2012-11-27 15:29:04 +07:00
!include -c TestLoginGardenAdmin
Check the inventory level before the document
!|Set Variable|
|@InventoryLevelBefore@ |@SQL=SELECT SUM(s.qtyonhand) FROM m_storage s, m_locator l, m_warehouse w WHERE s.m_product_id=133 AND s.m_locator_id = l.m_locator_id AND l.m_warehouse_id=w.m_warehouse_id AND w.m_warehouse_id=103 |
|@ExpectedInventoryLevelAfter@|@SQL=SELECT SUM(s.qtyonhand) -2 FROM m_storage s, m_locator l, m_warehouse w WHERE s.m_product_id=133 AND s.m_locator_id = l.m_locator_id AND l.m_warehouse_id=w.m_warehouse_id AND w.m_warehouse_id=103|
Check the bp balance before the document
!|Read Record|
|*Table* |C_bpartner |
|c_bpartner_id |@Ref=c_bpartner[Value='SeedFarm'].c_bpartner_id|
|*Read* | |
|actuallifetimevalue| |
|so_creditused | |
|totalopenbalance | |
Create sales order
!|Create Record|
|*Table* |C_Order |
|ad_org_id |11 |
|c_doctypetarget_id |@Ref=c_doctype[Name='POS Order'].c_doctype_id|
|salesrep_id |101 |
|dateordered |2009-03-25 00:00:00.0 |
|c_bpartner_id |@c_bpartner.c_bpartner_id@ |
|c_bpartner_location_id|114 |
|paymentrule |B |
|m_warehouse_id |103 |
|m_pricelist_id |101 |
|ad_user_id |105 |
|*Save* | |
Create sales order line
!|Create Record|
|*Table* |C_OrderLine |
|c_order_id |@C_order.c_Order_id@ |
|ad_org_id |@C_Order.AD_Org_ID@ |
|qtyentered |2 |
|qtyordered |2 |
|*Save* | |
Complete the sales order
!|Run Process|
|*ProcessValue*|C_Order Process |
|*RecordID* |@C_Order.C_Order_ID@|
|*DocAction* |CO |
|*Run* | |
Assert the order
!|Assert Record|
|*Table* |C_order |
|*Read* | |
|GrandTotal|67.50 |
Check the inventory level after the document
!|Assert Variable|
|@ExpectedInventoryLevelAfter@|@SQL=SELECT SUM(s.qtyonhand) FROM m_storage s, m_locator l, m_warehouse w WHERE s.m_product_id=133 AND s.m_locator_id = l.m_locator_id AND l.m_warehouse_id=w.m_warehouse_id AND w.m_warehouse_id=103|
2013-06-29 05:38:38 +07:00
Check the bp balance after the document (with the new cash payment is applied immediately so there must not be variance on the bp balance)
2012-11-27 15:29:04 +07:00
!|Assert Record|
|*Table* |C_bpartner |
|*Where* |c_bpartner_id=120 |
|*Read* | |
|actuallifetimevalue|@SQL=SELECT @C_bpartner.actuallifetimevalue@ + @c_order.grandtotal@ FROM DUAL|
2013-06-29 05:38:38 +07:00
|so_creditused |@SQL=SELECT @C_bpartner.so_creditused@ FROM DUAL |
|totalopenbalance |@SQL=SELECT @C_bpartner.totalopenbalance@ FROM DUAL |
2012-11-27 15:29:04 +07:00
Check existance of shipment
!|Read Record|
|*Table* |M_InOut |
|c_order_id |@C_Order.C_Order_ID@|
|*Read* | |
|documentno | |
|docstatus | |
|issotrx | |
|m_warehouse_id| |
|description | |
!|Read Record|
|*Table* |M_InOutLine |
|m_inout_id |@M_InOut.M_InOut_ID@|
|*Read* | |
|line | |
|description | |
|c_orderline_id| |
|m_locator_id | |
|m_product_id | |
|movementqty | |
Check existance of invoice
!|Read Record|
|*Table* |C_Invoice |
|c_order_id |@C_Order.C_Order_ID@|
|*Read* | |
|documentno | |
|issotrx | |
|docstatus | |
|c_bpartner_id| |
|description | |
|totallines | |
|grandtotal | |
!|Read Record|
|*Table* |C_InvoiceLine |
|C_Invoice_id |@C_Invoice.C_Invoice_id@|
|*Read* | |
|line | |
|description | |
|c_orderline_id| |
|m_product_id | |
|qtyinvoiced | |
|linenetamt | |
2013-06-29 05:38:38 +07:00
Check existance of cash payment (now on payment table)
2012-11-27 15:29:04 +07:00
!|Read Record|
2013-06-29 05:38:38 +07:00
|*Table* |C_Payment |
2012-11-27 15:29:04 +07:00
|*Read* | |
2013-06-29 05:38:38 +07:00
|documentno | |
2012-11-27 15:29:04 +07:00
|description | |
|amount | |
|processed | |