Merge c2261a304cf6

This commit is contained in:
Heng Sin Low 2013-03-18 15:24:20 +08:00
commit 4c0d760628
74 changed files with 1387 additions and 520 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
-- Mar 13, 2013 4:02:09 PM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-661 OrderLineCreateProduction not passing accounting data from SO to Production
UPDATE AD_Column SET ColumnSQL=NULL, IsAllowCopy='N',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-13 16:02:09','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=61942
-- Mar 13, 2013 4:02:19 PM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-661 OrderLineCreateProduction not passing accounting data from SO to Production
update m_production
set c_bpartner_id=(select o.c_bpartner_id from c_order o join c_orderline ol on o.c_order_id=ol.c_order_id where ol.c_orderline_id=m_production.c_orderline_id)
where c_orderline_id>0
-- Mar 17, 2013 4:23:40 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Table SET AD_Window_ID=53127,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-17 16:23:40','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Table_ID=325
SELECT register_migration_script('201303131830_IDEMPIERE-661.sql') FROM dual

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ad_sysconfig_org_name
ON AD_SysConfig (ad_client_id, ad_org_id,name)
SELECT register_migration_script('201303151018_IDEMPIERE-752.sql') FROM dual

View File

@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:15:08 PM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-489 Make use of AD_Language configuration
INSERT INTO AD_Column (SeqNoSelection,IsSyncDatabase,Version,AD_Table_ID,AD_Column_ID,EntityType,IsMandatory,IsTranslated,IsIdentifier,SeqNo,IsParent,FieldLength,IsSelectionColumn,AD_Reference_ID,IsKey,AD_Element_ID,IsAutocomplete,IsAllowLogging,AD_Column_UU,IsUpdateable,ColumnName,Description,Help,Name,IsAllowCopy,Updated,CreatedBy,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,UpdatedBy,AD_Client_ID,IsToolbarButton,IsAlwaysUpdateable,IsEncrypted) VALUES (0,'N',0,111,210160,'D','N','N','N',0,'N',10,'N',19,'N',1793,'N','Y','954051a7-4b61-45d1-ad84-a949ccaf1084','Y','AD_PrintPaper_ID','Printer paper definition','Printer Paper Size, Orientation and Margins','Print Paper','Y',TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:15:07','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,0,'Y',TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:15:07','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,0,'N','N','N')
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:15:08 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Column_ID, Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Column_Trl_UU ) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Column_ID, t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy,Generate_UUID() FROM AD_Language l, AD_Column t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Column_ID=210160 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Column_ID=t.AD_Column_ID)
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:15:20 PM COT
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:17:33 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Column (SeqNoSelection,IsSyncDatabase,Version,AD_Table_ID,AD_Column_ID,EntityType,IsMandatory,IsTranslated,IsIdentifier,SeqNo,IsParent,FieldLength,IsSelectionColumn,AD_Reference_ID,IsKey,AD_Element_ID,IsAutocomplete,IsAllowLogging,AD_Column_UU,IsUpdateable,ColumnName,Description,Help,Name,IsAllowCopy,Updated,CreatedBy,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,UpdatedBy,AD_Client_ID,IsToolbarButton,IsAlwaysUpdateable,IsEncrypted) VALUES (0,'N',0,111,210161,'D','N','N','N',0,'N',60,'N',10,'N',958,'N','Y','5b7516ac-f385-4c7c-9f10-e9aeb50d3306','Y','PrintName','The label text to be printed on a document or correspondence.','The Label to be printed indicates the name that will be printed on a document or correspondence. The max length is 2000 characters.','Print Text','Y',TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:17:33','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,0,'Y',TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:17:33','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,0,'N','N','N')
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:17:33 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Column_ID, Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Column_Trl_UU ) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Column_ID, t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy,Generate_UUID() FROM AD_Language l, AD_Column t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Column_ID=210161 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Column_ID=t.AD_Column_ID)
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:17:50 PM COT
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:18:27 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET IsMandatory='Y',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:18:27','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=210161
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:18:31 PM COT
update ad_language set printname=name
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:18:31 PM COT
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:19:16 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Field (IsEncrypted,AD_Tab_ID,DisplayLength,IsSameLine,IsHeading,AD_Column_ID,IsCentrallyMaintained,AD_Field_ID,IsReadOnly,EntityType,Name,AD_Field_UU,IsDisplayed,IsFieldOnly,UpdatedBy,AD_Org_ID,Created,AD_Client_ID,CreatedBy,Updated,IsActive) VALUES ('N',112,36,'N','N',60428,'Y',201883,'N','D','AD_Language_UU','219839b4-3e13-46e4-9234-fcce533f06f0','Y','N',100,0,TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:19:15','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),0,100,TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:19:15','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'Y')
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:19:16 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Field_ID, Help,Description,Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Field_Trl_UU ) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Field_ID, t.Help,t.Description,t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy,Generate_UUID() FROM AD_Language l, AD_Field t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Field_ID=201883 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Field_ID=t.AD_Field_ID)
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:19:16 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Field (IsEncrypted,AD_Tab_ID,DisplayLength,IsSameLine,IsHeading,AD_Column_ID,IsCentrallyMaintained,AD_Field_ID,IsReadOnly,Help,EntityType,Description,Name,AD_Field_UU,IsDisplayed,IsFieldOnly,UpdatedBy,AD_Org_ID,Created,AD_Client_ID,CreatedBy,Updated,IsActive) VALUES ('N',112,10,'N','N',210160,'Y',201884,'N','Printer Paper Size, Orientation and Margins','D','Printer paper definition','Print Paper','29c3e7dd-bde7-4a09-8a61-f00545a2c0c9','Y','N',100,0,TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:19:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),0,100,TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:19:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'Y')
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:19:16 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Field_ID, Help,Description,Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Field_Trl_UU ) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Field_ID, t.Help,t.Description,t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy,Generate_UUID() FROM AD_Language l, AD_Field t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Field_ID=201884 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Field_ID=t.AD_Field_ID)
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:19:17 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Field (IsEncrypted,AD_Tab_ID,DisplayLength,IsSameLine,IsHeading,AD_Column_ID,IsCentrallyMaintained,AD_Field_ID,IsReadOnly,Help,EntityType,Description,Name,AD_Field_UU,IsDisplayed,IsFieldOnly,UpdatedBy,AD_Org_ID,Created,AD_Client_ID,CreatedBy,Updated,IsActive) VALUES ('N',112,60,'N','N',210161,'Y',201885,'N','The Label to be printed indicates the name that will be printed on a document or correspondence. The max length is 2000 characters.','D','The label text to be printed on a document or correspondence.','Print Text','186fd397-8266-47a6-b6de-04e846997038','Y','N',100,0,TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:19:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),0,100,TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:19:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'Y')
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:19:17 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Field_ID, Help,Description,Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Field_Trl_UU ) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Field_ID, t.Help,t.Description,t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy,Generate_UUID() FROM AD_Language l, AD_Field t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Field_ID=201885 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Field_ID=t.AD_Field_ID)
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=10,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=289
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=20,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=1995
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=30,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=216
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=40,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=217
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET ColumnSpan=5, SeqNo=50, IsDisplayed='Y', XPosition=1,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=201885
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=80, IsDisplayed='Y', XPosition=2,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=1346
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET ColumnSpan=2, SeqNo=90, IsDisplayed='Y', XPosition=5,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=200654
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=100, IsDisplayed='Y', XPosition=2,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=218
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=110, IsDisplayed='Y', XPosition=5,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=219
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=120,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=11172
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=130,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=11175
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=140,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=11173
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET ColumnSpan=2, SeqNo=150, IsDisplayed='Y', XPosition=4,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=201884
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=160,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=5226
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=0, IsDisplayed='N', XPosition=1,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=201883
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=0,IsDisplayedGrid='N' WHERE AD_Field_ID=289
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=0,IsDisplayedGrid='N' WHERE AD_Field_ID=201883
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=0,IsDisplayedGrid='N' WHERE AD_Field_ID=5226
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=0,IsDisplayedGrid='N' WHERE AD_Field_ID=1995
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=10,IsDisplayedGrid='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=216
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=20,IsDisplayedGrid='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=217
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=30,IsDisplayedGrid='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=3047
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=40,IsDisplayedGrid='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=201885
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=50,IsDisplayedGrid='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=5225
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=70,IsDisplayedGrid='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=218
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=80,IsDisplayedGrid='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=1346
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=90,IsDisplayedGrid='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=11172
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=100,IsDisplayedGrid='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=11175
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=110,IsDisplayedGrid='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=11173
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=120,IsDisplayedGrid='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=201884
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=130,IsDisplayedGrid='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=219
-- Mar 15, 2013 6:54:38 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET AD_Reference_Value_ID=319, IsMandatory='N', AD_Reference_ID=17,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 18:54:38','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=13080
-- Mar 15, 2013 6:54:40 PM COT
-- Mar 15, 2013 6:54:40 PM COT
update ad_language set isdecimalpoint=null
-- Mar 15, 2013 6:59:39 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=140, IsDisplayed='Y', XPosition=1,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 18:59:39','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=11173
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:00:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET IsSelectionColumn='Y',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:00:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=203
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:01:43 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET SeqNoSelection=1,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:01:43','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=203
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:01:59 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET SeqNoSelection=2,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:01:59','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=204
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:02:09 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET SeqNoSelection=3,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:02:09','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=3886
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:03:37 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd.MM.yyyy', PrintName='ﺔﻴﺑﺮﻌﻟﺍ (AR)',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:03:37','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=115
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:04:38 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', PrintName='Български (BG)',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:04:38','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=118
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:05:07 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', PrintName='Català',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:05:07','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=119
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:05:46 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd-MM-yyyy', PrintName='Dansk',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:05:46','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=121
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:06:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET PrintName='Deutsch',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:06:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=191
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:07:07 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', PrintName='Ελληνικά (GR)',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:07:07','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=125
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:07:35 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', PrintName='English (AU)',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:07:35','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=126
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:08:10 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET PrintName='English (UK)',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:08:10','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=128
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:09:24 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET AD_PrintPaper_ID=101, PrintName='English',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:09:24','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=192
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:10:11 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', AD_PrintPaper_ID=101, PrintName='Español (Colombia)',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:10:11','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=136
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:10:38 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', PrintName='Español (DO)',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:10:38','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=138
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:11:21 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', PrintName='Español (EC)',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:11:21','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=139
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:11:49 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET PrintName='Español',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:11:49','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=140
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:12:07 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', AD_PrintPaper_ID=101, PrintName='Español (MX)',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:12:07','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=143
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:12:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', PrintName='Español (VE)',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:12:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=151
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:13:27 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd-MM-yyyy', PrintName='Farsi', IsDecimalPoint='N',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:13:27','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=193
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:13:51 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd.MM.yyyy', PrintName='Finnish', IsDecimalPoint='Y',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:13:51','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=153
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:14:29 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='MM/dd/yyyy', AD_PrintPaper_ID=101, PrintName='Français (CA)', IsDecimalPoint='Y',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:14:29','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=155
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:14:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET PrintName='Français',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:14:54','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=190
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:15:29 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd.MM.yyyy', PrintName='Hrvatski',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:15:29','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=159
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:15:49 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='yyyy.MM.dd', PrintName='Magyar (HU)',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:15:49','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=160
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:16:12 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd-MM-yyyy', PrintName='Indonesia Bahasa',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:16:12','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=50010
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:16:33 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET PrintName='Italiano',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:16:33','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=163
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:17:07 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET PrintName='日本語 (JP)',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:17:07','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=165
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:17:43 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd-MM-yyyy', PrintName='Malaysian', IsDecimalPoint='N',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:17:43','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=50003
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:18:09 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd-MM-yyyy', PrintName='Nederlands',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:18:09','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=171
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:18:32 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', PrintName='Norsk',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:18:32','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=172
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:19:06 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd-MM-yyyy', PrintName='Polski',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:19:06','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=173
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:19:24 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', PrintName='Portuguese (BR)',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:19:24','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=174
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:19:50 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd.MM.yyyy', PrintName='Română',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:19:50','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=176
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:20:11 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd-MM-yyyy', PrintName='Русский (Russian)',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:20:11','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=177
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:20:37 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd.MM.yyyy', PrintName='Slovenski',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:20:37','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=180
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:21:08 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', PrintName='Albanian', IsDecimalPoint='Y',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:21:08','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=181
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:21:49 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd.MM.yyyy', PrintName='Српски (RS)',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:21:49','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=50015
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:22:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='yyyy-MM-dd', PrintName='Svenska',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:22:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=183
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:22:40 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', PrintName='ไทย (TH)', IsDecimalPoint='N',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:22:40','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=184
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:23:14 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd-MM-yyyy', PrintName='Việt Nam',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:23:14','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=194
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:23:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='yyyy-MM-dd', PrintName='简体中文 (CN)',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:23:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=187
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:24:14 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET PrintName='繁體中文 (TW)',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 19:24:14','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=189
-- Mar 15, 2013 10:32:23 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=130,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 22:32:23','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=201884
-- Mar 15, 2013 10:32:23 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=140,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 22:32:23','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=5226
-- Mar 15, 2013 10:32:23 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=0, IsDisplayed='N', XPosition=1,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 22:32:23','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=11173
-- Mar 15, 2013 10:32:23 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=0, IsDisplayed='N', XPosition=1,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-15 22:32:23','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=11175
SELECT register_migration_script('201303151727_IDEMPIERE-489.sql') FROM dual

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
-- Mar 17, 2013 3:51:32 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Message SET MsgText='Confirm New EMail User Password', Value='New EMail PW Confirm',Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-17 15:51:32','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Message_ID=200070
-- Mar 17, 2013 3:51:33 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Message_Trl SET IsTranslated='N' WHERE AD_Message_ID=200070
SELECT register_migration_script('201303171552_IDEMPIERE-747.sql') FROM dual

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
-- Mar 13, 2013 4:02:09 PM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-661 OrderLineCreateProduction not passing accounting data from SO to Production
UPDATE AD_Column SET ColumnSQL=NULL, IsAllowCopy='N',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-13 16:02:09','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=61942
-- Mar 13, 2013 4:02:19 PM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-661 OrderLineCreateProduction not passing accounting data from SO to Production
update m_production
set c_bpartner_id=(select o.c_bpartner_id from c_order o join c_orderline ol on o.c_order_id=ol.c_order_id where ol.c_orderline_id=m_production.c_orderline_id)
where c_orderline_id>0
-- Mar 17, 2013 4:23:40 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Table SET AD_Window_ID=53127,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-17 16:23:40','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Table_ID=325
SELECT register_migration_script('201303131830_IDEMPIERE-661.sql') FROM dual

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ad_sysconfig_org_name
ON AD_SysConfig (ad_client_id, ad_org_id,name)
SELECT register_migration_script('201303151018_IDEMPIERE-752.sql') FROM dual

View File

@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:15:08 PM COT
-- IDEMPIERE-489 Make use of AD_Language configuration
INSERT INTO AD_Column (SeqNoSelection,IsSyncDatabase,Version,AD_Table_ID,AD_Column_ID,EntityType,IsMandatory,IsTranslated,IsIdentifier,SeqNo,IsParent,FieldLength,IsSelectionColumn,AD_Reference_ID,IsKey,AD_Element_ID,IsAutocomplete,IsAllowLogging,AD_Column_UU,IsUpdateable,ColumnName,Description,Help,Name,IsAllowCopy,Updated,CreatedBy,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,UpdatedBy,AD_Client_ID,IsToolbarButton,IsAlwaysUpdateable,IsEncrypted) VALUES (0,'N',0,111,210160,'D','N','N','N',0,'N',10,'N',19,'N',1793,'N','Y','954051a7-4b61-45d1-ad84-a949ccaf1084','Y','AD_PrintPaper_ID','Printer paper definition','Printer Paper Size, Orientation and Margins','Print Paper','Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:15:07','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,0,'Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:15:07','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,0,'N','N','N')
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:15:08 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Column_ID, Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Column_Trl_UU ) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Column_ID, t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy,Generate_UUID() FROM AD_Language l, AD_Column t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Column_ID=210160 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Column_ID=t.AD_Column_ID)
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:15:20 PM COT
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:17:33 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Column (SeqNoSelection,IsSyncDatabase,Version,AD_Table_ID,AD_Column_ID,EntityType,IsMandatory,IsTranslated,IsIdentifier,SeqNo,IsParent,FieldLength,IsSelectionColumn,AD_Reference_ID,IsKey,AD_Element_ID,IsAutocomplete,IsAllowLogging,AD_Column_UU,IsUpdateable,ColumnName,Description,Help,Name,IsAllowCopy,Updated,CreatedBy,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,UpdatedBy,AD_Client_ID,IsToolbarButton,IsAlwaysUpdateable,IsEncrypted) VALUES (0,'N',0,111,210161,'D','N','N','N',0,'N',60,'N',10,'N',958,'N','Y','5b7516ac-f385-4c7c-9f10-e9aeb50d3306','Y','PrintName','The label text to be printed on a document or correspondence.','The Label to be printed indicates the name that will be printed on a document or correspondence. The max length is 2000 characters.','Print Text','Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:17:33','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,0,'Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:17:33','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,0,'N','N','N')
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:17:33 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Column_ID, Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Column_Trl_UU ) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Column_ID, t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy,Generate_UUID() FROM AD_Language l, AD_Column t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Column_ID=210161 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Column_ID=t.AD_Column_ID)
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:17:50 PM COT
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:18:27 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET IsMandatory='Y',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:18:27','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=210161
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:18:31 PM COT
INSERT INTO t_alter_column values('ad_language','PrintName','VARCHAR(60)',null,null)
update ad_language set printname=name
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:18:31 PM COT
INSERT INTO t_alter_column values('ad_language','PrintName',null,'NOT NULL',null)
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:19:16 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Field (IsEncrypted,AD_Tab_ID,DisplayLength,IsSameLine,IsHeading,AD_Column_ID,IsCentrallyMaintained,AD_Field_ID,IsReadOnly,EntityType,Name,AD_Field_UU,IsDisplayed,IsFieldOnly,UpdatedBy,AD_Org_ID,Created,AD_Client_ID,CreatedBy,Updated,IsActive) VALUES ('N',112,36,'N','N',60428,'Y',201883,'N','D','AD_Language_UU','219839b4-3e13-46e4-9234-fcce533f06f0','Y','N',100,0,TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:19:15','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),0,100,TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:19:15','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'Y')
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:19:16 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Field_ID, Help,Description,Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Field_Trl_UU ) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Field_ID, t.Help,t.Description,t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy,Generate_UUID() FROM AD_Language l, AD_Field t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Field_ID=201883 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Field_ID=t.AD_Field_ID)
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:19:16 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Field (IsEncrypted,AD_Tab_ID,DisplayLength,IsSameLine,IsHeading,AD_Column_ID,IsCentrallyMaintained,AD_Field_ID,IsReadOnly,Help,EntityType,Description,Name,AD_Field_UU,IsDisplayed,IsFieldOnly,UpdatedBy,AD_Org_ID,Created,AD_Client_ID,CreatedBy,Updated,IsActive) VALUES ('N',112,10,'N','N',210160,'Y',201884,'N','Printer Paper Size, Orientation and Margins','D','Printer paper definition','Print Paper','29c3e7dd-bde7-4a09-8a61-f00545a2c0c9','Y','N',100,0,TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:19:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),0,100,TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:19:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'Y')
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:19:16 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Field_ID, Help,Description,Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Field_Trl_UU ) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Field_ID, t.Help,t.Description,t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy,Generate_UUID() FROM AD_Language l, AD_Field t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Field_ID=201884 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Field_ID=t.AD_Field_ID)
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:19:17 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Field (IsEncrypted,AD_Tab_ID,DisplayLength,IsSameLine,IsHeading,AD_Column_ID,IsCentrallyMaintained,AD_Field_ID,IsReadOnly,Help,EntityType,Description,Name,AD_Field_UU,IsDisplayed,IsFieldOnly,UpdatedBy,AD_Org_ID,Created,AD_Client_ID,CreatedBy,Updated,IsActive) VALUES ('N',112,60,'N','N',210161,'Y',201885,'N','The Label to be printed indicates the name that will be printed on a document or correspondence. The max length is 2000 characters.','D','The label text to be printed on a document or correspondence.','Print Text','186fd397-8266-47a6-b6de-04e846997038','Y','N',100,0,TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:19:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),0,100,TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:19:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'Y')
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:19:17 PM COT
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Field_ID, Help,Description,Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Field_Trl_UU ) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Field_ID, t.Help,t.Description,t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy,Generate_UUID() FROM AD_Language l, AD_Field t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Field_ID=201885 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Field_ID=t.AD_Field_ID)
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=10,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=289
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=20,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=1995
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=30,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=216
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=40,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=217
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET ColumnSpan=5, SeqNo=50, IsDisplayed='Y', XPosition=1,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=201885
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=80, IsDisplayed='Y', XPosition=2,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=1346
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET ColumnSpan=2, SeqNo=90, IsDisplayed='Y', XPosition=5,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=200654
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=100, IsDisplayed='Y', XPosition=2,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=218
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=110, IsDisplayed='Y', XPosition=5,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=219
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=120,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=11172
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=130,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=11175
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=140,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=11173
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET ColumnSpan=2, SeqNo=150, IsDisplayed='Y', XPosition=4,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=201884
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=160,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=5226
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:22:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=0, IsDisplayed='N', XPosition=1,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 17:22:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=201883
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=0,IsDisplayedGrid='N' WHERE AD_Field_ID=289
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=0,IsDisplayedGrid='N' WHERE AD_Field_ID=201883
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=0,IsDisplayedGrid='N' WHERE AD_Field_ID=5226
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=0,IsDisplayedGrid='N' WHERE AD_Field_ID=1995
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=10,IsDisplayedGrid='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=216
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=20,IsDisplayedGrid='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=217
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=30,IsDisplayedGrid='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=3047
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=40,IsDisplayedGrid='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=201885
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=50,IsDisplayedGrid='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=5225
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=70,IsDisplayedGrid='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=218
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=80,IsDisplayedGrid='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=1346
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=90,IsDisplayedGrid='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=11172
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=100,IsDisplayedGrid='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=11175
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=110,IsDisplayedGrid='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=11173
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=120,IsDisplayedGrid='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=201884
-- Mar 15, 2013 5:23:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid=130,IsDisplayedGrid='Y' WHERE AD_Field_ID=219
-- Mar 15, 2013 6:54:38 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET AD_Reference_Value_ID=319, IsMandatory='N', AD_Reference_ID=17,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 18:54:38','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=13080
-- Mar 15, 2013 6:54:40 PM COT
INSERT INTO t_alter_column values('ad_language','IsDecimalPoint','CHAR(1)',null,'NULL')
-- Mar 15, 2013 6:54:40 PM COT
INSERT INTO t_alter_column values('ad_language','IsDecimalPoint',null,'NULL',null)
update ad_language set isdecimalpoint=null
-- Mar 15, 2013 6:59:39 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=140, IsDisplayed='Y', XPosition=1,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 18:59:39','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=11173
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:00:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET IsSelectionColumn='Y',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:00:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=203
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:01:43 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET SeqNoSelection=1,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:01:43','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=203
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:01:59 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET SeqNoSelection=2,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:01:59','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=204
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:02:09 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Column SET SeqNoSelection=3,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:02:09','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=3886
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:03:37 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd.MM.yyyy', PrintName='ﺔﻴﺑﺮﻌﻟﺍ (AR)',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:03:37','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=115
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:04:38 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', PrintName='Български (BG)',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:04:38','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=118
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:05:07 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', PrintName='Català',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:05:07','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=119
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:05:46 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd-MM-yyyy', PrintName='Dansk',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:05:46','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=121
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:06:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET PrintName='Deutsch',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:06:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=191
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:07:07 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', PrintName='Ελληνικά (GR)',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:07:07','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=125
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:07:35 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', PrintName='English (AU)',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:07:35','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=126
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:08:10 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET PrintName='English (UK)',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:08:10','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=128
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:09:24 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET AD_PrintPaper_ID=101, PrintName='English',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:09:24','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=192
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:10:11 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', AD_PrintPaper_ID=101, PrintName='Español (Colombia)',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:10:11','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=136
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:10:38 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', PrintName='Español (DO)',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:10:38','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=138
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:11:21 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', PrintName='Español (EC)',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:11:21','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=139
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:11:49 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET PrintName='Español',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:11:49','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=140
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:12:07 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', AD_PrintPaper_ID=101, PrintName='Español (MX)',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:12:07','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=143
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:12:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', PrintName='Español (VE)',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:12:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=151
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:13:27 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd-MM-yyyy', PrintName='Farsi', IsDecimalPoint='N',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:13:27','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=193
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:13:51 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd.MM.yyyy', PrintName='Finnish', IsDecimalPoint='Y',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:13:51','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=153
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:14:29 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='MM/dd/yyyy', AD_PrintPaper_ID=101, PrintName='Français (CA)', IsDecimalPoint='Y',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:14:29','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=155
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:14:54 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET PrintName='Français',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:14:54','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=190
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:15:29 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd.MM.yyyy', PrintName='Hrvatski',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:15:29','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=159
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:15:49 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='yyyy.MM.dd', PrintName='Magyar (HU)',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:15:49','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=160
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:16:12 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd-MM-yyyy', PrintName='Indonesia Bahasa',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:16:12','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=50010
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:16:33 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET PrintName='Italiano',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:16:33','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=163
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:17:07 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET PrintName='日本語 (JP)',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:17:07','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=165
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:17:43 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd-MM-yyyy', PrintName='Malaysian', IsDecimalPoint='N',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:17:43','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=50003
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:18:09 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd-MM-yyyy', PrintName='Nederlands',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:18:09','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=171
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:18:32 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', PrintName='Norsk',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:18:32','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=172
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:19:06 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd-MM-yyyy', PrintName='Polski',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:19:06','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=173
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:19:24 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', PrintName='Portuguese (BR)',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:19:24','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=174
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:19:50 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd.MM.yyyy', PrintName='Română',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:19:50','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=176
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:20:11 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd-MM-yyyy', PrintName='Русский (Russian)',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:20:11','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=177
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:20:37 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd.MM.yyyy', PrintName='Slovenski',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:20:37','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=180
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:21:08 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', PrintName='Albanian', IsDecimalPoint='Y',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:21:08','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=181
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:21:49 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd.MM.yyyy', PrintName='Српски (RS)',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:21:49','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=50015
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:22:13 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='yyyy-MM-dd', PrintName='Svenska',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:22:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=183
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:22:40 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd/MM/yyyy', PrintName='ไทย (TH)', IsDecimalPoint='N',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:22:40','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=184
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:23:14 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='dd-MM-yyyy', PrintName='Việt Nam',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:23:14','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=194
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:23:48 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET DatePattern='yyyy-MM-dd', PrintName='简体中文 (CN)',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:23:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=187
-- Mar 15, 2013 7:24:14 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Language SET PrintName='繁體中文 (TW)',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 19:24:14','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Language_ID=189
-- Mar 15, 2013 10:32:23 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=130,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 22:32:23','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=201884
-- Mar 15, 2013 10:32:23 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=140,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 22:32:23','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=5226
-- Mar 15, 2013 10:32:23 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=0, IsDisplayed='N', XPosition=1,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 22:32:23','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=11173
-- Mar 15, 2013 10:32:23 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo=0, IsDisplayed='N', XPosition=1,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-15 22:32:23','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Field_ID=11175
SELECT register_migration_script('201303151727_IDEMPIERE-489.sql') FROM dual

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
-- Mar 17, 2013 3:51:32 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Message SET MsgText='Confirm New EMail User Password', Value='New EMail PW Confirm',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-17 15:51:32','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Message_ID=200070
-- Mar 17, 2013 3:51:33 PM COT
UPDATE AD_Message_Trl SET IsTranslated='N' WHERE AD_Message_ID=200070
SELECT register_migration_script('201303171552_IDEMPIERE-747.sql') FROM dual

View File

@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ public class FactAcctReset extends SvrProcess
sql1 += " AND TRUNC(fact.DateAcct) <= " + DB.TO_DATE(p_DateAcct_To);
sql1 += ")";
log.log(Level.FINE, sql1);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, sql1);
int reset = DB.executeUpdate(sql1, get_TrxName());
// Fact
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ public class FactAcctReset extends SvrProcess
if (p_DateAcct_To != null)
sql2 += " AND TRUNC(Fact_Acct.DateAcct) <= " + DB.TO_DATE(p_DateAcct_To);
log.log(Level.FINE, sql2);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, sql2);
int deleted = DB.executeUpdate(sql2, get_TrxName());

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import org.compiere.model.MProduction;
import org.compiere.model.MWarehouse;
import org.compiere.util.DB;
import org.compiere.util.Env;
import org.compiere.util.Msg;
* Create (Generate) Invoice from Shipment
@ -125,14 +126,56 @@ public class OrderLineCreateProduction extends SvrProcess
if ( locator == 0 )
locator = MWarehouse.get(getCtx(), line.getM_Warehouse_ID()).getDefaultLocator().get_ID();
if (line.getC_BPartner_ID() > 0) {
if (line.getC_Project_ID() > 0 ) {
} else {
if (line.getC_Campaign_ID() > 0) {
} else {
if (line.getC_Activity_ID() > 0) {
} else {
if (line.getUser1_ID() > 0) {
} else {
if (line.getUser2_ID() > 0) {
} else {
if (line.getAD_OrgTrx_ID() > 0) {
} else {
StringBuilder msgreturn = new StringBuilder("Production created -- ").append(production.get_ValueAsString("DocumentNo"));
return msgreturn.toString();
String msg = Msg.parseTranslation(getCtx(), "@M_Production_ID@ @Created@ " + production.getDocumentNo());
addLog(production.getM_Production_ID(), null, null, msg, MProduction.Table_ID, production.getM_Production_ID());
return "@OK@";
} // OrderLineCreateShipment
} // OrderLineCreateShipment

View File

@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ public class RequestEMailProcessor extends SvrProcess
catch (IOException e) {
log.log(Level.FINE, "Error extracting attachments", e);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "Error extracting attachments", e);

View File

@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import org.adempiere.util.GenerateModel;
import org.compiere.util.CLogger;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
@ -55,7 +54,7 @@ import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
public class AddressLookup implements AddressLookupInterface {
/** The logger. */
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(GenerateModel.class);
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(AddressLookup.class);
* The access code which is used along with clientID to authenticate the
@ -168,34 +167,34 @@ public class AddressLookup implements AddressLookupInterface {
Element firstElement = (Element) firstDataNode;
NodeList firstNameList = firstElement.getElementsByTagName("Name");
Element NameElement = (Element) firstNameList.item(0);
log.log(Level.FINE, "Name: " + NameElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().trim() + " Node: " + i);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){log.log(Level.FINE, "Name: " + NameElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().trim() + " Node: " + i);}
// Found and ADDR Node
if (NameElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().trim().equals("ADDR")) {
NodeList firstValueList = firstElement.getElementsByTagName("Value");
Element ValueElement = (Element) firstValueList.item(0);
log.log(Level.FINE, "Value: " + ValueElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().replaceAll("\n","").trim() + " Node: " + i);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){log.log(Level.FINE, "Value: " + ValueElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().replaceAll("\n","").trim() + " Node: " + i);}
// Found and STREET Node
if (NameElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().trim().equals("STREET")) {
NodeList firstValueList = firstElement.getElementsByTagName("Value");
Element ValueElement = (Element) firstValueList.item(0);
log.log(Level.FINE, "Value: " + ValueElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().replaceAll("\n","").trim() + " Node: " + i);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){log.log(Level.FINE, "Value: " + ValueElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().replaceAll("\n","").trim() + " Node: " + i);}
// Found and LOCALITY Node
if (NameElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().trim().equals("LOCALITY")) {
NodeList firstValueList = firstElement.getElementsByTagName("Value");
Element ValueElement = (Element) firstValueList.item(0);
log.log(Level.FINE, "Value: " + ValueElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().replaceAll("\n","").trim() + " Node: " + i);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){log.log(Level.FINE, "Value: " + ValueElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().replaceAll("\n","").trim() + " Node: " + i);}
// Found and POSTTOWN Node
if (NameElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().trim().equals("POSTTOWN")) {
NodeList firstValueList = firstElement.getElementsByTagName("Value");
Element ValueElement = (Element) firstValueList.item(0);
log.log(Level.FINE, "Value: " + ValueElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().replaceAll("\n","").trim() + " Node: " + i);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){log.log(Level.FINE, "Value: " + ValueElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().replaceAll("\n","").trim() + " Node: " + i);}
@ -203,56 +202,56 @@ public class AddressLookup implements AddressLookupInterface {
if (NameElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().trim().equals("COUNTY")) {
NodeList firstValueList = firstElement.getElementsByTagName("Value");
Element ValueElement = (Element) firstValueList.item(0);
log.log(Level.FINE, "Value: " + ValueElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().replaceAll("\n","").trim() + " Node: " + i);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){log.log(Level.FINE, "Value: " + ValueElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().replaceAll("\n","").trim() + " Node: " + i);}
// Found and POSTCODE Node
if (NameElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().trim().equals("POSTCODE")) {
NodeList firstValueList = firstElement.getElementsByTagName("Value");
Element ValueElement = (Element) firstValueList.item(0);
log.log(Level.FINE, "Value: " + ValueElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().replaceAll("\n","").trim() + " Node: " + i);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){log.log(Level.FINE, "Value: " + ValueElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().replaceAll("\n","").trim() + " Node: " + i);}
// Found and COUNTRY Node
if (NameElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().trim().equals("COUNTRY")) {
NodeList firstValueList = firstElement.getElementsByTagName("Value");
Element ValueElement = (Element) firstValueList.item(0);
log.log(Level.FINE, "Value: " + ValueElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().replaceAll("\n","").trim() + " Node: " + i);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){log.log(Level.FINE, "Value: " + ValueElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().replaceAll("\n","").trim() + " Node: " + i);}
// Found and COUNTRYCODE Node
if (NameElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().trim().equals("COUNTRYCODE")) {
NodeList firstValueList = firstElement.getElementsByTagName("Value");
Element ValueElement = (Element) firstValueList.item(0);
log.log(Level.FINE, "Value: " + ValueElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().replaceAll("\n","").trim() + " Node: " + i);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){log.log(Level.FINE, "Value: " + ValueElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().replaceAll("\n","").trim() + " Node: " + i);}
// Found and TRADCOUNTY Node
if (NameElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().trim().equals("TRADCOUNTY")) {
NodeList firstValueList = firstElement.getElementsByTagName("Value");
Element ValueElement = (Element) firstValueList.item(0);
log.log(Level.FINE, "Value: " + ValueElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().replaceAll("\n","").trim() + " Node: " + i);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){log.log(Level.FINE, "Value: " + ValueElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().replaceAll("\n","").trim() + " Node: " + i);}
// Found and LONLOCOUT Node
if (NameElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().trim().equals("LONLOCOUT")) {
NodeList firstValueList = firstElement.getElementsByTagName("Value");
Element ValueElement = (Element) firstValueList.item(0);
log.log(Level.FINE, "Value: " + ValueElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().replaceAll("\n","").trim() + " Node: " + i);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){log.log(Level.FINE, "Value: " + ValueElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().replaceAll("\n","").trim() + " Node: " + i);}
// Found and ADMINCOUNTY Node
if (NameElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().trim().equals("ADMINCOUNTY")) {
NodeList firstValueList = firstElement.getElementsByTagName("Value");
Element ValueElement = (Element) firstValueList.item(0);
log.log(Level.FINE, "Value: " + ValueElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().replaceAll("\n","").trim() + " Node: " + i);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){log.log(Level.FINE, "Value: " + ValueElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().replaceAll("\n","").trim() + " Node: " + i);}
// Found and ADMINCOUNTY Node
if (NameElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().trim().equals("RESCODE")) {
NodeList firstValueList = firstElement.getElementsByTagName("Value");
Element ValueElement = (Element) firstValueList.item(0);
log.log(Level.FINE, "Value: " + ValueElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().replaceAll("\n","").trim() + " Node: " + i);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){log.log(Level.FINE, "Value: " + ValueElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().replaceAll("\n","").trim() + " Node: " + i);}
resultCode = (int) new Integer(ValueElement.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue().replaceAll("\n","").trim());

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import org.compiere.util.CLogger;
public class DefaultPaymentProcessorFactory implements IPaymentProcessorFactory {
private final static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger(IPaymentProcessorFactory.class);
private final static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger(DefaultPaymentProcessorFactory.class);
* default constructor

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public class DefaultProcessFactory implements IProcessFactory {
catch (ClassNotFoundException ex)
log.log(Level.FINE, className, ex);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, className, ex);
if (processClass == null)

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public class ResetLockedAccount extends SvrProcess {
else if (name.equals("AD_User_ID"))
p_AD_User_ID = element.getParameterAsInt();
log.log(Level.INFO, "Unknown Parameter: " + name);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO))log.log(Level.INFO, "Unknown Parameter: " + name);

View File

@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ public abstract class Doc
catch (AverageCostingNegativeQtyException e)
log.log(Level.INFO, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO))log.log(Level.INFO, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
p_Status = STATUS_NotPosted;
p_Error = e.toString();

View File

@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ public class Doc_MatchPO extends Doc
// Nothing to post
if (difference.signum() == 0)
log.log(Level.FINE, "No Cost Difference for M_Product_ID=" + getM_Product_ID());
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "No Cost Difference for M_Product_ID=" + getM_Product_ID());
return facts;

View File

@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ public class GridTable extends AbstractTableModel
m_virtual = virtual;
} // MTable
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(GridTable.class.getName());
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(GridTable.class);
private Properties m_ctx;
private int m_AD_Table_ID;
private String m_tableName = "";
@ -2290,7 +2290,7 @@ public class GridTable extends AbstractTableModel
Object value = rowData[col];
if (value == null)
log.log(Level.INFO, "FK data is null - " + columnName);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO))log.log(Level.INFO, "FK data is null - " + columnName);
if (multiRowWHERE == null)

View File

@ -93,6 +93,21 @@ public interface I_AD_Language
public int getAD_Org_ID();
/** Column name AD_PrintPaper_ID */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_PrintPaper_ID = "AD_PrintPaper_ID";
/** Set Print Paper.
* Printer paper definition
public void setAD_PrintPaper_ID (int AD_PrintPaper_ID);
/** Get Print Paper.
* Printer paper definition
public int getAD_PrintPaper_ID();
public org.compiere.model.I_AD_PrintPaper getAD_PrintPaper() throws RuntimeException;
/** Column name CountryCode */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_CountryCode = "CountryCode";
@ -167,12 +182,12 @@ public interface I_AD_Language
/** Set Decimal Point.
* The number notation has a decimal point (no decimal comma)
public void setIsDecimalPoint (boolean IsDecimalPoint);
public void setIsDecimalPoint (String IsDecimalPoint);
/** Get Decimal Point.
* The number notation has a decimal point (no decimal comma)
public boolean isDecimalPoint();
public String getIsDecimalPoint();
/** Column name IsLoginLocale */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_IsLoginLocale = "IsLoginLocale";
@ -222,6 +237,19 @@ public interface I_AD_Language
public String getName();
/** Column name PrintName */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_PrintName = "PrintName";
/** Set Print Text.
* The label text to be printed on a document or correspondence.
public void setPrintName (String PrintName);
/** Get Print Text.
* The label text to be printed on a document or correspondence.
public String getPrintName();
/** Column name Processing */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_Processing = "Processing";

View File

@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ public class MMediaServer extends X_CM_Media_Server
cmd = "list";
String[] fileNames = ftp.listNames();
log.log(Level.FINE, "Number of files in " + getFolder() + ": " + fileNames.length);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "Number of files in " + getFolder() + ": " + fileNames.length);
FTPFile[] files = ftp.listFiles();
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ public class MMediaServer extends X_CM_Media_Server
for (int i = 0; i < media.length; i++)
if (!media[i].isSummary()) {
log.log(Level.INFO, " Deploying Media Item:" + media[i].get_ID() + media[i].getExtension());
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO))log.log(Level.INFO, " Deploying Media Item:" + media[i].get_ID() + media[i].getExtension());
MImage thisImage = media[i].getImage();
// Open the file and output streams

View File

@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ public class MProcess extends X_AD_Process
public void copyFrom (MProcess source)
log.log(Level.FINE, "Copying from:" + source + ", to: " + this);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "Copying from:" + source + ", to: " + this);

View File

@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ public class MProcessPara extends X_AD_Process_Para
public void copyFrom (MProcessPara source)
log.log(Level.FINE, "Copying from:" + source + ", to: " + this);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "Copying from:" + source + ", to: " + this);
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ public class MProcessPara extends X_AD_Process_Para
// delete new translations and copy translations from source
String sql = "DELETE FROM AD_Process_Para_Trl WHERE AD_Process_Para_ID = ?";
int count = DB.executeUpdateEx(sql, new Object[] { getAD_Process_Para_ID() }, get_TrxName());
log.log(Level.FINE, "AD_Process_Para_Trl deleted: " + count);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "AD_Process_Para_Trl deleted: " + count);
sql = "INSERT INTO AD_Process_Para_Trl (AD_Process_Para_ID, AD_Language, " +
" AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, CreatedBy, Updated, UpdatedBy, " +
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ public class MProcessPara extends X_AD_Process_Para
" Updated, UpdatedBy, Name, Description, Help, IsTranslated " +
" FROM AD_Process_Para_Trl WHERE AD_Process_Para_ID = ? ";
count = DB.executeUpdateEx(sql, new Object[] { getAD_Process_Para_ID(), source.getAD_Process_Para_ID() }, get_TrxName());
log.log(Level.FINE, "AD_Process_Para_Trl inserted: " + count);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "AD_Process_Para_Trl inserted: " + count);

View File

@ -69,14 +69,14 @@ public class MProductionLine extends X_M_ProductionLine {
public String createTransactions(Timestamp date, boolean mustBeStocked) {
// delete existing ASI records
int deleted = deleteMA();
log.log(Level.FINE, "Deleted " + deleted + " attribute records ");
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "Deleted " + deleted + " attribute records ");
MProduct prod = new MProduct(getCtx(), getM_Product_ID(), get_TrxName());
log.log(Level.FINE,"Loaded Product " + prod.toString());
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE,"Loaded Product " + prod.toString());
if ( prod.getProductType().compareTo(MProduct.PRODUCTTYPE_Item ) != 0 ) {
// no need to do any movements
log.log(Level.FINE, "Production Line " + getLine() + " does not require stock movement");
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "Production Line " + getLine() + " does not require stock movement");
return "";
StringBuilder errorString = new StringBuilder();
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public class MProductionLine extends X_M_ProductionLine {
if ( asiString == null )
asiString = "";
log.log(Level.FINEST, "asi Description is: " + asiString);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) log.log(Level.FINEST, "asi Description is: " + asiString);
// create transactions for finished goods
if ( getMovementQty().compareTo(Env.ZERO) > 0 ) {
MProductionLineMA lineMA = new MProductionLineMA( this,
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ public class MProductionLine extends X_M_ProductionLine {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not update storage for " + toString());
errorString.append("Could not save transaction for " + toString() + "\n");
log.log(Level.FINE, "Created finished goods line " + getLine());
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "Created finished goods line " + getLine());
return errorString.toString();
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ public class MProductionLine extends X_M_ProductionLine {
BigDecimal lineQty = storages[sl].getQtyOnHand();
log.log(Level.FINE, "QtyAvailable " + lineQty );
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "QtyAvailable " + lineQty );
if (lineQty.signum() > 0)
if (lineQty.compareTo(qtyToMove ) > 0)
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ public class MProductionLine extends X_M_ProductionLine {
if (slASIString == null)
slASIString = "";
log.log(Level.FINEST,"slASI-Description =" + slASIString);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))log.log(Level.FINEST,"slASI-Description =" + slASIString);
if ( slASIString.compareTo(asiString) == 0
|| asi.getM_AttributeSet_ID() == 0 )
@ -153,9 +153,9 @@ public class MProductionLine extends X_M_ProductionLine {
if ( ! ) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not save MA for " + toString());
errorString.append("Could not save MA for " + toString() + "\n" );
} else {
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "Saved MA for " + toString());
log.log(Level.FINE, "Saved MA for " + toString());
matTrx = new MTransaction (getCtx(), getAD_Org_ID(),
getM_Locator_ID(), getM_Product_ID(), asi.get_ID(),
@ -164,16 +164,16 @@ public class MProductionLine extends X_M_ProductionLine {
if ( ! ) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not save transaction for " + toString());
errorString.append("Could not save transaction for " + toString() + "\n");
} else {
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "Saved transaction for " + toString());
log.log(Level.FINE, "Saved transaction for " + toString());
storages[sl].changeQtyOnHand(lineQty, false);
if ( !storages[sl].save(get_TrxName()) ) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not update storage for " + toString());
errorString.append("Could not update storage for " + toString() + "\n");
qtyToMove = qtyToMove.subtract(lineQty);
log.log(Level.FINE, getLine() + " Qty moved = " + lineQty + ", Remaining = " + qtyToMove );
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, getLine() + " Qty moved = " + lineQty + ", Remaining = " + qtyToMove );
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ public class MProductionLine extends X_M_ProductionLine {
if (slASIString == null)
slASIString = "";
log.log(Level.FINEST,"slASI-Description =" + slASIString);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))log.log(Level.FINEST,"slASI-Description =" + slASIString);
if ( slASIString.compareTo(asiString) == 0
|| asi.getM_AttributeSet_ID() == 0 )
@ -226,9 +226,9 @@ public class MProductionLine extends X_M_ProductionLine {
if ( ! ) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not save MA for " + toString());
errorString.append("Could not save MA for " + toString() + "\n" );
} else {
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "Saved MA for " + toString());
log.log(Level.FINE, "Saved MA for " + toString());
matTrx = new MTransaction (getCtx(), getAD_Org_ID(),
getM_Locator_ID(), getM_Product_ID(), asi.get_ID(),
@ -237,16 +237,16 @@ public class MProductionLine extends X_M_ProductionLine {
if ( ! ) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not save transaction for " + toString());
errorString.append("Could not save transaction for " + toString() + "\n");
} else {
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "Saved transaction for " + toString());
log.log(Level.FINE, "Saved transaction for " + toString());
storage.changeQtyOnHand(lineQty, false);
if ( ! ) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not update storage for " + toString());
errorString.append("Could not update storage for " + toString() + "\n");
qtyToMove = qtyToMove.subtract(lineQty);
log.log(Level.FINE, getLine() + " Qty moved = " + lineQty + ", Remaining = " + qtyToMove );
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, getLine() + " Qty moved = " + lineQty + ", Remaining = " + qtyToMove );

View File

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public class MReportCube extends X_PA_ReportCube {
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
KeyNamePair[] changedPeriods = DB.getKeyNamePairs(sql, false, getPA_ReportCube_ID());
elapsed = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)/1000;
log.log(Level.FINE, "Selecting changed periods took:" + elapsed + "s");
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "Selecting changed periods took:" + elapsed + "s");
if (changedPeriods != null && changedPeriods.length > 0 )
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ public class MReportCube extends X_PA_ReportCube {
periodList.delete(periodList.length() - 2, periodList.length());
periodList.append(" )");
log.log(Level.FINE, "Periods requiring update: " + periodNames.toString());
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "Periods requiring update: " + periodNames.toString());
return "Nothing to update in " + getName();
@ -108,13 +108,13 @@ public class MReportCube extends X_PA_ReportCube {
// delete
String delSQL = "DELETE FROM Fact_Acct_Summary fas " + where;
log.log(Level.FINE, "Delete sql: " + delSQL);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "Delete sql: " + delSQL);
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
int deleted = DB.executeUpdateEx(delSQL, get_TrxName());
elapsed = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)/1000;
result += "Deleted " + deleted + " in " + elapsed + " s;";
log.log(Level.FINE, result);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, result);
// insert
StringBuilder insert = new StringBuilder("INSERT " +
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ public class MReportCube extends X_PA_ReportCube {
String sql = insert.append(select.toString()).append(from).append(groups.toString()).toString();
log.log(Level.FINE, sql);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, sql);
Object[] params = new Object[] { getPA_ReportCube_ID(), getC_Calendar_ID() };
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ public class MReportCube extends X_PA_ReportCube {
long seconds = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)/1000;
String insertResult = "Inserted " + rows + " in " + seconds + " s.";
log.log(Level.FINE, insertResult);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, insertResult);
result += insertResult;
@ -206,14 +206,14 @@ public class MReportCube extends X_PA_ReportCube {
" FROM Fact_Acct_Summary fas" +
" WHERE fas.PA_ReportCube_ID = " + getPA_ReportCube_ID();
ts = DB.getSQLValueTS(get_TrxName(), tsSQL);
log.log(Level.FINE, "Last updated: " + ts);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "Last updated: " + ts);
catch (DBException e)
// failure results in null timestamp => rebuild on next run
// nothing else to do
log.log(Level.FINE, getName() + " update failed:" + e.getMessage());
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, getName() + " update failed:" + e.getMessage());

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ public final class MRole extends X_AD_Role
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2716871587637082891L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1135628544466487086L;
* Get Default (Client) Role
@ -518,11 +518,11 @@ public final class MRole extends X_AD_Role
if (reset)
int win = DB.executeUpdate(sqlWindow + roleAccessLevelWin, get_TrxName());
int proc = DB.executeUpdate(sqlProcess + roleAccessLevel, get_TrxName());
int form = DB.executeUpdate(sqlForm + roleAccessLevel, get_TrxName());
int wf = DB.executeUpdate(sqlWorkflow + roleAccessLevel, get_TrxName());
int docact = DB.executeUpdate(sqlDocAction, get_TrxName());
int win = DB.executeUpdateEx(sqlWindow + roleAccessLevelWin, get_TrxName());
int proc = DB.executeUpdateEx(sqlProcess + roleAccessLevel, get_TrxName());
int form = DB.executeUpdateEx(sqlForm + roleAccessLevel, get_TrxName());
int wf = DB.executeUpdateEx(sqlWorkflow + roleAccessLevel, get_TrxName());
int docact = DB.executeUpdateEx(sqlDocAction, get_TrxName());
return "@AD_Window_ID@ #" + win
@ -539,11 +539,11 @@ public final class MRole extends X_AD_Role
private void deleteAccessRecords() {
String whereDel = " WHERE AD_Role_ID=" + getAD_Role_ID();
int winDel = DB.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM AD_Window_Access" + whereDel, get_TrxName());
int procDel = DB.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM AD_Process_Access" + whereDel, get_TrxName());
int formDel = DB.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM AD_Form_Access" + whereDel, get_TrxName());
int wfDel = DB.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM AD_WorkFlow_Access" + whereDel, get_TrxName());
int docactDel = DB.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM AD_Document_Action_Access" + whereDel, get_TrxName());
int winDel = DB.executeUpdateEx("DELETE FROM AD_Window_Access" + whereDel, get_TrxName());
int procDel = DB.executeUpdateEx("DELETE FROM AD_Process_Access" + whereDel, get_TrxName());
int formDel = DB.executeUpdateEx("DELETE FROM AD_Form_Access" + whereDel, get_TrxName());
int wfDel = DB.executeUpdateEx("DELETE FROM AD_WorkFlow_Access" + whereDel, get_TrxName());
int docactDel = DB.executeUpdateEx("DELETE FROM AD_Document_Action_Access" + whereDel, get_TrxName());
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("AD_Window_Access=" + winDel
@ -2494,98 +2494,83 @@ public final class MRole extends X_AD_Role
return maxIndex;
final ArrayList<String> validOptions = new ArrayList<String>();
final List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>();
final List<Object> optionParams = new ArrayList<Object>();
final StringBuffer sql_values = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < maxIndex; i++) {
if (sql_values.length() > 0)
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
PreparedStatement pstmt1 = null;
ResultSet rs1 = null;
String sql=null;
List<MRole> roles = getIncludedRoles(true);
roles.add(this); // add current role to the list of included roles
String sql = null;
try {
if (roles.size() > 0) {
for (MRole role : roles) {
int idxpar = 1;
if (role.getAD_Client_ID() == 0 && role.isMasterRole()) {
// master role on system - check options based on docbasetype and docsubtypeso
MDocType doc = new MDocType(getCtx(), docTypeId, get_TrxName());
ArrayList<String> option = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int j = 0; j < options.length; j++) {
if (options[j] != null)
String sql1 = "SELECT rl.Value"
+ " FROM AD_Document_Action_Access da1"
+ " INNER JOIN AD_Ref_List rl ON (rl.AD_Reference_ID=135 and rl.AD_Ref_List_ID=da1.AD_Ref_List_ID)"
+ " INNER JOIN AD_Role_Included ri ON (da1.AD_Role_ID=ri.Included_Role_ID)"
+ " INNER JOIN AD_Role ro ON (ri.AD_Role_ID=ro.AD_Role_ID)"
+ " INNER JOIN C_Doctype ty ON (da1.C_Doctype_ID=ty.C_Doctype_ID)"
+ " WHERE ro.AD_Role_ID=?"
+ " AND ty.DocBaseType IN (?)"
+ " AND da1.IsActive='Y'";
pstmt1 = DB.prepareStatement(sql1, get_TrxName());
pstmt1.setInt(1, getAD_Role_ID());
pstmt1.setString(2, doc.getDocBaseType());
if (s_log.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) + " : " + getAD_Role_ID() + " "
+ doc.getDocBaseType());
rs1 = pstmt1.executeQuery();
while ( && rs1 != null) {
String op = rs1.getString(1);
if (option.contains(op)) {
sql = "SELECT DISTINCT rl.Value, a.IsActive FROM AD_Document_Action_Access a"
sql = "SELECT DISTINCT rl.Value, a.IsActive"
+ " FROM AD_Document_Action_Access a"
+ " INNER JOIN AD_Ref_List rl ON (rl.AD_Reference_ID=135 and rl.AD_Ref_List_ID=a.AD_Ref_List_ID)"
+ " WHERE a.AD_Client_ID=? AND a.C_DocType_ID=?" // #1,2
+ " INNER JOIN AD_Role ro ON (a.AD_Role_ID=ro.AD_Role_ID)"
+ " INNER JOIN C_Doctype ty ON (a.C_Doctype_ID=ty.C_Doctype_ID)"
+ " WHERE ro.AD_Role_ID=?"
+ " AND ty.DocBaseType=?"
+ (MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_SalesOrder.equals(doc.getDocBaseType()) ? " AND ty.DocSubTypeSO=?" : "")
+ " AND rl.Value IN ("
+ sql_values
+ ")"
+ " AND "
+ getIncludedRolesWhereClause("a.AD_Role_ID", params);
+ ")";
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
pstmt.setInt(idxpar++, role.getAD_Role_ID());
pstmt.setString(idxpar++, doc.getDocBaseType());
if (MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_SalesOrder.equals(doc.getDocBaseType()))
pstmt.setString(idxpar++, doc.getDocSubTypeSO());
} else {
// master role on tenant - check options based on doctypeid
sql = "SELECT DISTINCT rl.Value, a.IsActive"
+ " FROM AD_Document_Action_Access a"
+ " INNER JOIN AD_Ref_List rl ON (rl.AD_Reference_ID=135 and rl.AD_Ref_List_ID=a.AD_Ref_List_ID)"
+ " WHERE a.AD_Client_ID=? AND a.C_DocType_ID=?" // #1,2
+ " AND a.AD_Role_ID=?"
+ " AND rl.Value IN ("
+ sql_values
+ ")";
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
pstmt.setInt(idxpar++, clientId);
pstmt.setInt(idxpar++, docTypeId);
pstmt.setInt(idxpar++, role.getAD_Role_ID());
for (Object param : optionParams)
pstmt.setObject(idxpar++, param);
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
DB.setParameters(pstmt, params);
if (s_log.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) + " : " );
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
String op = rs.getString(1);
String active=rs.getString(2);
if(active.equals("N") && validOptions.contains(op) ){
if ("N".equals(active) && validOptions.contains(op)) {
} else {
if (!validOptions.contains(op))
} catch (SQLException e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
} finally {
DB.close(rs, pstmt);
DB.close(rs1, pstmt1);
rs = null;
pstmt = null;
rs1 = null;
pstmt1 = null;
rs = null; pstmt = null;
int newMaxIndex = validOptions.size();

View File

@ -1305,7 +1305,7 @@ public class MSequence extends X_AD_Sequence
retValue = -1;
s_log.log(Level.INFO, "getNextID_HTTP - " + TableName + "=" + read + "(" + retValue + ")");
if (s_log.isLoggable(Level.INFO))s_log.log(Level.INFO, "getNextID_HTTP - " + TableName + "=" + read + "(" + retValue + ")");
return retValue;

View File

@ -1034,7 +1034,7 @@ public abstract class PO
else // if (value instanceof String)
valueString = DB.TO_STRING(value.toString());
// Save it
log.log(Level.INFO, columnName + "=" + valueString);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO))log.log(Level.INFO, columnName + "=" + valueString);
m_custom.put(columnName, valueString);
return true;
} // set_CustomColumn
@ -1408,10 +1408,9 @@ public abstract class PO
catch (SQLException e)
if (p_info.isVirtualColumn(index)) // if rs constructor used
log.log(Level.FINER, "Virtual Column not loaded: " + columnName);
if (p_info.isVirtualColumn(index)) { // if rs constructor used
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER))log.log(Level.FINER, "Virtual Column not loaded: " + columnName);
} else {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "(rs) - " + String.valueOf(index)
+ ": " + p_info.getTableName() + "." + p_info.getColumnName(index)
+ " (" + p_info.getColumnClass(index) + ") - " + e);
@ -1468,10 +1467,9 @@ public abstract class PO
catch (Exception e)
if (p_info.isVirtualColumn(index)) // if rs constructor used
log.log(Level.FINER, "Virtual Column not loaded: " + columnName);
if (p_info.isVirtualColumn(index)) { // if rs constructor used
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER))log.log(Level.FINER, "Virtual Column not loaded: " + columnName);
} else {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "(ht) - " + String.valueOf(index)
+ ": " + p_info.getTableName() + "." + p_info.getColumnName(index)
+ " (" + p_info.getColumnClass(index) + ") - " + e);

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public class X_AD_Language extends PO implements I_AD_Language, I_Persistent
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20121031L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20130315L;
/** Standard Constructor */
public X_AD_Language (Properties ctx, int AD_Language_ID, String trxName)
@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ public class X_AD_Language extends PO implements I_AD_Language, I_Persistent
// @SQL=SELECT NVL(MAX(AD_Language_ID),0)+1 AS DefaultValue FROM AD_Language
setIsBaseLanguage (false);
// N
setIsDecimalPoint (false);
setIsSystemLanguage (false);
setName (null);
setPrintName (null);
} */
@ -128,6 +128,34 @@ public class X_AD_Language extends PO implements I_AD_Language, I_Persistent
return (String)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_AD_Language_UU);
public org.compiere.model.I_AD_PrintPaper getAD_PrintPaper() throws RuntimeException
return (org.compiere.model.I_AD_PrintPaper)MTable.get(getCtx(), org.compiere.model.I_AD_PrintPaper.Table_Name)
.getPO(getAD_PrintPaper_ID(), get_TrxName()); }
/** Set Print Paper.
@param AD_PrintPaper_ID
Printer paper definition
public void setAD_PrintPaper_ID (int AD_PrintPaper_ID)
if (AD_PrintPaper_ID < 1)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_AD_PrintPaper_ID, null);
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_AD_PrintPaper_ID, Integer.valueOf(AD_PrintPaper_ID));
/** Get Print Paper.
@return Printer paper definition
public int getAD_PrintPaper_ID ()
Integer ii = (Integer)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_AD_PrintPaper_ID);
if (ii == null)
return 0;
return ii.intValue();
/** Set ISO Country Code.
@param CountryCode
Upper-case two-letter alphanumeric ISO Country code according to ISO 3166-1 -
@ -186,28 +214,28 @@ public class X_AD_Language extends PO implements I_AD_Language, I_Persistent
return false;
/** IsDecimalPoint AD_Reference_ID=319 */
public static final int ISDECIMALPOINT_AD_Reference_ID=319;
/** Yes = Y */
public static final String ISDECIMALPOINT_Yes = "Y";
/** No = N */
public static final String ISDECIMALPOINT_No = "N";
/** Set Decimal Point.
@param IsDecimalPoint
The number notation has a decimal point (no decimal comma)
public void setIsDecimalPoint (boolean IsDecimalPoint)
public void setIsDecimalPoint (String IsDecimalPoint)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_IsDecimalPoint, Boolean.valueOf(IsDecimalPoint));
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_IsDecimalPoint, IsDecimalPoint);
/** Get Decimal Point.
@return The number notation has a decimal point (no decimal comma)
public boolean isDecimalPoint ()
public String getIsDecimalPoint ()
Object oo = get_Value(COLUMNNAME_IsDecimalPoint);
if (oo != null)
if (oo instanceof Boolean)
return ((Boolean)oo).booleanValue();
return "Y".equals(oo);
return false;
return (String)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_IsDecimalPoint);
/** Set Login Locale.
@ -297,6 +325,23 @@ public class X_AD_Language extends PO implements I_AD_Language, I_Persistent
return new KeyNamePair(get_ID(), getName());
/** Set Print Text.
@param PrintName
The label text to be printed on a document or correspondence.
public void setPrintName (String PrintName)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_PrintName, PrintName);
/** Get Print Text.
@return The label text to be printed on a document or correspondence.
public String getPrintName ()
return (String)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_PrintName);
/** Set Process Now.
@param Processing Process Now */
public void setProcessing (boolean Processing)

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public class X_M_Production extends PO implements I_M_Production, I_Persistent
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20121031L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20130317L;
/** Standard Constructor */
public X_M_Production (Properties ctx, int M_Production_ID, String trxName)
@ -146,7 +146,11 @@ public class X_M_Production extends PO implements I_M_Production, I_Persistent
public void setC_BPartner_ID (int C_BPartner_ID)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("C_BPartner_ID is virtual column"); }
if (C_BPartner_ID < 1)
set_ValueNoCheck (COLUMNNAME_C_BPartner_ID, null);
set_ValueNoCheck (COLUMNNAME_C_BPartner_ID, Integer.valueOf(C_BPartner_ID));
/** Get Business Partner .
@return Identifies a Business Partner

View File

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ public class FactReconcile extends SvrProcess
subselect = rule.getScript();
log.log(Level.FINE, "Rule subselect: " + subselect);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "Rule subselect: " + subselect);
/* example matching rules:
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ public class FactReconcile extends SvrProcess
pstmt.setInt(1, seq.getAD_Sequence_ID());
pstmt.setInt(2, account.get_ID());
count = pstmt.executeUpdate();
log.log(Level.FINE, "Inserted " + count + " new facts into Fact_Reconciliation");
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "Inserted " + count + " new facts into Fact_Reconciliation");
// set the matchcode based on the rule found in AD_Rule
// which is a sql fragment that returns a string based on the accounting fact
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ public class FactReconcile extends SvrProcess
pstmt.setInt(1, account.get_ID());
count = pstmt.executeUpdate();
log.log(Level.FINE, "Updated " + count + " match codes.");
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "Updated " + count + " match codes.");
// remove any matchcodes that don't balance to zero
sql = "UPDATE Fact_Reconciliation " +
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ public class FactReconcile extends SvrProcess
pstmt.setInt(2, account.get_ID());
unmatched = pstmt.executeUpdate();
log.log(Level.FINE, "Cleared match codes from " + unmatched + " unreconciled facts.");
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "Cleared match codes from " + unmatched + " unreconciled facts.");
catch (SQLException e)

View File

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public class FactReconciliation extends SvrProcess
int count = pstmt.executeUpdate();
String result = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"@Created@") + ": " + count + ", ";
log.log(Level.FINE, result);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, result);
sql = "DELETE FROM T_Reconciliation t " +
"WHERE (SELECT SUM(f.amtacctdr-f.amtacctcr) FROM T_Reconciliation r " +
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public class FactReconciliation extends SvrProcess
count = pstmt.executeUpdate();
result = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(), "@Deleted@") + ": " + count;
log.log(Level.FINE, result);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, result);

View File

@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ public class FinReport extends SvrProcess
MReportCube cube = new MReportCube(getCtx(), p_PA_ReportCube_ID, get_TrxName());
String result = cube.update(false, false);
log.log(Level.FINE, result);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, result);
// ** Create Temporary and empty Report Lines from PA_ReportLine
// - AD_PInstance_ID, PA_ReportLine_ID, 0, 0

View File

@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ public class CLogMgt
Logger rootLogger = getRootLogger();
log.log(Level.CONFIG, "Handler=" + handler);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG))log.log(Level.CONFIG, "Handler=" + handler);
} // addHandler
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ public class CLogMgt
log.log(Level.CONFIG, "Formatter=" + formatter);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG))log.log(Level.CONFIG, "Formatter=" + formatter);
} // setFormatter
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ public class CLogMgt
log.log(Level.CONFIG, "Filter=" + filter);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG))log.log(Level.CONFIG, "Filter=" + filter);
} // setFilter
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ public class CLogMgt
log.log(Level.CONFIG, "Ignored: " + levelString);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG))log.log(Level.CONFIG, "Ignored: " + levelString);
@ -793,8 +793,10 @@ public class CLogMgt
log1.log(Level.SEVERE, "error message", e);
if (log1.isLoggable(Level.INFO)){
log1.log(Level.INFO, "info message 1", "1Param");
log1.log(Level.INFO, "info message n", new Object[]{"1Param","2Param"});
} // testLog

View File

@ -1847,7 +1847,7 @@ public final class DB
if (noIsSOTrxColumn)
log.log(Level.FINEST, TableName + " - No SOTrx");
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))log.log(Level.FINEST, TableName + " - No SOTrx");
return isSOTrx;
} // isSOTrx

View File

@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
@ -43,7 +42,7 @@ public class DefaultKeyStore implements IKeyStore {
private static final String IDEMPIERE_KEYSTORE = "idempiere.ks";
/** Logger */
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger (DefaultKeyStore.class.getName());
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger (DefaultKeyStore.class.getName());
/** Adempiere Key */
private SecretKey m_key = null;

View File

@ -89,6 +89,9 @@ public final class Env
private static List<IEnvEventListener> eventListeners = new ArrayList<IEnvEventListener>();
/** Logger */
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(Env.class);
* @param provider
* @deprecated
@ -245,7 +248,7 @@ public final class Env
if (ctx == null || context == null)
getLogger().finer("Context " + context + "==" + value);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Context " + context + "==" + value);
if (value == null || value.length() == 0)
@ -253,10 +256,6 @@ public final class Env
ctx.setProperty(context, value);
} // setContext
private static CLogger getLogger() {
return CLogger.getCLogger(Env.class.getName());
* Set Global Context to Value
* @param ctx context
@ -270,7 +269,7 @@ public final class Env
if (value == null)
getLogger().finer("Context " + context + "==" + value);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Context " + context + "==" + value);
{ // JDBC Format 2005-05-09 00:00:00.0
@ -284,7 +283,7 @@ public final class Env
//stringValue = stringValue.substring(0, stringValue.indexOf("."));
// KTU
ctx.setProperty(context, stringValue);
getLogger().finer("Context " + context + "==" + stringValue);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Context " + context + "==" + stringValue);
} // setContext
@ -298,7 +297,7 @@ public final class Env
if (ctx == null || context == null)
getLogger().finer("Context " + context + "==" + value);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Context " + context + "==" + value);
ctx.setProperty(context, String.valueOf(value));
} // setContext
@ -325,8 +324,7 @@ public final class Env
if (ctx == null || context == null)
if (getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINER))
getLogger().finer("Context("+WindowNo+") " + context + "==" + value);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Context("+WindowNo+") " + context + "==" + value);
if (value == null || value.equals(""))
@ -348,8 +346,7 @@ public final class Env
if (value == null)
if (getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINER))
getLogger().finer("Context("+WindowNo+") " + context + "==" + value);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Context("+WindowNo+") " + context + "==" + value);
{ // JDBC Format 2005-05-09 00:00:00.0
@ -363,8 +360,7 @@ public final class Env
//stringValue = stringValue.substring(0, stringValue.indexOf("."));
// KTU
ctx.setProperty(WindowNo+"|"+context, stringValue);
if (getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINER))
getLogger().finer("Context("+WindowNo+") " + context + "==" + stringValue);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Context("+WindowNo+") " + context + "==" + stringValue);
} // setContext
@ -379,8 +375,7 @@ public final class Env
if (ctx == null || context == null)
if (getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINER))
getLogger().finer("Context("+WindowNo+") " + context + "==" + value);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Context("+WindowNo+") " + context + "==" + value);
ctx.setProperty(WindowNo+"|"+context, String.valueOf(value));
} // setContext
@ -425,8 +420,7 @@ public final class Env
if (ctx == null || context == null)
if (getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
getLogger().finest("Context("+WindowNo+","+TabNo+") " + context + "==" + value);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) log.finest("Context("+WindowNo+","+TabNo+") " + context + "==" + value);
if (value == null)
if (context.endsWith("_ID"))
@ -643,7 +637,7 @@ public final class Env
catch (NumberFormatException e)
getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "(" + context + ") = " + s, e);
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "(" + context + ") = " + s, e);
return 0;
} // getContextAsInt
@ -667,7 +661,7 @@ public final class Env
catch (NumberFormatException e)
getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "(" + context + ") = " + s, e);
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "(" + context + ") = " + s, e);
return 0;
} // getContextAsInt
@ -692,7 +686,7 @@ public final class Env
catch (NumberFormatException e)
getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "(" + context + ") = " + s, e);
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "(" + context + ") = " + s, e);
return 0;
} // getContextAsInt
@ -717,7 +711,7 @@ public final class Env
catch (NumberFormatException e)
getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "(" + context + ") = " + s, e);
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "(" + context + ") = " + s, e);
return 0;
} // getContextAsInt
@ -853,7 +847,7 @@ public final class Env
if (!"#date".equalsIgnoreCase(context))
getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "No value for: " + context);
log.log(Level.WARNING, "No value for: " + context);
return new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
@ -1109,7 +1103,7 @@ public final class Env
catch (SQLException e)
getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "", e);
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e);
finally {
DB.close(rs, pstmt);
@ -1121,7 +1115,7 @@ public final class Env
public static ArrayList<String> getLoginLanguages()
ArrayList<String> AD_Languages = new ArrayList<String>();
String sql = "SELECT AD_Language FROM AD_Language WHERE IsLoginLocale = 'Y'";
String sql = "SELECT AD_Language FROM AD_Language WHERE IsActive='Y' AND IsLoginLocale = 'Y'";
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
@ -1138,7 +1132,7 @@ public final class Env
catch (SQLException e)
getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "", e);
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e);
finally {
DB.close(rs, pstmt);
@ -1162,6 +1156,7 @@ public final class Env
boolean isSystemLanguage = false;
ArrayList<String> AD_Languages = new ArrayList<String>();
String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT AD_Language FROM AD_Message_Trl";
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
@ -1182,7 +1177,7 @@ public final class Env
catch (SQLException e)
getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "", e);
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e);
finally {
DB.close(rs, pstmt);
@ -1194,7 +1189,7 @@ public final class Env
// No Language - set to System
if (AD_Languages.size() == 0)
getLogger().warning ("NO System Language - Set to Base " + Language.getBaseAD_Language());
log.warning ("NO System Language - Set to Base " + Language.getBaseAD_Language());
@ -1207,7 +1202,7 @@ public final class Env
String langCompare = language.getAD_Language().substring(0, 2);
if (lang.equals(langCompare))
getLogger().fine("Found similar Language " + AD_Language);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Found similar Language " + AD_Language);
@ -1216,7 +1211,7 @@ public final class Env
// We found same language
// if (!"0".equals(Msg.getMsg(AD_Language, "0")))
getLogger().warning ("Not System Language=" + language
log.warning ("Not System Language=" + language
+ " - Set to Base Language " + Language.getBaseAD_Language());
} // verifyLanguage
@ -1367,8 +1362,7 @@ public final class Env
int j = inStr.indexOf('@'); // next @
if (j < 0)
if (getLogger().isLoggable(Level.INFO))
getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "No second tag: " + inStr);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) log.log(Level.INFO, "No second tag: " + inStr);
//not context variable, add back @ and break
@ -1394,7 +1388,7 @@ public final class Env
if (ctxInfo.length() == 0)
getLogger().config("No Context Win=" + WindowNo + " for: " + token);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG)) log.config("No Context Win=" + WindowNo + " for: " + token);
if (!ignoreUnparsable)
return ""; // token not found
@ -1448,7 +1442,7 @@ public final class Env
int j = inStr.indexOf('@'); // next @
if (j < 0)
getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "No second tag: " + inStr);
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "No second tag: " + inStr);
return ""; // no second tag
@ -1580,7 +1574,7 @@ public final class Env
// URL url = Adempiere.class.getResource("images/" + fileNameInImageDir);
if (url == null)
getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Not found: " + fileNameInImageDir);
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Not found: " + fileNameInImageDir);
return null;
Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
@ -1600,7 +1594,7 @@ public final class Env
// URL url = Adempiere.class.getResource("images/" + fileNameInImageDir);
if (url == null)
getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Not found: " + fileNameInImageDir);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) log.log(Level.INFO, "Not found: " + fileNameInImageDir);
return null;
return new ImageIcon(url);
@ -1625,7 +1619,7 @@ public final class Env
// url = Adempiere.class.getResource("images/" + fileName+".png");
if (url == null)
getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "GIF/PNG Not found: " + fileName);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) log.log(Level.INFO, "GIF/PNG Not found: " + fileName);
return null;
return new ImageIcon(url);
@ -1638,7 +1632,7 @@ public final class Env
public static void startBrowser (String url)
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO));
} // startBrowser
@ -1670,16 +1664,16 @@ public final class Env
public static void sleep (int sec)
getLogger().info("Start - Seconds=" + sec);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO))"Start - Seconds=" + sec);
catch (Exception e)
getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "", e);
log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO))"End");
} // sleep
@ -1723,7 +1717,7 @@ public final class Env
public static GridWindowVO getMWindowVO (int WindowNo, int AD_Window_ID, int AD_Menu_ID)
getLogger().config("Window=" + WindowNo + ", AD_Window_ID=" + AD_Window_ID);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG)) log.config("Window=" + WindowNo + ", AD_Window_ID=" + AD_Window_ID);
GridWindowVO mWindowVO = null;
if (AD_Window_ID != 0 && Ini.isCacheWindow()) // try cache
@ -1731,14 +1725,14 @@ public final class Env
if (mWindowVO != null)
mWindowVO = mWindowVO.clone(WindowNo);
getLogger().info("Cached=" + mWindowVO);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO))"Cached=" + mWindowVO);
// Create Window Model on Client
if (mWindowVO == null)
getLogger().config("create local");
if (log.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG)) log.config("create local");
mWindowVO = GridWindowVO.create (Env.getCtx(), WindowNo, AD_Window_ID, AD_Menu_ID);
if (mWindowVO != null)
s_windowsvo.put(AD_Window_ID, mWindowVO);

View File

@ -60,7 +60,10 @@ public final class Ini implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3666529972922769528L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8936090051638559660L;
/** Logger */
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(Ini.class);
/** Property file name */
public static final String IDEMPIERE_PROPERTY_FILE = "";
@ -82,8 +85,7 @@ public final class Ini implements Serializable
private static final boolean DEFAULT_TRACEFILE = false;
/** Language */
public static final String P_LANGUAGE = "Language";
private static final String DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = Language.getName
(System.getProperty("user.language") + "_" + System.getProperty(""));
private static final String DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = Language.getName(System.getProperty("user.language") + "_" + System.getProperty(""));
/** Ini File Name */
public static final String P_INI = "FileNameINI";
private static final String DEFAULT_INI = "";
@ -228,10 +230,6 @@ public final class Ini implements Serializable
private static String s_propertyFileName = null;
private static CLogger getLogger() {
return CLogger.getCLogger(Ini.class.getName());
* Save INI parameters to disk
* @param tryUserHome get user home first
@ -262,15 +260,15 @@ public final class Ini implements Serializable
catch (Exception e)
getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot save Properties to " + fileName + " - " + e.toString());
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot save Properties to " + fileName + " - " + e.toString());
catch (Throwable t)
getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot save Properties to " + fileName + " - " + t.toString());
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot save Properties to " + fileName + " - " + t.toString());
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer(fileName);
} // save
@ -304,7 +302,7 @@ public final class Ini implements Serializable
ps = (PersistenceService)ServiceManager.lookup("javax.jnlp.PersistenceService");
} catch (UnavailableServiceException e) {
ps = null;
getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, e.toString());
log.log(Level.SEVERE, e.toString());
return false;
@ -312,7 +310,7 @@ public final class Ini implements Serializable
try {
fc = ps.get(getCodeBase());
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, e.toString());
log.log(Level.SEVERE, e.toString());
return false;
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
try {
@ -323,7 +321,7 @@ public final class Ini implements Serializable
} catch (IOException e) {
getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, e.toString());
log.log(Level.SEVERE, e.toString());
return false;
@ -337,7 +335,7 @@ public final class Ini implements Serializable
catch (Throwable t)
getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, t.toString());
log.log(Level.SEVERE, t.toString());
loadOK = false;
if (!loadOK || s_prop.getProperty(P_TODAY, "").equals(""))
@ -364,7 +362,7 @@ public final class Ini implements Serializable
ps = (PersistenceService)ServiceManager.lookup("javax.jnlp.PersistenceService");
} catch (UnavailableServiceException e) {
ps = null;
getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, e.toString());
log.log(Level.SEVERE, e.toString());
@ -377,7 +375,7 @@ public final class Ini implements Serializable
catch (Throwable t)
getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot save Properties to " + getCodeBase() + " - " + t.toString());
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot save Properties to " + getCodeBase() + " - " + t.toString());
@ -429,22 +427,22 @@ public final class Ini implements Serializable
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
getLogger().warning(filename + " not found");
log.warning(filename + " not found");
loadOK = false;
catch (Exception e)
getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, filename + " - " + e.toString());
log.log(Level.SEVERE, filename + " - " + e.toString());
loadOK = false;
catch (Throwable t)
getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, filename + " - " + t.toString());
log.log(Level.SEVERE, filename + " - " + t.toString());
loadOK = false;
if (!loadOK || s_prop.getProperty(P_TODAY, "").equals(""))
if (log.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG)) log.config(filename);
firstTime = true;
@ -454,7 +452,7 @@ public final class Ini implements Serializable
if (!loadOK || firstTime)
s_loaded = true;
getLogger().info(filename + " #" + s_prop.size());
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) + " #" + s_prop.size());
s_propertyFileName = filename;
return firstTime;
@ -491,11 +489,11 @@ public final class Ini implements Serializable
if (!file.delete())
s_prop = new Properties();
getLogger().config (fileName);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG)) log.config (fileName);
catch (Exception e)
getLogger().log (Level.WARNING, "Cannot delete Property file", e);
log.log (Level.WARNING, "Cannot delete Property file", e);
} // deleteProperties
@ -564,7 +562,7 @@ public final class Ini implements Serializable
public static void setProperty (String key, String value)
// getLogger().finer(key + "=" + value);
// log.finer(key + "=" + value);
if (s_prop == null)
s_prop = new Properties();
if (key.equals(P_WARNING) || key.equals(P_WARNING_de))
@ -620,7 +618,7 @@ public final class Ini implements Serializable
return "";
String value = SecureEngine.decrypt(retStr, 0);
// getLogger().finer(key + "=" + value);
// log.finer(key + "=" + value);
if (value == null)
return "";
return value;

View File

@ -25,10 +25,12 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.print.attribute.standard.MediaSize;
import org.compiere.model.MLanguage;
import org.compiere.print.MPrintPaper;
* Language Management.
@ -37,6 +39,11 @@ import javax.print.attribute.standard.MediaSize;
public class Language implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6705748825004207885L;
@ -47,179 +54,25 @@ public class Language implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = -964846521004545703L;
/** Base Language */
public static final String AD_Language_en_US = "en_US";
/** Additional Languages */
private static final String AD_Language_en_GB = "en_GB";
private static final String AD_Language_en_AU = "en_AU";
private static final String AD_Language_ca_ES = "ca_ES";
private static final String AD_Language_hr_HR = "hr_HR";
private static final String AD_Language_de_DE = "de_DE";
private static final String AD_Language_it_IT = "it_IT";
private static final String AD_Language_es_ES = "es_ES";
private static final String AD_Language_es_MX = "es_MX";
private static final String AD_Language_es_CO = "es_CO";
private static final String AD_Language_es_DO = "es_DO";
private static final String AD_Language_fr_FR = "fr_FR";
private static final String AD_Language_fr_CA = "fr_CA";
private static final String AD_Language_bg_BG = "bg_BG";
private static final String AD_Language_th_TH = "th_TH";
private static final String AD_Language_pl_PL = "pl_PL";
private static final String AD_Language_zh_TW = "zh_TW";
private static final String AD_Language_nl_NL = "nl_NL";
private static final String AD_Language_no_NO = "no_NO";
private static final String AD_Language_pt_BR = "pt_BR";
private static final String AD_Language_ru_RU = "ru_RU";
private static final String AD_Language_sl_SI = "sl_SI";
private static final String AD_Language_sr_RS = "sr_RS";
private static final String AD_Language_sv_SE = "sv_SE";
private static final String AD_Language_vi_VN = "vi_VN";
private static final String AD_Language_zh_CN = "zh_CN";
private static final String AD_Language_da_DK = "da_DK";
private static final String AD_Language_ms_MY = "ms_MY";
private static final String AD_Language_fa_IR = "fa_IR";
private static final String AD_Language_fi_FI = "fi_FI";
private static final String AD_Language_ro_RO = "ro_RO";
private static final String AD_Language_ja_JP = "ja_JP";
private static final String AD_Language_in_ID = "in_ID";
private static final String AD_Language_ar_TN = "ar_TN";
private static final String AD_Language_hu_HU = "hu_HU";
private static final String AD_Language_el_GR = "el_GR";
private static final String AD_Language_en_US = "en_US";
* System Languages.
* If you want to add a language, extend the array
* - or use the addLanguage() method.
static private Language[] s_languages = {
static private Language[] s_languages = new Language[] {
new Language ("English",
AD_Language_en_US, Locale.US, null, null,
MediaSize.NA.LETTER), // Base Language
// ordered by locale
// Not predefined Locales - need to define decimal Point and date pattern (not sure about time)
new Language ("\uFE94\uFEF4\uFE91\uFEAE\uFECC\uFEDF\uFE8D (AR)",
AD_Language_ar_TN, new Locale("ar","TN"), new Boolean(true), "dd.MM.yyyy",
new Language ("\u0411\u044A\u043B\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0441\u043A\u0438 (BG)",
AD_Language_bg_BG, new Locale("bg","BG"), new Boolean(false), "dd/MM/yyyy",
new Language ("Catal\u00e0",
AD_Language_ca_ES, new Locale("ca", "ES"), null, "dd/MM/yyyy",
new Language ("Deutsch",
AD_Language_de_DE, Locale.GERMANY, null, null,
new Language ("Dansk",
AD_Language_da_DK, new Locale("da","DK"), new Boolean(false), "dd-MM-yyyy",
new Language ("English (AU)",
AD_Language_en_AU, new Locale("en","AU"), null, "dd/MM/yyyy",
new Language ("English (UK)",
AD_Language_en_GB, Locale.UK, null, null,
new Language ("Espa\u00f1ol",
AD_Language_es_ES, new Locale("es","ES"), new Boolean(false), "dd/MM/yyyy",
new Language ("Espa\u00f1ol (MX)",
AD_Language_es_MX, new Locale("es","MX"), new Boolean(true), "dd/MM/yyyy",
new Language ("Espa\u00f1ol (CO)",
AD_Language_es_CO, new Locale("es","ES"), new Boolean(false), "dd/MM/yyyy",
new Language ("Espa\u00f1ol (VE)",
AD_Language_es_ES, new Locale("es","ES"), new Boolean(false), "dd/MM/yyyy",
new Language ("Espa\u00f1ol (EC)",
AD_Language_es_ES, new Locale("es","ES"), new Boolean(false), "dd/MM/yyyy",
new Language ("Espa\u00f1ol (DO)",
AD_Language_es_DO, new Locale("es","DO"), new Boolean(true), "dd/MM/yyyy",
new Language ("\u0395\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ac (GR)",
AD_Language_el_GR, new Locale("el","GR"), new Boolean(false), "dd/MM/yyyy",
new Language ("Farsi",
AD_Language_fa_IR, new Locale("fa","IR"), new Boolean(false), "dd-MM-yyyy",
new Language ("Finnish",
AD_Language_fi_FI, new Locale("fi","FI"), new Boolean(true), "dd.MM.yyyy",
new Language ("Fran\u00e7ais",
AD_Language_fr_FR, Locale.FRANCE, null, null, // dd.MM.yy
new Language ("Fran\u00e7ais (CA)",
AD_Language_fr_CA, new Locale("fr","CA"), new Boolean(true), "MM/dd/yyyy", // MM/dd/yy
new Language ("Hrvatski",
AD_Language_hr_HR, new Locale("hr", "HR"), null, "dd.MM.yyyy",
new Language ("Indonesia Bahasa",
AD_Language_in_ID, new Locale("in","ID"), new Boolean(false), "dd-MM-yyyy",
new Language ("Italiano",
AD_Language_it_IT, Locale.ITALY, null, null, // dd.MM.yy
new Language ("\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e (JP)",
AD_Language_ja_JP, Locale.JAPAN, null, null,
new Language ("Malaysian",
AD_Language_ms_MY, new Locale("ms","MY"), new Boolean(false), "dd-MM-yyyy",
new Language ("Magyar (HU)",
AD_Language_hu_HU, new Locale("hu","HU"), new Boolean(false), "yyyy.MM.dd",
new Language ("Nederlands",
AD_Language_nl_NL, new Locale("nl","NL"), new Boolean(false), "dd-MM-yyyy",
new Language ("Norsk",
AD_Language_no_NO, new Locale("no","NO"), new Boolean(false), "dd/MM/yyyy",
new Language ("Polski",
AD_Language_pl_PL, new Locale("pl","PL"), new Boolean(false), "dd-MM-yyyy",
new Language ("Portuguese (BR)",
AD_Language_pt_BR, new Locale("pt","BR"), new Boolean(false), "dd/MM/yyyy",
new Language ("Rom\u00e2n\u0103",
AD_Language_ro_RO, new Locale("ro","RO"), new Boolean(false), "dd.MM.yyyy",
new Language ("\u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439 (Russian)",
AD_Language_ru_RU, new Locale("ru","RU"), new Boolean(false), "dd-MM-yyyy",
new Language ("Slovenski",
AD_Language_sl_SI, new Locale("sl", "SI"), null, "dd.MM.yyyy",
new Language ("\u0421\u0440\u043F\u0441\u043A\u0438 (RS)",
AD_Language_sr_RS, new Locale("sr", "RS"), null, "dd.MM.yyyy",
new Language ("Svenska",
AD_Language_sv_SE, new Locale("sv","SE"), new Boolean(false), "yyyy-MM-dd",
new Language ("\u0e44\u0e17\u0e22 (TH)",
AD_Language_th_TH, new Locale("th","TH"), new Boolean(false), "dd/MM/yyyy",
new Language ("Vi\u1EC7t Nam",
AD_Language_vi_VN, new Locale("vi","VN"), new Boolean(false), "dd-MM-yyyy",
// Need to have (Windows) Asian Language Pack installed to view properly
new Language ("\u7b80\u4f53\u4e2d\u6587 (CN)",
AD_Language_zh_CN, Locale.CHINA, null, "yyyy-MM-dd",
new Language ("\u7e41\u9ad4\u4e2d\u6587 (TW)",
AD_Language_zh_TW, Locale.TAIWAN, null, null, // dd.MM.yy
/** Default Language */
private static Language s_loginLanguage = s_languages[0];
/** Base Language */
private static Language s_baseLanguage = s_languages[0];
/** Logger */
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Language.class.getName());
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(Language.class.getName());
* Get Number of Languages
@ -238,13 +91,14 @@ public class Language implements Serializable
public static Language getLanguage (int index)
if (index < 0 || index >= s_languages.length)
return s_loginLanguage;
return s_baseLanguage;
return s_languages[index];
} // getLanguage
* Add Language to supported Languages
* @param language new language
* @deprecated IDEMPIERE-489 Configure the language in the database
public static void addLanguage (Language language)
@ -264,6 +118,7 @@ public class Language implements Serializable
public static Language getLanguage (String langInfo)
int idxReplace = -1;
String lang = langInfo;
if (lang == null || lang.length() == 0)
lang = System.getProperty("user.language", "");
@ -271,32 +126,67 @@ public class Language implements Serializable
// Search existing Languages
for (int i = 0; i < s_languages.length; i++)
if (lang.equals(s_languages[i].getName())
if ( lang.equals(s_languages[i].getName())
|| lang.equals(s_languages[i].getLanguageCode())
|| lang.equals(s_languages[i].getAD_Language()))
|| lang.equals(s_languages[i].getAD_Language())) {
if (!s_languages[i].m_fromDB && DB.isConnected()) {
// if language was not get from DB and now we're connected
idxReplace = i;
} else {
return s_languages[i];
// Create Language on the fly
if (lang.length() == 5) // standard format <language>_<Country>
Language ll;
String language = lang.substring(0,2);
String country = lang.substring(3);
Locale locale = new Locale(language, country);
StringBuilder msglog = new StringBuilder()
.append("Adding Language=").append(language).append(", Country=").append(country).append(", Locale=").append(locale);
if (DB.isConnected()) {
MLanguage dblang = MLanguage.get(Env.getCtx(), langInfo);
Boolean decimalPoint = null;
if (dblang.getIsDecimalPoint() != null)
decimalPoint = "Y".equals(dblang.getIsDecimalPoint());
if (!( language.equals(dblang.getLanguageISO())
&& country.equals(dblang.getCountryCode())
) {
locale = new Locale(dblang.getLanguageISO(), dblang.getCountryCode());
MediaSize mediaSize = MediaSize.ISO.A4;
if (dblang.getAD_PrintPaper_ID() > 0) {
MPrintPaper pp = MPrintPaper.get(dblang.getAD_PrintPaper_ID());
mediaSize = pp.getMediaSize();
ll = new Language(dblang.getPrintName(), langInfo, locale, decimalPoint, dblang.getDatePattern(), mediaSize);
ll.m_fromDB = true;
if (dblang.isBaseLanguage()) {
idxReplace = 0;
s_baseLanguage = ll;
} else {
ll = new Language (lang, lang, locale);
StringBuilder msglog = new StringBuilder("Adding Language=").append(language).append(", Country=").append(country).append(", Locale=").append(locale);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) (msglog.toString());
Language ll = new Language (lang, lang, locale);
if (idxReplace >= 0) {
s_languages[idxReplace] = ll;
} else {
// Add to Languages
ArrayList<Language> list = new ArrayList<Language>(Arrays.asList(s_languages));
s_languages = new Language [list.size()];
// Return Language
return ll;
// Get the default one
return s_loginLanguage;
return s_baseLanguage;
} // getLanguage
@ -307,9 +197,9 @@ public class Language implements Serializable
public static boolean isBaseLanguage (String langInfo)
if (langInfo == null || langInfo.length() == 0
|| langInfo.equals(s_languages[0].getName())
|| langInfo.equals(s_languages[0].getLanguageCode())
|| langInfo.equals(s_languages[0].getAD_Language()))
|| langInfo.equals(s_baseLanguage.getName())
|| langInfo.equals(s_baseLanguage.getLanguageCode())
|| langInfo.equals(s_baseLanguage.getAD_Language()))
return true;
return false;
} // isBaseLanguage
@ -320,7 +210,7 @@ public class Language implements Serializable
public static Language getBaseLanguage()
return s_languages[0];
return s_baseLanguage;
} // getBase
@ -329,7 +219,7 @@ public class Language implements Serializable
public static String getBaseAD_Language()
return s_languages[0].getAD_Language();
return s_baseLanguage.getAD_Language();
} // getBase
@ -367,7 +257,7 @@ public class Language implements Serializable
return s_languages[i].getAD_Language();
return s_loginLanguage.getAD_Language();
return s_baseLanguage.getAD_Language();
} // getLocale
@ -409,7 +299,6 @@ public class Language implements Serializable
public static Language getLoginLanguage ()
// return s_loginLanguage; // See bug [2946164]
return Env.getLanguage(Env.getCtx());
} // getLanguage
@ -475,6 +364,7 @@ public class Language implements Serializable
private Boolean m_leftToRight;
private SimpleDateFormat m_dateFormat;
private MediaSize m_mediaSize = MediaSize.ISO.A4;
private boolean m_fromDB = false;
* Get Language Name.

View File

@ -547,6 +547,7 @@ public class Login
+" INNER JOIN AD_Role r on (r.AD_Role_ID=?)"
+" INNER JOIN AD_Client c on (c.AD_Client_ID=?)"
+" WHERE o.IsActive='Y' "
+" AND o.AD_Client_ID IN (0, c.AD_Client_ID)"
+" AND o.IsSummary='N'"
+" AND (r.IsAccessAllOrgs='Y'"
+" OR (r.IsUseUserOrgAccess='N' AND o.AD_Org_ID IN (SELECT AD_Org_ID FROM AD_Role_OrgAccess ra"

View File

@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ public final class Msg
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
s_log.log(Level.FINER, "Class not found: " + className);
if (s_log.isLoggable(Level.FINER))s_log.log(Level.FINER, "Class not found: " + className);
catch (Exception e)

View File

@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
@ -136,7 +135,7 @@ public class Secure implements SecureInterface
private IKeyStore m_keyStore = null;
/** Logger */
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger (Secure.class.getName());
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger (Secure.class.getName());
* Initialize Cipher & Key
@ -179,7 +178,7 @@ public class Secure implements SecureInterface
return encString;
} catch (Exception ex) {
// log.log(Level.INFO, value, ex);
log.log(Level.INFO, "Problem encrypting string", ex);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO))log.log(Level.INFO, "Problem encrypting string", ex);
// Fallback

View File

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* Security Engine
@ -227,7 +226,7 @@ public class SecureEngine
/** The real Engine */
private SecureInterface implementation = null;
/** Logger */
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger (SecureEngine.class.getName());
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger (SecureEngine.class.getName());

View File

@ -4,10 +4,9 @@ import;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.apache.ecs.Printable;
import org.apache.ecs.MultiPartElement;
import org.apache.ecs.Printable;
@ -18,7 +17,7 @@ public class StoredHtmlSrc extends MultiPartElement implements Printable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 50303119083373138L;
/** Logger */
protected static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(StoredHtmlSrc.class.getName());
protected static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(StoredHtmlSrc.class.getName());

View File

@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ public class Task extends Thread
catch (InterruptedException ie)
log.log(Level.INFO, "(ie) - " + ie);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO))log.log(Level.INFO, "(ie) - " + ie);
// ExitValue

View File

@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ public class Trx
public Connection getConnection(boolean createNew)
log.log(Level.ALL, "Active=" + isActive() + ", Connection=" + m_connection);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.ALL))log.log(Level.ALL, "Active=" + isActive() + ", Connection=" + m_connection);
if (m_connection == null) // get new Connection

View File

@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.swing.Action;
import javax.swing.ActionMap;
@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
public class Util
/** Logger */
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Util.class.getName());
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(Util.class.getName());
* Replace String values.

View File

@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ public final class WebUtil
String dataEnc = new String(data.getBytes(enc), WebEnv.ENCODING);
log.log(Level.FINER, "Convert " + data + " (" + enc + ")-> "
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER))log.log(Level.FINER, "Convert " + data + " (" + enc + ")-> "
+ dataEnc + " (" + WebEnv.ENCODING + ")");
data = dataEnc;

View File

@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ public class FileElementHandler implements ElementHandler {
TransformerHandler docHandler, int recordId) throws Exception {
PackoutDocument header = packout.getPackoutDocument();
PackoutItem detail = packout.getCurrentPackoutItem();
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO))log.log(Level.INFO,
"In handling Code or Other 2pack module creation");
String fileDirectory = packout.getPackoutDirectory() + header.getPackageName()
+ detail.getProperty(FileElementParameters.TARGET_DIRECTORY);
log.log(Level.INFO, "targetDirectory" + fileDirectory);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO))log.log(Level.INFO, "targetDirectory" + fileDirectory);
String targetDirectory = null;
char fileseperator1 = '/';
char fileseperator2 = '\\';

View File

@ -3,20 +3,20 @@ package org.adempiere.pipo.srv;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.adempiere.base.IDictionaryService;
import org.adempiere.pipo2.PackIn;
import org.adempiere.pipo2.Zipper;
import org.compiere.Adempiere;
import org.compiere.model.X_AD_Package_Imp_Proc;
import org.compiere.util.CLogger;
import org.compiere.util.Env;
import org.compiere.util.Trx;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
public class PipoDictionaryService implements IDictionaryService {
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PipoDictionaryService.class.getName());
CLogger logger = CLogger.getCLogger(PipoDictionaryService.class.getName());
public void merge(BundleContext context, File packageFile) throws Exception {

View File

@ -6,24 +6,24 @@ import;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.adempiere.base.IDictionaryService;
import org.adempiere.util.ServerContext;
import org.compiere.Adempiere;
import org.compiere.model.Query;
import org.compiere.model.X_AD_Package_Imp;
import org.compiere.util.CLogger;
import org.compiere.util.Env;
import org.compiere.util.Trx;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
import org.osgi.util.tracker.*;
import org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTracker;
import org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTrackerCustomizer;
public class AdempiereActivator implements BundleActivator, ServiceTrackerCustomizer<IDictionaryService, IDictionaryService> {
protected final static Logger logger = Logger
protected final static CLogger logger = CLogger.getCLogger(AdempiereActivator.class.getName());
private BundleContext context;
private ServiceTracker<IDictionaryService, IDictionaryService> serviceTracker;
private IDictionaryService service;

View File

@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ public class LdapProcessor extends AdempiereServer
m_serverSocket = new ServerSocket(m_model.getLdapPort());
log.log(Level.INFO, "Opened Port=" + m_model.getLdapPort());
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO))log.log(Level.INFO, "Opened Port=" + m_model.getLdapPort());
while (!isInterrupted())
Socket socket = m_serverSocket.accept(); // waits for connection
log.log(Level.FINE, "Connection on Port=" + m_model.getLdapPort());
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "Connection on Port=" + m_model.getLdapPort());
LdapConnectionHandler handler =
new LdapConnectionHandler (socket, m_model);

View File

@ -45,7 +45,9 @@ import org.compiere.util.CLogger;
public class DocumentSearch extends AbstractDocumentSearch {
/** the logger */
static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(DocumentSearch.class);
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(DocumentSearch.class);
protected boolean openWindow(int windowId, MQuery query) {
final AWindow frame = new AWindow(null);

View File

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ public class VGenPanel extends CPanel implements ActionListener, ChangeListener,
private FormFrame m_frame;
/** Logger */
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(VInOutGen.class);
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(VGenPanel.class);
private CTabbedPane tabbedPane = new CTabbedPane();

View File

@ -1497,7 +1497,7 @@ public final class Find extends CDialog
private Object parseString(GridField field, String in)
StringBuilder msglog = new StringBuilder("Parse: ").append(field).append(":").append(in);
log.log(Level.FINE, msglog.toString());
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, msglog.toString());
if (in == null)
return null;
int dt = field.getDisplayType();

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ public class CashSubFunctions extends PosQuery implements ActionListener, InputM
private Properties p_ctx;
/** Logger */
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(SubCheckout.class);
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(CashSubFunctions.class);
* Set up Panel

View File

@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ public class POSKeyboard extends CDialog implements ActionListener, PosKeyListen
try {
} catch (ParseException e1) {
log.log(Level.FINE, "JFormattedTextField commit failed");
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "JFormattedTextField commit failed");
else if ( action.equals(ConfirmPanel.A_CANCEL))
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ public class POSKeyboard extends CDialog implements ActionListener, PosKeyListen
try {
} catch (ParseException e1) {
log.log(Level.FINE, "JFormattedTextField commit failed");
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "JFormattedTextField commit failed");
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ public class POSKeyboard extends CDialog implements ActionListener, PosKeyListen
try {
} catch (ParseException e) {
log.log(Level.FINE, "JFormattedTextField commit failed");
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "JFormattedTextField commit failed");

View File

@ -1298,11 +1298,15 @@ public class WAcctViewer extends Window implements EventListener<Event>
int tableIdColumn = m_rmodel.getColumnIndex("AD_Table_ID");
int recordIdColumn = m_rmodel.getColumnIndex("Record_ID");
ListModelTable model = (ListModelTable) table.getListModel();
int AD_Table_ID = ((KeyNamePair) model.getDataAt(selected, tableIdColumn)).getKey();
int Record_ID = ((Integer) model.getDataAt(selected, recordIdColumn)).intValue();
KeyNamePair tabknp = (KeyNamePair) model.getDataAt(selected, tableIdColumn);
Integer recint = (Integer) model.getDataAt(selected, recordIdColumn);
if (tabknp != null && recint != null) {
int AD_Table_ID = tabknp.getKey();
int Record_ID = recint.intValue();
AEnv.zoom(AD_Table_ID, Record_ID);

View File

@ -937,6 +937,9 @@ public abstract class AbstractADWindowContent extends AbstractUIPart implements
if (infoName != null && infoDisplay != null)
if (infoDisplay == null) {
infoDisplay = "";
String description = infoName + ": " + infoDisplay;
WChat chat = new WChat(curWindowNo, adTabbox.getSelectedGridTab().getCM_ChatID(), adTabbox.getSelectedGridTab().getAD_Table_ID(), recordId, description, null);
@ -1803,7 +1806,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractADWindowContent extends AbstractUIPart implements
IADTabpanel dirtyTabpanel = adTabbox.getDirtyADTabpanel();
final boolean newRecord = dirtyTabpanel != null ? (dirtyTabpanel.getGridTab().getRecord_ID() <= 0) : false;
if (dirtyTabpanel == null) {
onSave0(onSaveEvent, onNavigationEvent, newRecord, wasChanged, callback);
onSave0(onSaveEvent, onNavigationEvent, this.newRecord, wasChanged, callback);
if (dirtyTabpanel instanceof ADSortTab)

View File

@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ public class ProcessDialog extends Window implements EventListener<Event>, IProc
protected void doRun() {
try {
log.log(Level.INFO, "Process Info="+m_pi+" AD_Client_ID="+Env.getAD_Client_ID(Env.getCtx()));
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO))log.log(Level.INFO, "Process Info="+m_pi+" AD_Client_ID="+Env.getAD_Client_ID(Env.getCtx()));
WProcessCtl.process(ProcessDialog.this, m_WindowNo, parameterPanel, m_pi, null);
} finally {
Executions.schedule(getDesktop(), ProcessDialog.this, new Event(ON_COMPLETE, ProcessDialog.this, null));

View File

@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ public class ProcessModalDialog extends Window implements EventListener<Event>,
protected void doRun() {
try {
log.log(Level.INFO, "Process Info="+m_pi+" AD_Client_ID="+Env.getAD_Client_ID(Env.getCtx()));
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO))log.log(Level.INFO, "Process Info="+m_pi+" AD_Client_ID="+Env.getAD_Client_ID(Env.getCtx()));
WProcessCtl.process(ProcessModalDialog.this, m_WindowNo, parameterPanel, m_pi, null);
} finally {
Executions.schedule(getDesktop(), ProcessModalDialog.this, new Event(ON_COMPLETE, ProcessModalDialog.this, null));

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Copyright (C) 2012 Elaine Tan *
* Copyright (C) 2012 Trek Global
* Copyright (C) 2012 Trek Global *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
@ -67,18 +67,18 @@ public class WResetPassword implements IFormController, EventListener<Event>, Va
private Label lblNewPassword;
private Label lblRetypeNewPassword;
private Label lblNewEMail;
private Label lblRetypeNewEMail;
private Label lblNewEMailUser;
private Label lblNewEMailUserPW;
private Label lblRetypeNewEMailPW;
private WSearchEditor fUser;
private Textbox txtOldPassword;
private Textbox txtNewPassword;
private Textbox txtRetypeNewPassword;
private Textbox txtNewEMail;
private Textbox txtRetypeNewEMail;
private Textbox txtNewEMailUser;
private Textbox txtNewEMailUserPW;
private Textbox txtRetypeNewEMailPW;
public WResetPassword()
@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ public class WResetPassword implements IFormController, EventListener<Event>, Va
lblNewPassword = new Label(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "New Password"));
lblRetypeNewPassword = new Label(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "New Password Confirm"));
lblNewEMail = new Label(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "New EMail"));
lblRetypeNewEMail = new Label(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "New EMail Confirm"));
lblNewEMailUser = new Label(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "New EMail User"));
lblNewEMailUserPW = new Label(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "New EMail User Password"));
lblRetypeNewEMailPW = new Label(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "New EMail PW Confirm"));
// AD_User.AD_User_ID
MLookup userLkp = MLookupFactory.get(Env.getCtx(), form.getWindowNo(), 0, 212, DisplayType.Search);
@ -150,11 +150,6 @@ public class WResetPassword implements IFormController, EventListener<Event>, Va
txtRetypeNewEMail = new Textbox();
txtNewEMailUser = new Textbox();
@ -162,9 +157,16 @@ public class WResetPassword implements IFormController, EventListener<Event>, Va
txtNewEMailUserPW = new Textbox();
txtRetypeNewEMailPW = new Textbox();
confirmPanel = new ConfirmPanel(true);
@ -212,11 +214,6 @@ public class WResetPassword implements IFormController, EventListener<Event>, Va
row = new Row();
row = new Row();
@ -226,6 +223,11 @@ public class WResetPassword implements IFormController, EventListener<Event>, Va
row = new Row();
@ -261,7 +263,7 @@ public class WResetPassword implements IFormController, EventListener<Event>, Va
String p_NewPassword = txtNewPassword.getValue();
String p_NewPasswordConfirm = txtRetypeNewPassword.getValue();
String p_NewEMail = txtNewEMail.getValue();
String p_NewEMailConfirm = txtRetypeNewEMail.getValue();
String p_NewEMailConfirm = txtRetypeNewEMailPW.getValue();
String p_NewEMailUser = txtNewEMailUser.getValue();
String p_NewEMailUserPW = txtNewEMailUserPW.getValue();
@ -297,7 +299,7 @@ public class WResetPassword implements IFormController, EventListener<Event>, Va
// new password confirm
// if (!Util.isEmpty(p_NewPassword)) {
if (!Util.isEmpty(p_NewPassword)) {
if (Util.isEmpty(p_NewPasswordConfirm)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "NewPasswordConfirmMandatory"));
} else {
@ -305,7 +307,7 @@ public class WResetPassword implements IFormController, EventListener<Event>, Va
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "PasswordNotMatch"));
// }
if (!Util.isEmpty(p_NewEMailUserPW)) {
if (Util.isEmpty(p_NewEMailConfirm)) {
@ -346,7 +348,7 @@ public class WResetPassword implements IFormController, EventListener<Event>, Va

View File

@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ public class WWFActivity extends ADForm implements EventListener<Event>
row = new Row();
@ -173,6 +174,7 @@ public class WWFActivity extends ADForm implements EventListener<Event>
row = new Row();
@ -184,6 +186,7 @@ public class WWFActivity extends ADForm implements EventListener<Event>
row.appendChild(new Label());
@ -195,6 +198,7 @@ public class WWFActivity extends ADForm implements EventListener<Event>
row.appendChild(new Label());
row = new Row();
@ -205,6 +209,7 @@ public class WWFActivity extends ADForm implements EventListener<Event>
Hbox hbox = new Hbox();
fAnswerButton.addEventListener(Events.ON_CLICK, this);
@ -219,6 +224,7 @@ public class WWFActivity extends ADForm implements EventListener<Event>
row.appendChild(new Label());

View File

@ -40,13 +40,6 @@ public class WImageEditor extends WEditor
private static final String[] LISTENER_EVENTS = {Events.ON_CLICK};
private static final CLogger logger;
logger = CLogger.getCLogger(WImageEditor.class);
/** The Image Model */
private MImage m_mImage = null;
@ -139,7 +132,7 @@ public class WImageEditor extends WEditor
try {
img = new AImage(null, data);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
log.log(Level.WARNING, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);

View File

@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ public class LoginPanel extends Window implements EventListener<Event>
} catch (Exception e) {
//safe to ignore
logger.log(Level.INFO, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO))logger.log(Level.INFO, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);

View File

@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ public class WDocActionPanel extends Window implements EventListener<Event>, Dia
boolean firstadded = true;
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
// Serach for option and add it
// Search for option and add it
boolean added = false;
for (int j = 0; j < s_value.length && !added; j++)

View File

@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ public class OSTask extends Thread
catch (Exception ie)
log.log(Level.INFO, "(ie) - " + ie);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO))log.log(Level.INFO, "(ie) - " + ie);
// ExitValue

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@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ package org.adempiere.webui.util;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.compiere.model.I_AD_Preference;
import org.compiere.model.MPreference;
import org.compiere.model.Query;
import org.compiere.util.CLogger;
import org.compiere.util.Env;
import org.compiere.util.Language;
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ public final class UserPreference implements Serializable {
/** Logger */
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(UserPreference.class.getName());
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(UserPreference.class.getName());
* save user preference

View File

@ -138,11 +138,11 @@ public class WTask extends Window implements EventListener<Event>
} catch (DesktopUnavailableException e) {
log.log(Level.FINE, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.log(Level.FINE, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import org.eevolution.model.MPPProductBOM;
public class TreeBOM {
public static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(TreeMaintenance.class);
public static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(TreeBOM.class);
public Properties getCtx() {
return Env.getCtx();

View File

@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ public class DB_Oracle implements AdempiereDatabase
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.INFO, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO))log.log(Level.INFO, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
throw new DBException("Could not lock record for " + po.toString() + " caused by " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
} finally {
DB.close(rs, stmt);

View File

@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ public class DB_PostgreSQL implements AdempiereDatabase
if (!oraStatement.equals(retValue[0]) && retValue[0].indexOf("AD_Error") == -1)
//begin vpj-cd 24/06/2005 e-evolution
log.log(Level.FINE, "PostgreSQL =>" + retValue[0] + "<= <" + oraStatement + ">");
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))log.log(Level.FINE, "PostgreSQL =>" + retValue[0] + "<= <" + oraStatement + ">");
//end vpj-cd 24/06/2005 e-evolution
@ -1038,7 +1038,7 @@ public class DB_PostgreSQL implements AdempiereDatabase
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.INFO, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO))log.log(Level.INFO, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
throw new DBException("Could not lock record for " + po.toString() + " caused by " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
} finally {
try {

View File

@ -63,11 +63,12 @@ public final class ConvertMap_PostgreSQL {
s_pg.put("\\bBITMAP INDEX\\b", "INDEX");
// Functions
s_pg.put("\\bSYSDATE\\b", "clock_timestamp()");
s_pg.put("\\bSYSDATE\\b", "statement_timestamp()");
s_pg.put("\\bCURRENT_TIMESTAMP\\b", "statement_timestamp()");
//begin vpj-cd e-evolution 03/11/2005 PostgreSQL
s_pg.put("\\bDUMP\\b", "MD5");
s_pg.put("END CASE", "END");
s_pg.put("\\bgetDate\\b\\(\\)", "clock_timestamp()");
s_pg.put("\\bgetDate\\b\\(\\)", "statement_timestamp()");
//end vpj-cd e-evolution 03/11/2005 PostgreSQL
s_pg.put("\\bNVL\\b", "COALESCE");
s_pg.put("\\bTO_DATE\\b", "TO_TIMESTAMP");

View File

@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ public final class Convert_PostgreSQLTest extends TestCase{
public void testMultiColumnAssignment() {
// Line 407 of
sql = "UPDATE M_PRODUCT SET (Value,Name,Description,DocumentNote,Help,UPC,SKU,C_UOM_ID,M_Product_Category_ID,Classification,ProductType,Volume,Weight,ShelfWidth,ShelfHeight,ShelfDepth,UnitsPerPallet,Discontinued,DiscontinuedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy)= (SELECT Value,Name,Description,DocumentNote,Help,UPC,SKU,C_UOM_ID,M_Product_Category_ID,Classification,ProductType,Volume,Weight,ShelfWidth,ShelfHeight,ShelfDepth,UnitsPerPallet,Discontinued,DiscontinuedBy,SysDate,UpdatedBy FROM I_Product WHERE I_Product_ID=?) WHERE M_Product_ID=?";
sqe = "UPDATE M_PRODUCT SET Value=I_Product.Value,Name=I_Product.Name,Description=I_Product.Description,DocumentNote=I_Product.DocumentNote,Help=I_Product.Help,UPC=I_Product.UPC,SKU=I_Product.SKU,C_UOM_ID=I_Product.C_UOM_ID,M_Product_Category_ID=I_Product.M_Product_Category_ID,Classification=I_Product.Classification,ProductType=I_Product.ProductType,Volume=I_Product.Volume,Weight=I_Product.Weight,ShelfWidth=I_Product.ShelfWidth,ShelfHeight=I_Product.ShelfHeight,ShelfDepth=I_Product.ShelfDepth,UnitsPerPallet=I_Product.UnitsPerPallet,Discontinued=I_Product.Discontinued,DiscontinuedBy=I_Product.DiscontinuedBy,Updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,UpdatedBy=I_Product.UpdatedBy FROM I_Product WHERE I_Product.I_Product_ID=? AND M_PRODUCT.M_Product_ID=?";
sqe = "UPDATE M_PRODUCT SET Value=I_Product.Value,Name=I_Product.Name,Description=I_Product.Description,DocumentNote=I_Product.DocumentNote,Help=I_Product.Help,UPC=I_Product.UPC,SKU=I_Product.SKU,C_UOM_ID=I_Product.C_UOM_ID,M_Product_Category_ID=I_Product.M_Product_Category_ID,Classification=I_Product.Classification,ProductType=I_Product.ProductType,Volume=I_Product.Volume,Weight=I_Product.Weight,ShelfWidth=I_Product.ShelfWidth,ShelfHeight=I_Product.ShelfHeight,ShelfDepth=I_Product.ShelfDepth,UnitsPerPallet=I_Product.UnitsPerPallet,Discontinued=I_Product.Discontinued,DiscontinuedBy=I_Product.DiscontinuedBy,Updated=statement_timestamp(),UpdatedBy=I_Product.UpdatedBy FROM I_Product WHERE I_Product.I_Product_ID=? AND M_PRODUCT.M_Product_ID=?";
r = convert.convert(sql);
assertEquals(sqe, r[0]);
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ public final class Convert_PostgreSQLTest extends TestCase{
+" WHERE c.AD_Element_ID=e.AD_Element_ID"
+" AND (c.ColumnName <> e.ColumnName OR c.Name <> e.Name "
+" OR NVL(c.Description,' ') <> NVL(e.Description,' ') OR NVL(c.Help,' ') <> NVL(e.Help,' ')))";
sqe = "UPDATE AD_COLUMN SET ColumnName=e.ColumnName,Name=e.Name,Description=e.Description,Help=e.Help, Updated = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP FROM AD_ELEMENT e WHERE AD_COLUMN.AD_Element_ID=e.AD_Element_ID AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM AD_ELEMENT e WHERE AD_COLUMN.AD_Element_ID=e.AD_Element_ID AND (AD_COLUMN.ColumnName <> e.ColumnName OR AD_COLUMN.Name <> e.Name OR COALESCE(AD_COLUMN.Description,' ') <> COALESCE(e.Description,' ') OR COALESCE(AD_COLUMN.Help,' ') <> COALESCE(e.Help,' ')))";
sqe = "UPDATE AD_COLUMN SET ColumnName=e.ColumnName,Name=e.Name,Description=e.Description,Help=e.Help, Updated = statement_timestamp() FROM AD_ELEMENT e WHERE AD_COLUMN.AD_Element_ID=e.AD_Element_ID AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM AD_ELEMENT e WHERE AD_COLUMN.AD_Element_ID=e.AD_Element_ID AND (AD_COLUMN.ColumnName <> e.ColumnName OR AD_COLUMN.Name <> e.Name OR COALESCE(AD_COLUMN.Description,' ') <> COALESCE(e.Description,' ') OR COALESCE(AD_COLUMN.Help,' ') <> COALESCE(e.Help,' ')))";
r = convert.convert(sql);
assertEquals(sqe, r[0]);
@ -420,12 +420,12 @@ public final class Convert_PostgreSQLTest extends TestCase{
public void test2371805_GetDate() {
sql = "SELECT getdate() FROM DUAL";
sqe = "SELECT statement_timestamp()";
r = convert.convert(sql);
assertEquals(sqe, r[0]);
sqe = "SELECT statement_timestamp()";
r = convert.convert(sql);
assertEquals(sqe, r[0]);

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@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ public class ModelADServiceImpl extends AbstractService implements ModelADServic
if (X_WS_WebService_Para.PARAMETERTYPE_Constant.equals(para.getParameterType())) {
if (string == null || string.length() == 0) {
log.log(Level.INFO, "Web service type "
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO))log.log(Level.INFO, "Web service type "
+ m_webservicetype.getValue() + ": constant parameter "
+ parameterName + " set to "
+ para.getConstantValue());