IDEMPIERE-5943 Implement table partitioning support (#2203)

* IDEMPIERE-5943 Implement table partitioning support

- Fix issues with view and functional index

* IDEMPIERE-5943 Implement table partitioning support

- fix compatibility issue with PostgreSQL 16.1
This commit is contained in:
hengsin 2024-02-01 18:10:58 +08:00 committed by Carlos Ruiz
parent e5eebba4a6
commit 54018821f1
1 changed files with 180 additions and 90 deletions

View File

@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ public class TablePartitionService implements ITablePartitionService {
private boolean renameOriginalTable(MTable table, String trxName, ProcessInfo processInfo) {
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
sql.append("ALTER TABLE ").append(table.getTableName()).append(" RENAME TO ").append(getDefaultPartitionName(table));
int no = DB.executeUpdateEx(sql.toString(), trxName);
DB.executeUpdateEx(sql.toString(), trxName);
if (processInfo != null)
processInfo.addLog(0, null, null, no + " " + sql.toString());
processInfo.addLog(0, null, null, sql.toString());
return true;
@ -127,9 +127,9 @@ public class TablePartitionService implements ITablePartitionService {
StringBuilder alterStmt = new StringBuilder();
alterStmt.append("ALTER TABLE ").append(getDefaultPartitionName(table)).append(" ");
alterStmt.append("DROP CONSTRAINT ").append(constraint_name).append(" CASCADE");
int no = DB.executeUpdateEx(alterStmt.toString(), trxName);
DB.executeUpdateEx(alterStmt.toString(), trxName);
if (pi != null)
pi.addLog(0, null, null, no + " " + alterStmt.toString());
pi.addLog(0, null, null, alterStmt.toString());
List<String> lowerCasePartitionKeyColumnNames = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String partitionKeyColumnName : partitionKeyColumnNames)
@ -149,9 +149,9 @@ public class TablePartitionService implements ITablePartitionService {
for (int x = 0; x < lowerCasePartitionKeyColumnNames.size(); x++)
alterStmt.append(", ").append(lowerCasePartitionKeyColumnNames.get(x));
no = DB.executeUpdateEx(alterStmt.toString(), trxName);
DB.executeUpdateEx(alterStmt.toString(), trxName);
if (pi != null)
pi.addLog(0, null, null, no + " " + alterStmt.toString());
pi.addLog(0, null, null, alterStmt.toString());
@ -178,9 +178,9 @@ public class TablePartitionService implements ITablePartitionService {
alterStmt.append("ALTER TABLE ").append(table.getTableName()).append(" ");
alterStmt.append("ADD CONSTRAINT ").append(constraint_name).append(" ");
int no = DB.executeUpdateEx(alterStmt.toString(), trxName);
DB.executeUpdateEx(alterStmt.toString(), trxName);
if (pi != null)
pi.addLog(0, null, null, no + " " + alterStmt.toString());
pi.addLog(0, null, null, alterStmt.toString());
@ -201,45 +201,25 @@ public class TablePartitionService implements ITablePartitionService {
private boolean migrateDBIndexes(MTable table, String trxName, ProcessInfo pi) {
String indexs =
select indexname
select indexname, indexdef
from pg_indexes
where schemaname='adempiere'
and tablename=?;
String sql =
select a.attname, i.indisunique
from pg_index i
join pg_attribute a on (a.attrelid=i.indexrelid)
where i.indrelid::regclass = ?::regclass
and i.indexrelid::regclass = ?::regclass
order by a.attnum;
Map<String, List<String>> indexMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
Map<String, List<String>> uniqueMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
Map<String, String> indexMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
Map<String, String> uniqueMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
try (PreparedStatement stmt = DB.prepareStatement(indexs, trxName)) {
stmt.setString(1, getDefaultPartitionName(table).toLowerCase());
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
while( {
String indexName = rs.getString(1);
boolean unique = false;
List<String> columns = new ArrayList<String>();
try(PreparedStatement stmt1 = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trxName)) {
stmt1.setString(1, getDefaultPartitionName(table).toLowerCase());
stmt1.setString(2, indexName);
ResultSet rs1 = stmt1.executeQuery();
while( {
String columnName = rs1.getString(1);
unique = rs1.getBoolean(2);
String indexdef = rs.getString(2);
boolean unique = indexdef.contains("UNIQUE INDEX");
if (unique)
uniqueMap.put(indexName, columns);
uniqueMap.put(indexName, indexdef);
indexMap.put(indexName, columns);
indexMap.put(indexName, indexdef);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DBException(e);
@ -253,22 +233,19 @@ public class TablePartitionService implements ITablePartitionService {
//unique index must include partition key column
List<String> columns = uniqueMap.get(indexName);
String indexdef = uniqueMap.get(indexName);
for(String partitionKey : partitionKeyColumnNames) {
if (!columns.contains(partitionKey.toLowerCase()))
if (!indexdef.contains(partitionKey.toLowerCase()+",") && !indexdef.contains(partitionKey.toLowerCase()+")"))
indexdef = indexdef.substring(0, indexdef.length()-1)+", "+partitionKey.toLowerCase()+")";
StringBuilder alter = new StringBuilder("DROP INDEX ").append(indexName);
DB.executeUpdateEx(alter.toString(), trxName);
alter = new StringBuilder("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ")
.append(" ")
.append("ON ")
.append(String.join(",", columns))
DB.executeUpdateEx(alter.toString(), trxName);
if (pi != null)
pi.addLog(0, null, null, alter.toString());
indexdef = indexdef.replace(" ON adempiere."+getDefaultPartitionName(table).toLowerCase()+" ", " ON adempiere."+table.getTableName().toLowerCase()+" ");
DB.executeUpdateEx(indexdef, trxName);
if (pi != null)
pi.addLog(0, null, null, indexdef);
for(String indexName : indexMap.keySet()) {
@ -277,18 +254,15 @@ public class TablePartitionService implements ITablePartitionService {
if (conindid != null && conindid.equalsIgnoreCase(indexName))
List<String> columns = indexMap.get(indexName);
String indexdef = indexMap.get(indexName);
StringBuilder alter = new StringBuilder("DROP INDEX ").append(indexName);
DB.executeUpdateEx(alter.toString(), trxName);
alter = new StringBuilder("CREATE INDEX ")
.append(" ")
.append("ON ")
.append(String.join(",", columns))
DB.executeUpdateEx(alter.toString(), trxName);
if (pi != null)
pi.addLog(0, null, null, alter.toString());
indexdef = indexdef.replace(" ON adempiere."+getDefaultPartitionName(table).toLowerCase()+" ", " ON adempiere."+table.getTableName().toLowerCase()+" ");
DB.executeUpdateEx(indexdef, trxName);
if (pi != null)
pi.addLog(0, null, null, indexdef);
return true;
@ -317,9 +291,9 @@ public class TablePartitionService implements ITablePartitionService {
StringBuilder alterStmt = new StringBuilder();
alterStmt.append("ALTER TABLE ").append(table.getTableName()).append(" ");
alterStmt.append("ATTACH PARTITION ").append(getDefaultPartitionName(table)).append(" DEFAULT");
int no = DB.executeUpdateEx(alterStmt.toString(), trxName);
DB.executeUpdateEx(alterStmt.toString(), trxName);
if (pi != null)
pi.addLog(0, null, null, no + " " + alterStmt.toString());
pi.addLog(0, null, null, alterStmt.toString());
table.createTablePartition(getDefaultPartitionName(table), "DEFAULT", trxName, table.getPartitionKeyColumns(false).get(0));
@ -394,9 +368,9 @@ public class TablePartitionService implements ITablePartitionService {
createStmt.append(" (").append(partitionKeyColumn.getColumnName()).append(")");
int no = DB.executeUpdateEx(createStmt.toString(), trxName);
DB.executeUpdateEx(createStmt.toString(), trxName);
if (processInfo != null)
processInfo.addLog(0, null, null, no + " " + createStmt.toString());
processInfo.addLog(0, null, null, createStmt.toString());
if (!migrateDBContrainsts(table, trxName, processInfo))
throw new AdempiereException(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "FailedMigrateDatabaseConstraints"));
@ -407,6 +381,8 @@ public class TablePartitionService implements ITablePartitionService {
if (!attachDefaultPartition(table, trxName, processInfo))
throw new AdempiereException(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "FailedAttachDefaultPartition"));
fixView(table, trxName, processInfo);
return true;
@ -418,6 +394,120 @@ public class TablePartitionService implements ITablePartitionService {
return false;
* Re-create view after rename table
* @param table
* @param trxName
* @param pi
private void fixView(MTable table, String trxName, ProcessInfo pi) {
String views =
with recursive depv(relname, viewoid, depth) as (
select distinct a.relname, a.oid, 1
from pg_class a, pg_depend b, pg_depend c, pg_class d, pg_namespace
where a.oid = b.refobjid
and b.objid = c.objid
and b.refobjid <> c.refobjid
and c.refobjid = d.oid
and d.relname = ?
and d.relkind = 'r'
and a.relkind = 'v'
and a.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid
and pg_namespace.nspname = lower('adempiere')
union all
select distinct dependee.relname, dependee.oid, depv.depth+1
from pg_depend
join pg_rewrite on pg_depend.objid = pg_rewrite.oid
join pg_class as dependee on pg_rewrite.ev_class = dependee.oid
join pg_class as dependent on pg_depend.refobjid = dependent.oid
join pg_attribute ON pg_depend.refobjid = pg_attribute.attrelid and pg_depend.refobjsubid = pg_attribute.attnum and pg_attribute.attnum > 0
join depv on dependent.relname = depv.relname
join pg_namespace on dependee.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid
where pg_namespace.nspname = lower('adempiere')
select relname, viewoid, max(depth) from depv group by relname, viewoid order by 3 desc
String defaultPartitionName = getDefaultPartitionName(table).toLowerCase();
String tableName = table.getTableName().toLowerCase();
List<String> viewTexts = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> viewNames = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> grants = new ArrayList<String>();
try(PreparedStatement stmt = DB.prepareStatement(views, trxName)) {
stmt.setString(1, defaultPartitionName);
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
while( {
String viewName = rs.getString(1);
int oid = rs.getInt(2);
String viewText = DB.getSQLValueString(trxName, "SELECT pg_get_viewdef(?)", oid);
String grantSQL =
SELECT String_agg('grant ' || privilege_type || ' on ' || table_name || ' to "' || grantee || '"', '; ')
FROM information_schema.role_table_grants
WHERE table_name=? and table_schema='adempiere'
for(int i = 0; i < viewNames.size(); i++) {
String viewName = viewNames.get(i);
try(PreparedStatement stmt1 = DB.prepareStatement(grantSQL, trxName)) {
stmt1.setString(1, viewName.toLowerCase());
ResultSet rs1 = stmt1.executeQuery();
while( {
StringBuilder dropStmt = new StringBuilder("DROP VIEW ").append(viewName);
DB.executeUpdateEx(dropStmt.toString(), trxName);
if (pi != null)
pi.addLog(0, null, null, dropStmt.toString());
for(int i = viewNames.size()-1; i >=0; i--) {
String viewName = viewNames.get(i);
String viewText = viewTexts.get(i);
String grant = grants.get(i);
StringBuilder createStmt = new StringBuilder("CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ").append(viewName).append(" AS ");
if (viewText.contains(" "+defaultPartitionName + " ")) {
viewText = viewText.replace(" "+defaultPartitionName+" ", " "+tableName+" ");
if (viewText.contains(" "+defaultPartitionName + "\n")) {
viewText = viewText.replace(" "+defaultPartitionName+"\n", " "+tableName+"\n");
if (viewText.contains(" "+defaultPartitionName + ".")) {
viewText = viewText.replace(" "+defaultPartitionName+".", " "+tableName+".");
if (viewText.contains("("+defaultPartitionName + " ")) {
viewText = viewText.replace("("+defaultPartitionName+" ", "("+tableName+" ");
if (viewText.contains("("+defaultPartitionName + "\n")) {
viewText = viewText.replace("("+defaultPartitionName+"\n", "("+tableName+"\n");
if (viewText.contains("("+defaultPartitionName + ".")) {
viewText = viewText.replace("("+defaultPartitionName+".", "("+tableName+".");
String operators = "=><+-*/|%^&#~!";
for (int j = 0; j < operators.length(); j++) {
String find = operators.charAt(j)+defaultPartitionName + ".";
String replace = operators.charAt(j)+tableName+".";
if (viewText.contains(find)) {
viewText = viewText.replace(find, replace);
DB.executeUpdateEx(createStmt.toString(), trxName);
if (pi != null)
pi.addLog(0, null, null, "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "+viewName);
DB.executeUpdateEx(grant, trxName);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DBException(e);
* Get DB partition key definition
* @param table
@ -610,9 +700,9 @@ public class TablePartitionService implements ITablePartitionService {
StringBuilder alterStmt = new StringBuilder();
alterStmt.append("ALTER TABLE ").append(tableName).append(" ");
alterStmt.append("ATTACH PARTITION ").append(partition.getName()).append(" ").append(partition.getExpressionPartition());
no = DB.executeUpdateEx(alterStmt.toString(), trxName);
DB.executeUpdateEx(alterStmt.toString(), trxName);
if (pi != null)
pi.addLog(0, null, null, no + " " + alterStmt.toString());
pi.addLog(0, null, null, alterStmt.toString());
@ -653,9 +743,9 @@ public class TablePartitionService implements ITablePartitionService {
int no = DB.executeUpdateEx(createStmt.toString(), trxName);
DB.executeUpdateEx(createStmt.toString(), trxName);
if (pi != null)
pi.addLog(0, null, null, no + " " + createStmt.toString().replace(DB_PostgreSQL.NATIVE_MARKER, ""));
pi.addLog(0, null, null, createStmt.toString().replace(DB_PostgreSQL.NATIVE_MARKER, ""));
if (subPartitionColumn != null) {
createSubDefaultPartition(table, subPartitionColumn, partition, pi, trxName);
@ -700,9 +790,9 @@ public class TablePartitionService implements ITablePartitionService {
StringBuilder createStmt = new StringBuilder();
createStmt.append("CREATE TABLE ").append(subPartition.getName()).append(" (").append(DB_PostgreSQL.NATIVE_MARKER).append("LIKE ");
createStmt.append(subDefaultPartition).append(" INCLUDING ALL)");
int no = DB.executeUpdateEx(createStmt.toString(), trxName);
DB.executeUpdateEx(createStmt.toString(), trxName);
if (pi != null)
pi.addLog(0, null, null, no + " " + createStmt.toString().replace(DB_PostgreSQL.NATIVE_MARKER, ""));
pi.addLog(0, null, null, createStmt.toString().replace(DB_PostgreSQL.NATIVE_MARKER, ""));
Object subValue = subValues.get(subPartition.getName());
moveDefaultPartitionDataForList(subPartition, subPartitionColumn, partition.getName(), subDefaultPartition, subValue, pi, trxName);
@ -720,9 +810,9 @@ public class TablePartitionService implements ITablePartitionService {
StringBuilder createStmt = new StringBuilder();
createStmt.append("CREATE TABLE ").append(subPartition.getName()).append(" (").append(DB_PostgreSQL.NATIVE_MARKER).append("LIKE ");
createStmt.append(subDefaultPartition).append(" INCLUDING ALL)");
int no = DB.executeUpdateEx(createStmt.toString(), trxName);
DB.executeUpdateEx(createStmt.toString(), trxName);
if (pi != null)
pi.addLog(0, null, null, no + " " + createStmt.toString().replace(DB_PostgreSQL.NATIVE_MARKER, ""));
pi.addLog(0, null, null, createStmt.toString().replace(DB_PostgreSQL.NATIVE_MARKER, ""));
moveDefaultPartitionDataForRange(subPartition, subPartitionColumn, partition.getName(), subDefaultPartition, rangePartitionInterval, pi, trxName);
@ -814,9 +904,9 @@ public class TablePartitionService implements ITablePartitionService {
StringBuilder alterStmt = new StringBuilder();
alterStmt.append("ALTER TABLE ").append(tableName).append(" ");
alterStmt.append("ATTACH PARTITION ").append(partition.getName()).append(" ").append(partition.getExpressionPartition());
no = DB.executeUpdateEx(alterStmt.toString(), trxName);
DB.executeUpdateEx(alterStmt.toString(), trxName);
if (pi != null)
pi.addLog(0, null, null, no + " " + alterStmt.toString());
pi.addLog(0, null, null, alterStmt.toString());
@ -850,9 +940,9 @@ public class TablePartitionService implements ITablePartitionService {
int no = DB.executeUpdateEx(createStmt.toString(), trxName);
DB.executeUpdateEx(createStmt.toString(), trxName);
if (pi != null)
pi.addLog(0, null, null, no + " " + createStmt.toString().replace(DB_PostgreSQL.NATIVE_MARKER, ""));
pi.addLog(0, null, null, createStmt.toString().replace(DB_PostgreSQL.NATIVE_MARKER, ""));
if (subPartitionColumn != null) {
createSubDefaultPartition(table, subPartitionColumn, partition, pi, trxName);
@ -898,9 +988,9 @@ public class TablePartitionService implements ITablePartitionService {
StringBuilder createStmt = new StringBuilder();
createStmt.append("CREATE TABLE ").append(subPartition.getName()).append(" (").append(DB_PostgreSQL.NATIVE_MARKER).append("LIKE ");
createStmt.append(subDefaultPartition).append(" INCLUDING ALL)");
int no = DB.executeUpdateEx(createStmt.toString(), trxName);
DB.executeUpdateEx(createStmt.toString(), trxName);
if (pi != null)
pi.addLog(0, null, null, no + " " + createStmt.toString().replace(DB_PostgreSQL.NATIVE_MARKER, ""));
pi.addLog(0, null, null, createStmt.toString().replace(DB_PostgreSQL.NATIVE_MARKER, ""));
Object subValue = subValues.get(subPartition.getName());
moveDefaultPartitionDataForList(subPartition, subPartitionColumn, partition.getName(), subDefaultPartition, subValue, pi, trxName);
@ -918,9 +1008,9 @@ public class TablePartitionService implements ITablePartitionService {
StringBuilder createStmt = new StringBuilder();
createStmt.append("CREATE TABLE ").append(subPartition.getName()).append(" (").append(DB_PostgreSQL.NATIVE_MARKER).append("LIKE ");
createStmt.append(subDefaultPartition).append(" INCLUDING ALL)");
int no = DB.executeUpdateEx(createStmt.toString(), trxName);
DB.executeUpdateEx(createStmt.toString(), trxName);
if (pi != null)
pi.addLog(0, null, null, no + " " + createStmt.toString().replace(DB_PostgreSQL.NATIVE_MARKER, ""));
pi.addLog(0, null, null, createStmt.toString().replace(DB_PostgreSQL.NATIVE_MARKER, ""));
moveDefaultPartitionDataForRange(subPartition, subPartitionColumn, partition.getName(), subDefaultPartition, rangePartitionInterval, pi, trxName);
@ -944,16 +1034,16 @@ public class TablePartitionService implements ITablePartitionService {
.append(partition.getName()).append("_default_partition (").append(DB_PostgreSQL.NATIVE_MARKER).append("LIKE ")
.append(" INCLUDING ALL)");
int no = DB.executeUpdateEx(subStmt.toString(), trxName);
DB.executeUpdateEx(subStmt.toString(), trxName);
if (pi != null)
pi.addLog(0, null, null, no + " " + subStmt.toString());
pi.addLog(0, null, null, subStmt.toString());
subStmt = new StringBuilder("ALTER TABLE ")
.append(partition.getName()).append("_default_partition DEFAULT ");
no = DB.executeUpdateEx(subStmt.toString(), trxName);
DB.executeUpdateEx(subStmt.toString(), trxName);
if (pi != null)
pi.addLog(0, null, null, no + " " + subStmt.toString().replace(DB_PostgreSQL.NATIVE_MARKER, ""));
pi.addLog(0, null, null, subStmt.toString().replace(DB_PostgreSQL.NATIVE_MARKER, ""));
table.createTablePartition(partition.getName()+"_default_partition", "DEFAULT", trxName, subPartitionColumn, partition);
@ -961,9 +1051,9 @@ public class TablePartitionService implements ITablePartitionService {
public boolean runPostPartitionProcess(MTable table, String trxName, ProcessInfo processInfo) {
StringBuilder stmt = new StringBuilder();
stmt.append("VACUUM ANALYZE ").append(table.getTableName());
int no = DB.executeUpdateEx(stmt.toString(), trxName);
DB.executeUpdateEx(stmt.toString(), trxName);
if (processInfo != null)
processInfo.addLog(0, null, null, no + " " + stmt.toString());
processInfo.addLog(0, null, null, stmt.toString());
return true;
@ -1050,9 +1140,9 @@ public class TablePartitionService implements ITablePartitionService {
alter.append(table.getTableName()).append(" ");
alter.append("DETACH PARTITION ").append(partition.getName());
int no = DB.executeUpdateEx(alter.toString(), trxName);
DB.executeUpdateEx(alter.toString(), trxName);
if (processInfo != null)
processInfo.addLog(0, null, null, no + " " + alter.toString());
processInfo.addLog(0, null, null, alter.toString());
} else {
@ -1079,9 +1169,9 @@ public class TablePartitionService implements ITablePartitionService {
boolean success = true;
try {
int no = DB.executeUpdateEx(alter.toString(), trxName);
DB.executeUpdateEx(alter.toString(), trxName);
if (processInfo != null)
processInfo.addLog(0, null, null, no + " " + alter.toString());
processInfo.addLog(0, null, null, alter.toString());
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
success = false;
Trx.get(trxName, false).rollback();
@ -1102,9 +1192,9 @@ public class TablePartitionService implements ITablePartitionService {
if (processInfo != null)
processInfo.addLog(0, null, null, no + " " + updateStmt.toString());
alter = new StringBuilder("DROP TABLE ").append(partition.getName());
no = DB.executeUpdateEx(alter.toString(), trxName);
DB.executeUpdateEx(alter.toString(), trxName);
if (processInfo != null)
processInfo.addLog(0, null, null, no + " " + alter.toString());
processInfo.addLog(0, null, null, alter.toString());
try {
Trx.get(trxName, false).commit(true);
} catch (SQLException e) {