
298 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

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Copyright (C) 2007 Ashley G Ramdass.
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zk.afterLoad(function() {
zk._Erbx.push = function(msg) {
if (console) console.log(msg);
// default non th, tr, td use clone method to create ghost element
// this code implement same behavior for li to get drag-drop effect
// still have room for improve:
var superghost = zk.DnD.ghost;
zk.DnD.ghost = function (drag, ofs, msg) {
if (msg == null && drag.node){
var dragNode = jq(drag.node)[0];
var dragWg = zk.Widget.$(dragNode);
var textNote = dragWg.$n('real') || dragWg.getCaveNode();
if (jq.nodeName(dragNode, 'li')){
msg = textNote ? textNote.textContent || textNote.innerText || '' : '';
return superghost(drag, ofs, msg);
id.zk.Extend = zk.$extends(zk.Object, {}, {
fakeOnchange: function (wgt) {
// just sent fake event when control is textfield and value is not yet sync to server
if ((wgt.$instanceof(zul.inp.Textbox) || wgt.$instanceof(zul.inp.Decimalbox)) && wgt.$n().value != wgt.getText())
zAu.send(new zk.Event(zk.Widget.$(wgt), 'onChange',{"value":wgt.$n().value}));
else if (zk.$import("ckez.CKeditor") != undefined && wgt.$instanceof(ckez.CKeditor)){//$import(_global_.String)
// CKEditor extend from zul.Widget not from wget zul.inp.InputWidget
// so some behavior is not same standard input
// this code bring from ckez.CKeditor.onBlur
var editor = wgt._editor;
if (wgt._tidChg) {
wgt._tidChg = null;
if (!editor.document)
editor.document = editor.element.getDocument();
if (wgt.$class._checkEditorDirty(editor)) { // Issue #13
var val = editor.getData();
wgt._value = val; //save for onRestore
//ZKCK-16, 17 use sendAhead to make sure onChange always happens first'onChange', {value: val});
fireOnInitEdit: function (wgt) {
// sent even to indicate field is start edit, this event sent new value to server but now don't use this data.
if (wgt.$instanceof(zul.inp.Textbox))
zAu.send(new zk.Event(zk.Widget.$(wgt), 'onInitEdit',{"value":wgt.$n().value}));
zk.afterLoad(function() {
jq(window).unload(function () {
//rmDesktop not call in window.onbeforeunload (mount.js) when zk.confirmClose is not null
if (! && zk.confirmClose){
//function rmDesktop duplicated from mount.js ( zk.jar 7.0.3 )
function rmDesktop() {
var bRmDesktop = !zk.opera && !zk.keepDesktop;
if (bRmDesktop || zk.pfmeter) {
try {
var dts = zk.Desktop.all;
for (var dtid in dts)
zAu._rmDesktop(dts[dtid], !bRmDesktop);
} catch (e) {
zk.afterLoad('zul.wgt', function () {
// should filter out for only component inside standard window or component wish fire this event,
// or ever rise other event like start editting to distinguish with true onChange event
zk.override(zul.inp.InputWidget.prototype, "doInput_", function (evt) {
if (this.get ("isOnStardardWindow") == 'false' || this.get ("isChangeEventWhenEditing") != true){
return; // don't waste time to check component don't lay on standard window
var domElemOfLayout = jq('#' + this.$n().id).closest(".adwindow-layout"); // return a array
if (domElemOfLayout.length == 0){
this.set ("isOnStardardWindow", "false");// next time don't waste time to check this component
// in case, you move this component to a standard window, please update this properties at client by javascript Widget.set ()
// or at server by java function component.setWidgetOverride
var winLayoutWg = zk.Widget.$(domElemOfLayout);
if (winLayoutWg == null){
;// do nothing, this case rare happen because ".adwindow-layout" always is a component
var isEditting = winLayoutWg.get ("isEditting");
// winLayoutWg should cache to improve perfomance
if (isEditting == "false"){
winLayoutWg.set ("isEditting", "true");
id.zk.Extend.fireOnInitEdit (this);//fire change event to move to edit
zk.override(zk.Widget.prototype, "onAutofill", function (evt) {
id.zk.Extend.fakeOnchange (this);//fire change event to move to edit
zk.override(zul.inp.Textbox.prototype, "bind_", function (dt, skipper, after) {
if (!this.$bind_)
this.$bind_(dt, skipper, after);
var txtid = this.getId()
if (txtid != "txtUserId" && txtid != "txtPassword" ){
this.domListen_(this.$n(), "onChange", "onAutofill");
zk.override(zul.inp.Textbox.prototype, "unbind_", function (dt, skipper) {
if (!this.$unbind_)
this.$unbind_(dt, skipper);
var txtid = this.getId()
if (txtid != "txtUserId" && txtid != "txtPassword" ){
this.domUnlisten_(this.$n(), "onChange", "onAutofill"); //unlisten
zk.override(zul.inp.Combobox.prototype, "doKeyDown_", function (evt) {
// avoid confuse of idempiere shortcut key and function key of combobox
if ( (evt.altKey || evt.ctrlKey || evt.shiftKey) &&
(evt.keyCode == 33 || evt.keyCode == 34 || evt.keyCode == 35 || evt.keyCode == 36 || evt.keyCode == 38 || evt.keyCode == 40 || evt.keyCode == 37 || evt.keyCode == 39) ){//page up | page down | end | home | up | down | left | write
if (this.isOpen())//close drop down if already open. it will let combobox select current item, it's consistent with lost focus
this.close({sendOnOpen: true});
// TODO:current idempiere use alt + down/up to move child parrent tab, but combobox also use it to open, close drop down
// at the moment, idempiere shortcut is more useful, so just get it work
zk.afterLoad('zul.mesh', function () {
zk.override(zul.mesh.Paging.prototype, "bind_", function () {
this.$bind_.apply(this, arguments);
if (this._totalSize == 0x7fffffff){
jq(".z-paging-text", this).text("?");
zk.override(zul.mesh.Paging.prototype, "infoText_",
function () {
//this.$infoText_.apply(this, arguments);
var acp = this._activePage,
psz = this._pageSize,
tsz = this._totalSize,
lastItem = (acp + 1) * psz,
dash = '';
if ('os' != this.getMold())
dash = ' - ' + (lastItem > tsz ? tsz : lastItem);
if (this._totalSize == 0x7fffffff)
tsz = "?";
return '[ ' + (acp * psz + 1) + dash + ' / ' + tsz + ' ]';
zk.afterLoad('calendar', function () {
zk.override(calendar.Event.prototype, "calculate_", function () {
if (typeof this.event === "undefined" || this.event == null) {
this.$calculate_.apply(this, arguments);
zk.override(calendar.Event.prototype, "unbind_", function() {
var node = this.$n();
if (typeof node === "undefined") {
if (typeof this.$unbind_ === "undefined") {
this.$unbind_.apply(this, arguments);
zk.override(calendar.CalendarsMonth.prototype, "onSize", function () {
var cmp = this.$n();
if (typeof cmp === "undefined" || cmp == null) {
this.$onSize.apply(this, arguments);
zk.override(calendar.CalendarsDefault.prototype, "onSize", function () {
var cmp = this.$n();
if (typeof cmp === "undefined" || cmp == null) {
this.$onSize.apply(this, arguments);
// overload for recalculate width of scroll when has frozen control
function syncScrollOVR (wgt){
var parent = wgt.parent;
if (parent.eheadtbl && parent._nativebar) {
var scroll = wgt.$n('scrollX');
var cells = parent._getFirstRowCells(parent.eheadrows);
var totalcols = cells.length;
var columns = wgt._columns;
var scrollScale = totalcols - columns - 1;
var leftWidth = 0;
var headerWidth = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < columns; i++)
headerWidth += cells[i].offsetWidth;
var bodyWidth = parent.$n('body').offsetWidth;
var extraWidth = parent.$n('body').offsetWidth - headerWidth;
var extraColumnNum = 0;
for (var i = totalcols - 1; i >= columns; i--){
extraWidth -= cells[i].offsetWidth;
if (cells[i].offsetWidth == 0)// when scroll to right, column at left has width = 0
if (extraWidth >= 0){
} = jq.px0(bodyWidth + 50 * (scrollScale - extraColumnNum));
wgt.$syncScroll ()
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