IDEMPIERE-3522 Fix amount in words for zh_CN
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@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
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package org.compiere.util;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
* Amount in Words for Zh_CN (CNY in Simplified Chinese)
* @author
* @version $Id:,v1.0 2017/09/21 00:54:35 $
* The class is based on the written by jjanke
* The algorithm is based on code named
* Rule:
* 1. CNY is an currency of 10000-unit scale, dislike dollar with 1000-unit scale.
* 2. CNY currency accuracy is 0.01. And it's under a strict decimal number system.
* 3. Option of add an "zero" after "Yuan" is false. (Line 186)
* Reference: [1997]393 People's Bank of China "the Measures for Payment and Settlement"
* \u53c2\u8003: \u4e2d\u56fd\u4eba\u6c11\u94f6\u884c \u94f6\u53d1[1997]393\u53f7 \u300a\u652f\u4ed8\u7ed3\u7b97\u529e\u6cd5\u300b\u9644\u4ef6\u300a\u6b63\u786e\u586b\u5199\u7968\u636e\u548c\u7ed3\u7b97\u51ed\u8bc1\u7684\u57fa\u672c\u89c4\u5b9a\u300b
* Results: (Rule 3 = true)
* 0.00 \u96f6\u5143\u6574 \uff08\u6d4b\u8bd5\uff1a\u91d1\u989d\u4e3a 0\uff09
* 0.03 \u53c1\u5206 \uff08\u6d4b\u8bd5\uff1a\u89d20\u5206\u975e0\uff0c\u5916\u52a0 \u51430\uff09
* 0.234 \u8d30\u89d2\u53c1\u5206 \uff08\u6d4b\u8bd5\uff1a\u89d2\u975e0\u5206\u975e0\uff0c\u820d4\uff09
* 1.001 \u58f9\u5143\u6574 \uff08\u6d4b\u8bd5\uff1a\u89d20\u52060\uff0c\u52a0 \u201c \u6574 \u201d\uff0c\u820d1\uff09
* 1.035 \u58f9\u5143\u96f6\u8086\u5206 \uff08\u89c4\u52194.4\uff1a\u89d20\u5206\u975e0\uff0c\u52a0\u96f6\uff0c\u51655\uff09
* 1.205 \u58f9\u5143\u8d30\u89d2\u58f9\u5206 \uff08\u6d4b\u8bd5\uff1a\u89d2\u975e0\u52060\uff0c\u51655\u540e\uff0c\u89d2\u975e0\u5206\u975e0\uff09
* 1.3345 \u58f9\u5143\u53c1\u89d2\u53c1\u5206 \uff08\u6d4b\u8bd5\uff1a\u5c0f\u6570\u70b94\u4f4d\uff09
* 10.03 \u58f9\u62fe\u5143\u96f6\u53c1\u5206 \uff08\u89c4\u52194.4\uff1a\u89d20\u5206\u975e0\uff0c\u52a0\u96f6\uff09
* 10.23 \u58f9\u62fe\u5143\u96f6\u8d30\u89d2\u53c1\u5206 \uff08\u89c4\u52194.3\uff1a\u51430\u89d2\u975e0\uff0c\u53ef\u9009\u52a0\u96f6\uff09
* 23.00 \u8d30\u62fe\u53c1\u5143\u6574 \uff08\u89c4\u52192\uff1a\u52a0 \u201c \u6574 \u201d\uff09
* 100.20 \u58f9\u4f70\u5143\u96f6\u8d30\u89d2 \uff08\u89c4\u52194.2 \u591a\u96f6\u5199\u4e00\u96f6\uff0c\u89d2\u975e0\u52060\uff09
* 103.45 \u58f9\u4f70\u96f6\u53c1\u5143\u8086\u89d2\u4f0d\u5206 \uff08\u89c4\u52194.1\uff1a\u67090\u52a0 \u201c \u96f6 \u201d\uff0c\u89d2\u975e0\u5206\u975e0\uff09
* 2,345 \u8d30\u4edf\u53c1\u4f70\u8086\u62fe\u4f0d\u5143\u6574 \uff08\u89c4\u52192\uff1a\u52a0 \u201c \u6574 \u201d\uff09
* 1020.45 \u58f9\u4edf\u96f6\u8d30\u62fe\u5143\u96f6\u8086\u89d2\u4f0d\u5206 \uff08\u89c4\u52194.1+4.3\uff1a\u67090\u52a0 \u201c \u96f6 \u201d\uff1b\u51430\u89d2\u975e0\uff0c\u53ef\u9009\u52a0\u96f6\uff09
* 1,234.56 \u58f9\u4edf\u8d30\u4f70\u53c1\u62fe\u8086\u5143\u4f0d\u89d2\u9646\u5206 \uff08\u6d4b\u8bd5\uff1a\u5343\u5206\u4f4d \u662f\u5426\u6b63\u786e\uff09
* 12345.78 \u58f9\u4e07\u8d30\u4edf\u53c1\u4f70\u8086\u62fe\u4f0d\u5143\u67d2\u89d2\u634c\u5206 \uff08\u6d4b\u8bd5\uff1a\u5343\u5206\u4f4d \u662f\u5426\u6b63\u786e\uff09
* 100457.89 \u58f9\u62fe\u4e07\u96f6\u8086\u4f70\u4f0d\u62fe\u67d2\u5143\u634c\u89d2\u7396\u5206 \uff08\u89c4\u52194.2\uff1a\u591a\u96f6\u5199\u4e00\u96f6\uff09
* 103457.89 \u58f9\u62fe\u4e07\u96f6\u53c1\u4edf\u8086\u4f70\u4f0d\u62fe\u67d2\u5143\u634c\u89d2\u7396\u5206 \uff08\u89c4\u52194.3\uff1a\u4e070\u5343\u975e\u96f6\uff0c\u53ef\u9009\u52a0\u96f6\uff09
* 107000.03 \u58f9\u62fe\u4e07\u96f6\u67d2\u4edf\u5143\u96f6\u53c1\u5206 \uff08\u89c4\u52194.3+4.4\uff1a\u4e070\u51430\u5343\u975e0\uff0c\u4e2d\u95f4\u591a0\uff0c\u89d20\uff0c\u53ef\u9009\u52a0\u96f6\uff09
* 9,000,000.00 \u7396\u4f70\u4e07\u5143\u6574 \uff08\u89c4\u5219: 4\u4f4d\u8fdb\u5236\uff09
* 10,000,000.00 \u58f9\u4edf\u4e07\u5143\u6574 \uff08\u6d4b\u8bd5\uff1a4\u4f4d\u8fdb\u5236\uff09
* 10220134 \u58f9\u4edf\u96f6\u8d30\u62fe\u8d30\u4e07\u96f6\u58f9\u4f70\u53c1\u62fe\u8086\u5143\u6574 \uff08\u6d4b\u8bd5\uff1a\u65e0\u5343\u5206\u4f4d \u201c\u662f\u5426\u6b63\u786e\uff09
* 100,234,578.90 \u58f9\u4ebf\u96f6\u8d30\u62fe\u53c1\u4e07\u8086\u4edf\u4f0d\u4f70\u67d2\u62fe\u634c\u5143\u7396\u89d2 \uff08\u6d4b\u8bd5\uff1a\u4ebf\uff09
* 203010000.56 \u8d30\u4ebf\u96f6\u53c1\u4f70\u96f6\u58f9\u4e07\u5143\u96f6\u4f0d\u89d2\u9646\u5206 \uff08\u6d4b\u8bd5\uff1a\u4ebf\u96f6\uff0c\u4e07\u96f6\uff0c\u5143\uff09
* 103,004,000.90 \u58f9\u4ebf\u96f6\u53c1\u4f70\u4e07\u96f6\u8086\u4edf\u5143\u96f6\u7396\u89d2 \uff08\u89c4\u52194.2+4.3\uff1a\u591a\u96f6\u5199\u4e00\u96f6\uff0c\u4e070\u5343\u975e\u96f6\uff0c\u4e2d\u95f4\u591a0\uff0c\u53ef\u9009\u52a0\u96f6\uff09
* 1,201,034,578.90 \u58f9\u62fe\u8d30\u4ebf\u96f6\u58f9\u4f70\u96f6\u53c1\u4e07\u8086\u4edf\u4f0d\u4f70\u67d2\u62fe\u634c\u5143\u7396\u89d2 \uff08\u6d4b\u8bd5\uff1a\u5341\u4ebf\uff0c3\u4e2a\u5343\u5206\u4f4d \u662f\u5426\u6b63\u786e\uff09
* 90,000,000,000 \u7396\u4f70\u4ebf\u5143\u6574 \uff08\u6d4b\u8bd5\uff1a4\u4f4d\u8fdb\u5236\uff09
* 100,000,000,000 \u58f9\u4edf\u4ebf\u5143\u6574 \uff08\u6d4b\u8bd5\uff1a4\u4f4d\u8fdb\u5236\uff09
* 1,932,110,345,780 \u58f9\u5146\u7396\u4edf\u53c1\u4f70\u8d30\u62fe\u58f9\u4ebf\u58f9\u4edf\u96f6\u53c1\u62fe\u8086\u4e07\u4f0d\u4edf\u67d2\u4f70\u634c\u62fe\u5143\u6574 \uff08\u6d4b\u8bd5\uff1a13\u4f4d\u6574\u6570\uff0c\u5146\uff0c4\u4e2a\u5343\u5206\u4f4d\uff09
* 10,000,000,000,000 \u9519\u8bef \uff08\u6d4b\u8bd5\uff1a\u8d85\u8fc7\u6216\u7b49\u4e8e\u6700\u5927\u4f4d\u657010\u5146\uff0c\u6570\u5b57\u5fc5\u987b\u5c0f\u4e8e14\u4f4d\uff09
* -1220.354 \u8d1f\u58f9\u4edf\u8d30\u4f70\u8d30\u62fe\u5143\u96f6\u53c1\u89d2\u4f0d\u5206 \uff08\u6d4b\u8bd5\uff1a\u8d1f\u6570\uff0c\u56db\u820d\u4e94\u5165\uff09
* 1.222,33 \u9519\u8bef \uff08\u6d4b\u8bd5\uff1a\u975e\u6cd5\u5b57\u7b26\uff09
public class AmtInWords_ZH implements AmtInWords
* AmtInWords_ZH
public AmtInWords_ZH ()
super ();
} // AmtInWords_ZH
/** Currency scales */
private static final String[] scaleNames =
"\u5206", // 0 0.01
"\u89d2", // 1 0.1
"\u5143", // 2 1 \uff0810^0\uff09
"\u62fe", // 3 10
"\u4f70", // 4 100
"\u4edf", // 5 1000
"\u4e07", // 6 10000 \uff0810^4\uff09
"\u62fe", // 7 10*10000
"\u4f70", // 8 100*10000
"\u4edf", // 9 1000*10000
"\u4ebf", // 10 100000000 \uff0810^8\uff09 \u4e07\u4e07\u4e3a\u4ebf
"\u62fe", // 11 10*100000000
"\u4f70", // 12 100*100000000
"\u4edf", // 13 1000*100000000
"\u5146", // 14 1000000000000 \uff0810^12\uff09 \u4e07\u4ebf\u4e3a\u5146
/** numbers 0 to 9 */
private static final String[] numNames =
"\u96f6", // 0
"\u58f9", // 1
"\u8d30", // 2
"\u53c1", // 3
"\u8086", // 4
"\u4f0d", // 5
"\u9646", // 6
"\u67d2", // 7
"\u634c", // 8
"\u7396" // 9
private static final String CNY_NEGATIVE = "\u8d1f";
private static final String CNY_FULL = "\u6574";
private static final String CNY_ZEOR_FULL = "\u96f6\u5143\u6574";
* Convert
* @description Convert BigDecimal number to String
* @param number (-5432.135 with no period)
* @return amt (amt in words of CNY)
private String convert (BigDecimal number)
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
int signum = number.signum(); // positive , 0 , negative
int numUnit = 0; // each number character
int numIndex = 0; // each number position
int zeroSize = 0; // sizes of zero
// number = 0
if (signum == 0){
return CNY_ZEOR_FULL; // zero_full
// round to 1/100, get long number ,eg -5432.135 = 543214
long lnumber = number.movePointRight(2).setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).abs().longValue();
// number must less 10000000000000 (10^13)
if (lnumber >= 1000000000000000L) {
return "\u4eb2\uff0c\u91d1\u989d\u8f6c\u6362\u4e0a\u9650\u4e3a10\u5146\uff0810\u4e07\u4ebf\uff09";
// get the last 2 number (decimal number) ,eg 543214 = 14
long decamt = lnumber % 100;
boolean getZero = false; // sign of zero
// decimal options\uff1a00 = 0, 01 = 1, 10, 11
// decimal = 00
if (!(decamt > 0)) { // special decimal case 00
numIndex = 2; // 2, begin from "Yuan"
lnumber = lnumber / 100; // eg: 5432.00 = 543200 = 5432
getZero = true;
// decimal = 10
if ((decamt > 0) && (!(decamt % 10 > 0))) { // special decimal case 10
numIndex = 1; // 1, begin from "Jiao"
lnumber = lnumber / 10; // eg: 5432.10 = 543210 = 54321
getZero = true;
// begin foreach for all cases
while (true) {
if (lnumber <= 0) { // each character done
// get the last number each
numUnit = (int) (lnumber % 10);
if (numUnit > 0) { // Character = 1-9 ,insert (number + scale)
if ((numIndex == 9) && (zeroSize >= 3)) { // special 9 (8th), eg: 10,000,000
sb.insert(0, scaleNames[6]); // add "WAN"
if ((numIndex == 13) && (zeroSize >= 3)) { // special 13 (11st), eg: 100,000,000,000
sb.insert(0, scaleNames[10]); // add "YI"
sb.insert(0, scaleNames[numIndex]); // first insert scale to Chinese
sb.insert(0, numNames[numUnit]); // then insert number to Chinese
getZero = false;
zeroSize = 0;
} else { // Character = 0, insert (scale + 0 )
if (!(getZero) & numIndex != 2) { // separated zero and option of "YUAN" suffix
sb.insert(0, numNames[numUnit]); // first insert 0 to Chinese
} //
if (numIndex == 2) { // option1: "YUAN"=0
sb.insert(0, scaleNames[numIndex]); // then insert scale to Chinese
} // option2: "WAN"|"YI"|"ZHAO" =0
else if (((numIndex - 2) % 4 == 0) && (lnumber % 1000 > 0)) { // special 4th,8th, eg: 9,000,000 or 90,000,000,000
sb.insert(0, scaleNames[numIndex]); // then insert scale to Chinese
getZero = true; // multi-zero nothing added
lnumber = lnumber / 10; // cut the last number off each
++numIndex; // ++ position of number
// add suffix of "zheng" when decimal = 00
if (!(decamt > 0)) {
sb.append(CNY_FULL); // add suffix CNY_full
// add prefix of "fu" when negative
if (signum == -1) {
sb.insert(0, CNY_NEGATIVE); // add prefix negative
return sb.toString(); // return amt string completed
} // convert
* Get Amount in Words
* @param amount numeric amount (352.80)
* @return amount in words
* @throws Exception
public String getAmtInWords (String amount) throws Exception
if (amount == null || amount.length() <= 0) // null string
return amount;
//TODO: Check string illegal character
amount = amount.replaceAll (",", ""); // fire period ","
//TODO: 1.234,56 as comma replace period
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
BigDecimal cny = new BigDecimal(amount); // convert String to BigDecimal
sb.append (convert (cny)); // get result string from convert
return sb.toString (); // return
* Test Print
* @param amt amount
private void print (String amt)
System.out.println(amt + " = " + getAmtInWords(amt));
catch (Exception e)
} // print
* Test
* @param args ignored
public static void main (String[] args)
AmtInWords_ZH aiw = new AmtInWords_ZH();
aiw.print (null);
aiw.print ("");
aiw.print ("0.00");
aiw.print ("0.03");
aiw.print ("0.234");
aiw.print ("1.001");
aiw.print ("1.035");
aiw.print ("1.205");
aiw.print ("1.3345");
aiw.print ("10.03");
aiw.print ("10.23");
aiw.print ("23.00");
aiw.print ("100.20");
aiw.print ("103.45");
aiw.print ("2,345");
aiw.print ("1020.45");
aiw.print ("1,234.56");
aiw.print ("12345.78");
aiw.print ("100457.89");
aiw.print ("103457.89");
aiw.print ("107000.03");
aiw.print ("9,000,000.00"); // Line 189
aiw.print ("10,000,000.00"); // Line 171
aiw.print ("10220134");
aiw.print ("100,234,578.90");
aiw.print ("203010000.56");
aiw.print ("103,004,000.90");
aiw.print ("1,201,034,578.90");
aiw.print ("90,000,000,000"); // Line 189
aiw.print ("100,000,000,000"); // Line 174
aiw.print ("1,932,110,345,780");
aiw.print ("10,000,000,000,000");
aiw.print ("-1220.354");
// aiw.print ("1.234,56"); ERROR
} // main
Reference in New Issue