2012-10-18 17:23:46 +07:00
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ad_sessioninfo_v AS
2012-10-19 16:48:31 +07:00
SELECT s . ad_session_id , 0 as ad_client_id , 0 as ad_org_id , s . isactive ,
2012-10-18 17:23:46 +07:00
s . created , s . createdby , s . updated , s . updatedby , s . websession ,
s . remote_addr , s . remote_host , s . ad_role_id , s . logindate , s . ad_session_uu ,
2012-10-19 16:48:31 +07:00
s . servername , s . ad_client_id AS login_client_id , createdby as ad_user_id , s . ad_org_id as login_org_id , s . ad_session_id as ad_sessioninfo_v_id ,
s . ad_session_uu as ad_sessioninfo_v_uu
2012-10-18 17:23:46 +07:00
FROM ad_session s
WHERE s . processed = ' N ' ;
Update AD_Session set processed = ' Y ' ;
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:09:22 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Table ( IsSecurityEnabled , AccessLevel , LoadSeq , AD_Table_ID , IsHighVolume , ImportTable , IsView , IsChangeLog , EntityType , CopyColumnsFromTable , ReplicationType , AD_Table_UU , IsCentrallyMaintained , IsDeleteable , TableName , Description , Name , AD_Client_ID , IsActive , AD_Org_ID , Updated , CreatedBy , UpdatedBy , Created ) VALUES ( ' N ' , ' 4 ' , 0 , 200025 , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' D ' , ' N ' , ' L ' , ' fd0427f8-ec15-4bd2-b4b1-d9ee2fb3890f ' , ' Y ' , ' Y ' , ' AD_SessionInfo_v ' , ' List of current logged in user ' , ' AD_SessionInfo_v ' , 0 , ' Y ' , 0 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:09:20 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:09:20 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:09:22 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Table_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Table_ID , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Table_ID , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Table t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Table_ID = 200025 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Table_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Table_ID = t . AD_Table_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:09:24 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Sequence ( StartNewYear , CurrentNextSys , IsTableID , StartNo , CurrentNext , IsAudited , IsAutoSequence , AD_Sequence_ID , AD_Sequence_UU , Description , Name , IncrementNo , AD_Org_ID , AD_Client_ID , Created , CreatedBy , Updated , UpdatedBy , IsActive ) VALUES ( ' N ' , 50000 , ' Y ' , 1000000 , 1000000 , ' N ' , ' Y ' , 200025 , ' 8d765793-7e49-47fe-809f-e82c93b8a5f2 ' , ' Table AD_SessionInfo_v ' , ' AD_SessionInfo_v ' , 1 , 0 , 0 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:09:22 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:09:22 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 , ' Y ' )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:12:56 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column ( Version , AD_Table_ID , AD_Column_ID , EntityType , IsMandatory , IsTranslated , IsIdentifier , IsParent , FieldLength , IsSelectionColumn , AD_Reference_ID , IsKey , AD_Element_ID , AD_Column_UU , IsEncrypted , IsUpdateable , IsAlwaysUpdateable , ColumnName , Description , Help , Name , CreatedBy , Updated , AD_Org_ID , IsActive , Created , UpdatedBy , AD_Client_ID ) VALUES ( 0 , 200025 , 200588 , ' D ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , 10 , ' N ' , 19 , ' N ' , 2029 , ' ce1e4f62-f570-4d3f-b57f-29cbfc70ad8a ' , ' N ' , ' Y ' , ' N ' , ' AD_Session_ID ' , ' User Session Online or Web ' , ' Online or Web Session Information ' , ' Session ' , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:12:55 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , ' Y ' , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:12:55 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 , 0 )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:12:56 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Column_ID , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Column_ID , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Column t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Column_ID = 200588 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Column_ID = t . AD_Column_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:12:58 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column ( Version , AD_Table_ID , AD_Column_ID , EntityType , IsMandatory , IsTranslated , IsIdentifier , IsParent , FieldLength , IsSelectionColumn , AD_Reference_ID , IsKey , AD_Element_ID , AD_Column_UU , IsEncrypted , IsUpdateable , IsAlwaysUpdateable , ColumnName , Description , Help , Name , CreatedBy , Updated , AD_Org_ID , IsActive , Created , UpdatedBy , AD_Client_ID ) VALUES ( 0 , 200025 , 200589 , ' D ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , 10 , ' N ' , 19 , ' N ' , 102 , ' 4fb5a4e2-626f-44e3-ab61-9225cee5b188 ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' AD_Client_ID ' , ' Client/Tenant for this installation. ' , ' A Client is a company or a legal entity. You cannot share data between Clients. Tenant is a synonym for Client. ' , ' Client ' , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:12:56 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , ' Y ' , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:12:56 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 , 0 )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:12:58 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Column_ID , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Column_ID , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Column t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Column_ID = 200589 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Column_ID = t . AD_Column_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:12:59 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column ( Version , AD_Table_ID , AD_Column_ID , EntityType , IsMandatory , IsTranslated , IsIdentifier , IsParent , FieldLength , IsSelectionColumn , AD_Reference_ID , IsKey , AD_Element_ID , AD_Column_UU , IsEncrypted , IsUpdateable , IsAlwaysUpdateable , ColumnName , Description , Help , Name , CreatedBy , Updated , AD_Org_ID , IsActive , Created , UpdatedBy , AD_Client_ID ) VALUES ( 0 , 200025 , 200590 , ' D ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , 10 , ' N ' , 19 , ' N ' , 113 , ' 52199616-5a16-4bf4-ba03-496a75b33138 ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' AD_Org_ID ' , ' Organizational entity within client ' , ' An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. ' , ' Organization ' , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:12:58 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , ' Y ' , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:12:58 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 , 0 )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:12:59 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Column_ID , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Column_ID , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Column t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Column_ID = 200590 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Column_ID = t . AD_Column_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:13:00 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column ( Version , AD_Table_ID , AD_Column_ID , EntityType , IsMandatory , IsTranslated , IsIdentifier , IsParent , FieldLength , IsSelectionColumn , AD_Reference_ID , IsKey , AD_Element_ID , AD_Column_UU , IsEncrypted , IsUpdateable , IsAlwaysUpdateable , ColumnName , Description , Help , Name , CreatedBy , Updated , AD_Org_ID , IsActive , Created , UpdatedBy , AD_Client_ID ) VALUES ( 0 , 200025 , 200591 , ' D ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , 1 , ' N ' , 20 , ' N ' , 348 , ' b011d222-0512-474d-967a-39501f9f4aad ' , ' N ' , ' Y ' , ' N ' , ' IsActive ' , ' The record is active in the system ' , ' There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.
There are two reasons for de - activating and not deleting records :
( 1 ) The system requires the record for audit purposes .
( 2 ) The record is referenced by other records . E . g . , you cannot delete a Business Partner , if there are invoices for this partner record existing . You de - activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries . ' , ' Active ' ,100,TO_DATE( ' 2012 - 10 - 11 18 : 12 : 59 ' , ' YYYY - MM - DD HH24 : MI : SS ' ),0, ' Y ' ,TO_DATE( ' 2012 - 10 - 11 18 : 12 : 59 ' , ' YYYY - MM - DD HH24 : MI : SS ' ),100,0)
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:13:00 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Column_ID , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Column_ID , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Column t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Column_ID = 200591 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Column_ID = t . AD_Column_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:13:01 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column ( Version , AD_Table_ID , AD_Column_ID , EntityType , IsMandatory , IsTranslated , IsIdentifier , IsParent , FieldLength , IsSelectionColumn , AD_Reference_ID , IsKey , AD_Element_ID , AD_Column_UU , IsEncrypted , IsUpdateable , IsAlwaysUpdateable , ColumnName , Description , Help , Name , CreatedBy , Updated , AD_Org_ID , IsActive , Created , UpdatedBy , AD_Client_ID ) VALUES ( 0 , 200025 , 200592 , ' D ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , 29 , ' N ' , 16 , ' N ' , 245 , ' 6a2a8dff-02b4-4a9d-8218-4c1ac75967c7 ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' Created ' , ' Date this record was created ' , ' The Created field indicates the date that this record was created. ' , ' Created ' , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:13:00 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , ' Y ' , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:13:00 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 , 0 )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:13:01 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Column_ID , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Column_ID , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Column t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Column_ID = 200592 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Column_ID = t . AD_Column_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:13:02 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column ( Version , AD_Table_ID , AD_Column_ID , EntityType , AD_Reference_Value_ID , IsMandatory , IsTranslated , IsIdentifier , IsParent , FieldLength , IsSelectionColumn , AD_Reference_ID , IsKey , AD_Element_ID , AD_Column_UU , IsEncrypted , IsUpdateable , IsAlwaysUpdateable , ColumnName , Description , Help , Name , CreatedBy , Updated , AD_Org_ID , IsActive , Created , UpdatedBy , AD_Client_ID ) VALUES ( 0 , 200025 , 200593 , ' D ' , 110 , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , 10 , ' N ' , 18 , ' N ' , 246 , ' f712b956-5f63-4051-99b0-36c0f96ad562 ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' CreatedBy ' , ' User who created this records ' , ' The Created By field indicates the user who created this record. ' , ' Created By ' , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:13:01 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , ' Y ' , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:13:01 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 , 0 )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:13:03 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Column_ID , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Column_ID , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Column t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Column_ID = 200593 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Column_ID = t . AD_Column_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:13:04 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column ( Version , AD_Table_ID , AD_Column_ID , EntityType , IsMandatory , IsTranslated , IsIdentifier , IsParent , FieldLength , IsSelectionColumn , AD_Reference_ID , IsKey , AD_Element_ID , AD_Column_UU , IsEncrypted , IsUpdateable , IsAlwaysUpdateable , ColumnName , Description , Help , Name , CreatedBy , Updated , AD_Org_ID , IsActive , Created , UpdatedBy , AD_Client_ID ) VALUES ( 0 , 200025 , 200594 , ' D ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , 29 , ' N ' , 16 , ' N ' , 607 , ' 62fb0d4a-a813-4c3f-b61b-b50d769e7221 ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' Updated ' , ' Date this record was updated ' , ' The Updated field indicates the date that this record was updated. ' , ' Updated ' , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:13:03 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , ' Y ' , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:13:03 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 , 0 )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:13:05 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Column_ID , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Column_ID , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Column t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Column_ID = 200594 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Column_ID = t . AD_Column_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:13:07 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column ( Version , AD_Table_ID , AD_Column_ID , EntityType , AD_Reference_Value_ID , IsMandatory , IsTranslated , IsIdentifier , IsParent , FieldLength , IsSelectionColumn , AD_Reference_ID , IsKey , AD_Element_ID , AD_Column_UU , IsEncrypted , IsUpdateable , IsAlwaysUpdateable , ColumnName , Description , Help , Name , CreatedBy , Updated , AD_Org_ID , IsActive , Created , UpdatedBy , AD_Client_ID ) VALUES ( 0 , 200025 , 200595 , ' D ' , 110 , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , 10 , ' N ' , 18 , ' N ' , 608 , ' dfbd1427-339e-4bff-83a6-99ab8ae71b0b ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' UpdatedBy ' , ' User who updated this records ' , ' The Updated By field indicates the user who updated this record. ' , ' Updated By ' , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:13:05 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , ' Y ' , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:13:05 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 , 0 )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:13:08 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Column_ID , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Column_ID , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Column t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Column_ID = 200595 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Column_ID = t . AD_Column_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:13:13 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column ( Version , AD_Table_ID , AD_Column_ID , EntityType , IsMandatory , IsTranslated , IsIdentifier , IsParent , FieldLength , IsSelectionColumn , AD_Reference_ID , IsKey , AD_Element_ID , AD_Column_UU , IsEncrypted , IsUpdateable , IsAlwaysUpdateable , ColumnName , Description , Name , CreatedBy , Updated , AD_Org_ID , IsActive , Created , UpdatedBy , AD_Client_ID ) VALUES ( 0 , 200025 , 200596 , ' D ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , 40 , ' N ' , 10 , ' N ' , 2059 , ' c105dadf-309d-4a1d-b0bd-a5a2aac25667 ' , ' N ' , ' Y ' , ' N ' , ' WebSession ' , ' Web Session ID ' , ' Web Session ' , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:13:08 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , ' Y ' , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:13:08 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 , 0 )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:13:13 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Column_ID , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Column_ID , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Column t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Column_ID = 200596 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Column_ID = t . AD_Column_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:13:16 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column ( Version , AD_Table_ID , AD_Column_ID , EntityType , IsMandatory , IsTranslated , IsIdentifier , IsParent , FieldLength , IsSelectionColumn , AD_Reference_ID , IsKey , AD_Element_ID , AD_Column_UU , IsEncrypted , IsUpdateable , IsAlwaysUpdateable , ColumnName , Description , Help , Name , CreatedBy , Updated , AD_Org_ID , IsActive , Created , UpdatedBy , AD_Client_ID ) VALUES ( 0 , 200025 , 200597 , ' D ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , 60 , ' N ' , 10 , ' N ' , 1430 , ' 7cd7f374-5ab8-4f64-ab70-03191fe92705 ' , ' N ' , ' Y ' , ' N ' , ' Remote_Addr ' , ' Remote Address ' , ' The Remote Address indicates an alternative or external address. ' , ' Remote Addr ' , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:13:13 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , ' Y ' , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:13:13 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 , 0 )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:13:16 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Column_ID , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Column_ID , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Column t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Column_ID = 200597 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Column_ID = t . AD_Column_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:13:18 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column ( Version , AD_Table_ID , AD_Column_ID , EntityType , IsMandatory , IsTranslated , IsIdentifier , IsParent , FieldLength , IsSelectionColumn , AD_Reference_ID , IsKey , AD_Element_ID , AD_Column_UU , IsEncrypted , IsUpdateable , IsAlwaysUpdateable , ColumnName , Description , Name , CreatedBy , Updated , AD_Org_ID , IsActive , Created , UpdatedBy , AD_Client_ID ) VALUES ( 0 , 200025 , 200598 , ' D ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , 120 , ' N ' , 10 , ' N ' , 1431 , ' 2505c72d-c722-4548-8339-de2a4c38b94f ' , ' N ' , ' Y ' , ' N ' , ' Remote_Host ' , ' Remote host Info ' , ' Remote Host ' , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:13:16 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , ' Y ' , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:13:16 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 , 0 )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:13:18 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Column_ID , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Column_ID , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Column t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Column_ID = 200598 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Column_ID = t . AD_Column_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:13:24 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column ( Version , AD_Table_ID , AD_Column_ID , EntityType , IsMandatory , IsTranslated , IsIdentifier , IsParent , FieldLength , IsSelectionColumn , AD_Reference_ID , IsKey , AD_Element_ID , AD_Column_UU , IsEncrypted , IsUpdateable , IsAlwaysUpdateable , ColumnName , Description , Help , Name , CreatedBy , Updated , AD_Org_ID , IsActive , Created , UpdatedBy , AD_Client_ID ) VALUES ( 0 , 200025 , 200599 , ' D ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , 10 , ' N ' , 19 , ' N ' , 123 , ' a979c0b4-d349-40b7-9dc9-6aa9dbb41913 ' , ' N ' , ' Y ' , ' N ' , ' AD_Role_ID ' , ' Responsibility Role ' , ' The Role determines security and access a user who has this Role will have in the System. ' , ' Role ' , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:13:19 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , ' Y ' , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:13:19 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 , 0 )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:13:24 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Column_ID , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Column_ID , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Column t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Column_ID = 200599 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Column_ID = t . AD_Column_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:13:27 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column ( Version , AD_Table_ID , AD_Column_ID , EntityType , IsMandatory , IsTranslated , IsIdentifier , IsParent , FieldLength , IsSelectionColumn , AD_Reference_ID , IsKey , AD_Element_ID , AD_Column_UU , IsEncrypted , IsUpdateable , IsAlwaysUpdateable , ColumnName , Name , CreatedBy , Updated , AD_Org_ID , IsActive , Created , UpdatedBy , AD_Client_ID ) VALUES ( 0 , 200025 , 200600 , ' D ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , 29 , ' N ' , 16 , ' N ' , 53344 , ' b286aafe-777b-46ff-ab4a-bcd304962e38 ' , ' N ' , ' Y ' , ' N ' , ' LoginDate ' , ' Login date ' , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:13:24 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , ' Y ' , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:13:24 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 , 0 )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:13:27 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Column_ID , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Column_ID , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Column t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Column_ID = 200600 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Column_ID = t . AD_Column_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:13:29 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column ( Version , AD_Table_ID , AD_Column_ID , EntityType , IsMandatory , IsTranslated , IsIdentifier , IsParent , FieldLength , IsSelectionColumn , AD_Reference_ID , IsKey , AD_Element_ID , AD_Column_UU , IsEncrypted , IsUpdateable , IsAlwaysUpdateable , ColumnName , Name , CreatedBy , Updated , AD_Org_ID , IsActive , Created , UpdatedBy , AD_Client_ID ) VALUES ( 0 , 200025 , 200601 , ' D ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , 36 , ' N ' , 10 , ' N ' , 54595 , ' 58879fef-b363-465a-a56e-25f15bdf296e ' , ' N ' , ' Y ' , ' N ' , ' AD_Session_UU ' , ' AD_Session_UU ' , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:13:27 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , ' Y ' , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:13:27 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 , 0 )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:13:29 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Column_ID , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Column_ID , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Column t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Column_ID = 200601 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Column_ID = t . AD_Column_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:13:32 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
2012-10-19 16:48:31 +07:00
INSERT INTO AD_Column ( Version , AD_Table_ID , AD_Column_ID , EntityType , IsMandatory , IsTranslated , IsIdentifier , IsParent , FieldLength , IsSelectionColumn , AD_Reference_ID , IsKey , AD_Element_ID , AD_Column_UU , IsEncrypted , IsUpdateable , IsAlwaysUpdateable , ColumnName , Name , CreatedBy , Updated , AD_Org_ID , IsActive , Created , UpdatedBy , AD_Client_ID ) VALUES ( 0 , 200025 , 200602 , ' D ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , 40 , ' Y ' , 10 , ' N ' , 200182 , ' 992d57b8-76ef-45a8-8dd7-0226cb17b3e4 ' , ' N ' , ' Y ' , ' N ' , ' ServerName ' , ' Server name ' , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:13:29 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , ' Y ' , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:13:29 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 , 0 )
2012-10-18 17:23:46 +07:00
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:13:32 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Column_ID , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Column_ID , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Column t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Column_ID = 200602 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Column_ID = t . AD_Column_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:17:07 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Window ( WindowType , IsSOTrx , IsDefault , IsBetaFunctionality , WinHeight , WinWidth , EntityType , Name , Description , AD_Window_ID , Processing , AD_Window_UU , Created , Updated , AD_Org_ID , AD_Client_ID , IsActive , UpdatedBy , CreatedBy ) VALUES ( ' Q ' , ' Y ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , 0 , 0 , ' D ' , ' Current Logins ' , ' List of Current Logged in user ' , 200016 , ' N ' , ' 9ca5088a-12f9-4f68-9ad2-8d6bc667c718 ' , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:17:05 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:17:05 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , 0 , ' Y ' , 100 , 100 )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:17:08 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Window_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Window_ID , Help , Name , Description , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Window_ID , t . Help , t . Name , t . Description , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Window t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Window_ID = 200016 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Window_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Window_ID = t . AD_Window_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:24:07 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Tab ( IsSingleRow , AD_Window_ID , SeqNo , IsTranslationTab , IsSortTab , AD_Table_ID , ImportFields , HasTree , IsInfoTab , IsReadOnly , IsInsertRecord , IsAdvancedTab , TabLevel , AD_Tab_UU , EntityType , Name , Description , AD_Tab_ID , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , CreatedBy , Updated , UpdatedBy , Processing , IsActive ) VALUES ( ' Y ' , 200016 , 10 , ' N ' , ' N ' , 200025 , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' Y ' , ' N ' , 0 , ' 6fb7071b-f94c-49fe-86db-a4a5560f119f ' , ' D ' , ' Sessions ' , ' Current Sessions ' , 200025 , 0 , 0 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:24:05 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:24:05 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 , ' N ' , ' Y ' )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:24:08 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Tab_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Tab_ID , Help , CommitWarning , Name , Description , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Tab_ID , t . Help , t . CommitWarning , t . Name , t . Description , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Tab t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Tab_ID = 200025 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Tab_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Tab_ID = t . AD_Tab_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:24:17 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Field ( IsEncrypted , AD_Tab_ID , DisplayLength , IsSameLine , IsHeading , AD_Column_ID , IsCentrallyMaintained , AD_Field_ID , IsReadOnly , Help , EntityType , Description , Name , IsDisplayed , IsFieldOnly , AD_Field_UU , UpdatedBy , AD_Org_ID , Created , AD_Client_ID , CreatedBy , Updated , IsActive ) VALUES ( ' N ' , 200025 , 1 , ' N ' , ' N ' , 200591 , ' Y ' , 200604 , ' N ' , ' There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.
There are two reasons for de - activating and not deleting records :
( 1 ) The system requires the record for audit purposes .
( 2 ) The record is referenced by other records . E . g . , you cannot delete a Business Partner , if there are invoices for this partner record existing . You de - activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries . ' , ' D ' , ' The record is active in the system ' , ' Active ' , ' Y ' , ' N ' , ' 4 a4ea069 - d90b - 4 f94 - bd8c - 54 bc9e9e410d ' ,100,0,TO_DATE( ' 2012 - 10 - 11 18 : 24 : 14 ' , ' YYYY - MM - DD HH24 : MI : SS ' ),0,100,TO_DATE( ' 2012 - 10 - 11 18 : 24 : 14 ' , ' YYYY - MM - DD HH24 : MI : SS ' ), ' Y ' )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:24:17 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Field_ID , Help , Description , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Field_ID , t . Help , t . Description , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Field t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Field_ID = 200604 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Field_ID = t . AD_Field_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:24:20 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Field ( IsEncrypted , AD_Tab_ID , DisplayLength , IsSameLine , IsHeading , AD_Column_ID , IsCentrallyMaintained , AD_Field_ID , IsReadOnly , EntityType , Name , IsDisplayed , IsFieldOnly , AD_Field_UU , UpdatedBy , AD_Org_ID , Created , AD_Client_ID , CreatedBy , Updated , IsActive ) VALUES ( ' N ' , 200025 , 36 , ' N ' , ' N ' , 200601 , ' Y ' , 200605 , ' N ' , ' D ' , ' AD_Session_UU ' , ' Y ' , ' N ' , ' 13fd257c-f4b4-4847-b550-a5b5121c4dd3 ' , 100 , 0 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:24:17 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:24:17 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , ' Y ' )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:24:20 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Field_ID , Help , Description , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Field_ID , t . Help , t . Description , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Field t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Field_ID = 200605 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Field_ID = t . AD_Field_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:24:26 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Field ( IsEncrypted , AD_Tab_ID , DisplayLength , IsSameLine , IsHeading , AD_Column_ID , IsCentrallyMaintained , AD_Field_ID , IsReadOnly , Help , EntityType , Description , Name , IsDisplayed , IsFieldOnly , AD_Field_UU , UpdatedBy , AD_Org_ID , Created , AD_Client_ID , CreatedBy , Updated , IsActive ) VALUES ( ' N ' , 200025 , 10 , ' N ' , ' N ' , 200589 , ' Y ' , 200606 , ' N ' , ' A Client is a company or a legal entity. You cannot share data between Clients. Tenant is a synonym for Client. ' , ' D ' , ' Client/Tenant for this installation. ' , ' Client ' , ' Y ' , ' N ' , ' 0a1cb71d-afb0-4b44-8500-b98bcb0d6f5a ' , 100 , 0 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:24:20 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:24:20 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , ' Y ' )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:24:26 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Field_ID , Help , Description , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Field_ID , t . Help , t . Description , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Field t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Field_ID = 200606 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Field_ID = t . AD_Field_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:24:28 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Field ( IsEncrypted , AD_Tab_ID , DisplayLength , IsSameLine , IsHeading , AD_Column_ID , IsCentrallyMaintained , AD_Field_ID , IsReadOnly , EntityType , Name , IsDisplayed , IsFieldOnly , AD_Field_UU , UpdatedBy , AD_Org_ID , Created , AD_Client_ID , CreatedBy , Updated , IsActive ) VALUES ( ' N ' , 200025 , 29 , ' N ' , ' N ' , 200600 , ' Y ' , 200607 , ' N ' , ' D ' , ' Login date ' , ' Y ' , ' N ' , ' 75afce1d-6a45-4f3c-991b-a99755414c06 ' , 100 , 0 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:24:26 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:24:26 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , ' Y ' )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:24:28 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Field_ID , Help , Description , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Field_ID , t . Help , t . Description , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Field t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Field_ID = 200607 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Field_ID = t . AD_Field_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:24:32 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Field ( IsEncrypted , AD_Tab_ID , DisplayLength , IsSameLine , IsHeading , AD_Column_ID , IsCentrallyMaintained , AD_Field_ID , IsReadOnly , Help , EntityType , Description , Name , IsDisplayed , IsFieldOnly , AD_Field_UU , UpdatedBy , AD_Org_ID , Created , AD_Client_ID , CreatedBy , Updated , IsActive ) VALUES ( ' N ' , 200025 , 10 , ' N ' , ' N ' , 200590 , ' Y ' , 200608 , ' N ' , ' An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. ' , ' D ' , ' Organizational entity within client ' , ' Organization ' , ' Y ' , ' N ' , ' b2f7e6d5-192f-4602-967f-0bad43829dd2 ' , 100 , 0 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:24:28 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:24:28 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , ' Y ' )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:24:32 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Field_ID , Help , Description , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Field_ID , t . Help , t . Description , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Field t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Field_ID = 200608 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Field_ID = t . AD_Field_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:24:32 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Field ( IsEncrypted , AD_Tab_ID , DisplayLength , IsSameLine , IsHeading , AD_Column_ID , IsCentrallyMaintained , AD_Field_ID , IsReadOnly , Help , EntityType , Description , Name , IsDisplayed , IsFieldOnly , AD_Field_UU , UpdatedBy , AD_Org_ID , Created , AD_Client_ID , CreatedBy , Updated , IsActive ) VALUES ( ' N ' , 200025 , 60 , ' N ' , ' N ' , 200597 , ' Y ' , 200609 , ' N ' , ' The Remote Address indicates an alternative or external address. ' , ' D ' , ' Remote Address ' , ' Remote Addr ' , ' Y ' , ' N ' , ' 246620b1-bdfd-44f6-9e04-86a1b2acebb9 ' , 100 , 0 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:24:32 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:24:32 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , ' Y ' )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:24:33 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Field_ID , Help , Description , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Field_ID , t . Help , t . Description , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Field t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Field_ID = 200609 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Field_ID = t . AD_Field_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:24:34 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Field ( IsEncrypted , AD_Tab_ID , DisplayLength , IsSameLine , IsHeading , AD_Column_ID , IsCentrallyMaintained , AD_Field_ID , IsReadOnly , EntityType , Description , Name , IsDisplayed , IsFieldOnly , AD_Field_UU , UpdatedBy , AD_Org_ID , Created , AD_Client_ID , CreatedBy , Updated , IsActive ) VALUES ( ' N ' , 200025 , 120 , ' N ' , ' N ' , 200598 , ' Y ' , 200610 , ' N ' , ' D ' , ' Remote host Info ' , ' Remote Host ' , ' Y ' , ' N ' , ' 721af3e7-10ec-4e6f-b9b7-cefb1f11579d ' , 100 , 0 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:24:33 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:24:33 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , ' Y ' )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:24:34 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Field_ID , Help , Description , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Field_ID , t . Help , t . Description , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Field t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Field_ID = 200610 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Field_ID = t . AD_Field_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:24:35 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Field ( IsEncrypted , AD_Tab_ID , DisplayLength , IsSameLine , IsHeading , AD_Column_ID , IsCentrallyMaintained , AD_Field_ID , IsReadOnly , Help , EntityType , Description , Name , IsDisplayed , IsFieldOnly , AD_Field_UU , UpdatedBy , AD_Org_ID , Created , AD_Client_ID , CreatedBy , Updated , IsActive ) VALUES ( ' N ' , 200025 , 10 , ' N ' , ' N ' , 200599 , ' Y ' , 200611 , ' N ' , ' The Role determines security and access a user who has this Role will have in the System. ' , ' D ' , ' Responsibility Role ' , ' Role ' , ' Y ' , ' N ' , ' 3e693000-4510-4d7b-a1cf-7cc2d33a877a ' , 100 , 0 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:24:34 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:24:34 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , ' Y ' )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:24:35 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Field_ID , Help , Description , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Field_ID , t . Help , t . Description , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Field t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Field_ID = 200611 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Field_ID = t . AD_Field_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:24:36 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Field ( IsEncrypted , AD_Tab_ID , DisplayLength , IsSameLine , IsHeading , AD_Column_ID , IsCentrallyMaintained , AD_Field_ID , IsReadOnly , EntityType , Name , IsDisplayed , IsFieldOnly , AD_Field_UU , UpdatedBy , AD_Org_ID , Created , AD_Client_ID , CreatedBy , Updated , IsActive ) VALUES ( ' N ' , 200025 , 40 , ' N ' , ' N ' , 200602 , ' Y ' , 200612 , ' N ' , ' D ' , ' Server name ' , ' Y ' , ' N ' , ' b15ce97a-2550-4c7d-9cfa-2ae4e66e5783 ' , 100 , 0 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:24:35 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:24:35 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , ' Y ' )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:24:36 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Field_ID , Help , Description , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Field_ID , t . Help , t . Description , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Field t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Field_ID = 200612 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Field_ID = t . AD_Field_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:24:37 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Field ( IsEncrypted , AD_Tab_ID , DisplayLength , IsSameLine , IsHeading , AD_Column_ID , IsCentrallyMaintained , AD_Field_ID , IsReadOnly , Help , EntityType , Description , Name , IsDisplayed , IsFieldOnly , AD_Field_UU , UpdatedBy , AD_Org_ID , Created , AD_Client_ID , CreatedBy , Updated , IsActive ) VALUES ( ' N ' , 200025 , 10 , ' N ' , ' N ' , 200588 , ' Y ' , 200613 , ' N ' , ' Online or Web Session Information ' , ' D ' , ' User Session Online or Web ' , ' Session ' , ' Y ' , ' N ' , ' 8dd5343c-ebd6-4824-8a37-f2129750a5c1 ' , 100 , 0 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:24:36 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:24:36 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , ' Y ' )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:24:37 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Field_ID , Help , Description , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Field_ID , t . Help , t . Description , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Field t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Field_ID = 200613 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Field_ID = t . AD_Field_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:24:39 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Field ( IsEncrypted , AD_Tab_ID , DisplayLength , IsSameLine , IsHeading , AD_Column_ID , IsCentrallyMaintained , AD_Field_ID , IsReadOnly , EntityType , Description , Name , IsDisplayed , IsFieldOnly , AD_Field_UU , UpdatedBy , AD_Org_ID , Created , AD_Client_ID , CreatedBy , Updated , IsActive ) VALUES ( ' N ' , 200025 , 40 , ' N ' , ' N ' , 200596 , ' Y ' , 200614 , ' N ' , ' D ' , ' Web Session ID ' , ' Web Session ' , ' Y ' , ' N ' , ' 55af8bd7-d361-4f1c-8b8f-3546b66f4d05 ' , 100 , 0 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:24:37 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:24:37 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , ' Y ' )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:24:39 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Field_ID , Help , Description , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Field_ID , t . Help , t . Description , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Field t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Field_ID = 200614 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Field_ID = t . AD_Field_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:28:47 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Menu ( AD_Window_ID , AD_Menu_ID , IsSummary , IsSOTrx , IsReadOnly , EntityType , IsCentrallyMaintained , Name , Description , Action , AD_Menu_UU , IsActive , AD_Client_ID , CreatedBy , Updated , AD_Org_ID , Created , UpdatedBy ) VALUES ( 200016 , 200022 , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' U ' , ' Y ' , ' Login Session ' , ' Current logged in session ' , ' W ' , ' cef6bf48-0c65-4739-97f5-2d0b0cb062d4 ' , ' Y ' , 0 , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:28:44 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-11 18:28:44 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:28:47 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_Menu_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Menu_ID , Name , Description , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Menu_ID , t . Name , t . Description , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy FROM AD_Language l , AD_Menu t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Menu_ID = 200022 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Menu_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Menu_ID = t . AD_Menu_ID )
-- Oct 11, 2012 6:28:47 PM PDT
-- IDEMPIERE-293-List of logged users
INSERT INTO AD_TreeNodeMM ( AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , IsActive , Created , CreatedBy , Updated , UpdatedBy , AD_Tree_ID , Node_ID , Parent_ID , SeqNo ) SELECT t . AD_Client_ID , 0 , ' Y ' , SysDate , 100 , SysDate , 100 , t . AD_Tree_ID , 200022 , 0 , 999 FROM AD_Tree t WHERE t . AD_Client_ID = 0 AND t . IsActive = ' Y ' AND t . IsAllNodes = ' Y ' AND t . TreeType = ' MM ' AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_TreeNodeMM e WHERE e . AD_Tree_ID = t . AD_Tree_ID AND Node_ID = 200022 )
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:30:02 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Window SET Name = ' Active Session ' , Updated = TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 13:30:02 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , UpdatedBy = 100 WHERE AD_Window_ID = 200016
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:30:02 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Window_Trl SET IsTranslated = ' N ' WHERE AD_Window_ID = 200016
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:30:02 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Menu SET Name = ' Active Session ' , Description = ' List of Current Logged in user ' , IsActive = ' Y ' , Updated = TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 13:30:02 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , UpdatedBy = 100 WHERE AD_Menu_ID = 200022
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:30:02 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Menu_Trl SET IsTranslated = ' N ' WHERE AD_Menu_ID = 200022
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:31:38 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 10 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200606
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:31:38 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 20 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200608
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:31:38 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 30 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200605
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:31:38 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 40 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200609
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:31:38 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 50 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200610
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:31:38 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 60 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200611
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:31:38 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 70 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200607
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:31:38 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 80 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200613
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:31:38 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 90 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200614
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:31:38 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 100 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200604
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:32:31 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 30 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200609
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:32:31 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 40 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200610
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:32:31 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 50 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200611
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:32:31 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 60 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200607
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:32:31 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 70 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200613
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:32:31 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 80 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200614
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:32:31 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 90 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200604
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:32:31 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 100 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200605
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:33:15 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET ColumnSpan = 2 , Updated = TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 13:33:15 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , UpdatedBy = 100 WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200606
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:33:39 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET XPosition = 4 , ColumnSpan = 2 , Updated = TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 13:33:39 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , UpdatedBy = 100 WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200608
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:34:00 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET ColumnSpan = 2 , Updated = TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 13:34:00 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , UpdatedBy = 100 WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200609
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:34:13 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET IsSameLine = ' Y ' , XPosition = 4 , ColumnSpan = 2 , Updated = TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 13:34:13 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , UpdatedBy = 100 WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200610
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:34:28 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET ColumnSpan = 2 , Updated = TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 13:34:28 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , UpdatedBy = 100 WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200611
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:34:43 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET XPosition = 4 , Updated = TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 13:34:43 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , UpdatedBy = 100 WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200607
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:35:43 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 70 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200614
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:35:43 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 80 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200604
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:35:43 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 90 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200613
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:38:12 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-389 Adding server name on AD_Session
UPDATE AD_SysConfig SET Value = ' IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session ' , Updated = TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 13:38:12 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , UpdatedBy = 100 WHERE AD_SysConfig_ID = 50003
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:38:59 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Column ( Version , AD_Table_ID , AD_Column_ID , EntityType , IsMandatory , IsTranslated , IsIdentifier , IsParent , FieldLength , IsSelectionColumn , AD_Reference_ID , IsKey , AD_Element_ID , AD_Column_UU , IsEncrypted , IsUpdateable , IsAlwaysUpdateable , ColumnName , Help , Name , CreatedBy , Updated , AD_Org_ID , IsActive , Created , UpdatedBy , AD_Client_ID ) VALUES ( 0 , 200025 , 200701 , ' D ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , 40 , ' Y ' , 10 , ' N ' , 200182 , ' d7bc09f3-6c2c-444b-bea9-0ef0324cccbf ' , ' N ' , ' Y ' , ' N ' , ' ServerName ' , ' Load balancing instance name ' , ' Server Name ' , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 13:38:57 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , ' Y ' , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 13:38:57 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 , 0 )
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:39:00 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Column_ID , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy , AD_Column_Trl_UU ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Column_ID , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy , Generate_UUID ( ) FROM AD_Language l , AD_Column t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Column_ID = 200701 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Column_ID = t . AD_Column_ID )
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:40:09 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Field ( IsEncrypted , AD_Tab_ID , DisplayLength , IsSameLine , IsHeading , AD_Column_ID , IsCentrallyMaintained , AD_Field_ID , IsReadOnly , Help , EntityType , Name , IsFieldOnly , IsDisplayed , AD_Field_UU , UpdatedBy , AD_Org_ID , Created , AD_Client_ID , CreatedBy , Updated , IsActive ) VALUES ( ' N ' , 200025 , 40 , ' N ' , ' N ' , 200701 , ' Y ' , 200646 , ' N ' , ' Load balancing instance name ' , ' D ' , ' Server Name ' , ' N ' , ' Y ' , ' cd3e0ee3-501f-4445-adc8-ecef383bc96b ' , 100 , 0 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 13:40:08 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 13:40:08 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , ' Y ' )
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:40:09 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Field_ID , Help , Description , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy , AD_Field_Trl_UU ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Field_ID , t . Help , t . Description , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy , Generate_UUID ( ) FROM AD_Language l , AD_Field t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Field_ID = 200646 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Field_ID = t . AD_Field_ID )
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:41:56 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 70 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200646
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:41:56 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 80 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200614
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:41:56 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 90 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200604
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:41:56 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 100 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200613
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:41:56 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 110 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200605
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:42:24 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET ColumnSpan = 2 , Updated = TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 13:42:24 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , UpdatedBy = 100 WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200646
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:42:36 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET XPosition = 4 , ColumnSpan = 2 , Updated = TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 13:42:36 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , UpdatedBy = 100 WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200614
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:42:53 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET XPosition = 2 , Updated = TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 13:42:53 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , UpdatedBy = 100 WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200604
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:43:19 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET XPosition = 4 , ColumnSpan = 2 , Updated = TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 13:43:19 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , UpdatedBy = 100 WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200605
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:46:50 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID = 0 , SeqNo = 0 , Updated = SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID = 10 AND Node_ID = 218
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:46:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID = 0 , SeqNo = 1 , Updated = SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID = 10 AND Node_ID = 153
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:46:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID = 0 , SeqNo = 2 , Updated = SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID = 10 AND Node_ID = 263
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:46:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID = 0 , SeqNo = 3 , Updated = SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID = 10 AND Node_ID = 166
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:46:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID = 0 , SeqNo = 4 , Updated = SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID = 10 AND Node_ID = 203
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:46:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID = 0 , SeqNo = 5 , Updated = SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID = 10 AND Node_ID = 53242
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:46:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID = 0 , SeqNo = 6 , Updated = SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID = 10 AND Node_ID = 236
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:46:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID = 0 , SeqNo = 7 , Updated = SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID = 10 AND Node_ID = 183
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:46:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID = 0 , SeqNo = 8 , Updated = SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID = 10 AND Node_ID = 160
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:46:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID = 0 , SeqNo = 9 , Updated = SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID = 10 AND Node_ID = 278
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:46:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID = 0 , SeqNo = 10 , Updated = SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID = 10 AND Node_ID = 345
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:46:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID = 0 , SeqNo = 11 , Updated = SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID = 10 AND Node_ID = 519
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:46:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID = 0 , SeqNo = 12 , Updated = SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID = 10 AND Node_ID = 53014
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:46:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID = 0 , SeqNo = 13 , Updated = SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID = 10 AND Node_ID = 53083
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:46:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID = 0 , SeqNo = 14 , Updated = SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID = 10 AND Node_ID = 53108
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:46:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID = 0 , SeqNo = 15 , Updated = SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID = 10 AND Node_ID = 518
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:46:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID = 0 , SeqNo = 16 , Updated = SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID = 10 AND Node_ID = 228
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:46:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID = 159 , SeqNo = 0 , Updated = SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID = 10 AND Node_ID = 200022
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:46:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID = 159 , SeqNo = 1 , Updated = SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID = 10 AND Node_ID = 114
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:46:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID = 159 , SeqNo = 2 , Updated = SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID = 10 AND Node_ID = 108
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:46:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID = 159 , SeqNo = 3 , Updated = SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID = 10 AND Node_ID = 115
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:46:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID = 159 , SeqNo = 4 , Updated = SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID = 10 AND Node_ID = 53225
-- Oct 18, 2012 1:46:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_TreeNodeMM SET Parent_ID = 159 , SeqNo = 5 , Updated = SysDate WHERE AD_Tree_ID = 10 AND Node_ID = 53226
-- Oct 18, 2012 2:28:42 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Element ( ColumnName , AD_Element_ID , EntityType , Name , PrintName , AD_Element_UU , AD_Client_ID , Created , Updated , AD_Org_ID , CreatedBy , UpdatedBy , IsActive ) VALUES ( ' login_client_id ' , 200186 , ' D ' , ' login_client_id ' , ' login_client_id ' , ' 4fc6243a-2368-4251-9229-5dd20de17693 ' , 0 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 14:28:41 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 14:28:41 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , 100 , 100 , ' Y ' )
-- Oct 18, 2012 2:28:42 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Element_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Element_ID , Help , PO_Description , PO_Help , Description , Name , PrintName , PO_Name , PO_PrintName , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy , AD_Element_Trl_UU ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Element_ID , t . Help , t . PO_Description , t . PO_Help , t . Description , t . Name , t . PrintName , t . PO_Name , t . PO_PrintName , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy , Generate_UUID ( ) FROM AD_Language l , AD_Element t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Element_ID = 200186 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Element_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Element_ID = t . AD_Element_ID )
-- Oct 18, 2012 2:28:43 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Column ( Version , AD_Table_ID , AD_Column_ID , EntityType , IsMandatory , IsTranslated , IsIdentifier , IsParent , FieldLength , IsSelectionColumn , AD_Reference_ID , IsKey , AD_Element_ID , AD_Column_UU , IsEncrypted , IsUpdateable , IsAlwaysUpdateable , ColumnName , Name , CreatedBy , Updated , AD_Org_ID , IsActive , Created , UpdatedBy , AD_Client_ID ) VALUES ( 0 , 200025 , 200702 , ' D ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , 10 , ' N ' , 19 , ' N ' , 200186 , ' 1b4a16bb-fe54-4afb-a1b1-2320a09ab856 ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' login_client_id ' , ' login_client_id ' , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 14:28:41 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , ' Y ' , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 14:28:41 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 , 0 )
-- Oct 18, 2012 2:28:43 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Column_ID , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy , AD_Column_Trl_UU ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Column_ID , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy , Generate_UUID ( ) FROM AD_Language l , AD_Column t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Column_ID = 200702 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Column_ID = t . AD_Column_ID )
-- Oct 18, 2012 2:31:50 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Element SET Name = ' Client ' , PrintName = ' Client ' , Updated = TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 14:31:50 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , UpdatedBy = 100 WHERE AD_Element_ID = 200186
-- Oct 18, 2012 2:31:50 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Element_Trl SET IsTranslated = ' N ' WHERE AD_Element_ID = 200186
-- Oct 18, 2012 2:31:50 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Column SET ColumnName = ' login_client_id ' , Name = ' Client ' , Description = NULL , Help = NULL WHERE AD_Element_ID = 200186
-- Oct 18, 2012 2:31:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Process_Para SET ColumnName = ' login_client_id ' , Name = ' Client ' , Description = NULL , Help = NULL , AD_Element_ID = 200186 WHERE UPPER ( ColumnName ) = ' LOGIN_CLIENT_ID ' AND IsCentrallyMaintained = ' Y ' AND AD_Element_ID IS NULL
-- Oct 18, 2012 2:31:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Process_Para SET ColumnName = ' login_client_id ' , Name = ' Client ' , Description = NULL , Help = NULL WHERE AD_Element_ID = 200186 AND IsCentrallyMaintained = ' Y '
-- Oct 18, 2012 2:31:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET Name = ' Client ' , Description = NULL , Help = NULL WHERE AD_Column_ID IN ( SELECT AD_Column_ID FROM AD_Column WHERE AD_Element_ID = 200186 ) AND IsCentrallyMaintained = ' Y '
-- Oct 18, 2012 2:31:51 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_PrintFormatItem pi SET PrintName = ' Client ' , Name = ' Client ' WHERE IsCentrallyMaintained = ' Y ' AND EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Column c WHERE c . AD_Column_ID = pi . AD_Column_ID AND c . AD_Element_ID = 200186 )
-- Oct 18, 2012 2:32:49 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Table SET AccessLevel = ' 4 ' , IsView = ' N ' , Updated = TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 14:32:49 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , UpdatedBy = 100 WHERE AD_Table_ID = 200025
-- Oct 18, 2012 2:32:57 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Table SET IsView = ' Y ' , Updated = TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 14:32:57 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , UpdatedBy = 100 WHERE AD_Table_ID = 200025
-- Oct 18, 2012 2:33:22 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Field ( IsEncrypted , AD_Tab_ID , DisplayLength , IsSameLine , IsHeading , AD_Column_ID , IsCentrallyMaintained , AD_Field_ID , IsReadOnly , EntityType , Name , IsFieldOnly , IsDisplayed , AD_Field_UU , UpdatedBy , AD_Org_ID , Created , AD_Client_ID , CreatedBy , Updated , IsActive ) VALUES ( ' N ' , 200025 , 10 , ' N ' , ' N ' , 200702 , ' Y ' , 200647 , ' N ' , ' D ' , ' Client ' , ' N ' , ' Y ' , ' 5fb154ca-0759-4700-9beb-071c871a7b7b ' , 100 , 0 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 14:33:21 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 14:33:21 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , ' Y ' )
-- Oct 18, 2012 2:33:22 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Field_ID , Help , Description , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy , AD_Field_Trl_UU ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Field_ID , t . Help , t . Description , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy , Generate_UUID ( ) FROM AD_Language l , AD_Field t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Field_ID = 200647 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Field_ID = t . AD_Field_ID )
-- Oct 18, 2012 2:33:59 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 0 , IsDisplayed = ' N ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200606
-- Oct 18, 2012 2:33:59 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 10 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200647
-- Oct 18, 2012 2:37:13 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Reference ( AD_Reference_ID , Name , EntityType , AD_Reference_UU , IsOrderByValue , Description , ValidationType , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , CreatedBy , Updated , IsActive , Created , UpdatedBy ) VALUES ( 200013 , ' AD_Session ' , ' D ' , ' 3d5add60-2d2d-4570-b1d1-0e188b731374 ' , ' N ' , ' AD Session ' , ' T ' , 0 , 0 , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 14:37:12 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , ' Y ' , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 14:37:12 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 )
-- Oct 18, 2012 2:37:13 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Reference_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Reference_ID , Help , Name , Description , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy , AD_Reference_Trl_UU ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Reference_ID , t . Help , t . Name , t . Description , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy , Generate_UUID ( ) FROM AD_Language l , AD_Reference t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Reference_ID = 200013 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Reference_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Reference_ID = t . AD_Reference_ID )
-- Oct 18, 2012 2:38:49 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Column SET AD_Reference_Value_ID = 129 , AD_Reference_ID = 18 , Updated = TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-18 14:38:49 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , UpdatedBy = 100 WHERE AD_Column_ID = 200702
-- Oct 18, 2012 2:39:09 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
DELETE FROM AD_Reference_Trl WHERE AD_Reference_ID = 200013
-- Oct 18, 2012 2:39:09 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
DELETE FROM AD_Reference WHERE AD_Reference_ID = 200013
2012-10-19 16:48:31 +07:00
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:35:06 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Column ( Version , AD_Table_ID , AD_Column_ID , EntityType , IsMandatory , IsTranslated , IsIdentifier , IsParent , FieldLength , IsSelectionColumn , AD_Reference_ID , IsKey , AD_Element_ID , AD_Column_UU , IsEncrypted , IsUpdateable , IsAlwaysUpdateable , ColumnName , Description , Help , Name , CreatedBy , Updated , AD_Org_ID , IsActive , Created , UpdatedBy , AD_Client_ID ) VALUES ( 0 , 200025 , 200705 , ' D ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , 10 , ' N ' , 19 , ' N ' , 138 , ' f1336921-57f1-4fe8-8c12-543d2b4a49bf ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' AD_User_ID ' , ' User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact ' , ' The User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contact ' , ' User/Contact ' , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 13:35:00 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , ' Y ' , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 13:35:00 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 , 0 )
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:35:07 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Column_ID , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy , AD_Column_Trl_UU ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Column_ID , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy , Generate_UUID ( ) FROM AD_Language l , AD_Column t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Column_ID = 200705 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Column_ID = t . AD_Column_ID )
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:40:53 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Element ( ColumnName , AD_Element_ID , EntityType , Name , PrintName , AD_Element_UU , AD_Client_ID , Created , Updated , AD_Org_ID , CreatedBy , UpdatedBy , IsActive ) VALUES ( ' login_org_id ' , 200189 , ' D ' , ' login_org_id ' , ' login_org_id ' , ' a5353900-dd61-4d08-8a16-ff00125c61cd ' , 0 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 13:40:45 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 13:40:45 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , 100 , 100 , ' Y ' )
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:40:53 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Element_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Element_ID , Help , PO_Description , PO_Help , Description , Name , PrintName , PO_Name , PO_PrintName , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy , AD_Element_Trl_UU ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Element_ID , t . Help , t . PO_Description , t . PO_Help , t . Description , t . Name , t . PrintName , t . PO_Name , t . PO_PrintName , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy , Generate_UUID ( ) FROM AD_Language l , AD_Element t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Element_ID = 200189 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Element_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Element_ID = t . AD_Element_ID )
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:40:59 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Column ( Version , AD_Table_ID , AD_Column_ID , EntityType , IsMandatory , IsTranslated , IsIdentifier , IsParent , FieldLength , IsSelectionColumn , AD_Reference_ID , IsKey , AD_Element_ID , AD_Column_UU , IsEncrypted , IsUpdateable , IsAlwaysUpdateable , ColumnName , Name , CreatedBy , Updated , AD_Org_ID , IsActive , Created , UpdatedBy , AD_Client_ID ) VALUES ( 0 , 200025 , 200706 , ' D ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , 10 , ' N ' , 19 , ' N ' , 200189 , ' f6a3b130-de25-4cbd-802f-560435d2cbab ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' login_org_id ' , ' login_org_id ' , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 13:40:45 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , ' Y ' , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 13:40:45 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 , 0 )
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:40:59 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Column_ID , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy , AD_Column_Trl_UU ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Column_ID , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy , Generate_UUID ( ) FROM AD_Language l , AD_Column t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Column_ID = 200706 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Column_ID = t . AD_Column_ID )
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:44:02 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Element SET Name = ' Login Org ' , PrintName = ' Login Org ' , Updated = TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 13:44:02 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , UpdatedBy = 100 WHERE AD_Element_ID = 200189
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:44:02 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Element_Trl SET IsTranslated = ' N ' WHERE AD_Element_ID = 200189
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:44:02 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Column SET ColumnName = ' login_org_id ' , Name = ' Login Org ' , Description = NULL , Help = NULL WHERE AD_Element_ID = 200189
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:44:02 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Process_Para SET ColumnName = ' login_org_id ' , Name = ' Login Org ' , Description = NULL , Help = NULL , AD_Element_ID = 200189 WHERE UPPER ( ColumnName ) = ' LOGIN_ORG_ID ' AND IsCentrallyMaintained = ' Y ' AND AD_Element_ID IS NULL
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:44:02 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Process_Para SET ColumnName = ' login_org_id ' , Name = ' Login Org ' , Description = NULL , Help = NULL WHERE AD_Element_ID = 200189 AND IsCentrallyMaintained = ' Y '
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:44:02 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET Name = ' Login Org ' , Description = NULL , Help = NULL WHERE AD_Column_ID IN ( SELECT AD_Column_ID FROM AD_Column WHERE AD_Element_ID = 200189 ) AND IsCentrallyMaintained = ' Y '
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:44:03 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_PrintFormatItem pi SET PrintName = ' Login Org ' , Name = ' Login Org ' WHERE IsCentrallyMaintained = ' Y ' AND EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Column c WHERE c . AD_Column_ID = pi . AD_Column_ID AND c . AD_Element_ID = 200189 )
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:44:52 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Element SET Name = ' Loing Client ' , PrintName = ' Loing Client ' , Updated = TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 13:44:52 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , UpdatedBy = 100 WHERE AD_Element_ID = 200186
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:44:52 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Element_Trl SET IsTranslated = ' N ' WHERE AD_Element_ID = 200186
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:44:52 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Column SET ColumnName = ' login_client_id ' , Name = ' Loing Client ' , Description = NULL , Help = NULL WHERE AD_Element_ID = 200186
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:44:52 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Process_Para SET ColumnName = ' login_client_id ' , Name = ' Loing Client ' , Description = NULL , Help = NULL , AD_Element_ID = 200186 WHERE UPPER ( ColumnName ) = ' LOGIN_CLIENT_ID ' AND IsCentrallyMaintained = ' Y ' AND AD_Element_ID IS NULL
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:44:52 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Process_Para SET ColumnName = ' login_client_id ' , Name = ' Loing Client ' , Description = NULL , Help = NULL WHERE AD_Element_ID = 200186 AND IsCentrallyMaintained = ' Y '
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:44:52 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET Name = ' Loing Client ' , Description = NULL , Help = NULL WHERE AD_Column_ID IN ( SELECT AD_Column_ID FROM AD_Column WHERE AD_Element_ID = 200186 ) AND IsCentrallyMaintained = ' Y '
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:44:52 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_PrintFormatItem pi SET PrintName = ' Loing Client ' , Name = ' Loing Client ' WHERE IsCentrallyMaintained = ' Y ' AND EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Column c WHERE c . AD_Column_ID = pi . AD_Column_ID AND c . AD_Element_ID = 200186 )
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:46:13 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Column SET IsKey = ' Y ' , IsUpdateable = ' N ' , IsAllowCopy = ' N ' , Updated = TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 13:46:13 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , UpdatedBy = 100 WHERE AD_Column_ID = 200588
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:46:39 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Field ( IsEncrypted , AD_Tab_ID , DisplayLength , IsSameLine , IsHeading , AD_Column_ID , IsCentrallyMaintained , AD_Field_ID , IsReadOnly , EntityType , Name , IsFieldOnly , IsDisplayed , AD_Field_UU , UpdatedBy , AD_Org_ID , Created , AD_Client_ID , CreatedBy , Updated , IsActive ) VALUES ( ' N ' , 200025 , 10 , ' N ' , ' N ' , 200706 , ' Y ' , 200650 , ' N ' , ' D ' , ' Login Org ' , ' N ' , ' Y ' , ' b40af732-2db2-4cac-aa21-1149a50b106b ' , 100 , 0 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 13:46:38 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 13:46:38 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , ' Y ' )
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:46:39 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Field_ID , Help , Description , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy , AD_Field_Trl_UU ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Field_ID , t . Help , t . Description , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy , Generate_UUID ( ) FROM AD_Language l , AD_Field t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Field_ID = 200650 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Field_ID = t . AD_Field_ID )
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:46:40 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Field ( IsEncrypted , AD_Tab_ID , DisplayLength , IsSameLine , IsHeading , AD_Column_ID , IsCentrallyMaintained , AD_Field_ID , IsReadOnly , Help , EntityType , Description , Name , IsFieldOnly , IsDisplayed , AD_Field_UU , UpdatedBy , AD_Org_ID , Created , AD_Client_ID , CreatedBy , Updated , IsActive ) VALUES ( ' N ' , 200025 , 10 , ' N ' , ' N ' , 200705 , ' Y ' , 200651 , ' N ' , ' The User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contact ' , ' D ' , ' User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact ' , ' User/Contact ' , ' N ' , ' Y ' , ' 4dc92524-ada7-4797-9501-54e662606e48 ' , 100 , 0 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 13:46:39 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 13:46:39 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , ' Y ' )
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:46:40 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Field_ID , Help , Description , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy , AD_Field_Trl_UU ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Field_ID , t . Help , t . Description , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy , Generate_UUID ( ) FROM AD_Language l , AD_Field t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Field_ID = 200651 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Field_ID = t . AD_Field_ID )
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:50:04 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid = 0 , IsDisplayedGrid = ' N ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200606
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:50:04 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid = 0 , IsDisplayedGrid = ' N ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200608
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:50:04 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid = 10 , IsDisplayedGrid = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200647
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:50:04 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid = 20 , IsDisplayedGrid = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200650
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:50:04 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid = 30 , IsDisplayedGrid = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200609
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:50:04 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid = 40 , IsDisplayedGrid = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200610
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:50:04 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid = 50 , IsDisplayedGrid = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200651
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:50:04 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid = 60 , IsDisplayedGrid = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200611
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:50:04 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid = 70 , IsDisplayedGrid = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200646
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:50:04 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid = 80 , IsDisplayedGrid = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200607
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:50:04 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid = 90 , IsDisplayedGrid = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200613
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:50:04 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid = 100 , IsDisplayedGrid = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200614
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:50:04 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid = 110 , IsDisplayedGrid = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200604
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:50:04 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid = 120 , IsDisplayedGrid = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200605
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:51:55 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 0 , IsDisplayed = ' N ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200608
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:51:55 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 20 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200609
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:51:55 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 30 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200610
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:51:55 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 40 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200611
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:51:55 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 50 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200607
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:51:55 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 60 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200646
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:51:55 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 70 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200614
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:51:55 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 80 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200604
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:51:55 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 90 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200613
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:51:55 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 100 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200605
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:51:55 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 110 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200650
-- Oct 19, 2012 1:51:55 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 120 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200651
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:01:01 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 20 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200650
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:01:01 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 30 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200609
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:01:01 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 40 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200610
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:01:01 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 50 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200651
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:01:01 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 60 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200611
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:01:01 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 70 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200607
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:01:01 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 80 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200646
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:01:01 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 90 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200614
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:01:01 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 100 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200604
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:01:01 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 110 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200613
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:01:01 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNo = 120 , IsDisplayed = ' Y ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200605
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:02:21 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET XPosition = 4 , ColumnSpan = 2 , Updated = TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 14:02:21 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , UpdatedBy = 100 WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200650
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:04:08 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Column SET AD_Reference_Value_ID = 276 , AD_Reference_ID = 18 , Updated = TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 14:04:08 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , UpdatedBy = 100 WHERE AD_Column_ID = 200706
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:04:49 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Column SET AD_Reference_Value_ID = 130 , Updated = TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 14:04:49 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , UpdatedBy = 100 WHERE AD_Column_ID = 200706
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:05:16 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Column SET AD_Reference_Value_ID = 276 , Updated = TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 14:05:16 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , UpdatedBy = 100 WHERE AD_Column_ID = 200706
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:10:54 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Element ( ColumnName , AD_Element_ID , EntityType , Name , PrintName , AD_Element_UU , AD_Client_ID , Created , Updated , AD_Org_ID , CreatedBy , UpdatedBy , IsActive ) VALUES ( ' AD_SessionInfo_v_ID ' , 200190 , ' D ' , ' AD_SessionInfo_v ' , ' AD_SessionInfo_v ' , ' 388c863c-f3a7-4645-8591-6e1604e725e8 ' , 0 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 14:10:47 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 14:10:47 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , 100 , 100 , ' Y ' )
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:10:54 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Element_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Element_ID , Help , PO_Description , PO_Help , Description , Name , PrintName , PO_Name , PO_PrintName , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy , AD_Element_Trl_UU ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Element_ID , t . Help , t . PO_Description , t . PO_Help , t . Description , t . Name , t . PrintName , t . PO_Name , t . PO_PrintName , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy , Generate_UUID ( ) FROM AD_Language l , AD_Element t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Element_ID = 200190 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Element_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Element_ID = t . AD_Element_ID )
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:10:55 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Column ( Version , AD_Table_ID , AD_Column_ID , EntityType , IsMandatory , IsTranslated , IsIdentifier , IsParent , FieldLength , IsSelectionColumn , AD_Reference_ID , IsKey , AD_Element_ID , AD_Column_UU , IsEncrypted , IsUpdateable , IsAlwaysUpdateable , ColumnName , Name , CreatedBy , Updated , AD_Org_ID , IsActive , Created , UpdatedBy , AD_Client_ID ) VALUES ( 0 , 200025 , 200707 , ' D ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , 10 , ' N ' , 13 , ' Y ' , 200190 , ' 49302e65-9959-4cd4-8604-bc83ca508df0 ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' AD_SessionInfo_v_ID ' , ' AD_SessionInfo_v ' , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 14:10:47 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , ' Y ' , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 14:10:47 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 , 0 )
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:10:55 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Column_ID , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy , AD_Column_Trl_UU ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Column_ID , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy , Generate_UUID ( ) FROM AD_Language l , AD_Column t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Column_ID = 200707 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Column_ID = t . AD_Column_ID )
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:12:49 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Field ( IsEncrypted , AD_Tab_ID , DisplayLength , IsSameLine , IsHeading , AD_Column_ID , IsCentrallyMaintained , AD_Field_ID , IsReadOnly , EntityType , Name , IsFieldOnly , IsDisplayed , AD_Field_UU , UpdatedBy , AD_Org_ID , Created , AD_Client_ID , CreatedBy , Updated , IsActive , IsDisplayedGrid ) VALUES ( ' N ' , 200025 , 10 , ' N ' , ' N ' , 200707 , ' Y ' , 200652 , ' N ' , ' D ' , ' AD_SessionInfo_v ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' d5552148-760e-4df8-a701-1c768670718f ' , 100 , 0 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 14:12:45 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 14:12:45 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , ' Y ' , ' N ' )
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:12:49 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Field_ID , Help , Description , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy , AD_Field_Trl_UU ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Field_ID , t . Help , t . Description , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy , Generate_UUID ( ) FROM AD_Language l , AD_Field t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Field_ID = 200652 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Field_ID = t . AD_Field_ID )
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:32:50 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Element ( ColumnName , AD_Element_ID , EntityType , Name , PrintName , AD_Element_UU , AD_Client_ID , Created , Updated , AD_Org_ID , CreatedBy , UpdatedBy , IsActive ) VALUES ( ' ad_sessioninfo_v_uu ' , 200191 , ' D ' , ' ad_sessioninfo_v_uu ' , ' ad_sessioninfo_v_uu ' , ' c84d427a-3b7b-479a-82e2-7dd40d061ff6 ' , 0 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 14:32:49 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 14:32:49 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , 100 , 100 , ' Y ' )
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:32:50 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Element_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Element_ID , Help , PO_Description , PO_Help , Description , Name , PrintName , PO_Name , PO_PrintName , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy , AD_Element_Trl_UU ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Element_ID , t . Help , t . PO_Description , t . PO_Help , t . Description , t . Name , t . PrintName , t . PO_Name , t . PO_PrintName , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy , Generate_UUID ( ) FROM AD_Language l , AD_Element t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Element_ID = 200191 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Element_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Element_ID = t . AD_Element_ID )
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:32:50 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Column ( Version , AD_Table_ID , AD_Column_ID , EntityType , IsMandatory , IsTranslated , IsIdentifier , IsParent , FieldLength , IsSelectionColumn , AD_Reference_ID , IsKey , AD_Element_ID , AD_Column_UU , IsEncrypted , IsUpdateable , IsAlwaysUpdateable , ColumnName , Name , CreatedBy , Updated , AD_Org_ID , IsActive , Created , UpdatedBy , AD_Client_ID ) VALUES ( 0 , 200025 , 200708 , ' D ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , 36 , ' N ' , 10 , ' N ' , 200191 , ' 2aeb7648-a543-4a73-af45-87b3b6096a1a ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' N ' , ' ad_sessioninfo_v_uu ' , ' ad_sessioninfo_v_uu ' , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 14:32:49 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , ' Y ' , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 14:32:49 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 100 , 0 )
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:32:50 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Column_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Column_ID , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy , AD_Column_Trl_UU ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Column_ID , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy , Generate_UUID ( ) FROM AD_Language l , AD_Column t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Column_ID = 200708 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Column_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Column_ID = t . AD_Column_ID )
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:33:58 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Field ( IsEncrypted , AD_Tab_ID , DisplayLength , IsSameLine , IsHeading , AD_Column_ID , IsCentrallyMaintained , AD_Field_ID , IsReadOnly , EntityType , Name , IsFieldOnly , IsDisplayed , AD_Field_UU , UpdatedBy , AD_Org_ID , Created , AD_Client_ID , CreatedBy , Updated , IsActive ) VALUES ( ' N ' , 200025 , 36 , ' N ' , ' N ' , 200708 , ' Y ' , 200653 , ' N ' , ' D ' , ' ad_sessioninfo_v_uu ' , ' N ' , ' Y ' , ' 008aae2b-0106-44a8-a6a1-bbec08dba31a ' , 100 , 0 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 14:33:58 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , 0 , 100 , TO_DATE ( ' 2012-10-19 14:33:58 ' , ' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ' ) , ' Y ' )
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:33:58 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
INSERT INTO AD_Field_Trl ( AD_Language , AD_Field_ID , Help , Description , Name , IsTranslated , AD_Client_ID , AD_Org_ID , Created , Createdby , Updated , UpdatedBy , AD_Field_Trl_UU ) SELECT l . AD_Language , t . AD_Field_ID , t . Help , t . Description , t . Name , ' N ' , t . AD_Client_ID , t . AD_Org_ID , t . Created , t . Createdby , t . Updated , t . UpdatedBy , Generate_UUID ( ) FROM AD_Language l , AD_Field t WHERE l . IsActive = ' Y ' AND l . IsSystemLanguage = ' Y ' AND l . IsBaseLanguage = ' N ' AND t . AD_Field_ID = 200653 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM AD_Field_Trl tt WHERE tt . AD_Language = l . AD_Language AND tt . AD_Field_ID = t . AD_Field_ID )
-- Oct 19, 2012 2:34:16 PM IST
-- IDEMPIERE-293 List of Active Session
UPDATE AD_Field SET SeqNoGrid = 0 , IsDisplayedGrid = ' N ' WHERE AD_Field_ID = 200653
2012-10-18 17:23:46 +07:00
SELECT register_migration_script ( ' 935_IDEMPIERE-293.sql ' ) FROM dual