各価格リストは、複数のバージョンを持つことができます。 最も一般の使用方法は価格リストが有効である日付を示すことです。 + + + + + + + 製品カテゴリ + 製品カテゴリ + 製品のカテゴリ + この製品が属すカテゴリを特定します。 製品カテゴリは価格設定と選択に使用されます。 + + + + + + + 製品 + 製品 + 製品、サービス、項目 + この組織で購入、または販売する製品を特定します。 + + + + + + + 荷主 + 荷主 + 製品配送のメソッドか方法 + 荷主は製品を提供する方法を示します。 + + + + + + + 倉庫 + 倉庫 + Storage Warehouse and Service Point + The Warehouse identifies a unique Warehouse where products are stored or Services are provided. + + + + + + + メッセージ文 + メッセージ文 + Textual Informational, Menu or Error Message + The Message Text indicates the message that will display + + + + + + + 説明メッセージ + 説明メッセージ + Additional tip or help for this message + The Message Tip defines additional help or information about this message. + + + + + + + メッセージタイプ + メッセージタイプ + Type of message (Informational, Menu or Error) + The Message Type indicates the type of message being defined. Valid message types are Informational, Menu and Error. + + + + + + + 倍率 + 倍率 + Rate to multiple the source by to calculate the target. + To convert Source number to Target number, the Source is multiplied by the multiply rate. If the Multiply Rate is entered, then the Divide Rate will be automatically calculated. + + + + + + + NAICS/SIC + NAICS/SIC + Standard Industry Code or its successor NAIC - http://www.osha.gov/oshstats/sicser.html + The NAICS/SIC identifies either of these codes that may be applicable to this Business Partner. + + + + + + + 名前 + 名前 + Alphanumeric identifier of the entity + The name of an entity (record) is used as an default search option in addition to the search key. The name is up to 60 characters in length. + + + + + + + 実質日数 + 実質日数 + Net Days in which payment is due + Indicates the number of days after invoice date that payment is due. + + + + + + + Node_ID + Node_ID + + + + + + + + + 従業員 + 従業員 + Number of employees + Indicates the number of employees for this Business Partner. This field displays only for Prospects. + + + + + + + OSコマンド + OSコマンド + Operating System Command + The OS Command is for optionally defining a command to that will be part of this task. For example it can be used to starting a back up process or performing a file transfer. + + + + + + + Sql ORDER BY + Order句 + Fully qualified ORDER BY clause + The ORDER BY Clause indicates the SQL ORDER BY clause to use for record selection + + + + + + + 組織 + 組織 + Organizational entity within client + An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. + + + + + + + 購買価格リスト + 購買価格リスト + Price List used by this Business Partner + Identifies the price list used by a Vendor for products purchased by this organization. + + + + + + + プロセス日付 + P日付 + Process Parameter + + + + + + + + 処理終了日付 + 処理終了日付 + Process Parameter + + + + + + + + 処理文字 + 処理文字 + Process Parameter + + + + + + + + 処理対象文字 + 処理対象文字 + Process Parameter + + + + + + + + + + Parent of Entity + The Parent indicates the value used to represent the next level in a hierarchy or report to level for a record + + + + + + + 親税 + 親税 + Parent Tax indicates a tax that is made up of multiple taxes + The Parent Tax indicates a tax that is a reference for multiple taxes. This allows you to charge multiple taxes on a document by entering the Parent Tax + + + + + + + パスワード + パスワード + Password of any length (case sensitive) + The Password for this User. Passwords are required to identify authorized users. For Adempiere Users, you can change the password via the Process "Reset Password". + + + + + + + 期間のアクション + 期間のアクション + Action taken for this period + The Period Action indicates the action to be taken for this period. For example 'Close Period' or 'Open Period'. + + + + + + + 期間番号 + 期間番号 + Unique Period Number + The Period No identifies a specific period for this year. Each period is defined by a start and end date. Date ranges for a calendar and year cannot overlap. + + + + + + + 期間の状態 + 期間の状態 + Current state of this period + The Period Status indicates the current status for this period. For example 'Closed', 'Open', 'Never Opened'. + + + + + + + 期間のタイプ + 期間のタイプ + Period Type + The Period Type indicates the type (Standard or Adjustment) of period. + + + + + + + 将来の日数 + 将来の日数 + Number of days to be able to post to a future date (based on system date) + If Automatic Period Control is enabled, the current period is calculated based on the system date and you can always post to all days in the current period. Future Days enable to post to future periods. E.g. today is Apr 15th and Future Days is set to 30, you can post up to May 15th + + + + + + + 過去の日数 + 過去の日数 + Number of days to be able to post in the past (based on system date) + If Automatic Period Control is enabled, the current period is calculated based on the system date and you can always post to all days in the current period. History Days enable to post to previous periods. E.g. today is May 15th and History Days is set to 30, you can post back to April 15th + + + + + + + 電話 + 電話 + Identifies a telephone number + The Phone field identifies a telephone number + + + + + + + 第2電話 + 第2電話 + Identifies an alternate telephone number. + The 2nd Phone field identifies an alternate telephone number. + + + + + + + 実際仕訳 + 実際仕訳 + Actual Values can be posted + The Post Actual indicates if actual values can be posted to this element value. + + + + + + + 予算仕訳 + 予算仕訳 + Budget values can be posted + The Post Budget indicates if budget values can be posted to this element value. + + + + + + + 累積仕訳 + 累積仕訳 + Post commitments to this account + + + + + + + + 統計仕訳 + 統計仕訳 + Post statistical quantities to this account? + + + + + + + + 住所番号 + 住所番号 + Postal code + The Postal Code or ZIP identifies the postal code for this entity's address. + + + + + + + - + - + Additional ZIP or Postal code + The Additional ZIP or Postal Code identifies, if appropriate, any additional Postal Code information. + + + + + + + 入札タイプ + 入札タイプ + The type of posted amount for the transaction + The Posting Type indicates the type of amount (Actual, Budget, Reservation, Commitment, Statistical) the transaction. + + + + + + + 潜在的生涯価値 + 潜在的生涯価値 + Total Revenue expected + The Potential Life Time Value is the anticipated revenue in primary accounting currency to be generated by the Business Partner. + + + + + + + 接頭語 + 接頭語 + Prefix before the sequence number + The Prefix indicates the characters to print in front of the document number. + + + + + + + 製品単価 + 製品単価 + Actual Price + The Actual or Unit Price indicates the Price for a product in source currency. + + + + + + + 定価 + 定価 + List Price + The List Price is the official List Price in the document currency. + + + + + + + 優先権 + 優先権 + Priority of a document + The Priority indicates the importance (high, medium, low) of this document + + + + + + + すぐに処理する + すぐに処理する + + + + + + + + + + 注文数 + Quantity + The Quantity indicates the number of a specific product or item for this document. + + + + + + + 引渡数量 + 渡された注文数 + Delivered Quantity + The Delivered Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that has been delivered. + + + + + + + 請求済み数量 + 請求済み + Invoiced Quantity + The Invoiced Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that have been invoiced. + + + + + + + 手持ち数量 + 手の注文数に関して + On Hand Quantity + The On Hand Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that is on hand in a warehouse. + + + + + + + 注文数量 + 注文数量 + Ordered Quantity + The Ordered Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that was ordered. + + + + + + + 予約数量 + 予約数量 + Reserved Quantity + The Reserved Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that is currently reserved. + + + + + + + レート + レート + Rate or Tax or Exchange + The Rate indicates the percentage to be multiplied by the source to arrive at the tax or exchange amount. + + + + + + + 実現利益会計 + 実現利益会計 + Realized Gain Account + The Realized Gain Account indicates the account to be used when recording gains achieved from currency revaluation that have been realized. + + + + + + + 実現利益会計 + 実現利益会計 + Realized Loss Account + The Realized Loss Account indicates the account to be used when recording losses incurred from currency revaluation that have yet to be realized. + + + + + + + レコードID + レコードID + Direct internal record ID + The Record ID is the internal unique identifier of a record. Please note that zooming to the record may not be successful for Orders, Invoices and Shipment/Receipts as sometimes the Sales Order type is not known. + + + + + + + 参照 + 参照 + Reference for this record + The Reference displays the source document number. + + + + + + + 参照番号 + 参照番号 + Your customer or vendor number at the Business Partner's site + The reference number can be printed on orders and invoices to allow your business partner to faster identify your records. + + + + + + + 地域 + 地域 + Name of the Region + The Region Name defines the name that will print when this region is used in a document. + + + + + + + 補給タイプ + 補給タイプ + Method for re-ordering a product + The Replenish Type indicates if this product will be manually re-ordered, ordered when the quantity is below the minimum quantity or ordered when it is below the maximum quantity. If you select a custom replenishment type, you need to create a class implementing org.compiere.util.ReplenishInterface and set that on warehouse level. + + + + + + + 結果 + 結果 + Result of the action taken + The Result indicates the result of any action taken on this request. + + + + + + + 内部留保会計 + 内部留保会計 + + + + + + + + + SKU + SKU + Stock Keeping Unit + The SKU indicates a user defined stock keeping unit. It may be used for an additional bar code symbols or your own schema. + + + + + + + キャンペーン + キャンペーン + Marketing Campaign + The Campaign defines a unique marketing program. Projects can be associated with a pre defined Marketing Campaign. You can then report based on a specific Campaign. + + + + + + + チャンネル + チャンネル + Sales Channel + The Sales Channel identifies a channel (or method) of sales generation. + + + + + + + 信用限度額 + 信用限度額 + Total outstanding invoice amounts allowed + The Credit Limit indicates the total amount allowed 'on account' in primary accounting currency. If the Credit Limit is 0, no ckeck is performed. Credit Management is based on the Total Open Amount, which includes Vendor activities. + + + + + + + 信用利用額 + 信用利用額 + Current open balance + The Credit Used indicates the total amount of open or unpaid invoices in primary accounting currency for the Business Partner. Credit Management is based on the Total Open Amount, which includes Vendor activities. + + + + + + + 配送ルール + 配送ルール + Defines the timing of Delivery + The Delivery Rule indicates when an order should be delivered. For example should the order be delivered when the entire order is complete, when a line is complete or as the products become available. + + + + + + + 受注 + 受注 + Order + The Order is a control document. The Order is complete when the quantity ordered is the same as the quantity shipped and invoiced. When you cloase an order, unshipped (backordered) quantities are cancelled. + Orden de compra + La compra es Identificada con un ID unico de orden de compra. Esta controlado por la secuencia de este tipo de documento. + Orden de compra + Orden de compra + + + 請求書ルール + 請求書ルール + Frequency and method of invoicing + The Invoice Rule defines how a Business Partner is invoiced and the frequency of invoicing. + + + + + + + 請求書スケジュール + 請求書スケジュール + Schedule for generating Invoices + The Invoice Schedule identifies the frequency used when generating invoices. + + + + + + + 販売注文詳細 + 受注詳細 + Sales Order Line + The Sales Order Line is a unique identifier for a line in an order. + Linea de orden de compra + La linea orden de compra es un identificador unico para una linea en una orden. + Linea + Linea + + + 1.000における売上高 + 売上高 + Total Volume of Sales in Thousands of Currency + The Sales Volume indicates the total volume of sales for a Business Partner. + + + + + + + 要素区切り文字 + 要素区切り文字 + Element Separator + The Element Separator defines the delimiter printed between elements of the structure + + + + + + + 連続番号 + 連続番号 + Method of ordering records; lowest number comes first + The Sequence indicates the order of records + + + + + + + シリアル番号 + シリアル番号 + Product Serial Number + The Serial Number identifies a tracked, warranted product. It can only be used when the quantity is 1. + + + + + + + シェア + シェア + Share of Customer's business as a percentage + The Share indicates the percentage of this Business Partner's volume of the products supplied. + + + + + + + 棚の深さ + 棚の深さ + Shelf depth required + The Shelf Depth indicates the depth dimension required on a shelf for a product + + + + + + + 棚の高さ + 棚の高さ + Shelf height required + The Shelf Height indicates the height dimension required on a shelf for a product + + + + + + + 棚の幅 + 棚の幅 + Shelf width required + The Shelf Width indicates the width dimension required on a shelf for a product + + + + + + + レコード並び替え番号 + レコード並び替え番号 + Determines in what order the records are displayed + The Record Sort No indicates the ascending sort sequence of the records. If the number is negative, the records are sorted descending. +Example: A tab with C_DocType_ID (1), DocumentNo (-2) will be sorted ascending by document type and descending by document number (SQL: ORDER BY C_DocType, DocumentNo DESC) + + + + + + + 開始日 + 開始日 + First effective day (inclusive) + The Start Date indicates the first or starting date + + + + + + + 連続番号を年ごとに再開 + 連続番号を年ごとに再開 + Restart the sequence with Start on every 1/1 + The Restart Sequence Every Year checkbox indicates that the documents sequencing should return to the starting number on the first day of the year. + + + + + + + 開始番号 + 開始番号 + Starting number/position + The Start Number indicates the starting position in the line or field number in the line + + + + + + + 標準の精度 + 標準の精度 + Rule for rounding calculated amounts + The Standard Precision defines the number of decimal places that amounts will be rounded to for accounting transactions and documents. + + + + + + + 代用品 + 代用品 + Entity which can be used in place of this entity + The Substitute identifies the entity to be used as a substitute for this entity. + + + + + + + 接尾語 + 接尾語 + Suffix after the number + The Suffix indicates the characters to append to the document number. + + + + + + + サスペンスバランス勘定科目 + サスペンスバランス勘定科目 + + + + + + + + + サスペンスエラー会計 + サスペンスエラー会計 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 日付 + 日付 + + + + + + + + + 日付時間 + 日付時間 + + + + + + + + + 整数 + 整数 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + DBテーブル名 + DBテーブル名 + Name of the table in the database + The DB Table Name indicates the name of the table in database. + + + + + + + 税金ID + 税金ID + Tax Identification + The Tax ID field identifies the legal Identification number of this Entity. + + + + + + + テストID + テストID + + + + + + + + + 送付先 + 送付先 + Receiving Country + The To Country indicates the receiving country on a document + + + + + + + 送付先 + 送付先 + Receiving Region + The To Region indicates the receiving region on a document + + + + + + + 貸方合計 + 貸方合計 + Total Credit in document currency + The Total Credit indicates the total credit amount for a journal or journal batch in the source currency + + + + + + + 借方合計 + 借方合計 + Total debit in document currency + The Total Debit indicates the total debit amount for a journal or journal batch in the source currency + + + + + + + 合計詳細 + 合計詳細 + Total of all document lines + The Total amount displays the total of all lines in document currency + + + + + + + タイプ | 地域 + タイプ | 地域 + Element this tree is built on (i.e Product, Business Partner) + The Tree Type / Area field determines the type of tree this is. For example, you may define one tree for your Products and another tree for your Business Partners. + + + + + + + タイプ + タイプ + Type of Validation (SQL, Java Script, Java Language) + The Type indicates the type of validation that will occur. This can be SQL, Java Script or Java Language. + + + + + + + シンボル + 測定単位 + Symbol for a Unit of Measure + The Symbol identifies the Symbol to be displayed and printed for a Unit of Measure + + + + + + + UPC/EAN + UPC/EAN + Bar Code (Universal Product Code or its superset European Article Number) + Use this field to enter the bar code for the product in any of the bar code symbologies (Codabar, Code 25, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, UPC (A), UPC (E), EAN-13, EAN-8, ITF, ITF-14, ISBN, ISSN, JAN-13, JAN-8, POSTNET and FIM, MSI/Plessey, and Pharmacode) + + + + + + + 1パレットあたりの単位 + 1パレットあたりの単位 + Units Per Pallet + The Units per Pallet indicates the number of units of this product which fit on a pallet. + + + + + + + 含み益会計 + 含み益会計 + Unrealized Gain Account for currency revaluation + The Unrealized Gain Account indicates the account to be used when recording gains achieved from currency revaluation that have yet to be realized. + + + + + + + 含み損会計 + 含み損会計 + Unrealized Loss Account for currency revaluation + The Unrealized Loss Account indicates the account to be used when recording losses incurred from currency revaluation that have yet to be realized. + + + + + + + 更新日 + 更新日 + Date this record was updated + The Updated field indicates the date that this record was updated. + + + + + + + 更新者 + 更新者 + User who updated this records + The Updated By field indicates the user who updated this record. + + + + + + + 通貨バランスを使用 + 通貨バランスを使用 + + + + + + + + + 仮勘定を使用 + 仮勘定を使用します。 + + + + + + + + + 仮勘定エラーを使用 + 仮勘定エラーを使用します。 + + + + + + + + + ユーザーリスト1 + ユーザー1 + User defined list element #1 + The user defined element displays the optional elements that have been defined for this account combination. + + + + + + + ユーザーリスト2 + ユーザー2 + User defined list element #2 + The user defined element displays the optional elements that have been defined for this account combination. + + + + + + + ユーザーレベル + ユーザーレベル + System Client Organization + The User Level field determines if users of this Role will have access to System level data, Organization level data, Client level data or Client and Organization level data. + + + + + + + 値の形式 + 値の形式 + Format of the value; Can contain fixed format elements, Variables: "_lLoOaAcCa09" + <B>Validation elements:</B> + (Space) any character +_ Space (fixed character) +l any Letter a..Z NO space +L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case +o any Letter a..Z or space +O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case +a any Letters & Digits NO space +A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case +c any Letters & Digits or space +C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case +0 Digits 0..9 NO space +9 Digits 0..9 or space + +Example of format "(000)_000-0000" + + + + + + + 有効 + 有効 + Valid from including this date (first day) + The Valid From date indicates the first day of a date range + + + + + + + 有効 + 有効 + Valid to including this date (last day) + The Valid To date indicates the last day of a date range + + + + + + + 妥当性検証タイプ + 妥当性検証タイプ + Different method of validating data + The Validation Type indicates the validation method to use. These include list, table or data type validation. + + + + + + + 検索キー + 検索キー + Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique + A search key allows you a fast method of finding a particular record. +If you leave the search key empty, the system automatically creates a numeric number. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order). + + + + + + + パートナーカテゴリ + パートナーカテゴリ + Product Category of the Business Partner + The Business Partner Category identifies the category used by the Business Partner for this product. + + + + + + + パートナー製品キー + パートナー製品キー + Product Key of the Business Partner + The Business Partner Product Key identifies the number used by the Business Partner for this product. It can be printed on orders and invoices when you include the Product Key in the print format. + + + + + + + バージョン + バージョン + Version of the table definition + The Version indicates the version of this table definition. + + + + + + + ボリューム + ボリューム + Volume of a product + The Volume indicates the volume of the product in the Volume UOM of the Client + + + + + + + 重さ + 重さ + Weight of a product + The Weight indicates the weight of the product in the Weight UOM of the Client + + + + + + + SQL WHERE句 + SQL WHERE句 + Fully qualified SQL WHERE clause + The Where Clause indicates the SQL WHERE clause to use for record selection. The WHERE clause is added to the query. Fully qualified means "tablename.columnname". + + + + + + + ウィンドウタイプ + ウィンドウタイプ + Type or classification of a Window + The Window Type indicates the type of window being defined (Maintain, Transaction or Query) + + + + + + + 作業フロー + 作業フロー + Workflow or tasks + The Workflow field identifies a unique workflow. A workflow is a grouping of related tasks, in a specified sequence and optionally including approvals + + + + + + + 軸(X) + X + X dimension, e.g., Aisle + The X dimension indicates the Aisle a product is located in. + + + + + + + UOMコード + UOMコード + UOM EDI X12 Code + The Unit of Measure Code indicates the EDI X12 Code Data Element 355 (Unit or Basis for Measurement) + + + + + + + 容器(Y) + Y + Y dimension, e.g., Bin + The Y dimension indicates the Bin a product is located in + + + + + + + + + Calendar Year + The Year identifies the Calendar year + + + + + + + レベル(Z) + Z + Z dimension, e.g., Level + The Z dimension indicates the Level a product is located in. + + + + + + + 銀行 + 銀行 + Bank + The Bank is a unique identifier of a Bank for this Organization or for a Business Partner with whom this Organization transacts. + + + + + + + 銀行口座 + 銀行口座 + Account at the Bank + The Bank Account identifies an account at this Bank. + + + + + + + パートナー銀行口座 + パートナー銀行口座 + Bank Account of the Business Partner + The Partner Bank Account identifies the bank account to be used for this Business Partner + + + + + + + 催促 + 催促 + Dunning Rules for overdue invoices + The Dunning indicates the rules and method of dunning for past due payments. + + + + + + + 源泉徴収 + 源泉徴収 + Withholding type defined + The Withholding indicates the type of withholding to be calculated. + + + + + + + 口座番号 + 口座番号 + Account Number + The Account Number indicates the Number assigned to this bank account. + + + + + + + 受益者 + 受益者 + Business Partner to whom payment is made + The Beneficiary indicates the Business Partner to whom payment will be made. This field is only displayed if the Paid to Third Party checkbox is selected. + + + + + + + 料金分量 + 料金分量 + Charge Amount + The Charge Amount indicates the amount for an additional charge. + + + + + + + 手数料課金 + 料金手数料課金 + Indicates if fees will be charged for overdue invoices + The Charge Fee checkbox indicates if the dunning letter will include fees for overdue invoices + + + + + + + 料金利息 + 料金利息 + Indicates if interest will be charged on overdue invoices + The Charge Interest checkbox indicates if interest will be charged on overdue invoice amounts. + + + + + + + 分類 + 分類 + Classification for grouping + The Classification can be used to optionally group products. + + + + + + + 信用限度額 + 信用限度額 + Amount of Credit allowed + The Credit Limit field indicates the credit limit for this account. + + + + + + + 現在の収支 + 現在の収支 + Current Balance + The Current Balance field indicates the current balance in this account. + + + + + + + 催促頻度日数 + 催促頻度日数 + Days between sending dunning notices + The Days Between Dunning indicates the number of days between sending dunning notices. + + + + + + + 割引2% + 割引2% + Discount in percent + The Discount indicates the discount applied or taken as a percentage. + + + + + + + 割引日数2 + 割引日数2 + Number of days from invoice date to be eligible for discount + The Discount Days indicates the number of days that payment must be received in to be eligible for the stated discount. + + + + + + + ドキュメント基本タイプ + ドキュメント基本タイプ + Logical type of document + The Document Base Type identifies the base or starting point for a document. Multiple document types may share a single document base type. + + + + + + + ドキュメントコピー + コピー + Number of copies to be printed + The Document Copies indicates the number of copies of each document that will be generated. + + + + + + + ドキュメントメモ + メモ + Additional information for a Document + The Document Note is used for recording any additional information regarding this product. + + + + + + + Eメールアドレス + メール + Electronic Mail Address + The Email Address is the Electronic Mail ID for this User and should be fully qualified (e.g. joe.smith@company.com). The Email Address is used to access the self service application functionality from the web. + + + + + + + 価格制限を強制 + 価格制限を強制 + Do not allow prices below the limit price + The Enforce Price Limit check box indicates that prices cannot be below the limit price in Orders and Invoices. Ths can be overwritten, if the role allows this. + + + + + + + 免除理由 + 免除理由 + Reason for not withholding + The Exempt Reason indicates the reason that monies are not withheld from this employee. + + + + + + + 会計事実 + 会計事実 + + + + + + + + + 手数料分量 + 手数料 + Fee amount in invoice currency + The Fee Amount indicates the charge amount on a dunning letter for overdue invoices. This field will only display if the charge fee checkbox has been selected. + + + + + + + 固定量 + 固定量 + Fix amounted amount to be levied or paid + The Fixed Amount indicates a fixed amount to be levied or paid. + + + + + + + 固定の月の締切り + 固定の月の締切り + Last day to include for next due date + The Fix Month Cutoff indicates the last day invoices can have to be included in the current due date. This field only displays when the fixed due date checkbox has been selected. + + + + + + + 固定月日 + 固定月日 + Day of the month of the due date + The Fix Month Day indicates the day of the month that invoices are due. This field only displays if the fixed due date checkbox is selected. + + + + + + + 固定の月うめ合わせ + 固定の月うめ合わせ + Number of months (0=same, 1=following) + The Fixed Month Offset indicates the number of months from the current month to indicate an invoice is due. A 0 indicates the same month, a 1 the following month. This field will only display if the fixed due date checkbox is selected. + + + + + + + 猶予日数 + 猶予日数 + Days after due date to send first dunning letter + The Grace Days indicates the number of days after the due date to send the first dunning letter. This field displays only if the send dunning letters checkbox has been selected. + + + + + + + インポートエラーメッセージ + インポートエラーメッセージ + Messages generated from import process + The Import Error Message displays any error messages generated during the import process. + + + + + + + インポート済み + インポート済み + Has this import been processed + The Imported check box indicates if this import has been processed. + + + + + + + 百分率の利息 + 百分率の利息 + Percentage interest to charge on overdue invoices + The Interest amount in percent indicates the interest to be charged on overdue invoices. This field displays only if the charge interest checkbox has been selected. + + + + + + + 請求住所 + 請求住所 + Business Partner Invoice/Bill Address + If the Invoice Address is selected, the location is used to send invoices to a customer or receive invoices from a vendor. + + + + + + + ドキュメントレベル + 文書レベル + Tax is calculated on document level (rather than line by line) + If the tax is calculated on document level, all lines with that tax rate are added before calculating the total tax for the document. +Otherwise the tax is calculated per line and then added. +Due to rounding, the tax amount can differ. + + + + + + + 固定期日 + 固定期日 + Payment is due on a fixed date + The Fixed Due Date checkbox indicates if invoices using this payment tern will be due on a fixed day of the month. + + + + + + + 外貨勘定科目 + 外貨 + Balances in foreign currency accounts are held in the nominated currency + Balances in foreign currency accounts are held in the nominated currency and translated to functional currency + + + + + + + 必須の源泉徴収 + 必須の源泉徴収 + Monies must be withheld + The Mandatory Withholding checkbox indicates that monies must be withheld from this employee. + + + + + + + 1回の取引 + 1回の取引 + + + + + + + + + 取引銀行 + 取引銀行 + Bank for this Organization + The Own Bank field indicates if this bank is for this Organization as opposed to a Bank for a Business Partner. + + + + + + + 第三者へ支払い + 第三者へ支払い + Amount paid to someone other than the Business Partner + The Paid to Third Party checkbox indicates that the amounts are paid to someone other than the Business Partner. + + + + + + + 支払者住所 + 支払者住所 + Business Partner pays from that address and we'll send dunning letters there + If the Pay-From Address is selected, this location is the address the Business Partner pays from and where dunning letters will be sent to. + + + + + + + 百分率の源泉徴収 + 百分率の源泉徴収 + Withholding amount is a percentage of the invoice amount + The Percent Withholding checkbox indicates if the withholding amount is a percentage of the invoice amount. + + + + + + + 送金先住所 + 送金先住所 + Business Partner payment address + If the Remit-To Address is selected, the location is used to send payments to the vendor. + + + + + + + 同じ税金 + 同じ税金 + Use the same tax as the main transaction + The Same Tax checkbox indicates that this charge should use the same tax as the main transaction. + + + + + + + 出荷住所 + 出荷住所 + Business Partner Shipment Address + If the Ship Address is selected, the location is used to ship goods to a customer or receive goods from a vendor. + + + + + + + 免税 + 免税 + Business partner is exempt from tax + If a business partner is exempt from tax, the exempt tax rate is used. For this, you need to set up a tax rate with a 0% rate and indicate that this is your tax exempt rate. This is required for tax reporting, so that you can track tax exempt transactions. + + + + + + + 比例配分税 + 比例配分税 + Tax is Prorated + The Prorate Tax checkbox indicates if this tax is prorated. + + + + + + + 税金源泉徴収 + 税金源泉徴収 + This is a tax related withholding + The Tax Withholding checkbox indicates if this withholding is tax related. + + + + + + + 一時的な免税 + 一時的な免税 + Temporarily do not withhold taxes + The Temporary Exempt checkbox indicates that for a limited time, taxes will not be withheld for this employee. + + + + + + + 最大分量 + 最大分量 + Maximum Amount in invoice currency + The Maximum Amount indicates the maximum amount in invoice currency. + + + + + + + 最小分量 + 最小分量 + Minimum Amount in invoice currency + The Minimum amount indicates the minimum amount as stated in the currency of the invoice. + + + + + + + 最低発注数量 + 最低発注数量 + Minimum order quantity in UOM + The Minimum Order Quantity indicates the smallest quantity of this product which can be ordered. + + + + + + + 受注パック注文数 + 受注パック注文数 + Package order size in UOM (e.g. order set of 5 units) + The Order Pack Quantity indicates the number of units in each pack of this product. + + + + + + + 支払いルール + 支払いルール + Purchase payment option + The Payment Rule indicates the method of purchase payment. + + + + + + + パーセント + パーセント + Percentage + The Percent indicates the percentage used. + + + + + + + 受注参照 + 受注参照 + Transaction Reference Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order) of your Business Partner + The business partner order reference is the order reference for this specific transaction; Often Purchase Order numbers are given to print on Invoices for easier reference. A standard number can be defined in the Business Partner (Customer) window. + + + + + + + 最後の発注価格 + 最後の発注価格 + Price of the last purchase order for the product + The Last PO Price indicates the last price paid (per the purchase order) for this product. + + + + + + + 限度価格 + 限度価格 + Lowest price for a product + The Price Limit indicates the lowest price for a product stated in the Price List Currency. + + + + + + + 標準価格 + 標準価格 + Standard Price + The Standard Price indicates the standard or normal price for a product on this price list + + + + + + + テキストを印刷 + テキスト + The label text to be printed on a document or correspondence. + The Label to be printed indicates the name that will be printed on a document or correspondence. The max length is 2000 characters. + + + + + + + 格付け + 格付け + Classification or Importance + The Rating is used to differentiate the importance + + + + + + + ルート設定番号 + ルート設定番号 + Bank Routing Number + The Bank Routing Number (ABA Number) identifies a legal Bank. It is used in routing checks and electronic transactions. + + + + + + + 督促状の送信 + 督促状の送信 + Indicates if dunning letters will be sent + The Send Dunning Letters checkbox indicates if dunning letters will be sent to Business Partners who use this dunning rule. + + + + + + + 料金 + 料金 + Additional document charges + The Charge indicates a type of Charge (Handling, Shipping, Restocking) + + + + + + + Swiftコード + Swiftコード + Swift Code or BIC + The Swift Code (Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications) or BIC (Bank Identifier Code) is an identifier of a Bank. The first 4 characters are the bank code, followed by the 2 character country code, the two character location code and optional 3 character branch code. For details see http://www.swift.com/biconline/index.cfm + + + + + + + 最大しきい値 + 最大しきい値 + Maximum gross amount for withholding calculation (0=no limit) + The Threshold maximum indicates the maximum gross amount to be used in the withholding calculation . A value of 0 indicates there is no limit. + + + + + + + 最小しきい値 + 最小しきい値 + Minimum gross amount for withholding calculation + The Threshold Minimum indicates the minimum gross amount to be used in the withholding calculation. + + + + + + + タイトル + タイトル + Name this entity is referred to as + The Title indicates the name that an entity is referred to as. + + + + + + + URL + URL + Full URL address - e.g. http://www.adempiere.org + The URL defines an fully qualified web address like http://www.adempiere.org + + + + + + + 手順 + 手順 + Name of the Database Procedure + The Procedure indicates the name of the database procedure called by this report or process. + + + + + + + 活動 + 活動 + Business Activity + Activities indicate tasks that are performed and used to utilize Activity based Costing + + + + + + + 貨物費用ルール + 貨物費用ルール + Method for charging Freight + The Freight Cost Rule indicates the method used when charging for freight. + + + + + + + 請求書 + 請求書 + Invoice Identifier + The Invoice Document. + + + + + + + 顧客前払い + 顧客前払い + Account for customer prepayments + The Customer Prepayment account indicates the account to be used for recording prepayments from a customer. + + + + + + + 顧客売掛金勘定 + 顧客売掛金勘定 + Account for Customer Receivables + The Customer Receivables Accounts indicates the account to be used for recording transaction for customers receivables. + + + + + + + 製品コード + 製品コード + Commodity code used for tax calculation + The Commodity Code indicates a code that is used in tax calculations + + + + + + + クレジットカード + クレジットカード + Credit Card (Visa, MC, AmEx) + The Credit Card drop down list box is used for selecting the type of Credit Card presented for payment. + + + + + + + 受注サブタイプ + 受注サブタイプ + Sales Order Sub Type + The SO Sub Type indicates the type of sales order this document refers to. This field only appears when the Document Base Type is Sales Order. The selection made here will determine which documents will be generated when an order is processed and which documents must be generated manually or in batches. <br> +The following outlines this process.<br> +SO Sub Type of <b>Standard Order</b> will generate just the <b>Order</b> document when the order is processed. <br> +The <b>Delivery Note</b>, <b>Invoice</b> and <b>Receipt</b> must be generated via other processes. <br> +SO Sub Type of <b>Warehouse Order</b> will generate the <b>Order</b> and <b>Delivery Note</b>. <br> The <b>Invoice</b> and <b>Receipt</b> must be generated via other processes.<br> +SO Sub Type of <b>Credit Order</b> will generate the <b>Order</b>, <b>Delivery Note</b> and <b>Invoice</b>. <br> The <b>Reciept</b> must be generated via other processes.<br> +SO Sub Type of <b>POS</b> (Point of Sale) will generate all document + + + + + + + 従業員費用 + 従業員費用 + Account for Employee Expenses + The Employee Expense Account identifies the account to use for recording expenses for this employee. + + + + + + + 従業員前払い + 従業員前払い + Account for Employee Expense Prepayments + The Employee Prepayment Account identifies the account to use for recording expense advances made to this employee. + + + + + + + エラーメッセージ + エラーメッセージ + + + + + + + + + レポート + レポート + Indicates a Report record + The Report checkbox indicates that this record is a report as opposed to a process + + + + + + + 出荷/受領 + 出荷/受領 + Material Shipment Document + The Material Shipment / Receipt + + + + + + + 出荷/受領詳細 + 出荷/受領詳細 + Line on Shipment or Receipt document + The Shipment/Receipt Line indicates a unique line in a Shipment/Receipt document + + + + + + + 物理在庫 + 物理在庫 + Parameters for a Physical Inventory + The Physical Inventory indicates a unique parameters for a physical inventory. + + + + + + + 物理在庫詳細 + 物理在庫詳細 + Unique line in an Inventory document + The Physical Inventory Line indicates the inventory document line (if applicable) for this transaction + + + + + + + ロケータ + ロケータ + Location inventory is moved to + The Locator To indicates the location where the inventory is being moved to. + + + + + + + 在庫移動 + 移動 + Movement of Inventory + The Inventory Movement uniquely identifies a group of movement lines. + + + + + + + 移動詳細 + 移動詳細 + Inventory Move document Line + The Movement Line indicates the inventory movement document line (if applicable) for this transaction + + + + + + + 生産 + 生産 + Plan for producing a product + The Production uniquely identifies a Production Plan + + + + + + + 製造詳細 + 製造詳細 + Document Line representing a production + The Production Line indicates the production document line (if applicable) for this transaction + + + + + + + 在庫取引 + 在庫取引 + + + + + + + + + 移動日付 + 移動日付 + Date a product was moved in or out of inventory + The Movement Date indicates the date that a product moved in or out of inventory. This is the result of a shipment, receipt or inventory movement. + + + + + + + 移動数量 + 数量 + Quantity of a product moved. + The Movement Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that has been moved. + + + + + + + 移動タイプ + 移動タイプ + Method of moving the inventory + The Movement Type indicates the type of movement (in, out, to production, etc) + + + + + + + 製品資産 + 製品資産 + Account for Product Asset (Inventory) + The Product Asset Account indicates the account used for valuing this a product in inventory. + + + + + + + 製品売上原価 + 製品売上原価 + Account for Cost of Goods Sold + The Product COGS Account indicates the account used when recording costs associated with this product. + + + + + + + 製品費用 + 製品費用 + Account for Product Expense + The Product Expense Account indicates the account used to record expenses associated with this product. + + + + + + + 製品収入 + 製品収入 + Account for Product Revenue (Sales Account) + The Product Revenue Account indicates the account used for recording sales revenue for this product. + + + + + + + プロジェクト資産 + プロジェクト資産 + Project Asset Account + The Project Asset account is the account used as the final asset account in capital projects + + + + + + + 処理済 + 処理済 + The document has been processed + The Processed checkbox indicates that a document has been processed. + + + + + + + 数量の本 + 数量の本 + Book Quantity + The Quantity Book indicates the line count stored in the system for a product in inventory + + + + + + + 数量カウント + 数量カウント + Counted Quantity + The Quantity Count indicates the actual inventory count taken for a product in inventory + + + + + + + 仕入先負債 + 仕入先負債 + Account for Vendor Liability + The Vendor Liability account indicates the account used for recording transactions for vendor liabilities + + + + + + + 仕入先サービス負債 + 仕入先サービス負債 + Account for Vender Service Liability + The Vendor Service Liability account indicates the account to use for recording service liabilities. It is used if you need to distinguish between Liability for products and services. This account is only used, if posting to service accounts is enabled in the accounting schema. + + + + + + + 仕入先前払い + 仕入先前払い + Account for Vendor Prepayments + The Vendor Prepayment Account indicates the account used to record prepayments from a vendor. + + + + + + + 最大値 + 最大値 + Maximum Value for a field + The Maximum Value indicates the highest allowable value for a field + + + + + + + 最小値 + 最小値 + Minimum Value for a field + The Minimum Value indicates the lowest allowable value for a field. + + + + + + + 倉庫差異 + 倉庫差異 + Warehouse Differences Account + The Warehouse Differences Account indicates the account used recording differences identified during inventory counts. + + + + + + + (中古でない) + (中古でない) + Warehouse Inventory Asset Account - Currently not used + The Warehouse Inventory Asset Account identifies the account used for recording the value of your inventory. This is the counter account for inventory revaluation differences. The Product Asset account maintains the product asset value. + + + + + + + 販売担当者 + 販売担当 + Sales Representative or Company Agent + The Sales Representative indicates the Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales Rep must be a valid internal user. + Comprador/ Agente + Agente de compras para el documento. + Comprador + Comprador + + + 税込価格 + 税込価格 + Tax is included in the price + The Tax Included checkbox indicates if the prices include tax. This is also known as the gross price. + + + + + + + 納税証明書を要求 + 納税証明書を要求 + This tax rate requires the Business Partner to be tax exempt + The Requires Tax Certificate indicates that a tax certificate is required for a Business Partner to be tax exempt. + + + + + + + 料金 + 料金 + Charges can be added to the document + The Charges checkbox indicates that charges can be added to this document. Charges can include items like shipping, handling or bank charges. + + + + + + + Account_Acct + Account_Acct + + + + + + + + + ビジネスパートナーのテンプレート + ビジネスパートナーのテンプレート + Business Partner used for creating new Business Partners on the fly + When creating a new Business Partner from the Business Partner Search Field (right-click: Create), the selected business partner is used as a template, e.g. to define price list, payment terms, etc. + + + + + + + 請求書のためのドキュメントタイプ + 文書タイプ請求書 + Document type used for invoices generated from this sales document + The Document Type for Invoice indicates the document type that will be used when an invoice is generated from this sales document. This field will display only when the base document type is Sales Order. + + + + + + + 標準定型用紙のドキュメントタイプ + 標準定型用紙文書タイプ + Document type used for pro forma invoices generated from this sales document + he Document Type for Invoice indicates the document type that will be used when an invoice is generated from this sales document. This field will display only when the base document type is Sales Order and the Pro Forma Invoice checkbox is selected + + + + + + + 出荷のためのドキュメントタイプ + 出荷文書タイプ + Document type used for shipments generated from this sales document + he Document Type for Shipments indicates the document type that will be used when a shipment is generated from this sales document. This field will display only when the base document type is Sales Order. + + + + + + + 督促レベル + 督促レベル + + + + + + + + + 請求書詳細 + 請求書詳細 + Invoice Detail Line + The Invoice Line uniquely identifies a single line of an Invoice. + + + + + + + 収益認識 + 収益認識 + Method for recording revenue + The Revenue Recognition indicates how revenue will be recognized for this product + + + + + + + サービスレベル + サービスレベル + Product Revenue Recognition Service Level + The Service Level defines a unique Service Level. + + + + + + + サービスレベル詳細 + サービスレベル詳細 + Product Revenue Recognition Service Level Line + The Service Level Line indicates a unique instance in a Service Level + + + + + + + 遂行された額 + 遂行された額 + The (legal) commitment amount + The commitment amount is independent from the planned amount. You would use the planned amount for your realistic estimation, which might be higher or lower than the commitment amount. + + + + + + + 高い回転率項目を数える + 高い回転率項目を数える + Count High Movement products + The Count High Movement checkbox indicates if the those items with a high turnover will be counted + + + + + + + 失効月 + 失効月 + Expiry Month + The Expiry Month indicates the expiry month for this credit card. + + + + + + + 失効年 + 失効年 + Expiry Year + The Expiry Year indicates the expiry year for this credit card. + + + + + + + 次の番号(システム) + 次の番号(システム) + Next sequence for system use + This field is for system use only and should not be modified. + + + + + + + 最後に在庫数量確認した日 + 最後に在庫数量確認した日 + Date of Last Inventory Count + The Date Last Inventory Count indicates the last time an Inventory count was done. + + + + + + + 最終実行日付 + 最終実行日付 + Date the process was last run. + The Date Last Run indicates the last time that a process was run. + + + + + + + 次回実行日 + 次回実行日 + Date the process will run next + The Date Next Run indicates the next time this process will run. + + + + + + + 印刷された日付 + 印刷された日付 + Date the document was printed. + Indicates the Date that a document was printed. + + + + + + + 期限経過日数 + 期限経過日数 + Days after due date to dun (if negative days until due) + The Days After Due Date indicates the number of days after the payment due date to initiate dunning. If the number is negarive, it includes not the not due invoices. + + + + + + + 隔週の請求 + 隔週の請求 + Send invoices on even weeks + The Invoice on Even Weeks checkbox indicates if biweekly invoices should be sent on even week numbers. + + + + + + + リストを生成 + リストを生成 + Generate List + + + + + + + + 定型請求書 + 定型請求書 + Indicates if Pro Forma Invoices can be generated from this document + The Pro Forma Invoice checkbox indicates if pro forma invoices can be generated from this sales document. A pro forma invoice indicates the amount that will be due should an order be shipped. + + + + + + + 請求書日の締切り + 請求書日の締切り + Last day for including shipments + The Invoice Day Cut Off indicates the last day for shipments to be included in the current invoice schedule. For example, if the invoice schedule is defined for the first day of the month, the cut off day may be the 25th of the month. An shipment on the 24th of May would be included in the invoices sent on June 1st but a shipment on the 26th would be included in the invoices sent on July 1st. + + + + + + + 平日の締切りの請求書 + 平日の締切り + Last day in the week for shipments to be included + The Invoice Week Day Cutoff indicates the last day of the week a shipment must be made to be included in the invoice schedule. + + + + + + + 銀行口座 + 銀行口座 + Indicates if this is the Bank Account + The Bank Account checkbox indicates if this is account is the bank account. + + + + + + + 委任 + 委任 + Is this document a (legal) commitment? + Commitment indicates if the document is legally binding. + + + + + + + デフォルト + デフォルト + Default value + The Default Checkbox indicates if this record will be used as a default value. + + + + + + + 次の営業日 + 次の営業日 + Payment due on the next business day + The Next Business Day checkbox indicates that payment is due on the next business day after invoice or delivery. + + + + + + + 合意 + 合意 + Payment is reconciled with bank statement + + + + + + + + 売買取引 + 売買取引 + This is a Sales Transaction + The Sales Transaction checkbox indicates if this item is a Sales Transaction. + + + + + + + 時間基準 + 時間基準 + Time based Revenue Recognition rather than Service Level based + Revenue Recognition can be time or service level based. + + + + + + + ISO言語コード + ISO言語 + Lower-case two-letter ISO-3166 code - http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt + The ISO Language Code indicates the standard ISO code for a language in lower case. Information can be found at http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt + + + + + + + 恒常在庫 + 恒常在庫 + Rules for generating physical inventory + The Perpetual Inventory identifies the Perpetual Inventory rule which generated this Physical Inventory. + + + + + + + 貨物のための製品 + 貨物のための製品 + + + + + + + + + 名前2 + 名前2 + Additional Name + + + + + + + + 在庫確認回数 + 在庫確認回数 + Frequency of inventory counts per year + The Number of Inventory Counts indicates the number of times per year that inventory counts will be preformed + + + + + + + 月の数 + 月の数 + + + + + + + + + 製品確認の回数 + 製品確認の回数 + Frequency of product counts per year + The Number of Product Count indicates the number of times per year that a product should be counted. + + + + + + + メモ + メモ + Optional additional user defined information + The Note field allows for optional entry of user defined information regarding this record + + + + + + + 未請求の受領 + 未請求の受領 + Account for not-invoiced Material Receipts + The Not Invoiced Receipts account indicates the account used for recording receipts for materials that have not yet been invoiced. + + + + + + + 未請求の売掛金 + 未請求の売掛金 + Account for not invoiced Receivables + The Not Invoiced Receivables account indicates the account used for recording receivables that have not yet been invoiced. + + + + + + + 未請求の収入 + 未請求の収入 + Account for not invoiced Revenue + The Not Invoiced Revenue account indicates the account used for recording revenue that has not yet been invoiced. + + + + + + + 実行回数 + 実行回数 + Frequency of processing Perpetual Inventory + The Number of Runs indicates the number of times that the Perpetual Inventory has be processed. + + + + + + + プロセス番号 + プロセス番号 + Process Parameter + + + + + + + + プロセス番号対象 + プロセス番号 + Process Parameter + + + + + + + + 有効価格 + 有効 + Effective Date of Price + The Price Effective indicates the date this price is for. This allows you to enter future prices for products which will become effective when appropriate. + + + + + + + 発注価格 + 発注価格 + Price based on a purchase order + The PO Price indicates the price for a product per the purchase order. + + + + + + + 作成 + 作成 + + + + + + + + + 認識頻度 + 認識頻度 + + + + + + + + + サービス日付 + サービス日付 + Date service was provided + The Service Date indicates the date that the service was provided. + + + + + + + 請求数量 + 請求数量 + Quantity of product or service invoiced + The Quantity Invoiced indicates the total quantity of a product or service that has been invoiced. + + + + + + + 提供数量 + 提供数量 + Quantity of service or product provided + The Quantity Provided indicates the total quantity of a product or service that has been received by the customer. + + + + + + + 数量 + 数量 + + + + + + + + + 課税額 + 税金 + Tax Amount for a document + The Tax Amount displays the total tax amount for a document. + + + + + + + 課税基準額 + 課税基準額 + Base for calculating the tax amount + The Tax Base Amount indicates the base amount used for calculating the tax amount. + + + + + + + 税金インディケータ + 税金インディケータ + Short form for Tax to be printed on documents + The Tax Indicator identifies the short name that will print on documents referencing this tax. + + + + + + + 取引額 + 取引額 + Amount of a transaction + The Transaction Amount indicates the amount for a single transaction. + + + + + + + 不労所得 + 不労所得 + Account for unearned revenue + The Unearned Revenue indicates the account used for recording invoices sent for products or services not yet delivered. It is used in revenue recognition + + + + + + + 更新数量 + 更新数量 + Permite actualizar cantidades + Permite realizar actualizaciones a cantidades + + + + + + + 支払いルール + 支払いルール + How you pay the invoice + The Payment Rule indicates the method of invoice payment. + + + + + + + 相対的優先権 + 相対的優先権 + Where inventory should be picked from first + The Relative Priority indicates the location to pick from first if an product is stored in more than one location. (100 = highest priority, 0 = lowest). For outgoing shipments, the location is picked with the highest priority where the entire quantity can be shipped from. If there is no location, the location with the highest priority is used. +The Priority is ignored for products with Guarantee Date (always the oldest first) or if a speific instance is selected. +Incoming receipts are stored at the location with the hoghest priority, if not explicitly selected. + + + + + + + 敬称 + 敬称 + Greeting to print on correspondence + The Greeting identifies the greeting to print on correspondence. + + + + + + + 敬称 + 敬称 + For letters, e.g. "Dear {0}" or "Dear Mr. {0}" - At runtime, "{0}" is replaced by the name + The Greeting indicates what will print on letters sent to a Business Partner. + + + + + + + 直接印刷 + 直接印刷 + Print without dialog + The Direct Print checkbox indicates that this report will print without a print dialog box being displayed. + + + + + + + 名字なし + 名字なし + Print only the first name in greetings + The First Name Only checkbox indicates that only the first name of this contact should print in greetings. + + + + + + + 高いボリューム + 高いボリューム + Use Search instead of Pick list + The High Volume Checkbox indicates if a search screen will display as opposed to a pick list for selecting records from this table. + + + + + + + 請求書の詳細レコードを印刷 + 請求書の詳細レコードを印刷 + Print detail BOM elements on the invoice + The Print Details on Invoice indicates that the BOM element products will print on the Invoice as opposed to this product. + + + + + + + 梱包リストの詳細レコードを印刷 + 梱包リストの詳細レコードを印刷 + Print detail BOM elements on the pick list + The Print Details on Pick List indicates that the BOM element products will print on the Pick List as opposed to this product. + + + + + + + 確認済み + 確認済み + The BOM configuration has been verified + The Verified check box indicates if the configuration of this product has been verified. This is used for products that consist of a bill of materials + + + + + + + 部品構成表詳細 + 部品構成表詳細 + + + + + + + + + パラメータ名 + パラメータ名 + + + + + + + + + 変換日付 + 変換日付 + Date for selecting conversion rate + The Conversion Date identifies the date used for currency conversion. The conversion rate chosen must include this date in it's date range + + + + + + + 制限価格追加額 + 制限価格追加額 + Amount added to the converted/copied price before multiplying + Indicates the amount to be added to the Limit price prior to multiplication. + + + + + + + 制限価格基礎 + 制限価格基礎 + Base price for calculation of the new price + Identifies the price to be used as the base for calculating a new price list. + + + + + + + 制限価格最大利幅 + 制限価格最大利幅 + Maximum difference to original limit price; ignored if zero + Indicates the maximum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original limit price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. + + + + + + + 制限価格最小利幅 + 制限価格最小利幅 + Minimum difference to original limit price; ignored if zero + Indicates the minimum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original limit price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. + + + + + + + 制限価格丸め + 制限価格丸め + Rounding of the final result + A drop down list box which indicates the rounding (if any) will apply to the final prices in this price list. + + + + + + + 定価追加額 + 定価追加額 + List Price Surcharge Amount + The List Price Surcharge Amount indicates the amount to be added to the price prior to multiplication. + + + + + + + 定価基礎 + 定価基礎 + Price used as the basis for price list calculations + The List Price Base indicates the price to use as the basis for the calculation of a new price list. + + + + + + + 定価最大利幅 + 定価最大利幅 + Maximum margin for a product + The List Price Max Margin indicates the maximum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original list price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. + + + + + + + 定価最小利幅 + 定価最小利幅 + Minimum margin for a product + The List Price Min Margin indicates the minimum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original list price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. + + + + + + + 定価丸め + 定価丸め + Rounding rule for final list price + The List Price Rounding indicates how the final list price will be rounded. + + + + + + + 基礎価格リスト + 基礎価格リスト + Source for Price list calculations + The Base Price List identifies the Base Pricelist used for calculating prices (the source) + + + + + + + 標準価格追加額 + 標準価格追加額 + Amount added to a price as a surcharge + The Standard Price Surcharge Amount indicates the amount to be added to the price prior to multiplication. + + + + + + + + 標準価格基礎 + 標準価格基礎 + Base price for calculating new standard price + The Standard Price Base indicates the price to use as the basis for the calculation of a new price standard. + + + + + + + + 標準最大利幅 + 標準最大利幅 + Maximum margin allowed for a product + The Standard Price Max Margin indicates the maximum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original Standard price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. + + + + + + + 標準価格最小利幅 + 標準価格最小利幅 + Minimum margin allowed for a product + The Standard Price Min Margin indicates the minimum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original Standard price from the newly calculated price. If this field contains 0.00 then it is ignored. + + + + + + + 標準価格丸め + 標準価格丸め + Rounding rule for calculated price + The Standard Price Rounding indicates how the final Standard price will be rounded. + + + + + + + 現在の仕入先 + 現在の仕入先 + Use this Vendor for pricing and stock replenishment + The Current Vendor indicates if prices are used and Product is reordered from this vendor + + + + + + + 制限価格割引% + 制限価格割引% + Discount in percent to be subtracted from base, if negative it will be added to base price + Indicates the discount in percent to be subtracted from base, if negative it will be added to base price + + + + + + + 定価割引% + 定価割引% + Discount from list price as a percentage + The List Price Discount Percentage indicates the percentage discount which will be subtracted from the base price. A negative amount indicates the percentage which will be added to the base price. + + + + + + + 標準価格割引% + 標準価格割引% + Discount percentage to subtract from base price + The Standard Price Discount Percentage indicates the percentage discount which will be subtracted from the base price. A negative amount indicates the percentage which will be added to the base price. + + + + + + + 印刷された割り引き + 印刷された割り引き + Print Discount on Invoice and Order + The Discount Printed Checkbox indicates if the discount will be printed on the document. + + + + + + + 合計を計算(Σ) + 合計 + Calculate the Sum of numeric content or length + Calculate the Sum (?) of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise total sum length of the field. + + + + + + + 受注説明 + 受注説明 + Description to be used on orders + The Order Description identifies the standard description to use on orders for this Customer. + + + + + + + 請求実質額 + 請求実質額 + Net amount of this Invoice + Indicates the net amount for this invoice. It does not include shipping or any additional charges. + + + + + + + 配送数量 + 配送数量 + + + + + + + + + 請求数量 + 請求数量 + + + + + + + + + レポート表示 + レポート表示 + View used to generate this report + The Report View indicates the view used to generate this report. + + + + + + + メールサーバー + メールサーバー + Hostname of Mail Server for SMTP and IMAP + The host name of the Mail Server for this client with SMTP services to send mail, and IMAP to process incoming mail. + + + + + + + 注文あたり宣伝販売コスト + 注文あたり宣伝販売コスト + Fixed Cost Per Order + The Cost Per Order indicates the fixed charge levied when an order for this product is placed. + + + + + + + 実際の納期 + 実際の納期 + Actual days between order and delivery + The Actual Delivery Time indicates the number of days elapsed between placing an order and the delivery of the order + + + + + + + 約束の納期 + 約束の納期 + Promised days between order and delivery + The Promised Delivery Time indicates the number of days between the order date and the date that delivery was promised. + + + + + + + 注文数量 + 注文数量 + + + + + + + + + 品質評価 + 品質評価 + Method for rating vendors + The Quality Rating indicates how a vendor is rated (higher number = higher quality) + + + + + + + 基礎価格リスト + 基礎 + Pricelist to be used, if product not found on this pricelist + The Base Price List identifies the default price list to be used if a product is not found on the selected price list + + + + + + + EDI定義 + EDI定義 + Electronic Data Interchange + + + + + + + + 顧客番号 + 顧客番号 + EDI Identification Number + + + + + + + + EDI状態 + EDI状態 + + + + + + + + + EDIタイプ + EDIタイプ + + + + + + + + + エラーメール + エラーメール + Email address to send error messages to + + + + + + + + メールから + メールから + Full EMail address used to send requests - e.g. edi@organization.com + + + + + + + + メールパスワードから + メールパスワードから + Password of the sending EMail address + + + + + + + + メールユーザーIDから + メールユーザーから + User ID of the sending EMail address (on default SMTP Host) - e.g. edi + + + + + + + + 情報メール + 情報メール + EMail address to send informational messages and copies + The Info EMail address indicates the address to use when sending informational messages or copies of other messages. + + + + + + + メールへ + メールへ + EMail address to send requests to - e.g. edi@manufacturer.com + + + + + + + + 情報 + 情報 + Information + The Information displays data from the source document line. + + + + + + + 情報を送信 + 情報を送信 + Send informational messages and copies + + + + + + + + 詳細割り引き% + 割り引き% + Line Discount as a percentage + The Line Discount Percent indicates the discount for this line as a percentage. + + + + + + + 詳細割り引き + 割り引き + Line Discount Amount + Indicates the discount for this line as an amount. + + + + + + + 詳細限度額 + 限度額 + + + + + + + + + 詳細リスト額 + リスト額 + + + + + + + + + 粗利益% + 利幅% + + + + + + + + + 粗利益 + 利幅 + + + + + + + + + EDI取引 + EDI取引 + + + + + + + + + EDIログ + EDIログ + + + + + + + + + 受信した問い合せ回答 + 問い合せ回答 + + + + + + + + + 受注返信 + 受注返信 + + + + + + + + + 回答価格 + 回答価格 + Confirmed Price from EDI Partner + + + + + + + + 可能数量返信 + 可能数量返信 + + + + + + + + + 確認数量返信 + 確認数量返信 + + + + + + + + + 受信返信 + 返信 + + + + + + + + + 注釈返信 + 注釈 + + + + + + + + + 出荷日付返信 + 出荷日付 + + + + + + + + + 要求価格 + 要求価格 + + + + + + + + + 要求数量 + 要求数量 + + + + + + + + + 要求出荷日付 + 要求出荷日付 + + + + + + + + + 質問を送信 + 質問を送信 + Quantity Availability Inquiry + + + + + + + + 注文を送信 + 注文を送信 + + + + + + + + + 取引受信 + 取引受信 + + + + + + + + + 取引送信 + 取引送信 + + + + + + + + + 取引タイプ + 取引タイプ + Type of credit card transaction + The Transaction Type indicates the type of transaction to be submitted to the Credit Card Company. + + + + + + + 取引日付 + 取引日付 + Transaction Date + The Transaction Date indicates the date of the transaction. + + + + + + + 特別なフォーム + 特別なフォーム + Special Form + The Special Form field identifies a unique Special Form in the system. + + + + + + + クラス名 + クラス名 + Java Classname + The Classname identifies the Java classname used by this report or process. + + + + + + + 新規ページ + 新規ページ + Start with new page + Before printing this item, create a new page + + + + + + + 仕訳済み + 仕訳済み + Posting status + The Posted field indicates the status of the Generation of General Ledger Accounting Lines + + + + + + + カテゴリタイプ + カテゴリタイプ + Source of the Journal with this category + The Category Type indicates the source of the journal for this category. Journals can be generated from a document, entered manually or imported. + + + + + + + エラー + エラー + + + + + + + + + インポート形式 + インポート形式 + + + + + + + + + 形式フィールド + 形式フィールド + + + + + + + + + データの形式 + データの形式 + Format String in Java Notation, e.g. ddMMyy + The Date Format indicates how dates are defined on the record to be imported. It must be in Java Notation + + + + + + + データ型 + データ型 + Type of data + + + + + + + + 小数点 + 小数点 + Decimal Point in the data file - if any + + + + + + + + 百分率 + 百分率 + Divide number by 100 to get correct amount + + + + + + + + 終了番号 + 終了番号 + + + + + + + + + 形式 + 形式 + Format of the data + The Format is a drop down list box for selecting the format type (text, tab delimited, XML, etc) of the file to be imported + + + + + + + 選択済み + 選択済み + + + + + + + + + 定数値 + 定数 + Constant value + + + + + + + + 部品構成表数量 + 数量 + Bill of Materials Quantity + The BOM Quantity indicates the quantity of the product in its Unit of Measure (multiplication) + + + + + + + 受け取り日付 + 受け取り日付 + Date a product was received + The Date Received indicates the date that product was received. + + + + + + + 部品構成表 + BOM + Bill of Materials + The Bill of Materials check box indicates if this product consists of a bill of materials. + + + + + + + 部品構成表製品 + 部品構成表製品 + Bill of Material Component Product + The BOM Product identifies an element that is part of this Bill of Materials. + + + + + + + 作成されたレコード + 作成されたレコード + + + + + + + + + 生産計画 + 生産計画 + Plan for how a product is produced + The Production Plan identifies the items and steps in generating a product. + + + + + + + 生産数量 + 生産数数 + Quantity of products to produce + The Production Quantity identifies the number of products to produce + + + + + + + 仕入先 + 仕入先 + The Vendor of the product/service + + + + + + + + 通知 + 通知 + System Notice + + + + + + + + 組織間 + 組織間 + Organization valid for intercompany documents + The Inter Organization field identifies an Organization which can be used by this Organization for intercompany documents. + + + + + + + 会計の市 + + City or the Credit Card or Account Holder + The Account City indicates the City of the Credit Card or Account holder + + + + + + + メールアカウント + メール + Email Address + The EMail Address indicates the EMail address off the Credit Card or Account holder. + + + + + + + 運転免許証 + 運転免許証 + Payment Identification - Driver License + The Driver's License being used as identification. + + + + + + + 社会保障番号 + 社会保障番号 + Payment Identification - Social Security No + The Social Security number being used as identification. + + + + + + + 勘定科目名 + 勘定科目名 + Name on Credit Card or Account holder + The Name of the Credit Card or Account holder. + + + + + + + 勘定科目状態 + 状態 + State of the Credit Card or Account holder + The State of the Credit Card or Account holder + + + + + + + 会計の通路 + 通り + Street address of the Credit Card or Account holder + The Street Address of the Credit Card or Account holder. + + + + + + + 口座の郵便番号/郵便 + 郵便番号 + Zip Code of the Credit Card or Account Holder + The Zip Code of the Credit Card or Account Holder. + + + + + + + 給与振込を受け入れ + 給与振込 + Accept Direct Deposit (payee initiated) + Indicates if Direct Deposits (wire transfers, etc.) are accepted. Direct Deposits are initiated by the payee. + + + + + + + AMEXを受け入れ + AMEX + Accept American Express Card + Indicates if American Express Cards are accepted + + + + + + + ATMを受け入れ + ATM + Accept Bank ATM Card + Indicates if Bank ATM Cards are accepted + + + + + + + 電子小切手を受け入れ + ECheck + Accept ECheck (Electronic Checks) + Indicates if EChecks are accepted + + + + + + + 法人を受け入れ + 法人 + Accept Corporate Purchase Cards + Indicates if Corporate Purchase Cards are accepted + + + + + + + Dinersを受け入れ + Diners + Accept Diner's Club + Indicates if Diner's Club Cards are accepted + + + + + + + マスターカードを受け入れ + M.C. + Accept Master Card + Indicates if Master Cards are accepted + + + + + + + Visaを受け入れ + Visa + Accept Visa Cards + Indicates if Visa Cards are accepted + + + + + + + + Amt + Amount in a defined currency + The Amount indicates the amount for this document line. + + + + + + + 銀行資産 + 銀行資産 + Bank Asset Account + The Bank Asset Account identifies the account to be used for booking changes to the balance in this bank account + + + + + + + 銀行費用 + 銀行費用 + Bank Expense Account + The Bank Expense Account identifies the account to be used for recording charges or fees incurred from this Bank. + + + + + + + 銀行利子費用 + 銀行利子費用 + Bank Interest Expense Account + The Bank Interest Expense Account identifies the account to be used for recording interest expenses. + + + + + + + 銀行利子収入 + 銀行利子収入 + Bank Interest Revenue Account + The Bank Interest Revenue Account identifies the account to be used for recording interest revenue from this Bank. + + + + + + + 通過中銀行 + 通過中銀行 + Bank In Transit Account + The Bank in Transit Account identifies the account to be used for funds which are in transit. + + + + + + + 銀行再評価利得 + 銀行再評価利得 + Bank Revaluation Gain Account + The Bank Revaluation Gain Account identifies the account to be used for recording gains that are recognized when converting currencies. + + + + + + + 銀行再評価損失 + 銀行再評価損失 + Bank Revaluation Loss Account + The Bank Revaluation Loss Account identifies the account to be used for recording losses that are recognized when converting currencies. + + + + + + + 銀行解決利得 + 銀行解決利得 + Bank Settlement Gain Account + The Bank Settlement Gain account identifies the account to be used when recording a currency gain when the settlement and receipt currency are not the same. + + + + + + + 銀行解決損失 + 銀行解決損失 + Bank Settlement Loss Account + The Bank Settlement loss account identifies the account to be used when recording a currency loss when the settlement and receipt currency are not the same. + + + + + + + 銀行未確認領収 + 銀行未確認 + Bank Unidentified Receipts Account + The Bank Unidentified Receipts Account identifies the account to be used when recording receipts that can not be reconciled at the present time. + + + + + + + 期首残高 + 期首残高 + Balance prior to any transactions + The Beginning Balance is the balance prior to making any adjustments for payments or disbursements. + + + + + + + 割当 + 割当 + Payment allocation + + + + + + + + 銀行取引明細書 + 銀行取引明細書 + Bank Statement of account + The Bank Statement identifies a unique Bank Statement for a defined time period. The statement defines all transactions that occurred + + + + + + + 銀行取引明細書連続番号 + 銀行取引明細書連続番号 + Line on a statement from this Bank + The Bank Statement Line identifies a unique transaction (Payment, Withdrawal, Charge) for the defined time period at this Bank. + + + + + + + ビジネスパートナーグループ + パートナーグループ + Business Partner Group + The Business Partner Group provides a method of defining defaults to be used for individual Business Partners. + + + + + + + 支払い + 支払い + Payment identifier + The Payment is a unique identifier of this payment. + + + + + + + 支払いプロセッサ + 支払いプロセッサ + Payment processor for electronic payments + The Payment Processor indicates the processor to be used for electronic payments + + + + + + + 料金費用 + 料金費用 + Charge Expense Account + The Charge Expense Account identifies the account to use when recording charges paid to vendors. + + + + + + + 料金収入 + 料金収入 + Charge Revenue Account + The Charge Revenue Account identifies the account to use when recording charges paid by customers. + + + + + + + 番号チェック + 番号チェック + Check Number + The Check Number indicates the number on the check. + + + + + + + 検証コード + 検証 + Credit Card Verification code on credit card + The Credit Card Verification indicates the verification code on the credit card (AMEX 4 digits on front; MC,Visa 3 digits back) + + + + + + + 現在の原価 + 現在の原価 + The currently used cost price + + + + + + + + 割り引き量 + 割り引き + Calculated amount of discount + The Discount Amount indicates the discount amount for a document or line. + + + + + + + 期末残高 + 期末残高 + Ending or closing balance + The Ending Balance is the result of adjusting the Beginning Balance by any payments or disbursements. + + + + + + + 将来原価 + 将来原価 + + + + + + + + + ホストアドレス + ホストアドレス + Host Address URL or DNS + The Host Address identifies the URL or DNS of the target host + + + + + + + ホストポート + ホストポート + Host Communication Port + The Host Port identifies the port to communicate with the host. + + + + + + + オンラインアクセス + オンラインアクセス + Can be accessed online + The Online Access check box indicates if the application can be accessed via the web. + + + + + + + 支払済み + 支払済み + The document is paid + + + + + + + + 同じ通貨 + 同じ通貨 + + + + + + + + + 銀行取引番号 + 銀行取引番号 + Combination of routing no, account and check no + The Micr number is the combination of the bank routing number, account number and check number + + + + + + + 元の取引ID + 元の取引ID + Original Transaction ID + The Original Transaction ID is used for reversing transactions and indicates the transaction that has been reversed. + + + + + + + 購入価格差異 + 購入価格差異 + Difference between Standard Cost and Purchase Price (PPV) + The Purchase Price Variance is used in Standard Costing. It reflects the difference between the Standard Cost and the Purchase Order Price. + + + + + + + ページURL + ページURL + + + + + + + + + 支払い割引料 + 支払い割引料 + Payment Discount Expense Account + Indicates the account to be charged for payment discount expenses. + + + + + + + 支払い割引収入 + 支払い割引収入 + Payment Discount Revenue Account + Indicates the account to be charged for payment discount revenues. + + + + + + + 処理中の作業 + 処理中の作業 + Account for Work in Progress + The Work in Process account is the account used in capital projects until the project is completed + + + + + + + 発注番号 + 発注番号 + Purchase Order Number + The PO Number indicates the number assigned to a purchase order + + + + + + + 価格 + 価格 + Price + The Price indicates the Price for a product or service. + + + + + + + 製品 + 製品 + + + + + + + + + プロキシアドレス + プロキシアドレス + Address of your proxy server + The Proxy Address must be defined if you must pass through a firewall to access your payment processor. + + + + + + + プロキシログオン + プロキシログオン + Logon of your proxy server + The Proxy Logon identifies the Logon ID for your proxy server. + + + + + + + プロキシパスワード + プロキシパスワード + Password of your proxy server + The Proxy Password identifies the password for your proxy server. + + + + + + + プロキシポート + プロキシポート + Port of your proxy server + The Proxy Port identifies the port of your proxy server. + + + + + + + 承認コード + 承認コード + Authorization Code returned + The Authorization Code indicates the code returned from the electronic transmission. + + + + + + + 確認済み住所 + 確認済み住所 + This address has been verified + The Address Verified indicates if the address has been verified by the Credit Card Company. + + + + + + + 確認済み郵便番号 + 確認済み郵便番号 + The Zip Code has been verified + The Zip Verified indicates if the zip code has been verified by the Credit Card Company. + + + + + + + 情報 + 情報 + Response info + The Info indicates any response information returned from the Credit Card Company. + + + + + + + 参照 + 参照 + Payment reference + The Payment Reference indicates the reference returned from the Credit Card Company for a payment + + + + + + + 応答メッセージ + メッセージ + Response message + The Response Message indicates the message returned from the Credit Card Company as the result of a transmission + + + + + + + 結果 + 結果 + Result of transmission + The Response Result indicates the result of the transmission to the Credit Card Company. + + + + + + + 参照元 + 参照元 + Referring web address + + + + + + + + リモートアドレス + リモートアドレス + Remote Address + The Remote Address indicates an alternative or external address. + + + + + + + リモートホスト + リモートホスト + Remote host Info + + + + + + + + セッションID + セッションID + + + + + + + + + 文書日付 + 文書日付 + Date of the statement + The Statement Date field defines the date of the statement. + + + + + + + 文書差異 + 文書差異 + Difference between statement ending balance and actual ending balance + The Statement Difference reflects the difference between the Statement Ending Balance and the Actual Ending Balance. + + + + + + + 税額控除 + 税額控除 + Account for Tax you can reclaim + The Tax Credit Account indicates the account used to record taxes that can be reclaimed + + + + + + + 納税額 + 納税額 + Account for Tax you have to pay + The Tax Due Account indicates the account used to record taxes that you are liable to pay. + + + + + + + 税金費用 + 税金費用 + Account for paid tax you cannot reclaim + The Tax Expense Account indicates the account used to record the taxes that have been paid that cannot be reclaimed. + + + + + + + 納税義務 + 納税義務 + Account for Tax declaration liability + The Tax Liability Account indicates the account used to record your tax liability declaration. + + + + + + + 税金受取勘定 + 税金受取勘定 + Account for Tax credit after tax declaration + The Tax Receivables Account indicates the account used to record the tax credit amount after your tax declaration. + + + + + + + 支払タイプ + 支払タイプ + Method of Payment + The Tender Type indicates the method of payment (ACH or Direct Deposit, Credit Card, Check, Direct Debit) + + + + + + + ユーザーID + ユーザーID + User ID or account number + The User ID identifies a user and allows access to records or processes. + + + + + + + 音声認証コード + 音声認証コード + Voice Authorization Code from credit card company + The Voice Authorization Code indicates the code received from the Credit Card Company. + + + + + + + W_Basket_ID + W_Basket_ID + Web Basket + Temporary Web Basket + + + + + + + 在庫再評価 + 在庫再評価 + Account for Inventory Revaluation + The Inventory Revaluation Account identifies the account used to records changes in inventory value due to currency revaluation. + + + + + + + 源泉徴収 + 源泉徴収 + Account for Withholdings + The Withholding Account indicates the account used to record withholdings. + + + + + + + 帳消し + 帳消し + Account for Receivables write-off + The Write Off Account identifies the account to book write off transactions to. + + + + + + + 帳消し額 + 帳消し額 + Amount to write-off + The Write Off Amount indicates the amount to be written off as uncollectible. + + + + + + + 検索 + 検索 + + + + + + + + + and/or + and/or + Logical operation: AND or OR + + + + + + + + Find_ID + Find_ID + + + + + + + + + 操作 + 操作 + Compare Operation + + + + + + + + + + Value To + + + + + + + + 利息額 + 利息 + Interest Amount + The Interest Amount indicates any interest charged or received on a Bank Statement. + + + + + + + システム属性 + 属性 + + + + + + + + + 銀行口座タイプ + 銀行口座タイプ + Bank Account Type + The Bank Account Type field indicates the type of account (savings, checking etc) this account is defined as. + + + + + + + 現金仕訳帳 + 現金仕訳帳 + Cash Journal + The Cash Journal uniquely identifies a Cash Journal. The Cash Journal will record transactions for the cash bank account + + + + + + + 現金出納帳 + 現金出納帳 + Cash Book for recording petty cash transactions + The Cash Book identifies a unique cash book. The cash book is used to record cash transactions. + + + + + + + 現金仕訳帳詳細 + 現金詳細 + Cash Journal Line + The Cash Journal Line indicates a unique line in a cash journal. + + + + + + + 支払いバッチ + 支払いバッチ + Payment batch for EFT + Electronic Fund Transfer Payment Batch. + + + + + + + 現金タイプ + 現金タイプ + Source of Cash + The Cash Type indicates the source for this Cash Journal Line. + + + + + + + 現金出納帳資産 + 現金出納帳資産 + Cash Book Asset Account + The Cash Book Asset Account identifies the account to be used for recording payments into and disbursements from this cash book. + + + + + + + 現金出納帳差異 + 現金出納帳差異 + Cash Book Differences Account + The Cash Book Differences Account identifies the account to be used for recording any differences that affect this cash book + + + + + + + 現金出納帳費用 + 現金出納帳費用 + Cash Book Expense Account + The Cash Book Expense Account identifies the account to be used for general, non itemized expenses. + + + + + + + 現金出納帳領収 + 現金出納帳領収 + Cash Book Receipts Account + The Cash Book Receipt Account identifies the account to be used for general, non itemized cash book receipts. + + + + + + + 自動手形交換システム + 自動手形交換システム + Automatic Clearing House + The ACH checkbox indicates if this Bank Account accepts ACH transactions. + + + + + + + マニュアル + マニュアル + This is a manual process + The Manual check box indicates if the process will done manually. + + + + + + + 反転 + 反転 + This is a reversing transaction + The Reversal check box indicates if this is a reversal of a prior transaction. + + + + + + + 支払い額 + 支払い額 + Amount being paid + Indicates the amount this payment is for. The payment amount can be for single or multiple invoices or a partial payment for an invoice. + + + + + + + 支払いプロセッサのクラス + 支払いプロセッサのクラス + Payment Processor Java Class + Payment Processor class identifies the Java class used to process payments extending the org.compiere.model.PaymentProcessor class. <br> +Example implementations are Optimal Payments: org.compiere.model.PP_Optimal or Verisign: org.compiere.model.PP_PayFlowPro + + + + + + + 処理日付 + 処理日付 + + + + + + + + + 明細書金額 + 明細書金額 + Statement Amount + The Statement Amount indicates the amount of a single statement line. + + + + + + + V_Date + V_Date + + + + + + + + + V_Number + V_Number + + + + + + + + + V_String + V_String + + + + + + + + + 発効日 + 発効日 + Date when money is available + The Effective Date indicates the date that money is available from the bank. + + + + + + + 連続番号を作成 + 連続番号を作成 + Process which will generate a new document lines based on an existing document + The Create From process will create a new document based on information in an existing document selected by the user. + + + + + + + 生成 + 生成 + Generate To + + + + + + + + Discoverを受け入れ + Discover + Accept Discover Card + Indicates if Discover Cards are accepted + + + + + + + 手数料% + 手数料% + Commission stated as a percentage + The Commission indicates (as a percentage) the commission to be paid. + + + + + + + 1取引あたりの費用 + 1取引あたりの費用 + Fixed cost per transaction + The Cost per Transaction indicates the fixed cost per to be charged per transaction. + + + + + + + 支払期限日数 + 支払期限日数 + Number of days due (negative: due in number of days) + + + + + + + + オンライン処理 + オンライン処理 + This payment can be processed online + The Online Processing indicates if the payment can be processed online. + + + + + + + 支出額 + 支払い + + + + + + + + + クレジットカード検証コードを要求 + クレジットカード検証コードを要求 + Require 3/4 digit Credit Verification Code + The Require CC Verification checkbox indicates if this bank accounts requires a verification number for credit card transactions. + + + + + + + フィールドグループ + フィールドグループ + Logical grouping of fields + The Field Group indicates the logical group that this field belongs to (History, Amounts, Quantities) + + + + + + + 最終行動日付 + 最終行動日付 + Date this request was last acted on + The Date Last Action indicates that last time that the request was acted on. + + + + + + + 次回実行日付 + 次回実行日付 + Date that this request should be acted on + The Date Next Action indicates the next scheduled date for an action to occur for this request. + + + + + + + 支払義務タイプ + 支払義務タイプ + Status of the next action for this Request + The Due Type indicates if this request is Due, Overdue or Scheduled. + + + + + + + 頻度 + 頻度 + Frequency of events + The frequency is used in conjunction with the frequency type in determining an event. Example: If the Frequency Type is Week and the Frequency is 2 - it is every two weeks. + + + + + + + 頻度タイプ + 頻度タイプ + Frequency of event + The frequency type is used for calculating the date of the next event. + + + + + + + 割当済み + 割当済み + Indicates if the payment has been allocated + The Allocated checkbox indicates if a payment has been allocated or associated with an invoice or invoices. + + + + + + + 強化 + 強化 + This request has been escalated + The Escalated checkbox indicates that this request has been escalated or raised in importance. + + + + + + + HTML + HTML + Text has HTML tags + + + + + + + + 題名 + 題名 + Mail Header (Subject) + The subject of the mail message + + + + + + + メールテキスト + メールテキスト + Text used for Mail message + The Mail Text indicates the text used for mail messages. + + + + + + + 次のアクション + 次のアクション + Next Action to be taken + The Next Action indicates the next action to be taken on this request. + + + + + + + 優先権 + 優先権 + Indicates if this request is of a high, medium or low priority. + The Priority indicates the importance of this request. + + + + + + + メールテンプレート + メールテンプレート + Text templates for mailings + The Mail Template indicates the mail template for return messages. Mail text can include variables. The priority of parsing is User/Contact, Business Partner and then the underlying business object (like Request, Dunning, Workflow object).<br> +So, @Name@ would resolve into the User name (if user is defined defined), then Business Partner name (if business partner is defined) and then the Name of the business object if it has a Name.<br> +For Multi-Lingual systems, the template is translated based on the Business Partner's language selection. + + + + + + + 要求 + 要求 + Request from a Business Partner or Prospect + The Request identifies a unique request from a Business Partner or Prospect. + + + + + + + 要求履歴 + 要求履歴 + Request has been changed + Old values + + + + + + + 要求プロセッサ + 要求プロセッサ + Processor for Requests + Processor for Requests + + + + + + + 要求額 + 要求額 + Amount associated with this request + The Request Amount indicates any amount that is associated with this request. For example, a warranty amount or refund amount. + + + + + + + 概要 + 概要 + Textual summary of this request + The Summary allows free form text entry of a recap of this request. + + + + + + + 監督 + 監督 + Supervisor for this user/organization - used for escalation and approval + The Supervisor indicates who will be used for forwarding and escalating issues for this user - or for approvals. + + + + + + + 乗数 + 乗数 + Type Multiplier (Credit = -1) + + + + + + + + 開いている量 + 開いている量 + Open item amount + + + + + + + + 利幅% + 利幅% + Margin for a product as a percentage + The Margin indicates the margin for this product as a percentage of the limit price and selling price. + + + + + + + デフォルト2 + デフォルト2 + Default value hierarchy, separated by ; + The defaults are evaluated in the order of definition, the first not null value becomes the default value of the column. The values are separated by comma or semicolon. a) Literals:. 'Text' or 123 b) Variables - in format @Variable@ - Login e.g. #Date, #AD_Org_ID, #AD_Client_ID - Accounting Schema: e.g. $C_AcctSchema_ID, $C_Calendar_ID - Global defaults: e.g. DateFormat - Window values (all Picks, CheckBoxes, RadioButtons, and DateDoc/DateAcct) c) SQL code with the tag: @SQL=SELECT something AS DefaultValue FROM ... The SQL statement can contain variables. There can be no other value other than the SQL statement. The default is only evaluated, if no user preference is defined. Default definitions are ignored for record columns as Key, Parent, Client as well as Buttons. + + + + + + + SQL Group句 + SQL Group句 + This function will generate a Group By Clause + The SQL Group Function checkbox indicates that this function will generate a Group by Clause in the resulting SQL. + + + + + + + 支払い選択 + 支払い選択 + Payment Selection + The Payment Selection identifies a unique Payment + + + + + + + 支払い選択詳細 + 支払い選択詳細 + Payment Selection Line + The Payment Selection Line identifies a unique line in a payment + + + + + + + 支払い日 + 支払い日 + Date Payment made + The Payment Date indicates the date the payment was made. + + + + + + + 分量合計 + 分量合計 + Total Amount + The Total Amount indicates the total document amount. + + + + + + + ビューカラムレポート + ビューカラムレポート + + + + + + + + + 機能カラム + 機能カラム + Overwrite Column with Function + The Function Column indicates that the column will be overridden with a function + + + + + + + 実際の量 + 実際の量 + The actual amount + Actual amount indicates the agreed upon amount for a document. + + + + + + + 実際の数量 + 実際の数量 + The actual quantity + The Actual Quantity indicates the quantity as referenced on a document. + + + + + + + 乗数量 + 乗数量 + Multiplier Amount for generating commissions + The Multiplier Amount indicates the amount to multiply the total amount generated by this commission run by. + + + + + + + 減算分量 + 減算分量 + Subtract Amount for generating commissions + The Subtract Amount indicates the amount to subtract from the total amount prior to multiplication. + + + + + + + 手数料 + 手数料 + Commission + The Commission Rules or internal or external company agents, sales reps or vendors. + + + + + + + 手数料金額 + 手数料 + Generated Commission Amount + The Commission Amount indicates the resulting amount from a Commission Run. + + + + + + + 手数料詳細 + 手数料詳細 + Commission Line + The Commission Line is a unique instance of a Commission Run. If the commission run was done in summary mode then there will be a single line representing the selected documents totals. If the commission run was done in detail mode then each document that was included in the run will have its own commission line. + + + + + + + プロジェクトサイクル + プロジェクトサイクル + Identifier for this Project Reporting Cycle + Identifies a Project Cycle which can be made up of one or more cycle steps and cycle phases. + + + + + + + サイクルステップ + サイクルステップ + The step for this Cycle + Identifies one or more steps within a Project Cycle. A cycle Step has multiple Phases + + + + + + + プロジェクト詳細 + プロジェクト詳細 + Task or step in a project + The Project Line indicates a unique project line. + + + + + + + 手数料金額 + 手数料金額 + Commission Amount + The Commission Amount is the total calculated commission. It is based on the parameters as defined for this Commission Run. + + + + + + + 変換分量 + 変換分量 + Converted Amount + The Converted Amount is the result of multiplying the Source Amount by the Conversion Rate for this target currency. + + + + + + + 契約日付 + 契約日付 + The (planned) effective date of this document. + The contract date is used to determine when the document becomes effective. This is usually the contract date. The contract date is used in reports and report parameters. + + + + + + + 終了日付 + 終了日付 + Finish or (planned) completion date + The finish date is used to indicate when the project is expected to be completed or has been completed. + + + + + + + 計算基礎 + 計算基礎 + Basis for the calculation the commission + The Calculation Basis indicates the basis to be used for the commission calculation. + + + + + + + 情報 + 情報 + + + + + + + + + 正数のみ + 正数のみ + Do not generate negative commissions + The Positive Only check box indicates that if the result of the subtraction is negative, it is ignored. This would mean that negative commissions would not be generated. + + + + + + + 計画分量 + 計画分量 + Planned amount for this project + The Planned Amount indicates the anticipated amount for this project or project line. + + + + + + + 計画利幅% + 計画利幅 + Project's planned margin as a percentage + The Planned Margin Percentage indicates the anticipated margin percentage for this project or project line + + + + + + + 計画利幅 + 計画利幅 + Project's planned margin amount + The Planned Margin Amount indicates the anticipated margin amount for this project or project line. + + + + + + + 計画価格 + 計画価格 + Planned price for this project line + The Planned Price indicates the anticipated price for this project line. + + + + + + + 計画数量 + 計画数量 + Planned quantity for this project + The Planned Quantity indicates the anticipated quantity for this project or project line + + + + + + + 数量乗数 + 数量乗数 + Value to multiply quantities by for generating commissions. + The Multiplier Quantity field indicates the amount to multiply the quantities accumulated for this commission run. + + + + + + + 減算数量 + 減算数量 + Quantity to subtract when generating commissions + The Quantity Subtract identifies the quantity to be subtracted before multiplication + + + + + + + 相対重量 + 相対重量 + Relative weight of this step (0 = ignored) + The relative weight allows you to adjust the project cycle report based on probabilities. For example, if you have a 1:10 chance in closing a contract when it is in the prospect stage and a 1:2 chance when it is in the contract stage, you may put a weight of 0.1 and 0.5 on those steps. This allows sales funnels or measures of completion of your project. + + + + + + + 手数料実行 + 手数料実行 + Commission Run or Process + The Commission Run is a unique system defined identifier of a specific run of commission. When a Commission is processed on the Commission Screen, the Commission Run will display. + + + + + + + 注文のみ決定した手数料 + 注文のみ決定手数料 + Commission only Orders or Invoices, where this Sales Rep is entered + Sales Reps are entered in Orders and Invoices. If selected, only Orders and Invoices for this Sales Reps are included in the calculation of the commission. + + + + + + + リスト詳細 + リスト詳細 + List document details + The List Details checkbox indicates that the details for each document line will be displayed. + + + + + + + 手数料詳細 + 手数料詳細 + Supporting information for Commission Amounts + The Commission Detail provides supporting information on a Commission Run. Each document line that was part of the Commission Run will be reflected here. + + + + + + + 発注支払期間 + 発注支払期間 + Payment rules for a purchase order + The PO Payment Term indicates the payment term that will be used when this purchase order becomes an invoice. + + + + + + + パートナーカラム + パートナーカラム + Fully qualified Business Partner key column (C_BPartner_ID) + The Business Partner Column indicates the Business Partner to use when calculating this measurement + + + + + + + 計算クラス + 計算クラス + Java Class for calculation, implementing Interface Measure + The Calculation Class indicates the Java Class used for calculating measures. + + + + + + + 日付カラム + 日付カラム + Fully qualified date column + The Date Column indicates the date to be used when calculating this measurement + + + + + + + 開始日付 + 開始日付 + Starting date for a range + The Date From indicates the starting date of a range. + + + + + + + 終了日付 + 終了日付 + End date of a date range + The Date To indicates the end date of a range (inclusive) + + + + + + + 成績目標 + 成績目標 + Target achievement from 0..1 + The Goal Performance indicates the target achievement from 0 to 1. + + + + + + + 達成済み + 達成済み + The goal is achieved + The Achieved checkbox indicates if this goal has been achieved. + + + + + + + 手動実際 + 手動実際 + Manually entered actual value + The Manual Active identifies a manually entered actual measurement value. + + + + + + + メモ + メモ + Note for manual entry + The Note allows for entry for additional information regarding a manual entry. + + + + + + + 実際状態測定 + 実際状態測定 + Actual value that has been measured. + The Measure Actual indicates the actual measured value. The measured values are used in determining if a performance goal has been met + + + + + + + 目標を測定 + 目標を測定 + Target value for measure + The Measure Target indicates the target or goal for this measure. It is used as in comparing against the actual measures + + + + + + + 測定タイプ + 測定タイプ + Determines how the actual performance is derived + The Measure Type indicates how the actual measure is determined. For example, one measure may be manual while another is calculated. + + + + + + + 組織カラム + 組織カラム + Fully qualified Organization column (AD_Org_ID) + The Organization Column indicates the organization to be used in calculating this measurement. + + + + + + + 達成 + 達成 + Performance Achievement + The Achievement identifies a unique task that is part of an overall performance goal. + + + + + + + 目標 + 目標 + Performance Goal + The Performance Goal indicates what this users performance will be measured against. + + + + + + + 測定 + 測定 + Concrete Performance Measurement + The Measure identifies a concrete, measurable indicator of performance. For example, sales dollars, prospects contacted. + + + + + + + 計算を測定 + 計算を測定 + Calculation method for measuring performance + The Measure Calculation indicates the method of measuring performance. + + + + + + + 製品カラム + 製品カラム + Fully qualified Product column (M_Product_ID) + The Product Column indicates the product to use to use when calculating this measurement. + + + + + + + SQL SELECT句 + SQL SELECT句 + SQL SELECT clause + The Select Clause indicates the SQL SELECT clause to use for selecting the record for a measure calculation. Do not include the SELECT itself. + + + + + + + レポートカラム + レポートカラム + Column in Report + + + + + + + + 分量タイプ + 分量タイプ + Type of amount to report + You can choose between the total and period amounts as well as the balance or just the debit/credit amounts. + + + + + + + 収益認識プラン + 収益認識プラン + Plan for recognizing or recording revenue + The Revenue Recognition Plan identifies a unique Revenue Recognition Plan. + + + + + + + 収益認識実行 + 収益認識実行 + Revenue Recognition Run or Process + The Revenue Recognition Runs identifies a unique instance of processing revenue recognition. + + + + + + + 計算 + 計算 + + + + + + + + + カラムタイプ + カラムタイプ + + + + + + + + + 通貨タイプ + 通貨タイプ + + + + + + + + + 全通貨変換 + 全通貨変換 + Perform conversion for all amounts to currency + If a currency is selected, only this currency will be reported. If adhoc conversion is selected, all currencies are converted to the defined currency + + + + + + + 詳細タイプ + 詳細タイプ + + + + + + + + + オペランド1 + オペランド1 + First operand for calculation + + + + + + + + オペランド2 + オペランド2 + Second operand for calculation + + + + + + + + 営業報告 + 営業報告 + Financial Report + + + + + + + + レポートカラムセット + レポートカラムセット + Collection of Columns for Report + The Report Column Set identifies the columns used in a Report. + + + + + + + レポートライン + レポートライン + + + + + + + + + レポート詳細セット + レポート詳細セット + + + + + + + + + レポートソース + レポートソース + Restriction of what will be shown in Report Line + + + + + + + + 認識分量 + 認識分量 + + + + + + + + + 相対的期間 + 相対的期間 + Period offset (0 is current) + + + + + + + + ウェブカウンタ + ウェブカウンタ + Individual Count hit + Web Counter Details + + + + + + + 割引/料金のための正しい税金 + 割引/料金のための正しい税金 + Correct the tax for payment discount and charges + Payment discounts may require to correct the tax. This primarily applicable in VAT systems. If the original invoice had tax records, the payment discount, write-off, etc. is corrected by the tax. The calculation of the tax is prorated based on the invoice. + + + + + + + 仕入先間割引 + 仕入先間割引 + Generate postings for trade discounts + If the invoice is based on an item with a list price, the amount based on the list price and the discount is posted instead of the net amount. +Example: Quantity 10 - List Price: 20 - Actual Price: 17 +If selected for a sales invoice 200 is posted to Product Revenue and 30 to Discount Granted - rather than 170 to Product Revenue. +The same applies to vendor invoices. + + + + + + + 請求価格変更 + 請求価格変更 + Difference between Costs and Invoice Price (IPV) + The Invoice Price Variance is used reflects the difference between the current Costs and the Invoice Price. + + + + + + + 承諾された仕入先間割引 + 承諾仕入先間割引 + Trade Discount Granted Account + The Trade Discount Granted Account indicates the account for granted trade discount in sales invoices + + + + + + + 取引受取割引料 + 取引受取割引料 + Trade Discount Receivable Account + The Trade Discount Receivables Account indicates the account for received trade discounts in vendor invoices + + + + + + + 在庫調整 + 在庫調整 + Account for Inventory value adjustments for Actual Costing + In actual costing systems, this account is used to post Inventory value adjustments. You could set it to the standard Inventory Asset account. + + + + + + + 表示 + 表示 + This is a view + This is a view rather than a table. A view is always treated as read only in the system. + + + + + + + フォームを印刷 + フォームを印刷 + Form + + + + + + + + 銀行口座ドキュメント + 銀行口座文書 + Checks, Transfers, etc. + Bank documents, you generate or track + + + + + + + 領収書 + 領収書 + This is a sales transaction (receipt) + + + + + + + + 違い + 違い + Difference Amount + + + + + + + + システム色 + + Color for backgrounds or indicators + + + + + + + + デスクトップ + デスクトップ + Collection of Workbenches + + + + + + + + デスクトップ作業台 + デスクトップ作業台 + + + + + + + + + 画像 + 画像 + Image or Icon + Images and Icon can be used to display supported graphic formats (gif, jpg, png). +You can either load the image (in the database) or point to a graphic via a URI (i.e. it can point to a resource, http address) + + + + + + + ユーザー定義フィールド + ユーザーフィールド + + + + + + + + + ユーザー定義タブ + ユーザータブ + + + + + + + + + ユーザー定義ウィンドウ + ユーザーウィンドウ + + + + + + + + + 作業台 + 作業台 + Collection of windows, reports + + + + + + + + 作業台ウィンドウ + 作業台ウィンドウ + + + + + + + + + アルファ値 + アルファ値 + Color Alpha value 0-255 + + + + + + + + 第2アルファ値 + 第2アルファ値 + Alpha value for second color + + + + + + + + + + Color RGB blue value + + + + + + + + 第2青 + 第2青 + RGB value for second color + + + + + + + + カラータイプ + カラータイプ + Color presentation for this color + + + + + + + + グリーン + グリーン + RGB value + + + + + + + + 第2グリーン + 第2グリーン + RGB value for second color + + + + + + + + 選択カラム + 選択 + Is this column used for finding rows in windows + If selected, the column is listed in the first find window tab and in the selection part of the window + + + + + + + 詳細距離 + 距離 + Distance between lines + + + + + + + + 詳細幅 + 詳細幅 + Width of the lines + El ancho fisico de las lineas. + + + + + + + 発注説明 + 発注説明 + Description in PO Screens + + + + + + + + 発注ヘルプ + 発注ヘルプ + Help for PO Screens + + + + + + + + 発注名 + 発注名 + Name on PO Screens + + + + + + + + 発注印刷名 + 発注印刷 + Print name on PO Screens/Reports + + + + + + + + 読み取り専用ロジック + 読み取り専用ロジック + Logic to determine if field is read only (applies only when field is read-write) + format := {expression} [{logic} {expression}]<br> +expression := @{context}@{operand}{value} or @{context}@{operand}{value}<br> +logic := {|}|{&}<br> +context := any global or window context <br> +value := strings or numbers<br> +logic operators := AND or OR with the previous result from left to right <br> +operand := eq{=}, gt{&gt;}, le{&lt;}, not{~^!} <br> +Examples: <br> +@AD_Table_ID@=14 | @Language@!GERGER <br> +@PriceLimit@>10 | @PriceList@>@PriceActual@<br> +@Name@>J<br> +Strings may be in single quotes (optional) + + + + + + + + + RGB value + + + + + + + + 第2赤 + 第2赤 + RGB value for second color + + + + + + + + シミュレーション + シミュレーション + Performing the function is only simulated + + + + + + + + 古い/既存のレコードを削除 + 古い/既存のレコードを削除 + Otherwise records will be added + + + + + + + + 詳細情報 + 詳細情報 + Additional Detail Information + + + + + + + + 請求書あたりの最大の帳消し + 請求書あたりの最大の帳消し + Maximum invoice amount to be written off in invoice currency + + + + + + + + 必要在庫数量 + 必要在庫数量 + If not sufficient in stock in the warehouse, the BOM is not produced + + + + + + + + 割引のみ + 割引のみ + Include only invoices where we would get payment discount + + + + + + + + 支払義務のみ + 支払義務のみ + Include only due invoices + + + + + + + + 製品キー + 製品キー + Key of the Product + + + + + + + + 在庫数量 + 在庫数量 + + + + + + + + + 実際の分量を表示 + 実際の分量を表示 + + + + + + + + + 合意分量を表示 + 合意分量を表示 + + + + + + + + + 計画された分量を表示 + 計画された分量を表示 + + + + + + + + + 計画された利益額を表示 + 計画された利益額を表示 + + + + + + + + + 計画された数量を表示 + 計画された数量を表示 + + + + + + + + + 実体タイプ + 実体タイプ + Dictionary Entity Type; Determines ownership and synchronization + The Entity Types "Dictionary", "Adempiere" and "Application" might be automatically synchronized and customizations deleted or overwritten. + +For customizations, copy the entity and select "User"! + + + + + + + フィールドのインポート + フィールドのインポート + Create Fields from Table Columns + + + + + + + + テーブルのインポート + テーブルのインポート + Import Table Columns from Database + + + + + + + + データベースを同期化 + DB同期化 + Change database table definition when changing dictionary definition + When selected, the database column definition is updated based on your entries in the Column definition of the Application Dictionary. + + + + + + + 支払い選択 + 支払い選択 + AP Payment Selection Clearing Account + + + + + + + + 未割当現金 + 未割当現金 + Unallocated Cash Clearing Account + Receipts not allocated to Invoices + + + + + + + 送金 + 送金 + Cash Transfer Clearing Account + Account for Invoices paid by cash + + + + + + + 請求書を組み合わせる + 請求書を組み合わせる + Match Shipment/Receipt to Invoice + + + + + + + + 発注を組み合わせる + 発注を組み合わせる + Match Purchase Order to Shipment/Receipt and Invoice + The matching record is usually created automatically. If price matching is enabled on business partner group level, the matching might have to be approved. + + + + + + + 既存の会計エントリを削除 + 既存の会計エントリを削除 + The selected accounting entries will be deleted! DANGEROUS !!! + + + + + + + + キーワード + キーワード + Case insensitive keyword + Case insensitive keyword for matching. The individual keywords can be separated by space, comma, semicolon, tab or new line. Do not use filler words like "a", "the". At this point, there are NO text search operators like "or" and "and". + + + + + + + 警告送信日数 + 警告送信日数 + Send email alert after number of days due (0=no alerts) + Send an email alert after the item is Due (after Date Next Action). If set to zero, no alert is sent. + + + + + + + 強化警告送信日数 + 強化警告送信日数 + Escalation to superior after number of due days (0 = no) + The item will be escalated and assigned to the supervisor after the number of days over due. If 0, there is no escalation. + + + + + + + ルート設定を要求 + ルート設定を要求 + Automatic routing of requests + + + + + + + + メールを要求 + メールを要求 + EMail address to send automated mails from or receive mails for automated processing (fully qualified) + EMails for requests, alerts and escalation are sent from this email address as well as delivery information if the sales rep does not have an email account. The address must be filly qualified (e.g. joe.smith@company.com) and should be a valid address. + + + + + + + フォルダーを要求 + フォルダーを要求 + EMail folder to process incoming emails; if empty INBOX is used + Email folder used to read emails to process as requests, If left empty the default mailbox (INBOX) will be used. Requires IMAP services. + + + + + + + ユーザーを要求 + ユーザーを要求 + User Name (ID) of the email owner + EMail user name for requests, alerts and escalation are sent from this email address as well as delivery information if the sales rep does not have an email account. Required, if your mail server requires authentification as well as for processing incoming mails. + + + + + + + ユーザーパスワードを要求 + ユーザーパスワードを要求 + Password of the user name (ID) for mail processing + + + + + + + + 言語を受け入れ + 言語を受け入れ + Language accepted based on browser information + Indica si acepta el 言語 en informacion de paginadores. + + + + + + + ユーザーエージェント + ユーザーエージェント + Browser Used + + + + + + + + すべてのノード + すべてのノード + All Nodes are included (Complete Tree) + If selected, all Nodes must be in the tree. + + + + + + + 中断割り引き% + 中断割り引き + Trade Discount in Percent for the break level + Trade Discount in Percent for the break level + + + + + + + 値を中断 + 値を中断 + Low Value of trade discount break level + Starting Quantity or Amount Value for break level + + + + + + + 累積レベル + 累積レベル + Level for accumulative calculations + + + + + + + + 割り引きタイプ + 割り引きタイプ + Type of trade discount calculation + Type of procedure used to calculate the trade discount percentage + + + + + + + 一律割り引き% + 一律割り引き + Flat discount percentage + + + + + + + + 基礎数量 + 基礎数量 + Trade discount break level based on Quantity (not value) + The calculation of the trade discount level is based on the quantity of the order and not the value amount of the order + + + + + + + 割り引きスキーマ + 割り引きスキーマ + Schema to calculate the trade discount percentage + After calculation of the (standard) price, the trade discount percentage is calculated and applied resulting in the final price. + + + + + + + 割り引きスキーマ中断 + 割り引きスキーマ中断 + Trade Discount Break + Trade discount based on breaks (steps) + + + + + + + 割り引き価格リスト + 割り引き価格リスト + Line of the pricelist trade discount schema + For the Pricelist Discount Type, you enter how the list, standard and limit price is calculated. + + + + + + + 発注割り引きスキーマ + 発注割り引きスキーマ + Schema to calculate the purchase trade discount percentage + + + + + + + + スクリプト + スクリプト + Dynamic Java Language Script to calculate result + Use Java language constructs to define the result of the calculation + + + + + + + 画像アルファ値 + 画像アルファ値 + Image Texture Composite Alpha + Composite Alpha factor for taint color. + + + + + + + 画像URL + 画像URL + URL of image + URL of image; The image is not stored in the database, but retrieved at runtime. The image can be a gif, jpeg or png. + + + + + + + 繰り返し距離 + 繰り返し距離 + Distance in points to repeat gradient color - or zero + The gradient color is not repeated, if the value is zero. The distance is added to (or subtracted from) the starting point of the gradient. + + + + + + + スタート位置 + スタート位置 + Start point of the gradient colors + The gradient starts at the start point (e.g. North). The repeat distance determines if and how often the gradient colors are repeated. If starting from southern points, the upper color is actually at the button. + + + + + + + 統計値カウント + 統計値カウント + Internal statistics how often the entity was used + For internal use. + + + + + + + 統計秒数 + 統計秒数 + Internal statistics how many seconds a process took + For internal use + + + + + + + タブレベル + タブレベル + Hierarchical Tab Level (0 = top) + Hierarchical level of the tab. If the level is 0, it is the top entity. Level 1 entries are dependent on level 0, etc. + + + + + + + 標準費用 + 標準費用 + Value in Standard Costs + + + + + + + + 評定価格日付 + 評定価格日付 + Date of valuation + + + + + + + + 限度価格値 + 限度価格値 + Value with limit price + + + + + + + + 定価 + 定価 + Valuation with List Price + + + + + + + + 発注価格 + 発注価格 + Valuation with PO Price + + + + + + + + 標準価格 + 標準価格 + Valuation with standard price + + + + + + + + 平均費用合計 + 平均費用合計 + Cumulative average cost amounts (internal) + Current cumulative costs for calculating the average costs + + + + + + + 平均費用数量合計 + 平均費用数量合計 + Cumulative average cost quantities (internal) + Current cumulative quantity for calculating the average costs + + + + + + + 標準費用合計 + 標準費用合計 + Standard Cost Invoice Amount Sum (internal) + Current cumulative amount for calculating the standard cost difference based on (actual) invoice price + + + + + + + 標準費用数量合計 + 標準費用数量合計 + Standard Cost Invoice Quantity Sum (internal) + Current cumulative quantity for calculating the standard cost difference based on (actual) invoice price + + + + + + + 標準発注費用合計 + 標準発注費用合計 + Standard Cost Purchase Order Amount Sum (internal) + Current cumulative amount for calculating the standard cost difference based on (planned) purchase order price + + + + + + + 標準発注費用数量合計 + 標準発注費用数量合計 + Standard Cost Purchase Order Quantity Sum (internal) + Current cumulative quantity for calculating the standard cost difference based on (planned) purchase order price + + + + + + + 詳細ID + 詳細ID + Transaction line ID (internal) + Internal link + + + + + + + 発注価格差異 + 発注価格差異 + Purchase Price Variance Offset Account + Offset account for standard costing purchase price variances. The counter account is Product PPV. + + + + + + + 最終発注価格 + 最終発注価格 + Price of the last invoice for the product + The Last Invoice Price indicates the last price paid (per the invoice) for this product. + + + + + + + 総請求額 + 総請求額 + Cumulative total lifetime invoice amount + The cumulative total lifetime invoice amount is used to calculate the total average price + + + + + + + 総請求数量 + 総請求数量 + Cumulative total lifetime invoice quantity + The cumulative total lifetime invoice quantity is used to calculate the total average price + + + + + + + 詳細金額から割引計算 + 詳細金額から割引計算 + Payment Discount calculation does not include Taxes and Charges + If the payment discount is calculated from line amounts only, the tax and charge amounts are not included. This is e.g. business practice in the US. If not selected the total invoice amount is used to calculate the payment discount. + + + + + + + 固定限度価格 + 固定限度価格 + Fixed Limit Price (not calculated) + + + + + + + + 固定定価 + 固定定価 + Fixes List Price (not calculated) + + + + + + + + 固定標準価格 + 固定標準価格 + Fixed Standard Price (not calculated) + + + + + + + + 将来のコストを設定 + 将来のコストを設定 + Set the Future costs to the selection + + + + + + + + 標準価格を設定 + 標準価格を設定 + Set new Standard Costs to the selection + + + + + + + + 標準費用請求差異 + 標準費用請求差異 + Standard Cost Invoice Difference + Accumulated difference of Invoice Costs to Standard Costs + + + + + + + 標準費用発注差異 + 標準費用発注差異 + Standard Cost Purchase Order Difference + Accumulated difference of Purchase Order Costs to Standard Costs + + + + + + + 総請求費用 + 総請求費用 + Total lifetime invoice costs + + + + + + + + メッセージ + メッセージ + System Message + Information and Error messages + + + + + + + 測定単位分割を許可 + 測定単位分割を許可 + Allow Unit of Measure Fractions + If allowed, you can enter UoM Fractions + + + + + + + 割り当て元 + 割り当て元 + Assign resource from + Assignment start + + + + + + + 割り当て先 + 割り当て先 + Assign resource until + Assignment end + + + + + + + 費用日付 + 費用日付 + Date of expense + Date of expense + + + + + + + レポート日付 + レポート日付 + Expense/Time Report Date + Date of Expense/Time Report + + + + + + + スロット終了 + スロット終了 + Time when timeslot ends + Ending time for time slots + + + + + + + スロット開始 + スロット開始 + Time when timeslot starts + Starting time for time slots + + + + + + + 費用量 + 費用量 + Amount for this expense + Expense amount in currency + + + + + + + 利用可能 + 利用可能 + Resource is available + Resource is available for assignments + + + + + + + 確認済み + 確認済み + Assignment is confirmed + Resource assignment is confirmed + + + + + + + 日のスロット + 日のスロット + Resource has day slot availability + Resource is only available on certain days + + + + + + + 時間のレポート + 時間のレポート + Line is a time report only (no expense) + The line contains only time information + + + + + + + 時間帯 + 時間帯 + Resource has time slot availability + Resource is only available at certain times + + + + + + + 金曜日 + + Available on Fridays + + + + + + + + 月曜日 + + Available on Mondays + + + + + + + + 土曜日 + + Available on Saturday + + + + + + + + 日曜日 + + Available on Sundays + + + + + + + + 木曜日 + + Available on Thursdays + + + + + + + + 火曜日 + + Available on Tuesdays + + + + + + + + 水曜日 + + Available on Wednesdays + + + + + + + + 費用タイプ + 費用タイプ + Expense report type + + + + + + + + リソース + リソース + Resource + + + + + + + + リソース割当 + 課題 + Resource Assignment + + + + + + + + リソースタイプ + リソースタイプ + + + + + + + + + リソース使用不可 + リソース使用不可 + + + + + + + + + 経費報告書 + 経費報告書 + Time and Expense Report + + + + + + + + 費用詳細 + 費用詳細 + Time and Expense Report Line + + + + + + + + 単一割当のみ + 単一割当 + Only one assignment at a time (no double-booking or overlapping) + If selected, you can only have one assignment for the resource at a single point in time. It is also not possible to have overlapping assignments. + + + + + + + 受注カラム + 受注カラム + Column determining the order + Integer Column of the table determining the order (display, sort, ..). If defined, the Order By replaces the default Order By clause. It should be fully qualified (i.e. "tablename.columnname"). + + + + + + + 含まれているカラム + 含まれているカラム + Column determining if a Table Column is included in Ordering + If a Included Column is defined, it decides, if a column is active in the ordering - otherwise it is determined that the Order Column has a value of one or greater + + + + + + + 印刷色 + 印刷色 + Color used for printing and display + Colors used for printing and display + + + + + + + 印刷フォント + 印刷フォント + Maintain Print Font + Font used for printing + + + + + + + 印刷フォーマット + 印刷フォーマット + Data Print Format + The print format determines how data is rendered for print. + + + + + + + 含まれている印刷フォーマット + 含まれている印刷フォーマット + Print format that is included here. + Included Print formats allow to e.g. Lines to Header records. The Column provides the parent link. + + + + + + + 印刷フォーマット項目 + 印刷フォーマット項目 + Item/Column in the Print format + Item/Column in the print format maintaining layout information + + + + + + + 印刷紙 + 印刷紙 + Printer paper definition + Printer Paper Size, Orientation and Margins + + + + + + + フィールド整列 + フィールド整列 + Field Text Alignment + Alignment of field text. The default is determined by the data/display type: Numbers are right aligned, other data is left aligned + + + + + + + コピーを作成 + コピーを作成 + Crear Copiar + + + + + + + + フッター幅 + フッター幅 + Margin of the Footer in 1/72 of an inch + Distance from the bottom of the main content to the end of the printable page in 1/72 of an inch (point) + + + + + + + ヘッダーマージン + ヘッダーマージン + Margin of the Header in 1/72 of an inch + Distance from the top of the printable page to the start of the main content in 1/72 of an inch (point) + + + + + + + フォーム + フォーム + If Selected, a Form is printed, if not selected a columnar List report + A form has individual elements with layout information (example: invoice, check) +<br> +A columnar list report has individual columns (example: list of invoices) + + + + + + + 分類分け + Group by + After a group change, totals, etc. are printed + Grouping allows to print sub-totals. If a group changes, the totals are printed. Group by columns need to be included in the sort order. + + + + + + + 1つの詳細のみ + 1つの詳細 + If selected, only one line is printed + If the column has a width restriction, the text is broken into multiple lines. If One Line is selected, only the first line is printed. + + + + + + + 横印刷 + 横印刷 + Landscape orientation + + + + + + + + 次の行 + 次の行 + Print item on next line + If not selected, the item is printed on the same line + + + + + + + 並び順 + 並び順 + Include in sort order + The records are ordered by the value of this column. If a column is used for grouping, it needs to be included in the sort order as well. + + + + + + + 相対的な位置 + 相対的な位置 + The item is relative positioned (not absolute) + The relative positioning of the item is determined by X-Z space and next line + + + + + + + 受注タブ + 受注タブ + The Tab determines the Order + + + + + + + + 標準のヘッダー/フッター + 標準のヘッダー/フッター + The standard Header and Footer is used + If the standard header is not used, it must be explicitly defined. + + + + + + + 基づくテーブル + 基づくテーブル + Table based List Reporting + Table based columnar list reporting is invoked from the Window Report button + + + + + + + 最大の高さ + 最大の高さ + Maximum Height in 1/72 if an inch - 0 = no restriction + Maximum height of the element in 1/72 of an inch (point). If zero (0), there is no height restriction. + + + + + + + 最大の幅 + 最大の幅 + Maximum Width in 1/72 if an inch - 0 = no restriction + Maximum width of the element in 1/72 of an inch (point). If zero (0), there is no width restriction. + + + + + + + X位置 + X位置 + Absolute X (horizontal) position in 1/72 of an inch + Absolute X (horizontal) position in 1/72 of an inch + + + + + + + Xスペース + Xスペース + Relative X (horizontal) space in 1/72 of an inch + Relative X (horizontal) space in 1/72 of an inch in relation to the end of the previous item. + + + + + + + Y位置 + Y位置 + Absolute Y (vertical) position in 1/72 of an inch + Absolute Y (vertical) position in 1/72 of an inch + + + + + + + Yスペース + Yスペース + Relative Y (vertical) space in 1/72 of an inch + Relative Y (vertical) space in 1/72 of an inch in relation to the end of the previous item. + + + + + + + 行整列 + 行整列 + Line Alignment + For relative positioning, the line alignment + + + + + + + 範囲 + 範囲 + Print Area + Print area of this item + + + + + + + 形式タイプ + 形式タイプ + Print Format Type + The print format type determines what will be printed. + + + + + + + 請求価格 + 請求価格 + Unit price to be invoiced or 0 for default price + Unit Price in the currency of the business partner! If it is 0, the standard price of the sales price list of the business partner (customer) is used. + + + + + + + 支払い上/下 + 支払い上/下 + Over-Payment (unallocated) or Under-Payment (partial payment) + Overpayments (negative) are unallocated amounts and allow you to receive money for more than the particular invoice. +Underpayments (positive) is a partial payment for the invoice. You do not write off the unpaid amount. + + + + + + + 支払い上/下 + 支払い上/下 + Over-Payment (unallocated) or Under-Payment (partial payment) Amount + Overpayments (negative) are unallocated amounts and allow you to receive money for more than the particular invoice. +Underpayments (positive) is a partial payment for the invoice. You do not write off the unpaid amount. + + + + + + + 小切手用印刷フォーマット + 小切手用印刷フォーマット + Print Format for printing Checks + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + 督促状用印刷フォーマット + 督促状用印刷フォーマット + Print Format for printing Dunning Letters + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + 請求書印刷フォーマット + 請求書印刷フォーマット + Print Format for printing Invoices + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + 受注印刷フォーマット + 受注印刷フォーマット + Print Format for Orders, Quotes, Offers + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + 送金印刷フォーマット + 送金印刷フォーマット + Print Format for separate Remittances + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + 出荷印刷フォーマット + 出荷印刷フォーマット + Print Format for Shipments, Receipts, Pick Lists + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + 市外局番 + 市外局番 + Phone Area Code + Phone Area Code + + + + + + + + + City + City in a country + + + + + + + 座標 + 座標 + Location coordinate + This column contains the geographical coordinates (latitude/longitude) of the location.<p> +In order to avoid unnecessary use of non-standard characters and space, the following standard presentation is used:<br> +0000N 00000W 0000S 00000E <br> +where the two last digits refer to minutes and the two or three first digits indicate the degrees + + + + + + + + 国連 Locode + 国連 Locode + Location code - UN/LOCODE + UN/Locode is a combination of a 2-character country code and a 3-character location code, e.g. BEANR is known as the city of Antwerp (ANR) which is located in Belgium (BE). +<p>See: http://www.unece.org/cefact/locode/service/main.htm + + + + + + + 画像添付 + 画像添付 + The image to be printed is attached to the record + The image to be printed is stored in the database as attachment to this record. The image can be a gif, jpeg or png. + + + + + + + 平均を計算(μ) + 平均 + Calculate Average of numeric content or length + Calculate the Mean (?) of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise calculate the average length of the field. + + + + + + + 回数を計算(?) + 回数 + Count number of not empty elements + Calculate the total number (?) of not empty (NULL) elements (maximum is the number of lines). + + + + + + + 単語内の金額 + 単語内の金額 + Amount in words + Amount in words will be printed. + + + + + + + パートナー連絡先敬称 + パートナー連絡先敬称 + Greeting for Business Partner Contact + + + + + + + + パートナー敬称 + パートナー敬称 + Greeting for Business Partner + + + + + + + + 連絡名 + 連絡名 + Business Partner Contact Name + + + + + + + + ドキュメントタイプ + ドキュメントタイプ + Document Type + + + + + + + + ドキュメントタイプメモ + ドキュメントタイプメモ + Optional note of a document type + + + + + + + + 多言語ドキュメント + 多言語ドキュメント + Documents are Multi Lingual + If selected, you enable multi lingual documents and need to maintain translations for entities used in documents (examples: Products, Payment Terms, ...).<br> +Please note, that the base language is always English. + + + + + + + 新規行位置を設定 + 新規行位置を設定 + Set New Line Position + When enabled, the current x (horizontal) Position before printing the item is saved. The next New Line will use the saved x (horizontal) Position, enabling to print data in columns. +The setting is not restricted to an area (header, content, footer), allowing to align information also with Header and Footer with the Content. + + + + + + + NULLを印刷しない + NULLを印刷しない + Suppress columns or elements with NULL value + If a Form entry is NULL and if selected, the field (including label) is not printed. <br> +If all elements in a table column are NULL and if selected, the column is not printed. + + + + + + + 支払期間 + 支払期間 + Payment Term + + + + + + + + 支払期間メモ + 支払期間メモ + Note of a Payment Term + + + + + + + + 資源詳細 + 資源詳細 + Resource Allocation Description + + + + + + + + 利用可能なクレジット + 利用可能なクレジット + Available Credit based on Credit Limit (not Total Open Balance) and Credit Used + + + + + + + + グラフ + グラフ + Graph included in Reports + Pie/Line Graph to be printed in Reports + + + + + + + テーブル形式を印刷 + テーブル形式 + Table Format in Reports + Print Table Format determines Fonts, Colors of the printed Table + + + + + + + より下のカラム + より下のカラム + Print this column below the column index entered + This column is printed in a second line below the content of the first line identified. Please be aware, that this is depends on the actual sequence. Enter a 1 to add the info below the first column. + + + + + + + データカラム2 + データカラム2 + Data Column for Line Charts + Additional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar Charts + + + + + + + データカラム3 + データカラム3 + Data Column for Line Charts + Additional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar Charts + + + + + + + データカラム4 + データカラム4 + Data Column for Line Charts + Additional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar Charts + + + + + + + データカラム5 + データカラム5 + Data Column for Line Charts + Additional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar Charts + + + + + + + データカラム + データカラム + Data Column for Pie and Line Charts + Graph Data Column for Pie and Line/Bar Charts + + + + + + + 説明カラム + 説明カラム + Description Column for Pie/Line/Bar Charts + Graph Description Column for Pie and Line/Bar Charts + + + + + + + 機能フォント + 機能フォント + Function row Font + Font of the function row + + + + + + + 機能背景色 + 機能背景色 + Function Background Color + Background color of a function row + + + + + + + 機能色 + 機能色 + Function Foreground Color + Foreground color of a function row + + + + + + + グラフタイプ + グラフタイプ + Type of graph to be painted + Type of graph to be painted + + + + + + + ヘッダー行フォント + ヘッダー行フォント + Header row Font + Font of the table header row + + + + + + + ヘッダー詳細色 + ヘッダー詳細色 + Table header row line color + Color of the table header row lines + + + + + + + ヘッダー行背景色 + ヘッダー行背景色 + Background color of header row + Table header row background color + + + + + + + ヘッダー行色 + ヘッダー行色 + Foreground color if the table header row + Table header row foreground color + + + + + + + 境界を塗る + 境界を塗る + Paint table boundary lines + Paint lines around table + + + + + + + 水平な行を塗る + 水平な行を塗る + Paint horizontal lines + Paint horizontal table lines + + + + + + + 縦行を塗る + 縦行を塗る + Paint vertical lines + Paint vertical table lines + + + + + + + 機能シンボルを印刷 + 機能シンボルを印刷 + Print Symbols for Functions (Sum, Average, Count) + If selected, print symbols - otherwise print names of the function + + + + + + + 詳細色 + 詳細色 + Table line color + + + + + + + + 組織住所 + 組織住所 + Organization Location/Address + + + + + + + + 倉庫住所 + 倉庫住所 + Warehouse Location/Address + Address of Warehouse + + + + + + + パートナー検索キー + 顧客番号 + Business Partner Key Value + Search Key of Business Partner + + + + + + + 固定幅 + 固定幅 + Column has a fixed width + The Column has a fixed width, independent from the content + + + + + + + 次のページ + 次のページ + The column is printed on the next page + Before printing this column, there will be a page break. + + + + + + + 督促実行 + 督促実行 + Dunning Run + + + + + + + + 督促実行エントリー + 督促実行エントリー + Dunning Run Entry + + + + + + + + 督促実行詳細 + 督促実行詳細 + Dunning Run Line + + + + + + + + 支払い選択チェック + 支払い選択チェック + Payment Selection Check + + + + + + + + 督促日付 + 督促日付 + Date of Dunning + + + + + + + + 資産 + 資産 + Asset used internally or by customers + An asset is either created by purchasing or by delivering a product. An asset can be used internally or be a customer asset. + + + + + + + 販売担当者 + 販売員 + + + + + Agente de la クライアント + Agente de la クライアント + + + 下余白 + 下部 + Bottom Space in 1/72 inch + Space on bottom of a page in 1/72 inch + + + + + + + 左余白 + 去ります。 + Left Space in 1/72 inch + Space on left side of a page in 1/72 inch + + + + + + + 右余白 + 権利 + Right Space in 1/72 inch + Space on right side of a page in 1/72 inch + + + + + + + 上余白 + トップ + Top Space in 1/72 inch + Space on top of a page in 1/72 inch + + + + + + + 誕生日 + 誕生日 + Birthday or Anniversary day + Birthday or Anniversary day + + + + + + + 削除日付 + 削除日付 + Date the contact opted out + If the field has a date, the customer opted out (unsubscribed) and cannot receive mails for the Interest Area + + + + + + + 関心地域 + 関心地域 + Interest Area or Topic + Interest Areas reflect interest in a topic by a contact. Interest areas can be used for marketing campaigns. + + + + + + + 要求タイプ + 要求タイプ + Type of request (e.g. Inquiry, Complaint, ..) + Request Types are used for processing and categorizing requests. Options are Account Inquiry, Warranty Issue, etc. + + + + + + + 購読日付 + 購読日付 + Date the contact actively subscribed + Date the contact subscribe the interest area + + + + + + + メールユーザーID + メールユーザー + User Name (ID) in the Mail System + The user name in the mail system is usually the string before the @ of your email address. Required if the mail server requires authentification to send emails. + + + + + + + メールユーザーパスワード + メールパスワード + Password of your email user id + Required if the mail server requires authentification to send emails. + + + + + + + SMTP認証 + SMTP認証 + Your mail server requires Authentication + Some email servers require authentication before sending emails. If yes, users are required to define their email user name and password. If authentication is required and no user name and password is required, delivery will fail. + + + + + + + 製品タイプ + 製品タイプ + Type of product + The type of product also determines accounting consequences. + + + + + + + システム + システム + System Definition + Common System Definition + + + + + + + パートナーID + パートナーID + Partner ID or Account for the Payment Processor + Partner ID (Verisign) or Account ID (Optimal) + + + + + + + 登録されたメール + 登録されたメール + Email of the responsible for the System + Email of the responsible person for the system (registered in WebStore) + + + + + + + 仕入先ID + 仕入先ID + Vendor ID for the Payment Processor + + + + + + + + 参照受注詳細 + 参照受注詳細 + Reference to corresponding Sales/Purchase Order + Reference of the Sales Order Line to the corresponding Purchase Order Line or vice versa. + + + + + + + ビジネスパートナーキー + パートナーキー + The Key of the Business Partner + + + + + + + + 連絡先説明 + 連絡先説明 + Description of Contact + + + + + + + + デフォルト勘定科目 + デフォルト勘定科目 + Name of the Default Account Column + + + + + + + + 要素名 + 要素名 + Name of the Element + + + + + + + + 要素キー + 要素キー + Key of the element + + + + + + + + ビジネスパートナーのインポート + ビジネスパートナーのインポート + + + + + + + + + 勘定科目のインポート + 勘定科目のインポート + Import Account Value + + + + + + + + 製品のインポート + 製品のインポート + Import Item or Service + + + + + + + + レポート詳細セットのインポート + レポート詳細セットのインポート + Import Report Line Set values + + + + + + + + メーカー + メーカー + Manufacturer of the Product + The manufacturer of the Product (used if different from the Business Partner / Vendor) + + + + + + + 製品カテゴリキー + 製品カテゴリキー + + + + + + + + + レポートラインセット名 + レポートラインセット名 + Name of the Report Line Set + + + + + + + + ロイヤリティ量 + ロイヤリティ量 + (Included) Amount for copyright, etc. + + + + + + + + 説明URL + 説明URL + URL for the description + + + + + + + + 古いインポートされたレコードを削除 + 古いインポートされたレコードを削除 + Before processing delete old imported records in the import table + + + + + + + + グループキー + グループキー + Business Partner Group Key + + + + + + + + 親勘定科目 + 親勘定科目 + The parent (summary) account + + + + + + + + 親キー + 親キー + Key if the Parent + + + + + + + + デフォルト勘定科目を更新 + デフォルト勘定科目を更新 + Update Default Accounts + Permite actualizar cuentas predeterminadas. + + + + + + + 新しい組み合わせを作成 + 新しい組み合わせを作成 + Create New Account Combination + + + + + + + + 資産配送 + 資産配送 + Delivery of Asset + The availability of the asset to the business partner (customer). + + + + + + + 資産グループ + 資産グループ + Group of Assets + The group of assets determines default accounts. If an asset group is selected in the product category, assets are created when delivering the asset. + + + + + + + 資産除却 + 資産除却 + Internally used asset is not longer used. + El activo usado internamente no es de largo uso. + + + + + + + 資産減価償却日付 + 資産減価償却日付 + Date of last depreciation + Date of the last deprecation, if the asset is used internally and depreciated. + + + + + + + 資産処分日付 + 資産処分日付 + Date when the asset is/was disposed + + + + + + + + 市場価格 + 市場価格 + Market value of the asset + For reporting, the market value of the asset + + + + + + + サービス中日付 + サービス中日付 + Date when Asset was put into service + The date when the asset was put into service - usually used as start date for depreciation. + + + + + + + 資産価値 + 資産価値 + Book Value of the asset + + + + + + + + 保証日付 + 保証日付 + Date when guarantee expires + Date when the normal guarantee or availability expires + + + + + + + 保証日数 + 保証日数 + Number of days the product is guaranteed or available + If the value is 0, there is no limit to the availability or guarantee, otherwise the guarantee date is calculated by adding the days to the delivery date. + + + + + + + 減価償却 + 減価償却 + The asset will be depreciated + The asset is used internally and will be depreciated + + + + + + + 処分 + 処分 + The asset is disposed + The asset is no longer used and disposed + + + + + + + 所持中 + 所持中 + The asset is in the possession of the organization + Assets which are not in possession are e.g. at Customer site and may or may not be owned by the company. + + + + + + + 所有 + 所有 + The asset is owned by the organization + The asset may not be in possession, but the asset is legally owned by the organization + + + + + + + 使用可能期間 + 使用可能期間 + Units of use until the asset is not usable anymore + Life use and the actual use may be used to calculate the depreciation + + + + + + + 住所のコメント + 住所のコメント + Additional comments or remarks concerning the location + + + + + + + + 実務講習 + 実務講習 + The actual training class instance + A scheduled class + + + + + + + トレーニング + トレーニング + Repeated Training + The training may have multiple actual classes + + + + + + + 使用可能期間--月数 + 使用可能月数 + Months of the usable life of the asset + + + + + + + + 使用可能期間--年数 + 使用可能期間--年数 + Years of the usable life of the asset + + + + + + + + 使用単位 + 使用単位 + Currently used units of the assets + Unidades actualmente utilizadas en el activo + + + + + + + バージョン番号 + バージョン番号 + Version Number + + + + + + + + 配送確認 + 配送確認 + EMail Delivery confirmation + + + + + + + + 完全償却 + 完全償却 + The asset is fully depreciated + The asset costs are fully amortized. + + + + + + + メッセージID + メッセージID + EMail Message ID + SMTP Message ID for tracking purposes + + + + + + + PDFをメール + PDFをメール + Email Document PDF files to Business Partner + + + + + + + + Col_1 + Col_1 + + + + + + + + + Col_2 + Col_2 + + + + + + + + + Col_3 + Col_3 + + + + + + + + + Col_4 + Col_4 + + + + + + + + + Col_5 + Col_5 + + + + + + + + + Col_6 + Col_6 + + + + + + + + + Col_7 + Col_7 + + + + + + + + + Col_8 + Col_8 + + + + + + + + + Col_9 + Col_9 + + + + + + + + + Col_10 + Col_10 + + + + + + + + + Col_11 + Col_11 + + + + + + + + + Col_12 + Col_12 + + + + + + + + + Col_13 + Col_13 + + + + + + + + + Col_14 + Col_14 + + + + + + + + + Col_15 + Col_15 + + + + + + + + + Col_16 + Col_16 + + + + + + + + + Col_17 + Col_17 + + + + + + + + + Col_18 + Col_18 + + + + + + + + + Col_19 + Col_19 + + + + + + + + + Col_20 + Col_20 + + + + + + + + + ドキュメントディレクトリ + ドキュメントディレクトリ + Directory for documents from the application server + Directory to store documents by the application server. The path/directory is accessed by the application server and may not be accessible to clients. + + + + + + + 請求書メールテキスト + 請求書メールテキスト + Email text used for sending invoices + Standard email template used to send invoices as attachments. + + + + + + + 受注メールテキスト + 受注メールテキスト + Email text used for sending order acknowledgements or quotations + Standard email template used to send acknowledgements or quotations as attachments. + + + + + + + 送金メールテキスト + 送金メールテキスト + Email text used for sending payment remittances + Standard email template used to send remittances as attachments. + + + + + + + メールを送信 + メールを送信 + Enable sending Document EMail + Send emails with document attached (e.g. Invoice, Delivery Note, etc.) + + + + + + + 出荷メールテキスト + 出荷メールテキスト + Email text used for sending delivery notes + Standard email template used to send delivery notes as attachments. + + + + + + + 期限切れ保証メール + 期限切れ保証メール + Send email to partners with expired guarantee + + + + + + + + レベル番号 + レベル番号 + + + + + + + + + 元データの表示 + 元データの表示 + List Report Line Sources + List the Source Accounts for Summary Accounts selected + + + + + + + 取引表示 + 取引表示 + List the report transactions + List the transactions of the report source lines + + + + + + + Col_0 + Col_0 + + + + + + + + + バランス + バランス + + + + + + + + + ラベル接尾語を印刷 + ラベル接尾語 + The label text to be printed on a document or correspondence after the field + The Label to be printed indicates the name that will be printed on a document or correspondence after the field. The max length is 60 characters. + + + + + + + 勘定科目国 + + Country + Account Country Name + + + + + + + ウェブパラメータ1 + WebParam1 + Web Site Parameter 1 (default: header image) + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam1 - By default, it is positioned on the upper left side with 130 pixel width. + + + + + + + ウェブパラメータ2 + WebParam2 + Web Site Parameter 2 (default index page) + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam2 - By default, it is positioned after the header on the web store index page. + + + + + + + ウェブパラメータ3 + WebParam3 + Web Site Parameter 3 (default left - menu) + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam3 - By default, it is positioned at the end in the menu column with 130 pixel width. + + + + + + + ウェブパラメータ4 + WebParam4 + Web Site Parameter 4 (default footer left) + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam4 - By default, it is positioned on the left side of the footer with 130 pixel width. + + + + + + + ウェブ受注メール + ウェブ受注メール + EMail address to receive notifications when web orders were processed + When processig a web order, a confirmation is sent to the EMail addess of the customer from the request EMail address copying this email address when entered. + + + + + + + 請求書支払いスケジュール + 請求書支払いスケジュール + Invoice Payment Schedule + The Invoice Payment Schedule determines when partial payments are due. + + + + + + + 支払いスケジュール + 支払いスケジュール + Payment Schedule Template + Information when parts of the payment are due + + + + + + + カウンタ + カウンタ + Count Value + Number counter + + + + + + + 割り引き日付 + 割り引き日付 + Last Date for payments with discount + Last Date where a deduction of the payment discount is allowed + + + + + + + 支払い義務額 + 支払い義務額 + Amount of the payment due + Full amount of the payment due + + + + + + + 期日 + 期日 + Date when the payment is due + Date when the payment is due without deductions or discount + + + + + + + 有効 + 有効 + Element is valid + The element passed the validation check + + + + + + + 実質日数 + 実質日数 + Day when payment is due net + When defined, overwrites the number of net days with the relative number of days to the the day defined. + + + + + + + 割合 + 割合 + Percent of the entire amount + Percentage of an amount (up to 100) + + + + + + + 目標URL + 目標URL + URL for the Target + URL of the Target Site + + + + + + + かごの詳細 + かごの詳細 + Web Basket Line + Temporary Web Basket Line + + + + + + + ウェブクリック + ウェブクリック + Individual Web Click + Web Click Datails + + + + + + + クリック数 + クリック数 + Web Click Management + Web Click Management + + + + + + + カウンタ数 + カウンタ数 + Web Counter Count Management + Web Counter Information + + + + + + + 買掛金乗数 + 買掛金乗数 + Payables Multiplier + + + + + + + + 保証日付 + 保証日付 + Product has Guarantee or Expiry Date + For individual products, you can define a guarantee or expiry date + + + + + + + インスタンス属性 + インスタンス属性 + The product attribute is specific to the instance (like Serial No, Lot or Guarantee Date) + If selected, the individual instance of the product has this attribute - like the individual Serial or Lot Numbers or Guarantee Date of a product instance. If not selected, all instances of the product share the attribute (e.g. color=green). + + + + + + + ロット + ロット + The product instances have a Lot Number + For individual products, you can define Lot Numbers + + + + + + + シリアル番号 + シリアル番号 + The product instances have Serial Numbers + For individual products, you can define Serial Numbers + + + + + + + 属性 + 属性 + Product Attribute + Product Attribute like Color, Size + + + + + + + 属性セット + 属性セット + Product Attribute Set + Define Product Attribute Sets to add additional attributes and values to the product. You need to define a Attribute Set if you want to enable Serial and Lot Number tracking. + + + + + + + 属性セットインスタンス + 属性セットインスタンス + Product Attribute Set Instance + The values of the actual Product Attribute Instances. The product level attributes are defined on Product level. + + + + + + + 属性値 + 属性値 + Product Attribute Value + Individual value of a product attribute (e.g. green, large, ..) + + + + + + + ロット + ロット + Product Lot Definition + The individual Lot of a Product + + + + + + + ロット管理 + ロット管理 + Product Lot Control + Definition to create Lot numbers for Products + + + + + + + シリアル番号管理 + シリアル番号管理 + Product Serial Number Control + Definition to create Serial numbers for Products + + + + + + + 属性検索 + 属性検索 + Common Search Attribute + Attributes are specific to a Product Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple attributes and want to search under a common sttribute, you define a search sttribute. Example: have one Size search attribute combining the values of all different sizes (Size for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The Attribute Search allows you to have all values available for selection. This eases the maintenance of the individual product attribute. + + + + + + + 含まれているタブ + 含まれているタブ + Included Tab in this Tab (Master Dateail) + You can include a Tab in a Tab. If displayed in single row record, the included tab is displayed as multi-row table. + + + + + + + ラベルを印刷 + ラベルを印刷 + Label Format to print + Format for printing Labels + + + + + + + ラベル詳細を印刷 + ラベル詳細 + Print Label Line Format + Format of the line on a Label + + + + + + + セッション + セッション + User Session Online or Web + Online or Web Session Information + + + + + + + 部品構成表タイプ + 部品構成表タイプ + Type of BOM + The type of Bills of Materials determines the state + + + + + + + パートナー親 + パートナー親 + Business Partner Parent + The parent (organization) of the Business Partner for reporting purposes. + + + + + + + 標準フェーズ + 標準フェーズ + Standard Phase of the Project Type + Phase of the project with standard performance information with standard work + + + + + + + プロジェクトタイプ + プロジェクトタイプ + Type of the project + Type of the project with optional phases of the project with standard performance information + + + + + + + 再帰 + 再帰 + Recurring Document + Recurring Documents + + + + + + + 再帰実行 + 再帰実行 + Recurring Document Run + History of Recurring Document Generation + + + + + + + 合意数量 + 合意数量 + The (legal) commitment Quantity + The commitment amount is independent from the planned amount. You would use the planned amount for your realistic estimation, which might be higher or lower than the commitment amount. + + + + + + + フォームをコピー + フォームをコピー + Copy From Record + Copy From Record + + + + + + + URLをダウンロード + URLをダウンロード + URL of the Download files + Semicolon separated list of URLs to be downloaded or distributed + + + + + + + 請求書パートナー + 請求書パートナー + Business Partner to be invoiced + If empty the shipment business partner will be invoiced + + + + + + + 請求書住所 + 請求書住所 + Business Partner Location for invoicing + + + + + + + + 請求書連絡先 + 請求書連絡先 + Business Partner Contact for invoicing + + + + + + + + 注文を生成 + 注文を生成 + Generate Order + + + + + + + + 在庫のインポート + 在庫のインポート + Import Inventory Transactions + + + + + + + + 請求額 + 請求額 + The amount invoiced + The amount invoiced + + + + + + + 請求数量 + 請求数量 + The quantity invoiced + + + + + + + + 変更ログをメンテナンス + 変更ログ + Maintain a log of changes + If selected, a log of all changes is maintained. + + + + + + + 完全 + 完全 + It is complete + Indication that this is complete + + + + + + + ラベル形式タイプ + ラベル形式タイプ + Label Format Type + + + + + + + + ラベルの高さ + ラベルの高さ + Height of the label + Physical height of the label + + + + + + + ラベル幅 + ラベル幅 + Width of the Label + Physical Width of the Label + + + + + + + プリンタ名 + プリンタ名 + Name of the Printer + Internal (Opereating System) Name of the Printer; Please mote that the printer name may be different on different clients. Enter a printer name, which applies to ALL clients (e.g. printer on a server). <p> +If none is entered, the default printer is used. You specify your default printer when you log in. You can also change the default printer in Preferences. + + + + + + + プロジェクトメールテキスト + プロジェクトメールテキスト + Standard text for Project EMails + Standard text for Project EMails + + + + + + + プロジェクト印刷フォーマット + プロジェクト印刷フォーマット + Standard Project Print Format + Standard Project Print Format + + + + + + + プロジェクトバランス + プロジェクトバランス + Total Project Balance + The project balance is the sum of all invoices and payments + + + + + + + 再帰タイプ + 再帰タイプ + Type of Recurring Document + The type of document to be generated + + + + + + + 最大実行数 + 最大実行数 + Number of recurring runs + Number of recurring documents to be generated in total + + + + + + + 残り実行数 + 残り実行数 + Number of recurring runs remaining + Number of recurring documents to be still generated + + + + + + + 標準の量 + 標準の量 + Standard Quantity + + + + + + + + ウェブセッション + ウェブセッション + Web Session ID + + + + + + + + 変更ログ + 変更ログ + Log of data changes + Log of data changes + + + + + + + 広告テキスト + 広告テキスト + Text of the Advertisement + The text of the advertisement with optional HTML tags. The HTML tags are not checked for correctness and may impact the remaining page. + + + + + + + セルフサービス + セルフサービス + This is a Self-Service entry or this entry can be changed via Self-Service + Self-Service allows users to enter data or update their data. The flag indicates, that this record was entered or created via Self-Service or that the user can change it via the Self-Service functionality. + + + + + + + ログ + ログ + + + + + + + + + 新しい値 + 新しい値 + New field value + New data entered in the field + + + + + + + 古い値 + 古い値 + The old file data + Old data overwritten in the field + + + + + + + プロセスID + P ID + + + + + + + + + プロセスメッセージ + P Msg + + + + + + + + + 広告 + 広告 + Web Advertisement + Advertisement on the Web + + + + + + + 倉庫キー + 倉庫キー + Key of the Warehouse + Key to identify the Warehouse + + + + + + + 費用タイプ + 費用タイプ + Type of Cost (e.g. Current, Plan, Future) + You can define multiple cost types. A cost type selected in an Accounting Schema is used for accounting. + + + + + + + 組織割当 + 組織割当 + Assigment to (transaction) Organization + Assignment to the transacation organization (cost center). + + + + + + + プロジェクトフェーズ + プロジェクトフェーズ + Phase of a Project + + + + + + + + プロジェクトタスク + プロジェクトタスク + Actual Project Task in a Phase + A Project Task in a Project Phase represents the actual work. + + + + + + + 標準のタスク + 標準のタスク + Standard Project Type Task + Standard Project Task in a Project Phase with standard effort + + + + + + + 請求可能数量 + 請求可能数量 + + + + + + + + + 合意を切上げ + 合意を切上げ + The commitment amount/quantity is the chargeable ceiling + The commitment amount and quantity is the maximum amount and quantity to be charged. Ignored, if the amount or quantity is zero. + + + + + + + 除外 + 除外 + Exclude access to the data - if not selected Include access to the data + If selected (excluded), the role cannot access the data specified. If not selected (included), the role can ONLY access the data specified. Exclude items represent a negative list (i.e. you don't have access to the listed items). Include items represent a positive list (i.e. you only have access to the listed items). +<br>You would usually not mix Exclude and Include. If you have one include rule in your list, you would only have access to that item anyway. + + + + + + + 時間のタイプ + 時間のタイプ + Type of time recorded + Differentiate time types for reporting purposes (In parallel to Activities) + + + + + + + 勘定科目キー + 勘定科目キー + Key of Account Element + + + + + + + + 勘定科目スキーマ名 + 勘定科目スキーマ名 + Name of the Accounting Schema + + + + + + + + 後処理 + 後処理 + Process SQL after executing the query + Could be Update/Delete/etc. statement + + + + + + + 前処理 + 前処理 + Process SQL before executing the query + Could be Update/Delete/etc. statement + + + + + + + 警告 + 警告 + Adempiere Alert + Adempiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted of + + + + + + + 警告ルール + 警告ルール + Definition of the alert element + + + + + + + + 警告対象 + 警告対象 + Subject of the Alert + The subject of the email message sent for the alert + + + + + + + 警告メッセージ + 警告メッセージ + Message of the Alert + The message of the email sent for the alert + + + + + + + 銀行口座番号 + 銀行口座番号 + Bank Account Number + + + + + + + + バッチ説明 + バッチ説明 + Description of the Batch + + + + + + + + バッチドキュメント番号 + バッチドキュメント番号 + Document Number of the Batch + + + + + + + + ビジネスパートナーキー + ビジネスパートナーキー + Key of the Business Partner + + + + + + + + カテゴリ名 + カテゴリ名 + Name of the Category + + + + + + + + 料金名 + 料金名 + Name of the Charge + + + + + + + + クライアントキー + クライアントキー + Key of the Client + + + + + + + + ドキュメントタイプ名 + DocType名 + Name of the Document Type + + + + + + + + クライアントセキュリティを実施 + クライアントセキュリティを実施 + Send alerts to recipient only if the client security rules of the role allows + + + + + + + + 役割のセキュリティを実施 + 役割のセキュリティを実施 + Send alerts to recipient only if the data security rules of the role allows + + + + + + + + Sql FROM句 + FROM句 + SQL FROM clause + The Select Clause indicates the SQL FROM clause to use for selecting the record for a measure calculation. It can have JOIN clauses. Do not include the FROM itself. + + + + + + + 銀行取引明細書のインポート + 銀行取引明細書のインポート + Import of the Bank Statement + + + + + + + + 総勘定元帳のインポート + 総勘定元帳のインポート + Import General Ledger Journal + + + + + + + + 注文のインポート + 注文のインポート + Import Orders + + + + + + + + 支払いのインポート + 支払いのインポート + Import Payment + + + + + + + + 請求書ドキュメント番号 + 請求書ドキュメント番号 + Document Number of the Invoice + + + + + + + + 遅延した請求 + 遅延した請求 + Charge after Shipment + Delayed Capture is required, if you ship products. The first credit card transaction is the Authorization, the second is the actual transaction after the shipment of the product. + + + + + + + 詳細説明 + 詳細説明 + Description of the Line + + + + + + + + ロケータキー + ロケータキー + Key of the Warehouse Locator + + + + + + + + 貨物 + 貨物 + Freight Rate + Freight Rate for Shipper + + + + + + + 貨物カテゴリ + 貨物カテゴリ + Category of the Freight + Freight Categories are used to calculate the Freight for the Shipper selected + + + + + + + メモ + メモ + Memo Text + + + + + + + + パッケージなし + パッケージなし + Number of packages shipped + + + + + + + + 取引組織キー + 取引組織キー + Key of the Transaction Organization + + + + + + + + 組織キー + 組織キー + Key of the Organization + + + + + + + + 支払期間キー + 支払期間キー + Key of the Payment Term + + + + + + + + 梱包日付 + 梱包日付 + Date/Time when picked for Shipment + + + + + + + + プロジェクトキー + プロジェクトキー + Key of the Project + + + + + + + + 承認コード(DC) + 承認コード(DC) + Authorization Code Delayed Capture returned + The Authorization Code indicates the code returned from the electronic transmission. + + + + + + + クレジットカード検証コード一致 + クレジットカード検証コード一致 + Credit Card Verification Code Match + The Credit Card Verification Code was matched + + + + + + + 参照(DC) + 参照(DC) + Payment Reference Delayed Capture + The Payment Reference indicates the reference returned from the Credit Card Company for a payment + + + + + + + リリース番号 + リリース番号 + Internal Release Number + + + + + + + + 出荷日付 + 出荷日付 + Shipment Date/Time + Actual Date/Time of Shipment (pick up) + + + + + + + 内部利用者 + 内部利用者 + Number of Internal Users for Adempiere Support + You can purchase professioal support from Adempiere, Inc. or their partners. See http://www.adempiere.com for details. + + + + + + + + Swipe + Swipe + Track 1 and 2 of the Credit Card + Swiped information for Credit Card Presence Transactions + + + + + + + 追跡番号 + 追跡番号 + Number to track the shipment + + + + + + + + 追跡URL + 追跡URL + URL of the shipper to track shipments + The variable @TrackingNo@ in the URL is replaced by the actual tracking number of the shipment. + + + + + + + 請求書のインポート + 請求書のインポート + Import Invoice + + + + + + + + 複製 + 複製 + Data Replication Target + Data Replication Target Details. Maintained on the central server. + + + + + + + 複製ログ + 複製ログ + Data Replication Log Details + Data Replication Run Log + + + + + + + 複製実行 + 複製実行 + Data Replication Run + Data Replication Run information + + + + + + + 複製戦略 + 複製戦略 + Data Replication Strategy + The Data Replication Strategy determines what and how tables are replicated + + + + + + + 複製テーブル + 複製テーブル + Data Replication Strategy Table Info + Determines how the table is replicated + + + + + + + 複製済み + 複製済み + The data is successfully replicated + The data replication was successful. + + + + + + + 発注ウィンドウ + 発注ウィンドウ + Purchase Order Window + Window for Purchase Order (AP) Zooms + + + + + + + 複製タイプ + 複製タイプ + Type of Data Replication + The Type of data Replication determines the directon of the data replication. <br> +Reference means that the data in this system is read only -> <br> +Local means that the data in this system is not replicated to other systems - <br> +Merge means that the data in this system is synchronized with the other system <-> <br> + + + + + + + + Public + Public + Public can read entry + If selected, public users can read/view the entry. Public are users without a Role in the system. Use security rules for more specic access control. + + + + + + + 一般公開書き込み + 一般公開書き込み + Public can write entries + If selected, public users can write/create entries. Public are users without a Role in the system. Use security rules for more specic access control. + + + + + + + 知識カテゴリ + カテゴリ + Knowledge Category + Set up knowledge categories and values as a search aid. Examples are Release Version, Product Area, etc. Knowledge Category values act like keyworks. + + + + + + + カテゴリ値 + + The value of the category + The value of the category is a keyword + + + + + + + エントリーコメント + コメント + Knowledge Entry Comment + Comment regarding a knowledge entry + + + + + + + エントリー + エントリー + Knowledge Entry + The searchable Knowledge Entry + + + + + + + 関連エントリー + 関連エントリー + Related Entry for this Enntry + Related Knowlege Entry for this Knowledge Entry + + + + + + + 知識ソース + 知識ソース + Source of a Knowledge Entry + The Source of a Knowlegde Entry is a pointer to the originating system. The Knowledge Entry has an additional entry (Description URL) for more detailed info. + + + + + + + 知識同義語 + 知識同義語 + Knowlege Keyword Synonym + Search Synonyms for Knowledge Keywords; Example: Product = Item + + + + + + + 知識トピック + トピック + Knowledge Topic + Topic or Discussion Thead + + + + + + + 知識タイプ + タイプ + Knowledge Type + Area of knowlege - A Type has multiple Topics + + + + + + + キーワード + キーワード + List of Keywords - separated by space, comma or semicolon + List if individual keywords for search relevancy. The keywords are separated by space, comma or semicolon. + + + + + + + 同義語名 + 同義語名 + The synonym for the name + The synonym broadens the search + + + + + + + HTTP経由でトンネリング + HTTP経由でトンネリング + Connect to Server via HTTP Tunnel + If selected, the connection to the server is via a HTTP tunnel, otherwise it uses an RMI/JNP connection + + + + + + + テスト + テスト + Execute in Test Mode + + + + + + + + ID範囲終了 + ID範囲終了 + End if the ID Range used + The ID Range allows to restrict the range of the internally used IDs. Please note that the ID range is NOT enforced. + + + + + + + ID範囲開始 + ID範囲開始 + Start of the ID Range used + The ID Range allows to restrict the range of the internally used IDs. The standard rages are 0-899,999 for the Application Dictionary 900,000-999,999 for Application Dictionary customizations/extensions and > 1,000,000 for client data. The standard system limit is 9,999,999,999 but can easily be extended. The ID range is on a per table basis. +Please note that the ID range is NOT enforced. + + + + + + + リモートクライアント + リモートクライアント + Remote Client to be used to replicate / synchronize data with. + The remote client used for data replication. + + + + + + + リモート組織 + リモート組織 + Remote Organization to be used to replicate / synchronize data with. + The remote organization used for data replication. If not selected, all organizations are replicated/synchronized. + + + + + + + 言語ID + 言語ID + + + + + + + + + プロジェクト + プロジェクト + Name of the Project + + + + + + + + プロジェクトフェーズ + プロジェクトフェーズ + Name of the Project Phase + + + + + + + + プロジェクトタイプ + プロジェクトタイプ + Name of the Project Type + + + + + + + + サイクル名 + サイクル + Name of the Project Cycle + + + + + + + + サイクルステップ名 + サイクルステップ + Name of the Prohect Cycle Step + + + + + + + + 受注/発注タイプ + 受注/発注タイプ + Sales Tax applies to sales situations, Purchase Tax to purchase situations + Sales Tax: charged when selling - examples: Sales Tax, Output VAT (payable) +Purchase Tax: tax charged when purchasing - examples: Use Tax, Input VAT (receivable) + + + + + + + 有効データのみ + 有効データのみ + Validate the date and do not process + + + + + + + + エラーでない場合のみインポート + エラーなしをインポート + Only start the import, if there are no validation Errors + + + + + + + + ドキュメント組織 + ドキュメント組織 + Document Organization (independent from account organization) + + + + + + + + 仕訳帳ドキュメント番号 + 仕訳帳Doc番号 + Document number of the Journal + + + + + + + + 資産を添付 + 資産を添付 + Attach Asset to be delivered per email + Une el activo que se entregara por el mail. + + + + + + + 配送カウント + 配送カウント + Number of Deliveries + + + + + + + + ウェブストア情報 + ウェブ情報 + Web Store Header Information + Display HTML Info in the Web Store - by default in the header. + + + + + + + + ウェブパラメータ5 + ウェブParam5 + Web Site Parameter 5 (default footer center) + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam5 - By default, it is positioned in the center of the footer. + + + + + + + ウェブパラメータ6 + ウェブParm6 + Web Site Parameter 6 (default footer right) + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam6 - By default, it is positioned on the right side of the footer. + + + + + + + 最小金額 + 最小金額 + Minumum Amout in Document Currency + + + + + + + + プロジェクト問題 + プロジェクト問題 + Project Issues (Material, Labor) + Issues to the project initiated by the "Issue to Project" process. You can issue Receipts, Time and Expenses, or Stock. + + + + + + + プロジェクトカテゴリ + プロジェクトカテゴリ + Project Category + The Project Category determines the behavior of the project: +General - no special accounting, e.g. for Presales or general tracking +Service - no special accounting, e.g. for Service/Charge projects +Work Order - creates Project/Job WIP transactions - ability to issue material +Asset - create Project Asset transactions - ability to issue material + + + + + + + + 発注 + 発注 + Purchase Order + + + + + + + + 信用状態 + 信用状態 + Business Partner Credit Status + Credit Management is inactive if Credit Status is No Credit Check, Credit Stop or if the Credit Limit is 0. +If active, the status is set automatically set to Credit Hold, if the Total Open Balance (including Vendor activities) is higher then the Credit Limit. It is set to Credit Watch, if above 90% of the Credit Limit and Credit OK otherwise. + + + + + + + 1つのドキュメントへ統合 + 統合 + Consolidate Lines into one Document + + + + + + + + 説明のみ + 説明 + if true, the line is just description and no transaction + If a line is Description Only, e.g. Product Inventory is not corrected. No accounting transactions are created and the amount or totals are not included in the document. This for including descriptional detail lines, e.g. for an Work Order. + + + + + + + 価格設定 + 価格設定 + + + + + + + + + ドキュメントを閉じる + 閉じる + Close Document (process) + + + + + + + + ラベルプリンタ + ラベルプリンタ + Label Printer Definition + + + + + + + + ラベルプリンタ機能 + ラベルプリンタ機能 + Function of Label Printer + + + + + + + + システム登録 + 登録 + System Registration + The System Registration helps Adempiere to help the installed base + + + + + + + 検証情報 + 検証情報 + Verification information of EMail Address + The field contains additional information how the EMail Address has been verified + + + + + + + 暗号化クラス + 暗号化クラス + Encryption Class used for securing data content + The class needs to implement the interface org.compiere.util.SecureInterface. +You enable it by setting the COMPIERE_SECURE parameter of your Client and Server start scripts to the custom class. + + + + + + + フッター中央 + フッター中央 + Content of the center portion of the footer. + + + + + + + + フッター左 + フッター左 + Content of the left portion of the footer. + + + + + + + + フッター右 + フッター右 + Content of the right portion of the footer. + + + + + + + + 機能接頭語 + 機能接頭語 + Data sent before the function + + + + + + + + 機能接尾語 + 機能接尾語 + Data sent after the function + + + + + + + + 最小保証日数 + 最小保証 + Minumum number of guarantee days + When selecting batch/products with a guarantee date, the minimum left guarantee days for automatic picking. You can pick any batch/product manually. + + + + + + + ヘッダー中央 + ヘッダー中央 + Content of the center portion of the header. + + + + + + + + ヘッダー左 + ヘッダー左 + Content of the left portion of the header. + + + + + + + + ヘッダー右 + ヘッダー右 + Content of the right portion of the header. + + + + + + + + 産業情報 + 産業情報 + Information of the industry (e.g. professional service, distribution of furnitures, ..) + Description if the industry ad precise as possible. + + + + + + + 在庫タイプ + 在庫タイプ + Type of inventory difference + The type of inventory difference determines which account is used. The default is the Inventory Difference account defined for the warehouse. Alternatively, you could select any charge. This allows you to account for Internal Use or extraordinary inventory losses. + + + + + + + 発行許可済み + 発行許可 + You allow to publish the information, not just statistical summary info + + + + + + + + エクスポート可能 + エクスポート可能 + Users with this role can export data + You can restrict the ability to export data from Adempiere. + + + + + + + レポート可能 + レポート可能 + Users with this role can create reports + You can restrict the ability to report on data. + + + + + + + 生産中 + 生産中 + The system is in production + + + + + + + + 最大を計算(?) + 最大計算 + Calculate the maximim amount + Calculate the Maximum (?) of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise maximum length of the field. + + + + + + + 最小を計算(?) + 最小計算 + Calculate the minimum amount + Calculate the Minimum (?) of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise minimum length of the field. + + + + + + + 個人アクセス + 個人アクセス + Allow access to all personal records + Users of this role have access to all records locked as personal. + + + + + + + 個人ロック + 個人ロック + Allow users with role to lock access to personal records + If enabled, the user with the role can prevent access of others to personal records. If a record is locked, only the user or people who can read personal locked records can see the record. + + + + + + + 登録済み + 登録済み + The application is registered. + + + + + + + + 実行中合計 + 実行中合計 + Create a running total (sum) + A running total creates a sum at the end of a page and on the top of the next page for all colums, which have a Sum function. You should define running total only once per format. + + + + + + + 会計を表示 + 会計を表示 + Users with this role can see accounting information + This allows to prevent access to any accounting information. + + + + + + + XY位置 + XY位置 + The Function is XY position + This function positions for the next print operation + + + + + + + 詳細合計 + 詳細合計 + Total line amount incl. Tax + Total line amount + + + + + + + あいまい + あいまい + Type of obscuring the data (limiting the display) + + + + + + + + プラットホーム情報 + プラットホーム + Information about Server and Client Platform + Include information on Server, Network [Operating System, RAM, Disk, CPUs] and (number of) Clients. + + + + + + + 実行中の総行数 + 総行数 + Create Running Total Lines (page break) every x lines + When you want to print running totals, enter the number of lines per page after you want to create a running total line and page break. You should define running total only once per format. + + + + + + + XY区切り文字 + XY区切り文字 + The separator between the X and Y function. + + + + + + + + 問題説明 + 問題説明 + Description of the Issue line + + + + + + + + 問題詳細 + 問題詳細 + Line number of the issue + + + + + + + + 行余白 + 行余白 + Margin of the line - Planned Amount minus Costs + + + + + + + + アクセスタイプ + アクセスタイプ + The type of access for this rule + If you restrict Access to the entity, you also cannot Report or Export it (i.e. to have access is a requirement that you can report or export the data). The Report and Export rules are further restrictions if you have access. + + + + + + + 依存するエンティティ + 依存するエンティティ + Also check access in dependent entities + Also dependent entities are included. Please be aware, that enabling this rule has severe consequences and that this is only wanted in some circumstances. +<p>Example Rule: "Include Payment Term Immediate with Dependent Entities" +<br>Primary effect: users with this role can only select the payment term Immediate +<br>Secondary effect (dependent entities): users with this role can see only invoices/orders with the payment term immediate. + + + + + + + 文字データ + 文字データ + Long Character Field + + + + + + + + 支払いを作成 + 支払いを作成 + + + + + + + + + 電子資金取引メモ + 電子資金取引メモ + Electronic Funds Transfer Memo + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + 電子資金取引受取人 + 電子資金取引受取人 + Electronic Funds Transfer Payee information + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + 電子資金取引受取人勘定科目 + 電子資金取引受取人勘定科目 + Electronic Funds Transfer Payyee Account Information + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + 電子資金取引参照 + 電子資金取引参照 + Electronic Funds Transfer Reference + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + 電子資金取引ID + 電子資金取引ID + Electronic Funds Transfer Transaction ID + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + 電子資金取引タイプ + 電子資金取引タイプ + Electronic Funds Transfer Transaction Type + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + 品質保証日数 + 品質保証日数 + Shelf Life Days remaning to Guarantee Date (minus minimum guarantee days) + Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance compared to today minus the minimum guaranteed days. +(Guarantee Date-Today) ? Min Guarantee Days + + + + + + + 利用可能数量 + 利用可能数量 + Available Quantity (On Hand - Reserved) + Quantity available to promise = On Hand minus Reserved Quantity + + + + + + + 残り使用期限% + 残り使用期限% + Remaining shelf life in percent based on Guarantee Date + (Guarantee Date-Today) / Guarantee Days + + + + + + + 最小使用期限% + 最小使用期限% + Minimum Shelf Life in percent based on Product Instance Guarantee Date + Miminum Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance. If > 0 you cannot select products with a shelf life ((Guarantee Date-Today) / Guarantee Days) less than the minum shelf life, unless you select "Show All" + + + + + + + 支払い義務 今日 + 支払い義務 今日 + + + + + + + + + 支払い義務 今日-30 + 支払い義務 今日-30 + + + + + + + + + 支払い義務 今日-7 + 支払い義務 今日-7 + + + + + + + + + 支払い義務 1-7 + 支払い義務 1-7 + + + + + + + + + 支払い義務 31-60 + 支払い義務 31-60 + + + + + + + + + 支払い義務 > 31 + 支払い義務 > 31 + + + + + + + + + 支払い義務 61-90 + 支払い義務 61-90 + + + + + + + + + 支払い義務 > 61 + 支払い義務 > 61 + + + + + + + + + 支払い義務 8-30 + 支払い義務 8-30 + + + + + + + + + 支払い義務 > 91 + 支払い義務 > 91 + + + + + + + + + 過去支払い義務 1-30 + 過去支払い義務 1-30 + + + + + + + + + 過去支払い義務 1-7 + 過去支払い義務 1-7 + + + + + + + + + 過去支払い義務 31-60 + 過去支払い義務 31-60 + + + + + + + + + 過去支払い義務 > 31 + 過去支払い義務 > 31 + + + + + + + + + 過去支払い義務 61-90 + 過去支払い義務 61-90 + + + + + + + + + 過去支払い義務 > 61 + 過去支払い義務 > 61 + + + + + + + + + 過去支払い義務 8-30 + 過去支払い義務 8-30 + + + + + + + + + 過去支払い義務 > 91 + 過去支払い義務 > 91 + + + + + + + + + 過去支払い義務 + 過去支払い義務 + + + + + + + + + 請求書リスト + 請求書リスト + Include List of Invoices + + + + + + + + 必須の保証期日 + 必須の保証期日 + The entry of a Guarantee Date is mandatory when creating a Product Instance + + + + + + + + 必須のロット + 必須のロット + The entry of Lot info is mandatory when creating a Product Instance + + + + + + + + 必須のシリアル番号 + 必須のシリアル番号 + The entry of a Serial No is mandatory when creating a Product Instance + + + + + + + + 最小使用期限日数 + 最小使用期限日数 + Minimum Shelf Life in days based on Product Instance Guarantee Date + Miminum Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance. If > 0 you cannot select products with a shelf life less than the minum shelf life, unless you select "Show All" + + + + + + + 使用期限日数 + 使用期限日数 + Shelf Life in days based on Product Instance Guarantee Date + Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance compared to today. + + + + + + + パートナー税金ID + 税金ID + Tax ID of the Business Partner + + + + + + + + 受注残 + 受注残 + Backordered Quantity + Calculated: ordered - delivered quantity + + + + + + + 割当戦略 + 割当 + Allocation Strategy + Allocation from incoming to outgoing transactions + + + + + + + 外部出荷詳細 + 外部出荷詳細 + Outgoing Shipment/Receipt + + + + + + + + 外部在庫詳細 + 外部在庫詳細 + Outgoing Inventory Line + + + + + + + + 製造詳細出力 + 製造詳細出力 + Outgoing Production Line + + + + + + + + 取引出力 + 取引出力 + Outgoing Transaction + + + + + + + + 標準偏差を計算(σ) + 標準偏差 + Calculate Standard Deviation + The Standard Deviation (?) is the a measure of dispersion - used in combination with the Mean (?) + + + + + + + 分散を計算(σ2) + 分散 + Calculate Variance + The Variance (??) is the a measure of dispersion - used in combination with the Mean (?) + + + + + + + ウェブストアの特集 + 特集 + If selected, the product is displayed in the inital or any empy search + In the display of products in the Web Store, the product is displayed in the inital view or if no search criteria are entered. To be displayed, the product must be in the price list used. + + + + + + + 通貨タイプ + 通貨タイプ + Currency Conversion Rate Type + The Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define different type of rates, e.g. Spot, Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates. + + + + + + + 通貨タイプキー + 通貨変換タイプキー + Key value for the Currency Conversion Rate Type + The date type key for the conversion of foreign currency transactions + + + + + + + 倉庫 + 倉庫 + Warehouse Name + El Almacen indica un almacen unico donde los productos son almacenados. + + + + + + + 支払いスケジュール有効 + 支払いスケジュール有効 + Is the Payment Schedule is valid + Payment Schedules allow to have multiple due dates. + + + + + + + 支店ID + 支店ID + Bank Branch ID + Dependent on the loader, you may have to provide a bank branch ID + + + + + + + 銀行取引明細書ローダー + 銀行取引明細書ローダー + Definition of Bank Statement Loader (SWIFT, OFX) + The loader definition privides the parameters to load bank statements from EFT formats like SWIFT (MT940) or OFX + + + + + + + 日付の形式 + 日付の形式 + Date format used in the imput format + The date format is usually detected, but sometimes need to be defined. + + + + + + + 電子資金取引量 + 電子資金取引量 + Electronic Funds Transfer Amount + + + + + + + + 電子資金取引チェック番号 + 電子資金取引チェック番号 + Electronic Funds Transfer Check No + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + 電子資金取引通貨 + 電子資金取引通貨 + Electronic Funds Transfer Currency + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + 電子資金取引明細書日付 + 電子資金取引明細書日付 + Electronic Funds Transfer Statement Date + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + 電子資金取引詳細日付 + 電子資金取引詳細日付 + Electronic Funds Transfer Statement Line Date + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + 電子資金取引参照 + 電子資金取引参照 + Electronic Funds Transfer Statement Reference + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + 電子資金取引発効日 + 電子資金取引発効日 + Electronic Funds Transfer Valuta (effective) Date + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + ファイル名 + ファイル名 + Name of the local file or URL + Name of a file in the local directory space - or URL (file://.., http://.., ftp://..) + + + + + + + 金融機関ID + 金融機関ID + The ID of the Financial Institution / Bank + Depending on the loader, it might require a ID of the financial institution + + + + + + + 支払いドキュメント番号 + 支払いドキュメント番号 + Document number of the Payment + + + + + + + + 暗証番号 + 暗証番号 + Personal Identification Number + + + + + + + + 明細書日付 + 明細書日付 + Date of the Statement Line + + + + + + + + 明細書ローダークラス + 明細書ローダークラス + Class name of the bank statement loader + The name of the actual bank statement loader implementing the interface org.compiere.impexp.BankStatementLoaderInterface + + + + + + + 相互レートを作成 + 相互レートを作成 + Create Reciprocal Rate from current information + If selected, the imported USD->EUR rate is used to create/calculate the reciprocal rate EUR->USD. + + + + + + + 交換比率のインポート + 交換比率のインポート + Import Currency Conversion Rate + + + + + + + + ISO通貨をコード化 + ISO通貨 + Three letter ISO 4217 Code of the To Currency + For details - http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec09en.htm + + + + + + + ユーザー代用品 + ユーザー代用品 + Substitute of the user + A user who can act for another user. + + + + + + + 親組織 + 親組織 + Parent (superior) Organization + Parent Organization - the next level in the organizational hierarchy. + + + + + + + 作業フロー活動 + 作業フロー活動 + Workflow Activity + The Workflow Activity is the actual Workflow Node in a Workflow Process instance + + + + + + + 作業フロー活動結果 + 作業フロー活動結果 + Result of the Workflow Process Activity + Activity Result of the execution of the Workflow Process Instrance + + + + + + + 作業フローブロック + 作業フローブロック + Workflow Transaction Execution Block + A workflow execution block is optional and allows all work to be performed in a single transaction. If one step (node activity) fails, the entire work is rolled back. + + + + + + + 作業フローイベント監査 + 作業フローイベント監査 + Workflow Process Activity Event Audit Information + History of chenges ov the Workflow Process Activity + + + + + + + 作業フローノードパラメータ + 作業フローノードパラメータ + Workflow Node Execution Parameter + Parameter for the execution of the Workflow Node + + + + + + + 作業フロープロセス + 作業フロー処理 + Actual Workflow Process Instance + Instance of a workflow execution + + + + + + + 作業フロープロセスデータ + 作業フロー処理データ + Workflow Process Context + Context information of the workflow process and activity + + + + + + + 作業フロー責任 + 作業フロー責任 + Responsible for Workflow Execution + The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. + + + + + + + 属性名 + 属性名 + Name of the Attribute + Identifier of the attribute + + + + + + + 属性値 + 属性値 + Value of the Attribute + Adempiere converts the (string) field values to the attribute data type. Booleans (Yes-No) may have the values "true" and "false", the date format is YYYY-MM-DD + + + + + + + 作者 + 作者 + Author/Creator of the Entity + + + + + + + + 費用 + 費用 + Cost information + + + + + + + + 持続時間 + 持続時間 + Normal Duration in Duration Unit + Expected (normal) Length of time for the execution + + + + + + + 持続時間単位 + 持続時間単位 + Unit of Duration + Unit to define the length of time for the execution + + + + + + + 終了モード + 終了モード + Workflow Activity Finish Mode + How the system operated at the end of an activity. Automatic implies return when the invoked applications finished control - Manual the user has to explicitly terminate the activity. + + + + + + + 持続時間限度 + 限度 + Maximum Duration in Duration Unit + Maximum (critical) Duration for time management purposes (e.g. starting an escalation procedure, etc.) in Duration Units. + + + + + + + 責任タイプ + 責任タイプ + Type of the Responsibility for a workflow + Type how the responsible user for the execution of a workflow is determined + + + + + + + 開始モード + 開始モード + Workflow Activity Start Mode + How is the execution of an activity triggered. Automatic are triggered implicitly by the system, Manual explicitly by the User. + + + + + + + サブフロー実行 + サブフロー実行 + Mode how the sub-workflow is executed + + + + + + + + 変遷コード + 変遷コード + Code resulting in TRUE of FALSE + The transition is executed, if the code results in TRUE (or is empty) + + + + + + + 待ち時間 + 待ち時間 + Workflow Simulation Waiting time + Amount of time needed to prepare the performance of the task on Duration Units + + + + + + + 作業フロー状態 + 作業フロー状態 + State of the execution of the workflow + + + + + + + + 労働時間 + 労働時間 + Workflow Simulation Execution Time + Amount of time the performer of the activity needs to perform the task in Duration Unit + + + + + + + イベントタイプ + イベントタイプ + Type of Event + + + + + + + + 要素を結合 + 要素を結合 + Semantics for multiple incoming Transitions + Semantics for multiple incoming Transitions for a Node/Activity. AND joins all concurrent threads - XOR requires one thread (no synchronization). + + + + + + + 要素を分割 + 要素を分割 + Semantics for multiple outgoing Transitions + Semantics for multiple outgoing Transitions for a Node/Activity. AND represents multiple concurrent threads - XOR represents the first transition with a true Transaition condition. + + + + + + + 公表状態 + 公表状態 + Status of Publication + Used for internal documentation + + + + + + + 登録 + 登録 + User Asset Registration + User Registration of an Asset + + + + + + + 登録属性 + 登録属性 + Asset Registration Attribute + Define the individual values for the Asset Registration + + + + + + + 税金詳細合計 + 詳細合計 + Tax Line Total Amount + + + + + + + + 説明済み金額 + 説明済み + Amount Balance in Currency of Accounting Schema + + + + + + + + 元通貨額 + 元通貨額 + Amount Balance in Source Currency + + + + + + + + 貸借を更新 + 貸借を更新 + Update Accounting Balances first (not required for subsequent runs) + Se requiere para actualizar cuentas de balance + + + + + + + メンテナンスモード + メンテナンスモード + Language Maintenance Mode + + + + + + + + 直接借方を許可 + 直接借方 + Accept Direct Debits (vendor initiated) + Accept Direct Debit transactions. Direct Debits are initiated by the vendor who has permission to deduct amounts from the payee's account. + + + + + + + 銀行取引明細書組み合わせ方法 + 銀行取引明細書組み合わせ方法 + Algorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments + An algorithm to find Business Partners, Invoices, Payments in imported Bank Statements. The class needs to implement org.compiere.impexp.BankStatementMatcherInterface + + + + + + + 明細書を組み合わせる + 明細書を組み合わせる + + + + + + + + + ヘッダーストローク + ヘッダーストローク + Width of the Header Line Stroke + The width of the header line stroke (line thickness) in Points. + + + + + + + ヘッダーストロークタイプ + ヘッダーストロークタイプ + Type of the Header Line Stroke + Type of the line printed + + + + + + + ヘッダー詳細を塗る + ヘッダー詳細 + Paint Lines over/under the Header Line + If selected, a line is painted above and below the header line using the stroke information + + + + + + + 詳細ストローク + 詳細ストローク + Width of the Line Stroke + The width of the line stroke (line thickness) in Points. + + + + + + + 詳細ストロークタイプ + 詳細ストロークタイプ + Type of the Line Stroke + Type of the line printed + + + + + + + リンクされた組織 + リンクされた組織 + The Business Partner is another Organization for explicit Inter-Org transactions + The business partner is another organization in the system. So when performing transactions, the counter-document is created automatically. Example: You have BPartnerA linked to OrgA and BPartnerB linked to OrgB. If you create a sales order for BPartnerB in OrgA a purchase order is created for BPartnerA in OrgB. This allows to have explicit documents for Inter-Org transactions. + + + + + + + 組織タイプ + 組織タイプ + Organization Type allows you to categorize your organizations + Organization Type allows you to categorize your organizations for reporting purposes + + + + + + + スケジューラ + スケジューラ + Schedule Processes + Schedule processes to be executed asynchronously + + + + + + + スケジューラログ + スケジューラログ + Result of the execution of the Scheduler + Result of the execution of the Scheduler + + + + + + + 作業フロープロセッサ + 作業フロープロセッサ + Workflow Processor Server + Workflow Processor Server + + + + + + + 作業フロープロセッサログ + 作業フロープロセッサログ + Result of the execution of the Workflow Processor + Result of the execution of the Workflow Processor + + + + + + + 入札 + 入札 + Bid for a Topic + You can create a bid for a topic. Depening on the type, the highest bidder wins the Topic - or you participate in funding for a Topic. + + + + + + + 入札コメント + 入札コメント + Make a comment to a Bid Topic + Everyone can give comments concerning a Bid Topic - e.g. Questions, Suggestions + + + + + + + 買い手資金 + 買い手資金 + Buyer Funds for Bids on Topics + Available Funds (from Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds for Bids + + + + + + + 提供 + 提供 + Offer for a Topic + You can create an offer for a topic. + + + + + + + 売り手資金 + 売り手資金 + Seller Funds from Offers on Topics + Available Funds (for Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds from Offers + + + + + + + トピック + トピック + Auction Topic + Description of the item to sell or create. + + + + + + + トピックカテゴリ + トピックカテゴリ + Auction Topic Category + For an Auction Topic Type, define the different Categories used. + + + + + + + トピックタイプ + トピックタイプ + Auction Topic Type + The Auction Topic Type determines what kind of auction is used for a particular area + + + + + + + 会計プロセッサ + 会計プロセッサ + Accounting Processor/Server Parameters + Accounting Processor/Server Parameters + + + + + + + 会計プロセッサログ + Acctプロセッサログ + Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor + Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor + + + + + + + 警告プロセッサ + 警告プロセッサ + Alert Processor/Server Parameter + Alert Processor/Server Parameter + + + + + + + 警告プロセッサログ + 警告プロセッサログ + Result of the execution of the Alert Processor + Result of the execution of the Alert Processor + + + + + + + パートナー関係 + パートナー関係 + Business Partner Relation + Business Partner Relation allow to maintain Third Party Relationship rules: who receives invoices for shipments or pays for invoices. + + + + + + + 関連パートナー + 関連パートナー + Related Business Partner + The related Business Partner Acts on behalf of the Business Partner - example the Related Partner pays invoices of the Business Partner - or we pay to the Related Partner for invoices received from the Business Partner + + + + + + + 関連パートナー住所 + 関連パートナー住所 + Location of the related Business Partner + + + + + + + + 見積依頼 + 見積依頼 + Request for Quotation + Request for Quotation to be sent out to vendors of a RfQ Topic. After Vendor selection, optionally create Sales Order or Quote for Customer as well as Purchase Order for Vendor(s) + + + + + + + 見積依頼トピック + 見積依頼トピック + Topic for Request for Quotations + A Request for Quotation Topic allows you to maintain a subscriber list of potential Vendors to respond to RfQs + + + + + + + 見積依頼加入者 + 見積依頼加入者 + Request for Quotation Topic Subscriber + Subcriber to invite to respond to RfQs + + + + + + + 見積依頼詳細 + 見積依頼詳細 + Request for Quotation Line + Request for Quotation Line + + + + + + + 見積依頼詳細数量 + 見積依頼詳細数量 + Request for Quotation Line Quantity + You may request a quotation for different quantities + + + + + + + 見積依頼応答詳細 + 見積依頼応答詳細 + Request for Quotation Response Line + Request for Quotation Response Line from a potential Vendor + + + + + + + 見積依頼応答詳細数量 + 見積依頼応答詳細数量 + Request for Quotation Response Line Quantity + Request for Quotation Response Line Quantity from a potential Vendor + + + + + + + 購読配送 + 購読配送 + Optional Delivery Record for a Subscription + Record of deliveries for a subscription + + + + + + + 購読 + 購読 + Subscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renew + Subscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renew + + + + + + + 購読タイプ + 購読タイプ + Type of subscription + Subscription type and renewal frequency + + + + + + + 確認済み数量 + 確認済み数量 + Confirmation of a received quantity + Confirmation of a received quantity + + + + + + + 発注を作成 + 発注を作成 + Create Purchase Order + + + + + + + + 受注を作成 + 受注を作成 + + + + + + + + + 応答日付 + 応答日付 + Date of the Response + Date of the Response + + + + + + + 作業完了 + 作業完了 + Date when work is (planned to be) complete + + + + + + + + 作業開始 + 作業開始 + Date when work is (planned to be) started + + + + + + + + 配送日数 + 配送日数 + Number of Days (planned) until Delivery + + + + + + + + 支払い義務 + 支払い義務 + Subscription Renewal is Due + + + + + + + + エラー + エラー + An Error occured in the execution + + + + + + + + 内部 + 内部 + Internal Organization + + + + + + + + 通過中 + 通過中 + Movement is in transit + Material Movement is in transit - shipped, but not received. +The transaction is completed, if confirmed. + + + + + + + 招待された仕入先のみ + 招待された仕入先 + Only invited vendors can respond to an RfQ + The Request for Quotation is only visible to the invited vendors + + + + + + + 提供数量 + 提供数量 + This quantity is used in the Offer to the Customer + When multiple quantities are used in an Request for Quotation, the selected Quantity is used for generating the offer. If none selected the lowest number is used. + + + + + + + 発行済み + 発行済み + The Topic is published and can be viewed + If not selected, the Topic is not visible to the general public. + + + + + + + 購買数量 + 購買数量 + This quantity is used in the Purchase Order to the Supplier + When multiple quantities are used in an Request for Quotation, the selected Quantity is used for generating the purchase order. If none selected the lowest number is used. + + + + + + + すべての数量を見積 + すべての数量を見積 + Suppliers are requested to provide responses for all quantities + If selected, the response to the Request for Quotation needs to have a price for all Quantities + + + + + + + 総額を見積 + 総額を見積 + The respnse can have just the total amount for the RfQ + If not selected, the resonse must be provided per line + + + + + + + 受け入れ応答 + 受け入れ応答 + Are Resonses to the Request for Quotation accepted + If selected, responses for the RfQ are accepted + + + + + + + 選択された落札者 + 選択された落札者 + The resonse is the selected winner + The resonse is the selected winner. If selected on Response level, the line selections are ignored. + + + + + + + 合意予定 + 合意予定 + + + + + + + + + ログ保有日数 + ログ保有日数 + Number of days to keep the log entries + Older Log entries may be deleted + + + + + + + 発送先リスト + 発送先リスト + Distribution Lists allow to distribute products to a selected list of partners + Distribution list contain business partners and a distribution quantity or ratio for creating Orders + + + + + + + 発送先リスト詳細 + 発送先リスト詳細 + Distribution List Line with Business Partner and Quantity/Percentage + The distribution can be based on Ratio, fixed quantity or both. +If the ratio and quantity is not 0, the quantity is calculated based on the ratio, but with the Quantity as a minimum. + + + + + + + パッケージ + パッケージ + Shipment Package + A Shipment can have one or more Packages. A Package may be individually tracked. + + + + + + + パッケージ詳細 + パッケージ詳細 + The detail content of the Package + Link to the shipment line + + + + + + + 材料返却承認 + 材料返却承認 + Return Material Authorization + A Return Material Authorization may be required to accept returns and to create Credit Memos + + + + + + + 材料返却承認詳細 + 材料返却承認詳細 + Return Material Authorization Line + Detail information about the returned goods + + + + + + + 注文引受可能最少数量 + 最少数量 + Minimum quantity for the business partner + If a minimum quantity is defined, and the quantity is based on the percentage is lower, the minimum quantity is used. + + + + + + + 会員資格 + 会員資格 + Product used to deternine the price of the membership for the topic type + A topic can require to pay a membership fee. + + + + + + + 未合意額 + 未合意額 + Amount not committed yet + + + + + + + + 提供額 + 提供額 + Amount of the Offer + + + + + + + + 支払い予定 + 支払い予定 + Subscription is paid/valid until this date + + + + + + + + デフォルトパラメータ + デフォルトパラメータ + Default value of the parameter + The default value can be a variable like @#Date@ + + + + + + + 支払いパートナー + 支払いパートナー + Business Partner responsible for the payment + + + + + + + + 支払い住所 + 支払い住所 + Location of the Business Partner responsible for the payment + + + + + + + + 梱包数量 + 梱包数量 + + + + + + + + + 個人メモ + 個人メモ + Private Note - not visible to the other parties + + + + + + + + 見積依頼発行 + 見積依頼発行 + + + + + + + + + 見積依頼タイプ + 見積依頼タイプ + Request for Quotation Type + + + + + + + + プロセッサログを要求 + プロセッサログを要求 + Result of the execution of the Request Processor + Result of the execution of the Request Processor + + + + + + + 情報受信 + 情報受信 + Information of the receipt of the package (acknowledgement) + + + + + + + + 参照をつけられた出荷 + 参照出荷 + + + + + + + + + 参照をつけられた請求書 + 参照請求書 + + + + + + + + + 参照をつけられた請求書詳細 + 参照請求書詳細 + + + + + + + + + 参照をつけられた受注 + 参照受注 + Reference to corresponding Sales/Purchase Order + Reference of the Sales Order Line to the corresponding Purchase Order Line or vice versa. + + + + + + + 関連製品 + 関連製品 + Related Product + + + + + + + + 関連製品タイプ + 関連製品タイプ + + + + + + + + + 更新日付 + 更新日付 + + + + + + + + + 廃棄数量 + 廃棄数量 + The Quantity scrapped due to QA issues + + + + + + + + 目標数量 + 目標数量 + Target Movement Quantity + The Quantity which should have been received + + + + + + + 詳細 + 詳細 + + + + + + + + + テキストメッセージ + メッセージ + Text Message + + + + + + + + トピックアクション + トピックアクション + Accion del Asunto + La accion del asunto indica la accion que se esta realizando. + + + + + + + トピック状態 + トピック状態 + + + + + + + + + 追跡情報 + 追跡情報 + + + + + + + + + オークションのタイプ + オークションのタイプ + + + + + + + + + 決定日付 + 決定日付 + + + + + + + + + 参照をつけられた出荷詳細 + 参照出荷詳細 + + + + + + + + + 見積依頼応答 + 見積依頼応答 + Request for Quotation Response from a potential Vendor + Request for Quotation Response from a potential Vendor + + + + + + + 単一注文を作成 + 単一注文を作成 + For all shipments create one Order + + + + + + + + 警告受取人 + 警告受取人 + Recipient of the Alert Notification + You can send the notifications to users or roles + + + + + + + スケジューラ受取人 + スケジューラ受取人 + Recipient of the Scheduler Notification + You can send the notifications to users or roles + + + + + + + 税金住所番号 + 税金住所番号 + Tax Postal/ZIP + For local tax, you may have to define a list of (ranges of) postal codes or ZIPs + + + + + + + 日付要求 + 日付要求 + Date when required + + + + + + + + 要求 + 要求 + Material Requisition + + + + + + + + 要求詳細 + 要求詳細 + Material Requisition Line + + + + + + + + 月の日 + 月の日 + Day of the month 1 to 28/29/30/31 + + + + + + + + 郵送先郵便番号 + 郵送先郵便番号 + Postal code to + Conecutive range to + + + + + + + ランキング + ランキング + Relative Rank Number + One is the highest Rank + + + + + + + スケジュールタイプ + スケジュールタイプ + Type of schedule + Define the method how the next occurance is calculated + + + + + + + 曜日 + 曜日 + Day of the Week + + + + + + + + コピー詳細 + コピー詳細 + + + + + + + + + 付属メモ + 付属メモ + Personal Attachment Note + + + + + + + + 変遷状態 + 状態 + Workflow Node Transition Condition + Optional restriction of transition of one node to the next + + + + + + + ノード変遷 + 変遷 + Workflow Node Transition + The Next Nodes Tab defines the order or Nodes or Steps in a Workflow. + + + + + + + 作業フローをチェック + 作業フローをチェック + + + + + + + + + 待ち時間 + 待ち時間 + Time in minutes to wait (sleep) + Time in minutes to be suspended (sleep) + + + + + + + 作業フローキー + 作業フロー + Key of the Workflow to start + + + + + + + + 直送 + 直送 + Drop Shipments are sent from the Vendor directly to the Customer + Drop Shipments do not cause any Inventory reservations or movements as the Shipment is from the Vendor's inventory. The Shipment of the Vendor to the Customer must be confirmed. + + + + + + + 所有するドキュメントを承認 + 自己承認 + Users with this role can approve their own documents + If a user cannot approve their own documents (orders, etc.), it needs to be approved by someone else. + + + + + + + 常に更新可能 + 常に更新可能 + The column is always updateable, even if the record is not active or processed + If selected and if the winow / tab is not read only, you can always update the column. This might be useful for comments, etc. + + + + + + + 総勘定元帳分配 + 総勘定元帳分配 + General Ledger Distribution + If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is prorated based on the ratio of the lines. The distribution must be valid to be used. + + + + + + + 総勘定元帳分配詳細 + 総勘定元帳分配詳細 + General Ledger Distribution Line + If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is prorated based on the ratio of the lines. + + + + + + + 比率 + 比率 + Relative Ratio for Distributions + The relative weight of an distribution. If the total of all ratios is 100, it is the same as percent. + + + + + + + 比率合計 + 比率合計 + Total of relative weight in a distribution + The total relative weight of an distribution. If the total of all ratios is 100, it is the same as percent. + + + + + + + 経過ミリ秒 + 経過ミリ秒 + Elapsed Time in mili seconds + Elapsed Time in mili seconds + + + + + + + 招待日付 + 招待日付 + Date when (last) invitation was sent + + + + + + + + 仕入先に見積要求を送信 + 仕入先に見積要求を送信 + Send the RfQ Invitation to the Vendors + + + + + + + + 詳細作業完了 + 詳細作業完了 + Date when line work is (planned to be) complete + + + + + + + + 詳細作業開始 + 詳細作業開始 + Date when line work is (planned to be) started + + + + + + + + 詳細配送日 + 詳細配送日 + + + + + + + + + 詳細ヘルプ/コメント + 詳細コメント + + + + + + + + + 数量価格 + 数量価格 + + + + + + + + + 数量ランキング + 数量ランキング + + + + + + + + + 見積要求をランク付け + 見積要求をランク付け + + + + + + + + + 待ち終了 + 待ち終了 + End of sleep time + End of suspension (sleep) + + + + + + + 分配実行 + 分配実行 + Distribution Run create Orders to distribute products to a selected list of partners + Distribution Run defines how Orders are created based on Distribution Lists + + + + + + + 分配実行詳細 + 分配実行詳細 + Distribution Run Lines define Distribution List, the Product and Quantiries + The order amount is based on the greater of the minimums of the product or distribution list and the quantity based on the ratio. + + + + + + + 数量合計 + 数量合計 + Total Quantity + + + + + + + + 実施/生産を開始 + 実施/生産を開始 + The day you started the implementation (if implementing) - or production (went life) with Adempiere + + + + + + + + 統計をメンテナンス + 統計をメンテナンス + Maintain general statistics + Mainatan and allow to transfer general statistics (number of clients, orgs, business partners, users, products, invoices) to get a better feeling for the application use. This information is not published. + + + + + + + アクセスログ + アクセスログ + Log of Access to the System + Registro del acceso al sistema. + + + + + + + 返信 + 返信 + Reply or Answer + + + + + + + + カウンタドキュメント + カウンタドキュメント + Counter Document Relationship + When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: a "Standard Order" creates a "Standard PO". +If you define a relationship here, you overwrite the default counter document type in the Document Type definition. This allows you to define a specific mapping. + + + + + + + カウンタドキュメントタイプ + カウンタ文書タイプ + Generated Counter Document Type (To) + The Document Type of the generated counter document + + + + + + + 需要 + 需要 + Material Demand + Material Demand can be based on Forecast, Requisitions, Open Orders + + + + + + + 需要詳細 + 需要詳細 + Material Demand Line Source Detail + Source Link for Material Demand Lines + + + + + + + 需要詳細 + 需要詳細 + Material Demand Line + Demand for a product in a period + + + + + + + 予測 + 予測 + Material Forecast + Material Forecast + + + + + + + 予測詳細 + 予測詳細 + Forecast Line + Forecast of Product Qyantity by Period + + + + + + + 計算数量 + 計算数量 + Calculated Quantity + + + + + + + + 標準ユーザー作業フロー + 標準ユーザー作業フロー + Standard Manual User Approval Workflow + If selected, only documents with an open status (drafted, in progress, approved, rejected, invalid) and standard user actions (prepare, complete, approve, reject) are allowed to continue. Use this to prevent having to define details on how automatic processes (unlock, invalidate, post, re-activate) and when the document is closed for normal user action (completed, waiting, closed, voided, reversed). + + + + + + + 税金請求ID + 税金請求ID + + + + + + + + + 請求書パートナーキー + 請求書パートナーキー + + + + + + + + + 請求書住所 + 請求書住所 + Address Used for Invoicing + + + + + + + + 請求書連絡名 + 請求書連絡名 + + + + + + + + + 請求名 + 請求名 + + + + + + + + + 請求名2 + 請求名2 + + + + + + + + + 請求先電話 + 請求先電話 + + + + + + + + + 請求タイトル + 請求タイトル + + + + + + + + + パートナー名 + パートナー名 + + + + + + + + + パートナー名2 + パートナー名2 + + + + + + + + + 最善応答量 + 最善応答量 + Best Response Amount + Filled by Rank Response Process + + + + + + + 完了チェック + 完了チェック + + + + + + + + + 活動ツリー + 活動ツリー + Tree to determine activity hierarchy + Trees are used for (finanial) reporting + + + + + + + キャンペーンツリー + キャンペーンツリー + Tree to determine marketing campaign hierarchy + Trees are used for (finanial) reporting + + + + + + + ベータ関数を使用 + ベータを使用 + Enable the use of Beta Functionality + The exact scope of Beta Functionality is listed in the release note. It is usually not recommended to enable Beta functionality in production environments. + + + + + + + デフォルトカウンタドキュメント + デフォルトカウンタ文書 + The document type is the default counter document type + When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: when generating a Sales Order, use this Sales Order document type. +This default can be overwritten by defining explicit counter document relationships. + + + + + + + プロセスを中止 + プロセスを中止 + Aborts the current process + Abortar el proceso actual. + + + + + + + 確認タイプ + 確認タイプ + Type of confirmation + + + + + + + + 作成確認 + 作成確認 + + + + + + + + + 梱包/QA確認 + 梱包/QA確認 + Require Pick or QA Confirmation before processing + The processing of the Shipment (Receipt) requires Pick (QA) Confirmation. Note that shipments for automatic documents like POS/Warehouse Orders cannot have confirmations! + + + + + + + 出荷/受領確認 + 出荷/受領確認 + Require Ship or Receipt Confirmation before processing + The processing of the Shipment (Receipt) requires Ship (Receipt) Confirmation. Note that shipments for automatic documents like POS/Warehouse Orders cannot have confirmations! + + + + + + + 出荷/受領確認 + 出荷/受領確認 + Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation + Confirmation of Shipment or Receipt - Created from the Shipment/Receipt + + + + + + + 出荷/受領確認詳細 + 出荷/受領確認詳細 + Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation Line + Confirmation details + + + + + + + パッケージを作成 + パッケージを作成 + + + + + + + + + 差異 + 差異 + Difference Quantity + + + + + + + + ウィンドウの高さ + 高さ + Altura de la Ventana + Tamano fisico de la Ventana. + + + + + + + ウィンドウ幅 + + Ancho de la Ventana + El ancho de la ventana indica la dimension del ancho requerido en la ventana. + + + + + + + 材料返却承認タイプ + 材料返却承認タイプ + Return Material Authorization Type + Types of RMA + + + + + + + 取り消し済み + 取り消し済み + The transaction was cancelled + + + + + + + + 出荷説明 + 出荷説明 + + + + + Receipt Decription + Receipt Description + + + 承認額 + 承認額 + Document Approval Amount + Approval Amount for Workflow + + + + + + + 割当詳細 + 割当詳細 + Allocation Line + Allocation of Cash/Payment to Invoice + + + + + + + 必須タイプ + 必須タイプ + The specification of a Product Attribute Instance is mandatory + + + + + + + + 請求価格 + 請求価格 + The priced invoiced to the customer (in the currency of the customer's AR price list) - 0 for default price + The invoiced price is derived from the Invoice Price entered and can be overwritten. If the price is 0, the default price on the customer's invoice is used. + + + + + + + 還付価格 + 還付価格 + The reimbursed price (in currency of the employee's AP price list) + The reimbursed price is derived from the converted price and can be overwritten when approving the expense report. + + + + + + + 還付数量 + 還付数量 + The reimbursed quantity + The reimbursed quantity is derived from the entered quantity and can be overwritten when approving the expense report. + + + + + + + 差異ドキュメント + 差異文書 + Document type for generating in dispute Shipments + If the confirmation contains differences, the original document is split allowing the original document (shipment) to be processed and updating Inventory - and the newly created document for handling the dispute at a later time. Until the confirmation is processed, the inventory is not updated. + + + + + + + 議論中 + 議論中 + Document is in dispute + The document is in dispute. Use Requests to track details. + + + + + + + パートナー均一割引 + パートナー均一割引 + Use flat discount defined on Business Partner Level + For calculation of the discount, use the discount defined on Business Partner Level + + + + + + + カウンタドキュメントを作成 + カウンタを作成 + Create Counter Document + If selected, create specified counter document. If not selected, no counter document is created for the document type. + + + + + + + LDAPユーザー名 + LDAPユーザー + User Name used for authorization via LDAP (directory) services + Optional LDAP system user name for the user. If not defined, the normal Name of the user is used. This allows to use the internal (LDAP) user id (e.g. jjanke) and the normal display name (e.g. Jorg Janke). The LDAP User Name can also be used without LDAP enables (see system window). This would allow to sign in as jjanke and use the display name of Jorg Janke. + + + + + + + 差異の時に分割 + 差異分割 + Split document when there is a difference + If the confirmation contains differences, the original document is split allowing the original document (shipment) to be processed and updating Inventory - and the newly created document for handling the dispute at a later time. Until the confirmation is processed, the inventory is not updated. + + + + + + + LDAPドメイン + LDAPドメイン + Directory service domain name - e.g. adempiere.org + If LDAP Host and Domain is specified, the user is authenticated via LDAP. The password in the User table is not used for connecting to Adempiere. + + + + + + + LDAP URL + LDAP URL + Connection String to LDAP server starting with ldap:// + LDAP connection string, e.g. ldap://dc.adempiere.org + + + + + + + 移動確認 + 移動確認 + Inventory Move Confirmation + The document is automatically created when the document type of the movement indicates In Transit. + + + + + + + 移動詳細確認 + 移動詳細確認 + Inventory Move Line Confirmation + + + + + + + + ベータ版機能 + ベータ版機能 + This functionality is considered Beta + Beta functionality is not fully tested or completed. + + + + + + + 住所3 + 住所3 + Address Line 3 for the location + The Address 2 provides additional address information for an entity. It can be used for building location, apartment number or similar information. + + + + + + + 住所4 + 住所4 + Address Line 4 for the location + The Address 4 provides additional address information for an entity. It can be used for building location, apartment number or similar information. + + + + + + + デフォルト印刷色 + デフォルト印刷色 + + + + + + + + + デフォルト印刷フォント + デフォルト印刷フォント + + + + + + + + + 印刷項目名 + 項目名 + + + + + + + + + 確認番号 + 確認番号 + Confirmation Number + + + + + + + + 出荷/受領確認インポート詳細 + 出荷/受領確認インポート詳細 + Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation Import Line + Import Confirmation Line Details + + + + + + + 開いているバランス + 開いているバランス + Total Open Balance Amount in primary Accounting Currency + The Total Open Balance Amount is the calculated open item amount for Customer and Vendor activity. If the Balance is below zero, we owe the Business Partner. The amout is used for Credit Management. +Invoices and Payment Allocations determine the Open Balance (i.e. not Orders or Payments). + + + + + + + 規準価格 + 規準価格 + Price to compare responses to + + + + + + + + 送信 + 送信 + + + + + + + + + 督促回数 + # 督促回数 + Number of times dunned previously + + + + + + + + ベンチマーク差 + ベンチマーク差 + Difference between Response Price and Benchmark Price + + + + + + + + 新しいEメールアドレス + 新しいEメールアドレス + Enter new EMail Address - not changed if empty + + + + + + + + 新しいメールユーザーID + 新しいメールユーザーID + Enter new User ID of your internal EMail System - not changed if empty + + + + + + + + 新しいメールユーザーPW + 新しいメールユーザーPW + Enter new User Password of your internal EMail System - not changed if empty + + + + + + + + 新しいパスワード + 新しいパスワード + Enter the new password - not changed if empty + + + + + + + + 古いパスワード + 古いパスワード + Old Password is required if you are not a System Administrator + + + + + + + + 議論中を含む + 議論中を含む + Include disputed Invoices + + + + + + + + 販売請求書だけ + 販売請求書だけ + Otherwise also Payments and AP Invoices + + + + + + + + 属性値タイプ + 属性値タイプ + Type of Attribute Value + The Attribute Value type deternines the data/validation type + + + + + + + 見積要求数量 + 見積要求数量 + The quantity is used when generating RfQ Responses + When generating the RfQ Responses, this quantity is included + + + + + + + SLA評価基準 + SLA評価基準 + Service Level Agreement Criteria + Criteria to measure service level agreements (e.g. Quality, Delivery meets Promised date, ..) + + + + + + + SLA目標 + SLA目標 + Service Level Agreement Goal + Goal for the SLA criteria for the Business Partner + + + + + + + SLA測定 + SLA測定 + Service Level Agreement Measure + View/Maintain the individual actual value / measure for the business partner service level agreement goal + + + + + + + + + Numeric Value + + + + + + + + 見積要求トピック加入者制限 + 見積要求トピック加入者のみ + Include Subscriber only for certain products or product categories + Products and/or Product Categories for which the subscriber should be included. If no product / category is entered, the subscriber is requested to answer requests for all lines in a RfQ + + + + + + + POS端末 + POS + Point of Sales Terminal + The POS Terminal defines the defaults and functions available for the POS Form + + + + + + + POSキー + POSキー + POS Function Key + Define a POS Function Key + + + + + + + POSのキーレイアウト + POSのキーレイアウト + POS Function Key Layout + POS Function Key Layout + + + + + + + 価格を変更 + 価格を変更 + Allow modifying the price + Allow modifying the price for products with a non zero price + + + + + + + + + Country Name + + + + + + + + すべての組織にアクセス + すべての組織にアクセス + Access all Organizations (no org access control) of the client + When selected, the role has access to all organizations of the client automatically. This also increases performance where you have many organizations. + + + + + + + 価格 + 価格 + Price Entered - the price based on the selected/base UoM + The price entered is converted to the actual price based on the UoM conversion + + + + + + + 数量 + 数量 + The Quantity Entered is based on the selected UoM + The Quantity Entered is converted to base product UoM quantity + + + + + + + 定価 + 定価 + Entered List Price + Price List converted to entered UOM + + + + + + + すべての勘定科目 + すべての勘定科目 + Match any value of the Account segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + すべての活動 + すべての活動 + Match any value of the Activity segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + すべてのパートナー + すべてのパートナー + Match any value of the Business Partner segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + すべてのキャンペーン + すべてのキャンペーン + Match any value of the Campaign segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + すべての元住所 + すべての元住所 + Match any value of the Location From segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + すべての先住所 + すべての先住所 + Match any value of the Location To segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + すべての組織 + すべての組織 + Match any value of the Organization segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + すべての取引組織 + すべての取引組織 + Match any value of the Transaction Organization segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + すべての製品 + すべての製品 + Match any value of the Product segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + すべてのプロジェクト + すべてのプロジェクト + Match any value of the Project segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + すべての販売地域 + すべての販売地域 + Match any value of the Sales Region segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + すべてのユーザー1 + すべてのユーザー1 + Match any value of the User 1 segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + すべてのユーザー2 + すべてのユーザー2 + Match any value of the User 2 segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + カスタム接頭語 + カスタム接頭語 + Prefix for Custom entities + The prefix listed are ignored as customization for database or entity migration + + + + + + + 重ね書き勘定科目 + 重ね書き勘定科目 + Overwrite the account segment Account with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + 重ね書き活動 + 重ね書き活動 + Overwrite the account segment Activity with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + 重ね書きパートナー + 重ね書きパートナー + Overwrite the account segment Business Partner with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + 重ね書きキャンペーン + 重ね書きキャンペーン + Overwrite the account segment Campaign with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + 元の住所を上書き + 元の住所を上書き + Overwrite the account segment Location From with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + 先の住所を上書き + 先の住所を上書き + Overwrite the account segment Location From with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + 組織を上書き + 組織を上書き + Overwrite the account segment Organization with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + 取引組織を上書き + 取引組織を上書き + Overwrite the account segment Transaction Organization with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + 製品を上書き + 製品を上書き + Overwrite the account segment Product with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + プロジェクトを上書き + プロジェクトを上書き + Overwrite the account segment Project with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + 販売地域を上書き + 販売地域を上書き + Overwrite the account segment Sales Region with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + ユーザー1を上書き + ユーザー1を上書き + Overwrite the account segment User 1 with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + ユーザー2を上書き + ユーザー2を上書き + Overwrite the account segment User 2 with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + 合計パーセント + 合計パーセント + Sum of the Percent details + + + + + + + + ローカル住所フォーマット + ローカル住所フォーマット + Format for printing this Address locally + The optional Local Address Print format defines the format to be used when this address prints for the Country. If defined, this format is used for printing the address for the country rather then the standard address format. + The following notations are used: @C@=City @P@=Postal @A@=PostalAdd @R@=Region + + + + + + + 銀行口座番号フォーマット + 銀行口座番号フォーマット + Format of the Bank Account + + + + + + + + 銀行ルート設定番号フォーマット + 銀行ルート設定番号フォーマット + Format of the Bank Routing Number + + + + + + + + ローカル住所詳細を逆転 + ローカル住所詳細を逆転 + Print Local Address in reverse Order + If NOT selected the local sequence is Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, Address 4, City/Region/Postal, Country. +If selected the local sequence is Country, City/Region/Postal, Address 4, Address 3, Address 2, Address 1. +The sequence of City/Region/Postal is determined by the local address format. + + + + + + + + 住所詳細を逆転 + 住所詳細を逆転 + Print Address in reverse Order + If NOT selected the sequence is Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, Address 4, City/Region/Postal, Country. +If selected the sequence is Country, City/Region/Postal, Address 4, Address 3, Address 2, Address 1. +The sequence of City/Region/Postal is determined by the address format. + + + + + + + ドキュメント値ロジック + 文書値ロジック + Logic to determine Workflow Start - If true, a workflow process is started for the document + You can enter simple logic using variables like @Created@=@Updated@, which fires, when a record is created. If you need to evaluate also values of other records, you need to use SQL logic and need to prefix this logic with "SQL=". Example: start a Order verify workflow, when a business partner ordered something and is over the credit limit "SQL=EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_BPartner bp WHERE C_Order. C_BPartner_ID=bp. C_BPartner_ID AND SO_CreditUsed > SO_CreditLimit)". +Note that the SQL based logic checks for duplicate workflows (i.e. a workflow is started only once per record). + + + + + + + 移行されました + 移行されました + Value set by Migration for post-Migation tasks. + + + + + + + + 作業フロータイプ + 作業フロータイプ + Type of Worflow + The type of workflow determines how the workflow is started. + + + + + + + 作成 + 作成 + Create from Replenishment + + + + + + + + 最初に詳細/ソースを印刷 + 最初に詳細/ソースを印刷 + Details and Sources are printed before the Line + + + + + + + + 最新の警告日 + 最新の警告日 + Date when last alert were sent + The last alert date is updated when a reminder email is sent + + + + + + + 期日の許容誤差 + 期日の許容誤差 + Tolerance in days between the Date Next Action and the date the request is regarded as overdue + When the Date Next Action is passed, the Request becomes Due. After the Due Date Tolerance, the Request becomes Overdue. + + + + + + + 督促日数 + 督促日数 + Days between sending Reminder Emails for a due or inactive Document + When a document is due ot too long without activity, a reminder is sent. 0 means no reminders. +The Remind Days are the days when the next email reminder is sent. + + + + + + + 支払日にメール + 支払日にメール + Send EMail when Request becomes due + Send EMail when Request becomes due + + + + + + + 支払期限後にメール + 支払期限後にメール + Send EMail when Request becomes overdue + Send EMail when Request becomes overdue + + + + + + + 警告送信不活発日数 + 警告送信不活発日数 + Send Alert when there is no activity after days (0= no alert) + An email alert is sent when the request shows no activity for the number of days defined. + + + + + + + 優先権の上の警告 + 優先権の上の警告 + Send alert email when over priority + Send alert email when a suspended activity is over the priority defined + + + + + + + 動的優先権変更 + 動的優先権変更 + Change of priority when Activity is suspended waiting for user + Starting with the Process / Node priority level, the priority of the suspended activity can be changed dynamically. Example +5 every 10 minutes + + + + + + + 動的優先権開始 + 動的優先権開始 + Starting priority before changed dynamically + + + + + + + + 動的優先権単位 + 動的優先権単位 + Change of priority when Activity is suspended waiting for user + Starting with the Process / Node priority level, the priority of the suspended activity can be changed dynamically. Example +5 every 10 minutes + + + + + + + DBアドレス + DBアドレス + JDBC URL of the database server + + + + + + + + データベース名 + DB名 + Database Name + + + + + + + + プロセッサ + プロセッサ + Number of Database Processors + + + + + + + + 他のSQL句 + 他のSQL句 + Other SQL Clause + Any other complete clause like GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY, etc. after WHERE clause. + + + + + + + 改造 + 改造 + The change is a customization of the data dictionary and can be applied after Migration + The migration "resets" the system to the current/original setting. If selected you can save the customization and re-apply it. Please note that you need to check, if your customization has no negative side effect in the new release. + + + + + + + やり直し + やり直し + + + + + + + + + 動作戻し + 動作戻し + + + + + + + + + 現在(新しい)の値を検証 + 現在(新しい)の値を検証 + Ensure that the new value of the change is the current value in the system (i.e. no change since then) + + + + + + + + 現在(古い)の値を検証 + 現在(古い)の値を検証 + Ensure that the old value of the change is the current value in the system (i.e. original situation) + + + + + + + + 改造の設定のみ + 改造の設定のみ + Set Customization for change records records with Dictionary Entity Type + + + + + + + + 会計貸借 + 貸借 + Accounted Balance Amount + The Account Balance Amount indicates the transaction amount converted to this organization's accounting currency + + + + + + + 元通貨貸借 + 元通貨貸借 + Source Balance Amount + The Source Balance Amount indicates the balance amount for this line in the source currency. + + + + + + + 製品説明 + 製品説明 + Product Description + Description of the product + + + + + + + jsp URL + jsp URL + Web URL of the jsp function + For the Web UI, define the URL to perform the function (usually a jsp). The URL also can be external to the system. + + + + + + + 内部使用数量 + 内部利用 + Internal Use Quantity removed from Inventory + Quantity of product inventory used internally (positive if taken out - negative if returned) + + + + + + + 取引 + 取引名 + Name of the transaction + Internal name of the transcation + + + + + + + 設定レベル + 設定レベル + Determines what preferences the user can set + Preferences allow you to define default values. If set to None, you cannot set any preference nor value preference. Only if set to Client, you can see the Record Info Change Log. + + + + + + + 価格制限上書き + 価格制限上書き + Overwrite Price Limit if the Price List enforces the Price Limit + The Price List allows to enforce the Price Limit. If set, a user with this role can overwrite the price limit (i.e. enter any price). + + + + + + + 製品へ + 製品へ + Product to be converted to (must have UOM Conversion defined to From Product) + + + + + + + + 製品名 + 製品名 + Name of the Product + + + + + + + + 組織名 + 組織名 + Name of the Organization + + + + + + + + 買掛金 - 売掛金 + 買掛金 - 売掛金 + Include Receivables and/or Payables transactions + Incluye transacciones de los efectos a cobrar y/o de las cantidades por pagar + + + + + + + 最も古いものから割当 + 最も古いものから割当 + Allocate payments to the oldest invoice + Allocate payments to the oldest invoice. There might be an unallocated amount remaining. + + + + + + + 前払い + 前払い + The Payment/Receipt is a Prepayment + Payments not allocated to an invoice with a charge are posted to Unallocated Payments. When setting this flag, the payment is posted to the Customer or Vendor Prepayment account. + + + + + + + IBAN + IBAN + International Bank Account Number + If your bank provides an International Bank Account Number, enter it here +Details ISO 13616 and http://www.ecbs.org. The account number has the maximum length of 22 characters (without spaces). The IBAN is often printed with a apace after 4 characters. Do not enter the spaces in Adempiere. + + + + + + + 価格精度 + 価格精度 + Precision (number of decimals) for the Price + The prices of the price list are rounded to the precision entered. This allows to have prices with below currency precision, e.g. $0.005. Enter the number of decimals or -1 for no rounding. + + + + + + + 未確認の出荷で注文 + 未確認の出荷で注文 + Generate shipments for Orders with open delivery confirmations? + You can also include orders who have outstanding confirmations (e.g. ordered=10 - not confirmed shipments=4 - would create a new shipment of 6 if available). + + + + + + + アーク直径 + アーク直径 + Arc Diameter for rounded Rectangles + Width of the horizontal/vertical diameter of the arc at the four corners + + + + + + + 形を塗りつぶす + 形を塗りつぶす + Fill the shape with the color selected + + + + + + + + 形のタイプ + 形のタイプ + Type of the shape to be painted + + + + + + + + モデル妥当性検証のクラス + モデル妥当性検証のクラス + List of data model validation classes separated by ; + List of classes implementing the interface org.compiere.model.ModelValidator, separaed by semicolon. +The class is called for the client and alows to validate documents in the prepare stage and monitor model changes. + + + + + + + アーカイブ + アーカイブ + Document and Report Archive + Depending on the Client Automatic Archive Level documents and reports are saved and available for view. + + + + + + + 自動アーカイブ + 自動アーカイブ + Enable and level of automatic Archive of documents + Adempiere allows to automatically create archives of Documents (e.g. Invoices) or Reports. You view the archived material with the Archive Viewer + + + + + + + 日付パターン + 日付パターン + Java Date Pattern + Option Date pattern in Java notation. Examples: dd.MM.yyyy - dd/MM/yyyy +If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Adempiere support request with the correct information + + + + + + + 小数点 + 小数点 + The number notation has a decimal point (no decimal comma) + If selected, Numbers are printed with a decimal point "." - otherwise with a decimal comma ",". The thousand separator is the opposite. +If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Adempiere support request with the correct information + + + + + + + メディアサイズ + メディアサイズ + Java Media Size + The Java Media Size. Example: "MediaSize.ISO.A4" (the package javax.print.attribute.standard is assumed). If you define your own media size, use the fully qualified name. +If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Adempiere support request with the correct information + + + + + + + 時間パターン + 時間パターン + Java Time Pattern + Option Time pattern in Java notation. Examples: "hh:mm:ss aaa z" - "HH:mm:ss" +If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Adempiere support request with the correct information + + + + + + + 割り当てられた分量 + 割り当てられた分量 + Amount allocated to this document + + + + + + + + 利用可能分量 + 利用可能分量 + Amount available for allocation for this document + + + + + + + + 製品属性 + 製品属性 + Product Attribute Instance Description + + + + + + + + 手数料ビジネスパートナー + 手数料パートナー + Business Partner receiving the Commission + + + + + + + + 手数料変換量 + 手数料変換量 + Commission calculation basis Converted Amount + + + + + + + + 手数料数量 + 手数料数量 + Commission calculation basis Quantity + + + + + + + + 画像フィールド + 画像フィールド + The image is retrieved from the data column + The Image URL is retrieved from the data column + + + + + + + BBAN + BBAN + Basic Bank Account Number + The Basic (or Domestic) Bank Account Number is used in Bank transfers (see also IBAN). For details see ISO 13616 and http://www.ecbs.org/ + + + + + + + 材料移動方針 + 材料移動方針 + Material Movement Policy + The Material Movement Policy determines how the stock is flowing (FiFo or LiFo) if a specific Product Instance was not selected. The policy can not contradict the costing method (e.g. FiFo movement policy and LiFo costing method). + + + + + + + 陸揚げ費込み原価 + 陸揚げ費込み原価 + Landed cost to be allocated to material receipts + Landed costs allow you to allocate costs to previously received material receipts. Examples are freight, excise tax, insurance, etc. + + + + + + + 請求書検索 + 請求書検索 + Search Invoice Identifier + The Invoice Document. + + + + + + + 受注検索 + 受注検索 + Order Identifier + Order is a control document. + + + + + + + 出荷/受領の検索 + 出荷/受領の検索 + Material Shipment Document + The Material Shipment / Receipt + + + + + + + 請求書バッチ + 請求書バッチ + Expense Invoice Batch Header + + + + + + + + 請求書バッチ詳細 + 請求書バッチ詳細 + Expense Invoice Batch Line + + + + + + + + ドキュメント分量 + ドキュメント分量 + Document Amount + + + + + + + + 複数行のみ + 複数行のみ + This applies to Multi-Row view only + + + + + + + + ユーザー組織アクセスを使用 + ユーザー組織アクセスを使用 + Use Org Access defined by user instead of Role Org Access + You can define the access to Organization either by Role or by User. You would select this, if you have many organizations. + + + + + + + すべてのDBテーブルをチェック + すべてのDBテーブルをチェック + Check not just this table + + + + + + + + カラムSQL + カラムSQL + Virtual Column (r/o) + You can define virtual columns (not stored in the database). If defined, the Column name is the synonym of the SQL expression defined here. The SQL expression must be valid.<br> +Example: "Updated-Created" would list the age of the entry in days + + + + + + + 原価要素 + 原価要素 + Product Cost Element + + + + + + + + 原価要素タイプ + 原価要素タイプ + Type of Cost Element + + + + + + + + 計算済み + 計算済み + The value is calculated by the system + You cannot change values maintained by the system. + + + + + + + 原価配分 + 原価配分 + Landed Cost Distribution + How landed costs are distributed to material receipts + + + + + + + グループ + グループ + Request Group + Group of requests (e.g. version numbers, responsibility, ...) + + + + + + + カテゴリ + カテゴリ + Request Category + Category or Topic of the Request + + + + + + + 状態 + 状態 + Request Status + Status if the request (open, closed, investigating, ..) + + + + + + + 解決 + 解決 + Request Resolution + Resolution status (e.g. Fixed, Rejected, ..) + + + + + + + ユーザーの重要性 + ユーザーの重要性 + Priority of the issue for the User + + + + + + + + 機密性 + 機密性 + Type of Confidentiality + + + + + + + + 関連要求 + 関連要求 + Related Request (Master Issue, ..) + Request related to this request + + + + + + + エントリー機密性 + エントリー機密性 + Confidentiality of the individual entry + + + + + + + + 標準の応答 + 標準応答 + Request Standard Response + Text blocks to be copied into request response text + + + + + + + 開始時刻 + 開始時刻 + Time started + + + + + + + + 終了時刻 + 終了時刻 + End of the time span + + + + + + + + 使用数量 + 使用数量 + Quantity used for this event + + + + + + + + 使用製品 + 使用製品 + Product/Resource/Service used in Request + Invoicing uses the Product used. + + + + + + + 請求書を要求 + 請求書を要求 + The generated invoice for this request + The optionally generated invoice for the request + + + + + + + 応答テキスト + 応答テキスト + Request Response Text + Text block to be copied into request response text + + + + + + + 閉鎖日付 + 閉鎖日付 + Close Date + The Start Date indicates the last or final date + + + + + + + 開始状態 + 開始状態 + The status is closed + This allows to have the three generat situations of "not open" - "open" - "closed" + + + + + + + 閉じている状態 + 閉じている状態 + The status is closed + This allows to mave multiple closed status + + + + + + + 自動期日の日 + 自動期日の日 + Automatic Due Date Days + If a due date is not defined and the Auto Due Days ins greater then zero, a due date in the number of days is automatically created. + + + + + + + 製品ダウンロード + 製品ダウンロード + Product downloads + Define download for a product. If the product is an asset, the user can download the data. + + + + + + + メール確認 + メール確認 + Date Email was verified + + + + + + + + 測定単位あたりの1つの資産 + 測定単位あたりの1つの資産 + Create one asset per UOM + If selected, one asset per UOM is created, otherwise one asset with the quantity received/shipped. If you have multiple lines, one asset is created per line. + + + + + + + メールテキスト2 + メールテキスト2 + Optional second text part used for Mail message + The Mail Text indicates the text used for mail messages. + + + + + + + メールテキスト3 + メールテキスト3 + Optional third text part used for Mail message + The Mail Text indicates the text used for mail messages. + + + + + + + ウェブストア + ウェブストア + A Web Store of the Client + + + + + + + + ウェブストアメール + ウェブストアメール + EMail address used as the sender (From) + The EMail address is used to send mails to useres of the web store + + + + + + + ウェブストアユーザー + ウェブストアユーザー + User ID of the Web Store EMail address + User ID to connect to the Mail Server + + + + + + + ウェブストアパスワード + ウェブストアパスワード + Password of the Web Store EMail address + Password to connect to the Mail Server + + + + + + + メニュー資産 + 資産 + Show Menu Assets + + + + + + + + メニュー受注 + 受注 + Show Menu Orders + + + + + + + + メニュー請求書 + 請求書 + Show Menu Invoices + + + + + + + + メニュー出荷 + 出荷 + Show Menu Shipments + + + + + + + + メニュー支払い + 支払い + Show Menu Payments + + + + + + + + メニュー見積要求 + 見積要求 + Show Menu RfQs + + + + + + + + メニュー要求 + 要求 + Show Menu Requests + + + + + + + + メニュー利息 + 利息 + Show Menu Interests + + + + + + + + メニュー登録 + 登録 + Show Menu Registrations + + + + + + + + メニュー連絡先 + 連絡先 + Show Menu Contact + + + + + + + + メールヘッダー + メールヘッダー + Header added to EMails + The header is added to every email. + + + + + + + メールフッター + メールフッター + Footer added to EMails + The footer is added to every email. + + + + + + + メールメッセージ + メールメッセージ + Web Store Mail Message Template + + + + + + + + メッセージタイプ + メッセージタイプ + Mail Message Type + + + + + + + + 題名 + 題名 + Email Message Subject + Subject of the EMail + + + + + + + メッセージ + メッセージ + EMail Message + Message of the EMail + + + + + + + メッセージ2 + メッセージ2 + Optional second part of the EMail Message + Message of the EMail + + + + + + + メッセージ3 + メッセージ3 + Optional third part of the EMail Message + Message of the EMail + + + + + + + ユーザーメール + ユーザーメール + Mail sent to the user + Archive of mails sent to users + + + + + + + 参照をつけられた支払い + 参照支払い + + + + + + + + + アクティブにして作成 + アクティブにして作成 + Create Asset and activate it + You may want to consider not to automatically make the asset active if you need to get some additional information + + + + + + + 通知タイプ + 通知タイプ + Type of Notifications + Emails or Notification sent out for Request Updates, etc. + + + + + + + 次の状態 + 次の状態 + Move to next status automatically after timeout + After the timeout, change the status automatically + + + + + + + 更新状態 + 更新状態 + Automatically change the status after entry from web + Change the status automatically after the entry was changed via the Web + + + + + + + タイムアウト日数 + タイムアウト日数 + Timeout in Days to change Status automatically + After the number of days of inactivity, the status is changed automatically to the Next Status. If no Next Status is defined, the status is not changed. + + + + + + + ウェブは更新可能 + ウェブは更新可能 + Entry can be updated from the Web + + + + + + + + 最終閉鎖 + 最終閉鎖 + Entries with Final Close cannot be re-opened + + + + + + + + 役職 + 役職 + Job Position + + + + + + + + 役職カテゴリ + 役職カテゴリ + Job Position Category + Classification of Job Positions + + + + + + + 役職割当 + 役職割当 + Assignemt of Employee (User) to Job Position + 仕事の役職への従業員(ユーザー)の割当です。 + + + + + + + 報酬 + 報酬 + Wage or Salary + + + + + + + + 報酬タイプ + 報酬タイプ + Type of Remuneration + + + + + + + + 標準の時間 + 標準の時間 + Standard Work Hours based on Remuneration Type + Number of hours per Remuneration Type (e.g. Daily 8 hours, Weekly 40 hours, etc.) to determine when overtime starts + + + + + + + 総額 + + Gross Remuneration Amount + Gross Salary or Wage Amount (without Overtime, Benefits and Employer overhead) + + + + + + + 総計の費用 + 総計の費用 + Gross Remuneration Costs + Gross Salary or Wage Costs (without Overtime, with Benefits and Employer overhead) + + + + + + + 時間外の分量 + 時間外の分量 + Hourly Overtime Rate + Hourly Amount without Benefits and Employer overhead + + + + + + + 時間外の費用 + 時間外の費用 + Hourly Overtime Cost + Hourly Amount with Benefits and Employer overhead + + + + + + + 役職報酬 + 役職報酬 + Remuneration for the Position + + + + + + + + 従業員報酬 + 従業員報酬 + Employee Wage or Salary Overwrite + Overwrite the standard Remuneration + + + + + + + 代替グループ + 代替グループ + Product BOM Alternative Group + Alternative groups allow you to group Bill of Material components, which are exclusive (i.e. only one is valid). Examples different engine sizes. + + + + + + + 製品運営 + 製品運営 + Product Manufacturing Operation + The Operations to create the product. Note that the actual used operation and sequence is determined by the BOM Product. + + + + + + + 準備時間 + 準備時間 + Setup time before starting Production + Once per operation + + + + + + + 1ユニットあたりのランタイム + ユニットランタイム + Time to produce one unit + + + + + + + + 分解時間 + 分解時間 + Time at the end of the operation + Onec per operation + + + + + + + 操作リソース + 操作リソース + Product Operation Resource + Resources for the Operation. You can have multiple resources (e.g. tool, labor) per operation. + + + + + + + 部品構成表 + 部品構成表 + Bill of Material + The composition of the Product + + + + + + + 変更通知 + 変更通知 + Bill of Materials (Engineering) Change Notice (Version) + + + + + + + + 部品構成表使用 + 部品構成表使用 + The use of the Bill of Material + By default the Master BOM is used, if the alternatives are not defined + + + + + + + 変更要求 + 変更要求 + BOM (Engineering) Change Request + Change requests for a Bill of Materials. They can be automatically created from Requests, if enabled in the Request Type and the Request Group referres to a Bill of Materials + + + + + + + 部品構成表の構成要素 + 部品構成表の構成要素 + Bill of Material Component (Product) + The Bill of Material Compoment determines what products, services and outside processing is included in producing the Product. It references the operation and determines it's sequence. + + + + + + + 構成要素タイプ + 構成要素タイプ + BOM Product Type + + + + + + + + ダミー + ダミー + Phantom Component + Phantom Component are not stored and produced with the product. This is an option to avild maintaining an Engineering and Manufacturing Bill of Materials. + + + + + + + リードタイムオフセット + リードタイムオフセット + Optional Lead Time offest before starting production + + + + + + + + 変更要求を作成 + 変更要求を作成 + Automatically create BOM (Engineering) Change Request + Create automatically a Product Bill of Material (Engineering) Change Request when the Request Group references a Product BOM + + + + + + + 更新を要求 + 更新を要求 + Request Updates + 更新を要求します。 + + + + + + + レコードを挿入 + レコードを挿入 + The user can insert a new Record + If not selected, the user cannot create a new Record. This is automatically disabled, if the Tab is Read Only. + + + + + + + アドバンスタブ + アドバンスタブ + This Tab contains advanced Functionality + The tab with advanced functionality is only displayed, if enabled in Tools>Preference. + + + + + + + 機密情報 + 機密情報 + Can enter confidential information + When entering/updating Requests over the web, the user can mark his info as confidential + + + + + + + 優先順位基準 + 優先順位基準 + Base of Priority + When deriving the Priority from Importance, the Base is "added" to the User Importance. + + + + + + + NULLカラム + NULLカラム + Columns with NULL value + Null values are used for showing "no change" + + + + + + + 修理 + 修理 + Fixed in Change Notice + + + + + + + + パートナーが貸借を持っている場合のみ + パートナーが貸借を持っている場合のみ + Include only if Business Partner has outstanding Balance + + + + + + + + 対象属性セットインスタンス + 対象属性セットインスタンス + Target Product Attribute Set Instance + + + + + + + + 再評価分量Cr + 再評価分量Cr + Revaluated Cr Amount + + + + + + + + 再評価された異なったCr + 異なったCr + Revaluated Cr Amount Difference + + + + + + + + 再評価されたDr分量 + 再評価されたDr分量 + Revaluated Dr Amount + + + + + + + + 再評価された異なったDr + 異なったDr + Revaluated Dr Amount Difference + + + + + + + + 再評価変換タイプ + 再評価変換タイプ + Revaluation Currency Conversion Type + Tipo de Conversion de Moneda para Revaluacion + + + + + + + 再評価日付 + 再評価日付 + Date of Revaluation + + + + + + + + メールテスト + メールテスト + Test EMail + + + + + + + + サーバプロセス + サーバプロセス + Run this Process on Server only + Enabling this flag disables to run the process on the client. This potentially decreases the availability. + + + + + + + サーバメール + サーバメール + Send EMail from Server + When selected, mail is sent from the server rather then the client. This decreases availability. You would select this when you do not want to enable email relay for the client addresses in your mail server. + + + + + + + ウェブコンテキスト + ウェブコンテキスト + Web Server Context - e.g. /wstore + Unique Web Server Context for this Web Store - will set context-root in application.xml. +The web context usually starts with / and needs to be a valid context name (not checked). + + + + + + + ビジネスパートナー(代理人) + ビジネスパートナー(代理人) + Business Partner (Agent or Sales Rep) + + + + + + + + 現在の設定を変更 + 設定変更 + Confirm that you want to change the current setting + + + + + + + + 最大の長さ + 最大の長さ + Maximum Length of Data + + + + + + + + 試験値 + 試験値 + Value to test + + + + + + + + 元の倉庫 + 元の倉庫 + Optional Warehouse to replenish from + If defined, the warehouse selected is used to replenish the product(s) + + + n seleccionado + + + + 補給クラス + 補給クラス + Custom class to calculate Quantity to Order + If you select a custom replenishment type, you need to create a class implementing org.compiere.util.ReplenishInterface and set that on warehouse level. + + + + + + + 原価計算レベル + 原価計算レベル + The lowest level to accumulate Costing Information + If you want to maintain different costs per organization (warehouse) or per Batch/Lot, you need to make sure that you define the costs for each of the organizations or batch/lot. The Costing Level is defined per Accounting Schema and can be overwritten by Product Category and Accounting Schema. + + + + + + + 費用詳細 + 費用詳細 + Cost Detail Information + + + + + + + + 基礎 + 基礎 + Calculation Base + + + + + + + + 陸揚げ費込み原価配分 + 陸揚げ費込み原価配分 + Allocation for Land Costs + + + + + + + + 売上原価を調整 + 売上原価を調整 + Adjust Cost of Good Sold + For Invoice costing methods, you can adjust the cost of goods sold. At the time of shipment, you may not have received the invoice for the receipt or cost adjustments like freight, customs, etc. + + + + + + + 原価 + 原価 + Price per Unit of Measure including all indirect costs (Freight, etc.) + Optional Purchase Order Line cost price. + + + + + + + 累積分量 + 累積分量 + Total Amount + Sum of all amounts + + + + + + + 累積数量 + 累積数量 + Total Quantity + Sum of the quantities + + + + + + + コピー上書き + コピー上書き + Copy and Overwrite Default Accounts (DANGEROUS!!) + + + + + + + + 組織のみ + 組織のみ + Create posting entries only for this organization + When you have multiple accounting schema, you may want to restrict the generation of postings entries for the additional accounting schema (i.e. not for the primary). Example: You have a US and a FR organization. The primary accounting schema is in USD, the second in EUR. If for the EUR accounting schema, you select the FR organizations, you would not create accounting entries for the transactions of the US organization in EUR. + + + + + + + 失った販売注文数 + 失った販売注文数 + Quantity of potential sales + When an order is closed and there is a difference between the ordered quantity and the delivered (invoiced) quantity is the Lost Sales Quantity. Note that the Lost Sales Quantity is 0 if you void an order, so close the order if you want to track lost opportunities. [Void = data entry error - Close = the order is finished] + + + + + + + 失った販売分量 + 失った販売分量 + Amount of lost sales in Invoice Currency + + + + + + + + 利益額分量 + 利益額分量 + Difference between actual and limit price multiplied by the quantity + The margin amount is calculated as the difference between actual and limit price multiplied by the quantity + + + + + + + 属性セットを除外 + 属性セットを除外 + Exclude the ability to enter Attribute Sets + + + + + + + + ロットを除外 + ロットを除外 + Exclude the ability to create Lots in Attribute Sets + + + + + + + + シリアル番号を除外 + シリアル番号を除外 + Exclude the ability to create Serial Numbers in Attribute Sets + + + + + + + + 支払いを割り当て + 支払いを割り当て + Allocate Payment to Invoices + You can directly allocate payments to invoices when creating the Payment. +Note that you can over- or under-allocate the payment. When processing the payment, the allocation is created. + + + + + + + 請求書分量 + 請求書分量 + + + + + + + + + 残存分量 + 残存分量 + Remaining Amount + + + + + + + + 完全なパートナーアクセス + 完全なパートナーアクセス + The user/contact has full access to Business Partner information and resources + If selected, the user has full access to the Business Partner (BP) information (Business Documents like Orders, Invoices - Requests) or resources (Assets, Downloads). If you deselet it, the user has no access rights unless, you explicitly grant it in tab "BP Access" + + + + + + + ユーザーパートナーアクセス + ユーザーパートナーアクセス + User/contact access to Business Partner information and resources + If on User level, "Full BP Access" is NOT selected, you need to give access explicitly here. + + + + + + + アクセスタイプ + アクセスタイプ + Type of Access of the user/contact to Business Partner information and resources + If on User level, "Full BP Access" is NOT selected, give access explicitly + + + + + + + ユーザークエリ + ユーザークエリ + Saved User Query + + + + + + + + デルタ分量 + デルタ分量 + Difference Amount + + + + + + + + デルタ数量 + デルタ数量 + Quantity Difference + + + + + + + + 現在の数量 + 現在の数量 + Current Quantity + + + + + + + + すぐに仕訳 + すぐに仕訳 + Post the accounting immediately for testing + If selected, the accouning consequences are immediately generated when completing a doecument. Otherwise the document is posted by a batch process. You should select this only if you are testing, + + + + + + + すぐに費用 + すぐに費用 + Update Costs immediately for testing + If selected, costs are updated immediately when a Cost Detail record is created (by matching or shipping). Otherwise the costs are updated by batch or when the costs are needed for posting. You should select this only if you are testing, + + + + + + + 費用キュー + 費用キュー + FiFo/LiFo Cost Queue + Note thet the cost queue may not be the same as the physical movement cost queue due to differences in costing level and warehouse priority. + + + + + + + 売掛金サービス + 売掛金サービス + Customer Accounts Receivables Services Account + Account to post services related Accounts Receivables if you want to differentiate between Services and Product related revenue. This account is only used, if posting to service accounts is enabled in the accounting schema. + + + + + + + 在庫クリア + 在庫クリア + Product Inventory Clearing Account + Account used for posting matched product (item) expenses (e.g. AP Invoice, Invoice Match). You would use a different account then Product Expense, if you want to differentate service related costs from item related costs. The balance on the clearing account should be zero and accounts for the timing difference between invoice receipt and matching. + + + + + + + + 費用調整 + 費用調整 + Product Cost Adjustment Account + Account used for posting product cost adjustments (e.g. landed costs) + + + + + + + 仕訳とサービスを分ける + 仕訳と製品提供 + Differentiate between Services and Product Receivable/Payables + If selcted, you will post service related revenue to a different receiveables account and service related cost to a different payables account. + + + + + + + 明示的な費用調整 + 明示的な費用調整 + Post the cost adjustment explicitly + If selected, landed costs are posted to the account in the line and then this posting is reversed by the postings to the cost adjustment accounts. If not selected, it is directly posted to the cost adjustment accounts. + + + + + + + 新しいバッチを作成 + 新しいバッチ + If selected a new batch is created + Note that the balance check does not check that individual batches are balanced. + + + + + + + 新しい仕訳帳を作成 + 新しい仕訳帳 + If selected a new journal within the batch is created + Note that the balance check does not check that individual journals are balanced. + + + + + + + クエリレコードを確認 + クエリレコードを確認 + Require Confirmation if more records will be returned by the query (If not defined 500) + Enter the numer of records the query wil return without confirmation to avoid unnecessary system load. If 0, the system default of 500 is used. + + + + + + + 最大クエリレコード + 最大クエリレコード + If defined, you cannot query more records as defined - the query criteria needs to be changed to query less records + Enter the numer of records a user will be able to query to avoid unnecessary system load. If 0, no restrictions are imposed. + + + + + + + シリアル番号文字開始上書き + シリアル番号文字開始 + Serial Number Start Indicator overwrite - default # + If not defined, the default character # is used + + + + + + + シリアル番号文字終了上書き + シリアル番号文字終了 + Serial Number End Indicator overwrite - default empty + If not defined, no character is used + + + + + + + ロット文字開始上書き + ロット文字開始 + Lot/Batch Start Indicator overwrite - default ≪ + If not defined, the default character ≪ is used + + + + + + + ロット文字終了上書き + ロット文字終了 + Lot/Batch End Indicator overwrite - default ≫ + If not defined, the default character ≫ is used + + + + + + + 手数料タイプ + 手数料タイプ + Create Commitment and/or Reservations for Budget Control + The Posting Type Commitments is created when posting Purchase Orders; The Posting Type Revervation is created when posting Requisitions. This is used for bugetary control. + + + + + + + 手数料オフセット + 手数料オフセット + Budgetary Commitment Offset Account + The Commitment Offset Account is used for posting Commitments and Reservations. It is usually an off-balance sheet and gain-and-loss account. + + + + + + + 税金申告 + 税金申告 + Define the declaration to the tax authorities + The tax declaration allows you to create supporting information and reconcile the documents with the accounting + + + + + + + 税金申告詳細 + 税金申告詳細 + Tax Declaration Document Information + The lines are created by the create process. You can delete them if you do not want to include them in a particular declaration. + + + + + + + 税金申告会計 + 税金申告会計 + Tax Accounting Reconciliation + Accounting related information for reconcilation with documents. It includes all revenue/expense and tax entries as a base for detail reporting + + + + + + + 要件を組み合わせる + マッチ + Matching Requirement for Invoice + + + + + + + + 自動配送を除外 + 自動配送を除外 + Exclude from automatic Delivery + The product is excluded from generating Shipments. This allows manual creation of shipments for high demand items. If selected, you need to create the shipment manually. +But, the item is always included, when the delivery rule of the Order is Force (e.g. for POS). +This allows finer granularity of the Delivery Rule Manual. + + + + + + + レポート階層構造 + 階層構造 + Optional Reporting Hierarchy - If not selected the default hierarchy trees are used. + Reporting Hierarchy allows you to select different Hierarchies/Trees for the report. +Accounting Segments like Organization, Account, Product may have several hierarchies to accomodate different views on the business. + + + + + + + 勘定科目ツリー + 勘定科目ツリー + Tree for Natural Account Tree + + + + + + + + 消費税 + 消費税 + This is a sales tax (i.e. not a value added tax) + If selected AP tax is handled as expense, otherwise it is handeled as a VAT credit. + + + + + + + 予算管理 + 予算管理 + Budget Control + Budget Control allows you to restrict the use of expenditures, commitments (Purchase Orders) and reservations (Requisitions). If defined, you mey not be able to approve Requisitions, Purchse Orders, or AP Invoices. + + (Ordenes de Compra) + + + + + 承認の前 + 承認の前 + The Check is before the (manual) approval + If selected, the Budget Approval is before manual approvals - i.e. is only approved if budget is available. This may cause that the use of the budget is delayed (after the approval) + + + + + + + 管理範囲 + 管理範囲 + Scope of the Budget Control + + + + + + + + 総勘定元帳資金 + 総勘定元帳資金 + General Ledger Funds Control + General Ledger Funds Control allows you to restrict the use of funds. This is independent from budget control. + + + + + + + 資金制限 + 資金制限 + Restriction of Funds + If defined, you can use the fund only for the accounts selected. + + + + + + + サブ勘定科目 + サブ勘定科目 + Sub account for Element Value + The Element Value (e.g. Account) may have optional sub accounts for further detail. The sub account is dependent on the value of the account, so a further specification. If the sub-accounts are more or less the same, consider using another accounting dimension. + + + + + + + ユーザー要素1 + ユーザー要素1 + User defined accounting Element + A user defined accounting element referres to a Adempiere table. This allows to use any table content as an accounting dimension (e.g. Project Task). Note that User Elements are optional and are populated from the context of the document (i.e. not requested) + + + + + + + ユーザー要素2 + ユーザー要素2 + User defined accounting Element + A user defined accounting element referres to a Adempiere table. This allows to use any table content as an accounting dimension (e.g. Project Task). Note that User Elements are optional and are populated from the context of the document (i.e. not requested) + + + + + + + メール受取人 + メール受取人 + Recipient of the EMail + + + + + + + + 接続プロフィール + 接続プロフィール + How a Java Client connects to the server(s) + Depending on the connection profile, different protocols are used and tasks are performed on the server rather then the client. Usually the user can select different profiles, unless it is enforced by the User or Role definition. The User level profile overwrites the Role based profile. + + + + + + + クライアントシェア + クライアントシェア + Force (not) sharing of client/org entities + For entities with data access level of Client+Organization either force to share the entries or not. Example: Product and Business Partner can be either defined on Client level (shared) or on Org level (not shared). You can define here of Products are always shared (i.e. always created under Organization "*") or if they are not shared (i.e. you cannot enter them with Organization "*") + + + + + + + 共有タイプ + 共有タイプ + Type of sharing + Defines if a table is shared within a client or not. + + + + + + + 信用監視% + 信用監視% + Credit Watch - Percent of Credit Limit when OK switches to Watch + If Adempiere maintains credit status, the status "Credit OK" is moved to "Credit Watch" if the credit available reaches the percent entered. If not defined, 90% is used. + + + + + + + 価格マッチ許容誤差 + 価格マッチ許容誤差 + PO-Invoice Match Price Tolerance in percent of the purchase price + Tolerance in Percent of matching the purchase order price to the invoice price. The difference is posted as Invoice Price Tolerance for Standard Costing. If defined, the PO-Invoice match must be explicitly approved, if the matching difference is greater then the tolerance.<br> +Example: if the purchase price is $100 and the tolerance is 1 (percent), the invoice price must be between $99 and 101 to be automatically approved. + + + + + + + 価格マッチ差 + 価格マッチ差 + Difference between Purchase and Invoice Price per matched line + The difference between purchase and invoice price may be used for requiring explicit approval if a Price Match Tolerance is defined on Business Partner Group level. + + + + + + + エラー報告 + エラー報告 + Automatically report Errors + To automate error reporting, submit errors to Adempiere. Only error (stack trace) information is submitted (no data or confidential information). It helps us to react faster and proactively. If you have a support contract, we will you inform about corrective measures. This functionality is experimental at this point. + + + + + + + システム問題 + システム問題 + Automatically created or manually entered System Issue + System Issues are created to speed up the resolution of any system related issues (potential bugs). If enabled, they are automatically reported to Adempiere. No data or confidential information is transferred. + + + + + + + ローカルホスト + ローカルホスト + Local Host Info + + + + + + + + エラー追跡 + エラー追跡 + System Error Trace + Java Trace Info + + + + + + + スタックトレース + スタックトレース + System Log Trace + + + + + + + + ドキュメント番号を要求 + ドキュメント番号を要求 + Adempiere Request Document No + + + + + + + + オペレーティングシステム + オペレーティングシステム + Operating System Info + + + + + + + + データベース + データベース + Database Information + + + + + + + + バニラシステム + バニラシステム + The system was NOT compiled from Source - i.e. standard distribution + You may have customizations, like additional columns, tables, etc - but no code modifications which require compiling from source. + + + + + + + 再現可能 + 再現可能 + Problem can re reproduced in Gardenworld + The problem occurs also in the standard distribution in the demo client Gardenworld. + + + + + + + 再評価ドキュメントタイプ + DocはRevalをタイプします。 + Document Type for Revaluation Journal + + + + + + + + すべての通貨を含める + すべての通貨 + Report not just foreign currency Invoices + + + + + + + + タスク状態 + タスク状態 + Status of the Task + Completion Rate and Status of the Task + + + + + + + 計画を完了 + 計画を完了 + Planned Completion Date + Date when the task is planned to be complete + + + + + + + 数量計画 + 数量計画 + Planned Quantity + Planned Quantity + + + + + + + 計画開始 + 計画開始 + Planned Start Date + Date when you plan to start + + + + + + + 色のスキーマ + 色のスキーマ + Performance Color Schema + Visual representation of performance by color. The Schema has often three levels (e.g. red-yellow-green). Adempiere support two levels (e.g. red-green) or four levels (e.g. gray-bronce-silver-gold). Note that Measures without a goal are represented white. The percentages could be beween 0 and unlimited (i.e. above 100%). + + + + + + + 1パーセントをマーク + 1パーセントをマーク + Percentage up to this color is used + Example 50 - i.e. below 50% this color is used + + + + + + + 色1 + 色1 + First color used + + + + + + + + 2パーセントをマークしてください。 + 2パーセントをマークしてください。 + Percentage up to this color is used + Example 80 - e.g., if Mark 1 is 50 - this color is used between 50% and 80% + + + + + + + 色2 + 色2 + Second color used + + + + + + + + 3パーセントをマークしてください。 + 3パーセントをマークしてください。 + Percentage up to this color is used + Example 100 - e.g., if Mark 2 is 80 - this color is used between 80% and 100% + + + + + + + 色3 + 色3 + Third color used + + + + + + + + 4パーセントをマークしてください。 + 4パーセントをマークしてください。 + Percentage up to this color is used + Example 9999 - e.g., if Mark 3 is 100 - this color is used above 100% + + + + + + + 色4 + 色4 + Forth color used + + + + + + + + 親目標 + 親目標 + Parent Goal + You can create a hierarchy of goals by linking the sub-goals to the summary goal. +The measures are automatically rolled up + + + + + + + 測定範囲 + 測定範囲 + Performance Measure Scope + The scope of the goal can be broken down for initial display. +Example: Scope is Year, Display is Month - the goal is entered as a yearly number, the display divides the goal by 12 + + + + + + + 測定表示 + 測定表示 + Measure Scope initially displayed + + + + + + + + 目標制限 + 目標制限 + Performance Goal Restriction + Restriction of the performance measure to the Organization, Business Partner or Product defined. +Example: The performance is only measured for HQ +The measure must support the data, otherwise it is ignored. + + + + + + + 制限タイプ + 制限タイプ + Goal Restriction Type + Enter one or more records per Goal Restriction Type (e.g. Org o1, o2) + + + + + + + キーカラム + キーカラム + Key Column for Table + + + + + + + + ベンチマーク + ベンチマーク + Performance Benchmark + Data Series to compare internal performance with (e.g. stock price, ...) + + + + + + + 比率 + 比率 + Performace Ratio + Calculation instruction set for a perfomance ratio + + + + + + + 測定データタイプ + データ型 + Type of data - Status or in Time + Status represents values valid at a certain time (e.g. Open Invoices) - No history is maintained.<br> +Time represents a values at a given time (e.g. Invoice Amount on 1/1) - History is maintained + + + + + + + 累積タイプ + 累積タイプ + How to accumulate data on time axis + Sum adds the data points (e.g. stock volume) - Average is appropriate for e.g. Stock Price + + + + + + + ベンチマーク・データ + ベンチマーク・データ + Performance Benchmark Data Point + Data Series Point to compare internal performance with (e.g. stock price, ...) + + + + + + + 日付 + 日付 + Benchmark Date + Date of the Benchmark Data Point + + + + + + + + + Benchmark Value + Value of the Benchmark Data Point + + + + + + + 比率要素 + 比率要素 + Performance Ratio Element + Individual calculation instruction for a ratio + + + + + + + オペランド + オペランド + Ratio Operand + Operand how data is calculated. If it is the first in the series, 'minus' will create a negative value, otherwise ignored. + + + + + + + 要素タイプ + 要素タイプ + Ratio Element Type + Type of data used for the calculation + + + + + + + 使用される比率 + 使用される比率 + Performace Ratio Used + Existing Performance Ratio to be used in the calculation. Make sure that the Ratio is not self-referencing (loop). + + + + + + + 最後のメンテナンス + 最後のメンテナンス + Last Maintenance Date + + + + + + + + 次のメンテナンス + 次のメンテナンス + Next Maintenence Date + + + + + + + + 最後のユニット + 最後のユニット + Last Maintenance Unit + + + + + + + + 次のユニット + 次のユニット + Next Maintenence Unit + + + + + + + + リース終了 + リース終了 + Lease Termination Date + Last Date of Lease + + + + + + + 貸主 + 貸主 + The Business Partner who rents or leases + + + + + + + + 最後のメモ + 最後のメモ + Last Maintenance Note + + + + + + + + サポート有効期限 + サポート有効期限 + Date when the Adempiere support expires + Check http://www.adempiere.org for support options + + + + + + + リリースタグ + リリースタグ + Release Tag + + + + + + + + サポートメール + サポートメール + EMail address to send support information and updates to + If not entered the registered email is used. + + + + + + + 問題概要 + 問題概要 + Issue Summary + + + + + + + + 元クラス + 元クラス + Source Class Name + + + + + + + + ソースメソッド + ソースメソッド + Source Method Name + + + + + + + + ログ方法 + ログ方法 + Logger Name + + + + + + + + ライン + ライン + Line No + + + + + + + + 既知の問題 + 既知の問題 + Known Issue + + + + + + + + 問題推薦 + 問題推薦 + Recommendations how to fix an Issue + Recommendations how to fix an Issue + + + + + + + 問題状態 + 問題状態 + Status of an Issue + Status of an Issue + + + + + + + 問題状態 + 問題状態 + Current Status of the Issue + Description of the current status of the issue + + + + + + + Java情報 + Java情報 + Java Version Info + + + + + + + + 統計 + 統計 + Information to help profiling the system for solving support issues + Profile information do not contain sensitive information and are used to support issue detection and diagnostics as well as general anonymous statistics + + + + + + + プロフィール + プロフィール + Information to help profiling the system for solving support issues + Profile information do not contain sensitive information and are used to support issue detection and diagnostics + + + + + + + 古い名前 + 古い名前 + + + + + + + + + システム状態 + システム状態 + Status of the system - Support priority depends on system status + System status helps to prioritize support resources + + + + + + + 問題追跡 + 問題追跡 + Enable tracking issues for this asset + Issues created by automatic Error Reporting + + + + + + + 問題システム + 問題システム + System creating the issue + + + + + + + + 問題プロジェクト + 問題プロジェクト + Implementation Projects + + + + + + + + 問題報告ユーザー + 問題報告ユーザー + User who reported issues + + + + + + + + Cost Value + Cost Value + Value with Cost + + + + + + + + Source + Source + Issue Source + Source of the Issue + + + + + + + Status Category + Status Category + Request Status Category + Category of Request Status enables to maintain different set of Status for different Request Categories + + + + + + + Size X + Size X + X (horizontal) dimension size + Size of X (horizontal) dimension in Units + + + + + + + Size Y + Size Y + Y (vertical) dimension size + Size of Y (vertical) dimension in Units + + + + + + + Dimension Units + Units + Units of Dimension + + + + + + + + Set Inventory Count to + Set Inventory Count to + Set the value of the inventory count to Zero or On Hand Quantity + + + + + + + + Interest Area + Interest Area + Name of the Interest Area + Name of the Interest Area of the user + + + + + + + Barcode Type + Barcode + Type of barcode + + + + + + + + Web Project + Web Project + A web project is the main data container for Containers, URLs, Ads, Media etc. + A web project is the meta definition which will contain later on all data within the Web Content Management Project. + + + + + + + Meta Copyright + Meta Copyright + Contains Copyright information for the content + This Tag contains detailed information about the content's copyright situation, how holds it for which timeframe etc. + + + + + + + Meta Publisher + Meta Publisher + Meta Publisher defines the publisher of the content + As author and publisher must not be the same person this tag saves the responsible publisher for the content + + + + + + + Meta RobotsTag + Meta RobotsTag + RobotsTag defines how search robots should handle this content + The Meta Robots Tag define on how a search engines robot should handle this page and the following ones. It defines two keywords: (NO)INDEX which defines whether or not to index this content and (NO)FOLLOW which defines whether or not to folow links. The most common combination is INDEX,FOLLOW which will force a search robot to index the content and follow links and images. + + + + + + + Meta Author + Meta Author + Author of the content + Author of the content for the Containers Meta Data + + + + + + + Meta Content Type + Meta Content Type + Defines the type of content i.e. "text/html; charset=UTF-8" + With this tag you can overwrite the type of content and how search engines will interpret it. You should keep in mind that this will not influence how the Server and Client interpret the content. + + + + + + + Template + Template + Template defines how content is displayed + A template describes how content should get displayed, it contains layout and maybe also scripts on how to handle the content + + + + + + + Included + Included + Defines whether this content / template is included into another one + Templates can be independent or included. Included Templates are also called subtemplates + + + + + + + Use Ad + Use Ad + Whether or not this templates uses Ad's + This describe whether or not this Template will use Ad's + + + + + + + Uses News + Uses News + Template or container uses news channels + This content (container or template) uses news channels + + + + + + + Elements + Elements + Contains list of elements seperated by CR + Contains a list of elements this template uses seperated by a Carriage Return. Last line should be empty + + + + + + + TemplateXST + TemplateXST + Contains the template code itself + Here we include the template code itself + + + + + + + Web Container + Container + Web Container contains content like images, text etc. + A Container defines the abstract level around the content, it defines how the content get's displayed, indexed and stored. + + + + + + + Notice + Notice + Contains last write notice + Contains info on what changed with the last write + + + + + + + Web Container Type + Container Type + Web Container Type + This parameter defines the type of content for this container. + + + + + + + External Link (URL) + External Link + External Link (IRL) for the Container + External URL for the Container + + + + + + + + Relative URL + Relative URL + Contains the relative URL for the container + The relative URL is used together with the webproject domain to display the content + + + + + + + Indexed + Indexed + Index the document for the internal search engine + For cross document search, the document can be indexed for faster search (Container, Document Type, Request Type) + + + + + + + Secure content + Secure content + Defines whether content needs to get encrypted + If you select this parameter this container will only get delivered over a secure connection i.e. SSL etc. if no encryption can be found no content will be delivered + + + + + + + Meta Description + Meta Description + Meta info describing the contents of the page + The Meta Description tag should contain a short description on the page content + + + + + + + Meta Keywords + Meta Keywords + Contains the keywords for the content + Contains keyword info on the main search words this content is relevant to + + + + + + + StructureXML + StructureXML + Autogenerated Containerdefinition as XML Code + Autogenerated Containerdefinition as XML Code + + + + + + + ContainerXML + ContainerXML + Autogenerated Containerdefinition as XML Code + Autogenerated Containerdefinition as XML Code + + + + + + + Advertisement Category + Advertisement Category + Advertisement Category like Banner Homepage + The advertisement category defines a container for ad's like for example all banners used on the homepage in rotation are stored in a category "Banner Homepage" etc. + + + + + + + Media Item + Media Item + Contains media content like images, flash movies etc. + This table contains all the media content like images, flas movies etc. + + + + + + + Media Type + Media Type + Defines the media type for the browser + The browser and the media server need info on the type of content + + + + + + + Advertisement + Advertisement + An Advertisement is something like a banner + You could use banner, partner infos, sponsored links etc. as an advertisement + + + + + + + Target Frame + Target Frame + Which target should be used if user clicks? + Do we want the content to stay in same window, to open up a new one or to place it in a special frame? + + + + + + + Actual Click Count + Actual Click Count + How many clicks have been counted + Contains info on the actual click count until now + + + + + + + Max Click Count + Max Click Count + Maximum Click Count until banner is deactivated + A banner has a maximum number of clicks after which it will get deactivated + + + + + + + Actual Impression Count + Actual Impression Count + How many impressions have been counted + Contains info on the actual impression count until now + + + + + + + Max Impression Count + Max Impression Count + Maximum Impression Count until banner is deactivated + A banner has a maximum number of impressions after which it will get deactivated + + + + + + + Start Count Impression + Start Count Impression + For rotation we need a start count + If we run banners in rotation we always show the one with the min of impressions, so if a new banner is added to impressions we don't want it to show up so often we set a startimpressions value. StartImpression+ActualImpression=CurrentImpression + + + + + + + Content HTML + Content HTML + Contains the content itself + Contains the content itself as HTML code. Should normally only use basic tags, no real layouting + + + + + + + Special AD Flag + Special AD Flag + Do we need to specially mention this ad? + If we have a block in content where anounce content and also sponsored links we should mention the sponsored ones + + + + + + + Logging + Logging + Do we need to log the banner impressions and clicks? (needs much performance) + As of performance we should only log banners if really necessary, as this takes a lot of performance + + + + + + + Media Server + Media Server + Media Server list to which content should get transfered + For performance optimization we save media content on static servers + + + + + + + Transfer passive + Transfer passive + FTP passive transfer + Should the transfer be run in passive mode? + + + + + + + IP Address + IP Address + Defines the IP address to transfer data to + Contains info on the IP address to which we will transfer data + + + + + + + Folder + Folder + A folder on a local or remote system to store data into + We store files in folders, especially media files. + + + + + + + Container Element + Container Element + Container element i.e. Headline, Content, Footer etc. + A container element defines the smalles definition of content, i.e. the headline, the content etc. + + + + + + + Container URL + Container URL + Contains info on used URLs + We save the info on all used URLs for checking them on availability etc. + + + + + + + Last Checked + Last Checked + Info when we did the last check + Info on the last check date + + + + + + + Status + Status + Status of the currently running check + Status of the currently running check + + + + + + + Last Result + Last Result + Contains data on the last check result + If we ran into errors etc. you will find the details in here + + + + + + + Web Container Stage + Container Stage + Web Container Stage contains the staging content like images, text etc. + A Container defines the abstract level around the content, it defines how the content get's displayed, indexed and stored. +The ID is related 1 to 1 to the container ID + + + + + + + Container Stage Element + Container Stage Element + Container element i.e. Headline, Content, Footer etc. + A container element defines the smalles definition of content, i.e. the headline, the content etc. + + + + + + + News Channel + News Channel + News channel for rss feed + A news channel defines the content base for the RSS feed + + + + + + + Link + Link + Contains URL to a target + A Link should contain info on how to get to more information + + + + + + + News Item / Article + News Item / Article + News item or article defines base content + A news item / article is kind of a teaser for more information on an article + + + + + + + LinkURL + LinkURL + Contains URL to a target + A Link should contain info on how to get to more information + + + + + + + Publication Date + Publication Date + Date on which this article will / should get published + Date on which this article will / should get published + + + + + + + WebProject Domain + WebProject Domain + Definition of Domainhandling + This data describes how the different Domains should get handled and how data is forwarded. + + + + + + + Fully Qualified Domain Name + Fully Qualified Domain Name + Fully Qualified Domain Name i.e. www.comdivision.com + This field contains the so called fully qualified domain name including host and domain, but not anything protocol specific like http or the document path. + + + + + + + Invoice Rule + Invoice Rule + Invoice Rule for the project + The Invoice Rule for the project determines how orders (and consequently invoices) are created. The selection on project level can be overwritten on Phase or Task + + + + + + + Revenue Recognition Start + RR Start + Revenue Recognition Start Date + The date the revenue reconition starts. + + + + + + + Revenue Recognition Amt + RR Amt + Revenue Recognition Amount + The amount for revenue recognition calculation. If empty, the complete invoice amount is used. The difference between Revenue Recognition Amount and Invoice Line Net Amount is immediately recognized as revenue. + + + + + + + Line Level + Line Level + Project Line Level + Level on which Project Lines are maintained + + + + + + + Stylesheet + Stylesheet + CSS (Stylesheet) used + Base Stylesheet (.css file) to use - if empty, the default (standard.css) is used. The Style sheet can be a URL. + + + + + + + Container Link + Container Link + Link to another Container in the Web Project + Internal Link + + + + + + + Container Link + Container Link + Stage Link to another Container in the Web Project + Internal Link + + + + + + + Modified + Modified + The record is modified + Indication that the record is modified + + + + + + + Container Tree + Container Tree + Container Tree + Container Tree + + + + + + + Stage Tree + Stage Tree + Stage Tree + Stage Tree + + + + + + + Media Tree + Media Tree + Media Tree + Media Tree + + + + + + + Template Tree + Template Tree + Template Tree + Template Tree + + + + + + + Chat Type + Chat Type + Type of discussion / chat + Chat Type allows you to receive subscriptions for particular content of discussions. It is linked to a table. + + + + + + + Chat + Chat + Chat or discussion thread + Thread of discussion + + + + + + + Chat Entry + Chat Entry + Individual Chat / Discussion Entry + The entry can not be changed - just the confidentiality + + + + + + + Meta Language + Meta Language + Language HTML Meta Tag + + + + + + + + Template Table + Template Table + CM Template Table Link + Link a Template with a Table + + + + + + + Container T.Table + Container T.Table + Container Template Table + Link to individual Record + + + + + + + Stage T.Table + Stage T.Table + Containet Stage Template Table + Link to individual Record + + + + + + + Re-Validate + Re-Validate + Re-Validate entries + + + + + + + + Entity Type + Entity Type + System Entity Type + The entity type determines the ownership of Application Dictionary entries. The types "Dictionary" and "Adempiere" should not be used and are maintainted by Adempiere (i.e. all changes are reversed during migration to the current definition). + + + + + + + ModelPackage + ModelPackage + Java Package of the model classes + By default, the Java model classes for extensions are in the compiere.model package. If you provide a jar file in the classpath, you can define here your specific model package. The model classes are used to save/modify/delete entries and as well as in Workflow. Refer to the Compiere naming convention to make sure that your class is used rather then the base classes. + + + + + + + Classpath + Classpath + Extension Classpath + If your appplication requires additional jar files, enter them here. The jar files must be located in the $ADEMPIERE_HOME/lib directory. + + + + + + + Modification + Modification + System Modification or Extension + Description of the System modification or extension + + + + + + + Web Access Profile + Access Profile + Web Access Profile + Define access to collaboration management content. You can assign the profile to a internal role or for external access to business partner group. + + + + + + + Media Deploy + Media Deploy + Media Deployment Log + Log of Media Deployments + + + + + + + Deployed + Deployed + Entity is deployed + + + + + + + + Last Synchronized + Last Synchronized + Date when last synchronized + + + + + + + + Broadcast Server + Broadcast Server + Web Broadcast Server + + + + + + + + Web Access Log + Web Access Log + Web Access Log Information + + + + + + + + Log Type + Log Type + Web Log Type + + + + + + + + Request Type + Request Type + + + + + + + + + Hyphen + Hyphen + + + + + + + + + Protocol + Protocol + Protocol + + + + + + + + Status Code + Status Code + + + + + + + + + File Size + File Size + Size of the File in bytes + + + + + + + + Info Window + Info Window + Info and search/select Window + The Info window is used to search and select records as well as display information relevant to the selection. + + + + + + + Info Column + Info Column + Info Window Column + Column in the Info Window for display and/or selection. If used for selection, the column cannot be a SQL expression. The SQL clause must be fully qualified based on the FROM clause in the Info Window definition + + + + + + + Query Criteria + Query Criteria + The column is also used as a query criteria + The column is used to enter queries - the SQL cannot be an expression + + + + + + + Index Log + Log + Text search log + + + + + + + + Index Query + Query + Text Search Query + Text search query entered + + + + + + + Query Result + Result + Result of the text query + + + + + + + + Query Source + Source + Source of the Query + + + + + + + + Index + Index + Text Search Index + Text search index keyword and excerpt across documents + + + + + + + Excerpt + Excerpt + Surrounding text of the keyword + A passage or segment taken from a document, + + + + + + + Source Updated + Source Updated + Date the source document was updated + + + + + + + + Index Stop + Index Stop + Keyword not to be indexed + Keyword not to be indexed, optional restriced to specific Document Type, Container or Request Type + + + + + + + Tax Correction + Tax Correction + Type of Tax Correction + Determines if/when tax is corrected. Discount could be agreed or granted underpayments; Write-off may be partial or complete write-off. + + + + + + + Content + Content + + + + + + + + + Direct Deploy + Direct Deploy + + + + + + + + + Year + Year + The Fiscal Year + The Year identifies the accounting year for a calendar. + + + + + + + Acct Open Dr + Acct Open Dr + Open Debit in document curreny & rate + + + + + + + + Acct Open Cr + Acct Open Cr + Open Credit in document curreny & rate + + + + + + + + Acct Open Balance + Acct Open Balance + Open Balance in document curreny & rate + + + + + + + + Account Usage + Account Usage + Business Partner Bank Account usage + Determines how the bank account is used. + + + + + + + Create levels sequentially + Sequential + Create Dunning Letter by level sequentially + If selected, the dunning letters are created in the sequence of the dunning levels. Otherwise, the dunning level is based on the days (over)due. + + + + + + + Show All Due + Show All Due + Show/print all due invoices + The dunning letter with this level incudes all due invoices. + + + + + + + Show Not Due + Show Not Due + Show/print all invoices which are not due (yet). + The dunning letter with this level incudes all not due invoices. + + + + + + + Credit Stop + Credit Stop + Set the business partner to credit stop + If a dunning letter of this level is created, the business partner is set to Credit Stop (needs to be manually changed). + + + + + + + Set Payment Term + Set Payment Term + Set the payment term of the Business Partner + If a dunning letter of this level is created, the payment term of this business partner is overwritten. + + + + + + + Collection Status + Collection Status + Invoice Collection Status + Status of the invoice collection process + + + + + + + Ldap Processor + Ldap Processor + LDAP Server to authenticate and authorize external systems based on Adempiere + The LDAP Server allows third party software (e.g. Apache) to use the users defined in the system to authentificate and authorize them. There is only one server per Adempiere system. The "o" is the Client key and the optional "ou" is the Interest Area key. + + + + + + + Ldap Port + Ldap Port + The port the server is listening + The default LDAP port is 389 + + + + + + + Ldap Processor Log + Ldap Log + LDAP Server Log + + + + + + + + Ldap Access + Ldap Access + Ldap Access Log + Access via LDAP + + + + + + + Moderation Type + Moderation Type + Type of moderation + + + + + + + + Chat Entry Parent + Chat Entry Parent + Link to direct Parent + + + + + + + + Chat Entry Grandparent + Chat Entry Grandparent + Link to Grand Parent (root level) + + + + + + + + Chat Entry Type + Chat Entry Type + Type of Chat/Forum Entry + + + + + + + + Moderation Status + Moderation Status + Status of Moderation + + + + + + + + Wiki Token + Wiki Token + Wiki Token + + + + + + + + TokenType + Token Type + Wiki Token Type + + + + + + + + マクロ + マクロ + Macro + + + + + + + + AD_PACKAGE_IMP_INST_ID + AD_PACKAGE_IMP_INST_ID + + + + + + + + + 作成日 + 作成日 + + + + + + + + + PK_Version + PK_Version + + + + + + + + + UpdatedDate + UpdatedDate + + + + + + + + + アンインストール + アンインストール + + + + + + + + + PK_Status + PK_Status + + + + + + + + + 作成者 + 作成者 + + + + + + + + + CreatorContact + CreatorContact + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Imp_Backup_ID + AD_Package_Imp_Backup_ID + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Imp_Detail_ID + AD_Package_Imp_Detail_ID + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Imp_Org_Dir + AD_Package_Imp_Org_Dir + + + + + + + + + ColValue + ColValue + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Imp_ID + AD_Package_Imp_ID + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Imp_Bck_Dir + AD_Package_Imp_Bck_Dir + + + + + + + + + AD_Original_ID + AD_Original_ID + + + + + + + + + Ad_Backup_ID + Ad_Backup_ID + + + + + + + + + 成功 + 成功 + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Exp_ID + AD_Package_Exp_ID + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Type + AD_Package_Type + + + + + + + + + Instructions + Instructions + + + + + + + + + File_Directory + File_Directory + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Exp_Detail_ID + AD_Package_Exp_Detail_ID + + + + + + + + + Destination_FileName + Destination_FileName + + + + + + + + + Destination_Directory + Destination_Directory + + + + + + + + + DBType + DBType + + + + + + + + + Target_Directory + Target_Directory + + + + + + + + + SQLStatement + SQLStatement + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Code_New + AD_Package_Code_New + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Code_Old + AD_Package_Code_Old + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Exp_Common_ID + AD_Package_Exp_Common_ID + + + + + + + + + AD_Override_Dict + AD_Override_Dict + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Dir + AD_Package_Dir + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Imp_Proc_ID + AD_Package_Imp_Proc_ID + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Source + AD_Package_Source + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Source_Type + AD_Package_Source_Type + + + + + + + + + ヘルプの表示 + ヘルプの表示 + + + + + + + + + Jasper Report + Jasper Report + + + + + + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/AD_FieldGroup_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/AD_FieldGroup_Trl_ja_JP.xml index e502f88ddf..ec3628f9e1 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/AD_FieldGroup_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/AD_FieldGroup_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,111 +1,110 @@ - - - - - - - 状態 - - - 数量 - - - - - - 参照 - - - 履歴 - - - 製品 - - - ビジネスパートナー - - - 倉庫 - - - 銀行 - - - 現金出納帳 - - - 税金 - - - プロジェクト - - - 一般 - - - アクション - - - 標準原価 - - - 実際原価 - - - 統計 - - - 初期値 - - - 要求管理 - - - ウェブストア - - - 内部 - - - 外部 - - - 共通 - - - 発送 - - - 文書 - - - ライン - - - シミュレーション - - - 計算 - - - 代理 - - - 配送 - - - 請求 - - - ~のみ - - - 選択 - - - 作業フロー - - - アクセス - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + 状態 + + + 数量 + + + + + + 参照 + + + 履歴 + + + 製品 + + + ビジネスパートナー + + + 倉庫 + + + 銀行 + + + 現金出納帳 + + + 税金 + + + プロジェクト + + + 一般 + + + アクション + + + 標準原価 + + + 実際原価 + + + 統計 + + + 初期値 + + + 要求管理 + + + ウェブストア + + + 内部 + + + 外部 + + + 共通 + + + 発送 + + + 文書 + + + ライン + + + シミュレーション + + + 計算 + + + 代理 + + + 配送 + + + 請求 + + + ~のみ + + + 選択 + + + 作業フロー + + + アクセス + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/AD_Field_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/AD_Field_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 3d075ba81c..91b4d74628 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/AD_Field_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/AD_Field_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,250 +1,253 @@ - - - - - - カラムをリンク - 親テーブルが複数ある場合のカラムのリンクです。 - リンクカラムは、1つ以上の親テーブルがある場合に、どのカラムが主キーであるかを示します。テーブルに1つ以上の親カラム(例えばAD_User_Roles)があるなら、単にそれを定義してください。 - - - 言語 - 複数の言語を利用可能な場合の、このビジネスパートナーのための言語です。 - 言語は、ウィンドウと印刷に使用する言語を決定します。利用者レベルでは、言語を作成/ロードした場合は、複数言語が選択されいる必要があります。 - - - 開始ノード - 作業フローノード、ステップまたはプロセスです。 - 作業フローノードは、作業フローの一意なステップかプロセスを示します。 - - - 課税額 - クレジットカード取引のための税金額 - 課税額は総課税額を表示します。 課税額はクレジットカード処理でのみ使用されます。 - - - 通貨のみ - この通貨のみを許可して、他を制限します。 - 通貨のみフィールドは、この銀行口座がここで決定された通貨だけを許可することを示します。 - - - ビジネスパートナー/営業担当 - 注文を受けたビジネスパートナー(営業担当)を決定します。 - ビジネスパートナーは仕入先、営業担当です。 - - - 承認 - システムが承認したことを示します。 - 承認チェックボックスは、この通知が保持される必要がないかどうかを示します。 - - - 管理カラム - ワークベンチのすべてのタブを制御するカラムです。 - - - - システム名 - あなたのAdempiere Systemインストール名です。(例えばジョーBlockをInc.です) - 契約が複数あるなら名前も複数あります。 - - - 属性セットインスタンス - 製品属性値 - 実際の製品属性値です。製品インスタンス属性は実際の取引で定義されます。 - - - ドキュメント番号 - ドキュメントのドキュメント連続番号 - ドキュメント連続番号は、通常、ドキュメントタイプに基づきシステムにより自動で決定されます。もしドキュメントが保存されないなら、予備の番号が"<>"に表示されます。 もし、ドキュメントのドキュメントタイプが自動の連続番号を持たないなら、新しいレコードを作ったときにフィールドは空になります。ドキュメント番号は、仕入先請求書のように外部番号がある場合に使用されます。連続番号を空にするとシステムが自動で番号をつけます。この後退番号に使用されるドキュメント連続番号は、"ドキュメント番号<テーブル名>"という名前で、"連続番号をメンテナンス"ウィンドウで定義されます。その箇所は、テーブル名が実際のテーブルの名前の箇所です。(例えば C_Order) - - - - 状態値 - - - - プロジェクトを上書き - 会計セグメントのプロジェクトを特定の値で上書きします。 - 上書きされない場合は、オリジナルのアカウント組み合わせの値が使用されます。選択されて特定されていない場合は、セグメントはNULLに設定されます。 - - - 属性セットインスタンス - 製品属性値です。 - 実際の製品属性の値です。 製品インスタンス属性は実際の取引で定義されます。 - - - 言語 - 複数の言語が選択可能ならば、このビジネスパートナーのための言語を選択できます。 - 言語は、ウィンドウと印刷ドキュメントに使用する言語を決定します。クライアントレベルで複数言語を作成、ロード出来ます。 - - - ユーザー名 - ユーザー名 / ログインのために使います。 - ユーザー名 / ログインのために使います。 システム管理者の電子メールです。(ウェブストアで登録されています) - - - 必須項目上書き - 必須ステータスのフィールドを上書きします。 - データベースに保存するにはフィールドは値を持っている必要があります。 - - - 参照の上書き - システムリファレンス - 任意の上書き - 表示タイプを上書きできます。上書きの結果について分かっている場合のみ実行してください。 - - - 検索キー - 要求されたフォーマットでのレコード検索のための検索キーです。 - 7ビットの小文字英数字(最大8文字)がOS名として利用できます。 - - - AD_Package_Exp_ID - - - - - 処理済 - - - - - IsActive - - - - - クライアント - - - - - 組織 - - - - - パッケージ名 - パッケージ名 - - - - ディレクトリ作成 - - - - - 作成者 - パッケージを作成したユーザーです。 - - - - 作成日付 - パッケージが作成された日付です。 - - - - 処理者 - パッケージを処理したユーザーです。 - - - - 処理日付 - パッケージが処理された日付です。 - - - - パッケージの説明 - - - - - パッケージのエクスポート - - - - - AD_Package_Exp_Detail_ID - - - - - 項目名 - - - - - 処理中 - - - - - IsActive - - - - - 処理済 - - - - - パッケージビルドID - - - - - クライアント - - - - - 組織 - - - - - タイプ - - - - - メニュー - - - - - 入力ファイルのディレクトリ - 元ファイルの現在位置です。 - - - - テーブル - - - - - フォーム - - - - - 処理 - - - - - 作業の流れ - - - - - 作業台 - - - - - Notes - - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + カラムをリンク + 親テーブルが複数ある場合のカラムのリンクです。 + リンクカラムは、1つ以上の親テーブルがある場合に、どのカラムが主キーであるかを示します。テーブルに1つ以上の親カラム(例えばAD_User_Roles)があるなら、単にそれを定義してください。 + + + 言語 + 複数の言語を利用可能な場合の、このビジネスパートナーのための言語です。 + 言語は、ウィンドウと印刷に使用する言語を決定します。利用者レベルでは、言語を作成/ロードした場合は、複数言語が選択されいる必要があります。 + + + 開始ノード + 作業フローノード、ステップまたはプロセスです。 + 作業フローノードは、作業フローの一意なステップかプロセスを示します。 + + + 課税額 + クレジットカード取引のための税金額 + 課税額は総課税額を表示します。 課税額はクレジットカード処理でのみ使用されます。 + + + 通貨のみ + この通貨のみを許可して、他を制限します。 + 通貨のみフィールドは、この銀行口座がここで決定された通貨だけを許可することを示します。 + + + ビジネスパートナー/営業担当 + 注文を受けたビジネスパートナー(営業担当)を決定します。 + ビジネスパートナーは仕入先、営業担当です。 + + + 承認 + システムが承認したことを示します。 + 承認チェックボックスは、この通知が保持される必要がないかどうかを示します。 + + + 管理カラム + ワークベンチのすべてのタブを制御するカラムです。 + + + + システム名 + あなたのAdempiere Systemインストール名です。(例えばジョーBlockをInc.です) + 契約が複数あるなら名前も複数あります。 + + + 属性セットインスタンス + 製品属性値 + 実際の製品属性値です。製品インスタンス属性は実際の取引で定義されます。 + + + ドキュメント番号 + ドキュメントのドキュメント連続番号 + ドキュメント連続番号は、通常、ドキュメントタイプに基づきシステムにより自動で決定されます。もしドキュメントが保存されないなら、予備の番号が"<>"に表示されます。 + +もし、ドキュメントのドキュメントタイプが自動の連続番号を持たないなら、新しいレコードを作ったときにフィールドは空になります。ドキュメント番号は、仕入先請求書のように外部番号がある場合に使用されます。連続番号を空にするとシステムが自動で番号をつけます。この後退番号に使用されるドキュメント連続番号は、"ドキュメント番号<テーブル名>"という名前で、"連続番号をメンテナンス"ウィンドウで定義されます。その箇所は、テーブル名が実際のテーブルの名前の箇所です。(例えば C_Order) + + + + 状態値 + + + + プロジェクトを上書き + 会計セグメントのプロジェクトを特定の値で上書きします。 + 上書きされない場合は、オリジナルのアカウント組み合わせの値が使用されます。選択されて特定されていない場合は、セグメントはNULLに設定されます。 + + + 属性セットインスタンス + 製品属性値です。 + 実際の製品属性の値です。 製品インスタンス属性は実際の取引で定義されます。 + + + 言語 + 複数の言語が選択可能ならば、このビジネスパートナーのための言語を選択できます。 + 言語は、ウィンドウと印刷ドキュメントに使用する言語を決定します。クライアントレベルで複数言語を作成、ロード出来ます。 + + + ユーザー名 + ユーザー名 / ログインのために使います。 + ユーザー名 / ログインのために使います。 +システム管理者の電子メールです。(ウェブストアで登録されています) + + + 必須項目上書き + 必須ステータスのフィールドを上書きします。 + データベースに保存するにはフィールドは値を持っている必要があります。 + + + 参照の上書き + システムリファレンス - 任意の上書き + 表示タイプを上書きできます。上書きの結果について分かっている場合のみ実行してください。 + + + 検索キー + 要求されたフォーマットでのレコード検索のための検索キーです。 + 7ビットの小文字英数字(最大8文字)がOS名として利用できます。 + + + AD_Package_Exp_ID + + + + + 処理済 + + + + + IsActive + + + + + クライアント + + + + + 組織 + + + + + パッケージ名 + パッケージ名 + + + + ディレクトリ作成 + + + + + 作成者 + パッケージを作成したユーザーです。 + + + + 作成日付 + パッケージが作成された日付です。 + + + + 処理者 + パッケージを処理したユーザーです。 + + + + 処理日付 + パッケージが処理された日付です。 + + + + パッケージの説明 + + + + + パッケージのエクスポート + + + + + AD_Package_Exp_Detail_ID + + + + + 項目名 + + + + + 処理中 + + + + + IsActive + + + + + 処理済 + + + + + パッケージビルドID + + + + + クライアント + + + + + 組織 + + + + + タイプ + + + + + メニュー + + + + + 入力ファイルのディレクトリ + 元ファイルの現在位置です。 + + + + テーブル + + + + + フォーム + + + + + 処理 + + + + + 作業の流れ + + + + + 作業台 + + + + + Notes + + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/AD_Form_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/AD_Form_Trl_ja_JP.xml index cb3a6ee255..c259a5610c 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/AD_Form_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/AD_Form_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,111 +1,119 @@ - - - - - - 請求書を生成(手動) - 請求書を選択して、生成してください。 - 注文から請求書を生成します。 請求書を作るのために注文を選択してください。 - - - インポートファイルローダー - フラットなファイルをインポートテーブルに読み込むためにロードします。 - インポートファイルローダーは、フラットなファイルの中身を分析して、インポートテーブルにロードします。コメントは'['で始まり、']'で終わり、処理の際には無視されます。例: [Some Heading] - - - 初期のクライアントセットアップ - 初期の新しいクライアント/テナントセットアップです。 - システムの新しいクライアント/テナントをセットアップします。 - - - 材料取引 - 材料取引 - - - - 支払い割り当て - 請求書と支払いを割り当ててください。 - - - - 料金を生成 - 自然な勘定科目から料金を生成します。 - 一般経費勘定科目を使用する新しい料金を生成するために、上側を使用して下さい。自然な勘定科目に基づく料金を生成するために、下側の部分を使用してください。 - - - 支払い印刷/エクスポート - 支払いを印刷するか、またはエクスポートしてください。 - - - - 支払い選択(手動) - 手動の支払い選択です。 - 支払いのための仕入先請求書を選択してください。 請求書を見ないなら、異なった(処理された)支払い選択に含まれていない事を確認してください。 - - - 同一取引の購買注文-領収-請求書 - 購買注文、領収書、仕入先請求書を組み合わせてください。 - 受領と請求が処理されるのを確認してください。 部分的な出荷をマッチさせたいなら、"同じ数量"が選択されないのを確かめてください。 - - - 翻訳インポート/エクスポート - 言語翻訳をインポートまたはエクスポート - 外部ツール内の翻訳用xml へ / から 翻訳情報を インポート / エクスポートします。言語はシステム言語として利用可能で確認されている必要があります。 - - - 出荷を生成(手動) - 出荷を選択、生成します。 - 注文から出荷を生成します。 出荷を生成するために注文を選択してください。 - - - SQLプロセス - SQL文を処理します。 - SQL文を処理します。 - - - 経済主体を併合 - 経済主体同士を併合します。- ~から削除 - <i>危険 -- 今行っている操作は実行すると元に戻せません。</i> 元の経済主体(例えば、顧客 A)のすべての情報が、合併先の経済主体(例えば、顧客 B)に変わります。 元の経済主体(例えば、顧客 A)は削除されます。 <p><b>元に戻したり、変更を追跡することは出来ません。実行前にバックアップしてください。</b>ヒストリーレコードを変更しようとしていることに注意してください。(例えば、請求書など)</p> -<p><b>副作用:</b>合併処理は製品原価をゆがめます。ビジネスパートナーのオープンアイテムバランスが正しくなくなります。 <p><b>制約:</b>会計と請求書の衝突はこのパージョンでは解決されません。 - - - POS - 販売時点情報管理(Point Of Sales)端末 - POS端末を通して取引を入力します。自動的に、スキャンまたはクレジットカードswipesは認識されます。 - - - 部品構成表ドロップ - 部品構成表をドロップします(広げます) - 材料の拡張された部品構成表を注文、請求書などに落とします。ドキュメントは、草案段階にある必要があります。部品構成表に含まれている項目が、注文、請求書などの価格リストに載っていることを確認してください。そうでないと、価格がゼロになります。 - - - ツリーのメンテナンス - 木構造をメンテナンスします。 - 木構造を見て変更してください。特定のウィンドウにある項目をメンテナンスします。 - - - 作業フローエディタ - 作業フローの編集 - 作業フローのグラフィカルなレイアウトを編集してください。 - - - 作業フロー活動 - 作業フロー活動の個人設定です。 - アクティブな作業フローを表示します。 - - - アーカイブビューアー - 自動的に格納されたドキュメントを見てください。 - クライアント自動アーカイブレベルによって、ドキュメントとレポートは、ビューのために保存、利用が可能です。レポートビューアーでは、手動でドキュメントかレポートを格納することができます。オリジナルドキュメントにアクセスする手段を持っている場合にだけ、アーカイブを見ることができます。 - - - パフォーマンスインディケータ - パフォーマンスインディケータを表示します。 - すべてのパフォーマンスインジケーターとゴールを表示します。 - - - 製品属性グリッド - テーブルグリッド内の属性を使って、製品をメンテナンスします。 - 製品属性がテーブルグリッドにある場合は、複数の属性を選択して表示、メンテナンスすることが出来ます。 - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + 請求書を生成(手動) + 請求書を選択して、生成してください。 + 注文から請求書を生成します。 +請求書を作るのために注文を選択してください。 + + + インポートファイルローダー + フラットなファイルをインポートテーブルに読み込むためにロードします。 + インポートファイルローダーは、フラットなファイルの中身を分析して、インポートテーブルにロードします。コメントは'['で始まり、']'で終わり、処理の際には無視されます。例: [Some Heading] + + + 初期のクライアントセットアップ + 初期の新しいクライアント/テナントセットアップです。 + システムの新しいクライアント/テナントをセットアップします。 + + + 材料取引 + 材料取引 + + + + 支払い割り当て + 請求書と支払いを割り当ててください。 + + + + 料金を生成 + 自然な勘定科目から料金を生成します。 + 一般経費勘定科目を使用する新しい料金を生成するために、上側を使用して下さい。自然な勘定科目に基づく料金を生成するために、下側の部分を使用してください。 + + + 支払い印刷/エクスポート + 支払いを印刷するか、またはエクスポートしてください。 + + + + 支払い選択(手動) + 手動の支払い選択です。 + 支払いのための仕入先請求書を選択してください。 請求書を見ないなら、異なった(処理された)支払い選択に含まれていない事を確認してください。 + + + 同一取引の購買注文-領収-請求書 + 購買注文、領収書、仕入先請求書を組み合わせてください。 + 受領と請求が処理されるのを確認してください。 部分的な出荷をマッチさせたいなら、"同じ数量"が選択されないのを確かめてください。 + + + 翻訳インポート/エクスポート + 言語翻訳をインポートまたはエクスポート + 外部ツール内の翻訳用xml へ / から 翻訳情報を インポート / エクスポートします。言語はシステム言語として利用可能で確認されている必要があります。 + + + 出荷を生成(手動) + 出荷を選択、生成します。 + 注文から出荷を生成します。 + 出荷を生成するために注文を選択してください。 + + + SQLプロセス + SQL文を処理します。 + SQL文を処理します。 + + + 経済主体を併合 + 経済主体同士を併合します。- ~から削除 + <i>危険 -- 今行っている操作は実行すると元に戻せません。</i> +元の経済主体(例えば、顧客 A)のすべての情報が、合併先の経済主体(例えば、顧客 B)に変わります。 +元の経済主体(例えば、顧客 A)は削除されます。 +<p><b>元に戻したり、変更を追跡することは出来ません。実行前にバックアップしてください。</b>ヒストリーレコードを変更しようとしていることに注意してください。(例えば、請求書など)</p> + +<p><b>副作用:</b>合併処理は製品原価をゆがめます。ビジネスパートナーのオープンアイテムバランスが正しくなくなります。 +<p><b>制約:</b>会計と請求書の衝突はこのパージョンでは解決されません。 + + + + POS + 販売時点情報管理(Point Of Sales)端末 + POS端末を通して取引を入力します。自動的に、スキャンまたはクレジットカードswipesは認識されます。 + + + 部品構成表ドロップ + 部品構成表をドロップします(広げます) + 材料の拡張された部品構成表を注文、請求書などに落とします。ドキュメントは、草案段階にある必要があります。部品構成表に含まれている項目が、注文、請求書などの価格リストに載っていることを確認してください。そうでないと、価格がゼロになります。 + + + ツリーのメンテナンス + 木構造をメンテナンスします。 + 木構造を見て変更してください。特定のウィンドウにある項目をメンテナンスします。 + + + 作業フローエディタ + 作業フローの編集 + 作業フローのグラフィカルなレイアウトを編集してください。 + + + 作業フロー活動 + 作業フロー活動の個人設定です。 + アクティブな作業フローを表示します。 + + + アーカイブビューアー + 自動的に格納されたドキュメントを見てください。 + クライアント自動アーカイブレベルによって、ドキュメントとレポートは、ビューのために保存、利用が可能です。レポートビューアーでは、手動でドキュメントかレポートを格納することができます。オリジナルドキュメントにアクセスする手段を持っている場合にだけ、アーカイブを見ることができます。 + + + パフォーマンスインディケータ + パフォーマンスインディケータを表示します。 + すべてのパフォーマンスインジケーターとゴールを表示します。 + + + 製品属性グリッド + テーブルグリッド内の属性を使って、製品をメンテナンスします。 + 製品属性がテーブルグリッドにある場合は、複数の属性を選択して表示、メンテナンスすることが出来ます。 + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/AD_InfoColumn_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/AD_InfoColumn_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 89652387b3..8356007851 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/AD_InfoColumn_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/AD_InfoColumn_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/AD_InfoWindow_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/AD_InfoWindow_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 09bb93a6bd..915af035d4 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/AD_InfoWindow_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/AD_InfoWindow_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/AD_Menu_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/AD_Menu_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 670232671f..a6c49b27ee 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/AD_Menu_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/AD_Menu_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,1833 +1,1833 @@ - - - - - - 請求書問い合せ - - - - タスク - タスクをメンテナンスします。 - - - 通貨 - 通貨をメンテナンスします。 - - - 通貨レート - 通貨交換比率をメンテナンスします。 - - - カレンダーと期間 - カレンダーと期間をメンテナンスします。 - - - 会計要素 - 会計要素をメンテナンスします。 - - - 勘定科目の組み合わせ - 有効な勘定科目の組み合わせをメンテナンスします。 - - - 測定単位(UOM) - 測定単位をメンテナンスします。 - - - 住所 - 所在地の住所をメンテナンスします。 - - - 国の地域と市 - 国の地域(県や市など)メンテナンスします。 - - - ビジネスパートナー - ビジネスパートナーをメンテナンスします。 - - - 会計スキーマ - 会計スキーマをメンテナンスします - 変更が有効になるには、再ログインしてください。 - - - テスト - テストスクリーン - - - 添付 - 添付をメンテナンスします。 - - - 設定 - システムクライアント組織とユーザー設定をメンテナンスします。 - - - プロジェクト(サービス) - サービスプロジェクトをメンテナンスします。 - - - 総勘定元帳カテゴリ - 総勘定元帳カテゴリをメンテナンスします。 - - - 総勘定元帳仕訳帳 - 手動仕訳帳科目を入力、変更します。 - - - 活動(ABC) - 活動基準原価計算のための活動をメンテナンスします。 - - - ドキュメントタイプ - ドキュメントタイプをメンテナンスします。 - - - 課税率 - 税金とそれらの率をメンテナンスします。 - - - 税金カテゴリ - 税金カテゴリをメンテナンスします - - - 倉庫 & 場所 - 倉庫と場所をメンテナンスします。 - - - 製品 - 製品をメンテナンスします。 - - - 支払期間 - 支払期間をメンテナンスします。 - - - 荷主 - 荷主をメンテナンスします。 - - - 受注 - 受注を入力、変更してください。 - - - 製品カテゴリ - 製品カテゴリをメンテナンスします。 - - - プライスリスト - 製品プライスリストをメンテナンスします。 - - - 請求書スケジュール - 請求書を送るスケジュールをメンテナンスします。 - - - マーケティング活動 - 販売活動をメンテナンスします。 - - - 一般会計予算 - 一般会計予算をメンテナンスします。 - - - 販売経路 - 販売経路をメンテナンスします。 - - - 販売地域 - 販売地域をメンテナンスします。 - - - 要素 - システム・エレメントをメンテナンスします。 - - - テーブルとカラム - テーブルとカラムをメンテナンスします。 - - - 参照 - システム参照をメンテナンスします。 - - - ウィンドウ、タブ & フィールド - ウィンドウ、タブ、フィールドをメンテナンスします。 - - - 入力値検証ルール - カラムとフィールドに動的な妥当性検証ルールを設定します。 - - - メッセージ - 情報とエラーメッセージをメンテナンスします。 - - - メニュー - メンテナンスメニュー - - - 言語 - 言語を設定してください。 - - - ユーザー - システムのユーザーを設定します。 - - - クライアント - クライアント/テナントをメンテナンスします。 - - - 組織 - 組織をメンテナンスします。 - - - 役割 - ユーザーの権限をメンテナンスします。 - - - ドキュメント連続番号 - システムとドキュメント連続番号をメンテナンスします。 - - - 作業フロー - 作業フローをメンテナンスします。 - - - アプリケーション設定 - アプリケーションの設定を行います。 - - - 一般ルール - - - - システム利用者設定 - システム利用者設定を変更します。 - - - データ - データをメンテナンスします。 - - - パフォーマンス測定 - - - - ユーティリティ - - - - プロジェクト管理 - - - - システムルール - 一般システムルール - - - データのインポート - - - - 会計ルール - - - - ビジネスパートナールール - - - - 見積から請求まで - - - - 資材管理ルール - - - - 会計事実の詳細 - 会計事実にクエリをします。 - - - ツリー - ツリー定義をメンテナンスします。 - - - 銀行 - 銀行をメンテナンスします。 - - - 督促 - 催促レベルをメンテナンスします。 - - - 源泉徴収(1099) - 源泉徴収証明書をメンテナンスします。 - - - 料金 - 料金をメンテナンスします。 - - - 組織ルール - - - - レポート & プロセス - レポート & プロセスをメンテナンスします。 - - - 請求書(販売先) - 販売先請求書エントリー - - - 物理的な在庫 - 物理的な在庫を入力してください。 - - - 出荷(販売先) - 販売先在庫出荷の販売先からの返却です。 - - - 在庫移動 - 在庫移動 - - - 資材管理 - - - - ビジネスパートナーのインポート - ビジネスパートナーをインポートします。 - - - 収益認識 - 収益認識ルール - - - 恒常在庫 - 恒常在庫ルールをメンテナンスします。 - - - 仕入先の詳細 - 仕入先の詳細をメンテナンスします。 - - - 敬称 - 敬称をメンテナンスします。 - - - 請求書を生成 - 開いている注文から請求書を生成して、印刷します。 - - - 出荷を生成 - 開いている注文から出荷を発生して、印刷します。 - - - 受注取引 - 受注取引レポート - - - 開いている注文 - 開いている注文のレポート - - - 在庫補給レポート - 在庫の補充レポートです。 - - - 製品取引概要 - 製品取引概要です。 - - - 処理を要求 - 要求プロセッサを定義してください。 - - - レポートビュー - レポートビューをメンテナンスします。 - - - 請求書取引(Acct) - 会計日付での請求書取引です。 - - - 請求書に対する要求 - - - - 資材領収書 - 仕入先の出荷(領収書)です。 - - - 発注 - 発注を管理します。 - - - 請求書(仕入先) - 仕入先請求書エントリー - - - 毎日の請求書 - 1日単位の請求書の報告です。 - - - 毎月の請求書 - 1月単位の請求書の報告です。 - - - 毎月の製品別請求書 - 1ヶ月あたりの製品カテゴリ別請求書報告です。 - - - 毎週の製品別請求書 - 1週間あたりの製品カテゴリ別請求書報告です。 - - - 毎月の仕入先別請求書 - 1ヶ月あたりの仕入先別製品請求書報告です。 - - - 毎週の請求書 - 1週単位の請求書報告です。 - - - フォーム - 特別なフォーム - - - 請求書を生成(手動) - 請求書を選択して、生成してください。 - - - システム管理設定 - - - - プロジェクトセットアップと使用 - プロジェクトとプロジェクト報告のセットアップです。 - - - Javaバージョン - デフォルトのJavaVMのバージョンを表示します。 - - - エラーメッセージ - エラーメッセージを表示します。 - - - インポートローダー形式 - インポートローダー形式をメンテナンスします。 - - - インポートファイルローダー - フラットなファイルをインポートテーブルにロードします。 - - - 言語初期設定 - システムの新しい言語ををセットアップした後、要素を翻訳してください。 - - - 初期のクライアントセットアップ - 初期の新しいクライアント/テナントセットアップです。 - - - 仕入先選択 - 複数のの仕入先がある製品は仕入先を選択します。 - - - 生産 - 部品構成表に基づく生産です。 - - - 資材取引 - 資材の取引です。 - - - 製品別の四半期の請求販売先 - 四半期単位の販売先と製品カテゴリの請求書レポートです。 - - - 仕入先別の四半期の請求販売先 - 四半期単位の販売先と製品仕入先別の請求書レポートです。 - - - ビジネスパートナーグループ - ビジネスパートナーグループをメンテナンスします。 - - - 通知 - システム通知を表示します。 - - - 銀行取引明細書 - 銀行取引明細書を処理します。 - - - 支払い - 支払いと受領を処理します。 - - - 開いている項目 - 未確定の残高です。 - - - 要求 - 要求に取り組みます。 - - - メールテンプレート - メールテンプレートをメンテナンスします。 - - - カスタム属性 - カスタム事業主体属性をメンテナンスします。 - - - 現金出納帳 - 現金出納帳をメンテナンスします。 - - - 現金仕訳帳 - 現金取引です。 - - - 開いている項目 - 開いている項目(請求書)リストです。 - - - 一致していない支払い - 銀行取引明細書と一致していない支払いです。 - - - 支払い割り当て - 請求書と支払いを割り当てます。 - - - 割り当て - 支払い -請求書- 割り当て です。 - - - フィールドグループ - フィールドグループを定義してください。 - - - ビュー割り当て - ビューと逆転の割り当てです。 - - - 請求書取引(Doc) - 請求書日付で取引の請求書を送ります。 - - - 請求書の詳細と粗利益 - 請求書(ライン)の詳細と粗利益レポート - - - 料金を生成 - 自然な会計から料金を生成します。 - - - 支払い選択 - 支払いのための請求書を選択してください。 - - - 製品取引額 - 製品取引額です。 - - - コミッション - コミッションとロイヤリティをメンテナンスします。 - - - プロジェクト報告 - プロジェクト報告サイクルをメンテナンスします。 - - - プロジェクト状況概要 - プロジェクトサイクルのプロジェクト状況です。 - - - 初期クライアントのセットアップレビュー - 新しいクライアントのシステムレベルセットアップのレビューです。 - - - パートナー関連 - 顧客対応とパートナー管理 - - - コミッション実行 - コミッションをチェック、変更します。 - - - 会計セットアップ - レビューと会計セットアップの変更です。 - - - ビジネスパートナーセットアップ - セットアップビジネスパートナールールです。 - - - 価格リストセットアップ - 価格リストと割引を設定してください。 - - - 製品セットアップ - 製品をセットアップしてください。 - - - 販売セットアップ - 販売をセットアップします。 - - - 税金セットアップ - 税金計算をセットアップします。 - - - サービス - サービス管理です。 - - - 販売とマーケティング - - - - 成績目標 - 成績目標を設定してください。 - - - 成績測定計算 - 成績測定をどのような方法で計算するかを設定してください。 - - - 成績測定セットアップ - 成績測定をセットアップしてください。 - - - 成績分析 - - - - 成績測定 - 成績の測定方法を設定してください。 - - - 財務報告 - - - - 営業報告 - 営業報告をメンテナンスします。 - - - レポートカラムセット - 営業報告カラムセットをメンテナンスします。 - - - レポートラインセット - 営業報告ラインセットをメンテナンスします。 - - - サービスレベル - サービスレベルをメンテナンスします。 - - - 支払い選択(手動) - 手動の支払い選択です。 - - - 支払い印刷/エクスポート - 支払いを印刷、またはエクスポートします。 - - - 現金仕訳帳の詳細 - 詳細な現金仕訳帳の情報です。 - - - データベースのエクスポート - データベースをエクスポートします(保存します)。 - - - 検索(間接的な使用) - ダイアログウィンドウを検索します。(間接的な使用) - - - 材料取引(間接的な使用) - 材料取引です。(間接的な使用) - - - フォームを印刷 - 印刷フォームをメンテナンスします。(請求書、小切手) - - - システムカラー - システムカラーをメンテナンスします。 - - - デスクトップ - デスクトップをメンテナンスします。 - - - システム画像 - 画像とアイコンをメンテナンスします。 - - - 作業台 - 作業台をメンテナンスします。 - - - 販売 - - - - データベース転送 - データベースを転送します。 - - - 用語を同期化 - システムの中で用語を同期させます。 - - - 売掛金帳消し - 開いている売掛金勘定を取り消します。 - - - 仕訳を再送信 - エラーになった仕訳を再送信します。 - - - 勘定科目をリセット - 勘定科目をリセットします。** 開始する前に、会計サーバーを停止してください。** - - - 要求(すべて) - すべての要求の仕事、ビューです。 - - - セットアップを要求 - 要求を処理するためのクライアントをセットアップします。 - - - 割引スキーマ - 取引割引スキーマをメンテナンスします。 - - - 棚卸評価レポート - 棚卸評価レポートです。 - - - 対応している注文-領収書-請求書 - 対応している発注、領収書、仕入先請求書です。 - - - 標準原価アップデート - 標準かつ将来の原価を設定します。 - - - 製品原価計算レポート(旧) - 製品原価報告書です。 - - - 合致した請求書 - 合致した請求書を表示します。 - - - 合致した発注 - 合致した発注を表示します。 - - - 支出タイプ - 経費報告書タイプをメンテナンスします。 - - - 経費報告書 - 時間と経費の報告書です。 - - - 資源 - 資源をメンテナンスします。 - - - 資源タイプ - 資源タイプをメンテナンスします。 - - - DBオブジェクトを再コンパイル - データベースオブジェクトを再コンパイルします。 - - - 印刷フォーマット - 印刷フォーマットをメンテナンスします。 - - - 印刷フォント - 印刷フォントをメンテナンスします。 - - - 印刷カラー - 印刷カラーをメンテナンスします。 - - - 印刷紙 - 印刷紙をメンテナンスします。 - - - 印刷 - 印刷設定です。 - - - 経費(請求予定の) - 販売先へ請求していない経費や料金です。 - - - 経費から受注を作成 - 経費報告書から販売先への受注を作成します。 - - - 未払い金費用請求書を作成 - 従業員に支払うために、経費から未払い金の請求書を作成します。 - - - テーブルフォーマットを印刷 - レポートテーブルフォーマットを定義してください。 - - - リクエストタイプ - リクエストタイプをメンテナンスします。 - - - 対象地域 - 関心がある区域、またはトピックです。 - - - システム - システム定義です。 - - - 受注から発注を生成 - 受注から発注を作成します。 - - - 翻訳インポート/エクスポート - 言語翻訳のインポートまたはエクスポートを行います。 - - - 要求を再開 - 閉じている要求を再開します。 - - - レポートラインセットをインポート - レポートラインセットをインポートします。 - - - 勘定科目のインポート - 自然な勘定科目値をインポートします。 - - - 製品のインポート - 製品をインポートします。 - - - システム翻訳チェック - システム言語翻訳をチェックします。 - - - 資産 - 内部利用または販売先によって使用されている資産です。 - - - 資産グループ - 資産のグループです。 - - - トレーニング - 繰り返されたトレーニングです。 - - - 資産 - - - - 出荷を生成(手動) - 出荷を選択して生成してください。 - - - 請求書を印刷 - 紙に請求書を印刷するか、またはPDFを送ります。 - - - 資産を提供 - 電子的に販売先の資産を提供します。 - - - 経費(未払い) - 返済されていない経費と料金のビューです。 - - - 決算報告 - 帳簿期首残高レポートと取引情報 - - - SQLプロセス - SQL文を実行します。 - - - 会計事実残高 - 会計日計表にクエリします。 - - - 属性セット - 製品属性セットをメンテナンスします。 - - - シリアルナンバー管理 - 製品通し番号を管理します。 - - - ロット管理 - 製品ロットを管理します。 - - - ロット - 製品ロット定義です。 - - - 製品属性 - - - - 属性検索 - 一般的な検索属性です。 - - - 属性 - 製品属性 - - - 支出請求書(アルファ版) - 買掛金支出請求書です。 --これはアルファ版の機能です。 - - - 再帰 - 再帰ドキュメントです。 - - - 役割のデータアクセス - データアクセスルールをメンテナンスします。 - - - 在庫情報をインポート - 在庫取引をインポートします。 - - - プロジェクトタイプ - プロジェクトタイプとフェーズをメンテナンスします。 - - - ラベルを印刷 - ラベル形式を印刷します。 - - - セッション監査 - ユーザセッションの監査です。 - - - セキュリティ - - - - 監査変更 - 監査データを変更します。 - - - 時間のタイプ - 時間の記録方式をメンテナンスします。 - - - 原価タイプ - 原価タイプをメンテナンスします。 - - - 広告 - ウェブ広告です。 - - - ウェブ - - - - 銀行取引明細書をインポート - 銀行取引明細書をインポートします。 - - - 支払いをインポート - 支払いをインポートします。 - - - クリック - ウェブクリックをメンテナンスします。 - - - 注文データのインポート - 注文データをインポートします。 - - - 請求書支払いスケジュール - 請求書支払いスケジュールをメンテナンスします。 - - - 総勘定元帳のインポート - 総勘定元帳をインポートします。 - - - 警告 - Adempiere警告です。 - - - カウンタ - ウェブのカウンタです。 - - - 貨物カテゴリ - 貨物カテゴリをメンテナンスします。 - - - 請求書をインポート - 請求書を取り込みます。 - - - キャッシュリセット - システムのキャッシュをリセットします。** 処理を実行する前にすべてのウィンドウを閉じてください。 ** - - - 会計の面 - 非会計次元ツリーをメンテナンスします。 - - - 複製 - データ複製の対象をメンテナンスします。 - - - データ複製方針 - データの複製方針をメンテナンスします。 - - - プロジェクト(注文) - 受注プロジェクトと工事指図書をメンテナンスします。 - - - 知識ベース - 知識ベースをメンテナンスします。 - - - 知識カテゴリ - 知識カテゴリと値をメンテナンスします。 - - - 知識同義語 - 知識キーワード同義語です。 - - - 知識ソース - 知識エントリーの源泉です。 - - - 知識 - - - - 帳簿残高を更新 - 毎日の帳簿残高を更新します。 - - - ビジネスパートナー情報 - ビジネスパートナーの文書情報です。 - - - 複製セットアップ - データ複製のセットアップです。 - - - メールテキストを送信 - 選択したインターネットまたはビジネスパートナーで、有効な購読者にメールを送信します。 - - - 事業主体を併合 - 2つの事業主体を併合します。 - 削除対象 - - - プロジェクトサイクルレポート - プロジェクトサイクルに基づくレポートプロジェクトです。 - - - 顧客資産 - 配送がある顧客資産をレポートします。 - - - 資産配送の詳細 - 資産配送の詳細をレポートします。 - - - プロジェクトへの問題 - 受領または手動の在庫場所からの、プロジェクトへの材料発行です。 - - - プロジェクトから発注を生成 - プロジェクト詳細から発注を生成します。 - - - プロジェクト詳細会計報告 - プロジェクトの会計事実の詳細です。 - - - 発行されていないプロジェクト詳細 - 作業依頼書または資産プロジェクトの、プロジェクトリストの詳細です。(プロジェクトへ発行されていないものです) - - - 発行されていないプロジェクトの発注 - 作業依頼書または資産プロジェクトの生成された発注が付いている、プロジェクト詳細のリストです。これらはプロジェクトへ発行されていません。 - - - 注文/請求書を再価格設定 - 価格が公開されている注文または請求書の最新価格リストバージョンを基に価格を再計算します。 - - - 見積を変換 - 開いている提案または見積を注文に変換します。 - - - ラベルプリンタ - ラベルプリンタ設定をメンテナンスします。 - - - ドキュメントタイプを確認 - ドキュメントタイプを確認します。 - - - プロジェクト粗利益(作業依頼書) - 作業依頼書プロジェクトライン(計画収入)対プロジェクト問題(コスト)です。 - - - ストレージの詳細 - ストレージ詳細レポートです。 - - - 取引の詳細 - 取引詳細レポートです。 - - - 過去のレポート - 古いレポートです。 - - - 営業担当者情報 - 会社の行為者(販売員)の情報です。 - - - 月間クリック数 - 1ヶ月あたりのクリック数です。 - - - 未処理クリック数 - 処理できなかったクリック数です。 - - - 未送信ドキュメント - 送信されていないドキュメントです。 - - - 通貨タイプ - 通貨の転換レートタイプをメンテナンスします。 - - - POS - Position Of Sales、販売時点情報管理端末です。 - - - ビジネスパートナー組織 - ビジネスパートナーの組織の所有権を設定、確認してください。 - - - 製品組織 - 製品組織の所有権を設定、確認してください。 - - - 倉庫組織 - 倉庫組織の所有権を設定、確認してください。 - - - 銀行取引明細書をロード - 銀行取引明細書をロードします。 - - - インポートを削除 - インポートテーブルのすべてのデータを削除します。 - - - 通貨交換比率のインポート - 通貨交換比率をインポートします。 - - - 部品構成表を表示 - 部品構成表をドロップします。(広げます) - - - 作業フローの責任 - 作業フロー実行の責任です。 - - - 作業フロープロセス - 作業フロープロセスを監視します。 - - - 作業フロー活動(すべて) - すべての作業フロー活動をモニターします。 - - - 登録属性 - 資産の登録属性です。 - - - 登録 - ユーザー資産を登録します。 - - - 請求書税 - 請求書税金の合意です。 - - - 会計事実の詳細 - 会計事実の詳細レポートです。 - - - 1日の会計記録 - 会計日付によってまとめられた会計事実の詳細です。 - - - 期間別の会計事実 - 会計期間によってまとめられた会計事実の詳細です。 - - - 注文を再開 - 以前に閉じた注文を開きます。 - - - 銀行取引明細書の相手 - ビジネスパートナー、請求書、支払いへ銀行取引明細書をマッチさせるためのアルゴリズムです。 - - - 支払いバッチ処理 - EFTのための支払いパッチ処理を実行します。 - - - 作業フロープロセッサ - 作業フロープロセッサとログをメンテナンスします。 - - - 会計プロセッサ - 会計プロセッサとログをメンテナンスします。 - - - 組織タイプ - 組織タイプをメンテナンスします。 - - - オークションの購入者 - オークションの買い手情報をメンテナンスしてください。 - - - オークションの売り手 - オークションの売り手情報をメンテナンスしてください。 - - - パッケージ - 出荷パッケージを管理します。 - - - 発送先リスト - 発送先リストをメンテナンスします。 - - - 警告プロセッサ - 警告プロセッサ/サーバーパラメータとログをメンテナンスします。 - - - トピックに入札 - 入札と出品があるトピックです。 - - - 購読タイプ - 購読タイプをメンテナンスします。 - - - 購読 - 購読と配送をメンテナンスします。 - - - スケジューラー - スケジュールのプロセスとログをメンテナンスします。 - - - パートナー関連 - ビジネスパートナー関連をメンテナンスします。 - - - 見積依頼トピック - 見積依頼トピックと加入者をメンテナンスします。 - - - オークションのトピックタイプ - オークションのトピックタイプとカテゴリをメンテナンスします。 - - - 見積依頼 - 見積り要求を管理します。 - - - 材料返却認可 - 材料返却の承認を管理します。 - - - サーバー - Adempiereサーバーのメンテナンスです。 - - - 受注 - - - - 販売請求書 - - - - 出荷 - - - - 市場 - - - - 連続番号チェック - システムとドキュメント連続番号をチェックします。 - - - 督促実施 - 督促の実施を管理します。 - - - 材料請求 - 材料請求です。 - - - 総勘定元帳分配 - 総勘定元帳の分配です。 - - - ツリーのメンテナンス - ツリー構造をメンテナンスします。 - - - 見積依頼応答 - 見積依頼応答を管理してください。 - - - 見積依頼応答 - 詳細な見積依頼の応答です。 - - - 未回答の見積依頼 - 未払いの見積依頼の応答です。 - - - 作業フローエディタ - 作業フローを編集します。 - - - 作業フロー活動 - 個人の有効な作業フロー活動です。 - - - 公開中の要求 - 公開中の要求情報の詳細です。 - - - 配送実行 - 配送実施は、選択されたパートナーのリストに製品を配送するために注文を作成します。 - - - ビジネスパートナー組織のリンクをはずす - ビジネスパートナーのリンクを組織からはずします。 - - - 月間配送状況 - 1カ月あたりの資産配送の概要レポートです。 - - - アクセス監査 - データ、リソースへのアクセスの監査です。 - - - カウンタドキュメント - カウンタドキュメントタイプをメンテナンスします。 - - - 需要 - 資材の需要をメンテナンスします。 - - - 予測 - 資材の需要予測をメンテナンスします。 - - - 発送/領収の確認/ - 材料の出荷、領収の確認です。 - - - 材料返却認可タイプ - 材料返却認可タイプです。 - - - 公開されている確認の詳細 - 公開されている出荷または領収の確認詳細です。 - - - 公開中の確認 - 公開されている出荷、領収の確認です。 - - - プロセス監査 - プロセスの利用を監査します。 - - - 移動確認 - 在庫移動を確認します。 - - - 印刷フォーマットの詳細 - 印刷フォーマット詳細レポートです。 - - - 確認をインポート - 領収書/出荷確認ラインをインポートします。 - - - パスワードのリセット - ユーザのためにパスワードをリセットします。 - - - SLA評価基準 - サービス・レベル・アグリーメント評価基準です。 - - - パートナーによるSLA - サービス・レベル・アグリーメントです。 - - - 価格リストスキーマ - 価格リストスキーマをメンテナンスします。 - - - POS端末 - POS端末をメンテナンスします。 - - - POSのキーレイアウト - POS機能キーレイアウトです。 - - - 資材領収の詳細 - 資材の領収の詳細情報です。 - - - 出荷の詳細 - 出荷詳細情報です。 - - - 役割のアクセスのアップデート - 役割のアクセス権またはクライアントの役割を更新します。 - - - 割り当てのリセット - 支払い請求書の割り当てをリセット(削除)します。 - - - 自動割り当て - 支払いへの請求書の自動割り当てです。 - - - システム登録 - システムを登録します。 - - - カスタマイズを再適用 - 変更ログでカスタマイズを特定したら、そのカスタマイズを再び使うことができます。 - - - クライアントへの作業フロー - 現在のクライアントにカスタム作業フロー要素を移動します。 - - - 作業フロー - Adempiere 作業フロー - - - 試算表 - 特定の期間、日にち範囲の試算表です。 - - - 内部利用の在庫 - 内部で使用するための在庫を入力してください。 - - - 製品測定単位変換 - 測定単位が異なっていて同じ製品を、保存または包装します。 - - - 督促状を印刷 - 紙またはPDFの督促状を印刷します。 - - - ビジネスパートナー情報を検証 - ビジネスパートナーのデータの一貫性をチェックします。 - - - 注文バッチ処理プロセス - バッチ処理における注文を処理します。 - - - アーカイブビューアー - 自動的に格納されたドキュメントを表示します。 - - - 未割り当ての請求書 - 支払いに割り当てられていない請求書です。 - - - 未割り当ての支払い - 請求書に割り当てられていない支払いです。 - - - 支払明細書 - 支払い詳細のレポートです。 - - - ビジネスパートナーオープン - ビジネスのパートナーオープンの量です。 - - - コミッション実行の詳細 - コミッション実行の詳細レポートです。 - - - ドキュメント翻訳を同期化 - ドキュメント翻訳をシンクロナイズします。 - - - 材料参照 - 材料取引の相互参照です。(中古/資源にされた) - - - 請求書バッチ処理 - 費用請求書バッチ処理 - - - ウィンドウのカスタマイズ - 役割/ユーザのためにウィンドウのカスタマイズを行えます。 - - - EDI定義 - EDI(Electronic Data Interchange) 設定を行います。 - - - EDI取引 - EDI(Electronic Data Interchange)取引です。 - - - 製品コスト - 製品コストをメンテナンスします。 - - - 原価要素 - 製品原価要素をメンテナンスします。 - - - 原価計算 - - - - リクエストステータス - リクエストステータスをメンテナンスします。 - - - 標準のレスポンスを要求 - 要求の標準の応答をメンテナンスします。 - - - 解決を要求 - 要求解決をメンテナンスします。 - - - グループを要求 - 要求グループをメンテナンスします。 - - - カテゴリを要求 - 要求カテゴリをメンテナンスします。 - - - 要求 - - - - ウェブストア - ウェブストアを設定してください。 - - - 役職 - 仕事の役職をメンテナンスします。 - - - 役職のカテゴリ - 仕事の役職カテゴリをメンテナンスします。 - - - 報酬 - 報酬をメンテナンスします。 - - - 部品構成表変更通知 - 部品構成表(エンジニアリング)変更通知(バージョン)をメンテナンスします。 - - - 製品の部品構成表 - 製品の部品構成表をメンテナンスします。 - - - 請求書要求 - 要求のための請求書を作成します。 - - - 変更通知 - (エンジニアリングの)変更通知(バージョン)をメンテナンスしてください。 - - - ストレージクリーンアップ - 在庫ストレージをクリーンアップします。 - - - 未実現利益/損失に請求書を発行 - 実現していな利益/損失に請求書を発行します。 - - - 製品原価 - 製品原価の報告書です。 - - - 製品原価概要 - 製品原価の概略報告です。 - - - 製品原価の詳細 - 製品請求書の詳細価格レポートです。 - - - 注文の詳細 - 注文詳細レポートです。 - - - ビジネスパートナーの詳細 - ビジネスパートナーの詳細レポートです。 - - - 属性セットインスタンス - 属性セットインスタンスの詳細と利用を表示します。 - - - 原価計算レコードを作成 - 原価計算レコードを作成します。 - - - 税金申告 - 税当局への申告を定義してください。 - - - 報告書の階層構造 - 報告書の階層構造を設定してください。 - - - 要求から発注を作成 - 要求から発注を作成してください。 - - - 予算管理 - 予算管理をメンテナンスします。 - - - 総勘定元帳資金(アルファ版) - 資金統制をメンテナンスします。 - - - システムエラーメッセージレポート - 自動的、または手動で作成されたシステムエラーメッセージレポートです。 - - - 四半期請求書製品 - 四半期ごとの製品の請求書レポートです。 - - - 毎月の請求書製品 - 一月ごとの請求書レポートです。 - - - パフォーマンスインディケータ - パフォーマンスインディケータを表示します。 - - - パフォーマンス表示の色スキーマ - パフォーマンス表示の色スキーマをメンテナンスします。 - - - パフォーマンスベンチマーク - パフォーマンスベンチマーク - - - パフォーマンス比率 - パフォーマンス比率をメンテナンスします。 - - - 問題の推薦 - 問題の推薦をメンテナンスします。 - - - 問題のステータス - 問題のステータスをメンテナンスします。 - - - 既知の問題 - 既知の問題をメンテナンスします。 - - - 問題のプロジェクト - 問題のプロジェクトをメンテナンスします。 - - - 問題報告ユーザー - 問題を報告したユーザーです。 - - - 問題システム - システムをメンテナンスします。 - - - 製品属性グリッド - テーブルグリッド内の属性付き製品をメンテナンスします。 - - - 協業 - 協業とコンテンツ管理 - - - テンプレート - - - - メディア項目 - ウェブメディアをメンテナンスします。 - - - ニュースチャネル - ニュースチャネルを定義して、記事を作成、発行します。 - - - Web Ad Management - Content Management Ad Management defines the needed categories and items - - - View Chat - View discussions / chats - - - Web Project - Maintain Web Project (Content Management) - - - Chat Type - Maintain Chat Types - - - Deploy Web Project - Deploy Web Project - - - Verify BOMs - Verify BOM Structures - - - Entity Type - Maintain System Entity Type - - - Web Access - Maintain Web Access - - - Web Broadcast Server - Maintain Web Broadcast Server - - - 情報ウィンドウ - Define Info and search/select Window - - - Text Index - Maintain Text Search Index - - - Text Index Stop - Maintain keywords not to be indexed - - - Text Search Log - View Text Search Log - - - Rebuild Index - - - - LDAP Server - LDAP Server to authenticate and authorize external systems based on Adempiere - - - Application Packaging - Import and export packaging - - - Packages Installed - List of packages installed - - - Package Maintenance - Package installation history and maintenance - - - PackOut - Create a package - Package build Application - - - Common Package Details - Maintain Common Package Details - - - PackIn - Import a package - Imports a package - - - CopyRole - Copy Role - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + 請求書問い合せ + + + + タスク + タスクをメンテナンスします。 + + + 通貨 + 通貨をメンテナンスします。 + + + 通貨レート + 通貨交換比率をメンテナンスします。 + + + カレンダーと期間 + カレンダーと期間をメンテナンスします。 + + + 会計要素 + 会計要素をメンテナンスします。 + + + 勘定科目の組み合わせ + 有効な勘定科目の組み合わせをメンテナンスします。 + + + 測定単位(UOM) + 測定単位をメンテナンスします。 + + + 住所 + 所在地の住所をメンテナンスします。 + + + 国の地域と市 + 国の地域(県や市など)メンテナンスします。 + + + ビジネスパートナー + ビジネスパートナーをメンテナンスします。 + + + 会計スキーマ + 会計スキーマをメンテナンスします - 変更が有効になるには、再ログインしてください。 + + + テスト + テストスクリーン + + + 添付 + 添付をメンテナンスします。 + + + 設定 + システムクライアント組織とユーザー設定をメンテナンスします。 + + + プロジェクト(サービス) + サービスプロジェクトをメンテナンスします。 + + + 総勘定元帳カテゴリ + 総勘定元帳カテゴリをメンテナンスします。 + + + 総勘定元帳仕訳帳 + 手動仕訳帳科目を入力、変更します。 + + + 活動(ABC) + 活動基準原価計算のための活動をメンテナンスします。 + + + ドキュメントタイプ + ドキュメントタイプをメンテナンスします。 + + + 課税率 + 税金とそれらの率をメンテナンスします。 + + + 税金カテゴリ + 税金カテゴリをメンテナンスします + + + 倉庫 & 場所 + 倉庫と場所をメンテナンスします。 + + + 製品 + 製品をメンテナンスします。 + + + 支払期間 + 支払期間をメンテナンスします。 + + + 荷主 + 荷主をメンテナンスします。 + + + 受注 + 受注を入力、変更してください。 + + + 製品カテゴリ + 製品カテゴリをメンテナンスします。 + + + プライスリスト + 製品プライスリストをメンテナンスします。 + + + 請求書スケジュール + 請求書を送るスケジュールをメンテナンスします。 + + + マーケティング活動 + 販売活動をメンテナンスします。 + + + 一般会計予算 + 一般会計予算をメンテナンスします。 + + + 販売経路 + 販売経路をメンテナンスします。 + + + 販売地域 + 販売地域をメンテナンスします。 + + + 要素 + システム・エレメントをメンテナンスします。 + + + テーブルとカラム + テーブルとカラムをメンテナンスします。 + + + 参照 + システム参照をメンテナンスします。 + + + ウィンドウ、タブ & フィールド + ウィンドウ、タブ、フィールドをメンテナンスします。 + + + 入力値検証ルール + カラムとフィールドに動的な妥当性検証ルールを設定します。 + + + メッセージ + 情報とエラーメッセージをメンテナンスします。 + + + メニュー + メンテナンスメニュー + + + 言語 + 言語を設定してください。 + + + ユーザー + システムのユーザーを設定します。 + + + クライアント + クライアント/テナントをメンテナンスします。 + + + 組織 + 組織をメンテナンスします。 + + + 役割 + ユーザーの権限をメンテナンスします。 + + + ドキュメント連続番号 + システムとドキュメント連続番号をメンテナンスします。 + + + 作業フロー + 作業フローをメンテナンスします。 + + + アプリケーション設定 + アプリケーションの設定を行います。 + + + 一般ルール + + + + システム利用者設定 + システム利用者設定を変更します。 + + + データ + データをメンテナンスします。 + + + パフォーマンス測定 + + + + ユーティリティ + + + + プロジェクト管理 + + + + システムルール + 一般システムルール + + + データのインポート + + + + 会計ルール + + + + ビジネスパートナールール + + + + 見積から請求まで + + + + 資材管理ルール + + + + 会計事実の詳細 + 会計事実にクエリをします。 + + + ツリー + ツリー定義をメンテナンスします。 + + + 銀行 + 銀行をメンテナンスします。 + + + 督促 + 催促レベルをメンテナンスします。 + + + 源泉徴収(1099) + 源泉徴収証明書をメンテナンスします。 + + + 料金 + 料金をメンテナンスします。 + + + 組織ルール + + + + レポート & プロセス + レポート & プロセスをメンテナンスします。 + + + 請求書(販売先) + 販売先請求書エントリー + + + 物理的な在庫 + 物理的な在庫を入力してください。 + + + 出荷(販売先) + 販売先在庫出荷の販売先からの返却です。 + + + 在庫移動 + 在庫移動 + + + 資材管理 + + + + ビジネスパートナーのインポート + ビジネスパートナーをインポートします。 + + + 収益認識 + 収益認識ルール + + + 恒常在庫 + 恒常在庫ルールをメンテナンスします。 + + + 仕入先の詳細 + 仕入先の詳細をメンテナンスします。 + + + 敬称 + 敬称をメンテナンスします。 + + + 請求書を生成 + 開いている注文から請求書を生成して、印刷します。 + + + 出荷を生成 + 開いている注文から出荷を発生して、印刷します。 + + + 受注取引 + 受注取引レポート + + + 開いている注文 + 開いている注文のレポート + + + 在庫補給レポート + 在庫の補充レポートです。 + + + 製品取引概要 + 製品取引概要です。 + + + 処理を要求 + 要求プロセッサを定義してください。 + + + レポートビュー + レポートビューをメンテナンスします。 + + + 請求書取引(Acct) + 会計日付での請求書取引です。 + + + 請求書に対する要求 + + + + 資材領収書 + 仕入先の出荷(領収書)です。 + + + 発注 + 発注を管理します。 + + + 請求書(仕入先) + 仕入先請求書エントリー + + + 毎日の請求書 + 1日単位の請求書の報告です。 + + + 毎月の請求書 + 1月単位の請求書の報告です。 + + + 毎月の製品別請求書 + 1ヶ月あたりの製品カテゴリ別請求書報告です。 + + + 毎週の製品別請求書 + 1週間あたりの製品カテゴリ別請求書報告です。 + + + 毎月の仕入先別請求書 + 1ヶ月あたりの仕入先別製品請求書報告です。 + + + 毎週の請求書 + 1週単位の請求書報告です。 + + + フォーム + 特別なフォーム + + + 請求書を生成(手動) + 請求書を選択して、生成してください。 + + + システム管理設定 + + + + プロジェクトセットアップと使用 + プロジェクトとプロジェクト報告のセットアップです。 + + + Javaバージョン + デフォルトのJavaVMのバージョンを表示します。 + + + エラーメッセージ + エラーメッセージを表示します。 + + + インポートローダー形式 + インポートローダー形式をメンテナンスします。 + + + インポートファイルローダー + フラットなファイルをインポートテーブルにロードします。 + + + 言語初期設定 + システムの新しい言語ををセットアップした後、要素を翻訳してください。 + + + 初期のクライアントセットアップ + 初期の新しいクライアント/テナントセットアップです。 + + + 仕入先選択 + 複数のの仕入先がある製品は仕入先を選択します。 + + + 生産 + 部品構成表に基づく生産です。 + + + 資材取引 + 資材の取引です。 + + + 製品別の四半期の請求販売先 + 四半期単位の販売先と製品カテゴリの請求書レポートです。 + + + 仕入先別の四半期の請求販売先 + 四半期単位の販売先と製品仕入先別の請求書レポートです。 + + + ビジネスパートナーグループ + ビジネスパートナーグループをメンテナンスします。 + + + 通知 + システム通知を表示します。 + + + 銀行取引明細書 + 銀行取引明細書を処理します。 + + + 支払い + 支払いと受領を処理します。 + + + 開いている項目 + 未確定の残高です。 + + + 要求 + 要求に取り組みます。 + + + メールテンプレート + メールテンプレートをメンテナンスします。 + + + カスタム属性 + カスタム事業主体属性をメンテナンスします。 + + + 現金出納帳 + 現金出納帳をメンテナンスします。 + + + 現金仕訳帳 + 現金取引です。 + + + 開いている項目 + 開いている項目(請求書)リストです。 + + + 一致していない支払い + 銀行取引明細書と一致していない支払いです。 + + + 支払い割り当て + 請求書と支払いを割り当てます。 + + + 割り当て + 支払い -請求書- 割り当て です。 + + + フィールドグループ + フィールドグループを定義してください。 + + + ビュー割り当て + ビューと逆転の割り当てです。 + + + 請求書取引(Doc) + 請求書日付で取引の請求書を送ります。 + + + 請求書の詳細と粗利益 + 請求書(ライン)の詳細と粗利益レポート + + + 料金を生成 + 自然な会計から料金を生成します。 + + + 支払い選択 + 支払いのための請求書を選択してください。 + + + 製品取引額 + 製品取引額です。 + + + コミッション + コミッションとロイヤリティをメンテナンスします。 + + + プロジェクト報告 + プロジェクト報告サイクルをメンテナンスします。 + + + プロジェクト状況概要 + プロジェクトサイクルのプロジェクト状況です。 + + + 初期クライアントのセットアップレビュー + 新しいクライアントのシステムレベルセットアップのレビューです。 + + + パートナー関連 + 顧客対応とパートナー管理 + + + コミッション実行 + コミッションをチェック、変更します。 + + + 会計セットアップ + レビューと会計セットアップの変更です。 + + + ビジネスパートナーセットアップ + セットアップビジネスパートナールールです。 + + + 価格リストセットアップ + 価格リストと割引を設定してください。 + + + 製品セットアップ + 製品をセットアップしてください。 + + + 販売セットアップ + 販売をセットアップします。 + + + 税金セットアップ + 税金計算をセットアップします。 + + + サービス + サービス管理です。 + + + 販売とマーケティング + + + + 成績目標 + 成績目標を設定してください。 + + + 成績測定計算 + 成績測定をどのような方法で計算するかを設定してください。 + + + 成績測定セットアップ + 成績測定をセットアップしてください。 + + + 成績分析 + + + + 成績測定 + 成績の測定方法を設定してください。 + + + 財務報告 + + + + 営業報告 + 営業報告をメンテナンスします。 + + + レポートカラムセット + 営業報告カラムセットをメンテナンスします。 + + + レポートラインセット + 営業報告ラインセットをメンテナンスします。 + + + サービスレベル + サービスレベルをメンテナンスします。 + + + 支払い選択(手動) + 手動の支払い選択です。 + + + 支払い印刷/エクスポート + 支払いを印刷、またはエクスポートします。 + + + 現金仕訳帳の詳細 + 詳細な現金仕訳帳の情報です。 + + + データベースのエクスポート + データベースをエクスポートします(保存します)。 + + + 検索(間接的な使用) + ダイアログウィンドウを検索します。(間接的な使用) + + + 材料取引(間接的な使用) + 材料取引です。(間接的な使用) + + + フォームを印刷 + 印刷フォームをメンテナンスします。(請求書、小切手) + + + システムカラー + システムカラーをメンテナンスします。 + + + デスクトップ + デスクトップをメンテナンスします。 + + + システム画像 + 画像とアイコンをメンテナンスします。 + + + 作業台 + 作業台をメンテナンスします。 + + + 販売 + + + + データベース転送 + データベースを転送します。 + + + 用語を同期化 + システムの中で用語を同期させます。 + + + 売掛金帳消し + 開いている売掛金勘定を取り消します。 + + + 仕訳を再送信 + エラーになった仕訳を再送信します。 + + + 勘定科目をリセット + 勘定科目をリセットします。** 開始する前に、会計サーバーを停止してください。** + + + 要求(すべて) + すべての要求の仕事、ビューです。 + + + セットアップを要求 + 要求を処理するためのクライアントをセットアップします。 + + + 割引スキーマ + 取引割引スキーマをメンテナンスします。 + + + 棚卸評価レポート + 棚卸評価レポートです。 + + + 対応している注文-領収書-請求書 + 対応している発注、領収書、仕入先請求書です。 + + + 標準原価アップデート + 標準かつ将来の原価を設定します。 + + + 製品原価計算レポート(旧) + 製品原価報告書です。 + + + 合致した請求書 + 合致した請求書を表示します。 + + + 合致した発注 + 合致した発注を表示します。 + + + 支出タイプ + 経費報告書タイプをメンテナンスします。 + + + 経費報告書 + 時間と経費の報告書です。 + + + 資源 + 資源をメンテナンスします。 + + + 資源タイプ + 資源タイプをメンテナンスします。 + + + DBオブジェクトを再コンパイル + データベースオブジェクトを再コンパイルします。 + + + 印刷フォーマット + 印刷フォーマットをメンテナンスします。 + + + 印刷フォント + 印刷フォントをメンテナンスします。 + + + 印刷カラー + 印刷カラーをメンテナンスします。 + + + 印刷紙 + 印刷紙をメンテナンスします。 + + + 印刷 + 印刷設定です。 + + + 経費(請求予定の) + 販売先へ請求していない経費や料金です。 + + + 経費から受注を作成 + 経費報告書から販売先への受注を作成します。 + + + 未払い金費用請求書を作成 + 従業員に支払うために、経費から未払い金の請求書を作成します。 + + + テーブルフォーマットを印刷 + レポートテーブルフォーマットを定義してください。 + + + リクエストタイプ + リクエストタイプをメンテナンスします。 + + + 対象地域 + 関心がある区域、またはトピックです。 + + + システム + システム定義です。 + + + 受注から発注を生成 + 受注から発注を作成します。 + + + 翻訳インポート/エクスポート + 言語翻訳のインポートまたはエクスポートを行います。 + + + 要求を再開 + 閉じている要求を再開します。 + + + レポートラインセットをインポート + レポートラインセットをインポートします。 + + + 勘定科目のインポート + 自然な勘定科目値をインポートします。 + + + 製品のインポート + 製品をインポートします。 + + + システム翻訳チェック + システム言語翻訳をチェックします。 + + + 資産 + 内部利用または販売先によって使用されている資産です。 + + + 資産グループ + 資産のグループです。 + + + トレーニング + 繰り返されたトレーニングです。 + + + 資産 + + + + 出荷を生成(手動) + 出荷を選択して生成してください。 + + + 請求書を印刷 + 紙に請求書を印刷するか、またはPDFを送ります。 + + + 資産を提供 + 電子的に販売先の資産を提供します。 + + + 経費(未払い) + 返済されていない経費と料金のビューです。 + + + 決算報告 + 帳簿期首残高レポートと取引情報 + + + SQLプロセス + SQL文を実行します。 + + + 会計事実残高 + 会計日計表にクエリします。 + + + 属性セット + 製品属性セットをメンテナンスします。 + + + シリアルナンバー管理 + 製品通し番号を管理します。 + + + ロット管理 + 製品ロットを管理します。 + + + ロット + 製品ロット定義です。 + + + 製品属性 + + + + 属性検索 + 一般的な検索属性です。 + + + 属性 + 製品属性 + + + 支出請求書(アルファ版) + 買掛金支出請求書です。 --これはアルファ版の機能です。 + + + 再帰 + 再帰ドキュメントです。 + + + 役割のデータアクセス + データアクセスルールをメンテナンスします。 + + + 在庫情報をインポート + 在庫取引をインポートします。 + + + プロジェクトタイプ + プロジェクトタイプとフェーズをメンテナンスします。 + + + ラベルを印刷 + ラベル形式を印刷します。 + + + セッション監査 + ユーザセッションの監査です。 + + + セキュリティ + + + + 監査変更 + 監査データを変更します。 + + + 時間のタイプ + 時間の記録方式をメンテナンスします。 + + + 原価タイプ + 原価タイプをメンテナンスします。 + + + 広告 + ウェブ広告です。 + + + ウェブ + + + + 銀行取引明細書をインポート + 銀行取引明細書をインポートします。 + + + 支払いをインポート + 支払いをインポートします。 + + + クリック + ウェブクリックをメンテナンスします。 + + + 注文データのインポート + 注文データをインポートします。 + + + 請求書支払いスケジュール + 請求書支払いスケジュールをメンテナンスします。 + + + 総勘定元帳のインポート + 総勘定元帳をインポートします。 + + + 警告 + Adempiere警告です。 + + + カウンタ + ウェブのカウンタです。 + + + 貨物カテゴリ + 貨物カテゴリをメンテナンスします。 + + + 請求書をインポート + 請求書を取り込みます。 + + + キャッシュリセット + システムのキャッシュをリセットします。** 処理を実行する前にすべてのウィンドウを閉じてください。 ** + + + 会計の面 + 非会計次元ツリーをメンテナンスします。 + + + 複製 + データ複製の対象をメンテナンスします。 + + + データ複製方針 + データの複製方針をメンテナンスします。 + + + プロジェクト(注文) + 受注プロジェクトと工事指図書をメンテナンスします。 + + + 知識ベース + 知識ベースをメンテナンスします。 + + + 知識カテゴリ + 知識カテゴリと値をメンテナンスします。 + + + 知識同義語 + 知識キーワード同義語です。 + + + 知識ソース + 知識エントリーの源泉です。 + + + 知識 + + + + 帳簿残高を更新 + 毎日の帳簿残高を更新します。 + + + ビジネスパートナー情報 + ビジネスパートナーの文書情報です。 + + + 複製セットアップ + データ複製のセットアップです。 + + + メールテキストを送信 + 選択したインターネットまたはビジネスパートナーで、有効な購読者にメールを送信します。 + + + 事業主体を併合 + 2つの事業主体を併合します。 - 削除対象 + + + プロジェクトサイクルレポート + プロジェクトサイクルに基づくレポートプロジェクトです。 + + + 顧客資産 + 配送がある顧客資産をレポートします。 + + + 資産配送の詳細 + 資産配送の詳細をレポートします。 + + + プロジェクトへの問題 + 受領または手動の在庫場所からの、プロジェクトへの材料発行です。 + + + プロジェクトから発注を生成 + プロジェクト詳細から発注を生成します。 + + + プロジェクト詳細会計報告 + プロジェクトの会計事実の詳細です。 + + + 発行されていないプロジェクト詳細 + 作業依頼書または資産プロジェクトの、プロジェクトリストの詳細です。(プロジェクトへ発行されていないものです) + + + 発行されていないプロジェクトの発注 + 作業依頼書または資産プロジェクトの生成された発注が付いている、プロジェクト詳細のリストです。これらはプロジェクトへ発行されていません。 + + + 注文/請求書を再価格設定 + 価格が公開されている注文または請求書の最新価格リストバージョンを基に価格を再計算します。 + + + 見積を変換 + 開いている提案または見積を注文に変換します。 + + + ラベルプリンタ + ラベルプリンタ設定をメンテナンスします。 + + + ドキュメントタイプを確認 + ドキュメントタイプを確認します。 + + + プロジェクト粗利益(作業依頼書) + 作業依頼書プロジェクトライン(計画収入)対プロジェクト問題(コスト)です。 + + + ストレージの詳細 + ストレージ詳細レポートです。 + + + 取引の詳細 + 取引詳細レポートです。 + + + 過去のレポート + 古いレポートです。 + + + 営業担当者情報 + 会社の行為者(販売員)の情報です。 + + + 月間クリック数 + 1ヶ月あたりのクリック数です。 + + + 未処理クリック数 + 処理できなかったクリック数です。 + + + 未送信ドキュメント + 送信されていないドキュメントです。 + + + 通貨タイプ + 通貨の転換レートタイプをメンテナンスします。 + + + POS + Position Of Sales、販売時点情報管理端末です。 + + + ビジネスパートナー組織 + ビジネスパートナーの組織の所有権を設定、確認してください。 + + + 製品組織 + 製品組織の所有権を設定、確認してください。 + + + 倉庫組織 + 倉庫組織の所有権を設定、確認してください。 + + + 銀行取引明細書をロード + 銀行取引明細書をロードします。 + + + インポートを削除 + インポートテーブルのすべてのデータを削除します。 + + + 通貨交換比率のインポート + 通貨交換比率をインポートします。 + + + 部品構成表を表示 + 部品構成表をドロップします。(広げます) + + + 作業フローの責任 + 作業フロー実行の責任です。 + + + 作業フロープロセス + 作業フロープロセスを監視します。 + + + 作業フロー活動(すべて) + すべての作業フロー活動をモニターします。 + + + 登録属性 + 資産の登録属性です。 + + + 登録 + ユーザー資産を登録します。 + + + 請求書税 + 請求書税金の合意です。 + + + 会計事実の詳細 + 会計事実の詳細レポートです。 + + + 1日の会計記録 + 会計日付によってまとめられた会計事実の詳細です。 + + + 期間別の会計事実 + 会計期間によってまとめられた会計事実の詳細です。 + + + 注文を再開 + 以前に閉じた注文を開きます。 + + + 銀行取引明細書の相手 + ビジネスパートナー、請求書、支払いへ銀行取引明細書をマッチさせるためのアルゴリズムです。 + + + 支払いバッチ処理 + EFTのための支払いパッチ処理を実行します。 + + + 作業フロープロセッサ + 作業フロープロセッサとログをメンテナンスします。 + + + 会計プロセッサ + 会計プロセッサとログをメンテナンスします。 + + + 組織タイプ + 組織タイプをメンテナンスします。 + + + オークションの購入者 + オークションの買い手情報をメンテナンスしてください。 + + + オークションの売り手 + オークションの売り手情報をメンテナンスしてください。 + + + パッケージ + 出荷パッケージを管理します。 + + + 発送先リスト + 発送先リストをメンテナンスします。 + + + 警告プロセッサ + 警告プロセッサ/サーバーパラメータとログをメンテナンスします。 + + + トピックに入札 + 入札と出品があるトピックです。 + + + 購読タイプ + 購読タイプをメンテナンスします。 + + + 購読 + 購読と配送をメンテナンスします。 + + + スケジューラー + スケジュールのプロセスとログをメンテナンスします。 + + + パートナー関連 + ビジネスパートナー関連をメンテナンスします。 + + + 見積依頼トピック + 見積依頼トピックと加入者をメンテナンスします。 + + + オークションのトピックタイプ + オークションのトピックタイプとカテゴリをメンテナンスします。 + + + 見積依頼 + 見積り要求を管理します。 + + + 材料返却認可 + 材料返却の承認を管理します。 + + + サーバー + Adempiereサーバーのメンテナンスです。 + + + 受注 + + + + 販売請求書 + + + + 出荷 + + + + 市場 + + + + 連続番号チェック + システムとドキュメント連続番号をチェックします。 + + + 督促実施 + 督促の実施を管理します。 + + + 材料請求 + 材料請求です。 + + + 総勘定元帳分配 + 総勘定元帳の分配です。 + + + ツリーのメンテナンス + ツリー構造をメンテナンスします。 + + + 見積依頼応答 + 見積依頼応答を管理してください。 + + + 見積依頼応答 + 詳細な見積依頼の応答です。 + + + 未回答の見積依頼 + 未払いの見積依頼の応答です。 + + + 作業フローエディタ + 作業フローを編集します。 + + + 作業フロー活動 + 個人の有効な作業フロー活動です。 + + + 公開中の要求 + 公開中の要求情報の詳細です。 + + + 配送実行 + 配送実施は、選択されたパートナーのリストに製品を配送するために注文を作成します。 + + + ビジネスパートナー組織のリンクをはずす + ビジネスパートナーのリンクを組織からはずします。 + + + 月間配送状況 + 1カ月あたりの資産配送の概要レポートです。 + + + アクセス監査 + データ、リソースへのアクセスの監査です。 + + + カウンタドキュメント + カウンタドキュメントタイプをメンテナンスします。 + + + 需要 + 資材の需要をメンテナンスします。 + + + 予測 + 資材の需要予測をメンテナンスします。 + + + 発送/領収の確認/ + 材料の出荷、領収の確認です。 + + + 材料返却認可タイプ + 材料返却認可タイプです。 + + + 公開されている確認の詳細 + 公開されている出荷または領収の確認詳細です。 + + + 公開中の確認 + 公開されている出荷、領収の確認です。 + + + プロセス監査 + プロセスの利用を監査します。 + + + 移動確認 + 在庫移動を確認します。 + + + 印刷フォーマットの詳細 + 印刷フォーマット詳細レポートです。 + + + 確認をインポート + 領収書/出荷確認ラインをインポートします。 + + + パスワードのリセット + ユーザのためにパスワードをリセットします。 + + + SLA評価基準 + サービス・レベル・アグリーメント評価基準です。 + + + パートナーによるSLA + サービス・レベル・アグリーメントです。 + + + 価格リストスキーマ + 価格リストスキーマをメンテナンスします。 + + + POS端末 + POS端末をメンテナンスします。 + + + POSのキーレイアウト + POS機能キーレイアウトです。 + + + 資材領収の詳細 + 資材の領収の詳細情報です。 + + + 出荷の詳細 + 出荷詳細情報です。 + + + 役割のアクセスのアップデート + 役割のアクセス権またはクライアントの役割を更新します。 + + + 割り当てのリセット + 支払い請求書の割り当てをリセット(削除)します。 + + + 自動割り当て + 支払いへの請求書の自動割り当てです。 + + + システム登録 + システムを登録します。 + + + カスタマイズを再適用 + 変更ログでカスタマイズを特定したら、そのカスタマイズを再び使うことができます。 + + + クライアントへの作業フロー + 現在のクライアントにカスタム作業フロー要素を移動します。 + + + 作業フロー + Adempiere 作業フロー + + + 試算表 + 特定の期間、日にち範囲の試算表です。 + + + 内部利用の在庫 + 内部で使用するための在庫を入力してください。 + + + 製品測定単位変換 + 測定単位が異なっていて同じ製品を、保存または包装します。 + + + 督促状を印刷 + 紙またはPDFの督促状を印刷します。 + + + ビジネスパートナー情報を検証 + ビジネスパートナーのデータの一貫性をチェックします。 + + + 注文バッチ処理プロセス + バッチ処理における注文を処理します。 + + + アーカイブビューアー + 自動的に格納されたドキュメントを表示します。 + + + 未割り当ての請求書 + 支払いに割り当てられていない請求書です。 + + + 未割り当ての支払い + 請求書に割り当てられていない支払いです。 + + + 支払明細書 + 支払い詳細のレポートです。 + + + ビジネスパートナーオープン + ビジネスのパートナーオープンの量です。 + + + コミッション実行の詳細 + コミッション実行の詳細レポートです。 + + + ドキュメント翻訳を同期化 + ドキュメント翻訳をシンクロナイズします。 + + + 材料参照 + 材料取引の相互参照です。(中古/資源にされた) + + + 請求書バッチ処理 + 費用請求書バッチ処理 + + + ウィンドウのカスタマイズ + 役割/ユーザのためにウィンドウのカスタマイズを行えます。 + + + EDI定義 + EDI(Electronic Data Interchange) 設定を行います。 + + + EDI取引 + EDI(Electronic Data Interchange)取引です。 + + + 製品コスト + 製品コストをメンテナンスします。 + + + 原価要素 + 製品原価要素をメンテナンスします。 + + + 原価計算 + + + + リクエストステータス + リクエストステータスをメンテナンスします。 + + + 標準のレスポンスを要求 + 要求の標準の応答をメンテナンスします。 + + + 解決を要求 + 要求解決をメンテナンスします。 + + + グループを要求 + 要求グループをメンテナンスします。 + + + カテゴリを要求 + 要求カテゴリをメンテナンスします。 + + + 要求 + + + + ウェブストア + ウェブストアを設定してください。 + + + 役職 + 仕事の役職をメンテナンスします。 + + + 役職のカテゴリ + 仕事の役職カテゴリをメンテナンスします。 + + + 報酬 + 報酬をメンテナンスします。 + + + 部品構成表変更通知 + 部品構成表(エンジニアリング)変更通知(バージョン)をメンテナンスします。 + + + 製品の部品構成表 + 製品の部品構成表をメンテナンスします。 + + + 請求書要求 + 要求のための請求書を作成します。 + + + 変更通知 + (エンジニアリングの)変更通知(バージョン)をメンテナンスしてください。 + + + ストレージクリーンアップ + 在庫ストレージをクリーンアップします。 + + + 未実現利益/損失に請求書を発行 + 実現していな利益/損失に請求書を発行します。 + + + 製品原価 + 製品原価の報告書です。 + + + 製品原価概要 + 製品原価の概略報告です。 + + + 製品原価の詳細 + 製品請求書の詳細価格レポートです。 + + + 注文の詳細 + 注文詳細レポートです。 + + + ビジネスパートナーの詳細 + ビジネスパートナーの詳細レポートです。 + + + 属性セットインスタンス + 属性セットインスタンスの詳細と利用を表示します。 + + + 原価計算レコードを作成 + 原価計算レコードを作成します。 + + + 税金申告 + 税当局への申告を定義してください。 + + + 報告書の階層構造 + 報告書の階層構造を設定してください。 + + + 要求から発注を作成 + 要求から発注を作成してください。 + + + 予算管理 + 予算管理をメンテナンスします。 + + + 総勘定元帳資金(アルファ版) + 資金統制をメンテナンスします。 + + + システムエラーメッセージレポート + 自動的、または手動で作成されたシステムエラーメッセージレポートです。 + + + 四半期請求書製品 + 四半期ごとの製品の請求書レポートです。 + + + 毎月の請求書製品 + 一月ごとの請求書レポートです。 + + + パフォーマンスインディケータ + パフォーマンスインディケータを表示します。 + + + パフォーマンス表示の色スキーマ + パフォーマンス表示の色スキーマをメンテナンスします。 + + + パフォーマンスベンチマーク + パフォーマンスベンチマーク + + + パフォーマンス比率 + パフォーマンス比率をメンテナンスします。 + + + 問題の推薦 + 問題の推薦をメンテナンスします。 + + + 問題のステータス + 問題のステータスをメンテナンスします。 + + + 既知の問題 + 既知の問題をメンテナンスします。 + + + 問題のプロジェクト + 問題のプロジェクトをメンテナンスします。 + + + 問題報告ユーザー + 問題を報告したユーザーです。 + + + 問題システム + システムをメンテナンスします。 + + + 製品属性グリッド + テーブルグリッド内の属性付き製品をメンテナンスします。 + + + 協業 + 協業とコンテンツ管理 + + + テンプレート + + + + メディア項目 + ウェブメディアをメンテナンスします。 + + + ニュースチャネル + ニュースチャネルを定義して、記事を作成、発行します。 + + + Web Ad Management + Content Management Ad Management defines the needed categories and items + + + View Chat + View discussions / chats + + + Web Project + Maintain Web Project (Content Management) + + + Chat Type + Maintain Chat Types + + + Deploy Web Project + Deploy Web Project + + + Verify BOMs + Verify BOM Structures + + + Entity Type + Maintain System Entity Type + + + Web Access + Maintain Web Access + + + Web Broadcast Server + Maintain Web Broadcast Server + + + 情報ウィンドウ + Define Info and search/select Window + + + Text Index + Maintain Text Search Index + + + Text Index Stop + Maintain keywords not to be indexed + + + Text Search Log + View Text Search Log + + + Rebuild Index + + + + LDAP Server + LDAP Server to authenticate and authorize external systems based on Adempiere + + + Application Packaging + Import and export packaging + + + Packages Installed + List of packages installed + + + Package Maintenance + Package installation history and maintenance + + + PackOut - Create a package + Package build Application + + + Common Package Details + Maintain Common Package Details + + + PackIn - Import a package + Imports a package + + + CopyRole + Copy Role + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/AD_Message_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/AD_Message_Trl_ja_JP.xml index e8a79b1f43..c3d1e021ca 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/AD_Message_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/AD_Message_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,3180 +1,3209 @@ - - - - - - 0 - - - - 1 - - - - 2 - - - - 3 - - - - 4 - - - - 5 - - - - 6 - - - - 7 - - - - 8 - - - - 9 - - - - このアプリケーションについて - - - - アクセス - - - - レコードを変更できません。 - 権限がありません。 - - - このレコードを削除することができません。 - 権限がありません。 - - - このレコードを挿入することができません。 - 権限がありません。 - - - このレコードを更新することができません。 - 権限がありません。 - - - クライアント & 組織データ - - - - 監査理由のためこのファイルのレコードを削除することができません。 - トランザクションでないなら、'アクティブ'フラグを選択解除することでレコードを非活性化することができます。 - - - 組織データ - - - - 共有されたデータ - - - - システムデータ - - - - システム & クライアントデータ - - - - 現在のログイン権限では、この情報を更新することができません。 - 権限がありません。 - - - 現在ログインしている役割と設定では、この情報を見ることができません。 - 権限がありません(ログインした役割は情報アクセスを許可されていません)プロフィールを設定してください(例えば、あなたが会計帳簿を見たいなら、会計表示(Show Accounting)を設定しなければなりません) - - - Adempiere, Inc. - http://www.adempiere.org - - - 40 Old Tannery Rd Monroe CT 06460 USA - 電話:(203)445-8182 - - - Adempiere Online - - - - 勘定科目組み合わせ - - - - 新しい勘定科目を作成、または別名を更新 - - - - アカウントは更新されませんでした。 - - - - アカウントビューアー - - - - この操作は、この操作の流れにおいては許容されていません。 - - - - この操作はサポートされません。 - - - - アドレス - - - - &詳細検索 - - - - 別名 - - - - すべてのレコード - - - - 一致した請求書、支払い相手、プロセスを選択するときの設定をしてください。 - - - - レコードを変更できませんでした。 - - - - - - - - 支払い金額 - - - - 支払い量 - - - - 量から - - - - ~からの量 - - - - アプリケーション - - - - 適用されました。 - - - - 最初のレコード - - - - 最後のレコード - - - - 添付 - - - - この(完全)添付を削除しますか? - - - - この経済主体に添付するファイルを選択してください。 - - - - 添付ファイルは見つかりませんでした。 - - - - この経済主体に添付を加えることが出来ません。 - この実体は、付属が単一のキーを必要として、この経済主体は、おそらく(2個のキーがある)関連付けがあるか、または一意な数値キーがないです。 - - - 自動帳消し - 開いている項目を閉じるための、帳消し量の自動計算です。 - - - 自動コミット - データの自動保存です。 - - - 自動ログイン - 現在のユーザIDで自動的にログインします。 - - - 利用可能な選択 - - - - ビジネスパートナーが見つかりません。 - - - - ビジネスパートナーは保存されませんでした。 - - - - バーに追加 - - - - 棒グラフ - - - - バーから削除 - - - - ビジネスパートナー - - - - 計算機 - - - - カレンダー - - - - &キャンセル - - - - &クエリーをキャンセル - - - - ドキュメントタイプを変えることができません。 - - - - このレコードを削除することができません。(e-activateが出来るかもしれません) - - - - 完成した/処理されたトランザクションを削除することができません。 - - - - 現金出納帳の変更は無視されました。 -トランザクションの完成の後にだけ現金出納帳を変えてください。 - - - - 作成された料金 - - - - アカウントから料金を作成してください。 - - - - 料金を生成してください。 - - - - アカウントと料金を作成してください。 - - - - 作成されなかった料金 - - - - - - - - クライアント - - - - 共有されたサービス - - - - ウィンドウを閉じる - - - - 組み合わせ - - - - 接続 - - - - コンタクト - - - - コントロール量はバランスと異なっています。 - - - - 通貨変換ルーチンを実行している間のエラー - - - - 変換されました。 - - - - コピーされました。 - - - - &レコードをコピー - - - - コピーされたレコードを更新して、保存または破棄してください。 - - - - コピーすることができませんでした: - - - - - - - - 作成します。 - - - - 新しいレコードを作成 - - - - 作成されました。 - - - - クレジットカード有効期限切れ日付フォーマットは"MMYY"(月日)です。 - - - - クレジットカード有効期限切れ日付の月が正しくありません。 - - - - クレジットカード有効期限切れ日付の年が正しくありません。 - - - - クレジットカードは期限切れです。 - - - - クレジットカード番号が不正です。 - - - - クレジットカード番号に問題があります。 -続けますか? - - - - クレジットカード番号妥当性検証コードが正しくありません。 - AMEXカードには、クレジットカード番号のすぐ上に、4ケタの印刷された妥当性検証番号があります。他のカードでは、クレジットカード番号の後に署名フィールドで印刷された3桁の数です。 - - - 注意: 信用限度額を超えています - - - - 通貨の変換 - - - - 現在の設定 - - - - カスタマイズ - - - - データベースエラー - - - - データベースから再クエリされたデータ - - - - データベース - - - - 日付 - - - - 日付から - - - - 日付へ - - - - 追跡レベル - - - - デフォルトエラー - - - - &レコードを削除 - - - - レコードを削除することができませんでした: - - - - レコードは削除されませんでした--依存するレコードがあります。 - - - - レコードを削除しますか? - - - - 削除されました。 - - - - 説明 - - - - 詳細レコード - - - - 違い - - - - 取引割引 - - - - 割り引き日付 - - - - カテゴリ割引無効(100より大きい、または小さい) - - - - ドキュメントフィールドを表示 - - - - 数量を表示 - - - - ソースフィールドを表示 - - - - 文書は処理中です。 - - - - コピー - - - - ドリル - - - - EFT - - - - メール - - - - サポートのためにメールする - - - - &編集 - - - - エディタ - - - - ウィンドウを終了 - - - - クエリを入力 - - - - ツリー内を検索するために文字を入力 - - - - 環境 - - - - エラー: - - - - クエリを実行してください。 - - - - アプリケーション終了 - - - - 本当にアプリケーションを終了しますか? - - - - すべてを広げる - - - - &ツリー構造を広げる - - - - 費用 - - - - 期限切れ(MMYY) - - - - エクスポート - - - - Excelにエクスポートする - - - - レコードをエクスポートする - - - - プロセスは失敗しました: - - - - フィールド - - - - &ファイル - - - - csv (Excel Comma Separated Values)ファイル - - - - ファイルを作成することができません。 - - - - html - HTMLファイル - - - - インポートファイルローダー - - - - <ロードするためにファイルを選択してください> - - - - インポート形式に合うファイル選択してください。 - - - - インポート形式を選択してください。 - - - - ファイル内の行 / インポートのための読み込み、準備がされています: - - - - 無効のファイル拡張子 - - - - pdf--アクロバットPDFファイル - - - - ps--Postscriptファイル - - - - rtf--リッチテキストフォーマットファイル - - - - txt--タブで区切られたファイル - - - - ファイル書き込みエラー - - - - xml--XMLファイル - - - - 必須のフィールドを入力してください: - - - - &レコードを検索 - - - - 利用可能なカラム - - - - カラムを選択して、注文(order)します。 - - - - 選択されたカラム - - - - 検索をカスタマイズ - - - - 列を選択するか、または検索評価基準を入力してください。 - - - - % ワイルドカードを任意で付けてQuery評価基準を入力してください(大文字小文字を区別しない) - - - - レコードは見つかりませんでした - - - - 最初のレコード - - - - 最初のページ - - - - From - - - - コールアウト(呼び出し)は見つかりませんでした - - - - コールアウト(呼び出し)ファンクションエラー - - - - 生成 - - - - 移動 - - - - ページに移動 - - - - 名前のためのカラム(横軸) - - - - 敬称 - - - - 概要 - - - - グループ分け - - - - 見出し - - - - &ヘルプ - - - - 過去のレコード&Y records - - - - &メニュー - - - - ホスト - - - - &変更を戻す - - - - 変更を無視することができませんでした: - - - - 変更は無視されました - - - - フィールド - - - - アカウントフィールド - - - - ビジネスパートナー情報 - - - - 出荷フィールド - - - - 請求書フィールド - - - - オーダーフィールド - - - - 支払いフィールド - - - - &情報 - - - - 挿入されました - - - - 請求書を作成(手動) - - - - 請求書を作成中 - - - - 請求書は、"注文"にある"請求書ルール"に基づいて生成されます。 - - - - 請求書生成のために出荷を選択してください。 - - - - 一つまたは複数の製品が、カウントリストの中に複数あります(重複しています)。ラインは非活性化しました。 - - - - 請求書 - - - - この請求書のための受領(出荷)は既に存在しています。 - - - - 最初にドキュメントを完成してください。 - - - - 項目をここに挿入してください。 - - - - 商品を移動 - - - - 最後のレコード - - - - 最後のページ - - - - 長さ - - - - レベル - - - - 読み込み - - - - ロードしています - - - - 所在地/住所 - - - - 新しい所在地/住所を入力してください。 - - - - 所在地/住所の更新 - - - - ログイン - - - - ログイン(成功) - - - - 粗利益 - - - - ~からマッチ - - - - 検索モード - - - - ~へマッチ - - - - マッチしました - - - - マッチング - - - - &メニュー - - - - メニューに戻る - - - - メニューはロードされませんでした: - - - - メッセージは送信されませんでした。 - -問題: - - - - メッセージは送信されました。 - - - - メッセージ - - - - 表形式 - - - - 複数通貨 - - - - いいえ - - - - &名前 - - - - ナビゲート - - - - レコードを更新・操作してください - - - - <クエリーがアクティブ>レコードを更新・操作してください。 - - - - &新規レコード - - - - 新しいレコードのためにデータを入力して保存するか、または廃棄してください。 - - - - 新しいレコードを追加できませんでした: - - - - 新しい値 - - - - 次のレコード - - - - 次のページ - - - - 次の連続番号が見つかりませんでした。 - システム管理者に連絡してください。 - - - いいえ - - - - メッセージが見つかりません - - - - 行数 - - - - 支払回数 - - - - レコードが見つかりません。新しく入力してください。 - - - - 有効な会計情報が見つかりませんでした。 - - - - アクティブでない - - - - 十分なストックではありません: - - - - * 見つけられません。* - - - - マッチしませんでした。 - - - - 一意でない: - - - - 行 x 列の数 - - - - &OK - - - - 古い/完成したトランザクションを表示 - - - - 古い値 - - - - オンライン - - - - 顧客のみ - - - - 満期の請求書のみ - - - - 仕入先のみ - - - - 開く - - - - 開く - - - - オプション - - - - 並べ替え - - - - {0} 行--{1,number,#,##0.00} --合計: {2,number,#,##0.00} {3} = {4,number,#,##0.00} - - - - 組織 - - - - このレコードのための別のプロセスがアクティブです。後で再試行してください。 - - - - ページ - - - - ページブレーク - - - - {N}ページ中{P} - - - - 2ページ - - - - 全体のページ - - - - ページ幅 - - - - パラメタ - - - - エラー: パラメタがありません。 - - - - 親レコード - - - - パスワード - - - - 支払い - - - - 支払い割り当て - - - - 銀行口座番号は有効ではありません。 - - - - 銀行小切手番号は有効ではありません。 - - - - 銀行ルート設定番号は有効ではありません。 - - - - 取引を完了した後に、支払いを入力してください。 - - - - 支払いを作成します: - - - - 支払い割り引き - - - - 支払いを処理するとき、エラーが発生しました: - - - - この支払いタイプのための支払い処理がありません。 - 銀行口座のために支払い処理を作成してください。 - - - 支払いプロセスは失敗しました。 - - - - 支払いは正常に処理されました。 - - - - 量はゼロです。 -取引を完了した後に、支払いを入力してください。 - - - - 次のカレンダー期間は見つかりませんでした。 - 将来の期間をセットアップしてください。 - - - カレンダー期間が見つかりません。 - カレンダーのセットアップと会計スキーマをチェックしてください。同様に、クライアントまたは組織へ割り当てられた会計スキーマもチェックしてください。 - - - この会計日付のための有効な期間がありません。 - カレンダーセットアップをチェックしてください。 - - - 円グラフ - - - - 会計を見るには、ドキュメントが、完成しているか、閉じていなければなりません。 - - - - 会計エントリーを、今、転記して作成しますか? - - - - 転記: サーバエラー - - - - 郵便番号 - - - - 郵便番号+4 - - - - 転記エラー - - - - 転記エラー - - - - 転記エラー: 源泉は貸借が合いませんでした。 - - - - 転記エラー:源泉の通貨は互換性がありません。 - 源泉の通貨から、会計表示に使っている通貨への、為替レートを定義してください。 - - - 転記エラー: 無効な勘定科目 - 勘定科目は有効ではなくなっています。元に戻すか新しいものを選んでください。 - - - 転記エラー: 期間は閉じています。 - (再び)期間を開くか、会計日付を変更してください。 - - - 設定 - - - - 設定 - - - - 前のレコード - - - - 前のページ - - - - 価格履歴 - - - - 価格リストバージョン - - - - アクティブ、または有効なバージョンは価格リストを見つけられませんでした。 - - - - &印刷 - - - - レポートをカスタマイズ - - - - 定義済み[表示済み] - - - - 請求書を印刷 - - - - 最新の請求書だけを印刷しますか? -(いいえ: オーダーのすべての請求書を印刷します) - - - - 画面を印刷 - - - - 印刷時のセットアップ - - - - 出荷を印刷 - - - - 印刷されました - - - - プリンタ - - - - 印刷中 - - - - プリントアウトはOKですか? - - - - プロセス - - - - プロセスは取り消されました。 - - - - プロセスは失敗しました。 - - - - プロセスを開始できません。(プロセス名がありません) - - - - プロセスは成功しました。 - - - - 実行中にプロセスが失敗しました。 - - - - エラー: - - - - 情報: - - - - 警告: - - - - プロセスを送信することができませんでした。 - - - - 処理中… お待ちください… - - - - 利用可能 - - - - 数量 - - - - クエリ入力 - - - - クエリキャンセル - - - - クエリ入力 - - - - クエリ評価基準を入力 - - - - クエリ実行 - - - - クエリ内に含める - - - - 与えられた評価基準のレコードがありません。クエリ評価基準を変えますか? - - - - レコードは読み取り専用です。 - - - - 再び投稿 - - - - 再び投稿、はこのドキュメントのための会計を再作成します。 - - - - レコード - - - - レコードにアクセス中に問題が発生: - - - - レコードを発見 - - - - レコードは保存されました。 - - - - レコード(複数) - - - - 再&クエリ - - - - すべて再クエリ - - - - データを再クエリできませんでした: - - - - データは再クエリされました。 - - - - データを再クエリしています… - - - - 県/州 - - - - 残っています。 - - - - 送金通知書 - - - - &レポート - - - - レポート検索 - - - - レポートをPDF、CSV、HTMLまたはTXTファイルとして保存 - - - - レポート - - - - E Mailを送ることができませんでした。 - - - - {0}から{1}へメールします。 - - - - E Mailを送ることができません: -送信元(from)アドレスがありません--ユーザーをチェックしてください。 - - - - E Mailを送ることができません: -Server(SMTP)が見つかりません。 - - - - EMailを送ることができません: -送付先(to)アドレスがありません--連絡をチェックしてください。 - - - - EMailは送信されました。 - - - - 要求{0}は、{1}により、{2}から{3}へ移動しました。 - - - - 警告: 要求{0}は、期限が過ぎた状態です。 - - - - 要求{0}は、{1}へ上昇しました。 - - - - 必要な情報を入力してください: - - - - 収入 - - - - ドキュメントにより逆にされました。 - - - - 役割とクライアント/組織が、矛盾しています。 - - - - 利用可能なクレジット - - - - 製品は、予約されたか、すでに提供されたか、または請求書を送られました。量をゼロに設定してください。 -詳細: - - - - キーフィールド内のエントリーは一意ではありませんでした。- その値のレコードは既に存在しています。 -詳細: - - - - レコードは他のレコードによって参照されています。 -詳細: - - - - 同じビジネスパートナー - - - - 同じ製品 - - - - 同じ量 - - - - &変更を保存 - - - - 変更を保存しますか? - - - - クッキーの中にフィールドを保存 - - - - 変更したデータを保存することができませんでした: - - - - 変更したデータを保存することができませんでした--クエリの後にデータが変更されました。 - システムはレコードを再クエリします。 - - - レコードを保存することができませんでした - 一意なデータが必要です: - 情報を変えてください。 - - - レコード保存されませんでした。行が見つかりません! - - - - 保存されませんでした。 - - - - レコードを投稿できません。 - - - - レコードは保存されました。 - - - - スキーマ - - - - スクリプト - - - - スクリプトエディタ - - - - スクリプトエラー - - - - スクリプトヘルプ - - - - 結果 - - - - 結果変数 - - - - 利用可能な変数 - - - - レコードを探す - - - - 検索評価基準 - - - - レコードの場所を見つけることができませんでした: - - - - すべての / どれでも(AND / OR) - - - - すべての評価基準に合うものを検索(AND)、または、いずれかの評価基準に合うものを検索(OR) - - - - 探すものは何もありません - - - - レコードを選択してリターンしてください。 - - - - クエリエラー--間違った評価基準が入力された可能性があります。 - - - - 行が発見されました--クエリ評価基準を入力してください( % は任意です) - - - - 選択 - - - - 利用可能な選択肢 - - - - ドキュメントを選択 - - - - ファイルを選択 - - - - エントリーを検索して選択 - - - - メニュー項目を選択 - - - - プログラムを選択 - - - - セレクトウィンドウのためのカラムを選択 - - - - 移動したいカラムを選択されたボックスに移動して、連続番号を整列します。 - - - - 選択された選択肢 - - - - 選択されました。 - - - - メールを送信 - - - - メールを送信 - - - - 連続番号 - - - - ドキュメント連続番号を見つけることができませんでした: - ドキュメント定義とドキュメント連続番号規則をチェックしてください。 - - - 次のテーブルID連続番号を見つけることができませんでした。 - システム管理者に問い合わせてください。 - - - 以下の理由ために連続番号をを見つけることができませんでした: - - - - オブジェクトをサーバに作成 - 複雑なオブジェクトをアプリケーションサーバーに作成(遅い通信回線) - - - 最初にドキュメントが完成している必要があります。 - - - - 会計タブを表示 - 会計情報を表示します。 - - - 翻訳タブを表示 - 翻訳情報を表示します。 - - - 1つのレコードを表示 - - - - 並べ替え - - - - 並べ替え済み - - - - 標準 - - - - 開始 - - - - プロセスを開始しますか? - - - - 選択したレポートを開始 - - - - レポートを開始 - - - - 検索を開始... - - - - 対象 - - - - プロセスは成功しました。 - - - - 合計 - - - - システム - - - - タブ - - - - タスクを実行することができません: - - - - タスク - - - - 税金の評価基準が見つかりません。 - - - - 税金が見つかりません。 - - - - テスト - - - - タイムアウト - 後で結果をチェックしてください。 - - - - ~へ - - - - 今日 - - - - &ツール - - - - 合計 - - - - Trx - - - - ユーザーインタフェーステーマ - ウィンドウ - メタル - Adempiere - - - 限度価格の下 - - - - 更新 - - - - コピー、セーブ、無視したレコードのためにデータを更新 - - - - アップデートしました。 - - - - ユーザー - - - - ユーザーインタフェース - - - - ユーザー定義のメッセージ - - - - ユーザーとパスワードが一致しません。 - - - - 支払い印刷/エクスポート - - - - いくつかの支払いのため、すべての送金ラインの十分な余地はありませんでした。 -別々の送金忠告を印刷しますか? - - - - この銀行勘定と支払いルールのための銀行勘定ドキュメント(小切手)がありません。 - - - - 印刷/インポートに利用可能な支払いがありません。 - - - - 送金忠告を印刷しますか? - - - - EFT支払いを生成 - - - - 支払い印刷は正しいですか? - - - - 支払い選択(手動) - - - - 支払い選択から支払いを生成しますか? - - - - ドキュメントがある銀行口座がありません。(例:小切手) - - - - 生成した支払いを印刷 / エクスポートしますか? - - - - 初期クライアントセットアップ - - - - 材料取引フィールド - - - - &キー - - - - 値の設定 - - - - 設定は削除されました。 - - - - 設定されました。 - - - - 設定の値は見つかりませんでした。 - - - - 設定の値はセットされませんでした。 - - - - レベルのために - - - - &ビュー - - - - グラフ - - - - 選択と表示基準を入力して、クエリを開始してください。 - - - - &クエリーを入力 - - - - 結果表示 - - - - 作業フローを開始出来ません。定義が正しくありません。 - - - - 作業フローを終了 - - - - 次の作業フローステップ - - - - 前の作業フローステップ - - - - 作業フローの始まりに戻る - - - - 依存するフィールド選択が、役割の変更のログイン後に空のままで残っているなら、ブラウザをアップグレードして -ください。 - - - - データベースは現在利用できません。 - - - - 支払いを待つ(必要ならオーダーを終えることができます) - - - - &倉庫 - - - - レコード情報 - - - - ウィンドウ - - - - 帳消し - - - - はい - - - - はい - - - - &拡大 - - - - ドキュメントズーム - - - - of - - - - 最新のShipmentだけを印刷しますか? -(いいえ: オーダーのすべての出荷を印刷してください) - - - - リソース課題 - - - - {0} 行目 - 合計:{1,number,#,##0.00} {2} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - リソースフィールド - - - - リソースは、利用可能でないか、またはアクティブではありません。 - - - - リソースは入手できません。 - - - - 営業日でない - - - - 空いていない時間 - - - - 空いていない日 - - - - スケジュールフィールド - - - - 風景 - - - - 肖像 - - - - いいえ通貨の間のCurrency Conversion Rateが見つけた - - - - オペレータ - - - - クエリ値 - - - - 値についてクエリするために - - - - 妥当性検証エラー - - - - データは船をこぎます。 - - - - データカラム - - - - いいえDocument Print Formatが定義した - - - - 印刷様式を翻訳してください。 - Multi舌のDocumentを有効にさせないなら、あなたはここでReportを翻訳することができます。 - - - - - 翻訳してください。 - - - - 新しいレポート - - - - 平均 - - - - カウント - - - - スクリーンショット - - - - データベースバージョンエラー - このプログラムは、データベースがバージョン{0}であると想定しますが、 - -データベースは、バージョン{1}です。 -これは修復不能なエラーを起こす可能性があります。 - -ただちに停止しデータベースをデータを移行してください。 - - - 印刷プレビューを常に表示 - 直接印刷しません。(文書だとしても) - - - すべて - - - - - - - - ヒストリー内でどのくらい戻りますか? - 過去のヒストリーレコードを見ます。 - - - 合わせるために - - - - パスワードを保存 - ログイン簡略化のためにパスワードを保存します。(セキュリティリスクがあります) - - - 現金仕訳帳フィールド - - - - リソースフィールド - - - - 絶対量 - - - - インポート - - - - エラー - - - - 購買 - - - - アプリケーションサーバーが見つかりませんでした。 - - - - 任意 - - - - 負荷会計値 - 形式: Accounting__.csv - - - Tax Exempt Rateがみつかりません。(免税の課税率を定義します) - - - - データベース接続がありません。 - - - - 出荷を生成します。 - - - - 命令を選択して、出荷を生成してください。 - - - - 注文での「配送規則」選択によって、出荷は生成されます。 - - - - 出荷 - - - - 発信します。 - - - - あなたは、選択を制限する必要があります。 - - - - 期首残高 - - - - 根拠のない議論--パラメタをチェックしてください。 - - - - (二者択一)である既存の製品選択があれば、料金を選択することができません。料金は、それの自身の詳細を持つ必要があります。 - (二者択一)である既存の製品選択があれば、料金を選択することができません。料金は、それの自身の詳細を持つ必要があります。 - - - 支払いドキュメントタイプと請求書タイプ(売掛金/買掛金)は矛盾しています。 - 支払いドキュメントタイプと請求書タイプ(売掛金/買掛金)は矛盾しています。 - - - (re) 請求書を選択してください。 - - - - オンライン支払いは失敗しました。 - - - - 読み込みエラー - - - - 合併されます。削除側です。 - - - - 合併します。存続側です。 - - - - 合併元経済主体から 合併先経済主体へに合併しますか? - -** 元に戻せません。バックアップする必要があります。** - - - - 合併成功 - - - - 合併エラー - 再確認してください: - - - - 言語セットアップエラー - 言語セットアップをチェックしてください。 - - - 製品属性セットの定義がありません。 - - - - 製品特質情報がありません。 - - - - 選択できる属性を持った製品がありません。 - - - - 文脈 - - - - 資産フィールド - - - - リセット - - - - 製品特質 - - - - 製品特質インスタンス - - - - SQL声明 - - - - 個人的なレコードロック - - - - 製品属性フィールド - - - - この情報のためにレポートを作成することができません。 - 権限がありません。 - - - この情報をエクスポートすることができません。 - 権限がありません。 - - - クライアントデータ - - - - アクセスダイアログを記録します。 - - - - 役割のフィールド - - - - 含める - - - - 除外する - - - - 辞書メンテナンス - 内部のAdempiere 辞書メンテナンス用です--選択しないでください。 - - - 翻訳なし - - - - 既存のレコードを選択してください。 - - - - 新しいレコード - - - - レコードを編集 - - - - すべてを表示 - - - - ドキュメントは、必須項目ではない製品属性セットインスタンスを持っています。--最初に完成させてください。 - - - - 既存のレコードを選択します。 - - - - サイズ - - - - 太字 - - - - イタリック体 - - - - アンダーライン - - - - フォントファミリー - - - - フォント様式 - - - - - - - - 中央 - - - - - - - - 整列 - - - - フォント - - - - セットアップではなくレプリケーションのシステム(ログを見てください) - - - - 平均 - - - - 最小限 - - - - 最大 - - - - 変化 - - - - Std.Deviation - - - - 実行中合計 - - - - 製品を選択してください。 - - - - 総VMメモリ{0,number,integer} kB - kBを解放してください {1,number,integer} - - - - ssv--セミコロン区切りファイル。 - - - - ディスクへ添付を保存します。 - - - - この添付エントリーを削除しますか? - - - - jpg--JPEG形式の画像ファイルです。 - - - - {1}のために{0}をダウンロードします。 - -Version = {2} - Lot = {3} - SerNo = {4} -保証日付 = {5,date,short} - -Adempiere Customer Asset Management をご利用いただきありがとうございます。 - - - - - - 開いている量のかなりの割合を帳消ししています。 - 手動で帳消しを入力するために、自動帳消しを選択解除します。 - - - 応答 - - - - 転送 - - - - 活動を1つも持っていません。 - - - - 作業フロー活動 - - - - 作業フロー結果 - - - - 転送できません。 - - - - このレコードのアクティブな作業フローが存在しています(最初に完成させてください): - - - - 期間は閉じました。 - - - - アクティブ &作業フロー - - - - このレコードのためのズーム対象がありません。 - - - - &横切ってズーム (使われた所) - - - - 注文 - - - - カウンタドキュメント - - - - ウィンドウのサイズを設定してください。 - - - - すべてのユーザー用にウィンドウサイズを設定してください。 -(デフォルトにリセットするために、キャンセルしてください) - - - - 使用されている勘定科目は文書管理です。 - 手動の帳簿のために使わないでください。 - - - - 倉庫組織は文書組織ではありません。 - - - - ビジネスパートナーは信用停止状態です。 - - - - ビジネスパートナーは信用保持状態です。 - - - - 信用保持の上にこの注文があるビジネスパートナー - - - - 信用保持の上に開いた出荷があるビジネスパートナー - - - - 請求書を送られていない量 - - - - 古いパスワードは入力必須です。 - - - - 古いパスワードは合いません。 - - - - ユーザーのために定義されたPOS端末はありません。 - - - - POS端末を選択 - - - - レジ - - - - 概要 - - - - &製品 - - - - &ビジネスパートナー - - - - チェックアウト - - - - 与えられた現金 - - - - リターン - - - - 現金 - - - - 期限切れ mm/YY - - - - 現在の行 - - - - ログアウト - - - - プラス(加えます) - - - - マイナス(引きます) - - - - 製品属性セットに、インスタンス属性がありません。(例:シリアルナンバー) - - - - 利用可能な在庫がありません: - - - - 製品測定単位は、最も小さい測定単位である必要があります。 - 分割比率は>= 1 (Rate must be >= 1 )である必要があり、常に、有効な測定単位の中にある結果です。 -例: それぞれ(Each)を対(Pair)に変換するための乗算比率は0.5です。 - - - 開始場所の測定単位として、製品測定単位を選択: - - - - 未確認の注文数量 - - - - 在庫補給 - - - - {0}を要求-- 支払わなくてはならない - - - - 不活発警戒: 要求{0} - - - - 作業フローは有効ではありません。 - - - - 不活発警戒: 作業フロー活動{0} - - - - 作業フロー活動の警告: 最大待ち時間は終わりました。{0} - - - - 優先順位を超えた作業フロー活動の警告 {0} - - - - 失敗 - - - - ** voided 無効 - - - - 貸借が一致しない仕訳帳と仮勘定は利用不可です。 - 貸借が一致しない仕訳帳と仮勘定が利用不可です。 - - - 選択 - - - - 表示 - - - - 製品リストに製品がありません。 - - - - 追加されました。 - - - - 会計セットアップを作成中のエラーです。 -エラーログとAccounting*.cvsファイルの形式をチェックしてください。 - 重複した勘定科目が存在せず、すべてデフォルト勘定科目が含まれていなければなりません。(使用しなかたとしても) - - - - 内部利用の在庫のために、料金を設定する必要があります。 - - - - ファイルを保存 - - - - エラーのみ - - - - 追跡レベル - 追跡情報の詳細 - 通常はINFOで十分です。 - - - 追跡情報 - - - - ファイル追跡 - Compiereディレクトリ、またはユーザホームディレクトリにト追跡ファイルを作成します。 - - - サーバーでプロセス実行 - プロセスをアプリケーションサーバで実行します。(遅い通信回線) - - - 新しい要求を作成 - - - - すべての要求を表示 - - - - アクティブな要求を表示 - - - - ドキュメント - - - - レポート - - - - このレコードのためのアーカイブがありません。 - - - - &要求をチェック - - - - &圧縮されたドキュメント/レポート - - - - 圧縮されたドキュメント - - - - アーカイブエラー - - - - すべてのレポート - - - - 組織*(0)は許容されません。 - - - - クレジットメモ - - - - {0} 行 {1,number,#,##0.00} - 合計: {2,number,#,##0.00} - - - - '移行後'プロセスを開始するために、OKを押してください。この処理は数分かかります。 - - - - 無効: - - - - リソース割り当ては、削除できませんでした。それは注文か請求で使用されている可能性があります。 -注文 / 請求書ラインを割当とともに削除してください。 - - - - はい - - - - いいえ - - - - アップデートを要求 - - - - アドバンスタブを表示 - マッチング、割当など、高度な機能性があるタブを表示します。 - - - 状態タイムアウトを要求 - - - - ドキュメントステータスは変更されました。 - レコードを再クエリしてください。 - - - - 大量のレコードを検索します。- -続けますか? - - - - 新しいノードを作成 - - - - ノードを削除 - - - - 線を追加 - - - - 線を削除 - - - - 承認されませんでした。 - - - - 約束するために利用可能です。 - - - - 不十分な手持ちの数量 - - - - 支払いは割り当てられました。(料金、請求書、注文) - - - - 原価レベルはクライアントレベルで定義されます。 - 組織や属性を指定することはできません。 - - - - このレコードを削除することができません。(使用されています) - - - - レコードは既に存在しています。 - - - - このインターネットエリアに加入しました。加入をやめるには、ログインして、インターネットエリアに行って、加入中止(Un-subscribe)をクリックしてください。 - - - - フォース(Force) - - - - 役割で許容されている以上のレコードが返されました。 - 再クエリしてください。 - - - - 自動新規レコード - レコードが存在しないとき、自動的に新しいレコードを作成します。 - - - 投稿を強制 - ロッキングを上書きします。 - - - - 代替 - - - - 未確認の移動 - - - - 接続プロフィールは変更されました - 有効にするために再ログインする必要があります。 - - - - 作業フロー & 活動 - - - - &作業フロー - - - - &検索 - - - - 最初に親タブを選択してください: - - - - 依存するタブを選択する前に、親タブを選択してください。 - - - - &OK - - - - &文書番号 - - - - ウィンドウをキャッシュ - クライアントにおけるウィンドウのキャッシュ定義です。 - - - &性能 - - - - システム名 - あなたのAdempiere Systemインストールに名前をつけてください。例えば、ジョーBlock Inc.と命名してください。 - - - 既存のサポート契約 - Adempiere サポートに申し込みをしてください。 - また、商品開発もサポートできます。 - - - サポートされたユーザー - サポート契約購入の最大ユーザ数 - - - Insufficient Inventory Available: - - - - Document Processed - - - - Not reserved - - - - Process started ... still running (requery later) - - - - Start as Background Process - - - - Attribute Grid - - - - Mode - - - - View - - - - Create PO - - - - Price update - - - - URL not valid or cannot be displayed. - - - - No Document Lines found - - - - Chat - - - - Not Valid - - - - Scheduler Result - - - - Bank account for business partner not found - - - - User EMail address was not verified - Please verify EMail - - - - User Subscription not found - - - - Select &All - - - - Close All Windows - - - - Close Other Windows - - - - Validate Connection on Startup - - - - Single Instance per Window - - - - Open Window Maximized - - - - Delete Selected Items - - - - Save Parent Tab First - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + 0 + + + + 1 + + + + 2 + + + + 3 + + + + 4 + + + + 5 + + + + 6 + + + + 7 + + + + 8 + + + + 9 + + + + このアプリケーションについて + + + + アクセス + + + + レコードを変更できません。 + 権限がありません。 + + + このレコードを削除することができません。 + 権限がありません。 + + + このレコードを挿入することができません。 + 権限がありません。 + + + このレコードを更新することができません。 + 権限がありません。 + + + クライアント & 組織データ + + + + 監査理由のためこのファイルのレコードを削除することができません。 + トランザクションでないなら、'アクティブ'フラグを選択解除することでレコードを非活性化することができます。 + + + 組織データ + + + + 共有されたデータ + + + + システムデータ + + + + システム & クライアントデータ + + + + 現在のログイン権限では、この情報を更新することができません。 + 権限がありません。 + + + 現在ログインしている役割と設定では、この情報を見ることができません。 + 権限がありません(ログインした役割は情報アクセスを許可されていません)プロフィールを設定してください(例えば、あなたが会計帳簿を見たいなら、会計表示(Show Accounting)を設定しなければなりません) + + + Adempiere, Inc. + http://www.adempiere.org + + + 40 Old Tannery Rd Monroe CT 06460 USA + 電話:(203)445-8182 + + + Adempiere Online + + + + 勘定科目組み合わせ + + + + 新しい勘定科目を作成、または別名を更新 + + + + アカウントは更新されませんでした。 + + + + アカウントビューアー + + + + この操作は、この操作の流れにおいては許容されていません。 + + + + この操作はサポートされません。 + + + + アドレス + + + + &詳細検索 + + + + 別名 + + + + すべてのレコード + + + + 一致した請求書、支払い相手、プロセスを選択するときの設定をしてください。 + + + + レコードを変更できませんでした。 + + + + + + + + 支払い金額 + + + + 支払い量 + + + + 量から + + + + ~からの量 + + + + アプリケーション + + + + 適用されました。 + + + + 最初のレコード + + + + 最後のレコード + + + + 添付 + + + + この(完全)添付を削除しますか? + + + + この経済主体に添付するファイルを選択してください。 + + + + 添付ファイルは見つかりませんでした。 + + + + この経済主体に添付を加えることが出来ません。 + この実体は、付属が単一のキーを必要として、この経済主体は、おそらく(2個のキーがある)関連付けがあるか、または一意な数値キーがないです。 + + + 自動帳消し + 開いている項目を閉じるための、帳消し量の自動計算です。 + + + 自動コミット + データの自動保存です。 + + + 自動ログイン + 現在のユーザIDで自動的にログインします。 + + + 利用可能な選択 + + + + ビジネスパートナーが見つかりません。 + + + + ビジネスパートナーは保存されませんでした。 + + + + バーに追加 + + + + 棒グラフ + + + + バーから削除 + + + + ビジネスパートナー + + + + 計算機 + + + + カレンダー + + + + &キャンセル + + + + &クエリーをキャンセル + + + + ドキュメントタイプを変えることができません。 + + + + このレコードを削除することができません。(e-activateが出来るかもしれません) + + + + 完成した/処理されたトランザクションを削除することができません。 + + + + 現金出納帳の変更は無視されました。 + +トランザクションの完成の後にだけ現金出納帳を変えてください。 + + + + 作成された料金 + + + + アカウントから料金を作成してください。 + + + + 料金を生成してください。 + + + + アカウントと料金を作成してください。 + + + + 作成されなかった料金 + + + + + + + + クライアント + + + + 共有されたサービス + + + + ウィンドウを閉じる + + + + 組み合わせ + + + + 接続 + + + + コンタクト + + + + コントロール量はバランスと異なっています。 + + + + 通貨変換ルーチンを実行している間のエラー + + + + 変換されました。 + + + + コピーされました。 + + + + &レコードをコピー + + + + コピーされたレコードを更新して、保存または破棄してください。 + + + + コピーすることができませんでした: + + + + + + + + 作成します。 + + + + 新しいレコードを作成 + + + + 作成されました。 + + + + クレジットカード有効期限切れ日付フォーマットは"MMYY"(月日)です。 + + + + クレジットカード有効期限切れ日付の月が正しくありません。 + + + + クレジットカード有効期限切れ日付の年が正しくありません。 + + + + クレジットカードは期限切れです。 + + + + クレジットカード番号が不正です。 + + + + クレジットカード番号に問題があります。 + +続けますか? + + + + クレジットカード番号妥当性検証コードが正しくありません。 + AMEXカードには、クレジットカード番号のすぐ上に、4ケタの印刷された妥当性検証番号があります。他のカードでは、クレジットカード番号の後に署名フィールドで印刷された3桁の数です。 + + + 注意: 信用限度額を超えています + + + + 通貨の変換 + + + + 現在の設定 + + + + カスタマイズ + + + + データベースエラー + + + + データベースから再クエリされたデータ + + + + データベース + + + + 日付 + + + + 日付から + + + + 日付へ + + + + 追跡レベル + + + + デフォルトエラー + + + + &レコードを削除 + + + + レコードを削除することができませんでした: + + + + レコードは削除されませんでした--依存するレコードがあります。 + + + + レコードを削除しますか? + + + + 削除されました。 + + + + 説明 + + + + 詳細レコード + + + + 違い + + + + 取引割引 + + + + 割り引き日付 + + + + カテゴリ割引無効(100より大きい、または小さい) + + + + ドキュメントフィールドを表示 + + + + 数量を表示 + + + + ソースフィールドを表示 + + + + 文書は処理中です。 + + + + コピー + + + + ドリル + + + + EFT + + + + メール + + + + サポートのためにメールする + + + + &編集 + + + + エディタ + + + + ウィンドウを終了 + + + + クエリを入力 + + + + ツリー内を検索するために文字を入力 + + + + 環境 + + + + エラー: + + + + クエリを実行してください。 + + + + アプリケーション終了 + + + + 本当にアプリケーションを終了しますか? + + + + すべてを広げる + + + + &ツリー構造を広げる + + + + 費用 + + + + 期限切れ(MMYY) + + + + エクスポート + + + + Excelにエクスポートする + + + + レコードをエクスポートする + + + + プロセスは失敗しました: + + + + フィールド + + + + &ファイル + + + + csv (Excel Comma Separated Values)ファイル + + + + ファイルを作成することができません。 + + + + html - HTMLファイル + + + + インポートファイルローダー + + + + <ロードするためにファイルを選択してください> + + + + インポート形式に合うファイル選択してください。 + + + + インポート形式を選択してください。 + + + + ファイル内の行 / インポートのための読み込み、準備がされています: + + + + 無効のファイル拡張子 + + + + pdf--アクロバットPDFファイル + + + + ps--Postscriptファイル + + + + rtf--リッチテキストフォーマットファイル + + + + txt--タブで区切られたファイル + + + + ファイル書き込みエラー + + + + xml--XMLファイル + + + + 必須のフィールドを入力してください: + + + + &レコードを検索 + + + + 利用可能なカラム + + + + カラムを選択して、注文(order)します。 + + + + 選択されたカラム + + + + 検索をカスタマイズ + + + + 列を選択するか、または検索評価基準を入力してください。 + + + + % ワイルドカードを任意で付けてQuery評価基準を入力してください(大文字小文字を区別しない) + + + + レコードは見つかりませんでした + + + + 最初のレコード + + + + 最初のページ + + + + From + + + + コールアウト(呼び出し)は見つかりませんでした + + + + コールアウト(呼び出し)ファンクションエラー + + + + 生成 + + + + 移動 + + + + ページに移動 + + + + 名前のためのカラム(横軸) + + + + 敬称 + + + + 概要 + + + + グループ分け + + + + 見出し + + + + &ヘルプ + + + + 過去のレコード&Y records + + + + &メニュー + + + + ホスト + + + + &変更を戻す + + + + 変更を無視することができませんでした: + + + + 変更は無視されました + + + + フィールド + + + + アカウントフィールド + + + + ビジネスパートナー情報 + + + + 出荷フィールド + + + + 請求書フィールド + + + + オーダーフィールド + + + + 支払いフィールド + + + + &情報 + + + + 挿入されました + + + + 請求書を作成(手動) + + + + 請求書を作成中 + + + + 請求書は、"注文"にある"請求書ルール"に基づいて生成されます。 + + + + 請求書生成のために出荷を選択してください。 + + + + 一つまたは複数の製品が、カウントリストの中に複数あります(重複しています)。ラインは非活性化しました。 + + + + 請求書 + + + + この請求書のための受領(出荷)は既に存在しています。 + + + + 最初にドキュメントを完成してください。 + + + + 項目をここに挿入してください。 + + + + 商品を移動 + + + + 最後のレコード + + + + 最後のページ + + + + 長さ + + + + レベル + + + + 読み込み + + + + ロードしています + + + + 所在地/住所 + + + + 新しい所在地/住所を入力してください。 + + + + 所在地/住所の更新 + + + + ログイン + + + + ログイン(成功) + + + + 粗利益 + + + + ~からマッチ + + + + 検索モード + + + + ~へマッチ + + + + マッチしました + + + + マッチング + + + + &メニュー + + + + メニューに戻る + + + + メニューはロードされませんでした: + + + + メッセージは送信されませんでした。 + +問題: + + + + メッセージは送信されました。 + + + + メッセージ + + + + 表形式 + + + + 複数通貨 + + + + いいえ + + + + &名前 + + + + ナビゲート + + + + レコードを更新・操作してください + + + + <クエリーがアクティブ>レコードを更新・操作してください。 + + + + &新規レコード + + + + 新しいレコードのためにデータを入力して保存するか、または廃棄してください。 + + + + 新しいレコードを追加できませんでした: + + + + 新しい値 + + + + 次のレコード + + + + 次のページ + + + + 次の連続番号が見つかりませんでした。 + システム管理者に連絡してください。 + + + いいえ + + + + メッセージが見つかりません + + + + 行数 + + + + 支払回数 + + + + レコードが見つかりません。新しく入力してください。 + + + + 有効な会計情報が見つかりませんでした。 + + + + アクティブでない + + + + 十分なストックではありません: + + + + * 見つけられません。* + + + + マッチしませんでした。 + + + + 一意でない: + + + + 行 x 列の数 + + + + &OK + + + + 古い/完成したトランザクションを表示 + + + + 古い値 + + + + オンライン + + + + 顧客のみ + + + + 満期の請求書のみ + + + + 仕入先のみ + + + + 開く + + + + 開く + + + + オプション + + + + 並べ替え + + + + {0} 行--{1,number,#,##0.00} --合計: {2,number,#,##0.00} {3} = {4,number,#,##0.00} + + + + 組織 + + + + このレコードのための別のプロセスがアクティブです。後で再試行してください。 + + + + ページ + + + + ページブレーク + + + + {N}ページ中{P} + + + + 2ページ + + + + 全体のページ + + + + ページ幅 + + + + パラメタ + + + + エラー: パラメタがありません。 + + + + 親レコード + + + + パスワード + + + + 支払い + + + + 支払い割り当て + + + + 銀行口座番号は有効ではありません。 + + + + 銀行小切手番号は有効ではありません。 + + + + 銀行ルート設定番号は有効ではありません。 + + + + 取引を完了した後に、支払いを入力してください。 + + + + 支払いを作成します: + + + + 支払い割り引き + + + + 支払いを処理するとき、エラーが発生しました: + + + + この支払いタイプのための支払い処理がありません。 + 銀行口座のために支払い処理を作成してください。 + + + 支払いプロセスは失敗しました。 + + + + 支払いは正常に処理されました。 + + + + 量はゼロです。 +取引を完了した後に、支払いを入力してください。 + + + + 次のカレンダー期間は見つかりませんでした。 + 将来の期間をセットアップしてください。 + + + カレンダー期間が見つかりません。 + カレンダーのセットアップと会計スキーマをチェックしてください。同様に、クライアントまたは組織へ割り当てられた会計スキーマもチェックしてください。 + + + この会計日付のための有効な期間がありません。 + カレンダーセットアップをチェックしてください。 + + + 円グラフ + + + + 会計を見るには、ドキュメントが、完成しているか、閉じていなければなりません。 + + + + 会計エントリーを、今、転記して作成しますか? + + + + 転記: サーバエラー + + + + 郵便番号 + + + + 郵便番号+4 + + + + 転記エラー + + + + 転記エラー + + + + 転記エラー: 源泉は貸借が合いませんでした。 + + + + 転記エラー:源泉の通貨は互換性がありません。 + 源泉の通貨から、会計表示に使っている通貨への、為替レートを定義してください。 + + + 転記エラー: 無効な勘定科目 + 勘定科目は有効ではなくなっています。元に戻すか新しいものを選んでください。 + + + 転記エラー: 期間は閉じています。 + (再び)期間を開くか、会計日付を変更してください。 + + + 設定 + + + + 設定 + + + + 前のレコード + + + + 前のページ + + + + 価格履歴 + + + + 価格リストバージョン + + + + アクティブ、または有効なバージョンは価格リストを見つけられませんでした。 + + + + &印刷 + + + + レポートをカスタマイズ + + + + 定義済み[表示済み] + + + + 請求書を印刷 + + + + 最新の請求書だけを印刷しますか? +(いいえ: オーダーのすべての請求書を印刷します) + + + + 画面を印刷 + + + + 印刷時のセットアップ + + + + 出荷を印刷 + + + + 印刷されました + + + + プリンタ + + + + 印刷中 + + + + プリントアウトはOKですか? + + + + プロセス + + + + プロセスは取り消されました。 + + + + プロセスは失敗しました。 + + + + プロセスを開始できません。(プロセス名がありません) + + + + プロセスは成功しました。 + + + + 実行中にプロセスが失敗しました。 + + + + エラー: + + + + 情報: + + + + 警告: + + + + プロセスを送信することができませんでした。 + + + + 処理中… お待ちください… + + + + 利用可能 + + + + 数量 + + + + クエリ入力 + + + + クエリキャンセル + + + + クエリ入力 + + + + クエリ評価基準を入力 + + + + クエリ実行 + + + + クエリ内に含める + + + + 与えられた評価基準のレコードがありません。クエリ評価基準を変えますか? + + + + レコードは読み取り専用です。 + + + + 再び投稿 + + + + 再び投稿、はこのドキュメントのための会計を再作成します。 + + + + レコード + + + + レコードにアクセス中に問題が発生: + + + + レコードを発見 + + + + レコードは保存されました。 + + + + レコード(複数) + + + + 再&クエリ + + + + すべて再クエリ + + + + データを再クエリできませんでした: + + + + データは再クエリされました。 + + + + データを再クエリしています… + + + + 県/州 + + + + 残っています。 + + + + 送金通知書 + + + + &レポート + + + + レポート検索 + + + + レポートをPDF、CSV、HTMLまたはTXTファイルとして保存 + + + + レポート + + + + E Mailを送ることができませんでした。 + + + + {0}から{1}へメールします。 + + + + E Mailを送ることができません: +送信元(from)アドレスがありません--ユーザーをチェックしてください。 + + + + E Mailを送ることができません: + +Server(SMTP)が見つかりません。 + + + + EMailを送ることができません: + +送付先(to)アドレスがありません--連絡をチェックしてください。 + + + + EMailは送信されました。 + + + + 要求{0}は、{1}により、{2}から{3}へ移動しました。 + + + + 警告: 要求{0}は、期限が過ぎた状態です。 + + + + 要求{0}は、{1}へ上昇しました。 + + + + 必要な情報を入力してください: + + + + 収入 + + + + ドキュメントにより逆にされました。 + + + + 役割とクライアント/組織が、矛盾しています。 + + + + 利用可能なクレジット + + + + 製品は、予約されたか、すでに提供されたか、または請求書を送られました。量をゼロに設定してください。 + +詳細: + + + + キーフィールド内のエントリーは一意ではありませんでした。- その値のレコードは既に存在しています。 + + +詳細: + + + + レコードは他のレコードによって参照されています。 + + +詳細: + + + + 同じビジネスパートナー + + + + 同じ製品 + + + + 同じ量 + + + + &変更を保存 + + + + 変更を保存しますか? + + + + クッキーの中にフィールドを保存 + + + + 変更したデータを保存することができませんでした: + + + + 変更したデータを保存することができませんでした--クエリの後にデータが変更されました。 + システムはレコードを再クエリします。 + + + レコードを保存することができませんでした - 一意なデータが必要です: + 情報を変えてください。 + + + レコード保存されませんでした。行が見つかりません! + + + + 保存されませんでした。 + + + + レコードを投稿できません。 + + + + レコードは保存されました。 + + + + スキーマ + + + + スクリプト + + + + スクリプトエディタ + + + + スクリプトエラー + + + + スクリプトヘルプ + + + + 結果 + + + + 結果変数 + + + + 利用可能な変数 + + + + レコードを探す + + + + 検索評価基準 + + + + レコードの場所を見つけることができませんでした: + + + + すべての / どれでも(AND / OR) + + + + すべての評価基準に合うものを検索(AND)、または、いずれかの評価基準に合うものを検索(OR) + + + + 探すものは何もありません + + + + レコードを選択してリターンしてください。 + + + + クエリエラー--間違った評価基準が入力された可能性があります。 + + + + 行が発見されました--クエリ評価基準を入力してください( % は任意です) + + + + 選択 + + + + 利用可能な選択肢 + + + + ドキュメントを選択 + + + + ファイルを選択 + + + + エントリーを検索して選択 + + + + メニュー項目を選択 + + + + プログラムを選択 + + + + セレクトウィンドウのためのカラムを選択 + + + + 移動したいカラムを選択されたボックスに移動して、連続番号を整列します。 + + + + 選択された選択肢 + + + + 選択されました。 + + + + メールを送信 + + + + メールを送信 + + + + 連続番号 + + + + ドキュメント連続番号を見つけることができませんでした: + ドキュメント定義とドキュメント連続番号規則をチェックしてください。 + + + 次のテーブルID連続番号を見つけることができませんでした。 + システム管理者に問い合わせてください。 + + + 以下の理由ために連続番号をを見つけることができませんでした: + + + + オブジェクトをサーバに作成 + 複雑なオブジェクトをアプリケーションサーバーに作成(遅い通信回線) + + + 最初にドキュメントが完成している必要があります。 + + + + 会計タブを表示 + 会計情報を表示します。 + + + 翻訳タブを表示 + 翻訳情報を表示します。 + + + 1つのレコードを表示 + + + + 並べ替え + + + + 並べ替え済み + + + + 標準 + + + + 開始 + + + + プロセスを開始しますか? + + + + 選択したレポートを開始 + + + + レポートを開始 + + + + 検索を開始... + + + + 対象 + + + + プロセスは成功しました。 + + + + 合計 + + + + システム + + + + タブ + + + + タスクを実行することができません: + + + + タスク + + + + 税金の評価基準が見つかりません。 + + + + 税金が見つかりません。 + + + + テスト + + + + タイムアウト - 後で結果をチェックしてください。 + + + + ~へ + + + + 今日 + + + + &ツール + + + + 合計 + + + + Trx + + + + ユーザーインタフェーステーマ + ウィンドウ - メタル - Adempiere + + + 限度価格の下 + + + + 更新 + + + + コピー、セーブ、無視したレコードのためにデータを更新 + + + + アップデートしました。 + + + + ユーザー + + + + ユーザーインタフェース + + + + ユーザー定義のメッセージ + + + + ユーザーとパスワードが一致しません。 + + + + 支払い印刷/エクスポート + + + + いくつかの支払いのため、すべての送金ラインの十分な余地はありませんでした。 + +別々の送金忠告を印刷しますか? + + + + この銀行勘定と支払いルールのための銀行勘定ドキュメント(小切手)がありません。 + + + + 印刷/インポートに利用可能な支払いがありません。 + + + + 送金忠告を印刷しますか? + + + + EFT支払いを生成 + + + + 支払い印刷は正しいですか? + + + + 支払い選択(手動) + + + + 支払い選択から支払いを生成しますか? + + + + ドキュメントがある銀行口座がありません。(例:小切手) + + + + 生成した支払いを印刷 / エクスポートしますか? + + + + 初期クライアントセットアップ + + + + 材料取引フィールド + + + + &キー + + + + 値の設定 + + + + 設定は削除されました。 + + + + 設定されました。 + + + + 設定の値は見つかりませんでした。 + + + + 設定の値はセットされませんでした。 + + + + レベルのために + + + + &ビュー + + + + グラフ + + + + 選択と表示基準を入力して、クエリを開始してください。 + + + + &クエリーを入力 + + + + 結果表示 + + + + 作業フローを開始出来ません。定義が正しくありません。 + + + + 作業フローを終了 + + + + 次の作業フローステップ + + + + 前の作業フローステップ + + + + 作業フローの始まりに戻る + + + + 依存するフィールド選択が、役割の変更のログイン後に空のままで残っているなら、ブラウザをアップグレードして +ください。 + + + + データベースは現在利用できません。 + + + + 支払いを待つ(必要ならオーダーを終えることができます) + + + + &倉庫 + + + + レコード情報 + + + + ウィンドウ + + + + 帳消し + + + + はい + + + + はい + + + + &拡大 + + + + ドキュメントズーム + + + + of + + + + 最新のShipmentだけを印刷しますか? +(いいえ: オーダーのすべての出荷を印刷してください) + + + + リソース課題 + + + + {0} 行目 - 合計:{1,number,#,##0.00} {2} + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + リソースフィールド + + + + リソースは、利用可能でないか、またはアクティブではありません。 + + + + リソースは入手できません。 + + + + 営業日でない + + + + 空いていない時間 + + + + 空いていない日 + + + + スケジュールフィールド + + + + 風景 + + + + 肖像 + + + + いいえ通貨の間のCurrency Conversion Rateが見つけた + + + + オペレータ + + + + クエリ値 + + + + 値についてクエリするために + + + + 妥当性検証エラー + + + + データは船をこぎます。 + + + + データカラム + + + + いいえDocument Print Formatが定義した + + + + 印刷様式を翻訳してください。 + Multi舌のDocumentを有効にさせないなら、あなたはここでReportを翻訳することができます。 + + + + + 翻訳してください。 + + + + 新しいレポート + + + + 平均 + + + + カウント + + + + スクリーンショット + + + + データベースバージョンエラー + このプログラムは、データベースがバージョン{0}であると想定しますが、 + + + +データベースは、バージョン{1}です。 + +これは修復不能なエラーを起こす可能性があります。 + + + +ただちに停止しデータベースをデータを移行してください。 + + + 印刷プレビューを常に表示 + 直接印刷しません。(文書だとしても) + + + すべて + + + + + + + + ヒストリー内でどのくらい戻りますか? + 過去のヒストリーレコードを見ます。 + + + 合わせるために + + + + パスワードを保存 + ログイン簡略化のためにパスワードを保存します。(セキュリティリスクがあります) + + + 現金仕訳帳フィールド + + + + リソースフィールド + + + + 絶対量 + + + + インポート + + + + エラー + + + + 購買 + + + + アプリケーションサーバーが見つかりませんでした。 + + + + 任意 + + + + 負荷会計値 + 形式: Accounting__.csv + + + Tax Exempt Rateがみつかりません。(免税の課税率を定義します) + + + + データベース接続がありません。 + + + + 出荷を生成します。 + + + + 命令を選択して、出荷を生成してください。 + + + + 注文での「配送規則」選択によって、出荷は生成されます。 + + + + 出荷 + + + + 発信します。 + + + + あなたは、選択を制限する必要があります。 + + + + 期首残高 + + + + 根拠のない議論--パラメタをチェックしてください。 + + + + (二者択一)である既存の製品選択があれば、料金を選択することができません。料金は、それの自身の詳細を持つ必要があります。 + (二者択一)である既存の製品選択があれば、料金を選択することができません。料金は、それの自身の詳細を持つ必要があります。 + + + 支払いドキュメントタイプと請求書タイプ(売掛金/買掛金)は矛盾しています。 + 支払いドキュメントタイプと請求書タイプ(売掛金/買掛金)は矛盾しています。 + + + (re) 請求書を選択してください。 + + + + オンライン支払いは失敗しました。 + + + + 読み込みエラー + + + + 合併されます。削除側です。 + + + + 合併します。存続側です。 + + + + 合併元経済主体から 合併先経済主体へに合併しますか? + + +** 元に戻せません。バックアップする必要があります。** + + + + 合併成功 + + + + 合併エラー - 再確認してください: + + + + 言語セットアップエラー + 言語セットアップをチェックしてください。 + + + 製品属性セットの定義がありません。 + + + + 製品特質情報がありません。 + + + + 選択できる属性を持った製品がありません。 + + + + 文脈 + + + + 資産フィールド + + + + リセット + + + + 製品特質 + + + + 製品特質インスタンス + + + + SQL声明 + + + + 個人的なレコードロック + + + + 製品属性フィールド + + + + この情報のためにレポートを作成することができません。 + 権限がありません。 + + + この情報をエクスポートすることができません。 + 権限がありません。 + + + クライアントデータ + + + + アクセスダイアログを記録します。 + + + + 役割のフィールド + + + + 含める + + + + 除外する + + + + 辞書メンテナンス + 内部のAdempiere 辞書メンテナンス用です--選択しないでください。 + + + 翻訳なし + + + + 既存のレコードを選択してください。 + + + + 新しいレコード + + + + レコードを編集 + + + + すべてを表示 + + + + ドキュメントは、必須項目ではない製品属性セットインスタンスを持っています。--最初に完成させてください。 + + + + 既存のレコードを選択します。 + + + + サイズ + + + + 太字 + + + + イタリック体 + + + + アンダーライン + + + + フォントファミリー + + + + フォント様式 + + + + + + + + 中央 + + + + + + + + 整列 + + + + フォント + + + + セットアップではなくレプリケーションのシステム(ログを見てください) + + + + 平均 + + + + 最小限 + + + + 最大 + + + + 変化 + + + + Std.Deviation + + + + 実行中合計 + + + + 製品を選択してください。 + + + + 総VMメモリ{0,number,integer} kB - kBを解放してください {1,number,integer} + + + + ssv--セミコロン区切りファイル。 + + + + ディスクへ添付を保存します。 + + + + この添付エントリーを削除しますか? + + + + jpg--JPEG形式の画像ファイルです。 + + + + {1}のために{0}をダウンロードします。 + + + +Version = {2} - Lot = {3} - SerNo = {4} + +保証日付 = {5,date,short} + + + +Adempiere Customer Asset Management をご利用いただきありがとうございます。 + + + + + + + + 開いている量のかなりの割合を帳消ししています。 + 手動で帳消しを入力するために、自動帳消しを選択解除します。 + + + 応答 + + + + 転送 + + + + 活動を1つも持っていません。 + + + + 作業フロー活動 + + + + 作業フロー結果 + + + + 転送できません。 + + + + このレコードのアクティブな作業フローが存在しています(最初に完成させてください): + + + + 期間は閉じました。 + + + + アクティブ &作業フロー + + + + このレコードのためのズーム対象がありません。 + + + + &横切ってズーム (使われた所) + + + + 注文 + + + + カウンタドキュメント + + + + ウィンドウのサイズを設定してください。 + + + + すべてのユーザー用にウィンドウサイズを設定してください。 + +(デフォルトにリセットするために、キャンセルしてください) + + + + 使用されている勘定科目は文書管理です。 - 手動の帳簿のために使わないでください。 + + + + 倉庫組織は文書組織ではありません。 + + + + ビジネスパートナーは信用停止状態です。 + + + + ビジネスパートナーは信用保持状態です。 + + + + 信用保持の上にこの注文があるビジネスパートナー + + + + 信用保持の上に開いた出荷があるビジネスパートナー + + + + 請求書を送られていない量 + + + + 古いパスワードは入力必須です。 + + + + 古いパスワードは合いません。 + + + + ユーザーのために定義されたPOS端末はありません。 + + + + POS端末を選択 + + + + レジ + + + + 概要 + + + + &製品 + + + + &ビジネスパートナー + + + + チェックアウト + + + + 与えられた現金 + + + + リターン + + + + 現金 + + + + 期限切れ mm/YY + + + + 現在の行 + + + + ログアウト + + + + プラス(加えます) + + + + マイナス(引きます) + + + + 製品属性セットに、インスタンス属性がありません。(例:シリアルナンバー) + + + + 利用可能な在庫がありません: + + + + 製品測定単位は、最も小さい測定単位である必要があります。 + 分割比率は>= 1 (Rate must be >= 1 )である必要があり、常に、有効な測定単位の中にある結果です。 + +例: それぞれ(Each)を対(Pair)に変換するための乗算比率は0.5です。 + + + 開始場所の測定単位として、製品測定単位を選択: + + + + 未確認の注文数量 + + + + 在庫補給 + + + + {0}を要求-- 支払わなくてはならない + + + + 不活発警戒: 要求{0} + + + + 作業フローは有効ではありません。 + + + + 不活発警戒: 作業フロー活動{0} + + + + 作業フロー活動の警告: 最大待ち時間は終わりました。{0} + + + + 優先順位を超えた作業フロー活動の警告 {0} + + + + 失敗 + + + + ** voided 無効 + + + + 貸借が一致しない仕訳帳と仮勘定は利用不可です。 + 貸借が一致しない仕訳帳と仮勘定が利用不可です。 + + + 選択 + + + + 表示 + + + + 製品リストに製品がありません。 + + + + 追加されました。 + + + + 会計セットアップを作成中のエラーです。 + +エラーログとAccounting*.cvsファイルの形式をチェックしてください。 - 重複した勘定科目が存在せず、すべてデフォルト勘定科目が含まれていなければなりません。(使用しなかたとしても) + + + + 内部利用の在庫のために、料金を設定する必要があります。 + + + + ファイルを保存 + + + + エラーのみ + + + + 追跡レベル + 追跡情報の詳細 - 通常はINFOで十分です。 + + + 追跡情報 + + + + ファイル追跡 + Compiereディレクトリ、またはユーザホームディレクトリにト追跡ファイルを作成します。 + + + サーバーでプロセス実行 + プロセスをアプリケーションサーバで実行します。(遅い通信回線) + + + 新しい要求を作成 + + + + すべての要求を表示 + + + + アクティブな要求を表示 + + + + ドキュメント + + + + レポート + + + + このレコードのためのアーカイブがありません。 + + + + &要求をチェック + + + + &圧縮されたドキュメント/レポート + + + + 圧縮されたドキュメント + + + + アーカイブエラー + + + + すべてのレポート + + + + 組織*(0)は許容されません。 + + + + クレジットメモ + + + + {0} 行 {1,number,#,##0.00} - 合計: {2,number,#,##0.00} + + + + '移行後'プロセスを開始するために、OKを押してください。この処理は数分かかります。 + + + + 無効: + + + + リソース割り当ては、削除できませんでした。それは注文か請求で使用されている可能性があります。 + +注文 / 請求書ラインを割当とともに削除してください。 + + + + はい + + + + いいえ + + + + アップデートを要求 + + + + アドバンスタブを表示 + マッチング、割当など、高度な機能性があるタブを表示します。 + + + 状態タイムアウトを要求 + + + + ドキュメントステータスは変更されました。 - レコードを再クエリしてください。 + + + + 大量のレコードを検索します。- + +続けますか? + + + + 新しいノードを作成 + + + + ノードを削除 + + + + 線を追加 + + + + 線を削除 + + + + 承認されませんでした。 + + + + 約束するために利用可能です。 + + + + 不十分な手持ちの数量 + + + + 支払いは割り当てられました。(料金、請求書、注文) + + + + 原価レベルはクライアントレベルで定義されます。 - 組織や属性を指定することはできません。 + + + + このレコードを削除することができません。(使用されています) + + + + レコードは既に存在しています。 + + + + このインターネットエリアに加入しました。加入をやめるには、ログインして、インターネットエリアに行って、加入中止(Un-subscribe)をクリックしてください。 + + + + フォース(Force) + + + + 役割で許容されている以上のレコードが返されました。 - 再クエリしてください。 + + + + 自動新規レコード + レコードが存在しないとき、自動的に新しいレコードを作成します。 + + + 投稿を強制 - ロッキングを上書きします。 + + + + 代替 + + + + 未確認の移動 + + + + 接続プロフィールは変更されました - 有効にするために再ログインする必要があります。 + + + + 作業フロー & 活動 + + + + &作業フロー + + + + &検索 + + + + 最初に親タブを選択してください: + + + + 依存するタブを選択する前に、親タブを選択してください。 + + + + &OK + + + + &文書番号 + + + + ウィンドウをキャッシュ + クライアントにおけるウィンドウのキャッシュ定義です。 + + + &性能 + + + + システム名 + あなたのAdempiere Systemインストールに名前をつけてください。例えば、ジョーBlock Inc.と命名してください。 + + + 既存のサポート契約 + Adempiere サポートに申し込みをしてください。 - また、商品開発もサポートできます。 + + + サポートされたユーザー + サポート契約購入の最大ユーザ数 + + + Insufficient Inventory Available: + + + + Document Processed + + + + Not reserved + + + + Process started ... still running (requery later) + + + + Start as Background Process + + + + Attribute Grid + + + + Mode + + + + View + + + + Create PO + + + + Price update + + + + URL not valid or cannot be displayed. + + + + No Document Lines found + + + + Chat + + + + Not Valid + + + + Scheduler Result + + + + Bank account for business partner not found + + + + User EMail address was not verified - Please verify EMail + + + + User Subscription not found + + + + Select &All + + + + Close All Windows + + + + Close Other Windows + + + + Validate Connection on Startup + + + + Single Instance per Window + + + + Open Window Maximized + + + + Delete Selected Items + + + + Save Parent Tab First + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/AD_PrintFormatItem_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/AD_PrintFormatItem_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 87fb7cce45..2ca286f3bd 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/AD_PrintFormatItem_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/AD_PrintFormatItem_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/AD_PrintLabelLine_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/AD_PrintLabelLine_Trl_ja_JP.xml index f6ca231483..a8f72599e1 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/AD_PrintLabelLine_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/AD_PrintLabelLine_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/AD_Process_Para_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/AD_Process_Para_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 63e1548eb3..f9dc37d521 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/AD_Process_Para_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/AD_Process_Para_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,67 +1,70 @@ - - - - 既存の勘定科目を削除 - 選択された勘定科目は削除されます! 危険な操作です! - - - - 価格リストバージョン - 価格リストが、将来/標準費用価格の設定に使われる場合にだけ、使用されます。 - - - - 対象支払いルール - どう請求書を支払うかを設定します。 - 支払いルールは請求書支払いの方法を示します。 - - - ユーザからメール送信 - ユーザからEMailを送ります。 - 選択されたユーザからメールを送ります--もしくは、クライアントの要求Eメールアドレスからメールを送ります。 - - - メンテナンスモード - 言語メンテナンスモード - - - - 既存の組織 - 利用者の中の組織的な実体です。新しい組織を作成したいなら空にしてください。 - 組織はあなたのクライアントか法人の単位です--例えば店、部です。あなたは組織の間のデータを共有することができます。 - - - 役割(ロール)のアクセスを制限 - 役割が選択されなければ、利用者のすべての(非手動)の役割へのアクセスを承諾します。 - 役割は、セキュリティとアクセスを設定します。システムで役割を与えられるユーザーに対して設定します。 - - - 新しいユーザ/コンタクト - システムの中のユーザ(内部利用者かビジネスパートナー) - ユーザーはシステムで一意に決まるユーザーを特定します。これは、内部のユーザかビジネスパートナーです。 - - - 新しい作業フローの責任 - 作業フロー実行の責任です。 - 作業フローの最終責任は、実際の責任者と関連付けられます。作業フローの責任はその実際のユーザーを見つける方法を定義します。 - - - 新しいユーザ/コンタクト - システムの中のユーザ--内部ユーザーかビジネスパートナーです。 - ユーザーはシステムで一意に決まるユーザーを特定します。これは、内部のユーザかビジネスパートナーです。 - - - 新しい作業フローの責任 - 作業フロー実行の責任です。 - 作業フローの最終責任は、実際の責任者と関連付けられます。作業フローの責任はその実際のユーザーを見つける方法を定義します。 - - - デフォルトの販売担当者 - ビジネスパートナーレベルで定義されていない場合に使われます。 - - - - 督促通貨 - 督促状を作成する通貨です。 - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + 既存の勘定科目を削除 + 選択された勘定科目は削除されます! 危険な操作です! + + + + 価格リストバージョン + 価格リストが、将来/標準費用価格の設定に使われる場合にだけ、使用されます。 + + + + 対象支払いルール + どう請求書を支払うかを設定します。 + 支払いルールは請求書支払いの方法を示します。 + + + ユーザからメール送信 + ユーザからEMailを送ります。 + 選択されたユーザからメールを送ります--もしくは、クライアントの要求Eメールアドレスからメールを送ります。 + + + メンテナンスモード + 言語メンテナンスモード + + + + 既存の組織 + 利用者の中の組織的な実体です。新しい組織を作成したいなら空にしてください。 + 組織はあなたのクライアントか法人の単位です--例えば店、部です。あなたは組織の間のデータを共有することができます。 + + + 役割(ロール)のアクセスを制限 + 役割が選択されなければ、利用者のすべての(非手動)の役割へのアクセスを承諾します。 + 役割は、セキュリティとアクセスを設定します。システムで役割を与えられるユーザーに対して設定します。 + + + 新しいユーザ/コンタクト + システムの中のユーザ(内部利用者かビジネスパートナー) + ユーザーはシステムで一意に決まるユーザーを特定します。これは、内部のユーザかビジネスパートナーです。 + + + 新しい作業フローの責任 + 作業フロー実行の責任です。 + 作業フローの最終責任は、実際の責任者と関連付けられます。作業フローの責任はその実際のユーザーを見つける方法を定義します。 + + + 新しいユーザ/コンタクト + システムの中のユーザ--内部ユーザーかビジネスパートナーです。 + ユーザーはシステムで一意に決まるユーザーを特定します。これは、内部のユーザかビジネスパートナーです。 + + + 新しい作業フローの責任 + 作業フロー実行の責任です。 + 作業フローの最終責任は、実際の責任者と関連付けられます。作業フローの責任はその実際のユーザーを見つける方法を定義します。 + + + デフォルトの販売担当者 + ビジネスパートナーレベルで定義されていない場合に使われます。 + + + + 督促通貨 + 督促状を作成する通貨です。 + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/AD_Process_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/AD_Process_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 23c6b020e8..aa422d50f2 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/AD_Process_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/AD_Process_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,1310 +1,1363 @@ - - - - - - 期間を作成 - 12ヶ月の標準のカレンダー期間を作成します。(1月-12月) - - - - 番号付け替え - 割引エントリーに番号を付け替えます。 - - - - プライスリストを作成 - このバージョンのパラメタに基づく価格を作成します。 - 割引スキーマ価格リストの連続番号内にある価格リストバージョンのために価格を作成します。 -より高い連続番号があるラインは既存の価格を上書きします。連続番号は一般から特定になる必要があります。 - - - 注文を処理 - - - - - 在庫カウントリストを作成 - 在庫カウントリストを作成します。 - 在庫カウントラインが生成されます。手動での行の追加、削除ができます。 - - - 数量を更新 - 現在の本の数量で、本の数量を更新します。 - 数量を更新プロセスは、現在の本の数量に従った数量に、本の数量を更新します。 - - - プロセス在庫カウント - プロセス在庫の数量確認、更新です。 - - - - アカウントを追加、またはコピー - 足りないアカウントを追加します。またはコピー&上書きします。(危険!) - 欠けているアカウントを加えるか、すべてのデフォルトアカウントを上書きコピーします。コピーして上書きする場合は、今までの更新をやり直さなければならないかもしれません。 - - - 出荷を処理 - 出荷/領収を処理します。(在庫を更新) - 出荷/領収を処理は、製品を在庫へ加える/減らす処理をします。そして、出荷/領収の項目としてラインを付けます。 - - - 注文印刷 - ** 特別** 変更しないでください。 - - - - 請求書を処理 - - - - - アカウントをコピー - このグループのビジネスパートナーへアカウントをコピー、上書きします。 - 現在のデフォルト値をコピー、上書きすると、前に行った更新を繰り返さなければならない可能性があります。(例:売掛金の設定など) - - - ウィンドウタブをコピー - 他のウィンドウからすべてのタブとフィールドをコピーします。 - 他のウィンドウからすべてのタブとフィールドをコピーします。 - - - タブフィールドをコピー - 他のタブからフィールドをコピーします。 - 他のタブからフィールドをコピーします。 - - - 仕入先選択 - 複数の仕入先がある製品です。 - 1つ以上の仕入先によって供給される製品があるとき、仕入先選択が開始されます。これは購買注文のために、特定の仕入先を選択することができます。 - - - 請求書印刷 - ** 特別 ** 変更しないでください。** - - - - 納品受領書 / 出荷 印刷 - ** 特別 ** 変更しないでください。** - - - - 出荷を生成 - 開いている注文から出荷を生成、印刷します。 - 開いている注文のための出荷は、注文の配送ルールと相対的な注文優先順位に基づいて作成されます。 出荷約束日が選択されているなら、(含んでいる)日付までの注文だけが選択されます。<br> -もし、複数の注文が、1つのビジネスパートナーの同じ場所への注文ならば、注文を1つの出荷にまとめるすることができます。<br> -未払い確認の注文を含めることも出来ます。(例:注文済み=10 未確認出荷=4 は、6の新しい出荷を可能ならば作成します。 - - - 請求書を生成 - 開いている注文から請求書を生成、印刷します。 - 開いている注文のための請求書は、注文の請求書ルールに基づいて作成されます。 -もし、複数の注文が、1つのビジネスパートナーの同じ請求場所なら、注文を1つの請求書にまとめることができます。 - - - 注文取引 - 販売注文取引レポート - - - - 開いている注文 - 開いている注文のレポートです。 - 配送するための数量が付いた注文(注文残り)、または請求数量 - - - 在庫移動を処理 - 在庫移動を処理します。 - 在庫移動を処理は、倉庫または倉庫以外の住所同士の在庫移動の定義に基づき、在庫数量を更新します。 - - - 委任を生成 - 委任を生成します。 - - - - 製品取引概要 - 製品取引概要です。 - レポートは保管された製品のための取引概要を示します。 - - - 補給レポート - 在庫補給レポートです。 - レポートは、補給が必要な製品をリストにします。製品は、1つの現在の仕入先しか持つことができない事に注意してください。2つ以上の仕入先があると、両方のレコードはリセットされます。手動で現在の仕入先を選ぶ必要があります。<br> -供給元の倉庫が定義されている場合に限り、在庫移動が作成されます。 - - - 注文掘り下げ - - - - - 請求書取引(会計) - 会計日付による請求書取引です。 - レポートは、会計日付による請求書取引をリストで表示します。 - - - 日ごとの請求書 - 1日単位の請求書報告です。 - 組織と販売担当による請求書が作成された量です。 - - - 月ごとの請求書 - 1月単位の請求書報告です。 - 組織と販売担当による請求書が作成された量です。 - - - 週ごとの請求書 - 1週間単位の請求書報告です。 - 組織と販売担当による請求書が作成された量です。 - - - 週ごとの請求書製品カテゴリ - 1週間あたりの製品カテゴリによる請求書レポートです。 - 製品カテゴリごとの請求書が作成された量です。 - - - 月ごとの請求書製品カテゴリ - 1月あたりの製品カテゴリによる請求書レポートです。 - 製品カテゴリごとの請求書が作成された量です。 - - - 毎月の請求書仕入先 - 1カ月ごとの製品仕入先の請求書レポートです。 - 仕入先と製品カテゴリによる請求書量です。 - - - 請求書を生成(手動) - 手動で請求書を生成して、印刷します。 - - - - 詳細をコピー - 他のインポート形式から詳細をコピーします。 - - - - 部品構成表の確認 - 部品構成表の構造について確認します。 - 部品構成表の確認は、部品構成表を含む要素とステップをチェックします。 - - - 生産を作成/投稿 - 作成されていない場合は、製造ラインを作成してください - すでに作成されてるならば、製造ラインを処理してください。 - 生産を作成/投稿は、製造ラインと製造ラインのプロセスを生成します。製造ラインがすでにあるならば処理されます。 - - - 製品による四半期の請求書顧客 - 四半期ごとの顧客と製品カテゴリによる請求書レポートです。 - 顧客と製品カテゴリによる請求書の量です。 - - - 仕入先による四半期の請求書顧客 - 顧客による請求書レポートと四半期あたりの製品仕入先です。 - 顧客と仕入先による請求書の量です。(顧客がどの仕入先からの商品を買ったか) - - - 勘定科目をコピー - このカテゴリの製品への勘定科目のコピーと上書きです。 - 現在のデフォルト値をコピー、上書きすると、前に更新した内容を繰り返さなければならないことがあります。(例えば、収益勘定を設定など) - - - 請求書から領収書を生成 - この請求書から配送領収書を作成して、処理します。 - 請求書は、正しくて、完成している必要があります。 - - - 現金を処理 - - - - - 項目を開く - 項目(請求書)リストを開きます。 - 指定されたビジネスパートナーと日付の範囲内で、すべての支払われていない請求書を表示します。現金仕訳帳が処理されるまで、現金で支払われた請求書が表示されます。 - - - 一致していない支払い - 銀行取引明細書と一致していない支払いです。 - レポートは銀行取引明細書と一致していない支払いを記載します。支払い量がゼロの支払いは記載されません。 - - - 明細書を処理 - - - - - 配分 - 支払い--請求書--配分 - このレポートは、支払いへの請求書割当と現金仕訳帳を表示します。以前の割当は、逆で表示されます。 - - - 支払いを処理 - - - - - 割当を処理 - この処理は、割当を振り向けます。請求書を割り当てて、再び支払うことを許可します。 - - - - 請求書取引(Doc) - 請求書日付による請求書取引 - このレポートは、請求書日付で請求書取引をリスト表示します。 - - - 請求書の詳細 & 利幅 - 請求書(ライン)の詳細と利幅レポート - レポートは、利幅とともに顧客、仕入先の請求書詳細をリストアップします。 - - - オンライン処理 - - - - - 領収書から請求書を生成 - この領収書から請求書を生成、処理します。領収書は、正しくて、完成している必要があります。 - 領収書から請求書を生成は、選択された領収書に基づき、請求書を作成します。そして、請求書をその領収書と対応させます。請求書ドキュメントタイプが、ドキュメント番号を手動で設定することを許可している場合にだけ、ドキュメント番号を設定することができます。 - - - 支払いを準備 - 支払いのために、準備された支払い(小切手)を作成します。 - 支払い 印刷/エクスポートを通して実際の支払いを作成します。 - - - …から作成 - - - - - 督促状 - ** 特別 ** 変えないでください。** - - - - 製品取引額 - 製品取引額 - レポートは、現在の仕入先価格で製品取引を表示します。 - - - プロジェクト状態概要 - プロジェクトサイクルのプロジェクト状態です。 - - - - 注文を生成 - プロジェクトからの注文を生成します。 - 注文を生成は、プロジェクトフェーズに基づいて新しい注文ドキュメントを生成します。価格リストと倉庫/サービス場所が、プロジェクトで定義されていなければなりません。 - - - ラインをコピー - 他の委任から委任ラインをコピーします。 - - - - 請求書を生成 - 手数料の計算から請求書を生成します。 - - - - すべてを開く/閉じる - この期間のすべての期間管理のために、期間ステータスを変更します。 - - - - 開く/閉じる - 期間ステータスを変更します。 - - - - 仕訳帳を処理 - - - - - 現金仕訳帳の詳細 - 現金仕訳帳の詳細情報です。 - - - - 受取勘定帳消し - 開いている受取勘定を反対仕分けで帳消しします。 - 受取勘定帳消しは、基準によって選択された請求書に、支払済みのしるしを付けます。そして、開いた請求書の量を帳消しします。代替的に、支払いを作成することも出来ます。 - - - - 用語を同期 - システムの中で用語を同期します。 - ウィンドウ要素、ウィンドウ内のフィールド、パラメーターなどのエントリーが正しく管理されているなら、それらに基づいて同期します。また、言語翻訳も同期させます。 - - - DBからカラムを作成 - カラムとしては存在していませんがデータベース内に存在している辞書カラムのテーブルを作成します。 - このテーブルへデータベースのカラムを加えたなら、この処理は辞書内のカラムレコードを作成します。もしエンティティタイプがユーザーにセットされていないなら、削除されてしまうことに気をつけてください。 - - - フィールドを作成 - テーブルカラムからフィールドを作成します。(テーブルカラムがタブにまだ存在していない場合)。 - この手続きは、このタブのテーブルカラムに基づいて、足りないフィールドを作成します。 - - - 転記を再送信 - 転記に誤りがあった場合に、ドキュメントの転記を再送信します。 - 転記に誤りがあるドキュメントは、次の会計処理の実行で、転記されるためにリセットされます。(原因を修理した後、たとえば会計期間の開始時) - - - 会計をリセット - 会計エントリーをリセットします。**始める前に、会計サーバーを停止してください。** - 次回の会計処理の実行で再作成されるために、ドキュメントの会計レコードを削除します。これは劇的なステップです、会計の構造を変更した後にのみこの処理が必要になります。(例えば、異なったデフォルトアカウントなど)手動の仕訳帳科目を経由した修正は区別されません。 - - - 言語メンテナンス - システム内の言語翻訳をメンテナンスします。 - 足りない翻訳エントリーを追加できます。(追加的なシステム言語をオンにした後に実行する必要があります) - 翻訳レコードを削除 - または翻訳レコードを再作成します。(最初に、足りないエントリーを削除、追加してください) -足りない翻訳レコードは、システム言語(英語)をコピーすることによって作成されます。処理の後に言語パックを適用出来ます。翻訳をインポートした後に、用語の同期化を実行してください。 - - - 在庫評価レポート - 在庫評価レポート - レポートは、評価日付の手持ち数量と価格で製品を表示します。 - - - カラムを同期 - アプリケーション辞書からデータベーステーブルの定義を変更します。 - これを選択すると、アプリケーション辞書のカラム定義にある、エントリーに基づいて、データベースカラム定義を更新します。 すべての変更がデータベースによってサポートされているとは限らないので、エラーになる可能性があることに注意してください。 - - - 標準原価更新 - 標準、将来の原価を設定します。 - 標準原価のために、現在か将来の価格を設定/再計算できます。(会計スキーマの費用タイプのために)もし会計スキーマの原価水準がクライアントに設定されていたら、足りない原価レコードは作成されます。過去の原価は、原価手法の累積数量に基づいて計算されます。 - - - 製品原価レポート(古い) - 製品原価報告書です。 - - - - 費用を処理 - - - - - DBオブジェクトを再コンパイル - DBオブジェクトを再コンパイルします。 - 関数、プロシージャ、トリガー、ビューなどを再コンパイルします。 - - - 費用から販売注文を作成 - 費用報告書から顧客への販売注文を作成します。 - - - - 買掛金費用請求書を作成 - 費用からAP請求書を作成して、従業員に支払います。 - - - - バッチを処理 - - - - - カラムをコピー - 他のカラムセットからレポートカラムをコピーします。 - このカラムセットの終了でカラムをコピーします。計算対象をリセットする必要があります。 - - - ラインをコピー - 他のラインセットからレポートラインをコピーします。 - このラインセットの終了でラインをコピーします。計算対象をリセットする必要があります。 - - - 印刷フォーマットを設定 - すべての印刷フォーマットのために、同じ横長/縦長で、設定します。 - - - - コピー/作成 - テーブルから印刷フォーマットを、(存在している場合は)コピー、または作成します。 - 印刷フォーマットを作成するために[初期のおおまかなレイアウトを作成します]テーブルを選択してください。 -または、現在の印刷フォーマットへコピー[レイアウトをコピーします]するために、印刷フォーマットを選択してください。 - - - 販売注文から購買注文を生成 - 販売注文から発注書を作成します。 - 販売注文が完成した後に、販売注文に対して1つ以上の購買注文を作成することができます。購買注文は常に1つの販売注文を参照します。(つまり、販売注文の連結はありません) - -販売注文の組織は、購買注文を作成するために使われます。もし(標準の)購買注文ドキュメントタイプが、組織レベルで定義されているなら、それはクライアントレベルで定義されたドキュメントサイズの代わりに使われます。 - - -販売注文は、現在の仕入先が設定されているすべての販売注文ラインのために生成されます。仕入先は、最新の価格リストですべての製品と共に、仕入先価格リストを持っています。測定単位はコピーされます。購買注文と販売注文は、別の通貨として扱えます。 - -一度処理が実行されたら、手動で購買注文と販売注文を同期させる必要があります。(追加のラインと変更されたライン(製品と数量)の場合など) - - - - ビジネスパートナーのインポート - ビジネスパートナーをインポートします。 - パラメータはNULLレコードのためのデフォルト値です。データを上書きすることはありません。 - - - 要求を再開 - 閉じている要求を再開します。 - - - - 製品インポート - ファイルからアプリケーションに製品情報をインポートします。 - 製品インポートは、アプリケーションへ事前に定義された形式で、製品のファイルを持ち込みます。<p> -パラメータはNULLレコードのためのデフォルト値です。データを上書きすることはありません。<p> -もし、存在している価格リストを選択して、リスト、標準、限度価格が定義されているなら、それらは直接生成/更新されます。 - - - 勘定科目のインポート - 自然な勘定科目をインポートします。 - 勘定科目とその階層構造をインポートして、(任意で)デフォルト勘定科目を更新します。 -デフォルト勘定科目の更新は、使われている自然な勘定科目区分を変更します。(例:勘定科目 01-240 は 01-300 になります) 新しい組み合わせを作成すると、古い勘定科目(01-240)は残りまが、置き換えられます。 -これを選択する場合は、1つの自然な勘定科目を使っている、重複したデフォルト勘定科目がないように気をつけてください。必ずバックアップをしてください。 -<p>パラメータはNULLレコードのためのデフォルト値です。データを上書きすることはありません。 - - - レポートラインセットをインポート - レポートラインセットの情報をインポートします。 - パラメータはNULLレコードのためのデフォルト値です。データを上書きすることはありません。 - - - 出荷を生成(手動) - 出荷を生成して、印刷します。 - - - - 請求書を印刷 - 紙に請求書を印刷、またはPDFへ送ります。 - 請求書を(再)印刷、またはPDFの添付として、それらを有効な電子メールと共にビジネスパートナー連絡に送ります。 -<br> -注意:ドキュメント番号だけを入力すると、ドキュメント番号の値が入力値以上の請求書がすべて印刷されます。ワイルドカードとして % を使うことも出来ます。 - - - 資産を配送 - 電子的に顧客資産を配送します。 - 顧客にメールを送って、新しい配送を添付します(任意)。 - - - レポートを作成 - 財務報告を作成します。 - デフォルトの期間は当期です。任意に他の絞込み条件を入れることができます。代替の報告階層を選択することができます。 - - - 会計残高を更新 - 毎日の会計残高を更新します。 - この処理は自動的に実行されます。 - - - 決算報告書 - 取引明細書の期首残高と取引を報告します。 - 期間を選択してください(空の場合は当期です)、または、会計日付の範囲を入力してください。代替の報告階層を選択することができます。 - - - キャッシュリセット - システムのキャッシュをリセットします。処理を実行する前にすべてのウィンドウを閉じてください。 - 性能を高めるために、Adempiereはキャッシュにより繰り返してデータを使用します。このプロセスはローカルのキャッシュをクリアします。 - - - 注文データをインポート - 注文データを取り込みます。 - パラメータは、NULLのインポートレコードのためのデフォルト値です。データを上書きすることはありません。 -「準備」と「完成」だけが正常なドキュメント動作であることに注意してください。 - - - 請求書をインポート - 請求書データを取り込みます。 - パラメータは、NULLのインポートレコードのためのデフォルト値です。データを上書きすることはありません。 -「準備」と「完成」だけが正常なドキュメント動作であることに注意してください。 - - - 複製(レプリケーション)実行の開始 - リモートホストとのレプリケーションを開始します。 - - - - メールテキストを送信 - 有効なインターネットエリアの購読者へ電子メールを送信します。または、選択されたユーザーからビジネスパートナーグループへメールを送信します。 - メール購読者へメールを送信するために、インターネットエリアを選択してください。追加的にビジネスパートナーの連絡先へメールを送ることも出来ます。<br> -メールを送信するためには、ユーザーは有効な電子メールの情報を持っている必要があります。ユーザーを選択しない場合は、クライアントの要求したメールユーザーからメールを送ります。 - - - ラインをコピー - 他の請求書からラインをコピーします。 - - - - ラインをコピー - 他の注文からラインをコピーします。 - - - - 詳細のコピー - 他のプロジェクトからライン/フェーズ/タスクをコピーします。 - - - - プロセスの開始 - 再実行します。 - - - - 詳細のコピー - 他の仕訳帳バッチから、仕訳帳/ラインをコピーします。 - - - - プロジェクトタイプを設定 - プロジェクトタイプを設定してください。そして、サービスプロジェクトのために、プロジェクトタイプのフェーズとタスクをプロジェクトにコピーしてください。 - - - - - 注文を生成 - プロジェクトフェーズから注文を生成します。 - 「注文を生成」処理は、プロジェクトフェーズまたはタスクに基づく、新しい注文ドキュメントを作成します。価格リストと倉庫/サービスポイントを、プロジェクトで定義する必要があります。製品がフェーズレベルで定義されるなら、フェーズ情報は注文の基礎として使用されます(マイルストーン請求) - そうでなければ、個々のタスクです。 - - - プロジェクト印刷 - ** 特別 ** ** 変更しないでください。 - - - - プロジェクトサイクルレポート - プロジェクトサイクルに基づくプロジェクトのレポートです。 - プロジェクトサイクルは、サイクルステップ/フェーズの、共通のプロジェクトフェーズについて報告します。すべてのレポート情報は、サイクルステップの相対的な重み付けとプロジェクトサイクルの通貨へ変換によって、重み付けをされます。<p> -プロジェクトは必ずプロジェクトタイプ、フェーズ、通貨の情報を保持します。フェーズは、サイクルステップに割り当てられていなければなりません。 - - - 在庫のインポート - 物理的な在庫をインポートします。 - パラメータは、NULLのインポートレコードのためのデフォルト値です。データを上書きすることはありません。 - - - 仕訳帳をインポート - 総勘定元帳バッチ/仕訳帳/ラインをインポートします。 - パラメータは、NULLのインポートレコードのためのデフォルト値です。データを上書きすることはありません。 - - - 銀行取引明細書のインポート - 銀行取引明細書のインポートです。 - パラメータは、NULLのインポートレコードのためのデフォルト値です。データを上書きすることはありません。 - - - 顧客資産 - 配送数量がある顧客資産のレポートです。 - レポートは、資産の配送数量と共にビジネスパートナーの資産を表示します。 - - - 資産配送の詳細 - 資産配送の詳細レポートです。 - レポートは選択されたレコードのために、資産配送の詳細をリストアップします。 - - - プロジェクトへ発行 - 材料を、受領・手動在庫場所からプロジェクトへ発行します。 - プロジェクトと、以下のいずれかを選択してください。 - -<Br>- 材料領収書 - -<Br>- 経費報告書 - -<Br<- 在庫場所と発行されていないプロジェクトライン - -<br>- 在庫場所、製品と数量 - -デフォルトの移動日付は今日の日付です。 - - - プロジェクトから購買注文を生成 - プロジェクトラインから購買注文を生成します。 - - - - - プロジェクトの詳細会計報告 - プロジェクトの会計事実の詳細です。 - - - - プロジェクトを閉じる - - - - - 発行されていないプロジェクトライン - -まだプロジェクトへ発行されていない、作業指示書または資産プロジェクトの、プロジェクトラインのリストです。 - - - - 購買注文が発行されていないプロジェクト - 作業指示書か資産プロジェクトの、購買注文が生成されたプロジェクトラインをリストアップします。(プロジェクトへ発行されていないものを表示します) - - - - 価格を取得 - プロジェクト価格リストに基づいて、プロジェクトラインのために価格を取得します。 - - - - 見積もりを変換 - 開いている提案または見積もりを注文に変換します。 - 提案または見積もりを、他の注文ドキュメントタイプへ変換できます。提案または見積もりを維持したい場合に、この処理を使います。ドキュメントの状態は、「処理中」である必要があります。 - - - 注文/請求書の価格再設定 - 公開している注文または請求書の、最新の価格リストバージョンに基づいて、価格を再計算します。 - - - - ドキュメントタイプを確認 - ドキュメントタイプを確認します。 - すべてのドキュメント基本タイプに、ドキュメントタイプがあることを確認してください。<br> -ドキュメントタイプのために、足りない期間管理を作ってください。(それらを開く必要があります) - - - プロジェクト利益額(作業指示) - 作業指示プロジェクトライン(計画された収入) 対 プロジェクト問題(コスト) - 作業指示のためのプロジェクト利益額レポートは、プロジェクト問題(実際の取り組みとコスト)に対して、プロジェクトライン(計画された収入)を比較します。 -マージン量は、収入(ライン)からコスト(問題)を差し引くことによって計算されます。 -コストは、会計スキーマの通貨内にあります。 - ラインはプロジェクトの価格リストの通貨にあります。 - - - ツリー構造を確認 - ツリー構造の完全性と正当性について確認します。 - - - - ストレージの詳細 - ストレージの詳細レポートです。 - レポートは、製品実体(ロット、シリアルナンバー)情報を含む、ストレージの詳細を表示します。 - - - 取引の詳細 - 取引詳細レポートです。 - レポートは、製品実体(ロット、シリアルナンバー)情報を含む、取引の詳細(領収、出荷、在庫、移動)を表示します。 - - - 過去のレポート - 過去の古いレポートです。 - 過去のレポートで、公開項目(請求書)をレポートすることができます。レポートの中から必要な過去のバケットを選択してください。通貨を選択すると、その通貨の請求書だけを取得できます。そうでなければ、金額は第一の会計通貨に変換されます。満期日を選択しないなら、システム日付が、バケットを計算するために使用されます。 - - - 月間クリック数 - 1カ月あたりのクリック数です。 - レポートは、1ヶ月あたりの広告クリック数を示します。 - - - 未処理クリック - 未処理のクリックです。 - このレポートは、処理出来なかったクリック数を表示します。(応答URL数がクリック回数に合わない) - - - 通知を削除 - すべての通知を削除します。 - - - - 妥当性検証 - 支払いスケジュールの妥当性検証をします。 - - - - 妥当性検証 - 支払期間とスケジュールの妥当性検証をします。 - - - - 倉庫組織 - 倉庫の所有権を組織に設定、確認します。 - このプロセスは、倉庫の所有権および依存する経済主体(位置、保管)を変更、確認することが出来ます。 - - - 製品組織 - 製品の所有権を設定、確認してください。 - このプロセスは、製品の所有権および依存する経済主体(部品構成表、代用品、補充、購買、ビジネスパートナー情報、原価)を変更、確認することが出来ます。<br> -製品カテゴリまたは、特定の製品を選択してください。 - - - ビジネスパートナー組織 - ビジネスパートナーの所有権を組織へ設定、確認してください。 - このプロセスは、ビジネスパートナーの所有権および依存する経済主体(位置、連絡/ユーザー、銀行口座、源泉徴収)を変更、確認することが出来ます。<br> -ビジネスパートナーグループまたは、特定のビジネスパートナーを選択してください。 - - - 銀行明細書を読み込み - 銀行明細書を読み込みます。 - 銀行取引明細書をインポートテーブルにロードします。使用されるパラメタは実際のローダーに依存します。 - - - インポートを削除 - インポートテーブルのすべてのデータを削除します。 - データのロードに問題がある場合は、インポートテーブル内のすべてのデータを削除してください。削除は、インポートされたデータ、されていないデータを区別しません。 - - - 通貨交換比率をインポート - 通貨交換比率をインポートします。 - - - - すぐに登録! - 登録証明書は、Compiereが、より一層ユーザーに役立つのを助けます。 - 私たちは、どんな第三者にもデータを提供しません、また統計的な目的以外に領しません。 -あなたが、Compiereの使用を公表することを許可すると、それは私たちを助けるでしょう。どんな情報も発表する前に、私たちは直接あなたに連絡します。 - - - - 請求書税 - 請求書税金の合意です。 - レポートは、ビジネスパートナーの税金情報と共に請求書税ラインを表示します。 - - - 会計事実の詳細 - 会計事実の詳細のレポートです。 - 会計事実の詳細のレポートです。 - - - 日ごとの会計事実 - 会計日付によってまとめられた会計事実の詳細です。 - レポートは会計取引の日々の概要を表示します。 - - - 会計事実の期間 - 会計期間によってまとめられた会計事実の詳細です。 - 期間は、クライアントレベルで定義されたカレンダーに基づいています。 - - - 注文を再開 - 閉じていた注文を開きます。 - - - - 銀行取引明細書の関連付け - 銀行取引明細書の情報を、対応するビジネスパートナー、請求書、および支払いに合わせます。 - - - - 支払いを作成 - 銀行取引明細書の情報から支払いを作成します。 - - - - 連続番号のチェック - システムとドキュメント連続番号をチェックします。 - システムとドキュメント連続番号が正しいかどうかチェックします。重複キーエラーメッセージが表示された場合に、このプロセスを実行してください。 - - - 注文を作成 - 配送リスト ラインアイテムに基づく注文を作成します。 - 丸め誤差のために、注文の総量は、入力したときより多い傾向があります。 - - - 組織をリンク - ビジネスパートナーを組織にリンクします。 - ビジネスパートナーが他の組織の場合は、組織を選択するか、新しい組織を作成するために空にしておいてください。組織の内部取引で、明示的にドキュメントを作成するためにビジネスパートナーを組織にリンクしてください。 -新しい組織を作成したら、組織タイプを決めてください。役割を選択したら、新しい組織へのアクセスはその役割に制限されます。そうでなければ、クライアントのすべての(手動でない)役割が、新しい組織にアクセス出来るようになります。 - - - 作成 & 招待 - RfQを作成して、仕入先を招待してください。 - (足りない)RfQ応答を作成して、RfQに応じるために任意にeメールで招待/督促状を仕入先に送ってください。 - - - 招待 & 督促 - RfQに答えるために、仕入先へ招待、または督促のeメールを送ります。 - 1通のメールごとにRfQに応じるために、仕入先へ招待/督促状を送ります。 - - - 未回答RfQ - 未払いのRfQ応答 - 応答が「完了」とマークされていない(閉じられていない/処理されない)有効なRfQ応答をリストアップします。 - - - RfQ応答 - 詳細なRfQ応答です。 - 応答が「完了」とマークされていない(閉じられていない/処理されない)有効なRfQ応答の詳細をリストアップします。 - - - 応答をランク付け - 完了したRfQ応答をランク付けします。 - 無効応答は数量1個あたり999でランク付けされます。数量応答は、互いと更新されたRfQの最高の応答にランク付けされます。応答ラインは、ライン数量購入数量が選択された場所で、落札者としてマークされます。RfQタイプが"すべてのラインを見積もり" または "合計のみを見積もり"の場合のみ、落札者の合計が選択されます。 - -その後、すべての数量応答のランキングは、応答ランキングの合計のために追加されます。一番低い合計ランキングがある応答は、落札者としてマークされます。 - - - - 発注書を作成 - RfQ落札者のために発注書を作成します。 - 選択された(RfQライン数量の)購入数量を使って、応答と、落札者としてマークされたラインのために発注書を作成します。もし、応答が落札者としてマークされていたら、すべてのラインは作成されます。(そして、他の応答の落札者は無視されます)落札者としてマークされた応答がないなら、そのラインが使われます。 - - - 販売注文を作成 - 販売注文を作成します。 - 販売注文は、入力されたビジネスパートナーのために作成されます。販売注文ラインは、"提供数量" が選択された、各RfQライン数量のために作成されます。RfQライン数量上に、0でない提供数量が入力された場合は、その価格が使用されます。 -RfQライン数量上に、マージンが入力された場合は、一般のマージンは上書きされます。マージンは最高の応答量に追加された百分率(%)です。 - - - ラインをコピー - 別のRfQからラインをコピーします。 - - - - RfQを閉じる - RfQと応答を閉じます。 - RfQとすべてのその応答を閉じます。 - - - 請求を開始 - 開いている請求情報を詳しく表示します。 - - - - 注文を作成 - 配送リスト ラインアイテムに基づく注文を作成します。 - 丸め誤差のために、注文の総量は、入力したときより多い傾向があります。 - - - ビジネスパートナー組織のリンクをはずす - 組織からビジネスパートナーをはずします。 - 組織にリンクされたビジネスパートナーを離します。(明示的な組織間ドキュメントのため) - - - プロセス要求 - - - - - 資産配送月 - 1ヶ月あたりの資産配送の概要をレポートします。 - レポートは選択されたレコードのために、資産と配送を1ヶ月単位でリストアップします。 - - - ドキュメントタイプを有効にする - - - - - RfQ応答印刷 - ** 特別 ** 変更しないでください。** - - - - 完了をチェック - RfQ設定に基づき、応答が完了だった場合にチェックします。 - - - - 活動を管理 - 活動の管理です。 - - - - プロセスを管理 - プロセスを管理します。 - - - - プロセス確認 - - - - - 確認を作成 - ドキュメントのための確認を作成します。 - この文書が処理できるようになる前に、生成された確認が処理される必要があります。 - - - パッケージを作成 - 出荷のためにパッケージを作成してください。 - - - - RMAを処理 - - - - - 確認の詳細を開く - 出荷または受領の確認の詳細を開きます。 - このレポートは開いている確認をリストアップします。 - - - 確認を開く - 出荷または領収の確認を開きます。 - レポートは開いている確認を表示します。 - - - 確認を処理 - 在庫移動の確認を処理します。 - - - - 印刷フォーマットの詳細 - 印刷フォーマットの詳細レポートです。 - 項目の詳細がある印刷フォーマットです。 - - - パスワードのリセット - ユーザーのためにパスワードをリセットします。 - ユーザーパスワードとEMail設定を変更することができます。管理者ならば、パスワードを入力する必要はありません。 - - - 督促の実行を作成 - 督促レベル基準に基づいて、督促実行エントリを作成します。 - - - - 在庫移動印刷 - ** 特別 ** 変更しないでください。** - 独自のフォーマットと処理を作成/コピーします。 - - - 物理的な在庫印刷 - ** 特別 ** 変更しないでください。** - 独自のフォーマットと処理を作成/コピーします。 - - - 出荷確認 - ** 特別 ** 変更しないでください。** - - - - 材料受領の詳細 - 材料受領の詳細情報です。 - このレポートは、材料受領ヘッダと位置の情報を提供します。 - - - 出荷の詳細 - 出荷の詳細情報です。 - このレポートは、材料出荷ヘッダーとラインを位置情報と共に提供します。統合梱包リストを作成するために、このレポートを使用することができます。 - - - アクセス権限更新 - クライアントの役割のアクセス権限を更新します。 - ウィンドウ、フォーム、過程、および作業フローへの、ひとつの役割のアクセス権、またはすべての役割のアクセス権を更新します。 -システムのために実行するなら、すべてのクライアントのすべての役割を更新します。 -手動でマークされない場合は、役割は更新されるだけということに注意してください。 - - - 確認のインポート - 確認をインポートします。 - パラメータは、NULLのインポートレコードのためのデフォルト値です。データを上書きすることはありません。 - - - 寸法のキャプチャ + 計算 - 寸法を取得して、計算します。 - もし自動なら、寸法をキャプチャします。- そして、実際の寸法を計算/更新します。 - - - 寸法を計算 - 寸法を計算します。 - 実際の寸法を計算/更新します。 - - - 確認 - 総勘定元帳の分配について確認します。 - - - - 削除 - レコードに対応する請求書を削除します。 - - - - 削除 - レコードに対応する購買注文を削除します。 - - - - 自動割当 - 請求書の支払いへの自動割当です。 - ビジネスパートナー、またはグループのために、請求書の支払いへの割当を試みます。最初に、既存の割当をリセットしたい場合があります。<br> -割当は、(1) 請求書への参照と共に入力された支払い (2) 支払い選択 (3) ビジネスパートナーバランス (4) 一致している請求書と支払いの量 に基づいています。割当は、正確な数量に基づいていて、買掛金/売掛金、請求/支払いを含んでいます。<br> -(5)番目の方法として、最も古い請求へ支払いを割り当てることを有効にできます。この場合は、未割当の数量が残っている可能性があります。 - - - 割当をリセット - 支払いへの請求書の割当をリセットします(削除します)。 - ビジネスパートナー、ビジネスパートナーグループ、会計日付の範囲、または個人の割当のために、割当を削除します。期間が開いているなら、"View Allocation"の"Void"と対照的に、割当は削除されます(追跡なし)。 - - - 作業フローの妥当性検証 - ワークフローが正しいかどうか妥当性検証します。 - (制限されたチェック) - - - 作業フローに基づいたドキュメントの値 - *** 変更しないでください。*** - - - - 変更を戻す(UnDo) - 変更を元に戻します - 変更を元に戻すことができます。 - - - 変更を再実行(ReDo) - 変更を再適用します。 - 変更を再び行うことができます。 - - - カスタマイズを再適用 - 変更履歴でカスタマイズを特定したなら、それらを再適用することができます。 - データの移行は、現在の/初期の設定にシステムを「リセット」します。変更履歴で選択したら、カスタマイズを保存して、それらを再適用することができます。カスタマイズをする場合は、悪影響が無いかどうかチェックする必要があります。 - - - クライアントへの作業フロー - 現在のクライアントにカスタム作業フロー要素を移動します。 - セキュリティアーキテクチャによって、既存の標準の作業フローにクライアントの特定の変更/改造を加えることができません。このプロセスは、システムレベルでなされたカスタマイズを移動します。カスタマイズは、クライアント特有の詳細を追加するために、このクライアントへ行われたものです。 - - - 試算表 - 期間、または日付の範囲を指定した試算表です。 - 期間を選択してください、(空ならば当期)、または会計日付範囲を入力してください。勘定科目が選択されるなら、貸借は、勘定科目タイプとクライアントの主な会計期間で計算されます。(たとえば、年始からの収入/支出) 勘定科目が全く選択されないなら、貸借は、選択された勘定科目範囲より前のすべての取引の合計です。または選択された期間の最初の日より前のすべての取引の合計です。代替の報告階層を選択することができます。 - - - 製品測定単位変換 - 異なった測定単位で同じ製品を、保管、または包装し直します。 - 例: 「製品EA」は、「製品6Pack」へ、逆もまた同様に定義された測定単位変換を持っています。 -これは、部品構成表の定義と製品作成/処理のための、ワンステップ置き換えです。 - - - 督促状を印刷 - 紙、またはPDFに督促状を印刷します。 - 督促状を(再)印刷、またはビジネスパートナーの連絡先へ電子メールの添付としてPDFを送信します。 - - - - 支払い印刷 - ** 特別 ** 変更しないでください。** - - - - ビジネスパートナーの妥当性検証 - ビジネスパートナーのデータの一貫性をチェックします。 - ビジネスパートナーの支払いと請求書、及び貸借をチェックします。 - - - 受注バッチ処理 - バッチにおける注文の処理です。 - 選択基準に基づいて、選択されたドキュメント動作を使って注文が処理されます。ドキュメント動作がドキュメントにとって正常であることを確認してください。 - - - 未割当請求書 - 支払いに割り当てられなかった請求書です。 - 割り当てられていない請求書のレポートです。(部分的に支払われた/割り当てられた請求書については、「開いている項目」を見てください) - - - 未割当の支払い - 請求書に割り当てられていない支払いです。 - 割り当てられていない支払いのレポートです。(部分的に割り当てられた支払いについては、「支払い詳細」を見てください) - - - 支払い詳細 - 支払いの詳細レポートです。 - 調整された支払いをタイプしてください。(積極的な受領、消極的な支払い) - - - 開始中のビジネスパートナー - 開始中のビジネスパートナーの量です。 - このレポートは開いている請求書と支払いを表示します。 - - - 任務実行の詳細 - 任務実行の詳細レポートです。 - 任務実行、注文/請求書を含む数量詳細です。 - - - ドキュメント翻訳を同期化 - ドキュメント翻訳を同期化します。 - 現在のクライアントが多言語ドキュメントを有効にしていないなら、ドキュメントのための翻訳はメインレコードと同時化します(つまり、翻訳レコードにメインレコードの内容をコピーします)。単語が翻訳レコード内でメンテナンスされないなら、単一言語の環境に変更するときにこのプロセスが必要です。<br> -これは、クライアントが定義したドキュメント翻訳に適用されます。例えば、測定単位、支払期間、製品情報などです。 - - - 材料参照 - 材料取引相互参照です。(中古/資源化) - レポートは、例えば、材料受領が使用されている場所、顧客出荷が資源化された場所を表示します。 - - - 請求書を作成 - - - - - 請求書要求 - 要求のために請求書を作成します。 - 任意の要求グループ、ビジネスパートナーのためのカテゴリーと共に、要求タイプのための請求書を作成します。請求のための中古製品が定義されていないと、パラメーターで定義された製品が使われます。 - - - 保管庫クリーンアップ - 在庫保管庫クリーンアップです。 - バランスがとれていない在庫位置保管庫のために、在庫移動を作成します。(例:倉庫内で、手持ち数量がマイナスの位置へ在庫移動) - - - 未実現利益/損失の請求書 - 未実現利益/損失レポートの請求書です。 - このレポートは、完全には支払われていない請求書を、オープンな総勘定元帳と再評価された量でリストアップします。もし、請求書が部分的に支払われたならば、オープンな数量の割合は再評価量を計算するために使われます。<br> -通貨を選択すると、その通貨の請求書のみを含めます。「すべての通貨を含める」を選ぶと、すべての請求書が含まれ、買掛金/売掛金を一致させるためにレポートを使うことが出来ます。<br> -総勘定元帳ドキュメントタイプを選ぶと総勘定元帳が作成されます。 -レポートは、仕分けされた請求書のみを含むことに注意してください。 - - - メールのテスト - メール接続のテストをします。 - 定義された情報に基づき、eメール接続をテストします。eメールは、要求ユーザから要求ユーザへ送信されます。また、ウェブストアのメール設定もテストされます。 - - - カラム暗号化 - カラム暗号化をテスト、有効化します。 - ストレージ暗号の有効化/無効化は、データを消失する可能性があるので危険です。カラムが、暗号化されたデータを格納するのに十分な長さを持っているかを確認してください。独自の暗号化方法を利用することが出来ますが、1度有効にすると変更できません。<br> -デフォルトの実装は、US ASCII文字列変換をサポートします。(Unicode、Numbers、日付はありません)<br> -サポートは、データ回復ではなく、セットアップとテストに制限されることに注意してください。 - - - 製品原価 - 製品原価レポートです。 - 製品原価レポートは、製品、費用タイプ、および原価要素のために製品コストを表示します。 - - - 製品原価概要 - 製品原価概略レポートです。 - 製品原価レポートは、製品のために製品コストの概要を表示します。 - - - 製品原価の詳細 - 製品請求書費用詳細レポートです。 - 製品請求書費用詳細レポートは、個別の請求書費用の割当と共に製品をリストアップします。 - - - コスト分配 - 製品にコストを分配します。 - 選択に基づき、費用を製品へ分配します。 - 配分基準(数量、現在費用、ライン、重量、、、)および受領/ラインまたは製品へ直接分配。 - - - 注文詳細 - 注文詳細レポートです。 - レポートは、失った販売を含む注文詳細情報です。販売と購買にレポートを使用することができます。 - - - ビジネスパートナーの詳細 - ビジネスパートナーの詳細レポートです。 - このレポートは、ビジネスパートナーの詳細を表示します。住所と連絡先があるビジネスパートナーのための、有効なビジネスパートナーの住所と連絡先です。 - - - 原価レコードを作成 - 原価レコードを作成します。 - 原価レコードは必要な時に作成されるか、またはバッチ処理で作成されます。ここで原価情報を強制的に作成することが出来ます。 - - - 税金申告を作成 - ドキュメントから税金申告を作成します。 - - - - 要求から購買注文を作成 - 要求から購買注文を作成します。 - 購買要求から購買注文を作成します。 - - - 総勘定元帳/デフォルトを作成 - 既存の会計スキーマから、対応する会計要素の値をコピーします。 - この会計スキーマとコピーのために総勘定元帳とデフォルト勘定科目を作成して、一致する勘定科目要素の値をコピーします。 - - - 問題を報告、または更新 - Adempiereへのレポート報告です。 - - - - 毎月の請求書製品 - 1月あたりの製品の請求書報告です。 - 製品と月ごとの請求書が作成された量です。 - - - 四半期の請求書製品 - 四半期あたりの製品の請求書報告です。 - 製品と四半期ごとの請求書が作成された量です。 - - - サポートを有効にする - サポート契約を有効にします。 - この処理は、Adempiere Support Servicesサーバに接続して、サポート契約を有効にします。 サポートに申し込みをするには、 http://www.adempiere.org に行ってください。 - - - Import Payments - Import Payments - The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. - - - Validate - Validate Staging Area - - - - Deploy Web Project - Deploy Web Project - The process deploys the media to the media server(s) and then copies the stage to the container. - - - Verify BOMs - Verify BOM Structures - The Verify BOM Structures checks the elements and steps which comprise a Bill of Materials. - - - Validate - Validate Template - - - - Register Extension - Register your extension with Adempiere - You can register the four character extension with Adempiere. This makes sure that your extension can be automatically distributed and implemented. You will also be able to certify extensions. Contact Adempiere for details. - - - Validate - Validate Info Window SQL - Validate generated Info Window SQL - - - Rebuild Index - - Be carefull, this process will reindex all tables and records which are marked to get indexed. Depending on the number of documents this could take a long time. This should only be run if you have removed stop words, if this is mentioned to be run after migration. - - - Media Direct Deploy - - - - - PackRoll - - - - - PackOut - Process to create package export - - - - File_Select - Select a file - - - - PackIn - Import Package - Import a package - - - CopyRole - Copy Role - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + 期間を作成 + 12ヶ月の標準のカレンダー期間を作成します。(1月-12月) + + + + 番号付け替え + 割引エントリーに番号を付け替えます。 + + + + プライスリストを作成 + このバージョンのパラメタに基づく価格を作成します。 + 割引スキーマ価格リストの連続番号内にある価格リストバージョンのために価格を作成します。 + +より高い連続番号があるラインは既存の価格を上書きします。連続番号は一般から特定になる必要があります。 + + + 注文を処理 + + + + + 在庫カウントリストを作成 + 在庫カウントリストを作成します。 + 在庫カウントラインが生成されます。手動での行の追加、削除ができます。 + + + 数量を更新 + 現在の本の数量で、本の数量を更新します。 + 数量を更新プロセスは、現在の本の数量に従った数量に、本の数量を更新します。 + + + プロセス在庫カウント + プロセス在庫の数量確認、更新です。 + + + + アカウントを追加、またはコピー + 足りないアカウントを追加します。またはコピー&上書きします。(危険!) + 欠けているアカウントを加えるか、すべてのデフォルトアカウントを上書きコピーします。コピーして上書きする場合は、今までの更新をやり直さなければならないかもしれません。 + + + 出荷を処理 + 出荷/領収を処理します。(在庫を更新) + 出荷/領収を処理は、製品を在庫へ加える/減らす処理をします。そして、出荷/領収の項目としてラインを付けます。 + + + 注文印刷 + ** 特別** 変更しないでください。 + + + + 請求書を処理 + + + + + アカウントをコピー + このグループのビジネスパートナーへアカウントをコピー、上書きします。 + 現在のデフォルト値をコピー、上書きすると、前に行った更新を繰り返さなければならない可能性があります。(例:売掛金の設定など) + + + ウィンドウタブをコピー + 他のウィンドウからすべてのタブとフィールドをコピーします。 + 他のウィンドウからすべてのタブとフィールドをコピーします。 + + + タブフィールドをコピー + 他のタブからフィールドをコピーします。 + 他のタブからフィールドをコピーします。 + + + 仕入先選択 + 複数の仕入先がある製品です。 + 1つ以上の仕入先によって供給される製品があるとき、仕入先選択が開始されます。これは購買注文のために、特定の仕入先を選択することができます。 + + + 請求書印刷 + ** 特別 ** 変更しないでください。** + + + + 納品受領書 / 出荷 印刷 + ** 特別 ** 変更しないでください。** + + + + 出荷を生成 + 開いている注文から出荷を生成、印刷します。 + 開いている注文のための出荷は、注文の配送ルールと相対的な注文優先順位に基づいて作成されます。 出荷約束日が選択されているなら、(含んでいる)日付までの注文だけが選択されます。<br> + +もし、複数の注文が、1つのビジネスパートナーの同じ場所への注文ならば、注文を1つの出荷にまとめるすることができます。<br> + +未払い確認の注文を含めることも出来ます。(例:注文済み=10 未確認出荷=4 は、6の新しい出荷を可能ならば作成します。 + + + 請求書を生成 + 開いている注文から請求書を生成、印刷します。 + 開いている注文のための請求書は、注文の請求書ルールに基づいて作成されます。 + +もし、複数の注文が、1つのビジネスパートナーの同じ請求場所なら、注文を1つの請求書にまとめることができます。 + + + 注文取引 + 販売注文取引レポート + + + + 開いている注文 + 開いている注文のレポートです。 + 配送するための数量が付いた注文(注文残り)、または請求数量 + + + 在庫移動を処理 + 在庫移動を処理します。 + 在庫移動を処理は、倉庫または倉庫以外の住所同士の在庫移動の定義に基づき、在庫数量を更新します。 + + + 委任を生成 + 委任を生成します。 + + + + 製品取引概要 + 製品取引概要です。 + レポートは保管された製品のための取引概要を示します。 + + + 補給レポート + 在庫補給レポートです。 + レポートは、補給が必要な製品をリストにします。製品は、1つの現在の仕入先しか持つことができない事に注意してください。2つ以上の仕入先があると、両方のレコードはリセットされます。手動で現在の仕入先を選ぶ必要があります。<br> + +供給元の倉庫が定義されている場合に限り、在庫移動が作成されます。 + + + 注文掘り下げ + + + + + 請求書取引(会計) + 会計日付による請求書取引です。 + レポートは、会計日付による請求書取引をリストで表示します。 + + + 日ごとの請求書 + 1日単位の請求書報告です。 + 組織と販売担当による請求書が作成された量です。 + + + 月ごとの請求書 + 1月単位の請求書報告です。 + 組織と販売担当による請求書が作成された量です。 + + + 週ごとの請求書 + 1週間単位の請求書報告です。 + 組織と販売担当による請求書が作成された量です。 + + + 週ごとの請求書製品カテゴリ + 1週間あたりの製品カテゴリによる請求書レポートです。 + 製品カテゴリごとの請求書が作成された量です。 + + + 月ごとの請求書製品カテゴリ + 1月あたりの製品カテゴリによる請求書レポートです。 + 製品カテゴリごとの請求書が作成された量です。 + + + 毎月の請求書仕入先 + 1カ月ごとの製品仕入先の請求書レポートです。 + 仕入先と製品カテゴリによる請求書量です。 + + + 請求書を生成(手動) + 手動で請求書を生成して、印刷します。 + + + + 詳細をコピー + 他のインポート形式から詳細をコピーします。 + + + + 部品構成表の確認 + 部品構成表の構造について確認します。 + 部品構成表の確認は、部品構成表を含む要素とステップをチェックします。 + + + 生産を作成/投稿 + 作成されていない場合は、製造ラインを作成してください - すでに作成されてるならば、製造ラインを処理してください。 + 生産を作成/投稿は、製造ラインと製造ラインのプロセスを生成します。製造ラインがすでにあるならば処理されます。 + + + 製品による四半期の請求書顧客 + 四半期ごとの顧客と製品カテゴリによる請求書レポートです。 + 顧客と製品カテゴリによる請求書の量です。 + + + 仕入先による四半期の請求書顧客 + 顧客による請求書レポートと四半期あたりの製品仕入先です。 + 顧客と仕入先による請求書の量です。(顧客がどの仕入先からの商品を買ったか) + + + 勘定科目をコピー + このカテゴリの製品への勘定科目のコピーと上書きです。 + 現在のデフォルト値をコピー、上書きすると、前に更新した内容を繰り返さなければならないことがあります。(例えば、収益勘定を設定など) + + + 請求書から領収書を生成 + この請求書から配送領収書を作成して、処理します。 + 請求書は、正しくて、完成している必要があります。 + + + 現金を処理 + + + + + 項目を開く + 項目(請求書)リストを開きます。 + 指定されたビジネスパートナーと日付の範囲内で、すべての支払われていない請求書を表示します。現金仕訳帳が処理されるまで、現金で支払われた請求書が表示されます。 + + + 一致していない支払い + 銀行取引明細書と一致していない支払いです。 + レポートは銀行取引明細書と一致していない支払いを記載します。支払い量がゼロの支払いは記載されません。 + + + 明細書を処理 + + + + + 配分 + 支払い--請求書--配分 + このレポートは、支払いへの請求書割当と現金仕訳帳を表示します。以前の割当は、逆で表示されます。 + + + 支払いを処理 + + + + + 割当を処理 + この処理は、割当を振り向けます。請求書を割り当てて、再び支払うことを許可します。 + + + + 請求書取引(Doc) + 請求書日付による請求書取引 + このレポートは、請求書日付で請求書取引をリスト表示します。 + + + 請求書の詳細 & 利幅 + 請求書(ライン)の詳細と利幅レポート + レポートは、利幅とともに顧客、仕入先の請求書詳細をリストアップします。 + + + オンライン処理 + + + + + 領収書から請求書を生成 + この領収書から請求書を生成、処理します。領収書は、正しくて、完成している必要があります。 + 領収書から請求書を生成は、選択された領収書に基づき、請求書を作成します。そして、請求書をその領収書と対応させます。請求書ドキュメントタイプが、ドキュメント番号を手動で設定することを許可している場合にだけ、ドキュメント番号を設定することができます。 + + + 支払いを準備 + 支払いのために、準備された支払い(小切手)を作成します。 + 支払い 印刷/エクスポートを通して実際の支払いを作成します。 + + + …から作成 + + + + + 督促状 + ** 特別 ** 変えないでください。** + + + + 製品取引額 + 製品取引額 + レポートは、現在の仕入先価格で製品取引を表示します。 + + + プロジェクト状態概要 + プロジェクトサイクルのプロジェクト状態です。 + + + + 注文を生成 + プロジェクトからの注文を生成します。 + 注文を生成は、プロジェクトフェーズに基づいて新しい注文ドキュメントを生成します。価格リストと倉庫/サービス場所が、プロジェクトで定義されていなければなりません。 + + + ラインをコピー + 他の委任から委任ラインをコピーします。 + + + + 請求書を生成 + 手数料の計算から請求書を生成します。 + + + + すべてを開く/閉じる + この期間のすべての期間管理のために、期間ステータスを変更します。 + + + + 開く/閉じる + 期間ステータスを変更します。 + + + + 仕訳帳を処理 + + + + + 現金仕訳帳の詳細 + 現金仕訳帳の詳細情報です。 + + + + 受取勘定帳消し + 開いている受取勘定を反対仕分けで帳消しします。 + 受取勘定帳消しは、基準によって選択された請求書に、支払済みのしるしを付けます。そして、開いた請求書の量を帳消しします。代替的に、支払いを作成することも出来ます。 + + + + 用語を同期 + システムの中で用語を同期します。 + ウィンドウ要素、ウィンドウ内のフィールド、パラメーターなどのエントリーが正しく管理されているなら、それらに基づいて同期します。また、言語翻訳も同期させます。 + + + DBからカラムを作成 + カラムとしては存在していませんがデータベース内に存在している辞書カラムのテーブルを作成します。 + このテーブルへデータベースのカラムを加えたなら、この処理は辞書内のカラムレコードを作成します。もしエンティティタイプがユーザーにセットされていないなら、削除されてしまうことに気をつけてください。 + + + フィールドを作成 + テーブルカラムからフィールドを作成します。(テーブルカラムがタブにまだ存在していない場合)。 + この手続きは、このタブのテーブルカラムに基づいて、足りないフィールドを作成します。 + + + 転記を再送信 + 転記に誤りがあった場合に、ドキュメントの転記を再送信します。 + 転記に誤りがあるドキュメントは、次の会計処理の実行で、転記されるためにリセットされます。(原因を修理した後、たとえば会計期間の開始時) + + + 会計をリセット + 会計エントリーをリセットします。**始める前に、会計サーバーを停止してください。** + 次回の会計処理の実行で再作成されるために、ドキュメントの会計レコードを削除します。これは劇的なステップです、会計の構造を変更した後にのみこの処理が必要になります。(例えば、異なったデフォルトアカウントなど)手動の仕訳帳科目を経由した修正は区別されません。 + + + 言語メンテナンス + システム内の言語翻訳をメンテナンスします。 + 足りない翻訳エントリーを追加できます。(追加的なシステム言語をオンにした後に実行する必要があります) - 翻訳レコードを削除 - または翻訳レコードを再作成します。(最初に、足りないエントリーを削除、追加してください) + +足りない翻訳レコードは、システム言語(英語)をコピーすることによって作成されます。処理の後に言語パックを適用出来ます。翻訳をインポートした後に、用語の同期化を実行してください。 + + + 在庫評価レポート + 在庫評価レポート + レポートは、評価日付の手持ち数量と価格で製品を表示します。 + + + カラムを同期 + アプリケーション辞書からデータベーステーブルの定義を変更します。 + これを選択すると、アプリケーション辞書のカラム定義にある、エントリーに基づいて、データベースカラム定義を更新します。 すべての変更がデータベースによってサポートされているとは限らないので、エラーになる可能性があることに注意してください。 + + + 標準原価更新 + 標準、将来の原価を設定します。 + 標準原価のために、現在か将来の価格を設定/再計算できます。(会計スキーマの費用タイプのために)もし会計スキーマの原価水準がクライアントに設定されていたら、足りない原価レコードは作成されます。過去の原価は、原価手法の累積数量に基づいて計算されます。 + + + 製品原価レポート(古い) + 製品原価報告書です。 + + + + 費用を処理 + + + + + DBオブジェクトを再コンパイル + DBオブジェクトを再コンパイルします。 + 関数、プロシージャ、トリガー、ビューなどを再コンパイルします。 + + + 費用から販売注文を作成 + 費用報告書から顧客への販売注文を作成します。 + + + + 買掛金費用請求書を作成 + 費用からAP請求書を作成して、従業員に支払います。 + + + + バッチを処理 + + + + + カラムをコピー + 他のカラムセットからレポートカラムをコピーします。 + このカラムセットの終了でカラムをコピーします。計算対象をリセットする必要があります。 + + + ラインをコピー + 他のラインセットからレポートラインをコピーします。 + このラインセットの終了でラインをコピーします。計算対象をリセットする必要があります。 + + + 印刷フォーマットを設定 + すべての印刷フォーマットのために、同じ横長/縦長で、設定します。 + + + + コピー/作成 + テーブルから印刷フォーマットを、(存在している場合は)コピー、または作成します。 + 印刷フォーマットを作成するために[初期のおおまかなレイアウトを作成します]テーブルを選択してください。 + +または、現在の印刷フォーマットへコピー[レイアウトをコピーします]するために、印刷フォーマットを選択してください。 + + + 販売注文から購買注文を生成 + 販売注文から発注書を作成します。 + 販売注文が完成した後に、販売注文に対して1つ以上の購買注文を作成することができます。購買注文は常に1つの販売注文を参照します。(つまり、販売注文の連結はありません) + + + +販売注文の組織は、購買注文を作成するために使われます。もし(標準の)購買注文ドキュメントタイプが、組織レベルで定義されているなら、それはクライアントレベルで定義されたドキュメントサイズの代わりに使われます。 + + + + + +販売注文は、現在の仕入先が設定されているすべての販売注文ラインのために生成されます。仕入先は、最新の価格リストですべての製品と共に、仕入先価格リストを持っています。測定単位はコピーされます。購買注文と販売注文は、別の通貨として扱えます。 + + +一度処理が実行されたら、手動で購買注文と販売注文を同期させる必要があります。(追加のラインと変更されたライン(製品と数量)の場合など) + + + + ビジネスパートナーのインポート + ビジネスパートナーをインポートします。 + パラメータはNULLレコードのためのデフォルト値です。データを上書きすることはありません。 + + + 要求を再開 + 閉じている要求を再開します。 + + + + 製品インポート + ファイルからアプリケーションに製品情報をインポートします。 + 製品インポートは、アプリケーションへ事前に定義された形式で、製品のファイルを持ち込みます。<p> + +パラメータはNULLレコードのためのデフォルト値です。データを上書きすることはありません。<p> + +もし、存在している価格リストを選択して、リスト、標準、限度価格が定義されているなら、それらは直接生成/更新されます。 + + + 勘定科目のインポート + 自然な勘定科目をインポートします。 + 勘定科目とその階層構造をインポートして、(任意で)デフォルト勘定科目を更新します。 + +デフォルト勘定科目の更新は、使われている自然な勘定科目区分を変更します。(例:勘定科目 01-240 は 01-300 になります) 新しい組み合わせを作成すると、古い勘定科目(01-240)は残りまが、置き換えられます。 + +これを選択する場合は、1つの自然な勘定科目を使っている、重複したデフォルト勘定科目がないように気をつけてください。必ずバックアップをしてください。 + +<p>パラメータはNULLレコードのためのデフォルト値です。データを上書きすることはありません。 + + + レポートラインセットをインポート + レポートラインセットの情報をインポートします。 + パラメータはNULLレコードのためのデフォルト値です。データを上書きすることはありません。 + + + 出荷を生成(手動) + 出荷を生成して、印刷します。 + + + + 請求書を印刷 + 紙に請求書を印刷、またはPDFへ送ります。 + 請求書を(再)印刷、またはPDFの添付として、それらを有効な電子メールと共にビジネスパートナー連絡に送ります。 + +<br> + +注意:ドキュメント番号だけを入力すると、ドキュメント番号の値が入力値以上の請求書がすべて印刷されます。ワイルドカードとして % を使うことも出来ます。 + + + 資産を配送 + 電子的に顧客資産を配送します。 + 顧客にメールを送って、新しい配送を添付します(任意)。 + + + レポートを作成 + 財務報告を作成します。 + デフォルトの期間は当期です。任意に他の絞込み条件を入れることができます。代替の報告階層を選択することができます。 + + + 会計残高を更新 + 毎日の会計残高を更新します。 + この処理は自動的に実行されます。 + + + 決算報告書 + 取引明細書の期首残高と取引を報告します。 + 期間を選択してください(空の場合は当期です)、または、会計日付の範囲を入力してください。代替の報告階層を選択することができます。 + + + キャッシュリセット + システムのキャッシュをリセットします。処理を実行する前にすべてのウィンドウを閉じてください。 + 性能を高めるために、Adempiereはキャッシュにより繰り返してデータを使用します。このプロセスはローカルのキャッシュをクリアします。 + + + 注文データをインポート + 注文データを取り込みます。 + パラメータは、NULLのインポートレコードのためのデフォルト値です。データを上書きすることはありません。 + +「準備」と「完成」だけが正常なドキュメント動作であることに注意してください。 + + + 請求書をインポート + 請求書データを取り込みます。 + パラメータは、NULLのインポートレコードのためのデフォルト値です。データを上書きすることはありません。 + +「準備」と「完成」だけが正常なドキュメント動作であることに注意してください。 + + + 複製(レプリケーション)実行の開始 + リモートホストとのレプリケーションを開始します。 + + + + メールテキストを送信 + 有効なインターネットエリアの購読者へ電子メールを送信します。または、選択されたユーザーからビジネスパートナーグループへメールを送信します。 + メール購読者へメールを送信するために、インターネットエリアを選択してください。追加的にビジネスパートナーの連絡先へメールを送ることも出来ます。<br> + +メールを送信するためには、ユーザーは有効な電子メールの情報を持っている必要があります。ユーザーを選択しない場合は、クライアントの要求したメールユーザーからメールを送ります。 + + + ラインをコピー + 他の請求書からラインをコピーします。 + + + + ラインをコピー + 他の注文からラインをコピーします。 + + + + 詳細のコピー + 他のプロジェクトからライン/フェーズ/タスクをコピーします。 + + + + プロセスの開始 + 再実行します。 + + + + 詳細のコピー + 他の仕訳帳バッチから、仕訳帳/ラインをコピーします。 + + + + プロジェクトタイプを設定 + プロジェクトタイプを設定してください。そして、サービスプロジェクトのために、プロジェクトタイプのフェーズとタスクをプロジェクトにコピーしてください。 + + + + + + 注文を生成 + プロジェクトフェーズから注文を生成します。 + 「注文を生成」処理は、プロジェクトフェーズまたはタスクに基づく、新しい注文ドキュメントを作成します。価格リストと倉庫/サービスポイントを、プロジェクトで定義する必要があります。製品がフェーズレベルで定義されるなら、フェーズ情報は注文の基礎として使用されます(マイルストーン請求) - そうでなければ、個々のタスクです。 + + + プロジェクト印刷 + ** 特別 ** ** 変更しないでください。 + + + + プロジェクトサイクルレポート + プロジェクトサイクルに基づくプロジェクトのレポートです。 + プロジェクトサイクルは、サイクルステップ/フェーズの、共通のプロジェクトフェーズについて報告します。すべてのレポート情報は、サイクルステップの相対的な重み付けとプロジェクトサイクルの通貨へ変換によって、重み付けをされます。<p> + +プロジェクトは必ずプロジェクトタイプ、フェーズ、通貨の情報を保持します。フェーズは、サイクルステップに割り当てられていなければなりません。 + + + 在庫のインポート + 物理的な在庫をインポートします。 + パラメータは、NULLのインポートレコードのためのデフォルト値です。データを上書きすることはありません。 + + + 仕訳帳をインポート + 総勘定元帳バッチ/仕訳帳/ラインをインポートします。 + パラメータは、NULLのインポートレコードのためのデフォルト値です。データを上書きすることはありません。 + + + 銀行取引明細書のインポート + 銀行取引明細書のインポートです。 + パラメータは、NULLのインポートレコードのためのデフォルト値です。データを上書きすることはありません。 + + + 顧客資産 + 配送数量がある顧客資産のレポートです。 + レポートは、資産の配送数量と共にビジネスパートナーの資産を表示します。 + + + 資産配送の詳細 + 資産配送の詳細レポートです。 + レポートは選択されたレコードのために、資産配送の詳細をリストアップします。 + + + プロジェクトへ発行 + 材料を、受領・手動在庫場所からプロジェクトへ発行します。 + プロジェクトと、以下のいずれかを選択してください。 + + + +<Br>- 材料領収書 + + + +<Br>- 経費報告書 + + + +<Br<- 在庫場所と発行されていないプロジェクトライン + + + +<br>- 在庫場所、製品と数量 + + + +デフォルトの移動日付は今日の日付です。 + + + プロジェクトから購買注文を生成 + プロジェクトラインから購買注文を生成します。 + + + + + プロジェクトの詳細会計報告 + プロジェクトの会計事実の詳細です。 + + + + プロジェクトを閉じる + + + + + 発行されていないプロジェクトライン + +まだプロジェクトへ発行されていない、作業指示書または資産プロジェクトの、プロジェクトラインのリストです。 + + + + 購買注文が発行されていないプロジェクト + 作業指示書か資産プロジェクトの、購買注文が生成されたプロジェクトラインをリストアップします。(プロジェクトへ発行されていないものを表示します) + + + + 価格を取得 + プロジェクト価格リストに基づいて、プロジェクトラインのために価格を取得します。 + + + + 見積もりを変換 + 開いている提案または見積もりを注文に変換します。 + 提案または見積もりを、他の注文ドキュメントタイプへ変換できます。提案または見積もりを維持したい場合に、この処理を使います。ドキュメントの状態は、「処理中」である必要があります。 + + + 注文/請求書の価格再設定 + 公開している注文または請求書の、最新の価格リストバージョンに基づいて、価格を再計算します。 + + + + ドキュメントタイプを確認 + ドキュメントタイプを確認します。 + すべてのドキュメント基本タイプに、ドキュメントタイプがあることを確認してください。<br> + +ドキュメントタイプのために、足りない期間管理を作ってください。(それらを開く必要があります) + + + プロジェクト利益額(作業指示) + 作業指示プロジェクトライン(計画された収入) 対 プロジェクト問題(コスト) + 作業指示のためのプロジェクト利益額レポートは、プロジェクト問題(実際の取り組みとコスト)に対して、プロジェクトライン(計画された収入)を比較します。 + +マージン量は、収入(ライン)からコスト(問題)を差し引くことによって計算されます。 + +コストは、会計スキーマの通貨内にあります。 - ラインはプロジェクトの価格リストの通貨にあります。 + + + ツリー構造を確認 + ツリー構造の完全性と正当性について確認します。 + + + + ストレージの詳細 + ストレージの詳細レポートです。 + レポートは、製品実体(ロット、シリアルナンバー)情報を含む、ストレージの詳細を表示します。 + + + 取引の詳細 + 取引詳細レポートです。 + レポートは、製品実体(ロット、シリアルナンバー)情報を含む、取引の詳細(領収、出荷、在庫、移動)を表示します。 + + + 過去のレポート + 過去の古いレポートです。 + 過去のレポートで、公開項目(請求書)をレポートすることができます。レポートの中から必要な過去のバケットを選択してください。通貨を選択すると、その通貨の請求書だけを取得できます。そうでなければ、金額は第一の会計通貨に変換されます。満期日を選択しないなら、システム日付が、バケットを計算するために使用されます。 + + + 月間クリック数 + 1カ月あたりのクリック数です。 + レポートは、1ヶ月あたりの広告クリック数を示します。 + + + 未処理クリック + 未処理のクリックです。 + このレポートは、処理出来なかったクリック数を表示します。(応答URL数がクリック回数に合わない) + + + 通知を削除 + すべての通知を削除します。 + + + + 妥当性検証 + 支払いスケジュールの妥当性検証をします。 + + + + 妥当性検証 + 支払期間とスケジュールの妥当性検証をします。 + + + + 倉庫組織 + 倉庫の所有権を組織に設定、確認します。 + このプロセスは、倉庫の所有権および依存する経済主体(位置、保管)を変更、確認することが出来ます。 + + + 製品組織 + 製品の所有権を設定、確認してください。 + このプロセスは、製品の所有権および依存する経済主体(部品構成表、代用品、補充、購買、ビジネスパートナー情報、原価)を変更、確認することが出来ます。<br> + +製品カテゴリまたは、特定の製品を選択してください。 + + + ビジネスパートナー組織 + ビジネスパートナーの所有権を組織へ設定、確認してください。 + このプロセスは、ビジネスパートナーの所有権および依存する経済主体(位置、連絡/ユーザー、銀行口座、源泉徴収)を変更、確認することが出来ます。<br> + +ビジネスパートナーグループまたは、特定のビジネスパートナーを選択してください。 + + + 銀行明細書を読み込み + 銀行明細書を読み込みます。 + 銀行取引明細書をインポートテーブルにロードします。使用されるパラメタは実際のローダーに依存します。 + + + インポートを削除 + インポートテーブルのすべてのデータを削除します。 + データのロードに問題がある場合は、インポートテーブル内のすべてのデータを削除してください。削除は、インポートされたデータ、されていないデータを区別しません。 + + + 通貨交換比率をインポート + 通貨交換比率をインポートします。 + + + + すぐに登録! + 登録証明書は、Compiereが、より一層ユーザーに役立つのを助けます。 + 私たちは、どんな第三者にもデータを提供しません、また統計的な目的以外に領しません。 +あなたが、Compiereの使用を公表することを許可すると、それは私たちを助けるでしょう。どんな情報も発表する前に、私たちは直接あなたに連絡します。 + + + + 請求書税 + 請求書税金の合意です。 + レポートは、ビジネスパートナーの税金情報と共に請求書税ラインを表示します。 + + + 会計事実の詳細 + 会計事実の詳細のレポートです。 + 会計事実の詳細のレポートです。 + + + 日ごとの会計事実 + 会計日付によってまとめられた会計事実の詳細です。 + レポートは会計取引の日々の概要を表示します。 + + + 会計事実の期間 + 会計期間によってまとめられた会計事実の詳細です。 + 期間は、クライアントレベルで定義されたカレンダーに基づいています。 + + + 注文を再開 + 閉じていた注文を開きます。 + + + + 銀行取引明細書の関連付け + 銀行取引明細書の情報を、対応するビジネスパートナー、請求書、および支払いに合わせます。 + + + + 支払いを作成 + 銀行取引明細書の情報から支払いを作成します。 + + + + 連続番号のチェック + システムとドキュメント連続番号をチェックします。 + システムとドキュメント連続番号が正しいかどうかチェックします。重複キーエラーメッセージが表示された場合に、このプロセスを実行してください。 + + + 注文を作成 + 配送リスト ラインアイテムに基づく注文を作成します。 + 丸め誤差のために、注文の総量は、入力したときより多い傾向があります。 + + + 組織をリンク + ビジネスパートナーを組織にリンクします。 + ビジネスパートナーが他の組織の場合は、組織を選択するか、新しい組織を作成するために空にしておいてください。組織の内部取引で、明示的にドキュメントを作成するためにビジネスパートナーを組織にリンクしてください。 +新しい組織を作成したら、組織タイプを決めてください。役割を選択したら、新しい組織へのアクセスはその役割に制限されます。そうでなければ、クライアントのすべての(手動でない)役割が、新しい組織にアクセス出来るようになります。 + + + 作成 & 招待 + RfQを作成して、仕入先を招待してください。 + (足りない)RfQ応答を作成して、RfQに応じるために任意にeメールで招待/督促状を仕入先に送ってください。 + + + 招待 & 督促 + RfQに答えるために、仕入先へ招待、または督促のeメールを送ります。 + 1通のメールごとにRfQに応じるために、仕入先へ招待/督促状を送ります。 + + + 未回答RfQ + 未払いのRfQ応答 + 応答が「完了」とマークされていない(閉じられていない/処理されない)有効なRfQ応答をリストアップします。 + + + RfQ応答 + 詳細なRfQ応答です。 + 応答が「完了」とマークされていない(閉じられていない/処理されない)有効なRfQ応答の詳細をリストアップします。 + + + 応答をランク付け + 完了したRfQ応答をランク付けします。 + 無効応答は数量1個あたり999でランク付けされます。数量応答は、互いと更新されたRfQの最高の応答にランク付けされます。応答ラインは、ライン数量購入数量が選択された場所で、落札者としてマークされます。RfQタイプが"すべてのラインを見積もり" または "合計のみを見積もり"の場合のみ、落札者の合計が選択されます。 + + + +その後、すべての数量応答のランキングは、応答ランキングの合計のために追加されます。一番低い合計ランキングがある応答は、落札者としてマークされます。 + + + + + 発注書を作成 + RfQ落札者のために発注書を作成します。 + 選択された(RfQライン数量の)購入数量を使って、応答と、落札者としてマークされたラインのために発注書を作成します。もし、応答が落札者としてマークされていたら、すべてのラインは作成されます。(そして、他の応答の落札者は無視されます)落札者としてマークされた応答がないなら、そのラインが使われます。 + + + 販売注文を作成 + 販売注文を作成します。 + 販売注文は、入力されたビジネスパートナーのために作成されます。販売注文ラインは、"提供数量" が選択された、各RfQライン数量のために作成されます。RfQライン数量上に、0でない提供数量が入力された場合は、その価格が使用されます。 + +RfQライン数量上に、マージンが入力された場合は、一般のマージンは上書きされます。マージンは最高の応答量に追加された百分率(%)です。 + + + ラインをコピー + 別のRfQからラインをコピーします。 + + + + RfQを閉じる + RfQと応答を閉じます。 + RfQとすべてのその応答を閉じます。 + + + 請求を開始 + 開いている請求情報を詳しく表示します。 + + + + 注文を作成 + 配送リスト ラインアイテムに基づく注文を作成します。 + 丸め誤差のために、注文の総量は、入力したときより多い傾向があります。 + + + ビジネスパートナー組織のリンクをはずす + 組織からビジネスパートナーをはずします。 + 組織にリンクされたビジネスパートナーを離します。(明示的な組織間ドキュメントのため) + + + プロセス要求 + + + + + 資産配送月 + 1ヶ月あたりの資産配送の概要をレポートします。 + レポートは選択されたレコードのために、資産と配送を1ヶ月単位でリストアップします。 + + + ドキュメントタイプを有効にする + + + + + RfQ応答印刷 + ** 特別 ** 変更しないでください。** + + + + 完了をチェック + RfQ設定に基づき、応答が完了だった場合にチェックします。 + + + + 活動を管理 + 活動の管理です。 + + + + プロセスを管理 + プロセスを管理します。 + + + + プロセス確認 + + + + + 確認を作成 + ドキュメントのための確認を作成します。 + この文書が処理できるようになる前に、生成された確認が処理される必要があります。 + + + パッケージを作成 + 出荷のためにパッケージを作成してください。 + + + + RMAを処理 + + + + + 確認の詳細を開く + 出荷または受領の確認の詳細を開きます。 + このレポートは開いている確認をリストアップします。 + + + 確認を開く + 出荷または領収の確認を開きます。 + レポートは開いている確認を表示します。 + + + 確認を処理 + 在庫移動の確認を処理します。 + + + + 印刷フォーマットの詳細 + 印刷フォーマットの詳細レポートです。 + 項目の詳細がある印刷フォーマットです。 + + + パスワードのリセット + ユーザーのためにパスワードをリセットします。 + ユーザーパスワードとEMail設定を変更することができます。管理者ならば、パスワードを入力する必要はありません。 + + + 督促の実行を作成 + 督促レベル基準に基づいて、督促実行エントリを作成します。 + + + + 在庫移動印刷 + ** 特別 ** 変更しないでください。** + 独自のフォーマットと処理を作成/コピーします。 + + + 物理的な在庫印刷 + ** 特別 ** 変更しないでください。** + 独自のフォーマットと処理を作成/コピーします。 + + + 出荷確認 + ** 特別 ** 変更しないでください。** + + + + 材料受領の詳細 + 材料受領の詳細情報です。 + このレポートは、材料受領ヘッダと位置の情報を提供します。 + + + 出荷の詳細 + 出荷の詳細情報です。 + このレポートは、材料出荷ヘッダーとラインを位置情報と共に提供します。統合梱包リストを作成するために、このレポートを使用することができます。 + + + アクセス権限更新 + クライアントの役割のアクセス権限を更新します。 + ウィンドウ、フォーム、過程、および作業フローへの、ひとつの役割のアクセス権、またはすべての役割のアクセス権を更新します。 +システムのために実行するなら、すべてのクライアントのすべての役割を更新します。 +手動でマークされない場合は、役割は更新されるだけということに注意してください。 + + + 確認のインポート + 確認をインポートします。 + パラメータは、NULLのインポートレコードのためのデフォルト値です。データを上書きすることはありません。 + + + 寸法のキャプチャ + 計算 + 寸法を取得して、計算します。 + もし自動なら、寸法をキャプチャします。- そして、実際の寸法を計算/更新します。 + + + 寸法を計算 + 寸法を計算します。 + 実際の寸法を計算/更新します。 + + + 確認 + 総勘定元帳の分配について確認します。 + + + + 削除 + レコードに対応する請求書を削除します。 + + + + 削除 + レコードに対応する購買注文を削除します。 + + + + 自動割当 + 請求書の支払いへの自動割当です。 + ビジネスパートナー、またはグループのために、請求書の支払いへの割当を試みます。最初に、既存の割当をリセットしたい場合があります。<br> + +割当は、(1) 請求書への参照と共に入力された支払い (2) 支払い選択 (3) ビジネスパートナーバランス (4) 一致している請求書と支払いの量 に基づいています。割当は、正確な数量に基づいていて、買掛金/売掛金、請求/支払いを含んでいます。<br> + +(5)番目の方法として、最も古い請求へ支払いを割り当てることを有効にできます。この場合は、未割当の数量が残っている可能性があります。 + + + 割当をリセット + 支払いへの請求書の割当をリセットします(削除します)。 + ビジネスパートナー、ビジネスパートナーグループ、会計日付の範囲、または個人の割当のために、割当を削除します。期間が開いているなら、"View Allocation"の"Void"と対照的に、割当は削除されます(追跡なし)。 + + + 作業フローの妥当性検証 + ワークフローが正しいかどうか妥当性検証します。 + (制限されたチェック) + + + 作業フローに基づいたドキュメントの値 + *** 変更しないでください。*** + + + + 変更を戻す(UnDo) + 変更を元に戻します + 変更を元に戻すことができます。 + + + 変更を再実行(ReDo) + 変更を再適用します。 + 変更を再び行うことができます。 + + + カスタマイズを再適用 + 変更履歴でカスタマイズを特定したなら、それらを再適用することができます。 + データの移行は、現在の/初期の設定にシステムを「リセット」します。変更履歴で選択したら、カスタマイズを保存して、それらを再適用することができます。カスタマイズをする場合は、悪影響が無いかどうかチェックする必要があります。 + + + クライアントへの作業フロー + 現在のクライアントにカスタム作業フロー要素を移動します。 + セキュリティアーキテクチャによって、既存の標準の作業フローにクライアントの特定の変更/改造を加えることができません。このプロセスは、システムレベルでなされたカスタマイズを移動します。カスタマイズは、クライアント特有の詳細を追加するために、このクライアントへ行われたものです。 + + + 試算表 + 期間、または日付の範囲を指定した試算表です。 + 期間を選択してください、(空ならば当期)、または会計日付範囲を入力してください。勘定科目が選択されるなら、貸借は、勘定科目タイプとクライアントの主な会計期間で計算されます。(たとえば、年始からの収入/支出) 勘定科目が全く選択されないなら、貸借は、選択された勘定科目範囲より前のすべての取引の合計です。または選択された期間の最初の日より前のすべての取引の合計です。代替の報告階層を選択することができます。 + + + 製品測定単位変換 + 異なった測定単位で同じ製品を、保管、または包装し直します。 + 例: 「製品EA」は、「製品6Pack」へ、逆もまた同様に定義された測定単位変換を持っています。 + +これは、部品構成表の定義と製品作成/処理のための、ワンステップ置き換えです。 + + + 督促状を印刷 + 紙、またはPDFに督促状を印刷します。 + 督促状を(再)印刷、またはビジネスパートナーの連絡先へ電子メールの添付としてPDFを送信します。 + + + + + 支払い印刷 + ** 特別 ** 変更しないでください。** + + + + ビジネスパートナーの妥当性検証 + ビジネスパートナーのデータの一貫性をチェックします。 + ビジネスパートナーの支払いと請求書、及び貸借をチェックします。 + + + 受注バッチ処理 + バッチにおける注文の処理です。 + 選択基準に基づいて、選択されたドキュメント動作を使って注文が処理されます。ドキュメント動作がドキュメントにとって正常であることを確認してください。 + + + 未割当請求書 + 支払いに割り当てられなかった請求書です。 + 割り当てられていない請求書のレポートです。(部分的に支払われた/割り当てられた請求書については、「開いている項目」を見てください) + + + 未割当の支払い + 請求書に割り当てられていない支払いです。 + 割り当てられていない支払いのレポートです。(部分的に割り当てられた支払いについては、「支払い詳細」を見てください) + + + 支払い詳細 + 支払いの詳細レポートです。 + 調整された支払いをタイプしてください。(積極的な受領、消極的な支払い) + + + 開始中のビジネスパートナー + 開始中のビジネスパートナーの量です。 + このレポートは開いている請求書と支払いを表示します。 + + + 任務実行の詳細 + 任務実行の詳細レポートです。 + 任務実行、注文/請求書を含む数量詳細です。 + + + ドキュメント翻訳を同期化 + ドキュメント翻訳を同期化します。 + 現在のクライアントが多言語ドキュメントを有効にしていないなら、ドキュメントのための翻訳はメインレコードと同時化します(つまり、翻訳レコードにメインレコードの内容をコピーします)。単語が翻訳レコード内でメンテナンスされないなら、単一言語の環境に変更するときにこのプロセスが必要です。<br> + +これは、クライアントが定義したドキュメント翻訳に適用されます。例えば、測定単位、支払期間、製品情報などです。 + + + 材料参照 + 材料取引相互参照です。(中古/資源化) + レポートは、例えば、材料受領が使用されている場所、顧客出荷が資源化された場所を表示します。 + + + 請求書を作成 + + + + + 請求書要求 + 要求のために請求書を作成します。 + 任意の要求グループ、ビジネスパートナーのためのカテゴリーと共に、要求タイプのための請求書を作成します。請求のための中古製品が定義されていないと、パラメーターで定義された製品が使われます。 + + + 保管庫クリーンアップ + 在庫保管庫クリーンアップです。 + バランスがとれていない在庫位置保管庫のために、在庫移動を作成します。(例:倉庫内で、手持ち数量がマイナスの位置へ在庫移動) + + + 未実現利益/損失の請求書 + 未実現利益/損失レポートの請求書です。 + このレポートは、完全には支払われていない請求書を、オープンな総勘定元帳と再評価された量でリストアップします。もし、請求書が部分的に支払われたならば、オープンな数量の割合は再評価量を計算するために使われます。<br> + +通貨を選択すると、その通貨の請求書のみを含めます。「すべての通貨を含める」を選ぶと、すべての請求書が含まれ、買掛金/売掛金を一致させるためにレポートを使うことが出来ます。<br> + +総勘定元帳ドキュメントタイプを選ぶと総勘定元帳が作成されます。 + +レポートは、仕分けされた請求書のみを含むことに注意してください。 + + + メールのテスト + メール接続のテストをします。 + 定義された情報に基づき、eメール接続をテストします。eメールは、要求ユーザから要求ユーザへ送信されます。また、ウェブストアのメール設定もテストされます。 + + + カラム暗号化 + カラム暗号化をテスト、有効化します。 + ストレージ暗号の有効化/無効化は、データを消失する可能性があるので危険です。カラムが、暗号化されたデータを格納するのに十分な長さを持っているかを確認してください。独自の暗号化方法を利用することが出来ますが、1度有効にすると変更できません。<br> + +デフォルトの実装は、US ASCII文字列変換をサポートします。(Unicode、Numbers、日付はありません)<br> + +サポートは、データ回復ではなく、セットアップとテストに制限されることに注意してください。 + + + 製品原価 + 製品原価レポートです。 + 製品原価レポートは、製品、費用タイプ、および原価要素のために製品コストを表示します。 + + + 製品原価概要 + 製品原価概略レポートです。 + 製品原価レポートは、製品のために製品コストの概要を表示します。 + + + 製品原価の詳細 + 製品請求書費用詳細レポートです。 + 製品請求書費用詳細レポートは、個別の請求書費用の割当と共に製品をリストアップします。 + + + コスト分配 + 製品にコストを分配します。 + 選択に基づき、費用を製品へ分配します。 - 配分基準(数量、現在費用、ライン、重量、、、)および受領/ラインまたは製品へ直接分配。 + + + 注文詳細 + 注文詳細レポートです。 + レポートは、失った販売を含む注文詳細情報です。販売と購買にレポートを使用することができます。 + + + ビジネスパートナーの詳細 + ビジネスパートナーの詳細レポートです。 + このレポートは、ビジネスパートナーの詳細を表示します。住所と連絡先があるビジネスパートナーのための、有効なビジネスパートナーの住所と連絡先です。 + + + 原価レコードを作成 + 原価レコードを作成します。 + 原価レコードは必要な時に作成されるか、またはバッチ処理で作成されます。ここで原価情報を強制的に作成することが出来ます。 + + + 税金申告を作成 + ドキュメントから税金申告を作成します。 + + + + 要求から購買注文を作成 + 要求から購買注文を作成します。 + 購買要求から購買注文を作成します。 + + + 総勘定元帳/デフォルトを作成 + 既存の会計スキーマから、対応する会計要素の値をコピーします。 + この会計スキーマとコピーのために総勘定元帳とデフォルト勘定科目を作成して、一致する勘定科目要素の値をコピーします。 + + + 問題を報告、または更新 + Adempiereへのレポート報告です。 + + + + 毎月の請求書製品 + 1月あたりの製品の請求書報告です。 + 製品と月ごとの請求書が作成された量です。 + + + 四半期の請求書製品 + 四半期あたりの製品の請求書報告です。 + 製品と四半期ごとの請求書が作成された量です。 + + + サポートを有効にする + サポート契約を有効にします。 + この処理は、Adempiere Support Servicesサーバに接続して、サポート契約を有効にします。 サポートに申し込みをするには、 http://www.adempiere.org に行ってください。 + + + Import Payments + Import Payments + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. + + + Validate + Validate Staging Area + + + + Deploy Web Project + Deploy Web Project + The process deploys the media to the media server(s) and then copies the stage to the container. + + + Verify BOMs + Verify BOM Structures + The Verify BOM Structures checks the elements and steps which comprise a Bill of Materials. + + + Validate + Validate Template + + + + Register Extension + Register your extension with Adempiere + You can register the four character extension with Adempiere. This makes sure that your extension can be automatically distributed and implemented. You will also be able to certify extensions. Contact Adempiere for details. + + + Validate + Validate Info Window SQL + Validate generated Info Window SQL + + + Rebuild Index + + Be carefull, this process will reindex all tables and records which are marked to get indexed. Depending on the number of documents this could take a long time. This should only be run if you have removed stop words, if this is mentioned to be run after migration. + + + Media Direct Deploy + + + + + PackRoll + + + + + PackOut + Process to create package export + + + + File_Select + Select a file + + + + PackIn + Import Package + Import a package + + + CopyRole + Copy Role + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/AD_Ref_List_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/AD_Ref_List_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 4aadd493b1..0d965c368f 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/AD_Ref_List_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/AD_Ref_List_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,3317 +1,3317 @@ - - - - - - 組織 - - - - クライアント組織 - - - - システムのみ - - - - すべて - - - - リスト妥当性検証 - リスト妥当性検証 - - - データ型式 - データ型式 - - - テーブル妥当性検証 - テーブル妥当性検証 - - - SQL - SQL - - - Java言語 - Java言語 - - - JavaScript - ECMAスクリプト - - - ウィンドウ - - - - タスク - - - - 作業フロー - - - - プロセス - - - - エラー - - - - 情報 - - - - メニュー - - - - 単一レコード - - - - 維持管理 - - - - 取引 - - - - クエリのみ - - - - スポット - スポット会話レートタイプ - - - 期間の終了 - 期間の変換タイプ - - - 標準のカレンダーの期間 - 重なっていないカレンダー日付の期間 - - - 期間の調整 - カレンダー日なしの期間 - - - 勘定科目 - 勘定科目の要素 - - - 定義されたユーザー - ユーザーの定義された要素 - - - 資産 - 資産(貸借対照表)勘定 - - - 負債 - 負債(貸借対照表)勘定 - - - 収入 - 収入(損益計算書) - - - 費用 - 費用(損益計算書) - - - 自己資本 - 自己資本(貸借対照表)科目 - - - メモ - メモ(貸借対照表、非損益計算書で非表示) - - - 自然 - 勘定科目タイプに関する自然記号 - - - 借方 - 借方勘定 - - - 貸方 - 貸方勘定 - - - メニュー - - - - 要素値 - 勘定科目など - - - 製品 - - - - 取引先 - ビジネスパートナー - - - 支店 - - - - 買掛金オフィス - - - - 工場 - - - - 中小企業 - - - - 個人経営中小企業 - - - - 個人経営ビジネス - - - - 女性所有中小企業 - - - - 女性所有ビジネス - - - - 下請企業 - - - - 個人 - - - - パートナーシップ - - - - 会社 - - - - 置き場所 - - - - 標準原価計算 - 標準の購買注文価格原価計算 - - - 平均購買注文 - 加重平均発注価格原価計算 - - - 後入れ先出し - 最後に入ったものから最初に出していく原価計算方法 - - - 先入先出し - 最初に入れたものを最初に出す原価計算方法 - - - 国際GAAP会計 - 国際GAAP会計 - - - 米国GAAP会計 - 合衆国GAAP会計 - - - ドイツのHGB会計 - ドイツのHGB会計 - - - 実際 - 実際の仕訳 - - - 予算 - 予算仕訳 - - - 合意 - 外部の抵当または合意仕訳 - - - 統計 - 統計的な仕訳 - - - ローカル - ローカル<- - - - 併合 - 併合<--> - - - 参照 - Reference -> - - - 立案済み - - - - 完成済み - - - - 承認済み - - - - 未承認済み - - - - 無効済み - - - - 不正済み - - - - 逆仕訳済み - - - - 閉鎖済み - - - - 完了 - ドキュメントと生成して取引を完了します。 - - - 承認 - この取引を承認します。 - - - 拒否 - ドキュメントの承認を拒否します。 - - - 仕訳 - 仕訳取引 - - - 無効 - すべての数量をゼロにして取引を完了します。 - - - 閉じる - この取引を終了させます。それを再び有効にすることはできません。 - - - 逆 -- 訂正 - 同じ日付で逆の符号により、逆の取引(修正)をします。 - - - 逆--発生主義 - 現在の期日があるDr/Crを切り換えることによって、逆にします。 - - - 無効 - ドキュメントを無効にします。 - - - 再有効化 - 生成されたドキュメントと自動逆仕訳を再開します。 - - - <なし> - 動作がありません。 - - - 未知 - - - - システムクライアント - - - - なし - 交換比率がありません。 - - - 固定 - 通貨が修理されたユーロ - - - 平均 - 平均したレート - - - 会社 - 会社のレート - - - ユーザータイプ - ユーザーレートタイプ - - - 手動比率 - 手動比率 - - - 信用注文 - - - - POS注文 - - - - 倉庫注文 - - - - 標準の注文 - - - - 提案 - - - - 見積 - - - - Amex - - - - マスターカード - - - - Visa - - - - ATM - - - - 注文配送後 - あらゆる注文のための請求書 - - - 配送後 - 配送ごとに請求します。 - - - 配送の後の顧客スケジュール - 顧客請求書スケジュールあたりの請求書 - - - 受領後 - 現金の領収書の後に - - - 可用性 - 項目が利用可能になるとすぐに - - - 詳細を完了 - 詳細が利用可能になり次第 - - - 注文を完了 - 注文が利用可能になり次第 - - - 即時 - 即時の請求です。 - - - 梱包 - - - - 配送 - - - - 荷主 - - - - 貨物を含む - 運送費を含む - - - 固定価格 - 固定貨物価格 - - - 計算済み - 製品貨物ルールに基づいて計算されます。 - - - 詳細 - 詳細レベルで入力されます。 - - - - 高い優先度 - - - - 中程度の優先度 - - - - 低い優先度 - - - 整数.00 - 小数のない数 - - - 丸めなし - - - - 1/4 .25 .50 .75 - - - - 10セント .10 .20 .30 … - - - - ニッケル .05 .10 .15 … - - - - 10 10.00 20.00 - - - - 最終発注価格 - - - - 最大レベルを維持 - - - - マニュアル - - - - 最低レベルより下の再注文 - - - - 日曜日 - - - - 月曜日 - - - - 火曜日 - - - - 水曜日 - - - - 木曜日 - - - - 金曜日 - - - - 土曜日 - - - - 毎日 - - - - 毎週 - - - - 毎月 - - - - 毎月二度 - - - - 期間を開く - - - - 期間を閉じる - 柔軟な閉鎖--再開するできます。 - - - 完全に期間を閉じる - - - - 開く - - - - 閉じる - - - - 完全に閉じる - - - - 1度も開かれていない - - - - 草案 - - - - 承認 - - - - エラー - - - - 警告 - - - - 情報 - - - - <動作がありません> - - - - 組織 - 組織を所有しています。 - - - アカウント - 自然なアカウント - - - 製品 - 製品 - - - BPartner - ビジネスパートナー - - - Org Trx - 取引組織 - - - 元の住所 - 元の住所 - - - 先の住所 - 先の住所 - - - 販売領域 - 販売領域 - - - プロジェクト - プロジェクト - - - キャンペーン - 販売運動 - - - ユーザーリスト1 - ユーザー1 - - - ユーザーリスト2 - ユーザー2 - - - 組織 - - - - 部品構成表 - Bill of Materials(BOM) - - - プロジェクト - - - - 販売領域 - - - - 製品カテゴリ - - - - キャンペーン - - - - 総勘定元帳 - - - - 総勘定元帳ドキュメント - - - - 買掛金請求書 - - - - 買掛金支払い - - - - 買掛金請求書 - - - - 買掛金領収書 - - - - 販売注文 - - - - 顧客出荷 - - - - 顧客返却 - - - - 仕入先領収書 - - - - 仕入先戻り - - - - 在庫出し - - - - 在庫入れ - - - - 活動 - 事業活動 - - - 活動 - - - - 材料返却 - - - - 買掛金定型請求書 - - - - 材料配送 - - - - 材料受領 - - - - 定価 - - - - 標準価格 - - - - 限度(発注)価格 - - - - 材料移動 - - - - 発注書 - - - - 購買請求書 - - - - 前払い注文 - - - - 現金 - - - - クレジットカード - - - - 給与振込 - - - - 小切手 - - - - 信用上 - - - - - - - - 四半期 - - - - - - - - 進行中 - - - - Blind list (w/o book quantity) - - - - カウントリスト(帳簿数量あり) - - - - 管理リスト - - - - 準備 - 文書の一貫性をチェックと在庫のチェックです。 - - - 支払い待ち - - - - ロック解除 - 取引をロック解除してください。(プロセスエラー) - - - 材料の物理的在庫 - - - - 移動元 - - - - 移動先 - - - - レポート - - - - ASC X12 - - - - EDIFACT - - - - メールEDI - - - - 草案 - - - - 送信済み - - - - 受領通知済み - - - - 回答済み(完了) - - - - 問い合せ - - - - 発注書 - - - - 買掛金信用メモ - - - - 売掛金信用メモ - - - - フォーム - 特別なフォーム - - - And - - - - Or - - - - = - - - - >= - - - - > - - - - < - - - - ~ - - - - <= - - - - |<x>| - - - - sql - - - - マニュアル - - - - インポート - - - - ドキュメント - - - - 製品 - - - - ビジネスパートナー - - - - 勘定科目 - - - - 総勘定元帳貸借 - - - - 為替レート - - - - 在庫カウント - - - - 固定位置 - - - - カンマ区切り - - - - タブ区切り - - - - XML - - - - 文字型 - - - - 数値 - - - - 日付 - - - - 定数 - - - - 生産 - - - - 生産、- - - - - > 0 - - - - = 0 - - - - < 0 - - - - 0でない - - - - 一致 - - - - 一致なし - - - - 利用不可 - - - - クレジットカード - - - - 小切手 - - - - 給与振込 - ACH自動手形交換機構 - - - 販売 - - - - 遅延回収 - - - - 信用(支払い) - - - - 音声認証 - - - - 承認 - - - - 無効 - - - - チェック中 - - - - 貯蓄 - - - - 銀行口座転送 - - - - 請求書 - - - - 一般経費 - - - - 一般領収書 - - - - 料金 - - - - 差異 - - - - Diners - - - - Discover - - - - 購買カード - 法人の購買カード - - - なし - - - - 追求 - - - - 情報 - - - - サービス - - - - 料金 - - - - アカウント - - - - ヘルプ - - - - 警告 - - - - 保証 - - - - - - - - - - - - 時間 - - - - - - - - 期限経過 - - - - 支払い義務 - - - - 予定済み - - - - 注文 - - - - 請求書 - - - - 領収書 - - - - 毎週 - - - - 毎月 - - - - 毎四半期 - - - - システム - - - - クライアント - - - - 組織 - - - - クライアント組織 - - - - 手動 - 手動入力 - - - 計算済み - - - - 業績 - - - - 未仕訳 - - - - 仕訳済み - - - - 貸借不一致 - - - - 互換性なし(レートなし) - - - - 期間は終了 - - - - 準備された仕訳 - - - - 正しくない勘定科目 - - - - 銀行取引明細書 - - - - 現金仕訳帳 - - - - 支払い割当 - - - - 借方合計のみ - - - - 貸方合計のみ - - - - 総合収支 - - - - 加算(Op1 + Op2) - - - - 減算(Op1 - Op2) - - - - 割合(Op2 中の Op1) - - - - 範囲を加算(Op1 を Op2へ) - - - - 相対的な期間 - - - - 計算 - - - - セグメント値 - - - - 元通貨 - - - - 会計通貨 - - - - セグメント値 - - - - 計算 - - - - 標準(平坦) - - - - 勾配 - - - - - - - - テクスチャ(描写) - - - - 作業台 - - - - 辞書 - アプリケーション設定(同期化しています) - - - Adempiere - Adempiereアプリケーション(同期)です。 - - - ユーザーが管理 - ユーザーが維持管理するエンティティです。(同期しない) - - - アプリケーション - 他のアプリケーション(同期化していません) - - - 材料生産 - - - - 請求書を組み合わせる - - - - 受注を組み合わせる - - - - - - - - 平面パーセント - - - - 形式 - - - - 中断 - - - - 価格リスト - - - - - - - - 北東 - - - - - - - - 南東 - - - - - - - - 南西 - - - - 西 - - - - 北西 - - - - 標準価格 - - - - 平均受注価格 - - - - 最後の発注書価格 - - - - 最後の請求書価格 - - - - 価格リスト(制限) - - - - 平均発注書履歴 - - - - 平均請求書履歴 - - - - 定価 - - - - デフォルト - - - - Leading(左) - - - - Trailing(右) - - - - ブロック - - - - Leading(左) - - - - 中央 - - - - Trailing(右) - - - - 中央 - - - - フィールド - - - - テキスト - - - - 印刷フォーマット - - - - 内容 - - - - ヘッダー - - - - フッター - - - - なし - - - - 画像 - - - - 円グラフ - - - - 折れ線グラフ - - - - 棒グラフ - - - - 期間の貸借 - - - - 期間の貸方のみ - - - - 期間の借方のみ - - - - 項目 - - - - サービス - - - - リソース - - - - 費用タイプ - - - - オンライン - - - - 通貨精度 - - - - 期間の量 - - - - 総量 - - - - 年のバランス - - - - 年の貸方のみ - - - - 年の借方のみ - - - - 年の量 - - - - 標準部品 - - - - 任意の部分 - - - - 代替のグループ1で - - - - 代替のグループ2で - - - - 代替のグループ3で - - - - 代替のグループ4で - - - - フィールド - - - - テキスト - - - - 請求書 - - - - 毎日 - - - - 毎週 - - - - 毎月 - - - - 毎四半期 - - - - 注文 - - - - 総勘定元帳 - - - - プロジェクト - - - - 両方 - - - - 消費税 - - - - 購買税 - - - - 一般 - - - - 資産プロジェクト - - - - 作業依頼書(仕事) - - - - サービス(料金)プロジェクト - - - - フランスの会計基準 - - - - カスタム会計規則 - - - - 信用停止 - - - - 信用保留 - - - - 信用監視 - - - - 信用調査なし - - - - 信用OK - - - - 作業依頼書 - - - - 作業依頼書 - - - - - プロジェクト問題 - - - - 不明確な数字、しかし最後の4 - - - - 不明確な数字、しかし最初/最後の4 - - - - 不明確なアルファベット数字、しかし最初/最後の4 - - - - 不明確なアルファベット数字、しかし最後の4 - - - - 在庫 - - - - 料金口座 - - - - アクセス - 一般アクセス - - - 報告 - - - - エクスポート - - - - クライアントのみ - - - - 後入れ先出し - 最後に入れたものを最初に出す - - - 先入れ先出し - 最初に入れたものを最初に出す - - - 毎年 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 時間 - - - - - - - - - - - - 通常 - - - - ループ開始 - - - - ループ終了 - - - - AND - - - - XOR - XOR - - - 待ち(sleep) - - - - ユーザー選択 - - - - サブ作業フロー - - - - 変数を設定 - - - - 自動 - - - - 手動 - - - - ユーザーウィンドウ - - - - 組織 - - - - 個人 - - - - 役割 - - - - システム資源 - - - - 開始していない - - - - 実行 - - - - 中断 - - - - 完成 - - - - 中止 - - - - 終了 - - - - プロセス作成 - - - - 状態変更 - - - - 非同期 - フォーク - - - 同期 - シリーズ - - - While ループ - - - - ~までループ - - - - ユーザーフォーム - - - - アプリケーションタスク - - - - アプリケーション報告 - - - - アプリケーション処理 - - - - ユーザー作業台 - - - - 代替のGroup5で - - - - 代替のGroup6で - - - - 代替のGroup7で - - - - 代替のGroup8で - - - - 代替のGroup9で - - - - リリース済み - - - - テスト - - - - 改正中 - - - - 無効 - - - - 翻訳を再作成 - - - - 足りない翻訳を追加 - - - - 翻訳を削除 - - - - 直接借方 - - - - 直接借方 - - - - 実線 - - - - 長めの点線 - - - - 点線 - - - - 長めの点と点線 - - - - ウェブ販売促進 - - - - 合計見積のみ - - - - 選択された詳細を見積 - - - - すべての詳細を見積 - - - - 資金供給--入札者全員が資金供給 - - - - オークション--最高落札者が取得 - - - - 頻度 - - - - 週の日 - - - - 月の日 - - - - 改造 - 分配された拡張子は、4文字である必要があります。 - - - はい - - - - いいえ - - - - ドキュメント動作 - - - - 待ち確認 - - - - 完了したプロセス - - - - != - - - - 仕入先確認 - - - - 顧客確認 - - - - 直送確認 - - - - 出荷/受領確認 - 出荷/受領確認 - - - 梱包/QA確認 - - - - 強制 - - - - 代替手段 - - - - 補足 - - - - 必須でない - - - - 常に必須 - - - - 出荷時 - - - - 仕訳エラー - - - - 文字(最大40) - - - - - - - - リスト - - - - 一般 - 一般作業フロー - - - ドキュメントプロセス - - - - ドキュメント値 - - - - 完成するまでお待ちください - ドキュメントが完成し、準備が出来るまで待ってください。 - - - 発注 - - - - 要求 - - - - クライアント - - - - 組織 - - - - ユーザー - - - - なし - - - - 売掛金 & 買掛金 - - - - 受取勘定のみ - - - - 支払債務のみ - - - - 長方形 - - - - - - - - 3D長方形 - - - - 楕円形 - - - - 丸い長方形 - - - - 通常の長方形 - - - - なし - - - - すべて(レポート、ドキュメント) - - - - ドキュメント - - - - 外部のドキュメント - - - - 後入れ先出し - 後入れ先出し - - - 先入先出し - 先入先出し - - - 材料 - - - - オーバーヘッド - - - - 重荷(M.オーバーヘッド) - 材料損失 - - - 処理の外 - - - - 資源 - 労働者 - - - - - - - - - - - ボリューム - - - - 重さ - - - - コスト - - - - 公開情報 - - - - 顧客機密 - - - - 注文承認 - - - - 支払い承認 - 支払い承認 - - - 支払いエラー - - - - ユーザーの確認 - - - - ユーザーパスワード - - - - メール - - - - 通知 - - - - なし - - - - メール通知 - - - - 1時間ごと - - - - 毎日 - - - - 毎週 - - - - 毎月 - - - - 毎月二回 - - - - 隔週 - - - - 現在活動 - - - - 注文後作成 - - - - 戻る - - - - 以前、予備 - - - - 未来 - - - - メンテナンス - - - - 修理 - - - - マスター - - - - 工学 - - - - 製造 - - - - 計画 - 計画 - - - 標準製品 - - - - 任意の製品 - - - - 代替手段 - - - - 代替手段(デフォルト) - - - - 処理の外 - - - - 内部 - - - - 緊急 - - - - 少数 - Minor - - - 同じ - - - - より低い - Lower - - - より高い - Higher - - - 購読 - - - - 購読中止 - - - - ユーザーアカウント - - - - 要求 - - - - 暗号化された - - - - 暗号化されていない - - - - 在庫移動 - - - - 習慣 - - - - クライアント - - - - 組織 - - - - バッチ/ロット - - - - 平均した請求 - 加重平均購買請求書価格原価計算 - - - 最後の請求書 - - - - ユーザー定義 - - - - 業務用書類 - - - - 要求 - - - - 資産、ダウンロード - - - - _ - - - - 予約 - 内部の合意 - - - 合意のみ - - - - 合意と予約 - - - - なし - - - - なし - - - - 領収書 - - - - 発注書 - - - - 発注書と領収書 - - - - マニュアル - - - - 期間のみ - - - - 年から日付 - - - - 合計 - - - - サブ勘定科目 - 要素値のためのサブ勘定科目 - - - ユーザー要素1 - - - - ユーザー要素2 - - - - メール - - - - ドキュメント所有者 - - - - ドキュメントビジネスパートナー - - - - 作業フロー責任 - - - - LAN - - - - ターミナルサーバ - - - - VPN - - - - WAN - - - - クライアント(すべて共有) - - - - 組織(共有されない) - - - - クライアントまたは組織 - - - - 先入先出 - FiFo - - - 後入先出 - - - - 平均した請求 - - - - 古い標準価格 - - - - 将来の標準価格 - - - - システムが生成 - - - - 0 - - - - 100% 完成 - - - - 20% 開始 - - - - 80% ほぼ終了 - - - - 40% 作業中 - - - - 60% 順調に進行 - - - - 90% 終了中 - - - - 95% ほぼ完了 - - - - 99% 後処理中 - - - - - - - - 四半期 - - - - - - - - 合計 - - - - - - - - - - - - 組織 - - - - ビジネスパートナー - - - - 製品 - - - - ビジネスパートナーグループ - - - - 製品カテゴリ - - - - ユーザー定義 - - - - 時間内の数量/分量 - - - - 状態 数量/分量 - - - - 比率 - - - - 平均 - - - - 合計 - - - - 比率 - - - - 定数 - - - - プラス - - - - マイナス - - - - 掛け算 - - - - 割り算 - - - - 計算 - - - - アカウント値 - - - - 評価 - - - - 導入 - - - - 生産 - - - - 要求 - - - - Project - - - - MM - - - - Inch - - - - On Hand Qty - - - - Zero - - - - Codabar 2 of 7 linear - - - - Code 39 3 of 9 linear w/o Checksum - - - - Codeabar linear - - - - Code 128 dynamically switching - Barcode that dynamically switches between character sets to give the smallest possible encoding - - - Code 128 A character set - - - - Code 128 B character set - - - - Code 128 C character set - - - - Code 39 linear with Checksum - - - - EAN 128 - - - - Global Trade Item No GTIN UCC/EAN 128 - Global Trade Name - - - Codabar Monarch linear - - - - Codabar NW-7 linear - - - - PDF417 two dimensional - - - - SCC-14 shipping code UCC/EAN 128 - - - - Shipment ID number UCC/EAN 128 - - - - UCC 128 - - - - Code 39 USD3 with Checksum - - - - Codabar USD-4 linear - - - - US Postal Service UCC/EAN 128 - - - - SSCC-18 number UCC/EAN 128 - - - - Code 39 USD3 w/o Checksum - - - - Code 39 3 of 9 linear with Checksum - - - - Code 39 linear w/o Checksum - - - - Private Information - - - - User 1 - - - - User 2 - - - - User 3 - - - - User 4 - - - - CM Container - - - - CM Container Stage - - - - CM Template - - - - CM Media - - - - None - - - - Committed Amount - - - - Time&Material max Comitted - - - - Time&Material - - - - Product Quantity - - - - Project - - - - Phase - - - - Task - - - - Document - - - - Internal Link - - - - External URL - - - - image/gif - - - - image/jpeg - - - - image/png - - - - application/pdf - - - - text/css - - - - Web Access - - - - Ad display - - - - Redirect - - - - Collaboration Management - - - - Java Client - - - - HTML Client - - - - Self Service - - - - None - - - - Write-off only - - - - Discount only - - - - Write-off and Discount - - - - text/js - - - - None - - - - Both - - - - Direct Debit - - - - 直接預金 - - - - 督促 - - - - 回収代理 - - - - 法的手続き - - - - 回収不可 - - - - 適度でない - - - - 発行前 - - - - 発行後 - - - - 非表示 - - - - 発行済み - - - - To be reviewed - - - - Suspicious - - - - SQL Command - - - - 内部リンク - - - - 外部リンク - - - - スタイル - - - - Wiki - - - - Note (flat) - - - - Forum (threaded) - - - - Local Transfer - This type of transfer will transfer objects to the same Adempiere instance - - - Remote Transfer - This type of transfer will transfer objects to another Adempiere installation accessible by network. - - - XML File - This type of transfer will create a XML file - - - Release 2.5.2a - Release 2.5.2a - - - Release 2.5.2b - Release 2.5.2b - - - Release 2.5.2c - Release 2.5.2c - - - Release 2.5.2d - Release 2.5.2d - - - Release 2.5.2e - Release 2.5.2e - - - Release 2.5.3a - Release 2.5.3a - - - Release 2.5.3b - Release 2.5.3b - - - No specific release - No specific release - - - All Database Types - Use this when a SQL command syntax is the same between database types - - - DB2 - DB2 Database - - - Firebird - Firebird Database - - - MySQL - MySQL Database - - - Oracle - Oracle Database - - - Postgres - Postgres Database - - - SQL Server - SQL Server Database - - - Sybase - Sybase Database - - - Workbench - - - - File - Code or other - - - - データ - - - - 作業フロー - - - - フォーマットのインポート - Exports Import Format - - - Application or Module - - - - プロセス/レポート - - - - レポート表示 - - - - 役割 - - - - Code Snipit - Replace a code snipit with in a file - - - SQL文 - - - - テーブル - - - - ウィンドウ - - - - フォーム - - - - ファイル - Package is file based - - - ウェブサービス - Package is available via WebService - - - 質問ユーザー(未実装) - - - - ヘルプを表示しない - - - - ヘルプを表示 - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + 組織 + + + + クライアント組織 + + + + システムのみ + + + + すべて + + + + リスト妥当性検証 + リスト妥当性検証 + + + データ型式 + データ型式 + + + テーブル妥当性検証 + テーブル妥当性検証 + + + SQL + SQL + + + Java言語 + Java言語 + + + JavaScript + ECMAスクリプト + + + ウィンドウ + + + + タスク + + + + 作業フロー + + + + プロセス + + + + エラー + + + + 情報 + + + + メニュー + + + + 単一レコード + + + + 維持管理 + + + + 取引 + + + + クエリのみ + + + + スポット + スポット会話レートタイプ + + + 期間の終了 + 期間の変換タイプ + + + 標準のカレンダーの期間 + 重なっていないカレンダー日付の期間 + + + 期間の調整 + カレンダー日なしの期間 + + + 勘定科目 + 勘定科目の要素 + + + 定義されたユーザー + ユーザーの定義された要素 + + + 資産 + 資産(貸借対照表)勘定 + + + 負債 + 負債(貸借対照表)勘定 + + + 収入 + 収入(損益計算書) + + + 費用 + 費用(損益計算書) + + + 自己資本 + 自己資本(貸借対照表)科目 + + + メモ + メモ(貸借対照表、非損益計算書で非表示) + + + 自然 + 勘定科目タイプに関する自然記号 + + + 借方 + 借方勘定 + + + 貸方 + 貸方勘定 + + + メニュー + + + + 要素値 + 勘定科目など + + + 製品 + + + + 取引先 + ビジネスパートナー + + + 支店 + + + + 買掛金オフィス + + + + 工場 + + + + 中小企業 + + + + 個人経営中小企業 + + + + 個人経営ビジネス + + + + 女性所有中小企業 + + + + 女性所有ビジネス + + + + 下請企業 + + + + 個人 + + + + パートナーシップ + + + + 会社 + + + + 置き場所 + + + + 標準原価計算 + 標準の購買注文価格原価計算 + + + 平均購買注文 + 加重平均発注価格原価計算 + + + 後入れ先出し + 最後に入ったものから最初に出していく原価計算方法 + + + 先入先出し + 最初に入れたものを最初に出す原価計算方法 + + + 国際GAAP会計 + 国際GAAP会計 + + + 米国GAAP会計 + 合衆国GAAP会計 + + + ドイツのHGB会計 + ドイツのHGB会計 + + + 実際 + 実際の仕訳 + + + 予算 + 予算仕訳 + + + 合意 + 外部の抵当または合意仕訳 + + + 統計 + 統計的な仕訳 + + + ローカル + ローカル<- + + + 併合 + 併合<--> + + + 参照 + Reference -> + + + 立案済み + + + + 完成済み + + + + 承認済み + + + + 未承認済み + + + + 無効済み + + + + 不正済み + + + + 逆仕訳済み + + + + 閉鎖済み + + + + 完了 + ドキュメントと生成して取引を完了します。 + + + 承認 + この取引を承認します。 + + + 拒否 + ドキュメントの承認を拒否します。 + + + 仕訳 + 仕訳取引 + + + 無効 + すべての数量をゼロにして取引を完了します。 + + + 閉じる + この取引を終了させます。それを再び有効にすることはできません。 + + + 逆 -- 訂正 + 同じ日付で逆の符号により、逆の取引(修正)をします。 + + + 逆--発生主義 + 現在の期日があるDr/Crを切り換えることによって、逆にします。 + + + 無効 + ドキュメントを無効にします。 + + + 再有効化 + 生成されたドキュメントと自動逆仕訳を再開します。 + + + <なし> + 動作がありません。 + + + 未知 + + + + システムクライアント + + + + なし + 交換比率がありません。 + + + 固定 + 通貨が修理されたユーロ + + + 平均 + 平均したレート + + + 会社 + 会社のレート + + + ユーザータイプ + ユーザーレートタイプ + + + 手動比率 + 手動比率 + + + 信用注文 + + + + POS注文 + + + + 倉庫注文 + + + + 標準の注文 + + + + 提案 + + + + 見積 + + + + Amex + + + + マスターカード + + + + Visa + + + + ATM + + + + 注文配送後 + あらゆる注文のための請求書 + + + 配送後 + 配送ごとに請求します。 + + + 配送の後の顧客スケジュール + 顧客請求書スケジュールあたりの請求書 + + + 受領後 + 現金の領収書の後に + + + 可用性 + 項目が利用可能になるとすぐに + + + 詳細を完了 + 詳細が利用可能になり次第 + + + 注文を完了 + 注文が利用可能になり次第 + + + 即時 + 即時の請求です。 + + + 梱包 + + + + 配送 + + + + 荷主 + + + + 貨物を含む + 運送費を含む + + + 固定価格 + 固定貨物価格 + + + 計算済み + 製品貨物ルールに基づいて計算されます。 + + + 詳細 + 詳細レベルで入力されます。 + + + + 高い優先度 + + + + 中程度の優先度 + + + + 低い優先度 + + + 整数.00 + 小数のない数 + + + 丸めなし + + + + 1/4 .25 .50 .75 + + + + 10セント .10 .20 .30 … + + + + ニッケル .05 .10 .15 … + + + + 10 10.00 20.00 + + + + 最終発注価格 + + + + 最大レベルを維持 + + + + マニュアル + + + + 最低レベルより下の再注文 + + + + 日曜日 + + + + 月曜日 + + + + 火曜日 + + + + 水曜日 + + + + 木曜日 + + + + 金曜日 + + + + 土曜日 + + + + 毎日 + + + + 毎週 + + + + 毎月 + + + + 毎月二度 + + + + 期間を開く + + + + 期間を閉じる + 柔軟な閉鎖--再開するできます。 + + + 完全に期間を閉じる + + + + 開く + + + + 閉じる + + + + 完全に閉じる + + + + 1度も開かれていない + + + + 草案 + + + + 承認 + + + + エラー + + + + 警告 + + + + 情報 + + + + <動作がありません> + + + + 組織 + 組織を所有しています。 + + + アカウント + 自然なアカウント + + + 製品 + 製品 + + + BPartner + ビジネスパートナー + + + Org Trx + 取引組織 + + + 元の住所 + 元の住所 + + + 先の住所 + 先の住所 + + + 販売領域 + 販売領域 + + + プロジェクト + プロジェクト + + + キャンペーン + 販売運動 + + + ユーザーリスト1 + ユーザー1 + + + ユーザーリスト2 + ユーザー2 + + + 組織 + + + + 部品構成表 + Bill of Materials(BOM) + + + プロジェクト + + + + 販売領域 + + + + 製品カテゴリ + + + + キャンペーン + + + + 総勘定元帳 + + + + 総勘定元帳ドキュメント + + + + 買掛金請求書 + + + + 買掛金支払い + + + + 買掛金請求書 + + + + 買掛金領収書 + + + + 販売注文 + + + + 顧客出荷 + + + + 顧客返却 + + + + 仕入先領収書 + + + + 仕入先戻り + + + + 在庫出し + + + + 在庫入れ + + + + 活動 + 事業活動 + + + 活動 + + + + 材料返却 + + + + 買掛金定型請求書 + + + + 材料配送 + + + + 材料受領 + + + + 定価 + + + + 標準価格 + + + + 限度(発注)価格 + + + + 材料移動 + + + + 発注書 + + + + 購買請求書 + + + + 前払い注文 + + + + 現金 + + + + クレジットカード + + + + 給与振込 + + + + 小切手 + + + + 信用上 + + + + + + + + 四半期 + + + + + + + + 進行中 + + + + Blind list (w/o book quantity) + + + + カウントリスト(帳簿数量あり) + + + + 管理リスト + + + + 準備 + 文書の一貫性をチェックと在庫のチェックです。 + + + 支払い待ち + + + + ロック解除 + 取引をロック解除してください。(プロセスエラー) + + + 材料の物理的在庫 + + + + 移動元 + + + + 移動先 + + + + レポート + + + + ASC X12 + + + + EDIFACT + + + + メールEDI + + + + 草案 + + + + 送信済み + + + + 受領通知済み + + + + 回答済み(完了) + + + + 問い合せ + + + + 発注書 + + + + 買掛金信用メモ + + + + 売掛金信用メモ + + + + フォーム + 特別なフォーム + + + And + + + + Or + + + + = + + + + >= + + + + > + + + + < + + + + ~ + + + + <= + + + + |<x>| + + + + sql + + + + マニュアル + + + + インポート + + + + ドキュメント + + + + 製品 + + + + ビジネスパートナー + + + + 勘定科目 + + + + 総勘定元帳貸借 + + + + 為替レート + + + + 在庫カウント + + + + 固定位置 + + + + カンマ区切り + + + + タブ区切り + + + + XML + + + + 文字型 + + + + 数値 + + + + 日付 + + + + 定数 + + + + 生産 + + + + 生産、- + + + + > 0 + + + + = 0 + + + + < 0 + + + + 0でない + + + + 一致 + + + + 一致なし + + + + 利用不可 + + + + クレジットカード + + + + 小切手 + + + + 給与振込 + ACH自動手形交換機構 + + + 販売 + + + + 遅延回収 + + + + 信用(支払い) + + + + 音声認証 + + + + 承認 + + + + 無効 + + + + チェック中 + + + + 貯蓄 + + + + 銀行口座転送 + + + + 請求書 + + + + 一般経費 + + + + 一般領収書 + + + + 料金 + + + + 差異 + + + + Diners + + + + Discover + + + + 購買カード + 法人の購買カード + + + なし + + + + 追求 + + + + 情報 + + + + サービス + + + + 料金 + + + + アカウント + + + + ヘルプ + + + + 警告 + + + + 保証 + + + + + + + + + + + + 時間 + + + + + + + + 期限経過 + + + + 支払い義務 + + + + 予定済み + + + + 注文 + + + + 請求書 + + + + 領収書 + + + + 毎週 + + + + 毎月 + + + + 毎四半期 + + + + システム + + + + クライアント + + + + 組織 + + + + クライアント組織 + + + + 手動 + 手動入力 + + + 計算済み + + + + 業績 + + + + 未仕訳 + + + + 仕訳済み + + + + 貸借不一致 + + + + 互換性なし(レートなし) + + + + 期間は終了 + + + + 準備された仕訳 + + + + 正しくない勘定科目 + + + + 銀行取引明細書 + + + + 現金仕訳帳 + + + + 支払い割当 + + + + 借方合計のみ + + + + 貸方合計のみ + + + + 総合収支 + + + + 加算(Op1 + Op2) + + + + 減算(Op1 - Op2) + + + + 割合(Op2 中の Op1) + + + + 範囲を加算(Op1 を Op2へ) + + + + 相対的な期間 + + + + 計算 + + + + セグメント値 + + + + 元通貨 + + + + 会計通貨 + + + + セグメント値 + + + + 計算 + + + + 標準(平坦) + + + + 勾配 + + + + + + + + テクスチャ(描写) + + + + 作業台 + + + + 辞書 + アプリケーション設定(同期化しています) + + + Adempiere + Adempiereアプリケーション(同期)です。 + + + ユーザーが管理 + ユーザーが維持管理するエンティティです。(同期しない) + + + アプリケーション + 他のアプリケーション(同期化していません) + + + 材料生産 + + + + 請求書を組み合わせる + + + + 受注を組み合わせる + + + + + + + + 平面パーセント + + + + 形式 + + + + 中断 + + + + 価格リスト + + + + + + + + 北東 + + + + + + + + 南東 + + + + + + + + 南西 + + + + 西 + + + + 北西 + + + + 標準価格 + + + + 平均受注価格 + + + + 最後の発注書価格 + + + + 最後の請求書価格 + + + + 価格リスト(制限) + + + + 平均発注書履歴 + + + + 平均請求書履歴 + + + + 定価 + + + + デフォルト + + + + Leading(左) + + + + Trailing(右) + + + + ブロック + + + + Leading(左) + + + + 中央 + + + + Trailing(右) + + + + 中央 + + + + フィールド + + + + テキスト + + + + 印刷フォーマット + + + + 内容 + + + + ヘッダー + + + + フッター + + + + なし + + + + 画像 + + + + 円グラフ + + + + 折れ線グラフ + + + + 棒グラフ + + + + 期間の貸借 + + + + 期間の貸方のみ + + + + 期間の借方のみ + + + + 項目 + + + + サービス + + + + リソース + + + + 費用タイプ + + + + オンライン + + + + 通貨精度 + + + + 期間の量 + + + + 総量 + + + + 年のバランス + + + + 年の貸方のみ + + + + 年の借方のみ + + + + 年の量 + + + + 標準部品 + + + + 任意の部分 + + + + 代替のグループ1で + + + + 代替のグループ2で + + + + 代替のグループ3で + + + + 代替のグループ4で + + + + フィールド + + + + テキスト + + + + 請求書 + + + + 毎日 + + + + 毎週 + + + + 毎月 + + + + 毎四半期 + + + + 注文 + + + + 総勘定元帳 + + + + プロジェクト + + + + 両方 + + + + 消費税 + + + + 購買税 + + + + 一般 + + + + 資産プロジェクト + + + + 作業依頼書(仕事) + + + + サービス(料金)プロジェクト + + + + フランスの会計基準 + + + + カスタム会計規則 + + + + 信用停止 + + + + 信用保留 + + + + 信用監視 + + + + 信用調査なし + + + + 信用OK + + + + 作業依頼書 + + + + 作業依頼書 - + + + + プロジェクト問題 + + + + 不明確な数字、しかし最後の4 + + + + 不明確な数字、しかし最初/最後の4 + + + + 不明確なアルファベット数字、しかし最初/最後の4 + + + + 不明確なアルファベット数字、しかし最後の4 + + + + 在庫 + + + + 料金口座 + + + + アクセス + 一般アクセス + + + 報告 + + + + エクスポート + + + + クライアントのみ + + + + 後入れ先出し + 最後に入れたものを最初に出す + + + 先入れ先出し + 最初に入れたものを最初に出す + + + 毎年 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 時間 + + + + + + + + + + + + 通常 + + + + ループ開始 + + + + ループ終了 + + + + AND + + + + XOR + XOR + + + 待ち(sleep) + + + + ユーザー選択 + + + + サブ作業フロー + + + + 変数を設定 + + + + 自動 + + + + 手動 + + + + ユーザーウィンドウ + + + + 組織 + + + + 個人 + + + + 役割 + + + + システム資源 + + + + 開始していない + + + + 実行 + + + + 中断 + + + + 完成 + + + + 中止 + + + + 終了 + + + + プロセス作成 + + + + 状態変更 + + + + 非同期 + フォーク + + + 同期 + シリーズ + + + While ループ + + + + ~までループ + + + + ユーザーフォーム + + + + アプリケーションタスク + + + + アプリケーション報告 + + + + アプリケーション処理 + + + + ユーザー作業台 + + + + 代替のGroup5で + + + + 代替のGroup6で + + + + 代替のGroup7で + + + + 代替のGroup8で + + + + 代替のGroup9で + + + + リリース済み + + + + テスト + + + + 改正中 + + + + 無効 + + + + 翻訳を再作成 + + + + 足りない翻訳を追加 + + + + 翻訳を削除 + + + + 直接借方 + + + + 直接借方 + + + + 実線 + + + + 長めの点線 + + + + 点線 + + + + 長めの点と点線 + + + + ウェブ販売促進 + + + + 合計見積のみ + + + + 選択された詳細を見積 + + + + すべての詳細を見積 + + + + 資金供給--入札者全員が資金供給 + + + + オークション--最高落札者が取得 + + + + 頻度 + + + + 週の日 + + + + 月の日 + + + + 改造 + 分配された拡張子は、4文字である必要があります。 + + + はい + + + + いいえ + + + + ドキュメント動作 + + + + 待ち確認 + + + + 完了したプロセス + + + + != + + + + 仕入先確認 + + + + 顧客確認 + + + + 直送確認 + + + + 出荷/受領確認 + 出荷/受領確認 + + + 梱包/QA確認 + + + + 強制 + + + + 代替手段 + + + + 補足 + + + + 必須でない + + + + 常に必須 + + + + 出荷時 + + + + 仕訳エラー + + + + 文字(最大40) + + + + + + + + リスト + + + + 一般 + 一般作業フロー + + + ドキュメントプロセス + + + + ドキュメント値 + + + + 完成するまでお待ちください + ドキュメントが完成し、準備が出来るまで待ってください。 + + + 発注 + + + + 要求 + + + + クライアント + + + + 組織 + + + + ユーザー + + + + なし + + + + 売掛金 & 買掛金 + + + + 受取勘定のみ + + + + 支払債務のみ + + + + 長方形 + + + + + + + + 3D長方形 + + + + 楕円形 + + + + 丸い長方形 + + + + 通常の長方形 + + + + なし + + + + すべて(レポート、ドキュメント) + + + + ドキュメント + + + + 外部のドキュメント + + + + 後入れ先出し + 後入れ先出し + + + 先入先出し + 先入先出し + + + 材料 + + + + オーバーヘッド + + + + 重荷(M.オーバーヘッド) + 材料損失 + + + 処理の外 + + + + 資源 + 労働者 + + + + + + + + + + + ボリューム + + + + 重さ + + + + コスト + + + + 公開情報 + + + + 顧客機密 + + + + 注文承認 + + + + 支払い承認 + 支払い承認 + + + 支払いエラー + + + + ユーザーの確認 + + + + ユーザーパスワード + + + + メール + + + + 通知 + + + + なし + + + + メール通知 + + + + 1時間ごと + + + + 毎日 + + + + 毎週 + + + + 毎月 + + + + 毎月二回 + + + + 隔週 + + + + 現在活動 + + + + 注文後作成 + + + + 戻る + + + + 以前、予備 + + + + 未来 + + + + メンテナンス + + + + 修理 + + + + マスター + + + + 工学 + + + + 製造 + + + + 計画 + 計画 + + + 標準製品 + + + + 任意の製品 + + + + 代替手段 + + + + 代替手段(デフォルト) + + + + 処理の外 + + + + 内部 + + + + 緊急 + + + + 少数 + Minor + + + 同じ + + + + より低い + Lower + + + より高い + Higher + + + 購読 + + + + 購読中止 + + + + ユーザーアカウント + + + + 要求 + + + + 暗号化された + + + + 暗号化されていない + + + + 在庫移動 + + + + 習慣 + + + + クライアント + + + + 組織 + + + + バッチ/ロット + + + + 平均した請求 + 加重平均購買請求書価格原価計算 + + + 最後の請求書 + + + + ユーザー定義 + + + + 業務用書類 + + + + 要求 + + + + 資産、ダウンロード + + + + _ + + + + 予約 + 内部の合意 + + + 合意のみ + + + + 合意と予約 + + + + なし + + + + なし + + + + 領収書 + + + + 発注書 + + + + 発注書と領収書 + + + + マニュアル + + + + 期間のみ + + + + 年から日付 + + + + 合計 + + + + サブ勘定科目 + 要素値のためのサブ勘定科目 + + + ユーザー要素1 + + + + ユーザー要素2 + + + + メール + + + + ドキュメント所有者 + + + + ドキュメントビジネスパートナー + + + + 作業フロー責任 + + + + LAN + + + + ターミナルサーバ + + + + VPN + + + + WAN + + + + クライアント(すべて共有) + + + + 組織(共有されない) + + + + クライアントまたは組織 + + + + 先入先出 + FiFo + + + 後入先出 + + + + 平均した請求 + + + + 古い標準価格 + + + + 将来の標準価格 + + + + システムが生成 + + + + 0 + + + + 100% 完成 + + + + 20% 開始 + + + + 80% ほぼ終了 + + + + 40% 作業中 + + + + 60% 順調に進行 + + + + 90% 終了中 + + + + 95% ほぼ完了 + + + + 99% 後処理中 + + + + + + + + 四半期 + + + + + + + + 合計 + + + + + + + + + + + + 組織 + + + + ビジネスパートナー + + + + 製品 + + + + ビジネスパートナーグループ + + + + 製品カテゴリ + + + + ユーザー定義 + + + + 時間内の数量/分量 + + + + 状態 数量/分量 + + + + 比率 + + + + 平均 + + + + 合計 + + + + 比率 + + + + 定数 + + + + プラス + + + + マイナス + + + + 掛け算 + + + + 割り算 + + + + 計算 + + + + アカウント値 + + + + 評価 + + + + 導入 + + + + 生産 + + + + 要求 + + + + Project + + + + MM + + + + Inch + + + + On Hand Qty + + + + Zero + + + + Codabar 2 of 7 linear + + + + Code 39 3 of 9 linear w/o Checksum + + + + Codeabar linear + + + + Code 128 dynamically switching + Barcode that dynamically switches between character sets to give the smallest possible encoding + + + Code 128 A character set + + + + Code 128 B character set + + + + Code 128 C character set + + + + Code 39 linear with Checksum + + + + EAN 128 + + + + Global Trade Item No GTIN UCC/EAN 128 + Global Trade Name + + + Codabar Monarch linear + + + + Codabar NW-7 linear + + + + PDF417 two dimensional + + + + SCC-14 shipping code UCC/EAN 128 + + + + Shipment ID number UCC/EAN 128 + + + + UCC 128 + + + + Code 39 USD3 with Checksum + + + + Codabar USD-4 linear + + + + US Postal Service UCC/EAN 128 + + + + SSCC-18 number UCC/EAN 128 + + + + Code 39 USD3 w/o Checksum + + + + Code 39 3 of 9 linear with Checksum + + + + Code 39 linear w/o Checksum + + + + Private Information + + + + User 1 + + + + User 2 + + + + User 3 + + + + User 4 + + + + CM Container + + + + CM Container Stage + + + + CM Template + + + + CM Media + + + + None + + + + Committed Amount + + + + Time&Material max Comitted + + + + Time&Material + + + + Product Quantity + + + + Project + + + + Phase + + + + Task + + + + Document + + + + Internal Link + + + + External URL + + + + image/gif + + + + image/jpeg + + + + image/png + + + + application/pdf + + + + text/css + + + + Web Access + + + + Ad display + + + + Redirect + + + + Collaboration Management + + + + Java Client + + + + HTML Client + + + + Self Service + + + + None + + + + Write-off only + + + + Discount only + + + + Write-off and Discount + + + + text/js + + + + None + + + + Both + + + + Direct Debit + + + + 直接預金 + + + + 督促 + + + + 回収代理 + + + + 法的手続き + + + + 回収不可 + + + + 適度でない + + + + 発行前 + + + + 発行後 + + + + 非表示 + + + + 発行済み + + + + To be reviewed + + + + Suspicious + + + + SQL Command + + + + 内部リンク + + + + 外部リンク + + + + スタイル + + + + Wiki + + + + Note (flat) + + + + Forum (threaded) + + + + Local Transfer + This type of transfer will transfer objects to the same Adempiere instance + + + Remote Transfer + This type of transfer will transfer objects to another Adempiere installation accessible by network. + + + XML File + This type of transfer will create a XML file + + + Release 2.5.2a + Release 2.5.2a + + + Release 2.5.2b + Release 2.5.2b + + + Release 2.5.2c + Release 2.5.2c + + + Release 2.5.2d + Release 2.5.2d + + + Release 2.5.2e + Release 2.5.2e + + + Release 2.5.3a + Release 2.5.3a + + + Release 2.5.3b + Release 2.5.3b + + + No specific release + No specific release + + + All Database Types + Use this when a SQL command syntax is the same between database types + + + DB2 + DB2 Database + + + Firebird + Firebird Database + + + MySQL + MySQL Database + + + Oracle + Oracle Database + + + Postgres + Postgres Database + + + SQL Server + SQL Server Database + + + Sybase + Sybase Database + + + Workbench + + + + File - Code or other + + + + データ + + + + 作業フロー + + + + フォーマットのインポート + Exports Import Format + + + Application or Module + + + + プロセス/レポート + + + + レポート表示 + + + + 役割 + + + + Code Snipit + Replace a code snipit with in a file + + + SQL文 + + + + テーブル + + + + ウィンドウ + + + + フォーム + + + + ファイル + Package is file based + + + ウェブサービス + Package is available via WebService + + + 質問ユーザー(未実装) + + + + ヘルプを表示しない + + + + ヘルプを表示 + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/AD_Reference_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/AD_Reference_Trl_ja_JP.xml index d28bbd6393..4a3e57e390 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/AD_Reference_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/AD_Reference_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,1600 +1,1600 @@ - - - - - - AD_Reference データ型 - データ型選択 - - - - AD_Reference 妥当性検証タイプ - 参照妥当性検証リスト - e.g. I - Independent - - - AD_Column カラム名 - カラム選択 - - - - AD_Reference 値 - 参照(リストとテーブル)選択 - (データ型でない及び独立) - - - AD_Table アクセスレベル - テーブルアクセスと共有リスト - - - - 文字列 - 文字列 - - - - 整数 - 10桁の数値 - - - - - 4つの数値の数 - - - - ID - 10桁の数値の識別子 - - - - テキスト - 2000文字までの文字列型 - - - - 日付 - 日付 mm/dd/yyyy 月/日/年 - - - - 日付+時間 - 時間付き日付 - - - - リスト - リファレンスリスト - - - - テーブル - テーブルリスト - - - - テーブル直接 - 直接テーブルアクセス - - - - はい - いいえ - チェックボックス - - - - 住所(アドレス) - 住所/アドレス - - - - - 浮動小数点 - - - - バイナリ - バイナリ・データ - - - - 時間 - 時間 - - - - アカウント - アカウント要素 - - - - 行ID - 行ID型 - - - - - カラー要素 - - - - ボタン - コマンドボタン - 処理を開始 - - - - 数量 - 数量のデータ型 - - - - 検索 - フィールド検索 - - - - ロケータ(WH) - 倉庫ロケーターデータ型 - - - - 画像 - バイナリイメージデータ - - - - 割当 - 資源割当 - - - - メモ - 大きいテキストエディタ - 文字型最大2000文字まで - - - - 製品属性 - 製品属性 - - - - テキスト - テキスト(長い) - テキスト > 2000文字 - - - - 費用 + 価格 - 費用 + 価格(最小の通貨精度、もっと細かい数値が存在する可能性) - - - - ファイルパス - ローカルファイルパス - - - - ファイル名 - ローカルファイル - - - - URL - URL - - - - プリンタ名 - - - - - AD_Validation 親テーブルの統制 - 妥当性検証ルールの親選択 - - - - AD_Validation ルールタイプ - 妥当性検証ルールタイプリスト - e.g. S - SQL - - - AD_Message - メッセージ選択 - - - - AD_Message タイプ - メッセージタイプリスト - - - - AD_Menu 動作 - メニュー動作リスト - - - - AD_Menu 親 - メニューの親選択 - - - - AD_Language - 言語選択 - - - - AD_Window タイプ - ウィンドウタイプリスト - e.g. M = Multi/Single (大文字が1文字) - - - AD_WF_Next ノード - 次の作業フローノード選択 - - - - AD_User - ユーザー選択 - - - - C_Conversion_Rate タイプ - 変換比率タイプリスト - - - - C_Currencies - 動的な為替比率選択がある通貨 - - - - AD_Org 親 - 組織の親選択 - - - - C_UOM - 測定単位の選択 - - - - C_Period タイプ - 期間のタイプリスト - - - - C_Element タイプ - 会計要素タイプ - - - - C_ElementValue AccountType - アカウントタイプリスト - - - - C_ElementValue アカウント サイン - アカウントサインリスト - - - - AD_TreeType タイプ - ツリーのタイプリスト - 情報のためにどの要素を基本として使用するかを決定します。 - - - X12DE98エンティティIDコード - X12DE98 Entity Identifier Codeリスト - 組織的な実体、物理的な住所、または個人のリストを特定します。 - - - C_AcctSchema 原価計算方法 - 原価計算方法リスト - - - - C_AcctSchema GAAP - 一般会計原則(GAAP)リスト - - - - C_BPartner Parent - ビジネスパートナー親選択 - - - - _Posting タイプ - 仕訳タイプ(実際予算など)リスト - - - - AD_Table 複製タイプ - 複製タイプ - - - - ドキュメントのための AD_Sequence - ドキュメント選択のための連続番号 - - - - AD_Client - クライアント選択 - - - - AD_Org (Trx) - 組織選択、概要なし、0なし - - - - _Document Status - ドキュメント状態リスト - - - - Account_ID (Trx) - クライアントに基づく勘定科目選択 - - - - C_Location - 住所の選択 - - - - Account_ID - ユーザー1 - クライアントに基づくユーザー1選択 - - - - _Document Action - ドキュメント動作リスト - - - - C_AcctSchema - 会計スキーマ選択 - - - - Account_ID - ユーザー2 - クライアントに基づくユーザー2選択 - - - - C_BPartner (Trx) - ビジネスパートナー選択(概要なし) - - - - C_Project(概要なし) - プロジェクト選択 - - - - C_C_Activity(概要なし) - 活動選択 - - - - C_Campaign(概要なし) - キャンペーン選択 - - - - C_Sales Region(概要なし) - 販売地域選択(概要なし) - - - - C_Element - 要素選択 - - - - C_DocType SubTypeSO - 注文タイプリスト - - - - C_Payment CreditCard Type - 支払い クレジットカードタイプリスト - - - - C_Order InvoiceRule - 請求ルールリスト - - - - C_Order 配送ルール - 配送ルールリスト - - - - C_Order 配送経由ルール - 配送経由ルールリスト - - - - C_Order 運送費ルール - 運送費ルールリスト - - - - _PriorityRule - 優先順位スケールリスト - - - - M_DiscountPriceList RoundingRule - 価格丸めルールリスト - - - - C_Country - 国の選択 - - - - C_Region - 地域選択 - - - - C_Tax - 税金選択 - - - - C_BPartner 住所 - ビジネスパートナーの所在地 - - - - M_Product Parent 親 - - - - - M_Product(概要なし) - 製品選択、概要なし - - - - M_Product カテゴリ - - - - - M_Replenish タイプ - - - - - M_PriceList - - - - - 平日 - 日にちのリスト - - - - C_InvoiceSchedule 請求頻度 - - - - - C_Project 親 - - - - - C_DocType - - - - - M_Product (備蓄) - - - - - C_DocType 販売注文 - - - - - C_BPartner 顧客 - 顧客選択 - - - - AD_Workflow - 作業フロー - - - - C_ValidCombination - 有効な勘定科目の組み合わせ - - - - C_PeriodControl 動作 - - - - - C_PeriodControl 状態 - - - - - GL_Budget 状態 - - - - - C_SalesRegion 親 - - - - - _ErrorType - エラーのタイプのリスト - - - - C_AcctSchema 要素タイプ - 会計要素のための要素タイプ - 固定値の要素タイプ - - - C_ElementValue (すべて) - 要素値 - - - - C_DocType ドキュメント基本タイプ - 基本のドキュメントタイプ - - - - AD_Tree - ツリー選択 - - - - M_PriceList バージョン - - - - - M_Transaction 移動タイプ - - - - - AD_User - 販売代表 - 販売担当者 - - - - M_Locator - 倉庫位置情報 - - - - C_BPartner 仕入先 - 仕入先選択 - - - - クレジットカードのためのC_BankAccount - - - - - M_DiscountPriceList 基礎 - - - - - _Payment ルール - In & Out 支払い選択肢 - - - - C_RevenueRecognition 頻度 - 収益認識の頻度 - - - - クライアントのM_Warehouse - - - - - M_Inventory 報告タイプ - - - - - クライアントのためのM_PriceList_Version - - - - - C_Charge - - - - - C_BP_EDI EDIタイプ - - - - - M_EDI 状態 - - - - - M_EDI 取引タイプ - - - - - AD_Find AndOr - - - - - AD_Find 操作 - - - - - AD_Table 仕訳 - 仕訳テーブル - - - - 総勘定元帳カテゴリタイプ - - - - - AD_ImpFormat タイプ - - - - - AD_ImpFormat フォーマットタイプ - - - - - AD_ImpFormat_Row タイプ - - - - - M_Product 部品構成表(在庫) - 部品構成表と在庫の製品 - - - - M_InventoryCount QtyRange - - - - - C_Payment AVS - - - - - C_Payment 支払いタイプ - 直接 借方/預金 - 小切手 - CC - - - - C_Payment 取引タイプ - CC Trx タイプ - - - - C_Bank 口座タイプ - - - - - C_Cash 取引タイプ - - - - - R_Request 要求タイプ - - - - - R_Request 次の動作 - - - - - _Frequency タイプ - プロセッサ頻度タイプ - - - - R_Request 支払い義務タイプ - - - - - C_BPartner 仕入先有効 - 仕入先選択 - - - - C_Commission DocBasis - - - - - C_Commission 頻度 - - - - - AD_Role ユーザーレベル - - - - - C_PaymentTerm - - - - - PA_Goal - - - - - PA_Achievement 親 - - - - - PA_Goal 親 - - - - - PA_Measure タイプ - - - - - C_BPartner 仕入先または販売担当者 - 仕入先または販売担当者選択 - - - - C_Period (開く) - 日付で並べられた期間 - - - - _Posted 状態 - - - - - PA_Report 量タイプ - - - - - PA_Report 計算タイプ - - - - - PA_Report カラムタイプ - - - - - PA_Report 通貨タイプ - - - - - PA_ReportColumn - - - - - PA_ReportLine - - - - - PA_Report LineType - - - - - PA_ReportLine 親 - - - - - AD_Color タイプ - - - - - AD_Column キーカラム名 - - - - - _Entity タイプ - 実体タイプ(辞書など) - - - - M_Discount 累積レベル - - - - - M_Discount タイプ - - - - - AD_Color 開始位置 - Nord-West-.. - - - - M_DiscountSchema - - - - - 費用更新ソース - - - - - AD_Column 名前 - カラム選択 - - - - C_BPartner 従業員 - 従業員のビジネスパートナー - - - - AD_Print フィールド整列 - - - - - AD_Print 行整列 - - - - - AD_Print フォーマットタイプ - - - - - AD_Print 範囲 - - - - - AD_Column 整数 - 整数型のみ(名前) - - - - AD_Column YesNo - YesNoのカラム(名前) - - - - AD_PrintFormat - - - - - AD_PrintFormat 請求書 - - - - - AD_PrintFormat 注文 - - - - - AD_PrintFormat 出荷 - - - - - AD_PrintFormatItem - - - - - AD_Print グラフタイプ - - - - - AD_PrintColor - - - - - AD_PrintFont - - - - - AD_PrintFormat 小切手 - - - - - AD_PrintFormat テーブルを基にしない - - - - - M_Product_ProductType - - - - - C_OrderLine - 注文詳細 - - - - I_ElementValue カラム - - - - - R_MailText - メールテキスト - - - - C_Period (すべて) - 日付で並べられた期間 - - - - AD_Org(すべて) - 組織選択 - - - - C_BPartner 従業員+住所 - 住所情報を持った従業員のビジネスパートナー - - - - AD_Tab - - - - - M_Product 部品構成表製品 TypeX - 古い - - - - AD_Print ラベルラインタイプ - - - - - C_Recurring タイプ - - - - - C_Recurring 頻度 - - - - - AD_Window - - - - - K_Entry 関連 - - - - - AD_User - 内部 - 従業員または販売担当者 - - - - C_Tax SPPOType - - - - - C_ProjectType カテゴリ - - - - - C_BPartner 発注信用状態 - 売上債権状態 - - - - C_Order - 注文 - - - - AD_Field 不明瞭タイプ - - - - - M_Inventory タイプ - 在庫タイプ(違い - 料金) - - - - AD_Table_Access ルールタイプ - AccessRuleType - - - - M_TransactionAllocation タイプ - - - - - M_InOutLine - - - - - M_InventoryLine - - - - - M_ProductionLine - - - - - M_Transaction - - - - - WF_DurationUnit - - - - - WF_Transition タイプ - - - - - WF_Join_Split - - - - - WF_Action - メニュー動作のスーパーセット - - - - WF_Start-Finish モード - - - - - WF_Participant タイプ - - - - - WF_Instance 状態 - - - - - WF_EventType - - - - - WF_SubFlow 実行 - - - - - WF_LoopType - - - - - _PublishStatus - 出版状態 - - - - AD_Language メンテナンス - - - - - AD_PrintTableFormat ストローク - ストロークタイプ - - - - M_RelatedProduct タイプ - - - - - C_RfQ 見積タイプ - - - - - B_TopicType オークションタイプ - - - - - AD_User - 監督者 - 従業員、販売担当者、またはシステム - - - - AD_Scheduler タイプ - - - - - _YesNo - - - - - M_InOutConfirm タイプ - - - - - C_DocType RMA - - - - - AD_Org (0以外すべて) - 組織選択 - - - - C_Allocation - - - - - M_AttributeSet 必須タイプ - - - - - 価格リストでない M_DiscountSchema - 価格リスト割り引きスキーマでない - - - - M_Attribute 値タイプ - - - - - AD_Language システム - 言語選択 - - - - AD_Workflow タイプ - 作業フロータイプ - - - - M_Replenishment 作成 - - - - - AD_Role 設定タイプ - 設定タイプ - - - - Account_ID - クライアントに基づくアカウント選択 - - - - APAR - 買掛金 and/or 売掛金 - - - - AD_PrintFormatItem 形状タイプ - - - - - AD_Client 自動圧縮 - - - - - _MMPolicy - 材料移動方針 - - - - C_Invoice - - - - - M_InOut - - - - - M_CostElement タイプ - - - - - C_LandedCost 分配 - - - - - R_Request 機密 - - - - - R_Request - - - - - W_MailMsg タイプ - - - - - C_Payment - - - - - AD_User 通知タイプ - - - - - R_Status - - - - - C_Remuneration タイプ - - - - - M_BOM タイプ - - - - - M_BOM 使用 - - - - - M_BOMProduct タイプ - - - - - C_BP_Group 優先順位基礎 - - - - - M_ChangeNotice - - - - - C_ConversionType - - - - - C_BPartner 販売担当者 - BP 販売担当者選択 - - - - AD_Column 暗号化済 - - - - - C_AcctSchema 原価計算レベル - - - - - C_Greeting - - - - - AD_User BP アクセスタイプ - - - - - C_AcctSchema 合意事項タイプ - - - - - C_Invoice 一致要求 - - - - - GL_BudgetControl 範囲 - - - - - C_ElementValue (trx) - 要素値 - - - - AD_WF_Node 電子メール受取人 - - - - - AD_User 接続プロファイル - - - - - AD_Client 共有タイプ - - - - - R_Request タスク状態 - - - - - PA_Goal 範囲 - - - - - PA_Goal 制限タイプ - - - - - PA_Measure データタイプ - - - - - PA_Benschmark 累計タイプ - - - - - PA_Ratio - - - - - PA_Ratio 要素タイプ - - - - - PA_Ratio オペランド - - - - - AD_System 状態 - - - - - AD_PrintPaper Units - - - - - M_Inventory CountSet - - - - - AD_PrintFormatItem BarcodeType - - - - - C_Project InvoiceRule - - - - - C_Project LineLevel - - - - - CM_Container Type - - - - - CM_Container - - - - - CM_CStage - - - - - CM_Media Media Type - - - - - _EntityTypeNew - - - - - CM_WebAccessLog Type - - - - - K_IndexLog QuerySource - - - - - C_AcctSchema TaxCorrectionType - - - - - C_BPartner BPBankAcctUse - - - - - C_Invice InvoiceCollectionType - - - - - CM_Chat ModerationType - - - - - CM_ChatEntry ModeratorStatus - - - - - CM_WikiToken Type - - - - - CM_Chat EntryType - - - - - CM_ChatEntry - - - - - AD_Package_Type - Defines the type of packages available - - - - Package_Releases - List of Package Releases - Indicates what release the package is for. Entering no specific release indicates the package is for all releases. - - - AD_Package_Exp_DB - List of database types - This is a list of database types used by the inbound packaging processing to determine if the sql statement is fired. - - - AD_Package_Build_Type - - - - - AD_Package_Source_Type - List of package source types - - - - ShowHelp List - - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + AD_Reference データ型 + データ型選択 + + + + AD_Reference 妥当性検証タイプ + 参照妥当性検証リスト + e.g. I - Independent + + + AD_Column カラム名 + カラム選択 + + + + AD_Reference 値 + 参照(リストとテーブル)選択 + (データ型でない及び独立) + + + AD_Table アクセスレベル + テーブルアクセスと共有リスト + + + + 文字列 + 文字列 + + + + 整数 + 10桁の数値 + + + + + 4つの数値の数 + + + + ID + 10桁の数値の識別子 + + + + テキスト + 2000文字までの文字列型 + + + + 日付 + 日付 mm/dd/yyyy 月/日/年 + + + + 日付+時間 + 時間付き日付 + + + + リスト + リファレンスリスト + + + + テーブル + テーブルリスト + + + + テーブル直接 + 直接テーブルアクセス + + + + はい - いいえ + チェックボックス + + + + 住所(アドレス) + 住所/アドレス + + + + + 浮動小数点 + + + + バイナリ + バイナリ・データ + + + + 時間 + 時間 + + + + アカウント + アカウント要素 + + + + 行ID + 行ID型 + + + + + カラー要素 + + + + ボタン + コマンドボタン - 処理を開始 + + + + 数量 + 数量のデータ型 + + + + 検索 + フィールド検索 + + + + ロケータ(WH) + 倉庫ロケーターデータ型 + + + + 画像 + バイナリイメージデータ + + + + 割当 + 資源割当 + + + + メモ + 大きいテキストエディタ - 文字型最大2000文字まで + + + + 製品属性 + 製品属性 + + + + テキスト + テキスト(長い) - テキスト > 2000文字 + + + + 費用 + 価格 + 費用 + 価格(最小の通貨精度、もっと細かい数値が存在する可能性) + + + + ファイルパス + ローカルファイルパス + + + + ファイル名 + ローカルファイル + + + + URL + URL + + + + プリンタ名 + + + + + AD_Validation 親テーブルの統制 + 妥当性検証ルールの親選択 + + + + AD_Validation ルールタイプ + 妥当性検証ルールタイプリスト + e.g. S - SQL + + + AD_Message + メッセージ選択 + + + + AD_Message タイプ + メッセージタイプリスト + + + + AD_Menu 動作 + メニュー動作リスト + + + + AD_Menu 親 + メニューの親選択 + + + + AD_Language + 言語選択 + + + + AD_Window タイプ + ウィンドウタイプリスト + e.g. M = Multi/Single (大文字が1文字) + + + AD_WF_Next ノード + 次の作業フローノード選択 + + + + AD_User + ユーザー選択 + + + + C_Conversion_Rate タイプ + 変換比率タイプリスト + + + + C_Currencies + 動的な為替比率選択がある通貨 + + + + AD_Org 親 + 組織の親選択 + + + + C_UOM + 測定単位の選択 + + + + C_Period タイプ + 期間のタイプリスト + + + + C_Element タイプ + 会計要素タイプ + + + + C_ElementValue AccountType + アカウントタイプリスト + + + + C_ElementValue アカウント サイン + アカウントサインリスト + + + + AD_TreeType タイプ + ツリーのタイプリスト + 情報のためにどの要素を基本として使用するかを決定します。 + + + X12DE98エンティティIDコード + X12DE98 Entity Identifier Codeリスト + 組織的な実体、物理的な住所、または個人のリストを特定します。 + + + C_AcctSchema 原価計算方法 + 原価計算方法リスト + + + + C_AcctSchema GAAP + 一般会計原則(GAAP)リスト + + + + C_BPartner Parent + ビジネスパートナー親選択 + + + + _Posting タイプ + 仕訳タイプ(実際予算など)リスト + + + + AD_Table 複製タイプ + 複製タイプ + + + + ドキュメントのための AD_Sequence + ドキュメント選択のための連続番号 + + + + AD_Client + クライアント選択 + + + + AD_Org (Trx) + 組織選択、概要なし、0なし + + + + _Document Status + ドキュメント状態リスト + + + + Account_ID (Trx) + クライアントに基づく勘定科目選択 + + + + C_Location + 住所の選択 + + + + Account_ID - ユーザー1 + クライアントに基づくユーザー1選択 + + + + _Document Action + ドキュメント動作リスト + + + + C_AcctSchema + 会計スキーマ選択 + + + + Account_ID - ユーザー2 + クライアントに基づくユーザー2選択 + + + + C_BPartner (Trx) + ビジネスパートナー選択(概要なし) + + + + C_Project(概要なし) + プロジェクト選択 + + + + C_C_Activity(概要なし) + 活動選択 + + + + C_Campaign(概要なし) + キャンペーン選択 + + + + C_Sales Region(概要なし) + 販売地域選択(概要なし) + + + + C_Element + 要素選択 + + + + C_DocType SubTypeSO + 注文タイプリスト + + + + C_Payment CreditCard Type + 支払い クレジットカードタイプリスト + + + + C_Order InvoiceRule + 請求ルールリスト + + + + C_Order 配送ルール + 配送ルールリスト + + + + C_Order 配送経由ルール + 配送経由ルールリスト + + + + C_Order 運送費ルール + 運送費ルールリスト + + + + _PriorityRule + 優先順位スケールリスト + + + + M_DiscountPriceList RoundingRule + 価格丸めルールリスト + + + + C_Country + 国の選択 + + + + C_Region + 地域選択 + + + + C_Tax + 税金選択 + + + + C_BPartner 住所 + ビジネスパートナーの所在地 + + + + M_Product Parent 親 + + + + + M_Product(概要なし) + 製品選択、概要なし + + + + M_Product カテゴリ + + + + + M_Replenish タイプ + + + + + M_PriceList + + + + + 平日 + 日にちのリスト + + + + C_InvoiceSchedule 請求頻度 + + + + + C_Project 親 + + + + + C_DocType + + + + + M_Product (備蓄) + + + + + C_DocType 販売注文 + + + + + C_BPartner 顧客 + 顧客選択 + + + + AD_Workflow + 作業フロー + + + + C_ValidCombination + 有効な勘定科目の組み合わせ + + + + C_PeriodControl 動作 + + + + + C_PeriodControl 状態 + + + + + GL_Budget 状態 + + + + + C_SalesRegion 親 + + + + + _ErrorType + エラーのタイプのリスト + + + + C_AcctSchema 要素タイプ + 会計要素のための要素タイプ + 固定値の要素タイプ + + + C_ElementValue (すべて) + 要素値 + + + + C_DocType ドキュメント基本タイプ + 基本のドキュメントタイプ + + + + AD_Tree + ツリー選択 + + + + M_PriceList バージョン + + + + + M_Transaction 移動タイプ + + + + + AD_User - 販売代表 + 販売担当者 + + + + M_Locator + 倉庫位置情報 + + + + C_BPartner 仕入先 + 仕入先選択 + + + + クレジットカードのためのC_BankAccount + + + + + M_DiscountPriceList 基礎 + + + + + _Payment ルール + In & Out 支払い選択肢 + + + + C_RevenueRecognition 頻度 + 収益認識の頻度 + + + + クライアントのM_Warehouse + + + + + M_Inventory 報告タイプ + + + + + クライアントのためのM_PriceList_Version + + + + + C_Charge + + + + + C_BP_EDI EDIタイプ + + + + + M_EDI 状態 + + + + + M_EDI 取引タイプ + + + + + AD_Find AndOr + + + + + AD_Find 操作 + + + + + AD_Table 仕訳 + 仕訳テーブル + + + + 総勘定元帳カテゴリタイプ + + + + + AD_ImpFormat タイプ + + + + + AD_ImpFormat フォーマットタイプ + + + + + AD_ImpFormat_Row タイプ + + + + + M_Product 部品構成表(在庫) + 部品構成表と在庫の製品 + + + + M_InventoryCount QtyRange + + + + + C_Payment AVS + + + + + C_Payment 支払いタイプ + 直接 借方/預金 - 小切手 - CC + + + + C_Payment 取引タイプ + CC Trx タイプ + + + + C_Bank 口座タイプ + + + + + C_Cash 取引タイプ + + + + + R_Request 要求タイプ + + + + + R_Request 次の動作 + + + + + _Frequency タイプ + プロセッサ頻度タイプ + + + + R_Request 支払い義務タイプ + + + + + C_BPartner 仕入先有効 + 仕入先選択 + + + + C_Commission DocBasis + + + + + C_Commission 頻度 + + + + + AD_Role ユーザーレベル + + + + + C_PaymentTerm + + + + + PA_Goal + + + + + PA_Achievement 親 + + + + + PA_Goal 親 + + + + + PA_Measure タイプ + + + + + C_BPartner 仕入先または販売担当者 + 仕入先または販売担当者選択 + + + + C_Period (開く) + 日付で並べられた期間 + + + + _Posted 状態 + + + + + PA_Report 量タイプ + + + + + PA_Report 計算タイプ + + + + + PA_Report カラムタイプ + + + + + PA_Report 通貨タイプ + + + + + PA_ReportColumn + + + + + PA_ReportLine + + + + + PA_Report LineType + + + + + PA_ReportLine 親 + + + + + AD_Color タイプ + + + + + AD_Column キーカラム名 + + + + + _Entity タイプ + 実体タイプ(辞書など) + + + + M_Discount 累積レベル + + + + + M_Discount タイプ + + + + + AD_Color 開始位置 + Nord-West-.. + + + + M_DiscountSchema + + + + + 費用更新ソース + + + + + AD_Column 名前 + カラム選択 + + + + C_BPartner 従業員 + 従業員のビジネスパートナー + + + + AD_Print フィールド整列 + + + + + AD_Print 行整列 + + + + + AD_Print フォーマットタイプ + + + + + AD_Print 範囲 + + + + + AD_Column 整数 + 整数型のみ(名前) + + + + AD_Column YesNo + YesNoのカラム(名前) + + + + AD_PrintFormat + + + + + AD_PrintFormat 請求書 + + + + + AD_PrintFormat 注文 + + + + + AD_PrintFormat 出荷 + + + + + AD_PrintFormatItem + + + + + AD_Print グラフタイプ + + + + + AD_PrintColor + + + + + AD_PrintFont + + + + + AD_PrintFormat 小切手 + + + + + AD_PrintFormat テーブルを基にしない + + + + + M_Product_ProductType + + + + + C_OrderLine + 注文詳細 + + + + I_ElementValue カラム + + + + + R_MailText + メールテキスト + + + + C_Period (すべて) + 日付で並べられた期間 + + + + AD_Org(すべて) + 組織選択 + + + + C_BPartner 従業員+住所 + 住所情報を持った従業員のビジネスパートナー + + + + AD_Tab + + + + + M_Product 部品構成表製品 TypeX + 古い + + + + AD_Print ラベルラインタイプ + + + + + C_Recurring タイプ + + + + + C_Recurring 頻度 + + + + + AD_Window + + + + + K_Entry 関連 + + + + + AD_User - 内部 + 従業員または販売担当者 + + + + C_Tax SPPOType + + + + + C_ProjectType カテゴリ + + + + + C_BPartner 発注信用状態 + 売上債権状態 + + + + C_Order + 注文 + + + + AD_Field 不明瞭タイプ + + + + + M_Inventory タイプ + 在庫タイプ(違い - 料金) + + + + AD_Table_Access ルールタイプ + AccessRuleType + + + + M_TransactionAllocation タイプ + + + + + M_InOutLine + + + + + M_InventoryLine + + + + + M_ProductionLine + + + + + M_Transaction + + + + + WF_DurationUnit + + + + + WF_Transition タイプ + + + + + WF_Join_Split + + + + + WF_Action + メニュー動作のスーパーセット + + + + WF_Start-Finish モード + + + + + WF_Participant タイプ + + + + + WF_Instance 状態 + + + + + WF_EventType + + + + + WF_SubFlow 実行 + + + + + WF_LoopType + + + + + _PublishStatus + 出版状態 + + + + AD_Language メンテナンス + + + + + AD_PrintTableFormat ストローク + ストロークタイプ + + + + M_RelatedProduct タイプ + + + + + C_RfQ 見積タイプ + + + + + B_TopicType オークションタイプ + + + + + AD_User - 監督者 + 従業員、販売担当者、またはシステム + + + + AD_Scheduler タイプ + + + + + _YesNo + + + + + M_InOutConfirm タイプ + + + + + C_DocType RMA + + + + + AD_Org (0以外すべて) + 組織選択 + + + + C_Allocation + + + + + M_AttributeSet 必須タイプ + + + + + 価格リストでない M_DiscountSchema + 価格リスト割り引きスキーマでない + + + + M_Attribute 値タイプ + + + + + AD_Language システム + 言語選択 + + + + AD_Workflow タイプ + 作業フロータイプ + + + + M_Replenishment 作成 + + + + + AD_Role 設定タイプ + 設定タイプ + + + + Account_ID + クライアントに基づくアカウント選択 + + + + APAR + 買掛金 and/or 売掛金 + + + + AD_PrintFormatItem 形状タイプ + + + + + AD_Client 自動圧縮 + + + + + _MMPolicy + 材料移動方針 + + + + C_Invoice + + + + + M_InOut + + + + + M_CostElement タイプ + + + + + C_LandedCost 分配 + + + + + R_Request 機密 + + + + + R_Request + + + + + W_MailMsg タイプ + + + + + C_Payment + + + + + AD_User 通知タイプ + + + + + R_Status + + + + + C_Remuneration タイプ + + + + + M_BOM タイプ + + + + + M_BOM 使用 + + + + + M_BOMProduct タイプ + + + + + C_BP_Group 優先順位基礎 + + + + + M_ChangeNotice + + + + + C_ConversionType + + + + + C_BPartner 販売担当者 + BP 販売担当者選択 + + + + AD_Column 暗号化済 + + + + + C_AcctSchema 原価計算レベル + + + + + C_Greeting + + + + + AD_User BP アクセスタイプ + + + + + C_AcctSchema 合意事項タイプ + + + + + C_Invoice 一致要求 + + + + + GL_BudgetControl 範囲 + + + + + C_ElementValue (trx) + 要素値 + + + + AD_WF_Node 電子メール受取人 + + + + + AD_User 接続プロファイル + + + + + AD_Client 共有タイプ + + + + + R_Request タスク状態 + + + + + PA_Goal 範囲 + + + + + PA_Goal 制限タイプ + + + + + PA_Measure データタイプ + + + + + PA_Benschmark 累計タイプ + + + + + PA_Ratio + + + + + PA_Ratio 要素タイプ + + + + + PA_Ratio オペランド + + + + + AD_System 状態 + + + + + AD_PrintPaper Units + + + + + M_Inventory CountSet + + + + + AD_PrintFormatItem BarcodeType + + + + + C_Project InvoiceRule + + + + + C_Project LineLevel + + + + + CM_Container Type + + + + + CM_Container + + + + + CM_CStage + + + + + CM_Media Media Type + + + + + _EntityTypeNew + + + + + CM_WebAccessLog Type + + + + + K_IndexLog QuerySource + + + + + C_AcctSchema TaxCorrectionType + + + + + C_BPartner BPBankAcctUse + + + + + C_Invice InvoiceCollectionType + + + + + CM_Chat ModerationType + + + + + CM_ChatEntry ModeratorStatus + + + + + CM_WikiToken Type + + + + + CM_Chat EntryType + + + + + CM_ChatEntry + + + + + AD_Package_Type + Defines the type of packages available + + + + Package_Releases + List of Package Releases + Indicates what release the package is for. Entering no specific release indicates the package is for all releases. + + + AD_Package_Exp_DB + List of database types + This is a list of database types used by the inbound packaging processing to determine if the sql statement is fired. + + + AD_Package_Build_Type + + + + + AD_Package_Source_Type + List of package source types + + + + ShowHelp List + + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/AD_Tab_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/AD_Tab_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 166b39a2d1..2fd93ed3e4 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/AD_Tab_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/AD_Tab_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,4170 +1,4327 @@ - - - - - - テーブル - - テーブル定義 - テーブル(ヘッダー)定義 - ほとんどのテーブルの名前が、自動的に同期化されることに注意してください。 - - - カラム - - テーブルカラム定義 - テーブルに関するカラムを定義します。カラムの名前が、自動的に同期化されることに注意してください。 - - - 参照 - - 参照ヘッダー定義 - 参照タブは、データを有効にするために使用される参照を定義します。 - - - テーブル妥当性検証 - - テーブル妥当性検証 - テーブルの妥当性検証タブは、データを有効にするためにテーブルを定義します。 - - - リストの妥当性検証 - - 参照リスト - リストの妥当性検証タブは、データを有効にするためのリストを定義します。 - - - ウィンドウ - - ウィンドウヘッダー定義です。 - ウィンドウタブは、システムの各ウィンドウを定義します。 デフォルトフラグは、このウィンドウが、このウィンドウ内のテーブルのために、デフォルトズームウィンドウとして使われることを示します。 - - - タブ - - ウィンドウ中の定義はフィールドを持っています。 - 「タブ」たぶは、ウィンドウの中の各タブを定義します。 各タブは、フィールドの分離した選択を含んでいます。ウィンドウをロードするとき、表示と読み取り専用の仕組みが評価されることに注意してください。 - - - フィールド - - ウィンドウ内のタブのフィールド定義 - フィールドタブは、タブの中で表示されるフィールドを定義します。フィールドの変更は、再実行後に表示に反映されます。連続番号がマイナスなら、レコードは降順です。集中管理されている場合は、名前、説明、およびヘルプが自動的に同期化されることに注意してください。 - - - 妥当性検証 - - 妥当性検証規則 - 妥当性検証ルールタブは、カラムとフィールドを入力、メンテナンスする時に使用される、すべての動的な規則を定義します。 - - - メッセージ - - 情報エラーとメニューメッセージ - メッセージタブはエラーメッセージテキストとメニューメッセージを表示します。 - - - メニュー - - メニューの設定変更です。 - メニュータブは、選択された組織に使用されるツリー構造のメニューを定義します。概要ノードでないなら、名前と説明が自動的に同期化される(上書きされる)ことに注意してください。 - - - 翻訳 - - メニュー翻訳 - 翻訳されなくても問題ありません。 - メニュー翻訳は、ウィンドウ、プロセスなど派生します。概要レベルの翻訳をすれば他のものは自動で翻訳されます。(上書きされます) - - - 言語 - - システムとユーザー言語 - 言語を追加するには、"システム言語"選択してください。選択しないと、印刷ドキュメントのための要素だけ翻訳できます。 - - - 翻訳 - - - - - - フィールド翻訳 - - メニュー翻訳 - 翻訳されなくても問題ありません。 - 中央システムでメンテナンスされるなら、フィールドは自動的に翻訳されます。中央システムでメンテナンスされないフィールドをだけ翻訳する必要があります。 - - - タブ翻訳 - - - - - - ウィンドウの翻訳 - - - - - - ユーザー連絡 - - ユーザーかビジネスパートナーの連絡先をメンテナンスします。 - ユーザータブは、システムにアクセス出来るユーザーのためにログインを定義します。アプリケーションにアクセスするために、ユーザーは役割を割り当てられる必要があります。 - - - 役割 - - 責任の役割を定義します。 - 役割およびアクセス先の組織を定義して追加します。ユーザーがウィンドウ、フォーム、プロセス、およびレポートに対するアクセスする権限(役割)を、タスクと同様に設定できます。<br> 役割ユーザーレベルが手動の場合は、自動的に割り当てられたアクセス権限は更新されません。(例えば、役割にウィンドウ、プロセスの制限数があっても、アクセスできます) 役割がすべての組織に対するアクセス権限を持っていないなら、組織アクセスを追加する必要があります。特権ユーザーと新しい役割を作成するユーザーは、自動的に役割に割り当てられます。<br> 組織ツリーを選択すると、ユーザーは概要組織の下層ディレクトリにアクセス出来ます。 注意:システム管理者の役割を変えることができません。 - - - ユーザー割当 - - この役割のユーザーです。 - ユーザー割当タブは、この役割のために定義されたユーザーを表示します。 - - - ユーザーの役割 - - ユーザーの役割です。 - ユーザー役割タブは、各ユーザーが持つことが出来る役割を定義します。役割は、ユーザーがアクセス可能なウィンドウ、タスク、過程、および作業フローを決定します。 - - - ノード - - 作業フローノードを定義 - ノードタブは、この作業フローの各ノード、活動またはステップを定義します。<br> 動作(活動)タイプは実行を決定します:「ルート」は、ルーティング管理状態で使用されることがあります。「なし」は手動の実行を特定します。 - - - ノード翻訳 - - ノード翻訳 - - - - 変遷 - - 作業フローノード変遷です。 - 次のノードタブは、作業フローで注文、ノードまたはステップを定義します。 - - - 前のノード - - - - - - タスク翻訳 - - - - - - 交換比率 - - 通貨交換比率を定義します。 - 交換比率タブは、元の通貨を会計通貨、またはレポート用通貨に変換するときに使用する比率を定義します。掛け算の比率だけが使われることに注意してください。割り算の比率は視覚化のためだけに使われます。 - - - カレンダー - - カレンダーを定義します。 - カレンダータブは、組織によって使用される各カレンダーを定義します。 - - - - - 暦年を定義します。 - 年ウィンドウは、特定のカレンダーのための各年を定義するために使用されます。 - - - 期間 - - カレンダーの期間を定義します。 - 期間タブは、各カレンダー年のために、期間番号、名前、および開始日付を定義します。各期間は、定義された開始日付で始まって、次の期間の開始日付より前の特定の日で終わります。 - - - 非営業日 - - 非営業日を定義します。 - 非営業日タブ、決められた支払期間のために支払期日を計算するときに、除く日を定義します。例えば、実質10日間の請求書期間で、請求日が2000年2月17日の場合、請求日は2000年2月27日になります。もし2000年2月27日が非営業日として定義されているなら、請求書の上の期日は2000年2月28日になります。 - - - 要素値 - - 要素値を定義します。 - 要素値タブは、要素のために個々の有効な値を定義します。値は定義された形式に従わなければなりません。また、要素が勘定科目タイプであるなら、勘定科目区分(負債、資産など)と仕訳管理が定義されます。 - - - 測定単位 - - 測定単位を定義します。 - 測定単位タブは、金額ベースでない測定単位を定義します。 - - - 変換 - - 標準の測定単位変換を定義します。 - 変換タブは、測定単位を変換する比率を定義します。ここで明示的に定義されないなら、システムはいくつかの測定単位の自動変換を提供します。(例えば、分、時間、日、営業日など) 変換は、直接である必要があります(つまり、A-B 間とB-C 間の変換だけがあってもシステムはA-Cを変換することができないで、A-Cを明示的に定義する必要があります)。 - - - - 国のデータが正しくないなら、サポート要求をして下さい。( http://www.compiere.org/support/requests.html ) - 国を定義します。 - 国タブは、ビジネスをするすべての国を定義します。ここ入力された値はビジネスパートナーのための住所レコードで参照されます。 - - - 地域 - 地域情報が正しくない/不完全な場合は、サポート要求をして下さい。( http://www.compiere.org/support/requests.html ) - 地域を定義します。 - 地域タブは、国の中で地域を定義します。地域ありチェックボックスが国のために選択されている場合のみ、このタブは利用可能になります。 - - - 組織 - 手動で維持されないすべての役割が、自動的に新しい組織にアクセスできるようになります。 ここで変更できるほとんどの項目は、アプリケーションサーバーを再起動しないと有効になりません。 - 組織を定義します。 - 組織タブは、組織を定義するために使用されます。各各にはキーと名前、そして任意に説明があります。 新しい組織を追加したら、新しい組織にアクセスするためには再ログインしなければなりません。 - - - クライアント - 「初期クライアントセットアップ」を通して新しいクライアントを作成します。ここでは情報を変更できるだけです。ここでの変更を有効にするためには、アプリケーションサーバーを再起動して、再ログインしなければなりません。資材方針の変更は将来の取引に適用されます。 - クライアント/テナント定義 - クライアント定義タブは、システムで一意なクライアントを定義します。 このウィンドウでは新しいクライアントを作成しないでください。「初期のクライアントセットアップ」を使用して、必要なセキュリティとアクセスルールをセットアップしてください(システム管理者権限が必要です)。ここで、新しいクライアントを作成すると、そのクライアントは見ることができません。また、必要なクライアント基本設定もセットアップされません。 - - - 連続番号 - - 連続番号定義 - 連続番号タブは、ドキュメントに使用する連続番号を定義します。また、これらはアルファベットの接尾語、接頭語を含むことができます。 - - - 作業フロー - - 作業フローを定義します。 - 作業フロータブは、システムの作業フローを定義します。 - - - 作業フロー翻訳 - - - - - - タスク - - タスク - タスクタブは、使用される一意なタスクを定義します。 - - - 通貨 - - 通貨を定義します。 - 通貨タブは、取引、報告に使用するあらゆる通貨を定義します。 - - - テスト - - - - - - 要素 - - 会計要素定義です。 - 要素タブは、要素のために名前、説明、およびフォーマットを定義します。また、会計またはユーザー定義の型は選択されます。各会計スキーマは、会計要素タイプを持っていなければなりません。ユーザー定義要素は任意です。 - - - 住所 - - 住所を定義します。 - 位置タブは、組織の位置を定義します。 - - - 設定 - - システムクライアント組織とユーザー設定をメンテナンスします。 - - - - プロジェクト(サービス) - - サービスプロジェクトを定義します。 - プロジェクトタブは、各プロジェクトのために値、名前、および説明を定義するために使用されます。また、このプロジェクトが使用、割当の計画を定義することも出来ます。プロジェクトタイプを変えると、フェーズとタスクを再作成することに注意してください。 - - - 総勘定元帳カテゴリ - - 総勘定元帳カテゴリを定義します。 - 総勘定元帳カテゴリタブは、ドキュメント、または仕訳帳のための任意のIDを定義します。各カテゴリはドキュメント、手動仕訳、またはインポートのときに使用されることがあります。 - - - バッチ - - 総勘定元帳仕訳バッチ - 総勘定元帳仕訳バッチタブは、仕訳バッチのための管理パラメータを定義します。バッチは、複数の仕訳帳から構成することができます。 管理量がゼロでないなら、それは借方合計と比較されます。管理/借方/貸方量は、元のドキュメント通貨にあります。 - - - 仕訳帳 - - 総勘定元帳 - 仕訳帳タブは、単一の総勘定元帳のために管理パラメータを定義します。 管理量がゼロでないなら、それは借方合計と比較されます。管理/借方/貸方量は、元のドキュメント通貨にあります。 - - - 詳細 - - 総勘定元帳詳細 - 詳細タブは、仕訳帳を構成する個々の借方、貸方取引を定義します。 - - - ドキュメントタイプ - - ドキュメントタイプを定義します。 - ドキュメント定義タブは、ドキュメントのための処理パラメータと管理を定義します。POS/倉庫注文のような、自動ドキュメントのための出荷は、確認を持つことができないことに注意してください。 - - - クライアント情報 - ここで設定したほとんどの内容は、ログアウトしてアプリケーションサーバーを再起動しなければ、有効になりません。 - クライアント情報 - クライアント情報タブは、各クライアントのために詳細情報を定義します。会計ルールと高いレベルのデフォルトはここで定義されます。カレンダーは、期間が開いているか閉じているかを決定するのに使用さます。 - - - 組織情報 - ここで設定したほとんどの内容は、ログアウトしてアプリケーションサーバーを再起動しなければ、有効になりません。 - 組織詳細情報 - 組織情報タブは、組織の住所、DUNS番号、税金ID番号を定義するために使用されます。 - - - 参照翻訳 - - - - - - リスト翻訳 - - - - - - 添付 - - 添付 - 添付タブは、添付の属性を表示します。 - - - 税金 - - 税金定義 - 税金比率ウィンドウは、それぞれの税金カテゴリで使用される異なった税金を定義します。例えば、消費税は、それが適用される各州のために定義しなければなりません。<br> 複数の税金があるなら、おおまかな総課税率の概要レベルの税金と、それらの親として、概要レベルの税金を指し示す実際の課税率を作成してください。注文か請求書の詳細を入力すると税金が見積もられ、ドキュメントが処理されると正しい税金が計算されます。税金は常に詳細実質量から計算されます。ある税金が、他の税金を基準にしているなら、正しい量の結果へパーセンテージを修正する必要があります。<br> ~から/~へ確認は、親税で決められます。 - - - 税金カテゴリ - - 税金カテゴリ - 税金カテゴリタブは、税金カテゴリを定義して、メンテナンスするために使用されます。それぞれの製品は税金カテゴリに関連しています。このことは、課税の変更に対応するのを容易にします。 - - - 倉庫 - - 倉庫 - 倉庫タブは、製品を格納するために使用される各倉庫を定義します。元倉庫が選択されたなら、すべての製品補給はその倉庫から着たことになります。カスタム補給アルゴリズムを使用する場合は、倉庫単位で使用されるクラスを定義する必要があります。 - - - 位置情報 - - 位置情報 - 位置情報タブは、倉庫のためのあらゆる位置情報を定義します。 - - - ストレージ - - 詳細なストレージ情報です。 - - - - 製品 - - 製品を定義します。 - 製品タブは、各製品を定義して、価格リストと注文での使用のために、製品を特定します。保管された製品を受け取るときは、住所はデフォルトの住所です。 - - - 代用品 - - 代用品を定義します。 - 代用品タブは、選択された製品の代わりとして使用されるかもしれない製品を定義します。 - - - 補給 - - 製品補給を定義します。 - 補給タブは、補給数量のタイプを定義します。これは自動発注のために使われます。カスタム補給タイプを選ぶ場合は、org.compiere.util.ReplenishInterface を実装するクラスを作成して、倉庫レベルで設定する必要があります。 - - - 価格 - - 製品価格設定です。 - 価格タブは、製品が含まれている各価格リストのリスト、標準、限度価格を表示します。 - - - 支払期間 - - 支払期間を定義します。 - 支払期間タブは、請求を支払うときに、ビジネスパートナーに提示する異なった支払い期間を定義します。また、仕入先が支払いを提示するときにも使われます。標準の請求書では、支払い期間の名前とドキュメントノートが印刷されます。 - - - 荷主 - - 荷主です。 - 荷主タブは、組織へ / から出荷をするあらゆる経済主体を定義します。 - - - 注文 - - 注文ヘッダーです。 - 注文ヘッダータブは、注文のパラメータを定義します。組織、ビジネスパートナー、倉庫、約束日付など、詳細の値を変更します。 - - - 注文詳細 - - 注文詳細です。 - 注文詳細タブは、注文を構成する個々の詳細項目を定義します。 - - - 製品カテゴリ - - 製品カテゴリを定義します。 - 製品カテゴリは、一意な製品のグループ分けを定義します。製品カテゴリは、価格リストを構成する中で使うことが出来ます。 - - - 価格リスト - - 価格リストを定義します。 - 価格リストは、ドキュメントの通貨や税金処理を決定します。 - - - 製品価格 - - 製品価格をメンテナンスします。 - 価格リストタブは、選択された価格リストに基づく製品の価格を表示します。 - - - 請求スケジュール - - 請求スケジュールを定義します。 - 請求スケジュールタブは、ビジネスパートナー用のバッチ請求が作られる頻度を定義します。 - - - 交換比率 - - 通貨交換比率を定義します。 - 交換比率タブは、ひとつの通貨を別の通貨へ変換するときに使われる交換比率を定義するために使用されます。交換比率は、複数の交換タイプのために定義することが出来ます。また、それらは定義された日付の範囲に対して有効にすることも出来ます。割り算の交換比率は、表示のためだけに使えることに注意してください。 - - - 会計スキーマ - 通貨や原価計算の方法を変更したら、すべての会計取引をリセットしなければなりません。 変更を有効にするには、再ログインとアプリケーションサーバーの再起動が必要です。 - 会計スキーマ構造を定義します。 - 会計スキーマタブは、会計に使用される処理方法全般を定義します。ひとつのクライアントに対して複数の会計スキーマを定義することが出来ます。(平行した会計処理が出来ます) スキーマが適正で、定義された総勘定元帳とデフォルトの勘定科目があり、勘定科目の追加 / コピーが完了しているなら、仕訳は、会計スキーマのために生成されます。 - - - 総勘定元帳 - 設定の変更を有効にするには、再ログインとアプリケーションサーバーの再起動をして下さい。 - 総勘定元帳のための勘定科目 - 総勘定元帳タブは、仕訳のために必要な勘定科目でも使用する、エラーと貸借の取り扱いを定義します。 - - - 販売活動 - - 販売活動です。 - 販売活動タブは、販売活動のためのパラメータを定義します。これらは、この販売活動を参照するすべての処理済み請求書の量と共に、開始日と終了日を含んでいます。 - - - チャンネル - - 流通経路です。 - マーケティングチャンネルタブは、顧客が受け取る方法や処理を定義します。 - - - 要素 - - 要素 - 要素タブは、それぞれのシステムレベル要素を定義します。 - - - 翻訳 - - - - - - 期間管理 - - 期間管理を定義します。 - 期間管理タブは、期間の状態を表示します。(一度も開かれていない、開かれている、閉じている) - - - 販売地域 - - 販売地域 - 販売地域タブは、企業活動をする複数の地域を定義します。販売地域は、レポートの生成や金額の計算をする時に使うことが出来ます。 - - - 組み合わせ - - 有効な勘定科目の組み合わせです。 - 組み合わせタブは、有効な勘定科目の組み合わせを定義、表示します。ドキュメントエントリーを容易にするために別名を定義することができます。 - - - 予算 - - 総勘定元帳予算タブは、総勘定元帳の予算を定義します。 - 総勘定元帳予算は、業務の実行で予測される費用を定義するために使われます。それらは、レポートで実際の金額と比較する際に使用されます。 - - - 会計 - - 会計 - 会計タブは、倉庫にある在庫で使うための会計パラメーターを定義します。 - - - 会計 - - 会計パラメータを定義します。 - 会計タブは、この製品を含む注文・請求の会計取引を生成するときのデフォルト値を定義します。 - - - 会計 - - プロジェクト会計を定義します。 - 会計タブは、プロジェクトが終了して関連した資産が実現したときの、資産会計を定義するために使われます。 - - - 顧客会計 - - 顧客会計を定義します。 - 顧客会計タブは、このビジネスパートナーが売掛金取引で参照されるときに使用する、デフォルトの勘定科目を定義します。 - - - 仕入先会計 - - 仕入先会計を定義します。 - 仕入先会計タブは、このビジネスパートナーが買掛金取引で参照されるときに使用する、デフォルトの勘定科目を定義します。 - - - 従業員会計 - - 従業員会計を定義します。 - 従業員会計タブは、このビジネスパートナーが費用払い戻しで参照されるときに使用する、デフォルトの勘定科目を定義します。 - - - - - 都市を定義します。 - 市タブは、国または地域に存在する市を定義します。ここで入力された市は、住所を入力するときには参照されません。 - - - 会計スキーマ要素 - 注意: ここで変更した内容は、会計処理の構造に影響します。 変更のないようによっては、会計をリセットしなければなりません。 変更を有効にするには、再ログインとアプリケーションサーバーの再起動が必要です。 -保存/削除の処理は時間がかかります。 - 会計キーの要素を定義します。 - 会計スキーマ要素タブは、会計キーを含む要素を定義します。ドキュメントで表示される名前が定義されます。要素の順番、貸借が一致しているかどうか、必須項目かどうかが示されます。 - - - ビジネスパートナー - - ビジネスパートナー - ビジネスーパートナータブは、取引を行うすべての経済主体を定義します。 - - - 住所 - - 住所を定義します。 - 住所タブは、ビジネスパートナーの物理的な位置を定義します。ビジネスパートナーには、複数の住所レコードを持つことが出来ます。 - - - 顧客 - - 顧客パラメータを定義します。 - 顧客タブは、この組織の顧客のビジネスパートナーを定義します。顧客チェックボックスをチェックすると入力用のフィールドが表示されます。 - - - 仕入先 - - 仕入先パラメータを定義します。 - 仕入先タブは、この組織の仕入先のビジネスパートナーを定義します。仕入先チェックボックスをチェックすると入力用のフィールドが表示されます。 - - - 従業員 - - 従業員パラメータを定義します。 - 従業員タブは、この組織の従業員のビジネスパートナーを定義します。従業員が販売担当者だったなら、チェックボックスがチェックされている必要があります。 - - - 銀行口座 - - 銀行口座を定義します。 - 銀行口座タブは、このビジネスパートナーのために銀行情報を定義します。このデータは支払いと送金の処理に使用されます。 - - - 銀行 - - 銀行をメンテナンスします。 - 銀行タブは、組織またはビジネスパートナーによって使用される銀行を定義します。各銀行には、特定可能な名前、住所、経路番号、およびSwiftコードが設定されます。 - - - 銀行口座 - - 銀行口座をメンテナンスします。 - 銀行口座タブは、銀行のために複数の銀行口座を定義するために使用されます。各口座には、一意な口座番号と通貨の情報を持っています。銀行口座組織は会計に使用されます。 - - - 源泉徴収 - - 源泉徴収を定義します。(ベータ版) - 源泉徴収タブは、このビジネスパートナーのためのすべての源泉徴収情報を定義します。 - - - 翻訳 - - 翻訳 - 翻訳タブは、別の言語でのドキュメントタイプを定義します。 - - - 督促 - - 督促ルールをメンテナンスします。 - 督促タブは、催促レベルのためのパラメータを定義します。 - - - 翻訳 - - 翻訳を定義します。 - 翻訳タブは、表示言語を切り替えるための翻訳を定義します。 - - - 翻訳 - - - - - - 翻訳 - - - - - - 消費税 - - 消費税 - 消費税タブは、注文に基づいた税金の詳細を表示します。 - - - 料金 - - 料金 - 料金タブは、ドキュメントに関連付けることが出来る、識別可能な料金を定義します。 任意のビジネスパートナーは要求から発注を作成することが出来ます。 - - - バージョン - - 価格リストバージョンをメンテナンスします。 - 価格リストは、製品購入情報と仕入先カテゴリ割引に基づいて自動的に作成されます。 既存の価格リストをコピーして修正するという方法でも、価格リストを作成することが出来ます。 -また、価格リストを参照せずに、または同じ価格リストに参照をつけることによって、再計算することもできます。基本価格リストが全く選択されないなら、製品購買レコードが参照されて使用されます。 - - - 購買 - - 購買 - 購買タブは、各製品のために、価格設定とルール(梱包数量、UPC、最低発注量)を定義します。 - - -源泉徴収 - -源泉徴収ルール -源泉徴収ルールは源泉徴収の量を管理するルールを定義します。 - - -会計 - -会計事実の詳細を表示します。 - - - -ツリー - -ツリー -ツリータブは表示されるツリーを定義します。 - - -レポート & 処理 - -レポートと処理を定義します。 -レポート & 処理タブは、ウィンドウ内の各レポートと処理の実行を定義します。 システムレベルで定義された一般的なフォーマットを共有したい場合は、印刷フォーマットはドキュメント印刷だけに使用されることに注意してください。通常のレポートとフォーマットのためには、ここでフォーマットを定義せずに、生成された印刷フォーマットを修正して、デフォルトとしてそれを設定してください。 - - -パラメータ - -レポートパラメータ -パラメータタブはレポートまたはプロセスを作成するのに必要なパラメータを定義します。 - - -パラメータ翻訳 - - - - - -レポート翻訳 - - - - - -活動 - -活動基準原価計算のための活動です。 - - - -デフォルト - -デフォルトの勘定科目です。 -デフォルトタブは、会計スキーマのためにデフォルト勘定科目を表示します。新しいドキュメントが開かれるとき、これらの値が表示されます。ユーザーはドキュメントの中でこれらのデフォルトを変更することができます。 - - -原価計算(旧) - -古い製品原価計算情報です。 - - - -在庫数量確認 - -在庫数量確認を定義します。 -在庫数量確認タブは、在庫の手動の数量確認と調整のためのパラメータを定義します。自動的に在庫数量確認リストを作成すると、実際の格納された製品だけが含まれます。例外的に、ゼロ(=0)を入力すると、その住所ですべての在庫に関する在庫レコードがゼロで作成されます。 - - -在庫数量確認詳細 - -在庫数量確認詳細です。 -在庫数量確認詳細タブは、個々の製品の数量確認を定義します。通常は、自動で在庫数量確認詳細が作成されます。手動で作成する場合は、帳簿価額が確実に正しくなるようにしてください。 それが料金でなら、組織を設定することができます。そうでない場合は、それはヘッダー組織に設定されます。 - - -出荷 - -出荷と顧客からの返却です。 -出荷タブは、顧客への出荷、顧客からの返品を生成、維持、入力、処理ができます。 - - -出荷詳細 - -出荷詳細です。 -出荷詳細タブは、出荷の個々の項目を定義します。 - - -移動 - -在庫移動を入力してください。 -移動タブは、在庫の移動と特定を定義します。 - - -移動詳細 - -在庫移動の詳細です。 -移動詳細タブは、製品、移動するべき数量、および在庫が動いている住所を定義します。 - - -製品取引 - -保管された製品の取引です。 - - - -請求書 - -顧客請求書 -請求書タブは、ビジネスパートナーのために生成する請求書のパラメータを定義します。請求書は売掛金を構成します。 - - -督促レベル - -督促レベルをメンテナンスします。 -督促レベルタブは、督促の時期と頻度を定義します。 - - -督促レベル翻訳 - -督促レベルを翻訳します。 - - - -請求書詳細 - -顧客請求書の詳細です。 -請求書詳細タブは、請求書の個々の項目と料金を定義します。 - - -請求書税 - -顧客請求書の税金です。 -請求書税タブは、請求書詳細に基づく税金の総額を表示します。 - - -収益認識 - -収益認識 -収益認識タブは、収入が認識される間隔を定義します。また提供されたサービスレベルを収益認識の基礎にすることができます。 - - -翻訳 - -測定単位の翻訳です。 - - - -恒常在庫 - - - - - -仕入先 - -仕入先 -仕入先タブは仕入先を表示します。 仕入先を選択します、そして、その仕入先のためのすべての製品を表示するでしょう。 - - -製品詳細 - -製品の詳細です。 -製品詳細タブは、選択された仕入先のためにすべての製品を表示、メンテナンスします。 - - -敬称 - -敬称を定義します。 -敬称タブは、ドキュメント上のビジネスパートナー対する敬称定義します。 - - -翻訳 - - - - - -翻訳 - - - - - -レポート表示 - -レポート表示を定義します。 -レポート表示タブは、レポート作成で使用される表示を定義します。 - - -取引 - -在庫製品のための取引です。 -取引タブは、この製品のために処理された取引を表示します。 - - -請求書 - -仕入先への請求書です。 -請求書タブは、ビジネスパートナーによって生成された請求書のパラメータを定義します。これは買掛金を構成します。受領を生成するとき、受領ドキュメントタイプが使われます。または、デフォルトの材料需要ドキュメントタイプが使われます。 - - -請求書詳細 - -仕入先の請求書詳細です。 -請求書詳細タブは、請求書の個々の項目と料金を定義します。 - - -請求書税 - -仕入先の請求書の税金です。 -請求書税タブは、請求書詳細に基づく、税金の総額を表示します。 - - -発注詳細 - -発注詳細です。 -発注詳細タブは、発注の個々の項目を定義します。 - - -発注 - -発注ヘッダーです。 -発注タブは、発注のパラメータを定義します。定義されたフィールド値はどのように発注詳細が処理されるかを決定します。 - - -注文税 - -注文の税金です。 -注文税タブは、注文詳細に関連している税金を表示します。 - - -材料受領 - -材料受領と仕入先返品を入力してください。 -材料受領タブは、仕入先からの輸送または仕入先への返品を生成、維持、入力、処理します。 - - -受領詳細 - -輸送の詳細です。 -受領詳細タブは、受領の個々の項目を定義します。 - - -EDI定義 - -EDI定義をメンテナンスします。 - - - -EDI取引 - - - - - -EDIログ - - - - - -フォーム - -特別なフォームです。 -フォームタブは、自動的に生成されないあらゆるウィンドウを定義します。システム管理者のみが使用します。 - - -翻訳 - - - - - -ウィンドウアクセス - -ウィンドウのアクセスです。 -ウィンドウのアクセスタブは、この役割(権限)に与えられたウィンドウとアクセスのタイプを定義します。 - - -処理アクセス - -処理アクセスです。 -処理アクセスタブは、この役割(権限)に与えらた処理とアクセスのタイプを定義します。 - - -フォームアクセス - -フォームアクセスです。 -フォームアクセスタブは、この役割(権限)に与えらたフォームとアクセスのタイプを定義します。 - - -作業フローアクセス - -作業フローアクセスです。 -作業フローアクセスタブは、この役割(権限)に与えらた作業フローとアクセスのタイプを定義します。 - - -レポートアクセス - -レポートアクセス -アクセスタブは、だれがレポートまたは処理にアクセスできるかを決定します。 - - -フォームアクセス - -フォームアクセスです。 -アクセスタブは、このフォームのためにアクセスルールを定義します。 - - -タスクアクセス - -タスクアクセスです。 -アクセスタブは、このタスクとタイプにアクセスできる役割を定義します。 - - -ウィンドウアクセス - -ウィンドウのアクセスです。 -ウィンドウアクセスタブは、このウィンドウにアクセスできる役割を定義します。 - - -作業フローアクセス - -作業フローアクセス -作業フローアクセスタブは、この作業フローにアクセスできる役割を定義します。 - - -タスクアクセス - -タスクアクセス -タスクアクセスタブは、タスクとアクセスタイプを定義します。 - - -エラーメッセージ - -エラーメッセージです。 -エラーメッセージタブは、発生したエラーメッセージを表示します。自動化されたクリーンアップ処理で削除することができます。 - - -形式のインポート - - - - - -フィールドのフォーマット - -フィールドフォーマットをメンテナンスします。 -テーブル定義に基づく個々のフィールドを定義します。'定数が正しいSQLデータ型を持っていることを確認してください。(つまり、それが'文字列型'なら、'文字'、のようにシングルクォーテーションで囲む必要があります。) -<p>製品マッピング(詳細はドキュメントを見てください): <pre> H_Item => Value H_ItemDesc => Name / Description H_ItemDefn => Help H_ItemType => ProductCategory H_PartnrID => Value of Business Partner H_Commodity1 => Vendor Product No H_Commodity2 => SKU H_ItemClass => Classification (A,B,C..) V_OperAmt_T_Cur => Currency V_OperAmt_T => Price </pre> - - -部品構成表 - -部品構成表の詳細です。 -部品構成表タブは、他の製品から生成された製品を定義します。部品構成表は、製品を作るために必要な材料や部品、または、ある製品を作るために必要な製品を表しています。 -利用可能な数量: -- 保管された部品構成表は、「生産」を通して作成されなければなりません。 -- 保管された部品構成表の利用可能な数量は、動的に計算されます。 -- 「保管された」属性は「製品」タブで定義されます。 -価格: -- 価格リストに部品構成表をリストアップする必要があります。 -- 価格が0.00であるなら、価格は動的に計算されます。 - -印刷: -- 通常、部品構成表情報だけが印刷されます。 -- 請求書の印刷に関しては、配送へ自動で送られて、リストを選択します。また、詳細を印刷するオプションがあります。 -- 詳細では、数量がリストアップされます。動的に計算されるなら、価格も表示されます。 - - -生産ヘッダー - -生産ヘッダー -生産ヘッダータブは、一意な生産計画を定義します。 - - -生産計画 - -生産計画 -生産計画タブは、生産で使用、生成される項目を定義します。 - - -生産詳細 - -生産詳細 -生産詳細タブは、生産計画で生成された、実際に投入された在庫移動と生産高を定義します。 - - -ビジネスパートナーグループ - -報告・会計のデフォルトのビジネスパートナーグループです。 -ビジネスパートナーグループタブは、レポートの表示、会計の表示をする際にビジネスパートナーをまとめる機能を提供します。 - - -会計 - -会計を定義します。 -会計タブは、このグループを参照するすべてのビジネスパートナーのためにデフォルト勘定科目を定義します。必要ならは、それぞれのビジネスパートナーのために、デフォルト値を変更することができます。 - - -会計パラメータ - -会計パラメータ -会計パラメータタブは、デフォルトの会計パラメータを定義します。製品カテゴリを使用するすべての製品は、デフォルト会計パラメータを引き継ぐことができます。原価計算方法が定義されないなら、会計スキーマの計算方法がデフォルトで使用されます。 - - -通知 - -システム通知 -通知タブは、プロセスを実行するときに、このシステムによって生成されるメッセージを見る機能を提供します。 - - -支払いプロセッサ - -オンライン支払いのためのプロセッサです。 -電子決済タブは、電子決済の処理のために必要なパラメータを定義するために使用されます。通貨を定義しないなら、すべての通貨が利用できます。最小の量が定義されるなら(または、ゼロでないなら)、支払いプロセッサは、支払い量が最小の量と等しいか、または高い場合にだけ使用されます。<Br> javaクラスは、org.compiere.model.PaymentProcessorを実装する必要があります。 - - -会計 - -会計データをメンテナンスします。 -会計タブは、この銀行との取引に使用される勘定科目を定義するのに使用されます。 - - -銀行取引明細書 - -銀行取引明細書です。 -銀行取引明細書タブは、銀行口座とシステムの情報を結びつけるために銀行取引明細書を定義します。 - - -明細書詳細 - -明細書詳細 -明細書詳細タブは、銀行取引明細書での個々の詳細項目を定義します。にタブを付けます。詳細情報は手動で入力するか、または入力された支払いから生成することができます。 <Br>仕訳に関しては、料金でないなら、銀行口座組織が使用されます。 - - -支払い - -支払い、または受領です。 -ビジネスパートナーへの支払いまたは、受領を入力してください。それが一つの請求書のためのものなら、この画面を使用することで、直接、請求書に割り当てることができます。 また、支払いの過不足を適用することができます:<Br> -料金を請求額よりも多く受け取ってしまったら、修正してください。反対仕訳をする代わりに、割り当てられていない額としてその金額を残しておいて、後で別の請求に使うことが出来ます。その金額は支払いの金額なので、過払いはマイナスの金額を入力する必要があることに注意してください。<br> また、部分的な支払いを受け取ることも出来ます。その場合に、反対仕訳をしないなら、不足金額としてプラスの金額を入力してください。<br> 印刷された支払いは、支払い選択(支払い準備)に格納されることに注意してください。(支払い準備) <br> -<Br>仕訳に関しては、料金でないなら、銀行口座組織が使用されます。 - - -会計 - -料金会計です。 -会計タブは、料金か料金を含む取引に使用される会計パラメータを定義します。 - - -会計 - -組織会計 -組織会計タブ、この組織によって使用されるデフォルト会計パラメータを定義します。 - - -会計 - -会計 -会計タブは、この税率を参照している取引のために会計パラメータを定義します。 - - -会計 - -源泉徴収会計 -源泉徴収会計タブは、源泉徴収のための会計パラメータを定義します。 - - -カスタム属性 - -カスタム属性を定義します。 -カスタム属性タブは、製品または実体のために追加の属性や情報を定義します。 - - -現金出納帳 - -現金出納帳をメンテナンスします。 -現金出納帳タブは組織のためにシステムで一意な現金出納帳を定義します。 - - -会計 - -現金出納帳会計 -現金出納帳会計タブは、現金出納帳にかかわる取引のための会計パラメータを定義します。 - - -現金仕訳帳 - -現金仕訳帳 -現金仕訳帳タブは、この仕訳帳のためのパラメータを定義します。 - - -現金詳細 - -現金詳細 -現金詳細タブは、この仕訳帳のための個々の詳細を定義します。 - - -支払いバッチ - -支払いバッチを処理します。 -電子資金決済支払いバッチ処理です。 - - -フィールドグループ - -システム管理者専用です。フィールドグループは、ウィンドウの中のフィールドでのグループ分けを可能にします。 - - - -翻訳 - - - - - -要求 - -要求を定義します。 -要求タブは、ビジネスパートナーまたはシステム内部から送信された、すべての要求を定義します。 - - -要求プロセッサ - -要求プロセッサです。 -要求プロセッサタブは、処理させたいプロセスの時期や頻度を定義しす。他のユーザーが見つからないなら、項目は監督者に割り当てられます。プロセッサは、特定の要求タイプに対応するプロセッサや、すべての要求タイプに対応するプロセッサにすることが出来ます。。 - - -メールテンプレート - -メールテンプレートをメンテナンスします。 -メールテンプレートは変数、例えば@Name@を含むことができます。 変数名に応じて変数は置き換えられます。変数を見つけるために、最初にユーザーが検索されます。 追加のオブジェクトは督促のために使用されます。(ビジネスパートナー、督促エントリ)、資産配送(資産)、および請求書印刷(ビジネスパートナー、請求書) - - -履歴 - -履歴を要求(過去の値) -履歴タブは、要求の変更を表示します。表示されたデータは過去の(変更された)値です。新しいデータが要求にあります。 - - -割当詳細 - -割当詳細の表示です。 -割当詳細の詳細 - - -組織アクセス - -役割の組織アクセスをメンテナンスします。 -ユーザーがアクセスするクライアントと組織を追加してください。組織アクセスが選択されているか、役割がすべてにアクセス可能ならば、ここでのエントリーは無視されます。<Br> アクセス情報はキャッシュされるので、変更を有効にするには再ログインが必要です。 - - -支払い選択 - -支払いを定義します。 -支払い選択タブは、銀行口座と支払いの日付を定義します。また、ここで支払いを作成することもできます。 - - -支払い選択詳細 - -支払い選択詳細 -支払い選択詳細タブは、組織が仕入先に支払う個々の支払いを定義します。 - - -レポート表示カラム - -レポート表示カラム -レポート表示カラムタブは、SQLのSELECT文で生成によって上書きされるカラムを定義します。 - - -売買手数料 - -売買手数料ルールを定義します。 -いつだれに売買手数料を支払うかを定義します。各期間で、取引の期間が終了した後に、売買手数料の計算を開始できます。 - - -売買手数料詳細 - -手数料の計算方法を定義します。 -手数料支払いのための選択基準を定義します。制約パラメータを入力しないなら(たとえば、特定のビジネスパートナー、製品など)、すべての取引が手数料計算に使用されます。 -取引から手数料の通貨へ変換した後、手数料の計算形式は、 -(変換後分量 - 差し引き量) * 分量掛け算 -+ (実際数量 - 差し引き数量) * 数量掛け算 -計算には、正の分量(変換後分量 - 差し引き量)と正の数量(実際数量 - 差し引き数量)のみが使えます。 - - - -プロジェクトサイクル - -プロジェクトレポートサイクルを定義します。 -プロジェクトのレポートで使用される通貨を定義します。プロジェクトは複数の通貨で表示することが出来ます。 - - -サイクルフェーズ - -サイクルステップをプロジェクトフェーズにリンクします。 -似ているプロジェクトフェーズをサイクルステップへリンクします。 - - -詳細 - -プロジェクト詳細を定義します。 -この詳細タブは、プロジェクトに関連している詳細情報(製品、サービスなど)を定義するために使用されます。これはプロジェクトへの代替手段です。プロジェクトタイプのテンプレートを使用したくない場合に、詳細を使用することが出来ます。 - - -売買手数料実行 - -期間のための売買手数料実行です。 -売買手数料実行ウィンドウで定義された期間のための売買手数料実行です。 - - -売買手数料分量 - -売買手数料の詳細分量です。 -それぞれの売買手数料の詳細のために、詳細が生成されます。売買手数料の分量を修正するために分量と数量を上書きすることが出来ます。しかし、別の手数料詳細を作成した方がよい場合があります。手動での変更は、手数料の詳細を一致させられないかもしれないことに注意してください。 - - -カラム内で使用 - -カラム内で使用されます。 -カラム内で使用タブは、この要素が存在しているテーブルとカラムを定義します。 - - -手数料詳細 - -手数料の詳細情報です。 -詳細レコードの分量と数量を変更することが出来ます。しかし、新しく正しいレコードを作成するほうが好ましい処理です。 分量は取引の通貨から手数料の通貨へ変換されます。(売買手数料のウィンドウで定義された通貨)開始日付とその時の交換レートが使われます。 - - -成績目標 - -成績目標です。 -成績目標タブは、成績のために明確な目標を定義します。 - - -成績測定計算 - -成績測定計算をメンテナンスします。 -成績測定計算は、どのように性能測定が計算されるかを定義します。例を見てください。<Br> -SELECT定義は、SQLのSELECT句とFROM句キーワードを大文字で含まなければなりません。WHERE定義は、大文字のWHEREキーワードを含まなければなりません。メインテーブルは別名ではいけません。WHERE節は、メインテーブルの値を含むことができるだけです。(例えば、ヘッダーと詳細から選ぶと、ヘッダーの変数だけがWHERE節で使用されます)そして、複数のテーブルがあれば、完全に選別されます。 - - -達成 - -成績達成 -成績達成タブは、達成されるためのタスクを定義します。成績は、達した業績の割合によって測定されます。 - - -測定 - -成績測定 -成績測定タブは、日付の範囲と成績測定に使用される手法を定義します。 - - -財務諸表 - - - - - -レポートカラムセット - -財務報告カラムセットをメンテナンスします。 -カラムセットは、財務諸表に含まれるカラムの組み合わせです。 - - -レポートカラム - -財務諸表のカラムをメンテナンスします。 -カラムは財務諸表のカラムを表します。 - - -レポート詳細セット - -財務諸表詳細セットをメンテナンスします。 - - - -レポート詳細 - -財務諸表レポートの詳細です。 - - - -レポートの元データ - -レポート詳細の元になるデータのセグメント値をメンテナンスします。 - - - -収益認識計画 - -収益認識計画を表示します。 -収益認識計画は、収益認識と共に製品の請求をするときに生成されます。収益認識を使うと、分量は未認識の収益へ仕訳されて、時間の経過やサービスレベルの記帳に基づき利益へ移動します。 - - -収益認識実行 - -収益認識実行履歴を表示します。 - - - -サービスレベル - -サービスレベルを表示します。 -サービスレベルに基づく収益認識を使用している製品で請求書を作成するときに、サービスレベルは自動的に作成されます。 - - -サービスレベル詳細 - -サービスレベルをメンテナンスします。 -新しいサービスレベルの詳細を加えて、認識された量を変更してください。 - - -検索 - - - - - -材料取引 - - - - - -フォームを印刷 - -印刷フォーム(請求書、チェック)情報をメンテナンスします。 -選択はどの印刷フォーマットが組織のために使用されるのかを決定します。 - - -銀行口座ドキュメント - -銀行口座ドキュメントをメンテナンスします。 -このタブでは、この銀行口座に使用されるドキュメントを定義します。フォーマットと同様に小切手と他の支払いドキュメント(連続)番号を定義します。 - - -システム色 - -バックグラウンドとインジケータのためのシステム色です。 - - - -デスクトップ - -デスクトップはワークベンチの集まりです。 -デスクトップはワークベンチの集まりです。 - - -翻訳 - - - - - -ワークベンチ - -デスクトップのワークベンチです。 - - - -画像 - -イメージまたはアイコンのリンクです。 - - - -ウィンドウのカスタマイズ - - - - - -タブのカスタマイズ - - - - - -フィールドのカスタマイズ - - - - - -ワークベンチ - -ワークベンチはウィンドウの集まりです。 - - - -翻訳 - - - - - -ウィンドウ - -ワークベンチウィンドウ - - - -ルート設定 - -ルート設定を要求します。 -要求タイプとキーワードの連続番号を定義して、ウェブとメール要求が送信されるべき人を定義します。キーワードはスペース、コンマ、セミコロン、タブまたは改行によって分離されます。最初に一致したものが選ばれます。(最初の、要求タイプがキーワード) - - -要求 - -要求を定義します。 -要求タブは、ビジネスパートナーまたは内部的に提出された要求を定義します。 - - -履歴 - -履歴を要求します。(過去の値) -履歴タブは、要求の変更を表示します。表示されたデータは過去の(変更された)値です。新しいデータが要求にあります。 - - -割引スキーマ - -取引割引スキーマです。 -割引スキーマは、取引の割引率を計算します。 - - -スキーマ詳細 - -取引割引価格リスト詳細です。 -価格リストは、製品購入とカテゴリ割引に基づいて作成されます。 -ここに記載されたパラメータは、価格リストの計算とコピーを可能にします。<BR> -計算:<UL> -<LI> 参照された価格リストのコピーと変換価格 <LI>結果プラス過剰分量 <LI>結果マイナス割引 <LI>もし、結果の価格が、初期の制限価格に最小利幅を足したものより小さいなら、この価格を使ってください。(利幅がゼロでない場合のみ) <LI> -丸め結果価格 </UL> <B>形式</B> is<BR> NewPrice = (Convert(BasePrice) + Surcharge) * (100-Discount) / 100;<BR> if MinMargin <> 0 then NewPrice = Max (NewPrice, Convert(OrigLimitPrice) + MinMargin);<BR> if MaxMargin <> 0 then NewPrice = Min (NewPrice, Convert(OrigLimitPrice) + MaxMargin);<BR> <BR> <B>Example:</B> (assuming same currency)<BR> Original Prices: List=300, Standard=250, Limit=200;<BR> New List Price: Base=List, Surcharge=0, Discount=0, Round - - -割引中断 - -中断に基づいた取引割引です。(ステップ) - - - -割り当てられた製品 - -製品カテゴリーに割り当てられた製品です。 - - - -請求書に一致させる - -一致させた請求を表示します。 -材料受領詳細へ一致させた請求詳細を表示します。 - - -購買注文に一致させる - -一致させた購買注文を表示します。 -材料受領詳細へ一致させた購買注文詳細を表示します。 - - -費用タイプ - -費用報告タイプをメンテナンスします。 - - - -費用製品 - -費用タイプの製品定義 - - - -費用報告書 - -時間と費用の報告書 -従業員または契約者(ビジネスパートナー)のために時間と費用を入力してください。<Br> -価格リストは、費用、製品、返還される経営資源のデフォルト費用を決定します。その意味で、これは「購入価格」リストです。倉庫は、顧客へ請求された項目の在庫を修正するために使われます。(つまり、請求されないなら、在庫は調整されません)<br> ビジネスパートナーは、住所と連絡先持った従業員でなければなりません。 - - -レポート詳細 - -時間と費用レポートの詳細です。 -費用項目と、請求可能、請求不可能な時間を入力してください。ゼロでない数値を請求された分量に入力すると、その分量は、顧客へ請求するために使われます。 --もしくは、顧客の売上高価格リストの価格です。 - - -経営資源 - -経営資源をメンテナンスします。 - - - -割当 - -経営資源の割当です。 -割当の履歴です。 - - -使用不能 - -使用不能な経営資源です。 -経営資源が利用できなくなる日付です。(例えば、休暇など) - - -経営資源製品 - -経営資源に関する商品案内をメンテナンスします。 -経営資源のための製品は、自動的に作成されて、同期します。 このタブの中で名前、測定単位などを更新してください。製品の中では変更しないでください。 - - -経営資源タイプ - -経営資源タイプをメンテナンスします。 -経営資源タイプとそれらの主な有用性をメンテナンスします。 - - -会計 - -会計パラメータを定義します。 -このタブは、この費用タイプを含む請求と注文のために、会計取引を生成するときに使うデフォルトを定義します。すべての勘定科目に適用されるというわけではありません。 - - -価格設定 - -費用タイプ価格設定です。 -価格タブは、製品が含まれているそれぞれの価格リストのために、リスト、標準、限度価格を表示します。 - - -価格設定 - -経営資源の価格設定です。 -価格設定タブは、経営資源が含まれているそれぞれの価格リストのために、リスト、標準、限度価格を表示します。 - - -会計 - -会計パラメータを定義します。 -会計タブは、この経営資源を含む請求と注文のために、会計取引を生成するときに使うデフォルトを定義します。すべての勘定科目に適用されるというわけではありません。 - - -印刷色 - -印刷色をメンテナンスします。 -印刷に使用される色です。 - - -印刷フォント - -印刷フォントをメンテナンスします。 -印刷に使用される字体です。 - - -印刷フォーマット - -印刷フォーマットをメンテナンスします。 -印刷フォーマットは、データが印刷の時にどのように表されるかを決定します。 - - -フォーマット項目 - -印刷フォーマットの設定項目です。 -レイアウト情報をメンテナンスする印刷フォーマットの項目です。以下の追加変数は、印刷するときに利用可能です: -<p>@*Page@ - 現在のページ番号 -<br>@*PageCount@ - 総ページ数 -<br>@*MultiPageInfo@ - " y ページ中 x ページ目" - 1ページ以上あるときのみ印刷されます。 -<br>@*CopyInfo@ - ドキュメントのコピーの場合は、「複製」が印刷されます。 -<br>@*ReportName@ - レポートの名前 -<br>@*Header@ - ユーザー/クライアント/組織があるヘッダーです。 -<br>@*CurrentDate@ - 印刷日付 -<br>@*CurrentDateTime@ - 印刷時間 - -<p>フォームのためのレイアウトの仕組みは以下の通りです。 <Br> -- 印刷されないなら: 無視 <br> - 新しい行位置を設定 <br> - 新しいページ <br> - 最後の行以降に何か書かれたら改行<br> - フォーマット項目<br> - 印刷 (null/空でない場合のみ)<br> (nullの削除は改行を妨げません) - - - -紙への印刷設定 - -紙への印刷設定をメンテナンスします。 -プリンタ用紙サイズ、オリエンテーション、余白などを設定します。 入力値チェックコードは、メディア(用紙)サイズ名を含んでいます。メディアサイズの名前は、IPP1.1 RFC2911のものに対応しています。-- http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2911.txt <br> 名前が見つからない場合は、サイズのX/Y 寸法が使われます。適切な用紙サイズ名が使われると、サイズと寸法は無視されます。 - - -命令を表示 - -印刷フォーマット項目の命令を表示します。 - - - -命令の並べ替え - -印刷フォーマット項目の命令を並べ替えます。 - - - -フィールド連続番号 - -タブ内のフィールドなら番号が連続します。 - - - -顧客 - -請求を受取るビジネスパートナー(顧客)です。 - - - -レポート詳細 - -時間と費用レポートの詳細(送り状を送られない)です。 -時間と経費レポートの詳細を表示、変更します。まだ注文を持っていない費用詳細で、ビジネスパートナーのために費用項目をリストします。 (販売注文は作成されます) - - -項目翻訳 - -印刷フォーマット翻訳です。 - - - -グラフ - -表示するグラフで定義します。 - - - -印刷テーブル形式 - -レポートのテーブルフォーマットを定義します。 -印刷テーブル形式は、テーブルヘッダーなどが、どう印刷されるかを定義します。空欄のままにすると、デフォルトの色とフォントが使用されます:<br> フォントはレポートで使用されるフォントに基づいています。ページヘッダーとテーブルヘッダーは太字、機能フォントは太字イタリック、フッターフォントは2ポイント小さく、パラメータフォントはイタリックです。 - - -準備された支払い - -生成された準備された支払いを表示します。(チェックします) -支払い印刷/エクスポートを通じて実際の支払いを作成します。 - - -要求タイプ - -要求のタイプです。(例えば、問い合せ、苦情) -要求タイプは、要求の処理と分類に使われます。オプションは会計問い合せ、保証問題などです。 - - -関心地域 - -関心地域またはトピックです。 -関心地域は、連絡により、トピックへの関心を反映します。関心地域は、マーケティング活動に使用することができます。リストが「セルフサービス」でないなら、ウェブ上ではユーザーからは見えません。 - - -関心地域 - -ビジネスパートナー連絡関心地域 -関心地域は、マーケティング活動に使用することができます。 - - -システム - -システム定義 -一般的なシステム定義 - - -ビジネスパートナーのインポート - - - - - -製品のインポート - -製品のインポート -インポートする前に、Adempiereは、測定単位(設定されていないならデフォルト値)、製品カテゴリー(設定されていないならデフォルト値)、ビジネスパートナー、通貨(設定されていないならデフォルト会計通貨)、製品タイプ(品目とサービスのみ)、UPCの一意性、キーとキーの一意性、および仕入先製品番号の存在<br> - Adempiereは、UPC、キー、製造元製品番号が一致するなら、(この連続処理で)結び付けの処理を試みます。対応するインポートフィールドが明示的に定義されていて、インポートされたレコードを一致させることが出来るなら、製品フィールドの値は上書きされるだけです。例:インポートデータ内で明示的に製品カテゴリが設定されているなら、製品カテゴリは上書きされるだけです。 - - -勘定科目のインポート - - - - - -レポート詳細セットをインポート - - - - - -言語を選択 - -言語を選択してください。 -言語は、(確認された)システム言語である必要があります。 - - -要素翻訳 - - - - - -メッセージ翻訳 - - - - - -ウィンドウ翻訳 - - - - - -プロセス翻訳 - - - - - -資産 - -内部的または顧客によって使用される資産です。 -資産、購入または製品を配送のどちらでも作成されます。資産は、内部的に使用または顧客資産として使うことができます。 - - -配送 - -配送または可用性です。 -配送または可用性のレコードです。 - - -資産グループ - -資産グループです。 -資産グループはデフォルト勘定科目を決定します。資産グループが製品カテゴリで選択されるなら、資産を配送するときに資産は作成されます。 - - -トレーニング - -繰り返されたトレーニング -トレーニングには、複数の実際のクラスがある場合があります。新しいクラスはここで作成されます。 - - -クラス - -実際のトレーニングクラスのインスタンスです。 -予定されたクラスです。 - - -従業員、仕入先 - -払い戻されるビジネスパートナーです。 -払い戻されるビジネスパートナーを選択してください。 - - -レポート詳細 - -時間と費用レポート詳細(払い戻されない)です。 -時間と経費の報告書詳細を表示、変更します。このタブは、費用詳細がまだ請求されていない費用ヘッダのビジネスパートナーのために費用項目をリストアップします。 - - -翻訳 - - - - - -日計表 - -1日ごとの会計貸借を表示します。 - - - -支払いスケジュール - -請求書支払いスケジュールです。 - - - -属性セット - -製品属性セットをメンテナンスします。 -追加可能な属性と値を製品に追加するために製品属性セットを定義します。シリアル番号、ロット番号、保証日付追跡を有効にしたいなら、属性セットを定義する必要があります。ここで決定された保証日数は、製品が製造された後の使用期限を決定します。(製品の保証日数は、販売後の顧客サービス日付を決定します) 属性セットが必須項目なら、個々の製品は、出荷の前に選択/作成されている必要があります。 - - -属性 - -製品属性です。 -色、サイズなどのような製品属性です。これらが現物の製品に付く属性であるなら、すべての製品は同じ値を持ちます。 - - -属性値 - -製品属性値です。 -製品属性の個々の値です。(例えば、大きいサイズ、緑色など。) - - -ロット - -製品ロット定義です。 -製品の個々のロットをメンテナンスします。 - - -ロット管理 - -製品ロット管理です。 -製品のロット番号を作成するための定義です。 - - -シリアル番号管理 - -製品通し番号管理です。 -製品のシリアル番号を作成するための定義です。 - - -属性使用 - -製品属性セットに使用される属性す。 -製品に使用される属性と属性値です。 - - -属性検索 - -属性の共通検索です。 -属性は、製品属性セットで固有です。(例えば、Tシャツのためのサイズ: S、M、L) 検索複数の属性を持っていて、共通の属性として検索したいなら、検索属性を定義してください。例:サイズを表す属性をまとめて、1つの属性として定義します。(ドレスシャツのサイズ XL,L,M,S,XS) 属性検索は、選択のためにすべての利用可能な値を持つことが出来ます。これは個々の製品属性のメインテナンスを容易にします。 - - -割り当てられた属性 - -この検索属性に割り当てられた属性です。 - - - -請求書 - - - - - -含まれている詳細 - - - - - -ラベル - -ラベルを印刷します。 -印刷ラベルのフォーマットをメンテナンスします。 - - -詳細 - -詳細ラベルを印刷します。 -ラベルの詳細フォーマットをメンテナンスします。 - - -翻訳 - -翻訳ラベルを印刷します。 -翻訳印刷ラベルのフォーマットをメンテナンスします。 - - -セッション監査 - -ユーザーセッションのリストです。 -オンラインまたはウェブセッションの履歴です。 - - -プロジェクトタイプ - -プロジェクトのタイプをメンテナンスします。 -任意のフェーズがあるプロジェクトタイプと標準の成果情報があるプロジェクトのタスクです。 - - -標準のフェーズ - -標準のプロジェクトフェーズをメンテナンスします。 -成果情報があるプロジェクトの標準のフェーズです。 - - -フェーズ - -実際のプロジェクトフェーズをメンテナンスします。 -状態情報があるプロジェクトの実際のフェーズです。 - プロジェクトタイプのフェーズから生成されます。 - - -再帰 - -再帰ドキュメント -再帰ドキュメントをメンテナンスします。次の実行は、生成されたドキュメント(および、会計日付)が決定します。 - - -実行 - -再帰ドキュメント実行 -再帰ドキュメント生成の履歴です。 - - -在庫 - -在庫のインポートです。 -在庫取引を検証、インポートします。住所は、住所キーと倉庫、X,Y,X フィールドによって決定されます。<p> 物理在庫は、倉庫ごと、移動ごとに作成されます。 - - -テーブルアクセス - -テーブルアクセスをメンテナンスします。 -ここに記載されるなら、役割はこのテーブルのすべてのレコードにアクセスできます。 <br>読み取り専用のアクセスを選んだ場合は、表示のみが可能になります。 <br> -排他アクセスを選択して、読み取り専用にした場合は、読み取りのみが出来ます。 <br>ここで定義してアクセス設定は、ユーザーレベルのアクセス設定に追加的に設定されます。ユーザーレベルのアクセス設定が最初に評価されるので、ここでは例外的なアクセス定義をしてください。 <br>アクセス情報はキャッシュされるので、設定を有効にするには、再ログインする必要があります。「含む」ルールを使う場合は、いくつかのサポートしているエンティティを含める必要があります。代替手段として、必要な機能に対する読み取り権限を与えることも出来ます。 - - -レコードアクセス - -レコードアクセスをメンテナンスします。 -管理者の役割とCtl-Lockのために「個人のロック」を有効にすることによって、アクセスレコードを作成します。(ボタンをクリックしている間、Ctl-Lockを押し続けてロックしてください) <p> ここに記載されている情報により、役割はこのテーブルに関するデータレコードにアクセスできるかできないかが分かります。この設定はユーザーレベルのアクセス設定とは別にアクセス権限を上書きします。 <br>読み取り専用のアクセスを選んだ場合は、表示のみが可能になります。 <br> -排他アクセスを選択して、読み取り専用にした場合は、読み取りのみが出来ます。 アクセス情報はキャッシュされるので、設定を有効にするには、再ログインする必要があります。 - - -カラムアクセス - -カラムアクセスをメンテナンスします。 -ここに記載されたとおりに、役割は、このテーブルに関するカラムへのアクセスの可否が決められます。ここでの設定は、機能ごとのアクセス設定を上書きします。読み取り専用のアクセスを選んだ場合は、表示のみが可能になります。 <br> -排他アクセスを選択して、読み取り専用にした場合は、読み取りのみが出来ます。 アクセス情報はキャッシュされるので、設定を有効にするには、再ログインする必要があります。 - - -役割 - -データ・アクセス制限付きの役割です。 -データ・アクセス制限付きで役割を選択します。 アクセス情報はキャッシュされるので、再ログインかリセットが必要なことに注意してください。 - - -広告 - -ウェブ広告 -ウェブ上の広告です。 - - -変更監査 - -データ変更 -データ変更に関するログ - - -変更監査 - -データ変更に関するログ -データ変更に関するログ - - -原価タイプ - -費用のタイプです。(例えば、現在、計画、将来) -複数の費用タイプを定義することができます。 会計スキーマで選ばれた費用タイプは会計に使用されます。 - - -タスク - -実際のプロジェクトタスクです。 -プロジェクトフェーズ内のプロジェクトタスクは、実際の仕事を表します。 - - -ステップ - -プロジェクトサイクルステップです。 -サイクルステップは、論理的な連続を決定します。これは、違ったプロジェクトタイプを作っている似たようなプロジェクトフェーズで共通です。 - - -標準のタスク - -標準のプロジェクトタスクをメンテナンスします。 -標準のプロジェクトタスクです。 - - -時間のタイプ - -時間レコードのタイプです。 -レポートの目的によって、時間タイプを区別します。(活動に平行) - - -連絡先(ユーザ) - -システム内のユーザーをメンテナンスします。--内部またはビジネスパートナー連絡先 -ユーザーはシステムで一意なユーザーを識別します。これは、内部のユーザーまたはビジネスパートナー連絡先です。 - - -クリック数 - -クリック数です。 -追跡したリンク/対象を定義します。 - - -個々のクリック - -クリックしたアクセス者の詳細です。 - - - -カウント - -ウェブカウンタのヒット数です。 - - - -個々のカウント - - - - - -請求書 - -請求書を選択してください。 -完全に支払われていない請求書から選択してください。 - - -支払いスケジュール - -支払いスケジュールをメンテナンスします。 - - - -スケジュール - -支払いスケジュール - - - -警告 - -Adempiere警告です。 -Adempiere警告は、アラーと表示したいシステムの状態を定義できます。 - - -警告ルール - -警告要素の定義です。 -警告または動作の定義です。 - - -警告受取者 - -アラートを受け取る人です。 -ユーザーや役割へ通知を送ることができます。 - - -銀行取引明細書 - -銀行取引明細書のインポートをします。 - - - -総勘定元帳 - -総勘定元帳をインポートします。 -バッチ処理ドキュメント番号か会計スキーマが違っていたら、新しい仕訳帳バッチ処理が作成されます。ドキュメント番号、通貨、ドキュメントタイプ、総勘定元帳カテゴリ、仕訳タイプ、会計タイプが違っていると新しい仕訳帳が作成されます。新規作成フラグを選択することによっても、新しいバッチ処理または仕訳帳を作成することが出来ます。<p> 3つの組織フィールドがあることに注意してください:ドキュメント組織は、ドキュメントの所有者で、ディレクトリまたはデフォルトパラメータを設定します。組織は、会計キーの一部で、ID番号の正しい勘定科目の組み合わせが決められていることだけを要求します。もし定義されないならドキュメント組織から派生されます。取引組織は、勘定科目組み合わせの一部です。<br> 任意の貸借チェックは、インポート全体に適用されます。個別のバッチ処理や仕訳帳ではありません。 <br> -ドキュメント番号は、ドキュメント番号が手動連続番号に設定されない場合は、上書きされます。 - - -請求書 - -請求書のインポートです。 -ドキュメントタイプ名(またはID)を入力する必要があります。ドキュメントタイプは、もし間違っているなら、結果が多すぎるので、完全には派生しません。最善の方法はドキュメントタイプ名を、インポートファイル内でのフォーマットかフィールドの定数として設定することです。 - - -支払い - -支払いのインポートです。 - - - -注文 - -注文のインポートです。 -ドキュメントタイプ名(またはID)を入力する必要があります。ドキュメントタイプは、もし間違っているなら、結果が多すぎるので、完全には派生しません。最善の方法はドキュメントタイプ名を、インポートファイル内でのフォーマットかフィールドの定数として設定することです。 - - -貨物 - -運送料です。 -荷主のための運送料です。 - - -貨物カテゴリ - -貨物のカテゴリです。 -貨物カテゴリは、選択された荷主のために、貨物を計算するために使用されます。 - - -ビジネスパートナー次元 - -ビジネスパートナー会計次元ツリーをメンテナンスします。 -すべての必須項目値にデフォルトがないと、このウィンドウで新しい実体を作成することができません。 - - -製品次元 - -製品会計寸法ツリーをメンテナンスします。 -すべての必須項目値にデフォルトがないと、このウィンドウで新しい実体を作成することができません。 - - -活動次元 - -活動会計次元ツリーをメンテナンスします。 -すべての必須項目値にデフォルトがないと、このウィンドウで新しい実体を作成することができません。 - - -プロジェクト次元 - -プロジェクト会計次元ツリーをメンテナンスします。 -すべての必須項目値にデフォルトがないと、このウィンドウで新しい実体を作成することができません。 - - -組織次元 - -組織会計次元ツリーをメンテナンスします。 -すべての必須項目値にデフォルトがないと、このウィンドウで新しい実体を作成することができません。 - - -販売地域次元 - -販売地域会計次元ツリーをメンテナンスします。 -すべての必須項目の値にデフォルトが設定されていないと、このウィンドウで新しいエンティティを作成することができません! - - -複製対象 - -データ複製の対象です。 -データ複製対象の詳細です。中央サーバーでメンテナンスされます。IP範囲がすべてのリモートシステムで一意になるようにしてください--そうでないと、データが消えます。 - - -複製実行 - -データ複製を実行します。 -履歴情報です。 - - -ログを実行 - -データ複製実行ログです。 -詳細情報です。 - - -複製方針 - -データ複製の戦略です。 -データ複製方針は、どのテーブルをどのように複製するかを決定します。データ移行はアプリケーション辞書の項目とは同期しないことに注意してください。 - - -複製テーブル - -データ複製方針のテーブル情報です。 -テーブルがどのように複製されるかを決定します。ローカルテーブルに完全にアクセスする手段を持っていて、参照テーブルはリモートシステムの上にあり、読み取り専用です。リモートシステムの上の結合テーブルに関するデータは、中央システムにコピーされます。 - - -キャンペーン次元 - -マーケティングキャンペーン会計次元ツリーをメンテナンスします。 -すべての必須項目にデフォルトの設定値がないと、このウィンドウで新しいエンティティを作成することはできません。 - - -タブ翻訳 - - - - - -リファレンスリスト翻訳 - - - - - -フィールド翻訳 - - - - - -フィールドグループ翻訳 - -ほとんどのフィールド翻訳は、要素から派生することに注意してください。 -メニュー翻訳を更新するために、用語の同期を実行します。現在メンテナンスされていないフィールドを翻訳する必要があるだけです。 - - -フォーム翻訳 - - - - - -タスク翻訳 - - - - - -作業フロー翻訳 - - - - - -作業フローノード翻訳 - - - - - -メニュー翻訳 - -ほとんどのフィールド翻訳は、ウィンドウ/フォーム/..翻訳から派生することに注意してください。 -メニュー翻訳を更新するために、用語の同期を実行します。 - - -購読 - - - - - -プロジェクト - -販売注文プロジェクトと工事指図書をメンテナンスします。 -このプロジェクトタブは、それぞれのプロジェクトで値、名前、説明を定義するために使われます。割り当てられた、合意した、または使用された数量の追跡の定義にも使われます。 - - -会計 - -プロジェクト会計を定義します。 -会計タブは、プロジェクトが終了して、関連資産が確定したときに使う資産会計を定義するのに使用されます。 - - -カテゴリ - -知識カテゴリと値をメンテナンスします。 -検索補助として知識カテゴリと値をセットアップします。例えばバージョン、製品地域などです。知識カテゴリ値はキーワードのような役割をします。 - - -カテゴリ値 - -カテゴリの値はキーワードです。 -カテゴリの値はキーワードです。 - - -タイプ - -知識タイプ -知識の領域です。--タイプは複数のトピックがあります。 - - -トピック - -知識トピックです。 -トピックまたは議論のスレッドです。 - - -エントリー - -知識エントリーです。 -検索可能な知識エントリーです。 - - -カテゴリ - -知識カテゴリです。 -割り当てられたカテゴリ - 知識エントリーのための値です。 - - -関連 - -関連知識エントリーです。 -この知識エントリーのための関連した知識エントリーです。 - - -コメント - -知識エントリーコメントです。 -知識エントリーに関するコメントです。 - - -知識の元情報 - -知識エントリーの元情報です。 -知識エントリーの元情報は、システム内の情報へのポインタです。知識エントリーには、より詳細な情報のための追加エントリー(説明URL)があります。 - - -知識同義語 - -知識キーワード同義語です。 -知識キーワードのための検索用同義語です。例:プロダクト = アイテム、製品 = 項目 - - -翻訳 - - - - - -パートナー選択 - -ビジネスパートナー選択 - - - -パートナー注文 - -ビジネスパートナー注文 - - - -パートナー出荷 - -ビジネスパートナー出荷 - - - -パートナー請求書 - -ビジネスパートナー請求書 - - - -パートナー支払い - -ビジネスパートナー支払い - - - -パートナー資産 - -ビジネスパートナー資産 - - - -パートナー要求 - -ビジネスパートナー要求 - - - -翻訳 - - - - - -発行 - -プロジェクトへの発行 -このタブは、「プロジェクトへ発行」処理によって開始されたプロジェクトへの発行をリストアップします。受領、時間と費用、在庫を発行することが出来ます。 - - -プリンタ - -ラベルプリンタを定義します。 - - - -機能 - -ラベルプリンタ機能 - - - -登録 - -システム登録 -システム登録情報 - - -ビジネスパートナー - -製品のビジネスパートナー特有の情報です。 -いくつかの情報は参照だけのためのものであることに注意してください。 - - -販売担当者 - -販売担当者の選択です。 - - - -注文 - -販売担当者が所有している注文、ビジネスパートナーまたは製品があるすべての注文です。 - - - -注文詳細 - -販売担当者が所有している注文、ビジネスパートナーまたは製品があるすべての注文詳細です。 - - - -請求書 - -販売担当者が所有している注文、ビジネスパートナーまたは製品があるすべての請求です。 - - - -請求書詳細 - -販売担当者が所有している注文、ビジネスパートナーまたは製品があるすべての請求詳細です。 - - - -会計 - -通貨会計です。 -この会計タブは、通貨を含む取引に使用される会計パラメータを定義します。ここで定義されないと、会計スキーマのデフォルトが使用されます。 - - -変換タイプ - -通貨の転換レートタイプをメンテナンスします。 -通貨交換比率タイプは、異なった比率のタイプを定義します。例えばスポット、法人 かつ/または 購入/売却比率 - - -明細書読み込みJavaクラス - -銀行取引明細書ローダーの定義です。(スウィフト、OFX) -ローダー定義は、SWIFT (MT940) や OFXのようなEFTフォーマットからの銀行取引明細書の読み込みをするためにパラメータを提供します。必要なパラメータは実際の明細書読み込みクラスに依存します。 - - -通貨率のインポート - -通貨交換比率をインポートします。 - - - -ユーザー代理 - -ユーザーの代理です。 -このユーザーの代理をすることができるユーザーです。 - - -プロセス - -実際の作業フロープロセスインスタンスです。 -作業フロー実行のインスタンスです。 - - -活動 - -作業フロー活動です。 -作業フロー活動は作業フロー過程インスタンスで実際の作業フローノードです。 - - -活動 - -作業フロー活動です。 -作業フロー活動は作業フロー過程インスタンスで実際の作業フローノードです。 - - -パラメータ - -作業フローノードパラメータです。 -作業フローノードの実行のためのパラメータです。 - - -責任 - -作業フロー実行の責任です。 -作業フローの最終責任は、実際のユーザーにありあます。作業フロー責任は、その実際のユーザーを見つける方法を定義します。 - - -ブロック - -作業フロー取引実行ブロックです。 -作業フロー実行ブロックは、任意であり、単一取引ですべての仕事をすることを許容します。ステップ(ノード活動)がひとつでも失敗すると、一連の仕事は記録されません。 - - -データ - -作業フロープロセスコンテキスト -作業フローの過程と活動に関するコンテキスト情報です。 - - -結果 - -作業フロープロセス活動の結果です。 -作業フロープロセスインスタンスの実行の活動結果です。 - - -イベント - -作業フロー処理活動イベント監査情報です。 -作業フロー処理活動上の変更履歴です。 - - -属性 - -資産登録属性です。 -資産登録のために個々の価値を定義します。 - - -登録 - -資産ユーザー登録です。 -資産のユーザー登録です。 - - - - -登録値です。 -登録属性の個々の値です。 - - -銀行取引明細書の組み合わせ処理 - -ビジネスパートナー、請求、支払いへ対応する銀行取引明細書情報を組み合わせるためのアルゴリズムです。 -インポートした銀行取引明細書に対応するビジネスパートナー、請求、支払いを見つけるアルゴリズムです。Javaクラスは、org.compiere.impexp.BankStatementMatcherInterface をインターフェイスとして実装する必要があります。 - - -支払い - -支払い情報の表示です。 - - - -組織タイプ - -組織タイプは、組織を分類します。 -組織タイプは、レポートを表示のために組織を分類します。 - - -スケジュールプロセス - -スケジュールの処理です。 -スケジュールは、非同期で実行されるために処理します。 - - -パラメータ - -スケジューラパラメータです。 -予定されたプロセスにパラメータを提供します。 - - -ログ - -スケジューラログです。 -スケジューラの実行の結果です。 - - -作業フロープロセッサ - -作業フロープロセッササーバーです。 -作業フロープロセッササーバーです。 - - -ログ - -作業フロープロセッサログです。 -作業フロープロセッサの実行の結果です。 - - -入札トピック - -オークションのトピックです。 -販売、作成/出資のための項目の説明です。 - - -入札 - -トピックのための入札を表示します。 -トピックのための入札を作成することができます。タイプによって、最高額を入札した参加者が落札します。またはトピックのために出資に参加します。 - - -出品 - -トピックのための出品です。 -トピックのために出品を作成することができます。 - - -入札資金 - -トピックの入札のための入札者資金です。 -入札のための認定されたまたは認定されていない資金です。 - - -出品資金 - -トピックに対する出品からの売り手資金です。 -出品からの認定されたまたは認定されていない資金です。 - - -トピックタイプ - -オークションのトピックタイプです。 -トピックタイプは、どのようなオークションが特定の地域に使用されるかを決定します。 - - -カテゴリタイプ - -オークションのトピックカテゴリタイプです。 -オークションのトピックタイプのために、使われる異なったカテゴリを定義します。 - - -コメント - -トピックにコメントします。 -トピックに対してだれでもコメントをつけることが出来ます。--例えば、質問、提案 - - -出品者 - -オークションの売り手情報です。 -オークションに売り手として参加している関係者に関する情報です。 - - -資金 - -トピックに対する出品からの売り手の資金です。 -利用可能な資金(支払いのための)と認められた、または認められていない出品からの資金です。 - - -出品 - -トピックへの出品 -トピックへの出品を作成することができます。 - - -買い手 - -オークションの買い手情報です。 -オークションに買い手として参加している関係者に関する情報です。 - - -資金 - -トピックの上の入札に利用可能な買い手の資金です。 -入札のための利用可能な資金(支払い)です。 - - -入札 - -トピックへの入札です。 -トピックのための入札を作成することができます。タイプによって、最高額を入札した入札者が落札します。またはトピックのための出資に参加します。 - - -会計プロセッサ - -会計プロセッサ/サーバーパラメータをメンテナンスします。 -会計プロセッサ/サーバーパラメータです。会計スキーマが選択されないなら、すべての会計スキーマが処理されます。取引テーブルが選択されないなら、すべての取引のための会計が作成されます。 - - -ログ - -会計プロセッサの実行の結果です。 -会計プロセッサの実行の結果です。 - - -関係 - -ビジネスパートナー関係です。 -ビジネスパートナー関係は、第三者関係ルールをメンテナンスします。: 出荷のための請求または支払いのための請求を受け取るビジネスパートナーです。ビジネスパートナーの住所が定義されていないと、ルールはそのビジネスパートナーのすべての住所に適用されます。 - - -見積依頼 - -見積依頼です。 -見積依頼トピックの仕入先へ送られる見積依頼です。仕入先選択の後に、仕入先のための発注書と同様に、仕入先のために任意に注文か見積を作成してください。 - - -応答 - -見積依頼応答です。 -潜在的仕入先からの見積を求める要求です。 - - -詳細 - -見積依頼詳細です。 -見積依頼書詳細です。 - - -応答詳細 - -見積依頼応答詳細です。 -潜在的仕入先からの見積応答詳細のための要求です。 - - -数量 - -見積依頼詳細数量 -見積もり詳細数量の要求です。 --異なった数量のために見積りを要求することができます。 - - -応答数量 - -見積依頼詳細の数量応答です。 -潜在的仕入先からの見積応答詳細数量のための要求です。 - - -トピック - -見積要求トピックです。 -見積要求トピックは、RfQに答えるために、潜在的な仕入先の加入者リストをメンテナンスできるようにします。 - - -加入者 - -見積要求トピック加入者です。 -見積依頼に応じるように依頼するための加入者です。 - - -加入 - -新製品のビジネスパートナーの加入です。 - - - -配送 - -加入のための任意の配送レコードです。 -購読のための配送に関するレコードです。 - - -購読タイプ - -購読のタイプ -購読タイプと更新頻度 - - -発送先リスト - -配送先リストは、選択したパートナーに製品を配送することが出来るようになります。 -発送先リストは、注文作成のためのビジネスパートナーと配送数量または比率を含んでいます。 - - -配送詳細 - -ビジネスパートナーと数量/割合がある発送先リストの詳細です。 -配送は、比率、固定数量、またはその両方に基づくことができます。 比率と数量が0でないなら、数量は最小の数量ではなく、比率に基づいて計算されます。 - - -梱包 - -出荷梱包です。 -出荷は1つ以上の梱包を持つことができます。梱包は追跡することが出来ます。 - - -梱包詳細 - -梱包の詳細内容です。 -出荷詳細にリンクします。 - - -RMA - -Return Material Authorization(RMA)資材返還承認です。 -資材の返還承認は、返還を受け入れて、信用メモを作成する必要があります。 - - -RMA詳細 - -Return Material Authorization(RMA)資材返還承認です。 -返品に関する詳細情報です。 - - -関連製品 - -関連商品です。 -関連製品です。例えば、販売促進用など - - -プロセッサ - -警告プロセッサ - - - -ログ - -警告プロセッサログです。 - - - -督促実行 - -催促実行を管理します。 -催促実行を管理します。 - - -エントリー - -督促実行エントリーです。 -ビジネスパートナーへの督促状の詳細をメンテナンスします。 - - -詳細 - -督促実行の詳細です。 -督促状の詳細情報をメンテナンスします。 - - -組織割当 - -組織へのユーザー割当です。 -組織にユーザーを割り当てます。 - - -組織割当 - -組織へのユーザーの割当です。 -組織にユーザーを割り当てます。 - - -ログ - - - - - -スケジューラ受取人 - -スケジューラ通知の受取人です。 -通知をユーザーか役割に送ることができます。 - - -税金郵便番号 - -税金 郵便/郵便番号 -地方税のために、住所番地か郵便番号を定義しなければならないかもしれません。 - - -要求 - -材料請求をメンテナンスします。 - - - -要求詳細 - -材料請求詳細 - - - -メモ - -個人的なメモです。 - - - -状態 - -作業フローノードの変遷状態です。 -1つのノードから次へ変遷する場合の任意の制限です。(文字の)値はデータタイプへ変換されます。Boolean(Yes-No)は、"true" and "false"に対応しています。データフォーマットは YYYY-mm-DD です。 - - -配分 - -総勘定元帳配分です。 -勘定科目組み合わせの優先順位が設定されているなら、勘定科目組み合わせへの仕訳は分配詳細のものに置き換えられます。 分配は、詳細の百分率に基づいて比例配分されます。もしパーセントの合計が100より少なく、1つの詳細が0(null)なら、0の項目が残りの部分になります。0の詳細がないなら、最大の値で詳細内の調整をします。 - - -詳細 - -総勘定元帳配分の対象になる詳細です -勘定科目組み合わせの優先順位が設定されているなら、勘定科目組み合わせへの仕訳は分配詳細のものに置き換えられます。 分配は、詳細の百分率に基づいて比例配分されます。もしパーセントの合計が100より少なく、1つの詳細が0(null)なら、0の項目が残りの部分になります。0の値の詳細は1つだけである必要がありあます。 - - -配分実行 - -配分実行は、選択されたパートナーのリストへ製品を配分するために注文を作成します。 -配分実行は、注文がどのように分配リストに基づき作成されるかを定義します。 - - -詳細 - -分配詳細は分配先リスト、製品、および数量を定義します。 -注文金額は製品の最小額より大きい額か分配リストと比率に基づいた数量に基づいています。 - - -製品割当 - -製品への属性の割当です。 -どの属性が製品に割り当てられるかを決定します。 - - -アクセス監査 - -データまたは経営資源へのアクセスに関するログです。 -ログは、明示的に有効にされるか、または書かれる必要があります。 - - -カウンタドキュメント - -カウンタドキュメントタイプをメンテナンスします。 -(ビジネスパートナーを組織にリンクした後の)組織間取引のために使うとき、どのドキュメントタイプかを決定できます。そのドキュメントは元になる取引のドキュメントタイプに基づいています。例:「標準の受注」は「標準の発注」を作成します。 -ここで関係を定義すると、ドキュメントタイプ定義でのデフォルトの対応するドキュメントタイプを上書きします。これにより特定のデータ関連付けをすることが出来ます。 すべての組織または特定のドキュメントのために対応するドキュメントを定義することが出来ます。 - - -予測 - -材料の予測です。 -材料の予測です。 - - -詳細 - -予測詳細です。 -期間による製品数量の予測です。 - - -需要 - -材料の需要です。 -材料需要は、予測、要求、受注開始に基づくことができます。 - - -詳細 - -材料需要の詳細です。 -ある期間内の製品の需要です。 - - -詳細 - -材料需要詳細の元情報の詳細です。 -材料需要詳細の元情報へのリンクです。 - - -確認 - -材料出荷/受領の確認です。 -出荷または受領の確認です。 - 出荷/受領から作成されます。 - - -詳細 - -材料出荷または受領確認の詳細です。 -数量は、在庫の測定単位の中にあります。 - - -材料返還承認タイプ - -Return Material Authorization Type です。 -RMAタイプ(材料返還承認タイプ)をメンテナンスします。 - - -割当 - -割当の表示と逆転をします。 -逆割当タブは、逆にされる支払割当を定義します。 - - -未仕訳ドキュメント - -仕訳されていないドキュメントを表示します。 - - - -監査を処理 - -監査処理を使用します。 - - - -パラメータ監査 - -監査処理のパラメータ値です。 - - - -ログ - -プロセスのログです。 - - - -確認 - -在庫移動を確認します。 -在庫移動のドキュメントタイプが通過中を示すときに、ドキュメントは自動的に作成されます。 - - -詳細 - -在庫移動詳細を確認します。 -数量は、在庫の測定単位の中にあります。 - - -確認詳細 - -領収書/出荷確認詳細をインポートします。 -既存の領収書/出荷確認に関するデータをインポートします。 - - -ビジネスパートナー - -ビジネスパートナーを選択します。 -サービスレベルアグリーメント(SLA)のためにビジネスパートナーを選んでください。 - - -SLA目標 - -サービス・レベル・アグリーメント目標です。 -ビジネスパートナーのSLA評価基準のための個々の目標です。 - - -SLA測定 - -サービス・レベル・アグリーメントの測定です。 -ビジネスパートナーのサービスレベルアグリーメント目標のために、個々の実際の値/測定値を表示、メンテナンスします。 - - -SLA評価基準 - -サービス・レベル・アグリーメント評価基準です。 -SLAを評価するための基準(例えば、品質、配送日付など)を定義して、SLAを測定します。プロセスのJavaクラスを定義する時は、org.compiere.sla.SLACriteria を実装する必要があります。(サンプルを見てください) - - -テーブル翻訳 - -テーブル翻訳 -多くのテーブル名は自動的に上書き、または翻訳されることに注意してください。 - - -制限 - -ある製品か製品カテゴリのための加入者だけを含めてください。 -加入者が含まれるべき製品/製品カテゴリを入力してください。 製品/カテゴリが入力されないなら、RfQ内のすべての詳細のために、要求に答えなくてはならなくなります。 - - -価格リストスキーマ - -価格リストスキーマ -価格リストスキーマは、価格リストのために計算ルールを定義します。 - - -POS端末 - -販売時点情報管理端末 -POS端末はPOSフォームで利用可能なデフォルトと機能を定義します。 - - -POSの主要なレイアウト - -POSファンクションキー配置 -POSファンクションキー配置 - - -POSキー - -POSファンクションキー -POSファンクションキー割当 - - -SLA目標 - -サービス・レベル・アグリーメント目標 -ビジネスパートナーのSLA評価基準のための個々の目標です。 - - -SLA測定 - -サービス・レベル・アグリーメント測定です。 -ビジネスパートナーのサービスレベルアグリーメント目標のために、個々の実際の値/測定を表示、メンテナンスします。 - - -カラム翻訳 - -カラム翻訳 -翻訳しないでください。自動的に上書き/翻訳されます。 - - -内部利用 - -内部利用の在庫を定義します。 - - - -内部利用詳細 - -内部利用在庫の詳細です。 -在庫数量確認詳細は、個々の製品数量を定義します。 - - -割当 - -支払いまたは現金への請求書の割当です。 - - - -割当 - -支払いまたは現金への請求書の割当です。 - - - -割当 - -請求への支払い/受領の割当を表示します。 - - - -確認 - -任意の受領詳細の確認です。 -数量は、在庫の測定単位の中にあります。 - - -一致した購買注文 - -この材料受領詳細に組み合わされた購買注文詳細です。 - - - -組み合わされた請求書 - -この材料受領詳細に組み合わせる請求書詳細です。 - - - -組み合わせる領収書 - -この請求詳細に組み合わせる材料受領詳細です。 - - - -組み合わせる購買注文 - -この請求詳細に組み合わせる購買注文詳細です。 - - - -組み合わせ - -この購買注文詳細へ組み合わせる材料受領または請求詳細です。 - - - -確認 - -任意の出荷詳細の確認です。 -数量は、在庫の測定単位の中にあります。 - - -請求バッチ処理 - -費用請求のバッチ処理ヘッダーを入力してください。 -通貨を設定して、売掛金(販売)請求または買掛金(仕入先)請求を決定します。任意で管理量を入れてください。 - - -バッチ処理詳細 - -費用請求書バッチ処理の詳細を入力してください。 -ドキュメント番号、ビジネスパートナーまたは住所が異なっているの場合は、新しい請求を作成します。 選択されたドキュメントタイプの番号管理に依存して、ドキュメント番号は上書きされることに注意してください。 - - -組織アクセス - -ユーザー組織アクセスをメンテナンスします。 -ユーザーがアクセスするクライアントと組織を加えてください。もし、役割内で、ユーザー組織アクセスが選択されていないか、すべてにアクセスできる役割の場合は、ここでのエントリーは無視されます。<br> アクセス情報はキャッシュされます。再ログインかキャッシュのリセットが必要です。 - - -陸揚げ費用 - -材料受領へ割り当てられる陸揚げ費用です。 -陸揚げ費用は、費用を以前に受領した資材へ費用を割り当てることを可能にします。例えば、貨物、消費税、保険などです。<br> コストの割当先は、受領、受領詳細、特定の製品を指定することができます。 - - -陸揚げ費用割り当て - -製品への陸揚げ費用の割り当てです。 -請求書を準備しているときに計算されます。 - - -原価要素 - -製品原価の要素をメンテナンスします。 -複数の材料費用をメンテナンスすることができます。どの材料費用タイプが会計で使われるかは、原価計算方法によって決められます。<Br> -特定の原価計算方法で計算したい場合のみ、原価計算方法(材料要素のため)を定義してください。会計のためには、会計スキーマか製品カテゴリ会計で定義された原価計算方法が使われます。 - - -製品を選択 - -製品を選択します。 - - - -製品コスト - -製品コストをメンテナンスします。 - - - -要求状態 - -要求状態をメンテナンスします。 -要求をした場合の状態です。(開いた、閉じた、調査中など) - - -標準応答 - -要求の標準応答をメンテナンスします。 -要求応答テキストにコピーされるテキストブロックです。 - - -要求解決 - -要求解決をメンテナンスします。 -解決状態です。(例えば、固定、拒否、、、) - - -要求グループ - -要求グループをメンテナンスします。 -要求(例えば、バージョン番号、責任、、、)のグループです。 部品構成表が参照されていて、要求タイプで有効になっているなら、部品構成表変更要求は自動的に生成されます。 - - -要求カテゴリ - -要求カテゴリをメンテナンスします。 -要求のカテゴリまたはトピックです。 - - -ダウンロード - -製品ダウンロードをメンテナンスします。 -製品のためのダウンロードを定義します。製品が資産であるなら、ユーザーはデータをダウンロードすることができます。 - - -ユーザーメール - -ユーザーに送られたメールです。 - - - -ユーザーメール - -ユーザーに送られたメールです。 -ユーザーに送られたメールのアーカイブです。 - - -ウェブストア - -ウェブストアを定義します。 -ウェブストアの設定を定義します。 ウェブサーバーコンテキストは、システム内で一意なコンテキストで、実際の取引に使用される設定を決定します。選択された倉庫は組織を決定します。メール設定はクライアントメール設定でテストされます。 - - -ストア翻訳 - - - - - -ウェブストアメッセージ - -ウェブストアのメッセージを定義します。 - - - -メッセージ翻訳 - - - - - -更新通知 - -要求更新を受け取るために受取人をリストアップします。 - - - -更新通知 - -要求更新を受け取るために受取人をリストアップします。 - - - -要求更新 - -要求更新を受け取るために受取人をリストアップします。 - - - -更新通知 - -要求更新を受け取るために受取人をリストアップします。 - - - -更新通知 - -要求更新を受け取るために受取人をリストアップします。 - - - -更新受取人 - -要求更新の受取人を表示します。 -(理由がある)要求更新の受取人のリストです。<br> 直接:販売担当者、ユーザーと直接購読者 間接:役割を持ったユーザー、要求カテゴリのための更新の購読者、タイプ、グループ - - -役職 - -仕事の役職をメンテナンスします。 -内部(従業員)、または、外部の役職をメンテナンスします。 - - -割当 - -従業員割当です。 - - - -報酬 - -役職報酬 - - - -役職のカテゴリ - -仕事の役職カテゴリをメンテナンスします。 - - - -報酬 - -報酬レベルをメンテナンスします。 - - - -役職の報酬 - -役職報酬をメンテナンスします。 - - - -従業員報酬 - -従業員役職報酬の上書きです。 - - - -製品 - -商品案内をメンテナンスします。 - - - -代替グループ - -製品の部品構成表の代替グループです。 -代替グループは、部品構成表のグループ分けを可能にします。これは排他的です。(つまり、1つだけが有効です)例:異なったエンジンサイズ。 - - -運営 - -製品製造の運営です。 -製品を製造するための運営です。実際に使用されている運営と連続操作は、部品構成表製品によって決められることに注意してください。 - - -部品構成表 - -部品構成表(BOM)です。 - - - -経営資源の運営 - -製品運営経営資源です。 -運営のための経営資源です。運営ごとに、複数の経営資源(例えば、道具、労働)を持つことができます。 - - -変更通知 - -部品構成表(エンジニアリング)変更通知(バージョン) - - - -部品構成表 - -変更通知の部品構成表です。 - - - -部品構成表変更要求 - -部品構成表(工学)変更要求です。 -部品構成表のための変更要求です。要求タイプ内で有効で、要求グループが部品構成表を参照しているなら、要求から自動的に作成することができます。 - - -固定変更要求 - -この変更通知の固定変更要求です。 - - - -要求(元) - -変更要求への参照があるユーザー要求です。 - - - -部品構成表の構成要素 - -部品表の構成要素(製品)です。 -部品構成表の構成要素は、製品の生産に必要な製品、サービス、および外部処理が何であるかを決定します。もし、操作を参照して決定したなら、それは連続的です。 - - -更新 - -要求更新です。 -要求の更新です。 - - -更新 - -要求更新 -要求の更新です。 - - -変更通知 - -(エンジニアリング)変更通知(バージョン) - - - -変更要求 - -変更通知の変更要求です。 - - - -要求(元) - -変更要求への参照があるユーザー要求です。 - - - -固定変更要求 - -この変更通知の固定変更要求です。 - - - -補給 - -製品補給を定義します。 -補給タブは、補給数量のタイプを定義します。これは自動発注に使用されます。カスタム補給タイプを選ぶ場合は、org.compiere.util.ReplenishInterface を実装するJavaクラスを作成して、倉庫レベルでそれを設定する必要があります。 - - -費用詳細 - -製品原価の詳細です。 - - - -属性 - -製品インスタンス属性材料割当 - - - -属性 - -製品インスタンス属性材料割当 - - - -属性 - -製品インスタンス属性材料割当 - - - -除外 - -属性セットを入力する能力を除外します。 -製品属性セット情報を入力する能力を除外したい場合は、レコードを作成してください。 この情報はシステムでキャッシュされます。変更を有効にするには再ログインしてください。 - - -除外 - -属性セット内で、ロットを作成する能力を除外します。 -製品属性セット情報で、ロットを作成する能力を除外したい場合は、レコードを作成してください。 この情報はシステムでキャッシュされます。変更を有効にするには再ログインしてください。 - - -除外 - -属性セット内で、シリアル番号を作成する能力を除外します。 -製品属性セット情報でのシリアル番号を作成する能力を除外したい場合は、レコードを作成してください。 この情報はシステムでキャッシュされます。変更を有効にするには再ログインしてください。 - - -割当 - -支払いを請求書に割り当てます。 -支払いを作成するときに、同じ通貨で支払いを請求書に直接割り当てることができます。 また、過大、過小な支払を割り当てることも出来ます。.<b> -支払いを処理するとき、割当は作成されます。<b> 組織には、請求組織が設定されます。 - - -ビジネスパートナーアクセス - -ビジネスパートナーの情報と経営資源へのユーザー/連絡先のアクセスです。 -「完全なアクセス」がユーザーレベルで選択されていないなら、明示的にアクセスをここで与える必要があります。 - - -クエリ - -保存されたクエリの表示とメンテナンスが出来ます。 - - - -インスタンス - -属性セットインスタンスです。 - - - -出荷、受領 - -材料の出荷と受領詳細です。 - - - -移動 - -材料移動詳細です。 - - - - 請求書 - - 買掛金 / 売掛金請求書の詳細です。 - - - - 費用待ち行列 - - 後入れ先出し/先入先出しのための費用待ち行列です。 - 原価計算レベルと倉庫優先度の違いのために、費用待ち行列は実際の在庫移動と異なるかもしれないことに注意してください。 - - - 税金申告 - - 税務署への税金申告を定義します。 - 税金申告は、サポート情報と合意ドキュメントの作成をすることが出来ます。 - - - 詳細 - - 税金申告の詳細です。 - 詳細は作成処理によって作成されます。特定の税金申告に詳細を含めたいくない場合は、削除することが出来ます。手動での調整詳細を作成することができます。 - - - 会計 - - 税金会計合意 - ドキュメントの税金合意のために関連する情報をすべて表示します。これは、詳細報告の基礎として、すべての収入/費用と税金エントリーを含みます。 - - - レポート階層 - - レポート階層です。 - レポート階層は、レポートのために異なった階層/ツリーの選択を可能にします。 組織、勘定科目、製品のような会計セグメントは、ビジネス上の異なった視点を取得するために、いくつかの階層構造を持っていることがあります。 - - - 購買注文 - - 購買注文関連です。 - - - - 要求詳細 - - 購買請求書詳細関連です。 - - - - 予算管理 - - 予算管理をメンテナンスします。 - 予算管理は、費用、合意(購買注文)、および予約(要求)の使用を制限します。定義されると、要求、購買注文、買掛金請求などの承認が利用できなくなります。 - - - 積立金 - - 積立金管理をメンテナンスします。 - 総勘定元帳積立金管理は、資金の用途を制限します。これは予算管理から独立しています。 - - - 制限 - - 積立金の制限 - これが定義されると、選択された勘定科目にだけ積立金を使用することができます。概要の値を選択することができます。 - - - カラム内で使用 - - カラムで使用されます。(参照) - - - - カラム内で使用 - - カラム内で使用されます。(参照) - - - - サブ勘定科目 - - 要素値のためのサブ勘定科目 - 要素値(例えば、勘定科目)は、より詳細な情報を持つために、任意でサブ勘定科目を持つことが出来ます。サブ勘定科目は、勘定科目の値に依存していて、勘定科目の詳細を表現します。サブ勘定科目と勘定科目で違いがあるなら、別の勘定科目の使用を検討してください。 - - - 翻訳 - - 翻訳 - - - - クライアントシェア - - クライアント/組織 実体の強制(非)共有 - ビジネスパートナーは、クライアントレベル(共有される)でも組織レベル(共有されない)でも定義できます。ここで定義した製品は常に共有されるか(たとえば、組織「*」の下で常に作成されます)、または製品が共有されません(たとえば、組織「*」で製品を入力することができません)<br> 共有された「クライアントと組織」レコードの作成は、デフォルトなので無視されます。 - - - システムエラーメッセージ - - 自動、または手動で登録するシステム問題レポートです。 - システムエラーメッセージは、システムに関連する問題(潜在的バグ)の解決を早めるために作成されます。可能ならは、それらは自動的にAdempiereに報告されます。秘密情報などのデータは送信されません。 - - - 割り当てられたパートナー - - グループ内のビジネスパートナー - - - - 色の構成 - - 成績色の構成です。 - 色による成績の視覚表現です。構成には、3つのレベル(例えば、赤い黄色い緑色)があります。Adempiereは、2つのレベル(例えば、赤、緑)または4つのレベルで表示が可能です。(例えば、灰色、白、銀、金)。目標がない測定は白で表されることに注意してください。パーセントは0から無限までがあります。(つまり100より大きい) - - - 制限 - - 成績目標制限 - 組織、ビジネスパートナー、定義された製品への性能測定の制限です。 例: 成績は、本社のみ測定されます。 測定はデータをサポートしなければなりません。そうでければ、その測定は無視されます。 - - - ベンチマーク - - 成績ベンチマーク - 内部の性能を比較するデータの集まりです。(例えば、株価) - - - データ - - 成績ベンチマークデータポイント - 内部の性能を比較するデータの集まりです。(例えば、株価) - - - 比率 - - 成績比率 - 性能比率のための計算命令セット - - - 要素 - - 成績比率要素 - 比率のための個々の計算命令 - - - 問題推薦 - - 問題推薦をメンテナンスします。 - 推薦、どうIssueを修理するか。 - - - 問題状態 - - 問題の状態をメンテナンスします。 - 問題の状態 - - - 既知の問題 - - 既知の問題をメンテナンスします。 - - - - 問題報告ユーザー - - 問題を報告したユーザです。 - - - - 問題プロジェクト - - 自動問題報告のプロジェクトです。 - - - - プロジェクト発行 - - 自動問題報告 - - - - 問題システム - - 問題システムをメンテナンスします。 - - - - ステータスカテゴリ - - 要求ステータスのカテゴリです。 - ステータスカテゴリは、異なった要求カテゴリのために、異なったステータスのセットをメンテナンス出来るようにします。 - - - タスク詳細 - - プロジェクトのタスク詳細です。 - プロジェクトのタスク詳細をメンテナンスします。 - - - プロジェクト詳細 - - プロジェクトの詳細をメンテナンスします。 - プロジェクトレベルでの詳細をメンテナンスします。 - - - フェーズ詳細 - - フェーズのプロジェクト詳細です。 - フェーズレベルのプロジェクト詳細をメンテナンスします。 - - - Project - - A web project is the main datacontainer for Containers, URLs, Ads, Media etc. - A web project is the meta definition which will contain later on all data within the Web Content Management Project. - - - Domain - - Maintain Web Project Domains - Link between the Web Project and the public URLs (Domains) - - - Template - - - - - - Media Server - - Web Project Media Server - Media Server for the web project - - - News Channel - - - - - - News Item - - - - - - Advertisement Category - - Defines the categories to group Ads - - - - Advertisement - - The Advertisement - - - - Media Item - - Maintain Media Item - Media items are deployed on the media servers. The media item can be an Image or an attachment. Attachments are ignored, if there is an image. If there are more then one attachment, the first is used. - - - Stage - - Maintain Container Stage - Maintain Container Stage information. - - - Stage Translation - - Maintain Container Stage Translation - - - - Container - - View Web Container - View deployed Web Container Information. - - - Container Translation - - View Container Translation - View deployed Web Container Translations - - - Container Element - - View Web Container Element - View deployed Web Container Element - - - Container Element Translation - - View Web Container Element Translation - View deployed Web Container Element Translation - - - Stage Element - - Container Stage Element - - - - Stage Element Translation - - Container Stage Element Translation - - - - Template - - Web Project Template - CM Project Template - - - Chat Type - - Maintain Type of discussion / chat - Chat Type allows you to receive subscriptions for particular content of discussions. It is linked to a table. - - - Updates - - Subscribers for the Chat Type - Subscribers receive updates per email or notice - - - Chat - - View Chat or discussion thread - Thread of discussion - - - Chat Entry - - Individual Chat / Discussion Entry - The entry can not be changed - just the confidentiality - - - Updates - - Subscribers for this Chat - Subscribers receive updates per email or notice. In addition to the subscribers for this specific cta, also the subscribers of the Chat Type receive updates. - - - Media - - Media Elements - - - - Template Table - - Maintain Template Tables - Link a Template with a Table - - - Container T.Table - - View Container Template Table - Link to individual Record - - - Stage T.Table - - Maintain Container Stage Template Table - Link to individual Record - - - Web Project - - Select Media Project - - - - Ad Cat Template - - Advertisement Category link to Template - - - - Template Ad Category - - Maintain Template Advertisement Category - Link a Template with an Advertisement Category - - - Entity Type - - System Entity Type - The entity type determines the ownership of Application Dictionary entries. The types "Dictionary" and "Adempiere" should not be used and are maintainted by Adempiere (i.e. all changes are reversed during migration to the current definition). - - - System Modifin - - System Modification or Extension - Description of the System modification or extension - - - Web Access Profile - - Maintain Web Access Profile - Define access to collaboration management content. You can assign the profile to a internal role or for external access to business partner group. -If the profile is exclude (default), the assignees can view all but the defined content. If the profile is not exclude (include), the assigned roles and business partner groups can only view the listed content. - - - List Role - - Web Access for Role - Maintain the list of Roles with Access to this profile. - - - List BPartner Group - - Web Access for Business Partner Group - Maintain the list of Roles with Access to this profile. - - - Access Stage - - Web Access to Container Stage - Maintain the access to container stage - - - Access Container - - Web Access to Container - Maintain the access to container - - - Access News Channel - - Web Access to News Channel - Maintain the access to news channel - - - Access Media - - Web Access to Media - Maintain the access to media - - - Deplayment - - Media Deployment - Deployment to Media Server - - - Server - - Maintain Web Broadcast Server - - - - Window - - Info and search/select Window - The Info window is used to search and select records as well as display information relevant to the selection. - - - Window Translation - - Info Window Translation - - - - Column - - Info Window Column - Column in the Info Window for display and/or selection. If used for selection, the column cannot be a SQL expression. The SQL clause must be fully qualified based on the FROM clause in the Info Window definition - - - Column Translation - - Infow Window Column Translation - - - - Index - - Text Search Index - Text search index keyword and excerpt across documents - - - Index Stop - - Keyword not to be indexed - Keyword not to be indexed, optional restriced to specific Document Type, Container or Request Type - - - Log - - View Text Search Queries - - - - LDAP Server - - LDAP Server to authenticate and authorize external systems based on Adempiere - The LDAP Server allows third party software (e.g. Apache) to use the users defined in the system to authentificate and authorize them. There is only one server per Adempiere system. The "o" is the Client key and the optional "ou" is the Interest Area key. - - - LDAP Server Log - - Log of the LDAP Server - - - - LDAP Access - - User Access via LDAP - - - - LDAP アクセス - - LDAP を介したユーザーアクセス - - - - インストール済みパッケージ - - インストール済みパッケージ - - - - オブジェクトのバックアップ - - レコードが上書きされる前の、カラムの初期値による詳細です。 - パッケージがインストールされた時に更新された、各レコードの各カラムの値を表示します。このバックアップはパッケージを元に戻すときに使われます。 - - - パッケージインストールのログ - - パッケージのインストール履歴です。 - - - - インストール済みオブジェクト - - - - - - パッケージエクスポート - - - - - - パッケージ詳細 - - - - - - 共通詳細 - - - - - - PackIn - - Import a package created by PackOut - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + テーブル + + テーブル定義 + テーブル(ヘッダー)定義 - ほとんどのテーブルの名前が、自動的に同期化されることに注意してください。 + + + カラム + + テーブルカラム定義 + テーブルに関するカラムを定義します。カラムの名前が、自動的に同期化されることに注意してください。 + + + 参照 + + 参照ヘッダー定義 + 参照タブは、データを有効にするために使用される参照を定義します。 + + + テーブル妥当性検証 + + テーブル妥当性検証 + テーブルの妥当性検証タブは、データを有効にするためにテーブルを定義します。 + + + リストの妥当性検証 + + 参照リスト + リストの妥当性検証タブは、データを有効にするためのリストを定義します。 + + + ウィンドウ + + ウィンドウヘッダー定義です。 + ウィンドウタブは、システムの各ウィンドウを定義します。 デフォルトフラグは、このウィンドウが、このウィンドウ内のテーブルのために、デフォルトズームウィンドウとして使われることを示します。 + + + タブ + + ウィンドウ中の定義はフィールドを持っています。 + 「タブ」たぶは、ウィンドウの中の各タブを定義します。 各タブは、フィールドの分離した選択を含んでいます。ウィンドウをロードするとき、表示と読み取り専用の仕組みが評価されることに注意してください。 + + + フィールド + + ウィンドウ内のタブのフィールド定義 + フィールドタブは、タブの中で表示されるフィールドを定義します。フィールドの変更は、再実行後に表示に反映されます。連続番号がマイナスなら、レコードは降順です。集中管理されている場合は、名前、説明、およびヘルプが自動的に同期化されることに注意してください。 + + + 妥当性検証 + + 妥当性検証規則 + 妥当性検証ルールタブは、カラムとフィールドを入力、メンテナンスする時に使用される、すべての動的な規則を定義します。 + + + メッセージ + + 情報エラーとメニューメッセージ + メッセージタブはエラーメッセージテキストとメニューメッセージを表示します。 + + + メニュー + + メニューの設定変更です。 + メニュータブは、選択された組織に使用されるツリー構造のメニューを定義します。概要ノードでないなら、名前と説明が自動的に同期化される(上書きされる)ことに注意してください。 + + + 翻訳 + + メニュー翻訳 - 翻訳されなくても問題ありません。 + メニュー翻訳は、ウィンドウ、プロセスなど派生します。概要レベルの翻訳をすれば他のものは自動で翻訳されます。(上書きされます) + + + 言語 + + システムとユーザー言語 + 言語を追加するには、"システム言語"選択してください。選択しないと、印刷ドキュメントのための要素だけ翻訳できます。 + + + 翻訳 + + + + + + フィールド翻訳 + + メニュー翻訳 - 翻訳されなくても問題ありません。 + 中央システムでメンテナンスされるなら、フィールドは自動的に翻訳されます。中央システムでメンテナンスされないフィールドをだけ翻訳する必要があります。 + + + タブ翻訳 + + + + + + ウィンドウの翻訳 + + + + + + ユーザー連絡 + + ユーザーかビジネスパートナーの連絡先をメンテナンスします。 + ユーザータブは、システムにアクセス出来るユーザーのためにログインを定義します。アプリケーションにアクセスするために、ユーザーは役割を割り当てられる必要があります。 + + + 役割 + + 責任の役割を定義します。 + 役割およびアクセス先の組織を定義して追加します。ユーザーがウィンドウ、フォーム、プロセス、およびレポートに対するアクセスする権限(役割)を、タスクと同様に設定できます。<br> +役割ユーザーレベルが手動の場合は、自動的に割り当てられたアクセス権限は更新されません。(例えば、役割にウィンドウ、プロセスの制限数があっても、アクセスできます) 役割がすべての組織に対するアクセス権限を持っていないなら、組織アクセスを追加する必要があります。特権ユーザーと新しい役割を作成するユーザーは、自動的に役割に割り当てられます。<br> +組織ツリーを選択すると、ユーザーは概要組織の下層ディレクトリにアクセス出来ます。 +注意:システム管理者の役割を変えることができません。 + + + ユーザー割当 + + この役割のユーザーです。 + ユーザー割当タブは、この役割のために定義されたユーザーを表示します。 + + + ユーザーの役割 + + ユーザーの役割です。 + ユーザー役割タブは、各ユーザーが持つことが出来る役割を定義します。役割は、ユーザーがアクセス可能なウィンドウ、タスク、過程、および作業フローを決定します。 + + + ノード + + 作業フローノードを定義 + ノードタブは、この作業フローの各ノード、活動またはステップを定義します。<br> +動作(活動)タイプは実行を決定します:「ルート」は、ルーティング管理状態で使用されることがあります。「なし」は手動の実行を特定します。 + + + ノード翻訳 + + ノード翻訳 + + + + 変遷 + + 作業フローノード変遷です。 + 次のノードタブは、作業フローで注文、ノードまたはステップを定義します。 + + + 前のノード + + + + + + タスク翻訳 + + + + + + 交換比率 + + 通貨交換比率を定義します。 + 交換比率タブは、元の通貨を会計通貨、またはレポート用通貨に変換するときに使用する比率を定義します。掛け算の比率だけが使われることに注意してください。割り算の比率は視覚化のためだけに使われます。 + + + カレンダー + + カレンダーを定義します。 + カレンダータブは、組織によって使用される各カレンダーを定義します。 + + + + + 暦年を定義します。 + 年ウィンドウは、特定のカレンダーのための各年を定義するために使用されます。 + + + 期間 + + カレンダーの期間を定義します。 + 期間タブは、各カレンダー年のために、期間番号、名前、および開始日付を定義します。各期間は、定義された開始日付で始まって、次の期間の開始日付より前の特定の日で終わります。 + + + 非営業日 + + 非営業日を定義します。 + 非営業日タブ、決められた支払期間のために支払期日を計算するときに、除く日を定義します。例えば、実質10日間の請求書期間で、請求日が2000年2月17日の場合、請求日は2000年2月27日になります。もし2000年2月27日が非営業日として定義されているなら、請求書の上の期日は2000年2月28日になります。 + + + 要素値 + + 要素値を定義します。 + 要素値タブは、要素のために個々の有効な値を定義します。値は定義された形式に従わなければなりません。また、要素が勘定科目タイプであるなら、勘定科目区分(負債、資産など)と仕訳管理が定義されます。 + + + 測定単位 + + 測定単位を定義します。 + 測定単位タブは、金額ベースでない測定単位を定義します。 + + + 変換 + + 標準の測定単位変換を定義します。 + 変換タブは、測定単位を変換する比率を定義します。ここで明示的に定義されないなら、システムはいくつかの測定単位の自動変換を提供します。(例えば、分、時間、日、営業日など) +変換は、直接である必要があります(つまり、A-B 間とB-C 間の変換だけがあってもシステムはA-Cを変換することができないで、A-Cを明示的に定義する必要があります)。 + + + + 国のデータが正しくないなら、サポート要求をして下さい。( http://www.compiere.org/support/requests.html ) + 国を定義します。 + 国タブは、ビジネスをするすべての国を定義します。ここ入力された値はビジネスパートナーのための住所レコードで参照されます。 + + + 地域 + 地域情報が正しくない/不完全な場合は、サポート要求をして下さい。( http://www.compiere.org/support/requests.html ) + 地域を定義します。 + 地域タブは、国の中で地域を定義します。地域ありチェックボックスが国のために選択されている場合のみ、このタブは利用可能になります。 + + + 組織 + 手動で維持されないすべての役割が、自動的に新しい組織にアクセスできるようになります。 +ここで変更できるほとんどの項目は、アプリケーションサーバーを再起動しないと有効になりません。 + 組織を定義します。 + 組織タブは、組織を定義するために使用されます。各各にはキーと名前、そして任意に説明があります。 +新しい組織を追加したら、新しい組織にアクセスするためには再ログインしなければなりません。 + + + クライアント + 「初期クライアントセットアップ」を通して新しいクライアントを作成します。ここでは情報を変更できるだけです。ここでの変更を有効にするためには、アプリケーションサーバーを再起動して、再ログインしなければなりません。資材方針の変更は将来の取引に適用されます。 + クライアント/テナント定義 + クライアント定義タブは、システムで一意なクライアントを定義します。 +このウィンドウでは新しいクライアントを作成しないでください。「初期のクライアントセットアップ」を使用して、必要なセキュリティとアクセスルールをセットアップしてください(システム管理者権限が必要です)。ここで、新しいクライアントを作成すると、そのクライアントは見ることができません。また、必要なクライアント基本設定もセットアップされません。 + + + 連続番号 + + 連続番号定義 + 連続番号タブは、ドキュメントに使用する連続番号を定義します。また、これらはアルファベットの接尾語、接頭語を含むことができます。 + + + 作業フロー + + 作業フローを定義します。 + 作業フロータブは、システムの作業フローを定義します。 + + + 作業フロー翻訳 + + + + + + タスク + + タスク + タスクタブは、使用される一意なタスクを定義します。 + + + 通貨 + + 通貨を定義します。 + 通貨タブは、取引、報告に使用するあらゆる通貨を定義します。 + + + テスト + + + + + + 要素 + + 会計要素定義です。 + 要素タブは、要素のために名前、説明、およびフォーマットを定義します。また、会計またはユーザー定義の型は選択されます。各会計スキーマは、会計要素タイプを持っていなければなりません。ユーザー定義要素は任意です。 + + + 住所 + + 住所を定義します。 + 位置タブは、組織の位置を定義します。 + + + 設定 + + システムクライアント組織とユーザー設定をメンテナンスします。 + + + + プロジェクト(サービス) + + サービスプロジェクトを定義します。 + プロジェクトタブは、各プロジェクトのために値、名前、および説明を定義するために使用されます。また、このプロジェクトが使用、割当の計画を定義することも出来ます。プロジェクトタイプを変えると、フェーズとタスクを再作成することに注意してください。 + + + 総勘定元帳カテゴリ + + 総勘定元帳カテゴリを定義します。 + 総勘定元帳カテゴリタブは、ドキュメント、または仕訳帳のための任意のIDを定義します。各カテゴリはドキュメント、手動仕訳、またはインポートのときに使用されることがあります。 + + + バッチ + + 総勘定元帳仕訳バッチ + 総勘定元帳仕訳バッチタブは、仕訳バッチのための管理パラメータを定義します。バッチは、複数の仕訳帳から構成することができます。 +管理量がゼロでないなら、それは借方合計と比較されます。管理/借方/貸方量は、元のドキュメント通貨にあります。 + + + 仕訳帳 + + 総勘定元帳 + 仕訳帳タブは、単一の総勘定元帳のために管理パラメータを定義します。 +管理量がゼロでないなら、それは借方合計と比較されます。管理/借方/貸方量は、元のドキュメント通貨にあります。 + + + 詳細 + + 総勘定元帳詳細 + 詳細タブは、仕訳帳を構成する個々の借方、貸方取引を定義します。 + + + ドキュメントタイプ + + ドキュメントタイプを定義します。 + ドキュメント定義タブは、ドキュメントのための処理パラメータと管理を定義します。POS/倉庫注文のような、自動ドキュメントのための出荷は、確認を持つことができないことに注意してください。 + + + クライアント情報 + ここで設定したほとんどの内容は、ログアウトしてアプリケーションサーバーを再起動しなければ、有効になりません。 + クライアント情報 + クライアント情報タブは、各クライアントのために詳細情報を定義します。会計ルールと高いレベルのデフォルトはここで定義されます。カレンダーは、期間が開いているか閉じているかを決定するのに使用さます。 + + + 組織情報 + ここで設定したほとんどの内容は、ログアウトしてアプリケーションサーバーを再起動しなければ、有効になりません。 + + 組織詳細情報 + 組織情報タブは、組織の住所、DUNS番号、税金ID番号を定義するために使用されます。 + + + 参照翻訳 + + + + + + リスト翻訳 + + + + + + 添付 + + 添付 + 添付タブは、添付の属性を表示します。 + + + 税金 + + 税金定義 + 税金比率ウィンドウは、それぞれの税金カテゴリで使用される異なった税金を定義します。例えば、消費税は、それが適用される各州のために定義しなければなりません。<br> +複数の税金があるなら、おおまかな総課税率の概要レベルの税金と、それらの親として、概要レベルの税金を指し示す実際の課税率を作成してください。注文か請求書の詳細を入力すると税金が見積もられ、ドキュメントが処理されると正しい税金が計算されます。税金は常に詳細実質量から計算されます。ある税金が、他の税金を基準にしているなら、正しい量の結果へパーセンテージを修正する必要があります。<br> +~から/~へ確認は、親税で決められます。 + + + 税金カテゴリ + + 税金カテゴリ + 税金カテゴリタブは、税金カテゴリを定義して、メンテナンスするために使用されます。それぞれの製品は税金カテゴリに関連しています。このことは、課税の変更に対応するのを容易にします。 + + + 倉庫 + + 倉庫 + 倉庫タブは、製品を格納するために使用される各倉庫を定義します。元倉庫が選択されたなら、すべての製品補給はその倉庫から着たことになります。カスタム補給アルゴリズムを使用する場合は、倉庫単位で使用されるクラスを定義する必要があります。 + + + 位置情報 + + 位置情報 + 位置情報タブは、倉庫のためのあらゆる位置情報を定義します。 + + + ストレージ + + 詳細なストレージ情報です。 + + + + 製品 + + 製品を定義します。 + 製品タブは、各製品を定義して、価格リストと注文での使用のために、製品を特定します。保管された製品を受け取るときは、住所はデフォルトの住所です。 + + + 代用品 + + 代用品を定義します。 + 代用品タブは、選択された製品の代わりとして使用されるかもしれない製品を定義します。 + + + 補給 + + 製品補給を定義します。 + 補給タブは、補給数量のタイプを定義します。これは自動発注のために使われます。カスタム補給タイプを選ぶ場合は、org.compiere.util.ReplenishInterface を実装するクラスを作成して、倉庫レベルで設定する必要があります。 + + + 価格 + + 製品価格設定です。 + 価格タブは、製品が含まれている各価格リストのリスト、標準、限度価格を表示します。 + + + 支払期間 + + 支払期間を定義します。 + 支払期間タブは、請求を支払うときに、ビジネスパートナーに提示する異なった支払い期間を定義します。また、仕入先が支払いを提示するときにも使われます。標準の請求書では、支払い期間の名前とドキュメントノートが印刷されます。 + + + 荷主 + + 荷主です。 + 荷主タブは、組織へ / から出荷をするあらゆる経済主体を定義します。 + + + 注文 + + 注文ヘッダーです。 + 注文ヘッダータブは、注文のパラメータを定義します。組織、ビジネスパートナー、倉庫、約束日付など、詳細の値を変更します。 + + + 注文詳細 + + 注文詳細です。 + 注文詳細タブは、注文を構成する個々の詳細項目を定義します。 + + + 製品カテゴリ + + 製品カテゴリを定義します。 + 製品カテゴリは、一意な製品のグループ分けを定義します。製品カテゴリは、価格リストを構成する中で使うことが出来ます。 + + + 価格リスト + + 価格リストを定義します。 + 価格リストは、ドキュメントの通貨や税金処理を決定します。 + + + 製品価格 + + 製品価格をメンテナンスします。 + 価格リストタブは、選択された価格リストに基づく製品の価格を表示します。 + + + 請求スケジュール + + 請求スケジュールを定義します。 + 請求スケジュールタブは、ビジネスパートナー用のバッチ請求が作られる頻度を定義します。 + + + 交換比率 + + 通貨交換比率を定義します。 + 交換比率タブは、ひとつの通貨を別の通貨へ変換するときに使われる交換比率を定義するために使用されます。交換比率は、複数の交換タイプのために定義することが出来ます。また、それらは定義された日付の範囲に対して有効にすることも出来ます。割り算の交換比率は、表示のためだけに使えることに注意してください。 + + + 会計スキーマ + 通貨や原価計算の方法を変更したら、すべての会計取引をリセットしなければなりません。 +変更を有効にするには、再ログインとアプリケーションサーバーの再起動が必要です。 + 会計スキーマ構造を定義します。 + 会計スキーマタブは、会計に使用される処理方法全般を定義します。ひとつのクライアントに対して複数の会計スキーマを定義することが出来ます。(平行した会計処理が出来ます) +スキーマが適正で、定義された総勘定元帳とデフォルトの勘定科目があり、勘定科目の追加 / コピーが完了しているなら、仕訳は、会計スキーマのために生成されます。 + + + 総勘定元帳 + 設定の変更を有効にするには、再ログインとアプリケーションサーバーの再起動をして下さい。 + 総勘定元帳のための勘定科目 + 総勘定元帳タブは、仕訳のために必要な勘定科目でも使用する、エラーと貸借の取り扱いを定義します。 + + + 販売活動 + + 販売活動です。 + 販売活動タブは、販売活動のためのパラメータを定義します。これらは、この販売活動を参照するすべての処理済み請求書の量と共に、開始日と終了日を含んでいます。 + + + チャンネル + + 流通経路です。 + マーケティングチャンネルタブは、顧客が受け取る方法や処理を定義します。 + + + 要素 + + 要素 + 要素タブは、それぞれのシステムレベル要素を定義します。 + + + 翻訳 + + + + + + 期間管理 + + 期間管理を定義します。 + 期間管理タブは、期間の状態を表示します。(一度も開かれていない、開かれている、閉じている) + + + 販売地域 + + 販売地域 + 販売地域タブは、企業活動をする複数の地域を定義します。販売地域は、レポートの生成や金額の計算をする時に使うことが出来ます。 + + + 組み合わせ + + 有効な勘定科目の組み合わせです。 + 組み合わせタブは、有効な勘定科目の組み合わせを定義、表示します。ドキュメントエントリーを容易にするために別名を定義することができます。 + + + 予算 + + 総勘定元帳予算タブは、総勘定元帳の予算を定義します。 + 総勘定元帳予算は、業務の実行で予測される費用を定義するために使われます。それらは、レポートで実際の金額と比較する際に使用されます。 + + + 会計 + + 会計 + 会計タブは、倉庫にある在庫で使うための会計パラメーターを定義します。 + + + 会計 + + 会計パラメータを定義します。 + 会計タブは、この製品を含む注文・請求の会計取引を生成するときのデフォルト値を定義します。 + + + 会計 + + プロジェクト会計を定義します。 + 会計タブは、プロジェクトが終了して関連した資産が実現したときの、資産会計を定義するために使われます。 + + + 顧客会計 + + 顧客会計を定義します。 + 顧客会計タブは、このビジネスパートナーが売掛金取引で参照されるときに使用する、デフォルトの勘定科目を定義します。 + + + 仕入先会計 + + 仕入先会計を定義します。 + 仕入先会計タブは、このビジネスパートナーが買掛金取引で参照されるときに使用する、デフォルトの勘定科目を定義します。 + + + 従業員会計 + + 従業員会計を定義します。 + 従業員会計タブは、このビジネスパートナーが費用払い戻しで参照されるときに使用する、デフォルトの勘定科目を定義します。 + + + + + 都市を定義します。 + 市タブは、国または地域に存在する市を定義します。ここで入力された市は、住所を入力するときには参照されません。 + + + 会計スキーマ要素 + 注意: ここで変更した内容は、会計処理の構造に影響します。 +変更のないようによっては、会計をリセットしなければなりません。 +変更を有効にするには、再ログインとアプリケーションサーバーの再起動が必要です。 + +保存/削除の処理は時間がかかります。 + 会計キーの要素を定義します。 + 会計スキーマ要素タブは、会計キーを含む要素を定義します。ドキュメントで表示される名前が定義されます。要素の順番、貸借が一致しているかどうか、必須項目かどうかが示されます。 + + + ビジネスパートナー + + ビジネスパートナー + ビジネスーパートナータブは、取引を行うすべての経済主体を定義します。 + + + 住所 + + 住所を定義します。 + 住所タブは、ビジネスパートナーの物理的な位置を定義します。ビジネスパートナーには、複数の住所レコードを持つことが出来ます。 + + + 顧客 + + 顧客パラメータを定義します。 + 顧客タブは、この組織の顧客のビジネスパートナーを定義します。顧客チェックボックスをチェックすると入力用のフィールドが表示されます。 + + + 仕入先 + + 仕入先パラメータを定義します。 + 仕入先タブは、この組織の仕入先のビジネスパートナーを定義します。仕入先チェックボックスをチェックすると入力用のフィールドが表示されます。 + + + 従業員 + + 従業員パラメータを定義します。 + 従業員タブは、この組織の従業員のビジネスパートナーを定義します。従業員が販売担当者だったなら、チェックボックスがチェックされている必要があります。 + + + 銀行口座 + + 銀行口座を定義します。 + 銀行口座タブは、このビジネスパートナーのために銀行情報を定義します。このデータは支払いと送金の処理に使用されます。 + + + 銀行 + + 銀行をメンテナンスします。 + 銀行タブは、組織またはビジネスパートナーによって使用される銀行を定義します。各銀行には、特定可能な名前、住所、経路番号、およびSwiftコードが設定されます。 + + + 銀行口座 + + 銀行口座をメンテナンスします。 + 銀行口座タブは、銀行のために複数の銀行口座を定義するために使用されます。各口座には、一意な口座番号と通貨の情報を持っています。銀行口座組織は会計に使用されます。 + + + 源泉徴収 + + 源泉徴収を定義します。(ベータ版) + 源泉徴収タブは、このビジネスパートナーのためのすべての源泉徴収情報を定義します。 + + + 翻訳 + + 翻訳 + 翻訳タブは、別の言語でのドキュメントタイプを定義します。 + + + 督促 + + 督促ルールをメンテナンスします。 + 督促タブは、催促レベルのためのパラメータを定義します。 + + + 翻訳 + + 翻訳を定義します。 + 翻訳タブは、表示言語を切り替えるための翻訳を定義します。 + + + 翻訳 + + + + + + 翻訳 + + + + + + 消費税 + + 消費税 + 消費税タブは、注文に基づいた税金の詳細を表示します。 + + + 料金 + + 料金 + 料金タブは、ドキュメントに関連付けることが出来る、識別可能な料金を定義します。 +任意のビジネスパートナーは要求から発注を作成することが出来ます。 + + + バージョン + + 価格リストバージョンをメンテナンスします。 + 価格リストは、製品購入情報と仕入先カテゴリ割引に基づいて自動的に作成されます。 +既存の価格リストをコピーして修正するという方法でも、価格リストを作成することが出来ます。 + +また、価格リストを参照せずに、または同じ価格リストに参照をつけることによって、再計算することもできます。基本価格リストが全く選択されないなら、製品購買レコードが参照されて使用されます。 + + + 購買 + + 購買 + 購買タブは、各製品のために、価格設定とルール(梱包数量、UPC、最低発注量)を定義します。 + + + 源泉徴収 + + 源泉徴収ルール + 源泉徴収ルールは源泉徴収の量を管理するルールを定義します。 + + + 会計 + + 会計事実の詳細を表示します。 + + + + ツリー + + ツリー + ツリータブは表示されるツリーを定義します。 + + + レポート & 処理 + + レポートと処理を定義します。 + レポート & 処理タブは、ウィンドウ内の各レポートと処理の実行を定義します。 +システムレベルで定義された一般的なフォーマットを共有したい場合は、印刷フォーマットはドキュメント印刷だけに使用されることに注意してください。通常のレポートとフォーマットのためには、ここでフォーマットを定義せずに、生成された印刷フォーマットを修正して、デフォルトとしてそれを設定してください。 + + + パラメータ + + レポートパラメータ + パラメータタブはレポートまたはプロセスを作成するのに必要なパラメータを定義します。 + + + パラメータ翻訳 + + + + + + レポート翻訳 + + + + + + 活動 + + 活動基準原価計算のための活動です。 + + + + デフォルト + + デフォルトの勘定科目です。 + デフォルトタブは、会計スキーマのためにデフォルト勘定科目を表示します。新しいドキュメントが開かれるとき、これらの値が表示されます。ユーザーはドキュメントの中でこれらのデフォルトを変更することができます。 + + + 原価計算(旧) + + 古い製品原価計算情報です。 + + + + 在庫数量確認 + + 在庫数量確認を定義します。 + 在庫数量確認タブは、在庫の手動の数量確認と調整のためのパラメータを定義します。自動的に在庫数量確認リストを作成すると、実際の格納された製品だけが含まれます。例外的に、ゼロ(=0)を入力すると、その住所ですべての在庫に関する在庫レコードがゼロで作成されます。 + + + 在庫数量確認詳細 + + 在庫数量確認詳細です。 + 在庫数量確認詳細タブは、個々の製品の数量確認を定義します。通常は、自動で在庫数量確認詳細が作成されます。手動で作成する場合は、帳簿価額が確実に正しくなるようにしてください。 +それが料金でなら、組織を設定することができます。そうでない場合は、それはヘッダー組織に設定されます。 + + + 出荷 + + 出荷と顧客からの返却です。 + 出荷タブは、顧客への出荷、顧客からの返品を生成、維持、入力、処理ができます。 + + + 出荷詳細 + + 出荷詳細です。 + 出荷詳細タブは、出荷の個々の項目を定義します。 + + + 移動 + + 在庫移動を入力してください。 + 移動タブは、在庫の移動と特定を定義します。 + + + 移動詳細 + + 在庫移動の詳細です。 + 移動詳細タブは、製品、移動するべき数量、および在庫が動いている住所を定義します。 + + + 製品取引 + + 保管された製品の取引です。 + + + + 請求書 + + 顧客請求書 + 請求書タブは、ビジネスパートナーのために生成する請求書のパラメータを定義します。請求書は売掛金を構成します。 + + + 督促レベル + + 督促レベルをメンテナンスします。 + 督促レベルタブは、督促の時期と頻度を定義します。 + + + 督促レベル翻訳 + + 督促レベルを翻訳します。 + + + + 請求書詳細 + + 顧客請求書の詳細です。 + 請求書詳細タブは、請求書の個々の項目と料金を定義します。 + + + 請求書税 + + 顧客請求書の税金です。 + 請求書税タブは、請求書詳細に基づく税金の総額を表示します。 + + + 収益認識 + + 収益認識 + 収益認識タブは、収入が認識される間隔を定義します。また提供されたサービスレベルを収益認識の基礎にすることができます。 + + + 翻訳 + + 測定単位の翻訳です。 + + + + 恒常在庫 + + + + + + 仕入先 + + 仕入先 + 仕入先タブは仕入先を表示します。 仕入先を選択します、そして、その仕入先のためのすべての製品を表示するでしょう。 + + + 製品詳細 + + 製品の詳細です。 + 製品詳細タブは、選択された仕入先のためにすべての製品を表示、メンテナンスします。 + + + 敬称 + + 敬称を定義します。 + 敬称タブは、ドキュメント上のビジネスパートナー対する敬称定義します。 + + + 翻訳 + + + + + + 翻訳 + + + + + + レポート表示 + + レポート表示を定義します。 + レポート表示タブは、レポート作成で使用される表示を定義します。 + + + 取引 + + 在庫製品のための取引です。 + 取引タブは、この製品のために処理された取引を表示します。 + + + 請求書 + + 仕入先への請求書です。 + 請求書タブは、ビジネスパートナーによって生成された請求書のパラメータを定義します。これは買掛金を構成します。受領を生成するとき、受領ドキュメントタイプが使われます。または、デフォルトの材料需要ドキュメントタイプが使われます。 + + + 請求書詳細 + + 仕入先の請求書詳細です。 + 請求書詳細タブは、請求書の個々の項目と料金を定義します。 + + + 請求書税 + + 仕入先の請求書の税金です。 + 請求書税タブは、請求書詳細に基づく、税金の総額を表示します。 + + + 発注詳細 + + 発注詳細です。 + 発注詳細タブは、発注の個々の項目を定義します。 + + + 発注 + + 発注ヘッダーです。 + 発注タブは、発注のパラメータを定義します。定義されたフィールド値はどのように発注詳細が処理されるかを決定します。 + + + 注文税 + + 注文の税金です。 + 注文税タブは、注文詳細に関連している税金を表示します。 + + + 材料受領 + + 材料受領と仕入先返品を入力してください。 + 材料受領タブは、仕入先からの輸送または仕入先への返品を生成、維持、入力、処理します。 + + + 受領詳細 + + 輸送の詳細です。 + 受領詳細タブは、受領の個々の項目を定義します。 + + + EDI定義 + + EDI定義をメンテナンスします。 + + + + EDI取引 + + + + + + EDIログ + + + + + + フォーム + + 特別なフォームです。 + フォームタブは、自動的に生成されないあらゆるウィンドウを定義します。システム管理者のみが使用します。 + + + 翻訳 + + + + + + ウィンドウアクセス + + ウィンドウのアクセスです。 + ウィンドウのアクセスタブは、この役割(権限)に与えられたウィンドウとアクセスのタイプを定義します。 + + + 処理アクセス + + 処理アクセスです。 + 処理アクセスタブは、この役割(権限)に与えらた処理とアクセスのタイプを定義します。 + + + フォームアクセス + + フォームアクセスです。 + フォームアクセスタブは、この役割(権限)に与えらたフォームとアクセスのタイプを定義します。 + + + 作業フローアクセス + + 作業フローアクセスです。 + 作業フローアクセスタブは、この役割(権限)に与えらた作業フローとアクセスのタイプを定義します。 + + + レポートアクセス + + レポートアクセス + アクセスタブは、だれがレポートまたは処理にアクセスできるかを決定します。 + + + フォームアクセス + + フォームアクセスです。 + アクセスタブは、このフォームのためにアクセスルールを定義します。 + + + タスクアクセス + + タスクアクセスです。 + アクセスタブは、このタスクとタイプにアクセスできる役割を定義します。 + + + ウィンドウアクセス + + ウィンドウのアクセスです。 + ウィンドウアクセスタブは、このウィンドウにアクセスできる役割を定義します。 + + + 作業フローアクセス + + 作業フローアクセス + 作業フローアクセスタブは、この作業フローにアクセスできる役割を定義します。 + + + タスクアクセス + + タスクアクセス + タスクアクセスタブは、タスクとアクセスタイプを定義します。 + + + エラーメッセージ + + エラーメッセージです。 + エラーメッセージタブは、発生したエラーメッセージを表示します。自動化されたクリーンアップ処理で削除することができます。 + + + 形式のインポート + + + + + + フィールドのフォーマット + + フィールドフォーマットをメンテナンスします。 + テーブル定義に基づく個々のフィールドを定義します。'定数が正しいSQLデータ型を持っていることを確認してください。(つまり、それが'文字列型'なら、'文字'、のようにシングルクォーテーションで囲む必要があります。) + +<p>製品マッピング(詳細はドキュメントを見てください): +<pre> +H_Item => Value +H_ItemDesc => Name / Description +H_ItemDefn => Help +H_ItemType => ProductCategory +H_PartnrID => Value of Business Partner +H_Commodity1 => Vendor Product No +H_Commodity2 => SKU +H_ItemClass => Classification (A,B,C..) +V_OperAmt_T_Cur => Currency +V_OperAmt_T => Price +</pre> + + + 部品構成表 + + 部品構成表の詳細です。 + 部品構成表タブは、他の製品から生成された製品を定義します。部品構成表は、製品を作るために必要な材料や部品、または、ある製品を作るために必要な製品を表しています。 + + +利用可能な数量: + +- 保管された部品構成表は、「生産」を通して作成されなければなりません。 + +- 保管された部品構成表の利用可能な数量は、動的に計算されます。 + +- 「保管された」属性は「製品」タブで定義されます。 + + +価格: + +- 価格リストに部品構成表をリストアップする必要があります。 + +- 価格が0.00であるなら、価格は動的に計算されます。 + + + +印刷: + +- 通常、部品構成表情報だけが印刷されます。 + +- 請求書の印刷に関しては、配送へ自動で送られて、リストを選択します。また、詳細を印刷するオプションがあります。 + +- 詳細では、数量がリストアップされます。動的に計算されるなら、価格も表示されます。 + + + + 生産ヘッダー + + 生産ヘッダー + 生産ヘッダータブは、一意な生産計画を定義します。 + + + 生産計画 + + 生産計画 + 生産計画タブは、生産で使用、生成される項目を定義します。 + + + 生産詳細 + + 生産詳細 + 生産詳細タブは、生産計画で生成された、実際に投入された在庫移動と生産高を定義します。 + + + ビジネスパートナーグループ + + 報告・会計のデフォルトのビジネスパートナーグループです。 + ビジネスパートナーグループタブは、レポートの表示、会計の表示をする際にビジネスパートナーをまとめる機能を提供します。 + + + 会計 + + 会計を定義します。 + 会計タブは、このグループを参照するすべてのビジネスパートナーのためにデフォルト勘定科目を定義します。必要ならは、それぞれのビジネスパートナーのために、デフォルト値を変更することができます。 + + + 会計パラメータ + + 会計パラメータ + 会計パラメータタブは、デフォルトの会計パラメータを定義します。製品カテゴリを使用するすべての製品は、デフォルト会計パラメータを引き継ぐことができます。原価計算方法が定義されないなら、会計スキーマの計算方法がデフォルトで使用されます。 + + + 通知 + + システム通知 + 通知タブは、プロセスを実行するときに、このシステムによって生成されるメッセージを見る機能を提供します。 + + + 支払いプロセッサ + + オンライン支払いのためのプロセッサです。 + 電子決済タブは、電子決済の処理のために必要なパラメータを定義するために使用されます。通貨を定義しないなら、すべての通貨が利用できます。最小の量が定義されるなら(または、ゼロでないなら)、支払いプロセッサは、支払い量が最小の量と等しいか、または高い場合にだけ使用されます。<Br> +javaクラスは、org.compiere.model.PaymentProcessorを実装する必要があります。 + + + 会計 + + 会計データをメンテナンスします。 + 会計タブは、この銀行との取引に使用される勘定科目を定義するのに使用されます。 + + + 銀行取引明細書 + + 銀行取引明細書です。 + 銀行取引明細書タブは、銀行口座とシステムの情報を結びつけるために銀行取引明細書を定義します。 + + + 明細書詳細 + + 明細書詳細 + 明細書詳細タブは、銀行取引明細書での個々の詳細項目を定義します。にタブを付けます。詳細情報は手動で入力するか、または入力された支払いから生成することができます。 +<Br>仕訳に関しては、料金でないなら、銀行口座組織が使用されます。 + + + 支払い + + 支払い、または受領です。 + ビジネスパートナーへの支払いまたは、受領を入力してください。それが一つの請求書のためのものなら、この画面を使用することで、直接、請求書に割り当てることができます。 +また、支払いの過不足を適用することができます:<Br> + +料金を請求額よりも多く受け取ってしまったら、修正してください。反対仕訳をする代わりに、割り当てられていない額としてその金額を残しておいて、後で別の請求に使うことが出来ます。その金額は支払いの金額なので、過払いはマイナスの金額を入力する必要があることに注意してください。<br> +また、部分的な支払いを受け取ることも出来ます。その場合に、反対仕訳をしないなら、不足金額としてプラスの金額を入力してください。<br> +印刷された支払いは、支払い選択(支払い準備)に格納されることに注意してください。(支払い準備) +<br> +<Br>仕訳に関しては、料金でないなら、銀行口座組織が使用されます。 + + + 会計 + + 料金会計です。 + 会計タブは、料金か料金を含む取引に使用される会計パラメータを定義します。 + + + 会計 + + 組織会計 + 組織会計タブ、この組織によって使用されるデフォルト会計パラメータを定義します。 + + + 会計 + + 会計 + 会計タブは、この税率を参照している取引のために会計パラメータを定義します。 + + + 会計 + + 源泉徴収会計 + 源泉徴収会計タブは、源泉徴収のための会計パラメータを定義します。 + + + カスタム属性 + + カスタム属性を定義します。 + カスタム属性タブは、製品または実体のために追加の属性や情報を定義します。 + + + 現金出納帳 + + 現金出納帳をメンテナンスします。 + 現金出納帳タブは組織のためにシステムで一意な現金出納帳を定義します。 + + + 会計 + + 現金出納帳会計 + 現金出納帳会計タブは、現金出納帳にかかわる取引のための会計パラメータを定義します。 + + + 現金仕訳帳 + + 現金仕訳帳 + 現金仕訳帳タブは、この仕訳帳のためのパラメータを定義します。 + + + 現金詳細 + + 現金詳細 + 現金詳細タブは、この仕訳帳のための個々の詳細を定義します。 + + + 支払いバッチ + + 支払いバッチを処理します。 + 電子資金決済支払いバッチ処理です。 + + + フィールドグループ + + システム管理者専用です。フィールドグループは、ウィンドウの中のフィールドでのグループ分けを可能にします。 + + + + 翻訳 + + + + + + 要求 + + 要求を定義します。 + 要求タブは、ビジネスパートナーまたはシステム内部から送信された、すべての要求を定義します。 + + + 要求プロセッサ + + 要求プロセッサです。 + 要求プロセッサタブは、処理させたいプロセスの時期や頻度を定義しす。他のユーザーが見つからないなら、項目は監督者に割り当てられます。プロセッサは、特定の要求タイプに対応するプロセッサや、すべての要求タイプに対応するプロセッサにすることが出来ます。。 + + + メールテンプレート + + メールテンプレートをメンテナンスします。 + メールテンプレートは変数、例えば@Name@を含むことができます。 +変数名に応じて変数は置き換えられます。変数を見つけるために、最初にユーザーが検索されます。 +追加のオブジェクトは督促のために使用されます。(ビジネスパートナー、督促エントリ)、資産配送(資産)、および請求書印刷(ビジネスパートナー、請求書) + + + 履歴 + + 履歴を要求(過去の値) + 履歴タブは、要求の変更を表示します。表示されたデータは過去の(変更された)値です。新しいデータが要求にあります。 + + + 割当詳細 + + 割当詳細の表示です。 + 割当詳細の詳細 + + + 組織アクセス + + 役割の組織アクセスをメンテナンスします。 + ユーザーがアクセスするクライアントと組織を追加してください。組織アクセスが選択されているか、役割がすべてにアクセス可能ならば、ここでのエントリーは無視されます。<Br> +アクセス情報はキャッシュされるので、変更を有効にするには再ログインが必要です。 + + + 支払い選択 + + 支払いを定義します。 + 支払い選択タブは、銀行口座と支払いの日付を定義します。また、ここで支払いを作成することもできます。 + + + 支払い選択詳細 + + 支払い選択詳細 + 支払い選択詳細タブは、組織が仕入先に支払う個々の支払いを定義します。 + + + レポート表示カラム + + レポート表示カラム + レポート表示カラムタブは、SQLのSELECT文で生成によって上書きされるカラムを定義します。 + + + 売買手数料 + + 売買手数料ルールを定義します。 + いつだれに売買手数料を支払うかを定義します。各期間で、取引の期間が終了した後に、売買手数料の計算を開始できます。 + + + 売買手数料詳細 + + 手数料の計算方法を定義します。 + 手数料支払いのための選択基準を定義します。制約パラメータを入力しないなら(たとえば、特定のビジネスパートナー、製品など)、すべての取引が手数料計算に使用されます。 + + +取引から手数料の通貨へ変換した後、手数料の計算形式は、 + + +(変換後分量 - 差し引き量) * 分量掛け算 + ++ (実際数量 - 差し引き数量) * 数量掛け算 + + +計算には、正の分量(変換後分量 - 差し引き量)と正の数量(実際数量 - 差し引き数量)のみが使えます。 + + + + + プロジェクトサイクル + + プロジェクトレポートサイクルを定義します。 + プロジェクトのレポートで使用される通貨を定義します。プロジェクトは複数の通貨で表示することが出来ます。 + + + サイクルフェーズ + + サイクルステップをプロジェクトフェーズにリンクします。 + 似ているプロジェクトフェーズをサイクルステップへリンクします。 + + + + 詳細 + + プロジェクト詳細を定義します。 + この詳細タブは、プロジェクトに関連している詳細情報(製品、サービスなど)を定義するために使用されます。これはプロジェクトへの代替手段です。プロジェクトタイプのテンプレートを使用したくない場合に、詳細を使用することが出来ます。 + + + 売買手数料実行 + + 期間のための売買手数料実行です。 + 売買手数料実行ウィンドウで定義された期間のための売買手数料実行です。 + + + 売買手数料分量 + + 売買手数料の詳細分量です。 + それぞれの売買手数料の詳細のために、詳細が生成されます。売買手数料の分量を修正するために分量と数量を上書きすることが出来ます。しかし、別の手数料詳細を作成した方がよい場合があります。手動での変更は、手数料の詳細を一致させられないかもしれないことに注意してください。 + + + カラム内で使用 + + カラム内で使用されます。 + カラム内で使用タブは、この要素が存在しているテーブルとカラムを定義します。 + + + 手数料詳細 + + 手数料の詳細情報です。 + 詳細レコードの分量と数量を変更することが出来ます。しかし、新しく正しいレコードを作成するほうが好ましい処理です。 +分量は取引の通貨から手数料の通貨へ変換されます。(売買手数料のウィンドウで定義された通貨)開始日付とその時の交換レートが使われます。 + + + 成績目標 + + 成績目標です。 + 成績目標タブは、成績のために明確な目標を定義します。 + + + 成績測定計算 + + 成績測定計算をメンテナンスします。 + 成績測定計算は、どのように性能測定が計算されるかを定義します。例を見てください。<Br> + +SELECT定義は、SQLのSELECT句とFROM句キーワードを大文字で含まなければなりません。WHERE定義は、大文字のWHEREキーワードを含まなければなりません。メインテーブルは別名ではいけません。WHERE節は、メインテーブルの値を含むことができるだけです。(例えば、ヘッダーと詳細から選ぶと、ヘッダーの変数だけがWHERE節で使用されます)そして、複数のテーブルがあれば、完全に選別されます。 + + + 達成 + + 成績達成 + 成績達成タブは、達成されるためのタスクを定義します。成績は、達した業績の割合によって測定されます。 + + + 測定 + + 成績測定 + 成績測定タブは、日付の範囲と成績測定に使用される手法を定義します。 + + + 財務諸表 + + + + + + レポートカラムセット + + 財務報告カラムセットをメンテナンスします。 + カラムセットは、財務諸表に含まれるカラムの組み合わせです。 + + + レポートカラム + + 財務諸表のカラムをメンテナンスします。 + カラムは財務諸表のカラムを表します。 + + + レポート詳細セット + + 財務諸表詳細セットをメンテナンスします。 + + + + レポート詳細 + + 財務諸表レポートの詳細です。 + + + + レポートの元データ + + レポート詳細の元になるデータのセグメント値をメンテナンスします。 + + + + 収益認識計画 + + 収益認識計画を表示します。 + 収益認識計画は、収益認識と共に製品の請求をするときに生成されます。収益認識を使うと、分量は未認識の収益へ仕訳されて、時間の経過やサービスレベルの記帳に基づき利益へ移動します。 + + + 収益認識実行 + + 収益認識実行履歴を表示します。 + + + + サービスレベル + + サービスレベルを表示します。 + サービスレベルに基づく収益認識を使用している製品で請求書を作成するときに、サービスレベルは自動的に作成されます。 + + + サービスレベル詳細 + + サービスレベルをメンテナンスします。 + 新しいサービスレベルの詳細を加えて、認識された量を変更してください。 + + + 検索 + + + + + + 材料取引 + + + + + + フォームを印刷 + + 印刷フォーム(請求書、チェック)情報をメンテナンスします。 + 選択はどの印刷フォーマットが組織のために使用されるのかを決定します。 + + + 銀行口座ドキュメント + + 銀行口座ドキュメントをメンテナンスします。 + このタブでは、この銀行口座に使用されるドキュメントを定義します。フォーマットと同様に小切手と他の支払いドキュメント(連続)番号を定義します。 + + + システム色 + + バックグラウンドとインジケータのためのシステム色です。 + + + + デスクトップ + + デスクトップはワークベンチの集まりです。 + デスクトップはワークベンチの集まりです。 + + + 翻訳 + + + + + + ワークベンチ + + デスクトップのワークベンチです。 + + + + 画像 + + イメージまたはアイコンのリンクです。 + + + + ウィンドウのカスタマイズ + + + + + + タブのカスタマイズ + + + + + + フィールドのカスタマイズ + + + + + + ワークベンチ + + ワークベンチはウィンドウの集まりです。 + + + + 翻訳 + + + + + + ウィンドウ + + ワークベンチウィンドウ + + + + ルート設定 + + ルート設定を要求します。 + 要求タイプとキーワードの連続番号を定義して、ウェブとメール要求が送信されるべき人を定義します。キーワードはスペース、コンマ、セミコロン、タブまたは改行によって分離されます。最初に一致したものが選ばれます。(最初の、要求タイプがキーワード) + + + 要求 + + 要求を定義します。 + 要求タブは、ビジネスパートナーまたは内部的に提出された要求を定義します。 + + + 履歴 + + 履歴を要求します。(過去の値) + 履歴タブは、要求の変更を表示します。表示されたデータは過去の(変更された)値です。新しいデータが要求にあります。 + + + 割引スキーマ + + 取引割引スキーマです。 + 割引スキーマは、取引の割引率を計算します。 + + + スキーマ詳細 + + 取引割引価格リスト詳細です。 + 価格リストは、製品購入とカテゴリ割引に基づいて作成されます。 + +ここに記載されたパラメータは、価格リストの計算とコピーを可能にします。<BR> + +計算:<UL> + +<LI> +参照された価格リストのコピーと変換価格 +<LI>結果プラス過剰分量 +<LI>結果マイナス割引 +<LI>もし、結果の価格が、初期の制限価格に最小利幅を足したものより小さいなら、この価格を使ってください。(利幅がゼロでない場合のみ) +<LI> +丸め結果価格 +</UL> +<B>形式</B> is<BR> +NewPrice = (Convert(BasePrice) + Surcharge) * (100-Discount) / 100;<BR> +if MinMargin <> 0 then NewPrice = Max (NewPrice, Convert(OrigLimitPrice) + MinMargin);<BR> +if MaxMargin <> 0 then NewPrice = Min (NewPrice, Convert(OrigLimitPrice) + MaxMargin);<BR> + <BR> +<B>Example:</B> (assuming same currency)<BR> +Original Prices: List=300, Standard=250, Limit=200;<BR> +New List Price: Base=List, Surcharge=0, Discount=0, Round + + + 割引中断 + + 中断に基づいた取引割引です。(ステップ) + + + + 割り当てられた製品 + + 製品カテゴリーに割り当てられた製品です。 + + + + 請求書に一致させる + + 一致させた請求を表示します。 + 材料受領詳細へ一致させた請求詳細を表示します。 + + + 購買注文に一致させる + + 一致させた購買注文を表示します。 + 材料受領詳細へ一致させた購買注文詳細を表示します。 + + + 費用タイプ + + 費用報告タイプをメンテナンスします。 + + + + 費用製品 + + 費用タイプの製品定義 + + + + 費用報告書 + + 時間と費用の報告書 + 従業員または契約者(ビジネスパートナー)のために時間と費用を入力してください。<Br> + +価格リストは、費用、製品、返還される経営資源のデフォルト費用を決定します。その意味で、これは「購入価格」リストです。倉庫は、顧客へ請求された項目の在庫を修正するために使われます。(つまり、請求されないなら、在庫は調整されません)<br> +ビジネスパートナーは、住所と連絡先持った従業員でなければなりません。 + + + レポート詳細 + + 時間と費用レポートの詳細です。 + 費用項目と、請求可能、請求不可能な時間を入力してください。ゼロでない数値を請求された分量に入力すると、その分量は、顧客へ請求するために使われます。 --もしくは、顧客の売上高価格リストの価格です。 + + + 経営資源 + + 経営資源をメンテナンスします。 + + + + 割当 + + 経営資源の割当です。 + 割当の履歴です。 + + + 使用不能 + + 使用不能な経営資源です。 + 経営資源が利用できなくなる日付です。(例えば、休暇など) + + + 経営資源製品 + + 経営資源に関する商品案内をメンテナンスします。 + 経営資源のための製品は、自動的に作成されて、同期します。 このタブの中で名前、測定単位などを更新してください。製品の中では変更しないでください。 + + + 経営資源タイプ + + 経営資源タイプをメンテナンスします。 + 経営資源タイプとそれらの主な有用性をメンテナンスします。 + + + 会計 + + 会計パラメータを定義します。 + このタブは、この費用タイプを含む請求と注文のために、会計取引を生成するときに使うデフォルトを定義します。すべての勘定科目に適用されるというわけではありません。 + + + 価格設定 + + 費用タイプ価格設定です。 + 価格タブは、製品が含まれているそれぞれの価格リストのために、リスト、標準、限度価格を表示します。 + + + 価格設定 + + 経営資源の価格設定です。 + 価格設定タブは、経営資源が含まれているそれぞれの価格リストのために、リスト、標準、限度価格を表示します。 + + + 会計 + + 会計パラメータを定義します。 + 会計タブは、この経営資源を含む請求と注文のために、会計取引を生成するときに使うデフォルトを定義します。すべての勘定科目に適用されるというわけではありません。 + + + 印刷色 + + 印刷色をメンテナンスします。 + 印刷に使用される色です。 + + + 印刷フォント + + 印刷フォントをメンテナンスします。 + 印刷に使用される字体です。 + + + 印刷フォーマット + + 印刷フォーマットをメンテナンスします。 + 印刷フォーマットは、データが印刷の時にどのように表されるかを決定します。 + + + フォーマット項目 + + 印刷フォーマットの設定項目です。 + レイアウト情報をメンテナンスする印刷フォーマットの項目です。以下の追加変数は、印刷するときに利用可能です: + +<p>@*Page@ - 現在のページ番号 + +<br>@*PageCount@ - 総ページ数 + +<br>@*MultiPageInfo@ - " y ページ中 x ページ目" - 1ページ以上あるときのみ印刷されます。 + +<br>@*CopyInfo@ - ドキュメントのコピーの場合は、「複製」が印刷されます。 + +<br>@*ReportName@ - レポートの名前 + +<br>@*Header@ - ユーザー/クライアント/組織があるヘッダーです。 + +<br>@*CurrentDate@ - 印刷日付 + +<br>@*CurrentDateTime@ - 印刷時間 + + + +<p>フォームのためのレイアウトの仕組みは以下の通りです。 <Br> + +- 印刷されないなら: 無視 <br> +- 新しい行位置を設定 <br> +- 新しいページ <br> +- 最後の行以降に何か書かれたら改行<br> +- フォーマット項目<br> +- 印刷 (null/空でない場合のみ)<br> +(nullの削除は改行を妨げません) + + + + 紙への印刷設定 + + 紙への印刷設定をメンテナンスします。 + プリンタ用紙サイズ、オリエンテーション、余白などを設定します。 +入力値チェックコードは、メディア(用紙)サイズ名を含んでいます。メディアサイズの名前は、IPP1.1 RFC2911のものに対応しています。-- http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2911.txt <br> +名前が見つからない場合は、サイズのX/Y 寸法が使われます。適切な用紙サイズ名が使われると、サイズと寸法は無視されます。 + + + 命令を表示 + + 印刷フォーマット項目の命令を表示します。 + + + + 命令の並べ替え + + 印刷フォーマット項目の命令を並べ替えます。 + + + + フィールド連続番号 + + タブ内のフィールドなら番号が連続します。 + + + + 顧客 + + 請求を受取るビジネスパートナー(顧客)です。 + + + + レポート詳細 + + 時間と費用レポートの詳細(送り状を送られない)です。 + 時間と経費レポートの詳細を表示、変更します。まだ注文を持っていない費用詳細で、ビジネスパートナーのために費用項目をリストします。 (販売注文は作成されます) + + + 項目翻訳 + + 印刷フォーマット翻訳です。 + + + + グラフ + + 表示するグラフで定義します。 + + + + 印刷テーブル形式 + + レポートのテーブルフォーマットを定義します。 + 印刷テーブル形式は、テーブルヘッダーなどが、どう印刷されるかを定義します。空欄のままにすると、デフォルトの色とフォントが使用されます:<br> +フォントはレポートで使用されるフォントに基づいています。ページヘッダーとテーブルヘッダーは太字、機能フォントは太字イタリック、フッターフォントは2ポイント小さく、パラメータフォントはイタリックです。 + + + 準備された支払い + + 生成された準備された支払いを表示します。(チェックします) + 支払い印刷/エクスポートを通じて実際の支払いを作成します。 + + + 要求タイプ + + 要求のタイプです。(例えば、問い合せ、苦情) + 要求タイプは、要求の処理と分類に使われます。オプションは会計問い合せ、保証問題などです。 + + + 関心地域 + + 関心地域またはトピックです。 + 関心地域は、連絡により、トピックへの関心を反映します。関心地域は、マーケティング活動に使用することができます。リストが「セルフサービス」でないなら、ウェブ上ではユーザーからは見えません。 + + + 関心地域 + + ビジネスパートナー連絡関心地域 + 関心地域は、マーケティング活動に使用することができます。 + + + システム + + システム定義 + 一般的なシステム定義 + + + ビジネスパートナーのインポート + + + + + + 製品のインポート + + 製品のインポート + インポートする前に、Adempiereは、測定単位(設定されていないならデフォルト値)、製品カテゴリー(設定されていないならデフォルト値)、ビジネスパートナー、通貨(設定されていないならデフォルト会計通貨)、製品タイプ(品目とサービスのみ)、UPCの一意性、キーとキーの一意性、および仕入先製品番号の存在<br> + + Adempiereは、UPC、キー、製造元製品番号が一致するなら、(この連続処理で)結び付けの処理を試みます。対応するインポートフィールドが明示的に定義されていて、インポートされたレコードを一致させることが出来るなら、製品フィールドの値は上書きされるだけです。例:インポートデータ内で明示的に製品カテゴリが設定されているなら、製品カテゴリは上書きされるだけです。 + + + 勘定科目のインポート + + + + + + レポート詳細セットをインポート + + + + + + 言語を選択 + + 言語を選択してください。 + 言語は、(確認された)システム言語である必要があります。 + + + 要素翻訳 + + + + + + メッセージ翻訳 + + + + + + ウィンドウ翻訳 + + + + + + プロセス翻訳 + + + + + + 資産 + + 内部的または顧客によって使用される資産です。 + 資産、購入または製品を配送のどちらでも作成されます。資産は、内部的に使用または顧客資産として使うことができます。 + + + 配送 + + 配送または可用性です。 + 配送または可用性のレコードです。 + + + 資産グループ + + 資産グループです。 + 資産グループはデフォルト勘定科目を決定します。資産グループが製品カテゴリで選択されるなら、資産を配送するときに資産は作成されます。 + + + トレーニング + + 繰り返されたトレーニング + トレーニングには、複数の実際のクラスがある場合があります。新しいクラスはここで作成されます。 + + + クラス + + 実際のトレーニングクラスのインスタンスです。 + 予定されたクラスです。 + + + 従業員、仕入先 + + 払い戻されるビジネスパートナーです。 + 払い戻されるビジネスパートナーを選択してください。 + + + レポート詳細 + + 時間と費用レポート詳細(払い戻されない)です。 + 時間と経費の報告書詳細を表示、変更します。このタブは、費用詳細がまだ請求されていない費用ヘッダのビジネスパートナーのために費用項目をリストアップします。 + + + 翻訳 + + + + + + 日計表 + + 1日ごとの会計貸借を表示します。 + + + + 支払いスケジュール + + 請求書支払いスケジュールです。 + + + + 属性セット + + 製品属性セットをメンテナンスします。 + 追加可能な属性と値を製品に追加するために製品属性セットを定義します。シリアル番号、ロット番号、保証日付追跡を有効にしたいなら、属性セットを定義する必要があります。ここで決定された保証日数は、製品が製造された後の使用期限を決定します。(製品の保証日数は、販売後の顧客サービス日付を決定します) +属性セットが必須項目なら、個々の製品は、出荷の前に選択/作成されている必要があります。 + + + 属性 + + 製品属性です。 + 色、サイズなどのような製品属性です。これらが現物の製品に付く属性であるなら、すべての製品は同じ値を持ちます。 + + + 属性値 + + 製品属性値です。 + 製品属性の個々の値です。(例えば、大きいサイズ、緑色など。) + + + ロット + + 製品ロット定義です。 + 製品の個々のロットをメンテナンスします。 + + + ロット管理 + + 製品ロット管理です。 + 製品のロット番号を作成するための定義です。 + + + シリアル番号管理 + + 製品通し番号管理です。 + 製品のシリアル番号を作成するための定義です。 + + + 属性使用 + + 製品属性セットに使用される属性す。 + 製品に使用される属性と属性値です。 + + + 属性検索 + + 属性の共通検索です。 + 属性は、製品属性セットで固有です。(例えば、Tシャツのためのサイズ: S、M、L) 検索複数の属性を持っていて、共通の属性として検索したいなら、検索属性を定義してください。例:サイズを表す属性をまとめて、1つの属性として定義します。(ドレスシャツのサイズ XL,L,M,S,XS) 属性検索は、選択のためにすべての利用可能な値を持つことが出来ます。これは個々の製品属性のメインテナンスを容易にします。 + + + 割り当てられた属性 + + この検索属性に割り当てられた属性です。 + + + + 請求書 + + + + + + 含まれている詳細 + + + + + + ラベル + + ラベルを印刷します。 + 印刷ラベルのフォーマットをメンテナンスします。 + + + 詳細 + + 詳細ラベルを印刷します。 + ラベルの詳細フォーマットをメンテナンスします。 + + + 翻訳 + + 翻訳ラベルを印刷します。 + 翻訳印刷ラベルのフォーマットをメンテナンスします。 + + + セッション監査 + + ユーザーセッションのリストです。 + オンラインまたはウェブセッションの履歴です。 + + + プロジェクトタイプ + + プロジェクトのタイプをメンテナンスします。 + 任意のフェーズがあるプロジェクトタイプと標準の成果情報があるプロジェクトのタスクです。 + + + 標準のフェーズ + + 標準のプロジェクトフェーズをメンテナンスします。 + 成果情報があるプロジェクトの標準のフェーズです。 + + + フェーズ + + 実際のプロジェクトフェーズをメンテナンスします。 + 状態情報があるプロジェクトの実際のフェーズです。 - プロジェクトタイプのフェーズから生成されます。 + + + 再帰 + + 再帰ドキュメント + 再帰ドキュメントをメンテナンスします。次の実行は、生成されたドキュメント(および、会計日付)が決定します。 + + + 実行 + + 再帰ドキュメント実行 + 再帰ドキュメント生成の履歴です。 + + + 在庫 + + 在庫のインポートです。 + 在庫取引を検証、インポートします。住所は、住所キーと倉庫、X,Y,X フィールドによって決定されます。<p> +物理在庫は、倉庫ごと、移動ごとに作成されます。 + + + テーブルアクセス + + テーブルアクセスをメンテナンスします。 + ここに記載されるなら、役割はこのテーブルのすべてのレコードにアクセスできます。 +<br>読み取り専用のアクセスを選んだ場合は、表示のみが可能になります。 +<br> +排他アクセスを選択して、読み取り専用にした場合は、読み取りのみが出来ます。 +<br>ここで定義してアクセス設定は、ユーザーレベルのアクセス設定に追加的に設定されます。ユーザーレベルのアクセス設定が最初に評価されるので、ここでは例外的なアクセス定義をしてください。 +<br>アクセス情報はキャッシュされるので、設定を有効にするには、再ログインする必要があります。「含む」ルールを使う場合は、いくつかのサポートしているエンティティを含める必要があります。代替手段として、必要な機能に対する読み取り権限を与えることも出来ます。 + + + レコードアクセス + + レコードアクセスをメンテナンスします。 + 管理者の役割とCtl-Lockのために「個人のロック」を有効にすることによって、アクセスレコードを作成します。(ボタンをクリックしている間、Ctl-Lockを押し続けてロックしてください) +<p> +ここに記載されている情報により、役割はこのテーブルに関するデータレコードにアクセスできるかできないかが分かります。この設定はユーザーレベルのアクセス設定とは別にアクセス権限を上書きします。 +<br>読み取り専用のアクセスを選んだ場合は、表示のみが可能になります。 +<br> +排他アクセスを選択して、読み取り専用にした場合は、読み取りのみが出来ます。 +アクセス情報はキャッシュされるので、設定を有効にするには、再ログインする必要があります。 + + + カラムアクセス + + カラムアクセスをメンテナンスします。 + ここに記載されたとおりに、役割は、このテーブルに関するカラムへのアクセスの可否が決められます。ここでの設定は、機能ごとのアクセス設定を上書きします。読み取り専用のアクセスを選んだ場合は、表示のみが可能になります。 +<br> +排他アクセスを選択して、読み取り専用にした場合は、読み取りのみが出来ます。 +アクセス情報はキャッシュされるので、設定を有効にするには、再ログインする必要があります。 + + + 役割 + + データ・アクセス制限付きの役割です。 + データ・アクセス制限付きで役割を選択します。 +アクセス情報はキャッシュされるので、再ログインかリセットが必要なことに注意してください。 + + + 広告 + + ウェブ広告 + ウェブ上の広告です。 + + + 変更監査 + + データ変更 + データ変更に関するログ + + + 変更監査 + + データ変更に関するログ + データ変更に関するログ + + + 原価タイプ + + 費用のタイプです。(例えば、現在、計画、将来) + 複数の費用タイプを定義することができます。 会計スキーマで選ばれた費用タイプは会計に使用されます。 + + + タスク + + 実際のプロジェクトタスクです。 + プロジェクトフェーズ内のプロジェクトタスクは、実際の仕事を表します。 + + + ステップ + + プロジェクトサイクルステップです。 + サイクルステップは、論理的な連続を決定します。これは、違ったプロジェクトタイプを作っている似たようなプロジェクトフェーズで共通です。 + + + 標準のタスク + + 標準のプロジェクトタスクをメンテナンスします。 + 標準のプロジェクトタスクです。 + + + 時間のタイプ + + 時間レコードのタイプです。 + レポートの目的によって、時間タイプを区別します。(活動に平行) + + + 連絡先(ユーザ) + + システム内のユーザーをメンテナンスします。--内部またはビジネスパートナー連絡先 + ユーザーはシステムで一意なユーザーを識別します。これは、内部のユーザーまたはビジネスパートナー連絡先です。 + + + クリック数 + + クリック数です。 + 追跡したリンク/対象を定義します。 + + + 個々のクリック + + クリックしたアクセス者の詳細です。 + + + + カウント + + ウェブカウンタのヒット数です。 + + + + 個々のカウント + + + + + + 請求書 + + 請求書を選択してください。 + 完全に支払われていない請求書から選択してください。 + + + 支払いスケジュール + + 支払いスケジュールをメンテナンスします。 + + + + スケジュール + + 支払いスケジュール + + + + 警告 + + Adempiere警告です。 + Adempiere警告は、アラーと表示したいシステムの状態を定義できます。 + + + 警告ルール + + 警告要素の定義です。 + 警告または動作の定義です。 + + + 警告受取者 + + アラートを受け取る人です。 + ユーザーや役割へ通知を送ることができます。 + + + 銀行取引明細書 + + 銀行取引明細書のインポートをします。 + + + + 総勘定元帳 + + 総勘定元帳をインポートします。 + バッチ処理ドキュメント番号か会計スキーマが違っていたら、新しい仕訳帳バッチ処理が作成されます。ドキュメント番号、通貨、ドキュメントタイプ、総勘定元帳カテゴリ、仕訳タイプ、会計タイプが違っていると新しい仕訳帳が作成されます。新規作成フラグを選択することによっても、新しいバッチ処理または仕訳帳を作成することが出来ます。<p> +3つの組織フィールドがあることに注意してください:ドキュメント組織は、ドキュメントの所有者で、ディレクトリまたはデフォルトパラメータを設定します。組織は、会計キーの一部で、ID番号の正しい勘定科目の組み合わせが決められていることだけを要求します。もし定義されないならドキュメント組織から派生されます。取引組織は、勘定科目組み合わせの一部です。<br> +任意の貸借チェックは、インポート全体に適用されます。個別のバッチ処理や仕訳帳ではありません。 +<br> +ドキュメント番号は、ドキュメント番号が手動連続番号に設定されない場合は、上書きされます。 + + + 請求書 + + 請求書のインポートです。 + ドキュメントタイプ名(またはID)を入力する必要があります。ドキュメントタイプは、もし間違っているなら、結果が多すぎるので、完全には派生しません。最善の方法はドキュメントタイプ名を、インポートファイル内でのフォーマットかフィールドの定数として設定することです。 + + + 支払い + + 支払いのインポートです。 + + + + 注文 + + 注文のインポートです。 + ドキュメントタイプ名(またはID)を入力する必要があります。ドキュメントタイプは、もし間違っているなら、結果が多すぎるので、完全には派生しません。最善の方法はドキュメントタイプ名を、インポートファイル内でのフォーマットかフィールドの定数として設定することです。 + + + 貨物 + + 運送料です。 + 荷主のための運送料です。 + + + 貨物カテゴリ + + 貨物のカテゴリです。 + 貨物カテゴリは、選択された荷主のために、貨物を計算するために使用されます。 + + + ビジネスパートナー次元 + + ビジネスパートナー会計次元ツリーをメンテナンスします。 + すべての必須項目値にデフォルトがないと、このウィンドウで新しい実体を作成することができません。 + + + + 製品次元 + + 製品会計寸法ツリーをメンテナンスします。 + すべての必須項目値にデフォルトがないと、このウィンドウで新しい実体を作成することができません。 + + + + 活動次元 + + 活動会計次元ツリーをメンテナンスします。 + すべての必須項目値にデフォルトがないと、このウィンドウで新しい実体を作成することができません。 + + + + プロジェクト次元 + + プロジェクト会計次元ツリーをメンテナンスします。 + すべての必須項目値にデフォルトがないと、このウィンドウで新しい実体を作成することができません。 + + + + 組織次元 + + 組織会計次元ツリーをメンテナンスします。 + すべての必須項目値にデフォルトがないと、このウィンドウで新しい実体を作成することができません。 + + + + 販売地域次元 + + 販売地域会計次元ツリーをメンテナンスします。 + すべての必須項目の値にデフォルトが設定されていないと、このウィンドウで新しいエンティティを作成することができません! + + + + 複製対象 + + データ複製の対象です。 + データ複製対象の詳細です。中央サーバーでメンテナンスされます。IP範囲がすべてのリモートシステムで一意になるようにしてください--そうでないと、データが消えます。 + + + 複製実行 + + データ複製を実行します。 + 履歴情報です。 + + + ログを実行 + + データ複製実行ログです。 + 詳細情報です。 + + + 複製方針 + + データ複製の戦略です。 + データ複製方針は、どのテーブルをどのように複製するかを決定します。データ移行はアプリケーション辞書の項目とは同期しないことに注意してください。 + + + 複製テーブル + + データ複製方針のテーブル情報です。 + テーブルがどのように複製されるかを決定します。ローカルテーブルに完全にアクセスする手段を持っていて、参照テーブルはリモートシステムの上にあり、読み取り専用です。リモートシステムの上の結合テーブルに関するデータは、中央システムにコピーされます。 + + + キャンペーン次元 + + マーケティングキャンペーン会計次元ツリーをメンテナンスします。 + すべての必須項目にデフォルトの設定値がないと、このウィンドウで新しいエンティティを作成することはできません。 + + + タブ翻訳 + + + + + + リファレンスリスト翻訳 + + + + + + フィールド翻訳 + + + + + + フィールドグループ翻訳 + + ほとんどのフィールド翻訳は、要素から派生することに注意してください。 + メニュー翻訳を更新するために、用語の同期を実行します。現在メンテナンスされていないフィールドを翻訳する必要があるだけです。 + + + フォーム翻訳 + + + + + + タスク翻訳 + + + + + + 作業フロー翻訳 + + + + + + 作業フローノード翻訳 + + + + + + メニュー翻訳 + + ほとんどのフィールド翻訳は、ウィンドウ/フォーム/..翻訳から派生することに注意してください。 + メニュー翻訳を更新するために、用語の同期を実行します。 + + + 購読 + + + + + + プロジェクト + + 販売注文プロジェクトと工事指図書をメンテナンスします。 + このプロジェクトタブは、それぞれのプロジェクトで値、名前、説明を定義するために使われます。割り当てられた、合意した、または使用された数量の追跡の定義にも使われます。 + + + 会計 + + プロジェクト会計を定義します。 + 会計タブは、プロジェクトが終了して、関連資産が確定したときに使う資産会計を定義するのに使用されます。 + + + カテゴリ + + 知識カテゴリと値をメンテナンスします。 + 検索補助として知識カテゴリと値をセットアップします。例えばバージョン、製品地域などです。知識カテゴリ値はキーワードのような役割をします。 + + + カテゴリ値 + + カテゴリの値はキーワードです。 + カテゴリの値はキーワードです。 + + + タイプ + + 知識タイプ + 知識の領域です。--タイプは複数のトピックがあります。 + + + トピック + + 知識トピックです。 + トピックまたは議論のスレッドです。 + + + エントリー + + 知識エントリーです。 + 検索可能な知識エントリーです。 + + + カテゴリ + + 知識カテゴリです。 + 割り当てられたカテゴリ - 知識エントリーのための値です。 + + + 関連 + + 関連知識エントリーです。 + この知識エントリーのための関連した知識エントリーです。 + + + コメント + + 知識エントリーコメントです。 + 知識エントリーに関するコメントです。 + + + 知識の元情報 + + 知識エントリーの元情報です。 + 知識エントリーの元情報は、システム内の情報へのポインタです。知識エントリーには、より詳細な情報のための追加エントリー(説明URL)があります。 + + + 知識同義語 + + 知識キーワード同義語です。 + 知識キーワードのための検索用同義語です。例:プロダクト = アイテム、製品 = 項目 + + + 翻訳 + + + + + + パートナー選択 + + ビジネスパートナー選択 + + + + パートナー注文 + + ビジネスパートナー注文 + + + + パートナー出荷 + + ビジネスパートナー出荷 + + + + パートナー請求書 + + ビジネスパートナー請求書 + + + + パートナー支払い + + ビジネスパートナー支払い + + + + パートナー資産 + + ビジネスパートナー資産 + + + + パートナー要求 + + ビジネスパートナー要求 + + + + 翻訳 + + + + + + 発行 + + プロジェクトへの発行 + このタブは、「プロジェクトへ発行」処理によって開始されたプロジェクトへの発行をリストアップします。受領、時間と費用、在庫を発行することが出来ます。 + + + プリンタ + + ラベルプリンタを定義します。 + + + + 機能 + + ラベルプリンタ機能 + + + + 登録 + + システム登録 + システム登録情報 + + + ビジネスパートナー + + 製品のビジネスパートナー特有の情報です。 + いくつかの情報は参照だけのためのものであることに注意してください。 + + + 販売担当者 + + 販売担当者の選択です。 + + + + 注文 + + 販売担当者が所有している注文、ビジネスパートナーまたは製品があるすべての注文です。 + + + + 注文詳細 + + 販売担当者が所有している注文、ビジネスパートナーまたは製品があるすべての注文詳細です。 + + + + 請求書 + + 販売担当者が所有している注文、ビジネスパートナーまたは製品があるすべての請求です。 + + + + 請求書詳細 + + 販売担当者が所有している注文、ビジネスパートナーまたは製品があるすべての請求詳細です。 + + + + 会計 + + 通貨会計です。 + この会計タブは、通貨を含む取引に使用される会計パラメータを定義します。ここで定義されないと、会計スキーマのデフォルトが使用されます。 + + + 変換タイプ + + 通貨の転換レートタイプをメンテナンスします。 + 通貨交換比率タイプは、異なった比率のタイプを定義します。例えばスポット、法人 かつ/または 購入/売却比率 + + + 明細書読み込みJavaクラス + + 銀行取引明細書ローダーの定義です。(スウィフト、OFX) + ローダー定義は、SWIFT (MT940) や OFXのようなEFTフォーマットからの銀行取引明細書の読み込みをするためにパラメータを提供します。必要なパラメータは実際の明細書読み込みクラスに依存します。 + + + 通貨率のインポート + + 通貨交換比率をインポートします。 + + + + ユーザー代理 + + ユーザーの代理です。 + このユーザーの代理をすることができるユーザーです。 + + + プロセス + + 実際の作業フロープロセスインスタンスです。 + 作業フロー実行のインスタンスです。 + + + 活動 + + 作業フロー活動です。 + 作業フロー活動は作業フロー過程インスタンスで実際の作業フローノードです。 + + + 活動 + + 作業フロー活動です。 + 作業フロー活動は作業フロー過程インスタンスで実際の作業フローノードです。 + + + パラメータ + + 作業フローノードパラメータです。 + 作業フローノードの実行のためのパラメータです。 + + + 責任 + + 作業フロー実行の責任です。 + 作業フローの最終責任は、実際のユーザーにありあます。作業フロー責任は、その実際のユーザーを見つける方法を定義します。 + + + ブロック + + 作業フロー取引実行ブロックです。 + 作業フロー実行ブロックは、任意であり、単一取引ですべての仕事をすることを許容します。ステップ(ノード活動)がひとつでも失敗すると、一連の仕事は記録されません。 + + + データ + + 作業フロープロセスコンテキスト + 作業フローの過程と活動に関するコンテキスト情報です。 + + + 結果 + + 作業フロープロセス活動の結果です。 + 作業フロープロセスインスタンスの実行の活動結果です。 + + + イベント + + 作業フロー処理活動イベント監査情報です。 + 作業フロー処理活動上の変更履歴です。 + + + 属性 + + 資産登録属性です。 + 資産登録のために個々の価値を定義します。 + + + 登録 + + 資産ユーザー登録です。 + 資産のユーザー登録です。 + + + + + 登録値です。 + 登録属性の個々の値です。 + + + 銀行取引明細書の組み合わせ処理 + + ビジネスパートナー、請求、支払いへ対応する銀行取引明細書情報を組み合わせるためのアルゴリズムです。 + インポートした銀行取引明細書に対応するビジネスパートナー、請求、支払いを見つけるアルゴリズムです。Javaクラスは、org.compiere.impexp.BankStatementMatcherInterface をインターフェイスとして実装する必要があります。 + + + 支払い + + 支払い情報の表示です。 + + + + 組織タイプ + + 組織タイプは、組織を分類します。 + 組織タイプは、レポートを表示のために組織を分類します。 + + + スケジュールプロセス + + スケジュールの処理です。 + スケジュールは、非同期で実行されるために処理します。 + + + パラメータ + + スケジューラパラメータです。 + 予定されたプロセスにパラメータを提供します。 + + + ログ + + スケジューラログです。 + スケジューラの実行の結果です。 + + + 作業フロープロセッサ + + 作業フロープロセッササーバーです。 + 作業フロープロセッササーバーです。 + + + ログ + + 作業フロープロセッサログです。 + 作業フロープロセッサの実行の結果です。 + + + 入札トピック + + オークションのトピックです。 + 販売、作成/出資のための項目の説明です。 + + + 入札 + + トピックのための入札を表示します。 + トピックのための入札を作成することができます。タイプによって、最高額を入札した参加者が落札します。またはトピックのために出資に参加します。 + + + 出品 + + トピックのための出品です。 + トピックのために出品を作成することができます。 + + + 入札資金 + + トピックの入札のための入札者資金です。 + 入札のための認定されたまたは認定されていない資金です。 + + + 出品資金 + + トピックに対する出品からの売り手資金です。 + 出品からの認定されたまたは認定されていない資金です。 + + + トピックタイプ + + オークションのトピックタイプです。 + トピックタイプは、どのようなオークションが特定の地域に使用されるかを決定します。 + + + カテゴリタイプ + + オークションのトピックカテゴリタイプです。 + オークションのトピックタイプのために、使われる異なったカテゴリを定義します。 + + + コメント + + トピックにコメントします。 + トピックに対してだれでもコメントをつけることが出来ます。--例えば、質問、提案 + + + 出品者 + + オークションの売り手情報です。 + オークションに売り手として参加している関係者に関する情報です。 + + + 資金 + + トピックに対する出品からの売り手の資金です。 + 利用可能な資金(支払いのための)と認められた、または認められていない出品からの資金です。 + + + 出品 + + トピックへの出品 + トピックへの出品を作成することができます。 + + + 買い手 + + オークションの買い手情報です。 + オークションに買い手として参加している関係者に関する情報です。 + + + 資金 + + トピックの上の入札に利用可能な買い手の資金です。 + 入札のための利用可能な資金(支払い)です。 + + + 入札 + + トピックへの入札です。 + トピックのための入札を作成することができます。タイプによって、最高額を入札した入札者が落札します。またはトピックのための出資に参加します。 + + + 会計プロセッサ + + 会計プロセッサ/サーバーパラメータをメンテナンスします。 + 会計プロセッサ/サーバーパラメータです。会計スキーマが選択されないなら、すべての会計スキーマが処理されます。取引テーブルが選択されないなら、すべての取引のための会計が作成されます。 + + + ログ + + 会計プロセッサの実行の結果です。 + 会計プロセッサの実行の結果です。 + + + 関係 + + ビジネスパートナー関係です。 + ビジネスパートナー関係は、第三者関係ルールをメンテナンスします。: 出荷のための請求または支払いのための請求を受け取るビジネスパートナーです。ビジネスパートナーの住所が定義されていないと、ルールはそのビジネスパートナーのすべての住所に適用されます。 + + + 見積依頼 + + 見積依頼です。 + 見積依頼トピックの仕入先へ送られる見積依頼です。仕入先選択の後に、仕入先のための発注書と同様に、仕入先のために任意に注文か見積を作成してください。 + + + 応答 + + 見積依頼応答です。 + 潜在的仕入先からの見積を求める要求です。 + + + 詳細 + + 見積依頼詳細です。 + 見積依頼書詳細です。 + + + 応答詳細 + + 見積依頼応答詳細です。 + 潜在的仕入先からの見積応答詳細のための要求です。 + + + 数量 + + 見積依頼詳細数量 + 見積もり詳細数量の要求です。 --異なった数量のために見積りを要求することができます。 + + + 応答数量 + + 見積依頼詳細の数量応答です。 + 潜在的仕入先からの見積応答詳細数量のための要求です。 + + + トピック + + 見積要求トピックです。 + 見積要求トピックは、RfQに答えるために、潜在的な仕入先の加入者リストをメンテナンスできるようにします。 + + + 加入者 + + 見積要求トピック加入者です。 + 見積依頼に応じるように依頼するための加入者です。 + + + 加入 + + 新製品のビジネスパートナーの加入です。 + + + + 配送 + + 加入のための任意の配送レコードです。 + 購読のための配送に関するレコードです。 + + + 購読タイプ + + 購読のタイプ + 購読タイプと更新頻度 + + + 発送先リスト + + 配送先リストは、選択したパートナーに製品を配送することが出来るようになります。 + 発送先リストは、注文作成のためのビジネスパートナーと配送数量または比率を含んでいます。 + + + 配送詳細 + + ビジネスパートナーと数量/割合がある発送先リストの詳細です。 + 配送は、比率、固定数量、またはその両方に基づくことができます。 +比率と数量が0でないなら、数量は最小の数量ではなく、比率に基づいて計算されます。 + + + 梱包 + + 出荷梱包です。 + 出荷は1つ以上の梱包を持つことができます。梱包は追跡することが出来ます。 + + + 梱包詳細 + + 梱包の詳細内容です。 + 出荷詳細にリンクします。 + + + RMA + + Return Material Authorization(RMA)資材返還承認です。 + 資材の返還承認は、返還を受け入れて、信用メモを作成する必要があります。 + + + RMA詳細 + + Return Material Authorization(RMA)資材返還承認です。 + 返品に関する詳細情報です。 + + + 関連製品 + + 関連商品です。 + 関連製品です。例えば、販売促進用など + + + プロセッサ + + 警告プロセッサ + + + + ログ + + 警告プロセッサログです。 + + + + 督促実行 + + 催促実行を管理します。 + 催促実行を管理します。 + + + エントリー + + 督促実行エントリーです。 + ビジネスパートナーへの督促状の詳細をメンテナンスします。 + + + 詳細 + + 督促実行の詳細です。 + 督促状の詳細情報をメンテナンスします。 + + + 組織割当 + + 組織へのユーザー割当です。 + 組織にユーザーを割り当てます。 + + + 組織割当 + + 組織へのユーザーの割当です。 + 組織にユーザーを割り当てます。 + + + ログ + + + + + + スケジューラ受取人 + + スケジューラ通知の受取人です。 + 通知をユーザーか役割に送ることができます。 + + + 税金郵便番号 + + 税金 郵便/郵便番号 + 地方税のために、住所番地か郵便番号を定義しなければならないかもしれません。 + + + 要求 + + 材料請求をメンテナンスします。 + + + + 要求詳細 + + 材料請求詳細 + + + + メモ + + 個人的なメモです。 + + + + 状態 + + 作業フローノードの変遷状態です。 + 1つのノードから次へ変遷する場合の任意の制限です。(文字の)値はデータタイプへ変換されます。Boolean(Yes-No)は、"true" and "false"に対応しています。データフォーマットは YYYY-mm-DD です。 + + + 配分 + + 総勘定元帳配分です。 + 勘定科目組み合わせの優先順位が設定されているなら、勘定科目組み合わせへの仕訳は分配詳細のものに置き換えられます。 +分配は、詳細の百分率に基づいて比例配分されます。もしパーセントの合計が100より少なく、1つの詳細が0(null)なら、0の項目が残りの部分になります。0の詳細がないなら、最大の値で詳細内の調整をします。 + + + 詳細 + + 総勘定元帳配分の対象になる詳細です + 勘定科目組み合わせの優先順位が設定されているなら、勘定科目組み合わせへの仕訳は分配詳細のものに置き換えられます。 +分配は、詳細の百分率に基づいて比例配分されます。もしパーセントの合計が100より少なく、1つの詳細が0(null)なら、0の項目が残りの部分になります。0の値の詳細は1つだけである必要がありあます。 + + + 配分実行 + + 配分実行は、選択されたパートナーのリストへ製品を配分するために注文を作成します。 + 配分実行は、注文がどのように分配リストに基づき作成されるかを定義します。 + + + 詳細 + + 分配詳細は分配先リスト、製品、および数量を定義します。 + 注文金額は製品の最小額より大きい額か分配リストと比率に基づいた数量に基づいています。 + + + 製品割当 + + 製品への属性の割当です。 + どの属性が製品に割り当てられるかを決定します。 + + + アクセス監査 + + データまたは経営資源へのアクセスに関するログです。 + ログは、明示的に有効にされるか、または書かれる必要があります。 + + + カウンタドキュメント + + カウンタドキュメントタイプをメンテナンスします。 + (ビジネスパートナーを組織にリンクした後の)組織間取引のために使うとき、どのドキュメントタイプかを決定できます。そのドキュメントは元になる取引のドキュメントタイプに基づいています。例:「標準の受注」は「標準の発注」を作成します。 + +ここで関係を定義すると、ドキュメントタイプ定義でのデフォルトの対応するドキュメントタイプを上書きします。これにより特定のデータ関連付けをすることが出来ます。 +すべての組織または特定のドキュメントのために対応するドキュメントを定義することが出来ます。 + + + 予測 + + 材料の予測です。 + 材料の予測です。 + + + 詳細 + + 予測詳細です。 + 期間による製品数量の予測です。 + + + 需要 + + 材料の需要です。 + 材料需要は、予測、要求、受注開始に基づくことができます。 + + + 詳細 + + 材料需要の詳細です。 + ある期間内の製品の需要です。 + + + 詳細 + + 材料需要詳細の元情報の詳細です。 + 材料需要詳細の元情報へのリンクです。 + + + 確認 + + 材料出荷/受領の確認です。 + 出荷または受領の確認です。 - 出荷/受領から作成されます。 + + + 詳細 + + 材料出荷または受領確認の詳細です。 + 数量は、在庫の測定単位の中にあります。 + + + 材料返還承認タイプ + + Return Material Authorization Type です。 + RMAタイプ(材料返還承認タイプ)をメンテナンスします。 + + + 割当 + + 割当の表示と逆転をします。 + 逆割当タブは、逆にされる支払割当を定義します。 + + + 未仕訳ドキュメント + + 仕訳されていないドキュメントを表示します。 + + + + 監査を処理 + + 監査処理を使用します。 + + + + パラメータ監査 + + 監査処理のパラメータ値です。 + + + + ログ + + プロセスのログです。 + + + + 確認 + + 在庫移動を確認します。 + 在庫移動のドキュメントタイプが通過中を示すときに、ドキュメントは自動的に作成されます。 + + + 詳細 + + 在庫移動詳細を確認します。 + 数量は、在庫の測定単位の中にあります。 + + + 確認詳細 + + 領収書/出荷確認詳細をインポートします。 + 既存の領収書/出荷確認に関するデータをインポートします。 + + + ビジネスパートナー + + ビジネスパートナーを選択します。 + サービスレベルアグリーメント(SLA)のためにビジネスパートナーを選んでください。 + + + SLA目標 + + サービス・レベル・アグリーメント目標です。 + ビジネスパートナーのSLA評価基準のための個々の目標です。 + + + SLA測定 + + サービス・レベル・アグリーメントの測定です。 + ビジネスパートナーのサービスレベルアグリーメント目標のために、個々の実際の値/測定値を表示、メンテナンスします。 + + + SLA評価基準 + + サービス・レベル・アグリーメント評価基準です。 + SLAを評価するための基準(例えば、品質、配送日付など)を定義して、SLAを測定します。プロセスのJavaクラスを定義する時は、org.compiere.sla.SLACriteria を実装する必要があります。(サンプルを見てください) + + + テーブル翻訳 + + テーブル翻訳 + 多くのテーブル名は自動的に上書き、または翻訳されることに注意してください。 + + + 制限 + + ある製品か製品カテゴリのための加入者だけを含めてください。 + 加入者が含まれるべき製品/製品カテゴリを入力してください。 製品/カテゴリが入力されないなら、RfQ内のすべての詳細のために、要求に答えなくてはならなくなります。 + + + 価格リストスキーマ + + 価格リストスキーマ + 価格リストスキーマは、価格リストのために計算ルールを定義します。 + + + POS端末 + + 販売時点情報管理端末 + POS端末はPOSフォームで利用可能なデフォルトと機能を定義します。 + + + POSの主要なレイアウト + + POSファンクションキー配置 + POSファンクションキー配置 + + + POSキー + + POSファンクションキー + POSファンクションキー割当 + + + SLA目標 + + サービス・レベル・アグリーメント目標 + ビジネスパートナーのSLA評価基準のための個々の目標です。 + + + SLA測定 + + サービス・レベル・アグリーメント測定です。 + ビジネスパートナーのサービスレベルアグリーメント目標のために、個々の実際の値/測定を表示、メンテナンスします。 + + + カラム翻訳 + + カラム翻訳 + 翻訳しないでください。自動的に上書き/翻訳されます。 + + + 内部利用 + + 内部利用の在庫を定義します。 + + + + 内部利用詳細 + + 内部利用在庫の詳細です。 + 在庫数量確認詳細は、個々の製品数量を定義します。 + + + 割当 + + 支払いまたは現金への請求書の割当です。 + + + + 割当 + + 支払いまたは現金への請求書の割当です。 + + + + 割当 + + 請求への支払い/受領の割当を表示します。 + + + + 確認 + + 任意の受領詳細の確認です。 + 数量は、在庫の測定単位の中にあります。 + + + 一致した購買注文 + + この材料受領詳細に組み合わされた購買注文詳細です。 + + + + 組み合わされた請求書 + + この材料受領詳細に組み合わせる請求書詳細です。 + + + + 組み合わせる領収書 + + この請求詳細に組み合わせる材料受領詳細です。 + + + + 組み合わせる購買注文 + + この請求詳細に組み合わせる購買注文詳細です。 + + + + 組み合わせ + + この購買注文詳細へ組み合わせる材料受領または請求詳細です。 + + + + 確認 + + 任意の出荷詳細の確認です。 + 数量は、在庫の測定単位の中にあります。 + + + 請求バッチ処理 + + 費用請求のバッチ処理ヘッダーを入力してください。 + 通貨を設定して、売掛金(販売)請求または買掛金(仕入先)請求を決定します。任意で管理量を入れてください。 + + + バッチ処理詳細 + + 費用請求書バッチ処理の詳細を入力してください。 + ドキュメント番号、ビジネスパートナーまたは住所が異なっているの場合は、新しい請求を作成します。 +選択されたドキュメントタイプの番号管理に依存して、ドキュメント番号は上書きされることに注意してください。 + + + 組織アクセス + + ユーザー組織アクセスをメンテナンスします。 + ユーザーがアクセスするクライアントと組織を加えてください。もし、役割内で、ユーザー組織アクセスが選択されていないか、すべてにアクセスできる役割の場合は、ここでのエントリーは無視されます。<br> +アクセス情報はキャッシュされます。再ログインかキャッシュのリセットが必要です。 + + + 陸揚げ費用 + + 材料受領へ割り当てられる陸揚げ費用です。 + 陸揚げ費用は、費用を以前に受領した資材へ費用を割り当てることを可能にします。例えば、貨物、消費税、保険などです。<br> +コストの割当先は、受領、受領詳細、特定の製品を指定することができます。 + + + 陸揚げ費用割り当て + + 製品への陸揚げ費用の割り当てです。 + 請求書を準備しているときに計算されます。 + + + 原価要素 + + 製品原価の要素をメンテナンスします。 + 複数の材料費用をメンテナンスすることができます。どの材料費用タイプが会計で使われるかは、原価計算方法によって決められます。<Br> + +特定の原価計算方法で計算したい場合のみ、原価計算方法(材料要素のため)を定義してください。会計のためには、会計スキーマか製品カテゴリ会計で定義された原価計算方法が使われます。 + + + 製品を選択 + + 製品を選択します。 + + + + 製品コスト + + 製品コストをメンテナンスします。 + + + + 要求状態 + + 要求状態をメンテナンスします。 + 要求をした場合の状態です。(開いた、閉じた、調査中など) + + + 標準応答 + + 要求の標準応答をメンテナンスします。 + 要求応答テキストにコピーされるテキストブロックです。 + + + 要求解決 + + 要求解決をメンテナンスします。 + 解決状態です。(例えば、固定、拒否、、、) + + + 要求グループ + + 要求グループをメンテナンスします。 + 要求(例えば、バージョン番号、責任、、、)のグループです。 +部品構成表が参照されていて、要求タイプで有効になっているなら、部品構成表変更要求は自動的に生成されます。 + + + 要求カテゴリ + + 要求カテゴリをメンテナンスします。 + 要求のカテゴリまたはトピックです。 + + + ダウンロード + + 製品ダウンロードをメンテナンスします。 + 製品のためのダウンロードを定義します。製品が資産であるなら、ユーザーはデータをダウンロードすることができます。 + + + ユーザーメール + + ユーザーに送られたメールです。 + + + + ユーザーメール + + ユーザーに送られたメールです。 + ユーザーに送られたメールのアーカイブです。 + + + ウェブストア + + ウェブストアを定義します。 + ウェブストアの設定を定義します。 ウェブサーバーコンテキストは、システム内で一意なコンテキストで、実際の取引に使用される設定を決定します。選択された倉庫は組織を決定します。メール設定はクライアントメール設定でテストされます。 + + + ストア翻訳 + + + + + + ウェブストアメッセージ + + ウェブストアのメッセージを定義します。 + + + + メッセージ翻訳 + + + + + + 更新通知 + + 要求更新を受け取るために受取人をリストアップします。 + + + + 更新通知 + + 要求更新を受け取るために受取人をリストアップします。 + + + + 要求更新 + + 要求更新を受け取るために受取人をリストアップします。 + + + + 更新通知 + + 要求更新を受け取るために受取人をリストアップします。 + + + + 更新通知 + + 要求更新を受け取るために受取人をリストアップします。 + + + + 更新受取人 + + 要求更新の受取人を表示します。 + (理由がある)要求更新の受取人のリストです。<br> +直接:販売担当者、ユーザーと直接購読者 +間接:役割を持ったユーザー、要求カテゴリのための更新の購読者、タイプ、グループ + + + 役職 + + 仕事の役職をメンテナンスします。 + 内部(従業員)、または、外部の役職をメンテナンスします。 + + + 割当 + + 従業員割当です。 + + + + 報酬 + + 役職報酬 + + + + 役職のカテゴリ + + 仕事の役職カテゴリをメンテナンスします。 + + + + 報酬 + + 報酬レベルをメンテナンスします。 + + + + 役職の報酬 + + 役職報酬をメンテナンスします。 + + + + 従業員報酬 + + 従業員役職報酬の上書きです。 + + + + 製品 + + 商品案内をメンテナンスします。 + + + + 代替グループ + + 製品の部品構成表の代替グループです。 + 代替グループは、部品構成表のグループ分けを可能にします。これは排他的です。(つまり、1つだけが有効です)例:異なったエンジンサイズ。 + + + 運営 + + 製品製造の運営です。 + 製品を製造するための運営です。実際に使用されている運営と連続操作は、部品構成表製品によって決められることに注意してください。 + + + 部品構成表 + + 部品構成表(BOM)です。 + + + + 経営資源の運営 + + 製品運営経営資源です。 + 運営のための経営資源です。運営ごとに、複数の経営資源(例えば、道具、労働)を持つことができます。 + + + 変更通知 + + 部品構成表(エンジニアリング)変更通知(バージョン) + + + + 部品構成表 + + 変更通知の部品構成表です。 + + + + 部品構成表変更要求 + + 部品構成表(工学)変更要求です。 + 部品構成表のための変更要求です。要求タイプ内で有効で、要求グループが部品構成表を参照しているなら、要求から自動的に作成することができます。 + + + 固定変更要求 + + この変更通知の固定変更要求です。 + + + + 要求(元) + + 変更要求への参照があるユーザー要求です。 + + + + 部品構成表の構成要素 + + 部品表の構成要素(製品)です。 + 部品構成表の構成要素は、製品の生産に必要な製品、サービス、および外部処理が何であるかを決定します。もし、操作を参照して決定したなら、それは連続的です。 + + + 更新 + + 要求更新です。 + 要求の更新です。 + + + 更新 + + 要求更新 + 要求の更新です。 + + + 変更通知 + + (エンジニアリング)変更通知(バージョン) + + + + 変更要求 + + 変更通知の変更要求です。 + + + + 要求(元) + + 変更要求への参照があるユーザー要求です。 + + + + 固定変更要求 + + この変更通知の固定変更要求です。 + + + + 補給 + + 製品補給を定義します。 + 補給タブは、補給数量のタイプを定義します。これは自動発注に使用されます。カスタム補給タイプを選ぶ場合は、org.compiere.util.ReplenishInterface を実装するJavaクラスを作成して、倉庫レベルでそれを設定する必要があります。 + + + 費用詳細 + + 製品原価の詳細です。 + + + + 属性 + + 製品インスタンス属性材料割当 + + + + 属性 + + 製品インスタンス属性材料割当 + + + + 属性 + + 製品インスタンス属性材料割当 + + + + 除外 + + 属性セットを入力する能力を除外します。 + 製品属性セット情報を入力する能力を除外したい場合は、レコードを作成してください。 +この情報はシステムでキャッシュされます。変更を有効にするには再ログインしてください。 + + + 除外 + + 属性セット内で、ロットを作成する能力を除外します。 + 製品属性セット情報で、ロットを作成する能力を除外したい場合は、レコードを作成してください。 +この情報はシステムでキャッシュされます。変更を有効にするには再ログインしてください。 + + + 除外 + + 属性セット内で、シリアル番号を作成する能力を除外します。 + 製品属性セット情報でのシリアル番号を作成する能力を除外したい場合は、レコードを作成してください。 +この情報はシステムでキャッシュされます。変更を有効にするには再ログインしてください。 + + + 割当 + + 支払いを請求書に割り当てます。 + 支払いを作成するときに、同じ通貨で支払いを請求書に直接割り当てることができます。 +また、過大、過小な支払を割り当てることも出来ます。.<b> + +支払いを処理するとき、割当は作成されます。<b> +組織には、請求組織が設定されます。 + + + ビジネスパートナーアクセス + + ビジネスパートナーの情報と経営資源へのユーザー/連絡先のアクセスです。 + 「完全なアクセス」がユーザーレベルで選択されていないなら、明示的にアクセスをここで与える必要があります。 + + + クエリ + + 保存されたクエリの表示とメンテナンスが出来ます。 + + + + インスタンス + + 属性セットインスタンスです。 + + + + 出荷、受領 + + 材料の出荷と受領詳細です。 + + + + 移動 + + 材料移動詳細です。 + + + + 請求書 + + 買掛金 / 売掛金請求書の詳細です。 + + + + 費用待ち行列 + + 後入れ先出し/先入先出しのための費用待ち行列です。 + 原価計算レベルと倉庫優先度の違いのために、費用待ち行列は実際の在庫移動と異なるかもしれないことに注意してください。 + + + 税金申告 + + 税務署への税金申告を定義します。 + 税金申告は、サポート情報と合意ドキュメントの作成をすることが出来ます。 + + + 詳細 + + 税金申告の詳細です。 + 詳細は作成処理によって作成されます。特定の税金申告に詳細を含めたいくない場合は、削除することが出来ます。手動での調整詳細を作成することができます。 + + + 会計 + + 税金会計合意 + ドキュメントの税金合意のために関連する情報をすべて表示します。これは、詳細報告の基礎として、すべての収入/費用と税金エントリーを含みます。 + + + レポート階層 + + レポート階層です。 + レポート階層は、レポートのために異なった階層/ツリーの選択を可能にします。 +組織、勘定科目、製品のような会計セグメントは、ビジネス上の異なった視点を取得するために、いくつかの階層構造を持っていることがあります。 + + + 購買注文 + + 購買注文関連です。 + + + + 要求詳細 + + 購買請求書詳細関連です。 + + + + 予算管理 + + 予算管理をメンテナンスします。 + 予算管理は、費用、合意(購買注文)、および予約(要求)の使用を制限します。定義されると、要求、購買注文、買掛金請求などの承認が利用できなくなります。 + + + 積立金 + + 積立金管理をメンテナンスします。 + 総勘定元帳積立金管理は、資金の用途を制限します。これは予算管理から独立しています。 + + + 制限 + + 積立金の制限 + これが定義されると、選択された勘定科目にだけ積立金を使用することができます。概要の値を選択することができます。 + + + カラム内で使用 + + カラムで使用されます。(参照) + + + + カラム内で使用 + + カラム内で使用されます。(参照) + + + + サブ勘定科目 + + 要素値のためのサブ勘定科目 + 要素値(例えば、勘定科目)は、より詳細な情報を持つために、任意でサブ勘定科目を持つことが出来ます。サブ勘定科目は、勘定科目の値に依存していて、勘定科目の詳細を表現します。サブ勘定科目と勘定科目で違いがあるなら、別の勘定科目の使用を検討してください。 + + + 翻訳 + + 翻訳 + + + + クライアントシェア + + クライアント/組織 実体の強制(非)共有 + ビジネスパートナーは、クライアントレベル(共有される)でも組織レベル(共有されない)でも定義できます。ここで定義した製品は常に共有されるか(たとえば、組織「*」の下で常に作成されます)、または製品が共有されません(たとえば、組織「*」で製品を入力することができません)<br> +共有された「クライアントと組織」レコードの作成は、デフォルトなので無視されます。 + + + システムエラーメッセージ + + 自動、または手動で登録するシステム問題レポートです。 + システムエラーメッセージは、システムに関連する問題(潜在的バグ)の解決を早めるために作成されます。可能ならは、それらは自動的にAdempiereに報告されます。秘密情報などのデータは送信されません。 + + + 割り当てられたパートナー + + グループ内のビジネスパートナー + + + + 色の構成 + + 成績色の構成です。 + 色による成績の視覚表現です。構成には、3つのレベル(例えば、赤い黄色い緑色)があります。Adempiereは、2つのレベル(例えば、赤、緑)または4つのレベルで表示が可能です。(例えば、灰色、白、銀、金)。目標がない測定は白で表されることに注意してください。パーセントは0から無限までがあります。(つまり100より大きい) + + + 制限 + + 成績目標制限 + 組織、ビジネスパートナー、定義された製品への性能測定の制限です。 +例: 成績は、本社のみ測定されます。 +測定はデータをサポートしなければなりません。そうでければ、その測定は無視されます。 + + + ベンチマーク + + 成績ベンチマーク + 内部の性能を比較するデータの集まりです。(例えば、株価) + + + データ + + 成績ベンチマークデータポイント + 内部の性能を比較するデータの集まりです。(例えば、株価) + + + 比率 + + 成績比率 + 性能比率のための計算命令セット + + + 要素 + + 成績比率要素 + 比率のための個々の計算命令 + + + 問題推薦 + + 問題推薦をメンテナンスします。 + 推薦、どうIssueを修理するか。 + + + 問題状態 + + 問題の状態をメンテナンスします。 + 問題の状態 + + + 既知の問題 + + 既知の問題をメンテナンスします。 + + + + 問題報告ユーザー + + 問題を報告したユーザです。 + + + + 問題プロジェクト + + 自動問題報告のプロジェクトです。 + + + + プロジェクト発行 + + 自動問題報告 + + + + 問題システム + + 問題システムをメンテナンスします。 + + + + ステータスカテゴリ + + 要求ステータスのカテゴリです。 + ステータスカテゴリは、異なった要求カテゴリのために、異なったステータスのセットをメンテナンス出来るようにします。 + + + タスク詳細 + + プロジェクトのタスク詳細です。 + プロジェクトのタスク詳細をメンテナンスします。 + + + プロジェクト詳細 + + プロジェクトの詳細をメンテナンスします。 + プロジェクトレベルでの詳細をメンテナンスします。 + + + フェーズ詳細 + + フェーズのプロジェクト詳細です。 + フェーズレベルのプロジェクト詳細をメンテナンスします。 + + + Project + + A web project is the main datacontainer for Containers, URLs, Ads, Media etc. + A web project is the meta definition which will contain later on all data within the Web Content Management Project. + + + Domain + + Maintain Web Project Domains + Link between the Web Project and the public URLs (Domains) + + + Template + + + + + + Media Server + + Web Project Media Server + Media Server for the web project + + + News Channel + + + + + + News Item + + + + + + Advertisement Category + + Defines the categories to group Ads + + + + Advertisement + + The Advertisement + + + + Media Item + + Maintain Media Item + Media items are deployed on the media servers. The media item can be an Image or an attachment. Attachments are ignored, if there is an image. If there are more then one attachment, the first is used. + + + Stage + + Maintain Container Stage + Maintain Container Stage information. + + + Stage Translation + + Maintain Container Stage Translation + + + + Container + + View Web Container + View deployed Web Container Information. + + + Container Translation + + View Container Translation + View deployed Web Container Translations + + + Container Element + + View Web Container Element + View deployed Web Container Element + + + Container Element Translation + + View Web Container Element Translation + View deployed Web Container Element Translation + + + Stage Element + + Container Stage Element + + + + Stage Element Translation + + Container Stage Element Translation + + + + Template + + Web Project Template + CM Project Template + + + Chat Type + + Maintain Type of discussion / chat + Chat Type allows you to receive subscriptions for particular content of discussions. It is linked to a table. + + + Updates + + Subscribers for the Chat Type + Subscribers receive updates per email or notice + + + Chat + + View Chat or discussion thread + Thread of discussion + + + Chat Entry + + Individual Chat / Discussion Entry + The entry can not be changed - just the confidentiality + + + Updates + + Subscribers for this Chat + Subscribers receive updates per email or notice. In addition to the subscribers for this specific cta, also the subscribers of the Chat Type receive updates. + + + Media + + Media Elements + + + + Template Table + + Maintain Template Tables + Link a Template with a Table + + + Container T.Table + + View Container Template Table + Link to individual Record + + + Stage T.Table + + Maintain Container Stage Template Table + Link to individual Record + + + Web Project + + Select Media Project + + + + Ad Cat Template + + Advertisement Category link to Template + + + + Template Ad Category + + Maintain Template Advertisement Category + Link a Template with an Advertisement Category + + + Entity Type + + System Entity Type + The entity type determines the ownership of Application Dictionary entries. The types "Dictionary" and "Adempiere" should not be used and are maintainted by Adempiere (i.e. all changes are reversed during migration to the current definition). + + + System Modifin + + System Modification or Extension + Description of the System modification or extension + + + Web Access Profile + + Maintain Web Access Profile + Define access to collaboration management content. You can assign the profile to a internal role or for external access to business partner group. +If the profile is exclude (default), the assignees can view all but the defined content. If the profile is not exclude (include), the assigned roles and business partner groups can only view the listed content. + + + List Role + + Web Access for Role + Maintain the list of Roles with Access to this profile. + + + List BPartner Group + + Web Access for Business Partner Group + Maintain the list of Roles with Access to this profile. + + + Access Stage + + Web Access to Container Stage + Maintain the access to container stage + + + Access Container + + Web Access to Container + Maintain the access to container + + + Access News Channel + + Web Access to News Channel + Maintain the access to news channel + + + Access Media + + Web Access to Media + Maintain the access to media + + + Deplayment + + Media Deployment + Deployment to Media Server + + + Server + + Maintain Web Broadcast Server + + + + Window + + Info and search/select Window + The Info window is used to search and select records as well as display information relevant to the selection. + + + Window Translation + + Info Window Translation + + + + Column + + Info Window Column + Column in the Info Window for display and/or selection. If used for selection, the column cannot be a SQL expression. The SQL clause must be fully qualified based on the FROM clause in the Info Window definition + + + Column Translation + + Infow Window Column Translation + + + + Index + + Text Search Index + Text search index keyword and excerpt across documents + + + Index Stop + + Keyword not to be indexed + Keyword not to be indexed, optional restriced to specific Document Type, Container or Request Type + + + Log + + View Text Search Queries + + + + LDAP Server + + LDAP Server to authenticate and authorize external systems based on Adempiere + The LDAP Server allows third party software (e.g. Apache) to use the users defined in the system to authentificate and authorize them. There is only one server per Adempiere system. The "o" is the Client key and the optional "ou" is the Interest Area key. + + + LDAP Server Log + + Log of the LDAP Server + + + + LDAP Access + + User Access via LDAP + + + + LDAP アクセス + + LDAP を介したユーザーアクセス + + + + インストール済みパッケージ + + インストール済みパッケージ + + + + オブジェクトのバックアップ + + レコードが上書きされる前の、カラムの初期値による詳細です。 + パッケージがインストールされた時に更新された、各レコードの各カラムの値を表示します。このバックアップはパッケージを元に戻すときに使われます。 + + + パッケージインストールのログ + + パッケージのインストール履歴です。 + + + + インストール済みオブジェクト + + + + + + パッケージエクスポート + + + + + + パッケージ詳細 + + + + + + 共通詳細 + + + + + + PackIn + + Import a package created by PackOut + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/AD_Table_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/AD_Table_Trl_ja_JP.xml index afe9e579da..1d2db14bf0 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/AD_Table_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/AD_Table_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,1973 +1,1973 @@ - - - - - - テーブル - - - カラム - - - 参照 - - - AD_Ref_Table - - - リファレンスリスト - - - ウィンドウ - - - タブ - - - フィールド - - - 動的妥当性検証 - - - メッセージ - - - 言語ID - - - クライアント - - - 支払期間 - - - ユーザ/接触 - - - 連続番号 - - - メニュー - - - 作業フロー - - - OSタスク - - - メッセージTrl - - - メニューTrl - - - AD_Sequence_Audit - - - AD_Sequence_No - - - タブTrl - - - OSタスクTrl - - - タスクインスタンス - - - リファレンスTrl - - - フィールドTrl - - - ノード - - - ノードTrl - - - ノード変遷 - - - ウィンドウTrl - - - 作業フローTrl - - - テストID - - - リファレンスリストTrl - - - カレンダー - - - 交換比率 - - - 通貨 - - - 要素 - - - 期間 - - - 測定単位 - - - 組織 - - - 役割 - - - AD_User_Roles - - - アドレス - - - 非営業日 - - - 地域 - - - - - - 測定単位変換 - - - 組み合わせ - - - - - - C_BP_Customer_Acct - - - C_BP_Employee_Acct - - - C_BP_Vendor_Acct - - - - - - 会計要素 - - - 倉庫 - - - M_Warehouse_Acct - - - 好みの設定 - - - 処理アクセス - - - AD_Task_Access - - - AD_Window_Access - - - AD_Workflow_Access - - - プロジェクト - - - C_Project_Acct - - - ロケータ - - - 製品 - - - 製品カテゴリ - - - 製品購入 - - - M_Substitute - - - ドキュメントタイプ - - - 総勘定元帳カテゴリ - - - 仕訳帳 - - - 仕訳帳バッチ - - - 仕訳帳詳細 - - - AD_ClientInfo - - - 組織情報 - - - 期間コントロール - - - 販売地域 - - - M_Replenish - - - M_Storage - - - 製品価格 - - - 税金カテゴリ - - - 荷主 - - - 添付 - - - 価格リスト - - - 請求スケジュール - - - 注文 - - - 販売詳細 - - - 税金 - - - 会計スキーマ - - - C_AcctSchema_GL - - - 会計事実 - - - 予算 - - - 製品科目 - - - キャンペーン - - - チャンネル - - - システム要素 - - - システム要素Trl - - - 会計スキーマ要素 - - - プロセスインスタンス - - - AD_PInstance_Para - - - プロセス - - - プロセス引数 - - - プロセス引数Trl - - - プロセスTrl - - - ツリー - - - ツリーノード - - - ビジネスパートナー - - - パートナー住所 - - - 価格リストバージョン - - - 銀行 - - - 銀行口座 - - - パートナー銀行口座 - - - C_BP_Withholding - - - ドキュメントタイプTrl - - - 督促 - - - 会計要素Trl - - - 支払期間Trl - - - 源泉徴収 - - - 製品Trl - - - 料金 - - - 注文の税金 - - - C_AcctSchema_Default - - - 活動 - - - 請求書 - - - 出荷/受領 - - - 出荷/受領詳細 - - - 物理在庫 - - - 物理在庫詳細 - - - 在庫移動 - - - 詳細移動 - - - 生産 - - - 製造ライン - - - 製品費用 - - - 在庫取引 - - - 督促レベル - - - 督促レベルTrl - - - 請求書詳細 - - - C_InvoiceTax - - - 支払い - - - 収益認識 - - - サービスレベル - - - サービスレベル詳細 - - - 測定単位 Trl - - - 恒常在庫 - - - 挨拶 - - - 挨拶Trl - - - 税金カテゴリTrl - - - 注文の詳細 - - - レポート表示 - - - 取引合計 - - - T_Replenish - - - T_Spool - - - EDI定義 - - - EDI取引 - - - EDIログ - - - 請求日 - - - 請求月 - - - 請求製品月 - - - 請求製品週 - - - 請求仕入先月 - - - 請求週 - - - 特別なフォーム - - - 特別なフォームTrl - - - AD_Form_Access - - - エラー - - - フォーマットのインポート - - - フィールドのフォーマット - - - 部品構成表の詳細 - - - 生産計画 - - - 請求 顧客製品数量 - - - 請求 顧客仕入先数量 - - - 通知 - - - 割当詳細 - - - C_BankAccount_Acct - - - 銀行取引明細書 - - - 銀行取引明細書詳細 - - - ビジネスパートナーグループ - - - ビジネスパートナーグループ会計 - - - C_Charge_Acct - - - C_InterOrg_Acct - - - 支払いプロセッサ - - - C_Tax_Acct - - - C_Withholding_Acct - - - 製品カテゴリ会計 - - - W_Basket_ID - - - ウェブカウンタ - - - 検索 - - - システム属性 - - - AD_Attribute_Value - - - 現金仕訳帳 - - - 現金出納帳 - - - C_CashBook_Acct - - - 現金仕訳帳線 - - - 支払いバッチ処理 - - - RV_OpenItem - - - フィールドグループ - - - フィールドグループTrl - - - メールテンプレート - - - 要求 - - - 要求履歴 - - - 要求プロセッサ - - - AD_Role_OrgAccess - - - 請求書 - - - 請求詳細 - - - RV_M_Transaction - - - 支払い選択 - - - 支払い選択詳細 - - - レポートビューカラム - - - 合意 - - - 合意量 - - - 合意詳細 - - - プロジェクトサイクル - - - C_CyclePhase - - - プロジェクト詳細 - - - 合意実行 - - - 合意の詳細 - - - 達成 - - - 目標 - - - 測定 - - - 測定計算 - - - 収益認識プラン - - - 収益認識実行 - - - 営業報告 - - - レポートカラム - - - レポートカラムセット - - - レポート詳細 - - - レポート詳細セット - - - レポートソース - - - ツリーノードBP - - - ツリーノード MM - - - ツリーノード PR - - - 印刷フォーム - - - 銀行口座ドキュメント - - - AD_TreeBar - - - システムカラー - - - デスクトップ - - - デスクトップ作業台 - - - デスクトップTrl - - - 画像 - - - ユーザ定義フィールド - - - ユーザ定義タブ - - - ユーザ定義ウィンドウ - - - 作業台 - - - 作業台のウィンドウ - - - 作業台Trl - - - 現金の詳細 - - - 請求書を一致 - - - 購買注文を一致 - - - ルート設定の要求 - - - 割り引きスキーマ - - - 割り引きスキーマ中断 - - - 割り引き価格リスト - - - T_InventoryValue - - - 製品費用 - - - リソースタイプ - - - 費用タイプ - - - リソース使用不能 - - - リソース課題 - - - 経費報告書 - - - リソース - - - 費用詳細 - - - 印刷フォーマット項目 - - - 印刷色 - - - 印刷フォント - - - 印刷紙 - - - 印刷フォーマット - - - C_Invoice_LineTax_v - - - 注文ヘッダー印刷 - - - 注文税金詳細印刷 - - - C_PaySelection_Check_v - - - C_PaySelection_Remittance_v - - - 出荷/受領 ヘッダー - - - 出荷/受領 詳細 - - - C_Invoice_Header_v - - - ビジネスパートナー - - - グラフ - - - 印刷フォーマット項目Trl - - - 印刷テーブルフォーマット - - - 督促実行詳細 - - - 支払い選択チェック - - - 督促実行 - - - 督促実行エントリ - - - R_ContactInterest - - - 要求タイプ - - - 関心区域 - - - システム - - - 製品インポート - - - ビジネスパートナーのインポート - - - 勘定科目のインポート - - - レポート詳細セットのインポート - - - 実務講習 - - - トレーニング - - - 資産 - - - 資産廃棄 - - - 資産配送 - - - 資産グループ - - - T_Report - - - T_ReportStatement - - - 税金Trl - - - Fact_Acct_Balance - - - 支払いスケジュール - - - バスケット詳細 - - - ウェブクリック - - - 請求書支払いスケジュール - - - カウンタヒット数 - - - クリック数 - - - Payment_v - - - シリアルナンバー制御 - - - ロット制御 - - - ロット - - - 属性値 - - - 属性セットインスタンス - - - 属性セット - - - M_AttributeInstance - - - 属性 - - - M_AttributeUse - - - 属性検索 - - - AD_Table_Access - - - セッション - - - AD_Record_Access - - - 印刷ラベル詳細Trl - - - 印刷ラベル詳細 - - - 印刷ラベル - - - AD_Column_Access - - - 在庫インポート - - - 再帰実行 - - - 再帰 - - - プロジェクトタイプ - - - プロジェクトフェーズ - - - 標準のフェーズ - - - AD_PInstance_Log - - - 広告 - - - 変更ログ - - - 時間タイプ - - - 標準タスク - - - プロジェクトタスク - - - 組織割当 - - - 費用タイプ - - - サイクルステップ - - - 注文のインポート - - - アラートの受け取り者 - - - アラートルール - - - アラート - - - 貨物カテゴリ - - - 貨物 - - - 支払いのインポート - - - 請求書のインポート - - - 総勘定元帳仕訳帳のインポート - - - 銀行取引明細書のインポート - - - テーブル複製 - - - 複製戦略 - - - 複製走行 - - - 複製ログ - - - 複製 - - - 知識タイプ - - - 知識話題 - - - 知識同義語 - - - 知識ソース - - - 関連エントリー - - - K_EntryCategory - - - エントリー - - - エントリーコメント - - - カテゴリ値 - - - 知識カテゴリ - - - 国Trl - - - 通貨Trl - - - C_Project_Header_v - - - C_Project_Details_v - - - プロジェクトサイクル - - - 資産配送 - - - 資産顧客 - - - プロジェクト問題 - - - ラベルプリンタ機能 - - - システム登録 - - - ラベルプリンタ - - - AD_Private_Access - - - プロジェクト詳細発行 - - - RV_Transaction - - - 倉庫格納 - - - T_Aging - - - 製品ビジネスパートナー - - - 未処理クリック - - - 月クリック数 - - - 未投稿 - - - M_TransactionAllocation - - - 通貨タイプ - - - C_Currency_Acct - - - 倉庫価格 - - - 銀行取引明細書ローダー - - - 交換比率のインポート - - - ユーザ代用品 - - - 作業フローノード引数 - - - 作業フロー活動 - - - 作業フロープロセス - - - 責任作業フロー - - - 作業フローブロック - - - 作業フロープロセスデータ - - - 作業フローイベント監査 - - - 作業フロー活動結果 - - - 登録 - - - 登録属性 - - - A_RegistrationValue - - - 請求税金 - - - 事実会計期間 - - - 事実会計日 - - - 会計事実ビュー - - - 銀行取引明細書一致方法 - - - プロセッサログを要求 - - - RMA詳細 - - - RMA - - - 製品関連 - - - パッケージ詳細 - - - パッケージ - - - 発送先リスト詳細 - - - 発送先リスト - - - 購読配送 - - - 購読タイプ - - - 購読 - - - RfQ加入者 - - - RfQ話題 - - - RfQ応答詳細注文数 - - - RfQ応答詳細 - - - RfQ応答 - - - RfQ詳細量 - - - RfQ詳細 - - - RfQ - - - パートナー関連 - - - 話題 - - - 売り手基金 - - - B_Seller - - - 申し出 - - - 買い手基金 - - - B_Buyer - - - 付け値コメント - - - 付け値 - - - スケジューラログ - - - スケジューラ - - - 組織タイプ - - - 話題タイプ - - - トピックカテゴリ - - - 会計プロセッサログ - - - 会計プロセッサ - - - 作業フロープロセッサログ - - - 作業フロープロセッサ - - - AD_Scheduler_Para - - - アラートプロセッサログ - - - アラートプロセッサ - - - 税金zip - - - 要求 - - - 要求詳細 - - - スケジューラ受取者 - - - 添付注意 - - - 変遷状態 - - - 総勘定元帳配送詳細 - - - 総勘定元帳配送 - - - RfQ未回答 - - - RfQ応答 - - - 要求 - - - 配送実行 - - - 配送実行詳細 - - - T_DistributionRunDetail - - - 登録製品 - - - 資産合計月 - - - アクセスログ - - - カウンタドキュメント - - - 需要詳細 - - - 予測 - - - 要求の詳細 - - - 予測詳細 - - - 要求 - - - C_RfQResponseLine_v - - - C_RfQResponse_v - - - C_RfQResponseLineQty_v - - - 出荷/受領の確認 - - - 出荷/受領の確認詳細 - - - RMAタイプ - - - RV_InOutConfirm - - - RV_InOutLineConfirm - - - M_InOut_LineConfirm - - - M_InOutConfirm - - - 割当 - - - 割当 - - - 移動詳細確認 - - - 移動確認 - - - RV_PrintFormatDetail - - - 出荷/受領の確認インポート詳細 - - - C_Dunning_Header_v - - - C_Dunning_Line_v - - - SLA測定 - - - SLA評価基準 - - - SLA目標 - - - テーブルTrl - - - RfQトピック購読者制限 - - - POS端末 - - - POSのキーレイアウト - - - POSキー - - - RV_InOutDetails - - - カラムTrl - - - 試算表 - - - アーカイブ - - - 支払い - - - RV_BPartnerOpen - - - RV_CommissionRunDetail - - - T_Transaction - - - 陸揚げ費用 - - - 陸揚げ費用配分 - - - C_ProjectIssueMA - - - M_InOutLineMA - - - M_InventoryLineMA - - - M_MovementLineMA - - - 生産ライン MA - - - M_Transaction_v - - - 請求書バッチ処理 - - - 請求書バッチ処理詳細 - - - AD_User_OrgAccess - - - 原価要素 - - - 製品原価 - - - カテゴリ - - - グループ - - - 解決 - - - 標準の応答 - - - 状態 - - - 製品ダウンロード - - - ウェブストア - - - ウェブストアTrl - - - メールメッセージ - - - メールメッセージTrl - - - ユーザメール - - - 要求更新受取人 - - - 要求タイプ更新 - - - R_CategoryUpdates - - - R_GroupUpdates - - - RV_RequestUpdates - - - RV_RequestUpdatesOnly - - - 位置 - - - 位置カテゴリ - - - 位置割当 - - - 報酬 - - - 位置の報酬 - - - 従業員報酬 - - - 代替のグループ - - - 製品操作 - - - 操作リソース - - - 部品構成表 - - - 変更通知 - - - 変更要求 - - - 部品構成表の構成要素 - - - 更新要求 - - - T_InvoiceGL - - - T_InvoiceGL - - - 製品コスト - - - 製品原価概要 - - - 製品原価の詳細 - - - 費用詳細 - - - 属性セットを除く - - - ロットを除く - - - シリアル番号を除く - - - 支払いを割り当て - - - ユーザービジネスパートナーアクセス - - - ユーザー質問 - - - M_InOutLineMA_v - - - M_MovementLineMA_v - - - 費用待ち行列 - - - 税金申告 - - - 税金申告詳細 - - - 税金申告会計 - - - 報告の階層構造 - - - 予算管理 - - - 総勘定元帳基金 - - - 基金制限 - - - 副会計 - - - メールテンプレートTrl - - - クライアントシェア - - - システム問題 - - - 請求書 製品数量 - - - 請求書 製品月 - - - 色スキーマ - - - 目標制限 - - - ベンチマーク - - - ベンチマークデータ - - - 比率 - - - 比率要素 - - - 問題推薦 - - - 問題状態 - - - 既知の問題 - - - ユーザー発行 - - - プロジェクト発行 - - - システム発行 - - - ステータスカテゴリー - - - ツリーノード CM コンテナ - - - ツリーノード CM メディア - - - ツリーノード CM ステージ - - - ツリーノード CM テンプレート - - - ツリーノード ユーザー 4 - - - ツリーノード ユーザー 3 - - - ツリーノード ユーザー 2 - - - ツリーノード ユーザー 1 - - - ウェブプロジェクト - - - テンプレート - - - ウェブコンテナ - - - 広告カテゴリ - - - メディア項目 - - - 広告 - - - メディアサーバー - - - コンテナ要素 - - - コンテナ要素 Trl - - - ウェブコンテナ Trl - - - コンテナ URL - - - ウェブコンテナステージ - - - コンテナステージ要素 - - - コンテナステージ要素 Trl - - - ウェブコンテナステージ Trl - - - ニュースチャネル - - - ニュース項目 / 記事 - - - テンプレート広告カテゴリ - - - ウェブプロジェクト ドメイン - - - チャットタイプ - - - チャットタイプ更新 - - - チャット - - - チャットエントリ - - - チャット更新 - - - テンプレートテーブル - - - Container T.Table - - - Stage T.Table - - - エンティティタイプ - - - 修正 - - - ウェブアクセスプロファイル - - - ウェブアクセス ビジネスパートナーグループ - - - ウェブアクセス役割 - - - ウェブアクセスコンテナ - - - ウェブアクセスステージ - - - ウェブアクセスメディア - - - ウェブアクセスニュースチャネル - - - メディア配置 - - - ブロードキャストサーバー - - - Web Access Log - - - 情報ウィンドウ - - - Info Window Trl - - - Info Column - - - Info Column Trl - - - Index Log - - - Index - - - Index Stop - - - Ldap Processor - - - Ldap Processor Log - - - Ldap Access - - - Wiki Token - - - AD_Package_Imp_Inst - - - AD_Package_Imp_Backup_ID - - - AD_Package_Imp_ID - - - AD_Package_Imp_Detail_ID - - - AD_Package_Exp_ID - - - AD_Package_Exp_Detail_ID - - - AD_Package_Exp_Common_ID - - - AD_Package_Imp_Proc_ID - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + テーブル + + + カラム + + + 参照 + + + AD_Ref_Table + + + リファレンスリスト + + + ウィンドウ + + + タブ + + + フィールド + + + 動的妥当性検証 + + + メッセージ + + + 言語ID + + + クライアント + + + 支払期間 + + + ユーザ/接触 + + + 連続番号 + + + メニュー + + + 作業フロー + + + OSタスク + + + メッセージTrl + + + メニューTrl + + + AD_Sequence_Audit + + + AD_Sequence_No + + + タブTrl + + + OSタスクTrl + + + タスクインスタンス + + + リファレンスTrl + + + フィールドTrl + + + ノード + + + ノードTrl + + + ノード変遷 + + + ウィンドウTrl + + + 作業フローTrl + + + テストID + + + リファレンスリストTrl + + + カレンダー + + + 交換比率 + + + 通貨 + + + 要素 + + + 期間 + + + 測定単位 + + + 組織 + + + 役割 + + + AD_User_Roles + + + アドレス + + + 非営業日 + + + 地域 + + + + + + 測定単位変換 + + + 組み合わせ + + + + + + C_BP_Customer_Acct + + + C_BP_Employee_Acct + + + C_BP_Vendor_Acct + + + + + + 会計要素 + + + 倉庫 + + + M_Warehouse_Acct + + + 好みの設定 + + + 処理アクセス + + + AD_Task_Access + + + AD_Window_Access + + + AD_Workflow_Access + + + プロジェクト + + + C_Project_Acct + + + ロケータ + + + 製品 + + + 製品カテゴリ + + + 製品購入 + + + M_Substitute + + + ドキュメントタイプ + + + 総勘定元帳カテゴリ + + + 仕訳帳 + + + 仕訳帳バッチ + + + 仕訳帳詳細 + + + AD_ClientInfo + + + 組織情報 + + + 期間コントロール + + + 販売地域 + + + M_Replenish + + + M_Storage + + + 製品価格 + + + 税金カテゴリ + + + 荷主 + + + 添付 + + + 価格リスト + + + 請求スケジュール + + + 注文 + + + 販売詳細 + + + 税金 + + + 会計スキーマ + + + C_AcctSchema_GL + + + 会計事実 + + + 予算 + + + 製品科目 + + + キャンペーン + + + チャンネル + + + システム要素 + + + システム要素Trl + + + 会計スキーマ要素 + + + プロセスインスタンス + + + AD_PInstance_Para + + + プロセス + + + プロセス引数 + + + プロセス引数Trl + + + プロセスTrl + + + ツリー + + + ツリーノード + + + ビジネスパートナー + + + パートナー住所 + + + 価格リストバージョン + + + 銀行 + + + 銀行口座 + + + パートナー銀行口座 + + + C_BP_Withholding + + + ドキュメントタイプTrl + + + 督促 + + + 会計要素Trl + + + 支払期間Trl + + + 源泉徴収 + + + 製品Trl + + + 料金 + + + 注文の税金 + + + C_AcctSchema_Default + + + 活動 + + + 請求書 + + + 出荷/受領 + + + 出荷/受領詳細 + + + 物理在庫 + + + 物理在庫詳細 + + + 在庫移動 + + + 詳細移動 + + + 生産 + + + 製造ライン + + + 製品費用 + + + 在庫取引 + + + 督促レベル + + + 督促レベルTrl + + + 請求書詳細 + + + C_InvoiceTax + + + 支払い + + + 収益認識 + + + サービスレベル + + + サービスレベル詳細 + + + 測定単位 Trl + + + 恒常在庫 + + + 挨拶 + + + 挨拶Trl + + + 税金カテゴリTrl + + + 注文の詳細 + + + レポート表示 + + + 取引合計 + + + T_Replenish + + + T_Spool + + + EDI定義 + + + EDI取引 + + + EDIログ + + + 請求日 + + + 請求月 + + + 請求製品月 + + + 請求製品週 + + + 請求仕入先月 + + + 請求週 + + + 特別なフォーム + + + 特別なフォームTrl + + + AD_Form_Access + + + エラー + + + フォーマットのインポート + + + フィールドのフォーマット + + + 部品構成表の詳細 + + + 生産計画 + + + 請求 顧客製品数量 + + + 請求 顧客仕入先数量 + + + 通知 + + + 割当詳細 + + + C_BankAccount_Acct + + + 銀行取引明細書 + + + 銀行取引明細書詳細 + + + ビジネスパートナーグループ + + + ビジネスパートナーグループ会計 + + + C_Charge_Acct + + + C_InterOrg_Acct + + + 支払いプロセッサ + + + C_Tax_Acct + + + C_Withholding_Acct + + + 製品カテゴリ会計 + + + W_Basket_ID + + + ウェブカウンタ + + + 検索 + + + システム属性 + + + AD_Attribute_Value + + + 現金仕訳帳 + + + 現金出納帳 + + + C_CashBook_Acct + + + 現金仕訳帳線 + + + 支払いバッチ処理 + + + RV_OpenItem + + + フィールドグループ + + + フィールドグループTrl + + + メールテンプレート + + + 要求 + + + 要求履歴 + + + 要求プロセッサ + + + AD_Role_OrgAccess + + + 請求書 + + + 請求詳細 + + + RV_M_Transaction + + + 支払い選択 + + + 支払い選択詳細 + + + レポートビューカラム + + + 合意 + + + 合意量 + + + 合意詳細 + + + プロジェクトサイクル + + + C_CyclePhase + + + プロジェクト詳細 + + + 合意実行 + + + 合意の詳細 + + + 達成 + + + 目標 + + + 測定 + + + 測定計算 + + + 収益認識プラン + + + 収益認識実行 + + + 営業報告 + + + レポートカラム + + + レポートカラムセット + + + レポート詳細 + + + レポート詳細セット + + + レポートソース + + + ツリーノードBP + + + ツリーノード MM + + + ツリーノード PR + + + 印刷フォーム + + + 銀行口座ドキュメント + + + AD_TreeBar + + + システムカラー + + + デスクトップ + + + デスクトップ作業台 + + + デスクトップTrl + + + 画像 + + + ユーザ定義フィールド + + + ユーザ定義タブ + + + ユーザ定義ウィンドウ + + + 作業台 + + + 作業台のウィンドウ + + + 作業台Trl + + + 現金の詳細 + + + 請求書を一致 + + + 購買注文を一致 + + + ルート設定の要求 + + + 割り引きスキーマ + + + 割り引きスキーマ中断 + + + 割り引き価格リスト + + + T_InventoryValue + + + 製品費用 + + + リソースタイプ + + + 費用タイプ + + + リソース使用不能 + + + リソース課題 + + + 経費報告書 + + + リソース + + + 費用詳細 + + + 印刷フォーマット項目 + + + 印刷色 + + + 印刷フォント + + + 印刷紙 + + + 印刷フォーマット + + + C_Invoice_LineTax_v + + + 注文ヘッダー印刷 + + + 注文税金詳細印刷 + + + C_PaySelection_Check_v + + + C_PaySelection_Remittance_v + + + 出荷/受領 ヘッダー + + + 出荷/受領 詳細 + + + C_Invoice_Header_v + + + ビジネスパートナー + + + グラフ + + + 印刷フォーマット項目Trl + + + 印刷テーブルフォーマット + + + 督促実行詳細 + + + 支払い選択チェック + + + 督促実行 + + + 督促実行エントリ + + + R_ContactInterest + + + 要求タイプ + + + 関心区域 + + + システム + + + 製品インポート + + + ビジネスパートナーのインポート + + + 勘定科目のインポート + + + レポート詳細セットのインポート + + + 実務講習 + + + トレーニング + + + 資産 + + + 資産廃棄 + + + 資産配送 + + + 資産グループ + + + T_Report + + + T_ReportStatement + + + 税金Trl + + + Fact_Acct_Balance + + + 支払いスケジュール + + + バスケット詳細 + + + ウェブクリック + + + 請求書支払いスケジュール + + + カウンタヒット数 + + + クリック数 + + + Payment_v + + + シリアルナンバー制御 + + + ロット制御 + + + ロット + + + 属性値 + + + 属性セットインスタンス + + + 属性セット + + + M_AttributeInstance + + + 属性 + + + M_AttributeUse + + + 属性検索 + + + AD_Table_Access + + + セッション + + + AD_Record_Access + + + 印刷ラベル詳細Trl + + + 印刷ラベル詳細 + + + 印刷ラベル + + + AD_Column_Access + + + 在庫インポート + + + 再帰実行 + + + 再帰 + + + プロジェクトタイプ + + + プロジェクトフェーズ + + + 標準のフェーズ + + + AD_PInstance_Log + + + 広告 + + + 変更ログ + + + 時間タイプ + + + 標準タスク + + + プロジェクトタスク + + + 組織割当 + + + 費用タイプ + + + サイクルステップ + + + 注文のインポート + + + アラートの受け取り者 + + + アラートルール + + + アラート + + + 貨物カテゴリ + + + 貨物 + + + 支払いのインポート + + + 請求書のインポート + + + 総勘定元帳仕訳帳のインポート + + + 銀行取引明細書のインポート + + + テーブル複製 + + + 複製戦略 + + + 複製走行 + + + 複製ログ + + + 複製 + + + 知識タイプ + + + 知識話題 + + + 知識同義語 + + + 知識ソース + + + 関連エントリー + + + K_EntryCategory + + + エントリー + + + エントリーコメント + + + カテゴリ値 + + + 知識カテゴリ + + + 国Trl + + + 通貨Trl + + + C_Project_Header_v + + + C_Project_Details_v + + + プロジェクトサイクル + + + 資産配送 + + + 資産顧客 + + + プロジェクト問題 + + + ラベルプリンタ機能 + + + システム登録 + + + ラベルプリンタ + + + AD_Private_Access + + + プロジェクト詳細発行 + + + RV_Transaction + + + 倉庫格納 + + + T_Aging + + + 製品ビジネスパートナー + + + 未処理クリック + + + 月クリック数 + + + 未投稿 + + + M_TransactionAllocation + + + 通貨タイプ + + + C_Currency_Acct + + + 倉庫価格 + + + 銀行取引明細書ローダー + + + 交換比率のインポート + + + ユーザ代用品 + + + 作業フローノード引数 + + + 作業フロー活動 + + + 作業フロープロセス + + + 責任作業フロー + + + 作業フローブロック + + + 作業フロープロセスデータ + + + 作業フローイベント監査 + + + 作業フロー活動結果 + + + 登録 + + + 登録属性 + + + A_RegistrationValue + + + 請求税金 + + + 事実会計期間 + + + 事実会計日 + + + 会計事実ビュー + + + 銀行取引明細書一致方法 + + + プロセッサログを要求 + + + RMA詳細 + + + RMA + + + 製品関連 + + + パッケージ詳細 + + + パッケージ + + + 発送先リスト詳細 + + + 発送先リスト + + + 購読配送 + + + 購読タイプ + + + 購読 + + + RfQ加入者 + + + RfQ話題 + + + RfQ応答詳細注文数 + + + RfQ応答詳細 + + + RfQ応答 + + + RfQ詳細量 + + + RfQ詳細 + + + RfQ + + + パートナー関連 + + + 話題 + + + 売り手基金 + + + B_Seller + + + 申し出 + + + 買い手基金 + + + B_Buyer + + + 付け値コメント + + + 付け値 + + + スケジューラログ + + + スケジューラ + + + 組織タイプ + + + 話題タイプ + + + トピックカテゴリ + + + 会計プロセッサログ + + + 会計プロセッサ + + + 作業フロープロセッサログ + + + 作業フロープロセッサ + + + AD_Scheduler_Para + + + アラートプロセッサログ + + + アラートプロセッサ + + + 税金zip + + + 要求 + + + 要求詳細 + + + スケジューラ受取者 + + + 添付注意 + + + 変遷状態 + + + 総勘定元帳配送詳細 + + + 総勘定元帳配送 + + + RfQ未回答 + + + RfQ応答 + + + 要求 + + + 配送実行 + + + 配送実行詳細 + + + T_DistributionRunDetail + + + 登録製品 + + + 資産合計月 + + + アクセスログ + + + カウンタドキュメント + + + 需要詳細 + + + 予測 + + + 要求の詳細 + + + 予測詳細 + + + 要求 + + + C_RfQResponseLine_v + + + C_RfQResponse_v + + + C_RfQResponseLineQty_v + + + 出荷/受領の確認 + + + 出荷/受領の確認詳細 + + + RMAタイプ + + + RV_InOutConfirm + + + RV_InOutLineConfirm + + + M_InOut_LineConfirm + + + M_InOutConfirm + + + 割当 + + + 割当 + + + 移動詳細確認 + + + 移動確認 + + + RV_PrintFormatDetail + + + 出荷/受領の確認インポート詳細 + + + C_Dunning_Header_v + + + C_Dunning_Line_v + + + SLA測定 + + + SLA評価基準 + + + SLA目標 + + + テーブルTrl + + + RfQトピック購読者制限 + + + POS端末 + + + POSのキーレイアウト + + + POSキー + + + RV_InOutDetails + + + カラムTrl + + + 試算表 + + + アーカイブ + + + 支払い + + + RV_BPartnerOpen + + + RV_CommissionRunDetail + + + T_Transaction + + + 陸揚げ費用 + + + 陸揚げ費用配分 + + + C_ProjectIssueMA + + + M_InOutLineMA + + + M_InventoryLineMA + + + M_MovementLineMA + + + 生産ライン MA + + + M_Transaction_v + + + 請求書バッチ処理 + + + 請求書バッチ処理詳細 + + + AD_User_OrgAccess + + + 原価要素 + + + 製品原価 + + + カテゴリ + + + グループ + + + 解決 + + + 標準の応答 + + + 状態 + + + 製品ダウンロード + + + ウェブストア + + + ウェブストアTrl + + + メールメッセージ + + + メールメッセージTrl + + + ユーザメール + + + 要求更新受取人 + + + 要求タイプ更新 + + + R_CategoryUpdates + + + R_GroupUpdates + + + RV_RequestUpdates + + + RV_RequestUpdatesOnly + + + 位置 + + + 位置カテゴリ + + + 位置割当 + + + 報酬 + + + 位置の報酬 + + + 従業員報酬 + + + 代替のグループ + + + 製品操作 + + + 操作リソース + + + 部品構成表 + + + 変更通知 + + + 変更要求 + + + 部品構成表の構成要素 + + + 更新要求 + + + T_InvoiceGL + + + T_InvoiceGL + + + 製品コスト + + + 製品原価概要 + + + 製品原価の詳細 + + + 費用詳細 + + + 属性セットを除く + + + ロットを除く + + + シリアル番号を除く + + + 支払いを割り当て + + + ユーザービジネスパートナーアクセス + + + ユーザー質問 + + + M_InOutLineMA_v + + + M_MovementLineMA_v + + + 費用待ち行列 + + + 税金申告 + + + 税金申告詳細 + + + 税金申告会計 + + + 報告の階層構造 + + + 予算管理 + + + 総勘定元帳基金 + + + 基金制限 + + + 副会計 + + + メールテンプレートTrl + + + クライアントシェア + + + システム問題 + + + 請求書 製品数量 + + + 請求書 製品月 + + + 色スキーマ + + + 目標制限 + + + ベンチマーク + + + ベンチマークデータ + + + 比率 + + + 比率要素 + + + 問題推薦 + + + 問題状態 + + + 既知の問題 + + + ユーザー発行 + + + プロジェクト発行 + + + システム発行 + + + ステータスカテゴリー + + + ツリーノード CM コンテナ + + + ツリーノード CM メディア + + + ツリーノード CM ステージ + + + ツリーノード CM テンプレート + + + ツリーノード ユーザー 4 + + + ツリーノード ユーザー 3 + + + ツリーノード ユーザー 2 + + + ツリーノード ユーザー 1 + + + ウェブプロジェクト + + + テンプレート + + + ウェブコンテナ + + + 広告カテゴリ + + + メディア項目 + + + 広告 + + + メディアサーバー + + + コンテナ要素 + + + コンテナ要素 Trl + + + ウェブコンテナ Trl + + + コンテナ URL + + + ウェブコンテナステージ + + + コンテナステージ要素 + + + コンテナステージ要素 Trl + + + ウェブコンテナステージ Trl + + + ニュースチャネル + + + ニュース項目 / 記事 + + + テンプレート広告カテゴリ + + + ウェブプロジェクト ドメイン + + + チャットタイプ + + + チャットタイプ更新 + + + チャット + + + チャットエントリ + + + チャット更新 + + + テンプレートテーブル + + + Container T.Table + + + Stage T.Table + + + エンティティタイプ + + + 修正 + + + ウェブアクセスプロファイル + + + ウェブアクセス ビジネスパートナーグループ + + + ウェブアクセス役割 + + + ウェブアクセスコンテナ + + + ウェブアクセスステージ + + + ウェブアクセスメディア + + + ウェブアクセスニュースチャネル + + + メディア配置 + + + ブロードキャストサーバー + + + Web Access Log + + + 情報ウィンドウ + + + Info Window Trl + + + Info Column + + + Info Column Trl + + + Index Log + + + Index + + + Index Stop + + + Ldap Processor + + + Ldap Processor Log + + + Ldap Access + + + Wiki Token + + + AD_Package_Imp_Inst + + + AD_Package_Imp_Backup_ID + + + AD_Package_Imp_ID + + + AD_Package_Imp_Detail_ID + + + AD_Package_Exp_ID + + + AD_Package_Exp_Detail_ID + + + AD_Package_Exp_Common_ID + + + AD_Package_Imp_Proc_ID + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/AD_Task_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/AD_Task_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 23879fb706..6fffdb9dca 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/AD_Task_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/AD_Task_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ - - - - - - Javaバージョン - デフォルトのJavaバーチャルマシーンのバージョンを表示します。 - アプリケーションで使用されるjavaバージョンは異なっている可能性があります。 - - - データベースエクスポート - データベースをエクスポート(保存)します。 - サーバからこのコマンドを実行してください。 - - - データベース転送 - データベースを転送します。 - サーバからこのコマンドを実行してください。 - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + Javaバージョン + デフォルトのJavaバーチャルマシーンのバージョンを表示します。 + アプリケーションで使用されるjavaバージョンは異なっている可能性があります。 + + + データベースエクスポート + データベースをエクスポート(保存)します。 + サーバからこのコマンドを実行してください。 + + + データベース転送 + データベースを転送します。 + サーバからこのコマンドを実行してください。 + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/AD_WF_Node_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/AD_WF_Node_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 70e0f57620..2cf074adc8 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/AD_WF_Node_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/AD_WF_Node_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,75 +1,75 @@ - - - - - - 会計スキーマ - 会計セグメントとしてのプロジェクトです。 - プロジェクトごとの会計報告を可能にするために、会計要素にプロジェクトセグメントを作成してください。 - - - システム要素 - システム要素を翻訳します。 - システム要素は、中央のラベル、説明、ヘルプの定義で使用されます。要素を翻訳すると、対応するウィンドウ内のフィールド、パラメータ、レポートは翻訳(上書き)されます。 - - - メッセージ - メッセージを翻訳します。 - ウィンドウ、フォーム、およびプロセスで使用されるメッセージを翻訳します。 - - - リファレンス - リファレンスを翻訳します。 - リファレンスは選択可能なリストとして使用されています。リストエレメントだけを翻訳してください! - - - ウィンドウ& タブ - ウィンドウとタブを翻訳します。 - 名前、説明、およびヘルプをウィンドウとタブのために翻訳します。中央でメンテナンスされるなら、フィールドの大部分は既に翻訳されています。 - - - フォーム - フォームを翻訳します。 - フォームは特別なウィンドウです。フォームの名前、説明、およびヘルプを翻訳する必要があります。 - - - レポート & プロセス - レポートとプロセスを翻訳します。 - 名前、説明、およびヘルプをレポートとプロセスのために翻訳してください。集中的にメンテナンスされるなら、パラメータを翻訳する必要はありません。 - - - ユーザ - ユーザとして営業担当を定義します。 - ユーザーは1つ以上の役割で、システムにログイン、アクセスすることができます。セットアップするビジネスパートナーを選択してください。これにより、ユーザーはシステム内で営業担当として扱われます。 - - - ビジネスパートナー - ビジネスパートナーとして販売担当をセットアップします。 - 従業員としての営業担当と従業員タブ内の営業担当をセットアップします。支払いを作成したい場合は、仕入先の部分もセットアップしてください。 - - - 作業フロー - 作業フローを翻訳します。 - 作業フローと作業フローノードの名前、説明、およびヘルプを翻訳します。リストエレメントのみを翻訳してください! - - - クライアントセットアップをチェック - 要求にしたがってクライアントセットアップをチェックします。 - リクエストの確認のためにはメールアドレスを持っている必要があります。また、メールユーザとパスワードをすれば、リクエストをメールユーザフォルダーから読んだり、システムにインポートできます。 - - - ユーザをチェック - 要求処理がないかどうかユーザをチェックします。 - ユーザがEメールアドレスと監督者を割り当てられていることを確認にしてください。 - - - ビジネスパートナーをチェック - 要求処理がないかどうかビジネスパートナーをチェックします。 - ビジネスパートナーにメールを送ることができます。ビジネスパートナーと送信者がEメールアドレスを持っていなければなりません。 - - - 完了した要求を確認 - 手動操作のテストケースです。 - 材料要求を入力、メンテナンスします。 - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + 会計スキーマ + 会計セグメントとしてのプロジェクトです。 + プロジェクトごとの会計報告を可能にするために、会計要素にプロジェクトセグメントを作成してください。 + + + システム要素 + システム要素を翻訳します。 + システム要素は、中央のラベル、説明、ヘルプの定義で使用されます。要素を翻訳すると、対応するウィンドウ内のフィールド、パラメータ、レポートは翻訳(上書き)されます。 + + + メッセージ + メッセージを翻訳します。 + ウィンドウ、フォーム、およびプロセスで使用されるメッセージを翻訳します。 + + + リファレンス + リファレンスを翻訳します。 + リファレンスは選択可能なリストとして使用されています。リストエレメントだけを翻訳してください! + + + ウィンドウ& タブ + ウィンドウとタブを翻訳します。 + 名前、説明、およびヘルプをウィンドウとタブのために翻訳します。中央でメンテナンスされるなら、フィールドの大部分は既に翻訳されています。 + + + フォーム + フォームを翻訳します。 + フォームは特別なウィンドウです。フォームの名前、説明、およびヘルプを翻訳する必要があります。 + + + レポート & プロセス + レポートとプロセスを翻訳します。 + 名前、説明、およびヘルプをレポートとプロセスのために翻訳してください。集中的にメンテナンスされるなら、パラメータを翻訳する必要はありません。 + + + ユーザ + ユーザとして営業担当を定義します。 + ユーザーは1つ以上の役割で、システムにログイン、アクセスすることができます。セットアップするビジネスパートナーを選択してください。これにより、ユーザーはシステム内で営業担当として扱われます。 + + + ビジネスパートナー + ビジネスパートナーとして販売担当をセットアップします。 + 従業員としての営業担当と従業員タブ内の営業担当をセットアップします。支払いを作成したい場合は、仕入先の部分もセットアップしてください。 + + + 作業フロー + 作業フローを翻訳します。 + 作業フローと作業フローノードの名前、説明、およびヘルプを翻訳します。リストエレメントのみを翻訳してください! + + + クライアントセットアップをチェック + 要求にしたがってクライアントセットアップをチェックします。 + リクエストの確認のためにはメールアドレスを持っている必要があります。また、メールユーザとパスワードをすれば、リクエストをメールユーザフォルダーから読んだり、システムにインポートできます。 + + + ユーザをチェック + 要求処理がないかどうかユーザをチェックします。 + ユーザがEメールアドレスと監督者を割り当てられていることを確認にしてください。 + + + ビジネスパートナーをチェック + 要求処理がないかどうかビジネスパートナーをチェックします。 + ビジネスパートナーにメールを送ることができます。ビジネスパートナーと送信者がEメールアドレスを持っていなければなりません。 + + + 完了した要求を確認 + 手動操作のテストケースです。 + 材料要求を入力、メンテナンスします。 + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/AD_Window_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/AD_Window_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 6d3a66f726..6dd7100783 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/AD_Window_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/AD_Window_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,1364 +1,1381 @@ - - - - - - テーブルとカラム - テーブルとカラムをメンテナンスします。 - テーブルとカラムウィンドウは、すべてのテーブルとテーブル内のカラムを定義します。 - - - 参照 - システム参照をメンテナンスします。 - 参照ウィンドウは、フィールド/画面タイプと妥当性を定義します。このウィンドウはシステム管理者だけが使用します。 - - - ウィンドウ、タブ & フィールド - ウィンドウ、タブ & フィールドをメンテナンスします。 - ウィンドウ、タブ & フィールドウィンドウは、各ウィンドウ内でのテーブルとカラムの表示方法を定義します。 - - - 妥当性検証ルール - カラムとフィールドのための動的な妥当性検証ルールをメンテナンスします。 - 妥当性検証ルールウィンドウは、カラムとフィールドを入力、メンテナンスするとき使用されるすべての動的なルールを定義します。このウィンドウはシステム管理者だけが使用します。 - - - メッセージ - 情報とエラーメッセージをメンテナンスします。 - メッセージウィンドウは、システムが生成した各メッセージのために、メッセージの文字と簡単な説明を定義します。このウィンドウはシステム管理者だけが使用します。 - - - メニュー - メニューをメンテナンスします。 - メニューウィンドウは、表示されるメニューを定義します。このウィンドウはシステム管理者だけが使用します。各ユーザーが見るメニュー項目は定義されたセキュリティで決定されます。 - - - 言語 - 言語をメンテナンスします。 - 言語ウィンドウは、複数の言語を定義することが出来ます。これは、ユーザーが同じデータにアクセスしても異なった言語で画面を表示することが出来ます。 もし言語がシステム言語なら、ユーザーインターフェイスをその言語にすることが出来ます。そうでなければ印刷のときにだけ使えます。 言語コードは、Javaの慣習コードを使うことをお勧めします。(例 fr_CN - Canadian French, ja_JP - 日本語) 足りない翻訳レコードを確認してください。この処理は新しい言語レコードを作成してから実行してください。 - - - 組み合わされた請求書 - 組み合わされた請求書を表示します。 - 材料への組み合わされた請求書詳細を表示します。 - - - ユーザー - システムのユーザーをメンテナンスします。 - ユーザーウィンドウは、システム上のユーザーをメンテナンスします。ユーザーはシステムの各機能にアクセスする権限を役割として与えられます。ユーザーはビジネスパートナーとしてレコードに登録することも出来ます。 - - - クライアント - クライアント/テナントをメンテナンスします。 - クライアントは最上位のレベルの独立した経済主体です。それぞれのクライアントは、複数の組織を持っていて、会計パラメータを定義します。(会計スキーマ、ツリー定義、必須でない測定単位) 新しいクライアントを作成するには、クライアントセットアップをシステム管理者として実行してください。 このウィンドウでは新しいクライアントを作成しないでください。セキュリティとアクセスルールのため「初期クライアントセットアップ」を使ってください。ここで新しいクライアントを作成すると必要な情報が設定されず表示することが出来ません。 - - - 組織 - 組織をメンテナンスします。 - 組織ウィンドウは、組織実体を定義して、メンテナンスします。組織は、文書と取引が分類処理される法人またはサブユニットです。 - - - 役割 - ユーザーの権限をメンテナンスします。 - 役割ウィンドウは、このシステムのユーザーが持っている異なった役割を定義します。役割はウィンドウ、タスク、レポートなどへのアクセスを制御します。クライアントに関しては、管理者とユーザーの役割は事前に定義されます。特定の機能またはデータへアクセス出来るようにするために役割を加えることができます。役割にはユーザーを加えることができます。このアクセス情報はキャッシュされます。設定を有効にするには再ログインかリセットを必要とします。 - - - ドキュメント連続番号 - システムとドキュメント連続番号をメンテナンスします。 - ドキュメント連続番号ウィンドウは、どのようにドキュメント番号の連続性を定義します。 ドキュメント番号の生成を変更してください。接頭辞または接尾辞を追加や開始番号の変更が出来ます。 - - - 作業フロー - 作業フローをメンテナンスします。 - 作業フローウィンドウは、システム内の作業フローを定義して、アクセスレベル、ノード、ステップを設定します。。 - - - タスク - タスクをメンテナンスします。 - タスクウィンドウは、タスクのために作業フローに使用される異なったタスクとアクセスレベルを定義します。 - - - 通貨 - 通貨をメンテナンスします。 - 通貨ウィンドウは、ドキュメントかレポートに使用されるすべての通貨を定義します。システムレベルで利用されている通貨を定義して、統計的な利用のためだけにクライアントレベルで通貨を加えください。(例えば、不安定通貨のため) - - - 通貨レート - 通貨交換比率をメンテナンスします。 - 通貨レートウィンドウは、1個の通貨から別の通貨へドキュメント量を変換するとき使用される交換比率を定義します。使用されるレートは掛け算だけにしてください。割り算は表示の目的のみです。 - - - 暦年と期間 - 暦年と期間をメンテナンスします。 - 暦年と期間ウィンドウは期間の管理とレポートに使用されるカレンダーを定義します。また、標準的でないカレンダー(例えば、7月から開始して6月までのカレンダー)を定義することもできます。 - - - 会計要素 - 会計要素をメンテナンスします。 - 会計要素ウィンドウは、会計要素とユーザー定義要素を定義して、メンテナンスするために使用されます。 会計セグメントのひとつは標準のセグメントです。(会計チャート) 並列で会計報告を作成するために別の会計セグメントを作成することが出来ます。 - - - 測定単位 - 測定単位をメンテナンスします。 - 測定単位ウィンドウは、金額ではない測定単位を定義するために使用されます。また、測定の単位の間の変換が許されるかどうかや、どのように処理されるかも定義します。変換方法が明示的に定義されないなら、システムはいくつかの自動変換を提供します。(例えば、分、時間、日、営業日など) 変換は、直接である必要があります(つまり、A-Bの変換とB-Cの変換があっても、システムはA-Cを変換することが出来ないので、明示的に、A-Cを定義する必要があります)。 - - - 住所 - 住所をメンテナンスします。 - 住所ウィンドウは、システム内で住所データを定義します。このウィンドウはシステム管理者専用です。ユーザーは、住所のボタンか、または適切なウィンドウ上のタブを使用することで、住所のエントリーにアクセスします。(例:受注エントリー、ビジネスパートナー) - - - 都道府県と市 - 都道府県と市をメンテナンスします。 - 都道府県と市ウィンドウは、どんな住所フィールドでも使用できる異なった実体を定義します。このウィンドウは、国と都道府県の関連付けとともに、住所のフォーマットも定義します。 <p>通常はシステムレベルだけで国を定義します。 - - - ビジネスパートナー - ビジネスパートナーをメンテナンスします。 - ビジネスパートナーウィンドウは、商取引を行うすべての経済主体を定義します。これは顧客、仕入先、および従業員を含んでいます。製品の入力やインポートをする前に、仕入先を定義しなければなりません。受注を生成する前に、顧客を定義しなければなりません。このウィンドウは、ビジネスパートナーに関するすべての情報を保持します。そして、入力された値は、すべてのドキュメント取引を生成するために使用されます。 - - - 会計スキーマ - 会計スキーマをメンテナンスします。--変更を有効にするには再ログインする必要があります。 - 会計スキーマウィンドウは、会計構造を構成する会計手法と要素を定義します。ビジネスパートナー、製品、住所などのために、詳細な会計要素を作成、有効化してください。 総勘定元帳とデフォルトの勘定科目を見直し、変更できます。取引で使われる実際の勘定科目は、実行する組織によって異なります。ほとんどの情報は、処理の流れによって提供されます。 - - - テスト - テストスクリーン - - - - 添付 - 添付をメンテナンスします。 - システム保守のためだけに使われます。添付のメンテナンスウィンドウは、添付の属性を表示するために診断目的で使用されます。 - - - 設定 - システムクライアント組織とユーザー設定をメンテナンスします。 - システム管理者専用です。 - - - プロジェクト(サービス) - サービスプロジェクトをメンテナンスします。 - プロジェクトウィンドウは、ドキュメントで利用されるプロジェクトを定義するのに使用されます。 - - - 総勘定元帳カテゴリ - 総勘定元帳カテゴリをメンテナンスします。 - 総勘定元帳カテゴリウィンドウは、仕訳帳で使用するためにカテゴリを定義します。これらのカテゴリは任意に分類する方法を提供します。また、仕訳帳での報告にも使われます。 - - - 総勘定元帳 - 手動で仕訳帳に入力、変更が出来ます。 - 総勘定元帳ウィンドウは、手動の仕訳記入を入力、変更することが出来ます。 - - - 活動(ABC) - 活動基準原価計算のための活動をメンテナンスします。 - 活動基準原価計算(Activity Based Costing)ウィンドウは、コストを計算したい異なった活動を定義します。 - - - ドキュメントタイプ - ドキュメントタイプをメンテナンスします。 - ドキュメントタイプウィンドウは、システムで使用されるためのすべてのドキュメントを定義します。それぞれのドキュメントタイプは、それぞれのドキュメントの処理の基礎を提供します。印刷される名前、ドキュメント連続番号を提供します。 - - - 課税率 - 税と課税率をメンテナンスします。 - 課税率ウィンドウは、それぞれの税金カテゴリに使用される異なった税金を定義します。例えば、各州の消費税を定義します。 - - - 税金カテゴリ - 税金カテゴリをメンテナンスします。 - 税金カテゴリウィンドウは、税金カテゴリの入力、メンテナンスするために使用されます。それぞれの製品は、課税率の変更を容易にする税金カテゴリに関連付けられます。 - - - 倉庫と住所 - 倉庫と住所をメンテナンスします。 - 倉庫と住所ウィンドウは、倉庫内の在庫や会計パラメータで使用される倉庫と住所を定義します。 - - - 製品 - 製品をメンテナンスします。 - 製品ウィンドウは、組織によって使用されるすべての製品を定義します。これらの製品は、顧客に販売されたもの、製品を製造するために使われたもの、購入したものを含んでいます。 - - - 支払期間 - 支払期間をメンテナンスします。 - 支払期間ウィンドウは、顧客へ提示した、または仕入先から提示された、異なった支払い期間を定義します。各請求書は支払期間を含まなければなりません。標準の請求書では、支払期間の名前とドキュメントのメモは印刷されます。 - - - 荷主 - 荷主をメンテナンスします。 - 荷主ウィンドウは、組織によって使用される、異なった発送方法を定義します。荷主の発送方法が受注で使用されるとき、事前に定義された荷主を選択しなければなりません。 - - - 受注 - 販売注文を入力、変更してください。 - 受注ウィンドウは、受注情報の入力、変更が出来ます。 - - - 製品カテゴリ - 製品カテゴリをメンテナンスします。 - 製品カテゴリは、製品の異なったグループを定義します。価格リストの生成、利幅の定義、簡単に異なった会計パラメータの割当を行うためなどに、これらのグループを使用することができます。 - - - 価格リスト - 製品価格リストをメンテナンスします。 - 価格リストウィンドウは、ビジネスパートナーのための製品価格リストを生成します。価格リストは通貨と税金処理を決定します。価格リストバージョンは、異なった日付範囲のために平行したメンテナンスを可能にします。最新の価格リストバージョンは、ドキュメント日付に基づいて使用されます。 <BR> -すべての価格リストには、3つの価格があります: リスト価格、標準価格、および限度価格です。 <BR> -最初のステップは、基本価格リストの作成です。手動で製品を加えて、手動で価格を入れるか、または自動で価格を作成することができます。基本価格リストは、リスト価格(公式小売価格)付きの購入価格であることがよくあり、標準価格(購入価格)です。限度価格は、割引やリベート後の最終購入価格をチェックするために使うことが出来ます。 <BR> 価格リストは、計算やコピーが出来ます。計算を速くするために、パラメータは保管されて、新しい価格リストバージョンを作成するときに使われます。 - - - 請求書スケジュール - 請求スケジュールをメンテナンスします。 - 請求書スケジュールウィンドウは、概要請求書を作るために、頻度と締め切り日付を定義します。顧客が複数の出荷のために一つの請求書を必要とするなら、適切な請求書スケジュールを定義して、それを顧客に関連づけてください。 - - -販売活動 -Maintain Marketing Campaigns -The Marketing Campaign Window defines the start and end date for a campaign. It also gives a running balance of the invoice amounts which referred to this campaign. - - -販売経路 -Maintain Marketing Channels -The Marketing Channel Window defines the different channels used in Marketing Campaigns - - -要素 -Maintain System Elements -The System Element Window is the Central Repository for Field Names Descriptions and Help/Comments - - -販売領域 -Maintain Sales Regions -The Sales Region Window defines the different regions where you do business. You can generate reports based on Sales Regions - - -アカウント組み合わせ -Maintain Valid Account Combinations -The Account Combination Window defines and displays valid account combinations. - - -総勘定元帳 -Maintain General Ledger Budgets - - - -銀行 -Maintain Bank -The Bank Window is used to define the banks and accounts associated with an organization or business partner - - -督促 -Maintain Dunning Levels -The Dunning Window defines the parameters that will be used when generating Dunning Letters. Each customer can be associated with a Dunning Code. - - -源泉徴収(1099) -Maintain Withholding Certificates -The Withholding Window defines the rule used for calculating withholding amounts. - - -料金 -Maintain Charges -The Charges Window defines the different charges that may be incurred. These can include Bank Charges, Vendor Charges and Handling Charges. - - -会計事実の詳細 -Query Accounting Facts -Query the detail accounting transactions - - -ツリー -Maintain Tree definition -The Tree Window defines the descriptors and images that will be used when a Tree is displayed. - - -レポートとプロセス -Maintain Reports & Processes -The Report & Process Window is used to define the parameters and access rules for every Report and Process within the system. This window is for System Admin use only. - - -請求書(顧客) -Customer Invoice Entry -The Customer Invoice Window allows you to display and enter invoices for a customer. Invoices can also be generated from Sales Orders or Delivery documents. - - -物理在庫 -Enter Physical Inventory -The Physical Inventory Window allows you to generate inventory count lists. These counts can then be processed which will update the actual inventory with the new counts. Normally you would create inventory count lines automaticelly. If you create them manually, make sure that the book value is correct. - - -出荷(顧客) -Customer Inventory Shipments Customer Returns -The Shipment Window defines shipments made or to be made to a customer. They are generated from an Customer Order. The Shipment Document will generate the Customer Invoice. - - -在庫移動 -Inventory Move -The Inventory Move Window allows you to move inventory from one location or warehouse to another. After the appropriate lines are entered selecting the 'Process Movements' button will adjust the inventory. - - -ビジネスパートナーのインポート -Import Business Partner -The Import Business Partner Window is an interim table which is used when importing external data into the system. Selecting the 'Process' button will either add or modify the appropriate records. - - -収益認識 -Revenue Recognition Rules -The Revenue Recognition Window defines the intervals at which revenue will be recognized. Alternatively, the revenue recognition may be linked to service levels provided. - - -恒常在庫 -Maintain Perpetual Inventory Rules -The Perpetual Inventory defines the rules to be applied when generating Physical Inventory counts. - - -仕入先の詳細 -Maintain Vendor Details -The Vendor Details Window allows you to display and maintain all products for a selected Vendor. - - -敬称 -Maintain Greetings -The Greeting Window defines a greeting that is then associated with a Business Partner or Business Partner Contact. - - -レポートビュー -Maintain Report Views -The Report View Window defines the views used when generating reports. This window is for System Admin use only. - - -発注書 -Manage Purchase Orders -The Purchase Order Window defines a purchase order for an organization. When a Purchase Order has been entered you can generate a Shipment Document or Invoice from this Purchase Order - - -請求書(仕入先) -Vendor Invoice Entry -The Vendor Invoice Window allows you to display and enter Invoices from a Vendor. Vendor Invoices can also be generated from Purchase Orders or Delivery Receipts. - - -材料領収書 -Vendor Shipments (Receipts) -The Vendor Shipment Window defines the receipt of product or material from a Vendor. The Shipment may be manually entered or may be generated from a Purchase Order or Vendor Invoice. - - -EDI定義 -Maintain EDI Definition -The EDI Definition Window defines the parameters to be used when processing EDI Transactions - - -EDI取引 -Transaccion de EDI -Define transacciones de EDI - - -フォーム -Special Forms -The Forms Window defines any window which is not automatically generated. For System Admin use only. - - -エラーメッセージ -Display Error Messages -The Error Message Window displays all error messages generated. This is for System Admin use only. The records must be manually deleted. - - -インポートローダー形式 -Maintain Import Loader Formats -The Import Loader Format Window is used for defining the file layout for product information which will be imported. - - -生産 -Production based on Bill of Materials -The Production Window defines those plan and inventory movements that occur when a product is created from a bill of materials - - -ビジネスパートナーグループ -Maintain Business Partner Groups -The Business Partner Group window allows you to define the accounting parameters at a group level. If you define the accounting parameters for a group any Business Partner entered using this group will have these accounting parameters automatically populated. You can then make any modifications necessary at the Business Partner level. - - -通知 -View System Notices -The system creates messages while performing processes. In this window you can view them. - - -銀行取引明細書 -Process Bank Statements -The Process Bank Statements window allows you to reconcile your Bank Statements. You can either enter the line items from the statement in the Statement Line tab or select the 'Create From' button to automatically generate the statement from all unreconciled payments to this bank account. Once you have completed reconciling, select the 'Process Statement' button to mark the payments as reconciled and update the appropriate GL accounts. - - -支払い -Process Payments and Receipts -The Process Payments Window allows you to enter payments and reaipts for invoices. If the payment is for a single invoice then it can be processed here. If it is for multiple invoices or is a partial payment then it should be processed in the Payment Allocation Window. - - -カスタム属性 -Maintain custom entity attributes -This is a System only Window. Customer Attributes allow the entry of additional information to an entity. - - -現金出納帳 -Maintain Cashbook -The Cashbook Window defines the bank and account against which cash transactions will be processed. - - -現金仕訳帳 -Cash transactions -The Cash Journal Window is used to record disbursements from and receipts to Petty Cash - - -フィールドグループ -Define Field Group -The Field Group Window allows you to define subsections in a tab. For System Admin use only. - - -要求 -Work on your requests -The Request Window is used to define and track any request assigned to you. - - -要求プロセッサ -Define Request Processors -The Request Processor Window allows you to define different processes that you want to occur and the frequency and timing of these processes A Request Processor can be just for a specific Request Type or for all. - - -メールテンプレート -Maintain Mail Template -Mail templates can contain variables of the user, business partner or a general object. The priority of parsing is User/Contact, Business Partner and then the underlying business object (like Request, Dunning, Workflow object).<br> -So, @Name@ would resolve into the User name (if user is defined defined), then Business Partner name (if business partner is defined) and then the Name of the business object if it has a Name.<br> -For Multi-Lingual systems, the template is translated based on the Business Partner's language selection. - - -ビュー割当 -View and Reverse Allocations -The Reverse Allocation Window allows you to view and reverse a payment allocation - - -支払い選択 -Select Invoices for Payment -The Payment Selection Window allows you to select and process the invoices you want to pay. -(a) You can create a Payment Selection and select the invoices manually or generate the suggestions based on criteria. You can change the amount to be paid or delete invoices, you do not want to pay. - -(b) If you are happy with the Payment Selection, you create the payments. - -(c) You print or export your payments in the Window Payment Print/Export - - -手数料 -Maintain Commissions and Royalties -Define how and when you want the commissions to be calculated and to whom to pay it. -The Commissions Window allows you define how commissions and royalties will be paid. You can pay multiple commissions for the same order or invoice (e.g. to the person entering the transaction, to the person responsible for sale of the product (category) and or business partner (group). - - -プロジェクト報告 -Maintain Project Reporting Cycles -The Project Cycle Window defines the steps associated with a specific Project. -You may want to define several Project cycles to differentiate the different types of projects. Project cycles may use all or a subset of the used Project Status (e.g. Your opportunity project cycle may include the steps from prospect to contract - the service cycle may include steps from installation to customer acceptance. - - -手数料実行 -Check and modify Commissions -The Commission Run Window displays the results of processing commissions. When the Generate Commission process is selected from the Commissions Window, the results are displayed here. If the result is satisfactory, generate an AP invoice to pay the commission. - - -成績目標 -Define Performance Goals -The Performance Goal Window allows you to define performance goals or all, a role or a user - - -成績測定計算 -Define how you calculate your performance measures -The Performance Measure Calculation defines how performance measures will be calculated. -The sql needs to return a single value. Please check examples.<br> -The date trestriction is defined in the Goal. -Any restrictions for Organizations, Business Partners, Products, etc. are as Performance Goal Restrictions. - - -成績測定 -Define your Performance Measures -The Performance Measure Window allows you to define the rules and restrictions for performance measurement. You can, for example, restrict performance measurement to sales for a certain product category for a defined time frame. - - -営業報告 -Maintain Financial Reports -Financial Reports are the combination of a Report Column Set and Line Set. - - -レポートカラムセット -Maintain Financial Report Column Sets -The Report Column Set defines what data is printed in the columns of a report. - - -レポート詳細セット -Maintain Financial Report Line Sets -The Line Set determines, which lines are printed in a Financial Report - - -サービスレベル -Maintain Service Levels -Service Levels are generated when an invoice with products based on revenue recognition rules are generated. You need to update the actual service level by adding an additional line. - - -検索(間接的な使用) -Find Dialog (indirect use) - - - -材料取引(間接的な使用) -Material Transactions (indirect use) -材料取引の設定です。 - - -フォームを印刷 -Maintain Print Forms (Invoices, Checks, ..) used -Define the documents you use for this Client/Organnization. Note that the check format is defined in the Bank (Account) Window.<p> -The highest priotity has the Print Format, you define on a Document Type (example specific Export Invoice format). The next level is the set of Print Formats, you defined for the organziation of the document printed. The default is the set of Print Formats defines for all organizations of the Client (Organization=*). - - -システム色 -Maintain System Colors -System colors are used for background and indicators - - -デスクトップ -Maintain Desktop -Desktop is a collection of Workbenches - - -システムイメージ -Maintain Images and Icons - - - -組み合わせた購買注文 -View Matched Purchase Orders -View detals of matched purchase order lines to invoice lines and material receipt lines - - -ウィンドウのカスタマイズ -Define Window Customization for Role/User -The customization values defined here overwrite/replace the default system definition if defined. - - -作業台 -Maintain Workbench -Workbenches are a collection of Windows - - -要求(すべて) -View and work on all requests -This Request window is used to view all available requests - - -割り引きスキーマ -Maintain Trade Discount Schema -Trade discount schema calculates the trade discount percentage - - -費用タイプ -Maintain Expense Report Types -Mantiene diferentes tipos de informe de gastos - - -経費報告書 -Time and Expense Report -The time and expense report allows you to capture time spent on a project, billable time and to claim expenses. - - -リソース -Maintain Resources -Maintain your Resources. The product for the resource is automatically created and synchronized. Update Name, Unit of Measure, etc. in the Resource and don't change it in the product. - - -リソースタイプ -Maintain Resource Types -Maintain Resource types and their principal availability. - - -印刷色 -Maintain Print Color -Colors used for printing - - -印刷フォント -Maintain Print Font -Font used for printing - - -印刷フォーマット -Maintain Print Format -The print format determines how data is rendered for print. - - -印刷 -Maintain Print Paper -Printer Paper Size, Orientation and Margins - - -費用(請求する) -View expenses and charges not invoiced to customers -Before invoicing to customers, check the expense lines to be invoiced - - -印刷テーブルフォーマット -Define Report Table Format -The Print Table Format lets you define how table header, etc. is printed. Please note that the Report Table FOrmat is cached to improve performance. - - -要求タイプ -Maintain Request Types -Request Types are used for processing and categorizing requests. Options are Account Inquiry, Warranty Issue, etc. - - -関心地域 -Interest Area or Topic -Interest Areas reflect interest in a topic by a contact. Interest areas can be used for marketing campaigns. - - -システム -System Definition -Common System Definition - Only one Record - Do not add additional records. - - -製品のインポート -Import Products -The Import Products Window is an interim table which is used when importing external data into the system. Selecting the 'Process' button will either add or modify the appropriate records. - - -勘定科目のインポート -Import Natural Account Values -The Import Natural Account Window is an interim table which is used when importing external data into the system. Selecting the 'Process' button will either add or modify the appropriate records. - - -レポート詳細セットのインポート -Import Report Line Sets -The Import Report Line Set Window is an interim table which is used when importing external data into the system. Selecting the 'Process' button will either add or modify the appropriate records. - - -システム翻訳チェック -Check System Language Translations -Verify your language translations for selected entities. You should use Translation Export / Import for effective translation. This window allows you to check the translation of the main translation entities. - - -資産 -Asset used internally or by customers -An asset is either created by purchasing or by delivering a product. An asset can be used internally or be a customer asset. - - -資産グループ -Group of Assets -The group of assets determines default accounts. If a asset group is selected in the product category, assets are created when delivering the asset. - - -トレーニング -Repeated Training -The training may have multiple actual classes - - -費用(還付されない) -View expenses and charges not reimbursed -Before reimbursing expenses, check the open expense items - - -会計事実貸借 -Query Accounting Daily Balances -Query daily account balances - - -属性セット -Maintain Product Attribute Set -Define Product Attribute Sets to add additional attributes and values to the product. You need to define a Attribute Set if you want to enable Serial and Lot Number tracking. - - -ロット -Product Lot Definition -Maintain the individual Lot of a Product - - -ロット管理 -Product Lot Control -Definition to create Lot numbers for Products - - -連続番号管理 -Product Serial Number Control -Definition to create Serial numbers for Products - - -属性 -Product Attribute -Product Attribute like Color, Size, etc. - - -属性検索 -Common Search Attribute -Attributes are specific to a Product Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple attributes and want to search under a common sttribute, you define a search sttribute. Example: have one Size search attribute combining the values of all different sizes (Size for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The Attribute Search allows you to have all values available for selection. This eases the maintenance of the individual product attribute. - - -費用請求書(アルファ版) -Payables expense invoices - This is Alpha Functionality -Enter expense invoices from your vendors - - -印刷ラベル -Print Label Format -Maintain Format to print Labels - - -セッション監査 -Audit of User Sessions -History of Online or Web Sessions - - -プロジェクトタイプ -Maintain Project Type and Phase -Maintain Project Types and their Phases with standard performance information - - -再帰 -Recurring Document -Create new documents based on existing one - - -在庫のインポート -Import Inventory Transactions -Validate and Import Inventory Transactions - - -役割のデータ・アクセス -Maintain Data Access Rules -Maintain Data Access Roles of Roles/Responsibilties. -Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. - - -広告 -Web Advertisement -Maintain Advertisements on the Web - - -変更監査 -Audit of data changes -Log of data changes - - -原価タイプ -Maintain Cost Types -You can define multiple cost types. A cost type selected in an Accounting Schema is used for accounting. - - -時間タイプ -Maintain Time Recording Type -Maintain different types of time for reporting - - -クリック -Maintain Web Click -Web Clicks allow you to track number of clicks. Example: -&lt;a href="http://www.adempiere.com/wstore/click?http://www.adempiere.de" target="_blank"&gt; -where "http://www.adempiere.com/wstore/click" is your side and "http://www.adempiere.de" is the target page. -If you created a web click for http://www.adempiere.de, you will be able to see details and total of web clicks. - - - -カウンタ -Web Counter -A web counter maintains how often a page or item was displayed. Add a call to -http://www.adempiere.com/wstore/counter to the page (e.g. display a 1x1 image) - - - -請求書支払いスケジュール -Maintain Invoice Payment Schedule -Maintain Payment Schedule of unpaid invoices - - -警告 -Adempiere Alert -Adempiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted of - - -銀行取引明細書のインポート -Import Bank Statements - - - -総勘定元帳のインポート -Import General Ledger Journals -You way want to check the balance of the import with "Validate Only" before importing. -Unbalanced Journals are imported; the handling is based on your settings for the posting process. The optional balance check checks the entire import, not individual batches and journals. - - -請求書のインポート -Import Invoices -Import invoiced loaded - - -支払いのインポート -Import Payments - - - -注文のインポート -Import Orders -Please set Y/N selections in the import loader format explicitly (e.g. as constants) and no not leave them NULL. A NULL value stands for "don't know". -In general, selection boxes are not selected if the value is not "Y" (i.e. could be null or any other value). All tests are made on "Y" or "not Y" - i.e. NULL values are not "not Y", but NULL (don't know) - see SQL Language introductions. - - -貨物カテゴリ -Maintain Freight Categories -Freight Categories are used to calculate the Freight for the Shipper selected - - -会計次元 -Maintain Non-Account Dimension Trees -Maintain Trees of non account segment trees. Account segment trees (as well as user defined dimensions) are mainatained in the Account Element window. Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all manfatory values! - - - -複製 -Maintain Data Replication Targets -Data Replication Target Details. Set up your system completely on the central system, before setting up the replication. Define the Replication target here and export the database and import it on the remote system.<p> -Before(!) entering transactions, Start the Replication Run to set up the remote system. - - -複製戦略 -Maintain Data Replication Strategy -The Data Replication Strategy determines which tables and how they are replicated. Note that the migration does not syncronize Application Dictionary items. - - -プロジェクト(注文します) -Maintain Sales Order and Work Order Details -The Project Window is used to maintain details of Projects Lines and Issues accross Phases/Tasks - - -知識カテゴリ -Maintain Knoweledge Categories and Values -Set up knowledge categories and values as a search aid. Examples are Release Version, Product Area, etc. Knowledge Category values act like keyworks. - - -知識ベース -Maintain Knowledge Base -Maintain Type, Topics, Entries and theit Comments, Categories, Related Entries - - -知識ソース -Source of Knowledge Entries -The Source of a Knowlegde Entry is a pointer to the originating system. The Knowledge Entry has an additional entry (Description URL) for more detailed info. - - -知識同義語 -Knowlege Keyword Synonym -Search Synonyms for Knowledge Keywords; Example: Product = Item - - -ビジネスパートナー情報 -Document Information of Business Partners - - - -ラベルプリンタ -Maintain Label Printer Definition - - - -短倍担当者情報 -Company Agent (Sales Rep) Information -This window allows you to view Company agent related information - - -未仕訳ドキュメント -Unposted Documents -View unposted documents - - -通貨タイプ -Maintain Currency Conversion Rate Types -The Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define different type of rates, e.g. Spot, Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates. - - -通貨率のインポート -Import Currency Conversion Rates -The rates are imported after validation of currencies and conversion rate type as well as rates. The multiply rate is used. If a reciprocal rate is to be created, the divide rate is used. - - -作業フロープロセス -Monitor workflow processes -View and Maintain Workflow Process Instance Information - - -作業フロー活動(すべて) -Monitor all Workflow activities -Maintain all Workflow activities - - -作業フロー責任 -Responsible for Workflow Execution -The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. - - -登録属性 -Asset Registration Attributes -Define the individual values for the Asset Registration - - -登録 -User Asset Registration -User Registration of an Asset - - -銀行取引明細書の組み合わせ方法 -Algorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments -An algorithm to find Business Partners, Invoices, Payments in imported Bank Statements - - -支払いバッチ -Process Payment Patches for EFT -Electronic Fund Transfer Payment Batch. - - -組織タイプ -Maintain Organization Types -Organization Type allows you to categorize your organizations for reporting purposes - - -スケジューラ -Maintain Schedule Processes and Logs -Schedule processes to be executed asynchronously - - -作業フロープロセッサ -Maintain Workflow Processor and Logs -Workflow Processor Server Parameters - - -トピックへ入札 -Topic with Bids and Offers -Manage Topics and veiw Bids and Offers - - -オークションのトピックタイプ -Maintain Auction Topic Type and Categories -The Auction Topic Type determines what kind of auction is used for a particular area - - -オークションの売り手 -Maintain Auction Seller Information -A seller is a User in the system participating in Auctions - - -オークションの購入者 -Maintain Auction Buyer Information -A buyer is a User in the system participating in Auctions - - -会計プロセッサ -Maintain Accounting Processor and Logs -Accounting Processor/Server Parameters and Logs - - -警告プロセッサ -Maintain Alert Processor/Server Parameter and Logs -Alert Processor/Server Parameter - - -パートナー関係 -Maintain Business Partner Relations -Business Partner Relation allow to maintain Third Party Relationship rules: who receives invoices for shipments or pays for invoices. - - -見積要求話題 -Maintain RfQ Topics and Subscribers -A Request for Quotation Topic allows you to maintain a subscriber list of potential Vendors to respond to RfQs - - -見積要求 -Manage Request for Quotations -Request for Quotation to be sent out to vendors of a RfQ Topic. After Vendor selection, optionally create Sales Order or Quote for Customer as well as Purchase Order for Vendor(s) - - -購読 -Maintain Subscriptions and Deliveries -Subscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renew - - -購読タイプ -Maintain Subscription Types -Subscription type and renewal frequency - - -発送先リスト -Maintain Distribution Lists -Distribution list contain business partners and a distribution quantity or ratio for creating Orders - - -パッケージ -Manage Shipment Packages -A Shipment can have one or more Packages. A Package may be tracked. - - -材料返却承認 -Manage Return Material Authorization -A Return Material Authorization may be required to accept returns and to create Credit Memos - - -催促実行 -Manage Dunning Runs -Manage Dunning Runs - - -要求 -Material Requisition -Enter and maintain Material Requisitions. Material Requisition can be created automatically via Replenishment. You create generate optionally consolidated Purchase Orders. - - -総勘定元帳配分 -General Ledger Distribution -If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is a one-step operation based on the percentage of the lines. - - -見積要求応答 -Manage RfQ Responses - - - -分配実行 -Distribution Run create Orders to distribute products to a selected list of partners -Distribution Run defines how Orders are created based on Distribution Lists - - -アクセス監査 -Audit of Access to data or resources -Logging needs to be explicitly enabled / written. - - -カウンタドキュメント -Maintain Counter Document Types -When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: a "Standard Order" creates a "Standard PO". -If you define a relationship here, you overwrite the default counter document type in the Document Type definition. This allows you to define a specific mapping. -If not defined, the first matching document type is used (e.g. AR Invoice - first AP Invoice document type) - - -予測 -Maintain Material Forecast -Material Forecast - - -要求 -Maintain Material Demand -Material Demand can be based on Forecast, Requisitions, Open Orders - - -出荷/受領確認 -Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation -Confirmation of Shipment or Receipt - Created from the Shipment/Receipt - - -材料返還承認のタイプ -Return Material Authorization Type -Maintain the types of RMA - - -監査を処理 -Audit process use -Process Instance Information - - -在庫移動確認 -Confirm Inventory Moves -The document is automatically created when the document type of the movement indicates In Transit.. If there is a difference quantity, a Physical Inventory is created for the source (from) warehouse. If there is a scrapped quantity, a Physical Inventory is created for the target (to) warehouse. - - -インポートの確認 -Import Receipt/Shipment Confirmation Lines -Import Confirmation data of existing Receipt/Shipment Confirmations - - -SLA評価基準 -Service Level Agreement Criteria -Define a criteria to measure service level agreements (e.g. Quality, Delivery meets Promised date, ..) - - -パートナーによるSLA -Service Level Agreement -Maintain Service Level Agreements for Business Partners - - -価格リストスキーマ -Maintain Price List Schema -Price List schema defines calculation rules for price lists - - -POS端末 -Maintain your Point of Sales Terminal -The POS Terminal defines the defaults and functions available for the POS Form - - -POSのキーレイアウト -POS Function Key Layout - - - -システム登録 -Register your System -System Registration - Only one Record - Do not add additional records. - - -内部利用在庫 -Enter Internal Use of Inventory -The Internal Use of Inventory Window allows enter the quantity of used products. - - -請求書バッチ -Expense Invoice Batch -Enter expense invoices in batch. After creating the lines, the actual invoices are created when processing the batch - - -原価要素 -Maintain Product Cost Element -You can define your own product cost elements. - - -製品コスト -Maintain Product Costs -Maintain Product Cost Elements - - -要求カテゴリ -Maintain Request Category -Category or Topic of the Request - - -要求グループ -Maintain Request Group -Group of requests (e.g. version numbers, responsibility, ...) - - -要求解決 -Maintain Request Resolutions -Resolution status (e.g. Fixed, Rejected, ..) - - -要求標準応答 -Maintain Request Standard Response -Text blocks to be copied into request response text - - -要求状態 -Maintain Request Status -Status if the request (open, closed, investigating, ..) - - -ウェブストア -Define Web Store -Define the web store setup. - - -役職 -Maintain Job Positions -Maintain internal (employee) or external positions - - -役職カテゴリ -Maintain Job Position Categories - - - -報酬 -Maintain Remuneration -Wages and Salaries - - -製品部品構成表 -Maintain Product Bill of Materials - - - -部品構成表の変更通知 -Maintain Bill of Materials (Engineering) Change Notice (Version) -Change notices can be linked to BOMs or be stand alone. - - -変更通知 -Maintain (Engineering) Change Notice (Version) -Stand-alone change notice - Change notices could also be directly linked to BOMs - - -属性セットインスタンス -View Attribute Set Instance detail and use - - - -税金申告 -Define the declaration to the tax authorities -The tax declaration allows you to create supporting information and reconcile the documents with the accounting - - -報告の階層構造 -Define Reporting Hierarchy -Reporting Hierarchy allows you to select different Hierarchies/Trees for the report. -Accounting Segments like Organization, Account, Product may have several hierarchies to accomodate different views on the business - - -予算管理 -Maintain Budget Controls -Budget Control allows you to restrict the use of expenditures, commitments (Purchase Orders) and reservations (Requisitions). If defined, you mey not be able to approve Requisitions, Purchse Orders, or AP Invoices. - - -総勘定元帳資金(アルファ版) -Maintain Fund Controls -General Ledger Funds Control allows you to restrict the use of funds. This is independent from budget control. - - -システム問題レポート -Automatically created or manually entered System Issue Reports -System Issues are created to speed up the resolution of any system related issues (potential bugs). If enabled, they are automatically reported to Adempiere. No data or confidential information is transferred. - - -成績グラフの色スキーマ -Maintain Performance Color Schema -Visual representation of performance by color. The Schema has often three levels (e.g. red-yellow-green). Adempiere support two levels (e.g. red-green) or four levels (e.g. gray-bronce-silver-gold). Note that Measures without a goal are represented white. The percentages could be beween 0 and unlimited (i.e. above 100%). - - -成績ベンチマーク -Performance Benchmark -Data Series to compare internal performance with (e.g. stock price, ...) - - -成績比率 -Maintain Performance Ratios -Calculation instruction for a ratio - - -問題推薦 -Maintain Issue Recommendation - - - -問題状態 -Maintain Issue Status -Status of an Issue - - -既知の問題 -Maintain Known Issue - - - -問題プロジェクト -Maintain Issue Management Project Links -Maintain Issue Management Project Links - automatically generated. - - -問題報告ユーザー -User who reported Issues - - - -問題システム -Maintain Systems - - - -ウェブプロジェクト -Maintain Web Project (Content Management) -At the level of the web project you define the project itself, it's domains and media servers. Each project needs to have at least one domain and one media server. - - -テンプレート - - - - -ウェブ広告管理 -Content Management Ad Management defines the needed categories and items -Ad Management is used to create and manage advertisements in your conten management - - -ニュースチャネル -Define News Channels, write and publish articles -Define News Channels, write and publish articles - - -チャット表示 -View discussions / chats -View chat / discussion threads - - -メディア項目 -Maintain Web Media -Maintain Content Management Media - - -チャットタイプ -Maintain Chat Types -Chat Types - - -エンティティタイプ -Maintain System Entity Type -The entity type determines the ownership of Application Dictionary entries. The types "Dictionary" and "Adempiere" should not be used and are maintainted by Adempiere (i.e. all changes are reversed during migration to the current definition). - - -ウェブアクセス -Maintain Web Access -Define access to collaboration management content. You can assign the profile to a internal role or for external access to business partner group. - - -ウェブブロードキャストサーバー -Maintain Web Broadcast Server - - - -情報ウィンドウ -Define Info and search/select Window -The Info window is used to search and select records as well as display information relevant to the selection. - - -テキストインデックス -Maintain Text Search Index -Text search index keyword and excerpt across documents - - -テキストインデックス停止 -Maintain keywords not to be indexed - - - -Text Search Log -View Text Search Log - - - -LDAP Server -LDAP Server to authenticate and authorize external systems based on Adempiere -The LDAP Server allows third party software (e.g. Apache) to use the users defined in the system to authentificate and authorize them. There is only one server per Adempiere system. The "o" is the Client key and the optional "ou" is the Interest Area key. - - -Packages Installed -List of packages installed - - - -Package Maintenance -Package installation history and maintenance -Review package installation. Also perform package rollback if required - - -PackOut - Create a package -Package build Application - - - -Common Package Details -Maintain Common Package Details -Create and maintain common package element details - - -PackIn - Import a package -Imports a package -Imports a package previously created by PackOut - - + + + + + + テーブルとカラム + テーブルとカラムをメンテナンスします。 + テーブルとカラムウィンドウは、すべてのテーブルとテーブル内のカラムを定義します。 + + + 参照 + システム参照をメンテナンスします。 + 参照ウィンドウは、フィールド/画面タイプと妥当性を定義します。このウィンドウはシステム管理者だけが使用します。 + + + ウィンドウ、タブ & フィールド + ウィンドウ、タブ & フィールドをメンテナンスします。 + ウィンドウ、タブ & フィールドウィンドウは、各ウィンドウ内でのテーブルとカラムの表示方法を定義します。 + + + 妥当性検証ルール + カラムとフィールドのための動的な妥当性検証ルールをメンテナンスします。 + 妥当性検証ルールウィンドウは、カラムとフィールドを入力、メンテナンスするとき使用されるすべての動的なルールを定義します。このウィンドウはシステム管理者だけが使用します。 + + + メッセージ + 情報とエラーメッセージをメンテナンスします。 + メッセージウィンドウは、システムが生成した各メッセージのために、メッセージの文字と簡単な説明を定義します。このウィンドウはシステム管理者だけが使用します。 + + + メニュー + メニューをメンテナンスします。 + メニューウィンドウは、表示されるメニューを定義します。このウィンドウはシステム管理者だけが使用します。各ユーザーが見るメニュー項目は定義されたセキュリティで決定されます。 + + + 言語 + 言語をメンテナンスします。 + 言語ウィンドウは、複数の言語を定義することが出来ます。これは、ユーザーが同じデータにアクセスしても異なった言語で画面を表示することが出来ます。 +もし言語がシステム言語なら、ユーザーインターフェイスをその言語にすることが出来ます。そうでなければ印刷のときにだけ使えます。 + +言語コードは、Javaの慣習コードを使うことをお勧めします。(例 fr_CN - Canadian French, ja_JP - 日本語) + +足りない翻訳レコードを確認してください。この処理は新しい言語レコードを作成してから実行してください。 + + + 組み合わされた請求書 + 組み合わされた請求書を表示します。 + 材料への組み合わされた請求書詳細を表示します。 + + + ユーザー + システムのユーザーをメンテナンスします。 + ユーザーウィンドウは、システム上のユーザーをメンテナンスします。ユーザーはシステムの各機能にアクセスする権限を役割として与えられます。ユーザーはビジネスパートナーとしてレコードに登録することも出来ます。 + + + クライアント + クライアント/テナントをメンテナンスします。 + クライアントは最上位のレベルの独立した経済主体です。それぞれのクライアントは、複数の組織を持っていて、会計パラメータを定義します。(会計スキーマ、ツリー定義、必須でない測定単位) 新しいクライアントを作成するには、クライアントセットアップをシステム管理者として実行してください。 +このウィンドウでは新しいクライアントを作成しないでください。セキュリティとアクセスルールのため「初期クライアントセットアップ」を使ってください。ここで新しいクライアントを作成すると必要な情報が設定されず表示することが出来ません。 + + + 組織 + 組織をメンテナンスします。 + 組織ウィンドウは、組織実体を定義して、メンテナンスします。組織は、文書と取引が分類処理される法人またはサブユニットです。 + + + 役割 + ユーザーの権限をメンテナンスします。 + 役割ウィンドウは、このシステムのユーザーが持っている異なった役割を定義します。役割はウィンドウ、タスク、レポートなどへのアクセスを制御します。クライアントに関しては、管理者とユーザーの役割は事前に定義されます。特定の機能またはデータへアクセス出来るようにするために役割を加えることができます。役割にはユーザーを加えることができます。このアクセス情報はキャッシュされます。設定を有効にするには再ログインかリセットを必要とします。 + + + ドキュメント連続番号 + システムとドキュメント連続番号をメンテナンスします。 + ドキュメント連続番号ウィンドウは、どのようにドキュメント番号の連続性を定義します。 +ドキュメント番号の生成を変更してください。接頭辞または接尾辞を追加や開始番号の変更が出来ます。 + + + 作業フロー + 作業フローをメンテナンスします。 + 作業フローウィンドウは、システム内の作業フローを定義して、アクセスレベル、ノード、ステップを設定します。。 + + + タスク + タスクをメンテナンスします。 + タスクウィンドウは、タスクのために作業フローに使用される異なったタスクとアクセスレベルを定義します。 + + + 通貨 + 通貨をメンテナンスします。 + 通貨ウィンドウは、ドキュメントかレポートに使用されるすべての通貨を定義します。システムレベルで利用されている通貨を定義して、統計的な利用のためだけにクライアントレベルで通貨を加えください。(例えば、不安定通貨のため) + + + 通貨レート + 通貨交換比率をメンテナンスします。 + 通貨レートウィンドウは、1個の通貨から別の通貨へドキュメント量を変換するとき使用される交換比率を定義します。使用されるレートは掛け算だけにしてください。割り算は表示の目的のみです。 + + + 暦年と期間 + 暦年と期間をメンテナンスします。 + 暦年と期間ウィンドウは期間の管理とレポートに使用されるカレンダーを定義します。また、標準的でないカレンダー(例えば、7月から開始して6月までのカレンダー)を定義することもできます。 + + + 会計要素 + 会計要素をメンテナンスします。 + 会計要素ウィンドウは、会計要素とユーザー定義要素を定義して、メンテナンスするために使用されます。 +会計セグメントのひとつは標準のセグメントです。(会計チャート) 並列で会計報告を作成するために別の会計セグメントを作成することが出来ます。 + + + 測定単位 + 測定単位をメンテナンスします。 + 測定単位ウィンドウは、金額ではない測定単位を定義するために使用されます。また、測定の単位の間の変換が許されるかどうかや、どのように処理されるかも定義します。変換方法が明示的に定義されないなら、システムはいくつかの自動変換を提供します。(例えば、分、時間、日、営業日など) +変換は、直接である必要があります(つまり、A-Bの変換とB-Cの変換があっても、システムはA-Cを変換することが出来ないので、明示的に、A-Cを定義する必要があります)。 + + + 住所 + 住所をメンテナンスします。 + 住所ウィンドウは、システム内で住所データを定義します。このウィンドウはシステム管理者専用です。ユーザーは、住所のボタンか、または適切なウィンドウ上のタブを使用することで、住所のエントリーにアクセスします。(例:受注エントリー、ビジネスパートナー) + + + 都道府県と市 + 都道府県と市をメンテナンスします。 + 都道府県と市ウィンドウは、どんな住所フィールドでも使用できる異なった実体を定義します。このウィンドウは、国と都道府県の関連付けとともに、住所のフォーマットも定義します。 +<p>通常はシステムレベルだけで国を定義します。 + + + ビジネスパートナー + ビジネスパートナーをメンテナンスします。 + ビジネスパートナーウィンドウは、商取引を行うすべての経済主体を定義します。これは顧客、仕入先、および従業員を含んでいます。製品の入力やインポートをする前に、仕入先を定義しなければなりません。受注を生成する前に、顧客を定義しなければなりません。このウィンドウは、ビジネスパートナーに関するすべての情報を保持します。そして、入力された値は、すべてのドキュメント取引を生成するために使用されます。 + + + 会計スキーマ + 会計スキーマをメンテナンスします。--変更を有効にするには再ログインする必要があります。 + 会計スキーマウィンドウは、会計構造を構成する会計手法と要素を定義します。ビジネスパートナー、製品、住所などのために、詳細な会計要素を作成、有効化してください。 +総勘定元帳とデフォルトの勘定科目を見直し、変更できます。取引で使われる実際の勘定科目は、実行する組織によって異なります。ほとんどの情報は、処理の流れによって提供されます。 + + + テスト + テストスクリーン + + + + 添付 + 添付をメンテナンスします。 + システム保守のためだけに使われます。添付のメンテナンスウィンドウは、添付の属性を表示するために診断目的で使用されます。 + + + 設定 + システムクライアント組織とユーザー設定をメンテナンスします。 + システム管理者専用です。 + + + プロジェクト(サービス) + サービスプロジェクトをメンテナンスします。 + プロジェクトウィンドウは、ドキュメントで利用されるプロジェクトを定義するのに使用されます。 + + + 総勘定元帳カテゴリ + 総勘定元帳カテゴリをメンテナンスします。 + 総勘定元帳カテゴリウィンドウは、仕訳帳で使用するためにカテゴリを定義します。これらのカテゴリは任意に分類する方法を提供します。また、仕訳帳での報告にも使われます。 + + + 総勘定元帳 + 手動で仕訳帳に入力、変更が出来ます。 + 総勘定元帳ウィンドウは、手動の仕訳記入を入力、変更することが出来ます。 + + + 活動(ABC) + 活動基準原価計算のための活動をメンテナンスします。 + 活動基準原価計算(Activity Based Costing)ウィンドウは、コストを計算したい異なった活動を定義します。 + + + ドキュメントタイプ + ドキュメントタイプをメンテナンスします。 + ドキュメントタイプウィンドウは、システムで使用されるためのすべてのドキュメントを定義します。それぞれのドキュメントタイプは、それぞれのドキュメントの処理の基礎を提供します。印刷される名前、ドキュメント連続番号を提供します。 + + + 課税率 + 税と課税率をメンテナンスします。 + 課税率ウィンドウは、それぞれの税金カテゴリに使用される異なった税金を定義します。例えば、各州の消費税を定義します。 + + + 税金カテゴリ + 税金カテゴリをメンテナンスします。 + 税金カテゴリウィンドウは、税金カテゴリの入力、メンテナンスするために使用されます。それぞれの製品は、課税率の変更を容易にする税金カテゴリに関連付けられます。 + + + 倉庫と住所 + 倉庫と住所をメンテナンスします。 + 倉庫と住所ウィンドウは、倉庫内の在庫や会計パラメータで使用される倉庫と住所を定義します。 + + + 製品 + 製品をメンテナンスします。 + 製品ウィンドウは、組織によって使用されるすべての製品を定義します。これらの製品は、顧客に販売されたもの、製品を製造するために使われたもの、購入したものを含んでいます。 + + + 支払期間 + 支払期間をメンテナンスします。 + 支払期間ウィンドウは、顧客へ提示した、または仕入先から提示された、異なった支払い期間を定義します。各請求書は支払期間を含まなければなりません。標準の請求書では、支払期間の名前とドキュメントのメモは印刷されます。 + + + 荷主 + 荷主をメンテナンスします。 + 荷主ウィンドウは、組織によって使用される、異なった発送方法を定義します。荷主の発送方法が受注で使用されるとき、事前に定義された荷主を選択しなければなりません。 + + + 受注 + 販売注文を入力、変更してください。 + 受注ウィンドウは、受注情報の入力、変更が出来ます。 + + + 製品カテゴリ + 製品カテゴリをメンテナンスします。 + 製品カテゴリは、製品の異なったグループを定義します。価格リストの生成、利幅の定義、簡単に異なった会計パラメータの割当を行うためなどに、これらのグループを使用することができます。 + + + 価格リスト + 製品価格リストをメンテナンスします。 + 価格リストウィンドウは、ビジネスパートナーのための製品価格リストを生成します。価格リストは通貨と税金処理を決定します。価格リストバージョンは、異なった日付範囲のために平行したメンテナンスを可能にします。最新の価格リストバージョンは、ドキュメント日付に基づいて使用されます。 +<BR> + +すべての価格リストには、3つの価格があります: リスト価格、標準価格、および限度価格です。 +<BR> + +最初のステップは、基本価格リストの作成です。手動で製品を加えて、手動で価格を入れるか、または自動で価格を作成することができます。基本価格リストは、リスト価格(公式小売価格)付きの購入価格であることがよくあり、標準価格(購入価格)です。限度価格は、割引やリベート後の最終購入価格をチェックするために使うことが出来ます。 +<BR> +価格リストは、計算やコピーが出来ます。計算を速くするために、パラメータは保管されて、新しい価格リストバージョンを作成するときに使われます。 + + + 請求書スケジュール + 請求スケジュールをメンテナンスします。 + 請求書スケジュールウィンドウは、概要請求書を作るために、頻度と締め切り日付を定義します。顧客が複数の出荷のために一つの請求書を必要とするなら、適切な請求書スケジュールを定義して、それを顧客に関連づけてください。 + + + 販売活動 + Maintain Marketing Campaigns + The Marketing Campaign Window defines the start and end date for a campaign. It also gives a running balance of the invoice amounts which referred to this campaign. + + + 販売経路 + Maintain Marketing Channels + The Marketing Channel Window defines the different channels used in Marketing Campaigns + + + 要素 + Maintain System Elements + The System Element Window is the Central Repository for Field Names Descriptions and Help/Comments + + + 販売領域 + Maintain Sales Regions + The Sales Region Window defines the different regions where you do business. You can generate reports based on Sales Regions + + + アカウント組み合わせ + Maintain Valid Account Combinations + The Account Combination Window defines and displays valid account combinations. + + + 総勘定元帳 + Maintain General Ledger Budgets + + + + 銀行 + Maintain Bank + The Bank Window is used to define the banks and accounts associated with an organization or business partner + + + 督促 + Maintain Dunning Levels + The Dunning Window defines the parameters that will be used when generating Dunning Letters. Each customer can be associated with a Dunning Code. + + + 源泉徴収(1099) + Maintain Withholding Certificates + The Withholding Window defines the rule used for calculating withholding amounts. + + + 料金 + Maintain Charges + The Charges Window defines the different charges that may be incurred. These can include Bank Charges, Vendor Charges and Handling Charges. + + + 会計事実の詳細 + Query Accounting Facts + Query the detail accounting transactions + + + ツリー + Maintain Tree definition + The Tree Window defines the descriptors and images that will be used when a Tree is displayed. + + + レポートとプロセス + Maintain Reports & Processes + The Report & Process Window is used to define the parameters and access rules for every Report and Process within the system. This window is for System Admin use only. + + + 請求書(顧客) + Customer Invoice Entry + The Customer Invoice Window allows you to display and enter invoices for a customer. Invoices can also be generated from Sales Orders or Delivery documents. + + + 物理在庫 + Enter Physical Inventory + The Physical Inventory Window allows you to generate inventory count lists. These counts can then be processed which will update the actual inventory with the new counts. Normally you would create inventory count lines automaticelly. If you create them manually, make sure that the book value is correct. + + + 出荷(顧客) + Customer Inventory Shipments Customer Returns + The Shipment Window defines shipments made or to be made to a customer. They are generated from an Customer Order. The Shipment Document will generate the Customer Invoice. + + + 在庫移動 + Inventory Move + The Inventory Move Window allows you to move inventory from one location or warehouse to another. After the appropriate lines are entered selecting the 'Process Movements' button will adjust the inventory. + + + ビジネスパートナーのインポート + Import Business Partner + The Import Business Partner Window is an interim table which is used when importing external data into the system. Selecting the 'Process' button will either add or modify the appropriate records. + + + 収益認識 + Revenue Recognition Rules + The Revenue Recognition Window defines the intervals at which revenue will be recognized. Alternatively, the revenue recognition may be linked to service levels provided. + + + 恒常在庫 + Maintain Perpetual Inventory Rules + The Perpetual Inventory defines the rules to be applied when generating Physical Inventory counts. + + + 仕入先の詳細 + Maintain Vendor Details + The Vendor Details Window allows you to display and maintain all products for a selected Vendor. + + + 敬称 + Maintain Greetings + The Greeting Window defines a greeting that is then associated with a Business Partner or Business Partner Contact. + + + レポートビュー + Maintain Report Views + The Report View Window defines the views used when generating reports. This window is for System Admin use only. + + + 発注書 + Manage Purchase Orders + The Purchase Order Window defines a purchase order for an organization. When a Purchase Order has been entered you can generate a Shipment Document or Invoice from this Purchase Order + + + 請求書(仕入先) + Vendor Invoice Entry + The Vendor Invoice Window allows you to display and enter Invoices from a Vendor. Vendor Invoices can also be generated from Purchase Orders or Delivery Receipts. + + + 材料領収書 + Vendor Shipments (Receipts) + The Vendor Shipment Window defines the receipt of product or material from a Vendor. The Shipment may be manually entered or may be generated from a Purchase Order or Vendor Invoice. + + + EDI定義 + Maintain EDI Definition + The EDI Definition Window defines the parameters to be used when processing EDI Transactions + + + EDI取引 + Transaccion de EDI + Define transacciones de EDI + + + フォーム + Special Forms + The Forms Window defines any window which is not automatically generated. For System Admin use only. + + + エラーメッセージ + Display Error Messages + The Error Message Window displays all error messages generated. This is for System Admin use only. The records must be manually deleted. + + + インポートローダー形式 + Maintain Import Loader Formats + The Import Loader Format Window is used for defining the file layout for product information which will be imported. + + + 生産 + Production based on Bill of Materials + The Production Window defines those plan and inventory movements that occur when a product is created from a bill of materials + + + ビジネスパートナーグループ + Maintain Business Partner Groups + The Business Partner Group window allows you to define the accounting parameters at a group level. If you define the accounting parameters for a group any Business Partner entered using this group will have these accounting parameters automatically populated. You can then make any modifications necessary at the Business Partner level. + + + 通知 + View System Notices + The system creates messages while performing processes. In this window you can view them. + + + 銀行取引明細書 + Process Bank Statements + The Process Bank Statements window allows you to reconcile your Bank Statements. You can either enter the line items from the statement in the Statement Line tab or select the 'Create From' button to automatically generate the statement from all unreconciled payments to this bank account. Once you have completed reconciling, select the 'Process Statement' button to mark the payments as reconciled and update the appropriate GL accounts. + + + 支払い + Process Payments and Receipts + The Process Payments Window allows you to enter payments and reaipts for invoices. If the payment is for a single invoice then it can be processed here. If it is for multiple invoices or is a partial payment then it should be processed in the Payment Allocation Window. + + + カスタム属性 + Maintain custom entity attributes + This is a System only Window. Customer Attributes allow the entry of additional information to an entity. + + + 現金出納帳 + Maintain Cashbook + The Cashbook Window defines the bank and account against which cash transactions will be processed. + + + 現金仕訳帳 + Cash transactions + The Cash Journal Window is used to record disbursements from and receipts to Petty Cash + + + フィールドグループ + Define Field Group + The Field Group Window allows you to define subsections in a tab. For System Admin use only. + + + 要求 + Work on your requests + The Request Window is used to define and track any request assigned to you. + + + 要求プロセッサ + Define Request Processors + The Request Processor Window allows you to define different processes that you want to occur and the frequency and timing of these processes A Request Processor can be just for a specific Request Type or for all. + + + メールテンプレート + Maintain Mail Template + Mail templates can contain variables of the user, business partner or a general object. The priority of parsing is User/Contact, Business Partner and then the underlying business object (like Request, Dunning, Workflow object).<br> +So, @Name@ would resolve into the User name (if user is defined defined), then Business Partner name (if business partner is defined) and then the Name of the business object if it has a Name.<br> +For Multi-Lingual systems, the template is translated based on the Business Partner's language selection. + + + ビュー割当 + View and Reverse Allocations + The Reverse Allocation Window allows you to view and reverse a payment allocation + + + 支払い選択 + Select Invoices for Payment + The Payment Selection Window allows you to select and process the invoices you want to pay. +(a) You can create a Payment Selection and select the invoices manually or generate the suggestions based on criteria. You can change the amount to be paid or delete invoices, you do not want to pay. + +(b) If you are happy with the Payment Selection, you create the payments. + +(c) You print or export your payments in the Window Payment Print/Export + + + 手数料 + Maintain Commissions and Royalties + Define how and when you want the commissions to be calculated and to whom to pay it. +The Commissions Window allows you define how commissions and royalties will be paid. You can pay multiple commissions for the same order or invoice (e.g. to the person entering the transaction, to the person responsible for sale of the product (category) and or business partner (group). + + + プロジェクト報告 + Maintain Project Reporting Cycles + The Project Cycle Window defines the steps associated with a specific Project. +You may want to define several Project cycles to differentiate the different types of projects. Project cycles may use all or a subset of the used Project Status (e.g. Your opportunity project cycle may include the steps from prospect to contract - the service cycle may include steps from installation to customer acceptance. + + + 手数料実行 + Check and modify Commissions + The Commission Run Window displays the results of processing commissions. When the Generate Commission process is selected from the Commissions Window, the results are displayed here. If the result is satisfactory, generate an AP invoice to pay the commission. + + + 成績目標 + Define Performance Goals + The Performance Goal Window allows you to define performance goals or all, a role or a user + + + 成績測定計算 + Define how you calculate your performance measures + The Performance Measure Calculation defines how performance measures will be calculated. +The sql needs to return a single value. Please check examples.<br> +The date trestriction is defined in the Goal. +Any restrictions for Organizations, Business Partners, Products, etc. are as Performance Goal Restrictions. + + + 成績測定 + Define your Performance Measures + The Performance Measure Window allows you to define the rules and restrictions for performance measurement. You can, for example, restrict performance measurement to sales for a certain product category for a defined time frame. + + + 営業報告 + Maintain Financial Reports + Financial Reports are the combination of a Report Column Set and Line Set. + + + レポートカラムセット + Maintain Financial Report Column Sets + The Report Column Set defines what data is printed in the columns of a report. + + + レポート詳細セット + Maintain Financial Report Line Sets + The Line Set determines, which lines are printed in a Financial Report + + + サービスレベル + Maintain Service Levels + Service Levels are generated when an invoice with products based on revenue recognition rules are generated. You need to update the actual service level by adding an additional line. + + + 検索(間接的な使用) + Find Dialog (indirect use) + + + + 材料取引(間接的な使用) + Material Transactions (indirect use) + 材料取引の設定です。 + + + フォームを印刷 + Maintain Print Forms (Invoices, Checks, ..) used + Define the documents you use for this Client/Organnization. Note that the check format is defined in the Bank (Account) Window.<p> +The highest priotity has the Print Format, you define on a Document Type (example specific Export Invoice format). The next level is the set of Print Formats, you defined for the organziation of the document printed. The default is the set of Print Formats defines for all organizations of the Client (Organization=*). + + + システム色 + Maintain System Colors + System colors are used for background and indicators + + + デスクトップ + Maintain Desktop + Desktop is a collection of Workbenches + + + システムイメージ + Maintain Images and Icons + + + + 組み合わせた購買注文 + View Matched Purchase Orders + View detals of matched purchase order lines to invoice lines and material receipt lines + + + ウィンドウのカスタマイズ + Define Window Customization for Role/User + The customization values defined here overwrite/replace the default system definition if defined. + + + 作業台 + Maintain Workbench + Workbenches are a collection of Windows + + + 要求(すべて) + View and work on all requests + This Request window is used to view all available requests + + + 割り引きスキーマ + Maintain Trade Discount Schema + Trade discount schema calculates the trade discount percentage + + + 費用タイプ + Maintain Expense Report Types + Mantiene diferentes tipos de informe de gastos + + + 経費報告書 + Time and Expense Report + The time and expense report allows you to capture time spent on a project, billable time and to claim expenses. + + + リソース + Maintain Resources + Maintain your Resources. The product for the resource is automatically created and synchronized. Update Name, Unit of Measure, etc. in the Resource and don't change it in the product. + + + リソースタイプ + Maintain Resource Types + Maintain Resource types and their principal availability. + + + 印刷色 + Maintain Print Color + Colors used for printing + + + 印刷フォント + Maintain Print Font + Font used for printing + + + 印刷フォーマット + Maintain Print Format + The print format determines how data is rendered for print. + + + 印刷 + Maintain Print Paper + Printer Paper Size, Orientation and Margins + + + 費用(請求する) + View expenses and charges not invoiced to customers + Before invoicing to customers, check the expense lines to be invoiced + + + 印刷テーブルフォーマット + Define Report Table Format + The Print Table Format lets you define how table header, etc. is printed. Please note that the Report Table FOrmat is cached to improve performance. + + + 要求タイプ + Maintain Request Types + Request Types are used for processing and categorizing requests. Options are Account Inquiry, Warranty Issue, etc. + + + 関心地域 + Interest Area or Topic + Interest Areas reflect interest in a topic by a contact. Interest areas can be used for marketing campaigns. + + + システム + System Definition + Common System Definition - Only one Record - Do not add additional records. + + + 製品のインポート + Import Products + The Import Products Window is an interim table which is used when importing external data into the system. Selecting the 'Process' button will either add or modify the appropriate records. + + + 勘定科目のインポート + Import Natural Account Values + The Import Natural Account Window is an interim table which is used when importing external data into the system. Selecting the 'Process' button will either add or modify the appropriate records. + + + レポート詳細セットのインポート + Import Report Line Sets + The Import Report Line Set Window is an interim table which is used when importing external data into the system. Selecting the 'Process' button will either add or modify the appropriate records. + + + システム翻訳チェック + Check System Language Translations + Verify your language translations for selected entities. You should use Translation Export / Import for effective translation. This window allows you to check the translation of the main translation entities. + + + 資産 + Asset used internally or by customers + An asset is either created by purchasing or by delivering a product. An asset can be used internally or be a customer asset. + + + 資産グループ + Group of Assets + The group of assets determines default accounts. If a asset group is selected in the product category, assets are created when delivering the asset. + + + トレーニング + Repeated Training + The training may have multiple actual classes + + + 費用(還付されない) + View expenses and charges not reimbursed + Before reimbursing expenses, check the open expense items + + + 会計事実貸借 + Query Accounting Daily Balances + Query daily account balances + + + 属性セット + Maintain Product Attribute Set + Define Product Attribute Sets to add additional attributes and values to the product. You need to define a Attribute Set if you want to enable Serial and Lot Number tracking. + + + ロット + Product Lot Definition + Maintain the individual Lot of a Product + + + ロット管理 + Product Lot Control + Definition to create Lot numbers for Products + + + 連続番号管理 + Product Serial Number Control + Definition to create Serial numbers for Products + + + 属性 + Product Attribute + Product Attribute like Color, Size, etc. + + + 属性検索 + Common Search Attribute + Attributes are specific to a Product Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple attributes and want to search under a common sttribute, you define a search sttribute. Example: have one Size search attribute combining the values of all different sizes (Size for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The Attribute Search allows you to have all values available for selection. This eases the maintenance of the individual product attribute. + + + 費用請求書(アルファ版) + Payables expense invoices - This is Alpha Functionality + Enter expense invoices from your vendors + + + 印刷ラベル + Print Label Format + Maintain Format to print Labels + + + セッション監査 + Audit of User Sessions + History of Online or Web Sessions + + + プロジェクトタイプ + Maintain Project Type and Phase + Maintain Project Types and their Phases with standard performance information + + + 再帰 + Recurring Document + Create new documents based on existing one + + + 在庫のインポート + Import Inventory Transactions + Validate and Import Inventory Transactions + + + 役割のデータ・アクセス + Maintain Data Access Rules + Maintain Data Access Roles of Roles/Responsibilties. +Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. + + + 広告 + Web Advertisement + Maintain Advertisements on the Web + + + 変更監査 + Audit of data changes + Log of data changes + + + 原価タイプ + Maintain Cost Types + You can define multiple cost types. A cost type selected in an Accounting Schema is used for accounting. + + + 時間タイプ + Maintain Time Recording Type + Maintain different types of time for reporting + + + クリック + Maintain Web Click + Web Clicks allow you to track number of clicks. Example: +&lt;a href="http://www.adempiere.com/wstore/click?http://www.adempiere.de" target="_blank"&gt; +where "http://www.adempiere.com/wstore/click" is your side and "http://www.adempiere.de" is the target page. +If you created a web click for http://www.adempiere.de, you will be able to see details and total of web clicks. + + + + カウンタ + Web Counter + A web counter maintains how often a page or item was displayed. Add a call to +http://www.adempiere.com/wstore/counter to the page (e.g. display a 1x1 image) + + + + 請求書支払いスケジュール + Maintain Invoice Payment Schedule + Maintain Payment Schedule of unpaid invoices + + + 警告 + Adempiere Alert + Adempiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted of + + + 銀行取引明細書のインポート + Import Bank Statements + + + + 総勘定元帳のインポート + Import General Ledger Journals + You way want to check the balance of the import with "Validate Only" before importing. +Unbalanced Journals are imported; the handling is based on your settings for the posting process. The optional balance check checks the entire import, not individual batches and journals. + + + 請求書のインポート + Import Invoices + Import invoiced loaded + + + 支払いのインポート + Import Payments + + + + 注文のインポート + Import Orders + Please set Y/N selections in the import loader format explicitly (e.g. as constants) and no not leave them NULL. A NULL value stands for "don't know". +In general, selection boxes are not selected if the value is not "Y" (i.e. could be null or any other value). All tests are made on "Y" or "not Y" - i.e. NULL values are not "not Y", but NULL (don't know) - see SQL Language introductions. + + + 貨物カテゴリ + Maintain Freight Categories + Freight Categories are used to calculate the Freight for the Shipper selected + + + 会計次元 + Maintain Non-Account Dimension Trees + Maintain Trees of non account segment trees. Account segment trees (as well as user defined dimensions) are mainatained in the Account Element window. Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all manfatory values! + + + + 複製 + Maintain Data Replication Targets + Data Replication Target Details. Set up your system completely on the central system, before setting up the replication. Define the Replication target here and export the database and import it on the remote system.<p> +Before(!) entering transactions, Start the Replication Run to set up the remote system. + + + 複製戦略 + Maintain Data Replication Strategy + The Data Replication Strategy determines which tables and how they are replicated. Note that the migration does not syncronize Application Dictionary items. + + + プロジェクト(注文します) + Maintain Sales Order and Work Order Details + The Project Window is used to maintain details of Projects Lines and Issues accross Phases/Tasks + + + 知識カテゴリ + Maintain Knoweledge Categories and Values + Set up knowledge categories and values as a search aid. Examples are Release Version, Product Area, etc. Knowledge Category values act like keyworks. + + + 知識ベース + Maintain Knowledge Base + Maintain Type, Topics, Entries and theit Comments, Categories, Related Entries + + + 知識ソース + Source of Knowledge Entries + The Source of a Knowlegde Entry is a pointer to the originating system. The Knowledge Entry has an additional entry (Description URL) for more detailed info. + + + 知識同義語 + Knowlege Keyword Synonym + Search Synonyms for Knowledge Keywords; Example: Product = Item + + + ビジネスパートナー情報 + Document Information of Business Partners + + + + ラベルプリンタ + Maintain Label Printer Definition + + + + 短倍担当者情報 + Company Agent (Sales Rep) Information + This window allows you to view Company agent related information + + + 未仕訳ドキュメント + Unposted Documents + View unposted documents + + + 通貨タイプ + Maintain Currency Conversion Rate Types + The Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define different type of rates, e.g. Spot, Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates. + + + 通貨率のインポート + Import Currency Conversion Rates + The rates are imported after validation of currencies and conversion rate type as well as rates. The multiply rate is used. If a reciprocal rate is to be created, the divide rate is used. + + + 作業フロープロセス + Monitor workflow processes + View and Maintain Workflow Process Instance Information + + + 作業フロー活動(すべて) + Monitor all Workflow activities + Maintain all Workflow activities + + + 作業フロー責任 + Responsible for Workflow Execution + The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. + + + 登録属性 + Asset Registration Attributes + Define the individual values for the Asset Registration + + + 登録 + User Asset Registration + User Registration of an Asset + + + 銀行取引明細書の組み合わせ方法 + Algorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments + An algorithm to find Business Partners, Invoices, Payments in imported Bank Statements + + + 支払いバッチ + Process Payment Patches for EFT + Electronic Fund Transfer Payment Batch. + + + 組織タイプ + Maintain Organization Types + Organization Type allows you to categorize your organizations for reporting purposes + + + スケジューラ + Maintain Schedule Processes and Logs + Schedule processes to be executed asynchronously + + + 作業フロープロセッサ + Maintain Workflow Processor and Logs + Workflow Processor Server Parameters + + + トピックへ入札 + Topic with Bids and Offers + Manage Topics and veiw Bids and Offers + + + オークションのトピックタイプ + Maintain Auction Topic Type and Categories + The Auction Topic Type determines what kind of auction is used for a particular area + + + オークションの売り手 + Maintain Auction Seller Information + A seller is a User in the system participating in Auctions + + + オークションの購入者 + Maintain Auction Buyer Information + A buyer is a User in the system participating in Auctions + + + 会計プロセッサ + Maintain Accounting Processor and Logs + Accounting Processor/Server Parameters and Logs + + + 警告プロセッサ + Maintain Alert Processor/Server Parameter and Logs + Alert Processor/Server Parameter + + + パートナー関係 + Maintain Business Partner Relations + Business Partner Relation allow to maintain Third Party Relationship rules: who receives invoices for shipments or pays for invoices. + + + 見積要求話題 + Maintain RfQ Topics and Subscribers + A Request for Quotation Topic allows you to maintain a subscriber list of potential Vendors to respond to RfQs + + + 見積要求 + Manage Request for Quotations + Request for Quotation to be sent out to vendors of a RfQ Topic. After Vendor selection, optionally create Sales Order or Quote for Customer as well as Purchase Order for Vendor(s) + + + 購読 + Maintain Subscriptions and Deliveries + Subscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renew + + + 購読タイプ + Maintain Subscription Types + Subscription type and renewal frequency + + + 発送先リスト + Maintain Distribution Lists + Distribution list contain business partners and a distribution quantity or ratio for creating Orders + + + パッケージ + Manage Shipment Packages + A Shipment can have one or more Packages. A Package may be tracked. + + + 材料返却承認 + Manage Return Material Authorization + A Return Material Authorization may be required to accept returns and to create Credit Memos + + + 催促実行 + Manage Dunning Runs + Manage Dunning Runs + + + 要求 + Material Requisition + Enter and maintain Material Requisitions. Material Requisition can be created automatically via Replenishment. You create generate optionally consolidated Purchase Orders. + + + 総勘定元帳配分 + General Ledger Distribution + If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is a one-step operation based on the percentage of the lines. + + + 見積要求応答 + Manage RfQ Responses + + + + 分配実行 + Distribution Run create Orders to distribute products to a selected list of partners + Distribution Run defines how Orders are created based on Distribution Lists + + + アクセス監査 + Audit of Access to data or resources + Logging needs to be explicitly enabled / written. + + + カウンタドキュメント + Maintain Counter Document Types + When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: a "Standard Order" creates a "Standard PO". +If you define a relationship here, you overwrite the default counter document type in the Document Type definition. This allows you to define a specific mapping. +If not defined, the first matching document type is used (e.g. AR Invoice - first AP Invoice document type) + + + 予測 + Maintain Material Forecast + Material Forecast + + + 要求 + Maintain Material Demand + Material Demand can be based on Forecast, Requisitions, Open Orders + + + 出荷/受領確認 + Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation + Confirmation of Shipment or Receipt - Created from the Shipment/Receipt + + + 材料返還承認のタイプ + Return Material Authorization Type + Maintain the types of RMA + + + 監査を処理 + Audit process use + Process Instance Information + + + 在庫移動確認 + Confirm Inventory Moves + The document is automatically created when the document type of the movement indicates In Transit.. If there is a difference quantity, a Physical Inventory is created for the source (from) warehouse. If there is a scrapped quantity, a Physical Inventory is created for the target (to) warehouse. + + + インポートの確認 + Import Receipt/Shipment Confirmation Lines + Import Confirmation data of existing Receipt/Shipment Confirmations + + + SLA評価基準 + Service Level Agreement Criteria + Define a criteria to measure service level agreements (e.g. Quality, Delivery meets Promised date, ..) + + + パートナーによるSLA + Service Level Agreement + Maintain Service Level Agreements for Business Partners + + + 価格リストスキーマ + Maintain Price List Schema + Price List schema defines calculation rules for price lists + + + POS端末 + Maintain your Point of Sales Terminal + The POS Terminal defines the defaults and functions available for the POS Form + + + POSのキーレイアウト + POS Function Key Layout + + + + システム登録 + Register your System + System Registration - Only one Record - Do not add additional records. + + + 内部利用在庫 + Enter Internal Use of Inventory + The Internal Use of Inventory Window allows enter the quantity of used products. + + + 請求書バッチ + Expense Invoice Batch + Enter expense invoices in batch. After creating the lines, the actual invoices are created when processing the batch + + + 原価要素 + Maintain Product Cost Element + You can define your own product cost elements. + + + 製品コスト + Maintain Product Costs + Maintain Product Cost Elements + + + 要求カテゴリ + Maintain Request Category + Category or Topic of the Request + + + 要求グループ + Maintain Request Group + Group of requests (e.g. version numbers, responsibility, ...) + + + 要求解決 + Maintain Request Resolutions + Resolution status (e.g. Fixed, Rejected, ..) + + + 要求標準応答 + Maintain Request Standard Response + Text blocks to be copied into request response text + + + 要求状態 + Maintain Request Status + Status if the request (open, closed, investigating, ..) + + + ウェブストア + Define Web Store + Define the web store setup. + + + 役職 + Maintain Job Positions + Maintain internal (employee) or external positions + + + 役職カテゴリ + Maintain Job Position Categories + + + + 報酬 + Maintain Remuneration + Wages and Salaries + + + 製品部品構成表 + Maintain Product Bill of Materials + + + + 部品構成表の変更通知 + Maintain Bill of Materials (Engineering) Change Notice (Version) + Change notices can be linked to BOMs or be stand alone. + + + 変更通知 + Maintain (Engineering) Change Notice (Version) + Stand-alone change notice - Change notices could also be directly linked to BOMs + + + 属性セットインスタンス + View Attribute Set Instance detail and use + + + + 税金申告 + Define the declaration to the tax authorities + The tax declaration allows you to create supporting information and reconcile the documents with the accounting + + + 報告の階層構造 + Define Reporting Hierarchy + Reporting Hierarchy allows you to select different Hierarchies/Trees for the report. +Accounting Segments like Organization, Account, Product may have several hierarchies to accomodate different views on the business + + + 予算管理 + Maintain Budget Controls + Budget Control allows you to restrict the use of expenditures, commitments (Purchase Orders) and reservations (Requisitions). If defined, you mey not be able to approve Requisitions, Purchse Orders, or AP Invoices. + + + 総勘定元帳資金(アルファ版) + Maintain Fund Controls + General Ledger Funds Control allows you to restrict the use of funds. This is independent from budget control. + + + システム問題レポート + Automatically created or manually entered System Issue Reports + System Issues are created to speed up the resolution of any system related issues (potential bugs). If enabled, they are automatically reported to Adempiere. No data or confidential information is transferred. + + + 成績グラフの色スキーマ + Maintain Performance Color Schema + Visual representation of performance by color. The Schema has often three levels (e.g. red-yellow-green). Adempiere support two levels (e.g. red-green) or four levels (e.g. gray-bronce-silver-gold). Note that Measures without a goal are represented white. The percentages could be beween 0 and unlimited (i.e. above 100%). + + + 成績ベンチマーク + Performance Benchmark + Data Series to compare internal performance with (e.g. stock price, ...) + + + 成績比率 + Maintain Performance Ratios + Calculation instruction for a ratio + + + 問題推薦 + Maintain Issue Recommendation + + + + 問題状態 + Maintain Issue Status + Status of an Issue + + + 既知の問題 + Maintain Known Issue + + + + 問題プロジェクト + Maintain Issue Management Project Links + Maintain Issue Management Project Links - automatically generated. + + + 問題報告ユーザー + User who reported Issues + + + + 問題システム + Maintain Systems + + + + ウェブプロジェクト + Maintain Web Project (Content Management) + At the level of the web project you define the project itself, it's domains and media servers. Each project needs to have at least one domain and one media server. + + + テンプレート + + + + + ウェブ広告管理 + Content Management Ad Management defines the needed categories and items + Ad Management is used to create and manage advertisements in your conten management + + + ニュースチャネル + Define News Channels, write and publish articles + Define News Channels, write and publish articles + + + チャット表示 + View discussions / chats + View chat / discussion threads + + + メディア項目 + Maintain Web Media + Maintain Content Management Media + + + チャットタイプ + Maintain Chat Types + Chat Types + + + エンティティタイプ + Maintain System Entity Type + The entity type determines the ownership of Application Dictionary entries. The types "Dictionary" and "Adempiere" should not be used and are maintainted by Adempiere (i.e. all changes are reversed during migration to the current definition). + + + ウェブアクセス + Maintain Web Access + Define access to collaboration management content. You can assign the profile to a internal role or for external access to business partner group. + + + ウェブブロードキャストサーバー + Maintain Web Broadcast Server + + + + 情報ウィンドウ + Define Info and search/select Window + The Info window is used to search and select records as well as display information relevant to the selection. + + + テキストインデックス + Maintain Text Search Index + Text search index keyword and excerpt across documents + + + テキストインデックス停止 + Maintain keywords not to be indexed + + + + Text Search Log + View Text Search Log + + + + LDAP Server + LDAP Server to authenticate and authorize external systems based on Adempiere + The LDAP Server allows third party software (e.g. Apache) to use the users defined in the system to authentificate and authorize them. There is only one server per Adempiere system. The "o" is the Client key and the optional "ou" is the Interest Area key. + + + Packages Installed + List of packages installed + + + + Package Maintenance + Package installation history and maintenance + Review package installation. Also perform package rollback if required + + + PackOut - Create a package + Package build Application + + + + Common Package Details + Maintain Common Package Details + Create and maintain common package element details + + + PackIn - Import a package + Imports a package + Imports a package previously created by PackOut + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/AD_Workbench_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/AD_Workbench_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 69de7fad89..8aff05397d 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/AD_Workbench_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/AD_Workbench_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - - - - - - 売上 - - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + 売上 + + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/AD_Workflow_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/AD_Workflow_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 56a2b23310..278e4ad676 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/AD_Workflow_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/AD_Workflow_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,209 +1,263 @@ - - - - - - プロジェクトのセットアップと使用 - プロジェクトのセットアップとプロジェクトの報告です。 - プロジェクトは販売機会、サービス計画、投資計画の状態と進捗をモニターすることが出来ます。ひとつのプロジェクトは1つのプロセスに引き渡されます。これは複数のステップやフェーズに関わることが出来て、ひとつ以上の場所から資源を必要とします。 - - - 言語セットアップ - システムの新しい言語をセットアップしてください。その後、要素を翻訳してください。 - 新しい言語をシステム言語として設定してください。 - - - 初期のクライアントセットアップレビュー - 新しいクライアントのシステムレベルセットアップのレビューです。 - この作業フローは、自動初期クライアントセットアップによって実行される、新しいクライアントのシステムセットアップをレビューします。 - -以下の作業フローも確認してください。 -- 会計セットアップ -- ビジネスパートナーセットアップ -- 製品セットアップ -- 価格リストセットアップ -- 倉庫セットアップ -- 税金セットアップ - - - - - 会計セットアップ - 会計セットアップをレビュー、変更します。 - この作業フローで、会計ルールを見直して、変えることが出来ます。 - - - ビジネスパートナーセットアップ - セットアップビジネスパートナー規則です。 - この作業フローはビジネスパートナーとサポートルールを定義します。 - - - 製品セットアップ - 製品をセットアップします。 - 手動で製品を定義してください。製品をインポートする場合は、設定について確かめてください。 - - - 価格リストセットアップ - 価格リストと割引を定義してください。 - 入力または、インポートした後に、価格リストを定義します。価格リストに加えて、ビジネスパートナーのための割り引きを定義することができます。特定の価格リストと割引をビジネスパートナーに割り当ててください。 - - - レプリケーションセットアップ - データレプリケーションのセットアップです。 - データレプリケーションは遠隔地にあるデータを本社と同期させます。すべての動作が本社から初期化されます。<p> -<b>本社システム: </b><Br> -- すべての組織、役割などを使ってシステムをセットアップします。(<Br>) - -- 最新の状態であることを確実にするために移行を実行します。(<Br>) -- 本社システムをエクスポートします。 - -<p> -<b>リモートシステム: </b> -- 本社システムとして正確なバージョンをインストールします。(<Br>) - -- 離れた場所の本社システムからのデータをインポートします。 -<p> -<b>本社システム: </b> - -- 各リモートごとのレプリケーションを定義します。(<Br>) -- リモート単位でID範囲が確実に重複しない一意になるようにしてください - そうでなければ、取引データが消失します!<br> -- リモートをセットアップするために、初めにレプリケーション実行を開始してください。 - -<p> -**トランザクションを入力してください。** -<p> -<b>本社システム: </b><Br> -- 必要なときに、レプリケーション実行を開始してください。 - - - 税金セットアップ - 税金計算をセットアップします。 - 製品、サービス、および料金のための税金計算をセットアップしてください。 - - - 販売セットアップ - 販売のセットアップをします。 - 販売経路、キャンペーンとともに販売担当、委員会を設定します。 - - - パフォーマンス測定セットアップ - パフォーマンス測定をセットアップしてください。 - -この作業フローは、キーパフォーマンス指標、バランススコアカードなどに基づいたパフォーマンス測定の設定を、全般的に補助します。 - - -最重要: まず最初に、分析してください! - -- 目標は何ですか、また、どのようにそれを測定しますか? - - -システムをセットアップしているとき、逆の順序でそれをします: - -まず最初に、どうやってそれを測定するかを定義します。そして、最後に測定の目的を定義します。 - -性能を測定する3つの方法があります: - -- 定量化可能な測定で(例えば、第一四半期での1億円の販売) - -- 手動の測定で - -- 業績(タスク)で - -システムは測定結果を割合に変換します。(目標と達成された測定に基づくか、または総数と達成した業績に基づく) - - - セットアップを要求 - 要求を処理するためにクライアントをセットアップしてください。 - - - - 要求セットアップ - - - - - プロセス_要求 - (標準のプロセス_要求) - - - - プロセス_注文 - (標準のプロセス注文) - - - - プロセス_出荷 - (標準のプロセス出荷) - - - - プロセス_請求書 - (標準のプロセス請求書) - - - - プロセス_現金 - (標準のプロセス現金) - - - - プロセス_支払い - (標準のプロセス支払い) - - - - プロセス_仕訳帳 - (標準のプロセス仕訳帳) - - - - プロセス_仕訳帳一括処理 - (標準のプロセス仕訳帳一括処理) - - - - プロセス_材料返還責任 - (標準のプロセス_材料返還責任) - - - - プロセス_入出力確認 - (標準のプロセス確認) - - - - プロセス_割当 - (標準のプロセス割当) - - - - プロセス_時間費用 - (標準のプロセス時間の費用) - - - - プロセス_在庫 - (標準のプロセス在庫) - - - - プロセス_移動 - (標準のプロセス移動) - - - - プロセス_移動確認 - (標準のプロセス移動確認) - - - - プロセス_銀行取引明細書 - (標準のプロセス銀行取引明細書) - - - - ビジネスパートナー承認 - 作業フローに基づくドキュメントの例 - 新しいビジネスパートナーが作成されたときに、見直しと信用チェックのために転送されます。 - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + プロジェクトのセットアップと使用 + プロジェクトのセットアップとプロジェクトの報告です。 + プロジェクトは販売機会、サービス計画、投資計画の状態と進捗をモニターすることが出来ます。ひとつのプロジェクトは1つのプロセスに引き渡されます。これは複数のステップやフェーズに関わることが出来て、ひとつ以上の場所から資源を必要とします。 + + + 言語セットアップ + システムの新しい言語をセットアップしてください。その後、要素を翻訳してください。 + 新しい言語をシステム言語として設定してください。 + + + 初期のクライアントセットアップレビュー + 新しいクライアントのシステムレベルセットアップのレビューです。 + この作業フローは、自動初期クライアントセットアップによって実行される、新しいクライアントのシステムセットアップをレビューします。 + + + +以下の作業フローも確認してください。 + +- 会計セットアップ + +- ビジネスパートナーセットアップ + +- 製品セットアップ + +- 価格リストセットアップ + +- 倉庫セットアップ + +- 税金セットアップ + + + + + + + 会計セットアップ + 会計セットアップをレビュー、変更します。 + この作業フローで、会計ルールを見直して、変えることが出来ます。 + + + ビジネスパートナーセットアップ + セットアップビジネスパートナー規則です。 + この作業フローはビジネスパートナーとサポートルールを定義します。 + + + 製品セットアップ + 製品をセットアップします。 + 手動で製品を定義してください。製品をインポートする場合は、設定について確かめてください。 + + + 価格リストセットアップ + 価格リストと割引を定義してください。 + 入力または、インポートした後に、価格リストを定義します。価格リストに加えて、ビジネスパートナーのための割り引きを定義することができます。特定の価格リストと割引をビジネスパートナーに割り当ててください。 + + + レプリケーションセットアップ + データレプリケーションのセットアップです。 + データレプリケーションは遠隔地にあるデータを本社と同期させます。すべての動作が本社から初期化されます。<p> + +<b>本社システム: </b><Br> + +- すべての組織、役割などを使ってシステムをセットアップします。(<Br>) + + + +- 最新の状態であることを確実にするために移行を実行します。(<Br>) + +- 本社システムをエクスポートします。 + + + +<p> + +<b>リモートシステム: </b> + +- 本社システムとして正確なバージョンをインストールします。(<Br>) + + + +- 離れた場所の本社システムからのデータをインポートします。 + +<p> + +<b>本社システム: </b> + + + +- 各リモートごとのレプリケーションを定義します。(<Br>) + +- リモート単位でID範囲が確実に重複しない一意になるようにしてください - そうでなければ、取引データが消失します!<br> + +- リモートをセットアップするために、初めにレプリケーション実行を開始してください。 + + + +<p> + +**トランザクションを入力してください。** + +<p> + +<b>本社システム: </b><Br> + +- 必要なときに、レプリケーション実行を開始してください。 + + + 税金セットアップ + 税金計算をセットアップします。 + 製品、サービス、および料金のための税金計算をセットアップしてください。 + + + 販売セットアップ + 販売のセットアップをします。 + 販売経路、キャンペーンとともに販売担当、委員会を設定します。 + + + パフォーマンス測定セットアップ + パフォーマンス測定をセットアップしてください。 + +この作業フローは、キーパフォーマンス指標、バランススコアカードなどに基づいたパフォーマンス測定の設定を、全般的に補助します。 + + + + + +最重要: まず最初に、分析してください! + + + +- 目標は何ですか、また、どのようにそれを測定しますか? + + + + + +システムをセットアップしているとき、逆の順序でそれをします: + + + +まず最初に、どうやってそれを測定するかを定義します。そして、最後に測定の目的を定義します。 + + + +性能を測定する3つの方法があります: + + + +- 定量化可能な測定で(例えば、第一四半期での1億円の販売) + + + +- 手動の測定で + + + +- 業績(タスク)で + + + + +システムは測定結果を割合に変換します。(目標と達成された測定に基づくか、または総数と達成した業績に基づく) + + + セットアップを要求 + 要求を処理するためにクライアントをセットアップしてください。 + + + + 要求セットアップ + + + + + プロセス_要求 + (標準のプロセス_要求) + + + + プロセス_注文 + (標準のプロセス注文) + + + + プロセス_出荷 + (標準のプロセス出荷) + + + + プロセス_請求書 + (標準のプロセス請求書) + + + + プロセス_現金 + (標準のプロセス現金) + + + + プロセス_支払い + (標準のプロセス支払い) + + + + プロセス_仕訳帳 + (標準のプロセス仕訳帳) + + + + プロセス_仕訳帳一括処理 + (標準のプロセス仕訳帳一括処理) + + + + プロセス_材料返還責任 + (標準のプロセス_材料返還責任) + + + + プロセス_入出力確認 + (標準のプロセス確認) + + + + プロセス_割当 + (標準のプロセス割当) + + + + プロセス_時間費用 + (標準のプロセス時間の費用) + + + + プロセス_在庫 + (標準のプロセス在庫) + + + + プロセス_移動 + (標準のプロセス移動) + + + + プロセス_移動確認 + (標準のプロセス移動確認) + + + + プロセス_銀行取引明細書 + (標準のプロセス銀行取引明細書) + + + + ビジネスパートナー承認 + 作業フローに基づくドキュメントの例 + 新しいビジネスパートナーが作成されたときに、見直しと信用チェックのために転送されます。 + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/CM_CStage_Element_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/CM_CStage_Element_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 1a961e88e8..0738e25bda 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/CM_CStage_Element_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/CM_CStage_Element_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ - - - - - - headline1 - - - - - content1 - - - - - headline1 - - - - - content1 - - - - - headline1 - - - - - content1 - - - - - headline1 - - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + headline1 + + + + + content1 + + + + + headline1 + + + + + content1 + + + + + headline1 + + + + + content1 + + + + + headline1 + + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/CM_CStage_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/CM_CStage_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 8ffed4767d..037b97f8db 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/CM_CStage_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/CM_CStage_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,45 +1,45 @@ - - - - - - - 製品 - - - - - - - - ガーデンワールドのホーム - ガーデンワールドのホームページです。ここには実際のコンテンツを配置してください。 - GardenWorld, Adempiere - - ガーデンワールドのホーム - - - - セイヨウスモモ - 私たちのセイヨウスモモは世界で一番です。 - plum tree gardenworld - - パワフルなセイヨウスモモ - - - - オークの木 - ステキなオークの木についてのセールスポイントを記入します。 - oak tree gardenworld - - - - - - ページが見つかりません - Error 404 - Gardenadmin, Error 404 - - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + + 製品 + + + + + + + + ガーデンワールドのホーム + ガーデンワールドのホームページです。ここには実際のコンテンツを配置してください。 + GardenWorld, Adempiere + + ガーデンワールドのホーム + + + + セイヨウスモモ + 私たちのセイヨウスモモは世界で一番です。 + plum tree gardenworld + + パワフルなセイヨウスモモ + + + + オークの木 + ステキなオークの木についてのセールスポイントを記入します。 + oak tree gardenworld + + + + + + ページが見つかりません + Error 404 + Gardenadmin, Error 404 + + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/CM_Container_Element_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/CM_Container_Element_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 98786434ec..74d12a2839 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/CM_Container_Element_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/CM_Container_Element_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,35 +1,35 @@ - - - - - - content1 - - - - - headline1 - - - - - content1 - - - - - headline1 - - - - - content1 - - - - - headline1 - - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + content1 + + + + + headline1 + + + + + content1 + + + + + headline1 + + + + + content1 + + + + + headline1 + + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/CM_Container_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/CM_Container_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 76cefb2d0c..356de5e16b 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/CM_Container_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/CM_Container_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,45 +1,45 @@ - - - - - - 製品 - - - - - - - - ガーデンワールドのホーム - - ガーデンワールドのホームページです。ここには実際のコンテンツを配置してください。 - GardenWorld, Adempiere - - ガーデンワールドのホーム - - - セイヨウスモモ - - 私たちのセイヨウスモモは世界で一番です。 - plum tree gardenworld - - パワフルなセイヨウスモモ - - - オークの木 - - ステキなオークの木についてのセールスポイントを記入します。 - oak tree gardenworld - - - - - ページが見つかりません - - Error 404 - Gardenadmin, Error 404 - - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + 製品 + + + + + + + + ガーデンワールドのホーム + + ガーデンワールドのホームページです。ここには実際のコンテンツを配置してください。 + GardenWorld, Adempiere + + ガーデンワールドのホーム + + + セイヨウスモモ + + 私たちのセイヨウスモモは世界で一番です。 + plum tree gardenworld + + パワフルなセイヨウスモモ + + + オークの木 + + ステキなオークの木についてのセールスポイントを記入します。 + oak tree gardenworld + + + + + ページが見つかりません + + Error 404 + Gardenadmin, Error 404 + + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/C_Country_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/C_Country_Trl_ja_JP.xml index c1ae6b8b42..63235fc27b 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/C_Country_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/C_Country_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,1200 +1,1200 @@ - - - - - - 合衆国 - アメリカ合衆国 - - - - ドイツ - - - - - フランス - フランス - - - - ベルギー - - - - - オランダ - - - - - スペイン - - - - - スイス - - - - - オーストリア - sterreich - - - - カナダ - - - - - アフガニスタン - アフガニスタン - - - - アルバニア - アルバニア - - - - アルジェリア - アルジェリア - - - - アメリカ領サモア - アメリカ領サモア - - - - アンドラ - アンドラ - - - - アンゴラ - アンゴラ - - - - アンギラ - アンギラ - - - - 南極大陸 - 南極大陸 - - - - アンティグアバーブーダ - アンティグアバーブーダ - - - - アルゼンチン - アルゼンチン - - - - アルメニア - アルメニア - - - - アルーバ - アルーバ - - - - オーストラリア - オーストラリア - - - - アゼルバイジャン - アゼルバイジャン - - - - バハマ - バハマ - - - - バーレーン - バーレーン - - - - バングラデシュ - バングラデシュ - - - - バルバドス - バルバドス - - - - ベラルーシ - ベラルーシ - - - - ベリーズ - ベリーズ - - - - ベナン - ベナン - - - - バーミューダー諸島 - バーミューダー諸島 - - - - ブータン - ブータン - - - - ボリビア - ボリビア - - - - ボスニアとヘルツェゴビナ - ボスニアとヘルツェゴビナ - - - - ボツワナ - ボツワナ - - - - ブーベー島 - ブーベー島 - - - - ブラジル - ブラジル - - - - イギリスのインド洋領土 - イギリスのインド洋領土 - - - - ブルネイ・ダルサラーム国 - ブルネイ・ダルサラーム国 - - - - ブルガリア - ブルガリア - - - - ブルキナファソ - ブルキナファソ - - - - ブルンジ - ブルンジ - - - - カンボジア - カンボジア - - - - カメルーン - カメルーン - - - - カボベルデ - カボベルデ - - - - カイマン諸島 - カイマン諸島 - - - - 中央アフリカ共和国 - 中央アフリカ共和国 - - - - チャド - チャド - - - - チリ - チリ - - - - 中国 - 中国 - - - - クリスマス諸島 - クリスマス諸島 - - - - ココス(キール)諸島 - ココス(キール)諸島 - - - - コロンビア - コロンビア - - - - コモロ - コモロ - - - - コンゴ - コンゴ - - - - コンゴ民主共和国 - コンゴ民主共和国 - - - - クック諸島 - クック諸島 - - - - コスタリカ - コスタリカ - - - - コートディヴォアール - コートディヴォアール - - - - クロアチア - クロアチア - - - - キューバ - キューバ - - - - キプロス - キプロス - - - - チェコ共和国 - チェコ共和国 - - - - デンマーク - デンマーク - - - - ジブチ - ジブチ - - - - ドミニカ共和国 - ドミニカ共和国 - - - - ドミニカ共和国 - ドミニカ共和国 - - - - エクアドル - エクアドル - - - - エジプト - エジプト - - - - エルサルバドル - エルサルバドル - - - - 赤道ギニア - 赤道ギニア - - - - エリトリア - エリトリア - - - - エストニア - エストニア - - - - エチオピア - エチオピア - - - - フォークランド諸島(「悪-ビナ」) - フォークランド諸島(「悪-ビナ」) - - - - Faroe諸島 - Faroe諸島 - - - - フィジー - フィジー - - - - フィンランド - フィンランド - - - - 仏領ギアナ - 仏領ギアナ - - - - フランスのポリネシア - フランスのポリネシア - - - - フランスの南部の領土 - フランスの南部の領土 - - - - ガボン - ガボン - - - - ガンビア - ガンビア - - - - ジョージア - ジョージア - - - - ガーナ - ガーナ - - - - ジブラルタル - ジブラルタル - - - - ギリシア - ギリシア - - - - グリーンランド - グリーンランド - - - - グレナダ - グレナダ - - - - グアドループ - グアドループ - - - - グアム - グアム - - - - グアテマラ - グアテマラ - - - - ギニア - ギニア - - - - ギニア-bissau - ギニア-bissau - - - - ガイアナ - ガイアナ - - - - ハイチ - ハイチ - - - - ハード島とマクドナルド諸島 - ハード島とマクドナルド諸島 - - - - 教皇庁(バチカン市国) - 教皇庁(バチカン市国) - - - - ホンジュラス - ホンジュラス - - - - 香港 - 香港 - - - - ハンガリー - ハンガリー - - - - アイスランド - アイスランド - - - - インド - インド - - - - インドネシア - インドネシア - - - - イラン・イスラム共和国 - イラン・イスラム共和国 - - - - イラク - イラク - - - - アイルランド - アイルランド - - - - イスラエル - イスラエル - - - - イタリア - イタリア - - - - ジャマイカ - ジャマイカ - - - - 日本 - 日本 - - - - ヨルダン - ヨルダン - - - - カザフスタン - カザフスタン - - - - ケニア - ケニア - - - - キリバチ - キリバチ - - - - 韓国民主人民共和国 - 韓国民主人民共和国 - - - - 韓国共和国 - 韓国共和国 - - - - クウェート - クウェート - - - - キルギスタン - キルギスタン - - - - ラオス人民民主共和国 - ラオス人民民主共和国 - - - - ラトビア - ラトビア - - - - レバノン - レバノン - - - - レソト - レソト - - - - リベリア - リベリア - - - - リビア - リビア - - - - リヒテンシュタイン - リヒテンシュタイン - - - - リトアニア - リトアニア - - - - ルクセンブルク - ルクセンブルク - - - - マカオ - マカオ - - - - マケドニア旧ユーゴスラビア共和国 - マケドニア旧ユーゴスラビア共和国 - - - - マダガスカル - マダガスカル - - - - マラウィ - マラウィ - - - - マレーシア - マレーシア - - - - モルジブ - モルジブ - - - - マリ - マリ - - - - マルタ - マルタ - - - - マーシャル諸島共和国 - マーシャル諸島共和国 - - - - マルチニーク - マルチニーク - - - - モーリタニア - モーリタニア - - - - モーリシャス - モーリシャス - - - - マイヨット - マイヨット - - - - メキシコ - メキシコ - Estado - - - ミクロネシア連邦 - ミクロネシア連邦 - - - - モルドバ共和国 - モルドバ共和国 - - - - モナコ - モナコ - - - - モンゴリア - モンゴリア - - - - モントセラト - モントセラト - - - - モロッコ - モロッコ - - - - モザンビーク - モザンビーク - - - - ミャンマー - ミャンマー - - - - ナミビア - ナミビア - - - - ナウル - ナウル - - - - ネパール - ネパール - - - - オランダアンティル - オランダアンティル - - - - ニューカレドニア - ニューカレドニア - - - - ニュージーランド - ニュージーランド - - - - ニカラグア - ニカラグア - - - - ニジェール - ニジェール - - - - ナイジェリア - ナイジェリア - - - - ニウエ - ニウエ - - - - ノーフォーク島 - ノーフォーク島 - - - - 北マリアナ諸島 - 北マリアナ諸島 - - - - ノルウェー - ノルウェー - - - - オーマン - オーマン - - - - パキスタン - パキスタン - - - - パラオ - パラオ - - - - パレスチナ領土 - パレスチナ領土 - - - - パナマ - パナマ - - - - パプアニューギニア - パプアニューギニア - - - - パラグアイ - パラグアイ - - - - ペルー - ペルー - - - - フィリピン - フィリピン - - - - ピトケアン - ピトケアン - - - - ポーランド - ポーランド - - - - ポルトガル - ポルトガル - - - - プエルトリコ - プエルトリコ - - - - カタール - カタール - - - - Reunion - Reunion - - - - ルーマニア - ルーマニア - - - - ロシア連邦 - ロシア連邦 - - - - ルワンダ - ルワンダ - - - - セントヘレナ - セントヘレナ - - - - セントクリストファー・ネイビス - セントクリストファー・ネイビス - - - - セントルシア - セントルシア - - - - サンピエール島・ミクロン島 - サンピエール島・ミクロン島 - - - - セントビンセントおよびグレナディーン諸島 - セントビンセントおよびグレナディーン諸島 - - - - サモア - サモア - - - - サン・マリノ - サン・マリノ - - - - サントメ・プリンシペ民主共和国 - サントメ・プリンシペ民主共和国 - - - - サウジアラビア - サウジアラビア - - - - セネガル - セネガル - - - - セイシェル - セイシェル - - - - シエラレオネ - シエラレオネ - - - - シンガポール - シンガポール - - - - スロバキア - スロバキア - - - - スロベニア - スロベニア - - - - ソロモン諸島 - ソロモン諸島 - - - - ソマリア - ソマリア - - - - 南アフリカ - 南アフリカ - - - - サウスジョージアと南サンドイッチ諸島 - サウスジョージアと南サンドイッチ諸島 - - - - スリランカ - スリランカ - - - - スーダン - スーダン - - - - スリナム - スリナム - - - - スバールバル諸島・ヤンマイエン島 - スバールバル諸島・ヤンマイエン島 - - - - スワジランド - スワジランド - - - - スウェーデン - スウェーデン - - - - シリア・アラブ共和国 - シリア・アラブ共和国 - - - - 台湾 - 台湾 - - - - タジキスタン - タジキスタン - - - - タンザニア連合共和国 - タンザニア連合共和国 - - - - タイ - タイ - - - - チモール - チモール - - - - トーゴ - トーゴ - - - - トケラウ - トケラウ - - - - トンガ - トンガ - - - - トリニダード・ドバゴ - トリニダード・ドバゴ - - - - チュニジア - チュニジア - - - - トルコ - トルコ - - - - トルクメニスタン - トルクメニスタン - - - - タークス・カイコス諸島 - タークス・カイコス諸島 - - - - ツバル - ツバル - - - - ウガンダ - ウガンダ - - - - ウクライナ - ウクライナ - - - - アラブ首長国連邦 - アラブ首長国連邦 - - - - イギリス - イギリス - - - - United States Minor Outlying Islands - United States Minor Outlying Islands - - - - ウルグアイ - ウルグアイ - - - - ウズベキスタン - ウズベキスタン - - - - バヌアツ - バヌアツ - - - - ベネズエラ - ベネズエラ - - - - ベトナム - ベトナム - - - - イギリス領ヴァージン諸島 - イギリス領ヴァージン諸島 - - - - 米国領ヴァージン諸島 - 米国領ヴァージン諸島 - - - - ワリスとフチュナ - ワリスとフチュナ - - - - 西サハラ - 西サハラ - - - - イエメン - イエメン - - - - ユーゴスラビア - ユーゴスラビア - - - - ザンビア - ザンビア - - - - ジンバブエ - ジンバブエ - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + 合衆国 + アメリカ合衆国 + + + + ドイツ + + + + + フランス + フランス + + + + ベルギー + + + + + オランダ + + + + + スペイン + + + + + スイス + + + + + オーストリア + sterreich + + + + カナダ + + + + + アフガニスタン + アフガニスタン + + + + アルバニア + アルバニア + + + + アルジェリア + アルジェリア + + + + アメリカ領サモア + アメリカ領サモア + + + + アンドラ + アンドラ + + + + アンゴラ + アンゴラ + + + + アンギラ + アンギラ + + + + 南極大陸 + 南極大陸 + + + + アンティグアバーブーダ + アンティグアバーブーダ + + + + アルゼンチン + アルゼンチン + + + + アルメニア + アルメニア + + + + アルーバ + アルーバ + + + + オーストラリア + オーストラリア + + + + アゼルバイジャン + アゼルバイジャン + + + + バハマ + バハマ + + + + バーレーン + バーレーン + + + + バングラデシュ + バングラデシュ + + + + バルバドス + バルバドス + + + + ベラルーシ + ベラルーシ + + + + ベリーズ + ベリーズ + + + + ベナン + ベナン + + + + バーミューダー諸島 + バーミューダー諸島 + + + + ブータン + ブータン + + + + ボリビア + ボリビア + + + + ボスニアとヘルツェゴビナ + ボスニアとヘルツェゴビナ + + + + ボツワナ + ボツワナ + + + + ブーベー島 + ブーベー島 + + + + ブラジル + ブラジル + + + + イギリスのインド洋領土 + イギリスのインド洋領土 + + + + ブルネイ・ダルサラーム国 + ブルネイ・ダルサラーム国 + + + + ブルガリア + ブルガリア + + + + ブルキナファソ + ブルキナファソ + + + + ブルンジ + ブルンジ + + + + カンボジア + カンボジア + + + + カメルーン + カメルーン + + + + カボベルデ + カボベルデ + + + + カイマン諸島 + カイマン諸島 + + + + 中央アフリカ共和国 + 中央アフリカ共和国 + + + + チャド + チャド + + + + チリ + チリ + + + + 中国 + 中国 + + + + クリスマス諸島 + クリスマス諸島 + + + + ココス(キール)諸島 + ココス(キール)諸島 + + + + コロンビア + コロンビア + + + + コモロ + コモロ + + + + コンゴ + コンゴ + + + + コンゴ民主共和国 + コンゴ民主共和国 + + + + クック諸島 + クック諸島 + + + + コスタリカ + コスタリカ + + + + コートディヴォアール + コートディヴォアール + + + + クロアチア + クロアチア + + + + キューバ + キューバ + + + + キプロス + キプロス + + + + チェコ共和国 + チェコ共和国 + + + + デンマーク + デンマーク + + + + ジブチ + ジブチ + + + + ドミニカ共和国 + ドミニカ共和国 + + + + ドミニカ共和国 + ドミニカ共和国 + + + + エクアドル + エクアドル + + + + エジプト + エジプト + + + + エルサルバドル + エルサルバドル + + + + 赤道ギニア + 赤道ギニア + + + + エリトリア + エリトリア + + + + エストニア + エストニア + + + + エチオピア + エチオピア + + + + フォークランド諸島(「悪-ビナ」) + フォークランド諸島(「悪-ビナ」) + + + + Faroe諸島 + Faroe諸島 + + + + フィジー + フィジー + + + + フィンランド + フィンランド + + + + 仏領ギアナ + 仏領ギアナ + + + + フランスのポリネシア + フランスのポリネシア + + + + フランスの南部の領土 + フランスの南部の領土 + + + + ガボン + ガボン + + + + ガンビア + ガンビア + + + + ジョージア + ジョージア + + + + ガーナ + ガーナ + + + + ジブラルタル + ジブラルタル + + + + ギリシア + ギリシア + + + + グリーンランド + グリーンランド + + + + グレナダ + グレナダ + + + + グアドループ + グアドループ + + + + グアム + グアム + + + + グアテマラ + グアテマラ + + + + ギニア + ギニア + + + + ギニア-bissau + ギニア-bissau + + + + ガイアナ + ガイアナ + + + + ハイチ + ハイチ + + + + ハード島とマクドナルド諸島 + ハード島とマクドナルド諸島 + + + + 教皇庁(バチカン市国) + 教皇庁(バチカン市国) + + + + ホンジュラス + ホンジュラス + + + + 香港 + 香港 + + + + ハンガリー + ハンガリー + + + + アイスランド + アイスランド + + + + インド + インド + + + + インドネシア + インドネシア + + + + イラン・イスラム共和国 + イラン・イスラム共和国 + + + + イラク + イラク + + + + アイルランド + アイルランド + + + + イスラエル + イスラエル + + + + イタリア + イタリア + + + + ジャマイカ + ジャマイカ + + + + 日本 + 日本 + + + + ヨルダン + ヨルダン + + + + カザフスタン + カザフスタン + + + + ケニア + ケニア + + + + キリバチ + キリバチ + + + + 韓国民主人民共和国 + 韓国民主人民共和国 + + + + 韓国共和国 + 韓国共和国 + + + + クウェート + クウェート + + + + キルギスタン + キルギスタン + + + + ラオス人民民主共和国 + ラオス人民民主共和国 + + + + ラトビア + ラトビア + + + + レバノン + レバノン + + + + レソト + レソト + + + + リベリア + リベリア + + + + リビア + リビア + + + + リヒテンシュタイン + リヒテンシュタイン + + + + リトアニア + リトアニア + + + + ルクセンブルク + ルクセンブルク + + + + マカオ + マカオ + + + + マケドニア旧ユーゴスラビア共和国 + マケドニア旧ユーゴスラビア共和国 + + + + マダガスカル + マダガスカル + + + + マラウィ + マラウィ + + + + マレーシア + マレーシア + + + + モルジブ + モルジブ + + + + マリ + マリ + + + + マルタ + マルタ + + + + マーシャル諸島共和国 + マーシャル諸島共和国 + + + + マルチニーク + マルチニーク + + + + モーリタニア + モーリタニア + + + + モーリシャス + モーリシャス + + + + マイヨット + マイヨット + + + + メキシコ + メキシコ + Estado + + + ミクロネシア連邦 + ミクロネシア連邦 + + + + モルドバ共和国 + モルドバ共和国 + + + + モナコ + モナコ + + + + モンゴリア + モンゴリア + + + + モントセラト + モントセラト + + + + モロッコ + モロッコ + + + + モザンビーク + モザンビーク + + + + ミャンマー + ミャンマー + + + + ナミビア + ナミビア + + + + ナウル + ナウル + + + + ネパール + ネパール + + + + オランダアンティル + オランダアンティル + + + + ニューカレドニア + ニューカレドニア + + + + ニュージーランド + ニュージーランド + + + + ニカラグア + ニカラグア + + + + ニジェール + ニジェール + + + + ナイジェリア + ナイジェリア + + + + ニウエ + ニウエ + + + + ノーフォーク島 + ノーフォーク島 + + + + 北マリアナ諸島 + 北マリアナ諸島 + + + + ノルウェー + ノルウェー + + + + オーマン + オーマン + + + + パキスタン + パキスタン + + + + パラオ + パラオ + + + + パレスチナ領土 + パレスチナ領土 + + + + パナマ + パナマ + + + + パプアニューギニア + パプアニューギニア + + + + パラグアイ + パラグアイ + + + + ペルー + ペルー + + + + フィリピン + フィリピン + + + + ピトケアン + ピトケアン + + + + ポーランド + ポーランド + + + + ポルトガル + ポルトガル + + + + プエルトリコ + プエルトリコ + + + + カタール + カタール + + + + Reunion + Reunion + + + + ルーマニア + ルーマニア + + + + ロシア連邦 + ロシア連邦 + + + + ルワンダ + ルワンダ + + + + セントヘレナ + セントヘレナ + + + + セントクリストファー・ネイビス + セントクリストファー・ネイビス + + + + セントルシア + セントルシア + + + + サンピエール島・ミクロン島 + サンピエール島・ミクロン島 + + + + セントビンセントおよびグレナディーン諸島 + セントビンセントおよびグレナディーン諸島 + + + + サモア + サモア + + + + サン・マリノ + サン・マリノ + + + + サントメ・プリンシペ民主共和国 + サントメ・プリンシペ民主共和国 + + + + サウジアラビア + サウジアラビア + + + + セネガル + セネガル + + + + セイシェル + セイシェル + + + + シエラレオネ + シエラレオネ + + + + シンガポール + シンガポール + + + + スロバキア + スロバキア + + + + スロベニア + スロベニア + + + + ソロモン諸島 + ソロモン諸島 + + + + ソマリア + ソマリア + + + + 南アフリカ + 南アフリカ + + + + サウスジョージアと南サンドイッチ諸島 + サウスジョージアと南サンドイッチ諸島 + + + + スリランカ + スリランカ + + + + スーダン + スーダン + + + + スリナム + スリナム + + + + スバールバル諸島・ヤンマイエン島 + スバールバル諸島・ヤンマイエン島 + + + + スワジランド + スワジランド + + + + スウェーデン + スウェーデン + + + + シリア・アラブ共和国 + シリア・アラブ共和国 + + + + 台湾 + 台湾 + + + + タジキスタン + タジキスタン + + + + タンザニア連合共和国 + タンザニア連合共和国 + + + + タイ + タイ + + + + チモール + チモール + + + + トーゴ + トーゴ + + + + トケラウ + トケラウ + + + + トンガ + トンガ + + + + トリニダード・ドバゴ + トリニダード・ドバゴ + + + + チュニジア + チュニジア + + + + トルコ + トルコ + + + + トルクメニスタン + トルクメニスタン + + + + タークス・カイコス諸島 + タークス・カイコス諸島 + + + + ツバル + ツバル + + + + ウガンダ + ウガンダ + + + + ウクライナ + ウクライナ + + + + アラブ首長国連邦 + アラブ首長国連邦 + + + + イギリス + イギリス + + + + United States Minor Outlying Islands + United States Minor Outlying Islands + + + + ウルグアイ + ウルグアイ + + + + ウズベキスタン + ウズベキスタン + + + + バヌアツ + バヌアツ + + + + ベネズエラ + ベネズエラ + + + + ベトナム + ベトナム + + + + イギリス領ヴァージン諸島 + イギリス領ヴァージン諸島 + + + + 米国領ヴァージン諸島 + 米国領ヴァージン諸島 + + + + ワリスとフチュナ + ワリスとフチュナ + + + + 西サハラ + 西サハラ + + + + イエメン + イエメン + + + + ユーゴスラビア + ユーゴスラビア + + + + ザンビア + ザンビア + + + + ジンバブエ + ジンバブエ + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/C_Currency_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/C_Currency_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 2dc4ea2b38..5fb2b215ec 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/C_Currency_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/C_Currency_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,697 +1,697 @@ - - - - - - US Dollar - $ - - - Euro - E - - - Deutsche Mark - DM - - - Austrian Schilling - Sch - - - Belgian Franc - BFr - - - Finish Mark - FM - - - Irish Pound - I£ - - - Italian Lira - L - - - Dutch Gilder - Fl - - - Portugese Escudo - Es - - - Spannish Peseto - Pts - - - French Franc - Fr - - - 日本円 - \ - - - British Pound - - - - Swiss Franc (invalid currency code - use CHF) - SFr - - - Canadian Dollar - C$ - - - Argentine Peso - $ - - - Australian Dollar - $ - - - New Zealand Dollar - $ - - - Liberian Dollar - $ - - - Mexican Peso - $ - - - Peso Uruguayo - $U - - - Armenian Dram - - - - Kwanza - - - - Azerbaijanian Manat - - - - Boliviano - - - - Franc Congolais - - - - Czech Koruna - - - - Lari - - - - Iranian Rial - - - - Lithuanian Litus - - - - Moldovan Leu - - - - Philippine Peso - - - - Zloty - - - - Russian Ruble - - - - Sudanese Dinar - - - - Somoni - - - - Manat - - - - Timor Escudo - - - - Hryvnia - - - - Uzbekistan Sum - - - - Cyprus Pound - £C - - - Egyptian Pound - £E - - - Falkland Islands Pound - £F - - - Gibraltar Pound - £G - - - Saint Helena Pound - £S - - - Syrian Pound - £S - - - Cedi - - - - El Salvador Colon - - - - Afghani - Af - - - Aruban Guilder - Af. - - - Balboa - B - - - Brunei Dollar - B$ - - - Bahamian Dollar - B$ - - - Bahraini Dinar - BD - - - Bermudian Dollar - Bd$ - - - Barbados Dollar - Bds$ - - - Belarussian Ruble - BR - - - Ethiopian Birr - Br - - - Bolivar - Bs - - - Baht - Bt - - - Belize Dollar - BZ$ - - - Cordoba Oro - C$ - - - Cape Verde Escudo - C.V.Esc. - - - Comoro Franc - CF - - - CFA Franc BCEAO - CFAF - - - CFA Franc BEAC - CFAF - - - CFP Franc - CFPF - - - Chilean Peso - Ch$ - - - Cayman Islands Dollar - CI$ - - - Colombian Peso - Col$ - - - Riel - CR - - - Cuban Peso - Cu$ - - - Dalasi - D - - - Dong - D - - - Algerian Dinar - DA - - - Dobra - Db - - - Djibouti Franc - DF - - - UAE Dirham - Dh - - - Moroccan Dirham - DH - - - Yugoslavian Dinar - Din - - - Danish Krone - Dkr - - - East Caribbean Dollar - EC$ - - - Fiji Dollar - F$ - - - Burundi Franc - FBu - - - Malagasy Franc - FMG - - - Forint - Ft - - - Gourde - G - - - Guyana Dollar - G$ - - - Hong Kong Dollar - HK$ - - - Croatian Kuna - HRK - - - Iraqi Dinar - ID - - - Iceland Krona - IKr - - - Jamaican Dollar - J$ - - - Jordanian Dinar - JD - - - Kyat - K - - - Kina - K - - - Kenyan Shilling - K Sh - - - Kuwaiti Dinar - KD - - - Convertible Marks - KM - - - Kip - KN - - - Nakfa - KR - - - Lek - L - - - Lempira - L - - - Leu (old) - L - - - Lilangeni - L - - - Libyan Dinar - LD - - - Leone - Le - - - Maltese Lira - Lm - - - Latvian Lats - Ls - - - Lev - Lv - - - Mauritius Rupee - Mau Rs - - - Kwacha - MK - - - Denar - MKD - - - Metical - Mt - - - Netherlands Antillian Guilder - NAf. - - - Estonian Kroon - Nfa - - - New Israeli Sheqel - NIS - - - Norwegian Krone - NKr - - - Nepalese Rupee - NRs - - - New Taiwan Dollar - NT$ - - - Pula - P - - - Pataca - P - - - Quetzal - Q - - - Qatari Rial - QR - - - Rand - R - - - Brazilian Real - R$ - - - Dominican Peso - RD$ - - - Rufiyaa - Rf - - - Rwanda Franc - RF - - - Malaysian Ringgit - RM - - - Rial Omani - RO - - - Rupiah - Rp - - - Indian Rupee - Rs - - - Pakistan Rupee - Rs - - - Singapore Dollar - S$ - - - Nuevo Sol - S/. - - - Suriname Guilder - Sf. - - - Solomon Islands Dollar - SI$ - - - Swedish Krona - Sk - - - Slovak Koruna - Sk - - - Sri Lanka Rupee - SLRs - - - Tolar - SlT - - - Somali Shilling - So. Sh. - - - Seychelles Rupee - SR - - - Saudi Riyal - SRls - - - Swiss Franc - SFr - - - Pa’anga - T$ - - - Tunisian Dinar - TD - - - Taka - Tk - - - Turkish Lira - TL - - - Tanzanian Shilling - TSh - - - Trinidad and Tobago Dollar - TT$ - - - Tugrik - Tug - - - Ouguiya - UM - - - Uganda Shilling - USh - - - Vatu - VT - - - Won - W - - - Tala - WS$ - - - Yuan Renminbi - Y - - - Yemeni Rial - YRls - - - Zimbabwe Dollar - Z$ - - - Kwacha - ZK - - - Costa Rican Colon - - - - Guinea Franc - - - - Guinea-Bissau Peso - - - - Som - - - - North Korean Won - - - - Tenge - - - - Lebanese Pound - - - - Naira - - - - Guarani - - - - Leu (new) - L - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + US Dollar + $ + + + Euro + E + + + Deutsche Mark + DM + + + Austrian Schilling + Sch + + + Belgian Franc + BFr + + + Finish Mark + FM + + + Irish Pound + I£ + + + Italian Lira + L + + + Dutch Gilder + Fl + + + Portugese Escudo + Es + + + Spannish Peseto + Pts + + + French Franc + Fr + + + 日本円 + \ + + + British Pound + + + + Swiss Franc (invalid currency code - use CHF) + SFr + + + Canadian Dollar + C$ + + + Argentine Peso + $ + + + Australian Dollar + $ + + + New Zealand Dollar + $ + + + Liberian Dollar + $ + + + Mexican Peso + $ + + + Peso Uruguayo + $U + + + Armenian Dram + + + + Kwanza + + + + Azerbaijanian Manat + + + + Boliviano + + + + Franc Congolais + + + + Czech Koruna + + + + Lari + + + + Iranian Rial + + + + Lithuanian Litus + + + + Moldovan Leu + + + + Philippine Peso + + + + Zloty + + + + Russian Ruble + + + + Sudanese Dinar + + + + Somoni + + + + Manat + + + + Timor Escudo + + + + Hryvnia + + + + Uzbekistan Sum + + + + Cyprus Pound + £C + + + Egyptian Pound + £E + + + Falkland Islands Pound + £F + + + Gibraltar Pound + £G + + + Saint Helena Pound + £S + + + Syrian Pound + £S + + + Cedi + + + + El Salvador Colon + + + + Afghani + Af + + + Aruban Guilder + Af. + + + Balboa + B + + + Brunei Dollar + B$ + + + Bahamian Dollar + B$ + + + Bahraini Dinar + BD + + + Bermudian Dollar + Bd$ + + + Barbados Dollar + Bds$ + + + Belarussian Ruble + BR + + + Ethiopian Birr + Br + + + Bolivar + Bs + + + Baht + Bt + + + Belize Dollar + BZ$ + + + Cordoba Oro + C$ + + + Cape Verde Escudo + C.V.Esc. + + + Comoro Franc + CF + + + CFA Franc BCEAO + CFAF + + + CFA Franc BEAC + CFAF + + + CFP Franc + CFPF + + + Chilean Peso + Ch$ + + + Cayman Islands Dollar + CI$ + + + Colombian Peso + Col$ + + + Riel + CR + + + Cuban Peso + Cu$ + + + Dalasi + D + + + Dong + D + + + Algerian Dinar + DA + + + Dobra + Db + + + Djibouti Franc + DF + + + UAE Dirham + Dh + + + Moroccan Dirham + DH + + + Yugoslavian Dinar + Din + + + Danish Krone + Dkr + + + East Caribbean Dollar + EC$ + + + Fiji Dollar + F$ + + + Burundi Franc + FBu + + + Malagasy Franc + FMG + + + Forint + Ft + + + Gourde + G + + + Guyana Dollar + G$ + + + Hong Kong Dollar + HK$ + + + Croatian Kuna + HRK + + + Iraqi Dinar + ID + + + Iceland Krona + IKr + + + Jamaican Dollar + J$ + + + Jordanian Dinar + JD + + + Kyat + K + + + Kina + K + + + Kenyan Shilling + K Sh + + + Kuwaiti Dinar + KD + + + Convertible Marks + KM + + + Kip + KN + + + Nakfa + KR + + + Lek + L + + + Lempira + L + + + Leu (old) + L + + + Lilangeni + L + + + Libyan Dinar + LD + + + Leone + Le + + + Maltese Lira + Lm + + + Latvian Lats + Ls + + + Lev + Lv + + + Mauritius Rupee + Mau Rs + + + Kwacha + MK + + + Denar + MKD + + + Metical + Mt + + + Netherlands Antillian Guilder + NAf. + + + Estonian Kroon + Nfa + + + New Israeli Sheqel + NIS + + + Norwegian Krone + NKr + + + Nepalese Rupee + NRs + + + New Taiwan Dollar + NT$ + + + Pula + P + + + Pataca + P + + + Quetzal + Q + + + Qatari Rial + QR + + + Rand + R + + + Brazilian Real + R$ + + + Dominican Peso + RD$ + + + Rufiyaa + Rf + + + Rwanda Franc + RF + + + Malaysian Ringgit + RM + + + Rial Omani + RO + + + Rupiah + Rp + + + Indian Rupee + Rs + + + Pakistan Rupee + Rs + + + Singapore Dollar + S$ + + + Nuevo Sol + S/. + + + Suriname Guilder + Sf. + + + Solomon Islands Dollar + SI$ + + + Swedish Krona + Sk + + + Slovak Koruna + Sk + + + Sri Lanka Rupee + SLRs + + + Tolar + SlT + + + Somali Shilling + So. Sh. + + + Seychelles Rupee + SR + + + Saudi Riyal + SRls + + + Swiss Franc + SFr + + + Pa’anga + T$ + + + Tunisian Dinar + TD + + + Taka + Tk + + + Turkish Lira + TL + + + Tanzanian Shilling + TSh + + + Trinidad and Tobago Dollar + TT$ + + + Tugrik + Tug + + + Ouguiya + UM + + + Uganda Shilling + USh + + + Vatu + VT + + + Won + W + + + Tala + WS$ + + + Yuan Renminbi + Y + + + Yemeni Rial + YRls + + + Zimbabwe Dollar + Z$ + + + Kwacha + ZK + + + Costa Rican Colon + + + + Guinea Franc + + + + Guinea-Bissau Peso + + + + Som + + + + North Korean Won + + + + Tenge + + + + Lebanese Pound + + + + Naira + + + + Guarani + + + + Leu (new) + L + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/C_DocType_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/C_DocType_Trl_ja_JP.xml index fa4dd21aee..d29940e389 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/C_DocType_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/C_DocType_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,185 +1,185 @@ - - - - - - ** 新規** - ** 新規** - ** 請求書無し** - - - 総勘定元帳 - 総勘定元帳 - - - - 売掛金請求書 - 請求書 - 一般的で宣伝のテキストのためのドキュメントタイプNoteです。 - - - 売掛金請求書間接的 - 請求書 - 一般的で宣伝のテキストのためのドキュメントタイプNoteです。 - - - 売掛金信用メモ - 信用メモ - - - - 売掛金領収書 - 領収書 - - - - MM 出荷 - 納品受領書 - - - - MM 出荷間接的 - 納品受領書 - - - - MM 領収書 - 仕入先配送 - - - - 買掛金請求書 - 仕入先請求書 - - - - 買掛金信用メモ - 仕入先信用メモ - - - - 買掛金支払い - 仕入先支払い - - - - 発注書 - 発注書 - - - - 購買請求書 - 購買請求書 - - - - 見積 - 見積 - - - - 提案 - 提案 - - - - 前払い注文 - 前払い注文 - - - - 返却材料 - 材料返却責任 - - - - 標準の注文 - 注文確認 - - - - 信用注文 - 注文確認 - - - - 出庫指図書 - 注文確認 - - - - POS注文 - 注文確認 - - - - プロジェクト問題 - プロジェクト問題 - - - - 支払い配分 - 支払い配分 - - - - 請求書をマッチ - 請求書をマッチ - - - - 材料生産 - 材料生産 - - - - 総勘定元帳文書 - 総勘定元帳文書 - - - - 現金仕訳帳 - 現金仕訳帳 - - - - 購買注文をマッチ - 購買注文をマッチ - - - - 材料移動 - 材料移動 - - - - 物理的な材料在庫 - 物理的な材料在庫 - - - - 売掛金合意請求書 - 売掛金合意請求書 - - - - 銀行取引明細書 - 銀行取引明細書 - - - - 確認 MM 領収書 - 仕入先配送 - - - - MM 梱包して出荷 - 納品受領書 - - - - MM 顧客返還 - 返却材料 - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + ** 新規** + ** 新規** + ** 請求書無し** + + + 総勘定元帳 + 総勘定元帳 + + + + 売掛金請求書 + 請求書 + 一般的で宣伝のテキストのためのドキュメントタイプNoteです。 + + + 売掛金請求書間接的 + 請求書 + 一般的で宣伝のテキストのためのドキュメントタイプNoteです。 + + + 売掛金信用メモ + 信用メモ + + + + 売掛金領収書 + 領収書 + + + + MM 出荷 + 納品受領書 + + + + MM 出荷間接的 + 納品受領書 + + + + MM 領収書 + 仕入先配送 + + + + 買掛金請求書 + 仕入先請求書 + + + + 買掛金信用メモ + 仕入先信用メモ + + + + 買掛金支払い + 仕入先支払い + + + + 発注書 + 発注書 + + + + 購買請求書 + 購買請求書 + + + + 見積 + 見積 + + + + 提案 + 提案 + + + + 前払い注文 + 前払い注文 + + + + 返却材料 + 材料返却責任 + + + + 標準の注文 + 注文確認 + + + + 信用注文 + 注文確認 + + + + 出庫指図書 + 注文確認 + + + + POS注文 + 注文確認 + + + + プロジェクト問題 + プロジェクト問題 + + + + 支払い配分 + 支払い配分 + + + + 請求書をマッチ + 請求書をマッチ + + + + 材料生産 + 材料生産 + + + + 総勘定元帳文書 + 総勘定元帳文書 + + + + 現金仕訳帳 + 現金仕訳帳 + + + + 購買注文をマッチ + 購買注文をマッチ + + + + 材料移動 + 材料移動 + + + + 物理的な材料在庫 + 物理的な材料在庫 + + + + 売掛金合意請求書 + 売掛金合意請求書 + + + + 銀行取引明細書 + 銀行取引明細書 + + + + 確認 MM 領収書 + 仕入先配送 + + + + MM 梱包して出荷 + 納品受領書 + + + + MM 顧客返還 + 返却材料 + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/C_DunningLevel_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/C_DunningLevel_Trl_ja_JP.xml index f1d13f8b75..b87e15dc0c 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/C_DunningLevel_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/C_DunningLevel_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ - - - - - - 明細書 - 明細書を確認して支払日の来た支払いを送信してください。 - - - 督促状 - ただちに満期の請求を支払ってください。 - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + 明細書 + 明細書を確認して支払日の来た支払いを送信してください。 + + + 督促状 + ただちに満期の請求を支払ってください。 + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/C_ElementValue_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/C_ElementValue_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 2552505eb6..507666c560 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/C_ElementValue_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/C_ElementValue_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,1457 +1,1457 @@ - - - - - - 樹木農場買掛金 - 樹木農場買掛金 - - - 側線収入 - 4300-0- - - - ロイヤリティ収入 - 4600-0- - - - 前受け収益 - 請求をしましたが、まだ配送していない状態です。 - - - 未請求収益 - 配送をしましたが、また請求していない状態です。 - - - その他収益 - 49-- - - - 取引割引 - 与えられた取引割引です。(製品収益を修正します) - - - 支払い割引収益 - 早期支払いに対する割り引きです。 - - - 販売促進割引 - 4930-0- - - - 売上原価 - 5-- - - - 売上原価 - 売上原価 - - - 製品費用 - デフォルトの製品、サービスの費用です。(すなわち、在庫ではない) - - - サービス購買 - 5200-0- - - - 側線購買 - 5300-0- - - - 引取運賃 - 5400-0- - - - 戻り - 55-- - - - 戻り費用 - 5510-0- - - - 仕入先へ戻り - 5520-0- - - - 在庫原価 - 56-- - - - 棚卸差損 - 物理的な在庫の利益/損失です。 - - - 費用の下の在庫書き下ろし - 5620-0- - - - 在庫調整 - 在庫実際会計値修正です。 - - - 在庫再評価 - 市場価格または低い方の費用への差異 - - - 原価の変化 - 58-- - - - 請求書価格差異 - 製品原価と請求書価格の違いです。(IPV) - - - 購入価格差異 - 購入価格と標準費用との違いです。(PPV) - - - 原価/売上 割引 - 59-- - - - 受け取り取引割引 - 受け取った取引割引です。(製品費用を修正します) - - - 支払い割り引き収入 - 仕入先からの早期支払いに対する割り引きです。 - - - 費用 - 6-- - - - 給与支払経費 - 60-- - - - 給料 - 6013-0- - - - 休暇手当 - 6021-0- - - - 休暇手当所有者 - 6022-0- - - - 病気休暇手当所有者 - 6024-0- - - - 引退(年金、利益共有、401k) - 6030-0- - - - FICA税金所有者 - 6042-0- - - - 連邦政府/州 失業 - 6043-0- - - - 連邦政府/州 失業所有者 - 6044-0- - - - 健康保険料所有者 - 6052-0- - - - 健康保険従業員貢献 - 6058-0- - - - 健康保険Cobra支払い - 6059-0- - - - 労働者補償保険 - 6060-0- - - - 障害保険の掛金 - 6071-0- - - - 障害保険の掛金所有者 - 6072-0- - - - 身体傷害保険従業員貢献 - 6079-0- - - - 生命保険料 - 6081-0- - - - 生命保険料所有者 - 6082-0- - - - 生命保険従業員貢献 - 6089-0- - - - その他厚生費用 - 6090-0- - - - スタッフギフト & 表彰 - 6091-0- - - - スタッフピクニック、(100% 控除) - 6092-0- - - - 給料支払処理費 - 6099-0- - - - 占有費用 - 61-- - - - 賃借費 - 6110-0- - - - ユーティリティ - 6120-0- - - - その他の占有費用 - 6130-0- - - - 広告 - 62-- - - - メディア広告 - 6210-0- - - - カタログ、ニュースレター - 6220-0- - - - イベント - 6230-0- - - - ウェブホスティング - 6250-0- - - - その他広告、プロモーション - 6280-0- - - - 仕入先広告手当て - 6290-0- - - - 電話 - 6310-0- - - - 携帯電話 - 6320-0- - - - ネットワーク料金 - 6330-0- - - - 弁護士費用 - 6410-0- - - - 会計処理手数料 - 6420-0- - - - 在庫検証料金 - 6430-0- - - - 固定 & 供給 - 65-- - - - 固定 & 供給 - オフィス利用 - 6510-0- - - - 管理人の提供 - 6550-0- - - - データ処理供給 - 6610-0- - - - データ処理レンタル - 6620-0- - - - コンピュータサービス外 - 6630-0- - - - 減価償却費 - 67-- - - - 建物減価償却 - 6712-0- - - - リース資産の改善減価償却 - 6715-0- - - - 家具減価償却 - 6721-0- - - - 固定具減価償却 - 6722-0- - - - 設備減価償却 - 6723-0- - - - データ処理設備減価償却 - 6725-0- - - - ソフトウェア減価償却 - 6726-0- - - - 出張 - 68-- - - - 出張 - 自動払い戻し - 6820-0- - - - 資産 - 1-- - - - 現金 - 11-- - - - 当座預金 - 銀行資産です。 - - - 転送中小切手 - 通過中の銀行取引です。 - - - 未確認の領収書をチェック - 未確認の顧客からの領収書です。 - - - 未割当領収書をチェック - 受け取られていていて、未割当の支払いです。 - - - 当座預金2 - 1120-0- - - - 貯金口座 - 1130-0- - - - レジ内の現金 - 1180-0- - - - 小遣い - 現金出納帳資産 - - - 転送中の小口献金 - 現金出納帳転送 - - - 売掛金 - 12-- - - - 売掛金 - 取引 - 売掛金 - - - 売掛金不十分な基金戻り小切手 - 1212-0- - - - 貸倒引当金 - 1218-0- - - - 未請求売掛金 - 引渡しましたが、まだ請求していません。 - - - 処理中クレジットカード - 122-- - - - 処理中アメリカンエキスプレス売掛金 - 1221-0- - - - 処理中マスターカード売掛金 - 1222-0- - - - 処理中ビザ売掛金 - 1223-0- - - - クレジットカード貸倒引当金 - 1229-0- - - - 仕入先値引き債権 - 1230-0- - - - 貸付金 - 124-- - - - 従業員貸付金 - 1241-0- - - - 他者への貸付金 - 1244-0- - - - 前払い金 - 125-- - - - 仕入先前払い金 - 将来の費用のための前払い - - - 従業員費用前払い - 先に払った費用です。 - - - 税額控除未収金 - 税金申告の前に還付される税金です。 - - - 税金受取勘定 - 税金申告に基づいて受け取る税金です。 - - - 売掛金その他 - 1290-0- - - - 投資 - 13-- - - - 米国国債 - 1310-0- - - - 非課税の証券 - 1320-0- - - - その他投資 - 1330-0- - - - 在庫 - 14-- - - - 前払費用、預金& その他流動資産 - 15-- - - - 前払費用 - 151-- - - - 前払い保険料 - 1511-0- - - - 前払い家賃 - 1512-0- - - - 前払利息 - 1513-0- - - - その他前払い費用 - 1519-0- - - - 預金 - 152-- - - - 預金使用料 - 1521-0- - - - 預金ユーティリティ - 1522-0- - - - その他預金 - 1529-0- - - - その他流動資産 - 153-- - - - その他流動資産 - 1530-0- - - - 土地及び建物 - 16-- - - - 土地 - 1610-0- - - - 建物 - 1620-0- - - - 土地改善 - 1630-0- - - - ビル修繕 - 1640-0- - - - リース資産の修繕 - 1650-0- - - - 家具、固定具 & 設備 - 17-- - - - 家具 - 1710-0- - - - 固定具 - 1720-0- - - - 設備 - 1730-0- - - - 車両運搬具 - 1740-0- - - - データ処理装置 - 1750-0- - - - ソフトウェア - 1760-0- - - - プロジェクト資産 - 作成された資産 - - - プロジェクトWIP - 作業処理中の資産 - - - 建物減価償却累計額 - 1812-0- - - - 土地改善減価償却累計額 - 1813-0- - - - 建物修繕減価償却累計額 - 1814-0- - - - 家具減価償却累計額 - 1821-0- - - - 固定具減価償却累計額 - 1822-0- - - - 設備減価償却累計額 - 1823-0- - - - 車両運搬具減価償却累計額 - 1824-0- - - - データ処理装置減価償却累計額 - 1825-0- - - - その他資産 - 19-- - - - 無形資産 - 191-- - - - 割賦資産 - 1911-0- - - - 顧客リスト - 1913-0- - - - その他無形資産 - 1914-0- - - - 割賦金累計額 - 1915-0- - - - その他資産 - 1990-0- - - - 負債 - 2-- - - - 買掛金 - 21-- - - - 買掛金取引 - 211-- - - - 未請求受領 - 製品/サービスを仕入先から受け取りましたが、まだ請求されていません。 - - - サービス買掛金 - 製品でない収入のための買掛金 - - - 支払い選択 - 支払いのために選択された買掛金請求書 - - - 顧客買掛金 - 215-- - - - 商取引信用未払い戻し - 2152-0- - - - 未払い戻し認定ギフト - 2153-0- - - - 特別注文預金 - 2154-0- - - - メール注文預金 - 2155-0- - - - 税金支払債務 - 216-- - - - 税金支払い義務 - 税金申告の前の支払われる税金 - - - 税金負債 - 税金申告に基づいて支払われる税金 - - - 源泉徴収(税金) - フォーム1099のための源泉徴収、または品質保証 - - - その他源泉徴収 - 2171-0- - - - 企業間支払い義務 - 企業間のデフォルトの買掛金 - - - 発生費用 - 22-- - - - 発生給料 - 2210-0- - - - 給料支払源泉徴収 - 2220-0- - - - 連邦税源泉徴収 - 2221-0- - - - FICA源泉徴収 - 2222-0- - - - 老人医療健康保険制度源泉徴収 - 2223-0- - - - 国税源泉徴収 - 2224-0- - - - 地方税源泉徴収 - 2225-0- - - - 401k - 2226-0- - - - 通告源泉徴収 - 2227-0- - - - その他源泉徴収 - 2229-0- - - - 発生給与税 - 2230-0- - - - 連邦政府失業雇用者貢献 - 2233-0- - - - 州失業雇用者貢献 - 2234-0- - - - 仮受け消費税 - 2240-0- - - - 発生退職金積立計画費用 - 2260-0- - - - その他発生費用 - 2290-0- - - - 流動負債 - 2310-0- - - - 長期負債の現在部分 - 2390-0- - - - 長期負債 - 24-- - - - 抵当 - 2420-0- - - - 所有者/株主からのローン - 2430-0- - - - その他長期義務 - 2480-0- - - - 自己資本/純資産 - 3-- - - - 資本 - 31-- - - - 資本/普通株式 - 3100-0- - - - 普通株式の額面を超えた資本 - 3101-0- - - - 優先株の額面を超えた資本 - 3111-0- - - - 収益 - 32-- - - - 引当金 - 3220-0- - - - 繰越収益 - 残高勘定への年末処理(収入概要) - - - 販売 - 4-- - - - サービス収入 - 4200-0- - - - 労働直接費 - 5700-0- - - - 購入価格差異 - 購入価格差異のために勘定科目を相殺します。(PPV) - - - 賃金所有者 - 6012-0- - - - 病気休暇手当 - 6023-0- - - - FICA税 - 6041-0- - - - 健康保険料 - 6051-0- - - - 共同広告 - 6240-0- - - - 電話、通信 - 63-- - - - 専門業者サービス - 64-- - - - その他コンサルティング料金 - 6450-0- - - - データ処理 - 66-- - - - データ処理その他費用 - 6690-0- - - - 建物修繕減価償却 - 6714-0- - - - 車両運搬具減価償却 - 6724-0- - - - 出張 - 飛行機/電車/タクシー - 6810-0- - - - 出張 - ホテル - 6830-0- - - - 仕事上の食事 & 交際費 (50%) - 6840-0- - - - 職員ミーティング食費 (100%) - 6850-0- - - - 従業員費用 - デフォルトの従業員費用 - - - その他出張費用 - 6890-0- - - - 保険 - 69-- - - - 事業保険 - 6910-0- - - - 不動産保険 - 6920-0- - - - 自動車保険 - 6930-0- - - - その他保険 - 6940-0- - - - 支払い処理者費用 - 70-- - - - クレジットカードサービス料 - 7010-0- - - - 銀行手数料 - 銀行費用 - - - その他の支払いサービス料 - 7090-0- - - - 支払い義務 & 購読 - 71-- - - - 協会会費 - 7110-0- - - - 購読料 - 7120-0- - - - オフィス費用 - 72-- - - - オフィス費用 - 7210-0- - - - 配属 & 出荷 - 73-- - - - 送料費用 - 7310-0- - - - 受け取り済み顧客送料料金 - 7329-0- - - - 送料 - 7330-0- - - - 税金とライセンス - 74-- - - - 在庫 & 使用税 - 7420-0- - - - 固定資産税 - 7430-0- - - - 営業許可費用 - 7440-0- - - - 教育 - 75-- - - - 教育旅行 - 7520-0- - - - 教育食事 & 娯楽 (50%) - 7530-0- - - - その他教育費 - 7590-0- - - - オフィス設備使用料 - 7610-0- - - - 店舗設備使用料 - 7620-0- - - - 修理 & メンテナンス - 77-- - - - 建物修繕 & メンテナンス - 7710-0- - - - 家具、設備修理 & メンテナンス - 7720-0- - - - ソフトウェアメンテナンス - 7740-0- - - - 車両運搬具修理 & メンテナンス - 7750-0- - - - その他修理 & メンテナンス - 7790-0- - - - その他の営業費用 - 78-- - - - 収集費用 - 7820-0- - - - 小口現金 超過/不足 - 小口現金差異 - - - 人材採用費用 - 7840-0- - - - 交通費費用 - 7850-0- - - - 割賦費用 - 7860-0- - - - フランチャイズ料金/ロイヤリティ料金 - 7880-0- - - - その他費用 - 7890-0- - - - デフォルト/仮勘定 - 仮勘定 - 残高はゼロでなければなりません。 - - - デフォルト勘定科目 - デフォルト勘定科目(他の勘定科目が全く定義されないなら) V1.1 - - - 仮勘定 - 元の通貨で仕訳帳貸借を合わせる差異 - 解決すべき - - - 仮勘定エラー - 勘定科目を見つけられなかったインポート - 解決すべき - - - 小口現金費用 - 小口現金取引用のデフォルトのその他費用 - - - 小口現金受領 - 小口現金取引用のデフォルトのその他収益 - - - 料金費用 - その他のデフォルト費用 - - - 料金収入 - その他のデフォルト収入 - - - その他収入 - 80-- - - - 受取利息 - 銀行利息収入 - - - 配当収入 - 8020-0- - - - 賃貸料収入 - 8030-0- - - - 消費税合意 - 8040-0- - - - 通貨利得 - 805-- - - - 銀行再評価利得 - 外貨銀行口座利得 - - - 銀行決済利得 - 支払いと銀行口座通貨の違い - - - 未実現利得 - 外貨売掛金/買掛金勘定と現在の為替相場の差異 - - - キャピタルゲイン収入 - 8070-0- - - - 固定資産売却益 - 8080-0- - - - 雑収入 - 8090-0- - - - 雑支出 - 82-- - - - 支払利息 - 銀行支払利息 - - - 抵当支払利息 - 8220-0- - - - 支払寄付金 - 8240-0- - - - 通貨損失 - 825-- - - - 銀行再評価損失 - 外貨銀行口座の損失 - - - 未実現損失 - 外貨売掛金/買掛金勘定と現在の為替相場の差異 - - - 実現損失 - 請求書と支払いとの差異 - - - 通貨貸借一致 - 会計通貨で仕訳帳の貸借を一致させるために差異を丸めます。 - - - キャピタルゲイン損失 - 8270-0- - - - 固定資産売却損 - 8280-0- - - - その他費用 - 8290-0- - - - 所得税 & 概要 - 89-- - - - 州の所得税 - 8920-0- - - - 地域の所得税 - 8930-0- - - - 原価計算 - 91-- - - - 利益センターの費用配分 - 911-- - - - プロジェクトの費用配分 - 912-- - - - 委任会計 - 95-- - - - 購買注文負債 - 951-- - - - 購買注文合意 - 952-- - - - 販売注文将来収入 - 955-- - - - 処理中売掛金ATMカード - 1224-0- - - - 債権者/株主 - 1242-0- - - - 税金受取勘定 - 126-- - - - 企業間支払義務受取 - 企業間取引のためのデフォルト売掛金 - - - 製品資産 - 製品在庫勘定 - - - プロジェクト資産 - 177-- - - - 減価償却累計額 - 18-- - - - リース資産の改善減価償却累計額 - 1815-0- - - - ソフトウェア減価償却累計額 - 1826-0- - - - 営業権(のれん代) - 1912-0- - - - 生命保険中途解約払戻し額 - 1920-0- - - - 買掛金取引 - 買掛金 - - - 顧客前払い金 - 将来の収入のための前払い金 - - - FICA雇用者貢献 - 2231-0- - - - 発生使用税 - 2250-0- - - - 現在手形支払債務 - 23-- - - - 長期義務 - 2410-0- - - - 長期負債の現在部分 - 2490-0- - - - 優先株 - 3110-0- - - - 配当 - 3210-0- - - - 取引収入 - デフォルト製品またはサービスの収入 - - - 顧客パッケージ費用 - 7320-0- - - - 税金費用 - 仕入先に支払った消費税 - - - 教育授業料 - 7510-0- - - - 設備使用料 - 76-- - - - その他設備使用料 - 7690-0- - - - データ処理修理 & メンテナンス - 7730-0- - - - 不渡り - 貸倒れによる受取勘定帳消し - - - 罰則金 - 7870-0- - - - 実現利益 - 請求書と支払い通貨の差異 - - - 無保険の災害損失 - 8230-0- - - - 銀行決済損失 - 支払いと銀行口座通貨の差異 - - - 連邦所得税 - 8910-0- - - - 収入概要 - 残高勘定への年末の処理(内部留保) - - - 賃金 - 6011-0- - - - 土地修繕減価償却 - 6713-0- - - - 売掛金 - 取引 - 121-- - - - ライセンス & 手数料 - その他 - 7490-0- - - - 一般流通在庫 - 在庫会計 - - - 老人医療健康保険制度雇用主貢献 - 2232-0- - - - 合意支払い - 合意支払い - - - 在庫整理 - デフォルト製品費用(在庫上の) - - - 費用調整 - 製品費用調整 - - - 売掛金サービス - 取引 - サービスの売掛金 - - - 7-費用 - 7-費用 - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + 樹木農場買掛金 + 樹木農場買掛金 + + + 側線収入 + 4300-0- + + + ロイヤリティ収入 + 4600-0- + + + 前受け収益 + 請求をしましたが、まだ配送していない状態です。 + + + 未請求収益 + 配送をしましたが、また請求していない状態です。 + + + その他収益 + 49-- + + + 取引割引 + 与えられた取引割引です。(製品収益を修正します) + + + 支払い割引収益 + 早期支払いに対する割り引きです。 + + + 販売促進割引 + 4930-0- + + + 売上原価 + 5-- + + + 売上原価 + 売上原価 + + + 製品費用 + デフォルトの製品、サービスの費用です。(すなわち、在庫ではない) + + + サービス購買 + 5200-0- + + + 側線購買 + 5300-0- + + + 引取運賃 + 5400-0- + + + 戻り + 55-- + + + 戻り費用 + 5510-0- + + + 仕入先へ戻り + 5520-0- + + + 在庫原価 + 56-- + + + 棚卸差損 + 物理的な在庫の利益/損失です。 + + + 費用の下の在庫書き下ろし + 5620-0- + + + 在庫調整 + 在庫実際会計値修正です。 + + + 在庫再評価 + 市場価格または低い方の費用への差異 + + + 原価の変化 + 58-- + + + 請求書価格差異 + 製品原価と請求書価格の違いです。(IPV) + + + 購入価格差異 + 購入価格と標準費用との違いです。(PPV) + + + 原価/売上 割引 + 59-- + + + 受け取り取引割引 + 受け取った取引割引です。(製品費用を修正します) + + + 支払い割り引き収入 + 仕入先からの早期支払いに対する割り引きです。 + + + 費用 + 6-- + + + 給与支払経費 + 60-- + + + 給料 + 6013-0- + + + 休暇手当 + 6021-0- + + + 休暇手当所有者 + 6022-0- + + + 病気休暇手当所有者 + 6024-0- + + + 引退(年金、利益共有、401k) + 6030-0- + + + FICA税金所有者 + 6042-0- + + + 連邦政府/州 失業 + 6043-0- + + + 連邦政府/州 失業所有者 + 6044-0- + + + 健康保険料所有者 + 6052-0- + + + 健康保険従業員貢献 + 6058-0- + + + 健康保険Cobra支払い + 6059-0- + + + 労働者補償保険 + 6060-0- + + + 障害保険の掛金 + 6071-0- + + + 障害保険の掛金所有者 + 6072-0- + + + 身体傷害保険従業員貢献 + 6079-0- + + + 生命保険料 + 6081-0- + + + 生命保険料所有者 + 6082-0- + + + 生命保険従業員貢献 + 6089-0- + + + その他厚生費用 + 6090-0- + + + スタッフギフト & 表彰 + 6091-0- + + + スタッフピクニック、(100% 控除) + 6092-0- + + + 給料支払処理費 + 6099-0- + + + 占有費用 + 61-- + + + 賃借費 + 6110-0- + + + ユーティリティ + 6120-0- + + + その他の占有費用 + 6130-0- + + + 広告 + 62-- + + + メディア広告 + 6210-0- + + + カタログ、ニュースレター + 6220-0- + + + イベント + 6230-0- + + + ウェブホスティング + 6250-0- + + + その他広告、プロモーション + 6280-0- + + + 仕入先広告手当て + 6290-0- + + + 電話 + 6310-0- + + + 携帯電話 + 6320-0- + + + ネットワーク料金 + 6330-0- + + + 弁護士費用 + 6410-0- + + + 会計処理手数料 + 6420-0- + + + 在庫検証料金 + 6430-0- + + + 固定 & 供給 + 65-- + + + 固定 & 供給 - オフィス利用 + 6510-0- + + + 管理人の提供 + 6550-0- + + + データ処理供給 + 6610-0- + + + データ処理レンタル + 6620-0- + + + コンピュータサービス外 + 6630-0- + + + 減価償却費 + 67-- + + + 建物減価償却 + 6712-0- + + + リース資産の改善減価償却 + 6715-0- + + + 家具減価償却 + 6721-0- + + + 固定具減価償却 + 6722-0- + + + 設備減価償却 + 6723-0- + + + データ処理設備減価償却 + 6725-0- + + + ソフトウェア減価償却 + 6726-0- + + + 出張 + 68-- + + + 出張 - 自動払い戻し + 6820-0- + + + 資産 + 1-- + + + 現金 + 11-- + + + 当座預金 + 銀行資産です。 + + + 転送中小切手 + 通過中の銀行取引です。 + + + 未確認の領収書をチェック + 未確認の顧客からの領収書です。 + + + 未割当領収書をチェック + 受け取られていていて、未割当の支払いです。 + + + 当座預金2 + 1120-0- + + + 貯金口座 + 1130-0- + + + レジ内の現金 + 1180-0- + + + 小遣い + 現金出納帳資産 + + + 転送中の小口献金 + 現金出納帳転送 + + + 売掛金 + 12-- + + + 売掛金 - 取引 + 売掛金 + + + 売掛金不十分な基金戻り小切手 + 1212-0- + + + 貸倒引当金 + 1218-0- + + + 未請求売掛金 + 引渡しましたが、まだ請求していません。 + + + 処理中クレジットカード + 122-- + + + 処理中アメリカンエキスプレス売掛金 + 1221-0- + + + 処理中マスターカード売掛金 + 1222-0- + + + 処理中ビザ売掛金 + 1223-0- + + + クレジットカード貸倒引当金 + 1229-0- + + + 仕入先値引き債権 + 1230-0- + + + 貸付金 + 124-- + + + 従業員貸付金 + 1241-0- + + + 他者への貸付金 + 1244-0- + + + 前払い金 + 125-- + + + 仕入先前払い金 + 将来の費用のための前払い + + + 従業員費用前払い + 先に払った費用です。 + + + 税額控除未収金 + 税金申告の前に還付される税金です。 + + + 税金受取勘定 + 税金申告に基づいて受け取る税金です。 + + + 売掛金その他 + 1290-0- + + + 投資 + 13-- + + + 米国国債 + 1310-0- + + + 非課税の証券 + 1320-0- + + + その他投資 + 1330-0- + + + 在庫 + 14-- + + + 前払費用、預金& その他流動資産 + 15-- + + + 前払費用 + 151-- + + + 前払い保険料 + 1511-0- + + + 前払い家賃 + 1512-0- + + + 前払利息 + 1513-0- + + + その他前払い費用 + 1519-0- + + + 預金 + 152-- + + + 預金使用料 + 1521-0- + + + 預金ユーティリティ + 1522-0- + + + その他預金 + 1529-0- + + + その他流動資産 + 153-- + + + その他流動資産 + 1530-0- + + + 土地及び建物 + 16-- + + + 土地 + 1610-0- + + + 建物 + 1620-0- + + + 土地改善 + 1630-0- + + + ビル修繕 + 1640-0- + + + リース資産の修繕 + 1650-0- + + + 家具、固定具 & 設備 + 17-- + + + 家具 + 1710-0- + + + 固定具 + 1720-0- + + + 設備 + 1730-0- + + + 車両運搬具 + 1740-0- + + + データ処理装置 + 1750-0- + + + ソフトウェア + 1760-0- + + + プロジェクト資産 + 作成された資産 + + + プロジェクトWIP + 作業処理中の資産 + + + 建物減価償却累計額 + 1812-0- + + + 土地改善減価償却累計額 + 1813-0- + + + 建物修繕減価償却累計額 + 1814-0- + + + 家具減価償却累計額 + 1821-0- + + + 固定具減価償却累計額 + 1822-0- + + + 設備減価償却累計額 + 1823-0- + + + 車両運搬具減価償却累計額 + 1824-0- + + + データ処理装置減価償却累計額 + 1825-0- + + + その他資産 + 19-- + + + 無形資産 + 191-- + + + 割賦資産 + 1911-0- + + + 顧客リスト + 1913-0- + + + その他無形資産 + 1914-0- + + + 割賦金累計額 + 1915-0- + + + その他資産 + 1990-0- + + + 負債 + 2-- + + + 買掛金 + 21-- + + + 買掛金取引 + 211-- + + + 未請求受領 + 製品/サービスを仕入先から受け取りましたが、まだ請求されていません。 + + + サービス買掛金 + 製品でない収入のための買掛金 + + + 支払い選択 + 支払いのために選択された買掛金請求書 + + + 顧客買掛金 + 215-- + + + 商取引信用未払い戻し + 2152-0- + + + 未払い戻し認定ギフト + 2153-0- + + + 特別注文預金 + 2154-0- + + + メール注文預金 + 2155-0- + + + 税金支払債務 + 216-- + + + 税金支払い義務 + 税金申告の前の支払われる税金 + + + 税金負債 + 税金申告に基づいて支払われる税金 + + + 源泉徴収(税金) + フォーム1099のための源泉徴収、または品質保証 + + + その他源泉徴収 + 2171-0- + + + 企業間支払い義務 + 企業間のデフォルトの買掛金 + + + 発生費用 + 22-- + + + 発生給料 + 2210-0- + + + 給料支払源泉徴収 + 2220-0- + + + 連邦税源泉徴収 + 2221-0- + + + FICA源泉徴収 + 2222-0- + + + 老人医療健康保険制度源泉徴収 + 2223-0- + + + 国税源泉徴収 + 2224-0- + + + 地方税源泉徴収 + 2225-0- + + + 401k + 2226-0- + + + 通告源泉徴収 + 2227-0- + + + その他源泉徴収 + 2229-0- + + + 発生給与税 + 2230-0- + + + 連邦政府失業雇用者貢献 + 2233-0- + + + 州失業雇用者貢献 + 2234-0- + + + 仮受け消費税 + 2240-0- + + + 発生退職金積立計画費用 + 2260-0- + + + その他発生費用 + 2290-0- + + + 流動負債 + 2310-0- + + + 長期負債の現在部分 + 2390-0- + + + 長期負債 + 24-- + + + 抵当 + 2420-0- + + + 所有者/株主からのローン + 2430-0- + + + その他長期義務 + 2480-0- + + + 自己資本/純資産 + 3-- + + + 資本 + 31-- + + + 資本/普通株式 + 3100-0- + + + 普通株式の額面を超えた資本 + 3101-0- + + + 優先株の額面を超えた資本 + 3111-0- + + + 収益 + 32-- + + + 引当金 + 3220-0- + + + 繰越収益 + 残高勘定への年末処理(収入概要) + + + 販売 + 4-- + + + サービス収入 + 4200-0- + + + 労働直接費 + 5700-0- + + + 購入価格差異 + 購入価格差異のために勘定科目を相殺します。(PPV) + + + 賃金所有者 + 6012-0- + + + 病気休暇手当 + 6023-0- + + + FICA税 + 6041-0- + + + 健康保険料 + 6051-0- + + + 共同広告 + 6240-0- + + + 電話、通信 + 63-- + + + 専門業者サービス + 64-- + + + その他コンサルティング料金 + 6450-0- + + + データ処理 + 66-- + + + データ処理その他費用 + 6690-0- + + + 建物修繕減価償却 + 6714-0- + + + 車両運搬具減価償却 + 6724-0- + + + 出張 - 飛行機/電車/タクシー + 6810-0- + + + 出張 - ホテル + 6830-0- + + + 仕事上の食事 & 交際費 (50%) + 6840-0- + + + 職員ミーティング食費 (100%) + 6850-0- + + + 従業員費用 + デフォルトの従業員費用 + + + その他出張費用 + 6890-0- + + + 保険 + 69-- + + + 事業保険 + 6910-0- + + + 不動産保険 + 6920-0- + + + 自動車保険 + 6930-0- + + + その他保険 + 6940-0- + + + 支払い処理者費用 + 70-- + + + クレジットカードサービス料 + 7010-0- + + + 銀行手数料 + 銀行費用 + + + その他の支払いサービス料 + 7090-0- + + + 支払い義務 & 購読 + 71-- + + + 協会会費 + 7110-0- + + + 購読料 + 7120-0- + + + オフィス費用 + 72-- + + + オフィス費用 + 7210-0- + + + 配属 & 出荷 + 73-- + + + 送料費用 + 7310-0- + + + 受け取り済み顧客送料料金 + 7329-0- + + + 送料 + 7330-0- + + + 税金とライセンス + 74-- + + + 在庫 & 使用税 + 7420-0- + + + 固定資産税 + 7430-0- + + + 営業許可費用 + 7440-0- + + + 教育 + 75-- + + + 教育旅行 + 7520-0- + + + 教育食事 & 娯楽 (50%) + 7530-0- + + + その他教育費 + 7590-0- + + + オフィス設備使用料 + 7610-0- + + + 店舗設備使用料 + 7620-0- + + + 修理 & メンテナンス + 77-- + + + 建物修繕 & メンテナンス + 7710-0- + + + 家具、設備修理 & メンテナンス + 7720-0- + + + ソフトウェアメンテナンス + 7740-0- + + + 車両運搬具修理 & メンテナンス + 7750-0- + + + その他修理 & メンテナンス + 7790-0- + + + その他の営業費用 + 78-- + + + 収集費用 + 7820-0- + + + 小口現金 超過/不足 + 小口現金差異 + + + 人材採用費用 + 7840-0- + + + 交通費費用 + 7850-0- + + + 割賦費用 + 7860-0- + + + フランチャイズ料金/ロイヤリティ料金 + 7880-0- + + + その他費用 + 7890-0- + + + デフォルト/仮勘定 + 仮勘定 - 残高はゼロでなければなりません。 + + + デフォルト勘定科目 + デフォルト勘定科目(他の勘定科目が全く定義されないなら) V1.1 + + + 仮勘定 + 元の通貨で仕訳帳貸借を合わせる差異 - 解決すべき + + + 仮勘定エラー + 勘定科目を見つけられなかったインポート - 解決すべき + + + 小口現金費用 + 小口現金取引用のデフォルトのその他費用 + + + 小口現金受領 + 小口現金取引用のデフォルトのその他収益 + + + 料金費用 + その他のデフォルト費用 + + + 料金収入 + その他のデフォルト収入 + + + その他収入 + 80-- + + + 受取利息 + 銀行利息収入 + + + 配当収入 + 8020-0- + + + 賃貸料収入 + 8030-0- + + + 消費税合意 + 8040-0- + + + 通貨利得 + 805-- + + + 銀行再評価利得 + 外貨銀行口座利得 + + + 銀行決済利得 + 支払いと銀行口座通貨の違い + + + 未実現利得 + 外貨売掛金/買掛金勘定と現在の為替相場の差異 + + + キャピタルゲイン収入 + 8070-0- + + + 固定資産売却益 + 8080-0- + + + 雑収入 + 8090-0- + + + 雑支出 + 82-- + + + 支払利息 + 銀行支払利息 + + + 抵当支払利息 + 8220-0- + + + 支払寄付金 + 8240-0- + + + 通貨損失 + 825-- + + + 銀行再評価損失 + 外貨銀行口座の損失 + + + 未実現損失 + 外貨売掛金/買掛金勘定と現在の為替相場の差異 + + + 実現損失 + 請求書と支払いとの差異 + + + 通貨貸借一致 + 会計通貨で仕訳帳の貸借を一致させるために差異を丸めます。 + + + キャピタルゲイン損失 + 8270-0- + + + 固定資産売却損 + 8280-0- + + + その他費用 + 8290-0- + + + 所得税 & 概要 + 89-- + + + 州の所得税 + 8920-0- + + + 地域の所得税 + 8930-0- + + + 原価計算 + 91-- + + + 利益センターの費用配分 + 911-- + + + プロジェクトの費用配分 + 912-- + + + 委任会計 + 95-- + + + 購買注文負債 + 951-- + + + 購買注文合意 + 952-- + + + 販売注文将来収入 + 955-- + + + 処理中売掛金ATMカード + 1224-0- + + + 債権者/株主 + 1242-0- + + + 税金受取勘定 + 126-- + + + 企業間支払義務受取 + 企業間取引のためのデフォルト売掛金 + + + 製品資産 + 製品在庫勘定 + + + プロジェクト資産 + 177-- + + + 減価償却累計額 + 18-- + + + リース資産の改善減価償却累計額 + 1815-0- + + + ソフトウェア減価償却累計額 + 1826-0- + + + 営業権(のれん代) + 1912-0- + + + 生命保険中途解約払戻し額 + 1920-0- + + + 買掛金取引 + 買掛金 + + + 顧客前払い金 + 将来の収入のための前払い金 + + + FICA雇用者貢献 + 2231-0- + + + 発生使用税 + 2250-0- + + + 現在手形支払債務 + 23-- + + + 長期義務 + 2410-0- + + + 長期負債の現在部分 + 2490-0- + + + 優先株 + 3110-0- + + + 配当 + 3210-0- + + + 取引収入 + デフォルト製品またはサービスの収入 + + + 顧客パッケージ費用 + 7320-0- + + + 税金費用 + 仕入先に支払った消費税 + + + 教育授業料 + 7510-0- + + + 設備使用料 + 76-- + + + その他設備使用料 + 7690-0- + + + データ処理修理 & メンテナンス + 7730-0- + + + 不渡り + 貸倒れによる受取勘定帳消し + + + 罰則金 + 7870-0- + + + 実現利益 + 請求書と支払い通貨の差異 + + + 無保険の災害損失 + 8230-0- + + + 銀行決済損失 + 支払いと銀行口座通貨の差異 + + + 連邦所得税 + 8910-0- + + + 収入概要 + 残高勘定への年末の処理(内部留保) + + + 賃金 + 6011-0- + + + 土地修繕減価償却 + 6713-0- + + + 売掛金 - 取引 + 121-- + + + ライセンス & 手数料 - その他 + 7490-0- + + + 一般流通在庫 + 在庫会計 + + + 老人医療健康保険制度雇用主貢献 + 2232-0- + + + 合意支払い + 合意支払い + + + 在庫整理 + デフォルト製品費用(在庫上の) + + + 費用調整 + 製品費用調整 + + + 売掛金サービス - 取引 + サービスの売掛金 + + + 7-費用 + 7-費用 + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/C_Greeting_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/C_Greeting_Trl_ja_JP.xml index c541f6df0e..51e8abca04 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/C_Greeting_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/C_Greeting_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ - - - - - - Mr - Mr - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + Mr + Mr + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/C_PaymentTerm_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/C_PaymentTerm_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 3534d08406..ffd70f9ebc 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/C_PaymentTerm_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/C_PaymentTerm_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,30 +1,30 @@ - - - - - - 30 ネット - - - - - すぐに - - - - - 2%10 正味 30 - 10日以内なら2%引き。正味の支払いは30日間 - 支払期間注意:長期間契約は支払い割り引きを受けるのに有利です。 - - - 30日間のネット - - - - - 50%すぐに - 30日間で50% - - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + 30 ネット + + + + + すぐに + + + + + 2%10 正味 30 + 10日以内なら2%引き。正味の支払いは30日間 + 支払期間注意:長期間契約は支払い割り引きを受けるのに有利です。 + + + 30日間のネット + + + + + 50%すぐに - 30日間で50% + + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/C_TaxCategory_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/C_TaxCategory_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 5775229ede..b557df5786 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/C_TaxCategory_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/C_TaxCategory_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ - - - - - - 標準 - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + 標準 + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/C_Tax_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/C_Tax_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 395ce5df39..60f1447914 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/C_Tax_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/C_Tax_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,35 +1,35 @@ - - - - - - 標準 - - - - - CT販売 - - 6%CT - - - GST - カナダ連邦政府の消費税 - GST - - - PST - カナダの地方税 - PST - - - GST/PST - カナダ連邦政府と州税 - 税金 - - - 免税者 - ビジネスパートナーが免税されているとき使用されます。 - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + 標準 + + + + + CT販売 + + 6%CT + + + GST + カナダ連邦政府の消費税 + GST + + + PST + カナダの地方税 + PST + + + GST/PST + カナダ連邦政府と州税 + 税金 + + + 免税者 + ビジネスパートナーが免税されているとき使用されます。 + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/C_UOM_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/C_UOM_Trl_ja_JP.xml index e2f91131c6..e4ad4ffd66 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/C_UOM_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/C_UOM_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,55 +1,55 @@ - - - - - - それぞれ - - Ea - - - 時間 - - h - - - - - d - - - - (資源割り当ての最小単位) - m - - - 労働日 - 8時間 - D - - - - - w - - - - 30日間 - m - - - 月労働日数 - 20日間 - M - - - - - y - - - 6パック - - 6Pk - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + それぞれ + + Ea + + + 時間 + + h + + + + + d + + + + (資源割り当ての最小単位) + m + + + 労働日 + 8時間 + D + + + + + w + + + + 30日間 + m + + + 月労働日数 + 20日間 + M + + + + + y + + + 6パック + + 6Pk + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/M_Product_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/M_Product_Trl_ja_JP.xml index e37d2fbf42..e782ad5f25 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/M_Product_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/M_Product_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,140 +1,140 @@ - - - - - - 標準 - - - - - オークの木 - - オークの木はかなり大きく育ちます。 - - - ニレ - - - - - 草の実の容器 - - - - - 植え付けサービス - - - - - ローズ・ブッシュ - - - - - つつじ低木 - - - - - ホリー・ブッシュ - - - - - - - - - - 旅行費用 - 旅行関連の費用です。 - - - - メアリコンサルタント - - - - - 中庭いす - 屋外用のナイスなイス - - - - 中庭テーブル - 屋外で使ういいかんじのテーブル - - - - 中庭用の日よけ - 紫外線から保護します。 - - - - 肥料#50 - 50 芝生肥料の#バッグ - - - - 根囲い10# - 10#根囲いのバッグ - - - - 4足鍬 - 4 足の金属くわ - - - - 熊手 - 4 足の熊手 - - - - 傾斜金属 - 4 足の金属傾斜 - - - - 草刈り - 手作業の草刈り - - - - 移植機 - 手作業の移植機 - - - - 草の種まき機 - 手動の草の種まき機 - - - - 芝生植え付け - 手動の芝生植え付け - - - - パティオの家具セット - テーブル1、イス4、日よけ1 - - - - 植物の植え方 - 最良の植物を植える方法に関する情報です。 - - - - Tシャツ--赤大 - - - - - Tシャツ--緑大 - - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + 標準 + + + + + オークの木 + + オークの木はかなり大きく育ちます。 + + + ニレ + + + + + 草の実の容器 + + + + + 植え付けサービス + + + + + ローズ・ブッシュ + + + + + つつじ低木 + + + + + ホリー・ブッシュ + + + + + + + + + + 旅行費用 + 旅行関連の費用です。 + + + + メアリコンサルタント + + + + + 中庭いす + 屋外用のナイスなイス + + + + 中庭テーブル + 屋外で使ういいかんじのテーブル + + + + 中庭用の日よけ + 紫外線から保護します。 + + + + 肥料#50 + 50 芝生肥料の#バッグ + + + + 根囲い10# + 10#根囲いのバッグ + + + + 4足鍬 + 4 足の金属くわ + + + + 熊手 + 4 足の熊手 + + + + 傾斜金属 + 4 足の金属傾斜 + + + + 草刈り + 手作業の草刈り + + + + 移植機 + 手作業の移植機 + + + + 草の種まき機 + 手動の草の種まき機 + + + + 芝生植え付け + 手動の芝生植え付け + + + + パティオの家具セット + テーブル1、イス4、日よけ1 + + + + 植物の植え方 + 最良の植物を植える方法に関する情報です。 + + + + Tシャツ--赤大 + + + + + Tシャツ--緑大 + + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/R_MailText_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/R_MailText_Trl_ja_JP.xml index e7b8f28906..d215dd52e2 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/R_MailText_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/R_MailText_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,14 +1,18 @@ - - - - - - 注文確認 - Dear @Name@, -ご注文ありがとうございます。 -The GardenWorld Team - 注文確認 - - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + 注文確認 + Dear @Name@, + + +ご注文ありがとうございます。 + + +The GardenWorld Team + 注文確認 + + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/W_MailMsg_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/W_MailMsg_Trl_ja_JP.xml index 3da811bcb9..f0eaaef73c 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/W_MailMsg_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/W_MailMsg_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + diff --git a/data/ja_JP/W_Store_Trl_ja_JP.xml b/data/ja_JP/W_Store_Trl_ja_JP.xml index afb66f3b8a..29de8c4bab 100644 --- a/data/ja_JP/W_Store_Trl_ja_JP.xml +++ b/data/ja_JP/W_Store_Trl_ja_JP.xml @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ - - - - - - - - - ADempiere120x60.gif - <h1>Web Store</h1> - Parameter3 - Parameter4 - Parameter5 - Parameter6 - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + + + + ADempiere120x60.gif + <h1>Web Store</h1> + Parameter3 + Parameter4 + Parameter5 + Parameter6 + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/AD_Desktop_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/AD_Desktop_Trl_pl_PL.xml index d708d99bc5..9036afd0d7 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/AD_Desktop_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/AD_Desktop_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,3 +1,11 @@ - - -FrontOfficePulpit Front Office \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + + FrontOffice + Pulpit Front Office + + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/AD_Element_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/AD_Element_Trl_pl_PL.xml index 59fa651f79..982575d892 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/AD_Element_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/AD_Element_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,17709 +1,17714 @@ - - - - - - - Załącznik - Załącznik - Załącznik do dokumentu - Załącznikiem może być dowolny dokument lub plik. Załączniki można przypisywać do dowolnej pozycji. - - - - - - - Firma - Firma - Firma, do której odnosi się ten wpis - Firma (instalacja), do której odnosi się ten wpis - - - - - - - Kolumna - Kolumna - Kolumna w tabeli - Połącz z kolumną bazy danych tabeli - - - - - - - Pokaż kolumnę - Pokaż kolumnę - Kolumna, która zostanie wyświetlona - Pokaż kolumnę wskazuje kolumnę, którą wyświetli - - - - - - - Tekst - Tekst - Formularz Teksty umożliwia centralne zarządzanie tekstami pomocy dla kolumn i pól - Formularz Teksty umożliwia centralne zarządzanie tekstami pomocy dla kolumn i pól - - - - - - - Pole - Pole - Pole w tabeli bazy danych - Pole identyfikuje pole w tabeli bazy danych - - - - - - - ID - ID - Unikalny numer identyfikacyjny wydruku - ID (klucz główny) wskazuje unikalne ID dla wydruku. - - - - - - - Język - Język - Język aplikacji - Język wskazuje język, jaki ma być użyty do wyświetlenia - - - - - - - Menu - Menu - Określa Menu - Menu określa pojedyncze Menu. Są one używane, by kontrolować pokaz tych ekranów/obrazów, do których ma dostęp użytkownik. - - - - - - - Transakcję rozpoczął - Transakcję rozpoczął - Zespół wykonania lub rozpoczęcia - Grupa ludzi/departament/organizacja, która wykonuje lub rozpoczyna tą transakcję (dla innej organizacji). Własna orgazizacja może nie być organizacją transakcji w otoczeniu biura obsługi, z usługami scentralizowanymi i transakcjami wewnątrz organizacji - - - - - - - Jednostka organizacyjna - Jedn. org - Jednoska organizacyjna lub prawna w ramach firmy - Organizacja jest jednostką firmy lub legalnym podmiotem - przykładem jest sklep, departament - - - - - - - Instancja procesu - Instancja procesu - - - - - - - - - Preferencje - Preferencje - Preferencje osobiste - - - - - - - - Proces - Proces - Process lub wydruku - Proces wskazuje pojedynczy proces lub wydruk w systemie. - - - - - - - Parametr procesu - Parametr procesu - - - - - - - - - Lista odośników - Lista odośników - Lista odnośników oparta o tabelę - Lista odnośników wskazuje listę wartości odnoszonych z danych tabeli. Listy odnośników zaludniają drop down list boxes in data entry screens - TODO - - - - - - Odniesienie - Odniesienie - System odniesienia (Wybierz listę) - Odniesienie wskazuje typ pola odniesienia - - - - - - - Wartośc odniesienia - Wartośc odniesienia - Wymagane określenie, jeśli typ danych to Tabela lub Lista - Wartość odniesienia wskazuje gdzie wartości odniesienia są przechowywane. Musi być określone, jeśli typ danych jest Tabelą lub Listą - - - - - - - Rola - Rola - Rola odpowiedzialności - Rola determinuje bezpieczeństwo i dostęp do zasobów dla użytkownika, który ją posiada - - - - - - - Licznik - Licznik - Licznik dokumentów - Licznik, jaki ma być użyty dla dokumemtów, definiuje numerowanie. - - - - - - - Zakładka - Zakładka - Zakładka w oknie - Zakładka wskazuje zakładkę, jaka wyświetla się w oknie. - - - - - - - Tabela - Tabela - Tabela dla pól - Tabela wskazuje tabelę, w której pole lub pola są zamieszczone. - - - - - - - Instancja zadania - Instancja zadania - - - - - - - - - Zadanie - Zadanie - Identyfikator zadania - Pole Zadanie identyfikuje pojedyncze zadanie w systemie. - - - - - - - Podstawowe drzewo kontrahentów - Podstawowe drzewo kontrahentów - - - - - - - - - Drzewo - Drzewo - Identyfikuje drzewo - Drzewo identyfikuje pojedyncze drzewo w systemie. Drzewa difiniują roll ups lub poziomy podsumowania informacji. Są wykorzystywane przy wydrukach w celu zdefiniowania punktów wydruku i poziomów podsumowań. - TODO - - - - - - Podstawowe menu - Podstawowe menu - - - - - - - - - Podstawowe drzewo jednostek organizacyjnych - Podst. drzewo jedn. org. - - - - - - - - - Początek: Produkty - Początek: Produkty - - - - - - - - - Początek: Projekty - Początek: Projekty - - - - - - - - - Początek: Regiony sprzedaży - Początek: Regiony sprzedaży - - - - - - - - - Użytkownik - Użytkownik - ID użytkownika w systemie - Wskazuje pojedynczego użytkownika w systemie. Może być to użytkownik wewnętrzny lub kontakt do kontrahenta. - - - - - - - Walidacja - Walidacja - Zasady sprawdzania poprawności - Wskazuje pojedynczą zasadę walidacji. Zasady te definiują w jaki sposób wprowadzanie danych jest określane jako obowiązujące/ważne lub nieobowiązujące/nieważne. - - - - - - - Następny węzeł - Następny węzeł - Następny węzeł w Workflow - Wskazuje następny krok lub zadanie w Workflow. - - - - - - - Węzeł - Węzeł - Węzeł (działanie) Workflow, krok lub proces - Wskazuje pojedynczy krok lub proces w Workflow. - - - - - - - Okno - Okno - Wprowadzenie danych lub wyświetl okno - Wskazuje pojedyncze okno w systemie. - - - - - - - Workflow - Workflow - Workflow lub kombinacja zadań - Wskazuje pojedyncze okno w systemie. - - - - - - - Poziom dostępu danych - Poziom dostępu danych - Wymagany poziom dostępu - Wskazuje wymagany poziom dostępu do wydruku lub procesu. - - - - - - - Strona konta - Strona konta - Wskazuje stronę konta jako Debet/Winien (Dt/Wn) lub Credit/Ma (Ct/Ma). - Wskazuje stronę konta jako Debet/Winien (Dt/Wn) lub Credit/Ma (Ct/Ma). - - - - - - - Typ konta - Typ konta - Typ konta - Typ kont aktywnych to: A - Aktywa, Ksz - Koszty, Z - Zobowiązania, Kp- Kapitał własny, R -Przychody and M - Memo. Typ kont określa czy są podatki, jeśli są nałożone, płatności potwierdzone i wpływy dla kontrahenta. Konto Memo nie jest brane pod uwagę przy sprawdzaniu stanu kont. - - - - - - - Konto - Konto - Używane konto - Konto używane przez system. - - - - - - - Drugi schemat księgowania - Drugi schemat księgowania - Dla równoległego raportowania używa się księgowania w innej walucie lub pól wyboru. - Wskazuje inny wariant ustanowienia zasad w celu tworzenia wydruku. - - - - - - - Dodatkowy plan kont - Dodatkowy plan kont - Dla równoległego raportowania używa się księgowania w innej walucie lub pól wyboru. - Wskazuje inny wariant ustanowienia zasad w celu tworzenia wydruku. - - - - - - - Koszt pozyskania klienta (?) - Koszt pozyskania klienta (?) - Koszt pozyskania klienta - Koszt związany z pozyskaniem potencjalnego klienta - TODO - - - - - - Operacja - Operacja - Indicates the Action to be performed - The Action field is a drop down list box which indicates the Action to be performed for this Menu Item - TODO - - - - - - Dotychczasowe obroty - Dotychczasowe obroty - Dotychczasowe obroty - Zaksięgowane obroty z danym kontrahentem. - - - - - - - Dodatkowe drzewo (1) - Dodatkowe drzewo (1) - Równoległe raportowanie - The Additional Tree is used to define alternate roll ups which can be used in reporting. For example, you may have a Business Partner Tree which rolls up based on geographic location and an additional tree which rolls up based on industry - TODO - - - - - - Dodatkowe drzewo (2) - Dodatkowe drzewo (2) - Równoległe raportowanie - The Additional Tree is used to define alternate roll ups which can be used in reporting. For example, you may have a Business Partner Tree which rolls up based on geographic location and an additional tree which rolls up based on industry. - - TODO - - - - - - Adres 1 - Adres 1 - Adres lokalizacji - Adres lokalizacji jednostki. - - - - - - - Adres 2 - Adres 2 - Adres lokalizacji - Dodatkowy adres jednostki. Używany przy lokalizacji budynków, numerze mieszkania oraz daje inne podobne informacje. - - - - - - - Po dostawie - Po dostawie - Należność liczona od daty dostawy, nie od otrzymania faktury. - Należność liczona od daty dostawy, nie od otrzymania faktury. - - - - - - - Alias - Alias - Alternatywna metoda wskazywania kombinacji kont. - The Alias field allows you to define a alternate method for referring to a full account combination. For example, the Account Recievable Account for Garden World may be aliased as GW_AR - TODO - - - - - - Kwota - Kwota - Kwota - Kwota - - - - - - - MA - MA - Kwota po stronie MA - Kwota obrotu po stronie MA przeliczone na walutę jednostki. - - - - - - - WN - WN - Kwota po stronie WN - Kwota obrotu po stronie WN przeliczone na walutę jednostki. - - - - - - - Kwota do zatwierdzenia - Kwota do zatwierdzenia - Krańcowa kwota zatwierdzenia roli - Wskazuje krańcową kwotę roli, jaką ma do zatwierdzania dokumentów. - - - - - - - MA źródła - MA źródła - MA źródła - Wskazuje kwotę MA pozycji w walucie źródłowej. - - - - - - - WN źródła - WN źródła - WN źródła - Wskazuje kwotę WN pozycji w walucie źródłowej. - - - - - - - Atrubut - Atrubut - - - - - - - - - Automatyczna kontrola okresu - Automatyczna kontrola okresu - Wybranie opcji powoduje automatyczne otwieranie i zamykanie okresów - Przy automatycznej kontroli okresu, okresy są otwierane i zamykane na podstawie aktualnej daty. Przy aktywowaniu ręcznej kontroli, należy dokładnie otwierać i zamykać okresy. - - - - - - - Wysłać do - Wysłać do - Adres, na jaki ma zostać wysłana faktura - Adres, na jaki ma zostać wysłana faktura - - - - - - - Dane binarne - Dane binarne - Dane binarne - Pole Dane binarne przechowuje np pliki - - - - - - - Status budżetu - Status budżetu - Wskazuje na obecny status tego budżetu - Wskazuje na obecny status tego budżetu (np Szkic, Zaakceptowany) - - - - - - - Podstawowy plan kont - Podstawowy plan kont - Podstawowy plan kont (definiuje zasady księgowania) - Definiuje zasady księgowania, takie jak metody liczenia kosztów, walut oraz kalendarz. - - - - - - - Drugi plan kont - Drugi plan kont - Drugie zasady księgowania - Definiuje zasady księgowania, takie jak metody liczenia kosztów, walut oraz kalendarz. - - - - - - - Trzeci plan kont - Trzeci plan kont - Trzecie zasady księgowania - Definiuje zasady księgowania, takie jak metody liczenia kosztów, walut oraz kalendarz. - - - - - - - Konto - Konto - - - - - - - - - Plan kont - Plan kont - Zasady księgowania - Definiuje zasady księgowania, takie jak metody liczenia kosztów, walut oraz kalendarz. - - - - - - - Kontrahent - Kontrahent - Wskazanie kontrahenta - Kontrahent to dowolna osoba, z którą przeprowadzasz instersy. Może to być dostawca, klient, pracownik lub sprzedawca. - - - - - - - Adres kontrahenta - Adres kontrahenta - Wskazuje adres kontrahenta - Adres kontrahenta. Jeden kontrahent może mieć przypisanych wiele adresów - - - - - - - Kalendarz - Kalendarz - Nazwa kalendarza obrachunkowy - Wskazuje kalendarz roku obrachunkowego. Można zostosować mnożnik kalendarza. Na przykład możesz potrzebować kalendarza zwykłego rozpoczynającego rok od 1 stycznia kończącego się na 31 grudnia a kalendarz obrachunkowy rozpoczynającego rok od 1 lipca kończącego się na 31 czerwca. - - - - - - - Wg kursu - Wg kursu - Kurs użyty do przeliczenia walut - Określa wskaźnik (mnoży lub dzieli) używany przy zamianie waluty źródłowej na walutę księgowania. - - - - - - - Kraj - Kraj - Kraj - Wskazuje kraj. Kazdy kraj musi zostać zdefiniowany, zanim będzie możliwe jego użycie. - - - - - - - Waluta - Waluta - Waluta dla tej pozycji - Wskazuje walutę jaka będzie przypisana do tej pozycji. - - - - - - - Waluta docel. - Waluta docel. - Waluta docelowa - Waluta docelowa, do jakiej odnosi się ten kurs - - - - - - - Typ dokumentu - Typ dokumentu - Typ dokumentu - Typ dokumentu wpływa na użyty licznik dokumentów oraz sposób jego przetwarzania. - - - - - - - Typ dokumentu docelowego - Typ dokumentu docelowego - Typ dokumentu docelowego dla konwersji dokumentów - Można zamienić typy dokumentów (np. z Oferty na Zamówienie lub fakturę). Zamiana jest wyświetlona w typie bieżącym. Proces rozpoczyna wybór odpowiedniej operacji dokumetnu. - - - - - - - Nazwa konta - Nazwa konta - Nazwa konta - Jest pojedynczym identyfikatorem instancji konta. Na przykład nazwa konta może wynosić 10001, 20020 i 32312. Gdy użytkownik określa nazwy kont dla wydziałów mogą wyglądać następująco PR, Admin albo Sprzedaż. - - - - - - - Składowa konta - Składowa konta - Konto - Identyfikuje typ konta. Powszechnie znane jako wykres kont. - - - - - - - Lokalizacja z - Lokalizacja z - Skąd pochodzi produkt - Skąd pochodzi produkt - - - - - - - Lokalizacja do - Lokalizacja do - Dokąd przeniesiono produkt - Dokąd przeniesiono produkt - - - - - - - Adres - Adres - Lokalizacja lub adres - Lokalizacja/adres jednostki - - - - - - - Dzień wolny - Dzień wolny - Dzień wolny od pracy - Dzień wolny, nie zawiera się w nim żadnych transakcji. - - - - - - - Warunki płatności - Warunki płatności - Warunki płatności dla tej transakcji - Warunki płatności wskacują na metodę oraz okres płatności danej transakcji. - - - - - - - Kontrola okresu - Kontrola okresu - - - - - - - - - Okres - Okres - Okres kalendarzowy - Okres wskazuje zakres dat w kalendarzu - - - - - - - Projekt - Projekt - Projekt - Numer identyfikacyjny projektu pozwala średzić i kontrolować wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne działania. - - - - - - - Województwo - Województwo - Województwo, stan lub region kraju - Region definuje unikalne obszary dla kraju. Regionami moga być np. województwa lub stany - - - - - - - Region sprzedaży - Region sprzedaży - Region sprzedaży - Region sprzedaży - - - - - - - Kategoria podatku - Kategoria podatku - Kategoria podatku - Metoda grupowania podobnych podatków. Na przykład: Podatek od sprzedaży czy VAT. - - - - - - - Podatek - Podatek - Identyfikator podatku - Wskazuje typ podatku używanego w pozycji dokumentu. - - - - - - - Jednostka konwersji - Jednostka konwersji - Jednostka konwersji - Wskazuje pojedynczą jednoskę miary, na jaką i z jakiej pochodzi kurs wymiany i data zamiany. - - - - - - - Jedn. miary - Jedn. miary - Jednostka miary - Niepieniężna jednostka miary - - - - - - - Jedn. miary docelowa - Jedn. miary docelowa - Target or destination Unit of Measure - The UOM To indicates the destination UOM for a UOM Conversion pair - TODO - - - - - - Jedn. Miar. dla długości - Jedn. Miar. dla długości - Jednostka miary długości - Standardowa jednostka pomiaru długości produktu wymieniona w dokumencie. - - - - - - - Jedn. miar. czasu - Jedn. miar. czasu - Jednostka miary czasu - Standardowa jednostka pomiaru czasu dla produktu wymieniona w dokumencie. - - - - - - - Jedn.miar. objętości - Jedn.miar. objętości - Jednostka miary objętości - Standardowa jednostka pomiaru objętości produktu wymieniona w dokumencie. - - - - - - - Jedn. miar. wagi - Jedn. miar. wagi - Jednostka miary wagi - Standardowa jednostka pomiaru ciężkości produktu wymieniona w dokumencie. - - - - - - - Konto - Konto - Konto księgowe - Kombinacja kont, jakie występują w Dzienniku Głównym. - - - - - - - Rok - Rok - Rok obrachunkowy - Rok obrachunkowy - - - - - - - Procedura - Procedura - Function Calls separated by semicolons; SE_/SL_/UE_/UL_ - 1st: System/User; 2nd: Enter/Leave; 3rd: _ Unserscore, - then Function Name - Function Calls separated by semicolons; SE_/SL_/UE_/UL_ - 1st: System/User; 2nd: Enter/Leave; 3rd: _ Unserscore, - then Function Name - TODO - - - - - - Miasto - Miasto - Miasto - Miasto danego kraju lub region - - - - - - - Lista firm - Lista firm - Firmy, które mają dostęp do roli - Firmy, które mają dostęp do roli. Powielone firmy są oddzielone przez przecinek ",". - - - - - - - Kod sprawdzający - Kod sprawdzający - Kod sprawdzający - Kod sprawdzający pokazuje datę, czas i wiadomość o błędzie. - - - - - - - Nazwa kolumny w bazie - Nazwa kolumny w bazie - Nazwa kolumny w bazie danych - Nazwa kolumny w bazie danych. - - - - - - - Konto księgowe - Konto księgowe - Konto księgowe - Konto księgowe - - - - - - - Komentarze - Komentarze - Komentarz lub dodatkowa informacja - Wprowadza komentarz lub dodatkową informację - - - - - - - Ostrzegaj przez zatwierdzeniem - Ostrzegaj przez zatwierdzeniem - - - - - - - - - Kwota kontrolna - Kwota kontrolna - Jeśli nie jest 0, kwota po stronie WN dokumentu musi być równa tej kwocie. - Jeśli kwota kontrolna wynosi 0, nie odbywa się sprawdzanie. W przeciwnym wypadku obroty po stronie WN muszą się równać kwocie kontrolnej, zanim dokument będzie przetworzony. - - - - - - - Koszt średni - Koszt średni - Średni ważony koszt - Średni ważony koszt (rzeczywisty) - - - - - - - Standardowy koszt - Standardowy koszt - Standardowy koszt - Standardowy koszt (planowany) - - - - - - - Metoda wyceny - Metoda wyceny - Metoda wyceny - Metoda wyceny kosztu (standardowego, średniego). - - - - - - - Precyzja kosztu - Precyzja kosztu - Zaokrąglenie użyte przy kalkulacji kosztu - Liczby dziesiętne są zaokrąglane podczas kalkulacji kosztów. - - - - - - - Koszty - Koszty - Koszty w walucie - Koszty kampanii jednostki w walucie księgowania. - - - - - - - Kod ISO kraju - Kod ISO kraju - Upper-case two-letter alphanumeric ISO Country code according to ISO 3166-1 - http://www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/doc/ISO_3166.html - Szczególy na stronie: http://www.din.de/gremien/nas/nabd/iso3166ma/codlstp1.html or - http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec03en.htm - - - - - - - Utworzony - Utworzony - Data utworzenia wydruku - Data utworzenia wydruku - - - - - - - Utworzony przez - Utworzony przez - Użytkownik, który utworzył dany wydruk - Wskazuje użytkownika, który utworzył dany wydruk. - - - - - - - Numer karty - Numer karty - Numer karty kredytowej - Numer karty kredytowej, bez pustych miejsc. - - - - - - - Symbol - Symbol waluty - Symbol waluty (opcja dostępna tylko podczas drukowania) - Symbol waluty, jaki będzie na wydruku. - - - - - - - Konto Rozliczenie różnic kursowych - Konto Rozliczenie różnic kursowych - Konto Rozliczenie różnic kursowych używane przy wystąpieniu różnic kursowych. - Konto Rozliczenie różnic kursowych używane przy wystąpieniu różnic kursowych (przy zaokrągleniu). - - - - - - - Kurs - Kurs waluty - Kurs wymiany waluty - Kurs wymiany waluty - - - - - - - Następny numer - Następny numer - Następny numer jaki zostanie użyty - Następny numer, jaki zostanie użyty dla danego dokumentu. - - - - - - - Numer D_U_N_S - Numer D_U_N_S - Dun & Bradstreet Number - Used for EDI - For details see www.dnb.com/dunsno/list.htm - TODO - - - - - - Data - Data - Data, kiedy działalność nie jest prowadzona - Data zaprzestania prowadzenia działalności. - - - - - - - Data księgowania - Data księgowania - Data księgowania - Data wprowadzania do Dziennika Głównego utworzona z dokumentu. Używana również przy wymianie waluty. - - - - - - - Data dostarczenia - Data dostarcz. - - - - - - - - - Data wystawienia dokumentu - Data wyst. dok. - Data wystawienia dokumentu - Data wystawienia dokumentu. Może ale nie musi pokrywać się z datą księgowania. - - - - - - - Data wystawienia faktury - Data wystawienia faktury - Data drukowana na fakturze - Data drukowana na fakturze - - - - - - - Data zamównienia - Data zamównienia - Data zamówienia - Data zamówienia - - - - - - - Data obiecana - Data obiecana - Obiecana data zamówienia - Obiecana data zamówienia - - - - - - - Domyślna logika - Domyślna logika - Hierarchia wartości odmowy, podzielona - The defaults are evaluated in the order of definition, the first not null value becomes the default value of the column. The values are separated by comma or semicolon. a) Literals:. 'Text' or 123 b) Variables - in format @Variable@ - Login e.g. #Date, #A - TODO - - - - - - Dostawa przez - Dostawa przez - W jaki sposób dostwa znajdzie się u klienta - Wskazuje w jakis sposób dostawa znajedzie się u klienta. Np może zostać odberana lub dostarczona przez nas - - - - - - - Opis - Opis - Dodatkowy któtki opis rekordu - Dodatkowy któtki opis rekordu (do 255 znaków) - - - - - - - Wycofany - Wycofany - Ten produkt nie jest już dostępny - Wskazuje produkt, który nie jest wytwarzany - - - - - - - Wycofany przez - Wycofany przez - Wycofany przez - Pole wskazuje podmiot, która wycofała produkt - - - - - - - Rabat % - Rabat % - Rabat % - Wskazuje zastosowany lub pobrany rabat jako procent. - - - - - - - Dni rabatu - Dni rabatu - Ilość dni od daty wystawienia faktury, od której stosuje się dany rabat - Ilość dni od daty wystawienia faktury, od której stosuje się dany rabat - - - - - - - Długość wyświetlana - Długość wyświetlana - Długość wyświetlania w znakach - Długość wyświetlania jest głównie dla String fields. Długość nie wpływa, jeśli typ daty pola jest - Interger, Ilość, Konto (length determined by the system) - YesNo (Checkbox) - List, Table, TableDir (length of combo boxes are determined by their - TODO - - - - - - Logika wyświetlania - Logika wyświetlania - Jeśli pole jest wyświetlane, rezultat determinuje gdy pole jest właśnie wyświetlane - format := <expression> [<logic> <expression>] expression := @<context>@=<value> or @<context>@!<value> logic := <|>|<&> context := any global or window context value := strings logic operators := AND or OR with the prevoius result from left to right E - TODO - - - - - - Pokaż wartości - Pokaż wartości - Pokaż wartość z kolumny - Czy wartość kolumny będzie wyświetlona z kolumny. - - - - - - - Format wydruku adresu - Format wydruku adresu - Format wydruku do drukowania adresów - Format wydruku adresów. Można uzywać następującej notacji @C@=Miasto @P@=Kod pocztowy @A@=Adres @R@=Rejon/województwo - - - - - - - Współczynnik podziału - Współczynnik podziału - Konwertuje liczbę źródłową do docelowej. Źródłowa jest dzielona - Konwertuje liczbę źródłową do docelowej. Źródłowa jest dzielona. Jeżeli włączymy współczynnik podziału, współczynnik mnożeni będzie zastosowany automatycznie. - - - - - - - Wykonaj operację - Wykonaj operację - Wykonaj wskazaną operację na dokumecie - Bierzący status dokmentu znajduje się w polu Status dokumentu. - - - - - - - Licznik dokumentów - Licznik dokumentów - Licznik dokumentów definiuje sposób numerowania - Licznik dokumentów definiuje sposób numerowania używany dla tego typu dokumentów - - - - - - - Status dokumentu - Status dokumentu - Bieżący status dokumentu - Pokauzuje obecny status dokumenu. Możliwa jest zmiana bieżącego statusu przy pomocy przycisku "Wykonaj operację" - - - - - - - Nr dokumentu - Nr dokumentu - Numer w kolejności ciągu dokumentu - Numer dokumentu jest zwykle automatycznie generowany przez system. Sposób numerowania zależy od typu dokumentu. Dla dokumentów nie zapisanych numer tymczasowy jest wyświetlany pomiędzy znakami "<>". Jeżeli określony typ dokumentu nie ma przypisanego licznika dokumentów pole to dla nowo utworzonego dokumentu jest puste. Dzieje się tak dla dokumentów, które mają numery zewnętrzne (np faktury obce). Jeżeli zostawisz to pole puste numer zostanie wygenerowany automatycznie. - - - - - - - Data wejscia do Europejskiej Unii Monetarnej - Data wejscia do Europejskiej Unii Monetarnej - Data kiedy waluta dołączyła/dołączy do Europejskiej Unii Monetarnej - Określa datę kiedy waluta weszła lub wejdzie do Europejskiej Unii Monetarnej - - - - - - - Kurs Europejskiej Unii Monetarnej - Kurs Europejskiej Unii Monetarnej - Oficjalny wskaźnik w stosunku do Euro - Wskaźnik Europejskiej Unii Monetarnej określa oficjalny wskaźnik, jaki jest używany przy zamianie tej waluty na Euro - - - - - - - Typ - Typ - Typ elementu (konto lub zdefiniowany użytkownik) - Typ elementu wskazuje czy jest to Element konta czy element zdefiniowanego użytkownika - - - - - - - Data końcowa - Data końcowa - Data ostatecznej efektywności (wszystko obejmująca) - Data końca wskazuje ostateczną datę w tej grupie - - - - - - - Format telefonu - Format telefonu - Format telefonu; Może zawierać stałe elementy formatu, zmienne: "_lLoOaAcCa09" - <B>Validation elements:</B> - (Space) any character -_ Space (fixed character) -l any Letter a..Z NO space -L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case -o any Letter a..Z or space -O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case -a any Letters & Digit - TODO - - - - - - Format kodu pocztowego - Format kodu pocztowego - Format kodu pocztowego; Może zawierać stałe elementy formatu, zmienne: "_lLoOaAcCa09" - <B>Validation elements:</B> - (Space) any character -_ Space (fixed character) -l any Letter a..Z NO space -L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case -o any Letter a..Z or space -O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case -a any Letters & Digit - TODO - - - - - - Dodatkowy format pocztowy - Dodatkowy format pocztowy - Format wartości; Może zawierać stałe elementy formatu, zmienne: "_lLoOaAcCa09" - <B>Validation elements:</B> - (Space) any character -_ Space (fixed character) -l any Letter a..Z NO space -L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case -o any Letter a..Z or space -O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case -a any Letters & Digit - TODO - - - - - - Faks - Faks - Numer faksu - Faks identyfikuje numer faksu dla kontrahenta lub umiejscowienia - - - - - - - Długość - Długość - Długość kolumny w bazie danych - Długość określa długość kolumny jak zdefiniowano w bazie danych - - - - - - - Pierwsza sprzedaż - Pierwsza sprzedaż - Data pierwszej sprzedaży - Data pierwszej sprzedaży wskazuje datę pierwszej sprzedaży kontrahentowi - - - - - - - Opłata za fracht - Opłata za fracht - Opłata za fracht - Opłata za fracht wskazuje kwotę pobraną za fracht w dokumencie waluty - - - - - - - Ogólnie akceptowane podstawy księgowania - Ogólnie akceptowane podstawy księgowania - Ogólnie akceptowane podstawy księgowania - Wskazuje pryncypia konta jakie układ księgowy będzie przestrzegał - - - - - - - Budżet - Budżet - Budżet Księgi Głównej - Budżet Księgi Głównej określa budżet zdefiniowanego użytkownika. Może być to użyte w zapisach jako porównanie do twoich bieżących kwot - - - - - - - Kategoria dokumentu księgowego - Kategoria dokumentu księgowego - Kategoria dokumentu księgowego - Kategoria dokumentu księgowego, to opcjonalny sposób grupowania księgowań - - - - - - - Grupa w Księdze Głównej - Grupa w Księdze Głównej - Grupa w Księdze Głównej - Grupa w Księdze Głównej wskazuje grupę ksiąg przetwarzanych jako grupa - - - - - - - Księgowanie - Księgowanie - Księgowanie - Pozycja w Księdze Głównej wskazuje pojedynczą transakcję w księdze - - - - - - - Księga główna - Księga główna - Księga Główna - Księga Główna wskazuje grupę pozycji które reprezentują logiczną transakcję - - - - - - - Razem - Razem - Całkowita kwota dokumentu - Całkowita kwota pokazuje całkowitą kwotę włączając opodatkowanie oraz fracht w dokumencie waluty - - - - - - - Używaj aliasu konta - Używaj aliasu konta - Zdolność wyboru (częściowego) kombinacji kont przez alias - Wskazuje, że kombinacji konta mogą być wybierane używając alias zdefiniowanego użytkownika lub skrótu - - - - - - - Użyj kontroli kombinacji kont - Użyj kontroli kombinacji kont - Kombinacja elementów konta jest sprawdzana - Wskazuje czy kombinacja elementów konta będzie zweryfikowana wobec zdefiniowanej akceptowanej kombinacji - - - - - - - Dodatkowy kod pocztowy - Dodatkowy kod pocztowy - Posiada dodatkowy kod pocztowy - Wskazuje czy ten adres używa dodatkowego kodu pocztowego. Jeżeli wybrano dodatkowe pole wyświetla się na wejście dodatkowy kod pocztowy. - - - - - - - Województwa - Województwa - Czy kraj ma zdefiniowane województwa/regiony - Kraj ma region jest wybierana jeśli zdefiniowany kraj jest podzielony na regiony. Jeżeli go wybrano, można wejść do tabeli regionów. - - - - - - - Posiada drzewo - Posiada drzewo - Okno ma możliwość edycji drzewa - Wskazuje czy to okno wyświetla metaforę drzewa - - - - - - - Pomoc/Komentarz - Pomoc - Komentarz lub wskazówka - Pole pomocy zawiera wskazówkę, komentarz lub pomoc o użyciu tego przedmiotu - - - - - - - ISDN - ISDN - ISDN lub modem - ISDN lub numer modemu. - - - - - - - Kod ISO - Kod ISO - ISO 4217 Kod waluty - Więcej szczegółów - http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec09en.htm - - - - - - - Konto Przychód - Konto Przychód - - - - - - - - - Przyrost - Przyrost - O ile ma rosnąć dany licznik - Przyrost wskazuje liczbę o jaką przyrośnie liczba ostatniego dokumentu w numerze następnego ciągu - - - - - - - Płatności wewnątrzne z konta - Płatności wewnętrzne z konta - Płatności wewnętrzne z / Konto wpływów - Wskazuje konto, które reprezentuje pieniądze winne tej organizacji od innej organizacji - - - - - - - Płatności wewnątrzne na konto - Płatności wewnątrzne na konto - Płatności wewnątrzne na konto - Wskazuje konto środków pieniężnych, jakie inna jednostka jest winna. - - - - - - - Data wystawienia faktury - Data wystawienia faktury - Data wystawienia faktury - Wskazuje dzień wystawienia faktury. Jeżeli jest wystawiana dwa razy w miesiącu, drugi raz następuje 15 dni po pierwszym. - - - - - - - Częstotliwość wystawiania faktur - Częstotliwość wystawiania faktur - Częstotliwość wystawiania faktur - Częstotliwość wystawiania faktur kontrahentowi - - - - - - - Dzień tygodnia - Dzień tygodnia - Dzień tygodnia - Dzień tygodnia wystawiania faktur. - - - - - - - Na podstawie księgowania - Na podstawie księgowania - Wskazuje, czy operacje księgowane są na podstawie dokumentów księgowych czy przepływów środków pieniężnych - Wskazuje, czy plan kont będzie oparty o dokumenty księgowe czy będzie oparty o przepływy środków pieniężnych. Metoda oparta o dokumenty księgowe rozpoznaje przychód w momencie dostarczenia(wystawienia faktury) produktu lub usługi. Metoda oparta o ruch środków pieniężnych rozpoznaje przychód w momencie otrzymania zapłaty. - - - - - - - Aktywny/Widoczny - Aktywny/Widoczny - Czy pozycja jest aktywna - Nie wszystkie informacje w systemie mogą być usunięte. Wiele informacji musi pozostać w systemie jeżeli zostały raz wprowadzone. 1. Dzieje się tak z dwóch przyczyn: 2. Dany wpis musi pozostać ze względów bezpieczeństwa.: Dany wpis jest powiązany z innymi wpisami w systemie. np nie można usunąć kontrahenta, dla którego były wystawiane faktury. W przypadku kiedy nie jest możliwe usunięcie zapisu, można zrobić go nieaktywnym, tak aby nie pojawiał się na wydrukach - - - - - - - Limit kwoty - Limit kwoty - Wyślij fakturę jedynie, gdy kwota przekroczy granicę - Wskazuje, czy faktura ma być wysyłana jedynie w przypadkach, gdy poniżej wprowadzonego ograniczenia. - - - - - - - Potwierdzony - Potwierdzony - Dokumenty wymagają potwierdzenia - Dokumenty wymagają potwierdzenia przed przetworzeniem. - - - - - - - Aktywuj audyt/kontrolę - Aktywuj audyt/kontrolę - Aktywuj kontrolę, jakie tworzone są numery - Wskazuje czy kontrola utworzonych numerów będzie zatrzymana. - - - - - - - Automatyczne numerowanie - Automatyczne numerowanie - Automatyczne numerowanie - Automatyczne numerowanie - - - - - - - Zrównoważony/zbilansowany - Zrównoważony/zbilansowany - - - - - - - - - Zrównoważone - Zrównoważone - Wartość wszystkich transakcji musi się zgadzać (np. koszty) - The Balancing checkbox indicates the this element must balance in each journal transaction. For example, if cost centers have been defined as an element which is balance then the debits and credits for each unique cost center must net to 0.00. This is c - TODO - - - - - - Jezyk bazowy - Jezyk bazowy - System informacji utrzymywany jest przez dany język. - - - - - - - - Centralnie utrzymywany - Centralnie utrzymywany - Informacja zarządzana przez Element Systemu - Wskazuje czy Nazwa, Opis i Pomoc jest zarządzana przez tabelę Elementu Systemu czy tabelę Okna. - - - - - - - MA sprawdzone - MA sprawdzone - MA sprawdzone - Credit Approved indicates if the credit approval was successful for Orders - - - - - - - Klient - Klient - Wskazuje, czy kontrahent jest klientem - Wskazuje, czy kontrahent jest klientem. Jeśli tak jest, wybierz dodakowe pole w celu wprowadzenia dalszych informacji o kliencie. - - - - - - - Można usuwać - Można usuwać - Czy można usuwać rekordy - Czy można usuwać rekordy z bazy danych. Jeżeli nie można, można zaniechać wyboru oflagowania. - - - - - - - Dostarczone - Dostarczone - - - - - - - - - Wyświetlane - Wyświetlane - Określa, jeśli pole jest wyświetlane - Jeżeli pole jest wyświetlane, pole Wyświetl logikę określi czas operacji. - - - - - - - Dokument sprawdzony - Dokument sprawdzony - Jeżeli konto jest sprawdzane przez dokument, nie można do niego nic ręcznie przesłać. - - - - - - - - Dokument z autonumeracją - Dokument z autonumeracją - Dokument z autonumeracją - Dokument z autonumeracją - - - - - - - Członek Europejskiej Unii Monetarnej - Członek Europejskiej Unii Monetarnej - Waluta kraju członkowskiego Europejskiej Unii Monetarnej - Waluta kraju członkowskiego Europejskiej Unii Monetarnej - - - - - - - Pracownik - Pracownik - Czy kontrahent jest pracownikiem - Wskazuje, czy kontrahent jest pracownikiem. Jeśli tak jest, wyświetl dodatkowe pole w celu wprowadzenia dalszej identyfikacji pracownika. - - - - - - - Wyświetl zakodowane - Wyświetl zakodowane - Display is encrypted by '*' - Independent from data storage encryption - Display encryption - all characters are displayed as '*'. Data storage encryption (i.e. you will not be able to report the data via report tools) is set in the Column definition - TODO - - - - - - Waluta Euro - Waluta Euro - Waluta Euro - Waluta Euro - - - - - - - Tylko pole - Tylko pole - Nie wyświetla etykiety - Kolumna wyświetlana bez etykiety. - - - - - - - Kwalifikowane - Kwalifikowane - Kwalifikowane - Wszystkie wymagane elementy do kombinacji kont są obecne. - - - - - - - Utworzone - Utworzone - Pozycja utworzona - Pozycja dziennika została utworzona z dokumentu źródłowego. Pozycje mogą być wprowadzone ręcznie lub zaimportowane. - - - - - - - Tylko napis - Tylko napis - Pole bez kolumny - wyświetla tylko etykietę - Wskazuje, czy na ekranie będzie wyświetlona tylko etykieta. - - - - - - - Identyfikator - Identyfikator - Kolumna jest częścią identyfikatora wydruku - Kolumna jest częścią identyfikatora lub klucza do tabeli. - - - - - - - Księgowość - Księgowość - Formatka zawiera inforamcje na temat księgowania. - Wskazuje, czy okno zawiera informacje na temat księgowania. - - - - - - - Zafakturowane - Zafakturowane - Zafakturowane - Zafakturowane - - - - - - - Klucz główny - Klucz główny - Kolumna jest kluczem w tabeli - Kluczowa kolumna musi być również ponumerowana 0 w polu opisu i może być ukryta. - - - - - - - Obowiązkowe - Obowiązkowe - Wejście danych wymagane w kolumnie - Wskazuje, czy pole jest wymagane, by zapisać raport w bazie danych. - - - - - - - Konto naturalne - Konto naturalne - Konto podstawowe - Konto naturalne często jest oparte na wykresie kont, zwłaszcza przy wyszczególnieniu branży. - - - - - - - Kolumna łącząca z rekordem nadrzędnym - Kolumna łącząca z rekordem nadrzędnym - This column is a link to the parent table (e.g. header from lines) - incl. Association key columns - The Parent checkbox indicates if this column is a link to the parent table - TODO - - - - - - Podstawowy - Podstawowy - Wskazuje czy jest to budżet podstawowy - Wskazuje, czy dany budżet jest budźetem podstawowym. - - - - - - - Wydrukowane - Wydrukowane - Wydrukowane - Wydrukowane - - - - - - - Przetwarzanie - Przetwarzanie - - - - - - - - - Potencjalny klient - Potencjalny klient - Potencjalny klient - Wskazuje podmiot, który jest potencjalnym klientem, ale nim jeszcze nie jest. - - - - - - - Kupowane - Kupowane - Czy kupujemy ten produkt - Czy kupujemy ten produkt - - - - - - - Zakres - Zakres - Zakres wartość - Zakres wartości - - - - - - - Tylko do odczytu - Tylko do odczytu - Tylko do odczytu - Tylko do odczytu. Nie można uaktualnić. - - - - - - - Modyfikowalne - Modyfikowalne - Czy pole można zmieniać - Wskazuje, czy pole można odczytać i uaktualniać. - - - - - - - Cennik sprzedaży - Cennik sprzedaży - Cennik sprzedaży - Cennik sprzedaży używany przy transakcji sprzedaży - - - - - - - Sprzedawca - Sprzedawca - Reprezentant handlowy - Reprezentant handlowy - - - - - - - W tej samej linii - W tej samej linii - Czy ma być wyświetlony w tej samej linii co porzednie pole - Czy ma być wyświetlony w tej samej linii co porzednie pole - - - - - - - Włączenie zabezpiczeń - Włączenie zabezpiczeń - If security is enabled, user access to data can be restricted via Roles - The Security Enabled checkbox indicates that user access to the data in this table can be retricted using Roles - TODO - - - - - - Układ jednoliniowy - Układ jednoliniowy - Default for toggle between Single- and Multi-Row (Grid) Layout - The SIngle Row Layout checkbox indicates if the default display type for this window is a single row as opposed to multi row - TODO - - - - - - Sprzedawane - Sprzedawane - Czy produkt jest sprzedawany przez nas - Pole określa czy ten produkt jest przez nas sprzedawany - - - - - - - Przechowywane - Przechowywane - Czy przechowujemy ten rodzaj produktu - Czy przechowujemy ten rodzaj produktu - - - - - - - Element grupujący - Element grupujący - Jednostka grupująca - Przedstawia branżę w drzewie, bardziej niż mogłby to być koniec węzła. Jednostki grupujące używa się do raportowania i nie posiadają własnych wartości. - TODO - - - - - - Język systemowy - Język systemowy - Czy ma być dostępne tłumacznie apliklacji w tym jęzku - Wybierz, jeśli chcesz posiadać tłumaczenie dostępne w danym języku. Zauważ, że administrator systemu, by zarządzać skryptami języka możliwia użycie danego języka. Jeżeli nie ma takiej możliwości, możesz tłumaczyć sam. - - - - - - - Używane jako ID rekordu - Używane jako ID rekordu - Czy numer dokumentu ma być równiez kluczem głównym - Czy numer dokumentu ma być równiez kluczem głównym - - - - - - - Przeniesiony - Przeniesiony - Przeniesiony do Księgi Głównej - Wskazuje, że transakcje związane z dokumentem powinny być przeniesione do Księgi Głównej. - - - - - - - Przetłumaczone - Przetłumaczone - Przetłumaczona kolumna - Przetłumaczona kolumna - - - - - - - Tłumaczenie - Tłumaczenie - Formatka zawiera informacje o tłumaczeniu - Formatka zawiera informacje o tłumaczeniu - - - - - - - Można zmienić - Można zmienić - Określa, czy pole może uaktualnione - Określa, czy pole może uaktualnione przez użytkownika. - - - - - - - Można zmienić - Można zmienić - Pole może być uaktualnione przez użytkownika - Pole może być uaktualnione przez użytkownika - - - - - - - Dostawca - Dostawca - Wskazuje czy kontrahent jest dostawcą - Wskazuje czy kontrahent jest dostawcą. Jeżeli tak jest, wyświetl dodatkowe pole w celu wprowadzenie dalszych informacji o dostawcy. - - - - - - - Ostatni kontakt - Ostatni kontakt - Data ostatniego kontaktu - Data ostatniego kontaktu z kontrahentem. - - - - - - - Ostatni wynik - Ostatni wynik - Rezultat ostatniego kontaktu - Rezultat ostatniego kontaktu - - - - - - - Maksymalny poziom - Maksymalny poziom - Maksymalna ilość produktu na stanie - Maksymalna ilość produktu na stanie - - - - - - - Minimalny poziom - Minimalny poziom - Minimalna ilość produktu na stanie - Minimalna ilość produktu na stanie - - - - - - - Numer pozycji - Numer pozycji - Numer pozycji dokumentu - Numer pozycji dokumentu. Kontroluje on również porządek wyświetlania pozycji w dokumencie. - - - - - - - Netto - Netto - Kwota netto (ilość * cena rzeczywista) bez opłat za fracht i pozostałych - Kwota netto (ilość * cena rzeczywista) bez opłat za fracht i pozostałych - - - - - - - Kolejność - Kolejność - - - - - - - - - Numer partii - Numer partii - Numer partii produktu - Numer partii produktu - - - - - - - Lokalizator - Lokalizator - Lokalizator magazynu - Numer identyfikacyjny lokalizatora to miejsce, gdzie w magazynie przechowywany jest produkt. - - - - - - - Cennik - Cennik - Cennik - Cennik określa cenę, marżę, koszt zakupionych i sprzedanych produktów. - - - - - - - Wersja cennika - Wersja cennika - Instancja cennika - Każdy cennik może mieć wiele wersji. Najczęściej używana się dat obowiązywania danego cennika. - - - - - - - Kategoria produktu - Kategoria produktu - Kategoria produktu - Kategoria, do której należy dany produkt. Kategorie produktów służą do określenia ceny. - - - - - - - Produkt - Produkt - Produkt, usługa, towar - Produkt, usługa, towar - - - - - - - Przewoźnik - Przewoźnik - Sposób dostawy produktu - Przewoźnik wskazuje sposób dostarczenia produktu - - - - - - - Magazyn/punkt serwisowy - Magazyn/punkt serwisowy - Magazyn/punkt serwisowy - Magazyn/punkt serwisowy - - - - - - - Tekst wiadomości - Tekst wiadomości - Informacje tekstowe, Menu i wiadomość o błędzie - Tekst wiadomości - - - - - - - Wskazówka dla wiadomości - Wskazówka dla wiadomości - Dodatkowa wskazówka lub pomoc - Dodatkowa wskazówka lub pomoc - - - - - - - Typ wiadomości - Typ wiadomości - Typ wiadomości (informacja, Menu lub błąd) - Typ wiadomości (informacja, Menu lub błąd) - - - - - - - Mnóż proporcję - Mnóż proporcję - Rate to multiple the source by to calculate the target - To convert Source number to Target number, the Source is multiplied by the multiply rate. If the Multiply Rate is entered, then the Divide Rate will be automatically calculated - TODO - - - - - - Naics/sic - Naics/sic - Standard Industry Code or its successor NAIC - http://www.osha.gov/oshstats/sicser.html - The NAICS/SIC identifies either of these codes that may be applicable to this Business Partner - TODO - - - - - - Nazwa - Nazwa - Identyfikator pozycji - Nazwa pozycji(rekordu) jest używana jako domyslny sposób wyszukiwania wraz z kodem. Nazwa powinna mieścić się w 60 znakach - - - - - - - Zbliża się termin - Zbliża się termin - Zbliża się termin płatności - Zbliża się termin płatności - - - - - - - Node_id - Node_id - - TODO - - - - - - - Pracownicy - Pracownicy - Liczba pracowników - Liczba pracowników na kontrahenta. Pole wyświetla się wyłącznie, gdy mowa o potencjalnym kliencie. - - - - - - - Komenda systemowa - Komenda systemowa - Operating System Command - The OS Command is for optionally defining a command to that will be part of this task. For example it can be used to starting a back up process or perfoming a file transfer - TODO - - - - - - SQL ORDER BY - SQL ORDER BY - Fully qualified ORDER BY clause - The ORDER BY Clause indicates the SQL ORDER BY clause to use for record selection - TODO - - - - - - Lista jedostek - Lista jedostek - Lista jednostek, do których rola ma dostęp - Lista jednostek, do których rola ma dostęp. Powielone jednostki są oddzielone przez przecinek ",". - - - - - - - Organizacja - Organizacja - Jednostka organizacyjna w ramach firmy - Jednostka firmy - przykład sklep, dział. - - - - - - - Cennik zakupu - Cennik zakupu - Cennik dla kontrahenta - Cennik dostawcy na zakupowane przez jednostkę produkty . - - - - - - - P_date - P_date - - - %TODO% - - - - - - P_date_to - P_date_to - - - %TODO% - - - - - - P_string - P_string - - - %TODO% - - - - - - P_string_to - P_string_to - - - %TODO% - - - - - - Rodzic - Rodzic - Wartość jednostki rodzica - Wskazuje wartość, która reprezentuje następny poziom w hierarchii lub zapisz poziom rekordu. - - - - - - - Podatek bazowy - Podatek bazowy - Podatek bazowy - Jest odniesieniem do powielania podatków. Pozwala na pobieranie innym powielonych podatków w dokumencie przez włączenie Podatku bazowego. - - - - - - - Hasło - Hasło - Hasło każdej długości (przypadek szczególny) - Wskazuje hasło dla numeru identyfikacyjnego użytkownika. Wymagane są do zidentyfikowania użytkowników autoryzowanych. - - - - - - - Czas operacji - Czas operacji - Czas operacji - Czas operacji. Na przykład "Zamknij okres" lub "Otwórz okres". - - - - - - - Numer okresu - Numer okresu - Pojedynczy numer okresu - Wskazuje poszczegółny okres w roku. Każdy okres jest określony datą rozpoczęcia i zakończenia. Zakresy dat w kalendarzu i roku nie mogą na siebie zachodzić. - - - - - - - Status okresu - Status okresu - Rzeczywisty stan okresu - Wskazuje rzeczywisty stan okresu. Na przykład: Zamknięty, Otwarty, Nigdy się nie otwiera. - - - - - - - Typ okresu - Typ okresu - Typ okresu - Typ okresu (standardowy lub dostosowany). - - - - - - - Przyszłe dni - Przyszłe dni - Ilość dni do końca (na podstawie daty systemu). - Rzeczywisty okres liczony jest na podstawie daty systemu i zawsze może przejść do wszystkich dni w okresie rzeczywistym. Przyszłe dni pozwalają przejść do przyszłych okresów. Na przykład, dzisiaj jest 15 kwietnia, a przyszłe dni ustawiono na 30, więc można przejść do 15 maja. - - - - - - - Przeszłe dni - Przeszłe dni - Ilość dni do początku (na podstawie daty systemu) - Rzeczywisty okres liczony jest na podstawie daty systemu i zawsze może przejść do wszystkich dni w okresie rzeczywistym. Przeszłe dni pozwalają przejść do minionych okresów. Na przykład, dzisiaj jest 15 maja, a przeszłe dni ustawiono na 30, więc można cofnąć się do 15 kwietnia. - - - - - - - Telefon - Telefon - Numer telefonu - Numer telefonu - - - - - - - Telefon 2 - Telefon 2 - Inny numer telefonu - Inny numer telefonu - - - - - - - Wyślij rzeczywiste - Wyślij rzeczywiste - Wartości rzeczywiste mogą być wysłane - Wartości rzeczywiste mogą być wysłane do wartości elementu. - - - - - - - Wyślij budżet - Wyślij budżet - Wartości budżetu mogą być wysłane - Wartości budżetu mogą być wysłane do wartości elementu. - - - - - - - Poczta encumbrance - Poczta encumbrance - Post commitments to this account - - %TODO% - - - - - - Wyślij statystyki - Wyślij statystyki - Wyślij ilości statystyki na konto - - - - - - - - Kod pocztowy - Kod pocztowy - Kod pocztowy - Kod pocztowy lub kod adresu jednostki - - - - - - - - - - - Inny kod pocztowy - Inny kod pocztowy - - - - - - - Rodzaj kwoty - Rodzaj kwoty - Rodzaj zaksięgowanej kwoty - The Posting Type indicates the type of amount (Actual, Encumbrance, Budget) this journal updated - %TODO% - - - - - - Potencjalny przychód od kontrahenta - Potencjalny przychód od kontrahenta - Calkowity oczekiwany przychód - Potencjalny przychód uzyskany od kontrahenta - - - - - - - Prefiks - Prefiks - Prefix przed numerem licznika - Cyfry przed numerem dokumentu - - - - - - - Cena jednostowa - Cena jedn - Cena rzeczywista - Cena rzeczywista produktu w walucie bazowej. - - - - - - - Cennik - Cennik - Cennik - Oficjalny cennik w dokumencie walutowym. - - - - - - - Pierwszeństwo - Pierwszeństwo - Pierwszeństwo dokumentu - Ważność dokumentu (wysoka, umiarkowana, niska). - - - - - - - Rozpocznij teraz - Rozpocznij teraz - - - - - - - - - Ilość - Ilość - Ilość - Ilość produktów w dokumencie. - - - - - - - Dostarczona ilość - Dostarczona ilość - Dostarczona ilość - Dostarczona ilość - - - - - - - Zafakturowana ilość - Zafakturowana ilość - Zafakturowana ilość - Zafakturowana ilość produktów. - - - - - - - Ilośc na stanie - Ilośc na stanie - Ilośc na stanie - Ilośc na stanie w magazynie. - - - - - - - Zamówiona ilość - Zamówiona ilość - Zamówiona ilość - Zamówiona ilość produktów. - - - - - - - Ilość w rezerwie - Ilość w rezerwie - Ilość w rezerwie - Ilość produktów w rezerwie na inne zamówienia. - - - - - - - Przelicznik - Przelicznik - Współczynnik, Podatek lub Kurs wymiany - Współczynnik, Podatek lub Kurs wymiany - - - - - - - Różnice kursowe -zysk - Różnice kursowe - zysk - Różnice kursowe - zysk - Zrealizowany zysk na różnicach kursowych - - - - - - - Różnice kursowe - strata - Różnice kursowe - strata - Różnice kursowe - strata - Zrealizowana strata na różnicach kursowych. - - - - - - - Dokument - Id dokumentu - Podgląd dokumentu księgowego - Podgląd dokumentu księgowego - %TODO% - - - - - - Odniesienie - Odniesienie - Odniesienie do wydruku - Wyświetla numer dokumentu źródłowego - - - - - - - Odnośnik - Odnośnik - Numer klienta lub dostawcy w ośrodku kontrahenta - Odnośnik wydrukowany na zamówieniach i fakturach pozwala kontrahentowi przyspieszyć identyfikację wydruków. - - - - - - - Nazwa województwa/regionu - Nazwa województwa/regionu - Nazwa województwa/regionu - Nazwa województwa/regionu wydrukowana na dokumencie. - - - - - - - Sposób uzupełniania towaru - Sposób uzupełniania towaru - Sposób uzupełniania towaru - Wskazuje, czy produkt będzie ręcznie uzupełniony, zamówiony, gdy ilość produktu będzie poniżej ilości minimalnej lub poniżej ilości maksymalnej. - - - - - - - Wynik - Wynik - Wynik podjętej operacji - Wynik podjętej operacji na zapytanie. - - - - - - - Fundusze na odprawy emerytalne - Fundusze na odprawy emerytalne - - - - - - - - - Numer magazynowy - Nr magazynowy - Numer magazynowy - Wskazuje numer magazynowy użytkownika. Może być używany przez dodatkowe oznaczenie kodu paskowego lub przez swój własny symbol. - - - - - - - Kampania - Kampania - Kampania marketingowa - Określa pojedynczy program marketingowy. Projekty mogą być stowarzyszone z projektem wstępnym kampanii marketingowej. - - - - - - - Kanał - Kanał - Kanał sprzedaży/dystrybucji - Sposób lub kanał sprzedaży. - - - - - - - Limit kredytowania - Limit kredytowania - Limit kredytowania kontrahenta - Limit kredytowania. W przypadku przekroczenia zadłużenia na fakturach, wyświetlane będzie ostrzeżenie. Dla 0, nie będzie sprawdzane. - - - - - - - Kredyt wykorzystany - Kredyt wykorzystany - Kredyt wykorzystany - Całkowita kwota niezapłaconych faktur kontrahentowi. - - - - - - - Zasady dosaw - Zasady dosaw - Terminowość dostaw - Terminowość dostaw. Na przykład, określa czy zamówienie powinno być dostarczone, kiedy wypełniono całe zamówienie, kiedy wypełniono pozycję lub gdy produkt stanie się dostępny. - - - - - - - Zamówienie obce - Zamówienie obce - Zamówienie obce - Zamówienie obce jest dokumentem kontrolnym. Powiodło się, gdy zamówiona ilość jest taka sama jak ilość dostarczona i zafakturowana. - Zamówienie własne - Numer identyfikacyjny zamówienia własnego jest pojedynczym identyfikatorem zamówień. Jest kontrolowany przez licznik dokumentów dla danego typu dokumentów. - Zamówienie własne - Zamówienie własne - - - Zasady faktury - Zasady faktury - Częstotliwość i sposób fakturowania - Częstotliwość i sposób wystawiania faktur kontrahentowi. - - - - - - - Plan fakturowania - Plan fakturowania - Plan fakturowania - Wskazuje częstotliwość wystawiania faktur. - - - - - - - Pozycja zamówienia - Pozycja zamówienia - Pozycja zamówienia - Identyfikuje pozycję w zamówieniu - Pozycja zamówienia - Identyfikuje pozycję w zamówieniu - Pozycja zamówienia - Pozycja zamówienia - - - Wolumen sprzedaży w 1000 - Sprzedaże wolumenu - Całkowity wolumen sprzedaży - Całkowity wolumen sprzedaży danemu kontrahentowi. - - - - - - - Sperator elementu - Sperator elementu - Sperator elementu konta - Wskazuje separator drukowany pomiędzy elementami w strukturze. - - - - - - - Licznik - Licznik - Metoda porządkowania wydruków; numer pierwszy jest najniższy. - Numeruje wydruki. - - - - - - - Numer seryjny - Numer seryjny - Numer seryjny produktu - Wskazuje śledzony, objęty gwarancją produkt. Wyłącznie dla ilości 1. - - - - - - - Udział - Udział - Udział procentowy kontrahenta w łącznej dostawie. - Udział procentowy kontrahenta w łącznej dostawie. - - - - - - - Głębokośc na półce - Głębokośc na półce - Wymagana głębokośc na półce - Wymagana głębokośc na półce dla danego produktu - - - - - - - Wysokość na półce - Wysokość na półce - Wymagana wysokość na półce - Wymagana wysokość na półce dla danego produktu - - - - - - - Szerokość na półce - Szerokość na półce - Wymagana szerokość na półce - Wymagana szerokość na półce dla danego produktu. - - - - - - - Nr do sortowania elementów - Nr do sortowania elementów - Określa w jakiej kolejności wydruki są wyświetlane - The Record Sort No indicates the ascending sort sequence of the records - %TODO% - - - - - - Data rozpoczęcia - Data rozpoczęcia - Data rozpoczęcia (łącznie) - Pierwsza data lub data rozpoczęcia zakresu. - - - - - - - Skasuj licznik co rok - Skasuj licznik co rok - Skasuj licznik co rok - Numerowanie dokumentów powinno rozpocząć się od początku od pierwszego dnia roku. - - - - - - - Numer rozpoczęcia - Numer rozpoczęcia - Numer/pozycja rozpoczęcia - Wskazuje numer/pozycja rozpoczęcia pozycji. - - - - - - - Standardowa precyzja - Standardowa precyzja - Zasada zaokrąglania kwot - Miejsca dziesiętne w dokumentach przy operacjach księgowych będą zaokrąglane. - - - - - - - Substytut - Substytut - Produkt zastępczy - Produkt zastępczy - - - - - - - Przyrostek - Przyrostek - Przyrostek - Cyfry dodane na końcu numeru dokumentu - - - - - - - Niepewne równoważenie konta - Niepewne równoważenie konta - - %TODO% - - - - - - - Kwota niezgodności - Kwota niezgodności - - - - - - - - - Suma - Suma - - - - - - - - - Data - Data - - - - - - - - - Data i czas - Data i czas - - - - - - - - - Całkowita - Całkowita - - - - - - - - - Liczba - Liczba - - - - - - - - - Nazwa tabeli - Nazwa tabeli - Nazwa tabeli w bazie danych - Nazwa tabeli w bazie danych - - - - - - - NIP - NIP - NIP lub zagraniczny numer identyfikacyjny - NIP lub zagraniczny numer identyfikacyjny - - - - - - - Numer identyfikacyjny próby - Numer identyfikacyjny próby - - - - - - - - - Do - Do - Do kraju - Kraj - odbiorca w dokumencie - - - - - - - Do - Do - Do regionu - Region - odbiorca w dokumencie - - - - - - - Suma MA - Suma MA - Suma MA w walucie dokumentu - The Total Credit indicates the total credit amount for a journal or journal batch in the source currency - TODO - - - - - - Suma WN - Suma WN - Suma WN w walucie dokumentu - The Total Debit indicates the total debit amount for a journal or journal batch in the source currency - TODO - - - - - - Wszystkie pozycje - Wszystkie pozycje - Wszystkie pozycje - Wszystkie pozycje w walucie dokumentu - - - - - - - Typ drzewa/obszar - Typ drzewa/obszar - Drzewo zbudowane jest z danego elementu (np. produkt, kontrahent) - Wskazuje typ drzewa. Na przykład, można określić jedno drzewo dla swoich produktów, a inne dla kontrahenta. - - - - - - - Typ - Typ - Type of Validation (SQL, Java Script, Java Language) - The Type indicates the type of validation that will occur. This can be SQL, Java Script or Java Language - TODO - - - - - - Symbol - Symbol - Symbol jednostki miary - Symbol drukowanej jednostki miary - - - - - - - Kod paskowy EAN - Kod paskowy EAN - Bar Code (Universal Product Code or its superset European Article Number) - Use this field to enter the bar code for the product in any of the bar code symbologies (Codabar, Code 25, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, UPC (A), UPC (E), EAN-13, EAN-8, ITF, ITF-14, ISBN, ISSN, JAN-13, JAN-8, POSTNET and FIM, MSI/Plessey, and Pharmacode) - TODO - - - - - - Ilość na palecie - Ilość na palecie - Ilość na palecie - Ilość produktu na palecie. - - - - - - - Rozliczenie różnic kursowych - zysk - Rozliczenie różnic kursowych - zysk - Rozliczenie różnic kursowych - zysk - Konto Rozliczenie różnic kursowych zapisuje zysk z tytułu różnic kursu walutowego, który nie został jeszcze zrealizowany. - - - - - - - Rozliczenie różnic kursowych - strata - Rozliczenie różnic kursowych - strata - Rozliczenie różnic kursowych - strata - Konto Rozliczenie różnic kursowych zapisuje stratę z tytułu różnic kursu walutowego, która nie została jeszcze zrealizowana. - - - - - - - Zaktualizowany - Zaktualizowany - Data aktualizowania rekordu - Data aktualizowania rekordu - - - - - - - Zaktualizowany przez - Zaktualizowany przez - Użytkownik, który zaktualizował rekord. - Użytkownik, który zaktualizował rekord. - - - - - - - Uzyj obecnego salda - Uzyj obecnego salda - - - - - - - - - Użycie niepewności balansująca - Użycie niepewności balansująca - - TODO - - - - - - - Użyj błędu niepewności - Użyj błędu niepewności - - TODO - - - - - - - Użytkownik 1 - Użytkownik 1 - Użytkownik określający element 1 - Pokazuje inne elementy określone dla danej kombinacji kont. - - - - - - - Użytkownik 2 - Użytkownik 2 - Użytkownik określający element 2 - Pokazuje inne elementy określone dla danej kombinacji kont. - - - - - - - Poziom użytkownika - Poziom użytkownika - System organizacji firmy - Określa czy użytkownicy danej roli będą mieli dostęp do systemu poziomu danych, poziomu danych organizacji, poziomu danych firmy lub poziomu danych firmy i organizacji. - TODO - - - - - - Format wartości - Format wartości - Format of the value; Can contain fixed format elements, Variables: "_lLoOaAcCa09" - <B>Validation elements:</B> - (Space) any character -_ Space (fixed character) -l any Letter a..Z NO space -L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case -o any Letter a..Z or space -O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case -a any Letters & Digit - TODO - - - - - - Ważny od - Ważny od - Ważny od daty (łącznie) - pierwszy dzień - Wskazuje pierwszy dzień zakresu dat. - - - - - - - Ważny do - Ważny do - Ważny do daty (łącznie) - ostatni dzień - Wskazuje ostatni dzień zakresu dat. - - - - - - - Typ walidacji - Typ walidacji - Różne sposoby walidacji danych - Różne sposoby walidacji danych: lista, tabela lub typ walidacji danych. - - - - - - - Kod - Kod - Kod rekordu w wymaganym formacie - musi być szczególny - A search key allows you a fast method of finding a paricular record. -If you leave the search key empty, the system automatically creates a numeric number. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Mainatin Sequence" window wi - %TODO% - - - - - - Kategoria dostawcy - Kategoria dostawcy - Kategoria dostawcy produktu - Kategoria dostawcy produktu - - - - - - - Nr produktu wg dostawcy - Nr produktu wg dostawcy - Nr produktu wg dostawcy - Nr produktu wg dostawcy - - - - - - - Wersja - Wersja - Wersja opisu tabeli - Wersja opisu tabeli - - - - - - - Wolumen - Wolumen - Wolumen produktu - Wskazuje wielkość/wartość produktu w jednostce miary firmy - TODO - - - - - - Waga - Waga - Waga produktu - Wskazuje wagę produktu w jednostce miary firmy - - - - - - - SQL WHERE - Sql gdzie klauzula - Fully qualified WHERE clause - The Where Clause indicates the SQL WHERE clause to use for record selection - - - - - - - Typ okna - Typ okna - Typ lub klasyfikacja okna - Typ określonego okna (Zarządza, Transakcje lub Pytanie) - - - - - - - Workflow - Workflow - Workflow lub zadania - Wskazuje pojedynczy workflow. Jest to zgrupowanie powiązanych ze sobą zadań, w specjalnym liczniku oraz dodatkowo zawiera potwierdzenia. - - - - - - - Korytarz X - Korytarz X - Rozmiar X, np. korytarz - Rozmiar X wskazuje korytarz, w którym umiejscowiony jest produkt. - TODO - - - - - - Kod EDI - Kod EDI - Kod EDI - The EDI Code indicates the EDI X12 Code Data Element 355 (Unit or Basis for Measurement) - TODO - - - - - - Zbiornik Y - Zbiornik Y - Rozmiar Y, np. Zbiornik - Rozmiar Y wskazuje zbiornik, gdzie umiejscowiony jest dany produkt. - - - - - - - Rok - Rok - Rok kalendarzowy - Rok kalendarzowy przyjęty za obrachunkowy - - - - - - - Porządek w osi Z - Porządek w osi Z - Rozmiar Z, np. Poziom - Rozmiar Z wskazuje poziom, gdzie umiejscowiony jest dany produkt. - TODO - - - - - - Bank - Bank - Bank - Określa bank jednostki lub kontrahenta, z którym przeprowadzane są transakcje handlowe. - - - - - - - Konto bankowe - Konto bankowe - Konto bankowe - Konto bankowe - - - - - - - Konta bankowe kontrahenta - Konta bankowe kontrahenta - Konta bankowe kontrahenta - Konta bankowe kontrahenta - - - - - - - Wezwanie do zapłaty - Wezwanie do zapłaty - Wezwanie do zapłaty za fakturę, której mija lub minął termin płatności - Wskazuje sposoby i zasady wzywania do zapłaty za faktury, którym minąt termin płatności. - - - - - - - Wstrzymanie - Wstrzymanie - Wstrzymanie - Typ wstrzymania w celu obliczenia. - - - - - - - Numer konta - Numer konta - Numer konta - Numer konta - - - - - - - Beneficjent - Beneficjent - Beneficjent płatości - Beneficjent płatości. Pole jest wyświetlane, gdy wybrano Płatne trzeciej osobie. - - - - - - - Opłata - Opłata - Opłata - Kwota dodatkowej opłaty. - - - - - - - Odsetki - Odsetki - Wskazuje, czy będą pobierane odsetki za nieterminową zapłatę faktur. - Wskazuje, czy będą pobierane odsetki za nieterminową zapłatę faktur. - - - - - - - Odsetki od zaległości - Odsetki od zaległości - Odsetki pobierane od kwoty zaległych faktur - Odsetki pobierane od kwoty zaległych faktur - - - - - - - Klasyfikacja - Klasyfikacja - Klasyfikacja dla grupowania - Klasyfikacja używana dodatkowo do grupowania produktów. - - - - - - - Limit kredytu - Limit kredytu - Limit kredytu - Limit kredytu - - - - - - - Aktualne saldo - Aktualne saldo - Aktualne saldo - Aktualny stan salda na koncie. - - - - - - - Dni do wezwania - Dni do wezwania - Dni do wezwania - Dni do wezwania do zapłaty - - - - - - - Rabat 2 % - Rabat 2 % - Rabat w procentach - Rabat w procentach - - - - - - - Dni w rabacie - Dni w rabacie - Liczba dni przedterminowej zapłaty, by przyznano rabat - Liczba dni przedterminowej zapłaty, by przyznano rabat - - - - - - - Typ logiczny dokumentu - Typ logiczny dokumentu - Typ logiczny dokumentu - Wskazuje bazę lub punkt rozpoczęcia dokumentu. Powielone typy dokumentów mogą dzielić jeden typ dokumentu bazowego. - - - - - - - Kopie dokumentów - Kopie dokumentów - Liczba drukowanych kopii - Liczba drukowanych kopii danego dokumentu - - - - - - - Notatka do dokumentu - Notatka do dokumentu - Dodatkowa inforamcja do dokumentu - Zapisuje dowolną dodatkową informację o produkcie. - - - - - - - Email - Email - Adres email - The Email indicates the Electronic Mail ID for this User - TODO - - - - - - Poniżej ograniczenia cenowego - Poniżej ograniczenia cenowego - Nie wolno stosować cen poniżej ograniczenia cenowego. - Nie wolno stosować cen poniżej ograniczenia cenowego. - - - - - - - Przyczyna zwolnienia z wstrzymania - Przyczyna zwolnienia z wstrzymania - Przyczyna zwolnienia z wstrzymania - Przyczyna, dla której pieniądze ie są zatrzymane od pracownika. - - - - - - - Fakt księgowy - Fakt księgowy - - - - - - - - - Odsetki - Odsetki - Odsetki od faktury - Odsetki będą umieszczane na wezwaniach do zapłaty za przeterminowane faktury - - - - - - - Stała kwota - Stała kwota - Narzucona stała kwota opłaty lub innej płatności. - Narzucona stała kwota opłaty lub innej płatności. - - - - - - - Płatność ostatniego dnia faktury - Płatność ostatniego dnia faktury - Płatność ostatniego dnia faktury - Ostatni dzień faktury staje się dacie aktualnego zobowiązania. Pole jest jedynie wyświetlane, gdy wybrano stałą datę zobowiązania. - - - - - - - Zobowiązanie w dzień miesiąca - Zobowiązanie w dzień miesiąca - Zobowiązanie w dzień miesiąca - Wskazuje dzień miesiąca, kiedy faktury są wymagalne. Pole wyświetla się wyłącznie, gdy wybrano stałą datę zobowiązania. - - - - - - - Licz miesiące zadłużenia - Licz miesiące zadłużenia - Numer miesiąca (0=aktualny, 1=następny). - Wskazuje numer miesiąca od bieżącego miesiąca w celu oznaczenia, że faktura jest wymagalna. 0 dla miesiąca spłaty zadłużenia, 1 dla następnego. Pole wyświetla się jedynie, gdy wybrano stałą datę zobowiązania. - - - - - - - Dni oczekiwania - Dni oczekiwania - Ilośc dni od daty wymagalności faktury, po których należy wysłać pierwsze wezwanie do zapłaty faktury. - Ilośc dni od daty wymagalności faktury, po których należy wysłać pierwsze wezwanie do zapłaty faktury. Pole wyświetla się jedynie, gdy wybrano opcję wysyłania wezwań do zapłaty. - - - - - - - Komunikat błędu importu - Komunikat błędu importu - Wiadomość utworzona podczas procesu importowania. - Pokazuje wiadomości utworzone podczas procesu importowania. - - - - - - - Zaimportowany - Zaimportowany - Czy odbył się proces importowania - Czy odbył się proces importowania - - - - - - - Oprocentowanie w procentach - Oprocentowanie w procentach - Oprocentowanie/odsetki pobierane od niezapłaconych w terminie faktur. - Oprocentowanie/odsetki pobierane od niezapłaconych w terminie faktur. Pole wyświetla się jedynie, gdy wybrane zostało ustawienie pobierania odsetek. - - - - - - - Adres kierowania faktury - Adres kierowania faktury - Adres kierowania faktury - Adres kierowania faktury do klienta lub otrzymania faktury od dostawcy. - - - - - - - Poziom dokumentu - Poziom dokumentu - Podatek obliczany na podstawie poziomu dokumentu (bardziej niż pozycja po pozycji) - Jeżeli podatek jest liczony na podstawie poziomu dokumentu, od wszystkich pozycji liczony jest współczynnik, pozycje są następnie dodane przed obliczeniem łącznego podatku dla danego dokumentu. W przeciwnym wypadku podatek liczony jest dla każdej pozycji i następnie dodany. Kwoty podatku w ten sposób mogą się różnić, dlatego stosuje się zaokrąglanie kwot. - - - - - - - Stała data zadłużenia - Stała data zadłużenia - Płatność jest wymagana w określoną stałą datę długu. - Wskazuje, że faktury z określonym terminem płatności będą wymagalne w określona stałą datę miesiąca. - - - - - - - Konto waluty obcej - Konto waluty obcej - Stany kont w walucie obcej są przetrzymywane w wartości nominalnej i przeliczane na walutę księgowania. - Stany kont w walucie obcej są przetrzymywane w wartości nominalnej i przeliczane na walutę księgowania. - - - - - - - Obowiązkowe wstrzymanie - Obowiązkowe wstrzymanie - Pieniądze muszą być wstrzymane - Pieniądze od pracowników muszą być wstrzymane. - - - - - - - Transakcja jednorazowa - Transakcja jednorazowa - - - - - - - - - Bank jednostki - Bank jednostki - Bank jednostki - Wskazuje bank jednostki w przeciwieństwie do banku kontrahenta. - - - - - - - Zapłata trzeciej stronie - Zapłata trzeciej stronie - Kwota płacona osobie innej niż kontrahentowi - Kwota płacona osobie innej niż kontrahentowi - - - - - - - Adres przychodzących płatności - Adres przychodzących płatności - Z danego adresu płaci kontrahent, na ten adres wysyłane są wezwania do zapłaty - Z danego adresu płaci kontrahent, na ten adres wysyłane są wezwania do zapłaty - - - - - - - Procent/Proporcja do kwoty faktury - Procent/Proporcja do kwoty faktury - Kwota wstrzymania jest procentem/częścią kwoty faktury - Kwota wstrzymania jest procentem/częścią kwoty faktury - - - - - - - Adres reemisji - Adres reemisji - Adres wysłania płatności - Adres jako lokalizacja/miejsce dostawcy, do której wysyłane są płatności za faktury. - - - - - - - Ten sam podatek - Ten sam podatek - Użyj ten sam podatek co przy głównej transakcji - Użyj ten sam podatek co przy głównej transakcji - - - - - - - Adres dostawy - Adres dostawy - Adres kontrahenta, na który dostarczane są towary i na jaki otrzymujemy towary od dostawców - Adres kontrahenta, na który dostarczane są towary i na jaki otrzymujemy towary od dostawców. - - - - - - - Zwolniony z podatku - Zwolniony z podatku - Kontrahent jest zwolniony z podatku - Jeżeli kontrahent jest zwolniony z podatku, używa się stawki 0% dla podatku. Należy wstawić w ustawieniach 0% jako procent podatku i zaznaczyć, że jest to wskaźnik zwolnienia z podatku. Wymagane jest to przy wydruku, gdzie można śledzić zwolnienia podatkowe. - - - - - - - Podział podatku - Podział podatku - Podatek jest podzielony - Podatek jest podzielony - - - - - - - Wstrzymanie z tytułu podatku - Wstrzymanie z tytułu podatku - Wstrzymanie z tytułu podatku - Wstrzymanie środków pieniężnym jest związane z podatkiem. - - - - - - - Tymczasowe zwolnienie z podatku - Tymczasowe zwolnienie z podatku - Tymczasowe zwolnienie z podatku - Na określony czas, podatki nie będą zatrzymywane pracownikom. - - - - - - - Kwota maksymalna - Kwota maks. - Kwota maksymalna w walucie faktury - Kwota maksymalna w walucie faktury - - - - - - - Kwota minimalna - Kwota min. - Kwota minimalna w walucie faktury - Kwota minimalna wyrażona w walucie faktury - - - - - - - Minimalna ilość zamówienia - Minimalna ilość zamówienia - Minimalna ilość zamówienia w jednostkach miary - Minimalna ilość jednostek produktu, jaka może być zamówiona. - - - - - - - Ilość w paczce - Ilość w paczce - Ilość sztuk w paczce (np. zamówienie 1 paczki ale 5 sztuk) - Ilość jednostek w każdej paczce produktu. - - - - - - - Zasada płatności - Zasada płatności - Zasada płatności - Sposób zapłaty za zakup. - - - - - - - Procent/Proporcja - Procent/Proporcja - Procent wstrzymania - Procent wstrzymania - - - - - - - Nr obcy zamówienia - Nr obcy zamówienia - Numer transakcji (zamówienie obce, zamówienie własne) kontrahenta - Jest to numer referencyjny specyficznych transakcji. Zwykle numery zamówień drukowane są na fakturach. Numer standardowy jest określony w oknie kontrahenta (klienta). - - - - - - - Ostania cena na zamówieniu - Ostania cena na zamówieniu - Ostania cena na zamówieniu własnym - Ostania cena na zamówieniu własnym - - - - - - - Limit ceny - Limit ceny - Limit ceny dla produktu - Najniższa cena produktu w cenniku walutowym. - - - - - - - Cena standardowa - Cena standardowa - Cena standardowa - Standardowa lub normalna cena produktu w cenniku. - - - - - - - Opis na wydruku - Opis na wydruku - Opis na wydruku dokumentu - Opis na wydruku. Maksymalna długość 2000 znaków - - - - - - - Ocena - Ocena - klasyfikacja ważności kontrahenta - Klasyfikacja ważności służy do późniejszej oceny kontrahenta - - - - - - - Numer banku dealera - Nr banku dealera - Numer banku dealera - - %TODO% - - - - - - Wyślij wezwania do zapłaty - Wyslij wezwania do zapłaty - Wskazuje czy zostaną wysłane wzwania do zapłaty - Wskazuje czy będą wysyłane wezwania do zapłaty dla kontrahentów, którzy mają ustawiony ten rodzaj wezwania do zapłaty - - - - - - - Opłata - Opłata - Dodatkowe opłaty w dokumenie. - Typ opłaty (za przechowywanie, dostawę, ponowne magazynowanie). - - - - - - - Kod SWIFT - Kod SWIFT - Kod SWIFT (Stowarzyszenie Międzynarodowej Międzybankowej Teletransmisji Danych Finansowych) - Kod SWIFT jest identyfikatorem banku w finansowych międzynarodowych międzybankowych transakcjach rozliczeniowych. - - - - - - - Próg maksimum - Próg maksimum - Maksymalna kwota brutto używana przy obliczaniu wstrzymania. Wartość 0 oznacza brak ograniczeń. - Maksymalna kwota brutto używana przy obliczaniu wstrzymania. Wartość 0 oznacza brak ograniczeń. - - - - - - - Próg min - Próg min - Minimalna kwota brutto używana przy obliczaniu wstrzymania. - Minimalna kwota brutto używana przy obliczaniu wstrzymania. - - - - - - - Tytuł - Tytuł - Tytuł jednostki - Tutuł jednostki powiązanej. - %TODO% - - - - - - URL - URL - URL - URL określa adres online kontrahenta. - - - - - - - Procedura - Procedura - Nazwa procedury w bazie danych - Nazwa procedury w bazie danych wzywana przez wydruk lub proces. - - - - - - - Działalność - Działalność - Działalność - Wskazuje zadania wykonywane i używane przy wykorzystaniu kalkulacji ABC. - - - - - - - Sposób opłacenia za fracht - Sposób opłacenia za fracht - Sposób opłacenia za fracht - Wskazuje metodę używaną przy pobieraniu opłaty za fracht. - - - - - - - Faktura - Faktura - Identyfikator faktury - Identyfikator faktury - - - - - - - Rozrachunki - zaliczki - Przedpłaty klienta - Zaliczki klienta na koncie Rozrachunków - Zaliczki klienta na koncie Rozrachunków - - - - - - - Należności klienta - Należności klienta - Należności klienta - Wskazuje konto, na którym zapisuje się należności klienta. - - - - - - - Kod towaru - Kod towaru - Kod towaru służy do obliczania podatku - Kod towaru służy do obliczania podatku - - - - - - - Karta kredytowa - Karta kredytowa - Karta kredytowa (Visa, MC, AmEx) - Karta kredytowa (Visa, MC, AmEx) - - - - - - - Typ zamówienia - Typ zamówienia - Sales Order Sub Type - The SO Sub Type indicates the type of sales order this document refers to. This field only appears when the Document Base Type is Sales Order. The selection made here will determine which documents will be generated when an order is processed and which - %TODO% - - - - - - Koszt pracownika - Koszt pracownika - Koszt pracownika - Wskazuje konto, gdzie zapisywany jest koszt i wydatki na pracownika. - - - - - - - Przedpłaty pracownika - Przedpłaty pracownika - Rozrachunki z pracownikiem, zaliczki. - Rozrachunki z pracownikiem, zaliczki. - - - - - - - Komunikat błędu - Komunikat błędu - - - - - - - - - Wydruk - Wydruk - Wskazuje zapis wydruku - Wskazuje, że dany zapis jest wydukiem, w przeciwieństwie do procesu. - - - - - - - Dokumenty potwierdzające załadunek - Dokumenty potwierdzające załadunek - Dokumenty potwierdzające załadunek - Dokumenty potwierdzające załadunek - - - - - - - Pozycja w dokumencie przewozu/paragonie - Pozycja w dokumencie przewozu/paragonie - Pozycja w dokumencie przewozu/paragonie - Wskazuje pojedynczą pozycję w dokumecie przewozowym lub paragonie. - - - - - - - Inwentarz materialny - Inwentarz materialny - Parametry inwentarza - Poszczególne parametry inwentarza jako składu materiałowego. - - - - - - - Pozycja inwentarza - Pozycja inwentarza - Poszczególna pozycja w dokumencie inwentarza - Pozycja inwentarza w dokumencie danej transakcji (jeśli została zastosowana). - - - - - - - Lokalizator do - Lokalizator do - Umiejscowienie inwentarza zostało przeniesione do - Umiejscowienie inwentarza zostało przeniesione do - - - - - - - Przeniesienie - Przeniesienie - Przeniesienie inwentarza - Wskazuje grupę pozycje przesunięcia inwentarza - - - - - - - Pozycja przeniesienia - Pozycja przeniesienia - Pozycja przeniesienia w dokumencie inwentarza - Wskazuje pozycję przeniesienia w dokumencie inwentarza danej transakcji (jeśli została zostosowana). - - - - - - - Produkcja - Produkcja - Plan produkcji produktu - Plan produkcji. - - - - - - - Linia produkcyjna - Linia produkcyjna - Pozycja w dokumencie przedstawia produkcję - Wskazuje pozycję w dokumencie produkcji danej transakcji (jeśli miała miejsce). - - - - - - - Inwentarz operacji - Inwentarz operacji - - - - - - - - - Data wydania/przyjęcia produktu - Data wydania/przyjęcia produktu - Data wydania/przyjęcia produktu - Data wydania/przyjęcia produktu. Jest to wynik przewozu, dostarczenia lub przesunięć inwentarza. - - - - - - - Przesuwana ilość - Przesuwana ilość - Ilość przesuniętego produktu - Ilość przesuniętego produktu - - - - - - - Typ przesunięcia - Typ przesunięcia - Sposób przesunięcia inwentarza - Typ przeniesienia inwentarza (do, z, do produkcji). - - - - - - - Koszt wytworzenia produktów - Koszt wytworzenia produktów - Koszt wytworzenia produktów - Koszt wytworzenia produktów. Konto używane przy wycenie wartości produktu w inwentarzu. - - - - - - - Koszty sprzedaży - Koszt sprzed. - Koszty sprzedaży - Wskazuje konto używane przy księgowaniu kosztów związanych ze sprzedaża produktów/towarów. - - - - - - - Koszty wydziałowe bezpośrednie - Koszty wydziałowe bezpośrednie - Koszty wydziałowe bezpośrednie - Wskazuje konto używane do księgowania kosztów związanych z danym produktem. - - - - - - - Przychód ze sprzedaży produktów - Przychód ze sprzedaży produktów - Przychód ze sprzedaży produktów - Przychód ze sprzedaży produktów - - - - - - - Inwestycje finansowe - Inwestycje finansowe - Inwestycje finansowe - Konto inwestycji finansowych. - - - - - - - Przetworzony - Przetworzony - Dokument został przetworzony - Wskazuje, czy dokument został przetworzony - - - - - - - Ilość zaksięgowana - Ilość zaksięgowana - Ilość zaksięgowana - Wskazuje pozycję produktu inwentarza zaksięgowaną przez system. - - %TODO% - - - - - Ilość rachunku - Ilość rachunku - Counted Quantity - The Quantity Count indicates the actual inventory count taken for a product in inventory - - %TODO% - - - - - Rozrachunki z dostawcami - Rozrachunki z dostawcami - Rozrachunki z dostawcami - Wskazuje konto używane do księgowania rozrachunków z dostawcam (zobowiązania). - - - - - - - Rozrachunki z dostawcami usług - Rozrachunki z dostawcami usług - Rozrachunki z dostawcami usług - Konto księgowania rozrachunków z tytułu usług. Używane, gdy wyróżnione zostaną Zobowiązania wobec dostawców produktów oraz usług. - - - - - - - Rozrachunki z dostawcami - zaliczki - Rozrachunki z dostawcami - zaliczki - Rozrachunki z dostawcami - zaliczki - Wskazuje konto do księgowania zaliczek od dostawców. - - - - - - - Maksymalna wartość pola - Maks. wrt. pola - Maksymalna wartość pola - Maksymalna wartość pola - - - - - - - Minimalna wartość pola - Min. wrt. pola - Minimalna wartośc pola - Minimalna wartośc pola - - - - - - - Pozostałe przychody i koszty operacyjne z tytułu róznic magazynowych - Różnice magazynowe - Konto Pozostałych przychodów i kosztów operacyjnych z tytułu różnic magazynowych - Konto Pozostałych przychodów i kosztów operacyjnych z tytułu różnic magazynowych - - - - - - - Zapasy - Zapasy - Konto Zapasy - Konto Zapasy używane do księgowania wartości inwentarza. - - - - - - - Sprzedawca - Sprzedawca - Sprzedawca - Wskazuje sprzedawcę/reprezentanta handlowego na dany region. Każdy musi być ważnym użytkownikiem wewnętrznym. - Agent firmy - Odbiorca w dokumencie. Każdyt reprezentant handlowy musi być ważnym użytkownikiem wewnętrznym. - Klient - Klient - - - Cena brutto - Cena brutto - Cena brutto - Cena zawiera podatek. Zwana ceną brutto. - - - - - - - Wymaga certyfikatu podatkowego - Wymaga certyfikatu podatowego - Wymaga certyfikatu podatkowego od kontrahenta, by traktowany był jak zwolniony z podatku - Wymaga certyfikatu podatkowego od kontrahenta, by traktowany był jak zwolniony z podatku - - - - - - - Opłaty - Opłaty - Opłaty dodatkowe - Opłaty dodatkowe pobierane przy dokumencie. Pobierane z tytułu przewozu statkiem, inne to opłaty bankowe lub operacyjne. - - - - - - - Account_acct - Account_acct - - %TODO% - - - - - - - Transakcje z kontrah w gotówce - Transakcje z kontrah w gotówce - - - %TODO% - - - - - - Typ dokumentu sprzedaży - Typ dokum. sprzedaży - Typ dokumentu dla faktur tworzonych z dokumentu sprzedaży - Wskazuje typ dokumentu używanych przy tworzeniu faktur na podstawie dokumentów sprzedaży. Pole jest wyświetlane wyłącznie, faktury tworzone są na podstawie Zamówienia obcego. - - - - - - - Typ dokumentu proforma - Typ dokumentu proforma - Document type used for pro forma invoices generated from this sales document - he Document Type for Invoice indicates the document type that will be used when an invoice is generated from this sales document. This field will display only when the base document type is Sales Order and the Pro Forma Invoice checkbox is selected - %TODO% - - - - - - Typ dokumentu przewozowgo - Typ dokumentu przewozowgo - Typ dokumentu przewozowego tworzonego na podstawie dokumentu sprzedaży. - Typ dokumentu przewozowego tworzonego na podstawie dokumentu sprzedaży. Pole jest wyświetlane wyłącznie, gdy dokument jest tworzony na podstawie zamówienia obcego. - - - - - - - Poziom wezwania o zapłatę - Poziom wezwania o zapłatę - - - - - - - - - Pozycja faktury - Pozycja faktury - Pozycja faktury - Pozycja faktury - - - - - - - Ewidencja przychodu - Ewidencja przychodu - Sposób ewidencji przychodu - Sposób ewidencji przychodu - - - - - - - Poziom usługi - Poziom usługi - Poziom ewidencji przychodu z tytułu usług - Wskazuje poszczególny poziom usługi. - - - - - - - Pozycja usługi - Pozycja usługi - Pozycja ewidencji poziomu przychodu z tytułu usług - Wskazuje poszczególną instancję w poziomie usług. - - - - - - - Kwota zobowiązań - Kwota zobowiązań - Kwota zobowiązań - Kwota zobowiązań niezależna od planowanej. Można użyć planowanej kwoty do rzeczywistych obliczeń, które mogą być wyższe lub niższe od rzeczywistej kwoty zobowiązań. - - - - - - - Licz towary wysokiego obrotu - Licz towary wysokiego obrotu - Licz towary wysokiego obrotu - Licz towary wysokiego obrotu - - - - - - - Wygasa - Wygasa - Miesiąc wygaśnięcia karty kredytowej - Wskazuje miesiąc wygaśnięcia karty kredytowej. - - - - - - - Ważne do roku - Ważne do roku - Rok wygaśnięcia karty kredytowej - Wskazuje rok wygaśnięcia karty kredytowej - - - - - - - Aktualny następny (system) - Aktualny następny (system) - Następny licznik do użycia przez system - Pole jest do użycia przez system, nie może być modyfikowane. - - - - - - - Ostanie liczenie faktur - Ostanie liczenie faktur - Ostanie liczenie faktur - Wskazuje datę ostaniego liczenia faktur. - - - - - - - Data ostatniego przebiegu - Data ostatniego przebiegu - Data ostatniego przebiegu procesu - Data ostatniego przebiegu procesu - - - - - - - Data nastęnego uruchomienia procesu - Data nastęnego uruchomienia procesu - Data nastęnego uruchomienia procesu - Data nastęnego uruchomienia procesu - - - - - - - Data drukowania - Data drukowania - Data drukowania - Data drukowania - - - - - - - Dni oczekiwania - Dni oczekiwania - Ilość dni po dacie wymagalności do wysłania wezwania o zapłatę - Ilość dni po dacie wymagalności do wysłania wezwania o zapłatę - - - - - - - Faktura w tygodniu parzystym - Faktura w tygodniu parzystym - Wysyłaj faktury w tygodniu parzystym - Wskazuje, że faktury wysyłane co dwa tygodnie powinny być wysyłane w tygodnie parzyste. - - - - - - - Twórz listę - Twórz listę - Twórz listę - - - - - - - - Faktura tymczasowa - Faktura tymczasowa - Wskazuje fakturę proforma tworzoną na podstawie dokumentu. - Wskazuje fakturę proforma tworzoną na podstawie dokumentu sprzedaży. Faktura proforma wskazuje kwotę należności, na wartość jakiej powinno opiewać zamówienie przewozu. - - - - - - - Faktura dzień odcięcia - Faktura dzień odcięcia - Last day for including shipments - The Invoice Day Cut Off indicates the last day for shipments to be included in the current invoice schedule. For example, if the invoice schedule is defined for the first day of the month, the cut off day may be the 25th of the month. An shipment on the - %TODO% - - - - - - Faktura dzień powszedni odcięcia - Faktura dzień powszedni odcięcia - Last day in the week for shipments to be included - The Invoice Week Day Cutoff indicates the last day of the week a shipment must be made to be included in the invoice schedule - %TODO% - - - - - - Konto bankowe - Konto bankowe - Wskazuje czy jest to konto bankowe - Wskazuje czy jest to konto bankowe - - - - - - - Zobowiązuje - Zobowiązuje - Czy dokument jest zobowiązaniem prawnym. - Wskazuje czy dokument jest prawnym zobowiązaniem. - - - - - - - Domyślny - Domyślny - Wartość domyślna - Wskazuje czy dany zapis będzie użyty jako wartość domyśna - - - - - - - Następny dzień roboczy - Nast. dzień rob. - Płatny następnego dnia roboczego - Wskazuje, czy płatność faktury nastąpi następnego dnia roboczego. - - - - - - - Godzony - Godzony - - - - - - - - - Transakcja sprzedaży - Transakcja sprzedaży - Transakcja sprzedaży - Transakcja sprzedaży - - - - - - - Wegług czasu - Wg czasu - Ewidencja przychodu na podstawie czasu, a nie poziomu usług - Ewidencja przychodu na podstawie czasu, a nie poziomu usług - - - - - - - Kod ISO języka - Kod ISO języka - Lower-case two-letter ISO-3166 code - http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt - The ISO Language Code indicates the standard ISO code for a language in lower case. Information can be found at http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt - %TODO% - - - - - - Wieczny inwentarz - Wieczny inwentarz - Zasady tworzenia inwentarza materialnego - Wskazuje zasadę wiecznego inwentarza, która utworzyła inwentarz materialny. - - - - - - - Produkt dla frachtu - Produkt dla frachtu - - - - - - - - - Dodatkowa nazwa - Dodatkowa nazwa - Dodatkowa nazwa - - - - - - - - Częstotliwość liczenia inwentarza - Częstotliwość liczenia inwentarza - Częstotliwość liczenia inwentarza w roku - Częstotliwość liczenia inwentarza w roku - - - - - - - Liczba miesięcy - Liczba miesięcy - - - - - - - - - Częstotliwość liczenia produktu - Częstotliwość liczenia produktu - Częstotliwość liczenia produktu w roku - Częstotliwość liczenia produktu w roku - - - - - - - Notatka - Notatka - Dodatkowa informacja o użytkowniku - Dodatkowe wejście użytkownika w danym zapisie. - - - - - - - Konto dla niezafakturowanych materiałów (?) - Konto dla niezafakturowanych materiałów (?) - Account for not-invoiced Material Receipts - The Not Invoiced Receipts account indicates the account used for recording receipts for materials that have not yet been invoiced - %TODO% - - - - - - Niezafakturowane środki pieniężne - Niezafakturowane środki pieniężne - Niezafakturowane środki pieniężne - Wskazuje konto otrzymanych środków pieniężnych, lecz jeszcze niezafakturowanych. - - - - - - - Niezafakturowany przychód - Niezafakturowany przychód - Niezafakturowany przychód - Wskazuje konto jeszcze niezafakturowanego przychodu. - - - - - - - Liczba przebiegów - Liczba przebiegów - Frequency of processing Perpetual Inventory - The Number of Runs indicates the number of times that the Perpetual Inventory has be processed - - %TODO% - - - - - Numer procesu - Nr procesu - - - - - - - - - P_number do - P_number do - - - %TODO% - - - - - - Cena obowiązująca od - Cena obowiązująca od - Cena obowiązuje od daty - Wskazuje datę obowiązywania ceny. Pozwala to na zastosowanie innych cen w przyszłości dla produktu, które będą obowiązywały od określonego czasu. - - - - - - - Cena na zamówieniu - Cena na zamówieniu - Cena na zamówieniu - Cena produktu na zamówieniu - - - - - - - Utwórz - Utwórz - - - - - - - - - Czestotliwość rozpoznania - Czestotliwość rozpoznania - - - - - - - - - Data świadczenia usługi - Data świadczenia usługi - Data świadczenia usługi - Data świadczenia usługi - - - - - - - Ilość fakturowana - Ilość fakturowana - Ilość produktu lub zafakturowanej usługi - Całkowita ilość produktu lub zafakturowanej usługi. - - - - - - - Ilość dostarczona - Ilość dostarczona - Ilość produktu lub usługi, która została dostarczona. - Ilość produktu lub usługi, która została dostarczona klientowi. - - - - - - - Ilość - Ilość - - - - - - - - - Kwota podatku - Kwota podatku - Kwota podatku na dokumencie. - Całkowita kwota podatku na dokumencie. - - - - - - - Podstawa opodatkowania - Podstawa opodatkowania - Kwota będąca podstawą opodatkowania. - Kwota będąca podstawą opodatkowania. - - - - - - - Podatek - Podatek - Skrót nazwy podatku drukowany na dokumentach - Skrót nazwy podatku drukowany na dokumentach - - - - - - - Kwota transakcji - Kwota transakcji - Kwota transakcji - Kwota pojedynczej transakcji - - - - - - - Towary/usługi nie dostarczone - Towary/usługi nie dostarczone - Konto oznaczające zafakturowany przychód ze sprzedaży bez wydania towaru/dostarczenia usługi. - Konto oznaczające zafakturowany przychód ze sprzedaży bez wydania towaru/dostarczenia usługi. - - - - - - - Uaktualnij ilości - Uaktualnij ilości - - - - - - - - - Zasda płatności - Zasda płatności - W jaki sposób płacona jest faktura - Sposób płatności za faktury. - - - - - - - Względne pierwszeństwo - Względne pierwszeństwo - Inwentarz powiniem zostać wybrany z listy z tytułu pierwszeństwa - Wskazuje umiejscowienie, które zostanie wybrane z listy, jeżeli produktu jest przechowywany w więcej niż jednym miejscu (0=najwyższy priorytet). - - - - - - - Pozdrowienie - Pozdrowienie - Pozdrowienie drukowane w korespondencji - Pozdrowienie drukowane w korespondencji - - - - - - - Pozdrowienie - Pozdrowienie - For letters, e.g. "Dear {0}" or "Dear Mr. {0}" - At runtime, "{0}" is replaced by the name - The Greeting indicates what will print on letters sent to a Business Partner - %TODO% - - - - - - Drukuj bezpośrednio - Drukuj bezpośrednio - Drukuj bezpośrednio - Wskazuje, że wydruk będzie drukowany bez wyświetlania dialogu przy drukowaniu. - - - - - - - Tylko imię - Tylko imię - Drukuj tylko imię przy pozdrowieniu - Wskazuje, że w pozdrowieniach będzie drukowane tylko pierwsze imię kontaktowe. - - - - - - - Wysoki obrót - Wysoki obrót - Użyj wyszukiwarki zamiast Listy wyboru. - Wskazuje, że wyświetlony będzie ekran wyszukiwania zamiast listy wyboru w celu wyboru rekordów z tabeli. - - - - - - - Drukuj dane szczegółowe na fakturze - Drukuj dane szczegółowe na fakturze - Drukuj listę materiałową na fakturze. - Drukuj listę materiałową na fakturze w przeciwieństwie do produktu. - - - - - - - Drukuj dane szczegółowe w liście wyboru - Drukuj dane szczegółowe w liście wyboru - Drukuj listę materiałową na liście wyboru. - Drukuj listę materiałową na liście wyboru w przeciwieństwie do produktu. - - - - - - - Zweryfikowany - Zweryfikowany - Lista materiałowa została zweryfikowana. - Lista materiałowa została zweryfikowana. Weryfikację stosuje się, gdy produkty składają się z poszczególnych części. - %TODO% - - - - - - Pozycja listy materiałowej - Pozycja listy materiałowej - - - - - - - - - Parametr imienia - Parametr imienia - - - - - - - - - Data konwersji - Data konwersji - Data wyboru kursu wymiany - Data wyboru kursu wymiany. Wybrany kurs wymiany wlauty musi zawierać datę z swoim zakresie czasowym. - - - - - - - Granica cena przeciążanie sumy - Granica cena przeciążanie sumy - Amount added to the converted/copied price before multiplying - Indicates the amount to be added to the Limit price prior to multiplication - %TODO% - - - - - - Podstawa ceny granicznej - Podstawa ceny granicznej - Cena bazowa służąca do obliczenia nowej. - Wskazuje cenę używaną jako bazową przy liczeniu nowej, cennika. - - - - - - - Maksymalna marża - Maksymalna marża - Wskazuje maksymalną marżę dla produktu. Marża liczona jest przez odjęcie pierwotnego ograniczenia ceny od nowo obliczonej. Jeżeli pole zawiera wartość 0,00, wówczas jest ognorowane. - Wskazuje maksymalną marżę dla produktu. Marża liczona jest przez odjęcie pierwotnego ograniczenia ceny od nowo obliczonej. Jeżeli pole zawiera wartość 0,00, wówczas jest ognorowane. - - - - - - - Minimalna marża na produkcie - Minimalna marża na produkcie - Wskazuje minimalną marżę na produkcie. Marża liczona jest przez odjęcie pierwotnego ograniczenia ceny od nowo obliczonej. Jeżeli pola ma wartośc 0,00, wówczas jest ignorowane. - Wskazuje minimalną marżę na produkcie. Marża liczona jest przez odjęcie pierwotnego ograniczenia ceny od nowo obliczonej. Jeżeli pola ma wartośc 0,00, wówczas jest ignorowane. - - - - - - - Zaokrąglenie ceny - Zaokrąglenie ceny - Zaokrąglenie ceny w cenniku - Wskazuje, czy będzie zastosowane zaokrąglenie do cen finalnych w cenniku. - - - - - - - Lista cena przeciążanie sumy - Lista cena przeciążanie sumy - List Price Surcharge Amount - The List Price Surcharge Amount indicates the amount to be added to the price prior to multiplication - - %TODO% - - - - - Podstawa cennika - Podstawa cennika - Cena będąca postawą liczenia cen w cenniku - Cena będąca postawą liczenia cen nowego cennika - - - - - - - Maksymalna marża - Maksymalna marżna - Maksymalna marża na produkcie. - Wskazuje maksymalną marżę dla produktu. Marża liczona jest przez odjęcie pierwotnego ograniczenia ceny od nowo obliczonej. Jeżeli pole zawiera wartość 0,00, wówczas jest ognorowane. - - - - - - - Minimalna marża dla produktu - Minimalna marża dla produktu - Minimalna marża dla produktu - Wskazuje minimalną marżę na produkcie. Marża liczona jest przez odjęcie pierwotnego ograniczenia ceny od nowo obliczonej. Jeżeli pola ma wartośc 0,00, wówczas jest ignorowane. - - - - - - - Zaokrąglanie cennika - Zaokrąglanie cennika - Zasada zaokrąglania cennika - Wskazuje w jaki sposób wartości w cenniku będą zaokrąglone - - - - - - - Cennik bazowy - Cennik bazowy - Baza obliczeń cennika - Wskazuje cennik bazowy do wyznaczenia cen nowego cennika - - - - - - - Standardowa cena przeciążanie suma - Standardowa cena przeciążanie suma - Amount added to a price as a surcharge - The Standard Price Surcharge Amount indicates the amount to be added to the price prior to multiplication. - - %TODO% - - - - - - Standardowa cena bazowa - Standardowa cena bazowa - Cena bazowa do obliczeń nowej ceny standardowej - Cena bazowa do obliczeń nowej ceny standardowej - - - - - - - Standardowa marża maksymalna - Standardowa marża maksymalna - Standardowa marża maksymalna na produkcie - Wskazuje standardową marżę maksymalną dla produktu. Marża jest liczona przez odjęcie pierwotnej ceny standardowej od nowo obliczonej ceny standardowej . Jeżeli pole ma wartość 0,00, wówczas jest ignorowane. - - - - - - - Standardowa marża minimalna - Standardowa marża minimalna - Standardowa marża minimalna - Wskazuje standardową marżę minimalną dla produktu. Marża jest liczona przez odjęcie pierwotnej ceny standardowej od nowo obliczonej ceny standardowej . Jeżeli pole ma wartość 0,00, wówczas jest ignorowane. - - - - - - - Zaokrąglenie ceny standardowej - Zaokrąglenie ceny standardowej - Zaokrąglenie ceny standardowej - Wskazuje w jaki sposób nastąpi zaokrąglenie ceny standardowej. - - - - - - - Aktualny dostawca - Aktualny dostawca - Użyj dostawcy do ponownego zamówienia i ustawienia cen. - Wskazuje czy stosowane ceny i ponownie dostarczony towar został zamówiony u dostawcy. - - - - - - - Granica preis zniżka % - Granica preis zniżka % - Discount in percent to be subtracted from base, if negative it will be added to base price - Indicates the discount in percent to be subtracted from base, if negative it will be added to base price - - %TODO% - - - - - Rabat od cennika % - Rabat od cennika % - Rabat od cennika % - Wskazuje rabat procentowy, jaki będzie odjęty od ceny bazowej. Kwota ujemna oznacza, że procent będzie dodany do ceny bazowej. - - - - - - - Rabat od ceny standardowej % - Rabat od ceny standardowej % - Rabat od ceny standardowej % - Wskazuje rabat procentowy, jaki będzie odjęty od ceny bazowej. Kwota ujemna oznacza, że procent będzie dodany do ceny bazowej. - - - - - - - Rabat drukowany - Rabat drukowany - Rabat drukowany ma fakturze i zamówieniu - Rabat drukowany ma fakturze i zamówieniu - - - - - - - Licz sumę - Licz sumę - Licz sumę numerycznej zawartości lub długości - Licz sumę danych, jeśli pole jest numeryczne. W przeciwnym wypadku licz całkowitą długość pola. - - - - - - - Opis na zamówieniu - Opis na zamówieniu - Opis na zamówieniach - Wskazuje standardowy opis na zamówieniach dla klienta. - - - - - - - Kwota netto faktury - Kwota netto faktury - Kwota netto faktury - Kwota netto faktury. Nie zawiera opłat za przewóz ani innych dodatkowych. - - - - - - - Ilość do dostarczenia - Ilość do dostarczenia - - - - - - - - - Ilość do fakturowania - Ilość do fakturowania - - - - - - - - - Widok wydruku - Widok wydruku - Widok do tworzenia wydruku. - Widok do tworzenia wydruku. - - - - - - - Smtp poczta gospodarza - Smtp poczta gospodarza - Hostname of Mail Server - The SMTP Host field defines the hostname of the Mail Server for this record - - %TODO% - - - - - Koszt złożenia zamówienia - Koszt złożenia zamówienia - Koszt złożenia zamówienia - Wskazuje stałą opłatę pobieraną przy składaniu zamówienia na dany produkt. - - - - - - - Czas realizacji zamówienia - Czas realizacji zamówienia - Rzeczywista ilość dni między złożeniem zamówienia z dostawą. - Rzeczywista ilość dni między złożeniem zamówienia z dostawą. - - - - - - - Obiecany czas dostawy - Obiecany czas dostawy - Obiecana ilość dni między złożeniem zamówienia a dostawą - Wskazuje ilość dni między datą zamówienia a datą dostawy. - - - - - - - Ilość do zamówienia - Ilość do zamówienia - - - - - - - - - Rating jakości - Rating jakości - Sposób ratingowania dostawców - Wskazuje w jaki sposób ratingowani są dostawcy (im wyższa liczba, tym wyższa jakość). - - - - - - - Cennik bazowy - Cennik bazowy - Używa cennika bazowego, jeżeli nie może znaleźć wybranej ceny produktu. - Używa jako domyślnego cennika bazowego, jeżeli nie może znaleźć wybranej ceny produktu. - - - - - - - Definicja EDI - Definicja EDI - Electronic Data Interchange - - - - - - - - Numer klienta - Numer klienta - EDI Identification Number - - - - - - - - Status EDI - Status EDI - - - - - - - - - Typ EDI - Typ EDI - - - - - - - - - Adres informacji o błędzie - Adres informacji o błędzie - Adres email do wysyłania wiadomości o błędzie. - - - - - - - - Email - Email - Pełny adres email używany do wysyłania zapytań - np. edi@organization.com - - - - - - - - Hasło email - Hasło email - Hasło wysyłania adresu email - - - - - - - - Konto email - Konto email - User ID of the sending Email address (on default SMTP Host) - e.g. edi - - %TODO% - - - - - - Info email - Info email - Adres email do wysyłania wiadomości i kopii. - Adres email do wysyłania wiadomości i kopii. - - - - - - - Do email - Do email - Adres email, na jaki wysyła się zapytania - np. edi@manufacturer.com - - - - - - - - Info - Info - Informacja - Pokazuje dane z pozycji dokumentu źródłowego. - - - - - - - Przesyłaj info - Przesyłaj info - Przesyłaj wiadomości i kopie. - - - - - - - - Rabat dla pozycji % - Rabat dla pozycji % - Pozycja rabatu jako procent - Pozycja rabatu jako procent - - - - - - - Rabat - Rabat - Kwota rabatu - Kwota rabatu - - - - - - - Kwota krańcowa - Kwota krańcowa - - - - - - - - - Całkowita kwota pozycji - Całkowita kwota pozycji - - - - - - - - - Marża brutto % - Marża brutto % - - - - - - - - - Marża brutto - Marża brutto - - - - - - - - - Transakcja EDI - Transakcja EDI - - - - - - - - - Dziennik EDI - Dziennik EDI - - - - - - - - - Odpowiedź na zapytanie - Odpowiedź na zapytanie - - - - - - - - - Otrzymuj odpowiedź na zamówienie - Otrzymuj odpowiedź na zamówienie - - - - - - - - - Cena w odpowiedzi - Cena w odpowiedzi - Cena potwierdzona przez partnera EDI - - - - - - - - Dostępna ilość w odpowiedzi - Dostępna ilość w odpowiedzi - - - - - - - - - Potwierdzona ilość w odpowiedzi - Potwierdzona ilość w odpowiedzi - - - - - - - - - Otrzymano odpowiedź - Otrzymano odpowiedź - - - - - - - - - Uwagi w odpowiedzi - Uwagi w odpowiedzi - - - - - - - - - Data przewozu w odpowiedzi - Data przewozu w odpowiedzi - - - - - - - - - Zapytanie cenowe - Zapytanie cenowe - - - - - - - - - Zapytanie o ilość - Zapytanie o ilość - - - - - - - - - Zapytanie o datę przewozu - Zapytanie o datę przewozu - - - - - - - - - Przesyłaj zapytanie - Przesyłaj zapytanie - Zapytanie o dostępną ilość - - - - - - - - Przesyłaj zamówienie - Przesyłaj zamówienie - - - - - - - - - Transakcja otrzymana - Transakcja otrzymana - - - - - - - - - Transakcja wysłana - Transakcja wysłana - - - - - - - - - Typ transkacji - Typ transkacji - Typ transakcji kartą kredytową - The Transaction Type indicates the type of transaction to be submitted to the Credit Card Company - - %TODO% - - - - - Data transakcji - Data transakcji - Data transakcji - Data transakcji - - - - - - - Formatka specjalna - Formatka specjalna - Formatka specjalna - Wskazuje poszczególną formatkę specjalnę w systemie. - - - - - - - Nazwa klasy - Nazwa klasy - Java Classname - The Classname indentifies the Java classname used by this report or process - - %TODO% - - - - - Koniec strony - Koniec strony - Zacznij od nowej strony - Zanim zaczniesz drukować, utwórz nową stronę. - - - - - - - Zaksięgowane - Zaksięgowane - Transakcje Księgi Głównej zostały przetworzone - Wskazuje status Powstania pozycji księgowych Księgi Głównej - - %TODO% - - - - - Typ kategorii - Typ kategorii - Source of the Journal with this category - Wskazuje źródło dziennika dla danej kategorii. Dzienniki mogą być tworzone z dokumentu, wprowadzone ręcznie lub zaimportowane. - - %TODO% - - - - - Błąd - Błąd - - - - - - - - - Format importu - Format importu - - - - - - - - - Format pola - Format pola - - - - - - - - - Format daty - Format daty - Format String in Java Notation, e.g. ddMMyy - The Date Format indicates how dates are defined on the record to be imported. It must be in Java Notation - - %TODO% - - - - - Typ danych - Typ danych - Typ danych - - - - - - - - Przecinek dziesiętny - Przecinek dziesiętny - Przecinek dziesiętny w pliku danych - - - - - - - - Dziel przez 100 - Dziel przez 100 - Dziel liczbę przez 100, aby uzyskać poprawną kwotę. - - - - - - - - Nr końcowy - Nr końcowy - - - - - - - - - Format - Format - Format danych - The Format is a drop down list box for selecting the format type (text, tab delimited, XML, etc) of the file to be imported - %TODO% - - - - - - Wybrany - Wybrany - - - - - - - - - Stała wartość - Stała wartość - - - - - - - - - Ilość na liście materiałowej - Ilość na liście materiałowej - Ilość na liście materiałowej - Wskazuje ilość produktu w jednostkach miary (mnożnik). - - - - - - - Data otrzymania - Data otrzymania - Data otrzymania produktu - Data otrzymania produktu - - - - - - - Data zwrotu - Data zwrotu - Data zwrotu produktu - Data zwrotu produktu - - - - - - - Lista materiałowa - Lista materiałowa - Lista materiałowa - Wskazuje z jakich składników składa się produkt. - - - - - - - Zwrócony - Zwrócony - - - - - - - - - Ruszony do pamięci - Ruszony do pamięci - - - %TODO% - - - - - - Lista materiałowa - Lista materiałowa - Lista materiałowa - Wskazuje, z jakich części składa się dany produkt - - - - - - - Rejestracja - Rejestracja - Rejestracja pojazdu - - - - - - - - Obręcz - Obręcz - Stored rim - - %TODO% - - - - - - Opona zapasowa - Opona zapasowa - - %TODO% - - - - - - - Jakość opony - Jakość opony - - %TODO% - - - - - - - - Rozmiar opon (l/r) - Rozmiar opon (l/r) - - %TODO% - - - - - - - Typ opon - Typ opon - - - - %TODO% - - - - - - Pojazd - Pojazd - - - - - - - - - Obręcz w tył - Obręcz w tył - - %TODO% - - - - - - - Opona jakość w tył - Opona jakość w tył - - - %TODO% - - - - - - Opona wielkość w tył - Opona wielkość w tył - - - %TODO% - - - - - - Opona typ w tył - Opona typ w tył - - - %TODO% - - - - - - Rekordy zapisane - Rekordy zapisane - - - %TODO% - - - - - - Plan produkcji - Plan produkcji - Plan produkcji produktu - Wskazuje materiały, półfabrykaty i fabrykaty oraz kroki w celu wytworzenia produktu. - - - - - - - Poziom produkcji - Poziom produkcji - Poziom produkcji - Wskazuje liczbę produktów do wyprodukowania - - - - - - - Interfejs WWW - Interfejs WWW - Interfejs WWW - The Web Directory defines the look and feel for the Web interface - - - - - - - Dostawca - Dostawca - - - - - - - - - Wiadomości - Wiadomości - Komunikaty systemowe - - - - - - - - Organizacja zewnetrzna (?) - Organizacja zewnetrzna (?) - Organization valid for intercompany documents - The Inter Organization field identifies an Organization which can be used by this Organization for intercompany documents - - %TODO% - - - - - Relacja miasta - Relacja miasta - Miasto lub karta kredytowa lub właściciel konta - Miasto lub karta kredytowa lub właściciel konta - - - - - - - Relacja email - Relacja email - Adres email - Adres email karty kredytowej lub właściciela konta. - - - - - - - Prawo jazdy - Prawo jazdy - Prawo jazdy jako identyfikator płatnika - Prawo jazdy jako identyfikator płatnika - - - - - - - Nr polisy ubezpieczeniowej - Nr polisy ubezp - Numer polisy ubiezpieczeniowej jako identyfiikator płatnika - Numer polisy ubiezpieczeniowej jako identyfiikator płatnika - - - - - - - Nazwa konta - Nazwa konta - Nazwa karty kredytowej lub właściciela konta - Nazwa karty kredytowej lub właściciela konta - - - - - - - Stan konta - Stan konta - Stan karty kredytowej lub konta posiadacza - Stan karty kredytowej lub konta posiadacza - - - - - - - Adres posiadacza konta lub karty kredytowej - Adres posiadacza konta lub karty kredytowej - Adres posiadacza konta lub karty kredytowej - Adres posiadacza konta lub karty kredytowej - - - - - - - Relacja zip/postal kodu - Relacja zip/postal kodu - Zip Code of the Credit Card or Account Holder - The Zip Code of the Credit Card or Account Holder - - - %TODO% - - - - Akceptowane przez izbę rozliczeniową - Akceptowane przez izbę rozliczeniową - Akceptowane przez izbę rozliczeniową - Wskazuje czy depozyty są akceptowane przez izbę rozliczeniową. Obrót depozytami rozpoczyna depozytor. - - - - - - - Akceptuj AmEx - Akceptuj AmEx - Akceptuj AmEx - Wskazuje czy karty American Express są akceptowane - - - - - - - Akceptowane przez automaty kasowe - Akceptowane przez automaty kasowe - Akceptowane przez automaty kasowe - Akceptowane przez automaty kasowe - - - - - - - Akceptuje czeki bezgotówkowe - Akceptuje czeki bezgotówkowe - Akceptuje czeki bezgotówkowe - Akceptuje czeki bezgotówkowe - - - - - - - Przyjmuje karty firmowe - Przyjmuje karty firmowe - Przyjmuje karty firmowe - Przyjmuje karty firmowe - - - - - - - Akceptuje kartę Diner's Club - Akceptuje kartę Diner's Club - Akceptuje kartę Diner's Club - Akceptuje kartę Diner's Club - - - - - - - Akceptuje kartę Mastercard - Akceptuje kartę Mastercard - Akceptuje kartę Mastercard - Akceptuje kartę Mastercard - - - - - - - Akceptuje kartę Visa - Akceptuje kartę Visa - Akceptuje kartę Visa - Akceptuje kartę Visa - - - - - - - Kwota pozycji - Kwota pozycji - Kwota pozycji - Kwota pozycji w dokumencie - - - - - - - Blokada kwoty na rachunku - Blokada kwoty na rachunku - Blokada kwoty na rachunku - Blokada kwoty na rachunku - - - - - - - Opłaty bankowe - Opłaty bankowe - Konto opłat za prowadzenie rachunku - Numer konta księgowego na które będą księgowane opłaty za prowadzenie rachunku - - - - - - - Odsetki - Odsetki - Konto odsetek - Konto księgowe na które będą księgowane odsetki - - - - - - - Przychód z oprocentowania rachunku w banku - Przychód z oprocentowania rachunku w banku - Przychód z oprocentowania rachunku w banku - Przychód z oprocentowania rachunku w banku - - - - - - - Środki pieniężne w drodze - Środki pieniężne w drodze - Środki pieniężne w drodze - Środki pieniężne w drodze - - - - - - - Zysk z tytułu konwersji waluty - Zysk z tytułu konwersji waluty - Zysk z tytułu konwersji waluty - Zysk z tytułu konwersji waluty - - - - - - - Strata z tytułu konwersji waluty - Strata z tytułu konwersji waluty - Strata z tytułu konwersji waluty - Strata z tytułu konwersji waluty - - - - - - - Bank spłata zysku - Bank spłata zysku - Bank Settlement Gain Account - The Bank Settlement Gain account identifies the account to be used when recording a currency gain whent he settlement and receipt currency are not the same - - %TODO% - - - - - Bank spłata straty - Bank spłata straty - Bank Settlement Loss Account - The Bank Settlement loss account identifies the account to be used when recording a currency loss whent he settlement and receipt currency are not the same - - - %TODO% - - - - Konto kwitów do rozliczenia - Konto kwitów do rozliczenia - Bank Undentified Receipts Account - The Bank Undentified Receipts Account identifies the account to be used when recording receipts that can not be reconciled at the present time - %TODO% - - - - - - Saldo początkowe - Saldo początkowe - Saldo początkowe - Saldo początkowe - - - - - - - Alokacja - Alokacja - Alokacja płatności - - - - - - - - Wyciąg bankowy - Wyciąg bankowy - Wyciąg bankowy rachunku bankowego - Wyciąg bankowy rachunku bankowego za określony okres czasu. W wyciągu znajdzie się zapis wszystkich transakcji. - - - - - - - Pozycja na wyciągu - Pozycja na wyciągu - Pozycja na wyciągu bankowym - Wskazuje poszczególną operację (płatność, wyciąg z konta, opłata) na koncie za dany okres czasu. - - - - - - - Grupa kontrahentów - Grupa kontrahentów - Numer identyfikujący grupę kontrahentów - Dostarczas sposobu domyślnego określenia poszczególnego kontrahenta. - - - - - - - Zapłata - Zapłata - Identyfikator płatności - Identyfikator płatności - - - - - - - Procesor płatności - Procesor płatności - Procesor płatności dokonanych drogą elektroniczną. - Procesor płatności dokonanych drogą elektroniczną. - - - - - - - Konto kosztowów - Konto kosztowów - Konto kosztowów - Wskazuje konto księgowania kosztów płaconych dostawcom. - - - - - - - Koszty finansowe - opłaty na rzecz klientów - Koszty finansowe - opłaty na rzecz klientów - Koszty finansowe - opłaty na rzecz klientów - Wskazuje konto księgowania opłat płaconych klientom. - - - - - - - Numer czeku - Numer czeku - Numer czeku - Numer czeku - - - - - - - Kontakt - Kontakt - - - - - - - - - Weryfikacja karty kredytowej - Weryfikacja karty kredytowej - Weryfikacja kodu karty kredytowej - Weryfikacja kodu karty kredytowej (AMEX 4 cyfry z przodu; MC,Visa 3 cyfry z tyłu) - - - - - - - Aktulana cena wytworzenia - Aktulana cena wytworzenia - Aktulana cena wytworzenia - - - - - - - - Kwota rabatu - Kwota rabatu - Wyliczona kwota rabatu - Wyliczona kwota rabatu w dokumencie lub pozycji. - - - - - - - Saldo końcowe - Saldo końcowe - Saldo końcowe - Saldo końcowe konta - - - - - - - Planowana cena w koszcie wytworzenia - Planowana cena w koszcie wytworzenia - - - - - - - - - Adres serwera - Adres serwera - Host Address of payment processor - The Host Address identifies the URL for your payment processor - - - - - - - Port serwera - Port serwera - Host Port of payment processor - The Host Port identifies the port id for your payment processor - - - - - - - Dostęp on-line - Dostęp on-line - Dostęp on-line - The Online Access check box indicates if the application can be accessed via the web. - - - - - - - Zapłacone - Zapłacone - Dokument jest zapłacony - - - - - - - - Ta sama waluta - Ta sama waluta - - - - - - - - - Micr - Micr - Combination of routing no, account and check no - The Micr number is the combination of the bank routing number, account number and check number - - %TODO% - - - - - ID transakcji pierwotnej - ID transakcji pierwotnej - ID transakcji pierwotnej - Używany przy transakcjach odwrotnych, wskazuje czy transkacja odwrotna była dokonana. - - - - - - - Wariancja ceny zakupu - Wariancja ceny zakupu - Różnica pomiędzy standardowym kosztem a ceną zakupu. - Wariancja ceny zakupu używana jest przy liczeniu kosztu standardowego. Pokazuje różnicę pomiędzy kosztem standardowym o ceną na zamówieniu własnym. - - - - - - - URL strony - Strona url - - - - - - - - - Zapłata zniżka wydatku - Zapłata zniżka wydatku - Payment Discount Expense Account - Indicates the account to be charged for payment discount expenses - - %TODO% - - - - - Zapłata zniżka dochodu - Zapłata zniżka dochodu - Payment Discount Revenue Account - Indicates the account to be charged for payment discount revenues - %TODO% - - - - - - Inwestycje rozpoczęte - Inwestycje rozpoczęte - Inwestycje rozpoczęte - Inwestycje rozpoczęte - - - - - - - Nr zamówienia - Nr zamówienia - Nr zamówienia - Nr zamówienia - - - - - - - Cena - Cena - Cena - Cena produktu lub usługi. - - - - - - - Produkt - Produkt - - - - - - - - - Adres proxy - Adres proxy - Address of your proxy server - The Proxy Address must be defined if you must pass through a firewall to access your payment processor. - - - - - - - Konto proxy - Konto proxy - Logon of your proxy server - The Proxy Logon identifies the Logon ID for your proxy server - - - - - - - Hasło proxy - Hasło proxy - Password of your proxy server - The Proxy Password identifies the password for your proxy server - - - - - - - Port proxy - Port proxy - Port of your proxy server - The Proxy Port identifies the port of your proxy server - - - - - - - Kod autoryzacji - Kod autoryzacji - Authorization Code returned - The Authorization Code indicates the code returned from the electronic transmission - - - - - - - Adres sprawdzony - Adres sprawdzony - Adres sprawdzony - Adres sprawdzony przez firmę karty kredytowej - - - - - - - Kod poczt. Sprawdzony - Kod poczt. Sprawdzony - The Zip Code has been verified - The Zip Verified indicates if the zip code has been verified by the Credit Card Company - - - - - - - Info - Info - Response info - The Info indicates any response information returned from the Credit Card Company - - - - - - - Odniesienie - Odniesienie - Payment reference - The Payment Reference indicates the reference returned from the Credit Card Company for a payment - %TODO% - - - - - - Wiadomość - Wiadomość - Wiadomość odpowiedzi - The Response Message indicates the message returned from the Credit Card Company as the result of a transmission - - %TODO% - - - - - Wynik - Wynik - Wynik transmisjii - Wynik transmisjii do firmy karty kredytowej - - - - - - - Odnośnik - Odnośnik - Referring web address - - - - - - - - Zdalny adres - Zdalny addr - ZDalny adres - Wskazuje dodatkowy lub zewnętrzny adres. - - - - - - - Zdalny serwer - Zdalny serwer - - - - - - - - - ID sesji - ID sesji - - - - - - - - - Data przelewu - Data przelewu - Data dokonania przelewu - Data dokonania przelewu - - - - - - - - Bilans różnicy - Difference between statement ending balance and actual ending balance - The Statement Difference reflects the difference between the Statement Ending Balance and the Actual Ending Balance - %TODO% - - - - - - Podatek MA - Podatek MA - Account for Tax you can reclaim - The Tax Credit Account indicates the account used to record taxes that can be reclaimed - - - - - - - Podatek należny - Podatek należny - Account for Tax you have to pay - The Tax Due Account indicates the account used to record taxes that you are laible to pay - - - - - - - Podatek wydatku - Podatek wydatku - Account for paid tax you cannot reclaim - The Tax Expense Account indicates the account used to record the taxes that have been paid that cannot be reclaimed - - - - - - - Zobowiązanie podatkowe - Zobowiązanie podatkowe - Account for Tax declaration liability - The Tax Liability Account indicates the account used to record your tax liability declaration - - - - - - - Podatek należności - Podatek należności - Account for Tax credit after tax declaration - The Tax Receivables Account indicates the account used to record the tax credit amount after your tax declaration - - - - - - - Sposób płatności - Sposób płatności - Method of Payment - The Tender Type indicates the method of payment (ACH, Credit Card, Check) - - - - - - - ID użytk - ID użytk - User ID - The User ID identifies a user and allows access to records or processes - - - - - - - Kod autroyzacji głosowej - Kod autroyzacji głosowej - Voice Authorization Code from credit card company - The Voice Authorization Code indicates the code received from the Credit Card Company - - - - - - - W_basket_id - W_basket_id - - - - - - - - - Inwentarz rewaloryzacji - Inwentarz rewaloryzacji - Account for Inventory Revaluation - The Inventory Revaluation Account identifies the account used to records changes in inventory value due to currency revaluation - - - - - - - Nie chcieć wydać - Nie chcieć wydać - Account for Withholdings - The Withholding Account inidicates the account used to record withholdings - - - - - - - Rzecz bez wartości - Rzecz bez wartości - Account for Receivables write-off - The Write Off Account identifies the account to book write off transactions to - - - - - - - Kwota do wypisania - Kwota do wypisania - Amout to write-off - The Write Off Amount indicates the amount to be written off as uncollectable - - - - - - - Znajdź - Znajdź - - - - - - - - - Oraz/Lub - Oraz/Lub - Operacje logiczne: ORAZ/LUB - - - - - - - - Find_id - Find_id - - - - - - - - - Operacja - Operacja - - - - - - - - - Wartość do - Wartość do - Value To - - - - - - - - Oprocentowanie kwoty - Oprocentowanie kwoty - Interest Amount - The Interest Amount indicates any interest charged or received on a Bank Statement - - - - - - - Atrybut - Atrybut - - - - - - - - - Typ konta - Bank relacja typu - Bank Account Type - The Bank Account Type field indicates the type of account (savings, checking etc) this account is defined as - - - - - - - Rejestr gotówki - Rejestr gotówki - Cash Journal - The Cash Journal uniquely identifies a Cash Journal. The Cash Journal will record transactions for the cash bank account - - - - - - - Rejestr gotówki - Rejestr gotówki - Cash Book for recording petty cash transactions - The Cash Book identifies a unique cash book. The cash book is used to record cash transactions - - - - - - - Pozycja rejestru gotówki - Pozycja rejestru gotówki - Cash Journal Line - The Cash Journal Line indicates a unique line in a cash journal - - - - - - - Zapłata plik wsadowy - Zapłata plik wsadowy - - - - - - - - - Gotówka typu - Gotówka typu - Source of Cash - The Cash Type indicates the source for this Cash Journal Line - - - - - - - Aktywa - gotówka - Aktywa - gotówka - Cash Book Asset Account - The Cash Book Asset Account identifies the account to be used for recording payments into and disbursements from this cash book - - - - - - - Gotówka książka różnic - Gotówka książka różnic - Cash Book Differences Account - The Cash Book Differences Account identifies the account to be used for recording any differences that affect this cash book - - - - - - - Gotówka książka wydatku - Gotówka książka wydatku - Cash Book Expense Account - The Cash Book Expense Account identifies the account to be used for general, non itemized expenses - - - - - - - Gotówka książka recepty - Gotówka książka recepty - Cash Book Receipts Account - The Cash Book Receipt Account identifies the account to be used for general, non itemized cash book receipts - - - - - - - ACH - ACH - Automatic Clearing House - The ACH checkbox indicatse if this Bank Account accepts ACH transactions - - - - - - - Ręczny - Ręczny - This is a manual process - The Manual check box indicates if the process will done manually - - - - - - - Odwrócenie - Odwrócenie - This is a reversing transaction - The Reversal check box indicates if this is a reversal of a prior transaction - - - - - - - Kwota płatności - Kwota płatności - Amount being paid - Indicates the amount this payment is for. The payment amount can be for single or multiple invoices or a partial payment for an invoice - - - - - - - Zapłata procesor klasy - Zapłata procesor klasy - Payment Processor Java Class - Payment Processor class identifies the Java class used to process payments - - - - - - - Przetwarzanie daty - Przetwarzanie daty - - - - - - - - - Kwota przelewu - Kwota przelewu - Statement Amount - The Statement Amount indicates the amount of a single statement line - - - - - - - V_date - V_date - - - - - - - - - V_number - V_number - - - - - - - - - V_string - V_string - - - - - - - - - Mający moc prawną data - Mający moc prawną data - Date when money is available - The Effective Date indicates the date that money is available from the bank - - - - - - - Twórz z - Twórz z - Process which will generate a new document based on an existing document - The Create From process will create a new document based on information in an exisiting document selected by the user - - - - - - - Twórz do - Twórz do - - - - - - - - - Akceptuj kartę Discover - Akceptuj kartę Discover - Accept Discover Card - Indicates if Discover Cards are accepted as payment to this Bank Account - - - - - - - Prowizja - Prowizja - Commission stated as a percentage - The Commission indicates (as a percentage) the commission to be paid - - - - - - - Koszt na operacji - Koszt na operacji - Fixed cost per transaction - The Cost per Transaction indicates the fixed cost per to be charged per transaction - - - - - - - Dni należności - Dni należności - Dni należności (negatywnie: zaległość w dniach) - - - - - - - - Przetwarzanie on-line - Przetwarzanie on-line - Płatność może być dokonana on-line - Czy płatność może być dokonana on-line. - - - - - - - Zapłacone - Zapłacone - - - - - - - - - Wymagaj weryfikacji karty płatniczej - Wymagaj weryfikacji karty płatniczej - Wymaga 3 lub 4 cyfrowego potwierdzenia (PINu) - Wskazuje czy bank wymaga weryfikacji numeru karty kredytowej przy dokonywaniu transakcji. - - - - - - - Grupa pól - Grupa pól - Logiczne grupowanie pól - Logiczna grupa, do której należy pole (historia, kwoty, ilości). - - - - - - - Typ akcji - Typ akcji - Metoda działania podjęta na zapytanie. - Metoda działania podjęta na zapytanie (email, telefon, zamknięte). - - - - - - - Data ostatniej akcji - Data ostatniej akcji - Data podjęcia ostatniej akcji/działania. - Data podjęcia ostatniej akcji/działania. - - - - - - - Data następnej akcji - Data następnej akcji - Data kiedy następna akcja/działanie powinno być podjęte. - Data kiedy następna akcja/działanie powinno być podjęte zgodnie z rozkładem. - - - - - - - Typ należności - Typ należności - Status następnego działania na zapytanie. - Wskazuje czy zapytanie dotyczy należności, należności przeterminowanej czy planowanej. - - - - - - - Częstotliwość - Częstotliwość - Częstotliwość wydarzeń - Częstotliwość używana w koniunkcji z typem częstotliwości określając wydarzenie. Przykład: Jeśli typem częstotliwości jest tydzień, a częstotliwość wynosi 2, to zdarzenie będzie ponawiane co 2 tygodnie. - - - - - - - Typ częstotliwości - Typ częstotliwości - Częstotliwość obliczeń - Typ częstotliwości używany do obliczenia daty następnego wydarzenia. - - - - - - - Podzielony - Podzielony - Płatność została podzielona na części - Wskazuje czy płatność została podzielona oraz czy jest związana z fakturą/fakturami. - - - - - - - Eskalowany - Eskalowany - This request has been escalated - The Escalated checkbox indicates that this request has been escalated or raised in importance - - - - - - - HTML - Html - Text has HTML tags - - - - - - - - Nagłówek poczty - Nagłówek poczty - - - - - - - - - Tekst listu - Tekst listu - Tekst wiadomości - Tekst wiadomości - - - - - - - Następne działanie - Następne działanie - Następne działanie - Następne działanie podjęte w związku z zapytaniem. - - - - - - - Priorytet - Priorytet - Wskazuje czy zapytanie ma wysoki, średni czy niski priorytet. - Wskazuje czy zapytanie ma wysoki, średni czy niski priorytet. - - - - - - - Szablon poczty - Szablon poczty - Szablony tekstowy do poczty - Szablony tekstowy do poczty - - - - - - - Zapytania - Zapytanie - Zapytania od kontrahentów lub z prospektu - Wskazuje pojedyncze zapytanie kontrahenta lub z prospektu. - - - - - - - Request action - Request action - Action has been requested - The Request Action indicates if the Credit Card Company has requested further action be taken - - - - - - - Procesor zapytań - Procesor zapytań - - - - - - - - - Kwota - Kwota - Kwota związana z zapytaniem - Wskazuje na kwotę związaną z zapytaniem, np. suma gwarancji. - - - - - - - Streszczenie - Streszczenie - Streszczenie zapytania - The Summary allows free form text entry of a recap of this request - - - - - - - Administrator - Administrator - Administrator - Administrator - - - - - - - Nr alokacji - Nr alokacji - Nr alokacji - Numer alkoacji wskazuje, które faktury były płacone razem. - - - - - - - Mnożnik - Mnożnik - Typ mnożnika (kredyt = -1) - - - - - - - - Otwarta suma - Otwarta suma - Otwarta suma - - - - - - - - Uwaga - Uwaga - - - - - - - - - Marża % - Marża % - Marża na produkcie % - Wskazuje marżę na produkcie jako procent od ceny krańcowej i ceny sprzedaży. - - - - - - - Domyślna logika 2 - Domyślna logika 2 - Default value hierarchy, separated by ; - The defaults are evaluated in the order of definition, the first not null value becomes the default value of the column. The values are separated by comma or semicolon. a) Literals:. 'Text' or 123 b) Variables - in format @Variable@ - Login e.g. #Date, #A - - - - - - - SQL GROUP - SQL GROUP - This function will generate a Group By Clause - The SQL Group Function checkbox indicates that this function will generate a Group by Clause in the resulting SQL - - - - - - - Wybór płatności - Wybór płatności - Wybór płatności - Wskazanie konkretnej płatności - - - - - - - Pozycja wyboru płatności - Wybór płatności - Wybór płatności - Wskazuje pojedynczą pozycję w płatności. - - - - - - - Data zapłaty - Data zapłaty - Data zapłaty - Data zapłaty - - - - - - - Całkowita suma - Całkowita suma - Całkowita suma - Całkowita suma - - - - - - - Kolumna widoku raportu - Kolumna widoku raportu - - - - - - - - - Funkcja - Funkcja - W kolumnie wstaw wartość funkcji - W kolumnie zostanie umieszczona wartość funkcji - - - - - - - Rzeczywista kwota - Rzeczywista kwota - Rzeczywista kwota - Rzeczywista kwota uzgodniona w dokumencie. - - - - - - - Rzeczywista ilość - Rzeczywista ilość - Rzeczywista ilość - Rzeczywista ilość odniesiona w dokumencie. - - - - - - - Mnożnik dla kwoty - Mnożnik dla kwoty - Mnożnik dla kwoty prowizji - Wskazuje kwotę mnożoną przez kwotę łączną w celu naliczenia prowizji. - - - - - - - Odejmuj sumę - Odejmuj sumę - Odejmuj sumę by utworzyć prowizję - The Subtract Amount indicates the amount to subtract from the total amount prior to multiplication - - - - - - - Prowizja - Prowizja - Identyfikator prowizji - ID prowizji lub wewnętrzni czy zewnętrzni przedstawiciele firmy, reprezentanci handlowi lub dostawcy. - - - - - - - Kwota prowizji - Kwota prowizji - Kwota prowizji - Wynik naliczania prowizji - - - - - - - Pozycja prowizji - Pozycja prowizji - Pozycja prowizji - The Commission Line is a unique instance of a Commission Run. If the commission run was done in summary mode then there will be a single line representing the selected documents totals. If the commission run was done in detail mode then each document th - - - - - - - Cykl projektu - Cykl projektu - Cykl projektu - Identifies a Project Cycle which can be made up of one or more steps or statuses - - - - - - - Krok cyklu - Krok cyklu - Krok cyklu - Określa jeden lub więcej kroków w projekcie. Cykl ma wiele faz. - - - - - - - Pozycja projektu - Pozycja projektu - Zadanie lub krok w projekcie - Zadanie lub krok w projekcie - - - - - - - Łącznie prowizja - Łącznie prowizja - Łącznie prowizja - Całkowita kwota prowizji oparta na parametrach określonych przy naliczaniu prowizji. - - - - - - - Kwota wymiany - Kwota wymiany - Kwota wymiany - Jest wynikiem powielenia kwoty podstawowej przez kurs wymiany danej waluty. - - - - - - - Data kontraktu - Data kontraktu - Data dokumentu - Określa czy dokument stał się ważny. Zwykle zależy to od daty kontaktu. Używana jest ona do raportowania oraz przy parametrach raportu. - - - - - - - Data końcowa - Data końcowa - Data (lub planowana data) ukończenia - Wskazuje kiedy projekt ma być ukończony lub był ukończony - - - - - - - Podstawa kalkulacji - Podstawa kalkulacji - Podstawa kalkulacji prowizji - Podstawa kalkulacji prowizji - - - - - - - Info do - Info do - - - - - - - - - Tylko dodatnie - Tylko dodatnie - Nie twórz prowizji ujemnych - Wskazuje że jeżeli wynik odejmowania jest ujemny, wówczas zostaje on ignorowany. Oznacza, że nie można tworzyć ujemnych prowizji. - - - - - - - Planowana wartość - Planowana wartość - Planowana wartość dla projektu - Planowana wartość dla projektu - - - - - - - Planowana marża % - Planowana marża % - Planowana marża % - Planowana marża % dla projektu - - - - - - - Planowana marża - Planowana marża - Planowana marża dla projektu - Planowana marża dla projektu - - - - - - - Planowana cena - Planowana cena - Planowana cena dla projektu - Planowana cena dla projektu - - - - - - - Planowana ilość - Planowana ilość - Planowana ilość dla projektu - Planowana ilość dla projektu lub pozycji projektu - - - - - - - Powielacz ilości - Powielacz ilości - Wartość powielania ilości przy naliczaniu prowizji. - Wskazuje kwotę do powielenia łącznej ilości w celu naliczenia prowizji. - - - - - - - Odejmuj ilość - Odejmuj ilość - Odejmuje ilość przy tworzeniu prowizji - Odejmuje ilość przy tworzeniu prowizji - - - - - - - Waga - Waga - Waga - Względna waga pozwala uwzględnić prawdopodobienśtwo sukcecu. Przykładowo jeżeli jest jedna na 10 szansa, na niepowodzenie projektu w danym cyklu, należy umieścić wagę 0,1. - - - - - - - Naliczanie prowizji - Naliczanie prowizji - Proces naliczania prowizji lub Naliczanie prowizji - Poszczególny system identyfikator przebiegu prowizji. Kiedy prowizja widoczna jest na ekranie, wyświetlone będzie naliczanie prowizji. - - - - - - - Zamówienia z określoną prowizją - Zamówienia z określoną prowizją - Commission only Orders or Invoices, where this Sales Rep is entered - Sales Reps are entered in Orders and Invoices. If selected, only Orders and Invoices for this Sales Reps are included in the calculation of the commission - - - - - - - Lista szczegółów - Lista szczegółów - Lista szczegółów - List document details - The List Details checkbox indicates that the details for each document line will be displayed - - - - - - - Szczegóły prowizji - Szczegóły prowizji - Inforamacje o kwocie prowizji - Dostarcza informacje o naliczaniu prowizji. Każda pozycja dokumentu będąca częścią Naliczania prowizji będzie tu wyświetlona. - - - - - - - Warunki płatności - Warunki płatności - Warunki płatności dla zamówienia własnego - Wskazuje warunki płatności, gdy zamówienie staje się fakturą. - - - - - - - Uwaga - Uwaga - Dodatkowa informacja o osiągnięciach - Dodatkowa informacja o osiągnięciach - - - - - - - Kolumna kontrahenta - Kolumna kontrahenta - W pełni wykwalifikowana kluczowa kolumna kontrahenta (C_BPartner_ID) - Wskazuje kontrahenta podczas liczenia pomiaru. - - - - - - - Klasa obliczeń - Klasa obliczeń - Klasa Javy implementującą interfejs pomiaru - Klasa Javy implementującą interfejs pomiaru - - - - - - - Kolumna daty - Kolumna daty - W pełni wykwalifikowana kolumna daty - Wskazuje datę używaną przy obliczaniu pomiaru. - - - - - - - Data od - Data z - Data rozpoczęcia zakresu dat - Data rozpoczęcia zakresu dat - - - - - - - Data do - Data do - Data końcowa zakresu dat - Data końcowa zakresu dat - - - - - - - Osiągnięcie celu - Osiągnięcie celu - Osiągnięcie celu od 0..1 - Osiągnięcie celu od 0..1 - - - - - - - Osiągnięty - Osiągnięty - Cel został osiągnięty - Cel został osiągnięty - - - - - - - Kolor klasy w Javie - Kolor klasy w Javie - Nazwa koloru klasy Javy dziedzicząca z pakietu java.awt.Color - Nazwa koloru klasy Javy dziedzicząca z pakietu java.awt.Color - - - - - - - Wprowadź ręcznie wart. rzeczywistą - Wprowadź ręcznie wart. rzeczywistą - Ręcznie wprowadzona rzeczywista wartość - Wskazuje ręcznie wprowadzoną rzeczywista wartość pomiaru. - - - - - - - Uwaga - Uwaga - Uwaga do pozycji - Uwaga do pozycji pozwala dołączyć dodatkowe informacje - - - - - - - Pomiar rzeczywisty - Pomiar rzeczywisty - Pomiar rzeczywisty - Wskazuje rzeczywistą osiągniętą wartość celu. Używane są przy określeniu czy osiągnięty został cel. - - - - - - - Mierz cel - Mierz cel - Wskazuje cel do pomiaru. Używane przy porównaniu z miarą bieżącą. - Wskazuje cel do pomiaru. Używane przy porównaniu z miarą bieżącą. - - - - - - - Typ miary - Typ miary - Determines how the actual performance is derived - The Measure Type indicates how the actual measure is determined. For example, one measure may be manual while another is calculated - - - - - - - ID Jednostki - ID Jednostki - W pełni wykwalifikowana kolumna jednostki (AD_Org_ID) - The Organizaiton Column indicates the organization to be used in calculating this measurement - - - - - - - Osiągnięcie - Osiągnięcie - Osiągnięcie - Wskazuje poszczególne zadanie jakie jest częścią całościowego celu. - - - - - - - Kolor - Kolor - Kolor - Kolor używany do określenia różnych poziomów przedstawienia. - - - - - - - Cel - Cel - Przedstawienie celu - Przedstawienie celu - - - - - - - Osobisty cel - Osobisty cel - Hierarchia celu widoczna wyłącznie dla użytkownika - Cele osobiste ustanawia dla siebie użytkownik. - - - - - - - Miara - Miara - Konkretny miara - The Measure identifies a concrete, measurable indincator of performance. For example, sales dollars, prospects contacted - - - - - - - Obliczanie miary - Obliczanie miary - Metody obliczeń dla pomiaru przedstawienia - Metody obliczeń dla pomiaru przedstawienia - - - - - - - Kolumna produktu - Kolumna produktu - W pełni wykwalifikowana kolumna produktu (M_Product_ID) - Wskazuje produkt używanty przy liczeniu pomiaru. - - - - - - - SQL SELECT - SQL SELECT - Polecenie SQL SELECT - Polecenie SQL SELECT do wyboru pozycji przy liczeniu pomiaru - - - - - - - Do % - Do % - Maksymalna wartość dla koloru. Jesli jest to najwyższa wartość, używa się także dla wartości wyższych. - Maksymalna wartość dla koloru. Jesli jest to najwyższa wartość, używa się także dla wartości wyższych. - - - - - - - Kolumna raportu - Kolumna raportu - Kolumna w raporcie - - - - - - - - Typ kwoty - Typ kwoty - Typ kwoty raportu - Można wybrać pomiędzy kwotą łącznie a okresowo tak samo jak saldo końcowe lub obroty po stronie Dt/Ct. - - - - - - - Plan rozpoznania przychodu - Plan rozpoznania przychodu - Plan rozpoznania przychodu - Plan rozpoznania przychodu - - - - - - - Rozpoznaj przychód - Rozpoznaj przychód - Zacznij rozpoznawać przychód lub proces rozpoznania - Zacznij rozpoznawać przychód lub proces rozpoznania - - - - - - - Obliczenie - Obliczenie - - - - - - - - - Typ kolumny - Typ kolumny - - - - - - - - - Typ waluty - Typ waluty - - - - - - - - - Konwersja adhoc - Konwersja adhoc - Dokonaj konwersji całości na walutę - Jeżeli została wybrana waluta, zapis będzie dotyczył tylko tej waluty. Jeśli wybrano konwersja adhoc, wszystkie waluty są przeliczane na daną walutę. - - - - - - - Typ pozycji - Typ pozycji - - - - - - - - - Operator 1 - Operator 1 - Pierwszy operator - - - - - - - - Operator 2 - Operator 2 - Drugi operator - - - - - - - - Raport finansowy - Raport finansowy - Raport finansowy - - - - - - - - Ustawienie kolumny raportu - Ustawienie kolumny raportu - Zbiór kolumn raportu - Określa kolumny użyte w raporcie - - - - - - - Pozycja raportu - Pozycja raportu - - - - - - - - - Ustawienie pozycji raportu - Ustawienie pozycji raportu - - - - - - - - - Źródło raportu - Źródło raportu - Co będzie pokazane w pozycji raportu - - - - - - - - Rozpoznana kwota - Rozpoznana kwota - - - - - - - - - Względny okres - Względny okres - Przesunięcie okresu (0 to bieżący) - - - - - - - - Licznik odwiedzin - Licznik odwiedzin - - - - - - - - - Popraw podatek - Popraw podatek - Popraw podatek od upustów i opłat - Upusty wymagają korekty podatku. Dotyczy to przede wszystkim VAT. Jeśli pierwotna faktura miała upusty, wypisy, etc, to podatek będzie odpowiednio korygowany. Obliczenie podatku jest proporcjonalnie oparte o wielkości na fakturze. - - - - - - - Upusty handlowe - Upusty handlowe - Generate postings for trade discounts - If the invoice is based on an item with a list price, the amount based on the list price and the discount is posted instead of the net amount. -Example: Quantity 10 - List Price: 20 - Actual Price: 17 -If selected for a sales invoice 200 is posted to Produc - - - - - - - Przychód - Przychód - Różnica między kosztami a ceną na fakturze. - Wskazjuje na różnicę między bieżącymi kosztami a sumą z faktury. - - - - - - - Przyznany upust - Przyznany upust - Przyznany upust - Kwota przyznanego upustu mówi o przyznanych zniżkach w fakturach sprzedaży - - - - - - - Otrzymany upust - Otrzymany upust - Kwota otrzymanego upustu - Kwota otrzymanych zniżek mówi o kwotach otrzymanych zniżek i upustów od dostawców. - - - - - - - Dostosowanie inwentarza - Dostosowanie inwentarza - Konto dla wartości dostosowania inwentarza w kosztach rzeczywistych - W systemie kosztów rzeczywistych, konto używane jest dla wartości dostosowania inwentarza. Można ustawić konto aktywów dla standardowego inwentarza. - - - - - - - Widok - Widok - Widok - Bardziej widok niż tabela. Widok jest zawsze traktowany przez system jako wyłącznie do czytania. - - - - - - - Forma wydruku - Forma wydruku - Forma - - - - - - - - Dokument bankowy - Dokument bankowy - Czek, przelew, etc. - Dokumenty bankowe, które tworzysz lub śledzisz. - - - - - - - Paragon - Paragon - Transakcja sprzedaży (paragon) - - - - - - - - Różnica - Różnica - Kwota różnicy - - - - - - - - Kolor - Kolor - Kolor tła lub wskazówek - - - - - - - - Pulpit - Pulpit - Zbiór okien - - - - - - - - Pulpit - Pulpit - - - - - - - - - Obraz - Obraz - System obrazu lub ikony - - - - - - - - Pole definowane przez użytk - Pole definowane przez użytk - - - - - - - - - Zakładki użytkownika - Zakładki użytkownika - Zakładki definiowane przez użytkownika - Zakładki definiowane przez użytkownika - - - - - - - Okna użytkownika - Okna użytkownika - Okna definiowane przez użytkownika - Okna definiowane przez użytkownika - - - - - - - Pulpit - Pulpit - Zbiór okien, raportów - - - - - - - - Główne okno - Główne okno - - - - - - - - - Alfa - Alfa - Wartość koloru Alfa 0-255 - - - - - - - - Druga Alfa - Druga Alfa - Wartość Alfy dla drugiego koloru - - - - - - - - Niebieski - Niebieski - Wartość RGB dla koloru niebieskiego - - - - - - - - Drugi niebieski - Drugi niebieski - Wartośc RGB dla drugiego koloru - - - - - - - - Typ koloru - Typ koloru - Prezentacja dla danego koloru - - - - - - - - Zielony - Zielony - Wartość RGB - - - - - - - - Drugi zielony - Drugi zielony - Wartość RGB dla drugiego koloru - - - - - - - - Kolumna wyboru - Kolumna wyboru - Kolumna jes używana do odnalezienia wierszy w oknie - Jeżeli wybrane, dana kolumna wybrana w pierwszej zakładce jest użyta do wyboru wierszy - - - - - - - Odległość - Odległość - Odległość między liniami/pozycjami - - - - - - - - Szerokość linii - Szerokość linii - Szerokość linii - - - - - - - - Opis - Opis - Opis na ekranie zamówienia własnego - - - - - - - - Pomoc - Pomoc - Pomoc dla zamówienia własnego - - - - - - - - Nazwa zamówienia własnego - Nazwa zamówienia własnego - Nazwa na ekranie zamówienia własnego - - - - - - - - Drukuj nazwę zamówienia własnego - Drukuj nazwę zamówienia własnego - Drukuj nazwę na ekranie/raporcie zamówienia własnego - - - - - - - - Tylko czyta - Tylko czyta - Logika określ czy pole jest wyłącznie czytane (pisze, gdy pole jest czytać-pisać). - - - - - - - - Czerwony - Czerwony - Wartość RGB - - - - - - - - Drugi czerwony - Drugi czerwony - Wartość RGB dla drugiego koloru - - - - - - - - Symulacja - Symulacja - Tylko symulacja bez rzeczywistego wykonania - - - - - - - - Kasuj stare/istniejące rekordy - Kasuj stare/istniejące rekordy - W przeciwnym wypadku rekordy będą dodane - - - - - - - - Drukuj szczegóły transakcji - Drukuj szczegóły transakcji - - - - - - - - - Maks. kwota do umorzenia - Maks. kwota do umorzenia - Maks. kwota do umorzenia w walucie faktury - Maksymalna kwota do umorzenia z faktury. W przypadku kwot w obcych walutach zaokrąglenia moga powodować, że kwoty nie będą dokładnie takie same. Tutaj możliwe jest wpisanie do jakiej wartości ignorować takie róznice, aby faktura została uznana za zapłaconą - - - - - - - Min ilość produktów na stanie - Min ilość produktów na stanie - Jeżeli nie ma wystarczającej ilości produktu w magazynie, lista materaiłowa nie zostanie wygenerowana - Jeżeli nie ma wystarczającej ilości produktu w magazynie, lista materaiłowa nie zostanie wygenerowana - - - - - - - Tylko ze zniżką - Tylko ze zniżką - Faktury wyłącznie ze zniżką - - - - - - - - Tylko należność - Tylko należność - Tylko należność - - - - - - - - Klucz produktu - Klucz produktu - Twórz listę wyłącznie dla danej wartości produktu (można użyć %) - - - - - - - - Ilość zinwentaryzowana - Ilość zinwentaryzowana - - - - - - - - - Pokaż rzeczywistą kwotę - Pokaż rzeczywistą kwotę - - - - - - - - - Pokaż wykonaną kwotę - Pokaż wykonaną kwotę - - - - - - - - - Pokaż planowaną kwotę - Pokaż planowaną kwotę - - - - - - - - - Pokaż planowaną marżę - Pokaż planowaną marżę - - - - - - - - - Pokaż planowaną ilość - Pokaż planowaną ilość - - - - - - - - - Typ encji - Typ encji - Typ encji w słowniku aplikacji. Wpływa na własnośc oraz sposób synchronizacji - The Entity Types "Dictionary", "Adempiere" and "Application" might be automatically synchronized and customizations deleted or overwritten. -For customizations, copy the entity and select "User"! - - - - - - - Imortuj pola - Imortuj pola - Twórz pola z kolumn tabeli - - - - - - - - Import tabeli - Import tabeli - Import tabeli z bazy danych - - - - - - - - Synchronizuj bazę danych - Synchronizuj bazę danych - Change database table definition when changing dictionary definition - When selected, the database column definition is updated based on your entries in the Column definition of the Application Dictionary - - - - - - - Wybór płatności - Wybór płatności - Wybór płatności - - - - - - - - Kasa - Kasa - Kasa - Kasa - - - - - - - Transfer gotówki - Transfer gotówki - Transfer gotówki - Transfer gotówki - - - - - - - Dopasuj faktury - Dopasuj faktury - Dopasuj przewóz do faktury - - - - - - - - Dopasuj zamówienia - Dopasuj zamówienia - Dopasuj zamówienia do przewozu - - - - - - - - Kasuj istniejące ksiegowania - Kasuj istniejące ksiegowania - Wskazane księgowania zostaną skasowane. NIEBEZPIECZNE! - - - - - - - - Kluczowe słowo - Kluczowe słowo - Słowa kluczowe (nie ważne czy z duzych czy z małych liter) - Słowa kluczowe (nie ważne czy z duzych czy z małych liter). Jeżeli więcej niż jedno, muszą wystapić wszystkie - - - - - - - Temat - Temat - Temat wiadomości email. - - - - - - - - Ostrzegaj po terminie - Ostrzegaj po terminie - Wyślij email upominającego po przekroczeniu terminu - Wyślij email upominającego po przekroczeniu terminu. Jeśli w ustawieniu jest 0, nie będzie wyslane upomnienie. - - - - - - - Rośnie po terminie - Rośnie po terminie - Rośnie po terminie - Po przekroczeniiu terminu przedmiot wzrośnie i zostanie oddany nadzorcy. - - - - - - - Droga zapytania - Droga zapytania - Automatyczna droga dla zapytań - Automatyczna droga dla zapytań - - - - - - - Zapytanie poprzez email - Zapytanie poprzez email - Adres email do wysyłania zapytań - EMails for alerts and escalation are sent from this email address. The address must be filly qualified (e.g. joe@company.com) and should be a valid address - - - - - - - Folder pocztowy - Folder pocztowy - Folder pocztowy do odbioru zapytań email. Jeżeli puste to użyty jest folder domyślny INBOX - Email folder used to read emails to process as requests, If left empty the default mailbox (INBOX) will be used - - - - - - - Prośba uzytkownika - Prośba uzytkownika - User ID of the email owner, which receives requests - - - - - - - - Wymagaj hasła użytkownika - Wymagaj hasła użytkownika - Wymagaj hasła użytkownika - - - - - - - - Akceptuj język - Akceptuj język - Język akceptowany z zależności o informacje przeglądarki. - - - - - - - - Przeglądarka - Przeglądarka - Przeglądarka - - - - - - - - Wszystkie węzły - Wszystkie węzły - Zawiera wszystkie węzły - - - - - - - - Break Discount % - Break Discount % - Trade Discount in Percent for the break level - Trade Discount in Percent for the break level - %TODO% - - - - - - Break Value - Break Value - Low Value of trade descount break level - Starting Quantity or Amount Value for break level - %TODO% - - - - - - Poziom kumulacji - Poziom kumulacji - Poziom kumulacji - - - - - - - - Typ rabatu - Typ rabatu - Typ rabatu - Typ rabatu/upustu - - - - - - - Rabat płaski % - Rabat płaski % - Rabat płaski % - Rabat/Upust płaski - - - - - - - Wg ilości - Wg ilości - Upusty oparte o ilość - Upust oparte o ilość - - - - - - - Schemat rabatów - Schemat rabatów - Schemat rabatów - Schemat rabatów - - - - - - - Schemat progu rabatów - Schemat progu rabatów - Schemat progu rabatów - Schemat progu rabatów - - - - - - - Lista zniżek - Lista zniżek - Lista zniżek - Włączając listę zniżek można się dowiedzieć w jaki sposób liczona jest cena standardowa i krańcowa. - - - - - - - Schemat rabatów zamówień - Schemat rabatów zamówień - Schemat rabatów zamówień - - - - - - - - Skrypt - Skrypt - Skrypt Javy użyty do obliczenia wyniku - Skrypt Javy użyty do obliczenia wyniku - - - - - - - Przeźroczystość obrazu - Przeźroczystość obrazu - Image Texture Composite Alpha - Composite Alpha factor for taint color - - - - - - - URL obrazu - URL obrazu - URL of image - URL of image; The image is not stored in the database, but retrieved at runtime. The image can be a gif, jpeg or png - - - - - - - Powtórz odległość - Powtórz odległość - Distance in points to repeat gradient color - or zero - The gradient color is not repeated, if the value is zero. The distance is added to (or subtracted from) the starting point of the gradient - - - - - - - Tu zaczynaj - Tu zaczynaj - Start point of the gradient colors - The gradient starts at the start point (e.g. North). The repeat distance determines if and how ofthen the gradient colors are repeated. If starting from southern points, the upper color is actually at the button - - - - - - - Licznik - Licznik - Wewnętrzne statystyki liczą jak często używana była jednostka. - Do użytku wewnętrznego - - - - - - - Statystycznie trwa - Statystycznie trwa - Internal statistics how many seconds a process took - For internal use - - - - - - - Poziom zakładki - Poziom zakładki - Hierarchical Tab Level (0 = top) - Hierarchical level of the tab. If the level is 0, it is the top entity. Level 1 entiries are dependent on level 0, etc - - - - - - - Koszt standardowy - Koszt standardowy - Koszt standardowy - - - - - - - - Data wyceny - Data wyceny - Data wyceny - - - - - - - - Cena minimalna - Cena minimalna - Cena minimalna - - - - - - - - Wartość z cennika - Wartość z cennika - Wartość z cennika - - - - - - - - Szacowanie ceną zamówienia własnego - Szacowanie ceną zamówienia własnego - Szacowanie ceną zamówienia własnego - - - - - - - - Szacowanie ceną standardową - Szacowanie ceną standardową - Szacowanie ceną standardową - - - - - - - - Średni koszt dla łącznej kwoty - Średni koszt dla łącznej kwoty - Średni koszt dla łącznej kwoty - Średni koszt dla łącznej kwoty - - - - - - - Średni koszt dla łącznej ilości - Średni koszt dla łącznej ilości - Średni koszt dla łącznej ilości - Średni koszt dla łącznej ilości - - - - - - - Suma kosztu standardowego w zamówieniu własnym - Suma kosztu standardowego w zamówieniu własnym - Suma kosztu standardowego w zamówieniu własnym - Standardowy koszt liczony dla całkowitek kwoty w planowanym zamówieniu własnym. - - - - - - - Łączna ilość kosztu standardowego w zamówieniu własnym - Łączna ilość kosztu standardowego w zamówieniu własnym - Łączna ilość kosztu standardowego w zamówieniu własnym - Standardowy koszt liczony dla całkowitek kwoty w rzeczywistym zamówieniu własnym. - - - - - - - Suma kosztu standardowego w zamówieniu własnym - Suma kosztu standardowego w zamówieniu własnym - Suma kosztu standardowego w zamówieniu własnym - Standardowy koszt liczony dla całkowitek kwoty w planowanym zamówieniu własnym. - - - - - - - Łączna ilość kosztu standardowego w zamówieniu własnym - Łączna ilość kosztu standardowego w zamówieniu własnym - Łączna ilość kosztu standardowego w zamówieniu własnym - Standardowy koszt liczony dla łączej ilości w planowanym zamówieniu własnym - - - - - - - ID pozycji - ID pozycji - ID pozycji transakcji wewnętrzej - Internal link - - - - - - - PPV Offset - PPV Offset - Konto odchyleń marży - Konto odchyleń marży - - - - - - - Cena ostatniej faktury - Cena ostatniej faktury - Cena produktu na ostatniej fakturze - Cena za produkt na ostatniej fakturze. - - - - - - - Suma faktury - Suma faktury - Suma faktury - Na podstawie sumy faktury liczona jest całkowita średnia cena. - - - - - - - Całkowita ilość - Całk. il. - Całkowita ilość na fakturze - Na podstawie całkowitej ilości na fakturze liczona jest całkowita średnia cena. - - - - - - - Upust na pozycjach - Upust na pozycjach - Upust nie zawiera podatków i opłat. - Jeżeli upust z kwot płatności wyliczona jest wyłącznie w oparciu o pozycje kwot, nie dotyczy podatków i opłat. Tak stosuje się w USA. Jeśli nie została wybrana zniżkę liczy się od całkowitej sumy faktury. - - - - - - - Stałe ograniczenie cenowe - Stałe ograniczenie cenowe - Stałe ograniczenie cenowe - - - - - - - - Stały cennik - Stały cennik - Stały cennik - - - - - - - - Stała cena standardowa - Stała cena standardowa - Stała cena standardowa, nie liczona. - - - - - - - - Ustaw przyszłe koszty na - Ustaw przyszłe koszty na - Set the Future costs to the selection - - - - - - - - Ustaw koszt standardowy - Ustaw koszt standardowy - Ustaw koszt standardowy na podstawie prognozy przyszłości. - - - - - - - - Odchylenie kosztowe faktury - Odchylenie kosztowe faktury - Odchylenie kosztowe faktury - Odchylenie kosztowe między kosztem na fakurze a standardowym. - - - - - - - Odchylenie kosztowe w zamówieniu własnym - Odchylenie kosztowe w zamówieniu własnym - Odchylenie kosztowe w zamówieniu własnym - Odchylenie kosztowe w zamówieniu własnym między kosztem zamówienia a standardowym. - - - - - - - Całkowity zafakturowany koszt - Całkowity zafakturowany koszt - Całkowity zafakturowany koszt - - - - - - - - Wiadomość - Wiadomość - Wiadomość systemu - Wiadomość informacyjna lub o błędzie. - - - - - - - Ułamkowa jednostka miary - Ułamek - Ułamkowa jednostka miary - Jeśli to możliwe, możesz włączyć ułamkową jednostkę miary. - - - - - - - Przypisane od - Przypisane od - Przypisane od - Początek przypisania - - - - - - - Przypisane do - Przypisane do - Przypisane do - Koniec przypisania - - - - - - - Data powstania kosztu - Data wydatku - Data wydatku - Data wydatku - - - - - - - Data raportu - Data raportu - Data raportu czasu/wydatku - Data raportu czasu/wydatku - - - - - - - Początek okresu - Początek okresu - Time when timeslot ends - Ending time for time slots - - - - - - - Początek okresu - Początek okresu - Początek okresu - Czas rozpoczęcia okresu - - - - - - - Kwota wydaktów - Kwota wydaktów - Kwota wydatków - Kwota wydatku w walucie. - - - - - - - Dostępny - Dostępny - Zasób dostępny - Zasób dostępny w celu przypisania. - - - - - - - Potwierdzony - Potwierdzony - Przypisanie jest potwierdzone - Przypisanie zasobu jest potwierdzone. - - - - - - - Okresy dzienne - Okresy dzienne - Zasób jest dostępny na określone dni - Zasób jest dostępny na określone dni (nie może być na mniej niż jeden dzień) - - - - - - - Czas raportu - Czas raportu - Czas raportu (nie wydatku) - Pozycja zawiera wyłącznie informacje o czasie. - - - - - - - Dostępne okresowo - Dostępne okresowo - Zasób dostępny okresowo. - Zasób dostępny jest okresowo. - - - - - - - Piątek - Piątek - Dostępny w piątek. - - - - - - - - Poniedziałek - Poniedziałek - Dostępny w poniedziałek. - - - - - - - - Sobota - Sobota - Dostępny w sobotę. - - - - - - - - Niedziela - Niedziela - Dostępny w niedzielę. - - - - - - - - Czwartek - Czwartek - Dostępny w czwartek. - - - - - - - - Wtorek - Wtorek - Dostępny we wtorek. - - - - - - - - Środa - Środa - Dostępny w środę. - - - - - - - - Typ koszu - Typ koszu - Typ zapisu kosztu. - - - - - - - - Zasób - Zasób - Zasób - - - - - - - - Przypisanie zasobu - Przypisanie zasobu - Przypisanie zasobu - - - - - - - - Typ zasobu - Typ zasobu - - - - - - - - - Zasób niedostępny - Zasób niedostępny - - - - - - - - - Raport wydatków - Raport wydatków - Raport czasu i wydatków - - - - - - - - Pozycja wydatku - Pozycja wydatku - Pozycja czasu i wydatku. - - - - - - - - Tylko pojedynczy wybór - Tylko pojedynczy wybór - Only one assignment at a time (no doble-booking or overlappong) - If selected, you can ony have one assignment for the resource at a single point in time. It is also not possible to have overlapping assignments - - - - - - - Sortuj wg - Sortuj wg - Sortuj wg - Kolumna wg której nastąpi sortowanie - - - - - - - Zawiera kolumnę - Zawiera kolumnę - Kolumna określa czy kolumna tabeli zawiera się w zamówieniu. - Jeśli określono Zawiera kolumnę, decyduje o aktywności kolumny w zamówieniu. W przeciwnym wypadku kolumna zamówienia ma wartość 1 lub więcej. - - - - - - - Kolor wydruku - Kolor wydruku - Kolor wydruku - Kolor wydruku - - - - - - - Czcionka wydruku - Czcionka wydruku - Maintain Print Font - Font used for printing - - - - - - - Format wydruku - Format wydruku - Format wydruku - The print format determines how data is rendered for print - - - - - - - Zawiera format wydruku - Zawiera format wydruku - Zawiera format wydruku - Included Print formats allow to e.g. Lines to Header records. The Column provides the parent link - - - - - - - Format wydruku pozycji - Format wydruku pozycji - Przedmiot/kolumna w formacie wydruku. - Przedmiot/kolumna w formacie wydruku utrzymuje informacje o planie. - - - - - - - Papier - Papier - Definowanie formatów kartek papieru - Definowanie formatów kartek papieru, marginesów etc. - - - - - - - Wyrównywanie pola - Wyrównywanie pola - Field Text Alignment - Alignment of field text. The default is determined by the data/display type: Numbers are right alighned, other data is left aligned - - - - - - - Utwórz kopię - Utwórz kopię - - - - - - - - - Margines stopki - Margines stopki - Margines stopki w 1/72 cala (około 0,352mm). - Distance from the bottom of the main content to the end of the printable page in 1/72 of an inch (point) - - - - - - - Margines nagłówka - Margines nagłówka - Margines nagłówka w 1/72 cala (około 0,352mm) - Distance from the top of the printable page to the start of the main content in 1/72 of an inch (point) - - - - - - - Formularz - Formularz - If Selected, a Form is printed, if not selected a columnar List report - A form has individual elements with layout information (example: invoice, check) -<br> -A columnar list report has individual columns (example: list of invoices) - - - - - - - Grupuj wg - Grupuj wg - After a group change, totals, etc. are printed - Grouping allows to print sub-totals. If a group changes, the totals are printed. Group by columns need to be included in the sort order - - - - - - - Tylko jedna - Tylko jedna - Drukuje tylko jedną pozycję - If the column has a width restriction, the text is broken into multiple lines. If One Line is selected, only the first line is printed - - - - - - - Wygląd wydruku - Wygląd wydruku - Orientacja wydruku - - - - - - - - Następna linia - Następna linia - Drukuj następną pozycję - Jeśli nie wybrano, będzie drukował tą samą pozycję. - - - - - - - Surtuj wg - Surtuj wg - Sortuj według - Zapisy są sortowane według wartości kolumny. Jeśli kolumna grupuje, należy załączyć tak samo sortowanie. - - - - - - - Względna pozycja - Względna pozycja - Względna pozycja przedmiotu. - Względna pozycja przedmiotu określona jest przez położenie X-Z i następną pozycję. - - - - - - - Zamówienia - Zamówienia - Tabela określa zamówienie. - - - - - - - - Standardowy header/footer - Standardowy header/footer - The standard Header and Footer is used - If the standard header is not used, it must be explicitly defined - - - - - - - Na podst tabeli - Na podst tabeli - Na podst tabeli - Table based columnar list reporting is invoked from the Window Report button - - - - - - - Maksymlana wysokość - Maksymlana wysokość - Maksymalna wysokość 1/72 cala (około 0,352mm) - 0 = brak ograniczeń. - Maksymalna wysokość elementu 1/72 cala (około 0,32mm). Dla 0, nie ma ograniczeń w wysokości. - - - - - - - Max szerokość - Max szerokość - Maksymalna szerokość 1/72 cala (około 0,352mm) - 0 = brak ograniczeń. - Maksymalna szerokość elementu 1/72 cala (około 0,32mm). Dla 0, nie ma ograniczeń w szerokości. - - - - - - - Pozycja X - Pozycja X - Pozycja bezwzględna w 1/72 cala (około 0,352mm). - Pozycja bezwzględna w 1/72 cala (około 0,352mm). - - - - - - - Odstęp poziomo - Odstęp poziomo - Względny odstęp poziomy 1/72 cala (około 0,352mm). - Względny odstęp poziomy w 1/72 cala (około 0,352mm) w relacji z końcem poprzedniej rzeczy. - - - - - - - Y pozycji - Y pozycji - Pozycja bezwzględna w 1/72 cala (około 0,352mm). - Pozycja bezwzględna w 1/72 cala (około 0,352mm). - - - - - - - Odstęp pionowy - Odstęp pionowy - Względny odstęp pionowy 1/72 cala (około 0,352mm). - Względny odstęp pionowy w 1/72 cala (około 0,352mm) w relacji z końcem poprzedniej rzeczy. - - - - - - - Wyrównywanie - Wyrównywanie - Wyrównywanie - Wyrównywanie dla względnego pozycjonowania. - - - - - - - Obszar - Obszar - Obszar wydruku - Obszar wydruku - - - - - - - Typ formatu - Typ formatu - Typ formatu wydruku - Typ formatu wydruku określa co będzie drukowane. - - - - - - - Cena na fakturze - Cena na fakturze - Jednostka ceny zafakturowana lub 0 jako cena domyślna. - Jednostka ceny w walucie kontrahenta. Dla 0 używa się standardowej ceny na liście sprzedaży kontrahenta. - - - - - - - Nadpłaty/niedopłata - Nadpłaty/niedopłata - Kwota nadpłacona/niedopłaty - Kwota nadpłacona (negatywna) jest nieulokowana i pozwala otrzymać pieniąze na więcej niż jedną fakturę. Niedopłata (pozytywna) to część płatności faktury. Nie wykreślaz kwoty niezapłaconej. - - - - - - - Kwota nadpłacona/niedopłaty - Kwota nadpłacona/niedopłaty - Kwota nadpłacona/niedopłaty - Kwota nadpłacona (negatywna) jest nieulokowana i pozwala otrzymać pieniąze na więcej niż jedną fakturę. Niedopłata (pozytywna) to część płatności faktury. Nie wykreślaz kwoty niezapłaconej. - - - - - - - Format wydruku czeków - Format wydruku czeków - Format wydruku używany do wydruku czeków - Format wydruku używany do wydruku czeków - - - - - - - Format wydruku wezwania do zapłaty - Format wydruku wezwania do zapłaty - Należy zdefiniować Format wydruku aby wydrukować dokument. - - - - - - - - Format wydruku faktury - Format wydruku faktury - Format wydruku dla drukowania faktur. - Należy zdefiniować Format wydruku aby wydrukować dokument. - - - - - - - Format wydruku zamówienia - Format wydruku zamówienia - Format wydruku dla Zamówień, zapytań, ofert. - Należy zdefiniować Format wydruku aby wydrukować dokument. - - - - - - - Format wydruku wpłaty - Format wydruku wpłaty - Format wydruku wpłaty - Należy zdefiniować Format wydruku aby wydrukować dokument. - - - - - - - Format wydruku dla dokumentów załadunku - Format wydruku dla dokumentów załadunku - Format wydruku dla przewozu, paragonu, list wyboru. - Należy zdefiniować Format wydruku aby wydrukować dokument. - - - - - - - Nie - Nie - - - - - - - - - Co - Co - - - - - - - - - Kiedy - Kiedy - - - - - - - - - Numer kierunkowy - Nr kier. - Numer kierunkowy - Numer kierunkowy - - - - - - - Miasto - Miasto - Miasto - Miasto - - - - - - - Współrzędne - Współrzędne - Miejsce współrzednych - Kolumna zawiera umiejscowienie współrzędnych geograficznych (szerokość, długość). Aby uniknąć niepotrzebnego użycia cech niestandardowych i przestrzeni, używa się następującej standardowej prezentacji 0000N 0000W 0000S 0000E, gdzie dwie ostatnie cyfry odnoszą się do minut, a dwa lub trzy pierwsze cyfry oznaczają stopnie. - - - - - - - Locode - Locode - Location code - UN/LOCODE - UN/Locode is a combination of a 2-character country code and a 3-character location code, e.g. BEANR is known as the city of Antwerp (ANR) which is located in Belgium (BE). -<p>See: http://www.unece.org/cefact/locode/service/main.htm - - - - - - - Załączony obraz - Załączony obraz - Do wydruku, obraz jest załączony do zapisu - Obraz, który ma być wydrukowany, przechowywany jest w bazie danych jako załącznik do zapisu. Obraz może być gif, jpeg lub png. - - - - - - - Oblicz średnią - Oblicz średnią - Licz średnią zawartość lub długość - Jeżelipole jest numeryczne, licz średnią danych. W przeciwnym wypadku licz średnią długość pola. - - - - - - - Oblicz ilość - Oblicz ilość - Licz liczbę nie pustych elementów - Licz całkowitą ilość nie pustych elementów (maksymalna liczba to ilość pozycji). - - - - - - - Kwota słownie - Słownie - Kwota słownie - Kwota słownie na wydrukach - - - - - - - Powitanie wstępne kontrahenta - Powitanie wstępne kontrahenta - Powitanie wstępne kontrahenta - - - - - - - - Powitanie - Powitanie - Powitanie kontrahenta - - - - - - - - Nazwa kontaktu - Nazwa kontaktu - Nazwa kontaktu do kontrahenta - - - - - - - - Typ dokumentu - Typ dokumentu - Typ dokumentu - - - - - - - - Uwaga do typu dokumentu - Uwaga do typu dokumentu - Uwaga do typu dokumentu - - - - - - - - Multi językowe dokumenty - Multi językowe dokumenty - Multi językowe dokumenty - Umożliwia multi językowe dokumenty i tłumaczy jednostki używane w dokumentach (przykład: produkty. terminy płatności, ...). Językiem bazowym jest zawsze angielski. - - - - - - - Ustaw miejsce nowej pozycji - Ustaw miejsce nowej pozycji - Ustaw miejsce nowej pozycji - When enabled, the current x (horizontal) Position before printing the item is saved. The next New Line will use the saved x (horizontal) Position, enabling to print data in columns. -The setting is not restricted to an area (header, content, footer), allow - - - - - - - Nie pokazuj pustych - Nie pokazuj pustych - Nie pokazuj pustych kolumn lub elementów. - Jeśli wejście jest puste, pole nie jest drukowane (łącznie z etykietą). Jeżeli wszystkie elementy w tabeli są puste, kolumna nie jest drukowana. - - - - - - - Termin zapłaty - Termin zapłaty - Termin zapłaty - - - - - - - - Uwaga do terminu zapłaty - Uwaga do terminu zapłaty - Uwaga do terminu zapłaty - - - - - - - - Opis zasobu - Opis zasobu - Opis alokacji zasobów. - - - - - - - - Obroty - Obroty - Obroty - - - - - - - - Dostępny kredyt - Dostępny kredyt - Dostępny kredyt - - - - - - - - Wykres - Wykres - Wykres dołączony w raportach. - Wykres kołowy/liniowy wydrukowany w raportach. - - - - - - - Format wydruku tabeli - Format wydruku tabeli - Format tabeli w zapisach - Format wydruku tabeli określa fonty, kolor wyruku tabeli. - - - - - - - Poniżej kolumny - Poniżej kolumny - Print this column below the column index entered - This column is printed in a second line below the content of the first line identified. Please be aware, that this is depends on the actual sequence. Enter a 1 to add the info below the first column - - - - - - - Dane kolumny 2 - Dane kolumny 2 - Dane kolumny do wykresu liniowego - Dodatkowa kolumna danych do wykresu liniowego/słupkowego. - - - - - - - Dane kolumny 3 - Dane kolumny 3 - Dane kolumny do wykresu liniowego - Dodatkowa kolumna danych do wykresu liniowego/słupkowego. - - - - - - - Dane kolumny 4 - Dane kolumny 4 - Dane kolumny do wykresu liniowego - Dodatkowa kolumna danych do wykresu liniowego/słupkowego. - - - - - - - Dane kolumny 5 - Dane kolumna 5 - Dane kolumny do wykresu liniowego - Dodatkowa kolumna danych do wykresu liniowego/słupkowego. - - - - - - - Dane kolumny - Dane kolumny - Dane kolumny do wykesu kołowego i liniowego - Dane kolumny do wykesu kołowego i liniowego - - - - - - - Opis kolumny - Opis kolumny - Opis kolumny do wykresu kołowego/liniowego/słupkowego - Opis kolumny do wykresu kołowego/liniowego/słupkowego. - - - - - - - Font funkcji - Font funkcji - Font funkcji - Font funkcji - - - - - - - Kolor tła funkcji - Kolor tła funkcji - Kolor tła funkcji - Kolor tła funkcji. - - - - - - - Kolor funkcji - Kolor funkcji - Function Foreground Color - Foreground color of a function row - - - - - - - Typ wykresu - Typ wykresu - Typ wykresu - Typ wykresu. - - - - - - - Font nagłówka - Font nagłówka - Font nagłówka - Font nagłówka tabeli. - - - - - - - Kolor nagłówka - Kolor nagłówka - Kolor nagłówka tabeli - Kolor nagłówka tabeli - - - - - - - Kolor tła nagłówka - Kolor tła nagłówka - Kolor tła nagłówka - Kolor tła nagłówka - - - - - - - Kolor nagłówka - Kolor nagłówka - Foreground color if the table header row - Table header row foreground color - - - - - - - Maluj ramkę - Maluj ramkę - Maluj ramkę - Maluj ramkę - - - - - - - Maluj ramkę poziomo - Maluj ramkę poziomo - Maluj ramkę poziomo - Maluj ramkę poziomo - - - - - - - Maluj ramkę pionowo - Maluj ramkę pionowo - Maluj ramkę pionowo - Maluj ramkę pionowo - - - - - - - Drukuj symbole funkcji - Drukuj symbole funkcji - Drukuj symbole dla funkcji (suma, średnia, licz) - Jeśli wybrano, drukuj symbole. W przeciwnym wypadku, drukuj nazwy funkcji. - - - - - - - Kolor linii - Kolor linii - Kolor lini tabeli - Kolor lini tabeli - - - - - - - Lokalizacja jedn. org - Adres - Lokalizacja lub adres jedn. org - - - - - - - - Lokalizacja magazynu - Lokalizacja magazynu - Lokalizacja lub adres magazynu - Lokalizacja lub adres magazynu - - - - - - - Kod kontrahenta - Kod kontrahenta - Kod kontrahenta - Kod kontrahenta - - - - - - - Stała szerokość - Stała szerokość - Kolumna ma stałą szerokość. - Kolumna ma stałą szerokość, niezależnie od zawartości. - - - - - - - Następna strona - Następna strona - Kolumna jest drukowana na następnej stronie - Zanim wydrukuje kolumnę, nastąpi przerwa na stronie. - - - - - - - Generowanie wezwań do zapłaty (?) - Generowanie wezwań do zapłaty (?) - Wezwanie do zapłaty - - - - - - - - Element wezwania do zapłaty (?) - Element wezwania do zapłaty (?) - Wejście wezwania - - - - - - - - Pozycja wezwania do zapłaty (?) - Pozycja wezwania do zapłaty (?) - Pozycja wezwania do zapłaty - - - - - - - - Sprawdź wybór płatności - Sprawdź wybór płatności - Sprawdź wybór płatności - - - - - - - - Data wezwania do zapłaty (?) - Data wezwania do zapłaty (?) - Data wezwania - - - - - - - - Aktwa - Aktywa - Aktywo używane wewnętrznie lub przez klienta. - - - - - - - - Doradca ds. sprzedaży - Doradca ds. sprzedaży - - - - - - - - - Dolny margines - Dolny margines - Dolny margines w 1/72 cala (około 0,352 mm) - Dolny margines w 1/72 cala (około 0,352 mm) - - - - - - - Lewy margines - Lewy - Lewy margines w 1/72 cala (około 0,352 mm) - Lewy margines w 1/72 cala (około 0,352 mm) - - - - - - - Prawy magines - Prawy - Prawy margines w 1/72 cala (około 0,352 mm) - Prawy margines w 1/72 cala (około 0,352 mm) - - - - - - - Górny margines - Górny - Margines górny w 1/72 cala (około 0,352 mm) - Margines górny w 1/72 cala (około 0,352 mm) - - - - - - - Urodziny - Urodziny - Urodziny lub data rocznicy - Urodziny lub data rocznicy - - - - - - - Popieraj - data - Popieraj - data - Date the contact opted out - If the field has a date, the customer opted out (unsubscribed) and cannot receive mails for the Interest Area - - - - - - - Obszar zainteresowania - Obszar zainter. - Obszar zainteresowania lub temat - Obszar zainteresowania wskazuje z czym związany jest dany kontakt. Może zostać użyty np w kampaniach marketingowych - - - - - - - Typ zapytania - Typ zapytania - Typ zapytania (np. zapytanie ofertowe, skarga, ..) - Typy zapytania używane w procesie zapytań i kategoryzacji zapytań. Opcje i Zapytanie księgowe, Gwarancja, etc. - - - - - - - Data podpisu - Data podpisu - Data złożenia podpisu - Data złożenia podpisu. - - - - - - - Konto email - Konto email - User ID in the Mail System - The user id in the mail system is usually the string before the @ of your email address. Required if the mail server requires authentification to send emails - - - - - - - Hasło email użytkownika - Hasło email użytkownika - Hasło email użytkownika - Wymagane, gdy serwer wymaga autoryzacji do wysłania email. - - - - - - - Autoryzacja SMTP - Autoryzacja SMTP - Czy serwer mailowy wymaga autoryzacji. - Przed wysłaniem email niektóre serwery wymagają autoryzacji. Jeśli tak, użytkownicy muszą zdefiniować swoją nazwę użytkownika i hasło. Jeśli autoryzacja jest wymagana bez podawania nazwy użytkownika i hasła, email nie zostanie dostarczony. - - - - - - - Typ produktu - Typ produktu - Typ produktu - Typ produktu określa również konsekwencje księgowania. - - - - - - - System - System - Definicja systemu - Powszechna defnicja systemu - - - - - - - Numer identyfikacyjny partnera - Nr ident. partnera - Numer identyfikacyjny partnera dla procesora płaności. - - - - - - - - Użytkownik - Użytkownik - Użytkownik odpowiedzialny za system - Osoba odpowiedzialna za system - - - - - - - Numer identyfikacyjny dostawcy - Nr ident. dostawcy - Numer identyfikacyjny dostawcy dla procesora płatności. - - - - - - - - Pozycja odniesienie do zamówienia - Odniesienie do zamówienia obcego/własnego - Odniesienie do zamówienia obcego/własnego - Odniesienie do zamówienia obcego/własnego i odwrotnie. - - - - - - - Klucz kontrahenta - Klucz kontrahenta - Klucz kontrahenta - - - - - - - - Opis kontaktu - Opis kontaktu - Opis kontaktu - - - - - - - - Konto domyślne - Konto domyślne - Nazwa kolumny domyślnego księgowania - - - - - - - - Nazwa elementu - Nazwa elem. - Nazwa elementu - - - - - - - - Klucz elementu - Klucz elem. - Klucz elementu - - - - - - - - Importuj kontrahenta - Imp. kontr. - - - - - - - - - Importuj konto - Importuj konto - Importuj wartość konta - - - - - - - - Importuj produkt - Importuj produkt - Importuj produkt lub usługę - - - - - - - - Import Report Line Set - Import Report Line Set - Import Report Line Set values - - - - - - - - Producent - Producent - Producent produktu - Producent produktu (używane, gdy różni się od kontrahenta/dostawcy). - - - - - - - Klucz kategorii produktu - Klucz kategorii produktu - - - - - - - - - Report Line Set Name - Report Line Set Name - Name of the Report Line Set - - - - - - - - Prawo własności - Pr. własn. - Kwota za autorstwo, prawa własności (copyright, etc). - - - - - - - - Opis URL - Opis URL - URL dla opisu. - - - - - - - - Kasuj stare importowane zapisy - Kasuj stare imp. - Zanim przetworzysz, kasuj stare importowane zapisy w tabeli importowej. - - - - - - - - Klucz grupy kontrahenta - Klucz gr. kontr. - Klucz grupy kontrahenta - - - - - - - - Konto nadrzędne - Konto nadrzędne - Konto nadrzędne - - - - - - - - Klucz rodzica - Klucz rodzica - Klucz rodzica - - - - - - - - Aktualnij domyślność księgowania - Akt. domyśl. księg. - Aktualnij domyślność księgowania - - - - - - - - Utwórz nowe konto - Utwórz nowe konto - Tworzenie nowego konta - - - - - - - - Dostawa aktywa - Dostawa - Dostawa aktywa - Dostępność aktywa dla kontrahenta (klienta). - - - - - - - Grupa aktywa - Grupa akt. - Grupa aktywa - Określa domyślne księgowanie. Przy wybraniu grupy aktywa w kategorii produktu, tworzone są aktywa przy ich dostarczaniu. - - - - - - - Likwidacja aktywa - Likw. aktywa - Aktywo używane na własne potrzeby przestało być używane ze względu na okres użytkowania. - - - - - - - - Data umorzenia aktywa - Data umorz. akt. - Data ostatniego umorzenia aktywa - Data ostatniego umorzenia akywa używanego na własne potrzeby i umarzanego. - - - - - - - Data likwidacji - Data likwidacji - Data likwidacji/pozbycia się aktywa. - - - - - - - - Wartość rynkowa - Wart. rynkowa - Wartość rynkowa aktywa - Dla zapisu, wartość rynkowa aktywa. - - - - - - - Data oddania od użytku - Data oddania od użytku - Data oddania od użytku - Data oddania od użytku - zwykle rozpoczyna proces umarzania wartości. - - - - - - - Wartość aktywa - Wart. aktywa - Wartość aktywa - - - - - - - - Data ważności - Data ważności - Data ważności przydatności - Data objęcia gwarancją lub upływu ważności. - - - - - - - Dni gwarancji - Dni gwarancji - Ilość dni gwarancji lub ważności - Dla wartości 0, nie ma limitu przydatności lub objęcia gwarancją, w przeciwnym przypadku data gwarancji liczona jest przez dodanie dni do dni dostawy. - - - - - - - Zużywane - Zużywane - Aktywo będzie zużyte - Aktywo używane jest na własne potrzeby, będzie umorzone/zamortyzowane. - - - - - - - Nie ma na stanie - Nie ma na stanie - Pozbyto się aktywa - Aktywo nie jest już używane, pozbyto się go. - - - - - - - W posiadaniu - W posiadaniu - Organizacja posiada aktywo. - Aktywa nie będące w posiadaniu są np. u klienta oraz mogą lub nie muszą być własnością przedsiębiorstwa. - - - - - - - Własność - Własność - Aktywo jest włanością organizacji - Organizacja nie musi posiadać aktywa, ale jest jej prawnym właścicielem. - - - - - - - Okres zużycia - Okr. zuż. - Jednostki zużycia aktywa, po którym traci ono swą przydatność. - Okres zużycia i bieżące zużycie mogą służyć do wyznaczenia stawki/kwoty amortyzacji. - - - - - - - Komentarz do miejsca - Komentarz do miejsca - Dodatkowe komentarze lub uwagi odnośnie miejsca. - - - - - - - - Klasa szkolenia - Klasa szkolenia - Klasa szkolenia - Klasa w rozkładzie szkoleń. - - - - - - - Szkolenie - Szkolenie - Powtórzenie szkolenia - Szkolenie może obejmować wiele klas. - - - - - - - Okres zużycia - miesiące - Okr. zuż. (mc) - Okres zużycia aktywa w miesiącach. - - - - - - - - Okres zużycia - lata - Okr. zuż. (l) - Okres zużycia aktywa w latach. - - - - - - - - Jednostki zużycia - Jedn. zużycia - Jednostki zużycia aktywa. - - - - - - - - Numer wersji - Nr wersji - Numer wersji - - - - - - - - Potwierdzenie dostawy - Potw. dost. - Potwierdzenie email o dostawie. - - - - - - - - Całkowicie umorzony - Całk. umorzony - Aktywo całkowicie umorzone - Aktywo jest całkowicie umorzone, zamortyzowane. - - - - - - - Numer identyfikacyjny wiadomości - Nr ident. wiad. - Email numer identyfikacyjny wiadomości - Numer identyfikacyjny SMTP w celu śledzenia celu. - - - - - - - Email PDF - Email PDF - Email Invoice PDF files to customer - - - - - - - - Kol_1 - Kol_1 - - - - - - - - - Kol_2 - Kol_2 - - - - - - - - - Kol_3 - Kol_3 - - - - - - - - - Kol_4 - Kol_4 - - - - - - - - - Kol_5 - Kol_5 - - - - - - - - - Kol_6 - Kol_6 - - - - - - - - - Kol_7 - Kol_7 - - - - - - - - - Kol_8 - Kol_8 - - - - - - - - - Kol_9 - Kol_9 - - - - - - - - - Kol_10 - Kol_10 - - - - - - - - - Kol_11 - Kol_11 - - - - - - - - - Kol_12 - Kol_12 - - - - - - - - - Kol_13 - Kol_13 - - - - - - - - - Kol_14 - Kol_14 - - - - - - - - - Kol_15 - Kol_15 - - - - - - - - - Kol_16 - Kol_16 - - - - - - - - - Kol_17 - Kol_17 - - - - - - - - - Kol_18 - Kol_18 - - - - - - - - - Kol_19 - Kol_19 - - - - - - - - - Kol_20 - Kol_20 - - - - - - - - - Biblioteka - Bibl. - Biblioteka dokumentów serwera aplikacji - Serwer aplikacji przechowuje dokumenty. Ścieżka/biblioteka ma dostęp do serwera aplikacji i nie musi być dostępna dla firm. - - - - - - - Mail faktury - Mail faktury - Tekst emaila przy wysłaniu faktury. - Standardowy tekst emaila wysłany z fakturą. - - - - - - - Mail zamówienia - Mail zamówienia - Tekst mail wysłany z zapytaniem i informacjami o zamówienie. - Tekst mail wysłany z zapytaniem i informacjami o zamówienie. - - - - - - - Remittance Mail Text - Remittance Mail Text - Email text used for sending payment remittances - Standard email template used to send remittances as attachments. - - - - - - - Wyślij email - Wyślij email - Wysyła dokument email. - Wysyła emaile z dołączonymi dokumentami (np. faktura, nota o dostawie, etc.). - - - - - - - Tekst emaila - Tekst emaila. - Tekst email do wysłania uwag o dostawach. - Standardowy tekst email dołączany do uwag o dostawie. - - - - - - - Poczta na temat terminu ważności - Poczta n/t term. ważn. - Wysyła email do kontrahentów z wskazaną datą ważności. - - - - - - - - Odtworzony - Odtworzony - - - - - - - - - Numer poziomu - Nr poz. - - - - - - - - - Lista źródeł - Lista źródeł - Lista źródeł pozycji zapisów - Lista źródeł księgowych dla wybranych sald księgowych. - - - - - - - Lista transakcji - Lista trans. - Lista transakcji - Pozycje źródłowych zapisów w liście transakcji. - - - - - - - Kol_0 - Kol_0 - - - - - - - - - Stan - Stan - - - - - - - - - Print Label Suffix - Label Suffix - The label text to be printed on a document or correspondence after the field - The Label to be printed indicates the name that will be printed on a document or correspondence after the field. The max length is 60 characters. - - - - - - - Kraj księgowania - Kraj - Kraj - Kraj księgowania - - - - - - - Web Parameter 1 - WebParam1 - Web Site Parameter 1 (default: header image) - The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam1 - By default, it is positioned on the upper left side with 130 pixel width. - - - - - - - Web Parameter 2 - WebParam2 - Web Site Parameter 2 (default index page) - The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam2 - By default, it is positioned after the header on the web store index page. - - - - - - - Web Parameter 3 - WebParam3 - Web Site Parameter 3 (default left - menu) - The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam3 - By default, it is positioned at the end in the menu column with 130 pixel width. - - - - - - - Web Parameter 4 - WebParam 4 - Web Site Parameter 4 (default footer left) - The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam4 - By default, it is positioned on the left side of the footer with 130 pixel width. - - - - - - - Web Order EMail - Web Order EMail - EMail address to receive notifications when web orders were processed - When processig a web order, a confirmation is sent to the EMail addess of the customer from the request EMail address copying this email address when entered. - - - - - - - Rozkład płatności za faktury - Rozk. płat. za faktury - Rozkład płatności za faktury - Rozkład płatności za faktury - - - - - - - Rozkład płatności - Rozk. płatn. - Rozkład płatności - Informacja kiedy płatności są wymagane. - - - - - - - Licznik - Licznik - Licznik - Licznik - - - - - - - Data ze zniżką - Data zniżki - Data płatności ze zniżką - Data płatności ze zniżką. - - - - - - - Kwota płatności - Kw. płatn. - Kwota płatności - Cała kwota płatności - - - - - - - Data płatności - Data płatn. - Data płatności - Data płatności,bez odsetek za poterminowe uregulowanie. - - - - - - - Ważny - Ważny - Element jest ważny - Element przeszedł sprawdzian ważności. - - - - - - - Net Day - Net Day - Day when payment is due net - When defined, overwrites the number of net days with the relative number of days to the the day defined. - - - - - - - Procent - Proc. - Procent całej kwoty - Procent kwoty (do 100). - - - - - - - Cel URL - Cel URL - URL jako cel - URL ośrodka celu. - - - - - - - Basket Line - Basket Line - Web Basket Line - Temporary Web Basket Line - - - - - - - Web Click - Web Click - Individual Web Click - Web Click Datails - - - - - - - Click Count - Click Ccount - Web Click Management - Web Click Management - - - - - - - Counter Count - Counter Count - Web Counter Count Management - Web Counter Information - - - - - - - Multiplier AP - Multiplier AP - Payables Multiplier - - - - - - - - Data ważności - Data ważn. - Produkt ma swoją datę ważności lub datę gwarancji. - Należy określić datę gwarancji/ważności poszczególnych produktów. - - - - - - - Pzykładowa cecha - Pzykładowa cecha - Cecha produktu jest specifką przykładowego produktu (jak numer seryjny, numer serii czy data ważności) - Jeżeli został wybrany, poszczególny przykładowy produkt ma cechę, jak poszczególną serię lub numery serii lub datę ważności. Jeżeli nie został wybrany, wszystkie przykłady produktu mają tą samą cechę (np. kolor=zielony). - - - - - - - Seria - Seria - Przykłady produktu ma numer serii - Należy określić numery serii dla poszczególnych produktów. - - - - - - - Numer seryjny - Nr seryjny - Przykładowy produkt ma numery seryjne - Należy określić numery seryjne dla poszczególnych produktów. - - - - - - - Cecha - Cecha - Cecha produktu - Cecha produktu jak kolor, rozmiar. - - - - - - - Ustawienie cechy - Ust. cechy - Ustawienie cechy produktu - Dodaje dodatkowe cechy i wartości produktom. Należy zdefiniować Ustawienie cechy, aby umożliwić numerowanie śledzenia serii. - - - - - - - Cecha ustawienia demo - Cecha ustawienia demo - Cecha produktu w ustawieniu demo - Wartości cech produktu. - - - - - - - Wartość cechy - Wartość cechy - Wartość cechy produktu - Indywidualna wartość cechy produktu (np. zielony, duży..). - - - - - - - Seria - Seria - Seria produktów - Indywidualna seria produktu - - - - - - - Kontrola serii - Kontr. serii - Kontrola serii produktu - Tworzy numery serii produktom. - - - - - - - Numer kontrolny serii - Nr kontr. serii - Numer kontrolny serii produktów - Tworzy numery seryjne dla produktów. - - - - - - - Cecha wyszukiwania - Cecha wyszukiwania - Common Search Attribute - Attributes are specific to a Product Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple attributes and want to search under a common sttribute, you define a search sttribute. Example: have one Size search attribute combining the values of all different sizes (Size for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The Attribute Search allows you to have all values available for selection. This eases the maintenance of the individual product attribute. - - - - - - - Zakładka w zakładce - Zakładka w zakładce - Zamiast pokazywać pozycje powiązane w drugiej zakładce pokaż od razu listę pozycji w tej samej zakładce - Zamiast pokazywać pozycje powiązane w drugiej zakładce pokaż od razu listę pozycji w tej samej zakładce - - - - - - - Drukuj etykietę - Drukuj etykietę - Format wydruku etykiety. - Format wydruku etykiety. - - - - - - - Drukuj pozycję etykiety - Pozycja etykiety - Format pozycji drukowania etykiet - Format pozycji na etykiecie. - - - - - - - Sesja - Sesja - Sesje użytkowników online lub WWW - Sesje użytkowników online lub WWW - - - - - - - Typ listy materiałowej - Typ listy materiałowej - Typ listy materiałowej - Typ części listy materiałowej. Częśc standardowa jest zawsze zawarta w liście materiałowej. Część opcjonalna może być wybrana w "Kompozycji listy materiałowej" - - - - - - - Kontrahent nadrzędny - Kontrahent nadrzędny - Kontrahent nadrzędny - Kontrahent nadrzędny - - - - - - - Faza standardowa - Faza stand. - Faza standardowa typu projektu - Faza projektu z informacją o standardowym przetworzeniu o standardowej pracy. - - - - - - - Typ projektu - Typ proj. - Typ projektu - Typ projektu z wariantem faz projektu, z inforamcją o standardowym przetworzeniu. - - - - - - - Okresowy - Okresowy - Dokument okresowy - Dokumenty okresowe - - - - - - - Uruchomienia dok. okresowych - Uruchomienia dok. okresowych - Uruchomienia dok. okresowych - Historia uruchomień dokumentów okresowych - - - - - - - Zobowiązana ilość - Zob. il. - Zobowiązana ilość - Zobowiązana ilość jest niezależna od planowanej kwoty. Używa się planowanej kwoty do realnych szacunków, które mogą różnić się od kwoty zobowiązanej. - - - - - - - Kopiuj - Kopiuj - Kopiuj z zapisu - Kopiuj z zapisu - - - - - - - Download URL - Download URL - URL of the Download files - Semicolon separated list of URLs to be downloaded or distributed - - - - - - - Kontrahent - Kontrahent - Kontrahent na fakturze - Jeśli nie wypełniony, faktura będzie wystawiona na kontrahenta odpowiedzialnego za przewóz dostawy. - - - - - - - Miejsce na fakturze - Miejsce - Miejsce kontrahenta podane na fakturze. - - - - - - - - Konktakt na fakturze - Kontakt - Kontakt do kontrahenta podany na fakturze. - - - - - - - - Twórz rozkaz - Twórz rozkaz - Twórz rozkaz - - - - - - - - Importuj inwentarz - Imp. inwen. - Importuj transakcje na inwentarzu. - - - - - - - - Kwota zafakturowana - Kw. zafaktr. - Kwota zafakturowana - Kwota zafakturowana - - - - - - - Ilość zafakturowana - Il. zafaktr. - Ilość zafakturowana. - - - - - - - - Utrzymuj dziennik zmian - Dziennik zmian - Utrzymuje dziennik zmian - Utrzymywany jest dziennik wszystkich zmian. - - - - - - - Ukończone - Ukończ. - Ukończone - Ukończone - - - - - - - Typ formatu etykiety - Typ form. etykiety - Typ formatu etykiety - - - - - - - - Wysokość etykiety - Wys. etykiety - Wysokość etykiety - Wysokość etykiety - - - - - - - Szerokość etykiety - Szer. etykiety - Szerokość etykiety - Szerokość etykiety - - - - - - - Nazwa drukarki - Nazwa drukarki - Nazwa drukarki - Wewnętrzna (Zarządzająca systemem) nazwa drukarki; zauważ, że nazwa drukarki może być inna dla różnych klientów. Włącz nazwę drukarki, gdyż ma zastosowanie do wszystkich firm (np. drukarka na serwerze). Jeśli nie jest włączona, używa się drukarki domyślnej. Przy logowaniu podajesz drukarkę domyślną. Można również zmienić ustawienie drukarki domyślnej w Preferencjach. - - - - - - - Tekst maila - Tekst maila - Standardowy tekst maila projektu - Standardowy tekst maila projektu. - - - - - - - Format Wydruku Projektu - Format Wydr. Proj. - Format Wydruku Projektu - Format Wydruku Projektu - - - - - - - Stan projektu - Stan projektu - Stan projektu - Suma wszystkich faktur i płatności. - - - - - - - Tpp dokumentu okresowego - Tpp dokumentu okresowego - Tpp dokumentu okresowego - Tpp dokumentu okresowego do utworzenia - - - - - - - Uruchomień - Uruchomień - Ile uruchomień łącznie ma zostać wykonanych - Ile uruchomień łącznie ma zostać wykonanych - - - - - - - Pozostało urchomień - Pozostało urchomień - Ile jeszcze uruchomień pozostało - Ile jeszcze uruchomień pozostało - - - - - - - Ilość standardowa - Il. stand. - Ilość standardowa - - - - - - - - Sesja WWW - Sesja WWW - Numer identyfikacyjny sesji WWW. - - - - - - - - Dziennik zmian - Dziennik zmian - Dziennik zmian danych - Dziennik zmian danych - - - - - - - Tekst reklamy - Tekst rekl. - Tekst reklamy - The text of the advertisement with optional HTML tags. The HTML tags are not checked for correctness and may impact the remaining page. - - - - - - - Zmienione przez użytkownika - Zmienione przez użytkownika - Pozycja zmieniona przez użytkowniaka, którego dotyczy - Samoobsługa pozwala na na wprowadzanie i zmienianie danych przez użytkowników ich własnych danych. Ten znacznik wskazuje, że ta pozycja była zmieniana przez użytkownika. - - - - - - - Loguj - Log - - - - - - - - - Nowa wartość - Nowa wart. - Pole nowej wartości - Nowa wartość w polu. - - - - - - - Stara wartość - Stara wart. - Pole starej wartości - Stara wartość w polu. - - - - - - - Numer identyfikujący proces - Nr ident. proces - - - - - - - - - Przetwarzaj wiadomości - Przetwarzaj wiadomości - - - - - - - - - Reklama - Rekl. - Reklama na stronach WWW - Reklama na stronach WWW - - - - - - - Klucz magazunu - Klucz mag. - Klucz magazunu - Klucz magazunu - - - - - - - Typ kosztu - Typ kosztu - Typ kosztu - - - - - - - - Przypisanie organizacji - Przyp. organ. - Przypisanie organizacji - Przypisanie do organizacji (centrum kosztów) - - - - - - - Faza projektu - Faza projektu - Faza projektu - - - - - - - - Zadanie projektu - Zad. proj. - Bieżące zadanie projektu w fazie - Zadanie projektu w fazie projektu świadczy o bieżącej pracy. - - - - - - - Standardowe zadanie - Stand. zad. - Typ zadania standardowego projektu - Zadanie standardowego projektu w fazie projektu ze skutkiem standardowym. - - - - - - - Ilość za opłatą - Ilość za opłatą - - - - - - - - - Opłata za przechowanie - Opłata za przechowanie - Opłata za przechowanie - Kwota i ilość zobowiązania jest pobieraną kwotą i ilością maksymalną. Nie pobierana, gdy ich wartość wynosi 0. - - - - - - - Koszty bezpośrednie - Koszty bezp. - Koszty bezpośrednie - Związane bezpośrednio z procesem produkcji/przetwarzania. - - - - - - - Zabraniaj dostępu - Zabraniaj - Zabraniaj dostępu do danych dla określonej roli. - Jeżeli zostało wybrane, dana grupa/rola nie ma dostępu do danych. Jeżeli nie zostało wybrane, rola/grupa ma dostęp do danych tylko jeżeli dane zostały jej udostępnione. Wyłączenie ma charakter negatywny. Oznacza to, że użytkownik nie ma dostępu do wskazanych danych. - - - - - - - Planowane koszty - Planowane koszty - Planowane koszty - Planowane/budżetowane koszty. - - - - - - - Planowane koszty zasobów - Planowane koszty zasobów - Planowane koszty zasobów - Planowane/budżetowane koszty zasobów. - - - - - - - Typ czasu - Typ czasu - Typ czasu zapisanego - Różnicuj typy czusu do zapisywania przyczyn (podobnie przy Działaniach). - - - - - - - Klucz księgowania - Klucz księgowania - Klucz księgowania - - - - - - - - Nazwa planu kont - Nazwa planu kont - Nazwa planu kont - - - - - - - - Action SQL Row Processing - Action SQL Row Processing - Process Row by Row (not Set processing) - - %TODO% - - - - - - Action SQL Set Processing - Action SQL Set Processing - Przetwarzaj zbiór SQL (nie wiersz po wierszu) - - %TODO% - - - - - - Ostrzeżenie - Ostrz. - Ostrzeżenie - Określa warunki, kiedy chcesz, by system Cię ostrzegał. - - - - - - - Zasada ostrzegania - Zas. ostrz. - Definicja elementu ostrzeżenia. - - - - - - - - Temat ostrzeżenia - Temat ostrz. - Temat ostrzeżenia - Temat ostrzeżenia wysłanego drogą email. - - - - - - - Tekst ostrzeżenia - Tekst ostrz. - Tekst ostrzeżenia - Tekst ostrzeżenia wysłany drogą email. - - - - - - - Nr rachunku bankowego - Nr rach. bank. - Nr rachunku bankowego - - - - - - - - Opis grupy - Opis grupy - Opis grupy - - %TODO% - - - - - - Numer grupy dokumentów - Nr gr. dok. - Numer grupy dokumentów - - %TODO% - - - - - - Klucz kontrahenta - Klucz kontrahenta - Klucz kontrahenta - - - - - - - - Nazwa kategorii - Nazwa kat. - Nazwa kategorii. - - - - - - - - Nazwa opłaty - Nazwa opłaty - Nazwa opłaty - - - - - - - - Klucz firmy - Klucz firmy - Klucz firmy - - - - - - - - Nazwa typu dokumentu - Nazwa typu dok. - Nazwa typu dokumentu. - - - - - - - - Administuje bezpieczeństwem firm - Admin. bezp. firm - Wysyła ostrzeżenia do odbiorców wyłącznie, gdy bezpieczeństwo firmy na to pozwala. - - - - - - - - Administruje rolą zabezpieczeń - Administruje rolą zabezpieczeń - Wysyła ostrzeżenia do odbiorców wyłącznie, gdy bezpieczeństwo danych na to pozwala. - - - - - - - - Część FROM - Część FROM - Część FROM zapytania SQL - - - - - - - - Import wyciągów - Import wyciągów - Import wyciągów - - - - - - - - Import księgi głównej - Import księgi głównej - Import księgi głównej - - - - - - - - Import zamówień - Import zamówień - Import zamówień - - - - - - - - Import płatności - Import płatności - Import płatności - - - - - - - - Numer faktury - Nr faktury - Numer faktury - - - - - - - - Opóźnione pobranie - Opóźnione pobranie - Opóźnione pobranie kwoty z konta - Opóźnione pobranie kwoty z konta. Może być wymagane w przypadku dostawy towaru. Kwota jest blokowana na koncie klienta do czasu wysłania towaru. Dopiero wtedy zostaje ściągnięta należność - - - - - - - Pozycja opisu - Pozycja opisu - Pozycja opisu - - - - - - - - Klucz lokalizacji - Klucz lokalizacji - Klucz lokalizacji magazynu - Klucz lokalizacji magazynu - - - - - - - Frachtunek - Fracht. - Kurs frachtunku - Kurs frachtunku przewoźnika. - - - - - - - Kategoria frachtunku - Kat. fracht. - Kategoria frachtunku - Kategoria frachtunku wylicza frachtunek, by wybrać przewoźnika. - - - - - - - Memo - Memo - Tekst memo - - - - - - - - Numer przewożonych opakowań - Nr opakowań - Numer przewożonych opakowań - - - - - - - - Klucz transakcji organizacji - Klucz transakcji organizacji - Klucz transakcji organizacji - - - - - - - - Klucz organizacji - Klucz organizacji - Klucz organizacji - - - - - - - - Klucz terminu płatności - Klucz terminu płatności - Klucz terminu płatności - - - - - - - - Wybierz datę - Wybierz datę - Wybierz datę przewozu. - - - - - - - - Klucz projektu - Klucz projektu - Klucz projektu - - - - - - - - Authorization Code (DC) - Authorization Code (DC) - Authorization Code Delayed Capture returned - The Authorization Code indicates the code returned from the electronic transmission. - %TODO% - - - - - - Automat sprawdzający kod karty kredytowej - Automat sprawdzający - Automat sprawdzający kod karty kredytowej - Automat sprawdzający kod karty kredytowej. - - - - - - - Odniesienie do opłaty za przewóz - Odniesienie do opłaty za przewóz - Odniesienie do opłaty za przewóz - Wskazuje zwrotne odniesienie płatności z karty kredytowej. - - - - - - - Numer uwolnienia - Numer uwolnienia - Wewnętrzny numer uwolnienia. - - - - - - - - Data przewozu - Data przewozu - Data/czas przewozu - Bieżąca data/czas przewozu (załadunku). - - - - - - - Jednostki wsparcia - Jednostki wsparcia - Numer jednostek wsparcia Compiera. - Można dokupić jednostki wsparcia od Adempiere. Opłata wynosi 10 dla użytkowników wewnętrznych. Liczbą starych jednostek wsparcia jest tu wyświetlana. - - - - - - - Swipe - Swipe - Track 1 and 2 of the Credit Card - Swiped information for Credit Card Presence Transactions - %TODO% - - - - - - Nr śledzenia - Nr śledzenia - Nr śledzenia przewozu. - - - - - - - - Śledzenie URL - Śledzenie URL - URL przewoźnika w celu śledzenia przewozu - Zmienny Nr śledzenia URL jest zastąpione przez aktualny numer śledzenia przewozu. - - - - - - - Importuj fakturę - Importuj fakturę - Importuj fakturę - - - - - - - - Lista wartości - Lista wartości - Cecha ma wstępną listę wartości - Jeśli cecha ma wstępną listę wartości, można ją wybrać przez wybranie jedną z ważnych wartości. W przeciwnym wypadku włącz ręcznie wartość cechy. - - - - - - - Replikacja - Replikacja - Cel replikacji danych - Cel replikacji danych. Przechowywany na serwerze centralnym. - - - - - - - Dziennik replikacji - Dziennik replikacji - Szczegóły dziennika replikacji danych - Dziennik replikacji danych. - - - - - - - Uruchom replikację - Uruchom replikację - Uruchom replikację danych - Informacja o uruchomieniu replikacji danych. - - - - - - - Strategia replikacji - Strategia replikacji - Strategia replikacji danych - Strategia replikacji danych określa co i w jaki sposób tabela jest replikowana. - - - - - - - Tabela replikacji - Tabela replikacji - Tabela informacyjna danych replikacji. - Określa jak tabela jest replikowana. - - - - - - - Zreplikowany - Zreplikowany - Powiodło się zreplikowanie danych. - Powiodło się zreplikowanie danych. - - - - - - - Okno zamówienia własnego - Okno zam. wł. - Okno zamówienia własnego - Okno zamówienia własnego - - - - - - - Typ replikacji - Typ replikacji - Typ replikacji - Typ replikacji danych określa kierunek replikacji danych. Odniesienie oznacza, że dane w systemie można wyłącznie czytać. Miejscowe oznacza, że dane w systemie nie można replikować do innych systemów. Integruj oznacza, że dane w systemie są synchronizowane z innym systemem. - - - - - - - Zewnętrzni - Zewn. - Użytkownicy zewnętrzni mogą czytac terminy - Czy użytkownicy zewnętrzni mogą czytać/przeglądać terminy. Użytkownicy zewnętrzni to użytkownicy bez roli w systemie. Użyj zasad bezpieczeństwa w celu zwiększenia kontroli dostępu. - - - - - - - Dostępne z zewnątrz - Dost. z zewn. - Użytkownicy zewnętrzni mogą wprowadzać terminu - Użytkownicy zewnętrzni mogą zapisywać/tworzyć terminy. Użytkownicy zewnętrzni to użytkownicy bez roli w systemie. Użyj zasad bezpieczeństwa w celu zwiększenia kontroli dostępu. - - - - - - - Kategoria - Kategoria - Kategoria wiedzy - Ustaw kategorie wiedzy i wartości jako pomoc wyszukiwania. Przykładem jest Wersja uwolniona, Powierzchnia produktu, etc. Wartości kategorii wiedzy zachowują się jak hasła. - - - - - - - Wartość kategorii - Wartość - Wartość kategorii - Wartość kategorii jest hasłem. - - - - - - - Komentarz terminu - Komentarz - Komentarz do terminu - Komentarz do terminu - - - - - - - Termin - Termin - Termin - Przeszukiwalny termin w bazie wiedzy - - - - - - - Termin powiązany - Termin powiązany - Termin powiązany z tym terminem - Termin powiązany z tym terminem - - - - - - - Żródło wiedzy - Żródło wiedzy - Żródło wejścia wiedzy - Źródło wejścia wiedzy wskazuje system rozpoczęcia. Szerzej zobacz: Wejście wiedzy ma dodatkowe wejście (Opis URL). - - - - - - - Synonim wiedzy - Synonim wiedzy - Synonim wiedzy - Wyszukuje synonimów haseł wiedzy. Na przykład: produkt = rzecz, przedmiot. - - - - - - - Temat wiedzy - Temat - Temat wiedzy - Temat lub dyskusja. - - - - - - - Typ wiedzy - Typ - typ wiedzy - Wiedza - Typ ma wiele tematów. - - - - - - - Hasła - Hasła - Lista haseł oddziela spacja, przecinek lub średnik - Lista haseł wyszukiwania, oddziela spacja, przecinek lub średnik. - - - - - - - Synonim - Synonim - Synonim dla nazwy - Synonim poszerza możliwości wyszukiwania. - - - - - - - Tunel przez HTTP - Tunel przez HTTP - Kontaktuj się z serwerem poprzez tunelHTTP - Kontaktuje się z serwerem poprzez tunel HTTP, w przeciwnym przypadku używa RMI/JNP. - - - - - - - Test - Test - Wykonaj w teście. - - - - - - - - ID Range End - ID End - End if the ID Range used - The ID Range allows to restrict the range of the internally used IDs. Please note that the ID range is NOT enforced. - %TODO% - - - - - - ID Range Start - ID Start - Start of the ID Range used - The ID Range allows to restrict the range of the internally used IDs. The standard rages are 0-899,999 for the Application Dictionary 900,000-999,999 for Application Dictionary customizations/extensions and > 1,000,000 for client data. The standard system limit is 9,999,999,999 but can easily be extended. The ID range is on a per table basis. -Please note that the ID range is NOT enforced. - %TODO% - - - - - - Replikuj firmę - Replikuj firmę - Zdalna firma do zsynchronizowania - Zdalna firma do zsynchronizowania - - - - - - - Replikuj organizację - Replikuj org. - Zdalna jednostka organizacyjna do replikacji i synchronizacji danych - Zdalna jednostka organizacyjna do replikacji i synchronizacji danych. Jeżeli nie jest wybrana wszystkie jednostki organizacyjne zostaną zsynchronizowane/zreplikowane - - - - - - - Nr identyfikacyjny języka - Nr ident. języka - - - - - - - - - Projekt - Projekt - Nazwa projektu - - - - - - - - Faza projektu - Faza projektu - Nazwa fazy projektu - - - - - - - - Typ projektu - Typ projektu - Typ projektu - - - - - - - - Nazwa obiegu - Obieg - Nazwa projektu obiegu. - - - - - - - - Nazwa kroku obiegu - Krok obiegu - Nazwa kroku obiegu projektu. - - - - - - - - Typ zamówienia obcego/własnego. - Typ zamówienia obcego/własnego. - Podatek od sprzedaży dotyczy sytuacji sprzedaży, podatek od zakupu dotyczy sytuacji zakupu. - Podatek od sprzedaży: pobierany przy sprzedaży, przykład: od obrotu sprzedazy, VAT. Podatek od zakupu: pobierany przy zakupie, przykład: od zużycia, VAT. - - - - - - - Tylko dane - Tylko dane - Waliduj dane, nie przetwarzaj. - - - - - - - - Imprtuj bez błędów - Import bez błędów - Rozpocznij import, gdy nie ma błędów walidacji. - - - - - - - - Dokumentacja jednostki - Dok. jedn. - Dokumentacja jednostki (niezależna od kont jednostki). - - - - - - - - Numer dokumentu w Dzienniku - Nr dok. - Numer dokumentu w Dzienniku - - - - - - - - Załącz aktywo - Załącz aktywo - Załącz aktywo wysłane drogą email. - - - - - - - - Numer dostawy - Nr dostawy - Numer dostawy - - - - - - - - Informacje w sklepie WWW - Informacje w sklepie WWW - Informacje w nagłówku sklepu WWW - Wyświetl domyślnie informacje HTML w nagłówku sklepu WWW. - - - - - - - Web Parameter 5 - Web Param 5 - Parametr nr 5 sklepu WWW (domyślna stopka) - The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam5 - By default, it is positioned in the center of the footer. - %TODO% - - - - - - Web Parameter 6 - Web Parm 6 - Parametr nr 6 sklepu WWW - The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam6 - By default, it is positioned on the right side of the footer. - %TODO% - - - - - - Kwota minimalna - Min. - Kwota minimalna w dokumencie walutowym. - - - - - - - - Project Issue - Project Issue - Project Issues (Material, Labor) - Issues to the project initiated by the "Issue to Project" process. You can issue Receipts, Time and Expenses, or Stock. - %TODO% - - - - - - Kategoria projektu - Kat. projektu - Kategoria projektu - Kategoria projektu określa zachowanie projektu: ogólnie - zwykłe księgowanie, np. Sprzedaż wstępna lub ogólne śledzenie; Usługi - zwykłe księgowanie, np. Usługi/Zarządzanie projektami; Porządek pracy - tworzy transakcje Projektu/zawód WIP - możliwość wysłania materiałów; Aktywa - tworzy transakcje Projekt aktywów - możliwość wysłania materiałów. - - - - - - - Zamówienie własne - Zamówienie własne - Zamówienie własne - - - - - - - - Status kredytowy - Status kredytowy - Status kredytowy - Jedynie dla dokumentacji. - - - - - - - Połącz w jeden dokument - Połącz - Połącz pozycje w jeden dokument. - - - - - - - - Jedynie opis - Opis - Pozycja jest wyłącznie opisem, nie transakcją - Jeżeli pozycja jest wyłącznie opisem, na przykład niepoprawny jest inwentarz produktów. W dokumencie nie tworzone są transakcje księgowe ani dokument nie zawiera kwot ani sum w celu włączenia pozycji opisu szczegółów, na przykład Porządek pracy. - - - - - - - Kalkulacja ceny - Kalkulacja ceny - - - - - - - - - Zamknij dokument - Zamknij - Zamknij dokument - - - - - - - - Etykieta - Etykieta - Definicja drukarki etykiet. - - - - - - - - Funkcja drukarki etykiet. - Funkcja drukarki etykiet. - Funkcja drukarki etykiet. - - - - - - - - Rejestracja - Rejestracja - System rejestracji - System rejestracji pomaga Compierowi zainstalować bazę. - - - - - - - Sprawdzanie emaili - Sprawdzanie emaili - Sprawdzanie adresu email - Pole zawiera dane o sprawdzeniu adresu email. - - - - - - - Klucz szyfrowania - Klucz szyfrowania - Klucz szyfrowania zabezpiecza zawartość danych - Zauważ, że zmiena klucza spowoduje nieczytelność wszystkich zaszyfrowanych danych. - - - - - - - Stopka na środku - Stopka na środku - Zawiera środkową część stopki. - - - - - - - - Stopka z lewej - Stopka z lewej - Zawiera lewą część stopki. - - - - - - - - Stopka z prawej - Stopka z prawej - Zawiera prawą część stopki. - - - - - - - - Prefix funkcji - Prefix funkcji - Dane wysłane przed funkcją. - - - - - - - - Suffix funkcji - Suffix funkcji - Dane wysłane po funkcji. - - - - - - - - Minimalny termin ważności - Min. gwarancji - Minimalny termin ważności - Wybierając paczkę/produkty objęte datą ważności, automatycznie wybierana jest paczka/produkty z minimalna pozostałą ilością dni ważności. Można wybrać również dowolną paczkę/produkty ręcznie. - - - - - - - Nagłówek na środku - Nagłówek na środku - Zawiera środkową część nagłówka. - - - - - - - - Nagłówek po lewej - Nagłówek po lewej - Zawiera lewą część nagłówka. - - - - - - - - Nagłówek po prawej - Nagłówek po prawej - Zawiera prawą część nagłówka. - - - - - - - - Branża - Branża - Informacje o branży (profesjonalna obsługa, dystrybucja umeblowania, etc) - Opis branży tak precyzyjnie jak tylko możliwe. - - - - - - - Typ rożnicy inwentaryzacji - Typ różnicy inwentaryzacji - Typ różnicy inwentaryzacji - Typ różnicy inwentaryzacji określa używane konta. Domyślne konto różnicy określa magazyn. Można również wybrać dowolne inne. Umożliwia księgowanie na konta prywatne lub nadzwyczajne braki w inwentarzu. - - - - - - - Może publikować - Ogłoszona - Można ogłosić informację, nie tylko statystyczne podsumowanie. - - - - - - - - Może eksportować - Wysyła - Użytkownicy mogą wysyłać dane - Przestrzegaj możliwości wysyłania danych. - - - - - - - Może tworzyć raporty - Tworzy raporty - Użytkownicy mogą tworzyć raporty - Przestrzegaj możliwości zapisywania danych. - - - - - - - W produkcji - W produkcji - System w produkcji - - - - - - - - Licz maksymum - Licz max - Licz kwotę maksymalną - Licz maksimum (↑) danych dla numerycznego pola, w przeciwnym wypadku maksymalną długość pola. - - - - - - - Licz minimum - Licz min. - Licz kwotę minimalną - Licz minimum (↓) danych dla numerycznego pola, w przeciwnym wypadku minimalną długość pola. - - - - - - - Dostęp osobisty - Dostęp osobisty - Dostęp do wszystkich osobistych zapisów. - Użytkownicy mają dostęp do zablokowanych zapisób jako osobiste. - - - - - - - Blokuj osobiste - Blokuj osobiste - Pozwala zablokować dostęp do pozycji osobistych. - Użytkownicy mogą zabezpieczyć dostęp innym do zapisów osobistych. Gdy zapis jest zablokowany, zobaczyć zapisy mogą wyłącznie użytkownicy lub osoby, które mogą przeczytać zablokowane zapisy. - - - - - - - Zarejestrowany - Zarejestr. - Załącznik zarejestrowany. - - - - - - - - Suma na stronie - Suma na stronie - Suma na stronie - Suma na stronie tworzy sumę na końcu strony i początku następnej wszystkich kolumn z funkcją sumy. Określ tylko raz format. - - - - - - - Pokaż opcje księgowania - Pokaż księgowanie - Użytkownicy mogą zobaczyć informacje o księgowaniu - Zabezpiecza dostęp do informacji o księgowaniu. - - - - - - - Pozycja bezwzględna XY - Pozycja bezwzględna XY - Funkcja jest pozycją XY. - Pozycje funkcji do następnej operacji wydruku. - - - - - - - Razem - Razem - Suma brutto - Kwota z podatkiem - - - - - - - Występuje - Wyst. - Typ występowania danych (limit wyświetlania). - - - - - - - - Informacja o systemie - Informacja o systemie - Informacja o systemie firmy i serwera - Informacja o systemie firmy i serwera [System operacyjny, RAM, Dyski, procesor] - - - - - - - Suma na stronie - Suma na stronie - Licz sumę na stronie. - Aby wydrukować wszystkie ponumerowane razem pozycje, utwórz sumę na stronie z przerwą, a następnie włącz numerowanie pozycji na stronie. Ilość pozycji na stronie należy określić tylko raz . - - - - - - - Separator XY - Separator XY - Separator między X i Y. - - - - - - - - Opis sprawy - Opis sprawy - Opis sprawy - - - - - - - - Pozycja sprawy - Pozycja sprawy - Numer pozycji sprawy - - - - - - - - Pozycja marży - Marża - Pozycja marży - kwota planowana minus koszty. - - - - - - - - Typ dostępu - Typ dostępu - Typ dostępu dla tej zasady - Przestrzegając wejścia do jednostki, nie można go Raportować ani Exportować (mając wejście nie można ani raportować ani wysyłać danych). Zasady tworzenia zapisów czy Wysyłanie są obwarowane większą ilością zakazów, kiedy masz dostęp. - - - - - - - Jednostki zależne - Jednostki zależne - Dostęp w jednostkach zależnych - Dołącz również zależne jednostki organizacyjne. Prosze być swiadomym, że rodzi to za soba poważne konsekwencje i jest pożądane tylko w określonych warunkach. - %TODO% - - - - - - Dane znakowe - Dane znakowe - Długie pole typu znakowego - - %MAREK% - - - - - - Utwórz płatność - Utwórz płatność - - - - - - - - - EFT Memo - EFT Memo - Electronic Funds Transfer Memo - Information from EFT media - %TODO% - - - - - - EFT Payee - EFT Payee - Electronic Funds Transfer Payee information - Information from EFT media - %TODO% - - - - - - EFT Payee Account - EFT Payee Account - Electronic Funds Transfer Payyee Account Information - Information from EFT media - %TODO% - - - - - - EFT Reference - EFT Reference - Electronic Funds Transfer Reference - Information from EFT media - %TODO% - - - - - - EFT Trx ID - EFT Trx ID - Electronic Funds Transfer Transaction ID - Information from EFT media - %TODO% - - - - - - EFT Trx Type - EFT Trx Type - Electronic Funds Transfer Transaction Type - Information from EFT media - - - - - - - Pozostały dni ważności - Pozostałe dni ważności - Pozostałe dni ważności przechowywania produktów na półce (minus minimalna ilość dni). - Pozostałe dni ważności przechowywania produktów na półce w porównaniu do dzisiaj minus minimalną ilość dni. (Data ważności - dzisiaj) - Minimalna ilość dni ważności. - - - - - - - Dostępna ilość - Dost. il. - Dostępna ilość (zapas - rezerwa) - Dostępna ilość = zapas - rezerwa. - - - - - - - Przechowywanie na półce % - Przech. na półce % - Przechowywanie produktów na półce w oparciu o datę ważności - (Termin ważności - dzisiaj)/dni ważności - - - - - - - Minimalny czas przechowywania produktów na półkach % - Min przechowywanie na półce % - Minimalny czas przechowywania produktów na półkach w oparciu o datę ważności przykładowego produktu, jako procent. - Minimalny czas przechowywania produktów na półkach. Gdy jest 0, nie można wybrać produktów z terminem przychowywanych na półce mniejszym niż minimalny ((dzień ważności - dziś)/dni objęcia terminem ważności), chyba że zostanie wybrany Pokaż wszystkie. - - - - - - - Termin Dzisiaj - Termin Dzisiaj - - - - - - - - - Termin Dzisiaj-30 - Termin Dzisiaj-30 - - - - - - - - - Termin Dzisiaj-7 - Termin Dzisiaj-7 - - - - - - - - - Termin 1-7 - Termin 1-7 - - - - - - - - - Termin 31-60 - Termin 31-60 - - - - - - - - - Termin > 31 - Termin > 31 - - - - - - - - - Termin 61-90 - Termin 61-90 - - - - - - - - - Termin > 61 - Termin > 61 - - - - - - - - - Termin 8-30 - Termin 8-30 - - - - - - - - - Termin > 91 - Termin > 91 - - - - - - - - - Minął termin 1-30 - Minął termin 1-30 - - - - - - - - - Minął termin 1-7 - Minął termin 1-7 - - - - - - - - - Minął termin 31-60 - Minął termin 31-60 - - - - - - - - - Minął termin > 31 - Minął termin > 31 - - - - - - - - - Minął termin 61-90 - Minął termin 61-90 - - - - - - - - - Minął termin > 61 - Minął termin > 61 - - - - - - - - - Minął termin 8-30 - Minął termin 8-30 - - - - - - - - - Minął termin > 91 - Minął termin > 91 - - - - - - - - - Minął termin - Minął termin - - - - - - - - - Lista faktur - Lista faktur - Lista faktur - - - - - - - - Obowiązkowa data gwarancji. - Obow. data gwarancji - Gdy tworzymy przykładowy produkt, wejście do daty gwarancji jest obowiązkowe. - - - - - - - - Seria obowiązkowa - Seria obow. - Gdy tworzymy przykładowy produkt, wejście do serii jest obowiązkowe. - - - - - - - - Obowiązkowy numer seryjny - Obow. nr seryjny - Gdy tworzymy przykładowy produkt, wejście do numeru seryjnego jest obowiązkowe. - - - - - - - - Minimalna ilość dni przechowywania produktu objętego gwarancją na półce - Min. ilość dni przechowywania na półce - Minimalna ilość dni przechowywania produktu objętego gwarancją na półce - Minimalna ilość dni przechowywania produktu objętego gwarancją na półce. Dla 0 nie można wybrać produktów z niższą od minimum ilością dni przechowywania ich na półce, chyba że wybrany zostanie Pokaż wszystkie.. - - - - - - - Dni gwarancji produktów na półkach - Dni gwarancji na półkach - Dni gwarancji produktów leżących na półkach - Dni gwarancji produktów leżących na półkach w porównaniu do dzisiaj. - - - - - - - NIP kontrahenta - NIP kontr. - Numer Identyfikacji Podatkowej kontrahenta. - - - - - - - - Niedowiezione - Niedowiezione - Ilość niedowieziona - Wartość oblicza się: ilość zamówiona - ilość dostarczona. - - - - - - - Strategia alokacji - Alokacja - Strategia alokacji - Alokacja transakcji wpływu i wypływu/rozchodu. - - - - - - - Rozchód - przewozy - Rozchód - przewozy - Rozchód - przewozy - - - - - - - - Rozchód - inwentaryzacja - Rozchód - inwentaryzacja - Rozchód - inwentaryzacja - - - - - - - - Pozycja rozchodu produktu - Pozycja rozchodu produktu - Pozycja rozchodu produktu - - - - - - - - Rozchód - Rozchód - Transakcja rozchodu/wypływu - - - - - - - - Licz odchylenie - Odchyblenie - Licz odchylenie standardowe - Odchylenie standardowe (σ) mierzy odchylenie - używane z kombinacją (μ) - - - - - - - Licz wariancję - Wariancja - Licz wariancję - Wariancja (σ²) mierzy odchylenie - używana z kombinacją (μ) - - - - - - - Promowany w sklepie WWW - Promowany w sklepie WWW - Jeżeli został wybrany, produkt jest wyświetlany w początkowym wyszukiwaniu lub kiedy nic w nim nie znaleziono. - Na wystawie sklepu WWW, produkt jest pokazany na pierwszym pokazie lub kiedy wyszukiwanie nie przyniosło rezultatów. Aby był pokazany, musi mieć określoną cenę. - - - - - - - Typ waluty - Typ waluty - Typ waluty - Typ kursu wymiany pozwala określić typ kursu, na przykład: Spot (natychmiastowy), Corporate (z firmami) lub/i kurs sprzedaży/kupna. - - - - - - - Kluczowy typ waluty - Typ wymiany waluty - Kluczowa wartość typu kursu wymiany waluty - Klucz typu daty wymiany waluty obcej, w której dokonywane są transakcje. - - - - - - - Magazyn - Magazyn - Nazwa magazynu - - - - - - - - Rozkład płatności ważny - Ważny rozkł. płat. - Czy rozkład płatności jest ważny - Czy rozkład płatności jest ważny - - - - - - - Numer identyfikacyjny oddziału - Nr ident. oddziału - Numer identyfikacyjny oddziału - Niektórym ładowarkom należy dostarczyć numer identyfikacyjny oddziału. - - - - - - - Mechanizm rozliczeniowy - Mechanizm rozliczeniowy - Automat rozliczeniowy do transakcji międzybankowych (SWIFT, OFX) - Automat rozliczeniowy bankowe transakcje finansowe np poprzez SWIFT (MT940) or OFX. - - - - - - - Format danych - Format danych - Format danych w formacie wejściowym - Fornat danych jest zwykle wykryty, chociaż czasem musi być zdefiniowany. - - - - - - - Kwota EFT - Kwota EFT - Kwota EFT - - %TODO% - - - - - - Numer czeku - Nr czeku - Numer czeku - Information from EFT media - - - - - - - EFT Currency - EFT Currency - Electronic Funds Transfer Currency - Information from EFT media - - - - - - - EFT Statement Date - EFT Statement Date - Electronic Funds Transfer Statement Date - Information from EFT media - - - - - - - EFT Statement Line Date - EFT Statement Line Date - Electronic Funds Transfer Statement Line Date - Information from EFT media - - - - - - - EFT Statement Reference - EFT Statement Reference - Electronic Funds Transfer Statement Reference - Information from EFT media - - - - - - - EFT Effective Date - EFT Effective Date - Electronic Funds Transfer Valuta (effective) Date - Information from EFT media - - - - - - - Nazwa pliku - Nazwa pliku - Nazwa miejscowego pliku lub URL - Nazwa pliku w miejscowej wyszukiwarce przestrzeni lub URL (file://.., http://.., ftp://..) - - - - - - - Numer identyfikacyjny instytucji finansowej - Nr ident. instyt. finans. - Numer identyfikacyjny instytucji finansowej - Niektóre ładowarki mogą wymagać nr identyfikacyjnego instytucji finansowych. - - - - - - - Numer dokumentu płatności - Nr dok. płatności - Numer dokumentu o płatności - - - - - - - - PIN - PIN - Numer Identyfikacyjny Osoby - - - - - - - - Data pozycji wyciągu - Data poz. wyciągu - Data pozycji wyciągu - - - - - - - - Statement Loader Class - Statement Loader Class - Class name of the bank statement loader - The name of the actual bank statement loader implementing the interface org.compiere.impexp.BankStatementLoaderInterface - - - - - - - Utwórz wskaźnik odwrotności - Utwórz odwrotność - Utwórz wskaźnik odwrotności z bieżących informacji - Jeżeli został wybrany. Dla każdego kursu tworzony jest rónież kurs odwrotny. Np na podstawie kursu USD do EUR toworzony jest również kuesr EUR do USD. - - - - - - - Importuj kurs - Importuj kurs - Importuj kurs walutowy - - - - - - - - Kod ISO waluty docelowej - Kod ISO docel. - Trzyliterowy kod ISO waluty docelowej - Trzyliterowy kod ISO waluty docelowej. Szczegóły na stronie - http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec09en.htm - - - - - - - Substytut użytkownika - Substytut użytkownika - Substytut użytkownika - Użytkownik, który może uzystakć prawa innego użytkownika. - - - - - - - Jednostka macierzysta - Jednostka macierzysta - Jednostka macierzysta - Jednostka macierzysta - - - - - - - Działanie Workflow - Działanie Wf - Działanie Wf - The Workflow Activity is the actual Workflow Node in a Workflow Process instance - - - - - - - Wynik działania Workflow - Wynik działania Wf - Wynik działania Workflow - Wynik wykonania przykładowego procesu Workflow. - - - - - - - Blokowanie Workflow - Blokowanie Wf - Blokowanie wykonanie transakcji Wf - Blokowanie wykonania jest wariantem i pozwala przetwarzać wszystkie prace w jedną transakcję. Jeśli jeden krok (działanie węzła) zawiedzie, cała praca wykonywana jest od początku. - - - - - - - Kontrola zdarzeń Workflow - Kontrola zdarzeń Wf - Kontrola zdarzeń Workflow - Historia zdarzeń aktywności procesu Workflow - - - - - - - Parametr węzła Workflow - Parametr węzła Wf - Parametr wykoniania węzła Workflow - Parametr wykoniania węzła Workflow - - - - - - - Proces Workflow - Proces Wf - Przykład wykonania Workflow - Przykład wykonania Workflow - - - - - - - Dane procesu Workflow - Dane procesu Wf - Zawartość procesu Wf - Zawiera informacje procesu i aktywności. - - - - - - - Odpowiedzialność za Workflow - Odpowiedz. za WF - Odpowiedzialność za wykonanie WF - Odpowiedzialność za wykonanie Wf ponosi bieżący użytkownik. - - - - - - - Nazwa cechy - Nazwa cechy - Nazwa cechy - Identyfikuje cechę - - - - - - - Wartość cechy - Wartość cechy - Wartość cechy - - - - - - - - Założyciel - Założyciel - Założyciel jednostki - - - - - - - - Koszt - Koszt - Koszt informacji - - - - - - - - Trwanie - Trwanie - Trwanie w jednostkach czasu trwania - Oczekiwany czas wykonania. - - - - - - - Jednostka czasu trwania - Jednostka czasu trwania - Jednostka czasu trwania - Jednostka czasu trwania wykonania zadania. - - - - - - - Sposób zakończenia - Sposób zakończenia - Sposób zakończenia - W jaki sposób system jest zarządzany na koncu działania. Automat wskazuje powrót kiedy wywołane aplikacje kończą sprawować kontrolę. W sposób ręczny użytkownik po prostu kończy działanie. - - - - - - - Limit czasu - Limit - Maksymalny czas trwania w jednostkach czasu. - Maksymalny (krytyczny) czas trwania zarządzania potrzebami (tj. rozpoczęcie zintensyfikowania procedur, etc.) w jednostkach czasu. - - - - - - - Typ odpowiedzialności - Typ odpowiedzialności - Typ odpowiedzialności za workflow - Type how the responsible user for the execution of a workflow is determined - - - - - - - Tryb startu - Tryb startu - Tryb startu - W jaki sposób rozpoczęte jest działanie. W sposób automatyczny uruchamiane jest przez system, a ręcznie przez użytkownika. - - - - - - - Wykonanie podprzepływu - Wykonanie podprzepływu - Wykonanie podprzepływu - - - - - - - - Kod przetworzenia - Kod przetworzenia - Kod wyniku jako PRAWDA lub FAŁSZ - Przetworzenie jest wykonane, jeśli kod wyniku jest PRAWDA (lub jest pusty). - - - - - - - Czas przygotowania - Czas przygotowania - Czas przygotowania - Czas przygotowania do wykonania zadania w jednostkach czasu. - - - - - - - Stan Workflow - Stan Workflow - Stan wykonania Workflow - - - - - - - - Czas wykonania - Czas wykonania - Symulacja wykonania Workflow - Czas wykonania zadania w jednostkach czasu - - - - - - - - Użytkownik nadpisu - Użytk. nadpisu - Nadpisuj ciągle dostępność do systemu - Jeżeli typ wejścia to Słownik lub Adempiere, a Użytkownik Nadpisu został wybrany, ustawienia danych nie przenosi się do standardowej dystrybucji. Nie pozwala to na nadpisanie żadnych ustawień, chociaż sprawia problemy przez podtrzymanie uzgodnień. - - - - - - - Łącz element - Łącz element - Znaczenie wielokrotności transakcji wpływu. - Znaczenie złożonych przemian wchodzących dla Węzła/Działania. I łączy wszystkie podobne nici - XOR wymaga jednej nici (bez synchronizacji). - - - - - - - Podział elementu - Podział - Znaczenie wielokrotności rozchodów. - Semantics for multiple outgoing Transitions for a Node/Activity. AND represents multiple concurrent threads - XOR represents the first transition with a true Transaition condition. - - - - - - - Status publikacji - Status publikacji - Status publikacji - Używany do dokumentów wewnętrznych. - - - - - - - Rejestracja - Rejestracja - Rejestracja aktywów użytkownika - Rejestracja aktywów użytkownika - - - - - - - Przymioty rejestracji - Przymioty rejestracji - Przymioty rejestracji aktywów - Przymioty rejestracji aktywów - - - - - - - Podatek łącznie - Podatek łącznie - Łączna kwota podatków - - - - - - - - Zaksięgowana - Zaksięgowana - Saldo walutowe w Planie Kont - - - - - - - - Kwota źródłowa - Kwota źródłowa - Saldo w walucie źródłowej - - - - - - - - Uaktualnij salda - Uaktualnij salda - Uaktualnij salda kont - - - - - - - - Tryb utrzymania - Tryb utrzymania - Tryb utrzymania języka - - - - - - - - Akceptuj polecenie zapłaty - Akceptuj polecenie zapłaty - Akceptuj debet (rozpoczęty przez sprzedawcę) - Akceptuj transakcje debetowe. Transakcje debetowe rozpoczął sprzedawca, który obiecał pobrać kwotę z konta wierzyciela. - - - - - - - Automat przypisujący wyciągi - Automat przypisujący wyciągi - Przypisuje informacje z wyciągu bankowego do kontrahentów, faktur i płatności. - Znajduje kontrahentów, faktury, płatności w otrzymanym wyciągu bankowym. - - - - - - - Przypisz wyciąg bankowy - Przypisz wyciąg bankowy - - - - - - - - - Grubość lini nagłówka - Grubość lini nagłówka - Grubość lini nagłówka - Grubość linii nagłóka w punktach. - - - - - - - Typ linii nagłówka - Typ linii nagłówka - Typ linii nagłówka - Typ linii wydruku. - - - - - - - Paint Header Lines - Header Lines - Paint Lines over/under the Header Line - If selected, a line is painted above and below the header line using the stroke information - - - - - - - Pozycja linii - Pozycja linii - Pozycja linii - Pozycja linii w punktach. - - - - - - - Typ lini - Typ lini - Typ lini - Typ lini na wydruku - - - - - - - Jednostki połączone - Jednostki połączone - Kontrahent jest inną jednostką w zrozumiałej wewnątrz-organizacyjnej transakcji. - Kontrahent jest inną jednostką w systemie. Kiedy tworzymy transakcje, dokument kasowy jest tworzony automatycznie. Przykład: Kontrahent A przypisany jest do jednostki A, kontrahent B przypisany jest do jednostki B. Tworząc zamówienie sprzedaży dla kontrahenta B w jednostce A, zamówienie zakupu jest tworzone dla kontrahenta A w jednostce B. Pozwala to posiadać przejrzystość wewnętrznej dokumentacji dla transakcji. - - - - - - - Typ organizacji - Typ org. - Nadaje kategorie organizacjom/jednostkom. - Nadaje kategorie organizacjom/jednostkom w celu zapisu. - - - - - - - Harmonogram zadań - Harmonogram zadań - Harmonogram zadań - Harmonogram zdań które mają być wykonane poźniej lub w regularnych okresach - - - - - - - Dziennik harmonogramu zadań - Dziennik harmonogramu zadań - Dziennik harmonogramu zadań - Dziennik harmonogramu zadań - - - - - - - Procesor Workflow - Procesor Wf - Serwer procesora Workflow - Serwer procesora Workflow - - - - - - - Dziennik Procesora workflow - Dziennik Procesora workflow - Dziennik Procesora workflow - Dziennik Procesora workflow - - - - - - - Bid - Bid - Bid for a Topic - You can create a bid for a topic. Depening on the type, the highest bidder wins the Topic - or you participate in funding for a Topic. - - - - - - - Bid Comment - Bid Comment - Make a comment to a Bid Topic - Everyone can give comments concerning a Bid Topic - e.g. Questions, Suggestions - - - - - - - Fundusze nabywcy - Fundusze nabywcy - Fundusze nabywcy na postawienie na temat - Available Funds (from Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds for Bids - - - - - - - Oferta - Oferta - Oferta na temat - Możesz zrobić ofertę na temat. - - - - - - - Fundusze sprzedawcy - Fundusze sprzedawcy - Fundusze sprzedawcy z ofert na temat - Fundusze dostępne, wykorzystane oraz niewykorzystane pochodzące z oferty. - - - - - - - Temat - Temat - Temat aukcji - Opis przedmiotu sprzedaży lub utworzenia. - - - - - - - Kategoria tematu - Kategoria tematu - Kategoria tematu aukcji - Dla typu tematu aukcji określ używaną kategorię. - - - - - - - Typ tematu - Typ tematu - Typ tematu aukcji - Typ tematu aukcji określa rodzaj aukcji na danej powierzchni. - - - - - - - Procesor księgowości - Procesor księgowości - Procesor księgowości/Parametry serwera - Procesor księgowości/Parametry serwera - - - - - - - Dziennik procesora księgowości - Dziennik procesora księgowości - Wynik wykonania Procesora księgowości - Wynik wykonania Procesora księgowości - - - - - - - Procesor w gotowości - Procesor w gotowości - Alert Processor/Server Parameter - Alert Processor/Server Parameter - - - - - - - Dziennik procesora ostrzeżeń - Dziennik procesora ostrzeżeń - Result of the execution of the Alert Processor - Result of the execution of the Alert Processor - - - - - - - Relacje partnerów - Relacje partnerów - Relacje partnerów - Utrzymaje zasady kierujące stosunkami między partnerami: którzy otrzymują faktury za załadunek lub płaci faktury. - - - - - - - Powiązany kontrahent - Powiązany kontrahent - Powiązany kontrahent - Przedstawiciel kontrahenta - przykład: przedstawiciel płaci faktury kontrahenta lub my płacimy przedstawicielowi za faktury otrzymane od kontrahenta. - - - - - - - Lokalizacja partnera - Lokalizacja partnera - Adres/lokalizacja powiązanego partnera - - - - - - - - Zapytanie ofertowe - Zapytanie ofertowe - Zapytanie ofertowe - Zapytanie ofertowe wysyłane dostawcom. Po wyborze dostawców, tworzy Zamówienie obce lub Zapytanie dla klientów tak samo jak Zamówienie własne dla dostawców. - - - - - - - Temat - Temat - Temat - Temat pozwala utrzymać listę potencjalnych sprzedawców odpowiadających na RfQ. - - - - - - - Subskrybent zapytań ofertowych - Subskrybent zapytań ofertowych - Subskrybent zapytań ofertowych - Kontrahent zaproszony do otrzymywania zapytań ofertowych - - - - - - - Pozycja zapytania ofertowego - Pozycja zapytania ofertowego - Pozycja zapytania ofertowego - Pozycja zapytania ofertowego - - - - - - - Ilość w zapytaniu - Ilość w zapytaniu - Ilość w zapytaniu - Możliwe jest przygotowanie zapytania dla róznych ilości - - - - - - - Odpowiedź na zapytanie ofertowe - Odpowiedź na zapytanie ofertowe - Odpowiedź na zapytanie ofertowe - Odpowiedź potencjalnego dostawcy na zapytanie ofertowe. - - - - - - - Ilość w odpowiedzi na zapytanie ofertowe - Ilość w odpowiedzi na zapytanie ofertowe - Ilość w odpowiedzi na zapytanie ofertowe - Ilość w odpowiedzi na zapytanie ofertowe odp otencjalnego dostawcy - - - - - - - Dostarczenie subskrypcji - Dostarczenie subskrypcji - Zapisy dostaw subskrybcji - Zapisy dostaw subskrybcji - - - - - - - Opłata członkowska - Opłata członkowska - Opłata kontrahenta produktu - Opłata kontrahenta produktu - - - - - - - Typ opłaty - Typ opłaty - Typ opłaty - Typ opłaty i częstotliwość odnawiania - - - - - - - Potwierdzona ilość - Potwierdzona ilość - Potwierdzenie otrzymanej ilości - Potwierdzenie otrzymanej ilości - - - - - - - Utwórz zamówienie własne - Utwórz zamówienie własne - - - - - - - - - Utwórz zamówienie obce - Utwórz zamówienie obce - - - - - - - - - Data odpowiedzi - Data odp. - Data odpowiedzi - Data odpowiedzi - - - - - - - Zakończenie pracy - Zakończenie pracy - Data zakończenia pracy - - - - - - - - Rozpoczęcie pracy - Rozpoczęcie pracy - Data rozpoczęcia pracy - - - - - - - - Dni do dostawy - Dni do dostawy - Planowana ilość dni do dostawy - - - - - - - - Dług - Dług - Zaległość z tytułu przedłużenia członkowstwa. - - - - - - - - Błąd - Błąd - Pojawił się błąd przy wykonaniu. - - - - - - - - Wewnętrzna - Wewn. - Jednostka wewnętrzna - - - - - - - - W drodze - W drodze - W drodze - Przewóz materiałów w drodze - na statku, jeszcze nie otrzymano. Transakcja ukończona, ale nie zatwierdzona. - - - - - - - Tylko dostawcy - Tylko dostawcy - Zaproszeni wyłącznie dostawcy, ci mogą odpowiedzieć na zapytanie ofertowe - Zaproszeni wyłącznie dostawcy, ci mogą odpowiedzieć na zapytanie ofertowe - - - - - - - Ilość - Ilość - Ilość używana w ofercie dla klienta. - Przy tworzeniu oferty używamy wybranej ilości, gdy w Zapytaniu o koszty wykorzystujemy wielokrotność ilości. Jeżeli nic nie wybieramy, używana jest najmniejsza ilość. - - - - - - - Ogłoszony - Ogłoszony - Temat jest ogłoszony - Jeśli nie wybrany, temat nie jest dostępny dla ogółu. - - - - - - - Ilość zakupu - Il. zakupu - Ilość zakupu w zamówieniu u dostawcy - Gdy mnożymy ilości w Zapytaniu o koszty, wybrana ilość tworzy zamówienie zakupu. Gdy nie wybieramy nic, używamy najniższą liczbę. - - - - - - - Podaj wszystkie ilości - Podaj wszystkie ilości - Dostawcy są proszeni o dostarczenie odpowiedzi do wszystkich ilości. - Gdy jest wybrana, odpowiedź na zapytanie o koszty musi mieć cenę dla wszystkich ilości. - - - - - - - Całkowita kwota kosztów - Całk. kwota kosztów - Całkowita kwota zapytania o koszty - Odpowiedź dla pozycji. - - - - - - - Odpowiedzi akceptowane - Odp. akceptowane - Czy akceptowane są odpowiedzi na zapytanie o koszty - Jeśli wybrane, akceptowane są odpowiedzi na zapytanie o koszty. - - - - - - - Wybrany zwycięzca - Wybrany zwycięzca - Wybrany zwycięzca - Jeśli wybranym zwycięzcą jest poziom odpowiedzi, pozycje wyboru są ignorowane. - - - - - - - Gotowy do zatwierdzenia - Gotowy do zatwierdzenia - - - - - - - - - Ile dni przechowywać wpisy - Ile dni przechowywać wpisy - Ile dni przechowywać wpisy - Stare wpisy można skasować. - - - - - - - Lista dystrybucyjna - Lista dystrybucyjna - Lista dystrybucyjna pozwala wysyłać produkty wybranej liście kontrahentów. - Lista dystrybucyji zawiera kontrahentów i ilości rozprowadzane lub współczynniki w celu tworzenia zamówień. - - - - - - - Pozycja listy dystrybucyjnej - Pozycja listy dystrybucyjnej - Pozycja listy dystrybucyjnej odnośnie kontrahenta i ilości/udziału - Dystrybucja może opierać się o współczynnik, ilość lub obie wielkości. Jeżeli wielkości te wynoszą 0, ilość liczona jest o współczynnik, ale z ilością minimalną. - - - - - - - Opakowanie - Opakowanie - Opakowanie załadunku - Załadunek na statek może mieć jedno lub więcej opakowań. Mogą być indywidualnie pakowane. - - - - - - - Opakowanie - Opakowanie - Sczegółowa zawartość opakowania - Zobacz pozycję przewozu. - - - - - - - Zwrot materiałów - Zwrot materiałów - Zwrot materiałów - Zwrot materiałów może być uzyskany przez zaakceptowanie zwrotu i przez tworzenie memoriałów kredytowych. - - - - - - - Pozycja zwrotu materiałów - Pozycja zwrotu materiałów - Pozycja zwrotu materiałów - Szczegółowe informacje o zwróconych materiałach. - - - - - - - Minimalna ilość - Min. il. - Minimalna ilość dla kontrahenta - Przy określeniu minimalnej ilości, kiedy ilość jest oparta na procencie, używa sie minimalnej ilości. - - - - - - - Członkowstwo - Członkowstwo - Określa cenę członkowstwa - Wymaga płacenia składek członkowskich. - - - - - - - Nie wykorzystana kwota - Nie wykorz. kwota - Nie wykorzystana kwota - - - - - - - - Kwota oferty - Kwota oferty - Kwota oferty - - - - - - - - Płatny do - Płatny do - Opłata płatna do - - - - - - - - Domyślny parametr - Domyśl. parametr - Wartość domyślna parametru - Wartość domyślna parametru, na przykład @#Date@ - - - - - - - Kontrahent zobowiązany - Kontr. zobow. - Kontrahent zobowiązany do płatności. - - - - - - - - Miejsce płatności - Miejsce płatności - Miejsce kontrahenta zobowiązanego do płaności. - - - - - - - - Wskazana ilość - Wybrana il. - - - - - - - - - Uwaga osobista - Uwaga osobista - Uwaga osobista, nie dostępna dla innych partii - - - - - - - - Publikuj zapytanie o koszty - Publikuj zapytanie o koszty - - - - - - - - - Typ zapytania o koszty - Typ zapytania o koszty - Typ zapytania o koszty - - - - - - - - Dziennik procesora zapytań - Dziennik procesora zapytań - - - - - - - - - Otrzymano informację - Otrzymano informację - Informacja na opakowaniu. - - - - - - - - Powiązany przewóz - Powiązany przewóz - - - - - - - - - Powiązana faktura - Powiązana faktura - - - - - - - - - Powiązana pozycja faktury - Pow. poz. faktury - - - - - - - - - Zamówienie - Zamówienie - Powiązanie do Zamówienia własnego/obcego - Powiązanie do Zamówienia własnego/obcego i odwrotnie. - - - - - - - Produkt związany - Produkt związany - Produkt związany - - - - - - - - Typ produktu związanego - Typ prod. zw. - - - - - - - - - Data ponowienia - Data ponowienia - - - - - - - - - Ilość odrzucona - Ilość odrzucona - Ilość produktu odrzucona ze względu na problemy z jakością - - - - - - - - Docelowa ilość - Docelowa il. - Docelowa ilość - Ilość, jaka powinna być otrzymana. - - - - - - - Szczegóły - Szczegóły - - - - - - - - - Wiadomość - Wiadomość - Tekst wiadomości - - - - - - - - Temat aukcji - Temat aukcji - - - - - - - - - Status tematu - Status tematu - - - - - - - - - Informacje o postępowaniu - Inf. o post. - - - - - - - - - Typ aukcji - Typ aukcji - - - - - - - - - Data decyzji - Data decyzji - - - - - - - - - Powiązana pozycja dostawy - Pow. poz. dostawy - - - - - - - - - Odpowiedź na zapytanie ofertowe - Odpowiedź na zapytanie ofertowe - Odpowiedź od potencjalnego dostawcy na zapytanie ofertowe. - Odpowiedź od potencjalnego dostawcy na zapytanie ofertowe. - - - - - - - Utwórz pojedyńcze zamówienie - Pojedyńcze zamówienie - Dla wszystkich załadunków utwórz jedno zamówienie. - - - - - - - - Informuj odbiorcę - Informuj odbiorcę - Informuj odbiorcę - Można wysłać informacje do użytkowników lub ról. - - - - - - - Odbiorca - Odbiorca - Odbiorca rozkładu - Można wysłać informacje do użytkowników lub ról. - - - - - - - Kod pocztowy dla podatku - Kod pocztowy dla podatku - Kod pocztowy dla podatku - For local tax, you may have to define a list of (ranges of) postal codes or ZIPs - - - - - - - Data wymagalności - Data wymagalności - Data wymagalności - - - - - - - - Zapotrzebowanie - Zapotrzebowanie - Zapotrzebowanie na materiały - - - - - - - - Pozycja zapotrzebowania - Pozycja zapotrzebowania - Pozycja zapotrzebowania - - - - - - - - Dzień miesiąca - Dzień miesiąca - Dzień miesiąca od 1 do 28/29/39/31. - - - - - - - - Kod pocztowy - Kod pocztowy - Kod pocztowy - Kod pocztowy - - - - - - - Ranking - Ranking - Względny ranking punktowy - Jeden jest najwyższą pozycją. - - - - - - - Typ harmonogramu - Typ harmonogramu - Typ harmonogramu - Definiuje w jaki sposób obliczane jest zdarzenie - - - - - - - Dzień tygodnia - Dzień tygodnia - Dzień tygodnia - - - - - - - - Copylines - Copylines - - - - - - - - - Uwaga do załącznika - Uwaga do załącznika - Indywidualna uwaga w załączniku - - - - - - - - Warunek - Warunek - Warunek zamiany węzła Workflow - Warunek zamiany węzła Workflow - - - - - - - Zamiana węzła - Zamiana węzła - Zamiana węzła workflow - Kolejne węzły określają polecenie, węzeł lub kolejne kroki w Workflow. - - - - - - - Sprawdź Workflow - Sprawdź Workflow - - - - - - - - - Czas oczekiwania - Czas oczekiwania - Czas oczekiwania w minutach - Czas oczekiwania w minutach - - - - - - - Klucz Workflow - Workflow - Klucz startowy Workflow - - - - - - - - Od producenta - Od producenta - Dostawa bezpośrednio od producenta - Dostawa bezpośrednio od producenta - - - - - - - Zatwierdź własne dokumenty - Zatwierdź własne - Użytkownicy mogą zatwierdzić własne dokumenty - Jeśli użytkownik nie może zatwierdzić własnych dokumentów, musi zatwierdzić go inna osoba. - - - - - - - Uaktualniany - Uaktualniany - Kolumna jest zawsze aktualniana nawet jeśli zapis nie jest aktywny lub przetwarzany. - Kolumna jest zawsze aktualniana nawet jeśli zapis nie jest aktywny lub przetwarzany. Użyteczne zwłaszcza przy komentarzach. - - - - - - - Automat przeksięgowujący - Automat przeksięgowujący - Automat przeksięgowujący - Dla kont spełniających określone kryteria, zaksięgowanie na konta jest zastąpione zdefinowanymi tutaj księgowaniami. Dystrybucja księgowania pomiędzy zdefiniowane konta jest dzielona proporcjonalnie do wprowadzonego współczynnika. - - - - - - - Automat przeksięgowujący - Automat przeksięgowujący - Automat przeksięgowujący - Dla kont spełniających określone kryteria, zaksięgowanie na konta jest zastąpione zdefinowanymi tutaj księgowaniami. Dystrybucja księgowania pomiędzy zdefiniowane konta jest dzielona proporcjonalnie do wprowadzonego współczynnika. - - - - - - - Współczynnik - Współczynnik - Współczynnik dystrybucji - Ważona dystrybucja. Jeśli wszystkie wskaźniki dają 100, jest to jednocześnie procent. - - - - - - - Całość - Całość - Całkowita liczba "punktów" - Całkowita liczba "punktów" . Jeżeli równa 100 to odpowiada procentom - - - - - - - Czas miniony w ms - Miniony czas - Miniony czas w milisekundach - Miniony czas w milisekundach - - - - - - - Zaproszony - Zapr. - Data wysłania ostatniego zaproszenia - - - - - - - - Wyślij prośby o zapytania ofertowe dostawcom - Wyślij prośby o zapytania ofertowe dostawcom - Wyślij zaproszenia do składania ofert dostawcom - - - - - - - - Czas ukończenia - Czas ukończenia - Planowana data ukończenia pracy - - - - - - - - Czas rozpoczęcia - Czas rozpoczęcia - Planowa data rozpoczęcia pracy - - - - - - - - Dni dostawy - Dni dostawy - - - - - - - - - Komentarz/Pomoc - Komentarz - - - - - - - - - Cena ilościowa - Cena il. - - - %TODO% - - - - - - Ranking ilości - Ranking ilości - - - - - - - - - Oceń zapytanie ofertowe - Oceń zapytanie ofertowe - - - - - - - - - Koniec - Koniec - Koniec czasu wstrzymania - Koniec wstrzymania - - - - - - - Uruchomienie dystrybucji - Uruchomienie dystrybucji - Tworzy zamówienia przypisując produkty wybranym partnerom. - Definiuje w jaki sposób tworzone są zamówienia w oparciu o listy dystrybucji. - - - - - - - Pozycja listy dystrybucyjnej - Dystrybucja - Definiuje Listę dystrybucji, Produkty i Ilości - Kwota zamówienia jest oparta o stany minimalne produktów, listy dystrybucji i współczynniki ilościowe. - - - - - - - Całkowita ilość - Całk. ilość - Całkowita ilość - - - - - - - - Rozpoczęcie wdrożenia - Data rozpoczęcia wdrożenia - Data wdrożenia/produkcji Compiera - - - - - - - - Włącz statystyki - Włącz statystyki - Włącz statystyki (liczba firm, jednostek, kontrahentów, partnerów, użytkowników, produktów, faktur) - Transferuj dane (liczba firm, jednostek, kontrahentów, partnerów, użytkowników, produktów, faktur). Te informacje nie są publikowe. - - - - - - - Loguj dostęp - Loguj dostęp - Loguj dostęp do systemu - - - - - - - - Opowiedź - Odp. - Opowiedź - - - - - - - - Licznik dokumentów - Licznik dokumentów - Powiązany licznik dokumentów - Używając zrozumiałych dokumentów dla wewnętrznych transakcji, określ na jakim dokumencie źródłowym oparty jest typ licznika dla transakcji źródłowych. - - - - - - - Typ licznika dokumentu - Typ licznika dokumentu - Typ licznika dokumentu - Typ licznika dokumentu - - - - - - - Zapotrzebowanie - Zapotrzebowanie - Zapotrzebowanie materiałowe - Zapotrzebowanie materiałowe może być oparte na Prognozie, Przejęciu lub Otwartym Zamówieniu - - - - - - - Zapotrzebowanie - Szczegóły zapotrzebowania - Pozycja zapotrzebowania - Powiązna pozycja zapotrzebowania - - - - - - - Zapotrzebowanie - Zapotrzebowanie - Zapotrzebowanie materiałowe - Zapotrzebowanie na produkt w okresie - - - - - - - Prognoza - Prognoza - Prognoza materiałów - Prognoza materiałów - - - - - - - Prognoza - Prognoza - Pozycja prognozy - Prognoza ilości produktu na okres - - - - - - - Obliczona ilość - Obliczona ilość - Obliczona ilość - - - - - - - - Standardowy Użytkownik Workflow - Stand. użytk. Wf - Standardowy Użytkownik Workflow - Kontynuować mogą wyłącznie otwarte dokumenty (zakreślone, przetwarzane, zatwierdzone, odrzucone, błędne) oraz działania standardowego użytkownika (przygotowywać, kończyć, zatwierdzać, odrzucać). Ma to zapobiec określeniu szczegółów automatycznego procesu (odblokuj, anuluj, wyślij, reaktywuj) oraz kiedy dokument ma być zamknięty dla zwykłego użytkownika (ukończony, oczekuje, zamknięty, błędny, odwrócony). - - - - - - - NIP - NIP - - - - - - - - - Klucz partnera - Klucz partnera - - - - - - - - - Adres na fakturze - Adres - - - - - - - - - Nazwa kontrahenta - Kontrahent - - - - - - - - - Nazwa faktury - Nazwa - - - - - - - - - Nazwa faktury - Nazwa - - - - - - - - - Telefon - Tel. - - - - - - - - - Tytuł faktury - Tytuł faktury - - - - - - - - - Nazwa kontrahenta - Nazwa kontrahenta - - - - - - - - - Nazwa kontrahenta - Nazwa kontrahenta - - - - - - - - - Najlepsza odpowiedź - Najlepsza odpowiedź - Najlepsza kwota odpowiedzi - Wypełnione przez ranking odpowiedzi. - - - - - - - Zakończone - Zakończone - - - - - - - - - Podstawowe Drzewo Działania - Drzewo Działania - - - - - - - - - Podstawowe drzewo kampanii - Drzewo kampanii - - - - - - - - - Użyj funkcji Beta - Użyj Beta - Umożliwia użycie Funkcji Beta - Zakres Funkcji Beta jest podany w notatniku. Nie polecane w środowisku produkcyjnym. - - - - - - - Domyślny licznik dokumentów - Domyślny licznik dokumentów - Typ licznika dokumentów - Używajac zrozumialych dokumentów do wewnetrznych transakcji , zaznacz na jakim typie dokumentu bazuje licznik dokumentu źródłowego. Przyklad: tworząc Zamówienie Sprzedaży, użyj typu dokumentu dla zamówienia sprzedaży. Nie wykonanie będzie opisane przez określenie zrozumiałych relacji licznika dokumentów. - - - - - - - Przerwij - Przerwij - Przerwij proces - - - - - - - - Typ potwierdzenia - Typ potw. - Typ potwierdzenia - - - - - - - - Utwórz potwierdzenie - Utw. potw. - - - - - - - - - Potwierdzenie świadectwa jakości - Świadectwo jakości - Do przetwarzania wymaga Wybierz lub Potwierdzenie świadectwa jakości - Przetwarzanie paragonu o załadunku wymaga potwierdzenia Wybierz potwierdzenie świadectwa jakości - - - - - - - Potwierdzenie o przewozie - Potw. przewozu - Do przetwarzania wymaga potwierdzenia o przewozie statkiem lub paragonu - Przetwarzanie paragonu o załadunku wymaga potwierdzenia przewozu - - - - - - - Potwierdzenie przewozu/paragon - Potw. przewozu/paragon - Potwiedzenie o przewozie materiałów statkiem - Potwierdzenie przewozu lub paragon - - - - - - - Pozycja potwierdzenia przewozu/paragonu - Potwierdzenie przewozu - Pozycja potwierdzenia o przewozie materiału lub paragon - Szczegóły potwierdzenia - - - - - - - Opakuj - Opakuj - - - - - - - - - Różnica - Różnica - Różnice w ilości - - - - - - - - Wysokość okna - Wys. okna - - - - - - - - - Szerokość okna - Szer. okna - - - - - - - - - Typ zwrotu - Typ zwrotu - Typ zwrotu materialów - Typ zwrotu - - - - - - - Unieważniony - Unieważniony - Transakcja została unieważniona - - - - - - - + + + + + + + Załącznik + Załącznik + Załącznik do dokumentu + Załącznikiem może być dowolny dokument lub plik. Załączniki można przypisywać do dowolnej pozycji. + + + + + + + Firma + Firma + Firma, do której odnosi się ten wpis + Firma (instalacja), do której odnosi się ten wpis + + + + + + + Kolumna + Kolumna + Kolumna w tabeli + Połącz z kolumną bazy danych tabeli + + + + + + + Pokaż kolumnę + Pokaż kolumnę + Kolumna, która zostanie wyświetlona + Pokaż kolumnę wskazuje kolumnę, którą wyświetli + + + + + + + Tekst + Tekst + Formularz Teksty umożliwia centralne zarządzanie tekstami pomocy dla kolumn i pól + Formularz Teksty umożliwia centralne zarządzanie tekstami pomocy dla kolumn i pól + + + + + + + Pole + Pole + Pole w tabeli bazy danych + Pole identyfikuje pole w tabeli bazy danych + + + + + + + ID + ID + Unikalny numer identyfikacyjny wydruku + ID (klucz główny) wskazuje unikalne ID dla wydruku. + + + + + + + Język + Język + Język aplikacji + Język wskazuje język, jaki ma być użyty do wyświetlenia + + + + + + + Menu + Menu + Określa Menu + Menu określa pojedyncze Menu. Są one używane, by kontrolować pokaz tych ekranów/obrazów, do których ma dostęp użytkownik. + + + + + + + Transakcję rozpoczął + Transakcję rozpoczął + Zespół wykonania lub rozpoczęcia + Grupa ludzi/departament/organizacja, która wykonuje lub rozpoczyna tą transakcję (dla innej organizacji). Własna orgazizacja może nie być organizacją transakcji w otoczeniu biura obsługi, z usługami scentralizowanymi i transakcjami wewnątrz organizacji + + + + + + + Jednostka organizacyjna + Jedn. org + Jednoska organizacyjna lub prawna w ramach firmy + Organizacja jest jednostką firmy lub legalnym podmiotem - przykładem jest sklep, departament + + + + + + + Instancja procesu + Instancja procesu + + + + + + + + + Preferencje + Preferencje + Preferencje osobiste + + + + + + + + Proces + Proces + Process lub wydruku + Proces wskazuje pojedynczy proces lub wydruk w systemie. + + + + + + + Parametr procesu + Parametr procesu + + + + + + + + + Lista odośników + Lista odośników + Lista odnośników oparta o tabelę + Lista odnośników wskazuje listę wartości odnoszonych z danych tabeli. Listy odnośników zaludniają drop down list boxes in data entry screens + TODO + + + + + + Odniesienie + Odniesienie + System odniesienia (Wybierz listę) + Odniesienie wskazuje typ pola odniesienia + + + + + + + Wartośc odniesienia + Wartośc odniesienia + Wymagane określenie, jeśli typ danych to Tabela lub Lista + Wartość odniesienia wskazuje gdzie wartości odniesienia są przechowywane. Musi być określone, jeśli typ danych jest Tabelą lub Listą + + + + + + + Rola + Rola + Rola odpowiedzialności + Rola determinuje bezpieczeństwo i dostęp do zasobów dla użytkownika, który ją posiada + + + + + + + Licznik + Licznik + Licznik dokumentów + Licznik, jaki ma być użyty dla dokumemtów, definiuje numerowanie. + + + + + + + Zakładka + Zakładka + Zakładka w oknie + Zakładka wskazuje zakładkę, jaka wyświetla się w oknie. + + + + + + + Tabela + Tabela + Tabela dla pól + Tabela wskazuje tabelę, w której pole lub pola są zamieszczone. + + + + + + + Instancja zadania + Instancja zadania + + + + + + + + + Zadanie + Zadanie + Identyfikator zadania + Pole Zadanie identyfikuje pojedyncze zadanie w systemie. + + + + + + + Podstawowe drzewo kontrahentów + Podstawowe drzewo kontrahentów + + + + + + + + + Drzewo + Drzewo + Identyfikuje drzewo + Drzewo identyfikuje pojedyncze drzewo w systemie. Drzewa difiniują roll ups lub poziomy podsumowania informacji. Są wykorzystywane przy wydrukach w celu zdefiniowania punktów wydruku i poziomów podsumowań. + TODO + + + + + + Podstawowe menu + Podstawowe menu + + + + + + + + + Podstawowe drzewo jednostek organizacyjnych + Podst. drzewo jedn. org. + + + + + + + + + Początek: Produkty + Początek: Produkty + + + + + + + + + Początek: Projekty + Początek: Projekty + + + + + + + + + Początek: Regiony sprzedaży + Początek: Regiony sprzedaży + + + + + + + + + Użytkownik + Użytkownik + ID użytkownika w systemie + Wskazuje pojedynczego użytkownika w systemie. Może być to użytkownik wewnętrzny lub kontakt do kontrahenta. + + + + + + + Walidacja + Walidacja + Zasady sprawdzania poprawności + Wskazuje pojedynczą zasadę walidacji. Zasady te definiują w jaki sposób wprowadzanie danych jest określane jako obowiązujące/ważne lub nieobowiązujące/nieważne. + + + + + + + Następny węzeł + Następny węzeł + Następny węzeł w Workflow + Wskazuje następny krok lub zadanie w Workflow. + + + + + + + Węzeł + Węzeł + Węzeł (działanie) Workflow, krok lub proces + Wskazuje pojedynczy krok lub proces w Workflow. + + + + + + + Okno + Okno + Wprowadzenie danych lub wyświetl okno + Wskazuje pojedyncze okno w systemie. + + + + + + + Workflow + Workflow + Workflow lub kombinacja zadań + Wskazuje pojedyncze okno w systemie. + + + + + + + Poziom dostępu danych + Poziom dostępu danych + Wymagany poziom dostępu + Wskazuje wymagany poziom dostępu do wydruku lub procesu. + + + + + + + Strona konta + Strona konta + Wskazuje stronę konta jako Debet/Winien (Dt/Wn) lub Credit/Ma (Ct/Ma). + Wskazuje stronę konta jako Debet/Winien (Dt/Wn) lub Credit/Ma (Ct/Ma). + + + + + + + Typ konta + Typ konta + Typ konta + Typ kont aktywnych to: A - Aktywa, Ksz - Koszty, Z - Zobowiązania, Kp- Kapitał własny, R -Przychody and M - Memo. Typ kont określa czy są podatki, jeśli są nałożone, płatności potwierdzone i wpływy dla kontrahenta. Konto Memo nie jest brane pod uwagę przy sprawdzaniu stanu kont. + + + + + + + Konto + Konto + Używane konto + Konto używane przez system. + + + + + + + Drugi schemat księgowania + Drugi schemat księgowania + Dla równoległego raportowania używa się księgowania w innej walucie lub pól wyboru. + Wskazuje inny wariant ustanowienia zasad w celu tworzenia wydruku. + + + + + + + Dodatkowy plan kont + Dodatkowy plan kont + Dla równoległego raportowania używa się księgowania w innej walucie lub pól wyboru. + Wskazuje inny wariant ustanowienia zasad w celu tworzenia wydruku. + + + + + + + Koszt pozyskania klienta (?) + Koszt pozyskania klienta (?) + Koszt pozyskania klienta + Koszt związany z pozyskaniem potencjalnego klienta + TODO + + + + + + Operacja + Operacja + Indicates the Action to be performed + The Action field is a drop down list box which indicates the Action to be performed for this Menu Item + TODO + + + + + + Dotychczasowe obroty + Dotychczasowe obroty + Dotychczasowe obroty + Zaksięgowane obroty z danym kontrahentem. + + + + + + + Dodatkowe drzewo (1) + Dodatkowe drzewo (1) + Równoległe raportowanie + The Additional Tree is used to define alternate roll ups which can be used in reporting. For example, you may have a Business Partner Tree which rolls up based on geographic location and an additional tree which rolls up based on industry + TODO + + + + + + Dodatkowe drzewo (2) + Dodatkowe drzewo (2) + Równoległe raportowanie + The Additional Tree is used to define alternate roll ups which can be used in reporting. For example, you may have a Business Partner Tree which rolls up based on geographic location and an additional tree which rolls up based on industry. + + TODO + + + + + + Adres 1 + Adres 1 + Adres lokalizacji + Adres lokalizacji jednostki. + + + + + + + Adres 2 + Adres 2 + Adres lokalizacji + Dodatkowy adres jednostki. Używany przy lokalizacji budynków, numerze mieszkania oraz daje inne podobne informacje. + + + + + + + Po dostawie + Po dostawie + Należność liczona od daty dostawy, nie od otrzymania faktury. + Należność liczona od daty dostawy, nie od otrzymania faktury. + + + + + + + Alias + Alias + Alternatywna metoda wskazywania kombinacji kont. + The Alias field allows you to define a alternate method for referring to a full account combination. For example, the Account Recievable Account for Garden World may be aliased as GW_AR + TODO + + + + + + Kwota + Kwota + Kwota + Kwota + + + + + + + MA + MA + Kwota po stronie MA + Kwota obrotu po stronie MA przeliczone na walutę jednostki. + + + + + + + WN + WN + Kwota po stronie WN + Kwota obrotu po stronie WN przeliczone na walutę jednostki. + + + + + + + Kwota do zatwierdzenia + Kwota do zatwierdzenia + Krańcowa kwota zatwierdzenia roli + Wskazuje krańcową kwotę roli, jaką ma do zatwierdzania dokumentów. + + + + + + + MA źródła + MA źródła + MA źródła + Wskazuje kwotę MA pozycji w walucie źródłowej. + + + + + + + WN źródła + WN źródła + WN źródła + Wskazuje kwotę WN pozycji w walucie źródłowej. + + + + + + + Atrubut + Atrubut + + + + + + + + + Automatyczna kontrola okresu + Automatyczna kontrola okresu + Wybranie opcji powoduje automatyczne otwieranie i zamykanie okresów + Przy automatycznej kontroli okresu, okresy są otwierane i zamykane na podstawie aktualnej daty. Przy aktywowaniu ręcznej kontroli, należy dokładnie otwierać i zamykać okresy. + + + + + + + Wysłać do + Wysłać do + Adres, na jaki ma zostać wysłana faktura + Adres, na jaki ma zostać wysłana faktura + + + + + + + Dane binarne + Dane binarne + Dane binarne + Pole Dane binarne przechowuje np pliki + + + + + + + Status budżetu + Status budżetu + Wskazuje na obecny status tego budżetu + Wskazuje na obecny status tego budżetu (np Szkic, Zaakceptowany) + + + + + + + Podstawowy plan kont + Podstawowy plan kont + Podstawowy plan kont (definiuje zasady księgowania) + Definiuje zasady księgowania, takie jak metody liczenia kosztów, walut oraz kalendarz. + + + + + + + Drugi plan kont + Drugi plan kont + Drugie zasady księgowania + Definiuje zasady księgowania, takie jak metody liczenia kosztów, walut oraz kalendarz. + + + + + + + Trzeci plan kont + Trzeci plan kont + Trzecie zasady księgowania + Definiuje zasady księgowania, takie jak metody liczenia kosztów, walut oraz kalendarz. + + + + + + + Konto + Konto + + + + + + + + + Plan kont + Plan kont + Zasady księgowania + Definiuje zasady księgowania, takie jak metody liczenia kosztów, walut oraz kalendarz. + + + + + + + Kontrahent + Kontrahent + Wskazanie kontrahenta + Kontrahent to dowolna osoba, z którą przeprowadzasz instersy. Może to być dostawca, klient, pracownik lub sprzedawca. + + + + + + + Adres kontrahenta + Adres kontrahenta + Wskazuje adres kontrahenta + Adres kontrahenta. Jeden kontrahent może mieć przypisanych wiele adresów + + + + + + + Kalendarz + Kalendarz + Nazwa kalendarza obrachunkowy + Wskazuje kalendarz roku obrachunkowego. Można zostosować mnożnik kalendarza. Na przykład możesz potrzebować kalendarza zwykłego rozpoczynającego rok od 1 stycznia kończącego się na 31 grudnia a kalendarz obrachunkowy rozpoczynającego rok od 1 lipca kończącego się na 31 czerwca. + + + + + + + Wg kursu + Wg kursu + Kurs użyty do przeliczenia walut + Określa wskaźnik (mnoży lub dzieli) używany przy zamianie waluty źródłowej na walutę księgowania. + + + + + + + Kraj + Kraj + Kraj + Wskazuje kraj. Kazdy kraj musi zostać zdefiniowany, zanim będzie możliwe jego użycie. + + + + + + + Waluta + Waluta + Waluta dla tej pozycji + Wskazuje walutę jaka będzie przypisana do tej pozycji. + + + + + + + Waluta docel. + Waluta docel. + Waluta docelowa + Waluta docelowa, do jakiej odnosi się ten kurs + + + + + + + Typ dokumentu + Typ dokumentu + Typ dokumentu + Typ dokumentu wpływa na użyty licznik dokumentów oraz sposób jego przetwarzania. + + + + + + + Typ dokumentu docelowego + Typ dokumentu docelowego + Typ dokumentu docelowego dla konwersji dokumentów + Można zamienić typy dokumentów (np. z Oferty na Zamówienie lub fakturę). Zamiana jest wyświetlona w typie bieżącym. Proces rozpoczyna wybór odpowiedniej operacji dokumetnu. + + + + + + + Nazwa konta + Nazwa konta + Nazwa konta + Jest pojedynczym identyfikatorem instancji konta. Na przykład nazwa konta może wynosić 10001, 20020 i 32312. Gdy użytkownik określa nazwy kont dla wydziałów mogą wyglądać następująco PR, Admin albo Sprzedaż. + + + + + + + Składowa konta + Składowa konta + Konto + Identyfikuje typ konta. Powszechnie znane jako wykres kont. + + + + + + + Lokalizacja z + Lokalizacja z + Skąd pochodzi produkt + Skąd pochodzi produkt + + + + + + + Lokalizacja do + Lokalizacja do + Dokąd przeniesiono produkt + Dokąd przeniesiono produkt + + + + + + + Adres + Adres + Lokalizacja lub adres + Lokalizacja/adres jednostki + + + + + + + Dzień wolny + Dzień wolny + Dzień wolny od pracy + Dzień wolny, nie zawiera się w nim żadnych transakcji. + + + + + + + Warunki płatności + Warunki płatności + Warunki płatności dla tej transakcji + Warunki płatności wskacują na metodę oraz okres płatności danej transakcji. + + + + + + + Kontrola okresu + Kontrola okresu + + + + + + + + + Okres + Okres + Okres kalendarzowy + Okres wskazuje zakres dat w kalendarzu + + + + + + + Projekt + Projekt + Projekt + Numer identyfikacyjny projektu pozwala średzić i kontrolować wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne działania. + + + + + + + Województwo + Województwo + Województwo, stan lub region kraju + Region definuje unikalne obszary dla kraju. Regionami moga być np. województwa lub stany + + + + + + + Region sprzedaży + Region sprzedaży + Region sprzedaży + Region sprzedaży + + + + + + + Kategoria podatku + Kategoria podatku + Kategoria podatku + Metoda grupowania podobnych podatków. Na przykład: Podatek od sprzedaży czy VAT. + + + + + + + Podatek + Podatek + Identyfikator podatku + Wskazuje typ podatku używanego w pozycji dokumentu. + + + + + + + Jednostka konwersji + Jednostka konwersji + Jednostka konwersji + Wskazuje pojedynczą jednoskę miary, na jaką i z jakiej pochodzi kurs wymiany i data zamiany. + + + + + + + Jedn. miary + Jedn. miary + Jednostka miary + Niepieniężna jednostka miary + + + + + + + Jedn. miary docelowa + Jedn. miary docelowa + Target or destination Unit of Measure + The UOM To indicates the destination UOM for a UOM Conversion pair + TODO + + + + + + Jedn. Miar. dla długości + Jedn. Miar. dla długości + Jednostka miary długości + Standardowa jednostka pomiaru długości produktu wymieniona w dokumencie. + + + + + + + Jedn. miar. czasu + Jedn. miar. czasu + Jednostka miary czasu + Standardowa jednostka pomiaru czasu dla produktu wymieniona w dokumencie. + + + + + + + Jedn.miar. objętości + Jedn.miar. objętości + Jednostka miary objętości + Standardowa jednostka pomiaru objętości produktu wymieniona w dokumencie. + + + + + + + Jedn. miar. wagi + Jedn. miar. wagi + Jednostka miary wagi + Standardowa jednostka pomiaru ciężkości produktu wymieniona w dokumencie. + + + + + + + Konto + Konto + Konto księgowe + Kombinacja kont, jakie występują w Dzienniku Głównym. + + + + + + + Rok + Rok + Rok obrachunkowy + Rok obrachunkowy + + + + + + + Procedura + Procedura + Function Calls separated by semicolons; SE_/SL_/UE_/UL_ - 1st: System/User; 2nd: Enter/Leave; 3rd: _ Unserscore, - then Function Name + Function Calls separated by semicolons; SE_/SL_/UE_/UL_ - 1st: System/User; 2nd: Enter/Leave; 3rd: _ Unserscore, - then Function Name + TODO + + + + + + Miasto + Miasto + Miasto + Miasto danego kraju lub region + + + + + + + Lista firm + Lista firm + Firmy, które mają dostęp do roli + Firmy, które mają dostęp do roli. Powielone firmy są oddzielone przez przecinek ",". + + + + + + + Kod sprawdzający + Kod sprawdzający + Kod sprawdzający + Kod sprawdzający pokazuje datę, czas i wiadomość o błędzie. + + + + + + + Nazwa kolumny w bazie + Nazwa kolumny w bazie + Nazwa kolumny w bazie danych + Nazwa kolumny w bazie danych. + + + + + + + Konto księgowe + Konto księgowe + Konto księgowe + Konto księgowe + + + + + + + Komentarze + Komentarze + Komentarz lub dodatkowa informacja + Wprowadza komentarz lub dodatkową informację + + + + + + + Ostrzegaj przez zatwierdzeniem + Ostrzegaj przez zatwierdzeniem + + + + + + + + + Kwota kontrolna + Kwota kontrolna + Jeśli nie jest 0, kwota po stronie WN dokumentu musi być równa tej kwocie. + Jeśli kwota kontrolna wynosi 0, nie odbywa się sprawdzanie. W przeciwnym wypadku obroty po stronie WN muszą się równać kwocie kontrolnej, zanim dokument będzie przetworzony. + + + + + + + Koszt średni + Koszt średni + Średni ważony koszt + Średni ważony koszt (rzeczywisty) + + + + + + + Standardowy koszt + Standardowy koszt + Standardowy koszt + Standardowy koszt (planowany) + + + + + + + Metoda wyceny + Metoda wyceny + Metoda wyceny + Metoda wyceny kosztu (standardowego, średniego). + + + + + + + Precyzja kosztu + Precyzja kosztu + Zaokrąglenie użyte przy kalkulacji kosztu + Liczby dziesiętne są zaokrąglane podczas kalkulacji kosztów. + + + + + + + Koszty + Koszty + Koszty w walucie + Koszty kampanii jednostki w walucie księgowania. + + + + + + + Kod ISO kraju + Kod ISO kraju + Upper-case two-letter alphanumeric ISO Country code according to ISO 3166-1 - http://www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/doc/ISO_3166.html + Szczególy na stronie: http://www.din.de/gremien/nas/nabd/iso3166ma/codlstp1.html or - http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec03en.htm + + + + + + + Utworzony + Utworzony + Data utworzenia wydruku + Data utworzenia wydruku + + + + + + + Utworzony przez + Utworzony przez + Użytkownik, który utworzył dany wydruk + Wskazuje użytkownika, który utworzył dany wydruk. + + + + + + + Numer karty + Numer karty + Numer karty kredytowej + Numer karty kredytowej, bez pustych miejsc. + + + + + + + Symbol + Symbol waluty + Symbol waluty (opcja dostępna tylko podczas drukowania) + Symbol waluty, jaki będzie na wydruku. + + + + + + + Konto Rozliczenie różnic kursowych + Konto Rozliczenie różnic kursowych + Konto Rozliczenie różnic kursowych używane przy wystąpieniu różnic kursowych. + Konto Rozliczenie różnic kursowych używane przy wystąpieniu różnic kursowych (przy zaokrągleniu). + + + + + + + Kurs + Kurs waluty + Kurs wymiany waluty + Kurs wymiany waluty + + + + + + + Następny numer + Następny numer + Następny numer jaki zostanie użyty + Następny numer, jaki zostanie użyty dla danego dokumentu. + + + + + + + Numer D_U_N_S + Numer D_U_N_S + Dun & Bradstreet Number + Used for EDI - For details see www.dnb.com/dunsno/list.htm + TODO + + + + + + Data + Data + Data, kiedy działalność nie jest prowadzona + Data zaprzestania prowadzenia działalności. + + + + + + + Data księgowania + Data księgowania + Data księgowania + Data wprowadzania do Dziennika Głównego utworzona z dokumentu. Używana również przy wymianie waluty. + + + + + + + Data dostarczenia + Data dostarcz. + + + + + + + + + Data wystawienia dokumentu + Data wyst. dok. + Data wystawienia dokumentu + Data wystawienia dokumentu. Może ale nie musi pokrywać się z datą księgowania. + + + + + + + Data wystawienia faktury + Data wystawienia faktury + Data drukowana na fakturze + Data drukowana na fakturze + + + + + + + Data zamównienia + Data zamównienia + Data zamówienia + Data zamówienia + + + + + + + Data obiecana + Data obiecana + Obiecana data zamówienia + Obiecana data zamówienia + + + + + + + Domyślna logika + Domyślna logika + Hierarchia wartości odmowy, podzielona + The defaults are evaluated in the order of definition, the first not null value becomes the default value of the column. The values are separated by comma or semicolon. a) Literals:. 'Text' or 123 b) Variables - in format @Variable@ - Login e.g. #Date, #A + TODO + + + + + + Dostawa przez + Dostawa przez + W jaki sposób dostwa znajdzie się u klienta + Wskazuje w jakis sposób dostawa znajedzie się u klienta. Np może zostać odberana lub dostarczona przez nas + + + + + + + Opis + Opis + Dodatkowy któtki opis rekordu + Dodatkowy któtki opis rekordu (do 255 znaków) + + + + + + + Wycofany + Wycofany + Ten produkt nie jest już dostępny + Wskazuje produkt, który nie jest wytwarzany + + + + + + + Wycofany przez + Wycofany przez + Wycofany przez + Pole wskazuje podmiot, która wycofała produkt + + + + + + + Rabat % + Rabat % + Rabat % + Wskazuje zastosowany lub pobrany rabat jako procent. + + + + + + + Dni rabatu + Dni rabatu + Ilość dni od daty wystawienia faktury, od której stosuje się dany rabat + Ilość dni od daty wystawienia faktury, od której stosuje się dany rabat + + + + + + + Długość wyświetlana + Długość wyświetlana + Długość wyświetlania w znakach + Długość wyświetlania jest głównie dla String fields. Długość nie wpływa, jeśli typ daty pola jest - Interger, Ilość, Konto (length determined by the system) - YesNo (Checkbox) - List, Table, TableDir (length of combo boxes are determined by their + TODO + + + + + + Logika wyświetlania + Logika wyświetlania + Jeśli pole jest wyświetlane, rezultat determinuje gdy pole jest właśnie wyświetlane + format := <expression> [<logic> <expression>] expression := @<context>@=<value> or @<context>@!<value> logic := <|>|<&> context := any global or window context value := strings logic operators := AND or OR with the prevoius result from left to right E + TODO + + + + + + Pokaż wartości + Pokaż wartości + Pokaż wartość z kolumny + Czy wartość kolumny będzie wyświetlona z kolumny. + + + + + + + Format wydruku adresu + Format wydruku adresu + Format wydruku do drukowania adresów + Format wydruku adresów. Można uzywać następującej notacji @C@=Miasto @P@=Kod pocztowy @A@=Adres @R@=Rejon/województwo + + + + + + + Współczynnik podziału + Współczynnik podziału + Konwertuje liczbę źródłową do docelowej. Źródłowa jest dzielona + Konwertuje liczbę źródłową do docelowej. Źródłowa jest dzielona. Jeżeli włączymy współczynnik podziału, współczynnik mnożeni będzie zastosowany automatycznie. + + + + + + + Wykonaj operację + Wykonaj operację + Wykonaj wskazaną operację na dokumecie + Bierzący status dokmentu znajduje się w polu Status dokumentu. + + + + + + + Licznik dokumentów + Licznik dokumentów + Licznik dokumentów definiuje sposób numerowania + Licznik dokumentów definiuje sposób numerowania używany dla tego typu dokumentów + + + + + + + Status dokumentu + Status dokumentu + Bieżący status dokumentu + Pokauzuje obecny status dokumenu. Możliwa jest zmiana bieżącego statusu przy pomocy przycisku "Wykonaj operację" + + + + + + + Nr dokumentu + Nr dokumentu + Numer w kolejności ciągu dokumentu + Numer dokumentu jest zwykle automatycznie generowany przez system. Sposób numerowania zależy od typu dokumentu. Dla dokumentów nie zapisanych numer tymczasowy jest wyświetlany pomiędzy znakami "<>". + +Jeżeli określony typ dokumentu nie ma przypisanego licznika dokumentów pole to dla nowo utworzonego dokumentu jest puste. Dzieje się tak dla dokumentów, które mają numery zewnętrzne (np faktury obce). Jeżeli zostawisz to pole puste numer zostanie wygenerowany automatycznie. + + + + + + + Data wejscia do Europejskiej Unii Monetarnej + Data wejscia do Europejskiej Unii Monetarnej + Data kiedy waluta dołączyła/dołączy do Europejskiej Unii Monetarnej + Określa datę kiedy waluta weszła lub wejdzie do Europejskiej Unii Monetarnej + + + + + + + Kurs Europejskiej Unii Monetarnej + Kurs Europejskiej Unii Monetarnej + Oficjalny wskaźnik w stosunku do Euro + Wskaźnik Europejskiej Unii Monetarnej określa oficjalny wskaźnik, jaki jest używany przy zamianie tej waluty na Euro + + + + + + + Typ + Typ + Typ elementu (konto lub zdefiniowany użytkownik) + Typ elementu wskazuje czy jest to Element konta czy element zdefiniowanego użytkownika + + + + + + + Data końcowa + Data końcowa + Data ostatecznej efektywności (wszystko obejmująca) + Data końca wskazuje ostateczną datę w tej grupie + + + + + + + Format telefonu + Format telefonu + Format telefonu; Może zawierać stałe elementy formatu, zmienne: "_lLoOaAcCa09" + <B>Validation elements:</B> + (Space) any character +_ Space (fixed character) +l any Letter a..Z NO space +L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case +o any Letter a..Z or space +O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case +a any Letters & Digit + TODO + + + + + + Format kodu pocztowego + Format kodu pocztowego + Format kodu pocztowego; Może zawierać stałe elementy formatu, zmienne: "_lLoOaAcCa09" + <B>Validation elements:</B> + (Space) any character +_ Space (fixed character) +l any Letter a..Z NO space +L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case +o any Letter a..Z or space +O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case +a any Letters & Digit + TODO + + + + + + Dodatkowy format pocztowy + Dodatkowy format pocztowy + Format wartości; Może zawierać stałe elementy formatu, zmienne: "_lLoOaAcCa09" + <B>Validation elements:</B> + (Space) any character +_ Space (fixed character) +l any Letter a..Z NO space +L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case +o any Letter a..Z or space +O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case +a any Letters & Digit + TODO + + + + + + Faks + Faks + Numer faksu + Faks identyfikuje numer faksu dla kontrahenta lub umiejscowienia + + + + + + + Długość + Długość + Długość kolumny w bazie danych + Długość określa długość kolumny jak zdefiniowano w bazie danych + + + + + + + Pierwsza sprzedaż + Pierwsza sprzedaż + Data pierwszej sprzedaży + Data pierwszej sprzedaży wskazuje datę pierwszej sprzedaży kontrahentowi + + + + + + + Opłata za fracht + Opłata za fracht + Opłata za fracht + Opłata za fracht wskazuje kwotę pobraną za fracht w dokumencie waluty + + + + + + + Ogólnie akceptowane podstawy księgowania + Ogólnie akceptowane podstawy księgowania + Ogólnie akceptowane podstawy księgowania + Wskazuje pryncypia konta jakie układ księgowy będzie przestrzegał + + + + + + + Budżet + Budżet + Budżet Księgi Głównej + Budżet Księgi Głównej określa budżet zdefiniowanego użytkownika. Może być to użyte w zapisach jako porównanie do twoich bieżących kwot + + + + + + + Kategoria dokumentu księgowego + Kategoria dokumentu księgowego + Kategoria dokumentu księgowego + Kategoria dokumentu księgowego, to opcjonalny sposób grupowania księgowań + + + + + + + Grupa w Księdze Głównej + Grupa w Księdze Głównej + Grupa w Księdze Głównej + Grupa w Księdze Głównej wskazuje grupę ksiąg przetwarzanych jako grupa + + + + + + + Księgowanie + Księgowanie + Księgowanie + Pozycja w Księdze Głównej wskazuje pojedynczą transakcję w księdze + + + + + + + Księga główna + Księga główna + Księga Główna + Księga Główna wskazuje grupę pozycji które reprezentują logiczną transakcję + + + + + + + Razem + Razem + Całkowita kwota dokumentu + Całkowita kwota pokazuje całkowitą kwotę włączając opodatkowanie oraz fracht w dokumencie waluty + + + + + + + Używaj aliasu konta + Używaj aliasu konta + Zdolność wyboru (częściowego) kombinacji kont przez alias + Wskazuje, że kombinacji konta mogą być wybierane używając alias zdefiniowanego użytkownika lub skrótu + + + + + + + Użyj kontroli kombinacji kont + Użyj kontroli kombinacji kont + Kombinacja elementów konta jest sprawdzana + Wskazuje czy kombinacja elementów konta będzie zweryfikowana wobec zdefiniowanej akceptowanej kombinacji + + + + + + + Dodatkowy kod pocztowy + Dodatkowy kod pocztowy + Posiada dodatkowy kod pocztowy + Wskazuje czy ten adres używa dodatkowego kodu pocztowego. Jeżeli wybrano dodatkowe pole wyświetla się na wejście dodatkowy kod pocztowy. + + + + + + + Województwa + Województwa + Czy kraj ma zdefiniowane województwa/regiony + Kraj ma region jest wybierana jeśli zdefiniowany kraj jest podzielony na regiony. Jeżeli go wybrano, można wejść do tabeli regionów. + + + + + + + Posiada drzewo + Posiada drzewo + Okno ma możliwość edycji drzewa + Wskazuje czy to okno wyświetla metaforę drzewa + + + + + + + Pomoc/Komentarz + Pomoc + Komentarz lub wskazówka + Pole pomocy zawiera wskazówkę, komentarz lub pomoc o użyciu tego przedmiotu + + + + + + + ISDN + ISDN + ISDN lub modem + ISDN lub numer modemu. + + + + + + + Kod ISO + Kod ISO + ISO 4217 Kod waluty + Więcej szczegółów - http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec09en.htm + + + + + + + Konto Przychód + Konto Przychód + + + + + + + + + Przyrost + Przyrost + O ile ma rosnąć dany licznik + Przyrost wskazuje liczbę o jaką przyrośnie liczba ostatniego dokumentu w numerze następnego ciągu + + + + + + + Płatności wewnątrzne z konta + Płatności wewnętrzne z konta + Płatności wewnętrzne z / Konto wpływów + Wskazuje konto, które reprezentuje pieniądze winne tej organizacji od innej organizacji + + + + + + + Płatności wewnątrzne na konto + Płatności wewnątrzne na konto + Płatności wewnątrzne na konto + Wskazuje konto środków pieniężnych, jakie inna jednostka jest winna. + + + + + + + Data wystawienia faktury + Data wystawienia faktury + Data wystawienia faktury + Wskazuje dzień wystawienia faktury. Jeżeli jest wystawiana dwa razy w miesiącu, drugi raz następuje 15 dni po pierwszym. + + + + + + + Częstotliwość wystawiania faktur + Częstotliwość wystawiania faktur + Częstotliwość wystawiania faktur + Częstotliwość wystawiania faktur kontrahentowi + + + + + + + Dzień tygodnia + Dzień tygodnia + Dzień tygodnia + Dzień tygodnia wystawiania faktur. + + + + + + + Na podstawie księgowania + Na podstawie księgowania + Wskazuje, czy operacje księgowane są na podstawie dokumentów księgowych czy przepływów środków pieniężnych + Wskazuje, czy plan kont będzie oparty o dokumenty księgowe czy będzie oparty o przepływy środków pieniężnych. Metoda oparta o dokumenty księgowe rozpoznaje przychód w momencie dostarczenia(wystawienia faktury) produktu lub usługi. Metoda oparta o ruch środków pieniężnych rozpoznaje przychód w momencie otrzymania zapłaty. + + + + + + + Aktywny/Widoczny + Aktywny/Widoczny + Czy pozycja jest aktywna + Nie wszystkie informacje w systemie mogą być usunięte. Wiele informacji musi pozostać w systemie jeżeli zostały raz wprowadzone. 1. Dzieje się tak z dwóch przyczyn: +2. Dany wpis musi pozostać ze względów bezpieczeństwa.: +Dany wpis jest powiązany z innymi wpisami w systemie. np nie można usunąć kontrahenta, dla którego były wystawiane faktury. +W przypadku kiedy nie jest możliwe usunięcie zapisu, można zrobić go nieaktywnym, tak aby nie pojawiał się na wydrukach + + + + + + + Limit kwoty + Limit kwoty + Wyślij fakturę jedynie, gdy kwota przekroczy granicę + Wskazuje, czy faktura ma być wysyłana jedynie w przypadkach, gdy poniżej wprowadzonego ograniczenia. + + + + + + + Potwierdzony + Potwierdzony + Dokumenty wymagają potwierdzenia + Dokumenty wymagają potwierdzenia przed przetworzeniem. + + + + + + + Aktywuj audyt/kontrolę + Aktywuj audyt/kontrolę + Aktywuj kontrolę, jakie tworzone są numery + Wskazuje czy kontrola utworzonych numerów będzie zatrzymana. + + + + + + + Automatyczne numerowanie + Automatyczne numerowanie + Automatyczne numerowanie + Automatyczne numerowanie + + + + + + + Zrównoważony/zbilansowany + Zrównoważony/zbilansowany + + + + + + + + + Zrównoważone + Zrównoważone + Wartość wszystkich transakcji musi się zgadzać (np. koszty) + The Balancing checkbox indicates the this element must balance in each journal transaction. For example, if cost centers have been defined as an element which is balance then the debits and credits for each unique cost center must net to 0.00. This is c + TODO + + + + + + Jezyk bazowy + Jezyk bazowy + System informacji utrzymywany jest przez dany język. + + + + + + + + Centralnie utrzymywany + Centralnie utrzymywany + Informacja zarządzana przez Element Systemu + Wskazuje czy Nazwa, Opis i Pomoc jest zarządzana przez tabelę Elementu Systemu czy tabelę Okna. + + + + + + + MA sprawdzone + MA sprawdzone + MA sprawdzone + Credit Approved indicates if the credit approval was successful for Orders + + + + + + + Klient + Klient + Wskazuje, czy kontrahent jest klientem + Wskazuje, czy kontrahent jest klientem. Jeśli tak jest, wybierz dodakowe pole w celu wprowadzenia dalszych informacji o kliencie. + + + + + + + Można usuwać + Można usuwać + Czy można usuwać rekordy + Czy można usuwać rekordy z bazy danych. Jeżeli nie można, można zaniechać wyboru oflagowania. + + + + + + + Dostarczone + Dostarczone + + + + + + + + + Wyświetlane + Wyświetlane + Określa, jeśli pole jest wyświetlane + Jeżeli pole jest wyświetlane, pole Wyświetl logikę określi czas operacji. + + + + + + + Dokument sprawdzony + Dokument sprawdzony + Jeżeli konto jest sprawdzane przez dokument, nie można do niego nic ręcznie przesłać. + + + + + + + + Dokument z autonumeracją + Dokument z autonumeracją + Dokument z autonumeracją + Dokument z autonumeracją + + + + + + + Członek Europejskiej Unii Monetarnej + Członek Europejskiej Unii Monetarnej + Waluta kraju członkowskiego Europejskiej Unii Monetarnej + Waluta kraju członkowskiego Europejskiej Unii Monetarnej + + + + + + + Pracownik + Pracownik + Czy kontrahent jest pracownikiem + Wskazuje, czy kontrahent jest pracownikiem. Jeśli tak jest, wyświetl dodatkowe pole w celu wprowadzenia dalszej identyfikacji pracownika. + + + + + + + Wyświetl zakodowane + Wyświetl zakodowane + Display is encrypted by '*' - Independent from data storage encryption + Display encryption - all characters are displayed as '*'. Data storage encryption (i.e. you will not be able to report the data via report tools) is set in the Column definition + TODO + + + + + + Waluta Euro + Waluta Euro + Waluta Euro + Waluta Euro + + + + + + + Tylko pole + Tylko pole + Nie wyświetla etykiety + Kolumna wyświetlana bez etykiety. + + + + + + + Kwalifikowane + Kwalifikowane + Kwalifikowane + Wszystkie wymagane elementy do kombinacji kont są obecne. + + + + + + + Utworzone + Utworzone + Pozycja utworzona + Pozycja dziennika została utworzona z dokumentu źródłowego. Pozycje mogą być wprowadzone ręcznie lub zaimportowane. + + + + + + + Tylko napis + Tylko napis + Pole bez kolumny - wyświetla tylko etykietę + Wskazuje, czy na ekranie będzie wyświetlona tylko etykieta. + + + + + + + Identyfikator + Identyfikator + Kolumna jest częścią identyfikatora wydruku + Kolumna jest częścią identyfikatora lub klucza do tabeli. + + + + + + + Księgowość + Księgowość + Formatka zawiera inforamcje na temat księgowania. + Wskazuje, czy okno zawiera informacje na temat księgowania. + + + + + + + Zafakturowane + Zafakturowane + Zafakturowane + Zafakturowane + + + + + + + Klucz główny + Klucz główny + Kolumna jest kluczem w tabeli + Kluczowa kolumna musi być również ponumerowana 0 w polu opisu i może być ukryta. + + + + + + + Obowiązkowe + Obowiązkowe + Wejście danych wymagane w kolumnie + Wskazuje, czy pole jest wymagane, by zapisać raport w bazie danych. + + + + + + + Konto naturalne + Konto naturalne + Konto podstawowe + Konto naturalne często jest oparte na wykresie kont, zwłaszcza przy wyszczególnieniu branży. + + + + + + + Kolumna łącząca z rekordem nadrzędnym + Kolumna łącząca z rekordem nadrzędnym + This column is a link to the parent table (e.g. header from lines) - incl. Association key columns + The Parent checkbox indicates if this column is a link to the parent table + TODO + + + + + + Podstawowy + Podstawowy + Wskazuje czy jest to budżet podstawowy + Wskazuje, czy dany budżet jest budźetem podstawowym. + + + + + + + Wydrukowane + Wydrukowane + Wydrukowane + Wydrukowane + + + + + + + Przetwarzanie + Przetwarzanie + + + + + + + + + Potencjalny klient + Potencjalny klient + Potencjalny klient + Wskazuje podmiot, który jest potencjalnym klientem, ale nim jeszcze nie jest. + + + + + + + Kupowane + Kupowane + Czy kupujemy ten produkt + Czy kupujemy ten produkt + + + + + + + Zakres + Zakres + Zakres wartość + Zakres wartości + + + + + + + Tylko do odczytu + Tylko do odczytu + Tylko do odczytu + Tylko do odczytu. Nie można uaktualnić. + + + + + + + Modyfikowalne + Modyfikowalne + Czy pole można zmieniać + Wskazuje, czy pole można odczytać i uaktualniać. + + + + + + + Cennik sprzedaży + Cennik sprzedaży + Cennik sprzedaży + Cennik sprzedaży używany przy transakcji sprzedaży + + + + + + + Sprzedawca + Sprzedawca + Reprezentant handlowy + Reprezentant handlowy + + + + + + + W tej samej linii + W tej samej linii + Czy ma być wyświetlony w tej samej linii co porzednie pole + Czy ma być wyświetlony w tej samej linii co porzednie pole + + + + + + + Włączenie zabezpiczeń + Włączenie zabezpiczeń + If security is enabled, user access to data can be restricted via Roles + The Security Enabled checkbox indicates that user access to the data in this table can be retricted using Roles + TODO + + + + + + Układ jednoliniowy + Układ jednoliniowy + Default for toggle between Single- and Multi-Row (Grid) Layout + The SIngle Row Layout checkbox indicates if the default display type for this window is a single row as opposed to multi row + TODO + + + + + + Sprzedawane + Sprzedawane + Czy produkt jest sprzedawany przez nas + Pole określa czy ten produkt jest przez nas sprzedawany + + + + + + + Przechowywane + Przechowywane + Czy przechowujemy ten rodzaj produktu + Czy przechowujemy ten rodzaj produktu + + + + + + + Element grupujący + Element grupujący + Jednostka grupująca + Przedstawia branżę w drzewie, bardziej niż mogłby to być koniec węzła. Jednostki grupujące używa się do raportowania i nie posiadają własnych wartości. + TODO + + + + + + Język systemowy + Język systemowy + Czy ma być dostępne tłumacznie apliklacji w tym jęzku + Wybierz, jeśli chcesz posiadać tłumaczenie dostępne w danym języku. Zauważ, że administrator systemu, by zarządzać skryptami języka możliwia użycie danego języka. Jeżeli nie ma takiej możliwości, możesz tłumaczyć sam. + + + + + + + Używane jako ID rekordu + Używane jako ID rekordu + Czy numer dokumentu ma być równiez kluczem głównym + Czy numer dokumentu ma być równiez kluczem głównym + + + + + + + Przeniesiony + Przeniesiony + Przeniesiony do Księgi Głównej + Wskazuje, że transakcje związane z dokumentem powinny być przeniesione do Księgi Głównej. + + + + + + + Przetłumaczone + Przetłumaczone + Przetłumaczona kolumna + Przetłumaczona kolumna + + + + + + + Tłumaczenie + Tłumaczenie + Formatka zawiera informacje o tłumaczeniu + Formatka zawiera informacje o tłumaczeniu + + + + + + + Można zmienić + Można zmienić + Określa, czy pole może uaktualnione + Określa, czy pole może uaktualnione przez użytkownika. + + + + + + + Można zmienić + Można zmienić + Pole może być uaktualnione przez użytkownika + Pole może być uaktualnione przez użytkownika + + + + + + + Dostawca + Dostawca + Wskazuje czy kontrahent jest dostawcą + Wskazuje czy kontrahent jest dostawcą. Jeżeli tak jest, wyświetl dodatkowe pole w celu wprowadzenie dalszych informacji o dostawcy. + + + + + + + Ostatni kontakt + Ostatni kontakt + Data ostatniego kontaktu + Data ostatniego kontaktu z kontrahentem. + + + + + + + Ostatni wynik + Ostatni wynik + Rezultat ostatniego kontaktu + Rezultat ostatniego kontaktu + + + + + + + Maksymalny poziom + Maksymalny poziom + Maksymalna ilość produktu na stanie + Maksymalna ilość produktu na stanie + + + + + + + Minimalny poziom + Minimalny poziom + Minimalna ilość produktu na stanie + Minimalna ilość produktu na stanie + + + + + + + Numer pozycji + Numer pozycji + Numer pozycji dokumentu + Numer pozycji dokumentu. Kontroluje on również porządek wyświetlania pozycji w dokumencie. + + + + + + + Netto + Netto + Kwota netto (ilość * cena rzeczywista) bez opłat za fracht i pozostałych + Kwota netto (ilość * cena rzeczywista) bez opłat za fracht i pozostałych + + + + + + + Kolejność + Kolejność + + + + + + + + + Numer partii + Numer partii + Numer partii produktu + Numer partii produktu + + + + + + + Lokalizator + Lokalizator + Lokalizator magazynu + Numer identyfikacyjny lokalizatora to miejsce, gdzie w magazynie przechowywany jest produkt. + + + + + + + Cennik + Cennik + Cennik + Cennik określa cenę, marżę, koszt zakupionych i sprzedanych produktów. + + + + + + + Wersja cennika + Wersja cennika + Instancja cennika + Każdy cennik może mieć wiele wersji. Najczęściej używana się dat obowiązywania danego cennika. + + + + + + + Kategoria produktu + Kategoria produktu + Kategoria produktu + Kategoria, do której należy dany produkt. Kategorie produktów służą do określenia ceny. + + + + + + + Produkt + Produkt + Produkt, usługa, towar + Produkt, usługa, towar + + + + + + + Przewoźnik + Przewoźnik + Sposób dostawy produktu + Przewoźnik wskazuje sposób dostarczenia produktu + + + + + + + Magazyn/punkt serwisowy + Magazyn/punkt serwisowy + Magazyn/punkt serwisowy + Magazyn/punkt serwisowy + + + + + + + Tekst wiadomości + Tekst wiadomości + Informacje tekstowe, Menu i wiadomość o błędzie + Tekst wiadomości + + + + + + + Wskazówka dla wiadomości + Wskazówka dla wiadomości + Dodatkowa wskazówka lub pomoc + Dodatkowa wskazówka lub pomoc + + + + + + + Typ wiadomości + Typ wiadomości + Typ wiadomości (informacja, Menu lub błąd) + Typ wiadomości (informacja, Menu lub błąd) + + + + + + + Mnóż proporcję + Mnóż proporcję + Rate to multiple the source by to calculate the target + To convert Source number to Target number, the Source is multiplied by the multiply rate. If the Multiply Rate is entered, then the Divide Rate will be automatically calculated + TODO + + + + + + Naics/sic + Naics/sic + Standard Industry Code or its successor NAIC - http://www.osha.gov/oshstats/sicser.html + The NAICS/SIC identifies either of these codes that may be applicable to this Business Partner + TODO + + + + + + Nazwa + Nazwa + Identyfikator pozycji + Nazwa pozycji(rekordu) jest używana jako domyslny sposób wyszukiwania wraz z kodem. Nazwa powinna mieścić się w 60 znakach + + + + + + + Zbliża się termin + Zbliża się termin + Zbliża się termin płatności + Zbliża się termin płatności + + + + + + + Node_id + Node_id + + TODO + + + + + + + Pracownicy + Pracownicy + Liczba pracowników + Liczba pracowników na kontrahenta. Pole wyświetla się wyłącznie, gdy mowa o potencjalnym kliencie. + + + + + + + Komenda systemowa + Komenda systemowa + Operating System Command + The OS Command is for optionally defining a command to that will be part of this task. For example it can be used to starting a back up process or perfoming a file transfer + TODO + + + + + + SQL ORDER BY + SQL ORDER BY + Fully qualified ORDER BY clause + The ORDER BY Clause indicates the SQL ORDER BY clause to use for record selection + TODO + + + + + + Lista jedostek + Lista jedostek + Lista jednostek, do których rola ma dostęp + Lista jednostek, do których rola ma dostęp. Powielone jednostki są oddzielone przez przecinek ",". + + + + + + + Organizacja + Organizacja + Jednostka organizacyjna w ramach firmy + Jednostka firmy - przykład sklep, dział. + + + + + + + Cennik zakupu + Cennik zakupu + Cennik dla kontrahenta + Cennik dostawcy na zakupowane przez jednostkę produkty . + + + + + + + P_date + P_date + + + %TODO% + + + + + + P_date_to + P_date_to + + + %TODO% + + + + + + P_string + P_string + + + %TODO% + + + + + + P_string_to + P_string_to + + + %TODO% + + + + + + Rodzic + Rodzic + Wartość jednostki rodzica + Wskazuje wartość, która reprezentuje następny poziom w hierarchii lub zapisz poziom rekordu. + + + + + + + Podatek bazowy + Podatek bazowy + Podatek bazowy + Jest odniesieniem do powielania podatków. Pozwala na pobieranie innym powielonych podatków w dokumencie przez włączenie Podatku bazowego. + + + + + + + Hasło + Hasło + Hasło każdej długości (przypadek szczególny) + Wskazuje hasło dla numeru identyfikacyjnego użytkownika. Wymagane są do zidentyfikowania użytkowników autoryzowanych. + + + + + + + Czas operacji + Czas operacji + Czas operacji + Czas operacji. Na przykład "Zamknij okres" lub "Otwórz okres". + + + + + + + Numer okresu + Numer okresu + Pojedynczy numer okresu + Wskazuje poszczegółny okres w roku. Każdy okres jest określony datą rozpoczęcia i zakończenia. Zakresy dat w kalendarzu i roku nie mogą na siebie zachodzić. + + + + + + + Status okresu + Status okresu + Rzeczywisty stan okresu + Wskazuje rzeczywisty stan okresu. Na przykład: Zamknięty, Otwarty, Nigdy się nie otwiera. + + + + + + + Typ okresu + Typ okresu + Typ okresu + Typ okresu (standardowy lub dostosowany). + + + + + + + Przyszłe dni + Przyszłe dni + Ilość dni do końca (na podstawie daty systemu). + Rzeczywisty okres liczony jest na podstawie daty systemu i zawsze może przejść do wszystkich dni w okresie rzeczywistym. Przyszłe dni pozwalają przejść do przyszłych okresów. Na przykład, dzisiaj jest 15 kwietnia, a przyszłe dni ustawiono na 30, więc można przejść do 15 maja. + + + + + + + Przeszłe dni + Przeszłe dni + Ilość dni do początku (na podstawie daty systemu) + Rzeczywisty okres liczony jest na podstawie daty systemu i zawsze może przejść do wszystkich dni w okresie rzeczywistym. Przeszłe dni pozwalają przejść do minionych okresów. Na przykład, dzisiaj jest 15 maja, a przeszłe dni ustawiono na 30, więc można cofnąć się do 15 kwietnia. + + + + + + + Telefon + Telefon + Numer telefonu + Numer telefonu + + + + + + + Telefon 2 + Telefon 2 + Inny numer telefonu + Inny numer telefonu + + + + + + + Wyślij rzeczywiste + Wyślij rzeczywiste + Wartości rzeczywiste mogą być wysłane + Wartości rzeczywiste mogą być wysłane do wartości elementu. + + + + + + + Wyślij budżet + Wyślij budżet + Wartości budżetu mogą być wysłane + Wartości budżetu mogą być wysłane do wartości elementu. + + + + + + + Poczta encumbrance + Poczta encumbrance + Post commitments to this account + + %TODO% + + + + + + Wyślij statystyki + Wyślij statystyki + Wyślij ilości statystyki na konto + + + + + + + + Kod pocztowy + Kod pocztowy + Kod pocztowy + Kod pocztowy lub kod adresu jednostki + + + + + + + - + - + Inny kod pocztowy + Inny kod pocztowy + + + + + + + Rodzaj kwoty + Rodzaj kwoty + Rodzaj zaksięgowanej kwoty + The Posting Type indicates the type of amount (Actual, Encumbrance, Budget) this journal updated + %TODO% + + + + + + Potencjalny przychód od kontrahenta + Potencjalny przychód od kontrahenta + Calkowity oczekiwany przychód + Potencjalny przychód uzyskany od kontrahenta + + + + + + + Prefiks + Prefiks + Prefix przed numerem licznika + Cyfry przed numerem dokumentu + + + + + + + Cena jednostowa + Cena jedn + Cena rzeczywista + Cena rzeczywista produktu w walucie bazowej. + + + + + + + Cennik + Cennik + Cennik + Oficjalny cennik w dokumencie walutowym. + + + + + + + Pierwszeństwo + Pierwszeństwo + Pierwszeństwo dokumentu + Ważność dokumentu (wysoka, umiarkowana, niska). + + + + + + + Rozpocznij teraz + Rozpocznij teraz + + + + + + + + + Ilość + Ilość + Ilość + Ilość produktów w dokumencie. + + + + + + + Dostarczona ilość + Dostarczona ilość + Dostarczona ilość + Dostarczona ilość + + + + + + + Zafakturowana ilość + Zafakturowana ilość + Zafakturowana ilość + Zafakturowana ilość produktów. + + + + + + + Ilośc na stanie + Ilośc na stanie + Ilośc na stanie + Ilośc na stanie w magazynie. + + + + + + + Zamówiona ilość + Zamówiona ilość + Zamówiona ilość + Zamówiona ilość produktów. + + + + + + + Ilość w rezerwie + Ilość w rezerwie + Ilość w rezerwie + Ilość produktów w rezerwie na inne zamówienia. + + + + + + + Przelicznik + Przelicznik + Współczynnik, Podatek lub Kurs wymiany + Współczynnik, Podatek lub Kurs wymiany + + + + + + + Różnice kursowe -zysk + Różnice kursowe - zysk + Różnice kursowe - zysk + Zrealizowany zysk na różnicach kursowych + + + + + + + Różnice kursowe - strata + Różnice kursowe - strata + Różnice kursowe - strata + Zrealizowana strata na różnicach kursowych. + + + + + + + Dokument + Id dokumentu + Podgląd dokumentu księgowego + Podgląd dokumentu księgowego + %TODO% + + + + + + Odniesienie + Odniesienie + Odniesienie do wydruku + Wyświetla numer dokumentu źródłowego + + + + + + + Odnośnik + Odnośnik + Numer klienta lub dostawcy w ośrodku kontrahenta + Odnośnik wydrukowany na zamówieniach i fakturach pozwala kontrahentowi przyspieszyć identyfikację wydruków. + + + + + + + Nazwa województwa/regionu + Nazwa województwa/regionu + Nazwa województwa/regionu + Nazwa województwa/regionu wydrukowana na dokumencie. + + + + + + + Sposób uzupełniania towaru + Sposób uzupełniania towaru + Sposób uzupełniania towaru + Wskazuje, czy produkt będzie ręcznie uzupełniony, zamówiony, gdy ilość produktu będzie poniżej ilości minimalnej lub poniżej ilości maksymalnej. + + + + + + + Wynik + Wynik + Wynik podjętej operacji + Wynik podjętej operacji na zapytanie. + + + + + + + Fundusze na odprawy emerytalne + Fundusze na odprawy emerytalne + + + + + + + + + Numer magazynowy + Nr magazynowy + Numer magazynowy + Wskazuje numer magazynowy użytkownika. Może być używany przez dodatkowe oznaczenie kodu paskowego lub przez swój własny symbol. + + + + + + + Kampania + Kampania + Kampania marketingowa + Określa pojedynczy program marketingowy. Projekty mogą być stowarzyszone z projektem wstępnym kampanii marketingowej. + + + + + + + Kanał + Kanał + Kanał sprzedaży/dystrybucji + Sposób lub kanał sprzedaży. + + + + + + + Limit kredytowania + Limit kredytowania + Limit kredytowania kontrahenta + Limit kredytowania. W przypadku przekroczenia zadłużenia na fakturach, wyświetlane będzie ostrzeżenie. Dla 0, nie będzie sprawdzane. + + + + + + + Kredyt wykorzystany + Kredyt wykorzystany + Kredyt wykorzystany + Całkowita kwota niezapłaconych faktur kontrahentowi. + + + + + + + Zasady dosaw + Zasady dosaw + Terminowość dostaw + Terminowość dostaw. Na przykład, określa czy zamówienie powinno być dostarczone, kiedy wypełniono całe zamówienie, kiedy wypełniono pozycję lub gdy produkt stanie się dostępny. + + + + + + + Zamówienie obce + Zamówienie obce + Zamówienie obce + Zamówienie obce jest dokumentem kontrolnym. Powiodło się, gdy zamówiona ilość jest taka sama jak ilość dostarczona i zafakturowana. + Zamówienie własne + Numer identyfikacyjny zamówienia własnego jest pojedynczym identyfikatorem zamówień. Jest kontrolowany przez licznik dokumentów dla danego typu dokumentów. + Zamówienie własne + Zamówienie własne + + + Zasady faktury + Zasady faktury + Częstotliwość i sposób fakturowania + Częstotliwość i sposób wystawiania faktur kontrahentowi. + + + + + + + Plan fakturowania + Plan fakturowania + Plan fakturowania + Wskazuje częstotliwość wystawiania faktur. + + + + + + + Pozycja zamówienia + Pozycja zamówienia + Pozycja zamówienia + Identyfikuje pozycję w zamówieniu + Pozycja zamówienia + Identyfikuje pozycję w zamówieniu + Pozycja zamówienia + Pozycja zamówienia + + + Wolumen sprzedaży w 1000 + Sprzedaże wolumenu + Całkowity wolumen sprzedaży + Całkowity wolumen sprzedaży danemu kontrahentowi. + + + + + + + Sperator elementu + Sperator elementu + Sperator elementu konta + Wskazuje separator drukowany pomiędzy elementami w strukturze. + + + + + + + Licznik + Licznik + Metoda porządkowania wydruków; numer pierwszy jest najniższy. + Numeruje wydruki. + + + + + + + Numer seryjny + Numer seryjny + Numer seryjny produktu + Wskazuje śledzony, objęty gwarancją produkt. Wyłącznie dla ilości 1. + + + + + + + Udział + Udział + Udział procentowy kontrahenta w łącznej dostawie. + Udział procentowy kontrahenta w łącznej dostawie. + + + + + + + Głębokośc na półce + Głębokośc na półce + Wymagana głębokośc na półce + Wymagana głębokośc na półce dla danego produktu + + + + + + + Wysokość na półce + Wysokość na półce + Wymagana wysokość na półce + Wymagana wysokość na półce dla danego produktu + + + + + + + Szerokość na półce + Szerokość na półce + Wymagana szerokość na półce + Wymagana szerokość na półce dla danego produktu. + + + + + + + Nr do sortowania elementów + Nr do sortowania elementów + Określa w jakiej kolejności wydruki są wyświetlane + The Record Sort No indicates the ascending sort sequence of the records + %TODO% + + + + + + Data rozpoczęcia + Data rozpoczęcia + Data rozpoczęcia (łącznie) + Pierwsza data lub data rozpoczęcia zakresu. + + + + + + + Skasuj licznik co rok + Skasuj licznik co rok + Skasuj licznik co rok + Numerowanie dokumentów powinno rozpocząć się od początku od pierwszego dnia roku. + + + + + + + Numer rozpoczęcia + Numer rozpoczęcia + Numer/pozycja rozpoczęcia + Wskazuje numer/pozycja rozpoczęcia pozycji. + + + + + + + Standardowa precyzja + Standardowa precyzja + Zasada zaokrąglania kwot + Miejsca dziesiętne w dokumentach przy operacjach księgowych będą zaokrąglane. + + + + + + + Substytut + Substytut + Produkt zastępczy + Produkt zastępczy + + + + + + + Przyrostek + Przyrostek + Przyrostek + Cyfry dodane na końcu numeru dokumentu + + + + + + + Niepewne równoważenie konta + Niepewne równoważenie konta + + %TODO% + + + + + + + Kwota niezgodności + Kwota niezgodności + + + + + + + + + Suma + Suma + + + + + + + + + Data + Data + + + + + + + + + Data i czas + Data i czas + + + + + + + + + Całkowita + Całkowita + + + + + + + + + Liczba + Liczba + + + + + + + + + Nazwa tabeli + Nazwa tabeli + Nazwa tabeli w bazie danych + Nazwa tabeli w bazie danych + + + + + + + NIP + NIP + NIP lub zagraniczny numer identyfikacyjny + NIP lub zagraniczny numer identyfikacyjny + + + + + + + Numer identyfikacyjny próby + Numer identyfikacyjny próby + + + + + + + + + Do + Do + Do kraju + Kraj - odbiorca w dokumencie + + + + + + + Do + Do + Do regionu + Region - odbiorca w dokumencie + + + + + + + Suma MA + Suma MA + Suma MA w walucie dokumentu + The Total Credit indicates the total credit amount for a journal or journal batch in the source currency + TODO + + + + + + Suma WN + Suma WN + Suma WN w walucie dokumentu + The Total Debit indicates the total debit amount for a journal or journal batch in the source currency + TODO + + + + + + Wszystkie pozycje + Wszystkie pozycje + Wszystkie pozycje + Wszystkie pozycje w walucie dokumentu + + + + + + + Typ drzewa/obszar + Typ drzewa/obszar + Drzewo zbudowane jest z danego elementu (np. produkt, kontrahent) + Wskazuje typ drzewa. Na przykład, można określić jedno drzewo dla swoich produktów, a inne dla kontrahenta. + + + + + + + Typ + Typ + Type of Validation (SQL, Java Script, Java Language) + The Type indicates the type of validation that will occur. This can be SQL, Java Script or Java Language + TODO + + + + + + Symbol + Symbol + Symbol jednostki miary + Symbol drukowanej jednostki miary + + + + + + + Kod paskowy EAN + Kod paskowy EAN + Bar Code (Universal Product Code or its superset European Article Number) + Use this field to enter the bar code for the product in any of the bar code symbologies (Codabar, Code 25, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, UPC (A), UPC (E), EAN-13, EAN-8, ITF, ITF-14, ISBN, ISSN, JAN-13, JAN-8, POSTNET and FIM, MSI/Plessey, and Pharmacode) + TODO + + + + + + Ilość na palecie + Ilość na palecie + Ilość na palecie + Ilość produktu na palecie. + + + + + + + Rozliczenie różnic kursowych - zysk + Rozliczenie różnic kursowych - zysk + Rozliczenie różnic kursowych - zysk + Konto Rozliczenie różnic kursowych zapisuje zysk z tytułu różnic kursu walutowego, który nie został jeszcze zrealizowany. + + + + + + + Rozliczenie różnic kursowych - strata + Rozliczenie różnic kursowych - strata + Rozliczenie różnic kursowych - strata + Konto Rozliczenie różnic kursowych zapisuje stratę z tytułu różnic kursu walutowego, która nie została jeszcze zrealizowana. + + + + + + + Zaktualizowany + Zaktualizowany + Data aktualizowania rekordu + Data aktualizowania rekordu + + + + + + + Zaktualizowany przez + Zaktualizowany przez + Użytkownik, który zaktualizował rekord. + Użytkownik, który zaktualizował rekord. + + + + + + + Uzyj obecnego salda + Uzyj obecnego salda + + + + + + + + + Użycie niepewności balansująca + Użycie niepewności balansująca + + TODO + + + + + + + Użyj błędu niepewności + Użyj błędu niepewności + + TODO + + + + + + + Użytkownik 1 + Użytkownik 1 + Użytkownik określający element 1 + Pokazuje inne elementy określone dla danej kombinacji kont. + + + + + + + Użytkownik 2 + Użytkownik 2 + Użytkownik określający element 2 + Pokazuje inne elementy określone dla danej kombinacji kont. + + + + + + + Poziom użytkownika + Poziom użytkownika + System organizacji firmy + Określa czy użytkownicy danej roli będą mieli dostęp do systemu poziomu danych, poziomu danych organizacji, poziomu danych firmy lub poziomu danych firmy i organizacji. + TODO + + + + + + Format wartości + Format wartości + Format of the value; Can contain fixed format elements, Variables: "_lLoOaAcCa09" + <B>Validation elements:</B> + (Space) any character +_ Space (fixed character) +l any Letter a..Z NO space +L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case +o any Letter a..Z or space +O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case +a any Letters & Digit + TODO + + + + + + Ważny od + Ważny od + Ważny od daty (łącznie) - pierwszy dzień + Wskazuje pierwszy dzień zakresu dat. + + + + + + + Ważny do + Ważny do + Ważny do daty (łącznie) - ostatni dzień + Wskazuje ostatni dzień zakresu dat. + + + + + + + Typ walidacji + Typ walidacji + Różne sposoby walidacji danych + Różne sposoby walidacji danych: lista, tabela lub typ walidacji danych. + + + + + + + Kod + Kod + Kod rekordu w wymaganym formacie - musi być szczególny + A search key allows you a fast method of finding a paricular record. +If you leave the search key empty, the system automatically creates a numeric number. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Mainatin Sequence" window wi + %TODO% + + + + + + Kategoria dostawcy + Kategoria dostawcy + Kategoria dostawcy produktu + Kategoria dostawcy produktu + + + + + + + Nr produktu wg dostawcy + Nr produktu wg dostawcy + Nr produktu wg dostawcy + Nr produktu wg dostawcy + + + + + + + Wersja + Wersja + Wersja opisu tabeli + Wersja opisu tabeli + + + + + + + Wolumen + Wolumen + Wolumen produktu + Wskazuje wielkość/wartość produktu w jednostce miary firmy + TODO + + + + + + Waga + Waga + Waga produktu + Wskazuje wagę produktu w jednostce miary firmy + + + + + + + SQL WHERE + Sql gdzie klauzula + Fully qualified WHERE clause + The Where Clause indicates the SQL WHERE clause to use for record selection + + + + + + + Typ okna + Typ okna + Typ lub klasyfikacja okna + Typ określonego okna (Zarządza, Transakcje lub Pytanie) + + + + + + + Workflow + Workflow + Workflow lub zadania + Wskazuje pojedynczy workflow. Jest to zgrupowanie powiązanych ze sobą zadań, w specjalnym liczniku oraz dodatkowo zawiera potwierdzenia. + + + + + + + Korytarz X + Korytarz X + Rozmiar X, np. korytarz + Rozmiar X wskazuje korytarz, w którym umiejscowiony jest produkt. + TODO + + + + + + Kod EDI + Kod EDI + Kod EDI + The EDI Code indicates the EDI X12 Code Data Element 355 (Unit or Basis for Measurement) + TODO + + + + + + Zbiornik Y + Zbiornik Y + Rozmiar Y, np. Zbiornik + Rozmiar Y wskazuje zbiornik, gdzie umiejscowiony jest dany produkt. + + + + + + + Rok + Rok + Rok kalendarzowy + Rok kalendarzowy przyjęty za obrachunkowy + + + + + + + Porządek w osi Z + Porządek w osi Z + Rozmiar Z, np. Poziom + Rozmiar Z wskazuje poziom, gdzie umiejscowiony jest dany produkt. + TODO + + + + + + Bank + Bank + Bank + Określa bank jednostki lub kontrahenta, z którym przeprowadzane są transakcje handlowe. + + + + + + + Konto bankowe + Konto bankowe + Konto bankowe + Konto bankowe + + + + + + + Konta bankowe kontrahenta + Konta bankowe kontrahenta + Konta bankowe kontrahenta + Konta bankowe kontrahenta + + + + + + + Wezwanie do zapłaty + Wezwanie do zapłaty + Wezwanie do zapłaty za fakturę, której mija lub minął termin płatności + Wskazuje sposoby i zasady wzywania do zapłaty za faktury, którym minąt termin płatności. + + + + + + + Wstrzymanie + Wstrzymanie + Wstrzymanie + Typ wstrzymania w celu obliczenia. + + + + + + + Numer konta + Numer konta + Numer konta + Numer konta + + + + + + + Beneficjent + Beneficjent + Beneficjent płatości + Beneficjent płatości. Pole jest wyświetlane, gdy wybrano Płatne trzeciej osobie. + + + + + + + Opłata + Opłata + Opłata + Kwota dodatkowej opłaty. + + + + + + + Odsetki + Odsetki + Wskazuje, czy będą pobierane odsetki za nieterminową zapłatę faktur. + Wskazuje, czy będą pobierane odsetki za nieterminową zapłatę faktur. + + + + + + + Odsetki od zaległości + Odsetki od zaległości + Odsetki pobierane od kwoty zaległych faktur + Odsetki pobierane od kwoty zaległych faktur + + + + + + + Klasyfikacja + Klasyfikacja + Klasyfikacja dla grupowania + Klasyfikacja używana dodatkowo do grupowania produktów. + + + + + + + Limit kredytu + Limit kredytu + Limit kredytu + Limit kredytu + + + + + + + Aktualne saldo + Aktualne saldo + Aktualne saldo + Aktualny stan salda na koncie. + + + + + + + Dni do wezwania + Dni do wezwania + Dni do wezwania + Dni do wezwania do zapłaty + + + + + + + Rabat 2 % + Rabat 2 % + Rabat w procentach + Rabat w procentach + + + + + + + Dni w rabacie + Dni w rabacie + Liczba dni przedterminowej zapłaty, by przyznano rabat + Liczba dni przedterminowej zapłaty, by przyznano rabat + + + + + + + Typ logiczny dokumentu + Typ logiczny dokumentu + Typ logiczny dokumentu + Wskazuje bazę lub punkt rozpoczęcia dokumentu. Powielone typy dokumentów mogą dzielić jeden typ dokumentu bazowego. + + + + + + + Kopie dokumentów + Kopie dokumentów + Liczba drukowanych kopii + Liczba drukowanych kopii danego dokumentu + + + + + + + Notatka do dokumentu + Notatka do dokumentu + Dodatkowa inforamcja do dokumentu + Zapisuje dowolną dodatkową informację o produkcie. + + + + + + + Email + Email + Adres email + The Email indicates the Electronic Mail ID for this User + TODO + + + + + + Poniżej ograniczenia cenowego + Poniżej ograniczenia cenowego + Nie wolno stosować cen poniżej ograniczenia cenowego. + Nie wolno stosować cen poniżej ograniczenia cenowego. + + + + + + + Przyczyna zwolnienia z wstrzymania + Przyczyna zwolnienia z wstrzymania + Przyczyna zwolnienia z wstrzymania + Przyczyna, dla której pieniądze ie są zatrzymane od pracownika. + + + + + + + Fakt księgowy + Fakt księgowy + + + + + + + + + Odsetki + Odsetki + Odsetki od faktury + Odsetki będą umieszczane na wezwaniach do zapłaty za przeterminowane faktury + + + + + + + Stała kwota + Stała kwota + Narzucona stała kwota opłaty lub innej płatności. + Narzucona stała kwota opłaty lub innej płatności. + + + + + + + Płatność ostatniego dnia faktury + Płatność ostatniego dnia faktury + Płatność ostatniego dnia faktury + Ostatni dzień faktury staje się dacie aktualnego zobowiązania. Pole jest jedynie wyświetlane, gdy wybrano stałą datę zobowiązania. + + + + + + + Zobowiązanie w dzień miesiąca + Zobowiązanie w dzień miesiąca + Zobowiązanie w dzień miesiąca + Wskazuje dzień miesiąca, kiedy faktury są wymagalne. Pole wyświetla się wyłącznie, gdy wybrano stałą datę zobowiązania. + + + + + + + Licz miesiące zadłużenia + Licz miesiące zadłużenia + Numer miesiąca (0=aktualny, 1=następny). + Wskazuje numer miesiąca od bieżącego miesiąca w celu oznaczenia, że faktura jest wymagalna. 0 dla miesiąca spłaty zadłużenia, 1 dla następnego. Pole wyświetla się jedynie, gdy wybrano stałą datę zobowiązania. + + + + + + + Dni oczekiwania + Dni oczekiwania + Ilośc dni od daty wymagalności faktury, po których należy wysłać pierwsze wezwanie do zapłaty faktury. + Ilośc dni od daty wymagalności faktury, po których należy wysłać pierwsze wezwanie do zapłaty faktury. Pole wyświetla się jedynie, gdy wybrano opcję wysyłania wezwań do zapłaty. + + + + + + + Komunikat błędu importu + Komunikat błędu importu + Wiadomość utworzona podczas procesu importowania. + Pokazuje wiadomości utworzone podczas procesu importowania. + + + + + + + Zaimportowany + Zaimportowany + Czy odbył się proces importowania + Czy odbył się proces importowania + + + + + + + Oprocentowanie w procentach + Oprocentowanie w procentach + Oprocentowanie/odsetki pobierane od niezapłaconych w terminie faktur. + Oprocentowanie/odsetki pobierane od niezapłaconych w terminie faktur. Pole wyświetla się jedynie, gdy wybrane zostało ustawienie pobierania odsetek. + + + + + + + Adres kierowania faktury + Adres kierowania faktury + Adres kierowania faktury + Adres kierowania faktury do klienta lub otrzymania faktury od dostawcy. + + + + + + + Poziom dokumentu + Poziom dokumentu + Podatek obliczany na podstawie poziomu dokumentu (bardziej niż pozycja po pozycji) + Jeżeli podatek jest liczony na podstawie poziomu dokumentu, od wszystkich pozycji liczony jest współczynnik, pozycje są następnie dodane przed obliczeniem łącznego podatku dla danego dokumentu. W przeciwnym wypadku podatek liczony jest dla każdej pozycji i następnie dodany. Kwoty podatku w ten sposób mogą się różnić, dlatego stosuje się zaokrąglanie kwot. + + + + + + + Stała data zadłużenia + Stała data zadłużenia + Płatność jest wymagana w określoną stałą datę długu. + Wskazuje, że faktury z określonym terminem płatności będą wymagalne w określona stałą datę miesiąca. + + + + + + + Konto waluty obcej + Konto waluty obcej + Stany kont w walucie obcej są przetrzymywane w wartości nominalnej i przeliczane na walutę księgowania. + Stany kont w walucie obcej są przetrzymywane w wartości nominalnej i przeliczane na walutę księgowania. + + + + + + + Obowiązkowe wstrzymanie + Obowiązkowe wstrzymanie + Pieniądze muszą być wstrzymane + Pieniądze od pracowników muszą być wstrzymane. + + + + + + + Transakcja jednorazowa + Transakcja jednorazowa + + + + + + + + + Bank jednostki + Bank jednostki + Bank jednostki + Wskazuje bank jednostki w przeciwieństwie do banku kontrahenta. + + + + + + + Zapłata trzeciej stronie + Zapłata trzeciej stronie + Kwota płacona osobie innej niż kontrahentowi + Kwota płacona osobie innej niż kontrahentowi + + + + + + + Adres przychodzących płatności + Adres przychodzących płatności + Z danego adresu płaci kontrahent, na ten adres wysyłane są wezwania do zapłaty + Z danego adresu płaci kontrahent, na ten adres wysyłane są wezwania do zapłaty + + + + + + + Procent/Proporcja do kwoty faktury + Procent/Proporcja do kwoty faktury + Kwota wstrzymania jest procentem/częścią kwoty faktury + Kwota wstrzymania jest procentem/częścią kwoty faktury + + + + + + + Adres reemisji + Adres reemisji + Adres wysłania płatności + Adres jako lokalizacja/miejsce dostawcy, do której wysyłane są płatności za faktury. + + + + + + + Ten sam podatek + Ten sam podatek + Użyj ten sam podatek co przy głównej transakcji + Użyj ten sam podatek co przy głównej transakcji + + + + + + + Adres dostawy + Adres dostawy + Adres kontrahenta, na który dostarczane są towary i na jaki otrzymujemy towary od dostawców + Adres kontrahenta, na który dostarczane są towary i na jaki otrzymujemy towary od dostawców. + + + + + + + Zwolniony z podatku + Zwolniony z podatku + Kontrahent jest zwolniony z podatku + Jeżeli kontrahent jest zwolniony z podatku, używa się stawki 0% dla podatku. Należy wstawić w ustawieniach 0% jako procent podatku i zaznaczyć, że jest to wskaźnik zwolnienia z podatku. Wymagane jest to przy wydruku, gdzie można śledzić zwolnienia podatkowe. + + + + + + + Podział podatku + Podział podatku + Podatek jest podzielony + Podatek jest podzielony + + + + + + + Wstrzymanie z tytułu podatku + Wstrzymanie z tytułu podatku + Wstrzymanie z tytułu podatku + Wstrzymanie środków pieniężnym jest związane z podatkiem. + + + + + + + Tymczasowe zwolnienie z podatku + Tymczasowe zwolnienie z podatku + Tymczasowe zwolnienie z podatku + Na określony czas, podatki nie będą zatrzymywane pracownikom. + + + + + + + Kwota maksymalna + Kwota maks. + Kwota maksymalna w walucie faktury + Kwota maksymalna w walucie faktury + + + + + + + Kwota minimalna + Kwota min. + Kwota minimalna w walucie faktury + Kwota minimalna wyrażona w walucie faktury + + + + + + + Minimalna ilość zamówienia + Minimalna ilość zamówienia + Minimalna ilość zamówienia w jednostkach miary + Minimalna ilość jednostek produktu, jaka może być zamówiona. + + + + + + + Ilość w paczce + Ilość w paczce + Ilość sztuk w paczce (np. zamówienie 1 paczki ale 5 sztuk) + Ilość jednostek w każdej paczce produktu. + + + + + + + Zasada płatności + Zasada płatności + Zasada płatności + Sposób zapłaty za zakup. + + + + + + + Procent/Proporcja + Procent/Proporcja + Procent wstrzymania + Procent wstrzymania + + + + + + + Nr obcy zamówienia + Nr obcy zamówienia + Numer transakcji (zamówienie obce, zamówienie własne) kontrahenta + Jest to numer referencyjny specyficznych transakcji. Zwykle numery zamówień drukowane są na fakturach. Numer standardowy jest określony w oknie kontrahenta (klienta). + + + + + + + Ostania cena na zamówieniu + Ostania cena na zamówieniu + Ostania cena na zamówieniu własnym + Ostania cena na zamówieniu własnym + + + + + + + Limit ceny + Limit ceny + Limit ceny dla produktu + Najniższa cena produktu w cenniku walutowym. + + + + + + + Cena standardowa + Cena standardowa + Cena standardowa + Standardowa lub normalna cena produktu w cenniku. + + + + + + + Opis na wydruku + Opis na wydruku + Opis na wydruku dokumentu + Opis na wydruku. Maksymalna długość 2000 znaków + + + + + + + Ocena + Ocena + klasyfikacja ważności kontrahenta + Klasyfikacja ważności służy do późniejszej oceny kontrahenta + + + + + + + Numer banku dealera + Nr banku dealera + Numer banku dealera + + %TODO% + + + + + + Wyślij wezwania do zapłaty + Wyslij wezwania do zapłaty + Wskazuje czy zostaną wysłane wzwania do zapłaty + Wskazuje czy będą wysyłane wezwania do zapłaty dla kontrahentów, którzy mają ustawiony ten rodzaj wezwania do zapłaty + + + + + + + Opłata + Opłata + Dodatkowe opłaty w dokumenie. + Typ opłaty (za przechowywanie, dostawę, ponowne magazynowanie). + + + + + + + Kod SWIFT + Kod SWIFT + Kod SWIFT (Stowarzyszenie Międzynarodowej Międzybankowej Teletransmisji Danych Finansowych) + Kod SWIFT jest identyfikatorem banku w finansowych międzynarodowych międzybankowych transakcjach rozliczeniowych. + + + + + + + Próg maksimum + Próg maksimum + Maksymalna kwota brutto używana przy obliczaniu wstrzymania. Wartość 0 oznacza brak ograniczeń. + Maksymalna kwota brutto używana przy obliczaniu wstrzymania. Wartość 0 oznacza brak ograniczeń. + + + + + + + Próg min + Próg min + Minimalna kwota brutto używana przy obliczaniu wstrzymania. + Minimalna kwota brutto używana przy obliczaniu wstrzymania. + + + + + + + Tytuł + Tytuł + Tytuł jednostki + Tutuł jednostki powiązanej. + %TODO% + + + + + + URL + URL + URL + URL określa adres online kontrahenta. + + + + + + + Procedura + Procedura + Nazwa procedury w bazie danych + Nazwa procedury w bazie danych wzywana przez wydruk lub proces. + + + + + + + Działalność + Działalność + Działalność + Wskazuje zadania wykonywane i używane przy wykorzystaniu kalkulacji ABC. + + + + + + + Sposób opłacenia za fracht + Sposób opłacenia za fracht + Sposób opłacenia za fracht + Wskazuje metodę używaną przy pobieraniu opłaty za fracht. + + + + + + + Faktura + Faktura + Identyfikator faktury + Identyfikator faktury + + + + + + + Rozrachunki - zaliczki + Przedpłaty klienta + Zaliczki klienta na koncie Rozrachunków + Zaliczki klienta na koncie Rozrachunków + + + + + + + Należności klienta + Należności klienta + Należności klienta + Wskazuje konto, na którym zapisuje się należności klienta. + + + + + + + Kod towaru + Kod towaru + Kod towaru służy do obliczania podatku + Kod towaru służy do obliczania podatku + + + + + + + Karta kredytowa + Karta kredytowa + Karta kredytowa (Visa, MC, AmEx) + Karta kredytowa (Visa, MC, AmEx) + + + + + + + Typ zamówienia + Typ zamówienia + Sales Order Sub Type + The SO Sub Type indicates the type of sales order this document refers to. This field only appears when the Document Base Type is Sales Order. The selection made here will determine which documents will be generated when an order is processed and which + %TODO% + + + + + + Koszt pracownika + Koszt pracownika + Koszt pracownika + Wskazuje konto, gdzie zapisywany jest koszt i wydatki na pracownika. + + + + + + + Przedpłaty pracownika + Przedpłaty pracownika + Rozrachunki z pracownikiem, zaliczki. + Rozrachunki z pracownikiem, zaliczki. + + + + + + + Komunikat błędu + Komunikat błędu + + + + + + + + + Wydruk + Wydruk + Wskazuje zapis wydruku + Wskazuje, że dany zapis jest wydukiem, w przeciwieństwie do procesu. + + + + + + + Dokumenty potwierdzające załadunek + Dokumenty potwierdzające załadunek + Dokumenty potwierdzające załadunek + Dokumenty potwierdzające załadunek + + + + + + + Pozycja w dokumencie przewozu/paragonie + Pozycja w dokumencie przewozu/paragonie + Pozycja w dokumencie przewozu/paragonie + Wskazuje pojedynczą pozycję w dokumecie przewozowym lub paragonie. + + + + + + + Inwentarz materialny + Inwentarz materialny + Parametry inwentarza + Poszczególne parametry inwentarza jako składu materiałowego. + + + + + + + Pozycja inwentarza + Pozycja inwentarza + Poszczególna pozycja w dokumencie inwentarza + Pozycja inwentarza w dokumencie danej transakcji (jeśli została zastosowana). + + + + + + + Lokalizator do + Lokalizator do + Umiejscowienie inwentarza zostało przeniesione do + Umiejscowienie inwentarza zostało przeniesione do + + + + + + + Przeniesienie + Przeniesienie + Przeniesienie inwentarza + Wskazuje grupę pozycje przesunięcia inwentarza + + + + + + + Pozycja przeniesienia + Pozycja przeniesienia + Pozycja przeniesienia w dokumencie inwentarza + Wskazuje pozycję przeniesienia w dokumencie inwentarza danej transakcji (jeśli została zostosowana). + + + + + + + Produkcja + Produkcja + Plan produkcji produktu + Plan produkcji. + + + + + + + Linia produkcyjna + Linia produkcyjna + Pozycja w dokumencie przedstawia produkcję + Wskazuje pozycję w dokumencie produkcji danej transakcji (jeśli miała miejsce). + + + + + + + Inwentarz operacji + Inwentarz operacji + + + + + + + + + Data wydania/przyjęcia produktu + Data wydania/przyjęcia produktu + Data wydania/przyjęcia produktu + Data wydania/przyjęcia produktu. Jest to wynik przewozu, dostarczenia lub przesunięć inwentarza. + + + + + + + Przesuwana ilość + Przesuwana ilość + Ilość przesuniętego produktu + Ilość przesuniętego produktu + + + + + + + Typ przesunięcia + Typ przesunięcia + Sposób przesunięcia inwentarza + Typ przeniesienia inwentarza (do, z, do produkcji). + + + + + + + Koszt wytworzenia produktów + Koszt wytworzenia produktów + Koszt wytworzenia produktów + Koszt wytworzenia produktów. Konto używane przy wycenie wartości produktu w inwentarzu. + + + + + + + Koszty sprzedaży + Koszt sprzed. + Koszty sprzedaży + Wskazuje konto używane przy księgowaniu kosztów związanych ze sprzedaża produktów/towarów. + + + + + + + Koszty wydziałowe bezpośrednie + Koszty wydziałowe bezpośrednie + Koszty wydziałowe bezpośrednie + Wskazuje konto używane do księgowania kosztów związanych z danym produktem. + + + + + + + Przychód ze sprzedaży produktów + Przychód ze sprzedaży produktów + Przychód ze sprzedaży produktów + Przychód ze sprzedaży produktów + + + + + + + Inwestycje finansowe + Inwestycje finansowe + Inwestycje finansowe + Konto inwestycji finansowych. + + + + + + + Przetworzony + Przetworzony + Dokument został przetworzony + Wskazuje, czy dokument został przetworzony + + + + + + + Ilość zaksięgowana + Ilość zaksięgowana + Ilość zaksięgowana + Wskazuje pozycję produktu inwentarza zaksięgowaną przez system. + + %TODO% + + + + + Ilość rachunku + Ilość rachunku + Counted Quantity + The Quantity Count indicates the actual inventory count taken for a product in inventory + + %TODO% + + + + + Rozrachunki z dostawcami + Rozrachunki z dostawcami + Rozrachunki z dostawcami + Wskazuje konto używane do księgowania rozrachunków z dostawcam (zobowiązania). + + + + + + + Rozrachunki z dostawcami usług + Rozrachunki z dostawcami usług + Rozrachunki z dostawcami usług + Konto księgowania rozrachunków z tytułu usług. Używane, gdy wyróżnione zostaną Zobowiązania wobec dostawców produktów oraz usług. + + + + + + + Rozrachunki z dostawcami - zaliczki + Rozrachunki z dostawcami - zaliczki + Rozrachunki z dostawcami - zaliczki + Wskazuje konto do księgowania zaliczek od dostawców. + + + + + + + Maksymalna wartość pola + Maks. wrt. pola + Maksymalna wartość pola + Maksymalna wartość pola + + + + + + + Minimalna wartość pola + Min. wrt. pola + Minimalna wartośc pola + Minimalna wartośc pola + + + + + + + Pozostałe przychody i koszty operacyjne z tytułu róznic magazynowych + Różnice magazynowe + Konto Pozostałych przychodów i kosztów operacyjnych z tytułu różnic magazynowych + Konto Pozostałych przychodów i kosztów operacyjnych z tytułu różnic magazynowych + + + + + + + Zapasy + Zapasy + Konto Zapasy + Konto Zapasy używane do księgowania wartości inwentarza. + + + + + + + Sprzedawca + Sprzedawca + Sprzedawca + Wskazuje sprzedawcę/reprezentanta handlowego na dany region. Każdy musi być ważnym użytkownikiem wewnętrznym. + Agent firmy + Odbiorca w dokumencie. Każdyt reprezentant handlowy musi być ważnym użytkownikiem wewnętrznym. + Klient + Klient + + + Cena brutto + Cena brutto + Cena brutto + Cena zawiera podatek. Zwana ceną brutto. + + + + + + + Wymaga certyfikatu podatkowego + Wymaga certyfikatu podatowego + Wymaga certyfikatu podatkowego od kontrahenta, by traktowany był jak zwolniony z podatku + Wymaga certyfikatu podatkowego od kontrahenta, by traktowany był jak zwolniony z podatku + + + + + + + Opłaty + Opłaty + Opłaty dodatkowe + Opłaty dodatkowe pobierane przy dokumencie. Pobierane z tytułu przewozu statkiem, inne to opłaty bankowe lub operacyjne. + + + + + + + Account_acct + Account_acct + + %TODO% + + + + + + + Transakcje z kontrah w gotówce + Transakcje z kontrah w gotówce + + + %TODO% + + + + + + Typ dokumentu sprzedaży + Typ dokum. sprzedaży + Typ dokumentu dla faktur tworzonych z dokumentu sprzedaży + Wskazuje typ dokumentu używanych przy tworzeniu faktur na podstawie dokumentów sprzedaży. Pole jest wyświetlane wyłącznie, faktury tworzone są na podstawie Zamówienia obcego. + + + + + + + Typ dokumentu proforma + Typ dokumentu proforma + Document type used for pro forma invoices generated from this sales document + he Document Type for Invoice indicates the document type that will be used when an invoice is generated from this sales document. This field will display only when the base document type is Sales Order and the Pro Forma Invoice checkbox is selected + %TODO% + + + + + + Typ dokumentu przewozowgo + Typ dokumentu przewozowgo + Typ dokumentu przewozowego tworzonego na podstawie dokumentu sprzedaży. + Typ dokumentu przewozowego tworzonego na podstawie dokumentu sprzedaży. Pole jest wyświetlane wyłącznie, gdy dokument jest tworzony na podstawie zamówienia obcego. + + + + + + + Poziom wezwania o zapłatę + Poziom wezwania o zapłatę + + + + + + + + + Pozycja faktury + Pozycja faktury + Pozycja faktury + Pozycja faktury + + + + + + + Ewidencja przychodu + Ewidencja przychodu + Sposób ewidencji przychodu + Sposób ewidencji przychodu + + + + + + + Poziom usługi + Poziom usługi + Poziom ewidencji przychodu z tytułu usług + Wskazuje poszczególny poziom usługi. + + + + + + + Pozycja usługi + Pozycja usługi + Pozycja ewidencji poziomu przychodu z tytułu usług + Wskazuje poszczególną instancję w poziomie usług. + + + + + + + Kwota zobowiązań + Kwota zobowiązań + Kwota zobowiązań + Kwota zobowiązań niezależna od planowanej. Można użyć planowanej kwoty do rzeczywistych obliczeń, które mogą być wyższe lub niższe od rzeczywistej kwoty zobowiązań. + + + + + + + Licz towary wysokiego obrotu + Licz towary wysokiego obrotu + Licz towary wysokiego obrotu + Licz towary wysokiego obrotu + + + + + + + Wygasa + Wygasa + Miesiąc wygaśnięcia karty kredytowej + Wskazuje miesiąc wygaśnięcia karty kredytowej. + + + + + + + Ważne do roku + Ważne do roku + Rok wygaśnięcia karty kredytowej + Wskazuje rok wygaśnięcia karty kredytowej + + + + + + + Aktualny następny (system) + Aktualny następny (system) + Następny licznik do użycia przez system + Pole jest do użycia przez system, nie może być modyfikowane. + + + + + + + Ostanie liczenie faktur + Ostanie liczenie faktur + Ostanie liczenie faktur + Wskazuje datę ostaniego liczenia faktur. + + + + + + + Data ostatniego przebiegu + Data ostatniego przebiegu + Data ostatniego przebiegu procesu + Data ostatniego przebiegu procesu + + + + + + + Data nastęnego uruchomienia procesu + Data nastęnego uruchomienia procesu + Data nastęnego uruchomienia procesu + Data nastęnego uruchomienia procesu + + + + + + + Data drukowania + Data drukowania + Data drukowania + Data drukowania + + + + + + + Dni oczekiwania + Dni oczekiwania + Ilość dni po dacie wymagalności do wysłania wezwania o zapłatę + Ilość dni po dacie wymagalności do wysłania wezwania o zapłatę + + + + + + + Faktura w tygodniu parzystym + Faktura w tygodniu parzystym + Wysyłaj faktury w tygodniu parzystym + Wskazuje, że faktury wysyłane co dwa tygodnie powinny być wysyłane w tygodnie parzyste. + + + + + + + Twórz listę + Twórz listę + Twórz listę + + + + + + + + Faktura tymczasowa + Faktura tymczasowa + Wskazuje fakturę proforma tworzoną na podstawie dokumentu. + Wskazuje fakturę proforma tworzoną na podstawie dokumentu sprzedaży. Faktura proforma wskazuje kwotę należności, na wartość jakiej powinno opiewać zamówienie przewozu. + + + + + + + Faktura dzień odcięcia + Faktura dzień odcięcia + Last day for including shipments + The Invoice Day Cut Off indicates the last day for shipments to be included in the current invoice schedule. For example, if the invoice schedule is defined for the first day of the month, the cut off day may be the 25th of the month. An shipment on the + %TODO% + + + + + + Faktura dzień powszedni odcięcia + Faktura dzień powszedni odcięcia + Last day in the week for shipments to be included + The Invoice Week Day Cutoff indicates the last day of the week a shipment must be made to be included in the invoice schedule + %TODO% + + + + + + Konto bankowe + Konto bankowe + Wskazuje czy jest to konto bankowe + Wskazuje czy jest to konto bankowe + + + + + + + Zobowiązuje + Zobowiązuje + Czy dokument jest zobowiązaniem prawnym. + Wskazuje czy dokument jest prawnym zobowiązaniem. + + + + + + + Domyślny + Domyślny + Wartość domyślna + Wskazuje czy dany zapis będzie użyty jako wartość domyśna + + + + + + + Następny dzień roboczy + Nast. dzień rob. + Płatny następnego dnia roboczego + Wskazuje, czy płatność faktury nastąpi następnego dnia roboczego. + + + + + + + Godzony + Godzony + + + + + + + + + Transakcja sprzedaży + Transakcja sprzedaży + Transakcja sprzedaży + Transakcja sprzedaży + + + + + + + Wegług czasu + Wg czasu + Ewidencja przychodu na podstawie czasu, a nie poziomu usług + Ewidencja przychodu na podstawie czasu, a nie poziomu usług + + + + + + + Kod ISO języka + Kod ISO języka + Lower-case two-letter ISO-3166 code - http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt + The ISO Language Code indicates the standard ISO code for a language in lower case. Information can be found at http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt + %TODO% + + + + + + Wieczny inwentarz + Wieczny inwentarz + Zasady tworzenia inwentarza materialnego + Wskazuje zasadę wiecznego inwentarza, która utworzyła inwentarz materialny. + + + + + + + Produkt dla frachtu + Produkt dla frachtu + + + + + + + + + Dodatkowa nazwa + Dodatkowa nazwa + Dodatkowa nazwa + + + + + + + + Częstotliwość liczenia inwentarza + Częstotliwość liczenia inwentarza + Częstotliwość liczenia inwentarza w roku + Częstotliwość liczenia inwentarza w roku + + + + + + + Liczba miesięcy + Liczba miesięcy + + + + + + + + + Częstotliwość liczenia produktu + Częstotliwość liczenia produktu + Częstotliwość liczenia produktu w roku + Częstotliwość liczenia produktu w roku + + + + + + + Notatka + Notatka + Dodatkowa informacja o użytkowniku + Dodatkowe wejście użytkownika w danym zapisie. + + + + + + + Konto dla niezafakturowanych materiałów (?) + Konto dla niezafakturowanych materiałów (?) + Account for not-invoiced Material Receipts + The Not Invoiced Receipts account indicates the account used for recording receipts for materials that have not yet been invoiced + %TODO% + + + + + + Niezafakturowane środki pieniężne + Niezafakturowane środki pieniężne + Niezafakturowane środki pieniężne + Wskazuje konto otrzymanych środków pieniężnych, lecz jeszcze niezafakturowanych. + + + + + + + Niezafakturowany przychód + Niezafakturowany przychód + Niezafakturowany przychód + Wskazuje konto jeszcze niezafakturowanego przychodu. + + + + + + + Liczba przebiegów + Liczba przebiegów + Frequency of processing Perpetual Inventory + The Number of Runs indicates the number of times that the Perpetual Inventory has be processed + + %TODO% + + + + + Numer procesu + Nr procesu + + + + + + + + + P_number do + P_number do + + + %TODO% + + + + + + Cena obowiązująca od + Cena obowiązująca od + Cena obowiązuje od daty + Wskazuje datę obowiązywania ceny. Pozwala to na zastosowanie innych cen w przyszłości dla produktu, które będą obowiązywały od określonego czasu. + + + + + + + Cena na zamówieniu + Cena na zamówieniu + Cena na zamówieniu + Cena produktu na zamówieniu + + + + + + + Utwórz + Utwórz + + + + + + + + + Czestotliwość rozpoznania + Czestotliwość rozpoznania + + + + + + + + + Data świadczenia usługi + Data świadczenia usługi + Data świadczenia usługi + Data świadczenia usługi + + + + + + + Ilość fakturowana + Ilość fakturowana + Ilość produktu lub zafakturowanej usługi + Całkowita ilość produktu lub zafakturowanej usługi. + + + + + + + Ilość dostarczona + Ilość dostarczona + Ilość produktu lub usługi, która została dostarczona. + Ilość produktu lub usługi, która została dostarczona klientowi. + + + + + + + Ilość + Ilość + + + + + + + + + Kwota podatku + Kwota podatku + Kwota podatku na dokumencie. + Całkowita kwota podatku na dokumencie. + + + + + + + Podstawa opodatkowania + Podstawa opodatkowania + Kwota będąca podstawą opodatkowania. + Kwota będąca podstawą opodatkowania. + + + + + + + Podatek + Podatek + Skrót nazwy podatku drukowany na dokumentach + Skrót nazwy podatku drukowany na dokumentach + + + + + + + Kwota transakcji + Kwota transakcji + Kwota transakcji + Kwota pojedynczej transakcji + + + + + + + Towary/usługi nie dostarczone + Towary/usługi nie dostarczone + Konto oznaczające zafakturowany przychód ze sprzedaży bez wydania towaru/dostarczenia usługi. + Konto oznaczające zafakturowany przychód ze sprzedaży bez wydania towaru/dostarczenia usługi. + + + + + + + Uaktualnij ilości + Uaktualnij ilości + + + + + + + + + Zasda płatności + Zasda płatności + W jaki sposób płacona jest faktura + Sposób płatności za faktury. + + + + + + + Względne pierwszeństwo + Względne pierwszeństwo + Inwentarz powiniem zostać wybrany z listy z tytułu pierwszeństwa + Wskazuje umiejscowienie, które zostanie wybrane z listy, jeżeli produktu jest przechowywany w więcej niż jednym miejscu (0=najwyższy priorytet). + + + + + + + Pozdrowienie + Pozdrowienie + Pozdrowienie drukowane w korespondencji + Pozdrowienie drukowane w korespondencji + + + + + + + Pozdrowienie + Pozdrowienie + For letters, e.g. "Dear {0}" or "Dear Mr. {0}" - At runtime, "{0}" is replaced by the name + The Greeting indicates what will print on letters sent to a Business Partner + %TODO% + + + + + + Drukuj bezpośrednio + Drukuj bezpośrednio + Drukuj bezpośrednio + Wskazuje, że wydruk będzie drukowany bez wyświetlania dialogu przy drukowaniu. + + + + + + + Tylko imię + Tylko imię + Drukuj tylko imię przy pozdrowieniu + Wskazuje, że w pozdrowieniach będzie drukowane tylko pierwsze imię kontaktowe. + + + + + + + Wysoki obrót + Wysoki obrót + Użyj wyszukiwarki zamiast Listy wyboru. + Wskazuje, że wyświetlony będzie ekran wyszukiwania zamiast listy wyboru w celu wyboru rekordów z tabeli. + + + + + + + Drukuj dane szczegółowe na fakturze + Drukuj dane szczegółowe na fakturze + Drukuj listę materiałową na fakturze. + Drukuj listę materiałową na fakturze w przeciwieństwie do produktu. + + + + + + + Drukuj dane szczegółowe w liście wyboru + Drukuj dane szczegółowe w liście wyboru + Drukuj listę materiałową na liście wyboru. + Drukuj listę materiałową na liście wyboru w przeciwieństwie do produktu. + + + + + + + Zweryfikowany + Zweryfikowany + Lista materiałowa została zweryfikowana. + Lista materiałowa została zweryfikowana. Weryfikację stosuje się, gdy produkty składają się z poszczególnych części. + %TODO% + + + + + + Pozycja listy materiałowej + Pozycja listy materiałowej + + + + + + + + + Parametr imienia + Parametr imienia + + + + + + + + + Data konwersji + Data konwersji + Data wyboru kursu wymiany + Data wyboru kursu wymiany. Wybrany kurs wymiany wlauty musi zawierać datę z swoim zakresie czasowym. + + + + + + + Granica cena przeciążanie sumy + Granica cena przeciążanie sumy + Amount added to the converted/copied price before multiplying + Indicates the amount to be added to the Limit price prior to multiplication + %TODO% + + + + + + Podstawa ceny granicznej + Podstawa ceny granicznej + Cena bazowa służąca do obliczenia nowej. + Wskazuje cenę używaną jako bazową przy liczeniu nowej, cennika. + + + + + + + Maksymalna marża + Maksymalna marża + Wskazuje maksymalną marżę dla produktu. Marża liczona jest przez odjęcie pierwotnego ograniczenia ceny od nowo obliczonej. Jeżeli pole zawiera wartość 0,00, wówczas jest ognorowane. + Wskazuje maksymalną marżę dla produktu. Marża liczona jest przez odjęcie pierwotnego ograniczenia ceny od nowo obliczonej. Jeżeli pole zawiera wartość 0,00, wówczas jest ognorowane. + + + + + + + Minimalna marża na produkcie + Minimalna marża na produkcie + Wskazuje minimalną marżę na produkcie. Marża liczona jest przez odjęcie pierwotnego ograniczenia ceny od nowo obliczonej. Jeżeli pola ma wartośc 0,00, wówczas jest ignorowane. + Wskazuje minimalną marżę na produkcie. Marża liczona jest przez odjęcie pierwotnego ograniczenia ceny od nowo obliczonej. Jeżeli pola ma wartośc 0,00, wówczas jest ignorowane. + + + + + + + Zaokrąglenie ceny + Zaokrąglenie ceny + Zaokrąglenie ceny w cenniku + Wskazuje, czy będzie zastosowane zaokrąglenie do cen finalnych w cenniku. + + + + + + + Lista cena przeciążanie sumy + Lista cena przeciążanie sumy + List Price Surcharge Amount + The List Price Surcharge Amount indicates the amount to be added to the price prior to multiplication + + %TODO% + + + + + Podstawa cennika + Podstawa cennika + Cena będąca postawą liczenia cen w cenniku + Cena będąca postawą liczenia cen nowego cennika + + + + + + + Maksymalna marża + Maksymalna marżna + Maksymalna marża na produkcie. + Wskazuje maksymalną marżę dla produktu. Marża liczona jest przez odjęcie pierwotnego ograniczenia ceny od nowo obliczonej. Jeżeli pole zawiera wartość 0,00, wówczas jest ognorowane. + + + + + + + Minimalna marża dla produktu + Minimalna marża dla produktu + Minimalna marża dla produktu + Wskazuje minimalną marżę na produkcie. Marża liczona jest przez odjęcie pierwotnego ograniczenia ceny od nowo obliczonej. Jeżeli pola ma wartośc 0,00, wówczas jest ignorowane. + + + + + + + Zaokrąglanie cennika + Zaokrąglanie cennika + Zasada zaokrąglania cennika + Wskazuje w jaki sposób wartości w cenniku będą zaokrąglone + + + + + + + Cennik bazowy + Cennik bazowy + Baza obliczeń cennika + Wskazuje cennik bazowy do wyznaczenia cen nowego cennika + + + + + + + Standardowa cena przeciążanie suma + Standardowa cena przeciążanie suma + Amount added to a price as a surcharge + The Standard Price Surcharge Amount indicates the amount to be added to the price prior to multiplication. + + %TODO% + + + + + + Standardowa cena bazowa + Standardowa cena bazowa + Cena bazowa do obliczeń nowej ceny standardowej + Cena bazowa do obliczeń nowej ceny standardowej + + + + + + + Standardowa marża maksymalna + Standardowa marża maksymalna + Standardowa marża maksymalna na produkcie + Wskazuje standardową marżę maksymalną dla produktu. Marża jest liczona przez odjęcie pierwotnej ceny standardowej od nowo obliczonej ceny standardowej . Jeżeli pole ma wartość 0,00, wówczas jest ignorowane. + + + + + + + Standardowa marża minimalna + Standardowa marża minimalna + Standardowa marża minimalna + Wskazuje standardową marżę minimalną dla produktu. Marża jest liczona przez odjęcie pierwotnej ceny standardowej od nowo obliczonej ceny standardowej . Jeżeli pole ma wartość 0,00, wówczas jest ignorowane. + + + + + + + Zaokrąglenie ceny standardowej + Zaokrąglenie ceny standardowej + Zaokrąglenie ceny standardowej + Wskazuje w jaki sposób nastąpi zaokrąglenie ceny standardowej. + + + + + + + Aktualny dostawca + Aktualny dostawca + Użyj dostawcy do ponownego zamówienia i ustawienia cen. + Wskazuje czy stosowane ceny i ponownie dostarczony towar został zamówiony u dostawcy. + + + + + + + Granica preis zniżka % + Granica preis zniżka % + Discount in percent to be subtracted from base, if negative it will be added to base price + Indicates the discount in percent to be subtracted from base, if negative it will be added to base price + + %TODO% + + + + + Rabat od cennika % + Rabat od cennika % + Rabat od cennika % + Wskazuje rabat procentowy, jaki będzie odjęty od ceny bazowej. Kwota ujemna oznacza, że procent będzie dodany do ceny bazowej. + + + + + + + Rabat od ceny standardowej % + Rabat od ceny standardowej % + Rabat od ceny standardowej % + Wskazuje rabat procentowy, jaki będzie odjęty od ceny bazowej. Kwota ujemna oznacza, że procent będzie dodany do ceny bazowej. + + + + + + + Rabat drukowany + Rabat drukowany + Rabat drukowany ma fakturze i zamówieniu + Rabat drukowany ma fakturze i zamówieniu + + + + + + + Licz sumę + Licz sumę + Licz sumę numerycznej zawartości lub długości + Licz sumę danych, jeśli pole jest numeryczne. W przeciwnym wypadku licz całkowitą długość pola. + + + + + + + Opis na zamówieniu + Opis na zamówieniu + Opis na zamówieniach + Wskazuje standardowy opis na zamówieniach dla klienta. + + + + + + + Kwota netto faktury + Kwota netto faktury + Kwota netto faktury + Kwota netto faktury. Nie zawiera opłat za przewóz ani innych dodatkowych. + + + + + + + Ilość do dostarczenia + Ilość do dostarczenia + + + + + + + + + Ilość do fakturowania + Ilość do fakturowania + + + + + + + + + Widok wydruku + Widok wydruku + Widok do tworzenia wydruku. + Widok do tworzenia wydruku. + + + + + + + Smtp poczta gospodarza + Smtp poczta gospodarza + Hostname of Mail Server + The SMTP Host field defines the hostname of the Mail Server for this record + + %TODO% + + + + + Koszt złożenia zamówienia + Koszt złożenia zamówienia + Koszt złożenia zamówienia + Wskazuje stałą opłatę pobieraną przy składaniu zamówienia na dany produkt. + + + + + + + Czas realizacji zamówienia + Czas realizacji zamówienia + Rzeczywista ilość dni między złożeniem zamówienia z dostawą. + Rzeczywista ilość dni między złożeniem zamówienia z dostawą. + + + + + + + Obiecany czas dostawy + Obiecany czas dostawy + Obiecana ilość dni między złożeniem zamówienia a dostawą + Wskazuje ilość dni między datą zamówienia a datą dostawy. + + + + + + + Ilość do zamówienia + Ilość do zamówienia + + + + + + + + + Rating jakości + Rating jakości + Sposób ratingowania dostawców + Wskazuje w jaki sposób ratingowani są dostawcy (im wyższa liczba, tym wyższa jakość). + + + + + + + Cennik bazowy + Cennik bazowy + Używa cennika bazowego, jeżeli nie może znaleźć wybranej ceny produktu. + Używa jako domyślnego cennika bazowego, jeżeli nie może znaleźć wybranej ceny produktu. + + + + + + + Definicja EDI + Definicja EDI + Electronic Data Interchange + + + + + + + + Numer klienta + Numer klienta + EDI Identification Number + + + + + + + + Status EDI + Status EDI + + + + + + + + + Typ EDI + Typ EDI + + + + + + + + + Adres informacji o błędzie + Adres informacji o błędzie + Adres email do wysyłania wiadomości o błędzie. + + + + + + + + Email + Email + Pełny adres email używany do wysyłania zapytań - np. edi@organization.com + + + + + + + + Hasło email + Hasło email + Hasło wysyłania adresu email + + + + + + + + Konto email + Konto email + User ID of the sending Email address (on default SMTP Host) - e.g. edi + + %TODO% + + + + + + Info email + Info email + Adres email do wysyłania wiadomości i kopii. + Adres email do wysyłania wiadomości i kopii. + + + + + + + Do email + Do email + Adres email, na jaki wysyła się zapytania - np. edi@manufacturer.com + + + + + + + + Info + Info + Informacja + Pokazuje dane z pozycji dokumentu źródłowego. + + + + + + + Przesyłaj info + Przesyłaj info + Przesyłaj wiadomości i kopie. + + + + + + + + Rabat dla pozycji % + Rabat dla pozycji % + Pozycja rabatu jako procent + Pozycja rabatu jako procent + + + + + + + Rabat + Rabat + Kwota rabatu + Kwota rabatu + + + + + + + Kwota krańcowa + Kwota krańcowa + + + + + + + + + Całkowita kwota pozycji + Całkowita kwota pozycji + + + + + + + + + Marża brutto % + Marża brutto % + + + + + + + + + Marża brutto + Marża brutto + + + + + + + + + Transakcja EDI + Transakcja EDI + + + + + + + + + Dziennik EDI + Dziennik EDI + + + + + + + + + Odpowiedź na zapytanie + Odpowiedź na zapytanie + + + + + + + + + Otrzymuj odpowiedź na zamówienie + Otrzymuj odpowiedź na zamówienie + + + + + + + + + Cena w odpowiedzi + Cena w odpowiedzi + Cena potwierdzona przez partnera EDI + + + + + + + + Dostępna ilość w odpowiedzi + Dostępna ilość w odpowiedzi + + + + + + + + + Potwierdzona ilość w odpowiedzi + Potwierdzona ilość w odpowiedzi + + + + + + + + + Otrzymano odpowiedź + Otrzymano odpowiedź + + + + + + + + + Uwagi w odpowiedzi + Uwagi w odpowiedzi + + + + + + + + + Data przewozu w odpowiedzi + Data przewozu w odpowiedzi + + + + + + + + + Zapytanie cenowe + Zapytanie cenowe + + + + + + + + + Zapytanie o ilość + Zapytanie o ilość + + + + + + + + + Zapytanie o datę przewozu + Zapytanie o datę przewozu + + + + + + + + + Przesyłaj zapytanie + Przesyłaj zapytanie + Zapytanie o dostępną ilość + + + + + + + + Przesyłaj zamówienie + Przesyłaj zamówienie + + + + + + + + + Transakcja otrzymana + Transakcja otrzymana + + + + + + + + + Transakcja wysłana + Transakcja wysłana + + + + + + + + + Typ transkacji + Typ transkacji + Typ transakcji kartą kredytową + The Transaction Type indicates the type of transaction to be submitted to the Credit Card Company + + %TODO% + + + + + Data transakcji + Data transakcji + Data transakcji + Data transakcji + + + + + + + Formatka specjalna + Formatka specjalna + Formatka specjalna + Wskazuje poszczególną formatkę specjalnę w systemie. + + + + + + + Nazwa klasy + Nazwa klasy + Java Classname + The Classname indentifies the Java classname used by this report or process + + %TODO% + + + + + Koniec strony + Koniec strony + Zacznij od nowej strony + Zanim zaczniesz drukować, utwórz nową stronę. + + + + + + + Zaksięgowane + Zaksięgowane + Transakcje Księgi Głównej zostały przetworzone + Wskazuje status Powstania pozycji księgowych Księgi Głównej + + %TODO% + + + + + Typ kategorii + Typ kategorii + Source of the Journal with this category + Wskazuje źródło dziennika dla danej kategorii. Dzienniki mogą być tworzone z dokumentu, wprowadzone ręcznie lub zaimportowane. + + %TODO% + + + + + Błąd + Błąd + + + + + + + + + Format importu + Format importu + + + + + + + + + Format pola + Format pola + + + + + + + + + Format daty + Format daty + Format String in Java Notation, e.g. ddMMyy + The Date Format indicates how dates are defined on the record to be imported. It must be in Java Notation + + %TODO% + + + + + Typ danych + Typ danych + Typ danych + + + + + + + + Przecinek dziesiętny + Przecinek dziesiętny + Przecinek dziesiętny w pliku danych + + + + + + + + Dziel przez 100 + Dziel przez 100 + Dziel liczbę przez 100, aby uzyskać poprawną kwotę. + + + + + + + + Nr końcowy + Nr końcowy + + + + + + + + + Format + Format + Format danych + The Format is a drop down list box for selecting the format type (text, tab delimited, XML, etc) of the file to be imported + %TODO% + + + + + + Wybrany + Wybrany + + + + + + + + + Stała wartość + Stała wartość + + + + + + + + + Ilość na liście materiałowej + Ilość na liście materiałowej + Ilość na liście materiałowej + Wskazuje ilość produktu w jednostkach miary (mnożnik). + + + + + + + Data otrzymania + Data otrzymania + Data otrzymania produktu + Data otrzymania produktu + + + + + + + Data zwrotu + Data zwrotu + Data zwrotu produktu + Data zwrotu produktu + + + + + + + Lista materiałowa + Lista materiałowa + Lista materiałowa + Wskazuje z jakich składników składa się produkt. + + + + + + + Zwrócony + Zwrócony + + + + + + + + + Ruszony do pamięci + Ruszony do pamięci + + + %TODO% + + + + + + Lista materiałowa + Lista materiałowa + Lista materiałowa + Wskazuje, z jakich części składa się dany produkt + + + + + + + Rejestracja + Rejestracja + Rejestracja pojazdu + + + + + + + + Obręcz + Obręcz + Stored rim + + %TODO% + + + + + + Opona zapasowa + Opona zapasowa + + %TODO% + + + + + + + Jakość opony + Jakość opony + + %TODO% + + + + + + + + Rozmiar opon (l/r) + Rozmiar opon (l/r) + + %TODO% + + + + + + + Typ opon + Typ opon + + + + %TODO% + + + + + + Pojazd + Pojazd + + + + + + + + + Obręcz w tył + Obręcz w tył + + %TODO% + + + + + + + Opona jakość w tył + Opona jakość w tył + + + %TODO% + + + + + + Opona wielkość w tył + Opona wielkość w tył + + + %TODO% + + + + + + Opona typ w tył + Opona typ w tył + + + %TODO% + + + + + + Rekordy zapisane + Rekordy zapisane + + + %TODO% + + + + + + Plan produkcji + Plan produkcji + Plan produkcji produktu + Wskazuje materiały, półfabrykaty i fabrykaty oraz kroki w celu wytworzenia produktu. + + + + + + + Poziom produkcji + Poziom produkcji + Poziom produkcji + Wskazuje liczbę produktów do wyprodukowania + + + + + + + Interfejs WWW + Interfejs WWW + Interfejs WWW + The Web Directory defines the look and feel for the Web interface + + + + + + + Dostawca + Dostawca + + + + + + + + + Wiadomości + Wiadomości + Komunikaty systemowe + + + + + + + + Organizacja zewnetrzna (?) + Organizacja zewnetrzna (?) + Organization valid for intercompany documents + The Inter Organization field identifies an Organization which can be used by this Organization for intercompany documents + + %TODO% + + + + + Relacja miasta + Relacja miasta + Miasto lub karta kredytowa lub właściciel konta + Miasto lub karta kredytowa lub właściciel konta + + + + + + + Relacja email + Relacja email + Adres email + Adres email karty kredytowej lub właściciela konta. + + + + + + + Prawo jazdy + Prawo jazdy + Prawo jazdy jako identyfikator płatnika + Prawo jazdy jako identyfikator płatnika + + + + + + + Nr polisy ubezpieczeniowej + Nr polisy ubezp + Numer polisy ubiezpieczeniowej jako identyfiikator płatnika + Numer polisy ubiezpieczeniowej jako identyfiikator płatnika + + + + + + + Nazwa konta + Nazwa konta + Nazwa karty kredytowej lub właściciela konta + Nazwa karty kredytowej lub właściciela konta + + + + + + + Stan konta + Stan konta + Stan karty kredytowej lub konta posiadacza + Stan karty kredytowej lub konta posiadacza + + + + + + + Adres posiadacza konta lub karty kredytowej + Adres posiadacza konta lub karty kredytowej + Adres posiadacza konta lub karty kredytowej + Adres posiadacza konta lub karty kredytowej + + + + + + + Relacja zip/postal kodu + Relacja zip/postal kodu + Zip Code of the Credit Card or Account Holder + The Zip Code of the Credit Card or Account Holder + + + %TODO% + + + + Akceptowane przez izbę rozliczeniową + Akceptowane przez izbę rozliczeniową + Akceptowane przez izbę rozliczeniową + Wskazuje czy depozyty są akceptowane przez izbę rozliczeniową. Obrót depozytami rozpoczyna depozytor. + + + + + + + Akceptuj AmEx + Akceptuj AmEx + Akceptuj AmEx + Wskazuje czy karty American Express są akceptowane + + + + + + + Akceptowane przez automaty kasowe + Akceptowane przez automaty kasowe + Akceptowane przez automaty kasowe + Akceptowane przez automaty kasowe + + + + + + + Akceptuje czeki bezgotówkowe + Akceptuje czeki bezgotówkowe + Akceptuje czeki bezgotówkowe + Akceptuje czeki bezgotówkowe + + + + + + + Przyjmuje karty firmowe + Przyjmuje karty firmowe + Przyjmuje karty firmowe + Przyjmuje karty firmowe + + + + + + + Akceptuje kartę Diner's Club + Akceptuje kartę Diner's Club + Akceptuje kartę Diner's Club + Akceptuje kartę Diner's Club + + + + + + + Akceptuje kartę Mastercard + Akceptuje kartę Mastercard + Akceptuje kartę Mastercard + Akceptuje kartę Mastercard + + + + + + + Akceptuje kartę Visa + Akceptuje kartę Visa + Akceptuje kartę Visa + Akceptuje kartę Visa + + + + + + + Kwota pozycji + Kwota pozycji + Kwota pozycji + Kwota pozycji w dokumencie + + + + + + + Blokada kwoty na rachunku + Blokada kwoty na rachunku + Blokada kwoty na rachunku + Blokada kwoty na rachunku + + + + + + + Opłaty bankowe + Opłaty bankowe + Konto opłat za prowadzenie rachunku + Numer konta księgowego na które będą księgowane opłaty za prowadzenie rachunku + + + + + + + Odsetki + Odsetki + Konto odsetek + Konto księgowe na które będą księgowane odsetki + + + + + + + Przychód z oprocentowania rachunku w banku + Przychód z oprocentowania rachunku w banku + Przychód z oprocentowania rachunku w banku + Przychód z oprocentowania rachunku w banku + + + + + + + Środki pieniężne w drodze + Środki pieniężne w drodze + Środki pieniężne w drodze + Środki pieniężne w drodze + + + + + + + Zysk z tytułu konwersji waluty + Zysk z tytułu konwersji waluty + Zysk z tytułu konwersji waluty + Zysk z tytułu konwersji waluty + + + + + + + Strata z tytułu konwersji waluty + Strata z tytułu konwersji waluty + Strata z tytułu konwersji waluty + Strata z tytułu konwersji waluty + + + + + + + Bank spłata zysku + Bank spłata zysku + Bank Settlement Gain Account + The Bank Settlement Gain account identifies the account to be used when recording a currency gain whent he settlement and receipt currency are not the same + + %TODO% + + + + + Bank spłata straty + Bank spłata straty + Bank Settlement Loss Account + The Bank Settlement loss account identifies the account to be used when recording a currency loss whent he settlement and receipt currency are not the same + + + %TODO% + + + + Konto kwitów do rozliczenia + Konto kwitów do rozliczenia + Bank Undentified Receipts Account + The Bank Undentified Receipts Account identifies the account to be used when recording receipts that can not be reconciled at the present time + %TODO% + + + + + + Saldo początkowe + Saldo początkowe + Saldo początkowe + Saldo początkowe + + + + + + + Alokacja + Alokacja + Alokacja płatności + + + + + + + + Wyciąg bankowy + Wyciąg bankowy + Wyciąg bankowy rachunku bankowego + Wyciąg bankowy rachunku bankowego za określony okres czasu. W wyciągu znajdzie się zapis wszystkich transakcji. + + + + + + + Pozycja na wyciągu + Pozycja na wyciągu + Pozycja na wyciągu bankowym + Wskazuje poszczególną operację (płatność, wyciąg z konta, opłata) na koncie za dany okres czasu. + + + + + + + Grupa kontrahentów + Grupa kontrahentów + Numer identyfikujący grupę kontrahentów + Dostarczas sposobu domyślnego określenia poszczególnego kontrahenta. + + + + + + + Zapłata + Zapłata + Identyfikator płatności + Identyfikator płatności + + + + + + + Procesor płatności + Procesor płatności + Procesor płatności dokonanych drogą elektroniczną. + Procesor płatności dokonanych drogą elektroniczną. + + + + + + + Konto kosztowów + Konto kosztowów + Konto kosztowów + Wskazuje konto księgowania kosztów płaconych dostawcom. + + + + + + + Koszty finansowe - opłaty na rzecz klientów + Koszty finansowe - opłaty na rzecz klientów + Koszty finansowe - opłaty na rzecz klientów + Wskazuje konto księgowania opłat płaconych klientom. + + + + + + + Numer czeku + Numer czeku + Numer czeku + Numer czeku + + + + + + + Kontakt + Kontakt + + + + + + + + + Weryfikacja karty kredytowej + Weryfikacja karty kredytowej + Weryfikacja kodu karty kredytowej + Weryfikacja kodu karty kredytowej (AMEX 4 cyfry z przodu; MC,Visa 3 cyfry z tyłu) + + + + + + + Aktulana cena wytworzenia + Aktulana cena wytworzenia + Aktulana cena wytworzenia + + + + + + + + Kwota rabatu + Kwota rabatu + Wyliczona kwota rabatu + Wyliczona kwota rabatu w dokumencie lub pozycji. + + + + + + + Saldo końcowe + Saldo końcowe + Saldo końcowe + Saldo końcowe konta + + + + + + + Planowana cena w koszcie wytworzenia + Planowana cena w koszcie wytworzenia + + + + + + + + + Adres serwera + Adres serwera + Host Address of payment processor + The Host Address identifies the URL for your payment processor + + + + + + + Port serwera + Port serwera + Host Port of payment processor + The Host Port identifies the port id for your payment processor + + + + + + + Dostęp on-line + Dostęp on-line + Dostęp on-line + The Online Access check box indicates if the application can be accessed via the web. + + + + + + + Zapłacone + Zapłacone + Dokument jest zapłacony + + + + + + + + Ta sama waluta + Ta sama waluta + + + + + + + + + Micr + Micr + Combination of routing no, account and check no + The Micr number is the combination of the bank routing number, account number and check number + + %TODO% + + + + + ID transakcji pierwotnej + ID transakcji pierwotnej + ID transakcji pierwotnej + Używany przy transakcjach odwrotnych, wskazuje czy transkacja odwrotna była dokonana. + + + + + + + Wariancja ceny zakupu + Wariancja ceny zakupu + Różnica pomiędzy standardowym kosztem a ceną zakupu. + Wariancja ceny zakupu używana jest przy liczeniu kosztu standardowego. Pokazuje różnicę pomiędzy kosztem standardowym o ceną na zamówieniu własnym. + + + + + + + URL strony + Strona url + + + + + + + + + Zapłata zniżka wydatku + Zapłata zniżka wydatku + Payment Discount Expense Account + Indicates the account to be charged for payment discount expenses + + %TODO% + + + + + Zapłata zniżka dochodu + Zapłata zniżka dochodu + Payment Discount Revenue Account + Indicates the account to be charged for payment discount revenues + %TODO% + + + + + + Inwestycje rozpoczęte + Inwestycje rozpoczęte + Inwestycje rozpoczęte + Inwestycje rozpoczęte + + + + + + + Nr zamówienia + Nr zamówienia + Nr zamówienia + Nr zamówienia + + + + + + + Cena + Cena + Cena + Cena produktu lub usługi. + + + + + + + Produkt + Produkt + + + + + + + + + Adres proxy + Adres proxy + Address of your proxy server + The Proxy Address must be defined if you must pass through a firewall to access your payment processor. + + + + + + + Konto proxy + Konto proxy + Logon of your proxy server + The Proxy Logon identifies the Logon ID for your proxy server + + + + + + + Hasło proxy + Hasło proxy + Password of your proxy server + The Proxy Password identifies the password for your proxy server + + + + + + + Port proxy + Port proxy + Port of your proxy server + The Proxy Port identifies the port of your proxy server + + + + + + + Kod autoryzacji + Kod autoryzacji + Authorization Code returned + The Authorization Code indicates the code returned from the electronic transmission + + + + + + + Adres sprawdzony + Adres sprawdzony + Adres sprawdzony + Adres sprawdzony przez firmę karty kredytowej + + + + + + + Kod poczt. Sprawdzony + Kod poczt. Sprawdzony + The Zip Code has been verified + The Zip Verified indicates if the zip code has been verified by the Credit Card Company + + + + + + + Info + Info + Response info + The Info indicates any response information returned from the Credit Card Company + + + + + + + Odniesienie + Odniesienie + Payment reference + The Payment Reference indicates the reference returned from the Credit Card Company for a payment + %TODO% + + + + + + Wiadomość + Wiadomość + Wiadomość odpowiedzi + The Response Message indicates the message returned from the Credit Card Company as the result of a transmission + + %TODO% + + + + + Wynik + Wynik + Wynik transmisjii + Wynik transmisjii do firmy karty kredytowej + + + + + + + Odnośnik + Odnośnik + Referring web address + + + + + + + + Zdalny adres + Zdalny addr + ZDalny adres + Wskazuje dodatkowy lub zewnętrzny adres. + + + + + + + Zdalny serwer + Zdalny serwer + + + + + + + + + ID sesji + ID sesji + + + + + + + + + Data przelewu + Data przelewu + Data dokonania przelewu + Data dokonania przelewu + + + + + + + + Bilans różnicy + Difference between statement ending balance and actual ending balance + The Statement Difference reflects the difference between the Statement Ending Balance and the Actual Ending Balance + %TODO% + + + + + + Podatek MA + Podatek MA + Account for Tax you can reclaim + The Tax Credit Account indicates the account used to record taxes that can be reclaimed + + + + + + + Podatek należny + Podatek należny + Account for Tax you have to pay + The Tax Due Account indicates the account used to record taxes that you are laible to pay + + + + + + + Podatek wydatku + Podatek wydatku + Account for paid tax you cannot reclaim + The Tax Expense Account indicates the account used to record the taxes that have been paid that cannot be reclaimed + + + + + + + Zobowiązanie podatkowe + Zobowiązanie podatkowe + Account for Tax declaration liability + The Tax Liability Account indicates the account used to record your tax liability declaration + + + + + + + Podatek należności + Podatek należności + Account for Tax credit after tax declaration + The Tax Receivables Account indicates the account used to record the tax credit amount after your tax declaration + + + + + + + Sposób płatności + Sposób płatności + Method of Payment + The Tender Type indicates the method of payment (ACH, Credit Card, Check) + + + + + + + ID użytk + ID użytk + User ID + The User ID identifies a user and allows access to records or processes + + + + + + + Kod autroyzacji głosowej + Kod autroyzacji głosowej + Voice Authorization Code from credit card company + The Voice Authorization Code indicates the code received from the Credit Card Company + + + + + + + W_basket_id + W_basket_id + + + + + + + + + Inwentarz rewaloryzacji + Inwentarz rewaloryzacji + Account for Inventory Revaluation + The Inventory Revaluation Account identifies the account used to records changes in inventory value due to currency revaluation + + + + + + + Nie chcieć wydać + Nie chcieć wydać + Account for Withholdings + The Withholding Account inidicates the account used to record withholdings + + + + + + + Rzecz bez wartości + Rzecz bez wartości + Account for Receivables write-off + The Write Off Account identifies the account to book write off transactions to + + + + + + + Kwota do wypisania + Kwota do wypisania + Amout to write-off + The Write Off Amount indicates the amount to be written off as uncollectable + + + + + + + Znajdź + Znajdź + + + + + + + + + Oraz/Lub + Oraz/Lub + Operacje logiczne: ORAZ/LUB + + + + + + + + Find_id + Find_id + + + + + + + + + Operacja + Operacja + + + + + + + + + Wartość do + Wartość do + Value To + + + + + + + + Oprocentowanie kwoty + Oprocentowanie kwoty + Interest Amount + The Interest Amount indicates any interest charged or received on a Bank Statement + + + + + + + Atrybut + Atrybut + + + + + + + + + Typ konta + Bank relacja typu + Bank Account Type + The Bank Account Type field indicates the type of account (savings, checking etc) this account is defined as + + + + + + + Rejestr gotówki + Rejestr gotówki + Cash Journal + The Cash Journal uniquely identifies a Cash Journal. The Cash Journal will record transactions for the cash bank account + + + + + + + Rejestr gotówki + Rejestr gotówki + Cash Book for recording petty cash transactions + The Cash Book identifies a unique cash book. The cash book is used to record cash transactions + + + + + + + Pozycja rejestru gotówki + Pozycja rejestru gotówki + Cash Journal Line + The Cash Journal Line indicates a unique line in a cash journal + + + + + + + Zapłata plik wsadowy + Zapłata plik wsadowy + + + + + + + + + Gotówka typu + Gotówka typu + Source of Cash + The Cash Type indicates the source for this Cash Journal Line + + + + + + + Aktywa - gotówka + Aktywa - gotówka + Cash Book Asset Account + The Cash Book Asset Account identifies the account to be used for recording payments into and disbursements from this cash book + + + + + + + Gotówka książka różnic + Gotówka książka różnic + Cash Book Differences Account + The Cash Book Differences Account identifies the account to be used for recording any differences that affect this cash book + + + + + + + Gotówka książka wydatku + Gotówka książka wydatku + Cash Book Expense Account + The Cash Book Expense Account identifies the account to be used for general, non itemized expenses + + + + + + + Gotówka książka recepty + Gotówka książka recepty + Cash Book Receipts Account + The Cash Book Receipt Account identifies the account to be used for general, non itemized cash book receipts + + + + + + + ACH + ACH + Automatic Clearing House + The ACH checkbox indicatse if this Bank Account accepts ACH transactions + + + + + + + Ręczny + Ręczny + This is a manual process + The Manual check box indicates if the process will done manually + + + + + + + Odwrócenie + Odwrócenie + This is a reversing transaction + The Reversal check box indicates if this is a reversal of a prior transaction + + + + + + + Kwota płatności + Kwota płatności + Amount being paid + Indicates the amount this payment is for. The payment amount can be for single or multiple invoices or a partial payment for an invoice + + + + + + + Zapłata procesor klasy + Zapłata procesor klasy + Payment Processor Java Class + Payment Processor class identifies the Java class used to process payments + + + + + + + Przetwarzanie daty + Przetwarzanie daty + + + + + + + + + Kwota przelewu + Kwota przelewu + Statement Amount + The Statement Amount indicates the amount of a single statement line + + + + + + + V_date + V_date + + + + + + + + + V_number + V_number + + + + + + + + + V_string + V_string + + + + + + + + + Mający moc prawną data + Mający moc prawną data + Date when money is available + The Effective Date indicates the date that money is available from the bank + + + + + + + Twórz z + Twórz z + Process which will generate a new document based on an existing document + The Create From process will create a new document based on information in an exisiting document selected by the user + + + + + + + Twórz do + Twórz do + + + + + + + + + Akceptuj kartę Discover + Akceptuj kartę Discover + Accept Discover Card + Indicates if Discover Cards are accepted as payment to this Bank Account + + + + + + + Prowizja + Prowizja + Commission stated as a percentage + The Commission indicates (as a percentage) the commission to be paid + + + + + + + Koszt na operacji + Koszt na operacji + Fixed cost per transaction + The Cost per Transaction indicates the fixed cost per to be charged per transaction + + + + + + + Dni należności + Dni należności + Dni należności (negatywnie: zaległość w dniach) + + + + + + + + Przetwarzanie on-line + Przetwarzanie on-line + Płatność może być dokonana on-line + Czy płatność może być dokonana on-line. + + + + + + + Zapłacone + Zapłacone + + + + + + + + + Wymagaj weryfikacji karty płatniczej + Wymagaj weryfikacji karty płatniczej + Wymaga 3 lub 4 cyfrowego potwierdzenia (PINu) + Wskazuje czy bank wymaga weryfikacji numeru karty kredytowej przy dokonywaniu transakcji. + + + + + + + Grupa pól + Grupa pól + Logiczne grupowanie pól + Logiczna grupa, do której należy pole (historia, kwoty, ilości). + + + + + + + Typ akcji + Typ akcji + Metoda działania podjęta na zapytanie. + Metoda działania podjęta na zapytanie (email, telefon, zamknięte). + + + + + + + Data ostatniej akcji + Data ostatniej akcji + Data podjęcia ostatniej akcji/działania. + Data podjęcia ostatniej akcji/działania. + + + + + + + Data następnej akcji + Data następnej akcji + Data kiedy następna akcja/działanie powinno być podjęte. + Data kiedy następna akcja/działanie powinno być podjęte zgodnie z rozkładem. + + + + + + + Typ należności + Typ należności + Status następnego działania na zapytanie. + Wskazuje czy zapytanie dotyczy należności, należności przeterminowanej czy planowanej. + + + + + + + Częstotliwość + Częstotliwość + Częstotliwość wydarzeń + Częstotliwość używana w koniunkcji z typem częstotliwości określając wydarzenie. Przykład: Jeśli typem częstotliwości jest tydzień, a częstotliwość wynosi 2, to zdarzenie będzie ponawiane co 2 tygodnie. + + + + + + + Typ częstotliwości + Typ częstotliwości + Częstotliwość obliczeń + Typ częstotliwości używany do obliczenia daty następnego wydarzenia. + + + + + + + Podzielony + Podzielony + Płatność została podzielona na części + Wskazuje czy płatność została podzielona oraz czy jest związana z fakturą/fakturami. + + + + + + + Eskalowany + Eskalowany + This request has been escalated + The Escalated checkbox indicates that this request has been escalated or raised in importance + + + + + + + HTML + Html + Text has HTML tags + + + + + + + + Nagłówek poczty + Nagłówek poczty + + + + + + + + + Tekst listu + Tekst listu + Tekst wiadomości + Tekst wiadomości + + + + + + + Następne działanie + Następne działanie + Następne działanie + Następne działanie podjęte w związku z zapytaniem. + + + + + + + Priorytet + Priorytet + Wskazuje czy zapytanie ma wysoki, średni czy niski priorytet. + Wskazuje czy zapytanie ma wysoki, średni czy niski priorytet. + + + + + + + Szablon poczty + Szablon poczty + Szablony tekstowy do poczty + Szablony tekstowy do poczty + + + + + + + Zapytania + Zapytanie + Zapytania od kontrahentów lub z prospektu + Wskazuje pojedyncze zapytanie kontrahenta lub z prospektu. + + + + + + + Request action + Request action + Action has been requested + The Request Action indicates if the Credit Card Company has requested further action be taken + + + + + + + Procesor zapytań + Procesor zapytań + + + + + + + + + Kwota + Kwota + Kwota związana z zapytaniem + Wskazuje na kwotę związaną z zapytaniem, np. suma gwarancji. + + + + + + + Streszczenie + Streszczenie + Streszczenie zapytania + The Summary allows free form text entry of a recap of this request + + + + + + + Administrator + Administrator + Administrator + Administrator + + + + + + + Nr alokacji + Nr alokacji + Nr alokacji + Numer alkoacji wskazuje, które faktury były płacone razem. + + + + + + + Mnożnik + Mnożnik + Typ mnożnika (kredyt = -1) + + + + + + + + Otwarta suma + Otwarta suma + Otwarta suma + + + + + + + + Uwaga + Uwaga + + + + + + + + + Marża % + Marża % + Marża na produkcie % + Wskazuje marżę na produkcie jako procent od ceny krańcowej i ceny sprzedaży. + + + + + + + Domyślna logika 2 + Domyślna logika 2 + Default value hierarchy, separated by ; + The defaults are evaluated in the order of definition, the first not null value becomes the default value of the column. The values are separated by comma or semicolon. a) Literals:. 'Text' or 123 b) Variables - in format @Variable@ - Login e.g. #Date, #A + + + + + + + SQL GROUP + SQL GROUP + This function will generate a Group By Clause + The SQL Group Function checkbox indicates that this function will generate a Group by Clause in the resulting SQL + + + + + + + Wybór płatności + Wybór płatności + Wybór płatności + Wskazanie konkretnej płatności + + + + + + + Pozycja wyboru płatności + Wybór płatności + Wybór płatności + Wskazuje pojedynczą pozycję w płatności. + + + + + + + Data zapłaty + Data zapłaty + Data zapłaty + Data zapłaty + + + + + + + Całkowita suma + Całkowita suma + Całkowita suma + Całkowita suma + + + + + + + Kolumna widoku raportu + Kolumna widoku raportu + + + + + + + + + Funkcja + Funkcja + W kolumnie wstaw wartość funkcji + W kolumnie zostanie umieszczona wartość funkcji + + + + + + + Rzeczywista kwota + Rzeczywista kwota + Rzeczywista kwota + Rzeczywista kwota uzgodniona w dokumencie. + + + + + + + Rzeczywista ilość + Rzeczywista ilość + Rzeczywista ilość + Rzeczywista ilość odniesiona w dokumencie. + + + + + + + Mnożnik dla kwoty + Mnożnik dla kwoty + Mnożnik dla kwoty prowizji + Wskazuje kwotę mnożoną przez kwotę łączną w celu naliczenia prowizji. + + + + + + + Odejmuj sumę + Odejmuj sumę + Odejmuj sumę by utworzyć prowizję + The Subtract Amount indicates the amount to subtract from the total amount prior to multiplication + + + + + + + Prowizja + Prowizja + Identyfikator prowizji + ID prowizji lub wewnętrzni czy zewnętrzni przedstawiciele firmy, reprezentanci handlowi lub dostawcy. + + + + + + + Kwota prowizji + Kwota prowizji + Kwota prowizji + Wynik naliczania prowizji + + + + + + + Pozycja prowizji + Pozycja prowizji + Pozycja prowizji + The Commission Line is a unique instance of a Commission Run. If the commission run was done in summary mode then there will be a single line representing the selected documents totals. If the commission run was done in detail mode then each document th + + + + + + + Cykl projektu + Cykl projektu + Cykl projektu + Identifies a Project Cycle which can be made up of one or more steps or statuses + + + + + + + Krok cyklu + Krok cyklu + Krok cyklu + Określa jeden lub więcej kroków w projekcie. Cykl ma wiele faz. + + + + + + + Pozycja projektu + Pozycja projektu + Zadanie lub krok w projekcie + Zadanie lub krok w projekcie + + + + + + + Łącznie prowizja + Łącznie prowizja + Łącznie prowizja + Całkowita kwota prowizji oparta na parametrach określonych przy naliczaniu prowizji. + + + + + + + Kwota wymiany + Kwota wymiany + Kwota wymiany + Jest wynikiem powielenia kwoty podstawowej przez kurs wymiany danej waluty. + + + + + + + Data kontraktu + Data kontraktu + Data dokumentu + Określa czy dokument stał się ważny. Zwykle zależy to od daty kontaktu. Używana jest ona do raportowania oraz przy parametrach raportu. + + + + + + + Data końcowa + Data końcowa + Data (lub planowana data) ukończenia + Wskazuje kiedy projekt ma być ukończony lub był ukończony + + + + + + + Podstawa kalkulacji + Podstawa kalkulacji + Podstawa kalkulacji prowizji + Podstawa kalkulacji prowizji + + + + + + + Info do + Info do + + + + + + + + + Tylko dodatnie + Tylko dodatnie + Nie twórz prowizji ujemnych + Wskazuje że jeżeli wynik odejmowania jest ujemny, wówczas zostaje on ignorowany. Oznacza, że nie można tworzyć ujemnych prowizji. + + + + + + + Planowana wartość + Planowana wartość + Planowana wartość dla projektu + Planowana wartość dla projektu + + + + + + + Planowana marża % + Planowana marża % + Planowana marża % + Planowana marża % dla projektu + + + + + + + Planowana marża + Planowana marża + Planowana marża dla projektu + Planowana marża dla projektu + + + + + + + Planowana cena + Planowana cena + Planowana cena dla projektu + Planowana cena dla projektu + + + + + + + Planowana ilość + Planowana ilość + Planowana ilość dla projektu + Planowana ilość dla projektu lub pozycji projektu + + + + + + + Powielacz ilości + Powielacz ilości + Wartość powielania ilości przy naliczaniu prowizji. + Wskazuje kwotę do powielenia łącznej ilości w celu naliczenia prowizji. + + + + + + + Odejmuj ilość + Odejmuj ilość + Odejmuje ilość przy tworzeniu prowizji + Odejmuje ilość przy tworzeniu prowizji + + + + + + + Waga + Waga + Waga + Względna waga pozwala uwzględnić prawdopodobienśtwo sukcecu. Przykładowo jeżeli jest jedna na 10 szansa, na niepowodzenie projektu w danym cyklu, należy umieścić wagę 0,1. + + + + + + + Naliczanie prowizji + Naliczanie prowizji + Proces naliczania prowizji lub Naliczanie prowizji + Poszczególny system identyfikator przebiegu prowizji. Kiedy prowizja widoczna jest na ekranie, wyświetlone będzie naliczanie prowizji. + + + + + + + Zamówienia z określoną prowizją + Zamówienia z określoną prowizją + Commission only Orders or Invoices, where this Sales Rep is entered + Sales Reps are entered in Orders and Invoices. If selected, only Orders and Invoices for this Sales Reps are included in the calculation of the commission + + + + + + + Lista szczegółów + Lista szczegółów + Lista szczegółów + List document details + The List Details checkbox indicates that the details for each document line will be displayed + + + + + + + Szczegóły prowizji + Szczegóły prowizji + Inforamacje o kwocie prowizji + Dostarcza informacje o naliczaniu prowizji. Każda pozycja dokumentu będąca częścią Naliczania prowizji będzie tu wyświetlona. + + + + + + + Warunki płatności + Warunki płatności + Warunki płatności dla zamówienia własnego + Wskazuje warunki płatności, gdy zamówienie staje się fakturą. + + + + + + + Uwaga + Uwaga + Dodatkowa informacja o osiągnięciach + Dodatkowa informacja o osiągnięciach + + + + + + + Kolumna kontrahenta + Kolumna kontrahenta + W pełni wykwalifikowana kluczowa kolumna kontrahenta (C_BPartner_ID) + Wskazuje kontrahenta podczas liczenia pomiaru. + + + + + + + Klasa obliczeń + Klasa obliczeń + Klasa Javy implementującą interfejs pomiaru + Klasa Javy implementującą interfejs pomiaru + + + + + + + Kolumna daty + Kolumna daty + W pełni wykwalifikowana kolumna daty + Wskazuje datę używaną przy obliczaniu pomiaru. + + + + + + + Data od + Data z + Data rozpoczęcia zakresu dat + Data rozpoczęcia zakresu dat + + + + + + + Data do + Data do + Data końcowa zakresu dat + Data końcowa zakresu dat + + + + + + + Osiągnięcie celu + Osiągnięcie celu + Osiągnięcie celu od 0..1 + Osiągnięcie celu od 0..1 + + + + + + + Osiągnięty + Osiągnięty + Cel został osiągnięty + Cel został osiągnięty + + + + + + + Kolor klasy w Javie + Kolor klasy w Javie + Nazwa koloru klasy Javy dziedzicząca z pakietu java.awt.Color + Nazwa koloru klasy Javy dziedzicząca z pakietu java.awt.Color + + + + + + + Wprowadź ręcznie wart. rzeczywistą + Wprowadź ręcznie wart. rzeczywistą + Ręcznie wprowadzona rzeczywista wartość + Wskazuje ręcznie wprowadzoną rzeczywista wartość pomiaru. + + + + + + + Uwaga + Uwaga + Uwaga do pozycji + Uwaga do pozycji pozwala dołączyć dodatkowe informacje + + + + + + + Pomiar rzeczywisty + Pomiar rzeczywisty + Pomiar rzeczywisty + Wskazuje rzeczywistą osiągniętą wartość celu. Używane są przy określeniu czy osiągnięty został cel. + + + + + + + Mierz cel + Mierz cel + Wskazuje cel do pomiaru. Używane przy porównaniu z miarą bieżącą. + Wskazuje cel do pomiaru. Używane przy porównaniu z miarą bieżącą. + + + + + + + Typ miary + Typ miary + Determines how the actual performance is derived + The Measure Type indicates how the actual measure is determined. For example, one measure may be manual while another is calculated + + + + + + + ID Jednostki + ID Jednostki + W pełni wykwalifikowana kolumna jednostki (AD_Org_ID) + The Organizaiton Column indicates the organization to be used in calculating this measurement + + + + + + + Osiągnięcie + Osiągnięcie + Osiągnięcie + Wskazuje poszczególne zadanie jakie jest częścią całościowego celu. + + + + + + + Kolor + Kolor + Kolor + Kolor używany do określenia różnych poziomów przedstawienia. + + + + + + + Cel + Cel + Przedstawienie celu + Przedstawienie celu + + + + + + + Osobisty cel + Osobisty cel + Hierarchia celu widoczna wyłącznie dla użytkownika + Cele osobiste ustanawia dla siebie użytkownik. + + + + + + + Miara + Miara + Konkretny miara + The Measure identifies a concrete, measurable indincator of performance. For example, sales dollars, prospects contacted + + + + + + + Obliczanie miary + Obliczanie miary + Metody obliczeń dla pomiaru przedstawienia + Metody obliczeń dla pomiaru przedstawienia + + + + + + + Kolumna produktu + Kolumna produktu + W pełni wykwalifikowana kolumna produktu (M_Product_ID) + Wskazuje produkt używanty przy liczeniu pomiaru. + + + + + + + SQL SELECT + SQL SELECT + Polecenie SQL SELECT + Polecenie SQL SELECT do wyboru pozycji przy liczeniu pomiaru + + + + + + + Do % + Do % + Maksymalna wartość dla koloru. Jesli jest to najwyższa wartość, używa się także dla wartości wyższych. + Maksymalna wartość dla koloru. Jesli jest to najwyższa wartość, używa się także dla wartości wyższych. + + + + + + + Kolumna raportu + Kolumna raportu + Kolumna w raporcie + + + + + + + + Typ kwoty + Typ kwoty + Typ kwoty raportu + Można wybrać pomiędzy kwotą łącznie a okresowo tak samo jak saldo końcowe lub obroty po stronie Dt/Ct. + + + + + + + Plan rozpoznania przychodu + Plan rozpoznania przychodu + Plan rozpoznania przychodu + Plan rozpoznania przychodu + + + + + + + Rozpoznaj przychód + Rozpoznaj przychód + Zacznij rozpoznawać przychód lub proces rozpoznania + Zacznij rozpoznawać przychód lub proces rozpoznania + + + + + + + Obliczenie + Obliczenie + + + + + + + + + Typ kolumny + Typ kolumny + + + + + + + + + Typ waluty + Typ waluty + + + + + + + + + Konwersja adhoc + Konwersja adhoc + Dokonaj konwersji całości na walutę + Jeżeli została wybrana waluta, zapis będzie dotyczył tylko tej waluty. Jeśli wybrano konwersja adhoc, wszystkie waluty są przeliczane na daną walutę. + + + + + + + Typ pozycji + Typ pozycji + + + + + + + + + Operator 1 + Operator 1 + Pierwszy operator + + + + + + + + Operator 2 + Operator 2 + Drugi operator + + + + + + + + Raport finansowy + Raport finansowy + Raport finansowy + + + + + + + + Ustawienie kolumny raportu + Ustawienie kolumny raportu + Zbiór kolumn raportu + Określa kolumny użyte w raporcie + + + + + + + Pozycja raportu + Pozycja raportu + + + + + + + + + Ustawienie pozycji raportu + Ustawienie pozycji raportu + + + + + + + + + Źródło raportu + Źródło raportu + Co będzie pokazane w pozycji raportu + + + + + + + + Rozpoznana kwota + Rozpoznana kwota + + + + + + + + + Względny okres + Względny okres + Przesunięcie okresu (0 to bieżący) + + + + + + + + Licznik odwiedzin + Licznik odwiedzin + + + + + + + + + Popraw podatek + Popraw podatek + Popraw podatek od upustów i opłat + Upusty wymagają korekty podatku. Dotyczy to przede wszystkim VAT. Jeśli pierwotna faktura miała upusty, wypisy, etc, to podatek będzie odpowiednio korygowany. Obliczenie podatku jest proporcjonalnie oparte o wielkości na fakturze. + + + + + + + Upusty handlowe + Upusty handlowe + Generate postings for trade discounts + If the invoice is based on an item with a list price, the amount based on the list price and the discount is posted instead of the net amount. +Example: Quantity 10 - List Price: 20 - Actual Price: 17 +If selected for a sales invoice 200 is posted to Produc + + + + + + + Przychód + Przychód + Różnica między kosztami a ceną na fakturze. + Wskazjuje na różnicę między bieżącymi kosztami a sumą z faktury. + + + + + + + Przyznany upust + Przyznany upust + Przyznany upust + Kwota przyznanego upustu mówi o przyznanych zniżkach w fakturach sprzedaży + + + + + + + Otrzymany upust + Otrzymany upust + Kwota otrzymanego upustu + Kwota otrzymanych zniżek mówi o kwotach otrzymanych zniżek i upustów od dostawców. + + + + + + + Dostosowanie inwentarza + Dostosowanie inwentarza + Konto dla wartości dostosowania inwentarza w kosztach rzeczywistych + W systemie kosztów rzeczywistych, konto używane jest dla wartości dostosowania inwentarza. Można ustawić konto aktywów dla standardowego inwentarza. + + + + + + + Widok + Widok + Widok + Bardziej widok niż tabela. Widok jest zawsze traktowany przez system jako wyłącznie do czytania. + + + + + + + Forma wydruku + Forma wydruku + Forma + + + + + + + + Dokument bankowy + Dokument bankowy + Czek, przelew, etc. + Dokumenty bankowe, które tworzysz lub śledzisz. + + + + + + + Paragon + Paragon + Transakcja sprzedaży (paragon) + + + + + + + + Różnica + Różnica + Kwota różnicy + + + + + + + + Kolor + Kolor + Kolor tła lub wskazówek + + + + + + + + Pulpit + Pulpit + Zbiór okien + + + + + + + + Pulpit + Pulpit + + + + + + + + + Obraz + Obraz + System obrazu lub ikony + + + + + + + + Pole definowane przez użytk + Pole definowane przez użytk + + + + + + + + + Zakładki użytkownika + Zakładki użytkownika + Zakładki definiowane przez użytkownika + Zakładki definiowane przez użytkownika + + + + + + + Okna użytkownika + Okna użytkownika + Okna definiowane przez użytkownika + Okna definiowane przez użytkownika + + + + + + + Pulpit + Pulpit + Zbiór okien, raportów + + + + + + + + Główne okno + Główne okno + + + + + + + + + Alfa + Alfa + Wartość koloru Alfa 0-255 + + + + + + + + Druga Alfa + Druga Alfa + Wartość Alfy dla drugiego koloru + + + + + + + + Niebieski + Niebieski + Wartość RGB dla koloru niebieskiego + + + + + + + + Drugi niebieski + Drugi niebieski + Wartośc RGB dla drugiego koloru + + + + + + + + Typ koloru + Typ koloru + Prezentacja dla danego koloru + + + + + + + + Zielony + Zielony + Wartość RGB + + + + + + + + Drugi zielony + Drugi zielony + Wartość RGB dla drugiego koloru + + + + + + + + Kolumna wyboru + Kolumna wyboru + Kolumna jes używana do odnalezienia wierszy w oknie + Jeżeli wybrane, dana kolumna wybrana w pierwszej zakładce jest użyta do wyboru wierszy + + + + + + + Odległość + Odległość + Odległość między liniami/pozycjami + + + + + + + + Szerokość linii + Szerokość linii + Szerokość linii + + + + + + + + Opis + Opis + Opis na ekranie zamówienia własnego + + + + + + + + Pomoc + Pomoc + Pomoc dla zamówienia własnego + + + + + + + + Nazwa zamówienia własnego + Nazwa zamówienia własnego + Nazwa na ekranie zamówienia własnego + + + + + + + + Drukuj nazwę zamówienia własnego + Drukuj nazwę zamówienia własnego + Drukuj nazwę na ekranie/raporcie zamówienia własnego + + + + + + + + Tylko czyta + Tylko czyta + Logika określ czy pole jest wyłącznie czytane (pisze, gdy pole jest czytać-pisać). + + + + + + + + Czerwony + Czerwony + Wartość RGB + + + + + + + + Drugi czerwony + Drugi czerwony + Wartość RGB dla drugiego koloru + + + + + + + + Symulacja + Symulacja + Tylko symulacja bez rzeczywistego wykonania + + + + + + + + Kasuj stare/istniejące rekordy + Kasuj stare/istniejące rekordy + W przeciwnym wypadku rekordy będą dodane + + + + + + + + Drukuj szczegóły transakcji + Drukuj szczegóły transakcji + + + + + + + + + Maks. kwota do umorzenia + Maks. kwota do umorzenia + Maks. kwota do umorzenia w walucie faktury + Maksymalna kwota do umorzenia z faktury. W przypadku kwot w obcych walutach zaokrąglenia moga powodować, że kwoty nie będą dokładnie takie same. Tutaj możliwe jest wpisanie do jakiej wartości ignorować takie róznice, aby faktura została uznana za zapłaconą + + + + + + + Min ilość produktów na stanie + Min ilość produktów na stanie + Jeżeli nie ma wystarczającej ilości produktu w magazynie, lista materaiłowa nie zostanie wygenerowana + Jeżeli nie ma wystarczającej ilości produktu w magazynie, lista materaiłowa nie zostanie wygenerowana + + + + + + + Tylko ze zniżką + Tylko ze zniżką + Faktury wyłącznie ze zniżką + + + + + + + + Tylko należność + Tylko należność + Tylko należność + + + + + + + + Klucz produktu + Klucz produktu + Twórz listę wyłącznie dla danej wartości produktu (można użyć %) + + + + + + + + Ilość zinwentaryzowana + Ilość zinwentaryzowana + + + + + + + + + Pokaż rzeczywistą kwotę + Pokaż rzeczywistą kwotę + + + + + + + + + Pokaż wykonaną kwotę + Pokaż wykonaną kwotę + + + + + + + + + Pokaż planowaną kwotę + Pokaż planowaną kwotę + + + + + + + + + Pokaż planowaną marżę + Pokaż planowaną marżę + + + + + + + + + Pokaż planowaną ilość + Pokaż planowaną ilość + + + + + + + + + Typ encji + Typ encji + Typ encji w słowniku aplikacji. Wpływa na własnośc oraz sposób synchronizacji + The Entity Types "Dictionary", "Adempiere" and "Application" might be automatically synchronized and customizations deleted or overwritten. +For customizations, copy the entity and select "User"! + + + + + + + Imortuj pola + Imortuj pola + Twórz pola z kolumn tabeli + + + + + + + + Import tabeli + Import tabeli + Import tabeli z bazy danych + + + + + + + + Synchronizuj bazę danych + Synchronizuj bazę danych + Change database table definition when changing dictionary definition + When selected, the database column definition is updated based on your entries in the Column definition of the Application Dictionary + + + + + + + Wybór płatności + Wybór płatności + Wybór płatności + + + + + + + + Kasa + Kasa + Kasa + Kasa + + + + + + + Transfer gotówki + Transfer gotówki + Transfer gotówki + Transfer gotówki + + + + + + + Dopasuj faktury + Dopasuj faktury + Dopasuj przewóz do faktury + + + + + + + + Dopasuj zamówienia + Dopasuj zamówienia + Dopasuj zamówienia do przewozu + + + + + + + + Kasuj istniejące ksiegowania + Kasuj istniejące ksiegowania + Wskazane księgowania zostaną skasowane. NIEBEZPIECZNE! + + + + + + + + Kluczowe słowo + Kluczowe słowo + Słowa kluczowe (nie ważne czy z duzych czy z małych liter) + Słowa kluczowe (nie ważne czy z duzych czy z małych liter). Jeżeli więcej niż jedno, muszą wystapić wszystkie + + + + + + + Temat + Temat + Temat wiadomości email. + + + + + + + + Ostrzegaj po terminie + Ostrzegaj po terminie + Wyślij email upominającego po przekroczeniu terminu + Wyślij email upominającego po przekroczeniu terminu. Jeśli w ustawieniu jest 0, nie będzie wyslane upomnienie. + + + + + + + Rośnie po terminie + Rośnie po terminie + Rośnie po terminie + Po przekroczeniiu terminu przedmiot wzrośnie i zostanie oddany nadzorcy. + + + + + + + Droga zapytania + Droga zapytania + Automatyczna droga dla zapytań + Automatyczna droga dla zapytań + + + + + + + Zapytanie poprzez email + Zapytanie poprzez email + Adres email do wysyłania zapytań + EMails for alerts and escalation are sent from this email address. The address must be filly qualified (e.g. joe@company.com) and should be a valid address + + + + + + + Folder pocztowy + Folder pocztowy + Folder pocztowy do odbioru zapytań email. Jeżeli puste to użyty jest folder domyślny INBOX + Email folder used to read emails to process as requests, If left empty the default mailbox (INBOX) will be used + + + + + + + Prośba uzytkownika + Prośba uzytkownika + User ID of the email owner, which receives requests + + + + + + + + Wymagaj hasła użytkownika + Wymagaj hasła użytkownika + Wymagaj hasła użytkownika + + + + + + + + Akceptuj język + Akceptuj język + Język akceptowany z zależności o informacje przeglądarki. + + + + + + + + Przeglądarka + Przeglądarka + Przeglądarka + + + + + + + + Wszystkie węzły + Wszystkie węzły + Zawiera wszystkie węzły + + + + + + + + Break Discount % + Break Discount % + Trade Discount in Percent for the break level + Trade Discount in Percent for the break level + %TODO% + + + + + + Break Value + Break Value + Low Value of trade descount break level + Starting Quantity or Amount Value for break level + %TODO% + + + + + + Poziom kumulacji + Poziom kumulacji + Poziom kumulacji + + + + + + + + Typ rabatu + Typ rabatu + Typ rabatu + Typ rabatu/upustu + + + + + + + Rabat płaski % + Rabat płaski % + Rabat płaski % + Rabat/Upust płaski + + + + + + + Wg ilości + Wg ilości + Upusty oparte o ilość + Upust oparte o ilość + + + + + + + Schemat rabatów + Schemat rabatów + Schemat rabatów + Schemat rabatów + + + + + + + Schemat progu rabatów + Schemat progu rabatów + Schemat progu rabatów + Schemat progu rabatów + + + + + + + Lista zniżek + Lista zniżek + Lista zniżek + Włączając listę zniżek można się dowiedzieć w jaki sposób liczona jest cena standardowa i krańcowa. + + + + + + + Schemat rabatów zamówień + Schemat rabatów zamówień + Schemat rabatów zamówień + + + + + + + + Skrypt + Skrypt + Skrypt Javy użyty do obliczenia wyniku + Skrypt Javy użyty do obliczenia wyniku + + + + + + + Przeźroczystość obrazu + Przeźroczystość obrazu + Image Texture Composite Alpha + Composite Alpha factor for taint color + + + + + + + URL obrazu + URL obrazu + URL of image + URL of image; The image is not stored in the database, but retrieved at runtime. The image can be a gif, jpeg or png + + + + + + + Powtórz odległość + Powtórz odległość + Distance in points to repeat gradient color - or zero + The gradient color is not repeated, if the value is zero. The distance is added to (or subtracted from) the starting point of the gradient + + + + + + + Tu zaczynaj + Tu zaczynaj + Start point of the gradient colors + The gradient starts at the start point (e.g. North). The repeat distance determines if and how ofthen the gradient colors are repeated. If starting from southern points, the upper color is actually at the button + + + + + + + Licznik + Licznik + Wewnętrzne statystyki liczą jak często używana była jednostka. + Do użytku wewnętrznego + + + + + + + Statystycznie trwa + Statystycznie trwa + Internal statistics how many seconds a process took + For internal use + + + + + + + Poziom zakładki + Poziom zakładki + Hierarchical Tab Level (0 = top) + Hierarchical level of the tab. If the level is 0, it is the top entity. Level 1 entiries are dependent on level 0, etc + + + + + + + Koszt standardowy + Koszt standardowy + Koszt standardowy + + + + + + + + Data wyceny + Data wyceny + Data wyceny + + + + + + + + Cena minimalna + Cena minimalna + Cena minimalna + + + + + + + + Wartość z cennika + Wartość z cennika + Wartość z cennika + + + + + + + + Szacowanie ceną zamówienia własnego + Szacowanie ceną zamówienia własnego + Szacowanie ceną zamówienia własnego + + + + + + + + Szacowanie ceną standardową + Szacowanie ceną standardową + Szacowanie ceną standardową + + + + + + + + Średni koszt dla łącznej kwoty + Średni koszt dla łącznej kwoty + Średni koszt dla łącznej kwoty + Średni koszt dla łącznej kwoty + + + + + + + Średni koszt dla łącznej ilości + Średni koszt dla łącznej ilości + Średni koszt dla łącznej ilości + Średni koszt dla łącznej ilości + + + + + + + Suma kosztu standardowego w zamówieniu własnym + Suma kosztu standardowego w zamówieniu własnym + Suma kosztu standardowego w zamówieniu własnym + Standardowy koszt liczony dla całkowitek kwoty w planowanym zamówieniu własnym. + + + + + + + Łączna ilość kosztu standardowego w zamówieniu własnym + Łączna ilość kosztu standardowego w zamówieniu własnym + Łączna ilość kosztu standardowego w zamówieniu własnym + Standardowy koszt liczony dla całkowitek kwoty w rzeczywistym zamówieniu własnym. + + + + + + + Suma kosztu standardowego w zamówieniu własnym + Suma kosztu standardowego w zamówieniu własnym + Suma kosztu standardowego w zamówieniu własnym + Standardowy koszt liczony dla całkowitek kwoty w planowanym zamówieniu własnym. + + + + + + + Łączna ilość kosztu standardowego w zamówieniu własnym + Łączna ilość kosztu standardowego w zamówieniu własnym + Łączna ilość kosztu standardowego w zamówieniu własnym + Standardowy koszt liczony dla łączej ilości w planowanym zamówieniu własnym + + + + + + + ID pozycji + ID pozycji + ID pozycji transakcji wewnętrzej + Internal link + + + + + + + PPV Offset + PPV Offset + Konto odchyleń marży + Konto odchyleń marży + + + + + + + Cena ostatniej faktury + Cena ostatniej faktury + Cena produktu na ostatniej fakturze + Cena za produkt na ostatniej fakturze. + + + + + + + Suma faktury + Suma faktury + Suma faktury + Na podstawie sumy faktury liczona jest całkowita średnia cena. + + + + + + + Całkowita ilość + Całk. il. + Całkowita ilość na fakturze + Na podstawie całkowitej ilości na fakturze liczona jest całkowita średnia cena. + + + + + + + Upust na pozycjach + Upust na pozycjach + Upust nie zawiera podatków i opłat. + Jeżeli upust z kwot płatności wyliczona jest wyłącznie w oparciu o pozycje kwot, nie dotyczy podatków i opłat. Tak stosuje się w USA. Jeśli nie została wybrana zniżkę liczy się od całkowitej sumy faktury. + + + + + + + Stałe ograniczenie cenowe + Stałe ograniczenie cenowe + Stałe ograniczenie cenowe + + + + + + + + Stały cennik + Stały cennik + Stały cennik + + + + + + + + Stała cena standardowa + Stała cena standardowa + Stała cena standardowa, nie liczona. + + + + + + + + Ustaw przyszłe koszty na + Ustaw przyszłe koszty na + Set the Future costs to the selection + + + + + + + + Ustaw koszt standardowy + Ustaw koszt standardowy + Ustaw koszt standardowy na podstawie prognozy przyszłości. + + + + + + + + Odchylenie kosztowe faktury + Odchylenie kosztowe faktury + Odchylenie kosztowe faktury + Odchylenie kosztowe między kosztem na fakurze a standardowym. + + + + + + + Odchylenie kosztowe w zamówieniu własnym + Odchylenie kosztowe w zamówieniu własnym + Odchylenie kosztowe w zamówieniu własnym + Odchylenie kosztowe w zamówieniu własnym między kosztem zamówienia a standardowym. + + + + + + + Całkowity zafakturowany koszt + Całkowity zafakturowany koszt + Całkowity zafakturowany koszt + + + + + + + + Wiadomość + Wiadomość + Wiadomość systemu + Wiadomość informacyjna lub o błędzie. + + + + + + + Ułamkowa jednostka miary + Ułamek + Ułamkowa jednostka miary + Jeśli to możliwe, możesz włączyć ułamkową jednostkę miary. + + + + + + + Przypisane od + Przypisane od + Przypisane od + Początek przypisania + + + + + + + Przypisane do + Przypisane do + Przypisane do + Koniec przypisania + + + + + + + Data powstania kosztu + Data wydatku + Data wydatku + Data wydatku + + + + + + + Data raportu + Data raportu + Data raportu czasu/wydatku + Data raportu czasu/wydatku + + + + + + + Początek okresu + Początek okresu + Time when timeslot ends + Ending time for time slots + + + + + + + Początek okresu + Początek okresu + Początek okresu + Czas rozpoczęcia okresu + + + + + + + Kwota wydaktów + Kwota wydaktów + Kwota wydatków + Kwota wydatku w walucie. + + + + + + + Dostępny + Dostępny + Zasób dostępny + Zasób dostępny w celu przypisania. + + + + + + + Potwierdzony + Potwierdzony + Przypisanie jest potwierdzone + Przypisanie zasobu jest potwierdzone. + + + + + + + Okresy dzienne + Okresy dzienne + Zasób jest dostępny na określone dni + Zasób jest dostępny na określone dni (nie może być na mniej niż jeden dzień) + + + + + + + Czas raportu + Czas raportu + Czas raportu (nie wydatku) + Pozycja zawiera wyłącznie informacje o czasie. + + + + + + + Dostępne okresowo + Dostępne okresowo + Zasób dostępny okresowo. + Zasób dostępny jest okresowo. + + + + + + + Piątek + Piątek + Dostępny w piątek. + + + + + + + + Poniedziałek + Poniedziałek + Dostępny w poniedziałek. + + + + + + + + Sobota + Sobota + Dostępny w sobotę. + + + + + + + + Niedziela + Niedziela + Dostępny w niedzielę. + + + + + + + + Czwartek + Czwartek + Dostępny w czwartek. + + + + + + + + Wtorek + Wtorek + Dostępny we wtorek. + + + + + + + + Środa + Środa + Dostępny w środę. + + + + + + + + Typ koszu + Typ koszu + Typ zapisu kosztu. + + + + + + + + Zasób + Zasób + Zasób + + + + + + + + Przypisanie zasobu + Przypisanie zasobu + Przypisanie zasobu + + + + + + + + Typ zasobu + Typ zasobu + + + + + + + + + Zasób niedostępny + Zasób niedostępny + + + + + + + + + Raport wydatków + Raport wydatków + Raport czasu i wydatków + + + + + + + + Pozycja wydatku + Pozycja wydatku + Pozycja czasu i wydatku. + + + + + + + + Tylko pojedynczy wybór + Tylko pojedynczy wybór + Only one assignment at a time (no doble-booking or overlappong) + If selected, you can ony have one assignment for the resource at a single point in time. It is also not possible to have overlapping assignments + + + + + + + Sortuj wg + Sortuj wg + Sortuj wg + Kolumna wg której nastąpi sortowanie + + + + + + + Zawiera kolumnę + Zawiera kolumnę + Kolumna określa czy kolumna tabeli zawiera się w zamówieniu. + Jeśli określono Zawiera kolumnę, decyduje o aktywności kolumny w zamówieniu. W przeciwnym wypadku kolumna zamówienia ma wartość 1 lub więcej. + + + + + + + Kolor wydruku + Kolor wydruku + Kolor wydruku + Kolor wydruku + + + + + + + Czcionka wydruku + Czcionka wydruku + Maintain Print Font + Font used for printing + + + + + + + Format wydruku + Format wydruku + Format wydruku + The print format determines how data is rendered for print + + + + + + + Zawiera format wydruku + Zawiera format wydruku + Zawiera format wydruku + Included Print formats allow to e.g. Lines to Header records. The Column provides the parent link + + + + + + + Format wydruku pozycji + Format wydruku pozycji + Przedmiot/kolumna w formacie wydruku. + Przedmiot/kolumna w formacie wydruku utrzymuje informacje o planie. + + + + + + + Papier + Papier + Definowanie formatów kartek papieru + Definowanie formatów kartek papieru, marginesów etc. + + + + + + + Wyrównywanie pola + Wyrównywanie pola + Field Text Alignment + Alignment of field text. The default is determined by the data/display type: Numbers are right alighned, other data is left aligned + + + + + + + Utwórz kopię + Utwórz kopię + + + + + + + + + Margines stopki + Margines stopki + Margines stopki w 1/72 cala (około 0,352mm). + Distance from the bottom of the main content to the end of the printable page in 1/72 of an inch (point) + + + + + + + Margines nagłówka + Margines nagłówka + Margines nagłówka w 1/72 cala (około 0,352mm) + Distance from the top of the printable page to the start of the main content in 1/72 of an inch (point) + + + + + + + Formularz + Formularz + If Selected, a Form is printed, if not selected a columnar List report + A form has individual elements with layout information (example: invoice, check) +<br> +A columnar list report has individual columns (example: list of invoices) + + + + + + + Grupuj wg + Grupuj wg + After a group change, totals, etc. are printed + Grouping allows to print sub-totals. If a group changes, the totals are printed. Group by columns need to be included in the sort order + + + + + + + Tylko jedna + Tylko jedna + Drukuje tylko jedną pozycję + If the column has a width restriction, the text is broken into multiple lines. If One Line is selected, only the first line is printed + + + + + + + Wygląd wydruku + Wygląd wydruku + Orientacja wydruku + + + + + + + + Następna linia + Następna linia + Drukuj następną pozycję + Jeśli nie wybrano, będzie drukował tą samą pozycję. + + + + + + + Surtuj wg + Surtuj wg + Sortuj według + Zapisy są sortowane według wartości kolumny. Jeśli kolumna grupuje, należy załączyć tak samo sortowanie. + + + + + + + Względna pozycja + Względna pozycja + Względna pozycja przedmiotu. + Względna pozycja przedmiotu określona jest przez położenie X-Z i następną pozycję. + + + + + + + Zamówienia + Zamówienia + Tabela określa zamówienie. + + + + + + + + Standardowy header/footer + Standardowy header/footer + The standard Header and Footer is used + If the standard header is not used, it must be explicitly defined + + + + + + + Na podst tabeli + Na podst tabeli + Na podst tabeli + Table based columnar list reporting is invoked from the Window Report button + + + + + + + Maksymlana wysokość + Maksymlana wysokość + Maksymalna wysokość 1/72 cala (około 0,352mm) - 0 = brak ograniczeń. + Maksymalna wysokość elementu 1/72 cala (około 0,32mm). Dla 0, nie ma ograniczeń w wysokości. + + + + + + + Max szerokość + Max szerokość + Maksymalna szerokość 1/72 cala (około 0,352mm) - 0 = brak ograniczeń. + Maksymalna szerokość elementu 1/72 cala (około 0,32mm). Dla 0, nie ma ograniczeń w szerokości. + + + + + + + Pozycja X + Pozycja X + Pozycja bezwzględna w 1/72 cala (około 0,352mm). + Pozycja bezwzględna w 1/72 cala (około 0,352mm). + + + + + + + Odstęp poziomo + Odstęp poziomo + Względny odstęp poziomy 1/72 cala (około 0,352mm). + Względny odstęp poziomy w 1/72 cala (około 0,352mm) w relacji z końcem poprzedniej rzeczy. + + + + + + + Y pozycji + Y pozycji + Pozycja bezwzględna w 1/72 cala (około 0,352mm). + Pozycja bezwzględna w 1/72 cala (około 0,352mm). + + + + + + + Odstęp pionowy + Odstęp pionowy + Względny odstęp pionowy 1/72 cala (około 0,352mm). + Względny odstęp pionowy w 1/72 cala (około 0,352mm) w relacji z końcem poprzedniej rzeczy. + + + + + + + Wyrównywanie + Wyrównywanie + Wyrównywanie + Wyrównywanie dla względnego pozycjonowania. + + + + + + + Obszar + Obszar + Obszar wydruku + Obszar wydruku + + + + + + + Typ formatu + Typ formatu + Typ formatu wydruku + Typ formatu wydruku określa co będzie drukowane. + + + + + + + Cena na fakturze + Cena na fakturze + Jednostka ceny zafakturowana lub 0 jako cena domyślna. + Jednostka ceny w walucie kontrahenta. Dla 0 używa się standardowej ceny na liście sprzedaży kontrahenta. + + + + + + + Nadpłaty/niedopłata + Nadpłaty/niedopłata + Kwota nadpłacona/niedopłaty + Kwota nadpłacona (negatywna) jest nieulokowana i pozwala otrzymać pieniąze na więcej niż jedną fakturę. Niedopłata (pozytywna) to część płatności faktury. Nie wykreślaz kwoty niezapłaconej. + + + + + + + Kwota nadpłacona/niedopłaty + Kwota nadpłacona/niedopłaty + Kwota nadpłacona/niedopłaty + Kwota nadpłacona (negatywna) jest nieulokowana i pozwala otrzymać pieniąze na więcej niż jedną fakturę. Niedopłata (pozytywna) to część płatności faktury. Nie wykreślaz kwoty niezapłaconej. + + + + + + + Format wydruku czeków + Format wydruku czeków + Format wydruku używany do wydruku czeków + Format wydruku używany do wydruku czeków + + + + + + + Format wydruku wezwania do zapłaty + Format wydruku wezwania do zapłaty + Należy zdefiniować Format wydruku aby wydrukować dokument. + + + + + + + + Format wydruku faktury + Format wydruku faktury + Format wydruku dla drukowania faktur. + Należy zdefiniować Format wydruku aby wydrukować dokument. + + + + + + + Format wydruku zamówienia + Format wydruku zamówienia + Format wydruku dla Zamówień, zapytań, ofert. + Należy zdefiniować Format wydruku aby wydrukować dokument. + + + + + + + Format wydruku wpłaty + Format wydruku wpłaty + Format wydruku wpłaty + Należy zdefiniować Format wydruku aby wydrukować dokument. + + + + + + + Format wydruku dla dokumentów załadunku + Format wydruku dla dokumentów załadunku + Format wydruku dla przewozu, paragonu, list wyboru. + Należy zdefiniować Format wydruku aby wydrukować dokument. + + + + + + + Nie + Nie + + + + + + + + + Co + Co + + + + + + + + + Kiedy + Kiedy + + + + + + + + + Numer kierunkowy + Nr kier. + Numer kierunkowy + Numer kierunkowy + + + + + + + Miasto + Miasto + Miasto + Miasto + + + + + + + Współrzędne + Współrzędne + Miejsce współrzednych + Kolumna zawiera umiejscowienie współrzędnych geograficznych (szerokość, długość). Aby uniknąć niepotrzebnego użycia cech niestandardowych i przestrzeni, używa się następującej standardowej prezentacji 0000N 0000W 0000S 0000E, gdzie dwie ostatnie cyfry odnoszą się do minut, a dwa lub trzy pierwsze cyfry oznaczają stopnie. + + + + + + + Locode + Locode + Location code - UN/LOCODE + UN/Locode is a combination of a 2-character country code and a 3-character location code, e.g. BEANR is known as the city of Antwerp (ANR) which is located in Belgium (BE). +<p>See: http://www.unece.org/cefact/locode/service/main.htm + + + + + + + Załączony obraz + Załączony obraz + Do wydruku, obraz jest załączony do zapisu + Obraz, który ma być wydrukowany, przechowywany jest w bazie danych jako załącznik do zapisu. Obraz może być gif, jpeg lub png. + + + + + + + Oblicz średnią + Oblicz średnią + Licz średnią zawartość lub długość + Jeżelipole jest numeryczne, licz średnią danych. W przeciwnym wypadku licz średnią długość pola. + + + + + + + Oblicz ilość + Oblicz ilość + Licz liczbę nie pustych elementów + Licz całkowitą ilość nie pustych elementów (maksymalna liczba to ilość pozycji). + + + + + + + Kwota słownie + Słownie + Kwota słownie + Kwota słownie na wydrukach + + + + + + + Powitanie wstępne kontrahenta + Powitanie wstępne kontrahenta + Powitanie wstępne kontrahenta + + + + + + + + Powitanie + Powitanie + Powitanie kontrahenta + + + + + + + + Nazwa kontaktu + Nazwa kontaktu + Nazwa kontaktu do kontrahenta + + + + + + + + Typ dokumentu + Typ dokumentu + Typ dokumentu + + + + + + + + Uwaga do typu dokumentu + Uwaga do typu dokumentu + Uwaga do typu dokumentu + + + + + + + + Multi językowe dokumenty + Multi językowe dokumenty + Multi językowe dokumenty + Umożliwia multi językowe dokumenty i tłumaczy jednostki używane w dokumentach (przykład: produkty. terminy płatności, ...). Językiem bazowym jest zawsze angielski. + + + + + + + Ustaw miejsce nowej pozycji + Ustaw miejsce nowej pozycji + Ustaw miejsce nowej pozycji + When enabled, the current x (horizontal) Position before printing the item is saved. The next New Line will use the saved x (horizontal) Position, enabling to print data in columns. +The setting is not restricted to an area (header, content, footer), allow + + + + + + + Nie pokazuj pustych + Nie pokazuj pustych + Nie pokazuj pustych kolumn lub elementów. + Jeśli wejście jest puste, pole nie jest drukowane (łącznie z etykietą). Jeżeli wszystkie elementy w tabeli są puste, kolumna nie jest drukowana. + + + + + + + Termin zapłaty + Termin zapłaty + Termin zapłaty + + + + + + + + Uwaga do terminu zapłaty + Uwaga do terminu zapłaty + Uwaga do terminu zapłaty + + + + + + + + Opis zasobu + Opis zasobu + Opis alokacji zasobów. + + + + + + + + Obroty + Obroty + Obroty + + + + + + + + Dostępny kredyt + Dostępny kredyt + Dostępny kredyt + + + + + + + + Wykres + Wykres + Wykres dołączony w raportach. + Wykres kołowy/liniowy wydrukowany w raportach. + + + + + + + Format wydruku tabeli + Format wydruku tabeli + Format tabeli w zapisach + Format wydruku tabeli określa fonty, kolor wyruku tabeli. + + + + + + + Poniżej kolumny + Poniżej kolumny + Print this column below the column index entered + This column is printed in a second line below the content of the first line identified. Please be aware, that this is depends on the actual sequence. Enter a 1 to add the info below the first column + + + + + + + Dane kolumny 2 + Dane kolumny 2 + Dane kolumny do wykresu liniowego + Dodatkowa kolumna danych do wykresu liniowego/słupkowego. + + + + + + + Dane kolumny 3 + Dane kolumny 3 + Dane kolumny do wykresu liniowego + Dodatkowa kolumna danych do wykresu liniowego/słupkowego. + + + + + + + Dane kolumny 4 + Dane kolumny 4 + Dane kolumny do wykresu liniowego + Dodatkowa kolumna danych do wykresu liniowego/słupkowego. + + + + + + + Dane kolumny 5 + Dane kolumna 5 + Dane kolumny do wykresu liniowego + Dodatkowa kolumna danych do wykresu liniowego/słupkowego. + + + + + + + Dane kolumny + Dane kolumny + Dane kolumny do wykesu kołowego i liniowego + Dane kolumny do wykesu kołowego i liniowego + + + + + + + Opis kolumny + Opis kolumny + Opis kolumny do wykresu kołowego/liniowego/słupkowego + Opis kolumny do wykresu kołowego/liniowego/słupkowego. + + + + + + + Font funkcji + Font funkcji + Font funkcji + Font funkcji + + + + + + + Kolor tła funkcji + Kolor tła funkcji + Kolor tła funkcji + Kolor tła funkcji. + + + + + + + Kolor funkcji + Kolor funkcji + Function Foreground Color + Foreground color of a function row + + + + + + + Typ wykresu + Typ wykresu + Typ wykresu + Typ wykresu. + + + + + + + Font nagłówka + Font nagłówka + Font nagłówka + Font nagłówka tabeli. + + + + + + + Kolor nagłówka + Kolor nagłówka + Kolor nagłówka tabeli + Kolor nagłówka tabeli + + + + + + + Kolor tła nagłówka + Kolor tła nagłówka + Kolor tła nagłówka + Kolor tła nagłówka + + + + + + + Kolor nagłówka + Kolor nagłówka + Foreground color if the table header row + Table header row foreground color + + + + + + + Maluj ramkę + Maluj ramkę + Maluj ramkę + Maluj ramkę + + + + + + + Maluj ramkę poziomo + Maluj ramkę poziomo + Maluj ramkę poziomo + Maluj ramkę poziomo + + + + + + + Maluj ramkę pionowo + Maluj ramkę pionowo + Maluj ramkę pionowo + Maluj ramkę pionowo + + + + + + + Drukuj symbole funkcji + Drukuj symbole funkcji + Drukuj symbole dla funkcji (suma, średnia, licz) + Jeśli wybrano, drukuj symbole. W przeciwnym wypadku, drukuj nazwy funkcji. + + + + + + + Kolor linii + Kolor linii + Kolor lini tabeli + Kolor lini tabeli + + + + + + + Lokalizacja jedn. org + Adres + Lokalizacja lub adres jedn. org + + + + + + + + Lokalizacja magazynu + Lokalizacja magazynu + Lokalizacja lub adres magazynu + Lokalizacja lub adres magazynu + + + + + + + Kod kontrahenta + Kod kontrahenta + Kod kontrahenta + Kod kontrahenta + + + + + + + Stała szerokość + Stała szerokość + Kolumna ma stałą szerokość. + Kolumna ma stałą szerokość, niezależnie od zawartości. + + + + + + + Następna strona + Następna strona + Kolumna jest drukowana na następnej stronie + Zanim wydrukuje kolumnę, nastąpi przerwa na stronie. + + + + + + + Generowanie wezwań do zapłaty (?) + Generowanie wezwań do zapłaty (?) + Wezwanie do zapłaty + + + + + + + + Element wezwania do zapłaty (?) + Element wezwania do zapłaty (?) + Wejście wezwania + + + + + + + + Pozycja wezwania do zapłaty (?) + Pozycja wezwania do zapłaty (?) + Pozycja wezwania do zapłaty + + + + + + + + Sprawdź wybór płatności + Sprawdź wybór płatności + Sprawdź wybór płatności + + + + + + + + Data wezwania do zapłaty (?) + Data wezwania do zapłaty (?) + Data wezwania + + + + + + + + Aktwa + Aktywa + Aktywo używane wewnętrznie lub przez klienta. + + + + + + + + Doradca ds. sprzedaży + Doradca ds. sprzedaży + + + + + + + + + Dolny margines + Dolny margines + Dolny margines w 1/72 cala (około 0,352 mm) + Dolny margines w 1/72 cala (około 0,352 mm) + + + + + + + Lewy margines + Lewy + Lewy margines w 1/72 cala (około 0,352 mm) + Lewy margines w 1/72 cala (około 0,352 mm) + + + + + + + Prawy magines + Prawy + Prawy margines w 1/72 cala (około 0,352 mm) + Prawy margines w 1/72 cala (około 0,352 mm) + + + + + + + Górny margines + Górny + Margines górny w 1/72 cala (około 0,352 mm) + Margines górny w 1/72 cala (około 0,352 mm) + + + + + + + Urodziny + Urodziny + Urodziny lub data rocznicy + Urodziny lub data rocznicy + + + + + + + Popieraj - data + Popieraj - data + Date the contact opted out + If the field has a date, the customer opted out (unsubscribed) and cannot receive mails for the Interest Area + + + + + + + Obszar zainteresowania + Obszar zainter. + Obszar zainteresowania lub temat + Obszar zainteresowania wskazuje z czym związany jest dany kontakt. Może zostać użyty np w kampaniach marketingowych + + + + + + + Typ zapytania + Typ zapytania + Typ zapytania (np. zapytanie ofertowe, skarga, ..) + Typy zapytania używane w procesie zapytań i kategoryzacji zapytań. Opcje i Zapytanie księgowe, Gwarancja, etc. + + + + + + + Data podpisu + Data podpisu + Data złożenia podpisu + Data złożenia podpisu. + + + + + + + Konto email + Konto email + User ID in the Mail System + The user id in the mail system is usually the string before the @ of your email address. Required if the mail server requires authentification to send emails + + + + + + + Hasło email użytkownika + Hasło email użytkownika + Hasło email użytkownika + Wymagane, gdy serwer wymaga autoryzacji do wysłania email. + + + + + + + Autoryzacja SMTP + Autoryzacja SMTP + Czy serwer mailowy wymaga autoryzacji. + Przed wysłaniem email niektóre serwery wymagają autoryzacji. Jeśli tak, użytkownicy muszą zdefiniować swoją nazwę użytkownika i hasło. Jeśli autoryzacja jest wymagana bez podawania nazwy użytkownika i hasła, email nie zostanie dostarczony. + + + + + + + Typ produktu + Typ produktu + Typ produktu + Typ produktu określa również konsekwencje księgowania. + + + + + + + System + System + Definicja systemu + Powszechna defnicja systemu + + + + + + + Numer identyfikacyjny partnera + Nr ident. partnera + Numer identyfikacyjny partnera dla procesora płaności. + + + + + + + + Użytkownik + Użytkownik + Użytkownik odpowiedzialny za system + Osoba odpowiedzialna za system + + + + + + + Numer identyfikacyjny dostawcy + Nr ident. dostawcy + Numer identyfikacyjny dostawcy dla procesora płatności. + + + + + + + + Pozycja odniesienie do zamówienia + Odniesienie do zamówienia obcego/własnego + Odniesienie do zamówienia obcego/własnego + Odniesienie do zamówienia obcego/własnego i odwrotnie. + + + + + + + Klucz kontrahenta + Klucz kontrahenta + Klucz kontrahenta + + + + + + + + Opis kontaktu + Opis kontaktu + Opis kontaktu + + + + + + + + Konto domyślne + Konto domyślne + Nazwa kolumny domyślnego księgowania + + + + + + + + Nazwa elementu + Nazwa elem. + Nazwa elementu + + + + + + + + Klucz elementu + Klucz elem. + Klucz elementu + + + + + + + + Importuj kontrahenta + Imp. kontr. + + + + + + + + + Importuj konto + Importuj konto + Importuj wartość konta + + + + + + + + Importuj produkt + Importuj produkt + Importuj produkt lub usługę + + + + + + + + Import Report Line Set + Import Report Line Set + Import Report Line Set values + + + + + + + + Producent + Producent + Producent produktu + Producent produktu (używane, gdy różni się od kontrahenta/dostawcy). + + + + + + + Klucz kategorii produktu + Klucz kategorii produktu + + + + + + + + + Report Line Set Name + Report Line Set Name + Name of the Report Line Set + + + + + + + + Prawo własności + Pr. własn. + Kwota za autorstwo, prawa własności (copyright, etc). + + + + + + + + Opis URL + Opis URL + URL dla opisu. + + + + + + + + Kasuj stare importowane zapisy + Kasuj stare imp. + Zanim przetworzysz, kasuj stare importowane zapisy w tabeli importowej. + + + + + + + + Klucz grupy kontrahenta + Klucz gr. kontr. + Klucz grupy kontrahenta + + + + + + + + Konto nadrzędne + Konto nadrzędne + Konto nadrzędne + + + + + + + + Klucz rodzica + Klucz rodzica + Klucz rodzica + + + + + + + + Aktualnij domyślność księgowania + Akt. domyśl. księg. + Aktualnij domyślność księgowania + + + + + + + + Utwórz nowe konto + Utwórz nowe konto + Tworzenie nowego konta + + + + + + + + Dostawa aktywa + Dostawa + Dostawa aktywa + Dostępność aktywa dla kontrahenta (klienta). + + + + + + + Grupa aktywa + Grupa akt. + Grupa aktywa + Określa domyślne księgowanie. Przy wybraniu grupy aktywa w kategorii produktu, tworzone są aktywa przy ich dostarczaniu. + + + + + + + Likwidacja aktywa + Likw. aktywa + Aktywo używane na własne potrzeby przestało być używane ze względu na okres użytkowania. + + + + + + + + Data umorzenia aktywa + Data umorz. akt. + Data ostatniego umorzenia aktywa + Data ostatniego umorzenia akywa używanego na własne potrzeby i umarzanego. + + + + + + + Data likwidacji + Data likwidacji + Data likwidacji/pozbycia się aktywa. + + + + + + + + Wartość rynkowa + Wart. rynkowa + Wartość rynkowa aktywa + Dla zapisu, wartość rynkowa aktywa. + + + + + + + Data oddania od użytku + Data oddania od użytku + Data oddania od użytku + Data oddania od użytku - zwykle rozpoczyna proces umarzania wartości. + + + + + + + Wartość aktywa + Wart. aktywa + Wartość aktywa + + + + + + + + Data ważności + Data ważności + Data ważności przydatności + Data objęcia gwarancją lub upływu ważności. + + + + + + + Dni gwarancji + Dni gwarancji + Ilość dni gwarancji lub ważności + Dla wartości 0, nie ma limitu przydatności lub objęcia gwarancją, w przeciwnym przypadku data gwarancji liczona jest przez dodanie dni do dni dostawy. + + + + + + + Zużywane + Zużywane + Aktywo będzie zużyte + Aktywo używane jest na własne potrzeby, będzie umorzone/zamortyzowane. + + + + + + + Nie ma na stanie + Nie ma na stanie + Pozbyto się aktywa + Aktywo nie jest już używane, pozbyto się go. + + + + + + + W posiadaniu + W posiadaniu + Organizacja posiada aktywo. + Aktywa nie będące w posiadaniu są np. u klienta oraz mogą lub nie muszą być własnością przedsiębiorstwa. + + + + + + + Własność + Własność + Aktywo jest włanością organizacji + Organizacja nie musi posiadać aktywa, ale jest jej prawnym właścicielem. + + + + + + + Okres zużycia + Okr. zuż. + Jednostki zużycia aktywa, po którym traci ono swą przydatność. + Okres zużycia i bieżące zużycie mogą służyć do wyznaczenia stawki/kwoty amortyzacji. + + + + + + + Komentarz do miejsca + Komentarz do miejsca + Dodatkowe komentarze lub uwagi odnośnie miejsca. + + + + + + + + Klasa szkolenia + Klasa szkolenia + Klasa szkolenia + Klasa w rozkładzie szkoleń. + + + + + + + Szkolenie + Szkolenie + Powtórzenie szkolenia + Szkolenie może obejmować wiele klas. + + + + + + + Okres zużycia - miesiące + Okr. zuż. (mc) + Okres zużycia aktywa w miesiącach. + + + + + + + + Okres zużycia - lata + Okr. zuż. (l) + Okres zużycia aktywa w latach. + + + + + + + + Jednostki zużycia + Jedn. zużycia + Jednostki zużycia aktywa. + + + + + + + + Numer wersji + Nr wersji + Numer wersji + + + + + + + + Potwierdzenie dostawy + Potw. dost. + Potwierdzenie email o dostawie. + + + + + + + + Całkowicie umorzony + Całk. umorzony + Aktywo całkowicie umorzone + Aktywo jest całkowicie umorzone, zamortyzowane. + + + + + + + Numer identyfikacyjny wiadomości + Nr ident. wiad. + Email numer identyfikacyjny wiadomości + Numer identyfikacyjny SMTP w celu śledzenia celu. + + + + + + + Email PDF + Email PDF + Email Invoice PDF files to customer + + + + + + + + Kol_1 + Kol_1 + + + + + + + + + Kol_2 + Kol_2 + + + + + + + + + Kol_3 + Kol_3 + + + + + + + + + Kol_4 + Kol_4 + + + + + + + + + Kol_5 + Kol_5 + + + + + + + + + Kol_6 + Kol_6 + + + + + + + + + Kol_7 + Kol_7 + + + + + + + + + Kol_8 + Kol_8 + + + + + + + + + Kol_9 + Kol_9 + + + + + + + + + Kol_10 + Kol_10 + + + + + + + + + Kol_11 + Kol_11 + + + + + + + + + Kol_12 + Kol_12 + + + + + + + + + Kol_13 + Kol_13 + + + + + + + + + Kol_14 + Kol_14 + + + + + + + + + Kol_15 + Kol_15 + + + + + + + + + Kol_16 + Kol_16 + + + + + + + + + Kol_17 + Kol_17 + + + + + + + + + Kol_18 + Kol_18 + + + + + + + + + Kol_19 + Kol_19 + + + + + + + + + Kol_20 + Kol_20 + + + + + + + + + Biblioteka + Bibl. + Biblioteka dokumentów serwera aplikacji + Serwer aplikacji przechowuje dokumenty. Ścieżka/biblioteka ma dostęp do serwera aplikacji i nie musi być dostępna dla firm. + + + + + + + Mail faktury + Mail faktury + Tekst emaila przy wysłaniu faktury. + Standardowy tekst emaila wysłany z fakturą. + + + + + + + Mail zamówienia + Mail zamówienia + Tekst mail wysłany z zapytaniem i informacjami o zamówienie. + Tekst mail wysłany z zapytaniem i informacjami o zamówienie. + + + + + + + Remittance Mail Text + Remittance Mail Text + Email text used for sending payment remittances + Standard email template used to send remittances as attachments. + + + + + + + Wyślij email + Wyślij email + Wysyła dokument email. + Wysyła emaile z dołączonymi dokumentami (np. faktura, nota o dostawie, etc.). + + + + + + + Tekst emaila + Tekst emaila. + Tekst email do wysłania uwag o dostawach. + Standardowy tekst email dołączany do uwag o dostawie. + + + + + + + Poczta na temat terminu ważności + Poczta n/t term. ważn. + Wysyła email do kontrahentów z wskazaną datą ważności. + + + + + + + + Odtworzony + Odtworzony + + + + + + + + + Numer poziomu + Nr poz. + + + + + + + + + Lista źródeł + Lista źródeł + Lista źródeł pozycji zapisów + Lista źródeł księgowych dla wybranych sald księgowych. + + + + + + + Lista transakcji + Lista trans. + Lista transakcji + Pozycje źródłowych zapisów w liście transakcji. + + + + + + + Kol_0 + Kol_0 + + + + + + + + + Stan + Stan + + + + + + + + + Print Label Suffix + Label Suffix + The label text to be printed on a document or correspondence after the field + The Label to be printed indicates the name that will be printed on a document or correspondence after the field. The max length is 60 characters. + + + + + + + Kraj księgowania + Kraj + Kraj + Kraj księgowania + + + + + + + Web Parameter 1 + WebParam1 + Web Site Parameter 1 (default: header image) + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam1 - By default, it is positioned on the upper left side with 130 pixel width. + + + + + + + Web Parameter 2 + WebParam2 + Web Site Parameter 2 (default index page) + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam2 - By default, it is positioned after the header on the web store index page. + + + + + + + Web Parameter 3 + WebParam3 + Web Site Parameter 3 (default left - menu) + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam3 - By default, it is positioned at the end in the menu column with 130 pixel width. + + + + + + + Web Parameter 4 + WebParam 4 + Web Site Parameter 4 (default footer left) + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam4 - By default, it is positioned on the left side of the footer with 130 pixel width. + + + + + + + Web Order EMail + Web Order EMail + EMail address to receive notifications when web orders were processed + When processig a web order, a confirmation is sent to the EMail addess of the customer from the request EMail address copying this email address when entered. + + + + + + + Rozkład płatności za faktury + Rozk. płat. za faktury + Rozkład płatności za faktury + Rozkład płatności za faktury + + + + + + + Rozkład płatności + Rozk. płatn. + Rozkład płatności + Informacja kiedy płatności są wymagane. + + + + + + + Licznik + Licznik + Licznik + Licznik + + + + + + + Data ze zniżką + Data zniżki + Data płatności ze zniżką + Data płatności ze zniżką. + + + + + + + Kwota płatności + Kw. płatn. + Kwota płatności + Cała kwota płatności + + + + + + + Data płatności + Data płatn. + Data płatności + Data płatności,bez odsetek za poterminowe uregulowanie. + + + + + + + Ważny + Ważny + Element jest ważny + Element przeszedł sprawdzian ważności. + + + + + + + Net Day + Net Day + Day when payment is due net + When defined, overwrites the number of net days with the relative number of days to the the day defined. + + + + + + + Procent + Proc. + Procent całej kwoty + Procent kwoty (do 100). + + + + + + + Cel URL + Cel URL + URL jako cel + URL ośrodka celu. + + + + + + + Basket Line + Basket Line + Web Basket Line + Temporary Web Basket Line + + + + + + + Web Click + Web Click + Individual Web Click + Web Click Datails + + + + + + + Click Count + Click Ccount + Web Click Management + Web Click Management + + + + + + + Counter Count + Counter Count + Web Counter Count Management + Web Counter Information + + + + + + + Multiplier AP + Multiplier AP + Payables Multiplier + + + + + + + + Data ważności + Data ważn. + Produkt ma swoją datę ważności lub datę gwarancji. + Należy określić datę gwarancji/ważności poszczególnych produktów. + + + + + + + Pzykładowa cecha + Pzykładowa cecha + Cecha produktu jest specifką przykładowego produktu (jak numer seryjny, numer serii czy data ważności) + Jeżeli został wybrany, poszczególny przykładowy produkt ma cechę, jak poszczególną serię lub numery serii lub datę ważności. Jeżeli nie został wybrany, wszystkie przykłady produktu mają tą samą cechę (np. kolor=zielony). + + + + + + + Seria + Seria + Przykłady produktu ma numer serii + Należy określić numery serii dla poszczególnych produktów. + + + + + + + Numer seryjny + Nr seryjny + Przykładowy produkt ma numery seryjne + Należy określić numery seryjne dla poszczególnych produktów. + + + + + + + Cecha + Cecha + Cecha produktu + Cecha produktu jak kolor, rozmiar. + + + + + + + Ustawienie cechy + Ust. cechy + Ustawienie cechy produktu + Dodaje dodatkowe cechy i wartości produktom. Należy zdefiniować Ustawienie cechy, aby umożliwić numerowanie śledzenia serii. + + + + + + + Cecha ustawienia demo + Cecha ustawienia demo + Cecha produktu w ustawieniu demo + Wartości cech produktu. + + + + + + + Wartość cechy + Wartość cechy + Wartość cechy produktu + Indywidualna wartość cechy produktu (np. zielony, duży..). + + + + + + + Seria + Seria + Seria produktów + Indywidualna seria produktu + + + + + + + Kontrola serii + Kontr. serii + Kontrola serii produktu + Tworzy numery serii produktom. + + + + + + + Numer kontrolny serii + Nr kontr. serii + Numer kontrolny serii produktów + Tworzy numery seryjne dla produktów. + + + + + + + Cecha wyszukiwania + Cecha wyszukiwania + Common Search Attribute + Attributes are specific to a Product Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple attributes and want to search under a common sttribute, you define a search sttribute. Example: have one Size search attribute combining the values of all different sizes (Size for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The Attribute Search allows you to have all values available for selection. This eases the maintenance of the individual product attribute. + + + + + + + Zakładka w zakładce + Zakładka w zakładce + Zamiast pokazywać pozycje powiązane w drugiej zakładce pokaż od razu listę pozycji w tej samej zakładce + Zamiast pokazywać pozycje powiązane w drugiej zakładce pokaż od razu listę pozycji w tej samej zakładce + + + + + + + Drukuj etykietę + Drukuj etykietę + Format wydruku etykiety. + Format wydruku etykiety. + + + + + + + Drukuj pozycję etykiety + Pozycja etykiety + Format pozycji drukowania etykiet + Format pozycji na etykiecie. + + + + + + + Sesja + Sesja + Sesje użytkowników online lub WWW + Sesje użytkowników online lub WWW + + + + + + + Typ listy materiałowej + Typ listy materiałowej + Typ listy materiałowej + Typ części listy materiałowej. Częśc standardowa jest zawsze zawarta w liście materiałowej. Część opcjonalna może być wybrana w "Kompozycji listy materiałowej" + + + + + + + Kontrahent nadrzędny + Kontrahent nadrzędny + Kontrahent nadrzędny + Kontrahent nadrzędny + + + + + + + Faza standardowa + Faza stand. + Faza standardowa typu projektu + Faza projektu z informacją o standardowym przetworzeniu o standardowej pracy. + + + + + + + Typ projektu + Typ proj. + Typ projektu + Typ projektu z wariantem faz projektu, z inforamcją o standardowym przetworzeniu. + + + + + + + Okresowy + Okresowy + Dokument okresowy + Dokumenty okresowe + + + + + + + Uruchomienia dok. okresowych + Uruchomienia dok. okresowych + Uruchomienia dok. okresowych + Historia uruchomień dokumentów okresowych + + + + + + + Zobowiązana ilość + Zob. il. + Zobowiązana ilość + Zobowiązana ilość jest niezależna od planowanej kwoty. Używa się planowanej kwoty do realnych szacunków, które mogą różnić się od kwoty zobowiązanej. + + + + + + + Kopiuj + Kopiuj + Kopiuj z zapisu + Kopiuj z zapisu + + + + + + + Download URL + Download URL + URL of the Download files + Semicolon separated list of URLs to be downloaded or distributed + + + + + + + Kontrahent + Kontrahent + Kontrahent na fakturze + Jeśli nie wypełniony, faktura będzie wystawiona na kontrahenta odpowiedzialnego za przewóz dostawy. + + + + + + + Miejsce na fakturze + Miejsce + Miejsce kontrahenta podane na fakturze. + + + + + + + + Konktakt na fakturze + Kontakt + Kontakt do kontrahenta podany na fakturze. + + + + + + + + Twórz rozkaz + Twórz rozkaz + Twórz rozkaz + + + + + + + + Importuj inwentarz + Imp. inwen. + Importuj transakcje na inwentarzu. + + + + + + + + Kwota zafakturowana + Kw. zafaktr. + Kwota zafakturowana + Kwota zafakturowana + + + + + + + Ilość zafakturowana + Il. zafaktr. + Ilość zafakturowana. + + + + + + + + Utrzymuj dziennik zmian + Dziennik zmian + Utrzymuje dziennik zmian + Utrzymywany jest dziennik wszystkich zmian. + + + + + + + Ukończone + Ukończ. + Ukończone + Ukończone + + + + + + + Typ formatu etykiety + Typ form. etykiety + Typ formatu etykiety + + + + + + + + Wysokość etykiety + Wys. etykiety + Wysokość etykiety + Wysokość etykiety + + + + + + + Szerokość etykiety + Szer. etykiety + Szerokość etykiety + Szerokość etykiety + + + + + + + Nazwa drukarki + Nazwa drukarki + Nazwa drukarki + Wewnętrzna (Zarządzająca systemem) nazwa drukarki; zauważ, że nazwa drukarki może być inna dla różnych klientów. Włącz nazwę drukarki, gdyż ma zastosowanie do wszystkich firm (np. drukarka na serwerze). Jeśli nie jest włączona, używa się drukarki domyślnej. Przy logowaniu podajesz drukarkę domyślną. Można również zmienić ustawienie drukarki domyślnej w Preferencjach. + + + + + + + Tekst maila + Tekst maila + Standardowy tekst maila projektu + Standardowy tekst maila projektu. + + + + + + + Format Wydruku Projektu + Format Wydr. Proj. + Format Wydruku Projektu + Format Wydruku Projektu + + + + + + + Stan projektu + Stan projektu + Stan projektu + Suma wszystkich faktur i płatności. + + + + + + + Tpp dokumentu okresowego + Tpp dokumentu okresowego + Tpp dokumentu okresowego + Tpp dokumentu okresowego do utworzenia + + + + + + + Uruchomień + Uruchomień + Ile uruchomień łącznie ma zostać wykonanych + Ile uruchomień łącznie ma zostać wykonanych + + + + + + + Pozostało urchomień + Pozostało urchomień + Ile jeszcze uruchomień pozostało + Ile jeszcze uruchomień pozostało + + + + + + + Ilość standardowa + Il. stand. + Ilość standardowa + + + + + + + + Sesja WWW + Sesja WWW + Numer identyfikacyjny sesji WWW. + + + + + + + + Dziennik zmian + Dziennik zmian + Dziennik zmian danych + Dziennik zmian danych + + + + + + + Tekst reklamy + Tekst rekl. + Tekst reklamy + The text of the advertisement with optional HTML tags. The HTML tags are not checked for correctness and may impact the remaining page. + + + + + + + Zmienione przez użytkownika + Zmienione przez użytkownika + Pozycja zmieniona przez użytkowniaka, którego dotyczy + Samoobsługa pozwala na na wprowadzanie i zmienianie danych przez użytkowników ich własnych danych. Ten znacznik wskazuje, że ta pozycja była zmieniana przez użytkownika. + + + + + + + Loguj + Log + + + + + + + + + Nowa wartość + Nowa wart. + Pole nowej wartości + Nowa wartość w polu. + + + + + + + Stara wartość + Stara wart. + Pole starej wartości + Stara wartość w polu. + + + + + + + Numer identyfikujący proces + Nr ident. proces + + + + + + + + + Przetwarzaj wiadomości + Przetwarzaj wiadomości + + + + + + + + + Reklama + Rekl. + Reklama na stronach WWW + Reklama na stronach WWW + + + + + + + Klucz magazunu + Klucz mag. + Klucz magazunu + Klucz magazunu + + + + + + + Typ kosztu + Typ kosztu + Typ kosztu + + + + + + + + Przypisanie organizacji + Przyp. organ. + Przypisanie organizacji + Przypisanie do organizacji (centrum kosztów) + + + + + + + Faza projektu + Faza projektu + Faza projektu + + + + + + + + Zadanie projektu + Zad. proj. + Bieżące zadanie projektu w fazie + Zadanie projektu w fazie projektu świadczy o bieżącej pracy. + + + + + + + Standardowe zadanie + Stand. zad. + Typ zadania standardowego projektu + Zadanie standardowego projektu w fazie projektu ze skutkiem standardowym. + + + + + + + Ilość za opłatą + Ilość za opłatą + + + + + + + + + Opłata za przechowanie + Opłata za przechowanie + Opłata za przechowanie + Kwota i ilość zobowiązania jest pobieraną kwotą i ilością maksymalną. Nie pobierana, gdy ich wartość wynosi 0. + + + + + + + Koszty bezpośrednie + Koszty bezp. + Koszty bezpośrednie + Związane bezpośrednio z procesem produkcji/przetwarzania. + + + + + + + Zabraniaj dostępu + Zabraniaj + Zabraniaj dostępu do danych dla określonej roli. + Jeżeli zostało wybrane, dana grupa/rola nie ma dostępu do danych. Jeżeli nie zostało wybrane, rola/grupa ma dostęp do danych tylko jeżeli dane zostały jej udostępnione. Wyłączenie ma charakter negatywny. Oznacza to, że użytkownik nie ma dostępu do wskazanych danych. + + + + + + + Planowane koszty + Planowane koszty + Planowane koszty + Planowane/budżetowane koszty. + + + + + + + Planowane koszty zasobów + Planowane koszty zasobów + Planowane koszty zasobów + Planowane/budżetowane koszty zasobów. + + + + + + + Typ czasu + Typ czasu + Typ czasu zapisanego + Różnicuj typy czusu do zapisywania przyczyn (podobnie przy Działaniach). + + + + + + + Klucz księgowania + Klucz księgowania + Klucz księgowania + + + + + + + + Nazwa planu kont + Nazwa planu kont + Nazwa planu kont + + + + + + + + Action SQL Row Processing + Action SQL Row Processing + Process Row by Row (not Set processing) + + %TODO% + + + + + + Action SQL Set Processing + Action SQL Set Processing + Przetwarzaj zbiór SQL (nie wiersz po wierszu) + + %TODO% + + + + + + Ostrzeżenie + Ostrz. + Ostrzeżenie + Określa warunki, kiedy chcesz, by system Cię ostrzegał. + + + + + + + Zasada ostrzegania + Zas. ostrz. + Definicja elementu ostrzeżenia. + + + + + + + + Temat ostrzeżenia + Temat ostrz. + Temat ostrzeżenia + Temat ostrzeżenia wysłanego drogą email. + + + + + + + Tekst ostrzeżenia + Tekst ostrz. + Tekst ostrzeżenia + Tekst ostrzeżenia wysłany drogą email. + + + + + + + Nr rachunku bankowego + Nr rach. bank. + Nr rachunku bankowego + + + + + + + + Opis grupy + Opis grupy + Opis grupy + + %TODO% + + + + + + Numer grupy dokumentów + Nr gr. dok. + Numer grupy dokumentów + + %TODO% + + + + + + Klucz kontrahenta + Klucz kontrahenta + Klucz kontrahenta + + + + + + + + Nazwa kategorii + Nazwa kat. + Nazwa kategorii. + + + + + + + + Nazwa opłaty + Nazwa opłaty + Nazwa opłaty + + + + + + + + Klucz firmy + Klucz firmy + Klucz firmy + + + + + + + + Nazwa typu dokumentu + Nazwa typu dok. + Nazwa typu dokumentu. + + + + + + + + Administuje bezpieczeństwem firm + Admin. bezp. firm + Wysyła ostrzeżenia do odbiorców wyłącznie, gdy bezpieczeństwo firmy na to pozwala. + + + + + + + + Administruje rolą zabezpieczeń + Administruje rolą zabezpieczeń + Wysyła ostrzeżenia do odbiorców wyłącznie, gdy bezpieczeństwo danych na to pozwala. + + + + + + + + Część FROM + Część FROM + Część FROM zapytania SQL + + + + + + + + Import wyciągów + Import wyciągów + Import wyciągów + + + + + + + + Import księgi głównej + Import księgi głównej + Import księgi głównej + + + + + + + + Import zamówień + Import zamówień + Import zamówień + + + + + + + + Import płatności + Import płatności + Import płatności + + + + + + + + Numer faktury + Nr faktury + Numer faktury + + + + + + + + Opóźnione pobranie + Opóźnione pobranie + Opóźnione pobranie kwoty z konta + Opóźnione pobranie kwoty z konta. Może być wymagane w przypadku dostawy towaru. Kwota jest blokowana na koncie klienta do czasu wysłania towaru. Dopiero wtedy zostaje ściągnięta należność + + + + + + + Pozycja opisu + Pozycja opisu + Pozycja opisu + + + + + + + + Klucz lokalizacji + Klucz lokalizacji + Klucz lokalizacji magazynu + Klucz lokalizacji magazynu + + + + + + + Frachtunek + Fracht. + Kurs frachtunku + Kurs frachtunku przewoźnika. + + + + + + + Kategoria frachtunku + Kat. fracht. + Kategoria frachtunku + Kategoria frachtunku wylicza frachtunek, by wybrać przewoźnika. + + + + + + + Memo + Memo + Tekst memo + + + + + + + + Numer przewożonych opakowań + Nr opakowań + Numer przewożonych opakowań + + + + + + + + Klucz transakcji organizacji + Klucz transakcji organizacji + Klucz transakcji organizacji + + + + + + + + Klucz organizacji + Klucz organizacji + Klucz organizacji + + + + + + + + Klucz terminu płatności + Klucz terminu płatności + Klucz terminu płatności + + + + + + + + Wybierz datę + Wybierz datę + Wybierz datę przewozu. + + + + + + + + Klucz projektu + Klucz projektu + Klucz projektu + + + + + + + + Authorization Code (DC) + Authorization Code (DC) + Authorization Code Delayed Capture returned + The Authorization Code indicates the code returned from the electronic transmission. + %TODO% + + + + + + Automat sprawdzający kod karty kredytowej + Automat sprawdzający + Automat sprawdzający kod karty kredytowej + Automat sprawdzający kod karty kredytowej. + + + + + + + Odniesienie do opłaty za przewóz + Odniesienie do opłaty za przewóz + Odniesienie do opłaty za przewóz + Wskazuje zwrotne odniesienie płatności z karty kredytowej. + + + + + + + Numer uwolnienia + Numer uwolnienia + Wewnętrzny numer uwolnienia. + + + + + + + + Data przewozu + Data przewozu + Data/czas przewozu + Bieżąca data/czas przewozu (załadunku). + + + + + + + Jednostki wsparcia + Jednostki wsparcia + Numer jednostek wsparcia Compiera. + Można dokupić jednostki wsparcia od Adempiere. Opłata wynosi 10 dla użytkowników wewnętrznych. Liczbą starych jednostek wsparcia jest tu wyświetlana. + + + + + + + Swipe + Swipe + Track 1 and 2 of the Credit Card + Swiped information for Credit Card Presence Transactions + %TODO% + + + + + + Nr śledzenia + Nr śledzenia + Nr śledzenia przewozu. + + + + + + + + Śledzenie URL + Śledzenie URL + URL przewoźnika w celu śledzenia przewozu + Zmienny Nr śledzenia URL jest zastąpione przez aktualny numer śledzenia przewozu. + + + + + + + Importuj fakturę + Importuj fakturę + Importuj fakturę + + + + + + + + Lista wartości + Lista wartości + Cecha ma wstępną listę wartości + Jeśli cecha ma wstępną listę wartości, można ją wybrać przez wybranie jedną z ważnych wartości. W przeciwnym wypadku włącz ręcznie wartość cechy. + + + + + + + Replikacja + Replikacja + Cel replikacji danych + Cel replikacji danych. Przechowywany na serwerze centralnym. + + + + + + + Dziennik replikacji + Dziennik replikacji + Szczegóły dziennika replikacji danych + Dziennik replikacji danych. + + + + + + + Uruchom replikację + Uruchom replikację + Uruchom replikację danych + Informacja o uruchomieniu replikacji danych. + + + + + + + Strategia replikacji + Strategia replikacji + Strategia replikacji danych + Strategia replikacji danych określa co i w jaki sposób tabela jest replikowana. + + + + + + + Tabela replikacji + Tabela replikacji + Tabela informacyjna danych replikacji. + Określa jak tabela jest replikowana. + + + + + + + Zreplikowany + Zreplikowany + Powiodło się zreplikowanie danych. + Powiodło się zreplikowanie danych. + + + + + + + Okno zamówienia własnego + Okno zam. wł. + Okno zamówienia własnego + Okno zamówienia własnego + + + + + + + Typ replikacji + Typ replikacji + Typ replikacji + Typ replikacji danych określa kierunek replikacji danych. Odniesienie oznacza, że dane w systemie można wyłącznie czytać. Miejscowe oznacza, że dane w systemie nie można replikować do innych systemów. Integruj oznacza, że dane w systemie są synchronizowane z innym systemem. + + + + + + + Zewnętrzni + Zewn. + Użytkownicy zewnętrzni mogą czytac terminy + Czy użytkownicy zewnętrzni mogą czytać/przeglądać terminy. Użytkownicy zewnętrzni to użytkownicy bez roli w systemie. Użyj zasad bezpieczeństwa w celu zwiększenia kontroli dostępu. + + + + + + + Dostępne z zewnątrz + Dost. z zewn. + Użytkownicy zewnętrzni mogą wprowadzać terminu + Użytkownicy zewnętrzni mogą zapisywać/tworzyć terminy. Użytkownicy zewnętrzni to użytkownicy bez roli w systemie. Użyj zasad bezpieczeństwa w celu zwiększenia kontroli dostępu. + + + + + + + Kategoria + Kategoria + Kategoria wiedzy + Ustaw kategorie wiedzy i wartości jako pomoc wyszukiwania. Przykładem jest Wersja uwolniona, Powierzchnia produktu, etc. Wartości kategorii wiedzy zachowują się jak hasła. + + + + + + + Wartość kategorii + Wartość + Wartość kategorii + Wartość kategorii jest hasłem. + + + + + + + Komentarz terminu + Komentarz + Komentarz do terminu + Komentarz do terminu + + + + + + + Termin + Termin + Termin + Przeszukiwalny termin w bazie wiedzy + + + + + + + Termin powiązany + Termin powiązany + Termin powiązany z tym terminem + Termin powiązany z tym terminem + + + + + + + Żródło wiedzy + Żródło wiedzy + Żródło wejścia wiedzy + Źródło wejścia wiedzy wskazuje system rozpoczęcia. Szerzej zobacz: Wejście wiedzy ma dodatkowe wejście (Opis URL). + + + + + + + Synonim wiedzy + Synonim wiedzy + Synonim wiedzy + Wyszukuje synonimów haseł wiedzy. Na przykład: produkt = rzecz, przedmiot. + + + + + + + Temat wiedzy + Temat + Temat wiedzy + Temat lub dyskusja. + + + + + + + Typ wiedzy + Typ + typ wiedzy + Wiedza - Typ ma wiele tematów. + + + + + + + Hasła + Hasła + Lista haseł oddziela spacja, przecinek lub średnik + Lista haseł wyszukiwania, oddziela spacja, przecinek lub średnik. + + + + + + + Synonim + Synonim + Synonim dla nazwy + Synonim poszerza możliwości wyszukiwania. + + + + + + + Tunel przez HTTP + Tunel przez HTTP + Kontaktuj się z serwerem poprzez tunelHTTP + Kontaktuje się z serwerem poprzez tunel HTTP, w przeciwnym przypadku używa RMI/JNP. + + + + + + + Test + Test + Wykonaj w teście. + + + + + + + + ID Range End + ID End + End if the ID Range used + The ID Range allows to restrict the range of the internally used IDs. Please note that the ID range is NOT enforced. + %TODO% + + + + + + ID Range Start + ID Start + Start of the ID Range used + The ID Range allows to restrict the range of the internally used IDs. The standard rages are 0-899,999 for the Application Dictionary 900,000-999,999 for Application Dictionary customizations/extensions and > 1,000,000 for client data. The standard system limit is 9,999,999,999 but can easily be extended. The ID range is on a per table basis. +Please note that the ID range is NOT enforced. + %TODO% + + + + + + Replikuj firmę + Replikuj firmę + Zdalna firma do zsynchronizowania + Zdalna firma do zsynchronizowania + + + + + + + Replikuj organizację + Replikuj org. + Zdalna jednostka organizacyjna do replikacji i synchronizacji danych + Zdalna jednostka organizacyjna do replikacji i synchronizacji danych. Jeżeli nie jest wybrana wszystkie jednostki organizacyjne zostaną zsynchronizowane/zreplikowane + + + + + + + Nr identyfikacyjny języka + Nr ident. języka + + + + + + + + + Projekt + Projekt + Nazwa projektu + + + + + + + + Faza projektu + Faza projektu + Nazwa fazy projektu + + + + + + + + Typ projektu + Typ projektu + Typ projektu + + + + + + + + Nazwa obiegu + Obieg + Nazwa projektu obiegu. + + + + + + + + Nazwa kroku obiegu + Krok obiegu + Nazwa kroku obiegu projektu. + + + + + + + + Typ zamówienia obcego/własnego. + Typ zamówienia obcego/własnego. + Podatek od sprzedaży dotyczy sytuacji sprzedaży, podatek od zakupu dotyczy sytuacji zakupu. + Podatek od sprzedaży: pobierany przy sprzedaży, przykład: od obrotu sprzedazy, VAT. Podatek od zakupu: pobierany przy zakupie, przykład: od zużycia, VAT. + + + + + + + Tylko dane + Tylko dane + Waliduj dane, nie przetwarzaj. + + + + + + + + Imprtuj bez błędów + Import bez błędów + Rozpocznij import, gdy nie ma błędów walidacji. + + + + + + + + Dokumentacja jednostki + Dok. jedn. + Dokumentacja jednostki (niezależna od kont jednostki). + + + + + + + + Numer dokumentu w Dzienniku + Nr dok. + Numer dokumentu w Dzienniku + + + + + + + + Załącz aktywo + Załącz aktywo + Załącz aktywo wysłane drogą email. + + + + + + + + Numer dostawy + Nr dostawy + Numer dostawy + + + + + + + + Informacje w sklepie WWW + Informacje w sklepie WWW + Informacje w nagłówku sklepu WWW + Wyświetl domyślnie informacje HTML w nagłówku sklepu WWW. + + + + + + + Web Parameter 5 + Web Param 5 + Parametr nr 5 sklepu WWW (domyślna stopka) + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam5 - By default, it is positioned in the center of the footer. + %TODO% + + + + + + Web Parameter 6 + Web Parm 6 + Parametr nr 6 sklepu WWW + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam6 - By default, it is positioned on the right side of the footer. + %TODO% + + + + + + Kwota minimalna + Min. + Kwota minimalna w dokumencie walutowym. + + + + + + + + Project Issue + Project Issue + Project Issues (Material, Labor) + Issues to the project initiated by the "Issue to Project" process. You can issue Receipts, Time and Expenses, or Stock. + %TODO% + + + + + + Kategoria projektu + Kat. projektu + Kategoria projektu + Kategoria projektu określa zachowanie projektu: ogólnie - zwykłe księgowanie, np. Sprzedaż wstępna lub ogólne śledzenie; Usługi - zwykłe księgowanie, np. Usługi/Zarządzanie projektami; Porządek pracy - tworzy transakcje Projektu/zawód WIP - możliwość wysłania materiałów; Aktywa - tworzy transakcje Projekt aktywów - możliwość wysłania materiałów. + + + + + + + Zamówienie własne + Zamówienie własne + Zamówienie własne + + + + + + + + Status kredytowy + Status kredytowy + Status kredytowy + Jedynie dla dokumentacji. + + + + + + + Połącz w jeden dokument + Połącz + Połącz pozycje w jeden dokument. + + + + + + + + Jedynie opis + Opis + Pozycja jest wyłącznie opisem, nie transakcją + Jeżeli pozycja jest wyłącznie opisem, na przykład niepoprawny jest inwentarz produktów. W dokumencie nie tworzone są transakcje księgowe ani dokument nie zawiera kwot ani sum w celu włączenia pozycji opisu szczegółów, na przykład Porządek pracy. + + + + + + + Kalkulacja ceny + Kalkulacja ceny + + + + + + + + + Zamknij dokument + Zamknij + Zamknij dokument + + + + + + + + Etykieta + Etykieta + Definicja drukarki etykiet. + + + + + + + + Funkcja drukarki etykiet. + Funkcja drukarki etykiet. + Funkcja drukarki etykiet. + + + + + + + + Rejestracja + Rejestracja + System rejestracji + System rejestracji pomaga Compierowi zainstalować bazę. + + + + + + + Sprawdzanie emaili + Sprawdzanie emaili + Sprawdzanie adresu email + Pole zawiera dane o sprawdzeniu adresu email. + + + + + + + Klucz szyfrowania + Klucz szyfrowania + Klucz szyfrowania zabezpiecza zawartość danych + Zauważ, że zmiena klucza spowoduje nieczytelność wszystkich zaszyfrowanych danych. + + + + + + + Stopka na środku + Stopka na środku + Zawiera środkową część stopki. + + + + + + + + Stopka z lewej + Stopka z lewej + Zawiera lewą część stopki. + + + + + + + + Stopka z prawej + Stopka z prawej + Zawiera prawą część stopki. + + + + + + + + Prefix funkcji + Prefix funkcji + Dane wysłane przed funkcją. + + + + + + + + Suffix funkcji + Suffix funkcji + Dane wysłane po funkcji. + + + + + + + + Minimalny termin ważności + Min. gwarancji + Minimalny termin ważności + Wybierając paczkę/produkty objęte datą ważności, automatycznie wybierana jest paczka/produkty z minimalna pozostałą ilością dni ważności. Można wybrać również dowolną paczkę/produkty ręcznie. + + + + + + + Nagłówek na środku + Nagłówek na środku + Zawiera środkową część nagłówka. + + + + + + + + Nagłówek po lewej + Nagłówek po lewej + Zawiera lewą część nagłówka. + + + + + + + + Nagłówek po prawej + Nagłówek po prawej + Zawiera prawą część nagłówka. + + + + + + + + Branża + Branża + Informacje o branży (profesjonalna obsługa, dystrybucja umeblowania, etc) + Opis branży tak precyzyjnie jak tylko możliwe. + + + + + + + Typ rożnicy inwentaryzacji + Typ różnicy inwentaryzacji + Typ różnicy inwentaryzacji + Typ różnicy inwentaryzacji określa używane konta. Domyślne konto różnicy określa magazyn. Można również wybrać dowolne inne. Umożliwia księgowanie na konta prywatne lub nadzwyczajne braki w inwentarzu. + + + + + + + Może publikować + Ogłoszona + Można ogłosić informację, nie tylko statystyczne podsumowanie. + + + + + + + + Może eksportować + Wysyła + Użytkownicy mogą wysyłać dane + Przestrzegaj możliwości wysyłania danych. + + + + + + + Może tworzyć raporty + Tworzy raporty + Użytkownicy mogą tworzyć raporty + Przestrzegaj możliwości zapisywania danych. + + + + + + + W produkcji + W produkcji + System w produkcji + + + + + + + + Licz maksymum + Licz max + Licz kwotę maksymalną + Licz maksimum (↑) danych dla numerycznego pola, w przeciwnym wypadku maksymalną długość pola. + + + + + + + Licz minimum + Licz min. + Licz kwotę minimalną + Licz minimum (↓) danych dla numerycznego pola, w przeciwnym wypadku minimalną długość pola. + + + + + + + Dostęp osobisty + Dostęp osobisty + Dostęp do wszystkich osobistych zapisów. + Użytkownicy mają dostęp do zablokowanych zapisób jako osobiste. + + + + + + + Blokuj osobiste + Blokuj osobiste + Pozwala zablokować dostęp do pozycji osobistych. + Użytkownicy mogą zabezpieczyć dostęp innym do zapisów osobistych. Gdy zapis jest zablokowany, zobaczyć zapisy mogą wyłącznie użytkownicy lub osoby, które mogą przeczytać zablokowane zapisy. + + + + + + + Zarejestrowany + Zarejestr. + Załącznik zarejestrowany. + + + + + + + + Suma na stronie + Suma na stronie + Suma na stronie + Suma na stronie tworzy sumę na końcu strony i początku następnej wszystkich kolumn z funkcją sumy. Określ tylko raz format. + + + + + + + Pokaż opcje księgowania + Pokaż księgowanie + Użytkownicy mogą zobaczyć informacje o księgowaniu + Zabezpiecza dostęp do informacji o księgowaniu. + + + + + + + Pozycja bezwzględna XY + Pozycja bezwzględna XY + Funkcja jest pozycją XY. + Pozycje funkcji do następnej operacji wydruku. + + + + + + + Razem + Razem + Suma brutto + Kwota z podatkiem + + + + + + + Występuje + Wyst. + Typ występowania danych (limit wyświetlania). + + + + + + + + Informacja o systemie + Informacja o systemie + Informacja o systemie firmy i serwera + Informacja o systemie firmy i serwera [System operacyjny, RAM, Dyski, procesor] + + + + + + + Suma na stronie + Suma na stronie + Licz sumę na stronie. + Aby wydrukować wszystkie ponumerowane razem pozycje, utwórz sumę na stronie z przerwą, a następnie włącz numerowanie pozycji na stronie. Ilość pozycji na stronie należy określić tylko raz . + + + + + + + Separator XY + Separator XY + Separator między X i Y. + + + + + + + + Opis sprawy + Opis sprawy + Opis sprawy + + + + + + + + Pozycja sprawy + Pozycja sprawy + Numer pozycji sprawy + + + + + + + + Pozycja marży + Marża + Pozycja marży - kwota planowana minus koszty. + + + + + + + + Typ dostępu + Typ dostępu + Typ dostępu dla tej zasady + Przestrzegając wejścia do jednostki, nie można go Raportować ani Exportować (mając wejście nie można ani raportować ani wysyłać danych). Zasady tworzenia zapisów czy Wysyłanie są obwarowane większą ilością zakazów, kiedy masz dostęp. + + + + + + + Jednostki zależne + Jednostki zależne + Dostęp w jednostkach zależnych + Dołącz również zależne jednostki organizacyjne. Prosze być swiadomym, że rodzi to za soba poważne konsekwencje i jest pożądane tylko w określonych warunkach. + %TODO% + + + + + + Dane znakowe + Dane znakowe + Długie pole typu znakowego + + %MAREK% + + + + + + Utwórz płatność + Utwórz płatność + + + + + + + + + EFT Memo + EFT Memo + Electronic Funds Transfer Memo + Information from EFT media + %TODO% + + + + + + EFT Payee + EFT Payee + Electronic Funds Transfer Payee information + Information from EFT media + %TODO% + + + + + + EFT Payee Account + EFT Payee Account + Electronic Funds Transfer Payyee Account Information + Information from EFT media + %TODO% + + + + + + EFT Reference + EFT Reference + Electronic Funds Transfer Reference + Information from EFT media + %TODO% + + + + + + EFT Trx ID + EFT Trx ID + Electronic Funds Transfer Transaction ID + Information from EFT media + %TODO% + + + + + + EFT Trx Type + EFT Trx Type + Electronic Funds Transfer Transaction Type + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + Pozostały dni ważności + Pozostałe dni ważności + Pozostałe dni ważności przechowywania produktów na półce (minus minimalna ilość dni). + Pozostałe dni ważności przechowywania produktów na półce w porównaniu do dzisiaj minus minimalną ilość dni. (Data ważności - dzisiaj) - Minimalna ilość dni ważności. + + + + + + + Dostępna ilość + Dost. il. + Dostępna ilość (zapas - rezerwa) + Dostępna ilość = zapas - rezerwa. + + + + + + + Przechowywanie na półce % + Przech. na półce % + Przechowywanie produktów na półce w oparciu o datę ważności + (Termin ważności - dzisiaj)/dni ważności + + + + + + + Minimalny czas przechowywania produktów na półkach % + Min przechowywanie na półce % + Minimalny czas przechowywania produktów na półkach w oparciu o datę ważności przykładowego produktu, jako procent. + Minimalny czas przechowywania produktów na półkach. Gdy jest 0, nie można wybrać produktów z terminem przychowywanych na półce mniejszym niż minimalny ((dzień ważności - dziś)/dni objęcia terminem ważności), chyba że zostanie wybrany Pokaż wszystkie. + + + + + + + Termin Dzisiaj + Termin Dzisiaj + + + + + + + + + Termin Dzisiaj-30 + Termin Dzisiaj-30 + + + + + + + + + Termin Dzisiaj-7 + Termin Dzisiaj-7 + + + + + + + + + Termin 1-7 + Termin 1-7 + + + + + + + + + Termin 31-60 + Termin 31-60 + + + + + + + + + Termin > 31 + Termin > 31 + + + + + + + + + Termin 61-90 + Termin 61-90 + + + + + + + + + Termin > 61 + Termin > 61 + + + + + + + + + Termin 8-30 + Termin 8-30 + + + + + + + + + Termin > 91 + Termin > 91 + + + + + + + + + Minął termin 1-30 + Minął termin 1-30 + + + + + + + + + Minął termin 1-7 + Minął termin 1-7 + + + + + + + + + Minął termin 31-60 + Minął termin 31-60 + + + + + + + + + Minął termin > 31 + Minął termin > 31 + + + + + + + + + Minął termin 61-90 + Minął termin 61-90 + + + + + + + + + Minął termin > 61 + Minął termin > 61 + + + + + + + + + Minął termin 8-30 + Minął termin 8-30 + + + + + + + + + Minął termin > 91 + Minął termin > 91 + + + + + + + + + Minął termin + Minął termin + + + + + + + + + Lista faktur + Lista faktur + Lista faktur + + + + + + + + Obowiązkowa data gwarancji. + Obow. data gwarancji + Gdy tworzymy przykładowy produkt, wejście do daty gwarancji jest obowiązkowe. + + + + + + + + Seria obowiązkowa + Seria obow. + Gdy tworzymy przykładowy produkt, wejście do serii jest obowiązkowe. + + + + + + + + Obowiązkowy numer seryjny + Obow. nr seryjny + Gdy tworzymy przykładowy produkt, wejście do numeru seryjnego jest obowiązkowe. + + + + + + + + Minimalna ilość dni przechowywania produktu objętego gwarancją na półce + Min. ilość dni przechowywania na półce + Minimalna ilość dni przechowywania produktu objętego gwarancją na półce + Minimalna ilość dni przechowywania produktu objętego gwarancją na półce. Dla 0 nie można wybrać produktów z niższą od minimum ilością dni przechowywania ich na półce, chyba że wybrany zostanie Pokaż wszystkie.. + + + + + + + Dni gwarancji produktów na półkach + Dni gwarancji na półkach + Dni gwarancji produktów leżących na półkach + Dni gwarancji produktów leżących na półkach w porównaniu do dzisiaj. + + + + + + + NIP kontrahenta + NIP kontr. + Numer Identyfikacji Podatkowej kontrahenta. + + + + + + + + Niedowiezione + Niedowiezione + Ilość niedowieziona + Wartość oblicza się: ilość zamówiona - ilość dostarczona. + + + + + + + Strategia alokacji + Alokacja + Strategia alokacji + Alokacja transakcji wpływu i wypływu/rozchodu. + + + + + + + Rozchód - przewozy + Rozchód - przewozy + Rozchód - przewozy + + + + + + + + Rozchód - inwentaryzacja + Rozchód - inwentaryzacja + Rozchód - inwentaryzacja + + + + + + + + Pozycja rozchodu produktu + Pozycja rozchodu produktu + Pozycja rozchodu produktu + + + + + + + + Rozchód + Rozchód + Transakcja rozchodu/wypływu + + + + + + + + Licz odchylenie + Odchyblenie + Licz odchylenie standardowe + Odchylenie standardowe (σ) mierzy odchylenie - używane z kombinacją (μ) + + + + + + + Licz wariancję + Wariancja + Licz wariancję + Wariancja (σ²) mierzy odchylenie - używana z kombinacją (μ) + + + + + + + Promowany w sklepie WWW + Promowany w sklepie WWW + Jeżeli został wybrany, produkt jest wyświetlany w początkowym wyszukiwaniu lub kiedy nic w nim nie znaleziono. + Na wystawie sklepu WWW, produkt jest pokazany na pierwszym pokazie lub kiedy wyszukiwanie nie przyniosło rezultatów. Aby był pokazany, musi mieć określoną cenę. + + + + + + + Typ waluty + Typ waluty + Typ waluty + Typ kursu wymiany pozwala określić typ kursu, na przykład: Spot (natychmiastowy), Corporate (z firmami) lub/i kurs sprzedaży/kupna. + + + + + + + Kluczowy typ waluty + Typ wymiany waluty + Kluczowa wartość typu kursu wymiany waluty + Klucz typu daty wymiany waluty obcej, w której dokonywane są transakcje. + + + + + + + Magazyn + Magazyn + Nazwa magazynu + + + + + + + + Rozkład płatności ważny + Ważny rozkł. płat. + Czy rozkład płatności jest ważny + Czy rozkład płatności jest ważny + + + + + + + Numer identyfikacyjny oddziału + Nr ident. oddziału + Numer identyfikacyjny oddziału + Niektórym ładowarkom należy dostarczyć numer identyfikacyjny oddziału. + + + + + + + Mechanizm rozliczeniowy + Mechanizm rozliczeniowy + Automat rozliczeniowy do transakcji międzybankowych (SWIFT, OFX) + Automat rozliczeniowy bankowe transakcje finansowe np poprzez SWIFT (MT940) or OFX. + + + + + + + Format danych + Format danych + Format danych w formacie wejściowym + Fornat danych jest zwykle wykryty, chociaż czasem musi być zdefiniowany. + + + + + + + Kwota EFT + Kwota EFT + Kwota EFT + + %TODO% + + + + + + Numer czeku + Nr czeku + Numer czeku + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Currency + EFT Currency + Electronic Funds Transfer Currency + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Statement Date + EFT Statement Date + Electronic Funds Transfer Statement Date + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Statement Line Date + EFT Statement Line Date + Electronic Funds Transfer Statement Line Date + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Statement Reference + EFT Statement Reference + Electronic Funds Transfer Statement Reference + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Effective Date + EFT Effective Date + Electronic Funds Transfer Valuta (effective) Date + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + Nazwa pliku + Nazwa pliku + Nazwa miejscowego pliku lub URL + Nazwa pliku w miejscowej wyszukiwarce przestrzeni lub URL (file://.., http://.., ftp://..) + + + + + + + Numer identyfikacyjny instytucji finansowej + Nr ident. instyt. finans. + Numer identyfikacyjny instytucji finansowej + Niektóre ładowarki mogą wymagać nr identyfikacyjnego instytucji finansowych. + + + + + + + Numer dokumentu płatności + Nr dok. płatności + Numer dokumentu o płatności + + + + + + + + PIN + PIN + Numer Identyfikacyjny Osoby + + + + + + + + Data pozycji wyciągu + Data poz. wyciągu + Data pozycji wyciągu + + + + + + + + Statement Loader Class + Statement Loader Class + Class name of the bank statement loader + The name of the actual bank statement loader implementing the interface org.compiere.impexp.BankStatementLoaderInterface + + + + + + + Utwórz wskaźnik odwrotności + Utwórz odwrotność + Utwórz wskaźnik odwrotności z bieżących informacji + Jeżeli został wybrany. Dla każdego kursu tworzony jest rónież kurs odwrotny. Np na podstawie kursu USD do EUR toworzony jest również kuesr EUR do USD. + + + + + + + Importuj kurs + Importuj kurs + Importuj kurs walutowy + + + + + + + + Kod ISO waluty docelowej + Kod ISO docel. + Trzyliterowy kod ISO waluty docelowej + Trzyliterowy kod ISO waluty docelowej. Szczegóły na stronie - http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec09en.htm + + + + + + + Substytut użytkownika + Substytut użytkownika + Substytut użytkownika + Użytkownik, który może uzystakć prawa innego użytkownika. + + + + + + + Jednostka macierzysta + Jednostka macierzysta + Jednostka macierzysta + Jednostka macierzysta + + + + + + + Działanie Workflow + Działanie Wf + Działanie Wf + The Workflow Activity is the actual Workflow Node in a Workflow Process instance + + + + + + + Wynik działania Workflow + Wynik działania Wf + Wynik działania Workflow + Wynik wykonania przykładowego procesu Workflow. + + + + + + + Blokowanie Workflow + Blokowanie Wf + Blokowanie wykonanie transakcji Wf + Blokowanie wykonania jest wariantem i pozwala przetwarzać wszystkie prace w jedną transakcję. Jeśli jeden krok (działanie węzła) zawiedzie, cała praca wykonywana jest od początku. + + + + + + + Kontrola zdarzeń Workflow + Kontrola zdarzeń Wf + Kontrola zdarzeń Workflow + Historia zdarzeń aktywności procesu Workflow + + + + + + + Parametr węzła Workflow + Parametr węzła Wf + Parametr wykoniania węzła Workflow + Parametr wykoniania węzła Workflow + + + + + + + Proces Workflow + Proces Wf + Przykład wykonania Workflow + Przykład wykonania Workflow + + + + + + + Dane procesu Workflow + Dane procesu Wf + Zawartość procesu Wf + Zawiera informacje procesu i aktywności. + + + + + + + Odpowiedzialność za Workflow + Odpowiedz. za WF + Odpowiedzialność za wykonanie WF + Odpowiedzialność za wykonanie Wf ponosi bieżący użytkownik. + + + + + + + Nazwa cechy + Nazwa cechy + Nazwa cechy + Identyfikuje cechę + + + + + + + Wartość cechy + Wartość cechy + Wartość cechy + + + + + + + + Założyciel + Założyciel + Założyciel jednostki + + + + + + + + Koszt + Koszt + Koszt informacji + + + + + + + + Trwanie + Trwanie + Trwanie w jednostkach czasu trwania + Oczekiwany czas wykonania. + + + + + + + Jednostka czasu trwania + Jednostka czasu trwania + Jednostka czasu trwania + Jednostka czasu trwania wykonania zadania. + + + + + + + Sposób zakończenia + Sposób zakończenia + Sposób zakończenia + W jaki sposób system jest zarządzany na koncu działania. Automat wskazuje powrót kiedy wywołane aplikacje kończą sprawować kontrolę. W sposób ręczny użytkownik po prostu kończy działanie. + + + + + + + Limit czasu + Limit + Maksymalny czas trwania w jednostkach czasu. + Maksymalny (krytyczny) czas trwania zarządzania potrzebami (tj. rozpoczęcie zintensyfikowania procedur, etc.) w jednostkach czasu. + + + + + + + Typ odpowiedzialności + Typ odpowiedzialności + Typ odpowiedzialności za workflow + Type how the responsible user for the execution of a workflow is determined + + + + + + + Tryb startu + Tryb startu + Tryb startu + W jaki sposób rozpoczęte jest działanie. W sposób automatyczny uruchamiane jest przez system, a ręcznie przez użytkownika. + + + + + + + Wykonanie podprzepływu + Wykonanie podprzepływu + Wykonanie podprzepływu + + + + + + + + Kod przetworzenia + Kod przetworzenia + Kod wyniku jako PRAWDA lub FAŁSZ + Przetworzenie jest wykonane, jeśli kod wyniku jest PRAWDA (lub jest pusty). + + + + + + + Czas przygotowania + Czas przygotowania + Czas przygotowania + Czas przygotowania do wykonania zadania w jednostkach czasu. + + + + + + + Stan Workflow + Stan Workflow + Stan wykonania Workflow + + + + + + + + Czas wykonania + Czas wykonania + Symulacja wykonania Workflow + Czas wykonania zadania w jednostkach czasu + + + + + + + + Użytkownik nadpisu + Użytk. nadpisu + Nadpisuj ciągle dostępność do systemu + Jeżeli typ wejścia to Słownik lub Adempiere, a Użytkownik Nadpisu został wybrany, ustawienia danych nie przenosi się do standardowej dystrybucji. Nie pozwala to na nadpisanie żadnych ustawień, chociaż sprawia problemy przez podtrzymanie uzgodnień. + + + + + + + Łącz element + Łącz element + Znaczenie wielokrotności transakcji wpływu. + Znaczenie złożonych przemian wchodzących dla Węzła/Działania. I łączy wszystkie podobne nici - XOR wymaga jednej nici (bez synchronizacji). + + + + + + + Podział elementu + Podział + Znaczenie wielokrotności rozchodów. + Semantics for multiple outgoing Transitions for a Node/Activity. AND represents multiple concurrent threads - XOR represents the first transition with a true Transaition condition. + + + + + + + Status publikacji + Status publikacji + Status publikacji + Używany do dokumentów wewnętrznych. + + + + + + + Rejestracja + Rejestracja + Rejestracja aktywów użytkownika + Rejestracja aktywów użytkownika + + + + + + + Przymioty rejestracji + Przymioty rejestracji + Przymioty rejestracji aktywów + Przymioty rejestracji aktywów + + + + + + + Podatek łącznie + Podatek łącznie + Łączna kwota podatków + + + + + + + + Zaksięgowana + Zaksięgowana + Saldo walutowe w Planie Kont + + + + + + + + Kwota źródłowa + Kwota źródłowa + Saldo w walucie źródłowej + + + + + + + + Uaktualnij salda + Uaktualnij salda + Uaktualnij salda kont + + + + + + + + Tryb utrzymania + Tryb utrzymania + Tryb utrzymania języka + + + + + + + + Akceptuj polecenie zapłaty + Akceptuj polecenie zapłaty + Akceptuj debet (rozpoczęty przez sprzedawcę) + Akceptuj transakcje debetowe. Transakcje debetowe rozpoczął sprzedawca, który obiecał pobrać kwotę z konta wierzyciela. + + + + + + + Automat przypisujący wyciągi + Automat przypisujący wyciągi + Przypisuje informacje z wyciągu bankowego do kontrahentów, faktur i płatności. + Znajduje kontrahentów, faktury, płatności w otrzymanym wyciągu bankowym. + + + + + + + Przypisz wyciąg bankowy + Przypisz wyciąg bankowy + + + + + + + + + Grubość lini nagłówka + Grubość lini nagłówka + Grubość lini nagłówka + Grubość linii nagłóka w punktach. + + + + + + + Typ linii nagłówka + Typ linii nagłówka + Typ linii nagłówka + Typ linii wydruku. + + + + + + + Paint Header Lines + Header Lines + Paint Lines over/under the Header Line + If selected, a line is painted above and below the header line using the stroke information + + + + + + + Pozycja linii + Pozycja linii + Pozycja linii + Pozycja linii w punktach. + + + + + + + Typ lini + Typ lini + Typ lini + Typ lini na wydruku + + + + + + + Jednostki połączone + Jednostki połączone + Kontrahent jest inną jednostką w zrozumiałej wewnątrz-organizacyjnej transakcji. + Kontrahent jest inną jednostką w systemie. Kiedy tworzymy transakcje, dokument kasowy jest tworzony automatycznie. Przykład: Kontrahent A przypisany jest do jednostki A, kontrahent B przypisany jest do jednostki B. Tworząc zamówienie sprzedaży dla kontrahenta B w jednostce A, zamówienie zakupu jest tworzone dla kontrahenta A w jednostce B. Pozwala to posiadać przejrzystość wewnętrznej dokumentacji dla transakcji. + + + + + + + Typ organizacji + Typ org. + Nadaje kategorie organizacjom/jednostkom. + Nadaje kategorie organizacjom/jednostkom w celu zapisu. + + + + + + + Harmonogram zadań + Harmonogram zadań + Harmonogram zadań + Harmonogram zdań które mają być wykonane poźniej lub w regularnych okresach + + + + + + + Dziennik harmonogramu zadań + Dziennik harmonogramu zadań + Dziennik harmonogramu zadań + Dziennik harmonogramu zadań + + + + + + + Procesor Workflow + Procesor Wf + Serwer procesora Workflow + Serwer procesora Workflow + + + + + + + Dziennik Procesora workflow + Dziennik Procesora workflow + Dziennik Procesora workflow + Dziennik Procesora workflow + + + + + + + Bid + Bid + Bid for a Topic + You can create a bid for a topic. Depening on the type, the highest bidder wins the Topic - or you participate in funding for a Topic. + + + + + + + Bid Comment + Bid Comment + Make a comment to a Bid Topic + Everyone can give comments concerning a Bid Topic - e.g. Questions, Suggestions + + + + + + + Fundusze nabywcy + Fundusze nabywcy + Fundusze nabywcy na postawienie na temat + Available Funds (from Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds for Bids + + + + + + + Oferta + Oferta + Oferta na temat + Możesz zrobić ofertę na temat. + + + + + + + Fundusze sprzedawcy + Fundusze sprzedawcy + Fundusze sprzedawcy z ofert na temat + Fundusze dostępne, wykorzystane oraz niewykorzystane pochodzące z oferty. + + + + + + + Temat + Temat + Temat aukcji + Opis przedmiotu sprzedaży lub utworzenia. + + + + + + + Kategoria tematu + Kategoria tematu + Kategoria tematu aukcji + Dla typu tematu aukcji określ używaną kategorię. + + + + + + + Typ tematu + Typ tematu + Typ tematu aukcji + Typ tematu aukcji określa rodzaj aukcji na danej powierzchni. + + + + + + + Procesor księgowości + Procesor księgowości + Procesor księgowości/Parametry serwera + Procesor księgowości/Parametry serwera + + + + + + + Dziennik procesora księgowości + Dziennik procesora księgowości + Wynik wykonania Procesora księgowości + Wynik wykonania Procesora księgowości + + + + + + + Procesor w gotowości + Procesor w gotowości + Alert Processor/Server Parameter + Alert Processor/Server Parameter + + + + + + + Dziennik procesora ostrzeżeń + Dziennik procesora ostrzeżeń + Result of the execution of the Alert Processor + Result of the execution of the Alert Processor + + + + + + + Relacje partnerów + Relacje partnerów + Relacje partnerów + Utrzymaje zasady kierujące stosunkami między partnerami: którzy otrzymują faktury za załadunek lub płaci faktury. + + + + + + + Powiązany kontrahent + Powiązany kontrahent + Powiązany kontrahent + Przedstawiciel kontrahenta - przykład: przedstawiciel płaci faktury kontrahenta lub my płacimy przedstawicielowi za faktury otrzymane od kontrahenta. + + + + + + + Lokalizacja partnera + Lokalizacja partnera + Adres/lokalizacja powiązanego partnera + + + + + + + + Zapytanie ofertowe + Zapytanie ofertowe + Zapytanie ofertowe + Zapytanie ofertowe wysyłane dostawcom. Po wyborze dostawców, tworzy Zamówienie obce lub Zapytanie dla klientów tak samo jak Zamówienie własne dla dostawców. + + + + + + + Temat + Temat + Temat + Temat pozwala utrzymać listę potencjalnych sprzedawców odpowiadających na RfQ. + + + + + + + Subskrybent zapytań ofertowych + Subskrybent zapytań ofertowych + Subskrybent zapytań ofertowych + Kontrahent zaproszony do otrzymywania zapytań ofertowych + + + + + + + Pozycja zapytania ofertowego + Pozycja zapytania ofertowego + Pozycja zapytania ofertowego + Pozycja zapytania ofertowego + + + + + + + Ilość w zapytaniu + Ilość w zapytaniu + Ilość w zapytaniu + Możliwe jest przygotowanie zapytania dla róznych ilości + + + + + + + Odpowiedź na zapytanie ofertowe + Odpowiedź na zapytanie ofertowe + Odpowiedź na zapytanie ofertowe + Odpowiedź potencjalnego dostawcy na zapytanie ofertowe. + + + + + + + Ilość w odpowiedzi na zapytanie ofertowe + Ilość w odpowiedzi na zapytanie ofertowe + Ilość w odpowiedzi na zapytanie ofertowe + Ilość w odpowiedzi na zapytanie ofertowe odp otencjalnego dostawcy + + + + + + + Dostarczenie subskrypcji + Dostarczenie subskrypcji + Zapisy dostaw subskrybcji + Zapisy dostaw subskrybcji + + + + + + + Opłata członkowska + Opłata członkowska + Opłata kontrahenta produktu + Opłata kontrahenta produktu + + + + + + + Typ opłaty + Typ opłaty + Typ opłaty + Typ opłaty i częstotliwość odnawiania + + + + + + + Potwierdzona ilość + Potwierdzona ilość + Potwierdzenie otrzymanej ilości + Potwierdzenie otrzymanej ilości + + + + + + + Utwórz zamówienie własne + Utwórz zamówienie własne + + + + + + + + + Utwórz zamówienie obce + Utwórz zamówienie obce + + + + + + + + + Data odpowiedzi + Data odp. + Data odpowiedzi + Data odpowiedzi + + + + + + + Zakończenie pracy + Zakończenie pracy + Data zakończenia pracy + + + + + + + + Rozpoczęcie pracy + Rozpoczęcie pracy + Data rozpoczęcia pracy + + + + + + + + Dni do dostawy + Dni do dostawy + Planowana ilość dni do dostawy + + + + + + + + Dług + Dług + Zaległość z tytułu przedłużenia członkowstwa. + + + + + + + + Błąd + Błąd + Pojawił się błąd przy wykonaniu. + + + + + + + + Wewnętrzna + Wewn. + Jednostka wewnętrzna + + + + + + + + W drodze + W drodze + W drodze + Przewóz materiałów w drodze - na statku, jeszcze nie otrzymano. Transakcja ukończona, ale nie zatwierdzona. + + + + + + + Tylko dostawcy + Tylko dostawcy + Zaproszeni wyłącznie dostawcy, ci mogą odpowiedzieć na zapytanie ofertowe + Zaproszeni wyłącznie dostawcy, ci mogą odpowiedzieć na zapytanie ofertowe + + + + + + + Ilość + Ilość + Ilość używana w ofercie dla klienta. + Przy tworzeniu oferty używamy wybranej ilości, gdy w Zapytaniu o koszty wykorzystujemy wielokrotność ilości. Jeżeli nic nie wybieramy, używana jest najmniejsza ilość. + + + + + + + Ogłoszony + Ogłoszony + Temat jest ogłoszony + Jeśli nie wybrany, temat nie jest dostępny dla ogółu. + + + + + + + Ilość zakupu + Il. zakupu + Ilość zakupu w zamówieniu u dostawcy + Gdy mnożymy ilości w Zapytaniu o koszty, wybrana ilość tworzy zamówienie zakupu. Gdy nie wybieramy nic, używamy najniższą liczbę. + + + + + + + Podaj wszystkie ilości + Podaj wszystkie ilości + Dostawcy są proszeni o dostarczenie odpowiedzi do wszystkich ilości. + Gdy jest wybrana, odpowiedź na zapytanie o koszty musi mieć cenę dla wszystkich ilości. + + + + + + + Całkowita kwota kosztów + Całk. kwota kosztów + Całkowita kwota zapytania o koszty + Odpowiedź dla pozycji. + + + + + + + Odpowiedzi akceptowane + Odp. akceptowane + Czy akceptowane są odpowiedzi na zapytanie o koszty + Jeśli wybrane, akceptowane są odpowiedzi na zapytanie o koszty. + + + + + + + Wybrany zwycięzca + Wybrany zwycięzca + Wybrany zwycięzca + Jeśli wybranym zwycięzcą jest poziom odpowiedzi, pozycje wyboru są ignorowane. + + + + + + + Gotowy do zatwierdzenia + Gotowy do zatwierdzenia + + + + + + + + + Ile dni przechowywać wpisy + Ile dni przechowywać wpisy + Ile dni przechowywać wpisy + Stare wpisy można skasować. + + + + + + + Lista dystrybucyjna + Lista dystrybucyjna + Lista dystrybucyjna pozwala wysyłać produkty wybranej liście kontrahentów. + Lista dystrybucyji zawiera kontrahentów i ilości rozprowadzane lub współczynniki w celu tworzenia zamówień. + + + + + + + Pozycja listy dystrybucyjnej + Pozycja listy dystrybucyjnej + Pozycja listy dystrybucyjnej odnośnie kontrahenta i ilości/udziału + Dystrybucja może opierać się o współczynnik, ilość lub obie wielkości. Jeżeli wielkości te wynoszą 0, ilość liczona jest o współczynnik, ale z ilością minimalną. + + + + + + + Opakowanie + Opakowanie + Opakowanie załadunku + Załadunek na statek może mieć jedno lub więcej opakowań. Mogą być indywidualnie pakowane. + + + + + + + Opakowanie + Opakowanie + Sczegółowa zawartość opakowania + Zobacz pozycję przewozu. + + + + + + + Zwrot materiałów + Zwrot materiałów + Zwrot materiałów + Zwrot materiałów może być uzyskany przez zaakceptowanie zwrotu i przez tworzenie memoriałów kredytowych. + + + + + + + Pozycja zwrotu materiałów + Pozycja zwrotu materiałów + Pozycja zwrotu materiałów + Szczegółowe informacje o zwróconych materiałach. + + + + + + + Minimalna ilość + Min. il. + Minimalna ilość dla kontrahenta + Przy określeniu minimalnej ilości, kiedy ilość jest oparta na procencie, używa sie minimalnej ilości. + + + + + + + Członkowstwo + Członkowstwo + Określa cenę członkowstwa + Wymaga płacenia składek członkowskich. + + + + + + + Nie wykorzystana kwota + Nie wykorz. kwota + Nie wykorzystana kwota + + + + + + + + Kwota oferty + Kwota oferty + Kwota oferty + + + + + + + + Płatny do + Płatny do + Opłata płatna do + + + + + + + + Domyślny parametr + Domyśl. parametr + Wartość domyślna parametru + Wartość domyślna parametru, na przykład @#Date@ + + + + + + + Kontrahent zobowiązany + Kontr. zobow. + Kontrahent zobowiązany do płatności. + + + + + + + + Miejsce płatności + Miejsce płatności + Miejsce kontrahenta zobowiązanego do płaności. + + + + + + + + Wskazana ilość + Wybrana il. + + + + + + + + + Uwaga osobista + Uwaga osobista + Uwaga osobista, nie dostępna dla innych partii + + + + + + + + Publikuj zapytanie o koszty + Publikuj zapytanie o koszty + + + + + + + + + Typ zapytania o koszty + Typ zapytania o koszty + Typ zapytania o koszty + + + + + + + + Dziennik procesora zapytań + Dziennik procesora zapytań + + + + + + + + + Otrzymano informację + Otrzymano informację + Informacja na opakowaniu. + + + + + + + + Powiązany przewóz + Powiązany przewóz + + + + + + + + + Powiązana faktura + Powiązana faktura + + + + + + + + + Powiązana pozycja faktury + Pow. poz. faktury + + + + + + + + + Zamówienie + Zamówienie + Powiązanie do Zamówienia własnego/obcego + Powiązanie do Zamówienia własnego/obcego i odwrotnie. + + + + + + + Produkt związany + Produkt związany + Produkt związany + + + + + + + + Typ produktu związanego + Typ prod. zw. + + + + + + + + + Data ponowienia + Data ponowienia + + + + + + + + + Ilość odrzucona + Ilość odrzucona + Ilość produktu odrzucona ze względu na problemy z jakością + + + + + + + + Docelowa ilość + Docelowa il. + Docelowa ilość + Ilość, jaka powinna być otrzymana. + + + + + + + Szczegóły + Szczegóły + + + + + + + + + Wiadomość + Wiadomość + Tekst wiadomości + + + + + + + + Temat aukcji + Temat aukcji + + + + + + + + + Status tematu + Status tematu + + + + + + + + + Informacje o postępowaniu + Inf. o post. + + + + + + + + + Typ aukcji + Typ aukcji + + + + + + + + + Data decyzji + Data decyzji + + + + + + + + + Powiązana pozycja dostawy + Pow. poz. dostawy + + + + + + + + + Odpowiedź na zapytanie ofertowe + Odpowiedź na zapytanie ofertowe + Odpowiedź od potencjalnego dostawcy na zapytanie ofertowe. + Odpowiedź od potencjalnego dostawcy na zapytanie ofertowe. + + + + + + + Utwórz pojedyńcze zamówienie + Pojedyńcze zamówienie + Dla wszystkich załadunków utwórz jedno zamówienie. + + + + + + + + Informuj odbiorcę + Informuj odbiorcę + Informuj odbiorcę + Można wysłać informacje do użytkowników lub ról. + + + + + + + Odbiorca + Odbiorca + Odbiorca rozkładu + Można wysłać informacje do użytkowników lub ról. + + + + + + + Kod pocztowy dla podatku + Kod pocztowy dla podatku + Kod pocztowy dla podatku + For local tax, you may have to define a list of (ranges of) postal codes or ZIPs + + + + + + + Data wymagalności + Data wymagalności + Data wymagalności + + + + + + + + Zapotrzebowanie + Zapotrzebowanie + Zapotrzebowanie na materiały + + + + + + + + Pozycja zapotrzebowania + Pozycja zapotrzebowania + Pozycja zapotrzebowania + + + + + + + + Dzień miesiąca + Dzień miesiąca + Dzień miesiąca od 1 do 28/29/39/31. + + + + + + + + Kod pocztowy + Kod pocztowy + Kod pocztowy + Kod pocztowy + + + + + + + Ranking + Ranking + Względny ranking punktowy + Jeden jest najwyższą pozycją. + + + + + + + Typ harmonogramu + Typ harmonogramu + Typ harmonogramu + Definiuje w jaki sposób obliczane jest zdarzenie + + + + + + + Dzień tygodnia + Dzień tygodnia + Dzień tygodnia + + + + + + + + Copylines + Copylines + + + + + + + + + Uwaga do załącznika + Uwaga do załącznika + Indywidualna uwaga w załączniku + + + + + + + + Warunek + Warunek + Warunek zamiany węzła Workflow + Warunek zamiany węzła Workflow + + + + + + + Zamiana węzła + Zamiana węzła + Zamiana węzła workflow + Kolejne węzły określają polecenie, węzeł lub kolejne kroki w Workflow. + + + + + + + Sprawdź Workflow + Sprawdź Workflow + + + + + + + + + Czas oczekiwania + Czas oczekiwania + Czas oczekiwania w minutach + Czas oczekiwania w minutach + + + + + + + Klucz Workflow + Workflow + Klucz startowy Workflow + + + + + + + + Od producenta + Od producenta + Dostawa bezpośrednio od producenta + Dostawa bezpośrednio od producenta + + + + + + + Zatwierdź własne dokumenty + Zatwierdź własne + Użytkownicy mogą zatwierdzić własne dokumenty + Jeśli użytkownik nie może zatwierdzić własnych dokumentów, musi zatwierdzić go inna osoba. + + + + + + + Uaktualniany + Uaktualniany + Kolumna jest zawsze aktualniana nawet jeśli zapis nie jest aktywny lub przetwarzany. + Kolumna jest zawsze aktualniana nawet jeśli zapis nie jest aktywny lub przetwarzany. Użyteczne zwłaszcza przy komentarzach. + + + + + + + Automat przeksięgowujący + Automat przeksięgowujący + Automat przeksięgowujący + Dla kont spełniających określone kryteria, zaksięgowanie na konta jest zastąpione zdefinowanymi tutaj księgowaniami. Dystrybucja księgowania pomiędzy zdefiniowane konta jest dzielona proporcjonalnie do wprowadzonego współczynnika. + + + + + + + Automat przeksięgowujący + Automat przeksięgowujący + Automat przeksięgowujący + Dla kont spełniających określone kryteria, zaksięgowanie na konta jest zastąpione zdefinowanymi tutaj księgowaniami. Dystrybucja księgowania pomiędzy zdefiniowane konta jest dzielona proporcjonalnie do wprowadzonego współczynnika. + + + + + + + Współczynnik + Współczynnik + Współczynnik dystrybucji + Ważona dystrybucja. Jeśli wszystkie wskaźniki dają 100, jest to jednocześnie procent. + + + + + + + Całość + Całość + Całkowita liczba "punktów" + Całkowita liczba "punktów" . Jeżeli równa 100 to odpowiada procentom + + + + + + + Czas miniony w ms + Miniony czas + Miniony czas w milisekundach + Miniony czas w milisekundach + + + + + + + Zaproszony + Zapr. + Data wysłania ostatniego zaproszenia + + + + + + + + Wyślij prośby o zapytania ofertowe dostawcom + Wyślij prośby o zapytania ofertowe dostawcom + Wyślij zaproszenia do składania ofert dostawcom + + + + + + + + Czas ukończenia + Czas ukończenia + Planowana data ukończenia pracy + + + + + + + + Czas rozpoczęcia + Czas rozpoczęcia + Planowa data rozpoczęcia pracy + + + + + + + + Dni dostawy + Dni dostawy + + + + + + + + + Komentarz/Pomoc + Komentarz + + + + + + + + + Cena ilościowa + Cena il. + + + %TODO% + + + + + + Ranking ilości + Ranking ilości + + + + + + + + + Oceń zapytanie ofertowe + Oceń zapytanie ofertowe + + + + + + + + + Koniec + Koniec + Koniec czasu wstrzymania + Koniec wstrzymania + + + + + + + Uruchomienie dystrybucji + Uruchomienie dystrybucji + Tworzy zamówienia przypisując produkty wybranym partnerom. + Definiuje w jaki sposób tworzone są zamówienia w oparciu o listy dystrybucji. + + + + + + + Pozycja listy dystrybucyjnej + Dystrybucja + Definiuje Listę dystrybucji, Produkty i Ilości + Kwota zamówienia jest oparta o stany minimalne produktów, listy dystrybucji i współczynniki ilościowe. + + + + + + + Całkowita ilość + Całk. ilość + Całkowita ilość + + + + + + + + Rozpoczęcie wdrożenia + Data rozpoczęcia wdrożenia + Data wdrożenia/produkcji Compiera + + + + + + + + Włącz statystyki + Włącz statystyki + Włącz statystyki (liczba firm, jednostek, kontrahentów, partnerów, użytkowników, produktów, faktur) + Transferuj dane (liczba firm, jednostek, kontrahentów, partnerów, użytkowników, produktów, faktur). Te informacje nie są publikowe. + + + + + + + Loguj dostęp + Loguj dostęp + Loguj dostęp do systemu + + + + + + + + Opowiedź + Odp. + Opowiedź + + + + + + + + Licznik dokumentów + Licznik dokumentów + Powiązany licznik dokumentów + Używając zrozumiałych dokumentów dla wewnętrznych transakcji, określ na jakim dokumencie źródłowym oparty jest typ licznika dla transakcji źródłowych. + + + + + + + Typ licznika dokumentu + Typ licznika dokumentu + Typ licznika dokumentu + Typ licznika dokumentu + + + + + + + Zapotrzebowanie + Zapotrzebowanie + Zapotrzebowanie materiałowe + Zapotrzebowanie materiałowe może być oparte na Prognozie, Przejęciu lub Otwartym Zamówieniu + + + + + + + Zapotrzebowanie + Szczegóły zapotrzebowania + Pozycja zapotrzebowania + Powiązna pozycja zapotrzebowania + + + + + + + Zapotrzebowanie + Zapotrzebowanie + Zapotrzebowanie materiałowe + Zapotrzebowanie na produkt w okresie + + + + + + + Prognoza + Prognoza + Prognoza materiałów + Prognoza materiałów + + + + + + + Prognoza + Prognoza + Pozycja prognozy + Prognoza ilości produktu na okres + + + + + + + Obliczona ilość + Obliczona ilość + Obliczona ilość + + + + + + + + Standardowy Użytkownik Workflow + Stand. użytk. Wf + Standardowy Użytkownik Workflow + Kontynuować mogą wyłącznie otwarte dokumenty (zakreślone, przetwarzane, zatwierdzone, odrzucone, błędne) oraz działania standardowego użytkownika (przygotowywać, kończyć, zatwierdzać, odrzucać). Ma to zapobiec określeniu szczegółów automatycznego procesu (odblokuj, anuluj, wyślij, reaktywuj) oraz kiedy dokument ma być zamknięty dla zwykłego użytkownika (ukończony, oczekuje, zamknięty, błędny, odwrócony). + + + + + + + NIP + NIP + + + + + + + + + Klucz partnera + Klucz partnera + + + + + + + + + Adres na fakturze + Adres + + + + + + + + + Nazwa kontrahenta + Kontrahent + + + + + + + + + Nazwa faktury + Nazwa + + + + + + + + + Nazwa faktury + Nazwa + + + + + + + + + Telefon + Tel. + + + + + + + + + Tytuł faktury + Tytuł faktury + + + + + + + + + Nazwa kontrahenta + Nazwa kontrahenta + + + + + + + + + Nazwa kontrahenta + Nazwa kontrahenta + + + + + + + + + Najlepsza odpowiedź + Najlepsza odpowiedź + Najlepsza kwota odpowiedzi + Wypełnione przez ranking odpowiedzi. + + + + + + + Zakończone + Zakończone + + + + + + + + + Podstawowe Drzewo Działania + Drzewo Działania + + + + + + + + + Podstawowe drzewo kampanii + Drzewo kampanii + + + + + + + + + Użyj funkcji Beta + Użyj Beta + Umożliwia użycie Funkcji Beta + Zakres Funkcji Beta jest podany w notatniku. Nie polecane w środowisku produkcyjnym. + + + + + + + Domyślny licznik dokumentów + Domyślny licznik dokumentów + Typ licznika dokumentów + Używajac zrozumialych dokumentów do wewnetrznych transakcji , zaznacz na jakim typie dokumentu bazuje licznik dokumentu źródłowego. Przyklad: tworząc Zamówienie Sprzedaży, użyj typu dokumentu dla zamówienia sprzedaży. Nie wykonanie będzie opisane przez określenie zrozumiałych relacji licznika dokumentów. + + + + + + + Przerwij + Przerwij + Przerwij proces + + + + + + + + Typ potwierdzenia + Typ potw. + Typ potwierdzenia + + + + + + + + Utwórz potwierdzenie + Utw. potw. + + + + + + + + + Potwierdzenie świadectwa jakości + Świadectwo jakości + Do przetwarzania wymaga Wybierz lub Potwierdzenie świadectwa jakości + Przetwarzanie paragonu o załadunku wymaga potwierdzenia Wybierz potwierdzenie świadectwa jakości + + + + + + + Potwierdzenie o przewozie + Potw. przewozu + Do przetwarzania wymaga potwierdzenia o przewozie statkiem lub paragonu + Przetwarzanie paragonu o załadunku wymaga potwierdzenia przewozu + + + + + + + Potwierdzenie przewozu/paragon + Potw. przewozu/paragon + Potwiedzenie o przewozie materiałów statkiem + Potwierdzenie przewozu lub paragon + + + + + + + Pozycja potwierdzenia przewozu/paragonu + Potwierdzenie przewozu + Pozycja potwierdzenia o przewozie materiału lub paragon + Szczegóły potwierdzenia + + + + + + + Opakuj + Opakuj + + + + + + + + + Różnica + Różnica + Różnice w ilości + + + + + + + + Wysokość okna + Wys. okna + + + + + + + + + Szerokość okna + Szer. okna + + + + + + + + + Typ zwrotu + Typ zwrotu + Typ zwrotu materialów + Typ zwrotu + + + + + + + Unieważniony + Unieważniony + Transakcja została unieważniona + + + + + + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/AD_FieldGroup_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/AD_FieldGroup_Trl_pl_PL.xml index 0cc89c42af..7d964ebbc0 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/AD_FieldGroup_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/AD_FieldGroup_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,99 +1,99 @@ - - - - - - - Status - - - Ilości - - - Kwoty - - - Związki - - - Historia - - - Produkt - - - Kontrahent - - - Magazyn - - - Bank - - - Rejestr gotówki - - - Podatek - - - Projekt - - - Ogólne - - - Akcja - - - Koszty standardowe - - - Koszty rzeczywiste - - - Statystyki - - - Wartości domyślne - - - - - - Sklep internetowy - - - Wewnętrzne - - - Zewnętrzne - - - Wspólne - - - Dostawa - - - Dokument - - - Pozycja - - - Symulacja - - - Obliczenia - - - Proxy - - - Dostawa - - - Fakturowanie - - + + + + + + + Status + + + Ilości + + + Kwoty + + + Związki + + + Historia + + + Produkt + + + Kontrahent + + + Magazyn + + + Bank + + + Rejestr gotówki + + + Podatek + + + Projekt + + + Ogólne + + + Akcja + + + Koszty standardowe + + + Koszty rzeczywiste + + + Statystyki + + + Wartości domyślne + + + + + + Sklep internetowy + + + Wewnętrzne + + + Zewnętrzne + + + Wspólne + + + Dostawa + + + Dokument + + + Pozycja + + + Symulacja + + + Obliczenia + + + Proxy + + + Dostawa + + + Fakturowanie + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/AD_Field_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/AD_Field_Trl_pl_PL.xml index 78a2f402e7..2b81746b90 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/AD_Field_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/AD_Field_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,53 +1,53 @@ - - - - - - - Primary Column - Column for Multi-Key - The Primary Column indicates which column is the primary key for those situations where there is more than one key. - - - Start Node - Workflow Node, step or process - The Workflow Node indicates a unique step or process in a Workflow. - - - Wartość podatku - Tax Amount for Credit Card transaction - The Tax Amount displays the total tax amount. The tax amount is only used for credit card processing. - - - Only Currency - Restrict accepting only this currency - The Only Currency field indicates that this bank account accepts only the currency identified here. - - - Business Partner / Sales Rep - Identifies a Business Partner (Sales Rep) receiving the Commission - The Business Partner should be a vendor and may be a Sales Representative - - - Acknowledge - System Notice acknowledged - The Acknowledged checkbox indicates if this notice does not need to be retained. - - - Driving Column - Column which controlls all tabs in the workbench - - - - Nr dokumentu - Document sequence number of the document - The document number is usually automatically generated by the system and determined by the document type of the document. If the document is not saved, the preliminary number is displayed in "<>". - -If the document type of your document has no automatic document sequence defined, the field is empty if you create a new document. This is for documents which usually have an external number (like vendor invoice). If you leave the field empty, the system will generate a document number for you. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order). - - - Value - Condition Value - - - + + + + + + + Primary Column + Column for Multi-Key + The Primary Column indicates which column is the primary key for those situations where there is more than one key. + + + Start Node + Workflow Node, step or process + The Workflow Node indicates a unique step or process in a Workflow. + + + Wartość podatku + Tax Amount for Credit Card transaction + The Tax Amount displays the total tax amount. The tax amount is only used for credit card processing. + + + Only Currency + Restrict accepting only this currency + The Only Currency field indicates that this bank account accepts only the currency identified here. + + + Business Partner / Sales Rep + Identifies a Business Partner (Sales Rep) receiving the Commission + The Business Partner should be a vendor and may be a Sales Representative + + + Acknowledge + System Notice acknowledged + The Acknowledged checkbox indicates if this notice does not need to be retained. + + + Driving Column + Column which controlls all tabs in the workbench + + + + Nr dokumentu + Document sequence number of the document + The document number is usually automatically generated by the system and determined by the document type of the document. If the document is not saved, the preliminary number is displayed in "<>". + +If the document type of your document has no automatic document sequence defined, the field is empty if you create a new document. This is for documents which usually have an external number (like vendor invoice). If you leave the field empty, the system will generate a document number for you. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order). + + + Value + Condition Value + + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/AD_Form_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/AD_Form_Trl_pl_PL.xml index 09628b6990..6984ec3966 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/AD_Form_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/AD_Form_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,10 +1,102 @@ - - - -Generuj faktury (ręcznie)Wybór i generowanie fakturImport File LoaderŁaduje plikiTworzenie nowej firmyTworzenie nowej firmy (naszej)Transakcje materiałoweTransakcje materiałowePayment AllocationAllocate invoices and paymentsGenerowanie opłatGenerate Charges from natural accountsPłatności drukowanie i eksportPrint or export your paymentsWybór płatności (ręczny)Manual Payment SelectionDopasuj Zamówienia-WZ-FakturyMatch Purchase Orders, Receipts, Vendor InvoicesTranslation Import/ExportImport or Export Language TranslationGenerate Shipments (manual)Select and generate shipmentsSQL ProcessProcess SQL StatementsProcess SQL DDL StatementsMerge EntitiesMerge From Entity to To Entity - Delete From<i>Dangerous - Please are aware of what you are doing!</i> -All instances of the From entity (e.g. Customer A) are changed to the To entity (e.g. Customer B). -The From entity (e.g. Customer A) is deleted. -<p><b>There is NO undo nor trace ! Please do a backup first</b> Please be aware that you may be changing history records (e.g. invoices, etc.) ! </p> -<p><b>Side effects:</b> Merging Products are likely to distort product costs; Merging Business Partners may result in incorrect open item balance. Check with support on remedies. -<p><b>Restrictions:</b> Accounting and Inventory conflicts are not resolved in this version. -POS (Pre-Alpha)Point Of SalesBOM DropDrop (expand) Bill of MaterialsDrop the extended Bill of Materials into an Order, Invoice, etc. The documents need to be in a Drafted stage. Make sure that the items included in the BOM are on the price list of the Order, Invoice, etc. as otherwise the price will be zero!Tree MaintenanceMaintain TreesView and change trees. Maintain the entries in their specific Windows.Workflow EditorEdit WorkflowsWorkflow ActivitiesMy active workflow activities \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + + Generuj faktury (ręcznie) + Wybór i generowanie faktur + + + + Import File Loader + Ładuje pliki + + + + Tworzenie nowej firmy + Tworzenie nowej firmy (naszej) + + + + Transakcje materiałowe + Transakcje materiałowe + + + + Payment Allocation + Allocate invoices and payments + + + + Generowanie opłat + Generate Charges from natural accounts + + + + Płatności drukowanie i eksport + Print or export your payments + + + + Wybór płatności (ręczny) + Manual Payment Selection + + + + Dopasuj Zamówienia-WZ-Faktury + Match Purchase Orders, Receipts, Vendor Invoices + + + + Translation Import/Export + Import or Export Language Translation + + + + Generate Shipments (manual) + Select and generate shipments + + + + SQL Process + Process SQL Statements + Process SQL DDL Statements + + + Merge Entities + Merge From Entity to To Entity - Delete From + <i>Dangerous - Please are aware of what you are doing!</i> +All instances of the From entity (e.g. Customer A) are changed to the To entity (e.g. Customer B). +The From entity (e.g. Customer A) is deleted. +<p><b>There is NO undo nor trace ! Please do a backup first</b> Please be aware that you may be changing history records (e.g. invoices, etc.) ! </p> +<p><b>Side effects:</b> Merging Products are likely to distort product costs; Merging Business Partners may result in incorrect open item balance. Check with support on remedies. +<p><b>Restrictions:</b> Accounting and Inventory conflicts are not resolved in this version. + + + + POS (Pre-Alpha) + Point Of Sales + + + + BOM Drop + Drop (expand) Bill of Materials + Drop the extended Bill of Materials into an Order, Invoice, etc. The documents need to be in a Drafted stage. Make sure that the items included in the BOM are on the price list of the Order, Invoice, etc. as otherwise the price will be zero! + + + Tree Maintenance + Maintain Trees + View and change trees. Maintain the entries in their specific Windows. + + + Workflow Editor + Edit Workflows + + + + Workflow Activities + My active workflow activities + + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/AD_Menu_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/AD_Menu_Trl_pl_PL.xml index 9550667105..5f5ea55ae7 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/AD_Menu_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/AD_Menu_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,1430 +1,1430 @@ - - - - - - - Wydruki faktur - - - - Zadania - Zarządzanie zadaniami - - - Waluty - Zarządzanie walutami - - - Kursy walut - Zarządzanie kursami walur - - - Rok i okresy obrachunkowe - Zarządzanie rokiem i okresami obrachunkowymi - - - Składowe kont księgowych - Zarządzanie elementami kont księgowych - - - Konta księgowe - Definiowanie numerów kont księgowych - - - Jendostki miary - Definicje jednostek miar - - - Lokalizacje - Definiowanie lokalizacji - - - Kraje, województwa, miasta - Definiowanie krajów województw i regionów - - - Kontrahenci - Zarządzanie kontrahentami - - - Plan kont - Definiowanie planu kont (aby zmiany stały się widoczne koniecznie jest ponowne zalogowanie) - - - Test - Ekran testowy - - - Załączniki - Załączniki - - - Ustawienia - Maintain System Client Org and User Preferences - - - Projekty - Zarządzanie projektami - - - Kategorie dokumentów księgowych - Kategorie dokumentów księgowych - - - Dziennik księgi głównej - Enter and change Manual Journal Entries - - - Działania (Metoda ABC) - Maintain Activities for Activity Based Costing - - - Typy dokumentów - Maintain Document Types - - - Podatki - Definiowanie podatków oraz stawek podatkowych - - - Kategorie podatków - Kategorie podatków - - - Magazyny i lokalizacje - Zarządzanie magazynami oraz loklalizacjami - - - Produkty - Zarządzanie produktami - - - Warunki płatności - Definiowanie warunków płatności - - - Przewoźnicy - Zarządzanie i definiowanie przewożników - - - Zamówenia obce - Wprowadzanie zamówień na nasze produkty - - - Kategorie produktów - Zarządzanie kategoriami produktów - - - Cenniki - Zarządzanie cennikami - - - Harmonogram fakturowania - Zarządzanie haromongramem wystawiania faktur okresowych - - - Kampanie marketingowe - Zarządzanie kampaniami marketingowymi - - - Budżety księgowe - Zarządzanie budżetami - - - Kanały marketingowe - Zarządzanie kanałami marketingowymi - - - Regiony sprzedaży - Zarządzanie regionami sprzedaży - - - Teksty - Zarządzanie tekstami dla pól - - - Tabele i kolumny - Maintain Tables and Columns - - - Typy danych i relacje - Zmiany systemowych typów danych - - - Okna, zakładki, pola - Zarządzanie oknami zakładakami i polami - - - Reguły poprawności danych - Zarządzanie dynamicznymi regułami poprawności danych - - - Komunikaty - Zarządzanie komunikatami i informacjami o błędach - - - Menu - Zarządzanie menu - - - Języki - Zarządzanie językami - - - Użytkownicy - Maintain Users of the system - - - Firma - Informacje o firmach zdefiniowanych w systemie - - - Jednostki organizacyjne - Zarządzanie jednostkami organizacyjnymi - - - Grupy - Zarządzanie grupami użytkowników - - - Liczniki dokumentów - Zarządzanie licznikami dokumentów - - - Workflow - Zarządanie workflow - - - Słownik aplikacji - Zarządanie słownikiem aplikacji - - - Ustawienia - - - - Ustawienia firmy - Zarządzanie ustawieniami firmy - - - Dane - Zarządzanie danymi - - - Rachunkowość - - - - Narzędzia - - - - Projekty - - - - Ustawienia - Ogólne ustawienia systemu - - - Import danych - - - - Reguły księgowania - - - - Kontrahenci - - - - Sprzedaż - - - - Ustawienia gospodarki magazynowej - - - - Księgowania - Query Accounting Facts - - - Drzewa - Maintain Tree definition - - - Banki - Maintain Bank - - - Wezwania do zapłaty ??? - Maintain Dunning Levels - - - Withholding (1099) - Maintain Withholding Certificates - - - Opłaty - Maintain Charges - - - Ustawienia jednostek organizacyjnych - - - - Raporty i procesy - Maintain Reports & Processes - - - Faktury sprzedaży - Customer Invoice Entry - - - Inwentaryzacja - Enter Physical Inventory - - - Dostawy - Customer Inventory Shipments Customer Returns - - - Przeunięcia magazynowe - Inventory Move - - - Materiały - - - - Import kontrahentów - Import kontrahentów - - - Revenue Recognition - Revenue Recognition Rules - - - Stany magazynowe - Maintain Perpetual Inventory Rules - - - Dostawcy - Maintain Vendor Details - - - Teksty przywitań - Maintain Greetings - - - Generowanie faktur - Generowanie faktur dla otwartych zamówień - - - Generowanie dostaw - Generate and print Shipments from open Orders - - - Zamówienia - Sales Order Transaction Report - - - Otwarte zamówienia - Open Order Report - - - Raport uzupełnienia zapasów - Inventory Replenish Report - - - Product Transaction Summary - Product Transaction Summary - - - Order Drilldown - - - - Request Processor - Define Request Processors - - - Report View - Maintain Report Views - - - Invoice Transactions (Acct) - Invoice Transactions by Accounting Date - - - Zaopatrzenie - - - - Material Receipt - Vendor Shipments (Receipts) - - - Zamówienia - Manage Purchase Orders - - - Faktury - Vendor Invoice Entry - - - Definicje EDI - Maintain EDI Definition - - - Transkacje EDI - - - - Dzisiejsze faktury - Raport faktur za dzień dzisiejszy - - - Faktury z tego miesiąca - Imvoice Report per Month - - - Faktury z tego miesiąca wg produktów - Imvoice Report by Product per Month - - - Faktury z tego tygodnia wg produktów - Faktury z tego tygodnia wg produktów - - - Faktury - Imvoice Report by Product Vendor per Month - - - Faktury z tego tygodnia - Imvoice Report per Week - - - Formularze - Formularze - - - Generowanie faktur (ręczne) - Select and generate invoices - - - Administracja - - - - Tworzenie projektu - Tworzenie projektu i definiowanie raportów dla niego - - - Wersja Javy - Wyświetlenie wersji wirtulanej maszyny Javy - - - Komunikaty błędów - Komunikaty błędów - - - Formaty plików importu - Definiowanie formatów importu - - - Import File Loader - Load flat Files into import tables - - - Nowy język - Setup a new Language of the system and translate elements - - - Ustawienie danych firmy - Initial Client Setup - - - Tire Storage - Maintain storage of tires - - - Wybór dostawcy - Products with more than one vendor - - - Produkcja - Production based on Bill of Materials - - - Transakcje materiałowe - Material Transactions - - - Quarterly Invoice Customer by Product - Invoice Report by Customer and Product per Quarter - - - Quarterly Invoice Customer by Vendor - Invoice Report by Customer and Product Vendor per Quarter - - - Grupy kotrahentów - Maintain Business Partner Groups - - - Komuniakty - View System Notices - - - Wyciągi bankowe - Przetwarzanie wyciągów bankowych - - - Płatności - Process Payments - - - Kasa - - - - Zapytania - Work on your requests - - - Wzory korespondencji - Maintain Mail Template - - - Własne atrybuty - Maintain custom entity attributes - - - Cashbook - Maintain Cashbook - - - Rejestr kasowy - Cash transactions - - - Kasa - Open Item List - - - Nieprzypisane płatności - Payments not reconciled with Bank Statement - - - Przypisywanie płatności - Allocate invoices and payments - - - Przypisanie płatności - Przpyisanie płatności do faktur - - - Grupa pól - Define Field Group - - - Unieważnienie przypisania płatności - Unieważnienie przypisania płatności - - - Invoice Transactions (Doc) - Invoice Transactions by Invoice Date - - - Invoice Detail - Invoice (Line) Detail Report - - - Generowanie opłat - Generate Charges from natural accounts - - - Wybór płatności - Select Invoices for Payment - - - Product Transaction Value - Product Transaction Value - - - Prowizje - Maintain Commissions and Royalties - - - Cykle projektowe - Maintain Project Cycles - - - Project Status Summary - Project Status of Project Cycle - - - Initial Client Setup Review - Review of system level setup of a new Client - - - Kontrahenci - Customer Relations and Partner Management - - - Naliczanie prowizji - Sprawdzenie i modyfikacja sposobu naliczania prowizji - - - Ustawienia księgowości - Review and change Accounting Setup - - - Business Partner Setup - Setup Business Partner Rules - - - Tworzenie cennika - Define your Price Lists and Discounts - - - Wprowadzenie produktu - Set up Products - - - Sales Setup - Setup Sales - - - Tax Setup - Setup tax calculation - - - Usługi - Service Management - - - Sprzedaż i marketing - - - - Performance Achievement - Define Performance Achievements - - - Performance Color - Color used for Performance Anaysis - - - Performance Goal - Define Performance Goals - - - Performance Measure Calculation - Define how you calculate your performance measures - - - Performance Measurement Setup - Setup your Performance Measurement - - - Rachunkowość - - - - Pomiar wydajności - Define your Performance Measures - - - Raporty finansowe - - - - Raporty finansowe - Maintain Financial Reports - - - Kolumny raportów - Maintain Financial Report Columns - - - Pozycje raportów - Maintain Financial Report Lines - - - Poziom usług - Maintain Service Levels - - - Wybór płatności (ręczny) - Manual Payment Selection - - - Payment Print/Export - Print or export your payments - - - Cash Journal Detail - Detail Cash Journal Information - - - Eksport bazy danych - Export (save) the database - - - Znajdź - Find Dialog (indircet use) - - - Material Transactions (indirect use) - Material Transactions (indirect use) - - - Formularze wydruku - Maintain Print Form (Invoices, Checks, ..) - - - Kolory aplikacji - Mainatain System Colors - - - Pulpit - Maintain Desktop - - - Obrazy systemowy - Maintain Images - - - User Window - Define User Window Customization - - - Workbench - Maintain Workbench - - - Sprzedaż - - - - Database transfer - Transfer the database - - - Synchronizacja terminologii - Synchronize the terminology within the system. - - - Receivables Write-Off - Write off open receivables - - - Resubmit Posting - Resubmit posting of documents with posting errors - - - Resetowanie ustawień księgowości - Reset Accounting Entries - - - Request all - View and work on all requests - - - Request Setup - Set up the client to process requests - - - Schemat rabatów - Maintain Trade Discount Schema - - - Inventory Valuation Report - Inventory Valuation Report - - - Matching PO-Receipt-Invoice - Match Purchase Orders, Receipts, Vendor Invoices - - - Product Cost Update - Sets future cost price and standard cost price - - - Product Costing Report - Product Cost Report - - - Dopasuj faktury - View Matched Invoices - - - Dopasuj zamówienia własne - View Matched Purchase Orders - - - Typ wydatku - Maintain Expense Report Types - - - Raport wydatków - Time and Expense Report - - - Zasoby - Maintain Resource - - - Typy zasobów - Maintain Resource Types - - - Przekompiluj obiekty w bazie danych - Recompile Database Objects - - - Format wydruku - Maintain Print Format - - - Czcionki wydruku - Czcionki wydruku - - - Kolor wydruku - Maintain Print Color - - - Formaty papieru - Dostępne formaty papieru (np. A4, B5) - - - Drukowanie - Ustawienia drukowania - - - Koszty (do zafakturowania) - View not invoiced expenses - - - Create Sales Orders from Expense - Create Sales Orders for Customers from Expense Reports - - - Create AP Expense Invoices - Create AP Invoices from Expenses to be paid to employees - - - Formatowanie wydruku tabel - Definowanie formatów wydruku tabeli - - - Typ zapytania - Maintain Request Types - - - Obszary zainteresowań - Interest Area or Topic - - - System - System Definition - - - Generowanie zamówień u dostawców z zamówień zakupu - Generowanie zamówień u dostawców z zamówień zakupu - - - Import/Export tłumaczeń - Import or Export Language Translation - - - Ponownie otwórz zapytanie - Otwarcie zamkniętego zapytania - - - Import Report Line Set - Import Report Line Sets - - - Import kont - Import Natural Account Values - - - Import produktów - Import Products - - - Tłumaczenia - Sprawdzanie tłumaczeń - - - Środki trwałe - Asset used internally or by customers - - - Grupa środków trwałych - Group of Assets - - - Szkolenia - Szkolenia okresowe - - - Środki trwałe - - - - Generowanie dostaw (manual) - Select and generate shipments - - - Drukowanie faktur - Print Invoices to paper or send PDF - - - Dostawy środków trwałych - Deliver Customer Assets electronically - - - Koszty (nie zwrócone) - View expenses and charges not reimbursed - - - Bilans - Report Account Statement Beginning Balance and Transactions - - - Wykonanie SQL - Process SQL Statements - - - Accounting Fact Balances - Query Accounting Daily Balances - - - Zestawy cech produktów - Maintain Product Attribute Set - - - Numery seryjne - Product Serial Number Control - - - Ustawienia Serii - Product Lot Control - - - Serie - Product Lot Definition - - - Cechy produktów - - - - Wyszukiwanie cech - Common Search Attribute - - - Cechy - Product Attribute - - - Expense Invoice (Alpha) - Payables expense invoices - This is Alpha Functionality - - - Dokumenty cykliczne - Dokumenty generowane okresowo - - - Role Access - Maintain Data Access Rules - - - Import Inventory - Import Inventory Transactions - - - Typy projektów - Maintain Project Type and Phase - - - Print Label - Print Label Format - - - Logowania do systemu - List of User Sessions - - - Bezpieczeństwo - - - - Dziennik zmian - Log of data changes - - - Time Type - Maintain Time Recording Type - - - Rodzaj kosztu - Maintain Cost Types - - - Reklama - Reklama na stronach WWW - - - Serwis internetowy - - - - Import wyciągów bankowych - Import Bank Statements - - - Import płatności - Import Payments - - - Wejścia na stronę - Maintain Web Click - - - Import zamównień - Import Orders - - - Harmonogram płatności za faktury - Maintain Invoice Payment Schedule - - - Import dziennika księgi głównej - Import General Ledger Journals - - - Ostrzeżenia - Adempiere Alert - - - Licznik - Web Counter - - - Freight Category - Maintain Freight Categories - - - Import faktur - Import Invoices - - - Reset cachu - Reset Cache of the System ** Close all Windows before proceeding ** - - - Wymiary księgowania - Maintain Non-Account Dimension Trees - - - Replikacja - Maintain Data Replication Targets - - - Strategia replikacji - Maintain Data Replication Strategy - - - Projetky (Order) - Maintain Sales Order Projects and Work Orders - - - Bazy wiedzy - Maintain Knowledge Base - - - Kategorie - Maintain Knoweledge Categories and Values - - - Synonimy - Knowlege Keyword Synonym - - - Źródła - Source of Knowledge Entries - - - Wiedza - - - - Update Accounting Balance - Update Daily Accounting Balances - - - Dokumenty wg kontrahentów - Document Information of Business Partners - - - Ustawienie replikacji - Setup of data replication - - - Wysłanie emaili - Send EMails to active subscribers of an Interest Area OR a Business Partner Group from a selected User - - - Połączenie obiektów - Merge From Entity to To Entity - Delete From - - - Project Cycle Report - Report Projects based on Project Cycle - - - Customer Assets - Report Customer Assets with Delivery Count - - - Szczegóły dostawy - Report Asset Deliveries Details - - - Issue to Project - Issue Material to Project from Receipt or manual Inventory Location - - - Generuj zamówenia na podstawie projektu - Generate PO from Project Line(s) - - - Project Detail Accounting Report - Accounting Fact Details of Project - - - Project Lines not Issued - Lists Project Lines of a Work Order or Asset Project, which are not issued to the Project - - - Project POs not Issued - Lists Project Lines with generated Purchase Orders of a Work Order or Asset Project, which are not issued to the Project - - - RePrice Order/Invoice - Recalculate the price based on the latest price list version of an open order or invoice - - - Quote convert - Convert open Proposal or Quotation to Order - - - Label Printer - Maintain Label Printer Definition - - - Weryfikacja typów dokumentów - Verify Document Types - - - Project Margin (Work Order) - Work Order Project Lines (planned revenue) vs. Project Issues (costs) - - - Storage Detail - Storage Detail Report - - - Szczegóły transakcji - Transaction Detail Report - - - Zaległe płatnosci - Raport zaległych płatności - - - Agent Info - Company Agent (Sales Rep) Information - - - Wejścia miesięcznie - Clicks per Month - - - Wejścia nieprzetworzone - Unprocessed Clicks - - - Dokumenty niezaksięgowane - Unposted Documents - - - Rodzaje walut - Maintain Currency Conversion Rate Types - - - Punkt sprzedaży (Pre-Alpha) - Point Of Sales - - - Business Partner Organization - Set and verify Organization ownership of Business Partners - - - Product Organization - Set and verify Organization ownership of Products - - - Warehouse Organization - Set and verify Organization ownership of Warehouse - - - Załaduj wyciąg bankowy - Load Bank Statement - - - Delete Import - Delete all data in Import Table - - - Import kursów walut - Import Currency Conversion Rates - - - BOM Drop - Drop (expand) Bill of Materials - - - Workflow Responsible - Responsible for Workflow Execution - - - Workflow Process - Monitor workflow processes - - - Workflow Activities (all) - Monitor all Workflow activities - - - Registration Attributes - Asset Registration Attributes - - - Registration - User Asset Registration - - - Rejestr podatku - Invoice Tax Reconsiliation - - - Accounting Fact Details - Accounting Fact Details Report - - - Accounting Fact Daily - Accounting Fact Details summarized by Accounting Date - - - Accounting Fact Period - Accounting Fact Details summarized by Accounting Period - - - Reopen Order - Open previously closed Order - - - Bank Statement Matcher - Algorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments - - - Payment Batch - Process Payment Patches for EFT - - - Workflow Processor - Maintain Workflow Processor and Logs - - - Accounting Processor - Maintain Accounting Processor and Logs - - - Organization Type - Maintain Organization Types - - - Auction Buyer - Maintain Auction Buyer Information - - - Auction Seller - Maintain Auction Seller Information - - - Package - Manage Shipment Packages - - - Distribution List - Maintain Distribution Lists - - - Alert Processor - Maintain Alert Processor/Server Parameter and Logs - - - Bid Topic - Topic with Bids and Offers - - - Subscription Type - Maintain Subscription Types - - - Subscription - Maintain Subscriptions and Deliveries - - - Scheduler - Maintain Schedule Processes and Logs - - - Partner Relation - Maintain Business Partner Relations - - - Temat zapytania ofertowego - Maintain RfQ Topics and Subscribers - - - Auction Topic Type - Maintain Auction Topic Type and Categories - - - Zapytania ofertowe - Manage Request for Quotations - - - Zwroty - Manage Return Material Authorization - - - Serwer - Adempiere Server Maintenance - - - Zamówienia - - - - Faktury - - - - Dostawy - - - - Aukcje internetowe - - - - Sequence Check - Check System and Document Sequences - - - Generowanie wezwań do zapłaty - - - - Zapotrzebowania - Material Requisition - - - Automatyczne przeksięgowania - General Ledger Distribution - - - Tree Maintenance - Maintain Trees - - - Odpowiedzi na zapytania ofertowe - Manage RfQ Responses - - - Odpowiedzi na zapytania ofertowe - Detail RfQ Responses - - - Zapytania ofertowe bez odpowiedzi - Outstanding RfQ Responses - - - Edytor Workflow - Edit Workflows - - - Workflow Activities - My active workflow activities - - - Otwarte zapotrzebowania - Detail Open Requisition Information - - - Distribution Run - Distribution Run create Orders to distribute products to a selected list of partners - - - UnLink Business Partner Org - UnLink Business Partner from an Organization - - - Miesieczne dostawy aktywów - Miesieczny raport dostaw aktywów - - - Dziennik dostępu - Log of Access to data or resources - - - Counter Document - Maintain Counter Document Types - - - Zapotrzebowanie - Maintain Material Demand - - - Prognozy - Maintain Material Forecast - - - Ship/Receipt Confirm - Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation - - - Typy zwrotów - Return Material Authorization Type - - - Open Confirmation Details - Open Shipment or Receipt Confirmation Details - - - Open Confirmations - Open Shipment or Receipt Confirmations - - + + + + + + + Wydruki faktur + + + + Zadania + Zarządzanie zadaniami + + + Waluty + Zarządzanie walutami + + + Kursy walut + Zarządzanie kursami walur + + + Rok i okresy obrachunkowe + Zarządzanie rokiem i okresami obrachunkowymi + + + Składowe kont księgowych + Zarządzanie elementami kont księgowych + + + Konta księgowe + Definiowanie numerów kont księgowych + + + Jendostki miary + Definicje jednostek miar + + + Lokalizacje + Definiowanie lokalizacji + + + Kraje, województwa, miasta + Definiowanie krajów województw i regionów + + + Kontrahenci + Zarządzanie kontrahentami + + + Plan kont + Definiowanie planu kont (aby zmiany stały się widoczne koniecznie jest ponowne zalogowanie) + + + Test + Ekran testowy + + + Załączniki + Załączniki + + + Ustawienia + Maintain System Client Org and User Preferences + + + Projekty + Zarządzanie projektami + + + Kategorie dokumentów księgowych + Kategorie dokumentów księgowych + + + Dziennik księgi głównej + Enter and change Manual Journal Entries + + + Działania (Metoda ABC) + Maintain Activities for Activity Based Costing + + + Typy dokumentów + Maintain Document Types + + + Podatki + Definiowanie podatków oraz stawek podatkowych + + + Kategorie podatków + Kategorie podatków + + + Magazyny i lokalizacje + Zarządzanie magazynami oraz loklalizacjami + + + Produkty + Zarządzanie produktami + + + Warunki płatności + Definiowanie warunków płatności + + + Przewoźnicy + Zarządzanie i definiowanie przewożników + + + Zamówenia obce + Wprowadzanie zamówień na nasze produkty + + + Kategorie produktów + Zarządzanie kategoriami produktów + + + Cenniki + Zarządzanie cennikami + + + Harmonogram fakturowania + Zarządzanie haromongramem wystawiania faktur okresowych + + + Kampanie marketingowe + Zarządzanie kampaniami marketingowymi + + + Budżety księgowe + Zarządzanie budżetami + + + Kanały marketingowe + Zarządzanie kanałami marketingowymi + + + Regiony sprzedaży + Zarządzanie regionami sprzedaży + + + Teksty + Zarządzanie tekstami dla pól + + + Tabele i kolumny + Maintain Tables and Columns + + + Typy danych i relacje + Zmiany systemowych typów danych + + + Okna, zakładki, pola + Zarządzanie oknami zakładakami i polami + + + Reguły poprawności danych + Zarządzanie dynamicznymi regułami poprawności danych + + + Komunikaty + Zarządzanie komunikatami i informacjami o błędach + + + Menu + Zarządzanie menu + + + Języki + Zarządzanie językami + + + Użytkownicy + Maintain Users of the system + + + Firma + Informacje o firmach zdefiniowanych w systemie + + + Jednostki organizacyjne + Zarządzanie jednostkami organizacyjnymi + + + Grupy + Zarządzanie grupami użytkowników + + + Liczniki dokumentów + Zarządzanie licznikami dokumentów + + + Workflow + Zarządanie workflow + + + Słownik aplikacji + Zarządanie słownikiem aplikacji + + + Ustawienia + + + + Ustawienia firmy + Zarządzanie ustawieniami firmy + + + Dane + Zarządzanie danymi + + + Rachunkowość + + + + Narzędzia + + + + Projekty + + + + Ustawienia + Ogólne ustawienia systemu + + + Import danych + + + + Reguły księgowania + + + + Kontrahenci + + + + Sprzedaż + + + + Ustawienia gospodarki magazynowej + + + + Księgowania + Query Accounting Facts + + + Drzewa + Maintain Tree definition + + + Banki + Maintain Bank + + + Wezwania do zapłaty ??? + Maintain Dunning Levels + + + Withholding (1099) + Maintain Withholding Certificates + + + Opłaty + Maintain Charges + + + Ustawienia jednostek organizacyjnych + + + + Raporty i procesy + Maintain Reports & Processes + + + Faktury sprzedaży + Customer Invoice Entry + + + Inwentaryzacja + Enter Physical Inventory + + + Dostawy + Customer Inventory Shipments Customer Returns + + + Przeunięcia magazynowe + Inventory Move + + + Materiały + + + + Import kontrahentów + Import kontrahentów + + + Revenue Recognition + Revenue Recognition Rules + + + Stany magazynowe + Maintain Perpetual Inventory Rules + + + Dostawcy + Maintain Vendor Details + + + Teksty przywitań + Maintain Greetings + + + Generowanie faktur + Generowanie faktur dla otwartych zamówień + + + Generowanie dostaw + Generate and print Shipments from open Orders + + + Zamówienia + Sales Order Transaction Report + + + Otwarte zamówienia + Open Order Report + + + Raport uzupełnienia zapasów + Inventory Replenish Report + + + Product Transaction Summary + Product Transaction Summary + + + Order Drilldown + + + + Request Processor + Define Request Processors + + + Report View + Maintain Report Views + + + Invoice Transactions (Acct) + Invoice Transactions by Accounting Date + + + Zaopatrzenie + + + + Material Receipt + Vendor Shipments (Receipts) + + + Zamówienia + Manage Purchase Orders + + + Faktury + Vendor Invoice Entry + + + Definicje EDI + Maintain EDI Definition + + + Transkacje EDI + + + + Dzisiejsze faktury + Raport faktur za dzień dzisiejszy + + + Faktury z tego miesiąca + Imvoice Report per Month + + + Faktury z tego miesiąca wg produktów + Imvoice Report by Product per Month + + + Faktury z tego tygodnia wg produktów + Faktury z tego tygodnia wg produktów + + + Faktury + Imvoice Report by Product Vendor per Month + + + Faktury z tego tygodnia + Imvoice Report per Week + + + Formularze + Formularze + + + Generowanie faktur (ręczne) + Select and generate invoices + + + Administracja + + + + Tworzenie projektu + Tworzenie projektu i definiowanie raportów dla niego + + + Wersja Javy + Wyświetlenie wersji wirtulanej maszyny Javy + + + Komunikaty błędów + Komunikaty błędów + + + Formaty plików importu + Definiowanie formatów importu + + + Import File Loader + Load flat Files into import tables + + + Nowy język + Setup a new Language of the system and translate elements + + + Ustawienie danych firmy + Initial Client Setup + + + Tire Storage + Maintain storage of tires + + + Wybór dostawcy + Products with more than one vendor + + + Produkcja + Production based on Bill of Materials + + + Transakcje materiałowe + Material Transactions + + + Quarterly Invoice Customer by Product + Invoice Report by Customer and Product per Quarter + + + Quarterly Invoice Customer by Vendor + Invoice Report by Customer and Product Vendor per Quarter + + + Grupy kotrahentów + Maintain Business Partner Groups + + + Komuniakty + View System Notices + + + Wyciągi bankowe + Przetwarzanie wyciągów bankowych + + + Płatności + Process Payments + + + Kasa + + + + Zapytania + Work on your requests + + + Wzory korespondencji + Maintain Mail Template + + + Własne atrybuty + Maintain custom entity attributes + + + Cashbook + Maintain Cashbook + + + Rejestr kasowy + Cash transactions + + + Kasa + Open Item List + + + Nieprzypisane płatności + Payments not reconciled with Bank Statement + + + Przypisywanie płatności + Allocate invoices and payments + + + Przypisanie płatności + Przpyisanie płatności do faktur + + + Grupa pól + Define Field Group + + + Unieważnienie przypisania płatności + Unieważnienie przypisania płatności + + + Invoice Transactions (Doc) + Invoice Transactions by Invoice Date + + + Invoice Detail + Invoice (Line) Detail Report + + + Generowanie opłat + Generate Charges from natural accounts + + + Wybór płatności + Select Invoices for Payment + + + Product Transaction Value + Product Transaction Value + + + Prowizje + Maintain Commissions and Royalties + + + Cykle projektowe + Maintain Project Cycles + + + Project Status Summary + Project Status of Project Cycle + + + Initial Client Setup Review + Review of system level setup of a new Client + + + Kontrahenci + Customer Relations and Partner Management + + + Naliczanie prowizji + Sprawdzenie i modyfikacja sposobu naliczania prowizji + + + Ustawienia księgowości + Review and change Accounting Setup + + + Business Partner Setup + Setup Business Partner Rules + + + Tworzenie cennika + Define your Price Lists and Discounts + + + Wprowadzenie produktu + Set up Products + + + Sales Setup + Setup Sales + + + Tax Setup + Setup tax calculation + + + Usługi + Service Management + + + Sprzedaż i marketing + + + + Performance Achievement + Define Performance Achievements + + + Performance Color + Color used for Performance Anaysis + + + Performance Goal + Define Performance Goals + + + Performance Measure Calculation + Define how you calculate your performance measures + + + Performance Measurement Setup + Setup your Performance Measurement + + + Rachunkowość + + + + Pomiar wydajności + Define your Performance Measures + + + Raporty finansowe + + + + Raporty finansowe + Maintain Financial Reports + + + Kolumny raportów + Maintain Financial Report Columns + + + Pozycje raportów + Maintain Financial Report Lines + + + Poziom usług + Maintain Service Levels + + + Wybór płatności (ręczny) + Manual Payment Selection + + + Payment Print/Export + Print or export your payments + + + Cash Journal Detail + Detail Cash Journal Information + + + Eksport bazy danych + Export (save) the database + + + Znajdź + Find Dialog (indircet use) + + + Material Transactions (indirect use) + Material Transactions (indirect use) + + + Formularze wydruku + Maintain Print Form (Invoices, Checks, ..) + + + Kolory aplikacji + Mainatain System Colors + + + Pulpit + Maintain Desktop + + + Obrazy systemowy + Maintain Images + + + User Window + Define User Window Customization + + + Workbench + Maintain Workbench + + + Sprzedaż + + + + Database transfer + Transfer the database + + + Synchronizacja terminologii + Synchronize the terminology within the system. + + + Receivables Write-Off + Write off open receivables + + + Resubmit Posting + Resubmit posting of documents with posting errors + + + Resetowanie ustawień księgowości + Reset Accounting Entries + + + Request all + View and work on all requests + + + Request Setup + Set up the client to process requests + + + Schemat rabatów + Maintain Trade Discount Schema + + + Inventory Valuation Report + Inventory Valuation Report + + + Matching PO-Receipt-Invoice + Match Purchase Orders, Receipts, Vendor Invoices + + + Product Cost Update + Sets future cost price and standard cost price + + + Product Costing Report + Product Cost Report + + + Dopasuj faktury + View Matched Invoices + + + Dopasuj zamówienia własne + View Matched Purchase Orders + + + Typ wydatku + Maintain Expense Report Types + + + Raport wydatków + Time and Expense Report + + + Zasoby + Maintain Resource + + + Typy zasobów + Maintain Resource Types + + + Przekompiluj obiekty w bazie danych + Recompile Database Objects + + + Format wydruku + Maintain Print Format + + + Czcionki wydruku + Czcionki wydruku + + + Kolor wydruku + Maintain Print Color + + + Formaty papieru + Dostępne formaty papieru (np. A4, B5) + + + Drukowanie + Ustawienia drukowania + + + Koszty (do zafakturowania) + View not invoiced expenses + + + Create Sales Orders from Expense + Create Sales Orders for Customers from Expense Reports + + + Create AP Expense Invoices + Create AP Invoices from Expenses to be paid to employees + + + Formatowanie wydruku tabel + Definowanie formatów wydruku tabeli + + + Typ zapytania + Maintain Request Types + + + Obszary zainteresowań + Interest Area or Topic + + + System + System Definition + + + Generowanie zamówień u dostawców z zamówień zakupu + Generowanie zamówień u dostawców z zamówień zakupu + + + Import/Export tłumaczeń + Import or Export Language Translation + + + Ponownie otwórz zapytanie + Otwarcie zamkniętego zapytania + + + Import Report Line Set + Import Report Line Sets + + + Import kont + Import Natural Account Values + + + Import produktów + Import Products + + + Tłumaczenia + Sprawdzanie tłumaczeń + + + Środki trwałe + Asset used internally or by customers + + + Grupa środków trwałych + Group of Assets + + + Szkolenia + Szkolenia okresowe + + + Środki trwałe + + + + Generowanie dostaw (manual) + Select and generate shipments + + + Drukowanie faktur + Print Invoices to paper or send PDF + + + Dostawy środków trwałych + Deliver Customer Assets electronically + + + Koszty (nie zwrócone) + View expenses and charges not reimbursed + + + Bilans + Report Account Statement Beginning Balance and Transactions + + + Wykonanie SQL + Process SQL Statements + + + Accounting Fact Balances + Query Accounting Daily Balances + + + Zestawy cech produktów + Maintain Product Attribute Set + + + Numery seryjne + Product Serial Number Control + + + Ustawienia Serii + Product Lot Control + + + Serie + Product Lot Definition + + + Cechy produktów + + + + Wyszukiwanie cech + Common Search Attribute + + + Cechy + Product Attribute + + + Expense Invoice (Alpha) + Payables expense invoices - This is Alpha Functionality + + + Dokumenty cykliczne + Dokumenty generowane okresowo + + + Role Access + Maintain Data Access Rules + + + Import Inventory + Import Inventory Transactions + + + Typy projektów + Maintain Project Type and Phase + + + Print Label + Print Label Format + + + Logowania do systemu + List of User Sessions + + + Bezpieczeństwo + + + + Dziennik zmian + Log of data changes + + + Time Type + Maintain Time Recording Type + + + Rodzaj kosztu + Maintain Cost Types + + + Reklama + Reklama na stronach WWW + + + Serwis internetowy + + + + Import wyciągów bankowych + Import Bank Statements + + + Import płatności + Import Payments + + + Wejścia na stronę + Maintain Web Click + + + Import zamównień + Import Orders + + + Harmonogram płatności za faktury + Maintain Invoice Payment Schedule + + + Import dziennika księgi głównej + Import General Ledger Journals + + + Ostrzeżenia + Adempiere Alert + + + Licznik + Web Counter + + + Freight Category + Maintain Freight Categories + + + Import faktur + Import Invoices + + + Reset cachu + Reset Cache of the System ** Close all Windows before proceeding ** + + + Wymiary księgowania + Maintain Non-Account Dimension Trees + + + Replikacja + Maintain Data Replication Targets + + + Strategia replikacji + Maintain Data Replication Strategy + + + Projetky (Order) + Maintain Sales Order Projects and Work Orders + + + Bazy wiedzy + Maintain Knowledge Base + + + Kategorie + Maintain Knoweledge Categories and Values + + + Synonimy + Knowlege Keyword Synonym + + + Źródła + Source of Knowledge Entries + + + Wiedza + + + + Update Accounting Balance + Update Daily Accounting Balances + + + Dokumenty wg kontrahentów + Document Information of Business Partners + + + Ustawienie replikacji + Setup of data replication + + + Wysłanie emaili + Send EMails to active subscribers of an Interest Area OR a Business Partner Group from a selected User + + + Połączenie obiektów + Merge From Entity to To Entity - Delete From + + + Project Cycle Report + Report Projects based on Project Cycle + + + Customer Assets + Report Customer Assets with Delivery Count + + + Szczegóły dostawy + Report Asset Deliveries Details + + + Issue to Project + Issue Material to Project from Receipt or manual Inventory Location + + + Generuj zamówenia na podstawie projektu + Generate PO from Project Line(s) + + + Project Detail Accounting Report + Accounting Fact Details of Project + + + Project Lines not Issued + Lists Project Lines of a Work Order or Asset Project, which are not issued to the Project + + + Project POs not Issued + Lists Project Lines with generated Purchase Orders of a Work Order or Asset Project, which are not issued to the Project + + + RePrice Order/Invoice + Recalculate the price based on the latest price list version of an open order or invoice + + + Quote convert + Convert open Proposal or Quotation to Order + + + Label Printer + Maintain Label Printer Definition + + + Weryfikacja typów dokumentów + Verify Document Types + + + Project Margin (Work Order) + Work Order Project Lines (planned revenue) vs. Project Issues (costs) + + + Storage Detail + Storage Detail Report + + + Szczegóły transakcji + Transaction Detail Report + + + Zaległe płatnosci + Raport zaległych płatności + + + Agent Info + Company Agent (Sales Rep) Information + + + Wejścia miesięcznie + Clicks per Month + + + Wejścia nieprzetworzone + Unprocessed Clicks + + + Dokumenty niezaksięgowane + Unposted Documents + + + Rodzaje walut + Maintain Currency Conversion Rate Types + + + Punkt sprzedaży (Pre-Alpha) + Point Of Sales + + + Business Partner Organization + Set and verify Organization ownership of Business Partners + + + Product Organization + Set and verify Organization ownership of Products + + + Warehouse Organization + Set and verify Organization ownership of Warehouse + + + Załaduj wyciąg bankowy + Load Bank Statement + + + Delete Import + Delete all data in Import Table + + + Import kursów walut + Import Currency Conversion Rates + + + BOM Drop + Drop (expand) Bill of Materials + + + Workflow Responsible + Responsible for Workflow Execution + + + Workflow Process + Monitor workflow processes + + + Workflow Activities (all) + Monitor all Workflow activities + + + Registration Attributes + Asset Registration Attributes + + + Registration + User Asset Registration + + + Rejestr podatku + Invoice Tax Reconsiliation + + + Accounting Fact Details + Accounting Fact Details Report + + + Accounting Fact Daily + Accounting Fact Details summarized by Accounting Date + + + Accounting Fact Period + Accounting Fact Details summarized by Accounting Period + + + Reopen Order + Open previously closed Order + + + Bank Statement Matcher + Algorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments + + + Payment Batch + Process Payment Patches for EFT + + + Workflow Processor + Maintain Workflow Processor and Logs + + + Accounting Processor + Maintain Accounting Processor and Logs + + + Organization Type + Maintain Organization Types + + + Auction Buyer + Maintain Auction Buyer Information + + + Auction Seller + Maintain Auction Seller Information + + + Package + Manage Shipment Packages + + + Distribution List + Maintain Distribution Lists + + + Alert Processor + Maintain Alert Processor/Server Parameter and Logs + + + Bid Topic + Topic with Bids and Offers + + + Subscription Type + Maintain Subscription Types + + + Subscription + Maintain Subscriptions and Deliveries + + + Scheduler + Maintain Schedule Processes and Logs + + + Partner Relation + Maintain Business Partner Relations + + + Temat zapytania ofertowego + Maintain RfQ Topics and Subscribers + + + Auction Topic Type + Maintain Auction Topic Type and Categories + + + Zapytania ofertowe + Manage Request for Quotations + + + Zwroty + Manage Return Material Authorization + + + Serwer + Adempiere Server Maintenance + + + Zamówienia + + + + Faktury + + + + Dostawy + + + + Aukcje internetowe + + + + Sequence Check + Check System and Document Sequences + + + Generowanie wezwań do zapłaty + + + + Zapotrzebowania + Material Requisition + + + Automatyczne przeksięgowania + General Ledger Distribution + + + Tree Maintenance + Maintain Trees + + + Odpowiedzi na zapytania ofertowe + Manage RfQ Responses + + + Odpowiedzi na zapytania ofertowe + Detail RfQ Responses + + + Zapytania ofertowe bez odpowiedzi + Outstanding RfQ Responses + + + Edytor Workflow + Edit Workflows + + + Workflow Activities + My active workflow activities + + + Otwarte zapotrzebowania + Detail Open Requisition Information + + + Distribution Run + Distribution Run create Orders to distribute products to a selected list of partners + + + UnLink Business Partner Org + UnLink Business Partner from an Organization + + + Miesieczne dostawy aktywów + Miesieczny raport dostaw aktywów + + + Dziennik dostępu + Log of Access to data or resources + + + Counter Document + Maintain Counter Document Types + + + Zapotrzebowanie + Maintain Material Demand + + + Prognozy + Maintain Material Forecast + + + Ship/Receipt Confirm + Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation + + + Typy zwrotów + Return Material Authorization Type + + + Open Confirmation Details + Open Shipment or Receipt Confirmation Details + + + Open Confirmations + Open Shipment or Receipt Confirmations + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/AD_Message_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/AD_Message_Trl_pl_PL.xml index a60b7361f0..c6307576e3 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/AD_Message_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/AD_Message_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,2644 +1,2644 @@ - - - - - - - zero - - - - jeden - - - - dwa - - - - trzy - - - - cztery - - - - pięć - - - - sześć - - - - siedem - - - - osiem - - - - dziewięć - - - - O - - - - Dostęp - - - - Nie możesz zmienić pozycji (rekordu) - Nie masz uprawnień - - - Nie możesz skasować tej pozycji (rekordu) - Nie masz uprawnień - - - Nie możesz wstawić nowej pozycji (rekordu) - Nie masz uprawnień - - - Nie możesz uaktualnić pozycji (rekordu) - Nie masz uprawnień - - - Informacje o firmie i oddziałach - - - - Nie możesz usunąć tej pozycji gdyż te dane przechowywane są do celów audytowych - Aby usunąć pozycję wyłącz ustawienie "Aktywny" - - - Dane jedn. organizacyjnej - - - - Wspólne dane - - - - Dane systemowe - - - - System & Client Data - - - - Nie możesz zmienić tej pozycji z Twoimi aktualnymi uprawnieniami - Nie masz uprawnień - - - With your current role, you cannot view this information - - - - © Jorg Janke - ComPiere, Inc. 1999-2002. Polska wersja Jotel sp. j. - http://www.adempiere.org http://www.jotel.com.pl - - - 40 Old Tannery Rd Monroe CT 06460 USA - Phone (203) 445-8182 - - - Accorto Online - - - - Konto - - - - Utwórz nowe konto lub zmień alias - - - - Konto nie zmienione - - - - Przeglądanie kont - - - - Akcja nie jest dozwolona w tym kontekście - - - - Akcja nie jest wspierana - - - - Adres - - - - Zawansowane - - - - Alias - - - - Wszystkie pozycje - - - - Preferuj wybieranie pasujących par faktura-zapłata i przetwarzaj je za każdym razem. - - - - Pozycja nie może zostać zmieniona - - - - Kwota - - - - Kwota winna - - - - Kwota zapłacona - - - - Kwota od - - - - Kwota do - - - - Aplikacja - - - - Zastosowano - - - - Pierwsza pozycja (rekord) - - - - Ostania pozycja (rekord) - - - - Załącznik - - - - Czy chcesz skasować ten załącznik? - - - - Wybierz plik, który chcesz załączyć - - - - Nie znaleziono załącznika - - - - Nie można dodać załącznika - Attachments require a single key and this entity is probably an Association (with two keys) or an entity without an unique numeric key. - - - Automatyczna kalkulacja - - - - Automatyczne zatwierdzanie transakcji - Automatyczne zpiasywanie danych - - - Automatyczne logowanie - Zaloguj automatycznie bieżącego użytkownika, przy następnym uruchomieniu - - - Dostępne wybory - - - - Nie znaleziono kontrahenta - - - - Kontrahent nie zapisany - - - - Dodaj jako skrót - - - - Wykres słupkowy - - - - Usuń skrót - - - - Kontrahent - - - - Kalkulator - - - - Kalendarz - - - - Kasuj - - - - Kasuj zapytanie - - - - Nie można zmienić typu dokumentu - - - - Nie możesz zmienić tej pozycji. Możliwe jest jedynie jego ukrycie - - - - Nie można skasować przetworzonych transakcji - - - - Change of the default CashBook ignored. -Please change CashBook only after completion of transaction - - - - Opłata utworzona - - - - Generuj opłaty - - - - Generuj opłaty - - - - Create Account and Charge - - - - Opłata NIE została zapisana - - - - Miasto - - - - Firma - - - - Shared Services - - - - Zamknij okno - - - - Kombinacja - - - - Połącznie - - - - Kontakt - - - - Control Amount differs from Balance - - - - Błąd przy próbie wykonania przeliczenia kursu waluty - - - - Skonwertowane - - - - Skopiowane - - - - Kopiuj rekord - - - - Update copied record and save or ignore - - - - Nie można skopiować: - - - - Kraj - - - - Utwórz - - - - Utwórz nowy zapis - - - - Utworzny - - - - Okres ważności karty kredytowej musi być podany w formacie RRMM - - - - Niepoprawny miesiąc ważności karty kredytowej - - - - Niepoprawny rok ważności karty kredytowej - - - - Karta kredytowa wygasła - - - - Numer karty kredytowej nieprawidłowy - - - - Numer karty kredytowej wydaje sie być niepoprawny. Kontynuwać mimo to ? - - - - - Niepoprawny numer PIN karty kredytowej - You find the four digit validation number printed on AMEX right above the credit card number. On other cards it is a three digit number printed on the signature field after the credit card number. - - - Uwaga: Przekroczono limit kredytu - - - - Przelicznie walut - - - - Obecne ustawienia - - - - Dostosuj - - - - Błąd bazy danych - - - - Data refreshed from database - - - - Baza danych - - - - Data - - - - Data od - - - - Data do - - - - Poziom debugowania - - - - Domyślny błąd - - - - Usuń pozycję - - - - Nie można usunąć pozycji: - - - - Zaspis nie może być skasowany -istnieją zapisy zależne (podrzędne) - - - - Czny na pewno chcesz usunąć ten zapis - - - - Skasowane - - - - Opis - - - - Rekord podrzędny - - - - Rożnica - - - - Trade Discount - - - - Discount Date - - - - Category Discount invalid (above or below 100) - - - - Display Document Info - - - - Display Quantity - - - - Display Source Info - - - - Dokument jest przetwarzany - - - - Kopiuj - - - - Drill - - - - EFT - - - - EMail - - - - EMail to Support - - - - Edycja - - - - Edytor - - - - Zamknij okno - - - - Wprowadź zapytanie - - - - Wprowadź szukany tekst - - - - Środowisko - - - - Błąd: - - - - Wykonaj zapytanie - - - - Wyjście z programu - - - - Czy jesteś pewny, że chcesz wyjśc z porogramu ? - - - - Rozwiń wszystko - - - - Rozwiń drzewo - - - - Wydatek - - - - Ważne do (MMRR) - - - - Eksportuj zapisy - - - - Eksportuj do Excela - - - - Eksportuj zapisy - - - - Proces nie powiódł się : - - - - Pole - - - - &Plik - - - - Plik Excel CSV - - - - Nie można utworzyć pliku - - - - Plik HTML - - - - Impoerter plików - - - - <Plik importu> - - - - Wybierz plik importu - - - - Brak formatu importu - - - - Plik wiersze/zaimportowane: - - - - Złe rozszerzenie plliku - - - - Plik Acrobat PDF - - - - Plik Postscript PS - - - - Plik RTF - - - - Plik tekstowy - - - - Błąd w czasie zapisu - - - - Plik XML - - - - Wypełnij obowiązkowe pola: - - - - Znajdź zapis - - - - Dostępne kolumny - - - - Wybierz kolumny i posortuj - - - - Wybrane kolumny - - - - Dostosuj polecenie Znajdź - - - - Wybierz wiersz lub wpisz kryteruim - - - - Wprowadź kryteria zapytania (% oznacza dowlny ciąg znaków) - - - - Brak danych - - - - Pierwszy zapis - - - - Pierwsza strona - - - - Od - - - - Nie można znaleźć funkcji typu callout - - - - Błąd funkcji typu callout - - - - Wygeneruj - - - - &Idź - - - - Idź do strony - - - - Column for Name (X-Axis) - - - - Przywitanie - - - - Podsumowanie - - - - Grupuj wg - - - - Nagłówek - - - - &Pomoc - - - - Rekordy histroyczne - - - - Menu - - - - Serwer - - - - Cofnij zmiany - - - - Nie można cofnąć zmian: - - - - Zmiany cofnięte - - - - Info - - - - Księgowość - - - - Kontrahenci - - - - Dostawy - - - - Faktury - - - - Zamówienia - - - - Płatności - - - - Produkty - - - - Wstawiony - - - - Generuj faktury (ręcznie) - - - - Generowanie faktur - - - - Faktury generowane są w zalezności od ustawienia "Zasady fakturowania" w zamówieniu - - - - Wybierz dostawy do wygenerowania faktur - - - - One or more Product is more than once in the count list. Lines deactivated. - - - - Faktura - - - - Receipt (Shipment) already exists for this invoive - - - - Dokument musi być najpierw przetworzony - - - - Wstaw pozycje tutaj - - - - Przesuń pozycję - - - - Ostatni rekord - - - - Ostatnia strona - - - - Długość - - - - Poziom - - - - Ładuj - - - - Ładowanie… - - - - Położenie/Adres - - - - Wprowadź nowe położenie/adres - - - - Zmień położenie/adres - - - - Logowanie - - - - Zalogowany - - - - Margines - - - - Dopasuj od - - - - Tryb szukania - - - - Dopasuj do - - - - Dopasowane - - - - Dopasowuje - - - - Menu - - - - Idź do menu - - - - Menu nie może zostać załadowane: - - - - Wiadomość nie została wysłana. Problem: - - - - Wiadomość wysłana - - - - Wiadmości - - - - Przełącznie tabela/forma - - - - Wielowalutowość - - - - Nie - - - - Nazwa - - - - Nawigacja - - - - Nawigacja lub uaktualnienie rekordu - - - - <Zapytanie aktywne> Idź do innego lub zapisz rekord - - - - Nowa pozycja(rekord) - - - - Wprowadź dane i zapisz lub cofnij - - - - Nie można dodać nowego zapisu - - - - Nowa wartość - - - - Następny zapis - - - - Następna strona - - - - Nie udało się pobrać następnej wartości licznika - Skontaktuj się z administratorm - - - Nie - - - - Komunikat nie znaleziony - - - - Liczba pozycji - - - - Liczba płatności - - - - Nie znaleziono rekordów. Wprowadź nowy rekord - - - - Nie znaleziono prawidłowych infromacji księgowych - - - - NIE aktywne - - - - Brak na składzie: - - - - * Nie znaleziono * - - - - Nie pasuje - - - - Nie unikalne: - - - - Ilość wierszy x ilość kolumn - - - - OK - - - - Pokaż stare/zatwierdzone transakcje - - - - Stara wartość - - - - Online - - - - Tylko klienci - - - - Tylko zaległe faktury - - - - Tylko dostawcy - - - - Otwórz - - - - Otwórz - - - - Opcje - - - - Kolejność wg - - - - {0} pozycji - {1,number,#,##0.00} - Razem: {2,number,#,##0.00} {3} - - - - Dział - - - - Inny użytkownik zmienia ten rekord, spróbuj poźniej - - - - Strona - - - - Koniec strony - - - - Strona {P} z {N} - - - - Dwie strony - - - - Cała strona - - - - Szerokość strony - - - - Parametry - - - - Błąd: Brak parametru - - - - Rekord nadrzędny - - - - Hasło - - - - Płatność - - - - Payment Allocation - - - - Numer konta bankowego jest niepoprawny - - - - Numer czeku nie jest prawidłowy - - - - Bank Routing Number nie jest prawidłowy - - - - Wprowadź płatność po zakończeniu transakcji - - - - Utworzone płatności: - - - - Upust płatności - - - - W czasie przetwarzania płatności wystąpił błąd: - - - - Brak procesora przelewów dla tego typu - Utwórz Procesor przelewów dla banku - - - Wykonanie płatności nie udało się - - - - Płatność przetworzona - - - - Kwota wynosi zero. Wprowadź płatność po zakończeniu transakcji - - - - Następny okres kalendarzowy nie został znaleziony - Ustaw przyszły okres kalendarzowy - - - Okres kalendarzowy nie został znaleziony - Sprawdź ustawienia Kalendarza i planu kont oraz przydzielenie ich do Firmy oraz jedn. org. - - - Brak ważnego okresu dla tej daty księgowania. - Sprawdź ustawienia okresów. - - - Wykres kołowy - - - - Dokument musi być zakończony lub zamknięty, aby zobaczyć jego księgowanie. - - - - Zaksięgować ? - - - - Wysyłanie:Błąd serwera - - - - Kod pocztowy - - - - Kod+4 - - - - Błąd przy próbie księgowania - - - - Błąd przy próbie księgowania - - - - Błąd księgowania: Source Not Balanced - - - - Błąd księgowania: Nie można przeliczyć kursu waluty - Proszę zdefiniować kurs waluty źródłowej w stosunku do docelowej - - - Błąd księgowania: Złe konto - Konot nie jest już aktywne. Proszę uaktywnić konto lub wybrać inne - - - Bład księgowania : okres zamknięty - Otwórz okres lub zmień datę księgowania - - - Ustawienia - - - - Ustawienia - - - - Poprzedni zapis - - - - Poprzednia strona - - - - Historia cen - - - - Wersja cennika - - - - Brak poprawnego aktywnego cennika - - - - Drukuj - - - - Dostosuj raport - - - - Defined [Displayed] - - - - Drukuj faktury - - - - Drukuj tylko ostatnie faktury ? - - - - Zapisz ekran - - - - Ustawienia strony - - - - Drukuj dostawy - - - - Wydrukowane - - - - Drukarka - - - - Drukowanie - - - - Czy wydruk jest prawidłowy ? - - - - Wykonaj - - - - Wykoanie przerwano - - - - Proces nie powiódł się - - - - Nie można uruchomić porcesu - Brak nazwy procedury - - - - Proces zakończony poprawnie - - - - Wystąpił bład w czasie wykonywania procesu - - - - Błąd: - - - - Informacja: - - - - Ostrzeżenie: - - - - Proces nie powiódł się - - - - Przetwarzanie ... Proszę czekać … - - - - Dostępne - - - - Ilość - - - - Wprowadź zapytanie - - - - Przerwij zapytanie - - - - Wprowadź zapytanie - - - - Wprowadź kryteria - - - - Wykonaj zapytanie - - - - użyj w zapytaniu - - - - Brak zapisów spełniających te warunki. Czy chcesz zmienić warunki zapyania ? - - - - Zapis jest tylko do odczytu - - - - Wyślij znowu - - - - Zaksieguj poownie dokument tworząc zapisy księgowe na nowo - - - - Pozycja - - - - Wystąpił problem z dostępem do pozycji (rekordu): - - - - Pozycja znaleziona - - - - Zapisane - - - - Zapisy - - - - Odśwież - - - - Odśwież wszystko - - - - Nie można odświeżyć danych: - - - - Dane odświeżone - - - - Odswieżanie danych … - - - - Województwo/Region - - - - Pozostało - - - - doradzenie wpłaty - - - - Raport - - - - Znajdź raport - - - - Zapisz jako plik PDF, CSV, HTML lub TXT - - - - Raporty - - - - Nie można wysłać emaila - - - - EMail od {0} to {1} - - - - Nie można wysłać maila: -Brak nadawcy - - - - Nie można wysałać maila: -Nie zdefinoiwano serawera pocztowego SMTP - - - - Nie można wysłać maila: -Brak adresata - sprawdź kontakt - - - - EMail wysłany - - - - Zapytanie {0} przenisione z {1} do {2} - - - - Uwaga: Zapytanie {0} przeterminowane - - - - Escalate: Zapytanie {0} - - - - Wprawadź potrzebną informację: - - - - Obroty - - - - Skorygowano dokumnetem - - - - Niespójna informacje roli z firmą - - - - Dostępny kredyt - - - - Prosukt został zarezerowany lub już sprzedany. Ustaw ilość na zero. -Szczegóły: - - - - Entry in a key field was not unique - a record with that value already exists. - -Details: - - - - The record is referenced by other records. - -Details: - - - - Ten sam kontrahent - - - - ten sam produkt - - - - ta sama ilość - - - - Zapis zmiany - - - - Czy chcesz zapisać zmiany ? - - - - Zapisz informacje jako Cookie - - - - Nie można zapisac zmian: - - - - Could not save changes - data was changed after query. - System will requery record. - - - Could not save record - Require unique data: - Please change information. - - - Nie zapisane: Rekord nie zapisany - - - - nie zapisane - - - - Nie można zapisać rekordu: - - - - Zapisane - - - - Schemat - - - - Skrypt - - - - Edytor skryptów - - - - Błąd w skrypcie - - - - Pomoc do skryptów - - - - Rezultat - - - - Result Variable - - - - Dostępne zmienne - - - - Search records - - - - Kryterium wyszukiwania - - - - Could not locate record: - - - - Fuzzy Search - - - - Szukaj podobnie brzmiacych nazw - - - - Nic nie można znaleźć - - - - Wybierz zapis i wróć - - - - Query Error - probably wrong criteria entered - - - - Rows found - Enter query citeria (optionally with %) - - - - Wybierz - - - - Dostępne opcje - - - - Wybierz dokument - - - - Wybierz plik - - - - Search and select an entry - - - - Wybeirz pozycje menu - - - - Wybierz program - - - - Select Colums for Select Window - - - - Move colums wanted into the Selected box and sequence their order - - - - Wybrane opcje - - - - Wybrany - - - - Wyślij emaila - - - - Wyślij emaila - - - - Licznik - - - - Nie można znaleźć licznika dokumentów: - Sprawdź definicje dokumentu i zasady numerowania - - - Could not find next Table ID sequence - Check with your System Administrator - - - Nie można znaleźć licznika dla : - - - - Utwórz obiekty na serwerze - Create comples objects on application server (slow communication lines) - - - Document must be completed first - - - - Pokaż zakładki księgowe - Pokaż zakładki księgowe - - - Pokaż zakładki tłuamczeń - Pokaż zakładki tłuamczeń - - - Wyświetlenie pojedyńczego zapisu (rekordu) - - - - Sortuj wg - - - - Posortowane - - - - Standard - - - - Start - - - - Czy chcesz rozpocząć proces ? - - - - Uruchom wybrany raport - - - - Start Reports - - - - Start Search ... - - - - Temat - - - - Zadanie wykonane - - - - Suma - - - - System - - - - Zakładka - - - - Nie można wykonać zadania: - - - - Zadania - - - - Criteria for Tax not found - - - - Nie można znaleźć podatku - - - - Test - - - - Przekroczno limit czasu Timeout - Try to check results later - - - - Do - - - - Dzisiaj - - - - &Narzędzia - - - - Razem - - - - Trs - - - - Wygląd okienek - Windows - Metal - Adempiere - - - Under Limit Price - - - - Uaktualnij - - - - Update data for copied record and save or ignore - - - - Uaktualniono - - - - Użytkownik - - - - Interfejs użytkownika - - - - User defined message - - - - Niespójność hasła i użytkownika - - - - Drukowanie i eksport płatności - - - - For some payments, there were not enough rooms for all remittance lines. -Do you want to print separate Remittance advice ? - - - - No Bank Account Documents (Checks) for this Bank Account and Payment Rule. - - - - Brak płatności do drukowania lub eksportu - - - - Do you want to print Remittance Advice ? - - - - Generate EFT Payments - - - - Is the payment print correct ? - - - - Payment selection (manual) - - - - Generate Payments from Payment Selection? - - - - No Bank Account with Document (e.g. Check) - - - - Print/export generated Payments? - - - - Początkowe ustawienia firmy - - - - Informacja o transakcjach materiałowych - - - - Klucz - - - - Value Preference - - - - Preference Value deleted - - - - Preference Value set - - - - Preference Value NOT found - - - - Preference Value NOT set - - - - Dla poziomu - - - - &View - - - - Graf - - - - Enter Selection and Display criteria and start Query - - - - Wprowadź zapytanie - - - - Zobacz wynik - - - - Nie można uruchomić Kreatora - Błedna definicja - - - - Wyjdź - - - - Następny krok - - - - Poprzedni krok - - - - Wróć do początku - - - - Please upgrade your Browser, if dependent field selections remain emptz after change of Role. - - - - Database currently not available - - - - Waiting for Payment (if required you can close the order) - - - - Magazyn - - - - Record Info - - - - Okno - - - - Write-off - - - - Tak - - - - Tak - - - - Powiększ - - - - Powiekszenie - - - - of - - - - Drukować tylko najnowsze dostawy ? -(No: print all shipments of order) - - - - Zasób przypisany - - - - {0} pozycji(s) - Razem: {1,number,#,##0.00} {2} - - - - Tydzień - - - - Dzień - - - - Miesiąc - - - - Zasoby - - - - Zasób jest niedostępny lub nieaktywny - - - - Zasób jest niedostępny - - - - Dzień wolny - - - - Czas niedostępny - - - - Dzień niedostępny - - - - Schedule Info - - - - Poziomo - - - - Pionowo - - - - Nie znaleziono przelicznika pomiędzy walutami - - - - Operator - - - - Query Value - - - - To Query Value - - - - Błąd walidacji - - - - Wiersze - - - - Kolumny - - - - Brak zdefinowanych formatów wydruku dla dokumnetu - - - - Tłumacz format wydruku - If you do not have Multi-Lingual Document enabled, you can translate a Report here. - - - Tłumacz - - - - Nowy report - - - - Średnia - - - - Ilość - - - - Zrzut ekranu - - - - Błędna wersja bazy danych - The program assumes Database version {0}, but Database has Version {1}. -This is likely to cause hard to fix errors. -Please stop and migrate the database immediately. - - - Zawsze pokaż Podgląd - Pokaż najpierw Podgląd dokumnetu - - - Wszystkie - - - - Rok - - - - Jak dawne? - View history records back in time. - - - To be matched - - - - Zapisz hasło - Store Password for fast Login (security risk) - - - Cash Journal Info - - - - Informacja o zasobie - - - - Absolute Amount - - - - Import - - - - Błedy - - - - Zakupy - - - - No Application Server found - - - - Optional - - - - Load Accounting Values - Format: Accounting__.csv - - - No Exempt Tax found (define tax exempt tax rate) - - - - Brak połączenia z bazą danych - - - - Generowanie dostaw - - - - Wybierz zamówienia, z których zostana wygenerowane dostawy - - - - Shipments are generated depending on the "Delivery Rule" selection in the Order - - - - Dostawa - - - - Wsyłane - - - - Musisz zaostrzyć kryteria wyszukiwania. - - - - Balans otwarcia - - - - Invalid Arguments - Check Parameters - - - - Change cannot be selected, if there is an existing Product selection (either-or). A charge needs to have it's own line. - - - - Payment Document Type and Invoice type (AP/AR) inconsistent. - - - - (Re) Select Invoice - - - - Płatność online się nie udała - - - - Load Error - - - - Merge From (deleted) - - - - Merge To (surviving) - - - - Merge From entity to To entity ? -** NO Undo nor Trace -- You need to have a Backup ** - - - - Merge Success - - - - Merge Error - Please review: - - - - Błąd przy inicjacji języka - Sprawdź ustawienia języka - - - No Product Attribute Set defined - - - - No Product Attribute Information - - - - No Products with Attributes to select - - - - Context - - - - Asset Info - - - - Reset - - - - Product Attributes - - - - Product Attribute Instance - - - - Instrukcja SQL - - - - Private Record Lock - - - - Product Attribute Info - - - - You cannot create Reports for this Information. - You don't have the privileges - - - You cannot export this Information. - You don't have the privileges - - - Dane firmy - - - - Record Access Dialog - - - - Role Info - - - - Include - - - - Exclude - - - - Dictionary Maintenance - Only for internal Adempiere Dictionary Maintenence - DO NOT SELECT - - - Nie przetłumaczone - - - - Wybierz istniejącą pozycję - - - - Nowy wpis - - - - Edytuj wpis - - - - Pokaż wszystkie - - - - Document has Lines without MANDATORY Product Attribute Set Instance - complete first - - - - Wybierz istniejący wpis - - - - Rozmiar - - - - Pogrubienie - - - - Italic - - - - Podkreślenie - - - - Rodzaj czcionki - - - - Styl - - - - Do lewej - - - - Centruj - - - - Do prawej - - - - Align - - - - Czcionka - - - - System Not Setup for Replication (see log) - - - - Znaczy - - - - Minimum - - - - Wartość maksymalna - - - - Variance - - - - Std.Deviation - - - - Running Total - - - - Wybierz produkt - - - - Pamięć {0,number,integer} kB - Wolne {1,number,integer} kB - - - - ssv - Plik oddzielany średnikiem - - - - Zapisz załącznik na dysk - - - - Czy chcesz skasować załącznik ? - - - - jpg - Plik JPEG - - - - Download {0} for {1} - -Version = {2} - Lot = {3} - SerNo = {4} -Guarantee Date = {5,date,short} - -Thank you for using Adempiere Customer Asset Management - - - - - You are writing off a significant percentage of the open amount. - Deselect Automatic Write-off to manually enter the write-off amount - - - Answer - - - - Forward - - - - You have no Activities - - - - Your Workflow Activities - - - - Workflow Result - - - - Cannot Forward - - - - Active Workflow for this Record exists (complete first): - - - - Period Closed - - - - Active Workflows - - - - No Zoom Target for this Table - - - - Zoom Across (where used) - - - - Zamówienie - - - - Counter Document - - - - Ustaw rozmiar okna - - - - Ustaw rozmiar okna dla wszystkich użytkowników - - - - - Account used is Document Controlled - Do not use for manual Journals. - - - + + + + + + + zero + + + + jeden + + + + dwa + + + + trzy + + + + cztery + + + + pięć + + + + sześć + + + + siedem + + + + osiem + + + + dziewięć + + + + O + + + + Dostęp + + + + Nie możesz zmienić pozycji (rekordu) + Nie masz uprawnień + + + Nie możesz skasować tej pozycji (rekordu) + Nie masz uprawnień + + + Nie możesz wstawić nowej pozycji (rekordu) + Nie masz uprawnień + + + Nie możesz uaktualnić pozycji (rekordu) + Nie masz uprawnień + + + Informacje o firmie i oddziałach + + + + Nie możesz usunąć tej pozycji gdyż te dane przechowywane są do celów audytowych + Aby usunąć pozycję wyłącz ustawienie "Aktywny" + + + Dane jedn. organizacyjnej + + + + Wspólne dane + + + + Dane systemowe + + + + System & Client Data + + + + Nie możesz zmienić tej pozycji z Twoimi aktualnymi uprawnieniami + Nie masz uprawnień + + + With your current role, you cannot view this information + + + + © Jorg Janke - ComPiere, Inc. 1999-2002. Polska wersja Jotel sp. j. + http://www.adempiere.org http://www.jotel.com.pl + + + 40 Old Tannery Rd Monroe CT 06460 USA + Phone (203) 445-8182 + + + Accorto Online + + + + Konto + + + + Utwórz nowe konto lub zmień alias + + + + Konto nie zmienione + + + + Przeglądanie kont + + + + Akcja nie jest dozwolona w tym kontekście + + + + Akcja nie jest wspierana + + + + Adres + + + + Zawansowane + + + + Alias + + + + Wszystkie pozycje + + + + Preferuj wybieranie pasujących par faktura-zapłata i przetwarzaj je za każdym razem. + + + + Pozycja nie może zostać zmieniona + + + + Kwota + + + + Kwota winna + + + + Kwota zapłacona + + + + Kwota od + + + + Kwota do + + + + Aplikacja + + + + Zastosowano + + + + Pierwsza pozycja (rekord) + + + + Ostania pozycja (rekord) + + + + Załącznik + + + + Czy chcesz skasować ten załącznik? + + + + Wybierz plik, który chcesz załączyć + + + + Nie znaleziono załącznika + + + + Nie można dodać załącznika + Attachments require a single key and this entity is probably an Association (with two keys) or an entity without an unique numeric key. + + + Automatyczna kalkulacja + + + + Automatyczne zatwierdzanie transakcji + Automatyczne zpiasywanie danych + + + Automatyczne logowanie + Zaloguj automatycznie bieżącego użytkownika, przy następnym uruchomieniu + + + Dostępne wybory + + + + Nie znaleziono kontrahenta + + + + Kontrahent nie zapisany + + + + Dodaj jako skrót + + + + Wykres słupkowy + + + + Usuń skrót + + + + Kontrahent + + + + Kalkulator + + + + Kalendarz + + + + Kasuj + + + + Kasuj zapytanie + + + + Nie można zmienić typu dokumentu + + + + Nie możesz zmienić tej pozycji. Możliwe jest jedynie jego ukrycie + + + + Nie można skasować przetworzonych transakcji + + + + Change of the default CashBook ignored. +Please change CashBook only after completion of transaction + + + + Opłata utworzona + + + + Generuj opłaty + + + + Generuj opłaty + + + + Create Account and Charge + + + + Opłata NIE została zapisana + + + + Miasto + + + + Firma + + + + Shared Services + + + + Zamknij okno + + + + Kombinacja + + + + Połącznie + + + + Kontakt + + + + Control Amount differs from Balance + + + + Błąd przy próbie wykonania przeliczenia kursu waluty + + + + Skonwertowane + + + + Skopiowane + + + + Kopiuj rekord + + + + Update copied record and save or ignore + + + + Nie można skopiować: + + + + Kraj + + + + Utwórz + + + + Utwórz nowy zapis + + + + Utworzny + + + + Okres ważności karty kredytowej musi być podany w formacie RRMM + + + + Niepoprawny miesiąc ważności karty kredytowej + + + + Niepoprawny rok ważności karty kredytowej + + + + Karta kredytowa wygasła + + + + Numer karty kredytowej nieprawidłowy + + + + Numer karty kredytowej wydaje sie być niepoprawny. Kontynuwać mimo to ? + + + + + Niepoprawny numer PIN karty kredytowej + You find the four digit validation number printed on AMEX right above the credit card number. On other cards it is a three digit number printed on the signature field after the credit card number. + + + Uwaga: Przekroczono limit kredytu + + + + Przelicznie walut + + + + Obecne ustawienia + + + + Dostosuj + + + + Błąd bazy danych + + + + Data refreshed from database + + + + Baza danych + + + + Data + + + + Data od + + + + Data do + + + + Poziom debugowania + + + + Domyślny błąd + + + + Usuń pozycję + + + + Nie można usunąć pozycji: + + + + Zaspis nie może być skasowany -istnieją zapisy zależne (podrzędne) + + + + Czny na pewno chcesz usunąć ten zapis + + + + Skasowane + + + + Opis + + + + Rekord podrzędny + + + + Rożnica + + + + Trade Discount + + + + Discount Date + + + + Category Discount invalid (above or below 100) + + + + Display Document Info + + + + Display Quantity + + + + Display Source Info + + + + Dokument jest przetwarzany + + + + Kopiuj + + + + Drill + + + + EFT + + + + EMail + + + + EMail to Support + + + + Edycja + + + + Edytor + + + + Zamknij okno + + + + Wprowadź zapytanie + + + + Wprowadź szukany tekst + + + + Środowisko + + + + Błąd: + + + + Wykonaj zapytanie + + + + Wyjście z programu + + + + Czy jesteś pewny, że chcesz wyjśc z porogramu ? + + + + Rozwiń wszystko + + + + Rozwiń drzewo + + + + Wydatek + + + + Ważne do (MMRR) + + + + Eksportuj zapisy + + + + Eksportuj do Excela + + + + Eksportuj zapisy + + + + Proces nie powiódł się : + + + + Pole + + + + &Plik + + + + Plik Excel CSV + + + + Nie można utworzyć pliku + + + + Plik HTML + + + + Impoerter plików + + + + <Plik importu> + + + + Wybierz plik importu + + + + Brak formatu importu + + + + Plik wiersze/zaimportowane: + + + + Złe rozszerzenie plliku + + + + Plik Acrobat PDF + + + + Plik Postscript PS + + + + Plik RTF + + + + Plik tekstowy + + + + Błąd w czasie zapisu + + + + Plik XML + + + + Wypełnij obowiązkowe pola: + + + + Znajdź zapis + + + + Dostępne kolumny + + + + Wybierz kolumny i posortuj + + + + Wybrane kolumny + + + + Dostosuj polecenie Znajdź + + + + Wybierz wiersz lub wpisz kryteruim + + + + Wprowadź kryteria zapytania (% oznacza dowlny ciąg znaków) + + + + Brak danych + + + + Pierwszy zapis + + + + Pierwsza strona + + + + Od + + + + Nie można znaleźć funkcji typu callout + + + + Błąd funkcji typu callout + + + + Wygeneruj + + + + &Idź + + + + Idź do strony + + + + Column for Name (X-Axis) + + + + Przywitanie + + + + Podsumowanie + + + + Grupuj wg + + + + Nagłówek + + + + &Pomoc + + + + Rekordy histroyczne + + + + Menu + + + + Serwer + + + + Cofnij zmiany + + + + Nie można cofnąć zmian: + + + + Zmiany cofnięte + + + + Info + + + + Księgowość + + + + Kontrahenci + + + + Dostawy + + + + Faktury + + + + Zamówienia + + + + Płatności + + + + Produkty + + + + Wstawiony + + + + Generuj faktury (ręcznie) + + + + Generowanie faktur + + + + Faktury generowane są w zalezności od ustawienia "Zasady fakturowania" w zamówieniu + + + + Wybierz dostawy do wygenerowania faktur + + + + One or more Product is more than once in the count list. Lines deactivated. + + + + Faktura + + + + Receipt (Shipment) already exists for this invoive + + + + Dokument musi być najpierw przetworzony + + + + Wstaw pozycje tutaj + + + + Przesuń pozycję + + + + Ostatni rekord + + + + Ostatnia strona + + + + Długość + + + + Poziom + + + + Ładuj + + + + Ładowanie… + + + + Położenie/Adres + + + + Wprowadź nowe położenie/adres + + + + Zmień położenie/adres + + + + Logowanie + + + + Zalogowany + + + + Margines + + + + Dopasuj od + + + + Tryb szukania + + + + Dopasuj do + + + + Dopasowane + + + + Dopasowuje + + + + Menu + + + + Idź do menu + + + + Menu nie może zostać załadowane: + + + + Wiadomość nie została wysłana. Problem: + + + + Wiadomość wysłana + + + + Wiadmości + + + + Przełącznie tabela/forma + + + + Wielowalutowość + + + + Nie + + + + Nazwa + + + + Nawigacja + + + + Nawigacja lub uaktualnienie rekordu + + + + <Zapytanie aktywne> Idź do innego lub zapisz rekord + + + + Nowa pozycja(rekord) + + + + Wprowadź dane i zapisz lub cofnij + + + + Nie można dodać nowego zapisu + + + + Nowa wartość + + + + Następny zapis + + + + Następna strona + + + + Nie udało się pobrać następnej wartości licznika + Skontaktuj się z administratorm + + + Nie + + + + Komunikat nie znaleziony + + + + Liczba pozycji + + + + Liczba płatności + + + + Nie znaleziono rekordów. Wprowadź nowy rekord + + + + Nie znaleziono prawidłowych infromacji księgowych + + + + NIE aktywne + + + + Brak na składzie: + + + + * Nie znaleziono * + + + + Nie pasuje + + + + Nie unikalne: + + + + Ilość wierszy x ilość kolumn + + + + OK + + + + Pokaż stare/zatwierdzone transakcje + + + + Stara wartość + + + + Online + + + + Tylko klienci + + + + Tylko zaległe faktury + + + + Tylko dostawcy + + + + Otwórz + + + + Otwórz + + + + Opcje + + + + Kolejność wg + + + + {0} pozycji - {1,number,#,##0.00} - Razem: {2,number,#,##0.00} {3} + + + + Dział + + + + Inny użytkownik zmienia ten rekord, spróbuj poźniej + + + + Strona + + + + Koniec strony + + + + Strona {P} z {N} + + + + Dwie strony + + + + Cała strona + + + + Szerokość strony + + + + Parametry + + + + Błąd: Brak parametru + + + + Rekord nadrzędny + + + + Hasło + + + + Płatność + + + + Payment Allocation + + + + Numer konta bankowego jest niepoprawny + + + + Numer czeku nie jest prawidłowy + + + + Bank Routing Number nie jest prawidłowy + + + + Wprowadź płatność po zakończeniu transakcji + + + + Utworzone płatności: + + + + Upust płatności + + + + W czasie przetwarzania płatności wystąpił błąd: + + + + Brak procesora przelewów dla tego typu + Utwórz Procesor przelewów dla banku + + + Wykonanie płatności nie udało się + + + + Płatność przetworzona + + + + Kwota wynosi zero. Wprowadź płatność po zakończeniu transakcji + + + + Następny okres kalendarzowy nie został znaleziony + Ustaw przyszły okres kalendarzowy + + + Okres kalendarzowy nie został znaleziony + Sprawdź ustawienia Kalendarza i planu kont oraz przydzielenie ich do Firmy oraz jedn. org. + + + Brak ważnego okresu dla tej daty księgowania. + Sprawdź ustawienia okresów. + + + Wykres kołowy + + + + Dokument musi być zakończony lub zamknięty, aby zobaczyć jego księgowanie. + + + + Zaksięgować ? + + + + Wysyłanie:Błąd serwera + + + + Kod pocztowy + + + + Kod+4 + + + + Błąd przy próbie księgowania + + + + Błąd przy próbie księgowania + + + + Błąd księgowania: Source Not Balanced + + + + Błąd księgowania: Nie można przeliczyć kursu waluty + Proszę zdefiniować kurs waluty źródłowej w stosunku do docelowej + + + Błąd księgowania: Złe konto + Konot nie jest już aktywne. Proszę uaktywnić konto lub wybrać inne + + + Bład księgowania : okres zamknięty + Otwórz okres lub zmień datę księgowania + + + Ustawienia + + + + Ustawienia + + + + Poprzedni zapis + + + + Poprzednia strona + + + + Historia cen + + + + Wersja cennika + + + + Brak poprawnego aktywnego cennika + + + + Drukuj + + + + Dostosuj raport + + + + Defined [Displayed] + + + + Drukuj faktury + + + + Drukuj tylko ostatnie faktury ? + + + + Zapisz ekran + + + + Ustawienia strony + + + + Drukuj dostawy + + + + Wydrukowane + + + + Drukarka + + + + Drukowanie + + + + Czy wydruk jest prawidłowy ? + + + + Wykonaj + + + + Wykoanie przerwano + + + + Proces nie powiódł się + + + + Nie można uruchomić porcesu - Brak nazwy procedury + + + + Proces zakończony poprawnie + + + + Wystąpił bład w czasie wykonywania procesu + + + + Błąd: + + + + Informacja: + + + + Ostrzeżenie: + + + + Proces nie powiódł się + + + + Przetwarzanie ... Proszę czekać … + + + + Dostępne + + + + Ilość + + + + Wprowadź zapytanie + + + + Przerwij zapytanie + + + + Wprowadź zapytanie + + + + Wprowadź kryteria + + + + Wykonaj zapytanie + + + + użyj w zapytaniu + + + + Brak zapisów spełniających te warunki. Czy chcesz zmienić warunki zapyania ? + + + + Zapis jest tylko do odczytu + + + + Wyślij znowu + + + + Zaksieguj poownie dokument tworząc zapisy księgowe na nowo + + + + Pozycja + + + + Wystąpił problem z dostępem do pozycji (rekordu): + + + + Pozycja znaleziona + + + + Zapisane + + + + Zapisy + + + + Odśwież + + + + Odśwież wszystko + + + + Nie można odświeżyć danych: + + + + Dane odświeżone + + + + Odswieżanie danych … + + + + Województwo/Region + + + + Pozostało + + + + doradzenie wpłaty + + + + Raport + + + + Znajdź raport + + + + Zapisz jako plik PDF, CSV, HTML lub TXT + + + + Raporty + + + + Nie można wysłać emaila + + + + EMail od {0} to {1} + + + + Nie można wysłać maila: +Brak nadawcy + + + + Nie można wysałać maila: +Nie zdefinoiwano serawera pocztowego SMTP + + + + Nie można wysłać maila: +Brak adresata - sprawdź kontakt + + + + EMail wysłany + + + + Zapytanie {0} przenisione z {1} do {2} + + + + Uwaga: Zapytanie {0} przeterminowane + + + + Escalate: Zapytanie {0} + + + + Wprawadź potrzebną informację: + + + + Obroty + + + + Skorygowano dokumnetem + + + + Niespójna informacje roli z firmą + + + + Dostępny kredyt + + + + Prosukt został zarezerowany lub już sprzedany. Ustaw ilość na zero. +Szczegóły: + + + + Entry in a key field was not unique - a record with that value already exists. + +Details: + + + + The record is referenced by other records. + +Details: + + + + Ten sam kontrahent + + + + ten sam produkt + + + + ta sama ilość + + + + Zapis zmiany + + + + Czy chcesz zapisać zmiany ? + + + + Zapisz informacje jako Cookie + + + + Nie można zapisac zmian: + + + + Could not save changes - data was changed after query. + System will requery record. + + + Could not save record - Require unique data: + Please change information. + + + Nie zapisane: Rekord nie zapisany + + + + nie zapisane + + + + Nie można zapisać rekordu: + + + + Zapisane + + + + Schemat + + + + Skrypt + + + + Edytor skryptów + + + + Błąd w skrypcie + + + + Pomoc do skryptów + + + + Rezultat + + + + Result Variable + + + + Dostępne zmienne + + + + Search records + + + + Kryterium wyszukiwania + + + + Could not locate record: + + + + Fuzzy Search + + + + Szukaj podobnie brzmiacych nazw + + + + Nic nie można znaleźć + + + + Wybierz zapis i wróć + + + + Query Error - probably wrong criteria entered + + + + Rows found - Enter query citeria (optionally with %) + + + + Wybierz + + + + Dostępne opcje + + + + Wybierz dokument + + + + Wybierz plik + + + + Search and select an entry + + + + Wybeirz pozycje menu + + + + Wybierz program + + + + Select Colums for Select Window + + + + Move colums wanted into the Selected box and sequence their order + + + + Wybrane opcje + + + + Wybrany + + + + Wyślij emaila + + + + Wyślij emaila + + + + Licznik + + + + Nie można znaleźć licznika dokumentów: + Sprawdź definicje dokumentu i zasady numerowania + + + Could not find next Table ID sequence + Check with your System Administrator + + + Nie można znaleźć licznika dla : + + + + Utwórz obiekty na serwerze + Create comples objects on application server (slow communication lines) + + + Document must be completed first + + + + Pokaż zakładki księgowe + Pokaż zakładki księgowe + + + Pokaż zakładki tłuamczeń + Pokaż zakładki tłuamczeń + + + Wyświetlenie pojedyńczego zapisu (rekordu) + + + + Sortuj wg + + + + Posortowane + + + + Standard + + + + Start + + + + Czy chcesz rozpocząć proces ? + + + + Uruchom wybrany raport + + + + Start Reports + + + + Start Search ... + + + + Temat + + + + Zadanie wykonane + + + + Suma + + + + System + + + + Zakładka + + + + Nie można wykonać zadania: + + + + Zadania + + + + Criteria for Tax not found + + + + Nie można znaleźć podatku + + + + Test + + + + Przekroczno limit czasu Timeout - Try to check results later + + + + Do + + + + Dzisiaj + + + + &Narzędzia + + + + Razem + + + + Trs + + + + Wygląd okienek + Windows - Metal - Adempiere + + + Under Limit Price + + + + Uaktualnij + + + + Update data for copied record and save or ignore + + + + Uaktualniono + + + + Użytkownik + + + + Interfejs użytkownika + + + + User defined message + + + + Niespójność hasła i użytkownika + + + + Drukowanie i eksport płatności + + + + For some payments, there were not enough rooms for all remittance lines. +Do you want to print separate Remittance advice ? + + + + No Bank Account Documents (Checks) for this Bank Account and Payment Rule. + + + + Brak płatności do drukowania lub eksportu + + + + Do you want to print Remittance Advice ? + + + + Generate EFT Payments + + + + Is the payment print correct ? + + + + Payment selection (manual) + + + + Generate Payments from Payment Selection? + + + + No Bank Account with Document (e.g. Check) + + + + Print/export generated Payments? + + + + Początkowe ustawienia firmy + + + + Informacja o transakcjach materiałowych + + + + Klucz + + + + Value Preference + + + + Preference Value deleted + + + + Preference Value set + + + + Preference Value NOT found + + + + Preference Value NOT set + + + + Dla poziomu + + + + &View + + + + Graf + + + + Enter Selection and Display criteria and start Query + + + + Wprowadź zapytanie + + + + Zobacz wynik + + + + Nie można uruchomić Kreatora - Błedna definicja + + + + Wyjdź + + + + Następny krok + + + + Poprzedni krok + + + + Wróć do początku + + + + Please upgrade your Browser, if dependent field selections remain emptz after change of Role. + + + + Database currently not available + + + + Waiting for Payment (if required you can close the order) + + + + Magazyn + + + + Record Info + + + + Okno + + + + Write-off + + + + Tak + + + + Tak + + + + Powiększ + + + + Powiekszenie + + + + of + + + + Drukować tylko najnowsze dostawy ? +(No: print all shipments of order) + + + + Zasób przypisany + + + + {0} pozycji(s) - Razem: {1,number,#,##0.00} {2} + + + + Tydzień + + + + Dzień + + + + Miesiąc + + + + Zasoby + + + + Zasób jest niedostępny lub nieaktywny + + + + Zasób jest niedostępny + + + + Dzień wolny + + + + Czas niedostępny + + + + Dzień niedostępny + + + + Schedule Info + + + + Poziomo + + + + Pionowo + + + + Nie znaleziono przelicznika pomiędzy walutami + + + + Operator + + + + Query Value + + + + To Query Value + + + + Błąd walidacji + + + + Wiersze + + + + Kolumny + + + + Brak zdefinowanych formatów wydruku dla dokumnetu + + + + Tłumacz format wydruku + If you do not have Multi-Lingual Document enabled, you can translate a Report here. + + + Tłumacz + + + + Nowy report + + + + Średnia + + + + Ilość + + + + Zrzut ekranu + + + + Błędna wersja bazy danych + The program assumes Database version {0}, but Database has Version {1}. +This is likely to cause hard to fix errors. +Please stop and migrate the database immediately. + + + Zawsze pokaż Podgląd + Pokaż najpierw Podgląd dokumnetu + + + Wszystkie + + + + Rok + + + + Jak dawne? + View history records back in time. + + + To be matched + + + + Zapisz hasło + Store Password for fast Login (security risk) + + + Cash Journal Info + + + + Informacja o zasobie + + + + Absolute Amount + + + + Import + + + + Błedy + + + + Zakupy + + + + No Application Server found + + + + Optional + + + + Load Accounting Values + Format: Accounting__.csv + + + No Exempt Tax found (define tax exempt tax rate) + + + + Brak połączenia z bazą danych + + + + Generowanie dostaw + + + + Wybierz zamówienia, z których zostana wygenerowane dostawy + + + + Shipments are generated depending on the "Delivery Rule" selection in the Order + + + + Dostawa + + + + Wsyłane + + + + Musisz zaostrzyć kryteria wyszukiwania. + + + + Balans otwarcia + + + + Invalid Arguments - Check Parameters + + + + Change cannot be selected, if there is an existing Product selection (either-or). A charge needs to have it's own line. + + + + Payment Document Type and Invoice type (AP/AR) inconsistent. + + + + (Re) Select Invoice + + + + Płatność online się nie udała + + + + Load Error + + + + Merge From (deleted) + + + + Merge To (surviving) + + + + Merge From entity to To entity ? +** NO Undo nor Trace -- You need to have a Backup ** + + + + Merge Success + + + + Merge Error - Please review: + + + + Błąd przy inicjacji języka + Sprawdź ustawienia języka + + + No Product Attribute Set defined + + + + No Product Attribute Information + + + + No Products with Attributes to select + + + + Context + + + + Asset Info + + + + Reset + + + + Product Attributes + + + + Product Attribute Instance + + + + Instrukcja SQL + + + + Private Record Lock + + + + Product Attribute Info + + + + You cannot create Reports for this Information. + You don't have the privileges + + + You cannot export this Information. + You don't have the privileges + + + Dane firmy + + + + Record Access Dialog + + + + Role Info + + + + Include + + + + Exclude + + + + Dictionary Maintenance + Only for internal Adempiere Dictionary Maintenence - DO NOT SELECT + + + Nie przetłumaczone + + + + Wybierz istniejącą pozycję + + + + Nowy wpis + + + + Edytuj wpis + + + + Pokaż wszystkie + + + + Document has Lines without MANDATORY Product Attribute Set Instance - complete first + + + + Wybierz istniejący wpis + + + + Rozmiar + + + + Pogrubienie + + + + Italic + + + + Podkreślenie + + + + Rodzaj czcionki + + + + Styl + + + + Do lewej + + + + Centruj + + + + Do prawej + + + + Align + + + + Czcionka + + + + System Not Setup for Replication (see log) + + + + Znaczy + + + + Minimum + + + + Wartość maksymalna + + + + Variance + + + + Std.Deviation + + + + Running Total + + + + Wybierz produkt + + + + Pamięć {0,number,integer} kB - Wolne {1,number,integer} kB + + + + ssv - Plik oddzielany średnikiem + + + + Zapisz załącznik na dysk + + + + Czy chcesz skasować załącznik ? + + + + jpg - Plik JPEG + + + + Download {0} for {1} + +Version = {2} - Lot = {3} - SerNo = {4} +Guarantee Date = {5,date,short} + +Thank you for using Adempiere Customer Asset Management + + + + + You are writing off a significant percentage of the open amount. + Deselect Automatic Write-off to manually enter the write-off amount + + + Answer + + + + Forward + + + + You have no Activities + + + + Your Workflow Activities + + + + Workflow Result + + + + Cannot Forward + + + + Active Workflow for this Record exists (complete first): + + + + Period Closed + + + + Active Workflows + + + + No Zoom Target for this Table + + + + Zoom Across (where used) + + + + Zamówienie + + + + Counter Document + + + + Ustaw rozmiar okna + + + + Ustaw rozmiar okna dla wszystkich użytkowników + + + + + Account used is Document Controlled - Do not use for manual Journals. + + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/AD_PrintFormatItem_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/AD_PrintFormatItem_Trl_pl_PL.xml index 0ef1e788c4..3249833184 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/AD_PrintFormatItem_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/AD_PrintFormatItem_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,20 +1,5583 @@ - - -AKtywnyActivity - - KampaniaOpłataKwota opłatyFirmaUtworzonyUtworzone przez - Data obiecana :Zasada dostawyDostawa przezStatus dokZasada faktur.Zamówienie :Jedn. org.CennikBruttoPriorytetProjektnumer dok :Zamówienie obceSprzedawca :Transakcja sprzedażyDostawca - RazemZmienioneZmienione przezAktwynyFirmaUtworzoneUtworzone przezOpisUpust %UwagiNettoNr pozCennikOpisjedn.org.Resource OpisSales OrderOrder Linej.m.PodatekUnit PriceZmienioneZmienione przezAktywnyActivity - CampaignChargeCharge AmtFirmaUtworzoneUtworzone przez - Date Ordered :Doc StatusFakturaOrder Reference :jedn.org.PaidCennikPrice includes PodatekProjectNr ref :Sales Order :Sales Consultant :Sales Transaction - Total LinesZmienioneZmienione przezAktywnyFirmaUtworzoneUtworzone przezOpisUpust %Doc NoteFakturaInvoice LineIlośćLine NetNr pozCennikOpisjedn.org.Resource Opisj.m.PodatekUnit PriceZmienioneZmienione przezAktywny - - FirmaUtworzoneUtworzone przezDate Ordered :Delivery RuleDelivery ViaDoc StatusFaktura - Typ przesunięciaOrder Reference :jedn.org.PriortyetNr ref :Sales Order :Sales TransactionDostawca - ZmienioneZmienione przezAktywnyFirmaUtworzoneUtworzone przezOpisDoc NoteNr pozLocatorLotIlośćOpisjedn.org.Nr seryjnyShipment/ReceiptShipment/Receipt Linej.m.ZmienioneZmienione przezBP GreetingFirmaNazwa 2Order Referencejedn.org.Płatność SelectionIlośćNr ref:Kontrahent FirmaDate InvoicedUpustNr dokFakturaNr pozjedn.org.Płatność RulePłatność SelectionPłatnośćAmt in WordsKontrahent FirmaOrder Referencejedn.org.Płatność SelectionAmount:- #:Nr ref :Nr klienta :Nr klienta :Nr klienta :Nr klienta:Nr klienta :Magazyn :@*CopyInfo@ @*MultiPageInfo@@*CopyInfo@ @*MultiPageInfo@@*CopyInfo@ @*MultiPageInfo@AktywnyActivityChargeCharge AmtCampaignDelivery ViaInvoice RuleCennikPriortyetZmienione przezZmienioneTotal LinesDostawcaSales TransactionSales OrderProjectPrice includes Podatekjedn.org.Doc StatusDelivery RuleFirmaUtworzoneUtworzone przez - - - Date Promised :Nr klienta :Nr ref :Order Reference :Sales Consultant : - @*CopyInfo@ @*MultiPageInfo@AktywnyFirmaUtworzoneNr pozOrder LineZmienioneZmienione przezPodatekSales Orderjedn.org.Utworzone przezIlośćj.m.OpisCennikUpust %Unit PriceLine NetOpisDoc NoteResource OpisAktywnyActivityChargeCharge AmtCampaignFakturaPaidPrice includes PodatekSales TransactionZmienione przezZmienioneTotal LinesProjectCennikjedn.org.Doc StatusFirmaUtworzoneUtworzone przez - - - Sales Order :Date Ordered :Nr klienta :Nr ref :Order Reference :Sales Consultant : - @*CopyInfo@ @*MultiPageInfo@PodatekZmienioneZmienione przezFirmaUtworzone przezUtworzoneFakturaInvoice LineNr pozjedn.org.AktywnyIlośćj.m.OpisCennikUpust %Unit PriceLine NetOpisDoc NoteResource OpisAktywnyFirmaUtworzone przezDelivery RuleFakturajedn.org.Sales TransactionZmienioneZmienione przezDostawcaPriortyetMovement TypeDoc StatusUtworzoneDelivery Via - - - Sales Order :Date Ordered :Nr klienta :Nr ref :Order Reference :Magazyn : - @*CopyInfo@ @*MultiPageInfo@AktywnyFirmaUtworzoneUtworzone przezLocatorLotjedn.org.Shipment/ReceiptShipment/Receipt LineZmienione przezZmienioneNr seryjnyNr pozIlośćj.m.OpisOpisDoc NoteFirmaNazwa 2PowitanieOrder ReferencePłatność Selectionjedn.org.IlośćNr ref:Nr klienta:Kontrahent Nr pozjedn.org.FirmaPłatność RulePłatność SelectionNr dokDate InvoicedFakturaPłatnośćUpustAmt in WordsKontrahent FirmaPłatność Selectionjedn.org.Order ReferenceNr klienta :Nr ref :- #:Amount:Level noData księgowNazwaOpisWINIENMABalansIlośćActiveCustomer No :Business Partner CampaignClientCommitmentCommit ceilingCommitted AmtCommitted QtyContract Date :CreatedCreated ByCurrency: Finish DateInvoiced AmountInvoiced QuantityLanguageOrder Reference :OrganizationPhasePlanned AmtPlanned MarginPlanned QtyPrice List VersionProjectProject BalanceProject TypeReference NoSales Consultant :Search KeySummary LevelTax IDUpdatedUpdated ByWarehouseActiveClientCommitted AmtCommitted QtyCreatedCreated ByDescriptionDoc NoteInvoiced AmountInvoiced QuantityLanguageLine NoDescriptionOrganizationLine NetPlanned MarginPriceQtyProductProduct CategoryProduct KeyProjectProject LineSKUUPC/EANUpdatedUpdated By@*CopyInfo@ @*MultiPageInfo@LanguageWarehouseZLotYAttribute Set InstanceGuarantee dateAttribute SetXSKUUPC/EANProduct KeyLanguageLotSerial NoGuarantee dateAttribute Set InstanceAttribute SetProduct KeySKUUPC/EANLot NoLanguageProduct KeySKUUPC/EANPayment Selection LineLanguageProcess InstanceAccounting FactDoc TypeTax IDLanguageBP Tax TDD-U-N-SNAICS/SICLanguageLotSerial NoGuarantee dateAttribute Set InstanceAttribute SetProduct KeySKUUPC/EANLot NoLanguageProduct KeySKUUPC/EANDoc TypeLanguageBP Tax TDD-U-N-SNAICS/SICPayment Selection LineLanguageLanguageWarehouseZLotYAttribute Set InstanceGuarantee dateAttribute SetXSKUUPC/EANProduct KeyBusiness Partner Doc TypeLanguageNAICS/SICD-U-N-SBP Tax TDSales RepBusiness Partner Doc TypeLanguageTax IDNAICS/SICD-U-N-SBP Tax TDSales RepBusiness Partner Doc TypeLanguageNAICS/SICD-U-N-SBP Tax TDSales RepBusiness Partner Doc TypeLanguageTax IDD-U-N-SNAICS/SICBP Tax TDSales RepBusiness Partner Doc TypeLanguageD-U-N-SNAICS/SICBP Tax TDDoc TypePayment RuleDocument NoLanguageBP Tax TDD-U-N-SNAICS/SICSales RepProject CategoryD-U-N-SNAICS/SICBP Tax TDDoc TypePayment RuleDocument NoLanguageTax IDBP Tax TDD-U-N-SNAICS/SICBusiness Partner Doc TypeLanguageTax IDNAICS/SICD-U-N-SBP Tax TDBackorderedBackorderedNameClientOrganizationDescriptionCommentActiveIntegerNumberCurrencyAmtUOMQtyDateDateTimeAddressAccount_AcctPaymentLocatorBusiness Partner ProductBinaryCharacter DataProcessedProcess NowTest IDName:ClientOrganizationDescription:Help:ActiveInteger:Number:Currency:Amt:UOMQty:DateDateTimeLocation / AddressAccount_AcctPaymentLocatorBusiness Partner ProductBinaryCharacter DataProcessedProcess NowTest IDActiveClientCreatedCreated ByLanguageOrganizationQtyRfQ Line QtyUoMUOMUpdatedUpdated ByEnter PriceActiveAttribute Set InstanceClientCommentCreatedCreated ByDelivery DaysDescriptionDoc NoteLanguageLine NoNameOrganizationProductProduct KeyRfQ LineSKUUPC/EANUpdatedUpdated ByWork StartActiveBusiness Partner ClientCreatedCreated ByCurrencyDelivery Days :Currency :LanguageOrganizationPartner LocationPhoneRespond by :RfQUpdatedUpdated ByUserWork Start :PhonePhonePhonePhoneBill PhoneBill ContactInvoice PartnerBill NameInvoice ContactBill TitleBill Partner KeyBill Tax IDInvoice LocationBill LocationBill Name2Partner LocationBusiness Partner Location / AddressBP NamePhoneBill PhoneInvoice PartnerInvoice ContactBill Partner KeyBill Tax IDInvoice LocationPartner LocationBusiness Partner Location / AddressBP NamePhoneTax IDOrg LocationPhoneCreatedUpdatedCreated ByUpdated ByCreatedUpdatedCreated ByUpdated ByRfQ ResponseRfQ Response LineRfQ ResponseDiscount %PriceRfQ Response Line QtyRfQ Response LineUoMRfQ Response Line QtyQtyDiscount %UOMRfQ Line QtyPriceDocument NoClientOrganizationSales OrderDate OrderedOrder ReferenceDescriptionActiveTarget Doc TypeDate InvoicedAcct DateBusiness Partner Partner LocationUserPrice ListCurrencyCurrency TypeSales RepDiscount PrintedChargeCharge AmtPayment RulePayment TermCreate lines fromGenerate ToProjectActivityCampaignTrx OrganizationUser1User2Total LinesGrand TotalDoc StatusDoc TypeCopy FromDoc ActionPostedInvoiceProcess NowApprovedProcessedPrintedTransferredSales TransactionDate printedPrice includes TaxRef InvoicePay Schedule validSelf-ServiceSend EMailPaymentCash LinePaidPrice ListPrice includes TaxPriorityActiveCampaignActivityProjectChargeNAICS/SICD-U-N-SLanguageDoc TypeBusiness Partner Sales RepDoc StatusDelivery ViaDelivery RuleShipperSales TransactionSales OrderOrganizationInvoice RuleBP Tax TDCreated ByCreatedClientBill Partner KeyInvoice ContactInvoice PartnerBill PhonePhoneUpdated ByUpdatedTotal LinesCharge AmtInvoice LocationBill Tax ID Date Promised :Customer No :Reference No :Order Reference :Sales Consultant : - @*CopyInfo@ @*MultiPageInfo@Order LineOrganizationSales OrderUpdated ByActiveUpdatedTaxClientCreated ByUPC/EANSKUProduct KeyLanguageBP NameLocation / AddressBusiness Partner Partner LocationLine NoCreatedQtyUoMDescriptionList PriceDiscount %Unit PriceLine NetDescriptionDoc NoteResource DescriptionSales TransactionTotal LinesUpdated ByPrice ListProjectBusiness Partner LanguageD-U-N-SBP Tax TDClientCharge AmtChargeCampaignActivityActiveNAICS/SICDoc TypeSales RepPhonePaidOrganizationInvoiceDoc StatusCreated ByCreatedPrice includes TaxUpdated Sales Order :Date Ordered :Customer No :Reference No :Order Reference :Sales Consultant : - @*CopyInfo@ @*MultiPageInfo@ActiveClientCreatedTaxUpdatedLine NoUpdated ByOrganizationCreated ByLot NoUPC/EANSKUProduct KeyAttribute SetAttribute Set InstanceGuarantee dateSerial NoLotLanguageInvoice LineInvoiceQtyUoMDescriptionList PriceDiscount %Unit PriceLine NetDescriptionDoc NoteResource DescriptionShipperUpdatedUpdated ByDoc StatusActiveMovement TypeClientCreated ByDelivery RulePhonePriorityOrganizationSales TransactionDate Ordered :CreatedBusiness Partner BP Tax TDD-U-N-SNAICS/SICLanguageDoc TypeDelivery Via Sales Order :Customer No :Reference No :Order Reference :Warehouse : - @*CopyInfo@ @*MultiPageInfo@InvoiceActiveClientCreatedCreated ByLocatorLotOrganizationShipment/ReceiptShipment/Receipt LineGuarantee dateAttribute Set InstanceYLotZWarehouseLanguageUpdated ByUpdatedBackorderedProduct KeyUPC/EANSKUXAttribute SetSerial NoLine NoQtyUoMDescriptionDescriptionDoc NotePayment SelectionQtyBP GreetingClientOrder ReferenceOrganizationNAICS/SICD-U-N-SBP Tax TDLanguageDoc TypeName 2Reference No:Customer No:Business Partner ClientLine NoOrganizationPayment RulePayment SelectionLanguagePayment Selection LineDocument NoDate InvoicedInvoicePaymentDiscountAmt in WordsBusiness Partner ClientPayment SelectionOrganizationPayment RuleLanguageD-U-N-SNAICS/SICBP Tax TDDocument NoDoc TypeOrder ReferenceCustomer No :Reference No :- #:Amount:NameClientOrganizationBank AccountDescriptionActiveHost addressHost portPartner IDVendor IDUser IDProxy addressProxy portProxy logonMCVisaAMEXDinersCorporateDiscoverDirect DepositDirect DebitECheckATMMinimum AmtCurrencyRequire Verification CodeSequencePayment Processor ClassCommissionCost per TrxPayment ProcessorNameClientOrganizationActiveAddressOwn BankRouting NoSwift codeBankZIPClientOrganizationActiveAddress 1Address 2CityCity-RegionRegion NameCountryAddressISO CountryClientOrganizationNameDescriptionActiveDefaultCountry has RegionRegion NameAddress Print FormatPhone FormatAdditional Postal codePostal code FormatAdditional Postal FormatLanguageCurrencyCountryNameClientOrganizationSearch KeyActiveCustomerCopiesInvoice RuleInvoice ScheduleDelivery RuleDelivery ViaPrice ListPayment RulePayment TermSales RepDunningOrder ReferenceDiscount PrintedOrder DescriptionInvoice Print FormatMin Shelf Life %Credit LimitCredit UsedBusiness Partner DescriptionSales VolumeEmployeesD-U-N-SReference NoTax IDSummary LevelVendorPurchase PricelistSales RepEmployeeShareActual Life Time ValuePotential Life Time ValueAcquisition CostFirst SaleActive Prospect/CustomerBPartner GroupFreight Cost RuleGreetingName 2Payment RuleRatingTax exemptURLOne time transactionLinked OrgCredit StatusPartner ParentSend EMailPO Discount SchemaDiscount SchemaPO Payment TermLanguageNAICS/SIC \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + + AKtywny + + + + Activity + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Kampania + + + + Opłata + + + + Kwota opłaty + + + + Firma + + + + + + + + Utworzony + + + + Utworzone przez + + + + + + + + - + + + + Data obiecana : + + + + Zasada dostawy + + + + Dostawa przez + + + + + + + + + + + + Status dok + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Zasada faktur. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Zamówienie : + + + + Jedn. org. + + + + + + + + + + + + Cennik + + + + Brutto + + + + Priorytet + + + + Projekt + + + + numer dok : + + + + Zamówienie obce + + + + Sprzedawca : + + + + Transakcja sprzedaży + + + + Dostawca + + + + + + + + + Razem + + + + Zmienione + + + + Zmienione przez + + + + Aktwyny + + + + Firma + + + + Utworzone + + + + Utworzone przez + + + + Opis + + + + Upust % + + + + Uwagi + + + + Netto + + + + Nr poz + + + + Cennik + + + + Opis + + + + + + + + jedn.org. + + + + Resource Opis + + + + Sales Order + + + + Order Line + + + + j.m. + + + + Podatek + + + + Unit Price + + + + Zmienione + + + + Zmienione przez + + + + Aktywny + + + + Activity + + + + + + + + + + + + + Campaign + + + + Charge + + + + Charge Amt + + + + Firma + + + + + + + + Utworzone + + + + Utworzone przez + + + + + + + + - + + + + Date Ordered : + + + + + + + + + + + + Doc Status + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Faktura + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Order Reference : + + + + jedn.org. + + + + Paid + + + + + + + + + + + + Cennik + + + + Price includes Podatek + + + + Project + + + + Nr ref : + + + + Sales Order : + + + + Sales Consultant : + + + + Sales Transaction + + + + + + + + + Total Lines + + + + Zmienione + + + + Zmienione przez + + + + Aktywny + + + + Firma + + + + Utworzone + + + + Utworzone przez + + + + Opis + + + + Upust % + + + + Doc Note + + + + Faktura + + + + Invoice Line + + + + Ilość + + + + Line Net + + + + Nr poz + + + + Cennik + + + + Opis + + + + jedn.org. + + + + Resource Opis + + + + j.m. + + + + Podatek + + + + Unit Price + + + + Zmienione + + + + Zmienione przez + + + + Aktywny + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Firma + + + + + + + + Utworzone + + + + Utworzone przez + + + + Date Ordered : + + + + Delivery Rule + + + + Delivery Via + + + + + + + + + + + + Doc Status + + + + + + + + + + + + Faktura + + + + + + + + - + + + + Typ przesunięcia + + + + + + + + + + + + Order Reference : + + + + jedn.org. + + + + Priortyet + + + + Nr ref : + + + + Sales Order : + + + + Sales Transaction + + + + Dostawca + + + + + + + + + Zmienione + + + + Zmienione przez + + + + Aktywny + + + + Firma + + + + Utworzone + + + + Utworzone przez + + + + Opis + + + + Doc Note + + + + Nr poz + + + + Locator + + + + Lot + + + + Ilość + + + + Opis + + + + jedn.org. + + + + Nr seryjny + + + + Shipment/Receipt + + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + + j.m. + + + + Zmienione + + + + Zmienione przez + + + + + + + + BP Greeting + + + + + + + + Firma + + + + + + + + + + + + Nazwa 2 + + + + Order Reference + + + + jedn.org. + + + + Płatność Selection + + + + + + + + + + + + Ilość + + + + Nr ref: + + + + Kontrahent + + + + Firma + + + + Date Invoiced + + + + Upust + + + + Nr dok + + + + Faktura + + + + Nr poz + + + + jedn.org. + + + + Płatność Rule + + + + Płatność Selection + + + + Płatność + + + + Amt in Words + + + + + + + + Kontrahent + + + + Firma + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Order Reference + + + + jedn.org. + + + + Płatność Selection + + + + Amount: + + + + + + + + - #: + + + + Nr ref : + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Nr klienta : + + + + Nr klienta : + + + + Nr klienta : + + + + Nr klienta: + + + + Nr klienta : + + + + + + + + Magazyn : + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + @*CopyInfo@ @*MultiPageInfo@ + + + + @*CopyInfo@ @*MultiPageInfo@ + + + + @*CopyInfo@ @*MultiPageInfo@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Aktywny + + + + Activity + + + + Charge + + + + Charge Amt + + + + Campaign + + + + Delivery Via + + + + Invoice Rule + + + + Cennik + + + + Priortyet + + + + Zmienione przez + + + + Zmienione + + + + Total Lines + + + + Dostawca + + + + Sales Transaction + + + + Sales Order + + + + Project + + + + Price includes Podatek + + + + jedn.org. + + + + Doc Status + + + + Delivery Rule + + + + Firma + + + + Utworzone + + + + Utworzone przez + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Date Promised : + + + + Nr klienta : + + + + Nr ref : + + + + Order Reference : + + + + Sales Consultant : + + + + + + + + + + + + - + + + + @*CopyInfo@ @*MultiPageInfo@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Aktywny + + + + Firma + + + + Utworzone + + + + Nr poz + + + + Order Line + + + + Zmienione + + + + Zmienione przez + + + + Podatek + + + + Sales Order + + + + jedn.org. + + + + Utworzone przez + + + + Ilość + + + + j.m. + + + + Opis + + + + Cennik + + + + Upust % + + + + Unit Price + + + + Line Net + + + + Opis + + + + Doc Note + + + + Resource Opis + + + + Aktywny + + + + Activity + + + + Charge + + + + Charge Amt + + + + Campaign + + + + Faktura + + + + Paid + + + + Price includes Podatek + + + + Sales Transaction + + + + Zmienione przez + + + + Zmienione + + + + Total Lines + + + + Project + + + + Cennik + + + + jedn.org. + + + + Doc Status + + + + Firma + + + + Utworzone + + + + Utworzone przez + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Sales Order : + + + + Date Ordered : + + + + Nr klienta : + + + + Nr ref : + + + + Order Reference : + + + + Sales Consultant : + + + + + + + + + + + + - + + + + @*CopyInfo@ @*MultiPageInfo@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Podatek + + + + Zmienione + + + + Zmienione przez + + + + Firma + + + + Utworzone przez + + + + Utworzone + + + + Faktura + + + + Invoice Line + + + + Nr poz + + + + jedn.org. + + + + Aktywny + + + + Ilość + + + + j.m. + + + + Opis + + + + Cennik + + + + Upust % + + + + Unit Price + + + + Line Net + + + + Opis + + + + Doc Note + + + + Resource Opis + + + + Aktywny + + + + Firma + + + + Utworzone przez + + + + Delivery Rule + + + + Faktura + + + + jedn.org. + + + + Sales Transaction + + + + Zmienione + + + + Zmienione przez + + + + + + + + + + + + Dostawca + + + + Priortyet + + + + Movement Type + + + + Doc Status + + + + Utworzone + + + + Delivery Via + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Sales Order : + + + + Date Ordered : + + + + Nr klienta : + + + + Nr ref : + + + + Order Reference : + + + + Magazyn : + + + + + + + + + + + + - + + + + @*CopyInfo@ @*MultiPageInfo@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Aktywny + + + + Firma + + + + Utworzone + + + + Utworzone przez + + + + Locator + + + + Lot + + + + jedn.org. + + + + Shipment/Receipt + + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + + Zmienione przez + + + + Zmienione + + + + Nr seryjny + + + + Nr poz + + + + Ilość + + + + j.m. + + + + Opis + + + + Opis + + + + Doc Note + + + + + + + + + + + + Firma + + + + + + + + Nazwa 2 + + + + Powitanie + + + + Order Reference + + + + Płatność Selection + + + + jedn.org. + + + + Ilość + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Nr ref: + + + + Nr klienta: + + + + + + + + + + + + Kontrahent + + + + Nr poz + + + + jedn.org. + + + + Firma + + + + Płatność Rule + + + + Płatność Selection + + + + Nr dok + + + + Date Invoiced + + + + Faktura + + + + Płatność + + + + Upust + + + + Amt in Words + + + + Kontrahent + + + + Firma + + + + Płatność Selection + + + + jedn.org. + + + + Order Reference + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Nr klienta : + + + + Nr ref : + + + + + + + + - #: + + + + Amount: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Level no + + + + Data księgow + + + + Nazwa + + + + Opis + + + + WINIEN + + + + MA + + + + Balans + + + + Ilość + + + + Active + + + + + + + + + + + + Customer No : + + + + Business Partner + + + + Campaign + + + + Client + + + + Commitment + + + + Commit ceiling + + + + Committed Amt + + + + Committed Qty + + + + + + + + Contract Date : + + + + Created + + + + Created By + + + + Currency: + + + + + + + + Finish Date + + + + Invoiced Amount + + + + Invoiced Quantity + + + + Language + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Order Reference : + + + + + + + + Organization + + + + + + + + + + + + Phase + + + + Planned Amt + + + + Planned Margin + + + + Planned Qty + + + + Price List Version + + + + Project + + + + Project Balance + + + + + + + + + + + + Project Type + + + + Reference No + + + + + + + + Sales Consultant : + + + + Search Key + + + + Summary Level + + + + Tax ID + + + + + + + + Updated + + + + Updated By + + + + Warehouse + + + + Active + + + + Client + + + + Committed Amt + + + + Committed Qty + + + + Created + + + + Created By + + + + Description + + + + Doc Note + + + + Invoiced Amount + + + + Invoiced Quantity + + + + Language + + + + Line No + + + + Description + + + + Organization + + + + Line Net + + + + Planned Margin + + + + Price + + + + Qty + + + + Product + + + + Product Category + + + + Product Key + + + + Project + + + + Project Line + + + + SKU + + + + UPC/EAN + + + + Updated + + + + Updated By + + + + + + + + + + + + @*CopyInfo@ @*MultiPageInfo@ + + + + Language + + + + Warehouse + + + + Z + + + + Lot + + + + Y + + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + + Guarantee date + + + + Attribute Set + + + + X + + + + SKU + + + + UPC/EAN + + + + Product Key + + + + Language + + + + Lot + + + + Serial No + + + + Guarantee date + + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + + Attribute Set + + + + Product Key + + + + SKU + + + + UPC/EAN + + + + Lot No + + + + Language + + + + Product Key + + + + SKU + + + + UPC/EAN + + + + Payment Selection Line + + + + Language + + + + Process Instance + + + + Accounting Fact + + + + Doc Type + + + + Tax ID + + + + Language + + + + BP Tax TD + + + + D-U-N-S + + + + NAICS/SIC + + + + Language + + + + Lot + + + + Serial No + + + + Guarantee date + + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + + Attribute Set + + + + Product Key + + + + SKU + + + + UPC/EAN + + + + Lot No + + + + Language + + + + Product Key + + + + SKU + + + + UPC/EAN + + + + Doc Type + + + + Language + + + + BP Tax TD + + + + D-U-N-S + + + + NAICS/SIC + + + + Payment Selection Line + + + + Language + + + + Language + + + + Warehouse + + + + Z + + + + Lot + + + + Y + + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + + Guarantee date + + + + Attribute Set + + + + X + + + + SKU + + + + UPC/EAN + + + + Product Key + + + + Business Partner + + + + Doc Type + + + + Language + + + + NAICS/SIC + + + + D-U-N-S + + + + BP Tax TD + + + + Sales Rep + + + + Business Partner + + + + Doc Type + + + + Language + + + + Tax ID + + + + NAICS/SIC + + + + D-U-N-S + + + + BP Tax TD + + + + Sales Rep + + + + Business Partner + + + + Doc Type + + + + Language + + + + NAICS/SIC + + + + D-U-N-S + + + + BP Tax TD + + + + Sales Rep + + + + Business Partner + + + + Doc Type + + + + Language + + + + Tax ID + + + + D-U-N-S + + + + NAICS/SIC + + + + BP Tax TD + + + + Sales Rep + + + + Business Partner + + + + Doc Type + + + + Language + + + + D-U-N-S + + + + NAICS/SIC + + + + BP Tax TD + + + + Doc Type + + + + Payment Rule + + + + Document No + + + + Language + + + + BP Tax TD + + + + D-U-N-S + + + + NAICS/SIC + + + + Sales Rep + + + + Project Category + + + + D-U-N-S + + + + NAICS/SIC + + + + BP Tax TD + + + + Doc Type + + + + Payment Rule + + + + Document No + + + + Language + + + + Tax ID + + + + BP Tax TD + + + + D-U-N-S + + + + NAICS/SIC + + + + Business Partner + + + + Doc Type + + + + Language + + + + Tax ID + + + + NAICS/SIC + + + + D-U-N-S + + + + BP Tax TD + + + + Backordered + + + + Backordered + + + + Name + + + + Client + + + + Organization + + + + Description + + + + Comment + + + + Active + + + + Integer + + + + Number + + + + Currency + + + + Amt + + + + UOM + + + + Qty + + + + Date + + + + DateTime + + + + Address + + + + Account_Acct + + + + Payment + + + + Locator + + + + Business Partner + + + + Product + + + + Binary + + + + Character Data + + + + Processed + + + + Process Now + + + + Test ID + + + + Name: + + + + Client + + + + Organization + + + + Description: + + + + Help: + + + + Active + + + + Integer: + + + + Number: + + + + Currency: + + + + Amt: + + + + UOM + + + + Qty: + + + + Date + + + + DateTime + + + + Location / Address + + + + Account_Acct + + + + Payment + + + + Locator + + + + Business Partner + + + + Product + + + + Binary + + + + Character Data + + + + Processed + + + + Process Now + + + + Test ID + + + + Active + + + + Client + + + + Created + + + + Created By + + + + Language + + + + Organization + + + + Qty + + + + RfQ Line Qty + + + + UoM + + + + UOM + + + + Updated + + + + Updated By + + + + Enter Price + + + + Active + + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + + Client + + + + Comment + + + + Created + + + + Created By + + + + Delivery Days + + + + Description + + + + Doc Note + + + + Language + + + + Line No + + + + Name + + + + Organization + + + + Product + + + + Product Key + + + + RfQ Line + + + + SKU + + + + UPC/EAN + + + + Updated + + + + Updated By + + + + Work Start + + + + + + + + Active + + + + + + + + + + + + Business Partner + + + + Client + + + + + + + + + + + + Created + + + + Created By + + + + Currency + + + + Delivery Days : + + + + + + + + Currency : + + + + Language + + + + + + + + + + + + Organization + + + + Partner Location + + + + Phone + + + + Respond by : + + + + RfQ + + + + + + + + Updated + + + + Updated By + + + + User + + + + Work Start : + + + + + + + + + + + + Phone + + + + Phone + + + + Phone + + + + Phone + + + + Bill Phone + + + + Bill Contact + + + + Invoice Partner + + + + Bill Name + + + + Invoice Contact + + + + Bill Title + + + + Bill Partner Key + + + + Bill Tax ID + + + + Invoice Location + + + + Bill Location + + + + Bill Name2 + + + + Partner Location + + + + Business Partner + + + + Location / Address + + + + BP Name + + + + Phone + + + + Bill Phone + + + + + + + + Invoice Partner + + + + + + + + Invoice Contact + + + + + + + + Bill Partner Key + + + + Bill Tax ID + + + + Invoice Location + + + + + + + + + + + + Partner Location + + + + Business Partner + + + + Location / Address + + + + BP Name + + + + Phone + + + + Tax ID + + + + Org Location + + + + Phone + + + + Created + + + + Updated + + + + Created By + + + + Updated By + + + + Created + + + + Updated + + + + Created By + + + + Updated By + + + + RfQ Response + + + + RfQ Response Line + + + + RfQ Response + + + + Discount % + + + + Price + + + + RfQ Response Line Qty + + + + RfQ Response Line + + + + UoM + + + + RfQ Response Line Qty + + + + Qty + + + + Discount % + + + + UOM + + + + RfQ Line Qty + + + + Price + + + + Document No + + + + Client + + + + Organization + + + + Sales Order + + + + Date Ordered + + + + Order Reference + + + + Description + + + + Active + + + + Target Doc Type + + + + Date Invoiced + + + + Acct Date + + + + Business Partner + + + + Partner Location + + + + User + + + + Price List + + + + Currency + + + + Currency Type + + + + Sales Rep + + + + Discount Printed + + + + Charge + + + + Charge Amt + + + + Payment Rule + + + + Payment Term + + + + Create lines from + + + + Generate To + + + + Project + + + + Activity + + + + Campaign + + + + Trx Organization + + + + User1 + + + + User2 + + + + Total Lines + + + + Grand Total + + + + Doc Status + + + + Doc Type + + + + Copy From + + + + Doc Action + + + + Posted + + + + Invoice + + + + Process Now + + + + Approved + + + + Processed + + + + Printed + + + + Transferred + + + + Sales Transaction + + + + Date printed + + + + Price includes Tax + + + + Ref Invoice + + + + Pay Schedule valid + + + + Self-Service + + + + Send EMail + + + + Payment + + + + Cash Line + + + + Paid + + + + Price List + + + + Price includes Tax + + + + Priority + + + + Active + + + + Campaign + + + + Activity + + + + + + + + Project + + + + Charge + + + + NAICS/SIC + + + + D-U-N-S + + + + Language + + + + Doc Type + + + + Business Partner + + + + Sales Rep + + + + Doc Status + + + + Delivery Via + + + + Delivery Rule + + + + Shipper + + + + Sales Transaction + + + + Sales Order + + + + Organization + + + + Invoice Rule + + + + BP Tax TD + + + + Created By + + + + Created + + + + Client + + + + Bill Partner Key + + + + Invoice Contact + + + + Invoice Partner + + + + Bill Phone + + + + Phone + + + + Updated By + + + + Updated + + + + Total Lines + + + + Charge Amt + + + + Invoice Location + + + + Bill Tax ID + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Date Promised : + + + + Customer No : + + + + Reference No : + + + + Order Reference : + + + + Sales Consultant : + + + + + + + + + + + + - + + + + @*CopyInfo@ @*MultiPageInfo@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Order Line + + + + Organization + + + + Sales Order + + + + Updated By + + + + Active + + + + Updated + + + + Tax + + + + Client + + + + Created By + + + + UPC/EAN + + + + SKU + + + + Product Key + + + + Language + + + + BP Name + + + + Location / Address + + + + Business Partner + + + + Partner Location + + + + Line No + + + + Created + + + + Qty + + + + UoM + + + + Description + + + + List Price + + + + Discount % + + + + Unit Price + + + + Line Net + + + + Description + + + + Doc Note + + + + Resource Description + + + + Sales Transaction + + + + Total Lines + + + + Updated By + + + + Price List + + + + Project + + + + Business Partner + + + + Language + + + + D-U-N-S + + + + BP Tax TD + + + + Client + + + + Charge Amt + + + + Charge + + + + Campaign + + + + Activity + + + + Active + + + + NAICS/SIC + + + + Doc Type + + + + Sales Rep + + + + Phone + + + + Paid + + + + Organization + + + + Invoice + + + + Doc Status + + + + Created By + + + + Created + + + + Price includes Tax + + + + Updated + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Sales Order : + + + + Date Ordered : + + + + Customer No : + + + + Reference No : + + + + Order Reference : + + + + Sales Consultant : + + + + + + + + + + + + - + + + + @*CopyInfo@ @*MultiPageInfo@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Active + + + + Client + + + + Created + + + + Tax + + + + Updated + + + + Line No + + + + Updated By + + + + Organization + + + + Created By + + + + Lot No + + + + UPC/EAN + + + + SKU + + + + Product Key + + + + Attribute Set + + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + + Guarantee date + + + + Serial No + + + + Lot + + + + Language + + + + Invoice Line + + + + Invoice + + + + Qty + + + + UoM + + + + Description + + + + List Price + + + + Discount % + + + + Unit Price + + + + Line Net + + + + Description + + + + Doc Note + + + + Resource Description + + + + Shipper + + + + Updated + + + + Updated By + + + + Doc Status + + + + Active + + + + Movement Type + + + + Client + + + + Created By + + + + Delivery Rule + + + + + + + + Phone + + + + Priority + + + + Organization + + + + + + + + Sales Transaction + + + + Date Ordered : + + + + Created + + + + Business Partner + + + + BP Tax TD + + + + D-U-N-S + + + + NAICS/SIC + + + + Language + + + + Doc Type + + + + Delivery Via + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Sales Order : + + + + Customer No : + + + + Reference No : + + + + Order Reference : + + + + Warehouse : + + + + + + + + + + + + - + + + + @*CopyInfo@ @*MultiPageInfo@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Invoice + + + + Active + + + + Client + + + + Created + + + + Created By + + + + Locator + + + + Lot + + + + Organization + + + + Shipment/Receipt + + + + Shipment/Receipt Line + + + + Guarantee date + + + + Attribute Set Instance + + + + Y + + + + Lot + + + + Z + + + + Warehouse + + + + Language + + + + Updated By + + + + Updated + + + + Backordered + + + + Product Key + + + + UPC/EAN + + + + SKU + + + + X + + + + Attribute Set + + + + Serial No + + + + Line No + + + + Qty + + + + UoM + + + + Description + + + + Description + + + + Doc Note + + + + Payment Selection + + + + Qty + + + + BP Greeting + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Client + + + + Order Reference + + + + Organization + + + + NAICS/SIC + + + + D-U-N-S + + + + BP Tax TD + + + + Language + + + + Doc Type + + + + Name 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Reference No: + + + + Customer No: + + + + + + + + + + + + Business Partner + + + + Client + + + + Line No + + + + Organization + + + + + + + + Payment Rule + + + + Payment Selection + + + + Language + + + + Payment Selection Line + + + + Document No + + + + Date Invoiced + + + + Invoice + + + + Payment + + + + Discount + + + + Amt in Words + + + + Business Partner + + + + Client + + + + Payment Selection + + + + Organization + + + + Payment Rule + + + + Language + + + + D-U-N-S + + + + NAICS/SIC + + + + BP Tax TD + + + + Document No + + + + Doc Type + + + + Order Reference + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Customer No : + + + + Reference No : + + + + + + + + - #: + + + + Amount: + + + + + + + + + + + + Name + + + + Client + + + + Organization + + + + Bank Account + + + + Description + + + + Active + + + + Host address + + + + Host port + + + + Partner ID + + + + Vendor ID + + + + User ID + + + + Proxy address + + + + Proxy port + + + + Proxy logon + + + + MC + + + + Visa + + + + AMEX + + + + Diners + + + + Corporate + + + + Discover + + + + Direct Deposit + + + + Direct Debit + + + + ECheck + + + + ATM + + + + Minimum Amt + + + + Currency + + + + Require Verification Code + + + + Sequence + + + + Payment Processor Class + + + + Commission + + + + Cost per Trx + + + + Payment Processor + + + + Name + + + + Client + + + + Organization + + + + Active + + + + Address + + + + Own Bank + + + + Routing No + + + + Swift code + + + + Bank + + + + ZIP + + + + Client + + + + Organization + + + + Active + + + + Address 1 + + + + Address 2 + + + + City + + + + City + + + + - + + + + Region + + + + Region Name + + + + Country + + + + Address + + + + ISO Country + + + + Client + + + + Organization + + + + Name + + + + Description + + + + Active + + + + Default + + + + Country has Region + + + + Region Name + + + + Address Print Format + + + + Phone Format + + + + Additional Postal code + + + + Postal code Format + + + + Additional Postal Format + + + + Language + + + + Currency + + + + Country + + + + Name + + + + Client + + + + Organization + + + + Search Key + + + + Active + + + + Customer + + + + Copies + + + + Invoice Rule + + + + Invoice Schedule + + + + Delivery Rule + + + + Delivery Via + + + + Price List + + + + Payment Rule + + + + Payment Term + + + + Sales Rep + + + + Dunning + + + + Order Reference + + + + Discount Printed + + + + Order Description + + + + Invoice Print Format + + + + Min Shelf Life % + + + + Credit Limit + + + + Credit Used + + + + Business Partner + + + + Description + + + + Sales Volume + + + + Employees + + + + D-U-N-S + + + + Reference No + + + + Tax ID + + + + Summary Level + + + + Vendor + + + + Purchase Pricelist + + + + Sales Rep + + + + Employee + + + + Share + + + + Actual Life Time Value + + + + Potential Life Time Value + + + + Acquisition Cost + + + + First Sale + + + + Active Prospect/Customer + + + + BPartner Group + + + + Freight Cost Rule + + + + Greeting + + + + Name 2 + + + + Payment Rule + + + + Rating + + + + Tax exempt + + + + URL + + + + One time transaction + + + + Linked Org + + + + Credit Status + + + + Partner Parent + + + + Send EMail + + + + PO Discount Schema + + + + Discount Schema + + + + PO Payment Term + + + + Language + + + + NAICS/SIC + + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/AD_PrintLabelLine_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/AD_PrintLabelLine_Trl_pl_PL.xml index b335e5e4f6..0c2468711a 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/AD_PrintLabelLine_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/AD_PrintLabelLine_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/AD_Process_Para_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/AD_Process_Para_Trl_pl_PL.xml index 58bb972256..f16f054ed4 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/AD_Process_Para_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/AD_Process_Para_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,56 +1,56 @@ - - - - - - - Kasowanie istrnijących kont - Kasowanie istniejących kont NIEBEZPIECZNE !!!! - - - - Wersja cennika - Używana tylko jeżeli cennik jest wykorzystywany do ustalenia przyszłej ceny kosztowje - - - - Docelowy sposób płatności - Sposób płatności faktury - Wskazuje sposób w jaki faktora zostanie zapłacona - - - Tryb utrzymywania - Tryb utrzymwyania spójności języka - - - - Istniejaca jedn. org. - Jednostka organizacyjna. Pozostaw pustą jeżeli chcesz utowrzyć nową - Jednostak organizacyjna lub prawna. Np. sklep, wydział. Pomiędzy jednostkami możliwe jest współdzielenie danych. - - - Ogranicz dostęp tylko dla - Jeżeli nie zostanie wybrana rola uprawnienia nadawane są dla wszystkich ról w systemie. - Rola wyznacza dostęp do danych. Dostęp możliwy jest tylko dla użytkowników posiadających określoną rolę. Jeżeli rola nie zostanie wybrana, dostęp maja wszyscy użytkownicy - - - Nowy użytkownik/kontakt - Uzytkownik systemu - wewnętrzny lub kontrahent - Uzytkownik systemu - wewnętrzny lub kontrahent - - - Nowa osoba odpowiedzialna - Nowa osoba odpowiedzialna za wykonanie workflow - Uzytkownik systemu - wewnętrzny lub kontrahent - - - Nowy użytkownik - Uzytkownik systemu - wewnętrzny lub kontrahent - Uzytkownik systemu - wewnętrzny lub kontrahent - - - Nowa osoba odpowiedzialna - Nowa osoba odpowiedzialna za wykonanie workflow - Osoba odpowiedzialna za wykonanie workflow. - - + + + + + + + Kasowanie istrnijących kont + Kasowanie istniejących kont NIEBEZPIECZNE !!!! + + + + Wersja cennika + Używana tylko jeżeli cennik jest wykorzystywany do ustalenia przyszłej ceny kosztowje + + + + Docelowy sposób płatności + Sposób płatności faktury + Wskazuje sposób w jaki faktora zostanie zapłacona + + + Tryb utrzymywania + Tryb utrzymwyania spójności języka + + + + Istniejaca jedn. org. + Jednostka organizacyjna. Pozostaw pustą jeżeli chcesz utowrzyć nową + Jednostak organizacyjna lub prawna. Np. sklep, wydział. Pomiędzy jednostkami możliwe jest współdzielenie danych. + + + Ogranicz dostęp tylko dla + Jeżeli nie zostanie wybrana rola uprawnienia nadawane są dla wszystkich ról w systemie. + Rola wyznacza dostęp do danych. Dostęp możliwy jest tylko dla użytkowników posiadających określoną rolę. Jeżeli rola nie zostanie wybrana, dostęp maja wszyscy użytkownicy + + + Nowy użytkownik/kontakt + Uzytkownik systemu - wewnętrzny lub kontrahent + Uzytkownik systemu - wewnętrzny lub kontrahent + + + Nowa osoba odpowiedzialna + Nowa osoba odpowiedzialna za wykonanie workflow + Uzytkownik systemu - wewnętrzny lub kontrahent + + + Nowy użytkownik + Uzytkownik systemu - wewnętrzny lub kontrahent + Uzytkownik systemu - wewnętrzny lub kontrahent + + + Nowa osoba odpowiedzialna + Nowa osoba odpowiedzialna za wykonanie workflow + Osoba odpowiedzialna za wykonanie workflow. + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/AD_Process_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/AD_Process_Trl_pl_PL.xml index 047b84231f..f72cf6d095 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/AD_Process_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/AD_Process_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,937 +1,937 @@ - - - - - - - Utwórz okresy - Tworzy 12 standardowych okresów (Sty-Gru) - - - - Przenumeruj - Przenumeruj zapisy upustów - - - - Utwórz cennik - Tworzy cennik na podstawie parametrów wersji - Create Prices for this pricelist version in the sequence of the Discount Schema Price List. -Lines with a higher sequence overwrite existing prices. The sequence should be from generic to specific. - - - Przetwarzanie zamówień - - - - - Create Inventory Count List - Create Inventory Count List - The inventory count lines are generated. You can add new lines or delete lines. - - - Update Quantity - The Book Quantity is updated with current book quantity - The Update Quantity Process will update the book quantity with the current book quantity. - - - Process Inventory Count - Process Inventory count and update Inventory - - - - Copy Accounts - Copy and overwrite all accounts to system defaults (DANGEROUS!!!) - - - - Przetwarzaj dostawę - Process Shipment (Update Inventory) - Process Shipment will move products out of inventory and mark line items as shipped. - - - Drukuj zamówienie - ** Specjalne ** - - - - Przetwarzaj fakturę - - - - - Kopiuj konta - Copy and overwrite Accouts to Business Partners of this group - - - - Kopuj zakładki - - Pozwala na skopiwoanie wszystkich zakładek i pól okna - - - Kopuj zakładki - - Kopiuj pola do zakładek - - - Wybór dostawcy - Produkty z jednym lub więcej dostawcami - Wybór dostawcy jest inicjowny dla porduktu dostarczanego przez jednego lub więcej dostawców. Pozwala to na wybór określonego z nich jako domyślnego przy tworzeniu zamówień własnych. - - - Drukuj fakturę - ** Specjalne ** - - - - Delivery Note / Shipment Print - ** Special ** - - - - Generate Shipments - - - - - Generowanie faktur - Generowanie i wydruk faktur - - - - Zamówienia - Raport zamówień własnych - - - - Otwarte zamówienia - - - - - Przesunięcia MM - Wykonywanie przesunięć miedzymagazynowych - Przesunięcia magazynowe zmieniają ilości przedmitów w pomiędzy magazynami lub lokalizacjami - - - Generowanie prowizji - Generowanie prowizji - - - - Product Transaction Summary - Product Transaction Summary - The report shows transaction summary for stored products - - - RAport uzupełnień - Raport uzupełnień zapasów - Tworzy raport uzupełnień zapasów - - - Order Drilldown - - - - - Invoice Transactions - - - - - Faktury dziennie - - - - - Faktury miesięcznie - - - - - Faktury tygodniowo - - - - - Faktury tygodniowo wg produktu - - - - - Faktury miesięcznie wg produktu - - - - - Faktury miesięcznie wg dostawcy - - - - - Generuj faktury (ręcznie) - Utwórz i frukuj faktury (ręcznie) - - - - Kopiuj z - - - - - Sprawdzenie BOM - Sprawdzenie struktury BOM - Sprawdza strukturę BOM (listę materiałową produktu). - - - Twórz/Księguj Produkcję - Tworzy pozycję produkcji jeżeli nie zostały jeszcze utworzone, w przeciwnym razie przetwarza je - Create/Post Production will generate the production lines and process the production. If the production lines already exisit, the the production will be processed - - - Faktury kwartalnie wg produktu - - - - - Faktury kwartalnie wg dostawcy - - - - - Kopiuj konta - Kopiuje i nadpisuje numery kont dla produktów tej kategorii - Kopiowanie Kont powouje, że konta zdefinowane dla kategorii produktów zostaną przypisane do wszystkich produków tej kategorii. - - - Generuj kwit z Faktuty - Create and process delivery Receipt from this invoice. FAktura powinna byc prawidłowa i mieć status "zakończona". - - - - Gotówka - - - - - Sprawy otwarte - Lista spraw otwartych - - - - Niepotwierdzone płatności - Płatności które nie zostały potierdzone na wydruku z banku - - - - Wydruki bankowe - - - - - Przypisanie płatności - Przypisanie płatności do faktur - - - - Płatności - - - - - Cofnięcie przypisanych płatności - Cofa przypisanie płatności do faktur i pozwala na ponowne ich przypisanie - - - - Faktury ogólnie - - - - - Faktury szczegółowo - - - - - Płatność online - - - - - Generate Invoice from Receipt - Create and process Invoice from this receipt. The receipt should be correct and completed. - Generate Invoice from Receipt will create an invoice based on the selected receipt and match the invoice to that receipt. - - - Tworzenie płatności - - - - - Create From ... - - - - - Process Requests - - - - - Wezwania do zapłaty - - - - - Tire Letter - - - - - Product Transaction Value - Product Transaction Value - The report shows product transactions with valuation - - - Podsumowanie statusów projektów - Project Status of Project Cycle - - - - Generowanie zamówień - Generowanie zamówień z projektów - Wygenerowanie zamówień na podstawie projektu. - - - Kopiuj z - Tworznie prowizji na podstawie innej - - - - Twórz faktury - Create Invoice from Commission Calculation - - - - Otwórz/Zamknij wszystkie - Otwórz/Zamknij wszystkie podstawowe podstawowe dokumenty dla tego okresu - - - - Otwórz/Zamknij - - - - - Process Journal - - - - - Cash Journal Detail - Detail Cash Journal Information - - - - Receivables Write-Off - Write off open receivables - Write-off receivables causes the invoices selected by the criteria to be marked as paid and the open invoice amount to be written off. - - - Uaktualnij terminologię - Uaktualnia terminologie w systemie. - Uaktualnia terminolgię w systmie na podstawie zapisów w oknie Elementy, pola w oknach, parametry itp są uaktualnanie jeżeli są utrzymywane centralnie. - - - Twórz kolumny bazy danych - Tworzny kolumny istniejące w bazie, których nie ma zdefinowanych w systemie jako Kolumny - Jeżeli dodałeś kolumny w bazie danych do tej tabeli, to polecenie utworzy jego definicje w słowniku systemowym. Uwaga: kolumny moga zostać usuniete jeżeli ich typ nie jest ustawion na "Użytkownik". - - - Utwórz pola - Tworzy pola z Tabeli, które nie isteniją jeszcze w zakładkach okien - Ta opcja tworzy pola w zakładkach, które są zdefinowane w Tabeli - - - Resubmit Posting - Resubmit posting of documents with posting errors - Documents with posting errors are reset to be posted by the next run of the accounting engine - after fixing the cause (e.g. opening period). - - - Reset Accounting - Reset Accounting Entries - Delete accounting records of documents to be re-created by the next run of the accounting engine. This is a dramatic step and you want to do this ONLY after changes of the accounting structure (e.g. different default accounts, etc.) and if fixing via manual Jornal entries is not sensible. - - - Uruchom porces teraz - - - - - Sprawdź języki - Sprawdza czy istnieja odpowiednie dane dla języków w systemie (wymagane po utworzeniu nowego języka) - Sprawdzenie tłumaczeń i utworznie brakujących tłumaczeń. Uruchom ten porces po utworznieu nowego języka. Spwowduje to skopiowanie wszystkich informacji wymagających tłumaczenia do nowego języka - - - Inventory Valuation Report - Inventory Valuation Report - Report lists products with their on-hand quantity and values at the valuation date - - - Synchronizacja kolumny - Change database table definition from application dictionary - When selected, the database column definition is updated based on your entries in the Column definition of the Application Dictionary. - - - Product Cost Update - Sets furure cost price and standard cost price - For Standard Costing you can -- update the future cost price -- set the standard cost price to the future cost price - - - Raport kosztów produktu - Raport kosztów produktu - - - - Przetwarzanie wydatków - - - - - Recompile DB Objects - Recompile Database Objects - Recompile Functions, Procedures, Triggers, Views, etc. - - - Create AR Expense Invoices - Create Invoices from Expenses for Customers - - - - Create AP Expense Invoices - Create AP Invoices from Expenses to be paid to employees - - - - Przetwarzaj serię - - - - - Kopiuj kolumny - Kopiuj kolumny raportu do innego zbioru kolumn - Kopiuj kolumny raportu do innego zbioru kolumn - - - Kopiuj pozycje - Copy Report Lines from other Line Set - Copy lines at the end of this Line Set - - - Ustawienia formatu wydruków - Ustawienia dla wszystkich fromatów wydruku o tej samej orientacji (poziomo/pionowo) - - - - Kopiuj/Twórz - Kopiuj istniejącą lub utwórz format wydrukuna podstawie tabeli - - - - Generowanie zamówień włansych na podstawie zamówień obcych - Generowanie zamówień włansych na podstawie zamówień obcych - Po zamknięciu zamówień obcyh możesz stworzyć na ich podstawie zamówienia dla dostawców. Jedno zamówienie tworzy jedno zamówinie własne (brak konsolidacji zamówień). - -Zamówienia są tworzne dla wszystkich pozycji zamówień obcych, których produkt ma ustawionego biezącego dostawcę, dostawca posiada zdefiniowany cennik z ważną wersją cennika. Jedn mairy jest kopiowana. Waluty mogą być różne -Uruchomienie tego porcesu możliwe jest tylko jeden raz dla konkretenego dokumentu - - - - Import kontrahentów - Import kontrahentów z pliku do aplikacji - Import kontrahentów z pliku do aplikacji - - - Ponownie otwórz zapytanie - Ponownie otwórz zamknięte zapytanie - - - - Import Produktów - Import Produktów z pliku do aplikacji - Import Produktów z pliku do aplikacji w zdefinowanym formacie. - - - Importuj plan kont - Importuje plan kont - Import accounts and their hierarchies and optional update the default accounts. -Updating the Default Accounts changes the natural account segment of the used account, e.g. account 01-240 becomes 01-300). If you create a new combination, the old account (e.g. 01-240) will remain, otherwise replaced. -If you select this, make sure that you not multiple default accounts using one natural account and HAVE A BACKUP !! - - - Import Report Line Set - Import Report Line Set information - - - - Generowanie dostaw (ręczne) - - - - - Drukuj faktury - Drukowanie faktur na drukarce lub jako pliki PDF - - - - Dostarczenie aktywów - Dostarczenie aktywów drogą elektroniczną - Dostarczenie aktywów drogą elektroniczną - - - Utwórz raport - Utwórz raport finansowy - The default period is the current period. You can optionally enter other restrictions. - - - Update Accounting Balance - Update Daily Accounting Balances - This process is run automatically - - - Bilans - Bilans - Wybierz okres (obecny jeżeli puste) lub wybeirz zakres dat - - - Cache Reset - Reset Cache of the System ** Close all Windows before proceeding ** - To increase performance, Adempiere caches repeatedly used data. This process clears the local cache. - - - Import Orders - Import Orders - The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. -Note that only Prepare and Complete are valid document actions. - - - Import Invoice - Import Invoice - The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. -Note that only Prepare and Complete are valid document actions. - - - Start Replication Run - Start Replication with Remote Host - - - - Send Mail Text - Send EMails to active subscribers of an Interest Area OR a Business Partner Group from a selected User - Select the Interest Area to which subscribers you send the Mail Text from the User selected. Additionally, you can send mails to the Contacts of a Business Partner Group.<br> -The User to send emails from needs to have valid EMail information. If you don't select a user, the Mail is sent from the Client's Request Mail User. - - - Copy Lines - Copy Lines from other Invoice - - - - Copy Lines - Copy Lines from other Order - - - - Copy Details - Copy Lines/Phases/Tasks from other Project - - - - Start Process - Start Recurring Run - - - - Copy Details - Copy Journal/Lines from other Journal Batch - - - - Set Project Type - Set Project Type and for Service Projects copy Phases and Tasks of Project Type into Project - - - - - Generate Order - Generate Order from Project Phase - The Generate Order process will generate a new Order document based on the project phase or tasks. A price list and warehouse/service point must be defined on the project. If a product is defined on phase level, the Phase information is used as the basis for the Order (milestone invoicing) - otherwise the individual tasks. - - - Project Print - ** Special ** Do not change ** - - - - Project Cycle Report - Report Projects based on Project Cycle - The Project Cycle reports on common project phases of a Cycle Step/Phase. All Report information is weighted by the relative weight of the Cycle Step and converted to the currency of the Project Cycle (e.g. for Sales Funnel Reporting).<p> -The Projects must have a Project Type, Phase and Currency defined. The Phase must be assigned to a Cycle Step. - - - Import Inventory - Import Physical Inventory - The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. - - - Import Journal - Import General Ledger Batch/Journal/Line - The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. - - - Import Bank Statement - Import Bank Statement - The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. - - - Customer Assets - Report Customer Assets with Delivery Count - The report lists the assets of business partners with the total asset delivery count. - - - Asset Delivery Details - Report Asset Deliveries Details - The report lists the details of Asset Deliveries for the records selected. - - - Issue to Project - Issue Material to Project from Receipt or manual Inventory Location - Select a Project and either -<br>- Material Receipt -<br>- Expense Report -<br<- Inventory Location and Project Line not issued yet -<br>- Inventory Location, Product and Quantity -The default Movement Date is today's date. - - - Generate PO from Project - Generate PO from Project Line(s) - - - - - Project Detail Accounting Report - Accounting Fact Details of Project - - - - Close Project - - - - - Project Lines not Issued - Lists Project Lines of a Work Order or Asset Project, which are not issued to the Project - - - - Project POs not Issued - Lists Project Lines with generated Purchase Orders of a Work Order or Asset Project, which are not issued to the Project - - - - Get Price - Get Price for Project Line based on Project Price List - - - - Quote convert - Convert open Proposal or Quotation to Order - You can convert a Proposal or Quotation to any other Order document type. You would use this process, if you want to maintain/keep the Proposal or Quotation. The document status needs to be In Process. - - - RePrice Order/Invoice - Recalculate the price based on the latest price list version of an open order or invoice - - - - Verify Document Types - Verify Document Types - Makes sure that there is a DocumentType for all Document Base Types<br> -Creates missing Period Controls for Document Type (You may have to open them) - - - Project Margin (Work Order) - Work Order Project Lines (planned revenue) vs. Project Issues (costs) - The Project Margin Report for Work Orders compares the Project lines (planned revenue) against the Project issues (actual effort and costs). The margin amount is calculated by subtracting the costs (issue) from the revenue (line). -The costs are in the currency of the Accounting Schema - the lines are in the currency of the price list of the project. - - - Verify Tree - Verify completeness and correctness of Tree - - - - Storage Detail - Storage Detail Report - The report shows storage details including product instance (Lot, Serial No) info - - - Transaction Detail - Transaction Detail Report - The report shows transaction details (receipts, shipments, inventory, movements, ...) including product instance (Lot, Serial No) info - - - Aging - Aging Report - The aging report allows you to report on Open Items (Invoices). Select the aging buckets, you want to have in your report. - - - Clicks Monthy - Clicks per Month - The report shows the advertisement Click Count per Month - - - Clicks Unprocessed - Unprocessed Clicks - The Report shows Clicks, which could not be processed (URL not matched to Click Count) - - - Delete Notices - Delete all Notices - - - - Validate - Validate Payment Schedule - - - - Validate - Validate Payment Terms and Schedule - - - - Warehouse Organization - Set and verify Organization ownership of Warehouse - The process allows you to change or verify the organization ownership of a warehouse and its dependent entities (Location, Storage). - - - Product Organization - Set and verify Organization ownership of Products - The process allows you to change or verify the organization ownership of Products and its dependent entities (BOM, Substitute, Replenish, Purchasing, Business Partner Info, Costing). <br> -Select either a Product Category ar a specific Product. - - - Business Partner Organization - Set and verify Organization ownership of Business Partners - The process allows you to change or verify the organization ownership of Business Partners and its dependent entities (Location, Contact/User, Bank Account, Withholding). <br> -Select either a Business Partner Group ar a specific Business Partner - - - Load Bank Statement - Load Bank Statement - Load the bank statement into the import table. The parameters used depend on the actual loader. - - - Delete Import - Delete all data in Import Table - You would delete all data in an import table, if there was a problem with data loading. The delete does not distinguish between imported and not imported data. - - - Import Conversion Rate - Import Currency Conversion Rate - - - - Register Now! - Registrations help us to better serve the Adempiere User Base. - We will NOT make the data available to any third party or use the information for other than statistical purposes. -It will help us, if you would allow to publish your use of Adempiere. We will contact you directly before we publish any information. - - - - Invoice Tax - Invoice Tax Reconsiliation - The Report lists Invoice Tax lines with Buiness Partner Tax information. - - - Accounting Fact Details - Accounting Fact Details Report - - - - Accounting Fact Daily - Accounting Fact Details summarized by Accounting Date - - - - Accounting Fact Period - Accounting Fact Details summarized by Accounting Period - The Period is based on the the Calendar defined on Client level. - - - Reopen Order - Open previously closed Order - - - - Match Bank Statement - Match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments - - - - Create Payment - Create Payment from Bank Statement Info - - - - Sequence Check - Check System and Document Sequences - Check that System and Document sequences are correct. Run this process, if you get Duplicate Key error messages. - - - Create Orders - Create orders based on Distribution List line items - Please note that due to rounding, the total quantity of the order(s) is likely to be higher then the quantity entered. - - - Link Organization - Link Business Partner to an Organization - If the Business Partner is another Organization, select the Organization or set to empty to create a new Organization. You link a Business Partner to an Organization to create explicit Documents for Inter-Org transaction. -If you create a new Organization, you may supply a Organization Type. If you select a Role, the access to the new Organization is limited to that role, otherwise all (non manual) roles of the Client will have access to the new Organization. - - - Create & Invite - Create RfQ and Invite Vendors - Create (missing) RfQ Responses and optionally send EMail Invitation/Reminder to Vendors to respond to RfQ - - - Invite & Remind - EMail Invite or Remind Vendor to answer RfQ - Send Invitation/Reminder to Vendors to respond to RfQ per email - - - RfQ Unanswered - Outstanding RfQ Responses - Lists Responses of active RfQs (not closed/processed) where the Response is not marked as complete. - - - RfQ Response - Detail RfQ Responses - Lists detail Responses of active RfQs (not closed/processed) where the Response is marked as complete. - - - Rank Responses - Rank Completed RfQ Responses - Invalid responses are ranked with 999 per Quantity. The Quantity Responses are ranked among each other and the RfQ Best Response updated. The response Lines is maked as Selected winner, where the purchase quantity is selected. - -Then the rankings of all Quantity Responses are added for the total ranking of the response. The response with the lowest total ranking is marked as Selected Winner. - - - - Create Purchase Order - Create Purchase Order(s) for RfQ Winner(s) - Create purchase order(s) for the resonse(s) and lines marked as Selected Winner using the selected Purchase Quantity (in RfQ Line Quantity) . If a Response is marked as Selected Winner, all lines are created (and Selected Winner of other responses ignored). If there is no response marked as Selected Winner, the lines are used. - - - Create Sales Order - Create Sales Order - A Sales Order is created for the entered Business Partner. A sales order line is created for each RfQ line quantity, where "Offer Quantity" is selected. If on the RfQ Line Quantity, an offer amount is entered (not 0), that price is used. -If a magin is entered on RfQ Line Quantity, it overwrites the general margin. The margin is the percentage added to the Best Response Amount. - - - Copy Lines - Copy Lines from another RfQ - - - - Close RfQ - Close RfQ and Responses - Close the RfQ and all it's Responses - - - Open Requisitions - Detail Open Requisition Information - - - - Create Orders - Create orders based on Distribution List line items - Please note that due to rounding, the total quantity of the order(s) is likely to be higher then the quantity entered. - - - UnLink Business Partner Org - UnLink Business Partner from an Organization - UnLink a Business Partner Linked to an Organization (for explicit inter-org documents) - - - Process Requisition - - - - - Asset Delivery Month - Report Asset Deliveries Summary per month - The report lists the Asset and the deliveries per month for the records selected. - - - Validate Document Type - - - - - RfQ Response Print - ** Special ** Do not change ** - - - - Check Complete - Check if Response is Complete based on RfQ settings - - - - Manage Activity - - - - - Manage Process - - - - - Complete Confirmation - - - - - Create Confirmation - - - - - Create Package - - - - - Process RMA - - - - - Open Confirmation Details - Open Shipment or Receipt Confirmation Details - The Report lists the open confirmation lines - - - Open Confirmations - Open Shipment or Receipt Confirmations - The report lists the open confirmations - - + + + + + + + Utwórz okresy + Tworzy 12 standardowych okresów (Sty-Gru) + + + + Przenumeruj + Przenumeruj zapisy upustów + + + + Utwórz cennik + Tworzy cennik na podstawie parametrów wersji + Create Prices for this pricelist version in the sequence of the Discount Schema Price List. +Lines with a higher sequence overwrite existing prices. The sequence should be from generic to specific. + + + Przetwarzanie zamówień + + + + + Create Inventory Count List + Create Inventory Count List + The inventory count lines are generated. You can add new lines or delete lines. + + + Update Quantity + The Book Quantity is updated with current book quantity + The Update Quantity Process will update the book quantity with the current book quantity. + + + Process Inventory Count + Process Inventory count and update Inventory + + + + Copy Accounts + Copy and overwrite all accounts to system defaults (DANGEROUS!!!) + + + + Przetwarzaj dostawę + Process Shipment (Update Inventory) + Process Shipment will move products out of inventory and mark line items as shipped. + + + Drukuj zamówienie + ** Specjalne ** + + + + Przetwarzaj fakturę + + + + + Kopiuj konta + Copy and overwrite Accouts to Business Partners of this group + + + + Kopuj zakładki + + Pozwala na skopiwoanie wszystkich zakładek i pól okna + + + Kopuj zakładki + + Kopiuj pola do zakładek + + + Wybór dostawcy + Produkty z jednym lub więcej dostawcami + Wybór dostawcy jest inicjowny dla porduktu dostarczanego przez jednego lub więcej dostawców. Pozwala to na wybór określonego z nich jako domyślnego przy tworzeniu zamówień własnych. + + + Drukuj fakturę + ** Specjalne ** + + + + Delivery Note / Shipment Print + ** Special ** + + + + Generate Shipments + + + + + Generowanie faktur + Generowanie i wydruk faktur + + + + Zamówienia + Raport zamówień własnych + + + + Otwarte zamówienia + + + + + Przesunięcia MM + Wykonywanie przesunięć miedzymagazynowych + Przesunięcia magazynowe zmieniają ilości przedmitów w pomiędzy magazynami lub lokalizacjami + + + Generowanie prowizji + Generowanie prowizji + + + + Product Transaction Summary + Product Transaction Summary + The report shows transaction summary for stored products + + + RAport uzupełnień + Raport uzupełnień zapasów + Tworzy raport uzupełnień zapasów + + + Order Drilldown + + + + + Invoice Transactions + + + + + Faktury dziennie + + + + + Faktury miesięcznie + + + + + Faktury tygodniowo + + + + + Faktury tygodniowo wg produktu + + + + + Faktury miesięcznie wg produktu + + + + + Faktury miesięcznie wg dostawcy + + + + + Generuj faktury (ręcznie) + Utwórz i frukuj faktury (ręcznie) + + + + Kopiuj z + + + + + Sprawdzenie BOM + Sprawdzenie struktury BOM + Sprawdza strukturę BOM (listę materiałową produktu). + + + Twórz/Księguj Produkcję + Tworzy pozycję produkcji jeżeli nie zostały jeszcze utworzone, w przeciwnym razie przetwarza je + Create/Post Production will generate the production lines and process the production. If the production lines already exisit, the the production will be processed + + + Faktury kwartalnie wg produktu + + + + + Faktury kwartalnie wg dostawcy + + + + + Kopiuj konta + Kopiuje i nadpisuje numery kont dla produktów tej kategorii + Kopiowanie Kont powouje, że konta zdefinowane dla kategorii produktów zostaną przypisane do wszystkich produków tej kategorii. + + + Generuj kwit z Faktuty + Create and process delivery Receipt from this invoice. FAktura powinna byc prawidłowa i mieć status "zakończona". + + + + Gotówka + + + + + Sprawy otwarte + Lista spraw otwartych + + + + Niepotwierdzone płatności + Płatności które nie zostały potierdzone na wydruku z banku + + + + Wydruki bankowe + + + + + Przypisanie płatności + Przypisanie płatności do faktur + + + + Płatności + + + + + Cofnięcie przypisanych płatności + Cofa przypisanie płatności do faktur i pozwala na ponowne ich przypisanie + + + + Faktury ogólnie + + + + + Faktury szczegółowo + + + + + Płatność online + + + + + Generate Invoice from Receipt + Create and process Invoice from this receipt. The receipt should be correct and completed. + Generate Invoice from Receipt will create an invoice based on the selected receipt and match the invoice to that receipt. + + + Tworzenie płatności + + + + + Create From ... + + + + + Process Requests + + + + + Wezwania do zapłaty + + + + + Tire Letter + + + + + Product Transaction Value + Product Transaction Value + The report shows product transactions with valuation + + + Podsumowanie statusów projektów + Project Status of Project Cycle + + + + Generowanie zamówień + Generowanie zamówień z projektów + Wygenerowanie zamówień na podstawie projektu. + + + Kopiuj z + Tworznie prowizji na podstawie innej + + + + Twórz faktury + Create Invoice from Commission Calculation + + + + Otwórz/Zamknij wszystkie + Otwórz/Zamknij wszystkie podstawowe podstawowe dokumenty dla tego okresu + + + + Otwórz/Zamknij + + + + + Process Journal + + + + + Cash Journal Detail + Detail Cash Journal Information + + + + Receivables Write-Off + Write off open receivables + Write-off receivables causes the invoices selected by the criteria to be marked as paid and the open invoice amount to be written off. + + + Uaktualnij terminologię + Uaktualnia terminologie w systemie. + Uaktualnia terminolgię w systmie na podstawie zapisów w oknie Elementy, pola w oknach, parametry itp są uaktualnanie jeżeli są utrzymywane centralnie. + + + Twórz kolumny bazy danych + Tworzny kolumny istniejące w bazie, których nie ma zdefinowanych w systemie jako Kolumny + Jeżeli dodałeś kolumny w bazie danych do tej tabeli, to polecenie utworzy jego definicje w słowniku systemowym. Uwaga: kolumny moga zostać usuniete jeżeli ich typ nie jest ustawion na "Użytkownik". + + + Utwórz pola + Tworzy pola z Tabeli, które nie isteniją jeszcze w zakładkach okien + Ta opcja tworzy pola w zakładkach, które są zdefinowane w Tabeli + + + Resubmit Posting + Resubmit posting of documents with posting errors + Documents with posting errors are reset to be posted by the next run of the accounting engine - after fixing the cause (e.g. opening period). + + + Reset Accounting + Reset Accounting Entries + Delete accounting records of documents to be re-created by the next run of the accounting engine. This is a dramatic step and you want to do this ONLY after changes of the accounting structure (e.g. different default accounts, etc.) and if fixing via manual Jornal entries is not sensible. + + + Uruchom porces teraz + + + + + Sprawdź języki + Sprawdza czy istnieja odpowiednie dane dla języków w systemie (wymagane po utworzeniu nowego języka) + Sprawdzenie tłumaczeń i utworznie brakujących tłumaczeń. Uruchom ten porces po utworznieu nowego języka. Spwowduje to skopiowanie wszystkich informacji wymagających tłumaczenia do nowego języka + + + Inventory Valuation Report + Inventory Valuation Report + Report lists products with their on-hand quantity and values at the valuation date + + + Synchronizacja kolumny + Change database table definition from application dictionary + When selected, the database column definition is updated based on your entries in the Column definition of the Application Dictionary. + + + Product Cost Update + Sets furure cost price and standard cost price + For Standard Costing you can +- update the future cost price +- set the standard cost price to the future cost price + + + Raport kosztów produktu + Raport kosztów produktu + + + + Przetwarzanie wydatków + + + + + Recompile DB Objects + Recompile Database Objects + Recompile Functions, Procedures, Triggers, Views, etc. + + + Create AR Expense Invoices + Create Invoices from Expenses for Customers + + + + Create AP Expense Invoices + Create AP Invoices from Expenses to be paid to employees + + + + Przetwarzaj serię + + + + + Kopiuj kolumny + Kopiuj kolumny raportu do innego zbioru kolumn + Kopiuj kolumny raportu do innego zbioru kolumn + + + Kopiuj pozycje + Copy Report Lines from other Line Set + Copy lines at the end of this Line Set + + + Ustawienia formatu wydruków + Ustawienia dla wszystkich fromatów wydruku o tej samej orientacji (poziomo/pionowo) + + + + Kopiuj/Twórz + Kopiuj istniejącą lub utwórz format wydrukuna podstawie tabeli + + + + Generowanie zamówień włansych na podstawie zamówień obcych + Generowanie zamówień włansych na podstawie zamówień obcych + Po zamknięciu zamówień obcyh możesz stworzyć na ich podstawie zamówienia dla dostawców. Jedno zamówienie tworzy jedno zamówinie własne (brak konsolidacji zamówień). + +Zamówienia są tworzne dla wszystkich pozycji zamówień obcych, których produkt ma ustawionego biezącego dostawcę, dostawca posiada zdefiniowany cennik z ważną wersją cennika. Jedn mairy jest kopiowana. Waluty mogą być różne +Uruchomienie tego porcesu możliwe jest tylko jeden raz dla konkretenego dokumentu + + + + Import kontrahentów + Import kontrahentów z pliku do aplikacji + Import kontrahentów z pliku do aplikacji + + + Ponownie otwórz zapytanie + Ponownie otwórz zamknięte zapytanie + + + + Import Produktów + Import Produktów z pliku do aplikacji + Import Produktów z pliku do aplikacji w zdefinowanym formacie. + + + Importuj plan kont + Importuje plan kont + Import accounts and their hierarchies and optional update the default accounts. +Updating the Default Accounts changes the natural account segment of the used account, e.g. account 01-240 becomes 01-300). If you create a new combination, the old account (e.g. 01-240) will remain, otherwise replaced. +If you select this, make sure that you not multiple default accounts using one natural account and HAVE A BACKUP !! + + + Import Report Line Set + Import Report Line Set information + + + + Generowanie dostaw (ręczne) + + + + + Drukuj faktury + Drukowanie faktur na drukarce lub jako pliki PDF + + + + Dostarczenie aktywów + Dostarczenie aktywów drogą elektroniczną + Dostarczenie aktywów drogą elektroniczną + + + Utwórz raport + Utwórz raport finansowy + The default period is the current period. You can optionally enter other restrictions. + + + Update Accounting Balance + Update Daily Accounting Balances + This process is run automatically + + + Bilans + Bilans + Wybierz okres (obecny jeżeli puste) lub wybeirz zakres dat + + + Cache Reset + Reset Cache of the System ** Close all Windows before proceeding ** + To increase performance, Adempiere caches repeatedly used data. This process clears the local cache. + + + Import Orders + Import Orders + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. +Note that only Prepare and Complete are valid document actions. + + + Import Invoice + Import Invoice + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. +Note that only Prepare and Complete are valid document actions. + + + Start Replication Run + Start Replication with Remote Host + + + + Send Mail Text + Send EMails to active subscribers of an Interest Area OR a Business Partner Group from a selected User + Select the Interest Area to which subscribers you send the Mail Text from the User selected. Additionally, you can send mails to the Contacts of a Business Partner Group.<br> +The User to send emails from needs to have valid EMail information. If you don't select a user, the Mail is sent from the Client's Request Mail User. + + + Copy Lines + Copy Lines from other Invoice + + + + Copy Lines + Copy Lines from other Order + + + + Copy Details + Copy Lines/Phases/Tasks from other Project + + + + Start Process + Start Recurring Run + + + + Copy Details + Copy Journal/Lines from other Journal Batch + + + + Set Project Type + Set Project Type and for Service Projects copy Phases and Tasks of Project Type into Project + + + + + Generate Order + Generate Order from Project Phase + The Generate Order process will generate a new Order document based on the project phase or tasks. A price list and warehouse/service point must be defined on the project. If a product is defined on phase level, the Phase information is used as the basis for the Order (milestone invoicing) - otherwise the individual tasks. + + + Project Print + ** Special ** Do not change ** + + + + Project Cycle Report + Report Projects based on Project Cycle + The Project Cycle reports on common project phases of a Cycle Step/Phase. All Report information is weighted by the relative weight of the Cycle Step and converted to the currency of the Project Cycle (e.g. for Sales Funnel Reporting).<p> +The Projects must have a Project Type, Phase and Currency defined. The Phase must be assigned to a Cycle Step. + + + Import Inventory + Import Physical Inventory + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. + + + Import Journal + Import General Ledger Batch/Journal/Line + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. + + + Import Bank Statement + Import Bank Statement + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. + + + Customer Assets + Report Customer Assets with Delivery Count + The report lists the assets of business partners with the total asset delivery count. + + + Asset Delivery Details + Report Asset Deliveries Details + The report lists the details of Asset Deliveries for the records selected. + + + Issue to Project + Issue Material to Project from Receipt or manual Inventory Location + Select a Project and either +<br>- Material Receipt +<br>- Expense Report +<br<- Inventory Location and Project Line not issued yet +<br>- Inventory Location, Product and Quantity +The default Movement Date is today's date. + + + Generate PO from Project + Generate PO from Project Line(s) + + + + + Project Detail Accounting Report + Accounting Fact Details of Project + + + + Close Project + + + + + Project Lines not Issued + Lists Project Lines of a Work Order or Asset Project, which are not issued to the Project + + + + Project POs not Issued + Lists Project Lines with generated Purchase Orders of a Work Order or Asset Project, which are not issued to the Project + + + + Get Price + Get Price for Project Line based on Project Price List + + + + Quote convert + Convert open Proposal or Quotation to Order + You can convert a Proposal or Quotation to any other Order document type. You would use this process, if you want to maintain/keep the Proposal or Quotation. The document status needs to be In Process. + + + RePrice Order/Invoice + Recalculate the price based on the latest price list version of an open order or invoice + + + + Verify Document Types + Verify Document Types + Makes sure that there is a DocumentType for all Document Base Types<br> +Creates missing Period Controls for Document Type (You may have to open them) + + + Project Margin (Work Order) + Work Order Project Lines (planned revenue) vs. Project Issues (costs) + The Project Margin Report for Work Orders compares the Project lines (planned revenue) against the Project issues (actual effort and costs). The margin amount is calculated by subtracting the costs (issue) from the revenue (line). +The costs are in the currency of the Accounting Schema - the lines are in the currency of the price list of the project. + + + Verify Tree + Verify completeness and correctness of Tree + + + + Storage Detail + Storage Detail Report + The report shows storage details including product instance (Lot, Serial No) info + + + Transaction Detail + Transaction Detail Report + The report shows transaction details (receipts, shipments, inventory, movements, ...) including product instance (Lot, Serial No) info + + + Aging + Aging Report + The aging report allows you to report on Open Items (Invoices). Select the aging buckets, you want to have in your report. + + + Clicks Monthy + Clicks per Month + The report shows the advertisement Click Count per Month + + + Clicks Unprocessed + Unprocessed Clicks + The Report shows Clicks, which could not be processed (URL not matched to Click Count) + + + Delete Notices + Delete all Notices + + + + Validate + Validate Payment Schedule + + + + Validate + Validate Payment Terms and Schedule + + + + Warehouse Organization + Set and verify Organization ownership of Warehouse + The process allows you to change or verify the organization ownership of a warehouse and its dependent entities (Location, Storage). + + + Product Organization + Set and verify Organization ownership of Products + The process allows you to change or verify the organization ownership of Products and its dependent entities (BOM, Substitute, Replenish, Purchasing, Business Partner Info, Costing). <br> +Select either a Product Category ar a specific Product. + + + Business Partner Organization + Set and verify Organization ownership of Business Partners + The process allows you to change or verify the organization ownership of Business Partners and its dependent entities (Location, Contact/User, Bank Account, Withholding). <br> +Select either a Business Partner Group ar a specific Business Partner + + + Load Bank Statement + Load Bank Statement + Load the bank statement into the import table. The parameters used depend on the actual loader. + + + Delete Import + Delete all data in Import Table + You would delete all data in an import table, if there was a problem with data loading. The delete does not distinguish between imported and not imported data. + + + Import Conversion Rate + Import Currency Conversion Rate + + + + Register Now! + Registrations help us to better serve the Adempiere User Base. + We will NOT make the data available to any third party or use the information for other than statistical purposes. +It will help us, if you would allow to publish your use of Adempiere. We will contact you directly before we publish any information. + + + + Invoice Tax + Invoice Tax Reconsiliation + The Report lists Invoice Tax lines with Buiness Partner Tax information. + + + Accounting Fact Details + Accounting Fact Details Report + + + + Accounting Fact Daily + Accounting Fact Details summarized by Accounting Date + + + + Accounting Fact Period + Accounting Fact Details summarized by Accounting Period + The Period is based on the the Calendar defined on Client level. + + + Reopen Order + Open previously closed Order + + + + Match Bank Statement + Match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments + + + + Create Payment + Create Payment from Bank Statement Info + + + + Sequence Check + Check System and Document Sequences + Check that System and Document sequences are correct. Run this process, if you get Duplicate Key error messages. + + + Create Orders + Create orders based on Distribution List line items + Please note that due to rounding, the total quantity of the order(s) is likely to be higher then the quantity entered. + + + Link Organization + Link Business Partner to an Organization + If the Business Partner is another Organization, select the Organization or set to empty to create a new Organization. You link a Business Partner to an Organization to create explicit Documents for Inter-Org transaction. +If you create a new Organization, you may supply a Organization Type. If you select a Role, the access to the new Organization is limited to that role, otherwise all (non manual) roles of the Client will have access to the new Organization. + + + Create & Invite + Create RfQ and Invite Vendors + Create (missing) RfQ Responses and optionally send EMail Invitation/Reminder to Vendors to respond to RfQ + + + Invite & Remind + EMail Invite or Remind Vendor to answer RfQ + Send Invitation/Reminder to Vendors to respond to RfQ per email + + + RfQ Unanswered + Outstanding RfQ Responses + Lists Responses of active RfQs (not closed/processed) where the Response is not marked as complete. + + + RfQ Response + Detail RfQ Responses + Lists detail Responses of active RfQs (not closed/processed) where the Response is marked as complete. + + + Rank Responses + Rank Completed RfQ Responses + Invalid responses are ranked with 999 per Quantity. The Quantity Responses are ranked among each other and the RfQ Best Response updated. The response Lines is maked as Selected winner, where the purchase quantity is selected. + +Then the rankings of all Quantity Responses are added for the total ranking of the response. The response with the lowest total ranking is marked as Selected Winner. + + + + Create Purchase Order + Create Purchase Order(s) for RfQ Winner(s) + Create purchase order(s) for the resonse(s) and lines marked as Selected Winner using the selected Purchase Quantity (in RfQ Line Quantity) . If a Response is marked as Selected Winner, all lines are created (and Selected Winner of other responses ignored). If there is no response marked as Selected Winner, the lines are used. + + + Create Sales Order + Create Sales Order + A Sales Order is created for the entered Business Partner. A sales order line is created for each RfQ line quantity, where "Offer Quantity" is selected. If on the RfQ Line Quantity, an offer amount is entered (not 0), that price is used. +If a magin is entered on RfQ Line Quantity, it overwrites the general margin. The margin is the percentage added to the Best Response Amount. + + + Copy Lines + Copy Lines from another RfQ + + + + Close RfQ + Close RfQ and Responses + Close the RfQ and all it's Responses + + + Open Requisitions + Detail Open Requisition Information + + + + Create Orders + Create orders based on Distribution List line items + Please note that due to rounding, the total quantity of the order(s) is likely to be higher then the quantity entered. + + + UnLink Business Partner Org + UnLink Business Partner from an Organization + UnLink a Business Partner Linked to an Organization (for explicit inter-org documents) + + + Process Requisition + + + + + Asset Delivery Month + Report Asset Deliveries Summary per month + The report lists the Asset and the deliveries per month for the records selected. + + + Validate Document Type + + + + + RfQ Response Print + ** Special ** Do not change ** + + + + Check Complete + Check if Response is Complete based on RfQ settings + + + + Manage Activity + + + + + Manage Process + + + + + Complete Confirmation + + + + + Create Confirmation + + + + + Create Package + + + + + Process RMA + + + + + Open Confirmation Details + Open Shipment or Receipt Confirmation Details + The Report lists the open confirmation lines + + + Open Confirmations + Open Shipment or Receipt Confirmations + The report lists the open confirmations + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/AD_Ref_List_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/AD_Ref_List_Trl_pl_PL.xml index 1b66b8ee08..10621e64da 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/AD_Ref_List_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/AD_Ref_List_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,2182 +1,2182 @@ - - - - - - - Jedn. org. - - - - Firma - - - - Tylko systemowy - - - - Wszystko - - - - List Validation - List Validation - - - Typ Danych - Typ danych - - - Table Validation - Table Validation - - - SQL - SQL - - - Java Language - Java Language - - - Java Script - ECMA Script - - - Okno - - - - Zadanie - - - - WorkFlow - - - - Process - - - - Błąd - - - - Informacja - - - - Menu - - - - Pojedynczy rekord - - - - Utrzymanie - - - - Transakcja - - - - Tylko zapytanie - - - - Spot - Spot Converstion Rate Type - - - Period End - Period Conversion Type - - - Standard Calendar Period - Periods with non overlapping calendar days - - - Adjustment Period - Period without calendar days - - - Account - Account Element - - - User defined - User defined element - - - Asset - Asset (Balance Sheet) Account - - - Liability - Liability (Balance Sheet) Account - - - Revenue - Revenue (P&L) Account - - - Expense - Expense (P&L) Account - - - Owner's Equity - Owner's Equity (Balance Sheet) Account - - - Memo - Memo (Non Balance Sheet nor P&L) Account - - - Natural - Natural sign of the Account Type - - - Debit - Debit Balance Account - - - Credit - Credit Balance Account - - - Menu - - - - ElementValue (Account, etc.) - - - - Product - - - - Bus Partner - - - - Regional Office - - - - Accounts Payable Office - - - - Plant - - - - Small Business - - - - Minority-Owned Small Business - - - - Minority-Owned Business - - - - Woman-Owned Small Business - - - - Woman-Owned Business - - - - Subcontractor - - - - Individual - - - - Partnership - - - - Corporation - - - - Drop-off Location - - - - Standard Costing - Standard Purchase Order Price Costing - - - Average - Weighted Average Purchase Order Price Costing - - - Lifo - Last In First Out Costing - - - Fifo - First In First Out Costing - - - International GAAP - International GAAP - - - US GAAP - United States GAAP - - - German HGB - German HGB - - - Actual - Actual Postings - - - Budget - Budget Postings - - - Encumbrance - Encumbrance or Commitment Postings - - - Statistical - Statistical Postings - - - Publish Only - Publish only - no replication - Subscriber can read only - - - Merge, Import - Merge or Import table - Subscriber has full access, Publisher can read, update and delete - - - None - Not published - - - Drafted - - - - Completed - - - - Approved - - - - Not Approved - - - - Voided - - - - Inactive - - - - Reversed - - - - Closed - - - - Complete - Generate documents and complete transaction - - - Approve - Approve this transaction - - - Reject - Reject the approval of the document. - - - Post - Post transaction - - - Void - Set all quantities to zero and complete transaction - - - Close - Finally close this transaction. It cannot be re-activated. - - - Reverse - Correction - Reverse Transaction (correction) by reversing sign with same date - - - Reverse - Accrual - Reverse by switching Dr/Cr with current date - - - Transfer - - - - Re-activate - Reverse documents/inventory and allow changes; You need to Complete the transaction after the change. - - - <None> - No action - - - Unknown - - - - System/Client - - - - None - No Conversion Rate - - - Fixed - Euro Fixed Currency - - - Average - Average Rates - - - Company - Company Rate - - - User Type - User Rate Type - - - Manual Rate - Manual Rate - - - On Credit Order - - - - POS Order - - - - Warehouse Order - - - - Standard Order - - - - Proposal - - - - Quotation - - - - Amex - - - - MasterCard - - - - Visa - - - - ATM - - - - After Order deliverd - Invoice for every order - - - After Delivery - Invoice per Delivery - - - Customer Schedule after Delivery - Invoice per Customer Invoice Schedule - - - After Receipt - After receipt of cash - - - Availability - As soon as an item becomes available - - - Complete Line - As soon as all items of a line become available - - - Complete Order - As soon as all items of an order are available - - - Immediate - Immediate Invoice - - - Pickup - - - - Delivery - - - - Shipper - - - - Freight included - Freight cost included - - - Fix price - Fixed freight price - - - Calculated - Calculated based on Product Freight Rule - - - Line - Entered at Line level - - - High - High priority - - - Medium - Medium Priority - - - Low - Low priority - - - Whole Number .00 - Number w/o decimals - - - No Rounding - - - - Quarter .25 .50 .75 - - - - Dime .10, .20, .30, ... - - - - Nickle .05, .10, .15, ... - - - - Ten 10.00, 20.00, .. - - - - Last PO Price - - - - Maintain Maximum Level - - - - Manual - - - - Reorder below Minimum Level - - - - Sunday - - - - Monday - - - - Tuesday - - - - Wednesday - - - - Thursday - - - - Friday - - - - Saturday - - - - Daily - - - - Weekly - - - - Monthly - - - - Twice Monthly - - - - Open Period - - - - Close Period - Soft close - can be re-opened - - - Permanently Close Period - - - - Open - - - - Closed - - - - Permanently closed - - - - Never opened - - - - Draft - - - - Approved - - - - Error - - - - Warning - - - - Information - - - - <No Action> - - - - Organization - Owning Organization - - - Account - Natural Account - - - Product - Product - - - Bus.Partner - Business Partner - - - Trx. Org - Transaction Organization - - - Location From - Location From - - - Location To - Location To - - - Sales Region - Sales Region - - - Project - Project - - - Campaign - Marketing Campaign - - - User 1 - User 1 - - - User 2 - User 2 - - - Organization - - - - BoM - Bill of Materials - - - Project - - - - Sales Region - - - - Product Category - - - - Campaign - - - - GL Journal - - - - GL Document - - - - AP Invoice - - - - AP Payment - - - - AR Invoice - - - - AR Receipt - - - - Sales Order - - - - Customer Shipment - - - - Customer Returns - - - - Vendor Receipts - - - - Vendor Returns - - - - Inventory Out - - - - Inventory In - - - - Activity - - - - Activity - - - - Return Material - - - - AR Pro Forma Invoice - - - - Material Delivery - - - - Material Receipt - - - - List Price - - - - Standard Price - - - - Limit Price - - - - Material Movement - - - - Purchase Order - - - - Purchase Requisition - - - - Prepay Order - - - - Cash - - - - CreditCard - - - - Transfer (ACH) - - - - Check - - - - On Credit - - - - Month - - - - Quarter - - - - Year - - - - In Progress - - - - Blind list (w/o book quantity) - - - - Count list (with book quantity) - - - - Control list - - - - Process - Reserve Inventory - - - Waiting Payment - - - - Unlock - Unlock Transaction (process error) - - - Material Physical Inventory - - - - Movement From - - - - Movement To - - - - Report - - - - ASC X12 - - - - EDIFACT - - - - Email EDI - - - - Draft - - - - Sent - - - - Acknowledged - - - - Answered (complete) - - - - Inquiry - - - - Purchase Order - - - - AP Credit Memo - - - - AR Credit Memo - - - - Form - Special Forms - - - And - - - - Or - - - - = - - - - >= - - - - > - - - - < - - - - ~ - - - - <= - - - - |<x>| - - - - sql - - - - Manual - - - - Import - - - - Document - - - - Product - - - - Business Partner - - - - Accounts - - - - GL Balances - - - - Exchange Rates - - - - Inventory Count - - - - Fixed Position - - - - Comma Separated - - - - Tab Separated - - - - XML - - - - String - - - - Number - - - - Date - - - - Constant - - - - Production + - - - - Production - - - - - > 0 - - - - = 0 - - - - < 0 - - - - not 0 - - - - Match - - - - No Match - - - - Unavailable - - - - Credit Card - - - - Check - - - - ACH - Automatic Clearing House - - - Sales - - - - Delayed Capture - - - - Credit (Payment) - - - - Voice Authorization - - - - Authorization - - - - Void - - - - Checking - - - - Savings - - - - Transfer to Bank Account - - - - Invoice - - - - General Expense - - - - General Receipts - - - - Charge - - - - Difference - - - - Diners - - - - Discover - - - - Purchase Card - Corporate Purchase Card - - - None - - - - Follow up - - - - Information - - - - Service - - - - Charge - - - - Account - - - - Help - - - - Alert - - - - Warrenty - - - - Other - - - - Call - - - - EMail - - - - Close - - - - Mail - - - - Offer/Quote - - - - Invoice - - - - Order - - - - Credit - - - - Minute - - - - Hour - - - - Day - - - - Overdue - - - - Due - - - - Scheduled - - - - Order - - - - Invoice - - - - Receipt - - - - Weekly - - - - Monthly - - - - Quarterly - - - - System - - - - Client - - - - Organization - - - - Client+Organization - - - - Manual - Manual Entry - - - Calculated - - - - Progress - - - - Not Posted - - - - Posted - - - - Not Balanced - - - - Not Convertible (no rate) - - - - Period Closed - - - - Post Prepared - - - - Invalid Account - - - - Bank Statement - - - - Cash Journal - - - - Payment Allocation - - - - Total Debit Only - - - - Total Credit Only - - - - Total Balance - - - - Add (Op1+Op2) - - - - Subtract (Op1-Op2) - - - - Percentage (Op2 of Op1) - - - - Add Range (Op1 to Op2) - - - - Relative Period - - - - Calculation - - - - Segment Value - - - - Source Currency - - - - Accounting Currency - - - - Segment Value - - - - Calculation - - - - Normal (Flat) - - - - Gradient - - - - Line - - - - Texture (Picture) - - - - Workbench - - - - Dictionary - Application Dictionary (synchronized) - - - Adempiere - Adempiere Application (synchronized) - - - User maintained - User maintained Entity (not synchronized) - - - Applications - Other Applications (not synchronized) - - - Material Production - - - - Match Invoice - - - - Match PO - - - - Reminder - - - - Transfer - - - - Line - - - - Flat Percent - - - - Formula - - - - Breaks - - - - Pricelist - - - - North - - - - North East - - - - East - - - - South East - - - - South - - - - South West - - - - West - - - - North West - - - - Standard Cost - - - - Average Cost - - - - Last PO Price - - - - Last Invoice Price - - - - Price List (Limit) - - - - Adjust using PO Differnce - - - - Adjust using Invoice Differnce - - - - Fixed Price - - - - Default - - - - Leading (left) - - - - Trailing (right) - - - - Block - - - - Leading (left) - - - - Center - - - - Trailing (right) - - - - Center - - - - Field - - - - Text - - - - Print Format - - - - Content - - - - Header - - - - Footer - - - - None - - - - Image - - - - Pie Chart - - - - Line Chart - - - - Bar Chart - - - - Period Balance - - - - Period Credit Only - - - - Period Debit Only - - - - Item - - - - Service - - - - Resource - - - - Expense type - - - - Online - - - - Currency Precision - - - - Period Quantity - - - - Total Quantity - - - - Year Balance - - - - Year Credit Only - - - - Year Debit Only - - - - Year Quantity - - - - Standard Part - - - - Optional Part - - - - In alternative Group 1 - - - - In alternative Group 2 - - - - In alternaltve Group 3 - - - - In alternative Group 4 - - - - Field - - - - Text - - - - Invoice - - - - Daily - - - - Weekly - - - - Monthly - - - - Quarterly - - - - Order - - - - GL Journal - - - - Project - - - - Both - - - - Sales Tax - - - - Purchase Tax - - - - General - - - - Asset Project - - - - Work Order (Job) - - - - Service (Charge) Project - - - - French Accounting Standard - - - - Custom Accounting Rules - - - - Credit Stop - - - - Credit Hold - - - - Credit Watch - - - - No Credit Check - - - - Credit OK - - - - Work Order + - - - - Work Order - - - - - Project Issue - - - - Obscure Digits but last 4 - - - - Obscure Digits but first/last 4 - - - - Obscure AlphaNumeric but first/last 4 - - - - Obscure AlphaNumeric but last 4 - - - - Inventory Difference - - - - Charge Account - - - - Accessing - General Access - - - Reporting - - - - Exporting - - - - Client only - - - - LiFo - Last In First Out - - - FiFo - First In First Out - - - Yearly - - - - Year - - - - Month - - - - Day - - - - hour - - - - minute - - - - second - - - - Regular - - - - Loop Begin - - - - Loop End - - - - AND - - - - XOR - - - - Wait (Sleep) - - - - User Choice - - - - Sub Workflow - - - - Set Variable - - - - Automatic - - - - Manual - - - - User Window - - - - Organization - - - - Human - - - - Role - - - - System Resource - - - - Not Started - - - - Running - - - - Suspended - - - - Completed - - - - Aborted - - - - Terminated - - - - Process Created - - - - State Changed - - - - Asynchronously - Fork - - - Synchronously - Serial - - - While Loop - - - - Repeat Until Loop - - - - User Form - - - - Apps Task - - - - Apps Report - - - - Apps Process - - - - User Workbench - - - - In alternative Group 5 - - - - In alternative Group 6 - - - - In alternative Group 7 - - - - In alternative Group 8 - - - - In alternative Group 9 - - - - Released - - - - Test - - - - Under Revision - - - - Void - - - - Re-Create Translation - - - - Add Missing Translations - - - - Delete Translation - - - - Direct Debit - - - - Direct Debit - - - - Solid Line - - - - Dashed Line - - - - Dotted Line - - - - Dash-Dotted Line - - - - Web Promotion - - - - Quote Total only - - - - Quote Selected Lines - - - - Quote All Lines - - - - Funding - All Bidders help funding a Topic - - - - Auction - The highest Bidder wins the Topic - - - - Frequency - - - - Week Day - - - - Month Day - - - - Customization - Distributed Extensions should have 4 characters - - - Yes - - - - No - - - - Document Action - - - - Waiting Confirmation - - - - Process Completed - - - - != - - - - Vendor Confirmation - - - - Customer Confirmation - - - - Drop Ship Confirm - - - - Ship/Receipt Confirm - - - - Pick/QA Confirm - - - - Force - - - - Alternative - - - - Supplemental - - - + + + + + + + Jedn. org. + + + + Firma + + + + Tylko systemowy + + + + Wszystko + + + + List Validation + List Validation + + + Typ Danych + Typ danych + + + Table Validation + Table Validation + + + SQL + SQL + + + Java Language + Java Language + + + Java Script + ECMA Script + + + Okno + + + + Zadanie + + + + WorkFlow + + + + Process + + + + Błąd + + + + Informacja + + + + Menu + + + + Pojedynczy rekord + + + + Utrzymanie + + + + Transakcja + + + + Tylko zapytanie + + + + Spot + Spot Converstion Rate Type + + + Period End + Period Conversion Type + + + Standard Calendar Period + Periods with non overlapping calendar days + + + Adjustment Period + Period without calendar days + + + Account + Account Element + + + User defined + User defined element + + + Asset + Asset (Balance Sheet) Account + + + Liability + Liability (Balance Sheet) Account + + + Revenue + Revenue (P&L) Account + + + Expense + Expense (P&L) Account + + + Owner's Equity + Owner's Equity (Balance Sheet) Account + + + Memo + Memo (Non Balance Sheet nor P&L) Account + + + Natural + Natural sign of the Account Type + + + Debit + Debit Balance Account + + + Credit + Credit Balance Account + + + Menu + + + + ElementValue (Account, etc.) + + + + Product + + + + Bus Partner + + + + Regional Office + + + + Accounts Payable Office + + + + Plant + + + + Small Business + + + + Minority-Owned Small Business + + + + Minority-Owned Business + + + + Woman-Owned Small Business + + + + Woman-Owned Business + + + + Subcontractor + + + + Individual + + + + Partnership + + + + Corporation + + + + Drop-off Location + + + + Standard Costing + Standard Purchase Order Price Costing + + + Average + Weighted Average Purchase Order Price Costing + + + Lifo + Last In First Out Costing + + + Fifo + First In First Out Costing + + + International GAAP + International GAAP + + + US GAAP + United States GAAP + + + German HGB + German HGB + + + Actual + Actual Postings + + + Budget + Budget Postings + + + Encumbrance + Encumbrance or Commitment Postings + + + Statistical + Statistical Postings + + + Publish Only + Publish only - no replication - Subscriber can read only + + + Merge, Import + Merge or Import table - Subscriber has full access, Publisher can read, update and delete + + + None + Not published + + + Drafted + + + + Completed + + + + Approved + + + + Not Approved + + + + Voided + + + + Inactive + + + + Reversed + + + + Closed + + + + Complete + Generate documents and complete transaction + + + Approve + Approve this transaction + + + Reject + Reject the approval of the document. + + + Post + Post transaction + + + Void + Set all quantities to zero and complete transaction + + + Close + Finally close this transaction. It cannot be re-activated. + + + Reverse - Correction + Reverse Transaction (correction) by reversing sign with same date + + + Reverse - Accrual + Reverse by switching Dr/Cr with current date + + + Transfer + + + + Re-activate + Reverse documents/inventory and allow changes; You need to Complete the transaction after the change. + + + <None> + No action + + + Unknown + + + + System/Client + + + + None + No Conversion Rate + + + Fixed + Euro Fixed Currency + + + Average + Average Rates + + + Company + Company Rate + + + User Type + User Rate Type + + + Manual Rate + Manual Rate + + + On Credit Order + + + + POS Order + + + + Warehouse Order + + + + Standard Order + + + + Proposal + + + + Quotation + + + + Amex + + + + MasterCard + + + + Visa + + + + ATM + + + + After Order deliverd + Invoice for every order + + + After Delivery + Invoice per Delivery + + + Customer Schedule after Delivery + Invoice per Customer Invoice Schedule + + + After Receipt + After receipt of cash + + + Availability + As soon as an item becomes available + + + Complete Line + As soon as all items of a line become available + + + Complete Order + As soon as all items of an order are available + + + Immediate + Immediate Invoice + + + Pickup + + + + Delivery + + + + Shipper + + + + Freight included + Freight cost included + + + Fix price + Fixed freight price + + + Calculated + Calculated based on Product Freight Rule + + + Line + Entered at Line level + + + High + High priority + + + Medium + Medium Priority + + + Low + Low priority + + + Whole Number .00 + Number w/o decimals + + + No Rounding + + + + Quarter .25 .50 .75 + + + + Dime .10, .20, .30, ... + + + + Nickle .05, .10, .15, ... + + + + Ten 10.00, 20.00, .. + + + + Last PO Price + + + + Maintain Maximum Level + + + + Manual + + + + Reorder below Minimum Level + + + + Sunday + + + + Monday + + + + Tuesday + + + + Wednesday + + + + Thursday + + + + Friday + + + + Saturday + + + + Daily + + + + Weekly + + + + Monthly + + + + Twice Monthly + + + + Open Period + + + + Close Period + Soft close - can be re-opened + + + Permanently Close Period + + + + Open + + + + Closed + + + + Permanently closed + + + + Never opened + + + + Draft + + + + Approved + + + + Error + + + + Warning + + + + Information + + + + <No Action> + + + + Organization + Owning Organization + + + Account + Natural Account + + + Product + Product + + + Bus.Partner + Business Partner + + + Trx. Org + Transaction Organization + + + Location From + Location From + + + Location To + Location To + + + Sales Region + Sales Region + + + Project + Project + + + Campaign + Marketing Campaign + + + User 1 + User 1 + + + User 2 + User 2 + + + Organization + + + + BoM + Bill of Materials + + + Project + + + + Sales Region + + + + Product Category + + + + Campaign + + + + GL Journal + + + + GL Document + + + + AP Invoice + + + + AP Payment + + + + AR Invoice + + + + AR Receipt + + + + Sales Order + + + + Customer Shipment + + + + Customer Returns + + + + Vendor Receipts + + + + Vendor Returns + + + + Inventory Out + + + + Inventory In + + + + Activity + + + + Activity + + + + Return Material + + + + AR Pro Forma Invoice + + + + Material Delivery + + + + Material Receipt + + + + List Price + + + + Standard Price + + + + Limit Price + + + + Material Movement + + + + Purchase Order + + + + Purchase Requisition + + + + Prepay Order + + + + Cash + + + + CreditCard + + + + Transfer (ACH) + + + + Check + + + + On Credit + + + + Month + + + + Quarter + + + + Year + + + + In Progress + + + + Blind list (w/o book quantity) + + + + Count list (with book quantity) + + + + Control list + + + + Process + Reserve Inventory + + + Waiting Payment + + + + Unlock + Unlock Transaction (process error) + + + Material Physical Inventory + + + + Movement From + + + + Movement To + + + + Report + + + + ASC X12 + + + + EDIFACT + + + + Email EDI + + + + Draft + + + + Sent + + + + Acknowledged + + + + Answered (complete) + + + + Inquiry + + + + Purchase Order + + + + AP Credit Memo + + + + AR Credit Memo + + + + Form + Special Forms + + + And + + + + Or + + + + = + + + + >= + + + + > + + + + < + + + + ~ + + + + <= + + + + |<x>| + + + + sql + + + + Manual + + + + Import + + + + Document + + + + Product + + + + Business Partner + + + + Accounts + + + + GL Balances + + + + Exchange Rates + + + + Inventory Count + + + + Fixed Position + + + + Comma Separated + + + + Tab Separated + + + + XML + + + + String + + + + Number + + + + Date + + + + Constant + + + + Production + + + + + Production - + + + + > 0 + + + + = 0 + + + + < 0 + + + + not 0 + + + + Match + + + + No Match + + + + Unavailable + + + + Credit Card + + + + Check + + + + ACH + Automatic Clearing House + + + Sales + + + + Delayed Capture + + + + Credit (Payment) + + + + Voice Authorization + + + + Authorization + + + + Void + + + + Checking + + + + Savings + + + + Transfer to Bank Account + + + + Invoice + + + + General Expense + + + + General Receipts + + + + Charge + + + + Difference + + + + Diners + + + + Discover + + + + Purchase Card + Corporate Purchase Card + + + None + + + + Follow up + + + + Information + + + + Service + + + + Charge + + + + Account + + + + Help + + + + Alert + + + + Warrenty + + + + Other + + + + Call + + + + EMail + + + + Close + + + + Mail + + + + Offer/Quote + + + + Invoice + + + + Order + + + + Credit + + + + Minute + + + + Hour + + + + Day + + + + Overdue + + + + Due + + + + Scheduled + + + + Order + + + + Invoice + + + + Receipt + + + + Weekly + + + + Monthly + + + + Quarterly + + + + System + + + + Client + + + + Organization + + + + Client+Organization + + + + Manual + Manual Entry + + + Calculated + + + + Progress + + + + Not Posted + + + + Posted + + + + Not Balanced + + + + Not Convertible (no rate) + + + + Period Closed + + + + Post Prepared + + + + Invalid Account + + + + Bank Statement + + + + Cash Journal + + + + Payment Allocation + + + + Total Debit Only + + + + Total Credit Only + + + + Total Balance + + + + Add (Op1+Op2) + + + + Subtract (Op1-Op2) + + + + Percentage (Op2 of Op1) + + + + Add Range (Op1 to Op2) + + + + Relative Period + + + + Calculation + + + + Segment Value + + + + Source Currency + + + + Accounting Currency + + + + Segment Value + + + + Calculation + + + + Normal (Flat) + + + + Gradient + + + + Line + + + + Texture (Picture) + + + + Workbench + + + + Dictionary + Application Dictionary (synchronized) + + + Adempiere + Adempiere Application (synchronized) + + + User maintained + User maintained Entity (not synchronized) + + + Applications + Other Applications (not synchronized) + + + Material Production + + + + Match Invoice + + + + Match PO + + + + Reminder + + + + Transfer + + + + Line + + + + Flat Percent + + + + Formula + + + + Breaks + + + + Pricelist + + + + North + + + + North East + + + + East + + + + South East + + + + South + + + + South West + + + + West + + + + North West + + + + Standard Cost + + + + Average Cost + + + + Last PO Price + + + + Last Invoice Price + + + + Price List (Limit) + + + + Adjust using PO Differnce + + + + Adjust using Invoice Differnce + + + + Fixed Price + + + + Default + + + + Leading (left) + + + + Trailing (right) + + + + Block + + + + Leading (left) + + + + Center + + + + Trailing (right) + + + + Center + + + + Field + + + + Text + + + + Print Format + + + + Content + + + + Header + + + + Footer + + + + None + + + + Image + + + + Pie Chart + + + + Line Chart + + + + Bar Chart + + + + Period Balance + + + + Period Credit Only + + + + Period Debit Only + + + + Item + + + + Service + + + + Resource + + + + Expense type + + + + Online + + + + Currency Precision + + + + Period Quantity + + + + Total Quantity + + + + Year Balance + + + + Year Credit Only + + + + Year Debit Only + + + + Year Quantity + + + + Standard Part + + + + Optional Part + + + + In alternative Group 1 + + + + In alternative Group 2 + + + + In alternaltve Group 3 + + + + In alternative Group 4 + + + + Field + + + + Text + + + + Invoice + + + + Daily + + + + Weekly + + + + Monthly + + + + Quarterly + + + + Order + + + + GL Journal + + + + Project + + + + Both + + + + Sales Tax + + + + Purchase Tax + + + + General + + + + Asset Project + + + + Work Order (Job) + + + + Service (Charge) Project + + + + French Accounting Standard + + + + Custom Accounting Rules + + + + Credit Stop + + + + Credit Hold + + + + Credit Watch + + + + No Credit Check + + + + Credit OK + + + + Work Order + + + + + Work Order - + + + + Project Issue + + + + Obscure Digits but last 4 + + + + Obscure Digits but first/last 4 + + + + Obscure AlphaNumeric but first/last 4 + + + + Obscure AlphaNumeric but last 4 + + + + Inventory Difference + + + + Charge Account + + + + Accessing + General Access + + + Reporting + + + + Exporting + + + + Client only + + + + LiFo + Last In First Out + + + FiFo + First In First Out + + + Yearly + + + + Year + + + + Month + + + + Day + + + + hour + + + + minute + + + + second + + + + Regular + + + + Loop Begin + + + + Loop End + + + + AND + + + + XOR + + + + Wait (Sleep) + + + + User Choice + + + + Sub Workflow + + + + Set Variable + + + + Automatic + + + + Manual + + + + User Window + + + + Organization + + + + Human + + + + Role + + + + System Resource + + + + Not Started + + + + Running + + + + Suspended + + + + Completed + + + + Aborted + + + + Terminated + + + + Process Created + + + + State Changed + + + + Asynchronously + Fork + + + Synchronously + Serial + + + While Loop + + + + Repeat Until Loop + + + + User Form + + + + Apps Task + + + + Apps Report + + + + Apps Process + + + + User Workbench + + + + In alternative Group 5 + + + + In alternative Group 6 + + + + In alternative Group 7 + + + + In alternative Group 8 + + + + In alternative Group 9 + + + + Released + + + + Test + + + + Under Revision + + + + Void + + + + Re-Create Translation + + + + Add Missing Translations + + + + Delete Translation + + + + Direct Debit + + + + Direct Debit + + + + Solid Line + + + + Dashed Line + + + + Dotted Line + + + + Dash-Dotted Line + + + + Web Promotion + + + + Quote Total only + + + + Quote Selected Lines + + + + Quote All Lines + + + + Funding - All Bidders help funding a Topic + + + + Auction - The highest Bidder wins the Topic + + + + Frequency + + + + Week Day + + + + Month Day + + + + Customization + Distributed Extensions should have 4 characters + + + Yes + + + + No + + + + Document Action + + + + Waiting Confirmation + + + + Process Completed + + + + != + + + + Vendor Confirmation + + + + Customer Confirmation + + + + Drop Ship Confirm + + + + Ship/Receipt Confirm + + + + Pick/QA Confirm + + + + Force + + + + Alternative + + + + Supplemental + + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/AD_Reference_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/AD_Reference_Trl_pl_PL.xml index c2a2894917..d1b8c222a2 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/AD_Reference_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/AD_Reference_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,3 +1,1201 @@ - - -AD_Reference Data TypesData Type selectionAD_Reference Validation TypesReference Validation Type liste.g. I - Independent AD_Column ColumNameColumn selectionAD_Reference ValuesReference (List and Table) selection(not DataType and Independent)AD_Table Access LevelsTable Access and Sharing Level listStringCharacter StringInteger10 Digit numericAmountNumber with 4 decimalsID10 Digit IdentiferTextCharacter String up to 2000 charactersDateDate mm/dd/yyyyDateTimeDate with timeListReference ListTableTable ListTableDirDirect Table AccessYesNoCheckBoxLocationLocation/AddressNumberFloat NumberBinaryBinary DataTimeTimeAccountAccount ElementRowIDRow ID Data TypeColorColor elementButtonCommand Button - starts a processQuantityQuantity data typeSearchSearch FieldLocatorWarehouse Locator DatatypeImageBinary Image DataAssignmentResource AssignmentMemoLarge Text Editor - Character String up to 2000 charactersPAttributeProduct AttributeTextLongText (Long) - Text > 2000 charactersAD_Validation Rules ParentValidation rule Parent selectionAD_Validation Rule TypesValidation Rule Type liste.g. S - SQLAD_MessageMessage selectionAD_Message TypeMessage Type listAD_Menu ActionMenu Action listAD_Menu ParentMenu Parent selectionAD_LanguageLanguage selectionAD_Window TypesWindow Type liste.g. M = Multi/Single (one uppercase character)AD_WF_Next NodesNext workflow node selectionAD_UserUser selectionC_Conversion_Rate TypesConversion Rate Type listC_Conversion_Rate CurrenciesCurrencies with dynamic exchange rate selectionAD_Org ParentOrganization Parent selectionC_UOMUnit of Measure selectionC_Period TypePeriod Type listC_Element TypeAccount Element TypesC_ElementValue AccountTypeAccount Type listC_ElementValue Account SignAccount Sign listAD_TreeType TypeTree Type listDetermines which element to use as the base for the informationX12DE98 Entity Identifier CodeX12DE98 Entity Identifier Code listIdentify organizational entity physical location property or individual listC_AcctSchema Costing MethodCosting Method listC_AcctSchema GAAPGeneral Accepted Accounting Principle listC_BPartner ParentBusiness Partner Parent selectionAll_Posting TypePosting Type (Actual Budget etc.) listAD_Table Replication StrategyReplication Strategy listAD_Sequence for DocumentsSequence for Document selectionAD_ClientClient selectionAD_Org (Trx)Organization selection, no summary, no 0All_Document StatusDocument Status listC_AccountsAccount selectionC_LocationLocation selectionC_Accounts - User1User1 selectionAll_Document ActionDocument action listC_AcctSchemaAccounting Schema selectionC_Accounts - User2User2 selectionC_BPartnerBusiness Partner selection (no Summary)C_ProductProduct selectionC_ProjectProject selectionC_ActivityActivity selectionC_CampaignCampaign selectionC_Sales RegionSales Region selectionC_ElementElement selectionC_DocType SubTypeSOOrder Types listC_Payment CreditCard TypeC_Payment Credit Card Type listC_Order InvoiceRuleInvoicing Rules listC_Order DeliveryRuleDelivery Rules listC_Order DeliveryViaRuleDelivery via Rule listC_Order FreightCostRuleFreight cost Rule listAll_PriorityRulePriority scale listM_DiscountPriceList RoundingRulePrice Rounding Rule listC_CountryCountry selectionC_RegionRegion selectionC_TaxTax selectionC_BPartner LocationLocations of a Business PartnerM_Product ParentM_Product (no summary)Product selection, no summaryM_Product Category M_Replenish TypeM_PriceListWeekdaysList of daysC_InvoiceSchedule InvoiceFrequencyC_Project ParentC_DocTypeM_Product (stocked)C_DocType SOC_BPartner CustomersCustomer selectionAD_WorkflowWorkflowsC_ValidCombinationValid Account combinationsC_PeriodControl ActionC_PeriodControl StatusGL_Budget StatusC_SalesRegion ParentAll_ErrorTypeList of type of errorsC_AcctSchema ElementTypeElement Types for Accounting ElementsHardcoded Element TypesC_ElementValueElement Values without summary elementsC_DocType DocBaseTypeBase Document TypesAD_TreeTree selectionM_PriceList VersionM_Movement TypeAD_User SalesRepSales RepresentativeM_LocatorWarehouse LocatorC_BPartner VendorsVendor selectionC_BankAccount for Credit CardM_DiscountPriceList BaseAll_Payment RuleIn & Out Payment OptionsC_RevenueRecognition FrequencyFrequency of Revenue RecognitionM_Warehouse of ClientM_Inventory ReportTypeM_PriceList_Version for ClientC_ChargeC_BP_EDI EDI TypeM_EDI StatusM_EDI Trx TypeAD_Find AndOrAD_Find OperationAD_Table PostingPosting TablesGL Category TypeAD_ImpFormat TypeAD_ImpFormat FormatTypeAD_ImpFormat_Row TypeM_Product BOM (stocked)Products that are BOMs and stockedM_InventoryCount QtyRangeC_Payment AVSC_Payment Tender TypeC_Payment Trx TypeC_Bank Account TypeC_Cash Trx TypeR_Request Request TypeR_Request Next ActionR_Request Action TypeR_Request Frequency TypeR_Request Due TypeC_BPartner Vendors AvtiveVendor selectionC_Commission DocBasisC_Commission FrequencyAD_Role User LevelC_PaymentTermPA_GoalPA_Achievement ParentPA_Goal ParentPA_Measure TypeC_BPartner Vendor or SalesRepVendor or SalesRep selectionC_Period (Open)Periods Soerted by DateAll_Posted StatusPA_Report AmountTypePA_Report CalculationTypePA_Report ColumnTypePA_Report CurrencyTypePA_ReportColumnPA_ReportLinePA_Report LineTypePA_ReportLine ParentAD_Color TypeAD_Column Key ColumnNamesAll_Entity TypeEntity Type (Dictionary, ..)M_Discount CumulativeLevelM_Discount TypeAD_Color StartPointM_DiscountSchemaM_Product_Costing SourceAD_Column NameColumn selectionC_BPartner EmployeeBusiness Partners who are EmployeeAD_Print Field AlignmentAD_Print Line AlignmentAD_Print FormatAD_Print AreaAD_Column IntegerInteger Type only (Name)AD_Column YesNoColuns YesNo (Name)AD_PrintFormatAD_PrintFormat InvoiceAD_PrintFormat OrderAD_PrintFormat ShipmentAD_PrintFormatItemAD_PrintGraph TypeAD_PrintColorAD_PrintFontAD_PrintFormat CheckAD_PrintFormat Not TableBasedM_Product_ProductTypeC_OrderLineOrder LineI_ElementValue ColumnC_ElementValue (Parents)Account selectionR_MailTextMail TextC_Period (all)Periods Sorted by DateAD_Org (all)Organization selectionC_BPartner Employee w AddressBusiness Partners who are Employee and have addressesAD_TabM_Product BOM TypeAD_Print Label Line TypeC_Recurring TypeC_Recurring FrequencyAD_WindowK_Entry RelatedAD_User - InternalEmployee or SalesRepC_Tax SPPOTypeC_ProjectType CategoryC_BPartner SOCreditStatusSales Credit StatusC_OrderOrderAD_Field ObscureTypeM_Inventory TypeInventory Type (Difference - Charge)AD_Table_Access RuleTypeAccessRuleTypeM_TransactionAllocation TypeM_InOutLineM_InventoryLineM_ProductionLineM_TransactionWF_DurationUnitWF_Transition TypeWF_Join_SplitWF_ActionSuperset of Menu ActionWF_Start-Finish ModeWF_Participant TypeWF_Instance StateWF_EventTypeWF_SubFlow ExecutionWF_LoopType_PublishStatusPublication StatusAD_Language MaintenanceAD_PrintTableFormat StrokeStroke TypeM_RelatedProduct TypeC_RfQ QuoteTypeB_TopicType AuctionTypeAD_User - SupervisorEmployee or SalesRep - or SystemAD_Scheduler Type_YesNoM_InOutConfirm TypeC_DocType RMA \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + + AD_Reference Data Types + Data Type selection + + + + AD_Reference Validation Types + Reference Validation Type list + e.g. I - Independent + + + AD_Column ColumName + Column selection + + + + AD_Reference Values + Reference (List and Table) selection + (not DataType and Independent) + + + AD_Table Access Levels + Table Access and Sharing Level list + + + + String + Character String + + + + Integer + 10 Digit numeric + + + + Amount + Number with 4 decimals + + + + ID + 10 Digit Identifer + + + + Text + Character String up to 2000 characters + + + + Date + Date mm/dd/yyyy + + + + DateTime + Date with time + + + + List + Reference List + + + + Table + Table List + + + + TableDir + Direct Table Access + + + + YesNo + CheckBox + + + + Location + Location/Address + + + + Number + Float Number + + + + Binary + Binary Data + + + + Time + Time + + + + Account + Account Element + + + + RowID + Row ID Data Type + + + + Color + Color element + + + + Button + Command Button - starts a process + + + + Quantity + Quantity data type + + + + Search + Search Field + + + + Locator + Warehouse Locator Datatype + + + + Image + Binary Image Data + + + + Assignment + Resource Assignment + + + + Memo + Large Text Editor - Character String up to 2000 characters + + + + PAttribute + Product Attribute + + + + TextLong + Text (Long) - Text > 2000 characters + + + + AD_Validation Rules Parent + Validation rule Parent selection + + + + AD_Validation Rule Types + Validation Rule Type list + e.g. S - SQL + + + AD_Message + Message selection + + + + AD_Message Type + Message Type list + + + + AD_Menu Action + Menu Action list + + + + AD_Menu Parent + Menu Parent selection + + + + AD_Language + Language selection + + + + AD_Window Types + Window Type list + e.g. M = Multi/Single (one uppercase character) + + + AD_WF_Next Nodes + Next workflow node selection + + + + AD_User + User selection + + + + C_Conversion_Rate Types + Conversion Rate Type list + + + + C_Conversion_Rate Currencies + Currencies with dynamic exchange rate selection + + + + AD_Org Parent + Organization Parent selection + + + + C_UOM + Unit of Measure selection + + + + C_Period Type + Period Type list + + + + C_Element Type + Account Element Types + + + + C_ElementValue AccountType + Account Type list + + + + C_ElementValue Account Sign + Account Sign list + + + + AD_TreeType Type + Tree Type list + Determines which element to use as the base for the information + + + X12DE98 Entity Identifier Code + X12DE98 Entity Identifier Code list + Identify organizational entity physical location property or individual list + + + C_AcctSchema Costing Method + Costing Method list + + + + C_AcctSchema GAAP + General Accepted Accounting Principle list + + + + C_BPartner Parent + Business Partner Parent selection + + + + All_Posting Type + Posting Type (Actual Budget etc.) list + + + + AD_Table Replication Strategy + Replication Strategy list + + + + AD_Sequence for Documents + Sequence for Document selection + + + + AD_Client + Client selection + + + + AD_Org (Trx) + Organization selection, no summary, no 0 + + + + All_Document Status + Document Status list + + + + C_Accounts + Account selection + + + + C_Location + Location selection + + + + C_Accounts - User1 + User1 selection + + + + All_Document Action + Document action list + + + + C_AcctSchema + Accounting Schema selection + + + + C_Accounts - User2 + User2 selection + + + + C_BPartner + Business Partner selection (no Summary) + + + + C_Product + Product selection + + + + C_Project + Project selection + + + + C_Activity + Activity selection + + + + C_Campaign + Campaign selection + + + + C_Sales Region + Sales Region selection + + + + C_Element + Element selection + + + + C_DocType SubTypeSO + Order Types list + + + + C_Payment CreditCard Type + C_Payment Credit Card Type list + + + + C_Order InvoiceRule + Invoicing Rules list + + + + C_Order DeliveryRule + Delivery Rules list + + + + C_Order DeliveryViaRule + Delivery via Rule list + + + + C_Order FreightCostRule + Freight cost Rule list + + + + All_PriorityRule + Priority scale list + + + + M_DiscountPriceList RoundingRule + Price Rounding Rule list + + + + C_Country + Country selection + + + + C_Region + Region selection + + + + C_Tax + Tax selection + + + + C_BPartner Location + Locations of a Business Partner + + + + M_Product Parent + + + + + M_Product (no summary) + Product selection, no summary + + + + M_Product Category + + + + + M_Replenish Type + + + + + M_PriceList + + + + + Weekdays + List of days + + + + C_InvoiceSchedule InvoiceFrequency + + + + + C_Project Parent + + + + + C_DocType + + + + + M_Product (stocked) + + + + + C_DocType SO + + + + + C_BPartner Customers + Customer selection + + + + AD_Workflow + Workflows + + + + C_ValidCombination + Valid Account combinations + + + + C_PeriodControl Action + + + + + C_PeriodControl Status + + + + + GL_Budget Status + + + + + C_SalesRegion Parent + + + + + All_ErrorType + List of type of errors + + + + C_AcctSchema ElementType + Element Types for Accounting Elements + Hardcoded Element Types + + + C_ElementValue + Element Values without summary elements + + + + C_DocType DocBaseType + Base Document Types + + + + AD_Tree + Tree selection + + + + M_PriceList Version + + + + + M_Movement Type + + + + + AD_User SalesRep + Sales Representative + + + + M_Locator + Warehouse Locator + + + + C_BPartner Vendors + Vendor selection + + + + C_BankAccount for Credit Card + + + + + M_DiscountPriceList Base + + + + + All_Payment Rule + In & Out Payment Options + + + + C_RevenueRecognition Frequency + Frequency of Revenue Recognition + + + + M_Warehouse of Client + + + + + M_Inventory ReportType + + + + + M_PriceList_Version for Client + + + + + C_Charge + + + + + C_BP_EDI EDI Type + + + + + M_EDI Status + + + + + M_EDI Trx Type + + + + + AD_Find AndOr + + + + + AD_Find Operation + + + + + AD_Table Posting + Posting Tables + + + + GL Category Type + + + + + AD_ImpFormat Type + + + + + AD_ImpFormat FormatType + + + + + AD_ImpFormat_Row Type + + + + + M_Product BOM (stocked) + Products that are BOMs and stocked + + + + M_InventoryCount QtyRange + + + + + C_Payment AVS + + + + + C_Payment Tender Type + + + + + C_Payment Trx Type + + + + + C_Bank Account Type + + + + + C_Cash Trx Type + + + + + R_Request Request Type + + + + + R_Request Next Action + + + + + R_Request Action Type + + + + + R_Request Frequency Type + + + + + R_Request Due Type + + + + + C_BPartner Vendors Avtive + Vendor selection + + + + C_Commission DocBasis + + + + + C_Commission Frequency + + + + + AD_Role User Level + + + + + C_PaymentTerm + + + + + PA_Goal + + + + + PA_Achievement Parent + + + + + PA_Goal Parent + + + + + PA_Measure Type + + + + + C_BPartner Vendor or SalesRep + Vendor or SalesRep selection + + + + C_Period (Open) + Periods Soerted by Date + + + + All_Posted Status + + + + + PA_Report AmountType + + + + + PA_Report CalculationType + + + + + PA_Report ColumnType + + + + + PA_Report CurrencyType + + + + + PA_ReportColumn + + + + + PA_ReportLine + + + + + PA_Report LineType + + + + + PA_ReportLine Parent + + + + + AD_Color Type + + + + + AD_Column Key ColumnNames + + + + + All_Entity Type + Entity Type (Dictionary, ..) + + + + M_Discount CumulativeLevel + + + + + M_Discount Type + + + + + AD_Color StartPoint + + + + + M_DiscountSchema + + + + + M_Product_Costing Source + + + + + AD_Column Name + Column selection + + + + C_BPartner Employee + Business Partners who are Employee + + + + AD_Print Field Alignment + + + + + AD_Print Line Alignment + + + + + AD_Print Format + + + + + AD_Print Area + + + + + AD_Column Integer + Integer Type only (Name) + + + + AD_Column YesNo + Coluns YesNo (Name) + + + + AD_PrintFormat + + + + + AD_PrintFormat Invoice + + + + + AD_PrintFormat Order + + + + + AD_PrintFormat Shipment + + + + + AD_PrintFormatItem + + + + + AD_PrintGraph Type + + + + + AD_PrintColor + + + + + AD_PrintFont + + + + + AD_PrintFormat Check + + + + + AD_PrintFormat Not TableBased + + + + + M_Product_ProductType + + + + + C_OrderLine + Order Line + + + + I_ElementValue Column + + + + + C_ElementValue (Parents) + Account selection + + + + R_MailText + Mail Text + + + + C_Period (all) + Periods Sorted by Date + + + + AD_Org (all) + Organization selection + + + + C_BPartner Employee w Address + Business Partners who are Employee and have addresses + + + + AD_Tab + + + + + M_Product BOM Type + + + + + AD_Print Label Line Type + + + + + C_Recurring Type + + + + + C_Recurring Frequency + + + + + AD_Window + + + + + K_Entry Related + + + + + AD_User - Internal + Employee or SalesRep + + + + C_Tax SPPOType + + + + + C_ProjectType Category + + + + + C_BPartner SOCreditStatus + Sales Credit Status + + + + C_Order + Order + + + + AD_Field ObscureType + + + + + M_Inventory Type + Inventory Type (Difference - Charge) + + + + AD_Table_Access RuleType + AccessRuleType + + + + M_TransactionAllocation Type + + + + + M_InOutLine + + + + + M_InventoryLine + + + + + M_ProductionLine + + + + + M_Transaction + + + + + WF_DurationUnit + + + + + WF_Transition Type + + + + + WF_Join_Split + + + + + WF_Action + Superset of Menu Action + + + + WF_Start-Finish Mode + + + + + WF_Participant Type + + + + + WF_Instance State + + + + + WF_EventType + + + + + WF_SubFlow Execution + + + + + WF_LoopType + + + + + _PublishStatus + Publication Status + + + + AD_Language Maintenance + + + + + AD_PrintTableFormat Stroke + Stroke Type + + + + M_RelatedProduct Type + + + + + C_RfQ QuoteType + + + + + B_TopicType AuctionType + + + + + AD_User - Supervisor + Employee or SalesRep - or System + + + + AD_Scheduler Type + + + + + _YesNo + + + + + M_InOutConfirm Type + + + + + C_DocType RMA + + + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/AD_Tab_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/AD_Tab_Trl_pl_PL.xml index d80441bfea..6f104ba028 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/AD_Tab_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/AD_Tab_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,3091 +1,3091 @@ - - - - - - - Tabela - - Definicje tabel - Definicje tabel - - - Kolumna - - Definicje kolumn w tabelach - Definicje kolumn w tabelach - - - Typy danych oraz relacje - - Definowanie typów danych oraz relacji. - Definowanie typów danych oraz relacji (relacje to powiązania pomiędzy tabelami). - - - Walidacja - - Sprawdzanie poprawności danych - Definiowanie sposobu sprawdzania poprawności danych w tabelach - - - Lista walidacji - - Lista referencyjna - Definiowanie list do walidacji danych - - - Okno - - Definiowanie podstawowych informacji o oknie - Definiowanie podstawowych informacji o oknie (formularzu) - - - Zakładka - - Definiowanie zakładek w oknie - Definiowanie zakładek w oknie. Każda zakładka zawiera pola - - - Pole - - Definicje pól - Definiowanie Pól wyświetlanych w zakładce. Zmiany w zakładce pola stają się widoczne po ponownym uruchomieniu aż do zatrzymania. Jeżeli licznik numeruje ujemnie, zapis się zmniejsza. - - - Walidacja - - Zasady sprawdzania poprawności danych - Zasady sprawdzania poprawności danych - - - Komunikaty - - Komunikaty systemowe - Okno pozwala na oglądanie i zmianę komunikatów systemowych - - - Menu - - Definowanie menu - Definiowanie menu drzewa używanego dla wybranej jednostki. - - - Tłumaczenia - - Menu tłumaczenia - nie ma wymogu tłumaczenia - Tłumaczenia Menu pochodzą z Okna, Procesu, etc. Należy tylko przetłumaczyć przedmioty poziomu Podsumowania. - - - Języki - - Języki systemowe i użytkownika - Języki zdefiniowane w systemie. - - - Tłumaczenia - - - - - - Tłumacznie pól - - Tłumaczenie Menu - nie ma wymogu tłumaczenia - Jeżeli pola są centralnie zarządzane, tłumaczone są automatycznie. Należy tylko pola nie zarządzane centralnie. - - - Tłumaczenia zakładek - - - - - - Tłumaczenia okien - - - - - - Użytkownik - - Użytkownik - Definiuje logowanie użytkowników mających dostęp do systemu. - - - Role - - Definicja ról - Definiuje rolę i dodaje firmę i jednostki, do których rola ma dostęp. Można dać użytkownikom dostęp do danej roli, zmodyfikować dostęp do danej roli, okien, formatek, procesów i wydruków, jak i zadań. Jeżeli Poziom roli użytkownika jest ręczny, przypisane prawa dostępu akualniane są automatycznie. - - - Przypisanie użytkownika - - Użytkownicy roli - Wyświetla użytkowników przypisanych do danej roli. - - - Role użytkownika - - Role dla użytkownika - Definiuje role, jakie każdy użytkownik może mieć. Role określają okna, zadania, procesy i workflowy, do których użytkownik ma dostęp. - - - Węzeł - - Definowanie węzła workflow - Definiuje każdy węzeł, działanie i krok w workflow. - - - Tłumaczenia węzłów - - Tłumaczenia węzłów - - - - Następny węzeł - - Następny węzeł - Definiuje porządek lub węzły lub kroki w workflow. - - - Poprzedni węzeł - - - - - - Tłuamcznie zadań - - - - - - Przeliczniki walut - - Przeliczniki walut - Przeliczniki walut na waluty księgownia lub raportowania. Zauważ, że jedynie używa się wskaźnika powielonego, a wskaźnik podziału używany jest przy wizualizacji. - - - Kalendarz - - Definiuje kalendarz - Definiuje kalendarz używany przez jednostkę. - - - Rok - - Definowanie roku kalendarzowego - Definowanie roku kalendarzowego - - - Okres - - Definiuje okresy kalendarzowe - Dla każdego roku kalendarzowego definiuje numer okresu, nazwę i datę rozpoczęcia. Każdy okres rozpoczyna się datę rozpoczęcia i kończy jednym dniem przed dniem następnego okresu rozpoczęcia. - - - Dni wolne - - Definowanie dni wolnych od pracy - Definiuje dni nie wchodzące do obliczeń dni płatności. Na przykład, termin zapłaty faktury ustanowiono na 10 dni. Data wystawienia faktury przypada na 2/17/2000, data wymagalności będzie 2/27/2000.Jeżeli dzień 27 będzie dniem wolnym od pracy, datą wymagalności będzie kolejny dzień, czyli 2/28/2000. - - - Watrości elementu - - Defniuje wartości elementu - Definiuje poszczególne obowiązujące wartości elementu. Wartości muszą być dostosowane do określonego formatu. Jeżeli elementem jest typ księgowy, wówczas klasyfikacja księgowa (aktywa, zobowiązania, etc) oraz kontrole wysyłki są określone. - - - Jednostka miary - - Definowanie jednostek miar - Definiuje niepieniężną jednostkę miary. - - - Konwersje - - Definiuje standardowe kursy wymiany - Definuje wskaźniki wymiany jednostek miary. System dostarcza wielu automatycznych konwersji (np. minuty, godziny, dni, dni robocze, etc), jeżeli nie zostały wyraźnie określone. Konwersja jest bezpośrednia (jeżeli jest konwersja między A i B oraz B i C, nie można dokonać konwersji między A i C, dopóki wyraźnie nie będzie określone). - - - Kraj - - Definowanie krajów - Definiuje kraje, w których prowadzi się biznes. Wprowadzone wartości mają odniesienie w lokalizacji wydruków wobec kontrahenta. - - - Województwo - - Definowanie województw/regionów - Definiuje regiony w ramach kraju. - - - Jednostka organizacyjna - - Definiuje jednostkę organizacyjną - Definiuje jednostkę organizacyjną. Każda jednostka ma klucz i nazwę oraz dodatkowy opis. Dodając nową organizację, należy ponownie się zalogować, aby mieć do niej dostęp. - - - Firma - - Definicja firmy - Definiuje firmę. Nie należy tworzyć nowej firmy w tym oknie, ale użyć Podstawowej instalacji firmy aby ustawić wymagane bezpieczeństwo i dostęp do ról. W przeciwnym wypadku, nie będize można przeglądać oraz nie zostanie ustawiona budowa wymaganej firmy. - - - Licznik - - Definicja liczników - Definiuje licznik numeryczny do dokumentów. Zawiera również sufix oraz/lub prefix. - - - Workflow - - Definowanie workflow - Definowanie workflow - - - Tłumacznie wrokflow - - - - - - Zadanie - - Zadanie - Zadanie - - - Waluta - - Definowanie walut - Definowanie walut, w której dokonujesz transakcji lub raportujesz. - - - Test - - - - - - Element - - Definicja konta - Definiuje nazwę, opis oraz format elementu. Dodatkowo zdefiniowany jest typ konta ub użytkownika. Każdy plan kont musi mieć typ konta. - - - Położenie - - Połozenie / lokalizacja jedn. Ogranizacyjnej - Połozenie / lokalizacja jedn. Ogranizacyjnej - - - Ustawienia - - Zarządza systemem firmy i preferencjami użytkownika. - - - - Projekt - - Definowanie projektu - Definiuje wartość, nazwę i opis każdego projektu. Definiuje również śledzenie kwot przypisanych, prawnie obowiązujących, odnoszących się do projektu. Typ można zmieniać, fazy i zadania są tworzone ponownie. - - - Kategoria Księgi Głównej - - Definiuje kategorie Księgi Głównej - Definiuje dodatkowe identyfikatory dokumentu lub dziennika. Każda kategoria może być użyta w dokumencie, wprowadzana ręcznie do dziennika lub importowana. - - - Batch - - General Ledger Journal Batch - The GL Journal Batch Tab defines the control parameters for a Journal Batch. A Batch can consist of multiple Journals. - - - Dziennik - - Dziennik Księgi Głównej - Definiuje parametry kontrolne pojedynczego dziennika. Jeżeli kwota kontrolna wynosi 0, zostaje porównane do łącznego obrotu po stronie Wn. Kwota kontrolna/po stronie Wn czy Ma pozostaje w dokumencie waluty źródłowej. - - - Pozycja - - Pozycja Dziennika - Definiuje poszczególne transakcje po stronie Wn i Ma, które udokumentowane są w dziennikul - - - Definicja dokumetu - - Definowanie typów dokumentu - Definiuje parametry procesu i kontroli dokumentu. - - - Informacja o firmie - Aby wszelkie wprowadzone zmiany funkcjonowały, należy ponownie się zalogować i uruchomić serwer aplikacji. - Informacja o firmie - Definiuje szczegóły o każdej firmie. Określone tu zostały zasady księgowania i domyślny najwyższy poziom. Kalendarz określa czy okres został rozoczęty czy został zamknięty. - - - Informacja o jedn. org. - Aby wszelkie wprowadzone zmiany funkcjonowały, należy ponownie się zalogować i uruchomić serwer aplikacji. - Informacje o jedn. org. - Określa adres organizacji, numer DUNS oraz numer identyfikacji podatkowej NIP. - - - Tłumaczenia typów dancyh - - - - - - Lista tłumaczeń - - - - - - Załącznik - - Załącznik - Wyświetla cechy załącznika. - - - Podatek - - Defincije podatków - Definiuje podatki używane dla każdej kategorii podatkowej. Na przykład, podatek od sprzedaży musi być określony w każdym stanie, w którym został załączony. Jeżeli podatki są powielone, utwórz podatek poziomu podsumowującego z właściwym łącznym wskaźnikiem wskazującym podatek poziomu podsumowującego jako macierzysty. Przy wprowadzaniu pozycji zamówienia i faktury, podatek jest ustanawiany podczas przetwarzania dokumentu. Podatek zawsze jest liczony na podstawie kwoty netto. Jeżeli jeden został wyliczony na podstawie podatku bazowego, czyli kwoty netto, należy dostosować wartość procentową do wyniku odpowiedniej kwoty. - - - Kategoria podatku - - Kategoria podatku - Określa i zarządza kategoriami podatku. Każdy produkt jest powiązany z kategorią podatku. Pozwala to na łatwą zmianę opodatkowania. - - - Magazyn - - Magazyn - Magazyn - - - Położenie - - Położenie / lokalizacja - Określa administratorów magazynu. - - - Przechowywanie - - - - - - Produkt - - Definowanie produktu - Definiuje produkty, ich użycie w cenniku oraz zamówieniu. Jest to lokalizacja domyślna przy dostawie magazynowanego produktu. - - - Substytuty - - Definowanie substytutów - Substytuty wybranych produktów. - - - Uzupełnianie - - Uzupełnianie - Typ uzupełniania ilości. Używane przy zamówieniach automatycznych. - - - Cena - - Cena produktu - Wyświetla cennik zwykły, standardowy oraz listę cen krańcowych każdego produktu. - - - Warunki płatności - - Warunki płatności - Definiuje warunki płatności oferowane kontrahentowi oraz warunki płatności oferowane przez dostawców. W fakturze standardowej, drukowane są: nazwa, uwagi do dokumentu oraz warunki płatności. - - - Przewoźnik - - Przewoźnicy - Przewoźnicy - - - Zakupy - - Zakupy częśc główna - Parametry zamówienia - - - Pozycja zamówienia - - Pozycja zamówienia - Określa pojedynczą pozycję zamówienia - - - Kategoria porduktu - - Kategoria produktu - Definiuje poszczególne grupowania produktów. Używane przy budowaniu cennika. - - - Cennik - - Definowanie cenników - Określają walutę dokumentu jak opodatkowanie. - - - Cena produktu - - Zmiany cen produktu - Wyświetla ceny produktu w oparciu o wybrany cennik - - - Harmonogram fakturowania - - Harmonogram fakturowania - The Invoice Schedule Tab defines the frequency for which batch invoices will be generated for a Business Partner. - - - Przeliczniki walut - - Przeliczniki walut - Definiuje przeliczniki walut używane na potrzeby wymiany kwot wymienianych w dokumentach. Przeliczniki określają typy powielonych kursów. Użyteczne także przy określeniu zakresu czasu. Zauważ, że przy użyciu powielonego przelicznika, wskaźnik dzielenia używany jest wyłącznie przy wizualizacji. - - - Plan kont - - Definowanie planu kont - Definowanie planu kont - - - Księga główna - - Księga główna - The General Ledger Tab defines error and balance handling to use as well as the necessary accounts for posting to General Ledger. - - - Kampania - - Kamapnia marketingowa - Definiuje parametry kampanii, m.in. datę rozpoczęcia i zakończenia kampanii, kwoty przetworzonych faktur związanych z kampanią. - - - Kanał - - Kanał dystrybucji - Definiuje różne metody lub procesy pozyskiwania klientów. - - - Element - - Element - Definiuje każdy element poziomu systemu. - - - Tłumaczenia - - - - - - Kontrola okresu - - Kontrola okresu - Wyświetla status okresu (nigdy nie otwierany, otwarty, zamknięty). - - - Region sprzedaży - - Region sprzedaży - Definiuje regiony sprzedaży używane podczas tworzenia raportów lub naliczania prowizji. - - - Kombinajce - - Ważne konta - Definiuje i pokazuje ważne konta. Alias ułatwia wejście dokumentu. - - - Budżet - - Budżet Księgi Głównej - Definiuje przewidywane koszty prowadzenia działalności. Używane przy raportowaniu jako porównania rzeczywistych kwot. - - - Księgowość - - Definowanie parametrów ksiegowania - Zakładka Księgowość pozwala na zdefiniowanie zasad księgowania dla tego magazynu - - - Księgowość - - Definowanie parametrów ksiegowania - Definiuje domyślne parametry używane przy tworzeniu transakcji księgowych podczas zamówień i faktur odnośnie danego produktu. - - - Księgowość - - Definowanie parametrów ksiegowania - Definiuje Konto Aktywów używane przy ukończeniu projektu, a aktywa powiązane osiągnięte. - - - Księgowość klienta - - Księgowość klienta - The Customer Accounting Tab defines the default accounts to use when this business partner is referenced on an accounts receivable transaction. - - - Księgowość - dostawca - - Define Vendor Accounting - The Vendor Accounting Tab defines the default accounts to use when this business partner is referenced in an accounts payable transaction. - - - Pracownik - księgowość - - Księgowania związane z pracownikami - The Employee Accounting Tab defines the default accounts to use when this business partner is referenced on a expense reimbursement. - - - Miasta - - Definiowanie miast - Definiowanie miast w danym państwie i regionie - - - Account Schema Element - - Define the elements of your Account Key - The Account Schema Element Tab defines the elements that comprise the account key. A name is defined which will display in documents. Also the order of the elements and if they are balanced and mandatory are indicated. - - - Kontrahent - - Kontrahent - The Business Partner Tab defines any Entity with whom an organization transacts. - - - Położenie - - Definowanie położeń / lokalizaji - The Location Tab defines the physical location of a business partner. A business partner may have multiple location records. - - - Klient - - Definowanie ustawień klienta - The Customer Tab defines a Business Partner who is a customer of this organization. If the Customer check box is selected then the necessary fields will display. - - - Dostawca - - Definowanie ustawień dostawcy - The Vendor Tab defines a Business Partner that is a Vendor for this Organization. If the Vendor check box is selected the necessary fields will display. - - - Pracownik - - Parametry dotyczące pracownika - The Employee Tab defines a Business Partner who is an Employee of this organization. If the Employee is also a Sales Representative then the check box should be selected. - - - Konto bankowe - - Defniowanie konta bankowego - The Define Bank Account Tab defines the banking information for this business partner. This data is used for processing payments and remittances. - - - Bank - - Ustawienia banku - The Bank Tab defines a bank that is used by an organization or business partner. Each Bank is given an identifying Name, Address, Routing No and Swift Code - - - Konto - - Maintain Account - The Account Tab is used to define one or more accounts for a Bank. Each account has a unique Account No and Currency. - - - Withholding - - Define Withholding - The Withholding Tab defines any withholding information for this business partner. - - - Tłumaczenia - - Tłumaczenia - The Translation Tab defines a Document Type in an alternate language. - - - Wezwania do zapłaty - - Zasady dotyczące wezwań do zapłaty - The Dunning Tab defines the parameters for a dunning level. - - - Transakcje - - Define Translation - The Translation Tab defines the translation to an alternate language - - - Tłumaczenia - - - - - - Tłumaczenia - - - - - - Order Tax - - Order Tax - The Order Tax Tab displays the tax amount for an Order based on the lines entered. - - - Opłaty - - Opłaty - Zakładka Opłaty definiuje specyfczne opłaty które mogą być skojarzone z dokumentem. - - - Wersja - - Maintain price list versions - Price lists are automatically created based on Product Purchasing Information and the Vendor Category Discount. -The other alternative is to copy them from existing pricelists and the re-calculate them. -You can also re-calculate the pricelist by referencing no pricelist or referencing the same pricelist. - - - - Zakupy - - Zakupy - The Purchasing Tab define the pricing and rules ( pack quantity, UPC, minimum order quantity) for each product. - - - Withholding - - Withholding Rules - The Withholding Rules Tab define the rules governing the withholding of amounts. - - - Księgowość - - - - - - Drzewo - - Drzewo - The Tree Tab defines a Tree which will be displayed. - - - Raporty i Procesy - - Definowanie raportów i porcesów - The Report and Process Tab defines each report and process run in the system. - - - Paramter - - Report Parameter - The Report Parameter Tab defines any parameters requried to execute a report or process. - - - Tłumacznie parametrów - - - - - - Tłumacznie raportów - - - - - - Działanie - - Działanie w rachunku zarządczym ABC - - - - Domyślne - - Konta domyślne - The Defaults Tab displays the Default accounts for an Accounting Schema. These values will display when a new document is opened. The user can override these defaults within the document. - - - Koszty - - Definowanie ksztów (wyceny ?) - The Costing Tab defines - - - Inventory Count - - Define Inventory Count - The Inventory Count Tab defines the parameters for a manual count and adjustment of inventory - - - Inventory Count Line - - Inventory Count Line - The Inventory Count Line defines the counts of the individual products in inventory. - - - Przewóz - - Shipments and Customer Returns - The Shipments Tab allows you to generate, maintain, enter and process Shipments to a Customer or Returns from a Customer. - - - Pozycja przewozu - - Shipment Line - The Shipment Line Tab defines the individual items in a Shipment. - - - Ruch - - Define Move - The Move Tab defines and identifies the movement of an item or items in inventory. - - - Move Line - - Define Move Line - The Move Line Tab defines the product and quantity to be moved and the location it is moving from and to. - - - Produkt transakcje - - Transakcje z produktem - - - - Faktura - - Customer Invoice - The Invoice Tab defines the parameters of an Invoice generated for a Business Partner. It constitutes an accounts receivable. - - - Poziom - - Maintain Dunning Level - The Dunning Level Tab defines the timing and frequency of the dunning notices. - - - Tłumaczenia - - Poziomy wezwań do zapłaty - tłumaczenie - - - - Pozycja faktury - - Customer Invoice Line - The Invoice Line Tab defines the individual items or charges on an Invoice. - - - Podatek - - Podatek - The Invoice Tax Tab displays the total tax due based on the Invoice Lines. - - - Revenue Recognition - - Revenue Recognition - The Revenue Recognition Tab defines the intervals at which revenue will be recognized. You can also base the revenue recognition on provided Service Levels. - - - Tłumaczenia - - Tłumaczenia jednostek miary - - - - Perpetual Inventory - - - - - - Dostawca - - Dostawca - The Vendor Tab displays the Vendors. A Vendor is selected and all products for that Vendor will be displayed. - - - Szczegóły produktu - - Szczegóły dotyczące produktu - The Product Details Tab allows you to display and maintain all products for a selected Vendor. - - - Pozdrowienia - - Pozdrowienia dla kontrhaenta - Zakładka Pozdrowienia pozwala ustawić sposób w jaki zwracamy się do kontrahenta. - - - Tłumaczenia - - Tłumaczenia - - - - Transakcje - - - - - - Report View - - Define Report View - The Define Report View defines the views used in report generation - - - Transakcje - - Transakcje na produktach - The Transaction Tab displays the transactions that have been processed for this product. - - - Faktura - - Faktura, część główna - The Invoice Tab defines the parameters of an Invoice generated by a Business Partner. It constitutes an accounts payable. - - - Pozycje faktury - - Pozycje faktury (tutaj wpisujesz pozycje faktury) - The Invoice Line Tab defines the individual items or charges on an Invoice. - - - Podatek - - Podatek od faktury dostawcy - The Invoice Tax Tab displays the total tax due based on the Invoice Lines. - - - - Pozycja zamówienia - - Pozycja zamówienia zakupu - The Order Line Tab defines the individual items in an order. - - - Zamówienie własne - - Zamówienie własne (zakup) - The Order Header Tab defines the parameters of an order. The field values defined will determine how the Order Lines are processed. - - - Podatek - - Podatek - The Order Tax Tab displays the tax associated with the Order Lines. - - - Material Receipt - - Enter Receipts and Vendor Returns - The Shipments Tab allows you to generate, maintain, enter and process Shipments from a Vendor or Returns to a Vendor. - - - Receipt Line - - Shipment Line - The Shipment Line Tab defines the individual items in a Shipment. - - - Definicje EDI - - Zasady dotyczące EDI (transakcje elektroniczne) - - - - Transakcje EDI - - Transakcje elektroniczne - Transakcje elektroniczne - - - Dziennik EDI - - Dziennik transakcji elektronicznych - - - - Formularze - - Formularze specjalne - The Forms Tab defines any window which is not automatically generated. For System Admin use only. - - - Tłumaczenia - - - - - - Uprawnienia do okien - - Uprawnienia do okien - Uprawnienia do okien pozwalają zdefiniować grupy, które mają dostęp do danego okna - - - Dostęp do procesów - - Dostęp do procesów - Uprawnienia do procesów pozwalają zdefiniować grupy, które mają dostęp do danego procesu - - - Dostęp do formularz - - Dostęp do formularz - The Form Access Tab defines the Forms and type of access that this Role is granted. - - - Uprawnienia do workflow - - Uprawnienia do workflow - The Workflow Access Tab defines the Workflows and type of access that this Role is granted. - - - Uprawnienia do raportów - - Dostęp do raportów - The Report Access Tab determines who can access a report or process - - - Dostęp do formularzy - - Dostęp do formatek - The Forms Access Tab defines the access rules for this form - - - Uprawnienia - - Uprawnienia do zadań - The Task Access Tab defines the Roles that will have access to this task and the type of access each Role is granted. - - - Dostęp - - Dostęp do okien - The Window Access Tab defines the Roles which have access to this Window. - - - Dostęp - - Dostęp do workflow - The Workflow Access Tab defines the Roles who have access to this Workflow. - - - Uprawnienia do zadań - - Uprawnienia do zadań - The Task Access Tab defines the Task and type of access that this Role is granted. - - - Informacje o błędach - - Informacje o błędach - Zakładka pozwała na sprawdzenie komunikatów o błędach jakie wystąpiły. Komunikaty mogą być czyszczone automatycznie przez proces czyszczący - - - Format pliku importu - - - - - - Pola importu - - Utrzymywanie definicji pól w fromacie pliku importu - Define the individual field based on the table definition. Please note that you have to make sure that a Costant has the correct SQL datatype (i.e. if it is a 'string', you need to enclose it like 'this'). -<p>Product mapping (for details see documentation): -<pre> -H_Item => Value -H_ItemDesc => Name / Description -H_ItemDefn => Help -H_ItemType => ProductCategory -H_PartnrID => Value of Business Partner -H_Commodity1 => Vendor Product No -H_Commodity2 => SKU -H_ItemClass => Classification (A,B,C..) -V_OperAmt_T_Cur => Currency -V_OperAmt_T => Price -</pre> - - - Lista materiałów - - Bill of Material product lines - The Bill of Materials tab defines those products that are generated from other products. A Bill of Material (BOM) is one or more Products or BOMs. - -Available Quantity: -- Stored BOMs have to be created via "Production" -- The available quantity of a non-stored BOMs is dynamically calculated -- The attribute "Stored" is defined in the "Product" tab - -Price: -- BOMs must be listed in Pricelists -- If the price is 0.00, the price is dynamically calculated - -Printing: -- Usually, only the BOM information is printed -- For invoices, delivery slips and pick lists, you have the option to print the details -- In the details, the quantity is listed - and the price, if this is dynamically calculated - - - - Przechowywanie - - - - - - Production Header - - Production Header - The Production Header Tab defines a unique production plan - - - Plan produkcji - - Plan produkcji - The Production Plan Tab defines the items used and generated in a production. - - - Pozycja producji - - Pozycja pordukcji - The Production Line Tab displays the actual movements in and out of inventory generated by a Production Plan. - - - Grupa kontrahentów - - Business Partner Groups for Reporting Accounting Defaults - The Business Partner Group Tab allow for the association of business partners for reporting and accounting defaults. - - - Księgowość - - Ustawienia księgowości - The Accounting Tab defines the default accounts for any business partner that references this group. These default values can be modified for each business partner if required. - - - Księgowość - - Ustawienia księgowości - The Accounting Tab defines default accounting parameters. Any product that uses a product category can inherit its default accounting parameters. - - - Informacja systemowa - - Informacja systemowa - The Notice Tab provides a method of viewing messages that are generated by this system when performing processes. - - - Procesor płatność - - Procesor płatności elektronicznych - Definiowanie ustawień procesora płatności elektronicznych, który pozwala na automatyczne wykonywanie płatności np. kartą kredytową - - - Księgowość - - Parametry księgowania - The Accounting Tab is used to define the accounts used for transactions with this Bank. - - - Wyciągi bankowe - - Wyciągi bankowe - The Bank Statement Tab defines the Bank Statement to be reconciled. - - - Przelew - - Przelew - Podejynczy przelew z danego wyciągu bankowego - - - Płatność - - Płatność - The Payment Tab defines a payment made by a Business Partner. If it is for a single invoice it can be allocated directly to that invoice using this screen. -You can also apply over/under payments:<br> -You have an over-payment, if you received more money than due for a single invoice. Instead of writing the difference off (i.e. would be a gain), you can leave the amount unallocated and use it for later invoices or credit memos. Please note that the Amount is the payment amount, so you need to enter the over-payment as a negative amount.<br> -You can also receive a parcial payment (under-payment). If you decide not to write off the remaining invoice amount, enter the under-payment as a postive amount. - - - - Księgowość - - Księgowość - opłaty - The Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters used for transactions including a charge or charges. - - - Księgowość - - Organization Accounting - The Organization Accounting Tab defines the default accounting paramters to be used by this Organization. - - - Księgowość - - Księgowość - The Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters to be used for transactions referencing this Tax Rate. - - - Księgowość - - Withholding Accounting - The Withholding Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters for Withholding. - - - Własny atrybut - - Define Custom Attribute - The Custom Attribute Tab defines additional attributes or information for a product or entity. - - - Cashbook - - Maintain Cashbook - The Cashbook Tab defines a unique cashbook for an organization. - - - Księgowość - - Księgowość - gotówka - The Cashbook Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters for transaction involving a cashbook. - - - Rejestr gotówki - - Cash Journal - The Cash Journal Tab defines the parameters for this journal. - - - Pozycja rejestru gotówki - - Cash Line - The Cash Line Tab defines the individual lines for this journal. - - - Payment Batch - - - - - - Grupa pól - - System Admin use only. Field Groups allow for grouping of fields within a window - - - - Tłumaczenia - - - - - - Zapotrzebowanie - - Definowanie zapotrzebowań - The Request Tab defines any Request submitted by a Business Partner. - - - Request Processor - - Request Processor - The Request Processor Tab allows you to define processes that you want to occur and the frequency and timing of these processes. If no other user is found, the items are assigned to the supervisor. - - - Wzór listu - - - - - - Action History - - Action History - The Action History Tab displays any actions which have been taken for a Request. - - - Allocation - - Reverse Allocation - The Reverse Allocation Tab defines the Payment Allocation to be reversed. - - - Dostęp do jedn. org. - - Kontrola dostępu do poszczególnych jednostek organizacyjnych zdefinowanych w systemie - Add the organizations the user has access to. Only add organizations of the client of this role. - - - Wybór płatości - - Define Payment - The Payment Selection Tab defines the bank account and date of the payments to be made. You also create the payments here. - - - Payment Selection Line - - Payment Selection Line - The Payment Selection Line Tab defines the indvidual invoices an organization is paying to a Vendor with this payment. - - - Report View Column - - Report View Column - The Report View Column Tab defines any columns which will be overidded in the generation of the select SQL - - - Prowizja - - Definowanie porwizji - Define when to pay a commission to whom. For each period, you start the calculation of the commission after the transcation for that period are completed or cloased. - - - Pozycja prowizji - - Define your commission calculation rule - Define the selection criteria for paying the commission. If you do not enter restricting parameters (e.g. for specific Business Partner (Groups) or Product (Categories), etc. all transactions for the period will be used to calculate the commission. - -After converting from the transaction to the commission currency, -the formula for calculating the commission is: - -(Converted Amount - Subtract Amount) * Amount Multiplier -+ (Actual Quantity - Subtract Quantity) * Quantity Multiplier - -You can choose, that only positive amounts (Converted Amount - Subtract Amount) and positive quantities (Actual Quantity - Subtract Quantity) are used in the calculation. - - - Cykl projektu - - Definowanie cyklu projektowego - Define the currency that projects Project are reported. The projects themselves could be in a different currency. - - - Krok cyklu - - Define Project Cycle Steps - The Cycle Steps determine the logical sequence of events withing your cycle. - - - - Pozycja - - Define Project Lines - The Project Lines Tab is used to define the lines (products and/or services) associated with this Project. - - - Naliczanie prowizji - - Naliczanie porwizji za okres - Commission run for a period defined in the Commission window. - - - Kwota prowizji - - Commission line amounts - For each commission line, a line is generated. You can overwrite the amount and quantity to modify the commission amount, but the suggested way is creating additional Commission Detail lines. Please be aware that manual changes will not reconcile with the Commission Details. - - - Użyte w kolumnach - - Used in Column - The Used in Column Tab defines the table and column this element resides in. - - - Commission Detail - - Commisssion Detail Information - You may alter the amount and quantity of the detail records, but the suggested way is to add new correcting lines. -The amounts are converted from the transaction currency to the Commission Currency (defined in the Commission window) using the start date and the spot exchange rate. - - - Performance Color - - Color for Performance Analysis - The Performance Color Tab allows you to alter the system default colors to indicate a performance level. - - - Performance Goal - - Performance Goal - The Performance Goal Tab defines specific goals for performance. - - - Performance Measure Calculation - - Maintain your Performance Measure Calculation - The Performance Measure Calculation defines how performance measures will be calculated. Please test the statement in SQL*Plus first. -The select statement needs to return a single value! -Any restrictions for Date range, Organizations, Business Partners, Products should be done via the "Performance Measure" window. This is the generic calculation. -As this tends to be somewhat technical, the system has a few examples predefined. - - - Performance Achievement - - Performance Achievment - The Performance Achievement Tab defines the Tasks to be achieved. The performance is measured by the percentage of reached achievements. - - - Pomiar - - Performance Measure - The Performance Measure Tab defines the date range and method to be used for measuring performance. - - - Raport finansowy - - - - - - Zbiór kolumn raportu - - Maintain Financial Report Colum Sets - Column Sets are the combination of Columns to de bincluded in a Financial Report - - - Kolumna raportu - - Maintain Financial Report Column - A column represents a column in a Financial Report - - - Zbiór kolumn raportu - - Maintain Financial Report Line Set - - - - Report Line - - Maintain Financial Report Line - - - - Report Source - - Maintain Segment Values of Report Line Source - - - - Revenue Recognition Plan - - View Revenue Recognition Plan - The Revenue Recognition plan is generated then invoicing a product with revenue recognition. With Revenue Recognition, the amount is posted to the Unrecognized revenue and over time or based on Service Level booked to Earned Revenue. - - - Revenue Recognition Run - - View Revenue Recognition Run History - - - - Poziom serwisu - - View Service Level - The service level is automatically created when creating an invoice with products using revenue recognition based on service levels. - - - Service Level Line - - Maintain Service Levels - Add new service level lines to change the recognized amount - - - Znajdź - - - - - - Transakcji materiałowe - - - - - - Formularze wydruku - - Wybór formularzy wysruku dla faktur, zamówien itp. - The selection determines what Print Format is used to print a particular Form for your Oranization. - - - Dokumenty bankowe - - Definicje typów dokumentów bankowych - W tej zakładce definiuje się typy dokumentów bankowych dla konta. - - - Kolor systemowy - - System color for backgrounds and indicators - - - - Pulpit - - Desktop is a collection of Workbenches - Desktop is a collection of Workbenches - - - Tłumaczenia - - - - - - Workbench - - Workbench on the desktop - - - - Zdjęcie - - Link do zdjęcia - - - - Ustawienia okien - - - - - - Ustawienia zakładek - - - - - - Ustawienia pól - - - - - - Workbench - - Workbenches are a collection of Windows - - - - Tłumaczenia - - - - - - Okno - - Workbench Window - - - - Routing - - Request Routing - Define the sequence of keywords and to whom the web and mail requets should be routed to. - - - Zapytania - - Zapytania od kontrahentów - The Request Tab defines any Request submitted by a Business Partner. - - - Historia akcji - - Histria akcji - The Action History Tab displays any actions which have been taken for a Request. - - - Ustawienia rabatów - - Trade Discount Schema - Trade discount schema calculates the trade discount percentage - - - Cennik - - Trade Discount Price List - Pricelists are created based on Product Purchase and Category Discounts. -The parameters listed here allow to copy and calculate pricelists.<BR> -The calculation: -<UL> -<LI>Copy and convert price from referenced price list -<LI>result plus Surcharge Amount -<LI>result minus Discount -<LI>if resulting price is less than the original limit price plus min Margin, use this price (only if Margin is not zero) -<LI>if resulting price is more than the original limit price plus max Margin, use this price (only if Margin us not zero) -<LI>Round resulting price -</UL> -<B>The Formula</B> is<BR> -NewPrice = (Convert(BasePrice) + Surcharge) * (100-Discount) / 100;<BR> -if MinMargin <> 0 then NewPrice = Max (NewPrice, Convert(OrigLimitPrice) + MinMargin);<BR> -if MaxMargin <> 0 then NewPrice = Min (NewPrice, Convert(OrigLimitPrice) + MaxMargin);<BR> - <BR> -<B>Example:</B> (assuming same currency)<BR> -Original Prices: List=300, Standard=250, Limit=200;<BR> -New List Price: Base=List, Surcharge=0, Discount=0, Round - - - Discount Break - - Trade discount based on breaks (steps) - - - - Przypisane produkty - - Products assigned to Product Category - - - - Dopasowane faktury - - Obejrzyj dopasowane faktury - - - - Dopasowanee zamówienia - - Obejrzyj dopasowane zamówenia - - - - Typ wydatku - - Definowanie typów wydaktów - - - - Produkt - - Product definition of Expense Type - - - - Raport wydatków - - Time and Expense Report - - - - Report Line - - Time and Expense Report Line - - - - Zasób - - Utrzymywanie zasobów - - - - Przypisanie - - Przypisanie zasobu - History of Assignments - - - Niedostępność - - Zasób jest niedostępny - Dates, when rhe resource is not available (e.g. vacation) - - - Produkt - - Maintain Product information of Resouce - The product for the resource is automatically created and synchronized. Update Name, Unit of Measure, etc. in the Resource and don't change it in the product. - - - Typ zasobu - - Maintain Resource Types - Maintain Resoce types and their principal availability. - - - Księgowość - - Definowanie parametrów ksiegowania - The Accounting Tab defines the defaults to use when generating accounting transactions for orders and invoices which contain this Expense Type. Not all accounts apply. - - - Cena - - Expense Type Pricing - The Pricing Tab displays the List, Standard and Limit prices for each price list a product is contained in. - - - Cena - - Resource Pricing - The Pricing Tab displays the List, Standard and Limit prices for each price list a resource is contained in. - - - Księgowość - - Księgowość - parametry - The Accounting Tab defines the defaults to use when generating accounting transactions for orders and invoices which contain this resource. Not all accounts apply to resources. - - - Kolor druku - - Maintain Print Color - Colors used for printing - - - Czcionka wydruku - - Zmiany czcionek uzywanych przy wydruku - Font used for printing - - - Format wydruku - - Zmianai formatu wydruku - The print format determines how data is rendered for print. - - - Formatowanie pozycji - - Formatowanie wydruku pozycji - Item in the print format maintaining layout information - - - Papier - - Maintain Print Paper - Printer Paper Size, Orientation and Margins. -The Validation Code contains the MediaSize name. The names of the media sizes correspond to those in the IPP 1.1 RFC 2911 - http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2911.txt - - - Kolejność wyświetlania - - Sortowanie pozycji na ekranie - - - - Kolejność druku - - Sortowanie pozycji na wydruku - - - - Kolejnośc pól - - Kolejnośc pól jeżeli pole znajduje się w zakładce - - - - Kontrahent - - Business Partner to be invoiced - - - - Report Line - - Time and Expense Report Line (not invoiced) - View and modify Time and Expense Report Lines. - - - Tłumaczenia pozycji - - Tłuamczenia - - - - Wykres - - Define Graph to be included - - - - Format wydruku tabeli - - Define Report Table Format - The Print Table Format lets you define how table header, etc. is printed. If you leave the entries empty, the default colors and fonts are used:<br> -Fonts are based on the Font used in the Report; Page Header and Table Header will be bold, the Function Font is Bold-Italic, the Footer Font is two points smaller, the Parameter Font is Italic. - - - Wygenerowane płatnosci - - View Generated Payment after creating the Payments - - - - Typ zapytania - - Type of request (e.g. Inquiry, Complaint, ..) - Request Types are used for processing and categorizing requests. Options are Account Inquiry, Warranty Issue, etc. - - - Obszar zainteresowania - - Obszar zainteresowania lub Temat - Interest Areas reflect interest in a topic by a contact. Interest areas can be used for marketing campaigns. - - - Obszar zainteresowania - - Obszar zainteresowania kontrahentem - Obszar zainteresowania może zostać użyty do porwadzenia kamapni marketingowych - - - System - - Definicja systemu - Ogólne ustawienia systemowe. Nie dodawać dodatkowych pozycji !! - - - Import kontrahenta - - - - - - Import produktu - - Import produktów - Before importing, Adempiere checks the Unit of Measure (default if not set), the Product Category (default if not set), the Business Partner, the Currency (defaults to accounting currency if not set), the Product Type (only Items and Services), the uniqueness of UPC, Key and uniqueness and existence of the Vendor Product No.<br> -Adempiere tries to map to existing products, if the UPC, the Key and the Vendor Product No matches (in this sequence). If the imported record could be matched, product field values will only be overwritten, if the corresponding Import field is explicitly defined. Example: the Product Category will only be overwritten if explicitly set in the Import. - - - Import konta - - - - - - Zaimportuj pozycje raportu - - - - - - Wybór języka - - Wybór języka - - - - Tłumaczenia tekstów - - - - - - Tłumaczenia komunikatów - - - - - - Tłumaczenia okien - - - - - - Tłumaczenia nazw procesów - - - - - - Asset - - Asset used internally or by customers - An asset is either created by purchasing or by delivering a product. An asset can be used internally or be a customer asset. - - - Dostawa - - Delivery or availability - Record of delivery or availability - - - Grupa aktywów - - Group of Assets - The group of assets determines default accounts. If a asset group is selected in the product category, assets are created when delivering the asset. - - - Szkolenia - - Szkolenia okresowe - The training may have multiple actual classes. New Classes are created here. - - - Class - - The actual training class instance - A scheduled class - - - Pracownicy,Dostawcy - - Business Partner to be reimbursed - Select the business partner to be reimbursed. - - - Report Line - - Raport Casu oraz Wydatków (nie zwróconych) - Przeglądanie i modyfikacja pozycji Raportu Wydatków oraz Czasu. - - - Tłumaczenia - - - - - - Dzienne zestawienie - - View daily accounting balances - - - - Payment Schedule - - Invoice Payment Schedule - - - - Zestaw cech - - Maintain Product Attribute Set - Define Product Attribute Sets to add additional attributes and values to the product. You need to define a Attribute Set if you want to enable Serial and Lot Number and Guaragtee Date tracking. Note that the Guarantee Days here determine the Shelf Life of a product instance after manufacturing (the Guarantee Days on the product determines a Customer Service date after selling) -If the Attribute Set is mandatory, a product instance needs to be selected/created before shipping. - - - Cecha - - Cecha produktu - Product Attribute like Color, Size, etc. If it is an Instance Attribute, all products have the same value. - - - Wartość cechy - - Product Attribute Value - Individual value of a product attribute (e.g. green, large, ..) - - - Lot - - Product Lot Definition - Maintain the individual Lot of a Product - - - Seria - - Kontrola serii - Definition to create Lot numbers for Products - - - Numer seryjny - - Product Serial Number Control - Definition to create Serial numbers for Products - - - Użycie cechy produktu - - Attributes Used for the Product Attribute Set - Attributes and Attribute Values used for the product - - - Wyszukiwanie cechy produku - - Common Search Attribute - Attributes are specific to a Product Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple attributes and want to search under a common sttribute, you define a search sttribute. Example: have one Size search attribute combining the values of all different sizes (Size for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The Attribute Search allows you to have all values available for selection. This eases the maintenance of the individual product attribute. - - - Assigned Attributes - - Attributes assigned to this search attribute - - - - Faktura - - - - - - Included Lines - - - - - - Opis - - Opis - Maintain the Format for printing Labels - - - Line - - Print Label Line - Maintain Format of the line on a Label - - - Tłumaczenia - - Print Label Line Translation - Maintain the translation for Label Line formats - - - Session - - List of User Sessions - History of Online or Web Sessions - - - Project Type - - Maintain Type of a Project - Type of the project with optional phases and tasks of the project with standard performance information - - - Standard Phase - - Maintain Standard Project Phase - Standard Phase of the project with performance information - - - Phase - - Actual Project Phase - Actual Phase of the Project with Status information - generated from Phase of Project Type. - - - Recurring - - Recurring Document - Maintain Recurring Documents. The Date Next Run determines the Document (and Accounting Date) of the generated documents. - - - Run - - Recurring Document Run - History of Recurring Document Generation - - - Inventory - - Import Inventory - Validate and Import Inventory Transactions. The Locator is primarily determined by the Locator Key, then the Warehouse and X,Y,Z fields.<p> -A Physical Inventory is created per Warehouse and Movement Date. - - - Table Access - - Maintain Table Access - If listed here, the Role can(not) access all data of this table, even if the role has access to the functionality. -<br>If you Include Access to a table and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise full access). -<br>If you Exclude Access to a table and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise no access). -<br>Please note that table access rules here are in addition to the Data Access Levels defined for a Table and the User Level defined for a Role. These rules are evaulated first and you only need to define the exceptions to these rules here. -<p> -Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. Be aware that if you use Include rules, that you need to include also several supporting entiries. As an alternative, grant access only to functionality required. - - - Record Access - - Maintain Record Access - You create Record Access records by enabling "Personal Lock" for the administrative role and Ctl-Lock (holding the Ctrl key while clicking on the Lock button). -<p> -If listed here, the Role can(not) access the data records of this table, even if the role has access to the functionality. -<br>If you Include Access to a record and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise full access). -<br>If you Exclude Access to a recorf and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise no access). -Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. - - - Column Access - - Maintain Column Access - If listed here, the Role can(not) access the column of this table, even if the role has access to the functionality. -<br>If you Include Access to a column and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise full access). -<br>If you Exclude Access to a column and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise no access). -Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. - - - Role - - Role with Data Access Restriction - Select Role for with Data Access Restrictions. -Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. - - - Advertisement - - Web Advertisement - Advertisement on the Web - - - Change Log - - Data Changes - Log of data changes - - - Change Log - - Log of data changes - Log of data changes - - - Cost Type - - Types of Cost - - - - Task - - Actual Project Task - A Project Task in a Project Phase represents the actual work. - - - Step - - Project Cycle Step - The Cycle Step determines the logical sequence of events within your cycle. It is the common of similar Project Phases making different project types comparable. - - - Standard Task - - Maintain Standard Project Task - Standard Project Task - - - Plan Costs - - Planned Costs of the Resource - Planned (budgeted) Costs of the Resource - - - Time Type - - Type of Time recorded - Differentiate time types for reporting purposes (In parallel to Activities) - - - Contact (User) - - Maintain User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact - The User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contact - - - Click - - Click Count - - - - Individual Click - - - - - - Count - - Web Counter Count - - - - Individual Count - - - - - - Invoice - - Select Invoice - Select from invoices not fully paid. - - - Payment Schedule - - Mainain Payment Schedule - - - - Schedule - - Payment Schedule - - - - Alert - - Adempiere Alert - Adempiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted of - - - Alert Rule - - Definition of the alert element - - - - Alert Recipient - - Recipient of the Alert Notification - You can send the notifications to users or roles - - - Bank Statement - - Import Bank Statement - - - - General Ledger - - Import General Ledger - A new Journal Batch is created, if the Batch Document No is different. A new Journal is created, if the Document No, Accounting Schema, Currency, Document Type, GL Category, Posting Type or Accounting type is different.<p> -Please note that there are three Organization Fields: The Document Organization is the owner of the document and set directly or per parameter default. The Organization is part of the accounting key and only required id no Valid Account Comination is specified; If not defined it is derived from the Document Organization. The Transaction Organization is part of the account combination. - - - Invoice - - Import Invoices - You should supply the Document Type Name (or ID). The Document Type is on purpose not fully derived as it has too many consequences if it's wrong. The best way is to set the Document Type Name as a Constant in your Import File Format or as an imported field in the file. - - - Payment - - Import Payments - - - - Order - - Import Orders - You should supply the Document Type Name (or ID). The Document Type is on purpose not fully derived as it has too many consequences if it's wrong. The best way is to set the Document Type Name as a Constant in your Import File Format or as an imported field in the file. - - - Freight - - Freight Rates - Freight Rates for Shipper - - - Freight Category - - Category of the Freight - Freight Categories are used to calculate the Freight for the Shipper selected - - - Business Partner Dimension - - Maintain Business Partner Accounting Dimension Tree - Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! - - - - Product Dimension - - Maintain Product Accounting Dimension Tree - Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! - - - - Acitivity Dimension - - Maintain Acitivity Accounting Dimension Tree - Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! - - - - Project Dimension - - Maintain Project Accounting Dimension Tree - Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! - - - - Organization Dimension - - Maintain Organizationt Accounting Dimension Tree - Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! - - - - Sales Region Dimension - - Maintain Sales Region Accounting Dimension Tree - Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! - - - - Replication Target - - Data Replication Target - Data Replication Target Details. Maintained on the central server. Make sure that the IP range is unique for every remote system - Otherwise you will loose data!! - - - Replication Run - - Data Replication Run - Historic Info - - - Run Log - - Data Replication Run Log - Detail Info - - - Replication Strategy - - Data Replication Strategy - The Data Replication Strategy determines which tables and how they are replicated. Note that the migration does not syncronize Application Dictionary items. - - - Replication Table - - Data Replication Strategy Table Info - Determines how the table is replicated. You have full access to Local tables, Reference tables are on Remote systems and are read-only. The data of Merge tables on Remote systems is copied to the central system. - - - Campaign Dimension - - Maintain Marketing Campaign Accounting Dimension Tree - Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! - - - - Tłumaczenia zakładek - - - - - - Tłumaczenia list - - - - - - Tłumaczenia nazw pól - - - - - - Tłumaczenia nazw grup pól - - Proszę zwócić uwagę, że większosć tłumaczeń pól jest kopiowanych z tłuamczeń nazw - Run Synchronize Terminology to update menu translation. You need only to translate Fields, which are not centrally maintained. - - - Tłumaczenia formularzy - - - - - - Tłumaczenia zadań - - - - - - Tłumaczenia workflow - - - - - - Tłumaczenia węzłów workflow - - - - - - Tłumaczenia menu - - Please note, that most of the menu translations are derived from Window/Form/.. translation! - Run Synchronize Terminology to update menu translation. - - - Subscription - - - - - - Project (Order) - - Maintain Sales Order Projects and Work Orders - The Project Tab is used to define the Value, Name and Description for each project. It also is defines the tracks the amounts assigned to, committed to and used for this project. - - - Księgowość - - Define Project Accounting - The Accounting Tab is used to define the Asset Account to use when a project is completed and the associated asset realized. - - - Kategoria - - Maintain Knoweledge Categories and Values - Set up knowledge categories and values as a search aid. Examples are Release Version, Product Area, etc. Knowledge Category values act like keyworks. - - - Category Value - - The value of the category is a keyword - The value of the category is a keyword - - - Type - - Knowledge Type - Area of knowlege - A Type has multiple Topics - - - Topic - - Knowledge Topic - Topic or Discussion Thead - - - Entry - - Knowledge Entry - The searchable Knowledge Entry - - - Category - - Knowledge Category - Assiged Category - Value for the Knowlede Entry - - - Related - - Related Knowlege Entry - Related Knowlege Entry for this Knowledge Entry - - - Comment - - Knowledge Entry Comment - Comment regarding a knowledge entry - - - Knowledge Source - - Source of Knowledge Entries - The Source of a Knowlegde Entry is a pointer to the originating system. The Knowledge Entry has an additional entry (Description URL) for more detailed info. - - - Knowledge Synonym - - Knowlege Keyword Synonym - Search Synonyms for Knowledge Keywords; Example: Product = Item - - - Tłumaczenia - - - - - - Wybór kontrahenta - - Wybór kontrahenta - - - - Zamówienia kontrahenta - - Zamówienia kontrahenta - - - - Dostawy do kontrahenta - - Dostawy do kontrahenta - - - - Faktury - - Faktury - - - - Płatności - - Płatności - - - - Partner Assets - - Business Partner Assets - - - - Partner Requests - - Business Partner Requests - - - - Tłumaczenia - - - - - - Issues - - Issues to the Project - The lab lists the Issues to the project initiated by the "Issue to Project" process. You can issue Receipts, Time and Expenses, or Stock. - - - Printer - - Define Label Printer - - - - Function - - Label Printer Function - - - - Registration - - System Registration - System Registration Info - - - Business Partner - - Business Partner specific Information of a Product - Note that some information is for reference only! - - - Company Agent - - Sales Representative Selection - - - - Zamówienia - - All Orders where the Agent "owns" the Order, the Business Partner or the Product - - - - Pozycje zamówienia - - All Order Lines where the Agent "owns" the Order, the Business Partner or the Product - - - - Faktury - - All Invoices where the Agent "owns" the Invoice, the Business Partner or the Product - - - - Pozycje faktur - - All Invoice Liness where the Agent "owns" the Invoice, the Business Partner or the Product - - - - Dokumenty - - - - - - Ksiegowość - - Currency Accounting - The Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters used for transactions including a currency. Please nore that if not defined, the default accounts of the Accounting Schema are used! - - - Kurs waluty - - Maintain Currency Conversion Rate Type - The Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define different type of rates, e.g. Spot, Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates. - - - Automat pobierający wyciągi elektorniczne - - Definition of Bank Statement Loader (SWIFT, OFX) - The loader definition privides the parameters to load bank statements from EFT formats like SWIFT (MT940) or OFX. The required parameters depend on the actual statement loader class - - - Import kursów walut - - Import kursów walut - - - - User Substitute - - Substitute of the user - A user who can act for this user. - - - Proces - - Actual Workflow Process Instance - Instance of a workflow execution - - - Działania - - Działania - The Workflow Activity is the actual Workflow Node in a Workflow Process instance - - - Działania - - Workflow Activities - The Workflow Activity is the actual Workflow Node in a Workflow Process instance - - - Parametry - - Workflow Node Parameter - Parameter for the execution of the Workflow Node - - - Odpowiedzialność - - Responsible for Workflow Execution - The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. - - - Blok - - Workflow Transaction Execution Block - A workflow execution block is optional and allows all work to be performed in a single transaction. If one step (node activity) fails, the entire work is rolled back. - - - Dane - - Workflow Process Context - Context information of the workflow process and activity - - - Wynik - - Wynik działania workflow - Activity Result of the execution of the Workflow Process Instrance - - - Event - - Workflow Process Activity Event Audit Information - History of chenges ov the Workflow Process Activity - - - Atrybuty - - Asset Registration Attribute - Define the individual values for the Asset Registration - - - Rejestracja - - Asset User Registration - User Registration of an Asset - - - Value - - Registration Values - Indivifual values of Registration Attribute - - - Automat pzypisujący przelewy - - Automat pozwalający na przypisanie konkretnych przelewów do kontrahenta i konkretnej faktury - An algorithm to find Business Partners, Invoices, Payments in imported Bank Statements. The class need to implement the interface org.compiere.impexp.BankStatementMatcherInterface - - - Płatność - - View Payment Information - - - - Rodzaje - - Organization Type allows you to categorize your organizations - Organization Type allows you to categorize your organizations for reporting purposes - - - Schedule Process - - Schedule processes - Schedule processes to be executed asynchronously - - - Parametry - - Scheduler Parameter - Provide parameter for scheduled process - - - Dziennik - - Scheduler Log - Result of the execution of the Scheduler - - - Workflow Processor - - Workflow Processor Server - Workflow Processor Server - - - Dziennik - - Workflow Processor Log - Result of the execution of the Workflow Processor - - - Temat aukcji - - Topic of the Auction - Description of the item to sell or create/fund. - - - Stawka - - View bids for a Topic - You can create a bid for a topic. Depening on the type, the highest bidder wins the Topic - or you participate in funding for a Topic. - - - Oferta - - Uczestnicy danej aukcji - You can create an offer for a topic. - - - Bid Funds - - Buyer Funds for Bid on Topic - Committed or Uncommited funds for Bids - - - Offer Funds - - Seller Funds from Offers on Topics - Committed or Uncommited funds from Offers - - - Rodzaj tematu - - Auction Topic Type - The Auction Topic Type determines what kind of auction is used for a particular area - - - Type Category - - Auction Topic Type Category - For an Auction Topic Type, define the different Categories used. - - - Komentarze - - Make a comment to a Bid Topic - Everyone can give comments concerning a Bid Topic - e.g. Questions, Suggestions - - - Seller - - Aution Seller Information - Information about a participant in an Auction as a Seller - - - Funds - - Seller Funds from Offers on Topics - Available Funds (for Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds from Offers - - - Offer - - Offer for a Topic - You can create an offer for a topic. - - - Buyer - - Aution Buyer Information - Information about a participant in an Auction as a Buyer - - - Funds - - Buyer Funds available for Bids on Topics - Available Funds (Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds for Bids - - - Bid - - Bid for a Topic - You can create a bid for a topic. Depening on the type, the highest bidder wins the Topic - or you participate in funding for a Topic. - - - Accounting Processor - - Maintain Accounting Processor/Server Parameters - Accounting Processor/Server Parameters - - - Dziennik - - Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor - Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor - - - Związki - - Związki z kontrahentem - Business Partner Relation allow to maintain Third Party Relationship rules: who receives invoices for shipments or pays for invoices. If the Location of the Business partner is not defined, the rule applies to all location of that Business Partner - - - Zapytania ofertowe - - Zapytania ofertowe - Request for Quotation to be sent out to vendors of a RfQ Topic. After Vendor selection, optionally create Sales Order or Quote for Customer as well as Purchase Order for Vendor(s) - - - Oferty - - Oferty - Request for Quotation Response from a potential Vendor - - - Line - - RfQ Line - Request for Quotation Line - - - Response Line - - RfQ Response Line - Request for Quotation Response Line from a potential Vendor - - - Ilość - - RfQ Line Quantity - Request for Quotation Line Quantity - You may request a quotation for different quantities - - - Response Quantity - - RfQ Line Quantity Response - Request for Quotation Response Line Quantity from a potential Vendor - - - Topic - - Request for Quotation Topic - A Request for Quotation Topic allows you to maintain a subscriber list of potential Vendors to respond to RfQs - - - Subscriber - - Request for Quotation Topic Subscriber - Subcriber to invite to respond to RfQs - - - Subscription - - Subscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renew - - - - Delivery - - Optional Delivery Record for a Subscription - Record of deliveries for a subscription - - - Subscription Type - - Type of subscription - Subscription type and renewal frequency - - - Distribution List - - Distribution Lists allow to distribute products to a selected list of partners - Distribution list contain business partners and a distribution quantity or ratio for creating Orders - - - Distribution Line - - Distribution List Line with Business Partner and Quantity/Percentage - The distribution can be based on Ratio, fixed quantity or both. -If the ratio and quantity is not 0, the quantity is calculated based on the ratio, but with the Quantity as a minimum. - - - Package - - Shipment Package - A Shipment can have one or more Packages. A Package may be tracked. - - - Package Line - - The detail content of the Package - Link to the shipment line - - - RMA - - Return Material Authorization - A Return Material Authorization may be required to accept returns and to create Credit Memos - - - RMA Line - - Return Material Authorization Line - Detail information about the returned goods - - - Related - - Related Product - Related Product - e.g. for promotions - - - Processor - - Alert Processor - - - - Dziennik - - Alert Processor Log - - - - Dunning Run - - - - - - Entry - - - - - - Line - - - - - - Org Assignment - - User Assigment to Organization - Assign Users to Organizations - - - Org Assignment - - User Assigment to Organization - Assign Users to Organizations - - - Log - - - - - - Scheduler Recipient - - Recipient of the Scheduler Notification - You can send the notifications to users or roles - - - Tax ZIP - - Tax Postal/ZIP - For local tax, you may have to define a list of (ranges of) postal codes or ZIPs - - - Requisition - - Material Requisition - - - - Requisition Line - - Material Requisition Line - - - - Note - - Personal Note - - - - Condition - - Workflow Node Transition Condition - Optional restriction of transition of one node to the next - - - Distribution - - General Ledger Distribution - If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is prorated based on the ratio of the lines. The distribution must be valid to be used. - - - Line - - General Ledger Distribution Line - If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is prorated based on the ratio of the lines. - - - Distribution Run - - Distribution Run create Orders to distribute products to a selected list of partners - Distribution Run defines how Orders are created based on Distribution Lists - - - Line - - Distribution Run Lines define Distribution List, the Product and Quantiries - The order amount is based on the greater of the minimums of the product or distribution list and the quantity based on the ratio. - - - Product Assignment - - Assignment of Atrributes to Products - Determines, which attributes are assigned to a product - - - Access Log - - Log of Access to data or resources - Logging needs to be explicitly enabled / written. - - - Counter Document - - Maintain Counter Document Types - When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: a "Standard Order" creates a "Standard PO". -If you define a relationship here, you overwrite the default counter document type in the Document Type definition. This allows you to define a specific mapping. -You can define conter documents for all organizations (of the original transaction) or for a specific organization. - - - Forecast - - Material Forecast - Material Forecast - - - Line - - Forecast Line - Forecast of Product Qyantity by Period - - - Demand - - Material Demand - Material Demand can be based on Forecast, Requisitions, Open Orders - - - Line - - Material Demand Line - Demand for a product in a period - - - Detail - - Material Demand Line Source Detail - Source Link for Material Demand Lines - - - Confirmation - - Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation - Confirmation of Shipment or Receipt - Created from the Shipment/Receipt - - - Line - - Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation Line - Confirmation details - - - RMA Type - - Return Material Authorization Type - Maintain the types of RMA - - + + + + + + + Tabela + + Definicje tabel + Definicje tabel + + + Kolumna + + Definicje kolumn w tabelach + Definicje kolumn w tabelach + + + Typy danych oraz relacje + + Definowanie typów danych oraz relacji. + Definowanie typów danych oraz relacji (relacje to powiązania pomiędzy tabelami). + + + Walidacja + + Sprawdzanie poprawności danych + Definiowanie sposobu sprawdzania poprawności danych w tabelach + + + Lista walidacji + + Lista referencyjna + Definiowanie list do walidacji danych + + + Okno + + Definiowanie podstawowych informacji o oknie + Definiowanie podstawowych informacji o oknie (formularzu) + + + Zakładka + + Definiowanie zakładek w oknie + Definiowanie zakładek w oknie. Każda zakładka zawiera pola + + + Pole + + Definicje pól + Definiowanie Pól wyświetlanych w zakładce. Zmiany w zakładce pola stają się widoczne po ponownym uruchomieniu aż do zatrzymania. Jeżeli licznik numeruje ujemnie, zapis się zmniejsza. + + + Walidacja + + Zasady sprawdzania poprawności danych + Zasady sprawdzania poprawności danych + + + Komunikaty + + Komunikaty systemowe + Okno pozwala na oglądanie i zmianę komunikatów systemowych + + + Menu + + Definowanie menu + Definiowanie menu drzewa używanego dla wybranej jednostki. + + + Tłumaczenia + + Menu tłumaczenia - nie ma wymogu tłumaczenia + Tłumaczenia Menu pochodzą z Okna, Procesu, etc. Należy tylko przetłumaczyć przedmioty poziomu Podsumowania. + + + Języki + + Języki systemowe i użytkownika + Języki zdefiniowane w systemie. + + + Tłumaczenia + + + + + + Tłumacznie pól + + Tłumaczenie Menu - nie ma wymogu tłumaczenia + Jeżeli pola są centralnie zarządzane, tłumaczone są automatycznie. Należy tylko pola nie zarządzane centralnie. + + + Tłumaczenia zakładek + + + + + + Tłumaczenia okien + + + + + + Użytkownik + + Użytkownik + Definiuje logowanie użytkowników mających dostęp do systemu. + + + Role + + Definicja ról + Definiuje rolę i dodaje firmę i jednostki, do których rola ma dostęp. Można dać użytkownikom dostęp do danej roli, zmodyfikować dostęp do danej roli, okien, formatek, procesów i wydruków, jak i zadań. Jeżeli Poziom roli użytkownika jest ręczny, przypisane prawa dostępu akualniane są automatycznie. + + + Przypisanie użytkownika + + Użytkownicy roli + Wyświetla użytkowników przypisanych do danej roli. + + + Role użytkownika + + Role dla użytkownika + Definiuje role, jakie każdy użytkownik może mieć. Role określają okna, zadania, procesy i workflowy, do których użytkownik ma dostęp. + + + Węzeł + + Definowanie węzła workflow + Definiuje każdy węzeł, działanie i krok w workflow. + + + Tłumaczenia węzłów + + Tłumaczenia węzłów + + + + Następny węzeł + + Następny węzeł + Definiuje porządek lub węzły lub kroki w workflow. + + + Poprzedni węzeł + + + + + + Tłuamcznie zadań + + + + + + Przeliczniki walut + + Przeliczniki walut + Przeliczniki walut na waluty księgownia lub raportowania. Zauważ, że jedynie używa się wskaźnika powielonego, a wskaźnik podziału używany jest przy wizualizacji. + + + Kalendarz + + Definiuje kalendarz + Definiuje kalendarz używany przez jednostkę. + + + Rok + + Definowanie roku kalendarzowego + Definowanie roku kalendarzowego + + + Okres + + Definiuje okresy kalendarzowe + Dla każdego roku kalendarzowego definiuje numer okresu, nazwę i datę rozpoczęcia. Każdy okres rozpoczyna się datę rozpoczęcia i kończy jednym dniem przed dniem następnego okresu rozpoczęcia. + + + Dni wolne + + Definowanie dni wolnych od pracy + Definiuje dni nie wchodzące do obliczeń dni płatności. Na przykład, termin zapłaty faktury ustanowiono na 10 dni. Data wystawienia faktury przypada na 2/17/2000, data wymagalności będzie 2/27/2000.Jeżeli dzień 27 będzie dniem wolnym od pracy, datą wymagalności będzie kolejny dzień, czyli 2/28/2000. + + + Watrości elementu + + Defniuje wartości elementu + Definiuje poszczególne obowiązujące wartości elementu. Wartości muszą być dostosowane do określonego formatu. Jeżeli elementem jest typ księgowy, wówczas klasyfikacja księgowa (aktywa, zobowiązania, etc) oraz kontrole wysyłki są określone. + + + Jednostka miary + + Definowanie jednostek miar + Definiuje niepieniężną jednostkę miary. + + + Konwersje + + Definiuje standardowe kursy wymiany + Definuje wskaźniki wymiany jednostek miary. System dostarcza wielu automatycznych konwersji (np. minuty, godziny, dni, dni robocze, etc), jeżeli nie zostały wyraźnie określone. Konwersja jest bezpośrednia (jeżeli jest konwersja między A i B oraz B i C, nie można dokonać konwersji między A i C, dopóki wyraźnie nie będzie określone). + + + Kraj + + Definowanie krajów + Definiuje kraje, w których prowadzi się biznes. Wprowadzone wartości mają odniesienie w lokalizacji wydruków wobec kontrahenta. + + + Województwo + + Definowanie województw/regionów + Definiuje regiony w ramach kraju. + + + Jednostka organizacyjna + + Definiuje jednostkę organizacyjną + Definiuje jednostkę organizacyjną. Każda jednostka ma klucz i nazwę oraz dodatkowy opis. Dodając nową organizację, należy ponownie się zalogować, aby mieć do niej dostęp. + + + Firma + + Definicja firmy + Definiuje firmę. Nie należy tworzyć nowej firmy w tym oknie, ale użyć Podstawowej instalacji firmy aby ustawić wymagane bezpieczeństwo i dostęp do ról. W przeciwnym wypadku, nie będize można przeglądać oraz nie zostanie ustawiona budowa wymaganej firmy. + + + Licznik + + Definicja liczników + Definiuje licznik numeryczny do dokumentów. Zawiera również sufix oraz/lub prefix. + + + Workflow + + Definowanie workflow + Definowanie workflow + + + Tłumacznie wrokflow + + + + + + Zadanie + + Zadanie + Zadanie + + + Waluta + + Definowanie walut + Definowanie walut, w której dokonujesz transakcji lub raportujesz. + + + Test + + + + + + Element + + Definicja konta + Definiuje nazwę, opis oraz format elementu. Dodatkowo zdefiniowany jest typ konta ub użytkownika. Każdy plan kont musi mieć typ konta. + + + Położenie + + Połozenie / lokalizacja jedn. Ogranizacyjnej + Połozenie / lokalizacja jedn. Ogranizacyjnej + + + Ustawienia + + Zarządza systemem firmy i preferencjami użytkownika. + + + + Projekt + + Definowanie projektu + Definiuje wartość, nazwę i opis każdego projektu. Definiuje również śledzenie kwot przypisanych, prawnie obowiązujących, odnoszących się do projektu. Typ można zmieniać, fazy i zadania są tworzone ponownie. + + + Kategoria Księgi Głównej + + Definiuje kategorie Księgi Głównej + Definiuje dodatkowe identyfikatory dokumentu lub dziennika. Każda kategoria może być użyta w dokumencie, wprowadzana ręcznie do dziennika lub importowana. + + + Batch + + General Ledger Journal Batch + The GL Journal Batch Tab defines the control parameters for a Journal Batch. A Batch can consist of multiple Journals. + + + Dziennik + + Dziennik Księgi Głównej + Definiuje parametry kontrolne pojedynczego dziennika. Jeżeli kwota kontrolna wynosi 0, zostaje porównane do łącznego obrotu po stronie Wn. Kwota kontrolna/po stronie Wn czy Ma pozostaje w dokumencie waluty źródłowej. + + + Pozycja + + Pozycja Dziennika + Definiuje poszczególne transakcje po stronie Wn i Ma, które udokumentowane są w dziennikul + + + Definicja dokumetu + + Definowanie typów dokumentu + Definiuje parametry procesu i kontroli dokumentu. + + + Informacja o firmie + Aby wszelkie wprowadzone zmiany funkcjonowały, należy ponownie się zalogować i uruchomić serwer aplikacji. + Informacja o firmie + Definiuje szczegóły o każdej firmie. Określone tu zostały zasady księgowania i domyślny najwyższy poziom. Kalendarz określa czy okres został rozoczęty czy został zamknięty. + + + Informacja o jedn. org. + Aby wszelkie wprowadzone zmiany funkcjonowały, należy ponownie się zalogować i uruchomić serwer aplikacji. + Informacje o jedn. org. + Określa adres organizacji, numer DUNS oraz numer identyfikacji podatkowej NIP. + + + Tłumaczenia typów dancyh + + + + + + Lista tłumaczeń + + + + + + Załącznik + + Załącznik + Wyświetla cechy załącznika. + + + Podatek + + Defincije podatków + Definiuje podatki używane dla każdej kategorii podatkowej. Na przykład, podatek od sprzedaży musi być określony w każdym stanie, w którym został załączony. Jeżeli podatki są powielone, utwórz podatek poziomu podsumowującego z właściwym łącznym wskaźnikiem wskazującym podatek poziomu podsumowującego jako macierzysty. Przy wprowadzaniu pozycji zamówienia i faktury, podatek jest ustanawiany podczas przetwarzania dokumentu. Podatek zawsze jest liczony na podstawie kwoty netto. Jeżeli jeden został wyliczony na podstawie podatku bazowego, czyli kwoty netto, należy dostosować wartość procentową do wyniku odpowiedniej kwoty. + + + Kategoria podatku + + Kategoria podatku + Określa i zarządza kategoriami podatku. Każdy produkt jest powiązany z kategorią podatku. Pozwala to na łatwą zmianę opodatkowania. + + + Magazyn + + Magazyn + Magazyn + + + Położenie + + Położenie / lokalizacja + Określa administratorów magazynu. + + + Przechowywanie + + + + + + Produkt + + Definowanie produktu + Definiuje produkty, ich użycie w cenniku oraz zamówieniu. Jest to lokalizacja domyślna przy dostawie magazynowanego produktu. + + + Substytuty + + Definowanie substytutów + Substytuty wybranych produktów. + + + Uzupełnianie + + Uzupełnianie + Typ uzupełniania ilości. Używane przy zamówieniach automatycznych. + + + Cena + + Cena produktu + Wyświetla cennik zwykły, standardowy oraz listę cen krańcowych każdego produktu. + + + Warunki płatności + + Warunki płatności + Definiuje warunki płatności oferowane kontrahentowi oraz warunki płatności oferowane przez dostawców. W fakturze standardowej, drukowane są: nazwa, uwagi do dokumentu oraz warunki płatności. + + + Przewoźnik + + Przewoźnicy + Przewoźnicy + + + Zakupy + + Zakupy częśc główna + Parametry zamówienia + + + Pozycja zamówienia + + Pozycja zamówienia + Określa pojedynczą pozycję zamówienia + + + Kategoria porduktu + + Kategoria produktu + Definiuje poszczególne grupowania produktów. Używane przy budowaniu cennika. + + + Cennik + + Definowanie cenników + Określają walutę dokumentu jak opodatkowanie. + + + Cena produktu + + Zmiany cen produktu + Wyświetla ceny produktu w oparciu o wybrany cennik + + + Harmonogram fakturowania + + Harmonogram fakturowania + The Invoice Schedule Tab defines the frequency for which batch invoices will be generated for a Business Partner. + + + Przeliczniki walut + + Przeliczniki walut + Definiuje przeliczniki walut używane na potrzeby wymiany kwot wymienianych w dokumentach. Przeliczniki określają typy powielonych kursów. Użyteczne także przy określeniu zakresu czasu. Zauważ, że przy użyciu powielonego przelicznika, wskaźnik dzielenia używany jest wyłącznie przy wizualizacji. + + + Plan kont + + Definowanie planu kont + Definowanie planu kont + + + Księga główna + + Księga główna + The General Ledger Tab defines error and balance handling to use as well as the necessary accounts for posting to General Ledger. + + + Kampania + + Kamapnia marketingowa + Definiuje parametry kampanii, m.in. datę rozpoczęcia i zakończenia kampanii, kwoty przetworzonych faktur związanych z kampanią. + + + Kanał + + Kanał dystrybucji + Definiuje różne metody lub procesy pozyskiwania klientów. + + + Element + + Element + Definiuje każdy element poziomu systemu. + + + Tłumaczenia + + + + + + Kontrola okresu + + Kontrola okresu + Wyświetla status okresu (nigdy nie otwierany, otwarty, zamknięty). + + + Region sprzedaży + + Region sprzedaży + Definiuje regiony sprzedaży używane podczas tworzenia raportów lub naliczania prowizji. + + + Kombinajce + + Ważne konta + Definiuje i pokazuje ważne konta. Alias ułatwia wejście dokumentu. + + + Budżet + + Budżet Księgi Głównej + Definiuje przewidywane koszty prowadzenia działalności. Używane przy raportowaniu jako porównania rzeczywistych kwot. + + + Księgowość + + Definowanie parametrów ksiegowania + Zakładka Księgowość pozwala na zdefiniowanie zasad księgowania dla tego magazynu + + + Księgowość + + Definowanie parametrów ksiegowania + Definiuje domyślne parametry używane przy tworzeniu transakcji księgowych podczas zamówień i faktur odnośnie danego produktu. + + + Księgowość + + Definowanie parametrów ksiegowania + Definiuje Konto Aktywów używane przy ukończeniu projektu, a aktywa powiązane osiągnięte. + + + Księgowość klienta + + Księgowość klienta + The Customer Accounting Tab defines the default accounts to use when this business partner is referenced on an accounts receivable transaction. + + + Księgowość - dostawca + + Define Vendor Accounting + The Vendor Accounting Tab defines the default accounts to use when this business partner is referenced in an accounts payable transaction. + + + Pracownik - księgowość + + Księgowania związane z pracownikami + The Employee Accounting Tab defines the default accounts to use when this business partner is referenced on a expense reimbursement. + + + Miasta + + Definiowanie miast + Definiowanie miast w danym państwie i regionie + + + Account Schema Element + + Define the elements of your Account Key + The Account Schema Element Tab defines the elements that comprise the account key. A name is defined which will display in documents. Also the order of the elements and if they are balanced and mandatory are indicated. + + + Kontrahent + + Kontrahent + The Business Partner Tab defines any Entity with whom an organization transacts. + + + Położenie + + Definowanie położeń / lokalizaji + The Location Tab defines the physical location of a business partner. A business partner may have multiple location records. + + + Klient + + Definowanie ustawień klienta + The Customer Tab defines a Business Partner who is a customer of this organization. If the Customer check box is selected then the necessary fields will display. + + + Dostawca + + Definowanie ustawień dostawcy + The Vendor Tab defines a Business Partner that is a Vendor for this Organization. If the Vendor check box is selected the necessary fields will display. + + + Pracownik + + Parametry dotyczące pracownika + The Employee Tab defines a Business Partner who is an Employee of this organization. If the Employee is also a Sales Representative then the check box should be selected. + + + Konto bankowe + + Defniowanie konta bankowego + The Define Bank Account Tab defines the banking information for this business partner. This data is used for processing payments and remittances. + + + Bank + + Ustawienia banku + The Bank Tab defines a bank that is used by an organization or business partner. Each Bank is given an identifying Name, Address, Routing No and Swift Code + + + Konto + + Maintain Account + The Account Tab is used to define one or more accounts for a Bank. Each account has a unique Account No and Currency. + + + Withholding + + Define Withholding + The Withholding Tab defines any withholding information for this business partner. + + + Tłumaczenia + + Tłumaczenia + The Translation Tab defines a Document Type in an alternate language. + + + Wezwania do zapłaty + + Zasady dotyczące wezwań do zapłaty + The Dunning Tab defines the parameters for a dunning level. + + + Transakcje + + Define Translation + The Translation Tab defines the translation to an alternate language + + + Tłumaczenia + + + + + + Tłumaczenia + + + + + + Order Tax + + Order Tax + The Order Tax Tab displays the tax amount for an Order based on the lines entered. + + + Opłaty + + Opłaty + Zakładka Opłaty definiuje specyfczne opłaty które mogą być skojarzone z dokumentem. + + + Wersja + + Maintain price list versions + Price lists are automatically created based on Product Purchasing Information and the Vendor Category Discount. +The other alternative is to copy them from existing pricelists and the re-calculate them. +You can also re-calculate the pricelist by referencing no pricelist or referencing the same pricelist. + + + + Zakupy + + Zakupy + The Purchasing Tab define the pricing and rules ( pack quantity, UPC, minimum order quantity) for each product. + + + Withholding + + Withholding Rules + The Withholding Rules Tab define the rules governing the withholding of amounts. + + + Księgowość + + + + + + Drzewo + + Drzewo + The Tree Tab defines a Tree which will be displayed. + + + Raporty i Procesy + + Definowanie raportów i porcesów + The Report and Process Tab defines each report and process run in the system. + + + Paramter + + Report Parameter + The Report Parameter Tab defines any parameters requried to execute a report or process. + + + Tłumacznie parametrów + + + + + + Tłumacznie raportów + + + + + + Działanie + + Działanie w rachunku zarządczym ABC + + + + Domyślne + + Konta domyślne + The Defaults Tab displays the Default accounts for an Accounting Schema. These values will display when a new document is opened. The user can override these defaults within the document. + + + Koszty + + Definowanie ksztów (wyceny ?) + The Costing Tab defines + + + Inventory Count + + Define Inventory Count + The Inventory Count Tab defines the parameters for a manual count and adjustment of inventory + + + Inventory Count Line + + Inventory Count Line + The Inventory Count Line defines the counts of the individual products in inventory. + + + Przewóz + + Shipments and Customer Returns + The Shipments Tab allows you to generate, maintain, enter and process Shipments to a Customer or Returns from a Customer. + + + Pozycja przewozu + + Shipment Line + The Shipment Line Tab defines the individual items in a Shipment. + + + Ruch + + Define Move + The Move Tab defines and identifies the movement of an item or items in inventory. + + + Move Line + + Define Move Line + The Move Line Tab defines the product and quantity to be moved and the location it is moving from and to. + + + Produkt transakcje + + Transakcje z produktem + + + + Faktura + + Customer Invoice + The Invoice Tab defines the parameters of an Invoice generated for a Business Partner. It constitutes an accounts receivable. + + + Poziom + + Maintain Dunning Level + The Dunning Level Tab defines the timing and frequency of the dunning notices. + + + Tłumaczenia + + Poziomy wezwań do zapłaty - tłumaczenie + + + + Pozycja faktury + + Customer Invoice Line + The Invoice Line Tab defines the individual items or charges on an Invoice. + + + Podatek + + Podatek + The Invoice Tax Tab displays the total tax due based on the Invoice Lines. + + + Revenue Recognition + + Revenue Recognition + The Revenue Recognition Tab defines the intervals at which revenue will be recognized. You can also base the revenue recognition on provided Service Levels. + + + Tłumaczenia + + Tłumaczenia jednostek miary + + + + Perpetual Inventory + + + + + + Dostawca + + Dostawca + The Vendor Tab displays the Vendors. A Vendor is selected and all products for that Vendor will be displayed. + + + Szczegóły produktu + + Szczegóły dotyczące produktu + The Product Details Tab allows you to display and maintain all products for a selected Vendor. + + + Pozdrowienia + + Pozdrowienia dla kontrhaenta + Zakładka Pozdrowienia pozwala ustawić sposób w jaki zwracamy się do kontrahenta. + + + Tłumaczenia + + Tłumaczenia + + + + Transakcje + + + + + + Report View + + Define Report View + The Define Report View defines the views used in report generation + + + Transakcje + + Transakcje na produktach + The Transaction Tab displays the transactions that have been processed for this product. + + + Faktura + + Faktura, część główna + The Invoice Tab defines the parameters of an Invoice generated by a Business Partner. It constitutes an accounts payable. + + + Pozycje faktury + + Pozycje faktury (tutaj wpisujesz pozycje faktury) + The Invoice Line Tab defines the individual items or charges on an Invoice. + + + Podatek + + Podatek od faktury dostawcy + The Invoice Tax Tab displays the total tax due based on the Invoice Lines. + + + + Pozycja zamówienia + + Pozycja zamówienia zakupu + The Order Line Tab defines the individual items in an order. + + + Zamówienie własne + + Zamówienie własne (zakup) + The Order Header Tab defines the parameters of an order. The field values defined will determine how the Order Lines are processed. + + + Podatek + + Podatek + The Order Tax Tab displays the tax associated with the Order Lines. + + + Material Receipt + + Enter Receipts and Vendor Returns + The Shipments Tab allows you to generate, maintain, enter and process Shipments from a Vendor or Returns to a Vendor. + + + Receipt Line + + Shipment Line + The Shipment Line Tab defines the individual items in a Shipment. + + + Definicje EDI + + Zasady dotyczące EDI (transakcje elektroniczne) + + + + Transakcje EDI + + Transakcje elektroniczne + Transakcje elektroniczne + + + Dziennik EDI + + Dziennik transakcji elektronicznych + + + + Formularze + + Formularze specjalne + The Forms Tab defines any window which is not automatically generated. For System Admin use only. + + + Tłumaczenia + + + + + + Uprawnienia do okien + + Uprawnienia do okien + Uprawnienia do okien pozwalają zdefiniować grupy, które mają dostęp do danego okna + + + Dostęp do procesów + + Dostęp do procesów + Uprawnienia do procesów pozwalają zdefiniować grupy, które mają dostęp do danego procesu + + + Dostęp do formularz + + Dostęp do formularz + The Form Access Tab defines the Forms and type of access that this Role is granted. + + + Uprawnienia do workflow + + Uprawnienia do workflow + The Workflow Access Tab defines the Workflows and type of access that this Role is granted. + + + Uprawnienia do raportów + + Dostęp do raportów + The Report Access Tab determines who can access a report or process + + + Dostęp do formularzy + + Dostęp do formatek + The Forms Access Tab defines the access rules for this form + + + Uprawnienia + + Uprawnienia do zadań + The Task Access Tab defines the Roles that will have access to this task and the type of access each Role is granted. + + + Dostęp + + Dostęp do okien + The Window Access Tab defines the Roles which have access to this Window. + + + Dostęp + + Dostęp do workflow + The Workflow Access Tab defines the Roles who have access to this Workflow. + + + Uprawnienia do zadań + + Uprawnienia do zadań + The Task Access Tab defines the Task and type of access that this Role is granted. + + + Informacje o błędach + + Informacje o błędach + Zakładka pozwała na sprawdzenie komunikatów o błędach jakie wystąpiły. Komunikaty mogą być czyszczone automatycznie przez proces czyszczący + + + Format pliku importu + + + + + + Pola importu + + Utrzymywanie definicji pól w fromacie pliku importu + Define the individual field based on the table definition. Please note that you have to make sure that a Costant has the correct SQL datatype (i.e. if it is a 'string', you need to enclose it like 'this'). +<p>Product mapping (for details see documentation): +<pre> +H_Item => Value +H_ItemDesc => Name / Description +H_ItemDefn => Help +H_ItemType => ProductCategory +H_PartnrID => Value of Business Partner +H_Commodity1 => Vendor Product No +H_Commodity2 => SKU +H_ItemClass => Classification (A,B,C..) +V_OperAmt_T_Cur => Currency +V_OperAmt_T => Price +</pre> + + + Lista materiałów + + Bill of Material product lines + The Bill of Materials tab defines those products that are generated from other products. A Bill of Material (BOM) is one or more Products or BOMs. + +Available Quantity: +- Stored BOMs have to be created via "Production" +- The available quantity of a non-stored BOMs is dynamically calculated +- The attribute "Stored" is defined in the "Product" tab + +Price: +- BOMs must be listed in Pricelists +- If the price is 0.00, the price is dynamically calculated + +Printing: +- Usually, only the BOM information is printed +- For invoices, delivery slips and pick lists, you have the option to print the details +- In the details, the quantity is listed - and the price, if this is dynamically calculated + + + + Przechowywanie + + + + + + Production Header + + Production Header + The Production Header Tab defines a unique production plan + + + Plan produkcji + + Plan produkcji + The Production Plan Tab defines the items used and generated in a production. + + + Pozycja producji + + Pozycja pordukcji + The Production Line Tab displays the actual movements in and out of inventory generated by a Production Plan. + + + Grupa kontrahentów + + Business Partner Groups for Reporting Accounting Defaults + The Business Partner Group Tab allow for the association of business partners for reporting and accounting defaults. + + + Księgowość + + Ustawienia księgowości + The Accounting Tab defines the default accounts for any business partner that references this group. These default values can be modified for each business partner if required. + + + Księgowość + + Ustawienia księgowości + The Accounting Tab defines default accounting parameters. Any product that uses a product category can inherit its default accounting parameters. + + + Informacja systemowa + + Informacja systemowa + The Notice Tab provides a method of viewing messages that are generated by this system when performing processes. + + + Procesor płatność + + Procesor płatności elektronicznych + Definiowanie ustawień procesora płatności elektronicznych, który pozwala na automatyczne wykonywanie płatności np. kartą kredytową + + + Księgowość + + Parametry księgowania + The Accounting Tab is used to define the accounts used for transactions with this Bank. + + + Wyciągi bankowe + + Wyciągi bankowe + The Bank Statement Tab defines the Bank Statement to be reconciled. + + + Przelew + + Przelew + Podejynczy przelew z danego wyciągu bankowego + + + Płatność + + Płatność + The Payment Tab defines a payment made by a Business Partner. If it is for a single invoice it can be allocated directly to that invoice using this screen. +You can also apply over/under payments:<br> +You have an over-payment, if you received more money than due for a single invoice. Instead of writing the difference off (i.e. would be a gain), you can leave the amount unallocated and use it for later invoices or credit memos. Please note that the Amount is the payment amount, so you need to enter the over-payment as a negative amount.<br> +You can also receive a parcial payment (under-payment). If you decide not to write off the remaining invoice amount, enter the under-payment as a postive amount. + + + + Księgowość + + Księgowość - opłaty + The Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters used for transactions including a charge or charges. + + + Księgowość + + Organization Accounting + The Organization Accounting Tab defines the default accounting paramters to be used by this Organization. + + + Księgowość + + Księgowość + The Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters to be used for transactions referencing this Tax Rate. + + + Księgowość + + Withholding Accounting + The Withholding Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters for Withholding. + + + Własny atrybut + + Define Custom Attribute + The Custom Attribute Tab defines additional attributes or information for a product or entity. + + + Cashbook + + Maintain Cashbook + The Cashbook Tab defines a unique cashbook for an organization. + + + Księgowość + + Księgowość - gotówka + The Cashbook Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters for transaction involving a cashbook. + + + Rejestr gotówki + + Cash Journal + The Cash Journal Tab defines the parameters for this journal. + + + Pozycja rejestru gotówki + + Cash Line + The Cash Line Tab defines the individual lines for this journal. + + + Payment Batch + + + + + + Grupa pól + + System Admin use only. Field Groups allow for grouping of fields within a window + + + + Tłumaczenia + + + + + + Zapotrzebowanie + + Definowanie zapotrzebowań + The Request Tab defines any Request submitted by a Business Partner. + + + Request Processor + + Request Processor + The Request Processor Tab allows you to define processes that you want to occur and the frequency and timing of these processes. If no other user is found, the items are assigned to the supervisor. + + + Wzór listu + + + + + + Action History + + Action History + The Action History Tab displays any actions which have been taken for a Request. + + + Allocation + + Reverse Allocation + The Reverse Allocation Tab defines the Payment Allocation to be reversed. + + + Dostęp do jedn. org. + + Kontrola dostępu do poszczególnych jednostek organizacyjnych zdefinowanych w systemie + Add the organizations the user has access to. Only add organizations of the client of this role. + + + Wybór płatości + + Define Payment + The Payment Selection Tab defines the bank account and date of the payments to be made. You also create the payments here. + + + Payment Selection Line + + Payment Selection Line + The Payment Selection Line Tab defines the indvidual invoices an organization is paying to a Vendor with this payment. + + + Report View Column + + Report View Column + The Report View Column Tab defines any columns which will be overidded in the generation of the select SQL + + + Prowizja + + Definowanie porwizji + Define when to pay a commission to whom. For each period, you start the calculation of the commission after the transcation for that period are completed or cloased. + + + Pozycja prowizji + + Define your commission calculation rule + Define the selection criteria for paying the commission. If you do not enter restricting parameters (e.g. for specific Business Partner (Groups) or Product (Categories), etc. all transactions for the period will be used to calculate the commission. + +After converting from the transaction to the commission currency, +the formula for calculating the commission is: + +(Converted Amount - Subtract Amount) * Amount Multiplier ++ (Actual Quantity - Subtract Quantity) * Quantity Multiplier + +You can choose, that only positive amounts (Converted Amount - Subtract Amount) and positive quantities (Actual Quantity - Subtract Quantity) are used in the calculation. + + + Cykl projektu + + Definowanie cyklu projektowego + Define the currency that projects Project are reported. The projects themselves could be in a different currency. + + + Krok cyklu + + Define Project Cycle Steps + The Cycle Steps determine the logical sequence of events withing your cycle. + + + + Pozycja + + Define Project Lines + The Project Lines Tab is used to define the lines (products and/or services) associated with this Project. + + + Naliczanie prowizji + + Naliczanie porwizji za okres + Commission run for a period defined in the Commission window. + + + Kwota prowizji + + Commission line amounts + For each commission line, a line is generated. You can overwrite the amount and quantity to modify the commission amount, but the suggested way is creating additional Commission Detail lines. Please be aware that manual changes will not reconcile with the Commission Details. + + + Użyte w kolumnach + + Used in Column + The Used in Column Tab defines the table and column this element resides in. + + + Commission Detail + + Commisssion Detail Information + You may alter the amount and quantity of the detail records, but the suggested way is to add new correcting lines. +The amounts are converted from the transaction currency to the Commission Currency (defined in the Commission window) using the start date and the spot exchange rate. + + + Performance Color + + Color for Performance Analysis + The Performance Color Tab allows you to alter the system default colors to indicate a performance level. + + + Performance Goal + + Performance Goal + The Performance Goal Tab defines specific goals for performance. + + + Performance Measure Calculation + + Maintain your Performance Measure Calculation + The Performance Measure Calculation defines how performance measures will be calculated. Please test the statement in SQL*Plus first. +The select statement needs to return a single value! +Any restrictions for Date range, Organizations, Business Partners, Products should be done via the "Performance Measure" window. This is the generic calculation. +As this tends to be somewhat technical, the system has a few examples predefined. + + + Performance Achievement + + Performance Achievment + The Performance Achievement Tab defines the Tasks to be achieved. The performance is measured by the percentage of reached achievements. + + + Pomiar + + Performance Measure + The Performance Measure Tab defines the date range and method to be used for measuring performance. + + + Raport finansowy + + + + + + Zbiór kolumn raportu + + Maintain Financial Report Colum Sets + Column Sets are the combination of Columns to de bincluded in a Financial Report + + + Kolumna raportu + + Maintain Financial Report Column + A column represents a column in a Financial Report + + + Zbiór kolumn raportu + + Maintain Financial Report Line Set + + + + Report Line + + Maintain Financial Report Line + + + + Report Source + + Maintain Segment Values of Report Line Source + + + + Revenue Recognition Plan + + View Revenue Recognition Plan + The Revenue Recognition plan is generated then invoicing a product with revenue recognition. With Revenue Recognition, the amount is posted to the Unrecognized revenue and over time or based on Service Level booked to Earned Revenue. + + + Revenue Recognition Run + + View Revenue Recognition Run History + + + + Poziom serwisu + + View Service Level + The service level is automatically created when creating an invoice with products using revenue recognition based on service levels. + + + Service Level Line + + Maintain Service Levels + Add new service level lines to change the recognized amount + + + Znajdź + + + + + + Transakcji materiałowe + + + + + + Formularze wydruku + + Wybór formularzy wysruku dla faktur, zamówien itp. + The selection determines what Print Format is used to print a particular Form for your Oranization. + + + Dokumenty bankowe + + Definicje typów dokumentów bankowych + W tej zakładce definiuje się typy dokumentów bankowych dla konta. + + + Kolor systemowy + + System color for backgrounds and indicators + + + + Pulpit + + Desktop is a collection of Workbenches + Desktop is a collection of Workbenches + + + Tłumaczenia + + + + + + Workbench + + Workbench on the desktop + + + + Zdjęcie + + Link do zdjęcia + + + + Ustawienia okien + + + + + + Ustawienia zakładek + + + + + + Ustawienia pól + + + + + + Workbench + + Workbenches are a collection of Windows + + + + Tłumaczenia + + + + + + Okno + + Workbench Window + + + + Routing + + Request Routing + Define the sequence of keywords and to whom the web and mail requets should be routed to. + + + Zapytania + + Zapytania od kontrahentów + The Request Tab defines any Request submitted by a Business Partner. + + + Historia akcji + + Histria akcji + The Action History Tab displays any actions which have been taken for a Request. + + + Ustawienia rabatów + + Trade Discount Schema + Trade discount schema calculates the trade discount percentage + + + Cennik + + Trade Discount Price List + Pricelists are created based on Product Purchase and Category Discounts. +The parameters listed here allow to copy and calculate pricelists.<BR> +The calculation: +<UL> +<LI>Copy and convert price from referenced price list +<LI>result plus Surcharge Amount +<LI>result minus Discount +<LI>if resulting price is less than the original limit price plus min Margin, use this price (only if Margin is not zero) +<LI>if resulting price is more than the original limit price plus max Margin, use this price (only if Margin us not zero) +<LI>Round resulting price +</UL> +<B>The Formula</B> is<BR> +NewPrice = (Convert(BasePrice) + Surcharge) * (100-Discount) / 100;<BR> +if MinMargin <> 0 then NewPrice = Max (NewPrice, Convert(OrigLimitPrice) + MinMargin);<BR> +if MaxMargin <> 0 then NewPrice = Min (NewPrice, Convert(OrigLimitPrice) + MaxMargin);<BR> + <BR> +<B>Example:</B> (assuming same currency)<BR> +Original Prices: List=300, Standard=250, Limit=200;<BR> +New List Price: Base=List, Surcharge=0, Discount=0, Round + + + Discount Break + + Trade discount based on breaks (steps) + + + + Przypisane produkty + + Products assigned to Product Category + + + + Dopasowane faktury + + Obejrzyj dopasowane faktury + + + + Dopasowanee zamówienia + + Obejrzyj dopasowane zamówenia + + + + Typ wydatku + + Definowanie typów wydaktów + + + + Produkt + + Product definition of Expense Type + + + + Raport wydatków + + Time and Expense Report + + + + Report Line + + Time and Expense Report Line + + + + Zasób + + Utrzymywanie zasobów + + + + Przypisanie + + Przypisanie zasobu + History of Assignments + + + Niedostępność + + Zasób jest niedostępny + Dates, when rhe resource is not available (e.g. vacation) + + + Produkt + + Maintain Product information of Resouce + The product for the resource is automatically created and synchronized. Update Name, Unit of Measure, etc. in the Resource and don't change it in the product. + + + Typ zasobu + + Maintain Resource Types + Maintain Resoce types and their principal availability. + + + Księgowość + + Definowanie parametrów ksiegowania + The Accounting Tab defines the defaults to use when generating accounting transactions for orders and invoices which contain this Expense Type. Not all accounts apply. + + + Cena + + Expense Type Pricing + The Pricing Tab displays the List, Standard and Limit prices for each price list a product is contained in. + + + Cena + + Resource Pricing + The Pricing Tab displays the List, Standard and Limit prices for each price list a resource is contained in. + + + Księgowość + + Księgowość - parametry + The Accounting Tab defines the defaults to use when generating accounting transactions for orders and invoices which contain this resource. Not all accounts apply to resources. + + + Kolor druku + + Maintain Print Color + Colors used for printing + + + Czcionka wydruku + + Zmiany czcionek uzywanych przy wydruku + Font used for printing + + + Format wydruku + + Zmianai formatu wydruku + The print format determines how data is rendered for print. + + + Formatowanie pozycji + + Formatowanie wydruku pozycji + Item in the print format maintaining layout information + + + Papier + + Maintain Print Paper + Printer Paper Size, Orientation and Margins. +The Validation Code contains the MediaSize name. The names of the media sizes correspond to those in the IPP 1.1 RFC 2911 - http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2911.txt + + + Kolejność wyświetlania + + Sortowanie pozycji na ekranie + + + + Kolejność druku + + Sortowanie pozycji na wydruku + + + + Kolejnośc pól + + Kolejnośc pól jeżeli pole znajduje się w zakładce + + + + Kontrahent + + Business Partner to be invoiced + + + + Report Line + + Time and Expense Report Line (not invoiced) + View and modify Time and Expense Report Lines. + + + Tłumaczenia pozycji + + Tłuamczenia + + + + Wykres + + Define Graph to be included + + + + Format wydruku tabeli + + Define Report Table Format + The Print Table Format lets you define how table header, etc. is printed. If you leave the entries empty, the default colors and fonts are used:<br> +Fonts are based on the Font used in the Report; Page Header and Table Header will be bold, the Function Font is Bold-Italic, the Footer Font is two points smaller, the Parameter Font is Italic. + + + Wygenerowane płatnosci + + View Generated Payment after creating the Payments + + + + Typ zapytania + + Type of request (e.g. Inquiry, Complaint, ..) + Request Types are used for processing and categorizing requests. Options are Account Inquiry, Warranty Issue, etc. + + + Obszar zainteresowania + + Obszar zainteresowania lub Temat + Interest Areas reflect interest in a topic by a contact. Interest areas can be used for marketing campaigns. + + + Obszar zainteresowania + + Obszar zainteresowania kontrahentem + Obszar zainteresowania może zostać użyty do porwadzenia kamapni marketingowych + + + System + + Definicja systemu + Ogólne ustawienia systemowe. Nie dodawać dodatkowych pozycji !! + + + Import kontrahenta + + + + + + Import produktu + + Import produktów + Before importing, Adempiere checks the Unit of Measure (default if not set), the Product Category (default if not set), the Business Partner, the Currency (defaults to accounting currency if not set), the Product Type (only Items and Services), the uniqueness of UPC, Key and uniqueness and existence of the Vendor Product No.<br> +Adempiere tries to map to existing products, if the UPC, the Key and the Vendor Product No matches (in this sequence). If the imported record could be matched, product field values will only be overwritten, if the corresponding Import field is explicitly defined. Example: the Product Category will only be overwritten if explicitly set in the Import. + + + Import konta + + + + + + Zaimportuj pozycje raportu + + + + + + Wybór języka + + Wybór języka + + + + Tłumaczenia tekstów + + + + + + Tłumaczenia komunikatów + + + + + + Tłumaczenia okien + + + + + + Tłumaczenia nazw procesów + + + + + + Asset + + Asset used internally or by customers + An asset is either created by purchasing or by delivering a product. An asset can be used internally or be a customer asset. + + + Dostawa + + Delivery or availability + Record of delivery or availability + + + Grupa aktywów + + Group of Assets + The group of assets determines default accounts. If a asset group is selected in the product category, assets are created when delivering the asset. + + + Szkolenia + + Szkolenia okresowe + The training may have multiple actual classes. New Classes are created here. + + + Class + + The actual training class instance + A scheduled class + + + Pracownicy,Dostawcy + + Business Partner to be reimbursed + Select the business partner to be reimbursed. + + + Report Line + + Raport Casu oraz Wydatków (nie zwróconych) + Przeglądanie i modyfikacja pozycji Raportu Wydatków oraz Czasu. + + + Tłumaczenia + + + + + + Dzienne zestawienie + + View daily accounting balances + + + + Payment Schedule + + Invoice Payment Schedule + + + + Zestaw cech + + Maintain Product Attribute Set + Define Product Attribute Sets to add additional attributes and values to the product. You need to define a Attribute Set if you want to enable Serial and Lot Number and Guaragtee Date tracking. Note that the Guarantee Days here determine the Shelf Life of a product instance after manufacturing (the Guarantee Days on the product determines a Customer Service date after selling) +If the Attribute Set is mandatory, a product instance needs to be selected/created before shipping. + + + Cecha + + Cecha produktu + Product Attribute like Color, Size, etc. If it is an Instance Attribute, all products have the same value. + + + Wartość cechy + + Product Attribute Value + Individual value of a product attribute (e.g. green, large, ..) + + + Lot + + Product Lot Definition + Maintain the individual Lot of a Product + + + Seria + + Kontrola serii + Definition to create Lot numbers for Products + + + Numer seryjny + + Product Serial Number Control + Definition to create Serial numbers for Products + + + Użycie cechy produktu + + Attributes Used for the Product Attribute Set + Attributes and Attribute Values used for the product + + + Wyszukiwanie cechy produku + + Common Search Attribute + Attributes are specific to a Product Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple attributes and want to search under a common sttribute, you define a search sttribute. Example: have one Size search attribute combining the values of all different sizes (Size for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The Attribute Search allows you to have all values available for selection. This eases the maintenance of the individual product attribute. + + + Assigned Attributes + + Attributes assigned to this search attribute + + + + Faktura + + + + + + Included Lines + + + + + + Opis + + Opis + Maintain the Format for printing Labels + + + Line + + Print Label Line + Maintain Format of the line on a Label + + + Tłumaczenia + + Print Label Line Translation + Maintain the translation for Label Line formats + + + Session + + List of User Sessions + History of Online or Web Sessions + + + Project Type + + Maintain Type of a Project + Type of the project with optional phases and tasks of the project with standard performance information + + + Standard Phase + + Maintain Standard Project Phase + Standard Phase of the project with performance information + + + Phase + + Actual Project Phase + Actual Phase of the Project with Status information - generated from Phase of Project Type. + + + Recurring + + Recurring Document + Maintain Recurring Documents. The Date Next Run determines the Document (and Accounting Date) of the generated documents. + + + Run + + Recurring Document Run + History of Recurring Document Generation + + + Inventory + + Import Inventory + Validate and Import Inventory Transactions. The Locator is primarily determined by the Locator Key, then the Warehouse and X,Y,Z fields.<p> +A Physical Inventory is created per Warehouse and Movement Date. + + + Table Access + + Maintain Table Access + If listed here, the Role can(not) access all data of this table, even if the role has access to the functionality. +<br>If you Include Access to a table and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise full access). +<br>If you Exclude Access to a table and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise no access). +<br>Please note that table access rules here are in addition to the Data Access Levels defined for a Table and the User Level defined for a Role. These rules are evaulated first and you only need to define the exceptions to these rules here. +<p> +Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. Be aware that if you use Include rules, that you need to include also several supporting entiries. As an alternative, grant access only to functionality required. + + + Record Access + + Maintain Record Access + You create Record Access records by enabling "Personal Lock" for the administrative role and Ctl-Lock (holding the Ctrl key while clicking on the Lock button). +<p> +If listed here, the Role can(not) access the data records of this table, even if the role has access to the functionality. +<br>If you Include Access to a record and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise full access). +<br>If you Exclude Access to a recorf and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise no access). +Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. + + + Column Access + + Maintain Column Access + If listed here, the Role can(not) access the column of this table, even if the role has access to the functionality. +<br>If you Include Access to a column and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise full access). +<br>If you Exclude Access to a column and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise no access). +Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. + + + Role + + Role with Data Access Restriction + Select Role for with Data Access Restrictions. +Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. + + + Advertisement + + Web Advertisement + Advertisement on the Web + + + Change Log + + Data Changes + Log of data changes + + + Change Log + + Log of data changes + Log of data changes + + + Cost Type + + Types of Cost + + + + Task + + Actual Project Task + A Project Task in a Project Phase represents the actual work. + + + Step + + Project Cycle Step + The Cycle Step determines the logical sequence of events within your cycle. It is the common of similar Project Phases making different project types comparable. + + + Standard Task + + Maintain Standard Project Task + Standard Project Task + + + Plan Costs + + Planned Costs of the Resource + Planned (budgeted) Costs of the Resource + + + Time Type + + Type of Time recorded + Differentiate time types for reporting purposes (In parallel to Activities) + + + Contact (User) + + Maintain User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact + The User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contact + + + Click + + Click Count + + + + Individual Click + + + + + + Count + + Web Counter Count + + + + Individual Count + + + + + + Invoice + + Select Invoice + Select from invoices not fully paid. + + + Payment Schedule + + Mainain Payment Schedule + + + + Schedule + + Payment Schedule + + + + Alert + + Adempiere Alert + Adempiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted of + + + Alert Rule + + Definition of the alert element + + + + Alert Recipient + + Recipient of the Alert Notification + You can send the notifications to users or roles + + + Bank Statement + + Import Bank Statement + + + + General Ledger + + Import General Ledger + A new Journal Batch is created, if the Batch Document No is different. A new Journal is created, if the Document No, Accounting Schema, Currency, Document Type, GL Category, Posting Type or Accounting type is different.<p> +Please note that there are three Organization Fields: The Document Organization is the owner of the document and set directly or per parameter default. The Organization is part of the accounting key and only required id no Valid Account Comination is specified; If not defined it is derived from the Document Organization. The Transaction Organization is part of the account combination. + + + Invoice + + Import Invoices + You should supply the Document Type Name (or ID). The Document Type is on purpose not fully derived as it has too many consequences if it's wrong. The best way is to set the Document Type Name as a Constant in your Import File Format or as an imported field in the file. + + + Payment + + Import Payments + + + + Order + + Import Orders + You should supply the Document Type Name (or ID). The Document Type is on purpose not fully derived as it has too many consequences if it's wrong. The best way is to set the Document Type Name as a Constant in your Import File Format or as an imported field in the file. + + + Freight + + Freight Rates + Freight Rates for Shipper + + + Freight Category + + Category of the Freight + Freight Categories are used to calculate the Freight for the Shipper selected + + + Business Partner Dimension + + Maintain Business Partner Accounting Dimension Tree + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Product Dimension + + Maintain Product Accounting Dimension Tree + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Acitivity Dimension + + Maintain Acitivity Accounting Dimension Tree + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Project Dimension + + Maintain Project Accounting Dimension Tree + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Organization Dimension + + Maintain Organizationt Accounting Dimension Tree + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Sales Region Dimension + + Maintain Sales Region Accounting Dimension Tree + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Replication Target + + Data Replication Target + Data Replication Target Details. Maintained on the central server. Make sure that the IP range is unique for every remote system - Otherwise you will loose data!! + + + Replication Run + + Data Replication Run + Historic Info + + + Run Log + + Data Replication Run Log + Detail Info + + + Replication Strategy + + Data Replication Strategy + The Data Replication Strategy determines which tables and how they are replicated. Note that the migration does not syncronize Application Dictionary items. + + + Replication Table + + Data Replication Strategy Table Info + Determines how the table is replicated. You have full access to Local tables, Reference tables are on Remote systems and are read-only. The data of Merge tables on Remote systems is copied to the central system. + + + Campaign Dimension + + Maintain Marketing Campaign Accounting Dimension Tree + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Tłumaczenia zakładek + + + + + + Tłumaczenia list + + + + + + Tłumaczenia nazw pól + + + + + + Tłumaczenia nazw grup pól + + Proszę zwócić uwagę, że większosć tłumaczeń pól jest kopiowanych z tłuamczeń nazw + Run Synchronize Terminology to update menu translation. You need only to translate Fields, which are not centrally maintained. + + + Tłumaczenia formularzy + + + + + + Tłumaczenia zadań + + + + + + Tłumaczenia workflow + + + + + + Tłumaczenia węzłów workflow + + + + + + Tłumaczenia menu + + Please note, that most of the menu translations are derived from Window/Form/.. translation! + Run Synchronize Terminology to update menu translation. + + + Subscription + + + + + + Project (Order) + + Maintain Sales Order Projects and Work Orders + The Project Tab is used to define the Value, Name and Description for each project. It also is defines the tracks the amounts assigned to, committed to and used for this project. + + + Księgowość + + Define Project Accounting + The Accounting Tab is used to define the Asset Account to use when a project is completed and the associated asset realized. + + + Kategoria + + Maintain Knoweledge Categories and Values + Set up knowledge categories and values as a search aid. Examples are Release Version, Product Area, etc. Knowledge Category values act like keyworks. + + + Category Value + + The value of the category is a keyword + The value of the category is a keyword + + + Type + + Knowledge Type + Area of knowlege - A Type has multiple Topics + + + Topic + + Knowledge Topic + Topic or Discussion Thead + + + Entry + + Knowledge Entry + The searchable Knowledge Entry + + + Category + + Knowledge Category + Assiged Category - Value for the Knowlede Entry + + + Related + + Related Knowlege Entry + Related Knowlege Entry for this Knowledge Entry + + + Comment + + Knowledge Entry Comment + Comment regarding a knowledge entry + + + Knowledge Source + + Source of Knowledge Entries + The Source of a Knowlegde Entry is a pointer to the originating system. The Knowledge Entry has an additional entry (Description URL) for more detailed info. + + + Knowledge Synonym + + Knowlege Keyword Synonym + Search Synonyms for Knowledge Keywords; Example: Product = Item + + + Tłumaczenia + + + + + + Wybór kontrahenta + + Wybór kontrahenta + + + + Zamówienia kontrahenta + + Zamówienia kontrahenta + + + + Dostawy do kontrahenta + + Dostawy do kontrahenta + + + + Faktury + + Faktury + + + + Płatności + + Płatności + + + + Partner Assets + + Business Partner Assets + + + + Partner Requests + + Business Partner Requests + + + + Tłumaczenia + + + + + + Issues + + Issues to the Project + The lab lists the Issues to the project initiated by the "Issue to Project" process. You can issue Receipts, Time and Expenses, or Stock. + + + Printer + + Define Label Printer + + + + Function + + Label Printer Function + + + + Registration + + System Registration + System Registration Info + + + Business Partner + + Business Partner specific Information of a Product + Note that some information is for reference only! + + + Company Agent + + Sales Representative Selection + + + + Zamówienia + + All Orders where the Agent "owns" the Order, the Business Partner or the Product + + + + Pozycje zamówienia + + All Order Lines where the Agent "owns" the Order, the Business Partner or the Product + + + + Faktury + + All Invoices where the Agent "owns" the Invoice, the Business Partner or the Product + + + + Pozycje faktur + + All Invoice Liness where the Agent "owns" the Invoice, the Business Partner or the Product + + + + Dokumenty + + + + + + Ksiegowość + + Currency Accounting + The Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters used for transactions including a currency. Please nore that if not defined, the default accounts of the Accounting Schema are used! + + + Kurs waluty + + Maintain Currency Conversion Rate Type + The Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define different type of rates, e.g. Spot, Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates. + + + Automat pobierający wyciągi elektorniczne + + Definition of Bank Statement Loader (SWIFT, OFX) + The loader definition privides the parameters to load bank statements from EFT formats like SWIFT (MT940) or OFX. The required parameters depend on the actual statement loader class + + + Import kursów walut + + Import kursów walut + + + + User Substitute + + Substitute of the user + A user who can act for this user. + + + Proces + + Actual Workflow Process Instance + Instance of a workflow execution + + + Działania + + Działania + The Workflow Activity is the actual Workflow Node in a Workflow Process instance + + + Działania + + Workflow Activities + The Workflow Activity is the actual Workflow Node in a Workflow Process instance + + + Parametry + + Workflow Node Parameter + Parameter for the execution of the Workflow Node + + + Odpowiedzialność + + Responsible for Workflow Execution + The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. + + + Blok + + Workflow Transaction Execution Block + A workflow execution block is optional and allows all work to be performed in a single transaction. If one step (node activity) fails, the entire work is rolled back. + + + Dane + + Workflow Process Context + Context information of the workflow process and activity + + + Wynik + + Wynik działania workflow + Activity Result of the execution of the Workflow Process Instrance + + + Event + + Workflow Process Activity Event Audit Information + History of chenges ov the Workflow Process Activity + + + Atrybuty + + Asset Registration Attribute + Define the individual values for the Asset Registration + + + Rejestracja + + Asset User Registration + User Registration of an Asset + + + Value + + Registration Values + Indivifual values of Registration Attribute + + + Automat pzypisujący przelewy + + Automat pozwalający na przypisanie konkretnych przelewów do kontrahenta i konkretnej faktury + An algorithm to find Business Partners, Invoices, Payments in imported Bank Statements. The class need to implement the interface org.compiere.impexp.BankStatementMatcherInterface + + + Płatność + + View Payment Information + + + + Rodzaje + + Organization Type allows you to categorize your organizations + Organization Type allows you to categorize your organizations for reporting purposes + + + Schedule Process + + Schedule processes + Schedule processes to be executed asynchronously + + + Parametry + + Scheduler Parameter + Provide parameter for scheduled process + + + Dziennik + + Scheduler Log + Result of the execution of the Scheduler + + + Workflow Processor + + Workflow Processor Server + Workflow Processor Server + + + Dziennik + + Workflow Processor Log + Result of the execution of the Workflow Processor + + + Temat aukcji + + Topic of the Auction + Description of the item to sell or create/fund. + + + Stawka + + View bids for a Topic + You can create a bid for a topic. Depening on the type, the highest bidder wins the Topic - or you participate in funding for a Topic. + + + Oferta + + Uczestnicy danej aukcji + You can create an offer for a topic. + + + Bid Funds + + Buyer Funds for Bid on Topic + Committed or Uncommited funds for Bids + + + Offer Funds + + Seller Funds from Offers on Topics + Committed or Uncommited funds from Offers + + + Rodzaj tematu + + Auction Topic Type + The Auction Topic Type determines what kind of auction is used for a particular area + + + Type Category + + Auction Topic Type Category + For an Auction Topic Type, define the different Categories used. + + + Komentarze + + Make a comment to a Bid Topic + Everyone can give comments concerning a Bid Topic - e.g. Questions, Suggestions + + + Seller + + Aution Seller Information + Information about a participant in an Auction as a Seller + + + Funds + + Seller Funds from Offers on Topics + Available Funds (for Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds from Offers + + + Offer + + Offer for a Topic + You can create an offer for a topic. + + + Buyer + + Aution Buyer Information + Information about a participant in an Auction as a Buyer + + + Funds + + Buyer Funds available for Bids on Topics + Available Funds (Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds for Bids + + + Bid + + Bid for a Topic + You can create a bid for a topic. Depening on the type, the highest bidder wins the Topic - or you participate in funding for a Topic. + + + Accounting Processor + + Maintain Accounting Processor/Server Parameters + Accounting Processor/Server Parameters + + + Dziennik + + Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor + Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor + + + Związki + + Związki z kontrahentem + Business Partner Relation allow to maintain Third Party Relationship rules: who receives invoices for shipments or pays for invoices. If the Location of the Business partner is not defined, the rule applies to all location of that Business Partner + + + Zapytania ofertowe + + Zapytania ofertowe + Request for Quotation to be sent out to vendors of a RfQ Topic. After Vendor selection, optionally create Sales Order or Quote for Customer as well as Purchase Order for Vendor(s) + + + Oferty + + Oferty + Request for Quotation Response from a potential Vendor + + + Line + + RfQ Line + Request for Quotation Line + + + Response Line + + RfQ Response Line + Request for Quotation Response Line from a potential Vendor + + + Ilość + + RfQ Line Quantity + Request for Quotation Line Quantity - You may request a quotation for different quantities + + + Response Quantity + + RfQ Line Quantity Response + Request for Quotation Response Line Quantity from a potential Vendor + + + Topic + + Request for Quotation Topic + A Request for Quotation Topic allows you to maintain a subscriber list of potential Vendors to respond to RfQs + + + Subscriber + + Request for Quotation Topic Subscriber + Subcriber to invite to respond to RfQs + + + Subscription + + Subscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renew + + + + Delivery + + Optional Delivery Record for a Subscription + Record of deliveries for a subscription + + + Subscription Type + + Type of subscription + Subscription type and renewal frequency + + + Distribution List + + Distribution Lists allow to distribute products to a selected list of partners + Distribution list contain business partners and a distribution quantity or ratio for creating Orders + + + Distribution Line + + Distribution List Line with Business Partner and Quantity/Percentage + The distribution can be based on Ratio, fixed quantity or both. +If the ratio and quantity is not 0, the quantity is calculated based on the ratio, but with the Quantity as a minimum. + + + Package + + Shipment Package + A Shipment can have one or more Packages. A Package may be tracked. + + + Package Line + + The detail content of the Package + Link to the shipment line + + + RMA + + Return Material Authorization + A Return Material Authorization may be required to accept returns and to create Credit Memos + + + RMA Line + + Return Material Authorization Line + Detail information about the returned goods + + + Related + + Related Product + Related Product - e.g. for promotions + + + Processor + + Alert Processor + + + + Dziennik + + Alert Processor Log + + + + Dunning Run + + + + + + Entry + + + + + + Line + + + + + + Org Assignment + + User Assigment to Organization + Assign Users to Organizations + + + Org Assignment + + User Assigment to Organization + Assign Users to Organizations + + + Log + + + + + + Scheduler Recipient + + Recipient of the Scheduler Notification + You can send the notifications to users or roles + + + Tax ZIP + + Tax Postal/ZIP + For local tax, you may have to define a list of (ranges of) postal codes or ZIPs + + + Requisition + + Material Requisition + + + + Requisition Line + + Material Requisition Line + + + + Note + + Personal Note + + + + Condition + + Workflow Node Transition Condition + Optional restriction of transition of one node to the next + + + Distribution + + General Ledger Distribution + If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is prorated based on the ratio of the lines. The distribution must be valid to be used. + + + Line + + General Ledger Distribution Line + If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is prorated based on the ratio of the lines. + + + Distribution Run + + Distribution Run create Orders to distribute products to a selected list of partners + Distribution Run defines how Orders are created based on Distribution Lists + + + Line + + Distribution Run Lines define Distribution List, the Product and Quantiries + The order amount is based on the greater of the minimums of the product or distribution list and the quantity based on the ratio. + + + Product Assignment + + Assignment of Atrributes to Products + Determines, which attributes are assigned to a product + + + Access Log + + Log of Access to data or resources + Logging needs to be explicitly enabled / written. + + + Counter Document + + Maintain Counter Document Types + When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: a "Standard Order" creates a "Standard PO". +If you define a relationship here, you overwrite the default counter document type in the Document Type definition. This allows you to define a specific mapping. +You can define conter documents for all organizations (of the original transaction) or for a specific organization. + + + Forecast + + Material Forecast + Material Forecast + + + Line + + Forecast Line + Forecast of Product Qyantity by Period + + + Demand + + Material Demand + Material Demand can be based on Forecast, Requisitions, Open Orders + + + Line + + Material Demand Line + Demand for a product in a period + + + Detail + + Material Demand Line Source Detail + Source Link for Material Demand Lines + + + Confirmation + + Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation + Confirmation of Shipment or Receipt - Created from the Shipment/Receipt + + + Line + + Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation Line + Confirmation details + + + RMA Type + + Return Material Authorization Type + Maintain the types of RMA + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/AD_Task_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/AD_Task_Trl_pl_PL.xml index 1f86892629..d3e7ebd181 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/AD_Task_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/AD_Task_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ - - - - - - - Wersja Javy - Wyświetla wersje Javy - Wersja Javy używana przez aplikację - - - Eksport bazy danych - Eksport (zapisanie bazy danych) - Uruchom tą komendę z serwera - - - Przemieszczenie bazy danych - Przemieszczenie bazy danych - Uruchom tą komendę z serwera - - + + + + + + + Wersja Javy + Wyświetla wersje Javy + Wersja Javy używana przez aplikację + + + Eksport bazy danych + Eksport (zapisanie bazy danych) + Uruchom tą komendę z serwera + + + Przemieszczenie bazy danych + Przemieszczenie bazy danych + Uruchom tą komendę z serwera + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/AD_WF_Node_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/AD_WF_Node_Trl_pl_PL.xml index 5baacf46f4..4dc07cd234 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/AD_WF_Node_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/AD_WF_Node_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,3 +1,76 @@ - - -Accounting SchemaProject as Account SegmenrTo enable accounting reporting of projects, create and enable a project segment in the account elements.System ElementsTranslate System ElementsSystem Elements are used to centrally define field labels, description and help. When translating an Element, the appropriate information of Fields in Windows, Parameters and Reports are translated (overwritten)MessagesTranslate MessagesTranslate the messages used in Windows, Forms and ProcessesReferenceTranslate ReferencesReferences are used as prefedined selection lists. You only need to translate the List Elements !!Window & TabTranslate Windows and TabsTranslate the Name, Description and Help for Windows and Tabs. Most of the Fields are already translated, if they are centrally maintained.FormTranslate FormsForms are special Windows and you need to translate its name, description and Help.Report & ProcessTranslate Reports and ProcessesTranslate the Name, Description and Help for Processes and Reports. You don't need to translate the Parameters, if they are centrally maintained.UserDefine Sales Representative as UserUsers can log into the system and have access to functionality via one or more roles. Select the Business Partner you just set up. This enables the user to be treated as sales rep in the system.Business PartnerSet up Sales Representative as Business PartnerSet up the sales representative as Employee and Sales Representative in the Employee tab. Also set up the Vendor part, if you want to create payments.WorkflowTranslate WorkflowsTranslate Name, Description and Help of Workflows and their Nodes. You only need to translate the List Elements !!Check Client SetupCheck Client setup for RequestsYou need to have a mail server and an email address from which the requets an notifications are sent. Optionally, if you define a mail user and password, requests are read from the mail users's folder and imported into the system.Check UsersCheck users for Request processingPlease ensure that users have a email address and supervisor assigned.Check Business PartnersCheck Business Partners for Request processingYou can send EMails to businbess partners. Make sure, that the business partners and/or the Contacts have email addresses.Verify completed RequisitionJust a test case for a manual interaction.Enter and maintain Material Requisitions \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + + Accounting Schema + Project as Account Segmenr + To enable accounting reporting of projects, create and enable a project segment in the account elements. + + + System Elements + Translate System Elements + System Elements are used to centrally define field labels, description and help. When translating an Element, the appropriate information of Fields in Windows, Parameters and Reports are translated (overwritten) + + + Messages + Translate Messages + Translate the messages used in Windows, Forms and Processes + + + Reference + Translate References + References are used as prefedined selection lists. You only need to translate the List Elements !! + + + Window & Tab + Translate Windows and Tabs + Translate the Name, Description and Help for Windows and Tabs. Most of the Fields are already translated, if they are centrally maintained. + + + Form + Translate Forms + Forms are special Windows and you need to translate its name, description and Help. + + + Report & Process + Translate Reports and Processes + Translate the Name, Description and Help for Processes and Reports. You don't need to translate the Parameters, if they are centrally maintained. + + + User + Define Sales Representative as User + Users can log into the system and have access to functionality via one or more roles. Select the Business Partner you just set up. This enables the user to be treated as sales rep in the system. + + + Business Partner + Set up Sales Representative as Business Partner + Set up the sales representative as Employee and Sales Representative in the Employee tab. Also set up the Vendor part, if you want to create payments. + + + Workflow + Translate Workflows + Translate Name, Description and Help of Workflows and their Nodes. You only need to translate the List Elements !! + + + Check Client Setup + Check Client setup for Requests + You need to have a mail server and an email address from which the requets an notifications are sent. Optionally, if you define a mail user and password, requests are read from the mail users's folder and imported into the system. + + + Check Users + Check users for Request processing + Please ensure that users have a email address and supervisor assigned. + + + Check Business Partners + Check Business Partners for Request processing + You can send EMails to businbess partners. Make sure, that the business partners and/or the Contacts have email addresses. + + + Verify completed Requisition + Just a test case for a manual interaction. + Enter and maintain Material Requisitions + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/AD_Window_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/AD_Window_Trl_pl_PL.xml index 106636c093..969c4633de 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/AD_Window_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/AD_Window_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,1056 +1,1056 @@ - - - - - - - Tabele i kolumny - Utrzymuje tabele i kolumny - Określa wszystkie tabele z ich kolumnami. - - - Typy danych - Zmiany systemowych typów danych - Określa typ każdego pola i jego parametry. To okno jest wyłącznie do użytku przez System Admin. - - - Okna, zakładki, pola - Utrzymuje okna, zakładki i pola. - Określa prezentację tabel, kolumn w każdym oknie.. - - - Reguły walidacji - Zarządza dynamiką zasad walidacji kolumn i pól. - Określa wszystkie zasady przy wprowadzaniu i zarządzaniu kolumn i pól. Okno wyłącznie do użytku przez System Admin. - - - Komunikaty - Zarządza komunikatami informacji i błędu - Określa tekst wiadomości i dodatki dla każdego tworzonego systemu. Wyłącznie do użytku przez System Admin. - - - Menu - Zarządza Menu - Zarządza oknem Menu, wyłącznie do użytku przez System Admin. Części menu, które widzi każdy użytkownik zależy od określonego bezpieczeństwa. - - - Języki - Zarządza językami - Pozwala określić wiele równoległych języków dla użytkowników. W ten sposób mają dostęp do tych samych danych, chociaż okna, zakładki i tabele pojawiają się w innych językach. Jeżeli język jest językiem systemu, można zmienić interfejs użytkownika na ten język (po tłumaczeniu). W przeciwnym wypadku, język jest tylko językiem używanym przy drukowaniu dokumentów. Dla kodu sugerujemy użycie porozumienie kraju Java i jego języka. Sprawdź tłumaczenie tworzące brakujące zapisy tłumaczeń. Proces rozpocznij po utworzeniu nowego języka. - - - Dopasuj faktury - Przegląd dopasowanych faktur - - - - Użytkownicy - Zarządza użytkownikami systemu - Określa każdego użytkownika systemu. Użytkownicy logują się do systemu, mają dostęp funkcjonalny przez jedną lub więcej ról. - - - Firma (nasza) - Zarządza firmami - Firma jest najwyższą poziomem niezależności jednostką organizacyjną. Pozostałe jednostki składają jej sprawozdania. Każda firma definiuje parametry księgowania (Plan kont, definicja drzewa, niepieniężną jednostkę miary). Aby utworzyć nowe firmy, uruchom Początkowe Instalowanie Firmy z rolą systemu admininstratora. Nie należy tworzyć nowej firmy w tym oknie, ale użyć Początkowe Instalownie Firmy, aby ustawić wymagane bezpieczeństwo i zasady dostępu. Jeżeli utworzysz firmę w tym oknie, nie będizesz mógł go przeglądać, jak również nie zostanie ustawiona wymagana budowa firmy. - - - Jednostki organizacyjne - Zarządza organizacjami - Określa i zarządza jednostkami. Jednsotką jest często prawna jednostka organizacyjna lub podjednostka, której dokumenty i transakcje są przetworzone. - - - Grupy użytkowników - Zarządza odpowiedzialnościami użytkownika - Określa różne role, jakie ma użytkownik. Role kontroluje dostępem do okien, zadań i wydruków. Role administratora i Użytkownika są określone na samym początku. Można dodać inne role, aby kotrolować dostęp do szczególnej funkcjonalności lub danych. Można dodać użystkowników do roli. Zauważ, że dostęp do informacji jest ukryty i wymaga ponownego logowania lub zresetowania ukrycia. - - - Licznik dokumentów - Zarządza systemem i licznikiem dokumentów - Określa w jaki sposób numerowane są dokumenty. Zmieniając sposób w jaki tworzona jest numeracja dokumentów, należy dodać prefix lub suffix lub zmienić aktualny numer. - - - Workflow - Zarządza Workflow - Określa Workflow w systemie, poziom dostępu do Workflow, węzłów lub kroków w ramach Workflow. - - - Zadania - Zarządza zadaniami - Określa różne zadania w Wf oraz poziomem dostępu dotych zadań. - - - Waluty - Zarządza walutami - Określa każdą walutę użytą w dokumentach lub przy sporządzaniu sprawozdań. Można określić używaną walutę na poziomie systemu i dodać waluty na poziomie firmy wyłącznie w celach statystycznych. - - - Kursy walut - Zarządza kursami walut - Określa kursy wymiany używane przy wymianie kwot w dokumentach na inną walutę. Zauważ, że używany jest wyłącznie kurs powielenia. Kurs dzielenia używa się jedynie przy wizualizacji. - - - Rok i okresy obrachunkowe - Zarządza okresami roku kalendarzowego - Określa kalendarz używany do kontroli czasu i raportowania. Można również określić niestandardowe kalendarze. (np. rok obrachunkowy do lipca do czerwca). - - - Składowe kont księgowych - Zarządza kontami księgowymi - Okno jest używane do określenia i zarządzania kontami księgowymi oraz zdefiniowanymi składowymi uzytkownika. Jeden z części konta jet naturalną częścią konta (Wykres kont). Można dodać konto w celu równoległego raportowania lub dla części księgowości użytkownika. - - - Jendostki miary - Zarządza jednostką miary - Określa niepieniężne jednsostki miary. Określa również czy dozwolona jest wymiana między jednostkami miary i w jaki sposób są one wykazywane. System zaopatrzony jest w automatyczną wymianę jednostek miary, nawet jeśli nie są czytelnie wskazane (np. minuty, godziny, dzień, dzień roboczy, etc). Wymiana musi być zlecona bezpośrednio, tj. jeżeli przeprowadzana jest wymiana między A i B oraz B i C, nie można dokonać wymiany jednostek A i C, dopóki nie zlecisz tego wyraźnie. - - - Lokalizacja - Utrzymywanie położeń / lokalizacji - Wskazuje adres danych w systemie. Do użytku wyłącznie przez użytkownika System Admin. Użytkownicy mają dostęp do wejść lokalizacji używając formatki lokalizacji lub zakładki w odpowiednim oknie (np. Wejście do zamówienia lub kontrahenta). - - - Kraje, województwa, miasta - Zarządza krajami, województwami i miastami - Określa różne jednostki używane w polu adresu. Definiuje format adresu tak samo jak związanego województwa z krajem i miast w województwami lub krajami. Kraje określa się zwykle tylko na poziomie systemu. - - - Kontrahenci - Zarządza kontrahentami - Pozwala określić każdą stronę, z którą przeprowadzana jest transakcja. Zalicza się tu klientów, dostawców i pracowników. Zanim utworzysz zamówienie lub przywieziesz produkty, musisz określić swoich dostawców. Zanim utworzysz zamówienie musisz określić swoich klientów/odbiorców. Okno przechowuje informacje o kontrahencie, a wprowadzone wartości posłużą do utworzenia transakcji udokumentowanych. - - - Plan kont - Zarządza planem kont - aby zmiany uaktywnić należy zalogować się ponownie. - Określa sposób księgowania, składniki z których zbudowane jest konto. Utwórz i uaktywnij składniki w celu księgowania szczegółów kontrahentowi, produktom, lokalizacji. Przejrzyj, zmień Dziennik Główny, jak również domyślne konta. Konta rzeczywiste używane w tranakcjach zależą od jednostki wykonania. Większość informacji jest wyrwana z kontekstu. - - - Ekran testowy - Ekran testowy - - - - Załączniki - Zarządza załącznikami - Do użytku wyłącznie przez System. Używane przez przyczyny diagnozy w celu pokazania cech załącznika. - - - Ustawienia - Zarządza systemem organizacji firmy i preferencjami użytkownika - Do użytku wyłącznie przez System Admin - - - Projekty - Zarządza projektami - Określa projekty śledzone przez dokumenty - - - Kategorie dokumentów księgowych - Zarządza kategoriami Księgi Głównej - Określa kategorie używane w dzienniku. Kategorie wspierają metodę opcjonalnego grupowania i raportowania w dziennikach. - - - Ksiegowania ręczne - Wprowadź i zmień wejścia do dziennika prowadzonego ręcznie - Pozwala wprowadzać i modyfikować wejścia dziennika prowadzonego ręcznie. - - - Działania (Metoda ABC) - Zarządza działaniami ABC - Definiuje różne działania, których koszt chcesz zmierzyć i przeanalizować. - - - Typy dokumentów - Zarządza typami dokumentów - Określa każdy dokument używany w systemie. Każdy typ dokumentu dostarcza podstawę do przetwarzania każdego dokumentu i kontroluje drukowaną nazwę oraz używanego licznika dokumentów. - - - Stawki podatków - Zarządza stawkami podatków - Określa podatki używane przez każdą kategorię podatku. Na przykład Podatek od sprzedaży musi być określony w każdym stanie, w którym występuje. - - - Kategorie podatków - Zarządza kategoriami podatków - Okno używane do wprowadzania i zarządzania kategoriami podatkó. Każdy produkt przypisany jest do kategorii podatku, której udogodnienia/ulgi wpływają na zmianę stawki podatku. - - - Magazyny i administratorzy - Zarządza magazynami i administratorami - Określa każdy magazyn, każdego administratora magazynu i parametry księgowania używane w inwentarzu danego magazynu. - - - Produkty - Zarządza produktami - Określa wszystkie produkty używane przez jednostkę. Zalicza się tu produkty sprzedane klientom/odbiorcom, materiały/półfabrykaty/fabrykaty używane do wytworzenia nowych w celu sprzedaży klientom oraz produkty zakupione na użytek wewnętrzny przez jednostkę. - - - Warunki płatności - Zarządza warunkami płatności - Określa warunki płatności oferowane swoim odbiorcom oraz warunki płatności oferowane przez dostawców. Każda faktura musi zawierać termin płatności. W fakturze standardowej drukowana jest nazwa, natatka o warunkach płatności. - - - Przewoźnicy - Zarządza przewoźnikami - Kiedy sposób dostawy przewoźnika jest użyty w zamówieniu, musi zostać wybrany wstępnie określony przewoźnik. - - - Zamówenia obce - Wprowadź i zmień zamówienie obce - Pozwala wprowadzać zmiany do zamówienia obcego. - - - Kategorie produktów - Zarządza kategoriami produktów - Definiuje grupy produktów. Grupy mogą zostać użyte przy tworzeniu cenników, określeniu marż oraz w celu łatwego przypisania parametrów księgowych produktom. - - - Cenniki - Zarządza cennikami - Pozwala tworzyć cenniki produktów dla kontrahentów. Cenniki określają sprawy podatkowe i wymiany walut. Wersje cenników to równoległe cenniki dla poszczególnych zaresów czasowych. Cennik aktualny oparty jest na podstawie daty dokumentu. Wszystkie cenniki mają trzy ceny: cennika, standardową oraz krańcową. Podstawową czynnością jest utworzenie cennika bazowego. Można ręcznie dodawać produkty i wprowadzać ich ceny lub tworzyć je automatycznie. Cennik bazowy jest często cennikiem sprzedaży (z ceną detaliczną Coraz standardową ceną sprzedaży). Cena krańcowa używana jest do sprawdzenia kosztu sprzedaży netto. Cenniki mogą być obliczane i kopiowane. Aby przyspieszyć wyliczanie, parametry przechowuje się podczas tworzenia nowej wesji cennnika. - - - Harmonogram fakturowania - Zarządza harmonogramem fakturowania - Definiuje częstotliwość oraz daty cut-off w celu tworzenia faktur sumujących. Jeżeli odbiorca chce jednej faktury do wielu przewozów, należy określić odpowiedni harmonogram fakturowania i związać go z danych klientem/odbiorcą. - - - Kampanie marketingowe - Zarządza kampaniami marketingowymi - Określa początek i koniec kampanii. Daje również stan przeprowadzonej kampanii oraz innych kosztów związanych z przeprowadzoną kampanią. - - - Kanały marketingowe - Zarządza kanałami marketingowymi - Określa kanały używane w kampanii marketingowej - - - Elementy - Zarządza elementami systemu - Okno jest centralnym archiwum dla pól nazw, opisów i pomocy/komentarzy. - - - Regiony sprzedaży - Zarządza regionami sprzedaży - Określa regiony, w których prowadzisz biznes. Można tworzyć wydruki na podstawie regionów sprzedaży. - - - Konta księgowe - Zarządza aktualnymi kontami księgowymi - Określa i wyświetla aktalnie obowiązujące konta księgowe. - - - Budżet Księgi Głównej - Zarządza budżetami Księgi Głównej - - - - Banki - Zarządza bankami - Określa banki i konta związane z jednostką i kontrahentem. - - - Wezwania do zapłaty - Zarządza poziomami wezwań do zapłaty - Określa parametry używane przy tworzeniu wezwań do zapłaty. Każdy klient/odbiorca posiada swój kod wezwania. - - - Withholding (1099) - Maintain Withholding Certificates - The Withholding Window defines the rule used for calculating withholding amounts. - - - Koszty - Rodzaje kosztów - Definiowanie kosztów, jakie mogą się pojawić. Dotyczy to kosztów bankowych, kosztów dostawców oraz innych operacyjnych. - - - Księgowania - Fakty księgowe - Zapytanie o szczegóły księgowania transakcji. - - - Drzewa i węzły - Zarządza drzewem - Określa hasła i obrazy używane przy wyświetleniu drzewa. - - - Raporty i procesy - Zarządza raportami i procesami - Określa parametry i zasaday dostępu do każdego raportu i procesu w systemie. Do użytku wyłącznie przez System Admin. - - - Faktury sprzedaży - Wejście do faktury sprzedaży - Pozwala pokazać i wprowadzić dane od faktury sprzedaży. Faktury mogą byc tworzone również z zamówienia obceo lub dokumentów dostawy. - - - Inwentaryzacja - Przeprowadź inwentaryzację - Pozwala tworzyć liczyć prowadzone inwentaryzacje. Numerowanie następne może być prowadzone, przez co uaktualniony zostanie numer aktualnej inwentaryzacji. - - - Przewozy do klienta - Customer Inventory Shipments Customer Returns - The Shipment Window defines shipments made or to be made to a customer. They are generated from an Customer Order. The Shipment Document will generate the Customer Invoice. - - - Przeunięcia magazynowe - Przeunięcia magazynowe - Pozwala przesunąć inwentarz z jednej lokalizacji do magazynu lub w inne miejsce. Po wprowadzeniu właściwych pozycji wybierz Proces przesunięć, nastąpi dostosowania inwentarza. - - - Import kontrahentów - Import kontrahentów - Okno jest wewnętrzną tabelą uzywaną do importowania danych zewnętrznych do systemu. Wybirając Proces, nastąpi raczej dodanie lub modyfikowanie właściwych zapisów. - - - Ewidencja przychodu - Zasady ewidencji przychodu - Określa przerwy, w których ewidencjonowany będzie przychód. Dodatkowo, ewidencja przychodu może być powiązana do poziomów dostarczających uslugi. - - - Wieczny inwentarz - Zarządza zasadami wiecznego inwentarza - Określa zasaday mające zastosowanie podczas prowadzonej inwentaryzacji. - - - Szczegóły dostawców - Zarządza szczegółami dostawców - Wyświetla i zarządza wszystkimi produktami wybranego dostawcy. - - - Teksty pozdrowień - Zarządza pozdrowieniami - Określa pozdrowienie związane z danych kontrahentem lub jego kontaktem. - - - Przegląd wydruku - Zarządza przeglądem wydruku - Określa widokami używanymi przy tworzeniu wydruków. Do użytku wyłącznie przez System Admin. - - - Zamówienia własne - Zarządza zamówieniami własnymi - Określa zamówienie jednostki. Kiedy utworzono już zamówienie własne, można utworzyć dokument przewozu lub fakturę na podstawie zamówienia własnego. - - - Faktury obce - Wejście do faktury dostawcy - Wyświetla i wprowadza faktury dostawcy. Mogą być one także tworzone na podstawie zamówienia własnego lub paragonów dostawy. - - - Przyjęcia dostawy - Przyjęcia dostawy - Okresla przyjęcie produktu lub materiałów od dostawcy. Dostawa może być wprowadzona ręcznie lub utworzona na podstawie zamówienia własnego lub faktury dostawcy. - - - Definicje EDI - Zarządza definicją EDI - Określa parametry używane przy przetwarzaniu transakcji EDI. - - - Transkacje EDI - - - - - Formatki - Formatki - Określa każde okno nie tworzone automatycznie. Do użytku wyłącznie przez System Admin. - - - Komunikaty błędów - Komunikaty błędów - Wyświetla tworzone wiadomości o błędzie. Do użytku wyłącznie przez System Admin. Zapisy muszą być skasowane ręcznie. - - - Formaty plików importu - Zarządza formatami plików importu - Określa plikiem planu dla importowanej informacji o produkcie. - - - Magazyn opon - Zarządza magazynem opon - - - - Produkcja - Produkcja na podstawie Listy materiałowej - Określa przesunięcia w planie produkcji i przesunięcia inwentarza, jakie powstają przy wytwarzaniu produktu na podstawie listy materiałowej. - - - Grupy kotrahentów - Zarządza grupami kontrahentów - Określa parametry księgowe w poziomie grupy. Jeżeli określisz parametry księgowania grupy, do której wprowadzono kontrahenta, parametry zostaną automatycznie powielone. Można dokonać każdej modyfikacji wymaganej na poziomie kontrahenta. - - - Komuniakty - Widok komunikatów systemu - System tworzy wiadomości podczas przetwarzania. Można przejrzeć je w tym oknie. - - - Wyciągi bankowe - Przetwarzanie wyciągów bankowych - Pozwala uzgodnić wyciąg bankowy. Możesz zarówno wprowadzić poszczególne pozycje na podstawie wyciągu w formatce pozycji wyciągu jak wybierając "Twórz z" nastąpi automatyczne utworzenie wyciągu ze wszystkich nieuzgodnionych płatności na konto. Jeżeli ukończono uzgadnianie pozycji, wybierz "Przetwarzaj wyciąg", aby zaznaczyć płatności jako uzgodnione i uaktualnione z odpowiednimi kontami Dziennika Głównego. - - - Płatność - Twórz płatność - Pozwala wprowadzić otrzymaną płatność. Jeżeli jest to płatność za pojedynczą fakturę, może być tu przetworzona. Jeżeli jest to płatość zbiorcza (za wiele faktur), powinna być przetworzona w oknie Alokacji płatności. - - - Własne atrybuty - Zarządza atrybutami jednostki - Jest to wyłącznie okno systemu. Pozwala wprowadzić dodatkowe informacje do jednostki. - - - Księgi kasowe - Zarządza księgą kasową - Określa transakcje bezgotówkowe. - - - Księga kasowa - Transakcje gotówkowe - Transakcje gotówkowe. - - - Grupy pól - Określa grupę pól - Określa podformatki w formatce. Do użytku wyłącznie przez System Admin. - - - Zapytania - Praca na zapytania - Określa i śledzi zapytania skierowane do ciebie. - - - Procesor zapytań - Procesory zapytań - Określa procesy, jakie mają miejsce i częstotliwość występowania tych procesów. - - - Wzory korespondencji - Zarządza wzorami korespondencji - - - - Odwrotna alokacja - Odwrotna alokacja - Pozwala odwrócić alokację płatności. - - - Wybór płatności - Wybiera faktury do zapłaty - Pozwala wybrać i przetworzyć faktury, za jakie chcesz zapłacić. Możesz utworzyć wybór płatności i wybrać faktury ręcznie lub utworzyć sugestie na podstawie pewnych kryteriów. Możesz zmienić kwotę dozapłaty, usunąć faktury, których nie chcesz zapłacić. Jeżeli wybrałeś Wybór płatności, tworzysz płatności. Drukujesz lub wysyłasz płatności przez okno Drukuj płatność/export. - - - Prowizje - Zarządzaj prowizjami i prawami autorskimi - Określa kiedy chcesz obliczyć prowizję, a komu ją zapłacić. Określa sposób zapłaty prowizji i opłat z tytułu praw autorskich. Można zapłacić wielokroć prowizji za tą samą fakturę lub zamówienie (np. osoba prowadząca transakcję do osoby odpowiedzialnej za sprzedaż produktu (kategorii) lub kontrahenta (grupy)). - - - Cykle projektowe - Zarządza cyklami projektowymi - Określa kroki związane z danym projektem. Możesz chcieć określić kilka cykli projektowych, aby wyróżnić różne typy projektów. Cykle mogą używać lub podustawić użycie statusu projektu. Na przykład możliwy cykl projektowy może zawierać kroki z prospektu do umowy - cykl usługi może zawierać kroki od instalacji do akceptacji przez odbiorcę. - - - Naliczanie prowizji - Sprawdzenie i modyfikacja sposobu naliczania prowizji - Pokazuje wyniki naliczania prowizji. Kiedy wybrano proces naliczania prowizji z okna prowizji, będą się tu wyświetlały rezultaty naliczania prowizji. Jeżeli wynik jest satysfakcjonujący, wystaw fakturę zapłaty, aby zapłacić prowizję. - - - Performance Color - Color used for Performance Anaysis - The Performance Color Window allows you to define the color schema to be used to indicate current performance. The system has predefined Red (below 50%), Yellow (below 100%) and green above 100. If you want to define your own color schema, do it here. - - - Performance Goal - Define Performance Goals - The Performance Goal Window allows you to define performance goals - - - Performance Measure Calculation - Define how you calculate your performance measures - Please test the statement in SQL*Plus first. -The select statement needs to return a single value! -Any restrictions for Date range, Organizations, Business Partners, Products should be done via the "Performance Measure" window. This is the generic calculation. -As this tends to be somewhat technical, the system has a few examples predefined. - - - - Performance Achievement - Define Performance Achievements - The Performance Achievement Window allows you to define Tasks to be achieved. The performance is measured by the percentage of reached achievements. - - - Pomiar wydajności - Define your Performance Measures - The Performance Measure Window allows you to define the rules and restrictions for performance measurement. You can, for example, restrict performance measurement to sales for a certain product category for a defined time frame. - - - Raporty finansowe - Zarządza raportami finansowymi - Są kombinacją ustawienia kolumny wydruku i ustawienia pozycji. - - - Zbiór kolumn raportów - Zarządza kolumnami raportów finansowych - Określa datę wydruku kolumny raportu. - - - Zbiór pozycji raportów - Zarządza pozycjami raportów finansowych - Określa, które pozycje są drukowane w raporcie finansowym. - - - Poziom uslug - Zarządza poziomami usług - Poziomy uslug są tworzone przy tworzeniu faktur sprzedaży produktów w oparciu o zasady ewidencjonowania przychodu. Należy uaktualnić bieżący poziom usług przez dodanie dodatkowej pozycji. - - - Znajdź - Znajdź Dialog (użycie pośrednie) - - - - Dokumenty MM (użycie pośrednie) - Dokumenty MM (użycie pośrednie) - - - - Formularze wydruku - Zarządza formularzami wydruku (faktury, czeki, etc) - Określa dokumenty używane przez firmę/jednostkę. Zauważ, że formularz czeku określony został w oknie rachunku bankowego. najwyższy priorytet posiada format wydruku, jaki definiujesz w typie dokumentu (przykład: format faktury exprotowej). Następny poziom ma ustawienie formatów wydruku, jaki definiujesz dla drukowanych dokumentów przez jednostkę. Ustawienie domyślne fomatów wydruku określa wszystkie jednostki firmy. - - - Ustawienia kolorów - Zarządza ustawieniem koloru - System colors are used for background and indicators - - - Pulpit - Zarządza pulpitem - Desktop is a collection of Workbenches - - - Zdjęcia - Zarządza widokiem - - - - Dopasuj zamówienia zakupu - View Matched Purchase Orders - - - - Okno użytkownika - Define User Window Customization - Zaspokojenie potrzeb - - - Workbench - Maintain Workbench - Workbenches are a collection of Windows - - - Wszystkie zapytania - Widok i praca na zapytania - Do przeglądania wszystkich dostępnych zapytań. - - - Schemat rabatów - Zarządza schematem rabatów handlowych - Oblicza procentową wielkość rabatów handlowych - - - Typy wydatków - Zarządza typami kosztów - - - - Raporty kosztów - Raport czasu i kosztu - Pozwala zebrać czas spędzony nad projektem, czas opłacony i potrzebne wydatki/koszty. - - - Zasoby - Zarządza zasobami - Produkt dla zasobu jest tworzony automatycznie i synchronizowany. Nie zmieniaj w produkcie uaktualnionej nazwy, jednostki miary, etc. - - - Typy zasobów - Zarządza typami zasobów - Zarządza typami zasobów i ich podstawową dostępnością. - - - Kolor wydruku - Zarządza kolorem wydruku - Kolory wydruku - - - Czcionki wydruków - Czcionki wydruków - Czcionki wydruku - - - Formaty wydruków - Zarządza formatem wydruku - Określa w jaki sposób dane są ponownie wprowadzone w wydruku - - - Formaty papieru - Dostępne formaty papieru (np. A4, B5) - Dostępne formaty papieru (np. A4, B5) - - - Wydatki (do zafakturowania) - Przegląd niezafakturowanych wydatków - Zanim wyślesz fakturę odbiorcom, sprawdź pozycje wydatków/kosztów do zafakturowania. - - - Formatowanie wydruku tabeli - Definowanie formatów wydruku tabeli - Definowanie formatów wydruku tabeli - - - Typy zapytań - Zarządza typami zapytań - Używane do przetwarzania i kategoryzowania zapytań. Opcjami są zapytanie księgowe, list gwarancyjny, etc. - - - Obszary zainteresowań - Obszar zainteresowań lub temat - Przedstawia temat zainteresowania przez kontakt. Obszary zainteresowań używane są przez kampanie marketingowe. - - - Ustawienia systemowe - Definicja systemu i rejestracja - Zwykła definicja systemu - - - Import produktów - Import produktów - Okno jest wewnętrzną tabelą używaną do importowania danych zewnętrznych do systemu. Wybierając Proces można dodać jak i modyfikować właściwe zapisy. - - - Import kont - Import wartości kont - Okno jest wewnętrzną tabelą używaną do importowania danych zewnętrznych do systemu. Wybierając Proces można dodać jak i modyfikować właściwe zapisy. - - - Import zbiorów pozycji raportów - Import zbiorów pozycji raportów - Okno jest wewnętrzną tabelą używaną do importowania danych zewnętrznych do systemu. Wybierając Proces można dodać jak i modyfikować właściwe zapisy. - - - Tłumaczenia - Sprawdź język tłumaczenia - Sprawdź język tłumaczenia wybranych jednostek. Użyj Eksport tłumaczeń/Import. Okno pozwala sprawdzić tłumaczenie z głównym językiem jednostek. - - - Aktywa użytkowe - Aktywa użyte wewnętrznie lub przez odbiorcę. - Aktywa użytkowe mogą być zakupione lub przez dostawę produktu. Mogą być przeznaczone na użytek wewnętrzny lub być własnością odbiorcy. - - - Grupy aktywów - Grupy aktywów - Określa konta domyślne. Jeżeli wybrano grupę aktywa w kategorii produktu, aktywa są dostarczone. - - - Szkololenie - Powtórka szkolenia - Szkolenia mogą się powtarzać. - - - Wydatki (nie zwrócone) - Przegląd wydatków i niezwróconych opłat - Zanim zwrócone zostaną wydatki, sprawdź rozpoczęte inwestycje. - - - Accounting Fact Balances - Query Accounting Daily Balances - Query daily account balances - - - Zestawy cech produktów - Zarządza zestawem cech produktów - Dodaje dodatkowe cechy i wartości produktom. Należy określić zestaw cech aby uruchomić numer seryjny, numer serii i numer śledzenia. - - - Seria - Seria produktu - Zarządza pojedynczą serią produktu - - - Ustawienia mechanizmu nadawnia numerów serii - Numerowanie produktu - Nadaje numery produktom - - - Ustawienia mechanizmu nadawnia numerów seryjnych - Nadawanie numerów seryjnych produktom - Nadaje numery seryjne produktom. - - - Atrybuty produktów - Cecha produktu - Cechy produtków jak kolor, rozmiar, etc. - - - Wszukiwanie wg cech produktów - Zwykłe wyszukiwanie według cech - Attributes are specific to a Product Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple attributes and want to search under a common sttribute, you define a search sttribute. Example: have one Size search attribute combining the values of all different sizes (Size for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The Attribute Search allows you to have all values available for selection. This eases the maintenance of the individual product attribute. - - - Faktury kosztowe (Alfa) - Faktury do zapłaty - funkcjonalność Alfa - Wprowadź faktury od dostawców - - - Drukuj etykietę - Drukuj format etykiety - Zarządza formatem do drukowania etykiety - - - Sesja - Lista użytkowników sesji - History of Online or Web Sessions - - - Typy projektów - Zarządza typem projektów i fazami - Zarządza typem projektu i jego fazami przy standardowej informacji wykonania. - - - Dokumenty cykliczne - Dokumenty wystawiane w regularnych odstępach czasu - Twórz nowy dokument na podstawie istniejącego - - - Import inwentarza - Transakcje importu inwentarza - Transakcje walidacji i importu inwentarza. - - - Dostęp - Zarządza zasadami dostępu danych - Zarządza rolami/odpowiedzialnością dostępu danych. Zauważ, że informacja dostępu jest zatrzymana i wymaga ponownego logowania lub resetowania zatrzymania. - - - Reklamy - Reklama na stronach www - Zarządza reklamą na stronach www. - - - Dziennik zmian - Dziennik zmian danych - Dziennik zmian danych - - - Typy kosztów - Zarządza typami kosztów - - - - Typy czasu - Zarządza typem zapisu czasu - Zarządza zapisem typów czasu - - - Wejście na stronę - Zarządza ilością wejść na stronę - - - - Licznik - Licznik wejść na stronę www - - - - Harmonogram płatności - Zarządza harmonogramem płatności faktur - Zarządza harmonogramem płatności faktur - - - Ostrzeżenia - Ostrzeżenia - Określa warunki systemu, o których chcesz być ostrzeżony - - - Import wyciągów bankowych - Import wyciągów bankowych - - - - Import księgi głównej - Import księgi głównej - Zanim zaimportujesz, możesz sprawdzić stan importu przez włączenie "Waliduj". Niezrównoważone salda są improtowane; zarządzanie jest oparte o ustawienia procesu wysyłania. - - - Import faktur - Import faktur - - - - Import płatności - Import płatności - - - - Import zamówień - Import zamówień - Please set Y/N selections in the import loader format explicitly (e.g. as constants) and no not leave them NULL. A NULL value stands for "don't know". -In general, selection boxes are not selected if the value is not "Y" (i.e. could be null or any other value). All tests are made on "Y" or "not Y" - i.e. NULL values are not "not Y", but NULL (don't know) - see SQL Language introductions. - - - Kategorie przewozów - Zarządza przewozami frechtu - Oblicza przewóz dla wybranego przewoźnika. - - - Wymiary księgowe - Zarządza nieksięgowe wymiary drzewa - Zarządza nieksięgowymi drzewami segmentu. Księgowe drzewa segmentu (tak samo jak wymiary określone przez użytkownika) są zarządzane w oknie Kont. Zauważ, że nie można tworzyć nowych jednostek w danym oknie, jeżeli nie posiadasz domyślnego ustawienia dla wszystkich obowiązujących wartości. - - - Replikacja - Zarządza celami replikacji danych - Ustaw całkowicie system w systemie centralnym, zanim ustawisz replikację. Określ cel replikacji, eksportuj bazę danych, importuj ją w zdalnym systemie. Zanim wprowadzisz transakcje, uruchom replikację aby ustawić zdalny system. - - - Strategie replikacji - Zarządza strategiami replikacji danych - Określa, która tabela i w jaki sposób zostanie zreplikowana. Zauważ, że migracja nie synchronizuje przedmiotów Słownika aplikacji. - - - Projekty (zamówienie) - Zarządza projektami zamówienia obcego i porządkiem pracy - Określa projekty śledzone na podstawie dokumentów - - - Kategorie wiedzy - Zarządza kategoriami wiedzy i wartościami - Ustaw kategorie wiedzy i wartości jako pomoc przy wyszukiwaniu. Przykład: wersja uwolniona, obszar produktu, etc. Wartości wiedzy zachowują sie jak hasła. - - - Bazy wiedzy - Zarządza bazą wiedzy - Zarządza tematami, terminami i ich komentarzami, kategoriami, terminami bliskoznacznymi. - - - Źródła wiedzy - Źródła wiedzy - Jest to wskazówka do systemu. Termin wiedzy ma dodatkowe wejście (opis URL) - więcej informacji. - - - Synonimy wiedzy - Knowlege Keyword Synonym - Search Synonyms for Knowledge Keywords; Example: Product = Item - - - Dokumenty wg kontrahentów - Dokumenty wg kontrahentów - - - - Drukarka etykiet - Zarządza drukarką etykiet - - - - Informacje o sprzedawcy - Inforamcje na temat sprzedawcy, reprezentanta handlowego - Inforamcje na temat sprzedawcy, reprezentanta handlowego - - - Dokumenty niezaksięgowane - Dokumenty niezaksięgowane - Przeglądanie dokumentów niezaksięgowanych - - - Typy walut - Zarządza typami kursów walut - Określa typy kursów, np. natychmiastowy Spot, Międzykorporacyjny, kupna/sprzedaży. - - - Import kursów walut - Import kursów walut - Kursy są importowane po walidacje walut, podobnie do typu kursu waluty. Używa się powielenia kursu. Jeżeli jest tworzona wielkość proporcjonalna, używa się dzielnika kursu. - - - Procesy workflow - Monitoruje procesy Workflow - Przegląda i zarządza informacją o procesie instancji Workflow. - - - Działania workflow (wszystkie) - Monitoruje wszystkie działania Workflow - Monitoruje wszystkie działania Workflow - - - Odpowiedzialność Workflow - Odpowiedzialny za wykonanie Workflow - Za działania Workflow odpowiedzialny jest aktualny użytkownik. Odpowiedzialność Workflow pozwala znaleźć aktualnego użytkownika. - - - Cechy rejestracji - Cechy rejestracji aktywów - Poszczególne wartości rejestracji aktywów. - - - Rejestracja - Rejestracja użytkownika aktywów - Rejestracja użytkownika aktywów - - - Automaty przypisujące płatności do faktur - Algorytm przypisujący informacje z wyciągu do kontrahentów, faktur i płatności - Algorytm przypisujący informacje z wyciągu do kontrahentów, faktur i płatności - - - Batch płatności - Process Payment Patches for EFT - Electronic Fund Transfer Payment Batch. - - - Typ jednostki organizacyjnej - Zarządza typami jednostek organizacyjnych - Pozwala kategoryzować jednostki w celu raportowania przyczyn. - - - Harmonogram - Zarządza harmonogramem procesów i dziennikiem. - Procesy harmonogramu mają być wykonywane niesynchronicznie. - - - Procesor Workflow - Zarządza procesorem Workflow i dziennikami - Parametry serwera procesora Workflow - - - Temat aukcji - Temat aukcji kupna/sprzedaży - Temat aukcji kupna/sprzedaży - - - Typ tematu aukcji - Zarządza typami tematów aukcji i kategoriami - Określa jaki rodzaj aukcji jest używany na poszczególnym obszarze. - - - Sprzedający - Zarządza informacją o sprzedającym - Sprzedawcą jest użytkownik systemu biorący udział w aukcji. - - - Kupujący - Zarządza informacją o kupującym - Kupującym jest użytkownik systemu biorący udział w aukcji. - - - Procesor księgowania - Zarządza procesorami księgowania i dziennikami - Procesor księgowania/parametry serwera i dzinniki. - - - Procesor ostrzeżeń - Zarządza procesorem ostrzeżeń/parametrami serwera i dziennikami. - Procesor ostrzeżeń/parametry serwera - - - Powiązania kontrahentów - Zarządza powiązaniami między kontrahentami - Zarządza zasadami trzeciej strony: osoba otrzymująca faktury za przewóz lub płaci faktury. - - - Tematy zapytań ofertowych - Zarządza tematami zapytań ofertowych i członków aukcji - Zapytanie ofertowe pozwala zarządzać listą członków aukcji będącymi potencjalnymi dostawcami, mogący odpowiedzieć na zapytanie ofertowe. - - - Zapytanie ofertowe - Zapytanie ofertowe - Zapytanie ofertowe jest wysyłane dostawcom tematu zapytań. Po wyborze dostawcy, można utworzyć zamówienie obce lub zapytanie klienta, jak również zamówienie własne. - - - Subskrypcje - Maintain Subscriptions and Deliveries - Subscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renew - - - Typy subskrypcji - Maintain Subscription Types - Subscription type and renewal frequency - - - Listy dystrybucyjne - Zarządza listami dystrybucyjnymi - Listy dystrybucyjne zawierają kontrahentów, ilość dystrybuowaną oraz współczynnik zamówienia. - - - Opakowanie - Zarządza opakowaniem w przewozie - Przewóz/dostawa może mieć jeden lub więcej pakunków. Paczkę można śledzić. - - - Zwroty - Zarządza zwrotami materiałów. - Wymgane w celu akceptacji zwrotu oraz w celu utworzenia memo kredytowego. - - - Generowanie wezwań do zapłaty - - - - - Zapotrzebowania - Zapotrzebowania - Wprowadź i zarządzaj zapotrzebowaniem materiałowym - - - Automaty przeksięgowujące - Automaty przeksięgowujące - Jeżeli warunek numeru konta dla danego automatu przeksięgowującego jest spełniony dane księgowanie jest zastępowane księgowaniami zdefinowanymie w automacie. Poszczególne pozycje są generowane na podstawie wyspoecyfikowanych udziałów. - - - Odpowiedzi na zapytania ofertowe - Zarządza odpowiedziami na zapytania ofertowe. - - - - Uruchom dystrybucję - Tworzy zamówienia w celu dystrybucji produktów wybranej liście partnerów - Określa w jaki sposób tworzone są zamówienia w oparciu od listę dystrybucyjną. - - - Dziennik dostępu - Dziennik dostępu danych lub zasobów - Logowanie musi być czytelnie napisane. - - - Licznik dokumentów - Zarządza typami liczników dokumentów - Używając czytelnych dokumentów przy transakcjach wewnętrznych (przypisując kontrahenta do jednostki), należy określić na podstawie jakiego typu dokumentu pierwotnego opiera się licznik dokumentu . Przykład, zamówienie standardowe tworzy zamówienie własne. Jeżeli określisz związek, nadpiszesz domyślny licznik typu dokumentu w opisie typu dokumentu. Pozwoli to na określenie poszczególnego umiejscowienia na mapie. Jeżeli nie zostanie określony, użyte zostanie przypisanie pierwszego dokumentu. - - - Prognozy - Zarządza przewidywaniem materiałów - Prognoza materiałów - - - Zapotrzebowanie materiałowe - Zarządza zapotrzebowaniem materiałowym - Zapotrzebowanie może opierać się na prognozach, wymaganiu, otwartych zamówieniach. - - - Potwierdzenie przewozu/dostawy - Potwierdzenie przewozu/dostawy materiałów - Potwierdzenie przewozu/dostawy materiałów - Tworzone z dokumentu przewozu/dostawy - - - Typy zwrotów materiałów - Typy zwrotów materiałów - Zarządza typami materiałów - - + + + + + + + Tabele i kolumny + Utrzymuje tabele i kolumny + Określa wszystkie tabele z ich kolumnami. + + + Typy danych + Zmiany systemowych typów danych + Określa typ każdego pola i jego parametry. To okno jest wyłącznie do użytku przez System Admin. + + + Okna, zakładki, pola + Utrzymuje okna, zakładki i pola. + Określa prezentację tabel, kolumn w każdym oknie.. + + + Reguły walidacji + Zarządza dynamiką zasad walidacji kolumn i pól. + Określa wszystkie zasady przy wprowadzaniu i zarządzaniu kolumn i pól. Okno wyłącznie do użytku przez System Admin. + + + Komunikaty + Zarządza komunikatami informacji i błędu + Określa tekst wiadomości i dodatki dla każdego tworzonego systemu. Wyłącznie do użytku przez System Admin. + + + Menu + Zarządza Menu + Zarządza oknem Menu, wyłącznie do użytku przez System Admin. Części menu, które widzi każdy użytkownik zależy od określonego bezpieczeństwa. + + + Języki + Zarządza językami + Pozwala określić wiele równoległych języków dla użytkowników. W ten sposób mają dostęp do tych samych danych, chociaż okna, zakładki i tabele pojawiają się w innych językach. Jeżeli język jest językiem systemu, można zmienić interfejs użytkownika na ten język (po tłumaczeniu). W przeciwnym wypadku, język jest tylko językiem używanym przy drukowaniu dokumentów. Dla kodu sugerujemy użycie porozumienie kraju Java i jego języka. Sprawdź tłumaczenie tworzące brakujące zapisy tłumaczeń. Proces rozpocznij po utworzeniu nowego języka. + + + Dopasuj faktury + Przegląd dopasowanych faktur + + + + Użytkownicy + Zarządza użytkownikami systemu + Określa każdego użytkownika systemu. Użytkownicy logują się do systemu, mają dostęp funkcjonalny przez jedną lub więcej ról. + + + Firma (nasza) + Zarządza firmami + Firma jest najwyższą poziomem niezależności jednostką organizacyjną. Pozostałe jednostki składają jej sprawozdania. Każda firma definiuje parametry księgowania (Plan kont, definicja drzewa, niepieniężną jednostkę miary). Aby utworzyć nowe firmy, uruchom Początkowe Instalowanie Firmy z rolą systemu admininstratora. Nie należy tworzyć nowej firmy w tym oknie, ale użyć Początkowe Instalownie Firmy, aby ustawić wymagane bezpieczeństwo i zasady dostępu. Jeżeli utworzysz firmę w tym oknie, nie będizesz mógł go przeglądać, jak również nie zostanie ustawiona wymagana budowa firmy. + + + Jednostki organizacyjne + Zarządza organizacjami + Określa i zarządza jednostkami. Jednsotką jest często prawna jednostka organizacyjna lub podjednostka, której dokumenty i transakcje są przetworzone. + + + Grupy użytkowników + Zarządza odpowiedzialnościami użytkownika + Określa różne role, jakie ma użytkownik. Role kontroluje dostępem do okien, zadań i wydruków. Role administratora i Użytkownika są określone na samym początku. Można dodać inne role, aby kotrolować dostęp do szczególnej funkcjonalności lub danych. Można dodać użystkowników do roli. Zauważ, że dostęp do informacji jest ukryty i wymaga ponownego logowania lub zresetowania ukrycia. + + + Licznik dokumentów + Zarządza systemem i licznikiem dokumentów + Określa w jaki sposób numerowane są dokumenty. Zmieniając sposób w jaki tworzona jest numeracja dokumentów, należy dodać prefix lub suffix lub zmienić aktualny numer. + + + Workflow + Zarządza Workflow + Określa Workflow w systemie, poziom dostępu do Workflow, węzłów lub kroków w ramach Workflow. + + + Zadania + Zarządza zadaniami + Określa różne zadania w Wf oraz poziomem dostępu dotych zadań. + + + Waluty + Zarządza walutami + Określa każdą walutę użytą w dokumentach lub przy sporządzaniu sprawozdań. Można określić używaną walutę na poziomie systemu i dodać waluty na poziomie firmy wyłącznie w celach statystycznych. + + + Kursy walut + Zarządza kursami walut + Określa kursy wymiany używane przy wymianie kwot w dokumentach na inną walutę. Zauważ, że używany jest wyłącznie kurs powielenia. Kurs dzielenia używa się jedynie przy wizualizacji. + + + Rok i okresy obrachunkowe + Zarządza okresami roku kalendarzowego + Określa kalendarz używany do kontroli czasu i raportowania. Można również określić niestandardowe kalendarze. (np. rok obrachunkowy do lipca do czerwca). + + + Składowe kont księgowych + Zarządza kontami księgowymi + Okno jest używane do określenia i zarządzania kontami księgowymi oraz zdefiniowanymi składowymi uzytkownika. Jeden z części konta jet naturalną częścią konta (Wykres kont). Można dodać konto w celu równoległego raportowania lub dla części księgowości użytkownika. + + + Jendostki miary + Zarządza jednostką miary + Określa niepieniężne jednsostki miary. Określa również czy dozwolona jest wymiana między jednostkami miary i w jaki sposób są one wykazywane. System zaopatrzony jest w automatyczną wymianę jednostek miary, nawet jeśli nie są czytelnie wskazane (np. minuty, godziny, dzień, dzień roboczy, etc). Wymiana musi być zlecona bezpośrednio, tj. jeżeli przeprowadzana jest wymiana między A i B oraz B i C, nie można dokonać wymiany jednostek A i C, dopóki nie zlecisz tego wyraźnie. + + + Lokalizacja + Utrzymywanie położeń / lokalizacji + Wskazuje adres danych w systemie. Do użytku wyłącznie przez użytkownika System Admin. Użytkownicy mają dostęp do wejść lokalizacji używając formatki lokalizacji lub zakładki w odpowiednim oknie (np. Wejście do zamówienia lub kontrahenta). + + + Kraje, województwa, miasta + Zarządza krajami, województwami i miastami + Określa różne jednostki używane w polu adresu. Definiuje format adresu tak samo jak związanego województwa z krajem i miast w województwami lub krajami. Kraje określa się zwykle tylko na poziomie systemu. + + + Kontrahenci + Zarządza kontrahentami + Pozwala określić każdą stronę, z którą przeprowadzana jest transakcja. Zalicza się tu klientów, dostawców i pracowników. Zanim utworzysz zamówienie lub przywieziesz produkty, musisz określić swoich dostawców. Zanim utworzysz zamówienie musisz określić swoich klientów/odbiorców. Okno przechowuje informacje o kontrahencie, a wprowadzone wartości posłużą do utworzenia transakcji udokumentowanych. + + + Plan kont + Zarządza planem kont - aby zmiany uaktywnić należy zalogować się ponownie. + Określa sposób księgowania, składniki z których zbudowane jest konto. Utwórz i uaktywnij składniki w celu księgowania szczegółów kontrahentowi, produktom, lokalizacji. Przejrzyj, zmień Dziennik Główny, jak również domyślne konta. Konta rzeczywiste używane w tranakcjach zależą od jednostki wykonania. Większość informacji jest wyrwana z kontekstu. + + + Ekran testowy + Ekran testowy + + + + Załączniki + Zarządza załącznikami + Do użytku wyłącznie przez System. Używane przez przyczyny diagnozy w celu pokazania cech załącznika. + + + Ustawienia + Zarządza systemem organizacji firmy i preferencjami użytkownika + Do użytku wyłącznie przez System Admin + + + Projekty + Zarządza projektami + Określa projekty śledzone przez dokumenty + + + Kategorie dokumentów księgowych + Zarządza kategoriami Księgi Głównej + Określa kategorie używane w dzienniku. Kategorie wspierają metodę opcjonalnego grupowania i raportowania w dziennikach. + + + Ksiegowania ręczne + Wprowadź i zmień wejścia do dziennika prowadzonego ręcznie + Pozwala wprowadzać i modyfikować wejścia dziennika prowadzonego ręcznie. + + + Działania (Metoda ABC) + Zarządza działaniami ABC + Definiuje różne działania, których koszt chcesz zmierzyć i przeanalizować. + + + Typy dokumentów + Zarządza typami dokumentów + Określa każdy dokument używany w systemie. Każdy typ dokumentu dostarcza podstawę do przetwarzania każdego dokumentu i kontroluje drukowaną nazwę oraz używanego licznika dokumentów. + + + Stawki podatków + Zarządza stawkami podatków + Określa podatki używane przez każdą kategorię podatku. Na przykład Podatek od sprzedaży musi być określony w każdym stanie, w którym występuje. + + + Kategorie podatków + Zarządza kategoriami podatków + Okno używane do wprowadzania i zarządzania kategoriami podatkó. Każdy produkt przypisany jest do kategorii podatku, której udogodnienia/ulgi wpływają na zmianę stawki podatku. + + + Magazyny i administratorzy + Zarządza magazynami i administratorami + Określa każdy magazyn, każdego administratora magazynu i parametry księgowania używane w inwentarzu danego magazynu. + + + Produkty + Zarządza produktami + Określa wszystkie produkty używane przez jednostkę. Zalicza się tu produkty sprzedane klientom/odbiorcom, materiały/półfabrykaty/fabrykaty używane do wytworzenia nowych w celu sprzedaży klientom oraz produkty zakupione na użytek wewnętrzny przez jednostkę. + + + Warunki płatności + Zarządza warunkami płatności + Określa warunki płatności oferowane swoim odbiorcom oraz warunki płatności oferowane przez dostawców. Każda faktura musi zawierać termin płatności. W fakturze standardowej drukowana jest nazwa, natatka o warunkach płatności. + + + Przewoźnicy + Zarządza przewoźnikami + Kiedy sposób dostawy przewoźnika jest użyty w zamówieniu, musi zostać wybrany wstępnie określony przewoźnik. + + + Zamówenia obce + Wprowadź i zmień zamówienie obce + Pozwala wprowadzać zmiany do zamówienia obcego. + + + Kategorie produktów + Zarządza kategoriami produktów + Definiuje grupy produktów. Grupy mogą zostać użyte przy tworzeniu cenników, określeniu marż oraz w celu łatwego przypisania parametrów księgowych produktom. + + + Cenniki + Zarządza cennikami + Pozwala tworzyć cenniki produktów dla kontrahentów. Cenniki określają sprawy podatkowe i wymiany walut. Wersje cenników to równoległe cenniki dla poszczególnych zaresów czasowych. Cennik aktualny oparty jest na podstawie daty dokumentu. Wszystkie cenniki mają trzy ceny: cennika, standardową oraz krańcową. Podstawową czynnością jest utworzenie cennika bazowego. Można ręcznie dodawać produkty i wprowadzać ich ceny lub tworzyć je automatycznie. Cennik bazowy jest często cennikiem sprzedaży (z ceną detaliczną Coraz standardową ceną sprzedaży). Cena krańcowa używana jest do sprawdzenia kosztu sprzedaży netto. Cenniki mogą być obliczane i kopiowane. Aby przyspieszyć wyliczanie, parametry przechowuje się podczas tworzenia nowej wesji cennnika. + + + Harmonogram fakturowania + Zarządza harmonogramem fakturowania + Definiuje częstotliwość oraz daty cut-off w celu tworzenia faktur sumujących. Jeżeli odbiorca chce jednej faktury do wielu przewozów, należy określić odpowiedni harmonogram fakturowania i związać go z danych klientem/odbiorcą. + + + Kampanie marketingowe + Zarządza kampaniami marketingowymi + Określa początek i koniec kampanii. Daje również stan przeprowadzonej kampanii oraz innych kosztów związanych z przeprowadzoną kampanią. + + + Kanały marketingowe + Zarządza kanałami marketingowymi + Określa kanały używane w kampanii marketingowej + + + Elementy + Zarządza elementami systemu + Okno jest centralnym archiwum dla pól nazw, opisów i pomocy/komentarzy. + + + Regiony sprzedaży + Zarządza regionami sprzedaży + Określa regiony, w których prowadzisz biznes. Można tworzyć wydruki na podstawie regionów sprzedaży. + + + Konta księgowe + Zarządza aktualnymi kontami księgowymi + Określa i wyświetla aktalnie obowiązujące konta księgowe. + + + Budżet Księgi Głównej + Zarządza budżetami Księgi Głównej + + + + Banki + Zarządza bankami + Określa banki i konta związane z jednostką i kontrahentem. + + + Wezwania do zapłaty + Zarządza poziomami wezwań do zapłaty + Określa parametry używane przy tworzeniu wezwań do zapłaty. Każdy klient/odbiorca posiada swój kod wezwania. + + + Withholding (1099) + Maintain Withholding Certificates + The Withholding Window defines the rule used for calculating withholding amounts. + + + Koszty + Rodzaje kosztów + Definiowanie kosztów, jakie mogą się pojawić. Dotyczy to kosztów bankowych, kosztów dostawców oraz innych operacyjnych. + + + Księgowania + Fakty księgowe + Zapytanie o szczegóły księgowania transakcji. + + + Drzewa i węzły + Zarządza drzewem + Określa hasła i obrazy używane przy wyświetleniu drzewa. + + + Raporty i procesy + Zarządza raportami i procesami + Określa parametry i zasaday dostępu do każdego raportu i procesu w systemie. Do użytku wyłącznie przez System Admin. + + + Faktury sprzedaży + Wejście do faktury sprzedaży + Pozwala pokazać i wprowadzić dane od faktury sprzedaży. Faktury mogą byc tworzone również z zamówienia obceo lub dokumentów dostawy. + + + Inwentaryzacja + Przeprowadź inwentaryzację + Pozwala tworzyć liczyć prowadzone inwentaryzacje. Numerowanie następne może być prowadzone, przez co uaktualniony zostanie numer aktualnej inwentaryzacji. + + + Przewozy do klienta + Customer Inventory Shipments Customer Returns + The Shipment Window defines shipments made or to be made to a customer. They are generated from an Customer Order. The Shipment Document will generate the Customer Invoice. + + + Przeunięcia magazynowe + Przeunięcia magazynowe + Pozwala przesunąć inwentarz z jednej lokalizacji do magazynu lub w inne miejsce. Po wprowadzeniu właściwych pozycji wybierz Proces przesunięć, nastąpi dostosowania inwentarza. + + + Import kontrahentów + Import kontrahentów + Okno jest wewnętrzną tabelą uzywaną do importowania danych zewnętrznych do systemu. Wybirając Proces, nastąpi raczej dodanie lub modyfikowanie właściwych zapisów. + + + Ewidencja przychodu + Zasady ewidencji przychodu + Określa przerwy, w których ewidencjonowany będzie przychód. Dodatkowo, ewidencja przychodu może być powiązana do poziomów dostarczających uslugi. + + + Wieczny inwentarz + Zarządza zasadami wiecznego inwentarza + Określa zasaday mające zastosowanie podczas prowadzonej inwentaryzacji. + + + Szczegóły dostawców + Zarządza szczegółami dostawców + Wyświetla i zarządza wszystkimi produktami wybranego dostawcy. + + + Teksty pozdrowień + Zarządza pozdrowieniami + Określa pozdrowienie związane z danych kontrahentem lub jego kontaktem. + + + Przegląd wydruku + Zarządza przeglądem wydruku + Określa widokami używanymi przy tworzeniu wydruków. Do użytku wyłącznie przez System Admin. + + + Zamówienia własne + Zarządza zamówieniami własnymi + Określa zamówienie jednostki. Kiedy utworzono już zamówienie własne, można utworzyć dokument przewozu lub fakturę na podstawie zamówienia własnego. + + + Faktury obce + Wejście do faktury dostawcy + Wyświetla i wprowadza faktury dostawcy. Mogą być one także tworzone na podstawie zamówienia własnego lub paragonów dostawy. + + + Przyjęcia dostawy + Przyjęcia dostawy + Okresla przyjęcie produktu lub materiałów od dostawcy. Dostawa może być wprowadzona ręcznie lub utworzona na podstawie zamówienia własnego lub faktury dostawcy. + + + Definicje EDI + Zarządza definicją EDI + Określa parametry używane przy przetwarzaniu transakcji EDI. + + + Transkacje EDI + + + + + Formatki + Formatki + Określa każde okno nie tworzone automatycznie. Do użytku wyłącznie przez System Admin. + + + Komunikaty błędów + Komunikaty błędów + Wyświetla tworzone wiadomości o błędzie. Do użytku wyłącznie przez System Admin. Zapisy muszą być skasowane ręcznie. + + + Formaty plików importu + Zarządza formatami plików importu + Określa plikiem planu dla importowanej informacji o produkcie. + + + Magazyn opon + Zarządza magazynem opon + + + + Produkcja + Produkcja na podstawie Listy materiałowej + Określa przesunięcia w planie produkcji i przesunięcia inwentarza, jakie powstają przy wytwarzaniu produktu na podstawie listy materiałowej. + + + Grupy kotrahentów + Zarządza grupami kontrahentów + Określa parametry księgowe w poziomie grupy. Jeżeli określisz parametry księgowania grupy, do której wprowadzono kontrahenta, parametry zostaną automatycznie powielone. Można dokonać każdej modyfikacji wymaganej na poziomie kontrahenta. + + + Komuniakty + Widok komunikatów systemu + System tworzy wiadomości podczas przetwarzania. Można przejrzeć je w tym oknie. + + + Wyciągi bankowe + Przetwarzanie wyciągów bankowych + Pozwala uzgodnić wyciąg bankowy. Możesz zarówno wprowadzić poszczególne pozycje na podstawie wyciągu w formatce pozycji wyciągu jak wybierając "Twórz z" nastąpi automatyczne utworzenie wyciągu ze wszystkich nieuzgodnionych płatności na konto. Jeżeli ukończono uzgadnianie pozycji, wybierz "Przetwarzaj wyciąg", aby zaznaczyć płatności jako uzgodnione i uaktualnione z odpowiednimi kontami Dziennika Głównego. + + + Płatność + Twórz płatność + Pozwala wprowadzić otrzymaną płatność. Jeżeli jest to płatność za pojedynczą fakturę, może być tu przetworzona. Jeżeli jest to płatość zbiorcza (za wiele faktur), powinna być przetworzona w oknie Alokacji płatności. + + + Własne atrybuty + Zarządza atrybutami jednostki + Jest to wyłącznie okno systemu. Pozwala wprowadzić dodatkowe informacje do jednostki. + + + Księgi kasowe + Zarządza księgą kasową + Określa transakcje bezgotówkowe. + + + Księga kasowa + Transakcje gotówkowe + Transakcje gotówkowe. + + + Grupy pól + Określa grupę pól + Określa podformatki w formatce. Do użytku wyłącznie przez System Admin. + + + Zapytania + Praca na zapytania + Określa i śledzi zapytania skierowane do ciebie. + + + Procesor zapytań + Procesory zapytań + Określa procesy, jakie mają miejsce i częstotliwość występowania tych procesów. + + + Wzory korespondencji + Zarządza wzorami korespondencji + + + + Odwrotna alokacja + Odwrotna alokacja + Pozwala odwrócić alokację płatności. + + + Wybór płatności + Wybiera faktury do zapłaty + Pozwala wybrać i przetworzyć faktury, za jakie chcesz zapłacić. Możesz utworzyć wybór płatności i wybrać faktury ręcznie lub utworzyć sugestie na podstawie pewnych kryteriów. Możesz zmienić kwotę dozapłaty, usunąć faktury, których nie chcesz zapłacić. Jeżeli wybrałeś Wybór płatności, tworzysz płatności. Drukujesz lub wysyłasz płatności przez okno Drukuj płatność/export. + + + Prowizje + Zarządzaj prowizjami i prawami autorskimi + Określa kiedy chcesz obliczyć prowizję, a komu ją zapłacić. Określa sposób zapłaty prowizji i opłat z tytułu praw autorskich. Można zapłacić wielokroć prowizji za tą samą fakturę lub zamówienie (np. osoba prowadząca transakcję do osoby odpowiedzialnej za sprzedaż produktu (kategorii) lub kontrahenta (grupy)). + + + Cykle projektowe + Zarządza cyklami projektowymi + Określa kroki związane z danym projektem. Możesz chcieć określić kilka cykli projektowych, aby wyróżnić różne typy projektów. Cykle mogą używać lub podustawić użycie statusu projektu. Na przykład możliwy cykl projektowy może zawierać kroki z prospektu do umowy - cykl usługi może zawierać kroki od instalacji do akceptacji przez odbiorcę. + + + Naliczanie prowizji + Sprawdzenie i modyfikacja sposobu naliczania prowizji + Pokazuje wyniki naliczania prowizji. Kiedy wybrano proces naliczania prowizji z okna prowizji, będą się tu wyświetlały rezultaty naliczania prowizji. Jeżeli wynik jest satysfakcjonujący, wystaw fakturę zapłaty, aby zapłacić prowizję. + + + Performance Color + Color used for Performance Anaysis + The Performance Color Window allows you to define the color schema to be used to indicate current performance. The system has predefined Red (below 50%), Yellow (below 100%) and green above 100. If you want to define your own color schema, do it here. + + + Performance Goal + Define Performance Goals + The Performance Goal Window allows you to define performance goals + + + Performance Measure Calculation + Define how you calculate your performance measures + Please test the statement in SQL*Plus first. +The select statement needs to return a single value! +Any restrictions for Date range, Organizations, Business Partners, Products should be done via the "Performance Measure" window. This is the generic calculation. +As this tends to be somewhat technical, the system has a few examples predefined. + + + + Performance Achievement + Define Performance Achievements + The Performance Achievement Window allows you to define Tasks to be achieved. The performance is measured by the percentage of reached achievements. + + + Pomiar wydajności + Define your Performance Measures + The Performance Measure Window allows you to define the rules and restrictions for performance measurement. You can, for example, restrict performance measurement to sales for a certain product category for a defined time frame. + + + Raporty finansowe + Zarządza raportami finansowymi + Są kombinacją ustawienia kolumny wydruku i ustawienia pozycji. + + + Zbiór kolumn raportów + Zarządza kolumnami raportów finansowych + Określa datę wydruku kolumny raportu. + + + Zbiór pozycji raportów + Zarządza pozycjami raportów finansowych + Określa, które pozycje są drukowane w raporcie finansowym. + + + Poziom uslug + Zarządza poziomami usług + Poziomy uslug są tworzone przy tworzeniu faktur sprzedaży produktów w oparciu o zasady ewidencjonowania przychodu. Należy uaktualnić bieżący poziom usług przez dodanie dodatkowej pozycji. + + + Znajdź + Znajdź Dialog (użycie pośrednie) + + + + Dokumenty MM (użycie pośrednie) + Dokumenty MM (użycie pośrednie) + + + + Formularze wydruku + Zarządza formularzami wydruku (faktury, czeki, etc) + Określa dokumenty używane przez firmę/jednostkę. Zauważ, że formularz czeku określony został w oknie rachunku bankowego. najwyższy priorytet posiada format wydruku, jaki definiujesz w typie dokumentu (przykład: format faktury exprotowej). Następny poziom ma ustawienie formatów wydruku, jaki definiujesz dla drukowanych dokumentów przez jednostkę. Ustawienie domyślne fomatów wydruku określa wszystkie jednostki firmy. + + + Ustawienia kolorów + Zarządza ustawieniem koloru + System colors are used for background and indicators + + + Pulpit + Zarządza pulpitem + Desktop is a collection of Workbenches + + + Zdjęcia + Zarządza widokiem + + + + Dopasuj zamówienia zakupu + View Matched Purchase Orders + + + + Okno użytkownika + Define User Window Customization + Zaspokojenie potrzeb + + + Workbench + Maintain Workbench + Workbenches are a collection of Windows + + + Wszystkie zapytania + Widok i praca na zapytania + Do przeglądania wszystkich dostępnych zapytań. + + + Schemat rabatów + Zarządza schematem rabatów handlowych + Oblicza procentową wielkość rabatów handlowych + + + Typy wydatków + Zarządza typami kosztów + + + + Raporty kosztów + Raport czasu i kosztu + Pozwala zebrać czas spędzony nad projektem, czas opłacony i potrzebne wydatki/koszty. + + + Zasoby + Zarządza zasobami + Produkt dla zasobu jest tworzony automatycznie i synchronizowany. Nie zmieniaj w produkcie uaktualnionej nazwy, jednostki miary, etc. + + + Typy zasobów + Zarządza typami zasobów + Zarządza typami zasobów i ich podstawową dostępnością. + + + Kolor wydruku + Zarządza kolorem wydruku + Kolory wydruku + + + Czcionki wydruków + Czcionki wydruków + Czcionki wydruku + + + Formaty wydruków + Zarządza formatem wydruku + Określa w jaki sposób dane są ponownie wprowadzone w wydruku + + + Formaty papieru + Dostępne formaty papieru (np. A4, B5) + Dostępne formaty papieru (np. A4, B5) + + + Wydatki (do zafakturowania) + Przegląd niezafakturowanych wydatków + Zanim wyślesz fakturę odbiorcom, sprawdź pozycje wydatków/kosztów do zafakturowania. + + + Formatowanie wydruku tabeli + Definowanie formatów wydruku tabeli + Definowanie formatów wydruku tabeli + + + Typy zapytań + Zarządza typami zapytań + Używane do przetwarzania i kategoryzowania zapytań. Opcjami są zapytanie księgowe, list gwarancyjny, etc. + + + Obszary zainteresowań + Obszar zainteresowań lub temat + Przedstawia temat zainteresowania przez kontakt. Obszary zainteresowań używane są przez kampanie marketingowe. + + + Ustawienia systemowe + Definicja systemu i rejestracja + Zwykła definicja systemu + + + Import produktów + Import produktów + Okno jest wewnętrzną tabelą używaną do importowania danych zewnętrznych do systemu. Wybierając Proces można dodać jak i modyfikować właściwe zapisy. + + + Import kont + Import wartości kont + Okno jest wewnętrzną tabelą używaną do importowania danych zewnętrznych do systemu. Wybierając Proces można dodać jak i modyfikować właściwe zapisy. + + + Import zbiorów pozycji raportów + Import zbiorów pozycji raportów + Okno jest wewnętrzną tabelą używaną do importowania danych zewnętrznych do systemu. Wybierając Proces można dodać jak i modyfikować właściwe zapisy. + + + Tłumaczenia + Sprawdź język tłumaczenia + Sprawdź język tłumaczenia wybranych jednostek. Użyj Eksport tłumaczeń/Import. Okno pozwala sprawdzić tłumaczenie z głównym językiem jednostek. + + + Aktywa użytkowe + Aktywa użyte wewnętrznie lub przez odbiorcę. + Aktywa użytkowe mogą być zakupione lub przez dostawę produktu. Mogą być przeznaczone na użytek wewnętrzny lub być własnością odbiorcy. + + + Grupy aktywów + Grupy aktywów + Określa konta domyślne. Jeżeli wybrano grupę aktywa w kategorii produktu, aktywa są dostarczone. + + + Szkololenie + Powtórka szkolenia + Szkolenia mogą się powtarzać. + + + Wydatki (nie zwrócone) + Przegląd wydatków i niezwróconych opłat + Zanim zwrócone zostaną wydatki, sprawdź rozpoczęte inwestycje. + + + Accounting Fact Balances + Query Accounting Daily Balances + Query daily account balances + + + Zestawy cech produktów + Zarządza zestawem cech produktów + Dodaje dodatkowe cechy i wartości produktom. Należy określić zestaw cech aby uruchomić numer seryjny, numer serii i numer śledzenia. + + + Seria + Seria produktu + Zarządza pojedynczą serią produktu + + + Ustawienia mechanizmu nadawnia numerów serii + Numerowanie produktu + Nadaje numery produktom + + + Ustawienia mechanizmu nadawnia numerów seryjnych + Nadawanie numerów seryjnych produktom + Nadaje numery seryjne produktom. + + + Atrybuty produktów + Cecha produktu + Cechy produtków jak kolor, rozmiar, etc. + + + Wszukiwanie wg cech produktów + Zwykłe wyszukiwanie według cech + Attributes are specific to a Product Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple attributes and want to search under a common sttribute, you define a search sttribute. Example: have one Size search attribute combining the values of all different sizes (Size for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The Attribute Search allows you to have all values available for selection. This eases the maintenance of the individual product attribute. + + + Faktury kosztowe (Alfa) + Faktury do zapłaty - funkcjonalność Alfa + Wprowadź faktury od dostawców + + + Drukuj etykietę + Drukuj format etykiety + Zarządza formatem do drukowania etykiety + + + Sesja + Lista użytkowników sesji + History of Online or Web Sessions + + + Typy projektów + Zarządza typem projektów i fazami + Zarządza typem projektu i jego fazami przy standardowej informacji wykonania. + + + Dokumenty cykliczne + Dokumenty wystawiane w regularnych odstępach czasu + Twórz nowy dokument na podstawie istniejącego + + + Import inwentarza + Transakcje importu inwentarza + Transakcje walidacji i importu inwentarza. + + + Dostęp + Zarządza zasadami dostępu danych + Zarządza rolami/odpowiedzialnością dostępu danych. Zauważ, że informacja dostępu jest zatrzymana i wymaga ponownego logowania lub resetowania zatrzymania. + + + Reklamy + Reklama na stronach www + Zarządza reklamą na stronach www. + + + Dziennik zmian + Dziennik zmian danych + Dziennik zmian danych + + + Typy kosztów + Zarządza typami kosztów + + + + Typy czasu + Zarządza typem zapisu czasu + Zarządza zapisem typów czasu + + + Wejście na stronę + Zarządza ilością wejść na stronę + + + + Licznik + Licznik wejść na stronę www + + + + Harmonogram płatności + Zarządza harmonogramem płatności faktur + Zarządza harmonogramem płatności faktur + + + Ostrzeżenia + Ostrzeżenia + Określa warunki systemu, o których chcesz być ostrzeżony + + + Import wyciągów bankowych + Import wyciągów bankowych + + + + Import księgi głównej + Import księgi głównej + Zanim zaimportujesz, możesz sprawdzić stan importu przez włączenie "Waliduj". Niezrównoważone salda są improtowane; zarządzanie jest oparte o ustawienia procesu wysyłania. + + + Import faktur + Import faktur + + + + Import płatności + Import płatności + + + + Import zamówień + Import zamówień + Please set Y/N selections in the import loader format explicitly (e.g. as constants) and no not leave them NULL. A NULL value stands for "don't know". +In general, selection boxes are not selected if the value is not "Y" (i.e. could be null or any other value). All tests are made on "Y" or "not Y" - i.e. NULL values are not "not Y", but NULL (don't know) - see SQL Language introductions. + + + Kategorie przewozów + Zarządza przewozami frechtu + Oblicza przewóz dla wybranego przewoźnika. + + + Wymiary księgowe + Zarządza nieksięgowe wymiary drzewa + Zarządza nieksięgowymi drzewami segmentu. Księgowe drzewa segmentu (tak samo jak wymiary określone przez użytkownika) są zarządzane w oknie Kont. Zauważ, że nie można tworzyć nowych jednostek w danym oknie, jeżeli nie posiadasz domyślnego ustawienia dla wszystkich obowiązujących wartości. + + + Replikacja + Zarządza celami replikacji danych + Ustaw całkowicie system w systemie centralnym, zanim ustawisz replikację. Określ cel replikacji, eksportuj bazę danych, importuj ją w zdalnym systemie. Zanim wprowadzisz transakcje, uruchom replikację aby ustawić zdalny system. + + + Strategie replikacji + Zarządza strategiami replikacji danych + Określa, która tabela i w jaki sposób zostanie zreplikowana. Zauważ, że migracja nie synchronizuje przedmiotów Słownika aplikacji. + + + Projekty (zamówienie) + Zarządza projektami zamówienia obcego i porządkiem pracy + Określa projekty śledzone na podstawie dokumentów + + + Kategorie wiedzy + Zarządza kategoriami wiedzy i wartościami + Ustaw kategorie wiedzy i wartości jako pomoc przy wyszukiwaniu. Przykład: wersja uwolniona, obszar produktu, etc. Wartości wiedzy zachowują sie jak hasła. + + + Bazy wiedzy + Zarządza bazą wiedzy + Zarządza tematami, terminami i ich komentarzami, kategoriami, terminami bliskoznacznymi. + + + Źródła wiedzy + Źródła wiedzy + Jest to wskazówka do systemu. Termin wiedzy ma dodatkowe wejście (opis URL) - więcej informacji. + + + Synonimy wiedzy + Knowlege Keyword Synonym + Search Synonyms for Knowledge Keywords; Example: Product = Item + + + Dokumenty wg kontrahentów + Dokumenty wg kontrahentów + + + + Drukarka etykiet + Zarządza drukarką etykiet + + + + Informacje o sprzedawcy + Inforamcje na temat sprzedawcy, reprezentanta handlowego + Inforamcje na temat sprzedawcy, reprezentanta handlowego + + + Dokumenty niezaksięgowane + Dokumenty niezaksięgowane + Przeglądanie dokumentów niezaksięgowanych + + + Typy walut + Zarządza typami kursów walut + Określa typy kursów, np. natychmiastowy Spot, Międzykorporacyjny, kupna/sprzedaży. + + + Import kursów walut + Import kursów walut + Kursy są importowane po walidacje walut, podobnie do typu kursu waluty. Używa się powielenia kursu. Jeżeli jest tworzona wielkość proporcjonalna, używa się dzielnika kursu. + + + Procesy workflow + Monitoruje procesy Workflow + Przegląda i zarządza informacją o procesie instancji Workflow. + + + Działania workflow (wszystkie) + Monitoruje wszystkie działania Workflow + Monitoruje wszystkie działania Workflow + + + Odpowiedzialność Workflow + Odpowiedzialny za wykonanie Workflow + Za działania Workflow odpowiedzialny jest aktualny użytkownik. Odpowiedzialność Workflow pozwala znaleźć aktualnego użytkownika. + + + Cechy rejestracji + Cechy rejestracji aktywów + Poszczególne wartości rejestracji aktywów. + + + Rejestracja + Rejestracja użytkownika aktywów + Rejestracja użytkownika aktywów + + + Automaty przypisujące płatności do faktur + Algorytm przypisujący informacje z wyciągu do kontrahentów, faktur i płatności + Algorytm przypisujący informacje z wyciągu do kontrahentów, faktur i płatności + + + Batch płatności + Process Payment Patches for EFT + Electronic Fund Transfer Payment Batch. + + + Typ jednostki organizacyjnej + Zarządza typami jednostek organizacyjnych + Pozwala kategoryzować jednostki w celu raportowania przyczyn. + + + Harmonogram + Zarządza harmonogramem procesów i dziennikiem. + Procesy harmonogramu mają być wykonywane niesynchronicznie. + + + Procesor Workflow + Zarządza procesorem Workflow i dziennikami + Parametry serwera procesora Workflow + + + Temat aukcji + Temat aukcji kupna/sprzedaży + Temat aukcji kupna/sprzedaży + + + Typ tematu aukcji + Zarządza typami tematów aukcji i kategoriami + Określa jaki rodzaj aukcji jest używany na poszczególnym obszarze. + + + Sprzedający + Zarządza informacją o sprzedającym + Sprzedawcą jest użytkownik systemu biorący udział w aukcji. + + + Kupujący + Zarządza informacją o kupującym + Kupującym jest użytkownik systemu biorący udział w aukcji. + + + Procesor księgowania + Zarządza procesorami księgowania i dziennikami + Procesor księgowania/parametry serwera i dzinniki. + + + Procesor ostrzeżeń + Zarządza procesorem ostrzeżeń/parametrami serwera i dziennikami. + Procesor ostrzeżeń/parametry serwera + + + Powiązania kontrahentów + Zarządza powiązaniami między kontrahentami + Zarządza zasadami trzeciej strony: osoba otrzymująca faktury za przewóz lub płaci faktury. + + + Tematy zapytań ofertowych + Zarządza tematami zapytań ofertowych i członków aukcji + Zapytanie ofertowe pozwala zarządzać listą członków aukcji będącymi potencjalnymi dostawcami, mogący odpowiedzieć na zapytanie ofertowe. + + + Zapytanie ofertowe + Zapytanie ofertowe + Zapytanie ofertowe jest wysyłane dostawcom tematu zapytań. Po wyborze dostawcy, można utworzyć zamówienie obce lub zapytanie klienta, jak również zamówienie własne. + + + Subskrypcje + Maintain Subscriptions and Deliveries + Subscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renew + + + Typy subskrypcji + Maintain Subscription Types + Subscription type and renewal frequency + + + Listy dystrybucyjne + Zarządza listami dystrybucyjnymi + Listy dystrybucyjne zawierają kontrahentów, ilość dystrybuowaną oraz współczynnik zamówienia. + + + Opakowanie + Zarządza opakowaniem w przewozie + Przewóz/dostawa może mieć jeden lub więcej pakunków. Paczkę można śledzić. + + + Zwroty + Zarządza zwrotami materiałów. + Wymgane w celu akceptacji zwrotu oraz w celu utworzenia memo kredytowego. + + + Generowanie wezwań do zapłaty + + + + + Zapotrzebowania + Zapotrzebowania + Wprowadź i zarządzaj zapotrzebowaniem materiałowym + + + Automaty przeksięgowujące + Automaty przeksięgowujące + Jeżeli warunek numeru konta dla danego automatu przeksięgowującego jest spełniony dane księgowanie jest zastępowane księgowaniami zdefinowanymie w automacie. Poszczególne pozycje są generowane na podstawie wyspoecyfikowanych udziałów. + + + Odpowiedzi na zapytania ofertowe + Zarządza odpowiedziami na zapytania ofertowe. + + + + Uruchom dystrybucję + Tworzy zamówienia w celu dystrybucji produktów wybranej liście partnerów + Określa w jaki sposób tworzone są zamówienia w oparciu od listę dystrybucyjną. + + + Dziennik dostępu + Dziennik dostępu danych lub zasobów + Logowanie musi być czytelnie napisane. + + + Licznik dokumentów + Zarządza typami liczników dokumentów + Używając czytelnych dokumentów przy transakcjach wewnętrznych (przypisując kontrahenta do jednostki), należy określić na podstawie jakiego typu dokumentu pierwotnego opiera się licznik dokumentu . Przykład, zamówienie standardowe tworzy zamówienie własne. Jeżeli określisz związek, nadpiszesz domyślny licznik typu dokumentu w opisie typu dokumentu. Pozwoli to na określenie poszczególnego umiejscowienia na mapie. Jeżeli nie zostanie określony, użyte zostanie przypisanie pierwszego dokumentu. + + + Prognozy + Zarządza przewidywaniem materiałów + Prognoza materiałów + + + Zapotrzebowanie materiałowe + Zarządza zapotrzebowaniem materiałowym + Zapotrzebowanie może opierać się na prognozach, wymaganiu, otwartych zamówieniach. + + + Potwierdzenie przewozu/dostawy + Potwierdzenie przewozu/dostawy materiałów + Potwierdzenie przewozu/dostawy materiałów - Tworzone z dokumentu przewozu/dostawy + + + Typy zwrotów materiałów + Typy zwrotów materiałów + Zarządza typami materiałów + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/AD_Workbench_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/AD_Workbench_Trl_pl_PL.xml index aeb3ec376c..18c16b5cfb 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/AD_Workbench_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/AD_Workbench_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,3 +1,11 @@ - - -Sprzedaż \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + + Sprzedaż + + + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/AD_Workflow_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/AD_Workflow_Trl_pl_PL.xml index 8a23cdc46c..410aaa5104 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/AD_Workflow_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/AD_Workflow_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,23 +1,136 @@ - - -Ustawienia projektuUstawienia projetków i raportów do projektówProjects allow to monitor the status and progress of sales opportunities, service projects and investment projects. A Project is a process that is undertaken which can involve multiple steps or phases and require resources from more than one area.Ustawienia językówSetup a new Language of the system and translate elementsDefine a new language as a system language.Initial Client Setup ReviewReview of system level setup of a new ClientThis workflow reviews the system setup of a new client as performed by the automatic Initial Client Setup. -You may want to check also the following Workflows: -- Accounting Setup -- Business Partner Setup -- Product Setup -- Price list Setup -- Warehouse Setup -- Tax Setup -Accounting SetupReview and change Accounting SetupThis workflow allows you to review and change yout Accounting Rules. Business Partner SetupSetup Business Partner RulesThis workflow defines the Business Partners and the supporting rules.Ustawienia produktówSet up ProductsDefine your products manually. You should verify the settings especially if you import your products.Price List SetupDefine your Price Lists and DiscountsYou define your price lists after entering or importing your products** Invalid **Tax SetupSetup tax calculationSetup the tax calculation for products, services and chargesSales SetupSetup SalesSetting up Sales Representatives, Commissions as well as Marketing Channels and Campaigns.Performance Measurement SetupSetup your Performance MeasurementThis workflow guides you through setting up your performance measurement based on Key Performance Indicators, Balanced ScoreCard, etc. - -Most important: Do your analysis first! -- What are your goals and how do you measure it? - -When you are setting up the system, you do it in reverse: -First you define how you measure it and last you define the goals for the measurements. -You have three ways measuring performance: -- via quantifiable measures (e.g. sales of $3 million in Q1) -- via manual measures -- via achievements (tasks) - -The system converts the measures into percentages (based on the target and achieved measure - or number of total and reached achievements)Requet SetupSet up the client to process requestsRequisition SetupProcess RequisitionProcess_Order(Standard Process Order)Process_Shipment(Standard Process Shipment)Process_Invoice(Standard Process Onvoice)Process_Cash(Standard Process Cash)Process_Payment(Standard Process Payment)Process_Journal(Standard Process Journal)Process_JournalBatch(Standard Process Jornal Batch)Process RMA(Standard Process_RMA) \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + + Ustawienia projektu + Ustawienia projetków i raportów do projektów + Projects allow to monitor the status and progress of sales opportunities, service projects and investment projects. A Project is a process that is undertaken which can involve multiple steps or phases and require resources from more than one area. + + + Ustawienia języków + Setup a new Language of the system and translate elements + Define a new language as a system language. + + + Initial Client Setup Review + Review of system level setup of a new Client + This workflow reviews the system setup of a new client as performed by the automatic Initial Client Setup. +You may want to check also the following Workflows: +- Accounting Setup +- Business Partner Setup +- Product Setup +- Price list Setup +- Warehouse Setup +- Tax Setup + + + + Accounting Setup + Review and change Accounting Setup + This workflow allows you to review and change yout Accounting Rules. + + + Business Partner Setup + Setup Business Partner Rules + This workflow defines the Business Partners and the supporting rules. + + + Ustawienia produktów + Set up Products + Define your products manually. You should verify the settings especially if you import your products. + + + Price List Setup + Define your Price Lists and Discounts + You define your price lists after entering or importing your products + + + ** Invalid ** + + + + + Tax Setup + Setup tax calculation + Setup the tax calculation for products, services and charges + + + Sales Setup + Setup Sales + Setting up Sales Representatives, Commissions as well as Marketing Channels and Campaigns. + + + Performance Measurement Setup + Setup your Performance Measurement + This workflow guides you through setting up your performance measurement based on Key Performance Indicators, Balanced ScoreCard, etc. + +Most important: Do your analysis first! +- What are your goals and how do you measure it? + +When you are setting up the system, you do it in reverse: +First you define how you measure it and last you define the goals for the measurements. +You have three ways measuring performance: +- via quantifiable measures (e.g. sales of $3 million in Q1) +- via manual measures +- via achievements (tasks) + +The system converts the measures into percentages (based on the target and achieved measure - or number of total and reached achievements) + + + Requet Setup + Set up the client to process requests + + + + Requisition Setup + + + + + Process Requisition + + + + + Process_Order + (Standard Process Order) + + + + Process_Shipment + (Standard Process Shipment) + + + + Process_Invoice + (Standard Process Onvoice) + + + + Process_Cash + (Standard Process Cash) + + + + Process_Payment + (Standard Process Payment) + + + + Process_Journal + (Standard Process Journal) + + + + Process_JournalBatch + (Standard Process Jornal Batch) + + + + Process RMA + (Standard Process_RMA) + + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/C_Country_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/C_Country_Trl_pl_PL.xml index ec576707ac..5a9bb13141 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/C_Country_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/C_Country_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,1440 +1,1440 @@ - - - - - - - @C@, @R@ @P@ - Stany Zjednoczone - Stany Zjednoczone - State - - - D-@P@ @C@ - Niemcy - - - - - @P@ @C@ - Francja - Francja - - - - B-@P@ @C@ - Belgia - - - - - NL @P@ @C@ - Niderlandy - - - - - E-@P@ @C@ - Hiszpania - - - - - CH-@P@ @C@ - Szwajcaria - - - - - A-@P@ @C@ - Austria - Austria - - - - @C@, @R@ @P@ - Kanada - - Province - - - @C@, @P@ - Afganistan - Afganistan - - - - @C@, @P@ - Albania - Albania - - - - @C@, @P@ - Algeria - Algeria - - - - @C@, @P@ - Samoa - Samoa - - - - @C@, @P@ - Andora - Andora - - - - @C@, @P@ - Angola - Angola - - - - @C@, @P@ - Anguilla - Anguilla - - - - @C@, @P@ - Antarktyka - Antarktyka - - - - @C@, @P@ - Antigua And Barbuda - Antigua And Barbuda - - - - @C@, @P@ - Argentyna - Argentyna - - - - @C@, @P@ - Armenia - Armenia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Aruba - Aruba - - - - @C@, @P@ - Australia - Australia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Azerbejdzan - Azerberjdzan - - - - @C@, @P@ - Wyspy Bahama - Wyspy Bahama - - - - @C@, @P@ - Bahrain - Bahrain - - - - @C@, @P@ - Bangladesz - Bangladesz - - - - @C@, @P@ - Barbados - Barbados - - - - @C@, @P@ - Bialorus - Bialorus - - - - @C@, @P@ - Belize - Belize - - - - @C@, @P@ - Benin - Benin - - - - @C@, @P@ - Bermudy - Bermudy - - - - @C@, @P@ - Bhutan - Bhutan - - - - @C@, @P@ - Boliwia - Boliwia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Bosnia And Hercegowina - Bosnia And Hercegowina - - - - @C@, @P@ - Botswana - Botswana - - - - @C@, @P@ - Bouvet Island - Bouvet Island - - - - @C@, @P@ - Brazylia - Brazylia - - - - @C@, @P@ - British Indian Ocean Territory - British Indian Ocean Territory - - - - @C@, @P@ - Brunei Darussalam - Brunei Darussalam - - - - @C@, @P@ - Bulgaria - Bulgaria - - - - @C@, @P@ - Burkina Faso - Burkina Faso - - - - @C@, @P@ - Burundi - Burundi - - - - @C@, @P@ - Cambodza - Cambodza - - - - @C@, @P@ - Camerun - Camerun - - - - @C@, @P@ - Cape Verde - Cape Verde - - - - @C@, @P@ - Cayman Islands - Cayman Islands - - - - @C@, @P@ - Republika Srodkowej Afryki - Republika Srodkowej Afryki - - - - @C@, @P@ - Czad - Czad - - - - @C@, @P@ - Chile - Chile - - - - @C@, @P@ - Chiny - Chiny - - - - @C@, @P@ - Christmas Island - Christmas Island - - - - @C@, @P@ - Cocos (keeling) Islands - Cocos (keeling) Islands - - - - @C@, @P@ - Columbia - Columbia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Comoros - Comoros - - - - @C@, @P@ - Kongo - Kongo - - - - @C@, @P@ - Congo The Democratic Republic Of The - Congo The Democratic Republic Of The - - - - @C@, @P@ - Cook Islands - Cook Islands - - - - @C@, @P@ - Costa Rica - Costa Rica - - - - @C@, @P@ - Cote D'ivoire - Cote D'ivoire - - - - @C@, @P@ - Chorwacja - Chorwacja - - - - @C@, @P@ - Kuba - Kuba - - - - @C@, @P@ - Cypr - Cypr - - - - @C@, @P@ - Republika czeska - Republika czeska - - - - @C@, @P@ - Dania - Dania - - - - @C@, @P@ - Djibouti - Djibouti - - - - @C@, @P@ - Dominika - Dominika - - - - @C@, @P@ - Republika Dominikany - Republika Dominikany - - - - @C@, @P@ - Ekwador - Ekwador - - - - @C@, @P@ - Egipt - Egipt - - - - @C@, @P@ - El Salvador - El Salvador - - - - @C@, @P@ - Equatorial Guinea - Equatorial Guinea - - - - @C@, @P@ - Eritrea - Eritrea - - - - @C@, @P@ - Estonia - Estonia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Etiopia - Etiopia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Falkland Islands (malvinas) - Falkland Islands (malvinas) - - - - @C@, @P@ - Faroe Islands - Faroe Islands - - - - @C@, @P@ - Fidzi - Fidzi - - - - @C@, @P@ - Finlandia - Finlandia - - - - @C@, @P@ - French Guiana - French Guiana - - - - @C@, @P@ - French Polynesia - French Polynesia - - - - @C@, @P@ - French Southern Territories - French Southern Territories - - - - @C@, @P@ - Gabon - Gabon - - - - @C@, @P@ - Gambia - Gambia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Georgia - Georgia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Ghana - Ghana - - - - @C@, @P@ - Gibraltar - Gibraltar - - - - @C@, @P@ - Grecja - Grecja - - - - @C@, @P@ - Grenlandia - Grenlandia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Grenada - Grenada - - - - @C@, @P@ - Guadelupa - Guadelupa - - - - @C@, @P@ - Guam - Guam - - - - @C@, @P@ - Gwatemala - Gwatemala - - - - @C@, @P@ - Gwinea - Gwinea - - - - @C@, @P@ - Guinea-bissau - Guinea-bissau - - - - @C@, @P@ - Guyana - Guyana - - - - @C@, @P@ - Haiti - Haiti - - - - @C@, @P@ - Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands - Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands - - - - @C@, @P@ - Holy See (vatican City State) - Holy See (vatican City State) - - - - @C@, @P@ - Honduras - Honduras - - - - @C@, @P@ - Hong Kong - Hong Kong - - - - @C@, @P@ - Wegry - Wegry - - - - @C@, @P@ - Islandia - Islandia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Indie - Indie - - - - @C@, @P@ - Indonezja - Indonezja - - - - @C@, @P@ - Iran Islamic Republic Of - Iran Islamic Republic Of - - - - @C@, @P@ - Irak - Irak - - - - @C@, @P@ - Irlandia - Irlandia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Izrael - Izrael - - - - @C@, @P@ - Wlochy - Wlochy - - - - @C@, @P@ - Jamajka - Jamajka - - - - @C@, @P@ - Japonia - Japonia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Jordania - Jordania - - - - @C@, @P@ - Kazakstan - Kazakstan - - - - @C@, @P@ - Kenia - Kenia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Kiribati - Kiribati - - - - @C@, @P@ - Korea Democratic People's Republic Of - Korea Democratic People's Republic Of - - - - @C@, @P@ - Korea Republic Of - Korea Republic Of - - - - @C@, @P@ - Kuwejt - Kuwejt - - - - @C@, @P@ - Kyrgyzstan - Kyrgyzstan - - - - @C@, @P@ - Lao People's Democratic Republic - Lao People's Democratic Republic - - - - @C@, @P@ - Lotwa - Lotwa - - - - @C@, @P@ - Lebanon - Lebanon - - - - @C@, @P@ - Lesotho - Lesotho - - - - @C@, @P@ - Liberia - Liberia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Libyan Arab Jamahiriya - Libyan Arab Jamahiriya - - - - @C@, @P@ - Liechtenstein - Liechtenstein - - - - @C@, @P@ - Litwa - Litwa - - - - L-@P@ @C@ - Luxemburg - Luxemburg - - - - @C@, @P@ - Macao - Macao - - - - @C@, @P@ - Macedonia Former Yugoslav Republic Of - Macedonia Former Yugoslav Republic Of - - - - @C@, @P@ - Madagakar - Madagaskar - - - - @C@, @P@ - Malawi - Malawi - - - - @C@, @P@ - Malezja - Malezja - - - - @C@, @P@ - Maldives - Maldives - - - - @C@, @P@ - Mali - Mali - - - - @C@, @P@ - Malta - Malta - - - - @C@, @P@ - Wyspy Marshalla - Wyspy Marshalla - - - - @C@, @P@ - Martynika - Martynika - - - - @C@, @P@ - Mauretania - Mauretania - - - - @C@, @P@ - Mauritius - Mauritius - - - - @C@, @P@ - Mayotte - Mayotte - - - - @C@, @P@ - Meksyk - Meksyk - - - - @C@, @P@ - Micronesia Federated States Of - Micronesia Federated States Of - - - - @C@, @P@ - Moldova Republic Of - Moldova Republic Of - - - - @C@, @P@ - Monako - Monako - - - - @C@, @P@ - Mongolia - Mongolia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Montserrat - Montserrat - - - - @C@, @P@ - Moroko - Moroko - - - - @C@, @P@ - Mozambik - Mozambik - - - - @C@, @P@ - Myanmar - Myanmar - - - - @C@, @P@ - Namibia - Namibia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Nauru - Nauru - - - - @C@, @P@ - Nepal - Nepal - - - - @C@, @P@ - Netherlands Antilles - Netherlands Antilles - - - - @C@, @P@ - New Caledonia - New Caledonia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Nowa Zelandia - Nowa Zelandia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Nikaragua - Nikaragua - - - - @C@, @P@ - Niger - Niger - - - - @C@, @P@ - Nigeria - Nigeria - - - - @C@, @P@ - Niue - Niue - - - - @C@, @P@ - Norfolk Island - Norfolk Island - - - - @C@, @P@ - Northern Mariana Islands - Northern Mariana Islands - - - - @C@, @P@ - Norwegia - Norwegia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Oman - Oman - - - - @C@, @P@ - Pakistan - Pakistan - - - - @C@, @P@ - Palau - Palau - - - - @C@, @P@ - Okupowane Terytorium Palestynskie - Okupowane Terytorium Palestynskie - - - - @C@, @P@ - Panama - Panama - - - - @C@, @P@ - Papua Nowa Gwinea - Papua Nowa Gwinea - - - - @C@, @P@ - Paragwaj - Paragwaj - - - - @C@, @P@ - Peru - Peru - - - - @C@, @P@ - Filipiny - Filipiny - - - - @C@, @P@ - Pitcairn - Pitcairn - - - - @C@, @P@ - Polska - Poland - - - - @C@, @P@ - Portugalia - Portugalia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Puerto Rico - Puerto Rico - - - - @C@, @P@ - Qatar - Qatar - - - - @C@, @P@ - Reunion - Reunion - - - - @C@, @P@ - Rumunia - Rumunia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Rosja - Rosja - - - - @C@, @P@ - Rwanda - Rwanda - - - - @C@, @P@ - Wyspa Swietej Heleny - Wyspa Swietej Heleny - - - - @C@, @P@ - Saint Kitts And Nevis - Saint Kitts And Nevis - - - - @C@, @P@ - Saint Lucia - Saint Lucia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Saint Pierre And Miquelon - Saint Pierre And Miquelon - - - - @C@, @P@ - Saint Vincent And The Grenadines - Saint Vincent And The Grenadines - - - - @C@, @P@ - Samoa - Samoa - - - - @C@, @P@ - San Marino - San Marino - - - - @C@, @P@ - Sao Tome And Principe - Sao Tome And Principe - - - - @C@, @P@ - Arabia Saudyjska - Arabia Saudyjska - - - - @C@, @P@ - Senegal - Senegal - - - - @C@, @P@ - Seszele - Seszele - - - - @C@, @P@ - Sierra Leone - Sierra Leone - - - - @C@, @P@ - Singapur - Singapur - - - - @C@, @P@ - Slowacja - Slowacja - - - - @C@, @P@ - Slowenia - Slowenia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Wyspy Salomona - Wyspy Salomona - - - - @C@, @P@ - Somalia - Somalia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Poludniowa Afryka - Poludniowa Afryka - - - - @C@, @P@ - South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands - South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands - - - - @C@, @P@ - Sri Lanka - Sri Lanka - - - - @C@, @P@ - Sudan - Sudan - - - - @C@, @P@ - Suriname - Suriname - - - - @C@, @P@ - Svalbard And Jan Mayen - Svalbard And Jan Mayen - - - - @C@, @P@ - Swaziland - Swaziland - - - - @C@, @P@ - Szwecja - Szwecja - - - - @C@, @P@ - Syrian Arab Republic - Syrian Arab Republic - - - - @C@, @P@ - Tajwan - Tajwan - - - - @C@, @P@ - Tadzykistan - Tadzykistan - - - - @C@, @P@ - Tanzania United Republic Of - Tanzania United Republic Of - - - - @C@, @P@ - Tajlandia - Tajlandia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Timor-leste - Timor-leste - - - - @C@, @P@ - Togo - Togo - - - - @C@, @P@ - Tokelau - Tokelau - - - - @C@, @P@ - Tonga - Tonga - - - - @C@, @P@ - Trinidad And Tobago - Trinidad And Tobago - - - - @C@, @P@ - Tunezja - Tunezja - - - - @C@, @P@ - Turcja - Turcja - - - - @C@, @P@ - Turkmenistan - Turkmenistan - - - - @C@, @P@ - Turks And Caicos Islands - Turks And Caicos Islands - - - - @C@, @P@ - Tuvalu - Tuvalu - - - - @C@, @P@ - Uganda - Uganda - - - - @C@, @P@ - Ukraina - Ukraina - - - - @C@, @P@ - Zjednoczone Stany Emiratów - Zjednoczone Stany Emiratów - - - - @C@, @P@ - Zjednoczone Królestwo - Zjednoczone Królestwo - - - - @C@, @P@ - United States Minor Outlying Islands - United States Minor Outlying Islands - - - - @C@, @P@ - Urugwaj - Urugwaj - - - - @C@, @P@ - Uzbekistan - Uzbekistan - - - - @C@, @P@ - Vanuatu - Vanuatu - - - - @C@, @P@ - Wenezuela - Wnezuela - - - - @C@, @P@ - Wietnam - Wietnam - - - - @C@, @P@ - Brytyjskie Wyspy Dziewicze - Brytyjskie Wyspy Dziewicze - - - - @C@, @P@ - Amerykanskie Wyspy Dziewicze - Amerykanskie Wyspy Dziewicze - - - - @C@, @P@ - Wallis And Futuna - Wallis And Futuna - - - - @C@, @P@ - Zachodnia Sahara - Zachodnia Sahara - - - - @C@, @P@ - Jemen - Jemen - - - - @C@, @P@ - Jugoslawia - Jugoslawia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Zambia - Zambia - - - - @C@, @P@ - Zimbabwe - Zimbabwe - - - + + + + + + + @C@, @R@ @P@ + Stany Zjednoczone + Stany Zjednoczone + State + + + D-@P@ @C@ + Niemcy + + + + + @P@ @C@ + Francja + Francja + + + + B-@P@ @C@ + Belgia + + + + + NL @P@ @C@ + Niderlandy + + + + + E-@P@ @C@ + Hiszpania + + + + + CH-@P@ @C@ + Szwajcaria + + + + + A-@P@ @C@ + Austria + Austria + + + + @C@, @R@ @P@ + Kanada + + Province + + + @C@, @P@ + Afganistan + Afganistan + + + + @C@, @P@ + Albania + Albania + + + + @C@, @P@ + Algeria + Algeria + + + + @C@, @P@ + Samoa + Samoa + + + + @C@, @P@ + Andora + Andora + + + + @C@, @P@ + Angola + Angola + + + + @C@, @P@ + Anguilla + Anguilla + + + + @C@, @P@ + Antarktyka + Antarktyka + + + + @C@, @P@ + Antigua And Barbuda + Antigua And Barbuda + + + + @C@, @P@ + Argentyna + Argentyna + + + + @C@, @P@ + Armenia + Armenia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Aruba + Aruba + + + + @C@, @P@ + Australia + Australia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Azerbejdzan + Azerberjdzan + + + + @C@, @P@ + Wyspy Bahama + Wyspy Bahama + + + + @C@, @P@ + Bahrain + Bahrain + + + + @C@, @P@ + Bangladesz + Bangladesz + + + + @C@, @P@ + Barbados + Barbados + + + + @C@, @P@ + Bialorus + Bialorus + + + + @C@, @P@ + Belize + Belize + + + + @C@, @P@ + Benin + Benin + + + + @C@, @P@ + Bermudy + Bermudy + + + + @C@, @P@ + Bhutan + Bhutan + + + + @C@, @P@ + Boliwia + Boliwia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Bosnia And Hercegowina + Bosnia And Hercegowina + + + + @C@, @P@ + Botswana + Botswana + + + + @C@, @P@ + Bouvet Island + Bouvet Island + + + + @C@, @P@ + Brazylia + Brazylia + + + + @C@, @P@ + British Indian Ocean Territory + British Indian Ocean Territory + + + + @C@, @P@ + Brunei Darussalam + Brunei Darussalam + + + + @C@, @P@ + Bulgaria + Bulgaria + + + + @C@, @P@ + Burkina Faso + Burkina Faso + + + + @C@, @P@ + Burundi + Burundi + + + + @C@, @P@ + Cambodza + Cambodza + + + + @C@, @P@ + Camerun + Camerun + + + + @C@, @P@ + Cape Verde + Cape Verde + + + + @C@, @P@ + Cayman Islands + Cayman Islands + + + + @C@, @P@ + Republika Srodkowej Afryki + Republika Srodkowej Afryki + + + + @C@, @P@ + Czad + Czad + + + + @C@, @P@ + Chile + Chile + + + + @C@, @P@ + Chiny + Chiny + + + + @C@, @P@ + Christmas Island + Christmas Island + + + + @C@, @P@ + Cocos (keeling) Islands + Cocos (keeling) Islands + + + + @C@, @P@ + Columbia + Columbia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Comoros + Comoros + + + + @C@, @P@ + Kongo + Kongo + + + + @C@, @P@ + Congo The Democratic Republic Of The + Congo The Democratic Republic Of The + + + + @C@, @P@ + Cook Islands + Cook Islands + + + + @C@, @P@ + Costa Rica + Costa Rica + + + + @C@, @P@ + Cote D'ivoire + Cote D'ivoire + + + + @C@, @P@ + Chorwacja + Chorwacja + + + + @C@, @P@ + Kuba + Kuba + + + + @C@, @P@ + Cypr + Cypr + + + + @C@, @P@ + Republika czeska + Republika czeska + + + + @C@, @P@ + Dania + Dania + + + + @C@, @P@ + Djibouti + Djibouti + + + + @C@, @P@ + Dominika + Dominika + + + + @C@, @P@ + Republika Dominikany + Republika Dominikany + + + + @C@, @P@ + Ekwador + Ekwador + + + + @C@, @P@ + Egipt + Egipt + + + + @C@, @P@ + El Salvador + El Salvador + + + + @C@, @P@ + Equatorial Guinea + Equatorial Guinea + + + + @C@, @P@ + Eritrea + Eritrea + + + + @C@, @P@ + Estonia + Estonia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Etiopia + Etiopia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Falkland Islands (malvinas) + Falkland Islands (malvinas) + + + + @C@, @P@ + Faroe Islands + Faroe Islands + + + + @C@, @P@ + Fidzi + Fidzi + + + + @C@, @P@ + Finlandia + Finlandia + + + + @C@, @P@ + French Guiana + French Guiana + + + + @C@, @P@ + French Polynesia + French Polynesia + + + + @C@, @P@ + French Southern Territories + French Southern Territories + + + + @C@, @P@ + Gabon + Gabon + + + + @C@, @P@ + Gambia + Gambia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Georgia + Georgia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Ghana + Ghana + + + + @C@, @P@ + Gibraltar + Gibraltar + + + + @C@, @P@ + Grecja + Grecja + + + + @C@, @P@ + Grenlandia + Grenlandia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Grenada + Grenada + + + + @C@, @P@ + Guadelupa + Guadelupa + + + + @C@, @P@ + Guam + Guam + + + + @C@, @P@ + Gwatemala + Gwatemala + + + + @C@, @P@ + Gwinea + Gwinea + + + + @C@, @P@ + Guinea-bissau + Guinea-bissau + + + + @C@, @P@ + Guyana + Guyana + + + + @C@, @P@ + Haiti + Haiti + + + + @C@, @P@ + Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands + Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands + + + + @C@, @P@ + Holy See (vatican City State) + Holy See (vatican City State) + + + + @C@, @P@ + Honduras + Honduras + + + + @C@, @P@ + Hong Kong + Hong Kong + + + + @C@, @P@ + Wegry + Wegry + + + + @C@, @P@ + Islandia + Islandia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Indie + Indie + + + + @C@, @P@ + Indonezja + Indonezja + + + + @C@, @P@ + Iran Islamic Republic Of + Iran Islamic Republic Of + + + + @C@, @P@ + Irak + Irak + + + + @C@, @P@ + Irlandia + Irlandia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Izrael + Izrael + + + + @C@, @P@ + Wlochy + Wlochy + + + + @C@, @P@ + Jamajka + Jamajka + + + + @C@, @P@ + Japonia + Japonia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Jordania + Jordania + + + + @C@, @P@ + Kazakstan + Kazakstan + + + + @C@, @P@ + Kenia + Kenia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Kiribati + Kiribati + + + + @C@, @P@ + Korea Democratic People's Republic Of + Korea Democratic People's Republic Of + + + + @C@, @P@ + Korea Republic Of + Korea Republic Of + + + + @C@, @P@ + Kuwejt + Kuwejt + + + + @C@, @P@ + Kyrgyzstan + Kyrgyzstan + + + + @C@, @P@ + Lao People's Democratic Republic + Lao People's Democratic Republic + + + + @C@, @P@ + Lotwa + Lotwa + + + + @C@, @P@ + Lebanon + Lebanon + + + + @C@, @P@ + Lesotho + Lesotho + + + + @C@, @P@ + Liberia + Liberia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Libyan Arab Jamahiriya + Libyan Arab Jamahiriya + + + + @C@, @P@ + Liechtenstein + Liechtenstein + + + + @C@, @P@ + Litwa + Litwa + + + + L-@P@ @C@ + Luxemburg + Luxemburg + + + + @C@, @P@ + Macao + Macao + + + + @C@, @P@ + Macedonia Former Yugoslav Republic Of + Macedonia Former Yugoslav Republic Of + + + + @C@, @P@ + Madagakar + Madagaskar + + + + @C@, @P@ + Malawi + Malawi + + + + @C@, @P@ + Malezja + Malezja + + + + @C@, @P@ + Maldives + Maldives + + + + @C@, @P@ + Mali + Mali + + + + @C@, @P@ + Malta + Malta + + + + @C@, @P@ + Wyspy Marshalla + Wyspy Marshalla + + + + @C@, @P@ + Martynika + Martynika + + + + @C@, @P@ + Mauretania + Mauretania + + + + @C@, @P@ + Mauritius + Mauritius + + + + @C@, @P@ + Mayotte + Mayotte + + + + @C@, @P@ + Meksyk + Meksyk + + + + @C@, @P@ + Micronesia Federated States Of + Micronesia Federated States Of + + + + @C@, @P@ + Moldova Republic Of + Moldova Republic Of + + + + @C@, @P@ + Monako + Monako + + + + @C@, @P@ + Mongolia + Mongolia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Montserrat + Montserrat + + + + @C@, @P@ + Moroko + Moroko + + + + @C@, @P@ + Mozambik + Mozambik + + + + @C@, @P@ + Myanmar + Myanmar + + + + @C@, @P@ + Namibia + Namibia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Nauru + Nauru + + + + @C@, @P@ + Nepal + Nepal + + + + @C@, @P@ + Netherlands Antilles + Netherlands Antilles + + + + @C@, @P@ + New Caledonia + New Caledonia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Nowa Zelandia + Nowa Zelandia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Nikaragua + Nikaragua + + + + @C@, @P@ + Niger + Niger + + + + @C@, @P@ + Nigeria + Nigeria + + + + @C@, @P@ + Niue + Niue + + + + @C@, @P@ + Norfolk Island + Norfolk Island + + + + @C@, @P@ + Northern Mariana Islands + Northern Mariana Islands + + + + @C@, @P@ + Norwegia + Norwegia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Oman + Oman + + + + @C@, @P@ + Pakistan + Pakistan + + + + @C@, @P@ + Palau + Palau + + + + @C@, @P@ + Okupowane Terytorium Palestynskie + Okupowane Terytorium Palestynskie + + + + @C@, @P@ + Panama + Panama + + + + @C@, @P@ + Papua Nowa Gwinea + Papua Nowa Gwinea + + + + @C@, @P@ + Paragwaj + Paragwaj + + + + @C@, @P@ + Peru + Peru + + + + @C@, @P@ + Filipiny + Filipiny + + + + @C@, @P@ + Pitcairn + Pitcairn + + + + @C@, @P@ + Polska + Poland + + + + @C@, @P@ + Portugalia + Portugalia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Puerto Rico + Puerto Rico + + + + @C@, @P@ + Qatar + Qatar + + + + @C@, @P@ + Reunion + Reunion + + + + @C@, @P@ + Rumunia + Rumunia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Rosja + Rosja + + + + @C@, @P@ + Rwanda + Rwanda + + + + @C@, @P@ + Wyspa Swietej Heleny + Wyspa Swietej Heleny + + + + @C@, @P@ + Saint Kitts And Nevis + Saint Kitts And Nevis + + + + @C@, @P@ + Saint Lucia + Saint Lucia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Saint Pierre And Miquelon + Saint Pierre And Miquelon + + + + @C@, @P@ + Saint Vincent And The Grenadines + Saint Vincent And The Grenadines + + + + @C@, @P@ + Samoa + Samoa + + + + @C@, @P@ + San Marino + San Marino + + + + @C@, @P@ + Sao Tome And Principe + Sao Tome And Principe + + + + @C@, @P@ + Arabia Saudyjska + Arabia Saudyjska + + + + @C@, @P@ + Senegal + Senegal + + + + @C@, @P@ + Seszele + Seszele + + + + @C@, @P@ + Sierra Leone + Sierra Leone + + + + @C@, @P@ + Singapur + Singapur + + + + @C@, @P@ + Slowacja + Slowacja + + + + @C@, @P@ + Slowenia + Slowenia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Wyspy Salomona + Wyspy Salomona + + + + @C@, @P@ + Somalia + Somalia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Poludniowa Afryka + Poludniowa Afryka + + + + @C@, @P@ + South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands + South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands + + + + @C@, @P@ + Sri Lanka + Sri Lanka + + + + @C@, @P@ + Sudan + Sudan + + + + @C@, @P@ + Suriname + Suriname + + + + @C@, @P@ + Svalbard And Jan Mayen + Svalbard And Jan Mayen + + + + @C@, @P@ + Swaziland + Swaziland + + + + @C@, @P@ + Szwecja + Szwecja + + + + @C@, @P@ + Syrian Arab Republic + Syrian Arab Republic + + + + @C@, @P@ + Tajwan + Tajwan + + + + @C@, @P@ + Tadzykistan + Tadzykistan + + + + @C@, @P@ + Tanzania United Republic Of + Tanzania United Republic Of + + + + @C@, @P@ + Tajlandia + Tajlandia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Timor-leste + Timor-leste + + + + @C@, @P@ + Togo + Togo + + + + @C@, @P@ + Tokelau + Tokelau + + + + @C@, @P@ + Tonga + Tonga + + + + @C@, @P@ + Trinidad And Tobago + Trinidad And Tobago + + + + @C@, @P@ + Tunezja + Tunezja + + + + @C@, @P@ + Turcja + Turcja + + + + @C@, @P@ + Turkmenistan + Turkmenistan + + + + @C@, @P@ + Turks And Caicos Islands + Turks And Caicos Islands + + + + @C@, @P@ + Tuvalu + Tuvalu + + + + @C@, @P@ + Uganda + Uganda + + + + @C@, @P@ + Ukraina + Ukraina + + + + @C@, @P@ + Zjednoczone Stany Emiratów + Zjednoczone Stany Emiratów + + + + @C@, @P@ + Zjednoczone Królestwo + Zjednoczone Królestwo + + + + @C@, @P@ + United States Minor Outlying Islands + United States Minor Outlying Islands + + + + @C@, @P@ + Urugwaj + Urugwaj + + + + @C@, @P@ + Uzbekistan + Uzbekistan + + + + @C@, @P@ + Vanuatu + Vanuatu + + + + @C@, @P@ + Wenezuela + Wnezuela + + + + @C@, @P@ + Wietnam + Wietnam + + + + @C@, @P@ + Brytyjskie Wyspy Dziewicze + Brytyjskie Wyspy Dziewicze + + + + @C@, @P@ + Amerykanskie Wyspy Dziewicze + Amerykanskie Wyspy Dziewicze + + + + @C@, @P@ + Wallis And Futuna + Wallis And Futuna + + + + @C@, @P@ + Zachodnia Sahara + Zachodnia Sahara + + + + @C@, @P@ + Jemen + Jemen + + + + @C@, @P@ + Jugoslawia + Jugoslawia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Zambia + Zambia + + + + @C@, @P@ + Zimbabwe + Zimbabwe + + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/C_Currency_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/C_Currency_Trl_pl_PL.xml index e9d8c03c33..82de25f0be 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/C_Currency_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/C_Currency_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,694 +1,694 @@ - - - - - - - Dolar amerykański - $ - - - Euro - E - - - Marka niemiecka - DM - - - Szyling austriacki - Sch - - - Frank belgijski - BFr - - - Marka finska - FM - - - Funt irlandzki - - - - Liry wloskie - L - - - - Fl - - - Escudo portugalskie - Es - - - Peso hiszpanskie - Pts - - - Frank francuski - Fr - - - Jen japonski - ¥ - - - Funt brytyjski - £ - - - Frank szwajcarski (invalid currency code - use CHF) - SFr - - - Dolar kanadyjski - C$ - - - Peso argentynskie - $ - - - Dolar australijski - $ - - - Dolar nowozelandzki - $ - - - Liberian Dollar - $ - - - Peso meksykanskie - $ - - - Peso urugwajskie - $U - - - Armenian Dram - - - - Kwanza - - - - Azerbaijanian Manat - - - - Boliviano - - - - Frank kongijski - - - - Korona czeska - - - - Lari - - - - Iranian Rial - - - - Lithuanian Litus - - - - Moldovan Leu - - - - Peso filipinskie - - - - Złoty polski - - - - Rubel rosyjski - - - - Sudanese Dinar - - - - Somoni - - - - Manat - - - - Timor Escudo - - - - Hrywna - - - - Uzbekistan Sum - - - - Funt cypryjski - £C - - - Funt egipski - £E - - - Falkland Islands Pound - £F - - - Gibraltar Pound - £G - - - Saint Helena Pound - £S - - - Syrian Pound - £S - - - Cedi - ¢ - - - El Salvador Colon - ¢ - - - Afghani - Af - - - Aruban Guilder - Af. - - - Balboa - B - - - Brunei Dollar - B$ - - - Bahamian Dollar - B$ - - - Bahraini Dinar - BD - - - Bermudian Dollar - Bd$ - - - Barbados Dollar - Bds$ - - - Belarussian Ruble - BR - - - Ethiopian Birr - Br - - - Bolivar - Bs - - - Baht - Bt - - - Belize Dollar - BZ$ - - - Cordoba Oro - C$ - - - Cape Verde Escudo - C.V.Esc. - - - Comoro Franc - CF - - - CFA Franc BCEAO - CFAF - - - CFA Franc BEAC - CFAF - - - CFP Franc - CFPF - - - Chilean Peso - Ch$ - - - Cayman Islands Dollar - CI$ - - - Colombian Peso - Col$ - - - Riel - CR - - - Cuban Peso - Cu$ - - - Dalasi - D - - - Dong - D - - - Algerian Dinar - DA - - - Dobra - Db - - - Djibouti Franc - DF - - - UAE Dirham - Dh - - - Moroccan Dirham - DH - - - Yugoslavian Dinar - Din - - - Korona dunskaDanish Krone - Dkr - - - East Caribbean Dollar - EC$ - - - Fiji Dollar - F$ - - - Burundi Franc - FBu - - - Malagasy Franc - FMG - - - Forint - Ft - - - Gourde - G - - - Guyana Dollar - G$ - - - Dolar hongkonski - HK$ - - - Croatian Kuna - HRK - - - Iraqi Dinar - ID - - - Iceland Krona - IKr - - - Jamaican Dollar - J$ - - - Jordanian Dinar - JD - - - Kyat - K - - - Kina - K - - - Kenyan Shilling - K Sh - - - Kuwaiti Dinar - KD - - - Convertible Marks - KM - - - Kip - KN - - - Nakfa - KR - - - Lek - L - - - Lempira - L - - - Leu - L - - - Lilangeni - L - - - Libyan Dinar - LD - - - Leone - Le - - - Maltese Lira - Lm - - - Latvian Lats - Ls - - - Lev - Lv - - - Mauritius Rupee - Mau Rs - - - Kwacha - MK - - - Denar - MKD - - - Metical - Mt - - - Netherlands Antillian Guilder - NAf. - - - Kroon - Nfa - - - New Israeli Sheqel - NIS - - - Norwegian Krone - NKr - - - Nepalese Rupee - NRs - - - New Taiwan Dollar - NT$ - - - Pula - P - - - Pataca - P - - - Quetzal - Q - - - Qatari Rial - QR - - - Rand - R - - - Brazilian Real - R$ - - - Dominican Peso - RD$ - - - Rufiyaa - Rf - - - Rwanda Franc - RF - - - Malaysian Ringgit - RM - - - Rial Omani - RO - - - Rupiah - Rp - - - Indian Rupee - Rs - - - Pakistan Rupee - Rs - - - Dolar singapurski - S$ - - - Nuevo Sol - S/. - - - Suriname Guilder - Sf. - - - Solomon Islands Dollar - SI$ - - - Swedish Krona - Sk - - - Slovak Koruna - Sk - - - Sri Lanka Rupee - SLRs - - - Tolar - SlT - - - Somali Shilling - So. Sh. - - - Seychelles Rupee - SR - - - Saudi Riyal - SRls - - - Frank szwajcarski - SFr - - - Pa’anga - T$ - - - Dinar tunezyjski - TD - - - Taka - Tk - - - Turkish Lira - TL - - - Tanzanian Shilling - TSh - - - Trinidad and Tobago Dollar - TT$ - - - Tugrik - Tug - - - Ouguiya - UM - - - Uganda Shilling - USh - - - Vatu - VT - - - Won - W - - - Tala - WS$ - - - Yuan Renminbi - Y - - - Yemeni Rial - YRls - - - Zimbabwe Dollar - Z$ - - - Kwacha - ZK - - - Costa Rican Colon - - - - Guinea Franc - - - - Guinea-Bissau Peso - - - - Som - - - - North Korean Won - - - - Tenge - - - - Lebanese Pound - - - - Naira - - - - Guarani - - - + + + + + + + Dolar amerykański + $ + + + Euro + E + + + Marka niemiecka + DM + + + Szyling austriacki + Sch + + + Frank belgijski + BFr + + + Marka finska + FM + + + Funt irlandzki + + + + Liry wloskie + L + + + + Fl + + + Escudo portugalskie + Es + + + Peso hiszpanskie + Pts + + + Frank francuski + Fr + + + Jen japonski + ¥ + + + Funt brytyjski + £ + + + Frank szwajcarski (invalid currency code - use CHF) + SFr + + + Dolar kanadyjski + C$ + + + Peso argentynskie + $ + + + Dolar australijski + $ + + + Dolar nowozelandzki + $ + + + Liberian Dollar + $ + + + Peso meksykanskie + $ + + + Peso urugwajskie + $U + + + Armenian Dram + + + + Kwanza + + + + Azerbaijanian Manat + + + + Boliviano + + + + Frank kongijski + + + + Korona czeska + + + + Lari + + + + Iranian Rial + + + + Lithuanian Litus + + + + Moldovan Leu + + + + Peso filipinskie + + + + Złoty polski + + + + Rubel rosyjski + + + + Sudanese Dinar + + + + Somoni + + + + Manat + + + + Timor Escudo + + + + Hrywna + + + + Uzbekistan Sum + + + + Funt cypryjski + £C + + + Funt egipski + £E + + + Falkland Islands Pound + £F + + + Gibraltar Pound + £G + + + Saint Helena Pound + £S + + + Syrian Pound + £S + + + Cedi + ¢ + + + El Salvador Colon + ¢ + + + Afghani + Af + + + Aruban Guilder + Af. + + + Balboa + B + + + Brunei Dollar + B$ + + + Bahamian Dollar + B$ + + + Bahraini Dinar + BD + + + Bermudian Dollar + Bd$ + + + Barbados Dollar + Bds$ + + + Belarussian Ruble + BR + + + Ethiopian Birr + Br + + + Bolivar + Bs + + + Baht + Bt + + + Belize Dollar + BZ$ + + + Cordoba Oro + C$ + + + Cape Verde Escudo + C.V.Esc. + + + Comoro Franc + CF + + + CFA Franc BCEAO + CFAF + + + CFA Franc BEAC + CFAF + + + CFP Franc + CFPF + + + Chilean Peso + Ch$ + + + Cayman Islands Dollar + CI$ + + + Colombian Peso + Col$ + + + Riel + CR + + + Cuban Peso + Cu$ + + + Dalasi + D + + + Dong + D + + + Algerian Dinar + DA + + + Dobra + Db + + + Djibouti Franc + DF + + + UAE Dirham + Dh + + + Moroccan Dirham + DH + + + Yugoslavian Dinar + Din + + + Korona dunskaDanish Krone + Dkr + + + East Caribbean Dollar + EC$ + + + Fiji Dollar + F$ + + + Burundi Franc + FBu + + + Malagasy Franc + FMG + + + Forint + Ft + + + Gourde + G + + + Guyana Dollar + G$ + + + Dolar hongkonski + HK$ + + + Croatian Kuna + HRK + + + Iraqi Dinar + ID + + + Iceland Krona + IKr + + + Jamaican Dollar + J$ + + + Jordanian Dinar + JD + + + Kyat + K + + + Kina + K + + + Kenyan Shilling + K Sh + + + Kuwaiti Dinar + KD + + + Convertible Marks + KM + + + Kip + KN + + + Nakfa + KR + + + Lek + L + + + Lempira + L + + + Leu + L + + + Lilangeni + L + + + Libyan Dinar + LD + + + Leone + Le + + + Maltese Lira + Lm + + + Latvian Lats + Ls + + + Lev + Lv + + + Mauritius Rupee + Mau Rs + + + Kwacha + MK + + + Denar + MKD + + + Metical + Mt + + + Netherlands Antillian Guilder + NAf. + + + Kroon + Nfa + + + New Israeli Sheqel + NIS + + + Norwegian Krone + NKr + + + Nepalese Rupee + NRs + + + New Taiwan Dollar + NT$ + + + Pula + P + + + Pataca + P + + + Quetzal + Q + + + Qatari Rial + QR + + + Rand + R + + + Brazilian Real + R$ + + + Dominican Peso + RD$ + + + Rufiyaa + Rf + + + Rwanda Franc + RF + + + Malaysian Ringgit + RM + + + Rial Omani + RO + + + Rupiah + Rp + + + Indian Rupee + Rs + + + Pakistan Rupee + Rs + + + Dolar singapurski + S$ + + + Nuevo Sol + S/. + + + Suriname Guilder + Sf. + + + Solomon Islands Dollar + SI$ + + + Swedish Krona + Sk + + + Slovak Koruna + Sk + + + Sri Lanka Rupee + SLRs + + + Tolar + SlT + + + Somali Shilling + So. Sh. + + + Seychelles Rupee + SR + + + Saudi Riyal + SRls + + + Frank szwajcarski + SFr + + + Pa’anga + T$ + + + Dinar tunezyjski + TD + + + Taka + Tk + + + Turkish Lira + TL + + + Tanzanian Shilling + TSh + + + Trinidad and Tobago Dollar + TT$ + + + Tugrik + Tug + + + Ouguiya + UM + + + Uganda Shilling + USh + + + Vatu + VT + + + Won + W + + + Tala + WS$ + + + Yuan Renminbi + Y + + + Yemeni Rial + YRls + + + Zimbabwe Dollar + Z$ + + + Kwacha + ZK + + + Costa Rican Colon + + + + Guinea Franc + + + + Guinea-Bissau Peso + + + + Som + + + + North Korean Won + + + + Tenge + + + + Lebanese Pound + + + + Naira + + + + Guarani + + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/C_DocType_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/C_DocType_Trl_pl_PL.xml index 2de6f40110..081852cfef 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/C_DocType_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/C_DocType_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,346 +1,346 @@ - - - - - - - ** Nowy ** - ** Nowy ** - ** Dokument nie został zatwierdzony ** - - - Dziennik księgi głównej - Dziennik księgi głównej - - - - Faktura sprzedaży - Faktura - Tekst promocyjny - - - AR Invoice Indirect - Invoice - Tekst promocyjny - - - AR Credit Memo - Credit Memo - - - - AR Receipt - Receipt - - - - Dostawa - Delivery Note - - - - MM Shipment Indirect - Delivery Note - - - - Dostawa (MM Recepit) - Vendor Delivery - - - - Faktura zakupu - Faktura zakupu - - - - AP CreditMemo - Vendor Credit Memo - - - - Płatność własna - Płatność własna - - - - Zamówienie - Zamówienie - - - - Zapotrzebowanie - Zapotrzebowanie - - - - Quotation - Quotation - - - - Propozycja - Propozycja - - - - Zamówienie z przedpłatą - Zamówienie z przedpłatą - - - - Zwrot towaru - Zwrot towaru - - - - Zamówienie standardowe - Zamówienie standardowe - - - - Zamówienie na kredyt - Order Confirmation - - - - Wydanie zewnętrzne - Order Confirmation - - - - Sprzedaż detaliczna - Sprzedaż detaliczna - - - - Project Issue - Project Issue - - - - Przypisanie płatności - Przypisanie płatności - - - - Powiązanie faktur - Powiązanie faktur - - - - Material Production - Material Production - - - - Dokument księgowy - Dokument księgowy - - - - Cash Journal - Cash Journal - - - - Match PO - Match PO - - - - Przesunięcie magazynowe - Przesunięcie magazynowe - - - - Dokument inwentaryzacyjny - Dokument inwentaryzacyjny - - - - AR Pro Forma Invoice - AR Pro Forma Invoice - - - - Wyciąg bankowy - Wyciąg bankowy - - - - MM Receipt with Confirmation - Vendor Delivery - - - - Dostawa towaru z odebraniem - Delivery Note - - - - Zwrot - Zwrot - - - - Dziennik księgi głównej - Dziennik - - - - Batch księgi głównej - Batch księgi głównej - - - - Faktura sprzedaży - Faktura sprzedaży - - - - Faktura sprzedaży (nie bezpośrednia) - Faktura - - - - AR Credit Memo - Credit Memo - - - - Faktura zakupu - Faktura zakupu - - - - AP CreditMemo - Vendor Credit Memo - - - - Powiązanie faktur - Powiązanie faktur - - - - Kasa Przyjmie - Customer Payment - - - - Kasa wyda - Vendor Payment - - - - Przypisanie - Przypisanie - - - - Dostawa - Delivery Note - - - - Dostawa (nie bezpośrednia) - Delivery Note - - - - MM Receipt - Vendor Delivery - - - - Zwroty - Zwroty - - - - Zamówienie zakupu - Zamówienie zakupu - - - - Match PO - Patch PO - - - - Zapotrzebowanie - Zapotrzebowanie - - - - Wyciąg bankowy - Wyciąg bankowy - - - - Księga kasowa - Księga kasowa - - - - Przesunięcie magazynowe - Przesunięcie magazynowe - - - - Physical Inventory - Physical Inventory - - - - Material Production - Material Production - - - - Project Issue - Project Issue - - - - Oferta - Quotation - - - - Brak ofert - Proposal - - - - Zamówienie z przedpłatą - Zamówienie z przedpłatą - - - - Zwrot - Zwrot - - - - Zamówienie standardowe - Order Confirmation - - - - - Order Confirmation - - - - Warehouse Order - Order Confirmation - - - - Sprzedaż detaliczna - Order Confirmation - - - + + + + + + + ** Nowy ** + ** Nowy ** + ** Dokument nie został zatwierdzony ** + + + Dziennik księgi głównej + Dziennik księgi głównej + + + + Faktura sprzedaży + Faktura + Tekst promocyjny + + + AR Invoice Indirect + Invoice + Tekst promocyjny + + + AR Credit Memo + Credit Memo + + + + AR Receipt + Receipt + + + + Dostawa + Delivery Note + + + + MM Shipment Indirect + Delivery Note + + + + Dostawa (MM Recepit) + Vendor Delivery + + + + Faktura zakupu + Faktura zakupu + + + + AP CreditMemo + Vendor Credit Memo + + + + Płatność własna + Płatność własna + + + + Zamówienie + Zamówienie + + + + Zapotrzebowanie + Zapotrzebowanie + + + + Quotation + Quotation + + + + Propozycja + Propozycja + + + + Zamówienie z przedpłatą + Zamówienie z przedpłatą + + + + Zwrot towaru + Zwrot towaru + + + + Zamówienie standardowe + Zamówienie standardowe + + + + Zamówienie na kredyt + Order Confirmation + + + + Wydanie zewnętrzne + Order Confirmation + + + + Sprzedaż detaliczna + Sprzedaż detaliczna + + + + Project Issue + Project Issue + + + + Przypisanie płatności + Przypisanie płatności + + + + Powiązanie faktur + Powiązanie faktur + + + + Material Production + Material Production + + + + Dokument księgowy + Dokument księgowy + + + + Cash Journal + Cash Journal + + + + Match PO + Match PO + + + + Przesunięcie magazynowe + Przesunięcie magazynowe + + + + Dokument inwentaryzacyjny + Dokument inwentaryzacyjny + + + + AR Pro Forma Invoice + AR Pro Forma Invoice + + + + Wyciąg bankowy + Wyciąg bankowy + + + + MM Receipt with Confirmation + Vendor Delivery + + + + Dostawa towaru z odebraniem + Delivery Note + + + + Zwrot + Zwrot + + + + Dziennik księgi głównej + Dziennik + + + + Batch księgi głównej + Batch księgi głównej + + + + Faktura sprzedaży + Faktura sprzedaży + + + + Faktura sprzedaży (nie bezpośrednia) + Faktura + + + + AR Credit Memo + Credit Memo + + + + Faktura zakupu + Faktura zakupu + + + + AP CreditMemo + Vendor Credit Memo + + + + Powiązanie faktur + Powiązanie faktur + + + + Kasa Przyjmie + Customer Payment + + + + Kasa wyda + Vendor Payment + + + + Przypisanie + Przypisanie + + + + Dostawa + Delivery Note + + + + Dostawa (nie bezpośrednia) + Delivery Note + + + + MM Receipt + Vendor Delivery + + + + Zwroty + Zwroty + + + + Zamówienie zakupu + Zamówienie zakupu + + + + Match PO + Patch PO + + + + Zapotrzebowanie + Zapotrzebowanie + + + + Wyciąg bankowy + Wyciąg bankowy + + + + Księga kasowa + Księga kasowa + + + + Przesunięcie magazynowe + Przesunięcie magazynowe + + + + Physical Inventory + Physical Inventory + + + + Material Production + Material Production + + + + Project Issue + Project Issue + + + + Oferta + Quotation + + + + Brak ofert + Proposal + + + + Zamówienie z przedpłatą + Zamówienie z przedpłatą + + + + Zwrot + Zwrot + + + + Zamówienie standardowe + Order Confirmation + + + + + Order Confirmation + + + + Warehouse Order + Order Confirmation + + + + Sprzedaż detaliczna + Order Confirmation + + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/C_DunningLevel_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/C_DunningLevel_Trl_pl_PL.xml index 233f35f878..a959ed5783 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/C_DunningLevel_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/C_DunningLevel_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,2 +1,4 @@ - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/C_ElementValue_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/C_ElementValue_Trl_pl_PL.xml index 7f3a068c19..74d8f7e7a0 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/C_ElementValue_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/C_ElementValue_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,3 +1,1706 @@ - - -Tree Farm PayableTree Farm PayableSideline RevenueRoyalties RevenueUnearned revenueWe have invoiced, but not delivered yetNot invoiced revenueWe delivered but have not invoiced yetSales DiscountsTrade DiscountsGranted Trade discounts (corrects Product Revenue)Payment discount expenseGranted early payment discount to customersPromotion DiscountsCost of Goods SoldProduct CoGsCost of Goods SoldMerchandise PurchasesDefault Product or Service costs (I.e. not on inventory)Services PurchasesSideline PurchasesFreight inReturnsReturns ExpenseReturns to VendorsInventory CoGsInventory ShrinkagePhysical Inventory Gain/LossInventory Write Down Below CostInventory AdjustmentInventory Actual Accounting Value AdjustmentInventory RevaluationDifference to (lower cost) or marketCoGS VariancesInvoice price varianceDifference between product cost and invoice price (IPV)Purchase price varianceDifference between purchase price and standard costs (PPV)CoGs DiscountsTrade discounts receivedReceived Trade Discounts (corrects Product expense)Payment discount revenueGranted early payment discount from vendorsExpensesPayroll ExpensesSalariesVacation PayVacation Pay OwnersSick Pay OwnersRetirement (Pension, Proft Sharing, 401k)FICA Tax OwnersFederal/State UnemploymentFederal/State Unemployment OwnersHealth Insurance Premium OwnersHealth Insurance Employee ContributionHealth Insurance Cobra PaymentsWorkers Compensation InsuranceDisability Insurance PremiumDisability Insurance Premium OwnersDisability Insurance Employee ContributionLife Insurance PremiumLife Insurance Premium OwnersLife Insurance Employee ContributionOther Benefit ExpenseStaff Gifts & PerksStaff Picnic (100% Deductible)Payroll Processing ExpenseOccupancy CostRent ExpenseUtilitiesOther Occupancy CostsAdvertisingMedia AdvertisingCatalog, NewsletterEventsWeb HostingOther Advertising & PromotionVendor Advertising AllowancesTelephoneMobile TelephoneNetwork ChargesLegal FeesAccounting FeesInventory Verification FeesStationary & SuppliesStationary & Supplies - Office UseJanitorial SuppliesData Processing SuppliesData Processing RentalOutside Computer ServicesDepreciation ExpenseBuilding DepreciationLeasehold Improvement DepreciationFurniture DepreciationFixtures DepreciationEquipment DepreciationData Processing Equipment DepreciationSoftware DepreciationBusiness TravelBusiness Travel - Auto ReimbursementAssetsCashChecking AccountBank AssetChecking In-TransferBank transactions in transitChecking Unidentified ReceiptsReceipts from unidentified customerChecking Unallocated ReceiptsReceived, unallocated paymentsChecking Account 2Savings AccountCash in RegistersPetty CashCash Book AssetPetty Cash In-TransferCash Book TransferAccounts ReceivableAccounts Receivable - TradeAccounts ReceivablesA/R Non Sufficient Funds Returned ChecksA/R Trade Allowance for Bad DebitNot invoiced receivablesWe delivered but have not invoiced yetCredit Card in TransitIn Transit A/R AmexIn Transit A/R Master CardIn Transit A/R VisaA/R Credit Cards Allowance for Bad DebitVendor Allowances ReceivableLoans ReceivableLoans Receivable EmployeesLoans Receivable OthersPrepaymentsVendor prepaymentPrepayments for future expenseEmployee Expense PrepaymentExpense advancesTax credit A/RTax to be re-imbursed - before tax declarationTax receivablesTax to receive based on tax declarationA/R MiscellaneousInvestmentsUS Government ObligationsTax-Exempt SecuritiesOther InvestmentsInventoryPrepaid Expenses, Deposits & Other Current AssetsPrepaid ExpensesPrepaid InsurancePrepaid RentPrepaid InterestPrepaid OthersDepositsDeposit RentDeposit UtilitiesDeposit OthersOther Current AssetsOther Current AssetsLand and BuildingLandBuildingLand ImprovementsBuilding ImprovementsLeasehold ImprovementsFurniture, Fixtures & EquipmentFurnitureFixturesEquipmentVehiclesData Processing EquipmentSoftwareProject assetCreated AssetProject WIPAsset Work in ProgressBuilding Accumulated DepreciationLand Improvement Accumulated DepreciationBuilding Improvement Accumulated DepreciationFurniture Accumulated DepreciationFixtures Accumulated DepreciationEquipment Accumulated DepreciationVehicles Accumulated DepreciationData Processing Equipment Accumulated DepreciationOther AssetsIntangible AssetsAmortizable AssetsCustomer ListsOther Intangible AssetsAccumulated AmorizationOther AssetsLiabilitiesAccounts PayablesAccounts Payables TradeNot invoiced receiptsReceived products/services from vendors, but not invoicedAccounts Payable ServicesAccounts Payables for non-product revenuePayment selectionSelected A/P invoices for paymentCustomer PayablesMerchandise Credits UnredeemedGift Certificated UnredeemedSpecial Order DepositsMail Order DepositsTax PayablesTax dueTax to be paid - before tax declarationTax liabilityTax to be paid based on tax declarationWithholding (Tax)Withholding for 1099 or Quality GuaranteeWithholding (Other)Intercompany Due ToDefault Payables account for intercompany trxAccrued ExpensesAccrued PayrollPayroll WithholdingsFederal Tax WithholdingFICA WithholdingMedicare WithholdingState Tax WithholdingLocal Tax Withholding401k & Pension WithholdingGarnishment WithholdingMiscellaneous WithholdingAccrued Payroll TaxesFederal Unemployment Empolyers ContributionState Unemployment Employers ContributionSales Tax CollectedAccrued Retirement Plan ExpenseAccrued Expenses OthersShort Term ObligationCurrent Portion of Long Term DebtLong Term LiabilitiesMortgageLoan from Owner/StockholderOther Long Term ObligationOwner's Equity/Net WorthCapitalCapital/Common StockCapital in excess of Par on Common StockCapital in excess of Par on Preferred StockEarningsDrawingsRetained EarningsYear end processing to balance account (Income Summary)SalesServices RevenueDirect LaborPurchase price variance OffsetOffset Account for Purchase price variance (PPV)Wages OwnersSick PayFICA TaxHealth Insurance PremiumJoint AdvertisingTelephone and CommunicationsProfessional ServicesOther Consulting FeesData ProcessingData Processung Other ExpenseBuilding Improvement DepreciationVehicles DepreciationBusiness Travel - Plane/Train/TaxiBusiness Travel - HotelBusiness Meals & Entertainment (50%)Staff Meeting Food (100%)Employee expenseDefault employee expensesBusiness Travel Other ExpenseInsuranceBusiness InsuranceReal Estate InsuranceVehicle InsuranceOther InsurancePayment Processor CostsCredit Card Service ChargesBank Service ChargesBank expensesOther Payment Service ChargesDues & SubscriptionAssociation Membership FeesSubscription FeesOffice ExpenseOffice ExpensePosting & ShippingPostage ExpenseCustomer Postage Fees ReceivedShipping ExpensesTaxes and LicensesInventory & Use TaxesReal Estate TaxesBusiness Licenses & FeesEducationEducation TravelEducation Meals & Entertainment (50%)Education OtherOffice Equipment RentStore Equipment RentRepairs & MaintenanceBuilding Repairs & MaintenenceFurniture, Equipment Repairs & MaintenenceSoftware MaintenenceVehicle Repairs & MaintenenceRepairs & Maintenance OtherOther Operating ExpensesCollection ExpensePetty Cash Over/ShortPetty Cash DifferencesRecruitment CostsVehicle ExpenseAmortization ExpenseFranchise Fee / Royalty FeesMiscellaneous ExpenseDefault/Suspense AccountsTemporary accounts - balance should be zeroDefault accountDefault Account (if no other account is defined) V1.1Suspense balancingDifference to make journal balance in source currency - needs to be solvedSuspense errorImport did not find account - needs to be solvedCash book expenseDefault other expense for petty cash transactionsCash book receiptsDefault other revenue for petty cash transactionsCharge expenseDefault other expenseCharge revenueDefault other revenueOther IncomeInterest IncomeBank interest revenueDivident IncomeRental IncomeSales Tax CommissionCurrency GainBank revaluation gainForeign currency bank account gainBank settlement gainDifference between payment and bank account currencyUnrealized gainDifference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rateCapital Gains IncomeFixed Asset Sale GainOther IncomeOther ExpenseInterest ExpenseBank interest expenseMortage Interest ExpenseCharitable ContributionsCurrency LossBank revaluation lossForeign currency bank account lossUnrealized lossDifference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rateRealized lossDifference between invoice and payment currencyCurrency balancingRounding difference to make journal balance in accounting currencyCapital Gains LossFixes Asset Sale LossOther ExpenseIncome Tax & SummaryState Income TaxLocal Income TaxCostingProfit Center Costing DistributionProject Costing DistributionCommitment AccountingPO EncumbrancePO CommitmentSO Future RevenueIn Transit A/R ATM CardsLoans Receivable Owners/ShareholdersTax receivablesIntercompany Due FromDefault Receivables account for intercompany trxProduct assetProduct Inventory AccountProject AssetsAccumulated DepreciationLeasehold Improvement Accumulated DepreciationSoftware Accumulated DepreciationGoodwillCash Surrender Value of Life InsuranceAccounts Payable TradeAccounts PayablesCustomer PrepaymentsPrepayments for future revenueFICA Employers ContributionAccrued Use TaxCurrent Note PayablesLong Term ObligationCurrent Portion of Long Term DebtPreferred StockDividentsTrade RevenueDefault Product or Service revenueCustomer Package ExpenseTax expenseSales Tax paid to VendorsEducation Course FeesEquipment RentEquipment Rent OtherData Processing Repairs & MaintenenceBad Debts Write-offReceivables write-off - bad debtPenaltiesRealized gainDifference between invoice and payment currencyUninsured Casualty LossBank settlement lossDifference between payment and bank account currencyFederal Income TaxIncome SummaryYear end processing to balance account (Retained Earnings)WagesLand Improvement DepreciationAccounts Receivable - TradeLicenses & Fees - OtherGeneral Trade InventoryInventory AccountMedicare Employers ContributionCommissions PaidCommissions PaidMerchandise PurchasesDefault Product or Service costs (I.e. not on inventory)Not invoiced receivablesWe delivered but have not invoiced yetInventory ShrinkagePhysical Inventory Gain/LossUnrealized gainDifference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rateIncome SummaryYear end processing to balance account (Retained Earnings)Realized gainDifference between invoice and payment currencyTax receivablesTax to receive based on tax declarationNot invoiced revenueWe delivered but have not invoiced yetIntercompany Due ToDefault Payables account for intercompany trxProject assetCreated AssetTrade DiscountsGranted Trade discounts (corrects Product Revenue)Project WIPAsset Work in ProgressTrade RevenueDefault Product or Service revenueRetained EarningsYear end processing to balance account (Income Summary)Checking Unidentified ReceiptsReceipts from unidentified customerBank settlement gainDifference between payment and bank account currencyPetty Cash In-TransferCash Book TransferChecking In-TransferBank transactions in transitPayment discount revenueGranted early payment discount from vendorsCash book receiptsDefault other revenue for petty cash transactionsInventory AdjustmentInventory Actual Accounting Value AdjustmentTax credit A/RTax to be re-imbursed - before tax declarationUnearned revenueWe have invoiced but not delivered yetCharge revenueDefault other revenueTrade discounts receivedReceived Trade Discounts (corrects Product expense)Default accountDefault Account (if no other account is defined) V1.1Unrealized lossDifference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rateInterest ExpenseBank interest expenseBad Debts Write-offReceivables write-off - bad debtAccounts Receivable - TradeAccounts ReceivablesInventory RevaluationDifference to (lower cost) or marketVendor prepaymentPrepayments for future expenseIntercompany Due FromDefault Receivables account for intercompany trxPurchase price varianceDifference between purchase price and standard costs (PPV)Bank settlement lossDifference between payment and bank account currencyAccounts Payable ServicesAccounts Payables for non-product revenueBank revaluation gainForeign currency bank account gainAccounts Payable TradeAccounts PayablesTax liabilityTax to be paid based on tax declarationPayment selectionSelected A/P invoices for paymentBank revaluation lossForeign currency bank account lossTax dueTax to be paid - before tax declarationPetty CashCash Book AssetWithholding (Tax)Withholding for 1099 or Quality GuaranteeInvoice price varianceDifference between product cost and invoice price (IPV)General Trade InventoryInventory AccountEmployee Expense PrepaymentExpense advancesChecking AccountBank AssetCharge expenseDefault other expenseChecking Unallocated ReceiptsReceived unallocated paymentsCurrency balancingRounding difference to make journal balance in accounting currencyPayment discount expenseGranted early payment discount to customersPurchase price variance OffsetOffset Account for Purchase price variance (PPV)Not invoiced receiptsReceived products/services from vendors but not invoicedPetty Cash Over/ShortPetty Cash DifferencesSuspense errorImport did not find account - needs to be solvedEmployee expenseDefault employee expensesProduct assetProduct Inventory AccountInterest IncomeBank interest revenueCustomer PrepaymentsPrepayments for future revenueSuspense balancingDifference to make journal balance in source currency - needs to be solvedCash book expenseDefault other expense for petty cash transactionsRealized lossDifference between invoice and payment currencyTax expenseSales Tax paid to VendorsBank Service ChargesBank expensesProduct CoGsCost of Goods Sold \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + + Tree Farm Payable + Tree Farm Payable + + + Sideline Revenue + + + + Royalties Revenue + + + + Unearned revenue + We have invoiced, but not delivered yet + + + Not invoiced revenue + We delivered but have not invoiced yet + + + Sales Discounts + + + + Trade Discounts + Granted Trade discounts (corrects Product Revenue) + + + Payment discount expense + Granted early payment discount to customers + + + Promotion Discounts + + + + Cost of Goods Sold + + + + Product CoGs + Cost of Goods Sold + + + Merchandise Purchases + Default Product or Service costs (I.e. not on inventory) + + + Services Purchases + + + + Sideline Purchases + + + + Freight in + + + + Returns + + + + Returns Expense + + + + Returns to Vendors + + + + Inventory CoGs + + + + Inventory Shrinkage + Physical Inventory Gain/Loss + + + Inventory Write Down Below Cost + + + + Inventory Adjustment + Inventory Actual Accounting Value Adjustment + + + Inventory Revaluation + Difference to (lower cost) or market + + + CoGS Variances + + + + Invoice price variance + Difference between product cost and invoice price (IPV) + + + Purchase price variance + Difference between purchase price and standard costs (PPV) + + + CoGs Discounts + + + + Trade discounts received + Received Trade Discounts (corrects Product expense) + + + Payment discount revenue + Granted early payment discount from vendors + + + Expenses + + + + Payroll Expenses + + + + Salaries + + + + Vacation Pay + + + + Vacation Pay Owners + + + + Sick Pay Owners + + + + Retirement (Pension, Proft Sharing, 401k) + + + + FICA Tax Owners + + + + Federal/State Unemployment + + + + Federal/State Unemployment Owners + + + + Health Insurance Premium Owners + + + + Health Insurance Employee Contribution + + + + Health Insurance Cobra Payments + + + + Workers Compensation Insurance + + + + Disability Insurance Premium + + + + Disability Insurance Premium Owners + + + + Disability Insurance Employee Contribution + + + + Life Insurance Premium + + + + Life Insurance Premium Owners + + + + Life Insurance Employee Contribution + + + + Other Benefit Expense + + + + Staff Gifts & Perks + + + + Staff Picnic (100% Deductible) + + + + Payroll Processing Expense + + + + Occupancy Cost + + + + Rent Expense + + + + Utilities + + + + Other Occupancy Costs + + + + Advertising + + + + Media Advertising + + + + Catalog, Newsletter + + + + Events + + + + Web Hosting + + + + Other Advertising & Promotion + + + + Vendor Advertising Allowances + + + + Telephone + + + + Mobile Telephone + + + + Network Charges + + + + Legal Fees + + + + Accounting Fees + + + + Inventory Verification Fees + + + + Stationary & Supplies + + + + Stationary & Supplies - Office Use + + + + Janitorial Supplies + + + + Data Processing Supplies + + + + Data Processing Rental + + + + Outside Computer Services + + + + Depreciation Expense + + + + Building Depreciation + + + + Leasehold Improvement Depreciation + + + + Furniture Depreciation + + + + Fixtures Depreciation + + + + Equipment Depreciation + + + + Data Processing Equipment Depreciation + + + + Software Depreciation + + + + Business Travel + + + + Business Travel - Auto Reimbursement + + + + Assets + + + + Cash + + + + Checking Account + Bank Asset + + + Checking In-Transfer + Bank transactions in transit + + + Checking Unidentified Receipts + Receipts from unidentified customer + + + Checking Unallocated Receipts + Received, unallocated payments + + + Checking Account 2 + + + + Savings Account + + + + Cash in Registers + + + + Petty Cash + Cash Book Asset + + + Petty Cash In-Transfer + Cash Book Transfer + + + Accounts Receivable + + + + Accounts Receivable - Trade + Accounts Receivables + + + A/R Non Sufficient Funds Returned Checks + + + + A/R Trade Allowance for Bad Debit + + + + Not invoiced receivables + We delivered but have not invoiced yet + + + Credit Card in Transit + + + + In Transit A/R Amex + + + + In Transit A/R Master Card + + + + In Transit A/R Visa + + + + A/R Credit Cards Allowance for Bad Debit + + + + Vendor Allowances Receivable + + + + Loans Receivable + + + + Loans Receivable Employees + + + + Loans Receivable Others + + + + Prepayments + + + + Vendor prepayment + Prepayments for future expense + + + Employee Expense Prepayment + Expense advances + + + Tax credit A/R + Tax to be re-imbursed - before tax declaration + + + Tax receivables + Tax to receive based on tax declaration + + + A/R Miscellaneous + + + + Investments + + + + US Government Obligations + + + + Tax-Exempt Securities + + + + Other Investments + + + + Inventory + + + + Prepaid Expenses, Deposits & Other Current Assets + + + + Prepaid Expenses + + + + Prepaid Insurance + + + + Prepaid Rent + + + + Prepaid Interest + + + + Prepaid Others + + + + Deposits + + + + Deposit Rent + + + + Deposit Utilities + + + + Deposit Others + + + + Other Current Assets + + + + Other Current Assets + + + + Land and Building + + + + Land + + + + Building + + + + Land Improvements + + + + Building Improvements + + + + Leasehold Improvements + + + + Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment + + + + Furniture + + + + Fixtures + + + + Equipment + + + + Vehicles + + + + Data Processing Equipment + + + + Software + + + + Project asset + Created Asset + + + Project WIP + Asset Work in Progress + + + Building Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Land Improvement Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Building Improvement Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Furniture Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Fixtures Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Equipment Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Vehicles Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Data Processing Equipment Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Other Assets + + + + Intangible Assets + + + + Amortizable Assets + + + + Customer Lists + + + + Other Intangible Assets + + + + Accumulated Amorization + + + + Other Assets + + + + Liabilities + + + + Accounts Payables + + + + Accounts Payables Trade + + + + Not invoiced receipts + Received products/services from vendors, but not invoiced + + + Accounts Payable Services + Accounts Payables for non-product revenue + + + Payment selection + Selected A/P invoices for payment + + + Customer Payables + + + + Merchandise Credits Unredeemed + + + + Gift Certificated Unredeemed + + + + Special Order Deposits + + + + Mail Order Deposits + + + + Tax Payables + + + + Tax due + Tax to be paid - before tax declaration + + + Tax liability + Tax to be paid based on tax declaration + + + Withholding (Tax) + Withholding for 1099 or Quality Guarantee + + + Withholding (Other) + + + + Intercompany Due To + Default Payables account for intercompany trx + + + Accrued Expenses + + + + Accrued Payroll + + + + Payroll Withholdings + + + + Federal Tax Withholding + + + + FICA Withholding + + + + Medicare Withholding + + + + State Tax Withholding + + + + Local Tax Withholding + + + + 401k & Pension Withholding + + + + Garnishment Withholding + + + + Miscellaneous Withholding + + + + Accrued Payroll Taxes + + + + Federal Unemployment Empolyers Contribution + + + + State Unemployment Employers Contribution + + + + Sales Tax Collected + + + + Accrued Retirement Plan Expense + + + + Accrued Expenses Others + + + + Short Term Obligation + + + + Current Portion of Long Term Debt + + + + Long Term Liabilities + + + + Mortgage + + + + Loan from Owner/Stockholder + + + + Other Long Term Obligation + + + + Owner's Equity/Net Worth + + + + Capital + + + + Capital/Common Stock + + + + Capital in excess of Par on Common Stock + + + + Capital in excess of Par on Preferred Stock + + + + Earnings + + + + Drawings + + + + Retained Earnings + Year end processing to balance account (Income Summary) + + + Sales + + + + Services Revenue + + + + Direct Labor + + + + Purchase price variance Offset + Offset Account for Purchase price variance (PPV) + + + Wages Owners + + + + Sick Pay + + + + FICA Tax + + + + Health Insurance Premium + + + + Joint Advertising + + + + Telephone and Communications + + + + Professional Services + + + + Other Consulting Fees + + + + Data Processing + + + + Data Processung Other Expense + + + + Building Improvement Depreciation + + + + Vehicles Depreciation + + + + Business Travel - Plane/Train/Taxi + + + + Business Travel - Hotel + + + + Business Meals & Entertainment (50%) + + + + Staff Meeting Food (100%) + + + + Employee expense + Default employee expenses + + + Business Travel Other Expense + + + + Insurance + + + + Business Insurance + + + + Real Estate Insurance + + + + Vehicle Insurance + + + + Other Insurance + + + + Payment Processor Costs + + + + Credit Card Service Charges + + + + Bank Service Charges + Bank expenses + + + Other Payment Service Charges + + + + Dues & Subscription + + + + Association Membership Fees + + + + Subscription Fees + + + + Office Expense + + + + Office Expense + + + + Posting & Shipping + + + + Postage Expense + + + + Customer Postage Fees Received + + + + Shipping Expenses + + + + Taxes and Licenses + + + + Inventory & Use Taxes + + + + Real Estate Taxes + + + + Business Licenses & Fees + + + + Education + + + + Education Travel + + + + Education Meals & Entertainment (50%) + + + + Education Other + + + + Office Equipment Rent + + + + Store Equipment Rent + + + + Repairs & Maintenance + + + + Building Repairs & Maintenence + + + + Furniture, Equipment Repairs & Maintenence + + + + Software Maintenence + + + + Vehicle Repairs & Maintenence + + + + Repairs & Maintenance Other + + + + Other Operating Expenses + + + + Collection Expense + + + + Petty Cash Over/Short + Petty Cash Differences + + + Recruitment Costs + + + + Vehicle Expense + + + + Amortization Expense + + + + Franchise Fee / Royalty Fees + + + + Miscellaneous Expense + + + + Default/Suspense Accounts + Temporary accounts - balance should be zero + + + Default account + Default Account (if no other account is defined) V1.1 + + + Suspense balancing + Difference to make journal balance in source currency - needs to be solved + + + Suspense error + Import did not find account - needs to be solved + + + Cash book expense + Default other expense for petty cash transactions + + + Cash book receipts + Default other revenue for petty cash transactions + + + Charge expense + Default other expense + + + Charge revenue + Default other revenue + + + Other Income + + + + Interest Income + Bank interest revenue + + + Divident Income + + + + Rental Income + + + + Sales Tax Commission + + + + Currency Gain + + + + Bank revaluation gain + Foreign currency bank account gain + + + Bank settlement gain + Difference between payment and bank account currency + + + Unrealized gain + Difference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rate + + + Capital Gains Income + + + + Fixed Asset Sale Gain + + + + Other Income + + + + Other Expense + + + + Interest Expense + Bank interest expense + + + Mortage Interest Expense + + + + Charitable Contributions + + + + Currency Loss + + + + Bank revaluation loss + Foreign currency bank account loss + + + Unrealized loss + Difference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rate + + + Realized loss + Difference between invoice and payment currency + + + Currency balancing + Rounding difference to make journal balance in accounting currency + + + Capital Gains Loss + + + + Fixes Asset Sale Loss + + + + Other Expense + + + + Income Tax & Summary + + + + State Income Tax + + + + Local Income Tax + + + + Costing + + + + Profit Center Costing Distribution + + + + Project Costing Distribution + + + + Commitment Accounting + + + + PO Encumbrance + + + + PO Commitment + + + + SO Future Revenue + + + + In Transit A/R ATM Cards + + + + Loans Receivable Owners/Shareholders + + + + Tax receivables + + + + Intercompany Due From + Default Receivables account for intercompany trx + + + Product asset + Product Inventory Account + + + Project Assets + + + + Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Leasehold Improvement Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Software Accumulated Depreciation + + + + Goodwill + + + + Cash Surrender Value of Life Insurance + + + + Accounts Payable Trade + Accounts Payables + + + Customer Prepayments + Prepayments for future revenue + + + FICA Employers Contribution + + + + Accrued Use Tax + + + + Current Note Payables + + + + Long Term Obligation + + + + Current Portion of Long Term Debt + + + + Preferred Stock + + + + Dividents + + + + Trade Revenue + Default Product or Service revenue + + + Customer Package Expense + + + + Tax expense + Sales Tax paid to Vendors + + + Education Course Fees + + + + Equipment Rent + + + + Equipment Rent Other + + + + Data Processing Repairs & Maintenence + + + + Bad Debts Write-off + Receivables write-off - bad debt + + + Penalties + + + + Realized gain + Difference between invoice and payment currency + + + Uninsured Casualty Loss + + + + Bank settlement loss + Difference between payment and bank account currency + + + Federal Income Tax + + + + Income Summary + Year end processing to balance account (Retained Earnings) + + + Wages + + + + Land Improvement Depreciation + + + + Accounts Receivable - Trade + + + + Licenses & Fees - Other + + + + General Trade Inventory + Inventory Account + + + Medicare Employers Contribution + + + + Commissions Paid + Commissions Paid + + + Merchandise Purchases + Default Product or Service costs (I.e. not on inventory) + + + Not invoiced receivables + We delivered but have not invoiced yet + + + Inventory Shrinkage + Physical Inventory Gain/Loss + + + Unrealized gain + Difference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rate + + + Income Summary + Year end processing to balance account (Retained Earnings) + + + Realized gain + Difference between invoice and payment currency + + + Tax receivables + Tax to receive based on tax declaration + + + Not invoiced revenue + We delivered but have not invoiced yet + + + Intercompany Due To + Default Payables account for intercompany trx + + + Project asset + Created Asset + + + Trade Discounts + Granted Trade discounts (corrects Product Revenue) + + + Project WIP + Asset Work in Progress + + + Trade Revenue + Default Product or Service revenue + + + Retained Earnings + Year end processing to balance account (Income Summary) + + + Checking Unidentified Receipts + Receipts from unidentified customer + + + Bank settlement gain + Difference between payment and bank account currency + + + Petty Cash In-Transfer + Cash Book Transfer + + + Checking In-Transfer + Bank transactions in transit + + + Payment discount revenue + Granted early payment discount from vendors + + + Cash book receipts + Default other revenue for petty cash transactions + + + Inventory Adjustment + Inventory Actual Accounting Value Adjustment + + + Tax credit A/R + Tax to be re-imbursed - before tax declaration + + + Unearned revenue + We have invoiced but not delivered yet + + + Charge revenue + Default other revenue + + + Trade discounts received + Received Trade Discounts (corrects Product expense) + + + Default account + Default Account (if no other account is defined) V1.1 + + + Unrealized loss + Difference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rate + + + Interest Expense + Bank interest expense + + + Bad Debts Write-off + Receivables write-off - bad debt + + + Accounts Receivable - Trade + Accounts Receivables + + + Inventory Revaluation + Difference to (lower cost) or market + + + Vendor prepayment + Prepayments for future expense + + + Intercompany Due From + Default Receivables account for intercompany trx + + + Purchase price variance + Difference between purchase price and standard costs (PPV) + + + Bank settlement loss + Difference between payment and bank account currency + + + Accounts Payable Services + Accounts Payables for non-product revenue + + + Bank revaluation gain + Foreign currency bank account gain + + + Accounts Payable Trade + Accounts Payables + + + Tax liability + Tax to be paid based on tax declaration + + + Payment selection + Selected A/P invoices for payment + + + Bank revaluation loss + Foreign currency bank account loss + + + Tax due + Tax to be paid - before tax declaration + + + Petty Cash + Cash Book Asset + + + Withholding (Tax) + Withholding for 1099 or Quality Guarantee + + + Invoice price variance + Difference between product cost and invoice price (IPV) + + + General Trade Inventory + Inventory Account + + + Employee Expense Prepayment + Expense advances + + + Checking Account + Bank Asset + + + Charge expense + Default other expense + + + Checking Unallocated Receipts + Received unallocated payments + + + Currency balancing + Rounding difference to make journal balance in accounting currency + + + Payment discount expense + Granted early payment discount to customers + + + Purchase price variance Offset + Offset Account for Purchase price variance (PPV) + + + Not invoiced receipts + Received products/services from vendors but not invoiced + + + Petty Cash Over/Short + Petty Cash Differences + + + Suspense error + Import did not find account - needs to be solved + + + Employee expense + Default employee expenses + + + Product asset + Product Inventory Account + + + Interest Income + Bank interest revenue + + + Customer Prepayments + Prepayments for future revenue + + + Suspense balancing + Difference to make journal balance in source currency - needs to be solved + + + Cash book expense + Default other expense for petty cash transactions + + + Realized loss + Difference between invoice and payment currency + + + Tax expense + Sales Tax paid to Vendors + + + Bank Service Charges + Bank expenses + + + Product CoGs + Cost of Goods Sold + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/C_Greeting_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/C_Greeting_Trl_pl_PL.xml index 0d78c1db85..9fc0a6c9df 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/C_Greeting_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/C_Greeting_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,3 +1,10 @@ - - -MrMr \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + + Mr + Mr + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/C_PaymentTerm_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/C_PaymentTerm_Trl_pl_PL.xml index ad0889ea8b..c096dd8ab4 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/C_PaymentTerm_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/C_PaymentTerm_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,3 +1,36 @@ - - -30 Days NetImmediate2%10 Net 302% discount if paid in 10 days, net due in 30 daysPayment Term Note: Long Term Contracts are eligible for payment discounts.30 Days Net50% Immediate - 50% in 30 daysImmediate \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + + 30 Days Net + + + + + Immediate + + + + + 2%10 Net 30 + 2% discount if paid in 10 days, net due in 30 days + Payment Term Note: Long Term Contracts are eligible for payment discounts. + + + 30 Days Net + + + + + 50% Immediate - 50% in 30 days + + + + + Immediate + + + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/C_TaxCategory_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/C_TaxCategory_Trl_pl_PL.xml index e8a7c67ead..2440f932d4 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/C_TaxCategory_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/C_TaxCategory_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,4 +1,14 @@ - - - -StandardStandard \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + + Standard + + + + Standard + + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/C_Tax_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/C_Tax_Trl_pl_PL.xml index f0273bb8ce..57ac3d1963 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/C_Tax_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/C_Tax_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,4 +1,41 @@ - - - -StandardCT Sales6%CTGSTCanadian Federal Sales TaxGSTPSTCanadian Provintial TaxPSTGST/PSTCanadian Federal & State TaxTaxExemptUsed when Business Partners are exempt from taxStandard \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + + Standard + + + + + CT Sales + + 6%CT + + + GST + Canadian Federal Sales Tax + GST + + + PST + Canadian Provintial Tax + PST + + + GST/PST + Canadian Federal & State Tax + Tax + + + Exempt + Used when Business Partners are exempt from tax + + + + Standard + + + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/C_UOM_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/C_UOM_Trl_pl_PL.xml index 783820aebc..cd097959ff 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/C_UOM_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/C_UOM_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,51 +1,51 @@ - - - - - - - Sztuka - - szt. - - - Godz. - - h - - - Day - - d - - - Minuty - minuty - m - - - Dzień rob. - 8 godzin - D - - - Tydzień - - tydz. - - - Miesiąc - 30 dni - m - - - Mies. rob. - 20 dni - M - - - Rok - - r - - + + + + + + + Sztuka + + szt. + + + Godz. + + h + + + Day + + d + + + Minuty + minuty + m + + + Dzień rob. + 8 godzin + D + + + Tydzień + + tydz. + + + Miesiąc + 30 dni + m + + + Mies. rob. + 20 dni + M + + + Rok + + r + + diff --git a/data/pl_PL/M_Product_Trl_pl_PL.xml b/data/pl_PL/M_Product_Trl_pl_PL.xml index 97fe0198ab..55e9d58957 100644 --- a/data/pl_PL/M_Product_Trl_pl_PL.xml +++ b/data/pl_PL/M_Product_Trl_pl_PL.xml @@ -1,3 +1,118 @@ - - -StandardOak TreeOak Trees may grow quite a bit.Elm TreeGrass Seed ContainerPlanting ServiceRose BushAzalea BushHolly BushPlum TreeTravel costMary ConsultantPatio ChairPatio TablePatio Sun Screen50# Fertilizer10# MulchHoe 4 ftRake BambooRake MetalWeederTransplanterGrass SeederLawn TillerPatio Furniture set How To PlantTShirt - Red LargeTShirt - Green LargeStandard \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + + Standard + + + + Oak Tree + Oak Trees may grow quite a bit. + + + Elm Tree + + + + Grass Seed Container + + + + Planting Service + + + + Rose Bush + + + + Azalea Bush + + + + Holly Bush + + + + Plum Tree + + + + Travel cost + + + + Mary Consultant + + + + Patio Chair + + + + Patio Table + + + + Patio Sun Screen + + + + 50# Fertilizer + + + + 10# Mulch + + + + Hoe 4 ft + + + + Rake Bamboo + + + + Rake Metal + + + + Weeder + + + + Transplanter + + + + Grass Seeder + + + + Lawn Tiller + + + + Patio Furniture set + + + + How To Plant + + + + TShirt - Red Large + + + + TShirt - Green Large + + + + Standard + + +