[ 1748932 ] enhanced dashboard / graph package

This commit is contained in:
Heng Sin Low 2007-07-08 09:38:56 +00:00
parent 33b29584e7
commit 0330d31ac6
12 changed files with 2553 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
* For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
* ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
* or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
package org.adempiere.apps.graph;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.*;
import java.math.*;
import java.sql.*;
import org.compiere.apps.*;
import org.compiere.model.*;
import org.compiere.swing.*;
import org.compiere.util.*;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartMouseEvent;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartMouseListener;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel;
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.chart.entity.CategoryItemEntity;
import org.jfree.chart.entity.ChartEntity;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.BarRenderer;
import org.jfree.data.category.CategoryDataset;
import org.jfree.data.category.DefaultCategoryDataset;
import org.jfree.data.general.DefaultValueDataset;
* Bar Graph
* @author Jorg Janke
* @version $Id: BarGraph.java,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:51:28 jjanke Exp $
public class BarGraph extends CPanel implements ChartMouseListener //, ComponentListener //, ActionListener
* Constructor
public BarGraph()
this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
} // BarGraph
* Constructor
* @param goal goal
public BarGraph(MGoal goal)
m_goal = goal;
m_Y_AxisLabel = goal.getName();
m_X_AxisLabel = goal.getXAxisText();
} // BarGraph
/** The Goal */
private MGoal m_goal = null;
/** Graph Size */
//private Dimension m_size = null;
/** Zero/Zero Coordibate point */
private Point m_point0_0 = null;
/** Layout */
private BarGraphLayout m_layout = new BarGraphLayout(this);
/** Logger */
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger (BarGraph.class);
/** X Axis Label */
private String m_X_AxisLabel = "X Axis";
/** Y Axis Label */
private String m_Y_AxisLabel = "Y Axis";
/** Y Axis Max */
private double m_Y_Max = 0;
/** Y Axis Target Line */
private double m_Y_Target = 0;
/** Y Axis Target Line Label */
private String m_Y_TargetLabel = null;
private static Dimension paneldimension = new Dimension(180, 150);
final DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
* Load Performance Data
ArrayList<BarGraphColumn> list = new ArrayList<BarGraphColumn>();
private void loadData()
// Calculated
MMeasure measure = m_goal.getMeasure();
if (measure == null)
log.warning("No Measure for " + m_goal);
if (MMeasure.MEASURETYPE_Calculated.equals(measure.getMeasureType()))
MMeasureCalc mc = MMeasureCalc.get(Env.getCtx(), measure.getPA_MeasureCalc_ID());
String sql = mc.getSqlBarChart(m_goal.getRestrictions(false),
m_goal.getMeasureDisplay(), null,
MRole.getDefault()); // logged in role
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, null);
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
ArrayList<Timestamp> dataList = new ArrayList<Timestamp>();
while (rs.next ())
BigDecimal data = rs.getBigDecimal(1);
Timestamp date = rs.getTimestamp(2);
BarGraphColumn bgc = new BarGraphColumn(mc, data);
bgc.setLabel(date, m_goal.getMeasureDisplay()); //TODO copy order-loop to other measures
int pos=0;
for (int i = 0; i < dataList.size(); i++)
if (dataList.get(i).before(date)) pos++;
dataList.add(date); // list of dates
list.add(pos, bgc);
rs.close ();
pstmt.close ();
pstmt = null;
catch (Exception e)
log.log (Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
if (pstmt != null)
pstmt.close ();
pstmt = null;
catch (Exception e)
pstmt = null;
else if (MMeasure.MEASURETYPE_Achievements.equals(measure.getMeasureType()))
if (MMeasure.MEASUREDATATYPE_StatusQtyAmount.equals(measure.getMeasureDataType()))
MAchievement[] achievements = MAchievement.get(measure);
for (int i = 0; i < achievements.length; i++)
MAchievement achievement = achievements[i];
BarGraphColumn bgc = new BarGraphColumn(achievement);
else // MMeasure.MEASUREDATATYPE_QtyAmountInTime
String MeasureDisplay = m_goal.getMeasureDisplay();
String trunc = "D";
if (MGoal.MEASUREDISPLAY_Year.equals(MeasureDisplay))
trunc = "Y";
else if (MGoal.MEASUREDISPLAY_Quarter.equals(MeasureDisplay))
trunc = "Q";
else if (MGoal.MEASUREDISPLAY_Month.equals(MeasureDisplay))
trunc = "MM";
else if (MGoal.MEASUREDISPLAY_Week.equals(MeasureDisplay))
trunc = "W";
// else if (MGoal.MEASUREDISPLAY_Day.equals(MeasureDisplay))
// trunc = "D";
trunc = "TRUNC(DateDoc,'" + trunc + "')";
StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer ("SELECT SUM(ManualActual), ")
.append(trunc).append(" FROM PA_Achievement WHERE PA_Measure_ID=? AND IsAchieved='Y' ")
.append("GROUP BY ").append(trunc)
.append(" ORDER BY ").append(trunc);
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql.toString(), null);
pstmt.setInt(1, measure.getPA_Measure_ID());
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
while (rs.next ())
BigDecimal data = rs.getBigDecimal(1);
Timestamp date = rs.getTimestamp(2);
BarGraphColumn bgc = new BarGraphColumn(m_goal, data);
bgc.setLabel(date, m_goal.getMeasureDisplay());
rs.close ();
pstmt.close ();
pstmt = null;
catch (Exception e)
log.log (Level.SEVERE, sql.toString(), e);
if (pstmt != null)
pstmt.close ();
pstmt = null;
catch (Exception e)
pstmt = null;
} // Achievement in time
} // Achievement
// Request
else if (MMeasure.MEASURETYPE_Request.equals(measure.getMeasureType()))
MRequestType rt = MRequestType.get(Env.getCtx(), measure.getR_RequestType_ID());
String sql = rt.getSqlBarChart(m_goal.getRestrictions(false),
m_goal.getMeasureDisplay(), measure.getMeasureDataType(),
null, MRole.getDefault()); // logged in role
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, null);
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
while (rs.next ())
BigDecimal data = rs.getBigDecimal(1);
int R_Status_ID = rs.getInt(3);
BarGraphColumn bgc = new BarGraphColumn(rt, data, R_Status_ID);
if (R_Status_ID == 0)
Timestamp date = rs.getTimestamp(2);
bgc.setLabel(date, m_goal.getMeasureDisplay());
MStatus status = MStatus.get(Env.getCtx(), R_Status_ID);
rs.close ();
pstmt.close ();
pstmt = null;
catch (Exception e)
log.log (Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
if (pstmt != null)
pstmt.close ();
pstmt = null;
catch (Exception e)
pstmt = null;
} // Request
// Project
else if (MMeasure.MEASURETYPE_Project.equals(measure.getMeasureType()))
MProjectType pt = MProjectType.get(Env.getCtx(), measure.getC_ProjectType_ID());
String sql = pt.getSqlBarChart(m_goal.getRestrictions(false),
m_goal.getMeasureDisplay(), measure.getMeasureDataType(),
null, MRole.getDefault()); // logged in role
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement (sql, null);
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery ();
while (rs.next ())
BigDecimal data = rs.getBigDecimal(1);
Timestamp date = rs.getTimestamp(2);
int id = rs.getInt(3);
BarGraphColumn bgc = new BarGraphColumn(pt, data, id);
bgc.setLabel(date, m_goal.getMeasureDisplay());
rs.close ();
pstmt.close ();
pstmt = null;
catch (Exception e)
log.log (Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
if (pstmt != null)
pstmt.close ();
pstmt = null;
catch (Exception e)
pstmt = null;
} // Project
// Add last 20
int startValue = 0;
//if (list.size() > 20) //TODO CHECK
// startValue = list.size()-20;
for (int i = startValue; i < list.size(); i++)
add (list.get(i));
for (int i = startValue; i < list.size(); i++){
dataset.addValue(list.get(i).getValue(), list.get(i).getLabel(), list.get(i).getLabel());
// create the chart...
final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart(
measure.getName(), // chart title
m_X_AxisLabel, // domain axis label
m_Y_AxisLabel, // range axis label
dataset, // data
PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, // orientation
false, // include legend
true, // tooltips?
true // URLs?
CategoryPlot plot = chart.getCategoryPlot();
//plot.setBackgroundPaint(Color.lightGray); //GraphUtil.getForeground(getBackground())
BarRenderer renderer = (BarRenderer) plot.getRenderer();
renderer.setSeriesPaint(0, new Color(92/255f, 178/255f, 232/255f));
renderer.setSeriesPaint(1, new Color(56/255f, 97/255f, 119/255f));
renderer.setSeriesPaint(2, new Color(242/255f, 70/255f, 78/255f));
renderer.setSeriesPaint(3, Color.orange);
renderer.setSeriesPaint(4, new Color(147/255f, 196/255f, 51/255f));
renderer.setSeriesPaint(5, new Color(210/255f, 247/255f, 91/255f));
renderer.setSeriesPaint(6, new Color(129/255f, 235/255f, 249/255f));
renderer.setSeriesPaint(7, new Color(60/255f, 84/255f, 8/255f));
renderer.setSeriesPaint(8, new Color(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f));
chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart);
} // loadData
private ChartPanel chartPanel;
* Get Point 0_0
* @return point
public Point getPoint0_0()
return m_point0_0;
} // getPoint0_0
* @return Returns the x_AxisLabel.
public String getX_AxisLabel ()
return m_X_AxisLabel;
} // getX_AxisLabel
* @param axisLabel The x_AxisLabel to set.
public void setX_AxisLabel (String axisLabel)
m_X_AxisLabel = axisLabel;
} // setX_AxisLabel
* @return Returns the y_AxisLabel.
public String getY_AxisLabel ()
return m_Y_AxisLabel;
} // getY_AxisLabel
* @param axisLabel The y_AxisLabel to set.
public void setY_AxisLabel (String axisLabel)
m_Y_AxisLabel = axisLabel;
} // setY_AxisLabel
* @return Returns the y_TargetLabel.
public String getY_TargetLabel ()
return m_Y_TargetLabel;
} // getY_TargetLabel
* @param targetLabel The y_TargetLabel to set.
public void setY_TargetLabel (String targetLabel, double target)
m_Y_TargetLabel = targetLabel;
m_Y_Target = target;
} // setY_TargetLabel
* Add Column
* @param column column
public void add (BarGraphColumn column)
super.add (column, "column");
} // add
* Paint Component
* @param g graphics
public void chartMouseClicked(ChartMouseEvent event){
if ((event.getEntity()!=null) && (event.getTrigger().getClickCount() > 1)) {
BarGraphColumn bgc = null;
String eventUrl = event.getEntity().toString();
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++){
if ( eventUrl.substring(eventUrl.length() - list.get(i).getLabel().length()).equals(list.get(i).getLabel()))
bgc = list.get(i);
if (null==bgc) return;
MQuery query = null;
if (bgc.getAchievement() != null) // Single Achievement
MAchievement a = bgc.getAchievement();
query = MQuery.getEqualQuery("PA_Measure_ID", a.getPA_Measure_ID());
else if (bgc.getGoal() != null) // Multiple Achievements
MGoal goal = bgc.getGoal();
query = MQuery.getEqualQuery("PA_Measure_ID", goal.getPA_Measure_ID());
else if (bgc.getMeasureCalc() != null) // Document
MMeasureCalc mc = bgc.getMeasureCalc();
query = mc.getQuery(m_goal.getRestrictions(false),
bgc.getMeasureDisplay(), bgc.getDate(),
MRole.getDefault()); // logged in role
else if (bgc.getProjectType() != null) // Document
MProjectType pt = bgc.getProjectType();
query = pt.getQuery(m_goal.getRestrictions(false),
bgc.getMeasureDisplay(), bgc.getDate(), bgc.getID(),
MRole.getDefault()); // logged in role
else if (bgc.getRequestType() != null) // Document
MRequestType rt = bgc.getRequestType();
query = rt.getQuery(m_goal.getRestrictions(false),
bgc.getMeasureDisplay(), bgc.getDate(), bgc.getID(),
MRole.getDefault()); // logged in role
if (query != null)
log.warning("Nothing to zoom to - " + bgc);
public void chartMouseMoved(ChartMouseEvent event) {}
public BarGraphColumn[] getBarGraphColumnList() {
BarGraphColumn[] array = new BarGraphColumn[list.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++){
array[i] = list.get(i);
return array;
public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
float aspectRatio = 1.6f;
Dimension size = getSize();
if (size.width > size.height * aspectRatio)
chartPanel.setSize( new Dimension(
chartPanel.setSize(new Dimension(
java.lang.Math.round(size.width / aspectRatio)));
public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
} // BarGraph

View File

@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
* For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
* ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
* or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
package org.adempiere.apps.graph;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.math.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.text.*;
import org.compiere.model.*;
import org.compiere.util.*;
* Bar Graph Column
* @author Jorg Janke
* @version $Id: BarGraphColumn.java,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:51:28 jjanke Exp $
public class BarGraphColumn extends JComponent implements MouseListener
* Base Constructor
* @param label label
* @param value value
public BarGraphColumn (String label, double value)
m_label = label;
} // BarGraphColumn
* Single Achievement Constructor
* @param achievement achievement
public BarGraphColumn (MAchievement achievement)
this (achievement.getName(), achievement.getManualActual().doubleValue());
m_achievement = achievement;
} // BarGraphColumn
* Achievement Goal Constructor
* @param goal goal
* @param data count
public BarGraphColumn (MGoal goal, BigDecimal data)
this ("", data == null ? 0 : data.doubleValue());
m_goal = goal;
} // BarGraphColumn
* Measure Calc Constructor
* @param mc MeasureCalc
public BarGraphColumn (MMeasureCalc mc, BigDecimal data)
this ("", data == null ? 0 : data.doubleValue());
m_mc = mc;
} // BarGraphColumn
* Request Type Constructor
* @param rt Request Type
public BarGraphColumn (MRequestType rt, BigDecimal data, int id)
this ("", data == null ? 0 : data.doubleValue());
m_rt = rt;
m_id = id;
} // BarGraphColumn
* Project Type Constructor
* @param pt Procet Type
public BarGraphColumn (MProjectType pt, BigDecimal data, int id)
this ("", data == null ? 0 : data.doubleValue());
m_pt = pt;
m_id = id;
} // BarGraphColumn
/** Optional Achievement */
private MAchievement m_achievement = null;
/** Measure Calc */
private MMeasureCalc m_mc = null;
/** Goal */
private MGoal m_goal = null;
private MRequestType m_rt = null;
private MProjectType m_pt = null;
private int m_id = 0;
/** Display */
private String m_measureDisplay = null;
private Timestamp m_date = null;
/** Column Label */
private String m_label = null;
/** Column Data Value */
private double m_value = 0;
/** Column Label Value */
private String m_labelValue = "";
/** Column Data Target Value */
private double m_targetValue = 0;
/** Column Width in pixles */
private double m_width = 0;
/** Column Height in pixles */
private double m_height = 0;
/** Logger */
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger (BarGraphColumn.class);
/** Integer Number Format */
private static DecimalFormat s_format = DisplayType.getNumberFormat(DisplayType.Integer);
* Get Achievement Goal
* @return achievement or null
public MGoal getGoal()
return m_goal;
} // getGoal
* Get Single Achievement
* @return achievement or null
public MAchievement getAchievement()
return m_achievement;
} // getAchievement
* Get MeasureCalc
* @return measure
public MMeasureCalc getMeasureCalc()
return m_mc;
} // getMeasureCalc
public MRequestType getRequestType()
return m_rt;
public MProjectType getProjectType()
return m_pt;
public String getMeasureDisplay()
return m_measureDisplay;
} // getMeasureDisplay
public Timestamp getDate()
return m_date;
} // getDate
public int getID()
return m_id;
* Set Background and matching Foreground
* @param bg background
public void setBackground (Color bg)
super.setBackground (bg);
} // setBackground
* @return Returns the label.
public String getLabel ()
return m_label;
} // getLabel
* @param label The label to set.
public void setLabel (String label)
m_label = label;
if (m_label != null)
m_labelValue = s_format.format(m_value) + " - " + m_label;
m_labelValue = s_format.format(m_value);
} // setLabel
* @param date for label.
* @param MeasureDisplay measure display
public void setLabel (Timestamp date, String MeasureDisplay)
if (date == null)
m_date = date;
m_measureDisplay = MeasureDisplay;
SimpleDateFormat format = DisplayType.getDateFormat(DisplayType.Date);
String text = format.format(date);
// Month only
if (MGoal.MEASUREDISPLAY_Month.equals(MeasureDisplay)
|| MGoal.MEASUREDISPLAY_Quarter.equals(MeasureDisplay))
String pattern = format.toPattern();
String mmText = text;
int index = pattern.indexOf("dd");
if (index == 0) // dd.MM.yyyy
mmText = text.substring(3);
else if (index > 0) // MM/dd/yyyy
mmText = text.substring(0, index-1);
if (text.length() > index+2)
mmText += text.substring(index+2);
else // Day
} // setLabel
* @return Returns the targetValue.
public double getTargetValue ()
return m_targetValue;
} // getTargetValue
* @param targetValue The targetValue to set.
public void setTargetValue (double targetValue)
m_targetValue = targetValue;
} // setTargetValue
* @return Returns the data value.
public double getValue ()
return m_value;
} // getValue
* @param value The data value to set.
public void setValue (double value)
m_value = value;
if (m_label != null)
m_labelValue = s_format.format(m_value) + " - " + m_label;
m_labelValue = s_format.format(m_value);
} // setValue
* @return Returns the column width in pixles.
public double getColWidth ()
return m_width;
} // getColWidth
* @param width The column width in pixles.
public void setColWidth (double width)
m_width = width;
if (isPreferredSizeSet())
} // getColWidth
* @return Returns the height in pixles.
public double getColHeight()
return m_height;
} // getHeight
* @param height The hight in pixles.
public void setColHeight (double height)
m_height = height;
if (isPreferredSizeSet())
} // setHeight
* Get Maximum Size
* @return size
public Dimension getMaximumSize ()
return getPreferredSize();
} // getMaximumSize
* Get Minimum Size
* @return size
public Dimension getMinimumSize ()
return getPreferredSize();
} // getMinimumSize
* Get Preferred Size
* @return size
public Dimension getPreferredSize ()
if (!isPreferredSizeSet())
Dimension size = new Dimension((int)m_width, (int)m_height);
return super.getPreferredSize ();
} // getPreferredSize
* Paint Component
* @param g graphics
protected void paintComponent (Graphics g)
Graphics2D g2D = (Graphics2D)g;
Rectangle bounds = getBounds();
// Background
//Dimension size = getPreferredSize();
Dimension size =getSize();
System.out.println("bgc: " + size.width + " x " + size.height);
g2D.fill3DRect(0, 0, size.width, size.height, true);
// Paint Label & Value
Color color = getForeground();
Font font = getFont();
FontMetrics fm = g2D.getFontMetrics(font);
int fontHeight = fm.getHeight();
AffineTransform transform = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(Math.PI*3/2);
font = font.deriveFont(transform);
int x = (int)(size.width/2)+((fontHeight-2)/2);
if (x < fontHeight)
x = fontHeight-2;
int y = (int)(size.height-3);
g2D.drawString(m_labelValue, x, y);
log.finest("x=" + x + ",fontHeight=" + fontHeight + ", y=" + y + " - " + m_labelValue);
// Paint Target
if (m_targetValue != 0)
} // paintComponent
* Adds an <code>ActionListener</code> to the indicator.
* @param l the <code>ActionListener</code> to be added
public void addActionListener(ActionListener l)
if (l != null)
listenerList.add(ActionListener.class, l);
} // addActionListener
* Removes an <code>ActionListener</code> from the indicator.
* @param l the listener to be removed
public void removeActionListener(ActionListener l)
if (l != null)
listenerList.remove(ActionListener.class, l);
} // removeActionListener
* Returns an array of all the <code>ActionListener</code>s added
* to this indicator with addActionListener().
* @return all of the <code>ActionListener</code>s added or an empty
* array if no listeners have been added
public ActionListener[] getActionListeners()
return (ActionListener[])(listenerList.getListeners(ActionListener.class));
} // getActionListeners
* Notifies all listeners that have registered interest for
* notification on this event type. The event instance
* is lazily created using the <code>event</code>
* parameter.
* @param event the <code>ActionEvent</code> object
* @see EventListenerList
protected void fireActionPerformed(MouseEvent event)
// Guaranteed to return a non-null array
ActionListener[] listeners = getActionListeners();
ActionEvent e = null;
// Process the listeners first to last
for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++)
// Lazily create the event:
if (e == null)
e = new ActionEvent(this, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED,
"column"+m_label, event.getWhen(), event.getModifiers());
} // fireActionPerformed
* Mouse Clicked
* @param e mouse event
public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent e)
if (SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e) && e.getClickCount() > 1)
} // mouseClicked
public void mousePressed (MouseEvent e)
public void mouseReleased (MouseEvent e)
public void mouseEntered (MouseEvent e)
public void mouseExited (MouseEvent e)
} // BarGraphColumn

View File

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
* For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
* ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
* or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
package org.adempiere.apps.graph;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.compiere.util.*;
* Bar Graph Layout
* @author Jorg Janke
* @version $Id: BarGraphLayout.java,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:51:28 jjanke Exp $
public class BarGraphLayout
implements LayoutManager
* Bar Graph Layout
* @param parent parenr
public BarGraphLayout (BarGraph parent)
m_parent = parent;
} // BarGraphLayout
/** Parent Container */
private BarGraph m_parent;
/** List of Components */
private ArrayList<BarGraphColumn> m_list = new ArrayList<BarGraphColumn>();
/** Layout Complete */
private boolean m_layoutComplete = false;
/** Gap between columns */
private static int XGAP = 2;
/** Gap to Axix */
private static int YGAP = 1;
/** Logger */
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger (BarGraphLayout.class);
* Add Layout Component
* @param name name
* @param comp component
public void addLayoutComponent (String name, Component comp)
if (comp instanceof BarGraphColumn)
log.severe("Invalid Class: " + comp);
m_layoutComplete = false;
} // addLayoutComponent
* Remove Layout Component
* @param comp component
public void removeLayoutComponent (Component comp)
m_layoutComplete = false;
} // removeLayoutComponent
* Preferred Layout Size
* @param parent parent
* @return size
public Dimension preferredLayoutSize (Container parent)
return parent.getPreferredSize();
} // preferredLayoutSize
* Minimum Layout Size
* @param parent parent
* @return size
public Dimension minimumLayoutSize (Container parent)
return parent.getMinimumSize();
} // minimumLayoutSize
* Layout Container
* @param parent
public void layoutContainer (Container parent)
if (m_layoutComplete)
// Find Max
double maxValue = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_list.size(); i++)
BarGraphColumn column = m_list.get(i);
maxValue = Math.max(maxValue, column.getValue());
//Dimension size = m_parent.getPreferredSize();
Dimension size =m_parent.getSize();
System.out.println("bgl: " +size.width + " x " + size.height);
Point point0_0 = m_parent.getPoint0_0();
double graphHeight = size.height - (size.height-point0_0.y) - (2*YGAP);
double graphWidth = size.width - point0_0.x - XGAP;
double columnWidth = (graphWidth - (XGAP*m_list.size())) / m_list.size();
columnWidth = Math.min(30, columnWidth);
FontMetrics fm = m_parent.getFontMetrics(m_parent.getFont());
int fontHeight = fm.getHeight();
columnWidth = Math.max(fontHeight, columnWidth);
log.fine("Height=" + graphHeight + ", MaxValue=" + maxValue
+ ", Width=" + graphWidth + ", ColumnWidth=" + columnWidth);
int x = point0_0.x + (2*XGAP);
// Set Values
for (int i = 0; i < m_list.size(); i++)
BarGraphColumn column = m_list.get(i);
double multiplier = column.getValue() / maxValue;
double height = graphHeight * multiplier;
Dimension ps = column.getPreferredSize();
int y = point0_0.y - ps.height - YGAP;
column.setLocation(x, y);
column.setBounds(x, y, ps.width, ps.height);
x += ps.width + XGAP;
log.finer(i + " - " + ((int)(multiplier*100)) + "% - " + column.getBounds());
m_layoutComplete = true;
} // layoutContainer
} // BarGraphLayout

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
package org.adempiere.apps.graph;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.text.*;
import javax.swing.text.html.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.sql.SQLException;
public class FCHtmlEditorKit extends HTMLEditorKit {
public ViewFactory getViewFactory() {
if (defaultFactory == null) {
defaultFactory = new FCHtmlFactory(super.getViewFactory());
return defaultFactory;
private static class FCHtmlFactory implements ViewFactory {
public FCHtmlFactory(ViewFactory factory) {
oldFactory = factory;
public View create(Element elem) {
View result;
result = oldFactory.create(elem);
if (result instanceof ImageView) {
String src = (String)elem.getAttributes().
if ("res:".equals(src.substring(0, 4))) {
result = new NewImageView(elem);
return result;
private static class NewImageView extends ImageView {
Element elem;
public NewImageView(Element elem) {
public Image getImage() {
//return smile image
//if (smileImage == null) {
String src = (String)elem.getAttributes().
//System.out.println("img load: " + src.substring(4));
URL url = getClass().getClassLoader().
if (url == null) return null;
smileImage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(url);
if (smileImage==null) return null;
//forcing image to load synchronously
ImageIcon ii = new ImageIcon();
return smileImage;
public URL getImageURL() {
// here we return url to some image. It might be any
// existing image. we need to move ImageView to the
// state where it thinks that image was loaded.
// ImageView is calling getImage to get image for
// measurement and painting when image was loaded
if (false) {
return getClass().getClassLoader().
} else {
String src = (String)elem.getAttributes().
//System.out.println("img load: " + src.substring(4));
URL url = getClass().getClassLoader().
if (url != null) {
System.out.println("load image: " + url);
return url;
return null;
private static Image smileImage = null;
private ViewFactory oldFactory;
private static ViewFactory defaultFactory = null;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
* For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
* ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
* or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
package org.adempiere.apps.graph;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.compiere.util.*;
* Graphic Utilities
* @author Jorg Janke
* @version $Id: GraphUtil.java,v 1.3 2006/07/30 00:51:28 jjanke Exp $
public class GraphUtil
/** Logger */
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger (GraphUtil.class);
* Get Foreground for back
* @param background back
* @return while or black
public static Color getForeground (Color background)
if (background != null && isDark(background))
return Color.white;
return Color.black;
} // getForeground
* Get Column Background
* @param index index
* @return random color
public static Color getBackground (int index)
while (s_colors.size() <= index)
int rr = (index+1) * 47;
int gg = 100;
while (rr > 255)
rr -= 255;
gg += 50;
while (gg > 255)
gg -= 255;
s_colors.add(new Color(255-rr, gg, rr));
return s_colors.get(index);
} // getBackGround
/** List of Colors */
private static ArrayList<Color> s_colors = new ArrayList<Color>();
* Is the Color dark?
* @param color color
* @return true if dark
public static boolean isDark (Color color)
float r = color.getRed() / 255.0f;
float g = color.getGreen() / 255.0f;
float b = color.getBlue() / 255.0f;
double whiteDistance = colorDistance (r, g, b, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
double blackDistance = colorDistance (r, g, b, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
boolean dark = blackDistance < whiteDistance;
if (r+g+b == 1.0)
dark = false;
// log.info("r=" + r + ",g=" + g + ",b=" + b + " - black=" + blackDistance
// + (dark ? " <dark " : " light> ") + "white=" + whiteDistance
// + " - Alpha=" + color.getAlpha() + ", Trans=" + color.getTransparency());
return dark;
} // isDark
* Is Color more white or black?
* @param r red
* @param g green
* @param b blue
* @return true if dark
public static boolean isDark (double r, double g, double b)
double whiteDistance = colorDistance (r, g, b, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
double blackDistance = colorDistance (r, g, b, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
boolean dark = blackDistance < whiteDistance;
// log.finest("r=" + r + ",g=" + g + ",b=" + b + " - white=" + whiteDistance + ",black=" + blackDistance);
return dark;
} // isDark
* Simple Color Distance.
* (3d point distance)
* @param r1 first red
* @param g1 first green
* @param b1 first blue
* @param r2 second red
* @param g2 second green
* @param b2 second blue
* @return 3d distance for relative comparison
public static double colorDistance (double r1, double g1, double b1,
double r2, double g2, double b2)
double a = (r2 - r1) + 0.1;
double b = (g2 - g1) + 0.1;
double c = (b2 - b1) + 0.1;
return Math.sqrt (a*a + b*b + c*c);
} // colorDistance
* Get darker color
* @param color color
* @param factor factor 0..1 (AWT 0.7) the smaller, the darker
* @return darker color
public static Color darker(Color color, double factor)
if (factor < 0.0)
factor = 0.7;
else if (factor > 1.0)
factor = 0.7;
return new Color(
Math.max((int)(color.getRed() * factor), 0),
Math.max((int)(color.getGreen() * factor), 0),
Math.max((int)(color.getBlue() * factor), 0));
} // darker
* Get brighter color
* @param color color
* @param factor factor 0..1 (AWT 0.7) the smaller, the lighter
* @return brighter color
public static Color brighter (Color color, double factor)
if (factor < 0.0)
factor = 0.7;
else if (factor > 1.0)
factor = 0.7;
return new Color(
Math.min((int)(color.getRed() / factor), 255),
Math.min((int)(color.getGreen() / factor), 255),
Math.min((int)(color.getBlue() / factor), 255));
} // brighter
} // GraphUtil

View File

@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
package org.adempiere.apps.graph;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.text.Document;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Cursor;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.JEditorPane;
import javax.swing.JPopupMenu;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import org.compiere.model.MAchievement;
import org.compiere.model.MGoal;
import org.compiere.model.MMeasureCalc;
import org.compiere.model.MProjectType;
import org.compiere.model.MQuery;
import org.compiere.model.MRequestType;
import org.compiere.model.MRole;
import org.compiere.swing.CMenuItem;
import org.compiere.util.CLogger;
import org.compiere.util.DB;
import org.compiere.util.Env;
import org.compiere.util.Ini;
import org.compiere.util.Msg;
import org.compiere.apps.AEnv;
import org.compiere.apps.AWindow;
* @author fcsku
public class HtmlDashboard extends JPanel implements MouseListener,
ActionListener, HyperlinkListener {
private static Dimension paneldimensionMin = new Dimension(80, 80);
private JEditorPane html;
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger (HtmlDashboard.class);
MGoal[] m_goals = null;
JPopupMenu popupMenu = new JPopupMenu();
private CMenuItem mRefresh = new CMenuItem(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "Refresh"), Env.getImageIcon("Refresh16.gif"));
URL lastUrl = null;
* Constructor
public HtmlDashboard(String url, MGoal[] m_goals, boolean scrolling)
//+param VTreePanel treePanel,
//this.treePanel = treePanel;
setName("test title");
this.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
this.m_goals = m_goals;
// Create an HTML viewer
JEditorPane.registerEditorKitForContentType("text/html", "org.adempiere.apps.graph.FCHtmlEditorKit");
html = new JEditorPane();
html.setEditable( false );
JScrollPane scrollPane = null;
if (scrolling)
scrollPane = new JScrollPane();
scrollPane.getViewport().add( html, BorderLayout.CENTER );
this.add( scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER );
html.addHyperlinkListener( this );
public HtmlDashboard(String url)
new HtmlDashboard(url, null, true);
private String createHTML(PAGE_TYPE requestPage){
String result = "<html><head>";
URL url = getClass().getClassLoader().
InputStreamReader ins;
try {
ins = new InputStreamReader(url.openStream());
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader( ins );
String cssLine;
while ((cssLine = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null)
result += cssLine + "\n";
} catch (IOException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
switch (requestPage) {
result += "</head><body class=\"header\">"
+ "<table width=\"100%\"><tr><td>"
+ "<img src=\"res:org/compiere/images/logo_ad.png\">"
+ "</td><td></td><td width=\"290\">"
//+ "<img src=\"res:at/freecom/apps/images/logo_fc.png\">"
+ "</td></tr></table>"
+ "</body></html>";
case PAGE_HOME: //**************************************************************
result += // "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"file:///c:/standard.css\"/>"
"</head><body><div class=\"content\">\n";
queryZoom = null;
queryZoom = new ArrayList<MQuery>();
String appendToHome = null;
+ " LEFT OUTER JOIN AD_MENU m ON x.ad_window_id=m.ad_window_id"
+ " WHERE x.AD_Client_ID=0 OR x.AD_Client_ID=?"
PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
pstmt.setInt(1, Env.getAD_Client_ID(Env.getCtx()));
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while (rs.next()) {
appendToHome = rs.getString("HTML");
if (appendToHome != null) {
if (rs.getString("DESCRIPTION") != null)
result += "<H2>" + rs.getString("DESCRIPTION") + "</H2>\n";
result += stripHtml(appendToHome, false) + "<br>\n";
if (rs.getInt("AD_MENU_ID") > 0) {
result += "<a class=\"hrefNode\" href=\"http:///window/node#"
+ String.valueOf( rs.getInt("AD_WINDOW_ID")// "AD_MENU_ID") fcsku 3.7.07
+ "\">"
+ rs.getString("DESCRIPTION")
+ "</a><br>\n");
result += "<br>\n";
//result += "table id: " + rs.getInt("AD_TABLE_ID");
if (rs.getInt("PA_GOAL_ID") > 0)
result += goalsDetail(rs.getInt("PA_GOAL_ID"));
//result += goalsDetail(rs.getInt("AD_TABLE_ID"));
catch (SQLException e)
System.out.println("dashboard: " + e); //TODO catch-block
result += "<br><br><br>\n"
+ "</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n";
default: //**************************************************************
return result;
ArrayList<MQuery> queryZoom = null; //new ArrayList<MQuery>();
private String goalsDetail(int AD_Table_ID) { //TODO link to goals
String output = "";
if (m_goals==null) return output;
for (int i = 0; i < m_goals.length; i++) {
MMeasureCalc mc = MMeasureCalc.get(Env.getCtx(), m_goals[i].getMeasure().getPA_MeasureCalc_ID());
if (AD_Table_ID == m_goals[i].getPA_Goal_ID()){// mc.getAD_Table_ID()) {
output += "<table class=\"dataGrid\"><tr>\n<th colspan=\"3\" class=\"label\"><b>" + m_goals[i].getName() + "</b></th></tr>\n";
output += "<tr><td class=\"label\">Target</td><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"tdcontent\">" + m_goals[i].getMeasureTarget() + "</td></tr>\n";
output += "<tr><td class=\"label\">Actual</td><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"tdcontent\">" + m_goals[i].getMeasureActual() + "</td></tr>\n";
//if (mc.getTableName()!=null) output += "table: " + mc.getAD_Table_ID() + "<br>\n";
BarGraph barPanel = new BarGraph(m_goals[i]);
BarGraphColumn[] bList = barPanel.getBarGraphColumnList();
MQuery query = null;
output += "<tr><td rowspan=\"" + bList.length + "\" class=\"label\" valign=\"top\">" + m_goals[i].getXAxisText() + "</td>\n";
for (int k=0; k<bList.length; k++) {
BarGraphColumn bgc = bList[k];
if (k>0) output += "<tr>";
if (bgc.getAchievement() != null) // Single Achievement
MAchievement a = bgc.getAchievement();
query = MQuery.getEqualQuery("PA_Measure_ID", a.getPA_Measure_ID());
else if (bgc.getGoal() != null) // Multiple Achievements
MGoal goal = bgc.getGoal();
query = MQuery.getEqualQuery("PA_Measure_ID", goal.getPA_Measure_ID());
else if (bgc.getMeasureCalc() != null) // Document
mc = bgc.getMeasureCalc();
query = mc.getQuery(m_goals[i].getRestrictions(false),
bgc.getMeasureDisplay(), bgc.getDate(),
MRole.getDefault()); // logged in role
else if (bgc.getProjectType() != null) // Document
MProjectType pt = bgc.getProjectType();
query = pt.getQuery(m_goals[i].getRestrictions(false),
bgc.getMeasureDisplay(), bgc.getDate(), bgc.getID(),
MRole.getDefault()); // logged in role
else if (bgc.getRequestType() != null) // Document
MRequestType rt = bgc.getRequestType();
query = rt.getQuery(m_goals[i].getRestrictions(false),
bgc.getMeasureDisplay(), bgc.getDate(), bgc.getID(),
MRole.getDefault()); // logged in role
output += "<td class=\"tdcontent\">"+ bgc.getLabel() + "</td><td class=\"tdcontent\">";
if (query != null) {
output += "<a class=\"hrefZoom\" href=\"http:///window/zoom#"
+ queryZoom.size()
+ "\">"
+ bgc.getValue()
+ "</a><br>\n";
else {
log.info("Nothing to zoom to - " + bgc);
output += bgc.getValue();
output += "</td></tr>";
output += "</tr>"
+ "<tr><td colspan=\"3\">"
+ m_goals[i].getDescription()
+ "<br>"
+ stripHtml(m_goals[i].getColorSchema().getDescription(), true)
+ "</td></tr>"
+ "</table>\n";
bList = null;
barPanel = null;
return output;
private String stripHtml(String htmlString, boolean all) {
htmlString = htmlString
.replace("<html>", "")
.replace("</html>", "")
.replace("<body>", "")
.replace("</body>", "")
.replace("<head>", "")
.replace("</head>", "");
if (all)
htmlString = htmlString
.replace(">", "&gt;")
.replace("<", "&lt;");
return htmlString;
private void htmlUpdate(String url) {
try {
htmlUpdate( new URL( url ) );
} catch( MalformedURLException e ) {
System.out.println( "Malformed URL: " + e );
private void htmlUpdate(URL url) {
if ((url==null) || (url.getPath().equals("/local/home"))){
lastUrl = url;
else if (url.getPath().equals("/local/logo")){
lastUrl = url;
else if (url.getPath().equals("/local/performance")){
else if (url.getPath().equals("/window/node")){
/* fcsku 3.7.07
CButton button = new CButton(""); // Create the button
button.setActionCommand(String.valueOf(url.getRef())); //getNode_ID()
button.addActionListener(treePanel); //VTreePanel
//AEnv.zoom(130, 0);
html.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor( Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR ));
html.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor( Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR ));
int AD_Window_ID=Integer.parseInt(url.getRef());
AWindow frame = new AWindow();
if (!frame.initWindow(AD_Window_ID, null))//MQuery.getEqualQuery(TableName + "_ID", Record_ID)))
if (Ini.isPropertyBool(Ini.P_OPEN_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED))
frame = null;
html.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor( Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR ));
else if (url.getPath().equals("/window/zoom")){
int index = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(url.getRef()));
if ((index >= 0) && (index < queryZoom.size())) {
html.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor( Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR ));
html.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor( Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR ));
else if (url != null){
// Load some cursors
Cursor cursor = html.getCursor();
html.setCursor( Cursor.getPredefinedCursor( Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR ) );
SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new PageLoader( html, url, cursor ) );
lastUrl = url;
public void hyperlinkUpdate( HyperlinkEvent event )
if( event.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED )
//System.out.println("parsed url: " + event.getURL());// +" from: " +event.getDescription());
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if (SwingUtilities.isRightMouseButton(e))
popupMenu.show((Component)e.getSource(), e.getX(), e.getY());
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseEntered(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseExited(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseReleased(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.awt.event.ActionListener#actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent)
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if (e.getSource() == mRefresh)
if (m_goals != null)
for (int i=0; i < m_goals.length; i++)
Container parent = getParent();
if (parent != null)
if (parent != null)
class PageLoader implements Runnable
private JEditorPane html;
private URL url;
private Cursor cursor;
PageLoader( JEditorPane html, URL url, Cursor cursor )
this.html = html;
this.url = url;
this.cursor = cursor;
public void run()
if( url == null )
// restore the original cursor
html.setCursor( cursor );
// PENDING(prinz) remove this hack when
// automatic validation is activated.
Container parent = html.getParent();
Document doc = html.getDocument();
try {
html.setPage( url );
catch( IOException ioe )
html.setDocument( doc );
// schedule the cursor to revert after
// the paint has happended.
url = null;
SwingUtilities.invokeLater( this );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
* For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
* ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
* or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
package org.adempiere.apps.graph;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import org.compiere.model.*;
import org.compiere.swing.*;
import org.compiere.util.*;
* Performance Analysis Panel.
* Key Performace Indicators
* @author Jorg Janke
* @version $Id: PAPanel.java,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:51:28 jjanke Exp $
public class PAPanel extends CPanel implements ActionListener
* Get Panel if User has Perfpormance Goals
* @return panel pr null
public static PAPanel get()
int AD_User_ID = Env.getAD_User_ID(Env.getCtx());
MGoal[] goals = MGoal.getUserGoals(Env.getCtx(), AD_User_ID);
if (goals.length == 0)
return null;
return new PAPanel(goals);
} // get
* Constructor
* @param goals
private PAPanel (MGoal[] goals)
super ();
m_goals = goals;
} // PAPanel
/** Goals */
private MGoal[] m_goals = null;
/** Logger */
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger (PAPanel.class);
* Static/Dynamic Init
private void init()
* boxV Header
* ********
* boxH
* boxH * * *
* * boxV1 * boxV2 *
* * * *
* boxV1 dial1
* ********
* dial2
* boxV2 HTML
* ********
* boxH1
* boxH1 * * *
* * bar1 * bar2 *
* * * *
* V1 + HTML in scrollpane
this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
Box boxV = Box.createVerticalBox();
Box boxH = Box.createHorizontalBox();
Box boxV1 = Box.createVerticalBox();
// HTML/Bars
Box boxV2 = Box.createVerticalBox();
// barChart
Box boxH1 = Box.createHorizontalBox();
//boxH_V.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(180, 1500));
//boxH1.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 180));
boxV2.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(120, 120));
for (int i = 0; i < m_goals.length; i++)
PerformanceIndicator pi = new PerformanceIndicator(m_goals[i]);
boxV1.add (pi, BorderLayout.NORTH);
boxV1.add(Box.createVerticalGlue(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane();
scrollPane.getViewport().add(boxV1, BorderLayout.CENTER );
scrollPane.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(190, 180));
// RIGHT, HTML + Bars
HtmlDashboard contentHtml = new HtmlDashboard("http:///local/home", m_goals, true);
boxV2.add(contentHtml, BorderLayout.CENTER);
for (int i = 0; i < java.lang.Math.min(2, m_goals.length); i++)
if (m_goals[i].getMeasure() != null) //MGoal goal = pi.getGoal();
boxH1.add ( new BarGraph(m_goals[i]), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
boxV2.add(boxH1, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
// below HEADER
boxH.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.WEST );
boxH.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); //space
boxH.add(boxV2, BorderLayout.CENTER);
// HEADER + below
HtmlDashboard t = new HtmlDashboard("http:///local/logo", null, false);
t.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(2000,80));
//t.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200,10));
//t.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(2000,10));
boxV.add(t, BorderLayout.NORTH);
boxV.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(5)); //space
boxV.add(boxH, BorderLayout.CENTER);
add(boxV, BorderLayout.CENTER);
} // init
* Action Listener for Drill Down
* @param e event
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
if (e.getSource() instanceof PerformanceIndicator)
PerformanceIndicator pi = (PerformanceIndicator)e.getSource();
MGoal goal = pi.getGoal();
if (goal.getMeasure() != null)
new PerformanceDetail(goal);
} // actionPerformed
} // PAPanel

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
* For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
* ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
* or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
package org.adempiere.apps.graph;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import org.compiere.*;
import org.compiere.apps.*;
import org.compiere.swing.*;
import org.compiere.model.*;
* Performance Detail Frame.
* BarPanel for Drill-Down
* @author Jorg Janke
* @version $Id: PerformanceDetail.java,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:51:28 jjanke Exp $
public class PerformanceDetail extends CFrame
implements ActionListener
* Constructor.
* Called from PAPanel, ViewPI (Performance Indicator)
* @param goal goal
public PerformanceDetail (MGoal goal)
super (goal.getName());
barPanel = new BarGraph(goal);
} // PerformanceDetail
BarGraph barPanel = null;
ConfirmPanel confirmPanel = new ConfirmPanel();
* Static init
private void init()
getContentPane().add(barPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
getContentPane().add(confirmPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
} // init
* Action Listener
* @param e event
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
if (e.getActionCommand().equals(ConfirmPanel.A_OK))
} // actionPerformed
} // PerformanceDetail

View File

@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
* For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
* ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
* or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
package org.adempiere.apps.graph;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.font.*;
import java.text.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
//vpj-cd e-evolution
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.GradientPaint;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
//import java.awt.R`;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel;
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.*;
import org.jfree.data.general.*;
import org.jfree.data.Range;
import org.jfree.ui.RectangleInsets;
//vpj-cd e-evolution
import org.compiere.model.*;
import org.compiere.swing.*;
import org.compiere.util.*;
import org.compiere.apps.graph.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities;
* Performance Indicator
* @author Jorg Janke
* @version $Id: PerformanceIndicator.java,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:51:28 jjanke Exp $
//vpj-cd e-evolution public class PerformanceIndicator extends JComponent
public class PerformanceIndicator extends JPanel
implements MouseListener, ActionListener
* Constructor
* @param goal goal model
public PerformanceIndicator(MGoal goal)
m_goal = goal;
//vpj-cd e-evolution getPreferredSize(); // calculate size
//vpj-cd e-evolution updateDisplay();
} // PerformanceIndicator
private MGoal m_goal = null;
/** The Performance Name */
private String m_text = null;
/** Performance Line */
private double m_line = 0;
/** Height */
private static double s_height = 45;
/** 100% width */
private static double s_width100 = 150;
/** Max width */
private static double s_widthMax = 250;
/** Integer Number Format */
private static DecimalFormat s_format = DisplayType.getNumberFormat(DisplayType.Integer);
JPopupMenu popupMenu = new JPopupMenu();
private CMenuItem mRefresh = new CMenuItem(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "Refresh"), Env.getImageIcon("Refresh16.gif"));
//Insert Pie Graph Kinamo (pelgrim)
private static Color colorOK = Color.magenta;
private static Color colorNotOK = Color.lightGray;
private static Dimension indicatordimension = new Dimension(170,120);
private static Dimension paneldimension = new Dimension(180, 150);
ChartPanel chartPanel;
//private static Dimension
* Get Goal
* @return goal
public MGoal getGoal()
return m_goal;
} // getGoal
private JFreeChart createChart(){
JFreeChart chart = null;
// Set Text
StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer(m_goal.getName());
if (m_goal.isTarget())
text.append(": ").append(m_goal.getPercent()).append("%");
text.append(": ").append(s_format.format(m_goal.getMeasureActual()));
m_text = text.toString();
// ToolTip
text = new StringBuffer();
if (m_goal.getDescription() != null)
text.append(m_goal.getDescription()).append(": ");
if (m_goal.isTarget())
text.append(" ").append(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "of")).append(" ")
// Performance Line
int percent = m_goal.getPercent();
if (percent > 100) // draw 100% line
m_line = s_width100;
else // draw Performance Line
m_line = s_width100 * m_goal.getGoalPerformanceDouble();
String title = m_text;
DefaultValueDataset data = new DefaultValueDataset((float)m_goal.getPercent());
MeterPlot plot = new MeterPlot(data);
MColorSchema colorSchema = m_goal.getColorSchema();
int rangeLo = 0; int rangeHi=0;
for (int i=1; i<=4; i++){
switch (i) {
case 1: rangeHi = colorSchema.getMark1Percent(); break;
case 2: rangeHi = colorSchema.getMark2Percent(); break;
case 3: rangeHi = colorSchema.getMark3Percent(); break;
case 4: rangeHi = colorSchema.getMark4Percent(); break;
if (rangeHi==9999)
rangeHi = (int) Math.floor(rangeLo*1.5);
if (rangeLo < rangeHi) {
plot.addInterval(new MeterInterval("Normal", //label
new Range(rangeLo, rangeHi), //range
new BasicStroke(7.0f),
new Color(-13091716)
rangeLo = rangeHi;
plot.setRange(new Range(0,rangeLo));
plot.setDialBackgroundPaint(new Color(-13091716));//Color.GRAY);
//plot.setDialBackgroundPaint(new GradientPaint(0, 0, m_goal.getColor(), 0, 1000, Color.black));
plot.setTickLabelFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 12));
plot.setInsets(new RectangleInsets(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0));
chart = new JFreeChart( m_text, new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 15), plot,false);
return chart;
* Init Graph Display
* Kinamo (pelgrim)
private void init() {
chartPanel = new ChartPanel(createChart(), //chart
false, //boolean properties
false, // boolean save
false, //boolean print
false, //boolean zoom
true //boolean tooltips
chartPanel.addChartMouseListener( new org.jfree.chart.ChartMouseListener()
public void chartMouseClicked(org.jfree.chart.ChartMouseEvent e)
//plot p = (MeterPlot) e.getSource();
MouseEvent me = e.getTrigger();
if (SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(me) && me.getClickCount() > 1)
if (SwingUtilities.isRightMouseButton(me))
popupMenu.show((Component)me.getSource(), me.getX(), me.getY());
public void chartMouseMoved(org.jfree.chart.ChartMouseEvent e)
this.add(chartPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
* Update Display Data
protected void updateDisplay()
} // updateData
* Adds an <code>ActionListener</code> to the indicator.
* @param l the <code>ActionListener</code> to be added
public void addActionListener(ActionListener l)
if (l != null)
listenerList.add(ActionListener.class, l);
} // addActionListener
* Removes an <code>ActionListener</code> from the indicator.
* @param l the listener to be removed
public void removeActionListener(ActionListener l)
if (l != null)
listenerList.remove(ActionListener.class, l);
} // removeActionListener
* Returns an array of all the <code>ActionListener</code>s added
* to this indicator with addActionListener().
* @return all of the <code>ActionListener</code>s added or an empty
* array if no listeners have been added
public ActionListener[] getActionListeners()
return (ActionListener[])(listenerList.getListeners(ActionListener.class));
} // getActionListeners
* Notifies all listeners that have registered interest for
* notification on this event type. The event instance
* is lazily created using the <code>event</code>
* parameter.
* @param event the <code>ActionEvent</code> object
* @see EventListenerList
protected void fireActionPerformed(MouseEvent event)
// Guaranteed to return a non-null array
ActionListener[] listeners = getActionListeners();
ActionEvent e = null;
// Process the listeners first to last
for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++)
// Lazily create the event:
if (e == null)
e = new ActionEvent(this, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED,
"pi", event.getWhen(), event.getModifiers());
} // fireActionPerformed
* Mouse Clicked
* @param e mouse event
public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent e)
if (SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e) && e.getClickCount() > 1)
if (SwingUtilities.isRightMouseButton(e))
popupMenu.show((Component)e.getSource(), e.getX(), e.getY());
} // mouseClicked
public void mousePressed (MouseEvent e)
public void mouseReleased (MouseEvent e)
public void mouseEntered (MouseEvent e)
public void mouseExited (MouseEvent e)
* Action Listener.
* Update Display
* @param e event
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
if (e.getSource() == mRefresh)
Container parent = getParent();
if (parent != null)
if (parent != null)
} // actionPerformed
} // PerformanceIndicator

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import javax.swing.event.*;
// //
import org.compiere.*; import org.compiere.*;
import org.compiere.apps.wf.*; import org.compiere.apps.wf.*;
import org.compiere.apps.graph.*; import org.adempiere.apps.graph.*;
import org.compiere.db.*; import org.compiere.db.*;
import org.compiere.grid.tree.*; import org.compiere.grid.tree.*;
import org.compiere.model.*; import org.compiere.model.*;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
body {
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margin-height: 0px;
padding: 0px;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
.header {
background-color: #B5C6C6;
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width: 90%;
margin: 20px;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
.hrefNode {
color: #000000;
background-color: #EBF1EF;
text-align: right;
text-decoration: none;
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border-width: 1px;
border-color: #BBBBBB;
border-style: solid;
border-collapse: collapse;
width: 60%;
background-color: #EBF1EF;
.dataGrid th {
text-align: center;
padding: 2px;
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 13px;
background-color: #C6D1CD;
border-width: 1px;
border-color: #BBBBBB;
border-style: solid;
.dataGrid td {
border-width: 1px;
border-color: #BBBBBB;
border-style: solid;
.label {
background-color: #C6D1CD;
.tdcontent {
background-color: #D6E1DD;

Binary file not shown.


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