Merge 52294af1db66

This commit is contained in:
Heng Sin Low 2013-03-08 14:49:18 +08:00
commit 3914864058
11 changed files with 432 additions and 103 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
-- Mar 6, 2013 5:52:10 PM SGT
-- Ticket 1002354: Price List Enhancement
INSERT INTO AD_Ref_List (AD_Client_ID,AD_Ref_List_ID,AD_Reference_ID,EntityType,Name,AD_Ref_List_UU,Value,CreatedBy,Created,Updated,UpdatedBy,IsActive,AD_Org_ID) VALUES (0,200134,194,'D','Product Cost','ee848c2c-1648-441e-a33a-c064e6fb0203','P',100,TO_DATE('2013-03-06 17:52:08','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),TO_DATE('2013-03-06 17:52:08','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'Y',0)
-- Mar 6, 2013 5:52:11 PM SGT
-- Ticket 1002354: Price List Enhancement
INSERT INTO AD_Ref_List_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Ref_List_ID, Description,Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Ref_List_Trl_UU ) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Ref_List_ID, t.Description,t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy,Generate_UUID() FROM AD_Language l, AD_Ref_List t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Ref_List_ID=200134 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Ref_List_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Ref_List_ID=t.AD_Ref_List_ID)
-- Mar 6, 2013 7:08:02 PM SGT
-- Ticket 1002354: Price List Enhancement
INSERT INTO AD_ModelValidator (SeqNo,AD_ModelValidator_ID,Help,ModelValidationClass,EntityType,Description,Name,AD_ModelValidator_UU,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,IsActive) VALUES (0,200002,'Auto sync corresponding price list with the base price list','org.adempiere.model.ProductPriceValidator','D','Product Price','Model Validator to Product Price','cc9a0a8e-8749-45be-a38d-61e9e61aab3d',0,0,TO_DATE('2013-03-06 19:07:59','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_DATE('2013-03-06 19:07:59','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'N')
-- Mar 6, 2013 7:08:42 PM SGT
-- Ticket 1002354: Price List Enhancement
UPDATE AD_ModelValidator SET SeqNo=1,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-03-06 19:08:42','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_ModelValidator_ID=200002
SELECT register_migration_script('201303061816_TICKET-1002354.sql') FROM dual

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
-- Mar 7, 2013 8:21:59 PM MYT
-- IDEMPIERE-704 The Min. value and Max. value validation of column is not working
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Message_ID,EntityType,AD_Message_UU,Value,IsActive,Updated,CreatedBy,UpdatedBy,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created) VALUES ('E','Entered value is more than the maximum ({0}) allowed',200150,'D','af92320e-f5a9-4dee-a1d4-3bfa8bbf3dbd','MoreThanMaxValue','Y',TO_DATE('2013-03-07 20:21:57','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,100,0,0,TO_DATE('2013-03-07 20:21:57','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'))
-- Mar 7, 2013 8:21:59 PM MYT
-- IDEMPIERE-704 The Min. value and Max. value validation of column is not working
INSERT INTO AD_Message_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Message_ID, MsgText,MsgTip, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_Trl_UU ) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Message_ID, t.MsgText,t.MsgTip, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy,Generate_UUID() FROM AD_Language l, AD_Message t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Message_ID=200150 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Message_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Message_ID=t.AD_Message_ID)
-- Mar 7, 2013 8:22:22 PM MYT
-- IDEMPIERE-704 The Min. value and Max. value validation of column is not working
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Message_ID,EntityType,AD_Message_UU,Value,IsActive,Updated,CreatedBy,UpdatedBy,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created) VALUES ('E','Entered value is less than the minimum ({0}) required',200151,'D','4402e2b3-803e-4bd2-b77c-86059fe10346','LessThanMinValue','Y',TO_DATE('2013-03-07 20:22:21','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,100,0,0,TO_DATE('2013-03-07 20:22:21','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'))
-- Mar 7, 2013 8:22:22 PM MYT
-- IDEMPIERE-704 The Min. value and Max. value validation of column is not working
INSERT INTO AD_Message_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Message_ID, MsgText,MsgTip, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_Trl_UU ) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Message_ID, t.MsgText,t.MsgTip, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy,Generate_UUID() FROM AD_Language l, AD_Message t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Message_ID=200151 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Message_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Message_ID=t.AD_Message_ID)
SELECT register_migration_script('201303071224_IDEMPIERE-704.sql') FROM dual

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
-- Mar 6, 2013 5:52:10 PM SGT
-- Ticket 1002354: Price List Enhancement
INSERT INTO AD_Ref_List (AD_Client_ID,AD_Ref_List_ID,AD_Reference_ID,EntityType,Name,AD_Ref_List_UU,Value,CreatedBy,Created,Updated,UpdatedBy,IsActive,AD_Org_ID) VALUES (0,200134,194,'D','Product Cost','ee848c2c-1648-441e-a33a-c064e6fb0203','P',100,TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-06 17:52:08','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-06 17:52:08','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'Y',0)
-- Mar 6, 2013 5:52:11 PM SGT
-- Ticket 1002354: Price List Enhancement
INSERT INTO AD_Ref_List_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Ref_List_ID, Description,Name, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Ref_List_Trl_UU ) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Ref_List_ID, t.Description,t.Name, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy,Generate_UUID() FROM AD_Language l, AD_Ref_List t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Ref_List_ID=200134 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Ref_List_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Ref_List_ID=t.AD_Ref_List_ID)
-- Mar 6, 2013 7:08:02 PM SGT
-- Ticket 1002354: Price List Enhancement
INSERT INTO AD_ModelValidator (SeqNo,AD_ModelValidator_ID,Help,ModelValidationClass,EntityType,Description,Name,AD_ModelValidator_UU,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,IsActive) VALUES (0,200002,'Auto sync corresponding price list with the base price list','org.adempiere.model.ProductPriceValidator','D','Product Price','Model Validator to Product Price','cc9a0a8e-8749-45be-a38d-61e9e61aab3d',0,0,TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-06 19:07:59','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-06 19:07:59','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'N')
-- Mar 6, 2013 7:08:42 PM SGT
-- Ticket 1002354: Price List Enhancement
UPDATE AD_ModelValidator SET SeqNo=1,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-06 19:08:42','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_ModelValidator_ID=200002
SELECT register_migration_script('201303061816_TICKET-1002354.sql') FROM dual

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
-- Mar 7, 2013 8:21:59 PM MYT
-- IDEMPIERE-704 The Min. value and Max. value validation of column is not working
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Message_ID,EntityType,AD_Message_UU,Value,IsActive,Updated,CreatedBy,UpdatedBy,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created) VALUES ('E','Entered value is more than the maximum ({0}) allowed',200150,'D','af92320e-f5a9-4dee-a1d4-3bfa8bbf3dbd','MoreThanMaxValue','Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-07 20:21:57','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,100,0,0,TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-07 20:21:57','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'))
-- Mar 7, 2013 8:21:59 PM MYT
-- IDEMPIERE-704 The Min. value and Max. value validation of column is not working
INSERT INTO AD_Message_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Message_ID, MsgText,MsgTip, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_Trl_UU ) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Message_ID, t.MsgText,t.MsgTip, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy,Generate_UUID() FROM AD_Language l, AD_Message t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Message_ID=200150 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Message_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Message_ID=t.AD_Message_ID)
-- Mar 7, 2013 8:22:22 PM MYT
-- IDEMPIERE-704 The Min. value and Max. value validation of column is not working
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Message_ID,EntityType,AD_Message_UU,Value,IsActive,Updated,CreatedBy,UpdatedBy,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created) VALUES ('E','Entered value is less than the minimum ({0}) required',200151,'D','4402e2b3-803e-4bd2-b77c-86059fe10346','LessThanMinValue','Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-07 20:22:21','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,100,0,0,TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-03-07 20:22:21','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'))
-- Mar 7, 2013 8:22:22 PM MYT
-- IDEMPIERE-704 The Min. value and Max. value validation of column is not working
INSERT INTO AD_Message_Trl (AD_Language,AD_Message_ID, MsgText,MsgTip, IsTranslated,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,Created,Createdby,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_Trl_UU ) SELECT l.AD_Language,t.AD_Message_ID, t.MsgText,t.MsgTip, 'N',t.AD_Client_ID,t.AD_Org_ID,t.Created,t.Createdby,t.Updated,t.UpdatedBy,Generate_UUID() FROM AD_Language l, AD_Message t WHERE l.IsActive='Y' AND l.IsSystemLanguage='Y' AND l.IsBaseLanguage='N' AND t.AD_Message_ID=200151 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Message_Trl tt WHERE tt.AD_Language=l.AD_Language AND tt.AD_Message_ID=t.AD_Message_ID)
SELECT register_migration_script('201303071224_IDEMPIERE-704.sql') FROM dual

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
package org.compiere.process; package org.compiere.process;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.SQLException;
@ -27,6 +28,12 @@ import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.compiere.model.MAcctSchema;
import org.compiere.model.MClientInfo;
import org.compiere.model.MDiscountSchemaLine;
import org.compiere.model.MProduct;
import org.compiere.model.MProductPrice;
import org.compiere.model.ProductCost;
import org.compiere.util.AdempiereSystemError; import org.compiere.util.AdempiereSystemError;
import org.compiere.util.AdempiereUserError; import org.compiere.util.AdempiereUserError;
import org.compiere.util.CLogger; import org.compiere.util.CLogger;
@ -613,6 +620,75 @@ public class M_PriceList_Create extends SvrProcess {
raiseError("Update M_ProductPrice ", sqlupd.toString()); raiseError("Update M_ProductPrice ", sqlupd.toString());
totu += cntu; totu += cntu;
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Updated " + cntu); if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Updated " + cntu);
* Product Cost overwrite
* Elaine 2009/12/24
if(rsDiscountLine.getString(MDiscountSchemaLine.COLUMNNAME_List_Base).equals(MDiscountSchemaLine.LIST_BASE_ProductCost) ||
rsDiscountLine.getString(MDiscountSchemaLine.COLUMNNAME_Std_Base).equals(MDiscountSchemaLine.STD_BASE_ProductCost) ||
MClientInfo m_clientInfo = MClientInfo.get(getCtx(), rsCurgen.getInt("AD_Client_ID"), get_TrxName());
MAcctSchema as = new MAcctSchema(getCtx(), m_clientInfo.getC_AcctSchema1_ID(), get_TrxName());
StringBuilder sqlpc = new StringBuilder("SELECT p.M_Product_ID ");
sqlpc.append(" FROM M_ProductPrice p");
sqlpc.append(" WHERE M_PriceList_Version_ID=").append(p_PriceList_Version_ID);
sqlpc.append(" AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM T_Selection s");
sqlpc.append(" WHERE s.T_Selection_ID=p.M_Product_ID");
sqlpc.append(" AND s.AD_PInstance_ID=").append(m_AD_PInstance_ID + ")");
PreparedStatement ps = DB.prepareStatement(sqlpc.toString(), get_TrxName());
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
int M_Product_ID = rs.getInt(MProductPrice.COLUMNNAME_M_Product_ID);
ProductCost m_productCost = new ProductCost (getCtx(), M_Product_ID, 0, get_TrxName());
BigDecimal costs = m_productCost.getProductCosts(as, rsCurgen.getInt("AD_Org_ID"), null, 0, false);
if (costs == null || costs.signum() == 0) // zero costs OK
MProduct product = new MProduct(getCtx(), M_Product_ID, get_TrxName());
if (product.isStocked())
log.log(Level.WARNING, "No Costs for " + product.getName());
sqlupd = new StringBuilder("UPDATE M_ProductPrice p ");
sqlupd.append(" SET PriceList = (DECODE('").append(rsDiscountLine.getString(MDiscountSchemaLine.COLUMNNAME_List_Base)).append("', 'P', ?, PriceList) + ?) * (1 - ?/100), ");
sqlupd.append(" PriceStd = (DECODE('").append(rsDiscountLine.getString(MDiscountSchemaLine.COLUMNNAME_Std_Base)).append("', 'P', ?, PriceStd) + ?) * (1 - ?/100),");
sqlupd.append(" PriceLimit = (DECODE('").append(rsDiscountLine.getString(MDiscountSchemaLine.COLUMNNAME_Limit_Base)).append("', 'P', ?, PriceLimit) + ?) * (1 - ?/100)");
sqlupd.append(" WHERE M_PriceList_Version_ID=").append(p_PriceList_Version_ID);
sqlupd.append(" AND M_Product_ID = ?");
sqlupd.append(" AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM T_Selection s");
sqlupd.append(" WHERE s.T_Selection_ID=p.M_Product_ID");
sqlupd.append(" AND s.AD_PInstance_ID=").append(m_AD_PInstance_ID + ")");
pstmu = DB.prepareStatement(sqlupd.toString(),
ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE, get_TrxName());
pstmu.setBigDecimal(1, costs);
pstmu.setDouble(2, rsDiscountLine.getDouble(MDiscountSchemaLine.COLUMNNAME_List_AddAmt));
pstmu.setDouble(3, rsDiscountLine.getDouble(MDiscountSchemaLine.COLUMNNAME_List_Discount));
pstmu.setBigDecimal(4, costs);
pstmu.setDouble(5, rsDiscountLine.getDouble(MDiscountSchemaLine.COLUMNNAME_Std_AddAmt));
pstmu.setDouble(6, rsDiscountLine.getDouble(MDiscountSchemaLine.COLUMNNAME_Std_Discount));
pstmu.setBigDecimal(7, costs);
pstmu.setDouble(8, rsDiscountLine.getDouble(MDiscountSchemaLine.COLUMNNAME_Limit_AddAmt));
pstmu.setDouble(9, rsDiscountLine.getDouble(MDiscountSchemaLine.COLUMNNAME_Limit_Discount));
pstmu.setInt(10, M_Product_ID);
cntu = pstmu.executeUpdate();
if (cntu == -1)
raiseError("Update M_ProductPrice ", sqlupd.toString());
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Updated " + cntu);
// //
//Rounding (AD_Reference_ID=155) //Rounding (AD_Reference_ID=155)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
* Copyright (C) 2013 Elaine Tan *
* Copyright (C) 2013 Trek Global *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
package org.adempiere.model;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.compiere.model.MClient;
import org.compiere.model.MPriceListVersion;
import org.compiere.model.MProductPrice;
import org.compiere.model.ModelValidationEngine;
import org.compiere.model.ModelValidator;
import org.compiere.model.PO;
import org.compiere.util.CLogger;
import org.compiere.util.DB;
import org.compiere.util.Env;
* Auto sync corresponding price list with the price list schema and base price list.
* @author Elaine
public class ProductPriceValidator implements ModelValidator {
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(ProductPriceValidator.class);
private int m_AD_Client_ID;
public int getAD_Client_ID() {
return m_AD_Client_ID;
public void initialize(ModelValidationEngine engine, MClient client) {
engine.addModelChange(MProductPrice.Table_Name, this);
if (client != null)
m_AD_Client_ID = client.getAD_Client_ID();
public String login(int AD_Org_ID, int AD_Role_ID, int AD_User_ID) {
return null;
public String modelChange(PO po, int type) throws Exception {
if (po instanceof MProductPrice) {
if (type == TYPE_AFTER_CHANGE || type == TYPE_AFTER_NEW || type == TYPE_AFTER_DELETE) {
MProductPrice pp = (MProductPrice) po;
int M_PriceList_Version_ID = pp.getM_PriceList_Version_ID();
if(M_PriceList_Version_ID > 0)
MPriceListVersion plv = new MPriceListVersion(Env.getCtx(), M_PriceList_Version_ID, null);
int M_Pricelist_Version_Base_ID = plv.getM_Pricelist_Version_Base_ID();
if(M_Pricelist_Version_Base_ID > 0) // base price list
int M_Product_ID = pp.getM_Product_ID();
BigDecimal priceLimit = pp.getPriceLimit();
BigDecimal priceList = pp.getPriceList();
BigDecimal priceStd = pp.getPriceStd();
boolean isActive = pp.isActive();
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
sql.append("SELECT * FROM M_PriceList_Version ");
sql.append("WHERE IsActive = 'Y' AND AD_Client_ID = ? ");
sql.append("AND M_DiscountSchema_ID = ? "); // match price list schema
sql.append("AND M_Pricelist_Version_Base_ID = ? "); // match base price list
sql.append("AND M_PriceList_Version_ID <> ? ");
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql.toString(), po.get_TrxName());
int count = 1;
pstmt.setInt(count++, Env.getAD_Client_ID(Env.getCtx()));
pstmt.setInt(count++, plv.getM_DiscountSchema_ID());
pstmt.setInt(count++, M_Pricelist_Version_Base_ID);
pstmt.setInt(count++, M_PriceList_Version_ID);
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while (
MPriceListVersion plv1 = new MPriceListVersion(Env.getCtx(), rs, po.get_TrxName());
MProductPrice pp1 = MProductPrice.get(Env.getCtx(), plv1.getM_PriceList_Version_ID(), M_Product_ID, po.get_TrxName());
if (type == TYPE_AFTER_CHANGE || type == TYPE_AFTER_NEW)
if(pp1 == null)
pp1 = new MProductPrice(Env.getCtx(), plv1.getM_PriceList_Version_ID(), M_Product_ID, po.get_TrxName());
if(priceList.compareTo(pp1.getPriceList()) != 0
|| priceStd.compareTo(pp1.getPriceStd()) != 0
|| priceLimit.compareTo(pp1.getPriceLimit()) != 0
|| isActive != pp1.isActive())
pp1.setPrices(priceList, priceStd, priceLimit);
else if (type == TYPE_AFTER_DELETE)
if(pp1 != null)
pp1.delete(false, po.get_TrxName());
catch (SQLException ex)
log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql.toString(), ex);
DB.close(rs, pstmt);
rs = null; pstmt = null;
return null;
public String docValidate(PO po, int timing) {
return null;

View File

@ -2121,7 +2121,24 @@ public class GridTable extends AbstractTableModel
|| ((value != null && dbValue != null && value.getClass().equals(byte[].class) && dbValue.getClass().equals(byte[].class)) && Arrays.equals((byte[])oldValue, (byte[])dbValue)) || ((value != null && dbValue != null && value.getClass().equals(byte[].class) && dbValue.getClass().equals(byte[].class)) && Arrays.equals((byte[])oldValue, (byte[])dbValue))
) )
{ {
po.set_ValueNoCheck (columnName, value); if (!po.set_ValueNoCheck (columnName, value))
ValueNamePair lastError = CLogger.retrieveError();
if (lastError != null) {
String adMessage = lastError.getValue();
String adMessageArgument = lastError.getName().trim();
StringBuilder info = new StringBuilder(adMessageArgument);
if (!adMessageArgument.endsWith(";")) info.append(";");
fireDataStatusEEvent(adMessage, info.toString(), true);
} else {
fireDataStatusEEvent("Set value failed", field.getHeader(), true);
return SAVE_ERROR;
} }
// Original != DB // Original != DB
else else

View File

@ -683,6 +683,18 @@ public abstract class PO
* @return true if value set * @return true if value set
*/ */
protected final boolean set_Value (String ColumnName, Object value) protected final boolean set_Value (String ColumnName, Object value)
return set_Value(ColumnName, value, true);
* Set Value
* @param ColumnName column name
* @param value value
* @param checkWritable
* @return true if value set
protected final boolean set_Value (String ColumnName, Object value, boolean checkWritable)
{ {
if (value instanceof String && ColumnName.equals("WhereClause") if (value instanceof String && ColumnName.equals("WhereClause")
&& value.toString().toUpperCase().indexOf("=NULL") != -1) && value.toString().toUpperCase().indexOf("=NULL") != -1)
@ -692,6 +704,7 @@ public abstract class PO
if (index < 0) if (index < 0)
{ {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Column not found - " + ColumnName); log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Column not found - " + ColumnName);
log.saveError("ColumnNotFound", "Column not found - " + ColumnName);
return false; return false;
} }
if (ColumnName.endsWith("_ID") && value instanceof String ) if (ColumnName.endsWith("_ID") && value instanceof String )
@ -705,7 +718,7 @@ public abstract class PO
} }
} }
return set_Value (index, value); return set_Value (index, value, checkWritable);
} // setValue } // setValue
/** /**
@ -727,6 +740,19 @@ public abstract class PO
* @return true if value set * @return true if value set
*/ */
protected final boolean set_Value (int index, Object value) protected final boolean set_Value (int index, Object value)
return set_Value(index, value, true);
* Set Value if updateable and correct class.
* (and to NULL if not mandatory)
* @param index index
* @param value value
* @param checkWritable
* @return true if value set
protected final boolean set_Value (int index, Object value, boolean checkWritable)
{ {
if (index < 0 || index >= get_ColumnCount()) if (index < 0 || index >= get_ColumnCount())
{ {
@ -736,26 +762,32 @@ public abstract class PO
String ColumnName = p_info.getColumnName(index); String ColumnName = p_info.getColumnName(index);
String colInfo = " - " + ColumnName; String colInfo = " - " + ColumnName;
// //
if (p_info.isVirtualColumn(index)) if (checkWritable)
{ {
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Virtual Column" + colInfo); if (p_info.isVirtualColumn(index))
return false; {
} log.log(Level.WARNING, "Virtual Column" + colInfo);
log.saveError("VirtualColumn", "Virtual Column" + colInfo);
// return false;
// globalqss -- Bug 1618469 - is throwing not updateable even on new records }
// if (!p_info.isColumnUpdateable(index))
if ( ( ! p_info.isColumnUpdateable(index) ) && ( ! is_new() ) ) //
{ // globalqss -- Bug 1618469 - is throwing not updateable even on new records
colInfo += " - NewValue=" + value + " - OldValue=" + get_Value(index); // if (!p_info.isColumnUpdateable(index))
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Column not updateable" + colInfo); if ( ( ! p_info.isColumnUpdateable(index) ) && ( ! is_new() ) )
return false; {
colInfo += " - NewValue=" + value + " - OldValue=" + get_Value(index);
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Column not updateable" + colInfo);
log.saveError("ColumnReadonly", "Column not updateable" + colInfo);
return false;
} }
// //
if (value == null) if (value == null)
{ {
if (p_info.isColumnMandatory(index)) if (p_info.isColumnMandatory(index))
{ {
log.saveError("FillMandatory", ColumnName + " is mandatory.");
throw new IllegalArgumentException (ColumnName + " is mandatory."); throw new IllegalArgumentException (ColumnName + " is mandatory.");
} }
m_newValues[index] = Null.NULL; // correct m_newValues[index] = Null.NULL; // correct
@ -793,6 +825,9 @@ public abstract class PO
log.log(Level.SEVERE, ColumnName log.log(Level.SEVERE, ColumnName
+ " - Class invalid: " + value.getClass().toString() + " - Class invalid: " + value.getClass().toString()
+ ", Should be " + p_info.getColumnClass(index).toString() + ": " + value); + ", Should be " + p_info.getColumnClass(index).toString() + ": " + value);
log.saveError("WrongDataType", ColumnName
+ " - Class invalid: " + value.getClass().toString()
+ ", Should be " + p_info.getColumnClass(index).toString() + ": " + value);
return false; return false;
} }
else else
@ -800,6 +835,9 @@ public abstract class PO
log.log(Level.SEVERE, ColumnName log.log(Level.SEVERE, ColumnName
+ " - Class invalid: " + value.getClass().toString() + " - Class invalid: " + value.getClass().toString()
+ ", Should be " + p_info.getColumnClass(index).toString() + ": " + value); + ", Should be " + p_info.getColumnClass(index).toString() + ": " + value);
log.saveError("WrongDataType", ColumnName
+ " - Class invalid: " + value.getClass().toString()
+ ", Should be " + p_info.getColumnClass(index).toString() + ": " + value);
return false; return false;
} }
// Validate (Min/Max) // Validate (Min/Max)
@ -807,6 +845,12 @@ public abstract class PO
if (error != null) if (error != null)
{ {
log.log(Level.WARNING, ColumnName + "=" + value + " - " + error); log.log(Level.WARNING, ColumnName + "=" + value + " - " + error);
int separatorIndex = error.indexOf(";");
if (separatorIndex > 0) {
log.saveError(error.substring(0,separatorIndex), error.substring(separatorIndex+1));
} else {
log.saveError(error, ColumnName);
return false; return false;
} }
// Length for String // Length for String
@ -831,6 +875,8 @@ public abstract class PO
StringBuilder validValues = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder validValues = new StringBuilder();
for (ValueNamePair vp : MRefList.getList(getCtx(), p_info.getColumn(index).AD_Reference_Value_ID, false)) for (ValueNamePair vp : MRefList.getList(getCtx(), p_info.getColumn(index).AD_Reference_Value_ID, false))
validValues.append(" - ").append(vp.getValue()); validValues.append(" - ").append(vp.getValue());
log.saveError("Validate", ColumnName + " Invalid value - "
+ value + " - Reference_ID=" + p_info.getColumn(index).AD_Reference_Value_ID + validValues.toString());
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ColumnName + " Invalid value - " throw new IllegalArgumentException(ColumnName + " Invalid value - "
+ value + " - Reference_ID=" + p_info.getColumn(index).AD_Reference_Value_ID + validValues.toString()); + value + " - Reference_ID=" + p_info.getColumn(index).AD_Reference_Value_ID + validValues.toString());
} }
@ -878,75 +924,7 @@ public abstract class PO
*/ */
public final boolean set_ValueNoCheck (String ColumnName, Object value) public final boolean set_ValueNoCheck (String ColumnName, Object value)
{ {
int index = get_ColumnIndex(ColumnName); return set_Value(ColumnName, value, false);
if (index < 0)
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Column not found - " + ColumnName);
return false;
if (value == null)
m_newValues[index] = Null.NULL; // write direct
// matching class or generic object
if (value.getClass().equals(p_info.getColumnClass(index))
|| p_info.getColumnClass(index) == Object.class)
m_newValues[index] = value; // correct
// Integer can be set as BigDecimal
else if (value.getClass() == BigDecimal.class
&& p_info.getColumnClass(index) == Integer.class)
m_newValues[index] = new Integer (((BigDecimal)value).intValue());
// Set Boolean
else if (p_info.getColumnClass(index) == Boolean.class
&& ("Y".equals(value) || "N".equals(value)) )
m_newValues[index] = new Boolean("Y".equals(value));
else if (p_info.getColumnClass(index) == Integer.class
&& value.getClass() == String.class)
int intValue = Integer.parseInt((String)value);
m_newValues[index] = Integer.valueOf(intValue);
catch (Exception e)
log.warning (ColumnName
+ " - Class invalid: " + value.getClass().toString()
+ ", Should be " + p_info.getColumnClass(index).toString() + ": " + value);
m_newValues[index] = null;
log.warning (ColumnName
+ " - Class invalid: " + value.getClass().toString()
+ ", Should be " + p_info.getColumnClass(index).toString() + ": " + value);
m_newValues[index] = value; // correct
// Validate (Min/Max)
String error = p_info.validate(index, value);
if (error != null)
log.warning(ColumnName + "=" + value + " - " + error);
// length for String
if (p_info.getColumnClass(index) == String.class)
String stringValue = value.toString();
int length = p_info.getFieldLength(index);
if (stringValue.length() > length && length > 0)
log.warning(ColumnName + " - Value too long - truncated to length=" + length);
m_newValues[index] = stringValue.substring(0,length);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) log.finest(ColumnName + " = " + m_newValues[index]
+ " (" + (m_newValues[index]==null ? "-" : m_newValues[index].getClass().getName()) + ")");
set_Keys (ColumnName, m_newValues[index]);
// FR 2962094 Fill ProcessedOn when the Processed column is changing from N to Y
setProcessedOn(ColumnName, value, m_oldValues[index]);
return true;
} // set_ValueNoCheck } // set_ValueNoCheck
/** /**

View File

@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ public class POInfo implements Serializable
// Mandatory (i.e. not null // Mandatory (i.e. not null
if (m_columns[index].IsMandatory && value == null) if (m_columns[index].IsMandatory && value == null)
{ {
return "IsMandatory"; return "FillMandatory";
} }
if (value == null) if (value == null)
return null; return null;
@ -686,10 +686,7 @@ public class POInfo implements Serializable
int comp = m_columns[index].ValueMin_BD.compareTo(value_BD); int comp = m_columns[index].ValueMin_BD.compareTo(value_BD);
if (comp > 0) if (comp > 0)
{ {
return "MinValue=" + m_columns[index].ValueMin_BD return "LessThanMinValue"+";"+m_columns[index].ValueMin_BD.toPlainString();
+ "(" + m_columns[index].ValueMin + ")"
+ " - compared with Numeric Value=" + value_BD + "(" + value + ")"
+ " - results in " + comp;
} }
} }
else // String else // String
@ -697,9 +694,7 @@ public class POInfo implements Serializable
int comp = m_columns[index].ValueMin.compareTo(value.toString()); int comp = m_columns[index].ValueMin.compareTo(value.toString());
if (comp > 0) if (comp > 0)
{ {
return "MinValue=" + m_columns[index].ValueMin return "LessThanMinValue"+";"+m_columns[index].ValueMin;
+ " - compared with String Value=" + value
+ " - results in " + comp;
} }
} }
} }
@ -718,9 +713,7 @@ public class POInfo implements Serializable
int comp = m_columns[index].ValueMax_BD.compareTo(value_BD); int comp = m_columns[index].ValueMax_BD.compareTo(value_BD);
if (comp < 0) if (comp < 0)
{ {
return "MaxValue=" + m_columns[index].ValueMax_BD + "(" + m_columns[index].ValueMax + ")" return "MoreThanMaxValue"+";"+m_columns[index].ValueMax_BD.toPlainString();
+ " - compared with Numeric Value=" + value_BD + "(" + value + ")"
+ " - results in " + comp;
} }
} }
else // String else // String
@ -728,9 +721,7 @@ public class POInfo implements Serializable
int comp = m_columns[index].ValueMax.compareTo(value.toString()); int comp = m_columns[index].ValueMax.compareTo(value.toString());
if (comp < 0) if (comp < 0)
{ {
return "MaxValue=" + m_columns[index].ValueMax return "MoreThanMaxValue"+";"+m_columns[index].ValueMax;
+ " - compared with String Value=" + value
+ " - results in " + comp;
} }
} }
} }

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public class X_M_DiscountSchemaLine extends PO implements I_M_DiscountSchemaLine
/** /**
* *
*/ */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20121031L; private static final long serialVersionUID = 20130306L;
/** Standard Constructor */ /** Standard Constructor */
public X_M_DiscountSchemaLine (Properties ctx, int M_DiscountSchemaLine_ID, String trxName) public X_M_DiscountSchemaLine (Properties ctx, int M_DiscountSchemaLine_ID, String trxName)
@ -251,6 +251,8 @@ public class X_M_DiscountSchemaLine extends PO implements I_M_DiscountSchemaLine
public static final String LIMIT_BASE_LimitPOPrice = "X"; public static final String LIMIT_BASE_LimitPOPrice = "X";
/** Fixed Price = F */ /** Fixed Price = F */
public static final String LIMIT_BASE_FixedPrice = "F"; public static final String LIMIT_BASE_FixedPrice = "F";
/** Product Cost = P */
public static final String LIMIT_BASE_ProductCost = "P";
/** Set Limit price Base. /** Set Limit price Base.
@param Limit_Base @param Limit_Base
Base price for calculation of the new price Base price for calculation of the new price
@ -415,6 +417,8 @@ public class X_M_DiscountSchemaLine extends PO implements I_M_DiscountSchemaLine
public static final String LIST_BASE_LimitPOPrice = "X"; public static final String LIST_BASE_LimitPOPrice = "X";
/** Fixed Price = F */ /** Fixed Price = F */
public static final String LIST_BASE_FixedPrice = "F"; public static final String LIST_BASE_FixedPrice = "F";
/** Product Cost = P */
public static final String LIST_BASE_ProductCost = "P";
/** Set List price Base. /** Set List price Base.
@param List_Base @param List_Base
Price used as the basis for price list calculations Price used as the basis for price list calculations
@ -728,6 +732,8 @@ public class X_M_DiscountSchemaLine extends PO implements I_M_DiscountSchemaLine
public static final String STD_BASE_LimitPOPrice = "X"; public static final String STD_BASE_LimitPOPrice = "X";
/** Fixed Price = F */ /** Fixed Price = F */
public static final String STD_BASE_FixedPrice = "F"; public static final String STD_BASE_FixedPrice = "F";
/** Product Cost = P */
public static final String STD_BASE_ProductCost = "P";
/** Set Standard price Base. /** Set Standard price Base.
@param Std_Base @param Std_Base
Base price for calculating new standard price Base price for calculating new standard price

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ package org.adempiere.webui.adwindow;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_AD_CHANGELOG_REDO; import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_AD_CHANGELOG_REDO;
import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_AD_CHANGELOG_UNDO; import static org.compiere.model.SystemIDs.PROCESS_AD_CHANGELOG_UNDO;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date; import java.util.Date;
@ -1268,16 +1269,46 @@ public abstract class AbstractADWindowContent extends AbstractUIPart implements
{ {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String msg = e.getMessage(); String msg = e.getMessage();
StringBuilder adMessage = new StringBuilder();
if (msg != null && msg.length() > 0) if (msg != null && msg.length() > 0)
{ {
sb.append(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), e.getAD_Message())); adMessage.append(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), e.getAD_Message()));
} }
String info = e.getInfo(); String info = e.getInfo();
if (info != null && info.length() > 0) if (info != null && info.length() > 0)
{ {
if (sb.length() > 0 && !sb.toString().trim().endsWith(":")) Object[] arguments = info.split("[;]");
sb.append(": "); int index = 0;
sb.append(info); while(index < arguments.length)
String expr = "{"+index+"}";
if (adMessage.indexOf(expr) >= 0)
if (index < arguments.length)
if (adMessage.length() > 0 && !adMessage.toString().trim().endsWith(":"))
adMessage.append(": ");
StringBuilder tail = new StringBuilder();
while(index < arguments.length)
if (tail.length() > 0) tail.append(", ");
sb.append(MessageFormat.format(adMessage.toString(), arguments));
} }
if (sb.length() > 0) if (sb.length() > 0)
{ {