RUN_DBExport - fix problem with renaming file if ran between 0 and 9 am

This commit is contained in:
Carlos Ruiz 2008-05-16 05:38:14 +00:00
parent e1cd15de3f
commit 006bdc2485
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
@set DATETIME=%date:~6,4%%date:~3,2%%date:~0,2%_%TIME:~0,2%%TIME:~3,2%%TIME:~6,2%
@Echo Creating ExpDat_%DATETIME%.jar
ren ExpDat.jar ExpDat%DATETIME%.jar
ren ExpDat.jar "ExpDat%DATETIME%.jar"
@dir ExpDat%DATETIME%.jar
@Echo copy %ADEMPIERE_HOME%\data\ExpDat%DATETIME%.jar to backup media