
133 lines
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Raw Normal View History

-- IDEMPIERE-6027 Alter column fail with PostgreSQL 16.1
SELECT register_migration_script('202402011900_IDEMPIERE-6027.sql') FROM dual;
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS adempiere.altercolumn(name, name, name, character varying, character varying, name)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION adempiere.altercolumn(tablename name, columnname name, datatype name, nullclause character varying, defaultclause character varying)
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
command text;
viewtext text[];
viewname name[];
dropviews name[];
i int;
j int;
v record;
sqltype text;
sqltype_short text;
typename name;
if datatype is not null then
select pg_type.typname, format_type(pg_type.oid, pg_attribute.atttypmod)
into typename, sqltype
from pg_class, pg_attribute, pg_type
where relname = lower(tablename)
and relkind = 'r'
and pg_class.oid = pg_attribute.attrelid
and attname = lower(columnname)
and atttypid = pg_type.oid;
sqltype_short := sqltype;
if typename = 'numeric' then
sqltype_short := replace(sqltype, ',0', '');
elsif strpos(sqltype,'character varying') = 1 then
sqltype_short := replace(sqltype, 'character varying', 'varchar');
elsif sqltype = 'timestamp without time zone' then
sqltype_short := 'timestamp';
end if;
if lower(datatype) <> sqltype and lower(datatype) <> sqltype_short then
i := 0;
for v in
with recursive depv(relname, viewoid, depth) as (
select distinct a.relname, a.oid, 1
from pg_class a, pg_depend b, pg_depend c, pg_class d, pg_attribute e
where a.oid = b.refobjid
and b.objid = c.objid
and b.refobjid <> c.refobjid
and c.refobjid = d.oid
and d.relname = lower(tablename)
and d.relkind = 'r'
and d.oid = e.attrelid
and e.attname = lower(columnname)
and c.refobjsubid = e.attnum
and a.relkind = 'v'
union all
select distinct dependee.relname, dependee.oid, depv.depth+1
from pg_depend
join pg_rewrite on pg_depend.objid = pg_rewrite.oid
join pg_class as dependee on pg_rewrite.ev_class = dependee.oid
join pg_class as dependent on pg_depend.refobjid = dependent.oid
join pg_attribute ON pg_depend.refobjid = pg_attribute.attrelid and pg_depend.refobjsubid = pg_attribute.attnum and pg_attribute.attnum > 0
join depv on dependent.relname = depv.relname
select relname, viewoid, max(depth) from depv group by relname, viewoid order by 3 desc
i := i + 1;
viewtext[i] := pg_get_viewdef(v.viewoid);
viewname[i] := v.relname;
end loop;
if i > 0 then
for j in 1 .. i loop
command := 'drop view ' || viewname[j];
raise notice 'executing -> %', command;
execute command;
dropviews[j] := viewname[j];
end loop;
when others then
i := array_upper(dropviews, 1);
if i > 0 then
for j in reverse i .. 1 loop
command := 'create or replace view ' || dropviews[j] || ' as ' || viewtext[j];
raise notice 'executing -> %', 'create view ' || dropviews[j];
execute command;
end loop;
end if;
raise exception 'Failed to recreate dependent view. SQLERRM=%', SQLERRM;
end if;
command := 'alter table ' || lower(tablename) || ' alter column ' || lower(columnname) || ' type ' || lower(datatype);
raise notice 'executing -> %', command;
execute command;
i := array_upper(dropviews, 1);
if i > 0 then
for j in reverse i .. 1 loop
command := 'create or replace view ' || dropviews[j] || ' as ' || viewtext[j];
raise notice 'executing -> %', 'create view ' || dropviews[j];
execute command;
end loop;
end if;
end if;
end if;
if defaultclause is not null then
if lower(defaultclause) = 'null' then
command := 'alter table ' || lower(tablename) || ' alter column ' || lower(columnname) || ' drop default ';
if defaultclause ~ '.*[(].*[)].*' or lower(defaultclause) = 'current_timestamp' then
command := 'alter table ' || lower(tablename) || ' alter column ' || lower(columnname) || ' set default ' || defaultclause;
command := 'alter table ' || lower(tablename) || ' alter column ' || lower(columnname) || ' set default ''' || defaultclause || '''';
end if;
end if;
raise notice 'executing -> %', command;
execute command;
end if;
if nullclause is not null then
if lower(nullclause) = 'not null' then
command := 'alter table ' || lower(tablename) || ' alter column ' || lower(columnname) || ' set not null';
raise notice 'executing -> %', command;
execute command;
elsif lower(nullclause) = 'null' then
command := 'alter table ' || lower(tablename) || ' alter column ' || lower(columnname) || ' drop not null';
raise notice 'executing -> %', command;
execute command;
end if;
end if;