diff --git a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MPayment.java b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MPayment.java
index 9d26e29dfa..08aa0dd568 100644
--- a/base/src/org/compiere/model/MPayment.java
+++ b/base/src/org/compiere/model/MPayment.java
@@ -3,258 +3,258 @@
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
- * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
- * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
- * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
- * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
- * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
- *****************************************************************************/
-package org.compiere.model;
-import java.io.*;
-import java.math.*;
-import java.rmi.*;
-import java.sql.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.util.logging.*;
-import org.compiere.db.*;
-import org.compiere.interfaces.*;
-import org.compiere.process.*;
-import org.compiere.util.*;
- * Payment Model.
- * - retrieve and create payments for invoice
- *
- * Event chain
- * - Payment inserted
- * C_Payment_Trg fires
- * update DocumentNo with payment summary
- * - Payment posted (C_Payment_Post)
- * create allocation line
- * C_Allocation_Trg fires
- * Update C_BPartner Open Item Amount
- * update invoice (IsPaid)
- * link invoice-payment if batch
- *
- * Lifeline:
- * - Created by VPayment or directly
- * - When changed in VPayment
- * - old payment is reversed
- * - new payment created
- *
- * When Payment is posed, the Allocation is made
- *
- * @author Jorg Janke
- * @version $Id: MPayment.java,v 1.4 2006/10/02 05:18:39 jjanke Exp $
- */
-public final class MPayment extends X_C_Payment
- implements DocAction, ProcessCall
- /**
- * Get Payments Of BPartner
- * @param ctx context
- * @param C_BPartner_ID id
- * @param trxName transaction
- * @return array
- */
- public static MPayment[] getOfBPartner (Properties ctx, int C_BPartner_ID, String trxName)
- {
- ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
- String sql = "SELECT * FROM C_Payment WHERE C_BPartner_ID=?";
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trxName);
- pstmt.setInt(1, C_BPartner_ID);
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- while (rs.next())
- list.add(new MPayment(ctx,rs, trxName));
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- try
- {
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- }
- //
- MPayment[] retValue = new MPayment[list.size()];
- list.toArray(retValue);
- return retValue;
- } // getOfBPartner
- /**************************************************************************
- * Default Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param C_Payment_ID payment to load, (0 create new payment)
- * @param trxName trx name
- */
- public MPayment (Properties ctx, int C_Payment_ID, String trxName)
- {
- super (ctx, C_Payment_ID, trxName);
- // New
- if (C_Payment_ID == 0)
- {
- setDocAction(DOCACTION_Complete);
- setDocStatus(DOCSTATUS_Drafted);
- setTrxType(TRXTYPE_Sales);
- //
- setR_AvsAddr (R_AVSZIP_Unavailable);
- setR_AvsZip (R_AVSZIP_Unavailable);
- //
- setIsReceipt (true);
- setIsApproved (false);
- setIsReconciled (false);
- setIsAllocated(false);
- setIsOnline (false);
- setIsSelfService(false);
- setIsDelayedCapture (false);
- setIsPrepayment(false);
- setProcessed(false);
- setProcessing(false);
- setPosted (false);
- //
- setPayAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setDiscountAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setTaxAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setWriteOffAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setIsOverUnderPayment (false);
- setOverUnderAmt(Env.ZERO);
- //
- setDateTrx (new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));
- setDateAcct (getDateTrx());
- setTenderType(TENDERTYPE_Check);
- }
- } // MPayment
- /**
- * Load Constructor
- * @param ctx context
- * @param rs result set record
- * @param trxName transaction
- */
- public MPayment (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
- {
- super(ctx, rs, trxName);
- } // MPayment
- /** Temporary Payment Processors */
- private MPaymentProcessor[] m_mPaymentProcessors = null;
- /** Temporary Payment Processor */
- private MPaymentProcessor m_mPaymentProcessor = null;
- /** Logger */
- private static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger (MPayment.class);
- /** Error Message */
- private String m_errorMessage = null;
- /** Reversal Indicator */
- public static String REVERSE_INDICATOR = "^";
- /**
- * Reset Payment to new status
- */
- public void resetNew()
- {
- setC_Payment_ID(0); // forces new Record
- set_ValueNoCheck ("DocumentNo", null);
- setDocAction(DOCACTION_Prepare);
- setDocStatus(DOCSTATUS_Drafted);
- setProcessed(false);
- setPosted (false);
- setIsReconciled (false);
- setIsAllocated(false);
- setIsOnline(false);
- setIsDelayedCapture (false);
- // setC_BPartner_ID(0);
- setC_Invoice_ID(0);
- setC_Order_ID(0);
- setC_Charge_ID(0);
- setC_Project_ID(0);
- setIsPrepayment(false);
- } // resetNew
- /**
- * Is Cashbook Transfer Trx
- * @return true if Cash Trx
- */
- public boolean isCashTrx()
- {
- return "X".equals(getTenderType());
- } // isCashTrx
- /**************************************************************************
- * Set Credit Card.
- * Need to set PatmentProcessor after Amount/Currency Set
- *
- * @param TrxType Transaction Type see TRX_
- * @param creditCardType CC type
- * @param creditCardNumber CC number
- * @param creditCardVV CC verification
- * @param creditCardExpMM CC Exp MM
- * @param creditCardExpYY CC Exp YY
- * @return true if valid
- */
- public boolean setCreditCard (String TrxType, String creditCardType, String creditCardNumber,
- String creditCardVV, int creditCardExpMM, int creditCardExpYY)
- {
- setTenderType(TENDERTYPE_CreditCard);
- setTrxType(TrxType);
- //
- setCreditCardType (creditCardType);
- setCreditCardNumber (creditCardNumber);
- setCreditCardVV (creditCardVV);
- setCreditCardExpMM (creditCardExpMM);
- setCreditCardExpYY (creditCardExpYY);
- //
- int check = MPaymentValidate.validateCreditCardNumber(creditCardNumber, creditCardType).length()
- + MPaymentValidate.validateCreditCardExp(creditCardExpMM, creditCardExpYY).length();
- if (creditCardVV.length() > 0)
- check += MPaymentValidate.validateCreditCardVV(creditCardVV, creditCardType).length();
- return check == 0;
- } // setCreditCard
- /**
- * Set Credit Card - Exp.
- * Need to set PatmentProcessor after Amount/Currency Set
- *
- * @param TrxType Transaction Type see TRX_
- * @param creditCardType CC type
- * @param creditCardNumber CC number
- * @param creditCardVV CC verification
- * @param creditCardExp CC Exp
- * @return true if valid
- */
- public boolean setCreditCard (String TrxType, String creditCardType, String creditCardNumber,
- String creditCardVV, String creditCardExp)
- {
- return setCreditCard(TrxType, creditCardType, creditCardNumber,
- creditCardVV, MPaymentValidate.getCreditCardExpMM(creditCardExp),
- MPaymentValidate.getCreditCardExpYY(creditCardExp));
- } // setCreditCard
- /**
- * Set ACH BankAccount Info
- *
- * @param C_BankAccount_ID bank account
+ * by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
+ * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
+ * For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
+ * ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
+ * or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+package org.compiere.model;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.math.*;
+import java.rmi.*;
+import java.sql.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.logging.*;
+import org.compiere.db.*;
+import org.compiere.interfaces.*;
+import org.compiere.process.*;
+import org.compiere.util.*;
+ * Payment Model.
+ * - retrieve and create payments for invoice
+ *
+ * Event chain
+ * - Payment inserted
+ * C_Payment_Trg fires
+ * update DocumentNo with payment summary
+ * - Payment posted (C_Payment_Post)
+ * create allocation line
+ * C_Allocation_Trg fires
+ * Update C_BPartner Open Item Amount
+ * update invoice (IsPaid)
+ * link invoice-payment if batch
+ *
+ * Lifeline:
+ * - Created by VPayment or directly
+ * - When changed in VPayment
+ * - old payment is reversed
+ * - new payment created
+ *
+ * When Payment is posed, the Allocation is made
+ *
+ * @author Jorg Janke
+ * @version $Id: MPayment.java,v 1.4 2006/10/02 05:18:39 jjanke Exp $
+ */
+public final class MPayment extends X_C_Payment
+ implements DocAction, ProcessCall
+ /**
+ * Get Payments Of BPartner
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param C_BPartner_ID id
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public static MPayment[] getOfBPartner (Properties ctx, int C_BPartner_ID, String trxName)
+ {
+ ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
+ String sql = "SELECT * FROM C_Payment WHERE C_BPartner_ID=?";
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trxName);
+ pstmt.setInt(1, C_BPartner_ID);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ while (rs.next())
+ list.add(new MPayment(ctx,rs, trxName));
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ //
+ MPayment[] retValue = new MPayment[list.size()];
+ list.toArray(retValue);
+ return retValue;
+ } // getOfBPartner
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Default Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param C_Payment_ID payment to load, (0 create new payment)
+ * @param trxName trx name
+ */
+ public MPayment (Properties ctx, int C_Payment_ID, String trxName)
+ {
+ super (ctx, C_Payment_ID, trxName);
+ // New
+ if (C_Payment_ID == 0)
+ {
+ setDocAction(DOCACTION_Complete);
+ setDocStatus(DOCSTATUS_Drafted);
+ setTrxType(TRXTYPE_Sales);
+ //
+ setR_AvsAddr (R_AVSZIP_Unavailable);
+ setR_AvsZip (R_AVSZIP_Unavailable);
+ //
+ setIsReceipt (true);
+ setIsApproved (false);
+ setIsReconciled (false);
+ setIsAllocated(false);
+ setIsOnline (false);
+ setIsSelfService(false);
+ setIsDelayedCapture (false);
+ setIsPrepayment(false);
+ setProcessed(false);
+ setProcessing(false);
+ setPosted (false);
+ //
+ setPayAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setDiscountAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setTaxAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setWriteOffAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setIsOverUnderPayment (false);
+ setOverUnderAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ //
+ setDateTrx (new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));
+ setDateAcct (getDateTrx());
+ setTenderType(TENDERTYPE_Check);
+ }
+ } // MPayment
+ /**
+ * Load Constructor
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param rs result set record
+ * @param trxName transaction
+ */
+ public MPayment (Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
+ {
+ super(ctx, rs, trxName);
+ } // MPayment
+ /** Temporary Payment Processors */
+ private MPaymentProcessor[] m_mPaymentProcessors = null;
+ /** Temporary Payment Processor */
+ private MPaymentProcessor m_mPaymentProcessor = null;
+ /** Logger */
+ private static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger (MPayment.class);
+ /** Error Message */
+ private String m_errorMessage = null;
+ /** Reversal Indicator */
+ public static String REVERSE_INDICATOR = "^";
+ /**
+ * Reset Payment to new status
+ */
+ public void resetNew()
+ {
+ setC_Payment_ID(0); // forces new Record
+ set_ValueNoCheck ("DocumentNo", null);
+ setDocAction(DOCACTION_Prepare);
+ setDocStatus(DOCSTATUS_Drafted);
+ setProcessed(false);
+ setPosted (false);
+ setIsReconciled (false);
+ setIsAllocated(false);
+ setIsOnline(false);
+ setIsDelayedCapture (false);
+ // setC_BPartner_ID(0);
+ setC_Invoice_ID(0);
+ setC_Order_ID(0);
+ setC_Charge_ID(0);
+ setC_Project_ID(0);
+ setIsPrepayment(false);
+ } // resetNew
+ /**
+ * Is Cashbook Transfer Trx
+ * @return true if Cash Trx
+ */
+ public boolean isCashTrx()
+ {
+ return "X".equals(getTenderType());
+ } // isCashTrx
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Set Credit Card.
+ * Need to set PatmentProcessor after Amount/Currency Set
+ *
+ * @param TrxType Transaction Type see TRX_
+ * @param creditCardType CC type
+ * @param creditCardNumber CC number
+ * @param creditCardVV CC verification
+ * @param creditCardExpMM CC Exp MM
+ * @param creditCardExpYY CC Exp YY
+ * @return true if valid
+ */
+ public boolean setCreditCard (String TrxType, String creditCardType, String creditCardNumber,
+ String creditCardVV, int creditCardExpMM, int creditCardExpYY)
+ {
+ setTenderType(TENDERTYPE_CreditCard);
+ setTrxType(TrxType);
+ //
+ setCreditCardType (creditCardType);
+ setCreditCardNumber (creditCardNumber);
+ setCreditCardVV (creditCardVV);
+ setCreditCardExpMM (creditCardExpMM);
+ setCreditCardExpYY (creditCardExpYY);
+ //
+ int check = MPaymentValidate.validateCreditCardNumber(creditCardNumber, creditCardType).length()
+ + MPaymentValidate.validateCreditCardExp(creditCardExpMM, creditCardExpYY).length();
+ if (creditCardVV.length() > 0)
+ check += MPaymentValidate.validateCreditCardVV(creditCardVV, creditCardType).length();
+ return check == 0;
+ } // setCreditCard
+ /**
+ * Set Credit Card - Exp.
+ * Need to set PatmentProcessor after Amount/Currency Set
+ *
+ * @param TrxType Transaction Type see TRX_
+ * @param creditCardType CC type
+ * @param creditCardNumber CC number
+ * @param creditCardVV CC verification
+ * @param creditCardExp CC Exp
+ * @return true if valid
+ */
+ public boolean setCreditCard (String TrxType, String creditCardType, String creditCardNumber,
+ String creditCardVV, String creditCardExp)
+ {
+ return setCreditCard(TrxType, creditCardType, creditCardNumber,
+ creditCardVV, MPaymentValidate.getCreditCardExpMM(creditCardExp),
+ MPaymentValidate.getCreditCardExpYY(creditCardExp));
+ } // setCreditCard
+ /**
+ * Set ACH BankAccount Info
+ *
+ * @param C_BankAccount_ID bank account
* @param isReceipt true if receipt
* @return true if valid
@@ -272,954 +272,954 @@ public final class MPayment extends X_C_Payment
int check = MPaymentValidate.validateRoutingNo(getRoutingNo()).length()
+ MPaymentValidate.validateAccountNo(getAccountNo()).length();
- return check == 0;
- } // setBankACH
- /**
- * Set ACH BankAccount Info
- *
- * @param C_BankAccount_ID bank account
- * @param isReceipt true if receipt
- * @param tenderType - Direct Debit or Direct Deposit
- * @param routingNo routing
- * @param accountNo account
- * @return true if valid
- */
- public boolean setBankACH (int C_BankAccount_ID, boolean isReceipt, String tenderType,
- String routingNo, String accountNo)
- {
- setTenderType (tenderType);
- setIsReceipt (isReceipt);
- //
- if (C_BankAccount_ID > 0
- && (routingNo == null || routingNo.length() == 0 || accountNo == null || accountNo.length() == 0))
- setBankAccountDetails(C_BankAccount_ID);
- else
- {
- setC_BankAccount_ID(C_BankAccount_ID);
- setRoutingNo (routingNo);
- setAccountNo (accountNo);
- }
- setCheckNo ("");
- //
- int check = MPaymentValidate.validateRoutingNo(routingNo).length()
- + MPaymentValidate.validateAccountNo(accountNo).length();
- return check == 0;
- } // setBankACH
- /**
- * Set Check BankAccount Info
- *
- * @param C_BankAccount_ID bank account
- * @param isReceipt true if receipt
- * @param checkNo chack no
- * @return true if valid
- */
- public boolean setBankCheck (int C_BankAccount_ID, boolean isReceipt, String checkNo)
- {
- return setBankCheck (C_BankAccount_ID, isReceipt, null, null, checkNo);
- } // setBankCheck
- /**
- * Set Check BankAccount Info
- *
- * @param C_BankAccount_ID bank account
- * @param isReceipt true if receipt
- * @param routingNo routing no
- * @param accountNo account no
- * @param checkNo chack no
- * @return true if valid
- */
- public boolean setBankCheck (int C_BankAccount_ID, boolean isReceipt,
- String routingNo, String accountNo, String checkNo)
- {
- setTenderType (TENDERTYPE_Check);
- setIsReceipt (isReceipt);
- //
- if (C_BankAccount_ID > 0
- && (routingNo == null || routingNo.length() == 0
- || accountNo == null || accountNo.length() == 0))
- setBankAccountDetails(C_BankAccount_ID);
- else
- {
- setC_BankAccount_ID(C_BankAccount_ID);
- setRoutingNo (routingNo);
- setAccountNo (accountNo);
- }
- setCheckNo (checkNo);
- //
- int check = MPaymentValidate.validateRoutingNo(routingNo).length()
- + MPaymentValidate.validateAccountNo(accountNo).length()
- + MPaymentValidate.validateCheckNo(checkNo).length();
- return check == 0; // no error message
- } // setBankCheck
- /**
- * Set Bank Account Details.
- * Look up Routing No & Bank Acct No
- * @param C_BankAccount_ID bank account
- */
- public void setBankAccountDetails (int C_BankAccount_ID)
- {
- if (C_BankAccount_ID == 0)
- return;
- setC_BankAccount_ID(C_BankAccount_ID);
- //
- String sql = "SELECT b.RoutingNo, ba.AccountNo "
- + "FROM C_BankAccount ba"
- + " INNER JOIN C_Bank b ON (ba.C_Bank_ID=b.C_Bank_ID) "
- + "WHERE C_BankAccount_ID=?";
- try
- {
- PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
- pstmt.setInt(1, C_BankAccount_ID);
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- if (rs.next())
- {
- setRoutingNo (rs.getString(1));
- setAccountNo (rs.getString(2));
- }
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- }
- catch (SQLException e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- } // setBankAccountDetails
- /**
- * Set Account Address
- *
- * @param name name
- * @param street street
- * @param city city
- * @param state state
- * @param zip zip
- * @param country country
- */
- public void setAccountAddress (String name, String street,
- String city, String state, String zip, String country)
- {
- setA_Name (name);
- setA_Street (street);
- setA_City (city);
- setA_State (state);
- setA_Zip (zip);
- setA_Country(country);
- } // setAccountAddress
- /**************************************************************************
- * Process Payment
- * @return true if approved
- */
- public boolean processOnline()
- {
- log.info ("Amt=" + getPayAmt());
- //
- setIsOnline(true);
- setErrorMessage(null);
- // prevent charging twice
- if (isApproved())
- {
- log.info("Already processed - " + getR_Result() + " - " + getR_RespMsg());
- setErrorMessage("Payment already Processed");
- return true;
- }
- if (m_mPaymentProcessor == null)
- setPaymentProcessor();
- if (m_mPaymentProcessor == null)
- {
- log.log(Level.WARNING, "No Payment Processor Model");
- setErrorMessage("No Payment Processor Model");
- return false;
- }
- boolean approved = false;
- /** Process Payment on Server */
- if (DB.isRemoteObjects())
- {
- Server server = CConnection.get().getServer();
- try
- {
- if (server != null)
- { // See ServerBean
- String trxName = null; // unconditionally save
- save(trxName); // server reads from disk
- approved = server.paymentOnline (getCtx(), getC_Payment_ID(),
- m_mPaymentProcessor.getC_PaymentProcessor_ID(), trxName);
- if (CLogMgt.isLevelFinest())
- s_log.fine("server => " + approved);
- load(trxName); // server saves to disk
- setIsApproved(approved);
- return approved;
- }
- log.log(Level.WARNING, "AppsServer not found");
- }
- catch (RemoteException ex)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "AppsServer error", ex);
- }
- }
- /** **/
- // Try locally
- try
- {
- PaymentProcessor pp = PaymentProcessor.create(m_mPaymentProcessor, this);
- if (pp == null)
- setErrorMessage("No Payment Processor");
- else
- {
- approved = pp.processCC ();
- if (approved)
- setErrorMessage(null);
- else
- setErrorMessage("From " + getCreditCardName() + ": " + getR_RespMsg());
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "processOnline", e);
- setErrorMessage("Payment Processor Error");
- }
- setIsApproved(approved);
- return approved;
- } // processOnline
- /**
- * Process Online Payment.
- * implements ProcessCall after standard constructor
- * Called when pressing the Process_Online button in C_Payment
- *
- * @param ctx Context
- * @param pi Process Info
- * @param trx transaction
- * @return true if the next process should be performed
- */
- public boolean startProcess (Properties ctx, ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx)
- {
- log.info("startProcess - " + pi.getRecord_ID());
- boolean retValue = false;
- //
- if (pi.getRecord_ID() != get_ID())
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "startProcess - Not same Payment - " + pi.getRecord_ID());
- return false;
- }
- // Process it
- retValue = processOnline();
- save();
- return retValue; // Payment processed
- } // startProcess
- /**
- * Before Save
- * @param newRecord new
- * @return save
- */
- protected boolean beforeSave (boolean newRecord)
- {
- // We have a charge
- if (getC_Charge_ID() != 0)
- {
- if (newRecord || is_ValueChanged("C_Charge_ID"))
- {
- setC_Order_ID(0);
- setC_Invoice_ID(0);
- setWriteOffAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setDiscountAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setIsOverUnderPayment(false);
- setOverUnderAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setIsPrepayment(false);
- }
- }
- // We need a BPartner
- else if (getC_BPartner_ID() == 0 && !isCashTrx())
- {
- if (getC_Invoice_ID() != 0)
- ;
- else if (getC_Order_ID() != 0)
- ;
- else
- {
- log.saveError("Error", Msg.parseTranslation(getCtx(), "@NotFound@: @C_BPartner_ID@"));
- return false;
- }
- }
- // Prepayment: No charge and order or project (not as acct dimension)
- if (newRecord
- || is_ValueChanged("C_Charge_ID") || is_ValueChanged("C_Invoice_ID")
- || is_ValueChanged("C_Order_ID") || is_ValueChanged("C_Project_ID"))
- setIsPrepayment (getC_Charge_ID() == 0
- && getC_BPartner_ID() != 0
- && (getC_Order_ID() != 0
- || (getC_Project_ID() != 0 && getC_Invoice_ID() == 0)));
- if (isPrepayment())
- {
- if (newRecord
- || is_ValueChanged("C_Order_ID") || is_ValueChanged("C_Project_ID"))
- {
- setWriteOffAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setDiscountAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setIsOverUnderPayment(false);
- setOverUnderAmt(Env.ZERO);
- }
- }
- // Document Type/Receipt
- if (getC_DocType_ID() == 0)
- setC_DocType_ID();
- else
- {
- MDocType dt = MDocType.get(getCtx(), getC_DocType_ID());
- setIsReceipt(dt.isSOTrx());
- }
- setDocumentNo();
- //
- if (getDateAcct() == null)
- setDateAcct(getDateTrx());
- //
- if (!isOverUnderPayment())
- setOverUnderAmt(Env.ZERO);
- // Organization
- if ((newRecord || is_ValueChanged("C_BankAccount_ID"))
- && getC_Charge_ID() == 0) // allow different org for charge
- {
- MBankAccount ba = MBankAccount.get(getCtx(), getC_BankAccount_ID());
- if (ba.getAD_Org_ID() != 0)
- setAD_Org_ID(ba.getAD_Org_ID());
- }
- return true;
- } // beforeSave
- /**
- * Get Allocated Amt in Payment Currency
- * @return amount or null
- */
- public BigDecimal getAllocatedAmt ()
- {
- BigDecimal retValue = null;
- if (getC_Charge_ID() != 0)
- return getPayAmt();
- //
- String sql = "SELECT SUM(currencyConvert(al.Amount,"
- + "ah.C_Currency_ID, p.C_Currency_ID,ah.DateTrx,p.C_ConversionType_ID, al.AD_Client_ID,al.AD_Org_ID)) "
- + "FROM C_AllocationLine al"
- + " INNER JOIN C_AllocationHdr ah ON (al.C_AllocationHdr_ID=ah.C_AllocationHdr_ID) "
- + " INNER JOIN C_Payment p ON (al.C_Payment_ID=p.C_Payment_ID) "
- + "WHERE al.C_Payment_ID=?"
- + " AND ah.IsActive='Y' AND al.IsActive='Y'";
- // + " AND al.C_Invoice_ID IS NOT NULL";
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
- pstmt.setInt(1, getC_Payment_ID());
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- if (rs.next())
- retValue = rs.getBigDecimal(1);
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "getAllocatedAmt", e);
- }
- try
- {
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- }
- // log.fine("getAllocatedAmt - " + retValue);
- // ? ROUND(NVL(v_AllocatedAmt,0), 2);
- return retValue;
- } // getAllocatedAmt
- /**
- * Test Allocation (and set allocated flag)
- * @return true if updated
- */
- public boolean testAllocation()
- {
- // Cash Trx always allocated
- if (isCashTrx())
- {
- if (!isAllocated())
- {
- setIsAllocated(true);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- //
- BigDecimal alloc = getAllocatedAmt();
- if (alloc == null)
- alloc = Env.ZERO;
- BigDecimal total = getPayAmt();
- if (!isReceipt())
- total = total.negate();
- boolean test = total.compareTo(alloc) == 0;
- boolean change = test != isAllocated();
- if (change)
- setIsAllocated(test);
- log.fine("Allocated=" + test
- + " (" + alloc + "=" + total + ")");
- return change;
- } // testAllocation
- /**
- * Set Allocated Flag for payments
- * @param ctx context
- * @param C_BPartner_ID if 0 all
- * @param trxName trx
- */
- public static void setIsAllocated (Properties ctx, int C_BPartner_ID, String trxName)
- {
- int counter = 0;
- String sql = "SELECT * FROM C_Payment "
- + "WHERE IsAllocated='N' AND DocStatus IN ('CO','CL')";
- if (C_BPartner_ID > 1)
- sql += " AND C_BPartner_ID=?";
- else
- sql += " AND AD_Client_ID=" + Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx);
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, trxName);
- if (C_BPartner_ID > 1)
- pstmt.setInt (1, C_BPartner_ID);
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
- while (rs.next ())
- {
- MPayment pay = new MPayment (ctx, rs, trxName);
- if (pay.testAllocation())
- if (pay.save())
- counter++;
- }
- rs.close ();
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- try
- {
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close ();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- }
- s_log.config("#" + counter);
- } // setIsAllocated
- /**************************************************************************
- * Set Error Message
- * @param errorMessage error message
- */
- public void setErrorMessage(String errorMessage)
- {
- m_errorMessage = errorMessage;
- } // setErrorMessage
- /**
- * Get Error Message
- * @return error message
- */
- public String getErrorMessage()
- {
- return m_errorMessage;
- } // getErrorMessage
- /**
- * Set Bank Account for Payment.
- * @param C_BankAccount_ID C_BankAccount_ID
- */
- public void setC_BankAccount_ID (int C_BankAccount_ID)
- {
- if (C_BankAccount_ID == 0)
- {
- setPaymentProcessor();
- if (getC_BankAccount_ID() == 0)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find Bank Account");
- }
- else
- super.setC_BankAccount_ID(C_BankAccount_ID);
- } // setC_BankAccount_ID
- /**
- * Set BankAccount and PaymentProcessor
- * @return true if found
- */
- public boolean setPaymentProcessor ()
- {
- return setPaymentProcessor (getTenderType(), getCreditCardType());
- } // setPaymentProcessor
- /**
- * Set BankAccount and PaymentProcessor
- * @param tender TenderType see TENDER_
- * @param CCType CC Type see CC_
- * @return true if found
- */
- public boolean setPaymentProcessor (String tender, String CCType)
- {
- m_mPaymentProcessor = null;
- // Get Processor List
- if (m_mPaymentProcessors == null || m_mPaymentProcessors.length == 0)
- m_mPaymentProcessors = MPaymentProcessor.find (getCtx(), tender, CCType, getAD_Client_ID(),
- getC_Currency_ID(), getPayAmt(), get_TrxName());
- // Relax Amount
- if (m_mPaymentProcessors == null || m_mPaymentProcessors.length == 0)
- m_mPaymentProcessors = MPaymentProcessor.find (getCtx(), tender, CCType, getAD_Client_ID(),
- getC_Currency_ID(), Env.ZERO, get_TrxName());
- if (m_mPaymentProcessors == null || m_mPaymentProcessors.length == 0)
- return false;
- // Find the first right one
- for (int i = 0; i < m_mPaymentProcessors.length; i++)
- {
- if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].accepts (tender, CCType))
- {
- m_mPaymentProcessor = m_mPaymentProcessors[i];
- }
- }
- if (m_mPaymentProcessor != null)
- setC_BankAccount_ID (m_mPaymentProcessor.getC_BankAccount_ID());
- //
- return m_mPaymentProcessor != null;
- } // setPaymentProcessor
- /**
- * Get Accepted Credit Cards for PayAmt (default 0)
- * @return credit cards
- */
- public ValueNamePair[] getCreditCards ()
- {
- return getCreditCards(getPayAmt());
- } // getCreditCards
- /**
- * Get Accepted Credit Cards for amount
- * @param amt trx amount
- * @return credit cards
- */
- public ValueNamePair[] getCreditCards (BigDecimal amt)
- {
- try
- {
- if (m_mPaymentProcessors == null || m_mPaymentProcessors.length == 0)
- m_mPaymentProcessors = MPaymentProcessor.find (getCtx (), null, null,
- getAD_Client_ID (), getC_Currency_ID (), amt, get_TrxName());
- //
- HashMap map = new HashMap(); // to eliminate duplicates
- for (int i = 0; i < m_mPaymentProcessors.length; i++)
- {
- if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].isAcceptAMEX ())
- map.put (CREDITCARDTYPE_Amex, getCreditCardPair (CREDITCARDTYPE_Amex));
- if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].isAcceptDiners ())
- map.put (CREDITCARDTYPE_Diners, getCreditCardPair (CREDITCARDTYPE_Diners));
- if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].isAcceptDiscover ())
- map.put (CREDITCARDTYPE_Discover, getCreditCardPair (CREDITCARDTYPE_Discover));
- if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].isAcceptMC ())
- map.put (CREDITCARDTYPE_MasterCard, getCreditCardPair (CREDITCARDTYPE_MasterCard));
- if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].isAcceptCorporate ())
- map.put (CREDITCARDTYPE_PurchaseCard, getCreditCardPair (CREDITCARDTYPE_PurchaseCard));
- if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].isAcceptVisa ())
- map.put (CREDITCARDTYPE_Visa, getCreditCardPair (CREDITCARDTYPE_Visa));
- } // for all payment processors
- //
- ValueNamePair[] retValue = new ValueNamePair[map.size ()];
- map.values ().toArray (retValue);
- log.fine("getCreditCards - #" + retValue.length + " - Processors=" + m_mPaymentProcessors.length);
- return retValue;
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- ex.printStackTrace();
- return null;
- }
- } // getCreditCards
- /**
- * Get Type and name pair
- * @param CreditCardType credit card Type
- * @return pair
- */
- private ValueNamePair getCreditCardPair (String CreditCardType)
- {
- return new ValueNamePair (CreditCardType, getCreditCardName(CreditCardType));
- } // getCreditCardPair
- /**************************************************************************
- * Credit Card Number
- * @param CreditCardNumber CreditCard Number
- */
- public void setCreditCardNumber (String CreditCardNumber)
- {
- super.setCreditCardNumber (MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(CreditCardNumber));
- } // setCreditCardNumber
- /**
- * Verification Code
- * @param newCreditCardVV CC verification
- */
- public void setCreditCardVV(String newCreditCardVV)
- {
- super.setCreditCardVV (MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(newCreditCardVV));
- } // setCreditCardVV
- /**
- * Two Digit CreditCard MM
- * @param CreditCardExpMM Exp month
- */
- public void setCreditCardExpMM (int CreditCardExpMM)
- {
- if (CreditCardExpMM < 1 || CreditCardExpMM > 12)
- ;
- else
- super.setCreditCardExpMM (CreditCardExpMM);
- } // setCreditCardExpMM
- /**
- * Two digit CreditCard YY (til 2020)
- * @param newCreditCardExpYY 2 or 4 digit year
- */
- public void setCreditCardExpYY (int newCreditCardExpYY)
- {
- int CreditCardExpYY = newCreditCardExpYY;
- if (newCreditCardExpYY > 1999)
- CreditCardExpYY = newCreditCardExpYY-2000;
- super.setCreditCardExpYY(CreditCardExpYY);
- } // setCreditCardExpYY
- /**
- * CreditCard Exp MMYY
- * @param mmyy Exp in form of mmyy
- * @return true if valid
- */
- public boolean setCreditCardExp (String mmyy)
- {
- if (MPaymentValidate.validateCreditCardExp(mmyy).length() != 0)
- return false;
- //
- String exp = MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(mmyy);
- String mmStr = exp.substring(0,2);
- String yyStr = exp.substring(2,4);
- setCreditCardExpMM (Integer.parseInt(mmStr));
- setCreditCardExpYY (Integer.parseInt(yyStr));
- return true;
- } // setCreditCardExp
- /**
- * CreditCard Exp MMYY
- * @param delimiter / - or null
- * @return Exp
- */
- public String getCreditCardExp(String delimiter)
- {
- String mm = String.valueOf(getCreditCardExpMM());
- String yy = String.valueOf(getCreditCardExpYY());
- StringBuffer retValue = new StringBuffer();
- if (mm.length() == 1)
- retValue.append("0");
- retValue.append(mm);
- //
- if (delimiter != null)
- retValue.append(delimiter);
- //
- if (yy.length() == 1)
- retValue.append("0");
- retValue.append(yy);
- //
- return (retValue.toString());
- } // getCreditCardExp
- /**
- * MICR
- * @param MICR MICR
- */
- public void setMicr (String MICR)
- {
- super.setMicr (MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(MICR));
- } // setBankMICR
- /**
- * Routing No
- * @param RoutingNo Routing No
- */
- public void setRoutingNo(String RoutingNo)
- {
- super.setRoutingNo (MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(RoutingNo));
- } // setBankRoutingNo
- /**
- * Bank Account No
- * @param AccountNo AccountNo
- */
- public void setAccountNo (String AccountNo)
- {
- super.setAccountNo (MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(AccountNo));
- } // setBankAccountNo
- /**
- * Check No
- * @param CheckNo Check No
- */
- public void setCheckNo(String CheckNo)
- {
- super.setCheckNo(MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(CheckNo));
- } // setBankCheckNo
- /**
- * Set DocumentNo to Payment info.
- * If there is a R_PnRef that is set automatically
- */
- private void setDocumentNo()
- {
- // Cash Transfer
- if ("X".equals(getTenderType()))
- return;
- // Current Document No
- String documentNo = getDocumentNo();
- // Existing reversal
- if (documentNo != null
- && documentNo.indexOf(REVERSE_INDICATOR) >= 0)
- return;
- // If external number exists - enforce it
- if (getR_PnRef() != null && getR_PnRef().length() > 0)
- {
- if (!getR_PnRef().equals(documentNo))
- setDocumentNo(getR_PnRef());
- return;
- }
- documentNo = "";
- // Credit Card
- if (TENDERTYPE_CreditCard.equals(getTenderType()))
- {
- documentNo = getCreditCardType()
- + " " + Obscure.obscure(getCreditCardNumber())
- + " " + getCreditCardExpMM()
- + "/" + getCreditCardExpYY();
- }
- // Own Check No
- else if (TENDERTYPE_Check.equals(getTenderType())
- && !isReceipt()
- && getCheckNo() != null && getCheckNo().length() > 0)
- {
- documentNo = getCheckNo();
- }
- // Customer Check: Routing: Account #Check
- else if (TENDERTYPE_Check.equals(getTenderType())
- && isReceipt())
- {
- if (getRoutingNo() != null)
- documentNo = getRoutingNo() + ": ";
- if (getAccountNo() != null)
- documentNo += getAccountNo();
- if (getCheckNo() != null)
- {
- if (documentNo.length() > 0)
- documentNo += " ";
- documentNo += "#" + getCheckNo();
- }
- }
- // Set Document No
- documentNo = documentNo.trim();
- if (documentNo.length() > 0)
- setDocumentNo(documentNo);
- } // setDocumentNo
- /**
- * Set Refernce No (and Document No)
- * @param R_PnRef reference
- */
- public void setR_PnRef (String R_PnRef)
- {
- super.setR_PnRef (R_PnRef);
- if (R_PnRef != null)
- setDocumentNo (R_PnRef);
- } // setR_PnRef
- // ---------------
- /**
- * Set Payment Amount
- * @param PayAmt Pay Amt
- */
- public void setPayAmt (BigDecimal PayAmt)
- {
- super.setPayAmt(PayAmt == null ? Env.ZERO : PayAmt);
- } // setPayAmt
- /**
- * Set Payment Amount
- *
- * @param C_Currency_ID currency
- * @param payAmt amount
- */
- public void setAmount (int C_Currency_ID, BigDecimal payAmt)
- {
- if (C_Currency_ID == 0)
- C_Currency_ID = MClient.get(getCtx()).getC_Currency_ID();
- setC_Currency_ID(C_Currency_ID);
- setPayAmt(payAmt);
- } // setAmount
- /**
- * Discount Amt
- * @param DiscountAmt Discount
- */
- public void setDiscountAmt (BigDecimal DiscountAmt)
- {
- super.setDiscountAmt (DiscountAmt == null ? Env.ZERO : DiscountAmt);
- } // setDiscountAmt
- /**
- * WriteOff Amt
- * @param WriteOffAmt WriteOff
- */
- public void setWriteOffAmt (BigDecimal WriteOffAmt)
- {
- super.setWriteOffAmt (WriteOffAmt == null ? Env.ZERO : WriteOffAmt);
- } // setWriteOffAmt
- /**
- * OverUnder Amt
- * @param OverUnderAmt OverUnder
- */
- public void setOverUnderAmt (BigDecimal OverUnderAmt)
- {
- super.setOverUnderAmt (OverUnderAmt == null ? Env.ZERO : OverUnderAmt);
- setIsOverUnderPayment(getOverUnderAmt().compareTo(Env.ZERO) != 0);
- } // setOverUnderAmt
- /**
- * Tax Amt
- * @param TaxAmt Tax
- */
- public void setTaxAmt (BigDecimal TaxAmt)
- {
- super.setTaxAmt (TaxAmt == null ? Env.ZERO : TaxAmt);
- } // setTaxAmt
- /**
- * Set Info from BP Bank Account
- * @param ba BP bank account
- */
- public void setBP_BankAccount (MBPBankAccount ba)
- {
- log.fine("" + ba);
- if (ba == null)
- return;
- setC_BPartner_ID(ba.getC_BPartner_ID());
- setAccountAddress(ba.getA_Name(), ba.getA_Street(), ba.getA_City(),
- ba.getA_State(), ba.getA_Zip(), ba.getA_Country());
- setA_EMail(ba.getA_EMail());
- setA_Ident_DL(ba.getA_Ident_DL());
- setA_Ident_SSN(ba.getA_Ident_SSN());
- // CC
- if (ba.getCreditCardType() != null)
- setCreditCardType(ba.getCreditCardType());
- if (ba.getCreditCardNumber() != null)
- setCreditCardNumber(ba.getCreditCardNumber());
- if (ba.getCreditCardExpMM() != 0)
- setCreditCardExpMM(ba.getCreditCardExpMM());
- if (ba.getCreditCardExpYY() != 0)
- setCreditCardExpYY(ba.getCreditCardExpYY());
- if (ba.getCreditCardVV() != null)
- setCreditCardVV(ba.getCreditCardVV());
- // Bank
- if (ba.getAccountNo() != null)
- setAccountNo(ba.getAccountNo());
- if (ba.getRoutingNo() != null)
- setRoutingNo(ba.getRoutingNo());
- } // setBP_BankAccount
- /**
- * Save Info from BP Bank Account
- * @param ba BP bank account
- * @return true if saved
- */
- public boolean saveToBP_BankAccount (MBPBankAccount ba)
- {
- if (ba == null)
- return false;
- ba.setA_Name(getA_Name());
- ba.setA_Street(getA_Street());
- ba.setA_City(getA_City());
- ba.setA_State(getA_State());
- ba.setA_Zip(getA_Zip());
- ba.setA_Country(getA_Country());
- ba.setA_EMail(getA_EMail());
- ba.setA_Ident_DL(getA_Ident_DL());
- ba.setA_Ident_SSN(getA_Ident_SSN());
- // CC
- ba.setCreditCardType(getCreditCardType());
- ba.setCreditCardNumber(getCreditCardNumber());
- ba.setCreditCardExpMM(getCreditCardExpMM());
- ba.setCreditCardExpYY(getCreditCardExpYY());
- ba.setCreditCardVV(getCreditCardVV());
- // Bank
- if (getAccountNo() != null)
- ba.setAccountNo(getAccountNo());
- if (getRoutingNo() != null)
- ba.setRoutingNo(getRoutingNo());
- // Trx
- ba.setR_AvsAddr(getR_AvsAddr());
- ba.setR_AvsZip(getR_AvsZip());
- //
- boolean ok = ba.save(get_TrxName());
- log.fine("saveToBP_BankAccount - " + ba);
- return ok;
- } // setBP_BankAccount
- /**
- * Set Doc Type bases on IsReceipt
- */
- private void setC_DocType_ID ()
- {
- setC_DocType_ID(isReceipt());
- } // setC_DocType_ID
- /**
- * Set Doc Type
- * @param isReceipt is receipt
- */
- public void setC_DocType_ID (boolean isReceipt)
- {
- setIsReceipt(isReceipt);
- String sql = "SELECT C_DocType_ID FROM C_DocType WHERE AD_Client_ID=? AND DocBaseType=? ORDER BY IsDefault DESC";
- try
- {
+ return check == 0;
+ } // setBankACH
+ /**
+ * Set ACH BankAccount Info
+ *
+ * @param C_BankAccount_ID bank account
+ * @param isReceipt true if receipt
+ * @param tenderType - Direct Debit or Direct Deposit
+ * @param routingNo routing
+ * @param accountNo account
+ * @return true if valid
+ */
+ public boolean setBankACH (int C_BankAccount_ID, boolean isReceipt, String tenderType,
+ String routingNo, String accountNo)
+ {
+ setTenderType (tenderType);
+ setIsReceipt (isReceipt);
+ //
+ if (C_BankAccount_ID > 0
+ && (routingNo == null || routingNo.length() == 0 || accountNo == null || accountNo.length() == 0))
+ setBankAccountDetails(C_BankAccount_ID);
+ else
+ {
+ setC_BankAccount_ID(C_BankAccount_ID);
+ setRoutingNo (routingNo);
+ setAccountNo (accountNo);
+ }
+ setCheckNo ("");
+ //
+ int check = MPaymentValidate.validateRoutingNo(routingNo).length()
+ + MPaymentValidate.validateAccountNo(accountNo).length();
+ return check == 0;
+ } // setBankACH
+ /**
+ * Set Check BankAccount Info
+ *
+ * @param C_BankAccount_ID bank account
+ * @param isReceipt true if receipt
+ * @param checkNo chack no
+ * @return true if valid
+ */
+ public boolean setBankCheck (int C_BankAccount_ID, boolean isReceipt, String checkNo)
+ {
+ return setBankCheck (C_BankAccount_ID, isReceipt, null, null, checkNo);
+ } // setBankCheck
+ /**
+ * Set Check BankAccount Info
+ *
+ * @param C_BankAccount_ID bank account
+ * @param isReceipt true if receipt
+ * @param routingNo routing no
+ * @param accountNo account no
+ * @param checkNo chack no
+ * @return true if valid
+ */
+ public boolean setBankCheck (int C_BankAccount_ID, boolean isReceipt,
+ String routingNo, String accountNo, String checkNo)
+ {
+ setTenderType (TENDERTYPE_Check);
+ setIsReceipt (isReceipt);
+ //
+ if (C_BankAccount_ID > 0
+ && (routingNo == null || routingNo.length() == 0
+ || accountNo == null || accountNo.length() == 0))
+ setBankAccountDetails(C_BankAccount_ID);
+ else
+ {
+ setC_BankAccount_ID(C_BankAccount_ID);
+ setRoutingNo (routingNo);
+ setAccountNo (accountNo);
+ }
+ setCheckNo (checkNo);
+ //
+ int check = MPaymentValidate.validateRoutingNo(routingNo).length()
+ + MPaymentValidate.validateAccountNo(accountNo).length()
+ + MPaymentValidate.validateCheckNo(checkNo).length();
+ return check == 0; // no error message
+ } // setBankCheck
+ /**
+ * Set Bank Account Details.
+ * Look up Routing No & Bank Acct No
+ * @param C_BankAccount_ID bank account
+ */
+ public void setBankAccountDetails (int C_BankAccount_ID)
+ {
+ if (C_BankAccount_ID == 0)
+ return;
+ setC_BankAccount_ID(C_BankAccount_ID);
+ //
+ String sql = "SELECT b.RoutingNo, ba.AccountNo "
+ + "FROM C_BankAccount ba"
+ + " INNER JOIN C_Bank b ON (ba.C_Bank_ID=b.C_Bank_ID) "
+ + "WHERE C_BankAccount_ID=?";
+ try
+ {
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
+ pstmt.setInt(1, C_BankAccount_ID);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ if (rs.next())
+ {
+ setRoutingNo (rs.getString(1));
+ setAccountNo (rs.getString(2));
+ }
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ }
+ catch (SQLException e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ } // setBankAccountDetails
+ /**
+ * Set Account Address
+ *
+ * @param name name
+ * @param street street
+ * @param city city
+ * @param state state
+ * @param zip zip
+ * @param country country
+ */
+ public void setAccountAddress (String name, String street,
+ String city, String state, String zip, String country)
+ {
+ setA_Name (name);
+ setA_Street (street);
+ setA_City (city);
+ setA_State (state);
+ setA_Zip (zip);
+ setA_Country(country);
+ } // setAccountAddress
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Process Payment
+ * @return true if approved
+ */
+ public boolean processOnline()
+ {
+ log.info ("Amt=" + getPayAmt());
+ //
+ setIsOnline(true);
+ setErrorMessage(null);
+ // prevent charging twice
+ if (isApproved())
+ {
+ log.info("Already processed - " + getR_Result() + " - " + getR_RespMsg());
+ setErrorMessage("Payment already Processed");
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessor == null)
+ setPaymentProcessor();
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessor == null)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.WARNING, "No Payment Processor Model");
+ setErrorMessage("No Payment Processor Model");
+ return false;
+ }
+ boolean approved = false;
+ /** Process Payment on Server */
+ if (DB.isRemoteObjects())
+ {
+ Server server = CConnection.get().getServer();
+ try
+ {
+ if (server != null)
+ { // See ServerBean
+ String trxName = null; // unconditionally save
+ save(trxName); // server reads from disk
+ approved = server.paymentOnline (getCtx(), getC_Payment_ID(),
+ m_mPaymentProcessor.getC_PaymentProcessor_ID(), trxName);
+ if (CLogMgt.isLevelFinest())
+ s_log.fine("server => " + approved);
+ load(trxName); // server saves to disk
+ setIsApproved(approved);
+ return approved;
+ }
+ log.log(Level.WARNING, "AppsServer not found");
+ }
+ catch (RemoteException ex)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "AppsServer error", ex);
+ }
+ }
+ /** **/
+ // Try locally
+ try
+ {
+ PaymentProcessor pp = PaymentProcessor.create(m_mPaymentProcessor, this);
+ if (pp == null)
+ setErrorMessage("No Payment Processor");
+ else
+ {
+ approved = pp.processCC ();
+ if (approved)
+ setErrorMessage(null);
+ else
+ setErrorMessage("From " + getCreditCardName() + ": " + getR_RespMsg());
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "processOnline", e);
+ setErrorMessage("Payment Processor Error");
+ }
+ setIsApproved(approved);
+ return approved;
+ } // processOnline
+ /**
+ * Process Online Payment.
+ * implements ProcessCall after standard constructor
+ * Called when pressing the Process_Online button in C_Payment
+ *
+ * @param ctx Context
+ * @param pi Process Info
+ * @param trx transaction
+ * @return true if the next process should be performed
+ */
+ public boolean startProcess (Properties ctx, ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx)
+ {
+ log.info("startProcess - " + pi.getRecord_ID());
+ boolean retValue = false;
+ //
+ if (pi.getRecord_ID() != get_ID())
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "startProcess - Not same Payment - " + pi.getRecord_ID());
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Process it
+ retValue = processOnline();
+ save();
+ return retValue; // Payment processed
+ } // startProcess
+ /**
+ * Before Save
+ * @param newRecord new
+ * @return save
+ */
+ protected boolean beforeSave (boolean newRecord)
+ {
+ // We have a charge
+ if (getC_Charge_ID() != 0)
+ {
+ if (newRecord || is_ValueChanged("C_Charge_ID"))
+ {
+ setC_Order_ID(0);
+ setC_Invoice_ID(0);
+ setWriteOffAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setDiscountAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setIsOverUnderPayment(false);
+ setOverUnderAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setIsPrepayment(false);
+ }
+ }
+ // We need a BPartner
+ else if (getC_BPartner_ID() == 0 && !isCashTrx())
+ {
+ if (getC_Invoice_ID() != 0)
+ ;
+ else if (getC_Order_ID() != 0)
+ ;
+ else
+ {
+ log.saveError("Error", Msg.parseTranslation(getCtx(), "@NotFound@: @C_BPartner_ID@"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Prepayment: No charge and order or project (not as acct dimension)
+ if (newRecord
+ || is_ValueChanged("C_Charge_ID") || is_ValueChanged("C_Invoice_ID")
+ || is_ValueChanged("C_Order_ID") || is_ValueChanged("C_Project_ID"))
+ setIsPrepayment (getC_Charge_ID() == 0
+ && getC_BPartner_ID() != 0
+ && (getC_Order_ID() != 0
+ || (getC_Project_ID() != 0 && getC_Invoice_ID() == 0)));
+ if (isPrepayment())
+ {
+ if (newRecord
+ || is_ValueChanged("C_Order_ID") || is_ValueChanged("C_Project_ID"))
+ {
+ setWriteOffAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setDiscountAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setIsOverUnderPayment(false);
+ setOverUnderAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ }
+ }
+ // Document Type/Receipt
+ if (getC_DocType_ID() == 0)
+ setC_DocType_ID();
+ else
+ {
+ MDocType dt = MDocType.get(getCtx(), getC_DocType_ID());
+ setIsReceipt(dt.isSOTrx());
+ }
+ setDocumentNo();
+ //
+ if (getDateAcct() == null)
+ setDateAcct(getDateTrx());
+ //
+ if (!isOverUnderPayment())
+ setOverUnderAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ // Organization
+ if ((newRecord || is_ValueChanged("C_BankAccount_ID"))
+ && getC_Charge_ID() == 0) // allow different org for charge
+ {
+ MBankAccount ba = MBankAccount.get(getCtx(), getC_BankAccount_ID());
+ if (ba.getAD_Org_ID() != 0)
+ setAD_Org_ID(ba.getAD_Org_ID());
+ }
+ return true;
+ } // beforeSave
+ /**
+ * Get Allocated Amt in Payment Currency
+ * @return amount or null
+ */
+ public BigDecimal getAllocatedAmt ()
+ {
+ BigDecimal retValue = null;
+ if (getC_Charge_ID() != 0)
+ return getPayAmt();
+ //
+ String sql = "SELECT SUM(currencyConvert(al.Amount,"
+ + "ah.C_Currency_ID, p.C_Currency_ID,ah.DateTrx,p.C_ConversionType_ID, al.AD_Client_ID,al.AD_Org_ID)) "
+ + "FROM C_AllocationLine al"
+ + " INNER JOIN C_AllocationHdr ah ON (al.C_AllocationHdr_ID=ah.C_AllocationHdr_ID) "
+ + " INNER JOIN C_Payment p ON (al.C_Payment_ID=p.C_Payment_ID) "
+ + "WHERE al.C_Payment_ID=?"
+ + " AND ah.IsActive='Y' AND al.IsActive='Y'";
+ // + " AND al.C_Invoice_ID IS NOT NULL";
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
+ pstmt.setInt(1, getC_Payment_ID());
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ if (rs.next())
+ retValue = rs.getBigDecimal(1);
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "getAllocatedAmt", e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ // log.fine("getAllocatedAmt - " + retValue);
+ // ? ROUND(NVL(v_AllocatedAmt,0), 2);
+ return retValue;
+ } // getAllocatedAmt
+ /**
+ * Test Allocation (and set allocated flag)
+ * @return true if updated
+ */
+ public boolean testAllocation()
+ {
+ // Cash Trx always allocated
+ if (isCashTrx())
+ {
+ if (!isAllocated())
+ {
+ setIsAllocated(true);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ //
+ BigDecimal alloc = getAllocatedAmt();
+ if (alloc == null)
+ alloc = Env.ZERO;
+ BigDecimal total = getPayAmt();
+ if (!isReceipt())
+ total = total.negate();
+ boolean test = total.compareTo(alloc) == 0;
+ boolean change = test != isAllocated();
+ if (change)
+ setIsAllocated(test);
+ log.fine("Allocated=" + test
+ + " (" + alloc + "=" + total + ")");
+ return change;
+ } // testAllocation
+ /**
+ * Set Allocated Flag for payments
+ * @param ctx context
+ * @param C_BPartner_ID if 0 all
+ * @param trxName trx
+ */
+ public static void setIsAllocated (Properties ctx, int C_BPartner_ID, String trxName)
+ {
+ int counter = 0;
+ String sql = "SELECT * FROM C_Payment "
+ + "WHERE IsAllocated='N' AND DocStatus IN ('CO','CL')";
+ if (C_BPartner_ID > 1)
+ sql += " AND C_BPartner_ID=?";
+ else
+ sql += " AND AD_Client_ID=" + Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx);
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, trxName);
+ if (C_BPartner_ID > 1)
+ pstmt.setInt (1, C_BPartner_ID);
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
+ while (rs.next ())
+ {
+ MPayment pay = new MPayment (ctx, rs, trxName);
+ if (pay.testAllocation())
+ if (pay.save())
+ counter++;
+ }
+ rs.close ();
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close ();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ s_log.config("#" + counter);
+ } // setIsAllocated
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Set Error Message
+ * @param errorMessage error message
+ */
+ public void setErrorMessage(String errorMessage)
+ {
+ m_errorMessage = errorMessage;
+ } // setErrorMessage
+ /**
+ * Get Error Message
+ * @return error message
+ */
+ public String getErrorMessage()
+ {
+ return m_errorMessage;
+ } // getErrorMessage
+ /**
+ * Set Bank Account for Payment.
+ * @param C_BankAccount_ID C_BankAccount_ID
+ */
+ public void setC_BankAccount_ID (int C_BankAccount_ID)
+ {
+ if (C_BankAccount_ID == 0)
+ {
+ setPaymentProcessor();
+ if (getC_BankAccount_ID() == 0)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find Bank Account");
+ }
+ else
+ super.setC_BankAccount_ID(C_BankAccount_ID);
+ } // setC_BankAccount_ID
+ /**
+ * Set BankAccount and PaymentProcessor
+ * @return true if found
+ */
+ public boolean setPaymentProcessor ()
+ {
+ return setPaymentProcessor (getTenderType(), getCreditCardType());
+ } // setPaymentProcessor
+ /**
+ * Set BankAccount and PaymentProcessor
+ * @param tender TenderType see TENDER_
+ * @param CCType CC Type see CC_
+ * @return true if found
+ */
+ public boolean setPaymentProcessor (String tender, String CCType)
+ {
+ m_mPaymentProcessor = null;
+ // Get Processor List
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessors == null || m_mPaymentProcessors.length == 0)
+ m_mPaymentProcessors = MPaymentProcessor.find (getCtx(), tender, CCType, getAD_Client_ID(),
+ getC_Currency_ID(), getPayAmt(), get_TrxName());
+ // Relax Amount
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessors == null || m_mPaymentProcessors.length == 0)
+ m_mPaymentProcessors = MPaymentProcessor.find (getCtx(), tender, CCType, getAD_Client_ID(),
+ getC_Currency_ID(), Env.ZERO, get_TrxName());
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessors == null || m_mPaymentProcessors.length == 0)
+ return false;
+ // Find the first right one
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_mPaymentProcessors.length; i++)
+ {
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].accepts (tender, CCType))
+ {
+ m_mPaymentProcessor = m_mPaymentProcessors[i];
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessor != null)
+ setC_BankAccount_ID (m_mPaymentProcessor.getC_BankAccount_ID());
+ //
+ return m_mPaymentProcessor != null;
+ } // setPaymentProcessor
+ /**
+ * Get Accepted Credit Cards for PayAmt (default 0)
+ * @return credit cards
+ */
+ public ValueNamePair[] getCreditCards ()
+ {
+ return getCreditCards(getPayAmt());
+ } // getCreditCards
+ /**
+ * Get Accepted Credit Cards for amount
+ * @param amt trx amount
+ * @return credit cards
+ */
+ public ValueNamePair[] getCreditCards (BigDecimal amt)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessors == null || m_mPaymentProcessors.length == 0)
+ m_mPaymentProcessors = MPaymentProcessor.find (getCtx (), null, null,
+ getAD_Client_ID (), getC_Currency_ID (), amt, get_TrxName());
+ //
+ HashMap map = new HashMap(); // to eliminate duplicates
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_mPaymentProcessors.length; i++)
+ {
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].isAcceptAMEX ())
+ map.put (CREDITCARDTYPE_Amex, getCreditCardPair (CREDITCARDTYPE_Amex));
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].isAcceptDiners ())
+ map.put (CREDITCARDTYPE_Diners, getCreditCardPair (CREDITCARDTYPE_Diners));
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].isAcceptDiscover ())
+ map.put (CREDITCARDTYPE_Discover, getCreditCardPair (CREDITCARDTYPE_Discover));
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].isAcceptMC ())
+ map.put (CREDITCARDTYPE_MasterCard, getCreditCardPair (CREDITCARDTYPE_MasterCard));
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].isAcceptCorporate ())
+ map.put (CREDITCARDTYPE_PurchaseCard, getCreditCardPair (CREDITCARDTYPE_PurchaseCard));
+ if (m_mPaymentProcessors[i].isAcceptVisa ())
+ map.put (CREDITCARDTYPE_Visa, getCreditCardPair (CREDITCARDTYPE_Visa));
+ } // for all payment processors
+ //
+ ValueNamePair[] retValue = new ValueNamePair[map.size ()];
+ map.values ().toArray (retValue);
+ log.fine("getCreditCards - #" + retValue.length + " - Processors=" + m_mPaymentProcessors.length);
+ return retValue;
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ ex.printStackTrace();
+ return null;
+ }
+ } // getCreditCards
+ /**
+ * Get Type and name pair
+ * @param CreditCardType credit card Type
+ * @return pair
+ */
+ private ValueNamePair getCreditCardPair (String CreditCardType)
+ {
+ return new ValueNamePair (CreditCardType, getCreditCardName(CreditCardType));
+ } // getCreditCardPair
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Credit Card Number
+ * @param CreditCardNumber CreditCard Number
+ */
+ public void setCreditCardNumber (String CreditCardNumber)
+ {
+ super.setCreditCardNumber (MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(CreditCardNumber));
+ } // setCreditCardNumber
+ /**
+ * Verification Code
+ * @param newCreditCardVV CC verification
+ */
+ public void setCreditCardVV(String newCreditCardVV)
+ {
+ super.setCreditCardVV (MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(newCreditCardVV));
+ } // setCreditCardVV
+ /**
+ * Two Digit CreditCard MM
+ * @param CreditCardExpMM Exp month
+ */
+ public void setCreditCardExpMM (int CreditCardExpMM)
+ {
+ if (CreditCardExpMM < 1 || CreditCardExpMM > 12)
+ ;
+ else
+ super.setCreditCardExpMM (CreditCardExpMM);
+ } // setCreditCardExpMM
+ /**
+ * Two digit CreditCard YY (til 2020)
+ * @param newCreditCardExpYY 2 or 4 digit year
+ */
+ public void setCreditCardExpYY (int newCreditCardExpYY)
+ {
+ int CreditCardExpYY = newCreditCardExpYY;
+ if (newCreditCardExpYY > 1999)
+ CreditCardExpYY = newCreditCardExpYY-2000;
+ super.setCreditCardExpYY(CreditCardExpYY);
+ } // setCreditCardExpYY
+ /**
+ * CreditCard Exp MMYY
+ * @param mmyy Exp in form of mmyy
+ * @return true if valid
+ */
+ public boolean setCreditCardExp (String mmyy)
+ {
+ if (MPaymentValidate.validateCreditCardExp(mmyy).length() != 0)
+ return false;
+ //
+ String exp = MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(mmyy);
+ String mmStr = exp.substring(0,2);
+ String yyStr = exp.substring(2,4);
+ setCreditCardExpMM (Integer.parseInt(mmStr));
+ setCreditCardExpYY (Integer.parseInt(yyStr));
+ return true;
+ } // setCreditCardExp
+ /**
+ * CreditCard Exp MMYY
+ * @param delimiter / - or null
+ * @return Exp
+ */
+ public String getCreditCardExp(String delimiter)
+ {
+ String mm = String.valueOf(getCreditCardExpMM());
+ String yy = String.valueOf(getCreditCardExpYY());
+ StringBuffer retValue = new StringBuffer();
+ if (mm.length() == 1)
+ retValue.append("0");
+ retValue.append(mm);
+ //
+ if (delimiter != null)
+ retValue.append(delimiter);
+ //
+ if (yy.length() == 1)
+ retValue.append("0");
+ retValue.append(yy);
+ //
+ return (retValue.toString());
+ } // getCreditCardExp
+ /**
+ * MICR
+ * @param MICR MICR
+ */
+ public void setMicr (String MICR)
+ {
+ super.setMicr (MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(MICR));
+ } // setBankMICR
+ /**
+ * Routing No
+ * @param RoutingNo Routing No
+ */
+ public void setRoutingNo(String RoutingNo)
+ {
+ super.setRoutingNo (MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(RoutingNo));
+ } // setBankRoutingNo
+ /**
+ * Bank Account No
+ * @param AccountNo AccountNo
+ */
+ public void setAccountNo (String AccountNo)
+ {
+ super.setAccountNo (MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(AccountNo));
+ } // setBankAccountNo
+ /**
+ * Check No
+ * @param CheckNo Check No
+ */
+ public void setCheckNo(String CheckNo)
+ {
+ super.setCheckNo(MPaymentValidate.checkNumeric(CheckNo));
+ } // setBankCheckNo
+ /**
+ * Set DocumentNo to Payment info.
+ * If there is a R_PnRef that is set automatically
+ */
+ private void setDocumentNo()
+ {
+ // Cash Transfer
+ if ("X".equals(getTenderType()))
+ return;
+ // Current Document No
+ String documentNo = getDocumentNo();
+ // Existing reversal
+ if (documentNo != null
+ && documentNo.indexOf(REVERSE_INDICATOR) >= 0)
+ return;
+ // If external number exists - enforce it
+ if (getR_PnRef() != null && getR_PnRef().length() > 0)
+ {
+ if (!getR_PnRef().equals(documentNo))
+ setDocumentNo(getR_PnRef());
+ return;
+ }
+ documentNo = "";
+ // Credit Card
+ if (TENDERTYPE_CreditCard.equals(getTenderType()))
+ {
+ documentNo = getCreditCardType()
+ + " " + Obscure.obscure(getCreditCardNumber())
+ + " " + getCreditCardExpMM()
+ + "/" + getCreditCardExpYY();
+ }
+ // Own Check No
+ else if (TENDERTYPE_Check.equals(getTenderType())
+ && !isReceipt()
+ && getCheckNo() != null && getCheckNo().length() > 0)
+ {
+ documentNo = getCheckNo();
+ }
+ // Customer Check: Routing: Account #Check
+ else if (TENDERTYPE_Check.equals(getTenderType())
+ && isReceipt())
+ {
+ if (getRoutingNo() != null)
+ documentNo = getRoutingNo() + ": ";
+ if (getAccountNo() != null)
+ documentNo += getAccountNo();
+ if (getCheckNo() != null)
+ {
+ if (documentNo.length() > 0)
+ documentNo += " ";
+ documentNo += "#" + getCheckNo();
+ }
+ }
+ // Set Document No
+ documentNo = documentNo.trim();
+ if (documentNo.length() > 0)
+ setDocumentNo(documentNo);
+ } // setDocumentNo
+ /**
+ * Set Refernce No (and Document No)
+ * @param R_PnRef reference
+ */
+ public void setR_PnRef (String R_PnRef)
+ {
+ super.setR_PnRef (R_PnRef);
+ if (R_PnRef != null)
+ setDocumentNo (R_PnRef);
+ } // setR_PnRef
+ // ---------------
+ /**
+ * Set Payment Amount
+ * @param PayAmt Pay Amt
+ */
+ public void setPayAmt (BigDecimal PayAmt)
+ {
+ super.setPayAmt(PayAmt == null ? Env.ZERO : PayAmt);
+ } // setPayAmt
+ /**
+ * Set Payment Amount
+ *
+ * @param C_Currency_ID currency
+ * @param payAmt amount
+ */
+ public void setAmount (int C_Currency_ID, BigDecimal payAmt)
+ {
+ if (C_Currency_ID == 0)
+ C_Currency_ID = MClient.get(getCtx()).getC_Currency_ID();
+ setC_Currency_ID(C_Currency_ID);
+ setPayAmt(payAmt);
+ } // setAmount
+ /**
+ * Discount Amt
+ * @param DiscountAmt Discount
+ */
+ public void setDiscountAmt (BigDecimal DiscountAmt)
+ {
+ super.setDiscountAmt (DiscountAmt == null ? Env.ZERO : DiscountAmt);
+ } // setDiscountAmt
+ /**
+ * WriteOff Amt
+ * @param WriteOffAmt WriteOff
+ */
+ public void setWriteOffAmt (BigDecimal WriteOffAmt)
+ {
+ super.setWriteOffAmt (WriteOffAmt == null ? Env.ZERO : WriteOffAmt);
+ } // setWriteOffAmt
+ /**
+ * OverUnder Amt
+ * @param OverUnderAmt OverUnder
+ */
+ public void setOverUnderAmt (BigDecimal OverUnderAmt)
+ {
+ super.setOverUnderAmt (OverUnderAmt == null ? Env.ZERO : OverUnderAmt);
+ setIsOverUnderPayment(getOverUnderAmt().compareTo(Env.ZERO) != 0);
+ } // setOverUnderAmt
+ /**
+ * Tax Amt
+ * @param TaxAmt Tax
+ */
+ public void setTaxAmt (BigDecimal TaxAmt)
+ {
+ super.setTaxAmt (TaxAmt == null ? Env.ZERO : TaxAmt);
+ } // setTaxAmt
+ /**
+ * Set Info from BP Bank Account
+ * @param ba BP bank account
+ */
+ public void setBP_BankAccount (MBPBankAccount ba)
+ {
+ log.fine("" + ba);
+ if (ba == null)
+ return;
+ setC_BPartner_ID(ba.getC_BPartner_ID());
+ setAccountAddress(ba.getA_Name(), ba.getA_Street(), ba.getA_City(),
+ ba.getA_State(), ba.getA_Zip(), ba.getA_Country());
+ setA_EMail(ba.getA_EMail());
+ setA_Ident_DL(ba.getA_Ident_DL());
+ setA_Ident_SSN(ba.getA_Ident_SSN());
+ // CC
+ if (ba.getCreditCardType() != null)
+ setCreditCardType(ba.getCreditCardType());
+ if (ba.getCreditCardNumber() != null)
+ setCreditCardNumber(ba.getCreditCardNumber());
+ if (ba.getCreditCardExpMM() != 0)
+ setCreditCardExpMM(ba.getCreditCardExpMM());
+ if (ba.getCreditCardExpYY() != 0)
+ setCreditCardExpYY(ba.getCreditCardExpYY());
+ if (ba.getCreditCardVV() != null)
+ setCreditCardVV(ba.getCreditCardVV());
+ // Bank
+ if (ba.getAccountNo() != null)
+ setAccountNo(ba.getAccountNo());
+ if (ba.getRoutingNo() != null)
+ setRoutingNo(ba.getRoutingNo());
+ } // setBP_BankAccount
+ /**
+ * Save Info from BP Bank Account
+ * @param ba BP bank account
+ * @return true if saved
+ */
+ public boolean saveToBP_BankAccount (MBPBankAccount ba)
+ {
+ if (ba == null)
+ return false;
+ ba.setA_Name(getA_Name());
+ ba.setA_Street(getA_Street());
+ ba.setA_City(getA_City());
+ ba.setA_State(getA_State());
+ ba.setA_Zip(getA_Zip());
+ ba.setA_Country(getA_Country());
+ ba.setA_EMail(getA_EMail());
+ ba.setA_Ident_DL(getA_Ident_DL());
+ ba.setA_Ident_SSN(getA_Ident_SSN());
+ // CC
+ ba.setCreditCardType(getCreditCardType());
+ ba.setCreditCardNumber(getCreditCardNumber());
+ ba.setCreditCardExpMM(getCreditCardExpMM());
+ ba.setCreditCardExpYY(getCreditCardExpYY());
+ ba.setCreditCardVV(getCreditCardVV());
+ // Bank
+ if (getAccountNo() != null)
+ ba.setAccountNo(getAccountNo());
+ if (getRoutingNo() != null)
+ ba.setRoutingNo(getRoutingNo());
+ // Trx
+ ba.setR_AvsAddr(getR_AvsAddr());
+ ba.setR_AvsZip(getR_AvsZip());
+ //
+ boolean ok = ba.save(get_TrxName());
+ log.fine("saveToBP_BankAccount - " + ba);
+ return ok;
+ } // setBP_BankAccount
+ /**
+ * Set Doc Type bases on IsReceipt
+ */
+ private void setC_DocType_ID ()
+ {
+ setC_DocType_ID(isReceipt());
+ } // setC_DocType_ID
+ /**
+ * Set Doc Type
+ * @param isReceipt is receipt
+ */
+ public void setC_DocType_ID (boolean isReceipt)
+ {
+ setIsReceipt(isReceipt);
+ String sql = "SELECT C_DocType_ID FROM C_DocType WHERE AD_Client_ID=? AND DocBaseType=? ORDER BY IsDefault DESC";
+ try
+ {
PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
pstmt.setInt(1, getAD_Client_ID());
if (isReceipt)
@@ -1229,228 +1229,228 @@ public final class MPayment extends X_C_Payment
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
if (rs.next())
- else
- log.warning ("setDocType - NOT found - isReceipt=" + isReceipt);
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- }
- catch (SQLException e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- } // setC_DocType_ID
- /**
- * Set Document Type
- * @param C_DocType_ID doc type
- */
- public void setC_DocType_ID (int C_DocType_ID)
- {
- // if (getDocumentNo() != null && getC_DocType_ID() != C_DocType_ID)
- // setDocumentNo(null);
- super.setC_DocType_ID(C_DocType_ID);
- } // setC_DocType_ID
- /**
- * Verify Document Type with Invoice
- * @return true if ok
- */
- private boolean verifyDocType()
- {
- if (getC_DocType_ID() == 0)
- return false;
- //
- Boolean invoiceSO = null;
- // Check Invoice First
- if (getC_Invoice_ID() > 0)
- {
- String sql = "SELECT idt.IsSOTrx "
- + "FROM C_Invoice i"
- + " INNER JOIN C_DocType idt ON (i.C_DocType_ID=idt.C_DocType_ID) "
- + "WHERE i.C_Invoice_ID=?";
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
- pstmt.setInt(1, getC_Invoice_ID());
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- if (rs.next())
- invoiceSO = new Boolean ("Y".equals(rs.getString(1)));
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- try
- {
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- }
- } // Invoice
- // DocumentType
- Boolean paymentSO = null;
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- String sql = "SELECT IsSOTrx "
- + "FROM C_DocType "
- + "WHERE C_DocType_ID=?";
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
- pstmt.setInt(1, getC_DocType_ID());
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- if (rs.next())
- paymentSO = new Boolean ("Y".equals(rs.getString(1)));
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
- }
- try
- {
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- }
- // No Payment info
- if (paymentSO == null)
- return false;
- setIsReceipt(paymentSO.booleanValue());
- // We have an Invoice .. and it does not match
- if (invoiceSO != null
- && invoiceSO.booleanValue() != paymentSO.booleanValue())
- return false;
- // OK
- return true;
- } // verifyDocType
- /**
- * Get ISO Code of Currency
- * @return Currency ISO
- */
- public String getCurrencyISO()
- {
- return MCurrency.getISO_Code (getCtx(), getC_Currency_ID());
- } // getCurrencyISO
- /**
- * Get Document Status
- * @return Document Status Clear Text
- */
- public String getDocStatusName()
- {
- return MRefList.getListName(getCtx(), 131, getDocStatus());
- } // getDocStatusName
- /**
- * Get Name of Credit Card
- * @return Name
- */
- public String getCreditCardName()
- {
- return getCreditCardName(getCreditCardType());
- } // getCreditCardName
- /**
- * Get Name of Credit Card
- * @param CreditCardType credit card type
- * @return Name
- */
- public String getCreditCardName(String CreditCardType)
- {
- if (CreditCardType == null)
- return "--";
- else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_MasterCard.equals(CreditCardType))
- return "MasterCard";
- else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_Visa.equals(CreditCardType))
- return "Visa";
- else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_Amex.equals(CreditCardType))
- return "Amex";
- else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_ATM.equals(CreditCardType))
- return "ATM";
- else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_Diners.equals(CreditCardType))
- return "Diners";
- else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_Discover.equals(CreditCardType))
- return "Discover";
- else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_PurchaseCard.equals(CreditCardType))
- return "PurchaseCard";
- return "?" + CreditCardType + "?";
- } // getCreditCardName
- /**
- * Add to Description
- * @param description text
- */
- public void addDescription (String description)
- {
- String desc = getDescription();
- if (desc == null)
- setDescription(description);
- else
- setDescription(desc + " | " + description);
- } // addDescription
- /**
- * Get Pay Amt
- * @param absolute if true the absolute amount (i.e. negative if payment)
- * @return amount
- */
- public BigDecimal getPayAmt (boolean absolute)
- {
- if (isReceipt())
- return super.getPayAmt();
- return super.getPayAmt().negate();
- } // getPayAmt
- /**
- * Get Pay Amt in cents
- * @return amount in cents
- */
- public int getPayAmtInCents ()
- {
- BigDecimal bd = super.getPayAmt().multiply(Env.ONEHUNDRED);
- return bd.intValue();
- } // getPayAmtInCents
- /**************************************************************************
- * Process document
- * @param processAction document action
- * @return true if performed
- */
- public boolean processIt (String processAction)
- {
- m_processMsg = null;
- DocumentEngine engine = new DocumentEngine (this, getDocStatus());
- return engine.processIt (processAction, getDocAction());
- } // process
- /** Process Message */
- private String m_processMsg = null;
- /** Just Prepared Flag */
- private boolean m_justPrepared = false;
- /**
- * Unlock Document.
- * @return true if success
+ else
+ log.warning ("setDocType - NOT found - isReceipt=" + isReceipt);
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ }
+ catch (SQLException e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ } // setC_DocType_ID
+ /**
+ * Set Document Type
+ * @param C_DocType_ID doc type
+ */
+ public void setC_DocType_ID (int C_DocType_ID)
+ {
+ // if (getDocumentNo() != null && getC_DocType_ID() != C_DocType_ID)
+ // setDocumentNo(null);
+ super.setC_DocType_ID(C_DocType_ID);
+ } // setC_DocType_ID
+ /**
+ * Verify Document Type with Invoice
+ * @return true if ok
+ */
+ private boolean verifyDocType()
+ {
+ if (getC_DocType_ID() == 0)
+ return false;
+ //
+ Boolean invoiceSO = null;
+ // Check Invoice First
+ if (getC_Invoice_ID() > 0)
+ {
+ String sql = "SELECT idt.IsSOTrx "
+ + "FROM C_Invoice i"
+ + " INNER JOIN C_DocType idt ON (i.C_DocType_ID=idt.C_DocType_ID) "
+ + "WHERE i.C_Invoice_ID=?";
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
+ pstmt.setInt(1, getC_Invoice_ID());
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ if (rs.next())
+ invoiceSO = new Boolean ("Y".equals(rs.getString(1)));
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ } // Invoice
+ // DocumentType
+ Boolean paymentSO = null;
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ String sql = "SELECT IsSOTrx "
+ + "FROM C_DocType "
+ + "WHERE C_DocType_ID=?";
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
+ pstmt.setInt(1, getC_DocType_ID());
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ if (rs.next())
+ paymentSO = new Boolean ("Y".equals(rs.getString(1)));
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ // No Payment info
+ if (paymentSO == null)
+ return false;
+ setIsReceipt(paymentSO.booleanValue());
+ // We have an Invoice .. and it does not match
+ if (invoiceSO != null
+ && invoiceSO.booleanValue() != paymentSO.booleanValue())
+ return false;
+ // OK
+ return true;
+ } // verifyDocType
+ /**
+ * Get ISO Code of Currency
+ * @return Currency ISO
+ */
+ public String getCurrencyISO()
+ {
+ return MCurrency.getISO_Code (getCtx(), getC_Currency_ID());
+ } // getCurrencyISO
+ /**
+ * Get Document Status
+ * @return Document Status Clear Text
+ */
+ public String getDocStatusName()
+ {
+ return MRefList.getListName(getCtx(), 131, getDocStatus());
+ } // getDocStatusName
+ /**
+ * Get Name of Credit Card
+ * @return Name
+ */
+ public String getCreditCardName()
+ {
+ return getCreditCardName(getCreditCardType());
+ } // getCreditCardName
+ /**
+ * Get Name of Credit Card
+ * @param CreditCardType credit card type
+ * @return Name
+ */
+ public String getCreditCardName(String CreditCardType)
+ {
+ if (CreditCardType == null)
+ return "--";
+ else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_MasterCard.equals(CreditCardType))
+ return "MasterCard";
+ else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_Visa.equals(CreditCardType))
+ return "Visa";
+ else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_Amex.equals(CreditCardType))
+ return "Amex";
+ else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_ATM.equals(CreditCardType))
+ return "ATM";
+ else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_Diners.equals(CreditCardType))
+ return "Diners";
+ else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_Discover.equals(CreditCardType))
+ return "Discover";
+ else if (CREDITCARDTYPE_PurchaseCard.equals(CreditCardType))
+ return "PurchaseCard";
+ return "?" + CreditCardType + "?";
+ } // getCreditCardName
+ /**
+ * Add to Description
+ * @param description text
+ */
+ public void addDescription (String description)
+ {
+ String desc = getDescription();
+ if (desc == null)
+ setDescription(description);
+ else
+ setDescription(desc + " | " + description);
+ } // addDescription
+ /**
+ * Get Pay Amt
+ * @param absolute if true the absolute amount (i.e. negative if payment)
+ * @return amount
+ */
+ public BigDecimal getPayAmt (boolean absolute)
+ {
+ if (isReceipt())
+ return super.getPayAmt();
+ return super.getPayAmt().negate();
+ } // getPayAmt
+ /**
+ * Get Pay Amt in cents
+ * @return amount in cents
+ */
+ public int getPayAmtInCents ()
+ {
+ BigDecimal bd = super.getPayAmt().multiply(Env.ONEHUNDRED);
+ return bd.intValue();
+ } // getPayAmtInCents
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Process document
+ * @param processAction document action
+ * @return true if performed
+ */
+ public boolean processIt (String processAction)
+ {
+ m_processMsg = null;
+ DocumentEngine engine = new DocumentEngine (this, getDocStatus());
+ return engine.processIt (processAction, getDocAction());
+ } // process
+ /** Process Message */
+ private String m_processMsg = null;
+ /** Just Prepared Flag */
+ private boolean m_justPrepared = false;
+ /**
+ * Unlock Document.
+ * @return true if success
public boolean unlockIt()
@@ -1458,10 +1458,10 @@ public final class MPayment extends X_C_Payment
return true;
} // unlockIt
- /**
- * Invalidate Document
- * @return true if success
+ /**
+ * Invalidate Document
+ * @return true if success
public boolean invalidateIt()
@@ -1469,18 +1469,18 @@ public final class MPayment extends X_C_Payment
return true;
} // invalidateIt
- /**************************************************************************
- * Prepare Document
- * @return new status (In Progress or Invalid)
- */
- public String prepareIt()
- {
- log.info(toString());
- m_processMsg = ModelValidationEngine.get().fireDocValidate(this, ModelValidator.TIMING_BEFORE_PREPARE);
- if (m_processMsg != null)
- return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Prepare Document
+ * @return new status (In Progress or Invalid)
+ */
+ public String prepareIt()
+ {
+ log.info(toString());
+ m_processMsg = ModelValidationEngine.get().fireDocValidate(this, ModelValidator.TIMING_BEFORE_PREPARE);
+ if (m_processMsg != null)
+ return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
// Std Period open?
if (!MPeriod.isOpen(getCtx(), getDateAcct(),
@@ -1488,22 +1488,22 @@ public final class MPayment extends X_C_Payment
m_processMsg = "@PeriodClosed@";
return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
- }
- // Unsuccessful Online Payment
- if (isOnline() && !isApproved())
- {
- if (getR_Result() != null)
- m_processMsg = "@OnlinePaymentFailed@";
- else
- m_processMsg = "@PaymentNotProcessed@";
- return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
- }
- // Waiting Payment - Need to create Invoice & Shipment
- if (getC_Order_ID() != 0 && getC_Invoice_ID() == 0)
- { // see WebOrder.process
- MOrder order = new MOrder (getCtx(), getC_Order_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ }
+ // Unsuccessful Online Payment
+ if (isOnline() && !isApproved())
+ {
+ if (getR_Result() != null)
+ m_processMsg = "@OnlinePaymentFailed@";
+ else
+ m_processMsg = "@PaymentNotProcessed@";
+ return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
+ }
+ // Waiting Payment - Need to create Invoice & Shipment
+ if (getC_Order_ID() != 0 && getC_Invoice_ID() == 0)
+ { // see WebOrder.process
+ MOrder order = new MOrder (getCtx(), getC_Order_ID(), get_TrxName());
if (DOCSTATUS_WaitingPayment.equals(order.getDocStatus()))
@@ -1514,27 +1514,27 @@ public final class MPayment extends X_C_Payment
m_processMsg = order.getProcessMsg();
// Set Invoice
- MInvoice[] invoices = order.getInvoices();
- int length = invoices.length;
- if (length > 0) // get last invoice
- setC_Invoice_ID (invoices[length-1].getC_Invoice_ID());
- //
- if (getC_Invoice_ID() == 0)
- {
- m_processMsg = "@NotFound@ @C_Invoice_ID@";
- return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
- }
- } // WaitingPayment
- }
- // Consistency of Invoice / Document Type and IsReceipt
- if (!verifyDocType())
- {
- m_processMsg = "@PaymentDocTypeInvoiceInconsistent@";
- return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
- }
- // Do not pay when Credit Stop/Hold
+ MInvoice[] invoices = order.getInvoices();
+ int length = invoices.length;
+ if (length > 0) // get last invoice
+ setC_Invoice_ID (invoices[length-1].getC_Invoice_ID());
+ //
+ if (getC_Invoice_ID() == 0)
+ {
+ m_processMsg = "@NotFound@ @C_Invoice_ID@";
+ return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
+ }
+ } // WaitingPayment
+ }
+ // Consistency of Invoice / Document Type and IsReceipt
+ if (!verifyDocType())
+ {
+ m_processMsg = "@PaymentDocTypeInvoiceInconsistent@";
+ return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
+ }
+ // Do not pay when Credit Stop/Hold
if (!isReceipt())
MBPartner bp = new MBPartner (getCtx(), getC_BPartner_ID(), get_TrxName());
@@ -1549,128 +1549,128 @@ public final class MPayment extends X_C_Payment
m_processMsg = "@BPartnerCreditHold@ - @TotalOpenBalance@="
+ bp.getTotalOpenBalance()
- + ", @SO_CreditLimit@=" + bp.getSO_CreditLimit();
- return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
- }
- }
+ + ", @SO_CreditLimit@=" + bp.getSO_CreditLimit();
+ return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
+ }
+ }
m_processMsg = ModelValidationEngine.get().fireDocValidate(this, ModelValidator.TIMING_AFTER_PREPARE);
if (m_processMsg != null)
return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
- m_justPrepared = true;
- if (!DOCACTION_Complete.equals(getDocAction()))
- setDocAction(DOCACTION_Complete);
- return DocAction.STATUS_InProgress;
- } // prepareIt
- /**
- * Approve Document
- * @return true if success
- */
- public boolean approveIt()
- {
- log.info(toString());
- setIsApproved(true);
- return true;
- } // approveIt
- /**
- * Reject Approval
- * @return true if success
- */
- public boolean rejectIt()
- {
- log.info(toString());
- setIsApproved(false);
- return true;
- } // rejectIt
- /**************************************************************************
- * Complete Document
- * @return new status (Complete, In Progress, Invalid, Waiting ..)
- */
- public String completeIt()
- {
- // Re-Check
- if (!m_justPrepared)
- {
- String status = prepareIt();
- if (!DocAction.STATUS_InProgress.equals(status))
- return status;
+ m_justPrepared = true;
+ if (!DOCACTION_Complete.equals(getDocAction()))
+ setDocAction(DOCACTION_Complete);
+ return DocAction.STATUS_InProgress;
+ } // prepareIt
+ /**
+ * Approve Document
+ * @return true if success
+ */
+ public boolean approveIt()
+ {
+ log.info(toString());
+ setIsApproved(true);
+ return true;
+ } // approveIt
+ /**
+ * Reject Approval
+ * @return true if success
+ */
+ public boolean rejectIt()
+ {
+ log.info(toString());
+ setIsApproved(false);
+ return true;
+ } // rejectIt
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Complete Document
+ * @return new status (Complete, In Progress, Invalid, Waiting ..)
+ */
+ public String completeIt()
+ {
+ // Re-Check
+ if (!m_justPrepared)
+ {
+ String status = prepareIt();
+ if (!DocAction.STATUS_InProgress.equals(status))
+ return status;
m_processMsg = ModelValidationEngine.get().fireDocValidate(this, ModelValidator.TIMING_BEFORE_COMPLETE);
if (m_processMsg != null)
return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
- // Implicit Approval
- if (!isApproved())
- approveIt();
- log.info(toString());
- // Charge Handling
- if (getC_Charge_ID() != 0)
- {
- setIsAllocated(true);
- }
- else
- {
- allocateIt(); // Create Allocation Records
- testAllocation();
- }
- // Project update
- if (getC_Project_ID() != 0)
- {
- // MProject project = new MProject(getCtx(), getC_Project_ID());
- }
- // Update BP for Prepayments
- if (getC_BPartner_ID() != 0 && getC_Invoice_ID() == 0)
- {
- MBPartner bp = new MBPartner (getCtx(), getC_BPartner_ID(), get_TrxName());
- bp.setTotalOpenBalance();
- bp.save();
- }
- // Counter Doc
- MPayment counter = createCounterDoc();
- if (counter != null)
- m_processMsg += " @CounterDoc@: @C_Payment_ID@=" + counter.getDocumentNo();
- // User Validation
- String valid = ModelValidationEngine.get().fireDocValidate(this, ModelValidator.TIMING_AFTER_COMPLETE);
- if (valid != null)
- {
- m_processMsg = valid;
- return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
- }
- //
- setProcessed(true);
- setDocAction(DOCACTION_Close);
- return DocAction.STATUS_Completed;
- } // completeIt
- /**
- * Create Counter Document
- * @return payment
- */
- private MPayment createCounterDoc()
- {
- // Is this a counter doc ?
- if (getRef_Payment_ID() != 0)
- return null;
- // Org Must be linked to BPartner
- MOrg org = MOrg.get(getCtx(), getAD_Org_ID());
- int counterC_BPartner_ID = org.getLinkedC_BPartner_ID(get_TrxName());
- if (counterC_BPartner_ID == 0)
- return null;
- // Business Partner needs to be linked to Org
- MBPartner bp = new MBPartner (getCtx(), getC_BPartner_ID(), get_TrxName());
- int counterAD_Org_ID = bp.getAD_OrgBP_ID_Int();
- if (counterAD_Org_ID == 0)
+ // Implicit Approval
+ if (!isApproved())
+ approveIt();
+ log.info(toString());
+ // Charge Handling
+ if (getC_Charge_ID() != 0)
+ {
+ setIsAllocated(true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ allocateIt(); // Create Allocation Records
+ testAllocation();
+ }
+ // Project update
+ if (getC_Project_ID() != 0)
+ {
+ // MProject project = new MProject(getCtx(), getC_Project_ID());
+ }
+ // Update BP for Prepayments
+ if (getC_BPartner_ID() != 0 && getC_Invoice_ID() == 0)
+ {
+ MBPartner bp = new MBPartner (getCtx(), getC_BPartner_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ bp.setTotalOpenBalance();
+ bp.save();
+ }
+ // Counter Doc
+ MPayment counter = createCounterDoc();
+ if (counter != null)
+ m_processMsg += " @CounterDoc@: @C_Payment_ID@=" + counter.getDocumentNo();
+ // User Validation
+ String valid = ModelValidationEngine.get().fireDocValidate(this, ModelValidator.TIMING_AFTER_COMPLETE);
+ if (valid != null)
+ {
+ m_processMsg = valid;
+ return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
+ }
+ //
+ setProcessed(true);
+ setDocAction(DOCACTION_Close);
+ return DocAction.STATUS_Completed;
+ } // completeIt
+ /**
+ * Create Counter Document
+ * @return payment
+ */
+ private MPayment createCounterDoc()
+ {
+ // Is this a counter doc ?
+ if (getRef_Payment_ID() != 0)
+ return null;
+ // Org Must be linked to BPartner
+ MOrg org = MOrg.get(getCtx(), getAD_Org_ID());
+ int counterC_BPartner_ID = org.getLinkedC_BPartner_ID(get_TrxName());
+ if (counterC_BPartner_ID == 0)
+ return null;
+ // Business Partner needs to be linked to Org
+ MBPartner bp = new MBPartner (getCtx(), getC_BPartner_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ int counterAD_Org_ID = bp.getAD_OrgBP_ID_Int();
+ if (counterAD_Org_ID == 0)
return null;
MBPartner counterBP = new MBPartner (getCtx(), counterC_BPartner_ID, get_TrxName());
@@ -1678,385 +1678,385 @@ public final class MPayment extends X_C_Payment
log.info("Counter BP=" + counterBP.getName());
// Document Type
- int C_DocTypeTarget_ID = 0;
- MDocTypeCounter counterDT = MDocTypeCounter.getCounterDocType(getCtx(), getC_DocType_ID());
- if (counterDT != null)
- {
- log.fine(counterDT.toString());
- if (!counterDT.isCreateCounter() || !counterDT.isValid())
- return null;
- C_DocTypeTarget_ID = counterDT.getCounter_C_DocType_ID();
- }
- else // indirect
- {
- C_DocTypeTarget_ID = MDocTypeCounter.getCounterDocType_ID(getCtx(), getC_DocType_ID());
- log.fine("Indirect C_DocTypeTarget_ID=" + C_DocTypeTarget_ID);
- if (C_DocTypeTarget_ID <= 0)
- return null;
- }
- // Deep Copy
- MPayment counter = new MPayment (getCtx(), 0, get_TrxName());
- counter.setAD_Org_ID(counterAD_Org_ID);
- counter.setC_BPartner_ID(counterBP.getC_BPartner_ID());
- counter.setIsReceipt(!isReceipt());
- counter.setC_DocType_ID(C_DocTypeTarget_ID);
- counter.setTrxType(getTrxType());
- counter.setTenderType(getTenderType());
- //
- counter.setPayAmt(getPayAmt());
- counter.setDiscountAmt(getDiscountAmt());
- counter.setTaxAmt(getTaxAmt());
- counter.setWriteOffAmt(getWriteOffAmt());
- counter.setIsOverUnderPayment (isOverUnderPayment());
- counter.setOverUnderAmt(getOverUnderAmt());
- counter.setC_Currency_ID(getC_Currency_ID());
- counter.setC_ConversionType_ID(getC_ConversionType_ID());
- //
- counter.setDateTrx (getDateTrx());
- counter.setDateAcct (getDateAcct());
- counter.setRef_Payment_ID(getC_Payment_ID());
- //
- String sql = "SELECT C_BankAccount_ID FROM C_BankAccount "
- + "WHERE C_Currency_ID=? AND AD_Org_ID IN (0,?) AND IsActive='Y' "
- + "ORDER BY IsDefault DESC";
- int C_BankAccount_ID = DB.getSQLValue(get_TrxName(), sql, getC_Currency_ID(), counterAD_Org_ID);
- counter.setC_BankAccount_ID(C_BankAccount_ID);
- // Refernces
- counter.setC_Activity_ID(getC_Activity_ID());
- counter.setC_Campaign_ID(getC_Campaign_ID());
- counter.setC_Project_ID(getC_Project_ID());
- counter.setUser1_ID(getUser1_ID());
- counter.setUser2_ID(getUser2_ID());
- counter.save(get_TrxName());
- log.fine(counter.toString());
- setRef_Payment_ID(counter.getC_Payment_ID());
- // Document Action
- if (counterDT != null)
- {
- if (counterDT.getDocAction() != null)
- {
- counter.setDocAction(counterDT.getDocAction());
- counter.processIt(counterDT.getDocAction());
- counter.save(get_TrxName());
- }
- }
- return counter;
- } // createCounterDoc
- /**
- * Allocate It.
- * Only call when there is NO allocation as it will create duplicates.
- * If an invoice exists, it allocates that
- * otherwise it allocates Payment Selection.
- * @return true if allocated
- */
- public boolean allocateIt()
- {
- // Create invoice Allocation - See also MCash.completeIt
- if (getC_Invoice_ID() != 0)
- return allocateInvoice();
- // Invoices of a AP Payment Selection
- if (allocatePaySelection())
- return true;
- if (getC_Order_ID() != 0)
- return false;
- // Allocate to multiple Payments based on entry
- MPaymentAllocate[] pAllocs = MPaymentAllocate.get(this);
- if (pAllocs.length == 0)
- return false;
- MAllocationHdr alloc = new MAllocationHdr(getCtx(), false,
- getDateTrx(), getC_Currency_ID(),
- Msg.translate(getCtx(), "C_Payment_ID") + ": " + getDocumentNo(),
- get_TrxName());
- alloc.setAD_Org_ID(getAD_Org_ID());
- if (!alloc.save())
- {
- log.severe("P.Allocations not created");
- return false;
- }
- // Lines
- for (int i = 0; i < pAllocs.length; i++)
- {
- MPaymentAllocate pa = pAllocs[i];
- MAllocationLine aLine = null;
- if (isReceipt())
- aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, pa.getAmount(),
- pa.getDiscountAmt(), pa.getWriteOffAmt(), pa.getOverUnderAmt());
- else
- aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, pa.getAmount().negate(),
- pa.getDiscountAmt().negate(), pa.getWriteOffAmt().negate(), pa.getOverUnderAmt().negate());
- aLine.setDocInfo(pa.getC_BPartner_ID(), 0, pa.getC_Invoice_ID());
- aLine.setPaymentInfo(getC_Payment_ID(), 0);
- if (!aLine.save(get_TrxName()))
- log.warning("P.Allocations - line not saved");
- else
- {
- pa.setC_AllocationLine_ID(aLine.getC_AllocationLine_ID());
- pa.save();
- }
- }
- // Should start WF
- alloc.processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Complete);
- m_processMsg = "@C_AllocationHdr_ID@: " + alloc.getDocumentNo();
- return alloc.save(get_TrxName());
- } // allocateIt
- /**
- * Allocate single AP/AR Invoice
- * @return true if allocated
- */
- private boolean allocateInvoice()
- {
- // calculate actual allocation
- BigDecimal allocationAmt = getPayAmt(); // underpayment
- if (getOverUnderAmt().signum() < 0 && getPayAmt().signum() > 0)
- allocationAmt = allocationAmt.add(getOverUnderAmt()); // overpayment (negative)
- MAllocationHdr alloc = new MAllocationHdr(getCtx(), false,
- getDateTrx(), getC_Currency_ID(),
- Msg.translate(getCtx(), "C_Payment_ID") + ": " + getDocumentNo() + " [1]", get_TrxName());
- alloc.setAD_Org_ID(getAD_Org_ID());
- if (!alloc.save())
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not create Allocation Hdr");
- return false;
- }
- MAllocationLine aLine = null;
- if (isReceipt())
- aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, allocationAmt,
- getDiscountAmt(), getWriteOffAmt(), getOverUnderAmt());
- else
- aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, allocationAmt.negate(),
- getDiscountAmt().negate(), getWriteOffAmt().negate(), getOverUnderAmt().negate());
- aLine.setDocInfo(getC_BPartner_ID(), 0, getC_Invoice_ID());
- aLine.setC_Payment_ID(getC_Payment_ID());
- if (!aLine.save(get_TrxName()))
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not create Allocation Line");
- return false;
- }
- // Should start WF
- alloc.processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Complete);
- alloc.save(get_TrxName());
- m_processMsg = "@C_AllocationHdr_ID@: " + alloc.getDocumentNo();
- // Get Project from Invoice
- int C_Project_ID = DB.getSQLValue(get_TrxName(),
- "SELECT MAX(C_Project_ID) FROM C_Invoice WHERE C_Invoice_ID=?", getC_Invoice_ID());
- if (C_Project_ID > 0 && getC_Project_ID() == 0)
- setC_Project_ID(C_Project_ID);
- else if (C_Project_ID > 0 && getC_Project_ID() > 0 && C_Project_ID != getC_Project_ID())
- log.warning("Invoice C_Project_ID=" + C_Project_ID
- + " <> Payment C_Project_ID=" + getC_Project_ID());
- return true;
- } // allocateInvoice
- /**
- * Allocate Payment Selection
- * @return true if allocated
- */
- private boolean allocatePaySelection()
- {
- MAllocationHdr alloc = new MAllocationHdr(getCtx(), false,
- getDateTrx(), getC_Currency_ID(),
- Msg.translate(getCtx(), "C_Payment_ID") + ": " + getDocumentNo() + " [n]", get_TrxName());
- alloc.setAD_Org_ID(getAD_Org_ID());
- String sql = "SELECT psc.C_BPartner_ID, psl.C_Invoice_ID, psl.IsSOTrx, " // 1..3
- + " psl.PayAmt, psl.DiscountAmt, psl.DifferenceAmt, psl.OpenAmt "
- + "FROM C_PaySelectionLine psl"
- + " INNER JOIN C_PaySelectionCheck psc ON (psl.C_PaySelectionCheck_ID=psc.C_PaySelectionCheck_ID) "
- + "WHERE psc.C_Payment_ID=?";
- PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
- try
- {
- pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
- pstmt.setInt(1, getC_Payment_ID());
- ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
- while (rs.next())
- {
- int C_BPartner_ID = rs.getInt(1);
- int C_Invoice_ID = rs.getInt(2);
- if (C_BPartner_ID == 0 && C_Invoice_ID == 0)
- continue;
- boolean isSOTrx = "Y".equals(rs.getString(3));
- BigDecimal PayAmt = rs.getBigDecimal(4);
- BigDecimal DiscountAmt = rs.getBigDecimal(5);
- BigDecimal WriteOffAmt = rs.getBigDecimal(6);
- BigDecimal OpenAmt = rs.getBigDecimal(7);
- BigDecimal OverUnderAmt = OpenAmt.subtract(PayAmt)
- .subtract(DiscountAmt).subtract(WriteOffAmt);
- //
- if (alloc.get_ID() == 0 && !alloc.save(get_TrxName()))
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not create Allocation Hdr");
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- return false;
- }
- MAllocationLine aLine = null;
- if (isSOTrx)
- aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, PayAmt,
- DiscountAmt, WriteOffAmt, OverUnderAmt);
- else
- aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, PayAmt.negate(),
- DiscountAmt.negate(), WriteOffAmt.negate(), OverUnderAmt.negate());
- aLine.setDocInfo(C_BPartner_ID, 0, C_Invoice_ID);
- aLine.setC_Payment_ID(getC_Payment_ID());
- if (!aLine.save(get_TrxName()))
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not create Allocation Line");
- }
- rs.close();
- pstmt.close();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.log(Level.SEVERE, "allocatePaySelection", e);
- }
- try
- {
- if (pstmt != null)
- pstmt.close();
- pstmt = null;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- pstmt = null;
- }
- // Should start WF
- boolean ok = true;
- if (alloc.get_ID() == 0)
- {
- log.fine("No Allocation created - C_Payment_ID="
- + getC_Payment_ID());
- ok = false;
- }
- else
- {
- alloc.processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Complete);
- ok = alloc.save(get_TrxName());
- m_processMsg = "@C_AllocationHdr_ID@: " + alloc.getDocumentNo();
- }
- return ok;
- } // allocatePaySelection
- /**
- * De-allocate Payment.
- * Unkink Invoices and Orders and delete Allocations
- */
- private void deAllocate()
- {
- if (getC_Order_ID() != 0)
- setC_Order_ID(0);
- // if (getC_Invoice_ID() == 0)
- // return;
- // De-Allocate all
- MAllocationHdr[] allocations = MAllocationHdr.getOfPayment(getCtx(),
- getC_Payment_ID(), get_TrxName());
- log.fine("#" + allocations.length);
- for (int i = 0; i < allocations.length; i++)
- {
- allocations[i].set_TrxName(get_TrxName());
- allocations[i].setDocAction(DocAction.ACTION_Reverse_Correct);
- allocations[i].processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Reverse_Correct);
- allocations[i].save();
- }
- // Unlink (in case allocation did not get it)
- if (getC_Invoice_ID() != 0)
- {
- // Invoice
- String sql = "UPDATE C_Invoice "
- + "SET C_Payment_ID = NULL, IsPaid='N' "
- + "WHERE C_Invoice_ID=" + getC_Invoice_ID()
- + " AND C_Payment_ID=" + getC_Payment_ID();
- int no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
- if (no != 0)
- log.fine("Unlink Invoice #" + no);
- // Order
- sql = "UPDATE C_Order o "
- + "SET C_Payment_ID = NULL "
- + "WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_Invoice i "
- + "WHERE o.C_Order_ID=i.C_Order_ID AND i.C_Invoice_ID=" + getC_Invoice_ID() + ")"
- + " AND C_Payment_ID=" + getC_Payment_ID();
- no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
- if (no != 0)
- log.fine("Unlink Order #" + no);
- }
- //
- setC_Invoice_ID(0);
- setIsAllocated(false);
- } // deallocate
- /**
- * Void Document.
- * @return true if success
- */
- public boolean voidIt()
- {
- log.info(toString());
+ int C_DocTypeTarget_ID = 0;
+ MDocTypeCounter counterDT = MDocTypeCounter.getCounterDocType(getCtx(), getC_DocType_ID());
+ if (counterDT != null)
+ {
+ log.fine(counterDT.toString());
+ if (!counterDT.isCreateCounter() || !counterDT.isValid())
+ return null;
+ C_DocTypeTarget_ID = counterDT.getCounter_C_DocType_ID();
+ }
+ else // indirect
+ {
+ C_DocTypeTarget_ID = MDocTypeCounter.getCounterDocType_ID(getCtx(), getC_DocType_ID());
+ log.fine("Indirect C_DocTypeTarget_ID=" + C_DocTypeTarget_ID);
+ if (C_DocTypeTarget_ID <= 0)
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Deep Copy
+ MPayment counter = new MPayment (getCtx(), 0, get_TrxName());
+ counter.setAD_Org_ID(counterAD_Org_ID);
+ counter.setC_BPartner_ID(counterBP.getC_BPartner_ID());
+ counter.setIsReceipt(!isReceipt());
+ counter.setC_DocType_ID(C_DocTypeTarget_ID);
+ counter.setTrxType(getTrxType());
+ counter.setTenderType(getTenderType());
+ //
+ counter.setPayAmt(getPayAmt());
+ counter.setDiscountAmt(getDiscountAmt());
+ counter.setTaxAmt(getTaxAmt());
+ counter.setWriteOffAmt(getWriteOffAmt());
+ counter.setIsOverUnderPayment (isOverUnderPayment());
+ counter.setOverUnderAmt(getOverUnderAmt());
+ counter.setC_Currency_ID(getC_Currency_ID());
+ counter.setC_ConversionType_ID(getC_ConversionType_ID());
+ //
+ counter.setDateTrx (getDateTrx());
+ counter.setDateAcct (getDateAcct());
+ counter.setRef_Payment_ID(getC_Payment_ID());
+ //
+ String sql = "SELECT C_BankAccount_ID FROM C_BankAccount "
+ + "WHERE C_Currency_ID=? AND AD_Org_ID IN (0,?) AND IsActive='Y' "
+ + "ORDER BY IsDefault DESC";
+ int C_BankAccount_ID = DB.getSQLValue(get_TrxName(), sql, getC_Currency_ID(), counterAD_Org_ID);
+ counter.setC_BankAccount_ID(C_BankAccount_ID);
+ // Refernces
+ counter.setC_Activity_ID(getC_Activity_ID());
+ counter.setC_Campaign_ID(getC_Campaign_ID());
+ counter.setC_Project_ID(getC_Project_ID());
+ counter.setUser1_ID(getUser1_ID());
+ counter.setUser2_ID(getUser2_ID());
+ counter.save(get_TrxName());
+ log.fine(counter.toString());
+ setRef_Payment_ID(counter.getC_Payment_ID());
+ // Document Action
+ if (counterDT != null)
+ {
+ if (counterDT.getDocAction() != null)
+ {
+ counter.setDocAction(counterDT.getDocAction());
+ counter.processIt(counterDT.getDocAction());
+ counter.save(get_TrxName());
+ }
+ }
+ return counter;
+ } // createCounterDoc
+ /**
+ * Allocate It.
+ * Only call when there is NO allocation as it will create duplicates.
+ * If an invoice exists, it allocates that
+ * otherwise it allocates Payment Selection.
+ * @return true if allocated
+ */
+ public boolean allocateIt()
+ {
+ // Create invoice Allocation - See also MCash.completeIt
+ if (getC_Invoice_ID() != 0)
+ return allocateInvoice();
+ // Invoices of a AP Payment Selection
+ if (allocatePaySelection())
+ return true;
+ if (getC_Order_ID() != 0)
+ return false;
+ // Allocate to multiple Payments based on entry
+ MPaymentAllocate[] pAllocs = MPaymentAllocate.get(this);
+ if (pAllocs.length == 0)
+ return false;
+ MAllocationHdr alloc = new MAllocationHdr(getCtx(), false,
+ getDateTrx(), getC_Currency_ID(),
+ Msg.translate(getCtx(), "C_Payment_ID") + ": " + getDocumentNo(),
+ get_TrxName());
+ alloc.setAD_Org_ID(getAD_Org_ID());
+ if (!alloc.save())
+ {
+ log.severe("P.Allocations not created");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Lines
+ for (int i = 0; i < pAllocs.length; i++)
+ {
+ MPaymentAllocate pa = pAllocs[i];
+ MAllocationLine aLine = null;
+ if (isReceipt())
+ aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, pa.getAmount(),
+ pa.getDiscountAmt(), pa.getWriteOffAmt(), pa.getOverUnderAmt());
+ else
+ aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, pa.getAmount().negate(),
+ pa.getDiscountAmt().negate(), pa.getWriteOffAmt().negate(), pa.getOverUnderAmt().negate());
+ aLine.setDocInfo(pa.getC_BPartner_ID(), 0, pa.getC_Invoice_ID());
+ aLine.setPaymentInfo(getC_Payment_ID(), 0);
+ if (!aLine.save(get_TrxName()))
+ log.warning("P.Allocations - line not saved");
+ else
+ {
+ pa.setC_AllocationLine_ID(aLine.getC_AllocationLine_ID());
+ pa.save();
+ }
+ }
+ // Should start WF
+ alloc.processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Complete);
+ m_processMsg = "@C_AllocationHdr_ID@: " + alloc.getDocumentNo();
+ return alloc.save(get_TrxName());
+ } // allocateIt
+ /**
+ * Allocate single AP/AR Invoice
+ * @return true if allocated
+ */
+ private boolean allocateInvoice()
+ {
+ // calculate actual allocation
+ BigDecimal allocationAmt = getPayAmt(); // underpayment
+ if (getOverUnderAmt().signum() < 0 && getPayAmt().signum() > 0)
+ allocationAmt = allocationAmt.add(getOverUnderAmt()); // overpayment (negative)
+ MAllocationHdr alloc = new MAllocationHdr(getCtx(), false,
+ getDateTrx(), getC_Currency_ID(),
+ Msg.translate(getCtx(), "C_Payment_ID") + ": " + getDocumentNo() + " [1]", get_TrxName());
+ alloc.setAD_Org_ID(getAD_Org_ID());
+ if (!alloc.save())
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not create Allocation Hdr");
+ return false;
+ }
+ MAllocationLine aLine = null;
+ if (isReceipt())
+ aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, allocationAmt,
+ getDiscountAmt(), getWriteOffAmt(), getOverUnderAmt());
+ else
+ aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, allocationAmt.negate(),
+ getDiscountAmt().negate(), getWriteOffAmt().negate(), getOverUnderAmt().negate());
+ aLine.setDocInfo(getC_BPartner_ID(), 0, getC_Invoice_ID());
+ aLine.setC_Payment_ID(getC_Payment_ID());
+ if (!aLine.save(get_TrxName()))
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not create Allocation Line");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Should start WF
+ alloc.processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Complete);
+ alloc.save(get_TrxName());
+ m_processMsg = "@C_AllocationHdr_ID@: " + alloc.getDocumentNo();
+ // Get Project from Invoice
+ int C_Project_ID = DB.getSQLValue(get_TrxName(),
+ "SELECT MAX(C_Project_ID) FROM C_Invoice WHERE C_Invoice_ID=?", getC_Invoice_ID());
+ if (C_Project_ID > 0 && getC_Project_ID() == 0)
+ setC_Project_ID(C_Project_ID);
+ else if (C_Project_ID > 0 && getC_Project_ID() > 0 && C_Project_ID != getC_Project_ID())
+ log.warning("Invoice C_Project_ID=" + C_Project_ID
+ + " <> Payment C_Project_ID=" + getC_Project_ID());
+ return true;
+ } // allocateInvoice
+ /**
+ * Allocate Payment Selection
+ * @return true if allocated
+ */
+ private boolean allocatePaySelection()
+ {
+ MAllocationHdr alloc = new MAllocationHdr(getCtx(), false,
+ getDateTrx(), getC_Currency_ID(),
+ Msg.translate(getCtx(), "C_Payment_ID") + ": " + getDocumentNo() + " [n]", get_TrxName());
+ alloc.setAD_Org_ID(getAD_Org_ID());
+ String sql = "SELECT psc.C_BPartner_ID, psl.C_Invoice_ID, psl.IsSOTrx, " // 1..3
+ + " psl.PayAmt, psl.DiscountAmt, psl.DifferenceAmt, psl.OpenAmt "
+ + "FROM C_PaySelectionLine psl"
+ + " INNER JOIN C_PaySelectionCheck psc ON (psl.C_PaySelectionCheck_ID=psc.C_PaySelectionCheck_ID) "
+ + "WHERE psc.C_Payment_ID=?";
+ PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
+ try
+ {
+ pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
+ pstmt.setInt(1, getC_Payment_ID());
+ ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
+ while (rs.next())
+ {
+ int C_BPartner_ID = rs.getInt(1);
+ int C_Invoice_ID = rs.getInt(2);
+ if (C_BPartner_ID == 0 && C_Invoice_ID == 0)
+ continue;
+ boolean isSOTrx = "Y".equals(rs.getString(3));
+ BigDecimal PayAmt = rs.getBigDecimal(4);
+ BigDecimal DiscountAmt = rs.getBigDecimal(5);
+ BigDecimal WriteOffAmt = rs.getBigDecimal(6);
+ BigDecimal OpenAmt = rs.getBigDecimal(7);
+ BigDecimal OverUnderAmt = OpenAmt.subtract(PayAmt)
+ .subtract(DiscountAmt).subtract(WriteOffAmt);
+ //
+ if (alloc.get_ID() == 0 && !alloc.save(get_TrxName()))
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not create Allocation Hdr");
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ return false;
+ }
+ MAllocationLine aLine = null;
+ if (isSOTrx)
+ aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, PayAmt,
+ DiscountAmt, WriteOffAmt, OverUnderAmt);
+ else
+ aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, PayAmt.negate(),
+ DiscountAmt.negate(), WriteOffAmt.negate(), OverUnderAmt.negate());
+ aLine.setDocInfo(C_BPartner_ID, 0, C_Invoice_ID);
+ aLine.setC_Payment_ID(getC_Payment_ID());
+ if (!aLine.save(get_TrxName()))
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not create Allocation Line");
+ }
+ rs.close();
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.log(Level.SEVERE, "allocatePaySelection", e);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (pstmt != null)
+ pstmt.close();
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ pstmt = null;
+ }
+ // Should start WF
+ boolean ok = true;
+ if (alloc.get_ID() == 0)
+ {
+ log.fine("No Allocation created - C_Payment_ID="
+ + getC_Payment_ID());
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ alloc.processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Complete);
+ ok = alloc.save(get_TrxName());
+ m_processMsg = "@C_AllocationHdr_ID@: " + alloc.getDocumentNo();
+ }
+ return ok;
+ } // allocatePaySelection
+ /**
+ * De-allocate Payment.
+ * Unkink Invoices and Orders and delete Allocations
+ */
+ private void deAllocate()
+ {
+ if (getC_Order_ID() != 0)
+ setC_Order_ID(0);
+ // if (getC_Invoice_ID() == 0)
+ // return;
+ // De-Allocate all
+ MAllocationHdr[] allocations = MAllocationHdr.getOfPayment(getCtx(),
+ getC_Payment_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ log.fine("#" + allocations.length);
+ for (int i = 0; i < allocations.length; i++)
+ {
+ allocations[i].set_TrxName(get_TrxName());
+ allocations[i].setDocAction(DocAction.ACTION_Reverse_Correct);
+ allocations[i].processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Reverse_Correct);
+ allocations[i].save();
+ }
+ // Unlink (in case allocation did not get it)
+ if (getC_Invoice_ID() != 0)
+ {
+ // Invoice
+ String sql = "UPDATE C_Invoice "
+ + "SET C_Payment_ID = NULL, IsPaid='N' "
+ + "WHERE C_Invoice_ID=" + getC_Invoice_ID()
+ + " AND C_Payment_ID=" + getC_Payment_ID();
+ int no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
+ if (no != 0)
+ log.fine("Unlink Invoice #" + no);
+ // Order
+ sql = "UPDATE C_Order o "
+ + "SET C_Payment_ID = NULL "
+ + "WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_Invoice i "
+ + "WHERE o.C_Order_ID=i.C_Order_ID AND i.C_Invoice_ID=" + getC_Invoice_ID() + ")"
+ + " AND C_Payment_ID=" + getC_Payment_ID();
+ no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, get_TrxName());
+ if (no != 0)
+ log.fine("Unlink Order #" + no);
+ }
+ //
+ setC_Invoice_ID(0);
+ setIsAllocated(false);
+ } // deallocate
+ /**
+ * Void Document.
+ * @return true if success
+ */
+ public boolean voidIt()
+ {
+ log.info(toString());
// Before Void
m_processMsg = ModelValidationEngine.get().fireDocValidate(this,ModelValidator.TIMING_BEFORE_VOID);
if (m_processMsg != null)
return false;
- if (DOCSTATUS_Closed.equals(getDocStatus())
- || DOCSTATUS_Reversed.equals(getDocStatus())
- || DOCSTATUS_Voided.equals(getDocStatus()))
- {
- m_processMsg = "Document Closed: " + getDocStatus();
- setDocAction(DOCACTION_None);
- return false;
- }
- // If on Bank Statement, don't void it - reverse it
- if (getC_BankStatementLine_ID() > 0)
- return reverseCorrectIt();
- // Not Processed
- if (DOCSTATUS_Drafted.equals(getDocStatus())
- || DOCSTATUS_Invalid.equals(getDocStatus())
- || DOCSTATUS_InProgress.equals(getDocStatus())
- || DOCSTATUS_Approved.equals(getDocStatus())
- || DOCSTATUS_NotApproved.equals(getDocStatus()) )
- {
- addDescription(Msg.getMsg(getCtx(), "Voided") + " (" + getPayAmt() + ")");
- setPayAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setDiscountAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setWriteOffAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setOverUnderAmt(Env.ZERO);
- setIsAllocated(false);
- // Unlink & De-Allocate
- deAllocate();
- }
- else
- return reverseCorrectIt();
- //
+ if (DOCSTATUS_Closed.equals(getDocStatus())
+ || DOCSTATUS_Reversed.equals(getDocStatus())
+ || DOCSTATUS_Voided.equals(getDocStatus()))
+ {
+ m_processMsg = "Document Closed: " + getDocStatus();
+ setDocAction(DOCACTION_None);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If on Bank Statement, don't void it - reverse it
+ if (getC_BankStatementLine_ID() > 0)
+ return reverseCorrectIt();
+ // Not Processed
+ if (DOCSTATUS_Drafted.equals(getDocStatus())
+ || DOCSTATUS_Invalid.equals(getDocStatus())
+ || DOCSTATUS_InProgress.equals(getDocStatus())
+ || DOCSTATUS_Approved.equals(getDocStatus())
+ || DOCSTATUS_NotApproved.equals(getDocStatus()) )
+ {
+ addDescription(Msg.getMsg(getCtx(), "Voided") + " (" + getPayAmt() + ")");
+ setPayAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setDiscountAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setWriteOffAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setOverUnderAmt(Env.ZERO);
+ setIsAllocated(false);
+ // Unlink & De-Allocate
+ deAllocate();
+ }
+ else
+ return reverseCorrectIt();
+ //
// After Void
m_processMsg = ModelValidationEngine.get().fireDocValidate(this,ModelValidator.TIMING_AFTER_VOID);
if (m_processMsg != null)
return false;
- setProcessed(true);
- setDocAction(DOCACTION_None);
- return true;
- } // voidIt
- /**
- * Close Document.
- * @return true if success
- */
- public boolean closeIt()
- {
- log.info(toString());
+ setProcessed(true);
+ setDocAction(DOCACTION_None);
+ return true;
+ } // voidIt
+ /**
+ * Close Document.
+ * @return true if success
+ */
+ public boolean closeIt()
+ {
+ log.info(toString());
// Before Close
m_processMsg = ModelValidationEngine.get().fireDocValidate(this,ModelValidator.TIMING_BEFORE_CLOSE);
if (m_processMsg != null)
@@ -2065,151 +2065,151 @@ public final class MPayment extends X_C_Payment
m_processMsg = ModelValidationEngine.get().fireDocValidate(this,ModelValidator.TIMING_AFTER_CLOSE);
if (m_processMsg != null)
return false;
- setDocAction(DOCACTION_None);
- return true;
- } // closeIt
- /**
- * Reverse Correction
- * @return true if success
- */
- public boolean reverseCorrectIt()
- {
- log.info(toString());
+ setDocAction(DOCACTION_None);
+ return true;
+ } // closeIt
+ /**
+ * Reverse Correction
+ * @return true if success
+ */
+ public boolean reverseCorrectIt()
+ {
+ log.info(toString());
// Before reverseCorrect
m_processMsg = ModelValidationEngine.get().fireDocValidate(this,ModelValidator.TIMING_BEFORE_REVERSECORRECT);
if (m_processMsg != null)
return false;
// Std Period open?
Timestamp dateAcct = getDateAcct();
if (!MPeriod.isOpen(getCtx(), dateAcct,
isReceipt() ? X_C_DocType.DOCBASETYPE_ARReceipt : X_C_DocType.DOCBASETYPE_APPayment))
dateAcct = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
- // Auto Reconcile if not on Bank Statement
- boolean reconciled = false; // getC_BankStatementLine_ID() == 0;
- // Create Reversal
- MPayment reversal = new MPayment (getCtx(), 0, get_TrxName());
- copyValues(this, reversal);
- reversal.setClientOrg(this);
- reversal.setC_Order_ID(0);
- reversal.setC_Invoice_ID(0);
- reversal.setDateAcct(dateAcct);
- //
- reversal.setDocumentNo(getDocumentNo() + REVERSE_INDICATOR); // indicate reversals
- reversal.setDocStatus(DOCSTATUS_Drafted);
- reversal.setDocAction(DOCACTION_Complete);
- //
- reversal.setPayAmt(getPayAmt().negate());
- reversal.setDiscountAmt(getDiscountAmt().negate());
- reversal.setWriteOffAmt(getWriteOffAmt().negate());
- reversal.setOverUnderAmt(getOverUnderAmt().negate());
- //
- reversal.setIsAllocated(true);
- reversal.setIsReconciled(reconciled); // to put on bank statement
- reversal.setIsOnline(false);
- reversal.setIsApproved(true);
- reversal.setR_PnRef(null);
- reversal.setR_Result(null);
- reversal.setR_RespMsg(null);
- reversal.setR_AuthCode(null);
- reversal.setR_Info(null);
- reversal.setProcessing(false);
- reversal.setOProcessing("N");
- reversal.setProcessed(false);
- reversal.setPosted(false);
- reversal.setDescription(getDescription());
- reversal.addDescription("{->" + getDocumentNo() + ")");
- reversal.save(get_TrxName());
- // Post Reversal
- if (!reversal.processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Complete))
- {
- m_processMsg = "Reversal ERROR: " + reversal.getProcessMsg();
- return false;
- }
- reversal.closeIt();
- reversal.setDocStatus(DOCSTATUS_Reversed);
- reversal.setDocAction(DOCACTION_None);
- reversal.save(get_TrxName());
- // Unlink & De-Allocate
- deAllocate();
- setIsReconciled (reconciled);
- setIsAllocated (true); // the allocation below is overwritten
- // Set Status
- addDescription("(" + reversal.getDocumentNo() + "<-)");
- setDocStatus(DOCSTATUS_Reversed);
- setDocAction(DOCACTION_None);
- setProcessed(true);
- // Create automatic Allocation
- MAllocationHdr alloc = new MAllocationHdr (getCtx(), false,
- getDateTrx(), getC_Currency_ID(),
- Msg.translate(getCtx(), "C_Payment_ID") + ": " + reversal.getDocumentNo(), get_TrxName());
- alloc.setAD_Org_ID(getAD_Org_ID());
- if (!alloc.save())
- log.warning("Automatic allocation - hdr not saved");
- else
- {
- // Original Allocation
- MAllocationLine aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, getPayAmt(true),
- Env.ZERO, Env.ZERO, Env.ZERO);
- aLine.setDocInfo(getC_BPartner_ID(), 0, 0);
- aLine.setPaymentInfo(getC_Payment_ID(), 0);
- if (!aLine.save(get_TrxName()))
- log.warning("Automatic allocation - line not saved");
- // Reversal Allocation
- aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, reversal.getPayAmt(true),
- Env.ZERO, Env.ZERO, Env.ZERO);
- aLine.setDocInfo(reversal.getC_BPartner_ID(), 0, 0);
- aLine.setPaymentInfo(reversal.getC_Payment_ID(), 0);
- if (!aLine.save(get_TrxName()))
- log.warning("Automatic allocation - reversal line not saved");
- }
- alloc.processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Complete);
- alloc.save(get_TrxName());
- //
- StringBuffer info = new StringBuffer (reversal.getDocumentNo());
- info.append(" - @C_AllocationHdr_ID@: ").append(alloc.getDocumentNo());
- // Update BPartner
- if (getC_BPartner_ID() != 0)
- {
- MBPartner bp = new MBPartner (getCtx(), getC_BPartner_ID(), get_TrxName());
- bp.setTotalOpenBalance();
- bp.save(get_TrxName());
- }
+ // Auto Reconcile if not on Bank Statement
+ boolean reconciled = getC_BankStatementLine_ID() == 0; //AZ Goodwill
+ // Create Reversal
+ MPayment reversal = new MPayment (getCtx(), 0, get_TrxName());
+ copyValues(this, reversal);
+ reversal.setClientOrg(this);
+ reversal.setC_Order_ID(0);
+ reversal.setC_Invoice_ID(0);
+ reversal.setDateAcct(dateAcct);
+ //
+ reversal.setDocumentNo(getDocumentNo() + REVERSE_INDICATOR); // indicate reversals
+ reversal.setDocStatus(DOCSTATUS_Drafted);
+ reversal.setDocAction(DOCACTION_Complete);
+ //
+ reversal.setPayAmt(getPayAmt().negate());
+ reversal.setDiscountAmt(getDiscountAmt().negate());
+ reversal.setWriteOffAmt(getWriteOffAmt().negate());
+ reversal.setOverUnderAmt(getOverUnderAmt().negate());
+ //
+ reversal.setIsAllocated(true);
+ reversal.setIsReconciled(reconciled); // to put on bank statement
+ reversal.setIsOnline(false);
+ reversal.setIsApproved(true);
+ reversal.setR_PnRef(null);
+ reversal.setR_Result(null);
+ reversal.setR_RespMsg(null);
+ reversal.setR_AuthCode(null);
+ reversal.setR_Info(null);
+ reversal.setProcessing(false);
+ reversal.setOProcessing("N");
+ reversal.setProcessed(false);
+ reversal.setPosted(false);
+ reversal.setDescription(getDescription());
+ reversal.addDescription("{->" + getDocumentNo() + ")");
+ reversal.save(get_TrxName());
+ // Post Reversal
+ if (!reversal.processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Complete))
+ {
+ m_processMsg = "Reversal ERROR: " + reversal.getProcessMsg();
+ return false;
+ }
+ reversal.closeIt();
+ reversal.setDocStatus(DOCSTATUS_Reversed);
+ reversal.setDocAction(DOCACTION_None);
+ reversal.save(get_TrxName());
+ // Unlink & De-Allocate
+ deAllocate();
+ setIsReconciled (reconciled);
+ setIsAllocated (true); // the allocation below is overwritten
+ // Set Status
+ addDescription("(" + reversal.getDocumentNo() + "<-)");
+ setDocStatus(DOCSTATUS_Reversed);
+ setDocAction(DOCACTION_None);
+ setProcessed(true);
+ // Create automatic Allocation
+ MAllocationHdr alloc = new MAllocationHdr (getCtx(), false,
+ getDateTrx(), getC_Currency_ID(),
+ Msg.translate(getCtx(), "C_Payment_ID") + ": " + reversal.getDocumentNo(), get_TrxName());
+ alloc.setAD_Org_ID(getAD_Org_ID());
+ if (!alloc.save())
+ log.warning("Automatic allocation - hdr not saved");
+ else
+ {
+ // Original Allocation
+ MAllocationLine aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, getPayAmt(true),
+ Env.ZERO, Env.ZERO, Env.ZERO);
+ aLine.setDocInfo(getC_BPartner_ID(), 0, 0);
+ aLine.setPaymentInfo(getC_Payment_ID(), 0);
+ if (!aLine.save(get_TrxName()))
+ log.warning("Automatic allocation - line not saved");
+ // Reversal Allocation
+ aLine = new MAllocationLine (alloc, reversal.getPayAmt(true),
+ Env.ZERO, Env.ZERO, Env.ZERO);
+ aLine.setDocInfo(reversal.getC_BPartner_ID(), 0, 0);
+ aLine.setPaymentInfo(reversal.getC_Payment_ID(), 0);
+ if (!aLine.save(get_TrxName()))
+ log.warning("Automatic allocation - reversal line not saved");
+ }
+ alloc.processIt(DocAction.ACTION_Complete);
+ alloc.save(get_TrxName());
+ //
+ StringBuffer info = new StringBuffer (reversal.getDocumentNo());
+ info.append(" - @C_AllocationHdr_ID@: ").append(alloc.getDocumentNo());
+ // Update BPartner
+ if (getC_BPartner_ID() != 0)
+ {
+ MBPartner bp = new MBPartner (getCtx(), getC_BPartner_ID(), get_TrxName());
+ bp.setTotalOpenBalance();
+ bp.save(get_TrxName());
+ }
// After reverseCorrect
m_processMsg = ModelValidationEngine.get().fireDocValidate(this,ModelValidator.TIMING_AFTER_REVERSECORRECT);
if (m_processMsg != null)
return false;
- m_processMsg = info.toString();
- return true;
- } // reverseCorrectionIt
- /**
- * Get Bank Statement Line of payment or 0
- * @return id or 0
- */
- private int getC_BankStatementLine_ID()
- {
- String sql = "SELECT C_BankStatementLine_ID FROM C_BankStatementLine WHERE C_Payment_ID=?";
- int id = DB.getSQLValue(get_TrxName(), sql, getC_Payment_ID());
- if (id < 0)
- return 0;
- return id;
- } // getC_BankStatementLine_ID
- /**
- * Reverse Accrual - none
- * @return true if success
- */
- public boolean reverseAccrualIt()
- {
- log.info(toString());
+ m_processMsg = info.toString();
+ return true;
+ } // reverseCorrectionIt
+ /**
+ * Get Bank Statement Line of payment or 0
+ * @return id or 0
+ */
+ private int getC_BankStatementLine_ID()
+ {
+ String sql = "SELECT C_BankStatementLine_ID FROM C_BankStatementLine WHERE C_Payment_ID=?";
+ int id = DB.getSQLValue(get_TrxName(), sql, getC_Payment_ID());
+ if (id < 0)
+ return 0;
+ return id;
+ } // getC_BankStatementLine_ID
+ /**
+ * Reverse Accrual - none
+ * @return true if success
+ */
+ public boolean reverseAccrualIt()
+ {
+ log.info(toString());
// Before reverseAccrual
m_processMsg = ModelValidationEngine.get().fireDocValidate(this,ModelValidator.TIMING_BEFORE_REVERSEACCRUAL);
@@ -2221,135 +2221,135 @@ public final class MPayment extends X_C_Payment
if (m_processMsg != null)
return false;
- return false;
- } // reverseAccrualIt
- /**
- * Re-activate
- * @return true if success
- */
- public boolean reActivateIt()
- {
- log.info(toString());
+ return false;
+ } // reverseAccrualIt
+ /**
+ * Re-activate
+ * @return true if success
+ */
+ public boolean reActivateIt()
+ {
+ log.info(toString());
// Before reActivate
m_processMsg = ModelValidationEngine.get().fireDocValidate(this,ModelValidator.TIMING_BEFORE_REACTIVATE);
if (m_processMsg != null)
return false;
- if (! reverseCorrectIt())
- return false;
+ if (! reverseCorrectIt())
+ return false;
// After reActivate
m_processMsg = ModelValidationEngine.get().fireDocValidate(this,ModelValidator.TIMING_AFTER_REACTIVATE);
if (m_processMsg != null)
return false;
- return true;
- } // reActivateIt
- /**
- * String Representation
- * @return info
- */
- public String toString ()
- {
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ("MPayment[");
- sb.append(get_ID()).append("-").append(getDocumentNo())
- .append(",Receipt=").append(isReceipt())
- .append(",PayAmt=").append(getPayAmt())
- .append(",Discount=").append(getDiscountAmt())
- .append(",WriteOff=").append(getWriteOffAmt())
- .append(",OverUnder=").append(getOverUnderAmt());
- return sb.toString ();
- } // toString
- /**
- * Get Document Info
- * @return document info (untranslated)
- */
- public String getDocumentInfo()
- {
- MDocType dt = MDocType.get(getCtx(), getC_DocType_ID());
- return dt.getName() + " " + getDocumentNo();
- } // getDocumentInfo
- /**
- * Create PDF
- * @return File or null
- */
- public File createPDF ()
- {
- try
- {
- File temp = File.createTempFile(get_TableName()+get_ID()+"_", ".pdf");
- return createPDF (temp);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.severe("Could not create PDF - " + e.getMessage());
- }
- return null;
- } // getPDF
- /**
- * Create PDF file
- * @param file output file
- * @return file if success
- */
- public File createPDF (File file)
- {
- // ReportEngine re = ReportEngine.get (getCtx(), ReportEngine.PAYMENT, getC_Payment_ID());
- // if (re == null)
- return null;
- // return re.getPDF(file);
- } // createPDF
- /*************************************************************************
- * Get Summary
- * @return Summary of Document
- */
- public String getSummary()
- {
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
- sb.append(getDocumentNo());
- // : Total Lines = 123.00 (#1)
- sb.append(": ")
- .append(Msg.translate(getCtx(),"PayAmt")).append("=").append(getPayAmt())
- .append(",").append(Msg.translate(getCtx(),"WriteOffAmt")).append("=").append(getWriteOffAmt());
- // - Description
- if (getDescription() != null && getDescription().length() > 0)
- sb.append(" - ").append(getDescription());
- return sb.toString();
- } // getSummary
- /**
- * Get Process Message
- * @return clear text error message
- */
- public String getProcessMsg()
- {
- return m_processMsg;
- } // getProcessMsg
- /**
- * Get Document Owner (Responsible)
- * @return AD_User_ID
- */
- public int getDoc_User_ID()
- {
- return getCreatedBy();
- } // getDoc_User_ID
- /**
- * Get Document Approval Amount
- * @return amount payment(AP) or write-off(AR)
- */
- public BigDecimal getApprovalAmt()
- {
- if (isReceipt())
- return getWriteOffAmt();
- return getPayAmt();
- } // getApprovalAmt
-} // MPayment
+ return true;
+ } // reActivateIt
+ /**
+ * String Representation
+ * @return info
+ */
+ public String toString ()
+ {
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ("MPayment[");
+ sb.append(get_ID()).append("-").append(getDocumentNo())
+ .append(",Receipt=").append(isReceipt())
+ .append(",PayAmt=").append(getPayAmt())
+ .append(",Discount=").append(getDiscountAmt())
+ .append(",WriteOff=").append(getWriteOffAmt())
+ .append(",OverUnder=").append(getOverUnderAmt());
+ return sb.toString ();
+ } // toString
+ /**
+ * Get Document Info
+ * @return document info (untranslated)
+ */
+ public String getDocumentInfo()
+ {
+ MDocType dt = MDocType.get(getCtx(), getC_DocType_ID());
+ return dt.getName() + " " + getDocumentNo();
+ } // getDocumentInfo
+ /**
+ * Create PDF
+ * @return File or null
+ */
+ public File createPDF ()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ File temp = File.createTempFile(get_TableName()+get_ID()+"_", ".pdf");
+ return createPDF (temp);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ log.severe("Could not create PDF - " + e.getMessage());
+ }
+ return null;
+ } // getPDF
+ /**
+ * Create PDF file
+ * @param file output file
+ * @return file if success
+ */
+ public File createPDF (File file)
+ {
+ // ReportEngine re = ReportEngine.get (getCtx(), ReportEngine.PAYMENT, getC_Payment_ID());
+ // if (re == null)
+ return null;
+ // return re.getPDF(file);
+ } // createPDF
+ /*************************************************************************
+ * Get Summary
+ * @return Summary of Document
+ */
+ public String getSummary()
+ {
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
+ sb.append(getDocumentNo());
+ // : Total Lines = 123.00 (#1)
+ sb.append(": ")
+ .append(Msg.translate(getCtx(),"PayAmt")).append("=").append(getPayAmt())
+ .append(",").append(Msg.translate(getCtx(),"WriteOffAmt")).append("=").append(getWriteOffAmt());
+ // - Description
+ if (getDescription() != null && getDescription().length() > 0)
+ sb.append(" - ").append(getDescription());
+ return sb.toString();
+ } // getSummary
+ /**
+ * Get Process Message
+ * @return clear text error message
+ */
+ public String getProcessMsg()
+ {
+ return m_processMsg;
+ } // getProcessMsg
+ /**
+ * Get Document Owner (Responsible)
+ * @return AD_User_ID
+ */
+ public int getDoc_User_ID()
+ {
+ return getCreatedBy();
+ } // getDoc_User_ID
+ /**
+ * Get Document Approval Amount
+ * @return amount payment(AP) or write-off(AR)
+ */
+ public BigDecimal getApprovalAmt()
+ {
+ if (isReceipt())
+ return getWriteOffAmt();
+ return getPayAmt();
+ } // getApprovalAmt
+} // MPayment