Pre Release Cleanup

This commit is contained in:
Carlos Ruiz 2013-06-26 20:11:41 -05:00
parent 47377261b3
commit 1c183f5efc
4 changed files with 196 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
-- Columns in dictionary not in DB
UPDATE AD_Column SET IsActive='N'
201380, /* C_Dunning_Header_v.AD_User_AD_OrgTrx_ID */
210182, /* C_Invoice_Header_v.AD_User_AD_OrgTrx_ID */
210177, /* C_Invoice_Header_v.C_BPartner_BPartner_Parent_ID */
210179, /* C_Invoice_Header_v.C_BPartner_C_Dunning_ID */
210180, /* C_Invoice_Header_v.C_BPartner_InvoiceSchedule_ID */
203538, /* C_Invoice_Header_v.C_BPartner_SalesRep_ID */
205820, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_AD_OrgBP_ID */
205821, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_AD_Org_ID */
205822, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_BPartner_Parent_ID */
205823, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_C_BP_Group_ID */
205824, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_C_Dunning_ID */
205825, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_C_Greeting_ID */
205827, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_C_PaymentTerm_ID */
205830, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_C_TaxGroup_ID */
205826, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_InvoiceSchedule_ID */
205880, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_Location_AD_Org_ID */
205851, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_Logo_ID */
205852, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_M_DiscountSchema_ID */
205853, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_M_PriceList_ID */
205863, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_SalesRep_ID */
205857, /* C_Order_Header_v.PO_DiscountSchema_ID */
205858, /* C_Order_Header_v.PO_PaymentTerm_ID */
205859, /* C_Order_Header_v.PO_PriceList_ID */
204009, /* C_Order_LineTax_v.C_Charge_AD_Org_ID */
207159, /* M_InOut_Header_v.AD_User_AD_OrgTrx_ID */
53004, /* M_Product_Stock_V.M_Product_ID */
53005, /* M_Product_Stock_V.Name */
53023, /* M_Product_SubstituteRelated_V.Description */
57492, /* PP_Order_Workflow_Header_v.QtyBatchSize */
53783, /* RV_PP_Order_Transactions.AD_User_ID */
53802, /* RV_PP_Order_Transactions.UserAgent */
54016, /* RV_PP_Product_Costing.AD_Client_ID */
54017, /* RV_PP_Product_Costing.AD_Org_ID */
54018, /* RV_PP_Product_Costing.Created */
54019, /* RV_PP_Product_Costing.CreatedBy */
54020, /* RV_PP_Product_Costing.IsActive */
54021, /* RV_PP_Product_Costing.Updated */
54022) /* RV_PP_Product_Costing.UpdatedBy */
-- Tables in dictionary not in DB
UPDATE AD_Table SET IsActive='N'
53033, /* RV_PP_WIP */
53042) /* RV_PP_Product_Costing */
-- Jun 26, 2013 6:32:13 PM COT
-- Fix window without tablevel 0
UPDATE AD_Tab SET TabLevel=0,Updated=TO_DATE('2013-06-26 18:32:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Tab_ID=53325
SELECT register_migration_script('201306261814_PreReleaseCleanup.sql') FROM dual

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
-- enable audit change log for tables that:
-- a) have an ID column with same name than table
-- b) exclude Import and Temporary tables
-- c) exclude tables ending with Log
-- d) exclude packin/packout tables
-- e) exclude some specific tables that are usual logs
update ad_table set ischangelog = 'Y'
-- select tablename from ad_table
where ischangelog='N' and isview='N' and isactive='Y'
and exists (select 1 from ad_column c where c.ad_table_id=ad_table.ad_table_id and columnname like ad_table.tablename || '_ID')
and not (tablename in
or tablename like 'I|_%' escape '|'
or tablename like 'T|_%' escape '|'
or tablename like '%Log'
or tablename like 'AD|_Pack%' escape '|'
SELECT register_migration_script('201306261840_EnableChangeLog.sql') FROM dual

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
-- Columns in dictionary not in DB
UPDATE AD_Column SET IsActive='N'
201380, /* C_Dunning_Header_v.AD_User_AD_OrgTrx_ID */
210182, /* C_Invoice_Header_v.AD_User_AD_OrgTrx_ID */
210177, /* C_Invoice_Header_v.C_BPartner_BPartner_Parent_ID */
210179, /* C_Invoice_Header_v.C_BPartner_C_Dunning_ID */
210180, /* C_Invoice_Header_v.C_BPartner_InvoiceSchedule_ID */
203538, /* C_Invoice_Header_v.C_BPartner_SalesRep_ID */
205820, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_AD_OrgBP_ID */
205821, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_AD_Org_ID */
205822, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_BPartner_Parent_ID */
205823, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_C_BP_Group_ID */
205824, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_C_Dunning_ID */
205825, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_C_Greeting_ID */
205827, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_C_PaymentTerm_ID */
205830, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_C_TaxGroup_ID */
205826, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_InvoiceSchedule_ID */
205880, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_Location_AD_Org_ID */
205851, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_Logo_ID */
205852, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_M_DiscountSchema_ID */
205853, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_M_PriceList_ID */
205863, /* C_Order_Header_v.C_BPartner_SalesRep_ID */
205857, /* C_Order_Header_v.PO_DiscountSchema_ID */
205858, /* C_Order_Header_v.PO_PaymentTerm_ID */
205859, /* C_Order_Header_v.PO_PriceList_ID */
204009, /* C_Order_LineTax_v.C_Charge_AD_Org_ID */
207159, /* M_InOut_Header_v.AD_User_AD_OrgTrx_ID */
53004, /* M_Product_Stock_V.M_Product_ID */
53005, /* M_Product_Stock_V.Name */
53023, /* M_Product_SubstituteRelated_V.Description */
57492, /* PP_Order_Workflow_Header_v.QtyBatchSize */
53783, /* RV_PP_Order_Transactions.AD_User_ID */
53802, /* RV_PP_Order_Transactions.UserAgent */
54016, /* RV_PP_Product_Costing.AD_Client_ID */
54017, /* RV_PP_Product_Costing.AD_Org_ID */
54018, /* RV_PP_Product_Costing.Created */
54019, /* RV_PP_Product_Costing.CreatedBy */
54020, /* RV_PP_Product_Costing.IsActive */
54021, /* RV_PP_Product_Costing.Updated */
54022) /* RV_PP_Product_Costing.UpdatedBy */
-- Tables in dictionary not in DB
UPDATE AD_Table SET IsActive='N'
53033, /* RV_PP_WIP */
53042) /* RV_PP_Product_Costing */
-- Jun 26, 2013 6:32:13 PM COT
-- Fix window without tablevel 0
UPDATE AD_Tab SET TabLevel=0,Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-06-26 18:32:13','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Tab_ID=53325
SELECT register_migration_script('201306261814_PreReleaseCleanup.sql') FROM dual

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
-- enable audit change log for tables that:
-- a) have an ID column with same name than table
-- b) exclude Import and Temporary tables
-- c) exclude tables ending with Log
-- d) exclude packin/packout tables
-- e) exclude some specific tables that are usual logs
update ad_table set ischangelog = 'Y'
-- select tablename from ad_table
where ischangelog='N' and isview='N' and isactive='Y'
and exists (select 1 from ad_column c where c.ad_table_id=ad_table.ad_table_id and columnname like ad_table.tablename || '_ID')
and not (tablename in
or tablename like 'I|_%' escape '|'
or tablename like 'T|_%' escape '|'
or tablename like '%Log'
or tablename like 'AD|_Pack%' escape '|'
SELECT register_migration_script('201306261840_EnableChangeLog.sql') FROM dual