IDEMPIERE-4199 Clean up org.adempiere.extend

This commit is contained in:
hengsin 2020-04-02 19:27:07 +08:00
parent ee4ec74a88
commit 0b3d1415b5
41 changed files with 0 additions and 3738 deletions

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@ -62,14 +62,6 @@

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@ -380,7 +380,6 @@
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@ -380,7 +380,6 @@
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@ -380,7 +380,6 @@
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@ -380,7 +380,6 @@
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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<TITLE>Project Extend.jpx</TITLE>
<H1>Project Notes</H1>
<STRONG>Project: </STRONG>Product Extensions<BR>
<STRONG>Author: </STRONG>Jorg Janke<BR>
<STRONG>Version: </STRONG>$Id: Extend.html,v 1.1 2006/04/21 17:55:19 jjanke Exp $<BR>
<STRONG>Description: </STRONG><BR>
Create Jar Extend.jar to be included in Base => Client.
Example of extensions
<STRONG>Things to do... </STRONG><BR>
<!-- Edit this section to keep track of your to do items -->
<LI>Item 1
<LI>Item 2

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@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
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Export-Package: test
Fragment-Host: org.adempiere.base;bundle-version="0.0.0"
Eclipse-PatchFragment: true
Import-Package: junit.framework;version="3.8.2",
Bundle-ClassPath: .
Automatic-Module-Name: org.adempiere.extend
Bundle-Vendor: iDempiere Community

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@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
bin.includes = META-INF/,\
output.. = target/classes/
source.. = src/

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

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@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Adempiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
package test;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.compiere.util.CLogMgt;
import org.compiere.util.CLogger;
import org.compiere.util.Env;
import org.compiere.util.Ini;
import org.compiere.util.Trx;
* ADempiere Base Test Case
* @author Teo Sarca
public class AdempiereTestCase extends TestCase
// Test: General
protected Properties testProperties = null;
protected String testPropertiesFileName = "";
// Test Context
private Properties m_Ctx = null;
// Filename
public final String fileName_Key = "AdempiereProperties";
private String fileName_DefaultValue = "";
private String fileName_Value = "";
// IsClient
public final String isClient_Key = "isClient";
private String isClient_DefaultValue = "Y";
private boolean isClient_Value = true;
// AD_User
public final String AD_User_ID_Key = "AD_User_ID";
private String AD_User_ID_DefaultValue = "100"; //SuperUser
private int AD_User_ID_Value = 0;
// AD_Client
public final String AD_Client_ID_Key = "AD_Client_ID";
private String AD_Client_ID_DefaultValue = "11"; //GardenWorld
private int AD_Client_ID_Value = 11;
// LogLevel:
public final String LogLevel_Key = "LogLevel";
private String LogLevel_DefaultValue = Level.FINEST.toString();
private Level LogLevel_Value = Level.FINEST;
/** Logger */
protected final CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(getClass());
/** Trx name */
private String trxName = Trx.createTrxName(getClass().getName()+"_");
/** Random numbers generator */
private Random m_randGenerator = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
* @return environment context
public Properties getCtx() {
return m_Ctx;
* @return active transaction name
public String getTrxName() {
return trxName;
* @return client id
public int getAD_Client_ID() {
return AD_Client_ID_Value;
* @return user id
public int getAD_User_ID() {
return AD_User_ID_Value;
* @return is running as client
public boolean isClient() {
return isClient_Value;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
// Load properties
testProperties = new Properties();
File file = new File(testPropertiesFileName);
if (!file.isFile()) {
log.warning("File not found - "+file.getAbsolutePath());
JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
int returnVal = chooser.showOpenDialog(null);
if(returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
file = chooser.getSelectedFile();
else {
file = null;
testProperties.load(new FileInputStream(file));
fileName_Value = testProperties.getProperty(fileName_Key, fileName_DefaultValue);
isClient_Value = "Y".equals( testProperties.getProperty(isClient_Key, isClient_DefaultValue) );
AD_User_ID_Value = Integer.parseInt(testProperties.getProperty(AD_User_ID_Key, AD_User_ID_DefaultValue) );
AD_Client_ID_Value = Integer.parseInt(testProperties.getProperty(AD_Client_ID_Key, AD_Client_ID_DefaultValue) );
try {
LogLevel_Value = Level.parse(testProperties.getProperty(LogLevel_Key, LogLevel_DefaultValue));
} catch (Exception e) {
//m_Ctx = new Properties();
m_Ctx = Env.getCtx();
m_Ctx.setProperty("#AD_User_ID", Integer.valueOf(AD_User_ID_Value).toString());
m_Ctx.setProperty("#AD_Client_ID", Integer.valueOf(AD_Client_ID_Value).toString());
if (fileName_Value.length() < 1) {
assertEquals("Please specify path to file!", true, false);
System.setProperty("PropertyFile", fileName_Value);
Ini.setClient (isClient_Value);
* Commit active transaction
* @throws Exception
protected void commit() throws Exception {
Trx trx = null;
if (trxName != null)
trx = Trx.get(trxName, false);
if (trx != null && trx.isActive()) {
* Rollback active transaction
protected void rollback() {
Trx trx = null;
if (trxName != null)
trx = Trx.get(trxName, false);
if (trx != null && trx.isActive()) {
* Close active transaction
protected void close() {
Trx trx = null;
if (trxName != null)
trx = Trx.get(trxName, false);
if (trx != null) {
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
// Rollback the transaction, if any
Trx trx = null;
if (trxName != null)
trx = Trx.get(trxName, false);
if (trx != null && trx.isActive()) {
if (trx != null) {
trx = null;
testProperties = null;
m_Ctx = null;
* Generate random integer
* @param max
* @return random integer
public int randomInt(int max)
return m_randGenerator.nextInt(max);
* Assert Exception is throw
* @param message optional error message
* @param exceptionType optional exception type
* @param runnable runnable piece of code
* @throws Exception
public void assertExceptionThrown(String message, Class<? extends Exception> exceptionType, Runnable runnable)
throws Exception
Exception ex = null;
catch (Exception e)
ex = e;
assertNotNull("No exception was throwed : "+message, ex);
if (exceptionType != null && !exceptionType.isAssignableFrom(ex.getClass()))
throw ex;

View File

@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 2008 SC ARHIPAC SERVICE SRL. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
package test.functional;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.adempiere.exceptions.DBException;
import org.compiere.model.MTable;
import org.compiere.util.DB;
import org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair;
import org.compiere.util.TimeUtil;
import org.compiere.util.ValueNamePair;
import test.AdempiereTestCase;
* Test {@link org.compiere.util.DB} class
* @author Teo Sarca,
public class DBTest extends AdempiereTestCase
public void test_getSQLValueEx() throws Exception
int result = DB.getSQLValueEx(null, "SELECT 10 FROM DUAL");
assertEquals(10, result);
result = DB.getSQLValue(null, "SELECT 10 FROM AD_SYSTEM WHERE 1=2");
assertEquals("No value should be returned", -1, result);
DBException ex = null;
result = DB.getSQLValueEx(null, "SELECT 10 FROM INEXISTENT_TABLE");
catch (DBException e)
ex = e;
assertNotNull("No DBException Was Throwed", ex);
public void test_getSQLValue() throws Exception
int result = DB.getSQLValue(null, "SELECT 10 FROM DUAL");
assertEquals(10, result);
result = DB.getSQLValue(null, "SELECT 10 FROM AD_SYSTEM WHERE 1=2");
assertEquals("No value should be returned", -1, result);
result = DB.getSQLValue(null, "SELECT 10 FROM INEXISTENT_TABLE");
assertEquals("Error should be signaled", -1, result);
public void test_getSQLValueBDEx() throws Exception
BigDecimal result = DB.getSQLValueBDEx(null, "SELECT 10 FROM DUAL");
assertEquals(BigDecimal.TEN, result);
result = DB.getSQLValueBD(null, "SELECT 10 FROM AD_SYSTEM WHERE 1=2");
assertNull("No value should be returned", result);
DBException ex = null;
result = DB.getSQLValueBDEx(null, "SELECT 10 FROM INEXISTENT_TABLE");
catch (DBException e)
ex = e;
assertNotNull("No DBException Was Throwed", ex);
public void test_getSQLValueBD() throws Exception
BigDecimal result = DB.getSQLValueBD(null, "SELECT 10 FROM DUAL");
assertEquals(BigDecimal.TEN, result);
result = DB.getSQLValueBD(null, "SELECT 10 FROM AD_SYSTEM WHERE 1=2");
assertNull("No value should be returned", result);
result = DB.getSQLValueBD(null, "SELECT 10 FROM INEXISTENT_TABLE");
assertNull("Error should be signaled", result);
public void test_getSQLValueStringEx() throws Exception
String result = DB.getSQLValueStringEx(null, "SELECT 'string' FROM DUAL");
assertEquals("string", result);
result = DB.getSQLValueStringEx(null, "SELECT 10 FROM AD_SYSTEM WHERE 1=2");
assertNull("No value should be returned", result);
DBException ex = null;
result = DB.getSQLValueStringEx(null, "SELECT 'string' FROM INEXISTENT_TABLE");
catch (DBException e)
ex = e;
assertNotNull("No DBException Was Throwed", ex);
public void test_getSQLValueString() throws Exception
String result = DB.getSQLValueString(null, "SELECT 'string' FROM DUAL");
assertEquals("string", result);
result = DB.getSQLValueString(null, "SELECT 'string' FROM AD_SYSTEM WHERE 1=2");
assertNull("No value should be returned", result);
result = DB.getSQLValueString(null, "SELECT 'string' FROM INEXISTENT_TABLE");
assertNull("Error should be signaled", result);
public void test_getSQLValueTSEx() throws Exception
final Timestamp target = TimeUtil.getDay(2008, 01, 01);
Timestamp result = DB.getSQLValueTSEx(null, "SELECT TO_DATE('2008-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD') FROM AD_SYSTEM");
assertEquals(target, result);
result = DB.getSQLValueTSEx(null, "SELECT TO_DATE('2008-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD') FROM AD_SYSTEM WHERE 1=2");
assertNull("No value should be returned", result);
DBException ex = null;
result = DB.getSQLValueTSEx(null, "SELECT TO_DATE('2008-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD') FROM INEXISTENT_TABLE");
catch (DBException e)
ex = e;
assertNotNull("No DBException Was Throwed", ex);
public void test_getSQLValueTS() throws Exception
final Timestamp target = TimeUtil.getDay(2008, 01, 01);
Timestamp result = DB.getSQLValueTS(null, "SELECT TO_DATE('2008-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD') FROM DUAL");
assertEquals(target, result);
result = DB.getSQLValueTS(null, "SELECT TO_DATE('2008-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD') FROM AD_SYSTEM WHERE 1=2");
assertNull("No value should be returned", result);
result = DB.getSQLValueTS(null, "SELECT TO_DATE('2008-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD') FROM INEXISTENT_TABLE");
assertNull("Error should be signaled", result);
public void test_getValueNamePairs() throws Exception
ArrayList<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>();
final String sql = "SELECT Value, Name FROM AD_Ref_List WHERE AD_Reference_ID=? ORDER BY Value";
// Get (with optional item)
ValueNamePair[] arr = DB.getValueNamePairs(sql, true, params);
assertEquals("Invalid size", 6+1, arr.length);
assertSame("First value should be EMPTY", ValueNamePair.EMPTY, arr[0]);
assertEquals(arr[1].getValue(), "1");
assertEquals(arr[2].getValue(), "2");
assertEquals(arr[3].getValue(), "3");
assertEquals(arr[4].getValue(), "4");
assertEquals(arr[5].getValue(), "6");
assertEquals(arr[6].getValue(), "7");
// Get (NO optional item)
arr = DB.getValueNamePairs(sql, false, params);
assertEquals("Invalid size", 6, arr.length);
assertEquals(arr[0].getValue(), "1");
assertEquals(arr[1].getValue(), "2");
assertEquals(arr[2].getValue(), "3");
assertEquals(arr[3].getValue(), "4");
assertEquals(arr[4].getValue(), "6");
assertEquals(arr[5].getValue(), "7");
public void test_getKeyNamePairs() throws Exception
ArrayList<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>();
final String sql = "SELECT AD_Ref_List_ID, Value FROM AD_Ref_List WHERE AD_Reference_ID=? ORDER BY Value";
// Get (with optional item)
KeyNamePair[] arr = DB.getKeyNamePairs(sql, true, params);
assertEquals("Invalid size", 6+1, arr.length);
assertSame("First value should be EMPTY", KeyNamePair.EMPTY, arr[0]);
assertEquals(arr[1].getName(), "1");
assertEquals(arr[2].getName(), "2");
assertEquals(arr[3].getName(), "3");
assertEquals(arr[4].getName(), "4");
assertEquals(arr[5].getName(), "6");
assertEquals(arr[6].getName(), "7");
// Get (NO optional item)
arr = DB.getKeyNamePairs(sql, false, params);
assertEquals("Invalid size", 6, arr.length);
assertEquals(arr[0].getName(), "1");
assertEquals(arr[1].getName(), "2");
assertEquals(arr[2].getName(), "3");
assertEquals(arr[3].getName(), "4");
assertEquals(arr[4].getName(), "6");
assertEquals(arr[5].getName(), "7");

View File

@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
* This file is part of iDempiere ERP Open Source *
* *
* *
* Copyright (C) Contributors *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, *
* MA 02110-1301, USA. *
* *
* Contributors: *
* - Carlos Ruiz - globalqss *
package test.functional;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.compiere.util.EMail;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
* Unit test sample from
public class EmailFormatValidatorTest {
private String arg;
private Boolean expectedValidation;
public EmailFormatValidatorTest(String str, Boolean expectedValidation) {
this.arg = str;
this.expectedValidation = expectedValidation;
public static void initialize() {
public static Collection<Object[]> data() {
Object[][] data = new Object[][] {
{ "",true },
{ "", false }, // you cannot have @ twice in the address
{ "java!!!", true },
{ "", false }, // tld cannot start with a dot
{ "", false }, // must contain a @ character and a tld
{ "", true },
{ "", true },
{ "",true },
{ "", true },
{ "", true },
{ "", true },
{ "", true },
{ "", true },
{ "", true },
{ "micky.o'", true },
{ "", true },
{ "", true },
{ "customer/", true },
{ "$", true },
{ "!def!", true },
{ "", true },
{ "nuñ", false },
{ "name@tld", true },
{ "", true }
return Arrays.asList(data);
public void test() {
Boolean res = EMail.validate(this.arg);
String validv = (res) ? "valid" : "invalid";
System.out.println("EMail "+arg+ " is " + validv);
assertEquals("Result", this.expectedValidation, res);

View File

@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
package test.functional;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import org.compiere.model.MBPGroup;
import org.compiere.util.DB;
import test.AdempiereTestCase;
public class MBPGroupTest extends AdempiereTestCase {
// Variables needed for importing/migrating business partners
//private MLocation location = null;
private MBPGroup m_group = null; //business partner
private MBPGroupLocation bpl = null; //business partner location
private MUser user = null; //business contact
private MContactInterest ci = null; //contact interest area
// Variables needed for importing/migrating accounts
private MElementValue ev = null; //element value
private MAcctSchema as = null; //account schema
private MAccount acct = null; //account
// Variables needed for importing/migrating bank statements
private MBankStatement statement = null;
private MBankAccount account = null;
private MBankStatementLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating conversion rates
private MConversionRate rate = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating General Ledger Journal
private MJournalBatch batch = null;
private MJournal journal = null;
private MJournalLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating Inventory
private MInventory inventory = null;
private MProduct product = null;
private MAttributeSet mas = null;
private MAttributeSetInstance masi = null;
private MInventoryLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating Invoices
private MInvoice invoice = null;
private MInvoiceLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating orders
private MOrder order = null;
private MOrderLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating payments
private MPayment payment = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating products
private MProduct product = null;
private MProductPrice pp = null;
// Variables needed for mrp
private MCost cost = null;
private MCostElement costElement = null;
private MForecastLine forcastLine = null;
private MOrder order = null;
private MOrderLine line = null;
private MPPCostCollector costCollector = null;
private MPPOrderBOM orderBOM = null;
private MPPOrderBOMLine = null;
private MPPOrderBOMLineMA = null;
private MPPOrderCost = null;
private MPPOrder = null;
private MPPProductBOM = null;
private MPPProductBOMLine = null;
private MPPProductCosting = null;
private MPPProductPlanning = null;
private MPPProfileBOMCost = null;
private MPPProfileBOM = null;
private MPPProfileBOMProduct = null;
private MPPProfileBOMReal = null;
private MPPProfileBOMSelected = null;
private MQMSpecification = null;
private MQMSpecificationLine = null;
private MRequisition = null;
private MRequisitionLine = null;
// other variables that may be needed:
private MAdvertisement = null;
private MAging = null;
private MAlert = null;
private MAlertRecipient = null;
private MAlertRule = null;
private MAllocationHdr = null;
private MAllocationLine = null;
private MAssetDelivery = null;
private MAssetGroup = null;
private MAsset = null;
private MAssignmentSlot = null;
private MAttributeInstance = null;
private MAccessProfile = null;
private MMailText = null;
private MAcctProcessor = null;
private MMatchInv = null;
private MAcctProcessorLog = null;
private MMatchPO = null;
private MAchievement = null;
private MMeasureCalc = null;
private MActivity = null;
private MMeasure = null;
private MAd = null;
private MMediaDeploy = null;
private MAdvertisement = null;
private MMedia = null;
private MAging = null;
private MMediaServer = null;
private MAlert = null;
private MMovementConfirm = null;
private MAlertProcessor = null;
private MMovement = null;
private MAlertProcessorLog = null;
private MMovementLineConfirm = null;
private MAlertRecipient = null;
private MMovementLine = null;
private MAlertRule = null;
private MMovementLineMA = null;
private MAllocationHdr = null;
private MNewsChannel = null;
private MAllocationLine = null;
private MNewsItem = null;
private MAssetDelivery = null;
private MOrder = null;
private MAssetGroup = null;
private MOrderLine = null;
private MAsset = null;
private MOrderTax = null;
private MAssignmentSlot = null;
private MPackage = null;
private MAttributeInstance = null;
private MPackageLine = null;
private MAttribute = null;
private MPaymentAllocate = null;
private MAttributeSetInstance = null;
private MPaymentBatch = null;
private MAttributeSet = null;
private MPayment = null;
private MAttributeUse = null;
private MPaymentProcessor = null;
private MAttributeValue = null;
private MPaymentTerm = null;
private MBankAccount = null;
private MPaymentValidate = null;
private MBank = null;
private MPaySchedule = null;
private MBankStatement = null;
private MPaySelectionCheck = null;
private MBankStatementLine = null;
private MPaySelection = null;
private MBankStatementLoader = null;
private MPaySelectionLine = null;
private MBankStatementMatcher = null;
private MPeriodControl = null;
private MBOM = null;
private MPeriod = null;
private MBOMProduct = null;
private MPOS = null;
private MBPGroupInfo = null;
private MPOSKey = null;
private MPOSKeyLayout = null;
private MPreference = null;
private MBPBankAccount = null;
private MPriceList = null;
private MBPGroup = null;
private MPriceListVersion = null;
private MCalendar = null;
private MProductBOM = null;
private MCampaign = null;
private MProductCategoryAcct = null;
private MCashBook = null;
private MProductCategory = null;
private MCash = null;
private MProductCosting = null;
private MCashLine = null;
private MProductDownload = null;
private MChangeNotice = null;
private MProduct = null;
private MChangeRequest = null;
private MProductPO = null;
private MCharge = null;
private MProductPrice = null;
private MChatEntry = null;
private MProductPricing = null;
private MChat = null;
private MProjectIssue = null;
private MChatType = null;
private MProject = null;
private MClickCount = null;
private MProjectLine = null;
private MClick = null;
private MProjectPhase = null;
private MColor = null;
private MProjectTask = null;
private MColorSchema = null;
private MProjectType = null;
private MCommissionAmt = null;
private MProjectTypePhase = null;
private MCommissionDetail = null;
private MProjectTypeTask = null;
private MCommission = null;
private MRecurring = null;
private MCommissionLine = null;
private MRecurringRun = null;
private MCommissionRun = null;
private MRefTable = null;
private MContactInterest = null;
private MRegistrationAttribute = null;
private MContainerElement = null;
private MRegistration = null;
private MContainer = null;
private MRegistrationValue = null;
private MCostDetail = null;
private MReplication = null;
private MCost = null;
private MReplicationLog = null;
private MCostQueue = null;
private MReplicationRun = null;
private MCounterCount = null;
private MRequestAction = null;
private MCStageElement = null;
private MRequestCategory = null;
private MCStage = null;
private MRequest = null;
private MDesktop = null;
private MRequestProcessor = null;
private MDiscountSchemaBreak = null;
private MRequestProcessorLog = null;
private MDiscountSchema = null;
private MRequestProcessorRoute = null;
private MDiscountSchemaLine = null;
private MRequestType = null;
private MDistribution = null;
private MRequestUpdate = null;
private MDistributionLine = null;
private MRequisition = null;
private MDistributionList = null;
private MRequisitionLine = null;
private MDistributionListLine = null;
private MResolution = null;
private MDistributionRunDetail = null;
private MResourceAssignment = null;
private MDistributionRun = null;
private MResource = null;
private MDistributionRunLine = null;
private MResourceType = null;
private MDocTypeCounter = null;
private MResourceUnAvailable = null;
private MDunning = null;
private MRevenueRecognition = null;
private MDunningLevel = null;
private MRevenueRecognitionPlan = null;
private MDunningRunEntry = null;
private MRfQ = null;
private MDunningRun = null;
private MRfQLine = null;
private MDunningRunLine = null;
private MRfQLineQty = null;
private Measure = null;
private MRfQResponse = null;
private MEntityType = null;
private MRfQResponseLine = null;
private MExpenseType = null;
private MRfQResponseLineQty = null;
private MFactAcct = null;
private MRfQTopic = null;
private MFormAccess = null;
private MRfQTopicSubscriber = null;
private MForm = null;
private MRfQTopicSubscriberOnly = null;
private MGLCategory = null;
private MRMA = null;
private MGoal = null;
private MRMALine = null;
private MGoalRestriction = null;
private MScheduler = null;
private MGroup = null;
private MSchedulerLog = null;
private MHierarchy = null;
private MSchedulerPara = null;
private MIndex = null;
private MSchedulerRecipient = null;
private MIndexStop = null;
private MSerNoCtl = null;
private MInfoColumn = null;
private MSetup = null;
private MInfoWindow = null;
private MShipper = null;
private MInOutConfirm = null;
private MSLACriteria = null;
private MInOut = null;
private MSLAGoal = null;
private MInOutLineConfirm = null;
private MSLAMeasure = null;
private MInOutLine = null;
private MStatusCategory = null;
private MInOutLineMA = null;
private MStatus = null;
private MInterestArea = null;
private MStorage = null;
private MInventory = null;
private MStore = null;
private MInventoryLine = null;
private MTask = null;
private MInventoryLineMA = null;
private MTaxCategory = null;
private MInvoiceBatch = null;
private MTaxDeclarationAcct = null;
private MInvoiceBatchLine = null;
private MTaxDeclaration = null;
private MInvoice = null;
private MTaxDeclarationLine = null;
private MInvoiceLine = null;
private MTax = null;
private MInvoicePaySchedule = null;
private MTaxPostal = null;
private MInvoiceSchedule = null;
private MTemplate = null;
private MInvoiceTax = null;
private MTimeExpense = null;
private MJournalBatch = null;
private MTimeExpenseLine = null;
private MJournal = null;
private MTransaction = null;
private MJournalLine = null;
private MTree = null;
private MKCategory = null;
private MTreeNode = null;
private MLandedCostAllocation = null;
private MultiMap = null;
private MLandedCost = null;
private MUOMConversion = null;
private MLdapAccess = null;
private MUOM = null;
private MLdapProcessor = null;
private MUserMail = null;
private MLdapProcessorLog = null;
private MWarehousePrice = null;
private MLdapUser = null;
private MWebProjectDomain = null;
private MLotCtl = null;
private MWebProject = null;
private MLot = null;
private MWithholding = null;
private MMailMsg = null;
private MYear = null;
// from dbPort/src/org/compiere/model
private MAccessLog = null;
private MIssueProject = null;
private MRecordAccess = null;
private MAccount = null;
private MIssueSystem = null;
private MRefList = null;
private MAccountLookup = null;
private MIssueUser = null;
private MRegion = null;
private MAcctSchemaDefault = null;
private MLanguage = null;
private M_Registration = null;
private MAcctSchemaElement = null;
private MLocation = null;
private MRole = null;
private MAcctSchemaGL = null;
private MLocationLookup = null;
private MRoleOrgAccess = null;
private MAcctSchema = null;
private MLocator = null;
private MRoleTest = null;
private MArchive = null;
private MLocatorLookup = null;
private MSalesRegion = null;
private MAttachmentEntry = null;
private MLookupCache = null;
private MSequence = null;
private MAttachment = null;
private MLookupFactory = null;
private MSession = null;
private MAttachmentNote = null;
private MLookupInfo = null;
private MSysConfig = null;
private MChangeLog = null;
private MLookup = null;
private MSystem = null;
private MClientInfo = null;
private MMenu = null;
private MTab = null;
private MClient = null;
private MMessage = null;
private MTableAccess = null;
private MClientShare = null;
private MNote = null;
private MTable = null;
private MColumnAccess = null;
private ModelValidationEngine = null;
private MTest = null;
private MColumn = null;
private ModelValidator = null;
private MTree_Base = null;
private MConversionRate = null;
private MOrgInfo = null;
private MTree_NodeBP = null;
private MConversionType = null;
private MOrg = null;
private MTree_NodeCMC = null;
private MCostElement = null;
private MPackageExpCommon = null;
private MTree_NodeCMS = null;
private MCostType = null;
private MPackageExpDetail = null;
private MTree_Node = null;
private MCountry = null;
private MPackageExp = null;
private MTree_NodeMM = null;
private MCurrencyAcct = null;
private MPAttributeLookup = null;
private MTree_NodePR = null;
private MCurrency = null;
private MPInstance = null;
private MUser = null;
private MDocType = null;
private MPInstanceLog = null;
private MUserOrgAccess = null;
private M_Element = null;
private MPInstancePara = null;
private MUserRoles = null;
private MElement = null;
private MPrivateAccess = null;
private MWarehouse = null;
private MElementValue = null;
private MProcessAccess = null;
private MWindowAccess = null;
private MField = null;
private MProcess = null;
private MWindow = null;
private MImage = null;
private MProcessPara = null;
private MIssue = null;
private MQuery = null;
public int getC_Region_ID(String Region) {
String sql = "select c_region_id from c_region where name = ?";
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
int C_Region_ID = -1;
try {
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, getTrxName());
pstmt.setString(1, Region);
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
C_Region_ID = rs.getInt(1);
} catch (SQLException e) {
} finally {
DB.close( rs, pstmt );
return C_Region_ID;
public int getC_Country_ID(String Country) {
String sql = "select c_country_id from c_country where name = ?";
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
int C_Country_ID = -1;
try {
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, getTrxName());
pstmt.setString(1, Country);
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
C_Country_ID = rs.getInt(1);
} catch (SQLException e) {
} finally {
DB.close( rs, pstmt );
return C_Country_ID;
public void testCreateMBPGroup()
try {
m_group = new MBPGroup (getCtx(), 0, getTrxName());
m_group.setName ("Test Group Name"); // N
m_group.setIsConfidentialInfo (false); // N
m_group.setIsDefault (false);
} catch(Exception e) {

View File

@ -1,575 +0,0 @@
package test.functional;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import org.compiere.model.MBPGroup;
import org.compiere.model.MBPartner;
import org.compiere.model.MBPartnerLocation;
import org.compiere.model.MLocation;
import org.compiere.util.DB;
import org.compiere.util.Env;
import test.AdempiereTestCase;
public class MBPartnerLocationTest extends AdempiereTestCase {
// Variables needed for importing/migrating business partners
private MBPartner m_partner = null; //business partner
private MLocation location = null;
private MBPartnerLocation bpl = null; //business partner location
private MBPGroup m_group = null;
private MUser user = null; //business contact
private MContactInterest ci = null; //contact interest area
// Variables needed for importing/migrating accounts
private MElementValue ev = null; //element value
private MAcctSchema as = null; //account schema
private MAccount acct = null; //account
// Variables needed for importing/migrating bank statements
private MBankStatement statement = null;
private MBankAccount account = null;
private MBankStatementLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating conversion rates
private MConversionRate rate = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating General Ledger Journal
private MJournalBatch batch = null;
private MJournal journal = null;
private MJournalLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating Inventory
private MInventory inventory = null;
private MProduct product = null;
private MAttributeSet mas = null;
private MAttributeSetInstance masi = null;
private MInventoryLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating Invoices
private MInvoice invoice = null;
private MInvoiceLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating orders
private MOrder order = null;
private MOrderLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating payments
private MPayment payment = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating products
private MProduct product = null;
private MProductPrice pp = null;
// Variables needed for mrp
private MCost cost = null;
private MCostElement costElement = null;
private MForecastLine forcastLine = null;
private MOrder order = null;
private MOrderLine line = null;
private MPPCostCollector costCollector = null;
private MPPOrderBOM orderBOM = null;
private MPPOrderBOMLine = null;
private MPPOrderBOMLineMA = null;
private MPPOrderCost = null;
private MPPOrder = null;
private MPPProductBOM = null;
private MPPProductBOMLine = null;
private MPPProductCosting = null;
private MPPProductPlanning = null;
private MPPProfileBOMCost = null;
private MPPProfileBOM = null;
private MPPProfileBOMProduct = null;
private MPPProfileBOMReal = null;
private MPPProfileBOMSelected = null;
private MQMSpecification = null;
private MQMSpecificationLine = null;
private MRequisition = null;
private MRequisitionLine = null;
// other variables that may be needed:
private MAdvertisement = null;
private MAging = null;
private MAlert = null;
private MAlertRecipient = null;
private MAlertRule = null;
private MAllocationHdr = null;
private MAllocationLine = null;
private MAssetDelivery = null;
private MAssetGroup = null;
private MAsset = null;
private MAssignmentSlot = null;
private MAttributeInstance = null;
private MAccessProfile = null;
private MMailText = null;
private MAcctProcessor = null;
private MMatchInv = null;
private MAcctProcessorLog = null;
private MMatchPO = null;
private MAchievement = null;
private MMeasureCalc = null;
private MActivity = null;
private MMeasure = null;
private MAd = null;
private MMediaDeploy = null;
private MAdvertisement = null;
private MMedia = null;
private MAging = null;
private MMediaServer = null;
private MAlert = null;
private MMovementConfirm = null;
private MAlertProcessor = null;
private MMovement = null;
private MAlertProcessorLog = null;
private MMovementLineConfirm = null;
private MAlertRecipient = null;
private MMovementLine = null;
private MAlertRule = null;
private MMovementLineMA = null;
private MAllocationHdr = null;
private MNewsChannel = null;
private MAllocationLine = null;
private MNewsItem = null;
private MAssetDelivery = null;
private MOrder = null;
private MAssetGroup = null;
private MOrderLine = null;
private MAsset = null;
private MOrderTax = null;
private MAssignmentSlot = null;
private MPackage = null;
private MAttributeInstance = null;
private MPackageLine = null;
private MAttribute = null;
private MPaymentAllocate = null;
private MAttributeSetInstance = null;
private MPaymentBatch = null;
private MAttributeSet = null;
private MPayment = null;
private MAttributeUse = null;
private MPaymentProcessor = null;
private MAttributeValue = null;
private MPaymentTerm = null;
private MBankAccount = null;
private MPaymentValidate = null;
private MBank = null;
private MPaySchedule = null;
private MBankStatement = null;
private MPaySelectionCheck = null;
private MBankStatementLine = null;
private MPaySelection = null;
private MBankStatementLoader = null;
private MPaySelectionLine = null;
private MBankStatementMatcher = null;
private MPeriodControl = null;
private MBOM = null;
private MPeriod = null;
private MBOMProduct = null;
private MPOS = null;
private MBPartnerInfo = null;
private MPOSKey = null;
private MPOSKeyLayout = null;
private MPreference = null;
private MBPBankAccount = null;
private MPriceList = null;
private MBPGroup = null;
private MPriceListVersion = null;
private MCalendar = null;
private MProductBOM = null;
private MCampaign = null;
private MProductCategoryAcct = null;
private MCashBook = null;
private MProductCategory = null;
private MCash = null;
private MProductCosting = null;
private MCashLine = null;
private MProductDownload = null;
private MChangeNotice = null;
private MProduct = null;
private MChangeRequest = null;
private MProductPO = null;
private MCharge = null;
private MProductPrice = null;
private MChatEntry = null;
private MProductPricing = null;
private MChat = null;
private MProjectIssue = null;
private MChatType = null;
private MProject = null;
private MClickCount = null;
private MProjectLine = null;
private MClick = null;
private MProjectPhase = null;
private MColor = null;
private MProjectTask = null;
private MColorSchema = null;
private MProjectType = null;
private MCommissionAmt = null;
private MProjectTypePhase = null;
private MCommissionDetail = null;
private MProjectTypeTask = null;
private MCommission = null;
private MRecurring = null;
private MCommissionLine = null;
private MRecurringRun = null;
private MCommissionRun = null;
private MRefTable = null;
private MContactInterest = null;
private MRegistrationAttribute = null;
private MContainerElement = null;
private MRegistration = null;
private MContainer = null;
private MRegistrationValue = null;
private MCostDetail = null;
private MReplication = null;
private MCost = null;
private MReplicationLog = null;
private MCostQueue = null;
private MReplicationRun = null;
private MCounterCount = null;
private MRequestAction = null;
private MCStageElement = null;
private MRequestCategory = null;
private MCStage = null;
private MRequest = null;
private MDesktop = null;
private MRequestProcessor = null;
private MDiscountSchemaBreak = null;
private MRequestProcessorLog = null;
private MDiscountSchema = null;
private MRequestProcessorRoute = null;
private MDiscountSchemaLine = null;
private MRequestType = null;
private MDistribution = null;
private MRequestUpdate = null;
private MDistributionLine = null;
private MRequisition = null;
private MDistributionList = null;
private MRequisitionLine = null;
private MDistributionListLine = null;
private MResolution = null;
private MDistributionRunDetail = null;
private MResourceAssignment = null;
private MDistributionRun = null;
private MResource = null;
private MDistributionRunLine = null;
private MResourceType = null;
private MDocTypeCounter = null;
private MResourceUnAvailable = null;
private MDunning = null;
private MRevenueRecognition = null;
private MDunningLevel = null;
private MRevenueRecognitionPlan = null;
private MDunningRunEntry = null;
private MRfQ = null;
private MDunningRun = null;
private MRfQLine = null;
private MDunningRunLine = null;
private MRfQLineQty = null;
private Measure = null;
private MRfQResponse = null;
private MEntityType = null;
private MRfQResponseLine = null;
private MExpenseType = null;
private MRfQResponseLineQty = null;
private MFactAcct = null;
private MRfQTopic = null;
private MFormAccess = null;
private MRfQTopicSubscriber = null;
private MForm = null;
private MRfQTopicSubscriberOnly = null;
private MGLCategory = null;
private MRMA = null;
private MGoal = null;
private MRMALine = null;
private MGoalRestriction = null;
private MScheduler = null;
private MGroup = null;
private MSchedulerLog = null;
private MHierarchy = null;
private MSchedulerPara = null;
private MIndex = null;
private MSchedulerRecipient = null;
private MIndexStop = null;
private MSerNoCtl = null;
private MInfoColumn = null;
private MSetup = null;
private MInfoWindow = null;
private MShipper = null;
private MInOutConfirm = null;
private MSLACriteria = null;
private MInOut = null;
private MSLAGoal = null;
private MInOutLineConfirm = null;
private MSLAMeasure = null;
private MInOutLine = null;
private MStatusCategory = null;
private MInOutLineMA = null;
private MStatus = null;
private MInterestArea = null;
private MStorage = null;
private MInventory = null;
private MStore = null;
private MInventoryLine = null;
private MTask = null;
private MInventoryLineMA = null;
private MTaxCategory = null;
private MInvoiceBatch = null;
private MTaxDeclarationAcct = null;
private MInvoiceBatchLine = null;
private MTaxDeclaration = null;
private MInvoice = null;
private MTaxDeclarationLine = null;
private MInvoiceLine = null;
private MTax = null;
private MInvoicePaySchedule = null;
private MTaxPostal = null;
private MInvoiceSchedule = null;
private MTemplate = null;
private MInvoiceTax = null;
private MTimeExpense = null;
private MJournalBatch = null;
private MTimeExpenseLine = null;
private MJournal = null;
private MTransaction = null;
private MJournalLine = null;
private MTree = null;
private MKCategory = null;
private MTreeNode = null;
private MLandedCostAllocation = null;
private MultiMap = null;
private MLandedCost = null;
private MUOMConversion = null;
private MLdapAccess = null;
private MUOM = null;
private MLdapProcessor = null;
private MUserMail = null;
private MLdapProcessorLog = null;
private MWarehousePrice = null;
private MLdapUser = null;
private MWebProjectDomain = null;
private MLotCtl = null;
private MWebProject = null;
private MLot = null;
private MWithholding = null;
private MMailMsg = null;
private MYear = null;
// from dbPort/src/org/compiere/model
private MAccessLog = null;
private MIssueProject = null;
private MRecordAccess = null;
private MAccount = null;
private MIssueSystem = null;
private MRefList = null;
private MAccountLookup = null;
private MIssueUser = null;
private MRegion = null;
private MAcctSchemaDefault = null;
private MLanguage = null;
private M_Registration = null;
private MAcctSchemaElement = null;
private MLocation = null;
private MRole = null;
private MAcctSchemaGL = null;
private MLocationLookup = null;
private MRoleOrgAccess = null;
private MAcctSchema = null;
private MLocator = null;
private MRoleTest = null;
private MArchive = null;
private MLocatorLookup = null;
private MSalesRegion = null;
private MAttachmentEntry = null;
private MLookupCache = null;
private MSequence = null;
private MAttachment = null;
private MLookupFactory = null;
private MSession = null;
private MAttachmentNote = null;
private MLookupInfo = null;
private MSysConfig = null;
private MChangeLog = null;
private MLookup = null;
private MSystem = null;
private MClientInfo = null;
private MMenu = null;
private MTab = null;
private MClient = null;
private MMessage = null;
private MTableAccess = null;
private MClientShare = null;
private MNote = null;
private MTable = null;
private MColumnAccess = null;
private ModelValidationEngine = null;
private MTest = null;
private MColumn = null;
private ModelValidator = null;
private MTree_Base = null;
private MConversionRate = null;
private MOrgInfo = null;
private MTree_NodeBP = null;
private MConversionType = null;
private MOrg = null;
private MTree_NodeCMC = null;
private MCostElement = null;
private MPackageExpCommon = null;
private MTree_NodeCMS = null;
private MCostType = null;
private MPackageExpDetail = null;
private MTree_Node = null;
private MCountry = null;
private MPackageExp = null;
private MTree_NodeMM = null;
private MCurrencyAcct = null;
private MPAttributeLookup = null;
private MTree_NodePR = null;
private MCurrency = null;
private MPInstance = null;
private MUser = null;
private MDocType = null;
private MPInstanceLog = null;
private MUserOrgAccess = null;
private M_Element = null;
private MPInstancePara = null;
private MUserRoles = null;
private MElement = null;
private MPrivateAccess = null;
private MWarehouse = null;
private MElementValue = null;
private MProcessAccess = null;
private MWindowAccess = null;
private MField = null;
private MProcess = null;
private MWindow = null;
private MImage = null;
private MProcessPara = null;
private MIssue = null;
private MQuery = null;
public int getC_Region_ID(String Region) {
String sql = "select c_region_id from c_region where name = ?";
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
int C_Region_ID = -1;
try {
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, getTrxName());
pstmt.setString(1, Region);
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
C_Region_ID = rs.getInt(1);
} catch (SQLException e) {
} finally {
DB.close( rs, pstmt );
return C_Region_ID;
public int getC_Country_ID(String Country) {
String sql = "select c_country_id from c_country where name = ?";
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
int C_Country_ID = -1;
try {
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, getTrxName());
pstmt.setString(1, Country);
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
C_Country_ID = rs.getInt(1);
} catch (SQLException e) {
} finally {
DB.close( rs, pstmt );
return C_Country_ID;
public void testCreatePartnerLocation()
try {
location = new MLocation(getCtx(), 0, getTrxName());
location.setC_Country_ID(getC_Country_ID("United States"));
location.setAddress1("Happy Lane");
location.setAddress2("Happy Lane 2");
String zipcode = ("95492");
m_group = new MBPGroup (getCtx(), 0, getTrxName());
m_group.setName ("Test Group Name"); // N
m_group.setIsConfidentialInfo (false); // N
m_group.setIsDefault (false);
m_partner = new MBPartner (getCtx(), 0, getTrxName());
m_partner.setValue ("");
m_partner.setName ("Test Business Partner Location");
m_partner.setName2 (null);
m_partner.setSO_CreditLimit (Env.ZERO);
m_partner.setSO_CreditUsed (Env.ZERO);
m_partner.setTotalOpenBalance (Env.ZERO);
// s_m_partner.setRating(null);
// Reset Created, Updated to current system time ( teo_sarca )
if( {
bpl = new MBPartnerLocation (getCtx(), 0, getTrxName());
bpl.setName("Test Business Partner Location");
} catch(Exception e) {

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
package test.functional;
import org.compiere.model.MLocation;
import test.AdempiereTestCase;
public class MLocationTest extends AdempiereTestCase {
// Test: Specific variables
private MLocation location = null;
public void testMLocationCreation() {
location = new MLocation(getCtx(), 0, getTrxName());
// location.loadDefaults();
boolean saveResult =;
assertTrue("", saveResult);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {

View File

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 2008 SC ARHIPAC SERVICE SRL. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
package test.functional;
import org.compiere.model.MRefList;
import org.compiere.model.X_AD_Table;
import org.compiere.util.Env;
import org.compiere.util.ValueNamePair;
import test.AdempiereTestCase;
* Test MRefList class
* @author Teo Sarca,
public class MRefListTest extends AdempiereTestCase {
protected void setUp() throws Exception
Env.setContext(getCtx(), Env.LANGUAGE, "en_US");
public void testGet() throws Exception
// Should be found
MRefList rl = MRefList.get(getCtx(),
assertEquals("Should be found", X_AD_Table.ACCESSLEVEL_Organization, rl.getValue());
// Should not be found
rl = MRefList.get(getCtx(), 7654321, "7654321", getTrxName());
assertNull("Should not be found", rl);
public void testGetListName() throws Exception
String name = MRefList.getListName(getCtx(),
assertEquals("All", name);
name = MRefList.getListName(getCtx(),
assertTrue("Should not be found", org.compiere.util.Util.isEmpty(name));
public void testGetList() throws Exception
ValueNamePair[] vnp = MRefList.getList (getCtx(), X_AD_Table.ACCESSLEVEL_AD_Reference_ID, false);
assertTrue("Invalid result ", vnp.length > 0);

View File

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 2008 SC ARHIPAC SERVICE SRL. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
package test.functional;
import org.compiere.model.MSession;
import org.compiere.util.Env;
import test.AdempiereTestCase;
* Test MSession class
* @author Teo Sarca, SC ARHIPAC SERVICE SRL
public class MSessionTest extends AdempiereTestCase {
* Test - BF [ 1810182 ] Session lost after cache reset
public void testBF1810182 () {
assertNotNull("Session not found, should not fail here", MSession.get(getCtx(), true));
assertNotNull("Session not found after cache reset", MSession.get(getCtx(), false));

View File

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 2008 SC ARHIPAC SERVICE SRL. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
package test.functional;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import org.compiere.model.MLocator;
import org.compiere.model.MStorageOnHand;
import org.compiere.model.MStorageReservation;
import org.compiere.model.MWarehouse;
import org.compiere.util.Env;
import test.AdempiereTestCase;
* Test MStorage class
* @author Teo Sarca, SC ARHIPAC SERVICE SRL
public class MStorageTest extends AdempiereTestCase
int product_id = 122; // standard
int location_id = 114;
protected void setUp() throws Exception
assertEquals("Client is not GardenWorld", 11, Env.getAD_Client_ID(getCtx()));
private MLocator createLocator(MWarehouse wh, String locatorValue, double qtyOnHand)
MLocator loc = new MLocator(wh, wh.getValue()+"-"+locatorValue);
loc.setXYZ("X"+locatorValue, "Y"+locatorValue, "Z"+locatorValue);
BigDecimal targetQty = BigDecimal.valueOf(qtyOnHand).setScale(12, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
MStorageOnHand s1 = MStorageOnHand.getCreate(getCtx(), loc.get_ID(), product_id, 0,null, getTrxName());
BigDecimal qty = MStorageReservation.getQtyAvailable(wh.get_ID(), product_id, 0, getTrxName()).setScale(12, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
assertEquals("Error on locator "+locatorValue, targetQty, qty);
return loc;
private void assertWarehouseQty(MWarehouse wh, BigDecimal targetQty)
BigDecimal qty = MStorageReservation.getQtyAvailable(wh.get_ID(), product_id, 0, getTrxName());
qty = qty.setScale(12, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
targetQty = targetQty.setScale(12, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
assertEquals(targetQty, qty);
public void testGetQtyAvailable() throws Exception
BigDecimal whQty = Env.ZERO;
MWarehouse wh = new MWarehouse(getCtx(), 0, getTrxName());
assertWarehouseQty(wh, whQty);
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
createLocator(wh, ""+i, i);
whQty = whQty.add(BigDecimal.valueOf(i));
assertWarehouseQty(wh, whQty);

View File

@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 2008 SC ARHIPAC SERVICE SRL. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
package test.functional;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.compiere.model.MSysConfig;
import org.compiere.util.DB;
import test.AdempiereTestCase;
* MSysConfig Test Case
* @author Teo Sarca, SC ARHIPAC SERVICE SRL
public class MSysConfigTest extends AdempiereTestCase {
private String varname = null;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
varname = "MSysConfigTestVariable" + System.currentTimeMillis();
new TestableSysConfig(getCtx(), 0, 0, varname, "0_0", null).saveEx();
new TestableSysConfig(getCtx(), 11, 0, varname, "11_0", null).saveEx();
new TestableSysConfig(getCtx(), 11, 11, varname, "11_11", null).saveEx();
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
String sql = "DELETE FROM "+MSysConfig.Table_Name
+" WHERE "+MSysConfig.COLUMNNAME_Name+"=?";
DB.executeUpdateEx(sql, new Object[]{varname}, null);
public void testGetSet1() throws Exception {
assertEquals("0_0", MSysConfig.getValue(varname));
assertEquals("0_0", MSysConfig.getValue(varname, 0));
assertEquals("11_0", MSysConfig.getValue(varname, 11));
assertEquals("0_0", MSysConfig.getValue(varname, 12345));
assertEquals("0_0", MSysConfig.getValue(varname, 0, 0));
assertEquals("11_0", MSysConfig.getValue(varname, 11, 0));
assertEquals("11_11", MSysConfig.getValue(varname, 11, 11));
assertEquals("0_0", MSysConfig.getValue(varname, 12345, 12345));
assertEquals("11_0", MSysConfig.getValue(varname, 11, 12345));
private static class TestableSysConfig extends MSysConfig
private static final long serialVersionUID = -536206101431286540L;
public TestableSysConfig(Properties ctx,
int AD_Client_ID, int AD_Org_ID,
String Name, String Value,
String trxName)
super(ctx, 0, trxName);

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 2008 SC ARHIPAC SERVICE SRL. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
package test.functional;
import org.compiere.model.MUOM;
import org.compiere.util.Ini;
import test.AdempiereTestCase;
* @author Teo Sarca, SC ARHIPAC SERVICE SRL
public class MUOMTest extends AdempiereTestCase {
public void testGet() throws Exception {
assertEquals("UOM not found", "EA", MUOM.get(getCtx(), 100).getX12DE355());
assertEquals("UOM not found", "HR", MUOM.get(getCtx(), 101).getX12DE355());
assertEquals("UOM not found", "MJ", MUOM.get(getCtx(), 103).getX12DE355());
public void testGetMinute_UOM_ID() throws Exception {
int uom_id = MUOM.getMinute_UOM_ID(getCtx());
assertTrue("Not Minute UOM (client="+Ini.isClient()+")", MUOM.get(getCtx(), uom_id).isMinute());
uom_id = MUOM.getMinute_UOM_ID(getCtx());
assertTrue("Not Minute UOM (client="+Ini.isClient()+")", MUOM.get(getCtx(), uom_id).isMinute());

View File

@ -1,561 +0,0 @@
package test.functional;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import org.compiere.model.MBPGroup;
import org.compiere.model.MBPartner;
import org.compiere.model.MUser;
import org.compiere.util.DB;
import org.compiere.util.Env;
import test.AdempiereTestCase;
public class MUserTest extends AdempiereTestCase {
// Variables needed for importing/migrating business partners
//private MLocation location = null;
private MBPartner m_partner = null; //business partner
private MUser m_contact = null; //business contact
private MBPartnerLocation bpl = null; //business partner location
private MContactInterest ci = null; //contact interest area
// Variables needed for importing/migrating accounts
private MElementValue ev = null; //element value
private MAcctSchema as = null; //account schema
private MAccount acct = null; //account
// Variables needed for importing/migrating bank statements
private MBankStatement statement = null;
private MBankAccount account = null;
private MBankStatementLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating conversion rates
private MConversionRate rate = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating General Ledger Journal
private MJournalBatch batch = null;
private MJournal journal = null;
private MJournalLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating Inventory
private MInventory inventory = null;
private MProduct product = null;
private MAttributeSet mas = null;
private MAttributeSetInstance masi = null;
private MInventoryLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating Invoices
private MInvoice invoice = null;
private MInvoiceLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating orders
private MOrder order = null;
private MOrderLine line = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating payments
private MPayment payment = null;
// Variables needed for importing/migrating products
private MProduct product = null;
private MProductPrice pp = null;
// Variables needed for mrp
private MCost cost = null;
private MCostElement costElement = null;
private MForecastLine forcastLine = null;
private MOrder order = null;
private MOrderLine line = null;
private MPPCostCollector costCollector = null;
private MPPOrderBOM orderBOM = null;
private MPPOrderBOMLine = null;
private MPPOrderBOMLineMA = null;
private MPPOrderCost = null;
private MPPOrder = null;
private MPPProductBOM = null;
private MPPProductBOMLine = null;
private MPPProductCosting = null;
private MPPProductPlanning = null;
private MPPProfileBOMCost = null;
private MPPProfileBOM = null;
private MPPProfileBOMProduct = null;
private MPPProfileBOMReal = null;
private MPPProfileBOMSelected = null;
private MQMSpecification = null;
private MQMSpecificationLine = null;
private MRequisition = null;
private MRequisitionLine = null;
// other variables that may be needed:
private MAdvertisement = null;
private MAging = null;
private MAlert = null;
private MAlertRecipient = null;
private MAlertRule = null;
private MAllocationHdr = null;
private MAllocationLine = null;
private MAssetDelivery = null;
private MAssetGroup = null;
private MAsset = null;
private MAssignmentSlot = null;
private MAttributeInstance = null;
private MAccessProfile = null;
private MMailText = null;
private MAcctProcessor = null;
private MMatchInv = null;
private MAcctProcessorLog = null;
private MMatchPO = null;
private MAchievement = null;
private MMeasureCalc = null;
private MActivity = null;
private MMeasure = null;
private MAd = null;
private MMediaDeploy = null;
private MAdvertisement = null;
private MMedia = null;
private MAging = null;
private MMediaServer = null;
private MAlert = null;
private MMovementConfirm = null;
private MAlertProcessor = null;
private MMovement = null;
private MAlertProcessorLog = null;
private MMovementLineConfirm = null;
private MAlertRecipient = null;
private MMovementLine = null;
private MAlertRule = null;
private MMovementLineMA = null;
private MAllocationHdr = null;
private MNewsChannel = null;
private MAllocationLine = null;
private MNewsItem = null;
private MAssetDelivery = null;
private MOrder = null;
private MAssetGroup = null;
private MOrderLine = null;
private MAsset = null;
private MOrderTax = null;
private MAssignmentSlot = null;
private MPackage = null;
private MAttributeInstance = null;
private MPackageLine = null;
private MAttribute = null;
private MPaymentAllocate = null;
private MAttributeSetInstance = null;
private MPaymentBatch = null;
private MAttributeSet = null;
private MPayment = null;
private MAttributeUse = null;
private MPaymentProcessor = null;
private MAttributeValue = null;
private MPaymentTerm = null;
private MBankAccount = null;
private MPaymentValidate = null;
private MBank = null;
private MPaySchedule = null;
private MBankStatement = null;
private MPaySelectionCheck = null;
private MBankStatementLine = null;
private MPaySelection = null;
private MBankStatementLoader = null;
private MPaySelectionLine = null;
private MBankStatementMatcher = null;
private MPeriodControl = null;
private MBOM = null;
private MPeriod = null;
private MBOMProduct = null;
private MPOS = null;
private MBPartnerInfo = null;
private MPOSKey = null;
private MPOSKeyLayout = null;
private MPreference = null;
private MBPBankAccount = null;
private MPriceList = null;
private MBPGroup = null;
private MPriceListVersion = null;
private MCalendar = null;
private MProductBOM = null;
private MCampaign = null;
private MProductCategoryAcct = null;
private MCashBook = null;
private MProductCategory = null;
private MCash = null;
private MProductCosting = null;
private MCashLine = null;
private MProductDownload = null;
private MChangeNotice = null;
private MProduct = null;
private MChangeRequest = null;
private MProductPO = null;
private MCharge = null;
private MProductPrice = null;
private MChatEntry = null;
private MProductPricing = null;
private MChat = null;
private MProjectIssue = null;
private MChatType = null;
private MProject = null;
private MClickCount = null;
private MProjectLine = null;
private MClick = null;
private MProjectPhase = null;
private MColor = null;
private MProjectTask = null;
private MColorSchema = null;
private MProjectType = null;
private MCommissionAmt = null;
private MProjectTypePhase = null;
private MCommissionDetail = null;
private MProjectTypeTask = null;
private MCommission = null;
private MRecurring = null;
private MCommissionLine = null;
private MRecurringRun = null;
private MCommissionRun = null;
private MRefTable = null;
private MContactInterest = null;
private MRegistrationAttribute = null;
private MContainerElement = null;
private MRegistration = null;
private MContainer = null;
private MRegistrationValue = null;
private MCostDetail = null;
private MReplication = null;
private MCost = null;
private MReplicationLog = null;
private MCostQueue = null;
private MReplicationRun = null;
private MCounterCount = null;
private MRequestAction = null;
private MCStageElement = null;
private MRequestCategory = null;
private MCStage = null;
private MRequest = null;
private MDesktop = null;
private MRequestProcessor = null;
private MDiscountSchemaBreak = null;
private MRequestProcessorLog = null;
private MDiscountSchema = null;
private MRequestProcessorRoute = null;
private MDiscountSchemaLine = null;
private MRequestType = null;
private MDistribution = null;
private MRequestUpdate = null;
private MDistributionLine = null;
private MRequisition = null;
private MDistributionList = null;
private MRequisitionLine = null;
private MDistributionListLine = null;
private MResolution = null;
private MDistributionRunDetail = null;
private MResourceAssignment = null;
private MDistributionRun = null;
private MResource = null;
private MDistributionRunLine = null;
private MResourceType = null;
private MDocTypeCounter = null;
private MResourceUnAvailable = null;
private MDunning = null;
private MRevenueRecognition = null;
private MDunningLevel = null;
private MRevenueRecognitionPlan = null;
private MDunningRunEntry = null;
private MRfQ = null;
private MDunningRun = null;
private MRfQLine = null;
private MDunningRunLine = null;
private MRfQLineQty = null;
private Measure = null;
private MRfQResponse = null;
private MEntityType = null;
private MRfQResponseLine = null;
private MExpenseType = null;
private MRfQResponseLineQty = null;
private MFactAcct = null;
private MRfQTopic = null;
private MFormAccess = null;
private MRfQTopicSubscriber = null;
private MForm = null;
private MRfQTopicSubscriberOnly = null;
private MGLCategory = null;
private MRMA = null;
private MGoal = null;
private MRMALine = null;
private MGoalRestriction = null;
private MScheduler = null;
private MGroup = null;
private MSchedulerLog = null;
private MHierarchy = null;
private MSchedulerPara = null;
private MIndex = null;
private MSchedulerRecipient = null;
private MIndexStop = null;
private MSerNoCtl = null;
private MInfoColumn = null;
private MSetup = null;
private MInfoWindow = null;
private MShipper = null;
private MInOutConfirm = null;
private MSLACriteria = null;
private MInOut = null;
private MSLAGoal = null;
private MInOutLineConfirm = null;
private MSLAMeasure = null;
private MInOutLine = null;
private MStatusCategory = null;
private MInOutLineMA = null;
private MStatus = null;
private MInterestArea = null;
private MStorage = null;
private MInventory = null;
private MStore = null;
private MInventoryLine = null;
private MTask = null;
private MInventoryLineMA = null;
private MTaxCategory = null;
private MInvoiceBatch = null;
private MTaxDeclarationAcct = null;
private MInvoiceBatchLine = null;
private MTaxDeclaration = null;
private MInvoice = null;
private MTaxDeclarationLine = null;
private MInvoiceLine = null;
private MTax = null;
private MInvoicePaySchedule = null;
private MTaxPostal = null;
private MInvoiceSchedule = null;
private MTemplate = null;
private MInvoiceTax = null;
private MTimeExpense = null;
private MJournalBatch = null;
private MTimeExpenseLine = null;
private MJournal = null;
private MTransaction = null;
private MJournalLine = null;
private MTree = null;
private MKCategory = null;
private MTreeNode = null;
private MLandedCostAllocation = null;
private MultiMap = null;
private MLandedCost = null;
private MUOMConversion = null;
private MLdapAccess = null;
private MUOM = null;
private MLdapProcessor = null;
private MUserMail = null;
private MLdapProcessorLog = null;
private MWarehousePrice = null;
private MLdapUser = null;
private MWebProjectDomain = null;
private MLotCtl = null;
private MWebProject = null;
private MLot = null;
private MWithholding = null;
private MMailMsg = null;
private MYear = null;
// from dbPort/src/org/compiere/model
private MAccessLog = null;
private MIssueProject = null;
private MRecordAccess = null;
private MAccount = null;
private MIssueSystem = null;
private MRefList = null;
private MAccountLookup = null;
private MIssueUser = null;
private MRegion = null;
private MAcctSchemaDefault = null;
private MLanguage = null;
private M_Registration = null;
private MAcctSchemaElement = null;
private MLocation = null;
private MRole = null;
private MAcctSchemaGL = null;
private MLocationLookup = null;
private MRoleOrgAccess = null;
private MAcctSchema = null;
private MLocator = null;
private MRoleTest = null;
private MArchive = null;
private MLocatorLookup = null;
private MSalesRegion = null;
private MAttachmentEntry = null;
private MLookupCache = null;
private MSequence = null;
private MAttachment = null;
private MLookupFactory = null;
private MSession = null;
private MAttachmentNote = null;
private MLookupInfo = null;
private MSysConfig = null;
private MChangeLog = null;
private MLookup = null;
private MSystem = null;
private MClientInfo = null;
private MMenu = null;
private MTab = null;
private MClient = null;
private MMessage = null;
private MTableAccess = null;
private MClientShare = null;
private MNote = null;
private MTable = null;
private MColumnAccess = null;
private ModelValidationEngine = null;
private MTest = null;
private MColumn = null;
private ModelValidator = null;
private MTree_Base = null;
private MConversionRate = null;
private MOrgInfo = null;
private MTree_NodeBP = null;
private MConversionType = null;
private MOrg = null;
private MTree_NodeCMC = null;
private MCostElement = null;
private MPackageExpCommon = null;
private MTree_NodeCMS = null;
private MCostType = null;
private MPackageExpDetail = null;
private MTree_Node = null;
private MCountry = null;
private MPackageExp = null;
private MTree_NodeMM = null;
private MCurrencyAcct = null;
private MPAttributeLookup = null;
private MTree_NodePR = null;
private MCurrency = null;
private MPInstance = null;
private MUser = null;
private MDocType = null;
private MPInstanceLog = null;
private MUserOrgAccess = null;
private M_Element = null;
private MPInstancePara = null;
private MUserRoles = null;
private MElement = null;
private MPrivateAccess = null;
private MWarehouse = null;
private MElementValue = null;
private MProcessAccess = null;
private MWindowAccess = null;
private MField = null;
private MProcess = null;
private MWindow = null;
private MImage = null;
private MProcessPara = null;
private MIssue = null;
private MQuery = null;
public int getC_Region_ID(String Region) {
String sql = "select c_region_id from c_region where name = ?";
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
int C_Region_ID = -1;
try {
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, getTrxName());
pstmt.setString(1, Region);
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
C_Region_ID = rs.getInt(1);
} catch (SQLException e) {
} finally {
DB.close( rs, pstmt );
return C_Region_ID;
public int getC_Country_ID(String Country) {
String sql = "select c_country_id from c_country where name = ?";
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
int C_Country_ID = -1;
try {
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, getTrxName());
pstmt.setString(1, Country);
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
C_Country_ID = rs.getInt(1);
} catch (SQLException e) {
} finally {
DB.close( rs, pstmt );
return C_Country_ID;
public void testCreateMBPartner()
try {
m_partner = new MBPartner (getCtx(), 0, getTrxName());
m_partner.setValue ("");
m_partner.setName ("Test MBPartner with contact");
m_partner.setName2 (null);
m_partner.setSO_CreditLimit (Env.ZERO);
m_partner.setSO_CreditUsed (Env.ZERO);
m_partner.setTotalOpenBalance (Env.ZERO);
// s_m_partner.setRating(null);
MBPGroup m_group = new MBPGroup (getCtx(), 0, getTrxName());
m_group.setName ("Test Group Name"); // N
m_group.setIsConfidentialInfo (false); // N
m_group.setIsDefault (false);
// Reset Created, Updated to current system time ( teo_sarca )
if( {
m_contact = new MUser(getCtx(), 0, getTrxName());
m_contact.setName("Test Contact Name");
} catch(Exception e) {

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@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
package test.functional;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.compiere.model.MBPartner;
import org.compiere.model.MTest;
import org.compiere.model.POInfo;
import org.compiere.util.DB;
import test.AdempiereTestCase;
* Tests for {@link org.compiere.model.PO} class.
* @author Teo Sarca, SC ARHIPAC SERVICE SRL
public class POTest extends AdempiereTestCase
public static class MyTestPO extends MTest
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6861171283806782985L;
protected boolean failOnSave = false;
private MyTestPO m_parent = null;
private MyTestPO m_dependentRecord = null;
public static String getName(int Test_ID, String trxName)
String sql = "SELECT "+COLUMNNAME_Name+" FROM "+Table_Name
return DB.getSQLValueStringEx(trxName, sql, Test_ID);
public static boolean exists(int Test_ID, String trxName)
final String sql = "SELECT "+COLUMNNAME_Test_ID+" FROM "+Table_Name
int id = DB.getSQLValueEx(trxName, sql, Test_ID);
return id > 0 && id == Test_ID;
public MyTestPO(Properties ctx, boolean failOnSave, String trxName)
super(ctx, "Test_"+System.currentTimeMillis(), 10);
this.failOnSave = failOnSave;
public MyTestPO(Properties ctx, int id, String trxName)
super(ctx, id, trxName);
protected boolean afterSave(boolean newRecord, boolean success)
if (m_parent == null)
m_dependentRecord = new MyTestPO(getCtx(), false, get_TrxName());
m_dependentRecord.m_parent = this;
if (this.failOnSave)
throw new RuntimeException("Never save this object [trxName="+get_TrxName()+", success="+success+"]");
return true;
public int getDependent_ID()
return (m_dependentRecord != null ? m_dependentRecord.get_ID() : -1);
* Tests the following methods:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link org.compiere.model.PO#is_Changed()}
* <li>{@link org.compiere.model.PO#is_ValueChanged(String)}
* </ul>
* Applies to following bugs:
* <ul>
* <li>[ 1704828 ] PO.is_Changed() and PO.is_ValueChanged are not consistent
* </ul>
* @throws Exception
public void test_Changed() throws Exception
String[] testStrings = new String[] {
// Create the test PO and save
MTest testPO = new MTest(getCtx(), getClass().getName(), 1);
for (String str : testStrings)
String originalString = testPO.getHelp();
String info = "testString=[" + str + "]" + ", originalString=[" + originalString + "]";
// Initial asserts (nothing changed)
assertFalse(info, testPO.is_ValueChanged(MTest.COLUMNNAME_Help));
assertFalse(info, testPO.is_Changed());
// Set the same name
assertFalse(info, testPO.is_ValueChanged(MTest.COLUMNNAME_Help));
assertFalse(info, testPO.is_Changed());
// Set a new name
assertTrue(info, testPO.is_ValueChanged(MTest.COLUMNNAME_Help));
assertTrue(info, testPO.is_Changed());
// Set the original name back
assertFalse(info, testPO.is_ValueChanged(MTest.COLUMNNAME_Help));
assertFalse(info, testPO.is_Changed());
// Finally, delete the testPO
testPO.delete(true, getTrxName());
* <li>BF [ 1990856 ] PO.set_Value* : truncate string more than needed
public void testTruncatedStrings() {
// Creating a huge string for testing:
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) {
String bigString = sb.toString();
// Create the test PO:
MTest testPO = new MTest(getCtx(), getClass().getName(), 1);
// Getting Max Length:
POInfo info = POInfo.getPOInfo(getCtx(), MTest.Table_ID);
int maxLength = info.getFieldLength(info.getColumnIndex(MTest.COLUMNNAME_Name));
// Test with a string that has less then maxLength
testPO.set_ValueOfColumn(MTest.COLUMNNAME_Name, bigString.substring(0, maxLength - 1));
String resultString = (String) testPO.get_Value(MTest.COLUMNNAME_Name);
assertEquals("String was not truncated correctly (1)", maxLength - 1, resultString.length());
testPO.setName(bigString.substring(0, maxLength - 1));
assertEquals("String was not truncated correctly (2)", maxLength - 1, testPO.getName().length());
// Test with a string that has maxLength
testPO.set_ValueOfColumn(MTest.COLUMNNAME_Name, bigString.substring(0, maxLength));
String resultString = (String) testPO.get_Value(MTest.COLUMNNAME_Name);
assertEquals("String was not truncated correctly (3)", maxLength, resultString.length());
testPO.setName(bigString.substring(0, maxLength));
assertEquals("String was not truncated correctly (4)", maxLength, testPO.getName().length());
// Test with a string that has more than maxLength
testPO.set_ValueOfColumn(MTest.COLUMNNAME_Name, bigString);
String resultString = (String) testPO.get_Value(MTest.COLUMNNAME_Name);
assertEquals("String was not truncated correctly (5)", maxLength, resultString.length());
assertEquals("String was not truncated correctly (6)", maxLength, testPO.getName().length());
* Object should NOT be saved if afterSave fails EVEN if is outside transaction (trxName=null)
public void testAfterSaveError()
// Test for new objects
MyTestPO test = new MyTestPO(getCtx(), true, null);
assertFalse("Object should not be saved -- "+test,;
assertFalse("Object should not be saved -- "+test, test.get_ID() <= 0);
assertFalse("Object should not be saved(2) -- "+test, MyTestPO.exists(test.get_ID(), null));
// Test for old objects
MyTestPO test = new MyTestPO(getCtx(), false, null);
assertTrue("Object *should* be saved -- "+test,;
MyTestPO test2 = new MyTestPO(getCtx(), test.get_ID(), null);
assertEquals("Object not found", test.get_ID(), test2.get_ID());
test2.failOnSave = true;
assertFalse("Object should not be saved -- "+test2,;
String name = MyTestPO.getName(test2.get_ID(), null);
assertEquals("Object should not be modified(2) -- id="+test2, test.getName(), name);
* If one object fails on after save we should not revert all transaction.
* BF [ 2849122 ] PO.AfterSave is not rollback on error
* @throws Exception
public void testAfterSaveError_BF2849122() throws Exception
assertNotNull("TrxName should not be null", getTrxName());
MyTestPO t1 = new MyTestPO(getCtx(), false, getTrxName());
assertTrue("Object not found(1) - t1="+t1, MyTestPO.exists(t1.get_ID(), getTrxName()));
assertTrue("Object not found(1) - t1(dep)="+t1, MyTestPO.exists(t1.getDependent_ID(), getTrxName()));
final MyTestPO t2 = new MyTestPO(getCtx(), true, getTrxName());
catch (Exception e){}
assertTrue("Object not found(2) - t1="+t1, MyTestPO.exists(t1.get_ID(), getTrxName()));
assertTrue("Object not found(2) - t1(dep)="+t1, MyTestPO.exists(t1.getDependent_ID(), getTrxName()));
assertFalse("Object found(2) - t2="+t2, MyTestPO.exists(t2.get_ID(), getTrxName()));
assertFalse("Object found(2) - t2(dep)="+t2, MyTestPO.exists(t2.getDependent_ID(), getTrxName()));
final MyTestPO t3 = new MyTestPO(getCtx(), false, getTrxName());
assertTrue("Object not found(3) - t1="+t1, MyTestPO.exists(t1.get_ID(), getTrxName()));
assertTrue("Object not found(3) - t1(dep)="+t1, MyTestPO.exists(t1.getDependent_ID(), getTrxName()));
assertFalse("Object found(3) - t2="+t2, MyTestPO.exists(t2.get_ID(), getTrxName()));
assertFalse("Object found(3) - t2(dep)="+t2, MyTestPO.exists(t2.getDependent_ID(), getTrxName()));
assertTrue("Object not found(3) - t3="+t3, MyTestPO.exists(t3.get_ID(), getTrxName()));
assertTrue("Object not found(3) - t3(dep)="+t3, MyTestPO.exists(t3.getDependent_ID(), getTrxName()));
* BF [ 2859125 ] Can't set AD_OrgBP_ID
public void testAD_OrgBP_ID_Issue() throws Exception
MBPartner bp = new MBPartner(getCtx(), 50004, getTrxName()); // Store Central
// Try to change AD_OrgBP_ID field value to a new value
final int old_org_id = bp.getAD_OrgBP_ID_Int();
int new_org_id = 50005; // Store East Org
if (old_org_id == new_org_id)
new_org_id = 12; // Store Central
// Following line throws:
// java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String
// at org.compiere.model.X_C_BPartner.getAD_OrgBP_ID(
// at org.compiere.model.MBPartner.getAD_OrgBP_ID_Int(
// at test.functional.POTest.testAD_OrgBP_ID_Issue(
// Test save:

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@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 2008 SC ARHIPAC SERVICE SRL. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
package test.functional;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.adempiere.exceptions.DBException;
import org.compiere.model.MTable;
import org.compiere.model.POResultSet;
import org.compiere.model.Query;
import org.compiere.model.X_AD_Element;
import org.compiere.util.DB;
import org.compiere.util.Env;
import org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair;
import test.AdempiereTestCase;
* Test {@link org.compiere.model.Query} class
* @author Teo Sarca,
public class QueryTest extends AdempiereTestCase
public void testQuery_NoTable() throws Exception
assertExceptionThrown("", IllegalArgumentException.class, new Runnable(){
public void run()
new Query(getCtx(), "NO_TABLE_DEFINED", null, getTrxName());
public void testList() throws Exception
List<MTable> list = new Query(getCtx(), "AD_Table", "TableName IN (?,?)", getTrxName())
.setParameters(new Object[]{"C_Invoice", "M_InOut"})
assertEquals("Invalid list size", 2, list.size());
assertEquals("Invalid object 1", list.get(0).getTableName(), "C_Invoice");
assertEquals("Invalid object 2", list.get(1).getTableName(), "M_InOut");
public void testScroll() throws Exception
POResultSet<MTable> rs = new Query(getCtx(), "AD_Table", "TableName IN (?,?)", getTrxName())
.setParameters(new Object[]{"C_Invoice", "M_InOut"})
int i = 0;
while (rs.hasNext())
MTable t =;
if (i == 0)
assertEquals("Invalid object "+i, "C_Invoice", t.getTableName());
else if (i == 1)
assertEquals("Invalid object "+i, "M_InOut", t.getTableName());
assertFalse("More objects retrived than expected", true);
rs = null;
public void testIterate() throws Exception
Iterator<MTable> it = new Query(getCtx(), "AD_Table", "TableName IN (?,?)", getTrxName())
.setParameters(new Object[]{"C_Invoice", "M_InOut"})
int i = 0;
MTable t =;
if (i == 0)
assertEquals("Invalid object "+i, "C_Invoice", t.getTableName());
else if (i == 1)
assertEquals("Invalid object "+i, "M_InOut", t.getTableName());
assertFalse("More objects retrived than expected", true);
public void testCount() throws Exception
int count = new Query(getCtx(), "AD_Table", "TableName IN (?,?)", getTrxName())
.setParameters(new Object[]{"C_Invoice", "M_InOut"})
assertEquals("Invalid count", 2, count);
public void testCount_BadSQL() throws Exception
assertExceptionThrown(null, DBException.class, new Runnable(){
public void run()
new Query(getCtx(), "AD_Table", "TableName IN (?,?) AND BAD_SQL", getTrxName())
.setParameters(new Object[]{"C_Invoice", "M_InOut"})
public void testCount_NoValues() throws Exception
int count = new Query(getCtx(), "AD_Table", "1=2", getTrxName()).count();
assertEquals("Counter should be ZERO", 0, count);
public void testFirst() throws Exception
MTable t = new Query(getCtx(), "AD_Table", "TableName IN (?,?)", getTrxName())
.setParameters(new Object[]{"C_Invoice", "M_InOut"})
assertEquals("Invalid object", "C_Invoice", t.getTableName());
public void testFirstId() throws Exception
int id = new Query(getCtx(), "AD_Table", "TableName IN (?,?)", getTrxName())
.setParameters(new Object[]{"C_Invoice", "M_InOut"})
int expectedId = 318; // C_Invoice
assertEquals("Invalid ID", expectedId, id);
public void testFirstOnly() throws Exception
MTable t = new Query(getCtx(), "AD_Table", "AD_Table_ID=?", getTrxName())
.setParameters(new Object[]{318})
assertEquals("Invalid table ID", 318, t.get_ID());
assertExceptionThrown(null, DBException.class, new Runnable(){
public void run()
new Query(getCtx(), "AD_Table", "TableName IN (?,?)", getTrxName())
.setParameters(new Object[]{"C_Invoice", "M_InOut"})
public void testFirstIdOnly() throws Exception
int expectedId = 318; // C_Invoice
int id = new Query(getCtx(), "AD_Table", "AD_Table_ID=?", getTrxName())
.setParameters(new Object[]{expectedId})
assertEquals("Invalid table ID", expectedId, id);
assertExceptionThrown(null, DBException.class, new Runnable(){
public void run()
new Query(getCtx(), "AD_Table", "TableName IN (?,?)", getTrxName())
.setParameters(new Object[]{"C_Invoice", "M_InOut"})
public void testSetClient_ID() throws Exception
int AD_Client_ID = Env.getAD_Client_ID(getCtx());
String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM C_Invoice WHERE IsActive='Y' AND AD_Client_ID="+AD_Client_ID;
int targetCount = DB.getSQLValue(null, sql);
int count = new Query(getCtx(), "C_Invoice", "1=1", getTrxName())
assertEquals("Invoice # not match", targetCount, count);
public void testGet_IDs() throws Exception
final String whereClause = "AD_Element_ID IN (101, 102)";
int[] ids = new Query(getCtx(), "AD_Element", whereClause, getTrxName())
assertEquals(2, ids.length);
assertEquals(101, ids[0]);
assertEquals(102, ids[1]);
public void testAggregate() throws Exception
final int AD_Client_ID = Env.getAD_Client_ID(getCtx());
final String sqlFrom = "FROM C_InvoiceLine WHERE IsActive='Y' AND AD_Client_ID="+AD_Client_ID;
final Query query = new Query(getCtx(), "C_InvoiceLine", null, getTrxName())
// Test COUNT:
assertEquals("COUNT not match",
DB.getSQLValueBDEx(getTrxName(), "SELECT COUNT(*) "+sqlFrom),
query.aggregate(null, Query.AGGREGATE_COUNT));
// Test SUM:
assertEquals("SUM not match",
DB.getSQLValueBDEx(getTrxName(), "SELECT SUM(LineNetAmt+TaxAmt) "+sqlFrom),
query.aggregate("LineNetAmt+TaxAmt", Query.AGGREGATE_SUM));
// Test MIN:
assertEquals("MIN not match",
DB.getSQLValueBDEx(getTrxName(), "SELECT MIN(LineNetAmt) "+sqlFrom),
query.aggregate("LineNetAmt", Query.AGGREGATE_MIN));
// Test MAX:
assertEquals("MAX not match",
DB.getSQLValueBDEx(getTrxName(), "SELECT MAX(LineNetAmt) "+sqlFrom),
query.aggregate("LineNetAmt", Query.AGGREGATE_MAX));
// Test aggregate (String) - FR [ 2726447 ]
assertEquals("MAX not match (String)",
DB.getSQLValueStringEx(getTrxName(), "SELECT MAX(Description) "+sqlFrom),
(String)query.aggregate("Description", Query.AGGREGATE_MAX, String.class));
// Test aggregate (Timestamp) - FR [ 2726447 ]
assertEquals("MAX not match (Timestamp)",
DB.getSQLValueTSEx(getTrxName(), "SELECT MAX(Updated) "+sqlFrom),
(Timestamp)query.aggregate("Updated", Query.AGGREGATE_MAX, Timestamp.class));
// Test Exception : No Aggregate Function defined
assertExceptionThrown("No Aggregate Function defined", DBException.class, new Runnable(){
public void run()
query.aggregate("*", null);
// Test Exception : No Expression defined
assertExceptionThrown("No Expression defined", DBException.class, new Runnable(){
public void run()
query.aggregate(null, Query.AGGREGATE_SUM);
public void testOnlySelection() throws Exception
// Get one AD_PInstance_ID
int AD_PInstance_ID = DB.getSQLValueEx(null, "SELECT MAX(AD_PInstance_ID) FROM AD_PInstance");
assertTrue(AD_PInstance_ID > 0);
// Create selection list
List<KeyNamePair> elements = new ArrayList<KeyNamePair> ();
elements.add(new KeyNamePair(102, null)); // AD_Element_ID=102 => AD_Client_ID
elements.add(new KeyNamePair(104, null)); // AD_Element_ID=104 => AD_Column_ID
DB.executeUpdateEx("DELETE FROM T_Selection WHERE AD_PInstance_ID="+AD_PInstance_ID, getTrxName());
DB.createT_SelectionNew (AD_PInstance_ID, elements, getTrxName());
String whereClause = "1=1"; // some dummy where clause
int[] ids = new Query(getCtx(), X_AD_Element.Table_Name, whereClause, getTrxName())
assertEquals("Resulting number of elements differ", elements.size(), ids.length);
for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++)
int expected = elements.get(i).getKey();
assertEquals("Element "+i+" not equals", expected, ids[i]);

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@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 2008 SC ARHIPAC SERVICE SRL. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
package test.functional;
import org.adempiere.exceptions.AdempiereException;
import org.compiere.model.MTest;
import org.compiere.model.Query;
import org.compiere.util.Trx;
import org.compiere.util.TrxRunnable;
import test.AdempiereTestCase;
* Test {@link Trx} class
* @author Teo Sarca,
public class TrxTest extends AdempiereTestCase {
private int m_id2 = -1;
* Test {@link Trx#run(TrxRunnable)} and {@link Trx#run(String, TrxRunnable)} methods
public void testRunTrxRunnable() throws Exception
// Create test outside trx - success
m_id2 = -1; TrxRunnable() {
public void run(String trxName) {
m_id2 = createTest(trxName).get_ID();
assertTestExists(m_id2, true, null);
new MTest(getCtx(), m_id2, null).deleteEx(true);
// Create test outside trx - fail
m_id2 = -1;
try { TrxRunnable() {
public void run(String trxName) {
m_id2 = createTest(trxName).get_ID();
throw new AdempiereException("FORCE");
assertTrue("Should not happen because previous code is throwing exception", false);
catch (AdempiereException e) {
assertTestExists(m_id2, false, null);
// Create test1
String trxName = getTrxName();
MTest test1 = createTest(trxName);
// Fail creating test2
m_id2 = -1;
try {, new TrxRunnable() {
public void run(String trxName) {
m_id2 = createTest(trxName).get_ID();
throw new AdempiereException("FORCE");
assertTrue("Should not happen because previous code is throwing exception", false);
catch (AdempiereException e) {
assertTestExists(m_id2, false, trxName);
assertTestExists(test1.get_ID(), true, trxName);
// Success creating test2
m_id2 = -1;, new TrxRunnable() {
public void run(String trxName) {
m_id2 = createTest(trxName).get_ID();
assertTestExists(m_id2, true, trxName);
assertTestExists(test1.get_ID(), true, trxName);
private final MTest createTest(String trxName) {
MTest test = new MTest (getCtx(), "test-"+getClass(), 10);
return test;
private final void assertTestExists(int test_id, boolean existsTarget, String trxName)
String whereClause = MTest.COLUMNNAME_Test_ID+"=?";
boolean exists = new Query(getCtx(), MTest.Table_Name, whereClause, trxName)
.setParameters(new Object[]{test_id})
assertEquals("Test "+test_id+" [trxName="+trxName+"] - existance issue", existsTarget, exists);

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@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
package test.performance;
* This file is part of ADempiere Business Suite *
* *
* *
* Copyright (C) Trifon Trifonov. *
* Copyright (C) Contributors *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, *
* MA 02110-1301, USA. *
* *
* Contributors: *
* - Trifon Trifonov ( *
* *
* Sponsors: *
* - Catura AG ( *
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import org.compiere.model.MProduct;
import test.AdempiereTestCase;
* @author Trifon Trifonov
public class MProductTest extends AdempiereTestCase {
private MProduct product = null;
private int AD_Org_ID = 0;
private int M_Product_Category_ID = 0;
private int C_TaxCategory_ID = 0;
private int C_UOM_ID = 0;
private String ProductType = null;
private int startIndex = 43000;
private int runCount = 500;
private boolean singleCommit = false;
protected void setUp() throws Exception
// How to setup language
//Env.setContext(getCtx(), Env.LANGUAGE, "en_US");
// Organization
AD_Org_ID = Integer.parseInt( testProperties.getProperty("AD_Org_ID", "0") ); // 0 in Any Tenant
// M_Product_Category
M_Product_Category_ID = Integer.parseInt( testProperties.getProperty("M_Product_Category_ID", "105") ); // 105 in GardenWorld
// C_TaxCategory
C_TaxCategory_ID = Integer.parseInt( testProperties.getProperty("C_TaxCategory_ID", "107") ); // 107 in GardenWorld
// C_UOM
C_UOM_ID = Integer.parseInt( testProperties.getProperty("C_UOM_ID", "100") ); // 100 in GardenWorld
// ProductType
ProductType = testProperties.getProperty("ProductType", "I"); // 'I' in GardenWorld
startIndex = Integer.parseInt( testProperties.getProperty("startIndex", "43000") );
runCount = Integer.parseInt( testProperties.getProperty("runCount", "500") );
singleCommit = Boolean.parseBoolean( testProperties.getProperty("singleCommit", "false") );
// How to setup Log Level. Not necessary as AdempiereTestCase is taking care of it!
// CLogMgt.setLevel(Level.OFF);
/* Available levels:
Level.OFF, Level.SEVERE, Level.WARNING, Level.INFO,
Level.CONFIG, Level.FINE, Level.FINER, Level.FINEST, Level.ALL
// assertEquals("Client is NOT GardenWorld", 11, Env.getAD_Client_ID(getCtx()));
public void testMProductCreation() {
// Start time - 20:16
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Start Time(ms) = " + startTime);
System.out.println("Start Time = " + new java.util.Date(startTime));
// The 0 symbol shows a digit or 0 if no digit present
// The # symbol shows a digit or nothing if no digit present
NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("00000"); // -001235
for (int idx= startIndex; idx < (startIndex + runCount); idx++) {
//System.out.println("idx = " + idx);
product = new MProduct(getCtx(), 0, getTrxName());
String formattedIdx = formatter.format( idx );
product.setValue("test-product-" + formattedIdx);
product.setName("Test Product " + formattedIdx);
boolean saveResult =;
assertTrue("", saveResult);
//System.out.println("product.getM_Product_ID: " + product.getM_Product_ID());
if (singleCommit) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
} // end 'for' loop
if (!singleCommit) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("End Time(ms) = " + endTime);
System.out.println("End Time = " + new java.util.Date(endTime));
long time = endTime - startTime;
System.out.println("Duration(ms) = " + time);
time = time / 1000;
System.out.println("Duration(sec.) = " + time);
if (time > 0) {
System.out.println("Duration(min.) = " + time / 60);
"Count = " + runCount
+ "; Time(seconds) = " + time + "; Produsts/Second = " + ((float)runCount/time) + "; ");
assertTrue(this.getClass().getName(), true);

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@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
# MProductTest - Tenant: GardenWorld
# MProductTest - Tenant: Test6

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@ -88,7 +88,6 @@
<setAttribute key="selected_workspace_bundles">
<setEntry value="org.adempiere.base@default:default"/>
<setEntry value="org.adempiere.extend@default:false"/>
<setEntry value="org.adempiere.install@default:default"/>
<setEntry value="org.apache.ecs@default:default"/>
<setEntry value=""/>

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@ -88,7 +88,6 @@
<setAttribute key="selected_workspace_bundles">
<setEntry value="org.adempiere.base@default:default"/>
<setEntry value="org.adempiere.extend@default:false"/>
<setEntry value="org.adempiere.install@default:default"/>
<setEntry value="org.apache.ecs@default:default"/>
<setEntry value=""/>

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@ -407,7 +407,6 @@
<setEntry value="org.adempiere.base.process@default:default"/>
<setEntry value="org.adempiere.base@default:default"/>
<setEntry value="org.adempiere.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet@default:false"/>
<setEntry value="org.adempiere.extend@default:false"/>
<setEntry value="org.adempiere.install@default:default"/>
<setEntry value="org.adempiere.payment.processor@default:default"/>
<setEntry value="org.adempiere.pipo.handlers@default:default"/>

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@ -408,7 +408,6 @@
<setEntry value="org.adempiere.base.process@default:default"/>
<setEntry value="org.adempiere.base@default:default"/>
<setEntry value="org.adempiere.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet@default:default"/>
<setEntry value="org.adempiere.extend@default:false"/>
<setEntry value="org.adempiere.install@default:default"/>
<setEntry value="org.adempiere.payment.processor@default:default"/>
<setEntry value="org.adempiere.pipo.handlers@default:default"/>

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@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ jars.extra.classpath = platform:/plugin/org.adempiere.base/,\

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@ -15,7 +15,6 @@