IDEMPIERE-4036 Doc_InOut missing translation

This commit is contained in:
sjeffen 2019-08-26 15:49:29 +02:00
parent 2fcf9759b4
commit 2e36c361e0
3 changed files with 136 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
-- 26. aug. 2019 13.39.05 CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_ID,Value,EntityType,AD_Message_UU) VALUES ('I','No Costs for',0,0,'Y',TO_DATE('2019-08-26 13:39:04','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_DATE('2019-08-26 13:39:04','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200547,'No Costs for','C','b70f7f67-21ab-49df-be8b-d5b7d1835a58')
-- 26. aug. 2019 13.39.30 CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_ID,Value,EntityType,AD_Message_UU) VALUES ('I','FactLine DR not created',0,0,'Y',TO_DATE('2019-08-26 13:39:29','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_DATE('2019-08-26 13:39:29','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200548,'FactLine DR not created','C','ebdd3a76-e86f-4489-b419-773977a2d064')
-- 26. aug. 2019 13.39.52 CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_ID,Value,EntityType,AD_Message_UU) VALUES ('I','Original Shipment/Receipt not posted yet',0,0,'Y',TO_DATE('2019-08-26 13:39:51','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_DATE('2019-08-26 13:39:51','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200549,'Original Shipment/Receipt not posted yet','C','8f50472d-00c1-492a-aae8-33c00c311a88')
-- 26. aug. 2019 13.40.25 CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_ID,Value,EntityType,AD_Message_UU) VALUES ('I','FactLine CR not created',0,0,'Y',TO_DATE('2019-08-26 13:40:24','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_DATE('2019-08-26 13:40:24','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200550,'FactLine CR not created','C','9f1802ba-21a3-4963-82b8-304dbb2775ec')
-- 26. aug. 2019 13.40.51 CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_ID,Value,EntityType,AD_Message_UU) VALUES ('I','Original Shipment/Receipt not posted yet',0,0,'Y',TO_DATE('2019-08-26 13:40:50','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_DATE('2019-08-26 13:40:50','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200551,'Original Shipment/Receipt not posted yet','C','9924cfac-22f3-420b-9cd9-5c8151d8aec6')
-- 26. aug. 2019 13.42.51 CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_ID,Value,EntityType,AD_Message_UU) VALUES ('I','Failed to create cost detail record',0,0,'Y',TO_DATE('2019-08-26 13:42:51','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_DATE('2019-08-26 13:42:51','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200553,'Failed to create cost detail record','C','686a6bb9-2c8f-4a3b-b0af-c19253b3deed')
-- 26. aug. 2019 13.45.09 CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_ID,Value,EntityType,AD_Message_UU) VALUES ('I','Resubmit - No Costs for',0,0,'Y',TO_DATE('2019-08-26 13:45:09','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_DATE('2019-08-26 13:45:09','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200555,'Resubmit - No Costs for','C','d3a5cb62-5cc5-4988-920f-06b6da63deaf')
-- 26. aug. 2019 13.45.39 CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_ID,Value,EntityType,AD_Message_UU) VALUES ('I','(required order line)',0,0,'Y',TO_DATE('2019-08-26 13:45:39','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_DATE('2019-08-26 13:45:39','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200556,'(required order line)','C','727a2264-4cad-4dbc-83bc-a5aa2f1a9940')
-- 26. aug. 2019 13.46.10 CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_ID,Value,EntityType,AD_Message_UU) VALUES ('I','DR not created',0,0,'Y',TO_DATE('2019-08-26 13:46:10','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_DATE('2019-08-26 13:46:10','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200557,'DR not created','C','0b5ac843-77fc-47eb-b9cd-5b304d4d1d50')
-- 26. aug. 2019 13.46.45 CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_ID,Value,EntityType,AD_Message_UU) VALUES ('I','Original Receipt not posted yet',0,0,'Y',TO_DATE('2019-08-26 13:46:45','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_DATE('2019-08-26 13:46:45','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200558,'Original Receipt not posted yet','C','e79f6ab9-dfaa-4ecb-8cf2-78e4066b635f')
-- 26. aug. 2019 13.47.16 CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_ID,Value,EntityType,AD_Message_UU) VALUES ('I','CR not created',0,0,'Y',TO_DATE('2019-08-26 13:47:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_DATE('2019-08-26 13:47:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200559,'CR not created','C','59623a84-70f5-4c27-9b11-2f17e834c946')
-- 26. aug. 2019 13.48.43 CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_ID,Value,EntityType,AD_Message_UU) VALUES ('I','DocumentType unknown',0,0,'Y',TO_DATE('2019-08-26 13:48:43','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_DATE('2019-08-26 13:48:43','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200560,'DocumentType unknown','C','cd12cfdf-50b0-461a-bfa8-b21d10cbf915')
SELECT register_migration_script('201908271215_IDEMPIERE-4036.sql') FROM dual

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
-- 26. aug. 2019 13.39.05 CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_ID,Value,EntityType,AD_Message_UU) VALUES ('I','No Costs for',0,0,'Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-26 13:39:04','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-26 13:39:04','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200547,'No Costs for','C','b70f7f67-21ab-49df-be8b-d5b7d1835a58')
-- 26. aug. 2019 13.39.30 CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_ID,Value,EntityType,AD_Message_UU) VALUES ('I','FactLine DR not created',0,0,'Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-26 13:39:29','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-26 13:39:29','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200548,'FactLine DR not created','C','ebdd3a76-e86f-4489-b419-773977a2d064')
-- 26. aug. 2019 13.39.52 CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_ID,Value,EntityType,AD_Message_UU) VALUES ('I','Original Shipment/Receipt not posted yet',0,0,'Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-26 13:39:51','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-26 13:39:51','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200549,'Original Shipment/Receipt not posted yet','C','8f50472d-00c1-492a-aae8-33c00c311a88')
-- 26. aug. 2019 13.40.25 CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_ID,Value,EntityType,AD_Message_UU) VALUES ('I','FactLine CR not created',0,0,'Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-26 13:40:24','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-26 13:40:24','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200550,'FactLine CR not created','C','9f1802ba-21a3-4963-82b8-304dbb2775ec')
-- 26. aug. 2019 13.40.51 CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_ID,Value,EntityType,AD_Message_UU) VALUES ('I','Original Shipment/Receipt not posted yet',0,0,'Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-26 13:40:50','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-26 13:40:50','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200551,'Original Shipment/Receipt not posted yet','C','9924cfac-22f3-420b-9cd9-5c8151d8aec6')
-- 26. aug. 2019 13.42.51 CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_ID,Value,EntityType,AD_Message_UU) VALUES ('I','Failed to create cost detail record',0,0,'Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-26 13:42:51','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-26 13:42:51','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200553,'Failed to create cost detail record','C','686a6bb9-2c8f-4a3b-b0af-c19253b3deed')
-- 26. aug. 2019 13.45.09 CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_ID,Value,EntityType,AD_Message_UU) VALUES ('I','Resubmit - No Costs for',0,0,'Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-26 13:45:09','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-26 13:45:09','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200555,'Resubmit - No Costs for','C','d3a5cb62-5cc5-4988-920f-06b6da63deaf')
-- 26. aug. 2019 13.45.39 CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_ID,Value,EntityType,AD_Message_UU) VALUES ('I','(required order line)',0,0,'Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-26 13:45:39','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-26 13:45:39','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200556,'(required order line)','C','727a2264-4cad-4dbc-83bc-a5aa2f1a9940')
-- 26. aug. 2019 13.46.10 CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_ID,Value,EntityType,AD_Message_UU) VALUES ('I','DR not created',0,0,'Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-26 13:46:10','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-26 13:46:10','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200557,'DR not created','C','0b5ac843-77fc-47eb-b9cd-5b304d4d1d50')
-- 26. aug. 2019 13.46.45 CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_ID,Value,EntityType,AD_Message_UU) VALUES ('I','Original Receipt not posted yet',0,0,'Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-26 13:46:45','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-26 13:46:45','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200558,'Original Receipt not posted yet','C','e79f6ab9-dfaa-4ecb-8cf2-78e4066b635f')
-- 26. aug. 2019 13.47.16 CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_ID,Value,EntityType,AD_Message_UU) VALUES ('I','CR not created',0,0,'Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-26 13:47:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-26 13:47:16','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200559,'CR not created','C','59623a84-70f5-4c27-9b11-2f17e834c946')
-- 26. aug. 2019 13.48.43 CEST
INSERT INTO AD_Message (MsgType,MsgText,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_Message_ID,Value,EntityType,AD_Message_UU) VALUES ('I','DocumentType unknown',0,0,'Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-26 13:48:43','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,TO_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-26 13:48:43','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200560,'DocumentType unknown','C','cd12cfdf-50b0-461a-bfa8-b21d10cbf915')
SELECT register_migration_script('201908271215_IDEMPIERE-4036.sql') FROM dual

View File

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import org.compiere.model.MTax;
import org.compiere.model.ProductCost; import org.compiere.model.ProductCost;
import org.compiere.util.DB; import org.compiere.util.DB;
import org.compiere.util.Env; import org.compiere.util.Env;
import org.compiere.util.Msg;
import org.compiere.util.Util; import org.compiere.util.Util;
/** /**
@ -245,7 +246,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
} }
else else
{ {
p_Error = "No Costs for " + line.getProduct().getName(); p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(), "No Costs for") + " " + line.getProduct().getName();
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error); log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null; return null;
} }
@ -266,7 +267,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
as.getC_Currency_ID(), costs, null); as.getC_Currency_ID(), costs, null);
if (dr == null) if (dr == null)
{ {
p_Error = "FactLine DR not created: " + line; p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"FactLine DR not created:" + " ") + line;
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error); log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null; return null;
} }
@ -286,7 +287,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
fact.remove(dr); fact.remove(dr);
continue; continue;
} }
p_Error = "Original Shipment/Receipt not posted yet"; p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"Original Shipment/Receipt not posted yet");
return null; return null;
} }
} }
@ -297,7 +298,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
as.getC_Currency_ID(), null, costs); as.getC_Currency_ID(), null, costs);
if (cr == null) if (cr == null)
{ {
p_Error = "FactLine CR not created: " + line; p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"FactLine CR not created:") + " " + line;
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error); log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null; return null;
} }
@ -311,7 +312,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
if (!cr.updateReverseLine (MInOut.Table_ID, if (!cr.updateReverseLine (MInOut.Table_ID,
m_Reversal_ID, line.getReversalLine_ID(),Env.ONE)) m_Reversal_ID, line.getReversalLine_ID(),Env.ONE))
{ {
p_Error = "Original Shipment/Receipt not posted yet"; p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"Original Shipment/Receipt not posted yet");
return null; return null;
} }
costs = cr.getAcctBalance(); //get original cost costs = cr.getAcctBalance(); //get original cost
@ -333,7 +334,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
costs, ma.getMovementQty().negate(), costs, ma.getMovementQty().negate(),
line.getDescription(), true, getTrxName())) line.getDescription(), true, getTrxName()))
{ {
p_Error = "Failed to create cost detail record"; p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"Failed to create cost detail record");
return null; return null;
} }
} }
@ -350,7 +351,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
costs, line.getQty(), costs, line.getQty(),
line.getDescription(), true, getTrxName())) line.getDescription(), true, getTrxName()))
{ {
p_Error = "Failed to create cost detail record"; p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"Failed to create cost detail record");
return null; return null;
} }
} }
@ -367,7 +368,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
costs, line.getQty(), costs, line.getQty(),
line.getDescription(), true, getTrxName())) line.getDescription(), true, getTrxName()))
{ {
p_Error = "Failed to create cost detail record"; p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"Failed to create cost detail record");
return null; return null;
} }
} }
@ -436,7 +437,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
{ {
if (product.isStocked()) if (product.isStocked())
{ {
p_Error = "No Costs for " + line.getProduct().getName(); p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"No Costs for") + " " + line.getProduct().getName();
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error); log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null; return null;
} }
@ -454,7 +455,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
as.getC_Currency_ID(), costs, null); as.getC_Currency_ID(), costs, null);
if (dr == null) if (dr == null)
{ {
p_Error = "FactLine DR not created: " + line; p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"FactLine DR not created:" + " ") + line;
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error); log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null; return null;
} }
@ -471,7 +472,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
fact.remove(dr); fact.remove(dr);
continue; continue;
} }
p_Error = "Original Shipment/Receipt not posted yet"; p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"Original Shipment/Receipt not posted yet");
return null; return null;
} }
costs = dr.getAcctBalance(); //get original cost costs = dr.getAcctBalance(); //get original cost
@ -494,7 +495,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
costs, ma.getMovementQty(), costs, ma.getMovementQty(),
line.getDescription(), true, getTrxName())) line.getDescription(), true, getTrxName()))
{ {
p_Error = "Failed to create cost detail record"; p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"Failed to create cost detail record");
return null; return null;
} }
} }
@ -509,7 +510,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
costs, line.getQty(), costs, line.getQty(),
line.getDescription(), true, getTrxName())) line.getDescription(), true, getTrxName()))
{ {
p_Error = "Failed to create cost detail record"; p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"Failed to create cost detail record");
return null; return null;
} }
} }
@ -525,7 +526,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
costs, line.getQty(), costs, line.getQty(),
line.getDescription(), true, getTrxName())) line.getDescription(), true, getTrxName()))
{ {
p_Error = "Failed to create cost detail record"; p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"Failed to create cost detail record");
return null; return null;
} }
} }
@ -537,7 +538,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
as.getC_Currency_ID(), null, costs); as.getC_Currency_ID(), null, costs);
if (cr == null) if (cr == null)
{ {
p_Error = "FactLine CR not created: " + line; p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"FactLine CR not created:") + " " + line;
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error); log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null; return null;
} }
@ -552,7 +553,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
if (!cr.updateReverseLine (MInOut.Table_ID, if (!cr.updateReverseLine (MInOut.Table_ID,
m_Reversal_ID, line.getReversalLine_ID(),Env.ONE)) m_Reversal_ID, line.getReversalLine_ID(),Env.ONE))
{ {
p_Error = "Original Shipment/Receipt not posted yet"; p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"Original Shipment/Receipt not posted yet");
return null; return null;
} }
} }
@ -623,7 +624,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
} }
else else
{ {
p_Error = "Resubmit - No Costs for " + product.getName() + " (required order line)"; p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"Resubmit - No Costs for") + " " + product.getName() + Msg.getMsg(getCtx()," (required order line)");
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error); log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null; return null;
} }
@ -643,7 +644,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
} }
else else
{ {
p_Error = "Resubmit - No Costs for " + product.getName(); p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"Resubmit - No Costs for") + " " + product.getName();
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error); log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null; return null;
} }
@ -677,7 +678,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
// //
if (dr == null) if (dr == null)
{ {
p_Error = "DR not created: " + line; p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"DR not created:") + " " + line;
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error); log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null; return null;
} }
@ -694,7 +695,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
fact.remove(dr); fact.remove(dr);
continue; continue;
} }
p_Error = "Original Receipt not posted yet"; p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"Original Receipt not posted yet");
return null; return null;
} }
} }
@ -706,7 +707,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
// //
if (cr == null) if (cr == null)
{ {
p_Error = "CR not created: " + line; p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"CR not created:") + " " + line;
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error); log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null; return null;
} }
@ -720,7 +721,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
if (!cr.updateReverseLine (MInOut.Table_ID, if (!cr.updateReverseLine (MInOut.Table_ID,
m_Reversal_ID, line.getReversalLine_ID(),Env.ONE)) m_Reversal_ID, line.getReversalLine_ID(),Env.ONE))
{ {
p_Error = "Original Receipt not posted yet"; p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"Original Receipt not posted yet");
return null; return null;
} }
} }
@ -734,7 +735,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
if (!dr.updateReverseLine (MInOut.Table_ID, if (!dr.updateReverseLine (MInOut.Table_ID,
m_Reversal_ID, line.getReversalLine_ID(),Env.ONE)) m_Reversal_ID, line.getReversalLine_ID(),Env.ONE))
{ {
p_Error = "Original Receipt not posted yet"; p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"Original Receipt not posted yet");
return null; return null;
} }
} }
@ -746,7 +747,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
// //
if (cr == null) if (cr == null)
{ {
p_Error = "CR not created: " + line; p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"CR not created:") + " " + line;
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error); log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null; return null;
} }
@ -838,7 +839,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
if (costs == null || costs.signum() == 0) if (costs == null || costs.signum() == 0)
{ {
p_Error = "Resubmit - No Costs for " + product.getName(); p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"Resubmit - No Costs for") + " " + product.getName();
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error); log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null; return null;
} }
@ -860,7 +861,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
// //
if (dr == null) if (dr == null)
{ {
p_Error = "CR not created: " + line; p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"CR not created:")+ " " + line;
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error); log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null; return null;
} }
@ -878,7 +879,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
fact.remove(dr); fact.remove(dr);
continue; continue;
} }
p_Error = "Original Receipt not posted yet"; p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"Original Receipt not posted yet");
return null; return null;
} }
} }
@ -895,7 +896,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
// //
if (cr == null) if (cr == null)
{ {
p_Error = "DR not created: " + line; p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"DR not created:") + " " + line;
log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error); log.log(Level.WARNING, p_Error);
return null; return null;
} }
@ -908,7 +909,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
if (!cr.updateReverseLine (MInOut.Table_ID, if (!cr.updateReverseLine (MInOut.Table_ID,
m_Reversal_ID, line.getReversalLine_ID(),Env.ONE)) m_Reversal_ID, line.getReversalLine_ID(),Env.ONE))
{ {
p_Error = "Original Receipt not posted yet"; p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"Original Receipt not posted yet");
return null; return null;
} }
} }
@ -924,7 +925,7 @@ public class Doc_InOut extends Doc
} // Purchasing Return } // Purchasing Return
else else
{ {
p_Error = "DocumentType unknown: " + getDocumentType(); p_Error = Msg.getMsg(getCtx(),"DocumentType unknown:") + " " + getDocumentType();
log.log(Level.SEVERE, p_Error); log.log(Level.SEVERE, p_Error);
return null; return null;
} }