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2006-11-17 10:09:16 +07:00
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2010-03-26 21:48:11 +07:00
<title>ADempiere - Smart Open Source ERP Software with integrated CRM Solution</title>
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2006-11-17 10:09:16 +07:00
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<h1 id="pageName">Welcome to ADempiere</h1>
2006-11-17 10:09:16 +07:00
<img src="images/hr.jpg" name="pageNameimg" width="600" height="2" id="pageNameimg"/>
<div class="story">
<p>Thanks for your interest in ADempiere, an industry strength solution
that combines ERP, CRM and SCM support for business processes. </p>
2006-11-17 10:09:16 +07:00
<h2 id="storyTitle2">Functionality</h2>
<p>Accounting - Inventory - Sales Order - Purchase Order - Projects (Job
Order) - Web Store - Workflow - Multi-Org - Multi-Language - Multi-Tax
- Integrated Reporting.</p>
2006-11-17 10:09:16 +07:00
<p>Industry examples: Distribution (retail, wholesale, franchise), Service, Light Manufacturing</p>
2010-03-26 21:48:11 +07:00
<h2 id="storyTitle2">Why ADempiere?</h2>
<p>100% Open Source, free of license supported by Open Documentation - Vendor
Independence - Stable Product - DB Independence and many others!</p>
2006-11-17 10:09:16 +07:00
<h2 id="storyTitle2">For details please check:</h2>
<table border="0">
<td width="166">
<div align="right"><font size="2">Product Details:</font></div>
<td width="230"> <a href="" target="_blank"><font size="2"></font></a></td>
<td width="156">
<div align="right"><font size="2">Manuals</font>:</div>
<td width="333"><font size="2"><a href=""></a></font></td>
<td width="166">
<div align="right"><font size="2">Support:</font></div>
<td width="230"> <a href="" target="_blank"><font size="2"></font></a></td>
<td width="156">
<div align="right"> <font size="2">Language Packs</font></div>
2010-03-26 21:48:11 +07:00
<td width="333"><font size="2"><a href="">Download Page </a></font></td>
<td width="166">
<div align="right"><font size="2">Documentation:</font></div>
<td width="230"> <font size="2"><a href=""></a></font></td>
<td width="156">
<div align="right"><font size="2">SF Project Page:</font></div>
<td width="333"><font size="2"><a href=""></a></font></td>
2006-11-17 10:09:16 +07:00
<h2 id="storyTitle1">On this CD</h2>
<p>ADempiere Installation <a href="install.html">Overview</a>. The last
<a href="">Release
Notes</a> and the current distribution. Information about <a href="">Previous
Releases</a> Check <a href="">here</a>
if you want Migrate between Versions (FREE).</p>
2006-11-17 10:09:16 +07:00
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<p class="style2"><font size="2" face="Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Copyright
2010-03-26 21:48:11 +07:00
&copy; 2005-2010 ADempiere - All rights reserved<br />
ADempiere&#153; is a registered trademark of ADempiere, Inc</font>
2006-11-17 10:09:16 +07:00
2006-11-17 10:09:16 +07:00